KING'S COLLEGE: OFFICERS AND GRADUATI Club Spalding New 390057 NEW MDC SPALDING XXXVI CLUB Library of the Univesity of Michigan Bought with the income of the Ford -Messer Bequest EFFABER ¡ : i 491 DIA 250 $731 moill OFFICERS AND GRADUATES OF UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE ABERDEEN Only 525 Copies printed No. Printed in Paris by Boussod, Valadon & Co. Uor M دلند New Spalding club. Cut to Hy OFFICERS AND GRADUATES OF University & King's College ABERDEEN MVD-MDCCCLX EDITED BY PETER JOHN ANDERSON, M.A., LL.B. ABERDEEN Printed for the New Spalding Club MDCCCXCIII The New Spalding Club. Founded 11th November, 1886. Patroness: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. OFFICE-BEARERS FOR 1892-93. President: THE EARL OF ABERDEEN, LL.D. Dice-Presidents : THE DUKE OF RICHMOND AND GORDON, K.G., D.C.L. THE DUKE OF FIFE, K.T. THE MARQUIS OF HUNTLY, LL.D. THE MARQUIS OF BUTE, K.T., LL.D. THE EARL OF STRATHmore. THE EARL OF Southesk, K.T., LL.D. THE EARL OF KINTORE, LL.D. THE EARL OF Rosebery, K.G., LL.D. THE LORD FORBES. THE LORD SALTOUN. THE LORD PROVOST OF ABERDEEN. THE PRINCIPAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN. SIR GEORGE REID, P. R.S.A., LL.D. JAMES A. CAMPBELL of Stracathro, M. P., LL.D. WILLIAM FERGUSON of Kinmundy. Ordinary Members of Council : William Alexander, LL.D., Aberdeen. Colonel James Allardyce, Aberdeen. George Cadenhead, Procurator-Fiscal, Aberdeen. The Rev. James Cooper, D.D., Aberdeen. William Cramond, LL.D., Cullen. Peter M. Cran, City Chamberlain, Aberdeen. John Crombie of Balgownie Lodge. Alexander Davidson of Dess. The Rev. J. Myers Danson, D.D., Aberdeen. Charles B. Davidson, President of the Society of Advocates, Aberdeen. Thomas Dickson, LL.D., H.M. Gen. Reg. House. The Hon. and Right Rev. Bishop Douglas, D.D., Aberdeen. William Dunn of Murtle. John Philip Edmond, Haigh. James Ferguson, Edinburgh. Alexander M. Gordon of Newton. Henry Wolrige-Gordon of Esslemont. The Rev. Walter Gregor, LL.D., Pitsligo. John A. Henderson, Aberdeen. Sir William Henderson, Aberdeen. Brigade-Surgeon Lieut.-Col. W. Johnston, M.D., Newton Dee. The Rev. William Forbes-Leith, S. J., Selkirk. George Arbuthnot-Leslie of Warthill. The Rev. Robert Lippe, Aberdeen. David Littlejohn, Sheriff-Clerk, Aberdeen. Peter Duguid-M'Combie of Easter Skene. James Matthews of Springhill. The Rev. John G. Michie,, Dinnet. James Moir, LL.D., Co-Rector of the Grammar School, Aberdeen. Arthur D. Morice, Aberdeen. Alexander M. Munro, Aberdeen. Charles Rampini, LL.D., Sheriff-Substitute, Elgin. Alexander Ramsay, Banff. Major John Ramsay of Barra. Alexander W. Robertson, Librarian, Public Library, Aberdeen. John Forbes Robertson, London. The Rev. James Smith, B.D., Aberdeen. The Rev. William Temple, Forgue. Alexander Walker, Aberdeen. George Walker, Aberdeen. Robert Walker, Aberdeen. John Forbes White, LL.D., Dundee. Professor John Dove Wilson, LL.D., Aberdeen. Robert M. Wilson, M.D., Old Deer. The Rev. John Woodward, LL.D., Montrose. Secretary: PETER JOHN ANDERSON, 2 East Craibstone Street, Aberdeen. Treasurer: FARQUHARSON TAYLOR GARDEN, 18 Golden Square, Aberdeen. Auditors: GEORGE COOPER, C.A., Aberdeen; and WILLIAM MILNE, C.A., Aberdeen. 173471 Wirtutes in aevum Per títulos memoresque fastos Meternet. Hor. PREFACE. Or Graduates and of Officers, only meagre and broken records are preserved in the archives of the Scottish Universities. Such works as Anthony à Wood's Athenae and Fasti Oxonienses, Boase's Register of the University of Oxford, Foster's Alumni Oxonienses, Cooper's Athenae Cantabrigienses, Luard's Graduati Cantabrigienses, etc., the Scottish academic annalist need not attempt to rival, either in completeness or in detail. Nor-apart from the adoption of some system analogous to the admirable Quinquennial Catalogue of the older American Colleges-does it seem possible for our Universities to accumulate material adequate to the needs of the future historian. Even such lists of names as are extant have hitherto been made public only to a very limited extent. Appendices added by Professor Andrew Duncan to Professor Thomas Crawfurd's History of the University of Edinburgh (Edinb., 1808-21) give the Register of Graduates in Medicine, 1705-1821. This list is continued to 1845 in Nomina eorum qui Gradum Medicinae Doctoris in Acad. Jac. VI. Scot. Regis, quae Edinb. est, adepti sunt (Edinb., 1846); and to 1866 in a List of the Graduates in Medicine of the University of Edinburgh (Edinb., 1867). In 1858 Mr. David Laing edited for the Bannatyne Club a Catalogue of Graduates in the Faculties of Arts, Divinity, and Law at the University of Edinburgh since its Foundation. An Alphabetical List of the Graduates of the University of Edinburgh from 1859 to 1888, compiled by Mr. Thomas Gilbert, Registrar of the viii PREFACE. University, carries the record down to the date of issue. In this connection may be noted two contributions to the literature of the Tercentenary Celebrations of the same University in 1884: the Viri Illustres of Professor Patrick Geddes, and the Quasi Cursores of Mr. William Hole. The third volume of the Munimenta Alme Universitatis Glasguensis, edited in 1854 for the Maitland Club by Mr. Cosmo Innes and Mr. Joseph Robertson, contains lists of Masters of Arts of the University of Glasgow for the periods 1578-1695 and 1707-27. The present Assistant Registrar, Mr. Innes Addison, has compiled a MS. Catalogue of all Graduates, honorary and ordinary, from 1728 to 1890; and it is under- stood that the propriety of printing this is under consideration. No part of the Records of the University of St. Andrews has as yet been published. As regards the Universities of Aberdeen, the Fasti Aber- donenses, edited in 1854 by Mr. Cosmo Innes, and presented to the original Spalding Club by its President the fourth Earl of Aberdeen, includes a transcript of the list of Masters of Arts of University and King's College for the period 1600-86. It has been thought no unfitting task for the New Spalding Club to complete the work begun under the auspices of the parent Society, and to herald the approaching Quatercentenary of the older Aberdeen University by the issue of a volume containing a Record, as exhaustive as it is now possible to compile, of the Officers and Graduates of King's College, down to the date when it ceased to exist as a separate corporation, being merged, with Marischal College and University, in the University of Aber- deen. The Fasti Academiae Mariscallanae, of which the first portion appeared in 1889, will in its second volume contain a like Record for Marischal College, 1593-1860. The archives of the University have, in the freest manner, been placed at the service of the Editor. Appended is an Inven- PREFACE. ix tory of the Manuscripts (chiefly in the Library or the Muniment Room at King's College) with which he has made himself familiar, and on which he has almost exclusively depended for the details (other than those in footnotes) printed in this volume. Minutes of Faculty or Senatus of King's College Vol. I. June 26, 1634, to March 14, 1650. November 10, 1663, to October 24, 1666.¹ II. November 17, 1662, to November 6, 1679. May 30, 1681. III. October 24, 1684, to October 21, 1689. IV. January 15, 1700, to March 4, 1706. V. January 10, 1709, to January 18, 1714. VI. April 25, 1716, to April 1, 1717. 122. } November 22, 1717, to August 6, 1722. VII. August 22, 1722, to November 6, 1733. VIII. January 1, 1734, to April 30, 1754. IX. April 10, 1754, to May 14, 1762. X. March 30, 1761, to October 29, 1765. XI. November 5, 1765, to August 17, 1770. XII. October 31, 1770, to May 4, 1789. XIII. October 7, 1789, to March 18, 1800. XIV. March 27, 1800, to July 6, 1818. XV. July 11, 1818, to October 29, 1831. XVI. November 2, 1831, to October 22, 1847. XVII. October 28, 1847, to September 11, 1860. Minutes of Rectoral Meetings: March 2, 1708, to October 14, 1857. [An earlier "Rectorall Register," referred to in College Minutes, cannot now be traced.] Album [A]: without Title. Entrants: 1601-79, 1686. (Prior to 1661 the entries, with some exceptions, are autograph.) Masters of Arts: 1600-64, 1666-70, 1672-82, 1686. 1 The latter portion an incomplete transcript of part of vol. ii. b X PREFACE. Album [B]: without Title (fragment). Entrants: 1668-74. Masters: 1677-87. Album [C] eorum qui in inclyta Academia Regia Aber- donensi Liberalium Artium Magistri seu Philosophiae Doctores renunciati sunt. 1722. Masters: 1712-1811. Not autograph. Album [C: other end] eorum qui in S. Sanctae Theologiae, Juris Canonici aut Civilis, et Medicinae Facultatibus, honore aliquo, Baccalaureatûs scil., Licentiatûs, aut Doctoratûs gradu insigniti sunt in inclytâ Academiâ Regiâ Aberdonensi. 1722. Sanctae Theologiae Doctores, 1500-1815. Juris Doctores, 1714-1822. Medicinae Doctores, 1654-1818. Album [D] Studiosorum Almae Matris Academiae Regiae Aberdonensis, A.D. 1717. Entrants in Greek class: 1718-26. Not autograph. Bajans, Semis, Tertians, Magistrands: 1720. Autograph. Entrants in Greek class: 1721-1811. Students in classes of Greek, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Moral Philosophy: 1812- 17. Students in ditto, also Senior Greek, Junior and Senior Latin, and Chemistry: 1818-20. Students in Junior Greek and Junior Latin: 1821. All autograph, with note of county from 1721. Album [E] Studiosorum Academiae Regiae Aberdonensis. Entrants: 1601-79, 1686. (Transcr. from A.) Entrants in Greek class: 1717-1811. (Transcr. from D.) Students in classes of Greek, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, with note of county, 1812-16. (Transcr. from D.) PREFACE. xi Artium Magistri: 1600-64, 1666-70, 1672-84, 1686 (transcr. from A); 1693-95, 1697, 1700-01, 1705-06, 1710-11 (from Theses); 1712-1811 (from C); 1812-60. Medicinae Doctores: 1654-1800 (from C). Juris Doctores: 1714-1822 (from C); 1823-58. Sanctae Theologiae Doctores: 1620-1815 (from C); 1816-58. Album [F]: without Title. Students in classes of Mathematics, Natural Philo- sophy, Moral Philosophy, Senior Greek, Senior Latin, Chemistry: 1821. (Continued from D.) Ditto, also in classes of Junior Greek, Junior Latin: 1822-40. All autograph, with note of county to 1831; there- after county and parish. Album [G] Studiosorum Collegii Regalis Aberdonensis. . Students in classes of Greek, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Moral Philosophy: 1817-21. (Transcr. from, D.) Ditto, also in classes of Junior and Senior Latin, Senior Greek, Senior Mathematics, and Chemistry; Senior Natural Philosophy from 1856. All autograph, with note of county and parish, 1841-59. Graduates in Medicine, 1800-60. Album [H] Auto- graph from August, 1846, to July, 1860. Students in Divinity, 1815-60, copied from the private Registers of Dr. D. Mearns and Dr. R. Macpher- son, Professors of Divinity. Album [I] Studiosorum Medicorum in Academia Regia et Academia Mariscallana Aberdoniae, 1824-38. Autograph, 1825-33. xii PREFACE. Minutes of Examiners in Medicine, 1852-60. Album [J] of Students matriculated in the several Classes of the Medical School of the University and King's College, Aberdeen, commencing in November, 1839. To 1860. Partly autograph. Chartulary [K] of King's College—the "Parchment Chartulary-1494-1556 (Mun. Room, Old Chest, Shuttle, xli. 22). (Chartulary [L] of King's College-the "Paper" Chartulary -1541-1628. This volume, which is frequently re- ferred to by Professor Thomas Gordon in his MS. Collections, cannot now be traced. Fortunately he has extracted from it all names of officers occurring in the deeds: vol. ii. 173-9.) Chartulary [M] of the United Colleges (Caroline Uni- versity), 1641-58. Chartulary [N] of King's College, 1655-1760. Chartulary [0] of Mortifications, 1648-1860. Minutes of the Synod of Aberdeen Vol. II. October 21, 1662, to February 2, 1681. III. May 18, 1697, to October 2, 1705. IV. May 14, 1706, to October 5, 1721. V. April 3, 1722, to April 2, 1734. VI. April 5, 1734, to October 1, 1751. VII. April 7, 1752, to April 18, 1787. Proceedings of Delegates in the Election and Admission of a Professor of Divinity, King's College, from 1795. Register relative to the Widows' Fund, established by 17 Geo. II. Cap. 11, Dec. 5, 1749, to Feb. 16, 1856. Minute Book of Murray Trustees, June 28, 1813, to Nov. 8, 1861. Minute Book of the Registered Masters of Arts of Univer- sity and King's College, 1856-58. PREFACE. xiii Bursary Book, 1753-1822. Collections on King's College. By Professor Thomas Gordon (d. 1797). 2 vols. (Univ. Library.) Collections on Scottish Universities. By Professor William Knight (d. 1844). King's College in vol. v. pp. 1787- 1970. (Univ. Library.) Biographia Abredonensis. Collections by Dr. Joseph Robertson (d. 1866). 2 vols. List of Graduates and Alumni of King's College, Aberdeen, not known to be dead, October, 1868, with their present addresses so far as has been ascertained. Com- piled by the Rev. Charles Bruce [M.A., 1850], Minister of Glenrinnes.¹ The following printed books have also been examined for purposes of verification :— 1 Episcoporum Murthlacensium et Aberdonensium Vitae. Hector Boece. Paris, 1522. Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Scotorum. Thomas Dempster. Bologna, 1627. De Scotorum Fortitudine. David Camerarius. Paris, 1631. Oratio Eucharistica et Encomiastica in benevolos Uni- versitatis Aberdonensis Benefactores, Fautores et Patronos. Prof. John Lundie. Aberd., 1631. Panegyricus Inauguralis, quo Autores, Vindices et Euergetae Illustris Universitatis Aberdonensis justis elogiis orna- bantur. Prof. Andrew Strachan. Aberd., 1631. History of the Church of Scotland. John Spotswood. London, 1655. Academiarum Vindiciae. Prof. William Douglas. Aberd., 1659. ¹ Mr. Bruce most courteously allowed the Editor to make free use of his notes. xiv PREFACE. Appendix to Spotswood's History of the Church of Scotland. Thomas Middleton. Lond., 1677. "The Universitie of Aberdene," pp. 23-29. History of the Church of Scotland. 1678. Scotiae Indiculum. David Calderwood. Alexander Mudie. Lond., 1682. "The University of Aberdeen," pp. 217-246. Magnae Britanniae Notitia. John Chamberlayne. Lond., 1708. "The Universities of Aberdeen," pp. 540, 740. Lives and Characters of the most Eminent Writers of the Scots Nation. George Mackenzie. 3 vols. Edinb., 1708-22. Donaides sive Musarum Aberdonensium Carmen .. notis illustratum quibus perscribitur historia Univ. et Coll. Reg. Aberd. Prof. John Ker. Edinb., 1725. Description of the Chanonry, Cathedral, and King's College of Old Aberdeen in the Years 1724 and 1725. William Orem. First printed in Nichol's Bibl. Topog. Brit., 1782. Statistical Account of Scotland (Sir John Sinclair's). King's College in vol. xxi., by Prof. Thomas Gordon. Annals of Aberdeen. William Kennedy. 1818. King's College in vol. ii. pp. 357-406. 1799. Life of Andrew Melville. Thomas M'Crie. Edinb., 1819. Scottish Universities Commission of 1826-30: General Report, including Special Report on King's College. 1831. Evidence and Returns. 4 vols. King's College in vol. iv. 1837. Aberdeen Universities Commission of 1836-37- First Report and Evidence. 1838. Second Report and Returns. 1839. PREFACE. XV The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1618. 3 vols. Edinb. (Bannatyne Club), 1839-45. History of Scots Affairs, 1637-41. James Gordon, Rothie- may. 3 vols. Aberd. (Spalding Club), 1841. New Statistical Account of Scotland. vol. xii., by Prof. William Gregory. King's College in 1845. Funerals of Patrick Forbes of Corse. Edited by C. F. Shand. Edinb. (Spottiswoode Soc.), 1845. Reports of Cases decided in the House of Lords upon Appeal from Scotland. Thomas S. Paton, etc. 1849-56. (i. 401; ii., App.; vi. 633, 738.) List of Medical Graduates of the University and King's College, Aberdeen, from the Year 1800. [1849.] (Privately printed for the use of the Professors, with supplementary leaves issued annually down to 1860.) History of the Troubles, 1624-45. John Spalding. 2 vols. Aberd. (Spald. Club), 1850-51. Original Letters on Ecclesiastical Affairs of Scotland, 1603- 25. 2 vols. Edinb. (Bann. Club), 1851. Fasti Aberdonenses: Selections from the Records of the Uni- versity and King's College. Aberd. (Spald. Club), 1854. List of Persons admitted to the Degree of Master of Arts in the University and King's College of Aberdeen from the Year 1800 inclusive. Aberdeen, 1856. (Privately printed in connection with the election of a Rector by the Graduates, v. p. 21.) Deeds of Foundation of Bursaries at the University and King's College, Aberdeen. Aberd., 1857. Aberdeen Universities Commission of 1857: Report, Evidence and Returns, 1858. Scottish Universities Commission of 1858:- Report and Appendices, 1863. xvi PREFACE. Aberdeen University Calendar. From 1864. Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae. Hew Scott. 1866-71. Hew Scott. 3 vols. Edinb., University of Aberdeen: General Council, October 1, 1868 (Designations and Addresses). Aberd., 1868. University of Aberdeen: Election, 1868; Masters of Arts of King's College never registered as Members of General Council. [1868.] University of Aberdeen: Election, 1868; King's College Students who likely attended four years, but did not receive A.M. [1868.] (The three preceding lists were printed in connection with the first election of a University Parliamentary Re- presentative under Act 31 and 32 Vict., Cap. 48.) The Aberdeen Printers. J. P. Edmond. Aberd., 1886. Quinquennial Catalogue of Harvard University. bridge, U.S., 1890. Cam- The Lord Rectors of the Universities of Aberdeen. J. Malcolm Bulloch. Aberd., 1890. [University of Aberdeen] Register of the Members of the General Council for the Year 1893 (Designations, Addresses, and dates of Degrees). Aberd., 1893. To many of the names printed in this volume are appended notes, as far condensed as is consistent with intelligibility, giving clues to the identity of the individuals. The lists owe much of their accuracy to two classfellows and friends of the Editor- Mr. David Craib and the Rev. Stephen Ree-who have un- grudgingly spent time and trouble in identifying individuals and collating different authorities. The bulky index is the work of Miss Margaret Craig, by whom also many of the original MS. lists have been transcribed. PREFACE. xvii The frontispiece by which the volume is adorned is from the brush of Sir George Reid, P.R.S.A., not now for the first time employed to benefit the Club and the University. The portrait of Pope Alexander VI. was specially photographed by Signor Giacomo Brogi, Florence. The use of the steel plate of King's College in 1822 has been courteously granted by Messrs. D. Wyllie & Son. The Editor has especial pleasure in expressing deep indebtedness to Principal Sir William D. Geddes, whose know- ledge of academic history has been freely drawn upon, and whose regard for the interests, not less of the Club than of the University, induced him to undertake the irksome task of revising all the proof-sheets of the book. To the Principal alone-his old Teacher, not of Greek only-the Editor is willing to yield in attachment to that College with which they have been so long associated— Linked to the story and aim of the Crown, Bound by unbreakable tie. Aberdeen, November, 1893. C P. J. A. Officers: Chancellors. Rectors Principals Canonists Civilists Mediciners Subprincipals Humanists CONTENTS. Regents Professors of Divinity • Professors of Hebrew. Professors of Mathematics Murray Lecturers • Lecturers in Medical School Librarians Cantors Sacrists Economists. Graduates: Doctors of Divinity Bachelors of Divinity Doctors of Laws Doctors of Medicine Bachelors of Medicine Masters of Arts Appendices: I. Sequence of the Regents, 1579-1860 II. The Nova Fundatio III. Academic Oaths at King's College Addenda Index. PAGE 3 6. 23 29 31 35 39 45 50 67 73 75 77 83 87 90 91 93 97 109 ΙΙΟ 120 176 177 • 313 324 349 352 353 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Aberdeen Student in Cap and Gown, from the painting by Sir George Reid, LL.D., P.R.S.A., in the possession of the Editor Pope Alexander VI., Granter of the Bull founding a University in Aberdeen, from the painting in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. Illuminated Title Page of Album C King's College in 1822 • . Front. 3 97 279 OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE ABERDEEN ALEXANDER VI PM Photogravure by Annan & Sms, Glasgow. Uor M Pope Mexander. 17. FROM THE PORTRAIT IN THE UFFIZI GALLERY, FLORENCE. OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 149. CHANCELLORS. William Elphinstone, Bishop of Aberdeen. "Statuentes similiter et ordinantes quod venerabilis frater noster Willelmus et pro tempore existens Episcopus Aberdonensis sit studii et Universitatis huiusmodi Cancellarius." Pope Alexander VI.'s Bull of Erection, 10th February, 149. Died 25th October, 1514. (Registrum Episc. Aberd., II. 249.) Portrait in possession of University, reproduced in Fasti Aberdonenses (Spald. Club). 5 1515. Alexander Gordon, Bishop of Aberdeen. Died 30th June, 1518. (Reg. Ep. Ab., II. 249.) 1518. Gavin Dunbar, Bishop of Aberdeen. Died 10th March, 153. (Reg. Ep. Ab., II. 211.) Portrait in possession of University, reproduced in Lacunar Basil. S. Macarii Aberd. (New Spald. Club). 1532. William Stewart, Bishop of Aberdeen. Died April, 1545. (Spotswood.) 1546. William Gordon, Bishop of Aberdeen. Died August, 1577. (Spotswood.) 1577. David Cunningham, Bishop of Aberdeen. Died 30th August, 1600. (Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae, III. 884.) 1600. Peter Blackburn, Bishop of Aberdeen. Died 14th June, 1616. (Fasti Eccl. Scot., III. 884.) Portrait in possession of University. 1617. Alexander Forbes, Bishop of Aberdeen. Died 24th November, 1617. (Fasti Eccl. Scot., III. 884.) 1618. Patrick Forbes, Bishop of Aberdeen. Died 28th March, 1635. (Fasti Eccl. Scot., III. 885.) Portrait in possession of University, reproduced in Wodrow's Biog. Coll. (New Spald. Club). 1635. Adam Bellenden, Bishop of Aberdeen. Deposed 1638; died 1647. 4 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1643, January 6. George, second Marquis of Huntly. Beheaded 22nd March, 1649. Portrait in Records of Aboyne (New Spald. Club). The Minute of Election follows. "At the Kingis Colledge of Aberdeen the sex day of Januarij 1643 yeiris. "The said day, the rector, principall, and memberis forsaidis convenit, wnderstanding that, be the fundatioun of the said universitie, the office of chan- cellar of the said universitie and dignitie therof belongit and consistit in the persones of the pretendit bischopes of Aberdein, and that the name office dignitie and place of the saidis bischopes ar be the lawes of this kingdom abolished and extinct; and considering that it is verie necessar, be the said fundatioun, and for preservatioun of the liberties of the said universitie, com- prehending the said kingis colledge of Aberdein and colledge Marschall, that ther be ane honorable and fit persoun elected nominat and choosine: Therfor the rector, principall, and haill members forsaidis convenit, all in on voice, efter dew and matur deliberatioun have nominat elected and chosine, and be thir presentis nominatis electis and chooses, ane noble and mightie marques, George marques of Huntlie, erle Enzie, lord Gordoun and Badzienoche, etc., to be chancellar of the said universitie, callit kyng Charles universitie and colledges theroff forsaidis, and haill appendices of the samen, and electis nominatis and choosis his lordship to the haill dignities honouris liberties and priviledges, that hes concerned or presentlie concernes the said office of chan- cellarie of the said universitie, conforme to the fundatioun forsaid." Lord Huntly's four sons studied at King's College. (Entrants of 1630, 1638; Spalding, II. 216.) 1660. John, second Earl of Lauderdale. Scottish Notes and Queries, V. 92. The Minute of Election is not extant. Died 24th August, 1682. 1662. David Mitchell, Bishop of Aberdeen. Died January, 1663. 1663. Alexander Burnet, Bishop of Aberdeen. Translated to Glasgow 1664, to St. Andrews 1679. Died 24th August, 1684. 1664. Patrick Scougal, Bishop of Aberdeen. Died 16th February, 1682. Portrait in possession of University. 1682. George Haliburton, Bishop of Aberdeen. Deposed 1688. Died 29th September, 1715. 1700, February 5. John, eleventh Earl of Erroll. "The detriment redoundeing to the Society for want of a Chancelour having in two former meetings been well weighed and considered." Died 30th December, 1704. 1705, February 12. Charles, twelfth Earl of Erroll. Resigned office 14th May, 1716. Died 16th October, 1717. CHANCELLORS. 5 1716, May 14. Archibald, Earl of Ilay. Third Duke of Argyll, 1743. "Upon weighty motives" did not accept the chancellorship; but the title was often given to him. Died 15th April, 1761. 1718, September 1. John, first Duke of Roxburgh. Died 24th February, 1741. 1761, May 20. James, Lord Deskford. Sixth Earl of Findlater, 1764. "The Masters considering the great loss which the University sustains for the want of a Chancellor." Died 3rd November, 1770. 1793, February 20. Alexander, fourth Duke of Gordon. Voted for by Rector, Principal, Subprincipal, Dr. Thom, Mr. Ogilvie, Mr. Gordon and Dr. Bannerman. Robert Dundas of Arniston, Lord Advocate, voted for by Dr. A. Gerard, Dr. Dunbar and Dr. G. Gerard. "His Grace," the minute runs, "is of all others the most natural choice, several of his predecessors having also held that office, and his father and many of that family and their connexions having been educated here." Dr. Dunbar enters a protest. Died 17th June, 1827. 1827, August 8. George, fourth Earl of Aberdeen. Unanimously, "feeling confidence in the attachment of his Lordship to the University from the services which he has already rendered, and from the connection of one of the most eminent of his ancestors [see under 'Regents,' 1659] with this Seminary". Joint Chancellor (with Charles, fifth Duke of Richmond) of the University of Aberdeen, 15th September, 1860; sole Chan- cellor 21st October; died 14th December. 1498. Mr. Andrew Lyell. "Thesaurarius noster." RECTORS.¹ Elphinstone's Confirmation of the King's grant of the patronage of Slains. (King's Coll. Muniment Room, Old Chest, i. 1.) 1501.2 Mr. Andrew Liell. Elphinstone's publication of two Bulls by Pope Alexander VI. (O. C., xliii. 8.) ¹ No directions as to the method of electing the Rector are to be found in Pope Alexander VI.'s Bull of Erection of 149, in Bishop Elphinstone's Foundation of 1505, or in Bishop Dunbar's Confirmation of 1531: such being apparently regarded as part of the common law of Universities (v. "Stellung des Rectors innerhalb der Universität" in Denifle, pp. 106-132, 181-192). In Dunbar's Charter four procuratores nationum appear among the electors of the principal, canonist, civilist, mediciner, subprincipal and grammarian: but the nations are not defined. The Rector is enjoined to hold an annual Visitation of the College "cum consilio et avisamento quatuor proborum virorum magistrorum dicte Universitatis a dicta Universitate eligendorum"; the origin of the Rector's Assessors. According to the "Nova Fundatio" (see Appendix II.) "Rector . . . eligatur per omnes Academiae suppositos in quatuor nationes ita ut Aberdoniae dioecesis propter frequen- tiorem numerum in duas nationes secetur, Marrensem et Buchanensem, Marriae Gariocha adjungatur, quod superest a Doverna amni Buchaniae cedat; reliquum regni quod ad septentrionem montis Grampii est, Moraviensis nationis nomine contineatur; ultra montem Grampium ad austrum vergens Angusiensis natio vocatur. Harum nationum singuli sint Procuratores, qui Rectorem ejusque Assessores eligant." In the first extant account of the election of a Rector (30th June, 1634) it will be seen that the Nations are styled Aberdeen (which becomes Mar in 1640), Angus, Moray, Lothian; but the Procurators seem to be elected by the Masters (16th November, 1640). The boundaries of the Nations are given in Middleton's Appendix to Spotswood (1677), which contains the earliest detailed description of the Aberdeen Universities. Aberdeen included the shires of Aberdeen and Banff; Angus, those of Angus and Mearns; Moray, all north of the Spey; Lothian, the rest of Scotland. Cf. election of 1856. 2 In the list of Rectors given in Fasti Aberd., p. lxxvi., is found the name of Mr. William Strathauchin, under date 1499. The sole authority for this entry seems to be a marginal note (“Mr. Gul. Strathachin Imus Rector et Vicarius perpetuus B. M. ad Nives") in Professor John Ker's handwriting, on p. 100 of the Parchment Chartulary. (O. C., xli. 22.) The reference is obviously to the first Rector and Vicar of the Church of S. Maria ad Nives, founded by Bishop Elphinstone, under a Bull from Pope Alexander VI. of date 20th February, 149%. (O. C., xvii. 3, 4, 5, 6.) RECTORS. 7 1506. Mr. Alexander Cullan. Prebendary of Oyne. Commission directed to him by Elphinstone. (O. C., xxv. 35.) 1516. Mr. Alexander Galloway. 15- Official of Aberdeen. Collation by Mr. Alexander Hay of Mr. Alexander Lawson to a Burse in Canon Law. (O. C., xxvi. 6.) John Tyre, James Lyndesay, and Andrew Kyninmond are named as "procuratores nationum" in this deed. Mr. Alexander Hay. Professor Gordon's MS. Collections in University Library. 1521. Mr. Alexander Galloway. Gordon's MS. 1529. Mr. Gilbert Strathauchin. Fasti Aberd., p. lxxvi., but not in Gordon's MS.¹ 1530. Mr. Alexander Galloway. Fasti, p. lxxvi., but not in Gordon's MS. 1531. Mr. Gilbert Strathauchin. Signs Dunbar's Confirmation. (O. C., xlviii. 3.) 1535. Mr. David Dischinton. Precentor of the Cathedral. Fasti, p. lxxvi., but not in Gordon's MS. 1537. Mr. Alexander Spittal. Canon, Prebendary of Clatt. (Parchment Chartulary, p. 144.) 1538. Mr. Alexander Spittal. Instrument of possession to the Chaplains of the Choir. (O. C., xix. 5.) 1539. Mr. Alexander Hay. Fasti. Not in Gordon. 1542. Mr. James Strathauchin. Prebendary of Belhelvy. Registrum omnium vasorum, etc. Made at his Visi- tation, the first on record. (O. C., xxiii. 1.) The Assessors are Mr. Alexander Galloway, canon of Aberdeen and prebendary of Kinkell; Mr. Alexander Spittall, canon and prebendary of Clatt; Mr. James Wawin, canon and prebendary of Oyne; Mr. John Elphinstone, canon and prebendary of Inner- nochty. In the following year Strathauchin was Rector of the University of S. Andrews. 1549. Mr. Alexander Galloway. Prebendary of Kinkell. Account of his Visitation, the second on record. (O. C., xxiii. 2.) The Assessors are Mr. Patrick Myrtoun, archdeacon of Aberdeen; Mr. Alexander Spittall; Mr. James Wawane; Mr. Duncan Burnett, canon and prebendary of Methlik. ¹ Unfortunately Mr. Cosmo Innes, in the lists prefixed by him to the Fasti, too often quotes no authorities for the statements made. 8 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1563. Mr. Alexander Setoun. Chancellor of Aberdeen. (O. C., ii. 16.) 1592. Mr. Nicholas Hay. Civilist and Commissary. Presentation of Mr. John Kennedy to a burse. "Vide his gravestone in the College Chapel," Gordon's MS. (I. 10; II. 179). See under "Civilists". 1600. Mr. John Strauchane. Parson of Kincardine O'Neil. Fasti; which also gives years 1608, 1612, 1614. Gordon makes him Rector only in 1602, 1605, 1609, 1610, 1613 (I. 11; II. 173-7). 1618. Mr. John Strauchane. Charter on Umfray's Croft. (O. C., xxxiii. 12.) 1619, September 14. Mr. John Leythe. Elected by Commissioners of Visitation. (O. C., xxiii. 4.) 1623. Mr. James Sandilands. Commissary. Record of Royal Visitation. (O. C., xxiii. 42.) 1628. Mr. James Sandilands. Record of Chancellor's Visitation. (O. C., xxiii. 5.) Gordon makes him Rector also in 1626, 1627, 1630, 1631 (I. 11; II. 179). According to Fasti, " 1623 to 1633, inclusive". See also under “Canonists". Portrait by Jameson in pos- session of University. Tombstone in Cathedral of S. Machar. 1634, June 30. Mr. John. Forbes, doctor and professor of Divinity. As this is the first regular election of a Rector on record, the minute, which does not appear in Fasti Aberd., is quoted verbatim. "At the Bischopis pallace of Abd. the last day of Junij Mvic threttie four yeiris in presence of the memberis of the Universitie these ar to say: doctor Williame Leslie principall of the Kingis Colledge of Abd., doctor Williame Gor- doune mediciner of the said Universitie, mr James Sandilandis canonist, mr David Leiche subprincipall, mr Johnne Lundie grammarian, mr Gilbert Ross cantor, mr Robert Ogilvie, mr William Strauchen, mr Alexander Middletowne and Alexander Scrogie, procuratores nationum, being all conveened according to ane preceiding act of the daitt at the said Bischopis pallace the twantie sex day of Junij of this instant, for electing and chuising the Rector of the said Universitie, thay hawe all in ane voyce maid electioune of mr Johnne Forbes doctor and professor of Divinitie in the said Universitie till the twantie four day of Junij nixt. Quhilk the said mr Johnne hes accepted in and wpone him wpone this conditioune and protestatioune that quhat be vertue of the said office he sall lawfullie inact and ordaine the said memberis of the said Universitie and Kingis Colledge within it, maisteris, regentis, and wtheris salbe lyable to obey wnder the paine off all hiest censure that may follow therwpone. Whiche protesta- tioune wes admitted and allowed be all the memberis forsaidis and ratifiet be the chancellar of the said Universitie. In verificatioune quheroff the haill for- saidis memberis hawe sett their handis therto day yeir and place forsaid and subscrivit with the hand of mr Robert Reid clerk of the Universitic forsaid. RECTORS. 9 "Sic subscribitur Pa: Aberdene "Mr. Willesli prin¹l "Mr. Williame Gordoune mediciner "Mr. James Sandilandis canonista "Mr. D. Leiche subprinll "Mr. J. Lundie gramarian. "Mr. Gilbert Ross cantor "Mr. Ro: Ogilvie pror Angusiensis "Mr. Gul: Strachan pror Moraviensis [Regents.] "Mr. A. Middletoune pror Laudonienis "Al: Scrogie pror Aberdonensis." [Student.] On 7th July the rector, principal, canonist, mediciner, subprincipal, gram- marian and cantor nominate Drs. Patrick Dune, Robert Barroune and James Sibbald "assessoris in the former act" of 30th June, and these three sign the minute as homologating the election of Dr. Forbes. Immediately thereafter the same ten, together with the three regents, elect Drs. Barroune, Sibbald, Dune and Dr. Alexander Scrogie "assessoris and visitoris with the said rector till the 24 day of Junij nixt to cum. . . . Lykas the saidis memberis hawe ap- poyntit tuo generall visitatiounes ordinar to be yeerlie be the rector his asses- soris and the rest of the memberis wpoune the first Twysday of November the ane and the [uther] wpoune the first Twysday of Junij yeerlie, but prejudice to the said rector as occasioune offeris for the said Universitie and Colledge weel and sattleing the effairis of the samen wpoune lawfull citatioune, to indict and call ane visitatioune at his pleasour at all tymes convenient." Dr. Barroune is also elected dean of the faculty of divinity, Dr. Dun dean of the faculty of medicine, the canonist dean of the faculty of law, and the subprincipal dean of the faculty of philosophy; but in future "ewerie deane of facultie sall be chosen be his awen facultie". 1635, June 24. Dr. John Forbes of Corse. Procurators as in previous year: Mr. Alexander Scrogie being styled "younger". Assessors: Doctors Robert Barroune, Alexander Scrogie, James Sibbald and Alexander Rose. The principal is elected dean of faculty of divinity; the other three deans are re-elected. 1636, June 24. Dr. Alexander Scrogie. No Minister of Old Machar. Procurators: Mr. Robert Ogilvie, Mr. Alexander Middletoune, Mr. Alexander Gardyne, regents; John Forbes, student. minute of election of assessors, but Doctors John Forbes of Corse, William Guild, Alexander Rose and Patrick Dun are so styled 5th January, 1637. 1637, June 23. Dr. Arthour Jhonstoun, one off his sacred majesties medicineris. Procurators: the same three regents and Mr. George Halyburton. Assessors: Doctors Alexander Scrogie, William Guild, Alexander Ross and Patrick Dun. Portrait by Jameson in possession of the University, reproduced in Musa Lat. Aberd., I. (New Spald. Club). B ΙΟ UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1638, June 25. Dr. Alexander Ross. Minister of third charge of S. Nicholas. Elected for year ending 24th June, 1639. Procurators: Mr. Alexander Middletoune, Mr. Alexander Gardyne, Mr. Alexander Scrogie, regents; William Raitt, student. Assessors: Doctors Alexander Scrogie, Johnstoun, Barroune and Dun. 1639. Dr. Alexander Ross. No extant minute between 25th June, 1638, and 13th October, 1639. 1639, October 13. Dr. William Guild. Minister of second charge of S. Nicholas. In place of Dr. Ross deceased; elected for period ending 1st November, 1640. Procurators: Mr. Alexander Mideltoune and Mr. Alexander Gardyne, regents; Mr. Johne Lillie, Mr. Henerie Thome. In future, Rector to be chosen at Hallowmas (Min. of 11th Nov.). As- sessors: (11th Nov.) Dr. James Sibbald (also dean of faculty of theologie), Dr. Patrick Dun (also dean of faculty of medicine, the subprincipal being dean of faculty of philosophy), Mr. William Moir, baillie, Mr. William Robertson, minister at Aberdeen. Portrait in Bain's Merchant and Craft Guilds. 1640, November 16. Dr. William Guild. Who had been elected principal on 18th August. The principal, two asses- sors, civilist, subprincipal and grammarian elect procurators: Mr. Alexander Mideltoune, Mr. Alexander Gardyne, Mr. Patrick Gordoune, regents, and Mr. Robert Innes; who unite with the aforesaid members in choosing the rector. The rector with consent of the others nominates as his assessors Dr. Dun, Mr. William Robertson, Mr. Thomas Sandilands, commissary, and Mr. William Moir. 1641. Dr. William Guild. No minute between 30th June, 1641, and 26th January, 1642. Is styled Rector at later date. Assessors as in previous year (5th July), Mr. William Moir being styled Professor of Mathematics [in Marischal College]. 1642, November 11. Dr. William Guild. "Rector of King Charles Universitie of Aberdeen, comprehending the said King's Colledge and Marschall Colledge." The electors are Dr. Guild himself (as Principal of King's College), Dr. Patrick Dun (Principal of Marischal Col- lege), and the other three assessors, the civilist, subprincipal, grammarian and three regents. There is no mention of procurators, who do not reappear in connection with elections of rectors till 1760. Same four assessors re- nominated. 1643, November 23. Dr. William Guild. Re-elected in similar terms. Assessors: Mr. William Strauchin, Mr. William Robertson, Mr. Thomas Sandelands, Mr. William Raitt in Old Aberdeen. 1644. Dr. William Guild. No minute between 7th October and 4th December. Is Rector at latter date. RECTORS. II 1645, April 23. Mr. David Lindsay, minister of Belhelvie. Dr. Guild having "demitted my said office of Rectory," Mr. Lindsay is elected to 23rd April, 1646. The phrase The phrase "King Charles University" is abandoned. Assessors: the commissar, the professor of Divinity, Mr. William Strachan, Mr. William Robertson. 1646. Mr. David Lindsay. No minute between 13th November, 1645, and 24th June, 1646. Is Rector on 13th November, 1646. Assessors: Mr. William Strachan, Mr. William Douglas, Mr. William Robertson. 1647, April 15. Mr. David Lindsay. 1648. Mr. David Lindsay. Is Rector on 5th October. 1649. Mr. David Lindsay. Is Rector on 18th June. 1650. Mr. David Lindsay. 1651. Is Rector on 14th March. No minutes are extant for the years 1651-62.¹ "Andrew Cant, one of the ministers of Aberdeen." Fasti, p. lxxvii., but not in Gordon's MS. 1659-60. Mr. Alexander Scrogie. Principal Row's accounts for 1659-60, printed in Fasti, p. 606. 1663, November 10. Mr. William Scrogie, minister of Rathven. Assessors: Mr. Alexander Ross of Monemusk, Mr. William Graye of Auchter- less, Mr. George Burnet at Kincairne, Mr. Alexander Davidsone, advocate (Dec. 8). Ross and Burnet decline " by reasone of their tender and valetudinarie condi- tion" (Feb. 17, 1664). Mr. George Methven, minister at Udnie, admitted (Feb. 18). 1664. Mr. William Scrogie. Is Rector 27th September. Minute of Visitation, Fasti, p. 316. 1665, April 25. Mr. William Scrogie. Continued Rector till Michaelmas. 1666. Mr. William Scrogie. Is Rector on 5th February. Is Bishop of Argyll on 25th June. 1667. Mr. John Menzies, professor of Divinity, Marischal College. Gordon's MS. 1668. Mr. Robert Reynolds, minister of Old Machar. Chartulary, p. 8. 1669, May 13. Mr. Robert Reynolds. Election to be on first Monday of June. Assessors: Mr. James Gordoune of Nether Banchory, Mr. David Lyell and Mr. Patrick Sibbald, ministers of Aber- deen, Lodovick Gordoune, M.D. (May 24). 1"The gravestone of one Mr. John Leith of Blairton, in the south passage of Old Machar Cathedral, who died 1670, bears that he was Rector Universitatis Aberdonensis, without giving the year." Gordon. 12 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1670, June 1. Mr. Robert Reynolds. 1672. Mr. William Scrogie. 1673, January 13. Mr. George Nicholson of Cluny. "The late Rector, Mr. William Scrogie, being removit." Elected Civilist, 7th May. 1674, July 2. Mr. John Menzies, professor of Divinity, Mar. Coll. Assessors: Mr. Henry Scougall, professor-elect of Theology, Mr, George Innes, parson of Belhelvie, Mr. Arthur Gordon, advocate, Mr. Lewes Gor- don, M.D. (July 6). 1675. Mr. William Scrogie. [?] Fasti, p. lxxviii., but not in Gordon's MS. 1676, July 3. Mr. John Menzies. "Continued." 1677, July 4. Mr. John Menzies. 1678, July 8. Mr. John Menzies. 1680-83. No minutes extant. 1682. Mr. John Menzies. Fasti, p. lxxviii.: not in Gordon. 1683. Mr. James Scougall, commissary. 1684, October 24. Mr. James Scougall. Re-elected. Appointed Civilist at same time. Demits office of Rector 24th October, 1685. 1688. Dr. Patrick Urquhart, mediciner. Fasti, p. lxxviii. : not in Gordon. No minutes extant for years 1690-99. 1698. Sir Thomas Burnett of Leyes. Chartulary, p. 90. 1705, June 18. David Forbes of Leslie. Chancellor had urged election (April 9). Assessors: Mr. Archibald Forbes, Puttachie, Mr. George Anderson, professor of Divinity, Dr. William Blair, minister in Aberdeen, Mr. Alexander Thomson of Portlethen: chosen by Rector's advice from a leet of eight furnished by masters. The others suggested were Mr. William Dunbar, minister of Cruden; Mr. James Sandilands of Craibstone; Baillie William Gordon, Old Aberdeen; and Mr. Thomas Orem, Old Aberdeen. 1706, December 2. David Forbes of Leslie. 1708, February 3. Archibald Forbes of Puttachy. No extant minutes between March, 1706, and January, 1709; but see New Chest, xxxviii. 1709, March 12. Sir William Forbes of Craigievar. Assessors: Mr. Alexander Thomsone of Portlethine, Mr. Thomas Hay, sheriff-clerk, Mr. John Stewart of Denns, Mr. David Corse, minister of Aber- deen (Dec. 3). RECTORS. 13 1711, May 7. John Farquharsone of Invercauld. Two years had elapsed since last election. 1718, March 27. Arthur Forbes of Echt. Elected for one year by principal and masters. Assessors: Mr. Alexander Mitchell and Mr. William Smith, ministers at Old Aberdeen, Mr. William Dyce, minister at Belhelvie, Mr. Alexander Thomson of Portlethen. All five take oath de fideli (April 17). "Rectorall meetings" (opened and closed with prayer) held on 17th April (being the first "since the College was last visited "), 29th April, 8th May, 27th May. Mr. Forbes is styled "Lord Rector". 1719. Arthur Forbes. Minute of 23rd March imperfect. Held Rectoral Courts on 29th April, 7th September, 10th March, 1720. Assessors: as in previous year. 1720, March 16. Arthur Forbes. Assessors: Mr. Alexander Thomson, Mr. Alexander Mitchell, Mr. William Dyce, Mr. George Johneston, minister at Skene. 1721, March 6. Arthur Forbes. Assessors: Mr. Alexander Mitchell, Mr. Alexander Thomson, Mr. William Dyce, Mr. James Howie, minister at Newhills. Rectoral meeting on 8th May. 1722, March 6. Arthur Forbes. Assessors: as last year. Rectoral meetings on 8th March, 25th October. 1723, March 18. Arthur Forbes. Assessors: Mr. Alexander Thomson, Mr. Alexander Mitchell, Mr. James Howie, Mr. James Ogilby, minister of Futtie. Rectoral meeting on 10th March, 1724. 1724, March 16. Arthur Forbes. Assessors: as last year. Rectoral meeting on 9th March, 1725. 1725, March 15. Arthur Forbes. Assessors: Mr. Alexander Thomson, Mr. Alexander Mitchell, Mr. Patrick Duff of Premnay, Mr. Thomas Hay, sheriff-clerk. 1726. Arthur Forbes. No minute between 21st February and 26th March. Rectoral meeting on 26th November. Assessors: Mr. Alexander Thomson, Mr. Thomas Hay, Mr. Alexander Mitchell. 1727, March 14. Arthur Forbes. Assessors: as in 1725. 1728, March 12. John Paton of Grandholme. Assessors: Mr. Thomas Hay, Mr. Alexander Rait, son of laird of Findlastone, Mr. William Smith, minister at Old Aberdeen, Mr. James Udny, advocate. Rectoral meeting on 21st March. 1729, March 5. John Paton. Assessors: Mr. William Smith, Mr. John Lumsden, minister at Banchorie, Mr. Thomas Hay, Mr. James Udny. 14 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1730, February 25. John Paton. Assessors: as last year. Rectoral meetings on 7th December, 28th December. 1731, February 8. John Paton. Assessors: as last year. 1732, February 28. John Paton. Assessors: Mr. John Lumsden, Mr. Thomas Hay, Mr. James Udney, Mr. James Mitchell, minister in Old Aberdeen. Rectoral meeting on 22nd March. 1733, March 12. John Paton. Assessors: as last year. Rectoral meetings on 15th March, 21st September. 1760, May 13.1 George Middleton of Seaton. Supported by Professor Lumsden, the Mediciner, the Humanist, Mr. Reid and Professor George Gordon: together with Procurators, Patrick Duff of Premnay, Moray; Patrick Wilson, Angus; Mr. David Dalrymple, advocate, Lothian; Mr. Theodore Gordon, Mar. George Burnet of Kemnay was supported by the Principal, the Subprincipal, the Civilist, Mr. Macleod and Mr. Leslie: together with their nominees as Procurators, Baillie Andrew Burnet, merchant, Moray; James Thomson of Portlethen, Angus; Professor Francis Skene, Mar. Coll., Lothian; Provost John Robertson of Pitmillan, Mar. The Principal gave his casting vote for Mr. Burnet, but Professor Lumsden protested against his deliberative vote. No Assessors are spoken of. The Civilist having died on 24th November, the same Procurators vote in new election on 27th (see under "Civilists"). 1761, June 1. George Middleton. Procurators: Charles Forbes of Sheils, Moray; Patrick Wilson, Angus ; Thomas Mossman, advocate, Lothian [Mr. Theodore Gordon, Mar, being absent: see May 14], vote with Professor Lumsden, the Mediciner, the Humanist, Mr. Reid and Professor George Gordon in this election. 1762, May 14. George Middleton. Procurators: Charles Forbes of Sheils, Moray; Patrick Wilson, Esq., Angus; Alexander Innes, commissary-clerk, Lothian; Mr. Alexander Gordon, minister of Kintore, Mar; vote with Professor Lumsden, the Mediciner, the Humanist, Mr. Reid and Professor George Gordon in this election. For George Burnet of Kemnay vote as Procurators: James Thomson of Portlethen, Mar; Alexander Leslie, merchant, Angus [Provost John Robertson, Moray; Mr. Peter Simson, minister of Inverury, Lothian, being absent], with the Principal, the Subprincipal, Mr. Macleod, Mr. Leslie and Mr. Thom [claiming to be Civilist]. Each party claimed the election. Mr. Middleton's party named their four Procurators as Assessors. Mr. Burnet's party named Sir Alexander Ramsay of Balmain, Mr. Buchan of Auchmacoy, Dr. Campbell, Principal of Marischal College, and Dr. Gerard, "As there is no Rector at present." RECTORS. 15 Professor of Divinity in the same. Mr. Middleton held Rectoral meetings on 5th November, 10th November, 1762; 21st March, 25th April, 10th May, 1763. On 21st March, the Principal and Masters unanimously acknowledge Mr. Middleton as Rector (see under "Civilists," 25th April, 1763); and Messrs. Forbes, Wilson, Innes, and Gordon, as Assessors. On 25th April, the Rector and Assessors consider a long Report from Messrs. Forbes and Wilson, who had been appointed on 21st March a Committee "to revise the Minutes of College Meetings, and other papers that may show the usual forms of pro- ceeding in Rectoral Visitations ". (See Evidence of Commission of 1826-30, IV. 169.) The Court "find the Institution of the Rectorall Court necessary for the preservation of the College, and find that in all time comeing the annuall election of a Rector shall proceed without Procuratores Nationum chosen to join in the said election . . . and with regard to the Procuratores in general, find that previous to every election where these are entitled to vote by the Foundation of the College, their election shall not be for a year, or for any stated time, but pro re nata”. This finding was approved by the Chancellor, Lord Deskford, 10th May. 1763, May 14. George Middleton. Unanimously. Assessors: Professor Gerard, Marischal College, Mr. Patrick Wilson, Aberdeen, Mr. Alexander Gordon, minister of Kintore, Mr. Alexander Innes, commissary-clerk. No mention of Procuratores Nationum in future. 1764, May 14. George Middleton. Assessors: Professor Gerard, Mr. Alexander Gordon, Sir Alexander Gordon of Lesmore, Patrick Wilson, Esq. 1765, May 6. George Middleton. Assessors: Professor Gerard, Mr. Alexander Gordon, Patrick Wilson, Esq., and Thomas Buchan of Auchmacoy. 1766, May 5. George Middleton. Assessors: Principal George Campbell, Mr. John Farquhar, minister of Nigg, Thomas Buchan of Auchmacoy, Hugh Maclean of Coll. 1768, May 2. Election deferred "that the Society might have an oppor- tunity of conferring together at a full meeting in order to consider whether the above office should continue above two years in the same person at one time". 1786, May 1. Sir William Forbes of Craigievar. Assessors: George Moir of Scotstown, James Ligertwood of Tillery, John Paton of Grandholme, and Dr. John Brown, Newhills. Rectoral meeting on 15th May. 1787, May 7. Alexander Burnet of Kemnay. Assessors: as in 1786. Rectoral meeting on 14th May. 1788, May 5. Alexander Burnett. Assessors: as in 1786. Rectoral meetings eodem die, and 8th May. 16 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1789, May 4. Alexander Burnett. Assessors: James Ligertwood, John Paton, Dr. John Brown, and Alexander Moir of Scotstown. Rectoral meeting on 13th May. 1790, May 3. Alexander Burnett. Assessors: as last year. Rectoral meeting on 13th May. 1791, May 2. Alexander Burnett. Assessors: as last year. Rectoral meeting on 18th May. 1792, May 7. Alexander Burnett. Assessors: as last year. Rectoral meeting on 23rd May. 1793, May 6. Alexander Burnett. Assessors: as last year. Rectoral meeting on 27th May. 1794, May 5. Alexander Burnett. Assessors: as last year. Rectoral meeting on 27th June. 1795, May 5. Sir John M'Pherson, Bart. Assessors: as last year. 1796, May 2. Sir John M'Pherson. Assessors: as last year. 1797, May 1. Sir John M'Pherson. Assessors: Dr. Alexander Moir of Scotstown, James Ligertwood, John Ross of Mayne, Dr. John Brown of Newhills. 1798, May 7. Alexander Burnett of Kemnay. Assessors: Alexander Moir of Scotstown, John Ross of Mayne, John Paton of Grandholme, and Charles Bannerman, advocate. May. 1799, May 6. Alexander Burnett. Rectoral meeting on 31st Assessors: as last year. Rectoral meeting on 12th April, 1800. 1800, May 5. Alexander Burnett. By casting vote of chairman (subprincipal, with whom Sir A. Bannerman, Mr. Ogilvie, Dr. Macpherson), the other name proposed being that of David Scott of Dunninade (for whom Dr. Dauney, Dr. Gerard, Mr. Scott, Mr. Bentley). Assessors: Dr. Alexander Moir of Scotstown, John Paton of Grandhome, John Ross of Mayne, and Mr. Charles Bannerman, advocate. 1801, January 3. In connection with the admission of Dr. Jack as subprincipal, Professor Ogilvie protested" that the mode of electing the Rector has been intro- duced by intrigue and the compromise of party interests, and tho' it may be under- stood to confer an honorary and titular office of a very equivocal kind, it cannot invest the person so elected with those essential powers and privileges which Bishop Elphingston meant to entrust only to a constitutional Rector chosen by the whole body of the Suppositi as in Paris. To suppose this is indeed a mockery and a travesty of the Founder's manifest intention. That under cover of this supposition the College Meetings have during the last fifty years ventured on various proceedings in the management of the College Estate, and in the RECTORS. 17 concerns of the Bursars, which no Rector chosen by the Suppositi would have suffered to pass unrescinded. That therefore the present mode of Election ought to be annulled, and that genuine constitution of the University, to which alone the provisions of the Foundation Charter of King's College refer, or can be applied, ought to be restored." This protest seems to have had no adherents. 1801, May 4. David Scott of Duninald. Assessors: as last year. 1802, June 16. David Scott. Assessors: as last year. 1803, May 2. David Scott. Assessors: as last year. 1804, May 7. David Scott, M.P. Assessors: Alexander Moir of Scotstown, sheriff of the county, Thomas Buchan of Auchmacoy, John Ross of Mayne, Mr. Charles Bannerman, advocate. 1805, May 6. David Scott. Assessors: as last year. October 29. Rt. Hon. Silvester Douglas, Lord Glenbervie. "Graduate of this College." In place of Mr. Scott, deceased. Assessors: as before. Election in future to be on last Tuesday of October. 1806, October 28. Lord Glenbervie. Assessors: as last year. 1807, October 27. Lord Glenbervie. Assessors: Alexander Moir, Thomas Buchan, George Gordon of Hallhead, Alexander Leith of Freefield. 1808, October 25. Lord Glenbervie. Assessors: as last year. Election in future to be on Tuesday after Bursary Competition. 1809, October 31. Lord Glenbervie. Assessors: as last year. 1810, October 30. Lord Glenbervie. Assessors: as last year. 1811, October 29. Lord Glenbervie. Assessors: as last year. 1812, October 27. Lord Glenbervie. Assessors: as last year. 1813, October 26. Lord Glenbervie. Assessors: as last year. 1814, November 1. James Ferguson of Pitfour, M.P. Assessors: Patrick Milne of Crimonmogate, M.P., Alexander Moir of Scots- town, Thomas Buchan of Auchmacoy, Robert William Duff of Fetteresso. C 18 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1815, October 31. James Ferguson. Assessors: as last year. (See under Minute of Nov. 15.) 1816, December 2. James Ferguson. Assessors: as last year. meeting. "October 29, 1816. Two previous minutes were considered at this "Convened-The Principal, Dr. Dauney, Dr. Macpherson, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Paul and Mr. Macpherson. "The members . . . taking into consideration that this is the day appointed for the election of Rector and Assessors . . . and David Cromar having been sent to Dr. Jack's house for the minute book, Dr. Jack called out Dr. Dauney into the adjoining room, and the remaining members after waiting for a consider- able time were informed by David Cromar on his return that the Principal desired him to say that there was no meeting. Thereafter the members to whom this was intimated, having taken into consideration that a meeting regularly convened for the despatch of important business at which they had intromitted with the mortification funds to a considerable extent, and at which they had annually for many years exercised their rights of election in the appointment of Rector and Assessors, could not be dissolved by such a proceeding as had just been had recourse to without a regular record of the res gestae, they unanimously called Dr. Macpherson as senior member to the chair, and drew up this minute, at the same time declining to proceed for the present in the elections for which they were legally convened, as being unwilling to involve the respectable gentlemen who might be proposed, in the disputes of the society. (6 (Signed) 'Hugh Macpherson, Praeses." "November 16, 1816. "Convened-The Principal, Professor Ogilvie, Dr. Dauney and Dr. Banner- man, in consequence of a notice officially intimated to all concerned from the Principal fixing this day for the election of a Rector and Assessors: the nomina- tion of the present office-bearers expiring on the eighteenth current. The Principal and professors above named attended in the meeting-room at twelve o'clock the hour appointed; but altho' the College servant was sent by the Principal to the other resident professors, requiring their immediate attendance, none of them thought proper to make their appearance, or so much as to return an answer. The Principal and professors who attended having waited till half- an-hour after one o'clock, and there being no prospect of the attendance of any other member, those present in place of proceeding to a regular election were of opinion that all circumstances considered it was most expedient to declare it to be their understanding that the Lord Rector and Assessors now in office shall be requested to continue their functions for the ensuing year, and the Principal was authorised to intimate this resolution to the gentlemen concerned ac- cordingly. (Signed) "William Jack, Principal." [See under "Subprincipals," November 23, 1815.] RECTORS. 19 1817, October 28. George, fourth Earl of Aberdeen. Elected by the Senatus: so called for the first time. Assessors: as last year. Rectoral meeting on 22nd September, 1818. 1818, October 27. Earl of Aberdeen. Assessors: as last year. 1819, October 26. Earl of Aberdeen. Assessors: Patrick Milne of Crimmonmogate, Alexander Moir of Scotstown, Robert William Duff of Fetteresso, James Urquhart of Meldrum. 1820, October 31. Earl of Aberdeen. Assessors: Alexander Moir, Robert William Duff, James Urquhart and Charles Bannerman of Crimmonmogate. 1821, October 30. Earl of Aberdeen. Assessors: as last year. 1822, October 26. Earl of Aberdeen. Assessors: as last year. 1823, October 28. Earl of Aberdeen. Assessors: as last year. 1824, October 26. Earl of Aberdeen. Assessors: R. W. Duff, James Urquhart, Charles Bannerman and John Garioch of Heathcot. 1825, November 2. Earl of Aberdeen. Assessors: as last year. 1826, November 1. Earl of Aberdeen. Assessors: as last year. 1827, August 28. October 31. 1828, October 29. John, eighth Viscount Arbuthnott. Assessors: as last year. Viscount Arbuthnott. Assessors: as last year. 1829, October 28. Viscount Arbuthnott. Assessors: as last year. 1830, October 27. Viscount Arbuthnott. Assessors: as last year. 1831, November 2. Viscount Arbuthnott. Assessors: as last year. 1832, October 31. Viscount Arbuthnott. Assessors: as last year. 1833, October 30. Viscount Arbuthnott. The Principal proposed the Right Honourable Charles Grant, but this was not seconded. Assessors: as last year. 20 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1834,¹ October 29. Viscount Arbuthnott. Principal again proposed Mr. Grant. Assessors: Mr. Urquhart, Mr. Banner- man, Mr. Garioch and Theodore Gordon of Overhall: Dr. Forbes dissenting from election of last. 1835, October 28. Viscount Arbuthnott. Principal proposed Mr. Grant, now Lord Glenelg. Assessors: as last year. 1836, November 2. Viscount Arbuthnott. Principal proposed Earl of Errol. Assessors: Charles Bannerman, John Garioch, Robert Grant of Tillyfour, Thomas Abercromby Duff of Haddo. 1837, November 1. Lord Francis Egerton. Assessors: as last year. 1838, October 31. Lord Francis Egerton. Assessors: as last year. 1839, October 30. Lord Francis Egerton. Assessors: as last year. 1840, October 28. Lord Francis Egerton. Assessors: Sir Charles Bannerman, Bart., of Elsick, John Garioch, Robert Grant, T. A. Duff. 1841, October 17. Lord Francis Egerton. Assessors: as last year. 1842, November 2. Lord Francis Egerton. Assessors: as last year. 1843, November 1. Lord Francis Egerton. Assessors: as last year. 1844, October 31. Lord Francis Egerton. Assessors: Sir Charles Bannerman, Robert Grant, T. A. Duff and Sir Michael Bruce, Bart. 1845, October 30. Lord Francis Egerton. Assessors: as last year. 1846, October 29. Lord Francis Egerton, now first Earl of Ellesmere. Assessors: as last year. 1847, October 28. Earl of Ellesmere. Assessors: Sir C. Bannerman, Sir M. Bruce, R. Grant and William Brodie of Brodie. 1848, November 2. Earl of Ellesmere. Assessors: as last year. 1849, March 3. Bruce, resigned. Hugh Fraser Leslie of Powis, Assessor in place of Sir M. ¹ 1834, March 22, 25. Certain students demand a perusal of the Foundation and other charters, considering themselves as "entitled to certain rights and privileges, such as the power of electing the Lord Rector". Drs. Macpherson and Mearns are authorised to confer with them and to exhibit such records "as may appear proper to them ". RECTORS. 21 1849,¹ November 1. Earl of Ellesmere. Assessors: as last year. 1850, November 5. Earl of Ellesmere. Assessors: Sir C. Bannerman, R. Grant, H. A. Leslie; and November 9, Admiral Gordon, M.P. 1851, November 1. Earl of Ellesmere. Assessors: R. Grant, H. F. Leslie, Admiral Gordon, M.P., James Loch, M.P. 1852, October 30. Earl of Ellesmere. Assessors: as November 6. resigned. last year. Major Cumming Bruce, Assessor in place of H. F. Leslie, 1853, November 5. Earl of Ellesmere. Assessors: R. Grant, Admiral Gordon, Major Cumming Bruce and Sir James Matheson, M.P. 1854, November II. Earl of Ellesmere. Assessors: R. Grant, Major Cumming Bruce, Sir J. Matheson and the Marquis of Stafford. 1855, November 10. Earl of Ellesmere. Assessors: as last year. 1856, November 13. Earl of Ellesmere. Elected for four years by the Graduates. At a conference held on 6th April, 1856, between the Senatus and a deputation of the Graduates of the University, an agreement was entered into in conformity with a scheme adopted by the Senatus on 20th April, 1855, and sanctioned by the Chancellor, to the effect that in future the Lord Rector, two of the four Assessors, and the four Procuratores Nationum should be chosen by the Masters of Arts of the University (not hold- ing mere honorary degrees), and that the Senatus should confirm the election so made. It was further agreed that Graduates should keep their names on the Register of the University by annual payment of 2s. 6d., or by a single life pay- ment of £1 IS.; and should meet every two years for the election of University Officers; voting to be by voting papers, per capita for the Rector and Assessors, per nationes for the Procurators. The limits of the Nations were fixed thus: Moray the Synod of Moray. = Mar the Synod of Aberdeen north of the Dee. Angus the Synods of Aberdeen south of the Dee, Angus and Mearns, Stirling and Perth, and Fife. Lothian the rest of the world. = 1 1849, November 24. Resolved by a majority "that in conformity with a practice long current in the University, but which has recently been departed from, in the event of a vacancy taking place in the office of Lord Rector or Assessor to the Lord Rector, the election shall be made annually as at present, but that the period of office shall be limited to two years only". 22 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. The results of the first election, held on 15th October, 1856, were as follows:- Rector: Earl of Ellesmere, John Inglis,. • Assessors: Henry James Baillie, M.P., Alexander Matheson, M.P.,. Charles L. Cumming Bruce, M.P., William Baxter, M.P., Rev. David M'Taggart, D.D., Alexander Kilgour, M.D., George Trail, M.P., Procurators: Moray-Rev. Alexander Taylor, D.D.,. 279 51 159 142 119 83 77 74 32 64 48 72 28 27 25 16 24 20 Rev. Donald M'Donald, D.D., 7 6 Rev. Thomas M'Lauchlan, Mar-Edward Woodford, LL.D.,. Rev. Robert Simpson, Rev. William Duguid, D.D., Angus-Rev. William Allan, Rev. William Paul, D.D., Lothian-Rev. George Tulloch, LL.D., Norman M'Pherson, Robert Daun, M.D., Thereafter the Senatus elected Charles L. Cumming Bruce, M.P., and Sir James Clark, Bart., M.A., M.D., to be the remaining Assessors. Lord Elles- mere died 18th February, 1857. 1857, May 2. John Inglis, Dean of the Faculty of Advocates. Received 235 votes; Colonel William Hay Sykes, M.P., 102. To hold office till October, 1860; was created LL.D., and formally installed Rector on 14th October, when he delivered an Inaugural Address afterwards printed. Thereafter held a Visitation of the College and a Rectoral Court. PRINCIPALS.' c. 1500. Mr. Hector Boece (Boyes, Bois, Boethius). Professor Thomas Gordon writes of Boece in his MS. Collections :- ( "He received his degree of Doctor in the same College after he was Princi- pal of it [Town Council Reg., 5th Sept., 1528]. He was born in Dundee, and educated in the University of Paris. Besides his 'History of the Scots '-which is printed by Iodocus Badius at Boece's own expences, bearing a prefatory address to the nobility of Scotland by Alexander Lion, Cantor of Murray, dated at Paris, 1527, in which he calls Boece,' communis nobis preceptor'—Boece also wrote, 'Vitae Episcoporum Aberdonensium,' dedicated to Bishop Gavin Dunbar, 20th March, 1522. Dunbar stiles him, 'Hector Boece, Principal and Licentiate in Theology'. Principalis Pontificalis Collegii Aberdonensis,' 5th June, 1516. He subscribes the Foundation, 10th June, 1531. As to Boece's pedigree, see Lord Hailes, Vol. II. p. 161, Note. Hector Boece says, l. 15, col. 323, 'proavus meus Hugo Boetius cujus pater ad Duplin occubuerat, Baro Drisdale'. Lord Hailes finds a Sir Humphrey de Bois in Walsing. 132, or Ford 13, 27, among the slain at the Battle of Lochmaben, 1332, and conjectures him to be Boece's ancestor, he having by mistake said Duplin for Lochmaben. 1" Quarum [personarum] prima erit magister in theologia si commode haberi potest alioquin in eadem facultate licentiatus cum rigore examinis ejusdem qui infra annum ad magistratus gradum in eadem facultate se faciat promoveri qui et principalis dicti collegii appellari debeat cui omnes in dicto collegio magistri et studentes obedire teneantur pro quarum sustentationibus ordinamus et assignamus predicto magistro principali ut supra theologo aut licentiato quadraginta marcas annuatim predicti vero doctores et magistri in dicto collegio erunt prebendarii perpetui et ad vitam ac sacerdotio fungi debeant ac missas pro fundatoribus cum dispositi fuerunt celebrare teneantur. . . . Preterea volumus quod prebende . . . principalis . . . conferantur per nos et successores nostros dicte Universitatis Cancellarios et quod principalis dicti Collegii cum dispositus fuerit. quolibet die legibili in Theologia legere debeat et sexties in anno populo verbum Dei predicare." Elphinstone's Foundation of 1505. • • • • "Erunt quatuor doctores primus videlicet in theologia quem principalem appellari volumus cui omnes in dicto collegio obedire et obedientiam prestare cum debitis honore et reverentia teneantur. . . Hii omnes sacerdotio fungi debeant. . . . Principalis collegii habeat singulis annis quadraginta marcas ad terminos consuetos solvendas. Cujus officium erit dictum collegium regere et gubernare in honestate custodire absque fecibus et • 24 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Drisdale is a territory in Annandale where Lochmaben lies, and the Drisdales are to be found. He is said to be descended of the Boettis of Panbride in Angus. In the Life of Bishop Elphingston he mentions that this prelate called him from Paris while teaching Philosophy 'in Collegio Montis acuti' (of Montague) to be the first professor of the liberal arts in his newly-instituted 'Schola generalis Aberdonensis'. Boece calls himself at that time, 'adole scens,' and modestly speaks of his own small proficiency in letters at the time he was set to instruct others. He mentions among his acquaintances at the University, Erasmus, Joannes Major, Pat. Panter, and several others. The canons of the cathedral received him with the kindest regard. At his arrival, he sent for his condisciple at Paris, William Hay, who was first Subprincipal, and in the end succeeded Boece as Principal. He gives the names of several men of letters, with their character, that were sent forth at this time from the University." Cf. Mr. Cosmo Innes in Fasti Aberd., p. xvii.; and Mr. Æ. J. G. Mackay in Dict. Nat. Biog., Vol. V. p. 297. 1536. Mr. William Hay. Previously Subprincipal. "He succeeded Boethius after his death, and subscribes 3rd December, 1541." Gordon, I. 19; II. 177. 154-. Mr. John Bisset. Previously Regent. Subscribes 16th July, 1543 (Gordon, II. 179). According to Orem, "succeeded (as should appear) by a presentation from the Pope, which was expressly contrary to the Foundation. For afterwards, anno 1551, he re- signed his principality into the Pope's hands in favour of Alexander Anderson, subprincipal, who (it seems) was his competitor for the place, and was ever after during the said Mr. Bisset's life, which was till about anno 1559, designed in all publick writers' subprincipalis Collegij regalis Aberdonen. et officio principalis '." sordibus in area cameris et omnibus aliis locis mundum facere tenere ceteris omnibus dicti collegii preesse et eosdem in moribus et disciplinis instruere regentium lecturas visitare et si opus sit reformare delinquentes quovismodo per se vel per alium punire cameras ejusdem collegii cum consilio tamen subprincipalis et regentium disponere magistrisque et studentibus quum opus fuerit assignare in philosophia et artibus quotidie regere et profiteri ac in theologia singulis diebus legibilibus secundum gratiam sibi datam in habitu suo doctorali cum apparatu instar universitatis Parisiensis legere et sexies in anno populo verbum Dei predicare. Principalis autem dicti collegii cum conditionibus suprascriptis per rectorem universitatis quatuor procuratores nationum doctores in juribus pontificio et civili medicum subprincipalem regentes artium grammaticum sex studentes in theologia cantorem sacristam seu a majori parte eorundem nominetur et eligatur et per cancellarium admittatur. . . . Volumus autem ut in omnibus electionibus seu nominationibus principalis dicti collegii habeat vocem electivam seu nominativam et conclusivam. . . . Et si contingat prefatos electores seu nominatores infra mensem dictos prebendarios seu bursas ut supra in nostra fundatione expressatas perpetuas et temporales de personis idoneis minime providere . . . ordinamus dictas prebendas. illa vice per cancellarium provideri." Dunbar's Foundation of 1531. See also Nova Fundatio, in Appendix II. • • PRINCIPALS. 25 6 Elsewhere, "continued six years and resigned his place anno 1552, because of his infirmity proceeding from long sickness". These contradictory statements are equally inaccurate. Bisset resigned the principalship into the hands of Pope Paul III., who, 26th February, 1549, nominated William Cranston (O. C., xliii. 12); but the latter never acted. Bisset again resigned into the hands of Pope Julius III., who, 20th February, 1553, nominated Alexander Anderson (O. C., xliii. 12). 1553. Mr. Alexander Anderson. Previously Subprincipal: also parson of Tyrie and rector of Kinkell. "In his time fell out the Reformation, wherein together with all the masters he was deposed, anno 1569, by a visitation appointed by the General Assembly, the Earl of Murray, Regent, being personally present at the deposition. . He lived several years obscurely in Aberdeen after his deposition, and died there." Orem. "This man was a great scholar and a subtil disputant, but no great friend to the College. For the hatred he bare to the reformed religion, he alienated some of the College revenues, destroyed many of its writings and evidences, whereby many lands and other rents belonging to S. Germains are quite lost; sold the ornaments, books, and other furniture belonging to the College. Com- mendable was he in one thing; for, when some of the reformers would have taken away the lead and bells, repulit vim ferro." Middleton. 1569. Mr. Alexander Arbuthnot. • "Brother to the Baron of Arbuthnot, and parson of Arbuthnot and Logy. had his course of Philosophy in S. Andrews with Mr. Lawson, went to France at the age of twenty-three years, where he applied to the study of Law under Cujacius, and, being made Licentiate, returned to Scotland, 1566, in order to follow it as a calling, but God otherwise disposing, in 1569 he was made Principal of the College of Aberdeen, where by his diligent teaching and good government he revived learning, and gained many over from superstition. He was a good Poet, Mathematician, Divine, Lawyer and Physician. He died in the forty-fifth year of his age, and was buried in the College Church of Aberdeen, 20th October, 1583. He, with Mr. Andrew Melvil, had committed to them the reforma- tion of the Foundations of Aberdeen and Glasgow. He procured the College the gift of the Deanery of Aberdeen.” Gordon, quoting Middleton, Calderwood, Spotswood, Mackenzie and Orem. See Wodrow's Biographical Collections (New Spald. Club). 1584. Mr. Walter Stuart. Previously Subprincipal. "Succeeded anno 1584, and died 1593 [? 2], not being past 36 years of age; a man much esteemed for bearing and prudence. He had the parsonage of Methlick and resigned it to the College." Orem. “He lies buried on the north side within the College chapel, in the place where the altar stood." Gordon. 1592. Mr. David Rait. Previously Subprincipal. Subscribes 25th December, 1592. (Gordon, II. 179.) D 26 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. "Of the house of Hallgreen in the Mernis. • Afterwards graduated Doctor of Divinity, being the first that received the degree after the Reformation. He lived till anno 1632, having born office within the College as Regent, Subprin- cipal, and Principal about fifty years." Orem. 1632, November 5. Dr. William Leslie. Previously Subprincipal. Of Aikenway. "He received the degrees both of batchelor and doctor while he was Subprincipal; he was in very great esteem for his learning, being one of the Doctors of Aberdeen who wrote the Duplies, etc. He was deposed for his refusing the Covenant, anno 1639.” Orem. Minutes of Visitation, 13th April, 1638. (O. C., xxiii. 23.) 1640, August 18. Dr. William Guild. The first election of Principal on record. Procurators: Mr. James Sandi- lands, commissar, Lothian; Mr. William Davidson of Carny, Angus; Mr. James Baird, advocate, Mar; Mr. Patrick Chalmer, sheriff-clerk, Murray. Guild was one of the Ministers of Aberdeen. See under "Rectors "; also his Life by Shirrefs. "Anno 1649 the General Assembly gave a commission to some ministers and lay elders to reform the College, and expel the malignants. Persons thrust out: Dr. William Guild, principal; Alexander Middleton, subprincipal; Patrick Gordon, George Middleton, professors of philosophy. The commis- sioners at that time did not unanimously agree whom to put in; therefore they ordered the latter to continue till his place were supplied by another. Shortly after, the masters restored the principal in despite of all opposition to his place. But, anno 1651, general Monk sent five colonels to reform the college: colonels Fenwick, Moseley, Owen, Disborough and Smith. At this Reformation both principal and subprincipal were again turned out. Gilbert Rewle was instituted in room of the latter; and the place of the former conferred upon, "1652, Mr. John Row, • "An independent minister in Edinburgh, a person well seen in the Latin and Greek languages and not ill in the Hebrew .. was also put out again at the King's restoration, anno 1661." Middleton. Had been previously Minister of third charge in Aberdeen, 1641; and Hebrew Lecturer in Marischal College, 1642; M.A., S. Andrews, 1617. (Scott's Fasti.) "In his time, anno 1657, was laid the foundation of the new work in the North East corner of the college, of six stories high, consisting of 24 chambers with chimnies and conveniences, a school and a bulliard house. The money that built it was given by the masters and other well-disposed persons, whose names are written in a register called ' Album Amicorum Col. Regii Aberdon'." Middleton. Middleton. "Thereafter he went to New Aber- deen, and took up a private school; for he had laid nothing up to maintain himself when he was out of place, and therefore lived by keeping the said school, and for the most part by charity. At last, he went to Kinellar, and staid with Mr. John Mercer, his son-in-law, and daughter; where at last he died, and was interred in the West end of the church of Kinellar, in the churchyard." Orem. On 18th February, 1664, Rowe's "poore and necessitous conditione" is men- tioned in the minutes. PRINCIPALS. 27 1661. Mr. William Rait. "Anno 1661; at which time William Rait, minister at Brechin, was presented to the place. He staid only one year and returned to Brechin [Dundee]." Middleton. Had been a Regent, 1641. 1662. Mr. Alexander Middleton. Previously Regent and Subprincipal, and minister of Old Machar. He can- not attend a meeting for election of a Rector, 6th October, 1684, by reason of weakness and infirmity of body. Died 5th December, 1686. Portrait in pos- session of the University of Aberdeen. 1684, October 27. Dr. George Middleton. Son of the last; previously Regent and Subprincipal; D.D., S. Andrews. Procurators: Dr. James Gordon, Professor of Divinity, Lothian; John Haly- burton, son to the Bishop of Aberdeen, student, Angus; Archibald Forbes, son to Lord Forbes, student of the lawes, Aberdeen; Mr. George Seaton, preacher of the gospel in old Aberdeen, Murray. Dr. Alexander Middleton had demitted office "desiring only that in consideration of the service he hade endeavoured to doe the Colledge (having been now upwards of fiftie years a maister therin) if it should happen that the said office of Principall should vake again during his lifetime either by the death or dimission of him that should be elected Prin- cipall, then and in that caice the said Dr. Alexander should have free regress both to the said office and all the benefits and emoluments therof during all the dayes of his life": with which desire the electors "did most heartily and chear- fully comply". Principal George Middleton began public lessons in Theology in the College Church, 19th January, 1685, with a preliminary Oration De Con- cordantia et Reconciliabilitate Christianae Religionis cum vera et certa Ratione. "He was a great humanist and philosopher, a sound divine, and of a circumspect life and conversation; notwithstanding the presbyterians turned him out of his post anno 1717." Orem. (See Appendix III.) "Natus 14 Feb. 1645; Laurea donatus 17 Jul. 1662; admissus pastor Glamensis, 5 Jan. 1667; nuptus 15 Feb. 1671; electus subprimarius 21 Oct. 1679; suscepit doctoratus gradum, 31 Dec. 1683; electus et admissus Principalis, 27 Oct. 1684; obiit 26 Mar. 1726." Gordon. 1717, November 22. Mr. George Chalmers. Late Minister at Kilwinning. Admitted by Mr. John Gordon, provost of Aberdeen, George Fordyce, James Muiriesone and Thomas Mitchell, baillies of Aberdeen, Mr. John Osburn, one of the Ministers of Aberdeen, and Mr. Alexander Mitchell and Mr. William Smith, Ministers of Old Aberdeen, being the persons appointed by His Majesty. Ex-principal Middleton compeared and protested. (See Appendix III.) 1728, June 19, Principal Chalmers chosen "by a very great plurality of votes minister of Old Machar". Died 5th May, 1746. 1746, May 27. Dr. John Chalmers. Previously a Regent; created D.D. on the morning of the same day. Pro- curators: Baillie William Mollison, Mar; James Thomson of Portlethen, Lothian; Baillie Andrew Burnet, Murray; Baillie John Burnett, Angus. Died 28 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S college. 7th April, 1800, having held College office for 60 years. Portrait in Kay's plate of the "Sapient Septemviri". 1800, April 28. Rev. Roderick Macleod, D.D. Previously Subprincipal. Procurators: Major James Mercer of Auchnacant, Mar; Hugh Leslie of Powis, Angus; Mr. Charles Bannerman, advocate, Lothian; Mr. Harry Lumsden, advocate, Murray. Portrait in the possession. of the dowager Countess of Caithness; also in Kay's plate. Married, 6th June, 1780, Isabella Chrysty; and had issue, Ann, Christian, Isabella, Donald, Janet, John, Roderick, Janet, Margaret Katherine. Died 11th September, 1815, having held College office for 67 years. 1815, October 7. Rev. William Jack, M.A., M.D. Previously Regent and Subprincipal. Procurators: Mar, Lieut.-Col. Forbes, Old Aberdeen; Angus, William Dingwall Fordyce of Techmuiry; Lothian, David Hutcheon, advocate; Moray, Hugh Gordon, Aberdeen. Died 9th Feb., 1854, having held College office for 60 years. D.D., 1849. Married, 29th April, 1794, Grace Bolt; and had issue, William, Andrew James Bolton, Charles, Eliza Jean (m., 27th April, 1820, Arthur Nicholson of Lochend), Margaret, Robert, Alexander, Grace, Mary Janet, Andrew Thomas William. Died 9th February, 1854. 1855, October 1. Rev. Peter Colin Campbell, M.A., D.D. (Edinb.). Previously Regent and Professor of Greek. Admitted on a presentation from the Chancellor. Appointed joint Murray Lecturer 5th October. Died 12th December, 1876. Married, 3rd January, 1838, Jessie, daughter of the Hon. James Wylie, M.L.C., Canada; and had issue, Jane Macdiarmid (m., 1860, Robert Smith, M.D.), Mary Hamilton (m., 1867, Alexander Cochran of Balfour), George MacIver, James Wylie, Peter Colin, Margaret Elizabeth Graham (m., 1872, Granville Toup Nicolas, R.N.), Donald Daniel MacIver, Jessie Hamilton, William Macdonald MacIver, Grace Alexina, Colin MacIver. Died 12th December, 1876. 15-. CANONISTS. Mr. Arthur Boece.2 Brother to the Principal. As Canonist signs Dunbar's Confirmation, 1531. Mentioned as first Canonist in "A true relatione of the estait of the universitie and Kinges colledge of Aberdene from the first fundatione to this present tyme " [1638]. (O. C., xxii1. 23.) See also Boece's Life of Elphinstone. 153-. Mr. John Sinclair. 15-. Utriusque juris licenciatus.” 1533. (Parch. Chart., p 141.) Mr. John Spittal. Mentioned in a deed of date 12th February, Mentioned in deed of 16th July, 1543 (Gordon, II. 179); and 22nd May, 1549 (Parch. Chart., p. 130). 15-. Mr. John Leslie. 15-. (( Utriusque juris licenciatus." Mentioned in deeds of 21st October, 1556 (Parch. Chart., p. 127); and 9th February, 155, (Gordon, II. 175). Afterwards Bishop of Ross and Secretary to Queen Mary. Portrait in possession of the University. Mr. Andrew Leslie. "He subscribes a paper in Principal Anderson's time about the year 1560; also 1567, 5th April." Gordon, I. 31; II. 175. 1" Quarum [personarum] . . . . secunda pontificii juris doctor • pro quarum susten- tationibus ordinamus . . . pontificii juris doctori aut in eodem licentiato triginta marcas doctores in jure canonico quolibet die legibili in dictis facultatibus in suis propriis cappis ut decet legere debeant videlicet Canonista secundum formam et consuetudinem sacrorum canonum facultatis et primi regentis juris canonici in dicta Universitate Parisi- ensi." Elphinstone's Foundation of 1505. "Doctori pontificii juris . . . quadraginta marcas pro cujus solutione assignavimus eidem pro tempore omnes et singulos fructus ecclesie Beate Marie ad Nives . . . qui etiam in dicta ecclesia habebit sub se vicarium temporalem sumptibus suis sustentandum et animarum curam in eadem gerendam et exercendam . . . Canonista Canonista per rectorem universitatis quatuor procuratores nationum principalem subprincipalem civilistam medicum et grammaticum nominetur et eligatur et per cancellarium admittatur." Dunbar's Confirma- tion of 1531. 2 In Fasti, p. lxxx., three names are placed in the list of Canonists, before Arthur Boece: 15—, John Lindsay; 1513, Henry Spittal; 1516, Alexander Lausone. These, however, were not really Canonists, but holders of the Readership in Canon Law, conjoined with the prebend of S. Mary ad Nives, founded by Papal Bull in 1497. (O. C., xvii. 5; xxvi. 5, 6; Antiq. Aberd. and Banff, III. 161.) 30 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S college. 156-. Mr. Alexander Cheyne. "He was Commissary of Aberdeen. It is probable he entered 1565 [?] and died 1587. He is mentioned in diverse writings before Principal Arbuthnot's time. Subscribes a charter with Arbuthnot 27th May, 1581, as Canonist, also 30th October, 1580; see Mr. Man's excerpts from the Records of the town of Aberdeen." Gordon, I. 31; II. 173, 177. 1619. Mr. William Anderson. Elected by the Commissioners of Visitation, who report "that the grytest pairt of the foundet memberis wer quyte abolischit and out of use, speciallie sic as had speciall voyce in nominatioun and presentatioun of memberis quhairthrou formall and cannonicall electioun had fallen away". "He was only titular, and had no salary." Orem. 15th July, 1620; Gordon, II. 173. 162-. Mr. James Sandilands, elder. He had no "Commissarius Aberdonensis Canonista, 26th October, 1624. salary. Anno 1633, he demitted his office in favour of his son Mr. James Sandilands." Gordon, I. 31; II. 179. See also under "Rectors". 1634, January 1. Mr. James Sandilands, younger. "He succeeded his father and is mentioned for five or six years, when on occasion of some College debates he demitts this office and is elected Civilist. . . We find none in the office of Canonist after Mr. James Sandilands till the election of Mr. Robert Forbes." Gordon. In April, 1639, "wes dischargit as canonist [by a Commission of General Assembly], bot he maid appellatioun to the nixt generall assemblie, and craftellie be moyan gat his place to teiche the cannon lawis be limitatioun, viz., to teiche de matrimonio, testamentis and teyndis, because all the rest of these lawis smellit of poperie, as thay alledgit ". Spalding, I. 166. See under "Civilists": see also Minutes of 1638 Visitation. (O. C., xxiii. 23.) 16. Mr. Robert Forbes. So styled in Minute of 30th May, 1681. On 28th October, 1684, the Bishop was pleased to ratifie and comfirme the agreement which hade been made some years agoe in favours of Mr. Robert Forbes, Canonist, by the special advyce of some of the Bishops of Scotland, viz., that the said Mr. Robert should all the time of his being Canonist enjoy all the priviledges and emoluments of a Regent, together with all the other articles and clauses contained in the said agreement according as the samine is sett down at length and recorded in the Colledge Register." After the death of Forbes in 1687 the title of Canonist disappears.¹ 1"The Canonist and Civilist seem not to have given satisfaction even in the days of These two College men do not appear at the Visitation of the College under Bishop William Gordon, 1549." Gordon. Popery. CIVILISTS.¹ 15-. Mr. James Ogilvie. 15-. Mr. John Lindsay. Mentioned as first two Civilists in "A true relatione of the estait of the uni- versitie and Kinges colledge of Aberdene from the first fundatione to this present tyme [1638]". (O. C., xxiii. 23.) 1549. Mr. Thomas Menzies. 15-. Fasti, p. lxxx. Not in above or in Gordon's MS. Mr. Nicholas Hay. "He is mentioned in Principal Bisset's time before 1555 [? 9th Feb., 1558, in II. 175]. He continued during the rest of Bisset's time, and all Anderson's and Arbuthnot's and part of Principal Stuart's time. He was Commissary of Aber- deen, and died about-(I find him in a charter, 10th March, 1593 [II. 175]) . . . Mr. Nicol Hay's gravestone on the south side of Hector Boece's in the College Chapel calls him 'Juris civilis Professor in hac Academia. . . . Rector necnon Comissarius (Aberdonensis) summa fide.' The year of his death cannot be read. His coat of Arms with N on one side and H on the other is very distinct." Gordon. 1619. Mr. Thomas Nicolson. Elected by the Commissioners of Visitation. "There was no Civilist after Mr. Hay till the nomination of Mr. Thomas Nicolson in Mr. David Rait's time. He had no salarie. He was also Comissary. In a charter, 26th October, 1624, he is designed 'de Cockburnspath Advocatus Comissarius Aberdonensis '.' Gordon. • • "Quarum [personarum] . . . tertia juris civilis doctor. . . po quarum sustentationibus ordinamus .. juris civilis doctori aut in eodem licentiato triginta marcas .. doctores in jure civili. . . quolibet die legibili in dictis facultatibus in suis propriis cappis ut decet legere debeant videlicet. . Legista secundum formam statutorum et laudabilium consuetu- dinum Universitatis Aurelianensis et quod tutelam habeat et regat ac in eadem suos in legibus scolares doceat et instruat necnon in eadem facultate legales institutiones Justini- ani quotidie legere teneatur." Elphinstone's Foundation of 1505. "Doctori in jure civili summam viginti librarum una cum mansione et horto prefatis qui in eadem mansione quolibet die legibili in jure civili instar regentium Universitatis Aurelianensis cum simili doctoratus habitu eidem congruenti legere debeat. . . . Legista cum bachalariis sive studentibus jurium per dictos rectorem procuratores nationum princi- palem et subprincipalem canonistam medicum et grammaticum nominentur sive eligantur et per cancellarium admittantur." Dunbar's Confirmation of 1531. 32 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEge. 162-. Mr. Roger Mowat. So styled in Minutes of Chancellor's Visitation, 1628. (O. C., xxiii. 5.) "He had no salarie. He was an Advocate in Edinburgh." Gordon. 1640, April 1. Mr. James Sandilands, younger. 66 Previously Regent and Canonist: in place of Mr. Roger Mowat, demitted. Procurators: John Barclay, Angus; George Baird, Murray; George Mideltoune, Mar; Patrick Sandilands, Louthian; all students. Strange to sie ane man admittit to teiche lawis who was never out of the countrie studdeing and lerning the lawis." Spalding. 1661. Mr. Patrick Gordon. Regent 1640 to c. 1650. and afterwards humanist." "After the Restoration he was elected civilist, 1661, Gordon. 1669, June 8. Mr. William Johnston. In place of Mr. Patrick Gordon, demitted. Had demitted his regency 24th May. Procurators: Mr. Alexander Gordon, Murray; Mr. John Burnet, Aber- deen; Mr. Alexander Mowatt, Angus; John Colieson, Louthian. 1673, May 7. Mr. George Nicolson of Cluny. Advocate, Edinburgh. In place of Mr. William Johnston deceased, 18th January. Procurators: James Sutherland, Master of Duffus, Mr. George Strachan, minister in Old Aberdeen, Mr. Patrick Sandilands of Cottoune and Mr. John Ord, student of Divinity. Had been elected Rector on 13th January. Afterwards Lord Kemnay. 1684, October 24. Mr. James Scougall. Nominated jure devoluto by the Chancellor, Bishop George Haliburton, the office "being now a considerable time vacant by the removeall of Sir George Nicolson now one of the senators of the College of Justice". Eo die appointed Rector. Had his introductory discourse De ratione docendi et discendi juris, and began public lessons in the Civil Law, 19th November, 1684. On 9th December, 1685, began with discourse De justitia et jure. Afterwards Lord Whithill. 1687, June 1. Mr. John Haliburton. Son of the Bishop of Aberdeen. In place of Mr. James Scougall, demitted. Procurators: Mr. John Keith, minister of Old Machar, Mr. Patrick Sandilands of Cotton, Mr. George Seaton, minister of New Machar, and Mr. Hew Tod. 1689, March 9. Mr. John Moire. Pro- Advocate, Edinburgh. In place of Mr. John Haliburton, demitted. curators: Mr. James Scougall, Commissar, Mr. James Sandilands of Craibstone, Mr. Thomas Crevie, and the said Mr. John Haliburton. 1696. Mr. John Gordon. "He was Comissary Clerk in Aberdeen: was elected Civilist an. 1696 on the death of Mr. Moire. He subscribes as such 2nd [13th: Chart., p. 85] April, 1696.” Gord. 1717, November 4. Mr. Alexander Garden, younger, of Troup. See Min. of 7th March, 1719. "He was nominated by a Royal patent on the deposition of Mr. John Gordon." Gordon. (See Appendix III.) CIVILISTS. 33 1724, April 6. Mr. Alexander Fraser, junior, Advocate. In place of Mr. Alexander Garden, demitted. Procurators: David Forbes of Leslie, Mar; Mr. Alexander Thomson of Portlethen, Angus; Mr. James Ogilvie, minister at Futtie, Murray; Mr. Thomas Hay, sheriff-clerk, Lothian. The Civilist "to be oblidged to actuall residence and to teach the said Civill Law during the Sessions of the said Colledge in such place as shall be agreed to by the principall and masters; in respect that by the fundatione it is appointed that the Civilist should read and teach in his own manse, which of a long tyme hes been (as is reported) by fyre or some accident ruined and quite demolished". LL.D. 15th March, 1725. Dean of Faculty of Law 27th August, 1733. Died in office 1741. "In the end of March, anno 1724, Mr. Alexander Fraser, sub- principal in the King's College, Old Aberdeen, did buy the civilist's place from the laird of Troup, younger, for the use and behoof of Alexander Fraser, ad- vocate, his son; and gave the said laird of Troup, younger, for it four thousand five hundred merks Scots." Orem. His widow, Mary Cumming, married, 9th January, 1753, Donald Farquharson. 1741, August 27. Sir William Forbes, Bart., of Monymusk, Advocate. By decree of declarator at his instance before the Lords of Sessions against James Thomson of Portlethen. On 24th February the Principal, Professor of Divinity and Mediciner had voted for four Procurators: John Burnet of Elrick, Moray; Baillie William Thomson, Old Aberdeen, Angus; Andrew Thomson, advocate, Mar; Walter Cochran, town-clerk depute (Mediciner for William Urquhart of Meldrum), Lothian. But the Humanist, Professor of Oriental Languages and the three Regents voted for Thomas Forbes of Echt, Moray; Mr. James Cock, minister of Keithhall, Angus; Mr. Theodore Gordon, minister of Kinethmont, Mar: Mr. Alexander Strachan, minister of Keig, Lothian. The Principal, denying the right of the Regents to vote, gave his casting vote for Burnett, W. Thomson, and A. Thomson, admitting the majority of Strachan. The other party denied to the Principal any but a casting vote and therefore claimed the election of Forbes, Cock, Gordon (and Strachan). The Principal having administered the oath to the former four, and the Subprincipal to the latter three, there voted for James Thomson of Portlethen 6, and for Sir William Forbes 10. The Principal declared the latter elected and administered the oath to him on 26th February. Sir William Forbes died in office, 1743. 1745, June 3. Dr. James Catanach, Advocate. By decree of House of Lords, 11th April, on appeal from the Court of Session which, 20th July, 1744, had decided against Catanach. (Paton's Appeals, I. 401 ; II. App.) On 8th June, 1743, the Principal, Humanist, and Professors of Divinity and of Oriental Languages voted for four Procurators: Patrick Duff of Premnay, Mar; Arthur Gordon of Wardhouse, Angus; Mr. Theodore Gordon, minister of Kinnethmont, Moray; Mr. John Maxwell, student in Divinity, Lothian. The Sub- principal, Mediciner, and three Regents voted for Professor Francis Skene, Mari- schal College, Mar; Professor David Verner, Marischal College, Angus; James Thomson of Portlethen, Moray; George Turner, sheriff-clerk, Lothian. Where- E 34 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S college. upon, after protests and counter protests, the former eight voted for Mr. Charles Hamilton Gordon, advocate, and the latter nine for Mr. James Catanach. An account of the discussion as to the validity of Catanach's Marischal College degree of LL.D. will be found in Fasti Acad. Mariscal., p. 70. He was made LL.D. by King's College in 1748, and died in office, unmarried, 24th November, 1760. 1763, April 25. Mr. David Dalrymple, Advocate. Son of Hew Dalrymple of Drummore. By decree of House of Lords, affirming decision of Court of Session. (Paton's Appeals, VI. 738.) On 27th November, 1760, Mr. Dalrymple was supported by four Procurators: Charles Forbes of Sheils, Moray; Thomas Mossman, advocate, Lothian; Patrick Wilson, Angus; Theodore Gordon, Mar; and also by George Middleton of Seton and the five members of Senatus of his party. See under "Rectors". On 9th December William Thom, advocate in Aberdeen, was nominated. Procurators: [Andrew Burnet, merchant, Moray; Professor Francis Skene, Marischal College, Lothian; not present]; James Thomson of Portlethen, Angus; Provost John Robertson of Pitmillan, Mar; supported also by George Burnett of Kemnay and the four surviving members of Senatus of his party. Mr. Dalrymple demitted office 19th October, 1765. Afterwards Lord Westhall. LL.D., Edinburgh, 1760. 1765, October 21. Dr. William Thom, Advocate in Aberdeen. Procurators: Hugh Maclean of Coll, Angus; Lieut. Robert Hay, Mar; Dr. David Skene, Moray; James Burnet, merchant, Lothian. Dr. Thom married, 11th July, 1754, Mary Chalmers, and died without issue 9th April, 1795. Portrait in Kay's plate of the "Sapient Septemviri ". 1793, January 9. Dr. William Thom and Dr. Alexander Dauney. Conjunct Civilists and Professors of Law. Procurators: John Ross, Esq., of Main, Moray; Mr. William Bannerman, merchant, Marr; Hugh Leslie, Esq., of Powis, Lothian; Lieut. John Leslie, H.E.I.C.S., Angus. Dr. Dauney married, 1st June, 1778, Margaret Pollock, and died without issue 14th July, 1833. 1833, August 8. Patrick Davidson, Younger, of Tillichetly, Advocate, Aberdeen. Procurators: Gavin Hadden, Lord Provost, Mar; Thomas Burnett, advocate, Angus; Lieut.-Col. Alexander Clarke, Aberdeen, Lothian; John Whyte, merchant, Aberdeen, Murray. The Principal had protested against taking any action until arrangements could be made for carrying out the suggestions of the Royal Commissioners regarding the Chair; against the three Regents voting in the election of Civilist; and against the Rector voting in the election of Procurators. He proposed and Mr. Bentley seconded (but without further support) as Procurators: Rev. James Foote, Angus; Rev. Aber. L. Gordon, Murray; Peter Duguid, Mar; Peter M'Farlane, Lothian. At the Union of the Colleges in 1860, Mr. Davidson became Professor of Law in the University of Aberdeen. LL.D., 1849. Married, 2nd August, 1836, Mary Anne Leslie, eldest daughter of William Leslie of Warthill; and had issue, Jane Anne, Frances Mary, Duncan, Catherine Helen, Mary Margaret, William Leslie, Matilda Rose, Patrick, Williamina Saida, George Louis Outram. MEDICINERS.¹ 15-. Mr. James Cumyne. "He died in Principal Hector Boece's time, anno 1521." Gordon. 1522, March 10. 15-. Mr. Robert Gray. "Salubris medicine bachalarius." Presented by Bishop Gavin Dunbar in place of Mr. James Cumyne. (Parch. Chart., p. 139.) Subscribes Confirmation of 1531. Present at Visitation of 1549. Mr. Gilbert Skeen. "He entered in Principal Anderson's time. . . . With consent of the Masters he dispones the Mediciner's Manse to Mr. Thomas Lumsden, Rector of Kinkell, 10th August, 1587." (O. C., xxxiv. 8.) Gordon. 1619, September. Dr. Patrick Dun. Nominated by the Commission of Visitation. Son of umquhile Andrew Dun, burgess of Aberdeen. "After Mr. Skeen's time there was no Mediciner elected untill Principal David Rait came to be Principal. . . . Had no salarie.' Gordon. Regent at Marischal College, 1610; Rector there, 1619; Principal there, 1621-49. 1632, November 9. Dr. William Gordon. "He was elected Mediciner upon the demission of Dr. Patrick Dun. He received salarie and continued to his death, An. 1640, 10th March (Spald.). He is admitted a burgess of Aberdeen An. 1625. He rebuilt the College 1" Quarum [personarum] • quarta in medicinis doctor • • pro quarum sustenta- Doctores • tionibus ordinamus . . . doctori vero in medicinis viginti marcas. sacerdotio (medico tamen excepto) fungi debeant. . . . Medicus autem in medicinis instar dicte Universitatis Parisiensis legat et profiteatur et quos ad hujusmodi discendas allicere valeat inducat et doceat." Elphinstone's Foundation of 1505. • • "Doctori in medicinis viginti marcas qui in dicta sua mansione similibus diebus legibilibus in habitu suo doctorali cum apparatu legere debet instar doctorum medicine Parisi- ensium. . . . Medicus vero per eosdem rectorem procuratores nationum principalem canonis- tam legistam subprincipalem et grammaticum nominetur et per ipsum cancellarium admittatur.” Dunbar's Confirmation of 1531. In its original form this Chair constitutes the most ancient foundation for instruction in Medicine in Great Britain. The dates of the corresponding Professorships in the other Universities are as follows:-S. Andrews, 1721; Glasgow, 1637; Edinburgh, 1685; Oxford, 1546; Cambridge, 1540; Dublin, 1618. 36 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. crown that had been blown down An. 1633 (Spald.). . . . He was married to Jean Sandilands, daughter of Mr. James Sandilands, Commissary of Aber- deen (Reg. of Marriages)." Gordon. See Minutes of 1638 Visitation (O. C., xxiii. 23); Gordon's Scots Affairs, III. 128; Misc. Spald. Club, II. xxxiii. Portrait by Jamesone in possession of the University. 1649, November 12. Dr. Andrew Moore. Gordon. Died January, 1672. (See Min. of 9th July, 1674, and 8th June, 1741.) 1672, July 20. Dr. Patrick Urquhart. "Presented by Patrick, Bishop of Aberdeen." Gordon. Began public lessons on Medicine 7th January, 1686. (Cf. Min. of 23rd February, 1719.) "Died on S. Thomas' Even, December 20, anno 1725, in the 84th year of his age; and had been 54 years physician in the King's College of Old Aberdeen. He was a man of learning and parts; a son of the family of Meldrum, and his mother a daughter of the Earl of Airly, etc." Orem. 1725, December 23. Dr. James Gregory, elder.¹ In place of Dr. Patrick Urquhart, deceased. Procurators: Patrick Duff of Premnay, Mar; Mr. Alexander Thomson of Portlethen, Angus; Mr. Alexander Rait, son to Mr. John Rait of Findlaston, Murray; Mr. Thomas Hay, sheriff- clerk, Lothian. Elected Dean of the Faculty of Medicine 25th April, 1726. "He was a practising physician in the town of Aberdeen. Chalmers, dau. of Mr. George Chalmers, Principal." Gordon. 1732, December 7. Dr. James Gregory, younger. . . Married Ann In place of his father, demitted. Procurators: Mr. John Lumsden, minister of Banchory Ternan, Angus; Mr. Thomas Hay, sheriff-clerk, Lothian; Mr. James Mitchell, minister of Old Machar, Murray; Mr. James Udny, advocate, Aberdeen, Marr. Elected Dean of the Faculty of Medicine 27th August, 1733. "He was a practising physician in the town of Aberdeen." Gordon. Died 16th October, 1755. 1755, November 13. Dr. John Gregory. Regent, 1746-49. In place of his brother, deceased. Procurators: Mr. James Gallie, Moray; James Thomson of Portlethen, Lothian; Andrew Burnet, merchant, Angus; Robert Thomson, town-clerk, Mar. Married, 2nd April, 1752, the Hon. Elizabeth Forbes; and had issue, James, Dorothea, a daughter, Elizabeth, William, John, Professor of Practice of Physic, Edinb., 1766. Died 1773. 