5, 20 . Graft /. ºwſ - ºn. º - - - - - - - - l * * * º ſº ºn Cº. ſº º, ſº ſº ſº. CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE PETER G|LSEY PART || *** Éirt, Tliterature, big torp, ano (Ibe Ørama REPRESENTED BY Original Drawings, Engraved Portraits (many in Mezzotint), Autograph Letters, and Documents, Printed Books, Original Manuscripts, Theatrical Portraits, Rare Playbills, Coins and Medals, Daguerreotypes, Photographs, Engraved Views, etc., etc., etc. ** TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION EVENINGS OF FEBRUARY 24, 25, 26, AND 27, 1903 BY JOHN ANDERSON, JR. AUCTIONEER OF LITERARY PROPERTY 20 West 30th Street, New York SALES BEGIN EACH EVENING AT 7.30 O'CLOCK N. B.-Bids are always understood as being made at so much per volume or piece Bouglag Caylor & Co. 1Aew lºork Conoition 3 Of $5ale. I—The highest bidder to be the Buyer; in all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be immediately re-sold. 2—Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in Catalogue, and bids must be made accordingly. 3—Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise stated. To pur- chasers who have had opportunity for examination, they are sold as they are. On mail orders, an intelligent discretion will be used as to purchase. Imperfect books (not so described) may be returned within three days. 4—To prevent confusion and inaccuracy, goods will not be delivered dur- ing the sale. 5–Terms Cash. Bills to be paid before delivery of goods. .* Bids will be faithfully executed by the Auctioneer, without charge. .2% (Wröer of $5ale. Tuesday Evening, February 24th, Nos. II28–1400 Wednesday Evening, February 25th, Nos. 1401–1670 Thursday Evening, February 26th, Nos. 1671–1940 Friday Evening, February 27th, Nos. I941–2209 Che G5ilsey Collection. 1 128 GARRISON (WILLIAM LLOYD). PRoceedINGs at the PUB- LIC BREAKFAST held in honor of W. L. GARRISON in LONDON, June 29, 1867. Crown 8vo, cloth. LoNDON, 1868. AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY FROM WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON TO MRS. HAR- RIET BEECHER STOWE. I 129 GASTON OF ORLEANS. SON OF HENRY IV. and BROTHER of Louis XIII. D. S., NANCY, 12 October, 1629. VELLUM, appointing a CHEVALIER JEAN BRIANE. I 130 GEORGE I. KING OF ENGLAND. A LENGTHY DocumENT signed by GEORGE I., referring to the PRINCESS MARIA ELISABETH of SCHLESIEN. 13 pp. 4to. Dated 1718. WITH SEAL. I 131 GEORGE IV. Port RAIT, when PRINCE OF WALEs. Full length, riding. Stipple engraving. Square 8vo, unsigned. 1132 GEORGE IV. A. L. S. 4 pp. 4to. CARLTON House, June 19, 1806 (to Count HARDENBERG, German Statesman). Referring to the conduct of the DUKE OF CUMBERLAND towards him, and regret- ting that by circumstances which he had no reason to expect, he sees himself under the necessity of not receiving the Count upon the Same footing upon which he had once received him, and had wished always to receive him. Written in French. (Small corner repaired.) 1133 GERMANIA VEREIN, 1875, UNIFACE NICKEL TOKEN; Ger- mania Mannerchorverein, copper token. (20) (2 pieces) I 134 GERMANY. SILVER CRow N of ConFAD II. 1612. (43) (Poor and clipped.) 1 135 GILBERT (JOHN). FAvoRITE Actor. BUST PORTRAIT, engraved by S. Holly ER. 4to. INDIA PAPER. 1 136 GILBERT (JOHN). A. L. S. 2 pp. 12 mo. NEw York, Nov. 25, 1887. “The company of Wallack's—is quite complete, though we have no. such actress as the late Zamented Mary Gammon. Where is there ome 2 ” I33 & Cbe Gilsey Collection II 37 I I 38 I I 39 II 4o II 41 II 42 II 43 II 44 II 45 I 146 II 47 GILBERT (JOHN). AUToGRAPH, SIGNED, with two lines of verse. NEw York, Sept. 17, 1882. “I am less than my thoughts more than myself, Yet nothing but the creature of my fate.” GILBERT (JOHN). PLAYBILL of the TESTIMONIAL MATINEE tendered to JoHN GILBERT IN HONOR OF THE COMPLETION OF HIs 50TH YEAR UPON THE STAGE. Wallack's Theatre, Dec. 5, 1878. GLASGOW. BRASS TokEN (27). Obv., Music Hall, 57 Argyle St., GLASGow; Rev., Refreshment Ticket, Lower Hall, 4d. GLEASON'S PICTORIAL, Vols. 2 and 4, containing DRAMATIC PORTRAITS, AMERICAN VIEws, AND NUMEROUS OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS. 2 vols. 4to, half roan (a leaf or two damaged in Vol. 2). BOSTON, I852–53. GLOVER (AMELIA). A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. CHICAGo, Nov. 29, 189–. GLOVER (MRS.) PLAYBILL of the FAREwell, BENEFIT tendered to this talented Actress on the occasion of her FINAL RETIREMENT FROM THE STAGE, Drury Lane Theatre, July 12, 1850, MR. FARREN as SIR ANT HONY ABSOLUTE, and MRS. GLovER as MRs. MALAPROP in “THE RIVALs,” with other pieces. In two sections (mounted). GOUGENHEIM (ADELAIDE AND JOSEPHINE). CELE- BRATED JEWISH ACTRESSEs, appeared in NEW YORK in 1850. ORIG- INAL PHOTOGRAPH. 4to, oval. GRAMMONT (COUNT), Port RAIT in stipple, by CLAMP; LADy GRAMMONT (Miss Hamilton), by W. N. GARDINER; also a fine line engraving of LADY GRAMMONT, PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS on INDIA PAPER. 4to. (3) GRANDMANN (OTTO). ORIGINAL PENCIL STUDY of A MAN's HEAD. 4% in. x 5% in. GRANT (U. S.) BUST PORTRAIT, in military uniform. 4to. Col- ORED LITHOGRAPH by CURRIER and IVES., GRANT (U. S.) “UN conDITIONAL SURRENDER" GRANT, seated in a chair, with a child in his arms. Landscape in the background. Folio. OVAL LITHOGRAPH. n. p., n. d. (Ibe (5ilsey Collection I 35 I 148 II 49 II 50 I I 5 I II 52 II 53 II 54 II 55 I I 56 II 57 GRANT (U. S.) ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH. Three-quarters length, in military uniform, seated, facing to front. Oval. In frame, 23% in. x 2 o in. GRANT (U. S.) FULL-LENGTH PORTRAIT, in uniform. 8vo. PHOTO- GRAPH by T. R. BURNHAM of BOSTON, photographed in WASHING- Ton, D. C., June 5th, 1868. GRANT (U. S.) ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH of GENERAL GRANT, MRS. GRANT, and GENERAL DENT, 1872, showing them seated in front of a house. Small 4to, on card. GRANT (U. S.) GEN. GRANT with G. W. CHILDs and FAMILY, at the latter's cottage, LONG BRANCH. ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH, taken in 1874. Small 4to, mounted on card. GRANT (U.S.) GEN. GRANT and FAMILY at MT. McGREGoR, June 19, 1885. PHOTOGRAPH by W. H. BAKER, SARATOGA. In orna- mental gilt frame, 16% in. x 1.4% in. GRANT (U. S.) PHOTOGRAPH of GEN. GRANT and his family at MoUNT McGREGOR, N. Y., June 19, 1885; also one of the GENERAL, TAKEN THREE DAYS BEFORE HIS DEATH. (2 pieces) GRANT (U. S.) ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH, in uniform, taken by GUTEKUNST of PHILA., and BEARING THE AUTOGRAPH, “U.S. GRANT, GENERAL.” I 2 mo. GRANT (U. S.) BRONZE, by HAMILTON, of OHIO, HAVING BUST of GEN. GRANT in HIGH RELIEF, circular, diameter Io94 in., with motto, “Fidus et Audax.” GRANT (U. S.) BRONZE. Side face, head to left, CAST IN HIGH RELIEF. 7 in. x 4 in. GRANT (U. S.) A. L. S. in pencil, HEAD-QUARTERs, LA GRANGE, Nov. 4, 1862. To GENERAL C. S. HAMILTON, ORDERING GENERAL HAMILTON TO SEIZE THE BRIDGES ON THE RIVER NEAR HOLLY SPRINGS, and instructing him to make a reconnaissance, also stating that McPHERSON is moving to meet him, and that a large force is coming up from NEW ORLEANs. Mounted between glass, in a frame, Iož in. x 8% in. I 36 (Ibe (5ílgey Collection 1158 GRANT (U. S.) IMPORTANT LETTER. 4 pp. 8vo. HEADQUARTERS BEFORE VICKSBURG, Feb. 14, 1863, addressed to Col. J. C. KELTON, ASSISTANT ADJUTANT GENERAL, WASHINGTON. IN THIS LETTER GRANT DISCUSSES THE VARIOUS CANAL schEMES-by the YAZOO pass, by LAKE PROVIDENCE and the RED RIVER bayous, etc.—necessary for the attack on VICKSBURG, and points out the difficulties in their construction, finally stat- ing that in his opinion the way by LAKE PROVIDENCE and the bayous is feasible. He states also that one result of the work they have been doing on the canals has been to cause the enemy to divide their forces and spread their big guns over a great deal of territory. 1159 GRANT (U. S.) A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. BEFORE VICKSBURG, March 29, 1863. To GENERAL HALLECK. Stating in reply to HALLECK that he was constantly writing and telegraphing to him, with full reports. Also stating that he had not released the boats, because he feared the rising of the river might cause him to embark the troops. 1160 GRANT (U. S.) A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. CITY PoinT, VA., Feb 26, 1865. To GEN. HALLEck. “I approve of the assignment of Hancock to Sheri- dam's command during his absence. I can send troops from here to break up traffic in the Peninsula.” 1161 GRANT (U.S.) LARGE-SIZE ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHS OF GRANT's FUNERAL, showing the FUNERAL CAR and the MILITARY ESCORT while passing through Fifth Avenue. 4to, on card. (5 pieces) I 162 GRANT (U. S.) OFFICIAL PROGRAMME OF THE EXERCISEs at the dedication of the Monum ENT and TOMB of GENERAL ULYSSES S. GRANT. 4to, paper. NEW YORK, 1897. 1163 GRANT (U. S.) BRONZE MEMORIAL MEDAL issued by the American Numismatic and Archaeological Society, to commemorate the dedication of the Grant Monument, April 27, 1897. (63) In plush-lined case, by TIFF ANY. 1164 GRANT, SHERMAN AND SHERIDAN. “THE ILLUSTRIOUS TRIO.” Ov AL BUST PORTRAITs, process reproduction of pen-and-ink drawings. On a folio sheet. NEW YORK, 1875 (?). 1165 GRANT AND COLFAX. REPUBLICAN SONGSTER, containing CAM- PAIGN SONGS, and including the “Great original song of General Boum of the C.S.A.” I 2 mo, paper, pp. 96. NEW YORK, 1868. (Ibe Gilsey Collection I 37 I I 66 II 68 II 69 I I 7o II 71 I I 72 II 73 II 74 II 75 1176 II 77 GRATTAN (HENRY PLUNKETT). Actor AND DRAMATIST. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. NEW YORK, May 1, 1843. GRAVESEND. Copper TokEN of TULLEy's BAZAAR (23). Obv., Female head 1., Vocal Concerts Every Evening; Rev., Prome- nade Concerts all Day, no Charge for Admission, A Gift from Tulley's Bazaar, GRAVESEND. GREELEY (HORACE). ORIGINAL DAGUERREotype PortRAIT. 12 mo. Taken about 1850. FINE. GREELEY (HORACE). CARICATURE PortRAIT, full length. ORIGINAL PAINTING, in water-colors. 12mo. Unsigned. GRETRY (A. E. M.), Composer. BRONZE MEDAL (46). Obv., Bust 1., A. E. MoDESTUS GRETRY; Rev., Natus Leodii An. MDCCXLI., Obiit An. MDCCCXIII. * Struck on the occasion of his death. GRIFFIN (G. W. H.), NEGRO MINSTREL. “My Adelaide,” Music and Words, and having three-quarters length PORTRAIT OF G. W. H. GRIFFIN, on wrapper. 4to. GRIFFIN (LUCIA. B.) A. L. S. 1 p. 12mo. NEw York, March 28, 1890. GRIMALDI (JOE). FAMOUS ENGLISH CLowN. “THE GHost of A GUINEA.” ETCHED PORTRAIT, full length, as a clown, holding a Bank Note in his hand. ETCHED BY W. E., AND COLORED BY HAND. I 2 mo. RARE. GRIMALDI (JOE). PortRAIT, As A CLow N, AT HIS FAREwell BENEFIT AT DRURY LANE, 1828. 8vo. FULL LENGTH, ETCHED BY H. BROWN, AND CAREFULLY COLORED BY HAND. GRIMALDI (JOE). PortRAIT, As A CLowN. 8vo, seated. ETCHED BY H. BRow N, 1828, AND ColoFED BY HAND. GRIMALDI (JOE). PortRAIT, As Hock AT HIS FAREwell BENE- FIT AT SADLER's WELLs, 1828 8vo. FULL LENGTH, ETCHED BY H. BROWN, AND CAREFULLY COLORED BY HAND. GRIMALDI (JOE), TITLE-PAGE To TEGG’s SoNG Book, with a CoLoRED ETCHING entitled, “JOEY DASHING—BANG UP–For NEw- MARKET.” (Ibe (5ilsey Collection 1 178 II 79 II 8o I 181 I 182 I 183 II 84 I 185 I 186 1187 II 88 GRIMALDI (JOE), PortRAIT, as CLowN, in the Pantomime of “Mother Goose,” engraved by HARRIs after DEWILDE, 1846; MASTER BETTY in Costume of YoUNG Norv AL, engraved by DADLEY. 8vo. BOTH FINELY COLORED. (2 pieces) GRISI (GIULIA). A. N. S. to MR. Gye, the impresario. n. p., n. d. GROUP PHOTOGRAPH. Joseph Cowell, J. W. WALLAck, J.R., EDWIN ADAMS, and KATE BATEMAN. 12 mo. GROUP PHOTOGRAPH. J. W. WALLAck, Jr., Mrs. J. W. WALLACK, J.R., MRS. W. R. BLAKE, and DR. BLAKE. GRUBB (LILLIAN). A. L. S. 2 pp. 12mo. n. p., n. d. GRUHLER'S CONCERT GARDEN. Nick El MEDALET (20). Obv., Same design as U. S. Cent, 1863; Rev., Gruhler's Garden Concert Saloon, 47 o Vine St., F. Arnold. GUILLIN (JOH Obl. 8vo. N). A DISPLAY OF HERALDRY-with a TREATISE OF HONOUR, MILITARY AND CIVIL, by CAPT. JoHN Log AN. Edition. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH ENGRAVINGS OF ARMS AND FULL-PAGE PORTRAITS, THE LATTER INCLUDING BARON BALTEMORE By BLöTLING ; LoRD BELASYSE, THE MARQUIs OF WINCHESTER, AND OTHERS, By R. WHITE: CHARLES II., GENERAL MONck, EARL OF CAR- LISLE, etc. Folio, old calf, rebacked. Fifth (Three plates missing, a few plates and letterpress repaired, and margins of some leaves touched by damp.) LONDON, 1679. * INSIDE THE COVER Is A well-DRAWN AND COLORED REPRESENTATION OF THE ARMS OF THE BRISTOW FAMILY. GUNNING (MARIA, CountEss of Covent Ry). TRAIT, by A. N. SANDERs, after SIR Josii U A REYNOLDS. MEZZOTINT POR- 8vo. GWYNNE (NELL). BUST PORTRAIT in an oval. MEzzotint By R. EARLOM AFTER A MINIATURE By S. CoopFR. 8vo. LONDON, 181 o. GWYNNE (NELL). PortRAIT, As CUPID. ORIGINAL HALF- (by C. B. GRAF). CLEVERLY EXECUTED IN INDIA LENGTH DRAWING INK ; also an artotype reproduction of the drawing. 4to. piece) GWYNNE (NELL). PETER LELY, 4to. PROOF BEFORE LETTERS, ON INDIA PAPER. (As one ENGRAVED PortRAIT, with lamb, after SIR RARE. (Ibe (5ilgey, Collection I 39 I 189 II 9o I 19 I I I 92 II 93 II 94 1 I 95 I 196 I I 97 GWYNNE (NELL). Port RAIT, with lamb, “The Sculpters part is done, the features' hitt, of Madam Gwin AVo Arte can shew her Witt.” Folio. P. LELy, Pinxit; G. VALCK, Sculp. EXTREMELY RARE. GWYNNE (NELL). NELL Gwyn NE and MRs. BUNBURy, as the MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR; NELL Gwyn NE and her Two Sons; also PoRTRAIT of HELENA ForMA. Carbon print reproductions of rare engravings. 8vo. (3) GWYNNE (NELL). PortRAITs, engraved by ScriveN, after LELY, and by SHENEKER, both in stipple; also a fine LINE ENGRAV- ING, PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS, ON INDIA PAPER. 4to. (3) GWYNNE (NELL). PortRAIT of CHARLEs BEAUCLAIRE, and of JAMES BEAUCLAIRE; EARL OF BURFORD, etc. [CHILDREN OF NELL Gwyn NE]. ENGRAVED BY R. WHITE. 4to, margins trimmed, ORIG- INAL IMPRESSION. RARE. ACKETT (JAMES H.) ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH, 8vo, plain dress, standing. HACKETT (JAMES H.) PLAYBILL of Covent GARDEN THEA- TRE, April 5, 1827. MR. HACKETT as SYLVESTER DAGGERwooD (HIS FIRST APREARANCE IN LONDON). With interesting newspaper notice. HACKETT (JAMES H.) Port RAIT as NIMRoD WILD-FIRE. EARLY LITHOGRAPH, in neat oak frame, with mount, 14 in. x 17 in. HACKETT (MRS. JAMES H.—CATHERINE LEE SUGG). “THE INFANT RosCIUS AND BILLINGTON, MISS LEE SUGG.” FULL-LENGTH Port RAIT in character. ETCHED BY CHARLES GROSS. (Margins cut close.) LONDON, 1804. HACKETT (MRS. JAMES H.) A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, LoNDON, Aug. 3, 1839, To BENJAMIN F. THOMPSON (Author of the History of Along /sland), and also to MRS. THOMPSON. Announcing her arrival in LoNDON, and their doings thereafter, with strictures on QUEEN VICTORIA. Also enclosing two facsimiles of a letter of JOHN QUINCY ADAMS to MR. HACKETT and the latter's reply, both containing lengthy criticisms on HAMLET, and LITHOGRAPHED BY MR. HACKETT For PRIVATE DISTRIBUTION ONLY. Together with a PORTRAIT of HACKETT, engraved by A. B. DURAND. (As a lot.) I4O (Ibe (Bilsey, Collection I 198 II 99 I 2 OO I 2 O I I 2 O2 I 2 O 3 I 204 I 2 os I 2 oë I 207 HACKETT (MRS. JAMES H.) A. L. signed C. D. H., 4 pp. 4to. LONDON, Nov. 12, 1839, to B. F. THOMPSON. LONG AND INTERESTING LETTER cont AINING SEVERE CRITICISMS ON QUEEN VIC- TORIA, HER MANNERS AND LOOKS, AND OTHER PERSONAL MATTERS. (Cracked in the folds.) HADAWAY (THOMAS H.) A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Montgomery, Nov. 1, 1886, to GEORGE BEcks. Written in pencil, at 85 years of age. HALE (CHARLES). CELEBRATED Low CoMEDIAN. Collection OF SEVEN PHOTOGRAPHS, REPRESENTING HIM IN DIFFERENT CHARAC- TERs. On one sheet, mounted. HALE (EDVARD EVERETT). A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo. Rox- BURY, July 23, 1872. HALE (EDVARD EVERETT). A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo. Rox- BURY, Mar. 2, 1882. HALL (JACOB, THE ROPE DANCER). PortRAIT, IN APPROPRIATE cost UME. ETCHED BY P. DE BRUNE, AFTER J Acob VAN OOST. 4to. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. RARE. This portrait bears the inscription “JoR. NICLAUS D'HERTs,” BUT IS THE or IGINAL OF THE PORTRAIT KNowN. As JACOB HALL, THE ROPE DANCER. BROMLEY, in his CATALOGUE of ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, in mentioning the PORTRAIT OF JACOB HALL, states that he NEVER SAw THE PRINT WITH THE INSCRIPTION, BUT UNDER- STANDS IT IS THAT OF A FOREIGNER. HALL (A. OAKEY). Large-size ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH from life, 18% in. x 15% in. Mounted on card. HALLECK (FITZ-GREENE). ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, IN THE PoET's HANDw RITING, OF THE ADDRESS DELIVERED AT THE OPENING OF THE RICHMOND HILL THEATRE, corner of Varick and Charlton Streets, NEW YORK, Nov. 14, 1831. 3 pp. folio. This address is printed in full on pages 23–4–5 of Vol. 2, IRELAND’s “RECORDS OF THE NEW YORK STAGE.” HAMBLIN (ELIZA. M. A.) MRS. SHAw, FAMOUS ACTRESS, A. L. S. 1 p. 12mo, Jan., 1853. To CLARA FISHER MAEDER. HAMBLIN (THOMAS S.) FAMoUs TRAGEDIAN. BUST PortRAIT, in plain dress. 4to, LITHOGRAPH by S. H. GIMBER. RARE. NEw YORK, n. d. - ºr ºr a -- ---- - tº º --- - - - - - nº ºn- - - (Ibe (5i/3ey Collection I43 1208 HAMBLIN (THOMAS S.) A. L. S. to JAMES ANDERSON, of the WALN UT STREET THEATRE, PHILADELPHIA, ENTIRELY ON THEATRICAL MATTERS, AND VERY INTERESTING. 4 pp. 4to. NEw York, Dec. 11. No year. 1209 HAMBLIN (THOMAS S.) A Lock of THE HAIR OF THE CELE- BRATED ACTOR TOM HAMBLIN, CERTIFIED TO BY CLARA FISHER MAEDER, FROM whose PossESSION IT PASSED TO THAT OF MR. GILSEY. 12 10 HAMER (R.—R.A.) “THE APPLE WOMAN.” Half-length study, in pencil. 4% in. x 4% in. 12 1 I HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). THE DAILY ADVERTISER, July 14, 1804, CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF THE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE FUNERAL OF ALEx. HAMILTON. NEW YORK : Printed by G. Bruce, I804. 12 12 [HAMILTON (LADY).] Port RAIT As MIRANDA. STIPPLE ENGRAV- ING after the painting by ROMNEY, engraved by CAROLINE WATSON. Small 4to. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. LONDON, 1809. 12 13 HAMILTON (LADY). Port RAIT As A BAccHANTE. MEzzotint by S. W. REYNoLDs, after SIR Joshu A REYNoLDs. 8vo. 12 14 HAMILTON (LADY). AN Account rendered by MADAME JULIE to LADY HAMILTON for SERVICES AND WAGES from 1800 to 1803, with AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE, “EMMA HAMILTON,” acknowledging its correctness. DOUBTLESS AN ACCOUNT SENT TO HER BANKER OR AGENT FOR SETTLEMENT. 1215 HAMILTON (LADY). A. L. S. 4 pp. 8vo. RICHMOND, Nov. 13th, ANNOUNCING THAT SHE will HAVE TO SELL MERTON AND EVERY- THING ELSE, AS THE GOVERNMENT WILL DO NOTHING FOR HER, AND REQUESTING HER CORRESPONDENT TO ACT For HER ON A COMMITTEE who WILL ARRANGE HER AFFAIRs. INTERESTING LETTER, WRITTEN, No Dou BT, SHORTLY AFTER THE DEATH OF NELSON, IN 1805, AND BEFORE SHE HAD TO ESCAPE TO FRANCE TO AVOID HER CREDITORS. 1216 HAMPTON (GEN. WADE). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Oct. 24, 1863, to Gov. BONHAM, asking for a gun to be sent to him. 1217 HANCOCK (JOHN). ENGRAved PortRAIT. Ze Celebre Hancock, President du Congress, etc. 8vo, bust in oval, à PARIs, chez Esnauts, et Rapilly, (1780). RARE. I44 (Ibe (5ilsey Collection 1218 HANCOCK (JOHN). NAVAL COMMIssion in blank, SIGNED BY JOHN HANcock, and witnesseID BY CHARLES THOMSON (Secretary of the First Continental Congress). No date. (Two small holes in the fold.) 1219 HARLEY (JOHN J.) “THE WELCOME.” Two children on a horse, crossing a brook. ORIGINAL WATER-color DRAWING. 2% in. x 3% in. 1220 HARRIS (ISHAM GREEN). Gover Nor of TENNESSEE in 1861, served at SHILOH and other battles, elected to the U. S. SENATE in 1877. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF TENNESSEE, ATLANTA, Aug. 1864, referring to a notorious DR, HIMES; WITH Io CENT CONFEDERATE STAMP AFFIXED. 1221 HARRIS (JOSEPH). CoMEDIAN AND DRAMATIST, died 1764. HALF-LENGTH PORTRAIT as a CARDINAL. MEzzotin T BY PHILIP DAWE. 4to. FINE IMPRESSION. LoNDON, 1820. 1222 HART LEY (MRS.) CELEBRATED ENGLISH ACTRESS. BUST PORTRAIT, low-cut dress, head to left, in broad oval frame. MEzzo- TINT BY R. Houston, after H. D. HAMILTON. Folio, in mat. FULL MARGINS. LONDON, 1774. 1223 HASTINGS HOTEL. CoPPER TokEN (30). Obv., Heraldic eagle surrounded by stars; Rev., L. J. DURKEE, Hastings Hotel, 3d. 1 224 HAUCK (MINNIE). OPERA SINGER. A. N. S. 1 p. 12 mo. Sept. 17, 1866. 1225 HAVARD (WILLIAM). ENGLISH Actor. BUST PortRAIT in plain dress, head slightly to right. MEzzo TINT BY E. FISHER, after T. WoRLIDGE. In laid. Folio, in mat. (Written biographical notice affixed.) 1226 HAVERLY'S FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE. PLAYBILLs, LAWRENCE BARRETT as CARDINAL RICHELIEU, SHYLOCK, and JAMES HAREBELL, the Man o' Airlie; ANNA DICKINSON as HAMLET (cut down); JoHN E. Owens as ALLAN TRUEMAN: CATHERINE LEWIS as MANOLA. (6 pieces) 1227 HAWAIIAN STAGE. SATIN PLAYBILL of Roy AL HAw AIIAN THEATRE, under the patronage of His MAJESTY THE KING, June 18, 1877. COMPLIMENTARY FAREwell, BENEFIT tendered to Miss RENA. “ The Heir at Law,” etc. (Ibe (Bilsey Collection I 45 1 228 I 2.29 I 23O I 23 I I 232 I 233 I 234 I 235 1236 I 237 1238 - Q \" Š y, . . . y’ ô" \ - \. lº - lº \\ - , & \. \º y HAVTHORNE (NATHANIEL). SURVEyor's RECEIPT, SIGNED NATH. H.A.W THORNE, Surveyor, SALEM, March 9, 1849. HAVVT HORNE (NATHANIEL). A. L., signed N. H., 3 pp. 8vo. LIVERPOOL, April 20, 1855, to E(LIZABETH) P(EABODY). “I sometimes feel as if I ought—to enlighten you as to the relation between husband and wife.—But the conjugal relation is one which God never meant you to share, and which therefore He apparently did not give you the instinct to understand.” Nathaniel Hawthorne married SOPHIA PEABODY, sister of ELIZABETH PEABODY. HAY (JOHN). A. N. S. 1 p. 8vo, Nov. 3, 1864. OFFICIAL LETTER to Col. J. B. Sw AIN, from the ExECUTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON. HAY (JOHN). JIM BLUDso, and LITTLE BREECHES. FIRST EDITION. Z//ustrated by S. Eytinge, Jr. 12mo, paper (stained). BosTON, 1871. HAYES (CATHERINE). PROGRAMME of Miss CATHERINE HAYES’ GRAND CONCERT. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. [NEw York, 1851. I HAYES (RUTHERFORD B.) A. N. S. FREMONT, O. 12th Nov. 1890. HAYMARKET THEATRE, LONDON. INTERIOR AND Ex- TERIOR VIEWS, engraved by Stow after G. Jon ES. 4to, on INDIA PAPER. HAYS (W. J.) “THE HERD ON THE Move.” LITHog RAPH, TINTED, representing the march of a great herd of BISON on the prairie. Large folio. NEw York, 1862. “HEATHEN CHINEE (THE).” A PoEM by PALMA (being Ah Sin's side of the story). Foll ING SHEET witH Io HUMOROUs ILLUS- TRATIONS. 1871. HENCK'S NEW OPERA HOUSE. BRAss MEDALET, for 25 cents; H. HENCK, Coliseum, same (25). (2 pieces) HENDERSON (JOHN). CELEBRATED ENGLISH Actor, one of THE FEW ACTORS WHO WAS CONSIDERED WORTHY OF BEING BU RIED IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY. HALF-LENGTH PortRAIT, facing to the front, book in right hand, left hand raised in the act of declaiming. MEZZOTINT by J. JONES, after GAINSBOROUGH. FINE ORIGINAL IM- PRESSION. Folio, in mat. LoNDoN, 1783. (Ibe (Bilsey, Collection I 239 I 24O I 24 I I 242 I 243 I 244 I 245 I 246 I 247 I 248 I 2.49 HENDERSON (JOHN). PortRAIT, head slightly to right, plain dress, in rectangle frame. ENGRAVED in MEzzotint, unsigned. FINE ORIGINAL OPEN LETTER PRoof. Inlaid. Folio, in mat. LONDON, 1786. HENRY II. KING of FRANCE. Document SIGNED by HENRY II., concerning the rights of gathering fuel in a Roy AL For EST granted to the SEIG NEUR VALLERAN DESPINAY, DUKE OF BAzANcourT. Dated 22 Sept., 1554. VELLUM. HENRY III. KING OF FRANCE. WARRANT authorizing the pay- ment of money. SIGNED HENRY, Blois, 1581. VELLUM. HENRY IV. KING OF FRANCE AND NAVARRE. MANDATE to pay three million sols. SIGNED HENRY, Jan. 20, 1598. VELLUM. HERON (MATILDA). ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH, in the character of EDITH, I 2 mo. With inscription on back: “To AMELIA FROM MATILDA.” HERON (MATILDA). PHOTOGRAPH, in character, 4to, whole length. HERON (MATILDA). ENGRAVED PortRAIT, plain dress, en- graved by H. B. HALL from a daguerreotype by J. M. For D, of SAN FRANCISCO. HERON (MATILDA). ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH, in plain dress, with inscription on back, “To AMELIA FISHER, ONE OF MY FEW AND DEAREST FRIENDS ON EARTH, MATILDA HERON STOEPEL.” I 2 mo. HERON (MATILDA) as EDITH; MARK TwAIN and John T. RAYMOND (the latter in the dress of Colon EL SELLERs). PHOTo- GRAPHS. I 2 mo. (2 pieces) HERRING (J. F.) CELEBRATED ENGLISH PAINTER of SPORTING SUBJECTS. “THREE MEMBERS OF THE TEMPERANCE FAMILY.” ORIG - INAL DRAWING, in w ATER-COLORS and PENCIL, of three horses drinking from a fountain. 2% in. x 2% in. HIGGINSON (THOMAS WENTVORTH). A. L. S. 1 p. 12 mo. NEWPORT, R. I., Feb. 28, 1873. About WILLIAM ELLERY CHANNING. (Ibe (Bilsey Collection I 47 I 25o I 25 I I 25 2 I 253 I 2.54 I 255 I 256 I 257 I 258 I 259 HILL (GEO. H.) LIFE AND RECOLLECTIONS OF YANKEE HILL, with Anecdotes and Incidents of his TRAVELs. Edited by DR. W. K. North ALL. Cuts. Post 8vo, paper. NEW YORK, 1850. HILSON (THOMAS). PortRAIT As Tyke, and MRS, HILson as MARGARET Over REACH. Engravings by A. B. DURAND. 8vo. BOTH ON LARGE PAPER. (2) HODGKINSON (JOHN). PortRAIT, in plain dress, 12mo, oval, “MR. HoDGKINSON,” engraved by C. TIEBOUT (name lightly written on back). ExTREMELY RARE. HODGKINSON (JOHN). PortRAIT, from the “Mirror of 7aste,” plain dress, 12mo, engraved by LENEY, after GROOMBRIDGE. HOEY (MRS. JOHN). FAMoUs Act REss. ORIGINAL PHOTo- GRAPH, three-quarters length, in private dress. (1856). In oak frame. I 1 % in. x 16% in. HOGARTH (WILLIAM). “SouthwARK FAIR.” Engraved and published by WILLIAM Hog ARTH, 1733. Folio. HOGARTH (WILLIAM). “STRolling PLAYERS IN A BARN.” Engraved and published by WILLIAM Hog ARTH, 1738. Folio. HOGARTH (WILLIAM). “THE MARCH to FINCHLEY.” En- graved by LUKE SULLIVAN, retouched and improved by WILLIAM Hog ARTH, I 761. Folio. HOLLAND (GEORGE). CELEBRATED AMERICAN CoMEDIAN. Half of a counterfeit $50 bill, pasted on a piece of card. Written beneath is: “AVew York, Dec 6, 1871 ° “This fragment cost me 50—,” ‘‘ Geo. Ho//ama.” HOLLIS (L.) “MEETING OF DEIRDRE AND NAISI.” CLEveR or IG- INAL WATER-COLOR DRAWING representing the two subjects—full- length figures in CELTIC COSTUMES-meeting in a wood. SIGNED L. HoLLIS, Dec., 1879. 8% in. x 5% in. ILLUSTRATING THE TRAGIC IRISH STORY OF THE DEATH OF THE THREE SONS OF USNACH BY CONOR, KING OF ULSTER. (Ibe (5ilsey Collection I 260 I 26 I I 262 I 263 I 264 I 265 I 266 1267 I 268 HOLLIS (L.) “THE SkyLARK.” Pretty drawing of a child in a field, listening to a skylark, wild flowers in her hand and others growing around. CLEVER w ATER-coLoR. 1879. 4% in. x 2% in. HOLLIS (L.) STUDY of a young GIRL's HEAD. PRETTY SKETCH IN WATER-COLORs. 188o. 434 in. x 4% in. HOLLIS (L.) “A REVERIE.” ORIGINAL water-color DRAWING OF AN owl, ON A BRANCH, IN THE TWILIGHT. 5% in. x 2% in. HOLLIS (L.) ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWING, depicting a boy standing, whip in hand, in a doorway. CLEVERLY EXECUTED. 7 in. x 3% in. HOLLIS (L.) ORIGINAL water-color. PRETTY FULL-LENGTH DRAWING OF A GIRL. 4 in. x 1% in. “Methought that maiden as she stood “Some phantom of a vision bright, “Or lovely spirit of the wood.” HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). Four-LINE POEM in his AUTOGRAPH, and SIGNED by him. BoSTON, Nov. 28, 1864. ‘‘A’rom treason's rent, from murder's stain, “Guard Thou its folds till Peace shall reign, ‘‘’Till fort and field, till shore and sea, “Join our loud Anthem, Praise to Zhee.” HOLMES-BRYANT. THE DRUM BEAT. Published by the BROOKLYN AND LONG ISLAND FAIR, for the benefit of the U. S. SANI- TARY COMMISSION. Contributions by O. W. Holm Es, W. C. BRYANT, and other noted writers. COMPLETE SET. 13 numbers, 4to, as issued. BROOKLYN, 1864. HOOD (THOMAS). A. L. S. 1 p. 12mo. No place or date. HOPKINS (COMMODORE). PortRAIT, in uniform. Square 8vo. LINE ENGRAVING, by a GERMAN artist. Circa 1780. Ç (Ibe (5ilsey Collection I 49 1269 [HOPKINS (SAMUEL).] A DIALOGUE CoNCERNING THE SLAVERY of the AFRICANs, showing it to be the DUTY and the INTEREST of the AMERICAN STATEs to EMANCIPATE all their AFRICAN SLAVEs, etc. 16mo, original old red morocco, gilt. NORWICH : Printed by /udah P. Spooner, 1776; NEw York: Reprinted for Robert Hodge, I 785. 