1 I CHEM. LIB. AD 543 3651 B 397780 Blocher, J.M. Osmotic press ssure measurements of levulose solutions at thirty degrees. ་ : ļ ጉ 1. і 1: QI JANSO 1917 543 B651 UNIV. OF MICH OSMOTIC PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS OF LEVULOSE SOLUTIONS AT THIRTY DEGREES DISSERTATION Submitted to the Board of University Studies of The Johns Hopkins University in conformity with a requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. By JOHN MILTON BLOCHER, JR., Baltimore, 1916. OSMOTIC PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS OF LEVULOSE SOLUTIONS AT THIRTY DEGREES DISSERTATION Submitted to the Board of University Studies of The } Johns Hopkins University in conformity with a requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. By JOHN MILTON BLOCHER, JR., Baltimore, 1916. Gettysburg Compiler Print. 029 ge!? TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Acknowledgment II. Levulose Solutions III. Description of Apparatus (a) The Cells (b) Deposition of Membranes (c) Recovery of Old Cells 4 5 8 Co 8 ΙΟ It (d) Manometers 12 (e) Regulation of Temperature .16 IV. Measurements 19 V. Discussion of Tables .36 VI. Conclusions .39 VII. Biography .40 I. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The author is glad to avail himself of this opportunity to express his appreciation to Prof. Morse, the late Prof. Jones, Dr. Lovelace, Dr. Reid, Dr. Frazer, Dr. Holland, and Dr. Schwartz for their valuable instruction. The author is especially grateful to Prof. Morse, at whose suggestion and under whose guidance this investi- gation was undertaken and carried out. The author is under obligation to Dr. Holland for much valuable advice and assistance. The author is indebted to Dr. Frazer for much inspira- tion, and for his kindly interest in the work. THE OSMOTIC PRESSURE MEASURMENTS OF LEVULOSE SOLUTIONS AT THIRTY DEGREES II. LEVULOSE SOLUTIONS. The levulose, which was used in this investigation was obtained in Germany. The repreliminary purification in which the penta-acetate was made, giving the pure sugar upon hydrolysis, was performed by Dr. C. S. Hudson, of the Bureau of Chemistry at Washington, D. C. The au- thor wishes to acknowledge his obligation to Dr. Hudson and his co-workers for this valuable material. There remained in the sugar some traces of acetic acid. Our solute was freed from the traces of acetic acid by the following method, depending upon the fact that levulose is practically insoluble in cold absolute alcohol. One hundred grams of the once recrystallized sugar were dissolved in fifty cubic centimeters of 75% alcohol which had been previously warmed on a steam bath. Seventy-five cubic centimeters of absolute alcohol were added to this solution. It was necessary, in some cases, to add a little animal charcoal and a few cubic centimeters of washed alumina to remove a slight turbidity. After filtering the mixture, twenty-five cubic centimeters of absolute alcohol were added to the clear filtrate. Upon "seeding" the solution, the sugar was precipitated. The crystallization was carried on in a dessicator with fre- quent stirring. The yield was about 50% of the original material used and the specific rotation was found to be 92°.0, the same value as the one assigned to pure levulose by the Bureau of Chemistry at Washington. Solutions of levulose are peculiar in that they exhibit a change in specific rotation with change in temperature. A solution which is taken from a cell after having given 6 Levulose Solutions. a measurement, is examined in a saccharimeter to de- termine whether or not it has undergone a change in con- centration. It was found necessary, because of this change in rotation with change in temperature, to retain a sample of the original solution for the purpose of com- paring its rotation, under the same conditions of tem- perature, with the rotation of the solution which was taken from the cell. All solutions were made by dissolving a gram molecu- lar weight of the sugar or a decimal part of the same in one thousand grams of water. This weight normal sys- tem of making up solutions is used in preference to the volume normal method for the following reasons:¹ A volume normal solution, made by dissolving a gram molecular weight of the substance, or a decimal part of the same, in water and diluting to one litre is correct for merely analytical purposes. It is "both disadvantageous and illogical whenever any phenomenon is to be studied in which the influence of the solvent upon the solute is involved." "In cases of the latter kind, the true concen- tration of the solution is determined by the numerical ratio of the molecules of the solute to those of the solvent, rather than by the number of solute molecules in a given space."2 Difficulties are encountered when an attempt is made to make up a less concentrated solution by diluting a more concentrated one. For example, "Suppose a 0.1 volume normal solution of cane sugar to be made up by diluting 100 cubic centimeters of a normal solution to 1000 cubic centimeters. With respect to the relative numbers of solute molecules contained in equal volumes, the new so- lution is one-tenth as concentrated as that from which it was made, but with respect to the ratio of solute to sol- vent molecules, namely: 1:44.1 and 1:544.1, the concen- tration of the diluted solution is not 0.1 but 0.081 nor- mal.³ I For further discussion of the advantages of the weight nor- mal system, reference is made to the Monograph by Prof. H. N. Morse, Carnegie Publication, No. 198, Chap. V. 2 Ibid., Chap. V., p. 100. 3 Ibid., p. 100. Levulose Solutions. 7 The numerical ratio of solute to solvent molecules in a cane sugar volume normal solution at 30 degrees is about 1:44.1. At the same temperature, the numerical ratio of solute to solvent molecules in a volume normal solu- tion of glucose is 1:49.2. Thus we see that the cane sugar solution is 11.5% more concentrated than the glucose solution, although equal volumes of the two solutions con- tain the same number of solute molecules. This differ- ence would amount to 3.7 atmospheres when stated in terms of osmotic pressure. The practice of employing the volume of the solvent as the standard for the computation of the gas pressure of the solute made it necessary to make a correction corre- sponding to the term "b" in the Van der Waals equation for gas pressure. The weight normal system gives us a means of correcting for the volume of the solute mole- cules. However, the true volume of the solvent in solu- tion cannot be known accurately until the extent of the hydration of the solute is determined at all temperatures. 