1764, November 5. Sir Alexander Gordon of Lesmore, Bart. Assistant and successor to Dr. John Gregory. Procurators: Prof. Gerard, Lothian; Thomas Buchan of Auchmacoy, Angus; Patrick Wilson, Esq., Moray; Lieut. Robert Hay, Mar. M.D. on same day. Dr. Gregory demitted 3rd March, 1 The family of Gregories, which gave four Mediciners to King's College, has furnished in all no fewer than fourteen professors to British Universities, as will be seen from the appended tree, in which the dates of office are indicated. MEDICINERS. 37 James Gregory. Gregory. John of Drumoak = David of Kinnairdie. David Anderson of Finzeauch. Janet. James, S. And., Math., 1669-74; Edinb., Math., 1674-75. David, Edinb., James, S. And., Math., 1683-91; Math., 1688-91; Oxf., Astr., 1691-1708. Edinb., Math., 1691-1725. Charles, S. And., Math., Isabel = Patrick Innes. Margaret = Lewis Reid. James, King's Coll., Med., 1725-32. 1707-39. John Innes. | David, Oxf., Mod. Hist., David, S. And., Math., 1739-63 1724-67. Alex. Innes, Mar. Coll., Phil., 1739-42. Thomas Reid, King's Coll., Phil., 1751-64; Glasg., Phil., 1764-96. James, King's Coll., Med., 1732-55. John, King's Coll., Phil., 1746-49; do., Med., 1755-66; Edinb., Pract. of Med., 1766-73. James, Edinb., Inst. of Med., 1776-89; do., Pract. of Med., 1790-1821. Coll. William, King's Coll., Chem., 1839-44; Edinb., Chem., 1844-58. Dorothea = Rev. Archibald Alison. William Pulteney Alison, Edinb., Med. Juris., 1820-21; do., Inst. of Med., 1821-42; do., Pract. of Med., 1842-55. 38 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1766. Sir Alexander elected de novo 26th March. Procurators: Capt. Robert Hay, Mar; Capt. Alex. Skene, Moray; Mr. James Forsyth, Angus; Mr. William Ballingall, Lothian. Demitted 19th March, 1782. Married, 5th April, 1759, Margaret Scot; and had issue (alive in 1770), Ann, Alexander, George, Diana, Francis, John; also (born subsequently) Margaret and Isabella. Died 25th March, 1782. 1782, March 22. Dr. William Chalmers. Procurators: Hugh Macleane of Coll, Murray; Capt. Alex. Macleane, younger, of Coll, Mar; William Lumsden, W.S., Lothian; Hugh Leslie of Powis, Angus. "He was a practising physician in Aberdeen." Gordon. Married, 8th August, 1785, Jean Shewan; and had issue, Mary and Wilhelmina. Died 14th December, 1792. Portrait in Kay's plate of the "Sapient Septemviri ". 1793, January 9. Dr. Alexander Bannerman, Of Kirkhill. Procurators: as in election of Civilist on same day. Succeeded to Baronetcy 1796. Married, 21st January, 1768, Mary Gordon; and had issue (alive in 1794), Mary, James, Margaret, Charles and Edward. Died 29th December, 1813. 1797, April 15. Sir Alexander Bannerman and Dr. James Bannerman. Father and son conjunct Professors. Procurators: John Ross of Mayne, Murray; John Duncan of Mosstown, Mar; Hugh Leslie of Powis, Lothian ; Thomas Bannerman, Angus. Dr. James Bannerman died, unmarried, 13th February, 1838. 1839, February 19. Dr. William Gregory. Appointed by the Chancellor, on whom the nomination had devolved. Dr. Gregory became Professor of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, 1844. Married, 30th July, 1830, Lisette, daughter of the late John Scott, Superinten- dent of Penang; and had issue, James Liebig. Died 1858. 1844, September 30. Andrew Fyfe, M.D., Pres. R. C. S., Ed. On understanding that he teach Chemistry. Procurators: Rev. Robert Smith, Angus; Dr. Andrew Fleming, Lothian; William Macpher- son, barrister, Moray; Robert Davidson, Mar. In 1860 Dr. Fyfe became Professor of Chemistry in the University of Aberdeen. Married Margaret Johnston; and had issue (alive in 1846), Eliza Charles (m. George William Hay of Whiterigg) and Andrew. Died 1861. SUBPRINCIPALS.' c. 1500. 15-. Mr. William Hay. “ Aberdoniae itaque sedere ubi coeperam, ut commodius adolescentes disci- plinis formarentur, Wilhelmum Hayum, quicum philosophiae Parisiis operam dederam, accivi in socium laboris." Boece's Life of Elphinstone. Succeeded Boece as Principal. Mr. Alexander Anderson. Previously Regent, afterwards Principal. Designated "Sacrarum litterarum bachalarius" and Subprincipal in deed of date 12th February, 1533. (Parch. Chart., p. 141.) 1553. Mr. Andrew Galloway. Previously Regent. "He succeeded as Subprincipal when Mr. Anderson was made Principal. He probably continued to the Reformation, and was (vide Mr. Petrie) then turned out along with Anderson, anno 1569." Gordon. 1569. Mr. James Lawson. “He was made Subprincipal at the same time that Arbuthnot, his friend and fellow-student, was made Principal." Gordon. Afterwards succeeded Knox in Edinburgh. See Wodrow's Biographical Collections (New Spald. Club). 1572. Mr. Walter Stuart. Previously Regent. "He succeeded Mr. James Lawson, probably about the year 1572, and continued in the office until Mr. Arbuthnot's death, that is, 1583, when he entered Principal." Gordon. 1" Quarum [personarum] . . . quinta in artibus magister et in eisdem regens qui et sub- principalis dicti collegii dici debeat pro quarum sustentationibus ordinamus . . . sub- principali vero dicti collegii viginti marcas. Elphinstone's Foundation of 1505. (( • • • Subprincipali viginti marcas una cum camera et aliis asiamentis infra idem collegium. Qui quolibet die legibili instar regentium Parisiensium in philosophia et artibus studentibus ejusdem collegii legere debet et eosdem non solum in scientiis tantum sed in moribus et virtuti- bus informare debet delinquentes vero punire corrigere et castigare reparationibus quaestioni- bus et disputationibus studentium in artibus cum aliis regentibus interesse et presidere absentes vero studentes in theologia et artibus a divinis officiis ac actibus publicis notare punire et mulctam imponere ac cum dicto principali singulis rebus dicti collegii superintendere. . . Subprincipalis vero per dictum rectorem quatuor nationum procuratores doctores singularum facultatum grammaticum artium regentes et alios nostre fundationis in theologia studentes nominetur et eligatur et per cancellarium admittetur." Dunbar's Confirmation of 1531. Office abolished at the Union in 1860. 40 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1583. Mr. David Rait. Previously Regent. "He succeeded Mr. Walter Stuart as Subprincipal, on his becoming Principal, that is, anno 1583, and enjoyed the office till Mr. Walter's death, in the year 1593 [? 2], when he became Principal. He sub- scribes as Subprincipal 9th April, 1583." Gordon. 159. Mr. Peter Udney. Previously Regent and Humanist. "Succeeded Mr. David Rait as Sub- principal in 1593 [? 2]. He died in the office. He is said to have been Subprin- cipal in Edinburgh. His monument in the Chapel of King's College, on the south side, within the space set apart for the altar, says: 'M. Petrus Udnaeus Vir undiquaque humanissimus inclytae hujus Academiae Supprimarius fatis cessit, 24 April, 1601. Securus recubo mundi pertaesus iniqui Et didici et docui vulnera Christe tua.' In a shield, with M above, P on one side, and V on the other, we have a tree and two animals rampant, one on each side of the stem, resembling either dogs : or lions below are the words OEN AOEA." Gordon. See Proc., Soc. Ant. Scot., Vol. XXIII. p. 85. 1601. Mr. John Chalmers. Previously Regent. According to the Album he has the graduating class in Sessions 1599-1600, 1603-04, 1607-08, and the entering class of 1608-9, but the last graduate with Mr. James Rait. Minister of second charge, Old Machar, in conjunction, 1601; promoted to be minister of Keith, 1610. 1610. Mr. Patrick Guthrie. Senior Regent. Graduates of 1602-03, 1606-07, 1610-11, 1614-15, 1618-19; when Mr. William Forbes takes the next entrants. Is Subprincipal at the Visitation of 1619. Promoted to be minister of Kinbattock, 1619; Logie Buchan, 1626. 1619. Mr. William Forbes. Senior Regent. Entrants of 1613-14 (graduating 1616-17), also graduates of 1617-18 (apparently taking the place of Mr. Robert Dunbar), entrants of 1618- 19, and (apparently taking the place of Mr. Patrick Guthrie) entrants of 1619- 20 (graduating 1622-23). Promoted to be minister of Mortlach, 1623. 1623. Dr. William Leslie. Previously Regent. Entrants of 1617-18, 1621-22, 1625-26; but Mr. Andrew Strachan graduates the last. Probably had tertians from 1627 to 1632, in which year he became Principal. 1632, November 6. Mr. David Leech. Previously Regent. Graduates of 1627-28; entrants of 1628-29, 1629-30, 1630-31; graduates (as Subprincipal) of 1632-33, 1633-34, 1634-35, 1635-36, 1636-37, 1638-39, when Mr. Robert Ogilvie is associated with him. See Minutes of 1638 Visitation. (O. C., xxiii. 23.) Promoted to be minister of Ellon, 1638. SUBPRINCIPALS. 4I 1638, April 30. Mr. Robert Ogilvie. Senior Regent. In place of Leech, demitted. First election of Sub- principal on record. Procurators: Mr. Alexander Gardyn, advocate; Mr. Thomas Lillie, commissar-clerk's writer; Mr. Alexander Scrogy, younger, student; Mr. Gilbert Ross, cantor. Entrants of 1633-34, 1634-35, 1635-36, 1636-37, 1637-38; graduates (as Subprincipal) of 1637-38, 1638-39, 1639-40, 1640- 41. Promoted by the masters to be minister of Methlick, 1641. 1641, March 10. Mr. Alexander Middleton. Senior Regent. In place of Ogilvie, demitted. Procurators: Mr. Thomas Sandilands, Lothian; Mr. William Moir, Murray; Mr. William Moir [sic] Angus; Mr. Robert Ogilvie, late Subprincipal, Mar. Entrants of 1638- 39, 1639-40, 1640-41; graduates (as Subprincipal) of 1641-42, 1645-46, 1648-49 (takes place of Youngson in 1646-47, see Appendix I.), entrants of 1649-50, who graduate with Mr. Gilbert Rule. “Anno 1643, upon Tuesday, January 17, the said Mr. Alexander Middleton, Subprincipal, was married with Margaret Gordon, daughter to Mr. Thomas Gordon at Kathock's Mill, contrary to the foundation of the College, for he was the first regent that entered in a marriage condition in this College.” Orem. Afterwards Principal. 1652. Mr. Gilbert Rule. Previously Regent, but not Senior Regent. Graduates of 1651-52, and (probably as Subprincipal taking place of Middleton) of 1652-53, and 1656-57. "It appears from the Album that this was a change [from Middleton to Rule] unacceptable to the country. The class of students which Mr. Middleton takes up in 1649 amounts to 49, but dwindles down to 13 when it comes into the hands of Mr. Rule in 1652. Mr. Rule came into the College by violence and without minding forms. . . . He went to England where he served as a minister probably of the sect of Independents. He married in Old Aberdeen Elisabeth Burnay, 4th February, 1635." Gordon. Afterwards Principal of Edinburgh University. 1657. Mr. Patrick Sandilands. Senior Regent. Entrants of 1646-47, 1650-51, 1652-53 (the class which should have fallen to Rule), 1656-57, 1660-61, 1663-64 (the class which should have fallen to George Gordon), 1667-68, 1671-72, who graduate with George Middleton. 1673, August 20. Mr. Andrew Massie. Senior Regent. In place of Mr. Patrick Sandilands, deceased. Pro- curators: Mr. John Scougall, commissar; Mr. Patrick Sibbald, one of the ministers of Aberdeen; Mr. George Tod, student of Divinity; Mr. David Sibbald, doctor of the Grammar School in Old Aberdeen. Graduates of 1657- 58, 1661-62, 1665-66, 1669-70, 1673-74, 1677-78. Afterwards Regent, Edinburgh University. "There was a Mr. Andrew Massie, a Regent in the Marischal College, subscribes contract with Mr. Al. Sutherland, 16th September, 1675."[?] Gordon. F 42 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1679, October 21. Mr. George Middleton. Previously Regent, but not Senior Regent. Graduates of 1674-75, 1678-79, 1681-82. Afterwards Principal. 1684, October 27. Mr. George Fraser. Procurators as at election of Married first to Ann Menzies, Previously Regent, but not Senior Regent. Principal on same day. "Died anno 1711. daughter of Prof. Menzies, an. 1683, April 26; and 19th April, 1707, he married for his second wife Mrs. Elizabeth Cruckshank, who had formerly been Lady Balgownie." Gordon. Graduates of 1682-83, 1686-87, 1690-91, 1694-95, 1698-99, 1702-03; (then in three year cycle) 1705-06, 1708-09. Died during Session, 1710-11. 1711, January 18. Mr. William Black. Senior Regent. In place of Mr. George Fraser, deceased. Procurators: John Farquharsone of Invercauld, Lothian; Captain John Stewart of Denns, Angus; Alexander Ker of Meanie, Aberdeen; Patrick Smith of Inveramsay, Moray. "He was one of the masters who in the year 1714 presented and forcibly intruded as Minister of Old Machar one Mr. John Sharp, an Episcopal Minister, in opposition to the Presbyters of Aberdeen, who were carrying on the settlement of Mr. Alexander Mitchel, Minister of Belhelvie, by a popular call. Note, during the time of this violence, those of the Presbyterian persua- sion, being excluded violently from the parish church, attended worship, after the Presbyterian form, in one of the Prebend's manses, called Toryleith's house, Mr. Sharp in the mean time useing the service of the Church of England in the parish church, where he was attended by Dr. Middleton, Mr. Black and most of the masters. This matter became a Justiciary process at Edinburgh at the instance of the Queen's Advocate, and Mr. Black was condemned to a quarter or half a year's imprisonment for the share he had taken in it; the hardship of which brought on his death, some time probably in the year 1714, before the Queen's death in August." Gordon. 1714. Mr. Alexander Fraser. Senior Regent and Professor of Greek. Often designated "of Powis ". Died January, 1742. 1742, January 20. Mr. Alexander Burnet. Senior Regent, in place of Mr. Alexander Fraser, deceased. Procurators: Professor James Chalmers, Marischal College, Murray; Baillie William Molly- son, Old Aberdeen, Mar; Baillie Andrew Burnet, chyrurgeon in Old Aberdeen, Angus; Mr. John Kinderly, student, Lothian. "He died in the year 1766" (Gordon), having held College offices for 54 years. See under "Regents," 1764. 1764, November 5. Mr. Roderick Macleod. Senior Regent, in place of Mr. Alexander Burnet, demitted. Procurators: as in election of Mediciner on same day. See under "Principals," 1800. 1800, June 10. William Jack, M.D. Senior Regent. Voted for by Dr. Gerard, Mr. Ogilvie, Dr. Dauney, Sir Alex- ander Bannerman, Dr. Jack, and four Procurators (James Forbes of Seaton, SUBPRINCIPALS. 43 Rev. William Mackenzie, Old Aberdeen, Mr. Andrew Jopp and Mr. John Watson, advocates: nominated by Dr. Dauney, and supported by the other four members aforesaid). Mr. Robert Eden Scott was voted for by the Princi- pal, the Rector, Dr. Macpherson, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Scott and four Procurators (Alexander Fraser of Fraserfield, James Mercer of Achnacant, Lieut.-Col. Francis Stewart of Lessmurdy, and Mr. Alexr. Shand, advocate: nominated by the Principal, and supported by the other four members aforesaid). The Principal gave a casting vote in each election; but the vote of the Rector in the election of Procurators was protested against by Dr. Dauney and those who adhered to him; and this view was upheld by Counsel (R. Dundas, Robert Blair, F. Jeffrey-Min. of 3rd January, 1801). 1817, May 27. Hugh Macpherson, M.D. Senior Regent. Nominators: Lieut.-Col. Forbes, Old Aberdeen, Mar; William Dingwall Fordyce of Techmuiry, Angus; Hugh Gordon, Aberdeen, Moray; Alexander Bannerman, Aberdeen, Lothian. Dr. Macpherson had been elected to the same post, 23rd November, 1815, by himself, Professors Bentley, Paul, Tulloch and the same four Procurators; but on 26th May, 1817, the members unanimously agreed "to retrace their steps in order that hereby all differences may be terminated, and the irregular proceedings corrected which, in the course of the late elections, have taken place among all concerned". The Principal (Jack), Mr. Ogilvy, Dr. Dauney and Dr. Bannerman absented them- selves from the meeting of 23rd November, 1815. On 26th October, these four had proposed to fill up the vacant Regency and Professorship of Moral Philosophy by the appointment of Mr. Patrick Forbes, minister of Boharm: Dr. Jack to retain the Subprincipalship, in virtue of which alone he sat at the meeting, as the Chancellor had not yet formally admitted him as Principal. Professors Macpherson, Bentley, Paul and Tulloch voted for the Rev. Daniel Dewar, minister of the College Church in Aberdeen. The votes being equal, Dr. Jack offered a casting vote in favour of Mr. Forbes, but this was protested against. Before next meeting, on 18th November, when Dr. Jack, now admitted Principal by the Chancellor, had intended to admit the Rev. Patrick Forbes, Dr. Daniel Dewar had obtained from the Court of Session an interim interdict against his so doing. On 11th July, 1816, Lord Ordinary Pitmilly declared the interdict perpetual, finding "that the Charter of 1531, being the second foundation of the College by Bishop Elphinstone [Dunbar] as affected or explained by the usage which has prevailed, must furnish the rule for determining the present question ; and in respect neither the Charter nor the usage has ever recognised among the founded persons of whom the College consists a Subprincipal separate or distinct from the Magister Artium or Regent to whose office the appointment of Subprincipal is annexed by the Charter, finds that by his resignation of the Moral Philosophy chair, Dr. Jack ceased to be Subprincipal, and had no right to vote in the election of his successor to the chair of the Philosophy class; finds that it is therefore unnecessary to determine whether Dr. Jack would have been entitled to a casting vote in the election of the Professor, if he had 44 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. an elective vote". The contention of the opposite party was that the junction of offices was effected only by the Nova Fundatio, which had never been recog- nised as statutory. The dispute gave rise to much bad feeling. (Cf. under "Rectors". Min. of 2nd December, 1816.) Dr. Macpherson married, 1st, 6th October, 1803, Ann Marcia Charters, and had issue, Martin, Samuel Charters; and 2nd, 25th September, 1809, Christina Macleod, and had issue, Isabella, William, Anne Maria, Christina, Janet, Hugh Martin, Margaret, Roderick Donald, Norman, Arthur George and Lucy Jane. Died 12th March, 1854. 1854, April 7. David Thomson, M.A. Regent. Procurators: Robert Grigor, Moray; Rev. David M'Taggart, Mar; Rev. Robert Smith, Angus; Dr. Peter Redfern, Lothian. The electors "did unanimously record their sympathy with Dr. Hercules Scott, whose services as Regent, during a very long period, they highly appreciated, but whose infirm health rendered him unable to discharge the onerous duties of Subprincipal ". Married, 14th September, 1843, Helen Stuart, and had issue, David Meliss, Mary Esther, Catherine Emma (m., 1877, George Sandeman), Annie, Helen Madeline, Isabella Marjory, Edmond Stronge and Charles Harald. Died 31st January, 1880. Bust in possession of University. HUMANISTS. I 15-. Mr. John Vaus. Subscribes the Confirmation of 1531. Mentioned in deeds of dates 22nd May, 1516 (O. C., xxvi. 6), and 12th February, 1533 (Parch. Chart., p. 141). Author of the well-known Latin Grammar. 153-. Mr. Theophilus Stewart. Mentioned 17th April, 1539 (O. C., xiii. 5), and 5th March, 1574 (Gordon, II. 175). "Maister of the gramer skwill of Ald Aberdeen, departit the xx. day of Marche, 1576 yeris." (Misc. Spald. Club, II. 43.) 15-. Mr. David Rait. Mentioned 30th Oct., 1580, 27th May, 1581. (Gordon, II. 173, 177.) After- wards Regent, Subprincipal and Principal, 158-. Mr. Peter Udney. "The Mentioned 14th August, 1583. Afterwards Regent and Subprincipal. Nova Fundatio was prepared and presented to Parliament, an. 1584. . . . During its subsistence there was no Grammarian in the College. Some student of Theology living without the College was put in for a time to officiate for a trifling salary. He enjoyed none of the privileges belonging to the Professors of Humanity, by Bishop Elphingston's Fundation. The person thus employed commonly succeeded to the first vacant Regency that happened during his service." Gordon, I. 60; II. 173. 1 "Quarum [personarum] . . . sexta alter magister artium pro puerorum et juvenum in- formatione in gramaticalibus et illius scientie primis rudimentis in dicto collegio institui debeat pro quarum sustentationibus . . . magistro autem artium pro puerorum in gramaticalibus ut supra informatione prebendam beate Marie ad nives seu ecclesiam parochialem ejusdem in eadem universitate alias per nos apostolica auctoritate erectam et dotatam." Elphinstone's Foundation of 1505. (6 • Magistro prefato in grammaticalibus poetria et rhetorica regenti viginti marcas una cum sua mansione domibus et edificiis constructis et construendis Cujus officium erit scholam grammaticalem in sua mansione tenere scholares in eadem docere ac in grammatic- alibus poetria et rhetorica necnon disciplinis virtutibus et moribus instruere atque delinquentes ut decet castigare. . . . Grammaticus per rectorem universitatis procuratores nationum princi- palem doctores jurium medicum subprincipalem artium regentes studentes in theologia predictos cantorem et sacristam nominetur et eligatur et per dictum cancellarium admittatur." Dunbar's Confirmation of 1531. 46 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1584. Mr. David Clarke. Subscribes 12th July, 1584. (Gordon, II. 177.) Afterwards Regent. 1585. Mr. John Guthrie. Subscribes 15th March, 1585 (Gordon, II. 173), and 21st December, 1587. (O. C., xxiv. 8.) Afterwards Regent. 15. Mr. John Erskin. Fasti, p. lxxxiii.; not in Gordon. 1587. Mr. William Rait. Subscribes 12th August, 1587. (O. C., xxvii. 33.) 158-. Mr. James Sibbald. Subscribes 24th May, 1589. (Gordon, II. 173.) Afterwards Regent. 1590. Mr. Alexander Barclay. Subscribes 1590 to 1598. (Gordon, II. 173, 175.) 1600. Mr. Robert Arbuthnot. Subscribes 1600 to 1602. (Gordon, II. 173.) 160-. Mr. James Rait. Subscribes 1604 to 1609. (Gordon, 173, 177.) Afterwards Regent. 1610. Mr. Robert Dunbar. Subscribes 15th December, 1610. (Gordon, II. 175.) Afterwards Regent. 161-. Mr. William Forbes. Subscribes 1613. (Gordon, II. 173, 175.) Afterwards Regent. 1614. Mr. Andrew Cant [the elder]. Subscribes 1614, 1615. (Gordon, II. 175, 179.) Minister of Alford, c. 1617. 161-. Mr. William Leslie. Life of John Forbes of Corse, p. 25. Afterwards Regent. 161-. Mr. Alexander Lunan. Subscribes 12th June, 1619. (Gordon, II. 173.) Afterwards Regent. 1619, September. Mr. David Wedderburn. Appointed by Bishop Forbes' Commission of Visitation. "He did not enjoy any salarie." Gordon. See Coll. Aberd. and Banff, p. 60 (Spald. Club). 1622. Mr. John Ross. Fasti, p. lxxxiv.; not in Gordon. 162-. Mr. James Hervey. Subscribes 5th July, 1625, and 15th August, 1626. (Gordon, II. 179.) Minister of New Machar, 16—. 162-. Mr. George Mylne. Subscribes 11th November, 1628. (Gordon, II. 177.) Afterwards Regent. 16. Mr. John Lundie. Previously Regent. 'He died in possession of the office. He was member to the Glasgow Assembly, 1638, from the College, and petitioned the Assembly for a visitation of the College in order to remove the membra inutilia, who had HUMANISTS. 47 been introduced contrary to the King's Fundation (nova fundatio). He was a Covenanter; nevertheless he subscribed the King's Covenant, 15th January, 1639, fearing trouble. This was brought about, probably, by the Marquis of Huntly. He had subscribed the other Covenant, 20th July, 1638, when the Covenanters came to Aberdeen. He was married to Margaret Gordon at Gor- don's Mill, 12th July, 1647." Gordon. 16. Mr. John Brodie. Subscribes 28th July, 1655, and 7th May, 1658. (United Coll. Chart., pp. 13, 76.) 16-. Mr. John Forbes. "He is Prof. of Humanity, 30th Sept., 1662. He was master of the Grammar School of Aberdeen before [? Town Council Minutes, 10th June, 1663] he got this office; and he was afterwards Sheriff Depute of Aberdeen." Gordon. 1669. Mr. Patrick Gordon. Previously Regent, 1640-50. "He was a son of Gordon of Kethock's Mill.¹ . . . He married Marie Hervie, 22nd June, 1650. 1 He was turned out by the English, along with Principal Guild; upon which only 16 of his 32 students [entrants of 1647-48] remained at the College [graduates of 1651-52: Mr. John Strachan]. After the Restoration he was made Civilist, which he demits anno 1669, and became Humanist, in which last office he died. Having acquired the Hebrew language from a Jew that happened to come to the country, the College gave him a salary of [300 merks] with the title of Professor of Hebrew, in order to induce him to teach the students that language, which he continued to do, along with the Humanity, till his death. 7th January, 1693, Mr. Patrick being 80 years of age, the Masters nomi- nate his son, Mr. Thomas Gordon, as his Colleague, and find and oblige them- selves to declare him his father's successor at his death, etc., and to grant him a presentation, etc. [This minute not now extant.] Note, this Mr. Thomas Gordon had been a Regent in Glasgow College; was an active person in oppo- sition to the Revolution, for which he underwent a trial for his life before the Court of Justiciary; was confined by them a prisoner to his father's house, his confinement afterwards enlarged to the county, afterwards taken off altogether. He was the first collector of the Bishops' rents of Aberdeen. He collected crops 1695, 1696, 1697." Gordon. 1695, October 1. Mr. Alexander Gordon. See Minute of 23rd February, 1719. “Born 27th October, 1665. He was son of the former Humanist, Mr. Patrick Gordon, and entered to the office upon his death. . . . He took Episcopal ordination, and was assistant to the minister of Logie in Buchan at the time this office was conferred upon him. 26th December, 1704, he married Barbara Colison, in Banchory Devenick. He died possessed of this office in the month of December, 1738." Gordon. .. Gordon's 1" Of Thomas of Ruthven or Daach [Tam Gordon] are ... Kethock's Mill." Scots Affairs, I. ii. The appended tree is based partly on Professor Thomas Gordon's MSS., partly on information supplied by the Rev. H. E. Hayden, M.A., Curate of S. Stephen's, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, U.S.A. See also Spalding Club Miscellany, V. p. 366. 48 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Thomas. Margaret Alexander Gordon. Alexander of Kethock's Mill = Isabella Hervie. Alex. Middleton | Subprincipal. George Regent, 1673-79 Subprin., 1679 Prin., 1684. John Patrick Minister of Wilmington Rector of Aberley U.S.A. d. 1705. Worcester. Alexander b. 1665 Į George b. 1673 Humanist Prof. of Hebrew 1695-1738. Patrick b. 1613 Regent, 1640-50 Civilist, 1661-69 Humanist, 1669-95 Prof. of Hebrew, 1674-93 d. 1706. Margaret Fraser. Thomas Regent Glasg. Univ. 1682-89. 11 Marie Hervie. Mary. Helen Wm. Baxter. 1693-1730. Theodore M.A. 1722 George b. 1711 = Eliz. Forbes. Thomas = Lilly Forbes. b. 1714 Min. of Cabrach and of Kennethmont d. 1779. *779: George M.A. 1753 Min. of Tullynessle and of Keith d. 1794. Theodore, M.D. George. Thomas. Robert Eden Scott Regent, etc., 1788-1811. Prof. of Hebrew 1730-67. Asst. Regent, 1734-39 Humanist, 1739-65 Regent, 1765-96 Prof. of Greek, 1796 d. 1797 Eliz. John Scott Rector of Durham U.S.A. Margaret. Anne Rev. A. Brown. Diana. Alex. Harry. Rachel Forbes. HUMANISTS. 49 1739, January 5. Mr. Thomas Gordon. Previously Assistant to Mr. A. Fraser. See under "Regents". In place of his uncle, Mr. Alex. Gordon, deceased. Procurators: Baillie William Molyson, Marr; Mr. James Udney, advocate, Aberdeen, Angus; Mr. Patrick Bradford, Lothian; Mr. James Molyson, Murray. "Son of Mr. George Gordon the first ["Professors of Hebrew "], born 14th August, 1714. .. Continued to teach Mr. Alex. Fraser's class till the month of November, 1740." Gordon.¹ 1765, September 3. Mr. William Ogilvie. • Exchanging offices with Thomas Gordon. See under "Regents". Procura- tors: Professor Gerard, Lothian; Patrick Wilson, Esq., Moray; Lieutenant Robert Hay, Mar; Hugh Maclean of Coll, Angus. LL.D., Columbia College, New York, 1793. See full account of Ogilvie in Mr. D. C. Macdonald's edition of his Essay on the Right of Property in Land, which contains a portrait. Died, unmarried, 14th February, 1819. 1817, July 18. Rev. Patrick Forbes. Minister of second charge in Old Machar. To be Assistant and Successor to Mr. Ogilvie, and "with an appointment at the same time to teach a class of Chemistry and Natural History, besides the usual Humanity Class" (to meet six days a week at 10 A.M. for students of second year. Minute of 27th Sep- tember). Procurators: Professor James Davidson, Marischal College, Mar; Robert Forbes of Castleton, Angus; James Hardie, advocate, Moray; George MacInnes, Old Aberdeen, Lothian. Married, 1st, 3rd June, 1800, Helen, daughter of Baillie John Copland, and had issue (alive in 1817), John, Francis and Anna: 2nd, 17th December, 1821, Mary, daughter of Rev. Dr. George Glennie, and had issue, Alexander, George, Margaret, Mary, Patrick, James, Helen. Died, 13th October, 1847. See Mrs. Rodger's Aberdeen Doctors, p. 246; and Scottish Notes and Queries, III. p. 27. 1847, November 9. George Ferguson, A.M. One of Classical Masters in Edinburgh Academy. Procurators: Rev. John Wilson, Angus; Henry Paterson, Lothian; Robert Gregor, Moray; John D. Milne, Mar. LL.D., 1860; when he demitted office, acting, however, as the first Examiner in Classics in the University of Aberdeen. 1 1753, April 25. The Humanist "having advised with his Colleags and corresponded with gentlemen in the Universities of S. Andrews and Glasgow anent the proper duty of a Professor of Humanity, intends to give over at Whitsunday next the teaching the elements of Latin in the way of a Grammar School, and in place thereof he proposes to teach ane Humanity Class during the session of the College in the same manner as in other Universi- ties". The Principal complains, 26th January, 1760, that "he has scarcely ever had the face of a publick class ". G REGENTS.¹ 15. Mr. Henry Spittal. "Is adolescentes, priusquam altiores peteret disciplinas, quosdam exacta diligentia nobiscum in philosophia erudivit; Wilhelmi nostri cognatus." Boece's Life of Elphinstone; and Dempster. 15-. Mr. David Guthrie. "Utriusque juris doctorem et in prefata Universitate legentem." (O. C., xlviii. 1); and Dempster. Mr. Robert Gray. 1519. Mr. John Bisset. Mr. Michael Walker.) Note, on the back of a letter addressed to Mr. Patrick Gordon. The note is like Mr. P. Gordon's handwriting: 'Anno 1519, mense Julij, Mr. Hector Boetius fuit Collegij Regalis Aberdonensis Primarius, Mr. Wms Hay Subpri- marius, Mri Robertus Gray, Joannes Bisset, Michael Valcar actu Regentes, Mr. Joannes Awell Cantor, Patricius Hay Sacrista'." Gordon. Gray is men- tioned in Vaus' Commentarii, 1522. Bisset is styled "artium actu regens" in deed of 10th March, 1523. (Parch. Chart., p. 139.) He was afterwards Principal. 15. Mr. John Hay. Collation to a chaplaincy, 2nd June, 1520. (O. C., xxvi. 8.) 1" Ordinamus quod in dicto collegio sint . . . quinque magistri artium in theologia studentes qui similiter cum predictis sacerdotio fungi debeant pro quibus sustentandis primo de eisdem decem libras de terris eisdem per nos assignatis qui quidem in artibus cotidie legere et actualiter regere teneatur secundo de eisdem, etc. Et dicti regentes in artibus instru- ant et informent suos scolares in scientiis liberalibus prout regentes artium in alma Univer- sitate Parisiensi suos ibidem instruunt scolares et informant." Elphinstone's Foundation of 1505. (6 • Reliqui autem sex erunt in theologia studentes . . . ex quibus quum opus fuerit arbitrio principalis et subprincipalis ad regentiam in artibus eligi et in eisdem legere astringi volumus. Studentes in theologia . . . per subprincipalem regentes artium grammaticum canonistam civicum et medicum nominentur et per principalem admittantur." Dunbar's Confirmation of 1531. See also Nova Fundatio in Appendix II. REGENTS. 51 Mr. John Melvin. Mr. John Watson. 15-. Mr. Patrick Ogston. Mr. John Wyllie. Mr. James Henderson. Mr. George Narne. These six are given, Fasti, p. lxxxv., apparently on the authority of an Obligation by the members of the College, of date 17th February, 1542 (O. C. xix. 9), in which their names occur. But only Melvin is designated "regens," the others being seemingly the "studentes in theologia" of Dunbar's Confirma- tion. Gordon (II. 179) gives Melvin, Watson and Ogston as Regents, 16th July, 1543. Watson is mentioned in Robertson's Stat. Eccl. Scot., II. 289. 15. Mr. Alexander Anderson. Afterwards Subprincipal and Principal. 15. Mr. Andrew Galloway. Afterwards Subprincipal. 15. Mr. John Henderson. Orem. Mr. Joannes Hendyrson intravit 20 Oct., 1547.¹ 15-. Mr. James Chalmers. Orem. Mr. Jacobus Chalmyr intravit 14 Nov., 1547.¹ Mr. Gilbert Garden. 15-. Mr. William Mainie. Mr. William Lumsden. Orem. 15-. Mr. Robert Maitland. "Afterwards dean of Aberdeen; the same who resigned the deanry in favour of the College, at the Reformation." Orem. 15—. Mr. John Rait. Orem. 15-. Mr. Alexander Galloway. Fasti, p. lxxxv.: not in Orem or Gordon. 15. Mr. Andrew Anderson. 15-. Mr. Thomas Anneslie. 1 Of the other" studentes in theologia" in 1549 Mr. Joannes Davidsoun intravit qui recessit versus Galliam 7 Sept., 1549. Mr. Gulielmus Davidsoun intravit 6 Julij, 1548. Mr. Alexander Allyrdies intravit 10 Febr., 1548. Mr. Andreas Elder intravit 10 Nov., 1546. Mr. Gulielmus Skeine intravit 17 Sept., 1549. Minutes of Visitation. (O. C., xxiii. 2.) 52 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 15. Mr. Gilbert Norrie. 15—. "The three last were put out, with the Principal and Subprincipal, at the Reformation." Orem. The names given in "The Booke of the Universall Kirk," I. 141, are Andrew Anderson, Thomas Owsten, and Duncan Norie. Not ejected till 1569. Mr. Gilbert Skeyne. Fasti: not in Orem or Gordon. 1569. Mr. George Paterson. Subscribes 19th April, 1572 (Gordon, II. 177); minister of Belhelvie 1st May, 1570, apparently holding the Regency in conjunction; translated to Daviot, 1573. 1569. Mr. Hercules Rollock. Subscribes 19th April, 1572. "These two were put in at the same time, when Mr. Arbuthnot was made Principal, and Mr. Lawson Subprincipal." Orem. Brother of Principal Robert Rollock, of Edinburgh. 15. Mr. Thomas Cheyne. Orem. 15. Mr. Duncan Davidson. Orem. Presented minister of Rathen, 26th February, 157. 15. Mr. Walter Ogilvie. Orem. 15. Mr. Walter Stewart. Orem. Afterwards Subprincipal and Principal. 15. Mr. Robert Mercer. 15-. 15-. Promoted to be minister at Banchory Devenick, 1578, but held the Regency in conjunction. Mr. Alexander Skene. Mr. Andrew Arbuthnot. These three subscribe 10th April, 1580, and 27th May, 1581. (Gordon, II. 173, 177.) 158-. Mr. David Rait. Previously Humanist. Subscribes as Regent 14th August, 1583. (Gordon, II. 173.) Afterwards Subprincipal and Principal. 158-. Mr. Robert Burnet. 158–. 158–. Subscribes 14th August, 1583; 15th March, 1588. (Gordon, II. 173.) Pro- moted to be minister at Oyne, 1596. 158-. Mr. Peter Udney. Previously Humanist. Subscribes as Regent 12th July, 1584, and 24th May, 1589. (Gordon, II. 183, 187.) Afterwards Subprincipal. 158-. Mr. David Clarke. Previously Humanist. Subscribes as Regent 15th March, 1585. (Gordon, II. 173.) REGENTS. 53 158-. Mr. William Barclay. 90 Subscribes, 4th April, 1585 (Gordon, II. 179), and 20th March, 1589 (O. C., xxiv. 82). Gordon, I. 76, says 5th April, 1583, and 31st March, 1598, but this must be an error. See Appx. I. "Afterwards an advocate in Edinburgh." Orem. 158-. Mr. Dugal Mackenzie. "There happened to be a Vacancy of a Regency at Aberdeen, in which Place our Authour was installed with the universal Applause of the whole Masters of the University. And in this Station he continued till his Death . . . 1588." George Mackenzie's Scots Writers, II. 476. This statement seems irrecon- cilable with the sequence of Regents shown in the Appendix. 1587. Mr. John Guthrie. Previously Humanist. Subscribes as Regent 12th August, 1587, and 9th May, 1592. (O. C., xxvii. 33.) Promoted to be minister of Banff, 1590. 15-. Mr. James Sibbald. Previously Humanist.. Subscribes as Regent 13th December, 1590; 13th May, 1593. (Gordon, II. 173, 175.) Promoted to be minister of Benholm, 1595. 15. Mr. William Forbes. Subscribes 25th November, 1592; 16th June, 1598. (Gordon, II. 173, 179.) Promoted to be minister of Kinbettoch or Towie, 1596; Fraserburgh, 1618. 159-. Mr. David Robertson.¹ Subscribes 29th November, 1594; 16th June, 1598. (Gordon, II. 173, 175.) Promoted to be minister of S. Fergus, 1599. 159-. Mr. John Chalmer. Subscribes 29th May, 1597. (Gordon, II. 175.) See under "Subprincipals ". 1599. Mr. Andrew Young. Subscribes 15th March, 1600. (Gordon, II. 173.) According to the Album he has the graduating class in Session 1600-01, but his pupil, Mr. Gilbert Keith, suc- ceeds him with the entering class of 1601-02. "Both before and afterwards Regent in Edinburgh." Orem. This is not correct. According to Dalziel's University of Edinburgh, Young graduated at Edinburgh in 1598, and was an unsuccessful candidate for a Regency there in 1599, but was called from Aberdeen to fill a vacancy in December, 1601. 16-. Mr. James Strachan. Graduates of 1601-02, 1605-06, 1609-10, when he was promoted to be minister of Coldstone. 16—. Mr. Patrick Guthrie. Subscribes 19th May, 1602. (Gordon, II. 175.) See under "Subprincipals ". 1601. Mr. Gilbert Keith. Succeeded Mr. Andrew Young. 1 Fasti, Graduates of 1604-05, 1608-09, 1612-13, P. lxxxvi., following Gordon, I. 77, gives a Mr. Andrew Robertson in 1597, but this seems an error for David. See Appendix I, 54 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. when he is succeeded by Mr. William Forbes. Promoted to be minister of Skene, 1610;¹ Bourtie, 1617. 1610. Mr. Patrick Reid. Subscribes 15th December, 1610. (Gordon, II. 175.) Has entrants of 1610-11, but the class is taken up by Mr. Robert Dunbar. 1610. Mr. James Rait. Previously Humanist. Subscribes as Regent 15th December, 1610. Gradu- ates of 1611-12, 1615-16; entrants of 1616-17, who graduate with Mr. John Forbes. Promoted to be minister of Aberluthnot, 1617. 1611. Mr. Robert Dunbar. Previously Humanist. Entrants of 1610-11, 1614-15, who graduate with Mr. William Forbes. Promoted to be minister at Skene "about 1618"; Tough, 1625. 1613. Mr. William Forbes. Previously Humanist. See under "Subprincipals ". 1617. Mr. William Leslie. Previously Humanist. See under "Subprincipals ". 1617. Mr. John Forbes. Graduates of 1619-20 and 1623-24, and entrants of 1624-25, who graduate with Mr. David Leech. Promoted to be minister of Auchterless in 16—. 1618. Mr. Alexander Lunan. 1623. Previously Humanist. Entrants of 1618-19 and 1622-23, who graduate with Mr. John Lundie. Subscribes 5th July, 1625. (Gordon, II. 179.) Promoted to be minister of Monymusk, 2nd October, 1625; of Kintore, 1628. Mr. Patrick Forbes. Entrants of 1623-24, who graduate with Mr. John Lundie. Subscribes 5th July, 1625. "Died Regent." Orem. 1625. Mr. John Lundie. Graduates of 1625-26; entrants of 1626-27, who graduate with Mr. Alexander Strachan. Afterwards Humanist. 1627. Mr. David Leech. See under "Subprincipals ". 162-. Mr. George Leith. Entrants of 1627-28 and 1632-33, and probably semis of intervening Sessions. Promoted to be minister of Culsalmond “prior to 17th June, 1635"; Bethelny, 1647; Candidate for Chair of Divinity, 1641. 1" 1605. Alexander Scrogie, prom. [to Skene] from being Regent in King's College, Aberdeen." Scott's Fasti, III. 514. This seems a blunder, as the sequence of Regents, 1600-10, is clear. See Appendix I, REGENTS. 55 162-. Mr. Andrew Strachan. Graduates of 1628-29, 1629-30, 1630-31, 1631-32. Afterwards Professor of Divinity. 162-. Mr. George Milne. Orem. The name is not found in the Album, but he may have taught the Tertians, 1629-30. Previously Humanist. Promoted to be minister of Prem- nay in 16—. 163-. Mr. James Sandilands. Subscribes 28th October, 1631 (New Chest). His name also does not occur in the Album: he may have taught the Tertians, 1631-32. Afterwards Civilist. 1633. Mr. Robert Ogilvie. Apparently succeeded Mr. George Leith. Regent and Procurator Angusi- ensis at College Meeting, 30th June, 1634. See under "Subprincipals," 1638. 1634. Mr. William Strachan. Name not found in Album. Is Regent and Procurator Moraviensis, 30th June, 1634. Promoted to be minister of Methlick, 1635; Old Machar, 1640. 1634. Mr. Alexander Middleton. Regent and Procurator Laudoniensis, 30th June, 1634. See under "Sub- principals," 1641. 1635, November 3. Mr. Alexander Gardyne. Appears in place of Strachan, now minister of Methlick. Entrants of 1641- 42, who graduate with Mr. A. Youngson. Promoted to be minister of Forgue, 1645. "He was married to Isabel Middleton in Old Aberdeen, 1644." Gordon. 1638, April 30. Mr. Alexander Scrogie, Younger, student of Theology. Had been Procurator Aberdonensis, 30th June, 1634. Elected in place of Ogilvie, now Subprincipal. Deprived by General Assembly Committee, and Gardyne appointed to teach his (third) class, as well as his own (18th October, 1639), 1640, October 8. Mr. Patrick Gordon. In place of Scrogie. Graduates of 1642-43, 1646-47, and entrants of 1647-48, who graduate with Mr. J. Strachan. Ejected with the Principal and Sub- principal c. 1650. Afterwards Civilist, 1661; Humanist, 1669; and Professor of Hebrew, 1673. 1641, March 10. Mr. William Rait. Elected in place of A. Middleton, now Subprincipal. Son of James Rait, supra. Promoted to be minister of Aberluthnot about 1643; Brechin, 1644; Principal, 1661-62. 1642. Mr. George Middleton. Appears as Regent, seemingly in place of Rait (31st October). Graduates of 1643-44, 1647-48; entrants of 1649-50, who graduate with Mr. Gilbert Rule. M.D., 16—. 56 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1644, October 4. Mr. Andrew Youngson. Previously Regent at Marischal College. In place of Gardyne, now minister of Forgue. Graduates of 1644-45; entrants of 1645-46. "He went abroad and became popish." Orem. 1646, June 26. Mr. Patrick Sandilands. Previously Regent at Marischal College. In place of Youngson, "resolved to travell out of the country for furtherance of his studies". Youngson was afterwards professor in the Scots College, Madrid. See under " Subprincipals ". 1651. Mr. John Strachan.¹ Graduates of 1650-51 (apparently succeeding Patrick Gordon) and 1654-55. In 1659, Mr. Patrick Sandilands, Subprincipal, graduates "magistro Joanne Strachano regente in Gallias contendente". Rector of the Scots College in Rome, 1670. "The said Mr. Strachan was the best scholar that ever was in the College. But the Cants and the rest of the clergy in Aberdeen had prejudice at him, because he was a royalist; and because his uncle, Sir John Strachan, was with King Charles II. At last, the said Strachan was to graduate his scholars of the magistrand class; and after he had printed his theses, and distributed them, and the day appointed for the graduation in the common school of the College, then Mr. Andrew Cant, regent in Marischall College, and the rest of the clergy, accused Mr. Strachan for his theses, and said he had set down popish positions in them. But Mr. Strachan told them he would defend all that was inserted in his thesis; whereupon the diet of graduation was altered, and a new diet to be at S. Machar's Church in Old Aberdeen. When the day came, there was a great confluence of gentry from all places of the country, who came to S. Machar's Church. Thence came over the Cants, and Mr. Menzies, and all the rest of the clergy of Aberdeen, and with them Mr. Alexander Cant, minister of Nether Banchory, and placed themselves in the Marquess of Huntly's loft, opposite to the pulpit; for Mr. Strachan had taken the pulpit, and no person with him but Professor Douglas, who sat on the latron, and Principal Row sat alone in the college-loft. Mr. Strachan began with a prayer, and after had a long harangue; which, being ended, he invited them to impugn his theses. Then they began to object, and he answered their arguments readily; but to his solutions they all answered una voce, which made a great confusion in the disputations. Yet learned men said that Mr. Strachan had the better of it that day. This dispute continued long; at last, when it was ended, and the people dismissed, coming out of the church door, Mr. Strachan accuses young Mr. Andrew Cant, regent, for some reflecting answer he had given him in the time of the dispute, and would have ¹The entry "1648, J. Middleton," occurs in the list of Regents given in the Fasti Aberd., p. lxxxvii,, but no such name is found in the Album or in the lists of Orem or Gordon. The signature on p. 163 of the Fasti appears to be a misreading of "M. G. Middleton, Regent ". 'James Chalmers, promoted [to New Machar] from being Regent in King's Coll. previous to 1651." Scott's Fasti, III. 508. This seems a blunder, as the sequence of Regents, 1640-50, is clear. See Appendix I. (( REGENTS. 57 trampled him under his feet, if the gentry had not interposed, and taken Mr. Strachan away with them. For Mr. Strachan was a gentleman, and a pretty man both in parts and in body, and undervalued all the Cants. His father was Mr. Alexander Strachan, minister of Logie Durno, and parson of Fetterneir. Before the dispute, Mr. Strachan graduated his class; and the Earl of Aber- deen, who became chancellor of Scotland, was first graduated; then the rest. And immediately thereafter, Mr. Strachan demitted in favours of Mr. George Gordon, with consent of the College, because he could not live at peace with the Covenanters. And thereafter, the said Mr. Strachan went abroad and studied physick. Then he came home to see his father and his friends; and after that he went again abroad, turned popish, and died abroad, etc." Orem. 1651. Mr. Gilbert Rule. The accounts of the Bishops' Rents are signed in 1650 by Patrick Gordon, George Middleton and Patrick Sandilands, Regents; in 1651, by Patrick Sandilands, Gilbert Rule and John Strachan, Regents. See under “Sub- principals," 1652. 1652. Mr. Hugh Anderson. Graduates of 1653-54 (apparently succeeding Mr. Alex. Middleton, and taking Mr. Patrick Sandilands' class in 1652); entrants of 1654-55, who graduate with Mr. Andrew Massie. Promoted to be minister of Cromarty, 1656. Married Grisel, daughter of Principal Row. Died 3rd June, 1704. 1656. Mr. Andrew Massie. Probably succeeded Mr. H. Anderson in 1656. See under "Subprincipals," 1673. 1657. Mr. William Johnston. Entrants of 1657-58 (apparently succeeding Rule), 1661-62, 1665-66; graduates of 1668-69. Elected Civilist 8th June, 1669. "When Regent he marries Helen Cullen, daughter of Provost Cullen, 23rd March, 1662." Gordon. Son of Arthur Johnston. Davidson's Garioch, p. 366. 1659. Mr. George Gordon. Entrants of 1659-60; graduates of 1662-63. Succeeded Strachan. First Earl of Aberdeen, 1682. 1663. Mr. Robert Forbes. Previously Regent in Marischal College. Seemingly in place of Gordon (last mentioned 16th February). Appears as Regent together with Massie 10th No- vember, and together with Massie and Johnstoun 8th December. Graduates of 1663-64, 1667-68, 1671-72, 1675-76, 1679-80 [1683-84]. Died 1687. See under "Canonists". 1669, May 25. Mr. Henry Scougall. Entrants of 1669-70; In place of Mr. William Johnston, elected Civilist. graduates of 1670-73. Afterwards Professor of Divinity. Scougall. H Son of Bishop 58 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLlege. 1673, August 22. Mr. George Middleton. Presently minister at Glames." Eldest son of Principal Alexander Middle- ton. In place of Massie. See under "Subprincipals," 1679. 1673. Mr. George Garden. Entrants of 1673-74 (apparently succeeding Scougall). Promoted to be minister of Forgue, 1677; Old Machar, 1679. 1674. Mr. John Buchan. Subscribes as Regent 29th December, 1674, apparently succeeding Garden. Graduates of 1676-77, 1680-81, 1684-85; entrants of 1685-86, who graduated with Mr. A. Fraser. "Afterwards advocate in Edinburgh." Orem. "7th June, 1679, he marries Margaret Menzies, eldest daughter of Professor Menzies." Gordon. 1679. Mr. George Fraser. Entrants of 1679-80 (apparently succeeding Andrew Massie). See under "Subprincipals," 1684. 1684, November 6. Mr. William Black. "( Student in Divinity. In place of Mr. George Fraser, now Subprincipal. Appointed to have a discourse publickly in the Common Schoole in presence of the masters and students De Scientia et num detur." See under " See under "Subprinci- pals," 1711. 1686,¹ November 18. Mr. Alexander Fraser. Student in Divinity. In place of Mr. John Buchan, demitted. Discourse De Immortalitate Animae. Graduates of 1688-89, 1692-93, 1696-97; entrants of 1697-98, who graduate with Mr. G. Skeen. See below, 1700. 1687, March 15. Mr. George Skeen. Student in Divinity. In place of Mr. Robert Forbes, deceased. Discourse De Continuo. Graduates of 1687-88, 1691-92, 1695-96, 1699-1700, 1700-01 (taking Mr. A. Fraser's place; and then, in three year cycle), 1703-04, 1706-07. Died during Session, 1708-09. "20th September, 1796 [1696], marries Kathrie Edie in the parish of Old Aberdeen." Gordon. 1700, September 7. Mr. Alexander Fraser, Professor of Greek. "By a great plurality of votes." In compliance with the Ordinance of the Parliamentary Commission of Visitation.2 Marischal College did not appoint a 1 The entry " 1685 Ma. Scougall" occurs in the list of Regents given in the Fasti Aberd., p. lxxxvii.; but no such name is found in the lists of Orem or Gordon, and the College Minutes seem to be complete from 24th October, 1684, to 21st October, 1689. The signature on p. 193 of the Fasti appears to be a misreading of "M. Ja. Scougall" (Civilist). 2" At Edinburgh, the 16th day of August, 1700 years, the commissioners appointed by act of parliament for visitation of universities, colleges, and schools taking to their considera- tion that it would conduce much to the better learning, and for the improvement of the study of the Greek tongue, that the teacher of the same in the first of the four classes in use for Greek REGENTS. 59 separate Professor of Greek until 1717. (See Min. of 8th September, 1701.) Mr. George Skene, to whom in rotation the Bajan class would have fallen (see Min. of 12th February), to teach Mr. Fraser's class, the Magistrands, next winter. In 1717 Mr. John Ker was appointed Professor of Greek, and Mr. A. Fraser resumed the three year cycle as a Regent; graduates of 1719-20, 1722-23, 1725-26, 1728-29, 1731-32; semis of 1732-33 (Mr. A. Rait, colleague), 1734-35 (Mr. T. Gordon, colleague), 1737-38, 1740-41 (Mr. J. Chalmers, colleague, with whom they graduate). See under "Subprincipals," 1714. Founder of the Powis family. 1709, January 24. Dr. James Urquhart. 1 Son of the Mediciner: in place of Mr. George Skene, deceased. Two candi- dates appeared on 10th January to compete for the vacancy in consequence of the programme issued under the ordinance of the Commissioners of Visitation : ¹ and philosophy in each university and college were fixed, and not ambulatory as now he is; do therefore appoint and ordain that hereafter the said teacher of the Greek tongue be fixed, and continue still to teach the same in the said first class to all that shall come to learn under him from year to year, as constant master of the said Greek language, which he is hereby appointed to begin to teach at and after the first day of November through the whole year, untill the rising of the class by the ordinary vacation; so that in all that space he is to teach only the Greek grammar and proper Greek authors, without teaching so much as any Structura Syllogismi, or any thing else belonging to the course of philosophy, which is only to be com- menced the next year thereafter; and this act and ordinance to take effect after the first of November next. Likeas, for the encouragement of the said fixed teacher of the Greek, it is hereby appointed that no scholar bred at schools in Scotland shall be admitted to learn philo- sophy, or any part of the course thereof, in any of the colleges and universities, unless that he have learned his Greek, at least for the ordinary year under the said fixed Greek master, and report an authentic certification thereon; and this provision to take effect for and after the year 1701, and no sooner. And for the better executing this act it is farther enacted, that if there be at present any vacancy of any of the four ordinarily called masters or professors of philosophy in any of the said colleges and universities, the same shall be supplied in the ordinary manner by a fixed Greek master, who is to remain as said is, leaving the other three to ascend with their philosophy classes as use is; and where there is no vacancy, the said fixed Greek master is for this time to be chosen by the faculty (that is the meeting of the rector, the professors and masters of each of the said colleges and universities) out of the masters, as the said faculty shall determine, which they are hereby ordained to do betwixt and the first day of October next. And the Greek master that shall be chosen hereby is ordained to obey without reclaiming, with this provision nevertheless for his encouragement, that it shall be in his option, upon any vacancy that happens of any of the said three philosophy masters in his college or university, to betake himself to his place without any new trial; in which case the vacancy of the Greek master shall be supplied by one to be fixed as above. And the commission ordain letters and charges to be direct on this act as effeirs, and that the same be furthwith printed and sent to the several universities and colleges, that none may pretend ignorance." 1" At Edinburgh, the twenty-seventh day of September, M. vic and nynty yeares. "The lords and others of the commission of parliament, appointed for visitation of universitys, colledges and schoolls, taking to their consideration how necessar it is that the ნი UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Dr. Urquhart and Mr. John Gordon, son of the minister at Clunie. Professor George Gordon objected to Dr. Urquhart, “ 1º Because the Bursars of Theologie by the Fundatione are inhibited to studie or practise medicine, which notwith- standing the said Dr. James doeth, and is also by ane act of the Colledge in his favours allowed to be ane assistant to his father in the professione of Medicine if imployed by the principall's advyce. 20 That the said Dr. James is knowen to be of principalls and sentiments contrarie to the established Govern- ment of the Church by his open and avowed dishanting the publict ordinances therof, and frequenting a form of worship performed by ministers discharged and disallowed by law, so that it is most dangerous to trust the Educatione of youth to a young man of such disaffected and pernicious principalls." Dr. Urquhart, however, expressed his willingness to resign his assistantship to his father, and to take the usual oaths. Whereupon the masters "put in ane hatt ten litle peices of paper, upon every one of which was writtine a distinct subject or head of philosophie, one of which the competitors were appoynted to draw, each of them one, and to have a discourse and sustain theses therupon. And accordingly at drawing ther fell to Dr. James Urquhart the head De natura et causis gravitatis, and to Mr. John Gordone that De aestu maris reciproco; upon which subjects the saids competitors respective were appoynted to have in readi- nes and deliver ther discourses in the publict schooll the one after the other on Wednesday nixt the twelth instant at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and afterwards universities and colledges within this kingdom be provided with pious learned and well qualified masters and regents, and that in all time coming none be admitted masters or regents of the saids universities and colledges but such as are so qualified; and to the effect that their qualifications may be the better known, the lords and others of the aforesaid commission doe hereby statute, enact and declare, that in all time coming no regent or master of a class (albeit they have ane presentation therto) be admitted or receaved in any universitie or colledge within this kingdome, without an previous tryall and program to be affixt upon the gates of the university or colledge into which he is to be received, inviting all persons to be present and dispute for the place; and in case at the day affixt any person compear and offer to dispute with the person swa presented upon any problematicall subject, it is hereby declared that he shall be holden and obleist to dispute with any person swa offering to compete, and alse that he undergo ane tryall by examination or otherways, as the judges of the said university or colledge shall think fitt; and which judges, at adviseing of the dignity and merit of the parties competing, are to consider not only the abilities and learning of the said parties, but also their piety, good life and conversation, their prudence, fitness for the place, affection for the government of church and state now established, and their other good qualifications complexdly; and the party most worthie is to be preferred to the said place. And in case any master or regent shall hereafter be receaved into any of the saids universities or colledges, without under- going the forsaid tryall by program and dispute in case of competition, their admission is hereby declared void and null; with this provision always, that the principalls professors of divinity and others professors in the saids universities and colledges shall not be holden to undergo any such tryall at their admissions, but that they shall be presented admitted and received as formerly. Extracted furth of the records of the said commission of parliament by me James Hamilton, clerk to the said commission." REGENTS. 61 imediately to deliver to each other the respective theses to be respectively im- pugned and defended on thursday therafter." The minutes of these meetings are not extant. Deposed by Commission, 1717. 1711,¹ March 17. Mr. William Simsone. Schoolmaster at Banff: in place of Mr. William Black, now Subprincipal. There were three other candidates: Mr. John Gordon, son of Mr. Robert Gordon, minister of Clunie in Perthshire; Mr. Alexander Burnet, governour to the Laird of Drum, younger; and Mr. John Monro, governour to George Monro, younger, of Culrain. These four drew by lot on 12th March the subjects De rerum possibilitate et impossibilitate; De prima morum regula; De principiis corporum; De origine fontium fluviorum: each to form the subject of a discourse of half-an-hour's length to be impugned by the others. On the 17th Simsone was elected by a majority, four (including the Principal) to three (for Burnet) of the seven electors (Principal, Subprincipal, Humanist, Civilist, Mediciner, and two Regents); the professors of Mathematics and Oriental Languages came to the meeting "with- out being called," and "would needs give their votes in favours of Mr. Burnet,” who thereupon came in accompanied by several of his friends and continued "with great rudeness to interrupt the proceedings". The five dissentients subscribed a presentation to Burnet; but the Principal administered the oaths to Simsone. 1712, March 22. Mr. Alexander Burnet. Son to the minister of Monymusk. Mr. William Simsone is now schoolmaster at Dalkeith. The Principal admits Burnet "in obedience to a change of horn- ing," and under protest. Professors Bower and G. Gordon had brought an action for right to vote in elections in the Court of Session, which has been decided in their favour (Interlocutors, 9th November, 21st December, and 23rd January). But the Principal had appealed to the House of Lords. See under "Subprincipals," 1742. 1715, April 26. Mr. Richard Gordon. "Was elected a Regent 26th April, 1715, and admitted the 30th. (Mentioned 1st October, 1716, Min.) Note he was graduated Master of Arts in the forenoon by the Principal." Gordon. These minutes are not now extant. Deposed by Commission, 1717. 1717, November 22. Mr. John Ker. In place of Dr. James Urquhart, deposed. 11711, February 5. Mr. William Smith, Regent in Marischal College: in place of Mr. William Black; without a program. Mr. Smith declines 19th February. 'Edinburgh the fourth day of February M vic and nyntie-five yeares. "The commission of parliament appointed for visiting universities, colledges, and schooles, doe hereby enact and declare that no master or regent, who hereafter shall be trans- ported from one college to another, shall be subject or lyable to undergoe the tryall appointed by an former act of the commission, dated the twenty-seventh day of September M vic and nyntie yeares, notwithstanding therof." 62 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1717, November 22. Mr. Daniel Bradfut. In place of Mr. Richard Gordon, deposed. Ker and Bradfut were admitted by Principal Chalmers, Subprincipal Fraser, Professors Anderson, Alex. Gordon, Burnet, and George Gordon. Urquhart and Richard Gordon compeared and protested. 1717, December 2. Mr. John Ker, Professor of Greek. In place of Mr. Alexander Fraser, "at which tyme ther was not a Rector and Assessors in being". Approved by Rectoral Court, 29th April, 1719. Afterward Professor of Humanity, Edinburgh. 1732, August 25. Mr. Alexander Rait. Colleague to Mr. A. Fraser, Subprincipal, for teaching purposes only. See also under "Professors of Mathematics ". 1734. August 8. Mr. Alexander Rait. Regent, in place of Mr. John Ker, demitted; but took Magistrand Class. Died 20th October, 1751. 1734, August 8. Mr. Daniel Bradfut, Professor of Greek. Previously Regent only: to be Regent and Professor of Greek, in place of Ker. Died 4th April, 1754. 1734, September 9. Mr. Thomas Gordon. Colleague to Mr. A. Fraser, for teaching purposes, in place of Rait. Previously Librarian. See under "Humanists," 1739. 1740, November 3. Mr. John Chalmers. Preacher of the Gospel; son to Rev. Mr. Alex. Chalmers, minister of Marnoch. Colleague to Mr. A. Fraser, for teaching purposes, in place of Gordon, now Humanist. 1742, January 20. Mr. John Chalmers. Regent in place of Mr. Alex. Burnet, now Subprincipal. See under “ Prin- cipals," 1746. 1746, June 3. Dr. John Gregory. Brother of the Mediciner, in place of Mr. John Chalmers. See under “Mediciners,” 1755. 1748, June 13. Mr. Roderick M'Leod. Colleague to Dr. John Gregory. Very nearly connected with some of the most considerable families in the Highlands, from which the College have allways drawn a great many students as often as any of their professors were of that countrey." 1749, September 8. Mr. Roderick M'Leod. Regent in place of Dr. John Gregory, demitted. pals," 1764. 1751, October 25. Mr. Thomas Reid. See under " See under "Subprinci- Previously Librarian, Marischal College, and minister at New Machar: in place of Mr. Rait, deceased. Married Elizabeth Reid, and had issue (alive in REGENTS. 63 1751), Jean, Margaret, Martha and Ann; also (born subsequently) George, Lewis, David. Demitted 30th October, 1764, on appointment to Chair of Moral Philosophy in Glasgow. 1754, April 29. Mr. John Leslie, Professor of Greek. Late Tutor to Lord Aberdeen. Married, 1st, 4th June, 1755, Christian Fraser, and had issue, John, Hugh, Isobel, Christian; 2nd, 30th April, 1764, Helen Ker, and had issue, John, Grisel, Helen, Jean, Margaret. Died 24th May, 1790. Portrait in Kay's plate of the “Sapient Septemviri ”. 1761, November 25. Mr. William Ogilvie. Colleague to Mr. Burnet, with assurance of being "chosen into the first vacant office that might happen of a Regent's place ". 1764, November 5. Mr. Alexander Burnet. Demits the office of Subprincipal, and is admitted to the Regency vacant through the appointment of Dr. Reid to the Chair of Moral Philosophy in Glasgow. 1764, November 5. Mr. William Ogilvie. Regent in place of Roderick Macleod, now Subprincipal. See under "Humanists". 1765, March 27. Mr. James Dunbar. "Son of Dunbar of Boath." Colleague to Mr. Burnet. 1765, September 3. Mr. Thomas Gordon. Exchanging offices with William Ogilvie. 1766, March. Mr. James Dunbar. In place of Mr. Burnet, deceased. Resigned 11th April, 1794. 1788, May 8. Mr. Robert Eden Scott. Colleague to his grandfather, Thomas Gordon. 18th March, 1789. To take Mr. Leslie's duties next winter. Resigned his successorship 15th April, 1796. 1790, June 21. Dr. Gilbert Gerard, Professor of Greek. Minister of the English Established Church at Amsterdam. Mr. Scott taught the Greek class next Session (17th August). See under "Professors of Divinity" 1794, April 11. Dr. William Jack. In place of Dr. Dunbar, demitted. 1796, May 2. Mr. Robert Eden Scott. To fill vacant Regency. 1796, May 2. Mr. Thomas Gordon, Professor of Greek. Previously Regent only in place of Dr. Gerard, demitted. 1796, November 7. Mr. William Paul, Preacher of the Gospel, to teach Greek class for Professor Gordon, who died 11th March, 1797, having held College Offices for 65 years. Married, 1st, 18th October, 1742, Lilly Forbes; and had issue (alive in 1749), Elizabeth (m. Mr. John Scott, Rector of Durham, Maryland), Margaret, Ann, 64 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Diana, and (born subsequently) Alexander Harry. 2nd, 28th May, 1772. Elizabeth Innes, widow of Mr. James Walker, minister of Peterhead. Portrait in Kay's plate of the "Sapient Septemviri". 1797, April 8. Dr. Hugh Macpherson, Professor of Greek. Previously Professor of Hebrew. In place of Mr. Thomas Gordon, deceased. 1824, January 27. Mr. Campbell was appointed to teach the class during Dr. Macpherson's illness. 1844, October 31. On account of Dr. Macpherson's state of health, Mr. Davidson was appointed to teach the Greek class during ensuing Session. Thomas Lockyer Williams, B.A., Cantab. 1845, October 25. 1846, October 29. 1847, September 11. Alfred Robinson, B.A., Cantab. Norman Macpherson, M.A. This appointment was carried by the casting vote of the Principal, and was protested against by Professors Scott, Fyfe and Thomson. 1848, October 5. Archibald Hamilton Bryce, of Belfast College. On 5th September, the Senatus requested Dr. Macpherson not again to nominate his son, Norman, as it was understood he intended to do. 1849, October 13. Mr. Bryce reappointed. 1850, September 26. 1851, November 1. resigned. December 6. Mr. Bryce. Mr. Bryce. Alexander Cameron, M.A., in place of Mr. Bryce, 1852, September 11. Mr. Cameron reappointed. 1853, October 19. Mr. Cameron. Dr. Macpherson died 12th March, 1854, having held College Offices for 61 years. 1798, March 2. Classes for next Session rearranged thus :- Semis (Mr. Scott's), to be taught by Subprincipal Macleod. Tertians (Mr. Macleod's), Magistrands, "" Mr. Scott. Dr. Jack. 1799, March 16. Same arrangement approved for next Session. 1800, June 12. Dr. William Jack, Professor of Mathematics. above. Mr. Robert Eden Scott, Professor of Moral Philosophy. Permanently attached to the Semi and Magistrand classes, with titles as "But in regard it might be disadvantageous, and attended with incon- venience, in many instances, that the teaching Regents should be thus un- alterably fixed to certain departments, it is understood that, in future, when a vacancy or vacancies occur in any of the four classes, the Regents who remain shall, with the approbation of the Society, have the option by seniority of shifting to the class or classes vacant at the time, as may be more agreeable to them, and most conducive to promote the interests of education in this Uni- versity." Mr. Scott married, 19th February, 1797, Rachel Forbes; and died 14th January, 1811. Author of Elements of Rhetoric, 1802; Elements of Intel- lectual Philosophy, 1805. Portrait in possession of the University. REGENTS. 65 1800, July 11. William Duncan, A.M., Professor of Natural Philosophy. "Who has for many years taught Mathematics in Aberdeen with the greatest success." Elected, in place of Dr. Macleod, now Principal, "Regent and Professor of Natural Philosophy," to be attached to the Tertian class. 12th June, Dr. Gerard had proposed Dr. Andrew Mackay, who was supported by Dr. Dauney, Sir Alex. Bannerman and Dr. Jack; and Mr. Scott had proposed Professor Copeland, of Marischal College, who was supported by Mr. Ogilvie, Dr. Macpherson and Mr. Bentley: whereupon the Principal gave his casting vote for. Professor Copeland—a proceeding protested against by the supporters of Dr. Mackay, but upheld by Counsel (see under "Subprincipals," 10th June). Pro- fessor Copeland, however, declined to accept. (Minute of 5th July.) On 22nd September, Mr. William Paul, "who formerly taught the Greek class for the late Prof. Gordon," was appointed to teach the Natural Philosophy class for next Session, on account of the unsettled state of the professorship": reap- pointed 8th July, 1801, Dr. Mackay having instituted a process of reduction and declarator before the Court of Session. On 11th October, 1802, Mr. Wright was appointed for same purpose. 1811, January 30. Dr. William Jack, Professor of Moral Philosophy. In place of Mr. Scott, deceased (under Minute of June 12, 1800). See under "Principals ". William Duncan, Professor of Mathematics. In place of Dr. Jack. Married, 21st February, 1781, Elizabeth Forbes. Died 20th July, 1815. William Paul, Professor of Natural Philosophy. Mr. Paul, minister of Maryculter, had been appointed on 22nd January to teach Mr. Duncan's class during his illness. Married, 13th August, 1802, Isabel Hutcheon, and had issue (alive in 1812), Mary, William, Catharine Forbes, Robert and Isobel; and (born subsequently) David Hutcheon and John. Died 3rd March, 1834. 1811, July 9. John Tulloch, M.A. "For several years a respectable teacher in the Academy of Inverness." Con- junct Professor of Mathematics, with Mr. Duncan. LL.D., 1847. Died, un- married, 4th May, 1851. 1817, May 31. Dr. Daniel Dewar, Professor of Moral Philosophy. Minister in the College Church of Greyfriars. The Principal (Jack) had taught the class during last two Sessions. 1819, September 4. Andrew Alexander, M.A., Professor of Moral Philosophy. In place of Dr. Dewar, now minister of the Tron Church, Glasgow. 1820, October 24. Dr. John Lee, Professor of Moral Philosophy. In place of Mr. Alexander, now Professor of Greek, S. Andrews; Professor of Church History, S. Andrews. The Principal proposed the Rev. Robert I 66 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Brown, but this was not seconded. On December 18, Dr. Lee expressed a wish to resign "in consequence of some very embarrassing circumstances"; but he withdrew this resignation, on the Senatus allowing him to appoint a substitute for the remainder of the Session. Mr. Alexander Simpson, preacher of the Gospel, was approved for this post, 29th December. 1821, August 4. Hercules Scott, M.A., Professor of Moral Philosophy. Preacher of the Gospel and son of the minister of Benholm; in place of Dr. Lee, resigned. For the first time, the names of other candidates are given: William Fleming, James Brewster, Hugh Murray, Richard Taylor. Married, 12th May, 1829, Jane, second daughter of Rev. Professor Mearns; and had issue, Elizabeth, Isabella Ogilvy, Thomas Alexander Amelia Jane, Helen, Duncan Mearns. LL.D., 1847. 1832, February 14. Mr. Taylor appointed to teach the class during Mr. Scott's illness. 1850, November 5. Rev. Ross appointed, on account of Dr. Scott's state of health, to teach the Magistrand class during ensuing Session. 1851, November 1. Peter Keay, 1852, September 11. Robert Ross, M.A. do. 1853, October 19. Mr. Ross reappointed. 1854, August 3. John Fyfe, M.A. 1855-59. Mr. Fyfe reappointed annually. 1834, March 31. Dr. John Fleming, Professor of Natural Philosophy. Minister of Flisk, Clackmannan, in place of Mr. Paul, deceased. By a majority, the Principal proposing Sir David Brewster, and Mr. Bentley proposing Mr. James Robertson. The Principal claimed the right of subjecting the presentee to strict examination in his qualifications before granting admission; but (June 27), on receipt of voluntary testimony from Sir D. Brewster describing Dr. Fleming as "the most distinguished Naturalist in Great Britain," and as having "a sufficient acquaintance with Natural Philosophy," he expressed himself satisfied. Professors Mearns, Macpherson, Forbes, Davidson, Scott and Tulloch protest against the Principal's claim as unfounded. Dr. Fleming was appointed to Chair of Natural Science in New College, Edinburgh, in 1845: author of various scientific works. On 4th January, 1834, Mr. Taylor had been appointed to teach the Magistrand class during Mr. Paul's illness. Married, 15th March, 1813, Melville Christie; and had issue (alive in 1835), Andrew. 1845, October 10. David Thomson, M.A., Professor of Natural Philosophy. Assistant Professor of Natural Philosophy, Glasgow. See under "Sub- principals " 1851, June 2. Frederick Fuller, M.A., Professor of Mathematics. Fellow and Tutor of S. Peter's College, Cambridge: in place of Dr. Tulloch, who died 4th May. Proposed by Principal, and supported by Professors David- son, Thomson and A. Scott. Alexander Maclaren, M.A., Dundee Academy, was REGENTS. 67 proposed by Dr. Mearns, and supported by Professors Mearns, H. Scott, Fyfe and Ferguson. The Principal gave his casting vote for Mr. Fuller. Married, 15th June, 1854, Ann Mary, eldest daughter of Rev. Robert Smith, D.D., minister of Old Machar; and had issue, Frederick, Arthur Robert, Mary Jane, Edith Frances, Margaret, Annie Christina. LL.D., Aberd., 1883. Portrait in pos- session of University. 1854, June 10. Peter Colin Campbell, M.A., Professor of Greek. Minister of Caputh, in place of Dr. Hugh Macpherson. Proposed by Pro- fessor A. Scott, and supported by Professors Macpherson, H. Scott, Davidson and Fyfe. William Young Sellar, M.A., was proposed by Professor Thomson, and seconded by Professor Fuller. See under "Principals ". 1855, October 22. William Duguid Geddes, M.A., Professor of Greek. Rector of the Grammar School, Aberdeen; Professor of Greek in the University of Aberdeen at the Union, 1860; and Principal, 1885; LL.D., Edinburgh, 1876; Litt.D., Dublin, 1893; Knighted, 1892. Married, 28th April, 1859, Rachel Robertson, daughter of the late William White, Aberdeen, and has issue, Rachel Blanche (m. 23rd June, 1887, John Harrower, M.A., Professor of Greek). PROFESSORS OF DIVINITY.: 1620, April 27. Mr. John Forbes. Second son of Bishop Patrick Forbes. D.D. at same time. See his inaugural theses, De Libero Arbitrio and De Sacramentis: Edinburgh, 1620. Rector, 30th June, 1634. Became minister of third charge, Aberdeen, 1634. Collected edition of his works, and Life edited by his successor, James Garden. Amst., 1702. 1634, December 30. Mr. Andrew Strachan. Previously Regent. D.D. on same day. Natura et Objecto Religiosi: Aberdeen, 1634. his instalment. . . . Dr. Forbes was chosen again." See his inaugural thesis, De "Lived little above a year after Middleton. ¹ Under the early foundations the Principal had to be a graduate in Divinity, and to ecture on Theology every lawful day. The Commissioners of Visitation of 1619 reported "that the principall [Rait] had not acquytit himselff in teaching as is prescryvit by the fundatioun, as haifing the yeir preceiding taught no thing but sum few preceptis of the Hebrew gramer and for practise thairof onlie the first psalme ". (O. C., xxiii. 4.) As an outcome of this report, Bishop Patrick Forbes, Chancellor of the University, and one of the Commissioners of Visitation, in the same year, 1619, induced the Moderators of the Presbyteries within the Diocese of Aberdeen to unite with him in founding a Professorship of Divinity in the Univer- sity; endowing it with 10,000 merks Scots, and retaining the patronage in their own hands. (Pref. to Prof. John Forbes' Theses, 1620; and Contract of Sale of Cairntradlin, O. C., lii. 12.) In 1626, the money was invested in the purchase from William Forbes of Cragievar, of the lands of Cairntradlin; and, in 1642, a charter under the great seal con- firmed the said lands to Professor Adam Barclay and his successors in the Chair; and pre- scribed the mode of election of future professors, which is still adhered to :- "Videlicet ut Professor omni tempore affuturo eligetur vir omni virtutis genere imbutus et qualificatus tam respectu vitae tam doctrinae ubi reperiri possit sine ullo alio respectu habito ad eius generationem locum residentiae vel educationis: Inquisitores vel examinatores, electores et admissores dicti professoris omni tempore affuturo (quandocunque vacabitu- locus) erunt, viz., Moderator synodi provincialis Aberdoniae, cum duobus commissionariis ab unoquoque presbyterio ejusdem ad hunc effectum ab iisdem presbyteriis eligendis, cumque primario Academiae et Universitatis Veteris Aberdoniae pro tempore, una cum altera persona collegiata dictae Academiae et Universitatis, a caeteris collegiatis personis ejusdem eligendar et decano facultatis theologicae dictae Academiae et Universitatis Veteris Aberdoniae, vel uno alio virtute praeditissimo ejusdem facultatis, ad hunc effectum ab eadem facultate eligendo: Et ut omnes personae antedictae habeant voces decisivas, et potestatem etiam PROFESSORS OF DIVINITY. 69 163-. Dr. John Forbes. Had succeeded to the family estate of Corse on the death of his father, 28th March, 1635. Deposed 20th April, 1641, "to the gryte greif of the youth and young students of theologie ". In August, four candidates are "listed" for the place: Mr. Alexander Seytoun, Banff; Mr. John Seytoun, Kemnay; Mr. George Leith, Culsalmond; Mr. William Douglas, Forgue. But no appointment is made. Spalding, II. 17, 57. 2 1642. Mr. Adam ² Barclay. Mr. Barclay is styled professor in the Crown Charter on Cairntradlin, 12th March, 1642; but apparently declined to accept office. (Fasti Eccl. Scot., III. 546.) Minister of Alford. 1643. Mr. William Douglas. Minister of Forgue. Appointed by General Assembly in place of Dr. Forbes. Professor in 1644, when Dr. John Forbes mortifies to him and his successors in the chair "all and whole the part then possest by him of the house, being the south-west and north-west sides of the chaplains chambers, lyand within the deprivandi eundem professorem, cum justa occasio sese contigerit; Et dicta professio incom- patibilis erit cum aliquo alio officio in ecclesia, scola, vel republica; et si ita contigerit, tunc et in eo casu locus professionis ipso facto vacabit, et immediate post vacationem dictae profes- sionis, ob quamcunque justam occasionem, dictus Moderator Synodi provincialis Aberdonensis, pro tempore, infra viginti dies immediate postea sequentes, congregabit, cum caeteris inquisi- toribus vel examinatoribus et electoribus antedictis: quo vero deficiente, moderator presby- terii Aberdonensis; quo etiam deficiente, decanus facultatis dictae. Academiae et Universi- tatis congregabit cum dictis inquisitoribus vel examinatoribus et electoribus intra alios viginti dies; et locus in quo congregabunt erit templum Academiae et Universitatis nostrae Veteris Aberdoniae; et ibidem ordinabunt proclamationem edictorum fieri per omnes partes doctrina praeclaras intra dictum regnum nostrum Scotiae Viri literati et virtutibus imbuti invitantur, qui sese cupiunt offerre et examinationi pro eodem vacante loco subjicere, ut idem locus detur digniori et aptissimo': et dicti inquisitores vel examina- tores, et electores antedicti, inquisitionem vel examinationem, et admissionem, cum omni instantia et diligentia prosequentur, uti Deo reddent rationem; et articuli inquisitionis vel examinationis erunt in particularibus subsequentibus, viz., Primo, de scientia dicti professoris in Hebraea et Graeca linguis, in quibus Sacrae Scripturae prius scribebantur: Secundo, ut habeat bonam et promptam Latinam dictionem : Tertio, ut bene versatus sit in ecclesiasticis et humanis historiis, in quantum conducent ad ejus professionem: Quarto, ut sit bene ver- satus in omnibus contraversiis religionis, et ad hunc effectum, aliqua specialis contraversia religionis ei designetur a praedictis inquisitoribus vel examinatoribus, super quam exercitium dabit, et positiones ac disputationes sustinebit : Quinto, ut bene sit in philosophia exercitatus : Sexto, ut bene sit perlectus in Sacris Scripturis, et possit solvere omnia dubia ad easdem spectantia, sicut Deus easdem ipse revelavit: Et generaliter, ut possit omnibus inquisitoribus seu examinatoribus in omnibus punctis requisitis in tali professore satisfacere; et ut sit in fide integer, et ut possit sana doctrina repugnantes convincere." (O. C., lii. 18. Cf. Ordi- nance No. 12, § 10 of the Universities Commissioners of 1858.) 2 Misprinted "Thomas" in Fasti, pp. lxxxviii. 157. 70 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. chanrie of Auld Aberdein, comprehending the pendit chalmer abowe the gryt yait, and the nixt chalmer, quherin there is ane kitchine, and the nixt chalmer therto, quhilk presentlie serveth him for ane hall, and nixt therto the west tour of the saids chaplanes chalmers togither with the adjoining old buildingis • • of two chalmers and the old gryt hall, with ane old pendit kitchin at the end of the said old hall, togidder also with the adjoining gardyne". (O. C., lii. 10.) Died 3rd January, 1666 (gravestone, Old Machar Churchyard). 1674, August II. Mr. Henry Scougal. Son of Bishop Patrick Scougal. Previously Regent, and for one year minister of Auchterless. See his inaugural thesis, De Objecto Cultus Religiosi : Aberdeen, 1674. Died 13th June, 1678. Portrait in possession of University, reproduced in Rev. Dr. Cooper's edition of his Life of God in the Soul of Man. Elected by the Bishop and brethren of the Synod. (Min. of 16th October, 1673, and 24th April, 1674.) 1678, October 10. Mr. John Menzies. Minister of Greyfriars and Professor of Divinity, Mar. Coll. Elected by unanimous vote of the Synod, on nomination by the Bishop-such method of election "in no wayes to be a preparative in any time coming". (Synod Min.) 1680, October 14. Mr. James Garden. "Thorow the translation of Mr. John Menzies to the professor of divinitie in New Aberdeine." (Synod Min.) Selected by the Bishop from a leet of three prepared by the Synod. The others were Mr. William Meldrum, minister in Edinburgh, and Mr. Robert Bruce, minister of Old Deer. Minister of Balmerino. See his inaugural thesis, De Gratiae Efficacia: Aberdeen, 1681; when he is made D.D. Deposed from his office by a Parliamentary Commission, 25th January, 1697. (Fasti, p. 379.) "Afterwards he lived peaceably and quietly, serving God. in his own family. At last he died in Old Aberdeen, April 8, 1726, about the 80th year of his age, and was interred upon the 11th day of the said April, in S. Machar's Churchyard, near to the South-East dyke thereof, opposite to Dr. Middleton's brick house, which stands at the East end of Bishop Gavin Dunbar's isle." Orem. 1697, May 20. Mr. Charles Gordon. 8 Minister of Ashkirk. Styled Professor in 1699, at date of William III.'s grant (see under " Professors of Hebrew"); but seems to have refused to obey the General Assembly's Act transporting him from Ashkirk. (Synod Min., 4th October, 1698.) At his election the masters were represented by Dr. George Middleton, Principal and Dean of Faculty; and Professor George Skene. 1701, May 8. The masters nominate the Subprincipal (Mr. George Fraser) and the Professor of Hebrew (Mr. George Gordon: Dean of Faculty of Divinity for one year) delegates for election of a Professor of Divinity. Mr. Thomas Hoog, minister at Campvere, is chosen, 8th October. 1703, April 14. Mr. Hoog having "utterly declined," the masters nominate the Humanist (Mr. Alexander Gordon) and the Professor of Hebrew (Dean of Faculty of Divinity for one year) delegates for the same purpose. Mr. Allen PROFESSORS OF DIVINITY. 71 Logan, minister of Torryburn, is chosen, 28th April; but the Presbytery of Dunfermline refuses transportation, and the General Assembly adheres. The election takes place in the Cathedral Church, the use of the College Chapel being denied. Mr. James Garden appears and protests. (Synod Min.) 1704, December 14. Mr. George Anderson. Minister of Tarves. See his inaugural thesis, De Efficacia Mortis Christi : Aberdeen, 1704; when he is made D.D. On 22nd May, the Civilist (Mr. John Gordon), and the Professor of Hebrew (Dean of Faculty of Divinity for one year) had been nominated by the masters delegates for the election. 1711, February 7. Mr. David Anderson. Minister of Foveran. See his inaugural thesis, De Peccato Originali: Aber- deen, 1711; when he is made D.D. On 1st May, 1710, the Humanist had been nominated a delegate for the election. Died 13th February, 1733. Portrait in possession of the University. 1716, August 22. By interlocutor of 11th July, the Lords of Session found Mr. David Anderson, Professor of Divinity, entitled to be called to all College meetings, and to vote in elections of members. 1733, March 12. The Synod asks the masters to appoint delegates for a new election: but they decline, on the ground that the "viginti dies" of the Charter had expired on 5th March. The other delegates, however, on 26th April, elect Mr. James Gordon, minister of Alford. 1733, June 12. The masters nominate Professor John Ker and Professor James Chalmers, Marischal College (Dean of Faculty of Divinity), as delegates, to take part in an action for reduction of Mr. Gordon's election. On 20th December, the Court of Session rejects his claim to the chair, a decision affirmed on appeal by the House of Lords, 14th March, 1734. (Paton's Appeal Cases, VI. 663.) 1735, July 11. The masters nominate the Professor of Hebrew and Professor James Chalmers delegates for a new election. A programme is emitted, but no candidate appears; whereupon the electors decide to name a professor. 1735, October 14. Mr. John Lumsden. Minister of Banchory Devenick. Married, 20th November, 1723, Jean Lesly; and had issue (alive in 1749), Jean, Agnes, Henrietta (m. Patrick Duff, minister of Old Machar), Alexander and Teresa. Died 2nd July, 1770. 1771, June 19. Dr. Alexander Gerard. Professor of Divinity, Marischal College. On 17th July, 1770, the Subprin- cipal (Mr. Roderick Macleod) and Mr. Alexander Temple, minister of Newhills (in place of Dean of Faculty of Divinity), had been nominated delegates for a new election. Married, 14th June, 1757, Jane Wight; and had issue (alive in 1786), Marjory (m. Patrick Cruickshank of Stracathro), Gilbert, Alexander, John, Jane and Margaret Helen (m. James Cruickshank of Langley Park). Died 22nd February, 1795. Author of Essay on Taste, 1759, and other critical works. Por- trait in possession of University; and in Kay's plate of the "Sapient Septemviri". 72 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S college. 1795, July 9. Dr. Gilbert Gerard. Professor of Greek: "elected by a plurality of votes". The only other candi- date was Mr. Gavin Mitchell, minister of Kinellar. The University representa- tives on the Examining Board were the Principal, Dr. Dauney and Rev. James Hogg, minister of Skene, in place of a Dean of the Faculty of Theology. Dr. Gerard did not demit his Regency till 14th April, 1796. Married, 3rd October, 1787, Helen Duncan; and had issue (alive in 1791), John Duncan and Jane; and (born subsequently) Alexander, James Gilbert, Patrick, Margaret Helen, Marjory Cruickshank, William, Euphemia Elizabeth and Helen Jane. Died 28th September, 1815. Portrait in possession of the University. 1816, December 7. Rev. Duncan Mearns. Minister of Tarves. The other candidates were Rev. John Love, minister of the Chapel of Ease at Anderston, and Mr. Alexander Black, preacher of the Gospel in Aberdeen, afterwards Professor of Divinity in Marischal College. The University representatives were the Principal, Professor Bentley and Rev. George Morison, minister of Nether Banchory, in place of a Dean of the Faculty of Theology. The minutes of election are imperfect. Married, 11th August, 1808, Elizabeth Forsyth; and had issue (alive in 1822), Anne, Jane, Alexander, William, Isabel, Margaret. Died 2nd March, 1852. Author of Principles of Christian Evidence, Institutes of Biblical Criticism, etc. 1852, June 25. Rev. Robert Macpherson. Minister of Forres. D.D., July 1. The only other candidate was Rev. Samuel Trail, minister of Harray and Birsay (who was appointed to the chair in 1867). Three others had given in their names: Rev. Charles Dickson, minister of Whaumphray; Rev. Dr. James Forsyth, minister of West Parish, Aberdeen; and Rev. Lewis Rose, minister of Tain; but Mr. Dickson withdrew his applica- tion because of ill-health, and Dr. Forsyth and Mr. Rose declined to submit to examination. The University representatives were the Principal, Professor Ferguson and Professor Andrew Scott. Married, 4th April, 1836, Anne Mearns; and had issue (alive in 1854), Duncan, George Morison, William Mearns, Eliza, Isabella, Anne, Robert and James Rose. Died 1867. Author of The Perpetual Obligation of the Revealed Law, The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, etc. PROFESSORS OF HEBREW. 1673, August 22. Mr. Patrick Gordon. "The said day, the masters and members forsaid taking into ther serious con- sideration the great loss and prejudice quhich the students and church of God does sustain thorow wanting of teaching and instructing the youth in the Hebrew and other orientall tongues, does unanimously think fit, and by thir presents orders and ordaines that in tyme comeing ther be ane profession of the said orientall tongues in the said colledge, and that by the advyce and consent of the right reverend father in God Patrick [Scougal] lord bishop of Aberdene chancellar of the said colledge and universitie; as also the forsaids masters and members being sufficiently convinced of the abilities and qualifications of Mr. Patrick Gordon humanist for exerceing and discharging the duetyes of the said profession doe unanimouslie nominat and elect him to be professor of the Hebrew and other orientall tongues in the said colledge dureing all the dayes of his lyftyme; and for his pains and salarie in the exercise of the said function, it is recom- mended to the principall and remanent members to consider upon the colledge rents, that they may have ther thoughts mature and ripe befor the downsitting of the colledge next, for determineing and measuring out the quota of the pro- portion thereof allowable to him both at his entrie and for the future." 300 merks Scots assigned as salary, 29th December, 1674. See under "Humanists". 1693, March 1. Mr. George Gordon. See Minute of 23rd February, 1719. "Born 23rd May, 1673; 12th September, 1705, married Margaret, daughter of Mr. George Fraser." Gordon. She died 20th November, 1753. "William by the grace of God king of Great Brittain France and Ireland, defender of the faith, to all our subjects whom it effeirs: Forasmuch as we, considering that by a signature under our royall hand dated the 29th Aprile 1695 years, did, for the advancement of learning and religion, mortifie and dispone in favours of the principall proffessors and masters of the university of Aberdeen the soume of £300 sterling yearly, to be uplifted out of the rents and revenues of the bishopricks of our kingdom, faln in our hands by the abolition of Episcopacy and being also informed that a part of the said pounds may be more usefully bestowed for the ends aforesaid, as a sallary to a proffessor of the oriental languages, for his encouragement to teach the same in the said university; therefor witt ye us to have allocat . . . the remain- ing soume of 1200 merks thereof to be settled on Mr. George Gordon (to whom • K 74 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. we have granted a presentation to be professor of the orientall languages of the forsaid university of Aberdeen) and that as a yearly fee and sallary to him for teaching and professing the saids languages." Grant by King William III., 1st March, 1698; confirmed by subsequent grant of 30th November, 1699. As to rights of Professors of Hebrew in elections, see ante, p. 61. 1730, December 28. Mr. George Gordon, younger. "Born 23rd In place of his father, deceased. By patent under privy seal. December, 1711." Gordon. Married, 18th September, 1741, Elizabeth Forbes. Died 5th February, 1767. 1767, May 25. Mr. John Ross. Tutor to Lord Deskford, son of the Earl of Findlater, then Chancellor of the University. 1790, June 21. Mr. Alexander Bell. In place of Mr. John Ross, demitted. Died, unmarried, 11th April, 1793. 1793, August 8. Mr. Hugh Macpherson. In place of Mr. Alexander Bell, deceased. On 4th October the new professor is granted "leave to go for this winter to London in order he qualify himself more properly for the discharge of his office". Mr. Gordon undertakes to per- form his duties. Afterwards Regent, Professor of Greek and Subprincipal. 1798, September 21. Mr. James Bentley. In place of Mr. Hugh Macpherson, now Professor of Greek. On 26th December, 1803, Mr. Maclachlan was appointed to do Mr. Bentley's work during his absence in London. Married, 26th October, 1809, Isabella Dingwall For- dyce; and had issue, Janet and Ruth. Died August, 1846. 1847, February 4. Mr. Andrew Scott. In 1860 became Professor of Hebrew in the University of Aberdeen. Died, unmarried, 1870. PROFESSORS OF MATHEMATICS. 1703, May 4. Mr. Thomas Bowar. 66 "The principall and remanent masters takeing to their serious consideration how much it may be for the advancement of learneing and interest of the said University that the Mathematicks should be professed and taught therein " appoint Mr. Bowar at a salary of two hundred merks Scots with a seat at the College table. He obtains leave to go to Edinburgh, 5th July. Returns 27th November, 1704. Goes to London, 6th October, 1705. John Gordon, provost of Aberdeen, finds fault with Mr. George Liddel, professor of mathematicks in the Marischal College, turned him out of his post, and caused affix an edict upon the most patent door of the said college gate, inviting all men to come and dispute for the said Mr. Liddel's post, assuring them of detur digniori. But the said Mr. Liddel applied to the King's advocate, who assured him of the post; so that there was no diet appointed for the dispute. One Dr. Thomas Bower came from London to dispute for it; being disappointed, he protested against the magistrates of Aberdeen, for cost, skaith, and damage, etc. There- after, he applied to the Scots parliament holden at Edinburgh, anno 1707; and got 40l. fixed upon the town of Aberdeen, and 10l. sterling upon the town of Kirkaldie, to be professor of mathematicks in the King's College of Aberdeen. At that time the magistrates of Aberdeen were seeking a gift of the pennies, and said, They would be content to pay Dr. Bower the said 40l. if the parliament would give them the Old Town, Seaton and Spital, which was granted them. And so they fixed 40l. sterling on these towns. But the inhabitants of Old Aberdeen complained much for laying such a taxation on them, having never had pennies formerly. And, to free the inhabitants and brewers of Old Aber- deen from being troubled with New Aberdeen collectors of the pennies, the magistrates of Old Aberdeen, viz.: Mr. Alexander Fraser, regent at the King's College, Mr. William Gordon, Kintore, William Baxter and Alexander Troup, engaged and contracted with the magistrates of New Aberdeen, to pay them yearly the said 40l.; but this contract they made allenarly of themselves, with- out consent of the town or council of Old Aberdeen. But afterwards, the Old Town brewers suspended them, because Dr. Bower was gone to London, and did not officiate here in the said College as professor of mathematicks. Yet, notwithstanding the aforesaid magistrates of Old Aberdeen, who made this contract with the magistrates of New Aberdeen, without consent aforesaid, dismissed the suspension, and made them liable, by a decree of the Lords of 76 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Session, to pay the yearly pennies and expences. At last, anno 1717, Dr. Bower demitted; whereupon the town of New Aberdeen's collectors discharged the magistrates of Old Aberdeen of the said contract and pennies (which they paid yearly to them before the said Dr. Bower's dismission), July, 1719." Orem. "Dr. Thomas Bower had been nominated by the College as Professor of Mathematics, having been serviceable to the Scots Parliament in calculations relating to the equivalent; upon which account they recommended him to Queen Ann. . . . Admitted May, 1707 [Minute not now extant]. . . . The mathematical class having turned to little account, after a few years' trial, Dr. Bower returned to London and abandoned his charge, at first without formally resigning it. But afterwards he resigned it anno 1717, and the Magistrates of New Aberdeen discharged the above contract, anno 1719. Dr. Thomas Bower died at London, and was buried in Chelsea churchyard, where there is a grave- stone with an inscription over him." Gordon. 1732, October 31. Mr. Alexander Rait. Assistant to the Subprincipal, "had for some years after he commenced Master of Arts [17-] taught Mathematicks privatly in this College with great approbation . . . to profess and teach Mathematicks both publickly and privatly in the said College". [See under "Regents," 1800.] MURRAY LECTURERS." 1824, October 30. Professor Mearns. Professor Paul. Professor Forbes. Professor Scott. Two lectures published: On the Knowledge Requisite for the Attainment of Eternal Life. By Professor Mearns, 1825. 1825, April 1. Professor Mearns. Professor Paul. Professor Forbes. Professor Scott. Lectures [?] 1 The following entries are taken from the Minute Book of the Murray Trustees. See also Scottish Notes and Queries, I. 135, 155; III. 44, 45; V. 9; VI. 157. Alexander Murray, M.A., 1746; D.D., 1784; died at Philadelphia, 14th September, 1793, having by will, dated 6th September, bequeathed the residue of his estate (subject to his widow's liferent) "to my venerable cousin, the Rev. Dr. John Chalmers, and to the four Regents and Professors of my Alma Mater, the King's College and University of Aberdeen, in Scotland, and to their successors in office, for the encouragement, in the first place, of a clergyman to preach a course of lectures in the College Church on Sunday mornings, in the time of their Winter Sessions, on such subjects as they think fitted to tincture their students with just and liberal notions of pure and undefiled religion and virtue, without descending to party distinctions and controversy. This donation is also intended to remove, in some measure, the uncommon grievance and indecorum of their processions to their parish church in an inclement season. In this more unprejudiced critical age, it were to be wished that the famous Seminary would agree upon a form of public prayers and worship, with or without responses and instrumental music, to be used at these lectures, as is common in all other countries, to inure youth to the greater solemnity and order. . . . Two of the lectures at least I appoint to be printed, published and presented to the Trustees by the Lecturer every year." Mrs. Murray died 28th May, 1811. On 26th October, the Senatus agreed to appoint Mr. Paul lecturer, but he declined to act, 9th November, owing to differences of opinion in that body. Some doubt having arisen as to whether Dr. Murray intended the non-Regent Professors to act as Trustees, the question was submitted to Mr. Moir of Scotstoun as arbitrator, who decided in the negative. After considerable delays, owing in great measure to the strained relations between this country and the United States, the amount of the bequest was placed in the hands of the Trustees, yielding an annual income of about £190. The lecturers appointed during the first two Sessions had no salary, the money being placed at the disposal of the Senatus for the repair of the buildings. 78 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1826, April 8. George Gordon M'Lean, M.A., 1812; M.D., 1819. Professor of Oriental Languages in Marischal College, 1835-60. Salary, £120. Lectures [?] 1827, April 26. John Cruickshank, M.A., 1821. Minister of Turriff, 1850; D.D., 1866. David Williamson, M.A., 1822. Appointed joint lecturers, "on account of the youth and inexperience of the lecturers, with no intention of considering it as a precedent". Lectures: On the Superiority of the Gospel Information regarding the Divine Nature. By John Cruickshank. On the Connection between the Jewish and Christian Dispensations. By David Williamson, 1828. 1828, May 15. William Lillie, M.A., 1820. Minister of Wick, 1844; D.D., 1857. Duncan Robertson, M.A., 1820. Lectures: On the Futility of all Attempts to furnish an adequate Scheme of Religion without the Assistance of Revelation. By William Lillie, 1828. A State- ment of the Leading Causes of the Jews' Opposition to the Gospel. By Duncan Robertson, 1829. 1829, March 30. William Lillie. George Tulloch, M.A., 1830. Of class 1820. Afterwards headmaster of Bellevue House Academy. LL.D., 1847. Lectures: On the Reasonableness of Christianity. By William Lillie, 1830. And [?] 1830, March 27. George Tulloch. Alexander Taylor, M.A., 1825. Minister of Leochel Cushnie, 1839. D.D., 1855. Lectures: On the Parables of Our Lord. By George Tulloch, 1831. On Prophecy. By Alexander Taylor, 1831. 1831, March 28. Alexander Taylor. Robert Simpson, M.A., 1815. Minister of Kintore, 1833. Joined F. C., 1843. D.D., 1856. Lectures: On the Prophecies delivered by Our Saviour. By Alexander Taylor, 1832. On the Nativity, Crucifixion and Ascension of Our Lord. By Robert Simpson, 1832. 1832, April 6. Robert Simpson. James Ingram, M.A., 1826. Minister of Fala, 1844. Lectures: On the Early Progress of Christianity and the Preaching of the Apostles. By Robert Simpson, 1833. On the Epistle of Paul to the Romans. By James Ingram, 1833. MURRAY LECTURERS. 79 1833, April 18. James Ingram. Alexander Taylor. Lectures: On the Principles of Christian Morality. By James Ingram, 1834. And [?] 1834, April 14. George Tulloch. Robert Bremner, M.A., 1823. Minister of Banff, 1845. LL.D., 1856. Author of Travels in Russia. Lectures: On the Progress of Christianity in Asia Minor and Greece. By George Tulloch, 1835. What has Christianity done for Mankind? By Robert Bremner, 1835. 1835, May 13. William Henderson, M.A., 1822. Afterwards minister of a Scotch Church at Newcastle, in New Brunswick. Robert Macpherson, M.A., 1827. Resigned on his being appointed chaplain at Fort-George. Divinity, 1852. Succeeded by October 26. Peter Mackenzie, M.A., 1828. Professor of Minister of Urquhart, Ross-shire, 1844. D.D., 1875. Moderator of General Assembly, 1884. Lectures: On the Freeness of the Gospel Plan of Salvation, and its Tendency to enforce the Practice of Holiness. By William Henderson, 1836. The Moral Character of the Christian Religion. By Peter Mackenzie, 1836. 