127 o HORN (CHAS. E.) PortRAIT, in the character of Count ALBERT. 8vo, half-length stipple engraving by H. MEYER, after a MINIATURE by W. J. Newton. 127 I HORTON (PRISCILLA). PortRAIT As ARIEL; as LELIA ; and with JANE SHIRREFF and H. D. TAYLOR, as the WITCHES in “MAC- BETH.” LITHOGRAPHS by LANE on INDIA PAPER. 4to, COLORED. LONDON, 1838–9. (3) 1272 HOSMER (W. H. C.) THEMEs of SoNC, a Poem read at the GENESEE WESLEYAN SEMINARY. FIRST EDITION, with view of Hami/- ton College. 8vo, sewed, pp. 44. ROCHESTER: Privately printed, 1842. 1273 HOUGHT ON (LORD). Monckton MILNES, ORIGINAL PoEM IN HIS AUTOGRAPH, AND SIGNED. “Question and no Answer.” “Is it Aºthics or Physics 2–7 hen that is the question: “Is is trouble of Conscience, or morbid digestion / “Is the temper that makes all my family quiver, “I’ll disciplined mind, or disorder of Ziver ? etc. 1274 HOVWARD (GEN. O. O.) N. S. Oct. 25, 1890. 1275 HOWARD (MRS. G. C.) Port RAIT As Topsy in “Uncle Tom's Cabin.” LITHOGRAPH, on music wrapper. 4to. NEW YORK, 1854. 1276 HOWARD (HARRY). Astor PLACE OPERA House, and JENNIE LEE (in male costume). 8vo. PHOTOGRAPHS. (3 pieces) 1277 HOWE (JULIA WARD). A. L. S. 2 pp. 12mo. NewPort, R. I., Sept. 1 1, 1881, in answer to a request for her “Battle Hymn.” I 50 (Ibe (5ilsey Collection 1278 HOWELLS (W. D.) ORIGINAL PoEM of eight lines, IN HIS AUTO- GRAPH, AND SIGNED. Dated, “OHIo, 1860.” ‘‘A Aoet.” “From wells where Truth in secret lay “Pſe saw the midnight stars by day, “‘Oh, marvel/ous Gift / the many cried, “‘Oh, cruel gift / ' his voice replied. “The stars were far, and cold, and high, “That glimmered in the moonday sky. ‘‘ He yearned towards the sun in vain “That warmed the lives of other men.” 1279 HOWELLS (W. D.) A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. Boston, June 4, 1878. 128o [HOWELLS (W. D.) AND J. J. PIATT.] PoEMs of Two FRIENDs. FIRST EDITION. Post 8vo, cloth. Columbus, 1860. MR. How ELLs' FIRST BOOK. 1281 HUDSON (MR.) IRISH CoMEDIAN, played at the Broadway Theatre in 1849. LITHOGRAPH PORTRAIT, in character. Folio, whole length, ON INDIA PAPER. I 282 HUDSON RIVER, PANORAMA OF THE HUDSON RIVER FROM NEw York TO ALBANY. Drawn and Engraved by WILLIAM WADE. Long sheet folded in cloth case. 12mo, NEW YORK, 1846. INTERESTING ETCHED VIEW, WITH NAMES OF ALL THE PRINCIPAL PLACES AND BUILDINGS, INCLUDING PRIVATE RESIDENCES AND HISTORIC SITES. 1283 HUGHES (ELIZABETH). Vocalist AT PARK THEATRE. HALF- LENGTH PORTRAIT, seated, facing to front. 4to. LITHOGRAPH, ON INDIA PAPER. 1284 HUGO (VICTOR). A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. June. No year. In French. 1285 HUME (JOSEPH). FAMoUs ENGLISH Politician AND FRIEND of COBDEN. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. LONDON, Aug. 31, 1820 (?). (Margins damaged by damp.) 1286 HUMPHREYS (COL. DAVID). A PoEM ON INDUSTRy, addressed to the Citizens of the UNITED STATEs. 8vo, sewed, pp. 22. PHILA- DELPHIA : Mathew Carey, 1794. (Ibe Gilsey Collection I 5 I \\ } 1287 HUTTON (LAURENCE). CURIOSITIES OF THE AMERICAN STAGE. Over &o portraits. 8vo, cloth. NEW YORK, 1891. 1288 HYDE (JAMES NEVINS). ARTIST. Served as surgeon in the REBELLION, under FARRAGUT. “BELATED." Itinerant Musician, with Organ and Monkey, and followed by a child, tramping along a snow-covered road, at the end of twilight. CLEVERLY-EXECUTED WATER-COLOR DRAWING. 4% in. x 234 in. I 289 LLINOIS. Mont AGUE's ILLINOIS AND MISSOURISTATE DIRECTORY for 1854, with a Complete BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS. 8vo, cloth. ST. LOUIS, 1854. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, STEPHEN A. Doug LAS, AND OTHER NOTED NAMES APPEAR IN THE LIST OF ATTORNEYS. 1290 INGERSOLL (JARED). MEMBER of THE Convention THAT FRAMED THE CONSTITUTION. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. PHILADELPHIA, June, 1796. (Slightly torn.) 1291 INGLIS (W. T.) “NEAR MARGATE, KENT, ENGLAND.” CLEVER ORIGINAL LANDSCAPE, PAINTED IN WATER-colors. 6 in. x 3% in. 1292 INTOLERANTS (THE). A Drama. Three first acts of “THINGs AMONG Us,” as performed at the * * * * * * with more effect than applause. 8vo, unbound, uncut, pp. 26. PHILADELPHIA : Printed and published for the purchaser, 1827. 1293 INVERARITY (MISS). CELEBRATED ACTRESS. BUST PORTRAIT, seated in a chair, low-cut dress. LITHog RAPH by W. SHARP, after W. BOOT. 8vo. RARE. 1294 [IRELAND (ALEXANDER).] THE Book-LovER's ENCHIRIDIon. Thoughts on the Solace and Companionship of Books. MINIATURE EDITION. 24mo, cloth. [LONDON] 1883. iſ 295 IRELAND (JOSEPH N.) REcoRDs of THE NEw York STAGE, from 1750 to 1860. 2 vols. royal 8vo, FINEly Boun D BY STIKEMAN in half brown crushed levant morocco, richly-gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. NEW YORK, 1866–67. 1296 IRELAND (JOSEPH N.) MRs. Duff. (American Actor Series.) Portraits. Post 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1882. I 52 Cbe Gilgey Collection 1297 IRVING (HENRY). A. N., in third person, to AMELIA FISHER, Feb. 14, 1888. WITH CARD OF HENRY IRVING. An expression of MR, IRVING's and ELLEN TERRY's regrets at learning of Miss FISHER's illness. 1298 IRVING (HENRY). A. L. S., to AUGUSTU's Pitou. 2 pp. 8vo. CHICAGO, 2 Nov., 1893. 1 299 ISLINGTON. CoPPER TokEN (28). Obv., Barn Tavern, High- bury, ISLINGTON; Rev., Refreshments, Sixpence, 6d. I 3oo ITALIAN OPERA AT CASTLE GARDEN. INTERIOR VIEW OF THE THEATRE ASSEEN FROM THE STAGE, an opera being performed before a full audience. LITHOGRAPH. 4to. NEw York, 1853. 1301 ITALY. THEATRE SAN CARLo. BRONZE MEDAL by BRANDT (38). Obv., Exterior view of building, Real Teatro di S. CARLo; Rev., In- terior view, Carol. III. Fund, Ferd. I. Rest. 1302 ACKSON (A. W.) Manager of Old Bowery Theatre. A. L. S., to FRANCIS C. WEMYSS, 2 pp. folio, Balto., Sept. 2, 1839, giving details of the troubles he had encountered with members of his company. RARE. 1303 JACKSON (GEN. T. J.) “STONEwALL J Ackson.” A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. CONRAD'S STORE (VA.), April 21st, 1862, 4.50 P.M. LETTER sent by courier to GENERAL EwBLL giving him information of the approach of the FEDERAL ADVANCE GUARD on ColumbiA BRIDGE, and warning him against sending dispatches in the direction of MADISON C. H. 13o4 JACKSON (GEN. T. J.) BUST PORTRAIT. Carbon print. 4to, on card. 1305 JACKSON (GEN. T. J.) LIEUT.-GEN. T. J. JACKSON AND HIS FAMILY. MEzzotin T BY WILLIAM SARTAIN. Folio. OPEN LETTER PROOF. PHILADELPHIA, 1866. 1306 JACKSON (GEN. T. J.) “PRAYER IN STONEwALL J Ackson's CAMP.” FINE ORIGINAL DRAWING, IN INDIA INK AND PENCIL, BY P. KRAMER, showing STONEWALL JACKSON, bareheaded, praying, Sur- rounded by GENERALs Ew ELL, HILL, PENDLETON, and other officers and men, with camp and trees in the background. With an engraved Åey plan. The drawing, measuring 18 in. x 13 in., painted on stiff cardboard. (Ibe (5ilsey Collection I 53 1307 JACKSON (GEN. T. J.) “PRAYER IN STONEwALL J Ackson's CAMP.” FINE ENGRAVING BY J. C. BUTTRE, the same size as the original, BEAUTIFULLY COLORED BY HAND. Folio. 1308 JACKSON (GEN. T. J.) STONEwALL J Ackson. GRAND MARCH, “STONEwALL JACKSON’s WAY,” with LITHOGRAPH PortRAIT By ENDICOTT on front wrapper. 1309 JACKSON (HELEN HUNT). ORIGINAL POEM, wholly IN HE AUTOGRAPH, AND SIGNED. Poem of 16 lines, entitled “Aſorizon,” together with a view of her grave and description. (As one piece) 131 o JACQUEMART (JULES). FAMoUs FRENCH ETCHER. ETCHING OF A PORTRAIT OF AN OLD WOMAN BY REMBRANDT. 8vo. 13 II JAMES II. WARRANT, SIGNED while he was DUKE OF YORK, addressed to the MAYOR of SAND WITH and empowering him to seize a CAPTAIN LEE, accused of treasonable practices. Dated WHITE- HALL, Dec. 17, 1662. 1312 JAMES (HENRY). Novelist. A. L. S. 4 pp. 8vo. REFORM CLUB (LonDoN), Jan. 19, 1880, declining an invitation to write for the N. A. R. (AWorth American Review), saying that “my day for writing articles has, I think, pretty well passed away.” 1313 JAMESON (ANNA). WELL-KNowN ENGLISH AUTHOR. A. L. S. 2 pp. 12mo. LONDON, June 3 [1846]. (Touched by damp.) 1314 JANAUSCHEK (FANNY). A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. BRookLyN, June 7, 1892. To AUGUSTUS PITOU concerning a new drama. 1315 JAPANESE DRAWING. STUDY of Flowers. PRETTILY col- ORED IN VARIOUS SHADES, AND PAINTED ON GAUZE. Io in. x 7% in. 1316 JEFFERSON (JOSEPH-THE ELDER), STIPPLE PORTRAIT, as SoLUs, engraved by D. EDWIN; also as BOB LOGIC, an autotype reproduction, OF WHICH ONLY 12 WERE ISSUED. (2 pieces) 1317 JEFFERSON (JOSEPH-THE SEconD). PETITION of Joseph JEFFERSON to the Judges of the Orphan's Court of PHILADELPHIA asking for a partition of certain therein described real estate. CoNTAINS AUTOGRAPH OF JOSEPH J EFFERSON, 2nd. 2 pp. folio. I 54 (Ibe (5íI3ey Collection 1318 JEFFERSON-BLISSETT. M.R. JEFFERSON and MR. BLISSETT in the characters of DR. SMUGFACE and DR. DABLANCOUR. Engraved by D. EDw1N after C. R. LESLIE. 8vo. ScARCE. (1810) 1319 JEFFERSON (JOSEPH). PLAYBILL of Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1847, the Comedy of the “Soldier’s Daugh- ter,” the Ballet of “ The Abduction of Mina,” and the Farce of “Hunting a Turtle,” in each of which MR. JEFFERSON (aged 18) assumed a character. AMONG THE EARLIEST PLAYBILLS KNOWN, BEARING THE NAME OF “RIP VAN WINKLE ''JEFFERSON. 1320 JEFFERSON (JOSEPH). PLAYBILL of Peale's Philadelphia Museum, Feb. 26, 1847, “ The Rivals,” with MR. BURKE as BOB ACRES, MRS. BURKE as Zydia Zanguish, and MR. JEFFERSON (oged 18) as DAVID. Dancing by Miss (MARY) GANNON. RARE. 1321 JEFFERSON (JOSEPH). PLAYBILLs of his performances in the year 1860 at LAURA KEENE’s THEATRE, NEW YORK, in the Charac- ters of FURIBOND in the ‘‘ /nziisib/e Prince,” C. T. ITEM in “Our Japanese Embassy,” SLASHER in “Slasher and Crasher,” ASA TREN- CHARD in “Our American Cousin,” PAUL PRY, and others, INCLUD- ING Two BENEFIT BILLS. (1 o pieces) 1322 JEFFERSON (JOSEPH). PLAYBILLs of his performances at Winter Garden Theatre, in 1860 and 1861, in the characters of MAzEPPA, PAUL PRy, NEWMAN Noggs, RIP VAN WINKLE, GAG in “Jenny Zind,” MAJOR GoLIGHTLY, HIAWATHA, and others, INCLUD- ING Two BENEFIT BILLS. (8 pieces) 1323 JEFFERSON (JOSEPH). PLAYBILLs, Olympic Theatre, Sept., 1866, RIP VAN WINKLE ; Booth’s Theatre, open ING NIGHT under management of J. B. Booth, Sept. 1, 1873, RIP VAN WINKLE ; Fifth Avenue Theatre, March, 1900, “ The Rivals.” (3 pieces) 1324 JEFFERSON (JOSEPH). A SERIES of PHOTOGRAPHS represent- ing scenes in “A’ip Van Winkle,” together with an early photograph of the Comedian, in plain dress. 12 mo. (8 pieces) 1325 JEFFERSON (JOSEPH). PROGRAMME of THE openING of THE FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE, for the Season commencing Oct. 29, 1888, with “ The Rivals.” WRAPPERs PRINTED ON SILK, AND HAVING Por- TRAITS OF JOSEPH JEFFERSON as BoB ACRES, JoHN GILBERT as SIR ANTHONY ABSOLUTE, and MRS. JOHN DREW as MRS. MALAPROP. 4to. (Ibe (5ilgey, COIIection I 55 1326 JEFFERSON (JOSEPH). AUTOBIOGRAPHY of Joseph JEFFERSON. ILLUSTRATED WITH PORTRAITS AND VIEWS. Thick 8vo, cloth, gilt. NEw York, 1890. 1327 JEFFERSON (THOMAS). Actor. PortRAIT, in plain dress. 8vo. Engraved in stipple by RIDLEY after VANDERBURG. LONDON, 1804. 1328 JEFFERSON (THOMAS). RARE Color:ED PortRAIT. “A PHILOSEPHER, A PATRIOTE AND A FRIEND. Dessiné par son Ami TADEE KoscIUSKo et Gravé par M.L. Sokolnicki.” BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. 4to, in mat. 1329 JEFFREY (FRANCIS, LORD). FAMoUs Scotch Essayist. A. N. S. Mar. 7. No year. 1330 JENNINGS (JOHN J.) THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS LIFE ; or, SECRETS OF THE STAGE, GREEN ROOM AND SAwd UST ARENA. AVumer- ous illustrations, some colored, 8vo, cloth, gilt. ST. LOUIs, 1882. 1331 JENNISON'S ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. BRASS TokEN. Obv., Elephant; Rev., Lion (25). RARE. - Issued about 1830. 1332 JOHNSON (ANDREW). Large-size Photograph of a painting by J. W. DoDGE. 1865. Bust Portrait. Folio, on card. 1333 JOHNSON (ANDREW). CERTIFICATE of APPoinTMENT as post- master, with AUTOGRAPH SIGNATUREs of ANDREw JOHNSON and W. H. SEWARD, 23 June, 1865. 1334 JOHNSTON (D. C.) AMERICAN CoMIC ANNUAL EDITED BY HENRY J. FINN. ILLUSTRATED BY D. C. JoHNSTON. Crown 8vo, half roan, poor copy. BOSTON, 1831. The editor was the noted comedian, who afterwards perished in the burning of the steamer ‘‘Lexington.” 1335 JOHNSTON (D. C.) Two GRoup Port RAITs, showing KEAN as Rich ARD III., FINN as Log IC, JEFFERSON as NIPPERKIN, BURKE as DR. PANG Loss, HILSON as PAUL PRY, H. WALLACK as GOLDFINCH, etc. 14 portraits in all, 12mo, (2) 1336 JOHNSTON (GEN. JOSEPH E.) Color:ED LITHoGRAPH Por- TRAIT by CURRIER and IVES. 4to. I56 (Ibe (5ilgey Collection 1337 JOHNSTON (T. B.) PERFORMED AT BURTON's THEATRE, NEw YORK, 1848. ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH, as URIAH HEEP. I 2 mo. 1338 JONES (MRS. GEORGE). NotED TRAG1c Act REss, AND WIFE OF THE “Count JoANNES.” Port RAIT in character, LITHOGRAPH on INDIA PAPER by F. S. AGATE. In oak frame with mount, 16% in. x 18 in. RARE. NEw York: M. Currier, 1838. 1339 JONSON (BEN). Port RAIT, in engraved oval frame, on pedestal, laurel wreath above. Engraved by GEORGE VERTUE after GERARD HONTHORST. BRILLIANT ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. Small folio. I 73o. 134o JONSON (BEN). FINE PortRAIT ENGRAVED in line and stipple by E. SCRIVEN. 4to. PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERs, on INDIA PAPER. 1341 JORDAN (GEORGE CLIFFORD). PLAYED AT BURTON's and the OLYMPIC THEATRE, NEw York. A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. NEw York, Dec. 13, 1855, announcing his engagement by MISS (LAURA) KEENE. 1342 JORDAN (DOROTHY). PortRAIT IN THE CHARACTER of Hypo- LITA. Half-length portrait. MEzzo TINT by J. Jon Es after HoPP- NER. Folio, in mat. 1343 JORDAN (DOROTHY). PortRAIt in plain dress, unsigned. 8vo. PROOF BEFORE LETTERS, on JAPAN VELLUM PAPER. 1344 JORDAN (DOROTHY). Port RAIT in the character of the “Count RY GIRL.” Fine Port RAIT, engraved in stipple by JoHN OGBORNE, showing her standing between two pillars, a door with drawn curtain on the left. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, AFTER ROMNEY’s PAINTING. Folio, in mat. LoNDON: Boydell, 1788. 1345 JORDAN (DOROTHY). ENGRAVED PortRAIT, in plain dress, by R. PAGE. 8vo. LONDON, 1816. SC ARCE. 1346 JORDAN (DOROTHY). PLAYBILLs of her performances, Covent Garden Theatre, May 18, 1804, MRs. MATTOCK's BENEFIT, with MRS. JORDAN as RoxALANA; Drury Lane Theatre, March 7, 1786, MRS. JoRDAN as Miss LUcy in “The Virgin Unmasked,” also SHAKESPEARE's “The Tempest"; March 15, 1804, in The Soldier's Daughter ’’; May 18, 1804, MRS. Jordan as the WIDow BELMoUR in “ The Way to Aeep Aſim.” (4 pieces) (Ibe (Bilsey Collection I 59 1347 JORDAN (DOROTHY). PLAYBILLs of her performances, Hay- market Theatre, Aug. 24, 1805, MRS. JORDAN as the WIDow CHEERLY in “ The Soldier's Daughter,” for the BENEFIT of MRS. HAR- Low E.; Drury Lane Theatre, May 17, 1804, for MR. Dow TON'S BENE- FIT, MRS. JORDAN and Miss MELLON in the casts; May 23, 1804, for the BENEFIT of MR. Johnston, and Mr. Powell, Prompter; Covent Garden Theatre, March 12, 1814, “ Beggar's Opera,” “The Panneſ,” with MRS. JORDAN as BEATRICE, and the ‘‘ Wandering Boys.” (4 pieces) 1348 JOSEPHINE, EMPREss of FRANCE. N. S. MALMAISON (18or 2) ‘‘ /e vous recommande, Citoyen-Ministre, Z'affaire de Mž de Mal/ez.au/f. Vous m'obligerez en y prenamt un-interet particulier.” 1349 JOYCE (ROBERT DWYER). IRISH PoET AND ARTIST, Mem- ber of R. I. Academy, died 1883. “THE RUINS OF TIMMON CASTLE, Co. DUBLIN.” FINELY-ExECUTED WATER-COLOR DRAWING, 1879, showing the ruins of the Castle, 8% in. x 5% in. 1350 JOYCE (ROBERT DWYER). ORIGINAL AUToGRAPH sonNET “To MEMORY,” SIGNED. Boston, 1879. 1351 JUDAH (SAMUEL B. H.) ODoFRIEDE, THE OUTCAST: A DRA- MATIC PoEM. 8vo, paper. NEw York, 1822. REMARKABLY FINE COPY, IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS, TOTALLY UNCUT. 1352 JUDAH (SAMUEL B. H.) THE Rose of ARRAGoN; or, The VIGIL OF ST. MARK : A MELO-DRAMA. FIRST EDITION. 16mo, uncut, pp. 38. RARE. NEW YORK, 1822. 1353 [JUDAH (SAMUEL B. H.)] GOTHAM, AND THE GOTHAMITES: a Medley. 16mo. FINE COPY, in ORIGINAL BoARDS, UNCUT AND UNOPENED. NEw York, 1823. A CAUSTIC SATIRE ON PROMINENT NEW YORKERS, WHICH RESULTED IN THE SUPPRESSION OF THE BOOK AND THE IMPRISONMENT OF THE AUTHOR. 1354 [JUDAH (SAMUEL B. H.)] THE BUccANEERs: a Romance of our own Country in its Ancient Day. By TERENTIUS PHLoGoBoM- BOS. 2 vols. post 8vo, boards. (Portion of introduction and a leaf or two of conclusion wanting.) BoSTON, 1827. VERY RARE. It is believed that all copies lack the leaves from the Introduction. 1355 JUDAH (SOPHIA). PHOTOGRAPH, in the character of the NURSE in ‘‘A’omeo and Juliet.” Folio. I 60 (Ibe (5ilsey Collection 1356 JULLIEN (PAUL). ORIGINAL DAGUERREotype PortRAIT of the distinguished boy Violinist. 8vo, oval. FINE. 1357 JULLIEN (PAUL). LITHOGRAPH PortRAIT, folio, whole length, by F. D'Avignon. (Cut down.) FINE. 1358 JUNIUS. REASONS FOR REJECTING THE EvilDENCE THAT HUGH Boy D wAS THE WRITER OF JUNIUS [By DR. GIRDLESTONE], LoNDON, 1807; also, in the same volume, GIRDLESTONE's FACT's To PROVE THAT GENERAL CHARLES LEE WAS THE AUTHOR OF JUNIUS, LoNDON, 1813; and Narrative by S. G. Goddard, purser of H.M.S. “Orestes.” 8vo, cloth. PORTRAIT OF GENERAL LEE, BY NEAGLE, AND FACSIMILE OF HANDWRITING. 1359 JUVENILE PERFORMERS. THE CELEBRATED Kook FAMILY. LITHog RAPH by J. CAMERON. Folio, tinted. NEW YORK : Currier, n. d. 1360 JUVENILES. PHOTOGRAPHS. GENERAL TOM THUMB (colored, and in uniform); COM. NUT.T and LAVINIA WARREN. 12mo. (2 pieces) I 361 AUFF MAN (ANGELICA). “THE MIRROR OF VENUs.” FINE TINTED STIPPLE ENGRAVING after the original painting of ANGELICA KAUFFMAN, by T. TROTTER. Folio. LONDON, 1787. 1362 KEAN (EDMUND). Port RAIT as RICHARD III. Stipple engrav- ing [By J. BoADEN]. 8vo. (LONDON, 1814.) SAID TO BE THE FIRST PORTRAIT OF EDMUND KEAN. 1363 KEAN (EDMUND). ColoFED MEzzo TINT PORTRAIT, as RICHARD III. (Cut down.) 12 mo, oval. 1364 KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT in plain dress, DRAwN By A FRENCH ARTIST. LITHOGRAPH by DUCARME. 8vo. PARIS, n. d. 1365 KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT, engraved in stipple, and DELI- CATELY color ED. 8vo. LONDON : /, /Xidsbury, n. d. 1366 KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT IN oil colors, with low lace col- lar, and book in hand. Signed F. S. Square 12mo, on card. 1367 KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT As BAJAZET. 8vo. FULL LENGTH, ETCHED BY CRUIKSHANK. LONDON: /. Aoach, 1815. - - º ºn tº a lº º º (Ibe Gilsey Collection I6 I 1368 I 369 I 37 o I 37 I I 372 I 373 I 374 I 375 I 376 I 377 1378 I 379 I 38o 1381 KEAN (EDMUND). Colored PortRAIT, As BARABBAs. ETCHED BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. 8vo, inlaid. KEAN (EDMUND). PoETRAIT, As Lucius JUNIUs BRUTUs. Full length, drawn and etched by R. DIGHTON, 1818. 4to, inlaid. KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT, As Lucius JUNIUs BRUTUS. Oval medallion portrait, engraved by S. J. STUMP. 8vo, COLORED. L9NDON, 1819. KEAN (EDMUND). Port RAIT, As LUCIU's JUNIUs BRUTUs. RARE coLoRED ETCHING. 16mo. (Written on the bottom is “Mr. Oxberry.”) KEAN (EDMUND). Port RAIT, As GLosTER. Engraved by R. B. PEAKE, after DE WILDE, for the “THEATRICAL INQUISITOR.” 8vo. LONDON, 1814. KEAN (EDMUND). Port RAIT, As GLosTER, engraved by R. COOPER, after G. CLINT. 4to. FINE IMPRESSION. LONDON, 1822. KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT, As KING LEAR. Colored ETCH- ING. 8vo, unsigned. KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT As MACBETH. 8vo. Full length, engraved by J. CARVER, after C. WILLIAMS, for the “THEATRICAL INQUISITOR.” LoNDON, 1815. KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT As MACBETH. 8vo. Engraved by J. CARVER for the “THEATRICAL INQUISITOR.” LONDON, 1815. KEAN (EDMUND). Port RAIT As MACBETH, engraved in stipple by HENRY MEYER after a drawing by G. H. HARLow. Folio. LoN- DON, 1815. KEAN (EDMUND). Port RAIT As OTHELLO. 8vo. Right arm extended, grasping dagger. KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT As OTHELLo. 8vo. Right arm by side, grasping dagger. KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT As RICHARD II., engraved by ALAIS after R. CRUIKSHANK. 8vo (cut close). KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT As RICHARD III., drawn by J. BOADEN, and engraved in stipple, with long letterpress biography beneath, 4to. LONDON, 1814. I62 (Ibe (Bilsey Collection I 382 I 383 I384 I 385 1386 1387 1388 I389 I 390 I 39 I I392 I 393 I 394 I 395 KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT As Rich ARD III. 8vo, oval. Engraved by JAMES HEATH after a picture by DE WILDE. LONDON, 1814. KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT As Rich ARD III., engraved in stipple by C. TURNER after J. J. HALLS. 4to. LONDON, 1814. KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT As RICHARD III. 8vo, half length, engraved by BROCAs. From the Dub/in Monthly Museum. KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT As RICHARD III. Stipple engrav- ing by KENNERLY from an original drawing. 8vo. KEAN (EDMUND). FRONTISPIECE to “Book of VARIETIES,” showing KEAN as RICHARD III., and other characters standing behind him. Engraved by T. Jon Es. 16mo. COLORED. KEAN (EDMUND). Etched Portrait as Richard III. 4to. (One of the series of “tuppence colored ” portraits.) KEAN (EDMUND). ENGRAVED PortRAIT As Richard III, 4to, full length, with tent in background. ANOTHER COPY. Slight stain on margin. ANOTHER COPY. COLORED. KEAN (EDMUND). WooDout PortRAIT As RICHARD III., from the PopULAR PORTRAIT GALLERY. With biography (4 pp.). 4to. (As one piece) KEAN (EDMUND). “THE INFANT KEAN,” As RICHARD III. ETCHINGs by J. GREEN wooD, HULL. 8vo. KEAN (EDMUND). MEzzotint PortRAIT As SHYLock, by H. MEYER, from a painting on Ivory of the same size by W. H. WATTS. 4to. LONDON, 1814. KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT As SHYLock, engraved in stipple by C. GOODMAN after a drawing by J. NEAGLE, 4to. PHILADELPHIA (1832). KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT As SIR GILES Over REACH, en- graved by ALAIs, after R. CRUIKSHANK. 8vo (cut close). (Ibe (5ilgey Collection I65 I 396 I 397 1398 I 399 I 4oo I 4o I I4O2 I 403 I4O4. I 405 1406 I4O7 I408 KEAN (EDMUND). ETCHED PortRAIT As SIR PERTINAx MAC- SYCOPHANT, 12mo. Half length, unsigned. KEAN (EDMUND). Port RAIT As ZANGA, engraved by ALAIs, after R. CRUIKSHANK. 8vo (cut close). KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT in INDIAN Cost UME, as a CHIEF OF THE HURONS. Engraved by G. F. STORM from a painting by FREDERICK MEYER. 4to. PHILADELPHIA, 1828. KEAN (EDMUND). ORIGINAL ENGRAVED CoPPER PLATE FOR THE ABOVE. 4to. IN FINE CONDITION. KEAN (EDMUND). ORIGINAL LoNDoN IMPRESSION of the same portrait. 4to (margins trimmed). LONDON, 1827. KEAN (EDMUND). Port RAIT, drawn by S. Cousins, and etched by H. B. HALL. ALL THREE STATES OF THE PLATE, PROof ON INDIA PAPER, IMPRESSION ON PLATE PAPER, and IMPRESSION AFTER THE PLATE WAS DESTROYED. LONDON, 1814. 4to. (3 pieces) ONLY Ioo IMPRESSIONS were MADE. KEAN (EDMUND). “PENNY PLAIN." PortRAITs. FULL LENGTH, STANDING with RAISED sworD. Different attitudes. 4to. (4) KEAN (EDMUND). “PENNY PLAIN." PortRAITs. Full LENGTH, STANDING, with Low ERED sworD. Different attitudes. 4to. (4) KEAN (EDMUND). “PENNY PLAIN." PoRTRAITs. FULL LENGTH, LYING on the GROUND. Different attitudes. 4to. (5) KEAN (EDMUND). “PENNY PLAIN." PortRAIts. FULL LENGTH, STANDING with BATON in HAND. Different attitudes. 4to. (5) KEAN (EDMUND). “PENNY PLAIN.” PortRAITs. As RICHARD III. (three different); and as Roll A (two different). 4to. (5) KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIT As SIR GILEs Over REACH: As RICHARD III. (two different); as CORIOLANUs, BRUTUs, and HAMLET. Mostly 12mo. (6) & KEAN (EDMUND). PortRAIts as SIR GILEs OverREAch (two different); as RICHARD III. (two different); and others. Mostly 12mo, (7 pieces) I 66 Cbe (5íI3ey Collection 1409 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILLs of THE SEconD AND THIRD NIGHTs OF MR. KEAN's FIRST ENGAGEMENT AT WALNUT STREET THEATRE, PHILADELPHIA, Jan. I oth and 12th, 1821, in OTHELLO and SHYLOCK. (2 pieces) AMERICAN PLAYBILLS OF EDMUND KEAN ARE ExtREMELY RARE–FAR MoRE SO THAN EVEN THE EARLIER ENGLISH ONES. Those here described were preserved by MR. LOPEZ, and later passed into the hands of MR. WEMYss, from whose collection they were secured by M.R. GILSEY. 141 o KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILLs of the FourTH and FIFTH NIGHTs of the same engagment, Jan. 13 and 15, 1821, as HAMLET and RICHARD III. (2 pieces) 141 1 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILLs of the SixTH and EIGHTH NIGHTs Of the same engagement, Jan. 17 and 20, 1821, as LUCIUs JUNIUS and MACBETH. (2 pieces) 1412 KEAN (EDMUND). BENEFIT PLAYBILL, and seventh night of the same engagement, Jan. 19, 182 I, MR. KEAN as SIR GILES OVER- REACH. 1413 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILLs of the NINTH and TENTH NIGHTs of the same engagement, Jan. 22 and 24, 182 I, as KING LEAR and LEON. (2 pieces) 1414 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILLs of the ELEvent H and Twelft H NIGHTS of the same engagement, Jan. 26 and 27, 1821, as BERTRAM and REUBEN GLENRoy. (2 pieces) 1415 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILLs of his performances at WALNUT STREET THEATRE, Jan. 29, 1821, as KING LEAR; Feb. 2, as SHYLOCK, and Feb. 3, as SIR EDWARD MoRTIMER. (3 pieces) 1416 KEAN (EDMUND), BENEFIT PLAYBILL, Walnut Street Theatre, Jan. 31, 182 I. M.R. KEAN as OTHELLO, MR. WOOD as IAGO. 1417 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILLs of the FIRST and SEcon D NIGHTS of his SECOND ENGAGEMENT at WALNUT STREET THEATRE, April 9 and 11, 1821, appearing as RICHARD III. and OTHELLO. (2 pieces) 1418 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILLs of the THIRD, FourTH, and FIFTH NIGHTS of his secon D ENGAGEMENT, April 13, 14, and 16, 1821, appearing as LUKE, KING LEAR, and SIR EDWARD MORTIMER. (3 pieces) (Ibe (Bilgey Collection 167 1419 KEAN (EDMUND). BENEFIT PLAYBILL and LAST APPEARANCE of the TRAGEDIAN at WALNUT STREET THEATRE, April 18, 182 I, appearing as JAFFIER in “Venice Preserved.” 1420 KEAN (EDMUND). EARLY PLAYBILL, LICHFIELD THEATRE, Feb. 9, 1809, the Pantomine of “PEROUSE,” MR. KEAN in the character of KANKo, a native chief. (Torn and repaired.) 1421 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILL of Drury Lane Theatre, July 3, 1820, “ Merchant of Venice,” FIRST APPEARANCE of MR. KEAN since his severe accident, the character of PORTIA by a lady (her first appearance on any stage). 1422 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILL of HIS FIRST APPEARANCE IN THE CHARACTER OF LEoN, in ‘‘A’ule a Wife and //ave a Wife,” Drury Lane Theatre, March 25, 1820. BENEFIT OF MR, RUSSELL, stage manager. 1423 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILL OF HIS FIRST APPEARANCE IN THE CHARACTER OF CAIUS MARCIUS (afterwards sirnamed) CORI- OLANUs, Drury Lane Theatre, Jan. 25, 1820. 