8 Description of Apparatus. III. DESCRIPTION OF APPARATUS A. THE CELLS.4 A cell, in which the true osmotic pressure of a solution may be measured, must meet the following conditions: (1) It must have a uniformly strong wall. (2) It must be absolutely free from air blisters. (3) It must have an excessively fine and perfectly uniform texture of wall. The high pressure, to which the cell is subjected in the process of measuring, make the first requirement abso- lutely imperative. Air blisters, communicating with the interior of the cell wall, would cause a local deposition of the membrane in these regions. Experience has shown us that a mem- brane, in order to be very strong, must be deposited just within the mouths of the pores of the interior wall of the cell. The pores of the wall must be so fine that the more mobile cation may pass nearly through them while the slower anion is just entering the mouth of the pores on the interior wall. In this way we secure an infinite num- ber of plugs of the active membrane material supported by the whole body of the cell wall. These plugs are driven into the pores so tightly, by means of the electric current, that no amount of pressure will dislodge them. The electrolytic method of depositing membranes, devised by Prof. Morse, is far superior to the old method of Pfef- fer. A mixture of equal parts by weight of the finest por- tions of a fire clay, obtained from Dorsey, Md., and of a ball clay from Edgar, Fla., was found to give the best re- sults in cell making. The clays were first elutriated and the finest portions were passed through No. 14 and No. 4 Ibid., Chap. I. Description of Apparatus. 9 16 bolting cloth, containing 19,000 and 24,000 holes to the square inch respectively. After the particles were filtered and allowed to dry thoroughly, equal parts by weight were mingled by sifting, and then by mixing with dis- tilled water in large cylinders. The mixture of the two clays and water was kept in constant agitation while the particles were again passed through the No. 14 and then through the No. 16 bolting cloth. The repeated bolting insured a very intimate mixture of the clays and particles of desired fineness were obtained. Water was removed from the mixture of the clays until it had the consistency of ordinary putty and cylinders were formed under pressures of twenty tons to the square inch. A cylinder, which is formed by any method em- ploying a smaller pressure, produces a cell whose wall is too porous. These cylinders were placed upon a lathe and the cells of desired shape and size were turned out with tools of special form. The cells were then baked at the temperature of Seger cone No. 7 (1270°) and after- wards rebaked at the temperature of cone No. 8 (1290°). Before the upper end of the cell may be glazed it must be ground to required form on a lathe. A small, rapidly ro- tating carborundum wheel was used for this work. Air must be entirely removed from the pores of the cell before the membrane may be deposited. This is accom- plished by electrolyzing a 0.005N solution of lithium sul- phate in such a way that the cation, which always carries a large "atmosphere" of water, is driven inwardly through the wall of the cell. After the air has been re- moved, the salt solution is replaced by pure distilled water which is renewed frequently. This final electrolysis serves to remove the lithium sulphate from the cell pores and it is continued until the conductivity equals that of distilled water. The cell is then placed in a saturated solution of thymol water and kept there until required for the process of depositing the membrane. 5 Ibid., Chap. I, p. 9. 10 Description of Apparatus. B. DEPOSITION OF MEMBRANES. The membranes of copper ferro-cyanide are deposited in a constant temperature bath especially constructed for that purpose. A circular anode of copper is placed in a vessel containing a 0.01N solution of copper sulphate. The cell is placed within the circular anode and is closed by a rubber stopper carrying the cathode of platinum, an overflow tube and a funnel whose stem nearly reaches the bottom of the cell. A solution of 0.01N po- tassium ferro-cyanide is placed within the cell by means of the funnel and the membrane is deposited in the pores of the cell wall under a pressure of 110 volts. The solu- tion of potassium ferro-cyanide is replaced at intervals of three minutes to prevent an accumulation of free alkali, which acts disasterously upon the membrane. The resistance of the membrane is noted from time to time by means of a milliammeter. During the course of deposi- tion a gradual increase in the resistance will be noticed. The resistance will remain constant at its maximum for a short time and then it will decline. The electrolysis is interrupted just before the decline in resistance takes place. The cell is then emptied, washed internally and externally, and allowed to soak in thymol water for three days. Thymol is toxic toward a strain of pencillium glaucum, a nitrogen consuming fungi, which readily infect the mem- brane. After the soaking period, the cell is again sub- jected to the membrane forming process. The subse- quent "runnings" will cause the membrane to show an in- crease in resistance. When the resistance is thought to be sufficiently great, the cell is "set up" with a concentrated cane sugar solu- tion. This part of the cell's development is called, "sea- soning under pressure," that is, the cell is filled with the cane sugar solution which contains a little dissolved po- tassium ferro-cyanide and is closed by a manometer. A solution of copper sulphate, which is osmotically equiva- 6 Ibid., Chap. IV. Description of Apparatus. 11 lent to the amount of dissolved potassium ferro-cyanide, is placed on the outside of the cell. If there are any weak places in the membrane, the pressure will cause a rupture and the membrane formers will mend the broken places. Very often one period of "seasoning under pressure" is sufficient to produce a cell which will measure the true osmotic pressure of a solution and which will not allow the cell contents to become diluted. If this should not be the case, the cell is again subjected to the "running" and "soaking" process. During these operations, the cells and the solutions of membrane formers are maintained at the temperature at which the cells are subsequently used. The cells must never be exposed to any great or rapid changes in temperature. C. RECOVERY OF OLD CELLS. A cell will become intolerably slow in its action after a time due to the fact that its membrane is old and per- haps too thick, because of the repeated reinforcement. It is then desirable to remove the old membrane and re- place it by a new and more active one. The slowness with which an old cell comes into equilibrium is the only undesirable feature for a cell which has once "measured" will continue to give good service while it is in existence provided it is not injured in other ways. Pfeffer recommends the following method for the re- moval of membranes. The cell is allowed to soak in a so- lution of potassium hydroxide to which a little Rochelle salt has been added, and afterwards in water; then in hydrochloric acid and again in water. This procedure will remove the membranes with ease but we have not been very successful in building a good membrane in a cell after subjecting it to this treatment. A modification of this method was tried in this labora- tory in which the potassium hydroxide and the hydro- chloric acid were omitted. The soluble salts which re- mained in the cell wall after soaking in water were re- 7 "Osmotische Untersuchungen,” 12. 