73 CHETHAM MISCELLANIES VOL. III. GRAD DA " L19 od n. R J my J 4 + ¡ Į } : SAYAKASSARI 1837 ARTES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VERITAS E-PLURIBUS UNUM AC UEBO SQUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE? ****** SCIENTIA OF THE CAVAVADION/0.0.00 20 ... VOKINJA: Porce 1.. A 1 1 L ***S - 3 + . 1 3 1 DAS 670 419 C5 nis, V. 73. 1 2 1 ↓ #It Chetham Society: ESTABLISHED M.DCCC.XLIII., FOR THE PUBLICATION OF HISTORICAL AND LITERARY REMAINS CONNECTED WITH THE PALATINE COUNTIES OF Lancaster and Chester. COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1915-1916. President. JAMES TAIT, M. A., PROFESSOR OF ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL HISTORY, UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER, Vice-President. WILLIAM FARRER, Esq., D.LITT. Council. HENRY BRIERLEY, Esq., B.A. ERNEST BROXAP, Esq., M.A. REV. H. A. HUDSON, M. A. MAJOR WILLIAM LEES, J.P. R. D. RADCLIFFE, Esq., M.A., F.S. A. J. PAUL RYLANDS, Esq., F.S.A. PROF. T. NORTHCOTE TOLLER, M. A. W. ASHETON TONGE, Esq. PROF. T. F. TOUT, M.A. Treasurer (ACTING). MAJOR WILLIAM LEES, J. P., 69a Market Street, Manchester. Honorary Secretary. CHARLES W. SUTTON, Esq., M.A., Reference Library, Manchester. Assistant Hon. Secretary-ERNEST BROXAP, Esq., M. A., Riversdale, Kersal. FORMER OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. Presidents. EDWARD HOLME, M.D. (1843-47). JAMES CROSSLEY, F.S.A. (1847-83). RICHARD COPLEY CHRISTIE, M.A., LL.D. (1883-1901). SIR ADOLPHUS W. WARD, Litt. D., LL.D. (1902-1915). Vice-Presidents. Rev. RICHARD PARKINSON, D.D., Canon of Manchester (1843-58). Rev. F. R. RAINES, M. A., F. S. A., Hon. Canon of Manchester (1858–78). WILLIAM BEAMONT (1879-82). R. C. CHRISTIE, M.A., LL.D. (1882-83). Right Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, D.D. Bishop successively of Chester and Oxford (1884–1901). Lieut.-Colonel HENRY FISHWICK, F.S.A. (1902-1914). 037 042 523 Former Officers of the Society-Continued. JAMES CROSSLEY, F.S.A. (1843-47), President 1847-83. WILLIAM LANGTON, F.S.A. (1843-82), Treasurer 1843-52, Hon. Sec. 1852-68. Hon. and Rev. WM. HERBERT, D.D., Dean of Manchester (1843-47). George OrmeROD, LL.D., F.R.S. (1843-48). SAMUEL HIBBERT-WARE, M.D., F.R.S.E. (1843-1848). Rev. THOMAS CORSER, M. A. (1843-77). Rev. GEORGE DUGARD, M.A. (1843-51). Rev. C. G. HULTON, M. A. (1843-47). Rev. J. PICCOPE, M. A. (1843-51). Rev. F. R. RAINES, M.A. (1843-58). JAMES HEYWOOD, M.P., F.R.S. (1843-47). Very Rev. G. H. Bowers, D.D., Dean of Man- chester (1848-72). EDWARD HAWKINS, F.S. A. (1848–67). THOMAS HEYWOOD, F.S. A. (1848-66). W. A. HULTON (1848-75). Council. Ven. JOHN RUSHTON, D.D., Archdeacon of Manchester (1848-55). WILLIAM BEAMONT (1849-79). JAMES DEARDEN, F.S.A. (1849-52). MATTHEW DAWES, F.S.A. (1852-60). JOSEPH B. YATES, F.S.A. (1852-55). JOHN HARLAND, F.S.A. (1855-68). WILLIAM LANGTON, F.S.A. (1843-52). Rev. Joux BoOKER, M.A., F.S.A. (1856-64). Rev. JOHN HOWARD MARSDEN, B. D. (1858-91). Rev. JAMES RAINE, D. D., Canon of York (1861-89). Col. EGERTON LEIGH, M.P. (1864-77). R. C. CHRISTIE, M.A. (1868–72). THOMAS JONES, B. A., F.S.A. (1869–75). Very Rev. B. M. COWIE, Dean of Manchester (1873-84). Lieut. Col. H. FISHWICK, F.S. A. (1875-1901). V.P. 1901-1914. JOHN EGLINGTON BAILEY, F.S.A. (1876–82). Sir H. H. HoWORTH, M. P., F.R.S. (1877-1900). FRANK RENAUD, M.D., F.S. A. (1877-1903). J. P. EARWAKER, M. A., F.S.A. (1879–94). J. S. FLETCHER (1882-84). WILLIAM FLEMING, M.D. (1843-52). WILLIAM LANGTON, F.S.A. (1852-68). RICHARD HENRY WOOD, F.S.A., F.R.G.S., Mem. Corr. Soc. Antiq. de Normandie (1868-82). - JAMES CROSTON, F.S.A. (1882-91). Rev. R. TONGE, M.A. (1884-88). Dr. A. W. WARD (1884-1901), President 1902.15. JOHN HOWARD NODAL (1898–1909). W. O. ROPER, F.S.A. (1889-1908). G. H. HANKINSON (1901-1906). Rev. Canon J. H. STANNING, M. A. (1901-1907). Prof. JAMES TAIT (1901-15). President 1915. Rev. Canon J. A. ATKINSON, M.A., D.C.L. (1908-1911). Treasurers. HENRY THOMAS CROFTON, (1889-1913). WILLIAM FARRER, D. Litt. (1901-1915). V.P. 1915. | ARTHUR H. HEYWOOD (1852–79). JOHN JOSEPH JORDAN (1879-1915). Hon. Secretaries. JOHN EGLINGTON BAILEY, F.S.A. (1882-88). Rev. Canon RICHARD TONGE, M.A. (1888–90). ... Rules of the Chetham Society.. 1. That the Society shall be limited to three hundred and fifty members. 2. That the Society shall consist of members being subscribers of one pound annually, such subscription to be paid in advance, on or before the day of general meeting in each year. The first general meeting to be held on the 23rd day of March, 1843, and the general meeting in each year afterwards on the first day of March, unless it fall on a Sunday, when some other day is to be named by the Council. 3. That the affairs of the Society be conducted by a Council, consisting of a permanent President and Vice-President, and twelve other members, including a Treasurer and Secretary, all of whom shall be elected, the first two at the general meeting next after a vacancy shall occur, and the twelve other members at the general meeting annually. 4. That the accounts of the receipts and expenditure of the Society be audited annually, by three auditors, to be elected at the general meeting; and that any member who shall be one year in arrear of his subscription, shall no longer be considered as belonging to the Society. 5. That every member not in arrear of his annual subscription be entitled to a copy of each of the works published by the Society. 6. That twenty copies of each work shall be allowed to the editor of the same, in addition to the one to which he may be entitled as a member. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Vol. I. Travels in Holland, the United Provinces, England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1634-1635. By Sir William Brereton, Bart. Edited by EDWARD HAWKINS. Edited by FIRST SERIES. Vol. 2. Tracts relating to Military Proceedings in Lancashire during the Great Civil War. GEORGE ORMEROD. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 3. Chester's Triumph in Honor of her Prince, as it was performed upon St. George's Day, 1610, in the foresaid Citie. Edited by the REV. THOMAS Corser. The Life of Adam Martindale, written by himself. Edited by the REV. RICHARD PARKINSON. Lancashire Memorials of the Rebellion, 1715. By SAMUEL HIBBERT-WARE, Potts's Discovery of Witches in the county of Lancaster. Edited by JAMes Crossley. Iter Lancastrense, a Poem written A.D. 1636, by the Rev. Richard James. Edited by the Rev. THOMAS Corser. Vols. 8, 19, 21, 22. Notitia Cestriensis, or Historical Notices of the Diocese of Chester, by Bishop Gastrell. Edited by the REV. F. R. RAINES. 