P ܚܐ ܪ ܐ JK Congressional Union for Woman Su cds Congressional Union for Woncan Suffrage (LCS) WWLEDNIN 1881 C75 1916 OIES FOR WOMEN WOMAN'S PARTY CONVENTION CHICAGO JUNE 5, 6, AND 7 CONVENTION HEADQUARTERS Room 1004 Stevens Building 17 State Street, Chicago, Ill. 64 ? 2 TO THE WOMAN'S PARTY CONVENTION CHICAGO, JUNE 5, 6, AND 7 CALL VE, OFFICERS OF THE CONGRESSIONAL UNION FOR MAN SUFFRAGE, REPRESENTING THIRTY-SIX UNENFRAN- ED STATES, IN CONFERENCE ASSEMBLED IN WASHING- TON, ON APRIL EIGHTH AND NINTH, 1916, APPEAL TO THE FOUR MILLION ENFRANCHISED WOMEN OF THE WEST, URG- ING THEM TO DO ALL IN THEIR POWER TO PRESS FOR THE IMMEDIATE PASSAGE OF THE NATIONAL SUFFRAGE AMEND- MENT. THE FACT THAT ONE-FIFTH OF THE ELECTORAL VOTE AND ONE-THIRD OF THE VOTE NECESSARY TO ELECT THE NEXT PRESIDENT COMES FROM THE SUFFRAGE STATES, GIVES VOTING WOMEN SUCH POWER IN CONGRESS AS TO MAKE CER- TAIN THE PASSAGE OF THE NATIONAL AMENDMENT IF THEY WILL UNITE IN ITS SUPPORT. CONGRESS HAS BLOCKED THE AMENDMENT AT EVERY TURN HOWEVER, AND ONLY BY THE INSISTENT DEMAND OF WOMEN VOTERS CAN ITS PASSAGE BE SECURED. WE CALL, THEREFORE, UPON ALL OUR FELLOW-MEMBERS IN THE SUFFRAGE STATES TO ASSEMBLE WITH US IN CHI- CAGO ON JUNE 5TH, 6TH AND 7TH TO LAUNCH A WOMAN'S PARTY WHICH WILL WORK INDEPENDENTLY OF ALL EXIST- ING POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS TO SECURE THE IMMEDIATE PASSAGE OF THE NATIONAL SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT. Members of the Union from non-suffrage states are urged to be present at the Chicago convention and help in forming the plans for the Woman's Party. The voting will be limited to members of the Union from the suf- frage states. ' NA N Congressional Union for Woman Sut NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MISS ALICE PAUL, N. J., Chairman MRS. JOHN W. BRANNAN, N. Y. MISS LUCY BURNS, N. Y., Vice-chair- MRS. GILSON GARDNER, D. C. MRS. DONALD R. HOOKER, Md. man MRS. O. H. P. BELMONT, N. Y. Mrs. Nina E. Allender, D. C. Mrs. W. D. Ascough, Conn. Mrs. Frances C. Axtell, Wash. Mrs. O H. P. Belmont, N. Y. Mrs. Edward Breitung, Mich. Mrs. Dan Casement, Kans. Mrs. Margaret Zane Cherdron, Utah Miss Cornelia Cook, Ore. Mrs. Byron Cummings, Ariz. Mrs. Bertha W. Fowler, Colo. Mrs. John Gibbs, S. C. NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF STATE Mrs. C. S. Haire. Mont. Mrs. Florence Bayard Hilles, Del. Mrs. J. A. H. Hopkins, N. J. Miss Ada James, Wis. Mrs. Edward M. Jarrett, Ark. Miss Gail Laughlin, Cal. Mrs. Harry Lowenburg, Pa. Miss Anne Martin, Nev. Mrs. Cyrus Mead, Ohio. Mrs. Sophie G. Meredith, Va. Mrs. Walter Morey, Mass. Mrs. Robert Adamson, N. Y. Miss Jessie Ashley, N. Y. Mrs. Mary Austin, Cal. Miss Harriet Bain, Wis. ह DISTRICT CHAIRMEN Middle Atlantic States Chairman, Mr. Henry Bruere, N. Y. Chairman, Mrs. John Rogers, N. Y. NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Mrs. Adolphus Clay Bartlett, Ill. Mrs. Cyrus Beard, Wyo. Mrs. Mary Ritter Beard, N. Y. Mrs. Inez Milholland Boissevain, N. Y. Mrs. Phoebe A Hearst, Cal. Mrs. Alfred H. Bright, Minn. Reverend Olympia Brown, Wis. Miss Mary A. Burnham, Pa. Mrs. Dora Phelps Buell, Col. Mrs. Annie Wells Cannon, Utah Mrs. Joseph Carey, Wyo. Mrs. Lillian Harris Coffin, Cal. Mrs. William L. Colt, N. Y. Mrs. Frank Cothren, N. Y. Mrs. Lucius M. Cuthbert, Col. Mrs. George H. Day, Conn. Mrs. John Dewey, N. Y. Miss Lavinia Dock, N. Y. Mrs. Kheta Childe Dorr. N. Y. Mrs. Crystal Eastman, N. Y. Mrs. J. Andre Fouilhoux, Ore. Miss Susan P. Frost, S. C. Mrs. Emma Maddox Funck, Md. Mrs. Harvey C. Garber. Ohio Mrs. Elizabeth Gerberding, Cal. Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, N. Y. Finance Chairman, Mrs. Lawrence Lewis, Pe. Vice-Chairman, Miss Alice Carpenter, N. Y. Legislative Chairman, Miss Anne Martin, Nev. Vice-Chairman, Mrs. George Odell, D. O. Mrs. Inez Haynes Gillmore, Cal. Mrs. Adolphus E. Graupner, Cal. Mrs. Edwin C. Grice, Pa. Mrs. George Thacher Guernsey, Kans. Mrs. Jennie Law Hardy, Mich. Mrs. W. E. Hardy, Neb. Mrs. F. R. Hazard, N. Y. Literature Chairman, Miss Marie Ernst Kennedy, Pa. Membership Chairman, Miss Emily Stearns, Va. CHAIRMEN North Middle Western States Chairman, Mrs. A. R. Colvin, Minn. Mrs. George Hendrie, Mich. Mrs. Frederick C. Howe, N. Y. Mrs. Agnes M. Jenks, R. I. Miss Helen Keller, Mass. Mrs. Florence Kelley, N. Y. Mrs. John B. Kendrick, Wyo. Dr. Cora Smith King, Wash. Mrs. William Bross Lloyd, Ill. Miss Bernice McCoy, Idaho. Mrs. Jessie Hardy MacKaye, D. C. Mrs. Ida Finney Mackrille, Cal. Mrs. Lionel S. Marks, Mass. Miss Julia Marlowe, N. Y. Miss Helen Marot, N. Y. Mrs. Harris Masterson, Tex. Miss Edythe Wynne Matthison, Mrs. Lilla Day Monroe, Kans Mrs. John T. Morrison, Idaho Mrs. Wm. Spencer Murray, Md. Mrs. Ellen Spencer Mussey, D. C. Mrs. Meredith Nicholson, Ind. NATIONAL DEPARTMENTS Eastern States Miss Margaret Whittemore, Mich. Contral States Miss Elsie Hill, Conn. Secretary, Miss Maude Younge, Cal. Editor, Miss Lucy Bains Art Editor. Mrs. Nina E. Allender. MRS. WILLIAM KEN MRS. LAWRENCE LI MISS ANNE MARTIN Mrs. Robert Morton, Wyo. Mrs. Alden H. Potter, Min Mrs. Joshua Raynolds, New Mrs. Townsend Scott, Md. Mrs. Bertram Sippy, Ill. Mrs. Edward G. Uhl, Conn. Mrs. Frederick Walker, Ida Mrs. Hugh L. White, Tenn. Mrs. Robert Treat Whitehou Mrs. Clara Snell Wolfe, Tex Press Circulation, Chairman. Mrs. Annie Porritt, Conn. Mrs. William Prendergast, N. Y. Mrs. Nina G. Proctor, N. Y. Mrs. James Hayden Rector, Ohio Mrs. Henry Ridgly, Del. Miss Margaret Roberts, Idaho Mrs. Julius Rosenwald, Ill. Mrs. Charles Edward Russell, D. O. Prof. Lucy M. Salmon, N. Y. Mrs. Frederick Sanborn, Cal. Mrs. May Wright Sewall, Ind. Mrs. Austin Sperry, Cal. Mrs. Albert Steinfeld, Ariz. Mrs. Julius Stone, Ohio Mrs. David D. Terry, Ark. Mrs. Mary C. Therkelsen, Ore. Mrs. Robert Gibbes Thomas, S. C. Miss Clara L. Thompson, Mo. Mrs. Richard Wainwright, D. C. Mrs. Hettie D. M. Wallis, Tex. Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh, D. C. Mrs. Elizabeth Lowe Watson, Cal. Mrs. Mina Van Winkle, N. J. Conn. Mrs. John Jay White, D. C. Mrs. Harvey W. Wiley, D. C. Dr. Marian Walker Williams, Ariz. Miss Bird Wilson. Nev. Mrs. S. B. M. Young. Mont. Mrs. Marsden Perry, R. I. National Headquarters, Committee of 200 for Maintenance of Chairman, Mrs. William Kent, Cal. Organization Chairman, Miss Doris Stevens, Neb. Pageant Chairman, Miss Hazel MacKaye, Mass. TREASURER-Miss Joy Webster, Nehr. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, Miss Virginia Arnold, N. C. FIELD SECRETARIES Chairman, Mrs. Hortense MeDonald. Tenn. Southern States Mrs. E. St. Clair Thompson, N. C. Western States Miss Mabel Vernon, Del. "THE SUFFRAGIST"-WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE CONGRESSIONAL 2 A UNION Business Manager, Miss S. Ada Flat san Office Manager, Miss Elizabeth Smith Mrs. W. T. Burch NERAL INFORMATION For general information concerning the Convention, write to Miss abeth D. Elder, Chairman of Committee on Arrangements, at Conven- Headquarters, 1004 Stevens Building, Chicago. ILROAD RATES Because of the Republican and Progressive National Conventions taking ce in Chicago at this same time, reduced railroad rates can be secured m any section of the country by applying to your local railroad office. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NTRIBUTIONS You are urged to send some donation, no matter how small, to make the Woman's Party Convention a success. Please mail contributions to the Treasurer of the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage, National Head- quarters, Lafayette Square, Washington, D. C. Name. 3 9015 03842 2930 I expect to be present at the Woman's Party Convention in Chicago, June 5, 6 and 7. Address • } Kindly sign slip and send to Miss Elizabeth D. Elder, Convention Head- quarters, 1004 Stevens Building, Chicago, Ill. Buy "THE SUFFRAGIST"-leading weekly suffrage paper 5c a copy -