1424 KEAN (EDMUND). Box Ticket, Drury LANE THEATRE, 1820, admitting two persons to see the play of “The Hebrew,” signed ‘‘ EDMUND KEAN.” RARE. 1425 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILLs of his performances at Drury Lane and Covent Garden Theatres, 1814–28, appearing as RICHARD III., DUKE (in “ The Honeymoon "), VIRGINIUs, OTHELLO, etc. (6 pieces) 1426 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILLs of his performances at Drury Lane and Covent Garden Theatres, 1814–2 o, appearing as IAGo, RICHARD III., SFORZA in “ The Duke of Milan,” Oct Avi AN, BRUTUs in JoHN How ARD PAYNE’s Tragedy, and SHYLOCK. (6 pieces) 1427 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILLs of his performances at Drury Lane and Covent Garden Theatres, 1814–28, appearing as SHylock, RICHARD II., OTHELLO, CORIOLANUS, SIR GILES OVERREACH, and VIRGINIUS. (6 pieces) 1428 KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILLs of his performances at Drury Lane and Covent Garden Theatres, 1814–28, appearing as HAMLET, SIR EDWARD MORTIMER, MACBETH, RICHARD III., KING LEAR, etc. (6 pieces) - I 68 (Ibe (5íI3ey Collection I 429 I 43O I 43 I I 432 I 433 I 434 I 435 I436 I 437 I438 I 439 I44O I 44 I KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILL OF HIS LAST PERFORMANCE ON THE STAGE OF THE ENGLISH OPERA House, LoNDoN, Nov. 27, 1828. M.R. KEAN as SHYLock. KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILL OF HIS FIRST APPEARANCE IN THE CHARACTER OF VIRGINIUS, CovenT GARDEN THEATRE, Dec. 15, 1828. KEAN (EDMUND). PLAYBILL of His FIRST APPEARANCE As MACBETH AT THE COVENT GARDEN THEATRE, Oct. 27, 1828. KEAN (CHARLES). THREE DIFFERENT CHARACTER PortRAITs (PHOTOGRAPHS) of MR. AND MRs. CHARLEs KEAN (formerly MISS ELLEN TREE). 4to. (3) KEAN (CHARLES). PortRAIT in plain dress. LITHog RAPH by H. INMAN. Small 4to. KEAN (CHARLES). PortRAIT As RICHARD III. Full length, in costume, with breastplate and drawn sword. LITHOGRAPH drawn by J. MEADOWS, and COLORED. 4to. LONDON, 1838. KEAN (CHARLES). ETCHED PortRAIT As OTHELLO. 8vo. (THE ONLY PORTRAIT OF CHARLEs KEAN AS OTHELLO.) KEAN (CHARLES). PortRAIT As SHYLock, HAMLET and RICHARD. LITHog RAPHS by LAN E. 4to. Color ED. ON INDIA PAPER. LONDON, 1839. (3) KEAN (CHARLES). ENGRAVED PortRAIT by J. BRow N, 1860; also as GLOSTER, HAMLET and KING JOHN, 8vo and 4to (one duplicate). (5) KEAN (CHARLES). A. L. S. 1 p. 4to, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1832, to WILLIAM DUFFY, stating that he would be in PHILADELPHIA im- mediately, and Suggesting certain characters he should play, as his voice was not good, through being “so many months on the shelf.” KEAN (CHARLES). A. N. S. NEw York, May 8, 1865. KEAN (CHARLES). PROMPT Book of ColMAN’s play “The Jealous Wife,” interleaved, with NUMEROUS MARKINGs and ADDITIONs IN MR. KEAN'S HAND WRITING.. I 2 mo, roan. KEAN (CHARLES). PLAYBILL of HIS FIRST APPEARANCE ON THE STAGE OF COVENT GARDEN THEATRE, Feb. 21, 1833, performing the character of SIR EDWARD MORTIMER. (Ibe (5ilgey, COILection 169 I 442 I 443 I 444 I 445 I446 I447 I 448 I 449 I 45o I45 I KEAN (CHARLES). PLAYBILL of His FIRST APPEARANCE IN THE CHARACTER OF HAMLET, IN LONDON, Feb. 25, 1833, at Covent Garden Theatre. KEAN (MR. AND MRS. CHARLES). PLAYBILLS of their per- formances at the PARK THEATRE, in 1845 and 1846, in a variety of their best SHAKESPEAREAN and other characters, and INCLUDING FOUR (4) BENEFIT BILLS. (16 pieces) KEAN (MRS. CHARLES). A. L. signed ELLEN KEAN. 2 pp. 12mo, MANCHESTER, April 27. No year. KEAN (MOSES). UNCLE of EDMUND KEAN. “MR. KEAN's IMI- TATION OF HENDERSON'S HAMLET.” ETCHED PORTRAIT. 4to, full length. RARE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. LONDON, 1786. KEARNY (GEN. PHILIP). A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. CUMBER- LAND LANDING, May 16, 1862 (one corner torn off). “I am sorry to say McClellam has got himself into a false position. His telegram was false as to Hancock, and he knew it. H. , a fine fellow, was being run off the field, into which he had ventured, when he turned to bay , and drove back the head of the pursuers.—But that did not prevent his retiring so rapidly but that he lost two companies, taken prisoners. Heintzelman is not a Marshal AVey.” INTERESTING LETTER. KEELEY (ROBERT), ENGLISH Actor, appeared at PARK THEATRE, N. Y., 1836. FULL-LENGTH PORTRAIT as BILLY BLACK, engraved in aquatint by T. JONES. 16mo. KEENE (LAURA). LITHog RAPH PortRAIT, folio, whole length, seated (no margins). FINE. KEENE (LAURA). PLAYBILL of BRookLYN ACADEMy of Music, May 25, 1863. “OUR AMERICAN COUSIN,” with LAURA KEENE as FLORENCE TRENCHARD (mounted). PHOTOGRAPHS of MR. AND MRs. W. R. FLOYD, and MADELINE HENRIQUES pasted on back. (As 2 pieces.) KELCEY (HERBERT). A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. ST. LOUIs, Sept. 12. No year. KELLOGG (CLARA LOUISE). “L’AMoUR” polka, with BUST PoRTRAIT of this famous PRIMA DONNA. 4to. 17O (Ibe (5ilsey Collection I 452 I 453 I 45.4 I 45.5 I 456 I 457 I 458 I459 I46o 1461 I 462 I 463 I464 KELLY (LYDIA). Port RAIT as BEATRICE, engraved by LONG ACRE. 8vo. LARGE PAPER. PHILADELPHIA, 1826. KEMBLE (CHARLES). PortRAIT, facing the front, seated at table with pen in right hand. ENGRAVED in MEzzotin T by T. LUPTON, after a painting by G. H. HARLow. In oak frame, with mount, I 7 in. x 19 in. LONDON, 1824. KEMBLE (CHARLES). Port RAIT, in facsimile of a chalk draw- ing by SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, 1798, and LITHOGRAPHED by R. J. LANE. 4to. PROOF ON INDIA PAPER. LONDON, 1830. KEMBLE (CHARLES). Port RAIT drawn by a FRENCH artist. 4to. LITHOGRAPH ON INDIA PAPER. KEMBLE (CHARLES). Port RAIT As BENEDIck, drawn from LIFE by J. H. LYNCH. 4to, full length. KEMBLE (CHARLES). PortRAIT As CHARLEs SURFACE, drawn and etched by R. DIGHTON, 1821. 4to, full length. KEMBLE (CHARLES). Port RAIT As CHARLEs SURFACE. FULL- LENGTH, etched by R. DIG HTON, 1821. 4to, CoLoRED. KEMBLE (CHARLES). PortRAIT As PIERRE, drawn on stone by WILLIAM SHARP, from an original drawing by JoHN HAYTER. 4to. INDIA PAPER. KEMBLE (CHARLES). LITHog RAPH PoRTRAITs As MACDUFF and MACBETH. 4to. By R. J. LAN.E. (2) KEMBLE (CHARLES). LITHog RAPH PortRAITs As MERCUTIO and BENEDICK. 4to. By R. J. LAN.E. (2) KEMBLE (CHARLES). FULL-LENGTH PoRTRAITs as FRIAR MICHAEL, etched by I. R. CRUIKSHANK, CoLoRED ; as SEBASTIAN, and another. 8vo. (3 pieces) KEMBLE (CHARLES). PortRAIT, engraved by THOMson, 1822; and two (“penny plain") etchings as RICHMOND and FALCON- BRIDGE ; also, MRS. C. KEMBLE as JULIO, and as MADGE WILDFIRE. (5) KEMBLE (CHARLES). PoRTRAITs As Romeo, LAERTES, ORESTEs, etc. Mostly 12 mo. (7) (Ibe Gilsey Collection I 71 1465 I 466 I 467 1468 I 469 I 47 o I47 I I.472 I 473 I474 I 475 I476 I 477 KEMBLE (CHARLES). A. L. S. from the GARRICK CLUB, 1 p. 8vo, June 9, 1849, evidently to his landlady. KEMBLE (CHARLES). A. L. S., 1 p. 12mo, FolkESTONE, Sept. 7, 1849. KEMBLE (CHARLES). ARTICLEs of AGREEMENT between KEMBLE as proprietor of Coven T GARDEN THEATRE and H. DRINK- WATER MEADows, actor. SIGNED by both parties. 3 pp. folio. I 823. KEMBLE (FANNY). PRETTy VIGNETTE PortRAIT, head to left, leaning on left arm. Engraved by J. CHENEY, after T. SULLY. 8vo. ON INDIA PAPER. KEMBLE (FANNY). LITHog RAPH PoRTRAIT, from a drawing by SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. Folio. PROOF on INDIA PAPER. LONDON, 1829. KEMBLE (FANNY). LITHog RAPH PoRTRAIT, facing the front, low-cut dress. 4to. Drawn by GIGOUx. PARIS and LONDON, 1830. KEMBLE (FANNY). PortRAIT As JULIET, in the Balcony Scene. 4to. COLORED LITHOGRAPH, unsigned. LoNDON, 1829. KEMBLE (FANNY). PortRAIT As JULIET. RARE LITHog RAPH By R. MARTIN. 12 mo. KEMBLE (FANNY). LITHog RAPH PoRTRAIT As JULIET, after a drawing by JoHN HAYTER. 8vo. PHILADELPHIA : Child's & Inman. n. d. KEMBLE (FANNY). PortRAIT As PortIA. 8vo. Half length, engraved by J. SARTAIN. From a MINIATURE painted by C. F. TAYLOR. KEMBLE (FANNY). Four DIFFERENT ATTITUDEs As JULIET. Engraved in aquatint, small 4to. (On one sheet.) (1) KEMBLE (FANNY). Color ED cost UME PoRTRAITs of FANNy KEMBLE. Engraved by ALAIs, on two sheets, giving FIVE full- length portraits in various costumes, and other sketches. Small 4to. 1829. (2) KEMBLE (FANNY). PortRAIt after SIR THoMAs LAWRENCE, on JAPAN VELLUM PAPER; as CALISTA, engraved H. R. Cook, and as EUPHRASIA, by WoolNoth. (3) I 72 (Ibe Gilgey Collection 1478 I 479 I48o I 481 I 482 1483 1484 1485 1486 KEMBLE (FANNY). PortRAITs As LADY ConstANCE, JULIET and PortIA (“penny plain " varieties), and as ISABELLA, (line engraving.) (4) KEMBLE (FANNY). THREE ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH POEMs, SIGNED —ON HER SCHOOLFELLow—on THE LAKE OF LAUSANNE where her uncle, JOHN PHILIP KEMBLE, died, and to M.R. KING, THE MISSIONARY. Written on two quarto leaves, no place or date, but probably written about 1825 or ’26, when she was still at school. KEMBLE (FANNY). A. L. S., 4 pp. 12mo, Boston, 1850, of BENJAMIN CHAMPNEY, the painter, addressed “Chere Madame'' (FANNY KEMBLE), and ENCLOSING A PENCIL DRAWING OF FANNY KEMBLE READING SHAKESPEARE TO AN ExcITED AND CROWDED AUDIENCE, TOGETHER WITH A SKETCH OF HIMSELF EXHIBITING HIS PANORAMA OF THE RHINE TO AN AUDIENCE OF ONE MAN AND A LITTLE GIRL. (As a lot.) KEMBLE (FANNY). PLAYBILLs of HER FIRST AppEARANCEs in the characters of BIANCA and ISABELLA, Covent Garden Theatre, Jan. 12, 1831, and April 28, 1830. (2 pieces) KEMBLE (FANNY). PLAYBILLs of HER FIRST APPEARANCES in the characters of MRS. BEVERLY and CALISTA, Covent Garden Theatre, Feb. 25 and Dec. 8, 1830. (2 pieces) KEMBLE (FANNY). OUTLINEs ILLUSTRATIVE of the Journ AL of F * * * * * * A + 4 + K * * * * * . Drawn and etched by Mr. 8 HUMOROUS ETCHINGS. 8vo, half roan, original wrappers bound in. BosTON: D. C. Johnston, 1835. KEMBLE (FANNY). MR. BUTLER’s STATEMENT, originally pre- . pared in aid of his Professional Counsel. 8vo, half morocco. PHILADELPHIA : Privately printed. (1850) * A DETAILED Account, witH ExTRACTS FROM PRIVATE LETTERs, PREPARED BY MR. BUTLER IN HIS OWN DEFENCE, IN THE ACTION FOR DIVORCE BROUGHT AGAINST HIS WIFE, THE CELEBRATED ACTRESS, FANNY KEMBLE. KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PortRAIT, in plain dress. 8vo, oval, with pedestal beneath. (1783) * FROM THE HIBERNIAN MAGAZINE. KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PortRAIT, in oval, engraved by Cook. Youthful face. 8vo. From the UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE. LONDON, I 783. (Ibe Gilsey Collection I 73 1487 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PortRAIT in plain dress, seated by a table. Engraved by W. SHARP after SIR M. A. SHEE, R. A. FINE BRILLIANT, ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. Folio, in mat. LONDON, 1803. 1488 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). BUST PORTRAIT, in cloak, with Royal Star. 8vo. Engraved by MEYER after STUART. LONDON, I 8o3. 1489 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PortRAIT. Engraved by JAMEs HEATH from a MINIATURE by CHINNERY. 8vo. LoNDON, 1799. 1490 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PORTRAIT, engraved in stipple by CHEESEMAN, after SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. 8vo. FINE IMPRESSION. LONDON, 1817. THE LAST LIKENESS EVER TAKEN OF MR. KEMBLE. I49 I ANOTHER COPY OF THE SAME, with slightly reduced margins. 8vo. 1492 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). Port RAIT, in plain dress, seated on a chair and facing the right. Engraved by W. DANIELL, after a drawing by GEO. DANCE, 1795. 4to. LONDON, 181 o. 1493 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). ENGRAVED Port RAIT, seated in a chair, head supported by his left arm. 4to. PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS, ON INDIA PAPER. 1494 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). ENGRAVED PortRAIT, in character, by R. PAGE, for the “Aritish Zady's Magazine.” 8vo, LoNDON, 1817. (Stained.) 1495 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PortRAIT As CATO, facing to front, in ROMAN COSTUME. Taken from a bust by J. GIBSON. LITHOGRAPH by M. GAUCI. 4to, ON INDIA PAPER. LONDON, 1823. 1496 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PoRTRAIT As CoRIOLANUs. 4to, FULL LENGTH. Engraved in MEzzo TINT by W. O. BURGESS, after the painting by SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. PROOF. LONDON, 1839. 1497 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PoRTRAIT As HAMLET, 4to, FULL LENGTH. MEZZOTINT by J. EGAN, after SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. 1838. 1498 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PortRAIT As Hotspur. 8vo. Engraved by C. PICART, after J. BoADEN, for the THEATRICAL IN- QUISITOR. LONDON, I 82 o. I 74 Oſbe (5i/3ey Collection 1499 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). ETCHED PortRAIT As MACBETH. 4to, FULL LENGTH, CoLoRED BY HAND. LONDON, 1823. 15oo KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). ORIGINAL WATER-color DRA wing BY R. DIGHTon, REPRESENTING MR. KEMBLE IN THE CHARACTER OF PIZARRO. 4to. Fine. 1501 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). Color:ED ETCHED PortRAIT as PIZARRO, made from the original drawing by R. DIGHTON, as above described. 4to. I 799. 1502 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PortRAIT As RICHARD III. En- graved by G. KEATING, after GABRIEL STUART. In oak frame, with mount. 16% x 20% in. OPEN LETTER PROOF. LONDON: J. Boydell, 1788. 1503 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PortRAIT as RICHARD III. En- graved by F. BARTOLozzi, after W. HAMILTON. Folio. FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. LONDON, 1790. 1504 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). MEzzotint PortRAIT As Roll A. 4to, full length, in a tragic attitude, engraved by J. P. QUILLEY. FINE IMPRESSION. LONDON, 1832. 1505 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). ENGRAVED PortRAITs, by Hop- wooD, RIDLEY, GARDINER, etc. (two inlaid); and a FACSIMILE LETTER. (5) 1506 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PortRAIT, by RIDLEy, 1797; also as CATO, HAMLET, etc. (one inlaid). (6) 1507 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). ENGRAVED PortRAITs, IN v ARIous CHARACTERS. Mostly 12mo. (10) 1508 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, BANBURy, Aug. 14, 181 o, to CHARLES EASTE, recommending him to accept an appointment. 1509 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, IRELAND, June 18th, 1813. To “ANNE.” (On the back is written in a contem- porary hand “it would have been better had the 13 pounds been thirty of which God knows / am much in want.”) Also a FACSIMILE LETTER of J. P. KEMBLE in FRENCH. (As one piece.) (Ibe (5ilsey, Collection I 75 1510 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). BENEFIT BILL, THEATRE Roy AL, DRURY LANE, March 13, 1788, the Tragedy of JANE SHORE, with MR. KEMBLE as HASTINGs, his FIRST APPEARANCE IN THAT CHAR- ACTER, MRS. SIDDONs playing JANE SHORE. In oak frame, Io;% in. X I 3% in. 151 1 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PLAYBILLs of his performances at Covent Garden Theatre from 1808 to 1817, appearing as OCTAVIAN (MR. GRIMALDI on the same bill); CoRIOLANUS; PENRUDDOCK, with MARIA Foot E as EMILY TEMPEST; KING JOHN (FIRST APPEARANCE OF MISS O'NEILL AS LADY CONSTANCE), etc. (5 pieces) 1512 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PLAYBILL of MR. KEMBLE's LAST PERFORMANCE ON ANY STAGE IN THE CHARACTER OF BRUTUs, in “Julius Cæsar,” Covent Garden Theatre, May 31, 1817. 1513 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PLAYBILL of MR. KEMBLE's LAST PERFORMANCE ON ANY STAGE OF THE CHARACTER OF HOTSPUR, for MR. YoUNG’s BENEFIT, Covent Garden Theatre, June 3, 1817, MR. You Ng in the character of SIR John FALSTAFF (his first appearance in it). Edges slightly torn. 1514 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). BLANK TICKET of ADMISSION to the FAREWELL DINNER GIVEN TO J. P. KEMBLE ON HIS RETIREMENT FROM THE STAGE. BUST OF KEMBLE on the top, and etched border of flowers; also with engraving of the MEDAL worn by the CoM- MITTEE at the DINNER. 8vo. BOTH ON INDIA PAPER. (2 pieces) 1515 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). PoliticAL CARICATURE representing CHARLES JAMES FOX—the statesman—as PIZARRO running, and sup- ported by the mask of J. P. KEMBLE. 4to. ETCHING by J. CHAP- MAN. (Circa 1800) 1516 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). Auction SALE CATALOGUE of the BOOKS and PRINTS belonging to John PHILIP KEMBLE. 8vo, sewed (name on title). LONDON, 1821. 1517 KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). MEMOIRs of John PHILIP KEMBLE, with an original Critique on his Performance. By JoHN AMBROSE WILLIAMS. 2 portraits and engraved title. 12mo, boards. (Binding broken.) RARE. LONDON, 1823. 1518 KEMBLE (STEPHEN). “HAMLET IN Scotland. A LARGE MANAGER IN A GREAT CHARACTER.” CARICATURE ETCHING By R. DIGHTON, COLORED BY HAND. 8vo, inlaid. LoNDON, 1794. 176 Cbe (5ílgey Collection I 5 I 9 I 52 o I 52 I I 522 I 523 I 524 I 525 I 526 I 527 1528 I 529 KEMBLE. VARIous PortRAITs of Roger, STEPHEN and MRS. S. KEMBLE, engraved by KEARSLEY, RIDLEY FREEMAN, etc. (Two duplicates.) (8) KEMPENFELT (ADMIRAL). ORIGINAL PortRAIT DRA wing IN SEPIA, together with an ENGRAVING made from it, and published in 1782. 8vo, inlaid. (As one piece.) KENT (JAMES). CHIEF JUSTICE of THE SUPREME Court, N.Y., 1804. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. ALBANY, Feb. 5, 1822. (Damaged by damp.) KING'S CARD. Obv., PROFESSOR KING is the best ventriloquist living; A'ev., KING, the great prestidigitateur and modern Sampson, (20). RARE. KNIGHT (EDVARD), “Of DRURy LAN.E.” BUST PORTRAIT, facing to front, with arms crossed, and leaning on a balcony. MEZZOTINT by H. DAWE, after J. KNIGHT. Folio, in mat. BRIL- LIANT IMPRESSION, WITH WIDE MARGINS. LONDON, 1825. KNIGHT (EDVARD). A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. June 15, 1820, to J. P. HARLEY. “ There has been the devil to pay between Ellison and JDowſon.” KNIGHT (EDVARD). Box TICKETs of ADMISSION, Drury Lane Theatre, one containing HEAD OF THE ACTOR, the other his FULL- LENGTH PORTRAIT, in character. (2 pieces) KNOWLES (JAMES SHERIDAN). PortRAIT As WILLIAM TELL. 4to, full-length etching, COLORED. LONDON, 1836. KNOWLES (JAMES SHERIDAN). EIGHT LINEs of verse FROM THE “HUNCHBACK,” IN THE AUTOGRAPH, AND SIGNED BY KNOWLES. Together with a PROOF LITHOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT, ON INDIA PAPER, and a short lithographed biography. (As a lot.) KNOWLES (JAMES SHERIDAN). A. L. S. to EDw ARD Moxon, 1 p. 4to, DUNDEE, April 16, 1839. “I AM GREATLY IN NEED OF MONEY-GREATLY,” ETC. KNOWLES (JAMES SHERIDAN). PLAYBILL of the FIRST PERFORMANCE of his celebrated play the “ Hunchback,” and THE AUTHOR's FIRST APPEARANCE ON ANY STAGE, as MASTER WALTER, Miss FANNY KEMBLE as JULIA, Covent Garden Theatre, April 5, 1832. (Ibe (5ilsey, Collection I 79 I 530 I53I I 532 I533 I 534 I 535 I536 I 537 I538 I 539 I54o KOSSUTH (LOUIS). ORIGINAL DAGUERREoType PortRAIT. 8vo, oval. VERY FINE. KROLLMAN (GUSTAVE AND MADAME). LITHog RAPH PORTRAITS. 4to, oval, cut out and mounted. RARE. * MADAME KROLLMAN was formerly MARY SHAw, sister to MRS. John Hoey. Lackaxe (WILTON). A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. Boston, 1890. LADIES COMPANION (THE). EDITED (for a time) by JoHN HOWARD PAYNE, and Con TAINING NUMEROUS ORIGINAL CONTRIBU- TIONS BY HIM, including MEMOIRs of EARLY AMERICAN ACTORS AND ACTRESSES, and an account of a visit to GEORGE KEATS at LOUIS- VILLE, KY., with the FIRST PUBLICATION OF Two or IGINAL SONNETs BY JOHN KEATs. 8vo, half morocco (lacks last leaf). NEw York, 1837. LAFITTE (JACQUES). FAMOUs FRENCH BANKER. A. L. S., I p. 4to, PARIs, 16 Feb., 1818. To Messrs. LE Roy, BAYARD & Co., NEW YORK, concerning payments to COL. ALPHONSE GROUCHY and others. LANDYS (JOHN). NEGRO MINSTREL. Oval PHoToGRAPH. In neat frame, Io9% in. x 13 in. WITH AUTOGRAPH. LANGTRY (LILLIE). A. L. S. 4 pp. 8vo. No place or date. LATHROP (GEORGE PARSONS). Rose AND Roof-TREE (Poems). FIRST EDITION. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth. BosTON, 1875. * THE AUTHOR’s FIRST work. LATHROP (GEORGE PARSONS). “FIRST GLANCE.” AN ORIGINAL POEM OF 16 LINES IN HIS AUTOGRAPH AND SIGNED : March, I88o. - LATHROP (SAM). THE “KAINTUCK" CLow N, as he appeared in his great stump speech in favor of the UNION. SPIRITED FULL- LENGTH PORTRAIT. 4to. Lithographed and designed by T. BROWN, I847. LEE (GEN. ROBERT E.) ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH, oval, THREE- QUARTERS LENGTH, in private dress, seated in a chair. In frame (no glass), 23% in. x 20% in. I8O (Ibe (5íI3ey Collection 1541 LEE (GEN. ROBERT E.) ETCHED PortRAIT, by C. B. HALL. 8vo. PRINTED ON SATIN. 1542 LEE (GEN. ROBERT E.) “GEN. LEE AT THE GRAVE OF STONEWALL JACKSON.” 4to. Engraved on steel by J. C. McRAE, after G. G. WHITE, and NEATLY COLORED BY HAND. 1543 LEE (GEN. ROBERT E.) PortRAIT. Engraved by A. B. WAL- TER, after a photo. from life. 4to. Published by the LEE MEMO- RIAL ASSOCIATION. 1544 LEE (GEN. ROBERT E.) “DEcoRATION of THE CASKET of GEN. LEE AT LEXINGTON, VA., Oct. I 5th, 1870.” 4to. LITHO- GRAPH by CURRIER & IVEs. 1545 LEE (GEN. ROBERT E.) “GEN. LEE's QUICK MARCH,” com- posed by CHARLES YoUNG. With LITHOGRAPH Port RAIT BY BUF- FoRD. BOSTON, 1864. 1546 LEE (GEN, ROBERT E.) CHECK ON THE BANK of CoMMERCE, N. Y., 31 Aug., 1844, SIGNED BY GEN. LEE when HE was CAP- TAIN. 1547 LEE (GEN. ROBERT E.) A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. HEADQUARTERs, Coosaw HATCHIE (S. C.) 17 Dec., 1861. To Gov. PICKENs. 1548 LEE (GEN. ROBERT E.) A. N. S. LEXINGTON, VA., 30 Oct., 1865. 1549 LEE (GEN. CHARLES). ENGRAVED PORTRAIT, in uniform, by a GERMAN ARTIST. Square 8vo. Circa 178o. 1550 LEE (MARY ANN). DANCER. Performed at BoweRy THEATRE, 1839. FULL-LENGTH PORTRAIT As BEATRIX in “Za Jolie Fille de Gand.” TINTED LITHog RAPH from life by D'Avig NoN. Folio (one corner torn off). RARE. 155 I LEECH (JOHN). ORIGINAL SKETCH IN w ATER-Colors. ExE- CUTED IN LEECH's most characteristic manner; IT REPRESENTS AN ELDERLY MAN WEHO HAS BEEN SUFFERING FROM THE TOOTHACHE AND HAS REACHED THE DENTIST's DOORSTEP SITTING ON IT AND RAISING HIS HAND IN JOY AT FINDING THE PAIN HAS SUDDENLY STOPPED. 6% in. x 5% in. . |- - - (Ibe (Bilsey Collection I8I I 552 I 553 I 554 I 555 I556 I 557 I 558 I559 1560 1561 I 562 LEEDS CASINO. BRASS MEDALET (25). Obv., View of building, Royal Casino, King Charles Court, LEEDs; Rev., Royal Casino, Promenade Concert Hall, LEEDs. LEIGH (MR). FAMoUs AUCTIONEER, founder of the firm of SoTHEBy’s. HALF-LENGTH PoRTRAIT, sitting at the rostrum with hammer in hand. Engraved by Sw AINE after W. BEHNES. 4to. PRIVATE PLATE. LE KAIN (HENRY LOUIS). GREAT FRENCH TRAGEDIAN. BUST PORTRAIT in oval, pedestal beneath. BRILLIANT LINE ENGRAV- ING by A. DE ST. AUBIN after a painting by LENOIR. Folio, PROOF. LELOIR (MAURICE). FAMoUs FRENCH ARTIST. ORIGINAL wATER-color DRAWING of a woman in costume, half length. 2% in. x 1% in. LEMAITRE (CHARLES FREDERIC). FRENCH Actor AND DRAMATIST. BUST PORTRAIT. LITHOGRAPH by LEóN NOEL, 1833. 4to. ON INDIA PAPER. LEMON (MARK). A. N. S. PUNCH of FICE, March 25, 1865. ADMISSION TO THE HAYMARKET THEATRE. LESLIE (C. R.) FAMOUs PAINTER. A. L. S. 1 p. 12mo, LoN- DON, July 6, 1833. LEWIS (JAMES). PLAYBILL of CoMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT ten- dered to MR. JAMES LEwis, Comedian, at the Metropolitan Theatre, Rochest ER, N. Y., March 26, 1862, “ Uncle Tom's Cabin,” with JOHN ELLSLER as UNCLE TOM, LITTLE EFFIE ELLSLER as EVA, and MR. LEwis as GUMPTION CUTE (with portrait). TORN. LEWIS (WILLIAM T.) ENGLISH Actor. FULL-LENGTH Por- TRAIT in character, hat with plume in left hand, columns and drapery in the background. MEZZOTINT by J. Jon ES after M. SHEE. Folio (slightly torn in the margins). LONDON, 1792. LILLE. CoPPER MEDALET (24). Obv., Head 1., L. NAPOLEON III. Empereur; Rev., Solemnité Musicale, Grand Concours Vocal et Instrumental, Lille 17–18 Juin 1855. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LITHoGRAPH PortRAIT, by CURRIER & Ives. Large quarto. NEw York, 1860. I82 (Ibe Gilsey Collection I563 I564 I 565 1566 I 567 1568 I 569 I 57 o I 57 I I 572 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “THE Hon. ABRAHAM LINCOLN OF ILLINOIs, NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT.” FULL BUST PORTRAIT, from a photograph, 1860, LITHOGRAPH by CURRIER & Ives. Large folio. NEw York, 1860. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LITHog RAPH Port RAIT by J. H. BUFFORD. 4to. COLORED. BosTON, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT in circle, with figure of DIOGENES lighting the portrait with his lantern, the CAPITOL in the background. Engraved by H. B. HALL. Folio. NEW YORK, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). MEMBER's CERTIFICATE of the LINCOLN Mon UMENT Associ ATION OF PHILADELPHIA, in blank, and containing an ENGRAVED VIG NETTE BUST OF LINCOLN. 8vo. Dated July 4, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT within an oak leaf and bay border. Woven in silk. Tissé par GUILLET. PAUL DURAND, Fabi. Lyon. 8vo, in mat. Copyrighted 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “OUR FALLEN HEROES.” WooD EN- GRAVING, containing in the centre a nearly life-size bust of ABRAHAM LINCOLN surrounded with TWELVE PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED FEDERAL OFFICERS KILLED DURING THE WAR, and figurative engraving of a NATIONAL MONUMENT. Large folio, COLORED AND VARNISHED, mounted on rollers. NEW YORK, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT from the original picture by MAT THEW WILSON. LITHog RAPH by L. PRANG. Folio. BOSTON, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT, drawn from life by F. B. CARPENTER, 1864, engraved by F. HALPIN. FINE ORIGINAL PROOF, SIGNED IN AUTOGRAPH by F. B. CARPENTER. In neat oak frame, 32in. x 26% in. NEw York, 1866. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT in an oval, and figurative scene of LINCOLN AND THE SLAVE with his fetters broken. Drawn by J. E. TAYLOR, 1892. PRINTED ON GREEN SILK, and mounted in a mat. 4to. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT, vig NETTE, engraved by J. C. BUTTRE. Beneath it a facsimile of LINCOLN's letter to MRS. Bixby (who lost five sons in the Rebellion). Small folio. WASHINGTON, 1892. (Ibe Gilgey, COIlection I83 I 573 I 574 I 575 I 576 I 577 1578 I 579 158o 1581 1582 I 583 I 584 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT, with large bust and head, turned slightly to right, no beard. Process engraving. Size of plate 23 in. x 19 in. INDIA PAPER, on very large folio sheet. BOSTON: A. W. E/son, 1894. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT in oval. Process engraving by A. W. ELSON & Co. Large folio. INDIA PAPER. BOSTON, 1894. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LITHog RAPH PortRAIT by KELLOGG & Co. Large folio. LIFE SIZE. 1896. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT, half length, seated. Without beard. 4to. LITHOGRAPH by CURRIER & Ives. NEw York, 1860. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT. Reproduction from the original negative taken by MR. A. HESLER in 1860, showing LINCOLN without a beard, and of which LINCOLN expressed his approval as being “better than any he had seen.” With printed history of the negative on the back. Small 4to. PHILADELPHIA (?) G. B. Ayres, I 894. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Mezzotint PortRAIT, engraved by T. Doney, 4to (cracked in the plate mark). CHICAGO, 1866. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PHOTOGRAPH, 12mo, seated at table which contains book and ink-stand. BEARS WHAT IS APPARENTLY IN HIS OWN HANDWRITING, “ABM. LINCOLN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, MAY I 7, 1861.” LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Two FINE PHOTOGRAPHs, taken from early negatives. 12mo. (2 pieces) LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PHOTOGRAPHS of MR. AND MRs. LIN- COLN, from BRADy's negatives. 12mo, (2 pieces) LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PHOTOGRAPHS (early) published by ANTHONY & Co. 12 mo. (2 pieces) LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH, taken by C. D. FREDERICKs & Co. I 2 mo. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “LINcoLN FAMILY.” Engraving in line and stipple by J. C. McRAE. Large folio. NEw York, 1866. (Ibe C3ilgey, Collection I585 1586 1587 1588 I 589 I 590 I 59 I I 592 I593 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “PRESIDENT LIN colN AND HIS FAM- ILY.” COLORED LITHOGRAPH by G. SPOHNY. Large folio (slightly stained and margins trimmed). PHILADELPHIA, 1866. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE LINcoLN FAMILY. M.R. AND MRs. LINCOLN, with the three boys, THOMAs, WILLIE and RoberT. En- graved by J. C. McRAE. In Walnut frame, with gold bead (glass cracked), size 31 in. by 26% in. NEw York, 1866. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “LINcolN AND HIS FAMILY.” MEzzo- TINT by W.M. SARTAIN. Large folio. PHILADELPHIA, 1866. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE LIN colN FAMILY. LITHog RAPH by CURRIER & IVES. In frame, 15% in. x 12 in. NEW YORK, 1867. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “THE FIRST READING of THE EMAN- CIPATION PROCLAMATION,” before the CABINET. Fine engraving by A. H. RITCHIE after the original painted by F. B. CARPENTER, at the White House in 1864. In oak frame, with gilt bead, 45 in. x 35 in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PRESIDENT LINcoLN AND HIs CABINET, , adopting the EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION. PORTRAITs of WM. H. SEWARD, S. P. CHASE, and the other members of the Cabinet, including MR. LINCOLN, 4to, LITHOGRAPH. NEw York: Currier & Ives, 1876. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “GRAND RECEPTION OF THE NoTABILI- TIES OF THE NATION AT THE WHITE House, 1865.” LITHOGRAPH by MAJOR & KNAPP, showing about 40 PORTRAITS, and including LIN- COLN, GRANT, SHERMAN, SUMNER, STANTON, SEWARD, etc. Large folio. NEw York, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “THE CONDITION IN 1863, THE BROKEN SHACKLES,” etc. FULL-LENGTH Port RAIT of LINCOLN. Conflict in the background, and colored troops marching to assist. Slave cabin in right foreground. Drawn by J. E. TAYLOR, 1864. LITHO- GRAPH. In neat frame, 25% in. x 1.9% in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ORIGINAL DRA wing, “THE PRESI- DENT IS REMINDED OF A LITTLE STORY.” FULL-LENGTH CARICATURE of LINCOLN drawn in 1861. 8% in x 5 in. Page Missing in Original Volume Page Missing in Original Volume (Ibe (5ilsey, Collection 187 1594 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). NEw York ILLUSTRATED NEws for March 16, 1861, containing a large folding view of the INAUGURA- TION PROCEEDINGs, and other VIEws of THE CEREMONY by THOMAs NAST, with letterpress descriptions. 1595 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “LINcoLN AND AN OFFICE SEEKER.” ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWING made at WASHINGTON, 1864. 8% in. x 5% in. 1596 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). SATIRICAL PoliticAL CARD issued in NEW YORK, Nov. 12, 1864. “LITTLE MACK AND HIS PARTY GOING UP SALT RIVER ON A GUN BOAT. TERRIFIC ExPLOSION OF THE QUAKER GUN AND DESTRUCTION OF THE ENTIRE PARTY.” LITHOGRAPH containing FIGUREs of LINCOLN, FERNANDO WooD, JEFF. DAVIS, WALLANDIGHAM, PENDLEToN, SEYMoUR, R. E. LEE, and McCLELLAN ; JoHN BULL at one side weeping over his CONFEDERATE BONDS. RARE AND CURIOUs. 1597 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “ABRAHAM LINcoLN AT Home.” Photograph of his residence at SPRING FIELD, with LINCOLN sitting in front, with his FAREw ELL ADDRESS TO HIs OLD NEIGHBOURs. 1861, printed in script, beneath. 4to, on card. PHILADELPHIA, 1865. 1598 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). MR. LINcolN, RESIDENCE AND HoRSE. Folio. LITHOGRAPH by L. KURz. CHICAGO, 1865. 1599 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAwING by Col. D. H. STRoTHER [“Aorte Crayon,” of Harper's]. VALUABLE MEMENTo, DRAWN APRIL 5, 1865, By D. H. STROTHER ON THE SPOT, REPRE- SENTING PRESIDENT LINCOLN IN RICHMOND, SITTING IN A HOUSE, WITH TEA-CUP IN HAND, BE HIND HIM A GENERAL OFFICER, AND A GROUP OF COLORED PEOPLE PEEPING THROUGH THE OPEN IDOORWAY. II in. x 14 in. 16oo LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Two SILK Book MARKERs, witH POR- TRAITS OF LINCOLN (ONE color ED). 1865. 1601 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “PRoclamATION OF EMANCIPATION,” surrounded by a border with slave scenes and view of the bombard- ment of ForT SUMTER. Wood-engraving by W. RoberTs. Folio (margins slightly torn). NEw York, 1865. I 88 (Ibe (5ilgey, Collection 16oz 1603 I 604 1605 I6o 6 16o 7 I6o8 1609 I6 Io I61 I I612 I613 I614 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “LINcoLN, THE MARTYR, VICTORI- OUs.” MEzzo TINT, engraved by JoHN SARTAIN, representing the APOTHEosis of LINcoLN; WASHINGTON and ANGELS receiving him. Folio, PROOF. New York, 1866. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). GENERAL GRANT AT THE TOMB of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. LITHOGRAPHED by CURRIER & IVES. In gilt frame, 16% in. x 13 in. NEW YORK, 1868. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT. Engraved by WM. E. MARSHALL. Folio. FINE IMPRESSION. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LITHOGRAPH PORTRAIT. No place, no date. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PORTRAIT OF LINcoLN, oval, head to right, with border of oak leaves in rectangle. LINE ENGRAVING by JOHN H. LITTLEFIELD. In neat ash frame, 36 in x 30 in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PORTRAIT, with head slightly to left. WOOD ENGRAVING, PRINTED IN COLORS, also a SILK BADGE Con TAINING PORTRAIT. Mounted in a gilt frame, I 3 in. x 16 in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT, representing Mr. Lincoln without beard, facing to front, draped flags and eagle beneath. Engraving on wood. In gilt frame, 12 in. x 15% in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). WooDCUT PORTRAIT, from the first photograph taken after his election. 4to. TINTED. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT engraved by H. B. HALL. with his Address at GETTYSBURG, Nov. 19, 1863. PRINTED ON GREEN SILK and mounted in a mat. 4to. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LIFE-size PortRAIT. Duplex Process Print. Large folio. NEW YORK; McDoughlin Bros., no date. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). CHROMo PortRAIT. BUST, in oval, mounted in mat. No place, no date. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT. Carbon print by M. P. RICE. A. STRIKING AND FINE LIKENESS. Folio. No date. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LITHog RAPH PoRTRAIT. Large folio, full bust, life size, without beard, lith. by J. H. BUFFORD (very slightly foxed). FINE. No date. (Ibe Gilsey, Collection 189 1615 I 616 1617 I618 1619 I 62o I62 I I622 1623 I624 1625 1626 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT (carbon process print) after a photograph from life, seated, with left hand on table. Size, 4% x 6% in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ETCHED Port RAIT, by C. B. HALL. 8vo. PROOF, PRINTED ON PINK SILK. ONLY 5o ISSUED. No date. LINCOLN ABRAHAM). Port RAIT, representing Mr. Lincoln standing, with left hand on table, right hand drawing a cloak around him. LINE ENGRAVING. Large folio. OPEN LETTER PROOF. NEw York: W Pate, no date. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Port RAIT, folio, seated in a chair, pen in right hand. The head after a photograph, the picture by Boy L.E. MEZZOTINT, engraved by JoHN SARTAIN. CHICAGO: A. R. Zandon, no date. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Port RAIT, folio, standing, with left hand on table. MEZZOTINT, engraved by John Sartain. PHILA- DELPHIA, no date. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PortRAIT, 4to, standing, with right hand on table. MEZZOTINT. Unsigned, no date. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LITHOGRAPH Port RAIT, folio, with right hand on table. n. p., n. d. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PRESIDENT LINcoLN AND FAMILY. Engraved by A. B. WALTER (engraving creased). In frame, 13% x 17 in. No date. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “LINcoLN AND HIS FAMILY.” LITHo- GRAPH by D. WIEST, after an ORIGINAL DRAWING by A. BIEGE. Large folio. (Slightly stained.) PHILADELPHIA, no date. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “Union.” MEzzotint by H. S. SADD, giving PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN, CLAY, WEBSTER, WINFIELD SCOTT, BENJ. F. BUTLER, and 17 others. Folio. NEW YORK, no date. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PHOTOGRAPH, showing LINcoLN witH McCLELLAN AND STAFF IN CAMP. Io in. x 8 in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PHOTOGRAPH, taken in camp, showing LINCOLN STANDING IN FRONT OF A TENT, GENERAL GRANT, IN PLAIN CLOTHES, BESIDE HIM. Small 4to, in mat. I90 (Ibe (5ilsey Collection 1627 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PHOTOGRAPH, showing LINCOLN AND MCCLELLAN SITTING TOGETHER IN THE LATTER’s CAMP TENT AND CONVERSING. A TABLE BETWEEN THEM SPREAD witH PLANS AND DOCUMENTS. 8 in. x 6% in., in mat. 1628 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LINcoLN ENTERING RICHMOND, April 3, 1865. Engraved by J. C. BUTTRE after L. Hollis. In neat bronze gilt frame, Io in. x 8 in. No date. 1629 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “IN MEMORY OF ABRAHAM LINcoLN, THE REWARD OF THE JUST.” LITHOGRAPH, representing LINCOLN rising from the tomb, supported by Time and an Angel, weeping figures at the foot. Folio. No date. 1630 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “PRoclamATION OF EMANCIPATION.” ENGRAVED IN SCRIPT, with VIG NETTE PortRAIT OF LINCOLN, and other Vignettes. Designed and executed by A. KIDDER. Engraved and printed by CHAs. SHOBER. Large folio. CHICAGO, no date. 1631 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). CURIOUS DESIGN giving as a ground- work an outline Map of the UNITED STATEs, dotted with stars, LINCOLN in the North, mounted, and JEFFERSON DAVIS in the fore- ground, dismounting from his horse. On the right two fanatics in cages, and groups. Surrounding the whole is an emblematic border of the STARS AND STRIPES, with clasped hands beneath, and motto, “After a Little While.” Color ED LITHog RAPH by CHAs. MAGNUs, N. Y. Folio. No date. 1632 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH OF LINcolN’s HOME AT SPRING FIELD, ILL., on the occasion of a ‘‘BARBECUE '' given to celebrate the admission of KANSAS into the UNION, 1861, showing the assembled crowd, etc. I 1 in. x 8% in. 1633 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PHOTOGRAPH of the full-length statue of LINCOLN by AUGUSTUS ST. GAUDENs, in CHICAGo. Mounted on card. Large folio. 1634 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE LINcolN STATUE in LINcoLN SQUARE, WASHINGTON. LITHog RAPHIC VIEw. 4to. NEw York: Currier & Ives [1876]. ANOTHER coPY. 1635 (Ibe (5ilsey, Collection I9 I 1 636 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). SILK BADGE, with deep mourning bor- der, containing PORTRAIT OF LINCOLN, and the letters U. L. A.; also a miniature head of LINCOLN, embossed in gold, on paper. (2 pieces) 1637 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PHOTOGRAPHs. APOTHEOSIS OF LIN- coLN; Port RAIT, 1865; RESIDENCE AT SPRING FIELD ; and “THE PRICE of THE UNION " (DEATH OF LINCOLN). 4to. (4) 1638 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THREE PROOF PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN; “HoNEST OLD ABE ON THE STUMP"; lithograph; chromo portraits, etc. Mostly 4to. (Io) 1639 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “THE NATION IN TEARs,” and two other pieces of music, with PortRAITS OF LINCOLN, also some con- temporary songs published on the occasion of his death. (I I) 1640 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). D. S. by ABRAHAM LINCOLN, W. H. SEWARD and others, with the SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES. Grant- ing permission to the master of the Schooner Tekoa to depart from NEw BED FORD on a whaling voyage. Printed in 4 languages, and dated June 23, 1863. 1641 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). A. L. S. 1 p. 12mo, Executive MANSION, March 19, 1861. To MASTER GEORGE EVANS PATTEN, NEW YORK. “Whom it may concern “I did see and talk with Master George Evans Patten, last May, at Springfield, Illinois. A'espectfully A. Zincoln.” With the envelope. This letter refers to a little boy who was introduced to M.R. LINcolN. On Master Evans' return to school he naturally boasted of the occurrence, but met with incredul- ity and jeers. Anxious to prove his statement, he wrote to the PRESIDENT, and the above is the letter of reply. A LETTER CHARACTERISTIC OF THE HUMAN FEELING OF LINCOLN. HE COULD FIND TIME IN THE MIDST OF AFFAIRS OF STATE, To HELP ALLAY THE PETTY TROL BLES OF A SCHOOLBOY. 1642 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE of ABRAHAM LINCOLN; SEAT COUPON of For D's THEATRE, WASHINGTON, THE NIGHT of PRESIDENT LINCOLN's ASSASSINATION, bearing date April 14, 1865. (2 pieces) I 92 (Ibe Gilgey Collection I643 1644 I 645 1646 I647 I648 1649 I65o I65 I LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ADDRESS OF HoN, ABRAHAM LINCOLN in vindication of the Framers of the Constitution and the Principles of the Republican Party, delivered at Cooper INSTITUTE, NEW YORK, Feb. 27, 1860. 8vo, paper. NEw York, 1860. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PoliticAL DEBATES BET weeN ABRA- HAM LINCOLN AND STEPHEN A. Doug LAs, in 1858. 8vo, cloth. COLUMBUS, OHIO, 1860. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “LINcoLN's FAREwell ADDRESS ON LEAVING SPRING FIELD, Feb. 1, 1861.” AN ORIGINAL COPY. 8vo, mounted. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “IN MEMORY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN— died April 15, 1865.” HIS FAREw ELL ADDRESS TO HIS OLD NEIGH- Bours, SPRING FIELD, Feb. 12, 1861. Printed on an 8vo leaf, with a mourning border. [1865.] LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “GoLDEN SAYINGs of ABRAHAM LIN- CoLN.” Printed in script and containing a wooDCUT BUST PORTRAIT. Folio. (Stained, backed, and slightly torn.) NEw York, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE MARTYR's Monument, being the PATRIOTISM AND POLITICAL WISDOM OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN as ex- hibited in his SPEECHES, PRocLAMATIONs, etc. Post 8vo, cloth (name on title). NEw York [1865]. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE PRESIDENT's Words. Passages from the SPEECHES, ADDRESSES and LETTERS of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 12mo, cloth. BOSTON, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). SELECTION from the Works of LIN- CoLN. A Souvenir of the Seventh Annual LINCOLN Dinner of the New York Republican Club, Feb. 1 1, 1893. WITH Twelve Port RAITs OF LINCOLN, at various periods. 16mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. NEw YORK; Compiled by the Committee, 1893. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE TABLE TALK of ABRAHAM LIN- COLN. Edited by W. O. STODDARD. Illustrated. 16mo, roan. NEW YORK, 1894. (Ibe Gilsey Collection I93 1652 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINCOLN's Lost SPEECH. May 29, 1856. Souvenir of the Republican Club, N. Y. LINCOLN Dinner, Feb. 12, 1897. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. NEW YORK : Printed for the Committee, 1897. ONLY 5oo COPIES PRINTED. WHEN THIS SPEECH WAS DELIVERED THE EXCITE- MENT OF THE AUDIENCE WAS SO GREAT THAT THE REPORTERS FORGOT TO TAKE NOTES. FORTUNATELY A PRIVATE SPECTATOR MADE A REPORT of IT, AND AFTER 40 YEARS IT WAS BROUGHT TO LIGHT AND PRINTED. 1653 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). OLD ABE’s JokES, FRESH FROM ABRA- HAM's BoSOM. Containing all his issues excepting the GREEN BACKS, to call in some of which, this work is issued. Aortrait. Post 8vo, paper. NEW YORK, n. d. 1654 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PoliticAL TExT-Book for 1860; com- prising a brief view of PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONs, also, a HISTORY of the STRUGGLE respecting SLAVERY in the TERRI- TORIES. 8vo, cloth. NEw York, 1860. 1655 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). RIFLE SHOTs AT PASSING Events. By an Inhabitant of the Comet of 1861. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut. [BY JOHN WELLS.] PHILADELPHIA, 1862. One of the poems is headed, “INTERVIEw witH PRESIDENT LINcolN.” 1656 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE TRUTH FROM AN HoNEST MAN. PRESIDENT LINCOLN's VIEws [On the Vallandigham Case]. 8vo, paper. PHILADELPHIA, 1863. 1657 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). TRIAL OF ABRAHAM LINcoLN By THE GREAT STATESMEN OF THE REPUBLIC. A Council of the Past on the Tyranny of the Present. 8vo, pp. 29. NEW YORK, 1863. AN ATTACK ON LINCOLN. 1658 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). OPINIONS AND PRACTICE OF THE Foun DERS OF THE REPUBLIC in relation to ARBITRARY ARRESTs, etc. — or, the Administration of ABRAHAM LINCOLN sustained. 8vo, Sewed, pp. 54. WASHINGTON, 1864. 1659 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). GoD's PRESENCE AND PURPOSE IN OUR WAR. A. Thanks-giving Discourse in PHILADELPHIA. By REv. W. F. PADDOCK, 1863. 8vo, paper, pp. 27. PHILADELPHIA, 1864. PRINCIPALLY ON THE ACTIONS OF LINCOLN. I94 (Ibe (5ilgey Collection I 660 I 66 I I 662 1663 I664 1665 I 666 1667 I668 1669 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE LINcoLN CATECHISM, wherein the Eccentricities and Beauties of Despotism are fully set forth. A Guide to the Presidential Election of 1864. Crown 8vo, paper, pp. 46. NEW YORK, 1864. A VIOLENT ATTACK on LINCOLN. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Book of THE PROPHET STEPHEN, son of DOUGLAs, wherein marvellous things are foretold of the REIGN OF ABRAHAM. Post 8vo, paper, pp. 48. NEW YORK | 1864]. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Issues of the NEw York HERALD for Nov. 8 and 9, 1864, with the account of the re-election of LINCOLN to the PRESIDENCY. (2) LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ORIGINAL Issue of the NEw York HERALD, April 15, 1865, CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF THE ASSASSIN- ATION AND DEATH OF LINCOLN. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE New York HERALD. The ORIG- INAL ISSUES for April 16th, 22d and 25th, containing fuller particu- lars of the Ass Assin ATION AND DEATH OF LINCOLN, ACCOUNT OF THE OBSEQUIES, and of the LYING IN STATE. (Torn in the folds and mar- gins damaged.) (3 pieces) LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ORIGINAL copy of GENERAL ORDERs No. 51, issued to the NAVY, April 15, 1865, ANNOUNCING THE ASSASSINATION OF LINCOLN and ordering flags to be half-masted. Signed GIDEoN WELLEs. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “THE Assassin ATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN.” LITHOGRAPH by CURRIER & Ives, 4to. NEw York, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. COLORED LITHOGRAPH, in ornamental oak frame, 15 in. x 12 in. NEW YORK; Currier & Zves, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). DEATH OF PRESIDENT LINcoLN. Col- ORED LITHOGRAPH by CURRIER & IVES. In neat frame, 15% in. X I 3 in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “DEATH OF PRESIDENT LINcoLN.” LITHOGRAPH by CURRIER & IVES. 4to (slight tear repaired). NEw YoRK, 1865. (Ibe G5ilgey, Collection I95 1670 1671 1672 1673 I674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 I68o LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE DEATH BED of LINcoLN. En- graved in line and stipple by A. H. RITCH.I.E. In maple frame, with mount, 41 in. x 31 in. PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE DEATH BED of LINCOLN. LITHO- GRAPH, giving view of the DEATH BED SCENE and full-length POR- TRAITS of SUMNER, STANTON, CHASE, and others. Large folio. PROOF, NEw York, 1865, LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LINcoLN IN HIs CoFFIN. ORIGINAL SEPIA DRAWING made April 25, 1865. 6% in. x 434 in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). HARPER's WEEKLY, July 22, 1865. A portion of the issue containing VIEWS and Account OF THE ExECU- TION OF THE ASSASSINS OF LINCOLN. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ORIGINAL PORTRAIT DRAwiNG, IN PENCIL, OF THE HEAD OF MRS. SURRATT. 8vo. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ORIGINAL PORTRAIT DRA wing, in sepia, of LEWIS PAYNE, ONE OF THE LINCOLN CONSPIRATORs. 8vo, full length. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ORIGINAL PORTRAIT, DRAwN IN PEN- AND-INK, OF ATZERODT, ONE OF THE LINCOLN CONSPIRATORs. 8vo, full length. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ORIGINAL PORTRAIT DRAw1NG IN PEN- AND-INK OF DAVID E. HEROLD AND MRs. SURRATT, PARTICIPANTS IN THE LINCOLN ConSPIRACY. 8vo, full length. (1 piece) PHOTOGRAPHS of DAVID E. HEROLD and PAYNE (alias WooD, alias HALL), taken by GARDNER of WASHINGTON; also, SERGT. BosTon CoRBETT, who shot J. WILKES BOOTH. 12mo. (3 pieces) LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ORIGINAL POSTER. “WAR DEPART- MENT, WASHINGTON, APRIL 20, 1865.” $1oo, ooo REWARD : THE MURDERER OF OUR LATE BELovED PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Is STILL AT LARGE”; etc. 23 in. x 12% in. VERY RARE. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). “ExECUTION OF THE ConspIRATORs.” Two views, showing before and after the springing of the Trap. 4to, LITHOGRAPH. No place; no date. (Ibe (5ilgey Collection I68 I 1682 1683 1684 1685 I686 1687 I 688 1689 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Execution of THE CONSPIRATORS. ORIGINAL PHOToGRAPHS TAKEN ON THE SPOT, showing the Prepara- tions for the Execution, and the scenes immediately following the Springing of the trap. Size, 8 x 1 o in. (2) LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). JoHN WILKEs Booth's PRIVATE CON- FESSION OF THE MURDER OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN, AND HIs TERRIBLE OATH OF VENGEANCE, FURNISHED BY AN EscAPED CONFEDERATE. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. [LonDON, May (?) 1865.] LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE TRIAL OF THE Assassins AND CONSPIRATORS FOR THE MURDER OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Complete and Unabridged Edition, witH THE whole of THE SUPPRESSED EVI- DENCE. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, paper (worn copy). PHILA- DELPHIA [1865]. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE Assassin ATION AND DEATH OF ABRAHAM LIN colN. Full Particulars, with a short Account of his Life. By ABBOTT A. ABBOTT. Crown 8vo, paper, pp. 24. NEW YORK, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE LIFE, CRIME, AND CAPTURE OF JOHN WILKEs Boot H. By GEORGE ALFRED TownsEND. PORTRAIT OF BOOTH. 8vo, paper. NEw York [1865]. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE Assassin ATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN, AND THE TRIAL OF THE CONSPIRATORS. Compiled and arranged by BEN PITMAN, Recorder to the Commission. Frontis- piece, containing 9 portraits of the Conspirators. Royal 8vo, cloth. CINCINNAT1, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE ASSAssINATION AND HISTORY OF THE CONSPIRAcy. A complete Digest, with Sketches of the Prin- cipal Characters, Reports of the Obsequies, etc. Portraits and other illustrations. 8vo, half roan. CINCINNATI, 1865 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LIFE, TRIAL, AND ADVENTUREs OF JOHN H. SURRATT, the CONSPIRATOR. Mumerous illustrations. 8vo, paper. PHILADELPHIA, 1867. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE GREAT ConspIRAcy. A Book OF ABSORBING INTEREST —EMINENT PERSONS IMPLICATED. FULL SECRET ON THE ASSASSINATION PLOT, etc. Mumerous illustrations. 8vo, paper (back wrapper wanting). PHILADELPHIA [1866]. (Ibe (Bilsey Collection I97 1690 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). History of THE UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE. By GENERAL LAFAYETTE C. BAKER. ///ustrated. Thick 8vo, cloth. PHILADELPHIA, 1868. THE AUTHOR was CHIEF OF THE SECRET POLICE AT LINCOLN'S ASSASSINATION, AND GIVEs A DETAILED Account of THE PURsuit AND DEATH OF BOOTH, WITH VIEWS OF THE INQUEST ON HIS BODY, BURIAL, etc. 1691 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). REMINIscENCES AND SOUVENIRS OF THE Assassin ATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By J. E. BUCKINGHAM, SR. AVumerous illustrations. AUTOGRAPH of THE AUTHOR. 8vo, cloth. WASHINGTON: Privately printed, 1894. 1692 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PLAYBILL of For D's THEATRE, WASH- INGTON, April 14, 1865. “ This evening the performance will be Aomored by the presence of President Zincoln. MISS LAURA KEENE and Company in “Our American Cousin.” Accompanied by a modern reprint. (As one piece.) 1693 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PROGRAMME IN MANUSCRIPT FOR A PERFORMANCE AT For D's THEATRE, WASHINGTON, EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1865. In frame, 14 in. x 1.7% in. * THIS MANUSCRIPT WAS FOUND IN THE STAGE MANAGER’s ROOM OF THE THEATRE AFTER THE ASSASSINATION OF LINCOLN AND REPRESENTS WHAT WAS CONTEM- PLATED TO BE PLAYED THE FOLLOWING EASTER MONDAY. AFFIXED IS ALSO A PORTION OF THE WALL PAPER OF THE BOX IN WHICH THE PRESIDENT WAS SHOT. 1694 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE PRESIDICIDE. A PoEM. By J. DUNBAR HYLTON. 12mo, cloth. PHILADELPHIA: Privately printed, 1868. * THE SCENE is LAID AT THE PLACE where Booth Took REFUGE AFTER THE ASSASSINATION, AND THE WHOLE POEM DEALS WITH THE MOST STRIKING EVENTS OF THE CONSPIRACY. 1695 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). MADAME SURRATT. A DRAMA IN FIVE Acts. By J. W. Rogers, of the Washington Bar. Crown 8vo, paper, pp. 148. WASHINGTON: Privately printed, 1879. * FOUNDED ON THE CONSPIRACY AND ASSASSINATION OF LINCOLN. 1696 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE HUMBLE ConqueroR. A. Dis- course commemorative of the Life and Services of ABRAHAM LIN colN, preached to the CAMBRIDGEPORT Parish. By REv. HENRY C. BoDGER. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 18. BOSTON, 1865. I98 (Ibe C3ilgey Collection 1697 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE STATE of THE Count Ry. A Discourse at PHILADELPHIA, on the “Pay of Humiliation and Mourn- ing ” for the PRESIDENT. By ALBERT BARNEs. 8vo, paper, pp. 74. PHILADELPHIA : Privately printed, 1865. 1698 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ODE ON THE DEATH of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By S. G. W. BENJAMIN. Post 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 15. BOSTON, 1865. 1699 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PRoceedings of THE CITy CouncIL OF PROVIDENCE ON THE DEATH OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, with Oration by WILLIAM BINNEY. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 56. PROVIDENCE, 1865. 17oo LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). A MEMORIAL OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. [Boston CITY COUNCIL MEMORIAL, with Addresses, Eulogy by SUMNER, etc..] Royal 8vo, cloth. BOSTON, 1865. 1701 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). EULogy on ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By GEORGE W. BRIGGS, June 1, 1865. With the proceedings of the City Council on the death of the President. 8vo, paper, pp. 48. SALEM, MASS., 1865. 1702 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Address at WoR- CESTER. By ALEx, H. BULLOCK, June 1, 1865. 8vo, paper, pp. 49. WoRCESTER: Privately Printed (1865). 1703 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). FUNERAL ADDRESS ON THE DEATH OF ABRAHAM LINCO.N. By REV. C. M. BUTLER, 8vo, paper, pp. 32. PHILADELPHIA, 1865. 1704 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE MARTYR PRESIDENT. Our Grief and our Duty. By REV. J. G. BUTLER. 8vo, paper, pp. 14. WASH- INGTON, I865. 1703 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT LIN- CoLN. A Sermon preached in BIRMINGHAM, CT., April 19, 1865. By REV. N. H. CHAMBERLAIN. 