2 vols. in 4 parts. Vol. 9. Vols. 10, 11, 16, 20. 4 vols. The Norris Papers. Edited by THOMAS HEYWOOD. The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. Edited by W. A. HULTON. Vol. 12. The Moore Rental. Edited by THOMAS HEYWOOD. Vols. 13, 36, 114. The Diary and Correspondence of Dr. John Worthington. Edited by Jas. Crossley and R. C. CHRISTIE. 2 vols. in 3 parts. Vol. 14. The Journal of Nicholas Assheton. Edited by the REV. F. R. Raines. Vol. 15. The Holy Lyfe and History of Saynt Werburge, very frutefull for all Christen People to rede. Edited by EDWARD HAWKINS. Vol. 17. Warrington in 1465. Edited by WILLIAM BEAMONT. Vol. 18. The Diary of the Rev. Henry Newcome. Edited by THOMAS HEYWOOD. Vol. 23. Vol. 24. A Golden Mirrour, by Richard Robinson of Alton. Edited by REV. THOмas Corser. Chetham Miscellanies. Vol. I. Edited by WILLIAM LANGTON; containing Papers connected with the affairs of Milton and his Family. Edited by J. F. MARSH. Epistolary Reliques of Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquaries, 1653-73. Communicated by Dr. George Ormerod. Calendars of the Names of Families which entered their several Pedigrees in the successive Heraldic Visitations of the County Palatine of Lancaster. Communicated by GEORGE ORMEROD. A Fragment, illustrative of Sir Wm. Dugdale's Visitation of Lancashire. RAINES. Edited by F. R. Autobiographical Tracts of Dr. John Dee. Edited by JAMES Crossi.ey. 286902 4 List of Publications--First Series. Vol. 25. Cardinal Allen's Defence of Sir William Stanley's Surrender of Deventer. Edited by THOMAS HEYWOOD. Vols. 26, 27. The Autobiography of Henry Newcome, M. A. Edited by REV. RD. PARKINSON. 2 vols. Vol. 28. The Jacobite Trials at Manchester in 1694. Edited by WILLIAM BEAMONT. Vol. 29. The Stanley Papers, Part I. teenth and seventeenth centuries. The Earls of Derby and the Verse Writers and Poets of the six- By THOMAS HEYWOOD. Vol. 30. Documents relating to the Priory of Penwortham, and other possessions in Lancashire of the Abbey of Evesham. Edited by W. A. HULTON. Vol. 31. The Stanley Papers, Part II. The Derby Household Books, comprising an account of the Household Regulations and Expenses of Edward and Henry, third and fourth Earls of Derby; together with a Diary, containing the names of the guests who visited the latter Earl at his houses in Lancashire : by William Farrington, Esq., the Comptroller. Edited by the REV. F. R. RAINES. Vols. 32, 34, 40, 44, The Private Journal and Literary Remains of John Byrom. Edited by REV. RICHARD PARKINSON. 4 vols. Vols. 33, 51, 54. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories from the Ecclesiastical Court, Chester. Edited by the REV. G. J. PICCOPE. 3 vols. Vols. 35, 41, 43, 46. The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall. Edited by JOHN HARLAND. 4 vols. Vol. 37. Chetham Miscellanies, Vol. II. Edited by WILLIAM LANGTON: containing The Rights and Jurisdiction of the County Palatine of Chester, the Earls Palatine, the Cham- berlain, and other Officers. Edited by JOSEPH BROOKS Yates. The Scottish Field (A Poem on the Battle of Flodden). Edited by JOHN ROBSON, Examynatyons towcheynge Cokeye More, Temp. Hen. VIII. in a dispute between the Lords of the Manors of Middleton and Radclyffe. Communicated by the REV. F. R. RAINES. A History of the Ancient Chapel of Denton, in Manchester Parish. By the REV. JOHN BOOKER. A Letter from John Bradshawe of Gray's Inn to Sir Peter Legh of Lyme. Edited by WILLIAM LANGTON. Vol. 38. Bibliographical Notices of the Church Libraries of Turton and Gorton bequeathed by Humphrey Edited by GILBERT J. FRENCH. Chetham. Vol. 39. The Farington Papers. Edited by MISS FFARINGTON, Vol. 42. A History of the Ancient Chapels of Didsbury and Chorlton, in Manchester Parish, including Sketches of the Townships of Didsbury, Withington, Burnage, Heaton Norris, Reddish, Levenshulme, and Chorlton-cum-Hardy. By the REV. JOHN BOOKER. Vol. 45. Miscellanies: being a selection from the Poems and Correspondence of the Rev. Thomas Wilson, B.D., of Clitheroe. With Memoirs of his Life. By the REV. CANON RAINES. Vol. 47. A History of the Ancient Chapel of Birch, in Manchester Parish, including a Sketch of the Township of Rusholme. By the REV. JOHN BOOker. Vols. 48, 64. A Catalogue of the Collection of Tracts for and against Popery (published in or about the reign of James II.) in the Manchester Library founded by Humphrey Chetham. Edited by THOMAS JONES. 2 vols. Vols. 49, 50. The Lancashire Lieutenancy under the Tudors and Stuarts. The Civil and Military Gov- ernment of the County, as illustrated by a series of Royal and other Letters; Orders of the Privy Council, the Lord Lieutenant, and other Authorities, &c. Edited by JOHN HARLAND. 2 parts. Vols. 52, 55, 71, 77, 91, 100, 101, 102, 106, 108, III. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica: or, A Bibliographical and Descriptive Catalogue of a portion of a Collection of Early English Poetry, with occasional Extracts and Remarks Biographical and Critical. By the REV. THOMAS CORSer. II parts. Vols. 53, 56, 58. Mamecestre: being Chapters from the early recorded History of the Barony, the Lord- ship or Manor, the Vill, Borough or Town, of Manchester. Edited by JOHN HARLAND. 3 vols. - List of Publications-First Series. 5 Vol. 57. Chetham Miscellanies. Vol. III. Edited by WILLIAM LANGTON. Containing : On the South Lancashire Dialect, with Biographical Notices of John Collier, the author of Tim Bobbin. By THOS. HEYWOOD. Rentale de Cokersand: being the Bursar's Rent Roll of the Abbey of Cokersand for the year 1501. Edited by the REV. F. R. RAINES. The Names of all the Gentlemen of the best callinge wthin the countye of Lancastre, whereof choyse ys to be made of a c’ten number to lend vnto her Matre moneye vpon privie seals in Janvarye 1588. From a manuscript in the possession of the REV. F. R. RAINES. Some Instructions given by William Booth Esquire to his stewards John Carington and William Rowcrofte, upon the purchase of Warrington by Sir George Booth Baronet and William Booth his son, A. D. MDCXVIII. Communicated by WILLIAM BEAMONT. Letter from Sir John Seton, Manchester ye 25 M'ch, 1643. Edited by THOMAS HEYWOOD. The Names of eight hundred inhabitants of Manchester who took the oath of allegiance to Charles II. in April, 1679. Communicated by JOHN HARLAND. The Pole Booke of Manchester, May ye 22d 1690. Edited by WILLIAM Langton, Vols. 59, 60. A History of the Chantries within the County Palatine of Lancaster: being the Reports of the Royal Commissioners of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Queen Mary. Edited by the REV. F. R. RAINES. 