8 Ibid., Chap. V, p. 93. 12 Description of Apparatus. moved by electrolysis. This method required a long period of time, and, on the whole, was not very success- ful. The method of grinding off the interior surface of the cell wall, by means of a rapidly revolving carborun- dum wheel, gave only fair results. A very successful method was developed recently in this laboratory. A one-fifth normal solution of potas- sium acid tartrate is prepared and made alkaline by potas- sium hydroxide. The old cells are soaked in this solu- tion, which is frequently renewed, until the blue colora- tion is no longer noticeable. The cells are then washed and placed in a 5% solution of nitric acid until the slight blue coloration again disappears. After the cells are washed they are subjected to electrolysis in distilled water until copper no longer deposits upon the cathode. They are then reburned at the temperature of cone No. 7, the air is removed by the lithium sulphate method, and the new membrane is deposited in the usual manner. Of the seventeen cells treated in this manner we se- cured thirteen which are now giving measurements and four which are giving promising results. These cells are termed the "R" series and a number have been used suc- cessfully in the measurement of the osmotic pressures of levulose solution at thirty degrees. D. MANOMETERS.9 The manometers, which were used for measuring the pressures in the following experiments were made of thick walled glass tubes having an external diameter of about six millimeters. The diameter of the bore ranged from 0.45 to 0.72 millimeters and the length of the cali- brated portion was from 400 to 500 millimeters. There are three reasons for using tubes of small bore.10 (1) After filling the manometer with nitrogen it is neces- sary to enclose a small thread of mercury within the up- permost portion of the tube because, in "sealing off" a manometer, the caliber of the tube in the region of the 9 Ibid., Chap. II. 10 Ibid., p. 27. Description of Apparatus. 13 seal is affected to an unknown extent. Should the bore have a large diameter, this small thread of mercury would become dislodged when the tube is subjected to tapping during the determination of the volume of the en- closed gas. (2) The volume of the included gas is so small that its compression does not produce a great dilu- tion of the solution within the cell. (3) Small bore ma- nometers require relatively small volumes of mercury. Small bore manometers have these disadvantages.¹¹ (1) There is more difficulty in dealing with a meniscus in a tube of small bore. (2) A tube of small bore has a large capillary depression which varies greatly with slight irregularities of bore. (3) The movement of the mercury in such a tube is more liable to be influenced by small irregularities or by impurities which may be fused into the interior wall of the tube. Two fine lines are etched upon the tube before the cali- bration is begun. These lines extend completely around the instrument and they are so fine that they may just be seen by the naked eye. All subsequent readings are re- ferred to these "scratches"12 for the tube is devoid of fur- ther graduation. The "lower scratch" is placed near the lower end of the calibrated portion of the tube and the "upper scratch" is placed near the upper end and above the widened section of the bore. The tube is placed in a horizontal position upon a dividing engine, whose screw has been carefully compared with the graduated meter scales which are employed in the measuring of osmotic pressures. "The calibration is commenced at the lower scratch and consists in setting the (short) thread of mercury exactly end to end, and determining its length, until the thread has passed the upper scratch. It is run out of the tube and weighed. Then the whole of the calibrated portion of the tube is filled with mercury, the thread measured and again run out and weighed. From the length and weight of the long thread, the mean diameter of the bore may be estimated; and from the observations on the II Ibid., Chap. II, p. 27. 12 Ibid., p. 29. 14 Description of Apparatus. length of the short thread in the different parts of the tube, a mean calibration unit is derived, and a curve of corrections constructed. Finally, a mean value for the double meniscus is obtained from the length and weight relations of the long and short threads. If we multiply the weight of the short thread by the number of times its length is contained in that of the long thread, the differ- ence is the weight of the mercury which would be re- quired to fill the meniscus spaces which were left vacant in setting the short thread end to end along the tube. Converting this difference in weight into volume and di- viding by the number of settings less one, we obtain a mean correction for a double meniscus, which is the me- niscus correction to be applied in all measurements of pressure. 9713 The above method is used for manometers without the widened portion in the bore. The method for large vol- ume manometers differs in only one respect, the capacity of the widened portion must be accurately determined as a whole and afterwards in terms of the calibration unit. The correctness of all previous work may be tested¹¹ in two ways so that its accuracy can not be doubted. A series of thick walled glass bulbs, three in number, are sealed on to the calibrated tube. "The bulb nearest the calibrated end serves as a reservoir in which the ni- trogen, when under diminished pressure, may expand without danger of escaping from the instrument." "The bulbs nearest the cell serve as reservoirs for the mercury which is to be driven forward in compressing the nitro- gen, and their total capacity is therefore, to be regulated by the volume of the gas under ordinary conditions and the maximum pressure to be measured."15 The bulb next to the cell is provided with a trap which prevents the mingling of the sugar solution with the mercury in the uncalibrated portions of the manometer. The instrument is filled with mercury to a desired level and is connected to a side tube, containing mercury, by 13 Ibid., Chap. II, pp. 31-33. 