12mo, paper, pp. 22. NEW YORK, 1865. 1706 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). EULogy on PRESIDENT LINcoLN. By DAVID S. CopDINGTON. Delivered at CHARLESTON, S. C., May 6, 1865. 8vo, paper, pp. 30. NEw York: Privately Printed, 1865. Cbe Gilsey Collection I99 1707 1708 I 709 I 7 Io 17 II 1712 I 7 I 3 I 7 I 4 I 715 1716 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LINcoLN MEMORIAL. THE JOURNEYs OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, SPRING FIELD to WASHINGTON, 1861, as PRESI- DENT-ELECT, and from WASHINGTON to SPRING FIELD, 1865, as PRESI- DENT MARTY RED ; comprising an account of the Public Ceremonies, etc. By W. T. COGGESHALL. Portrait. Post 8vo, paper. COLUM- BUs, OHIO, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). EULOGY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN–deliv- ered at HARTFORD, CoNN., June 8, 1865. By HENRY CHAMPION DEMING. 8vo, paper, pp. 58. HART FORD, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). DEATH of PRESIDENT LINcoLN. Ser- mon in ST. PAUL's CHURCH, N. Y., April 19, 1865. By REv. MoR- GAN DIX. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. CAMBRIDGE, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Discourse occASIONED BY THE ASSAS- SINATION OF ABRAHAM LINcoLN, delivered in the ALBANY PENITEN- TIARY. By DAVID DYER. 8vo, paper, pp. 20. ALBANY: Privately Printed, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE MARTYR To LIBERTy. Three Sermons preached in PHILADELPHIA. By REv. RICHARD EDDY. 8vo, paper, pp. 27. PHILADELPHIA, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LEs ENFANs DU TRAVAIL. Par ALEx. D'ENGLEHERN.—ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Premiere Partie. Crown 8vo, paper, pp. 24. PARIS, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LEGISLATIVE HonoRs To THE MEMORY OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. Message of Gov. FENTON, and Obsequies of LINCOLN in the Legislature of N. Y. 8vo, cloth. ALBANY, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ADDRESS ON THE DEATH OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN, delivered at NEw-RochellE, N. Y. By John FowleR, JR. 8vo, paper, pp. 28. NEW YORK : Privately Printed, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PRESIDENT LINCOLN's DEATH: its Voice to the People. A. Discourse by GoRDON HALL, preached in NORTHAMPTON, MASS., April 19, 1865. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. North- AMPTON: Arivately Printed, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENT. [Poems.] By PHOEBE A. HANAFORD. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. Boston, 1865. 2OO (Ibe Gilsey Collection I 717 1718 I 7 I 9 I 72 o 172 I I 722 I 723 I 724 I 725 1726 I 727 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE GREAT FUNERAL ORATION ON ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Miss EMMA HARDINGE. Delivered at CoOPER'S HALL, N. Y., April 16, 1865. 8vo, paper, pp. 28. NEw York (1865). LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PRESIDENT LINcoLN. Article from the Princeton Review, July, 1865. [BY PROF. HoDGE.] 8vo, sewed, pp. 24. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). EULOGY on ABRAHAM LiNcolN, pro- nounced at SPRING FIELD, MASS., April 19, 1865. By J. G. Holl AND. SPRING FIELD, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ARGUMENT of REVERDy Johnson to prove the ILLEGALITY OF THE MILITARY COMMISSION APPOINTED TO TRY THE ASSASSINS OF LINCOLN. 8vo, paper, pp. 31. BALTIMORE, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Discourse, delivered on the Day of the Funeral of PRESIDENT LINCOLN, in ST. PAUL’s CHURCH, NEw YORK. By REv. JoHN McCLINTOCK. 8vo, paper, pp. 35. NEW YORK, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). MEMORIAL ADDRESS ON LINCOLN, by HON. LEONARD MYERs. 8vo, paper, pp. 15. PHILADELPHIA, 1865. ANOTHER COPY. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). EULOGY on ABRAHAM LINcoLN, deliv- ered before the NEw ENGLAND HISTORIC-GENE ALOGIC SOCIETY, BOSTON, May 3, 1865. By REv. ELIAS NASON. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 28. BOSTON, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE MARTYR PRESIDENT. [AEoem of 43 pages with black ruled border.] [By R. H. NEWELL–“Orpheus C. Aerr.”] Crown 8vo, original wrappers. RARE. NEW YORK, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). A GREAT MAN FALLEN: Discourse on the death of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, delivered in PHILADELPHIA, April 23, 1865. By REv. WILBUR F. PADDOCK. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. PHILADELPHIA : Privately Printed, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). EULOGY ON ABRAHAM LINcoLN, de- livered in PORTSMOUTH, N. H., April 19, 1865. By ADONIRAM J. PATTERSON. With an Account of the Obsequies observed by the City. 8vo, paper, pp. 30. PORTSMOUTH: Privately Printed, 1865. (Ibe (5ilsey, Collection 2O I 1728 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE CHARACTER OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By ROBERT M. PATTERSON. 8vo, paper, pp. 44. PHILADELPHIA, 1865. 1729 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). STATE Council of PENNSYLVANIA O. U. A. M. In Memoriam, ABRAHAM LIN colN. Portrait by /. Serz. Square 16mo, cloth. RARE. PHILADELPHIA : Privately Arinted, 1865. 1730 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). SERMON ON THE DEATH OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. By REV. N. L. RICE. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. NEW YORK : W. C. Bryant & Co., 1865. 1731 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE MARTY RED PRESIDENT. A Ser- mon preached in BROOKLYN, by REv. C. S. Robinson, April 16, 1865. 8vo, paper, pp. 31. NEw York: Privately Printed, 1865. 1732 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ORIGINAL AUToGRAPH PoEM by MAY RILEY SMITH, “THE BURIAL OF ABRAHAM LINcoLN,” four verses. Sung on the occasion of the depositing of ABRAHAM LINCOLN's Re- mains in the tomb of OAK RIDGE CEMETERY. (1865.) 1733 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). OPINION on the CoNSTITUTIONAL POWER OF THE MILITARY TO TRY AND ExECUTE THE ASSASSINS OF THE PRESIDENT. By AT TORNEY-GENERAL JAMES SPEED. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. WASHINGTON, 1865. 1734 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINcoLN. An Horatian ODe. By R. H. STODDARD. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, paper, pp. 12. NEw York, 1865. INSERTED IS AN AUTOGRAPH COPY OF ONE OF THE VERSES, SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR, 1735 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). AN ORATION CoMMEMORATIVE OF PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINcoLN, delivered at BROOKLYN. By Rev. RICHARD S. STORRs. 8vo, paper, pp. 65. BROOKLYN, 1865. 1736 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). REDEN GEHALTEN bei der BERLINER ToDTENFEIER fur den PRASIDENTEN LINCOLN. Von J. J. STURz. 8vo, sewed, pp. 39. BERLIN, 1865. 1737 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE PROMISEs of THE DEcLARATION of INDEPENDENCE. Eulogy on ABRAHAM LINCOLN, delivered at BOSTON, June 1, 1865. BY CHARLES SUMNER. 8vo, paper, pp. 67. BOSTON, 1865. 2O2 (Ibe (5ilsey, Collection 1738 I 739 I 74O I 74 I I 742 I 743 I 744 I 745 I 746 I 747 I 748 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). IN MEMORIAM. Discourse delivered at POTTSTOWN on the Character and Death of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By REV. J. C. THOMPSON. 8vo, pp. 20. PHILADELPHIA : Privately Arinted, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINcoLN. His Life and its Lessons. A Sermon. By REv. Joseph P. THOMPson. 8vo, paper, pp. 38. NEW YORK, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). A TRIBUTE OF RESPECT by the Citizens of TROY, N. Y., to the Memory of ABRAHAM LINcoLN. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. TRoy, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PROCEEDINGs of THE UNION LEAGUE OF PHILADELPHIA regarding the Assassination of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 8vo, paper, pp. 22. PHILADELPHIA, 1865. ANOTHER COPY. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). OBSEQUIEs of ABRAHAM LINcolN in the CITY OF NEW YORK. By DAVID T. VALENTINE. Portrait and tinted Ziews of the funeral procession. Royal 8vo, cloth. NEW YORK, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). SERMon on THE ASSAssINATION OF ABRAHAM LINcolN, delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, TRoy. By REv. MARVIN R. VINCENT. 8vo, sewed, pp. 47. TRoy: A rivately Printed, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE NATIONAL SACRIFICE. Sermons in PHILADELPHIA. By REv. TREADwell WALDEN. 8vo, paper, pp. 4 I. PHILADELPHIA, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). MEMORIAL SERMONs. The Capture of RICHMOND. Some of the Results of the War. The Assassination of the President. By REv. EDw1N B. WEBB. Small 8vo, paper, pp. 61. BosTon: Privately Printed, 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). MEMORIAL ADDRESS on the Life and Character of ABRAHAM LINcoLN. By GEORGE BANCROFT. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. WASHINGTON, 1866. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE VICTORIOUs. A Small Poem on the ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT LIN colN. By M. B. BIRD, Wes- leyan Missionary, Port-au-Prince, Hayti. Post 8vo, cloth. KINGSTON, JAMAICA: Privately Printed, 1866. Cbe (5ilsey, Collection tº 2O3 1749 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). MEMORIAL RECORD of the Nation's Tribute to ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. WASHINGTON, 1866. 1750 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LETTER. To ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By MANTON MARBLE, Editor of the World. [Concerning the suspension of the paper by Zincoln. J Royal 8vo, cloth, pp. 25. NEW YORK : Arivately Printed, 1867. 1751 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). SoNGS AND POEMs. By W. MARSH, United States Consul, ALTon A. Post 8vo, cloth. ALTONA : Privately Arinted, 1867. Contains poem on LINCOLN; In Memoriam of COL. E. E. ELLSWORTH; THE PIRATE ALABAMA; etc., etc. 1752 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LA MoRT DU PRESIDENT LINcoLN. [AE’oeme.] Par E. PRAROND. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 28. [Académie Aºrançaise, Concours de 1867.] PARIs, 1867. 1753 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). OFFICIAL PROGRAMME at the UNVEIL- ING OF THE STATUE OF LINCOLN upon the National Lincoln Monu- ment, SPRING FIELD, Oct. 15, 1874, with his INAUGURAL ADDRESSES, etc. 8vo, paper, pp. 78. SPRING FIELD, 1874. 1754 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). [DEDICATION SERVICES AT THE UN- VEILING OF THE BRONZE GROUP commemor ATING EMANCIPATION. A Gift from HoN. Moses KIMBALL. Photograph of the Group. Royal 8vo, cloth. BOSTON, 1879. 1755 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINcoLN, THE TyPE of AMERICAN GENIUS. An Historical Romance. By RUFUs BLANCHARD. Aortrait of Zincoln inserted. 8vo, paper, uncut, pp. 141. WHEATON, I882. 1756 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). WAs ABRAHAM LINcolN A SPIRIT- UALIST?; or, Curious Revelations from the Life of a Trance Medium. By MRS. NETTIE Col.BURN MAYNARD. Aortrait and illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. PHILADELPHIA, 1891. 1757 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINcoLN: an Essay. By CARL SCHURz. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1892. AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION BY THE AUTHOR. (Ibe Gilsey Collection I 759 1760 1761 1762 I 763 I 764 I 765 1766 1767 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINcoLN. Tributes from his Associates. [By G. W. CURTIs; L. E. CHITTENDEN; W. O. STODDARD; and others.] Introduction by W. HAYES WARD. Por- trait. Crown 8vo, cloth. NEw York (1895). LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINcolN: a Poem. By LYMAN WHITNEY ALLEN, Post 8vo, cloth. NEw York, 1896. AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LIBERTY's MARTYR: a Poem, by THOMAS Boundy. Portraits and other illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. JERMYN, PA. : A'rivately printed, 1897. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE RELIGION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Correspondence between GENERAL C. H. T. COLLIS and COLONEL ROBERT G. INGERSOLL. With Appendix containing Anecdotes by GENERAL DANIEL E. SICKLEs and HoN. Oliver S. MUNSELL. Square 8vo, paper, pp. 24. [Autograph presentation copy from C. H. Z. Collis, I NEw York (1900). ANOTHER COPY, ALSO WITH AUTOGRAPH. NEW YORK, 1900. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LEBEN, WERKEN, und REDEN des Re- publikanischen Präsidentschafts-Candidaten ABRAHAM LIN colN. Aortrait on wrapper. Crown 8vo, paper, pp. 1 of (two leaves torn). NEw York, 1860. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LIFE, SPEECHES, AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF ABRAM LINCOLN, with a Sketch of the Life of HANNIBAL HAMLIN. Portrait. Post 8vo, paper. [Wigwam Edition.] New York, 1860. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF ABRA- HAM LINCOLN. By D. W. BARTLETT. Portrait on wrapper and an- other Zaid in. Post 8vo, paper. (Back cover wanting and a few levaes stained.) NEw York, 1860. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICEs of ABRA- HAM LINCOLN, 16th President, etc. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. PHILADELPHIA (1864). LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINcoLN, sa VIE, son CAR- ACTERE, son ADMINISTRATION. Par CESAR PASCAL. Post 8vo, paper. PARIs, 1865. (Ibe (5ilsey, Collection 2O5 1768 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LIFE AND PRINCIPLES OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By HON. SCHUYLER COLFAx. 8vo, paper, pp. 29. PHILA- DELPHIA, 1865. 1769 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ILLUSTRATED LIFE, SERVICES, MAR- TYRDOM, AND FUNERAL OF ABRAHAM LINcoLN, 16th President, etc. Post 8vo, cloth. PHILADELPHIA (1865). 1770 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE LINcoLN MEMORIAL: a Record of the Life, Assassination, and Obsequies of the Martyred Presi- dent. Edited by J. G. SHEA. Royal 8vo, cloth. NEw York, 1865. 1771 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). NATIONAL JEWELS : WASHINGTON, LINCOLN, and the FATHERS OF THE REvolution. By REv. ANDREw MANSHIP. Portrait of Zincoln and Washington. 8vo, cloth. PHILADEL- PHIA : Pub/ished by the Author, 1865. 1772 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINcoLN, sa Naissance, sa Vie, sa Mort, avec un Récit de la Guerre d’Ameridue. Par ACHILLE ARN AULD. Portraits and illustrations. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 96. PARIS, 1865. 1773 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINCOLN, sein Leben und seine offentlichen Dienste. Nach dem Englischen von P. A. HANA- FORD von Ju LIUS WüRzBURGER. Aortraits and zºoodcuts. 8vo, cloth. NEw York (1865). 1774 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE PICTURE AND THE MEN, sketches of LINCOLN and his CABINET, with a Life of F. B. CARPENTER, author of the painting, “THE FIRST READING OF THE EMANCIPA- TION PROCLAMATION,” with other interesting details. Compiled by F. B. PERKINs. PORTRAIT OF F. B. CARPENTER, and Āey Plan to the painting. Crown 8vo, cloth. NEW YORK, 1867. 1775 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). BEHIND THE SCENEs; or, Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House. By ELIZABETH KECK- LEY (former/y a slave, later a modisſe and friend of Mrs. Zincoln). Aortrait. Post 8vo, cloth. NEW YORK, 1868. 1776 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ORIGINAL ACROSTICs on some of the STATES and PRESIDENTs of the UNITED STATES. By R. BLACK WELL. Aortraits. Post 8vo, cloth. NEW YORK, 1871. CONTAINS PORTRAITS OF LIN COLN AND AN ACROSTIC ON IIIM, also of GRANT, SHERMAN, and others. 2O6 (Ibe (5ilsey Collection I 777 1778 I 779 1780 1781 1782 1783 I 784 I 785 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINCOLN, by ISAAC N. ARNOLD ; STEPHEN A. Doug LAs, by JAMES W. SHEHAN. 8vo, paper, pp. 52. (Fergus’s Historical Series, AVo. 15.) CHICAGO, 1881. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). REMINISCENCES OF A BRAHAM LINCOLN. By Distinguished Men of his Time. [E. B. WASHBURNE; G. S. BouTwelL; BENJ. F. BUT LER: FRED. Dou GLAs; ROBERT G. INGER- soll; WALT WHITMAN; etc..] Collected and edited by ALLEN THORNDIKE RICE. Portraits of Zincoln and many of the contributors. Thick 8vo, half morocco, gilt. NEw York, 1886. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM)). THE TRUE STORY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By ELBRIDGE S. BROOK.S. 92 illustrations. Small 4to, pictorial cloth. BOSTON, 1896. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By CLIFTON N. NICHOLs. Profusely illustrated with portraits and views. Royal 8vo, pp. 319. (Wants wrappers.) NEW YORK, 1896. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). REcoLLECTIONs of LINcoLN AND Doug LAS, FORTY YEARS AGo. By AN EYE-WITNESS. 2 portraits, etc. Square 16 mo, cloth. NEW YORK, 1899. ONLY 200 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR PRESENTATION. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINcoLN, drawn from original sources and containing many SPEECHES, LETTERS, and TELEGRAMS HITHERTO UNPUBLISHED. By IDA M. TARBELL. 2 vols. small 4to, half cloth, uncut. NEW YORK, I 9oo. No. 27 OF THE SPECIAL ILLUSTRATOR’s EDITION, OF WHICH ONLY 75 COPIES WERE ISSUED. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE ONLY AUTHENTIC LIFE OF ABRA- HAM LINCOLN, alias “O/d Abe.” 18mo, paper, pp. 16. No place; no date. A BURLESQUE LIFE. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINcoLN in the LATEST BIOGRAPHY. 8vo, paper, pp. 44. No PLACE: Privately Printed. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ADDRESSEs at the unveiling of the statue of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, BROOKLYN, 1869; ADDRESSEs at the presentation of the PORTRAIT OF LINCOLN by the House of Assem- bly, 1867; THE LINCOLN MONUMENT, EDINBURGH, 1893; and others. 8vo, paper. (5 pieces) (Ibe Gilsey Collection 2O9 1786 1787 1788 1789 I 790 I 79 I I 792 I 793 I 794 I795 I796 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LINcolN's ARBITRARY ARRESTs; COR- RUPTIONs and FRAUDs of the LINcoLN ADMINISTRATION ; OPINIONS on SLAVERY, as expressed by LIN colN, with Notes by Ho N. W. WHITING ; SPEECH OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN at ILLINOIS, 1860; and others, similar. 8vo, sewed. (8 pieces) LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). CAMEo, HEAD IN white, ON COR- NELIAN. I }% in. in height. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). BRONZE BUST, SMooth FACE. MADE By L. W. Volk IN 1860, SHORTLY BEFORE MR. LINCOLN's ELECTION IN 1860. Height, I I in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). BRONZE BUST. WITH BEARD. MADE ABOUT THE TIME OF MR. LIN colN's Assassin ATION. Height, 16% in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). BRONZE PLAQUE OF MR. LINCOLN. Side face, head to right, cast in high relief, in circle. Designed by L. AVET, 29 May, 1865. Diameter, 7 in. VERY RARE WITH THE DATE. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Ov AL BRONZE, with face of LINCOLN in centre, head to right, cast in high relief, 5% in. x 4% in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PLAQUE IN WEDGwooD WARE STYLE, with decorative border, having in the centre a bust, in relief, of LINCOLN, full face. Diameter, 7 in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). BRONZE OF PRESIDENT LINcoLN, side face, head to right, cast in high relief. 6% in. x 434 in. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). BRONZE. By C. CALVERLEy, 1898. Circular, with bust in relief in centre, head to right. Inscription around circle. Diameter, Io94 in. FINELY ExECUTED. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). MEMORIAL BRONZE, lettered GETTYs- BURG, and containing ABRAHAM LINCOLN's SPEECH at the Dedication of the National Cemetery, GETTYSBURG, Nov. 19, 1863. With floriated border. 18% in. x 1 1 % in. INTERESTING MEMORIAL OF LINCOLN, cast in bronze, and, being ornamental, makes a valuable memento for decorative purposes. ExtREMELY RARE. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PLASTER CAST OF ABRAHAM LINcoLN's RIGHT HAND, MADE BY L. W. Vol.K AT THE TIME OF LINCOLN's NOMINATION IN 1860. 2 IO (Ibe (5ilgey Collection I 797 1798 I 799 I 8oo I 8o I I 8o 2 18o3 1804 1805 I8o0 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LIFE MASK of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. MADE BY L. W. Volk IN 1860. CAST IN PLASTER. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LARGE SILVER MEDAL by ELLIS. Obv., Bust r., 1862; Rev., Ploughing scene, surrounded by Indians, bow, arrow, quiver, etc. (76.) Holed, with loop attached, slight tarnish. Presented to “RED CLOUD,” “RAIN IN THE FACE,” and other chiefs of the MIN- NESOTA SIOUX after the REBELLION of I862. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LARGE BRONZE MEDAL BY SIGEL. Obv., Bust r., SALVATOR PATRIAE; Rev., In memory of the Life, Acts and Death of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Born Feb. 12, 1809, Died Apr. 15, 1865. Surrounded by wreath. (84.) A tarnished proof. SAME. (84.) In white metal. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Obv., HEAD r., ABRAHAM LINcoLN; A'ev., Inaugurated President, etc. Surrounded by ornamental wreath. (77.) Aluminum. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). BRONZE by Bovy (61). Obv., Head r., ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the U. S., etc.; Rev., Abolition of Slavery Proclaimed, Sep. 22, 1862, with malice, etc. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). BRONZE, by PAQUET (58). Obv., Head r., Memoria in Aeterna ABRAHAM LINCOLN; Rev., Emblematic figure of Liberty carrying banner, North Western Sanitary Fair. CHICAGo, ILL., 1865. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Obv., Bust r., ABRAHAM LINcoLN, 1865; Rev., Broken pillar, flags, etc., He is in Glory and the Nation in Tears, Born, etc. (51) By Key, in white metal. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LARGE BRONZE, by FRANKY—MAG- NIADAs. Obv., Head 1., Dédié par la Democratie Française à LIN- coLN President deux fois élu des ÉTATS-UNIs; Rev., Emblematic design of Justice and freed slaves, LINCOLN honnéte homme abolit l'esclavage . . . 1865 (83). RARE. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). BRONZE, by ZEARING (46). Obv., Bust r., 1809, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, 1865; Åev., With malice, etc. ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL OF THE LINCOLN MEDALS. (Ibe (5ilsey Collection 2 I I 1807 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Obv., Busts 1., jugata, LINcolN and HAMLIN, in wreath; Ā’ev., The Fall of Sumter will be Avenged . . . I 861, BRONZE ; Another, Bust r., ABRAHAM LINCOLN, sixteenth President of the U. S., in wreath; Rev., View of building, Residence of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, copper (35). (2 pieces) 1808 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Obv., Bust 1., ABRAHAM LINcoLN, born, etc.; Rev., Busts of WASHINGTON and LINCOLN facing, the Father the Saviour of his Country (35), white metal; Another, Head l., incuse, on brass shield; Another, Head r., incuse, on brass star; four campaign medalets of LINCOLN, JOHNSON and GRANT, with daguerreotypes. Two have pins attached. (7 pieces) 1809 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). CAMPAIGN MEDALs in white metal, LINCOLN and JOHNSON, 1864 (40). One holed. (2 pieces) 1810 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). OTHERs, in brass and white metal (28). One holed. (4 pieces) 1811 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). PRoofs, in silver. Size of U. S. dime. Obv., Head r. ; A'ev., An Honest Man, the crisis demands his re-election, 1864, etc. (2 pieces) 1812 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). IN MEMORIAM CARDs; SILK BADGE ; POEMS, and other scraps published on the occasion of the death of LINCOLN. (Io) 1813 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). ABRAHAM LINcoLN, HIs Book. FAC- SIMILE REPRODUCTION OF HIS NoTE Book, cont AINING AUTOGRAPH NotES OF SPEECHES, NEWSPAPER CUTTINGs, etc. 18mo. NEW YORK, I 9o I. 1814 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). THE GROLIER CLUB CATALOGUE of an Exhibition of PORTRAITS OF LINcoLN. Crown 8vo, paper. NEw York, 1899. 1815 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). A MEMORIAL LINcoLN BIBLIOGRAPHY; being an Account of Books, PortRAITS, ENGRAVINGS, MED ALS, etc., relating to ABRAHAM LINCOLN, and in the possession of ANDREW Boy D. Royal 8vo, in original sheets. ALBANY, 1870. 1816 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). LINcoLN LITERATURE: a BIBLIOGRAPH- ICAL Account OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Compiled by DANIEL FISH. Royal 8vo, paper, UNCUT and UN OPENED. MINNEAPOLIS, 1900. 2 I 2 (Ibe (5i/3ey Collection 1817 LINCOLN AND HAMLIN. Two BUST PORTRAITs, in Circles, with Figurative Border. LITHOGRAPH drawn by D. C. FABRONIUS, designed by J. N. HYDE. 4to. BOSTON, 1860. 1818 LINCOLN AND WASHINGTON. FIGURATIVE SCENE, showing them hand in hand before the Altar of Liberty. 4to. LITHOGRAPH by CURRIER & Ives. NEw York, 1865. 1819 LINCOLN, GRANT, ETC. “THE COUNCIL OF WAR.” LITHo- GRAPH by J. BRAMER giving FULL-LENGTH PORTRAITS OF LINCOLN, GRANT, SHERMAN, SHERIDAN, THOMAS, FARRAGUT, and PORTER, Open-air scene. Large folio. NEW YORK, 1865. 1820 LINCOLN, GRANT, ETC. A LITERARY DEBATE IN THE DARK- Town CLUB. The Question Settled. HUMOROUs LITHoGRAPH BY THOMAS WORTH. Port RAITS OF LIN COLN and GRANT. 4to. NEw York: Currier & Zves, 1885. 1821 LINCOLN (MARY). Wife of ABRAHAM LINcoLN, ORIGINAL EARLY PHOTOGRAPH, evidently taken before her husband's election to the Presidency. 1822 LINCOLN (MARY). A. L., signed MARY LINCOLN. 3 pp. 8vo, CHICAGO, Nov. 6, 1865, to F. B. CARPENTER. “A thank you for your prompt assurance that—/ sha/Z have a portrait executed by yourself of my deeply lamented husband. Z have seen a number of portraits— yet none have ever approached the truthfulness as yours have done.” “I am broken hearted over this overwhelming affliction, of course realize it more than when the terrible tragedy first occurred.— Until God's love shall place me by his side again / shal/ Anow no peace or alleviation from my griefs.” 1823 LIND (JENNY). FULL-LENGTH PortRAIT, standing beside a piano. Folio. LITHOGRAPH by LÉON-NOEL, after a painting by H. LELOIR. 1824 LIND (JENNY). PORTRAIT, seated, in evening dress. LITHO- GRAPH by SARONY. In oak frame, 11% in. x 1.4% in. WITH AUTO- GRAPH-“IN KIND REMEMBRANCE OF JENNY LIND, ALBANY, JULY, 1851.” Cbe Gilgey, Collection 2 I 3 1825 L IND (JENNY). FIRST APPEARANCE IN AMERICA AT CASTLE GARDEN. ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRA win G BY GUSTAv SchoEN, SHOWING THE INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING, WITH THE AUDIENCE, AND JENNY LIND STANDING ON THE FRONT OF THE PLATFORM. 15% in. x Io 9% in., on card. 1826 LIND (JENNY). NEwsPAPER Folio, 4 pp. Published by F. GLEASON, BOSTON, containing sketches of JENNY LIND and BARNUM. With portraits, poems, anecdotes, songs sung by her, etc. WHOLLY PRINTED IN GOLD. 1827 LIND (JENNY). A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. BERLIN, 20 Jan., 1845. INTERESTING AND LENGTHY LETTER TO M. BournONVILLE, in Swedish, with an English translation. “Meyerbeer wrote to me and begged me to come to Berlin.”—“Z have had unparal/e/ed success.”—“My fame and fortune might soon now be made. You can imagine my anxiety before and ſmy happiness after the performance.”