2 vols. Vol. 61. I. Abbott's Journal. II. An Account of the Tryalls, &c., in Manchester in 1694. Edited by RT. REV. ALEXANDEr Goss. Vol. 62. Discourse of the Warr in Lancashire. Edited by WILLIAM BEAMONT. Vols. 63, 65. HARLAND. Vols. 66, 67, 70. The Stanley Papers. Part III. Private Devotions and Miscellanies of James seventh earl of Derby, K. G., with a Prefatory Memoir and Appendix of Documents. Edited by REV. CANON RAINES. 3 vols. Vols. 68, 72. Collectanea relating to Manchester and its Neigbourhood, at various periods. Edited by JOHN HARLAND. 2 vols. Vols. 69, 73, 93, 94. The Admission Register of the Manchester School, with some Notices of the more distinguished Scholars. Edited by the REV. JEREMIAH FINCH SMITH. 3 vols., in 4 parts. Court Leet Records of the Manor of Manchester in the Sixteenth Century. Edited by JOHN 2 vols. Vol. 74. Three Lancashire Documents of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, namely: I. The Great De Lacy Inquisition, Feb. 16, 1311. II. Survey of 1320-1346. III. Custom Roll and Rental of the manor of Ashton-under-Lyne, 1421. Edited by JOHN HARLAND. Edited by THOMAS WILLIAM KING. With additions by the Vol. 75. Lancashire Funeral Certificates. REV. F. R. RAINES. Vol. 76. Observations and Instructions divine and Morall. In Verse. By Robert Heywood of Heywood, Lancashire. Edited by JAMES Crossley. Vols. 78, 79, 80. Tracts written in the Controversy respecting the Legitimacy of Amicia, daughter of Hugh Cyveliok, earl of Chester. A.D. 1673-1679. By sir Peter Leycester, bart., and sir Thomas Mainwaring, bart. Edited by WILLIAM BEAMONT. 3 parts. Vol. 81. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1567, by William Flower. Edited by the REV. F. R. RAINES. Vol. 82. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1613, by Richard St. George. Edited by the REV. F. R. RAINES. Vol. 83. Chetham Miscellanies, vol. IV., containing : Some Account of General Robert Venables, of Antrobus and Wincham, Cheshire; with an engraving from his Portrait at Wincham, together with the Autobiographical Memoranda or Diary of his Widow, Elizabeth Venables. A Forme of Confession grounded vpon the Ancient Catholique and Apostolique Faith. By Lady Bridget Egerton. A.D. 1636. 6 List of Publications-First Series. A Kalender conteyning the Names of all such Gent. and others as upon her Maty's Pryvye Seales have paid there Money to the handes of Sir Hugh Cholmondley Knyghte Collect' of Her Hyghnes Loane within the Countie of Chester, together with the severall Somes and Daies of Receipt. A.D. 1597. History of Warrington Friary. Edited by WILLIAM BEAMONT. Vols. 84, 85, 88. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1664-5, by Sir William Dugdale. Edited by REV. F. R. RAINES. 3 parts. Vols. 86, 87. Annals of the Lords of Warrington for the first five centuries after the conquest. With 2 vols., 2 parts. historical notices of the place and neighbourhood. Edited by WILLIAM BEAMONT. Vols. 89, 90. The Dr. Farmer Chetham MS., being a commonplace-book in the Chetham Library, temp. Elizabeth, James I. and Charles I., consisting of verse and prose, mostly hitherto unpublished. Edited by the REV. ALEXANDER B. GROSART. 2 parts. The History of the Parish of Kirkham. By HENRY FISHWICK. Vol. 92. Vols. 95, 99. Abstracts of Inquisitions post Mortem, made by Christopher Towneley and Roger Dods- worth. Extracted from Manuscripts at Towneley. Edited by WILLIAM LANGTON. 2 vols. Vol. 96. Chetham Miscellanies. Vol. V. Edited by the REV. CANON RAINES. A Description of the State, Civil and Ecclesiastical, of the County of Lancaster, about the year 1590, by some of the Clergy of the Diocese of Chester. A Visitation of the Diocese of Chester, by John, Archbishop of York, held in the Chapter House of the Collegiate and Parish Church of Manchester, 1590, with the Archbishop's Correspondence with the Clergy. Letters on the Claims of the College of Arms in Lancashire, in the time of James the First; by Leonard Smethley and Randle Holme, Deputy Heralds. The Easter Rolls of Whalley in the years 1552 and 1553. Vol. 97. Contributions towards a History of the Ancient Parish of Prestbury in Cheshire. By FRANK RENAUD. Vols. 98, 110. The Visitation of Lancashire and a Part of Cheshire, A.D. 1533, by special commission of Thomas Benalt. Edited by WILLIAM LANGTON. 2 parts. Vol. 103. Chetham Miscellanies. Vol. VI. Edited by the REV. CANON RAINES. The Rent Roll of Sir John Towneley of Towneley, Knight, for Burnley, Ightenhill, &c., 1535-6. The Autobiography of Mr. Langley of Prestwich. A Close Catalogue of the Rectors of Prestwich, from 1316 to 1632. 2 parts. The History of the Parish of Garstang. Edited by HENRY FISHWICK. Inventories of Goods in the Churches and Chapels in Lancashire, taken in the year A.D. Edited by JOPN EGLINGTON BAILEY. 2 parts. Vols. 104, 105. Vols. 107, 113. 1552. Vol. 109. Correspondence of Nathan Walworth and Peter Seddon of Outwood, and other Documents relating to the Building of Ringley Chapel. Edited by JOHN SAMUEL FLETCHER. Vol. 112. Two Compoti of the Lancashire and Cheshire Manors of Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, A. D. 1294-6, 1304-5. Edited by the REV. P. A. LYONS. With an Introduction by JOHN EGLINGTON BAILEY. General Index to vols. 1-114. 2 vols. List of Publications-New Series. 7 NEW SERIES. Vols. 1, 2. The Vicars of Rochdale. By the late Rev. Canon RAINES. Edited by SIR HENRY H. IOWORTH. 2 parts. Vol. 3. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories at Chester, with an Appendix of Abstracts of Wills now Lost or Destroyed. Transcribed by the late REV. G. J. PICCOPE. Edited by J. P. EARWAKER. Vol. 4. The Catechisme, or a Christian Doctrine necessary for Children and Ignorant people, of Lawrence Vaux, 1574, sometime Warden of the Collegiate Church, Manchester. Edited by T. G. Law. Vols. 5, 6. The Rectors of Manchester, and the Wardens of the Collegiate Church of that Town. By the late Rev. F. R. RAINES. Edited by J. E. BAILEY. 2 parts. With Bibliographical and other Illustra- • Vol. 7 The Old Church and School Libraries of Lancashire. tions. By RICHARD COPLEY CHRISTIE. By HENRY FISHWICK. Vol. 8. The History of the Parish of Poulton-le-Fylde. Vols. 9, II, 14. The Coucher Book of Furness Abbey. Edited by the Rev. J. C. ATKINSON. Vol. 10. The History of the Parish of Bispham. By HENRY FISHWICK. Vol. 12. Vol. 13. The Crosby Records. Edited by the REV. T. E. GIBSON and the late Bishop Goss. A Bibliography of the Works Written and Edited by Dr. Worthington. By R. C. CHRISTIE. Vols. 15, 16, 17, 18. The History of the Church and Manor of Wigan. By the Hon. and REV. CANON BRIDGEMAN. 