1836, April 2. William Henderson. Peter Mackenzie. Lectures: On the Danger of Unbelief. By William Henderson, 1837. On the Reasonable and Attractive Character of the Christian Religion. By Peter Mac- kenzie, 1837. 1837, April 8. Alexander Taylor. Donald Macdonald, M.A., 1830. Minister of Inverness, 1842. D.D., 1850. Lectures: On the Miracles wrought by Our Saviour. By Alexander Taylor, 1838. And [?] 1838, April 9. Alexander Taylor. Donald Macdonald. Lectures [?] 1839, April 11. James Greig, M.A., 1830. Minister of Chapel of Garioch, 1843. Adam Mitchell, M.A., 1843. Rector of Grammar School, Old Aberdeen; minister of Insch, 1844. Lectures: On the Life and Character of St. Paul. By James Greig, 1840. And [?] 80 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1840, May 11. James Greig. Adam Mitchell. Lectures: On the Life and Character of Balaam. By James Greig, 1841. And [?] 1841, April 2. John Morgan, M.A., 1827. Minister of Lerwick, 1844. Alexander Todd, M.A., 1835. Lectures: On the Typical Character of the Jewish Economy. By John Morgan, 1843. On the Third Commandment. By Alexander Todd, 1842. 1842, April 23. John Morgan. David Milne, M.A., 1830. Resigned, on appointment to Parish School of Fintray. Succeeded by June 21. Adam Mitchell. Lectures: On the Typical Character, etc., cont. By John Morgan. And [?] 1843, April 13. Adam Mitchell. Lectures [?] Peter Clerihew, M.A., 1834. 1844. John Falconer, M.A., 1834. Minister of New Byth, 1846. No minute of his election. Lectures: On the Epistle of Paul to the Philippians. 1846. 1845, May 14. John Falconer. Lectures [?] 1846, April 22. John Abel, M.A., 1841. Minister of Forgue, 1849. Lectures: On the Exodus of the Israelites. 1847. 1847. John Abel. No minute of election. Lectures: On the History of Our Saviour, 1848. 1848, April 22. John Abel. Lectures [?] 1849, April 2. James Fraser, M.A., 1845. Minister of S. Clement's, Aberdeen, 1850; afterwards of S. Michael's, Dumfries. D.D., 1866. Lectures [?] 1850, May 22. James Fraser. Resigned, and was succeeded by John Webster, M.A., 1843. Minister of Strichen, 1852; Cramond, 1858. D.D., 1885. Lectures: On the Epistles to the Hebrews. 1851. 1851, April 23. John Webster. Lectures: On the Parables. 1852. MURRAY LECTURERS. 81 1852, April 1. George Gordon Milne, M.A., 1845. Minister of Cortachy, 1858. Lectures [?] 1853, April 1. George Gordon Milne. Lectures On Sacrifice and Atonement, n.d. 1854, April 7. John Rannie, M.A., 1845. Parish schoolmaster, Coull. Afterwards minister of All Saints' Church, New Amsterdam. Lectures: 'no title, 1855. 1855, August 3. John Rannie. "With half of the salary . . . as was the practice previous to the year 1843[4]." Resigned, and was succeeded by George McIrvine, M.A., 1849. Parish schoolmaster of Aboyne. Afterwards civil chaplain, S. Louis, Mauritius. October I. Peter Colin Campbell, Principal. "The meeting taking into consideration the great advantages which would be conferred on the students and others attending the College Chapel, by affording them the services of an ordained Minister of the Church, who, by his greater maturity of years and superior experience, might be expected to exercise greater influence on his hearers, conjointly with those of a probationer of the Church annually appointed as hitherto; and being of opinion that the Rev. P. C. Campbell, recently appointed Principal of the College, possessed all the qualifications requisite for securing this important object, resolved to appoint the said Mr. Campbell to hold, during his occupancy of the office of Principal, one of the Murray Lectureships." Lectures: Christ the Light of the World. By George McIrvine, 1856. Christ Our Advocate. By Principal Campbell, 1860. 1856, May 17. Charles Macdonald, M.A., 1850. Afterwards Professor of Mathematics, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia. Principal Campbell. "Doubts having been raised . . . as to the legality of his appointment as one of the Lecturers, on the ground of his being a trustee," he undertook the duties without salary. In 1860, however, he was paid all arrears. See Minutes of 1858 Commission, p. 154. Lectures: The Parable of the Mustard Seed. By Charles Macdonald, 1857. Idolatry and Christianity. By Principal Campbell, 1860. 1857, June 26. Charles Macdonald. Principal Campbell. Lectures: Divine Repentance. Way to Faith and Knowledge. By Charles Macdonald, 1858. By Principal Campbell, 1860. L Obedience the 82 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1858, April 13. Charles Macdonald. Principal Campbell. Lectures: The Unknown God. By Charles Macdonald, 1859. What to Desire and Expect from the Divine Goodness. By Principal Campbell, 1860. 1859.¹ Charles Macdonald. Principal Campbell. No minute of election. Lectures: Labour. By Charles Macdonald, 1860. Principal Campbell, 1860. Watchfulness. By ¹ The Scottish Universities Commissioners (1858) by an Ordinance (No. 6, Aberdeen, No. 2) constituted three Lectureships, under Dr. Murray's bequest, to be held respectively by the Professors of Systematic Theology, Church History and Biblical Criticism. This Ordinance was petitioned against by upwards of 200 graduates of King's College, and was disallowed by the Queen in Council, on the ground that fifty years had not elapsed since the death of Mrs. Murray. But the Commissioners subsequently obtained an Act of Parliament (25 and 26 Vict., Cap. 28), empowering them to alter the conditions affecting the bequest; and by a new Ordinance (No. 74, Aberdeen, No. 34), they re-enacted the scheme described above. LECTURERS IN MEDICAL SCHOOL.' 1818. Dr. Charles Skene, Lecturer on Anatomy. Dr. William Dyce, Lecturer on Midwifery. Dr. George Barclay, Lecturer on Surgery. Dr. William Henderson, Lecturer on Materia Medica. Previously recognised as lecturers by Marischal College (Fasti Acad. Mariscall., p. 524), and now by the joint school. See Mrs. Rodger's Aberdeen Doctors. October 31. Dr. Alexander Ewing: Physiology. 1819, October 18. Dr. Robert White: Institutes of Medicine. Resigns 29th June, 1820. 1 The origin and nature of the joint Medical School is made clear by the following extract from the Minutes of King's College :- "6th July, 1818. "Said day the Medical Committee gave in their report, which was approved of, and the tenor whereof follows:-Aberdeen, May 16, 1818.—At a Meeting of the Committees of King's and Marischal Colleges, to arrange a plan for the establishment of a Medical School, held at Marischal College, 16th May, the following regulations were suggested, as most consistent with the constitution of the Colleges, and best adapted to promote the institution, which, under the joint patronage of the two Universities, may attain a greater character, and be more extensively useful, than it could if only supported by one of them. "1. Both Universities to have equal power over the Medical School. "2. Courses of Lectures to be given, during the Winter Session, on the following subjects:-Anatomy, Animal Economy, Surgery, Practice of Physic, Theory of Physic, Materia Medica, Clinical Medicine and Midwifery, and a course of Lectures on Botany during the Summer. "3. Lecturers on these subjects to be appointed or confirmed before the ensuing Session, or when the state of the School shall be thought to require this nomination. "4. As the appointment of the Lecturers by a general meeting of both Colleges, having no corporate capacity, might not be deemed valid by the separate Faculties, it is proposed that the nomination to the Lectureships shall belong alternately to each, neither appointing twice successively to the same Lectureship, and that the appointment thus made by one College shall be confirmed by the other; both Faculties entering a regulation in their minutes, binding themselves to this mode of alternate nomination and mutual confirmation. "5. Lecturers having been named by Marischal College on Anatomy, Surgery, and 84 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1820, August 28. Dr. Patrick Blaikie: Surgery. In place of Dr. Barclay, deceased. 1823, August 16. Dr. Alexander Ewing: Anatomy. In place of Dr. Skene, now Professor of Medicine, Marischal College. 1826, November 6. Mr. Alexander Fraser, M.A.: Midwifery. 1827, April 9. Dr. William Knight: Botany. Appointment made by Marischal College, where Dr. Knight was Professor of Natural Philosophy. He had taught Botany voluntarily since 1823. 1828, December 6. Dr. James Torrie : Institutes of Medicine. 1830, April 16. Dr. Alexander Ewing: Surgery. In place of Dr. Blaikie, deceased. May 14. Dr. William Pirrie, M.A.: Anatomy and Physiology. November 20. Dr. William Laing, M.A.: Clinical Medicine. The last four appointed by Marischal College: approved by King's. 1831, January 19. Dr. John Geddes: Institutes of Medicine. In place of Dr. Torrie, resigned. Materia Medica, before the present plan of joint patronage was thought of, it is recommended that these appointments should in the meantime be confirmed by King's College, and that the first nomination to the vacant Lectureships should proceed from the Faculty of King's College, and be confirmed by Marischal College. "6. In case the Professors of Medicine of the College should at any time wish to give Courses of Lectures, it will be advisable to reserve the Theory and Practice of Physic for them, the choice of either subject lying with the Professor that first undertakes the duty of lecturing. The appointment of Lecturers on these subjects may therefore be considered as ad interim. “7. Should any of the Lecturers allow a Session to pass without giving a regular Course, his appointment is to be declared void, unless he shall have been prevented from doing so by bad health, or such reasons as may be deemed satisfactory by the College with which the next nomination to his lectureship lies. "8. After the first nominations, when a vacancy is to be supplied in any of the established Courses, the College whose turn it is, shall appoint a Lecturer within six months after the vacancy has occurred; two meetings of the Faculty having been held, at a month's interval, to consider the best mode of supplying it, and the claims of different candidates. "9. To facilitate the arrangements necessary in opening and conducting the different Courses, it is recommended that a Standing Committee be appointed by each of the Faculties, to co-operate in superintending and promoting the objects of the Institution; and that a Report of the state of the Medical School be made at least once a year, by this Joint Committee, to a General Meeting of the Faculties of both Universities. "10. An equal number of Classes to be taught at each University, if required, and deemed expedient by either. In the meantime, as a room has been built at Marischal College for the Anatomical Lectures, and as the great difficulties attending the due supply of prepara- tions, etc., would be increased by changing the place of teaching, the Anatomical Course may be given at Marischal College; the other Courses either at King's or Marischal Colleges, as may be agreed on by the Committee." LECTURERS IN MEDICAL SCHOOL. 1834, September 16. Dr. William Laing: Surgery. In place of Dr. Ewing, resigned. 1839, July 23. Mr. Andrew Moir: Anatomy. Dr. Alexander Kilgour: Practice of Medicine. Lecturers in King's College only.¹ 1839, October 22. Mr. William Templeton: Institutes of Medicine. Mr. George Dickie: Botany. Mr. David Kerr: Surgery. Mr. Robert Robertson: Midwifery. Each for a period of five years. 85 November 23. Mr. William Charles Fowler: Medical Juris- prudence. 1840, October 20. Mr. George Dickie: Materia Medica. 1841, October 30. Mr. Alexander Fraser: Midwifery. Joint Lecturer. 1844, March 18. Mr. E. B. Shirreffs: Anatomy. September 28. Dr. William Templeton: Materia Medica. October 7. Mr. William Mitchell: Institutes of Medicine. 1845, June 10. Dr. George Ogilvie : Institutes of Medicine. October 25. Mr. Peter Redfern, F.R.C.S., Lond.: Anatomy. Professor of Anatomy, Queen's College, Belfast, 1860. 1846, November 13. Dr. Robert Jamieson: Medical Jurisprudence. 1847, September 15. Mr. George Rainy: Midwifery. 1849, June 22. Dr. Alexander Harvey: Practice of Medicine. Lecturer on Theory of Medicine, Marischal College; in place of Dr. Kilgour, resigned. July 31. Dr. David Mackintosh: Institutes of Medicine. In place of Dr. Ogilvie, resigned. 1850, February 7. Mr. John Christie: Botany. In place of Dr. Dickie, now Professor of Natural History, Queen's College, Belfast; and in 1860, Professor of Botany, University of Aberdeen. ¹On 11th April, 1839, the Senatus unanimously resolved, inter alia, "that all connection with the Marischal College in reference to the Medical School shall cease from and after the close of the Session," it being "inexpedient and even dangerous to maintain any further intercourse with Marischal College respecting the Medical School, when the letter and spirit of the original agreement have been so palpably violated". The Marischal College Senatus issued a pamphlet of Extracts from their Records. The Mediciner of King's College, Dr. W. Gregory, selected as his department Institutes of Medicine and Practical Chemistry,' but changed to 'Materia Medica,' instead of former, 1st October. 86 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. September 5. Mr. John Christie: Institutes of Medicine. In place of Dr. Mackintosh, resigned. 1851, February 15. Mr. Wyvill Thomson: Botany. In place of Mr. burgh, 1870. 1852, October II. Christie. Professor of Natural History, University of Edin- Dr. Robert Jamieson: Practice of Medicine. In place of Dr. Harvey, resigned. Dr. Duncan Reid: Medical Jurisprudence. Rev. John Longmuir: Natural History. 1853, January 22. April 9. April 22. Rev. John Crombie Brown: Botany. May 26. Dr. Joseph Williamson: Practice of Medicine. 1854, November 9. Dr. Robert Rattray: Materia Medica. 1857, May 1. Dr. Christie: Botany. To act for Rev. J. C. Brown during illness. LIBRARIANS." 1633. Mr. Robert Ogilvie, Regent. 1637. Mr. Alexander Middleton, Regent. 1642. Mr. Patrick Gordon, Regent. 1645. Mr. George Middleton, Regent. 1647. Mr. Patrick Sandilands, Regent. 1662. Mr. Andrew Massie, Regent. 1675. Mr. George Middleton, Regent. 16—. Mr. George Fraser, Regent. 1684. Mr. George Seaton.2 Catechist and Preacher of the Gospel in S. Machar's Church, Old Aberdeen. Minister of New Machar, 1687. 1687. Mr. Alexander Moore. Student of Divinity. Minister of Fraserburgh, 17—. 16—. Mr. John Robertson. Library accounts, 1701-16. Died circa 1709. 1709. Mr. Alexander Gordon, Humanist. 1718. Mr. William Barron. Student of Divinity. Minister of Ardclach, 1729. 1719. Mr. Robert Innes. Student of Divinity. Minister of Udny, 1722. 1721. Mr. Hector Mackenzie. Assistant in the Grammar School. 1726. Mr. James Chalmers. Fraser Divinity Bursar. Minister of Daviot, 1731. 1730. Mr. Alexander Fraser. Ibid. Minister of Avoch, 1736. ¹ There is no mention of a Library or a Librarian in the Bull of Erection, or the Founda- tions of 1505 or 1531. Bishop Stewart, 1532-45, is stated (Album Amicorum Coll. Reg.) to have built the librarie hous and with a number of bookes furnisht the same ". See "Notes on the University Libraries," Calendar for 1893-94, Appendix. 2 Bishop Patrick Scougal (d. 1682) and his son, Mr. Henry Scougal, seem to have presented upwards of 1000 volumes to the Library, on the understanding that the College should "entertain a Student of Divinity at the College table, who should be Bibliothecary, and should keep the doors of the Library patent two hours in the day ". • 88 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1733. Mr. Thomas Gordon. Assistant Regent, 1734. 1740. Mr. Hector Fraser. Fraser Divinity Bursar.¹ 1741. Mr. Alexander Nicolson. Ibid. 1744. Mr. Patrick Gordon. Ibid. Minister of Thurso, 1752. 1747. Mr. John Lundie. Ibid. 1748. Mr. Alexander Fraser. Ibid. 1752. Mr. William Jack. Ibid. Master of Northmaving, 1765. D.D., 1803. Jack. 1756. Mr. Hugh Macleod. 1759. Mr. William Balingal. Master of the Parish School, Old Aberdeen. 1766. Mr. John Orcherton. 1771. Mr. John Gray. 1800. Mr. Ewen Maclachlan. Father of Principal Assistant to Mr. Gray, parochial schoolmaster. To receive 300 merks Scots per annum. Effusions, etc. Succeeded Mr. Gray 1819; died 1822. Author of Metrical 1819. Mr. John Memes. Substitute for Fraser Bursar. Minister of Hamilton, 1844. And Mr. William Campbell. Watt Bursar. 1821. Mr. William Campbell. 1823. Mr. Andrew Fraser. Fraser Bursar. Minister of Oyne, 1843. 1826. Mr. Alexander Fraser. Ibid. "Absconded" in 1830 with a number of books (2nd Report of 1836-7 Commission, p. III). 1 ¹ By will, of date 10th September, 1730, Dr. James Fraser, a frequent benefactor of the College, bequeathed £220, South Sea Stock, for the maintenance, inter alios, of "a bursar in theology and library keeper during four years . . of the name of Fraser of the town or shire of Inverness"; to receive £6 per annum and to be nominated by the magistrates and ministers of Inverness "out of their school" with the concurrence of the Presbytery of Inverness. LIBRARIANS. 89 1830. Mr. Simon Fraser. Ibid. When he demitted in 1834 many volumes were missing, and a portion of his salary was retained as compensation. (Ibid.) Afterwards minister of Free Church, Canada. 1834. Rev. Alexander Taylor. See under "Murray Lecturers ". 1839. Mr. Robert Cruickshank. 1841. Mr. John Primrose. 1844. Dr. George Dickie. Lecturer on Botany. Professor in the University of Aberdeen, 1860. 1849. Rev. James Leslie. 1850. Dr. Robert Bower. 1856. Rev. Thomas Annand. Minister of Keith, 1857. 1857. Rev. John Fyfe. See under "Regents," 1821. Librarian in the University of Aberdeen, 1860; Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1876. M CANTORS.¹ 15. Mr. James Awell. Name appears from July, 1519 (Gordon, I. 75), to April, 1546 (O. C., x. 1). 15-. Mr. John Hay. Name appears from May, 1549 (Parch. Chart., p. 130), to June, 1567 (Gordon, II. 175). 1634, February 21. Mr. Gilbert Ross. O. C., xxiii. 23. In April, 1639, was In April, 1639, was "dischargeit as ane vnprofitabill member" by a Commission or General Assembly (Spalding, I. 166). • • • • 1 "Insuper pro divini cultus . majori augmentatione volumus et ordinamus quod sint in dicto collegio octo prebendarii in sacerdotio constituti . . . inter quos primus erit Cantor cujus officium erit in elevatione et depressione circa cantum cantores regere et chorum gubernare ac ministros altaris in tabula ordinare scolas per se tenere et in eisdem hujusmodi quatuor pueros et alios bursarios in cantu instruere et docere ac singulos in choro et scolis transgressores et errores circa cantum et ceremonias punire corrigere et reformare assignamus predicto Cantori viginti marcas." Foundation of 1505. "Quia constituimus dictum Cantorem principaliorem personam inter dictos capellanos volumus quod singulis annis ultra prefatam suam distributionem percipiet a procuratore dicti collegii et fructibus ejusdem tresdecim solidos et quatuor denarios pro superpelliceo caputio foderato et almusio de byse per eundem inveniendis." Confirmation of 1531. SACRISTS.¹ 15-. Mr. Patrick Hay. Name appears, 1519 (Gordon, I. 75). 15-. Mr. James Portar. Named in Charters 12th February, 1533 (Parch. Chart., p. 141), and 17th April, 1539 (O. C., xix. 5). 15. Mr. Alexander Wrycht. Named in Charters from 3rd December, 1541, to 5th March, 157ţ (Gordon, II. 177, 175). 16-. Alexander Cruickshank. Named in Charters from 21st November, 1609, to 5th August, 1626 (Gordon, II. 177, 179). 16. Patrick Innes. Minutes from 27th December, 1638, to 1st January, 1643. 1666, October 24. John Ross. 1711, August 22. John Hay. In place of Ross, deceased. 1717, December 16. Alexander Irving. In place of Hay, discharged. Cf. Minute of 1st May, 1716, when John Dey is "porter" or sub-janitor. Latter gets £8 yearly for taking care of the clock, 7th November, 1720; demits on account of age and infirmity 20th November, 1739, when his son, James Dey, succeeds. 1722, December 10. Robert Gordon. In place of Irving, deceased. 1733, July 9. Archibald Campbell. In place of Gordon, deceased. Excise officer at Bridge of Don (Rect. Min.). Fiscal to Dr. Alexander Fraser, baillie for College Bounds, 14th November, 1735. 1751, April 22. Thomas Spark. In place of Campbell, demitted. Servant to Sir Arthur Forbes: to be Sacrist and Economus; but ceases to hold latter office 16th August, 1753. ¹ The Sacrist was originally one of the Prebendaries, and ranked next to the Cantor. His duties are detailed at great length in the Foundations of 1505 and 1531. His priestly functions ceased at the Reformation. 92 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S college. 175-. James Dey. Thomas Mitchell becomes porter, but is discharged for keeping a public house 20th September, 1757, when James Cock succeeds; followed by James Rennie, 29th April, 1795. 1761, February 14. John Robertson. In place of Dey, deceased. Servant to Sir Arthur Fraser, Lord Strichen (2nd November). Suspended for three weeks, because of repeated acts of drunkenness, 12th February, 1794. On 7th November, 1795, "still frequently gets drunk". 179-. James Rennie. Previously sub-janitor; succeeded in latter office by John Thomson. 1803, June 11. John Thomson. Previously sub-janitor; succeeded in latter office by David Cromar. 1843, October 7. John Smith. In place of Thomson, deceased. Had succeeded Cromar as sub-janitor 2nd November, 1842; and in turn was succeeded by John Begg, 1st November, 1843. Smith and Begg remained in office till the union in 1860. ECONOMISTS. 1585, February 26. Beroald Innes. "Lector verbi dei apud ecclesiam sancti Mauritii" (O. C. xxxv. 16). 1631, October 28. Thomas Mercer. Contract (N. C., lii.). 16-. James Fraser. Liber Rationum, September 20, 1653. 1668, June 13. George Straton. 16. In place of Fraser, demitted. Minute of Agreement (N. C., lii.). Salary 6 bolls meal, 6 bolls bear and 100 merks. Robert Wilsone. 1718, July 30. George Law. In place of Wilsone, discharged. 1722, August, 22. William Jaffray. In place of Law. Cf. July 2. 17. Alexander Walker. 1743, March 23. Archibald Campbell. Sacrist. In place of Walker, discharged. 1751, April 22. Thomas Spark.. In place of Campbell, demitted. 1753, August 16. Alexander Leslie. Vintner, Edinburgh. 1756, October 1. Miss Eleanor Ker. 1764, April 9. Mrs. Webster. 17-. Mrs. Low. 1809, Mrs. Strachan. In place of Mrs. Low. 1816, October 12. Mrs. Skinner. ¹ The term Economus does not occur in the early Foundations, though mention is made of a "Provisor idoneus qui eorundem in dicto collegio expensis quoad esculenta et poculenta provideat". The functions of the Economus are described in the Nova Fundatio. (Appx. II.) 94 UNIVERSITY AND king's college. 1818, August 25. Mrs. Morison. 1823, October 26. Mrs. Westland. 1826, October 9. Mrs. Captain Pirie. 1836, January 30. Economus warned to remove at Whitsunday. GRADUATES OF THE UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE ABERDEEN et と ​aist 榮 ​Ca. Mum S. Sancta (4) reologia, Canonici aut Civilis, uris reducing Faculta. honore aliquo, accalaureatus ejcentratis * sunt Podcratios Gradi insoned curd in inclyta Acasemia Régia Aberconense. MDCCXXII GRADUATES OF THE UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. DOCTORS OF DIVINITY.' 15-. Joannes Adamus, S. Th. Magister seu S. Th. D. creatus est primus in Universitate et Collegio Regio Aberdonensis. Hect. Boet. Hist. 15. S. Th. Magister seu Doctor creatus est Hector Boetius, primus Collegii Regii Principalis. [See ante, p. 23.] 1620. S. Th. Doctor creatus est ab instauratâ Religione primus, Mr. David Rhaetus, Collegii Regii Principalis. S. Th. D. creatus est Joannes Forbesius idemque celeberrimus S. Theologiae Professor institutus primus a Venerando Suo Parente Patricio Forbesio a Corse Episcopo Aberdonensis, Universitatis Cancellario. [Graduation Theses, De Libero Arbitrio and De Sacramentis, printed in Edinburgh.] 1627, July 31. Alexander Scroggie. ["V. D. M. in Cathedrali Ecclesia Aberd." Thesis, De Imperfectione Sanc- torum, printed by Raban. But see also Edmond's Aberd. Printers, p. 32.] 1"In regard the last Album for graduates in Divinity, Law, Physick and Philosophy is amissing, the Masters appoint the library keeper to provide a new book and carefully insert the names of all the graduates henceforth, as also the vouchers and testimonials to be kept in a separate shelf or shutle." Minute of 9th June, 1719. The Register hereby authorised is the Album [C] eorum qui in S. Sanctae Theologiae, Juris Canonici aut Civilis, et Medicinae Facultatibus, honore aliquo, Baccalaureatûs scil., Licentiatûs aut Doctoratûs gradu insigniti sunt in inclytâ Academiâ Regiâ Aberdonensi, MDCCXXII.; whose illuminated title-page is reproduced, to a scale of one half, on the opposite leaf. The roll of Doctors of Divinity down to 1815 is now printed from the Album in question ; from 1815 to 1858 from Album E; but with the insertion of notes and of additional names from other records. Such insertions are distinguished by the use of square brackets, and the source of the information, where not specially indicated, may be taken to be the Minute Books of the Faculty or Senatus (see Preface). N 98 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. [After 1627. William Leslie of Aikenway. In succession Humanist, Regent, Subprincipal, Principal. "He received the degrees both of bachelor and doctor when he was subprincipal." Orem.] [1628. James Sibbald. See under "Bachelors of Divinity". Thesis for Doctorate printed by Raban. Edmond's Printers, p. 29.] 163-. S. Th. Doctor creatus est doctissimus Baronius. [The date is wrong. Robert Baron's Thesis for the Doctorate, De Formali Objecto Fidei, was printed by Raban in 1627, and shows the degree to have been conferred on 30th July in that year. But see also Edmond's Printers, p. 32.] 163-. Alexander Ross. See his "Consolatorie Sermon" in Forbes' Funerals. Leslie, Sibbald, Baron and Ross were the six "Aberdeen Doctors" who in 1638 propounded the "Queries concerning the Covenant" to the Covenanting Commissioners. Gordon's Scots Affairs, I. 82.] in Forbes' Funerals. Forbes, Scroggie, [1631. John Lundie. See Edmond's Printers, p. 38.] [1634, December 30. Andrew Strachan. "Presbyter." Thesis, De Natura et Objecto Religiosi, printed by Raban.] [1635, September 21. John Gordon. "Ecclesiastes Elginensis." Thesis, De Ecclesia et Reali Presentia, printed by Raban.] [1674, August II. Henry Scougal. Professor-elect of Divinity. Thesis, De Objecto Cultus Religiosi, printed by John Forbes, younger.] [1681, February 2. James Garden. Professor-elect of Divinity. Thesis, De Gratiae Efficacia, printed by John Forbes, younger.] [17—. Innes. Library Accounts, 1701-16. Probably George Innes, minister of Belhelvie.] [1704, December 14. George Anderson. Professor-elect of Divinity. Thesis, De Efficacia Mortis Christi, printed by John Forbes' successors.] !1711,1 February 7. David Anderson. Professor-elect of Divinity. Thesis, De Peccato Originali, printed by James Nicol.] 11711, September 7. Dues to Library for degree of Doctor or Bachelor of Divinity, in absentia, fixed at £30 Scots. DOCTORS OF DIVINITY. 99 [1713, August 3. Mr. John Lammie. M.A. of this University: now Rector of Stains, near London. Recommended by Dr. Scott. College Minutes.] [October 19. Mr. Alexander Scrimsour. Professor of Theology in the New College of S. Andrews.] [1714, January 2. Mr. John Sharp. • • "Educated in this Colledge, and having been Chaplain to her Majesties Garison in New York these twelve years past publictly in the Colledge Church, where after his graduatione he was to have a latine discourse upon some subject in theologie." This discourse, De Rebus Liturgicis, printed by James Nicol.] [1718, May 10. Mr. Foord. Chaplain to the Duke of Whartone.] [1726,¹ April 8. Mr. Alexander Garden. (( M.A. of this University, minister of the Gospel in South Carolina, who designs some benefactions to this Society".] 1728, December 23. SS. Theologiae Doctores renunciati sunt sequentes:- 11726, April 25. Forms of Diplomas agreed on for graduates in Theology, Law, Medicine, and Philosophy, and appointed to be recorded in the Album. That for Doctors in Theology is appended. "Formula Diplomatis SS. Theologiae Magistris scu Doctoribus deinceps concedendi ex Senatus Academici decreto XXV. Aprilis, A.D. MDCCXXVI. "Universis et Singulis, in quacumque dignitate constitutis, quorum haec nosse interest, Senatus Collegii Regii inclytae Universitatis Aberdonensis S. I. D. S. "Noveritis nos, ea auctoritate quam summi ac potentissimi principes Almae huic Universitati amplissimam indulsere, Tabellarum praesentium latorem, reverendum ac eruditum virum, A.B., Presbyterum [Diaconum] Ecclesiae Scoticanae [Anglicanae] Sacrosanctae Theologiae Doctorem et Magistrum constituisse, creasse, proclamasse, renunciasse ex Senatus Academici decreto, promovente reverendo viro, Magistro [Dectore] G.C., Collegii Regii Principali, et SS. Theologiae Professore primario (omnibus quae dignitatis ratio aut Academiae consuetudo postulat rite peractis). Necnon eidem potestatem fecisse docendi legendi, scribendi, commentandi, omniaque id genus praestandi, quae hic aut alibi uspiam SS. Theologiae Doctoribus et Magistris concedi solent; omnibusque honoribus dignitatibus et privilegiis ipsum affecisse et ornasse, quibus affici et ornari solent qui ad illum dignitatis gradum ullubi terrarum legitima ratione evehuntur. Quod ut felix faustumque sit, Deum ter Optimum Maximum comprecamur. In cujus rei fidem Tabellas hasce communi Universitatis Sigillo et chirographis nostris muniendas curavimus. Aberdoniae, e Collegio Regio dictae Universitatis A.Æ.C. MDCCXXVI., die vero mensis, Aprilis XXVto," 100 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Dr. Obediah Hughes. Dr. Johannes Cumming. Dr. Johannes Evans. Dr. Gul. Harris. Dr. Jabes Earle. Dr. Isacus Watts. V. D. Ministri Londinenses. 1732, August 29. Dr. Johannes Guise. Dr. Thomas Ridgely. [Dissenting ministers of the city of London.] 1737. Dr. Phil. Dodderidge, V. D. Minister apud Northampton. [Minute of 5th July.] [1738, July 10. Mr. Archibald Campbell. Professor of Church History, University of S. Andrews.] [1739, July 17. Mr. John Leland. Minister of the Gospel in Dublin, who "had done eminent service in his Defences of Christianity against the Deists".] [1740, February 21. Mr. William Colvil. Chaplain to Viscount Weymouth and Rector of Corsely in Wiltshire.] 1746, May 27. Dr. Joannes Chalmers Collegii Regii Principalis. 1746. SS. Theologiae Doctores renunciati sunt sequentes, promo- vente Doctore Joanne Chalmers Collegii Regii Principali. 1746, November 29. Mr. Petrus Hay, V. D. M. apud Dantiscum. [Minister of British Church. Min. of 24th October, 1745.] 1747, August 24. Thomas Thackeray. [B.D. Cantab., and Rector of Heydon, Essex.] 1749, December 25. Jonathan Mayhew, V. D. M. [Boston, New England, M.A. Recommended by William Shirley, Governor of Massachusetts Bay.] 1751, March 5. Mr. Edmundus Baxter, a Sacris Cohorti, nuper sub imperio Ducis de Hargrave. 1756, March 30. Dr. Samuel Chandler. [Minister of the Gospel at London.] April 8. Dr. Samuel Wood. [Minister at Norwich. Rec. by Dr. John Guyle and Dr. John Walker, ministers in London.] DOCTORS OF DIVINITY. ΙΟΙ 1759, March 10. Dr. Gulielmus Smith. [Provost of the College at Philadelphia.] June 19. Dr. Parker Rowlands. [Rec. by Drs. Dickson, Simpson, Cokayne.] 1760, May 27. Mr. Alexander Carlyle. [Minister of the Gospel at Inveresk.] Mr. Gilbertus Hamilton. [Minister of the Gospel at Cramond.] 1761, April 22. Mr. Joannes Ker, V. D. Minister apud Forfar. [See also under M.D.'s., same date.] May 16. Mr. Joannes Hyndman, V. D. M., apud Edinburg. [West Kirk, near Edinburgh.] October I. Mr. Georgius Campbell, Principalis Academiae Marischallanae Aberdonensis. Mr. Alexander Gerard, SS. T. Professor in dicta Academiâ Marischallanâ. Mr. Henricus Spens, V. D. M. November 20. Mr. Joannes Macpherson, V. D. M. apud Slate. 1763, April 1. Mr. Gulielmus Langford, V. D. M. Londinensis. [M.A. Dissenting minister. Rec. by Drs. Earle and Walker, Dissenting clergymen, London.] Mr. Joannes Conder. [Pastor of a congregation, London, and Divinity tutor in the Academy at Mile-end Green. Rec. by Dr. Walker.] Mr. Samuel Stennet. [Minister of Dissenting congregation, London. Minute of 30th October, 1762.] August 16. Mr. Joannes Charles. [Minister of the English congregation at Amsterdam. Rec. by the Rector. Minute of 29th August.] 1764, May 5. Mr. Joannes Hodge. [Dissenting minister, London. Rec. by Drs. Langford and Walker, London. Minute of 14th May.] July 3. Principalis. Mr. Gulielmus Robertson, Academiae Edinburgenae [Ad eundem. Minute of 12th July.] December 12. Mr. Thomas Gibbons. [Dissenting minister in London, one of the teachers in Academy at Mile-end Green. Rec. by Drs. Langford, Hodge and Walker.] 102 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1765, September 17. Mr. Matherus Byles, V. D. Minister apud Bos- tonionses in Novâ Angliâ. ["Recommended in a very ample manner by the learned and ingenious Dr. Benjamin Franklin." M.A. Harvard, 1728.] 1769, April 17. Mr. Jacobus Robertson, LL.OO. Professor in Academiâ Edinburgenâ. 1770, March 2. Mr. Gulielmus Moore. [Minister of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Rec. by Drs. William Langford and Thomas Gibbon.] May 5. Mr. Jacobus Watson, V. D. M. Londinensis. [Alumnus, Dissenting clergyman. Rec. by Dr. John Walker.] 1773, January 23. Cathanesiâ. Mr. Georgius Trail, V. D. M. de Dunnet in [Proposed by Principal.] October 15. Jenkin Jenkins, V. D. M. apud Carmarthen in Valliâ Australi. [Rec. by Drs. Thomas Amery, Pirie, Andrew Kippis, and J. Williams.] November 9. Mr. Alexander Duncan, V. D. M. apud Smallholm. 1774, May 12. Mr. Joannes Aiken, in Academiâ de Warrington. July 6. Mr. Jacobus Thom, V. D. M. apud Castleacre in comitatu Norfolciensi. September 27. Mr. Patricius Grant, V. D. Minister apud Urrey in comitatu Rossiae, hujus Universitatis alumnus. 1776, February 24. R. Mr. Patricius Nisbet, V. D. Minister apud Hutton. 1778, February 3. R. Mr. Richardus Hannot Bennet, Anglus, Vicarius apud Cobham in comitatu de Surry, hujus Academiae alumnus. May 4. R. Mr. Henricus Whinfield de Windsor et Vicarius apud Marlborough. [B.A. Cantab. Rec. by Mr. Hugh Macleod and Rev. Francis Bathie.] November 13. Dr. Gulielmus Parry, Vicarius de Stoke in comi- tatu de Kent. [Rec. by Bishops of Gloucester, Hereford and Rochester.] 1779, May 11. Dr. Joannes Cumming, A.M., Verbi Divini Minister apud Andover in comitatu Hantoniensi. 1780, July 25. Dr. Hugo Macleod, Historiae Ecclesiasticae in Aca- demiâ Glasguensi Professor. DOCTORS OF DIVINITY. 103 1780, November 20. Dr. Gulielmus Morgan, Rector de Kingston in insulâ Jamaica. [Alumnus.] 1781, May 16. Dr. Jacobus Ogilvie, Presbyter Ecclesiae Anglicanae in provincia Americanâ Virginiae. August 7. Dr. Joannes Touch, V. D. Minister Edinburgi hujus Academiae alumnus et Artium Magister. 1782, August 3. Dr. Donaldus MacKinnon, Vicarius de Clay Brook in comitatu Leicestriensi, hujus Academiae alumnus. August 6. Dr. Joannes Brown, V. D. Minister de Newhills. Dr. Joannes Glennie, V. D. Minister de Mary Culter. 1783, March 4. Dr. Josephus Laurentius Littlehales, Rector de Grendon-Underwood in comitatu de Buckingham. [Rec. by Wm. Perry, D.D., and Wm. Gerard of Islington.] June 17. Dr. Thomas Robins, S. T. Baccalaureus et Praecentor in Ecclesiâ Cathedrali apud Bristol. [M.A. Cantab. Rec. by Rev. Joseph Easterbrook, Dr. J. T. Adams and Cornelius Bayley.] September 8. Dr. Cornelius Bayley, Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyter. [Rec. by Thomas Robins, D.D., Bristol, and Samuel Butler, LL.B., Norton.] 1784, February 17. Dr. Alexander Murray, Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyter. [M.A., 1746. Late Missionary at Reading in Pennsylvania. Rec. by Drs. T. B. Chandler and Charles Inglis. Founder of Murray Lectures.] April 10. Dr. Franciscus Bathie, hujus Universitatis alumnus et ex eâdem viginti abhinc annis Artium Magister, Rector de Lanmaes in comitatu de Glamorgan, et Domino Vicecomiti de Mountstuart a sacris. [On Dr. B.'s personal application.] August 10. Dr. Gulielmus Walter. [M.A. Harvard, 1759. Rec. by Sir William Pepperill, Bart., Mather Byles, D.D., Robert Auchmuty.] 1785, January 24. Dr. David Evans, Collegii Sacrosanctae Trinitatis in Academiâ Cantabrigiensi alumnus et Rector de West Tilbury in comitatu Essexiae. [Rec. by Drs. Bailie, Burslem and Stephens.] 104 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1786, June 19. Dr. Richardus Caddick, Collegii Ecclesiae Christi in Oxoniâ Artium Baccalaureus et V. D. Minister, Capellaniae Sanctae Trinitatis apud Knightsbridge London Capellanus. [Rec. by Dr. John Free, John Trotter and Wm. Parry.] 1787, May 8. Dr. Thomas Rees, Rector de Kingston in insulâ de Jamaica. [Rec. by Dr. William Morgan, late Rector of Kingston, and Rev. Mr. Francis Dauney.] 1788, May 12. Dr. Gilbertus Gerard, V. D. M. apud Amsterdam. [Alumnus. Afterwards Professor.] 1789, November 28. R. Magister Caleb Evans, in civitate Bristoliae V. D. M. [Presiding tutor in a Dissenting Academy. Rec, by Rev. Samuel Stennet and Dr. Rice Harris, London.] 1791, June 20. R. Vir Isaacus Twycross, V. D. Minister de S. Ed- mond the King et S. Nicholas Acons Lombard St. London. [Rec. by William Parry, D.D., Richard Caddick, D.D., and John Grose, M.A.] 1792, August 20. R. Vir Magister Jacobus Paton, V. D. M. apud Craig. [Known to several of the members "as a gentleman of very respectable character ".] 1793, January 8. R. Magister Rodericus Macleod, V. D. M. in Capella Sancti Pauli apud Aberdoniam, hujus Academiae alumnus. January 16. R. Magister Josephus Jenkins, V. D. Minister in Urbe Wrexham, hujus Universitatis alumnus. [And M.A. Dissenting congregation.] October 7. R. Dominus Gulielmus Tait, Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyter necnon parochiae de Luffinham in comitatu Rutlandiae Rector. 1794, August 18. R. Jacobus Davidson, hujus Universitatis alumnus ac in eadem Artium Magister necnon Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyter et in Wiltoniae comitatu Rector parochiae de Buttermere. [Rec. by Revs. William McKenzie, D. McLean, Weneham, and Roderick McLeod, Weelly.] October 9. R. Magister Joannes Young, Evangelii Minister in Hawick, Tractatuum de Regimine etc. utilitati et concordiae. publicae tempestive inservientium Auctor. November 27. R. Magister Andreas Brown, Verbi Divini Minister apud Falcolandiam in comitatu Fifensi. DOCTORS OF DIVINITY, 105 1795, January 1. R. Alexander Grant, hujus Universitatis alumnus, Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyter, necnon quondam Ecclesiae de Chaffcombe in comitatu Somersetensi Rector et Scholae Grammati- calis apud Henley in comitatu Oxoniensi Moderator supremus. May 18. R. Magister Joannes McLeod, V. D. Minister de Harris. October 23. R. Magister Jacobus Sherriffs, V. D. Minister senior in Nova Aberdonia. R. Magister Georgius Gordon, V. D. Minister in Nova Aberdonia. 1796, May 28. R. Magister Jacobus Hogg, V. D. Minister apud Skene. 1797, March 15. R. Magister Robertus Douglas, V. D. Minister in parochia de Gallashiels. [Rec. by Sir John Sinclair.] 1800. SS. Theologiae Doctores renunciati sunt sequentes, promo- vente Reverendo Doctore Roderico McLeod Collegii Regii Aberdonensis Principali. 1800, May 30. R. Thomas French, Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyter apud Lambeth. [Rec. by Drs. G. Gregory and James Twycross, London.] July 28. R. Laurentius [Hynes] Halloran, Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyter. [Rec. by Drs. Crowther and Ellicombe, Devonshire.] 1803, April 27. R. Magister Martinus Macpherson, V. D. Minister apud Sleat in Skie. R. Magister Gulielmus Jack, V. D. Minister apud North Maven, Shetland. 1804, January 31. R. Magister Alexander Spark, hujus Academiae alumnus et V. D. Minister in Quebec. August 15. R. Magister Archibaldus Gray, hujus Academiae alumnus, et V. D. Minister in Halifax, Nova Scotià. November 7. R. Magister Claudius Buchannan, Collegii Ben- galensis Praefectus Vicarius. [Had presented 100 volumes, published by the College of Fortwilliam.] 1805, July 13. R. Magister Jacobus Lindsay, hujus Academiae alum- nus et V. D. Minister apud Newington Green, Londini. 1808, May 13. R. Mag. Robertus Colvin, V. D. M. apud Johnston. [Rec. by Drs. D. Grant and Robert Blair.] O 106 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1808, July 2. R. Mag. Ronaldus Bayne, V. D. M. apud Kiltarlity. [Rec. by Drs. Brown and Shirrefs, Aberdeen.] September 13. R. Mag. Joannes Burn, V. D. M. de Barony Parish Glasguae. [Rec. by Drs. Robert Balfour and Stevenson McGill, Glasgow.] 1809, February 18. R. Mag. Weldon Champneys, Subdiaconus Cathedrae Sancti Pauli, Londini. [Rec. by Drs. John Forbes, E. Drax Free and A. B. Owen.] August 28. R. Mag. Gulielmus Mairis, A.M. Oxoniensis, Rector Sancti Petri, Wellingford in comitatu de Berceia. [Rec. by Rev. R. Valpey, D.D., Reading, Edward Barry, M.D., Wallingford, and Rev. Joseph Hamilton, D.D.] 1811, January 22. R. Mag. Joannes Strachan, hujus Academiae alum- nus et Ecclesiae apud Cornwall in Canada Super. Rector. [Gratis.] February 7. R. Mag. Patricius Davidson, V. D. M. apud Rayne. 1812, September 20. R. Mag. Robertus Duff, V. D. M. apud King Edward. August 15. R. Mag. Joannes Bethune, hujus Academiae alumnus et V. D. M. apud Dornoch. R. Mag. Alexander Downie hujus Universitatis alumnus et V. D. M. apud Lochalsh. 1814, February 15. R. Mag. Alexander Mackintosh, hujus Academiae alumnus et Ecclesiae Scoticanae quae est apud Amstelodam. 1815, February 17. R. Mag. Ludovicus Gordon, V. D. Minister apud Drainy. [Rec. by Rev. Francis Nicoll, D.D., Strathmartin, and Dr. Gerard.] August 31. R. Mag. Ricardus Etough, Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyter.¹ [Rec, by Drs. Charles Abbott, Oakley, and Robert Moore, Thurleigh.] 1819,2 May 12. R. Thomas Edmunds Williams, apud Reading. [Chaplain to the county of Berks, and Curate of S. Mary's. Rec. by Drs. Edward Barry, George Scobell and William Mairis.] ¹ The last entry in the Album [C] eorum, etc., 1722. Subsequent names are taken from the Album E. 2[1819, January 30. New regulations approved for conferring degree of D.D. Every candidate to transmit a statement of his literary and theological education, of the Church with which he holds communion, and of his works; with certificates from two D.D.'s, of the Churches either of England or Scotland, bearing evidence to the truth of the statements in his memorial. Fee trebled (January 9).] DOCTORS OF DIVINITY. 107 1823, April 19. R. Angus McIntosh, V. D. M. apud Tain. [M.A. Rec. by Drs. David Cruden and James Ross.] December 15. R. Thomas Rogers. [A member of the Church of England. Drs. Roderick Macleod and Richard Yates.] 1824, July 7. R. Gulielmus McKenzie, A.M. [Rector and Vicar of Barmash, Sussex. Drs. Barlow and Nares.] November 27. R. Georgius Morrison, V. D. M. apud Banchory Devenick. 1840, October 6. R. [William] Robertson, A.M., apud Cape of Good Hope. [Minister of Dutch Protestant Church.] 1841, September 28. R. Jacobus Murray, A.M., S. T. Bac. apud Bermuda. [Alumnus, minister of S. George's there.] 1844, September 28. R. Joannes Horsley Dakins, Coll. SS. Trin. Cantab. · [Priest in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Drs. William Whitford Dakins and Charles Wesley.] [November 4. Rev. William Pirie, M.A. Professor of Divinity in Marischal College.] 1846, July 15. R. J. R. Barber, A.B. Dubl., apud Lambeth. [Minister of S. Paul's, Vauxhall. Drs. Dealtry and Rice.] 1847, March 6. R. Alexander Neil Bethune, in Canada. [Rector of Coburg. Bishops of Toronto and of Aberdeen.] 1849, February 10. Golspie. R. Alexander Macpherson, A.M., V. D. M. apud R. Thomas Barclay, A.M., V. D. M. apud Currie. [Afterwards Principal of Glasgow University.] R. Simon McIntosh, A.M., V. D. M. apud Aberdon. November 24. R. Gulielmus Jack, Principalis. 1850, April 2. R. Donaldus Macdonald, A.M., V. D. M. apud Inverness. [Formerly Murray Lecturer. Professors Fyfe and Scott dissented.] R. Georgius Mackay, A.M., V. D. M. apud Rafford. 1852, July 1. R. Robertus Macpherson, A.M., V. D. M. apud Forres. SS. Theologiae in hac Univ. Professor designatus. R. Samuel Trail, A.M., J. U. D., V. D. M. apud Birsay. ["Who as the other candidate for the above office impressed the examiners most favourably with respect to his distinguished talents and attainments.”] 108 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1853, April 9. R. Horatius Bonar, V. D. M. apud Kelso. Devenick. R. Gulielmus Duguid, A.M., V. D. M. apud Glass. R. Gulielmus Paul, A.M., V. D. M. apud Banchory R. David Mactaggart, A.M., V. D. M. apud Aberdon. December 17. R. Alexander Urquhart, A.M., V. D. M. apud Newburn in comitatu Fif. 1855, October 5. R. Alexander Taylor, A.M., V. D. M. apud Leochel- Cushnie. R. Alexander Brander, A.M., V. D. M. apud Duffus. December 1. R. Petrus Colinus Campbell, A.M., V. D. M. Collegii Regii Aberdonensis Principalis SS. Theol. Doctor Edin. ad eundem gradum. December 22. R. Henricus Henderson, A.M., V. D. M. apud Kinclaven in comitatu de Perth. 1856, November 8. R. Vir Jacobus Cruickshank, V. D. M. apud Fyvie. A.M. hujus Univ. [1806]. R. Vir Robertus Simpson, V. D. M. apud Kintore. A.M. hujus Univ. [1815]. R. Vir Jacobus Spence, V. D. M. apud Londinum. A.M. hujus Univ. [1844]. [Minister of Congregational Church, Poultry.] December 6. R. Vir Hugo Urquhart, V. D. M. apud Cornwall in Canada. A.M. hujus Univ. [1814]. [Minister of Scotch Church.] 1857, November 21. R. Vir Gulielmus Lillie, V. D. M. apud Wick. A.M. hujus Univ. [1820]. 1858, July 13. R. Vir Robertus Smith, V. D. M. apud S. Machar. R. Vir Andreas Todd, V. D. M. apud Alvah. A.M. hujus Univ. [1817]. R. Vir Jacobus Sellar, V. D. M. apud Aberlour. A.M. hujus Univ. [1837]. BACHELORS OF DIVINITY. [1627, August 1. James Sibbald. "Ecclesiastes Aberdonensis." Thesis, De Primatu B. Petri, printed by Raban. See under "Doctors of Divinity ".] [August 2. William Leslie. Subprincipal. Thesis, Vindiciae Theologicae, printed by Raban. See under "Doctors".] 1738, February 16. Mr. Edmundus Calamy, V. D. Minister Londinensis, creatus SS. Theologiae Baccalaureus. 1764, April 28. Samuel Brewer. Thomas Towle. Richardus Winter. Edwardus Hitchen. Samuel Morten Savage., S. T. Baccalaurei. [These five were Dissenting ministers in London. Min. of April 2.] 1793, February 12. R. Gulielmus Elisha Faulkener, Londinensis, S. T. Baccalaureus. [Minister of Ely Chapel. Rec. by Rev. John Grose, M.A., William Parry, D.D., John Butter Saunders, M.A.] DOCTORS OF LAWS. I 1714, October 14. J. U. D. creatus est [Alexander] Cuminius, natus D. Alex. Cuminio de Coulter. ["Who hath sufficiently documented his having passed his privat tryall after the ordinary manner, in order to his entring advocat before the Faculty of Advocats at Edinburgh." Min. of 2nd January, 1714.] [1718, May 10. Mr. James Barnet. Gentleman at Stockwell, Lambeth.] 1725, March 15. J. U. D. creatus est Alex' Fraserius (antea in facultate Juridicâ Edinburgensi Advocatus et in Universitate J. civilis Professor et Antecessor) decernente Senatu Academico et promovente Mr. Geo. Chalmers Principali. J. U. D. creatus est doctissimus Jacobus Fraserius, Invernessensis, Secretarius a Chelsea, Maecenas ille et alumnus Collegii Regii munificentissimus, promovente Doctore Alexro Fraserio, U. J. D. et J. Civ. P. ["In consideration not only of his own merit, but also as an expression of their gratitude for his generous benefactions to the College." With the Diploma is to be sent " a poem composed by Mr. Ker, Professor of Greek, upon the said Mr. Fraser's benefactions, presented this day and read before the College Meeting". Min. of March 29. See Donaides, Edinb., 1725. Also decided to erect a commemorative stone (Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., 1889, p. 83) and to obtain Dr. Fraser's portrait "from his son-in-law, Grangehill, that a copy of it may be taken to be kept in the College".] 1726,2 April 8. Dns. Nicolaus Trott, Eques Auratus, Carolinae Prae- fectus, Linguae Hebraicae peritia clarus, Oxoniae LL. Doctor creatus, ad eundem gradum evectus est. [On receipt of " a second letter" from Sir Nicholas.] ¹ As to sources of list here given see footnote on p. 97. The earliest entries in the Minutes relative to degrees in Law are:-"1702, September 14. Mr. Isaac Foullartoune of Brackley applies to be created Dr. of Lawes. The Principal is instructed to consult the Chancellor as to the granting of degrees in Law." No further entry. '1711, September 17. Dues to Library for degree of Doctor or Bachelor of Laws, in absentia, fixed at £30 Scots. 2 See footnote on p. 99. DOCTORS OF LAWS. ΙΙΙ [1740, May 15. Hugh Barlie, Advocate, Edinburgh.] 1748, February 1. Mr. Carolus Rose, V. D. M. apud Antiguam. [Depute Judge of the Admiralty there. Min. of January 28.] February 13. Mr. Jacobus Catanach, J. C. P. in Collegio Regio. 1750, June. Dr. Alexander Strachan [Hampstead]. July 26. Dr. Stephanus Demembray, Armiger. 1752, March 31. Principalis. Mr. Thomas Blackwell, Academiae Marischallanae 1754, May 15. Mr. Joannes Gordon. [Of Buthlaw, Professor of Civil Law in University of Edinburgh.] Mr. Joannes Walker. 1755, October 21. [The Rev.] 1762, May 11. Mr. Thomas Llewellen. 1763, October 10. Mr. Robertus Dick. [Professor of Civil Law in the University of Edinburgh. Well known to the Civilist.] 1765, September 8. Mr. Thomas Nugent. [Of Gray's Inn, London. A gentleman well known for literature and merit.] 1766, October 29. Stewart, Dominus de Cardross. [Ad eundem.] 1770, December 12. Mr. Jacobus Beattie, Philosophiae Moralis in Academiâ Marischallanâ Professor. 1774,¹ May 10. R. Vir Henricus Shortrudge Cruwys. [Lecturer of S. James's, Garlickbythe, London. Rec. by Mr. William Gerard and Mr. William Henderson.] 1778, September 24. Dr. Gulielmus Howell Ewin, in civitate et comitatu Cantabrigiensi Irenarcha et ejusdem comitatûs Praefectus Vicarius. [Cantab. B.A., 1753; M.A., 1759; LL.D., 1764. Rec. by Drs. Conder and Watson " as a gentleman of merit, learning, family and fortune ".] 1779, February 4. Dr. Robertus Boyd. [Writer, Edinburgh. Rec. by Robert Craig, Joseph Williamson and Charles Hay, Advocates, "as a man of regular education, literature and good moral character ".] 1780, May 20. Dr. Alexander Geddes. [In Minutes "James" Geddes, author of some Translations and Imitations from Horace. Rec. by Mr. Baron Gordon, Dr. Beattie, etc.] 1 Foster in his Alumni Oxonienses gives John Wentworth as "D.C.L. Aberdeen, 1773," but the degree cannot be traced either at King's College or at Marischal College. Wentworth was M.A. Harvard, 1758, and is styled "LL.D. Aberdeen " in the Harvard Quinquennial. II2 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1781, February 23. Dr. Joannes Macpherson, Armiger in Magnae Britanniae comitiis unus ex populi delegatis et in Supremo Ben- galae apud Indos Consilio Senator, hujus Academiae alumnus. [Founder of the Macpherson Bursaries.] May 19. Dr. Alexander Turnbull de Dalladies et Cassindonald. [Rec. by Lords Gardenstone and Westhall.] 1783, March 31. Dr. Gulielmus Rose, Scholae celebris apud Chiswick Ludimagister, hujusque Academiae alumnus. 1786, February 6. Dr. Joannes Christmann Diemar. [Rec. by Drs. Gilbert Stewart, William Thomson and Hunter.] May 1. Dr. Duncanus Macdonald, Armiger. [London. Rec. by the Solicitor-General, and Drs. William Thomson and Gilbert Howart, "as having studied Jurisprudence and Law for several years at the College of Doway ".] 1787, November 20. Dr. Joannes Kemp, A.M. [Mar. Coll.], Matheseos et Philosophiae Naturalis Professor in Academiae Columbiensi Civitatis Americanae de New York. [Rec. by Hon. Arthur St. Clair, Pres. of Congress, and Colonel Grayson, Virginia.] 1788, May 1. Vir Honorabilis Dr. Archibaldus Fraser de Lovat. ["The representative of a family who on many occasions have been the steadie friends and benefactors of the University."] 1790, October 2. Samuel Stearns. ["A gentleman of good character, an eminent mathematician and philo- sopher, a skillfull physician and celebrated astronomer." Of Islington, late of Quebec. Rec. by Captains Goldsbury and Morrell and Dr. Mosely.] November 25. Thomas Powell. [Rev. Master of an Academy at Highgate. Rec. by William Thomson, LL.D., and John Conkly Lettsome, M.D.] 1791, December 6. R. Lucas Booker Clerk, V. D. Minister in Sacello Sancti Edmundi Dudley in comitatu Vigorniensi. [Rec. by Rev. Drs. Evans, Worcester, John Amphlet, Dodderhill, and G. Croft, Amcliff.] 1792, March 26. Carolus Burney, Anglus, hujus Academiae alumnus. [And M.A. Of Hammersmith. Rec. by Dr. Thom.] 1793, January 8. Magister Alexander Dauney, Advocatus Aberdonensis, hujus Academiae alumnus. 1795, March 23. Honorabilis Vir Joannes Andreas Graham de civitate Rutlandiae, in statu Americano Boreali Verdmont denominato. [Rec. by Drs. Lorimer and James Hodson and four Americans.] DOCTORS OF LAWS. 113 1795, June 3. Andreas Mackay, Artium Magister, Societatis Regalis Edinburgensis Socius, necnon scriptis suis Mathematicis et Astro- nomicis celebris. 1796, January 19. Reverendus Vir Mr. Georgius Gleig, hujus Uni- versitatis alumnus et ecclesiae episcopalis Scoticanae Presbyter, promovente Doctore Alexandro Dauney Juris Utriusque Pro- fessore. 1797, June 21. Honorabilis Vir Angus McAulay, Armiger Londinensis. [Author of a work called "The Rudiments of Political Science ".] 1802, October 11. Joannes Carey, Londinensis. [Rec. by Drs. Gregory and Crombie, London.] 1803, October II. Joannes Baillie, Invernessiensis, Arab. et Pers. Litterarum Professor apud Fort-William, Bengal. [Alumnus. Mr. Baillie had presented several of his publications.] 1805, February 12. Carolus Wilkins, Armiger, Societatis Ind. Orient. Bibliothecae Custos. ["To whose literary and moral character the writings of Sir W. Jones, Lord Teignmouth and other eminent orientalists, as well as several literary per- formances by himself, bear ample testimony."] 1806, June 28. Joannes Strachan, Scholae celebris apud Enfield Rector. [M.A.] July 9. Gulielmus Glennie, Scholae celebris apud Dulwich Rector. [M.A. Mar. Coll.] 1807, May 11. Edmundus Pope, Anglus. [Rec. by Bishop of Sodor and Man and Earl of Aberdeen.] October 12. Gulielmus Burney, Scholae celebris apud Gosport Rector. ["Author of several historical publications." Rec. by Drs. John McArthur and Andrew Mackay.] December 9. David Brewster, Mathematicus et Physicus celebris. [Rec. by Earl of Buchan.] 1808, January 26. Joannes Watson, in Academia apud Bermundsey ob Surdos et Mutos instituta. [Rec. by John Grindlay, LL.D., and Rev. Grant McGregor.] March 3. Adamus Clarke, A.M. [1807], Diction. Bibliograph. Auctor. Р 114 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1808, April 13. Georgius Wilson, Armiger, de Lincoln's Inn. [Had been instrumental in obtaining the additional Government Grant of £700 per annum.] December 31. Jacobus McIntosh, Eques, Recordator seu Pro- praetor Urbanus de Bombay. [Gratis.] Bengal, Professor. [Gratis.] Mattheus Lumsden, in Collegio Fort-William, 1809, September 19. Georgius Munro, Rector Scholae Grammaticae de Dumfries. [Rec. by Alexander Adam, LL.D., High School, Edinb., John Thomson, M.D., Edinb., John Gilchrist, M.D., Dumfries, and Alex. Scott, D.D., Dumfries.] 1810, May 21. Joannes Annan, Armiger, de Brighthelmstone. [Rec. by Drs. J. Anderson and J. H. Smith.] November 17. Henricus Bate Dudley, Anglus, Ecclesiae Fer- niensis in Hibernia Cancellarius. [Rec. by Lord Braybrooke, LL.D., and Thomas B. Babington, M.P., LL.D.] 1811, February 7. Thomas Barber, Anglus, Scholae apud Bailbrook Ludimagister. [Rec. by Drs. John Strachan and William Burney.] 1812, August 15. Henricus Cloete, Batavus, Acad. Lugdunensis alum- nus ac in eadem J. U. D. [Rec. by Hon. Baron Hepburn.] 1813, November 15. Thomas Simson Evans, Anglus, Scholae Regiae Mathematicae "Christ's Hospital" dictae Ludimag. Londini. [Rec. by C. Hutton, LL.D., F.R.S., and A. Robertson, D.D., Oxford.] 1814, January 7. Jacobus Bain, Scotus, Ecclesiae Scoticanae Episco- palis Presbyter. [Rec. by Drs. George Gleig and H. Stewart.] 1815, January 18. Josephus Henricus Heard, Hibernus, Diocesis de Cork et Ross Vicarius Generalis. [Rec. by Bishops of Dromore, Cork and Ross, and Rev. David Beaufort, LL.D., Collon.] 1816, January 8. Gulielmus Durban, Anglus, Reg. Class. Dux. [i.e., "Post Captain". Rec. by Alexander Greenlaw, LL.D., Oxford, Patrick Kelly, LL.D., Glasgow, William Greenlaw, B.A., Oxford, and John Morris, M.A.] 1817, December 9. Joannes Jones, Anglus. [Rec. by James Lindsay, D.D., William Glennie, LL.D., Roderick Macleod, D.D., and Charles Lloyd, LL.D., Glasgow.] DOCTORS OF LAWS. 115 1818, April 17. Christopherus Irving, Academiae "Holyrood House Academy" dictae in comitatu de Southampton Moderator. [Rec. by Rev. Hugh Hill, D.D., Robert Wightman, M.D., and Thomas Edmunds, LL.D., Southampton.] July 18. Joannes Shoveller, de Aula S. Albans, Oxon. [Rec. by Thomas Winstanley, D.D., and Henry Grove, D.C.L., Oxford.] 1819,¹ January 9. Rev. Henricus Davies. Rec. by Charles Lloyd, LL.D., John Morrell, LL.D., and John Jones, LL.D. September 7. Rev. Thomas Morgan, V. D. M. apud London. [Drs. Alexander Crombie and Thomas Rees.] 1820, January 1. Joannes Simson de Worcester, hujus Academiae Alumnus et Artium Magister necnon Benefactor insignis. [Had given £500 for repairs to the college on 18th November, 1819. Founder of the Simson Bursaries and Prizes.] * 1821, April 7. Rev. Daniel Hughes Jones. [Drs. Charles Lloyd and John Jones.] July 3. Gulielmus Harcourt, A.M., Academiae apud Kingston in comitatu de Surrey Moderator. [Drs. Sir John Sinclair and Christopher Irving.] July 28. Archibaldus Barclay, A.M., hujus Academiae alumnus. [Drs. Roderick Macleod, Abraham Rees and John Jones.] October 30. Joannes Lee, M.D., S. Andr. Univ. Hist. Eccles. et quondam Moral. Philosophiae in hac Universitate Professor. [Afterwards Principal of University of Edinburgh.] 1822, March 2. Petrus Austin Nuttall, Armiger, apud London. [Drs. Christopher Irving and William Harcourt.] March 13. Rev. Joannes Simpson, Rector de Baldock in comitatu de Hertford. [Drs. Jesse Adams and John Lee.] March 20. Georgius Blatterman, Universitatis de Leipsic, A.M. [Drs. John Jones and Daniel Hughes Jones.] May 3. Gulielmus Robinson, Armiger, F.A.S., apud "Queen Square, Bloomsbury, London". [Drs. Christopher Irving and Peter Austin Nuttall.] 11819, January 30. New regulations approved for conferring degree of LL.D. Every candidate to transmit a statement of his education and of his works, with certificates from two LL.D.'s bearing evidence to the truth of the statements contained in the memorial. doubled (January 9). Fee Similar regulations for honorary M.A. 116 UNIVERSITY AND KİNG's college. 1822, July 25. Samuel Allen, Scholae apud Samuel Allen, Scholae apud "Sion Hill, Bath," Mode- rator Supremus. [Drs. Charles Topham Irving and Peter Austin Nuttall.] September 23. Enfield Moderator." Thomas May, Academiae apud Palatium de [Drs. William Robinson and Peter Austin Nuttall.] November 27. Gulielmus Forbes, Bengal. [Of the H. E. I. C. S. Engineer Service. Alumnus.] 1823, January 28. Amyas D. Burrowes, Londin. [Drs. P. A. Nuttall and G. Blatterman.] April 19. Reverendus Vir Jeremias Walker, Bedford. [Drs. John Simpson and William Singleton.] June 16. Henricus Woodthorpe, Jun., Londin. [Deputy Town Clerk of London. Drs. William Robinson and Thomas May.] Ricardus Harrison Black. ["Author of various literary works." Drs. Collier, Gilchrist, Wanostrocht, Clutterbuck and Copland, and Bishop of Calcutta.] September 8. Henricus Adams, Cork. [Drs. Richard Rogers and James L. Colten.] September 8. Jacobus Mitchell, A.M. ["Author of several publications."] December 15. J. W. Davies. [Drs. John Davies and Daniel Hughes Jones.] 1824, August 16. Reverendus Vir Gul. Wass, A.M., York. [Minister of Darton. Drs. Richard Cope and Benjamin Boothroyd.] December 18. Josephus Bowles, Berk. [Master of an Academy at Farringdon. Drs. James Anderson and Richard Martin, M.A., “the meeting having departed from the usual form of requiring two LL.D.'s, in consequence of the particular recommendation of the Chancellor alone ".] 1825, January 8. Aeneas M'Intyre. [Alumnus. Drs. Nuttall and Mitchell.] March 5. Jacobus Hullet, Greenwich. [Drs. Adam Clarke and P. A. Nuttall.] December 15. Joannes S. Memes, A.M. [Drs. Daniel Dewar and Robert Hamilton.] 1826, December 23. Reverendus Vir Joannes Humphrey, Londin. [Drs. Beugo Collyer and Thomas Meyers.] ¹ The last entry in the Album [C] eorum, etc., 1722. Subsequent names are taken from Album E. DOCTORS OF Laws. 117 1826, December 23. Jacobus Brown, Edin. [Advocate. Drs. Irvine and Reddie.] 1827, April 7. Jacobus Somerville, A.M., N. Brunsw. [Principal of the Collegiate Establishment, Fredericton. Drs. George Gleig and George Munro.] 1830, April 16. Reverendus Vir Jacobus Collins, Sussex. [Rector, Beckley. Drs. John Macarthur and William Harvey.] April 16. Henricus Carolus Burney. [Drs. John Macarthur and James Collins.] August 7. Eduardus Dalton. [Drs. L. Booker and William R. Elwyn.] 1834, September 8. Honorabilis Vir Henricus Baro de Brougham et Vaux, Angl. Cancell. ["In testimony of respect for his resplendent talents and for the great exertions he has made to promote education among all ranks throughout the United Kingdom."] Reverendus Vir Joannes Forsyth, Belhelvie. ["As a mark of esteem for his private character and for his attainments in science."] November 3. Honorabilis Vir Joannes, Vicomes de Arbuthnot. [Rector, 1827-36.] 1835, February 21. Patricius Neil, de Canonmills, Soc. Reg. Edin. Socius. ["Eminent for his literary and scientific acquirements."] September 28. Jacobus Burnes, A.M., M.D., Soc. Reg. Lond. et Edin. Socius. 1836, November 2. Gulielmus Ellis, A.M. [Headmaster, Caistor Grammar School. Drs. Alexander Anderson and John Glennie.] 1837, February 18. Georgius Arnott Walker Arnott, A.M., Soc. Reg. Edin. Socius. [Of Arlary. Drs. Patrick Neill and Sir William Jackson Hooker.] February 25. Reverendus Vir Jacobus Farquharson, A.M., Soc. Reg. Soc., Alford. [The Principal declined to take any part in conferring this degree.] April 15. Reverendus Vir Joannes Forbes, A.M. 1840, October 6. Jacobus Rose Innes, A.M., Cape of Good Hope. [Superintendent-General of Education.] November 14. Adamus Thom, A. M., Canada. [Judge.] 1842, March 12. Gul. H. Campbell. [Drs. Neill and Greville.] 118 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1843, January 14. Gul. Burns, A.M., Rochester. Gulielmus Raleigh Baxter, Londin. [Lecturer on Physiology in Polytechnic.] October 20. Eduardus Woodford, A.M., Jedburgh. [Rector of Academy.] Gulielmus Macgillivray, A.M., apud Coll. Mar. Hist. Nat. Professor. 1844, November 4. 1845, July 11. Alexander Skakel, A.M., Montreal. [Master of Royal Grammar School.] July 23. Reverendus Vir Georgius Legge, A.M. 1847, January 1. Joannes Tulloch, A.M., Math. Prof. Hercules Scott, A.M., Phil. Mor. Prof. February 20. Joannes Munro, A.M., Silcoats. [Principal of School there.] March 6. Reverendus Vir Samuel Trail, A.M. [Late Hutton prizeman.] September 15. Georgius Tulloch, A.M., Aberdon. December 25. Gualter Nichol, A.M., Edin. 1848, January 15. Jacobus McKnight, Londonderry. Andreas Alexander, A.M., apud S. Andr. Univ., Ling. Graec. Professor. March II. Alexander Reid, A.M., Edin. [Rector of Circus Place School.] Jacobus Gloag, A.M., Edin. [Of the Edinburgh Academy.] September 8. P. Seren. Princeps Albertus, Magnae Britanniae Reginae Consors. [On the occasion of his visiting Aberdeen.] Hon. Vir Georgius, Comes de Aberdeen, hujus Univ. Cancellarius. Hon. Vir Georgius Grey, Baronet. Britan. Reginae ex Consiliis. 1849, July 19. Reverendus Vir Joannes Milne, A.M., Coll. apud Huddersfield Princip. Reverendus Vir Thomas Boaz, V. D. M. apud Calcutta. [Minister of English Union Congregation. Drs. George Legge and John Munro.] DOCTORS OF LAWS. 119 1849, October 12. Hon. Vir Robertus Peel, Baronettus, etc., etc. ["On the occasion of his visiting Aberdeen, and in testimony of the high opinion which the Senatus entertain of his character, and of the services which he had rendered to his country."] November 24. Patricius Davidson, Jur. Civ. Prof. December 1. Forbes Falconer, A.M., OO.LL. Prof. apud Univ. Collegium Londinense. Gulielmus Maxwell Gunn, Edinensis. [Classical Master, High School.] Jacobus Calvert. [Classical Master, Montrose Academy.] 1850, February 9. Reverendus Vir Josephus Woolley, A.M., C. P. S. S. nuper Socius Collegii S. Joannis apud Univ. Cantab. [Principal of Mathematical School, Portsmouth.] Reverendus Vir Theophilus Russell Moncrieff, A.M. Univ. Dublin. et Collegii apud Hong Kong Magister. March 4. Eduardus Rupert Humphreys, A.B. Dublin. et A.M. Edin. 1853, April 9. R. Vir Alexander Gordon, A.M. et alumnus hujus Univ. V. D. M. apud Walsall. 1854, November 25. Alexander Wilson, apud Brighton, A.M. hujus Univ. Joannes Smith, apud Glasgow, A.M. hujus Univ. 1856, March 10. R. Vir Jacobus Robertson, A.M. et alumnus hujus Univ. [1826]. V. D. M. in Nova Scotia. August 22. R. Vir Carolus Ross, A.M. et alumnus hujus Univ. [1838]. V. D. M. apud Cleish. November 8. R. Vir Adamus Mitchell, A.M. et alumnus hujus Univ. [1843]. V. D. M. apud Insch. R. Vir. Robertus Bremner, A.M. et alumnus hujus Univ. [1823]. V. D. M. apud Banff. 1857, October 14. Joannes Inglis, Rector hujus Univ. November 21. Carolus W. Connon, A.M. hujus Univ. [1834]. [Professors Scott and Fuller dissenting.] 1858, September 30. R. Vir Joannes C. Brown. [Lecturer on Botany.] R. Vir Joannes Longmuir. [Lecturer on Natural History.] [1860, September 4. Professor George Ferguson. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE." Medicinae Doctores creati sunt hi sequentes, promovente An- drea Moor, M.D. et Professore in Collegio Regio Aberdonensi. 1654, May 15. Dr. Joannes Glover, Londinensis. [B.A. Harvard, 1650.] June 26. Dr. David Pugh, Londinensis. 1655, February 12. Dr. Robertus Thorner, Aberdonensis. September 6. Dr. Thomas Clargis, Londinensis. 1656, March 17. Dr. Stephanus Blyth, Eboracensis. 1660, September 28. Dr. Nathaniel Foster, Londinensis. Dr. Bernard. 1672. Doctori Andreae Moor suffectus est ipsius gener Dr. Patricius Urquhart, Medicinae Professor, xxº die Julii, MDCLXXII. Ob. xx° Decro. MDCCXXV. Quo florente per annos LVI., com- plures ad honoris Gradus in Saluberrima Medicina evecti sunt. 1672. Dr. Gulielmus Robertson, Pensilvaniae Praefecti Medicus, primo Diplomate Medicinae Licentiatus creatus, dein altero Medicinae Doctor. 1673. Dr. Joannes Gordon, Moraviensis, postea in Equestrem Ordinem allectus et in Collegium Medicorum Londinensium cooptatus. Dr. Jacobus Seton de Achorthies, Aberdonensis. Mr. [Alexander] Grant, Regens in Universitate Andreana, Medi- cinae Licentiatus factus. [1685.] Dr. Andreas Brown de Dauphinton. "Which day Doctor Urqwhart did put in a supplication in name and behalf of Mr. Androw Brown of Dolphington, in the shyre of Clydsdaill, Student of Medicine, that the degree of Doctor of Medicine might be conferred on the said Mr. Androw, in order to which he was willing and ready to undergoe the rigour of examination and all other tryalls, both private and publick, usuall in such cases: which the Rector and all the masters willingly acquiesced to, empowering ¹ The names of the Doctors, down to 1799 inclusive, are taken from the Album C, begun in 1722 (v. ante, p. 97), with additions from the Minutes, etc., in square brackets. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 121 the said Dr. Urqwhart to examine him and prescribe such tryalls as are usuall, and conferre the said degree on him with all the ordinary solemnities, provided he obtained the consent of the Chancellour of the Universitie thereto. And, the Doctor declaring that he had already procured the said Chancellour's consent, it was appointed that the said Mr. Androw should be examined privately in the afternoon in the Principall's chamber by the said Doctor, in presence of the Rector and all the masters, in all the parts of Medicine, and also should give in an answer in write to a Casus Medicus presently proposed by the Rector, and sett down in write to be delyvered to him by the said Doctor. "The same day, at foure o'clock in the afternoon, conveened the Rector, Principall and masters as was appointed, and also the said Mr. Androw Brown who gave in an answer in write to the paper which was delivered to him in the forenoon, with which the Rector and all the masters declared themselves weell satisfied, judging that he hade sett down his thoughts very pertinently and intelligibly concerning the case proposed to him. Afterwards he was examined by Dr. Urqwhart, for the space of two hours or thereby, in all the cheif parts of Medicine, in all which the Doctor declared and all the masters judged that he gave good satisfaction, and thought him worthy of the degree which he was asking. Whereupon, by the unanimous consent and advice of all the masters, immediately the Doctor created him Batchellour and Licentiate in Medicine, and appointed that, to-morrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, the degree of Doctor should be also publickly conferred on him in the common schoole, with all the ceremonies and solemnities usuall and requisite in such cases, and that all the Doctors of Divinitie and Medicine in the two towns, and other persons of note ordinarily called in such cases, should be invited to be present at the said solemnity. And it was further appointed that the said Mr. Androw should give a publick specimen in presence of all these persons in a short discourse, de febribus, and also should, according to former Acts, pay to the Principall the soum of fyve pounds sterling, for the use of the Bibliotheck, to be employed in buying books of medicine thereto; which the said Mr. Androw was weell satisfied to doe, and did accordingly." Min., 25th June, 1685. "Which day, according to the former appointment, in the presence of the Doctors of Divinity and many other persons of note, Doctor Urqwhart did solemnly conferre the degree of Doctor in Medicine, with all the usuall cere- monies, on Mr. Androw Brown, formerly Batchelour and Licentiate therein, the said Mr. Androw having hade (as was appointed) before his inauguration a short discourse, de febribus, and after his inauguration another large discourse concerning the principles of medicine, closing with thanks to the University for the said honour conferred upon him. And, afterwards, an ample written patent was delyvered him, subscrybed by the Rector and all the masters in the Uni- versity." Min., 26th June, 1685. "Doctor Urqwhart gave eight books in the name of Doctor Brown of Dolphington, in lieu of the fyve pounds sterling for which the said Doctor was bound to the Principal for the use of the Bibliotheck at the time of his being Q 122 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLÈGE. graduated Doctor, which all the Masters were weell satisfied with as full pay- ment of the said soum, and allowed the Principall. to give up his tickett." Min., 16th April, 1686. Dr. Andreas Burnet, Aberdonensis. Dr. Dr. Biggs, Anglus. Bacon, Anglus, in Collegio Mareschallano insti- tutus, natus patre M.D. in Mansfield. Dr. clarissimo M.D. Dr. Dr. Dr. Seidenham Junior, Anglus, natus Seidenham Teilston, Anglus. Floyd, Anglus. Spearman, Anglus. Dr. Joannes Munro. Dr. Dr. Ross. Mitchel. [These three names occur, with those of Dr. Smith and Dr. Sibbald, in Library Accounts.] [1698, June 13.] Dr. David Dunoon. [Library Accounts. Paid £40 Scots.] [1701, January 21.] Dr. Joannes Hay. [Of Letham. Library Accounts. Paid 16 ducatoones.] [August 4.] Dr. [Thomas] Weems de Fingask. [Rec. by Lord Whitehill. Remitted to be examined by Mediciner. Paid £60 Scots, 14th August. Library Accounts.] Dr. [Samuel] Forbes de Achorthies. [Library Accounts. £60 Scots.] Dr. Hieronymus Jack.¹ Dr. Archibaldus Pitcairnius, Rhemis M.D. creatus, ad eundem. dignitatis gradum ab Universitate Aberdonensi evectus. Hic est celeberrimus ille apud Scotos Medicus et insignis Poeta, scriptis suis clarissimus.2 ¹[1701, July 7. “The Principall reported that when at Edinburgh he had enquired for Dr. Jaque (lately graduat here Dr. in Medecin), but found he's prov'd a rogue and fled the Kingdome, and therfor delivered back his bond for 5 libs. st. to the library to lye in retentis, and therupon it is unanimously statut and ordained that for the future no man, be he who he will, shall receive the degree of Dr. in any faculty till first he pay in his five pounds st. to the bibliotheck boxe."] 2 Dr. Pitcairn's Diploma is preserved in the National Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh. Its tenor is as follows:- "Universis et Singulis hoc Doctoratus Privilegium visuris, lecturis vel legi audituris, DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 123 Dr. Joannes Drummond, Perthensis, M.D. Rhemis creatus, ad eundem dignitatis gradum hic evectus. Hic Collegio Regio Medi- corum Edinburgensium per quosdam annos praefuit. Vir genere, literis, et virtute nobilis. Dr. David Pitcairnius, Archibaldi frater, hic ad eundem Medicinae gradum evectus. Dr. [1699, May.] Dr. Preston, eodem in Medicina gradu ornatus. Keil floruit, scriptis suis clarus. frater. Hic Scotus apud Anglos [Library Accounts. Dr. Kyle paid £60 Scots.] [1697, March 26.] Dr. [William] Cockburn. [Library Accounts. Paid £60 Scots.] NOS PATRICIUS URQUHART saluberrimae Medicinae in alma Academia Regali Universitatis Aberdonensis Doctor et Professor, actu Regens et Decanus, Salutem in eo qui est omnium vera salus. Cum mos antiquus et laudabilis apud nos semper extiterit, eruditissimos in quavis facultate summis ad eandem spectantibus honoribus exornare et additamenta, novaque privilegia nostratium doctissimis tribuere qui in exteris regionibus Apollineae arti operam sedulo navarunt; et cum D. ARCHIBALDUS PITCAIRNE Lugduni Batavorum Medicinae non ita pridem Professor eximius, et in celeberrima academia Remensi Medicinae Doctor est creatus decimo tertio die mensis augusti stylo novo anni millesimi sexçentesimi octuagesimi, ubi in- signia specimina suae peritae et praecellentis ingenij in arte medica praebuit: IGITUr Nos PATRICIUS URQUHART praefatus (caeteris Doctoribus Professoribus et Magistris in praedicta Universitate consentientibus) supra nominatum Dominum Archibaldum Pitcairne dignissimum censemus, qui ad eundem (quo Remis floret) doctoratus statum et gradum apud nos et in Academia nostra admittatur et recepiatur: eumque ad eundem gradum et statum admittimus et recipimus. ATQUE adeo has aliasque ob causas gradum doctoratus in medicina statum- que et privilegia cuncta medicinae Doctoribus propria, et nostris aliarumque gentium et Academiarum moribus et statutis, aut Collegiorum atque Societatum hujus Regni legibus aut diplomatis concessa, vel concedi solita, libenter concedimus et tribuimus. QUAEPROPTER praefatum Dominum Archibaldum Pitcairne Medicinae Doctorem declaramus et renunciamus eique medicinam exercendi hic et per universum Scotiae regnum et ubivis gentium liber- tatem et potestatem facimus, eumque omnia privilegia et immunitates hujus aliarumque Universitatum in nostra Constitutione nominatarum habere pronunciamus. In quorum fidem et testimonium hasce praesentes literas vim publici instrumenti habentes, magni sigilli Uni- versitatis appensione nostrisque Chirographis communiri voluimus. Datum in Collegio Regio Aberdonensi anno redemptionis millesimo sexcentesimo nonagesimo nono die vero mensis augusti septimo. "PA. URQUHART, M.D., Professor et decanus." "ALEX. GORDON, H.L. P. "GEO. MIDDLETON, S.T.D. Primarius. J. GORDON, Juris. Ci. Prof. "GUL. BLAK, P.P. "AL. FRASER, P.P." 124 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1696, July 14. Dr. Matthaeus Mackael, Senior. Hic chirurgus Aberdonensis, scriptis innotescit. (Vide his inscription on Terrae Prodromus, Y, 6, 5.) Dr. Georgius Mackenzie. Hic Nobilissimi Comitis de Seaforth ex patre Colino nepos, Virorum apud Scotos doctorum Historiam et Vitas tribus vol. in folio contexuit. [A Dr. George Mackenzie obtains a Diploma ad eundem on 22nd November, 1703, “in consideration of the goode service done by his father and family to the college, and in consideration of his present circumstances, gratis ".] Dr. Foord. [13th June, 1698, according to Library Accounts.] Dr. Geo. Alstein. Dr. [James] Harvie. [London, alumnus: recommended by Drs. Pitcairne and Drummond, Edin- burgh, and Dr. Cheyn, London. Min., 22nd November, 1703.] Dr. Patr. Abercrombaeus. Fortium apud Scotos Virorum Martia facta scripsit 2 Vol. in fol. Dr. Robertus Innes. Dr. Sterling. Dr. Georgius Gordon, natus V. D. M. apud Banchorie. [His father sends twelve law books in return for the Diploma. Min., 5th October, 1702.] Dr. Jacobus Keith, natus Dre. Joanne Keith. Dr. Jacobus Scougal de Whithill, in suprema apud Scotos Curia Senator integerrimus. [1701, September 8. Mr. George Cheyne. Gratis, “because he's not onely our owne countreyman and at present not rich, but is recommended by the ablest and most learned Physitians in Edinburgh, as one of the best Mathematicians in Europe, and for his skill in Medecine he hath given a sufficient indication of that by his learned Tractat De Febribus, which hath made him famous abroad as well as at home, and he being just now goeing to England upon invitation from some of the members of the Royal Society, in all probability he may prove ane ornament to our Nation as well as to our Society".] 1704, October 30. Dr. Anderson. Dr. Thomas Bower. Hic natus Ludimagistro Dalkethensi, primus in Universitate Aberdonensi Matheseos Professor institutus. Vir omni elegantiorum literarum Scientia praeditus; inter principes aevi sui Mathematicos jure habitus. Omnibus doctis, inprimis longaevo et celeberrimo D. Isaaco DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 125 Newtono, qui hunc per annum unum et alterum superstes fuit, desideratus. Obiit Londini Novembris Extant ejusdem scripta quaedam se digna; alia vero periisse dolendum. Dr. Russel, Elginensis. 1707, November 20. Dr. Jacobus Urquhart, nat. Pat. Urqh., M. Prof. 1708, April 30. Dr. Edmondus Thorpe, Anglus. Dr. Robertus Graham. [Rec. by Dr. Pitcairne. Library Accounts.] Dr. Jacobus Crawford ad eundem gradum. October. Nobilissimus Comes de Ilay, Archibaldus Campbellus, Illustrissimi Ducis Argatheliae frater. Diploma ejusdem deaura- tum variisque floribus scitissime pictum ab Elizabetha Urquharta, Pat. Urq. filia ingeniosissima. 1709, January. Dr. Gul. Neilson. June 18. Dr. Richardus Lee. Diploma ejus in Muscoviam missum, ubi Imperatricis Russiae Viduae Medicum agebat. 1710, March 30. Dr. Patricius Couper. [Recommended by Dr. Pitcairne, and dues rcmitted. Min., 3rd April.] 1711, January. Dr. Gul. Fraser. Dr. Joannes Paterson. August 27.¹ Dr. Thomas Cole. ["Ane Englishman." Five pounds sterling paid to Bibliotheck. Min., 22nd August.] 1712, March 7. Dr. Joa. Gordon, nat. Dre. Jo. Gordon de Collystoun. ["Chirurgen appothecary in Aberdeen, whose knowledge and skill in medicine as well as in chirurgery and pharmacie is nottourly known."] May 29. Dr. Pat. Blair. ["Apothecary in Coupar Angus, who had been recommended by the Bishop of Aberdeen and severall eminent physicians in Angus."] October. Dr. Alex. Urquhart, nat. Pat. Urqh., M.P. 1713, July 14. Dr. Samuel Clerk. [Library Accounts. Paid £48 Scots.] November 30. Dr. Samuel Stringer. 1715, May 14. Dr. Alex. Mackenzie. 1717, December 9. Dr. Benjamin Martin, Anglus. [£4 sterling, paid.] |1718, May 10. Mr. Dicksone, Minister at Whitehaven.] [1711, September 17. Dues to Library for degree in absentia fixed at £4 sterling.] 126 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1718, May 28. Dr. Dudley Ecklius, Centurio. 1719, June. Dr. Alban Thomas, Anglus. [Fellow of the Royal Society and keeper of their rarities. Min., 9th June.] August 17. Dr. Edward Pack, Anglus. [Rec. by Dr. Coxe and Dr. Innes. Min., 3rd September, 2nd November.] August 17. Dr. Christopher [Joannes] Pflaumb, Germanus. [In a Dutch regiment. "He gave 3 guineas of a compliment to the Library." Min., 2nd November.] September. Dr. Joa. Gadderer. [Rec. by Drs. Arbuthnot and Stuart. Min., 2nd November.] October. Dr. [Joannes] Marshall, M.D. Pictavii creatus, eodem hic ornatus gradu. [Gratis. Min., 2nd November.] November 10. Dr. Alex. Anderson, V. D. M. de Duffus. ["His father having been once Regent, and his grandfather, Mr. John Row, once Principal in this University."] December 12. Dr. Jacobus Mackenzie, Invernessensis. ["Tutor to the Lord Tarbat . . . he being a gentleman of an established character for his acquaintance with the belles lettres and Mathematicks and particularly for his proficiency in Physick." (Gratis.)] 1720 [September 5]. Dr. Geo. Denune, Hadinensis, Scotus. December 26. Dr. Gul. Scot, Anglus. [Hampstead.] 1721, February. Dr. Richardus Middleton Massie, Anglus. [F.R.S. and L.R.C.P. Lond. Min., 7th March, 1720.] June 14. Dr. Thomas Price, Anglus. [Carmarthen. Rec. by Drs. Nicolas Ogle and Robert Innes.] August 7. Dr. Thomas Renton, Anglus. [London. Rec. by Drs. Edmond Pack and Thomas Price.] N.B.-Nomina Doctorum Medicinae hac et duabus praece- dentibus paginis [1654-1721] descripta, ex autographo Doctoris Pat. Urquhart, M. Professoris, mihi in id ipsum tradito, in hoc Album relata sunt a me Jo. Ker. [1722, March 6. Mr. Alexander Mackenzie. Surgeon, Fortrose. Rec. by Dr. George Mackenzie. Died before dues were paid. Min., 19th April, 1723.] Eodem Doctore P. Urquhart promovente ad honoris gradus evecti sunt. 1723, April 19. Dr. Stephen Hall. [L.R.C.P. Rec. by Drs. Innes and Morton, London.] DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 127 1724, May 8. Dr. Theophilus Rice. [By Drs. Drever and Scot.] 1725, May 12. Dr. Joshua Lloyd. [By Drs. Robert Innes and James Urquhart.] June 14. Dr. Geo. Sewel. [By Drs. Richard Blackmore, Alexander Stuart and James Welwood.] October 18. Dr. Tho. Barkam. [By Drs. Joshua Lloyd and Robert Innes.] 1726, Medicinae Doctores creati sunt hi sequentes, promovente Ja- cobo Gregory M.D. et Professore in Collegio Regio Aberdonensi. 1726, August 15. Dr. Nicolas Brinly. 1727, February 2. Dr. Edward Longworth de Upper Rawcliffe in Lancastria. [Drs. William Scot and Theophilus Rice.] Dr. Edward Green. ["Personally tryed by the promoter."] June 12. Dr. Johannes Eaton, Londinensis. [Drs. Robert Innes and Edmond Park.] 1728, April 13. Dr. Jacobus Gregory, filius dicti Doctoris Jac. Gregory. October 9. Dr. Thomas Garden, filius Jac. Garden D.D. quon- dam in Universitate et Collegio Regio Aberdonensi SS.T. Professoris. [Gratis.] 1729, February 17. Dr. Gul. Fraser de Foppachy. June 15. Dr. Jacobus Mollison, Anglus. July. Dr. Benjamin Godspee, Anglus. December 12. Dr. Jacobus Clegg. 1730, June 1. Dr. Gul. Fraser, Invernessensis. [After examination.] December 2. Dr. Robertus Cheyne, Anglus. December 20. Dr. Johannes Robertson, Scotus. 1733. Medicinae Doctores creati sunt hi sequentes, promovente supradicto Jacobo Gregory M.D. et Professore in Collegio Regio Aberdonensi, dicti Doctoris Jacobi Gregory filio. 1733, August 27. Dr. Georgius Middleton de Cracovia in Polonia. 128 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1734, January 9. brigen. Dr. Marmaduke Brown e Aula Pembrokiana Canta- [Dr. John Gardiner, Coll. Med. Lond. Censor, and Dr. Edward Hody, F.R.S.] 1735, April 22. Dr. Theodorus Forbes, Aberdonensis de Upper Boinly. [Son to deceast John F. of Pitfichie; had studied under Dr. Gregory, Mediciner's father, and at foreign Universities.] 1736, July 14. Dr. Jacobus Irving, filius Gul. Irving de Bonshaw. [Drs. Graeme and Lamond, London, and Drs. Clerk, Cochrane and Martin, Edinburgh.] October 14. Dr. Geo. Forbes, filius Lachlani Forbes de Eden- glassy. [Had been apprentice to Mediciner's father.] 1737, February 4. Dr. Andreas Scott Scott de Millany frater. [On certificates from Faculty of Medicine, Edinburgh.] [1740, May 15. Colin Hossack, Sudbury.] 1741, April. Dr. Timotheus Dallowe, Anglus. 1742, September 18. Dr. Alexander Jameson de Bellmoor. [Now of Hampton, James River, Virginia.] November 8. Dr. Jacobus Dunbar, Scotus. [Late of Jamaica.] 1743, May 2. [Rec. by Dr. Joannes Wallace, Scotus. Professors of College of Physick at Edinburgh.] 1745, May 10. Dr. Patricius Ker, Scotus. [Son of Mr. John Ker, late Regent.] [September 9. John Wilmer, London. Rec. by Jo. Beauford and Francis Douce, physicians.] 1746, March 13. Dr. Joannes Gregory, Professoris frater. July 14. Dr. Archibaldus Hamilton, Scotus. [Son to Hamilton of Hill.] 1747, March 9. Dr. Nicolas Munkley, Anglus. [Studied at Edinburgh and Leiden. Rec. by Drs. James and John Gregories.] May 28. Dr. Joshua Pilot, Hibernus. [Surgeon to B-'s regiment; by Drs. Rutherford, Clerk, S. Clair, Plummer.] 1748, February 26. Dr. Carolus Morrice, Londinensis. [Dr. Jo. Oldfield and Matthew Morley, physicians in London.] 1749, May. Dr. Misael Remond Malfalqueyrat, Anglus. [S. Edmondsbury. Drs. Coyte and Howell.] 1750, January 10. Dr. Alex. Houston, Anglus. [M.A., Reverend. Rec. by Drs. John Robertson and Robert Gushart.] June 10. Dr. Robertus Pate, Coll. Caii in Univers. Cantab. socius. [Dr. Munckley.] DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 129 1751, March 18. Dr. Andreas Skene, filius Andreae Skene quondam Chirurgi Aberdonensis. April 5. Dr. David Ross. [Physician in London.] May 6. Dr. Henricus Likly. June 12. Dr. Gulielmus Neale. [Drs. David Ross and John Clepham, London.] 1752, September 28. Dr. Samuel Wathen. [Dr. Munckley, London.] 1753, March 22. Dr. Gulielmus Watts. [Drs. Shaw, Smelly, Redding and Lamond.] May 30. Dr. Patricius Russel. [W.S. Drs. Potterfield and Clark, Edinburgh.] September 8. Dr. David Skene. [Son to Dr. Andrew Skene, Aberdeen.] December 10. Dr. Andreas Didier. [London. Drs. Kirpatrick, Smellie and Skene.] 1754, March 5. Dr. Richardus Jones. [Coventry. L.R.C.S. Drs. Skene, M'Gie and Pate.] 1755, February 12. Dr. Andreas Burnet. 1756. Medicinae Doctores creati sunt hi sequentes, promovente Joanne Gregory M.D. et Professore in Collegio Regio Aber- donensi, dicti Doctoris Jacobi Gregory fratre. 1756, June 24. Dr. Georgius Alexander. ["Who has practised with reputation for seven or eight years in the East Indies; recommended as worthy by Dr. Rose, Aberdeen, and the Mediciner."] November 9. Dr. Jacobus Mercer. [Recommended by Mediciner.] November 12. Dr. Christophorus Kelly. [Surgeon and man-midwife in London. Drs. Cox, Parsons, Heinechen, FF.R.C.P. Lond.] 1757, June 9. Dr. Josephus Handley. [Surgeon in S. Albans. Drs. Griffith, Cox, Parsons, FF.R.C.P. Lond.] June 23. Dr. Joannes Abbot, Anglus. [Chirurgeon. Drs. Cockburne and Pate, physicians to Greenwich and S. Bartholomew's Hospitals.] 1758, February 7. Dr. Geo. Jacobus Gordon, Pharmacop. Londinensis. [Drs. Armstrong and Thorntoun.] R 130 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1758, May 6. Dr. Samuel Sedgwick. [B.A., Queen's Coll., Cambridge. Drs. Munckley and Adams, FF.R.C.P. Lond.] August 2. Dr. Georgius White, Anglus. [Drs. Schomberg and Andree, London.] October 5. Dr. Robertus Groat de Newhall. [Apothecary and man-midwife, London. Rec. by Mediciner.] November 4. Dr. Gulielmus Hooke, Anglus. [Surgeon to King's Own Dragoons. Drs. England and Daniel.] 1759, January 3. Dr. Eduardus Spry. [Chirurgeon in Plymouth. Drs. Crawford and Abbott.] January 31. Dr. Henricus Tom. [Chirurgeon, London; one of the commissioners for sick and wounded sea- men. Drs. Cleland and Groat, London.] Dr. Robertus Wallace Johnson. [Chirurgeon, London. Rec. as last.] March 29. Dr. Joannes Hill. [Bridgewater. Drs. Taylor and Houstone.] June 28. Dr. Joannes Douglass. [Studied three winters at Edinburgh and served fourteen years as surgeon to 37th Regiment. Now director to Navy Hospital, Greenwich.] July 10. Dr. Thomas Heberden. [Chirurgeon, Madeira. Drs. Munckley and Heberden, London.] December 21. Dr. Alexander Findlay. [Surgeon at Fraserburgh. Rec. by Dr. Alex. Rose and Mediciner.] 1760, March 10. Dr. Eduardus Sayer, Hibernus. [Practitioner of physick in S. Bartholomew's Hospital. Drs. Robert Pate and Anthony Askew, FF.R.C.P.] May 24. Dr. Eduardus Morley. [Of Tunbridge Wells. Drs. Thomas Brooke and Nicolas Munckley.] June 4. Dr. Joannes Holden. [Dr. Christopher Kelly and Dr. James Lindsay, F.R.C.P. Edin.] 1761, March 7. Dr. Benjamin Bagley. [? Bayly. Drs. George Randolph, Bristol, and Andrew Wilson, Northampton.] April 1. Dr. Humphredus Jackson. [East Smithfield, London. Drs. John Andree, Thomas Dawson, J. Cole and R. James, all of London.] April 15. Dr. Gulielmus Charsley. [Windsor. Drs. James Kirkpatrick and Richard Brookes.] April 22. Dr. Joannes Ker, V. D. M. apud Forfar. [See also under D.D.'s.] DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 131 1761, May 7. Dr. Joannes Burn, Chirurgus Londinensis. [Drs. John D'Urban and Robert Grant, London.] July 30. Dr. Thomas Dimsdale. [Drs. Munkley and Russel, London.] November 18. Dr. Thomas Rundell. [Now attending the British hospitals in Germany. Dr. William Mushet, F.R.C.P. Lond., and Dr. Robert Gusthart, Bath.] 1762, May 26. Dr. Georgius Skene. 1763, March 17. Dr. Gulielmus Crozier, Hibernus. [Surgeon in Hamburg. Rec. by Joannes Albertus Henricus Reimarus and Joannes Christophorus Ludovicus Seip, physicians there.] July 1. Dr. Jacobus Fraser de Torbreck. [Apothecary in Westminster. Well known to the Mediciner.] September 27. Dr. Alexander Moir. [Of the island of S. Croix. Founder of the Moir Bursary: see under M.A.'s.] October 25. Dr. Jacobus Cave, Chirurgus. [Of Woodford Bridge, Essex. Drs. John Armstrong and Donald Monro, London.] Dr. Archibaldus Napier, Chirurgus. [Of Cheshunt, Hertfordshire. Rec. by Drs. R. Jebb and C. Kelly, MM.R.C.P. Lond.] December 19. Dr. Joannes Routlidge. [Surgeon in the Royal Navy. Drs. Kelly and Chapman, London.] December 26. Dr. Jacobus Wyk Perrott. [Surgeon and man-midwife in Birmingham. Drs. William Berrington and Samuel Merriman, and Dr. John Walker, Master of Academy, Mile End Green.] 1764, April 16. Dr. David Grant. [Of the island of Jamaica. Drs. Andrew and David Skene, Aberdeen.] May 16. Dr. Georgius Haig. [Of South Carolina. Sir Stuart Thriepland, M.D., Robert Ramsay, M.D., and Walter Stirling, Stirling.] July 12. Dr. Petrus Renaudet. [Drs. D'Urban and Montague Bacon.] August 17. Dr. Hugo Mackleraith. [Surgeon in the dock at Deptford. Drs. Robert Groat and Abraham Gordon.] October 3. Dr. Petrus Swinton. [Surgeon and apothecary in London. Samuel Walker and Dr. Philip de la Cour, London.] November 5. Dr. Alexander Gordon, Baronettus et M.D. [Of Lesmore. Rec. by Mediciner.] 132 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1765. Medicinae Doctores creati sunt hi sequentes, promovente supradicto Alexandro Gordon, Baronetto M.D. et Professore in Collegio Regio Aberdonensi. 1765, March 6. Dr. Joannes Graham. [Surgeon at Paisley. Dr. Cullen, Edinburgh, and Drs. Stevenson and Gor- don, Glasgow.] September 6. Dr. Joannes Squire. [Drs. George Fordyce, Gartshore and Maude, London.] Dr. Jacobus Franciscus de la Fontaine. [Drs. John Hill and Batzer, London.] November 7. Dr. Gulielmus Connop. [Surgeon at Mile End, near London. Drs. S. Gordon and R. W. Johnston, London.] 1766, February 8. Dr. Henricus Brown. 1767, March 7. Dr. David Wemyss. [Mr. William Saunderson and Mr. Thomas Ruston, graduates of Edinburgh.] April 18. Dr. Thomas Robinson. [Liverpool. Dr. Nathaniel Alcock, London, and the Prof. of Medicine, Oxford.] May 17. Dr. Georgius Motherby. [Dr. John Kinion, graduate of Leyden, Dr. Mathew Dobson, graduate of Edinburgh, and Dr. Walker.] September 8. Dr. Joannes Woolcot. ["Peter Pindar." physicians there.] Surgeon, Plymouth. October 24. Dr. Jacobus Dawson. [Tortola. Rec. by Mediciner.] 1768, March 4. Dr. Carolus Fagg. Rec. by Drs. Huxam and Parr, [Surgeon and apothecary, Ashford. Drs. Luke Wayman and William Connop.] Dr. Lucas Wayman. [Graduate of the Marischal College. Dr. Walker.] September I. Dr. David Norton. [Surgeon, Spanish Town. Drs. David Wemyss, Dunfermline, and Alex. Robertson, Aberdeen.] 1769, May 27. Dr. Antonius Grigg. [Surgeon, Royal Hospital, Barbadoes. Dr. Thomas Maude and Mr. John Hume, London.] DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 133 1769, June 14. Dr. Thomas Blount. [Surgeon, London. Mr. John Hunter, surgeon there, and Dr. David Skene, Aberdeen, "and examined by Sir Alexander Gordon ".] June 30. Dr. Alexander Johnson. [LL.D. The Hague. Rec. by John Theodore Closus (?), Henry Schulsh (?), M.D., A. Maclain, D.D., Robert Brown, A.L.M., Richard Richardson, D.D., Charles Ansley, B.D.] Dr. Benjamin Kilgour. [Surgeon, Madeira. Drs. Livingston and Robertson.] September 2. Dr. Gulielmus Mitchell. [Surgeon and apothecary, London. Drs. William Vaughan and Francis de Valanzan.] Dr. Gulielmus Laing. [Jedburgh. Drs. Alex. Munro and John Gregory, Edinburgh.] November 20. Dr. Jacobus Davidson. [Drs. Rose and Livingston, Aberdeen.] 1770, February 13. Dr. Joannes Johnston. [Tutor, Liège. Dr. Wemyss, Dunfermline, and Dr. Robertson, Aberdeen.] May 2. Dr. Joannes Rodbard. [Bristol. Drs. Weyman and Logan, London.] July 27. Dr. Carolus Farquharson. [Drs. John McKenzie and Gregory Grant, Edinburgh.] August 14. Dr. Moore Fauntleroy. [Drs. Alex. Rose and Thos. Livingston, Aberdeen.] August 18. Dr. Georgius Gordon, Chirurgus. [In Sainta Crux. Dr. Jas. Forbes and Alex. Robertson, Aberdeen.] October 31. Dr. Alexander Lumsden. [Jamaica. Son of late Prof. John Lumsden.] December 8. Dr. Jacobus Halket. 1771, February 16. Dr. Gulielmus Chalmers. [Alumnus. Rec. by Mediciner.] March 26. Dr. Joannes Hume. [Commissioner of Board of Sick and Wounded. Drs. Richard Hucks and Donald Munro, London.] Dr. Carolus Brown. [Drs. John Britane and John Caverhill, London.] August 13. Dr. Jacobus Hamilton. [Drs. John Rutherford and John Gregory, Edinburgh.] October 28. Dr. Robertus White, Chirurgus et Pharmacopola. [Yarmouth. Drs. John Beevor and J. Manning.] 134 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1771, November 16. Dr. Joannes Miln, Chirurgus. [Cullen. Dr. Livingston and Prof. Ross.] December 26. Dr. Joannes Pierie, Chirurgus. [Drs. Ross and Livingston.] 1772, January 30. Dr. Eduardus Smyth, Chirurgus. [In a marching regiment. Drs. Young and Brodie, Aberdeen.] Dr. Jacobus Ross. August 5. [Montrose. Rec. by the Mediciner and Dr. Ogilvie, Forfar.] 1773, March 23. Dr. Thomas Smith. [Wrington. Dr. James Plomer, Glasgow, and Francis Woodward, Cam- bridge.] September 17. Dr. Jacobus Clark. [Surgeon, Dominica. Rec. by Drs. Livingston and Robertson, Aberdeen.] December 31. Dr. Jacobus Worthington de Liverpool in comi- tatu Lancastriensi, Chirurgus. [Drs. Thomas Percival and Charles Morton, FF.R.S.] 1774, February 26. Dr. Jacobus Webster. [Surgeon, 1st Dragoon Guards. Drs. Thomas Livingston and Alex. Brodie, Aberdeen.] May 27. Dr. Thomas Seymour, Pharmacopola Londinensis. [Drs. Alex. Thomson, Edinburgh, and Richard Williams, Aberdeen.] 1775, July 19. Dr. Alexander Eason, Chirurgus in decima octava Equitum turma. [Rev. Dr. Hary Spens, Wemyss. But "with whose qualifications Sir Alex. Gordon was satisfied upon examination ".] August 12. Dr. Alexander Watson, Chirurgus. [Had attended classes at Edinburgh.] November 14. Dr. Hugo French, de Windmill Street, Rathbone Place, in comitatu de Middlesex. [Drs. Vaughan and R. Jones.] 1776, March 20. Dr. Henricus White, Chirurgus. [Dr. Osborne, London, and Dr. Hewit.] April 9. Dr. David Goodsir (Scot.). [Surgeon, Leven. Dr. John Rutherford and Sir Stuart Threipland, Edin- burgh.] October 32. Dr. Richardus Brodie (Al.). [Drs. Thomas Livingston and Alex. Robertson, Aberdeen.] 1777, January 14. Dr. Joannes Gollop. [Drs. Hunter and George Fordyce, London, and "examined by Sir Alex. Gordon ".] DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 135 1777, February 15. Dr. Rogerius Heriot. [Drs. Brodie and Robertson, Aberdeen.] July 26. Dr. Georgius Wallis, Chirurgus (Eng.). [York. Drs. Kelly and Krohn, London.] August 1. Dr. Joannes Chambers. [Drs. W. Vaughan and Thomas Healde, London.] 1778, February 16. Dr. Gulielmus Junor, Chirurgus in insula de Grenada. [Drs. Grant and Adair, London.] March 5. Dr. Thomas Connel, Chirurgus (Hib.). [Kerry Hospital. Drs. Robert Emmit and Alex. Shearer, Ireland.] March 17. Dr. Joannes Bonniot de Mainaudue. [Drs. Leake and G. Fordyce.] April 7. Dr. Joannes Cudmore (E.I.C.S.). [Drs. Robert Scott, Ch. Walker and Wm. Patten, Dublin.] June 2. Dr. Joannes Macdonald, Chirurgus (attended Medical Lectures in Edinburgh). [11th Foot. Dr. Robert Scott.] June 25. Dr. Eduardus Whitaker Gray e comitatu Middlesex (Licentiate in College of Surgeons, London). [Late of Oporto.] 1779, January 19. Dr. Georgius Goldwyer, Artium Baccalaureus haud ita pridem e Collegio S. Johannis in Universitate Cantabrigiensi. [Drs. F. de Valangin and J. Andree, London.] February 12. Dr. Robertus Robertson. February 23. Dr. Robertus Freer (Al., and studied at Edinburgh). [Rec. by Prof. James Gregory, Edinburgh.] August 24. Dr. Joannes Hall (Scotland. Studied at Edinburgh). [Annan. Drs. James Hunter and Andrew Duncan, Edinburgh.] November 5. Dr. Mauritius Young (studied at Edinburgh. Not examined. Scotland). [East Indies. Rec. by his uncle, Rev. Robert Young, Benholm.] 1780, July 26. Dr. Joannes Till Adams (Eng.). [Surgeon, Bristol. Drs. George Fordyce, Thomas Denman and William Cruickshank.] August 23. Dr. Stephanus Freeman, Chirurgus. [Drs. William Vaughan and Henry Brown.] August 24. Dr. Robertus Grant, Chirurgus apud Inverness. [Drs. Gregory Grant, Edinburgh, and James Wishart, Forres.] 136 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1780, August 31. Dr. Joannes Lyon, Chirurgus. [Liverpool. Drs. Matthew Dobson, Jo. Camplin and Thomas Houlston.] 1781, July 18. Dr. Eduardus Horler, Nosocomii Regii in insula de Jamaica Chirurgus supremus. [Examined by Sir A. Gordon.] 1782, January 5. Dr. Alexander Young (studied at Edinburgh). [Of the London man-of-war. Rec. by Capt. Scott of the Bedford.] February 12. Dr. Johannes James (examined by two members of the R. C., London), [Viz., Dr. Francis de Valangin and John Sims, London.] 1782. Medicinae Doctores creati sunt hi sequentes, promovente Gulielmo Chalmers Medicinae Doctore et Professore in Col- legio Regio Aberdonensi. 1782, July 27. Dr. Joannes Cudlipp (studied at London). [Drs. George Fordyce, George Hicks and William Cruickshank.] August 27. Dr. Josephus Davies (S. Lucie). [Drs. Richard Saunders and Thomas Maud, London.] 1783, June 21. London). Dr. Jacobus Macleod (studied at Edinburgh and [Inverness. Examined by Mediciner in Anatomy, Physiology and Practice.] 1784, September 24. Dr. Jacobus Hodson, ex Universitate Cantabri- giensi (England). [Drs. Wm. Vaughan and Maillard, London.] Dr. Joannes Mudge, R.S.S. (Eng.). [Plymouth. Sir George Baker and Dr. William Farr.] December 31. Dr. Joannes Debraw, Londinensis. [Drs. Willam Buchan, Robert Willan and Robert Jones, London.] 1785, January 31. Dr. Timotheus Dewell, Anglus. [Malmesbury. Drs. Robert Jones, J. Welsh, William Buchan.] October 18. Dr. Cuthbertus Gordon. [Sir John Elliot and Dr. William Shaw.] 1786, August 21. Dr. Georgius Innes, legioni Britannicae trigesimae ter- tiae chirurgi munere fungens (studied at Edinburgh and Glasgow). [After examination by Mediciner "in the various branches of the Practice of Physic and Surgery ".] August 22. Dr. Georgius West, nuper Nosocomii generalis in America Pharmacopola. [In Minute "Gregory" West. Drs. J. Lorimer and J. Merion North.] DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 137 1786, September 23. Dr. Georgius Archer, ex insula de Jamaica (studied at Edinburgh). [Drs. Charles Webster and William Nisbet, Edinburgh.] October 27. Dr. Joannes Gay, ex Augusta Taurinorum (Italy). [Drs. John Brown and Charles Webster, Edinburgh.] November 24. Dr. Gulielmus Pargeter (Oxon.). [Drs. Martin Wall, Oxford, and William Austin, London.] December 7. Dr. Henricus Norris (North America). [Pennsylvania. Drs. Richard Lynn and Edward Ellion.] December 23. Cornwall. Dr. Thomas Hall, Chirurgus in comitatu de [Lostwithiel. Drs. John Gould, Truro, and John Mudge, Plymouth.] 1787, March 10. Dr. Joannes Crane, Chirurgus. [Drs. R. Mowbray and Francis Geach, Plymouth.] March 16. Dr. Richardus Huddleston, Armiger. [Drs. John Macnamara, George Hazelton and A. Burland.] May 25. Dr. Richardus Watson Dickson, Armiger (England. Studied there and in Scotland). [On application. Examined by Mediciner.1] June 21. Dr. Thomas Low, Chirurgus in comitatu Lancastriae. [Preston. Drs. W. Clayton and Edward Long.] August 2. Dr. Joannes Andree, Chirurgus Londinensis. [Drs. William Buchan and Robert Willan, London.] Dr. Alexander Abercrombie Peters, Chirurgus in civi- tate de Westminster. [Drs. James Hodson, Kenneth Callander and J. Shebbear; and submitted thesis On Use of Peruvian Bark.] December 17. Dr. Josias Packwood, Chirurgus Londinensis. [Drs. Gilbert Blane, Samuel Chapman and Walter Farquhar.] 1788, April 3. Dr. Gulielmus Jack (Scotland. Alumnus et A.M. Studied at Edinburgh and examined by Dr. Chalmers). [Shetland. Afterwards Principal.] 1 The questions proposed to Mr. Dickson are minuted: 1. “What are the principal peculiarities in the structure of the Foetus, and are there any impediments to seeing or hearing at birth? What are they? 2. "In how far may acrimony be considered as existing in the system, and what are its effects? 3. "In what proportion of our present diseases may debility be supposed to take place, and how may it be most effectually obviated? 4. "What are the advantages resulting from the Brownonian doctrines?' S 138 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1788, August 30. Dr. Josephus Shapland (England). [Bristol. Drs. James Ford and John Ford.] 1789, April 2. Dr. Gulielmus Chisholm (Scotland. [Inverness.] A1.). October 8. Dominus Jacobus Mackay, Medicinae praxin in insula Sancti Vincentii in India Occidentali exercens (Al. Studied at Edinburgh. Exd. p. m.). [After examination.] 1790, February 2. Thomas Norgate, Chirurgus in Villa Magnae Ash- field in comitatu Suffolciae. [Drs. John Bever and John Murray, Norwich.] May 7. Dominus Jacobus Maxwell, Chirurgus apud Charlestown. in Carolina meridionali (Alumnus. Scotland. Studied here and Edinburgh). [M.A. of this University.] August 17. Dominus Walterus Hamilton Vaughan. [Many years surgeon in the Royal Navy. Drs. J. E. Smith and William Vaughan, London.] 