14 Ibid., Chap. II, p. 33. 15 Ibid., p. 37. Description of Apparatus. 15 means of a flexible rubber tube. This system is placed in a constant temperature bath and the capillary depres- sion is determined at different points in the bore. A curve is plotted, and, assuming that the change in capil- lary depression between the points is regular, the values for many points are secured. This procedure is of great importance since the values obtained are used "in de- termining the volume of the enclosed nitrogen under standard conditions of temperature and pressure" and also "in correcting its volume under an unknown pres- sure, which, i. e., osmotic pressure is a quotient of the two volumes." Unusual care is taken in the purification16 of the mer- cury which is used in the manometers and thermostats. (1) The commercial product is allowed to run through a few pin holes in a filter paper. This removes the coarse dirt. (2) It is heated to its boiling point in a retort, to which has been fused a long glass tube, while air is forced through the metal. After four hours the metal is freed from the scum of its oxides by filtration. (3) It is dis- tilled in a partial vacuum. (4) The distillate is washed by the method of Lother Meyer, modified by Hildebrand, in which the very fine droplets of mercury are carried by gravity through distilled water containing 2% nitric acid and 2% mercurous nitrate. The washing is repeated many times. (5) After it has been washed with distilled water and thoroughly dried it is again distilled under di- minished pressure but not in the still used for the first distillation. The gas employed in the manometers is pure nitrogen. It is obtained by passing air through an alkaline solution of para-gallol and then, in the order named over heated copper oxide, heated copper, calcium chloride, potassium hydroxide and resublimed phosphorus pent-oxide. A de- tailed and interesting account of the process of filling ma- nometers may be found on pace 46 in the Monograph by Prof. Morse. The volume of gas in the manometer is then determined under approximate atmospheric pressure and 16 Ibid., Chap. II, p. 28. 16 Description of Apparatus. then reduced to standard conditions of temperature and pressure. The instrument may now be used for the measurement of osmotic pressures after being attached¹7 firmly to a cell containing the sugar solution of desired concentration. E. REGULATION OF TEMPERATURE.18 It is of utmost importance that the whole system, i. e., solution, solvent, cell and manometer be kept at constant temperature during the process of measuring osmotic pressure. A cell, filled with a solution of known concen- tration and closed by a manometer is not unlike a ther- mometer. Any slight fluctuation in temperature is always followed by "thermometer effects"19 which are very detri- mental to the success of an experiment because of three facts: (1) "The capacity of the closed osmotic cell is nearly a fixed quantity." (2) "Every change in the vol- ume of the enclosed solution due to rise or fall in tem- perature is followed by a discharge or intake of solvent through the membrane, both of which acts also modify the volume and the osmotic pressure of the solutions." (3) "The passage of the solvent through the membrane, in either direction, is usually a much slower process than the changes in the volume of the cell contents which re- sult from fluctuations in temperature." The constant temperature baths used in this investiga- tion were made to conform with the following principle: 20 "If all the water or air in a bath is made to pass rapidly (1) over a continuously cooled surface which is capable of reducing the temperature slightly below that which it is desired to maintain, then (2) over a heated surface which is more efficient than the cooling one but which is under the control of a thermostat; and (3) again over the cooled surface, etc., it should be practicable to maintain 17 Ibid., Chap. II, pp. 17-26. 18 Ibid., Chap. III. 19 For a discussion of the intricate phenomena concerned with "thermometer effects," reference is made to the Monograph, pp. 51-55. 20 Monograph, p. 56. Description of Apparatus. 17 in the bath any temperature for which the thermostat is set, and the constancy of the temperature should depend only upon the sensitiveness of the thermostat and the rate of flow of the water or air." The principle is the same whether the heating or the cooling surface is under the control of the thermostat. In the work at zero degrees, melting ice served both as a cooling surface and as a thermostat. The thermostats used at thirty degrees were suffici- ently sensitive, when used in the baths made to conform with the above principle, to maintain a constant tempera- ture to within one-one-hundredth of a degree. This prin- ciple is the last word in temperature regulation, for there is a bath in this laboratory which will maintain a con- stant temperature to within one-one-thousandths of a degree. An especially sensitive thermostat is used. The measurements of the osmotic pressures of levulose solutions at thirty degrees were taken in the baths especi- ally well suited for work at the higher temperatures. They are made of heavy sheet brass. Each bath has an outer shell and an inner compartment. Between these two, water is kept in constant circulation in such a man- ner and direction that it will first flow over a cooler sur- face and then over a warmer surface of the bath. The heating surface was provided for by a number of 60 watt electric lamps in an equal number of compartments in- serted within the water space. Each lamp, which serves as a "stove," is under the control of a relay; the series of relays is controlled by a master relay, which in turn is controlled by the thermostat which is placed in the circu- lating water and near the top of the bath. Sparking in the thermostat and relays is prevented by introducing a shunt of high resistance at the proper places. The entrance to the inner bath is closed by (1) a plate glass door and (2) a hollow, metal door in two sections, the lower half of which is only opened when it is neces- sary to introduce or remove cells. A space of 40 milli- meters, between the doors, is occupied by (1) a metal shield carrying on its upper half, a dozen smaller metal 18 Description of Apparatus. strips or doors, anyone of which may be opened inde- pendently of the others for the purpose of reading the manometer. The heat derived from the 60 watt lamps was sufficient to keep the baths at thirty degrees. In the work at higher temperatures, the gas burners beneath the bath are put into use. However, the elevated temperature, secured by means of these burners are kept a little lower than the temperature at which the bath is maintained. The difference or "temperature margin" is cared for by the lamps under the control of the thermostat. Measurements. 