4 parts. 3 parts. Vol. 19. Correspondence of Edward, Third Earl of Derby, during the years 24 to 31 Henry VIII. Edited by T. NORTHCOTE TOLLER. Vols. 20, 22, 24. The Minutes of the Manchester Presbyterian Classis, 1646-1660. Edited by Dr. WM. A. SHAW. 3 parts. Vols. 21, 23. Lives of the Fellows of the College of Manchester. By the late F. R. Raines. FRANK RENAUD. 2 parts. Edited by Vol. 27. Vol 25. The History of the Parish of St. Michaels-on-Wyre. By HENRY FISHWICK. Vols. 26, 31, 58, 59. Materials for the History of the Church of Lancaster. Edited by W. O. Roper. 4 vols. Notes on the Churches of Lancashire. By the late Sir Stephen Glynne. Edited by Rev. CANON ATKINSON. Vol. 28. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories at Chester, 1572 to 1696; with an Appendix of Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories proved at York or Richmond, 1542 to 1649. Edited by J. P. EARWAKER. Vols. 29, 30, 34, 35. The Poems of John Byrom. Edited by DR. A. W. WARD. 4 parts. Vol. 32. Notes on the Churches of Cheshire. By the late Sir Stephen Glynne. Edited by REV. CANON ATKINSON. Vol. 33. The Note Book of the Rev. Thomas Jolly, with Extracts from the Church Book of Altham and Wymondhouses. Edited by HENRY FISHWICK. The Minutes of the Bury Presbyterian Classis, 1647-1657. Edited by DR. Wм. A. SHAW. Vols. 36, 41. 2 parts. Vol. 37. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories. Edited by J. PAUL RYLANDS. Vols. 38, 39, 40, 43, 56, 57, 64. The Chartulary of Cockersand Abbey. Transcribed and Edited by WILLIAM FARRER. 7 parts. 8 List of Publications-New Series A History of the Ancient Chapel of Stretford, in Manchester Parish. By H. T. 3 vols. Vols. 42, 45, 51. CROFTON. Vol. 44. Act Book of the Ecclesiastical Court of Whalley. Edited by MISS ALICE M. CooKE, M.A. Vols. 46, 48. The Portmote or Court Leet Records of Salford, 1597-1669. Edited by J. G. de T. MANDLEY. 2 vols. Vol. 47. Chetham Miscellanies. New Series, Vol. I. Containing: Inventories of Goods in the Churches and Chapels of Lancashire, 1552. Part III.-Amoun- derness and Lonsdale Hundreds. Edited by LT.-COL. FISHWICK. An Exhortation for Contributions to Maintain Preachers in Lancashire ( Circa 1641) by George Walker, B.D. Edited by CHARLES W. Sutton. The Wonderful Child. Tracts Issued in 1679 Relating to Charles Bennett, of Manchester. Edited by WILLIAM E. A. Axon. Mosley Family. Memoranda of Oswald and Nicholas Mosley of Ancoats, with a Genealogical Introduction. Edited by ERNEST AXON. 2 vols. Vols. 49, 50. The Life of Humphrey Chetham. By F. R. RAINES and CHARLES W. SUTTON. Vols. 52, 53, 54, 55. A History of Newton Chapelry in the Parish of Manchester. By H. T. CROFTON. 4 Vols. Vol. 60. The History of the Parish of Lytham. Vols. 61, 62. Materials for the History of Lancaster. Vol. 63. Chetham Miscellanies. Vol. II. Containing : Broughton Topography and Manor Court. The Apostolical Life of Ambrose Barlow. By H. T. CROFTON. Edited by W. E. RHODES, M.A. A Manchester Assessment of 1648. With Introduction by ERNEST BROXap, M.A. Vol. 65. Tracts relating to the Civil War in Cheshire, 1641-1659, including Sir George Booth's rising in that County. Edited by REV. CANON ATKINSON. Vols. 66, 67, 68. The Records of Blackburn Grammar School. Edited by G. A. Stocks, M. A. 3 parts. Vol. 69. The Township Booke of Halliwell. Transcribed and edited by Archibald Sparke, F.R.S.L., F.L.A. Vol. 70. The Poems of John Byrom. Edited by Adolphus William Ward, P.B.A., &c. Vol. III. With an appendix of unpublished letters by and to Byrom. The Survey of the Manor of Rochdale, 1626. Edited by HENRY FISHWICK. Vol. 71. Vol. 72. A History of Leagram: The Park and the Manor. By JOHN WELD, D.L., J.P. By LT.-COL. FISHWICK. By W. O. ROPER. 2 parts. REMAINS Historical and Literary CONNECTED WITH THE PALATINE COUNTIES OF Lancaster and Chester. ALIDIT * GETUR € ** ****** 1915. ***** VOLUME 73. NEW SERIES. MANCHESTER : Printed for the Chetham Society. Chetham Miscellanies. NEW SERIES. VOL. III. CONTAINING I. DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE PLAGUE IN MANCHESTER IN 1605. EDITED BY THE LATE WILLIAM E. A. AXON, M.A. II.—A SURVEY OF THE MANOR OF PENWORTHAM, 1570. EDITED BY CHARLES W. SUTTON, M.A. III.-LIST OF CLERGYMEN, ETC., IN THE DIOCESE OF CHESTER, 1691. EDITED BY JOHN BROWNBILL, M.A. PRINTED FOR THE CHETHAM SOCIETY. 1915. Documents relating to the Plague in Manchester in 1605; WITH OTHER MEMORANDA, 1593-1606. EDITED BY WILLIAM E. A. AXON, LL.D., F.R.S.L. MANCHESTER : PRINTED FOR THE CHETHAM SOCIETY. 1999. JAMES STEWART PRINTER.: CROSS KEYS $2 PRESS ·CAMPST.DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. INTRODUCTION. J THE documents now printed are in the Record Office, and it is a little puzzling to conjecture how papers which are, for the most part, merely the memoranda kept by two local officials, have found their way into the national archives. They have not been unnoticed. Dr. Charles Creighton refers to them in his History of Epidemics in Britain (1894—i, 499). The late Mr. John Eglington Bailey, F.S.A., collected materials respecting the epidemic of 1605, but these were not completed and not printed. The late Mr. John Parsons Earwaker printed some ex- tracts in the second volume of the Manchester Constables' Accounts, but he made use of an imperfect transcript in which the date of 1608 was wrongly attached to some of the documents—a circumstance by which some later antiquaries, including the present writer, have been mis- led. The present transcript has been most carefully made by Mr. Henry R. Plomer, who has a well-earned reputation for the accuracy of his work. The original is badly written; the spelling is of the most chaotic character, and sometimes the writing defies all skill of interpretation. But even these rough jottings throw some vivid lights upon Jacobean Manchester. It should I 'See my Chronological Notes on the Visitations of Plague in Lancashire and Cheshire, pp. 18–22. iv. Introduction. be noticed that the memoranda numbered 33 of the Record Office notation is in part a rough draft of that numbered 23. It is possible that the most illiterate of the documents are Sorocold's, as those having Daniell's name are much more intelligible. Geoffrey Daniell and William Sorocold were