1791, February 24. Dominus Alexander Stewart (Ireland). [Dublin. M.R.C.S. Ed. Sir Robert Scot, M.D., C. Walker, M.D., John O'Connor, M.D., Dublin.] October 24. Dominus Jacobus Ogilvie, Londinensis. [Drs. William Saunders and John Ralph, London.] Dominus Eduardus Goodman Clarke, Londinensis. [Drs. George Fordyce, A. Crawford and J. Shaw, London.] 1792, January 24. Johannes Fleming, haud ita pridem Praeses Regiae Societatis Medicorum Edinburgensium (studied at Edinburgh and Paris). [Drs. Andrew Thynne, John Grieve, Adair Crawford and Andrew Marshall, London.] April 2. Dominus Ebenezer Sibly, Chirurgus Londinensis. [Drs. William Ranger and Isaac Mosely, London, and M. Twyny, Dublin.] 1793. Medicinae Doctores creati sunt hi sequentes, promovente Alexandro Bannerman Medicinae Doctore et Professore in Collegio Regio Aberdonensi. 1793, March 2. Dominus Randal Howell. [Drs. N. Maillard, E. Sibly, James Hodson.] DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 139 1793, March 26. Dominus Henricus Grey MacNab, Universitatum Glasguensis et Edinensis alumnus. [Drs. William Wright and William Nisbet.] May 4. Dominus Philippus Roberts Wilson (London. Studied at London and Edinburgh. Personally examined). May 22. Dominus [Colin] Chisholm, Invernessensis, hujus Academiae alumnus, Medicinae praxi in insula Granadensi in India Occidentali incumbens. [Rec. by Dr. John Rollo, Woolwich.] June 1. Dominus Georgius Grieve, Medicinae Chirurgicae praxin apud Novum Castrum in Northumbria exercens (studied at Edin- burgh). [Drs. James Hamilton and Charles Stuart, Edinburgh.] June II. Dominus Matthaeus Hawes. [Drs. William Saunders and John Ralph, London.] June 14. J. R. J. Rhode (For.), Germanus. ["Johannes Rudolphus Japhetus." Thirty years surgeon in British Army. Dr. William Saunders and the Mediciner.] June 22. Dominus Andreas Young, Medicinae Chirurgicae praxin cum laude exercens apud Novum Castrum in Northumbria (studied at Edinburgh). [Drs. William Wright, William Nisbet and H. G. Macnab.] July 8. Dominus Patricius Grant, in classe Britannica Medicinam Chirurgicam haud ita pridem exercens. [Dr. Alexander Brodie and the Mediciner.] August 27. Dominus Franciscus Hayward (England). [Apothecary, Hackney. Drs. M'Laurin and Brodie.] October 17. Dominus Patricius Lindsay, nuper Chirurgus, nunc vero Medicus Nosocomii Regii Militaris in India Occi- dentali. [Dr. Leslie and the Mediciner.] October 29. D. Johannes Briggs,. nuper in India Orientali Medicinam Chirurgicam exercens. [Drs. Saunders and Farquhar.] 1794, January 3. Dominus Gulielmus Bremmer, hujus Universitatis. alumnus et Artium Magister. [Dr. French and the Mediciner.] February 8. Dominus Joannes Haighton (England. Honorary). [Prof. of Physiology in Guy's Hospital. Drs. Saunders and Skene.] 140 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1794, March 29. Dominus Langdale Sunderland (England. Studied at Edinburgh). [Drs. Graham and Troup.] April 21. Dominus Joannes Barrowdale de Egremont in comi- tatu Cumbriae (studied at Edinburgh). [Dr. James Bingham and John Irvine Troup.] October 15. Jacobus Robertson (Barbadoes). [Dr. Livingston and the Mediciner.] November 8. Johannes Weir, copiis Britannicis in insula de Jamaica Chirurgi munus exercens (Honorary). [Dr. Lorimer and the Mediciner.] Gulielmus Davidson, Armiger, Chirurgi et medica- mentorum confectoris munus exercens apud Londinenses (Honorary). [Dr. Lorimer and the Mediciner.] November 21. Georgius Rowley Clerk (England). [Drs. John Clarke and Osborne, London.] December 22. Magister Joannes Wylie, Scotus (now "Sir". Studied at Edinburgh and Russia). [Now in the service of the Empress of Russia. Rec. by College of S. Peters- burg.] 1795, March 15. Gulielmus Babington, in Nosocomio Londinensi Do- mini Guy. [Drs. William Saunders and John Ralph.] March 28. Franciscus Walsh, Hibernus de provincia Corcinensi. [Drs. William Farquharson and J. Bell, Edinburgh.] Samuel Tuscombe (England). [Drs. Stewart and Hamilton, Edinburgh.] May 25. Dominus vero in Nosocomio militari Britannico medicinam exercens. Wilson, Scotia oriundus, nunc July 1. Dominus Gulielmus Simpson. [Dr. Walter Farquhar, London.] [Dr. William Saunders, London.] July 7. Magister Gulielmus Franklin, Nosocomii Regii generalis in insula Martinici Medicamentarius (West Indies). [Dr. William Saunders, London, and Dr. Clifton, physician-general to Army in West Indies.] August 7. Dominus Richardus Fletcher. [Surgeon to Royal Military Hospital, Martinique. Dr. Bennet, Edinburgh, and Drs. Skene and Bannerman.] DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 141 1795, October 28. Robertus Stewart Cumming, nuper in classe regia Chirurgus (studied at Edinburgh). [Drs. Warren and Pitcairn, London.] November 28. Magister Jacobus Higgins in classe regia navali Chirurgus. [Dr. Trotter, physician of the Fleet, and Dr. Waller, Portsmouth.] December 14. Magister Henricus Clutterback, Londinensis. [Dr. Saunders.] December 26. Magister Gulielmus Cholwich Hunt. [Drs. Saunders and Babington.] Magister Alexander Melvill (S. Vincent). [Drs. Mudie, Bute, and Gibson, Montrose.] 1796, February. Magister Walterus Farquhar (London). [Well known to all the members.] February 27. Magister Josephus Adams. [Dr. William Saunders.] March 7. Magister Joannes Weir, Scotus, in classe regia Britan- nica Chirurgus generalis (studied in Edinburgh). April 20. Magister Robertus Montague Wilmot (London). [Dr. John Mayo, Thomas Denman and Richard Croft, London.] April 29. Magister Franciscus Edwards, de Haverfordia occi- dentali in Wallia (England). [Drs. Nathaniel Hulme, Richard Brocklesby and Charles Combe.] May 2. Magister Gulielmus Digby Lawlor, medicinae praxin nuper exercens in insula Sancti Christophori (West Indies). [Drs. R. Stephen and A. Mackenzie, S. Kitts.] July 2. Robertus Lawson, Chirurgus Edinensis. [Dr. Robertson and the Mediciner.] July 14. Magister Gulielmus Perry. [Bath. Drs. Saunders and Skene.] September 9. Dominus Jacobus Stevenson. [Sir Walter Farquhar, Bart., and Dr. Saunders.] October 16. Dominus Joannes Wright, Nosocomiorum Regis Britanniae in insula de S. Domingo Dispensator praecipuus. [Dr. Theodore Gordon, Jamaica, and the Mediciner.] October 18. Dominus Andreas Keltie, Medicinam exercens apud Auchtermuchtie in comitatu Fifensi, promovente Domino Alexandro Bannerman (nunc) Equite Baronetto. [Dr. James Hamilton, Edinburgh, and Dr. Bartholomew Carter.] 142 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1796, October 18. Dominus Theodorus Gordon, hujus Academiae alumnus. [Military inspector of hospitals, Jamaica.] October 26. Dominus Carolus Armstrong, Londinensis. [Many years surgeon in Navy. Drs. Clarke and Morsom, London.] November 10. Magister Georgius Longmore (Al.). [Long assistant-surgeon in Army. Dr. James Dunbar.] November 25. Dominus Joannes Woodcock, Londinensis. [Drs. George Pearson and Andrew Marshall, London.] December 1O. Dominus Richardus Poole (F.R.C.S.). [Army surgeon. Drs. John McLean and William Nisbet, Edinburgh.] December 24. Magister Joannes Sall (studied at Edinburgh and London). [Dr. John Bennet, Edinburgh.] December 31. Magister Gulielmus Scott (studied at Edinburgh and London. England). [Surgeon at Cockermouth. Drs. Josiah Dickson and Henry Crosthwaite, Whitehaven.] 1797, February 18. Gulielmus Dyce, Chirurgus Aberdonensis (Scot- land. Studied at Aberdeen, Edinburgh and London). [Father of the painter and of Professor Dyce.] April 20. Magister Giles Roberts. [Drs. Christison and Haighton, London.] May 15. Magister Stephanus Laurie. [Surgeon, Truro. Drs. J. Hall, Bodmin, and W. Meagher, Bath.] July 4. Methusalem Davies (England). [Lewisham. Drs. Pitcairn and Theodore Forbes, Leith.] August 26. Magister Joannes MacLean (New Jersey. Prof. N. P.). [Prof. of Nat. Phil., University of N. J. Drs. Cleghorn and Miller, Glasgow.] September 26. Eduardus Erastus Deacon. [Drs. George Fordyce and David Orme, London.] October 23. Benjamin Worship, Anglus. [Surgeon, 31st Regiment. Drs. Saunders and Aikin, London.] Gulielmus Ord (A.M.), Scotus. [Dr. R. Coupar, Fochabers, and Dr. George Skene, Aberdeen.] November 24. Dominus Douglas Whyte (studied at Edinburgh and London). [Surgeon, R.N. minica.] Dr. Robertson, Greenwich, and Dr. James Clarke, Do- DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 143 1798, January 5. [Surgeon, R.N. Hospital.] Magister Robertus Harris. Dr. Trotter, physician to Fleet, and Dr. Thomson, Haslar January 31. Magister Thomas Guy (England), Chirurgus militaris comitatu de Essex. [Sir Walter Farquhar, London.] February 14. Magister Joannes Sherwin (England). ["A respectable and ingenious medical practitioner." Saunders.] Robertus Eden, Armiger (England). [Drs. Saunders, Meyer and Lettsom, London.] February 27. Magister Richardus Allen (England). Dr. William [Surgeon, London. Drs. Babington and Haighton, Guy's Hospital.] April 7. Magister Richardus Sheppard (Engla nd). [Surgeon, Plymouth. Drs. Shapter and Packwood.] June 5. Magister Joannes Taylor. [Drs. James Hamilton and Thomas Coull, Edinburgh.] June 26. Magister Holliday Lidderdale. [Drs. Saunders, London, and Skene, Aberdeen.] July 6. Eduardus Bishopp. [Surgeon, 37th Regiment. Drs. Brown and Scott, Durham.] September 12. Terentius Gahagan, Armiger (E.I.C.). [Chief surgeon, H.E.I.C.S. Sir William Farquhar and Dr. George Fordyce, London.] October 18. Gulielmus Armstrong, Armiger (S. Christopher). [Surgeon to Naval Hospital, S. Kitts. At request of the Mediciner.] November 16. Jacobus Robinson, Armiger (England). [Drs. William Saunders and M. Baillie.] December 8. Joannes Couan, Armiger (Ireland). [Superintendent of military hospitals. Drs. Harvey, Stuart and Renny.] 1799, February 26. Dominus Ebenezer Bradshaw, Armiger (England). [Surgeon, Bromley. Drs. Theodore Forbes, Leith, and Nath. Davies.] March 25. Dominus Walterus Hugo. [Apothecary to British forces. Drs. Wm. Saunders and Clark, London.] April 1. Dominus Eduardus Boys. [Surgeon, R.N. Drs. James Johnston and Gilbert Blane.] May 18. Dominus Gulielmus Morris (England). [London. Drs. John Clarke and Goodman Clarke, physicians in London.] June 1. Dominus Steuart Henderson. [Surgeon, military staff. Drs. Gilbert Blane and William May, London.] 144 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1799, June 26. Dominus Gulielmus Limpriere. [Army medical staff. Drs. Hector McLean and Theodore Gordon.] July 24. Dominus Archibaldus Menzies. Dominus Joannes Snipe. [Surgeons, R.N. Drs. James Johnston and Gilbert Blane, London.] Dominus Alexander Proctor (Al.). August 1. [Surgeon, R.N. November 5. [Surgeon, R.N. 1800,¹ February 22. Drs. Alexander Crichton and Andrew Thynne, London.] Dominus Jacobus Magennis. Drs. Johnston and Blane.] John Robinson Thurston, S. Kitts. Drs. Williamson and Sprott, S. Kitts, and Dr. Armstrong. April 7. Thomas Gray, 10th Regiment of Foot. Drs. Hamilton and Coventry, Edinburgh. Andrew Cairncross. Dr. William Saunders, London. April 12. William Kennedy, Surgeon, Inverness. Drs. William Chisholm, Inverness, and Thomas Stephen, Elgin. April 28. James Veitch, Surgeon, Reay Fencibles. Drs. James McDonnel and Robert Montgomery, Belfast. May I. Andrew Baird. Drs. Al. Chrichton and B. Wright, London. May 12. Arnold Carter, Maidstone. Drs. W. Vaughan and William Saunders, London. June 27. William Sommerville. Sir Walter Farquhar and Dr. William Saunders, London. July 5. William Sainsbury. Drs. G. Fordyce and William H. Fraser, London. July 12. John Herdman, F.R.C.S. Ed. Drs. Thomas Gillespie, Edinburgh, and William Wright, F.R.S. July 29. Thomas Grey. Drs. Gilbert Blane and James Johnston. August 18. Robert Drummond, younger of Keltie. Surgeon, H.E.I.C.S. Professors Jack and Scott. ¹ The Album [C.] eorum qui, etc. (see p. 97), continues the record of M.D.'s down to 17th April, 1818, but, as the transcript in Album [E.] ends, and as the new Album [H.] of Graduates in Medicine (see Preface) begins, with Dr. Thurston's name, it has been thought as well to abandon here the Latin entries of the older volume, and to take subsequent names directly from the original record, the Minute Books of the Senatus, compared, for the period 1800- 1818, with Album C. and Album H., and for the period 1818-1860 with the latter. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 145 1800, September 11. George Winter, Bristol. Dr. Alexander Chrichton and Mr. John Leslie, London. September 22. Daniel Ludlow. Drs. William Saunders and William Babington, London. Richard Kent. Drs. James Johnston and John Harness, London. November 3. Joshua Jefferson, Pontefract. Sir John Macnamara Hayes and Dr. William Cockett, Pontefract. 1801, February Iг. Daniel Hill. Author of a Treatise on Vital Air. Drs. Matthew and Curling, London. John Newball Hepburn. Drs. Kennedy and Richard Ryan, London. March 24. Denis Moore, Wellingborough. Drs. William Kerr, Northampton, William Saunders, James Curry, William Babington, Thomas Denman. April 18. David Paterson, Montrose. Mediciner and Dr. George Skene. April 24. Thomas Benwell, Whitechurch. Drs. Saunders and Bradley, London. May 12. Hugh Gamble, Plymouth. Drs. Parr and McGennis, Plymouth. May 20. Edward Broderip, Dover. Drs. Pitcairn, Bailie and Cooke, London. June II. Michael Vincent. Drs. Crichton and Babington, London. June 19. Francis Fox, Derby. Drs. Thomas Denman and Richard Crofts, London. July 2. John Cotton Weekes, Chatham. Drs. Robert Beugo, Rochester, and James Chichester Maclaurin, London. July 18. James Bell, R.N. Drs. James Johnson and John Harness, Leith. November 16. George Conquest, Rochester. Drs. James Chichester Maclaurin, London, and J. C. Weekes, R.N. December 14.¹ Peter Veitch. Drs. Chrichton and John Leslie, London. 1802, February 24. François Vauchier, Chalons sur Marne. Drs. Alex. Crichton and William Babington, London. 1 "In future, every candidate for a degree in Medicine must oblidge himself that he is not, nor will be, concerned in the sale of Quack Medicines of any description," Τ 146 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1802, July 19. Gerard Macklin, Dublin. Drs. Walter Wade, Anthony Gilholy and E. Hill, Dublin. August 16. John Dunn, Stockport. Drs. P. Aston, Stockport, and John McCartney, Liverpool. Complaint as to Dr. Dunn selling quack medicines. Min. of 27th June, 1803. October II. Joseph Henry Cooke, Eltham. Drs. Theodore Forbes, Leith, and Charles Rattray, Greenwich. William Porter, R.N. Drs. William Lempriere and William Blackburn, London. October 18. Charles Truscott: Drs. Chrichton and Clark, London. Louis Mathurin Joseph Macartan, Valenciennes. Drs. Chrichton and Maton, London. December II. Peter Paterson, London. Drs. Andrew Thynne and Lidderdale, London. 1803, January 5. Roger Keys. Sir Walter Farquhar and Dr. Andrew Thynne, London. March 1. James Cairns. Drs. Gilbert Blane, George Pearson and Andrew Thynne, London. April 5. John Peake, M.R.C.S. Drs. John Meyer, Edward Fryer, George Pearson and A. P. Anderson, London. April 8. John Burrell Davis. Drs. de Valanzia and William Saunders, London. April 25. John Milne, M.A., Bussorah. Founder of "The Milne Bequest ". May 27. Henry Jenner, Berkly. 66 Nephew of the celebrated Dr. Jenner." Drs. C. Chisholm, Clifton and J. H. Hickes, Bedington. June 27. William Henry Thomson. Sir Walter Farquhar and Dr. Andrew Thynne, London. September 17. James Leighton, London. Drs. Alex. Crichton and Thomas Bradley, London. William Stanley, late of Nottingham. Drs. Thomas Tuckey, Thomas Sullivan and John Galway, Ireland. October 24. David Aitken, Glasgow. Drs. Cleghorn and Brown, Glasgow. 1804, January 7. William Kitchener, London. Drs. William Henry Mathew, Army, Anderson, London, and David Aitken, Glasgow. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 147 1804, January 21. William Royle, Ely. Drs. John Haighton, London, and Alexander Fraser, Ely. January 31. Thomas Wharry, Hamilton. Drs. Cleghorn and Millar, Glasgow. James Blackman, Ramsbury, Wilts. Drs. John Heighton and William Babington, London. February 24. Alexander McAskill, M.A., H.E.I.C.S. Well known to several members. Gratis. March 21. Richard Saumarez. Drs. William Saunders and William Babington, London. April 18. William Hopkins Kilpin, London. Drs. Thomas Huet and William Saunders, London. June 8. James Dalziel, Madras. Drs. William Robertson, Bath, and W. Kennedy Crawfuird, Bristol. Robert Anderson, London. Rec. by Drs. John Mayo and Andrew Thynne, London. July 13. Joseph Kearsley, R.A. Drs. A. P. Anderson, London, and William Russell, Bath. August 19. John William Benson. Dr. Alex. Fraser, Wisbech, and John Marshall, North Lynn. September 3. John Fleming, Calcutta. Late president of the Medical Board there. Sir Walter Farquhar and Dr. William Saunders, London. November 15. James Bent, Staffordshire. Drs. John Evans and Robert Waring, Staffordshire. December 29. Ralph Blegborough. Drs. William Wright, Edinburgh, Copley Letsome and Andrew Marshall, London. 1805, February 12. Richard Stewart, Bourn, Lincolnshire. Drs. Samuel Alvey, S. Neots, and William Saunders, London. April 2. Richard Reece, London. Drs. William Symonds, Halifax, and J. Matthews, London. April 23. Liscombe John Curtis. Drs. William Saunders and William Babington, London. May 20. Henry Boys, Forfar. Drs. Hope and Boys, Haslar. June 10. Joseph Stephenson, Haslar. Drs. Archibald Thomson, Plymouth, and Boys, Haslar. July 13. Charles Taylor, London. Principal secretary to Society of Arts and Sciences. Drs. Andrew Thynne and William Kitchener, London. 148 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1806, January 7. Thomas Simpson, R.N. Drs. Richard Kent and Richard Clarke, R.N. January 22. John Richard Farre. Drs. William Saunders and James Hamilton, London. February 28. William Beatty, R.N. "Of the late Lord Nelson's ship." Laird, London. April 17. Robert Welsh, R.N. Drs. William Babington and James Drs. Richard Clarke and J. C. Weeks, Rochester. April 21. William Knighton. Drs. Blegborough, London, and Lockyer, Edinburgh. May 16. Thomas Letham, M.R.C.S., London. Drs. John Sherwin, London, and Joseph Clarke, Edinburgh. May 24. Frederick Thackeray, Cambridge. Drs. Christopher Robert Pemberton and William Lambe, London. July 4. Walter Ross Munro, Calcutta. Alumnus. Gratis. Thomas Bible, South Mayo. Drs. Galway and O'Conner, Mallow. August 18. David James Hamilton Dickson, R. N. Drs. Kent and Weeks, Rochester. October 1. Rice Williams, Cardigan. Drs. Kent and Weekes, Rochester. December 6. Charles Smith. Studied at Edinburgh. Drs. John Barclay and James Miller, Edinburgh. Samuel Stanbro' Williams. Drs. Richard Reece and Andrew Thynne, London. December 12. William Gordon, late of 93rd Foot. Alumnus. Studied medicine at Edinburgh and London. December 27. John Tookey, Winslow, Buckinghamshire. Drs. William Pargeter, Banbury, and William Kerr, Northampton. 1807, January 3. George Vance, Haslar. Drs. Lara, Portsmouth, and Felix, Portsea. James Smith, Bideford. Drs. William Parry and William Sainsbury, Bath. January 14. Richard Reece, Cardiff. Drs. William Turton, Swansea, and Richard Reece, London. Tempest Coulthurst, London. Drs. Marshall and Hill, London. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 149 1807, January 31. Thomas Webb Dyer, Bristol. Drs. Moncrieff, Edward Long Fox, Robert Lovelt and W. K. Crawfuird, Bristol. February 13. John Alexander Mant, Southampton. Drs. Pierce Halket and Robert Wightman, London. March 12. James Kendrick, Warrington. Drs. R. R. Watson Robinson, Preston, and R. W. Dickson, Hendon. George Mather, Liverpool. Drs. John Rutter and Robert Lewin, Liverpool. April 21. Thomas Walsingham. Drs. Ralph Blegborough and W. Knighton, London. July 30. William Crabb, Montrose. Drs. David Paterson and William Gibson, Montrose. September II. William Loutit. Drs. Robert Groat and Andrew Munro, Kirkwall. October 12. Rev. John Thomson, Aberdeen. November 7. T. J. Beverly, S. Petersburg. Dr. Alexander Crichton, "premier medicin de SS. MM. II. à S. Petersbourg ". “N.B.—The University, owing to the respectability of Dr. Crichton, dispense in this instance with two recommendations from respectable characters.” 1808, January 11. John Thomson, Edinburgh. II. Prof. of Military Surgery in the University there. William Marris. Drs. William Nisbet and Richard Reece, London. January 26. Richard Griffiths, Cardiff. Drs. R. B. Chiston, Gloucester, and Thomas Beddues, Clifton. March 9. Thomas Hugo, Crediton. Drs. William Saunders, London, and Hugh Downman, Exeter. June 14. Alexander Baillie, Inspector of Army Hospitals. Drs. Robert Jackson, James Borland and Theodore Gordon. Thomas Matthew Caton, London. Drs. William Nisbet and Richard Reece, London. July 13. Nehemiah Bradford, Bristol. Drs. William Moncrieff and Edward Long Fox, Bristol. August 23. Hampton Weekes, Brighton. Drs. Young, R.N., and Conquest, Chatham. September 13. James Bradley, Huddersfield. Dr. Benjamin Hird, Leeds, and J. Jefferson, Pontefract. 1809, March 15. William Nisbet, R.N. Drs. William Scott and George Smith, Londonderry. 150 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1809, March 30. James Selby, Aberdeen. Drs. French and Dyce, Aberdeen. Charles Pears, London. Drs. Sir Walter Farquhar, John Haighton and Sayer Walker, London. May 16. John Speirs, Greenock. Drs Cleghorn, Glasgow, and Carmichael, Port-Glasgow. June 24. Andrew Veitch, Lanarkshire. Drs. John Barclay and John Thomson, Edinburgh. July 24. Andrew Christie. Well known to members. Gratis. October 12. Richard Daly, R.N. Drs. George Vance and B. D. Binny, Edinburgh. November 9. Richard Goodwin, R.N. Drs. William Saunders and Richard Clarke, London. December II. George Charles Julius. Studied at Edinburgh. Drs. Babington and Laird, London. Robert Anderson, Sudbury. Drs. Ritchard Kent and J. C. Weeks. Gratis. December 30. Alexander Copland Hutchison, R.N. Drs. John Thomson, Edinburgh, and Robert Wright, Deal. 1810, February 24. Edward Philipps. Drs. Hooper and Thynne, London. David Rowland. Drs. John Thomson, Alex. Hutchison and Roberts, Deal. March 20. Robert Watt, Paisley. Drs. Robert Cleghorn and Thomas Brown, Glasgow. April 2. Thomas Brown, Cork. Drs. William Saunders and William Babington, London. May 8. Peter Blair, R.N. Drs. J. Trotter, R.N., and A. Huggan. July 11. II. Isaac Oliphant, London. Drs. Andrew Thynne and A. P. Buchanan, London. Robert Tyser, London. Drs. Henry Jackson and Robert Hooper, London. August 9. Arthur Robertson, London. Drs. Robert Millar, Arthur Thynne and W. Babington. September 21. John Frederick Falwasser. Drs. Saunders and Babington, London. November 15. William Bowen, Bath. Drs. Robert Lovell, Bristol, and C. H. Parry, Bath. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. I5I 1810, November 19. Robert Dunn, R.N. Drs. A. Baird, R.N., R. Wright, Haslar, and A. Copland Hutchison, Deal. December I. William Trotter. Drs. J. Trotter, R.N., and John Barclay, Edinburgh. December 10. John White. Prof. Thomson, Edinburgh, and Dr. Wright, physician to forces. December 15. Samuel Davis Stuart, Carrickfergus. Drs. Alex. McDonnel, Belfast, and P. Fletcher, Carrickfergus. December 29. John Gibbes Ridout. Drs. Babington, Dale and Laird, London. 1811, May 18. Donald Maclean, Army. Drs. K. Maclean and John Maclean, Edinburgh. Robert Boyd Young, Tobago. Drs. H. Lidderdale and Adam Black, London, August 27. George Pearson Dawson. Drs. John Armstrong and Henry Pearson, Edinburgh. John Tweedale, R.N. Drs. Richard Kent and J. C. Weekes. September 10. William Knox, Mayo. Drs. McLennan and Hinds. October 3. James Strachan, Isle of France. Drs. James McGregor, Portsmouth, and Andrew Christie, "brother-in-law to the Principal". November 9. Edward Drury, R.N. Drs. J. Trotter, R.N., and J. Ramsay, Newcastle. James Bayne, M.A., M.R.C.S. Ed. Drs. William Kennedy and James Robertson, Inverness. November 30. William Broderip, Bristol. Drs. Parry and Broderip, Bath. 1812, March 17. James Lynn, M.R.C.S., H.E.I.C.S. Drs. George Kellie, Leith, Charles Anderson and James Anderson, Edinburgh. June 25. Alexander Manson, Thurso. Drs. G. Borthwick and N. Sutherland. August 1. William Smith, M.A. Dr. Dyce, Mediciner and Subprincipal. James Penrose, Hatfield. Drs. J. T. Murray and Thomas Jones, Bath. Richard Young Vance, Army. Drs. George Vance, Paignton, and James McGrigor, inspector of hospitals. 152 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1812, August 28. Alexander Boyle, Army, Sicily. Drs. Dyce and Skene, Aberdeen. 1813, February 9. William Thomson, Crayford. Drs. Lettsom and Leith, London. Henry Turner, London. Sir William Knighton and Dr. Gooch. March 30. James Flamark, Wallingford. Drs. John Taylor, Oxford, and Charles Taylor. March 30. Robert Burt, Edinburgh. Drs. William Wright, J. Yule, James Anderson and John Fletcher. April 19. John Ollive. Drs. Colin Chisholm and Thomas Shute, Bristol. May 3. Francis Travers. Sir William Knighton and Dr. Robert Gooch, London. Richard Jordan, Hophouse, Essex. Drs. John Meyer, London, and Radulphus Blegborough. John Chevallier. Drs. William Wright, Army, John Gordon, Edinburgh, and Sir Lachlan McLean, Sudbury. May 31. Lewis Jones, M.R.C.S. Drs. Alex. Hannay, Edinburgh, and David Rees. William Fisher, Liverpool. John Elliston, Edinburgh, and two M.B.'s. July 5. George Parkman, Boston, U.S. Drs. William C. Wells and J. C. Lettsom, London. August 18. James Pitcairn, Ireland. Deputy-inspector of hospitals. Drs. Quin and G. Renny, Ireland. October 21. Robert Daun, Indian Army. Alumnus. Drs. D. McKinnon and A. P. Anderson, London. December 8. Duncan Stewart, London. Drs. John Barclay and James Millar, Edinburgh. December 18. Joseph Ashley Gaitskill, Rotherhithe. Drs. James Hamilton, Edinburgh, and John Haighton, London. December 29. Thomas Newell. Drs. Matthew Baillie and Edward Jenner. 1814, January 7. Charles Beaty, Lincoln. Drs. David Hay, Edinburgh, and Ambrose Cookson, Lincoln. January 14. Andrew Thynne, London. Sir W. Knighton and Dr. Robert Gooch. January 17. Onesiphorus Windle Bartley. Drs. Edward Jenner and B. S, Brown, Army. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 153 1814, February 5. James Mollison, Viewbank, Forfar. Drs. M. (? Al.) Hunter, David Paterson and Robert Crabbe, Montrose. John Paine Berjeu, Bristol. Drs. Robert Lovell, William Moncrieff and J. Carrick, Bristol. February 15. John H. Taylor, Surrey. Drs. James Merry, Bath, and Robert Pope, Staines. May 25. Jean Baptiste François Lacaille, Villedieu, France. A prisoner of war at Chesterfield. Drs. G. Fletcher and Jonathan Stokes, Chesterfield. June 20. James Robert Grant, Army, Holland. Inspector of hospitals. Studied at Edinburgh. Drs. James McDougall and E. Walsh, Army. September 17. James Edward Yonge. Drs. George Pearson and B. Moseley, London. November 23. Theodore Gordon, M.A., Army. Drs. Theodore Gordon and William Livingston. November 26. Thomas Steel, R.N. Drs. Thomas Walshman and Radulphus Blegborough, London. December 10. David Wood, Army. Drs. J. Forbes and J. Walker, Army. 1815, March 15. John Blest, S. Jago. Dr. John Richard Farre and Dr. William Maiben, Sligo. March 30. Robert Wilson, H.E.I.C.S. Drs. James Moir and James Selbie, Aberdeen. April 7. John McNaught. Drs. Andrew Inglis and H. Spaulding, Edinburgh, and Andrew Hill, Greenock. May 29. John Pidcock, Watford. Drs. Christopher Robert Pembroke, Henry Ainslie and William Babington, London. June 30. Thomas Seagram, London. Sir William Knighton and Dr. Robert Gooch, London. October 7. William Finch, Salisbury. Drs. Robert Wightman, Southampton, and William Moore, Newport. October 16. George Adams, Billiricay, Essex. Sir William Knighton and Dr. Robert Gooch, London. December 2. Stephen Jennings Swayne, R.N. Drs. W. Burnett, R.N., and Alex. Ross, R.N. December 19. John Young. Drs. William Charles Wells and Clement Tree, London. 1816, February 6. Pierre de Sales Laterriere. Sir Gilbert Blane and Dr. John Conquest, London. U 154 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1816, May 13. James Gillies. Drs. William Wright, Army, and John Gordon, Edinburgh. June 3. John Bowen, R.N., Llandovery. Sir William Knighton and Dr. George Gooch, London. George Ferguson, Sunderland. Drs. John Armstrong and Henry Pearson. August 22. John Millar, M.R.C.S., R.N. Drs. George Pearson Dawson and Francis Travers. September 10. William Hogg, H.E.I.C.S. Drs. Andrew Inglis and J. Thomson, Edinburgh. September 12. Daniel Baruh, M.R.C.S. Drs. J. Sequiera and J. H. Myers, London. October 24. Lewis Henry, Madeira. Drs. J. Squire and Joseph Adams. December 27. Charles Waite, Army. Sir Richard Croft and Dr. John Ramsbotham, London. 1817, April 30. Charles Baron Courtenay, London. Dr. Andrew Inglis and Prof. John Thomson, Edinburgh. May 26. James Young, Methven. Drs. William Malcolm and William Henderson, Perth. June 25. Emmanuel Pacifico, London. Drs. Myers, Sutherland, and Babington, London. July 1. 1. John Newman, Bristol. Drs. Edward Long Fox and Henry Hawes Fox, Bristol. July 18. Charles Norbert Perrault, Canada. Drs. Andrew Inglis and John Thomson, Edinburgh. voices in the meeting." August 7. William Gaitskill, Rotherhithe. Drs. James Hamilton and John Haighton, London. John Farquharson. (6 "do." 'By a plurality of Alumnus. Prof. Livingston, Marischal College, and Dr. James Moir, Aber- deen. "do." October 25. Gervase Alexander, Halifax, Yorkshire. Drs. James Hamilton and George Pearson, London. December 31.1 Charles Cropper Webb, London. Drs. William Knighton and Stephen Luke, London. 1 1817, December 31. New regulations adopted by Senatus as to Graduation in Medicine: (( I. Along with every application for a Medical degree there shall be laid before the Senatus Academicus an account of the Classical, Literary and Scientifical Education of the DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 155 1818, March 2. Andrew Gibson, Glasgow. Rec.-in terms prescribed by Senatus-by Drs. White, Paisley, and Watt, Glasgow. April 4. Thomas Rankin, H.E.I.C.S. Rec.—as above-by Drs. Moir and Livingstone, Aberdeen. April 17. Rev. Robert Ross, Edinburgh. Drs. William Brown and John Abercrombie, Edinburgh. Dr. Ross's is the last name entered in the Album [C.] eorum qui, etc. July 18.1 David Clark. Drs. John Gordon and John Abercrombie, Edinburgh. September 22. Walter Ross. Drs. John G. Stuart and Thomas Alder, Edinburgh. November 26. William Browne, Westminster. Sir James Macgrigor and Dr. Theodore Gordon, Army. 1819, January 30. Alexander Kennedy, Edinburgh. Drs. William Wright, Army, and George Kellie. Candidate; of the courses of Lectures he has attended on the various branches of Medical Science, specifying the names and residences of the Lecturers; and of such public examina- tions as he may have undergone. 2. “If the Candidate is in practice, he shall state how long he has been a practitioner, in what department of practice, and where. 3. "There shall further be laid before the Senatus the annexed form of certificate filled up and signed by at least two respectable physicians, regular Graduates in Medicine, known either personally or by reputation to some of the members of the University. And the Senatus, being duly sensible that the interest of the public and the reputation of Medical Science, no less than the honour of the University, are intimately connected with the character and qualifications of those on whom Medical degrees are conferred, express their confidence in the honour of those Doctors of Medicine who may be requested to grant attestations in favour of applicants, that they will give full attention to the tenor of the subjoined formula:— residing at .. has had a Classical Education and has made respectable Literary acquirements in general; that he has attended Lectures on Anatomy and Surgery, Chemistry and the Theory and Practice of Medicine, and well acquainted with Medical Science; that his moral character is irreproachable; that he is in our judgment well qualified in every respect to have the honour of the highest degree of Medicine conferred upon him; and that we can certify the above from full knowledge. This we declare on our honour and our "That conscience.' • Dr. Bannerman protested against the setting aside of the former and constant precedent of the College for the admission of Graduates in Medicine, inasmuch as the same must ever be found the only proper mode of procedure on such occasions, so long as the constitution of the University remains what it is ". 11818, July 6. Senatus approved a scheme for the establishment of a Medical School to be managed jointly by King's and Marischal Colleges (see ante, p. 75). 156 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1819, March 6. William Fasken. Drs. Dyce and Blaikie. March 12. William Rawlins, Lincoln. Drs. John Hammond and John Ollive. March 23. Rev. Hugh Mackenzie, M.A., M.R.C.S. Ed., Minister of Assynt. Drs. Livingston and Moir, Aberdeen. 1 October 30.¹ George Gordon Maclean, M.A., Cruden. Drs. J. C. Ogilvie and Neil Sutherland, Aberdeen. Afterwards Professor of Hebrew, Mar. Coll. November 19. John Sabine, Brompton. Drs. Charles Scudamore and George Gregory, London. December 19. Jacob Alexander Verlander, London. Drs. D. Mackinnon and John Hauden Walker. 1820, January 1. Charles Crane, F.R.C.S., Jamaica. Drs. Alex. Maclarty, Hinton Spalding and John McNaught, Jamaica. March 23. James Aitken. Drs. Andrew Gibson, H.E.I.C.S., and James Kellie, Dunbar. May 20. William Hutchinson, M.R.C.S. Drs. Richard Harrison, Oxford, and Roderick Macleod, Edinburgh. George Gleig, F.R.C.S. Ed. Drs. John Abercrombie and D. Clark, Edinburgh. May 29. David Barry, Army. Sir James Macgregor, and Drs. Theodore Gordon and Roderick Macleod. June 8. John James Paterson, H.E.I.C.S. Drs. Charles Skene and Gcorge French, Aberdeen. June 12. George Taylor, Kingston, Surrey. Drs. R. Pope, Staines, and James Merry, Bath. August 28. Michael Neligan, Meath. Drs. Anthony Gilholy, John Byrn and John Cowen, Ireland. September 6. John Boyd, New Brunswick. Drs. Alex. Boyle, Nova Scotia, and William Bruce Almon, New Brunswick. September 23. William Houghton. Drs. David Uwins and Sayer Walker, London. October 21. Laurence Holker Potts, M.R.C.S., Devon. Dr. Theodore Gordon and Dr. John Vetch, Army. 11819, October 20. "Said day the Senatus, after an examination of Mr. Hardinge, who presented himself as a Candidate for the degree of M.D., thought proper to remit him to his studies." DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 157 1820, October 21. Matthew M. Martin, Glencree. Drs. H. Lidderdale and John Meyer, London. Matthew Townshead Bethune, M.A., Inverness. Drs. James Hamilton, junr., G. A. Borthwick and David Maclagan. Michael Bartlett, London. Drs. H. Lidderdale and David Uwins. December 5. Edward Carroll, Jamaica. Drs. A. Hutchison and William Gordon, Jamaica. December 29. Andrew Jukes, Guzzerat. Drs. William Somerville and Charles Scudamore. Francis Pery Hutchesson, Guernsey. Sir James Macgrigor and Dr. Theodore Gordon. Rev. Robert Walsh, LL.D., Constantinople. Profs. Martin Tuomy and Francis Barker, Dublin. 1821, March 28. Donald Macleod, M.A. Drs. Theodore Gordon and Roderick Macleod, London. May 3. William Daniel Dray, London. Drs. Charles Scudamore and John Armstrong, London. June 4. William Cooke, New Brentford. Drs. George Pearson and D. Mackinnon, London. Roger Nunn, Colchester. Drs. Thomas Watson and George Adams. June 26. Christian Heineken, M.R.C.S., Bow. Drs. Samuel Pelt and James Laird, Edinburgh. July 3. John Price, Herefordshire. Drs. Ralph Blegborough, G. R. Nuttall and Joshua Brookes, London July 17. Thomas Lough, Isle of Wight. Drs. Michael Bartlett and William Houghton. July 28. Anthony Francis Court, Trinidad. Drs. Thomas Anderson, Arthur Robertson and John Baptist Philip. George Palmer Holt, M.R.C.S., Tottenham. Drs. Algernon Frampton and R. Hooper. August 23. William Henry Holt, M.R.C.P., Enfield. Drs. Charles Scudamore and R. Hooper. Thomas Brickenden, M.R.C.S., London. Drs. John Meyer, London, and James Hamilton, Edinburgh. September II. John Curry, R.N., Douglas. Drs. William Babington and James Laird, London. September 22. John Morgan, London. Drs. Thomas Walshman and Ralph Blegborough. 158 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1821, October 6. John Hardy, M.R.C.S., Doncaster. Drs. Thomas Walshman and James Laird. October 31. Thomas Pendarves Smith, Stoke Newington. Drs. Stephen Luke and Samuel Pett. William Salmon, Wickham Market. Drs. Henry Clutterback and William Whymper. 1822, January 1. Henry Davis, M.R.C.S. Sir James Macgrigor and Dr. Theodore Gordon. March 2. Charles Foote, M.R.C.S. Drs. R. Hooper and S. Cleverly. March 20. James Innes, Wick. Drs. John Thomson and Adam Hunter. April 23. James Domville, R.N. Drs. Thomas Sutton and R. Robertson. May 27. Henry Marsh, Strood, Kent. Drs. J. C. Weekes and Andrew Douglas. William Turner, Bath. Drs. James Johnston and Robert Hooper. Henry Hart, Sunderland. Drs. Joseph Brown and George Pearson Dawson. June 10. William Whincopp, Relton, Suffolk. Drs. James Lynn and Jeffries Thomson. June 26. Henry Thornton Mostyn, Army. Drs. John Ashburner and Henry Davis. August 1. Richardson King, Jersey. Drs. John Armstrong and A. Webb. September 11. Antonio Homfrey, Edinburgh. Drs. James Hamilton and George Wood. September 27. Stephen Hall, Dulwich. Drs. James Laird and William Babington. October 1. George Paxton, H.E.I.C.S. Drs. John Abercrombie and John Thatcher. November 9. John Gorman. Drs. John Foley and Henry Davies. November 23. William Gordon, Jamaica. Sir James McGregor and Dr. Theodore Gordon. December 7. Thomas Young, Hastings. Drs. James and George Gregory. 1823, January 28. Philip Henry Poore. Drs. William Whymper and Charles Herbert. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 159 1823, April 8. James Scott, London. Drs. Thomas Brown and Theodore Gordon. April 19. George Rogers, Mannington. Drs. Theodore Gordon and Samuel Merriman. May 5. G. A. Richardson, Demerara. Drs. W. Reid Clanny and R. A. Chirnside. June 2. James Torrie, Aberdeen. Alumnus. Drs. Ogilvie and G. G. McLean. Founder of Bursary. November 12. Henry W. Thomson, Kensington. Drs. James A. Gordon and Thomas Addison. James Macdonnel, London. Drs. John Armstrong and George McGrath. James Dunkin, London. Sir James McGregor and Dr. William Babington. November 12. John Weymouth, Portsea. Drs. George Vance and Isaac Wilson. 1824, January 5. George Atkinson, Sunderland. Drs. W. Reid Clanny and James Thorburn. January 27. William Rio Macdonald, London. Drs. H. Lidderdale and F. M. Goode. Judah Israel Montefiore. Drs. Algernon Frampton and John Meyer. February 4. Daniel Garcia, London. Drs. John Meyer and John Ramsbotham. April 16. George James Guthrie, F.R.C.S., London. The meeting, considering the distinctions of Mr. Guthrie, departed from the usual rule as to testimonials. June 28. Simon Davies Robinson. Drs. Stephen Robinson and Giles Laurence Roberts. July 15. Robert Cooke, M.R.C.S. Drs. John Webb, John Sky and Theodore Gordon. October 7. Duncan Stewart. Drs. John Barclay and James Begbie. November 13. John Cameron. Drs. A. B. Granville and George Gregory. John Durham, Enfield. Drs. John Meyer and William Babington. December 18. James Don, F.R.C.S. Ed., H.E.I.C.S. Drs. A. B. Granville and Frederick Cobb. John Little, Bahia, Brazil. Drs. T. Laing and Samuel Shoolbridge. 160 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1825,¹ January 22. Ebenezer Brown, Stirling. Drs. James Dinsmore and Alex. Dewar. Charles Pargiter, Hampshire. Sir James McGregor, Sir William Franklin and Dr. Theodore Gordon. February 5. John Murray, Cape of Good Hope. Sir James McGregor, Sir William Franklin and Dr. Theodore Gordon. March 5. Charles Jameson, Madras. Drs. James Robertson and Alexander Macdonald. 1826,2 January 21. James Morrice, M.A. Who produced certificates and underwent examination as required. 1827, August 20. Edward Duffin Alison, Leith. Certificates and examination. No mention of M.A. 1835, June 19. Alexander Garden, M.A., M.R.C.S. Engaged in medical service in India since 1815. Hon. 1839,3 November 16. Thomas Richardson College, Army. Hong Kong. Hon. 1840, April 25. Alexander M'Pherson, Garbity. James Will, Aberdeen. Andrew Moir, M.A., Lecturer, Aberdeen. (Hon.) James Alexander Steel, M.A., Aberdeen. July 26. July 30. William Keith, Aberdeen. James Christie, M.A., Huntly. James R. D. P. Bright, Wimbledon. October 9. 1841, April 29. Alexander Leith Elmslie, M.R.C.S., George Nicol, M.A., Aberdeen. Banff. 11815, May 3. New regulations adopted for Graduation in Medicine:- 1. Age, twenty-five years. 2. M.A. 3. Attended courses in Anatomy, Surgery, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Theory and Practice of Physic, Botany. 4. Examination by Medical and other Professors on "different branches of Medical Science, on the Greek and Latin languages, and on such other branches as they shall see proper ". It will be observed that these regulations caused the practical disappearance of the degree for fifteen years. 2 1826, January 21. Stated times for examination: April and October. 3 1840, March 7. New regulations for Degrees in Medicine :- Age, twenty-one; M.A.; four years' curriculum; examination fee, £26 5s. 6d. Exceptions in favour of holders of licences from R.C.P. or S., and in practice for five years. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 161 1841, April 29. May 10. John Christie, M.A., Huntly. Robert W. Fraser, M.A., Huntly. John L. Paterson, M.A. David Kerr, Lecturer, Aberdeen. (Hon.) William Middleton Whyte, Suffolk. Julius Bernhard Klingner, Dresden. Thomas Bisset, Assistant Surgeon, 15th Hussars. Robert D. D. Allan. July 30. 1842, April 21. April 28. William Bruce, R.N. Charles Hathaway. William Wells. July 23. July 30. August 5. 1843, May 1. July 26. Nov. 6. 1844, April 22. July 31. August 1. 1845, April 7. April 10. Frederick Gibson. James Pattison Walker. Thomas B. Smart. John Todd. George Dickie, Lecturer, Aberdeen. William Templeton, Lecturer, Aberdeen. } (Hon.) James M'Gregor, Assistant Surgeon, 42nd Regiment. Henry Milne, Banff. David Fiddes, Aberdeen. Duncan Reid, Aberdeen. Edward Jackson, Kidderminster. Alexander Murray Officer, Stonehaven. William Bourne, M.A. Johnstone Christie, Huntly. John Innes M'Intosh, Morayshire. Protheroe Smith, London. William Wisely, Aberdeen. Robert Turner, Keith. David Lyell, R.N. James Sheppard, Devonshire. Alexander Fraser, Lecturer, Aberdeen. William C. Fowler, Lecturer, Aberdeen. William Mitchell, Lecturer, Aberdeen. Ronald Bayne, Nairn. William Bruce, Aberdeen. Robert Fraser Robb, Aberdeen. X 162 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1845, April 10. James Milne, Aberdeen. Isaac Gilchrist, Aberdeen. Robert Gordon Rattray, Aberdeen. James Peterkin, London. William James, Bristol. Stewart Blacker Roberts, Devonshire. Edward Joseph Staples, Bristol. Henry A. P. Robertson, Bristol. Richard Davis, Bristol. Charles Oliver Baylis, Lancashire. William Robb, Elgin. Peter Abel, Aberdeen. April 11. John M'Pherson, M.A., M.R.C.S., Old Aberdeen, H.E.I.C.S. (Hon.) June 11. John Sykes, Doncaster. July 30. Oct. 7. 1846, Feb. 4. April 2. April 9. William Geddes, Fochabers, H.E.I.C.S. Francis Irvine, Old Aberdeen. John Davies, Warwick. William Cruickshank, Turriff. Alexander Martin, Aberdeen. James Webster, Aberdeen. Paul Etienne François Gustave Curie, London. John Millar, Enfield. James M'Donald, Ross-shire. George Leith, Banffshire. Charles Dawson, Aberdeen, Asst. Surg., 42nd Regt. William G. Hugoe, Nottingham. Richard Oke Millet, Cornwall. Brown, Lanarkshire. Henry Victor Malan, Geneva. John Campbell, R.N., Edinburgh. Sir Alex. Downie, Kt., M.A. of King's College; Giessen, Physician to H.M. Embassy, Frankfort. (Hon.) John Cockle, London. William Thompson, Sussex. Martin Thomas Hiscox, Bath. Donald M'Donald, Aberdeen. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 163 1846, April 9. Thomas Bouchier, Limerick. Hugh Green, Limerick. John Cochrane, Edinburgh. July 30.¹ Thomas Farquhar, Aberdeenshire. William M'Lean, Aberdeenshire. Charles Merit Rigg, Middlesex. Thomas Christopher Wood, Middlesex. John Pursell, Winchester. John Watson, M.R.C.S., Birmingham. George Seymour Dixon, Gateshead-on-Tyne. James Hewitt Sawyer, Dublin. Samuel George Wilmot, Dublin. Edward Johnston Quinan, Dublin. John Thurman, M.R.C.S., York. 1847, April 6. A. H. Leith, M.R.C.S., Aberdeenshire. (Hon.) James Robertson, Banffshire. George Runcie, Aberdeen. William Jones, M.R.C.S., Wales. John Stirling, R.N., London. Thomas Ayerst, M.R.C.S., Kent. William Woodcock, M.R.C.S., Leicester. John Sheldon Furlong, F.R.C.S. Dub., Enniscorthy. Robert Bentham, M.R.C.S., Durham. Edward Copeman, F.R.C.S., Norfolk. C. S. Kinnear, R.N. C. M. Burnett, M.R.C.S. July 26. Rodrigo Soares Cid de Bivar, M.R.C.S. Ed., Brazil. Robert Kennedy Nuttall, M.R.C.S., Dublin. Stephen Moriarty, M.R.C.S., Cork. William Hinds, M.R.C.S., Warwickshire. Robert Horne Kemp, M.R.C.S., Brighton. Benjamin Winstone, M.R.C.S., London. Joshua Burgess, M.R.C.S., Leicester. Charles Pitman Smith, Hampshire. William M'Kenzie Saunders, M.R.C.S., Hampshire. Arthur Stilwell, Uxbridge, Middlesex. 1 From July 30, 1846, the entries in Album H. are autograph. 164 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1847, July 26. 1848, April 14. Joseph Savory Tylor, M.R.C.S., London. William Vores, M.R.C.S., Norfolk. John Milner, M.R.C.S., High Harrogate, Yorkshire. Henry Greenup, M.R.C.S., Lancashire. George Peacock Button, M.R.C.S., Dorset. Thomas Cattell, M.R.C.S., Northamptonshire. Robert Leslie Polson, Old Aberdeen. Peter Cormack Sutherland, Caithness-shire. George Cobban, Banffshire. John Grigor, M.R.C.S. Ed., Nairnshire. Isaac Wallace, M.R.C.S. Ed., Nairnshire. John Duff, Ross-shire. William Beet, Kent. Edward Doyle, Dublin. Thomas Bennett, M.R.C.S., Dorsetshire. Edward Davies, M.R.C.S., Denbighshire. William Hand, M.R.C.S., Staffordshire. Charles Edward Bernard, M.R.C.S., Somersetshire. Ebenezer David Silver, Sussex. James Joseph Scallan, Dublin. George Rainy, Lecturer, Aberdeen. (Hon.) June 15. James Bird, M.A., F.R.C.S., Bombay. (Hon.) Arthur Mitchell, M.A., Staffordshire. August 5. John Forbes Watson, M.A., Aberdeenshire. John Simpson, Aberdeen. Alexander M'Lean, M.A., Argyleshire. Francis Xavier Moseley, M.R.C.S., Staffordshire. Henry Cobb Wildash, M.R.C.S., Kent. James Williams, M.R.C.S., Salop. Michael Ryan, M.R.C.S., Dublin. Richard Parry, M.R.C.S., Worcestershire. Thomas Francis I'anson, M.R.C.S., Cumberland. Edward Crump Dell, L.S.A., Kent. Walter William Miller, M.R.C.S., Roxburghshire. William Brook Charles Maxwell, M.R.C.S., Middlesex. George Smith, L.S.A, Lanarkshire. James Reid, M.R.C.S. Ed., Aberdeenshire. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 165 1848, Sept. 18. 1849,¹ April 13. Alexander Beattie, H.E.I.C.S. (Hon.) Henry Edmonds, R.N., Lewisham, Kent. John Barker, M.R.C.S., Aldebugh, Suffolk. John Irvine, Old Aberdeen. Forbes Benignus Winslow, M.R.C.S., London. Peter Allen, M.R.C.S., Kent. Henry Hardinge, M.R.C.S., Cork. Charles Edward Prior, M.R.C.S., Gloucestershire. William Mutrie Fairbrother, M.R.C.S., Norfolk. John M'Lennan, M.R.C.S. Ed., Inspector-General of Hospitals, Bombay. Hugh Henshall Broughton, M.R.C.S., Lancashire: Frederick Gelois Jackson, M.R.C.S., Middlesex. Andrew Fyfe, Edinburgh. John Thompson, M.R.C.S., Cumberland. George Corfe, Middlesex. Humphry Sandwith, M.R.C.S. Ed., Hull. Spencer Thomas Smyth, Yarmouth. Alexander Kilgour, late Lecturer, Aberdeen. (Hon.) June 22. August 3. Archibald Kennedy Irvine, Kincardineshire. 1850,² April 12. 1 1849, May 9. Joseph Sawyers, Cumberland. Francis Elkington, M.R.C.S., Warwickshire. George Woolley, Middlesex. George John Marris Wilson, M.R.C.S., Middlesex. Thomas Nott, Dorset. William Henry Paine, L.S.A., Gloucestershire. Alexander Macrae, North Uist. John Dixon Fidler, M.R.C.S., Cumberland. James Maxwell Adams, M.F.P.G., Edinburgh. Alexander Maxwell Adams, M.F.P.G., Ireland. John Colmer Austen, M.R.C.S., R.N., Devonshire. Alexander Anderson, M.R.C.S. Ed., Selkirk, late of China. (Hon.) Henry Fowle Smith, Hampshire. 'System of fraud and forgery in diplomas for the degree of M.D., pre- tending to emanate from this University," stated to be in operation in London. 2 Four rejected. 166 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1 1850, April 12. Henry Scholfield Johnson, Lancashire. William Reynolds Hayne, Essex. Frederick Giles Broxholm, Middlesex. Patrick Brown, Galloway. William Thomas Domville, R.N., Greenwich. Robert Norton, Middlesex. John Charles Atkinson, Middlesex. William Jones, Gloucestershire. Robert Little Harper, Cornwall. William Woodham Webb, Middlesex. Samuel Alderson Plumbe, Middlesex. William Briscoe, Somerset. Thomas Nelson, R.N., Glasgow. William Alexander Anderson, Middlesex. Henry Appleton, Middlesex. William Kershaw, Lancashire. Thomas Mandeville Nash, Co. Leitrim. John Hill Gibbs, Wiltshire. James Edward Pollock, Co. Down. Thomas Robinett Exham, Cork. Thomas Carstairs, Fife. John Challice, Sussex. July 26.¹ Henry William Jones, Calcutta. Charles Gordon, Aberdeenshire. David Scott, Kincardineshire. Owen William George, Pembrokeshire. John Davies, Cardiganshire. William Ward, Aberdeenshire. Thomas Porter, Cumberland. John Gordon Bailey, Kilkenny. Henry Strangways Hounsell, Dorset. Charles Joseph Bullock, Cheshire. George Kitching, Yorkshire. Abraham Kidd, Co. Fermanagh. Josiah Roberts Jenkins, Denbighshire. Thomas Edward Rawson, Leicestershire. 1 Four rejected. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 167 1850, July 26. William Thompson, Cumberland. Joseph Henderson, Tyrone. Augustus Prater, Middlesex. Felix William Lyon, Westminster. Thomas Walker Grant, Cork. Frederic Bateman, Norwich. George Thomas Gream, Sussex. 1851, April 11. George Everist, Kent. Colvin Smith, Aberdeen. Charles Warden, Warwickshire. William Stewart Jas. Horne Munro, Caithness. John Say Clarke, Bombay. William John Gruggen, Chichester. Edward Hart Vinen, Dorsetshire. John Butler Ashford, Devonshire. - John Shea, Dublin. John Tapson, Clapham. Edmond Sheppard Symes, London. Theophilus Caractacus Lewis, London. August 6.1 George Henry Edwards, Middlesex. Alexander Wales Walker, Aberdeen. John Berry, Co. Cork. 1852,² April 15. William George Goldin, Hants. John Horton Broxholm, Middlesex. Edward Boulger, Berkshire. William Henry Benson, Cumberland. George Foster Burder, Gloucestershire.. John Evans, Calcutta. Frederick Collins, Essex. Thomas Bishop, Hereford. Robert Alexander Calvert, M.R.C.S., Co. Monaghan. Ernest Elliot, M.R.C.S., Cornwall. George Crosland, L.S.A., Yorkshire. Robert Molloy, L.S.A., Mauritius. William Home Popham, L.S.A., Cork. Owen Richards, F.R.C.S., Cardigan. ¹ Seven rejected. 2 Five rejected. 168 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S college. 1852, April 15. August 5.1 1853,2 April 14. Philip Brown, L.S.A., Durham. John Dalston Jones, M.R.C.S., Merionethshire. James William Young, L.S.A. Dub., Co. Meath. James Ross, M.R.C.S. Ed., Morayshire. Benjamin P. Rooke, Superintendent Surgeon, Bom- bay. (Hon.) Christopher Antisell Allen, L.S.A. Dub., Cork. Thomas Collins, student, Kincardineshire. John Boon Hayes, M.R.C.S., Warwickshire. James Goodchild Wakley, M.R.C.S., London. Charles Henry Dunhill, M.R.C.S., York. William Callender Tidy, M.R.C.S., Middlesex. William Aston Lewis, M.R.C.S., Cheshire. John Morgan Bryan, M.R.C.S., Northampton. James Orwin, M.R.C.S., Salop. Thomas Morris, M.R.C.S., Surrey. Peter William Long, L.S.A. Dub., Kildare. James Hollins Pickford, M.R.C.S., Brighton. Daniel Hen. Geo. Wildbore, M.R.C.S., London. John Chisholm Nicholson Culbard, student, Elgin. Robert Nichol, M.R.C.S., Kent. John Evelyn Crook, M.R.C.S., Kent. George Frederick Mitchelson, M.R.C.S., Sussex. Jonas Leake, L.S.A., Co. Clare. Richard Hodges, F.R.C.S., Essex. August 12.3 John Campbell, M.R.C.S., Bengal. Alfred Richardson, M.R.C.S., London. Charles George Hewson, M.R.C.S., Devonshire. Henry Callaway, M.R.C.S., London. Joseph Kidd, London. Charles Christopher Hayman, M.R.C.S., Kent. Henry Perry Dicken, M.R.C.S., Leicestershire. Edward Headlam Greenhow, Northumberland. William Richard Edward Smart, M.R.C.S., R.N. ¹ Four rejected. A candidate for M.D., who states that "he believes that the Homeo- pathic Law is generally if not universally true," is refused the degree. 2 Two rejected. Three rejected. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 169 1853, August 12. John Stopford Taylor, M.R.C.S., Liverpool. John Vincent Hawkins, M.R.C.S., London. 1854,¹ April 13. Joseph Nash, M.R.C.S., Wiltshire. Charles Henry Payne, M.R.C.S., London. William Smith, M.R.C.S., Hampshire. James Richard Hancorn, London. Patrick Forbes, M.R.C.S. Ed., Old Aberdeen. George Hyde, 69th Regiment. Frederick Spencer Frost, M.R.C.S. Ed. and Lond., Dorset. Kenneth Corbet, M.F.P.S.G., Inverness. John Augustus Lloyd, F.R.C.S., Bath. Thomas Brown, M.R.C.S., Lancaster. Henry Lynch, L.S.A., Dublin. John Shortt, M.R.C.S., Madras. Charles Allsop Dalby, M.R.C.S., Southampton. Edward Jeffery, M.R.C.S., Suffolk. August 3.2 George Marr, M.R.C.S. Ed., Aberdeenshire. William Coates, M.R.C.S., Somerset. 1855,2 April 19. George Henry Jenkins, M.R.C.S., Glamorgan. Thomas Proudfoot, L.S.A., Gloucestershire. Alfred Hill, M.R.C.S., Birmingham. John Pring, M.R.C.S.; Bristol. William Job Collins, M.R.C.S., London. George Leworthy Thorne, M.R.C.S., London. John Cartledge Botham, M.R.C.S., Derbyshire. John Segar, M.R.C.S., Lancashire. Robert Dunlop Tannahill, M.F.P.S.G., Glasgow. James Fraser, M.F.P.S.G., Glasgow. Matthew Hinchliffe, M.R.C.S., Yorkshire. William Barney Tate, M.R.C.S., Ipswich. Charles A. Innes, M.R.C.S. Ed., Bruges. Walter Cary, M.R.C.S., Cheltenham. William Valentine Bird, M.R.C.S., Seacombe. George Burton Payne, L.S.A., Birmingham. Henry Julian Hunter, M.R.C.S., Sheffield. 1 ¹ Seven rejected. "Two rejected. Y 170 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1855, April 19. Josiah Blomfield, M.R.C.S., Peckham. William Cass, M.R.C.S., Isle of Wight. William Blathwayt, M.R.C.S., Louth. John Ryan, M.R.C.S. Dub., Dublin. August 3.¹ John Shoolbraid, student, Banffshire. 1856, April 17. 1 James William Fraser Smith, student, Madras. Henry Cundell Juler, student, Norfolk. George Simpson, F.R.C.S., London. Samuel Winter Burbury, M.R.C.S., Birmingham. John Welch, M.R.C.S., Hampstead. William Hallam, M.R.C.S., Newcastle-under-Lyme. Charles Eugene Gallye Lamotte, M.R.C.S., Bishop- wearmouth. Edward Langdon Bryan, F.R.C.S., Middlesex. Edward Golledge Pitt, M.R.C.S., Wrexham. James Macdonald Houston, student, Cromdale. James Bremner, student, Huntly. John Henry Whitaker, student, Louth, Lincoln. Hugh Mortimer Rowland, student, Shropshire. Thomas William John Goldsborough, M.R.C.S., Welshpool. Alfred Collinson, M.R.C.S., London. Edmond John Barker, M.R.C.S., Stoke-upon-Trent. John Yeoman, M.R.C.S., Whitby. Charles Nattrass, M.R.C.S., Sunderland. George Campbell Millar, M.R.C.S., London. John Bowhill, M.R.C.S. Ed., Bengal. James Scanlan, M.F.P.G., Glasgow. Robert Cochrane Dow, M.F.P.G., Huddersfield. George Philip Rugg, L.S.A., Kennington. Richard Leack, M.R.C.S., Blackburn. Thomas Charles Stewart Corry, M.R.C.S., Belfast. John Nichols Hudleston, M.R.C.S., Holloway. Patrick Brady, M.R.C.S., Bradford. August 1.2 James Longton, L.S.A., Southport. Charles Hutchison Graham, M.F.P.S.G., Glasgow. 1 One rejected. 2 Four rejected. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 171 1856, August 1. John M'Veagh, M.R.C.S., Dublin. Thomas Preston Parker, M.R.C.S., Sunderland. Alfred Drew Dunstan, M.R.C.S., Cheshire. George Bull, M.R.C.S., Lewes. Nov. 8. 1857,¹ April 16. July 30.2 Thomas Robert Evans, M.R.C.S., Norfolk. James Northcote Vinen, L.S.A., London. George Anstice Knott, M.R.C.S., Coventry. Anthony Beaufort Brabazon, M.R.C.S. Dub., Dublin. Charles Pryce, M.R.C.S., Middlesex. George Thomas William Mugliston, M.R.C.S., Stratford. Allin Foord Price, M.R.C.S., Deptford. John Wilson Elliott, R.N. Peter Charles Duncan, M.R.C.S., London. Charles Reeves Evans, M.F.P.S.G., London. William Morgan, M.R.C.S., London. Thomas Nedly, M.R.C.S., Dublin. John Jeffrey, M.R.C.S. Ed., Berwickshire. Francis Adams, M.R.C.S. Ed.; M.A., 1813; LL.D. Glasg. (Hon.) William Ligertwood, M.R.C.S., Udny. Edmund Adolphus Kirby, M.R.C.S., Sussex. Daniel John Duigan, F.R.C.S. Dub., R.N. John Turner Caddy, M.R.C.S., R.N. Frederick William Blake, M.R.C.S., R.N. James Henry M'Manus, M.R.C.S., Ballymahon. Michael Doyle, M.R.C.S., Dublin. William Smithson Cortis, M.R.C.S. Ed., Yorkshire. George Kingston Barton, F.R.C.S., Waterford. Algernon Charles Wodehouse Norton, M.R.C.S., London. Alexander Stephen, student, Banchory. George Harvey Betts, M.R.C.S., Watford. William Richard Hilton, M.R.C.S., Whitehaven. John Wilson, M.R.C.S., Whitby. Narcissus Collins Hatherly, M.R.C.S., R.N. 1 Four rejected. Three rejected. 172 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1857, July 30. Charles Drage, M.R.C.S., Hatfield. Joseph Cogan, M.R.C.S., London. Samuel Davidson, M.R.C.S., Wartle. Robert Leys, M.R.C.S., Ellon. John Foster Reeve, M.R.C.S., London. 1858,¹ April 15. John Holmes, L.S.A., Derbyshire. July 29.2 Sept. 30. 1859,2 April 15. George Henderson, student, Banffshire. James Drummond, M.R.C.S. Ed., Kincardineshire. John Duncan, student, Morayshire. William Bruce, M.R.C.S. Ed., Aberdeenshire. Frederick Beverley Dixon, M.R.C.S., Norwich. Charles Roberts, M.R.C.S., Kent. Robert Smith, M.B., 1854, Old Aberdeen. Horatio Thomas Whittell, M.R.C.S., Birmingham. Drewry Ottley, M.R.C.S., Pau, France. John Charles Long Marsh, M.R.C.S., Nottingham. John Anderson, M.R.C.S., London. John Doxon Ward, M.R.C.S., Manchester. Robert Grigor, R.N. Joseph Hutchinson Hammond, M.S.C.S., Preston. John Alexander Lothian, M.R.C.S. Ed., East Lothian. James Marshall, M.R.C.S., Aberdeen. John Woodhouse, M.R.C.S., Hertford. Andrew Robertson, M.R.C.S. Ed., Aberdeenshire. Michael O'Reilly, M.R.C.S., Bishop Stortford. John Gordon Smith, M.R.C.S. Ed., Aberdeenshire. Cunningham Mullholland, L.S.A. Dub., Belfast. John Christie, Lect. on Institutes of Medicine. (Hon.) Matthew Stovell, Bombay Army. George Simon, student, Aberdeenshire. George Sykes, M.R.C.S., London. Timothy Pollock, F.R.C.S., Middlesex. Peter Thornton, M.R.C.S., Dewsbury. Henry Oxley Stephens, M.R.C.S., Bristol. John Henry Cook, M.R.C.S., London. William Thomas Dalby, M.R.C.S., Surrey. ¹ Two rejected. 2 Five rejected. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 173 1859, April 15. John French Gill, L.S.A. Dub., Dublin. John Davies, M.R.C.S., Brecon. July 29.¹ Thomas Sarvis, M.R.C.S., London. Charles William Hammond, M.R.C.S., Suffolk. William Grove Grady, M.R.C.S. Dub., London. James Dennis Cronin, M.R.C.S., R.N. Samuel Drew, M.R.C.S. Ed., Cornwall. Henry Munroe, M.R.C.S., Hull. John Westbrook Maltby, M.R.C.S., Durham. Charles Alfred Lee, M.R.C.S., Hull. Samuel Cardozo, M.R.C.S., London. George Henry Ryan, M.R.C.S. Dub., Dublin. Alexander Henry Paterson, M.R.C.S., Cheshire. George Vernon Blunt, M.R.C.S., Birmingham. Henry Forester, M.R.C.S., Barnstaple. John H. Holman, R.N. Alexander Harkin, M.R.C.S., Belfast. Thomas Newham, M.R.C.S., Buckinghamshire. Henry Freeland Carter, M.R.C.S., Brighton. Joseph Bray Gilbertson, M.R.C.S., Preston. Harvey Buchanan Holl, M.R.C.S., London. Alexander Henry Bartlet, F.R.C.S., Ipswich. Thomas Stokes Guppy, M.R.C.S., Falmouth. John Whiteman Webb, M.R.C.S., London. Benjamin Pinchard, M.R.C.S., Cottenham. Thomas Noble, M.R.C.S., London. Thomas Fuller, M.R.C.S., New Shoreham. William Banks Hay, M.R.C.S., Hull. Alfred Jones, M.R.C.S., Deptford. William George Shepherd, M.R.C.S., London. William O'Neill, L.R.C.P., Lincoln. George Smith Todd, M.F.P.S.G., Friockheim. John William Moore Miller, L.R.C.P., Southsea. Thomas Jarvis Bennett, M.R.C.S., Wilton. Maurice Griffith Evans, M.R.C.S., Narberth. William Charles Hills, M.R.C.S., Maidstone. ¹ Six rejected. One candidate who "stated that he was in the custom of practising homeopathically" was not examined. 174 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1859, July 29. Oct. 25. 1860,¹ April 21. 1 ¹ Seven rejected. George Octavius Hopton, L.S.A., London. John Alfred Haynes, M.R.C.S., Lewisham. William Skeen, M.B., 1855, Tarland. William Thursfield, student, Bridgenorth. David Deas, R.N. John Greig, student, Kincardine. Thomas Logan, student, Banff.2 John Tulloch, student, Ayr. John Augustus Sommers, M.R.C.S., Liverpool. James Bell Metcalfe, M.R.C.S., London. Alfred Harvey, London. Thomas Balle Forster, Devonport. Michael McHarg, Lisburn. Edward Thomas Tylcote, M.R.C.S., Great Haywood. Charles Somerville, M.R.C.S., Bloxwich. Thomas George Tebay, M.R.C.S., London. John Sutton, M.R.C.S., Sneinton. John O'Connell, Cork. Augustus Kingston Maybury, Richmond. Thomas Henry Waterworth, M.R.C.S., London. Thomas John Murphy, L.S.A., Army. John Rains, M.R.C.S., Manchester. George Gibson, M.R.C.S., Chester le Street. John Grant Stewart, R.N., Surgeon to the Queen. Leonard Henry Joseph Hayne, R.N. William Coward, M.R.C.S., South Shields. Joseph Rix, F.R.C.S., S. Neots. Samuel Blakely, M.F.P.S.G., Aughnacloy. Samuel Jardine Wyndowe, M.R.C.S., Ind. Med. Serv. William Martyn, F.R.C.S., London. George Brotherton Barron, Southport. John Candy, L.S.A., Littlehampton. John Macnab, Wishaw. George Henry Jackson, Tottenham. Henry Vereker Bindon, M.R.C.S., R.N. Alfred McKinley Millman, M.R.C.S., New Galloway. Samuel Smith Millar, M.R.C.S., Enfield. "In Minutes of Examiners, but not in Senatus Minute. DOCTORS OF MEDICINE. 175 1860, June 12. William Connon, M.A., M.B. August 3.¹ William Stephen, M.A., student. James Watt, Old Aberdeen. Sept. 23. Charles Slesser, M.A. Oliver Evans, R.N. James Rae, R.N. Miles Vernon Bourke, L.R.C.S. Ed., Limerick. James Coutts, Aberdeen. Frederick William le Grand, R.N. David King, Ayr. John Clarke, Army. William Sutherland, Croydon. Thomas Bacon Phillips, Brighton. Albert Fleming, Holbrook. Lewis George Broadbent, Bamburgh. Edward Hugh Blakeney, R.N. Charles William Turner, Gloucester. William Henry Cooke, Aldridge. Alfred Kitching, Hull. John Taylor, London. John Harvey Thomas, London. John Morison, Wingate. Robert Woodman, Ormesby. Francis John Corbould, Sydenham. Henry Billinghurst, Islington. Thomas Mackern, London. James Lawrence, Cumnock. Daniel Beaton, Ryde. Lawrence Spencer, Preston. Harrison Hanna, Belfast. Edwin Henry Bolton, Vauxhall. William Warwick, M.R.C.S., Belfast. William Deamer, Newark-upon-Trent. Thomas Crowther, Halifax. Alfred Baker Cutfield, Deal. Thomas William Thursfield, Worcestershire. ¹ Five rejected. BACHELORS OF MEDICINE.' 1853, August 12. Henry Polson, Old Aberdeen. John Haliburton Ross, Cullen. 1854, August 3. 1855, April 19. 1858, April 18. 1859, April 15. July 29. 1860, April 21. Alexander Collins. Robert Smith, M.R.C.S. Ed., Old Aberdeen. William Skeen, M.R.C.S. Ed., Tarland. George Grant, M.R.C.S. Ed., Banffshire. John Richardson, student, Banffshire. Robert Gray, student, Aberdeenshire. Alexander Rainy Brotchie, student, Kintore. William Moir, student, Inverurie. William Connon, M.A. August 3. John McKay. ¹ 1853, April 9. Alexander Foster Proctor. Degree of M.B. introduced: to be conferred, after examination, on students who have passed one annus medicus at King's College, and have completed the curriculum for M.D. The latter degree to be conferred during a period of twelve years after M.B., without further examination. Fee for M.B., £5 5s.: subsequent M.D., £21. MASTERS OF ARTS." Anno Domini 1600, Magisteriali pileo ornati sunt adoles- centes, Magistro Johanne Camerario [Chalmer] renunciante. M. Jacobus Reid. M. Thomas Reid. M. Robertus Reid,2 M. Henricus Leithe. M. Jacobus Cuninghame. M. Johannes Robertsone. M. Gilbertus Vilsoune. M. Jacobus Vat. M. Gulielmus Keithe. Anno Domini 1601, Laurea Magisteriali donati sunt per Magistrum Andream Junium [Young]. M. Patricius Maitland. M. Patricius Guthry.3 M. Gilbertus Keyth.* M. Alexander Stratoun. M. Georgius Macky. M. Dauid Wod. M. Walter Andersoun.5 M. Johannes Forfar. M. Johannes Forbes. M. Alexander Lumisden. Anno Domini 1602, Magisterii dignitate ornati sunt per M. Jacobum Strathauchinum. M. Georgius Leyth. M. Henricus Rois." M. Gulielmus Setoun. M. Alexander Robertsoun. M. Alexander Prat. M. Johannes Craig. 1 The lists of Masters of Arts for the years 1600-64, 1666-70, 1672-82, 1686, have been taken from the original Album A. (see Preface), collated with the transcript in Album E. During 1634-86, there are no entries of Masters in the Faculty Minutes, Vols. I., II., III. The lists for the years 1683, 1684, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1697, 1700, 1701, 1705, 1706, 1710, 1711, have been taken from the printed Graduation Theses. That for 1685 is preserved only in Album B. The period 1712-1811 is covered by Album C., with transcript in Album E., which latter continues the list to 1860. A few additional names have been discovered in the Faculty (or Senatus) Minutes, 1716-1860, Vols. VI.-XVII. 2 Afterwards Minister of Banchory-Ternan. 4 Regent; Min., Skene, Bourtie. 6 Min., Kinedar, Essie, Rhynie. ³ Min., Keith; Regent. 5 Min., Kinellar. 2 178 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Anno Domini 1603, Laurea magisteriali donati sunt per M. Patricium Guthraeum. M. Johannes Wrquhart. Mr. Jacobus Rait.¹ Mr. Thomas Hoge.3 M. Robertus Iruinge. Mr. Dauid Lindsay.* Mr. Georgius Spens.2 Anno Domini 1604, Magisterii dignitatem consequuti per Magistrum Joannem Camerarium. M. Georgius Keythe. M. Alexander Keythe. M. Alexander Sibbald.5 Mr. Joannes Stevard." Mr. Alexander Chalmer. Mr. Thomas Chalmer, anno 1603. Anno Domini 1605. Mr. Richardus Maitland. Mr. Gulielmus Lumisdanus. Mr. Jacobus Strachine. Mr. Gulielmus Lesk. Mr. Alexander Fraser." Mr. Alexander Lindsay. M. Jacobus Lindsay.8 M. Johannes Straquhan. M. Georgius Symmer.9 Praeside M. Gilberto Kaetho. Mr. Mathaeus Lumisdanus. Mr. Jacobus Irvynus. Mr. Alexander Bissat.10 Mr. Gulielmus Gordone. Anno 1606. Praeside M. Jacobo Strachano. Mr. Gulielmus Wishart.11 Mr. Hugo Mowat. Mr. Gulielmus Lowsoun. Mr. Alexander Innes. Mr. Alexander Betun. Mr. Gilbertus Keyth. Mr. Jacobus Forbes. 1607. Praeside M. Patricio Guthraeo. Mr. Robertus Wishart. Mr. Andreas Car.12 Mr. Adamus Barclay.13 Mr. Alexander Hosie. 1 Regent; Min., Aberluthnot. "Min., South Leith, Stobo. 5 Min., Kinneff, Kemnay. 8 Min., Dunsyre, Carstairs. 14 Mr. Gulielmus Innes. Mr. Patricius Reid.¹ Mr. Joannes Symner. Mr. Patricius Wood. 2 Min., Kennethmont. 4 Min., Belhelvie; Rector, 1645-50. ❝ Min., Aberlour. 9 Min., Fearn. 11 Min., Fettercairn, Minto, South Leith. 7 Min., Botriphnie. 10 Min., Brechin. 12 Min., Glenbucket, Cabrach. 13 Min., Leochel, Monymusk, Alford. 14 Regent. MASTERS OF ARTS. 179 1608. Praeside M. Joanne Camerario. Mr. Dauid Wood.¹ Mr. Joannes Lesly. Mr. Georgius Burnet. Mr. Alexander Ogiluie. Mr. Robertus Watsoun.2 Mr. Georgius Innes. Mr. Gulielmus Annand.3 Mr. Jacobus Wishairt. Mr. Thomas Lausoun. Mr. Georgius Norie. Mr. Andreas Lesly. Mr. Jacobus Allane. Mr. Joannes Huisoun. Mr. Joannes Piggat.* Mr. Joannes Fyfe. 4 Mr. Richardus Lambertus, Anglus. 1609. Praeside M. Gilberto Kaetho. Mr. Robertus Dunbar.5 Mr. Georgius Lesly." Mr. Gulielmus Chessar. Mr. Walterus Ogiluie. Mr. Joannes Ogiluie. Mr. Joannes Mow. 1610. Praeside M. Jacobo Strachane. Mr. Patricius Annand. Mr. Joannes Forbes." Mr. Robertus Dunbar.8 Mr. Joannes Strachine. Mr. Gulielmus Chalmer, maior. Mr. Gulielmus Chalmer, minor. Mr. Robertus Thomsoun. Mr. Jacobus Andersoun. Mr. Thomas Cargil.9 Mr. Jacobus Forbes. Mr. Georgius Mutray. Mr. Walterus Ogiluie. 1611. Praeside M. Patricio Guthraeo. Mr. Patricius Gray. Mr. Patricius Collace. Mr. Andraeas Collace.10 Mr. Gulielmus Forbes.11 Mr. Jacobus Troup.12 Mr. Georgius Creichtoun. Mr. Joannes Leyth. Mr. Georgius Clerk.13 ¹ Min., Edzell. 2 Min., Grange. 3 Min., Ruthven, Falkirk, Ayr. 4 Schoolmaster, Tannadice; Min., Lethnot, Cortachy. 5 Hum., Reg.; Min., Skene, Tough. 7 Regent; Min., Auchterless. 3 Min., Edinkillie. 10 Min., Garvock, Ecclesgreig, Dundee, Dunse. 11 Hum., Reg., Subprin.; Min., Mortlach. 6 Min., Bower. 9 Min., Caterline. 12 Min., Kilmuir Wester. 13 Min., Aberdour. 180 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1612. Praeside M. Jacobo Rheto. Mr. Andreas Mancur.1 Mr. Jacobus Law. Mr. Jacobus Andersoun. Mr. Alexander Falconar. Mr. Joannes Irvyng. Mr. Andreas Cant.2 Mr. Gulielmus Strachine. Mr. Jacobus Meluine.³ Mr. Alexander Douglas. 5 Mr. Robertus Udney. Mr. Gulielmus Fraser.4 Mr. Joannes Watt. Mr. Gulielmus Setoun. Mr. Gulielmus Mancur. Mr. Thomas Collace. Mr. Gulielmus Watsoun." Mr. Walterus Lumisdeill. 1613. Praeside M. Gilberto Ketho. Mr. Jacobus Strato. Mr. Alexander Gordoune.7 Mr. Jacobus Baird. Mr. Thomas Dunbar.8 Mr. Robertus Douglas. Mr. Georgius Collace. Mr. Jhone Leiche. Mr. William Chalmer. Mr. Jhone Turing. Mr. Alexander Ouchterlonie. Mr. Alexander Ferres. Mr. Joannes Irvyng. Mr. Joannes Stephane. Mr. Alexander Douglas. Mr. Joannes Ross." 1614. Praeside M. Roberto Dunbar. Mr. Patrik Ouchterlonie. Mr. Thomas Maitland.10 Mr. Alexander Clerk. Mr. Gulielmus Ross.11 Mr. Jacobus McQuein. 1615. Magisterii laurea donati sunt, praeside D. Patricio Guthraeo. Mr. Alexander Setoun.12 Mr. Gulielmus Lesly.13 Mr. Alexander Lunan.14 Mr. Dauid Collace. 1 Min., Bervie. Mr. Joannes Innes. Mr. Alexander Reid. Mr. Robertus Coultis. Mr. Patricius Dunbar.15 2 Hum.; Min., Alford, Pitsligo, Newbattle, Aberdeen.' 5 Min., Methlick, Logie-Buchan. 7 Min., Glenmuick, Logie-Coldstone. 4 Min., Lhanbryd. 9 Min., Cluny, Birse. 12 Min., Banff. 3 Min., Alvah. ❝ Min., Knockando, Duthil. 8 Min., S. Andrews-Lhanbryd. 11 Min., Nigg, Fearn. 14 Hum., Reg.; Min., Monymusk, Kintore. 10 Min., Garvald. 15 Min., Dores. 13 Hum., Reg., Subprin., Prin. MASTERS OF ARTS. 181 1616. Rhaeto. Magisterii laurea donati sunt, praeside D. Jacobo Mr. Jacobus Morisoune.¹ Mr. Alexander Norie. Mr. Joannes Allane. Mr. Dauid Sibbald. Mr. Jacobus Sibbald. Mr. Gulielmus Hepburne. Mr. Alexander Dauidsoun. Mr. Jacobus Torrie. Mr. Colinus McKenzie.2 Mr. Gilbertus Baird. Mr. Joannes Reidfuird.3 Mr. Alexander Coultis. Mr. Murdochus McKenzie. Mr. Joannes McKenzie.6 Mr. Alexander Arbuthnot. Mr. Franciscus Barclay. Mr. Jacobus Irvyng. 4 1617. Magisterii laurea donati sunt, praeside D. Gulielmo Forbesio. Mr. Gulielmus Forbes. Mr. Hugo Ross. Mr. Arthurus Stuart. Mr. Gulielmus Cumming. Mr. Alexander Innes." 6 Mr. Gulielmus Chalmer.7 Mr. Carolus Angus. Mr. Jacobus Hervy. 8 Anno 1618. Mr. Gulielmus Falconar.9 Mr. Thomas Gordoune. Mr. Georgius Gordoune. Mr. Jacobus Barclay. Mr. Nicolaus Cargill. Mr. Dauid Ross. Mr. Robertus Stratoun, per se. Magisterii laurea donati sunt, praeside D. Gulielmo Forbesio. Mr. Alexander Youngsoune. Mr. Alexander Ross.10 Mr. Jacobus Campbell. Mr. Gulielmus Rait, maior. Mr. Alexander Irvyng.11 Mr. David Carnegie.12 Mr. Joannes Gordoune.13 Mr. Joannes Walker. Mr. Gilbertus Andersoune.14 Mr. Jacobus Forbes. Mr. Jacobus Chalmer. Mr. Gulielmus Rait, minor. Mr. Thomas Blakhall. Mr. Thomas Fraser.15 Mr. Alexander Forbes.16 Mr. Johannes Hay.17 1 Min., Evie and Rendall. 2 Min., Birnie. 3 Min., Kinbattoch, Aberchirder. 4 Min., Suddie. " Min., Lochalsh, Lochbroom. 6 ❝ Min., Kinedar, Inveravon, Rothiemay, Mortlach. 7 Min., Inverboyndie. 8 Hum.; Min., New Machar. 11 10 Min., Insch, Footdee, S. Nicholas; D.D., 163-. Min., Forbes. 13 Min., Kirkmichael, Drainie, Elgin; D.D., 1635. 12 9 Min., Dyke. 2 Min., Brechin, Farnell. 14 Min., Braaven, Cromarty. 15 Min., Unst. 16 Min., Campsie. 17 Min., Rafford, Fraserburgh. 182 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Anno 1619. Praeside Magistro Patricio Guthraeo suppri- mario. Mr. Gulielmus Douglas.¹ Mr. Georgius Cumming.2 Mr. Georgius Douglase. Mr. Thomas Mortimer. Mr. Robertus Spark. Mr. Dauid Middeltoun. Mr. Joannes Watsoune. Mr. Jacobus Mowatt. Mr. Joannes Hosack.5 Mr. Gulielmus Ogstoune. Mr. Arthurus Fullartoune. Mr. Robertus Reid. Mr. Donaldus Rose. 6 Mr. Alexander Clerk." 3 Mr. Andreas Gibsoun. Mr. Jacobus Douglas. Mr. Alexander Garioche.4 Mr. Archibaldus Car. Mr. Dauid Gardyne. Mr. Gulielmus Jaffray.8 Anno 1620. Praeside Magistro Joanne Forbesio. Mr. Joannes Rose.⁹ Mr. Josephus Brody.10 Mr. Patricius Chalmer. Mr. Georgius Chalmer.11 Mr. Alexander Andersoune.12 Mr. Joannes Reid.13 Mr. Dauid Rose. Mr. Alexander Jhonstoune. Anno 1621. Praeside M. Gulielmo Leslaeo. Mr. Andreas Leiche. Mr. Valentinus Chesolme. Mr. Thomas Gordoune. Mr. Georgius Ogiluy. Mr. Jacobus Hervy. Mr. Georgius Gardyne.14 Mr. Jacobus Cumming. ¹ Min., Forgue; Prof. of Divinity. 3 Min., Ordiquhill. 5 Min., Criech. Mr. Gilbertus Marshall.15 Mr. Alexander Irving.16 Mr. Patricius Lumisdene. Mr. Alexander Hepburne. Mr. Gulielmus Petry. Mr. Patricius Chalmer. 2 Min., Dallas. 4 Min., Cushnie, Peterculter. Min., Lochbroom, Contin. 7 Min., Laggan; Sch., Kingussie. 8 Sch., Fraserburgh; Min., New Deer, Kinedar. 10 Min., Keith, Forres. 12 Min., Boharm. 14 Min., Clatt. 9 Hum. 11 Sch., Inveravon; Min., Rhynie. 13 Min., Tarland. 15 Min., Ogston, Knockando, Cromdale. 16 Min., Longside. MASTERS OF ARTS. 183 Anno 1622. Praeside Magistro Alexandro Lunano.¹ Mr. Patricius Forbese.2 Mr. Joannes Lundy.³ Mr. Gilbertus Wishart.4 Mr. Gulielmus Cumming.5 Mr. Andreas Watt. Mr. Michael Elphingstoun. Mr. Joannes Elphingstoune. Mr. Georgius Gordoune. Anno 1623. Renunciante D. M. Gulielmo Forbesio." Mr. Jacobus Forbes. Mr. Joannes Stratauqhine." Mr. Archibaldus Guthry. Mr. Patricius Lyone.8 Mr. Alexander Spense." Mr. Walterus Darge.10 Anno 1624. M. Patricius Dunbarus. M. Joannes Duffus. M. Dauid Leochaeus.12 M. Joannes Findlaterus. Mr. Gilbertus Ross. Mr. Joannes Chalmer. Mr. Robertus Middeltoune. Mr. Andreas Watsone. Mr. Robertus Downey. 11 Renunciante M. Joanne Forbesio.¹1 M. Joannes Patersonus.13 M. Gulielmus Forbesius. M. Jacobus Leslaeus. M. Valterus Torraeus. Anno 1625. Renunciante M. Gulielmo Leslaeo.¹4 M. Lachlanus Grantaeus.15 M. Thomas Gordonus. M. Georgius Leithaeus.16 M. Thomas Camerarius. M. Gulielmus Watsonus.17 M. Thomas Molysonus. M. Georgius Speidaeus.18 M. Archibaldus Youngsonus. M. Petrus Youngsonus. 1 Thesis in Aberdeen University Library. Nine candidates, including those named above (the fifth being styled "Andreas Walterus "), and Alexander Sophocardius [Wishart]. 3 Hum., Reg. 4 Min., Dunnichen. 5 Min., Presb., Dornoch. 2 Reg. "Thesis in Aberdeen University Library. Twelve candidates, including those named above, and Jacobus Annandus. 7 Min., Midmar. 8 Min., Guthrie, Barrie. 9 Min., Birnie. 10 Min., Deskford. 11 Thesis in Aberdeen University Library. Eight candidates, as above. 12 Reg., Subprin.; Min., Ellon, Kemnay; D.D.; Latin poet. 13 Min., Foveran, Ellon, S. Nicholas; Bishop of Ross. 14 Thesis in Aberdeen University Library. Eight candidates, as above, excluding Youngson. 15 Min., Moy, Kingussie. 17 Min., Walls, Hoy. 16 Reg.; Min., Culsalmond, Bethelny. 18 Sch., Keith, Fordyce; Min., Aberlour. 184 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Anno 1626. Laurea magistrali donati sunt, praeside Johanne Lundaeo.¹ Mr. Thomas Sandilandeus. Mr. Alexander Forbesius. Mr. Joannes Robertsonus.2 Mr. Gulielmus Lunanus.3 Mr. Robertus Viliamsonus.4 Anno 1627. Joanne Lundaeo." Mr. Dauid Grahamus. Mr. Hugo Iruinus. Mr. Gulielmus Fraserus.10 Mr. Jacobus Forbesius.11 Mr. Dauid Huistonus.12 Laurea Mr. Gilbertus Andersonus.5 Mr. Gilbertus Elmsleus. Mr. Georgius Mileus.6 Mr. Robertus Ogiluaeus." Mr. Joannes Neuius.8 magistrali donati sunt, praeside Mr. Franciscus Thomsonus.13 Mr. Georgius Robertsonus. Mr. Thomas Gilzeanus. Mr. Gulielmus Mannie, major. Anno 1628. Laurea magistrali donati sunt, praeside Dauide Leochaeo. Mr. Georgius Ogiluius. Mr. Valterus Dumbarus. Mr. Johannes Barclaius. Mr. Gulielmus Steuartus. Mr. Georgius Andersonus.14 Mr. Gulielmus Gardinus. Mr. Andreas Dargius. Mr. Gulielmus Strachanus.15 Mr. Joannes Douglasius. Mr. Archibaldus Sparkius. Anno 1629. Laurea magistrali donati sunt, praeside Andrea Strachano.¹ 16 Mr. Alexander Dunbarus. Mr. Jacobus Sandilandius.17 Mr. Arthurus Forbesius. Mr. Johannes Middiltonus.18 Mr. Patricius Leslaeus.19 Mr. Robertus Tarresius. 20 Mr. Robertus Innesius.21 Mr. Johannes Cassaeus. Mr. Jacobus Kenedus. Mr. Jacobus Strachanus.22 Mr. Joannes Milnaeus. Mr. Jacobus Nobilis. Mr. Gulielmus Andersonus. 1 Thesis. See Edmond's Aberdeen Printers, p. 22. "Min., Cruden. 2 Min., Longley. 4 Min., Resolis. 3 Min., Cromarty. 6 Reg.; Min., Premnay. 7 Reg., Subprin.; Min., Methlick. 8 Min., Loudon. 9 Thesis. See Edmond's Printers, p. 26. 10 Min., Tyrie. 11 Min., Abercorn. 12 Min., Tyrie. 13 Min., Culter. 14 Min., Halkirk. 15 Reg.; Min., Methlick. 18 Min., Leslie, Rayne. 16 Thesis. See Edmond's Printers, p. 195. 19 Min., Skene, Fetteresso. 21 Min., Ogston, Spynie, S. Andrews-Lhanbryd. 17 Reg., Civ. 20 Min., S. Andrews-Lhanbryd. 22 2 Min., Dallas. MASTERS OF ARTS. 185 Anno 1630. Renunciante M. Andrea Strachano. Mr. Johannes Douglasius. Mr. Hugo Fraserus. Mr. Alexander Middletonus.¹ Mr. Gulielmus Dunbarus. Mr. Johannes Camerarius.2 Mr. Thomas Gardynus. Mr. Gulielmus Robertsonus.3 Anno 1631. M. Valterus Innesius. Mr. Jacobus Spenceus. Mr. Jacobus Gordonus.4 Mr. Georgius Forbesius. Mr. Gulielmus Glasius. Mr. Robertus Camerarius. Mr. Georgius Burnetus.5 Mr. Arthurus Oraeus." Renuntiante M. Andrea Strachano.7 M. Alexander Gairdinus.13 M. Joannes Mackenzaeus.8 M. Gulielmus Mackenzaeus.9 M. Dauid Dumbarus.10 M. Joannes Dumbarus.11 M. Patricius Forbesius.12 M. Georgius Spens. M. Andreas Spens. M. Normandus Lesleus.14 M. Patricius Volumius. M. Adamus Gordonus. Anno 1632. Laurea magistrali donati sunt ab A. Strachano magistri in artibus, quorum nomina sequuntur. M. Johannes Abercrombaeus. M. Johannes Fullartonus. M. Gilbertus Middeltonus. M. Robertus Irvinus. M. Robertus Brunaeus.15 M. Gulielmus Lauderus.16 M. Jacobus Rhaetus.17 M. Valterus Turnerus. Anno 1633. Laurea magistrali donati sunt, praeside Dauide Leochaeo.18 Mr. Alexander Spensaeus, Moravi- Mr. Georgius Adamsonus. ensis. Mr. Alexander Steuartus. Mr. Arthurus Forbesius. Mr. Gulielmus Campbellus, Mora- viensis.19 Mr. Gulielmus Rhaedus. ¹Reg., Subprin.; Min., Rayne; Prin. 2 Min., Glenbervie. 3 Min., Banchory Devenick. 6 4 Min., Kearn, Kintore. 5 Min., Strachan, Kincardine O'Neil. Min., Culsalmond. 7 Thesis in Aberdeen University Library. Twelve candidates, as above. 8 Min., Urray, Suddie, Tarbat, Fodderty, Killearnan. 10 Min., Edinkillie, Nairn. 12 Min., Delft; Bishop of Caithness. 15 Min., Forglen, Bourtie. 18 Thesis in Aberdeen University Library. 19 Min., Bower, Alves, Olrick, Watten. 13 Reg.; Min., Forgue. 16 Min., Avoch. 9 Min., Tarbat. 11 Min., Edinkillie. 14 Min., Gordon. 17 Min., Dunottar. Fifteen candidates, as above. AA 186 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Mr. Jacobus Leithaeus. Mr. Patricius Wattus. Mr. Jacobus Makintossius, Moravi- Mr. Robertus Barclaius, Mernien- ensis. sis. Mr. Jacobus Telliorus, Moraviensis. Mr. Robertus Strachanus, Merni- Mr. Joannes Lilius. Mr. Patricius Gordonus.1 Anno 1634. ensis. Mr. Thomas Forbesius.2 Laurea magistrali donati sunt adolescentes, praeside Magistro Dauide Laeochaeo.³ Mr. Johannes Ogilvius. Mr. Alexander Scrogie.* Mr. Johannes Forbes. Mr. Hendricus Forbes.5 Mr. Jacobus Barclay. Mr. Georgius Meldrom. Mr. Patricius Andersone. Mr. Robertus Donaldsone. Anno 1635. Mr. Jacobus Cuming. Mr. Patricius Glass." Mr. Jacobus Fullertoun. Mr. Gulielmus Chalmer.7 Mr. Johannes George. Mr. Gulielmus Hay. Mr. Thomas Ross.8 praeside Magistro Dauide Laeocheo.º Laurea magistrali donati sunt adolescentes, Mr. Alexander Rhaedus. Mr. Alexander Irvinus. Mr. Gulielmus Strachanus. Mr. Joannes Gariochus. Mr. Gulielmus Chynaeus.10 Mr. Patricius Simsonus.11 Mr. Alexander Pringelius. Mr. Andraeas Chynaeus. Mr. Joannes Findilaius. Mr. Robertus Blakeus. Mr. Jacobus Abercrombeus. Anno 1636. Laurea magistrali donati sunt adolescentes, promotore Magistro Davide Laeocheo.12 Mr. Johannes Forbesius. Mr. Georgius Douglasius. 1 Reg., Civ., Hum. Mr. Jacobus Gordonus.13 Mr. Georgius Halliburtonus.14 2 Min., Tough, Keig. 3 Thesis. See Edmond's Aberdeen Printers, p. 199. 4 Reg.; Min., Forglen, Drumblade, Old Machar; D.D. 6 Min., Edinkillie. 7 Min., Knockando. 5 Min., Wick, Auldearn. 8 Min., Alness. 9 Thesis. See Edmond's Printers, p. 199. 10 Min., Dyce. 11 Min., Logie-Montrose. 12 Thesis. See Edmond's Printers, p. 200. 13 Fifth son of Sir Robert G. of Straloch; Min., Rothiemay. 14 Min., Menmuir, Perth; Bishop of Dunkeld. MASTERS OF ARTS. 187 Mr. Jacobus Melvinus.¹ Mr. Alexander Cantaeus.2 Mr. Alexander Hayus. Mr. Gulielmus Symmaeus. Mr. Alexander Sangisterus.3 Mr. Jacobus Parkaeus.* Mr. Valterus Richaeus. Mr. Jacobus Rainaeus. Anno 1637. Laurea magistrali donati sunt adolescentes, promotore magistro Davide Laeochaeo. Mr. Robertus Grahamus. Mr. Georgius Meldromius." Mr. Gulielmus Leslaeus. Mr. Jacobus Sharpius. Mr. Johannes Gellius." Mr. Jacobus Innesius. Mr. Gulielmus Harperius.8 Anno domini 1638, 15 Kal. Aug. in Collegio Regio Aca- demiae Aberdoniensis renuntiati sunt magistri artium et philo- sophiae juvenes duo, quorum chirographa subsequuntur, promotore D. Davide Leochaeo. Ita testamur. 1 M. Joannes Nairnus, nationis Lau- M. Jacobus Ramisaeus, nationis doniensis. Laudoniensis. Eodem anno 1638, die Julii artium magister renuntiatus fuit. M. Robertus Leslaeus, Laudoniensis, Henrici Leslaei, episcopi Dunensis in Hybernia, filius. Eodem anno 1638, pridie Kal. Augusti artium magistri renuntiati sunt adolescentes, promotore Davide Leochaeo feb- ricitante, et vicaria opera fungente Roberto Ogiluio ipsius collega et successore.⁹ Mr. Thomas Forbesius. Mr. Gulielmus Scrogaeus.10 Mr. Gulielmus Raetus.11 Mr. Johannes Strachanus. Mr. Johannes Strachanus. 1 ¹ Min., Benholme. Mr. Walterus Ogiluius. Mr. Robertus Keithus. Mr. Johannes Rossaeus.12 Mr. David Liddelius.13 Mr. Jacobus Forbesius. 2 Son of Mr. Andrew C.; Min., Banchory Ternan. 3 Sch., Innerkip; Min., Cumbray, Kirkpatrick-Durham. 5 Min., Glass. 7 Min., Leslie, Kinkell. 8 Min., Boharm. 4 Min., Urquhart; Founder of Bursary. Archbishop of S. Andrews. 6 9 Thesis. See Edmond's Printers, p. 202. 10 Min., Rathven; Rector, 1663-66; Bishop of Argyll. 11 Regent; Min., Aberluthnot, Brechin; Principal. 13 Min., Channel Kirk, Glasgow; Prof., Div., Glasg. 12 Min., Loth. 188 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Anno 1639. Laurea magistrali donati sunt, praeside magistro Roberto Ogiluio. Mr. Johannes Consettus, Anglus. Mr. Gulielmus Ogiluius. Mr. Gulielmus Leslaeus. Mr. Gulielmus Riresius.¹ Mr. Gulielmus Nobilis. Eodem anno X. Kal. Mr. Gulielmus Junius, Anglus. Mr. Johannes Innesius. Mr. Johannes Gardenus. Mr. Alexander Forbesius. Mr. David Guthraeus. Mr. Jacobus Dunbarus. Novem., laurea donatus est Anno 1640. Renunciante M. Roberto Ogiluio. M. Johannes Barclaius. M. Georgius Midletonus.2 M. Jacobus Gordonus.* M. Johannes Lasonus. Anno 1641. Renuntiante M. Roberto Ogiluio. M. Gulielmus Camerarius.³ Mr. Gulielmus Sibbaldus. Mr. Gulielmus Mowat. Mr. Franciscus Ross. Mr. Wilelmus Ansterus. Mr. Wilelmus Dune. Renunciante M. Alexandro Midleton, anno 1642, laurea magistrali donati sunt. M. Georgius Baird. M. Robertus Afflect. M. Robertus Maine. M. Johannes Fergusone.5 M. Johannes Fraser. Renunciante Magistro Patricio Gordonio, laurea donati sunt. Anno Domini 1643.6 M. Hugo Gordonius.7 M. Patricius Sandilandius, Lau- doniensis. M. Robertus Forbesius.8 M. Jacobus Morisonus. M. Samuel Decanus, Bohaemus. M. Alexander Setonus." M. Gilbertus Hendricus, Heth- landicus. M. Adamus Barklaius.10 M. Georgius Hoccatus. M. Jacobus Cruikshankius. M. Thomas Baverlaius. M. Andreas Hendersonus.11 M. Gulielmus Dargius. ¹ Min., Lonmay. 2 Reg. 3 Min., Aberluthnot, Fettercairn. 4 Min., Tough, Alford. * Min., Glenmuick. 7 Min., Fortingal, Comrie, Row, Cardross. 6 Thesis. See Edmond's Printers, p. 205. 8 Min., Logie-Coldstone. 9 Min., Cullen, Mortlach, Banff. 10 Min., Towie, Keig, Perth. 11 Min., Deskford. MASTERS OF ARTS. 189 Renunciante M. Georgio Midleton, laurea donati sunt, anno Domini 1644. M. Jacobus Cramond, Angusiensis.¹ M. Johannes Midleton.* M. Johannes Gordon. M. Patricius Andersone. M. Johannes Rait, Merniensis.2 M. Johannes Spaldin. M. Gulielmus Seton.3 M. Dauid Paton, Taodunensis.5 M. Gulielmus Rait." M. Patricius Farquhar. M. Alexander Yongsone." M. Joannes Johnstoun. Renunciante Magistro Andrea Yongson, laurea donati sunt, 1645. Mr. Patricius Rhaedus. Mr. Jacobus Middiltonus. Mr. Jacobus Camerarius. Mr. Johannes Setonus.8 Mr. David Gordonus. Mr. Jacobus Richaeus." Mr. Jacobus Petraeus. Renunciante Magistro Alexandro Middiltono, laurea donati sunt, 1646. Mr. Henricus Jenkesius, Anglo- Mr. Thomas Abercrombaeus. Borussus. Mr. Jacobus Sutherlandius. Mr. Johannes Brodaeus.10 Mr. Alexander Stratauchinus. Mr. Gulielmus Sparkaeus. Mr. Robertus Chynaeus. Mr. Georgius Rossaeus. Mr. Alexander Clericus.11 Mr. Georgius Melvinus.12 Mr. Johannes Gordonus. Mr. Gulielmus Dalgardneus.13 Renunciante Magistro Patricio Gordono, laurea donati sunt, anno Domini 1647. M. Georgius Gordonus. M. Robertus Gordonus.14 M. Andreas Rossius.1 15 1 ¹ Min., Fearn. 4 Min., Leuchars. 2 M. Robertus Rinaldus.16 M. Wilelmus Rhaetus. M. Jacobus Dunbarus.17 Min., Montrose, Inverkeilor. Б 5 Min., Kemback, Kettins. 8 Min., Old Machar. 11 Min., Latheron, Inverness. 7 Min., Tullynessle, Rhynie. 10 Hum. 3 Min., Lumphanan, Drumblade. "Min., Kingoldrum. 9 Min., Footdee. 12 Min., Bourtie, New Machar, Udny, Alford; Founder of Bursary. 13 Min., Penicuik, Kirkmahoe, Mauchline, Dunsyre, S. Fergus. 14 Sch., Rothiemay; Min., Botarie. 16 Min., S. Vigean's, Old Machar; Rector, 1669-70. 17 Min., Watten, Merton, Abbey S. Bathans. 15 Min., Tarbat. 190 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. M. Jacobus Brodaeus. M. Robertus Douglasius.¹ M. Alexander Kaerus.2 M. Georgius Cummingius.3 M. Andreas Brounus. M. Alexander Massaeus. Renunciante Magistro Georgio Middletono, laurea donati sunt, anno Domini 1648. M. Arthurus Gordonius. M. Robertus Neperus. M. Jhoannes Annandus. M. Jhoannes Stratauchinus. M. Jacobus Rhaetus. M. Jacobus Forbesius. M. Walterus Ogilvius.* M. Thomas Robertsonus.5 M. Walterus Stewartus. M. Alexander Fraserius." M. Gulielmus Duncanus.7 M. Jhoannes Forbesius. Anno 1649. Laurea magisteriali donati sunt magistri quorum nomina sequuntur, praeside Alexandro Middletono, Julii 8°.8 M. Alexander Personus. M. Gulielmus Burnetus.9 M. Patricius Gordonus. M. Lodovicus Gordonus. M. Johannes Stuartus.10 M. Archibaldus Personus. M. Jacobus Duglasius.11 M. Arthurus Forbesius. M. Gulielmus Annandus.12 M. Thomas Cheynaeus. M. Alexander Dumbarus.13 M. Robertus Forbesius. M. Rodericus Mackenzaeus.14 M. John Sthrachanus. M. Jacobus Kaethus. M. Jacobus Auchenlechius. M. Dauid Andersonus. M. Alexander Andersonus. M. Donaldus Betonus. Renunciante magistro Patricio Sandilandio, Laurea donati sunt, anno Domini 1650. Mr. Johannes Innesius, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Johannes Innesius, Rossensis. Mr. Andreas Munrous, Rossensis.16 Mr. Alexander Dunbarus, Moravi- Mr. Gulielmus Innesius, Aberdon- ensis.15 ensis. 1 Min., Laurencekirk, Bothwell, Renfrew, Hamilton; Bishop of Brechin. 3 Sch., Elgin; Min., Urray. 2 Min., Grange. 4 Min., Deskford. 5 Min., Longside. "Min., Abbotshall, Daviot. 8 Thesis. See Edmond's Printers, p. 206. 11 Son of Professor D.; Min., Nigg. 13 Min., Inveravon, Delting. 9 Min., Botriphnie, Cullen. 12 Min., Edinburgh; 7 Min., Kildrummy, New Kilpatrick. 10 Min., Crimond. D.D., S. And., 1675. 14 Min., Avoch. 15 Min., Kinloss. 16 Min., Thurso. MASTERS OF ARTS. 191 Mr. Johannes Leslaeus, Moravien- Mr. Gulielmus Lowaeus, Aberdon- sis.¹ Mr. Donaldus Munrous, Rossensis. Mr. Gulielmus Geddesius, Moravi- ensis.2 Mr. Gulielmus Sanderus, Moravi- ensis.3 Mr. Gulielmus Stevinsonus, Aber- donensis.¹ Mr. Gulielmus Milnaeus, Aberdon- ensis. ensis. Mr. Johannes Grahamus, Mernien- sis.5 Mr. Gulielmus Denunus, Rossen- sis.6 Mr. Gulielmus Taileferus, Aberdon- ensis. Mr. Patricius Thomsonus, Aber- donensis. Anno 1651. Promotore Joanne Strachano, lauream magis- terialem consequuti sunt. M. Carolus Gordonius, Moraviensis. M. Joannes Mackilmeneus, Moravi- M. Henricus Scrimgerus, Fifensis.7 ensis. Mr. Joannes Cunningamius, Ca- M. Thomas Fraserius, Aberdonen- thenensis. sis. M. Jacobus Gordonius, Aberdonen- M. Alexander Strachanus, Aberdon- sis.8 ensis.13 Mr. Thomas Urquhardus, Moravi- M. Patricius Dargius, Aberdonen- ensis.⁹ Mr. Joannes Baineus, Rossensis. M. Theodorus Umprayus, Heth- landicus.10 sis. M. Thomas Rosseus, Rossensis.14 M. Gilbertus Skynaeus. M. Alexander Suaneus.15 M. Alexander Cumminius, Aber- M. Joannes Smithaeus. donensis. Mr. Jacobus Morus, Aberdonensis. M. Hugo Andersonus, Rossensis. Mr. Gulielmus Burnetus. Mr. Jacobus Richardides. M. Patricius Jackeus. M. Gulielmus Dalgardineus, Aber- M. Gulielmus Gordonius. donensis.12 1 Min., Rothes. 3 Min., Birnie. 2 Sch., Keith; Min., Wick, Urquhart, Wick. 4 Min., Fordyce. 5 Min., Rousay. 6 This William Denune is identified by Hew Scott with Walter Denune, Min. of Golspie; but this seems doubtful, as Walter did not enter the ministry till 1678, and founded a bursary in Marischal College (Fasti Acad. Mar., I. p. 407). 7 Min., Dundee. 10 Min., Nesting. 13 Min., Birse. 8 Min., Knockando, Urquhart. 9 Min., Dipple, Essil. 12 Min., Walls. 11 Reg.; Min., Cromarty. 14 Min., Rogart. 15 Min., Leslie, Pitsligo. 192 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Anno 1652. Magisterii laurea donati sunt, promotore Gil- berto Regulo [Rule]. Mr. Joannes Mackullochus, maior, Mr. Joannes Mackullochus, minor, Rossensis.¹ Rossensis. 6 Mr. Samuel Tullochus, Moravien- Mr. Joannes Brussius, Buchanien- sis.2 Mr. Georgius Dunbarus.³ Mr. Joannes Rhaetus. Mr. Robertus Rossaeus, Rossensis. Mr. Alexander Gardenus.5 4 sis. Mr. Jacobus Rhaedus." Mr. Joannes Urquhardus. Mr. Gulielmus Urquhardus.8 Mr. Jacobus Skinnerus. Mr. Joannes Sandisonus.9 Anno 1653. Magisterialem lauream consequuti sunt, re- nunciante Gilberto Regulo. Mr. Hugo Rossaeus, Moraviensis.10 Mr. Gulielmus Innesius. Mr. Patricius Dunbarus, Moravien- sis. Mr. Alexander Mansonus, Suther- landicus. Mr. Alexander Sutherlandius, Su- therlandicus. Mr. Joannes Regulus, Martianus. Mr. Alexander Dunbarus, Moravi- ensis. Mr. Donaldus McKraus.11 Mr. Alexander Robertsonus.12 Mr. Jacobus Sutherlandius, Suther- landicus.13 Mr. Robertus Dunbarus, Moravi- ensis.14 Mr. Georgius Innesius, Moravien- sis.15 Mr. Thomas Gardenus. Mr. Joannes Williamsonus. Mr. Andreas Nisbetus, propter supplicationem. Anno 1654. Magisterii lauream consecuti sunt, promotore Magistro Hugone Andersono. Mr. Alexander Waker, Aberdonen- Mr. Joannes Major, Bamfiensis.16 sis. 1 ¹ Min., Ardersier. Mr. Joannes Waker, Aberdonensis.17 2 Min., Spynie. 3 Min., Suddie. 4 Hew Scott identifies this Robert Ross with a Min. of Urquhart, Tain; and a Min. of Lairg, Logie-Easter [?]. 5 Min., Gartly, Deer. 6 Min., Golspie. 8 Min., Bethelny. 7 Min., Kirkwall, N. Leith. 9 Min., Abernethy. 10 Min., Nairn. 11 Min., Lochalsh. 14 Min., Kearn. 12 Min., Forfar. 13 Min., Inverness. 18 Sch., Belhelvie; Min., Dipple, Kinairnie, Belhelvie; D.D. 16 Min., Tough. 17 Min., Tullynessle. MASTERS OF ARTS. 193 Anno 1655. Lauream magistralem, promotore Joanne Strachano, consecuti sunt. Mr. Alexander Renatus, Angusien- sis.1 Mr. Hugo Fraserius, Aberdonen- sis.3 Mr. Gualterus Ogilvius, Bamfien- Mr. Jacobus Fraserius, Moravien- sis. sis.4 Mr. Georgius Andersonus, Aber- Mr. Jacobus Schankaeus, Bamfien- donensis. 2 sis.5 Mr. Georgius Sharpius, Aberdon- Mr. Joannes Camerarius, Bamfien- ensis. sis.6 Mr. Gulielmus Gellius, Aberdonen- Mr. Joannes Strachanus, Aberdon- sis. Anno 1656. ensis.7 Magisterii lauream, praeside Patricio Sandi- landio, consecuti sunt. Mr. Donaldus Mackleanus, Insu- lanus. Mr. Patricius Strachanus, Aber- donensis.11 Mr. Gulielmus Chamierus, Aber- Mr. Robertus Burnetus, Aberdon- donensis.8 Mr. Gulielmus Speedaeus." Mr. Jacobus Major, Bamfiensis.10 ensis.12 Mr. Robertus Dunbarus, Moravi- ensis. Mr. Thomas Cragius, Moraviensis.13 Anno 1657. Magistralem consecuti sunt lauream, renun- ciante Gilberto Regulo, adolescentes quorum nomina sequuntur. Mr. Alexander Pantonus. Mr. Thomas Regulus, Martianus. Mr. Jacobus Lundaeus.14 Mr. Joannes Nisbetus. Mr. Alexander Rhaedus. Mr. Gulielmus Frazerius.15 Mr. Gulielmus Cuminius, Moravi- Mr. Gulielmus Burnetus. ensis. Et propter supplicationem. Mr. Hugo Monrous.16 Mr. Alexander Gordonus. 1 Min., Aberdour. 2 Min., Methlick, Tarves; Prof. of Div.; D.D. 4 Min., Kirkhill. 5 Min., Hoy. 7 Min., Tarves, Edinb.; Prin. Univ., Edinb. " Min., Botriphnie, Ednam. 11 Min., Maxton. 12 Min., Rayne. 14 Min., Edinb., Dalkeith. 3 Min., Croy. 6 Min., Arbuthnot, Peterhead. 8 Min., Bervie, Glamis. 10 Sch., Grange, Cullen; Min., Troqueer. 13 Sch., Dyke; Min., S. Andrews-Lhanbryd. 15 Min., Slains. 16 Min., Durness BB 194 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Anno 1658. Lauream magisterialem consecuti sunt, praeside Andrea Massaeo, juvenes quorum nomina sequuntur. Maii 15. Christophorus Powellus, Anglus, Hipstoniensis in comitatu Oxoniensi. Eodem anno Julii 13. Mr. Joannes Betonus, Rossensis.¹ Mr. Gulielmus Brodaeus, Moravi- Mr. Joannes Gordonus, Rossensis.2 ensis. Mr. Alexander Dunbarus, Moravi- ensis.3 Mr. Gulielmus Watsonus, Bamfi- ensis. Mr. Georgius Leithus, Abredonen- Mr. Jacobus Milnaeus, Abredonen- sis.4 sis. Mr. Alexander Andersonus, Bamfi- Mr. Jacobus Lawsonus, Aberdon- ensis. ensis.® Mr. Joannes Haius, Aberdonensis.5 Mr. Walterus Birnaeus, Bamffien- Mr. Andreas Abercrombius, Aber- sis, caecus.7 donensis. Eodem anno Julii 15. Mr. Joannes Rowius, Abredonensis.8 Anno 1659, Aprilis 27. Lauream magisterialem consecuti sunt (magistro Joanne Strachano regente in Gallias con- tendente; promotore Magistro Patricio Sandilandio suppri- mario, senatus academici jussu), juvenes quorum sequuntur nomina, videlicet 9 :— Mr. Georgius Gordonus, Aberdon- Mr. Joshua Pearsonus, Anglus, ensis.10 Carlislensis. Mr. Georgius Bannermannus, Mer- Mr. Alexander Gordonus, minor, niensis. Mr. David Gordonus, Bamffiensis. Mr. Joannes McKinnonus, Insu- lanus. 2 Min., Kiltearn. ¹ Min., Ayton. 4 Min., Twynholm. 6 Min., Kirkpatrick-Irongray. 9 Thesis, v. supra, p. 56. Aberdonensis. Mr. Alexander Gordonus, major, Moraviensis. Mr. Joannes Aedamsonus, Moravi- ensis. 3 Min., Birnie, Essil, Dunfermline. Min., Rathven, 7 Min., Dalziel. 8 Min., Balmaclellan, Stonykirk, Dreghorn, Dalgety. 10 Reg.; first Earl of Aberdeen. MASTERS OF ARTS. 195 Mr. Patricius Gordonus, Suther- Mr. Walterus Rossaeus, Rossensis.4 landicus.1 Mr. Jacobus Wallace, Bamffiensis.5 Mr. Gulielmus Fergussonus, Abre- Mr. Georgius Birnaeus, Bamffien- donensis. sis. Mr. Jacobus Smithaeus, Moravien- Mr. Jacobus Sophocardius [Wish- sis.2 art], Angusianus, 29 Julii, anno Domini 1659. Mr. Robertus Raetus, Aberdonen- sis.3 Anno 1660. Lauream magisterialem consecuti sunt, re- nunciante Magistro Patricio Sandilandio supprincipali, juvenes quorum sequuntur nomina." Martii 28. Mr. Jacobus Strachanus, a Thorntoune, Comarchus, Merniensis." Mr. Alexander Urchartus. Mr. Andreas Dalgardinaeus.³ Mr. Georgius Ruddachus." Mr. Gulielmus Dalgardinaeus. Mr. Gulielmus Davidsonus.10 Mr. Gulielmus Joassaeus. Mr. Gulielmus McFinnanus. Mr. Gulielmus Robertsonus.1 Mr. Gulielmus Torraeus. Julii 12. Mr. Jacobus Aebelus. Mr. Joannes Forbesius.12 Mr. Joannes Mackraius.13 Mr. Joannes Wakerus. Mr. Patricius Turnebullus.14 Mr. Robertus Robertsonus. Mr. Robertus Strachanus.15 Mr. Robertus Tarresius.16 Anno 1661. Lauream magisterialem consecuti sunt, re- nunciante Magistro Gulielmo Johnstono regente, juvenes quorum nomina sequuntur. Mr. Hugo Sutherlandius, Cathani- Mr. Richardus Laurentius, Anglus, ensis. Mr. Alexander Leslaeus.17 1 Sch., Maryculter; Min., Coull. Carleolensis. Mr. Joannes Mongomerius, Mora- viensis. 2 Min., Dores. 4 Min., Alness. 5 Min., Ladykirk, Kirkwall. 7 Min., Keith. 10 Min., Killearnan. 14 Min., Laurencekirk. 8 Min., Tyrie. 11 Min., Laggan, Crathie. 15 Min., Colvend. 3 Min., Roberton, Marykirk. 6 Thesis in Bodleian Library: no names. 9 Sch., Fordyce; Min., Ordiquhill. 12 Hum. 13 Min., Kilmorack, Dingwall. 10 Min., Olrick. 17 Min., Innerkip. 196 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Mr. Thomas Laus. Mr Alexander Ochterlonius, Brichi- nensis.1 Mr. Gulielmus Cumminius, Mora- viensis.2 Mr. Gulielmus Gordonus. Mr. Gulielmus Hervaeus, Aberdon- ensis.3 Mr. Jacobus Gordonus.4 Mr. Michael Bardius, Lothianus. Mr. Robertus Innesius, Moravien- sis.5 Mr. Joannes Cumminius, Moravi- ensis.® Mr. Alexander Georgius, Aberdon- ensis.7 Mr. Alexander Gregorius, Bamffi- ensis.8 Mr. Alexander Howatus, Moravi- ensis. Mr. Alexander Dumbarus.9 Mr. Alexander Falconarius, Mora- viensis. Mr. Jacobus Michaelius, Aberdon- ensis. Anno 1662. Lauream magisterialem consequuti sunt (pro- motore Andrea Massaeo) juvenes quorum nomina sequuntur. Febr. 13. Ludovicus Innesius, Moraviensis. Mart. 31. Mr. Alexander Redaeus, Montrosiensis.10 Julii 17. Mr. Alexander Grantaeus, Moravi- Mr. Franciscus Ruthvenus, An- ensis. gusiensis. Mr. Alexander Milnaeus, Aberdon- Mr. Georgius Middletonus, Aber- ensis.11 Mr. Alexander Rosse, Rossensis.12 Mr. Arthur Strachanus, Aberdon- ensis.13 donensis.14 Mr. Gulielmus Donaldsonus, Aber- donensis. Mr. Gulielmus Major, Bamffiensis. Mr. Arthur Udnyus, Aberdonensis. Mr. Hugo Fraserius, Moraviensis.15 ¹ Min., Carmyllie. 2 Min., Dores, Halkirk. 4 Min., Banchory Devenick; son of Prof. Gordon. 6 Sch., Turriff; Min., Edinkillie, Auldearn, Cullen. 8 Min., Dreghorn, S. Quivox, Ayr. 9 Sch. and Min., Auldearn. 11 Min., Glasgow. 12 Min., Strichen, Rathen. 14 Min., Glamis; Regent, Subprincipal, Principal; D.D., S. And. 3 Min., Buittle. 5 Min., Gamrie. 7 Min., Cathcart, Glasgow. 10 Min., Kirkmabreck. 18 Min., Mortlach. 15 Min., Kiltarlity. MASTERS OF ARTS. 197 Mr. Hugo Kinrosseus, Moraviensis. Mr. Joannes Leslaeus, Aberdonen- Mr. Jacobus Chrystius, Aberdonen- sis.1 Mr. Jacobus Elphinstonus, Aber- donensis, Eques de Logie. Mr. Jacobus Gardenus, Aberdonen- sis.2 Mr. Jacobus Ogilvius, Bamffiensis.3 Mr. Jacobus Spensaeus, Moravien- sis. Mr. Joannes Crammond, Angusi- ensis. sis.4 Mr. Joannes McKenzaeus, Rossen- sis. Mr. Joannes Ogilvius, Aberdonensis. Mr. Lauchlanus McKintoischius, Moraviensis. Mr. Patricius Clunesius, Rossen- sis.5 Mr. Robertus Bowesius, Mernien- sis.6 Mr. Patricius Rosseus, Bamffien- sis.7 Julii 18. Mr. Jacobus Sinclerus, Aberdonensis, propter supplicationem. Anno 1663. Lauream magisterialem consequuti sunt, pro- motore Georgio Gordono, juvenes quorum nomina sequuntur. Apprilis 27. Mr. Joahnes Ros, Moraviensis.º 8 Apprilis 30. Mr. Jacobus Grantaeus, Strath- Mr. Thomas Gardeneus, Aberdon- spaeensis.⁹ ensis.13 Mr. Jacobus Stivartus, Strathdoun- Mr. Georgius Straquhanus, Aber- ensis.10 donensis.14 Mr. Johanes Stivartus, Moravien- Mr. Johanes Schandeus, Aberdon- sis.11 ensis.15 Mr. Jacobus Gordonus, Strathbogi- Mr. Georgius Ritcheus, Aberdon- ensis.12 1 Min., Kirkcowan, Kirkinner. ensis. 2 Min., New Machar, Maryculter, Balmerino; D. D., Prof. of Divinity. 3 Min., Walls and Sandness. 6 Min., Dundrennan, Stonykirk. 9 Min., Urquhart, Abernethy. 11 Min., Cromdale. 4 Min., Cushnie. 5 Min., Wick. 7 Min., Glass. 8 Min., Latheron, Dornoch. 10 Sch., Inverness; Min., Inveravon. 13 Min., Clatt. 12 Min., Glass. 14 Min., Montrose, Old Machar. 15 Min., Premnay. : 198 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Mr. Gullielmus Dikaeus, Aberdon- Mr. Gulielmus Pittendricheus, Aber- ensis. donensis. Mr. Gulielmus Thomsonus, Aber- Mr. Thomas Creveus, Aberdonen- donensis. sis.2 Mr. Johanes Comineus, Aberdon- Mr. Robertus Herveus, Aberdonen- ensis.1 sis. Mr. Jacobus Andersonus, Moravi- Mr. Alexander Fordaicius, Moravi- ensis. ensis.³ Maij 2. Mr. Alexander Gadderrerius, Moraviensis. Maye 27, renunciante Magistro Andrea Massaeo. Mr. Petrus Raite, Angusiensis." June 3. Mr. Johannes Frasere, Moraviensis. June 3, renunciante Magistro Andrea Massie. Mr. Adamus Sutherland, Catanensis. 6 Anno 1664. Lauream magisterialem consequuti sunt, pro- motore Roberto Forbesio P. P., juvenes quorum sequuntur nomina. April 26. Mr. Beroaldus Innesius, Moraviensis." Maii 14. Mr. Colinus Nicolsonus, Moraviensis.8 Maii 17. Mr. Robertus Dunbarus, Moraviensis. Maii 24. Mr. Joannes Kerus, Aberdonensis. ¹ Min., Birnie. 2 Min., Newhills. Min., Bervie. 7 Sch., Bellie; Min., Alves. 3 Min., Rafford. 4 Min., Girvan. в 6 Min., Old Machar, New Machar, Duffus. 8 Sch., Cawdor; Min., Abernethy, MASTERS OF ARTS. 199 Junii 4. Mr. Joannes Patersonus, Moraviensis. June 10. Mr. Robertus Innesius, Aberdonen- Mr. Joannes Lindesius, Moravien- sis. sis. June 25. July 19. Mr. Patricius Sandilandius, Aberdonensis. Mr. Rodericus Mackaius, Strathna- Mr. Alexander Tailerus, Aberdon- vernensis. ensis.6 Mr. Guilelmus Mackaius, Strathna- Mr. Patricius Setonius, Bamffien- vernensis. Mr. Thomas Fraserius, Moraviensis.¹ Mr. Joannes Gordonus, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Joannes Haius, Bamffiensis. Mr. Jacobus Fraserius, Moravien- sis.2 sis.7 Mr. David Huistonus, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Alexander Lunanus, Aberdon- ensis.8 Mr. Guilelmus Logius, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Jacobus Maetellanus, Aberdon- Mr. Guilelmus Ydelus, Aberdonen- ensis. sis. sis. Mr. Guilelmus Burnetus, Aberdon- Mr. Duncanus Haius, Aberdonen- ensis.3 Mr. Gilbertus Martialis, Moravien- Mr. Robertus Michaelius, Aberdon- sis.4 ensis. Mr. Georgius Rossaeus, Rossensis. Mr. Guilelmus Michaelius, Aber- Mr. Joannes Burnetus, Aberdonen- donensis. sis.5 Mr. Hugo Spensaeus, Moraviensis. July 20. Mr. Georgius Setonius, Aberdonensis." 1 Min., Suddie. 3 Sch., Alford; Min., Kildrummy, Midmar. Б 5 Min., Linlithgow, Culross, Monymusk. 2" I. U. D. collegii regii instaurator." 4 Min., Cromdale, Inverness. Min., Kinnettles. 7 Sch., S. Andrews; Min., Dyce, Auchterless. 9 Min., Broughton, Fyvie. 8 Min., Daviot. 200 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. July 22. Mr. Hector Mackenzaeus, Strath- Mr. Joannes Rossaeus, Rossensis. navernensis.1 Mr. Alexander Hervaeus, Aberdonensis. Aug. 10. Septr. 30. Mr. Alexander Gordonus, Aberdonensis. [1665. No entry. The Library accounts furnish the names of:- Mr. Alexander Mowat.2 Mr. Hector Corbat.] Anno 1666. Lauream magisterialem consequuti sunt (pro- motore Andrea Massaeo) juvenes quorum nomina subse- quuntur. Martii 20. Mr. Alanus Grante, Strathspeien- Mr. Jacobus Innes, Moraviensis sis. Mr. Georgius Ross, Rossensis (Apri- Mr. Walterus Coupland, Bamfien- lis ult.). (Junii 11mo).3 sis (Junii 7mº). Julii 19. 1 Mr. Alexander Adam, Aberdonensis. Mr. Georgius Kaye, Moraviensis. Mr. Alexander Douglasse, Aber- Mr. Georgius Ross, Rossensis.9 donensis.