19 IV. MEASUREMENTS. TABLE I. 0.1 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 1 at 30°; Cell D,. Re- sistance, 35,400 ohms. Manometer 27. Calc. gas pres- sure, 2.472 atms. Time of setting up cell Feb. 1, 1916. Barometer during final record: max., 1.011; min., 0.984. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Atms Feb. 11. 3.554 Feb. 15, 3.537 Feb. 12, 3.540 Feb. 16, 3.537 Feb. 13, 3.517 Feb. 17, 3.534 Feb. 14, 3.517 Feb. 18, 3.519 (8 days) 3.532 atms .1.002 atms Mean total pressure Feb. 11, Feb. 18... Mean barom. pressure Feb. 11, Feb. 18. Mean osmotic pressure Feb. 11, Feb. 18 .....2.529 atms TABLE II. 0.1 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 2 at 30°. Cell L. Re- sistance 24,400 ohms. Manometer 27. Calc. gas pres- sure, 2.472 atms. Time of setting up cell, Feb. 18, 1916. Barometer during final record: max., 1.004; min., 0.972. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Atms Feb. 24, 3.523 Mar. 2, 3.489 Feb. 25, 3.505 Mar. 3, 3.480 Feb. 26, 3.494 1 Mar. 4, 3.476 Feb. 27, 3.483 Mar. 5, 3.473 Feb. 28, 3.486 Mar. 6. 3.481 Feb. 29, 3.492 Mar. 1, 3.497 Mean total pressure Feb. 24-Mar. 7 Mean barom. pressure Feb. 24-Mar. 7 Mean osmotic pressure Feb. 24-Mar. 7 Mar. 7, 3.487 (13 days) 3.489 atms ..0.991 atms 2.499 atms 20 Measurements. TABLE III. 0.2 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 1 at 30°. Cell I,. Re- sistance 23,400 ohms. Manometer 24. Calc. gas pres- sure, 4.943 atms. Time of setting up cell, Feb. 10. 1916. Barometer during final record: max., 1.012; min., 0.990. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Feb. 16, 6.081 Feb. 17, 6.072 Feb. 18, 6.058 Atms Feb. 19, 6.051 Feb. 20. 6.051 Feb. 21, 6.051 Mean total pressure Feb. 16-Feb.21 Mean barom. pressure Feb. 16-Feb. 21 (6 days) .6.060 atms ..0.995 atms Mean osmotic pressure Feb. 16-Feb. 21 .....5.065 atms • TABLE IV. 0.2 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 2 at 30°. Cell K,. Re- sistance 25,000 ohms. Manometer 6. Calc. gas pressure 4.943 atms. Time of setting up cell, Feb. 10, 1916. Ba- rometer during final record: max., 1.016; min., 0.984. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Feb. 14, 6.044 Feb. 15, 6.043 Feb. 16, 6.040 Atms Feb. 18, 6.023 Feb. 19, 6.019 Feb. 20, 6.002 Feb. 17, 6.035 Feb. 21, 6.017 (8 days) Mean total pressure Feb. 14-Feb. 21 Mean barom. pressure Feb. 14-Feb. 21 Mean osmotic pressure Feb. 14-Feb. 21 ..6.028 atms .1.000 atms ..5.027 atms Measurements. TABLE V. 21 0.2 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 3 at 30°. Cell R15. Resistance 78,500 ohms. Manometer 24. Calc. gas pres- sure 4.943 atms. Time of setting up cell, Jan. 28, 1916. Barometer during final record: max., 1.018; min., 0.994. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Feb. 3, 6.008 Feb. 4, 6.022 Feb. 5, 6.015 Feb. 6, 6.009 1 Atms Feb. 7, 6.029 Feb. 8, 6.022 Feb. 9, 6.030 Mean total pressure Feb. 3-Feb.10 . Mean barom. pressure Feb. 3-Feb.10 Mean osmotic pressure Feb. 3-Feb. 10 Feb. 10, 6.028 • (8 days) 6.021 atms ..1.006 atms ...5.014 atms TABLE VI. 0.3 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 1 at 30°. Cell N.. Re- sistance 30,600 ohms. Manometer 24. Manometer 24. Calc. gas pres- sure 7.415 atms. Time of setting up cell Jan. 13, 1916. Barometer during final record: max., 1.015; min., 0.994. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Jan. 15, 8.631 Jan. 16, 8.532 Jan. 17, 8.538 Jan. 18, 8.560 Atms Jan. 19, 8.580 Jan. 20, 8.594 Jan. 21, 8.598 Mean total pressure Jan. 15-Jan21 Mean barom. pressure Jan. 15-Jan. 21. Mean osmotic pressure Jan. 15-Jan.21 (7 days) .8.576 atms .1.007 atms .7.569 atms 1 22 $ Measurements. TABLE VII. 0.3 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 2 at 30°. Cell V,. Re- sistance 47,000 ohms. Manometer 6. Calc. gas pressure 7.415 atms. Time of setting up cell, Jan. 13, 1916. Ba- rometer during final record: max., 1.015; min., 0.997. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Jan. 18, 8.509 Jan. 19, 8.564 Atms Jan. 21, 8.598 Jan. 22, 8.594 Jan. 20, 8.590 Jan. 23, 8.512 Mean total pressure Jan. 18-Jan. 23 Mean barom. pressure Jan. 18-Jan. 23 Mean osmotic pressure Jan. 18-Jan. 23 • (6 days) ..8.561 atms .1.008 atms ..7.552 atms TABLE VIII. 0.4 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 1 at 30°. Cell S,. Re- sistance 29,000 ohms. Manometer 29. Calc. gas pres- sure 9.886 atms. Time of setting up cell, Jan. 13, 1916. Barometer during final record: max., 1.017; min., 0.997. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Jan. 18, 11.014 Jan. 19, 11.034 Atms Jan. 21, 11.020 Jan. 22, 11.024 Jan. 20, 11.030 Jan. 23, 11.031 Mean total pressure Jan. 18-Jan. 23 Mean. barom. pressure Jan. 18-Jan. 23 (6 days) .11.025 atms .. 1.009 atms Mean osmotic pressure Jan. 18-Jan. 23 .....10.016 atms Measurements. TABLE IX. 23 0.4 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 2 at 30°. Cell R₁. Resistance 91,600 ohms. Manometer (1). Calc. gas pressure 9.886 atms. Time of setting up cell, Jan. 20, 1916. Barometer during final record: max., 1.016; min., 0.999. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Jan. 27, 11.022 Jan. 28, 11.026 Jan. 29, 11.003 Atms Jan. 31, 11.020 Feb. 1, 11.024 Feb. 2, 11.028 Jan. 30, 10.999 Mean total pressure Jan. 27-Feb. 2 Mean barom. pressure Jan. 27-Feb. 2 Mean osmotic pressure Jan. 27-Feb. 2 (7 days) 11.017 atms 1.006 atms ..10.011 atms TABLE X. 0.5 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 1 at 30°. Expt. 1 at 30°. Cell M,. Resistance 47,800 ohms. Manometer 27. Calc. gas pres- sure 12.358 atms. Time of setting up cell, Jan. 8, 1916. Barometer during final record: max., 1.017; min., 0.997. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Jan. 9, 13.736 Jan. 10, 13.676 Jan. 11, 13.676 • Mean total pressure Jan. 9-Jan. 13 Mean barom. pressure Jan. 9-Jan. 13 Mean osmotic pressure Jan. 9-Jan. 13 Atms Jan. 12, 13.677 Jan. 13, 13.681 (5 days) .13.689 atms 1.004 atms .12.685 atms 24 Measurements. TABLE XI. 0.5 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 2 at 30°. Cell L.. Resistance 31,200 ohms. Manometer 24. Calc gas pres- sure 12.358 atms. Time of setting up cell, Jan. 8, 1916. Barometer during final record: max., 1.017; min., 0.997. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Jan. 9, 13.695 Jan. 10, 13.655 Jan. 11, 13.628 • Atms Jan. 12, 13.628 Jan. 13, 13.617 Mean total pressure Jan. 9-Jan. 13 Mean barom. pressure Jan. 9-Jan. 13 Mean osmotic pressure Jan. 9-Jan. 13 (5 days) 13.644 atms 1.004 atms ..12.640 atms + TABLE XII. 0.5 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 3 at 30°. Cell Q,. Re- sistance 55,000 ohms. Manometer 15. Calc gas pres- sure 12.358 atms. Time of setting up cell, Jan. 13, 1916. Barometer during final period: max., 1.015; min., 0.994. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Jan. 15, 13.748 Jan. 16, 13.561 Atms Jan. 18, 13.599 Jan. 19, 13.619 Jan. 17, 13.592 Jan. 20, 13.644 (6 days) .13.628 atms ..... 1.007 atms .....12.621 atms Mean total pressure Jan. 15-Jan. 20 Mean barom. pressure Jan. 15-Jan. 20 Mean osmotic pressure Jan. 15-Jan. 20 Measurements. TABLE XIII. 25 0.5 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 4 at 30°. Cell X,. Re- sistance 55,000 ohms. Manometer 56. Calc. gas pres- sure 12.358 atms. Time of setting up cell, Jan. 13, 1916. Barometer during final record: max., 1.015; min., 0.994. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Jan. 16, 13.549 Jan. 17, 13.509 Jan. 18, 13.524 Atms Jan. 19, 13.530 Jan. 20, 13.475 Mean total pressure Jan. 16-Jan. 20 Mean barom. pressure Jan. 16-Jan. 20 Mean osmotic pressure Jan. 16-Jan. 20 (5 days) .13.517 atms ... 1.005 atms ....12.512 atms TABLE XIV. 0.6 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 1 at 30°. Cell A.. Re- sistance 33,300 ohms. Manometer 29. Calc. gas pres- sure 14.830 atms. Time of setting up cell, Jan. 6, 1916. Barometer during final record: max., 1.018; min., 0.997. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Atms Jan. 8, 16.143 Jan. 9, 16.068 Jan. 11, 16.111 Jan. 12. 16.113 Jan. 10, 16.095 Jan. 13, 16.109 (6 days) Mean total pressure Jan. 8-Jan. 13 Mean barom. pressure Jan. 8-Jan. 13. 16.104 atms 1.006 atms Mean osmotic pressure Jan. 8-Jan. 13 .....15.098 atms 26 Measurements. TABLE XV. 0.6 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 2 at 30°. Cell D,. Re- sistance 34,300 ohms. Manometer (1). Calc. gas pres- sure 14.830 atms. Time of setting up cell, Dec. 22, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.015; min., 0.987. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Atms Dec. 25, 15.985 Dec. 31, 16.082 Dec. 26, 16.053 Jan. 1, '16 16.061 Dec. 27, 16.078 Jan. 2, 16.104 Dec. 28, 16.104 Jan. 3, 16.100 Dec. 29, 15.998 Jan. 4. 4, 16.108 Dec. 30, 16.056 (11 days) Mean total pressure Dec. 25, '15-Jan. 4, '16..16.066 atms Mean barom. pressure Dec. 25, '15-Jan. 4, '16 0.998 atms Mean osmotic pres. Dec. 24, '15-Jan. 4, '16 15.066 atms TABLE XVI. 0.6 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 3 at 30°. Expt. 3 at 30°. Cell S,. Re- sistance 55,000 ohms. Manometer 27. Calc. gas pres- sure 14.830 atms. Time of setting up cell, April 24, 1916. Barometer during final record: max., 0.996; min., 0.992. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms May 1, 16.065 May 2, 16.048 May 3, 16.048 Atms May 5, 16.048 May 5, 16.048 Mean total pressure May 1-May 5.. Mean barom. pressure May 1-May 5 Mean osmotic pressure May 1-May 5. (5 days) 16.050 atms .. 0.994 atms ....15.056 atms Measurements. TABLE XVII. 27 0.7 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 1 at 30°. Cell R. Re- sistance 53,000 ohms. Manometer 6. Calc. gas pres- sure 17.301 atms. Time of setting up cell, Dec. 20, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.015; min., 0.987. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Atms Dec. 24, 18.862 Dec. 30, 18.939 Dec. 25, 18.869 Dec. 31, 18.909 Dec. 26, 18.883 Jan. 1, '16 18.828 Dec. 27, 18.874 Jan. 2, 18.909 Dec. 28, 19.013 Jan. 3, 18.878 Dec. 29, 18.883 Jan. 4, 18.859 (12 days) Mean total pressure Dec. 24, '15-Jan. 4, 16 ..18.817 atms Mean barom. pressure Dec. 24, '15-Jan. 4, '16 0.998 atms Mean osmotic pres. Dec. 24, '15-Jan. 4, '16 17.819 atms TABLE XVIII. 0.7 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 2 at 30°. Cell B。. Re- sistance 44,000 ohms. Manometer 6. Calc. gas pressure 17.301 atms. Time of setting up cell, Jan. 6, 1916. Ba- rometer during final record: max., 1.018; min., 0.997. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Jan. 7, 18.520 Jan. 8, 18.600 Jan. 9, 18.612 Atms Jan. 11, 18.766 Jan. 12, 18.761 Jan. 10, 18.781 Jan. 13, 18.766 Mean total pressure, Jan. 7-Jan. 13 Mean barom. pressure Jan. 7-Jan. 13 Mean osmotic pressure, Jan. 7-Jan. 13 (7 days) .18.686 atms 1.006 atms .....17.679 atms 28 Measurements. TABLE XIX. 0.7 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 3 at 30°. Cell R₂0. Resistance 61,100 ohms. Manometer 53. Calc. gas pres- sure 17.301 atms. Time of setting up cell, Dec. 20, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.015; min., 0.987. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Atms Dec. 22, 18.607 + Dec. 29, 18.655 Dec. 23, 18.615 Dec. 30, 18.453 Dec. 24, 18.608 Dec. 31, 18.555 Dec. 25, 18.602 Jan. 1, '16 18.513 Dec. 26, 18.604 Jan. 2, 18.500 Dec. 27, 18.608 Jan. 3, 18.544 Dec. 28, 18.578 Jan. 4, 18.547 (14 days) 1 Mean total pressure Dec. 22, '15-Jan.4, '16 ..18.521 atms Mean barom. pressure Dec. 22, '15-Jan. 4, '16 0.999 atms Mean osmotic pres. Dec. 22, '15-Jan. 4, '16 17.562 atms TABLE XX. 0.8 Wt. normal solution. Resistance 137,500 ohms. Expt. 1 at 30°. Cell R14. Manometer 24. Calc. gas pressure 19.773 atms. Time of setting up cell, Dec. 17, Barometer during final record: max., 1.015; min., 1915. 0.987. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Atms Dec. 20, 21.424 Dec. 27, 21.344 Dec. 21, 21.381 Dec. 28, 21.362 Dec. 22, 21.265 Dec. 29, 21.234 Dec. 23, 21.265 Dec. 30, 21.221 Dec. 24, 21.226 Dec. 31, 21.439 Dec. 25, 21.353 Jan. 1, '16 21.205 Dec. 26, 21.300 Jan. 2, 21.186 (14 days) Mean total pressure Dec. 20, '15-Jan. 2, '16 ..21.285 atms Mean barom. pressure Dec. 20, '15-Jan. 2, '16 0.998 atms Mean osmotic pres. Dec. 20, '15-Jan. 2, '16 20.301 atms Measurements. TABLE XXI. 29 0.8 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 2 at 30°. Cell R,. Re- R₂. sistance 91,600 ohms. Manometer 27. Calc. gas pres- sure 19.773 atms. Time of setting up cell, Dec. 17, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.015; min., 0.978. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Atms Dec. 20, 21.172 Dec. 27, 21.261 Dec. 21, 21,172 Dec. 28, 21.164 Dec. 22, 21.202 Dec. 29, 21.098 Dec. 23, 21.208 Dec. 30, 21.196 Dec. 24, 21.237 Dec. 31, 21.125 Dec. 25, 21.237 Jan. 1, '16 21.050 Dec. 26, 21.237 Jan. 2, 21.073 (14 days) Mean total pressure Dec. 20, '15-Jan. 2, '16 21.174 atms Mean barom. pressure Dec. 20, '15-Jan. 2, '16 0.999 atms Mean osmotic pres. Dec. 20, '15-Jan. 2, '16 20.176 atms TABLE XXII. 0.8 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 3 at 30°. Cell B。. Re- sistance 50,000 ohms. Manometer 5. Calc. gas pres- sure 19.773 atms. Time of setting up cell Dec. 14, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.007; min., 0.975. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Atms Dec. 15, 20.959 Dec. 19, 21.044 Dec. 16, 21.025 Dec. 20, 21.187 Dec. 17, 21.072 Dec. 21, 21.199 Dec. 18, 21.149 Dec. 22, 21.255 Mean total pressure Dec. 15-Dec. 22 Mean barom. pressure Dec. 15-Dec. 22 (8 days) .21.111 atms ..... 0.999 atms Mean osmotic pressure Dec. 15-Dec. 22.....20.111 atms 30 Measurements. TABLE XXIII. 0.8 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 4 at 30°. Cell R. Re- sistance 157,000 ohms. Manometer 29. Calc. gas pres- sure 19.773 atms. Time of setting up cell, Dec. 17, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.007; min., 0.995. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Dec. 20, 21.222 Dec. 21, 20.998 Dec. 22, 21.042 Dec. 23, 21.050 Dec. 24, 21.057 Atms Dec. 25, 21.054 Dec. 26, 20.927 Dec. 27, 20.994 Dec. 28, 21.034 (9 days) Mean total pressure Dec. 20-Dec. 28 .......21.042 atms Mean barom. pressure Dec. 20-Dec. 28 ... 1.000 atms Mean osmotic pressure Dec. 20-Dec. 28.....20.042 atms TABLE XXIV. 0.8 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 5 at 30°. Cell R₁g• Resistance 84,000 ohms. Manometer 39. Calc. gas pres- sure 19.773 atms. Time of setting up cell, Dec. 14, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.007; min., 0.975. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Dec. 16, 21.546 Dec. 17, 21.086 Dec. 18, 20.908 Atms Dec. 20, 20.940 Dec. 21, 20.926 Dec. 22, 20.959 Dec. 19, 20.808 Mean total pressure Dec. 16-Dec. 22 Mean barom. pressure Dec. 16-Dec. 22 (7 days) .21.024 atms ..... 0.999 atms Mean osmotic pressure Dec. 16-Dec. 22.....20.025 atms Measurements. TABLE XXV. 31 0.9 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 1 at 30°. Cell B。. Re- sistance 61,100 ohms. Manometer 6. Calc. gas pres- sure 22.244 atms. Time of setting up cell, Dec. 2, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.007; min., 0.983. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Dec. 4, 23.800 Dec. 5, 23.887 Dec. 6, 23.899 Atms Dec. 7, 23.854 Dec. 8, 23.810 Mean total pressure Dec. 4-Dec. 9 Mean barom. pressure Dec. 4-Dec. 9 Mean osmotic pressure Dec. 4-Dec. 9 Dec. 9, 23.799 (6 days) .23.841 atms . 0.998 atms .....22.842 atms TABLE XXVI. 0.9 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 2 at 30°. Cell G,. Re- sistance 91,600 ohms. Manometer 27. Calc. gas pres- sure 22.244 atms. Time of setting up cell, Dec. 7, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.004; min., 0.983. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Dec. 8, 23.772 Dec. 9, 23.846 Dec. 10, 23.825 Dec. 11, 23.938 Atms Dec. 13, 23.825 Dec. 14, 23.863 Dec. 15, 23.863 Dec. 16, 23.833 Dec. 12, 23.818 Mean total pressure Dec. 8-Dec. 16 Mean barom. pressure Dec. 8-Dec. 16 (9 days) 23.840 atms ... 0.995 atms Mean osmotic pressure Dec. 8-Dec. 16......22.845 atms 32 Measurements. TABLE XXVII. 0.9 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 3 at 30°. Cell R¸. Re- sistance 137,100 ohms. Manometer 24. Calc. gas pres- sure 22.244 atms. Time of setting up cell, Dec. 7, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.004; min., 0.989. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Dec. 13, 23.814 Dec. 14, 23.820 Atms Dec. 16, 23.813 Dec. 17, 23.770 Dec. 15, 23.835 Mean total pressure Dec. 13-Dec. 17 Mean barom. pressure Dec. 13-Dec. 17 (5 days) 23.810 atms 0.996 atms Mean osmotic pressure Dec. 13-Dec. 17 ....22.814 atms TABLE XXVIII. 1.0 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 1 at 30°. Cell R. Re- sistance 183,300 ohms. Manometer 6. Calc. gas pres- sure 24.716 atms. Time of setting up cell, Dec. 10, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.006; min., 0.975. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Dec. 15, 26.301 Dec. 16, 26.327 Dec. 17, 26.327 Atms Dec. 18, 26.287 Dec. 19, 26.394 Dec. 20, 26.354 (6 days) Mean total pressure, Dec. 15-Dec. 20.......26.333 atms Mean barom. pressure Dec. 15-Dec. 20 ..... 0.997 atms Mean osmotic pressure Dec. 15-Dec. 20 .25.336 atms Measurements. TABLE XXIX. 33 1.0 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 2 at 30°. Cell R20. Re- sistance 54,800 ohms. Manometer 39. Calc. gas pres- sure 24.716 atms. Time of setting up cell, Dec. 6, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.004; min., 0.983. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Dec. 8, 26.289 Dec. 9, 26.185 Dec. 10, 26.169 Dec. 11, 26.272 Mean total pressure Dec. 8-Dec. 14 Atms Dec. 12, 26.186 Dec. 13,26.261 Dec. 14, 26.249 • (7 days) ..26.226 atms 0.993 atms Mean barom. pressure Dec. 8-Dec. 14 Mean osmotic pressure Dec. 8-Dec. 14 .....25.233 atms TABLE XXX. 1.0 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 3 at 30°. Cell R12. Resistance 78,500 ohms. Manometer 53. Calc. gas pres- sure 24.716 atms. Time of setting up cell, Nov. 24, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.008; min., 0.989. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Nov. 26, 25.288 Nov. 27, 26.211 Atms Nov. 29, 26.145 Nov. 30, 26.167 Dec. 1, 26.197 Nov. 28, 26.081 Mean total pressure Nov. 26-Dec. 1 Mean barm. pressure Nov. 26-Dec. 1 (6 days) .26.181 atms 0.998 atms Mean osmotic pressure Nov. 26-Dec. 1 .....25.183 atms 1 34 Measurements. TABLE XXXI. 1.0 Wt. normal solution. Expt. 4 at 30°. Cell R₁. Re- sistance 100,000 ohms. Manometer 53. Calc. gas pres- sure 24.716 atms. Time of setting up cell, Dec. 10, 1915. Barometer during final record: max., 1.006; min., 0.975. Total daily pressures: Final Record. Atms Dec. 13, 26.040 Dec. 14, 26.065 Dec. 15, 26.050 Atms Dec. 17, 26.090 Dec. 18, 26.098 Dec. 16, 26.073 Dec. 19, 26.171 Dec. 20, 26.150 (8 days) .......26.092 atms ..... 0.995 atms .....25.097 atms Mean total pressure Dec. 13-Dec. 20 Mean barom. pressure Dec. 13-Dec. 20 Mean osmotic pressure Dec. 13-Dec. 20 Measurements. 35 TABLE XXXII. Sol. No. ity Weight Osmotic Calc gas Ration of Av. Ratio Deviation Normal- Pressure Pressures O. P. to for each C. G. P. from av. conc. ratio for all conc. (1.019) (1) 0.1 2.529 2.472 1.022 (2) 0.1 2.499 2.472 1.011 1.016 - .003 (3) 0.2 5.065 4.943 1,024 (4) 0.2 5.027 4.943 1.017 (5) 0.2 5.014 4.943 1.014 1.018 - .001 (6) 0.3 7.569 7.415 1.020 (7) 0.3 7.552 (8) 0.4 10.016 (9) 0.4 10.011 (10) 0.5 12.685 (11) 0.5 12.640 7.415 1.018 1.019 ±.000 9.886 1.013 9.886 12.358 1.026 12.358 1.022 1.012 1.012 .007 (12) 0.5 12.621 12.358 1.021 24 (13) 0.5 12.512 12.358 1.012 1.02 +.001 (14) 0.6 15.098 14.830 1.018 (15) 0.6 15.067 14.830 1.015 (16) 0.6 15.056 14.830 1.015 1.016 - .003 (17) 0.7 17.819 17.301 1.034 (18) 0.7 17.679 17.301 1.021 (19) 0.7 17.562 17.301 1.014 1.023 +.004 (20) 0.8 20.301 19.773 1.026 (21) 0.8 20.176 (22) 0.8 20.112 19.773 1.020 19.773 1.015 (23) 0.8 20.042 19.773 1.014 (24) 0.8 20.025 19.773 1.011 1.017 - .002 (25) 0.9 22.842 22.244 1.027 (26) 0.9 22.845 22.244 1.027 (27) 0.9 22.814 22.244 1.025 1.026 +.007 (28) 1.0 25.336 24.716 1.025 24.716 1.021 24.716 1.018 (29) 1.0 25.233 (30) 1.0 25.183 (31) 1.0 25.097 24.716 1.016 1.020 +.001 Av. Ratio for all concentrations 1.019. 