the Con- stables of Manchester, although there is no record of their appointment, as the Court Leet was not held owing to the disorganisation caused by the sickness in the town. The Plague was frequent in Tudor and Jacobean England. In 1603 there was a severe visitation in Chester, and Macclesfield and Congleton also suffered. In the following year Nantwich lost some five hundred of its inhabitants in six months. A busy town like Manchester, to which there was resort from many parts of the two counties, was not likely to escape infection. Hollinworth notes that “Anno 1605, the Lord visited the town, as forty years before and forty years after with a sore pestilence; there died 1000 persons amongst whom were Mr. Kirke, chaplain of the College, and his wife and four children. All the time of the sickness Mr. Burn preached in the town so long as he durst (by reason of the unruliness of the in- fected persons and want of Government), and then he went and preached in a field near to Shooter's Brook, the Town's people being on one side him and the country people on the other." The number of burials in January, 1605, was 14; in The preacher was the Rev. William Bourne, B.D. I Introduction. V. February, 17; in March, 10. Then came the advent of pestilence, and April shewed the deaths to be 32; May, 83; June, 195; July, 297; August, 239; September, 83; October, 51; November, 15; December, 9; January, 1606, 19; February, 21; March, 11; and in April, 13. These figures shew that the plague lasted in its greatest intensity from April to October, though some deaths from that cause occurred later, as even in January the Register notes that certain of them were "not of the plague." The frequency of the Plague in those days necessitated legislation, and in the first year of James I an Act was passed to deal with the evil. "Forasmuch," the preamble declares, "as the inhabitants of divers cities, boroughs, towns corporate, and of other parishes and places being visited with plague, are found to be unable to relieve the poorer sort of such people, so infected, who of necessity must be by some charitable course provided for, lest they should wander abroad and thereby infect others: and forasmuch as divers persons infected with that disease, and others inhabiting in houses and places infected, as well poor people and unable to relieve themselves that are carefully provided for, as others which of themselves are of ability, being commanded by the magistrates or officer or within the place where the infection shall be, to keep their houses, or otherwise to separate themselves from company for the avoiding of further infection, and notwithstanding very dangerously and disorderly misde- mean themselves"- sundry regulations are imperatively vi. Introduction. necessary. The Act goes on to provide that the town officials or justices of the peace shall have power "to tax and assess❞ persons and property for the relief of those sick of the Plague. Any one refusing to pay might be committed to jail without bail until payment of the tax and the arrearages was paid. And if any place satisfied the magistrates that it was unable to give this relief the tax could be laid upon the inhabitants of the county within five miles of the plague-stricken community. Whilst the necessities of the infected were thus to be provided for they were subjected to stringent regulation. The plague-stricken were commanded to keep to their own house in order to avoid the spread of the infection, and if they disobeyed then it was lawful for the watchmen "with violence to inforce them to keep their houses. The next clause is a grim provision that "if any infected person... so commanded to keep house shall, contrary to such commandment, wilfully and contemptuously go abroad, and shall converse in company, having any infectious sore upon him uncured, that then such person & persons shall be taken, deemed and adjudged as a felon, and to suffer pains of death as in case of felony." Even if he had no sores visible he was liable to treatment as a rogue and vagabond under the stringent act of Elizabeth. (39 Eliz. c. 4). There was also power given to the local authorities for the appointment of searchers, watchmen, examiners, keepers and buriers. (1 Jac. c. 31). Whilst the constables had to deal with the Plague and "" Introduction. vii. found in its ravages an absorbing employment, they could not entirely neglect the ordinary duties that would be theirs in times of lesser stress. Thus amongst the papers is an in- ventory of goods left in a house at Hanging Ditch in 1593, with a complaint or note of abstractions therefrom in 1597. There was the important business of collecting the rates, and the annoyance of finding that some of the impor- tant citizens were as little anxious to pay as their poorer neighbours. The note of defaulters "of the bridge laine" refers to what in later accounts is styled "bridge money" which the constables had to collect both from the inhabitants of Manchester and of the adjoining hamlets. The "Oxleye" or "Ox money" was a national tax for the provision of oxen for the King's household, which in like manner the constables had to gather and hand over to the collector appointed for the district.' In November there were echoes of the Gunpowder Plot in the proc- lamation against traitors, and the injunction from the magistrates that watch and ward should be duly kept. But doubtless the chief anxiety of Geoffrey Daniell and William Sorocold was how to deal with the troubles flowing from the pestilence that rendered their term of office memorable. Dr. Thomas Cogan, at one time High Master of Manchester Grammar School, says that there are specially four causes of the pestilence: "The influence of sundry starres, great standing waters never 'It is perhaps worth mentioning that the Master of the King's Bear Game had power to seize dogs for the Bear Garden. In 1613 the townsmen of Manchester entered into a compact with that official by which he received this right on condition of receiving from them every year one mastiff dog or bitch. (Warner's Catalogue of Dulwich College MSS., p. 79), viii. Introduction. refreshed, carraine lying long above ground, much people in small roome, living uncleanely and sluttishly. But leaving those particular causes to such as write of this matter at large; I make one principall cause, that is the wrath of God for sinne, for so God threatneth, That he will send sicknesse and diseases to those that will not heare his word, and disobey his commandments." Although