* Mr. Alexander Duffe, Bamffiensis. Mr. Alexander Irvin, Abredonensis.5 Mr. Alexander Ker, Abredonensis. Mr. Alexander Symsone, Angusien- sis.6 Mr. Alexander Smart, Bamffiensis. Mr. Andreas Hay, Bamffiensis. Mr. Georgius Buchan, Abredonen- sis.7 Mr. Georgius Stewart, Bamffiensis. Mr. Georgius Symer, Moraviensis. Mr. Gilbertus Harvie, Abredonen- sis. Mr. Gulielmus Douglasse, Abre- donensis. Mr. Gulielmus Forbes, Abredonen- sis. Mr. Gulielmus Fordice, Abredon- ensis. Mr. Georgius Garden, Abredonen- Mr. Gulielmus Fraser, Rossensis.10 sis.8 ¹ Min., Kingussie, Inverness. 4 Min., Dolphington, Douglas, Lesmahago. 7 Min., Logie-Buchan. Mr. Hugo Leigh, Moraviensis.11 2 Min., Leslie. 3 Min., Canisbay. 5 Min., West Kilbride, Edinb. 6 Min., Navar. 8 Reg.; Min., Forgue, Old Machar. 9 Min., Kincardine. 10 Sch., Boyndie; Min., Kilmorack. 11 Sch., Bellie (Libr. Acc.); Min., Bressay. MASTERS OF ARTS. 201 Mr. Jacobus Chein, Abredonensis.¹ Mr. Joannes Midletoun, Abredon- Mr. Jacobus Gellon, Abredonen- sis.2 ensis. • Mr. Joannes Shilps, Moraviensis." Mr. Jacobus Gordon, Abredonen- Mr. Joannes Thain, Abredonensis. sis.3 Mr. Jacobus Haye, Moraviensis.* Mr. Jacobus Sinclare, Moraviensis. Mr. Jacobus Walker, Abredonen- sis.5 Mr. Robertus Innes, Moraviensis. Mr. Robertus Ord, Abredonensis. Mr. Thomas Hepburn, Moravien- sis. Mr. Walterus Maire, Bamffiensis.7 Lesly, Bamffiensis Mr. Joannes Cumin, Abredonen- Mr. Jacobus sis. Mr. Joannes Dunbar, Moraviensis. Mr. Georgius Cook, Bamffiensis (July ult.). (Qctr. 26). Julii ii., anno 1667. Lauream magisterialem consecuti sunt, renunciante Magistro Patricio Sandilandio supprincipali, ju- venes quorum sequuntur nomina. Mr. Adamus Tyrie, Strathbogiensis. Mr. Georgius Fraser, Moraviensis.12 Mr. Alexander Fairne, Rossensis. Mr. Georgius Sharp, Rothemayen- sis. Mr. Alexander Fraser, Moraviensis. Mr. Alexander Millne, Montis-Ro- Mr. Gulielmus Adame, Garriochen- sanus.& 8 sis. Mr. Alexander Ruddach, Bamfien- Mr. Gulielmus Buchanan, Montis- sis.9 Rosanus. Mr. Alexander Sheirald, Aberdon- Mr. Gulielmus Falconer, Moravi- ensis. Mr. Andreas Geddes, Moraviensis. Mr. David Barcley, Merniensis. Mr. David Cummine, Moraviensis.10 Mr. David Monroe, Rossensis. Mr. Georgius Cummine, Moravien- sis.11 ¹ Min., Forest Kirk, Longside, Rathen. 4 Min., Kildonan. 5 Min., Buittle. 7 Min., Kirkmahoe. 10 Sch., Turriff; Min., Edinkillie. 13 Sch., Dyke; Min., Dyke. ensis.13 Mr. Gulielmus Hallyburton, Perth- ensis. Mr. Gulielmus Man, Rossensis.14 Mr. Gulielmus Murray, Garrioch- ensis.15 Mr. Gulielmus Wat, Garriochen- sis. 2 Min., Lesmahago, Carnwath. 3 Min., Coull. 6 Sch., Kirkwall; Min., S. Andrews and Deerness. 8 Min., Montrose, Benholme. 11 Min., Essil. 14 Min., Bathgate. 9 Min., Elchies. 12 Reg., Subprin. 15 Min., Inverurie. CC 202 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Mr. Jacobus Hamiltone, Moravien- Mr. Samuel Cunninghame, Aber- sis. donensis. Mr. Jacobus Shand, Aberdonensis. Mr. Thomas Orum, Aberdonensis. Mr. Jacobus Smith, Culloniensis. Mr. Kennethus Morisone, Insula- Mr. Joannes Dunbar, Moravien- sis.1 Mr. Joannes Finlason, Rossensis. Mr. Joannes Innes, Moraviensis.2 Mr. Joannes Melvill, Marniensis. Mr. PatriciusScot, Montis-Rosanus. nus Leuensis.4 Mr. David Pearsone, Angusianus. Mr. Gulielmus Boynd, Cathanesi- ensis. Mr. Gulielmus Sinclair, Cathanesi- ensis. Mr. Alexander Rose, Moraviensis.5 Anno 1668. Lauream magisterialem consequuti sunt, pro- motore Roberto Forbesio P. P., juvenes quorum sequuntur nomina. Mr. Johannes Garden, Buchaniensis. Mr. Andreas Georgesone, Cathanesiensis. Feb. 20, 1668. Feb. 24, 1668. Mr. Johannes Monroe, Cathanesiensis. March 6, 1668. Mr. Andreas Cant, Aberdonensis. 6 April 2, 1668. Mr. Georgius Tod, Moraviensis.7 Julij 9, 1668. Mr. Adamus Gordone, Aberdonen- Mr. Andreas Slirie, Morraviensis.10 sis.8 Mr. Alexander Barkley, Aberdon- ensis.⁹ 1 Min., Forglen. 2 Min., Gamrie. Mr. Alexander Keith, Aberdonen- sis.11 Mr. Andreas Waker, Aberdonensis. 3 Min., Ewes. 5 Min., Perth, Glasg.; Prof. Div., Glasg.; Bp., Edinb. ❝ Son of Andrew C.; Min., S. Leith, Edinb.; Bp., 1722. 7 Min., Firth, Holme. 4 Min., Stornoway. 8 Min., New Monkland, Glasgow. 9 Min., Auchterless, Peterhead. 10 Min., Dalry. 11 Min., Sch., Dundee (Libr. Acc.). MASTERS OF ARTS. 203 Mr. David Forbes, Invernessensis. Mr. Jacobus Strachan, Aberdonen- Mr. David Sibbald, Aberdonensis.¹ Mr. Duncanus Forbes, Inverness- ensis. Mr. Georgius Broune, Aberdonen- sis. sis. Mr. Jacobus Third, Culloniensis. Mr. Johannes Forbes, Aberdonen- sis.5 Mr. Johannes Leith, Aberdonensis. Mr. Georgius Duncane, Aberdon- Mr. Johannes McKean, Morravien- ensis. sis. sis. Mr. Gulielmus Scrogie, Aberdonen- Mr. Johannes Shand, Aberdonensis. Mr. Patricius Chalmer, Aberdonen- sis.6 Mr. Gulielmus Skene, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Hendricus Scougall.2 Mr. Jacobus Cook, Moraviensis.3 Mr. Jacobus Fergusone, Aberdon- ensis.4 Mr. Jacobus Guthrie, Kethensis. Mr. Jacobus Ker, Aberdonensis. Mr. Robertus Burnet, Aberdonen- sis.7 Mr. Thomas Strachan, Gariochen- sis. Mr. Alexander Ramsey, Montis- Rosanus. Julij 13, 1668. Mr. Johannes Ord, Culloniensis. Julij 17, 1668. Mr. Thomas Marischall, Montis-Rosanus.8 Septr., 1668. Promotore Magistro Alexandro Middeltoune primario, in absentia praefati Roberti Forbes pro tempore. Mr. Jacobus Innes, Morraviensis. Mr. Kenethus Steinsone, Morravi- ensis. Apryll 5, 1669. Mr. Hendricus Bayllie, Invernessensis. Apryll 26, 1669. Mr. Gulielmus Watsone, Morraviensis.⁹ 1 Min., New Deer. 2 Reg.; Min., Auchterless; Prof. of Div. "Min., Lhanbryd. 4 Min., Kirkmichael. 6 Min., Boyndie. 8 Min., Carnock. 5 Min., Logie-Coldstone, Kincardine O'Neil. 7 Min., Banchory Ternan, Fintray. 9 Min., Leslie; Founder of Bursary. 204 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Agust 14, 1669. Mr. Johannes Gordoun, Aberdonensis. Anno 1669. Lauream magisterialem consecuti sunt, pro- motore Gulielmo Jonstoune P. P., juvenes quorum sequuntur nomina. Mr. Joannes Lamie. Mr. Lodovicus Gordon, major.¹ Mr. Joannes Gordone. Mr. Joannes Jonstoune. Mr. Joannes Cuthbert. Mr. Gilbertus Andersone. Mr. Andreas Lamb. Mr. Jacobus Grant. Mr. Robertus Dunbar. Mr. Joannes Hebrun.2 Mr. Lodovicus Gordon, minor.3 Mr. Gulielmus Cummyng. Mr. Joannes Campbell. Mr. Arthurus Millar.4 Mr. Joannes Webster. Mr. Gulielmus Fraser. Mr. Gulielmus Garioch.5 Mr. Alexander Craford. Mr. Alexander Mair." Mr. Andreas Jamisone. Mr. Robertus Mill.7 Mr. Walterus Innes. Mr. Alexander Craigs Mr. Gulielmus Gray. Mr. Robertus Jamisone. Mr. Alexander Ross. Mr. David Ross. Anno 1670. Lauream magisterialem consequuti sunt (pro- motore Andrea Massaeo) juvenes quorum nomina subsequuntur. Mr. Alexander Couts, Aberdonen- Mr. Arthurus Andersone, Bamffien- sis.⁹ sis. Mr. Alexander Garioch, Marriensis. Mr. Georgius Campbell, Edinbur- Mr. Alexander Linde, Marriensis. gensis. Mr. Alexander Seaton, Marriensis.10 Mr. Georgius Lesly, Aberdonensis.11 Mr. Alexander Schirrefe, Marriensis. Mr. Georgius Straquhan, Bamffien- Mr. Alexander Straquhan, Montros- anus. sis. Mr. Gulielmus Craike, Buchaniensis. Mr. Andreas Lawesone, Angusien- Mr. Gulielmus Dunbar, Moravien- sis. ¹ Min., Aboyne. sis.12 3 Min., Rothiemay, Kirkcaldy, Kinore. 5 Min., Forbes, Kennethmont; died Father of the Church, 1738. 2 Min., Urr. 4 Min., Dumbarton, Inveresk. 6 Min., Kirkmahoe. 7 Min., Forbes. 10 Min., Leochel. 11 Min., Blantyre. 8 Min., Unst. 9 Min., Strickathrow. 12 Sch., Laurencekirk; Min., Laurencekirk. MASTERS OF ARTS. 205 Mr. Gulielmus Jacke, Aberdonen- Mr. Joannes Gordon, minor, Aber- sis. donensis. 3 Mr. Gulielmus Leith, Gariochensis. Mr. Joannes Lesly, Coloniensis. Mr. Gulielmus Purss, Moraviensis. Mr. Joannes Lindsey, Angusiensis. Mr. Hugo Paipe, Rossensis. Mr. Joannes McKenzie, Rossensis. Mr. Hugo Ross, Moraviensis.¹ Mr. Joannes Woode, Merniensis.* Mr. Patricius Walker, Aberdonensis. Mr. Robertus Auchinlecke, Mer- niensis. Mr. Jacobus Cramond, Angusiensis. Mr. Jacobus Gordone, Strathbogi- ensis.2 Mr. Jacobus Guthrie, Angusianus. Mr. Jacobus Murisone, Buchanen- sis. Mr. Robertus Simpsone, Aberdon- ensis.5 Mr. Thomas Innes, Moraviensis. Mr. Joannes Dowglasse, Aberdon- Mr. Thomas Robertsone, Buchan- ensis. Mr. Joannes Edward, Marriensis. Mr. Joannes Falconer, Moraviensis. Mr. Joannes Gordon, major, Strath- bogiensis. [1671-No entries.] Anno 1672, Julij 9. ensis.6 Mr. Walter Shirror, Bamffiensis. Mr. John Innes, Marriensis. Mr. Edward Baynard, Anglus. Mr. Richard Gowre, Anglus. Lauream magisterialem adepti sunt (promotore Roberto Forbesio P. P.) juvenes quorum sequuntur nomina. Mr. Alexander Clerk, Moraviensis. Mr. Alexander Gellie, Aberdonen- sis.7 Mr. Franciscus Fordyce, Moravien- ensis.8 Mr. Gulielmus Leslie, unus, Aber- donensis. Mr. Gulielmus Leslie, alter, Aber- donensis. Mr. Gulielmus Rait, Aberdonensis. Mr. Georgius Campbell, Aberdon- Mr. Gulielmus Rob, Aberdonensis. ensis.9 Mr. Georgius Reid, Aberdonensis. Mr. Gilbertus Keith, Aberdonensis.10 Mr. Jacobus Arbuthnot, Angusien- sis. Mr. Jacobus Pearson, Angusiensis. Mr. Gulielmus Black, Aberdonensis. Mr. Jacobus Quhit, Aberdonensis.11 ¹ Min., Golspie. 2 Min., Rhynie. 3 Min., Contin, Lochbroom. 4 Min., Thurso. 5 Min., Galston. 8 Min., Cumnock. 10 Min., Dunottar. 6 Min., Caterline, Clatt. 7 Min., Deskford, Fordyce. 9 Sch., Crimond (Libr. Acc.); Min., Alvah. 11 Min., Strichen. 206 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Mr. Jacobus Thomson, Merniensis.¹ Mr. Robertus McCulloch, Rossen- Mr. Johannes Barklay, Aberdonen- sis.2 Mr. Johannes Monro, Rossensis. sis. Mr. Robertus Raitt, Aberdonensis. Mr. Thomas Lauson, Aberdonensis. Mr. Johannes Wilsone, Moravien- Mr. Thomas McKenzie, Rossensis. sis.3 Februarii 19, 1673. Mr. Gulielmus Geddes, Moraviensis. Apryll 4, 1673. Mr. Gulielmus Tod, Muraviensis. Aprilis 16, 1673. Mr. Georgius Fergusone, Brechinensis. Aprilis 26, -73. Mr. Alexander Rose, Muraviensis. Maij 6, —73. Mr. Patricius Grant, Muraviensis.5 Maij 30, -73. Mr. Jacobus Nicol, Muraviensis. Julij 18, -73. Mr. Johannes Murray, Muraviensis. Promotore Magistro Massie in absentia prefati Roberti Forbes pro tempore, magisterii gradum adeptus est. Mr. Georgius Dumbar, Rossensis." Novemb. 21, -73. Mr. Patricius Findlay, Aberdonensis. Februarij 25, -74. Mr. Andreas Ross, Rossensis. 1 Min., Kinnairnie. 3 Sch., Kirkwall; Min., Kirkwall, Stronsay. 5 Sch., Auldearn (Libr. Acc.); Min., Ardclach. 2 Sch., Aberdeen; Min., Monquhitter, Cruden. 4 Min., Shapinshay. 6 Sch., Auldearn; Min., Dallas, Nairn. MASTERS OF ARTS. 207 Februarii 28, -74. Mr. Gulielmus Sutherland, Sutherlandicus. Maij 13, -74. Mr. Georgius Chamber, Aberdonensis.¹ Maij 14, -74. Mr. Jacobus Hepburn, Invernessensis. July 23, 1674. Mr. Alexander Lang, Buchaniensis.2 Anno 1673, Julii. Lauream magisterialem (promotore Henrico Scowgall P. P.) adepti sunt juvenes sequentes. Mr. Alexander Brown.3 Mr. David Carnegy, Angusiensis. Mr. David Polson, Inuernessensis. Mr. Georgius Barclay.* Mr. Georgius Hay, major.5 Mr. Georgius Hay, minor." Anno 1674, Julii 14. Mr. Gulielmus Farquhar.7 Mr. Gulielmus Fyfe.8 Mr. Gulielmus Garden. Mr. Gulielmus Reynold. Mr. Jacobus Stevin. Mr. Gulielmus Sympson.9 Lauream magisterialem consequuti sunt juvenes (promotore Andrea Massaeo, subprincipale) quorum nomina subsequuntur. Mr. Alexander Fraser, Envernes- Mr. Carolus Forester, Aberdonensis. sensis. Mr. David Panton, Marriensis. Mr. Alexander Hillton, Anglo-Dun- Mr. David Wate, Angusiensis. elmensis. Mr. Alexander Lindsay, Angusien- sis.10 Mr. Alexander Stephen, Aberdonen- sis.11 Mr. David Watsone, Envernessen- sis. Mr. Dugaldus Jamesone, Angusien- sis.13 Mr. William Idle, Marriensis.14 Mr. Arthurus Sutherland, Rossen- Mr. James Gavine, Merniensis. sis.12 Mr. James Hamiltone, Bamffensis. ¹ Min., Kennoway; D.D. 2 Min., Dalmellington, Stewarton. 3 Min., Cabrach. 4 Min., Sprouston. 5 Sch., Inverness (Libr. Acc.). 10 Min., Cortachy. 7 Sch., Upper Machar (ibid.). 9 Min., Broughton. 6 Sch., Old Meldrum (ibid.). 8 Sch., Bonitoun (ibid.); Min., Pettinain. 11 Min., Carsphairn. 12 Min., Edderton. 13 Min., Caterline, 14 Sch., Chapel of Garioch; Min., Coull. 208 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Mr. James Hendersone, Bamffen- Mr. John Stewart, Bamffiensis. sis.¹ Mr. James Innes, Catanensis. Mr. James McCulloch, Rossensis. Mr. James Oswald, Catanensis.2 Mr. James Watsone, Angusiensis. Mr. James Willox, Marriensis. Mr. John Forbes, Buchaniensis. Mr. John Milne, Angusiensis. Mr. John Ouchterlonie, Merniensis. Mr. John Orde, Bamffiensis.3 Mr. Josephe Snowedone, Anglus. Mr. Robert Fraser, ensis. Mr. Robert sis. Mr. Robert sis. Enverness- Innes, Buchanien- Mackie, Aberdonen- Mr. Thomas Patersone, Enverness- ensis.4 Mr. Thomas Sinclare, Catanensis. 13 Julii, 1675. Lauream magisterialem (promotore Georgio Middleton, V. D. M. & P. P.) consecuti sunt juvenes quorum nomina sequuntur.5 Mr. Alexander Clark, Gareochensis. Mr. Alexander Grant, filius domini de Ballandallach. 6 Mr. Jacobus Lammie, Angusiensis.11 Mr. Joannes Baird, filius domini de Achmeddin. Mr. Alexander Sutherland, Suther- Mr. Joannes Innes, Elginensis. Mr. Joannes Straiton, Angusiensis. landicus." Mr. Alexander Robertson, Buchan- Mr. Petrus Brooks, Anglus. ensis.8 9 Mr. Angusius McBain, Moraviensis. Mr. Georgius Steinson, Moravien- sis.10 Mr. Gulielmus Marnoch, Aberdon- ensis. Mr. Gulielmus Seaton, Bamfiensis. Mr. Jacobus Forbes, Moraviensis. ¹ Min., Deskford. 3 Min., Cluny. Mr. Robertus Tulloch, Moraviensis. Mr. Thomas Grant, Moraviensis.12 Mr. Walterus Rose, Rossensis.13 Mr. Joannes Sutherland, Cathan- ensis. Mr. Joannes Monroe, Rossensis. Mr. Georgius Brown, Aberdonen- sis.14 2 Min., Watten.. 4 Min., Kirkwall, Stronsay. 5 Thesis in Edinburgh University Library. Twenty-eight candidates, including all those named above except Georgius Steinson and Georgius Brown; also Alexander Cuthbert, Alexander Elphinstone, Georgius Strachan, Gulielmus Cummine, Gulielmus Munroe, Jacobus Ogilvie, Joannes Davidson, Joannes Forbes, Jonathan Forbes, Robertus Grant. 6 Sch., Raine (Libr. Acc.); Min., Old Machar, Methlick. 7 Min., Edinburgh, Larbert. Min., Longside. Sch., Foveran; Min., Inverness. 10 Sch., Mortlach (Libr. Acc.). 13 Min., Kincardine. 11 Min., S. Quivox. 12 Min., Knockando. 14 Sch., Fordyce; Min., Kilmaurs. MASTERS OF ARTS. 209 Anno 1676, Julii ii. Lauream magisterialem adepti sunt (promotore Roberto Forbesio P. P.) juvenes quorum sequuntur nomina. Mr. Alexander Cuming, filius Da- Mr. Franciscus Garden, filius do- vidis a Duthell. Mr. Alexander Frazer, filius magis- tri Alexandri a Pettie. Mr. Alexander Grant, filius Duncani a Branchell.1 mini a Latoun. Mr. Georgius Burr, Murraviensis. Mr. Joannes Cuming, filius Joannis a Logie. Mr. Jacobus Gray, Aberdonensis.7 Mr. Alexander Jamisone, filius ma- Mr. Joannes Bailie, Anglus. gistri Joannis a Tyrie. Mr. Alexander Hepburne, Buchani- ensis.2 Mr. Andreas Frazer, frater magistri Jacobi a Phappachie.3 Mr. Archibaldus Dunbar, Murravi- ensis. 4 Mr. Joannes Dunbar, filius domini a Both. Mr. Joannes Gaal, Boveniensis.8 Mr. Joannes Gordon a Seatoun. Mr. Joannes Gordon, Hybernus. Mr. Joannes Gordon, Sutherland- icus. Mr. Arthurus Forbes, Aberdonensis. Mr. Joannes Huie, Culloniensis. Mr. Carolus Gordon, Aberdonensis. Mr. Patricius Leith, filius magistri Mr. David Andersone, Angusiensis. Mr. David Gutherie a Ker. S.9 Mr. Robertus Turie, Murraviensis. Mr. David Lammie, filius decani Mr. Thomas Frazer, frater domini de Farnell.5 Mr. Donald Forbes, Inuernessensis." a Delladrum [sic].10 Julij 7, 1677. Lauream magisterialem adepti sunt (promo- tore Joanne Buchan) juvenes quorum sequuntur nomina."1 Mr. Gulielmus McIntosh de Borlum. Mr. Robertus Forbes, Buchanensis. Mr. David Rose, Invernessensis. Mr. Joannes Monro, Cathanensis. 1 Min., Fala. 2 Min., Longley. 3 Min., Lochgoilhead, Rothesay. 4 Min., Campvere, Dalmeny, Ashkirk; supra, p. 70. 6 Min., Kilmuir Easter. 9 Min., Lumphanan. 7 Min., Muirkirk. 11 All the graduates of 1677, except the first and the last, in July of that year, "according to an order from the Concile of the date the 6th of March, 1677" (Album B). Swet. Grant signs in 1680. DD 5 Min., Carrington. 8 Min., Kinfauns. 10 Min., Dores. sign the Oath of Allegiance Lords of his Matie's Privie Also signed by Geo. Brown. 210 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. sis.4 Mr. Georgius Monro, Cathanensis.¹ Mr. Gulielmus Cheyne, Aberdonen- Mr. Jacobus Chalmer, Merniensis. Mr. Gulielmus Johnstoun, Buchan- ensis. Mr. Hector Monro, Rossensis. Mr. Gulielmus Rait, Angusianus.2 Mr. Daniel Taylor, Invernessensis. Mr. Alexander Burges, Bamfiensis. Mr. Gulielmus Cunings, Aberdon- ensis. Mr. Georgius Barclay, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Archibaldus Mair, Bamfiensis. Mr. Gulielmus Leith, Buchanensis. Mr. Joannes Lorimer, Bamfiensis. Mr. Gulielmus Reed, Angusianus. Mr. Joannes McPherson, Rossensis. Mr. Swetonius Grant, Moraviensis.5 Anno 1678. Promotore magistro Andrea Massaeo, lauream adepti sunt," Mr. Seger Goris, Batavus. Mr. Johannes Mitchell, Zetlandicus. Mr. Joannes Fyfe. Mr. Jacobus Cumming. Mr. Gulielmus Ross. Mr. David Guild.7 Mr. Joannes Stewart. Mr. Georgius Seaton. Mr. Patricius Middleton. Mr. Joannes Fraser.³ Mr. Gulielmus Law.9 Anno 1679, die 3 Julii. Mr. Gulielmus Smith. Mr. Joannes Watt. 6 Mr. Gulielmus Hackett. Mr. Gulielmus Youngson. Mr. Alexander [?] Calder. Mr. Alexander McPherson. Mr. Alexander Mill.10 Mr. Alexander Denoon.11 Mr. Gulielmus Sutherland. Mr. Hector McKeinzie. Mr. Carolus McKeinzie. Promotore Georgio Middleton, lauream magisterialem adepti sunt,12 Mr. Robertus Monroe, Cathanensis. Mr. Robertus Innes, Aberdonensis. Mr. Gulielmus Grant,Moraviensis.13 Mr. Joannes Monroe, Cathanensis.15 Mr. Adamus Harper, Moraviensis.14 Mr. Alexander Scrogie, Aberdonen- Mr. Carolus Kinnaird, Angusianus. sis. Mr. Arthurus Innes, Cathanensis. 1 Min., Dollar. 2 Min., Monikie. 3 Min., Temple. 4 Min., Carmichael. 5 Min., Duthil. * Album B has all the names in autograph, but Calder appears as Robert not Alexander. 7 Min., S. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh. 9 Min., Forres. 10 Min., Udny. 8 Min., Glencorse, Alness. 11 Min., Petty. 12 Album B has in autograph: Robert Farquhar; and all the above names except those of the two last graduates, who, however, sign in 1680. 13 Min., Newburgh (Cupar). 14 Min., Boharm. 15 Min., Reay. MASTERS OF ARTS. 211 Mr. Gulielmus Swanne, Buchanen- Mr. Patricius Leslie, Aberdonensis. sis.1 Mr. Thomas Jaffray, Aberdonensis. Mr Thomas Fairweather, Angus- Mr. Georgius McQueen, Moravien- ianus. Mr. Adam Schaw, Moraviensis. Mr. Joannes Turine, Aberdonensis.2 Anno 1680, Augusti 24. sis. Mr. Joannes Fullarton, Angusianus. Lauream magisterialem adepti sunt (promotore Roberto Forbesio, P. P.) juvenes quorum sequuntur nomina.3 Mr. Joannes Innes, Cathanesius.¹ Mr. Alexander Farquhar, Aberdon- ensis. Mr. David Thomsone, Angusiensis. Mr. Robertus Forbes, Muraviensis. Mr. Andreas Mearnes, Angusiensis. Mr. Georgius Maitland, Aberdon- Mr. Lachlanus Ross, Kethensis. ensis.5 Mr. Gulielmus Andersone, Muravi- ensis.Ⓡ Mr. Joannes Davidsone, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Alexander Watt, Aberdonensis. Mr. Robertus Cumming Muravien- Mr. Robertus Mitchell, Bovenien- sis.7 Mr. Alexander Fraser, Kethensis. Mr. Johannes Mackenzie, Rossensis. sis.8 Mr. Thomas Fullertoune, Angus- iensis ex Kinaber." Anno 1681. Laurea donati sunt, promotore M. J. Buchan.¹º Mr. David Guthrie, Angusianus. Mr. Jacobus Lyell, Montis-Rosanus. Mr. Alexander Sutherland, Inver- Mr. Richardus Grahame, Anglus. Mr. Rodericus McKenzie, Rossen- sis.11 Mr. Lachlanus Mackbaine, Moravi- ensis.12 P. 126. 1 Min., Pitsligo. nessensis. Mr. Robertus Rose, Invernessensis. 2 Min., Cummertrees, Insch, Drumblade. ³ Album B has all the names in autograph. Thesis: see Edmond's Aberdeen Printers, 4 Min., Glenluce. 7 Min., Urquhart. 5 Min., Moffat. 8 Min., Mortlach. 6 Min., Sorn. 9 Min., Westray. 10 Album B has in autograph: Patricius Guthrie; and all the above names. Thesis in Edinburgh University Library. Thirty candidates, including all those named above except Thomas Mitchell; also Alexander Campbell, Alexander Dunbar, Andreas Fraser, Archibaldus Forbes, Arthurus Forbes, Gulielmus Johnston, Joannes Horn, Joannes Mitchell, Kenethus Mackenzie, Patricius Gutherie, Patricius Scot. 11 Min., Avoch. 12 Sch., Nairn; Min., Cawdor. Ardersier. 212 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Mr. David Crafts, Angusianus. Mr. Thomas Barrie, Angusianus. Mr. Gulielmus Cramond, Angusia- nus. Mr. Johannes Johnstone, Buchan- iensis. Mr. David Ogilvie, Angusianus. Mr. Gulielmus McKintosh, Inver- nessensis ab Abererdor. Mr. Gualterus Rose, Rossensis. Mr. Gulielmus Dunbar, Moravien- Mr. Patricius Gordon, Aberdonen- sis.1 Mr. Angusius McIntosh, Rossensis. Mr. Thomas Mitchell, Buchanien- sis. Anno 1682, Julii 4to. subprimario.³ Mr. Georgius McKein- zie. fratres Mr. Kennethus Mc-[Rossenses. Keinzie 4 sis. Mr. Alexander Moore, Buchanen- sis.2 Mr. Jacobus Clerk, Buchanensis. Renunciante Georgio Middleton Mr. Jacobus Massie, Aberdonensis. Mr. Joannes Ross, Moraviensis. Mr. Georgius Crichton, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Thomas Alexander, Laudon- Mr. Patricius Smith, Bamfiensis. iensis.5 Mr. Jacobus Young, Moraviensis. Mr. Gulielmus Anderson, Bamfien- sis. Mr. Jacobus Hervie, Aberdonensis. Mr. Joannes Symmon, Bamfiensis. Postea. Mr. Carolus Gordon, filius domini Mr. Joannes Stewart, Moraviensis. de Straloch. Mr. Alexander Gordon, Moraviensis. Anno 1683. Lauream magisterialem adepti sunt (promotore Georgio Fraser P. P.) juvenes, quorum sequuntur nomina. Maij 25. Mr. Lodovicus Grant, Strathspeiensis. Julii 10. Alexander Fraser. Alexander Gordon. Alexander Innes. Alexander Tuach. ¹ Min., Cruden; Bishop of Moray, of Aberdeen. 3 Album B has in autograph: Ja. Hay, Ro. Brown; and all the above names except 2 Min., Fraserburgh. A. Gordon. 4 Min., Kincardine, Fearn. 5 Min., Logie-Coldstone. MASTERS OF ARTS. 213 Alexander Walker. Andreas Moore. Andreas Smith. David Allardes. David Ogilvie. David Ross. David Scougall. Georgius Dunlop. Gulielmus Elphinston. Gulielmus Fraser. Gulielmus Moir. Jacobus Gordon. Jacobus Moir. Jacobus Watt. Joannes Grub. Joannes Strachan. Robertus Farquherson. Robertus Innes. Simon Fraser. Thomas Dunbar. Thomas Fraser, major. Thomas Fraser, minor. Jacobus Dowglass. Inserta ex Thesi impressa.¹ Anno 1684, Julii 8. Lauream magisterialem adepti sunt (promotore Roberto Forbesio P. P.) juvenes, quorum sequuntur nomina. Alexander Ramsey. Alexander Swan. Alexander Thomson. Benjamin Urquhart. Duncanus Menzies. Duncanus Murchison. Franciscus Gordon. Georgius Morison. Jacobus Angus. Jacobus Cuming. Joannes Mackenzie. Joannes Urquhart. Patricius Tulloch. Robertus Cuming. Robertus Forbes. Thomas Harper. Georgius Monro. Gilbertus Hay. Gulielmus Smith. Gulielmus Young. Hugo Tod. Thomas Mackenzie. Thomas Ogilvie. Thomas Stronach. Walterus Ogilvie. Inserta ex Thesi impressa.2 1 The entry for July 10 is taken from Album E. No copy of this Thesis now known to exist. Album B has all the names in autograph, except Scougall, Douglass, J. Gordon, Watt, Strachan, Farquherson, and R. Innes. 2 Entry taken from Album E. No copy of this Thesis now known to exist. Album B has in autograph: Alexander Rose; and all the above names, except Swan, Thomson, Menzies, Hay, J. Urquhart, Harper, T. Mackenzie, and Stronach. 214 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Anno Domini 1685, Feb. 25.1 John Davidsoun. John Gibsone. Robert Forbess. William Mackintosh. Ja. Andersone. Adam Urquhart. George Cramond. Francis Raitt. Wm. Stuart. Georg. Moir. Ja. Robertson. Da. Raitt. Rot. Muschett. Pa. Ogiluy. J. Burnet. Tho. Avonach. Joan. MacRae. Rob. Denune. Pat. Dunbar. Anno 1686. Lauream magisterialem (promotore Gulielmo Blake P. P.) adepti sunt juvenes quorum nomina sequuntur.2 Mcleane, Insulanus. Mr. John Lammie, Angusianus. Mr. John Martii 24. Mr. Robertus Sutherland, Cathan- ensis. Maij 17. Maij 26. July 15, 1686. sis.4 Mr. Carolus Falconar, Merniensis. Mr. Alexander Finlater, Moravien- Mr. Alexander Ross, Rossensis. Mr. Robertus Thomson, Merniensis. Mr. David Cumin, Moraviensis. Mr. Joannes Crookshank, Bamfien- sis. Mr. Alexander Dumbar, Moraviensis. Mr. Joannes Pierie, Aberdonensis. Mr. Joannes Anderson, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Patricius Gordon, Merniensis. Mr. Gulielmus Ross, Rossensis. Mr. Alexander Mannie, Moraviensis. Mr. Gulielmus Gordon, Aberdonen- Mr. Georgius Morison, Aberdon- • ensis. sis. Mr. Joannes Leslie, Aberdonensis. Mr. Gulielmus Binning, Buchanien- Mr. Alexander Burnet, Aberdonen- sis.3 sis. 1 These names are taken from Album B: autograph. 2 Album B has in autograph: James Stewart; and all the above names except Suther- land. Thesis in possession of A. D. Morice, Esq., Aberdeen. Thirty-four candidates, including all those named above; also Adamus Barclay, Gulielmus Cuthbert, Henricus Guthrie, Jacobus Peirson, Jacobus Scot, Jacobus Walker, Joannes Ramsey, Robertus Chalmer, Robertus Scot. 3 Min., Tingwall. 4 Min., Avondale, Hamilton. MASTERS OF ARTS. 215 Mr. Joannes Annand, Enziensis. Mr. Andreas Skene, Aberdonensis. • Mr. Gulielmus Gareoch, Aberdon- Mr. Donaldus¹ Campbell, Cathan- ensis. ensis.2 Julij 22. Mr. Joannes Gray, Angusianus. April 12, 1687. Mr. Alexander Thomson, Moraviensis. Anno 1687. Lauream magisterialem adepti sunt, promotore Domino Georgio Fraser, subprimario et P. P., juvenes quorum sequuntur nomina. Julii 7mo. Dominus Gulielmus Chrystie, Aberdonensis.3 Et 8vo die Julij 1687. Promotore magistro Georgio Midleton, D.D., gymnasiarcha, lauream magisterialem con- sequutus est, Mr. Jonnes [sic] Haliburton, Angusianus. Junij 26, 1688. Mr. Robertus Chalmers, Merniensis. [No further entries for 1688, and none for 1689, 1690, 1691, 1692. But see Edmond's Printers, pp. 138, 140.] Alexander Dunbar. June 28, 1693. 13 Julii, 1693. Hi sequentes Candidati laurea magisteriali ornati sunt a magistro Alexandro Fraser P. P.4 Alexander Davidson. Alexander Fraser. Alexander Hat. 1 Daniel in Thesis and Album B. Alexander Pillar. Alexander Seton. Alexander Shand. 2 Min., Glassary. ³ Chrystie's name appears only in Album E. Under 27th January, 1687, Album B has the solitary autograph: James Elphinstone. 4 The lists for years 1693, 1694, 1695, 1697, 1700, 1701, 1705, 1706, 1710, 1711, are taken from Album E, in which they have been entered from printed Theses, several of which are no longer extant. 216 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Alexander Tulloch. Carolus Anderson. Hugo Fraser. Jacobus Livingston. David Denune. David Lindsay. David Ogilvie, unus. David Ogilvie, alter. Georgius Gordon. Georgius Laing. Georgius Ogilvie. Gilbertus Ramsay. Jacobus McLean. Joannes Annand. Joannes Banks. Joannes Cruckshank. Joannes Farquherson. Joannes Laing. Joannes Milne. Joannes Symson. Gulielmus Gordon. Gulielmus Mair.¹ Gulielmus Munro. Kenethus Bailie. Patricius Crighton. Thomas Milne. Inserta ex Thesi impressa.2 21 Junii, anno 1694. Lauream magisterialem adepti sunt, promotore magistro Gulielmo Blak P. P., juvenes quorum nomina sequuntur. Alexander Clerk. Alexander Lawson. Alexander Milne. Alexander Ogilvie. Alexander Shand.³ Andreas Angus. Archibaldus Dowglass. Archibaldus Ogilvie. Georgius McGill. Georgius Seton. Gulielmus Byres. Gulielmus Elphinston. Gulielmus Forbes.4 Gulielmus Gardne. Hector Monro.5 ¹ Min., Oyne, Kincardine O'Neil. Hendr. Barclay. Jacobus Adam. Jacobus Anderson. Jacobus Chapland. Jacobus Duff. Jacobus Shand. Jacobus Stevenson. Joannes Anderson. Joannes Elphinston, unus. Joannes Elphinston, alter. Joannes Falconar. Joannes Gordon. Joannes Grant. Joannes Mitchel. Joannes Ogilvie. 2 No copy of this Thesis has been traced, but see Edmond's Printers, p. 143. 3 Min., Glenbucket, Insch. + M.D., Pisa; Min., Leslie, Tarves. 5 Min., Watten. MASTERS OF ARTS. 217 Joannes Panton. Joannes Reid. Joannes Temple. Kenethus McKenzie. Milcolumb. McGregor. Robertus Davidson. Robertus Forbes. Robertus Sharp. Robertus Tailour. Thomas Rudiman, Grammaticus insignis. Thomas Symson. Thomas Thomson. Inserta ex Thesi impressa.¹ 4to Julii, anno 1695. Lauream magisterialem adepti sunt, promotore magistro Georgio Fraser subprimario P. P., juvenes quorum nomina sequuntur. Alexander Fraser.2 Alexander Garioch.3 Jacobus Ligertwood. Jacobus Strachan. Alexander Paxton. Alexander Strachan. Calenus Mackenzie. Carolus Thoirs. David Ogilvie. David Thoirs. Georgius Campbell. Gulielmus Shepherd. Gulielmus Rose. Henricus Stratton. Jacobus Brechin. * Jacobus Urquhart. Joannes Cuthbert, unus. Joannes Cuthbert, alter. Joannes Forbes. Joannes Mackenzie. Joannes Sandilands. Joannes Sinclair. Kenethus Gordon. Kenethus Strachan. Murdochus Mackleod.5 Patricius Dunbar. Jacobus Chapman.* Jacobus Mackpherson. [1696: no entries.] Simon Fraser. Inserta ex Thesi impressa. 6 15 Junii, anno 1697. Hi sequentes Candidate laurea magis- teriali ornati sunt a magistro Alexandro Fraser, Philosophiae Professore. Alexander Christie. Alexander Cuthbert. 1 No copy of this Thesis now known to exist. 3 Min., Kinnairney, Midmar. 5 Min., Glenelg.. Alexander Simm. Alexander Webster. 2 Min., Croy, Logie-Wester, Inverness. * Min., Cawdor, Cromdale. "Thesis in Aberdeen University Library. EE 218 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S college. Jacobus Greig. · Arthurus Sutherland. Calenus Innes. Gulielmus Fraser. Joannes Kennedie.1 Joannes Mackbean. Joannes Rob, Hib. Gulielmus Gordon. Gulielmus Orem. Gulielmus Watson. Jacobus Ferguson. Kenethus Mackeiver. Lachlanus Rose. Thomas Reith, Anglus. Inserta ex Thesi impressa.2 [1698, 1699: no entries.] 4to die Aprilis, anno 1700. Hi sequentes Candidate laurea 'magisteriali ornati sunt a magistro Georgio Skene, Philosophiae Professore. Alexander Falconar. Alexander Laing. Alexander Sheriff. Jacobus Ogilvie. Jacobus Urquhart. Joannes Anderson. Andreas Coupar. David Aedie. David Midleton. Georgius Cuthbert. Georgius Fordyce. Georgius Gordon. Gulielmus Arnot. Joannes Deuchar. Joannes Donaldson. Joannes Leslie. Joannes Macky. Murdacus McKenzie.3 Patricius Garden. Patricius Walker. Gulielmus Nicol. Jacobus Barclay. Jacobus Borrowes, Hibernus. Jacobus Fraser. Jacobus Grant. Robertus Arbuthnot. Robertus Grant. Robertus Ross. Robertus Sinclair. Inserta ex Thesi impressa.2 3⁰⁰ die Julii, anno 1701. Hi sequentes Candidati laurea magisteriali ornati sunt a magistro Georgio Skene, Philo- sophiae Professore. Alexander Brodie. Alexander Keith. Alexander Webster. Andreas Boyn. Min., Culter. 2 No copy of this Thesis now known to exist. Min., Cross and Burness. MASTERS OF ARTS. 219 • Andreas Fullerton. Andreas Monro. Daniel McKenzie.¹ David Small. · Georgius Cuming. Georgius Hay. Georgius Murison. Georgius Sangster. Gulielmus Grant. Gulielmus McKenzie. Gulielmus Sheppard. Jacobus Moor. Jacobus Murray. Jacobus Ogilvie. Joannes Clerk. Joannes Cuming. Joannes Gordon. Patricius Ogilvie. Patricius Stuart. Thomas Whyt. Gulielmus Houstoun. [1702, 1703, 1704: no entries.] Inserta ex Thesi impressa.² 2 Maij, A. Ae. 1705. Adamus Urquhart. Alexander Farquharson. Alexander Fraser. Alexander Williamson. David Cowper. Jacobus Gellie. Jacobus Innes. Jacobus Lawtie.¹ Jacobus Rait. Jacobus Rose. David Kinloch. Joannes Forbes. Georgius Gordon.³ Joannes Fraser. Georgius Robertson. Gulielmus Gordon. Joannes Leslie. Joannes McRah. Gulielmus Gray. Joannes Williamson. Gulielmus Ogilvie. Henricus Warden. Thomas Geddes. Walterus Sim." Inserta ex Thesi impressa." 2do Maii, anno 1706. Lauream magisterialem adepti sunt, promotore magistro Georgio Fraser subprimario P. P., juvenes sequentes. Adamus Urquhart. Alexander Clerk. Alexander Falconer.7 Alexander Farquherson. ¹ Min., Knockando, Kingussie, Aberlour, Inveraven, Petty, Inverness. 2 No copy of this Thesis now known to exist. * Min., Cullen. 5 Min., Glass, Mortlach. 3 Min., Boharm, Alves. "Thesis in Glasgow University Library. 7 Sch., Cromarty; Min., Ardersier, Urquhart and Logie-Wester. 220 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Alexander Forbes. Alexander Fraser.¹ 1 Alexander Garden.2 Jacobus Dowglas. Jacobus Duncan. Jacobus Forbes. Andreas Grant. Calenus Falconer. Carolus Hay. Fredericus Morison. Georgius McKenzie. Gulielmus Brown. Gulielmus Fraser. Jacobus Ballenden. Joannes Drummond. Joannes Hervie. Joannes Innes. Joannes McKenzie. Joannes White. Ludovicus Grant. Robertus Grant. Inserta ex Thesi impressa.3 [1707, 1708, 1709: no entries.] 20 Aprilis, 1710. Hi sequentes, Promotore Magistro Jacobo Urquhart, P. P. Alexander Dey. Alexander Fyffe. Alexander Jackson. Alexander Mackenzie. Alexander Robertson. Archibaldus Cumming. Carolus Burnet. Gulielmus Black. Gulielmus Duncan. Gulielmus Farquharson. Jacobus Ogilvy. Jacobus Watson. Joannes Cumming. Joannes Fraser. Joannes Macinnes.4 Joannes Nairn. Nigellus Mackinnon. Robertus Farquhar. Robertus Gordon. Robertus Harrold. Inserta ex Thesi impressa.5 • 2do Maii, 1711. Hi sequentes, Promotore Magistro Gulielmo Blak, P. P. Alexander Garden. Alexander Longmoor. 1 Min., Alvie, Inveraven. Alexander Murray. David Ogilvie. 2 Min., Kinnairney, Birse. 3 Thesis in possession of the Earl of Erroll, to whose ancestor, Chancellor of the University, it was dedicated. 4 Min., Crathie, Logie-Coldstone; died Father of the Church, 1777. 5 Thesis in Aberdeen University Library. MASTERS OF ARTS. 221 Donaldus McSween.1 Georgius Inghrame. Georgius Scot. Gulielmus Craford. Gulielmus Edward. Gulielmus Finnie. Gulielmus Mitchel. Jacobus Anderson. Jacobus Blak. Jacobus Stuart. Jacobus Williamson. Joannes Falconar. Joannes Hunter. Joannes Lawson. Joannes Matthew. Joannes Sludders. Lachlanus Shaw.2 Mag. Henderson. Inserta ex Thesi impressa.3 1712. Hi sequentes, Promotore D. Alexandro Burnet, P. P.4 • Maii 6. Magistri Joannes Fraser, Rossensis. Walterus Sim, Bamfiensis." Alexander Cromar, Hybernus. Johannes Burnet, Marriensis.5 Gawinus Drummond, Perthensis. 1713. Hi sequentes, Promotore D. Jacobo Urquhart, P. P. April. 21. Mr. Jacobus Smith. April. 25. Mr. Duncanus McPherson. Mr. Gulielmus Barron." April. 28. Mr. Jacobus Taylor. Maii 15. Mr. Gulielmus Dyce.8 Mr. Thomas Reid. 1714. Hi sequentes, Promotore D. Gulielmo Blake. Mr. Alexander Murdoch. Mr. Alexander Panton. 1 Min., Strathdon. April. 15. Mr. Alexander Mitchel. Mr. Archibaldus Setone. 2 Sch., Abernethy; Min., Kingussie, Cawdor, Elgin. The historian of Moray. 3 Thesis (the latest extant for King's College) in possession of the Earl of Erroll, to whose ancestor it was dedicated. 4 The lists for the years 1712 to 1799 are taken from the Album [C] eorum qui, etc., of 1722, collated with the transcript in Album E, and with the Minutes of Faculty or Senatus, in which, however, only extraordinary degrees are noted. 5 Min., Cluny. 7 Min., Ardclach. "Sch., Alford; Min., Tullynessle. Min., Belhelvie. 222 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COllege. Mr. Georgius Barclay. Mr. Georgius Munroe. Mr. Gulielmus Barachel. Mr. Murdacus McKenzie. Mr. Robertus Bean. Mr. Rodericus Cheyn. Mr. Joannes Clerk. Mr. Joannes Morison. Mr. McIntosh. Mr. Alexander Campbell. Mr. Jacobus Lindsay. Mr. David Walker. Aug. 16. 1715. Hi sequentes, Promotore D. Alexandro Burnet. Mr. Joannes Gray, Moraviensis. Mart. 30. Mr. Donaldus McLeod, Skiensis.¹ Mr. Ferchardus Beton, Skiensis.2 Apr. II. Mr. Jacobus Fraser, Invernessensis. Apr. 12. Apr. 19. Apr. 29. Maii 14. Mr. Mordachus Morison, Rossensis. Mr. Alexander Barclay, Auchterlessensis. Mr. Gulielmus Webster, Angusi- Mr. Gulielmus Dingwell, Ding- ensis. wellensis. Aug. 17. Mr. Alexander Ross, Marriensis. Promovente D. Georgio Middleton, Principali. Apr. 29. Mr. Richardus Gordon, Aberdonensis.³ 1716. Promovente D. Alexandro Fraser, Subprincipali. Mr. Joannes Forbes, Hybernus. ¹ Min., Contin, Lochalsh. 2 Min., Croy. 3 Reg. MASTERS OF ARTS. 223 Promovente D. Alexandro Burnet. Octob. 29. Mr. Joannes Davidson, Rossensis. 1717. Hi sequentes, Promotore D. Richardo Gordon. Mr. Alexander Fraser. Mr. Alexander Morison. Mr. Jacobus McKenzie. Mr. Thomas Ragg.¹ 1 Mr. Patricius Douglas. Mr. Robertus Burnet. Mr. Robertus Innes. Mr. Carolus Laurence. Mr. Gulielmus Johnston. Mr. Jacobus Anderson. Promovente D. Jacobo Urquhart. Mart. Mr. Alexander Fullerton, Angusiensis. 1718. Hi sequentes, Promotore D. Alexandro Burnet. Feb. 17. Mr. Joannes Urquhart, Moraviensis.² Feb. 24. Mr. Murdachus Morison, Insulanus de Lewis.3 Mart. 5. 4 Mr. Gulielmus Collie, Moraviensis. Mr. Jacobus Urquhart, Rossensis. Apr. 9. Mr. Donaldus McLeod, Skiensis.5 Mr. Alexander McLeod, Skiensis. Mr. Hieronymus Spence, Strath- bogyensis. Mr. Jacobus Petrie, Strathbogy- ensis. Mr. Patricius Leslie, Marriensis. 6 Mr. Georgius Grant, Strathspey- ensis. Mr. Jacobus Forbes, Edinburgensis. Mr. Kennethus Forbes, Aberdon- ensis. Mr. Alexander Duncan, Marriensis. Mr. Jacobus Smith, Tarvisensis. Mr. Andreas Gauld, Botrifnyensis. Mr. Joannes Jaffray, Marriensis. ¹ Sch., Belhelvie; Min., Dyce, Belhelvie. 2 Called off to the care of a School (Min. of 24th February), where he is styled James Urquhart. 3 Min., Barvas. 5 Min., South Uist, North Uist, Duirinish. 4 Sch., Duffus; Min., Drainie. 6 Min., Kinnairney, Auchterless. 224 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S college. Mr. Georgius Largue, Strathbogy- Mr. Gulielmus Mair, Orcadensis.³ ensis.¹ Mr. Hugo Fraser, Rossensis. Mr. Jacobus Gatt, Cullenensis. Mr. Thomas Hay, Aberdonensis. Mr. Georgius Robertson, Marri- ensis. Mr. Thomas Robertson, Buchan- ensis. Mr. Gulielmus Thomson, Aberdon- Mr. Thomas Grant, Marriensis. ensis.2 1719. Hi sequentes, Promotore D. Daniele Bradfut. Mr. Franciscus Hesben.4 Feb. 12. Mr. Gulielmus McKay. Mr. Jacobus Moir. Mr Gulielmus Rose. Mr. Joannes Angus.5 Mr. Jacobus Mitchel." Mr. Rodericus McLennan.7 Mr. Gulielmus Gordon. Apr. 2. Mr. Georgius Walker. Mr. Hugo McDonald.Ⓡ Mr. Donaldus McQueen.⁹ Mr. Edmundus McQueen.10 Mr. Jacobus Clerk, Invernessensis. Mr. Benjamin Clerk, Invernessensis, alias Pettiensis. 1720. Hi sequentes, renunciante Magistro Alexandro Fraser, Subprimario et Philosophiae Professore. Mart. 29. Mr. Alexander Mitchel, Mariensis. Mr. Alexander Shaw, Skiensis. Mr. David Ross, Mariensis. Mr. Gulielmus Ogilvie, Boynensis. Mr. Gulielmus Russel, Elginensis. Mr. Hector Mackenzie, Rossensis.11 Mr. Jacobus Hog, Mariensis. Mr. Jacobus Mair, Buchanensis. Mr. Jacobus Panton, Marriensis. Mr. Jacobus Stuart, Buchanensis. Mr. Joannes Porteus, Innernes- sensis.12 Mr. Robertus Gellan, Mariensis. Mr. Robertus Nidrie, Elginensis. Hi sequentes, Promotore D. Alexandro Burnet. Septr. 26. Mr. Joannes Gordon, Marriensis. ¹ Min., Kinnairney, Rathen. 4 Privately. Min. of 2nd February. 7 Min., S. Kilda. 10 Min., Sleat. 2 Min., Culter. 3 Min., Homle. 6 Min., Footdee, Old Machar. 5 Min., Culsalmond. 8 Min., Portree. 11 Min., Fodderty. 9 Min., Small Isles. 12 Min., Kilmuir Easter. MASTERS OF ARTS. 225 Octr. 7. Mr. Gulielmus Dyce, Marriensis. 1721. Mr. Aeneas Beton, Skiensis. Mr. Alexander Crombie, Aberdon- ensis. Mr. Alexander Dick, Moraviensis. Mr. Alexander Forrester, Rossensis de Cullenald. Mr. Franciscus Skene, Marriensis. Mr. Georgius Dallas, Rossensis. Mr. Gilbertus Paip, Rossensis. Mr. Gulielmus Duff, Rossensis.¹ Mr. Gulielmus McKenzie, Strath- naverensis. April. 7. Mr. Gulielmus Robertson, Marri- ensis. Mr. Jacobus Muirson, Merniensis.² Mr. Joannes Touch, Bamffensis.3 Mr. Mordachus McKenzie, Inver- nessensis. Mr. Robertus Fullerton, Merni- ensis. Mr. Robertus Drummond, Per- thensis. April. 8. Mr. Gulielmus Leslie, Filius Domini de North Lesly. April. 15. Mr. Joannes Meldrum, Bamffensis. Mr. Jacobus Man, Elginensis. Octr. 12. Joannes Rutherford, Medicinae Doctor, Artium Magister creatus, decernente Senatu Academico. [Minute of 9th October.] 1722. Hi sequentes, renunciante D. Daniele Bradfut, P. P. Mart. 29. Mr. Theodorus Gordon, Nat. Magistro Gulielmo Gordon de Drum builg.4 Mr. Joannes McLeod, Skiensis In- sulanus.7 Mr. Alexander Wilson.5 Mr. David Fraser, Innernessensis. Mr. Thomas Ray, Bogiensis." Mr. Alexander Rose, Rossensis. 1 Reg., Mar. Coll. Mr. Robertus Gordon. Mr. Robertus Gowie, Moraviensis. 2 Min., Edzell, Kinnell; Prin., New Coll., S. And. ³ Sch., Marnoch; Min., Aberlour, Mortlach. 4 Sch., Cairnie; Min., Cabrach, Kennethmont. 6 Min., New Machar. Sch., Monquhitter; Min., Alvah. 7 Min., Uig, Duirinish. FF 226 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Mr. Alexander Rait, Merniensis.¹ Mr. Joannes Stuart. Mr. Thomas Ogilby, Bamfensis. Mr. Joannes Barclay. Mr. Colinus Dumbar, Moraviensis. Mr. Hugo Anderson, Rossensis. Mr. Jacobus Taylor. Maii 15. Nov. 10. Mr. Alexander Fraser, filius Magistri Alexandri Fraser, Subprincipalis, Artium Magister creatus est, renunciante Magistro Alexandro Burnet. Et Aº 1725, Mart. 15, idem (tunc temporis J. Civ. P.) creatus U.J. Doctor. [Minute of 7th November.] 1723. Hi sequentes, renunciante Magistro Alexandro Fraser Subprincipali, P. P. Mart. 25. Mr. Alexander Aedie, Marriensis. Mr. Gulielmus Fidler. Mr. Colinus Falconer, Moraviensis. Mr. Joannes Beton, Skiensis. Mr. Donaldus Maclean, Insulanus. Mr. Donaldus Macleod, Skiensis.2 Mr. Georgius Scot. Mr. Joannes Buchannan, Angusi- ensis. Mr. Joannes Walker, Aberdonensis. Mr. Georgius Stirling, Buchanensis. Mr. Patricius Dunbar. Mr. Gulielmus Chrystie. 1724. Artium Magistri creati, renunciante Magistro Georgio Chalmers Principali. Mart. 10. Mr. Jacobus Ogilvie.³ Mr. Jacobus Udney, Scriba Aber- donensis. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri creati, promovente Magistro Alexandro Burnet, P. P. April. Imo. Mr. Alexander Merchant, Rossensis Mr. Archibaldus Campbell, Bamfen- sis. 1 Reg. 2 Min., Strath. Min., Footdee, Inchture, Aberdeen. MASTERS OF ARTS. 227 Mr. Georgius Bruce. Mr. Georgius Matthison. Mr. Georgius Ogilvie, Bamfensis. Mr. Georgius Wilson, Bogiensis. Mr. Gulielmus Irvin, Bogiensis. Mr. Jacobus Crookshank. Mr. Joannes Macleod, Skiensis. Mr. Joannes Weath, Angusiensis.¹ Mr. Nigellus Beton, Skiensis. Mr. Nicolaus Dunbar, Bamfensis. Mr. Robertus Shaw. Mr. Thomas Thomson, Elginensis. April. 2. Mr. Robertus Dunbar de Kirkhill, Bamfensis. 1725. Renunciante Magistro Georgio Chalmers, Principali. Mr. Jacobus Howie.2 Mart. 9. Promotore D. Daniele Bradfut, P. P. Apr. 15. Mr. Carolus Rose, Buchanensis. Mr. Ludovicus Gordon, Bamfensis. Mr. Gulielmus Duthie, Marriensis. Mr. Thomas McPherson, Invernes- sensis. Mr. Jacobus Buchan, Bamfensis. Mr. Joannes Broun, Nat. V. D. M. Aberdourensi. Mr. Alexander Gordon, Foveranen- Mr. Jacobus Anderson, Nat. S. Th. sis. Mr. Joannes Edwards, Angusiansis. Mr. Georgius Anderson, Marriensis. Mr. Joannes Stuart, Speiensis. Mr. Robertus Ker, Angusianus. Mr. Jacobus Chalmers, Nat. V.D.M. Drumbladensi. P. Aberdonensi. Mr. Alexander Corse, Nat. V. D. M. Aberdonensi. Mr. Andreas Bonar, Merniensis. Mr. Andreas Ker, Dumblanensis. Mr. Alexander Pope, Sutherlandius.³ Aug. 30. Mr. Andreas Burnet, Scoto-Hibernus. ["A young gentleman who had studied three or four years at Dublin as appeared by his certificates. After examination by Mr. Ker and Mr. Bradfut in Latin, Greek, and Philosophy." Minute.] [Jan. II. Mr. David Malloch. 1726. Tutor to the Duke of Montrose's sons; author of a poem in imitation of the Donaides and published therewith. Minute.] 1 Sch., Brechin; Min., Tannadice. 2 Min., Newhills. 3 Min., Reay. 228 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1726. Hi sequentes Candidati Laurea Magisteriali ornati ab Magistro Alexandro Fraser, Subprincipali, P. P. Mart. 31. Mr. Aeneas Macaulay, maj., Leo- Mr. Hector Morison, Sutherlandius. gensis. Mr. Jacobus Cant, Angusianus. Mr. Aeneas Macaulay, min., Nat. Mr. Jacobus Mitchel. V. D. M. Skiensi. Mr. Alexander Miln, Deensis. Mr. Jacobus Walker, Bogiensis. Mr. Joannes Edwards, Rossensis. Mr. David Corse, Nat. V. D. M. Mr. Joannes Forsyth, Badenachen- Aberdonensi.¹ sis. Mr. Gulielmus Symon, Bamfensis. Mr. Joannes Macleod, Skiensis.2 I727. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri creati, promovente Magistro Alexandro Burnet, P. P. Mr. Alexander Geddes.3 Mr. Alexander Keith.4 April. 7. Mr. Alexander Lyon, Foveranensis. Mr. Alexander Scot, Merniensis.5 Mr. Alexander Shand, Fraserbur- gensis. Mr. Carolus Gordon. Mr. Daniel Macintosh, Innernessen- sis. Mr. Gulielmus Moir, Aberdonensis. Mr. Gulielmus Tolmie, Moravien- sis. Mr. Jacobus Adamson. Mr. Jacobus Smith, Merniensis.7 Mr. Jacobus Walker. Mr. Joannes Dow. Mr. Joannes Grant, Speiensis. Mr. Joannes Taylor. Mr. Gulielmus Chaplain, Mernien- Mr. Patricius Grant, Speiensis.³ Mr. Robertus Bean, Neoburgensis. sis. Mr. Gulielmus Duff, Edinburgensis. Mr. Thomas Horton, Anglus. 6 Jun. 21. ["Having seen a certificat of his skill in Philology and Philosophy."] 1 Min., Dunottar. 3 Min., Birsay and Harray. 5 Min., Kingoldrum, Meigle. 7 Sch., S. Cyrus; Min., Garvock. 2 Min., Torosay. 'Min., S. Paul's, Aberdeen. ❝ Min., King-Edward, Rothiemay. 8 Min., Cawdor, Urray; D.D. MASTERS OF ARTS. 229 1728. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri creati, promovente Magistro Daniele Bradfut, P. P. Mr. Alexander McLeod, Skiensis. Mr. Alexander Wright, Aberdon- ensis. Mr. Colinus McKenzie.1 Mr. Joannes Sanderson, Moravi- ensis, Nat. V. D. M. de Elgin. Mr. Joannes Smith, Buchanensis. Mr. Nigellus McLeod, Skiensis.5 Mr. Franciscus Fordyce, Moravi- Mr. Patricius Mitchel. ensis. Mr. Jacobus Brodie, Cathanesi- ensis.2 Mr. Jacobus Davidson, Invernes- sensis. Mr. Jacobus Smith, Tarvesiensis. Mr. Joannes Black, Buchanensis. 3 Mr. Patricius McKonnachie, Spei- ensis. Mr. Thomas Andersone, Buchan- ensis. Mr. Georgius Malcom, Bamfiensis. Mr. Normannus Morison, Ros- sensis, Nat. V. D. M. de Brand." Mr. Joannes McPherson, Skiensis. Mr. Gulielmus Taylor, Buchan- Mr. Joannes Monro, Sutherlandi- ensis.4 Mr. Joannes Morison. ensis.7 Mr. Jacobus Lamb de Tarvis. 1747 [sic], Mart. 17. Mr. Jacobus Edward. 1729. Hi sequentes Laurea Magisteriali ornati a Magistro Alexandro Fraser, Subprincipali et P. P. Mart.. Mr. Alexander Wilkins, Banfiensis. Mr. Gulielmus Innes, Buchan- Mr. Alexander Jamesone, Buchan- ensis. ensis, 10 Mr. Jacobus Andersone,Banfiensis.11 Mr. Alexander Fraser, Invernes- Mr. Jacobus Dunbar, Moraviensis.¹2 Mr. Joannes King, Marriensis. sensis.8 Mr. Alexander Mitchel, Moravi- Mr. Joannes Taylor, Aberdonensis. ensis. Mr. Colinus Campbell, Narniensis. Mr. Franciscus Adam, Abredeensis.⁹ 1 Min., Fodderty. 3 Min., Barra, Sleat; D.D. 5 Min., Jura. 8 Min., Avoch, Inverness. 11 Min., Boyndie, Cullen, Keith. Mr. Robertus Lyon, Forfarensis. Mr. Robertus Young, Moraviensis. 6 Min., Uig. 2 Sch., Auldcarn; Min., Canisbay. 4 Min., South Uist, Edderachylis. 7 Min., New Deer. 9 Min., Cushnie. 10 Min., Skene. 12 Min., Boyndie. 230 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1730. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati sunt, promotore Magistro Alexandro Burnett, P. P. Apr. 1mo. Mr. Jacobus Hay, Natus Dno. Hay Mr. Georgius Ogilvie, Boinensis. Mr. Gilbertus Lundie, Angusiensis. Mr. Gulielmus Gerard, ex par. de Marnoch. de Belton, Marchioni de Twee- dale Nepos. Mr. Alexander Oliphant.¹ Mr. Daniel Clark, Invernessensis. Mr. Donaldus McAulay. Mr. David Bannerman, Nat. V. D. M. apud Forglan.2 Mr. Georgius Gordon, Nat. M. G. Gordon, Or. Ling. Prof. Mr. Georgius McKay. Mr. Gulielmus Schanks, Nat. V. D. M. apud Drumoake.³ Mr. Henricus Spence, Moraviensis.¹ Mr. Hugo Crystie, Merniensis.5 Mr. Joannes Chalmers, Nat. V. D. M. apud Marnoch." 1731. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati sunt, pro- movente Magistro Daniele Bradfut, P. P. April. 1. Mri. Thomas Gordon, Nat. Mro. G. Gulielmus Mitchel. Gordon, LL.00.P." Joannes Panton, Aberdonensis. Joannes Rait, Aberdonensis. Duncanus McPherson.8 Alexander Anderson, Aberdonensis. Joannes Watt, Aberdonensis. Alexander Falconer. Gulielmus Copland, Aberdonensis ex parochia de Tough.⁹ Normannus Beton. Kennethus McKenzie. Joannes Corse, Cathnesiensis, Nat. V. D. M. apud Bower.10 Joannes McLeod. 1732. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri creati, promovente Magistro Alexandro Fraser Subprincipali P. P. Mar. 29. Mr. Gulielmus Chisholm, Inver- Mr. Joannes Clark, Invernessensis. nessensis. Mr. Patricius Bailie, Lothianensis. Mr. Gulielmus Grant, Speiensis. Mr. Joannes Marr, Aberdonensis. Mr. Robertus Anderson, Moravien- sis. Mr. Georgius Fiddes, Aberdonensis. Mr. Simon Gray, Rossensis. ¹ Min., Bower. 2 Min., Forglen, S. Martin's; died Father of the Church, 1730. 3 Min., Brechin. Min., Wemyss; D.D.; Prof. Div., S. And. 5 Sch., Montrose. ❝ Reg., Prin. 7 Hum., Reg., etc. 8 Min., Laggan. 9 Min., Forbes. 10 Min., Glasg.; D.D., Glasg. MASTERS OF ARTS. 231 Mr. Joannes Gibson, Buchanensis. Mr. Hugo Fraser, Mr. Joannes Abel, Marriensis.¹ Mr. Lachlanus Fraser. Mr. Robertus Munroe, Rossiensis. Nati V.D.M. apud Inver- ness. 1733. Hi sequentes laurea magisteriali ornati sunt, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Burnet P. P. Mart. 29. Mr. Gulielmus McKenzie, Rossen- Mr. Joannes Paul, Angusianus. sis. Mr. Alexander Allan, Banfiensis. Mr. Alexander Irvin, Aberdonensis. Mr. Hugo Kemp, Rossensis. Mr. Kennethus McIver, Leogensis. Mr. Robertus Kilgour, Buchanensis. Mr. Samuel Copland, Nat. V. D. M. apud Tough.2 Mr. Jacobus Forsyth, Aberdonensis. Mr. Robertus McPherson, Bade- Mr. Jacobus Watsone, Buchanensis. Mr. Joannes Black, Aberdonensis. Mart. 30. nachensis. Mr. Carolus Forester, Rossensis. Mr. Murdacus McLeod. Mr. Gulielmus Procter, Moravien- Mr. Thomas Ross. sis. Mr. Jacobus Reid. Mr. Adamus Rose.³ 1734. Hi sequentes Magistri Artium renuntiati sunt, pro- movente Magistro Daniele Bradfut P. P. Mart. 28. Mri. Carolus Dun, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Johnston, Aberdonensis.ª Georgius Moir, Aberdonensis. Gulielmus Mair, Aberdonensis. Joannes Mair, Aberdonensis. Joannes Gordon, Aberdonensis. 1735. Hi sequentes Magistri Artium renuntiati sunt, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Rait P. P. Mart. 27. Mr. Alexander Gordon, Nat. Mro. G. Mr. Alexander Moir, Aberdonensis. Gordon, Or. Ling. Prof.5 . Mr. Alexander Huiston, Inverness- ensis. ¹ Min., Rothiemay, Echt. Mr. Colinus Jack, Aberdonensis. Mr. David Angus, Aberdonensis. Mr. Jacobus Petrie, Angusianus. 2 Min., Fintray; D.D. 4 Min., Crimond; Founder of Bursary. 3 Min., Dingwall. 5 " Min., Kintore. 232 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Mr. Jacobus Watsone, Aberdonensis. Mr. Robertus Hill, Angusianus. Mr. Joannes Sim, Banfiensis. Mr. Joannes Spence, Rossiensis. Mr. Robertus Garden, Aberdonensis. Mr.. Robertus Mill, Marriensis. Mr. Thomas Sim, Angusianus. 1736. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renuntiati, promovente Magistro Alexandro Burnet P. P. April. 1. Mr. David Garrow, Banfiensis. Mr. Alexander Hay, Aberdonensis. Mr. Andreas Greig, Aberdonensis. Mr. Archibaldus Calder, Moravien- sis. Mr. Carolus Smith. Mr. Gulielmus Chalmers, Nat. V. D. M. apud Marnoch. Mr. Gulielmus Thomson, Moravi-. ensis. Mr. Jonathan Forbes, Rossensis. Mr. Patricius Bradfut, Nat. Mгo. D. Bradfut, Gr. Ling. Pro. Mr. Robertus Forbes. Mr. Robertus Morice, Buchanensis. Mr. Rodericus McKenzie, Rossen- sis.1 1737. Hi sequentes Magistri Artium renuntiati sunt, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Fraser Subprincipali P. P. Mart. 25. Mr. Alexander Schaw, Moraviensis. April. 1. Mr. Alexander Adam, Aberdonen- Mr. Jacobus Clark, Aberdonensis. sis. Mr. Alexander Chaplin, Merniensis ex par. de Arbuthnot.2 Mr. Hector McPhail, Invernessen- sis.3 [July 5. John Aikin. Mr. Jacobus Grant, Aberdonensis. Mr. Jacobus Milne, Aberdonensis.¹ Mr. Joannes Deans, Aberdonensis, Nat. V. D. M. de Birse. Mr. Patricius Jameson. "Student in Divinity, having resided in the College for a considerable time past.” Minute.] 1738. Hi sequentes Magistri Artium renuntiati sunt, pro- movente Magistro Al. Rait, P. P. Mar. 29. Mr. Gulielmus Henderson, Marri- Mr. Alexander Cooper, Marriensis ensis, e par. de Clatt. e dicta par. 4 1 Min., Lochbroom. 2 Min., Kinnell. Min., Resolis. Sch., Methlick; Min., Forglen, Ellon. MASTERS OF ARTS. 233 Mr. Alexander Ferguson, Marrien- Mr. Georgius Gregorie, Bamfensis, 1 sis, e par. de Inch. Mr. Alexander Ruddach, Bamfen- sis e par. de Grange.¹ Mr. Alexander Smith, e par. de Gartly. Mr. Daniel Copland, Nat. V. D. M. de Tough. e par. de Fordyce. Mr. Joannes Maxwel, Hybernus.2 Mr. Joannes Strachan, Buchanen- sis, e par. de Peterhead. Mr. Gulielmus Mitchel, Lothia- nensis e par. et villa de Leith. 1739. Hi sequentes Magistri Artium renunciati sunt, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Burnet P. P. Mart. 27. Mr. Alexander Moir, Banfiensis. Mr. Alexander Garden, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Gulielmus Sutherland. Mr. Hugo Ross, Aberdonensis. Mr. Joannes McAulay, Skiensis.³ Mr. Archibaldus Duff. Mr. Joannes Scrogie, Aberdonensis. Mr. Joannes Strahan, Merniensis. Mr. Nathaniel Morgan, Aberdon- ensis. Mr. Jacobus Shand, Moraviensis. Decr. 3. 1740. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Fraser Supprimario et Philo- sophiae P. Martii 27mo. Mr. Donaldus Munroe, e comit. et Mr. Alexander Wishart, Aberdon- 'parochia de Inverness.4 Mr. Adamus Stephen, Aberdonen- sis ex parochia de Rhinnie. Mr. Alexander Nicolson, Nat. V. D. M. de Kiltarlatie in comit. de Inverness.5 1 Min., Kirkwall. ensis ex parochia de S. Machar vulgo Old Aberdeen. Mr. Gulielmus Braik, Aberdonen- sis ex parochia de Oyne. Mr. Jacobus Oliphant, Nat. V. D. M. de Glenbucket in comit. de Aberdeen. 2 Min., Auchindoir, New Machar. 3 Min., South Uist, Lismore, Inveraray, Cardross. Min., Monzie. 5 Min., Thurso. GG 234 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. V. D. M. apud Monymusk in comit. de Aberdeen.¹ Mr. Jacobus Paterson, Merniensis ex par. de Arbuthnot. Mr. Martinus Shank, Nat. V. D. M. de Drumoak in comit. de Aber- deen. Mr. Patricius Patricius Sympson, Nat. Mr. Gulielmus Rose, Aberdonensis. Mr. Thomas Gordon, Nat. V. D. M. de Longmay in comitatu de Aberdeen. 1741. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Rait, P. et Math. P. Apr. Imo. Mr. Alexander Fraser, Buchanen- Mr. Jacobus Norie, e par. de sis.2 Banchory Devnock. Mr. Alexander Napier, Nat. V.D.M. Mr. Jacobus Sime, Nat. V. D. M. de Mary Culter. de Tillynessle.* Mr. Alexander White de Arlay- Mr. Joannes Dick, Moraviensis. Mr. Jonathan McDonald, Inver- hill. Mr. Archibaldus Napier, Nat. V.D.M. de Mary Culter. Mr. David Chisolm, Nat. V. D. M. de Kilmorack.³ Mr. David Rhind, e par. de Kintore. Mr. Georgius Chapman, Turreffen- sis. nessensis. Mr. Robertus Forsyth, e par. de Ellon. Mr. Thomas Lendrum, e par. de Slayns. Mr. Thomas Mercer, Nat. V. D. M. de Tyrie. Mr. Georgius Morison, e par. de Mr. Gulielmus Garrow, e par. de Forgue. Mr. Aberlour. Julii Imo. Mason, V. D. M. apud Dorking in Surria, A.M. renun- ciatus erat, promovente eodem Magistro Alexandro Rait. [Minute of 19th June.] 1742. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Burnet, Subprimario. Apr. 1mo. Mr. Alexander Duff, Elginensis. Mr. Alexander Bartlet, Bamfiensis. ¹ Min., Kemnay, Inverurie. 2 Min., Fraserburgh. 3 Min., Kilmorack. 4 Min., Alloa. MASTERS OF ARTS. 235 Mr. Alexander Longmuir, Bamfi- Mr. Kennethus McAulay, Nat. ensis. V. D. M. de Harris.¹ Mr. Gulielmus Grant, Nat. Domini Mr. Walterus Robertson, Glassen- de Rothemurcus. sis. Mr. Jacobus Lunan, Buchanensis. Mr. Alexander McCombie, Aber- deensis. 1743. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Joanne Chalmers, P. P. Apr. 1. Mr. Alexander Chisolm, Elginensis. Mr. Joannes Morison, e par. de Mr. Carolus Menzies, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Gulielmus McKenzie, Inver- nessensis. Speymouth. Mr. Evenus Cameron, Lochabrien- sis. Mr. Joannes Knox, e par. de Slaines. Aug. Mr. Gul. Arnot, Nat. Dom. Jo. Arnot de Abbotshall (vide Annum 1734, in Albo Studiosorum). 1744. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Rait, P. P. Mar. 29. Mr. Patricius Gordon, Natus de- Mr. Gulielmus Gordon, e par. de mortui Magistri Georgii Gor- Aberlour. don, LL.OO.P. in hac Aca- demia. Mr. Gulielmus Panton, e par. de Turreff. Mr. Alexander Paterson, e parochia Mr. Gulielmus Fraser, e par. de S. de Alfurd. Fergus. Mr. Carolus Ramsay, e par. de Mr. Joannes Freebairn, e par. de Kincardine. Mr. Jacobus Bate, e par. de Fetter- Arbuthnot.2 cairn. 1 Min., Harris, Ardnamurchan, Cawdor. 2 Sch., Ecclesgreig; Min., Dumbarton. 236 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1745. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Burnet, Subprimario. Mart. 27. Mr. Alexander Fife, Angusiensis. Mr. Alexander Gold, Angusiensis. Mr. Alexander Schank, Kinghorn- ensis. Mr. Jacobus Thom, Neo-Aberdon- ensis. Mr. Joannes Gordon, Angusiensis. Mr. Richardus Hannot, Anglus. Mr. Gulielmus Mitchel, Palaeo- Mr. Robertus Allardice, Mernien- sis.1 Aberdonensis. Mr. Jacobus McLean de North Mr. Thomas Wishart,par. Banchory Uist. Ternan. Aug. 2. Mr. Robertus Innes, Moraviensis, Mr. Rogerus Kinderly de Norwich, e par. de Alva, renunciante Magistro Alexandro Rait, P. P. V. D. M. 1746. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Joanne Chalmers, P. P. Mr. Rodericus McLeod, Natus de Mr. Robertus Gordon, Dornoch- Taliscar.2 ensis. Mr. Patricius McCulloch, Dornoch- Mr. Gulielmus Lieth, par. de Tul- ensis. Mr. Carolus Robert, par. de Forden. Mr. Alexander Murray, par. de New Deer. Mr. Joannes Hay, par. de Fraser- burgh. linesle. Mr. Ludovicus Leslie, par. de In- verkeithny. Mr. Joannes McPherson, Bade- nochensis. 1747. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Rait, P. P. Mart. II. Mr. Duncanus Shaw, Nat. V. D. M. de Elgin.³ 1 Min., Glenbervie. 2 Reg., Subprin., Prin. 3 Min., Rafford, Aberdeen; D.D. (Mar. Coll.), 1774. MASTERS OF ARTS. 237 • Apr. 2. Mr. Jacobus Gordon, e par. de Mr. Robertus Kirk, Dornochensis. Mr. Thomas McKenzie, Moravien- Gairtly. Mr. Alexander Gallie, Rossensis. 1 Mr. Aeneas McNeil, Insulanus.¹ Mr. Jacobus Ramsay, e par. de Turreff. Mr. Joannes Livie, Brechinensis. Mr. Nigellus McLeod, Insulanus. Mr. Patricius Henderson, e par. de Clatt.2 sis. Mr. Jacobus Clerk, Anglus. Mr. Andreas Youngson, e par. de New Deer. N.B.-Is Philo- sophiae studio incubuit sub Magistro Alexandro Burnet.³ 1748. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Burnet, Subprimario. Mart. 31. 4 Mr. David Denoon, Invernessensis. Mr. Georgius Mitchel, Palaeo-Aber- Mr. Adamus Skinner, Kethensis. donensis. Mr. Alexander Davidson, e par. de Mr. Robertus Burnet, e par. de Cluny. Chappel. Mr. Alexander Fraser, Palaeo-Aber- Mr. Robertus Findlay, Strathbogi- donensis. ensis.5 Mr. Gavinus Mitchel, e par. de Mr. Gulielmus Walker, e par. de Kinneller. Mr. Georgius Mill, e par. de Glass. Favie. 1749. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente D. Joanne Gregory, M.D. et P. Professore. Ap. 4to. Mr. Jacobus Sharp, Bamfiensis. Mr. David Forbes, Angusiensis.6 Mr. Jacobus Bradfut, Aberdonensis. Mr. Alexander Legertwood, e par. de Foveron. Mr. Alexander Morison, e par. de Forgue. ¹ Min., South Uist, Barra. + Min., Killearnan. Mr. Robertus Ross, Merniensis. Mr. Joannes Don, Glassiensis. Mr. Jacobus Stewart, Argathelien- sis. 2 Min., Cromarty. 5 Min., Clatt; Founder of Bursary. 3 Min., Aberdour. 6 Min., Laurencekirk. I 238 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1750. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Rait, P. P. Apr. 3. Mr. Andreas Gallie, e par. de Tar- Mr. Jacobus Robertson, e par. de bat.1 Deskford. Mr. Alexander Falconer, Inver- Mr. Joannes Roy, e par. de Kineth- nessensis.2 Mr. Georgius Fraser.³ Mr. Gulielmus Maitland, e par. de Culsamon.4 mont. Mr. Patricius Dunbar, e par. de Old Earn.5 Mr. Robertus Grant, Elginensis. Mr. Gulielmus Orcharton, e par. de Mr. Thomas Duncan, e par. de Arbuthnot. Deskford. Apr. 5. Mr. Alexander McEran, e par. de Mortlach. Apr. 20. Mr. Joannes Canton, Londinensis. Maii 28. Mr. Georgius Craig, Elginensis, et Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyter. 1751. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Burnet, Subprimario. Apr. 2do. Mr. Gulielmus Davidson, e par. de Mr. Joannes Murison, Angusiensis. Insch.7 Mr. Jacobus Henderson, e par. de Clatt. Mr. Joannes Ronald, e par. de Auch- indore. 1752. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Roderico Macleod, P. P. Apr. 2. Magistri Alexander Chalmers, Nat. Alexander Fraser.8 V. D. M. de Marnoch. ¹ Min., Laggan, Kincardine. 1 Alexander Milne, Aberdonensis. 2 Min., Edderachylis. 3 Sch., Methven; Min., Redgorton, Moneydie. 4 Min., Tarland. 6 Min., Rothes, Cullen. 7 Sch. and Min., Inverurie. 5 Min., Nairn. 8 Min., Kilmalie. MASTERS OF ARTS. 239 Alexander Reidfoord, e par. de Jacobus Forsyth, e par. de Clatt.² Clatt. Jacobus Milne, e par. de Alva. Colinus Morison, Nat. V. D. M. de Joannes Downie, Aberdonensis. Deskfoord. Joannes Milne, e par. de Keith. Franciscus Cowan, e par. de For- Robertus Dalachy, e par. de Keith. Robertus Orcherton, e par. de Ar- dyce. Gulielmus Dovertie, e par. de Fo- veran. Gulielmus Hay, e par. de Clatt. Gulielmus Jack, Invernessensis.¹ Gulielmus Wright, e par. de For- dyce. buthnot. Robertus Scot, e par. de Grange. Robertus Tytler, e par. de Midmar.3 Reverendus Franciscus Lherondell, Rector de Sturmer in Comitatu Essexiae.¹ 1753. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati promotore Magistro Thoma Reid, P. P. Martii 30. Mr. G[eorge] W[illiam] Algernoon Gordon, Nat. V. D. M. de Kinethmont.5 Magistri Alexander Innes. Aprilis 9. Alexander Herdman de Stonhyve. Alexander Peat de Crief. Alexander Smith, par. de Aberluth- not. Georgius Hutton, Perthensis. Georgius Ruddach, Banfiensis. Jacobus Brown, Aberdonensis. Joannes Fife de Forfar. Gulielmus Scot, Banfiensis. Robertus Paterson, Nat. V. D. M. de S. Andrews in Moraviensi Comitatu.6 Jacobus Ramsay, Aberdonensis. Gulielmus Far, Anglus.7 1754. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati, promotore Magistro Alexandro Burnet, Subprimario. Apr. 24. Reverendus Thomas Lluelin, Londinensis. 1 Min., Northmaving; D.D., 1803. 4 Min. of 6th August. 2 Min., Belhelvie. 5 Min., Tullynessle, Keith. 3 Min., Stronsay. " Min., Drainie. 7 Student of Physic, University of Edinburgh. Min. of 3rd September. 240 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Maii 2. Georgius Durno, par. de Rayn. Georgius Stephen de Gairtly. Jacobus Anderson de Aberdour. Jacobus Hay, Elginensis.' Joannes Robertson de Craig. Robertus Ray, Bamfiensis. 1755. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Roderico Macleod, P. P. Apr. 30. Magistri Alexander Ross, e par. de Henricus Robertson, Nat. V. D. M. Alexander Temple, e par. de Kin- nethmont.2 Georgius Robertson, e par. de Alva.3 Gulielmus Leith, e par. de Grange. Gulielmus Tulloh, Nat. de Ta- nachie. de Kiltearn (in Glasg. merca- turam agens). Hugo Finlay, Rossensis. Hugo Macleod, Rossensis (Hist. Eccles. Profess. ap. Glasg.). Paulus Fraser, Invernessensis.4 1756. Artium Magistri renunciati, promotore Magistro Thoma Reid, P. P. Mar. 29. Jacobus Milner, Aberdonensis. David Moncrief, Angusianus.5 Georgius Mark, Banfiensis." Gualterus Mearns, Aberdoniensis. Gualterus Morison, Banfiensis.7 Gulielmus Wilson, e parochia de Auchterless. Jacobus Blair, Angusianus. Jacobus McIntire, Banfiensis. Joannes McKenzie, Rossiensis. Robertus Duff, Aberdoniensis. Gulielmus Robertson, Banfiensis Joannes Maclean. (Archiv. Scotiae Custos). 1757. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Burnet, Subprimario. Magister Malcolumbus Nicolson, Georgius Davis.⁹ Nat. V. D. M. de Kiltarlity. 8 1 Min., Inverurie, Dyce, Elgin; D.D., 1778. 2 Min., Dyce, Newhills. 3 Sch., Edinburgh, Campbeltown; Min., Campbeltown; D.D., Glasg., 1795. 4 Min., Craignish, Inveraray; D.D., S. And., 1796. Died Father of the Church, 1827. 5 Min., Redgorton. 6 Min., Culter. 7 Min., Ardersier. 8 Min., Kiltarlity. 9 Rev. Rec. by J. Pipe, M.A., late of Pembroke College, Oxford, G. Rawlins, M.A., Chaplain to Lincoln's Inn, and James Clarke, M.A., of King's Coll., Aberd. Min. MASTERS OF ARTS. 241 Rev. Thomas Moses. [Jan. 28. Minister of S. Paul's Chapel, Aberdeen. Minute.] 1758. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Roderico Macleod, P. P. Ap. 27. Georgius Douglas, e par. de Kil- tearn.1 Joannes Forbes, Strathdon. Gulielmus Grant, Keith.2 Georgius Crystal, Foveran. Jacobus Brown, Angusianus. Gulielmus Ross, e par. de Tain. Gulielmus Sutherland, Nat. V. D. M. de Tain.³ Donaldus McKenzie, Nat. V. D. M. de Lewis. Donaldus McKenzie, Nat. de Med- dat. Stephanus Buckle, Norvicensis,et ibi Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbyter. 1759. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Thoma Reid, P. P. Ap. 25. Alexander Grant, Banfiensis.* Alexander Thom, Aberdoniensis.5 Gulielmus Ogilvie, Moraviensis (P. P. postea H.L.P. in Coll. Regio). Gulielmus Stuart, Banfiensis.6 Joannes Grant, Invernessensis.7 Joannes Ragg, Aberdoniensis, Nat. V. D. M. de Belhelvie. Joannes Touch, Banfiensis.8 Thomas Wright, Banfiensis. Jacobus Nicolson.10 9 Thomas Steel, Edinburgensis." Isaacus Amory, Lincolniensis. Joannes Paterson, Aberdonensis. [Mar. 7. James Ruddoch. Minister of S. Paul's, Aberdeen. Aug. 25. George Gauld. Teacher of Mathematics aboard the Preston man-of-war. ¹ Min., Kirkwall, Tain. 4 Min., Daviot, Cawdor. 2 Min., Tarbet, Luss. 3 Min., Wick. 5 Sch., Dunottar; Min., Glenbervie. 8 Min., Edinburgh; D.D. 11 Min., Dort. 6 Min., Auchterless, Turriff. 'Min., Rescobie. 7 Min., Tarbet, Abernethy. 10 Min., Duirinish, Halkirk. HH 242 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S college. John Rudde. Nov. 16. Vicar of parish of S. Peter, Portesham, Dorsetshire. Rec. by Dr. Walker. Minute.] 1760. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Burnet, Subprimario. Mr. Andreas Hill, Angusianus. Apr. II. 1761. Jan. 19. Christophorus Grant, Aberdonensis. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere,. promovente Magistro Roderico Macleod, P. P. Ap. 1. Aeneas McAulay, Nat. V. D. M. de Jacobus Dunbar, Nat. de Boath Harris. Alexander Sutherland, Nat. V. D. M. de Rogart (Leg. LXXI. centur.). Alexander Wilson, Nat. V. D. M. de Gemrie.¹ (P. P. in Coll. Regio). Jacobus Henderson, e par. de Towie. Ludovicus Fraser, Nat. V. D. M. de Inverness. Georgius Chalmers, Nat. V. D. M. Normanus Macleod, e par. de de Mortlach. Georgius Gordon, Sutherlandiensis. Gulielmus Duff, Nat. V. D. M. de Kingedward.2 Portrie. Rodericus Macleod, Nat. V. D. M. de Duirinish. Thomas Robertson, Moraviensis. Gulielmus Johnston, Aberdoniensis. Thomas Wilson, Nat. V. D. M. [ Stackhouse. de Gemrie.3 May 20. Rec. by Dr. Walker. Minute.] 1762. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Thoma Reid, P. P. Alexander Angus, Nat. V. D. M. de Alexander Maclean, Skiensis. Culsalmond.4 2 4 Min. Forgue. Min., Glenbucket, Keig. 3 Min., Gamrie. Min., Tullynessle, Botriphnie. MASTERS OF ARTS. 243 Alexander Mearns, Nat. V. D. M. Jacobus Anderson, Nat. V. D. M. de Inche.¹ de Cullen. Georgius Bruce, e parochia de Dal- Joannes Falconer, Moraviensis.2 keith. Joannes Russel, Moraviensis.3 Gulielmus Leith, Nat. de White- Theodorus Leith, Aberdonensis haugh. (M.D. apud Greenwich). 1763. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Alexandro Burnet, Subprimario. Martii 30. Kennethus Morison, Nat. V. D. M. David Walker, e par. de Dunotter. de Lewis. Georgius Gilzean. Gulielmus Smith Smith de de V. D. M., Londini. Dalkeith, Joannes Bonnyman, Banfiensis.* Georgius Dovertie, e par. de Fo- veran. Jacobus Herdsman de Stonehaven. Murdochus McIver de Lewis.5 Alexander Ramsay, Fifensis. Liscombe Maultbe Stretch. [Apr. 25. Rec. by Dr. Walker and Mr. John Canton, graduates of this University. Patrick Wilson. Of Aberdeen, Esq. Minute.] May 13. 1764. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Roderico Macleod, P. P. Ap. 2. Thomas Buchan de Achmacoy. David Rattray, Angusianus. Joannes McKillican, e par. de Croy." Hugo Shearer, Banfiensis." Joannes Reid, Banfiensis, V. D. M., Duffus. Franciscus Bathie, Perthensis, D.D., V. D. M., N. Wales. Joannes Fraser, e par. de Inverness.8 Gualterus Forbes, Nat. de Water- ton. Aeneas Macleod, e par. de Assin." Gulielmus Panton, e par. de Mon- Aeneas Bethune, Nat. V. D. M. de Kintaile.10 trose. 1 Min., Towie, Cluny. 2 Min., Sandwick. 6 Min., Dores. 7 Min., Lonmay. 5 Min., Lochalsh. 9 Min., Rogart. 3 Min., Stirling. 4 Min., Premnay. 8 Min., Kilmorack. 10 Min., Harris, Alness. 244 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Thomas Tait, e par. de Chappel of Arthurus Davidson, e par. de Clat. Garioch.1 Joannes Gray, e par. de Burtie. Joannes Stuart. Patricius Milne, e par. de Foveran. Joannes Bethune, Nat. V. D. M. de Alex. Stronach.2 Jacobus Addison, Angusianus. Joannes Calder, Nat. V. D. M. de Croy.7 Kintail.8 edward. Gul. Keith.9 Allanus McQueen, Nat. V. D. M. Gulielmus Wilson, e par. de King- de North Uist.3 Geo. Grant, Moraviensis. Joannes MacDonald, e par. de Donaldus McKinnon, e par. de North Uist.4 Jacobus Bryden, Lothianensis. Gulielmus Massie, e par. de Ellon. Robertus Turin, Nat. V. D. M. de Oyne. Sleat.10 Joannes Paterson, e par. de Old Machar. Jacobus McKenzie Keir, e par. de Glengairden. Alexander Anderson, Nat. V. D. M. Martinus McPherson, Nat. V. D. M. de Keith. Robertus Leith, e par. de Strichen. Gulielmus Stephen, e par. de New Machar.Ⓡ Joannes Anderson, e par. de Old Meldrum. Normanus McKenzie, V. D. M., England. de Sleat.11 12 Joannes McPherson, ejus frater (postea Eques Baron et in India Orientali Gubernator Generalis).12 Rodericus Macleod, V. D. M., Bracadale, Sky. Joannes Paton de Grandom. [May 14. Mr. Henry Mayo. Dissenting Minister, London. Minute.] Rec. by Drs. Langford and Walker, London. ¹ Sch., Chapel of Garioch; Min., Old Machar, Auchindoir, Meldrum, Ellon. 2 Min., Applecross, Lochbroom. 4 Min., Jamaica. 6 Min., Rafford. 3 Min., North Uist. 5 Min., Towie. 7 Min., Weem, Rosskeen. 8 Min., Harris, Dornoch; D.D., 1812. 9 Sch., Criech; Min., Kildonan, Golspie. 10 Min., Strath. 11 Min., Sleat; D.D., 1803. 12 These brothers "had attended the three last Sessions in this College, and this present Session at Edinb.". Min. of 11th April. John founded the Macpherson Bursary. • • MASTERS OF ARTS. 245 1765. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Gulielmo Ogilvie, P. P. Alexander Wood.¹ ensis. Ap. 2. Joannes Taylor, Merniensis.2 Gulielmus Cruickshank, Aberdon- Nigellus McAulay, Invernessensis. Gulielmus Farquhar. Jacobus Clark, Angusianus. Allanus Cameron. Jacobus Lumsden, Nat. V. D. M. de Strathdon. Joannes Livie, Moraviensis. Joannes Ritchie, Aberdonensis. Sylvester Douglas of Fechel. Robertus Freer, Perthensis (postea M.D. et Med. Prof. in Acad. Glasg.). Robertus Lumsden, Nat. V. D. M. de Strathdon.3 Robertus Reid, Merniensis. Thomas Henderson, Aberdonensis. Josephus Jenkins, Cambro-Britan- [Dec. 16. nus. Who had studied three years at this College. Minute.] 1766. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Jacobo Dunbar, P. P. Mart. 31. Alexander Leith de Freefield. Alexander Downie, Nat. V. D. M. de Banchory Ternan. Alexander Murdoch, Aberdonensis. Joannes Davidson, Edinburgensis. Jacobus Dingual, Rossiensis.¹ Franciscus Lesley, Nat. de Kininvy.5 Jacobus Oliphant, Nat. V. D. M. de Bower in Cathanesia." Alexander Wilson, Banfiensis. Jacobus Seymour, Aberdonensis. Robertus Paul, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Strachan, Aberdonensis. Georgius Mitchel, Aberdonensis. Josephus Dallachy, Banfiensis. Sept. 12. Jacobus Duncan (Cap. LXXIII. Legionis) Merniensis. 1 Min., Rosemarkie. 4 Sch., Tarbat; Min., Farr. 6 Sch., Wick; Min., Bower. 2 Min., Lethnot. 3 Min., Kildrummy. 5 Min., Tullynessle, Rothiemay, Boharm. 246 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Inglis Turin. [Oct. 23. Who passed a regular course at this College. Minute.] 1767. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Roderico Macleod, Subprimario. Mar. 30. Alexander Campbell, Moraviensis, e Dugaldus Campbell, e par. de Lis- par. de Forress. more.8 Carolus MacHardie, e par. de Strath- Donaldus Morison, Skiensis. don. Alexander Ogilvie, Angusiensis. Alexander Molleson, Angusiensis.¹ Robertus Farquharson de Alerg, e par. de Strathdon.2 Alexander Murray, Rossensis. Hugo Calder, Nat. V. D. M. de Croy.⁹ Carolus Calder, ejus frater.10 Joannes Oliphant, Nat. V. D. M. de Bower in Comit. de Caith- ness. Hugo Munro, Skiensis, Nat. V. D. M. Robertus Arthur, Buchanensis.11 de 3 Henricus Robertson, Nat. V. D. M. de Kincardine in Comit. de Ross.4 Donaldus Maclean, Invernessensis. Joannes Cameron, e par. de Ferin- tosh.5 Carolus Forbes, Nat. de par. de Strathdon. , e Gulielmus Dunbar, Nat. de Thun- derton. Jacobus Beverly, e par S. Machar, vulgo Old Aberdeen. Thomas Ogilvie, e par de Fordyce. Skiensis, Normannus Macleod, Skiensis, e Alexander Macdonald, par. de Durinish." Nat. V. D. M. de Georgius Munro, Nat. V. D. M. de Jacobus Day, e par. de S. Machar. [Edderachylis]." Ap. 2. Gulielmus Ogilvie, Banfiensis, Praeceptor Academiae apud Dublinum. [Who had formerly passed his courses at this College. Minute of 18th April.] Carolus Case. [Preacher of the Gospel, London. Minute of 18th April.] ¹ Min., Montrose. 2 Min., Kirkmichael, Logie-Coldstone. D.D., Mar. Coll., 1802. 3 Min., Uig. 5 Min., Halkirk. 4 Min., Clyne, Kiltearn; Sch., Duirinish; Min., Morven. Min., Croy. 7 Min., South Uist. 10 Min., Urquhart (Ferintosh). 8 Min., Kilfinichen. 11 Min., Resolis. MASTERS OF ARTS. 247 Thomas Gibbons, Londinensis. Son to Dr. Gibons in London. Rec. by Dr. John Walker and Rev. Mr. Watson. Minute of 18th April. Gulielmus Windle, Eboracensis, Sheffield. Jun. 22. Octr. 17. Gulielmus Kingsbury, V. D. M. Samuel Beldam, V. D. M. apud Dun- apud Southampton. Edwardus Ashburner, V. D. M. apud Pool in Comitatu Dorsetiae. mów in Comitatu Essexiae. Gulielmus Johnson, V. D. M. apud Chelmsford in Comitatu Es- sexiae. Four Dissenting Ministers. Rec. by Dr. Walker and J. Watson, A.M. Minute. Joannes Stratton, Londinensis. James Duncan. Sept. 12. Who passed a regular course at this University. Minute. 1768. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Thoma Gordon, P. P. Theodorus Frazer, filius Mar. 29. Frazer, Jacobus Davidson, ex Comit. de V. D. M. apud Buleskin. Joannes Scot, filius Magistri Jacobi Scot de Westwood in provinciae Virginiae. Cromarty. Gulielmus Williamson, Perthensis. Alexander Stephen, Banfiensis, ex par. de Keith. Donaldus Skinner, ex Comitatu de Gulielmus Leslie, filius Cromarty.¹ Gulielmus Frazer, Invernessensis. Georgius Anderson, filius Magistri Jacobi Anderson, V. D. M. apud Keith, Banfiensis. Gulielmus Mackenzie, filius Mackenzie de (Dundonald), Rossiensis. 1 Min., Ardnamurchan. Leslie de Balnogeith, Moraviensis.2 Joannes Adam, Aberdoniensis, ex par. de Drumoak. Hugo Frazer, Rossiensis. Joannes Robertson, filius Robertson, V. D. M. apud Lochbroom, Invernessensis. 2 Min., Auchindoir, S. Andrews-Lhanbryd. Died Father of the Church, 1839. 248 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. John Stratton. [Mar. 23. London. Rec. by Drs. Walker and Connop.] 1769. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Jacobo Dunbar, P. P. Mart. 30. Alexander Duff.¹ Alexander Aitken, Angusiensis. Alexander McAdam, Nairniensis.2 Alexander Roberts, Merniensis. Franciscus Walker, Merniensis. Gulielmus Bremmer, Banfiensis. Gulielmus Smith, Aberdonensis.³ Jacobus Smith, Merniensis.4 Gulielmus Gourlie, Angusianus. Joannes Urquhart, Cromartiensis. Joannes Strachan, Aberdonensis. Joannes Stevenson, Banfiensis. Josephus Anderson, Moraviensis. Thomas Birnie, Aberdonensis.5 Gulielmus Shand, Aberdonensis. John Dyer. [Nov. 29. Presbyter of Church of England. Rec. by Dr. John Walker and Mr. May.] 1770. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Roderico Macleod, Subprimario. Martii 29. Thomas Munro, Natus Dom. de David Duff, Moraviensis. Culcairn. David Constable, e par. de Fordyce. Carolus MacKinnon de McKinnon. Christophorus Mole, Anglus, Green- wich. Donaldus Munro, Invernessensis. Georgius Gordon, e par. de Strath- bogy.7 Georgius Duncan, e par. de Oyne. Joannes Kennedy, Invernessensis, Badenach. Georgius Lawtie, Banfiensis. Georgius MacKenzie, Rossensis.8 ¹ Min., Monymusk. Joannes Fraser, Invernessensis.9 Joannes Gordon, Rossensis.10 Donaldus MacRae, Rossensis. Robertus Blair, Nat. V. D. M. de (Edzell). Samuel Mason, e par. de Colstone. Joannes MacRae, Rossensis. Joannes MacGillvray, Invernessen- sis. Donaldus MacLean de Coll. Thomas Vernon, Anglus, Eboracen- sis. 2 Min., Cromarty (Gaelic), Nigg. Sch., Strichen; Min., Alves. Min., Lochcarron. 7 Min., Mortlach, Aberdeen; D.D., 1795. Min., Glasgow Ch. of Ease, Kiltarlity. 10 Min., Alvie. + Min., Garvock. 5 Min., Alford. 8 Sch., Bower; Min., Olrick. MASTERS OF ARTS. 249 Maii 17. Joannes Fuller, Londinensis. Benjamin Fuller in Minute of 18th May. Rec. by Drs. John Walker and James Watson. Nov. 14. Richardus Griffith, Vicarus de Achmacart in Diocesi de Ossory. 1771. Jan. 5. Joannes Clarke, Rector de Collingtree in Comitatu de Northampton. Rec. by Rev. John Ryland and Dr. A. Fothergill, Northampton. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, promovente Magistro Thoma Gordon, P. P. Martii 28. Alexander Beattie, Merniensis. Alexander Milne, Banfiensis.¹ Alexander Simson, Aberdonensis. Andreas Johnston, Banfiensis. Gulielmus Gordon, Moraviensis.2 Gulielmus Gun, Cathanesiensis.3 Gulielmus Linton, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Spens, Banfiensis. Jacobus Duff, Banfiensis. Jacobus Fiddes, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Grant, Rossensis.4 Jacobus Hog, Merniensis.5 Jacobus Wallace, Aberdonensis. Joannes Campbell, Argatheliensis. Joannes Fraser, Rossensis (filius Simonis Fraser de Finellan). Joannes Morison, Aberdonensis.6 Patricius Davidson, Moraviensis. Robertus Arthur, Aberdonensis. Rodericus Mackenzie, Rossensis.7 Donaldus Maclean, Argatheliensis. 1772. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Jacobo Dunbar, P. P. Martii 31. Mr. Gulielmus Forbes de Craigy- Mr. Franciscus Downie, Nat. V.D.M. var. de Banchory Ternan. Mr. Gulielmus McKinlay de insula Mr. Alexander Gordon, Banfiensis. Sti. Christophori. 1 Min., Boyndie. 3 Sch., Tongue; Min., Golspie. Mr. Gulielmus Shaw, Elginensis.8 2 Min., Elgin. 4 Min., Glen Urquhart; Founder of Bursary. 6 Min., Canisbay; D.D., Edinb., 1792. 8 Min., Ardclach. 5 Min., Greyfriar's, Abdn., Skene; D.D., 1796. II 7 Min., Contin, Kilmuir-Wester. 250 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Mr. Alexander Cummin, Elginen- Mr. Gulielmus Cuming, Elginensis. sis. Mr. Joannes McRae, Rossiensis.¹ Mr. Alexander Davidson, Banfien- sis. Mr. Joannes Morison, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Gulielmus Maule, Angusien- sis.4 Mr. Joannes Beaton, Aebudensis. Mr. Alexander Sage, Rossensis.2 Mr. Alexander Gray, Banfiensis. Mr. Georgius Dawn, Aberdonen- Mr. Jacobus Hay, Banfiensis. Mr. Joannes Fraser, Invernessen- sis.5 sis.3 Mr. Gulielmus Orcherton, Merni- ensis. Mr. Jacobus Munro, Moraviensis. Mr. Jacobus Donald, Merniensis." 1773. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Roderico Macleod, Subprimario. Martii 29. Joannes Hiscox, Londinensis. Joannes Price, Anglus de Chester. Alexander Anderson, filius Ander- son de Keandacraig. Alexander Bisset, Aberdoniensis. Alexander Gordon, filius V. D. M. apud Ardersier. Andreas Pierie, Merniensis. Donaldus Maclean, Skiensis.7 Donaldus Martin, Skiensis.8 Evenus MacPherson, Badenachen- sis. Jacobus Grant, Nat. V. D. M. apud Logie, Rossensis. Jacobus Harper, Aberdonensis." Jacobus Lindsay, Angusiensis. Joannes Walker, Merniensis. Robertus Leslie, Banfiensis. Rodericus Macleod, e Glenelg (V. D. M. apud Aberdeen). Skeen Ogilvie, Nat. V. D. M. apud Cortachie postea apud Banchory Devenick.10 David Tarbot, Angusiensis. Georgius Gleig, Merniensis (Epis- Rodericus Morison, Invernessen- cop. Brechinensis). ¹ Min., Glenshiel. 3 Sch., Alves; Min., Insch. 5 Min., Lochs. 7 Min., Small Isles. 9 Min., Leslie, Kildrummy. sis.11 Daniel Cruickshank, Moraviensis. 2 Sch., Tongue; Min., Kildonan. 4 Min., Strickathrow, Monikie; D.D., S. And., 1812. 6 Min., Glenisla. 8 Min., Kilmuir in Trotternish, Inverness Ch. of E., Abernethy. 10 Min., Skene, Old Machar; D.D., Mar. Coll., 1799. 11 Min., Kintail. MASTERS OF ARTS. 251 1774. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuerunt, promovente Magistro Thoma Gordon, P. P. Martii 3. Gulielmus Smith, Banfiensis. Martii 5. Alexander Cushney, Aberdonensis.¹ Martii 22. Alexander Young, Aberdonensis. Martii 29. Jacobus Watson, Moraviensis.2 Alexander Anderson, Moraviensis. Alexander Clark, Invernessensis. Alexander Thomson, Angusiensis. Andreas Murray, Moraviensis.* Georgius Gordon, Nariensis. 3 Gulielmus Grant, Moraviensis. Hugo Dougal, Moraviensis (M.D. apud Forres). Jacobus Stormont, Angusianus.5 Joannes Stuart, Banfiensis. Alexander Fraser, Invernessensis.6 1775. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Jacobo Dunbar, P. P. Alexander Grierson, Aberdonensis. Martii 20. Martii 29. Jacobus Trail, nat. V. D. M. de Dunnet. Martii 30. Stileman Bostock, Anglus, Surrien- Jacobus Grant, Moraviensis. sis. Johannes Malcolm, Aberdonensis." Joannes Tod, Moraviensis. Thomas Fraser de Dumballach, Joannes Taylor, Banfiensis. Invernessensis. Franciscus Clifton de insula Sti. Donaldus McLeod, Aebudensis. Christophori. Johannes McLean, Invernessensis. Gulielmus Gall, Aberdonensis. Gulielmus Ramsay, Moraviensis. Alexander Thomson, Edinburgen- sis. Alexander Thomson, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Brown, Banfiensis. 1 Sch., Foveran; Min., Oyne. 2 Sch., Mortlach; Min., South Ronaldshay, Whitburn. 3 Min., Carnock. 1 Min., Auchterderran; D.D., S. And. Died Father of Church, 1844. 5 Min., Airlie. 6 Min., Inverness. 7 Min., Firth and Stenness. 252 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Pryse Campbel, Narniensis.¹ Gulielmus Greig, Merniensis.2 Thomas Jolly, Merniensis.³ Patricius Barclay de insula Zet- landiae.4 Alexander Skakel, Banfiensis. 1776. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Roderico Macleod, Subprimario. Mart. 20. Mr. Jacobus Maclean, Invernessensis.5 Mart. 28. Mr. Joannes Bower, Moraviensis. Mr. Alexander Nicol, Aberdonensis. Mr. Georgius Gordon de Hallhead. Mr. Joannes Macleod, Skiensis." Mr. Gulielmus Ballingal, Aberdon ensis. Mr. Joannes Forbes de Boynly. Mr. Jacobus Nicolson, Nat. V. D. M. de Thurso. Mr. David Mackay, Sutherlandien- sis.7 Mr. Hugo Leslie de Powis, Nat. Magistro Leslie, G. L. P. Mr. Joannes Duncan, Aberdonensis. Mr. Stuartus Kyd, Angusiensis. Mr. Gulielmus Cock, Nat. V. D. M. de Keith-hall.10 Mr. Gulielmus MacFarquhar, Ros- sensis. Mr. Joannes Strachan, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Jacobus Urquhart de Meldrum. Mr. Alexander Fraser, Invernessen- sis. Mr. Ludovicus Urquhart, Nat. de Mr. Edmundus Waller, Anglus de Beaconsfield, inclyti poetae E. W. abnepos. Meldrum. Mr. Jacobus Duncan, Merniensis. Mr. Ludovicus Grant, Moraviensis.8 Mr. Alexander Spark, Angusiensis. Mr. Patricius Nicolson, Nat. V. D. M. de Thurso." 1777. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Thoma Gordon, P. P. Mart. 26. Robertus Smith, Angusiensis. 1 Min., Ardersier. Thomas Ogilvie, Angusiensis.11 3 Min., Dunnet. Died Father of the Church, 1844. 5 Min., Keith, Urquhart. 2 Min., Dort, Rothiemay, Longside. 4 Min., Sandsting. 6 Min., Harris, Kilmodan, Kilmarnock, Dundonald; D.D., 1795. 8 Min., Logie-Buchan. 9 Min., Thurso. 10 Min., Culsalmond, Rathen. 7 Min., Reay. 11 Min., Kirriemuir. MASTERS OF ARTS. 253 Mart. 31. Gulielmus MacIntosh de Aberarder, Joannes Morison, Banfiensis, ex Invernessensis. Abercrombie Gordon, Nat. Rever- endo Henrico Gordon, V. D. Ministro apud Arderseer.¹ Alexander Simpson, Banfiensis, ex parochia de Alvah.2 Alexander Munro, Rossensis, ex parochia de Urquhart.3 Alexander Wilson, Narniensis, ex parochia de Oldearn.4 6 parochia de Mortlech. Arthurus Owen, Anglus, de Chelsea. Gulielmus Simpson, Rossensis, Nat. Rev. Thoma Simpson, V. D. Ministro apud Avoch. Joannes Wilkie, Angusiensis ex parochia de Kirriemuir. Jacobus Likly, Aberdonensis, Nat. Rev. Joanne Likly, V. D. Mini- stro apud Old Meldrum. Gulielmus Dunbar, Moraviensis, ex Jacobus Stalker, Moraviensis, ex urbe de Forres. Alexander Wishart, Aberdonensis, ex parochia de Old Aberdeen. Joannes Gourly, Angusiensis, e civi- tate de Brechin.5 parochia de Edinkillie. Lachlanus Maclean, Invernessensis, ex parochia et insula de Uist. Georgius Gleg, Angusiensis, ex civi- tate de Brechin.7 Gilbertus Harrow, Aberdonensis, ex Gilbertus Gerard, Natus Rev. Doc- parochia de Old Aberdeen. tore Alexandro Gerard, S. T. P. in hac Academia.8 1778. Artium Magistri renunciati, promovente Magistro Jacobo Dunbar, P. P. Martii 25. Johannes Gillendars, Aberdonensis. Martii 27. Robertus Leslie, Moraviensis, ex Lachlanus McPherson, e parochia urbe de Elgin. 1 Min., Banff. de Mortlach.9 Jacobus Kirk, Gallovidianus. 2 Sch., King-Edward; Min., Old Machar, New Machar. 3 Sch. and Min., Edderton. 5 Min., Lintrathen, Cortachy. 7 Min., Arbroath. 4 Sch., Elgin; Min., Aberlour. 6 Min., Nairn. 3 Min., Amsterdam; afterwards Reg., Prof. Div. 'Sch., Grange; Min., Knockando. 254 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Martii 31. Gulielmus McKenzie, Rossiensis. Jacobus Grant, Aberdonensis (Jan' 8° 1799, Nomen Majorum as- sumpsit ex acto Parliamrio 15mi Georgii III., Jacobus Grant MacGregor. Vide Acta in Col- legio, Feb 1800). Gulielmus Williamson, Rossiensis. Jacobus Mackie, Aberdonensis. Ludovicus Rose, Rossiensis. Joannes Mathieson, Rossiensis.¹ Gulielmus McBain, Invernessensis.2 Alexander Barclay, Strathbogiensis. Alexander Fraser, Invernessensis.3 Samuel Craik, Aberdonensis. David Smith, Aberdonensis.* Alexander Brown, Aberdonensis. Georgius Longmoor, Banfiensis. 1779. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Roderico McLeod, Subprimario. Martii 30. Mr. Alexander Humphrey, e pa- Mr. Gulielmus Harper, e parochia rochia de Keith.5 Mr. Patricius Jullian, Londinensis. Mr. Robertus Burnside, Londinen- sis. Mr. Carolus Wood, Nat. V. D. M. de Rosmarkney. 6 Mr. Alexander Thomson, e parochia de Keith. Mr. Duncanus McIntire, e parochia de Fort-William.7 Mr. Hugo Gillan, Moraviensis. Mr. Jacobus Morice, e parochia de Inverurie. Mr. Joannes Simpson, e parochia de Keith. Mr. Gulielmus Falconer, e parochia de Elgin. de Udney. Mr. Joannes Brown, e parochia de Tarvas. Mr. Simon Hosack, Rossensis, e pa- rochia de Avoch. Mr. Josephus Forsyth, Moravien- sis, e parochia de Elgin. Mr. Gulielmus Cameron, Rossensis, e parochia de Ferntosh. Mr. Alexander Tocher, Banfiensis. Mr. Marischal Keith, e parochia de Kintore. Mr. Milcolumbus McLeod, Skien- sis.8 Mr. Calenus McIver, Rossensis, et parochia de Stornoway.9 Mr. Jacobus Bowman, Aberdonensis. Mr. Gulielmus Laing, Aberdonen- Mr. Jacobus Maxwell, Americanus, S. Carolina. sis. 1 Min., Laggan. 2 Min., Moy, Alves. 3 Min., Torosay. 5 Min., Fordyce. 6 Sch., Fortrose; Min., Wiston. 8 Min., Snizort. Min., Kinnellar. 7 Min., Laggan, Kilmalie. 9 Min., Glenelg. MASTERS OF ARTS. 255 1780. Hi juvenes ad lauream magisterialem admissi fuerunt, promovente Magistro Thoma Gordon, P. P. Januarii 29. Mr. Alexander Peat, ex parochia de Fordon in comitatu de Kincarden.¹ Martii 2. Mr. Johannes Cruickshank, ex parochia de Auchterless in comitatu Aberdonensi. Martii II. Mr. David Rose, ex parochia et comitatu Invernessensi. Martii 23. Mr. Jacobus McAndrew, ex urbe et comitatu Elginensi. Mr. Jacobus Kelly, ex parochia de Alves in comitatu Elginensi.2 Mr. Robertus Forbes, ex urbe de Inverury in comitatu Aberdon- ensi. Mr. Alexander Ferrier, ex parochia de Aberlour in comitatu Ban- fiensi. Martii 26. Mr. Alexander Carmichael, ex pa- rochia de Aberlour in comitatu Banfiensi. Mr. Georgius Johnston, ex parochia veteris Aberdoniae et comitatu Aberdonensi. Mr. Hugo McLean, ex comitatu de Ross. Martii 30. Mr. Jacobus Cowe, ex parochia de Fordyce in comitatu Bamfiensi. Mr. Alexander Campbell, ex pa- rochia veteris Aberdoniae et comitatu Aberdonensi. Mr. Alexander Baird, ex parochia de Keith in comitatu Bam- fiensi. Mr. Alexander Simpson, ex Ferin- tosh in comitatu Rossiensi.³ 1 Min., Glenisla. Mr. Alexander Watt, ex parochia de Fintray in comitatu Aber- donensi. Mr. Franciscus Kemlo, ex urbe et comitatu de Aberdeen. Mr. Jacobus Dallas, ex parochia de Edinkelli in comitatu de Elgin. Mr. Jacobus Gray, ex parochia de Deskfoord in comitatu Bam- fiensi. 2 Min., Leochel. 3 Min., Lochs. 256 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Mr. Jacobus Halket, ex parochia de Alva in comitatu Bamfiensi. Mr. Jacobus Stormonth, ex Edin- burgo. Mr. Johannes Milne, ex parochia de Deskfoord in comitatu Bam- fiensi. Durris in comitatu Aberdon- ensi. Mr. Johannes Weir, ex urbe de Ar- broath in comitatu de Forfar. Mr. Patricius Beattie, ex parochia de Insch in comitatu Aberdon- ensi. Mr. Johannes Reid, ex parochia de Mr. Johannes McKenzie, ex Assint in comitatu Sutherlandiensi. 1781. Martii 7. Mr. Alexander Robertson, Angusiensis. Hi juvenus Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, promovente Jacobo Dunbar, LL.D. et P. P. Februarii 22. Alexander Thomson, Banfiensis. Georgius Ironside, Aberdonensis. Martii 27. Jacobus Robertson, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Touch, Aberdonensis. Martii 30. Alexander Wilson, Aberdonensis. Georgius Kinloch, Angusianus. Gulielmus Falconar, Narniensis. Jacobus Dawson, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Murray, Banfiensis. Johannes Dick, Aberdonensis.1 Johannes Ritchie, Perthiensis (Tar- bolton). Gulielmus Guthry, Banfiensis. Johannes Copland, Banfiensis. Johannes Cruickshank, Aberdonen- sis. ¹ Min., Chryston, Rutherglen. 3 Min., South Ronaldshay. Jacobus Scott, Angusianus.2 Gulielmus Robie, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Lorrimer, Banfiensis. Alexander Gray, Aberdonensis. Donaldus Nicolson, Invernessen- sis. Johannes Gerard, Aberdonensis.³ Jacobus Fowler, Rossiensis.4 Carolus Burney, Anglus (de Green- wich). Hugo Hay, Aberdonensis. Min., Benholm. + Min., Glen Urquhart. MASTERS OF ARTS. 257 1782. Hi sequentes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Roderico Macleod, Subprimario. : Martii 30. Mr. Gulielmus Gordon, Nat. de Mr. Jacobus Roy, Moraviensis de Hallhead. Mr. Jacobus Smith, Aberdonensis. Mr. Joannes Leslie, Aberdonensis. Mr. Gulielmus Gray, Buchanensis. Mr. Alexander Riddoch, Banfiensis. Mr. Alexander Lumsden, Banfiensis. Mr. Donaldus Rose, Aberdonensis. Mr. Georgius Grant, Banfiensis. Mr. Gulielmus Gardener, Aberdon- ensis de Reiny. Forres. Mr. Gulielmus Spence, Moravien- sis.1 Mr. Gulielmus Nicol, Merniensis, de Bervie. Mr. Jacobus McQueen, Inverness- ensis, de Sky.2 Mr. Patricius Nicolson, Inverness- ensis, de Sky. Mr. Joannes Campbell, Inverness- ensis, de Harris. April. 1. Mr. Joannes McLeod, Invernessensis, de Glenelg,³ 1783. Feb. 10. Mr. Beckwith Dodwell Free, Anglus, honorabilis Societatis de Lincoln's Inn Socius. Rec. by Francis Randolph, Principal, and John Free, D.D., late Vice-Principal of Alban Hall, Oxford. Hi juvenes ad lauream magisterialem admissi fuerunt, pro- movente Magistro Thoma Gordon, P. P. Mr. Joannes Skekel, Banfiensis. Martii 18. Martii 26. Mr. Jacobus Davidson, e Tarvis. Martii 27. Mr. Gulielmus Falconer, Mernien- Mr. Alexander Urquhart, Aberdon- sis. Mr. Alexander Coule, Angusiensis. ensis.4 1 Min., Glenbucket. 2 Min., North Uist. 3 Min., Lerwick. 4 Min., Tough. KK 258 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Mr. Alexander Balfour, Aberdonen- Mr. Robertus Strachan, Aberdon- sis. ensis. Mr. Carolus Hunter, Angusiensis. Mr. Gulielmus Simpson, Rossiensis Mr. David Brymer, Aberdonensis. Mr. Paulus Lyon, Merniensis. Mr. Alexander Thom, Aberdonensis. Mr. Randulphus King, Moraviensis. Mr. Joannes Fraser, Moraviensis. Mr. Henricus Kydd, Angusiensis. Mr. Gulielmus Thomson. Julii 10. Mr. Georgius Hunt, Londinensis, in vico vulgo vocato Dorset Street. Rec. by Gilbert Stewart, LL.D., William Thomson, M.A., and David Grey, M.A. 1784. Hi juvenes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, promo- vente Jacobo Dunbar, LL.D. et P. P. Martii 30. Aeneas McIntosh.1 Alexander Daunie, Rossiensis.2 Alexander Fraser, Invernessensis. Alexander Shand, Aberdonensis. David Dunoon, Rossiensis.3 Jacobus Hay, Moraviensis. Jacobus Morison, Banfiensis. Jacobus McIntosh, Invernessensis (Eques Aur.). Joannes Sutor, Banfiensis. Georgius Dunbar, Moraviensis (Nat. Joannes Taylor, Cathanesiensis. A. Dunbar de Booth). Gulielmus Cowie, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Chalmers, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Clapperton, Banfiensis. Jacobus Farquhar, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Leslie, Aberdonensis. Joannes Watson, Invernessensis. Patricius Alexander, Aberdonensis. Robertus Smith. Samuel Millar, Cathanesiensis. Patricius Cuming, Moraviensis. Martii 31. 1785. Hi juvenes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Magistro Roderico MacLeod, Subprimario. Martii 30. Rodericus MacLeod, Invernessen- sis. Jacobus MacIntosh.* Joannes MacKenzie. 1 Min., Gaelic Ch., Glasgow, Tain; D.D., 1813. 3 Min., Killearnan. 2 Min., Lochalsh; D.D., 1812. • Min., Killarrow. MASTERS OF ARTS. 259 Jacobus Farquharson, Aberdonen- Jacobus Cock, Aberdonensis. sis. Robertus Fiddes, Aberdonensis. Duncanus Forbes, Rossiensis. Jacobus Johnston, Angusianus. Alexander Bethune, Skiensis.¹ Donaldus MacLean. Joannes Roger, Aberdonensis.2 Gulielmus Smith, Cathanesiensis.3 Andreas Mensal, Aberdonensis. Jacobus MacPhail.4 Gulielmus Jack, Hethlandicus (P.P. in hac Universitate, postea Coll. Reg. Principalis). Donaldus MacLeod, Invernessensis. Robertus Hall, Leicestriensis (V. D. M. et Orator insignis). Robertus Eden Scott, Aberdonen- sis (P. P. in hac Universitate). Gulielmus Forsyth, Annandiensis. 1786. Hi juvenes ad lauream magisterialem admissi fuerunt, promovente Magistro Thoma Gordon, P. P. Martii 29. Mr. Patricius Nicol, Moraviensis. Martii 30. Mr. Hugo Fraser, Moraviensis. Mr. Jacobus Cruickshank, Aberdon- ensis. Mr. Alexander Forsyth, Aberdon- ensis.5 Mr. Jacobus Thom, Aberdonensis. Mr. Joannes Garvock, Aberdonensis. Mr. Gulielmus Forbes. Mr. Ludovicus Littlejohn, Aberdon- ensis." Mr. Robertus Burnett, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Gulielmus Longmore, Banfien- sis. Mr. Robertus Russel, Moraviensis. Mr. Gulielmus Donald, Aberdonen- sis. 1787. Januarii 15. Mr. Jacobus Russel, Moraviensis. Hi juvenes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, promovente Jacobo Dunbar, LL.D. et P. P. Jacobus Lingair, Angusianus. ¹ Min., Harris. 3 Min., Bower. Martii 29. Jacobus Wilkie, Banfiensis. 2 Sch., Towie, Kincardine O'Neil; Min., Kincardine O'Neil. Min., Belhelvie; LL.D., Glasg. + Min., Gaelic Ch., Aberdeen, Daviot. 6 Sch. and Min., Oathlaw. 260 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Johannes Bowman, Angusianus. Jacobus Bowis, Aberdonensis. Hugo McIntosh, Invernessensis. Robertus Watson, Moraviensis. Johannes Low, Banfiensis. Johannes Duff, Perthensis. Georgius Stephen, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Leslie, Aberdonensis. Franciscus Lindsay, Moraviensis. Johannes Durham, Fermilodunen- sis. Murdacus Cameron, Rossensis.1 Robertus Green, Northumbriensis. Ludovicus Duff, Aberdonensis. Alexander McBeath, Moraviensis. Gulielmus Gill, Moraviensis. Johannes Howes, Moraviensis. Alexander Smith, Aberdonensis. 1788. Hi juvenes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, promo- vente Magistro Roderico MacLeod, Subprimario. Keith Milnes, Sandwich, Kent. Alexander Campbell, Skiensis.2 Alexander Joass. Martii 29. Donaldus Campbell.³ Donaldus McDonald, Invernessen- sis. Donaldus McNeal, Invernessensis. Gulielmus Elmslie, Aberdonensis. Gulielmus Ingram, Banfiensis.4 Gulielmus Paul, Aberdonensis (P. P. in hac Universitate).5 Jacobus Craig, Aberdonensis (Mer- cator Londinensis). Gulielmus Vass, Moraviensis. Jacobus Wildgoose, Aberdonensis. Joannes Keith, Aberdonensis. Thomas Fraser, Invernessensis." Joannes Young, Angusianus. Joannes Paterson, Moraviensis.7 Thomas McFarlane, Moraviensis.8 Petrus Morison, Aberdonensis (Lu- dimagister apud Inverkeithny). Thomas Wishart, Invernessensis. Hugo McPherson, Sutherlandiensis (Lit. Graec. Pr. in hac Uni- versitate). 1789. Hi juvenes ad lauream magisterialem admissi fuerunt, promovente Magistro Thoma Gordon, P. P. Februarii 20. Mr. Gulielmus Young, Banfiensis. Mr. Gulielmus Milne, Banfiensis." ¹ Min., Creich. 3 Min., Southend, Kilninver; D.D., Edinb., 1826. 4 Sch., Cairnbanno; Min., South Ronaldshay, Echt. 6 Sch. and Min., Inverness. 8 Min., Bressay, Edinkillie. 2 Sch. and Min., Portree. 5 Prev. Min., Maryculter. 7 Min., Auldearn. 9 Sch., Canisbay, Wick; Min., Canisbay. MASTERS OF ARTS. 261 Martii 28. Mr. Georgius Innes, Banfiensis.¹ Mr. Alexander Morison, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Georgius Munro, Rossiensis.2 Mr. Andreas Anderson, Moravien- sis.3 Mr. Georgius Grant, Rossiensis.¹ Mr. Gavinus Hay, Aberdonensis. Mr. Jacobus Shaw, Moraviensis. Mr. Gordonus Roy, Moraviensis. Mr. Jacobus Fordyce, Banfiensis. Mr. Jacobus Longmore, Banfiensis. Mr. Joannes Balfour, Rossiensis. Mr. Jacobus McDonald, ex insula Vista.5 Mr. Joannes Cruickshank, Aberdon- ensis.6 Mr. Franciscus Nicoll, Moraviensis.7 1790. Februarii 19. R. Vir Joannes Grose, V. D. Minister in Arce seu Turri Londinensi. Rec. by Rev. Dr. John Free, formerly Principal of one of the Colleges of Oxford; and B. D. Free, M.A. (of this Univ.), Inns of Court. F.S.A. Hi juvenes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, promovente Jacobo Dunbar, LL.D. et P. P. Jacobus Leslie, Aberdonensis.8 Jacobus Lyon, Banfiensis. Martii 26. Jacobus Cruickshank, Banfiensis. David Sim, Aberdonensis.9 Martii 30. Donaldus Mackinnon, Skiensis. Gulielmus Munro, Cathanensis. Jacobus Pirie, Angusiensis. Johannes Ley, Aberdonensis. Alexander Nicolson, Skiensis.10 Donaldus McLean, Skiensis. Johannes Ord, Moraviensis. Gulielmus Cruikshank, Aberdonen- sis. Jacobus Smith, Banfiensis. Jacobus Gibson, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Bremmer, Aberdonensis. Gulielmus McBeath, Moraviensis. Gulielmus McIntosh, Moraviensis. Josephus Hughs, Londinensis. Jacobus Ogilvie, Aberdonensis. Gulielmus Volum, Aberdonensis. Gulielmus Taylor, Cathanensis. Johannes Ross, Moraviensis. Thomas Donald, Banfiensis. Jacobus Wallace, Aberdonensis. David Howe, Angusiensis. Robertus Stuart. Hethlandicus. Joannes Evans, Monumethensis. 1 Sch., Kinloss; Min., Cullen, Deskford (joined F. C.). Min., Kinore. + Min., Cromdale (? Grigor). 5 Min., Anstruther Wester. 3 Min., Birsay. 6 ❝ Min., Glass. 7 Min., Auchtertoul, Mains, S. Leonards; Prin., Un. Coll., S. And.; D.D., 1807. 8 Sch., Canisbay; Min., Enzie. 9 Sch., Monquhitter; Min., Ch. of E., Aberdeen. 10 Min., Barra. 262 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S college. 1791. Hi juvenes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, promo- vente Magistro Roderico MacLeod, Subprimario. Martii 30. Joannes Kennedy, Rossiensis.¹ Alexander Macleod, Sutherlandien- sis. Alexander Forsyth, Aberdonensis. Alexander Thom, Aberdonensis. Milcolumbus Macdonald, Inver- nessensis.2 Alexander Rose, Moraviensis.³ Jacobus Clark, Invernessensis. Joannes Patience, Rossiensis.4 Jacobus Milne, Merniensis.5 Joannes Lobban, Aberdonensis. Georgius Morison, Banfiensis. Ferdinandus Ellis, Aberdonensis." Franciscus Weir, e Cromar. Joannes Durward, de Aboyne. Joannes Reid, Moraviensis. Robertus Adam, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Maclauchlan, Invernessen- sis.7 Sept. 30. Reverendus Josephus Jefferson, parochia Sanctae Annae, Soho, Londi- nensis, Sacerdos vicarius et praelector. Rec. by Rev. Drs. Hugh Macleod, Glasgow, and Henry Whinfield, London. 1792. Feb. 14. Reverendus Gulielmus Woolley, a Sacris. Chaplain to Marshalsea. Rec. by Rev. John Grose, M.A., and B. D. Free, M.A., London. Hi juvenes ad lauream magisterialem admissi fuerunt, pro- movente Magistro Thoma Gordon, P. P. Martii 29. Alexander Donald, Banfiensis. Alexander Nicol, Aberdonensis. Arthurus Mitchell, Aberdonensis. Georgius Christie, Banfiensis. Georgius Thomson, Banfiensis.8 Gulielmus Bisset, Aberdonensis. Gulielmus Laurence, Banfiensis. 1 Min., Killearnan. 2 Min., Gigha. + Min., Oban, Ardnamurchan. 6 Sch., Forgue; Min., Culsalmond. Gulielmus Low, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Allan, ab Inverkeithnie." Jacobus Forbes, Banfiensis. Joannes Gordon, Banfiensis. Ludovicus Leslie, Aberdonensis. Robertus Ewen, Aberdonensis. 3 Min., Inverness; D.D., Edinb., 1825. 5 Sch., Arbuthnot; Min., Garvock, Arbuthnot. 7 Min., Gael. Ch., Edinb., Moy. "Min., Newhills. 8 Min., Fetteresso. Died 1862, senior graduate. MASTERS OF ARTS. 263 1793. Hi juvenes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Jacobo Dunbar, LL.D. et P. P. Martii 22. Johannes Davidson, Aberdonensis. Martii 29. Alexander Allardyce, Banfiensis.¹ Alexander Duncan, Banfiensis. Alexander Fowler, Aberdonensis. Carolus Calder, Banfiensis. Georgius Yeats, Londinensis (Sec- ret. officii navalis, Londin. Sept. 16, 1814). Gulielmus Johnston, Aberdonensis. Harveius Taylor, Anglus. Jacobus Anderson, Invernessensis. Jacobus Cordiner, Banfiensis(V.D.M. apud S. Paul, Sept. 16, 1814). 1794. Jacobus Milne, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Robertson, Banfiensis. Jacobus Rose de Geddes, Armig. Jacobus Strachan, Banfiensis. Johannes Christie, Banfiensis. Johannes Roughsedge, Londinen- sis. Petrus Roughsedge, Londinensis. Johannes Ward, Anglus. Robertus Jamieson, Moraviensis. Simon Fraser, Invernessensis.2 Petrus McArthur, Narniensis. Januarii 3. Magister Robertus Wilson, ex civitate Caroli Regis in Carolina Australi Americana. Rec. by Professors Gordon and Ogilvie. Hi juvenes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, promovente Magistro Roderico MacLeod, Subprimario. Martii 28. Alexander Skakel, Aberdonensis Jacobus Smith, Cathanesiensis." (Master of Royal Gram. School, Joannes Taylor, Banfiensis. Montreal, Lower Canada). Alexander Fiddes, Banfiensis. Georgius Addison, Aberdonensis.³ Josephus Duncan, de Cromar.4 Jacobus Cooper, Aberdonensis. Gulielmus Arbuckle, Invernessen- sis.5 1 Min., Forgue. Geddes Simpson, Rossiensis (a ). sugar-broker of S. Allanus McCaskill, ex insula de Sky. Jacobus Campbell, de Ardersier (Mercator apud Baltimore). Jacobus Grant, Banfiensis. GulielmusSivewright,Aberdonensis. 2 Sch., Avoch; Min., Kilmorack. 4 Min., Kilrenny. * Min., Glenisla, Auchterhouse, Liff; D.D., S. And., 1830. 5 Min., S. Uist, N. Uist. 6 Min., Canisbay. 264 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Aprilis 2. R. Joannes Clayton, Rector de Froome, S. Quinton, et Evershot in comitatu Dorsetensi. Rec. by eight graduates of Oxford and Cambridge. 1795. Hi juvenes laurea magisteriali ornati fuerunt, pro- movente Magistro Thoma Gordon, Philosophiae Professore. Martii 27. Mr. Alexander Fletcher, Mernien- Mr. Gulielmus Garioch, Aberdonen- sis. Mr. Alexander Spence, Banfiensis. Mr. Alexander Webster, Banfiensis. Mr. David Carment, Cathanesien- sis.1 Mr. David Reid, Aberdonensis. Mr. Duncanus Macgillivray, Inver- nessensis.2 sis. Mr. Jacobus Alexander, Banfiensis. Mr. Jacobus Somervaille, Angusi- ensis. Mr. Joannes Murray, Banfiensis. Mr. Joannes Thomson, Angusiensis. Mr. Joannes Wilson, Banfiensis. Mr. Josephus Todd, Merniensis. Mr. Petrus Fenton, Angusiensis. Novem. 