36 Discussion of Tables. V. DISCUSSION OF TABLES. Tables I to XXXI, inclusive, give a rather detailed ac- count of the pressures developed in the cells after equi- librium was reached; in other words, after the final record was begun. Table XXXII gives a summary of the osmotic pressures developed by the various concentrations of levulose solu- tions in the cells, and a comparison of these pressures with the theoretical gas pressures, which are calculated from the equation Pv Kt in which v is the volume of the pure solvent at its maximum density. It will be seen that the osmotic pressures are excessive, i. e., they give a ratio with the theoretical gas pressures which is greater than unity. This excessive pressure would suggest that the solutions may have become con- centrated before the final record was begun. There are at least two ways in which the solutions could have become concentrated to a slight degree: (1) If a cell is "set up" at a temperature a little lower than the temperature of the bath in which the measure- ments are made, a well-known "thermometer effect" will be noted. The cell contents and the liquids in the ma- nometer upon expanding at this higher temperature, may force some of the solvent through the membrane, thus concentrating the enclosed solution. (2) It is believed that certain sugars are capable of uniting with part of the solvent to form hydrates, especi- ally at the lower temperatures. Past experience in meas- uring the osmotic pressures of cane sugar over wide ranges of temperature, goes to prove the presence of hy- drates at the lower temperatures. A concentration will necessarily follow a union of the solvent molecules with those of the solute. The first explanation is untenable for special precau- tions were taken to exert the initial mechanical pressure quickly, and to keep the whole system at thirty degrees Discussion of Tables. 37 in the process of setting up. The depositing bath served for the latter purpose. The second explanation seems to be more nearly correct. It is believed that the excessive pressures, in the case of levulose solutions at thirty de- grees, are due to the existence of hydrates in solution. In almost every instance the solution which was taken from the cell showed a loss in rotation. At first sight this would appear to be due to dilution in the cell, brought about by imperfections in the membrane. Such a dilu- tion has always characterized a low pressure. However, the greatest loss in rotation occurred in solutions which gave the higher pressures. Four cases will serve to show this strange behavior. Sol. No. Ratio of O. P. to C. G. P. Loss in rotation (12) 1.022 -1.5 degrees (17) 1.034 -0.7 degrees 1.027 -3.0 degrees 1.021 -3.1 degrees (25) (29) The statement has been made on another page that a fungus, a strain of penicillium glancum, creates much mischief in osmotic pressure work, by attacking the mem- branes. The measurements of levulose solutions were made at a time when the cells were known to be slightly infected by this pest. The solutions, when taken from the cells were of a greenish blue color and solid matter of the same color was found in suspension. In this way the presence of the pest was detected for it is known by ex- periment²¹ that a growth of penicillium will give this coloration to a sugar solution in which there is placed some membrane material. Immediately, every effort was made to suppress and destroy the pest by the usual and best method22 that of soaking the cells in a saturated solution of thymol. The pest was never quite eradicated. However, after the 21 Ibid., p. 95. 22 Statements regarding penicillium and the methods of com- bating it will be found in the Monograph, pp. 94-95. 38 Discussion of Tables. cells were treated in this way, the solutions which were taken from them were clearer and more transparent. Although no special harm seemed to come to the mem- branes at this time, it is believed that the energies of the penicillium were directed against the sugar solutions and that the solute molecules were broken down into smaller or part molecules. This tentative conclusion, the result of a careful con- sideration of the observed phenomena, serves to explain the loss in rotation of a solution whose pressure has been excessive. Furthermore, it led to believe that we could not justly correct the observed osmotic pressures for the seeming "dilution" as shown by the loss in rotation. These measurements would, in all probability, have more au- thority, if the penicillium had not been present and if the solutions had shown no loss in rotation. 1 Conclusion. 39 VI. CONCLUSIONS. The ratios of the osmotic pressures of levulose solu- tions at thirty degrees, to the theoretical gas pressures are fairly constant for the ten concentrations between and including 0.1N and 1.0N. The excessive pressures are due without a doubt to the existence of hydrates in the solution at this temperature. This view is supported by the fact that cane sugar solu- tions exhibit like phenomena at this temperature. The conclusion is further supported by the work per- formed in this laboratory by Mr. C. C. Minter, upon the freezing point lowerings of levulose solutions of the above concentrations. He found the average of the molecular lowerings to be 1°.92. This abnormal value seems to prove23 that such solutions contain hydrates at the freez- ing point. It is believed that these hydrates are not broken down at thirty degrees. 23 Elements of Physical Chemistry, H. C. Jones, p. 237. 40 Biography. VII. BIOGRAPHY. { John Milton Blocher, Jr., was born February 24, 1891, in Gettysburg, Pa. He received his early education in the public schools of that place, graduating from the High School in 1908, after having completed a commercial course of study. He received his preparation for col- lege in the Gettysburg Academy during the school year 1908-1909. He graduated from Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1913. In the fall of 1913 he entered the Johns Hop- kins University, taking Chemistry as his major subject; and Physical Chemistry and Mineralogy as his first and second minors respectively. He assisted Dr. Gilpin in the undergraduate laboratories during the school year 1914-1915. fical Librant UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 03936 0238 J ļ 1474