there was a vein of fatalism in Cogan's science, there is good sense in his English version of a well-known Latin couplet- "Ayre, labour, food, repletion, Sleepe and passions of the minde, Both much and little, hurt alike, Best is the meane to find." I As Cogan was buried at Manchester in June, 1607, he may possibly have been resident in the town during the Plague. That the main causes were the insanitary conditions of the age seems clear to the modern student of the problem. The narrow streets, the lack of effective control and supervision, the careless indifference to what would now be regarded as elementary conditions of decency rendered the narrow streets and courts of old Manchester a veritable Tom Tiddler's ground of disease. Ignorance, Indifference and Fatalism are three potent factors in the generation of epidemics. The constables had to deal with the Plague and to do what was possible, according to their lights, in staying its ravages. A Pest- house was hired and there are frequent payments for Cogan, Haven of Health, 4th edition, 1636, p. 297 and 304. The first edition appeared in 1596. Introduction. ix. coals and apparently for the wages of those who had charge of these uncomfortable lodgers. And when the sufferers died there was the "winding" of the corpses in grave-cloths and the bearing them away to the place of burial. And in addition to the Pest-house there appear to have been Cabins at Collyhurst set apart for the plague-stricken. And as has often been noticed the con- stant presence of death produced not fear but recklessness. In June the neighbouring Squire, Richard Holland, of Heaton, hearing of trouble in the town, summonses a meeting of the Justices of the Peace at Ordsall Boat House. Some of the unruly spirits declared that those remaining in the town were only slaves that dare do nothing. There were affrays and even talk of burning Manchester with "wild fire." Strict precautions were taken as to the admission of strangers. Five persons. coming from Nantwich had to procure a certificate signed by the Mayor and twenty-four other persons of the town. In August there was the case of Philip Fitton, of Moston. He had no fear of infection, was glad to wear the cast-off clothing of the infected, slept in out-houses, and when the constables thought him safely chained in his cabin, broke his bonds and walked off. The con- tumacious Philip was therefore committed to the Dungeon -the prison which stood on the bridge between Man- chester and Salford. There also went William Cundclyff for disobeying the orders of the constables. Another obstreperous person was Geoffrey Couper, who in a drunken humour threatened Mr. Robert Lever, the elder, C X. Introduction. and Mr. Robert Lever, the younger, and when adjured by Geoffrey Daniell to keep the peace made an outrageous attack upon that representative of the King's Majesty. Daniell's memorandum of the injurious language with which he was assailed reminds one irresistibly of Dog- berry's indignation. There are payments as to various prisoners, and fourpence was paid for "Wood's irons on and off,” from which we may conclude he was chained. In Jan., 1606, there was an order for the apprehension of the supposed murderer of John Ogden, of Moston. More evidences of the form of pressure of the times are the payments for putting the Cage and the Stocks in repair. Although the force of the pestilence was stayed before the end of 1605 there was still in January, 1606, a house- hold shut up in Fennell Street, where the passer by would no doubt shudder as he saw the red cross that marked the plague-stricken household. There were still patients in the Pest-house and prisoners in the Dungeon. Some of these details will recall to mind John Wilson's picture of the City of the Plague: “Look up to heaven, and there in sultry clouds, Still threatening thunder, lower with grim delight, As if the Spirit of the Plague dwelt there, Darkening the city with the shadow of death. Know ye that hideous hubbub? Hark, far off A tumult like an echo! On it comes, Weeping and wailing, shrieks and groaning prayer; And louder than all, outrageous blasphemy." The hand of law was heavy in the seventeenth century, but its severity could be tempered with mercy. One of the malcontents reviled Sir Nicholas Mosley, but we find Introduction. xi. that local magnate giving directions to Mr. Daniell to permit a certain person who, very discreetly, is not named, to remove himself and his goods out of the town by a certain date. If he fails to do so, he is to be sent to prison, in accordance with a previous order. With the note of this kindly, if illegal action, we may conclude. W. E. A. A. Documents relating to the Plague in Manchester in 1605; WITH OTHER MEMORANDA, 1593-1606. THE following documents are entered in the "Calendar of Domestic State Papers, addenda, James I" (vol. 38). The numerals in brackets are those of the Calendar, but a closer chronological order has been attempted, and is indicated by the Clarendon type which gives the dates according to the present reckoning. 1593-1597. [37]. Implements left in my howse in the Hinginge dytch in Manchester at my goinge into Yorkeshire the seconde of march, 1593- Imp❜mis one locke on the entree dore goinge into the howse Itm one windowe wch I made to gyve light frō the back syde into ye house Itm treleses or lateses on three windowes in the same bodye of the howse Itm three benches in the same howse Itm foure stompes for ye same benches to lye on and on greate bench poste ·· Left in the butterye :- Itm one payre of bedstockes Itm two lytle shelves B 100 ……… #t # ?.. ... : ••• ijs. ijs. vjd. xijd. xvjd. xviijd. viijd. 2 Documents relating to the Plague. In the shopp in the occupatio of Mathewe ffletcher :- Itm one dore into the same shopp Itm one shopp windowe wth bands to ye same Itm one ptition walle betwixt the shope and the parler In the Chamber over the howse :-- Itm one doore into the same chamber wth the hookes and bandes to the same Itm a locke on the same doore Itm one lytle hemp bracke In the backsyde:- Itm two loade of Pavinge stones Itm betwene the garden and ye backside wch devided ye same one litle hach twoo stompes two Rayles ... ... ... ··· ... .. the houkes and bandes to the same Itm one locke on the same doore ….. Itm one Cheare Itm one hempe bracke made on ye french fashion to breake shomakers hempe on ... In the shopp beneath the entree towarde ye streete: Itm one doore wch I made butree hach fation & iijs. ... ... ... Itm one lytle table ... Itm one lytle cofer Itm one payre of weigh skeles Itm one leade weight of three pounds. Itm one shorte Creese ladder of viij staves Itm one hempe stocke Itm v hempe males to knocke hempe wth Itm two glascases to lay towe in ... Itm one shopp board under the shop windowe wch I did use to make up my stuffe on Itm one hearinge barrell and a greate slate stone. to cover the same ... : : : : ... ……… : ... ... ••• ijs. ijs. ... VS. ijs. iiijs. vjd. vjd. vjd. vjd. xijd. xvjd. xxd. vjd. viijd. xijd. xijd. iiijd. iiijd. viijd. xxd. xd. iiijd. vjd. viijd. Documents relating to the Plague. 