7. Mr. Georgius Deason, Banfiensis. Eruditus Vir Georgius Mitchel. Rec. by Masters of Mar. Coll., where he studied. E. Vir Thomas Chevalier, Chirurgus, Londinensis. Rec. by Dr. Jenkins and Mr. Evans, graduates of the University, as an amiable, worthy man ". 1796. Hi juvenes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, pro- movente Gulielmo Jack, M.D. et P. P. Martii 26. Alexander Russel, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Paterson, Aberdonensis. Donaldus McLeod, Invernessensis. Georgius Longmore, Banfiensis. Gulielmus McRae, Rossiensis.3 Jacobus Barclay, Merniensis. Jacobus Grant, Banfiensis. Jacobus Ingram, Aberdonensis.* Jacobus Smith, Aberdonensis. Joannes Bisset, Aberdonensis. Joannes Duthie, Aberdonensis. Joannes Simpson, Banfiensis." Patricius Emslie, Aberdonensis. Philippus Prior, Londinensis. ¹ Min., Gael. Ch., Glasgow, Rosskeen (joined F. C.). 2 Min., Assynt, Lairg (joined F. C.). 3 Min., Barvas. 4 Min., Fetlar, Unst (joined F. C.); D.D., Glasg., 1864 5 Min., Delting, Stronsay. MASTERS OF ARTS. 265 Augusti 22. Gulielmus Blair, armiger (chirurgicae corporationis Londinensis socius), promovente Magistro McLeod, in absentia Doctoris Jack. Rec. by Rev. Dr. Joseph Jenkins and Thomas Chevalier, A.M. 1797. Hi juvenes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, promo- vente Magistro Roderico MacLeod, Subprimario. Martii 30. Alexander Grant, Banfiensis. Alexander Gun, Cathanesiensis.¹ Alexander McIntosh, Narniensis.2 Alexander McRobert, Aberdonensis. Cal (Coll) McDonald, N. Uist. David Inglis, Angusiensis.³ Gulielmus Rainy, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Bremner, Banfiensis. Joannes McDonald, Invernessen- sis.4 Joannes McKenzie, Rossiensis.5 Joannes Murdoch, Moraviensis. Joannes Strachan, Aberdonensis.6 Kennethus McAulay de Quebec. Robertus Marquis, Banfiensis. Rodericus McLean, Skiensis.7 Theodorus Rainy, Aberdonensis. Jonas Asplin, Anglus. Sept. 8. Had attended classes at Edinburgh for five years. 1798. Hi juvenes laurea magisteriali ornati fuerunt, promo- vente Magistro Roberto Eden Scot, Philosophiae P. Martii 29. Mr. Joannes Laing, Aberdonensis. Mr. Alexander Denoon, Inverness- ensis.8 Mr. Alexander McCaskill, Inver- nessensis. Aeneas Kennedy, Rossiensis." Duncanus McIntyre, Aberdonensis. Hugo Gordon, Aberdonensis. Mr. Jacobus Adam, Aberdonensis. ¹ Min., Watten. 2 Min., Amsterdam. Mr. Alexander Grant, Banfiensis. Mr. Jacobus Christie, Banfiensis. Mr. Georgius Alexander, Aberdon- ensis. Mr. Daniel McDonald, Banfiensis. Mr. Jacobus Glennie, Aberdonensis. Mr. Jacobus Paterson, Moravien- sis.10 5 Min., Lochcarron. 6 Bishop of Toronto; D. D., LL.D. 8 David in Album C. 3 Min., Leochel. 7 Sch., Portree; "Min., Lairg, Dornoch; F. C. + Min., Alvie. Min., South Uist. 10 Min., Birnie. LL 266 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S college. Mr. Jacobus Farquharson, Aber- Mr. Joannes Thom, Aberdonensis. Mr. Thomas Monro, Sutherlandien- donensis.1 Mr. Patricius Keith, Sutherlandien- sis. sis.2 Mr. Ludovicus Hill, Aberdonensis. Mr. Patricius McEwen, Inverness- Mr. Alexander McLeod, Suther- ensis. landiensis. 1799. Hi juvenes Artium Magistri renunciati fuere, promo- vente Gulielmo Jack, M.D. et P. P. Martii 28. Alexander Dingwall, Cromartiensis. Joannes Leslie. Alexander Falconer, Banfiensis. Alexander Skinner, Aberdonensis. Georgius Graham, Perthensis.3 Georgius Riddoch, Banfiensis. Gulielmus Fordyce, Aberdonensis. Gulielmus Gordon, Aberdonensis. Gulielmus Middleton, Aberdonen- sis. Gulielmus Peterkin, Moraviensis. Henricus Edmonston, Zetlandien- sis. Thomas Webb. Jacobus Grant, Moraviensis. Jacobus Stewart, Banfiensis. Joannes Craigie. Joannes Fraser, Invernessensis. Joannes Middleton, Aberdonensis. Joannes Sutherland, Aberdonensis. Petrus McIntyre, Invernessensis. Petrus Watt, Banfiensis. Robertus Forbes.4 Thomas Low, Aberdonensis. Robertus Copland, Aberdonensis. Dec. 24. Master of Cavendish Academy. Rec. by Rev. B. D. Free and Rev. J. Grosse, London. Bethune, Hector, Ross." Caie, Alexander, Aberdeen. 1800. 1 Sch. and Min., Alford; LL.D., 1837. 3 Min., Fossoway. March 27.5 Campbell, Colin, Aberdeen. Forbes, William, Aberdeen. 2 Sch., Alness; Min., Kiltearn. 4 Sch., Aberdeen; Min., Monymusk. The entries of Masters in Album C are continued down to the graduation of 1811, but the Regenting system terminated in 1800; and, as with Doctors of Medicine (supra, p. 144), it has been thought better to abandon here the Latin entries of the older volume. Cf. Inventory of Records in Preface. From 1800 to 1832, only the County of birth is recorded; from 1833 onwards, the Parish. Names of Honorary Graduates are taken from the Senatus Minutes. • Min., Alness, Dingwall. MASTERS OF ARTS. 267 George, Peter, Banff. Mann, William, Angus. Noble, Alexander, Inverness.³ Panton, William, Aberdeen. Scott, Robert, Banff.4 Smith, Alexander, Caithness. Sutherland, William, Sutherland.5 Thomson, James, Banff." Gordon, James, Banff. McLachlan, Ewen, Inverness.¹ 1 McRae, David, Nairn. Mitchell, James, Aberdeen. Nimmo, James, Aberdeen.2 1801. March 10. Cameron, Peter, Banff." Chalmers, William, Aberdeen. Abernethie, John, Fife. Allan, James, Banff. 8 Fraser, James, Inverness. March 30. Blagrove, John William, England. Fraser, Hugh, Inverness." Fraser, John, Aberdeen.10 Fraser, Robert, Inverness. McIntosh, Alexander, Inverness. McLean, Alexander, Inverness. McLean, Niel, Inverness.12 Monro, John, Ross.13 Ross, Donald, Ross.14 Smith, Neil, Inverness.15 Stuart, John, Moray. White, James, Banff. Fraser, Simon, Inverness. McCaskill, Hector, Inverness. McDonald, John, Caithness."1 December 21. Haigh, Thomas, Grammar School, Tottenham (Hon.). 1802. March 29. Bannerman, Edward, Aberdeen. Dow, William, Aberdeen. Falconer, Alexander, Sutherland.16 Falconer, William, Moray. ¹ Rect., Gram. Sch., Old Aberdeen. 4 Min., Glenbucket. 5 Missy., N. Amer. 7 Sch., Botriphnie. Gordon, James, Angus. Gordon, Theodore, Aberdeen.17 Logie, James, Moray.18 McCulloch, George, Ross. 2 Rect., Inverness Acad. ⁹ Min., Oban, Kilmore, Ardchattan; joined 10 Sch., Inverurie, Premnay; Min., Cluny. 12 Min., Small Isles, Tyree. 14 Min., Kilmuir, Rogart, Loth. 16 Min., Glenrinnes. 3 Sch., Glass. 6 Mast., Elgin Acad.; Min., Pluscarden. 8 Min., Bolton; joined F. C. F. C. · 11 Min., Edinburgh, Urquhart; F. C. 13 Min., Edinburgh, Halkirk; F. C. 15 Surg., R. N. 17 Surg. to the Forces. 18 Sch., Knockando. 268 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Pratt, William, Aberdeen. Rainie, James, Banff. Sim, James, Banff. Sim, William, Banff. Smith, William, Aberdeen. Wallace, George, Aberdeen. Rainie, John, Banff. Saunders, John, Aberdeen. 1803. March 1. Wood, Rev. John Morley, S. Bride's, London (Hon.). March 28. Alexander, George, Aberdeen.¹ Allan, Joseph, Banff. Allan, Robert, Ross.2 Beattie, Francis, Aberdeen.3 Bonniman, Andrew, Aberdeen.* Clark, John, Inverness." Daun, Robert, Aberdeen." Donald, William, Aberdeen.7 Gerard, John, Aberdeen." Grant, Peter, Inverness." McGillivray, Donald, Inverness.10 Adam, John, Aberdeen. McHardy, John, Aberdeen.¹¹ McLeod, Donald, Aberdeen.12 McLeod, John, Inverness. McPherson, Alexander, Ross.18 McRae, Alexander, Ross. Milne, James, Aberdeen.¹4 Milne, William, Aberdeen.15 Morrison, John, Zetland. Reid, John, Aberdeen. Tulloch, John, Caithness.16 Wood, Alexander, Ross.17 1804. March 30. Matheson, Charles, Ross.20 Mitchel, James, Aberdeen.21 Raeburn, Gordon, Aberdeen.22 Ketchen, James, Nairn.18 McBean, Donald, Inverness.19 April 2. Allan, James, Banff. Forbes, William, Aberdeen.24 Campbell, Alexander, Inverness. 23 Huiston, James, Inverness. Cruickshank, James, Banff. Б Ingram, Alexander, Aberdeen.25 3 Sch., Coldstone. Mast., Inverness Acad. 6 Dep. Inspec. Gen. Hosp. ¹ Sch., Brechin. 2 Min., Muckart, Little Dunkeld. 4 Rect., Fortrose Acad. 8 E.I.C.S. 7 Army. 11 Min., Logie-Coldstone. 9 Min., Kirkmichael. 10 Min., Lochgoilhead, Kilmalie. 12 E.I.C.S. 13 Rect., Tain Acad.; Min., Golspie; D.D. 16 Prof. of Math. 17 Min., Rosemarkie. 14 Min., Inverkeithnie. 15 Sch., Auldearn. 18 E.I.C.S. 19 Sch., Thurso. 21 M.D.; author of several works. 23 Mast., Inverness Acad.; Min., Dores, Croy. 20 Min., Edinb., Kilmuir Easter; F. C. 22 Sch., Keig. 24 Min., Corgarff. 25 Sch., Tough. MASTERS OF ARTS. 269 McKinnon, Donald, Inverness. McKinnon, John, Inverness.¹ Muil, Francis, Aberdeen. Shand, John, Banff.4 Thomson, James, Aberdeen.5 Tod, Robert, Moray. Wilson, James, Aberdeen." Murray, John, Aberdeen.2 Robertson, William, Aberdeen.³ October II. 6 Davies, Rev. Morgan, S. James, Westminster (Hon.). Adams, George, Aberdeen.8 Bayne, James, Aberdeen. 11 Birnie, Alexander, Banff." Calder, James, Inverness. Cassie, James, Aberdeen.10 Cassie, John, Aberdeen.¹ Clarke, John, Aberdeen.12 Denoon, James, Inverness.13 Flyter, Alexander, Moray.¹¹ 1805. March 29. Fraser, Colin, Ross.15 Gordon, Henry, Banff. McIver, John, Inverness.10 Milne, James, Aberdeen.17 Rankine, Thomas, Inverness. Ritchie, Joseph, Aberdeen. Souter, James, Aberdeen.18 Thain, Alexander, Aberdeen.19 Winton, William, Aberdeen. November 23. Fraser, William. 1806. March 18. Johnson, William Moore (Hon.). March 31. Barclay, Archibald, Zetland.20 Burnett, Thomas, Aberdeen.21 Chalmers, James, Aberdeen.22 Cowie, William, Banff. 23 Cruickshank, James, Banff. 24 Finlayson, Donald, Caithness. 25 1 Min., Sleat, Strath. 2 Sch., Cabrach. 5 Mast., Elgin Acad.; Min., Keith. 8 E.I.C.S. 9 Sch., Lumphanan. Fraser, Simon, Inverness. Gordon, John, Aberdeen.25 Grant, William, Inverness. 26 Grant, Suetonius, Moray. Gray, William, Aberdeen. Innes, Hector, Banff.27 3 Min., Carmylie. 6 E.I.C.S. 10 Min., Ord. 4 Sch., Oyne. 7 Sch., Strathdon. 11 Min., C. of G. H. 13 Sch., Ardersier; Min., Dunrossness, Kingarth, Rothesay. ¹¹ Sch., Fearn; Min., Rothesay, Alness; F. C. 15 Min., Kiltarlity. 17 Sch., Bellie. 12 Sch., Turriff. LL.D.; Sec., Hudson's Bay Co. 18 Min., Duirinish. 21 Min., Daviot. 26 Min., Kirkmichael, Duthill. 28 Sch., Mortlach; Min., Cabrach, Cairnie. 25 Army Surg. 22 16 Army. 19 Sch., Fyvie. 2 Min., West Indies. Min., Turriff, Fyvie; D.D. 27 Army. 270 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. 1 Leitch, Donald, Ross.¹ Ligertwood, Alexander, Aberdeen.2 Minty, Andrew, Aberdeen. Riach, Alexander, Aberdeen. Simpson, James, Nairn.³ Thom, Alexander, Kincardine. Urquhart, Alexander, Ross.¹ 1807. January 31. Clarke, Adam, Manchester (Hon.).5 March 30. Bain, Thomas, Inverness." Barclay, James, Aberdeen. Calder, Alexander, Inverness. Cooper, Keith, Aberdeen. Daun, William, Aberdeen. Gordon, John, Aberdeen.7 Holme, Thomas, Ross. McArthur, Alexander, Nairn.8 McBean, Alexander, Moray. McBean, Hugh, Inverness." McKenzie, George, Aberdeen.10 McKinnon, Archibald, Inverness. Merson, Peter, Aberdeen.11 Reid, Alexander, Aberdeen.12 Smith, James, Aberdeen.13 Smith, John, Aberdeen.14 Welsh, James, Angus.15 May II. Evans, Rev. David, Ch. of Eng. (Hon.). September II. Etherington, Rev. Thomas, London (Hon.). November 12. Burnett, John, of Kemnay. 1808. March 25. Anderson, James, Angus. Cordoner, James, Aberdeen.16 Forbes, Daniel, Sutherland.17 Forbes, Henry David,18 Aberdeen. 1 Min., Locharkaig. 5 LL.D. in March. "Min., Ardclach. Gerard, Alexander, Aberdeen. Grant, Duncan, Inverness.19 Grant, Francis, Inverness.20 McKenzie, Hugh, Sutherland.21 2 Adv., Aberdeen. 3 Sch., Nairn. 7 Min., Bolton. 6 Rect., Fortrose Acad. 10 Sch., Contin; Min., Skene. 12 Sch. and Min., Kildrummy. 15 Min., New Deer. 18 Of Balgownie. 20 Min., Dallas, Banff; F. C. 13 Sch., Glenmuick. 16 Sch., Gartly; Min., Forgue. 4 Sch., Forres. 8 E.I.C.S. 11 Mast., Elgin Acad. 14 Surg., R.N. 17 Army. 19 Min., Aberdeen, Alves, Forres; F. C. 21 M.D.; Min., Assynt, Clyne, Killin. MASTERS OF ARTS. 271 Milne, William, Banff.¹ Rannie, William, Banff.2 Reid, Roderick, Ross.3 Roger, Alexander, Aberdeen. Smith, John, Aberdeen. Webster, George, Aberdeen." 1809. March 31. Brichen, Alexander, Aberdeen. Davidson, George, Caithness.5 Dickinson, John, Aberdeen. Duff, William, Banff." Farquharson, John, Aberdeen.7 Grant, James, Nairn.8 Gray, James, Banff. Green, James, Banff.⁹ Gordon, George, Aberdeen. Gordon, John, Angus. Heard, James, Aberdeen. 10 Innes, Robert, Banff. Leslie, John, Aberdeen, of Powis.11 McBean, Aeneas, Inverness.12 Mackay, George, Caithness.13 McLean, John, Moray. 14 McIntyre, John, Inverness.15 McQueen, John, Nairn.16 Mitchell, Donald, Nairn.17 Moir, John, Aberdeen.18 Ogg, Robert, Aberdeen. Ross, John, Ross.19 Steinson, James, Banff.20 Walker, Francis, Aberdeen.21 Bradley, Charles, Wallingford (Hon.). July 8. September 19. 1810. March 30. Valpy, Rev. Edward, Berks (Hon.). Alexander, James, Aberdeen. Allan, Hector, Ross.22 Bethune, Matthew, Sutherland. Chree, James, Aberdeen.2 Donaldson, William, Nairn. Ewing, Alexander, Aberdeen.24 ¹ Sch., Grange. 2 Min., Bellie. 5 Min., Latheron; F. C. 6 E.I.C.S. 9 Sch., Cairnie. 10 Sch., Speymouth. 13 Min., Rafford; F. C.; D.D. 16 Rect., Fortrose Acad. 20 Sch., King-Edward. 22 Min., Kincardine; F. C. 25 Min., Meiklefolla. 27 Min., Farr; F. C. Gordon, George, Aberdeen. Grant, Charles, Aberdeen.25 Innes, John, Banff.26 Jack, William, Aberdeen. McKenzie, David, Sutherland.27 3 Min., Lochs. 7 M.D.; Min., Rathven. 11 Army. 12 Sch., Dores; 14 Sch., Knockando. 17 Missy., India. 18 Sch., Forres. 4 Sch., Forgue. 8 Min., Nairn. Min., Greenock. 15 Min., Glenlivet. 19 Sch., Fodderty. 21 Sch., Inveraven; Min., Glenlivet, Glenrinnes. 23 Sch., Inveraven. 24 Of Tartowie; M.D. 26 Sch., Rathven; Min., Ordiquhill, Fordyce. 272 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. McLeod, John, Aberdeen.¹ Merson, William, Aberdeen.2 Milne, James, Aberdeen. Milne, John, Aberdeen. Nicholson, John, Inverness.³ Rose, Lewis, Nairn.4 Smith, William, major, Forfar. Smith, William, minor, Moray. Souter, Alexander, Aberdeen. Thomson, James, Aberdeen. Thomson, Thomas, Banff. Torrie, Charles, Aberdeen. Watt, James, Aberdeen. Whyte, Alexander, Forfar.5 Walls, William', Inverness. July 14. Roy, William, Fulham (on Examination). July 19. Fell, Joseph, Birmingham (Hon.). 1811. January 22. Davidson, James, Dunfermline (Hon.). March 29. Brown, John, Banff. Daun, James, Aberdeen. Donaldson, Charles, Aberdeen.º Farsken, William, Banff. Forbes, Lewis, Banff." Forrest, John, Banff. Garioch, George, Aberdeen.8 Gauld, George, Aberdeen." Gerard, James, Aberdeen.10 Irvine, James, Aberdeen. McKenzie, Charles, Aberdeen. McKenzie, Hugh, Inverness.11 McKenzie, James, Aberdeen.12 1 E.I.C.S. 4 Min., Nigg, Glasgow, Tain. 6 Adv., Aberdeen. 8 Min., Meldrum; F. C. 2 Min., Crail. McLeod, Martin, Inverness. Masson, William, Aberdeen. Murray, John, Ross.13 Napier, Thomas, Tobago. Peter, Alexander, Aberdeen. Scott, George, Forfar. Smith, Adam, Aberdeen.14 Stronach, James, Banff. Tulloch, Alexander, Caithness.15 Webster, John, Banff.16 Weir, David, Angus. Wilson, John, Aberdeen. 3 Min., Steinscholl. 5 Sch., Auchterhouse; Min., Fettercairn. 7 Min., Boharm; Mod. of Gen. Ass.; 11 Min., Gaelic Ch., Aberdeen; F.C. 14 Sch., Belhelvie; Min., Towie. 9 Mast., Dundee Acad. 12 Sch., Auldearn. 15 Min., Kirkmichael; F. C. D.D., Mar. Coll. 10 Surg., E.I.C.S. 13 Min., Resolis. 16 Sch., Forglen. MASTERS OF ARTS. 273 July 17. Nash, Fulham (on Examination). 1812. March 28. Barclay, Thomas, Zetland.¹ Barnett, James, Aberdeen. Clark, John, Inverness. Collie, Alexander, Aberdeen. Cumine, Alexander, Aberdeen.2 Duguid, William, Aberdeen.³ Findlay, George, Caithness. Forbes, Jonathan, Aberdeen.* Fraser, Hugh, Inverness." Fraser, John, Inverness." Garioch, James, Aberdeen." Gordon, George Huntly, Banff.8 Gordon, James, Moray. Gordon, James, Aberdeen. Johnson, George, Aberdeen. McKenzie, John, Ross.9 McKenzie, John. McLean, George Gordon, Nairn.10 McLeod, Roderick, Aberdeen. McRae, Findlay, Ross.11 Malcolm, William, Aberdeen.12 Nicol, John, Aberdeen.13 Norrie, Charles, Aberdeen.14 Robertson, George, Aberdeen. Tawse, Alexander, Aberdeen.15 Wiseman, William, Banff. August 1. Williams, Rev. Thomas Edwards, Reading (Hon.). 1813. January 6. Exley, Thomas, Bristol (Hon.). April 26. Adam, Robert, Aberdeen.16 Adam, William, Aberdeen.17 Adams, Francis, Aberdeen.18 Adams, George, Aberdeen. Anderson, John, Aberdeen. Baillie, George, Inverness.19 Bethune, Walter, Sutherland. Clark, Alexander, Inverness.20 Clark, Charles, Ross. Dunbar, William, Inverness.21 Fraser, Alexander, Aberdeen.22 ¹ Min., Dunrossness, Lerwick, Currie; Prin., Univ., Glasgow; D.D. 2 Insp.-Gen. of Hosp. 3 Mast., Elgin Acad.; Min., Glass; D.D. 4 Army. 5 Sch., Kirkhill. 6 Sch., Tomintoul. 7 Min., Strachan. 8 Sir W. Scott's Amanuensis. 9 Min., Rogart, Resolis. 10 Prof., Orient. Lang., Mar. Coll. 12 Sch., Echt. 13 Planter, Jamaica. 16 Sch., Banchory Devenick. 18 LL.D.; M.D.; author of Arundines Devae, etc. 20 Sch., Alves; Min., Inverness. 14 Sch., Insch. 21 Min., Nova Scotia. MM 11 Min., North Uist. 15 Surg., E.I.C.S. 17 Adv., Aberdeen. 19 Surg., E.I.C.S. 22 Adv., Aberdeen. 274 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Garden, Alexander, Aberdeen.¹ Grant, William, Moray. Hill, John, Arbroath. Inkson, Thomas, Moray." McBean, John, Inverness. McKenzie, John, Inverness.3 McKenzie, William, Inverness.¹ McRae, Alexander, Inverness. Moore, Robert, Ross." Ogg, John, Aberdeen. Philip, George, Aberdeen. Rose, Charles, Inverness." Ross, Alexander, Inverness.7 Smith, Alexander, Banff.8 Smith, James, Angus.⁹ Thomson, Andrew, Aberdeen." Walker, James, Angus.11 Wood, William, Moray. December 23. Allen, Rev. William, Newbury (Hon.). 10 1814. March 25. Begrie, Charles, Aberdeen.12 Bird, James, Aberdeen. 13 Caie, Thomas, Aberdeen.14 Cameron, Alexander, Inverness.15 Clark, James, Sutherland.16 Clark, Robert, Sutherland. 17 Finlayson, John, Ross.¹ Forrest, William, Aberdeen. Fyvie, Charles, Aberdeen. 19 Gall, James, Aberdeen. Gerard, William, Aberdeen.20 18 Allan, William, Aberdeen. Lees, John, Ross.21 Machar, John, Angus.22 MacKey, Alexander, Aberdeen. Milne, Barron, Aberdeen. Munro, Alexander, Sutherland. Ogg, Charles, Aberdeen.24 Rannie, John, Aberdeen.25 Robb, James, Angus. Robertson, James, Aberdeen. Roy, Robert, Inverness.26 Urquhart, Hugh, Ross.27 1815. March 31. Beattie, Joseph, Aberdeen.28 1 Surg., E.I.C.S. 2 M.D.; West Indies. 4 Sch., Old Aberdeen. 9 E.I.C.S. 8 Sch., Rothiemay. 5 Sch., Avoch. 12 Mast. of an Academy, Woolwich. 15 Rect., Tain Acad.; Min., Eddertoun. 3 Min., Williamston, Canada. 6 Sch., Rosskeen. 7 Min., Ullapool. 10 Sch., Aboyne. 13 E.I.C.S.; Phys.-Gen. 11 Min., Muthil. 14 Min., Stirling. 16 Surg., E.I.C.S. 17 Sch., Edderachylis, Tongue; Min., Aberdeen, Glasgow, Kinlochbervie. 18 Min., Cromarty. 21 Min., Stornoway. 19 Ep. Min., Inverness. 22 Min., Kingston, Canada; D.D. 24 Sch., Banchory; Min., Inverallochy. 23 20 Min., Stracathro. 23 Min., Amsterdam. 25 Sch., Walls. 26 W.S. 27 Mast., Inverness Acad.; Min., Cornwall, Canada. 28 Sch., Leslie. MASTERS OF ARTS. 275 Craigie, William, Aberdeen. Esson, Alexander, Aberdeen.¹ Fraser, David, Ross.2 Glass, William, Banff.3 Hay, Francis, Banff.4 Inglis, Patrick, Banff. Lyon, Robert, Banff.5 Macaulay, Donald, Ross. McGillivray, William, Aberdeen." McIntyre, John, Inverness." 1816. Allan, George, Aberdeen.15 Anderson, Archibald, Inverness.16 Bethune, John, Inverness.17 Braick, Alexander, Aberdeen. Bransby, Alexander, Aberdeen.18 Buchan, Thomas, Aberdeen. Campbell, Murdoch, Ross.19 Clark, James, Aberdeen.20 Davidson, George, Aberdeen. Grant, David, Moray.21 Grassick, John, Aberdeen.22 Imlay, Alexander, Aberdeen. Irvine, Alexander, Aberdeen. McConnoch, Hugh, Aberdeen.23 McIver, Farquhar, Ross. McKenzie, Colin, Ross. 8 12 McLeod, Lewis Chas., Inverness." McLeod, Roderick, Inverness.10 Mann, John, Aberdeen.11 Middleton, Robert, Aberdeen.¹ Provan, Joseph, Aberdeen. Robertson, William, Ross.13 Simpson, Robert, Angus.¹4 March 30. , • McIntyre, John, Aberdeen.24 McIver, Alexander, Inverness.25 McKay, John, Aberdeen. McLeod, Hugh, Sutherland. Murray, James, Kincardine. Paterson, Alexander, Aberdeen.26 Rannie, Forbes, Aberdeen. Reid, Alexander, Aberdeen.27 Skinner, William, Ross.28 Smith, John, Banff. Stewart, Donald, Aberdeen. Urquhart, Alexander, Ross. 29 Will, Andrew, Aberdeen.30 December 2. Scott, Rev. Hew, East Lothian (Hon.).31 1 Sch., Birse. 2 Min., Rothesay, Dores, Nigg (Ross). 3 Chapl., Fort-George. 4 Sch., Belhelvie. 7 Min., Glenshiel. 5 Sch., Lockerbie. 6 Prof., Nat. Hist., Mar. Coll. 8 Min., Shieldag; F. C., Arrochar. 9 M.D.; E.I.C.S. 11 Sch., Premnay. 10 Min., Bracadale, Snizort; F. C.; Mod., F. C. Gen. Ass. 12 Sch., Slains. 14 Min., Kintore; F. C.; D.D. 15 Min., Brompton. 16 Min., Crathie. 17 Min., Bernera. 18 Mast., Elgin Acad. 19 F. C. 23 Sch., Alford. 20 Sch., Daviot. 13 Min., Rosehall. 21 Missy., India. 22 Sch., Kincardine O'Neil. 24 Min., Kilmonivaig; LL.D. 26 Sch., Bervie. 29 Min., Newburn; D.D. 27 Sch., Banff. 30 Sch., New Pitsligo. 25 Sch., Glenelg; Min., Sleat, Dornoch. 28 Chapl., Fort-George. 31 Min., Anstruther Wester; compiler of Fasti Eccl. Scot. 276 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1817. March. Bayne, Charles John, Inverness.¹ Forbes, John, Aberdeen.² Grant, Francis Willian, Inverness. Grant, Lewis, Inverness. Grassick, Donald, Aberdeen. Lamb, Andrew, Perth. Leith, Harry, Aberdeen.3 в McLean, Alexander, Caithness. Morison, James, Ross. Porter, Francis, Aberdeen. Primrose, Thomas, Banff. Ramsay, John, Aberdeen." Simpson, Alexander, Ross. Smith, James, Aberdeen.8 Taylor, William, Aberdeen. Todd, Andrew, Banff." Wink, John, Moray.10 McDonald, David, Ross. McKenzie, Allan, Ross.* McKenzie, Duncan, Aberdeen.5 June 25. Forsyth, Alexander, Halifax, N. S. (Hon.). July 16. Sutcliff, Rev. Joseph, Deptford (Hon.). December 31. Horne, Rev. Thomas Hartwell, London (Hon.).11 Angus, George, Aberdeen. Arbuckle, John, Inverness. Beattie, Andrew, Aberdeen. Brown, Ebenezer, London. Brown, William, Forfar. Cameron, John, Inverness.¹ 12 1818. March. Campbell, William, Inverness.13 Chisholm, Donald, Inverness.14 Edward, George, Aberdeen. Gunn, Thomas, Caithness.15 Kirkland, George, Forfar. McIntosh, James, Ross. McLennan, John, Ross. 1 Min., Fodderty. 4 Sch., Stornoway; Min., Knockbain. 7 Edit., Aberdeen Journal. McLeod, Roderick, Inverness. McQueen, William, Inverness. Miller, John, Nairn. Morrice, James, Kincardine. Morrison, John, Banff. Reid, John, Aberdeen. Scott, John, Aberdeen. Scott, William, Aberdeen. Smith, James, Aberdeen.16 Walker, James, Aberdeen. Williamson, Robert, Ross.17 Wilson, John, Aberdeen.18 2 Sch., Glenbucket. 5 Ep. Min., Inverness. 8 Min., Monquhitter. 10 Sch., Grantown; Min., Knockando. 11 Author of Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures. 3 Min., Rothiemay. 6 Min., Kintail. ⁹ Sch. and Min., Alvah; D.D. 12 Min., Stornoway, Eddertoun. 13 Min., Coull. 14 Min., Boleskine. 15 Sch., Latheron; Min., Keiss; F. C., Madderty. 16 Sch., Tullynessle. 17 Min., Croick, Knockbain. 18 Min., Premnay. MASTERS OF ARTS. 277 Pears, John (Hon.).¹ 1819. January 30. March. Bremner, Alexander, Banff. Brown, Archibald, Aberdeen. Bruce, Alexander, Aberdeen. Bruce, William, Aberdeen. Cruickshank, William, Aberdeen.2 Davidson, Thomas, Inverness.3 Denoon, David, Inverness. Forbes, James, Caithness. Gordon, Donald, Sutherland.4 Gunn, Adam, Caithness. Johnston, George, Banff.5 McDonald, Alexander, Caithness. McKenzie, John, Ross. McLeod, Donald, Moray." Mann, Alexander, Aberdeen.7 Milne, George, Aberdeen. Milne, James, Banff. Simpson, Charles, Banff. Smith, James, Aberdeen. Stuart, Alexander, Banff. Sutherland, Donald, Ross. Webster, William, Banff.8 December 12. Duncan, Rev. John, Hampstead Heath (Hon.). Adam, George, Banff. Allan, Andrew, Aberdeen." Allan, John, Ross. Anton, John, Banff. Brown, James, Aberdeen. Brown, John, Aberdeen.10 Eddie, John, Moray.¹¹ 1820. March. Fraser, John, Moray. Grassick, Charles, Aberdeen. Henderson, William, Caithness. Lillie, William, Aberdeen.12 McDougal, Charles, Inverness. Pratt, John Burnett, Aberdeen.18 Robertson, Duncan, Banff. April 28. Dodd, Richard, Titchfield (Hon.). December 29. Kidston, James Smith (Hon.). ¹ Min., Dutch Church, Cape of Good Hope. 3 Sch., Dores; Min., Kilmalie; F. C. 5 B.D.; Min., Barnstaple. 8 Sch., Rothiemay. 11 Gov., And. Instn., Elgin. Sch., Ordiquhill. 4 Min., Store, Eddertoun; F. C. 6 M.D.; E.I.C.S. 7 Min., Pakenham, Canada. 9 Sch., Culsalmond. 13 Ep. Min., Cruden; author of Buchan; LL.D. 10 Min., Sc. Ch., Rotterdam. 12 Min., Wick. 278 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. 1821. March 30. Anderson, George, Aberdeen. Brown, Archibald, Aberdeen.¹ Cameron, Francis, Aberdeen.2 Chapman, Alexander, Aberdeen.³ Coutts, James.* Cowie, Alexander, Aberdeen.5 Cruickshank, George, Aberdeen.º Cruickshank, John, Banff.7 Ellis, Archibald, Inverness. Farquharson, Patrick, Aberdeen.Ⓡ Forbes, Francis, Aberdeen.º Inglis, Robert, Angus.10 McIntosh, Charles, Ross.1 Riddoch, George, Banff.12 May 3. Mortimer, Thomas, Southwark (Hon.). 11 August. Scott, Hercules, Kincardine.13 October 6. Lawrence, Rev. George, Bayswater (Hon.). October 16. Small, Rev. Henry, S. Albans (Hon.). December 21. Wilson, Samuel Mitchell, Streatham (Hon.). 1822. January 1. Innes, James Rose.14 January 19. Memes, John.15 Coates, Rev. John, Almondbury (Hon.). Clark, Daniel, Inverness.16 Forbes, Benjamin, Aberdeen. 1 Min., Or. Sec., Edinburgh. + Min., Sc. Ch., Sydney. 7 Min., Turriff; D.D. March. Fraser, Andrew, Inverness.17 Grant, James, Inverness.18 2 Rect., Charlton; D.D. Б 5 Sch., S. John's Wood. 8 Sch., New Deer. 10 Sch., Lochlee; Min., Lochlee, Edzell; F. C. 13 Prof., Mor. Phil., Incorp.; LL.D. 3 Min., Millbrex. 6 Sch., Inverurie. 9 Min., S. Luke's, British Guiana. 11 F. C., Dunoon; D.D. 12 Sch., Elie. 14 Supt.-Gen. Educ., Cape of Good Hope; LL.D. 10 Min., Hamilton; LL.D. 10 Min., Finch, Canada. 17 Min., Oyne. 18 Min., Cromdale. Published by James Johnston Aberdeen G. Smith Del Eng by J Swan Glasgow KINGS COLLEGE OLD ABERDEEN. MASTERS OF ARTS. 279 Henderson, William, Aberdeen.¹ Irvine, Alexander, Aberdeen.2 Jenkins, James, Moray.3 4 Paul, William, Aberdeen." Primrose, Robert, Edinburgh. Ronald, William, Aberdeen.10 Thomson, George, Aberdeen.11 Wilson, George, Banff.12 Williamson, David, Banff. Young, James, Moray.13 Knox, Francis, Aberdeen. Low, James, Aberdeen.5 McGregor, Daniel, Banff." McKenzie, John, Ross." McKilligan, William, Banff.8 April 23. Guy, Rev. Thomas, Howden, Yorks (Hon.). July 8. Langley, Rev. John, Shrewsbury (Hon.). October 17. Wass, Rev. William, Darton, Yorks (Hon.). December 7. Johnson, Rev. H., Halston, Wilts (Hon.). 1823. January 14. Mitchell, John, Squirrel Hall, Yorks (Hon.). Anderson, Andrew, Aberdeen. Bremner, Robert, Moray.¹4 Cruickshank, James, Aberdeen.15 Edmond, Francis, Aberdeen.16 Fiddes, Robert, Aberdeen.17 Kirton, James, Aberdeen. Louson, David R., Angus.18 March. Lucas, William, Kent.19 McKenzie, William, Angus. McRae, Donald, Ross.20 McRae, Farquhar, Ross.21 Mearns, James, Aberdeen.22 Menzies, David, Kincardine.28 1 Min., Newcastle, New Brunswick. 3 Mast., Elgin Acad.; Min., Aboyne. ❝ Sch., Walton. 6 "Min., Dunottar, Peterhead, Crimond; D.D. 7 Min., • Sch. and Min., Tarves. Cromarty, Rosskeen. 9 " Min., Banchory Devenick; D.D. 10 Sch., Cabrach. 5 Adv., Aberdeen. 8 Min., Kildonan. 11 Min., Macnab, Canada. 12 Sch., Alves. 13 Sch., Dallas. 14 Min., Banff; LL.D. 15 Sch., Glass; Min., Mortlach. 16 Adv., Aberdeen; Legal Adviser to Univ.; LL.D. 17 Min., Kinellar. 18 Min., Carlisle. 19 Staff-Surg., Army. 20 Sch., Applecross; Min., Poolewe; F. C., Tarbert, Kilmory. 23 F. C. Min., Glasgow. 21 Min., F. C., Knockbain. 22 Sch., Bourtie. 280 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Morrison, Alexander, Banff.¹ Murray, Allan, Ross. Panton, Andrew, Aberdeen. Shand, Robert, Aberdeen.' Taylor, Walter Ross, Cromarty.2 Thom, Adam, Angus.³ Ross, Hugh, Moray. July 23. Hayward, Rev. William (Hon.). August 16. Whately, John, M.D. Edinb. (Hon.). Bailey, Rev. P. (Hon.). 1824. January. McGregor, Daniel. January 27. Gourrien, Francis B. (Hon.). Edmonson, Rev. Jonathan, Rochester (Hon.). Allan, Richard [?], Bath (Hon.). Allan, Hugh, Aberdeen.¹ Anderson, Ralph, Moray.5 Bisset, John, Aberdeen. Brander, Alexander, Moray." Brown, Colin, Argyle. February 4. March. Henderson, Alexander. McCallum, John.9 Cruickshank, Robert, Aberdeen." Duncan, Andrew, Moray. Fraser, David, Ross. Gair, Walter, Cromarty. Grant, James, Banff. 1 Sch., Inverkeithnie. 3 Judge, Rupert's Land; LL.D. 6 Min., Duffus; D.D. McDonald, John, Ross.10 McMillan, John, Argyle." Malcolm, Andrew, Aberdeen.12 Peter, James, Aberdeen.13 Philip, Colin, Aberdeen.¹ Russel, Thomas, Moray. Russel, William, Moray. Simpson, James, Moray.15 14 2 Hutton Prize; Min., Thurso; F. C.; D.D. 4 Min., Ch. of Eng., Wilts. 5 Ep. Min., Old Deer. 7 Sch., Dyce. 8 Sch., Inverness. 10 Hutton Prize; Missy., Calcutta. 9 Min., Ch. of Eng., Hudson's Bay. 11 Min., Ep. Ch., Dunkeld. 12 Sch., Cushnie. 14 Adv., Aberdeen. 13 Sch., Culsalmond; Min., Leslie. 15 Sch., S. Andrews. MASTERS OF ARTS. 281 Smith, William, Aberdeen. Stephen, William, Banff. Stuart, Donald, Ross.¹ Stuart, James, Moray.2 Whyte, David, Angus. Williamson, George, Cromarty. Woodford, Edward, Aberdeen.³ Young, Robert Ogston, Aberdeen.4 April 2. Brewster, Rev. William R., Crosscrake (Hon.). Jones, Rev. Thomas, Norwich (Hon.). Wass, Rev. Samuel, Mirfield (Hon.). July 22. August 16. Mackenzie, Rev. John, Deptford (Hon.). August 31. Masson, Edward.5 October 7. Blakely, Rev. Thomas, Rotherham (Hon.). 1825. March. Campbell, Duncan, Inverness." Crabbe, James, Kincardine." Crawford, Charles, Banff. Dewar, Patrick, Nairn. Elmslie, Leith, Aberdeen. Fotheringham, James, Orkney. Gillies, Robert, Angus. Grant, John, major, Banff. 8 Milne, James, Banff. Mitchell, James, Angus. Munro, James, Angus. Primrose, John, Edinburgh. Reid, Duncan, Aberdeen. Scott, William, Aberdeen. Stewart, Colin, Ross.11 Taylor, Alexander, Kincardine.12 Thomson, Charles Grant, Aber- deen. Trail, Samuel, Aberdeen.13 April 11. Kennedy, Donald, Ross. Lawrie, William, Angus." Legg, George, Aberdeen.10 Garratt, Rev. Thomas, Altcar (Hon.). ¹ Min., F. C., Cromar. 4 + Min., Fortrose. 8 Min., Caerlaverock. 11 Min., Glengairn. 3 2 Min., Abernethy. H.M. Insp. Sch.; Chancellor's Assessor; LL.D. 5 Attorney-Gen., Greece. 6 Min., Berrow. 9 Ep. Min., Canada. 10 7 Min., N. Yell. Cong. Min., Leicester; D.D. 12 Min., Leochel Cushnie; D.D. 13 Hutton Prize; Min., Birsay; Prof. of Div.; Mod. of Gen. Ass.; LL.D., D.D. NN 282 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. May 3. Barnes, Rev. William, Richmond (Hon.). Forbes, Benjamin (Hon.). October 14. Heap, Rev. Henry, Bradford (Hon.). Sim, Octavius C., Brompton Beeslaw, Yorks (Hon.). 1826. January 3. MacQuin [?], Rev. William M., London (Hon.). Taylor, James, Yorks (Hon.). Somerville, Alexander. February 22. Angus, Alexander, Aberdeen. Campbell, John, Inverness. Cheves, Thomas Best, Aberdeen. Christie, Dugald, Aberdeen. Christie, John, Aberdeen. Cruden, James, Aberdeen.¹ Cumming, John, Aberdeen.2 Davidson, Alexander, Moray.3 Falconer, Hugh McRae, Moray.* 4 Fraser, Alexander, Inverness. Hogg, James, Aberdeen. Kennedy, John, Ross.5 Ingram, James, Aberdeen." Innes, William, Ross. Jamieson, William, Banff." Leith, Andrew Henderson, deen. ¹ Sch., Deer; Min., Gamrie. 3 Min., Northesk, N. Leith. 6 Min., Fala, Dunblane. March. Low, James, Forfar.8 McDonald, John, Inverness. McLeod, Hugh, Sutherland." Mearns, George, Aberdeen. Milne, John, Aberdeen.10 Mutch, William, Aberdeen. Noble, John, Inverness.11 Reid, Alexander, major, Banff.12 Reid,Alexander,minor, Kincardine.¹ Robertson, James, Perth.14 Ross, William, Ross. 13 Strahan, William Dovertie, Forfar.15 Tayler, William James, Banff.16 Walker, William Panton, Aberdeen. Wallace, James. Aber- Wilson, William, Fife. Min., Sc. Ch., London; Writer on Prophecy; D.D. • Mast., Inverness Acad. 7 Brit. Chapl., Amsterdam. 5 Min., F. C., Rosehall. 8 Min., Victoria. 9 Sch., Tongue; Min., Edinburgh, Logie Easter; F. C., Sydney (Nova Scotia). 10 Prin. of Dollar Acad.; LL.D. 11 Rect., Tain Acad.; Min., Fodderty; F. C. 12 Min., Portsoy; F. C. 13 Sch., Arbuthnot. 14 Rec., Wilmot, Nova Scotia; LL.D. 15 Gov., Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen. 16 Lincoln's Inn. MASTERS OF ARTS. 283 April 3. Bennett, George, High Wycombe (Hon.). Cuthil, J. November I. Sharp, Rev. T., Woolwich (Hon.). Henderson, William.¹ November 27. 1827. January 30. Angus, Alexander (Hon.). March 3. Wilson, William Scott.2 Laurie, William. Anderson, John, Aberdeen.3 Beaton, William, Inverness. Bruce, James, Aberdeen. Cassie, John, Aberdeen.4 Catto, William, Aberdeen. Clapperton, John, Dumfries.5 Forbes, John, Perth. March 31. Gardner, Alexander, Aberdeen." Gordon, William Grant, Moray. Henderson, Alexander, Angus.7 Irvine, John, Aberdeen. McPherson, Robert, Forfar.10 McPherson, Thomas, Ross.11 McTaggart, David, Angus.12 Martin, Andrew, Aberdeen. Morgan, John, Aberdeen.13 Murray, Peter, Moray.¹ Reith, John, Kincardine. Rhind, Alexander, Moray.16 14 Roger, John Morrice, Aberdeen.16 Roger, Walter, Aberdeen. Smith, James, Aberdeen.17 Lambton, Stephen, Norfolk. McGregor, Alexander, Inverness." McIntosh, Allan, Inverness. 8 Smith, James, Aberdeen.18 Whyte, George, Aberdeen. 1 Ep. Min., Arbroath. 2 4 Min., U. P. Ch., Porthope, Canada. 7 Ep. Min., Hamilton. 8 W.S. 10 Hutton Prize; Prof. of Div.; D.D. 12 Min., Greyfriars, Aberdeen, Glasgow; D.D. 14 Sch., Spynie; Min., Portsoy. 3 E.I.C.S. 6 Min., Fergus, Ontario. 9 Min., Kilmuir, Edinburgh, Inverness. 16 Min., F. C., Peterborough (Canada). 17 Sch., Keith. 11 Min., Lancaster, Canada. 13 Min., Lerwick. 15 Min., F. C., Knockando. 18 Min., Ladhope, Ellon. Bishop of Glasgow; LL.D. 5 Army. 284 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Dunbar, James. Ellis, William.¹ Torrie, Robert. Buchan, Peter.2 April 7. June 26. September 6. Allan, Alexander.3 1828. March. Bremner, Thomas, Aberdeen. Copland, John, Angus.* Cruickshank, Alexander, Aberdeen. Cruickshank, James, Aberdeen. Dean, John (cl. 1827), Moray. Dempster, James, Banff.5 Duff, Robert, Banff. Farquhar, Alexander, Aberdeen. Grant, William, Banff. McKenzie, Peter, Ross." Mathieson, John, Inverness.8 Mearns, Alexander, Aberdeen. Adam, David, Kincardine. Adam, Robert, Kincardine.17 Blake, John G., Aberdeen. Downie, Alexander, Ross.18 Forbes, James, Aberdeen. 19 Nicol, George, Aberdeen. Ogilvie, William, Banff." Robertson, William, Moray.10 Ross, Robert, Edinburgh."¹ Simpson, Thomas, Ross.12 Tait, John, Aberdeen.13 Taylor, John, Banff.¹4 15 Walker, James, Aberdeen.¹ Watt, William, Kincardine.16 Wilson, George, Banff. Wilson, James, Aberdeen. Young, James, Kincardine. 1829. March. Gordon, James, Aberdeen.20 Grant, Hugh, Ross. Grant, William, Nairn.21 Gunn, James, Nairn. Gurbs, Stephen, Surrey.22 1 Sch., Caistor; LL.D. 2 Min., U. P. Ch., Holm. 4 Mast., And. Institution, Forres. 7 Min., Urquhart; D.D. 10 Min., Swellendam; D.D. 12 Hutton Prize; Arctic Traveller. 14 Ep. Min., Cumineston. 17 Adv., Aberdeen. 20 M.D., Old Aberdeen. 5 Sch., Rothes. 8 Min., Ardersier. 3 Min., Ch. of Eng., London. • Min., All Saints, Berbice. 9 Sch., Dyke. 11 Apoth., Old Aberdeen. 13 Cong. Min., Blairgowrie, Newport. 16 Sch., Durris; Min., Foveran. 19 Min., F. C., Cluny. 15 Min., Clatt. 18 M.D.; Kt.; Frankfort. 21 Min., F. C., Ayr. 22 Hutton Prize. MASTERS OF ARTS. 285 Largue, James, Banff.¹ McAskill, Malcolm, Inverness. McKenzie, John R., Inverness.² McKenzie, Ninian, Ross. McWatt, Charles, Nairn.3 Munro, John, Moray.* Murray, George, Aberdeen. Richardson, William, Perth. Russell, James, Moray.5 Sivewright, John, Aberdeen. Stuart, Alexander, Aberdeen. Tayler, James G., Banff." Thomson, James, Banff." Gordon, Alexander.8 Grant, William. November 2. 1830. February 18. March 27. Tulloch, George, Caithness." Campbell, John. Aird, Gustavus, Ross.10 Cargill, David, Angus.¹¹ Clunes, John, Nairn. Cruickshank, George, Aberdeen.12 Fraser, Colin, Ross.13 April. Fraser, Simon, minor, Inverness.14 Greig, James, Aberdeen.15 Hepburn, George, Banff.16 Jaffray, James, Aberdeen.17 Kennedy, Donald, Ross.18 McDonald, Donald, Inverness.19 1 Sch., Marnoch; Rect., Fordyce Acad. ³ Ed., Nairn Mirror. 6 Barrister, London. McKenzie, Colin, Ross.20 McKenzie, William, Ross.21 Millar, John, Aberdeen. Milne, David, Kincardine.22 Milne, Nicolson, Angus. Mitchell, James, Aberdeen.23 Polson, William, Aberdeen.29 Ross, James, Aberdeen. Ross, Thomas, Ross. Smith, John, Banff.2 Stewart, William, Aberdeen. 25 24 2 Presb. Min., Birmingham; D.D. 5 Sch., Knockando. 8 Cong. Min., Walsall; LL.D. 9 Class of 1820; Bellevue House Acad., Aberdeen; LL.D. 10 F. C. Min., Creich; D.D. 13 Min., Strathglass. 4 Silcoats Acad.; LL.D. 7 Min., Gartly. 11 Missy., Africa. 14 Min., F. C., Fortrose. 16 Hutton Prize; Sch., Boyndie. 18 Min., Newark; F. C., Killearnan. 12 Adv., Aberdeen. 15 Min., Chapel of Garioch. 17 Min., Meldrum. 19 Min., Inverness; D.D. 20 Sch., Knockbain; Min., Petty, Contin. 21 M.D.; E.I.C.S. 22 Sch., Fintray. 23 Surg., R.N. 24 Min., Wemyss. 25 Sch., Peterculter. 286 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. April 23. Souter, James.¹ July 28. Bailey, Rev. R. R., London (Hon.). August 7. Meeres, Nathaniel Enfield (Hon.). 1831. March. Bethune, Aeneas, Ross.2 Christie, James, Aberdeen. Collie, Thomas, Moray. Cruickshank, Brodie, Aberdeen.3 Duncan, James, Aberdeen. Duff, James, Banff.ª Findlater, Eric John, Sutherland.5 Flockhart, Alexander, Aberdeen." Fraser, Charles, Inverness. Grigor, John, Banff. Imray, John, Inverness. Innes, Francis William, Banff." Jack, Andrew, Aberdeen. Lendrum, Alexander, Aberdeen.8 Logie, Charles, Moray. McDonald, John, Ross." McIntosh, James, Nairn.10 McIntosh, William, Nairn. McKenzie, John C., Inverness. McPherson, John, Banff.11 McPherson, Robert, Moray. Malcolm, James, Aberdeen.12 Mitchell, Alexander, Aberdeen. Myers, Alexander, Forfar. 13 Newlands, James, Banff.14 Nicholson, Kutusoff, Ross. Penman, James F., Aberdeen. Russell, Alexander, Ross.15 Shand, William A. C., Lombardy. Stephen, John, Aberdeen.16 Topp, Alexander, Moray.17 Young, John, Kincardine. April 14. Thomson, William, M.R.C.S., Edinburgh (Hon.). McCauley, Duncan (Hon.). 1 Min., Borthwick. 4 Min., Methil. 7 Surg., Army. 10 Min., Deskford. November 19. 2 Ep. Min., Durham. 5 Min., F. C., Balquhidder. 12 S.S.C. 8 Ep. Min., Crieff. 11 Sch., Mortlach. 14 Min., S. Clement's, Aberdeen. 16 Min., F. C., Aberdeen. 3 Cape Coast Castle. ❝ Adv., Aberdeen. 9 Min., F. C., Fearn. 13 Min., Benholm. 15 Min., F. C., Kilmodan. 17 Min., F. C., Toronto; D.D. MASTERS OF ARTS. 287 Allan, James, Banff.¹ 1832. March. Campbell, Patrick, Inverness.2 Donald, William, Aberdeen.3 Foster, John, Northumberland. Garland, James, Aberdeen. Grant, James, Moray.** Greig, James, Forfar. Henderson, Alexander, Aberdeen. Ingram, William, major, Aberdeen. Ingram, William, minor, Aberdeen. McBean, John, Nairn." McDonald, Donald, Moray." McEwan, James, Aberdeen. McGillivray, Robert, Sutherland. Mearns, William, Aberdeen.8 5 Milne, David, Forfar." Moir, John, Angus.10 Murray, John, Banff. Niven, Adam, Aberdeen.11 Osborne, Patrick, Aberdeen. Primrose, Gordon, Aberdeen. Ramsay, John, Middlesex. Ross, Alexander McK., Ross. Ross, David, Ross. Rust, James, Aberdeen.12 Sinclair, John, Caithness. Stuart, Charles, Banff. Sutherland, David, Ross.18 Wilson, James, Aberdeen. 14 Wilson, John, Banff. McAllum, John. April 2. November 17. Wallace, George, B.A. Cantab. (Hon.). December I. Keith, George. 1833. January 5. Erskine, Robert M. March.15 Allan, Alexander, Chapel of Bain, Thomas, Fortrose.16 Garioch. ¹ Min., Campbeltown. Carment, James, Glasgow.17 3 Sch., Huntly; Min., S. John's, New Brunswick. 6 Min., Colombo. 2 Min., Killearnan. 4 Min., Kirkmichael. 7 Min., Alvie. 9 Min., Gilcomston. 11 Hutton Prize. 5 Sch., Gartly; Min., F. C., Rothiemay. 8 Min., Kinneff; Council's Assessor for two terms; D.D. 10 Ep. Min., Brechin, Jedburgh. 12 Min., Slains. 13 Min., F. C., Inverness. 14 Sch., Cairnie; Min., Enzie. 15 From and after the Matriculation of Session 1832-33, the Parish of every student is named in Album F. 16 Min., F. C., Coupar Angus. 17 Min., F. C., Comrie, 288 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Davidson, William, Dyke.¹ Dickson, James, Bervie. Durward, David, Garvock.2 Gardyne, Patrick, Aberdeen. Gray, Adam, Foveran. McFarlane, James R., Crathie.³ McGillivray, Alexander, Assynt.4 McLachlan, Thomas, Moy.5 McPherson, John, Old Machar.® Reid, Alexander, Urray. Reid, William, Kildrummy." Robertson, Patrick, Perth. Smith, Alexander, Old Machar. Thomson, Robert, Rothes.8 Todd, James, Kilpatrick. Wagstaff, Charles, Bellie." Walker, John, Elgin.10 Warren, Robert, Old Machar. Barron, Patrick. June 15. October 26. Ready, Rev. T. M., LL.B. Cantab., Calcott (Hon.). Reid, Duncan. Reid, George. Will, John.12 1834.11 January 18. March 1. March 22. March. Allardyce, James, Inverness.13 2 Sch., Maryculter. * Min., F. C., Mains, Edinb. 6 M. D.; E.I.C.S., Calcutta. 9 Min., Dunstable. Adam, George, Elgin. ¹ Hutton Prize; Min., Largo; D.D. 3 Sc. Chapl., E.I.C., Madras. 5 Min., Moy; F. C., Edinburgh; LL.D. 7 Min., F. C., Toronto, Canada, 8 Min., Peterculter. 10 Min., S. Andrew's-Lhanbryd. 11 New rules adopted for graduation :— 1834, Oct. 23. Curriculum for M.A. Ist Session: First Greek and First Humanity. 2nd 3rd 4th First Mathematics, Chemistry and Natural History. Natural Philosophy. Moral Philosophy. Together with Second Greek and Second Humanity during three last Sessions. 1834, Nov. 3. Candidates to be examined in each Class at end of Session. Minimum marks for pass to be one-third. Those who in majority of Classes exceed minimum to get Diploma with additional clause; if in all Classes to get Degree with "highest distinction ". 13 Min., Bowden; D.D. 12 M.D. MASTERS OF ARTS. 289 Beadnell, John, Middlesex. Carment, John, Barony.¹ Clerihew, Patrick, Old Machar. Connon, Charles W., Old Machar.2 Cruickshank, Charles, Glass. Falconer, John, Nairn.³ Forbes, W., major, S. Nicholas. Fraser, James, Forres.¹ Fraser, Thomas, Auldearn.5 Grant, Charles, Knockando." Greig, Alexander, Udny. Hay, John, Tarves.7 Jamieson, George, Turriff.8 Knox, George, Tarves. McInnes, John.⁹ 11 McKenzie, William, Tongue.10 McKinnon, Donald, Strath."1 McLeod, William, Halkirk. Milne, William, Rothiemay. Murray, David, Criech.12 Robertson, Henry, Banff. Ross, Adam, Forres.18 Ruxton, John, Foveran. Smith, John, major, Nairn. Smith, John, minor, Inverallan. Stewart, Murdoch, Contin.14 Stewart, Robert, S. Fergus. Steinson, James, Fordyce.' Taylor, William, Tain.16 Wilson, Alexander, Cullen.¹7 15 1835. March. Alexander, John, Rothiemay. Burns, William, Forfar.18 Davidson, John, Tarves.19 Fairweather, Robert, Brechin.20 Fraser, Alexander, Cullen. Fraser, Thomas, Inverness. Gray, Thomas, Criech.21 Kennedy, Kenneth, Killearnan.22 Legg, James, Huntly.23 1 S.S.C.; LL.D. 2 Sch., Liverpool; LL.D. Leslie, John, Udny.24 Lessel, Thomas L., Old Machar.25 McIntosh, Simon, Petty.26 McKay, David, Rafford.27 McLean, George, Dingwall.28 McWilliam, James, Old Machar.29 Millar, Alexander, Huntly.3 Milne, James, Ellon.31 Neil, Robert, Aboyne.³ 3 Min., Newbyth. 32 30 4 Min., Colvend. 5 Sch., Golspie. 6 Sch., Elchies, Aberlour. 7 Hutton Prize; M.L.C. Sydney; Kt.; LL.D. 8 Sch., Ch. of Garioch; Min., Gilcomston, Grange, Old Machar; D.D. 9 Manufacturer, Elgin. 12 Min., F. C., Muckairn. 15 Teacher, England. 18 Sch., Rochester; LL.D. 21 Min., F. C., Inverurie. 10 Min., F. C., Olrig. 13 Min., F. C., Rattray. 16 Min., F. C., Pulteney town. 19 Sch., Ellon. 23 Hutton Prize; Prof. of Chinese, Oxford; LL.D., D.D. 25 Min., Cong. Ch., Bootle. 27 Min., F. C., Lossiemouth. 11 Min., Strath; D.D. 14 Min., F. C., Nova Scotia. 17 Surg., R. N. 20 Min., Nigg. 22 Med. Pract., Dingwall. 24 Min., Udny. 20 Min., Inverness, East Ch., Aberdeen; D.D. 28 Min., Campbeltown. 30 Min., U. P. Ch., Edinburgh. 31 Writer, Edinburgh. 29 Merchant, America. 82 Sch., Tarland; Min., Glengairn. 00 290 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Nicol, Henry, Auchindoir.¹ Pirie, John, Methlic.2 Porter, William, Forgue.³ Ross, David, Kincardine.¹ Scroggie, William, Banchory.5 Simpson, Alexander, Old Meldrum.6 Stewart, James, Greyfriars. Thurburn, Charles, Keith." Todd, Alexander, Brechin. Trail, John R., Udny.8 Tulloch, Marcus, Thurso." Watson, James, Croy.10 March 7. Burnes, James, M.D., F.R.S.L. (Hon.). Fraser, Simon.11 April 2. April 21. Ince, Henry (Hon.). 1836. February 6. Grant, Patrick McG.12 February 27. Fraser, Robert. Beattie, Francis, Coldstone. Brander, Alfred, Elgin.13 Bremner, John, Strathdon.14 Bremner, Robert, Keith.15 Constable, W. G. M., England. Cruickshank, Patrick, Glass. Forbes, James, Boharm. Forbes, John, Huntly." Fraser, James, Cullen.17 1 Min., F. C., Auchindoir. 4 Min., Kiltarlity. 16 March. Glass, Charles. Gordon, Alexander, Cabrach.18 Grant, James, major, Abernethy.19 Grant, James, minor, Forres.20 Gray, Arthur, Urquhart. Innes, George, Deskford.21 Key, Andrew, Carmylie. Knowles, Henry D., Linlithgow. Logan, John, Knockbain.22 2 Sch., Methlic. Belhelvie. 5 Sch., 7 Merch., Alexandria. 8 M.D.; Monymusk. 10 Sch., Rafford. 12 Sch., Banchory; Min., Auchterderran. 14 Min., Glenbucket. 17 Solicitor, Banff. 20 M.D. 3 Merch., S. Vincent. 6 Ep. Min., Lochlee. 9 Bellevue House Acad., Aberdeen. 11 Min., F. C., Macnab, Canada. 13 Ordn. Office, Tower, London. 15 Min., F. C., Gorbals, Glasg. 16 Rect., Gr. Sch., Old Aberd. 18 Med. Pract., Cabrach, Rhynie. 21 Min., F. C., Canonbie. 19 Min., F. C., Alvie. 23 Min., F. C., Dundee. MASTERS OF ARTS. 291 1 Low, Alexander, Fordoun.¹ McDonald, John, Farr.2 McKenzie; Evan, Kilmalie.³ Mann, James, Auldearn.* Mathieson, George, Oyne.5 Mitchell, James, Inverness. Morrison, James, major, Croy." Ogilvie, Patrick, Gamrie." Pringle, John, Midlothian.8 Rose, Robert, Rosskeen." Russel, William, Alves. Sherret, James, Glenbervie.10 Taylor, Alexander, Cromarty. Wilson, Chas. Edw., Old Machar.11 November 7. Primrose, John. Shand, Alexander.12 1837. February 18. Addison, John, Old Machar.13 March. Allan, William, Forfar.14 Beaton, William, Longside.15 Calder, Cremutius Cordus, London. Connon, John, Old Machar. Davidson, James, Lonmay. Davidson, William, Rafford. 16 Edmond, Francis, Old Machar. Farquhar, John, Longside.¹ Fraser, William, Inverness. Gatherer, Alexander, Keith.17 Gregory, Alexander, Drainy.18 Greig, William, Glenbervie. 1 Ep. Min., Longside. 4 Min., Kiltearn. 7 Sch., Lochgelly. 10 Hutton Prize. 18 13 Sch., Rathven. 16 Sch., Mintlaw. 19 Ep. Min., Inverurie. 22 Min., Blairdaff. 25 Hutton Prize. 2 Min., Rogart. 20 Harper, Alexander, Daviot.19 Hendry, John, Fettercairn. Ingram, John, Gamrie.21 Laing, James, Menmuir.2 McDonald, John, Rathven, 23 22 McKenzie, Alexander, Inverness.2 McKenzie, James, Inverallan.25 McLeod, John, Golspie. McPherson, Hugh, Old Machar.26 Mathieson, John, Kilmuir.27 Millar, John P., Huntly.28 Nicolson, John B., Lerwick. Pirie, William, Methlic.29 5 Sch., Inverallochy. 8 M.D., E.I.C.S. 11 H.M. Insp. of Sch.; LL.D. 14 Min., Tannadice. 17 Min., F. C., Kincardine O'Neil. 20 Min., F. C., Crail. 38 Min., U. P., Carnoustie. 23 Min., F. C., Blackburn. 26 Surg., E.I.C.S. 24 3 Min., Dores, Kirkhill. Sch., Dores; Min., Alness. 9 Min., F. C., Inveraray. 12 Min., Nesting. 15 Min., S. Andrews, Grenada. 18 Min., F. C., Anstruther E. 21 Merchant, Gardenstown, Banff. 24 Min., F. C., Nairn, Edinburgh. 27 Min., F. C., Forgue, London. 29 Writer, Tobermory. 292 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Wilson, Alexander, Cairney.2 Wilson, Andrew, Gamrie.³ Young, Robert.4 Sellar, James, Keith.¹ Thomson, Thomas, Picklington. Walker, Henry, Inverness. Walker, James, Banchory Devenick. December 9. McKay, Benjamin, Edinburgh (Hon.). 1838. March. Allardyce, James, Gartly. Begg, Charles, Towie.5 Chisholm, George, Kilmuir." Christie, William, Monquhitter.' Clayton, John, Banff.8 Coutts, James, Towie.⁹ Duff, George, Elgin.10 Duncan, Alexander, Tarves. Elmslie, William, Old Machar.11 Elrick, John, Aberdeen. Fleming, Andrew, Old Machar.12 Flyter, James, Alness.¹ Fraser, Alexander J., Inverness. Fraser, Daniel, Nairn.14 Fraser, Donald, Inverness. Fraser, Thomas, Kirkhill. 13 15 Johnston, John, Auchindoir. Kennedy, James.16 18 Lawie, Charles, Cluny.17 McDonald, William, Fearn. McKay, Hugh, Rafford. Mackay, John, Reay.¹ McKean, Thomas. McKimmie, Joseph, Elgin.¹ Middleton, David, Edzell.20 Ogilvie, Duncan, Keith.21 Reid, William, Kildrummy.22 Rogers, Nathaniel. 19 Ross, Charles, Urquhart.23 Skene, Alexander, Peterhead. Sutherland, David McKay, Reay. Sutherland, Patrick, Nairn. Sutherland, Robert, Reay.24 Watt, John, Banff. Ward, Robert, S. Vincent. July 11. Grant, Francis William (cl. 1826). ¹ Sch., S. Andrews-Lhanbryd; Min., Aberlour; Mod., Gen. Ass.; D.D. LL.D., Brighton. 5 Sch., Aboyne. 3 Min., Lochgelly Chap., Kirkcaldy. 6 Min., F. C., Avoch. 8 Hutton Prize; Med. Pract., Banff. 11 Min., F. C., Insch. 12 Surg., E.I.C.S. 15 Min., F. C., Cromdale. 18 Min., F. C., Lybster. 20 H.M. Insp. of Sch.; LL.D. 22 Sch., Glenbucket. 7 Ep. Min., Fochabers. 4 Sch., Benholm. 10 M.D., Elgin. 17 Sch., Gamrie. 9 Med. Pract., Aberdeen. 13 Surg., Army. 14 Min., F. C., Lerwick. 16 Cong. Min., India. 19 Inclosure and Tithe Office, London. 21 Min., U. P., Broughty Ferry, Edinburgh, Falkirk; D.D. 23 Min., Cleish; LL. D. 24 Min., F. C., Australia. MASTERS OF ARTS. 293 Allan, John.¹ December 13. 1839. March. Archibald, George, Tarland.2 Brand, George Murray, Arbuthnott. Brown, William L. Cran, John, Huntly.* Falconer, Francis. Forsyth, James, Elgin. Fraser, Hugh, Inverness. Gerrard, Arthur, Turriff.5 Grant, Dugald, Keith." McDonald, Donald, Inverness.7 McGillivray, Donald, Kilmalie.8 McKay, George Hugh, Loth. Mackie, James, Kinellar.9 3 McKenzie, Charles, Killearnan.10 McKenzie, Andrew, Stornoway.11 McLeod, Aeneas, Inverness. Marr, George, Tarves. Proctor, James, Forfar.12 Reid, Joseph, Rothiemay.18 Ross, Alexander, Towie.14 Ross, John, Dunlichity. Smith, William P., Old Machar.15 'Stephen, Thomas, Elgin." Tulloch, John, Cawdor.17 Walker, Henry, Elgin.18 July 18. Berrington, Rev. John (Hon.). August 31. Clark, Robert. October I. Miles, Henry. 19 1840. March. Allan, Alexander, Elgin. Bayne, Ronald, Nairn.20 Bremner, George, Marnoch.21 Christie, John, Banff.22 1 Mast., Elg. Acad.; Min., Peterculter. 8 H.M. Consul, Loanda. 6 Naval Instructor. Davidson, Alexander, Moy.23 Devine, James, Aberdeen.24 Eyval, William, Keith.25 Forbes, Alexander, Old Machar. 4 Banker, Fochabers. 7 Min., F. C., Edinkillie. 9 Sch., Banchory Ternan; Min., Buckie. 11 Min.. F. C., Kilmorack. 13 Gov. Teacher, Cape of Good Hope. 15 Hutton Prize; Min., F. C., Keig; D.D. 18 Min., Ordiquhill, Urquhart. 20 Surg., E.I.C.S. 23 Min., F. C., Harris. 16 Min., Kinloss. 2 Min., F. C., Udny. 5 Sch., Grange. 8 Min., F. C., Kilninver. 10 Min., F. C., Golspie. 12 Sch., Barrie. 11 Min., Dunnichen. 17 Min., F. C., Logierait. 19 Prof. of Math., Lennoxville, Canada; LL.D. 21 Gov. Teacher, Cape of Good Hope. 24 Ep. Min., Canada. 22 Solicitor, Banff. 25 Min., F. C., Slamannan. 294 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Gerrard, James, Gamrie.¹ Grant, James, Towie.2 Hutcheson, George, Auldearn.³ Kennedy, John, Killearnan.4 McKay, Alexander, Latheron.5 McKay, James, Inverness." McKay, John, Golspie.7 McKay, Murdoch, Thurso.8 Matheson, Evan, Lairg.⁹ Merson, Charles, Elgin.10 Murdoch, John, Mortlach.11 Nuttall, George, London.12 Rose, John, major, Petty.¹ 9 13 Mantach, Robert, Rothes.23 Rose, John, minor, Banff.14 Ross, Andrew, Elgin.¹ 15 Ross, Robert, Brechin. Smith, George, Rothiemay.16 Smith, John. Sutherland, William, Dornoch.17 Sutherland, James, Duffus.18 Syme, George, N. Berwick. Walker, William, Ch. of Garioch.19 Weir, James, Aberlour.20 Wilson, John, Nairn.21 Wilson, Robert, Forglen. 22 September 27. November 2. Shand, Rev. Robert, Cape of Good Hope (Hon.). Abel, John, Cluny.2 24 Anderson, Alexander, Banff. Bayne, James, Keith.25 1841. March. Clerihew, Alexander, Tullynessle.26 Cooper, Patrick, Kennethmont.27 Dawson, George, Ordiquhill.28 Forbes, John, Criech.29 Forbes, Lewis, Boharm.30 1 Med. Pract., Buckie. Fyfe, William, Kirriemuir. Gordon, Alexander, Old Machar.31 Grant, Francis William, Boyndie.3 Hart, Ebenezer Stead, Paisley.33 McDonald, Donald, major, Ross- keen.34 McDonald, Donald, minor, Inver- allan.35 3 Min., Banchory Ternan; Mod., Gen. Ass.; D.D. 2 Min., Ordiquhill, Fordyce. 4 * Min., F.C., Dingwall; D.D. 5 Min., F. C., Rhynie; LL.D. 6 Ep. Min., Inverness, India, Paris; D.D. 7 Min., Poolewe. 8 Min., F. C., Fordyce. 10 Min., Arbroath. 13 Min., Rosskeen. 14 17 Min., Dingwall. 22 Sch., Old Deer. " Teacher, Printfield, Aberdeen. 11 Hutton Prize; Min., F. C., Grange. 12 Surg., E.I.C.S. Surg., R. N. 15 Min., U. P., Elgin. 16 Min., Heriot, Cranstoun. 18 Sch., Drainie; Min., Woodside, Northmavine. 20 Min., Drainie. 19 Ep. Min., Monymusk; LL.D. 21 Min., Forgue. 31 M.D., Inverness. 23 B.D.; Min., Ch. of Eng., Bermuda. 20 Min., F. C., Gartmore. 25 Sch., S. Andrews-Lhanbryd. 28 Prof., King's Coll., London. 29 Surg., R. N. 30 Army. 27 Adv., Aberdeen. 31 Sch., Old Aberdeen. Min., Knockando. 33 Min., Chippenham. 3 Min., F. C., Melbourne. Surg., E.I.C.S. MASTERS OF ARTS. 295 Reid, Cosmo, Rathven. Reid, William L., Aberdeen.¹ Robertson, Patrick, Old Machar.2 Shaw, Francis, Aberdeen." Simpson, James, Farnell.¹ Stephen, James, Drumoak." Sutherland, John, Duffus." Watt, John, Lumphanan." Wilson, George, Insch.8 Wilson, James, Gamrie.9 Wright, Archibald, Elgin.10 April 30. Russell, James Stuart.1 11 Bayne, James, Nairn. 13 1842. March. Brown, George, Tarves.¹2 Christie, John, Kildrummy.' Clark, John, Deskford.14 Cowie, David, Cairnie. Cruickshank, James, Inverkeithny. Dove, James, Brechin. Duncan, John, Fetteresso. Fraser, Donald, minor, Inverness.15 Fraser, Hector, Kirkhill.16 Fraser, Thomas McKenzie, Inver- ness.17 Garden, William, Duffus.18 Grant, Patrick, Keith.19 Grant, Robert, Strathdon.20 Harper, Patrick, Banff.21 McDonald, James, Ferintosh.22 McDonald, Kenneth, Ferintosh.23 McIntosh, John Innes, Auldearn.24 McKidd, Alexander, Thurso.25 McPherson, Norman, Old Machar.20 Murray, Donald, Ferintosh.27 Ogilvie, William, Keith.28 Robb, Robert Fraser.29 Robertson, John, Rosskeen.30 Rose, Archibald Y., Banff.31 ¹ Adv., Aberdeen. 3 2 Hutton Prize; Math. Teacher, Aberdeen. Antiquary. 4 Min., F. C., Glenisla. 5 Instructor, R. N. Planter, South Africa. 7 Min., Fetteresso. 8 Teacher, America. 9 Sch., Cairnie; Min., Savoch, Aberdour. 10 Sch., Rothes. 11 Cong. Min., Lond.; D.D. 12 Min., F. C., Cruden, Edinburgh. 13 Hutton Prize; Min., Kildrummy, Kilrenny; Prof. of Ch. Hist.; D.D. 14 Min., Sch., Boharm, Grantown; Knockando. 15 Min., F. C., Montreal, Inverness, London; D.D. 17 Min., F. C., Yester. 19 Med. Pract., Gallowgate, Aberdeen. 21 Accountant, Edinburgh. 24 M.D., England. 16 Min., F.C., Halkirk. 18 Simpson Greek Prize. 20 Min., Stracathro. 23 Lic., F. C., Glasgow. 22 E.I.C.S. 25 Min., F. C., Canada. 26 Prof. of Scots Law, Edinburgh; LL. D. 28 Sch., Spynie; Min., Aberdeen, Fintray. 30 Min., F. C., Girthon. 27 Med. Pract., Glenlivet. 29 Surg., Army. 31 Writer, Airdrie. 296 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Simpson, Alexander, Inverkeithny.¹ Touch, John Gray, Kinnoull.4 Sinclair, Allan, Urquhart.2 Smart, Gordon, Cabrach.3 Watt, George, Inverurie. Wilson, John, Gartly.5 1843. March 18. Kennedy, Rev. John, Aberdeen." Mitchell, Adam.7 March. Cameron, Donald, Kilmalie.8 Cook, Alexander, Halkirk." Dawson, John G., Knockando.10 Dawson, Thomas H., Culsalmond." Ferguson, David, Latheron.12 Forbes, Alexander, Strathdon.13 Forsyth, William, Abernethy.¹¹ Jack, John, Lonmay.¹ McDonald, John, Inverness.16 15 Beaton, Patrick, Fyvie.26 Brown, John, Bervie.27 1844. Christie, Andrew, Kildrummy.2 28 Christie, William, Kildrummy.29 Collie, Joseph, Elgin.30 Dawson, Robert, Ordiquhill.31 1 Simpson Math. Prize. 4 Ind. Army. McIntosh, John, Dalarossie.17 Matheson, William, Kilmuir.18 Morison, Donald, Edinkillie.19 Robertson, James, Marnoch.20 Stuart, Alexander, Inveravon.21 Shand, William, Mortlach.22 Watson, James, Aberdour.23 Watt, John, Kennethmont.24 Webster, John, Forglen.25 March. Falconer, Alexander, Inverness.3 Fraser, William, Inverness.33 Gauld, John, Coldstone.34 Grant, Patrick, Cromdale.35 Green, Alexander, Huntly.36 Laing, James Byres. 2 Min., F. C., Kenmore. 5 Sch., Gartly. 3 Min., Cabrach. 6 Cong. Min., Aberd., Lond.; D.D. 32 8 Min., F. C., Kirkmichael, Kilmorack. 7 Rect., Gr. Sch., Old Aberd.; Min., Insch. Min., F. C., Stratherrick. 10 Writer, Aberdeen. 12 Min., F. C., Westerdale. 14 Min., Ardersier, Dornoch, Abernethy; D.D. 16 Min., F. C., Clyne. 18 Simpson Greek Prize; Oriental Bank, Melbourne. 19 Hutton and Simpson Math. Prize; Sch., Elgin; 20 M.D., Melbourne. 21 Cong. Min., Halifax, N. S. 23 Min., U. P., Kingston, Jamaica. 11 Min., Monymusk. 13 Min., F. C., Drumblade. 15 Sch., Belhelvie. 17 Med. Pract. Rect., Glasg. Acad. ; LL.D. 22 Teacher, Cape of Good Hope. 24 Sch., Rathen. 25 Sch., Banch. Dev.; Min., Strichen, Edinburgh, Cramond; D.D. 26 Min., Sc. Ch., Mauritius, Paris. 27 Bapt. Min. 28 Sch., Glentanar; Min., Kildrummy. 29 Sch., Marnoch. 30 Vict. Insur. Office, Melbourne, Australia. 32 Min., Denny. 33 Sch., Auchterhouse. 35 Min., Tenandry. 31 Sch., Cruden. 34 Min., F. C., Canada. 36 Med. Pract. MASTERS OF ARTS. 297 McCulloch, William, Banff.¹ McRobert, William, Cushnie.2 Pirie, Thomas M., Turriff.³ 3 Reid, John, Kildrummy.ª Scott, James, Cabrach.5 Leochel Sinclair, William, Kirkhill.® Smith, Alexander, Gamrie. Spence, James, Huntly." Stuart, Grigor, Cromdale. 8 Thomson, David, Edinburgh.9 Walker, Thomas, Fraserburgh.10 Fraser, John.11 · July 31. 1845. March. Bayne, Jeremiah Coghlan, Inver- Milne, George G., Bellie.22 ness.12 Chree, Charles, Glenbucket.13 Cran, Patrick, Forgue. Edwards, George, Fetteresso. Fraser, James, Aberdeen.¹ 14 Giles, Alexander, Kennethmont.15 Keay, Patrick, Glasgow.16 Keith, James, Keith.17 Lumsden, James, Kildrummy. McDonald, George, Huntly.18 McKay, William, Inverness.19 McKechnie, Neil J., Old Deer. McLeod, Adam, Kildonan.20 McPherson, William, Aberlour.21 1 Hutton Prize. Milne, James, Airlie.23 Mitchell, Arthur, Stafford.24 Munro, George, Alvah.25 Ogilvie, David, Kirriemuir.26 Paul, John L., Elgin.27 Rannie, John, Walls.28 Reid, Benjamin,Kincardine O'Neil,29 Reid, William, Forfar.80 Simmie, James. Smith, Patrick, Keith.31 Thom, William, Echt.32 Watson, John, Marnoch. Webster, David, Fearn. 3 Sch., Auchterless; Min., Seafield, Knockando. 5 Min., F. C., Aberlour. 7 Simpson Greek Prize; Cong. Min., London. 9 Liverpool. 10 Simpson Math. Prize. 12 C. E., Bengal. 13 Min., Lintrathen; D. D. 15 Min., F. C., Hawick. 33 2 Sch., Leochel Cushnie. 4 Sch., Tarland; Min., Savoch. 6 Min., F. C., Lochalsh. 8 Min., Rogart, Kingussie. 11 Hutton Prize, 1843. 14 Min., S. Clement's, Aberdeen, Dumfries. 16 Min., Nashwaak, New Brunswick. 17 Sch., Knockando; Min., Grantown, Forres; LL. D. 19 Hutton and Simpson Math. Prize; Min., Killearnan. 21 Min., Kilmuir Easter. 24 Commr. in Lunacy; Kt.; LL.D. 22 Min., Cortachy. 26 Simpson Greek Prize; Min., F. C., Dalziel. 28 Sch., Coull; Min., New Amsterdam. 30 Ed., British Herald. 33 Min., Fetlar. 18 Poet and Novelist; LL.D. 20 Min., F. C., Croy. 23 Sch., Little Dunkeld. 25 Min., F. C., Menmuir. 27 M.D., E.I.C.S. 29 Sch., Kincardine O'Neil. 31 Rect., Wick Acad. 32 Lic., F. C. PP 298 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Thomson, David.1 October 10. 1846. Barclay, Patrick, Auchterless.2 Cameron, James, Logie-Coldstone. Christie, James, Kildrummy.* Cruickshank, James, Knockando. Forsyth, James, Bourtie.5 Fraser, John, Redcastle.® Geddes, William Duguid, Glass.7 Gordon, Adam A. 9 Gordon, Patrick, Cromdale.8 Just, Thomas, Dundee. Kennedy, Donald A., Lochalsh.10 McHattie, John, Deskford. McIntosh, James, Nairn.¹¹ March. McKenzie, Colin, Rogart.12 McRae, Alexander,. N. Uist.13 Milne, Alexander, Mortlach.14 Mitchell, John, Arbuthnott.15 Mearns, William, Peterhead.16 Murray, James, Boyndie.17 Neil, John, Aboyne.18 Paterson, Alexander, Inverness. 19 Reid, Robert, Aberdeen. Robertson, Patrick, Kinloss.20 Ross, Charles, Alness.21 22 Spence, Robert, Huntly.2 Stewart, Charles, Forres.23 June 24. Reid, William (Hon.). September 23. Scott, John, M.D., London (Hon.). 1847. January 1. McDonald, Archibald.24 January 23. Corken, George. 1 25 Regent, etc.; M.A. Cantab., Incorporated. 2 Lic., F. C., Marykirk, New Zealand. 3 Min., F. C., Sydney; D.D. 4 Missy., Constantinople, Canada. 5 Rect., Dr. Bell's Inst., Inverness; Min., London. 7 Regent; Principal; Kt.; LL.D., Litt. D., etc., etc. 8 Min., Fort-William, Cumlodden. 10 M.D., Kingussie. 11 Missy., F. C., Madras. 11 Min., Tyrie. 15 Min., S. Fergus. 18 Sch., Aboyne. 17 Farmer, Boyndie, Banff. 20 Min., F. C., Auchterarder, Portobello. 9 6 Min., F. C., Rosskeen. Simpson Greek Prize; Lic., F. C. 12 Min., Ardclach. 13 Med. Pract. 16 Meth. Min., Preston. 19 Min., F. C., Dunblane, Falkirk. 21 Min., F. C., Aberdeen, Tobermory. 22 Hutton and Simpson Math. Prize; Cong. Min., Dundee. 23 Merchant, America. 24 Unit. Min., Lincoln. 25 Late Rect., Arbroath Acad. MASTERS OF ARTS. 299 Scott, Andrew, Roxburgh.' February 4. Allan, James, Huntly.2 Barrack, John, Old Machar.³ Barron, Peter, Tarves.¹ Clark, John S., Old Machar." Currie, James A., Edinburgh. Edwards, James K., Dundee." Falconer, James C., Inverness.7 Glass, Samuel, Birse. Gordon, William, Cabrach.8 Hill, John, Huntly.⁹ Ingram, Gordon, Echt.10 Ironside, James, Methlic.¹¹ Leslie, Alexander, Fyvie.12 Lyon, Alexander, Towie.13 McDonald, John, Huntly.¹ McHardy, Charles, Strathdon.¹ McKenzie, John, Auldearn.16 15 March. McLean, Alexander, Tobermory. Milne, John, Rothiemay.17 Morrison, Thomas, Edinkillie.18 Moyes, William B., Banff.19 Munro, Daniel, Knockando. Munro, William, Kiltearn.20 Paxton, Alexander, Edinkillie.21 Perry, Frederick, Montrose. Rennie, James, Huntly.22 Roberts, Alexander, Marykirk.23 Sellar, James, Peterhead.24 Stewart, Charles, Fort-George.25 Sutherland, David McG., Reay.26 Troup, Robert, Rhynie.27 Watson, John F., Strathdon.28 Webster, Alexander, Forglen.29 Weir, Alexander, Kildrummy.30 June 1. Cockle, John, M.D. (Hon.). July 26. Fraser, Rev. Robert, Edinburgh (Hon.). 1 Prof. of Hebrew; M.A. Edinb., Incorporated. 3 Min., Stonehaven, Falkland. 5 Min., F. C., Foveran. 6 Hutton Prize; Montreal. 8 Min., Glenbucket, Glenbervie. 10 Min., Macduff, Urquhart. 12 Ep. Min., Meiklefolla. 2 Lic., F. C. 4 Min., U. P., Dunning. 7 Teacher, Jamaica. 9 Min., Cong. Ch., Witham, Essex. 11 Sch., New Pitsligo, Aberdour. 18 Hutton and Simpson Math. Prize. 14 Sch., Huntly. 15 Sch., Crathie; Min., Corgarff. 16 Min., Kettins. 18 Rect., F. C. Training Coll., Glasgow; LL.D. 20 Surveyor of Taxes, Hamilton. 21 Sch., Dyke. 17 Min., U. P., Greenlaw. 19 Sch., Portsoy, Edinburgh. 22 Cong. Min., Sheffield. 23 Simpson Greek Prize; Stonehaven; Prof. of Hum., S. Andrews; D.D. 24 Ep. Min., Perth, Edinburgh. 26 M.D., Thurso. 28 M.D., E.I.C.S.; LL.D. 25 Min., Bannockburn, Strichen. 27 Cong. Min., Huntly, S. Andrews. 29 Sch., Cullen. so Sch., Cairnie. 300 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. Ferguson, George.¹ November 9. 1848. March. Anderson, Alexander, Old Machar.2 Anderson, Duncan, Monymusk.³ Boyd, William, Peterhead.4 Bruce, Robert, Keithhall.5 Chalmers, John, New Deer. Clark, William R., Daviot. Cruickshank, Fred., Kirriemuir.7 Davidson, George, Braemar.8 Elmslie, John, Old Machar. Ferguson, John, Daviot.⁹ Fraser, John, Petty.10 Fyfe, John, Carmylie.¹¹ Gordon, John, Thurso.12 Grant, William C. M., Kirkmichael.13 Grant, James, Knockando. Gray, Robert, Tarves. 14 Grigor, William, Keith.15 Ledingham, James, Premnay.¹ 16 McIntosh, James G., Cawdor.17 McKay, Alexander, Pictou, N. S.18 Carmichael, Rev. John (Hon.). 25 McKenzie, Simon F., Old Machar.19 McWilliam,Alexander, Old Machar.20 Massie, John, Old Machar.21 Masson, Donald, Knockbain.22 Morrison, George, Leslie. Morrison, Joseph, King-Edward.23 Munro, George D. R., Kiltearn.24 Polson, Henry, Old Machar.2 Pratt, William R., Peterculter. Robb, Alexander, Old Machar.26 Smith, James, Glenmuick. Stables, Clarke N., Old Machar.27 Stirling, John, Peterculter. 28 Taylor, James, Peterhead.² Temple, William, Udny.30 Walker, Charles, Ch. of Garioch. Walker, Patrick, Ch. of Garioch. Weir, George, Aberlour.³¹ Wilson, Alexander, Fyvie. March 18. ¹ Prof. of Humanity; M.A. Edinb., Incorporated; LL.D. 2 Sch., Bellie; Min., Rhynie, Gartly. 3 Min., Quebec. * Solr., Peterhead. 5 Simpson Math. Prize; Cong. Min., Huddersfield; D.D. • Hutton Prize; Missy., China; LL.D. 8 Min., Coldstone; LL.D. 11 Librarian; Prof., Mor. Phil. 13 Min., Carnoch, Durness. 16 Min., Boyndie. " Ep. Min., Elgin. 14 Lic., U. P. Ch:, Glasgow. 17 Min., F. C., Skene. 19 Min., F. C., Brisbane. 20 Sch., Min., Wells of Ythan; Glasgow. 22 Min., Edinburgh. 25 Surg., Army. 23 Cape of Good Hope. 7 Min., Lethnot. 10 Min., Petty.' 12 Min., F. C., Eddertoun. 15 Sch., Jersey. 18 Min., S. John's, P. E. I. 21 Chapl., Inf., Aberdeen. 24 Min., F. C., Glasgow. 26 Simpson Greek Prize; U. P. Min., Jamaica; D.D. 27 Min., Boddam. 28 Artist, Aberdeen. 29 Min., Cookney. 30 Ep. Min., Cumineston, Forgue. 31 Prof. of Class., Kingston, Quebec; LL.D. MASTERS OF ARTS. 301 August 30. Clark, Sir James, Bart., M.D., Physician to the Queen (Hon.). November 16. Carr, Rev. T. Swinburne (Hon.). December 2. Wilson, Rev. Alexander, Westminster (Hon.). Alexander, James, Forgue. 1849. March. Allan, George, Keith.¹ Bartlet, George D., Forglen.2 Brown, Thomas, Keith.3 6 4 Cameron, Alexander, Kirkmichael. Cameron, John, Abernethy. Chalmers, James, Peterhead.5 Davidson, James, Gamrie. Fraser, Thomas, Kirkhill.7 Gray, James, Rothes.8 Gregor, Walter, Keith." McDonald, James, Elgin.10 McIntosh, Alexander, Daviot.¹¹ McIrvine, George, Glass.12 McKay, James W. N., Rafford.13 McLean, Alexander, Nova Scotia.14 1 Sch., Keith. McLennan, John Ferguson, Inver- ness.1 15 McLeod, George G., Kildonan.16 Milne, John, Forfar.17 Moir, James, Aberdeen.18 Reid, James, Marnoch.19 Ross, Robert, Huntly.20 Rutherford, George, Boharm.21 Sanderson, Alfred, Old Machar.22 Skinner, William, Auchindoir.23 Slaker, James, Cruden.24 Smith, George C., Rhynie.25 Tolmie, John, Duirinish.20 Wilson, David H., Brechin.27 Wilson, William, Aberdeen.28 Wishart, James, Kirkwall.29 2 Lic., U. P. Ch., England. 3 Min., F. C., Stonykirk. 5 Meth. Min. 4 Simpson Greek Prize; Sch., Ballindalloch; Min., Kingussie. 6 Sch., Portsoy; Min., Ord. 7 Min., Croy. 9 Sch., Macduff; Min., Pitsligo; LL.D. 8 Rothes, Fochabers. 10 Sch., Elgin; Rect., Acad., Ayr, Kelvinside, Glasgow; LL.D. 11 Min., F. C., Paisley, Edinburgh. 13 M.D.; Elgin. 12 Sch., Aboyne; Min., Mauritius. 14 Min., Gareloch, Nov. Sc. 15 Hutton and Simpson Math. Prize; Adv.; Author of Primitive Marriage, etc.; LL.D. 16 Min., F. C., Glasgow. 17 Min., Aberdeen. 20 Sch., Glamis. 18 Min., F. C., Maybole. 21 Sch., London. 24 Sch., Portobello. 25 Min., Dorset. 26 Min., 28 Min., F. C., Monkton, Musselburgh. 22 M.D. 19 Sch., Rothiemay. 23 Min., Tarland. Strontian, Contin. 27 Min., Renton. 29 Cong. Min., Liverpool. 302 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. September 11. Redfern, Peter, M.D., Lecturer on Anatomy (Hon.). Tulloch, James. Wilson, James. October 12. December 1. McDonald, John H., Huntly. 1850. March. Barron, Andrew, Echt.¹ Black, Charles G., Fordyce.2 Bruce, Charles, Cairnie.3 Calder, James, Dyce.* Clark, George, Ellon.5 Coull, George, Rathven." Curr, John, Kirriemuir.” Duncan, James, Alvah.8 Forbes, Patrick, Old Machar. Grant, Robert, Newhills. Herd, James, Knockando. Jamieson, Patrick, Peterhead." Joass, James, Inverness.10 Keay, William Murray, Monymusk.11 McArthur, George, New Deer.12 McDonald, Charles, Aberdeen.13 Carter, James, Jersey (Hon.). 1 Sch., Portobello. 4 Min., Stirling. 7 Sch., Kirriemuir. 10 Min., Golspie; LL.D. McDonald, William, Inverness.¹4 McIntosh, John, Alvie. 18 19 McIntyre, Duncan, Kilmanivaig.15 McLean, Charles, Torosay.16 McQueen, John, Braemar.¹ Mair, David, Kirriemuir.¹ Milne, Andrew J., Fyvie.' Minty, George C., Aberdeen.20 Murdoch, William, Elgin.² Prophit, James, Edinkillie.22 Robb, William, Peterhead. Smith, Robert, major, Birnie.23 Stewart, James, Rothiemay.24 Webster, Robert, Fintray. 21 Yule, Alexander, Kennethmont.25 May 17. 2 Farmer, Knock. 3 Sch., S. Andrews; Min., Glenrinnes. 5 Sch., Old Aberdeen, Dundee. " Min., Smyrna, Canada. 11 Sch., Oldmeldrum; 9 M.D.; Peterhead. Min., Woodside, Foveran. 8 Sch., Alvah; Min., Plean. 12 Simpson Math. Prize; Min., U. P., Tough. 13 Hutton Prize; Prof., Math., Halifax, N. S. 15 Merchant, Leith. 18 U. P. Min., Killaig, Ireland. 20 Sch., Aberdeen. 16 Min., Ullapool. 14 Sch., Broughty Ferry. 17 Min., F. C., Kirkmichael. 19 Min., Sc. Ch., Kingston, Fyvie; LL.D. 21 Sch., Milton, Campsie. 23 Min., Dunrossness, S. Mungo. 23 Sch., Knockando; Min., Rafford. 25 Min., F. C., Edinburgh. 24 Simpson Greek Prize. MASTERS OF Aarts. 303 Davidson, W. G.¹ Mackenzie, D. November 16. · 1851. January 1. Andrew, Thomas, Gamrie.2 Argo, George, Tarves. Boyd, George, Cromarty.3 Brebner, Robert, Tarland. Bruce, William, Aberdour.4 Cormack, Marcus, Thurso.5 Duke, William, Brechin." Fraser, Donald, Rosemarkie.7 Garioch, John, Old Machar.8 Gray, James, Fochabers. Gardiner, George, Banff. Grant, George, Old Machar. Kelman, John, Keith." Kidd, James, New Deer. 10 McDonald, James, Cromdale.¹¹ Machray, Robert, Aberdeen.12 McLean, John, Portsoy.13, McLeod, William, Keith. Fuller, Frederick.24 March. McRae, Donald, Stornoway. Masson, Evan M., Knockbain.14 Meston, Alexander, Tarves, Milne, William, Slains.15 Morrison, Alexander, Edinkillie. 10 Munro, Alexander R., Criech.17 Ogg, Charles, Banchory Ternan.18 Rose, James, Banff.19 16 Shand, Alexander Innes, Fettercairn. Stewart, James, Old Machar.20 Temple, Alexander, Udny.21 Tallach, Thomas, Inverness. Webster, John, Forglen.22 Wilson, Frederick A., Alvah. Wilson, Henry Thomas, Gamrie. Young, William, Kirriemuir. 23 Youngson, John, Inverurie. June 2. 1 Surg., E.I.C.S. 2 Sch., Protstownhill. 4 Sch., Birse; Min., Portlethen. 3 Sch., Lochs; Min., Edinburgh. 5 Hutton Prize; Queen's Coll., Cambridge; Vice Pres., Training Coll., Carnarvon. 6 Min., S. Vigeans. 9 Min., F. C., Leith. 7 Min., Fearn. 8 Min., Burghead, Spynie. 10 Min., New Brunswick, Bressay. 11 Min., Daviot. 12 Hutton and Simpson Math. Prize; Fell. of Sid. Suss. Coll., Cambridge; Archbishop of Rupert's Land; Primate of Canada; D.D.; LL.D. 13 Dean of Sid. Suss. Coll., Cambridge. 14 Min., Dull. 15 Min., F. C., Braco. 17 Min., F. C., Alness. 19 Min., Dunfermline. 16 Sch., Hamilton, Melbourne; LL.D. 18 Min., New Brunswick. 21 Ep. Min., Strathtay. 20 Insp. of Poor, Banchory. 22 Sch., Rothiemay; Min., Cluny. 23 Simpson Greek Prize; U. P. Min., Selkirk, Glasgow. 24 Prof., Math.; M.A. Cantab., Incorp.; LL.D. 304 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Skeen, John.¹ October 18. 1852. March. Adie, William, Strichen. Annand, John, Bellie.2 Annand, Thomas, Kintore.³ Bain, Robert, Grantown. Barrack, William, Old Machar.4 Bremner, James, Huntly.5 Ferguson, James, Ch. of Garioch. Fraser, John, Inverness. Fraser, William R., Laurencekirk. Grant, Alexander, Lumphanan.7 Hunter, Thomas, S. Nicholas.8 Lind, Adam, Tarves. McHardy, Alexander, Crathie. McIntyre, Alexander Ae. R. McD., Kilmonivaig.⁹ 10 McKay, John, Inverness.¹ McKenzie, Simon, Resolis. McLean, Alexander, Kiltearn.11 Marr, George, Udny.12 Bain, James, Forres.26 в Meston, Peter, Old Machar. Milne, Robert, Tannadice.13 Mitchell, John Whyte, Peterhead.14 Ogilvie, Alexander, Rothiemay.15 Proctor, George, Ellon.16 Robertson, John, Abernethy.17 Ross, William, Brechin. Russell, John, Spynie.18 Saunders, Alexander Reid, Port- soy.19 Scott, Robert, Mortlach. Sim, George R., Peterhead.20 Simmers, George, Tarves.21 Smart, James, Mortlach. Smith, Henry J. B. D., Fordyce.22 Smith, Robert Harvey, Rhynie.23 Tully, John, Fochabers.24 Watt, William, Kennethmont.25 Whyte, Alexander, New Deer. 1853. March. Barclay, John, Old Machar.27 Bethune, Hector R., Dingwall. Calder, John, Cromdale. Calder, William, Mortlach. Cameron, John, Abernethy. Carmichael, Alexander, Cairnie.28 Carnegie, John, Forglen. ¹ Sch., New Spynie. 2 Simpson Greek Prize; Sch. and Min., Cairnie. 4 Hutton Prize; Sch., Edinburgh, Dollar, Glasgow; LL.D. 6 Min., Maryton. 7 Missy., F. C., China. 10 Sch., Inverness. 14 Ep. Min., Durham. 16 Sch., Kemnay. 19 Min., Lerwick. 22 Sch., Inveraray. 11 Min., Halkirk. 15 Sch., 17 Sch., Abernethy. 3 Min., Keith. 5 M.D. 8 Missy., Bombay. 9 Merch., S. America. 12 M.D.; E.I.C.S. 13 Min., Perth. Monymusk, Gord. Coll., Aberdeen; LL.D. 18 Sch., Urquhart; Min., Skene, Grange. 20 Min., F. C., Old Deer. 21 Sch., Tarves; Min., Ramsgate. 23 Cong. Min., Dundee, Duncanstone. 24 Simpson Math. Prize; Min., F. C., Glasgow. 26 Sch., Duffus; Min., Glenlivet. 25 Sch., Rathen. 27 Sch., Echt. 28 Sch., Botriphnie. MASTERS OF ARTS. 305 Daniel, George, Peterhead. Davidson, Alexander, Old Deer.¹ Findlay, William, Fraserburgh.2 Forbes, John, New Deer. Fraser, Daniel, Rosemarkie.³ Gray, Robert, Oldmeldrum. Gunn, Angus, Woodside.¹ Innes, David, Drumblade.5 McDonald, John, Knockando.6 McIntosh, James, Daviot. McKay, Joseph, Inverness. McKenzie, James S., Inverness.7 McKerron, Robert, Aberlour.8 McLennan, Donald, Inverness.9 McLeod, Robert, Helmsdale. McQueen, Hugh R. D., Knockando.10 26 1854. Allan, Alexander, Kiltearn. Allan, Donald, Kiltearn.25 Allan, Fife, Newhills.2 Anderson, John Gerrard, Stromness. Brand, William, Fearn.27 Brown, George, Old Machar. Brown, John, Monedie.28 Burgess, Robert B., Tomintoul. Cruickshank, William, S. Nicholas. 1 Min., Cavers. 4 Hutton Prize; Min., Dollar. Middleton, James, Aberdeen.11 Moir, William, Ch. of Garioch.12 Muir, Robert, Ayr.18 Ogilvie, William, Alves. 16 Robertson, Gilbert, Inverness.14 Robertson, William Brown, Aberd.15 Russell, John, Rathven.¹ Samuel, George, Jamaica.17 Slesser, George M., Rathen.18 Smith, George, Aboyne.19 Stuart, William L., Keithhall. Sutherland, George, Latheron.20 Troup, James, Rhynie.21 Tulloch, Charles, Cawdor.22 Watson, William, Aberdeen.23 Wilson, James, Cullen.2 March. 24 Calder, Peter, Grantown.29 Clark, James, Auchindoir.30 Drummond, James, Glenbervie. Forbes, George, Bellie.31 Fraser, William, New Deer.32 George, William, Old Aberdeen. Gibson, John, Avoch.33 Grant, James, Inveraven.34 Greig, George, Kincardine.35 2 Min., F. C., Larkhall. 5 Asst. Sch., Forgue. 7 Sch., Petty; Sch. and Min., Little Dunkeld. ⁹ Barrister, London. 10 Min., Inverallan. 11 Min., Lauder. 13 U. P. Min., Hawick, Rothiemay. 14 Sch., Newcastle. 16 Sch., Rathven; Min., Leslie. 3 Sch., Tarbat. ❝ Sch., Inveraven. 8 Min., Clatt. 12 Sch., Aberdeen. 15 Sch., Crimond. 17 Simpson Greek Prize; Sch., Sheffield. 18 Simpson Math. Prize; Senior Wrangler, 1858. 20 Surg., R.N. 21 Cong. Min., Lerwick. 23 Min., U. P., Forres. 25 M.D.; Bonar Bridge. 26 Army. 28 Simpson Greek Prize. 33 Min., Avoch. 19 Sch., Old Aberdeen. 22 Min., F. C., Lossiemouth. 24 Sch., Cullen. 27 Min., Dunrossness. 29 Sch., Grantown; Min., Clyne. 30 Sch., Kincardine O'Neil, Strichen. 31 M.D.; Fochabers. 34 Sch., Tomintoul, Keith; LL.D. 32 Min., U. P., Fala. 35 Min., Slains. QQ 306 UNIVERSITY AND KING's college. Howie, Charles, Kirriemuir.¹ Hamilton, Robert, Brassay.2 Johnston, Alexander, Huntly.³ Jenkins, John, Elgin.* Kirkpatrick, Robert, Walsall. McDonald, Thomas, Knockbain. McGregor, John, Cromdale. McGregor, William; Knockando. McHardy, James, Strathdon. McKenzie, Hur Libertas, Inver- ness.5 McKerron, Peter, Aberlour.6 McLachlan, James, Boharm.7 McLean, John, Mull. Meikleham, John, Grange. Milne, William, Strathdon. Morrison, George, Edinkillie.8 Philip, George F. J., Portsoy.9 Robertson, Charles, Longside.10 Rose, Daniel, Boyndie. Stephen, Alexander, Ternan. Banchory Slesser, Charles, Rathen.11 Shand, John, Elgin.12 Stewart, Robert, Tomintoul.13 Still, Thomas, Newhills.14 Taylor, George, Keith.15 Tulloch, James, Edrachilles. Wiseman, William, Keith.16 Watson, John, Portsoy.17 Wright, Richard, Dyke. Wilson, James, Botriphnie.18 March II. Grant, Robert, F.R.S.A. (Hon.).19 Campbell, Peter Colin.20 June 10. 1855. February 6. McPherson, James F., Kirkmichael.21 Adam, James, Lumphanan. Anderson, Charles, Nigg. 1 Sch., Kirriemuir. 4 Min., F. C., Culross. March. Black, John, Mortlach.22 Brown, William, Turriff. 2 Kt.; LL.D.; Gov. of Tasmania. 6 Hutton Prize; Min., Kelso. 3 Sch., Balmoral. 5 Missy., Eng. Presb. Ch., China. 7 Sch., Insch; Min., Rathven, Inveraven. 8 Hutton and Simpson Math. Prize; Geelong; LL.D. 9 Sch., Inverkeithny; Min., Skene, New Deer. 11 Sch., Brighton. 13 Sch., Boat of Garten. 10 Ep. Sch., Fyvie; Min., Strichen. 12 Prof., Class., Dunedin. 18 Sch., Cairnie. 14 Sch., Udny, Aberdeen. 15 Min., Longformacus. 17 Sch., Kirkwall. 16 Bank of Eng., London. 20 Prof., Greek; M.A. Edin., Incorp.; Prin., Univ., Aberdeen; D.D. 22 19 Prof., Astronomy, Glasgow, 1859. 21 Army. Simpson Math. Prize; Sch., Banchory Devenick; H.M.I.S.; Prof., Hum.; LL.D. Glasgow. MASTERS OF ARTS. 307 Bruce, William, Keig.¹ Cameron, James, Inveraven.2 Fiddes, Robert, Kinellar.³ Geekie, James, Kinfauns.4 Gill, John, Newhills. McDonald, Kenneth, Glen Urqu- hart.12 McGillivray, Archibald, Daviot.13 McPherson, Duncan, Ardersier.14 Milligan, John, Closeburn.15 Gordon, Charles R. H. D., Glass.5 Philip, James, Dyce.16 Gordon, James, Glass. Grant, Robert A. P., Dawlish." Gray, Andrew, Aboyne.7 Keith, William, Old Aberdeen.8 Legg, William D., Reading." Legge, James Wilson, Aberdeen.10 McDonald, Charles G., Keith.11 George, Francis W. 18 Profeit, Alexander, Towie.17 Reid, William, Ch. of Garioch.1 Rose, Donald M., Daviot. Shewan, Alexander, S. Fergus.19 Stewart, David, Old Machar.20 Stirling, James, Old Machar.21 Thomson, John, Cruden.2 October 13. 1856. March. Allan, Gregor, Abernethy. Baxter, William Linton, Dundee.23 Brotchie, Alexander R., Kintore. Brotchie, David, Kintore. Buyers, John, Benares. Center, William, Longside.24 Chree, George, Glenbucket.25 Christie, Dugald, Kildrummy.26 ¹ M.D.; LL.D.; Dingwall. + Min., Dunoon. 22 29 Duncan, Alexander, Rothiemay.27 Fraser, James, major, Abernethy." Gellie, Francis, King-Edward.2 Grant, Alexander, Coull. Grant, Peter, Inveraven.30 Hutcheon, John, Keithhall. 28 McDonald, Donald, Glen Urqu- hart.31 2 Min., Australia. 5 Min., Seafield, Lhanbryd. 7 Sch., Aboyne. 8 Min., F. C., Glasgow. "Admiralty; LL.D. 11 Sch., Rosemarkie; Min., Kirkcaldy. 13 Sch., Dalreish, Inverness. 15 Sch., Old Machar. 17 H.M. Commr., Balmoral. 20 Lord Prov., Aberdeen. 3 Hutton Prize. 6 Surg., Army. 10 Gr. Sch., Aberdeen. 12 Min., F. C., Calcutta. 14 Hutton Prize; Chapl., Bombay; D.D. 18 Sch., Hants. 16 Sch., Blackburn. 19 Prof., Montreal. 21 Simpson Greek Prize; Senior Wrangler, 1860; Judge; Kt.; LL.D. 22 Sch., Ordiquhill, Turriff. 24 Simpson Math. Prize; Sch., Longside. 26 Sch., Kildrummy. 28 Sch., Elchies; Min., Erchless. 30 Sch., Blairgowrie, Logie-Buchan. 23 Min., Careston. 25 Sch., Savoch, Keig. 27 Hutton Prize; U. P. Min., Balgedie. 29 H.E.I.C.S. 31 Min., F. C., Kilmuir E. 308 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. McIver, Alexander, S. Andrew's, Roy, James, Huntly.5 Moray. Mackie, David, Fyvie.¹ Richardson, John, Aberlour.2 Robb, William, Fintray.³ Robbie, John, Tarland.* Robertson, William, Logie-Buchan. Ross, Alexander, Eddertoun. Sclanders, Alexander, Forres." Shepherd, James, Tarves. Smith, James, major, Nairn.7 Smith, James, minor, Marnoch.8 Stewart, John, Aberlour.9 Young, James, Elgin.10 June 26. Grub, George.11 Rettie, Adam. McIntosh, Hugh.12 July 15. October 17. Nichol, Dr. J. P., Prof. of Astronomy, Glasgow (Hon.). 1857. March. Barker, Thomas, Old Aberdeen.13 Garden, John, Rathven.21 Brander, James, Glass.14 Carnegie, John, Aberdeen.15 Connon, William, Foveran. Daniel, William, Cruden. Davidson, Alexander, Aberdeen.16 Davidson, Charles A., Rayne.17 Elmslie, William, Aberdeen.18. Elmslie, John, Keig.19 Fraser, James, Inverness.20 1 M.D.; Army. 5 Min., F. C., Firth. 2 H.E.I.C.S. 3 Gentles, Thomas, Kinc.-on-Forth.22 Givan, William, Moffat. Grant, James, Lossiemouth.23 Grant, John, Kirkmichael.24 Greig, John, Kinneff. McGregor, William, Cornhill.25 McPherson, Andrew, Inverness.26 Main, George, Stonehaven.27 Mathieson, Finlay, Dunoon.28 Gym., Old Aberdeen. 4 Sch., Coull. 6 M.D.; Nairn. 7 Simpson Greek Prize; Min., Newhills; LL.D.; Assessor, Univ. Court. 8 Min., F. C., Tarland. 9 Sch., Cullen; Min., Premnay. 10 Sch., Liverpool. 11 Class, 1829; Adv.; Prof., Scots Law; LL.D. 12 Hutton Prize, 1831; Min., Rafford. 13 Simp. Math. and Hutt. Prize; Senior Wrangler, 1862; Prof., Owens Coll., Manchester. 14 Min., Clarkston. 15 M.D.; China. 10 Min., F. C., Whitehaven. 17 Min., Lhanbryd. 18 M.D.; India. 19 Min., F. C., New Zealand; D.D. 20 Min., Dingwall. 21 Sch., Rothes. 23 Sch., Lossiemouth. 22 Simp. Greek Prize; Min., Edinburgh, Paisley; D.D. 24 Min., Rothiemurchus, Cromdale, Croy. 25 Hutt. Prize; Min., F. C., India. 26 Min., Strathglass. 27 Sch., Auchinblae. 28 Min., Edinburgh. MASTERS OF ARTS. 309 Milne, James, Lintrathen.¹ Murdoch, William, Mortlach.2 Ogilvie, Robert, Elgin. Ritchie, Andrew, Fordoun.3 Ross, James, Peterhead.4 Salmond, Stewart Dingwall For- dyce, Aberdeen.5 Simmers, William, Savoch." Stephen, William, Aberdeen." Stewart, Donald, Cairnie.8 1858. March. Allan, William, Montrose." Anderson, Alexander, Aberdeen.10 Black, Joseph, Aberdeen.11 Keith, William, Arbroath. 22 Macfarlane, William, Fochabers.23 Mackay, James, Tough.2 24 Bruce, William Robertson, New Mackay, Joseph, Fordyce. Deer.12 Burgess, Peter, Inveraven. Cochrane, David, Perth. Durno, George, Fyvie.13 Ferrier, Alexander, Woodside. Forbes, James Beattie, Old Aber- deen.14 Forrest, Robert Gibb, Old Pitsligo.15 Fraser, Thomas, Boharm.16 Fraser, Thomas, Dores. 19 17 Gordon, Alexander, Rothiemay.¹ Gordon, George, Arbroath.18 Grant, James, Abernethy.¹ Greig, Alexander, New Machar.20 Irvine, George N., Crimond. 21 Maclean, Lachlan, Tobermory.25 Macleod, Donald, Laggan.26 Macpherson, George Morison, Old Aberdeen.27 Milne, William, Aberdeen.28 Morrison, William, Grange. Munro, George S., Croy. Paul, George Morison, Banchory Devenick.20 Rettie, Arthur, Aberdour. Robertson, Donald, Kirkmichael.30 Simpson, John, Inverness.³ Stalker, John, Aberlour.32 Tolmie, John, Inverness. Watt, Michael, Lewis.33 2 Sch., Lymington. 4 Ep. Min., N. S. W.; D.D. 7 M.D.; Torphins, Shap. ¹ Sch., Helston. 31 6 Min., U. P., Portsoy. 3 Min., Coull, Methlic. 5 Prof., F. C. Coll., Aberdeen; D.D. 8 Min., King-Edward. 9 Min., Mochrum. 10 Min., F. C., Edinkillie. 11 Min., F. C., Hobart Town; D.D. 12 Simp. Math. Prize; Min., New Machar. 14 Min., Leslie. 13 Ep. Min., Strichen, Arbroath. 16 Sch., Boharm. 15 Min., Macduff, Edinburgh; D.D. 18 Sch., Manchester. 17 Min., F. C., Lethendy. 20 Sch., Clochcan. 21 M.D. 22 Min., F. C., Arbroath. 24 Min., Dundee, Brechin. 26 Min., Montrose, London; D.D. 29 W.S., Edinburgh. • I.C.S.; LL.D. 25 19 Min., Kilberry, Portree. 23 Sch., Insch, Amsterdam. Min., Arisaig, N. Knapdale. 28 Min., F. C., Invertiel. 30 Simp. Math. and Hutton Prize. 31 M.D.; R.N. 32 Missy., F. C., Pietermaritzburg. 33 Simpson Greek Prize; Prof., Heb., Otago; D.D. 310 UNIVERSITY AND KING'S COLLEGE. March 22. Stewart, Rev. David (Hon.). November 1. Campbell, Rev. Donald, Ballater (Hon.). Reid, James (Hon.).¹ December I. Mackenzie, Rev. Alexander (Hon.). 1859. January 22. 1859. April 1. Anderson, Alexander, Keith.2 Baxter, William Lang, Aberdeen.³ Black, James Watt, Grange.¹ Brebner, James, Lonmay.5 Burnett, Thomas, Daviot.6 Cran, Alexander, Clatt.7 Cruickshank, Alexander, Aberdeen. Duff, Donald, Caputh." Fraser, William, Boharm.10 Gall, John, Aberdour.¹¹ Geddes, James C., Glass. 12 Keith, John, Aberdeen.13 Kennedy, Alexander, Dundee.¹ª Lillie, Alexander, Wick. Lowe, Ernest, Durness.15 Macdonald, Angus, Grange.10 Macdonald, James Lauchlin, Aber- deen.17 19 20 McKimmie, James, Duffus.18 Manson, David, Oldmeldrum.¹ Millar, Alexander, Old Aberdeen. Pithie, James McC., Aberdeen. Profeit, William, Towie.21 Robertson, James, Alyth.22 Ross, David S., New Deer.23 Scott, James, Mortlach.24 Stewart, Frederick, Rathen.25 Stuart, James, minor, Forglen. Wallace, John, Auchterless. Willox, Alexander Cowie, Aber- deen. 26 Winter, David, Tannadice.27 Wisheart, William, Kinnellar. ¹ Sch., Cushnie. 2 Sch., Edinburgh. 3 Hutt. Prize; Min., Arngask, Cameron; D.D. 41 Simp. Math. Prize; M.D.; London. 6 Min., Kennethmont. 7 Min., Manchester. 10 Sch., Edinkillie; Min., Newcastle, N. S. W. 5 Sch., Daviot; Min., Forgue. 8 I.C.S. 12 Simp. Greek Prize; I.C.S. 13 Min., F. C., Carmylie. 15 M.D. 16 Hutt. Prize; M.D.; Edinburgh. 18 Sch., Alves. 19 9 M. D. 22 Prof., Heb., Glasg.; D.D. 25 H.M.I.S., Hong Kong; LL.D. 27 Min., Auchtergaven. Sch., Tullynessie. 21 23 Sch., Alloa. 9 Sch., Monquhitter. 11 Sch., Lucknow. 14 Min., Stewarton, Edinburgh. 17 Sch., Dollar, Glasgow. Sch., Arbroath, Glenbucket. 24 Sch., London. 26 Min., F. C., Perth, Walls. MASTERS OF ARTS. 311 McLean, Neil N.1 April 7. Morrison, David.2 December 31. Alexander, Robert. 1860. April 1. Andrew, George, Huntly.³ Beattie, Alexander, Lumphanan.4 Beattie, James Forbes, Insch.5 Benton, Alexander, Boharm." Cameron, George C., Pluscarden.7 Clark, Henry, Aberdeen.8 Clark, James, Aberdeen.º Davidson, Thomas, Old Deer.10 Dunbar, Robert Grant, Grantown.11 Fraser, Andrew, Inverness.12 Gordon, Samuel, Clatt.13 Green, George Garden,Oldmeldrum.14 Harper, William, I., Grange.15 Harper, William, II., Kincardine O'Neil.16 Lumsden, David, Aboyne.18 McGowan, John, Laurencekirk. McMillan, John, Glen Urquhart.19 Mearns, James, Bourtie.20 Meldrum, Andrew, Tomintoul.21 Osler, William, Dunnichen.22 Perkins, Frederick, Dorchester. Rebecca, Duncan, Banchory Deve- nick.23 Shand, John, Cabrach.24 Smith, John, I., Kirkmichael.25 Smith, Peter, Rhynie. Sutherland, Archibald, Lossie- mouth.2 26 Watt, George Christie, Aberdeen.27 Kemlo, Alexander, Bridge of Don.17 Wilson, Alexander, Newhills. 28 Laird, William, Huntly. ¹ Author of Life at a Northern University. 3 M.D. 2 Min., Durrisdeer, Edinburgh. 4 Sch., Lumphanan; Min., Newcastle. 8 7 Prof., Heb., F. C. Coll., Aberdeen; D.D. 9 Min., F. C., Cullen, Lassodie. 10 5 M.D. 6 I.C.S. Simp. Math. Prize; I.C.S. Simp. Greek Prize; Sch., U.S.A. 11 Sch., Boat of Garten; Min., Weem. 12 Sch., Kincardine O'Neil. 13 Min., Rochester. 14 Min., U. P., Buckie, Glasgow. 15 Simp. Math. and Hutt. Prize; Sch., Cluny. 16 Min., Demerara. 17 Adv., Aberdeen, S. Africa. 18 Acct., S. Africa. 19 Sch., S. Africa. 20 Sch., Kinnellar. 22 Farmer, Dunnichen. 21 Sch., Inveraven; Min., Logierait. 23 Sch., Aberdeen. 24 Sch., Mortlach. 25 Min., Straloch, Oban. 26 Min., Perth. 27 Min., Newcastle, Burghead, Edinkillie. 28 Sch., Banchory, S. Leonards. SESSION. APPENDIX I. SEQUENCE OF THE REGENTS, 1579-1860.¹ SUBPRINCIPAL. REGENTS. 1579-80 W. Stewart. A. Arbuthnot, R. Mercer, A. Skene. 1580-81 Do. 1581-82 Do. Do. [?]. 1582-83 Do. 1583-84 D. Rait. 1584-85 Do. 1585-86 Do. 1586-87 Do. R. Burnet, D. Rait, [?]. R. Burnet, P. Udney, [?]. Do. R. Burnet, P. Udney, D. Clarke. P. Udney, J. Guthrie, W. Barclay. 1587-88 Do. 1588-89 Do. 1589-90 Do. Do. Do. Do. 1590-91 Do. 1591-92 Do. 1592-93 Do. 1593-94 P. Udney. 1594-95 Do. 1595-96 Do. 1596-97 Do. 1597-98 Do. 1598-99 Do. P. Udney, J. Guthrie, J. Sibbald. Do. P. Udney, J. Sibbald, W. Forbes. W. Forbes, [?]. W. Forbes, D. Robertson, [?]. Do. W. Forbes, D. Robertson, J. Chalmer. Do. J. Chalmer, [?]. 1599-1600 1600-01 Do. Do. J. Chalmer, A. Young, [?]. Do. 1 It is impossible to ascertain, prior to 1601, which classes were taught by the Sub- principal and three Regents respectively. After 1601, when the entries of Album A begin, the sequence can usually be traced. The Session is taken to run from 1st October to 1st October. RR 314 APPENDIX. SESSION. BAJANS. SEMIS. TERTIANS. MAGISTRANDS. J. Chalmer, S.P. G. Keith. { R. Beinbar. R. Dunbar. P. Guthrie, S.P. J. Rait. W. Forbes. R. Dunbar. P. Guthrie, S.P. J. Chalmer, S.P.¹ G. Keith. J. Strachan. P. Guthrie. J. Chalmer, S.P. G. Keith. J. Strachan. P. Guthrie. J. Chalmer, S.P. G. Keith. R. Dunbar. P. Guthrie, S.P. J. Rait. OI-02 A. Young. G. Keith. 1602-03 J. Strachan. 1603-04 P. Guthrie. 1604-05 J. Chalmer, S.P. 1605-06 G. Keith. 1606-07 J. Strachan. 1607-08 P. Guthrie. 1608-09 1609-10 1610-11 1611-12 1612-13 1613-14 1614-15 1615-16 1616-17 J. Rait. 1617-18 W. Forbes. 1618-19 A. Lunan. 1619-20 1620-21 J. Forbes. 1621-22 W. Leslie. 1622-23 A. Lunan. 1623-24 P. Forbes. 1624-25 J. Forbes. 1625-26 1626-27 W. Leslie, S.P. J. Lundie. [?]. W. Leslie, S.P. 1 S.P. Subprincipal. W. Leslie. W. Forbes, S.P. W. Forbes. R. Dunbar. P. Guthrie, S.P. J. Forbes. W. Leslie. A. Lunan. W. Forbes, S.P. J. Forbes. W. Leslie. A. Lunan. P. Forbes. [?]. J. Chalmer, S.P. G. Keith. J. Strachan. P. Guthrie. J. Chalmer, S.P. G. Keith. J. Strachan. P. Guthrie. J. Rait. G. Keith. R. Dunbar. P. Guthrie, S.P. J. Rait. W. Forbes. R. Dunbar. P. Guthrie, S.P. J. Forbes. W. Leslie. A. Lunan. W. Forbes, S.P. J. Forbes. W. Leslie, S.P. A. Lunan. [?]. [?]. J. Strachan. P. Guthrie. J. Chalmer, S.P. G. Keith. J. Strachan. P. Guthrie. J. Chalmer, S.P. G. Keith. J. Strachan. P. Guthrie, S.P. J. Rait. G. Keith. R. Dunbar. P. Guthrie, S.P. J. Rait. W. Forbes. W. Forbes. P. Guthrie, S.P. J. Forbes. W. Leslie. A. Lunan.2 W. Forbes, S.P.2 J. Forbes.2 W. Leslie, S.P.2 J. Lundie.2 J. Lundie.2 2 Graduation theses extant. SEQUENCE OF REGENTS. 315 1627-28 G. Leith. J. Lundie. 1628-29 D. Leech. G. Leith 1629-30 D. Leech. G. Leith 1630-31 D. Leech. G. Leith [?].¹ W. Leslie, S.P. W. Leslie, S.P. W. Leslie, S.P. W. Leslie, S.P. [?].² 1631-32 D. Leech. G. Leith W. Leslie, S.P. 1632-33 G. Leith. [?]. 1633-34 R. Ogilvie. [?]. 1634-35 R. Ogilvie. W. Strachan. [?]. A. Middleton. A. Middleton. 1635-36 R. Ogilvie. A. Gardyne. A. Middleton. 1636-37 R. Ogilvie. A. Gardyne. 1637-38 R. Ogilvie. A. Middleton. A. Gardyne. A. Middleton. 1638-39 A. Middleton. A. Gardyne. A. Scrogie. A. Scrogie. A. Middleton. D. Leech. A. Strachan." A. Strachan. A. Strachan.3 A. Strachan. D. Leech, S.P.3 D. Leech, S.P.3 D. Leech, S.P.3 D. Leech, S.P.3 D. Leech, S.P. D. Leech, S.P. R. Ogilvie, S.P.³ R. Ogilvie, S.P. {R. A. Scrogie. 1639-40 A. Middleton. A. Gardyne. R. Ogilvie, S.P. A. Gardyne. 1640-41¹ A. Middleton. A. Gardyne. 1641-42 A. Gardyne. W. Rait. 1642-43 A. Middleton, S.P. 1643-44 P. Gordon. 1644-45 G. Middleton. 1645-46 A. Youngson. 1646-47 P. Sandilands. 1647-48 P. Gordon. 1648-49 G. Middleton. 1649-50 A. Middleton, S.P. ¹ See p. 54. 2 See p. 40. A. Gardyne. A. Middleton, S.P. P. Gordon. G. Middleton. A. Middleton, S.P. P. Sandilands. P. Gordon. G. Middleton. P. Gordon. G. Middleton. A. Gardyne. A. Middleton, S.P. P. Gordon. G. Middleton. A. Middleton, S.P. P. Sandilands. P. Gordon. R. Ogilvie, S.P. A. Middleton, S.P. P. Gordon. G. Middleton. A. Youngson. A. Middleton, S.P. P. Gordon. G. Middleton. A. Middleton, S.P. P. Sandilands. 3 Graduation theses extant. At the Kingis colledge of Abirdein the aucht day of Junii 1641 yeiris. In ane meetting convenit the reverend memberis following, Doctor Wm. Guild rector and prinll, Mr. James Sandilandis civilist, Mr. Alexr. Middiltoun supprinll, Mr. Jhone Lundie gramarian, Mr. Alexr. Gardyne, Mr. Patrick Gordoun and Mr. Wm. Rait regentis. "The said day the haill memberis of vniforme consent for the maist pairt have appoyntit that the supprinll and regentis shall follow ther scollaris and continow with thame fra ther entrie till they be laureat and so furth in tyme cuming; And becaus Mr. Robert Ogilvie lait supprinll is to laureat the magistrandis this yeir, it is appoyntit of consent foresaid that Mr. Alexr. Middiltoune sall enter wt the magistrandis at Michelmas nixt, Mr. Alexr. Gardyne wt the first class, Mr. Patrick Gordoun wt the third class, and Mr. Wm. Rait wt the second class, qll they be laureat; And in all tyme therefter to follow ther scollaris from the first class qll they be laureat as said is, and as the memberis sall think fitting" (College Minutes). P. Gordon. 316 APPENDIX. SESSION. BAJANS. SEMIS. TERTIANS. MAGISTRands. G. Rule, S.P. H. Anderson. J. Strachan. R. Forbes. W. Johnston. A. Middleton, S.P. P. Sandilands. J. Strachan. P. Sandilands. G. Rule, S.P. H. Anderson. J. Strachan. P. Sandilands, S.P. W. Johnston. P. Sandilands, S.P. W. Johnston. A. Massie. P. Sandilands, S.P. R. Forbes. G. Rule. A. Middleton, S.P. H. Anderson. J. Strachan. P. Sandilands. G. Rule, S.P. A. Massie. J. Strachan. P. Sandilands, S.P. W. Johnston. A. Massie. G. Gordon. P. Sandilands, S.P. W. Johnston. A. Massie. P. Sandilands, S.P. 1650-51 P. Sandilands. 1651-52 J. Strachan. 1652-53 P. Sandilands. 1653-54 1654-55 1655-56 1656-57 P. Sandilands. 1657-58 W. Johnston. 1658-59 A. Massie. 1659-60 G. Gordon. A. Massie. 1660-61 1661-62 P. Sandilands, S.P. W. Johnston. G. Gordon. 1662-63 A. Massie. 1663-64 P. Sandilands, S.P. 1664-65 1665-66 1666-67 A. Massie. 1667-68 1668-69 R. Forbes. 1669-70 H. Scougall. 1670-71 A. Massie. 1671-72 P. Sandilands, S.P. 1672-73 R. Forbes. 1673-74 G. Garden. 1674-75 A. Massie, S.P. J. Buchan. 1675-76 G. Middleton. 1676-77 R. Forbes. 1677-78 1678-79 1679-80 J. Buchan. A. Massie, S.P. { A. S. G. Middleton. G. Fraser. J. Buchan. G. Middleton, S.P. 1 Graduation theses extant. R. Forbes. P. Sandilands, S.P. W. Johnston. A. Massie. P. Sandilands, S.P. R. Forbes. H. Scougall. A. Massie. P. Sandilands, S.P. R. Forbes. A. Massie, S.P. G. Middleton. R. Forbes. W. Johnston. A. Massie. P. Sandilands, S.P. R. Forbes. H. Scougall. A. Massie. G. Middleton. R. Forbes. J. Buchan. A. Massie, S.P. G. Middleton. R. Forbes. J. Buchan. J. Strachan. G. Rule. G. Rule, S.P. H. Anderson. J. Strachan. P. Sandilands. G. Rule, S.P. A. Massie. J. Strachan. P. Sandilands, S.P. P. Sandilands, S.P.¹ W. Johnston. A. Massie. G. Gordon. R. Forbes. W. Johnston. A. Massie. P. Sandilands, S.P. R. Forbes. W. Johnston. A. Massie. P. Sandilands, S.P. R. Forbes. H. Scougall. A. Massie, S.P. G. Middleton.¹ R. Forbes. J. Buchan. A. Massie, S.P. G. Middleton. R. Forbes. SEQUENCE OF REGENTS. 317 1680-81 R. Forbes. 1681-82 J. Buchan. G. Fraser. R. Forbes. 1682-83 G. Middleton, S.P. J. Buchan. R. Forbes. 1683-84 G. Fraser. G. Middleton, S.P. 1684-85 R. Forbes. 1685-86 J. Buchan. G. Fraser, S.P. R. Forbes. 1686-87 W. Black. A. Fraser. 1687-88 G. Fraser, S.P. 1688-89 G. Skene. 1689-90 A. Fraser. G. Skene. 1690-91 W. Black. 1691-92 G. Fraser, S.P. 1692-93 G. Skene. 1693-94 A. Fraser. G. Skene. 1694-95 W. Black. A. Fraser. 1695-96 G. Fraser, S.P. W. Black. A. Fraser. 1696-97 G. Skene. G. Fraser, S.P. W. Black. 1697-98 A. Fraser. G. Skene. G. Fraser, S.P. 1698-99 W. Black. A. Fraser. G. Skene. 1699-1700 G. Fraser, S.P. W. Black. A. Fraser. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. A. Fraser. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. G. Middleton, S.P. G. Fraser. J. Buchan. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. R. Forbes. A. Fraser. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. G. Skene. A. Fraser. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. G. Skene. J. Buchan.¹ G. Middleton, S.P. G. Fraser. R. Forbes. J. Buchan. W. Black.¹ G. Fraser, S.P. G. Skene.¹ A. Fraser. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P.¹ G. Skene. A. Fraser.¹ W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P.¹ G. Skene. A. Fraser. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. G. Skene. SESSION. BAJANS. (Prof. of Greek.) 2 1700-01 1701-02 1702-03 1703-04 1704-05 1705-06 1706-07 A. Fraser. 1707-08 1708-09 1709-10 1710-11 SEMIS. G. Fraser, S.P. G. Skene. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. G. Skene. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. G. Skene. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. J. Urquhart. 1 Graduation theses extant. TERTIANS. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. G. Skene. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. G. Skene. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. G. Skene. J. Urquhart. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. W. Simsone. {w. Frascone. 2 See p. 58. ་ MAGISTRANDS. G. Skene. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. G. Skene. W. Black.¹ G. Fraser, S.P. G. Skene. W. Black. G. Fraser, S.P. J. Urquhart.¹ W. Black, S.P.¹ 318 APPENDIX. SESSION. BAJANS. (Prof. of Greek.) SEMIS. W. Black, S.P. A. Burnet. J. Urquhart. R. Gordon. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Brådfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. 1711-12 A. Fraser. 1712-13 1713-14 1714-15 1715-16 A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. 1716-17 J. Urquhart.¹ 1717-18 1718-19 1719-20 1720-21 1721-22 1722-23 1723-24 1724-25 1725-26 1726-27 J. Ker. 1727-28 1728-29 1729-30 1730-31 1731-32 1732-33 1733-34 1734-35 1735-36 D. Bradfut. 1736-37 { A. Fraser, S.P. A. Rait. A. Burnet. {A. Fraser, S.P. Gordon. A. Rait. A. Burnet. TERTIANS. J. Urquhart. W. Black, S.P. A. Burnet. J. Urquhart. R. Gordon. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Rait. A. Burnet. ƒ A. Fraser, S.P. 1 T. Gordon. { } A. Rait. 1 Deposed by Commission of Visitation. MAGISTRANDS. W. Simsone. A. Burnet. J. Urquhart. W. Black, S.P. A. Burnet. J. Urquhart. R. Gordon.¹ A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Burnet. D. Bradfut. A. Rait. A. Burnet. { A. Fraser, S.P. SEQUENCE OF REGENTS. 319 1737-38 {{ 1738-39 1739-40 A. Fraser, S.P. T. Gordon. A. Rait. A. Burnet. A. Fraser, S.P. J. Chalmers. A. Rait. A. Burnet, S.P. J. Chalmers. A. Rait. A. Burnet, S.P. J. Gregory. A. Rait. A. Burnet, S.P. R. Macleod. A. Rait. A. Burnet, S.P. R. Macleod. T. Reid. A. Burnet, S.P. R. Macleod. T. Reid. A. Burnet, S.P. R. Macleod. T. Reid. A. Burnet, S.P. R. Macleod. T. Reid. A. Burnet, S. P. W. Ogilvie. R. Macleod, S.P. {A S.P. T. Gordon. { A. Burnet. A. Fraser, S.P. T. Gordon. A. Rait. A. Burnet. A. Fraser, S.P. J. Chalmers. A. Rait. A. Burnet, S.P. J. Chalmers. A. Rait. A. Burnet, S.P. J. Gregory. A. Rait. A. Burnet, S.P. R. Macleod. T. Reid. A. Burnet, S.P. R. Macleod. T. Reid. A. Burnet, S.P. R. Macleod. T. Reid. A. Burnet, S.P. R. Macleod. T. Reid. ſ A. Burnet, S.P. W. Ogilvie. R. Macleod. T. Reid. A. Burnet. R. Macleod. S.P. A. Rait. A. Burnet. A. Fraser, S.P. A. Rait. A. Burnet. J. Chalmers. A. Rait. A. Burnet, S.P. J. Chalmers. A. Rait. A. Burnet, S.P. Į J. Gregory. R. Macleod. A. Rait. A. Burnet, S.P. R. Macleod. T. Reid. A. Burnet, S.P. R. Macleod. T. Reid. A. Burnet, S.P. R. Macleod. T. Reid. A. Burnet, S.P. R. Macleod. T. Reid. A. Burnet, S.P. W. Ogilvie. R. Macleod. W. Ogilvie. A. Burnet. J. Dunbar. 1740-41 1741-42 1742-43 1743-44 › D. Bradfut. 1744-45 1745-46 1746-47 1747-48 1748-49 1749-50 1750-51 1751-52 1752-53 1753-54 1754-55 1755-56 1756-57 1757-58 1758-59 1759-60 1760-61 1761-62 J. Leslie. 1762-63 1763-64 1764-65 1765-66 320 APPENDIX. SESSION. 1766-67 1767-68 1768-69 1769-70 1770-71 1771-72 1772-73 1773-74 1774-75 1775-76 1776-77 1777-78 1778-79 J. Leslie. 1779-80 1780-81 1781-82 1782-83 1783-84 1784-85 1785-86 1786-87 1787-88 1788-89 BAJANS. (Prof. of Greek.) SEMIS. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. TERTIANS. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. MAGISTRANDS. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. R. E. Scott. 1789-90 J. Leslie. R. E. Scott. T. Gordon. R. E. Scott. R. Macleod, S.P. J. Dunbar. G. Gerard. 1790-91 R. E. Scott. J. Dunbar. T. Gordon. R. E. Scott. 1791-92 R. Macleod, S.P. J. Dunbar. 1792-93 G. Gerard. 1793-94 T. Gordon. R. E. Scott. J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. R. E. Scott. R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. R. E. Scott. {1. Gordon J. Dunbar. R. Macleod, S.P. SEQUENCE OF REGENTS. 321 R. Macleod, S.P. T. Gordon. W. Jack. 1794-95 G. Gerard. 1795-96 R. E. Scott. 1796-97 T. Gordon. W. Paul. 1797-98 1798-99 H. Macpherson. 1799-1800 R. Macleod, S.P. R. Macleod, S.P. R. Macleod, S.P. SESSION. BAJANS. (Prof. of Greek.) 1800-01 1801-02 1802-03 SEMIS. (Prof. of Maths.) 1 W. Jack. R. Macleod, S.P. R. E. Scott. W. Jack. R. E. Scott. R. E. Scott. TERTIANS. (Prof. of Nat. Phil.) W. Duncan. {W. W. Duncan. W. Paul. W. Duncan. - Wright. T. Gordon. R. E. Scott. W. Jack. R. Macleod, S.P. R. E. Scott. W. Jack. W. Jack. MAGISTRANDS. (Prof. of Mor. Phil.) R. E. Scott. 2 Assistant-Substitute. R. E. Scott. W. Jack, S.P. W. Jack, S.P. W. Jack, P. } D. Dewar. A. Alexander. J. Lee. A. Simpson.2 W. Jack, S.P. S S 1803-04 1804-05 1805-06 H. Macpherson. W. Duncan. 1806-07 1808-09 1809-10 1810-11 W. Jack, S.P. W. Duncan. {W. W. Duncan. W. Paul. 1811-12 1812-13 1813-14 W. Duncan. J. Tulloch. 1814-15 1815-16 1816-17 W. Paul. 1817-18 1818-19 H. Macpherson, S.P. J. Tulloch, 1819-20 1820-21 1 See p. 64. 322 APPENDIX. SESSION. 1821-22 1822-23 BAJANS. (Prof. of Greek.) {H. Macpherson, S.P. SEMIS. (Prof. of Maths.) 1823-24 H. Macpherson, S.P. - Campbell.¹ 1824-25 1825-26 1826-27 1827-28 1828-29 1829-30 1830-31 1831-32 1832-33 1833-34 H. Macpherson, S.P. 1834-35 J. Tulloch. 1835-36 1836-37 1837-38 1838-39 1839-40 1840-41 1841-42 1842-43 1843-44 H. Macpherson, S.P. 1844-45 G. S. Davidson.¹ H. Macpherson, S.P. 1845-46 1846-47 T. L. Williams.¹ H. Macpherson, S.P. A. Robinson.¹ TERTIANS. (Prof. of Nat. Phil.) MAGISTRANDS. (Prof. of Mor. Phil.) H. Scott. W. Paul. H. Scott. - Taylor.¹ J. Fleming. H. Scott. D. Thomson. 1 Assistant-Substitute. SEQUENCE OF REGENTS. 323 H. Macpherson, S.P. 1847-48 N. Macpherson. 1 1848-49 1849-50 H. Macpherson, S.P. J. Tulloch. A. H. Bryce.¹ 1850-51 D. Thomson. H. Macpherson, S.P. 1851-52 A. H. Bryce.¹ A. Cameron.¹ 1852-53 H. Macpherson, S.P. 1853-54 A. Cameron.¹ H. Scott. {H. Scott. R. Ross.¹ H. Scott. {P. Key. H. Scott. {R. ROSS.1 1854-55 P. C. Campbell. F. Fuller.2 1855-56 1856-57 D. Thomson, S.P.2 1857-58 W. D. Geddes.2 H. Scott. J. Fyfe.¹ 1858-59 1859-60 1 Assistant-Substitute. 2 1860, after the Union of the Colleges, Professor in the University of Aberdeen. APPENDIX II. 66 THE NOVA FUNDATIO. Quanquam Almae Matri aedes suae intactae, et Archiva quoque integra manserint," writes Professor John Ker in his Donaides, p. 18, "haud leve damnum passa est sub instauratae religionis tempus: abrogata optima celeberrimi Elphin- stonii Institutione Universitatis primaeva, et substituta Institutione nova (Funda- tionem Novam vulgo vocant) quae prodiit An. 1592,¹ sub hoc titulo, Collegium Regale Aberdonense institutum, reformatum et restitutum, in modum Erectionis novae paulo ante prescriptae Academiis Andreanae et Glascuanae et unde maximam partem exscripta videtur Erectio Collegii Mareschallani anno sequenti 1593. Institutio haec nova (cujus Auctor fuit David Rhaetus, Coll. Regii Principalis) eo sane multo melior quod Papanos tollat ritus: in aliis autem plerisque omnibus, veterem Elphinstonianam praeferendam censemus. Utramque fusius collatam dedimus, Ath. Aberd." 