—“ZXo you think it will be wise for me to go to Copenhagen—when Copenhagen is flooded with Swedish song- stresses and don't you think they are fired of Swedish song.” 1828 LIND (JENNY). A. L. S. in GERMAN. To ARNOLD WEHNER, Musical Director in GOTTINGEN. Written from HANNover, Feb. 8, 1850. 4 pp. 4to (with accompanying English translation). Also, AD- DRESSED ENVELOPE and ENGRAVED PORTRAIT. (As one piece.) 1829 LIND (JENNY). A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. NEw York, 31 Dec., 1851. 1830 LIND (JENNY). A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. No RTHAMPTON, March 29, 1852. 1831 LIND (JENNY). PROGRAMME of JENNY LIND's conceRT At TRIPLER HALL, Nov. 18, 1850. With Views of the Interior and Ex- terior of the Hall, words of the songs, etc. 8vo, original wrappers, with portraits. NEw York, 1850. 1832 LIND (JENNY). PROGRAMMEs of ConceRTs AT TRIPLER HALL AND CASTLE GARDEN, 1850–51. 8vo, paper. (3 pieces) 1833 LIND (JENNY). LIFE AND GENIUs of JENNY LIND. With en- gravings by S. P. Avery. 8vo, paper, pp. 48. NEW YORK, 1850. 1834 LIND (JENNY). BRASS MEDALET (21). Obv., Head 1. JENNY LIND; A'ez., Tendit and Astra. 1835 Another (19). Obv., same as above; Rev., Flamingo Nescit Decasum. 2I4 (Ibe (5ilsey Collection 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 LINGARD (W. H.) CoMic Vocalist. A. N. S. NEw York, March 27. No year. LISTON (JOHN). FAMoUs ENGLISH CoMEDIAN. PoRTRAIT, plain dress, facing to front. MEzzotin T by H. SADD, after G. CLINT. Folio, in mat. LoNDON, 1832. LISTON (JOHN). LITHog RAPH by J. H. BUFFORD, NEw York, giving PORTRAITS OF MR. LISTON, MR. MATTHEws and MR. HARLEY in a drinking scene. 8vo. LIST ON (JOHN). FULL-LENGTH PortRAIT in character, in “Love, Alaw and Physic.” 4to. ETCHED BY R. DIGHTON, 1819. LISTON (JOHN). PortRAIT, As BAILIE NICOL JARVIE. En- graved in aqua-tint and unsigned. 4to. Color:ED. LIST ON (JOHN). PortRAIT, AS BARON ALTRADOFF. FULL- LENGTH ETCHING. 8vo. LIST ON (JOHN). PoRTRAIT, As A BROOM GIRL. LITHOGRAPH by R. J. LANE, 4to. PROOF ON INDIA PAPER. LONDON, 1826. LISTON (JOHN). PortRAIT, As Dominie SAMPSON. ETCHING. 8vo. COLORED BY HAND. LIST ON (JOHN). PortRAIT, As DOMINIE SAMPSON. 4to, full length, and engraved in stipple. LoNDON, 1826. LISTON (JOHN). PortRAIT, AS GROJAN in “Quite Correct.” 4to, full length, engraved in aqua-tint. COLORED. LISTON (JOHN). Port RAIT, As LoRD GRIZZLE, 4to. ETCHING, unsigned. LONDON, 1823. LISTON (MRS.) Port RAIT As MADGE in “Love in a Village.” 8vo. Engraved by SCRIVEN, after DE WILDE. Color ED. (From the THEATRICAL INQUISITOR.) LONDON, 1813. 1848 LIST ON (JOHN). PortRAIT As MAwworm. 4to. Engraved in 1849 aqua-tint and unsigned. ColoFED. LONDON, 1826. LISTON (JOHN). Port RAIT As Moll FLAGGON. 4to. LITHo- GRAPHED IN COLORS BY E. F. LAMBERT. LoNDON, 1826. Tbe Gilsey Collection 2 I 5 185o 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 I86 I LIST ON (JOHN). PortRAIT As PAUL PRy, 4to. ETCHING, CoLoRED by hand. LONDON: Pub. by B. Webster, 1825. LISTON (JOHN). “PAUL PRy AND Polhill's CoMMITTEE.” POLITICAL CARICATURE BY ROBERT CRUIKSHANK. LISTON in the character of PAUL PRY. 4to. LIST ON (JOHN). PortRAIT As Tony LUMPKIN. LITHog RAPHED FROM LIFE by J. H. LYNCH. 4to, on INDIA PAPER. LONDON, 1828. LISTON (JOHN). PortRAIT As VAN DUNDER. Colored LITHo- GRAPH by G. E., MADDELEY. 4to. A LISZT (ABBE). FAMOUs PIANIST AND COMPOSER. A. L. S. (in French). I p. 12 mo. No place; no date. LITERARY PHOTOGRAPHS. JAMEs RUSSELL Low ELL, WASHINGTON IRVING, WILLIAM CULLEN BRY ANT, NATHANIEL P. WILLIS. All early. 12mo. (4 pieces) LITERARY PHOTOGRAPHS. H. W. LoNG FELLow, Geo. P. MoRRIs, John B. Goug H, T. BUCHANAN READ, John G. NicoLAY. All early. 12mo. (5 pieces) LITERARY PORTRAITS. NATHANIEL HAwthor NE, GEO. P. MoRRIs, O. W. HolMEs, and H. R. HELPER. 12 mo. (4 pieces) LITERARY RE-UNION (A). CIRCULAR GROUP PHOTOGRAPH, giving PORTRAITs OF WHITTIER, EMERSON, MOTLEy, HAw THORNE, LONG FELLOW, HOLMES, ALCOTT, LOWELL, and AGASSIZ. 4to, mounted On card. LIVERPOOL. STAR ConceRT HALL. BRAss TokEN. Obv., Star Concert Hall, Williamson Square, LIVERPOOL, Refreshment Ticket, 3d. ; Rev., 4d. (36.) Holed. LIVERPOOL. ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. CoPPER TOKEN (33). Obv., LIVERPOOL. Zoological Gardens, established 1833, THOMAS ATKINs; Rev., Elephant, Visitor's Check. LIVINGSTON (ROBERT). FIRST CHANCELLOR of New York. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, MANOR LIVINGSTON, 17 Oct., 1779; TO PHILIP VAN RENSSELAER. 2 I 6 (Ibe Gilgey Collection I862 1863 1864 1865 I866 1867 I868 1869 1870 1871 1872 LOCKE (G. E.) “YANKEE Locke.” LITHog RAPH by J. L. MAGEE, after daguerreotypes by L. K. WARREN, showing him in 6 different characters and in private dress. Large folio. LOGAN (CORNELIUS A.) Father of ELIZA and OLIVE LOGAN. ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH, mounted, 16mo, in plain dress. RARE. LOGAN (CORNELIUS A.) AUTOGRAPH of C. A. Log AN, written several times, in the first edition of Buckstone’s “MAY QUEEN.” 8vo, paper. LONDON, 1834. LOGAN (CORNELIUS A.) Port RAIT as “SAM Hobbs.” Repro- duction from the original painting, in the possession of the Family. (Only 12 issued.) 4to. LOGAN (ELIZA). EARLY AMERICAN ACTRESS. ORIGINAL DA- GUERREOTYPE PORTRAIT, in character. 4to. VERY FINE. LONDON. VIEW OF LONDON As IT APPEARED BEFORE THE FIRE OF 1666. Copper engraving by PELTRO, 4to. LONDON, 1784. LONDON. BRASS MEDALET. Obv., Head I. VICTORIA Regina; A'ev., Cremer, Jun., Evening Entertainments, 2 Io Regent Street (23), holed; also COPPER TOKEN of WALTON, counterstamped 1736 (23). (2 pieces) LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). ORIGINAL DAGUERREOTYPE PORTRAIT. I 2 mo. FINE AND EARLY. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). A. L. S., 2 pp. I 2 mo, CAMBRIDGE, Jan. 23, 1878. Letter of thanks to R. H. STODDARD. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). PoEM of 22 LINES WHOLLY IN HIS AUTOGRAPH, AND SIGNED. The well-known lines commencing : “ Thou, too, sail on, O Ship of State A “Sail on, O Union, strong and great / " LONGSTREET (GEN. JAMES). PHotoGRAPH By BRADy, WASHINGTON, WITH AUTOGRAPH OF LONG STREET. On the back is written: “ The General in his letter to me of /an. 6, '97, says this por- “trait was taken in 1858, when he was a Major and Paymaster in the “ U. S. A.” (Ibe (Bilgey Collection 2 I 7 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 I 88o I 88 I I 882 LONGSTREET (GEN. JAMES). MILITARY DESPATCH written AND SIGNED BY HIM, to GENERAL LAW, dated Nov. 28, 1863, ANNOUNC- ING HIS INTENTION OF ATTACKING THE FEDERALs NEXT MORNING AT DAYLIGHT, and instructing GEN. LAW to make a feint on his side to draw their attention. I p. 4to. (Operations at KNOXVILLE.) LOSS OF THE STEAMER LEXINGTON. A FULL AND PARTICULAR Account of the loss of the steamer LExINGTON in LONG ISLAND SOUND, Jan. 13, 1840, as elicited in the evidence. Frontispiece. 8vo, half roan, pp. 32, original wrappers bound in. PROVIDENCE, 1840. LOSSING (BENSON J.) Pictor IAL HIStory of THE CIVIL WAR. Zllustrated with steel portraits and many hundreds of engravings on wood by LOSSING and BARRITT, from sketches by the Author. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half calf. PHILADELPHIA, 1866. “LOTTA ’’ (Lott A CRABTREE). ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH. Folio, facing to front, hands crossed. LOUIS XIV. FINE PORTRAIT, engraved by B. PICART, 1728. 4to. Oval, pedestal beneath. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. LOUIS XIV. D. S. 1 p. 4to. ST. GERMAINE-LA-HAYE, 1673, also signed by MICHEL LETELLIER, CHANCELLOR OF FRANCE, ad- dressed to CAPTAIN DESNAGUERREZ, concerning a commission to CHEVALIER VIBRAC. IT WAS PARTLY OWING TO LETELLIER'S INFLUENCE THAT THE EDICT OF NANTES WAS REVOKED. He was also the father of LOUVOIS, the famous Minister of LOUIS XIV. LOUIS XV. WARRANT TO CH. P. DE LAVALETTE DE MAGN AN- VILLE to pay JEAN FESSIEUx, under cook, 2 oo livres. Signed LOUIS, VERSAILLES, April 1, 1760. LOUIS XVI. WARRANT authorizing the TREASURER OF HIS CIVIL LIST to pay charges on the care of the linen and lace in the ROYAL CHAPEL at VERSAILLES. Signed LOUIS, 14 Sept., 1791. LOVER (SAMUEL), IRISH NoveLIST, author of “Handy Andy.” A. L. S. to W. L. To NE. 1 p. 8vo. LONDON, n. d. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). A. L. S. 1 p., 8vo. ELM- wooD, 5th March, 1877. “Will you be good enough again to call on Quaritch for the volume of Zayamon's Brut.” 2 I 8 (Ibe (Bilsey Collection 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 I 888 1889 1890 LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). ConcLUSION OF AN AUTo- GRAPH LETTER (1876), CONTAINING SOME LINEs of writing AND HIS SIGNATURE. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL) AND OTHERS. THE SPIRIT OF THE FAIR. [Published in aid of the U. S. Sanitary Commission.] Com- plete in 17 parts, as issued. 4to, paper. NEW YORK, 1864. Among the contributors are J. R. Low ELL, W. C. BRYANT, E. C. STEDMAN, G.W. CURTIS, “IK MARVEL,” C. G. LELAND, and GEORGE BANCROFT. LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. “THE QUAck DENTIST.” Copper- plate engraving. I 523. 4-#5 in. x 2% in. LUCCA SCUDO. Obv., St. Martin and the beggar, Sanctus Mar- tinus; Æev., Arms, Respublica Lucensis, 1744, Good (43); 5 francs, 1807, Felix and Eliza, busts jugata. (2 pieces) LUNARDI (VINCENT). AN Account of Five AERIAL Voy AGEs IN SCOTLAND, in a Series of Letters. 2 plates. Post 8vo. LONDON, 1786. RARE, THESE ASCENSIONS WERE MADE IN SCOTLAND ABOUT TWO YEARS AFTER THE FIRST ONES THAT WERE EVER MADE. Inserted are two newspaper extracts giv- ing accounts of contemporary ascensions. ACARDELL (JAMES). “Mezzotint Scraper.” BUST PORTRAIT, head slightly to left, scraper in right hand and resting on table. MEZZOTINT BY R. EARLoM and R. SAYER, AFTER A PORTRAIT BY HIMSELF. Folio, in mat. (Margins cut close.) LON- DON, 177 I. McCLELLAN (GEO. B.) A. L. S. 4 pp. 4to. PHILADELPHIA, March 24 (1855). “I have condescended to degrade myself by accepting a tolerably high Captaincy in the 1st Cavalry.” McCULLOUGH (JOHN). ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH, in the charac- ter of IAGO. I 2 mo. 1891 McCULLOUGH (JOHN). PLAYBILLs of 5th Ave. Theatre, N. Y., Nov. 15 and Dec. 3, 1881, Dec. 4 and 9, 1882, MR. McCULLOUGH as VIRGINIUS, RICHARD III., KING LEAR, and DAMON. (4 pieces) (Ibe Gilsey Collection 2 I 9 1892 McNEVIN (J.) “DESTRUCTION OF THE Schoon ER GASPé IN THE WATERS OF RHODE ISLAND, 1772.” THE ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR DRA wing By J. McNEVIN, painted in 1856. Graphic picture show- ing the storming of the vessel, the forward part being in flames, boats rowing up to it, and a hand-to-hand conflict in the Stern. With numerous figures. Size, 21 in. x 15 in. On drawing paper. Accompanied with an engraving of the same by J. ROGERS. (As one piece) 1893 McNEVIN (J.) “WASHINGTON AND GIST visit QUEEN ALIQUIPPA.” THE ORIGINAL WATER-color DRAwi NG BY J. McNEVIN, painted in 1856. WASHINGTON, GIST, and ALIQUIPPA in the foreground, IN- DIANS in robes standing around, tents and trees in the background. Size, 21% in. x 15 in. on drawing paper. Accompanied with the en- graving of the same by J. Rogers. (As one piece) 1894 McNEVIN (J.) “WASHINGTON KEEPING GUARD, over THE TRAITOR GUIDE.” THE ORIGINAL WATER-Color DRA win G BY J. McNEVIN, painted in 1856, representing WASHINGTON and his companion in hunting costume seated by a camp-fire, watching the INDIAN GUIDE sitting opposite. Background of Firs dimly visible in the darkness. 2 I }% in. x 15 in., on drawing paper, accompanied with the engraving of the same by J. Rog ERS. (As one piece) 1895 McNEVIN (J.) “WASHINGTON AND FAIRFAx AT A WAR DANCE.” THE ORIGINAL w ATER-color DRAWING BY J. McNEVIN, painted in 1856, showing WASHINGTON, FAIRFAx and a GUIDE standing beneath a tree watching a band of INDIANS in war paint dancing a war dance round a large camp-fire. Night scene, with dense background of firs, and luridly-lit figures. 2 1 % in. x 15 in., on drawing paper, accom- panied with the engraving of the same by J. Rog ERs. (As one piece) 1896 McSWINEY (OWEN). ENGLISH DRAMATIST AND MANAGER. PoRTRAIT, seated in a chair, facing to front, right arm on table, left hand holding a book. MEZZOTINT by J. FABER, after VANLoo. Folio, in mat, with full margin. 1897 McSWINEY (OWEN). PortRAIT, in plain dress. Mezzotint by PETER VAN BLEECK, 1749. 4to. 1898 MACKLIN (CHARLES). THE PATRIARCH of THE STAGE. ORIG- INAL WATER-color DRAwi NG BY W. CookE (Author of the Life of MACKLIN). 12mo. 1803. 22O (Ibe (5ilgey Collection I 899 I 9oo I90 I I 9o 2 I 903 I 9ozſ. I 905 1906 1907 1908 MACKLIN (CHARLES). Color ED ENGRAVED PortRAIT, as SHYLOCK. 16mo. LoNDON: R. Sayer (1769). RARE. MACKLIN (CHARLES). PLAYBILL of Covent Garden Theatre, March 20, 1755, “ The Country Wife,” with MR. MACKLIN in the character of SIR JASPER FIDGET. (AVof acted these five years.) MACLISE (D.) FAMOUs ENGLISH PAINTER. ORIGINAL SKETCH, IN WATER-COLORS, of a bunch of Heather Bells. DELICATELY PAINTED. 6% in. x 5% in. MACREADY (W. C.) ORIGINAL WATER-Color DRA wing By GEORGE CATLIN, representing the actor in the role of CoRIOLANUS. Half length. In gilt frame, with mount, 12% in. x 1.4% in. MACREADY (W. C.) Port RAIT As RoMEo. FULL LENGTH, both arms extended in act of declamation, forest in the background. ENGRAVED by WooDMAN after DE WILDE. Small folio. LONDON, 18 Io. THE FIRST ENGRAVED PORTRAIT OF THIS FAMOUS ACTOR. HE WAS THEN BUT 17 YEARS OF AGE. MACREADY (W. C.) Port RAIT As MACBETH, engraved by A. B. DURAND from a painting by J. NEAGLE. 8vo. PHILADEL- PHIA, 1827. MACREADY (W. C.) ENGRAVED PortRAIT as WILLIAM TELL, by A. B. DURAND, after the painting by HENRY INMAN. 8vo, ON LARGE PAPER. BEARS THE PRESENTATION INSCRIPTION, ‘‘MISS CLARA FISHER, witH H. INMAN's CoMPLIMENTs.” MACREADY (W. C.) PRoof LITHog RAPH PortRAIT (before in- scription). 4to, plain dress. ON INDIA PAPER. MACREADY (W. C.) PortRAIT As Ion, and as WERNER. LITHo- GRAPHS by LANE, ON INDIA PAPER. 4to, COLORED. LONDON, 1838–9. (2) MACREADY (W. C.) PortRAITs as Ion, by R. J. LANE, litho- graph on INDIA PAPER; as KING JOHN, by WOOLNOTH after WAGE- MAN, PROOF ON LARGE (INDIA) PAPER; in plain dress, from the “Garrick Club Album ”; in plain dress, engraved by D. J. Poun D. 12mo and 4to. (4 pieces) Cbe Gilsey Collection 22 I 1909 MACREADY (W. C.) A. L. S. 1 p. 16mo, LoNDON, April 9, 1841, referring to future engagements at DRURY LANE THEATRE. 191 o MACREADY (W. C.) TICKET of ADMISSION to the PRINCEss's THEATRE, 1845, IN THE TRAGEDIAN's HANDWRITING, and signed “W. C. MACREADy.” (Mounted.) 1911 MACREADY (W. C.) PLAYBILLs of his performances at Drury Lane, Covent Garden, Haymarket Theatres, LONDON, and at DUBLIN, ABERDEEN, GREENOCK, and PETER BoRo", from 1820 to 1847, repre- senting him in a variety of his best characters. (15 pieces) 1912 MADDOX (M.R.) “THE PERFORMANCEs of THE FAMoUs MR. MADDOx AT SADLER's WELLs,” showing him in twelve different per- formances on the wire, with a FULL-LENGTH PORTRAIT in the centre. 4to. Engraved on copper. LONDON, 1752. 1913 MAEDER (CLARA FISHER). PHOTOGRAPH PortRAIT. In frame, I 2 % in. x 18 in. 1914 MAEDER (CLARA FISHER). ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH, at age of 80 years. WITH AUTOGRAPH on BACK. 8vo. 1915 MAEDER (CLARA FISHER). BENEFIT PLAYBILLs, Walnut Street Theatre, PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 13, 1842, and Academy of Music, ALBANY, May 21, 1867. (2 pieces) 1916 MAGRUDER (J. B.) FAMOUs CoNFEDERATE GENERAL. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. GALVESTON, Jan. 6, 1863, to MRS. RANDOLPH. WRITTEN IMMEDIATELY AFTER HE HAD CAPTURED GALVESTON FROM THE FEDERAL FORCES AND DISPERSED THE BLOCKADING SQUADRON. “I have beaten the enemy out of Texas and made my Texans famous as Rangers of the Sea as well as of the land—for the present recovered the coast, and think / will be able to hold it.” -- 1917 MALONE (EDMOND). AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE of THE LIBRARY OF EDMOND MALONE, Editor of SHAKESPEARE. 8vo, sewed. LoNDON, 1818. 1918 MANCHESTER. BRASS MEDALET (27). Obv., Musical instruments, Victoria House; Rev., BENJ. LANG, Victoria Musical Gallery, near Manchester Old Church. 222 (Ibe (Bilsey Collection I9 I 9 I 92.O I 92 I I 92.2 I 92.3 I 92.4 I 92.5 I 926 I 92.7 1928 MANCHESTER. THEATRE ROYAL, MEDAL, in aluminum (39). Obv., Queen's head l., In Commemoration of the Jubilee Reign of H. G. M. QUEEN VICTORIA, 1837–1887; Rev., THEATRE ROYAL, MANCHESTER, Jubilee, Pantomime Blue Beard, CAPTAIN BAINBRIDGE's best wishes to all. VERY FINE. MANCHESTER. Roy AL CASINo. BRASS MEDALET (27). Obv., Exterior view of building, Royal Casino, Concert Hall; A'ev., Royal Casino, Promenade, Concert Hall, MANCHESTER. MANSFIELD (RICHARD). A. N. S. in pencil, to MR. SARONy. No place; no date. MANZINI (COST ANZA). PRIMA DoNNA at NIBLo's GARDEN, 1853. LITHOGRAPH PORTRAIT, folio, by F. D'Avig NON (cut down and slightly stained). SCARCE. MAP OF AMERICA, 1587. AMERICA sive Novi ORBIs; Nov A DESCRIPTIO. (From Ortelius' Atlas.) Folio. MARETZEK (MAX). SHARPS AND FLATs (operatic recollections and anecdotes). With Portraits and Facsimile Zetters of Adelina Patti (in 1860), Guilia Grisi, Henrietta Sontag, and others. Royal 8vo, paper. NEW YORK, 1890. A \ MARIE THERESE. DAUGHTER OF Louis XVI., DUCHESSE D’ANGOULEME. D. S. 4to. Dec. 31, 1825. WARRANT OF AP- POINTMENT TO A Roy AL CHAPLAINCY. With portraits and biography. NAPOLEON I. SAID THAT MARIE THERESE WAS THE ONLY BOURBON THAT HAD THE SPIRIT AND ENERGY OF A MAN. MARIO (SIGNOR J.) CELEBRATED OPERA SINGER. A. N. S., NEW YORK, 1872. Giving the date of his first appearance in NEw YORK. MARTYN (ELIZA). AUToGRAPH NoTE, in third person, as Miss INVERARITY (her maiden name). I p. 12 mo, LONDON, 1831; also, AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE, as ELIZA MARTYN. STAMFORD, 1841. (2 pieces) MARZIALS (THEO.) ORIGINAL POEM of TEN LINEs (“Carpe diem "), WHOLLY IN HIS AUTOGRAPH, AND SIGNED. Cbe C3ilgey Collection 223 1929 MASSETT (STEPHEN C.) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, with the Words of his SONGS, BALL ADS, etc. Crown 8vo, paper. NEw York, 1858. 1930 MASSETT (STEPHEN C.) ORIGINAL FULL-LENGTH PEN-AND- INK DRAWING, unsigned. 8vo. 1931 MATHEWS (CHARLES). “JENNy Jones,” Music and Words, with FULL-LENGTH LITHOGRAPH PORTRAIT OF MATHEws, by E. MORTON. 4to. 1932 MATHEWS (CHARLES). PORTRAIT IN AN IRISH chARACTER. 12 mo, COLORED LITHOGRAPH. RARE. 1933 MATHEWS (CHARLES.) PortRAIT As AP LLEwellyN AP LOYD, Esq. ETCHED by I. R. CRUIKSHANK and COLORED BY HAND. 8vo, inlaid. 1934 MATHEWS (CHARLES). PortRAIT As GEORGE AUGUSTU's FIPLEY. Etched by I. R. CRUIKSHANK and color ED BY HAND. 8vo, inlaid. 1935 MATHEWS (CHARLES). PortRAIT As LENITIVE in “THE PRIZE.” LITHOGRAPH drawn by A. HERVIEU and color ED. 8vo. Inlaid. 1936 MATHEWS (CHARLES). PortRAIT As MAwworm. FULL- LENGTH PORTRAIT, engraved by ALAIS. 8vo. Inlaid. LoNDoN: /. A’oach, n. d. 1937 MATHEWS (CHARLES). Port RAIT As Miss AMELRoz A. Etched by I. R. CRUIKSHANK, and COLORED BY HAND. 8vo. Inlaid. 1938 MATHEWS (CHARLES). PortRAIT As Miss Evelin A EveR- GREEN. Scene, with Diligence, etc., in a Hotel Yard. ETCHED by I. R. CRUIKSHANK, and COLORED BY HAND. 8vo. In laid. 1939 MATHEWS (CHARLES). PortRAIT As Monsieur MoRBLEU. FULL-LENGTH ETCHED PORTRAIT, CoLoRED BY HAND. 8vo. Inlaid. 1940 MATHEWS (CHARLES). Port RAIT As Monsieur ZEPHYR, French Ballet Master. FULL LENGTH, ETCHED by I. R. CRUIK- SHANK, and COLORED BY HAND. 8vo. Inlaid. 224 (Ibe Gilgey Collection I 94 I I 942 I943 I 944 I945 1946 I 947 I948 I949 I95o I95 I MATHEWS (CHARLES). PortRAIT As M. DE TourviLLE. FULL-LENGTH PORTRAIT, engraved in stipple, and COLORED BY HAND. 8vo. Inlaid. MATHEWS (CHARLES). PortRAIT As OLD HURST. Etched by I. R. CRUIKSHANK, and COLORED BY HAND. 8vo. Inlaid. MATHEWS (CHARLES). PortRAIT As SIR SHIVERUM Screw- NERVE. Etched by I. R. CRUIKSHANK, and COLORED BY HAND. 8vo. Inlaid. MATHEWS (CHARLES). PortRAIts as GoLDFINCH, by HoP- wooD after DE WILDE; as SoMNo, by THOMSON, after DE WILDE; as MONS. MORBLEU, by WoolNOTH after WAGEMAN: CHARLES J. MATHEWS, in plain dress, engraved by D. J. POUND. 12mo and 4to. (4 pieces) MATHEWS (CHARLES). A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, LoNDoN, n. d., in acknowledgment of a letter of approbation. MATHEWS (CHARLES). ORIGINAL w ATER-color DRAwiNG, representing MISS MARTINDALE as GRENOUILLETTA, MISS OLIVER as PRINCE NON PAREIL, and a CARICATURE OF CHARLES MATHEWS as PLUMPER in “Cool as a Cucumber.” Dated May 21, 1851. 4to. MATHEWS (CHARLES) AND MR. SLOMAN, as JonATHAN and AGAMEMNON. COMIC scen E, witH FULL-LENGTH PORTRAITS, COLORED ETCHING. Small 4to. Inlaid. MATHEWS (CHARLES J.) A. L. S. to W. CoRByN, 1 p. 12 mo, LONDON, 1862, making an appointment at GORE LODGE. Monogram at head. In addressed envelope. MAYWOOD (ROBERT C.) PERFORMER on the AMERICAN STAGE from 1819 to 1840. ENGRAVED PORTRAIT as IAGO, by THOMSON, after FRASER, for the “Theatrical Znquisitor,” 8vo. 1818. MEDICI (CATHERINE DE). OFFICIAL Document, SIGNED, relating to a commission for MonsR. ST. LUC. Vellum. PARIS, 1587. MEDICI (CATHERINE DE). A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. No date. To “Mon ſière Monsieur le Duc de Savoye,” concerning a proposed visit of the King. (Ibe (5ilsey Collection 225 1952 MELANOTTE (ADELAIDE). BRONZE MEDAL (35). Obv., Head r. ADELAIDE MELANOTTE . . . 1785; Rev., Al Caupar che nell' anima sisente, MDCCCXXI. In wreath. 1953 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). LITHog RAPH PORTRAIT, in plain dress, with turned-down lace collar, and low-cut front. FINELY- Executed LITHOGRAPH by SARONY, MAJOR, and KN APP. NEW YORK. 23 in. x 18 in. 1954 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH PORTRAIT, color ED BY HAND. Oval. In frame. (Worn.) Bears inscription, “To NED JAMES, ESQ FROM ADAH ISAACS MENKEN.” 1955 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). “PIRATES DE LA SAVANE.” FULL- LENGTH PORTRAIT, in tights, standing, facing to front, in the atti- tude of declamation, rocks and tropical foliage in the background. FRENCH LITHog RAPH drawn by “THEO.” 4to. 1956 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). PHoToGRAPH, in the character of “MAzEPPA,” 4to; BIOGRAPHY of ADAH ISAACs M.ENKEN, with selec- tions from “INFELICIA,” by E.D. JAMES, woodcut illustrations, 12 mo. (2 pieces) 1957 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH of ADAH IsAACs M.ENKEN, witH HER BABY IN HER ARMS. 16mo. Taken by CH. REUTLINGER of PARIS. RARE. 1958 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). ANOTHER PHOTOGRAPH of MENKEN, witH HER BABY IN HER ARMS, DIFFERENT FROM THE ABOVE. I 6mo (lower margin cut off). RARE. 1959 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). Collection of PHOTOGRAPHS of this celebrated Actress, consisting of NO LESS THAN 185 SEPARATE PIECES, AND ALL DIFFERENT. It includes the collection formed by the late E.D. JAMEs of the AVew York Clipper, one of MENKEN's most inti- mate friends (later purchased by MR. GILSEY), as well as those secured by him from early photographers during many years of search. Of those now offered, II 7 ARE IN CHARACTER, AND 68 IN PLAIN DRESS. The char- acters include The French Spy, Mazeppa, Sixteen String /acé, Slave of Athens, Zeo, and a number which cannot be identified; also, 4 TAKEN IN CONFEDERATE UNIFORM. Many of the photographs were taken in EUROPE, and sent by MENKEN to MR. JAMEs. The studios of LONDON, PARIS, and VIENNA are well represented. The variety of costumes and postures is simply bewildering. MANY OF THE PHOTOGRAPHs ARE OF EXTREME RARITY, AND QUITE UNPROCURABLE ELSE WHERE. (Sold as one lot) 226 (Ibe (5ilgey Collection 1960 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). Collection of DUPLICATE Photo- GRAPHS, containing SOME OF THE RAREST ONES OF THE LOT ABOVE DESCRIBED, in character and plain dress. 16mo. 57 pieces (as a lot). 196 I MENKEN AND DUMAS. ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH of ADAH ISAACS MENKEN and ALEXANDER DUMAs, pere. 16mo, taken in PARIS, by PIERRE, petit. RARE. 1962 MENKEN AND DUMAS. ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH of ADAH ISAACS MENKEN and ALExANDER DUMAs, père, different from the above. 16mo, taken in PARIS by A. LIEBERT & Co. RARE. 1963 MENKEN AND SWINBURNE. ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH of ADAH ISAACS MENKEN, and ALGERNON CHARLES Sw1NBURNE, the Poet, WITH CLASPED HANDS. 16 mo, taken in LoNDON. VERY RARE. 1964 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, New York, May 20, 1862, thanking him for advance notices he had secured for her in English papers, “ My universal success in this country does not give me confidence in my ability for the high standard of my art in England, * * * my heart and soul will work for success, etc.” (Signature cut off.) 1965 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 6 pp. folio, NEw York, no date (1862). “In this letter is none of the surface that I show to others, there is none of the life I am obliged to live. / have gone away down into my old heart and brought out what little of good and the actual there is left of me. You know that nearly everybody we are acquainted with would laugh at this letter, and think it a capital joke that an actress, and one proverbial for reckless carelessness of all truth in feeling should write so to one almost a stranger, etc.” A REMARKABLE LETTER, SHOWING THIS EXTRAORDINARY CHARACTER AT HER VERY BEST. 1966_MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Boston, July 17, 1862, “ Have brilliant offers from CALIFORNIA, and from every where * * * read the criticism (enclosed) from the ‘Aoston Gazette’—there I am in full.” (Signature cut out.) 1967 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, BALTIMORE, Nov. 20, 1862, referring to the theft of her book of ‘‘ MAZEPPA,” and some PHOTOGRAPHS, by a former employee, “I do not care so much for the mere value of the articles as for the use he will make of them.” (Ibe (5ilsey Collection 229 1968 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, BALTIMORE, Dec. (1862), “My business is still immense * * * ladies crowd not only the dress circle, but the parquette. Such a run of a piece was never Ánown in BALTIMORE.” 1969 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, no place or date, “My words, dear friend, may seem weak and meagre, but my heart is full of gratitude. If the future ever pays its promises to me, you shall /ave no regret for being so truly my friend. I don't forget.” 1970 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 4 pp. 4to, BALTIMORE (May 11, 1863), “A shall see you on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, and then if you are fired of kissing the picture, why you shall kiss ME. How will that do 2 But you need not give up the picture just for that, because you can Aiss that as often as you like, and you can kiss me only once.” 1971 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 3 pp., 12mo, LoNG BRANCH, no date (1863), addressed “My DARLING ED,” and signed “WITH MANY KISSEs, YoUR own ADAH,” and with postscript, ‘‘ DIRECT TO MRS. R. H. NEWELL.” 1972 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, SAN FRAN- CISCO, Jan. 13, 1864. “ZXo not believe that Z can forget. God’ bless you for your devotion to so unworthy an object, etc.” Written while she was with her third husband, R. H. NEweLL (“ORPHEUs C. KERR”). 1973 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, SAN FRAN- CISCO, Jan. 29, 1864. “You Know not what a dark heavy cloud casts its shadows over my life. With all my professional success, there is not a day of my life that Z do not pass the fiery ordeal of tears and prayers. It is now only eight o'clock in the morning. I am in tears. I have not been to &ed all the night. Z cannot, in this letter, tell you all the cause, but suffice it to say that I married a ‘gentleman.’ Perhaps you do not know what that word means as Z do. It means a far superior being to either you or me. At is a being who Iives in a realm far above us, and who occasionally con- descends to tell us what low, wicked and lost creatures we are.” 1974 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, BALTIMORE, no date. Makes reference to a call received from JoE CobURN, the pugilist, and her endeavor to secure a public hall for his sparring exhibition. 23O (Ibe (5íIøey Collection 1975 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 4 pp. 4to, BALTIMORE, March (1864), largely devoted to the details of her stage perform- ance of “MAzEPPA,” in BALTIMORE and CINCINNATI. VERY INTER- ESTING. 1976 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 4 pp. 4to, BALTIMORE, March (1864). GIVING AN ENTERTAINING Account OF HER ARREST IN BALTIMORE FOR BEING A SECESSIONIST, AND ExPRESSING TREASON- ABLE SENTIMENTS; also giving directions to go to a certain New York photographer, who had an early portrait of her, “I was younger, and /handsomer, and had pretty long curls.” 1977 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, BALTIMORE (May, 1863 ). Refers particularly to a PRIZE FIGHT which had just taken place, “GLORY TO ALLAH ! WE HAVE won THE DAY! J. C. (Joe CoBURN ?) Foug HT SPLENDIDLY, just as everybody knew he would, * * * Z. send you another little picture. Are you tired of seeing me in so many shapes #" 1978 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, no place or date. Referring to some PHOTOGRAPHS she had sent, REPRESENTING HER IN CONFEDERATE UNIFORM, and giving detailed description of them. 1979 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S. 3 pp. narrow 4to. LIVERPOOL, May 5 (no year). “The excitement here has exceeded Zon- dom. The people seem to me to be crazy. Twenty policemen have to nightly guard my carriage, the crowd is so immense, etc.” (Signature cut off.) 1980 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 5 pp. 8vo, LoNDON, July 23, 1864, making announcement of her arrangements to pro- duce MAZEPPA at ASTLEy’s THEATRE, LONDON. Refers also to the forthcoming FIGHT between JoE COBURN and JEM MACE. 1981 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, LoNDoN, Aug. 8, 1864, WITH CREST, requesting particular information as to the whereabouts and movements of MR. R. H. NEWELL (“ORPHEUS C. KERR "), her THIRD HUSBAND. Also, on THEATRICAL SUBJEcts. 1982 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S. 4 pp. 8vo. LoNDoN, Aug. 2 1, 1864. WITH CREST AT TOP. Contains some POINTED REFERENCES TO THE LONDON DoINGS OF HER FORMER HUSBAND, JOHN C. HEENAN. (Ibe Gilsey Collection 23 I 1983 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, LoNDON, Sept. 29, 1864, witH CREST, referring to the COBURN-MACE FIGHT, AND HER COMING DEBUT as “MAZEPPA ’’ at ASTLEY's. 1984 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S. 4 pp. 8vo. LONDON, Oct. 13 (1864). With the MENKEN cREST. “They have given me a new name at the C/ubs, and it has got round Zondon. Instead of the “Roy AL MENKEN,” I am now the “Roy AL BENG AL TIGER,” etc. 1985 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, LoNDoN, Nov. 24 (1864), with the MENKEN CREST at top, REFERRING PAR- TICULARLY TO THE RELATIONS ExISTING BETWEEN HERSELF, JOHN C. HEENAN, and SARA STEVENS. MENTIONS HER GREAT SUCCESS AT ASTLEy’s. “The Prince is very happy and throws me ten guinea boquets.” CHARACTERISTIC AND ENTERTAINING LETTER. 1986 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S. 3 pp. 8vo. LoNDoN, Nov. 25 (1864). WITH THE MENKEN CREST. “I am still urging on my wild career. Houses are still crowded. A close at Christmas, for rest . . . Wil/ re-open later in a new piece written for me by JOHN BROUGHAM.” 1987 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S. 15 pp. 8vo. (Date and signature cut off, but written from LONDON about Dec., 1864.) A REMARKABLE LETTER, IN WHICH IT IS MADE EVIDENT THAT HER SO- CALLED “RECONCILIATION '’ witH JOHN C. HEEN AN w As As con- SUMMA TE AND SUPERB A PIECE OF ACTING AS ANY WITH WHICH SHE GRACED THE STAGE. “He killed me—/ died—7%ere is no resurgam. I cannot fear the bandage from my dead eyes even to say ‘You crucifted me.’ He knows it. But he hopes. Alas /" 1988 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S. 9 pp. 8vo. LoNDoN, Dec. 12 (1864), with the MENKEN CREST. Refers particularly to the active friendship of CHARLES DICKENS and CHARLES FECHTER. She asks MR. JAMES To SECURE coPIES OF THE ISSUES OF THE “AV. Y. Mercury” cont AINING HER PoETICAL CONTRIBUTIONS, SO THAT THEY MIGHT BE PRINTED IN Book ForM IN ENGLAND, and adds, “A haze the advice and patronage of the greatest literary man of England, who will revise my poems for me. Such a blessing / may never secure again.” THIS would SEEM TO EFFECTUALLY SETTLE THE MOOTED QUESTION AS TO MEN- KEN's AUTHORSHIP OF “INFELICIA.” * 232 (Ibe (5ilgey, Collection 1989 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S. 5 pp. 8vo. LoNDoN, Dec. I9, 1864. Refers to THE POEMs SHE CONTRIBUTED TO THE N. Y. MER- CURY. “I wrote two and three articles every week for over three years. Mention is also made of MR. NEWELL and CAPTAIN BARKLEY (her FOURTH HUSBAND). 1990 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S. 3 pp. 8vo. LoNDON, Jan. 20 (no year), with the MENKEN CREST, CoNTAINING MATTERS OF BOTH PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL INTEREST. 1991 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S. 4 pp. 8vo. LoNDoN, no date, with the MENKEN CREST, “I am to have a grand benefit in a week or two under the patronage of The PRINCE—MY PRINCE " Signed ‘‘ DOLO.” 1992 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). A. L. S. 12 pp. 8vo. QUEENs- Town, Aug. 15 (no year). WITH THE MENKEN CREST, signed “DOLO, " RELATING LARGELY TO THE DIVORCE PROCEEDINGs SHE HAD INSTITUTED AGAINST MR. NEWELL, AND DISCUSSING HER FUTURE THEATRICAL ENGAGEMENTS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. VERY INTER- ESTING. 1993 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). PLAYBILL of New Bowery Thea- tre, N. Y., June 9 and Io, 1862, ‘‘ Three Fast Women,” with Miss ADAH in 9 characters, 7 songs, and 3 dances. Also as “BONES,” in the FEMALE MINSTRELS. Woodcut Portrait. 1994 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). PLAYBILL of her FAREwell BENEFIT at the New Bowery Thertre, June 27, 1862. Miss ADAH in the characters of MAZEPPA and JACK SHEPPARD. 1995 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). INFELICIA. (Poems.) With en- graved title containing portrait and facsimile letter by CHARLES DICKENs. Square 16mo, cloth. PHILADELPHIA, 1873. (19% MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). LIFE and REMARKABLE CAREER of the celebrated Actress. An Account of her career as a DANSEUSE, an ACTRESS, an AUTHOREss, a PoETESS, a SCULPTOR, an EDITRESS, as CAPTAIN of the ‘‘Dayton Zight Guard,” as the WIFE of the Pugilist John C. HEENAN and of “ORPHEUS C. KERR.” Edited by G. LIPPARD BARCLAY. Illustrated, 8vo, half roan. PHILADELPHIA, I868. (Ibe Gilsey, Collection 233 I997 I 998 I999 2 OOO 2OO I 2 OO2 2 Oo3 2OO4 2 oo 5 2 ooé 2 oo7 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). ORIGINAL w ATER-color DRAw- ING of ADAH ISAACs M.ENKEN’s GRAVE IN PARIS. 15% x 14 in. on card. MERRIMAC (THE) AND THE MONITOR. ENGRAving, on WOOD, showing the naval action, with the “Cumberland " sunk, and Other ships. 4to. MERRIMAC AND MONITOR. BRAss MEDAL (31). Obv., View of the battle, with inscription; A'ev., The Rebel Steamer MERRIMAC . defeated by the Union Steamer MonitoR . . . 1862. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE. PLAYBILLS of THE TWO FIRST OPERATIC PERFORMANCEs GIVEN IN THAT HOUSE, Oct. 22, 1883, “Faust” (NILSSON and CAMPANIN1); Oct. 24, 1883, “Lucia Di Zam- mermoor’’ (SEMBRICH-HER FIRST APPEARANCE IN AMERICA—and CAMPANINI). One bill torn and repaired. (2 pieces) MEXICO. PESO of MAxIMILIAN, 1866. FINE AND SCARCE. MEYER (L. DE). BRASS MEDALET. Obv., Head 1. in wreath; A'ev., LEOPOLD DE MEYER's ConCERT. (28) RARE. MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS by S. W. REYNoLDs after SIR Josh UA REYNoLDS. GEORGE, PRINCE OF WALEs (PROOF); LAU- RENCE STERNE ; LADY SARAH BUNBURY ; REv. W.M. MAson. 8vo. (4 pieces) ME22OTINT PORTRAITS. DUKE of CUMBERLAND; LADy GERT RUDE FITZPATRICK ; DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE; Hon. MRs. DAMER. 8vo. (4 pieces) MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS. Count Ess of Ay LESFORD; MRs. LLOYD ; DUCHESS OF MARLBOROUGH; and one other. (4 pieces) MILAN BRONZE MEDAL, presented to VIG ANo SALVATORE (76). Obv., Prometheus bound, in high relief; Rev., Italian in- scription in fifteen lines. Presented to SALVATORE upon his representation of PROMETHEUS at the MILAN THEATRE in 1817. MILWAUK.E.E. MEDALET in white metal (33). Obv., Lyre and Wreath; Rev, Drittes Saenger Fest des nordwestlichen Saenger Bundes, MILWAUKEE, Juni, 1868. 234 (Ibe (5ílgey Collection 2 oo8 2 oog 2 O IO 2O II 2O I 2 2O I 3 2O I4 2O I 5 2 or 6 MINIATURE PORTRAIT of M'LLE. AUGUSTA, the famous early danseuse. Size, 1% x 1% in., in gilt frame, with pin attachment. FINE. MIRA.BEAU (COMTE DE). AUToGRAPH RECEIPT, signed, acknowledging the receipt of 833 livres, payment on account of his work “LA MONARCHIE PRUSSIENNE.” PARIs, 30 Oct., 1788. MISCELLANEOUS. EN VEDETTE, by DE NEUviLLE, and by DETAILLE, two FINELY-COLORED FRENCH LITHog RAPHs; SOUVENIR de la SUISSE, FINELY-COLORED AQUA-TINT ; and other miscellaneous pieces. Mostly folio and 4to, (21) MITCHELL (WILLIAM). FAMOUs CoMEDIAN, proprietor of MITCHELL's OLYMPIC THEATRE, NEW YORK. ORIGINAL WATER- coLOR PORTRAIT DRAWING by JOHN PHILLIPs, representing him in his great character of “CRUMMELS.” 4to. MITCHELL (WILLIAM). PortRAIT as THEoPHILUs BARTER in the Farce of “DAMP BEDs.” ColoFED LITHOGRAPH by W. H. SHOOSMITH. In oak frame, with mount, 13% in. x 16 in. MITCHELL (WILLIAM). PortRAIT in private dress. In frame (no glass), 17 in. x 2 I in. (NEW YORK, 1848.) MITCHELL’S OLYMPIC THEATRE. PLAY BILL Of OPENING NIGHT for the season of 1841–2. M.R. MITCHELL as WILY WALTERs in the “HUMPBACK ‘’; MRs. TIMM as MRs. No RMER ; MR. EDWIN in three pieces, Sept. 16, 1841. MOBILE THEATRE PLAYBILLS. CALD WELL’s NEw THEA- TRE, Jan. 21, 1841, FITZG ERALD TASISTRO's BENEFIT ; Feb. 22, 1841, MASTER DIAMOND, with cut (torn); March 12, 1841, COMPLIMEN- TARY BENEFIT tendered to MR. CALDw ELL; Apl. 17, 1841, GEO. H. BARRETT's BENEFIT (stained). 4 pieces. MODJESKA (HELENA). A. N. S. to SARAH BERNHARDT, pre- senting MISS JENNY GILDER. No place, no date. MODJESKA (HELENA). A. N. S. to MR. GILDER. No place, 2 o I 7 no date. (Ibe (5íI5ey Collection 235 2018 MODJESKA (HELENA). PLAYBILLs of HER FIRST PERFORMANCES IN NEw York of JULIET in “A’omeo and /u/ief,” and GILBERTE in “Frou-Frou,” Fifth Ave. Theatre, Oct 16 and 19, 1878. (One slightly torn.) (2 pieces) W 2019 MOLIERE. BRONZE MEDAL by GAYRARD (40). Obv., Head 1., Poque LIN DE MolièRE; Rev., Né à PARIs en MDCXX. Mort en MDCLXXIII. (Galerie medallique.) 2020 MONK (GENERAL). DUKE of ALBEMARLE. HALF-LENGTH PORTRAIT, in full armour, with Marshal's baton in right hand. 4to. Engraved by R. SHEPPARD, 1735, after a portrait from life by D. LOG AN. 2021 MONPLAISIR (MONS. AND MADAME). Color ED LITHo- GRAPH PORTRAITs, in the grand Ballet of “L’almée.” 4to. NEw YORK (1847). Taken on the occasion of their first appearance in AMERICA. 2022 MONTAGUE (HENRY J.) FAvoRITE Actor AT WALLAck’s. A. N. S. No place, no date. 2023 MONTEZ (LOLA). LITHOGRAPH PortRAIT on INDIA PAPER by CH. VOGT, PARIs, 1851. In oak frame, 16% in. x 2 194 in. With inscription, ‘‘PRESENTED TO MRS. VERNoN FROM M. L. LANDSFELD HEALD. LoLA MONTEZ, NEw York, 29th MAY, 1852.” 2024 MONTEZ (LOLA). ORIGINAL DAGUERREOTYPE PORTRAIT, repre- senting her at the height of her career. 8vo, oval, in gilt frame. VERY FINE. 2025 MONTEZ (LOLA). PLAYBILL OF HER FIRST APPEARANCE IN AMER- ICA, Broadway Theatre, Dec. 29, 1851, as BETLY, the TYROLEAN (mounted); PLAYBILL of BOSTON GLOBE THEATRE on back, with MR. For REST as CARDINAL RICHELIEU. (As one piece) 2026 MONTREAL THEATRE. PLAYBILLs of Theatre-Royal, Mon- treal, July 19, 1864, MADELINE HENRIQUES (supported by JoHN MCCULLOUGH); Aug. 8, 1864, the WEBB SISTERS, and Aug. 12, 1864, BENEFIT of ADA WEBB (all mounted). Pasted on back are PHOTo- GRAPHS of EMMA (1) and ADA WEBB (2), together with PLAYBILLs of Winter Garden Theatre, April 18, 1864; Avon IA JONES as CAMILLE, and Montreal Theatre, Aug. 22, 1864, with EMILY THORNE as the CHILD OF THE REGIMENT. (As 4 pieces) 236 (Ibe (5ílgey Collection 2027 MONTZ (HENRY G.) Medalet in white metal (25). Obv., Head 1. HENRY C. Montz, Orpheus Hall; Rev., A TokEN OF THE WAR FOR THE UNION, 1863. 2028 MOORE (THOMAS). BookPLATE. FINE CLEAN, origiNAL COPY. 2029 MORE (HANNAH). ENGLISH AUTHORESS. A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, BRISTOL, Aug. 17, 1779. To CADELL, the publisher, about a dispute with MRS. Cow LEY, and threatening legal proceedings. With an original pencil drawing of the “CITY OF Norwich, FROM MEMORY,” signed H. M.; and an ENGRAVED PORTRAIT by HEATH. (As 2 pieces) 2030 MORRIS (MRS. OWEN). EARLY AMERICAN ACTRESS. Bust PORTRAIT, drawn and engraved by D. C. JoHNSTON. 8vo. LARGE PAPER. RARE. PHILADELPHIA, 1828. 2031 MOSSOP (GEORGE). AMERICAN Actor. AUToGRAPH on a PROMPT COPY of W. B. BERNARD’s “AWerzous Man.” 8vo. NEW YORK, 1848. 2032 MOULTON (LOUISE CHANDLER). ORIGINAL PoEM, of 14 lines, entitled “A Fallen House,” wholly IN HER AUTOGRAPH, AND SIG NED. 2033 MOWATT (ANNA CORA). ORIGINAL WATER-Color PAINTING, representing her in bridal dress, standing beside a table. Square 12mo. Bears inscription on back: “Painted by William Vaché of the Park Theatre, presented by him to E. Z. Davenport in the year 1847. Mr. Davenport (my uncle) gave it to me.”—Mrs. J. W. Hale. 2034 MOWATT (ANNA CORA). PLAYBILL of HER FIRST APPEARANCE ON ANY STAGE. BENEFIT of W. H. CRISP, Park Theatre, June 13, 1845, ‘‘Lady of Lyons,” MR. CRISP as CLAUDE MELNOTTE, MRS. Mow ATT as PAULINE. 2035 MOWATT (ANNA CORA). PLAYBILL of the FIRST PERFORMANCE of her Comedy, “Fashion,” at Park Theatre, March 24, 1845. 2036 MUNDEN (JOSEPH S.) FAMoUs ENGLISH ActoR. BUST Por- TRAIT, in plain dress, seated, holding a manuscript in right hand, drapery in the background. Mezzotint by S. W. REYNoLDs, after SIR JOHN OPIE. Folio, in mat. FINE OPEN LETTER PRooF, w ITH FULL MARGIN. LONDON, 1804. (Ibe C3il 3cy Collection 237 2037 MUNDEN (JOSEPH S.) PLAYBill of His BENEFIT AND LAST PERFORMANCE ON ANY STAGE, Drury Lane Theatre, May 31, 1824. MR. MUNDEN as SIR ROBERT BRAMBLE in the “Poor Gentleman.” 2038 MURDOCH (JAMES E.) PortRAIT as HAMLET, LITHOGRAPH by D'Avig NON, after a daguerreotype. In oak frame, 13% in. x 17 in. With inscription: “J. E. Murdoch, with Áind regards to Miss A. B. A'isher, Boston, March 22, 1853.” 2039 MURDOCH (JAMES E.) Port RAIT, in plain dress. LITHo- GRAPH by D’AVIGNON, after a daguerreotype. 4to. 204o MURDOCH (JAMES E.) FAMOUs TRAGEDIAN. A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, to CLARA FISHER MAEDER, expressing his sympathy with her in the loss of her husband. 2041 MURDOCH (JAMES E.) PATRIOTISM IN PoETRY AND PROSE, selected passages from Lectures and Readings; also with Poems by W. C. BRYANT, J. G. WHITTIER, and others. Post 8vo, cloth PHILADELPHIA, 1864. 2042 MUSEUM STADEN. UNIFACE BRAss TokEN (23). Obv., Museum Staden, 1862 2043 MUSIC. “SERIOUS FAMILY " Polk A, played at BURTON's THEATRE: “CoAL BLACK Rose,” sung by W. KELLEy; “OH ! 'Tis LovE *; “POSSUM UP A GUM TREE,” sung by CHARLES MATHEws; and “SEE FROM OCEAN RISING.” Mostly illustrated, 4to. (5) 2044 MUSICAL PORTRAITS. ALEssa NDRO Roll.A.; J. B. PISCHEK; C. LENSCHow ; CHARLEs SCHUBERTH ; AUGUST GoCKEL; THE MüLLER BROTHERS; FRANÇois HüNTEN, and others. (Some cut out and mounted.) 4to. (Io pieces) 2045. MUSICAL PORTRAITS. A. JAELL and M. HAUSER; B. A. DA CORREGGIo; CAMILLE URSO (Aged 11); C. MARIE PLAYEL; ALARD (Violinist); HERR J. MENGIS; WM. VINCENT WALLACE, and others. (Some cut out and mounted.) 4to and folio. (Io pieces) 2046 MUSICAL PORTRAITS. NicoLA PAGANINI (torn); John FIELD; ANTONIO RONZI; ALFRED JAELL; F. ALEXANDER; A. B. MARx; MICHAEL HAUSER, and others. (Some cut out and mounted). 4to. (Io pieces) 238 (Ibe (5íI3ey Collection 2O47 2048 2O49 2O5o 2 o'S I 2O52 2O53 2O54 2O55 2056 2 o'S7 APOLEON I. ENGRAVED PORTRAIT BY MASSARD. 4to. PROOF. NAPOLEON I. ENGRAVED PortRAIT (1798), also PortRAITs of JOSEPHINE, NAPOLEoN III., and EUGENIE. 8vo and 4to. (5) NAPOLEON I. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. PARIS 19, Prairial, An 8 (18oo), recommending a petition for admission to an asylum. NAPOLEON I. Docum ENT SIGNED BY BONAPARTE (ALSO SIGNED BY TALLEYRAND), concerning the RECALL OF THE AMBASSADOR FROM THE DUTCH REPUBLIC. 28 Oct., 18o3. NAPOLEON III. A. L. Signed NAPOLEoN Louis. 2 pp. 8vo. THUNN, 24 Aug., 1834. “Je sui's au camp de Thunm—en qualité de capitaine d'artillerie.” Addressed to the DUC DE LEUCHTENBURG. NAST (THOMAS). PRO PATRIA ET GLORIA. ORIGINAL DRAw- ING BY THOMAS NAST, 1892. In the left foreground, a full-length figure of AMERICA extending laurel wreaths; in the right foreground, wreaths and “in memoriams ” surrounding an inscription, “Zied that the Union may Zive.” Figures of wounded and falling heroes in the sky. FINE DRA win G. In neat oak frame (glass cracked), with inscription, “Aresented to the 7th Regiment Veteran Club by Thomas AWast.” 37 in. x 30% in. NECKER (JACQUES). FAMoUs FRENCH FINANCIER and STATES- MAN. A. L. S. 3 pp. 8vo. No place. April, I 799. NEGRO MINSTRELSY. GROUP PHotoGRAPHS (1858), includ- ing MATT PEEL, DR. (RICHARD) Jon Es, G. MINOR, TOMMY PEEL, and JOHN FARRENBURG. I 2 mo. NEGRO MINSTRELSY. ORIGINAL GROUP PHOTOGRAPH, DAN BRY ANT, SAM HAGUE, EPH HoRN, and ToM FENNER. 4to. NEGRO MINSTRELSY. PHOTOGRAPHS of DAN BRY ANT, in plain dress, and characters (5), GEORGE GRIFFIN, NEIL BRY ANT, DAVE REED, ROLLIN How ARD, and UNsworth, delivering an ‘‘Ora- tion.” 16mo. (9) NEGRO MINSTRELSY. PHOToGRAPHS of DAN BRY ANT, in plain dress, and characters (4), DAVE REED, EPH HORN, NEIL BRYANT, CHARLEY WHITE as “Old Bob Ridley,” LITTLE “MAC,” and SAM HAGUE. 16mo. (10) (Ibe (Bilsey Collection 239 2058 NEGRO MINSTRELSY. PHOTOGRAPHS of DAN BRYANT, in plain dress, and characters (5), JERRY BRY ANT, BEN COTTON, J. H. BUDwort H in a Banjo Solo, CHARLEY WHITE, and EPH HORN. 16mo. (Io) 2059 NEGRO MINSTRELSY. PHOTOGRAPHs of DAN BRYANT in plain dress, and characters (4), LITTLE “MAC,” CHARLEY WHITE in “The Haunted Chamber,” JERRY BRY ANT, BEN COTTON, EPH HORN, and DAVE REED. 16mo. (10) 2 o'60 NEGRO MINSTRELSY. PLAYBILLS of Performances of SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELs; WooD's MINSTRELs, 1862–64; BRY ANT's MIN- STRELS, 1861, 1873–78. (7 pieces) 2 o'6I NEGRO MINSTRELSY. PLAYBILLS of Performances of LEA's FEMALE ETHIOPIAN OPERA TROUPE at FRANKLIN MUSEUM, Chatham Square, April 1, 1851; HooLEY’s and CAMPBELL's MINSTRELS, PHILA- DELPHIA, July 1o, 1861; CHASE’s MINSTRELS, OPENING NIGHT, May 13, 1867; SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELs, at HELLER'S HALL, N. Y., 1865; and others. (6 pieces) 2 o'62 NEGRO MINSTRELSY. PLAYBILLS of Performances at GEORGE CHRISTY & WooD's MINSTRELs, Mechanics' Hall, N. Y., 1855; CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS, at the same place, re-named CHRISTY'S OPERA HOUSE; BUCKLEY'S SERENADERs at CHINESE HALL, 539 Broadway, 1854–5. (7 pieces) 2063 NEGRO MINSTRELSY. GEORGE CHRISTy’s OLD TIME ETHI- OPIAN JOKER; THE GREAT LING ARD SONGSTER, 1869; UNSWORTH's BURNT CORK SONGSTER, portraits, 1859; and two others. I 2 mo, paper. (5 pieces.) 2064 NEGRO MINSTRELSY. CHARLEY Fox's BIJOU SONGSTER. 5 portraits in character. I 6mo, paper. PHILADELPHIA, 1858. 2.065 NEGRO MINSTRELSY. LITHog RAPH of MINSTREL TRou PE, giving FULL-LENGTH PORTRAITS OF JOHNNY PELL, HARRINGTON (G. AV. Christy), CHARLEY WHITE, STAN wooD, and GERMON. 8vo. 2066 NEILSON (ADELAIDE). ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH, plain dress. 4to, mounted. 2.067 NEILSON (ADELAIDE), in plain dress; ADELINA PATTI, as MARGUERITE. 8vo. PHOTOGRAPHS. (2 pieces) 24O (Ibe (5íIsey Collection 2 o'68 2069 2 o'70 207 I 2O72 2 o'73 2O74 2O75 2 o'76 NEILSON (ADELAIDE). PHOTOGRAPHS, representing her in different characters, and plain dress. 8vo. Taken by SARONY, MORA, GURNEY, and Lock & WHITFIELD (LONDON). (5 pieces) NEILSON (ADE LAIDE). PHOTOGRAPHS, representing her in different characters. 8vo. Taken by Gurney, Sarony, and the LONDON STEREOSCOPIC Co. (5 pieces) NEILSON (ADELAIDE). PLAYBILL of HER FIRST APPEARANCE IN AMERICA, Booth's Theatre, Nov. 30, 1872, in the character of JULIET. NEILSON (ADELAIDE). A. N. S. on a card. No place, no date. NEILSON (ADELAIDE). A Souvenir. By Laura C. HoLLO- WAY. With 9 photographic portraits and illustrations. Square post 8vo, boards. NEW YORK, 1885. NELL GWYNNE. THE STORY OF NELL Gwyn and the Say- ings of CHARLES II. Related and collected by PETER CUNNINGHAM. With a complete Index—now first published. Portrait of AWell Gwyn on CHINA PAPER. 4to. In the original sheets, with half cloth port- folio. NEw York, 1883. NO. 2 OF A LARGE PAPER EDITION. ONLY Ioo PRINTED. NELSON (HORATIO, LORD). A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, July 27th, 1794. ADDRESSED “My ZXear Zord ” (no doubt LORD HOOD), and evidently—judging from the date—written while the ENGLISH FLEET was besieging CALVI, CORSICA. A fortnight after this letter was written NELSON lost an eye in the attack on CALVI. The letter refers to a despatch he was about to forward to his Lordship. He then suggests that the POLACRE BRIG-which is in a very bad state —be sent to CALVI, the sooner the better. “I can hardly credit the report that 32-pounders are desired to be landed. Where we shal/find room to mount all the guns we have puzzels the Professional Men.” NESBITT (MRS.) Port RAIT as ZARAH. LITHog RAPH by PALMER, N. Y. 4to (mounted and slightly damaged). NEW BOWERY THEATRE. PLAYBILL of THE OPENING NIGHT’s PERFORMANCE, Sept. 5, 1859 (GEO. L. Fox and J. W. LING ARD, Proprietors), “The Orange Girl of Venice,” and other attractions. (Ibe (5ilgey Collection 24. I 2077 NEW BOVERY THEATRE PLAYBILLS. Miss LEO HUNTER as MAZEPPA; BENEFIT of G. C. BonifacE, March Io, 1865; LIEUT. GEO. L. Fox as BARNEY MAGRADER, 1861 ; F. S. CHANFRAU as Mose; EDWARD EDDY as SALVATOR Rosa; also, in HAMLET, and other characters. (I 1 pieces) 2078 NEW BOWERY THEATRE PLAYBILLS. AUGUST IN DALy’s “Griffith Gaunt,” Dec. 18, 1866; BENEFIT of GEO. C. Bon I- FACE, March Io, 1865; EDWARD EDDY as CORIOLANUs; ADAH ISAACs M.ENKEN as MAZEPPA; E. L. DAVENPORT as OTHELLO ; MR. J. W. WALLACK, J.R., as IAGo; “Bull Run,” 1861; “AWick of the Woods,” and others. (11 pieces) 2079 NEW HAMPSHIRE. RAMBLEs ABOUT PORTSMoUTH. Sketches of PERSONS, LoCALITIES and INCIDENTS of Two CENTURIES, princi- pally from TRADITION and UNPUBLISHED Documents. By CHARLEs W. BREwsTER, 8vo, cloth. PORTSMOUTH, 1859. 208o NEW ORLEANS. ST. CHARLES THEATRE. INTERIOR VIEw, with a Vignette of the ExTERIOR and PORTRAITs of N. M. LUDLow and SoL. SMITH. LIMITED REPRODUCTION of the LITHOGRAPH by G. TOLTI. Folio. 208 I NEW ORLEANS STAGE. PLAYBILLs, ST. CHARLEs THEATRE, One of the Last Nights of MR. CALDwell's appearance on the Stage, Feb. 2 o, 1837; FIRST APPEARANCE in AMERICA of MR. BARKER, Feb. 8, 1837; FIRST APPEARANCE IN AMERICA of MRS. H. CRAMER, Feb. 18, 1837; CAMP STREET THEATRE, MR. J. B. Boot H as the STRANGER, April 16, 1829. (4 pieces) 2 o'82 NEW ORLEANS STAGE. PLAYBILLS of VARIETIES THEATRE (JOHN E. Ow ENS, Lessee and Manager), in 1860–1, the names in- cluding GEO. Jord AN, MARK SMITH, A. H. DAVENPORT, M. W. LEFFING WELL, HARRY HAWK, GEORGE HOLLAND, CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, FANNY BRow N, MRS, PRESTON, and others. (6 pieces) 2083 NEW ORLEANS STAGE. PLAYBILLs of PLACIDE's VARIETIES THEATRE, for the years 1858–9, the company including HENRY PLACIDE, JOHN E. Owens, ToM PLACIDE, MARK SMITH, GEO. Hol- LAND, GEO. JoRDAN, JOHN SEFTON, SUSAN DENIN, MRS. SEFTon, MRs. MARK SMITH, and others. The plays were of high grade, and THREE BENEFIT BILLS OF MARK SMITH appear in the lot. (13 pieces.) 242 (Ibe (5ílgey Collection 2084 2085 2 o'86 2087 2 o'88 2089 2 ogo 209 I 2092 NEWSPAPER. THE PINCKNEY WHIG for August 28, 1834, pub- lished at YorkvillE, SOUTH CAROLINA. Containing a Proclamation by Gov. R. P. HAYNE, Prospectus of HoRACE GREELEy’s “AWew Yorker,” Advertisements of rewards for runaway slaves, etc. NEW YORK. Now A BELGICA ET ANGLIA Nov A. COLORED MAP FROM BLAEU's NIEUWE ATLAS, 1642, showing NEW NETHERLANDS, NEw ENGLAND, etc. Folio (slight crack mended). NEW YORK. VIEw of WEST Point taken from the parade ground of the Academy, and looking down the river, showing the hills on both sides, the Academy and landscape in the distance. AQUATINT drawn by GEORGE CATLIN, ENGRAVED AND COLORED BY J. HILL. Folio. RARE. NEw York, 1828. NEW YORK. VIEw of WEST Point MILITARY AcADEMy, showing the parade ground and the buildings surrounding it, with the cadets at battery drill. AQUATINT DRAwn BY GEORGE CATLIN, ENGRAVED AND COLORED by J. H.ILL. Folio. RARE. NEW YORK, 1828. NEW YORK. LITHog RAPH VIEw of WEST Point, drawn by S. EASTMAN. SCARCE. Circa 183o. NEW YORK. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NEw York, formerly called the NEW NETHERLANDs. By DANIEL DENTON (1670). Gowans' A'eprint, with Motes by Gabriel Furman. 8vo. IN THE ORIGINAL SHEETS. NEw York, 1845. NEW YORK CITY. Historic TALEs concerning the Early Settle- ment and Advancement of NEW YORK CITY AND STATE. By JoHN F. WATson. Crown 8vo, half cloth. NEw York, 1832 CONTAINS 13 INTERESTING LITHOGRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS, including the FERRY HOUSE, cor. Broad and Garden Sts., STADT HUYs, N. Y., razed 1700; NEW YORK IN 1609, I623, 1673, and 1832; DUTCH FORT AND ENGLISH CHURCH, ALBANY; etc. NEW YORK CITY. UNCLE PHILIP’s CONVERSATIONS witH THE CHILDREN ABOUT NEW YORK. (By REv. FRANCIS LISTER HAwks.) Arontispieces, etc. 2 vols. 16mo, sewed in the original sheets, uncut and unopened. NEW YORK, 1835. NEW YORK CITY. ANNALS AND OCCURRENCES OF NEW YORK CITY AND STATE IN THE OLDEN TIME. Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Incidents concerning the City, Country, and Inhabitants from the Days of the Founders By JoHN F. WATson. 8vo, cloth. PHILA- DELPHIA, 1846. (Ibe Gilsey Collection 243 2 o'93 2094 2O95 2096 2097 2098 2 og 9 2 I OO 2 I O I 2 I O2 NEW YORK CITY. VIEW OF NEW AMSTERDAM As IT APPEARED ABOUT THE YEAR 1640. Engraved on copper from the rare etching by JUSTUS DANCKERS. Same size as the original, oblong I 2 mo. THIS VIEW WAS TAKEN FROM A COPY OF KNICKERBOCKER'S “HISTORY OF NEW York’” (BY WASHINGTON IRVING), N. Y. 1809, AND IS A REPRODUCTION OF THE EARLIEST VIEW OF NEW YORK CITY. NEW YORK CITY. “A DESCRIPTION OF THE TOWNE OF MANNA- Dos OR NEW AMSTERDAM As IT was IN SEPT. I66 t.” (THE DUKE's PLAN.) Fine facsimile of this unique map, EXECUTED in GOLD and CoLoRs, and showing the old ForT, the Gover NOR's HOUSE and GARDEN, OLD BUILDINGS, SHIPS IN THE RIVER, etc. Large folio. NEW YORK, 1859. THE FIRST PLAN OF NEW YORK CITY. NEW YORK CITY. ENGRAVED VIEW OF NEW AMSTERDAM, from OGILBY's AMERICA, 1670, with accompanying letterpress description. 4tO. - NEW YORK CITY. VIEw of NEw York FROM THE North, As IT WAS IN 1679. 4to. TINTED LITHOGRAPH. NEW YORK CITY. “THE SOUTH PROSPECT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK IN NORTH AMERICA.” Engraving on copper, from the LONDON MAGAZINE, 1761. Oblong folding 8vo (neatly repaired). NEW YORK CITY. “A VIEW OF NEw York, GOVERNOR’s ISLAND, THE RIVER,” etc., from LONG ISLAND. 8vo. Copper engrav- ing. [LONDON], 1776. NEW YORK CITY. Southwest VIEw of FoRT GEORGE, with the CITY OF NEW YORK. 8vo. Copper engraving. (1778.) NEW YORK CITY. PLAN of THE CITy of New York (1780). Small 4to. Engraved on copper. NEW YORK CITY. VIEw of THE OLD CITY HALL, WALL ST., AS IT WAS IN 1789. 4to. Engraved by HATCH and SMILLIE, after DIEDRICH KNICKERBOCKER. NEW YORK CITY. VIEw of THE CITy of New York IN 1792, drawn by an Officer of the French Fleet, driven into New York Har- bor by a British Fleet. Obl. 4to. Lithographed by G. HAyw ARD. NEw York, N. D. ScARCE. 