3 Itm one lytle doore fourth of the same shopp into the backe shopp .. Itm one ptition wall wch I made to devide the same shopps Itm two shopp windowes into the same backe shop wth houkes and bands to them Itm one pendes over the same shopp wyndowe The some ys... =>> .. ... ··· ... ... 1605. [36]. Itm one stand bedde Itm one square table Itm a payre of weigh bredes or bords bound wth Irone Itm one hatchet .. ··· ... 710 Goods conveied out of my howse in my absence wthout my consent my doores beinge fast locked aboute the xth of Maye 1597: VS. ... iiijs. iiijd. xd. lijs. xd. xijs. VS. ijs. xiiijd. xd. For the a beuseing of Roger Nield the warden in the psonege and in the striet.¹ Willem Poumfret2 seth that he presearved him tow several tiemes from the vielunce of John Parker and Gorge Anderu. ¹ All the portion of the MS. preceding this has been crossed through. 2 William Pomfret was buried August 28, 1605. For the a beuesing of John Gremsha strikeing his wyief brekeing his wyiendos and borsteinge his dore and entering his hous by vialance al so for the be kalleing of the holle toune to feight with them. to prove this the wief of John Gremsha and the sarvant of Roburt Hodson Hendere Hopwyood, and Gorge Hopwyood and Thomas Blomele. ง 4 Documents relating to the Plague. John Parker found him greved to Thomas Blomele that there were mane of those that shoullde have taken theare parte wheare goon out of the towne so that the reste wch wheare left wyeare bout koovertly roskales and slaves that dorst do nothing. the viiijth of June. to prove Thomas Blomele. The spech of Hamand Askou searnieng the bornieng of the toune wth wyielld fiere. To prove Thomas Orgerte. also Thomas Orgart to prove the nomber of of ther forces al so Wiellem Meand Wiellem Wharned be uppon the reporte of Thomas and Roburte Askkyou to Willem Smith and Willem Lene who sead they had not don wth the mellkat for the wyolld have a bout wth them for the wyer foore skoare strounge. to prove som sklondorose speches agenst the right wyorshepfull Sor Nekelas Mosle, that the same de the had biene wth Soor Nekelas and that he had geven them a thing wch the had in there poket so if the wyoulld go wth them and geve them towe potes the shoulld sei it this was the spech of John Parker and Gorge Anderu. to Willem Poumfret and Thomas Blomele the viijth of Joune. May, 1605. [27]. A Taxation layd by the justyces of the peace, Constables of Manchester & other the inhabitants of the same for the collect- ing weekly of such severall somes as followeth for the Reelyff of the Poore infected & suspected the xvjth of Maye 1605- Documents relating to the Plague. 5 vjd. vjd. vjd. Endorsed on the back-Collectors for St. Mary gate and deynsgate, John Gee, Rychard Earlame, Thomas Wynter, Laurence Price. Robte Hudsone George Burgesse Thomas Owen .. Mr. Robte Goodyeare Mr. Willyam Radclyffe William Baylye Edward Pycroffe ... John 'Cowpe.. Alex Radclyffe de shope Rychard Travis Raphe Morris Ffrancis Pendletone... Reynold Parkinsone Thomas Brooke Oswold Mosley senior Joseph Costerdyne + Rychard Whytworthe Robert Siddall : ... May, 1605. [24]. A Taxations layd by the justyces of the peace Constables and other the Inhabytants of Manchester, for the Reelyffe of such as be infected & suspected the xvjth of Maye 1605 lawfuly to be gathered & payde viz. :— : : : ... ... ··· ··· ... : : : : ·· : : ... : : :: : : : • • • : : .. : .. ... : : vjs. VS. iis. vjd. xijd. 6d. & xijd.¹ ijs. vjd. vjd. vjd. vjd. vjd. vjd. 8d. vjs. vjd. xiid. vjd. xiid. xijd. June, 1605. [39]. hereinge of the greate disordr latelie comitted in yor Towne, I have written vnto the Justice next adioyninge to meete this ¹ Endorsed on the back-Collectors for both Mkettfteeds, Smythedore, Mealegate & Mkettſteedlane. 6 Documents relating to the Plague. daie att Ordsall boate neare vnto the hall, by twoe of the clocke in the aft noone, for examinacon thereof. Theis are therefore in his mats name to require you or soe manie of you as may well bee spared from attendance uppon the governor of the Towne, there to meete us, and to bring wth you such as can best informe vs of the manner of the outrage and the Ringleadrs thereof, wherein makinge noe doubte of yor due reguard I comend you to god. heaton this ixth of June, A. 1605. Yor lovinge ffriende To my lovinge ffreindes the Constables of Manchester & other theire assistants in the same office & to euie of theme theis. Rychard Holland. July, 1605. [40]. Fforasmuch as we are requyred by this Bearer to certifie or knowledge touchinge the carriags and behaviors of John Warrant, Henry Broocke Ellen ffowlke and Cicelie Smyth (late of this Towne and nowe remaynynge in yor Towne of Manchester) whilest the sicknes and visitacon remayned in this Towne we whose names are subscribed, have thought good, for yor better satisfaccon therein to certifie you of the trueth therein, and doe hereby sygnyfye vnto you that the said sevll psons were in the late vizitacon here severalie visited wth the said sicknes, but bothe in the tyme of their sicknes and duringe all the tyme of the visitacon in this Towne the said psons did eye of them carye and demeane themselves orderlie and in good sorte wthout doeinge or offeringe to doe any thinge that might breede any danger or infeccon to their neighbors or any others, and this we doe assure you to be true, and leave further to trouble you. Julie the laste at Namptwiche. Yor lovinge frends Richard Wilbraham Richard Maystersone Documents relating to the Plague. 