2 The text of the "Nova Fundatio" referred to on pages 6, 24, 50, 93, has not hitherto been published, either in the Reports of the various Commissions, or in the Fasti Aber- donenses. Itisnow printed from the copy in Professor Knight's Collections, vol. v., collated with the copy in Professor Gordon's Collections, vol. ii. Compare the First Book of Disci- pline, "Of the Erection of Universities," and the terms of the other post-Reformation foundations: "Buchanan's Reformation" of the University of S. Andrews, 1579 (printed in the Evidence of the 1826-30 Commission, vol. iii. p. 183); the "Erectio Regia" of the University of Glasgow, 1577 (Evidence, vol. ii. p. 239; Munimenta Univ. Glasg., vol. i. p. 103); the Charter of the University of Edinburgh, 1582 (Evidence, vol. i., App. v. ; Crauford's History, p. 1; Bower's History, vol. i. p. 389); and the Charter of Marischal College and University, 1593 (Evidence, vol. iv. p. 235; Fasti Acad. Maris- call., vol. i. p. 39). It is not now possible to give a complete account of the origin of this Founda- tion or to reconcile the contradictory statements made as to the extent to which its provisions were enforced. An attempt has been made below to bring together such scattered references to it as occur in contemporary documents. A. ACT OF SCOTS PARLIAMENT. 15th July, 1578. "Anent the visitatioun of the vniuersiteis and collegis. ¹ See infra, p. 333; but it must have been drafted not later than 1583, p. 326 2 This refers to a work Athenae nostrae Aberdonenses et Archaeologia nostra Aberdonensis, for which Ker had made Collections, now unfortunately not to be traced. THE NOVA FUNDATIO. 325 "Forsamekill as the vniuersiteis of this realme ar appointit for the educatioun of the youth-heid qlk suld be seid of gude learning and maneris within this realme And that the samyn being richtlie foundit alsweill in rentis as prouisionis of maisteris and burserris And that notwithstanding thay ar misvsit be particular personis to ther awin avantage without respect of the educatioun of the youth in wertew and gude lettrez regarding nathing the commoun welth of this realme For remeid of the qlk our Souerane Lord with aduise and consent of thrie estaittis of parliament Gevis grantis and committis full power and commissioun to richt honorabillis reuerend personis efter following to pas to the Collegis and vniuersiteis efter specefiit And ther vesy and considder the foundatiouns and erectionis of the Vniuersiteis and Collegis within this realme with full power to thame to reform sic thingis as soundis to superstitioun ydolatrie and papistrie and to displace sic as ar vnqualefiet and vnmeit to discharge ther office in the saidis vniuersiteis and to plant sic qualefiit and worthie personis therintill as thai sall find gude and sufficient for the educatioun of the youth and conform to the commoun weill of this realme That is to say for the vniuersitie of Aberdene The said archebishop of Sanct- androis The bischop of Aberdene The said Robert erll of Buchane The com- mendatar of Deir Maister Robert Maitland dene of Aberdene and Maister George Hay persone of Rauthwen . . . qlkis personis particularlie abonewritten appointit as said is sall convene and begyn . . . at Aberdene the XV day of the samyn moneth [November] . . . and they being convenit at the particular places respectiue abone expremit sall putt this present act and ordinance to dew executioun in all pointis efter the form and tennour thairof as they will answer to our Souerane Lord thair- vpoun And to report ther procedingis respectiue to the kingis grace and counsall the first day of Januar nixt to cum And to that effect that thai may tak forther ordour thairintill gif neid beis "¹ (Acts Parl. Scot. (1814), iii. p. 98). • • 29th November, 1581. "Commissioun to certane of euerie estait with the Kingis Maiesteis officiaris to treate and conclude on certane articles and supplicationis efter the end of this present parliament . . . Off qlk haill articles the titles followis . . . Reformatioun of the college of Abirdene . " (ibid., p. 214). B. COMMISSION BY GENERAL ASSEMBLY. October, 1582. "Anent Colledges and Vniversities within this realme: It is considderit be the haill Assemblie to be most expedient [and needfull] for the good and weill therof, that certaine good men of meit qualities be imployit to take oversight therof; and for that effect the kirk hes given commissioun and power to thair lovit and honourable brethren afterwrytin, to concurre with such as the Kings Majestie and Counsell directs with them, in Visitatioun of the haill Colledges within this realme, as they be particularlie vnder devydit, betuixt and the last day of November nixt to come; and 1 The persons appointed failed to convene at the first diet; but the S. Andrews Commissioners reported on 8th November, 1579; and their report was ratified in Parliament on 11th November (ibid., p. 178). 326 APPENDIX. to consider how the rents and livings of every ane of them are bestowit and imployit; how the doctrine is vseit be the Maisters and Regents if the samein be correspondent to the act of Parliament; how ordour and discipline is keiped among the students and scholers; and herein, as dissordour and defectioun beis found, to take ordour therwith according to the act of Parliament: That is to say, Mrs. George Hay, Peter Blackburne, William Chrystesone, Andro Mill, the Laird of Glenbervie, to visite the Colledge of Aberdein . . . and qvhat heirin beis done be them, to report againe to the nixt Assemblie ” (Booke of Universall Kirk, ii. p. 593). April, 1583. "Anent visitatione of Universities conforme to the directione of the late Assemblie And first of Aberdeen, it was found travels had been taken therein, and ane order set doune which is in the Principalls hands" (ibid., p. 614). April, 1583. "Anent the supplicatioune given to George Erle of Marshel, Robert Com- mendator of Deir, and certane brethren, who had charge by the Kings Majesties commissione and the Assemblie, to visit the Colledge of Aberdeen, desiring the Assemblie to consider of the travels taken be them in the said matter; as also to deput some persons to take trial of the members thereof, that they be sufficient and qualified, conforme to the new erectione: The said whole Assemblie ordeans their brethren, Mr. James Lowson, Mr. Andrew Melvil and Mr. Niccol Dagleish, and failing of him Mr. Robert Pont, to consider the proceidings of the said Commis- sioners, twiching the said erectione; and if they find the same allowable and weel done, to give their testimony and approbation thereof, to be presented to the Erle Marshel, that his Lordship may travel for the Kings Majesties confirmatione thereof: and that the same persons take trial and informatione of the principall compts; and if they find the samine to be allowed, to authorize and allow the samine be their subscriptione: And sicklike, ordeans Mr, Thomas Smetone, Mr. Andrew Melvil, Mr. Niccol Dagleish, and failing of him Mr. Robert Pont, to conveen at Sanct Androws the 5 day of September nixt to come, to trie and examine the members of the said Colledge of Aberdeen, if they be correspondent to the order and provisione of the said erectione, and to interpone likewise their judgment and testimonie thereunto 1 (ibid. ii., p. 624). October, 1583. "Anent the erectione of the Colledge of Aberdeen, sighted be Mr. Thomas Smetone, Mr. Andrew Melvil, Mr. Niccol Dagleish and Mr. James Martine, at com- mandement of the Assemblie: The report of the said brethren being heard, allowing thereof in their judgments, the whole Assemblie giveth their approbatione therto " 2 (ibid., ii. p. 638). 1 Compare Calderwood's History of the Kirk (1843 ed.), iii. 707, where under date April, 1583, the "New Erectioun" is stated to have been "made by the Erle Marshall, the Commendatar of Deny [sic] and certain brethren ". 2 Compare Calderwood, iii. 732. THE NOVA FUNDATIO. 327 C. Letter frOM THE KING. 25th May, 1583. "Chancellor, Rector, and other members of our College of Aberdeen, we greit you weill. We are surelie informed that at this last generall assemblie it was desyrit by some persones that Mr. Alexr Arbuthnot, Principall of our said College, sould transport himself to S. Andrews, and be minister thairof, quhair- through our said College sall be heavilie damnifiet, and the foundatione thairof prejudged. As also it is meanit they intend to pervert the ordour of the foundatione established be our progenitors and estaites of our realme. Quhairfore we will and command you to observe and keipe the heides of your fundatione, and in no wayes to hurt the funds, ay and quhill the estaites be convenit to ane parliament, at quhilk tyme we will cause see quhat is to be reformit thairin. And this ye do upone your obedience as ye will answer unto us therupone, notwithstanding any ordour taken presentlie or to be taken thairin in any sort thairanent, and keep this our lettre for your warrand, Thus comittes you to God. At Halyruidhous, 25th May, 1583. Et Sic Subs. JAMES REX." dene. (Records of 1638 Visitation, King's Coll. Old Charter Chest, xxiii. 23.) D. COMMISSION BY SCOTS PARLIAMENT. 22nd Aug., 1584. "Commissioun to considre and approue the erectioun off the College of Aber- "Anent the supplicatioun presentit to oure souerane lord and the estaittis of this present parliament be the maisteris of the college of Abirdene makand mentioun that qr thay be consultatioun of the learnit men in that diocy hes conceaved ane forme of erectioun in the college of Abirdene and vnioun of the auld rentale with the New Humblie requiring that the same may be considerit be the chancellair secre- tair clerk of register and the bischoppis of Sanctandrois and Abirdene and that be thair report the fundation presentit may be confermit in this present parliament like as at mair lenth is contenit in the said supplicatioun Oure souerane lord and thre estaittis foirsaidis gevis and grantis full pouer and commissioun to the personis abonewrittin to visite and considder the forme of the said fundatioun and to report their jugement and opinioun therof to the saidis estaittis to the effect that the same being found formale and in gude order may be confermit and approved" (Acts Parl. Scot., iii. 355). E. RATIFICATION BY SCOTS PARLIAMENt. 16th Dec., 1597. "Anent the new fundatioun of the colledge of auld Abirdene. "Our Souerane Lord with aduyse and consent of the estaitis of this present parliament Ratifeis [and] apprevis the new fundatioun of his mateis colledge of auld Abirdene to be reveist be his hienes commissioneris appointit to that effect viz., mr. Johnne Lyndesay of Balcarhous his mateis secretar mr. James Elphingstoun of Barntovn ane of the senatouris of his hienes colledge of Justice and mr. Dauid Cunynghame bischop of Abirdene in all and sindrie pointes priuiledgis liberteis im- muniteis claussis circumstances thairof quhat sumevir efter the forme and tennour of the samyn And ordainis his mateis clerk of register to ressaue the said funda- 328 APPENDIX. tioun and to extend ane act of parliament thairvpoun in the mair forme with extensioun of all claussis neidfull" (Acts Parl. Scot., iv. (1816), p. 153, cap. 63). F. ACT OF SCOTS PARLIAMENT. 28th June, 1617. "Our Souerane Lord . . . haveing ane speciall regarde to the educatioun and vpbringing of the youthe and speciallie within the north pairtis of this realme quhairoff our said Souerane Lord his college and vniuersitie of auld Aberdene hes bene speciall instruments And vnderstanding that the same wes of auld foundit be king James the feard of worthie memorye and gifted be him with the kirkis and landis following . . . As likwayis that our said Souerane Lord . . . gave and dis- ponit to the said vniuersitye the kirkis teindis landis and anuelrentis efterspecifeit ... Confermes the foirsaidis haill foundatiounes and donatiounes gifted and granted to the said Colledge . . ." (ibid., p. 576, cap. 55). .. G. BISHOP PATRICK FORBES' VISITATION.¹ • "Jacobus Dei gratia rex Sciatis cum proxime elapsis annis abusus plerosque et corruptelas, que ad utriusque academie veteris et noue Aberdonensis et nosocomiorum ibidem labem et perniciem tenderent, inolevisse atque in dies accrescere, fideliter nobis indicatum sit partim quum aliquammultis annis • • • • • • seria visitatio nulla aut censura de iisdem ut fieri decuit facta sit Quare. ordinamus predilectos nostros consanguineos et consiliarios reverendum in Christi patrem Patricium [Forbes] episcopum Aberdonensem vel quoscunque eorum septem pluresue (dummodo dictus. . . Patricius. ex iis sit unus) com- missionarios in hac parte ad effectum subscriptum . . . ut . . . explorent pariter quam docendi rationem prosequantur, vetera etiamnum statuta et precepta re- tineant, aut si defectus aut mutationes alique irrepserint, qua de causa et qua ratione primum admiserint, siue justus professorum aliquorum personarum secundum fundationem numerus, et si destinata sibi salaria et stipendia assequantur In cujus rei . . . apud New Mercat xxi die mensis Marcii anno Dom. mdc xix." • "At the Kingis colledge in Old Aberdene the fourtene fyftene and sextene dayis of September respectiue the yeir of God m vic and nyntene yeiris . . . the saidis 1"After the reformatione of the relligione, the then members of the Universitye beganne to think upon a new modell of the institution of the Universitye: to which pourpose one Mr. David Raite, ther principall, drew a draught of a foundation, wherin all the old institution was turned up syde doune. This they presented to James the Sixth, then King of Scottlande; and it went neer to be ratifyd in parliament, had it not been opposed by Secretair Elphinstoune, a great statesman, who in favours of bishopp William Elphinstouns memorye (both of them being cadetts of the familye of Shelms) said it was no reason for to perverte the founders meaning, so far as it could stand with the reformed relligione. So the new draught was stifled in the birth; and that paper coming afterwards into the handes of bishopp Patricke Forbesse, with a sollicitatione for him to set it anew on foote, he threw it in to the fyre, wher it ended; and instantly, being chancellor of the Universitye, caused sett the old institution on foote, as farr as it could subsist with the protestant relligione " (Gordon's Scots Affairs, vol. ii. p. 156). ་ THE NOVA FUNDATIO. 329 • commissioneris findis that the grytest pairt of the foundit memberis wer quyte abolischet and out of use speciallie sic as had speciall voyce in nominatioun and presentatioun of memberis quhairthrow formall and cannonicall electioun had fallen away. that the statutis of the fundatioun [of Bishop Elphinstone] were all of thame broken or neglected. . . . And in the meintyme for holding the estait of the said universitie in way, that teiching and discipline faill not, and for the better electioun of the memberis of the said universitie in tyme cumming, till the memberis quhilkis wer quyte abolisched and out of use may be agane erected, the saids commissioneris hes elected, and be thir presentis electis, Mr. Jon Leythe rector of the said universitie, Mr. William Forbes dean of facultie, and Thomas Nicolsoun professor of the civil law, Mr. Wm. Andersoun professor of the cannon law, Mr. Patrik Dun professor of physick, and Mr. Dauid Wedderburn grammarier. And finallie, the saidis commissioneris decernis and ordainis the saidis principall regentis and remanent foundit memberis abonespecifeit to observe keip and fulfill the haill statutis ordinances and provisiounis contenit at lenth in the said funda- tioun abonewrittin,and the violatour or brekar of all or ony ane of thame to be punischit as effeiris' (Records of 1619 Visitation, King's Coll. Old Charter Chest, xxiii., 3, 4). H. ACT OF SCOTS PARLIAMENT. 28th June, 1633. "Our Soverane Lord. . . following the worthie example of his hienes most noble progenitors in thair good affectioun and love of learning and vertewous educa- tion of the youth within this Kingdom . . . confirmes all and sundrie the forsaids Auld Fundationes of the saids vniversitie and colledge of auld Aberdeine . . . . and approves the statuit and ordinance maid be his royall father of glorious memorie in his said parliament holdin at Edinburgh the said yeir of God Jm vjc and sevinteine yeiris .. (Acts Parl. Scot., vol. v. (1870), p. 73). Letters from the King. I. VISITATION OF 1638. 1. Of date 7th October, 1637, urging "the establishing of the New Fundation made by King James of happy memory" (not preserved). 2. Of date 7th February, 1638. "To our richt trustie and weilbeloued cosens and counsellers, to the right reuerend fatheris in God, and to our trustie and weill- beloued the marques of Huntlie and the remanent noblemen bishopes and wtheris the sub commissioneris for the visitation of the universitie and the kinges colledge of the Old Toun of Aberdene. Sic superscribitur, Charles R.-Right trustie and weilbeloued cosens and counselferis, right reuerend fatheris in God, and trustie and weilbeloued, we greit you weill. We did expect to haue hard long befor Chrystmes the good effectes which might haue followed upon your visitation of the universitie and our colledge of the Old Toun of Aberdene, bot by the contrarie ar now informed that the principall and four regentes of philosophie haveing these many yeires bein lyabill to the censure of deprivation through manifest contempt and violation of thair originall fundation, ar now of lait come to that hight of presumption as to abolish as much as in thame lyeth the ancient and trew fundation, so often ratiefeit TT 330 APPENDIX. by our nobill progenitouris and our selff in parliamentes, and to bring in a new one of thair awin forgeing, both to palliat thair past malversationes and appropriat to thame selffes onlie the whole reveneus, so to extinguish the professiones of law and medicin, and to redact all the fundation to ane bair scoole of philosophie, much contrarie to our pious and princelie designe of restoring to all the universities thair ancient integritie and splendor. These ar thairfoir to will and requyr you marques of Huntlie to convein furthwith a competent number of your fellow commissioners, and to tack ane exact and spidie tryall of the premisses, and according to the merites of the caus to punish and remove the transgressers, and restoir the professiones of law and medicin to the exercise of thair charge and stipend, and generallie to settill such cleir and firme order for all the professouris, and the proportion of thair mantenance aither present or as heirefter it may incres, and particularlie for the exercise of thair seuerall functiones, as may avoid and prevent any such trans- gressiones heirefter; and that in all ye proceid according to the trew meining of the ancient fundation, in so far as it is not contrarie to the religion presentlie profest or lawes of our kingdome, whairin not doubting of your cair we bid you fair weill. Gevin at our court at Whythall, the 7 of February, 1638.” 28th February, 1638. "Vee, doctor Arthour Johnston rector, doctor Villiam Leslie principall, mr. David Leich subprincipall, mr. Johne Lundie grammarian, mr. Robert Ogilvie, mr. Alexander Middletone, mr. Alexander Garden, regents of the king's colledge of Aberdene, vndersubscrivers: For so meikill as king James of happie memorie haith mortified sundrie lands, benefices, teinds, chaplainries, and annuall rents to the principall, subprincipall, grammarian, thrie regents, bursers and servants in the colledge, and haith lykvyse maid a fundatione conforme to the saids mortificationes, and that vee hawe beene these many yeirs bygone in peaceable possessione and practise of the said fundatione both for number of persons and orders of doctrine and discipline praescryved therein, and lykvyse of the rents therein mortified ewer since the day and daitt of the saids mortifications and fundation; and lykvyse because our Graciouse Soveraigne haith of laith be his letters to the Lords commissionars for the visitatione of vniversities in this kingdome signified his vill and pleasure concerning the observance of the new fundatione: Therefor binds and oblidges ourselves and ewrie on of us vnder the paine of perjurie and infamie to mantaine according to the vttermost of our power the said new fundatione and to adheire therto ay and vhill his ma. after due tryall and hearing of the parties interest declaires it null and of no effect, and also to adheare to the saids new mortifications of king James ay and vhill the saime be orderly declaired not to pertaine properlie and onlie to us and our successors. Be these presents vrytten be me mr. Alexander Gardene regent and subscrived vt our hands at the said colledge the last day of februare 1638 yeers." * * * * * * * * * * "At the King's College of Auld Aberdene. 12th April, 1638. * * "The quhilk day convenit . . . the Commissioners nominat and appoynted be his sacred majestie for visitation of the said university . . . the said doctour THE NOVA FUNDATIO. 331 Arthur Johnstoun [Rector] producet a copie of the new allegit fundation of the said college maid and grantit be our lait soveran lord king James the sext of blissed memorie wreitin in paper containing eight leaves in folio, haveing ane post script at the end thairof subscryved be the said rector principall subprincipall regentes and humanist, dated this tuelff day of Apryll instant, wherby they doe aver the said copie to be ane just and trew copie of the authentick originall, whilk wes priuilie distroyed some yeires agoe (as thay alledgit) and whilk thay wndertak to verifie befoir the judge competent, and thairwith producet the copie of ane act of parliament ratiefeing the said new fundation (as they alledge) togidder with certan articles ane grievances subscryved also be the saids rector principall subprincipall regentes and humanist, desyring that the saids lords commissioneris proceid in thair visitation of the said colledge according to the saids new fundation and articles, protesting if thair lord- schipes doe in the contrar for nullitie of thair proceiding, reduction and remeid of law, and thairupon asked instrumentes. Efter reiding of the which articles, the saids lords commissioneris appoynted the saids professours of medicin and of the canon law to ansuer thairunto in wreit the morrow, and the whole maisteris memberis and professours of the said college to produce thair presentationes and admissiones to thair seuerall places and professiones the day foirsaid, to be sein and considderit be the said lords." [Supplication and protest given in to the Lords Visitors. 12th April.] "We rector principall subprincipall grammarier regents and officeris and bursaris of the kings colledge of Old Aberdene wnderstanding that your lordships, be wertue of ane letter purchased from his majestie, are to wisite the colledge, humblie desyres that your lordships "1. Will take to your considderationes that ther is tuo letters written be his majestie for the wisitation of the colledge, wherof the first urges the establishing of the new fundation made by king James of happy memorie, the second of the old made by bishope Elphingstone. The caus of this contrarietie is the diversitie of informa- tiones giwen to his majestie and specified in his letters. The information giwen for purchaseing the first letter is, that his majesties father of blessed memorie hade mortified to the colledge faire rents farr exceeding the rents mortified by the bishop, and that he made ane new fundation conteining the number of the members, lawes, ordour of doctrine and discipline to be obserwed thairin, and that this new foundation wes subscrywed be the king councell bishope and members of the colledge, and that it wes ratified in parliament in all the heads and clauses conteined into it, and that ewer since it wes framed we hawe been in continuall practice therof till of late it wes secretlie destroyed and burnt be privat persones without any warrand of superiour powers. Wpon this narrative his majestie most justlie hes commanded your lordships to take exact tryall of the destroyers of his fatheris fundation, and to restoir and reestablish the samen. The information giwen to his majestie for purchaseing the second letter is, that the masters of the colledge being persones subject to censures of deprivation for thair malversatione, intends to owerthrow the colledge and priviledges thairof, and to that effect hes forged ane new foundation to themselues; and that thair is no other true foundation but that of bishop Elphing- 332 APPENDIX. stones, and that no other foundation was ewer ratified in parliament. Rebus sic stantibus his majestie could not bot ordaine bishope Elphingstones foundation to be keeped, so that his majestie in both his letters hath showin himselfe an most just and equitable prince. "2. Seeing that both his majesties letters being contrarie ane to another cannot be put to execution, we intreat your lordships to wey and consider the weritie of the tuo informations wheron they ar grounded, that his majestie be not vilefied, nor his most religious and just intentions disapointed. "3. We humblie supplicate your lordships to considder that no other letter can be justlie followed bot that which is grounded upon the true narrative, and if the other which is founded upon misformation be put to execution, the masters and members of the colledge haweing intress will hawe just reason to complaine. His majestie hes set doune in his lettres the seuerall informations for no other end bot that your lordships may ponderate them and judge accordinglie. If his majestie wold wryt tuo sewerall letters to ane judge, the on ordaining him to execute such an man, becaus he is informed that he hes committed ane murder, the other that he trouble him not, becaus he is informed that he is not guiltie of any cryme, it is most certaine that the judge haweing sufficientlie tryed the man's innocencie will newer adventure to take his lyfe upon the kings letter grounded upon wrong information, otherwayes he wrongs the king, offends God, and wounds his own conscience. "4. We beseech your lordships to considder that the informations giwen be our adversaries for the establishing of the old foundation ar altogidder falss and forged, for neither hawe we nor any of us forged any new foundatioune to ourselues, nether hawe we any intention to destroy the universitie and priviledges thairof, nether ar we wnder any censures of deprivation for malversation, as your lordships will find be just tryall and examinatione; nether is it true that we hawe no foundation ratified in parliament, as we shall shew heirafter. "5. We intreat your lordships to considder that our informations presented to his majestie for establishing the new foundation ar most true in all points, for first that king James of blessed memorie did mortifie fair revenews to the colledge, it is evident be three charters of his mortifications made anno 1574, 1579, 1586, quhairof we hawe the originall. Secondlie, that he made an new foundation we shall prowe by witnesses insert, and sundrie others who hes both sen and red it. Thirdlie, that the same foundatioune wes ratified in parliament the act of parliament holden anno Domini 1597 will testifie. Fourthlie, that the originall of this foundation wes se- cretlie destroyed and burnt be privat persones hawing no publict warrand, we offer to prove presentlie befor your lordships. The which things being proven and werified, your lordships cannot in equitie refuse to obey his majesties letter and establish king James foundatione." * * * * * * * X * * * X * * [Signed by the Rector, Principal, Subprincipal, Humanist, and three Regents.] [Answers to the supplication and protest, given in 13th April.] "1. Imprimis, it is notorlie knowen to all Europe concerning that most excellent THE NOVA FUNDATIO. 333 king, James the sext, quhat learning and knowledge was in his awin royall persone, and how gryt a favourer he was of all literature, and how far set for propagatione thairof; and to imagine or impute to his majestie such barbaritie and impietie at least informalitie as finding ane universitie compleit, and a colledge consisting of fourtie-tuo foundit members, whose rentes (except the chaplainries) forsaide could newir fall in his majesties hands; yet to haue maid such destructione and desola- tione by a pretendit new fundatione, as to haue abrogate the haill professiones, and appropriate all the old rentes and his owin new mortificationes to sexteine persones onlie of fourtie-tuo, viz., a principall subprincipall thrie regentes a grammarier and ten bursers, adding unto them four new creat members, viz., ane oeconomous, ane cuike, the principall and subprincipall, tuo boyes, cassiring not onlie the professours of lawes and medicine, bot also thrie bursers in divinitie and thrie in philosophie, wha wer the right awneris, and quho wer nevir called nor conveined befoir a judge, or consentit to such alienationes of thair rent, which could neuir haue beine disponit or fall in the kinges hands wtherwayes. (6 2. As for the alledgit tenor of this new fundatione, how ridiculous and vickid the same is which is contenit in the copie producit, it appeares; and first haueing no subscriptiones of any wther foundit member bot the subprincipall and thrie regentes, whose consent can be of no awaill to a donatione maid to themselues for augmenting thair owin stipends, and provyding unto thame new create servants, viz.: ane oeco- nomous ane cuike and tue boyes, neuir mentionat in the true fundatione, and that with exclusion of so many professores and bursers, far moir necessarie foundit memberis of the universitie. "3. The bodie of this alledgit new fundatione hes neither day dait place nor witnesses, and being called by the producers a chartour of fundatione and new gift, yet it hes no seall nor ordeinit to be seallit, and is nether transumit before a judge nor registrat in any authentike registre in this kingdome, but onlie a bair informall copie; which ar thinges most ridiculous and incompatible with such a publict ewident as the fundatione of such a famous colledge. The lyke judgement may be giwen upone that copie of the act of counsell alledgit subscriuit be his majestie at Aberdene 1592, which wes ane tyme of gryt troubles and confusione in this land, and wes done, sine cause cognitione et partibus non auditis, if ewer it was done. "4. And for the alledgit aid and subscription of the generall assemblie, it specifies not quhat fundatione of the colledge of Aberdene was than approven, and may justlie be suspectit to be forgit, considering the dait therof anno 1593, at Edinburgh; for it is of veritie that ther wes no generall assemblie holdin at Edinburgh that yeir, bot at Dundie onlie, quhair thair wes no such act maid, as may be cleirlie prowen by productione of the actes of the generall assemblies that yeir. "5. And for the cheife defect thairof it is not ratified by parliament. As for that few lynes of ane copie of a ratificatione producit, it is so generall that it mey be applyed to the last true foundatione published by bishope Gavine Dumbar, ordeineing the same to be revised, and makes no mentione of king James fundatione; and being applyit thairto also, it ratifies it onlie to be revised; and the said act being of lait producit in judgement, the lords of sessione thair decisione was that, forsameikle 334 APPENDIX. as the alledgit fundation wes neuer revised reported nor ratified in parliament, albeit the principall thairof wer now extant (as it is lost by thair owin alledgance), yet the same to make no faith. This was the lords sentence anno 1636 in Marche. "6. How could it be possible, if the said king James haid so laitlie abefoir maid such a new fundation contrarie to the true originall, that he sould so soone become so oblivious of his owin deid, or so changable in short space, as in his parliament 1617 to make no mentione of his new fundatione; bot on the contrarie to ratifie the old originall fundatione of the whole universitie maid by bischop Elphingstoune with authoritie of king James the fourt, quhairin the whole professiones of lawes and medicine etc. ar expreslie set doune, and ther priviledges ratified, to the utter over- throw of that alledgit new fundatione; and theirefter in anno 1619 to direct a commissione under the gryt seall for reestablishing of all the saids professiones in doctrine discipline and stipends according to the originall fundation, whiche hes bein ewer in practise since about this tuentie yeires past in all governaments and visita- tione of chancellaris and rectors, and admissione of members of this universitie, and expeding of tacks and evidents of the samen; and that so constantlie all this whyle that newir mentione hes beine maid, nor a scraipe of a pen to be producit according to that pretendit new fundatione. "7. What preiudice it sould inferre to this universitie to retrinche the haill chiefe members of it, and the power of conferring degreis in all superior faculties which hes bein in use this sewin scoir of yeires, and especiallie this tuentie yeires last bypast, as also in redacting ane universitie to a private school of philosophie, whose chanceller sould be electiue, quhairas the bischope of Aberdene by the originall fundatione is perpetuall chanceller of that famous universitie; and quhat necessitie it would impose to all youthes for peregrinatioun to studie the lawes and medicine which wtherwayes might be more safelie and cheaplie taught at home: and quhat impietie it wer to violate the first fundators letter will, and how by a lait act of parliament 1633 all mortificationes sould be applyit to the specificke use allanerlie of the mortifier, any man mey ewidentlie sie. "8. Lastlie, to considder the producers transgressioun; haueing ther admissiones by the originall fundation, to disclaime the samen in that degrie as to obtrude ane erronious copie of ane contrarie new ane: We that ar professores and the pairtie offendit hes desyrit ane act upone the productione of that copie, that the daites thairof and tenour be neither alterit nor pairit, demanding of them who will byd be this copie, and who saw the originall thairof, or can proue it to haue beine destroyit by our late prelate, or to haue beine unjustlie destroyit; and since it had no witnesses insert bot onlie the pairties, and since it conteinit four or fyw scheitt of paiper, with gryt varietie of articles and sanctiones, and is alledgit to haue beine lost moir than sextein yeires agoe, what judge sall admitt or quhat witnesses memorie may serve to prove verbatim et liniatim of whole contentes of such a lost and forlorne wreit; and for all the former considerationes if they mey not be compted forgers of this new fundation, and by so doing to be infringers of ther originall fundatione, and to haue iniured the sanctiones thairof, quhairby they ar called perjuri infames et inhabiles: it is referrit to the judgement of those whome it concernes." [Signed by the Canonist and Mediciner.] THE NOVA FUNDATIO. 335 13th April, 1638. “... The lords commissioneris being advysed, and haveand consideration that his majesties designe in directing to thame of the said commision is to restoir the said universitie to the ancient integritie and splendor, and wnder- standing the rentes and revenous of the said college not to be sufficient to prouyd the haill maisteris professours bursares and wtheris fundat in the said originall fundation with competent provisiones, and that the whole present contra- versie, whilk is amongis the memberis of the said college, arryses and resultes wpon ane posterior fundation alledgit maid be umquhill king James the sext of blissed memorie, whilk is not extant, bot onlie ane copie not authentick, and ane wther wnsubscryved copie of ane act of parliament ratiefieing the said posterior fundation as is alledgit: thairfor the saids lordis findis it meit for the quyet and setling of the memberis of the said college, that the whole maisteris regentes professours and wther memberis thairof shall posses thair present places functiones and stipends, as thay war in use and possession fra Michaelmes M. sex hundreth threttie and sex, to Michaelmes in the yeir of God M. sex hundreth threttie and sewin yeris, and so to con- tinew ay and quhill his majestie be pleased to give forder order in the busines. . . (Records of 1638 Visitation, King's Coll. Old Charter Chest, xxiii. 23). NOVA FUNDATIO OF KING'S COLLEGE. Jacobus sextus Dei gratia Scotorum Rex, Omnibus et singulis vere Christianis salutem. Cum ad pii principis curam et regii muneris solicitudinem pertineat non solum rempublicam ejusque partes rite constituere et ordinare, sed etiam si quid in his sit vel temporis vitio in deterius mutatum, vel negligentia collapsum, vel moribus labe- factum, id omne vel ad primam originem revocare, vel in meliorem statum restituere et reformare; cumque id in omnibus reipublicae partibus diligenter faciendum sit, tụm maximum in ea quae ad juventutis honestam educationem pertinet, ac proinde reliquis sit initium et seminarium, adeo diligentem curam assiduamque operam desiderat, ut in hujus fere unius recta constitutione sita sit reipublicae salus et incolumitas, et in ejusdem neglectu lapsus et interitus; ac cum maxime ea nos con- tendere deceat cum Divina Providentia nos iis temporibus ad reipublicae gubernacula produxerit, in quibus evangelii lucem (expulsis Papismi tenebris) Scotiae nostrae praelucere voluerit, nosque imprimis solicitos esse oporteat ut tantum beneficium ad posteros nostros propagetur, quod non alia ratione commodius fieri possit quam proba ejusmodi educatione et recta juventutis informatione. Nos idcirco regiam nostram curam et paternam solicitudinem ad hanc tam utilem tamque necessariam Reipublicae nostrae partem extendere cupientes, post Andreanae et Glasguanae Academiae reformationem et institutionem a nobis ex consilio summorum virorum rite peractam et absolutam, Aberdonense etiam nostrum Regale Collegium non exiguum Reipublicae nostrae in partibus regni nostri borealibus, in literis et moribus recte instituendis seminarium partim nunc primum instituendum et fundandum partim reformandum et restituendum omnino vero ordinandum et instituendum 336 APPENDIX. quam optimo fieri possit modo, ex summorum etiam virorum consilio existimavimus. Et quamvis a majoribus nostris Episcoporum Aberdonensium consilio hujus praeclari operis jacta sunt non paenitenda fundamenta, tamen cum illud seculum multa toleraret, quae his nostris temporibus cum clara Evangelii luce non conveniunt, cumque exigui tenuesque sumptus, tunc qui pro temporis ratione alendis illius Collegii membris destinati fuerunt, in hac praetiorum commutatione iisdem sus- tentandis nullo pacto sufficere valeant, operae praetium duximus huic nostro Gymnasio novis proventibus a nobis munifice aucto, eam legem praescribere quae Dei gloriae, Ecclesiae saluti, Reipublicae, communique nostrorum commodo, ac denique his nostris euditis temporibus optime inservire posse videatur. Primum igitur ne huic nostro Gymnasio sumptus et impensa desint, quae- cunque a majoribus nostris Gulielmo Elphinstone Episcopo Aberdonensi, seu aliis quibusvis ante nos tributa et concessa sunt, ea omnia rata habemus approbamus et nostra authoritate confirmamus, et quantum in nobis est damus de novo, viz., totas et integras rectorias et vicarias ecclesiarum parochialium de Glenmuick et Abergar- daine, de Slaines et Furvie, de Aberluthnot et de Snau, cum omnibus decimis earundem, fructibus, proficuis, redditibus, emolumentis, devoriis, mansis, glebis, terris ecclesiasticis et pertinentibus earundem quibuscunque jacentibus in diocesibus Aber- donensi et Sancti Andreae, et vicecomitatibus Aberdonensi et Kincardinensi respective. Item omnes et singulas terras de Drumlagair, item terras de Bannakettle, Adiell, Berrihill, Collynie, et Andett, croftas quasdam jacentes apud Aberdene, jacentes in comitatibus de Bamf et Aberdene respective. Item omnes reditus subsequentes, viz., viginti libras de baronia de Balhelvie, novemdecim mercas de aquis nostris regiis de Bamf, duodecim libras sex solidos et octo denarios de terris de Oord, Mombray, Blairshinnie et aliis vicinis terris de Boyne, quinque libras de terris de Udach, quatuor libras de Pettie. Item annuos reditus et feudifirmas terrarum hospitalium Sancti Germani jacentium ubicunque intra fines regni Scotiae. Item terras in quibus situm est dictum Collegium, cum hortis et croftis adjacentibus, cum mansis et aedificiis Canonistae, Civilistae, Medici, et Grammatici, cum omnibus aliis et singulis decimis, terrae annuis reditibus, capellaniis, quibuscunque aliis proficuis, quae vel a majoribus nostris, ab episcopis Aberdonensibus vel aliis quibuscunque praedicto Collegio ante tempora nostra concessa, seu a dicto Collegio quovis modo possessa, prout in cartis et donationibus eorundem latius continetur. Quas omnes ratificamus, approbamus, et pro nobis et successoribus nostris perpetuo confirmamus. Sed quia, ut diximus, praedicti redditus et proventus non modo modici sint idoneum praeceptorum et studiosorum numerum alere, et tantam familiam sustentare in hac rerum omnium caritate et praetiorum commutatione non valebant, Nos nostra beneficentia ex consilio consiliariorum nostrorum eidem Collegio, Magistris, Praecep- toribus, et in eodem studiosis, caeterisque membris ejusdem quae post nominabuntur, dedimus, concessimus, incorporavimus, et ad manum mortuam dimisimus, necnon per praesentes damus, concedimus, incorporamus et ad manum mortuam perpetuo dimittimus, omnes redditus, fructus, decimas, decimas garbales, emolumenta, pro- ventus, aedificia, terras, hortos, ecclesiasticas mansiones et glebas, earum proventus, aliaque quaevis pertinentia Ecclesiae Cathedrali veteris Abredoniae, quae est ecclesia THE NOVA FUNDATIO. 337 parochialis sancti Macharii, rectoria et vicaria ejusdem, vocaturque Decanatus Ecclesiae Cathedralis de Aberdeene. Item omnes decimas, firmas, annuos redditus, proventusque Ecclesiae de Furvie, quae vocatur rectoria et vicaria de Furvie. Item omnes decimas, redditus, proventus, emolumenta, aedificia, hortos, terras, mansiones, glebas, et cetera quae olim pertinuerunt ad fratres Carmelitanos de Banff. Item, omnes decimas, redditus, proventus, emolumenta, aedificia, hortos, terras, ecclesias- ticas mansiones, glebas, et caetera Ecclesiae Divi Petri quae vocatur Ecclesia de Spittal, seu Succentoria de Aberdeene. Item omnes decimas, reditus, proventus, Ecclesiae de Methlick, quae vocatur Rectoria et Vicaria de Methlick. Item Capel- lanias quas vocant de Vesthal et Falaroul, et trecentas illas mercas quas fratrum Carmelitarum Joannes Chrystison eidem Collegio reliquit. Item omnes annuos redditus, agros, aedificia pertinentia ad Capellaniam Mariae Magdalenae, occupata et possessa per quondam Magistrum Ioannem Kennedy, et omnes annuos redditus qui in communi pertinuerunt olim Capellaniae dicti Collegii, cum omnibus aliis terris, aedificiis, proventibus, decimis, annuis redditibus, feudifirmis, juribus, jurisdictionibus, ac quibuscunque debitis quae praedicto Collegio, Magistris, Regentibus, Bursariis vel membris, vel a majoribus nostris, vel a nobis sive consensu Regentium, sive consilii nostri, seu quovis modo, vel a superioris temporis Episcopis Aberdonensibus vel a quibusvis aliis hactenus fuerunt concessa, donata, vel quovis modo attributa, seu quaecunque dictum Collegium vel personae antehac fundati possident, possederunt, seu quovis modo possidere possint. Quae omnia regia nostra authoritate eidem Collegio membrisque in eo erigendis perpetuo mansura approbamus, ratificamus, et pro nobis, nostrisque successoribus in perpetuum confirmamus. Quo vero haec nostra sive majorum nostrorum liberalitas recte collocata intelligatur atque hi redditus a nobis nostro Collegio collati rite ad reipublicae Chris- tianae commodum impendantur, Volumus ut in hac parte resectis et amputatis superfluis omnibus et inutilibus quae vel ad personas et Collegii membra, vel ad alia officia muneraque pertinent, et iis omnibus antiquatis, quae vel nostris his tem- poribus non conveniunt, vel cum clara Evangelii luce (qua nunc per Dei gratiam regnum nostrum illustratur) minus congruunt, hoc nostrum nunc tandem reformatum et renovatum literatorum Collegium viginti duobus ordinariis vel residentibus personis constituatur, Gymnasiarcha quem Principalem vocant, quatuor Regentibus, quorum primus erit Subprincipalis, Praeceptore Grammatico, Oeconomo, duodecem pauperi- bus studentibus, duobus Servis, altero Principalis, altero Subprincipalis, et Coquo; quorum singulos in suis muneribus obeundis sedulos esse volumus, et pro laboribus honoraria ac stipendia percipere, quo majori alacritate suis officiis invigilent, ac primum quidem omnes viginti duas personas, Preceptore Grammatico excepto, collegialiter vivere, hoc est intra septa Collegii simul et cibum sumere et dormire volumus. Gymnasiarcham autem, quem Principalem vocant, pium et probum hominem esse imprimis oportet, cui totum Collegium et singula illius membra subesse oporteat; cui in singulas Collegii nostri personas jurisdictionem committimus ordinariam. Is n sacris literis probe institutus, ad aperienda fidei mysteria et reconditos Divini Verbi thesauros idoneus, linguarum etiam gnarus et peritus sit oportet, imprimis vero UU 338 APPENDIX. Hebraice et Syriace, cujus Professorem esse instituimus (linguam enim sacram ut par est promovere inter subditos nostros cupimus ut scripturarum fontes et mysteria rectius aperiantur). Itaque dicto nostro Gymnasiarchae committimus, quo sedulitatis exemplum toti Collegio sua diligentia subministret, ut in dies alternos horam saltem unam praelegendo impendat, quo tempore maxime erit opportunum, alternatim et per vices praelectionem Theologicam seligat ad explicandum Scripturarum recessus, alternatim vero linguam ipsam sacram auditoribus explicabit, cujus praelectioni Regentes omnes et duorum supremorum [sic] interesse volumus; die autem Sabbatino immunem a praelectionibus esse concedimus, quoniam totius septimanae ratio ei ab auditoribus exigenda est, et opera danda formandae ad Machariae parochii populum concionis (nam cum Collegium nostrum ex decimis et proventibus illius Ecclesiae partim sustentetur, exiguum esse duximus ut qui temporalia ministrant spiritualia percipiant, nec pane vitae quod est Dei verbum defraudentur) curam itaque quoad poterit diligentissimam adhibebit Gymnasiarcha ut tunc populum pascat et in recta vitae et morum disciplina contineat singulisque diebus dominicis adhortetur ad pietatem. Resideat vero in dicto Collegio neque inde pedem moveat ad longinquiorem aliquam profectionem, nisi re cum Rectore Academiae, Decano Facultatis et caeteris suis Collegis Regentibus communicata et venia impetrata graviori aliqua de causa, et ejusdem dicti Collegii commodo, nec ultra triduum, venia non impetrata absit. Quoties vero dictum Gymnasiarchae munus quovis modo vacare contigerit, Regentes qui pro tempore fuerint ejusdem vacationis denunciationem dicti Gymna- siarchae Electoribus ilico facere tenebuntur, ut illi certiores facti alium virum gravem et idoneum qui id muneris obeat sufficere possint, cujusquidem Electionis legittimum tempus erit intra sexaginta dies a denunciatione vacationis dicti muneris. Quod si subscripti Electores distulerint Electionem Gymnasiarchae, tum numerus eorum major, praescripto tempore sexaginta dierum jam exacto, electionem absolvet, idque intra quadraginta dies post exactos priores sexaginta. Examinatio et Electio dicti Gymnasiarchae ad Praefectum seu Primarium novi seu Theologici Collegii in Academia Andraeana, Cancellarium Universitatis Aberdonensis qui est Episcopus Aberdonensis, Rectorem Universitatis, Decanum Facultatis, Subprincipalem Collegii, tres reliquos Regentes ejusdem Collegii, ita ut omnes tres unum tantummodo habeant suffragium, ministrum Ecclesiae Novae Aberdoniae, Gymnasiarcham Collegii Edinensis. Et quemcunque hi omnes aut eorum pars major, una cum Cancellario et uno ex duobus dictis Gymnasiarchis Andraeano et Edinensi, consentientibus votis in unum elegerint, reliquis absentibus et ad diem indictum ubi legittime admoniti fuerint, non comparentibus, illius rata erit Electio. At si nullus praedictorum Gymnasiarch- arum duorum adfuerit et consenserit, irrita sit Electio. Quamquidem examinationem, electionem et admissionem procedere volumus Edicto publico valvis Collegii Aber- donensis et Ecclesiarum tam veteris quam novae Urbis per Regentes affixo supra praemonitione triginta dierum ad minimum. Insuper dicti Regentes suo edicto Sanctandraeanos, Glasguenses, Edinburgenses admoneant, ut si qui sint idonei ad munus capessendum, praesto sint ad diem condictum; Quo neque favore neque partium gratia sed virtute et eruditionis praestantia consummetur. Praeferatur tamen peregrinis ab Electoribus, si quis in gremio Collegii Aberdonensis repertus THE NOVA FUNDATIO. 339 In fuerit idoneus ad hoc munus capessendum, Regentium gradibus servatis. tota hac electione Gymnasiarchae, atque etiam aliorum praeceptorum dicti Collegii, ut nemo sibi suffragari possit, et ad seipsum eligendum suffragium ne habeat, aut si unus aliquis et idem duas fortasse aut plures dictorum Electorum personas sustinebit, volumus ut eo casu uniuş tantum suffragii jus habeat; neque. ulli Electorum jus eligendi aut ferendi suffragia concedatur nisi solenni more prius juranti se bona fide in toto examine et electione absque affectu et personarum respectu versaturum. Quoniam eruditum hominem quaerimus cujus humeris onus totius Collegii incumbat, eique insuper Ecclesiae Macharianae curam demandamus, isque neque labores sustinere neque sumptibus sufficere possit nisi honestis praemiis invitetur, idcirco prae victu et honorario ei et famulo suo constituimus in praesen- tiarum pro ratione reddituum, quos jam habet Collegium, viginti quatuor bollas farinae avenariae seu hordei, et ducentas mercas monetae Scotiae; et ubi quid accreverit redditibus Collegii, transactis damnosis locationibus vel alio quovis modo, tum primum superaddentur praefato Principali aliae viginti quatuor bollae farinae avenariae seu hordei, ita ut in anona percipiat tres chalderas seu quad- raginta octo bollas, quibus integre perceptis ex supra dicta summa ducentarum mercarum detrahentur ex annuo salario dicti Principalis triginta tres mercae quinque asses aut solidi et sex denarii, si aliter Collegii sumptus ferre non possint. Et sic quidem Principalem nostri Collegii, quem pro totius vitae suae curriculo eligimus, vitam instituere volumus, qui si negligens fuerit in suo munere, et si quae sint ei per specialem electionem injuncta non impleverit, neque resipiscere velit, cum ter admoni- tus fuerit per Cancellarium, Academiae Rectorem, Decanum Facultatis, Collegii Regentes, vel eorum majorem partem, sed si in malos mores proclivis fuerit, iisdem auctoribus exauctorabitur quos prius in electione locum habere decrevimus. Quatuor insuper Regentes putamus dare et commodo Gymnasii fore necessa- rios, qui juventuti instituendae praesint et Principali auxilientur, quorum unus proxi- mus post Principalem Subprincipalis dicitur cui quarta classis commissa est. Hic ut Principalis ad vitae suae spatium in eo munere permanebit, de quo postea. Horum quatuor Regentium primae et infimae classi praefectus Graecae Linguae institu- tionem profitebitur, addita enarratione quam facillimorum et optimorum authorum utriusque linguae, eosdemque frequenti styli exercitio, sex primis mensibus Latinae. compositioni, reliquis sequentibus Graecae inscriptioni assuefaciet. Proximus praecepta inventionis, dispositionis, et elocutionis quam possit facili methodo suos auditores sequenti anno docebit, usumque praeceptorum ex optimis utriusque linguae authoribus praeceptis adjunget, adolescentesque tum scribendo tum declamando exercebit, ut in utriusque linguae facultate pares ad Philosophiae praecepta capes- senda magis idonei evadere possint. Tertius Arithmeticae et Geometriae Rudimenta, selectionem ex Aristotelis Organo Logico, una cum ejusdem libris Ethicov et Politicov e Graeco contextu enarrabit, quibus et librorum Marci Tullii de Officiis ad mores melius reformandos et linguam Latinam locupletandam explicationem adjunget. Eligentur autem hi tres Regentes vel eorum aliquis, quoties vacare ejusmodi locum contigerit, per Universitatis Cancellarium, Rectorem, Decanum Facultatis, Collegii Principalem, Subprincipalem, Novae Abredoniae Ministrum, tres Regentes 340 APPENDIX. ejusdem Collegii (ita ut omnes tres tantummodo unum habeant suffragium); aut sin minus omnes adesse una possint, volumus ex praenominatis electoribus quatuor, i.e., numerum qui quatuor suffragia compleat, ad minimum interesse, et ex his quatuor Principalem Collegii una cum Ministro Novae Abredoniae, alioquin irritam fore electionem. Licebit unicuique horum trium in suo officio permanere quamdiu assidui et diligentes fuerint, modo nihil faciant quod exauctorationem mereat. Unicuique horum Regentium pro annuo victu et sallario, prout Collegii reditus nunc se habent, unam chalderam farinae avenaticae, una cum quadraginta septem libris et septem decem solidis monetae regni nostri assignamus. Ubi autem quid accreverit Collegii redditibus, vel exactis damnosis locationibus, tum superaddi unicuique horum volumus octo bollas farinae avenaticae seu hordei, et de summa quadraginta septem librarum et septem decem solidorum detrahi septem libras et septem decem solidos, ita ut unusquisque horum trium tunc temporis habeat pro victu et sallario viginti quatuor bollas farinae avenaticae vel hordei et quadraginta libras. Quartus Regens, quem Subprincipalem nominamus, quique in eo munere quamdiu vixerit durabit, vir erit pius, modestus, doctus. Physiologiam omnem, eamque de natura animalium utpote inprimis necessariam de Graeco Aristotelis contextu enarrabit. Geographiam etiam et Astrologiam profitebitur, nec non gene- ralem etiam Cosmographiam et temporum a condito mundo supputationem, quae res ad alias disciplinas et Historiarum cognitionem non parum lucis adfert, quibus sub anni finem sanctae linguae praecepta, una cum eorundem nonnulla praxi adjunget. Hujus electio erit penes Cancellarium Universitatis, Rectorem, Decanum Facultatis, Principalem Collegii, Ecclesiae Novae Aberdoniae Ministrum, tres Regentes ejusdem Collegii, ita ut hi tres unum tantum habeant suffragium; aut si minus una omnes adesse possint, volumus ex praenominatis electoribus quatuor, i.e., qui quatuor suffragia tenent, ad minimum interesse, et ex his quatuor Principalem Collegii una cum Ministro Novae Aberdoniae, alioquin irritam fere electionem; fietque ejus electio infra mensem a die vacationis edicto publico a Principali affixo super valvis Collegii et Ecclesiarum Novae et Veteris Aberdoniae. Quoniam vero hujus quarti Regentis qui et Subprincipalis dicitur, opera et laboribus, Colophonem philosophico studio imponi volumus, ac pileo coronatos adolescentes ad graviora studia alacrius conten- dere, quin etiam Procuratio Gymnasii ejusque cura et disciplina ad eum praecipue pertinebunt in Principalis absentia qualicunque vel distractione propter Ecclesiae Macharianae administrationem et curam, eidem cum suo famulo pro annuo victu et sallario assignamus, ut Collegii redditus nunc se habent, viginti quatuor bollas farinae avenaticae et octoginta libras monetae regni nostri Scotiae, ubi autem quid accreverit redditibus Collegii, exactis damnosis locationibus, tum superaddentur illi aliae viginti quatuor bollae farinae avenaticae seu hordei, et ex praedicta summa 80 lib. detrahentur 13 lib. 6 solidi et 8 nummi, ita ut praedictus subprincipalis habeat tunc temporis pro annuo victu et sallario tres chalderas farinae avenaticae seu hordei et 66 lib. 13 solidos 4 nummos. Quatuor autem hos Regentes nolumus (prout in Regni nostri Academiis olim mos fuit) novas professiones quotannis immutare, quo factum fuit ut dum multa profiterentur, in paucis periti invenirentur; verum volumus ut in eadem professione THE NOVA FUNDATIO. 341 se exerceant, ut adolescentes qui gradatim ascendunt, dignum suis studiis et ingeniis praeceptorem reperire queant. Quod si e re Gymnasii fuerit, idque Gymnasiarchae, Subprincipali, Rectori, Cancellario, Decano Facultatis visum fuerit, aut ex his tribus nimirum Principali, Subprincipali, Decano Facultatis, tres reliqui Regentes, ex eorum decreto, mutare inter se provincias possunt: Qui etiam Authores juventuti proponendos singulis annis praescribent, ita tamen ut omnes authores iis linguis quibus primum scripserunt, studiosis enarrentur. Volumus etiam praefatos nostros Regentes eorum curae commissos docendo, scribendo, declamando, disputando, quam diligentissime in palaestra literaria exerceant, praesertim vero duarum infimarum classium studiosos quotidianae compositioni assuefieri, horamque uram quotidie ad minimum hac in re consumere. Item post exactos primos octodecem menses, studiosos omnes singulis mensibus, publicis declamationibus tam Graece quam Latine dili- genter exercere; utque hac pia emulatione magis inflammentur studia, studiosos omnes in decurias distribui, et singulo quoque mense ita censuram agi ut doctissimus quisque ceteris omnibus praeferatur. Ad haec volumus neminem in studiosorum numerum in primum ordinem admitti, nisi qui diligenti exploratione per Decanum, Principalem, Subprincipalem, tres Regentes, Praeceptores utriusque Scholae Gram- matices, aut eorum alterum, ad id juratos omnes, dignus eo ordine censebitur. Singulis quoque annis ordinum promotiones per gradus progressionis fieri volumus, ita ut primi ordinis studiosi ad secundum transeant, secundi ad tertium, tertii ad quartum, quarti denique, absoluto studio philosophico, laurea magisterii donentur. In quibus gradibus hoc diligenter caveatur, ne quisquam indignus promotione in superiorem ordinem transeat, nisi justo examine per Decanum Facultatis, Princi- palem, Subprincipalem, tres Regentes, Magistros Scholarum Novae et Veteris Aberdoniae aut eorum alterum, ad id juratos publice omnes per eos habito. Siquis autem per eos promotione indignus censebitur, in eodem quo prius permanebit ordine, donec dignus promotione ad superiorem per eos judicabitur. Has examinationes et promotiones et in Collegium nostrum admissiones, singulis annis Calendis Octobris inchoare volumus. Singulis diebus Dominicis in singulis classibus lectionem sacram ex novo Testamento proponi volumus, ita ut primae classi Evangelium Divi Lucae, secundae Acta Apostolorum, tertiae Epistolam Divi Pauli ad Romanos, quartae Epistolam ad Hebraeos sui praeceptores mane hora sexta perlegant, hora vero quarta pomeridiana eandem praelectionem a suis quisque discipulis exigat. Potestas autem emendandi et corrigendi dictos Regentes erit penes dictum Principalem et Subprinci- palem, quibus etiam potestas erit eosdem Collegio ejiciendi, si postpositis eorum officiis, ter, ut dictum est, admoniti resipiscere noluerint, cognita tamen causa et adhibito consilio Rectoris et Decani Facultatis. Porro paupertatis habita cura, et quod multi prae inopia a bonis literis deterrean- tur, adjunximus duodecem pauperes studentes quos Bursarios vocant, iisque singulis assignamus pro annuo victu et ex redditibus dicti Collegii triginta libras. Eos paupertatis nomine commendatos esse volumus, quibus parentes et amici prae inopia victum et amictum suppeditare non queant, eosque ingenii praestantia et grammaticae facultatis peritia, bonisque moribus valere. Electio, admissio et collatio dictorum Bursariorum erit ad hanc formam. Principalis, vel ipso absente Sub- 342 APPENDIX. principalis, publico programmate valvis Collegii affixo, viginti dies ante Calendas Octobris, omnibus beneficium expetentibus denunciabit, ut ad eum diem se sistant examini per Rectorem, Decanum Facultatis, Novae Aberdoniae Ministrum, Princi- palem, Subprincipalem, tres Regentes quibus concedimus unum suffragium, juratos omnes, quique diligenti exploratione habita, paupertatis et doctrinae nomine eo bene- ficio maxime egere, eoque maxime digni reperiantur, in Bursariorum album inscri- bantur; habita tamen ejus privilegii ratione, quod piae memoriae Episcopus Gulielmus Elphinston sui cognominis pauperibus duobus in prima Collegii erectione reservavit. Nil quod aliud privilegium aliis quibusvis erga hoc nostrum Collegium beneficio merito debeatur, quale illud est quod familiae et cognomento Mri. Roberti Maitland, cujus opera facta est accessio Decanatus ad hoc nostrum Collegium, debetur, cujus cognatos et cognomines iniquum esset praeterire, quin et eorum pauperum imprimis ratio habenda est, ex quorum parochiis sumptus annui nostro Collegio suppeditantur, et id quidem caeteris paribus ut aliis praeferantur. Rectoris, Decani, Gymnasiarchae, Regentium et Electorum cura erit providere ne divites loco pauperum admittantur, neve fuci alvearia depascantur, sed eos tantum in Gymnasium recipere qui Patriae ornamento et Ecclesiae usui esse poterunt. Hos autem pauperes nostros humilitatis et obedientiae exemplar esse volumus, et per omnia praeceptoribus morem gerere, quod ni fecerint, potestatem facimus dicto Gymnasiarchae et Praeceptoribus eos puniendi, et pro ratione delicti usque ad eorum ejectionem e dicto Collegio inclusive, si propter corum contumaciam id promeriti fuerint. Hi longis togis induti sint, praecincti zona pellicea alba ad quatuor digitos lata, et horum erit hebdomadatim et vicissim omnium in Collegio dormientium cubicula, hora quinta circumire nempe matutina, studiosos ad studia excitare, lumenque hyeme afferre, nec non alia tenuiora ministeria in aula prandii aut coenae tempore (ut in ferculis et dapibus mensae imponendis et aqua ministranda) obire, et ejusmodi alia quae sine studiorum suorum dispendio a Gymnasiarcha caeterisque Praeceptoribus illis injungentur; quin et ut Janitorum vice vicissim fungantur, donec proventibus Academicae auctis, certus aliquis ad hoc officium eligatur. Horum ad Collegium ingressus Calendis Octobris sit, permaneantque in studio literario et Gymnasii sumptibus ut dictum est alantur, totis quatuor annis, quod tempus idoneum judicamus ad studium philosophicum consummandum et lauream adipiscendam, quibus exactis novi Bursarii provideantur, donec iterum ad metam decurrerint. Oeconomum autem et Provisorem hominem bonum et industrium requirimus, cui salus Collegii imprimis curae sit. Hic initio suae administrationis cautionem praestabit, res Collegii salvas fore, seque bona fide administraturum. Penes eum erit. omnes proventus et redditus Collegii qualescunque colligere, diem dicere debitoribus, convenire in judicio nomine Collegii, et caetera legitime peragere. Ejus erit tem- pestive ex praeceptorum arbitrio Collegio providere in iis quae ad victum pertinent et fori quotidie curam agere in iis emendis quae ad Collegii sustentationem pertinent : fructus et redditus Collegii perceptos, Principali, Subprincipali, tribus praeceptori- bus, adeoque omnibus fundatis personis, distribuere tempestive quodcunque in hac nostra fundatione assignamus, et bona fide exsolvere ad certos anni terminos respec- tive (prius tamen subducto pretio victus dictarum fundatarum personarum) summam THE NOVA Fundatio. 343 pecuniarum ad duos anni terminos, per duas aequales partes ad festum Martini in hyeme et festum Pentecostes. Annonam autem quotannis ante Calendas Martii nec prius Principali aut Subprincipali quam infimis fundatis personis satisfiat, omnibus sine discrimine, pro rata cujusque parte mature debita adjuncta et stipendia persolvat. Quorum omnium singulis septimanis Principali, Subprincipali, et reliquis Praecep- toribus rationem reddere tenebitur, ne qua in re minima fraus fiat fundatis personis, qui etiam negligentiam Economi et incuriam si ulla fuerit arguent et castigabunt, ad haec etiam adhibitis, ubi representaverit, Rectore et Decano Facultatis in con- silium, qui de remedio in omnibus Collegii imminentibus damnis mature provideant. Electio autem Economi fiat ad eam formam quam in eligendis tribus inferioribus Regentibus praescripsimus, qui in eo munere ad minimum per tres annos permanebit. Et quia hujus partis sunt tempestive providcre in iis quae ad victum pertinent omnium membrorum Collegii, ut justo et equabili pretio commodius id praestare possit, volumus ut singulis annis Calendis viz. Octobris, ex consilio Rectoris, Decani Facultatis, Principalis, Praefecti, et Ballivorum novae et veteris Aberdoniae, adjunctis una aliis quatuor ex Senatu novae Aberdoniae, pretia pro cibariis omnium fundatorum Collegii, tum etiam aliorum convivarum in Collegio qui non sint ex fundatione, pro ratione caritatis et vilitatis eorum quae ad victum pertinent, estimentur et consti- tuantur, simulque quis dapium et fercularum numerus, quae potus, et panis mensura, qualitas, quisque tractationis modus praescribatur. Quorum consilium hac in parte dictum nostrum Oeconomum observare et sequi volumus, et quia crebro solent fieri pretiorum commutationes, ne quid damni vel nostro Collegio vel dicto Economo, volumus ut ter singulis annis Calendis viz. Februarii, Maij, et Augusti postea idem Oeconomus, ex consilio Rectoris, Decani Facultatis, Principalis, et Magistrorum Collegii, adjunctis duobus civibus seu Ballivis seu consiliariis Novae Urbis Aberdoniae, mensuram prius pretio constituto pro cibariis augere vel minuere pro rerum caritate et vilitate possit. Quoniam autem variis curis et occupationibus distrahi Provisorem nostrum oportebit, propter ea quae necessaria ad recipiendos Collegii proventus ab eodem impenduntur, quae illi in rationibus deduci aequum est, ei salarii nomine assig- namus et annumeramus pro praesenti statu reddituum Collegii, sex bollas farinae avenaticae et sexaginta sex libras tredecem solidos et quatuor nummos, auctis autem Collegii redditibus, exactisque damnosis locationibus, pro annuo salario percipiat ex Collegii redditibus decem et sex bollas farinae avenaticae et quinquaginta libras monetae regni nostri Scotiae. Volumus Praeceptorem Grammaticae virum esse bonum et doctum et apprime versatum in Latina et Graeca literatura tum carmine quum soluta oratione; Cujus electio erit ad eam formam quam praescripsimus in electione trium Regentium. Non astringetur ut collegialiter vivat, sed pro suo arbitrio vivat ubi commodior vivendi occasio illi erit oblata, sive in Collegio, sive extra septa Collegii. Providebit Gymna- siarcha sumptibus Collegii Scholam commodam extra Collegium in gratiam juniorum illius curae commissorum, una cum cubiculo intra septa Collegii dicto Scholae Gram- matices magistro. Huic praeceptori pro annuo stipendio assignamus et annumeramus ex redditibus Collegii quinquaginta libras, cum accessione quinque mercarum quibus olim gaudebat. 344 APPENDIX. Coquus etiam idoneus eligatur per Principalem, Subprincipalem, Regentes et Provisorem, qui praeparandis cibariis et excolendo horto Gymnasii inserviat. Huic pro laboribus et victu allocamus triginta libras; olera suis sumptibus suppeditabit in usum membrorum dicti Collegii; curabitque hortum et deambulacra munda fore in usum magistrorum dicti Collegii; commoda reliqua horti suis usibus applicare licebit. Reparationi Collegii (ut aedificia sint bene tuta) quotannis ex primis ejusdem fructibus quadraginta ad minimum libras monetae regni Scotiae, quas in aerarium seponi jubemus, et ubi quod exactis damnosis locationibus vel morte possessorum earum rerum quae ad Collegium pertinent, aut alio quovis modo redditibus Collegii accreverit, primam ejus partem reliquae reparationi et necessariis sumptibus per Oeconomum in colligendis Collegii fructibus et redditibus faciendis impendi volumus. Reliquam omnem honorariis Principalis, Subprincipalis, Regentium, et Oeconomi accrescere pro rata cuique quotannis distribui ex consilio Cancellarii, Rectoris, Decani Facultatis, et Ministri Novae Aberdoniae. Et quo liberius quisque in hac Academia suo officio invigilare possit, cavemus ne quis magistrorum aliquid aliud publicum munus extra septa Collegii sibi accersat, praeter quod in hac nostra fundatione et erectione injunximus, adeo ut neque Rectoris neque Decani Facultatis munere quisquam eorum fungatur. Quod si cuivis fundatarum personarum uxorem ducere contigerit, cavemus ne uxor ejus, filiae aut famulae intra septa Collegii nostri versentur, nedum ullo modo habitent aut pernoctent. Quo autem hoc nostrum Gymnasium et literarum cultura et morum elegantia magis efflorescat, uberiores fructus haec nostra Institutio proferat, volumus tam omnes Collegii nostri fundatas personas quam confluentes studiosos severa morum disciplina contineri, et ne intermissione studiorum et moribus et literis damnum inferatur, omnes consuetas olim a studiis vacationes aboleri penitus. Vetamus etiam ne in promotionibus ad quemcunque gradum ulla sumptuosiora convivia agitentur, quicquam admittatur, quod praescriptam in Gymnasio disciplinam quovis modo vel possit removere vel solvere. Imprimis autem cavemus ne quisquam studiosorum, Praeceptoribus exceptis, arma quaevis seu ad inferendam seu ad propulsandam injuriam apta, utpote loricam, thoracem ferream, cassidem, chirothecas ferreas, gladium, pugionem, machaeram, frameam, sclopos et id genus armorum habeat, aut quovis modo iis utatur in Collegio aut extra Collegium; sed scalpellis tantum cultellisque cibis scindendis commodis solummodo utantur. Qui contra fecerit primum damno et confiscatione armorum per Principalem aut Subprincipalem aut Praeceptores mulctetur, secundo delinquens ex disciplina Gymnasii in publicis scholis verberibus castigetur, quod si tertio hanc legem violaverit, tanquam indignus studiosorum numero ejiciatur. Praedictae quoque omnes personae fundatae intra septa Gymnasii et vescantur et dormiant; siquis autem Bursariorum venia non impetrata, ut dictum est, extra Collegium dormierit, et admonitus et castigatus non resipiscat, beneficio Bursae statim privetur. Studiosorum vero reliqui qui cubiculis intra septa Collegii fruuntur, in iisdem cubent et pernoctent, si secus fecerint cubiculis suis removeantur; iidem extra Collegium THE NOVA FUNDATIO. 345 victitantes nunquam nisi destinatis horis ad cibum capiendum extra Collegium reperiantur. Si extra cubaverint ad sextam statim matutinam ingrediantur, nec ante nonam Collegio exeant, reversis a jentaculo ante decimam, ante duodecimam non licebit exire, post prandium vero qui in Aberdonia veteri victitant hora prima, qui vero in nova ante secundam pomeridianam Collegium repetant et ingrediantur, in eoque commorabuntur ad sextam vespertinam, nisi ludendi venia omnibus concedatur, tum autem simul egressi ab aliquo Praeceptorum (qui hebdomadatim hanc curam sustinebunt) et deducentur et una reducentur, neque ludendi tempus ultra duas horas ab egressu e Collegio protrahetur, ita ut possint opportune ad lectiones redire, hinc etiam praeceptori hanc curam injungimus ut hora quinta matutina et nona vespertina omnia cubicula invisat. Volumus etiam studiosos omnes summa concordia pacifice inter se vivere, neminem alteri injuriam verbo vel facto inferre, Latino aut Graeco sermone uti, ab inhonesto et impudico sermone, ab execrationibus, devovationibus, omnibusque blasphemiis abstinere; horis sacris, concionibus, precibus, sacris lectionibus, et Scripturarum interpretationi, quam prophetiam vocamus, praescriptis quam diligen- tissime interesse; in omnibus denique quae ad disciplinam Collegii pertinent, legibus morem gerere, quae a Gymnasiarcha ex consilio collegarum latae sunt vel in posterum ferentur; quibus et potestatem fecimus statuta honesta ad disciplinam nostri Gymnasii sartam tectam conservandam, prout occasio tulerit, et pro re nata condendi et constituendi. Qui vero ad Magisterii laŭream jam promoti, adhuc tamen intra Gymnasium vivere constituerint, ejusdem disciplinae legibus subsint, studiorumque rationem Principali et reliquis ejus Collegis reddant, quod si extra Gymnasium degentes lectionibus tantum publicis vel privatis interesse cupiant, cum omni modestia, nec ullo malo exemplo ingrediantur et egrediantur, et reliquorum studia quovis modo remorentur, risusve exemplo noceant; si secus fecerint, Collegio prohibeantur. Quia hactenus damnosis locationibus Gymnasium nostrum plurimum detrimenti accepit, statuimus et ordinamus nullum locationem sive emphyteosin vel feudifirmam, sive in annos plures vel pauciores, aut agrorum aut decimarum, aut aedificiorum aut quarumcunque rerum, validam et ratam fore quae non habeat expressum assensum et consensum Cancellarii, Rectoris, Decani, Principalis et Regentium simul congrega- torum, testificatum et approbatum singulis ipsorum chirographis et sigillo communi dicti Collegii, una cum subscriptione ministri Novae Aberdoniae; alioque irrita sit deinceps locatio. Et ut hae omnes diligentius observentur, ordinamus ut hoc nostrum Collegium ter quotannis per Cancellarium, Rectorem, et Decanum Facultatis utpote Calendis Februarii, Junii et Octobris invisatur et lustretur, ut si quid sive in doctrina sive in disciplina seu redditibus neglectum vel corruptum fuerit, eorum admonitione et consilio emendari et corrigi possit. Imprimis vero de fidei et religionis professione diligenter inquiratur, et cum hic sit Satanae astus ut omni modo conetur juventutem ab evangelii professione denuo ad papismi tenebras (a quibus per Dei gratiam nostrum regnum liberatum est) abducere, stricte mandamus ut singuli qui in hanc Academiam fuerint cooptati, fidei XX 346 APPENDIX. t professionem edant, eam nimirum quae a verbo Dei petita et transcripta a nobis in regni nostri conventibus edita et publicata est, idque semel ad minimum quotannis. Imprimis vero dum admittuntur in Collegium, singuli apud Principalem Albo Univer- sitatis inscribantur, Rectori et, dum ad gradum aliquem promoveantur, Decano Facultatis fidem et religionem puram palam profiteantur, in eaque professione se mansuros sincere polliceantur. Admissi in Academiam studioși, non tantum in studiis diligentes, in moribus probos, sed erga Praeceptores et publicos ministros Collegii nostri gratos se praebeant; itaque studiosorum quisque Praeceptori proprio Minervale persolvet ex arbitrio et estimatione Praeceptorum, ita ut procerum et insignioris nobilitatis liberi, sex libras, inferioris ordinis nobilitatis filii quatuor libras, agrico- larum filii et mercatorum mediocrium atque artificum quadraginta solidos numerare jubeantur; ab his tributis pauperes omnino sint liberi; Communi Apparitori singuli quatuor solidos in anno. In examinationibus et promotionibus singuli in commune Collegii aerarium haec conferant, in primo gradu primique anni examinatione sex solidos octo denarios, in secundo tredecim solidos quatuor denarios, in tertio viginti solidos, in quarto et ultimo triginta solidos, ita ut ab his omnibus pauperes sint immunes. Qui vero pauperes sint habendi, praeceptorum judicium et estimatio erit. Quia vero multa in hac nostra Academia Rectori ejusdem et Decano Facultatis permisimus, volumus ut singulis annis hi Magistratus eligantur. Rector sit vir gravis pius juris et aequitatis consultor et peritus; ei sit in omnes Academiae inscriptos quos suppositos vocamus, ordinaria jurisdictio, celebrioribus Academiae conventibus, praesertim in electionibus, juxta ea quae praescripta sunt intersit, easque actiones, absente praesertim Cancellario, moderetur, eaque omnia gerat, agat, et exerceat, quae Rector Andreanae vel Glasguensis Academiae, lege more et consuetudine gerere agere vel exercere posse vel debere intelligitur. Eligatur per omnes Academiae suppositos in quatuor nationes (ita ut Aberdoniae diocesis propter frequentiorem numerum in duas nationes secetur, Marriensem et Buchanensem, Marriae Gariocha adjungatur, quod superest a Doverna amni Buchaniae cedat) re- liquum regni quod ad septentrionem montis Grampii est, Moraviensis nationis nomine contineatur; ultra montem Grampium ad austrum vergens Angusiensis natio dicatur. Harum nationum singuli sint Procuratores, qui Rectorem ejusque assessores eligant. Electus Rector jurabit se fideliter et diligenter eo munere usurum, jus aequabile omnibus citra personarum respectum ullum bona fide administraturum. In elec- tionibus eadem fide ex animi sententia et in commodum reipublicae et ecclesiae suffragium laturum, et Academiae commodis, salva pietate licet, obnixe fauturum, neque unquam illum scientem aut volentem repugnaturum, denique Rempublicam hanc literarum ornaturum et aucturum. Decanus Facultatis iisdem comitiis eligatur, sed per Rectorem, Cancellarium, Gymnasiarcham, quatuor Regentes et novae Aberdoniae ministrum, ita ut Gym- nasiarcha cum ministro novae urbis semper ejus electioni intersint. Hic sit pius, literatus, nec tantum in humanioribus quas appellant disciplinis, sed etiam in omni philosophia versatus, qui annuis examinationibus et promotionibus intersit et praesit, ut ab examinatoribus jusjurandum fidelis operae in his praestandis exigat. Curam doctrinae et diligentiae praeceptorum habeat, videat ne ejus rei neglectu Academia THE NOVA FUNDATIO. 347 1 quid detrimenti capiat, in electionibus incorruptum suffragium et e republica ferat, ea denique omnia exerceat quae in Andreana Academia ad Decani Facultatis liberalium artium munus officiumve pertinere intelliguntur. Juret se fideliter eo munere usurum, bona fide et citra personarum respectum juxta Assessorum et Examinatorum judicia, et ex sui animi sententia, in promotionibus et gradibus pronunciaturum, Collegii et Academiae commoda, quantum salva pietate licet, pro- moturum, ea denique omnia diligenter acturum quae Academiae Andreanae vel alterius cujusvis laudabilis Academiae Decano ex officio incumbere intellexerit, et e republica Christiana et literaria esse certe cognoverit. Volumus denique hoc nostrum Collegium et Academiam Aberdonensem omnibus immunitatibus et privilegiis quae a majoribus nostris aut nobis aut aliis quovis modo concessa sunt ulli aliarum Academiarum in regno nostro aut alibi ubicunque gentium gaudere et frui, modo dictae immunitates et privilegia huic nostrae Erectioni non repugnaverint. OUTLINE OF THE NOVA FUNDATIO. King James VI., deeming it the duty of a sovereign to remove such abuses as arise within his kingdom, especially in connection with the instruction of youth; and desirous of extending to the King's College of Aberdeen the reformation which has been instituted in the Universities of S. Andrews and Glasgow, and of providing the same with more adequate resources than heretofore it has possessed: Confirms and grants the rights and properties of old belonging to the College, viz., the revenues of the churches of Glenmuick and Abergardaine, Slains, Furvie, Aberluthnot and Snaw; the lands of Drumlagair, Bannakettle, Adiell, Beryhill, Collynie and Andett; annual rents from the barony of Balhelvie; the waters of Bamf; the lands of Ord, Mombray, Blairshinnie, Udach, Pettie, and the Hospital of S. Germains; the lands in which the College is situated, with the manses and other buildings, etc. Grants in addition, to supplement these insufficient sources of income, the revenues of the Deanery of Aberdeen, the Church of Furvie, the Carmelites of Banff, the Church of Spittal, the Church of Methlic, the Chaplainries of Westhall, Falaroul and Mary Magdalen, etc. Reduces the members of the College from forty-two to twenty-two, viz. : 1. A Principal, entrusted with jurisdiction over the other members, to act as a Professor of Theology and as incumbent of the Church of S. Machar; to be chosen by the Principal of the New College of S. Andrews, the Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen, the Rector, the Dean of Faculty, the Subprincipal, the other three Regents (with one vote), the Minister of New Aberdeen, and the Principal of the College of Edinburgh; to receive annually twenty-four bolls of corn and two hundred merks Scots; and to be liable to dismissal for inefficiency after a thrice-repeated warning. 2-5. Four Regents, each to be attached to one department, not, as hitherto, to carry his students through the four years of their course; one styled the Subprincipal, taking the fourth or highest class and ranking next after the Principal; each to be chosen by the Chancellor, Rector, Dean of Faculty, Principal, Minister of New 348 APPENDIX. Aberdeen, and remanent Regents; the Subprincipal to receive annually twenty-four bolls and eighty pounds Scots, each of the other Regents one chalder and forty- seven pounds seventeen shillings. The Subprincipal to teach Physiology, Geo- graphy, Astrology, History and Hebrew; the third Regent the rudiments of Arithmetic and Geometry, with selections from Aristotle and Cicero; the second Regent, the principles of reasoning from the best Greek and Latin authors, with practice in writing and speaking; the first or lowest Regent to give instruction in Greek, explaining the easiest authors of both languages. 6-17. Twelve poor students or Bursars, to be selected by examination, each to receive annually thirty pounds. 18. An Economus, to hold office for three years, and to attend to all matters relating to the revenues of the College and the purveying of the necessaries of life for the members; to receive for salary six bolls and 66 lib. 13s. 4d. 19. A Grammaticus, not compelled to live within the College, and with a school provided outside its walls; to receive 50 lib. and 5 merks. 20-22. A Cook, to act also as gardener, to be paid 30 lib.; and two servants for the Principal and Subprincipal. At least 40 lib. to be set aside annually for the maintenance of the buildings. No masters to hold external offices. No women to frequent the College. Vacations to be abolished. No College property to be feued, except with express consent of Chancellor, Rector, etc. Students to carry no arms, to speak either in Greek or in Latin, to take an oath at entrance, and to pay fees according to their rank. A Rector to be chosen, as at S. Andrews and Glasgow, by the supposts grouped in four nations, Mar, Buchan, Moray, and Angus. Also a Dean of Faculty, by the Rector, Chancellor, Principal, four Regents, and Minister of Aberdeen. APPENDIX III. ACADEMIC OATHS AT KING'S COLLEGE. The oldest form of Oath that has been preserved is appended to Dunbar's Foundation of 1531. It was taken by entrants, and runs as follows: "Ego A. B. tactis sacris Dei evangeliis juramentum presto corporale me omnem obedientiam et reverentiam debitam universitatis cancellario ejusdem rectori et col- legii hujus principali exhibiturum omnia statuta et constitutiones que in primeva collegii hujus fundatione continentur in quantum cum vera et orthodoxa religione in ecclesia hac palam proposita et stabilita consistere possunt (nisi forte aliter can- cellario universitatis aliisque legitimis superioribus in quibusdam permittere visum fuerit) inviolabiter observaturum singula dicti collegii jura et privilegia defensurum ejusdemque commodum et utilitatem in omnibus juxta posse meum procuraturum. Ita me Deus adjuvet." In the "Leges Veteres de novo promulgatae anno 1641" appear two modified forms of the Matriculation Oath, from which the reference to “vera et orthodoxa religio" has been removed. "Ego A. B. collegio regio Aberdonensi nomen me dare profiteor, meque honestis et salubribus ejus legibus sedulo et fideliter obtemperaturum, commoda ejusdem in quibus salva pietate et officio licet, pro virili procuraturum, nunquam denique illi licite agenti adversaturum sed obnixe fauturum quantum tenuitatem meam divina gratia juvet sancte promitto, spondeo, stipulor." 'Ego A. B. collegio regio Aberdonensi nomen me dare profiteor, sicque divinum numen mihi propitium opto, ut ego honestis ejusdem legibus obtemperaturum prae- ceptoribus ejusdem debitam reverentiam et obedientiam exhibiturum ejusque com- modis in quibus licet obnixe fauturum me sancte coram Deo polliceor, promitto juro et spondeo, Deumque ultorem si sciens et volens fefellero non recuso.” In a somewhat later undated edition of these "Leges," the Oath does not occur; but there is the following note :- "Solebant studiosi in hasce leges jurare, sed non desideramus juramento astringere. Sed est juramentum quod praestare solebant studiosi:— 66 Ego A. B. academiae Aberdonensi nomen me dare profiteor, meque honestis ejus legibus jam latis sedulo obtemperaturum, praeceptoribus ejusdem debitam reverentiam et obedientiam exhibiturum, ejusque commodis in quibus licet, obnixe fauturum me sancte polliceor, spondeo, juro. Amen." The Graduation Oath, however, survived to a recent period. As mentioned in the Preface, no Album of Graduates is extant of earlier date than that [A] beginning 350 APPENDIX. in 1600. On the initial fly-leaf are engrossed two variants of the Oath taken by Masters at that period. "Ego A. B. coram omniscio et omnipotente Deo, religionem reformatam, et fidem in ecclesia hac Scoticana nunc palam propositam, ab omnibus et singulis pontificiorum et aliorum quorumcunque haeresibus erroribus hominum inventis ac cultibus idolatricis longe abhorrentem, unicam solam orthodoxam (prout in puro Dei verbo, foedere nationali Scoticano, trium nationum Scotiae Angliae et Hiberniae solenni confederatione, fidei confessione publica, et catechismo breviori et prolixiori, partibus uniformitatis, continetur) ad extremum usque vitae halitum, sincere (si Deus dederit) me professurum, spondeo, voveo, juro. Insuper academiae huic almae parenti (cui hanc ingenii culturam debeo), nutritia uti potero liberaliter me re- laturum promitto; quod si fidem sciens et volens fefellero, arcanorum cordis reces- suum scrutatorem, Deum ultorem et vindicem non recuso. Ita me Deus adjuvet.” Ego A. B. coram omniscio et omnipotenti Deo, religionem et fidem in ecclesia Scoticana ex puro Dei verbo palam propositam, ab omnibus pontificiorum et quorum- cunque aliorum haeresibus longe abhorrentem, unicam et solam orthodoxam, ad extremum usque vitae halitum, sincere et ex animo professurum me, spondeo, voveo, juro. Insuper academiae huic almae parenti (cui hanc ingenii culturam debeo), nutricia uti potero, liberaliter relaturum me eadem fide solenniter promitto. Quod si fidem sciens et volens fefellero, arcanorum cordis recessuum scrutatorem, Deum ultorem et vindicem non recuso. Ita me Deus adjuvet." (( A greatly modified form seems to have been in use in 1642 (Album E). "Juramentum quo sese astringunt academiae regiae Aberdonensis alumni, priusquam laurea magisteriali donati fuerint, anno 1642. Ego A. B. siquidem non solum beneficium educationis in literis et cursu philosophico, sed etiam alimenti et sustentationis in collegio regio Aberdonensi hucusque habuerim, pro quibus beneficiis officium gratitudinis realiter me debere agnosco: Idcirco solenniter jam juro, et fideliter per Dei maxime nomen promitto, voveo, spondeo, quandocunque me Dominus vel in patria vel extra eandem potentem reddiderit, me in gratitudinis debitae signum secundum posse pro beneficiis predictis in me collatis liberaliter relaturum in Dei gloriam et academiae hujus emolumentum, sciensque et volens, nullum ingratitudinis signum contra eandem unquam expres- surum. In quibus si fidem fefellero meipsum (quod absit) infamem et perjurum agnosco, Deumque, quem antea testem, tunc judicem et vindicem non recuso." But the Oath as given in Middleton's Appendix to Spotswood (1677), p. 26, resembles rather the earlier form. (6 Ego A. B. coram omniscio et omnipotenti Deo, religionem et fidem solam et unicam in orthodoxam ecclesia Scoticana palam propositam professurum me, et ab omnibus pontificiorum et aliorum quorumcunque haeresibus longe abhorrentem, spondeo, voveo, juro. Insuper universitati huic, almae parenti, cui hanc ingenii culturam debeo, liberaliter relaturum me nutritiam quam potero, eadem fide solem- niter promitto. Quod si fidem sciens et volens fefellero, arcanorum cordis recessuum scrutatorem Deum ultorem et vindicem non recuso. Ita me adjuvet Deus." The Oath administered to the students at King's College on obtaining the ACADEMIC OATHS. 351 Degree of M.A. (circa 1837) was in the following terms (First Report of the Aberdeen Universities' Commissioners of 1836-37, p. 75) :— Ego coram omniscio et omnipotente Deo, doctrinam et fidem Christianam quousque Dei verbo palam proponitur ab omnibus haeresibus longe abhorrentem, publice profiteor. Insuper academiae huic almae parenti, cui hanc ingenii culturam debeo, nutricia (uti potero) liberaliter relaturum, solemniter promitto." The corresponding Oath taken at Marischal College ran thus :— (( Ego testor Deum omnipotentem, me puram religionem Christianam profiteri ; Papae Romani tyrannidem abhorrere, omnesque Romanas haereses odio habere. Deinde huic academiae, cui ingenii culturam debeo, benevolentiam, quam potero, me relaturum, sancte promitto.” Regarding these Oaths, the Commissioners reported (p. 25):— "The Oath differs in the two Universities. In Marischal College it is directly calculated to exclude Roman Catholics. In King's College the terms of the Oath are more general, and therefore less exceptionable. We humbly recommend that both of these Oaths should be abolished. It is an important feature of the Scottish Universities that no religious test is required from the students, but that their Colleges are equally open to all classes, whether Churchmen or Dissenters, and we can see no good reason why the same principle should not be extended to Graduates. We differ widely from those who are of opinion that religious instruction should be excluded from such seminaries, and we intend to offer to your Majesty some sugges- tions on this subject in a future Report; but we do not think that the interests of religion can be promoted by the injustice of excluding any class of your Majesty's subjects, either from the instruction or the honours of an University, on account of their religious creed." The Reports of the 1836-37 Commissioners gave rise to no legislation; and in the Ordinances of the Commissioners under the Universities (Scotland) Act of 1858 no reference can be found to the taking of an Oath as a necessary preliminary to graduation. But the Senatus of the United University introduced a modified form. 'Ego A. B. coram omniscio et omnipotente Deo, religionem Christianam, quousque in sancto Dei verbo palam proponitur, publice profiteor. Insuper almae matri academiae, cui ingenii culturam atque hos honores academicos debeo, me benevolentiam quam potero liberaliter relaturum sancte promitto. Ita me Deus adjuvet." In 1866 a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire "what oaths, affirma- tions and declarations may be dispensed with or altered; and reported, inter alia :— "Aberdeen. Oath taken by Graduates in Arts and Medicine to be abolished." No action followed on this, however, until, on 7th Oct., 1887, the University Court, on the motion of the Lord Rector, Emeritus-Professor Bain, approved the abolition of Graduation Oaths, retaining, however, a Declaration in the case of Medical Graduates. ADDENDA. Page 120. Doctors of Medicine. Parkinus, Anglus, 66 1630. qui hinc anno elapso, Medicinae Doctor renunciatus est, et rem sibi gratissimam factam grati animi argumentis testatum fecit". Strachan's Panegyricus (1631), p. 20. 1637, July 1. Gulielmus Broad, Berwicensis. Thesis De Hydrope in the Uni- versity Library, Glasgow. Page 272. Masters of Arts. 1810. The List of Persons, etc., printed in 1856 (Pref., p. xv.) gives two entries- Milne, John, Aberdeen. 66 Milne, John Duguid, Aberdeen: Advocate, Aberdeen." Neither in Album C nor in Album D is there any trace of two John Milne's in this class. The transcribed list of M.A.'s in Album E has "Joannes Milne, Aberdonensis, Joannes Milne, Aberdonensis," apparently a blunder of the copyist. INDEX OF PERSONS. (Surnames are generally given only under their usual English spelling: other spellings and Latinised forms being added within brackets. Christian names are, where possible, given in an English form.) Abbott (Abbot), Charles, 106. John, 129, 130. Abel (Aebelus), James, 195. John, 80, 231, 294. Peter, 162. Abercrombie (Abercrombeus, Abercrom- baeus), Andrew, 194. James, 186. John, 155, 156, 158, 185. Patrick, 124. Thomas, 189. Aberdeen, Earl of, 5, 19, 57, 63, 113. Patrick, Bishop of, 27, 36, 107, 125, 235. Abernethie, John, 267. Adair, Dr., 135. Adam, Alexander, 114, 200, 232. David, 284. Francis, 229. George, 277, 288. James, 216, 265, 306. John, 97, 247, 268. Robert, 262, 273, 284. William, 201, 273. Adams, Francis, 171, 273. George, 153, 157, 269, 273. Henry, 116. James Maxwell, Jesse, 115. 165. John Till, 103, 135. Joseph, 141, 154. Dr., 130. Adamson (Adamsonus, George, 185. James, 228. John, 194. Addison, George, 263. James, 244. John, 291. Thomson, 159. Adie, William, 304. Aedie, Alexander, 226. Aedamsonus), Aedie, David, 218. Afflect, Robert, 188. Aikin, John, 232. Dr., 142. Ainslie, Henry, 153. Aird, Gustavus, 285, Airley, Earl of, 36. Aitken, Alexander, 248. David, 146. James, 156. Albert, Prince Consort, 118. Alcock, Nathaniel, 132. Alder, Thomas, 155. Alexander, Andrew, 65, 118. George, 129, 265, 268. Gervase, 154. James, 264, 271, 301. John, 289. Patrick, 258. Robert, 311. Thomas, 212. VI., Pope, 6. Alison, Archibald, 37. Edward Duffin, 160. William Pulteney, 37. Allan (Allane), Alexander, 231, 284, 287, 293, 305. Andrew, 277. Donald, 305. Fife, 305. George, 275, 301, 307. Hector, 271. Hugh, 280. James, 179, 262, 267, 268, 287, 299. John, 181, 277, 293. Joseph, 268. Richard, 280. Robert, 161, 268. William, 22, 274, 291, 309. Allardyce (Allardes, Allardice, Allyrdies), Alexander, 51, 263. David, 213. YY 354 INDEX. Allardyce, James, 288, 292. Robert, 236. Allen, Christopher Antisell, 168. Peter, 165. Richard, 143. Samuel, 116. William, 274. Almon, William Bruce, 156. Alstein, George, 124. Alvey, Samuel, 147. Amery, Thomas, 102. Amory, Isaac, 241. Amphlet, John, 112. Anderson (Andersone, Andersoun, Ander- soune, Andersonus), Alexander, 24, 25, 39, 51, 117, 126, 165, 182, 190, 194, 230, 244, 250, 251, 294, 300, 309, 310. Andrew, 51, 52, 261, 279. Archibald, 275. Arthur, 204. A. P., 146, 147, 152. Charles, 151, 216, 306. David, 37, 71, 98, 190, 209. Duncan, 300. George, 12, 71, 98, 184, 193, 227, 247, 278. Gilbert, 181, 184, 204. Hugh, 57, 191, 226, 316. James, 116, 151, 152, 179, 180, 198, 214, 216, 221, 223, 227, 229, 240, 243, 247, 263, 270. John, 172, 214, 216, 218, 244, 273, 283. John G., 305. Joseph, 248. J., 114. Ralph, 280. Patrick, 186, 189. Robert, 147, 150, 230. Thomas, 157, 229. Walter, 177. William, 30, 31, 184, 211, 212, 329. William Alexander, 166. , 250. Dr., 124. Principal, 29. Professor, 62. or Row, Grisel, 57. Andree, J., 135, 137. Dr., 130. Andrew, George, 311. Thomas, 303. Angus, Alexander, 242, 282, 283. ! Andrew, 216. Charles, 181. David, 231. George, 276. James, 213. Angus, John, 224. Ann, Queen, 76. Annan, John, 114. Annand (Annandus), James, 183. John, 190, 215, 216, 304. Patrick, 179. Thomas, 89, 304. William, 179, 190. Anneslie, Thomas, 51. Ansley, Charles, 133. Anster (Ansterus), William, 188. Anton, John, 277. Appleton, Henry, 166. Arbuthnot, Alexander, 25, 181, 327. Andrew, 52. James, 205. John, Viscount of, 19, 20, 117. Robert, 46, 218. 39. Baron of, 25. Dr., 126. Mr., 52. Principal, 30, 31. Arbuckle, John, 276. William, 263. Archer, George, 137. Archibald, George, 293. Argo, George, 303. Argyll, Archibald, third Duke of, 6. Duke of, 125. Armstrong, Charles, 142. John, 129, 131, 151, 154, 157, 158, 159. William, 143, 144. Arnott (Arnot), George Arnott Walker, 117, Jo., 235. William, 218, 235. Arthur, Robert, 246, 249. Ashburner, Edward, 247. John, 158. Ashford, John Butler, 167. Askew, Anthony, 130. Asplin, Jonas, 265. Aston, P., 146. Atkinson, George, 159. John Charles, 166. Auchenlecke (Auchenlechius), James, 190. Robert, 205. Auchmuty, Robert, 103. Austen, John Colmer, 165. Austin, William, 137. Avonach, Thomas, 214. Awell, James, 90. John, 50. Ayerst, Thomas, 163. Babbington, Thomas B., 114. William, 140, 141, 143, 145, 147, 150, 151, 153, 154, 157, 158, 159. INDEX. 355 Bacon, Montague, 131. Dr., 122. Badius, Iodocus, 23. Bagley, Benjamin, 130. Baillie (Bailie, Bailey, Bayley, Bayllie), Alexander, 149. Cornelius, 103. George, 273. Henry, 203. Henry James, 22. John, 113, 209. John Gordon, 166. Kenneth, 216. Matthew, 143, 145, 152. Patrick, 230, 280. R. R., 286. Dr., 103. Bain (Bayne, Baineus), Charles John, 276. James, 114, 151, 269, 294, 295, 304. Jeremiah Coghlan, 297. John, 191. Robert, 304. Ronald, 106, 161, 293. Thomas, 269, 287. Professor, 351. Baird (Bardius), Alexander, 255. Andrew, 144• A., 151. George, 32, 188. Gilbert, 181. James, 26, 180. John, 208. Michael, 196. Baker, Sir George, 136. Balfour, Alexander, 258. John, 261. Robert, 106. Balgownie, Lady, 42. Ballenden, James, 220. Ballingal (Balingal), William, 38, 88, 252. Banks, John, 216. Bannerman (Bannermanus), Alexander, 16, 38, 42, 43, 65, 138, 141. Charles, 16, 17, 19, 21, 28, 38. David, 230. Edward, 38, 267. George, 194. James, 38. Margaret, 38. Mary, 38. Thomas, 38. William, 34. Dr., 5, 18, 20, 43.. or Gordon, Mary, 38. Barachel, William, 222. Barber, J. R., 107. Thomas, 114. Barclay (Barkley, Barklaius), Adam, 68, 69, 178, 188, 214. Barclay, Alexander, 47, 202, 222, 254, 269. Archibald, 115. David, 201. Francis, 181. George, 83, 207, 210, 222. Henry, 216. James, 181, 186, 218, 264, 269. John, 32, 148, 150, 151, 152, 159, 184, 188, 206, 226, 304. Patrick, 252, 298. Robert, 186. Thomas, 68, 69, 107, 273. William, 53. W., 313. Barker, Edmond John, 170. Francis, 157. John, 165. Thomas, 308. Barkham, Thomas, 127. Barlie, Hugh, III. Barlow, Dr., 107. Barnes, William, 282. Barnet, James, 110, 273. Barrack, John, 299. William, 304. Barrie, Thomas, 212. Barron (Baron, Barroune), Andrew, 302. George Brotherton, 174. Patrick, 288. Peter, 299. Robert, 9, 98. William, 87, 221. Dr., 10. Barrowdale de Egremont, John, 140. Barry, David, 156. Edward, 106. Bartlet (Bartlett), Alexander, 234. Alexander Henry, 173. George D., 301. Michael, 157. Bartley, Onesiphorus Windle, 152. Barton, George Kingston, 171. Baruh, Daniel, 154. Bate, James, 235. Bateman, Frederic, 167. Bathie, Francis, 102, 103, 243. Batzer, Dr., 132. Baylis, Charles Oliver, 162. Baynard, Edward, 205. Baxter, Edmund, 100. William, 22, 48, 75. William Lang, 310. William Linton, 307. William Raleigh, 118. Beadnell, John, 289. Bean, Robert, 222, 228. Beaton (Beton, Betonus, v. Bethune), Aeneas, 225. Daniel, 175. 356 INDEX. Beaton, Donald, 190. John, 194, 226, 250. Neil, 227. Norman, 230. Patrick, 296. William, 283, 291. Beattie, Alexander, 165, 249, 311. Andrew, 276. Francis, 268, 290. James, III. James Forbes, 311. Joseph, 274. Patrick, 256. Beatty, William, 148. Beaty, Charles, 152. Beauford, John, 128. Beaufort, David, 114. Beddoes, Thomas, 149. Beet, William, 164. Beevor, John, 133. Begbie, James, 159. Begg, Charles, 292. John, 92. Begrie, Charles, 274: Beldam, Samuel, 247. Bell, Alexander, 74. James, 140, 145. Betts, George Harvey, 171. Beugo, Robert, 145. Bever, John, 138. Beverly (Baverlaius), James, 246. Thomas, 188. T. J., 149. Bible, Thomas, 148. Biggs, Dr., 122. Billinghurst, Henry, 175. Bindon, Henry Vereker, 174. Bingham, James, 140. Binning, William, 214. Binny, B. D., 150. Bird, James, 164, 274. William Valentine, 169. Birnie (Birnaeus), Alexander, 269. George, 195. Thomas, 248. Walter, 194. Bishop (Bishopp), Edward, 143. Thomas, 167. Bisset (Bissat), Alexander, 178, 250. John, 24, 25, 50, 264, 280. Thomas, 161. William, 262. Principal, 31. Black (Blak, v. Blake), Adam, 151. Alexander, 72. Charles G., 302. H Bellenden, Adam, Bishop of Aberdeen, Bennet, Richard Hannot, 102. Dr., 140, 142. Bennett, George, 283.' Thomas, 164. Thomas Jarvis, 173. Benson, John William, 147. William Henry, 167. Bentham, Robert, 163. Bent, James, 147. Bentley, James, 74. Janet, 74. Ruth, 74. Mr., 16, 18, 34, 43, 65, 66, 72. 3. or Fordyce, Isabella Dingwall, 74. Benton, Alexander, 311. Benwell, Thomas, 145. Berjeu, John Paine, 153. Bernard, Charles Edward, 164. Dr., 120. Berrington, John, 293. William, 131. Berry, John, 167. Bethune (v. Beaton), Aeneas, 243, 286. Alexander, 259. Alexander Neil, 107. Hector, 266. Hector R., 304. John, 106, 244, 275. Matthew, 271. Matthew Townshend, 157. Walter, 273. James, 221. James Watt, 310. John, 229, 231, 306. Joseph, 309. Richard Harrison, 116. William, 42, 58, 61, 123, 205, 216, 220. Blackburn (Blackburne), Peter, Bishop of Aberdeen, 3, 326. William, 146. Blackhall, Thomas, 181. Blackman, James, 147. Blackmore, Richard, 127. Blackwell, Thomas, III. Blagrove, John William, 267. Blaikie, Patrick, 84. Dr., 156. Blair, James, 240. Patrick, 125. Peter, 150. Robert, 43, 105, 248. William, 12, 265. Blake (Blakeus, V. Black), Frederick William, 171. John G., 284. Robert, 186. William, 214, 221, Blakely, Samuel, 174. Thomas, 281. INDEX. 357 Blakeney, Edward Hugh, 175. Blane, Gilbert, 137, 143, 144, 146, 153. Blathwayt, William, 170. Blatterman, George, 115, 116. Blegborough, Ralph, 147, 148, 149, 152, 153, 157. Blest, John, 153. Blomfield, Josiah, 170. Blount, Thomas, 133. Blunt, George Vernon, 173. Blyth, Stephen, 120. Boynde, William, 202. Brabazon, Anthony Beaufort, 171. Bradford, Nehemiah, 149. Patrick, 49. Bradfut, Daniel, 62, 224, 225, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 318, 319. James, 237. Patrick, 232. Bradley, Charles, 271. James, 149. Thomas, 146. Dr., 145. Bradshaw, Ebenezer, 143. Boaz, Thomas, 118. Boece (Bois, Boys, Boyes, Boetius, Boethius), Arthur, 29. Brady, Patrick, 170. Edward, 143. Hector, 23, 31, 35, 50, 97. Henry, 147. Humphrey de, 23. 39. Dr., 147. Boettis, of Panbride, 24. Bolt, or Jack, Grace, 28. Bolton, Edwin Henry, 175. Bonar, Andrew, 227. Horatius, 108, Bonniman, Andrew, 268. Bonniot de Mainaudue, John, 135. Bonnyman, John, 243. Booker, L., 117. Boothroyd, Benjamin, 116. Borland, James, 149. Borrowes, James, 218. Borthwick, G., 151. G. A., 157. Bostock, Stileman, 251. Botham, John Cartledge, 169. Bouchier, Thomas, 163. Boulger, Edward, 167. Bourke, Miles Vernon, 175. Bourne, William, 161. Bowar, Thomas, 75, 76. Bowen, John, 154. William, 150. Bower, John, 252. Thomas, 124. Dr., 89. Professor, 61. Bowesius, Robert, 197. Bowhill, John, 170. Bowis, James, 260. Bowles, Joseph, 116. Bowman, James, 254. John, 260. Boyd, George, 303. John, 156. Robert, III. William, 300. Boyle, Alexander, 152, 156. Boyn, Andrew, 218. Braick, Alexander, 275. Braik, William, 233. Brand, George Murray, 293.. William, 305. Brander, Alexander, 108, 280. Alfred, 290. James, 308. Bransby, Alexander, 275. Braybrooke, Lord, 114. Brebner, James, 310. Robert, 303. Brechin, James, 217. Bremner, Alexander, 277. George, 293. James, 170, 265, 304. John, 290. Robert, 79, 119, 279, 290. Thomas, 284. William, 139, 248, 261. Brewer, Samuel, 109. Brewster, David, 66, 113. James, 66. William R., 281. Brichen, Alexander, 271. Brickenden, Thomas, 157. Briggs, John, 139. Bright, James R. D. P., 160. Brinly, Nicolas, 127. Briscoe, William, 166. Britane, John, 133. Broad, William, 352. Broadbent, Lewis George, 175. Brocklesby, Richard, 141. Broderip, Edward, 145. Broderkip, William, 151. Dr. (Bath), 151. Brodie (Brody, Brodaeus), Alexander, 134, 135, 139, 218. James, 190, 229. John, 47, 189. Joseph, 182. Richard, 134. William, 20, 194. Brooke, Thomas, 130. Brookes, Joshua, 157. 