244 (Ibe Gilgey Collection 2 I of NEW YORK CITY. VIEW OF THE FEDERAL HALL AS IT AP- PEARED IN 1797, with the Adjacent buildings. LITHOGRAPH IN COLORS by C. CURRIER, after the original drawing by G. HOLLAND. Folio. 2 I oA NEW YORK CITY. A VIEW OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK FROM BROOKLYN HEIGHTs, in 1798, by MonSIEUR C. B. JULIEN, DE ST. MEMIN. Published by M. DRIPPs, from an original drawing now in possession of J. C. BREvoor T, ESQ., of BROOKLYN. Obl. 12mo. RARE ORIGINAL ENGRAVED VIEW. 21 of NEW YORK CITY. THE OLD CITY HoTEL, BROADw Ay. View of the building, with an advertisement beneath, signed by CHESTER JENNINGS, the proprietor. The whole engraved on copper. 8vo. RARE. Circa 1820. This Hotel was situated on the site of the present Boreel Building. 2 106 NEW YORK CITY. VIEw of St. PAUL's CHURCH, BROADw Ay, AND VICINITY, 1820. ColoFED REPRODUCTION of a copy, in water- colors, made from the original painting by W.M. STRICKLAND, in the N. Y. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Obl. 8vo. ONLY 12 COPIES WERE ISSUED. 21 of NEW YORK CITY. VIEw of TRINITY CHURCH AND GRACE CHURCH, ON Low ER BROADWAY, and vicinity, 1820. ColoFED RE- PRODUCTION of a copy in Water-Colors, made from the original painting by W.M. STRICKLAND, in the N. Y. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 4to. ONLY 12 COPIES ISSUED. 2 108 NEW YORK CITY. VIEw of THE New York CITY HALL PARK, NORTH END, 1825. LITHOGRAPH from an ORIGINAL DRAWING, show- ing SCUDDER’s AMERICAN MUSEUM and adjacent buildings. In walnut frame, with gilt bead, 23% in. x 1.9% in. 2 Io9 NEW YORK CITY. “INTERIOR OF NEw York, PRovost ST. AND CHAPEL.” (West Broadway and Franklin St., 1826.) Winter scene, from nature, by J. MILBERT. 4to. LITHOGRAPH, on INDIA PAPER, by VILLENEUVE. 211o NEW YORK CITY. VIEw of TRINITY CHURCH. Engraved for the NEw York MIRROR by J. EDDY, after a drawing by A. J. DAVIS. 4to. (1827) (Ibe (5ilsey Collection 245 2 I I I NEW YORK CITY. VIEW OF THE LAFAYETTE THEATRE. En- graved by JAMES EDDY from the plan and design of PETER GRAIN. 4to. NEW YORK, 1827. 2 112 NEW YORK CITY. VIEw of THE Bowery THEATRE. Engraved BY RAWDON, WRIGHT & Co., drawn by A. J. DAVIS. 4to. NEw York, 1828. 21 13 NEW YORK CITY. New York FROM THE HEIGHTs NEAR BRook- LYN. AQUATINT engraved by J. HILL after a painting by W. G. WALL, GIVING A BIRD's-EYE VIEW OF NEARLY THE WHOLE ExtENT OF THE CITY, AND PART OF THE BROOKLYN SHORE. BEAUTIFULLY COL- ORED BY HAND. Large folio. NEw York, 1828. 21 14 NEW YORK CITY. NEw York FROM WEEHAwk. FINELy- ENGRAVED AQUATINT by J. HILL after a painting by W. G. WALL, sHow ING THE WHOLE EXTENT OF THE CITY AS IT w As IN 1828, witH BOTH THE BROOKLYN AND JERSEY SHORES AND DISTANT view of STATEN ISLAND, steamboats and shipping in the river. BRILLIANTLY HAND-COLORED. Large folio. NEW YORK, 1828. 21 15 NEW YORK CITY. NEw York FROM Gover Nor's ISLAND. Finely-engraved AQUATINT by J. HILL after a painting by W. G. WALL, THE VIEW EMBRACING THE CITY FROM THE BATTERY UPWARDs, SHOWING THE BUILDINGS, A SLOOP OF waR ANCHORED IN THE RIVER, AND SHIPPING, THE FORT ON Gover NOR'S ISLAND IN THE RIGHT FOREGROUND. BEAUTIFULLY HAND-COLORED. Folio. (1825) 2 I 16 NEW YORK CITY. STREET VIEWS, NO. I—Park Row. Show- ing the PARK THEATRE and “THE SocK AND BUSKIN House,” adjoining. 4to. Engraved by W. D. SMITH after C. BURT.on. 1830. (Stained.) 21 17 NEW YORK CITY. MUSIC wrAPPER to song “Broadway Sights,” containing VIEW OF ST. PAUL’s CHURCH, WILLS' Music SALOON, and adjoining buildings. 4to. LITHOGRAPH. Circa 1830. 21 18 NEW YORK CITY. AMERICAN THEATRE, Bowery. View of the STAGE, with T. D. RICE dancing “JIM CRow,” Nov. 1833. HUMOR- OUS SCENE. LIMITED REPRODUCTION OF THE EXTREMELY RARE or IG- INAL LITHOGRAPH. Folio. 246 (Ibe (5ilsey, Collection 2 I I 9 2 I 2 O 2 I 2 I 2 I 22 2 I 23 2 I 24 2 I 25 2 I 26 NEW YORK CITY. ‘‘VIEW OF THE RUINS AFTER THE GREAT FIRE IN NEw York, Dec. 16th and 17th, 1835, As SEEN FROM ExCHANGE PLACE.” AQUATINT. Folio. (Margins cut close, and neatly repaired and backed.) NEW YORK CITY. RUINS OF THE MERCHANTs' ExCHANGE AFTER ITS DESTRUCTION BY FIRE, 1835. 4to. Drawn by J. H. BUFFORD. LITHOGRAPHED by N. CURRIER. NEW YORK CITY. VIEw of THE CITY from a point in the Bay facing the Battery, and embracing the City, and the NORTH or HUDSON RIVER, the adjoining coasts on both sides, ferryboat and shipping in the rivers. AQUATINT by BENNETT, after a paint- ing by J. G. CHAPMAN, BRILLIANTLY HAND-COLORED. Large folio. NEw York, 1836. NEW YORK CITY. VIEW OF THE OLD MANSION House, Gow ANUs RoAD, with distant view of N. Y. CITY. LITHOGRAPH by N. CURRIER, in imitation of a chalk drawing. Large 4to. Circa 1840. NEW YORK CITY. THE Gover NMENT HOUSE, Bowling GREEN. CoLoRED LITHOGRAPH by H. R. ROBINSON, after the original drawing by C. MILBOURNE, 1797. In oak frame, with mount. 29% in. x 24% in. NEW YORK, 1847. THE Gover NMENT House was erected in 1790, and originally intended as a resi- dence for GENERAL WASHINGTON. Later it was occupied by Governors GEORGE CLINTON and JOHN JAY, and was finally taken down in 1815. NEW YORK CITY. THE Gover NMENT HOUSE, Bowling GREEN. CoLoRED LITHOGRAPH by C. CURRIER, after the original drawing by C. MILBOURNE in 1797. (Made for Valentine's Manual.) Folio. NEW YORK, 1847. NEW YORK CITY. ‘‘DISTRIBUTION OF THE AMERICAN ART- UNION PRIZES at the TABERNACLE, BROADWAY, 24th Dec., 1847." LITHOGRAPH by D'Avig NON and MATTESON, giving an INTERIOR VIEW of THE BUILDING and of the proceedings. Large folio. NEW YORK, 1848. NEW YORK CITY. ‘‘ MANN’s BROADWAY THEATRE between PEARL and ANTHONY Streets erected in 1848, J. M. TRIMBLE, Archi- tect and Builder.” ExtERIOR VIEW AND ELEVATION. Large folio Lithograph, canvas-backed. (Slightly stained.) RARE. (Ibe G5ilsey Collection 247 2127 NEW YORK CITY. “VIEW OF BROADw Ay witH THE PROPosED ELEVATED-RAILWAY INVENTED BY JOHN RANDEL.” TINTED LITHO- GRAPH, designed by G. HAY waRD and drawn by R. J. RAYNER. INTERESTING AND RARE VIEW, SHOWING MANY OF THE OLD BUILDINGS, INCLUDING THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, THE IRVING AND ASTOR Houses, THE PARK, etc. Also, a transverse section, showing details of the railway. Large folio. NEW YORK, 1848. 2128 NEW YORK CITY. VIEw of NEw York, FROM BRookLyN HEIGHTS, oblong 4to, drawn by PALMER, lith. by N. CURRIER, NEW YORK, 1849. SCARCE. 2129 NEW YORK CITY. “GREAT RIOT AT THE ASTOR PLACE OPERA HOUSE, May Io, 1849.” (FORREST AND MACREADY RIOT.) LITHo- GRAPH by N. CURRIER, 4to (one corner skilfully restored). NEw YORK, 1849. 2 130 NEW YORK CITY. “View of UNION PARK (UNION SQUARE), NEW YORK, from the head of Broadway.” FINE LITHOGRAPH by SARONY and MAJOR, from a drawing by JAMES SMILLIE, showing the SPINGLER INSTITUTE, CHURCH OF THE PURITANs, and other old buildings. Folio. NEw York, 1849. 2 131 NEW YORK CITY. 12TH REGIMENT, New York State Militia (Gardes Zafayette), with PortRAITS of the OFFICERS, oblong folio, COLORED LITHOGRAPH, drawn by O. BOETTICHER, NEW YORK, 1850. RARE. 2132 NEW YORK CITY. LITHOGRAPH VIEw of INTERIOR of CASTLE GARDEN, Sept. 11, 1850, “FIRST APPEARANCE OF JENNY LIND IN AMERICA,” oblong 4to, lith. by N. CURRIER, NEW YORK, 1850. RARE. 2 133 NEW YORK CITY. VIEw of THE NARRows and part of STATEN ISLAND. Drawn from Nature by A. KöLLNER. LITHOGRAPH by DEROY. Small 4to. NEW YORK, 1850. 2 134 NEW YORK CITY. VIEw of THE OLD BREw ERy at the FIVE POINTS as it appeared in 1852. 4to. TINTED LITHOGRAPH by ENDICOTT. 248 Cbe (5ílgey Collection 2 I 35 2 I 36 2 I 37 2 I 38 2 I 39 2 I 4o 2 I4 I 2I42 NEW YORK CITY. VIEw ON THE HARLEM River, the HIGH BRIDGE in the distance. Drawn from Nature by F. F. PALMER. LITHOGRAPHED by CURRIER. Folio. NEw York, 1852. NEW YORK CITY. DISTINGUISHED AMERICANs at a meeting of the NEw York HISTORICAL SocIETY. MEzzotint, engraved by T. DONEY, after a drawing from Life by J. GoLLMAN, witH NUMER- OUS PORTRAITs, including DANIEL WEBSTER, HENRY CLAy, MILLARD FILLMORE, and others. Large folio. NEw York, 1854. NEW YORK CITY. Color ED VIEW OF BROADWAY FROM SPRING TO PRINCE STREET. LITHOGRAPH by W. STEPHENSON, showing the PRESCOTT House, the CHINESE BUILDING (in which BUCKLEY’s MIN- STRELS performed), MARLEY'S, and other old buildings, with the BROADWAY STAGES, and people in the costume of the period. Large folio. NEw York, 1855. NEW YORK CITY. LARGE BIRD's-EYE VIEW OF NEw York CITY, extending from 42d St., with the CRYSTAL PALACE and RESERVOIR, to the BATTERY and the BAY. Showing also the JERSEY AND BROOKLYN SHORES, the most prominent buildings, etc., etc. Engraved on steel by W. WELLSTood, drawn by B. F. SMITH. Very large folio (margins slightly torn). NEW YORK, 1855. NEW YORK CITY. LITHOGRAPH VIEw of NEw York BAy, from BAY RIDGE, L. I. Folio. Drawn by F. F. PALMER, lith. by CURRIER & IVES. NEw York, 1860. NEW YORK CITY. “WINTER SCENE IN BROADw Ay,” showing BROADWAY covered with snow, Sleighs running, and one of the old FIRE ENGINES hastening to a fire, the firemen running by its side. Engraved by P. GIRARDET, after H. SEBRON and FINELY color ED IN FACSIMILE OF THE ORIGINAL PAINTING. Large folio. NEW York, I857. NEW YORK CITY. NEw York ABOUT 1790. TINTED LITHo- GRAPH giving a view of NEw York from the Battery upwards, with armed vessels in the river. Folio. I 862. NEw YORK CITY. VIEw of BROADw Ay, BETween How ARD AND GRAND STREETs, 1840. TINTED LITHOGRAPH showing the OLYMPIC THEATRE, TATTERSALL’s, the Colonn ADE, etc. Oblong 8vo. 1861. (Ibe (5ilgey, Collection 25 I 2143 NEW YORK CITY. ORIGINAL STEEL-ENGRAVED PLATE, “View of Mew York Bay from the Battery,” oblong 8vo. Appeared in the “AWezy Mºrror.” 2144 NEW YORK CITY. HAVERLY's FIFTH Avenue THEATRE. ORIGI- NAL ELECTROTYPE PLATE, by the PHOTo-ELECTROTYPE Co., BOSTON, 1875. Io94 x 8 in. 2145 NEW YORK CITY. “VIEw of THE FEDERAL EDIFICE IN (WALL STREET) NEw York.” Old copper engraving. Small 4to. (Neatly repaired and inlaid.) 2146 NEW YORK CITY. VIEW OF THE CITY HALL PARK AND ENVIRONs. TINTED LITHog RAPH by BACHMANN. Folio. NEW YORK, no date. 2147 NEW YORK CITY. “U. S. Post OFFICE, New York.” 4to. CoLoRED LITHOGRAPH by CURRIER & IVES. 2148 NEW YORK CITY. BLACKWELL's ISLAND, EAST RIVER, ORIGI- NAL CLEVER PENCIL DRAWING by L. BAUER, showing the island with the buildings, as also the left bank of the river with the old shanties; steamer and boats passing. I 5% in. x II in. 2149 NEW YORK CITY. ExtERIOR VIEw of THE PARK THEATRE. 8vo. Woodcut, by McGEE. 2150 NEW YORK CITY. INTERIOR VIEw of THE HIPPoDROME [for- merly situated on the site of the present 5th Avenue Hotel). 4to. LITHO- GRAPH, on music sheet. 2151 NEW YORK CITY. BURNING OF ABBEy's PARK THEATRE, Oct. 30, 1882. ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH, taken on the spot at 4.50 p.m. 4to. 2152 NEW YORK CITY. Fox's old Bowery THEATRE. The last scene in G. L. Fox's pantomime, “ The House that Jack Built.” LITHOGRAPH by C. CURRIER. Folio. TRIAL PROOF, CoLoRED BY HAND, to try the effect of the colors. 2153 NEW YORK CITY. ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAwING REPRESENTING F. S. CHANFRAU As Mose, AND MARY TAYLOR AS LIZE in “A Glance at Mew York,” the background being a view of CATHERINE MARKET and SLIP. 4to. 252 (Ibe (5ilgey Collection 2 154 NEW YORK CITY. AN AUTOTYPE REPRODUCTION OF THE ABOVE. ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER ISSUED. 2155 NEW YORK CITY. “A VIEW OF THE NEw THEATRE IN NEw YORK, MARC ISAMBARD BRUNEL, architect.” (THE Bowery THEATRE.) Carefully-executed facsimile in water-colors of a view in the NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 4to. 2156 NEW YORK CITY. INTERIOR VIEw of AUGUSTIN DALy’s FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE. Engraved by J. N. ALLAN. Small 4to. 2157 NEW YORK CITY. ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRA wing of MIT- CHELL’s OLYMPIC THEATRE. 8vo. 21.58 NEW YORK CITY. CLEVER ORIGINAL water-color PAINTING, on cartridge paper, of PHILIP HONE'S HOUSE, BROADWAY AND GREAT Jon Es ST. Painted by A. HoSIER. 8vo. 2159 NEW YORK CITY. VIEw of THE CRYSTAL PALACE. Folio. Engraving on copper. 216o NEW YORK CITY. MUSIC wrAPPER to the “Gift Polka,” con- taining a large-size finely-drawn LITHOGRAPHIC VIEW of the H. B. DoDsworth MUSIC BUILDING, 493 BROADWAY. 4to. TINTED. 2 I 61 NEW YORK CITY. “THE NEW YORK ELEPHANT, NATIONAL Monument to be erected at the top of NEW CITY HALL.” SATIRI- CAL LITHOGRAPH, THE ELEPHANT BEING COMPOSED OF IDEAL FIGURES OF THE HUMBUGs, FRAUDS, SHAMS, ETC., OF NEW YORK. Small 4to. 2162 NEW YORK CITY. BIRD’s-Eye VIEw, LITHog RAPH, about 1830; FEDERAL HALL, 1789; NEW ORANGE, 1673; and other views. (7) 2163 NEW YORK CITY. VARIOUs VIEws of OLD BUILDINGS IN WALL STREET, THE Bow ERY, THE CITY PARK, 1809, etc. (15) 2164 NEW YORK CITY. THE SURRENDER BY PETER STUyvesant To SIR RICHARD NICOLLS IN 1664. A Manuscript copy of the Articles of Surrender agreed upon, made in 1720–21 from the Original Records. Executed for ANDREW HAMILTON, “the day-star of the American Acevolution.” 7:57 (ae ſººs, -ſaeſſºſ&(?!(;), ±, ± *№.¿№ſſºſſºſ.ſaeºſ | №ſſº№. !!!!!!!!!!ſºº, ſae ``S``№, „Ț” (). ------№,|-!|- |-!!!!!-- ·ſcae,ſºſſ. |- ----…|-|-|------|- . . !,№§§ſ.№. !!!ſ() · **** ( ) |- , ---- ( ) (, , ). ·!“№,ºº!ſae.----| ()|-----| , ~~~~);-ſº :) -----|- ---- ſ! (3!!!!! ('±√(√≠√≠√°', |-¿¿.Ir.№ºº, ºraenº, ,ſaeº.! ", "---- ſººſ ºſºg: :*******~~~~ (, , , ),|× ſº ºººººººº !!!!!!!!!T!!!!!-- **** ſºſ,ſºſ,!!!!! ·|----------+----:: -|- - - -!----|----- !!!!!&#!!!!!!!¿№ ----ºſººº::::::-: )----·|-+): ·ſº:·---------|-ſº: ~ -: (~~~~ ~ ~ !! !! !~ |×*~º:Laeae,!!!!!ſ.|× ,,…§§ſae, |×//Ļ/ º ºl. N. · |× |- (Ibe (Bilsey Collection 255 2165 NEW YORK CITY. Document (IN DUTCH) sign ED BY PETER STUY VESANT, May 15, 1664, granting to THOMAS LAMBERTSEN a portion of land lying in the WALLABOUT, LONG ISLAND, also signed by CoRNELIUS VAN RUIJVEN, and further endorsed in confirmation of this grant by MATTHIAs Nicolls, 15th February, 1666. Mounted between glass in a frame, 18 in. x 15 in. (Worn in the folds.) THIS INTERESTING AND VALUABLE Document is written across two quarto pages of stout paper, and bears the seal in fine condition. Starting with the description of PETER STUYVESANT as the HIGH AND MIGHTY LORD GENERAL OF THE UNITED NETHERLANDs, it states that the said PETER STUYvesANT, together with the LORDS PROPRIETORS OF THE CHARTERED WEST INDIA ComPANY, has granted this land, and locates it as being bounded by the estates of JAN LAURENS (JOHN LAWRENCE) and MICHAEL HANSEN. THOMAS LAMBERTSEN WAS A PROMINENT EARLY NEW AMSTERDAM MERCHANT, his name often appearing in the Dutch Court Records; he is also described in an old docu- ment as having a residence by the Waterside in the City. MICHAEL HANSEN was also prominent in the early annuals, HE BEING THE ONLY SURVIVOR IN PAVONIA (JERSEY CITY) of THE INDIAN MAssacRE OF SEPT., 1655. JoHN LAWRENCE WAS A FAMOUS LONG ISLAND MERCHANT, having a private residence in the HIGH ST., NEw AMSTERDAM. Being an Englishman, on SIR RICHARD NICHOLLs’ capture of the City he was made an ALDERMAN; and when THOMAS WILLETT was nominated as the FIRST MAYOR OF NEW YORK, LAWRENCE was also nominated as an alternative candidate. CORNE- LIUS VAN RUIJVEN was SECRETARY TO PETER STUY VESANT, also to the SUPREME COUNCIL, and later was also a BURGOMASTER and ALDERMAN. MATTHIAS NICOLLS was a Captain under SIR RICHARD NICHOLLs, and was appointed by the latter the FIRST ENGLISH SECRETARY OF THE PROVINCE OF NEW YORK. THE ‘‘DUKE'S LAWS”—THE FIRST CODE OF ENGLISH LAws IN NEw York—w AS MAINLY WRITTEN BY HIM. SIR RICHARD NICHOLLs conquERED THE CITY IN AUGUST, I664, SO THAT THIS DOCUMENT ANTEDATES THAT EVENT BY ONLY A FEW MONTHS. 2166 NEW YORK CITY. BROADSIDE issued by John, Bishop of BUFFALO, exhorting the people to abstain from rioting. (THE DRAFT RIOTs, 1863.) Folio. 2167 NEW YORK CITY. SERMON PREACHED AT TRINITY CHURCH, NEW YORK, AUG. 1706, at the Funeral of the RT. HoNorABLE KATHERINE, LADY CORNBURY. By JOHN SHARP, Chaplain to the Queen's Forces in the Province of NEw York. 8vo, sewed, pp. 16. LONDON (1706). 2 168 NEW YORK CITY. THE PICTURE OF NEW YORK. By A GEN- TLEMAN RESIDING IN THIS CITY. 16mo, sheep. (Binding cracked, and map wanting.) NEW YORK, 1807. Written by DR, SAMUEL LATHAM MITCHILL. THE FIRST GUIDE Book To NEw YORK CITY. 256 Cbe (5ilsey Collection 2 169 NEW YORK CITY. “SOME very GENTLE TOUCHEs To some VERY GENTLE-MEN, By A HUMBLE count Ry cousin of PETER PINDAR, ESQ. (A Poem.) Dedicated to all the little Girls and Boys of the City of New York. Square 16mo. 15 cuRIOUS COPPER-PLATES, REPRESENTING STREET scENES IN NEw York CITY, WITH ACCOM- PANYING TExT. NEW YORK, N. D. Circa 1820. - EXCESSIVELY RARE, THE object of THIS PUBLICATION was THE REMOVAL OF THE PIGS, WHICH AT THAT TIME WERE ALLOWED TO ROAM FREELY ABOUT THE STREETS. 217o NEW YORK CITY. TRIAL OF ROBERT M. GooDw1N for killing JAMES STOUGHTON in BROADw Ay, NEW YORK CITY. Dec., 1819. Taken in short-hand by W. SIMPson. 8vo, sheep. NEW YORK, 182 o. f 217 1 NEW YORK CITY. CoMPANION To THE AMERICAN (SCUD- DER's) MUSEUM, catalogue of exhibits in the NEw York INSTITU- TION, PARK. WITH wooDouT view of THE MUSEUM. Post 8vo, paper. RARE. NEW YORK, 1823. 2172 NEW YORK CITY. A CENSUs of THE NEw BUILDINGs ERECTED IN THIS CITY IN THE YEAR 1824, with Statistical Documents. By JAMES HARDIE. Post 8vo, paper, pp. 48. NEW YORK, 1825. 2.173 NEW YORK CITY. DESCRIPTION OF THE CITY OF NEw York, its Population, Places of Amusement, Public Buildings, etc. By JAMES HARDIE. Post 8vo, sheep (wants map). NEW YORK, 1827. 2174 NEW YORK CITY. THE PICTURE OF NEw York, and Stranger's Guide to the Commercial Metropolis of the UNITED STATES. ILLUS- TRATED witH A MAP, 13 FULL-PAGE PLATES, AND 2 wooDCUTS. Thick 12mo, original half cloth, uncut. NEW YORK, 1828. Although one plate has been repaired, and another slightly damaged in the margin, THE BOOK IS ExTREMELY RARE IN ANY STATE, AND ESPECIALLY WITH THIS NUMBER OF PLATES. 2175 NEW YORK CITY. OLDEN TIME IN NEw York. By Those Who Knew [J. R. DE FoREST]. Post 8vo, cloth, pp. 54. NEW YORK, 1833. MAINLY FOUNDED ON AN OLD DUTCH MANUSCRIPT OF I.686. 2176 NEW YORK CITY. AN Account of THE CONFLAGRATION OP THE PRINCIPAL PART OF THE FIRST WARD OF THE CITY OF NEW York. WITH ETCHINGS, PLAN, LIST OF PERSONs BURNT OUT, ETC. Post 8vo, half roan. VERY RARE. NEW YORK (1835). (Ibe Gilgey, Collection 257 2177 2 178 2 I 79 2 I 8o 2 I 81 2 I 82 2 183 2 I 84 2.185 2186 NEW YORK CITY. A GLANCE AT NEw York: embracing the CITY GOVERNMENT, THEATREs, etc. (By ASA GREENE.) 16mo, cloth. NEW YORK, 1837. NEW YORK CITY. WEALTH AND PEDIG REE OF THE WEALTHY CITIZENS OF NEW YORK CITY, witH THE SUMS APPENDED TO EACH NAME. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. NEW YORK; 7%e Sun Office, 1842. NEW YORK CITY. NEw York 170 YEARS AGo, with Explan- atory Notes. By J. W. MoULTON. VIEw of New York IN 1673. 8vo, paper, pp. 24. NEW YORK : Privately Printed, 1843. NEW YORK CITY. A PICTURE OF NEw York IN 1846. With 35 views (should be 36) of public buildings, churches, old houses, etc., and a map. 16mo, cloth. NEW YORK, 1846. NEW YORK CITY. DESCRIPTION OF THE CITY OF NEw York, and of the Cities, Towns, and Villages within 30 miles. By O. L. HOLLEY. Z'wo views and two maps. 16mo, cloth. NEw York, 1847. NEW YORK CITY. ACCOUNT OF THE TERRIFIC AND FATAL RIOT AT THE NEW YORK ASTOR PLACE OPERA House, May Io, 1849, with the Quarrels of For REST and MACREADy. Frontispiece. 8vo, half roan, original wrappers bound in. NEW YORK, 1849. NEW YORK CITY. NEw York: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE, comprising a HISTORY OF THE CITY, a Description of its Present Condition, etc. By E. PORTER BELDEN. Map, view, and engraved title. Post 8vo, cloth. NEW YORK, 1849. NEW YORK CITY. REPORT OF THE MERCHANTS’ COMMITTEE for the relief of Color ED PEOPLE suffering from the RIOTs in the CITY OF NEw York, July, 1863. (With narratives of experiences ) 8vo, paper, pp. 48. RARE. NEW YORK, 1863. NEW YORK CITY. THE INCOME RECoRD. A List giving the Taxable Income of Every Resident of NEw York. Royal 8vo, paper. NEW YORK, 1865. NEW YORK CITY. WooDHULL AND CLAFLIN’s WEEKLY, two numbers for Jan. 25 and Feb. 8, 1873, containing articles about the BEECHER-TILTON CASE, and their prosecution for publishing a report of it. (2) 258 (Ibe (5ilgey, Collection 2 187 2 I 88 2 189 2 I 9o 2 I 9 I 2 I 92 2 I 93 2 I 94. 2 I 95 NEW YORK CITY. THE GREAT RIOTs OF NEw York, 1712 to 1873, including a full and complete account of the DRAFT RIOT of 1863. By HoN. J. T. HEADLEY. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth. NEW YORK, 1873. NEW YORK CITY. WILD OATs a, Journ AL of HUMOR, SATIRE, HITS AT PERSONS AND EVENTS OF THE DAY. Hundreds of illustrations. Dec., 1876, to Mar., 1878. In 1 vol. 4to, half roan. NUMEROUS DRAMATIC PORTRAITs, AND SATIRICAL SKETCHES, witH scenes FROM PLAYS. NEW YORK CITY. LAST DAYS OF KNICKERBOCKER LIFE IN NEW YORK. By A. C. DAYTON. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York, 1882. NEW YORK CITY. ANNALS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF MECHANICS AND TRADESMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, from 1785 to 1880. Edited by THOMAS EARLE and CHARLEs T. Cong DoN. Illustrated with 9 views of old buildings and facsimiles. 4to, cloth. NEw York, 1882. NEW YORK CITY. Ev AcuATION DAY, 1783: its many stirring events, with RECOLLECTIONS OF CAPT. John VAN ARSDALE, who RAISED THE AMERICAN FLAG ON THE BATTERy. By JAMES RIKER. 8vo, paper, pp. 56. NEw York: Printed for the Author, 1883. NEW YORK CITY. OLD NEw York. A Journ AL relating to the HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of New York City. Edited by W. W. PASKo. Vol. 1, complete in 6 Nos., and Part I. of Vol. II. Royal 8vo, paper (as 7 parts). NEW YORK, 1889–90. NEW YORK CITY. CATALOGUE OF THE AUCTION SALE of the SCENERY, FIxTURES, etc., of the ST. JAMEs' THEATRE, 28th Street. Prices pencilled in. I p. folio. NEW YORK CITY. [CESNOLA AND THE MUSEUM of ART.] TRANSFORMATIONS AND MIGRATIONS OF CERTAIN STATUES IN THE CESNOLA COLLECTION. By CLARENCE COOK. ILLUSTRATED. 8vo, paper, pp. 38. NEW YORK (188–). NEW YORK CITY DIRECTORY, 1802. LoNG worth’s AMERI- CAN ALMANACK, NEw-York REGISTER, and CITY DIRECTORY. NEw York, 1802; also, in the same volume, CATALOGUE OF THE PICTURES IN THE SHAKESPEARE GALLERY, No. 1 I Park, N. Y., 1802. Post 8vo, half sheep. (Name on the title of the catalogue.) ExTREMELY RARE. NEW YORK, 1802. (Ibe (5ilsey Collection 259 21.96 NEW YORK CURRENCY. CHEck of THE MANHATTAN BANK, NEw York, for 25 cents. Dated Aug. 21, 1799, with AUTOGRAPHS of J. SMITH and J. Sw ART wout. ENGRAVED BY MAVERICK. (Re- paired and backed ) 2197 NEW YORK DRAMATIC MIRROR. THE CHRISTMAS NUM- BER for 1890, containing the LAST contRIBUTION of DION BOUCI- CAULT, WRITTEN A FEW DAYS BEFORE HIS DEATH ; also contributions by How ARD PAUL, MARIE TEMPEST, and others, and with COLORED PORTRAITs, etc. Folio, paper. 2 198 NEW YORK IMPRINT. THE CRISIs, Vol. I., containing 28 numbers (all published?) Post 8vo, original sheep (slightly stained in a few places). LONDON, Printed ; NEW YORK, Reprinted by John Anderson, 1776. MAINLY RELATING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION AND DEFENDING THE RIGHTS OF THE COLONIES TO REVOLT. 2199 NEW YORK PLAYBILLS. OLYMPIC THEATRE, May 15, 1865 MRS. JOHN WooD in the “Sleeping Beauty”; FIRST APPEARANCE OF SARAH BERNHARDT IN AMERICA IN “ Za Tosca ’’; St. James' Theatre, ANNIE LONSDALE as GOETHE ; MITCHELL’s OLYMPIC THEATRE, Oct. 30, 1841, “ Mephistophiles '' and “ Buy-it-dear ”; Broadway Theatre, Oct. 7, 1847, HENRY AND LESTER WALLACK in ‘‘ Z'he Aivals "; MADAME RISTORI at the French Theatre, 1867; “Aing Charming,” 1855, and others. (Io pieces) 2200 NEW YORK PLAYBILLS. FRANKLIN THEATRE, Dec. 31, 1835, MRs. PRITCHARD as MARG ARET of BURG UNDY; Palmer's Theatre, TESTIMONIAL PERFORMANCE to ANNIE RUSSELL, Feb. Io, 1891; BUR- ToN's, Feb. 2, 1857, “Our Wife" and “John Bull "; Broadway Theatre, LUCILLE WESTERN as CYNTHIA in “Flowers of the Forest,” with portrait; Union Square Theatre, Sept. 12, 1874, CHARLOTTE THOMPSON as JANE EYRE, and others. (Io pieces) 2201 NEW YORK PLAYBILLS. MITCHELL's OLYMPIC THEATRE, Dec. 22, 1841, “Saratoga Springs”; Broadway Theatre, June 25, 1855, MR. AND MRs. BARNEY WILLIAMS in “A”audeen O’Rafferty "; BENEFIT of JULIA DEAN, April 28 (no year); PROFESSOR ANDERSON at Astor Place Opera House (with woodcut portrait); GEO. L. Fox in “Aſumpty Dumpty,” at Olympic Theatre; Broadway Theatre, Dec. 2, 1865, MR. CHANFRAU as SAM, and others. (12 pieces) 26O (Ibe (5il 3ey Collection 22 oz NEW YORK PLAYBILLS. Burton's, Nov. 1, 1850, BENEFIT of MR. BURTON, “Dombey and Son"; Olympic Theatre, July 4 (1863), MARY PRovost as ANDY BLAKE; National Theatre, Nov. 17 (no year), MR. VANDENHOFF as BRUT Us; LINA EDw1N's THEATRE, Oct. 31, 1870, HARRY BECKETT and STUART Robson; Palmer's Theatre, Jan. 20, 1891, E. S. WILLARD in “Judah”; Broadway Theatre, Dec. 10, 1868, MR, AND MRs. BARNEY WILLIAMs in the “Amerald A'ing," and others. (12 pieces) 2203 NEW YORK PLAYBILLS. MITCHELL's OLYMPIC THEATRE, Apl. 5, 1842, MR. MITCHELL in “Io.2 ſ,” and RICHARD NO. III; Wallack's, Aug. 26, 1865, BENEFIT of W. R. FLOYD, DAN BRYANT as MyLEs-NA-CoPPALEEN (mounted); BENEFIT of MR. BURTON at his own Theatre, Jan. 18, 1849; MR. Collins in “Ring O'Meil’’; PRO- FEssoR ANDERSON at the Broadway Theatre, 1852; MR. AND MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS at Broadway Theatre, June 28, 1854; M.R. AND MRs. CHARLEs KEAN in “Aing John ” and “Henry V///.” (mounted); John E. Owens in “Dot” (mounted), March, 1865, and others. (12 pieces) 2204 NEW YORK PLAYBILLS. BENEFIT of MARY TAYLOR at Burton's, Feb. 16 (no year), appearing for the first time as MISS HARD- CASTLE in “She Stoops to Conquer’”; Broadway Theatre, March 29, 1859 (one of the last bills of this noted Theatre); Academy of Music, MRs. MACREADY as SHYLock; Union Square Theatre, Feb. 15, 1877, “The Danicheffs"; EDw1N Booth and LAwRENCE BARRETT at Broad- way Theatre, March 21, 1891; New York Theatre, March 15, 1867, BENEFIT of LADY DON, and others. (12 pieces) 2205 NEW YORK PLAYBILLS. FAREwell BENEFIT of John DUNN, “That Rascal Jack,” at Burton's Theatre, Jan. 31, no year; BENE- FIT PERFORMANCE in aid of the Actors' FUND, at Palmer's Theatre, April 2, 1891; Broadway Theatre, Oct. 20, 1858, E. EDDY as ROMEO, JULIA DEAN HAYNE as JULIET; FIRST PERFORMANCE of “A”au/ Jones " in AMERICA, Broadway Theatre, Nov. 1, 1890, AGNES HUNT- INGTON in the title role; ‘‘Atherley Court,” at Union Square Theatre, Jan. 9, 1873, and others. (12 pieces) 2206 NEW YORK PLAYBILLS. BENEFIT of CHARLEs (J.) MATHEws at Burton's, Dec. 22, 1857, “School for Scandal,” with fine cast; National Theatre, Feb. 19, 1855, “Cinder-melly,” BENEFIT of EDWIN BOOTH at Burton’s, May 30, 1857 (cut down); EDw1N BOOTH and LAWRENCE BARRETT at Broadway Theatre, March 21, 1891; AMERI- CAN DEBUT of ADA CAVENDISH, Broadway Theatre, Sept. 9, 1878, “The Mew Magdalen"; and others of importance. (12 pieces) Oſbe (5il 3ey, COILection 26 I 2207 NEW YORK PLAYBILLS. Burton's Theatre, July 17, 1848, MR. BURTON as PAUL PRy; Olympic Theatre, MRs. John WooD as Po-CA-Hon-TAs, Nov. 4, 1863; TONY PASTOR'S THEATRE, 585 Broad- way, “Our School Girls,” with MAY IRWIN and LILLIAN RUSSELL in the cast; Grand Opera House, Nov. 29, 1873, GEO. L. Fox in “Humpty Dumpty Abroad "; Eagle Theatre, May 20, 1876, “N. C. GooDw1N in his wonderful German Zmitations, and a collection of Dutch Songs ’’; and others. (12 pieces) 2208 NEW YORK PLAYBILLS. M.R. SoTHERN (Park Theatre) as SYDNEY SPOONBILL, Nov. 21, 1877; OPENING NIGHT of THEATRE BRIGHTON, 1239 Broadway, Aug. 26, 1878; “Crucible,” with OAKEY HALL as WILMoT KEIRTON, Dec. 25, 1875; BENEFIT OF JULIA DEAN HAYNE, Broadway Theatre, Oct. 22, 1858 (cut down); BENEFIT OF MARY TAYLOR at MITCHELL’s OLYMPIC THEATRE, March 22, no year; BENEFIT of John BROUGHAM at Burton's Theatre, Sept. 5, 1848; and others. (12 pieces) 2209 NEW YORK THEATRES. BEFoRE AND BEHIND THE CURTAIN; or, 15 Years’ Observations among the THEATRES OF NEW YORK. By W. K. NoRTHALL. Post 8vo, half roan, gilt top. NEW York, 1851. - - - e - - - _a . - - ; UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 03879 5467