358 INDEX. Brookes, Richard, 130. Brooks, Peter, 208. Brotchie, Alexander Rainy, 176, 307. David, 307. Brougham, Henry, Baron, 117. Broughton, Hugh Henshall, 165. Brown (Broune, Browne, Alexander, 207, 254. Andrew, 104, 120, 121, 190. Archibald, 277, 278. B. S., 152. Charles, 133. Colin, 280. Ebenezer, 160, 276. Brounus), George, 203, 208, 209, 295, 305. Henry, 132, 135. James, 117, 239, 241, 251, 277. John, 15, 16, 103, 137, 227, 254, 272, 277, 296, 305. John Crombie, 86, 119. Joseph, 158. Marmaduke, 128. Patrick, 166. Philip, 168. Robert, 66, 133, 212. Thomas, 150, 159, 169, 301. William, 155, 220, 276, 306. William L., 293. 162. Dr., 106, 143, 146. Broxholm, Frederick Giles, 166. John Horton, 167. Bruce (Brussius), Alexander, 277. Charles, 302. Charles L. Cumming, 22. Cumming, 21. George, 227, 243. James, 283. John, 192. Michael, 20. Robert, 70, 300. William, 161, 172, 277, 303, 307. William Robertson, 309. Bryan, Edward Langdon, 170. John Morgan, 168. Bryce, Archibald Hamilton, 64, 323. Bryden, James, 244. Brymer, David, 258. Bryn, John, 156. Buchan, George, 200. James, 227. John, 58, 209, 211. J., 316, 317. Peter, 284. Thomas, 14, 15, 17, 36, 243, 275. William, 136, 137. Robert, Earl of, 113, 325. or Menzies, Margaret, 58. Buchanan, A. P., 150. Buchanan, William, 201. Buchannan, Claud, 105. John, 226. Buckle, Stephen, 241. Bull, George, 171. Bullock, Charles Joseph, 166. Burbury, Samuel Winter, 170. Burder, George Foster, 167. Burges, Alexander, 210. Burgess, Joshua, 163. Peter, 309. Robert B., 305. Burland, A., 137. Burn, John, 106, 131. Burnaeus, Robert, 185. Burnes, James, 117, 290. Burns, Williams, 118, 289. Burnett (Burnet, Burnetus), Alexander, 4, 15, 16, 42, 61, 62, 63, 214, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 242, 243. Andrew, 14, 27, 34, 36, 42, 122, 129, 227, 318, 319. Charles, 220. C. M., 163. Duncan, 7. George, 11, 14, 34, 179, 185. James, 34. John, 27, 32, 33, 199, 221, 270. J., 214. Robert, 52, 193, 203, 223, 237, 259. Thomas, 12, 34, 269, 310. William, 190, 191, 193, 199. W., 63, 153. Burnay, or Rule, Elisabeth, 41. Burney, Charles, 112, 256. Henry Charles, 117. William, 113, 114. Burnside, Robert, 254. Burr, George, 209. Burrowes, Amyas D., 116. Burslem, Dr., 103. Burt, Robert, 152. Butter, Samuel, 103. Button, George Peacock, 164. Buyers, John, 307. Byles, Mather, 102, 103. Byres, William, 216. Caddick, Richard, 104. Caddy, John Turner, 171. Caie, Alexander, 266. Thomas, 274. Cairncross, Andrew, 144. Cairns, James, 146. Caithness, Dowager Countess of, 28. Calamy, Edmund, 109. INDEX. 359 Calcutta, Bishop of, 116. Calder, Alexander, 210, 270. Archibald, 232. Charles, 246, 263. Cremutius Cordus, 291. Hugh, 246. James, 269, 302. John, 244, 304. Peter, 305. Robert, 210. William, 304. Calderwood, —, 25. Callander, Kenneth, 137. 1 Callaway, Henry, 168. Calvert, James, 119. Robert Alexander, 167. Camerarius, v. Chalmers. Cameron, Alexander, 64, 274, 301. Allan, 245. Donald, 296. Ewen, 235. Francis, 278. George C., 311. James, 298, 308. John, 159, 246, 276, 301, 304. Murdoch, 260. Peter, 267. William, 254. Campbell (Campbel, Campbellus), Alex- ander, 211, 222, 246, 255, 260, 268. Archibald, 91, 93, 100, 125, 226. Colin, 229, 266. Colin MacIver, 28. Donald, 215, 260, 310. Donald Daniel MacIver, 28. Dugald, 246. Duncan, 281. George, 15, 101, 204, 205, 217. George MacIver, 28. Grace Alexina, 28. James, 181, 263. James Wylie, 28. Jessie Hamilton, 28. John, 162, 168, 204, 249, 257, 282, 285. Murdoch, 275. Patrick, 287. Peter Colin, 28, 67, 81, 82, 108, 306. Pryse, 252. William, 88, 117, 185, 276. William Macdonald MacIver, 28. Dr., 14. Mr., 64. or Cochran, Mary Hamilton, 28. or Nicholas, Margaret Elizabeth Graham, 28. or Smith, Jane Macdiarmid, 28. or Wylie, Jessie, 28. Camplin, Jo., 136. Candy, John, 174. Cant (Cantaeus), Alexander, 56, 187. Andrew, 11, 46, 56, 180, 187, 202. James, 228. Canton, John, 238, 243. Car, Andrew, 178. Archibald, 182. Cardozo, Samuel, 173. Carey, John, 113. Cargil, Thomas, 179. Cargill, David, 285. Nicolas, 181. Carlyle, Dr., IOI, Carment, David, 264. James, 287. John, 289. Carmichael, Alexander, 255, 304. John, 300. Dr., 150. Carnegie (Carnegy), David, 181, 207. John, 304, 308. Carr, T. Swinburne, 301. Carrick, J., 153. Carroll, Edward, 157. Carstairs, Thomas, 166. Carter, Arnold, 144. Bartholomew, 141. Henry Freeland, 173. James, 302. Cary, Walter, 169. Case, Charles, 246. Cass, William, 170. Cassie (Cassaeus), James, 269. John, 184, 269, 283. Catanach, James, 33, 34, III. Caton, Thomas Matthew, 149. Cattell, Thomas, 164. Catto, William, 283. Cave, James, 131. Caverhill, John, 133. Center, William, 307. Challice, John, 166. Chalmers (Chalmer, Chalmyr, Camerarius, Chamierus), Alexander, 62, 178, 238. George, 27, 36, 110, 182, 226, 227, 242. James, 42, 51, 56, 71, 87, 181, 189, 210, 227, 258, 269, 301. John, 27, 40, 53, 77, 100, 177, 179, 183, 185, 193, 230, 235, 236, 300. J., 59, 62, 313, 314. Mary, 38. Patrick, 26, 182, 203. Robert, 185, 214, 215. Thomas, 178, 183. Wilhelmina, 38. William, 38, 133, 136, 137, 179, 180, 181, 186, 193, 232, 267. 360 INDEX. Chalmers, Principal, 62. or Shewan, Jean, 38. Chamber, George, 207. Chambers, John, 135. Champneys, Weldon, 106. Chandler, Samuel, 100. T. B., 103. Chaplain, William, 228, Chapland, James, 216. Chaplin, Alexander, 232. Chapman, Alexander, 278. George, 234. James, 217. Samuel, 137. Dr., 131. Charles II., King, 56. Charles, John, 101. R., 329. Charsley, William, 130. Charters or Macpherson, Ann Marcia, 44. Chessar, William, 179. Chevalier, Thomas, 264, 265. Chevallier, John, 152. Cheves, Thomas Best, 282. Cheyne (Cheyn, Chein, Chynaeus, Chey- naeus), Alexander, 30. Andrew, 186. George, 124. James, 201. Robert, 127, 189. Roderick, 222. Thomas, 52, 190. William, 186, 210. Dr., 124. Chirnside, R. A., 159. Chisholm (Chisolm, Chesholme), Alexander, 235. Colin, 139, 152. C., 146. David, 234. Donald, 276. George, 292. William, 138, 144, 230. Valentine, 182. Chiston, R. B., 149. Cholwich, William, 141. Chree, Charles, 297. James, 271, 307. Christie (Crystie), Alexander, 217. Andrew, 150, 151, 296. Dugald, 282, 307. George, 262. Hugh, 230. James, 160, 197, 265, 286, 298. John, 85, 86, 161, 172, 263, 282, 293, 295. Johnstone, 161. William, 215, 226, 292, 296. Christison, Dr., 142. Chrysteson, William, 326. Chrysty or Macleod, Isabella, 28. Cid de Bivar, Rodrigo Soares, 163. Clanny, W. Reid, 159. Clapperton, James, 258. John, 283. Clargis, Thomas, 120. Clark, Alexander, 208, 251, 273. Charles, 273. Daniel, 230, 278. David, 155, 156. George, 302. Henry, 311. James, 22, 134, 212, 232, 237, 245, 262, 274, 275, 301, 305, 311. John, 230, 268, 273, 295. John S., 299. Robert, 274, 293. William R., 300. Dr., 129, 143, 146. Clarke, Adam, 113, 116, 270. Alexander, 34. David, 46, 52. D., 313. Edward, 148. Edward Goodman, 138. Goodman, 143. James, 142, 240. John, 140, 142, 143, 175, 249, 269. John Say, 167. Joseph, 148. Richard, 148, 150. Clayton, John, 264, 292. W., 137. Clegg, James, 127. Cleghorn, Dr., 142, 146, 147, 150. Cleland, Dr., 130. Clepham, John, 129. Clerihew, Alexander, 294. Patrick, 289. Peter, 80. Clerk (Clericus), Alexander, 180, 182, 189, 205, 216, 219. Benjamin, 224. George, 179. George Rowley, 140. James, 224. John, 219, 222. Lucas Booker, 112. Samuel, 125. Dr., 128, Cleverly, S., 158. Clifton, Francis, 251. Dr., 140. Cloete, Henry, 114. Closus, John Theodore, 133. Clunes (Clunesius), John, 285. Patrick, 197. Clutterback, Henry, 141, 158. INDEX. 361 Clutterbuck, Dr., 116. Coates, John, 278. William, 169. Cobb, Frederick, 159. Cobban, George, 164. Cochran, Alexander, 28. Walter, 33. Cochrane, David, 309. John, 163. Dr., 128. Cock, James, 33, 92, 259. William, 252. Cockburn, William, 123. Cockburne, Dr., 129. Cockett, William, 145. Cockle, John, 162, 299. Cogan, Joseph, 172. Cokayne, Dr., 101. Cole, J., 130. Thomas, 125. Colieson, John, 32. Collace, Andrew, 179. David, 180. George, 180. Patrick, 179. Thomas, 180. College, Thomas Richardson, 160. Collie, Alexander, 273. Joseph, 296. Thomas, 286. William, 223. Collier, Dr., 116. Collins, Alexander, 176. Frederick, 167. James, 117. Thomas, 168. William Job, 169. Collinson, Alfred, 170. Collison or Gordon, Barbara, 47. Collyer, Beugo, 116. Colten, James L., 116. Colvil, William, 100. Colvin, Robert, 105. Combe, Charles, 141. Conan, John, 143. Conder, John, 101. Dr., III. Connel, Thomas, 135. Connon, Charles W., 119, 289. John, 291. William, 175, 176, 308. Connop, William, 132. Dr., 248. Conquest, George, 145. John, 153. Dr., 149. Consettus, John, 188. Constable, David, 248. W. G. M., 290. Cook, Alexander, 296. George, 201. James, 203. John Henry, 172. Cooke, Joseph Henry, 146. ZZ Robert, 159. William, 157. William Henry, 175. Dr., 145. Cookson, Ambrose, 152. Cooper (Couper, Coupar), Alexander, 232. Andrew, 218. David, 219. James, 263. Keith, 270. Patrick, 125, 294. R., 142. Dr., 70. Cope, Richard, 116. Copeman, Edward, 163. Copland (Coupland, Copeland), Daniel, 233, John, 49, 256, 284. Robert, 266. Samuel, 231. Walter, 200. William, 230. Dr., 116. Professor, 65. Corbat, Hector, 200. Corbet, Kenneth, 169. Corbould, Francis John, 175. Cordiner, James, 263. Cordoner, James, 270. Corfe, George, 165. Cork, Bishop of, 114. Corken, George, 298. Cormack, Marcus, 303. Corry, Thomas Charles Stewart, 170. Corse, Alexander, 227. David, 12, 228. John, 230. Cortis, William Smithson, 171. Coule, Alexander, 257. Coull, George, 302. Thomas, 143. Coulthurst, Tempest, 148. Coultis, Alexander, 181, Robert, 180. Cour, Philip de la, 131. Court, Anthony Francis, 157. Courtenay, Charles Baron, 154. Coutts (Couts), Alexander, 204. James, 175, 278, 292. Coventry, Dr., 144. Cowan, Francis, 239. Coward, William, 174. Cowe, James, 255. Cowen, John, 156. Cowie, Alexander, 278. 362 INDEX. Cowie, David, 295. William, 258, 269. Cox (Coxe), Dr., 126, 129. Coyte, Dr., 128. Crabbe (Crabb), James, 281. Robert, 153. William, 149. Crafts, David, 212. Craig (Craigius), Alexander, 204. George, 238. James, 260. John, 177. Robert, III. Thomas, 193. Craigie, James, 266. William, 275. Craik, Samuel, 254. Craike, William, 204. Cramond (Crammond), George, 214. James, 189, 205. John, 197. William, 212. Cran, Alexander, 310. John, 293. Patrick, 297. Crane, Charles, 156. John, 137. Cranston, William, 25. Crawford (Craford, Crawfuird), Adair, 138. Alexander, 204. Charles, 281. James, 125. William, 221. William Kennedy, 147, 149. Dr., 130. Crevie (Creveus), Thomas, 32, 198. Crichton (Creichtoun, Crighton), Alexander, 144, 145, 146, 149. George, 179, 212. Patrick, 216. Dr., 146. Croft (Crofts), Richard, 141, 145, 154. Cromar, Alexander, 221. David, 18, 92. Crombie, Alexander, 115, 225. Dr., 113. Cronin, James Dennis, 173. Crook, John Evelyn, 168. Crosland, George, 167. Crosthwaite, Henry, 142. Crowther, Thomas, 175. Dr., 105. Crozier, William, 131. Cruden, David, 107. James, 282. Cruickshank (Crookshank, Cruikshankius), Alexander, 91, 284, 310. Brodie, 286. Charles, 289. Cruickshank, Daniel, 250. Frederick, 300. George, 278, 285. James, 71, 108, 188, 227, 259, 261, 268, 269, 295, 298. John, 78, 214. 216, 255, 256, 261, 278. Patrick, 71, 290. Robert, 89, 280 William, 135, 136, 162, 245, 261, 277, 305. or Fraser, Elizabeth, 42. Cruwys, Henry Shortrudge, 11I. Crystal, George, 241. Cudlipp, John, 136. Cudmore, John, 135. Cujacius, 25. Culbard, John Chisholm Nicholson, 168. Cullan, Alexander, 7. Cullen, Dr., 132. Provost, 57. Cumming (Cumyne, Cummyng, Cummin, Cuming, Cumine, Cumin, Cum- minius, Comineus, Cummingus), Alexander, 110, 191, 209, 250, 273. Archibald, 220. David, 201, 209, 214. George, 182, 190, 201, 219. James, 35, 182, 186, 210, 213. John, 100, 102, 196, 198, 201, 209, 219, 220, 282. Patrick, 258. Robert, 211, 213. Robert Stewart, 141. William, 181, 183, 193, 196, 204, 208, 250. Cunings, William, 210. Cunningham, David, Bishop of Aberdeen, 3, 327. James, 177. John, 191. Cunninghame, Samuel, 202. Curie, Paul Etienne François Gustave, 162. Curling, Dr., 145. Curr, John, 302. Currie, James A., 299. Curry, James, 145. John, 157. Curtis, John Liscombe, 147. Cushney, Alexander, 251. Cutfield, Alfred Baker, 175. Cuthbert, Alexander, 208, 217. George, 218. William, 214. John, 204, 217. Cuthil, J., 283. Dakins, John Horsley, 107. William Whitford, 107. INDEX. 363 Dalachy, Robert, 239. Dalby, Charles Allsop, 169. William Thomas, 172. Dale, Dr., 151. Dalgardin (Dalgardinaeus, Dalgardineus, William, 189, 191, 195. Dalgardneus), Andrew, 195. Dalgleish, Nicol, 326. Dallachy, Joseph, 245. Dallas, George, 225. James, 255. Dallowe, Timothy, 128. Dalrymple, David, 14. David, Lord Westhall, 34. Hew, 34. Dalton, Edward, 117. Daly, Richard, 150. Dalziel, James, 147. Daniel, George, 305. William, 308. Dr., 130. Darge (Dargius), Andrew, 184. Patrick, 191. Walter, 183. William, 188. Daun (Dawn), George, 250, James, 272. Robert, 22, 151, 152, 268. William, 270. Dauney (Daunie), Alexander, 34, 112, 113, 258. Francis, 104. Dr., 16, 18, 42, 43, 65, 72. or Pollock, Margaret, 34. Davidson (Davidsone, Davidsoun, David- sonus), Alexander, 11, 181, 215, 237, 250, 282, 293, 305, 308. Arthur, 244. Catherine Helen, 34. Charles A., 308. Duncan, 34, 52. Francis Mary, 34. George, 271, 275, 300. George Louis Outram, 34. G. S., 322. James, 49, 104, 133, 229, 247, 257, 272, 291, 301. Jane Anne, 34. John, 51, 208, 211, 214, 223, 245, 263, 289. Mary Margaret, 34. Matilda Rose, 34. Patrick, 34, 106, 119, 249. Robert, 38, 217. Samuel, 172. Thomas, 277, 311. William, 26, 51, 140, 195, 238, 288, 291. William Leslie, 34. Davidson, Williamina Saida, 34. W. G., 303. Mr., 64. Professor, 66, 67. or Leslie, Mary Anne, 34. Davies (Davis), Edward, 164. George, 240. Henry, 115, 158. John, 116, 162, 166, 173. John Burrell, 146. Joseph, 136. J. W., 116. Methusalem, 142. Morgan, 269. Nath., 143. Richard, 162. Dawson, Charles, 162. George, 294. George Pearson, 157, 158. James, 132, 256. John G., 296. John Pearson, 154. Robert, 296. Thomas, 130. Thomas H., 296. Deacon, Edward Erastus, 142. Dealtry, Dr., 107. Deamer, William, 175. Dean, John, 284. Deans, John, 232. Deas, David, 174. Deason, George, 264. Debraw, John, 136. Decanus, Samuel, 188. Dell, Edward Crump, 164. Demembray, Stephen, III. Dempster, James, 284. Denman, Thomas, 135, 141, 145. • Denoon (Denune, Dunoon, Denunius), Alexander, 210, 265. David, 122, 216, 237, 258, 265, 277. George, 126. James, 269. Robert, 214. William (Walter), 191. Deskford, James, Lord, 5, 15, 74. Deuchar, John, 218. Devine, James, 293. Dewar, Alexander, 160. Daniel, 43, 65, 116. 321. Patrick, 281. Dewell, Timothy, 136. Dey (Day), Alexander, 220. James, 91, 92, 246. John, 91. Dick (Dikaeus), Alexander, 225. ! John, 234, 256. Robert, III. William, 198. 364 INDEX. Dicken, Henry Perry, 168. Dickie, George, 85, 89, 161. Dickson (Dicksone, Dixon), Charles, 72. David James Hamilton, 148. Frederick Beverley, 172. George Seymour, 163. James, 288. Josiah, 142. Richard Watson, 137, 149. Dr., IOI. Mr., 125. Dickinson, John, 271. Didier, Andrew, 129. Diemar, John Christmann, 112, Dimsdale, Thomas, 131. Dingwall (Dingual), Alexander, 266. James, 245. William, 222. Dinsmore, James, 160. Disborough, Colonel, 26. Dischinton, David, 7. Dobson, Matthew, 132, 136. Dodd, Richard, 277. Dodderidge, Phil., 100. Domville, James, 158. William Thomas, 166. Don, James, 159. John, 237: Donald, Alexander, 262. James, 250. Thomas, 261. William, 259, 268, 287. Donaldson (Donaldsone, Donaldsonus), Charles, 272. John, 218. Robert, 186. William, 196, 271. Douce, Francis, 128. Dougal, Hugh, 251. Douglas (Douglase, Douglass, Dowglasse, Dowglas, Douglassius, Duglassius), Alexander, 180, 200. Andrew, 158. Archibald, 216. George, 182, 186, 241. James, 182, 190, 213, 220. John, 130, 184, 185, 205. Patrick, 223. Robert, 105, 180, 190. Sylvester, 17, 245. William, 11, 69, 182, 200. Professor, 56. Dove, James, 295. Dovertie, George, 243. William, 239. Dow, John, 228. • Robert Cochrane, 170. William, 267. Downie (Downey), Alexander, 106, 162, 245, 284. Francis, 249. John, 239. Robert, 183. Downman, Hugh, 149. Doyle, Edward, 164. Michael, 171. Drage, Charles, 172. Dray, William Daniel, 157. Drever, Dr., 127. Drew, Samuel, 173. Dromore, Bishop of, 114. Drum, Laird of, 61. Drummond, Gavin, 221. James, 172, 305. John, 123, 124, 220. Robert, 144, 225. Drury, Edward, 151. Dudley, Henry Bate, 114. Duff (Duffe, Duffus), Alexander, 200, 234, 248. Archibald, 233. David, 248. Donald, 310. George, 292. James, 216, 249, 286. John, 164, 183, 260. Ludovic, 260. Patrick, 13, 14, 33, 36, 71. Robert, 106, 240, 284. Robert William, 17, 19. Thomas Abercromby, 20. William, 225, 228, 242, 271. Duguid, Peter, 34. William, 22, 108, 273. Duigan, Daniel John, 171. Duke, William, 303. Dunbar (Dumbar, Dunbarus), Alexander, 184, 190, 192, 194, 211, 214, 215. Archibald, 209. A., 258. Colin, 226. David, 185. Gavin, 3, 23, 35, 43. George, 192, 206. James, 63, 128, 142, 188, 189, 229, 242, 245, 248, 249, 251, 253, 256, 258, 259, 261, 263, 284. John, 201, 202, 209. J., 319, 320. Nicolas, 227. Patrick, 180, 183, 192, 214, 217, 226, 238. Robert, 40, 46, 54, 179, 192, 193, 198, 204, 227. Robert Grant, 311. R., 314. Thomas, 180, 213. Walter, 184. INDEX. 365 Dunbar, William, 12, 185, 204, 212, 246, 253, 273. of Boath, 63. Dr., 5. Professor, 190. Duncan (Dunkin, Duncane, Duncanus), Alexander, 102, 223, 263, 292, 307. Andrew, 135, 280. George, 203, 248. James, 159, 220, 245, 247, 252, 286, 302. John, 38, 172, 252, 277, 295. Joseph, 263. Peter Charles, 171. Thomas, 238. William, 65, 190, 220, 321. or Forbes, Elizabeth, 65. Dundas, Robert (R), 5, 43. Dunhill, Charles Henry, 168. Dunlop, George, 213. Dunn (Dune, Dun), Andrew, 35. Charles, 231. John, 146. Patrick, 9, 35. William, 188. Dr., 9, 10. Dunstan, Alfred Drew, 171. D'Urban, John, 131. Durban, William, 114. Durham, John, 159, 260. Durno, George, 240, 309. Durward, David, 288. John, 262. Duthie, John, 264. William, 227. Dyce, Thomas Webb, 149. William, 13, 83, 142, 221, 225. Dr., 150, 151, 152, 156. Dyer, John, 248. Earle, Jabes, 100. Dr., 101. Eason, Alexander, 134. Easterbrooke, Joseph, 103. Eaton, John, 127. Ecklius, Dudley, 126. Eddie, John, 277. Eden, Robert, 143. Edmond, Francis, 141, 279, 291. Edmonds, Henry, 165. Edmonson, Jonathan, 280. Edmonston, Henry, 266. Edmunds, Thomas, 115. Edward, George, 276. James, 229. John, 205. William, 221. Edwards, George, 297. George Henry, 167. Edwards, James K., 299. John, 227, 228. Egerton, Lord Francis, 20. Elder, Andrew, 51. Elkington, Francis, 165. Ellesmere, Earl of, 21, 22. Ellicombe, Dr., 105. Ellion, Edward, 137. Elliot, Ernest, 167. Sir John, 136. John Wilson, 171. Ellis, Archibald, 278. Fernand, 262. William, 117, 284. Elliston, John, 152. Elmslie (Elmsleus), Alexander Leith, 160. Gilbert, 184. John, 300, 308. Leith, 281. William, 260, 292, 308. Elphinstone (Elphingstoun, Elphinstonus), Alexander, 208. James, 197, 215, 327. John, 7, 183, 216. Michael, 183. William, 213, 216. William, Bishop of Aberdeen, 3, 6, 16, 24, 43, 328, 329, 331. Elrick, John, 292. Elwyn, William R., 117. Emmit, Robert, 135. Emslie, Patrick, 264. England, Dr., 130. Erasmus, 24. Erroll (Errol), Charles, twelfth Earl of, 4. John, eleventh Earl of, 4. Earl of, 20, 222, 221. Erskin, John, 47. Erskine, Robert M., 287. Esson, Alexander, 275. Etherington, Thomas, 270. Etough, Richard, 106. Evans, Caleb, 104. Charles Reeves, 171. David, 103, 270. John, 100, 147, 167, 261. Maurice Griffith, 173. Oliver, 175. Thomas Robert, 171. Thomas Simson, 114. Dr., 112. Mr., 264. Everest, George, 167. Ewen, Robert, 262. Ewin, William Howell, 111. Ewing, Alexander, 83, 84, 271. Exham, Thomas Robinette, 166. Exley, Thomas, 273. Eyval, William, 293. 366 INDEX. 1 Fagg, Charles, 132. Fairbrother, William Mutrie, 165. Fairne, Alexander, 201. Fairweather, Robert, 289. Thomas, 211. Falconer (Falconar, Faulkener, Falconarius), Alexander, 180, 196, 218, 219, 230, 238, 266, 267, 296. Charles, 214. Colin, 220, 226. Forbes, 119. Francis, 293. Hugh McRae, 282. James C., 299. John, 80, 205, 216, 221, 243, 289. William, 181, 201, 254, 256, 257, 267, William Elisha, 109. Falwasser, John Frederick, 150. Farquhar, Alexander, 211, 284. James, 258. John, 15, 291. Patrick, 189. Robert, 210, 220. Thomas, 163. Walter, 137, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 146, 147, 150. William, 143, 207, 245. Farquharson (Farquharsone, Farquherson), Alexander, 219. Charles, 133. Donald, 33. James, 117, 259, 266. John, 13, 42, 154, 216, 271. Patrick, 278. Robert, 213, 246. William, 140, 220. Farr (Far, Farre), John Richard, 148, 153, William, 136, 239. Farsken, William, 272. Fasken, William, 156. Fauntleroy, Moore, 133. Felix, Dr., 148. Fell, Joseph, 272. Fenton, Peter, 264. Fenwick, Colonel, 26. Ferguson (Fergusone, Fergusonus), Alex- ander, 233.. David, 296. George, 49, 119, 154, 206, 300. James, 17, 18, 203, 218, 304. John, 188, 300. William, 195. Professor, 67, 72. Ferres, Alexander, 180. Ferrier, Alexander, 255, 309. Fiddes, Alexander, 263. David, 161. George, 230. James, 249. Fiddes, Robert, 259, 279, 307. Fidler, John Dixon, 165. William, 226. Findlater (Finlater, Findlaterus), Alexander, 214. Eric John, 286. John, 183. Earl of, 74. Finch, William, 153. Findlay (Finlay, Findilaius), Alexander, 130. George, 273. Hugh, 240. John, 186. Patrick, 206. Robert, 237. William, 305. Finlayson (Finlason), Donald, 269. John, 202, 274. Finnie, William, 221. Fisher, William, 152. Flamark, James, 152. Fleming, Albert, 175. Andrew, 38, 66, 292. John, 66, 138, 147, 322. William, 66. or Christie, Melville, 66. Fletcher, Alexander, 264. G., 153. John, 152. P., 151. Richard, 140. Flockhart, Alexander, 286. Floyd, Dr., 122. Flyter, Alexander, 269. James, 292. Foley, John, 158. Fontaine, James Francis de la, 132. Foote, Charles, 158. James, 34. Forbes (Forbese, Forbess, Forbesius), Alex- ander, 3, 49, 181, 184, 188, 220, 293, 296. Anna, 49. Archibald, 12, 27, 211. Arthur, 13, 91, 184, 185, 190, 209, 211. Benjamin, 278, 282. Charles, 14, 15, 34, 246. Daniel, 270. David, 12, 33, 203, 237. Donald, 209. Duncan, 203, 259. Francis, 49, 278. George, 49, 128, 185, 305. Helen, 49. Henry, 186. Henry David, 270. James, 42, 49, 133, 179, 181, 183, i 184, 187, 190, 208, 220, 223, 262, 277, 284, 290. INDEX. 367 Forbes, James Beattie, 309. John, 8, 9, 47, 49, 54, 68, 69, 97, 106, 117, 128, 177, 179, 182, 183, 186, 190, 195, 203, 208, 217, 219, 222, 241, 252, 276, 283, 290, 294, 305. Jonathan, 208, 232, 273. ► J., 153, 314. Lachlan, 128. Lewis, 272, 294. Margaret, 49. Mary, 49. Patrick, 3, 43, 49, 54, 68, 97, 169, 183, 185, 302, 328. P., 314. Robert, 30, 49, 57, 58, 188, 190, 198, 202, 203, 206, 209, 211, 213, 214, 217, 232, 255, 266. R., 316, 317. Samuel, 122. Theodore, 128, 142, 143, 146. Thomas, 33, 186, 187. Walter, 243. William, 12, 15, 33, 40, 46, 53, 54, 68, 116, 179, 181, 183, 200, 216, 249, 259, 266, 268, 329. W., 289, 313, 314. Dr., 20, 98. Lieut. Col., 28, 43 Lord, 27. Professor, 66, 77. or Copland, Helen, 49. or Glennie, Mary, 49. Ford (Foord), James, 138. John, 138. Dr., 124. Mr., 99. Fordyce (Fordice, Fordaicius), Alexander, 198. Francis, 205, 229. George, 27, 132, 134, 135, 136, 138, 142, 143, 144, 218. James, 261. William, 200, 266. William Dingwall, 28, 43. Forester (Forrester, Forster), Alexander, 225. Charles, 207, 231. Henry, 173. Thomas Balle, 174. Forfar, John, 177. Forrest, John, 272. William, 274. Forsyth, Alexander, 259, 262, 276. James, 72, 231, 239, 293, 298. John, 117, 228. Joseph, 254. Robert, 234. William, 259, 296. Foster, John, 287. Foster, Nathaniel, 120. Fothergill, A., 249. Fotheringham, James, 281. Fowler, Alexander, 263. James, 256. William Charles, 85, 161. Fox, Edward Long, 149, 154. Francis, 145. Henry Hawes, 154. Frampton, Algernon, 157, 159. Franklin, Benjamin, 102. William, 140, 160. Fraser (Frasere, Frazer, Fraserius, Fraserus), Alexander, 34, 42, 43, 75, 84, 85, 87, 88, 91, 110, 123, 147, 161, 178, Igo, 201, 207, 209, 211, 212, 215, 217, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 226, 228, 229, 230, 232, 233, 234, 237, 238, 251, 252, 254, 258, 273, 282, 289. Alexander J., 292. Andrew, 88, 209, 211, 278, 311. Archibald, 112. Arthur, 92. A., 49, 58, 62, 317, 318, 319. Charles, 286. Colin, 269, 285. Daniel, 292. David, 225, 275, 280. Donald, 292, 295, 303. George, 42, 58, 70, 73, 87, 201, 212, 215, 217, 219, 238. G., 316, 317. Hector, 88, 295. Hugh, 185, 193, 196, 216, 224, 231, 247, 259, 267, 273, 293. James, 80, 88, 93, 110, 131, 169, 193, 199, 209, 218, 222, 267, 289, 290, 297, 307, 308. John, 188, 198, 210, 219, 220, 221, 243, 248, 249, 250, 258, 266, 267, 273, 277, 297, 298, 300, 304. Lachlan, 231. Ludovic, 242. Paul, 240. Robert, 208, 267, 290, 299. Robert W., 161. Simon, 89, 213, 217, 249, 263, 267. 269, 285, 290. Theodore, 247. Thomas, 181, 191, 199, 209, 213, 251, 260, 289, 292, 301, 309. Thomas McKenzie, 295. William, 125, 127, 180, 184, 200, 204, 213, 218, 220, 235, 247, 269, 291, 296, 305, 310. William H., 144. William R., 304. 247. 368 INDEX. Fraser, Mr., 59. or Cumming, or Farquharson, Mary, Free, Beckwith Dodwell, 257, 261, 262, 33. 266. E. Drax, 106. John, 104, 257, 261. Freebairn, John, 235, Freeman, Stephen, 135. Freer, Robert, 135, 245. French, George, 156. Hugh, 134. Thomas, 105. Dr., 139, 150. Frost, Frederick Spencer, 169. Fryer, Edward, 146. Fuller, Annie Christina, 67. Arthur Robert, 67. Benjamin, 249. Edith Frances, 67. Frederick, 66, John, 249. Margaret, 67. Mary Jane, 67. Thomas, 173. Professor, 119. 67, 303, 323. or Smith, Ann Mary, 67. Fullerton (Fullertoune, Foullartoune, Ful- lertoun, Fullarton, Fullartonus), Gaitskill, William, 154. Gall (Gaal), James, 274. John, 209, 310. William, 251. Galloway, Alexander, 7, 51. Andrew, 39, 51. Gallie, Alexander, 237. Andrew, 238. James, 36. Galway, John, 146. Dr., 148. Gamble, Hugh, 145. Garden (Gardyne, Gardenus, Gairdinus, Gardinus), Alexander, 9, 10, 32, 33, 41, 55, 56, 99, 160, 185, 192, 220, 233, 274, 330. A., 315. David, 182. Francis, 209. George, 58, 182, 200. Gilbert, 51. G., 316. James, 68, 70, 71, 98, 127, 197. John, 188, 202, 308. Patrick, 218, 288. Robert, 232. Thomas, 127, 185, 192, 197. William, 184, 207, 216, 295. or Middleton, Isabel, 55. H Alexander, 223. Andrew, 219. Arthur, 182. Isaac, 110. James, 186. John, 185, 211. Robert, 225. Thomas, 211. Furlong, John Sheldon, 163. Fyfe (Fyffe, Fife), Alexander, 220, 236. Amelia Jane, 66. Andrew, 38, 165. Duncan Mearns, 66. Elizabeth, 66. Helen, 66. Isabella Ogilvy, 66. John, 66, 67, 89, 179, 210, 239, 300,323. Thomas Alexander, 66. William, 207, 294. Professor, 64, 107. or Hay, Eliza Charles, 38. or Johnston, Margaret, 38. or Mearns, Jane, 66. Fyvie, Charles, 274. Gadderer (Gaddererius), Alexander, 198. John, 126. Gahagan, Terence, 143. Gair, Walter, 280. Gaitskill, Joseph Ashley, 152. Gardiner (Gardener), George, 303. John, 128. William, 257. Gardenstone, Lord, 112. Garioch (Garioche, Gareoch, Gariochus), Àlexander, 182, 204, 217. George, 272. James, 273. John, 19, 20, 186, 303. William, 204, 215, 264. Gardner, Alexander, 283. Garrow, David, 232. William, 234. Gartshore, Dr., 132. Garvock, John, 259. Gatherer, Alexander, 291. Gatt, James, 244. Gauld, Andrew, 223. George, 241, 272. John, 296. Gavine, James, 207. Gay, John, 137. Geach, Francis, 137. Geddes (Geddesius), Alexander, 111, 228. Andrew, 201. James, 111, 310. John, 84. Thomas, 219. William, 162, 191, 206. William Duguid, 67, 298, 323. INDEX. 369 Geddes or Harrower, Rachel Blanche, 67. or White, Rachel Robertson, 67. Geekie, James, 307. Gellan, Robert, 224. Gellie (Gellius), Alexander, 205. Francis, 307. James, 219. John, 187. William, 193. Gellon, James, 201. Gentles, Thomas, 308. George (Georgius), Alexander, 196. Francis William, 307. John, 186. Owen William, 166. Peter, 267. William, 305. III, 254. Earl of Aberdeen, 118. Georgeson, Andrew, 202. Gerard (Gerrard), Alexander, 71, 72, 101, 253, 270. Arthur, 293. A., 5. Euphemia, Elizabeth, 72. Gilbert, 63, 71, 72, 104, 253. G., 5, 320. Helen Jane, 72. James, 272, 294. James Gilbert, 72. Jane, 71, 72. John, 71, 256, 268. John Duncan, 72. Margaret Helen, 72. Marjory Cruickshank, 72. Patrick, 72. William, 72, 103, 111, 230, 274. Dr., 14, 16, 42, 65, 106. Professor, 15, 36, 49. or Cruickshank, Margaret Jane, 71. or Cruickshank, Marjory, 71. or Duncan, Helen, 72. or Wight, Jane, 71. Gibbon, Thomas, 102. Gibbons (Gibons), Thomas, IOI, 247. Gibbs, John Hill, 166. Gibson (Gibsone, Gibsoune), Andrew, 155, 156, 182. Frederick, 161. George, 174. James, 261. John, 214, 231, 305. William, 149. Dr., 141. Gilbertson, Joseph Bray, 173. Gilchrist, Isaac, 162. John, 114. Dr., 116. Giles, Alexander, 297. ААА Gilholy, Anthony, 146, 156. Gill, John, 307. John French, 173. William, 260. Gillan, Hugh, 254. Gillendars, John, 253. Gillespie, Thomas, 144. Gillies, James, 154. Robert, 281. Gilzean (Gilzeanus), George, 243. Thomas, 184. Givan, William, 308. Glass (Glasius), Charles, 290. Patrick, 186. Samuel, 299. William, 185, 275. Gleig (Gleg), George, 113, 114, 117, 156, 250, 253. Glenbervie, Lord, 17. Glenelg, Lord, 20. Glennie, George, 49. James, 265. John, 103, 117. William, 113, 114. Gloag, James, 118. Gloucester, Bishop of, 102. Glover, John, 120. Godspee, Benjamin, 127. Gold, Alexander, 236. Goldin, William George, 167. Goldsborough (Goldsbury), Captain, 112. Thomas William John, 170. Goldwyer, George, 135. Gollop, John, 134. Gooch, George, 154. Robert, 153. Dr., 152. Goode, F. M., 159. Goodsir, David, 134. Goodwin, Richard, 150. Gordon (Gordone, Gordoun, Gordoune, Gordonus, crombie, 253. Gordonius), Abercrombie L., 34. Abraham, 131. Adam, 185, 202. Adam A., 298. • Aber- Alexander, 3, 5, 14, 15, 32, 36, 38, 47, 48, 49, 62, 70, 87, 119, 123, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 180, 193, 194, 200, 212, 227, 231, 249, 250, 285, 290, 294, 309. Alexander Harry, 48, 64. Ann, 38, 63. Arthur, 12, 33, 190. Charles, 70, 166, 191, 209, 212, 228. Charles R. H. D., 307. Cuthbert, 136. David, 189, 194. 370 INDEX. Gordon, Diana, 38, 48, 64. Donald, 277. Francis, 38, 213. George, 14, 17, 38, 41, 48, 49, 57, 60, 61, 62, 65, 70, 73, 74, 105, 124, 129, 133, 181, 183, 189, 194, 197, 216, 218, 219, 230, 235, 242, 248, 251, 252, 271, 309. George Huntly, 273. George William Algernon, 239. G., 231, 316. Henry, 253, 269. Hugh, 28, 40, 188, 265. Isabella, 38. James, 11, 27, 71, 185, 186, 188, 191, 196, 197, 201, 205, 213, 237, 273, 284, 307. James A., 159. John, 27, 32, 38, 48, 60, 61, 71, 75, 98, III, 120, 152, 154, 155, 181, 189, 194, 199, 204, 205, 209, 216, 219, 224, 231, 236, 248, 262, 269, 270, 271, 300. J., 123. Kenneth, 217. Lewes, 12. Ludovic, II, 106, 190, 204, 227. Margaret, 38, 48, 63. Mary, 48. Patrick, 10, 26, 32, 47, 48, 50, 55, 56, 57, 73, 87, 88, 186, 188, 189, 190, 195, 212, 235, 298, 315. P., 315. Richard, 61, 62, 222, 223. Robert, 61, 91, 186, 189, 220, 225, 236. Robert Eden Scott, 48. R., 318. Samuel, 311. S., 132. Theodore, 14, 20, 33, 34, 48, 141, 142, 144, 149, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 225, 267. Thomas, 23, 41, 47, 48, 49, 88, 181, 182, 183, 230, 234, 247, 249, 251, 252, 255, 257, 259, 260, 262, 264. T., 59, 62, 63, 64, 318, 319, 320, 321. William, 3, 8, 9, 12, 35, 75, 148, 157, 158, 178, 191, 196, 214, 216, 218, 219, 224, 225, 235, 249, 257, 266, 299. William Grant, 283. Admiral, 21. Baron, III. Bishop William, 30. Dr., 132. Mr., 5. Professor, 263. or Baxter, Helen, 48. or Brown, Anne, 48. Gordon or Forbes, Elizabeth, 48, 74. or Forbes, Lillias "Lilly," 48, 63. or Fraser, Margaret, 48, 73. or Hervie, Isabella, 48. or Hervie, Marie, 48. or Innes or Walker, Elizabeth, 64. or Middleton, Margaret, 47, 48. or Sandilands, Jean, 36. or Scott, Elizabeth, 48, 63. or Scott, Margaret, 38. Goris, Seger, 210. Gorland, James, 287. Gorman, John, 158. Gould, John, 137. Gourly (Gourlie), John, 253. William, 248. Gourrien, Francis B., 280. Gowie, Robert, 225. Gowre, Richard, 205. Gracia, Daniel, 159. Grady, William Grove, 173. Graham (Graeme, Grahame, Grahamus), Charles Hutchison, 170. David, 184. George, 266. John, 132, 191. John Andrew, 112. Richard, 211. Robert, 125, 187. Dr., 128, 140. Grant (Grantaeus), Alan, 200. Alexander, 105, 120, 196, 208, 209, 241, 265, 304, 307. Andrew, 220. Charles, 19, 271, 289. Christopher, 242. David, 131, 275. Dugald, 293. Duncan, 209, 270. D., 105. Francis, 270. Francis William, 276, 292, 294. George, 176, 223, 244, 257, 261, 303. Gregory, 133, 135. Hugh, 284. James, 197, 204, 218, 232, 249, 250, 251, 254, 263, 264, 266, 271, 278, 280, 287, 290, 294, 300, 305, 308,. 309. James Robert, 153. John, 216, 228, 241, 281. Lachlan, 183. Lewis, 276. Ludovic, 212, 220, 252. Patrick, 102, 139, 206, 214, 228. Patrick M'G., 290, 295, 296. Peter, 268, 307. Robert, 20, 21, 131, 135, 208, 218, 220, 238, 295, 302, 306. INDEX. 371 Grant, Robert A. P., 307. Suetonius, 209, 210, 269. Thomas, 208, 224. Thomas Walker, 167. William, 210, 219, 230, 235, 241, 251, 269, 274, 284, 285. William C. M., 300. Dr., 135. Mr., 20. Granville, A. B., 159. Grassick, Charles, 277. Donald, 276. John, 275. Gray (Graye, Grey), Adam, 288. Alexander, 250, 256. Andrew, 307. Archibald, 105. Arthur, 290. David, 258. Edward Whitaker, 135. George, 118. James, 209, 255, 271, 301, 303. John, 88, 176, 215, 222, 244. Patrick, 179. Robert, 35, 50, 300, 305. Simon, 230. Thomas, 144, 289. William, 11. 204, 219, 257, 269. Grayson, Colonel, 112. Gream, George Thomas, 167. Green, Alexander, 296. Edward, 127. George Garden, 311. Hugh, 163. James, 271. Robert, 260. Greenhow, Edward Headlam, 168. Greenlaw, Alexander, 114. William, 114. Greenup, Henry, 164. Gregory (Gregorie), Alexander, 291. Charles, 37. David, 37. Dorothea, 36. Elizabeth, 36. George, 156, 158, 159, 233. G., 105. James, 36, 37, 127, 128, 129, 135, 158. James Liebig, 38. John, 36, 37, 62, 128, 129, 133, 237. J., 319. William, 36, 37, 38. W., 85. Dr., 113, 128. or Alison, Dorothea, 37. or Anderson, Janet, 37. or Chalmers, Ann, 36. or Forbes, Hon. Elizabeth, 36. or Innes, Isabel, 37. Gregory or Reid, Margaret, 37. or Scott, Lisette, 38. Greig (Grigg), Alexander, 289, 309, Andrew, 232. Anthony, 132. George, 305. James, 79, 80, 218, 285, 287. John, 174, 308. William, 252, 291. Greville, Dr., 117. Grierson, Alexander, 251. Grieve, George, 139. John, 138. Griffith (Griffiths), Richard, 149, 249. Dr., 129. Grigor (Gregor), John, 164, 286. Robert, 44, 49, 172. Walter, 301. William, 300. Grindlay, John, 113. Groat, Robert, 130, 131, 149. Grosse (Grose), John, 104, 109, 261, 262, 266. Grove, Henry, 115. Grub, George, 308. John, 213. Gruggen, William John, 167. Guild, David, 210. William, 9, 10, 26, 315. Dr., II. Principal, 47. Guise, John, 100. Gunn (Gun), Adam, 277. Alexander, 265. Angus, 305. James, 284. Thomas, 276. William, 249. William Maxwell, 119. Guppy, Thomas Stokes, 173. Gurbs, Stephen, 284. Gushart, Robert, 128, 131. Guthrie (Guthry, Gutherie, Guthraeus), Archibald, 183. David, 50, 188, 209, 211. George James, 159. G., 313. Henry, 114. James, 203, 205. John, 46, 53. J., 313. Patrick, 40, 53, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 211. P., 314. William, 256. Guy, Thomas, 143, 279. Guyle, John, 100. Hadden, Gavin, 34. Haig, George, 131. 372 INDEX. Haighton (Heighton), John, 139, 142, 143, 147, 150, 152, 154. Hailes, Lord, 23. Halket (Hacket), James, 133, 256. Pierce, 149. William, 210. Hall, John, 135. J., 142. Robert, 259. Stephen, 126, 158. Thomas, 137. Hallam, William, 170. Halliburton (Hallyburton, Haliburton, Haly- burton, Hallyburtonus), George, 4, 9, 32, 186. John, 27, 32, 215. William, 201. Halloran, Laurence Hynes, 105. Hamilton (Hamiltone), Archibald, 128. Charles, 33. Gilbert, 101. James, 133, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 148, 152, 154, 157, 158, 202, 207. Joseph, 106. Robert, 116, 306. - 128. Hammond, Charles William, 173. John, 156. Joseph Hutchinson, 172. Hancorn, James Richard, 169. Handley, Joseph, 129. Hand, William, 164. Hanna, Harrison, 175. Hannay, Alexander, 152. Hannot, Richard, 236. Harcourt, William, 115. Hardinge, Henry, 165. Mr., 156. Hardy (Hardie), James, 49. John, 158. Hargrave, Duke of, 100. Harkin, Alexander, 173. Harness, John, 145. Harper (Harperius), Adam, 210. Alexander, 291. James, 250. Patrick, 295. Robert Little, 166. Thomas, 213. William, 187, 254, 311. Harris, Duncan, 199. John, 199. Rice, 104. Robert, 143. William, 100. Harrison, Richard, 156. Harrold, Robert, 220. Harrow, Gilbert, 253. Harrower, John, 67. Hart, Ebenezer Stead, 294. Henry, 158. Harvey (Harvie, Hervie, Hervy, Hervey, Hervaeus, Herveus), Alexander, 85, 86, 200. Alfred, 174. Gilbert, 200. James, 46, 124, 181, 182, 212. John, 220. Robert, 198. William, 117, 196. Dr., 143. or Gordon, Marie, 47. Hat, Alexander, 215. Hathaway, Charles, 161. Hatherly, Narcissus Collins, 171. Hawes, Matthew, 139. Hawkins, John Vincent, 169. Hay (Haye, Haigh, Haius, Hayus), Alex- ander, 7, 187, 232. Andrew, 200. Charles, 111, 220. David, 152. Francis, 275. Gavin, 261. George, 207, 219. George William, 38. Gilbert, 213. Hugh, 256. James, 201, 212, 230, 240, 250, 258. John, 50, 90, 91, 122, 181, 194, 236, 289. Nicholas, 8, 31. Patrick, 50, 91. Peter, 100. Robert, 34, 36, 38, 49. Thomas, 12, 13, 14, 33, 36, 224, 267. William, 24, 39, 50, 186, 239. William Banks, 173. Hayden, H. E., 47. Hayes, John Boon, 168. John Macnamara, 145. Hayman, Charles Christopher, 168. Hayne, Leonard Henry Joseph, 174. William Reynolds, 166. Haynes, George Alfred, 174. Hayward, Francis, 139. William, 280. Hazelton, George, 137. Healde, Thomas, 135. Heap, Henry, 282. Heberden, Thomas, 130. Heinechen, Dr., 129. Heineken, Christian, 157. Henderson (Hendersone, Hendersonus), Alexander, 280, 283, 287. Andrew, 188. George, 172. Henry, 108, INDEX. 373 Henderson, James, 51, 208, 238, 242. John, 51. Joseph, 167. Mag., 221. Patrick, 237. Steuart, 143. Thomas, 245. William, 79, 83, 111, 154, 232, 277, 279, 283.. Hendry, Gilbert, 188. John, 291. Henry, Lewis, 154. Hepburn (Hepburne, Hebrun), Alexander, 182, 209. George, 285. James, 207. John, 145, 204. Thomas, 201. William, 181. Hon. Baron, 114. Herbert, Charles, 158. Herd, James, 302. Herdman, Alexander, 239. John, 144. Herdsman, James, 243. Hereford, Bishop of, 102. Heriot, Roger, 135. Hesben, Francis, 224. Hewit (Huet), Thomas, 147. Dr., 134. Hewson, Charles George, 168. Hicks (Hickes), George, 136. J. H., 146. Higgins, James, 141. Hill, Alfred, 169. Andrew, 153, 242. Daniel, 145. E., 146. Hugh, 115. John, 130, 132, 274, 299. Ludovic, 266. Robert, 232. Dr., 148. Hills, William Charles, 173. Hillton, Alexander, 207. Hilton, William Richard, 171. Hinchliffe, Matthew, 169. Hinds, William, 163. Dr., 151. Hird (Heard) Benjamin, 149. James, 271. Joseph Henry, 114. Hiscox, John, 250. Martin Thomas, 162. Hitchen, Edward, 109. Hoccat, George, 188. Hodge, John, 101. Hodges, Richard, 168. Hodson, James, 112, 136, 137, 138. Hody, Edward, 128. Hogg (Hoge, Hog, Hoog), James, 72, 105, 224, 249, 282. Thomas, 70, 178. William, 154. Holden, John, 130. Holl, Harvey Buchanan, 173. Holman, John H., 173. Holme (Hulme), Nathaniel, 141. Thomas, 270. Holmes, John, 172. Holt, George Palmer, 157. William Henry, 157. Hooke, William, 130. Hooker, William Jackson, 117. Hooper, Robert, 150, 157, 158. Hope, Dr., 147. Hopton, George Octavius, 174. Horler, Edward, 136. Horne (Horn), John, 211. Thomas Hartwell, 276. Horton, Thomas, 228. Hosie, Alexander, 178. Hossack (Hosack), Colin, 128. John, 182. Simon, 254. Houghton, William, 156, 157. Houlston, Thomas, 136. Hounsell, Henry Strangeways, 166. Houston (Houstone, Houstoun, Huiston, Huisoun, Huistonus), Alexander, 138, 231. David, 184, 199. James, 268. James Macdonald, 170. John, 179. William, 219. Dr., 130. Howart, Gilbert, 112. Howat, Alexander, 196. Howe, David, 261. Howell, Randal, 138. Dr., 128. Howes, John, 260. Howie, Charles, 306. James, 13, 227. Hucks, Richard, 133. Huddleston (Hudleston), John Nicols, 170. Richard, 137. Huggan, A., 150. Hugh (Hugo, Huie), John, 209. Thomas, 149. Walter, 143. William G., 162. Hughs (Hughes), Joseph, 261. Obediah, 100. Hullet, James, 116. Hume, John, 132, 133. Humphrey (Homfrey), Alexander, 254. 374 INDEX. Humphrey, Anthony, 158. John, 116. Humphreys, Edward Rupert, 119. Hunt, George, 258. Hunter, Adam, 158. Al., 153. Charles, 258. Henry Julian, 169. James, 135. John, 133, 221. Thomas, 304. Dr., 112, 134. Huntly, George, Marquis of, 4, 47, 329, 330. Hutcheon, David, 28. John, 307. Hutchinson, William, 156. Hutchison (Hutchesson, Hutcheson), Alex- ander Copland, 150, 151. A., 157. George, 294. Francis Pery, 157. Hutton, C., 114. George, 239. Huxam, Dr., 132. Hyde, George, 169. Hyndman, John, 101, Idle, William, 207. Ilay, Archibald, Earl of, 5. Imlay, Alexander, 275. Imray, John, 286. Ince, Henry, 290. Inglis, Andrew, 153, 154. Charles, 103. David, 265. John, 22, 119. Patrick, 275. Robert, 278. Ingram (Inghrame), Alexander, 268. George, 221. Gordon, 299. James, 78, 79, 264, 282. John, 291. William, 260, 287. Inkson, Thomas, 274. Innes (Innesius), Alexander, 14, 15, 37, 181, 212, 239. Arthur, 210. Berald, 89, 93, 198. Charles A., 169. Colin, 218. Cosmo, 7. David, 305. Francis William, 286. George, 12, 98, 136, 179, 192, 261, 290. Hector, 269. James, 158, 187, 200, 203, 208, 219. James Rose, 117, 278. Innes, John, 37, 180, 188, 190, 202, 205, 208, 211, 220, 271. Ludovic, 196. Patrick, 37, 91. Robert, 10, 87, 124, 126, 127, 184, 196, 199, 201, 208, 210, 213, 223, 236, 271. Thomas, 205. Walter, 185, 204. William, 178, 188, 190, 192, 229, 282. Dr., 126. Ironside, George, 256. James, 299. Irvine (Irvin, Irvinge, Irvyng, Irving, Irvinus, Irvynus), Alexander, 91, 181, 182, 186, 200, 231, 275, 279. Archibald Kennedy, 165. Charles Topham, 116. Christopher, 115. Francis, 162. George N., 309. Hugh, 184. James, 128, 178, 181, 272. John, 165, 180, 283. Robert, 178, 185. William, 128, 227. Dr., 117. Jack (Jacke, Jackeus), Alexander, 28. Andrew, 286. Andrew James Bolton, 28. Andrew Thomas William, 28. Charles, 28. Colin, 231. Grace, 28. Hieronymus, 122. John, 296. Margaret, 28. Mary Janet, 28. Patrick, 191. Robert, 28. William, 28, 42, 43, 64, 88, 105, 107, 137, 205, 239, 259, 264, 265, 266, 271. W., 321. Dr., 16, 18, 65. Professor, 144. or Nicholson, Eliza Jean, 28. Jackson, Alexander, 220. Edward, 161. Frederick Gelois, 165. George Henry, 174. Henry, 150. Humphrey, 130. Robert, 149. Jaffray, James, 285. John, 223. Thomas, 211. William, 93, 182. INDEX. 375 James, John, 136. R., 130. William, 162. VI., 327, 328, 329, 330, 331. Jamieson (Jamiesoun, Jameson, Jamesone, Jamisone), Alexander, 128, 209, 229. Andrew, 204. Charles, 160. Dugald, 207. George, 289. John, 209. Patrick, 232, 302. Robert, 85, 86, 204, 263. William, 282. 8, 9. Jebb, R., 131. Jefferson, Joseph, 262. Joshua, 145. J., 149. Jeffery, Edward, 169, F., 43. John, 171. Jenkins (Jenkesius), George Henry, 169. Henry, 189. James, 279. Jenkin, 102. John, 306. Joseph, 104, 245, 264, 265. Josiah Roberts, 166. Jenner, Edward, 152. Henry, 146. Dr., 146. Johnson, Alexander, 133. George, 273. Henry Scholfield, 166. H., 279. Robert Wallace, 130. William, 247. William Moore, 269. Johnston (Johnstoune, Johnstone, Johne- ston, Johnstoun, Alexander, 182, 306. Andrew, 249. Arthur, 9, 57, 330, 331. George, 13, 255, 277. Johnstonus), James, 143, 144, 145, 158, 259, 231. John, 133, 189, 204, 212, 292. R. S., 132. William, 32, 57, 195, 204, 210, 211, 223, 242, 263. W., 316. - 57. Dr., 10. or Cullen, Helen, 57. Jolly, Thomas, 252. Jones, Alfred, 173. Daniel Hugh, 115, 116. Henry William, 166. Jones, John, 114, 115. John Dalston, 168. Lewis, 152. Richard, 129. Robert, 136. R., 134. Thomas, 151, 281. William, 163, 166. Sir W., 113. Jopp, Andrew, 43. Jordan, Richard, 152. Joss (Joass, Jossaeus), Alexander, 260. James, 302. William, 195. Jukes, Andrew, 157. Juler, Henry Cundell, 170. Julian, Patrick, 254. Julius, George Charles, 150. III., Pope, 25. Junius, v. Young. Junor, William, 135. Just, Thomas, 298. Kearsley, Joseph, 147. Keay (Kaye, Key), Andrew, 290. George, 200. Patrick, 297. Peter, 66. P., 323. William Murray, 302. Keil (Kyle), Dr., 123. Keith (Keythe, Keithe, Kaethus, Keithus), Alexander, 178, 202, 218, 228. George, 53, 178, 287. Gilbert, 53, 177, 178, 179, 205. G., 314. James, 124, 190, 297. John, 32, 260, 310. Marischal, 254. Patrick, 266. Robert, 187. William, 160, 177, 244, 307, 309. Kelly (Kellie), Christopher, 129, 130, 131. George, 151, 155. James, 156, 255. Patrick, 114. Dr., 135. Kelman, John, 303. Keltie, Andrew, 141. Kemlo, Alexander, 311. Francis, 255. Kemnay, George Nicolson, Lord, 32. Kemp, Hugh, 231. John, 112. Robert Horne, 163. Kendrick, James, 149. Kennedy (Kennedie, Kenedus), Aeneas, 265. Alexander, 155, ‘310. Donald, 281, 285. 376 INDEX. Kennedy, Donald A., 298. James, 184, 292. John, 8, 218, 248, 262, 282, 294, 296. Kenneth, 289. William, 144, 151. Dr., 145. Kent, Richard, 145, 148, 150, 151. Dr., 148. Kerr (Ker, Keir, Kerus, Kaerus), Alexander, 42, 190, 200. Andrew, 227. David, 85, 161. Eleanor, 93. James, 203. James McKenzie, 244. John, 6, 59, 61, 62, 71, 101, 126, 128, 130, 198, 324. J., 318. Patrick, 128. Robert, 227. William, 145, 148. Mr., 227. Professor, IIO. Kershaw, William, 166. Ketchen, James, 268. Keys, Roger, 146. Kidd (Kyd, Kydd), Abraham, 166. Henry, 258. James, 303. Joseph, 168. Stuart, 252. Kidston, James Smith, 277. Kilgour, Alexander, 22, 85, 165. Benjamin, 133. Robert, 231. Kilpin, William Hopkins, 147. Kinderly, John, 42. Roger, 236. King, David, 175. John, 229. Randulph, 258. Richardson, 158. Kingsbury, William, 247. Kinion, John, 132. Kinloch, David, 219. George, 256. Kinnaird, Charles, 210. Kinnear, C. S., 163. Kinross, Hugh, 197. Kippis, Andrew, 102. Kirby, Edmund Adolphus, 171. Kirk, James, 253. Robert, 237. Kirkland, George, 276. Kirkpatrick, James, 129, 130. Robert, 306. Kirton, James, 279. Kitchener, William, 146, 147. Kitching, Alfred, 175. Kitching, George, 166. Klingner, Julius Bernhard, 161. Knight, William, 84. Professor, 324. Knighton, William, 148, 149, 152, 153, 154. Knott, George Anstice, 171. Knowles, Henry D., 290. Knox, Francis, 279. John, 235, 289. William, 151. -39. Krohn, Dr., 135. Kyninmond, Andrew, 7. Laing, Alexander, 218. George, 216. James, 291. James Byres, 296. John, 216, 265. T., 159. William, 85, 133, 254. Dr., 84. Laird, James, 148, 151, 157, 158. William, 311. Dr., 150. Lamb (Lambe), Andrew, 204, 276. James, 229. William, 148. Lambert (Lambertus), Richard, 179. Lambton, Stephen, 283. Lammie (Lamie), David, 209. James, 208. John, 99, 204, 214. Lamond, Dr., 128, 129. Lamotte, Charles Eugene Gallye, 170. Lang, Alexander, 207. Langford, William, 101, 102. Dr., 244. Langley, John, 279. Lara, Dr., 148. Largue, George, 224. James, 285. Lataille, Jean Baptiste François, 153. Laterriere, Pierre de Sales, 153. Lauder (Lauderus), William, 185. Lauderdale, John, Earl, 4. Laurie (Lawrie), Stephen, 142. William, 281, 283. Law, George, 93. James, 180. William, 210. Lawie, Charles, 292. Lawlor, William Digby, 141. Lawrence (Laurence, Laurentius), Charles, 223. George, 278. James, 175. Richard, 195. William, 262. INDEX. 377 Laws (Laus), Thomas, 196. Lawson (Lausone, L'auson, Lausoun, Lauson, Lawesone, Louson, Low- son, Lasonus, Lawsonus), Alex- ander, 7, 29, 216. Andrew, 204. James, 39, 194, 326. James R., 279. John, 188, 221. Robert, 141. Thomas, 179, 206. Thomas Francis, 164. Mr., 25, 52. Lawtie, George, 248. James, 219. Leake (Leack), Jonas, 168. Richard, 170. Dr., 135. Ledingham, James, 300. Lee (Ley), Charles Alfred, 173. John, 65, 66, 115, 261. J., 321. Richard, 125. Leech (Leiche, Leitch, Leich, Leochaeus), Andrew, 182. David, 8, 40, 41, 54, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 330. Donald, 270. D., 9, 315. John, 180. Lees (Leys), John, 274. Robert, 172. Legge (Legg), George, 118, 281. James, 289. James W., 307. William D., 307. Leigh, Hugh, 200. Leighton, James, 146. Leith (Leyth, Leythe, Leithe, Lieth, Leithaeus, Leithus), Alexander, 17, 245. Andrew Henderson, 282. A. H., 163. George, 54, 55, 69, 162, 177, 183, 194. G., 315. Harry, 276. Henry, 177. James, 186. Patrick, 209. Robert, 244. John, 8, 11, 179, 203, 329. Theodore, 243. William, 205, 210, 236, 240, 243. Dr., 152. Leland, John, 100. Lempriere (Limpriere), William, 144, 146. Lendrum, Alexander, 286. Thomas, 234. Lesk, William, 178. Leslie (Lesly, Lesley, Leslaeus, Leslus), Alexander, 14, 93, 195, 299. Andrew, 29, 179.. Christian, 63. Francis, 245. George, 179, 204. Grisel, 63. Helen, 63. Henry, 187. Hugh, 28, 34, 38, 63, 252. Hugh Fraser, 20, 21. H. A., 21. Isobel, 63. James, 89, 183, 201, 258, 260, 261. Jean, 63. John, 29, 34, 63, 145, 179, 191, 197, 205, 214, 218, 219, 257, 266, 271, 289. J., 319, 320. Ludovic, 236, 262. Margaret, 63. Norman, 185. Patrick, 184, 211, 223. Robert, 187, 250, 253. William, 8, 26, 34, 40, 46, 54, 98, 109, 180, 182, 183, 187, 188, 205, 225, 247, 330. W., 314, 315. —, 247. Dr., 139. Mr., 14, 252. or Fraser, Christian, 63. or Ker, Helen, 63. Lessel, Thomas L., 289. Letham, Thomas, 148. Lettsome (Letsome), Copley, 147. John Conkly, 112. Dr., 143, 152. Lewin, Robert, 149. Lewis, Theophilus Caractacus, 167. William Aston, 168. Lherondell, Francis, 239. Liddel (Liddelius), David, 187. George, 75. Lidderdale, Holliday, 143, 146, 151, 157, 159. Ligertwood (Legertwood), Alexander, 237, 270. James, 15, 16, 217. William, 171. Likly, Henry, 129. James, 253. John, 253. Lillie (Lilius), Alexander, John, 10, 186. Thomas, 41. 310. William, 78, 108, 277. Lind (Linde), Adam, 304. Alexander, 204. BBB 378 INDEX. Lindsay (Lyndesay, Lindsey, Lindesius), Alexander, 178, 207. David, 11, 178, 216. Francis, 260. James, 7, 105, 114, 130, 222, 250. John, 29, 31, 199, 205, 327. Patrick, 139. Lingair, James, 259. Linton, William, 249. Little, John, 159. Littlehales, Joseph Laurence, 103. Littlejohn, Ludovic, 259. Livie, John, 237, 245. Livingston (Livingstone), James, 216. William, 153. Dr., 133, 134, 140, 156. Prof., 154, 155. Llewellen (Lluelin), Thomas, III, 239. Lloyd, Charles, 114, 115. John Augustus, 169. Joshua, 127. Lobban, John, 262. Loch, James, 21. Lockyer, Dr., 148. Logan, Allen, 71. John, 290. Thomas, 174. Dr., 133. Logie (Logius), Charles, 286. James, 267. William, 199. Long, Edward, 137. Peter William, 168. Longmore (Longmoor, Longmuir), Alex- ander, 220, 235. George, 142, 254, 264, James, 261. John, 119. J., 86. William, 259. Longton, James, 170. Longworth, Edward, 127. Lorimer (Lorrimer), James, 256. John, 210. J., 136. Dr., 112, 140. Lothian, John Alexander, 172. Loutit, William, 149. Love, John, 72. Lovell, Robert, 150, 153. Lovelt, Robert, 149. Low (Lowe, Lough, Lowaeus), Alexander, 291. Ernest, 310. James, 279, 282. John, 260. Thomas, 137, 157, 266. William, 191, 262. Mrs., 93. Lucas, William, 279. Ludlow, Daniel, 145. Luke, Stephen, 154, 158. Lumsden (Lumisdene, Lumisden, Lumis- deille, Lumisdanus), Agnes, 71. Alexander, 71, 133, 177, 257. David, 311. Harry, 28. James, 245, 297. Jean, 71. John, 13, 14, 36, 71, 133. Matthew, 114, 178. Patrick, 182. Robert, 245. Teresa, 71. Thomas, 35. Walter, 180. William, 38, 51, 178. Professor, 14. or Duff, Henrietta, 71. or Lesly, Jean, 71. Lunan (Lunanus), Alexander, 46, 54, 180, 183, 199. A., 314. James, 235. William, 184. Lundie (Lundy, Lundaeus), Gilbert, 230. James, 193. John, 8, 46, 54, 88, 98, 183, 184, 330. J., 9, 314, 315. or Gordon, Margaret, 47. Lyell (Liel), Andrew, 6. David, 11, 161. James, 211. Lynch, Henry, 169. Lynn, James, 151, 158. Richard, 137. Lyon (Lion, Lyone), Alexander, 23, 228, 299, Felix William, 167. John, 136. Patrick, 183. Paul, 258. James, 261. Robert, 229, 275. MacAdam, Alexander, 248. MacAndrew, James, 255. MacArthur, Alexander, 270. George, 302. John, 113, 117. Peter, 263. Macartin, Louis Mathurin Joseph, 146. MacAskill (McCaskill), Alexander, 147, 265. Allan, 263. Hector, 267. Malcolm, 285. MacAulay (MacCauley), Aeneas, 228, 242. Hon. Angus, 113. Donald, 230, 275. INDEX. 379 MacAulay, Duncan, 286. John, 233. Kenneth, 235, 265. Niel, 245. MacFarlane, Peter, 34. MacBean (MacBain, Mackbaine), Aeneas, 271. Alexander, 270. Angus, 208. Donald, 268. Hugh, 370. John, 218, 274, 287. Lachlan, 211. William, 254. MacBeath, Alexander, 260. William, 261. MacCallum (MacAllum), John, 280, 287. MacCartney, John, 146. MacCombie, Alexander, 235. MacConnoch, Hugh, 275. MacCulloch (MacKullochus), George, 267. James, 208. John, 192. Patrick, 236. Robert, 206. William, 297. MacDonald, Alexander, 160, 246, 277. Angus, 310. Archibald, 298. Charles, 81, 82, 302. Charles G., 307. Colin, 265. Daniel, 265. David, 276. Donald, 22, 79, 107, 162, 260, 285, 287, 293, 294, 307. Duncan, 112. D. C., 49. George, 297. Hugh, 224. James, 162, 261, 291, 295, 301, 303. James Lauchlin, 310. John, 135, 244, 265, 267, 280, 282, 286, 291, 296, 299, 305. John H., 302. Jonathan, 234. Kenneth, 295, 307. Malcolm, 262. Thomas, 306. William, 292, 302. William Rio, 159. MacDonnel, Alexander, 151. James, 144, 159. MacDougall (MacDougal), Charles, 277. James, 153. MacEran (Mackern), Alexander, 238. Thomas, 175. MacEwan (MacEwen), James, 287. Patrick, 266. MacFarlane, James R., 288. Thomas, 260. William, 309. MacFarquhar, William, 252. MacFinnan (MacFinnanus), William, 195. MacGennis, James, 144. Dr., 145. MacGie, Dr., 129. MacGill, George, 216. Stephenson, 106. MacGillivray (MacGillvray), Alexander, 288. Archibald, 307. Donald, 268, 293. Duncan, 264. John, 248. Robert, 287. William, 118, 275. MacGowan, John, 311. MacGrath, George, 159. MacGregor (MacGrigor), Alexander, 283. Daniel, 279, 280. Grant, 113. James, 151, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159. 160, 161. James Grant, 254. John, 306. Malcolm, 217. William, 306, 308. Machar, John, 274. MacHaig, Michael, 174. MacHardy (MacHardie), Alexander, 304. Charles, 246. James, 306. John, 268. MacHattie, John, 298. Machray, Robert, 303. MacInnes, George, 49. John, 220, 289. MacIntosh (Mackintosh, Makintossius, Mackintoischius), Aeneas, 258. Alexander, 106, 265, 267, 301. Allan, 283. Angus, 107, 212. Charles, 278. Daniel, 228. David, 85. Hugh, 260. James, 114, 186, 197, 258, 276, 286, 298, 305. James G., 300. John, 296, 302. John Innes, 161, 295. Simon, 107, 289. William, 209, 212, 214, 253, 261, 286. -, 222, MacIntyre (MacIntire), Aeneas, 116. Alexander Æ. R. McD., 304. Duncan, 254, 265, 302. James, 240. 380 INDEX. MacIntyre, John, 271, 275. Peter, 266. MacIrvine, George, 81, 301. MacIver (MacKeiver), Alexander, 275, 308. Colin, 254. Farquhar, 275• John, 269. Kenneth, 218, 231. Murdoch, 243. MacKael, Matthew, 124. MacKay (MacKey), Alexander, 274, 294, 300. Andrew, 65, 113. Æ. J. G., 24. Benjamin, 292. David, 252, 289. George, 107, 230, 271. George Hugh, 293. Hugh, 292. James, 138, 294, 309. James W. V., 301. John, 176, 275, 292, 294, 304. Joseph, 305, 309. Murdoch, 294. William, 224, 297. MacKean, John, 203. Thomas. 292. MacKechnie, Neil J., 297. MacKenzie (MacKeinzie, MacKenzaeus), Alexander, 125, 126, 220, 291, 310. Allan, 276. Andrew, 293. A., 141. Charles, 210, 272, 293. Colin, 181, 217, 229, 275, 285, 298. Daniel, 219. David, 271. Donald, 241. Dugal, 53. Duncan, 276. D., 303. Evan, 291. George, 124, 126, 212, 220, 248, 270. Hector, 87, 200, 210, 224. Hugh, 156, 270, 272. Hur Libertas, 306. James, 126, 223, 272, 291. James S., 305. John, 133, 181, 185, 197, 205, 211, 213, 217, 220, 240, 256, 258, 265, 273, 274, 277, 279, 281, 299. John C., 286. John R., 285. Kenneth, 211, 212, 217, 230. Murdoch, 181, 218, 222, 225. Ninian, 285. Norman, 244. Peter, 79, 284. Roderick, 190, 211, 232, 249. Simon F., 300, 304. MacKenzie, Thomas, 206, 213, 237. William, 43, 104, 107, 185, 219, 225, 231, 235, 247, 254, 274, 279, 285, 289. , 25. , 247. MacKerron, Peter, 306. Robert, 305. MacKidd, Alexander, 295. MacKie (Macky, Mackaius), David, 308. George, 177. James, 254, 293. John, 218. Robert, 208. Roderick, 199. William, 199. MacKillican, John, 243. MacKilligan, William, 279. MacKilmen (MacKilmeneus) John, 191. MacKimmie, James, 310. Joseph, 292. MacKinlay, William, 249. MacKinnon (MacKinnonus), Archibald, 270. Charles, 248. Donald, 103, 244, 261, 269, 289. D., 156, 157. John, 194, 269. Neil, 220. Dr., 152. Mackleraith, Hugh, 131. MacKnight, James, 118. MacKonnachie, Patrick, 229. MacLachlan (MacLauchlan, MacLachlen), Ewan, 88, 267. James, 262, 306. Thomas, 22, 288. Mr., 74. MacLagan, David, 157. MacLaren (MacLaurin), Alexander, 66. James Chichester, 145. Dr., 139. MacLarty, Alex., 156. MacLean (MacLeane, MacLain, Macklin, Mackleanus), Alexander, 38, 164, 242, 267, 276, 299, 301, 304. A., 133. ! Charles, 302. Donald, 151, 193, 226, 246, 248, 249, 250, 259, 261. D., 104. George, 289. George Gordon, 78, 156, 159, 273. Gerard, 146. Hector, 144. Hugh, 15, 34, 38, 49, 255, James, 216, 236, 252. John, 141, 142, 151, 214, 240, 251, 271, 303, 306. INDEX 381 MacLean, K., 151. Lachlan, 253, 309. Sir Lachlan, 152. Neil, 267, 311. Roderick, 265. William, 163. MacLennan, Donald, 305. John, 165, 276. John Ferguson, 301. Roderick, 224. Dr., 151. MacLeod (Mackleod), Adam, 297. 1 Aeneas, 243, 293. Alexander, 223, 229, 262, 266. Ann, 28. Christian, 28. Donald, 28, 157, 222, 223, 226, 251, 259, 264, 268, 277, 309. George G., 301. Hugh, 88, 102, 240, 262, 275, 282. Isabella, 28. James, 136. Janet, 28. John, 28, 105, 225, 227, 228, 230, 252, 257, 268, 272, 291. Lewis Chas., 275. Malcolm, 254. Margaret Katherine, 28. Martin, 272. Murdoch, 217, 231. Neil, 229, 237. Norman, 242, 246. Robert, 305. Roderick, 28, 42, 62, 63, 64, 71, 104, 105, 107, 114, 115, 156, 157, 236, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 246, 248, 250, 252, 254, 257, 258, 260, 262, 263, 265, 273, 275, 276, 319, 320, 321. William, 289, 303. Dr., 65. Mr., 14. or Macpherson, Christina, 44. MacManus, James Henry, 171. MacMillan, John, 280, 311. MacNab, Henry Grey, 139. John, 174, MacNamara, John, 137. MacNaught, John, 153, 156. MacNeil (McNeale), Aeneas, 237. Donald, 260. MacPhail, James, 259. Hector, 232. MacPherson (Mackpherson), Alexander, 107, 160, 210, 268. Andrew, 308. Anne, 72. Anne Maria, 44. Arthur George, 44. MacPherson, Christina, 44. Duncan, 72, 221, 230, 307. Eliza,. 72. Evan, 250. George Morison, 72, 309. Hugh, 43, 64, 67, 74, 260, 291, 321, 322, 323. Hugh Martin, 44. Isabella, 44, 72. James, 217. James F., 306. James Rose, 72. Janet, 44. John, 101, 112, 162, 210, 229, 236, 244, 286, 288. John (Bart.), 16. Lachlan, 253. Lucy Jane, 44. Margaret, 44. Martin, 44, 105, 244. Norman, 22, 44, 64, 295, 323. Robert, 72, 79, 107, 231, 283, 286. Roderick Donald, 44. Samuel Charters, 44. Thomas, 227, 283. William, 38, 44, 297. William Mearns, 72. Dr., 16, 18, 20, 13, 44, 65, 66. Mr., 18. or Mearns, Anne, 72. MacQueen (MacQuein, MacQuin),Allan, 244. Donald, 224. Edmund, 224. George, 211. Hugh R. D., 305. James, 180, 257. John, 271. William, 276, 282. MacRae (MacRah, Mackraius, Mackraus), Alexander, 165, 268, 274, 298. David, 267. Donald, 192, 248, 279, 303. Farquhar, 279. Findlay, 273. John, 195, 214, 219, 248, 250. William, 264. MacRobert, Alexander, 265. William, 297. MacSween, Donald, 221. MacTaggart, David, 22, 44, 108, 283. MacVeagh, John, 171. MacWatt, Charles, 285. MacWilliam, Alexander, 300. James, 289. Maetellanus, James, 199. Maiben, William, 153. Maillard, Dr., 136, 138. Main, George, 308. Maine, Robert, 188. 382 INDEX. Mainie, William, 51. Mair (Maire, Mairis), Alexander, 204. Archibald, 210. David, 302. James, 224. John, 231. Walter, 201. William, 106, 216, 224, 231. Maitland, George, 211. Patrick, 177. Richard, 178. Robert, 51, 325. Thomas, 180. William, 238. Major, James, 193. John, 192. William, 196. Malan, Henry Victor, 162. Malby, John Westbrook, 173. Malcolm (Malcom), Andrew, 280. George, 229. James, 286. John, 251. William, 154, 273. Malfalqueyrat, Misael Remond, 128. Malloch, David,. 227. Mancur, Andrew, 180. William, 180. Mann (Man), Alexander, 277. James, 225, 291. John, 275. William, 201, 267. Mannie, Alexander, 214. William, 184. Manning, J., 133. Manson, Alexander, 151. David, 310. Mant, John Alexander, 149. Mantach, Robert Rothes, 294. Marischal, George, Earl, 326. Mark, George, 240. Marnoch, William, 208. Marquis, Robert, 265. Marr (Marris), George, 169, 293, 304. John, 230. William, 149. Marsh, Henry, 158. John Charles Long, 172. Marshall (Marischall, Martialis), Andrew, 138, 142, 147, Gilbert, 182, 199. James, 172. John, 126, 147. Thomas, 203. Dr., 148. Martin (Martine, Martyn), Alexander, 162. Andrew, 283. Benjamin, 125. Donald, 250. Martin, James, 326. Matthew, 157. Richard, 116. William, 174. Dr., 128. Mary, Queen of Scots, 29. Massie (Massaeus), Alexander, 190. Andrew, 41, 57, 58, 87, 194, 196, 198, 200, 204, 207, 210, 316. James, 212. John, 303. William, 244. Richard Middleton, 126. Masson (Mason, Mausonus), Alexander, 192. Donald, 300. Edward, 281. Evan, 303. Samuel, 248. William, 272. ,234. Mather, George, 149. Mathieson (Matheson, Mathison), Alex- ander, 22. Charles, 268. Evan, 294. Finlay, 308. George, 227, 291. James, 21. John, 254, 284, 291. William, 296. Maton, Dr., 146. Matthew, John, 221. William Henry, 146. Dr., 145. Matthews, J., 147. Maud (Maude), Thomas, 132, 136. Maule, William, 250. Maxwell, James, 138, 254. John, 33, 233. William Brook Charles, 164. May, Thomas, 116. William, 143. Mr., 248. Maybury, Augustus Kingston, 174. Mayhew, Jonathan, 100. Mayo, Henry, 244. John, 141, 147. Mearns (Mearnes), Alexander, 72, 243, 284. Andrew, 211. Anne, 72. Duncan, 72. George, 282. Isabel, 72. James, 279, 311. Jane, 72. Margaret, 72. Walter, 240. William, 72, 287, 298. INDEX. 383 Mearns, Dr., 20. Professor, 66, 67, 77. or Forsyth, Elizabeth, 72. Meeres, Nathaniel Enfield, 286. Meikleham, John, 306. Meldrum (Meldrom, Meldromius), And., 311. George, 186, 187. John, 225. William, 70. Melville (Melvill, Melvil), Alexander, 141. Andrew, 25, 326. John, 202. Melvin (Meluine, Melvinus), George, 189. James, 180, 187. John, 51. Memes, John, 88, 278. John S., 116. Mensal, Andrew, 259. Menzies, Archibald, 144. Charles, 235. David, 279. Duncan, 213. John, 11, 12, 70. Thomas, 31. Mr., 56. Professor, 42, 58. or Fraser, Ann, 42. Mercer, James, 28, 43, 129. John, 26. Robert, 52, 313. Thomas, 93, 234. Merchant, Alexander, 226. Merriman, Samuel, 131, 159. Merry, James, 153, 156. Merson, Alexander, 303. Charles, 294. Peter, 270. William, 272. Meston, Peter, 304. Metcalfe, James Bell, 174. Methven, George, II. Meyer, John, 146, 152, 157, 159. Dr., 143. Meyers, Thomas, 116. Michael (Michaelius), James, 196. William, 199. Middleton (Middeltoune, Middeltonne, 11 Midleton, Midletoun, Middle- towne, Middiltonus, Midletonus, Alexander, 8, 10, 26, 27, 41, 48, 55, 57, 58, 87, 185, 188, 189, 190, 314, 315, 316, 330. A., 9, 315, 316. David, 182, 218, 292. George, 14, 15, 26, 27, 32, 34, 41, 42, 48, 55, 57, 58, 70, 87, 123, 127, 188, 189, 190, 196, 208, 210, 212, 222. Gilbert, 185. Middleton, G., 315, 316, 317. James, 189, 305. John, 184, 189, 201, 266. J., 56. M. G., 56. Patrick, 210. Robert, 183, 275. William, 266. ―, 25. Miles, Henry, 293. Mill (Mileus), Alexander, 210. Andrew, 326. George, 184, 237. Robert, 204, 232. Millar (Miller), Alexander, 289, 310. Arthur, 204. George Campbell, 170. James, 148, 152. John, 154, 162, 276, 285. John P., 291. John William Moore, 173. Robert, 150. Samuel, 258. Samuel Smith, 174. Walter William, 164. Dr., 142, 147. Millet, Richard Oke, 162. Milligan, John, 307. Millman, Alfred McKinley, 174. Milne (Miln, Millne, Milnaeus Mylne,), Alexander, 196, 201, 216, 228, 238, 249, 298. Andrew J., 302. Barron, 274. David, 80, 285, 287. George, 46, 55, 277. George Gordon, 81, 297. Henry, 161. James, 162, 194, 232, 239, 262, 263, 268, 269, 272, 277, 281, 289, 297,309. John, 118, 134, 146, 184, 208, 216, 239, 256, 272, 282, 299, 301, 352. John Duguid, 49, 272, 352. Nicolson, 285. Patrick, 17, 19, 244. Robert, 304. Thomas, 216. William, 191, 260, 268, 271, 289, 303, 306, 309. Milner, James, 240. John, 164. Milnes, Keith, 260. Minty, Andrew, 270. George C., 302. Mitchell (Mitchel), Adam, 79, 80, 119, 296. Alexander, 13, 27, 42, 221, 224, 229, 286. Arthur, 164, 262, 297. David, Bishop of Aberdeen, 4. 384 INDEX. Mitchell, Donald, 271. Gavin, 72, 237. George, 237, 245, 264. James, 14, 36, 116, 224, 228, 267, 268, 281, 285, 291. John, 210, 211, 216, 279, 298. John Whyte, 304. Patrick, 229. Robert, 211. Thomas, 27, 92, 211, 212. William, 85, 133, 161, 221, 230, 233, 236. Dr., 122. Mitchelson, George Frederick, 168. Moir (Moire, Morus), Alexander, 16, 17, 19, 131, 231, 233. Andrew, 85, 160. George, 15, 214, 231. James, 153, 154, 155, 191,213, 224, 301. John, 32, 271, 287. William, 10, 41, 176, 213, 228, 305. Dr., 156. Mr., 77. Mole, Christopher, 248. Molley, Robert, 167. Molyson (Mollyson, Mollison, Molleson, Mollysonus) Alexander, 246. James, 49, 127, 153. Thomas, 183. William, 27, 42, 49. Moncrieff (Moncrief), David, 240. Theophilus Russell, 119. William, 149, 153. Monk, General, 26. Montefiore, Judah Israel, 159. Montgomery (Mongomerius), John, 195. Robert, 144. Montrose, Duke of, 227. Moore (Moor), Alexander, 87, 212. Andrew, 36, 120, 213. Dennis, 145. James, 219. Robert, 106, 274. William, 102, 153. Morgan, John, 80, 157, 283. Nathaniel, 233. Thomas, 115. William, 103, 104, 171. Moriarty, Stephen, 163. Morley, Edward, 130. Matthew, 128. Morrell, John, 115. Captain, 112. Morrice (Morice, Morris, Morus), A. D., 214. Charles, 128. James, 160, 254, 276. John, 114. Robert, 232. Thomas, 168. Morrice, William, 143. Morrison (Morison, Morisone, Morrisoune, Morrisonus), Alexander, 223, 237, 261, 280, 303. | | | Colin, 239. Donald, 246, 296. George, 72, 107, 213, 214, 220, 234, 262, 300, 306. Hector, 228. James, 181, 188, 258, 276, 291. John, 175, 222, 229, 235, 249, 250, 253, 268, 276. Joseph, 300. Kenneth, 202, 243. Murdoch, 222, 223. Norman, 229. Peter, 260. Roderick, 250. Thomas, 299. Walter, 240. William, 309. Mrs., 94. Morsom, Dr., 142. Mortimer, Thomas, 182, 278. Morton, Charles, 134. Dr., 126. Moseley (Mosely), Francis Xavier, 164. Isaac, 138. R., 153. Colonel, 26. Dr., 112. Moses, Thomas, 241. Mossman, Thomas, 14, 34. Mostyn, Henry Thornton, 158. Motherby, George, 132. Mow, John, 179. Mowat (Mowatt), Alexander, 32, 200. James, 182. Roger, 32. William, 188. Mowbray, R., 137. Moyes, Wilham B., 299. Mudge, John, 136, 137. Mudie, Dr., 141. Mugliston, George Thomas William, 171. Muil, Francis, 269. Muir, Robert, 305. Mullholland, Cunningham, 172. Munckley (Munkley), Nicolas, 128. Dr., 128, 129, 130, 131. Munro (Monroe, Monro, Munroe, Munrous), Alexander, 133, 253, 274. Alexander R., 303. Andrew, 149, 190, 219. Daniel, 299. David, 201. Donald, 131, 133, 191, 233, 248. George, 61, 114, 117, 210, 213, 222, 246, 261, 297. 1 INDEX. 385 Munro, George D. R., 300. George S., 309. Hector, 210, 216. Henry, 173. Hugh, 193, 246. James, 250, 281. John, 61, 118, 122, 202, 206, 208, 209, 210, 229, 267, 285. Robert, 210, 231. Thomas, 248, 266. Walter Ross, 148. William, 208, 216, 261, 299. William Stewart Jas. Horne, 167. Murchison, Duncan, 213. Murdoch, Alexander, 221, 245. John, 265, 294. William, 302, 309. Murison (Murisone, Muiriesone), George, 219. James, 27, 205, 225. John, 238. Murphy, Thomas John, 174. Murray, Alexander, 77, 82, 103, 220, 236, 246. Allan, 280. Andrew, 251. David, 289. Donald, 295. George, 285. Hugh, 66. James, 107, 219, 256, 275, 298. John, 138, 160, 206, 264, 269, 272, 287. J. T., 151. Peter, 283. William, 201. Earl of, 25. Mrs., 77, 82. Mushet (Muschett), Rob., 214. William, 131. Mutch, William, 282. Mutray, George, 179. Myers, Alexander, 286. J. H., 154. Myrtoun, Patrick, 7. Nairn (Nairne, Narne), George, 51. John, 187, 220. Napier (Neperus), Alexander, 234. Archibald, 131, 234. Robert, 190. Thomas, 272. Nares, Dr., 107. Nash, Joseph, 169. Thomas Mandeville, 166. -,273. Nattrass, Charles, 170. Nedly, Thomas, 171. Neil, Patrick, 117. Robert, 289. William, 129. Neilson, William, 125. Neligan, Michael, 156. Nelson, Thomas, 166. Lord, 148. Neuius, John, 184. Newell, Thomas, 152. Newham, Thomas, 173. Newlands, James, 286. Newman, John, 154. Newton, Isaac, 125. Nicholson (Nicolson, Nicolsonus), Alex- ander, 88, 233, 261. Arthur, 28. Colin, 198. Donald, 256. George, 12. George, Lord Kemnay, 32. James, 241, 252. John, 272. John B., 291. Kutusoff, 286. Malcolm, 240. Patrick, 252, 257. Thomas, 31, 329. Nicol (Nicoll, Nichol), Alexander, 252, 262. Francis, 106, 261. George, 160, 284. Henry, 290. James, 206. John, 273. J. P., 308. Patrick, 259. Robert, 168. Walter, 118. William, 218, 257. Nicolas, Granville Toup, 28. Nidrie, Robert, 224. Nimmo, James, 267. Nisbet (Nisbetus), Andrew, 192. John, 193. Patrick, 102. William, 137, 139, 142, 149. Niven, Adam, 287. Noble (Nobilis), Alexander, 267. James, 184. John, 282. Thomas, 173. William, 188. Norgate, Thomas, 138. Norrie (Norie), Alexander, 181. Charles, 273. Duncan, 52. George, 179. Gilbert, 52. James, 234. Neil (Neale, Niel), John, 298. Norris, Henry, 137. CCC 386 INDEX. North, J. Merion, 136. Norton, Algernon Charles Wodehouse, 171. David, 132. Robert, 166. Nott, Thomas, 165. Nugent, Thomas, III. Nunn, Roger, 157. Nuttall, George, 294. G. R., 157. Peter Austin, 115, 116. Robert Kennedy, 163. Ochterlonie (Ouchterlonie, Ochterlonius), Alexander, 180, 196. John, 208. Patrick, 180. O'Connell, John, 174. O'Connor, John, 138. Dr., 148. Officer, Alexander Murray, 161. Ogg, Charles, 274, 303. John, 274. Robert, 271. Ogilvie (Ogilby, Ogilvy, Ogilvius, Ogiluaeus), Alexander, 179, 216, 246, 304. Archibald, 216. David, 212, 213, 216, 217, 220, 297. Duncan, 292. George, 85, 182, 184, 216, 227, 230. James, 13, 31, 33, 103, 138, 197, 208, 218, 219, 220, 226, 261. John, 179, 186, 197, 216. J. C., 156. Patrick, 214, 219, 291. Robert, 8, 9, 40, 41, 55, 87, 184, 187, 188, 309, 315, 330. Skeen, 250. Thomas, 213, 226, 246, 252. Walter, 52, 179, 187, 190, 193, 213. William, 49, 63, 188, 219, 224, 241, 245, 246, 284, 295, 305. W., 319. Dr., 134, 159. Mr., 5, 16, 42, 43, 65. Professor, 18, 263. Ogle, Nicolas, 126. Ogston (Ogstoune), Patrick, 51. William, 182. Oldfield, John, 128. Oliphant, Alexander, 230. Isaac, 150. James, 233, 245. John, 246. Ollive, John, 152, 156. O'Neill, William, 173. Oraeus, Arthur, 185. Orcherton (Orcharton), John, 88. Robert, 239. William, 238, 250. Ord (Orde), John, 32, 203, 208, 261. Robert, 201. William, 142. O'Reilly, Michael, 172. Orme (Orum, Orem), Thomas, 12, 202. William, 218. -, 25. Dr., 142. Orwin, James, 168. Osborne (Osburn), John, 27. Patrick, 287. Dr., 134, 140. Osler, William, 311. Oswald, James, 208. Ottley, Drewry, 172. Owen, Arthur, 253. А. В., хоб. Colonel, 26. Owston, Thomas, 52. Pacifico, Emmanuel, 154. Pack, Edmond, 126. Edward, 126. Packwood, Josias, 137. Dr., 143. Paip (Paipe, Pipe), Gilbert, 225. Hugh, 205. J., 240. Panter, Pat., 24. Panton (Pantonus), Alexander, 193, 221. Andrew, 280. David, 207. James, 224. John, 217, 230. William, 235, 243, 267. Pargeter (Pargiter), Charles, 160. William, 137, 148. Park (Parkaeus), Edmund, 127. James, 187. Parker, Thomas Preston, 171. Parkins, -, 352. Parkman, George, 152. Parr, Dr., 132, 145. Parry, C. H., 150, 151. Richard, 164. William, 102, 104, 109, 148, Parsons, Dr., 129. Paterson (Patersone, Patersonus), Alex- ander, 235, 275, 298. Alexander Henry, 173. David, 145, 149, 153. George, 52. Henry, 49. James, 234, 264, 265. John, 125, 183, 199, 241, 244, 260. John James, 156. John L., 161. Peter, 146. Robert, 239. INDEX. 387 Paterson, Thomas, 208.' Patience, John, 262. Paton (Patten), David, 189. James, 104. John, 13, 14, 15, 16, 244. William, 135. Paul, Catherine Forbes, 65. David Hutcheon, 65. George Morison, 309. Isobel, 65. John, 65, 231. John L., 297. Mary, 65. Robert, 65, 245. William, 22, 63, 65, 108, 260, 279. W., 320, 321. Mr., 18, 66. III., Pope, 25. Professor, 43, 77. or Hutcheon, Isabel, 65. Paxton, Alexander, 217, 299. George, 158. Payne (Paine), Charles Henry, 169. George Burton, 169. William Henry, 165. Peake, John, 146. Pears, Charles, 150. — John, 277. Pearson (Peirson, Pearsone, Personus), Alexander, 190. Archibald, 190. David, 202. George, 142, 146, 153, 154, 157. Henry, 151, 154. James, 205, 214. Joshua, 194. Peat (Pate, Pett), Alexander, 239, 255. Robert, 128. Samuel, 158. Dr., 129, 130. Peel, Hon. Robert, 119. Pelt, Samuel, 157. Pemberton, Christopher Robert, 148. Pembroke, Christopher Robert, 153. Penman, James F., 286. Penrose, James, 151. Pepperill, William, 103. Percival, Thomas, 134. Perkins, Frederick, 311. Perraulte, Charles Norbert, 154. Perrott, James Wyk, 131. Perry, Frederick, 299. William, 103, 141. Peter, Alexander, 272. James, 280. Peterkin, James, 162. William, 266. Peters, Alexander Abercrombie, 137. Petrie (Petry, Petraeus), James, 189, 223, 231. Petrie, William, 182. Mr., 39. Pflaumb, Christopher John, 126. Philip, Colin, 280. George, 274. George F. J., 306. . James, 302. John Baptist, 157.' Philipps, Edward, 150. Phillips, Thomas Bacon, 175. Pickford, James Hollins, 168. Pidcock, John, 153. Piggat, John, 179. Pillar, Alexander, 215. Pilot, Joshua, 128. Pinchard, Benjamin, 173. Pindar, Peter," 132. Pirie (Pierie, Pirrie), Andrew, 250. James, 261. John, 134, 214, 290. William, 84, 107, 291. Thomas M., 297. Mrs. Captain, 94. Dr., 102. Pitcairn (Pitcairne), Archibald, 122, 123, 124, 125. David, 123. James, 152. Dr., 141, 242, 145. Pithie, James McC., 310. Pitmilly, Lord Ordinary, 43. Pitt, Edward Golledge, 170. Pittendrich, William, 198. Plomer (Plummer), James, 134. Dr., 128. Plumbe, Samuel Alderson, 166. Pollock, James Edward, 166. Timothy, 172. Polson, David, 207. Henry, 176. Robert Leslie, 164. William, 285. Pont, Robert, 326. Poole, Richard, 142. Poore, William Henry, 158. Pope, Alexander, 227. Edmund, 113. Robert, 153, 156. Popham, William Home, 167. Porter (Portar), Francis, 276. James, 91. Thomas, 166. William, 146, 290. Porteus, John, 224. Potterfield, Dr., 129. Potts, Laurence Holker, 156. Powell (Powellus), Christopher, 194. Thomas, 112. Prater, Augustus, 167. 388 INDEX. Pratt (Prat), Alexander, 177. John Burnett, 277. William, 268. William R., 300. Preston, Dr., 123. Price (Pryce), Allin Foord, 171. Charles, 171. John, 157, 250. Thomas, 126. Primrose, Gordon, 287. John, 89, 281, 291. Robert, 279. Thomas, 276. Pring, John, 169. Pringle (Pringelius), Alexander, 186. John, 291. Prior, Charles Edward, 165. Philip, 264. Proctor, Alexander, 144. Alexander Foster, 176. George, 304. James, 293. William, 231. Profeit (Prophit), Alexander, 307. James, 302. William, 310. Proudfoot, Thomas, 169. Provan, Joseph, 275. Pugh, David, 120. Pursell, John, 163. Purss, William, 205. Quin, Dr., 152. Quinan, Edward Johnston, 163. Quhit, v. White. Rae (Ray), James, 175, 192. Patrick, 189. Robert, 240. Thomas, 225. William, 185. Raeburn, Gordon, 268. Ragg, John, 241. Thomas, 223. Rains, John, 174. Rainy (Rainie, Rannie, Rennie, Renny, Rainaeus), Forbes, 275. George, 164. G., 152. James, 92, 187, 268, 299. John, 81, 274, 297. Theodore, 265. William, 265, 271. Dr., 85, 143. Rait (Raite, Raitt, Rhetus, Rhaetus, Raetus), Alexander, 13, 36, 76, 226, 231, 232, 234, 235, 236. A., 59, 62, 318, 319. David, 25, 31, 35, 40, 45, 52, 97, 214, 324, 328. Rait, D., 313. Francis, 214. James, 40, 46, 54, 55, 178, 180, 181, 185, 190, 219. John, 51, 189, 192, 230. J., 314. Peter, 198. Robert, 195, 206. William, 10, 27, 46, 55, 181, 187, 189, 205, 210. W., 315. Principal, 68. Ralph, John, 138, 139, 140. Ramsay (Ramsey, Ramisaeus), Alexander, 14, 203, 213, 243. Charles, 235. Gilbert, 216. James, 187, 237, 239. John, 214, 276, 287. J., 151. Robert, 131. William, 251. Rarnsbotham, John, 154, 159. Randolph, Francis, 257. George, 130. Ranger, William, 138. Rankin (Rankine), Thomas, 155, 269. Rattray, Charles, 146. David, 243. Robert Gordon, 162. Dr., 86. Rawlins, G., 240. William, 156. Rawson, Thomas Edward, 166. Rebecca, Duncan, 311. Reddie (Ready), T. M., 288. Dr., 117. Redding, Dr., 129. Redfern, Peter, 44, 85, 302. Rees (Reece, Rice), Abraham, 115. David, 152. Richard, 147, 148, 149. Theophilus, 127. Thomas, 104, 115. Dr., 107. Reeve, John Foster, 172. Regulus, v. Rule. Reid (Reed, Rhaedus), Alexander, 118, 180, 186, 193, 196, 270, 275, 282, 288. Ann, 63. Benjamin, 297. Cosmo, 295. David, 63, 264. Duncan, 86, 161, 288. George, 63, 205, 288. James, 164, 177, 231, 301, 310. Jean, 63. John, 182, 217, 243, 256, 262, 268, 276, 297. INDEX. 389 Reid, Joseph, 293. Lewis, 37, 63. Margaret, 63. Martha, 63. Patrick, 54, 178. P., 314. Robert, 8, 177, 182, 245, 298. Roderick, 271. Thomas, 37, 62, 63, 177, 221, 239, 240, 241, 242. T., 319. William, 210, 288, 292, 297, 298, 307. William L., 295. Mr., 14. or Reid, Elizabeth, 62. Reidfoord (Reidfuird), Alexander, 239. John, 181. Reimarus, John Albert Henry, 131. Reith, John, 283. Thomas, 218. Renatus, Alexander, 193. Renaudet, Peter, 131. Renton, Thomas, 126. Rettie, Adam, 308. Arthur, 309. Reynold, William, 207. Reynolds, Robert, 11. Rhaedus, v. Reid. Rhind, Alexander, 283. David, 234. Rhode, John Rudolph Japhet, 139. Riach, Alexander, 270. Richards, Owen, 167. Richardson (Richardides), Alfred, 168. G. A., 159. James, 191. John, 176, 308. Richard, 133. William, 285. Richmond, Charles, fifth Duke of, 5. Riddoch, Alexander, 257. George, 266, 278. Ridgely, Thomas, 100. Ridout, John Gibbes, 151. Rigg, Charles Merit, 163. Rinaldus, Robert, 189. Riresius, William, 188. Ritchie (Ritcheus, Richaeus), Andrew, 309. George, 197. James, 189. John, 245, 256. Joseph, 269. Walter, 187. River, James, 128. Rix, Joseph, 174. Robb (Rob), Alexander, 300. James, 274. John, 218. Robert Fraser, 161, 295. Robb, William, 162, 205, 302, 308. Robbie (Robie), John, 308. William, 256. Robert, Charles, 236. Earl of Buchan, 325. Roberts, Alexander, 248, 299. Charles, 172. Giles, 142. Giles Laurence, 159. Stewart Blacker, 162. Dr., 150. Robertson (Robertsone, Robertsoun, Robert- sonus), Alexander, 132, 133, 134, 135, 177, 192, 208, 210, 256. Andrew, 53, 172. Arthur, 150, 157. A., 114. Charles, 306. David, 53. Donald, 309. Duncan, 78, 277. D., 313. George, 184, 219, 224, 240, 273. Gilbert, 305. Henry, 240, 246, 289. Henry A. P., 162. James, 66, 102, 119, 140, 151, 160, 163, 214, 238, 256, 263, 274, 282, 296, 310. John, 14, 34, 87, 92, 127, 128, 177, 184, 240, 247, 295, 304. Patrick, 288, 295, 298. Robert, 85, 135, 195. R., 158. Thomas, 190, 205, 242. Walter, 235. William, 10, 11, 101, 107, 120, 147, 185, 195, 225, 240, 269, 274, 284, 308. William B., 305. , 247. Dг., 141, 142. Robins, Thomas, 103. Robinson, Alfred, 64. A., 322. James, 143. R. R. Watson, 149. Simon Davies, 159. Stephen, 159. Thomas, 132. William, 115, 116. Rochester, Bishop of, 102. Rodbard, John, 133. Roger, Alexander, 271. John, 259. John Morrice, 283. Rogers, George, 159. Nathaniel, 292. Richard, 116. Thomas, 107. 390 INDEX. Rois, Henry, 177. Rollo, John, 139. Rollock, Hercules, 52. Robert, 52. Ronald, John, 238. William, 279. Rooke, Benjamin P., 168. Rose, Adam, 231. Alexander, 9, 130, 202, 206, 213, 225, 262, 274. Archibald Y., 295. Charles, III, 227, 274. Daniel, 306. David, 182, 209, 255. Donald, 182, 257, 307. James, 219, 263, 303. John, 182, 294. Lachlan, 218. Lewis, 72, 272. Ludovic, 254. Robert, 211, 291. Walter, 208, 212. William, 112, 217, 224, 234. Dr., 129, 133, 134. Ross (Rosse, Rossius, Rosseus, Rossaeus), Adam, 289, Alexander, 9, 10, 11, 98, 153, 181, 196, 204, 214, 222, 240, 274, 293. Alexander McK., 287, 308. Andrew, 189, 206, 294. Charles, 119, 292, 298. David, 129, 181, 204, 213, 224, 287, 290, 310. Donald, 267. Francis, 188. George, 189, 199, 200. Gilbert, 8, 9, 41, 90, 183. Hugh, 181, 192, 205, 233, 280. James, 107, 134, 168, 285, 309. John, 16, 17, 34, 38, 46, 74, 91, 180, 187, 197, 200, 212, 261, 271, 293. John Haliburton, 176. Lachlan, 211. Patrick, 197. Robert, 66, 155, 192, 218, 237, 284, 294, 301. R., 323, Thomas, 186, 191, 231, 285. Walter, 155, 195. William, 180, 210, 214, 241, 282, 304, Rev., 66. Bishop of, 114. Dr., 122. Roughsedge, John, 263. Peter, 263. Routlidge, John, 131. Row (Rowius), John, 26, 126, 194. Principal, 56, 57. Rowland, David, 150. Rowland, Hugh Mortimer, 170. Rowlands, Parker, 101. Roxburgh, John, first Duke of, 5. Roy, Gordon, 261. James, 257, 308. John, 238. Robert, 274. William, 272. Royle, William, 147. Ruddach (Ruddoch, Ruddachus), Alexander, 201, 233. George, 195, 239. James, 241. Rudde, John, 242. Rudiman, Thomas, 217. Rugg, George Philip, 170. Rule (Rewle, Regulus), Gilbert, 26, 41, 55, 57, 192, 193, 316. John, 192. Thomas, 193. Runcie, George, 163. Rundell, Thomas, 131. Russell (Russel), Alexander, 264, 286. James, 259, 285. James Stuart, 295. John, 243, 304, 305. Patrick, 129, 131, Robert, 259. Thomas, 280. William, 147, 224, 280, 291. Dr., 125. Russia, Empress of, 140. Rust, James, 287. Ruston, Thomas, 132. Rutherford, George, 301. John, 133, 134, 225. Dr., 128. Ruthven, Francis, 196. Rutter, John, 149. Ruxton, John, 289. Ryan, George Henry, 173. John, 170. Michael, 164. Richard, 145. Ryland, John, 249. Sabine, John, 156. Sage, Alexander, 250. Sainsbury, William, 148. St. Andrews, Archbishop of, 325, 327. Sall, John, 142. Salmond (Salmon), Stewart Dingwall For- dyce, 309. William, 158. Samuel, George, 305. Sandeman, George, 44. Sandilands (Sandilandis, Sandilandius, San- dilandeus), James, 8, 9, 12, 26, 30, 32, 36, 55, 184, 315. INDEX. 391 Sandilands, John, 217. Patrick, 32, 41, 56, 57, 87, 188, 190, 193, 194, 199, 201, 315, 316. Thomas, 10, 41, 184. Sandison (Sandisonus), John, 192. Sandwith, Humphry, 165. Sangster (Sangisterus), Alexander, 187. George, 219. Sanisbury, William, 144. Saumarez, Richard, 147. Saunders (Sanderis), Alexander Reid, 304. John, 268. John Butter, 109. Richard, 136. William, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 191. William McKenzie, 162. Saunderson, Alfred, 301. John, 229. William, 132. Sarvis, Thomas, 173. Savage, Samuel Morton, 109. Sawyer (Sayer), Edward, 130. James Hewitt, 163. Sawyers, Joseph, 165. Scallan, James Joseph, 164. Scanlan, James, 170. Schomberg, Dг., 130. Schulsh, Henry, 133. Sclanders, Alexander, 308. Scobell, George, 106. Scott (Scot), Alexander, 74, 114, 228. Andrew, 72, 128, 299. A., 66, 67. David, 16, 17, 166. George, 221, 226, 272. Hercules, 44, 66, 67, 118, 278. Hew, 191, 192, 275, 322, 323. James, 159, 214, 247, 256, 297, 310. John, 38, 48, 63, 247, 276, 298. Patrick, 202, 211. Robert, 135, 138, 214, 239, 267, 304. Robert Eden, 43, 63, 64, 259, 265, 320, 321. William, 126, 127, 142, 149, 239, 276, 281. de Millany, 128. Capt., 136. Dr., 99, 143. Mr., 16, 43, 65, 66. Professor, 77, 107, 119, 144. or Forbes, Rachel, 48, 64. Scougal (Scougall), David, 213. Henry, 12, 57, 58, 70, 87, 98, 203, 207, 316. James, 12, 32, 58, 124. John, 41. Ma., 58. Scougal, Patrick, 4, 57, 70, 73, 87. Scrimger (Scrimsour, Scrimgerus), Alex- ander, 99. Henry, 191. Scroggie (Scrogie, Scrogy, Scrogaeus), Alexander, 8, 9, 10, 11, 41, 54, 55, 97, 186, 210. A., 315. John, 233. William, 11, 12, 187, 203, 290. Dr., 98. Scudamore, Charles, 156, 157. Seagram, Thomas, 153. Seaton (Seton, Setoun, Seytoun, Setone, Setonius, Setonus), Alexander, 8, 69, 180, 188, 204, 215. Archibald, 221. George, 27, 32, 87, 120, 199, 210, 216. John, 69, 189. Patrick, 199. William, 177, 180, 189, 208. Sedgwick, Samuel, 130. Segar, John, 169. Seidenham, Dr., 122. Seip, John Christopher Ludovick, 131. Selbie (Selby), James, 150, 153. Sellar, James, 108, 292, 299. William Young, 67. Sewel, James, 127. Seymour, James, 245. Thomas, 134. Shand (Schandeus), Alexander, 43, 215, 216, 228, 258, 291. Alexander Innes, 303. James, 202, 216, 233. John, 197, 203, 269, 306, 311. Robert, 280, 294. William, 248, 296. William A. C., 286. Shank (Schanks, Schank, Schankaeus), Alexander, 236. James, 193. Martin, 234. William, 230. Sharp (Sharpius), George, 193, 201. James, 187, 237. John, 42, 99. Robert, 217. T., 283, Shapland, Joseph, 138. Shapter, Richard, 143. Shaw (Schaw), Adam, 211. Alexander, 224, 232. Duncan, 236. Francis, 295. James, 261. J., 138. Lachlan, 221. Robert, 227. 392 INDEX. Shaw, William, 136, 249. Dr., 129. Shea, John, 167. Shearer, Alexander, 135. Hugh, 243. Shebbear, J., 137. Sheirald, Alexander, 201. Shelms,, 328 Shepherd (Sheppard, Shephard), James, 161, 308. William, 217, 219. William George, 173. Sherret, James, 291. Sherriff (Shirreffe), Alexander, 204, 218. James, 105. Sherwin, John, 143, 148. Shewan, Alexander, 307. Shilps, John, 201. Shirreffs, E. B., 85. Shirrefs, Dr., 106. Shirror, Walter, 205. Shoolbraid, John, 170. Shoolbridge, Samuel, 159. Shortt, John, 169. Shoveller, John, 115. Shute, Thomas, 152. Sibly, Ebenezer, 138. Sibbald (Sibbaldus), Alexander, 178. David, 41, 181, 203. James, 9, 10, 46, 53, 98, 109, 181. J., 313. Patrick, II, 41. William, 188. Dr., 122. Silver, Ebenezer David, 164. Sim (Syme, Simm, Sime, Symmaeus), Alex- ander, 217. David, 261. George, 294. George R., 304. James, 234, 268. John, 232. Octavius C., 282. Thomas, 232. Walter, 219, 221. William, 187, 268. Simmers, George, 304. William, 309. Simmie, James, 297. Simpson (Simson, Sympson, Symsone, Simpsone, Simsonus), Alexander, 66, 200, 249, 253, 255, 276, 290, 296. A., 321. Charles, 277. Geddes, 263. George, 170. James, 270, 280, 295. John, 115, 116, 164, 212, 216, 254, 264, 309. Simpson, Patrick, 186, 234. Peter, 14. Robert, 22, 78, 108, 205, 274. Thomas, 148, 217, 253, 284. William, 61, 140, 207, 253, 258. W., 317, 318. Dr., IOI. Sims (Symes), Edward Sheppard, 167. John, 136. Sinclair (Sinclare, St. Clair, Sinclerus), Allan, 296. Hon. Arthur, 112. James, 197, 201. John, 29, 105, 115, 217, 287. Robert, 218. Thomas, 208. William, 202, 297. Dr., 128. Singleton, William, 116. Sivewright, John, 285. William, 263. Skakel (Skekel), Alexander, 118, 252, 263. John, 257. Skene (Skeen, Skeine, Skeyne, Skynaeus), Alexander, 38, 52, 292. Andrew, 129, 131, 215. A., 313, Charles, 83, 84, 156. David, 34, 129, 131, 133, 139. Francis, 14, 33, 34, 225. George, 59, 70, 131, 145, 218. Gilbert, 35, 52, 191. G., 58, 317. John, 304. William, 51, 174, 176, 203. Dr., 140, 141, 142, 143, 152. or Aedie, Kathrie, 58. Skinner (Skinnerus), Adam, 237. Alexander, 266. Donald, 247. James, 192. William, 275, 301. Mrs., 93. Sky, John, 159. Slaker, James, 301. Slessor (Slesser), Charles, 175, 306. George M., 305. Slirie, Andrew, 202. Sludders, John, 221. Small, David, 219. Henry, 278. Smart, Alexander, 200. Gordon, 296. James, 304. Thomas B., 161. William Richard Edward, 168. Smellie (Smelly), Dr., 129. Smetone, Thomas, 326. Smith (Smyth, Smithaeus), Adam, 272. INDEX. 393 Smith, Alexander, 233, 239, 260, 267, 274, 288, 297. Andrew, 213. Charles, 148, 232. Charles Pitman, 163. Colvin, 167. David, 254. Edward, 134. George, 149, 164, 294, 305. George C., 301. Henry Fowle, 165. Henry J. B. D., 304. James, 148, 195, 202, 221, 223, 228, 229, 248, 257, 261, 263, 264, 270, 274, 276, 277, 283, 300, 308. James William Fraser, 170. John, 92, 119, 191, 229, 270, 271, 275, 285, 289, 294. John Gordon, 172. John J., 311. J. E., 138. J. H., 114. Neil, 267. Patrick, 42, 212, 297. Peter, 311. Protheroe, 161. Robert, 28, 38, 44, 67, 108, 172, 176, 252, 258, 302. Robert Harvey, 304. Thomas, 134. Thomas Pendarves, 158. Spencer Thomas, 165. William, 13, 27, 61, IOI, 151, 169, 210, 213, 243, 248, 251, 259, 268, 272, 281. William P., 293. Colonel, 26. Dr., 122. Snipe, John, 144. Snowedone, Joseph, 208. Sodor and Man, Bishop of, 113. Somerville (Sommerville, Somervaile), Alex- ander, 282. Charles, 174. James, 117, 264. William, 144, 157. Sommers, John Augustus, 174. Sophocardius, v. Wishart. Souter (Sutor, Soutor, Soutar), Alexander, 272. James, 269, 286. -John, 258. Spalding (Spaulding, Spaldin), Hinton, 153, 156. John, 189. Spark (Sparkius, Sparkaeus), Alexander, 105, 252. Archibald, 184. Robert, 182. Spark, Thomas, 91, 93. William, 189. Spearman, Dr., 122. Speid (Speidaeus, Speedaeus), George, 183. William, 193. Speirs, John, 150. Spence (Spens, Spense, Spensaeus, Spen- ceus), Alexander, 183, 185, 264. Andrew, 185. George, 178, 185. Hary, 134. Henry, 101, 230. Hieronymus, 223. Hugh, 199. James, 108, 185, 197, 297. John, 232. Robert, 298. William, 249, 257. Spencer, Lawrence, 175. Spittall (Spittal), Alexander, 7. Henry, 29, 50. John, 29. Spotswood, ―, 25. Sprott, Dr., 144. Spry, Edward, 130. Squire (Squiera), John, 132. J., 154. Stables, Clarke N., 300. Stackhouse, -, 242. Stafford, Marquis of, 21. Stalker, James, 253. John, 309. Stanley, William, 146. Staples, Edward Joseph, 162. Stearns, Samuel, 112. Steele (Steel), James Alexander, 160. Thomas, 153, 241. Stennet, Samuel, 101, 104. Stephen (Stephane, Stevin), Adam, 233. Alexander, 171, 207, 247, 306. George, 240, 260. James, 207, 295. John, 180, 286. R., 141. Thomas, 144, 293. William, 175, 244, 281, 309. Stephens, Henry Oxley, 172. Dr., 103. Stephenson (Stevenson, Steinsone, Steinson, Stevinsonus), George, 208. Kenneth, 203. James, 141, 216, 271, 289. John, 248. Joseph, 147. William, 191. Dr., 132. Stewart (Stuart, Stewartus, Stivartus), Alex- ander, 127, 138, 185, 277, 285, 296. Arthur, 181. DDD 394 INDEX. Stewart, Charles, 139, 287, 298, 299. Colin, 281. David, 307, 310. Donald, 275, 281, 309. Duncan, 152, 159. Francis, 43. Frederick, 310. George, 200. Gilbert, 112, 256. Gregor, 297. H., 114. James, 197, 214, 221, 224, 237, 266, 281, 290, 302, 303, 310. John, 12, 42, 178, 190, 197, 208, 210, 212, 226, 227, 251, 267, 308. John Grant, 155, 174. Murdoch, 289. Patrick, 219. Richard, 147. Robert, 261, 306. Samuel Davis, 151. Theophilus, 45. Walter, 25, 39, 40, 52, 190. William, 3, 184, 214, 241, 285. William L., 305. W., 313. - III. Bishop, 87. Dr., 126, 140, 143. Principal, 31. or Thomson, Helen, 44. Still, Thomas, 306. Stillwell, Arthur, 163. Stirling (Sterling), George, 226. James, 307. John, 163, 300. Walter, 131. Dr., 124. Stokes, Jonathan, 153. Stornmouth (Stormont), James, 251, 256. Stovell, Matthew, 172. Strachan (Strachane, Strachine, Strauchen, Strauchin, Strachen, Straquhan, Strauchane, Strathauchin, Stratau- qhine, Strachanus, Sthrachanus, Straquhanus, Stratauchinus, Stra- hauchinus), Alexander, 33, 54, 57, III, 189, 191, 204, 217.' Andrew, 40, 55, 68, 98, 184, 185. Arthur, 196. 1 A., 315. George, 32, 93, 197, 204, 208. Gilbert, 7. James, 7, 53, 151, 177, 178, 179, 184, 195, 203, 217, 245, 263. John, 8, 47, 56, 57, 106, 113, 114, 178, 179, 183, 187, 190, 191, 193, 194, 213, 233, 248, 252, 265. J., 55, 314, 316. Strachan, Kenneth, 217. Patrick, 193. Robert, 186, 195, 258.' Thomas, 203. William, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 55, 180, 184, 186. W., 315. Mrs., 93. Strahan, John, 233. William Dovertie, 282. Stratton (Stratone, Strato, Straiton, Stra- toun, Stratoune), Alexander, 177. George, 93. Henry, 217. James, 180. John, 208, 247, 248. Robert, 181. Stretch, Liscombe Maultbe, 243. Strichen, Lord, Sir Arthur Fraser, 92. Stringer, Samuel, 125. Stronach, Alex., 244. James, 272. Thomas, 213. Stuart, v. Stewart. Sullivan, Thomas, 146. Sunderland, Langdale, 140. Sutcliff, Joseph, 276. Sutherland (Sutherlandius), Adam, 198. Alexander, 41, 192, 208, 211, 242. Archibald, 311. Arthur, 207, 218. David, 287. David MacKay, 292, 299. Donald, 277. George, 305. Hugh, 195. James, 32, 189, 192, 294. John, 208, 266, 295. Neil, 151, 156. Patrick, 292. Peter Cormack, 164. Robert, 214, 292. William, 175, 207, 210, 233, 241, 267, 294. Sutton, John, 174. Thomas, 158. Swan (Swaune, Swayne, Suaneus), Alex- ander, 191, 213. Stephen Jennings, 153. William, 211. Swinton, Peter, 131. Sykes, George, 172. John, 162. William Hay, 22. Symmer (Symer, Symner), George, 178, 200. John, 178. Symon (Simon), George, 172. William, 228. Symonds, William, 147. INDEX. 395 Tallach, Thomas, 303. Tannahill, Robert Dunlop, 169. Tapson, John, 167. Tarbat, Lord, 126. Tarbot, David, 250. Tarresius, Robert, 184, 195. Tait (Tate), John, 284. Thomas, 244. William, 104. William Barney, 169. Tawse, Alexander, 273. Taylor (Tayler, Tylor, Telliorus, Tailerus), Alexander, 22, 78, 79, 89, 108, 199, 281, 291. Charles, 147, 152. Daniel, 210. George, 156, 306. Harvey, 263. James, 186, 221, 226, 300. James G., 285. John, 143, 152, 175, 228, 229, 245, 251, 258, 263, 284. John H., 153. John Stopford, 169. Joseph Savory, 164. Richard, 66. Walter Ross, 280. William, 229, 261, 276, 289. William James, 282. 322. Dr., 130. Tebay, Thomas George, 174. Teignmouth, Lord, 113. Teilston, Dr., 122. Telfer (Taileferus), William, 191. Temple, Alexander, 71, 240, 303. John, 217. William, 300. Templeton, William, 85, 161. Thackeray, Frederick, 148. Thomas, 100. Thain, Alexander, 269. John, 201. Thatcher, John, 158. Third, James, 203. Thoirs, Charles, 217. David, 217. Thom (Thome), Adam, 117, 280. Alexander, 241, 258, 262, 270. Henry, 10. James, 102, 236, 259. John, 266. William, 34, 296. Dr., 5, 112. Mr., 14. or Chalmers, Mary, 34. Thomas, Alban, 126. John Harvey, 175. Thomson (Thomsone, Thomsoun, Thomp- son, Thomsonus), Alexander, 12, 13, 33, 36, 134, 213, 215, 251, 254, 256. Andrew, 33, 274. Annie, 44. Archibald, 147. Charles Grant, 281. Charles Harald, 44. David, 44, 66, 67, 211, 296, 297, 298. David Meliss, 44. D., 322, 323. Edmond Stronge, 44. Francis, 184. George, 262, 279. Helen Madeline, 44. Henry W., 159. Isabella Marjory, 44. James, 14, 27, 33, 34, 36, 206, 267, 269, 272, 285. Jeffries, 158. John, 92, 114, 149, 150, 151, 154, 158, 165, 264, 307. Mary Esther, 44. Patrick, 191. Robert, 36, 179, 214, 288. Thomas, 217, 227, 272, 292. William, 33, 112, 152, 162, 167, 198, 224, 232, 258, 286. William Henry, 146. Wyvill, 86. Dr., 143. Professor, 64. or Sandeman, Catherine Emma, 44. Thorne, George Leworthy, 169. Thorner, Robert, 120. Thornton (Thorntoun), Peter, 172. Dr., 129. Thorpe, Edmund, 125. Thriepland, Sir Stuart, 131, 134. Thurburn (Thorburn), Charles, 290. James, 159. Thurman, John, 163. Thursfield, Thomas William, 175. William, 174. Thurston, John Robinson, 144. Thynne, Andrew, 138, 144, 146, 147, 148, 150, 152. Arthur, 150. Tidy, William Callender, 168. Tocher, Alexander, 254. Todd (Tod), Alexander, 80, 290. Andrew, 108, 276. George, 41, 302. George Smith, 173. Hugh, 32, 213. James, 288. John, 161, 251. 396 INDEX. Todd, Joseph, 264. Robert, 269. William, 206. Tolmie, John, 301, 309. William, 228. Tom, Henry, 130. Tookey (Tuckey), John, 148. Thomas, 146. Topp, Alexander, 286. Toronto, Bishop of, 107. Torrie (Turie, Torraeus), Charles, 272. James, 84, 159, 181. Robert, 209, 284. Walter, 183. William, 195, Touch (Tuach), Alexander, 212. James, 256. John, 103, 225, 241. John Gray, 296. Towle, Thomas, 109. Trail, George, 22, 102. James, 251. John R., 290. Samuel, 72, 107, 118, 281. Travers, Francis, 152, 154. Tree, Clement, 153. Trott, Nicholas, fio. Trotter, John, 104. J., 150, 151. William, 151. Dr., 141, 143. Troup, Alexander, 75. James, 179, 305. John Irvine, 140. Robert, 299. Laird of, 33. Dr., 140. Truscott, Charles, 146. Tuach, v. Touch. Tulloch (Tulloh, Tullochus), Alexander, 216, 272. Charles, 305. George, 22, 78, 79, 118, 285. James, 302, 306, 321, 322, 323. John, 65, 66, 118, 174, 268, 293. Marcus, 290. Patrick, 213. Robert, 208. Samuel, 192. William, 240. Professor, 43. Tully, John, 304. Tuomy, Martin, 157. Turie, v. Torrie. Turin (Turine, Turing), Inglis, 246. John, 180, 211. Robert, 244. Turnbull (Turnebullus), Alexander, 112. Patrick, 195. Turner (Turnerus), Charles William, 175. George, 33. Henry, 152. Robert, 161. Walter, 185. William, 158. Turton, William, 148. Tuscombe, Samuel, 140. Tweedale, John, 151. Twycross, James, 105. Isaac, 104. Twyny, M., 138. Tylcote, Edward Thomas, 174. Tyre, John, 7. Tyrie, Adam, 201. Tyser, Robert, 150. Tytler, Robert, 239. Udny (Udney, Udnyus), Arthur, 196. James, 13, 14, 36, 49, 226. Peter, 40, 45, 52. P., 313. Robert, 180. Umprayus, Theodore, 191. Urquhart (Urquhardus, Urchartus), Adam, 214, 219. Alexander, 108, 125, 195, 257, 270, 275. Benjamin, 213. Elizabeth, 125. Hugh, 108, 217. James, 19, 20, 59, 60, 61, 125, 127, 217, 218, 220, 221, 223, 252. John, 178, 192, 213, 222, 248. J., 317, 318. Ludovic, 252. Patrick, 12, 36, 120, 121, 123, 125, 126. Thomas, 191. William, 33, 192. Uwins, David, 156, 157. Valanzan (Valangin), Francis de, 133, 135, 136. Valanzia, Dr. de, 146, Valpey (Valpy), Edward, 271. R., 106. Vance, George, 148, 150, 151, 159. Richard Young, 151. Vass (Wass, Vaus), John, 45. Samuel, 281. William, 116, 260, 279. Vauchier, Francis, 145. Vaughan, William, 133, 134, 135, 136, 138, 144. Walter Hamilton, 138. Veitch (Vetch), Andrew, 150. James, 144. John, 156. INDEX. 397 Veitch, Peter, 145. Verlander, Jacob Alexander, 156. Verner, David, 33. Vernon, Thomas, 248. Vincent, Michael, 145. Vinen, James Northcote, 171. William Hart, 167. Volum (Volumius), Patrick, 185. William, 261. Vores, William, 164. Wade, Walter, 146. Wagstaff, Charles, 288. Waite, Charles, 154. Wakley, James Goodchild, 168. Walker (Waker, Wakerus), Alexander, 93, 192, 213. Alexander Wales, 167. Andrew, 202. Charles, 135, 138, 300. David, 222, 243. Francis, 248, 271. George, 224. Henry, 292, 293. James, 64, 201, 214, 228, 274, 276, 284, 292. James Pattison, 161. Jeremiah, 116. John, 100, 102, 111, 131, 181, 192, 195, 226, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 249, 250, 288. John Hauden, 156. J., 153. Michael, 50. Patrick, 205, 218, 300. Samuel, 131. Sayer, 150, 156. Thomas, 297. William, 237, 294. William Panton, 282. Dr., 101, 132. Wall, Martin, 137. Wallace (Wallis), George, 135, 268, 287. Isaac, 164. James, 195, 249, 261, 282. John, 128, 310. Waller, Edmund, 252. Dr., 141. Walshman, Thomas, 153, 157, 158. Walsingham, Thomas, 149. Walter (Walterus), Andrew, 183. William, 103. Wanostrocht, Dr., 116. Ward, John, 263. John Doxon, 172. Robert, 292. William, 166. Warden, Charles, 167. Henry, 219. Waring, Robert, 147. Warren, Robert, 288. Dr., 141. Warwick, William, 175. • Waterworth, Thomas Henry, 174. Watham, Samuel, 129. Watson (Watsone, Watsoun, Watsoune, Watsontus), Alexander, 134. Andrew, 183. David, 207. James, 102, 208, 220, 231, 232, 251, 290, 296. John, 43, 51, 113, 163, 182, 258, 297, 306. John Forbes, 164, 299. J., 247, 249. Robert, 179, 260. Thomas, 157. William, 180, 183, 194, 203, 218, 305. Dr., III. Watt (Wate, Wat, Vat, Wattus), Alexander, 211, 255. Andrew, 183. David, 207. George, 296. George Christie, 311. James, 175, 177, 213, 266, 272. John, 180, 210, 230, 292, 295, 296. Michael, 309. Patrick, 186. Robert, 150. William, 201, 284, 304. Dr., 155. Watts, Isaac, 100. William, 129. Wawin (Wawane), James, 7. Weath, John, 227. Webb, A., 158. Charles Cropper, 154. John, 159. John Whiteman, 173. Thomas, 266. William Woodham, 166. Webster, Alexander, 217, 218, 264, 299. Charles, 137. David, 297. George, 271. James, 134, 162. John, 80, 204, 272, 296, 303. Robert, 302. William, 222, 277. Mrs., 93. Wedderburn, David, 46, 329. Weeks (Weekes), Hampton, 149. John Cotton, 145, 148, 150, 151, 158. Weems, Thomas, 122. Weir, Alexander, 299. David, 272. Francis, 262. 398 INDEX. ་ Weir, George, 300. James, 294. John, 140, 141, 256. Wells (Walls), William, 161, 272. William Charles, 152, 153. Welsh (Welch, Walsh), E., 153. Francis, 140. James, 270. John, 170. J., 136. Robert, 148, 157. Welwood, James, 127. Wemyss, David, 132, 133. Wentworth, John, III. Wesley, Charles, 107. West, George, 136. Gregory, 136. Westhall, David Dalrymple, Lord, 34, I12. Westland, Mrs., 94. Weyman (Wayman), Luke, 132, 133. Weymouth, John, 159. Viscount, 100. Wharry, Thomas, 147. Whartone, Duke of, 99. Whately, John, 280. Whincopp, William, 158. Whinfield, Henry, 102, 262. Whitaker, John Henry, 170. Whitehill (Whithill), Lord, 32, 122. Whittell, Horatio Thomas, 172. Whymper, William, 158. Whyte (White, Whyt, Quhit), Alexander, 234, 272, 304. David, 281. Douglas, 142. George, 130, 283. Henry, 134. James, 205, 267. John, 34, 151, 220. Robert, 83, 133. Thomas, 219. William, 67. William Middleton, 161. Dr., 155. Wightman, Robert, 115, 149, 153. Wildash, Henry Cobb, 164. Wildbore, Daniel Henry George, 168. Wildgoose, James, 260. Wilkie, James, 259. John, 253. Wilkins, Alexander, 229. Charles, 113. Will, Andrew, 275. James, 160. John, 288. Willan, Robert, 136, 137. William III., 70, 73, 74. le Grand, Frederick, 175. Williams, James, 164. J., 102. Rice, 148. Richard, 134. Samuel Stanbro', 148. Thomas Edmunds, 106. Thomas Edwards, 273. T. L., 322. William Lockyer, 64. Williamson (Williamsonus, Villiamsonus), Alexander, 219. David, 78, 279. George, 281. James, 221. John, 192, 219. Joseph, 86, 11I. Robert, 184, 276. William, 247, 254. Dr., 144. Willox, James, 208. Alexander Cowie, 310. Wilmer, John, 128. Wilmot, Robert Montague, 141. Samuel George, 163. Wilson (Wilsone, Vilsoune), Alexander, 119, 225, 242, 245, 253, 256, 289, 292, 300, 301, 311. Andrew, 130, 292. Charles Edward, 291. David H., 301. Frederick A., 303. George, 114, 227, 279, 284, 295. George John Marris, 165. Gilbert, 177. Henry Thomas, 303. Isaac, 159. James, 269, 284, 287, 295, 302, 305, ვინ. John, 49, 171, 206, 264, 272, 276, 287, 294, 296. Patrick, 14, 15, 34, 36, 49, 243. Philip Roberts, 139. Robert, 93, 153, 263, 294. Samuel Mitchell, 278. Thomas, 242. William, 240, 244, 282, 301. William Scott, 283. 140. Windle, William, 247. Wink, John, 276. Winslow, Forbes Benignus, 165. Winstanley, Thomas, 115. Winstone, Benjamin, 163. Winter, David, 310. George, 145. Richard, 109. Winton, William, 269. Wisely, William, 161. Wiseman, William, 273, 306. INDEX. 399 Wishart (Wishairt, Wischeart, Sophocar- dius), Alexander, 183, 233, 253. Gilbert, 183. James, 135, 179, 195, 301. Thomas, 236, 260. William, 178, 310. Wood (Woode, Wod), Alexander, 245, 268. Charles, 254. David, 153, 177, 179. George, 158. John, 205. John Morley, 268. Patrick, 178. Samuel, 100. Thomas Christopher, 163. William, 274. Woodcock, John, 142. William, 163. Woodford, Edward, 22, 118, 281. Woodhouse, John, 172. Woodman, Robert, 175. Woodthorpe, William, 116. Woodward, Francis, 134. Woolcot, John, 132. Woolley, George, 165. Joseph, 119. William, 262. Worcester, Dr., 112. Worship, Benjamin, 142. Worthington, James, 134. Wright (Wrycht), Alexander, 91, 229. Archibald, 295. B., 144. John, 141. Richard, 306. Robert, 150. R. 151. Thomas, 241. Wright, William, 139, 144, 147, 152, 154, 155, 239. 321. Dr., 151. Mr., 65. Wyllie (Wylie), James, 28. John, 51, 140. Wyndowe, Samuel Jardine, 174. Ydelus, William, 199. Yeats (Yates), George, 263. Richard, 107. Yeoman, John, 170. Young (Yonge, Junius), Alexander, 136, 251. Andrew, 53, 139, 177. A., 313, 314. James, 154, 212, 279, 284, 308. James Edward, 153. James William, 168. John, 104, 153, 260, 286. Mauritius, 135. Robert, 135, 229, 292. Robert Boyd, 151. Robert Ogston, 281. Thomas, 158. William, 213, 260, 303. Dr., 134, 149. Youngson (Youngsoune, Yongsone, Yong- son, Youngsonus), Alexander, 181, 189. Andrew, 189, 237. Archibald, 183. A., 55, 56, 315. John, 303. Peter, 183. William, 210. 41, 24. Yule, Alexander, 302. J., 152. ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY PRESS. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNIV. OF MICH: FEB 4 1908 3 9015 03941 0322 M