7 William Hassall hughe Manwarynge Rand. Minshall Edward Massyn Tho: Feuster Tobyas Tenche 1605 Richard Clutton senlus 1605 John Churche Rauffe Floock f } William Huxley Raphe Massie Endorsed To the Right Woorll the Justics of peace gent and inhabitants in and nere vnto the Towne of Manchester and to eũy of them theis. bailiffs } const. August, 1605. [41]. Whereas I am credibly informed by dyuers, honest men of good accounte & credytt that one Phillip ffytton of Moston laborer is of evell demeanour behavinge himselfe leaudly & dangerousely in goinge to the places and psons infected wth the plaige & from thence bringinge apparrel & wearinge ye same dayly and wandringe abroade in the dayetyme, & in the nighte lyinge in outhowsinge of dyvers of the inhabitants of Moston to the great greefe & daunger of the said inhabitants thear, and although the said ffytton hath heartoffore bene chayned wthin his Cabynne by the conestables of Moston by yt meanes thinkinge to have kepte them selves from the danger & harme wch by his meanes and dissordered behavior might insue Yett neverthelesse he hathe broken the chayne & hath lowsed himselfe from those bondes & utterly denyeth to be obedyente. and to be governed as the course of Lawe in that casse requireth, the premisses considered thes are to will and require you and neverthelesse in his maties name to charge & comand you the conestables and officers of the towne of manchester that you psently receave into yor donngeon or prisson of Manchester and Salford the body of the said Phillip ffytton thear to remayne vppon the costes & charges of the said Towne of Moston tyll further order be taken. And hearof fayle ye not 8 Documents relating to the Plague. as you & everye one of you will answer at yor perill Chaderton the nyntinth of Auguste Aº dne 1605. James Assheton. November, 1605. [42]. ffor the better accomplishmt of his mats comandm¹ by the late pclamacon for the detecting and apprehension of dyverse traitors therin menconed or others whomsoever that be suspicyous to have had any hande in that horrible treason Theis are in his mats name to comand you that you cause watch and warde to be pntelie sett and duelie kept in yor Towne of Manchester for the stayeinge and examininge of all strangers & such others as may be anie waie suspected to be pryvie to the said detestable enterpryse and to cause such strangers & others suspected to be forthwith brought before the next Justice of peace to be examined & throughlie searched for tres or what other direccons the have aboute theime. Wherin theis are eftesoones to comaund you and all others to whom thexecution hereof maye apptayne to doe yor best endeuors vppon paine of yor allegiance and as you tender his mats heighe indignacon. Geven at Tetlowe the xxth of November Anno R Regis Jacobi &c. tercio 1605. By the Justices of peace within the countye of Lanc. whose names be subscribed To the counstables of Manchester & to evie of theme theis. Nycholas Mosley. Rychard Holland. December, 1605. [43]. Nycholas Mosley of the hough in the countye of Lancaster knight one of the kings Mats Justices of peace in the said Countye, to all and singuler Maiors baylieffs, Constables & Documents relating to the Plague. 9 subconstables, and all other his Mats officers and ministers whatsoever and especiallye to the constables of Manchester greetinge, fforasmuch as I am credibly informed that William Cundclyff at Carver of Manchester joyner hath dissobeyed and disordered himselffe towards the constables and others of the towne of Manchester, authorised for the better goumt thereof, by the high sheriff and Justices of the Kings Mats peace wthin the said Countye, therefore theise may be in his Mats name to charge. and comand you, that ymmediatelye vpon receipt hereof you do apprehend the bodie of the said William Cundclyffe and him saffelye ymprison in the comon goale, for the said contempt in that behalff vntill such tyme as he will confforme himselffe. And hereof ffaile you not as you & eũie of you will answere the contrarie at yor pill. Yeven at Manchester vnder my hande and seale the vijth of December, 1605. Yor lovinge frend, Nycholas Mosley. December, 1605. [32]. An invetare of the goods of late Thomas Houghtones taken the xxxth of Desember. I In the chmber over the kechen :—one stande bed; on trokell bed; two fether beades; one materes; two boullsteares; threai pilowes; iij crusen (?) kases; thoū [? the over] kooverletes; threi blanketes; two bead heaillinges; one grete cheste and a deske in the same chest; on lettell tabells; one bench; one trestle in the chamber over the halle; one grete cheste; one letell cheste bound with eiron; I klose store (?); towe letell arkes; an oullde peare of veargenalles; one peare of ye skalles; one store (?) baskett. In the halle: One kooboarte; one loinge table; one koboarte tabell; towe fourmes; threi boofets (?) shovelles; threi cheares; Thomas Haughton's burial is recorded in the Cathedral Register under date August 1, 1605. On July 28 his daughter Ellen was buried, and on August 12 his widow and another of his children. C IO Documents relating to the Plague. one kather; on karpente kloth; one pollax; three iviesheares; towe letell spetes; one grieme boux and a letel kaskat pan; one brasen kandellsteke; foore peuter dieshes; one royien & vart; one viere; one trone; on trenket; one seasear; threi braspotes; towe hinge panes; one skellet; one skellet; one peare of touinges; one peare of pot houkes; one peare of rakeinges to ye letell stoules. In the entre:-one grete cheste; one koofor in the same cheste. In the kethen :--one hallfe houp; one toornell; one peake; one chourne and staf; one shovell; towe grete pealles; one stounde; towe pegenes; one oullde spade; threi mellke boules; three botelles; one draghte pot; towe kanes; threi chestfutes of sethboulle (?); towe noogenes; one pot leid; one piell and kolrake; one booag; towe trestles; towe shellves; threi settelles; one lose borde; one fruien pon; one koope; one booter print; one seats ladder; one letell pere of wyeskalles. In the bootere :—one letell kobart; towe trestle; one toobe; foore shellves; one garden poot. In the beste house [ sarten realles and postes; one loinge lader. In the chamber over the halle:-three chieste and one arke of Willenn Skootelles (?). The names of those at the pest house Willem Parkar ; Rafe Wallter; John Yeates; Ales Levi; Rafe Baretle; Richarde Harte. M 1606. [34]. Recharte Browne of the Hinging Dich p made a fre one Loorance Davi servante to Mr. Laingle and bruke his heade with a feuier shovell the sekond of febeuare or there aboute. 'These names have faded and are hardly readable. Documents relating to the Plague. I I Robarte Willsha the winger made anafre uppon James Hiell barber and drew blode in towe severall places the head and the hande, aboute the xxjth of febeuare. A fre mad uppon Goorge Mielles being a gardener for the good of the toun about the xxvth of febeuare by Robarte Goodear boocher and A fre made and bloode drane upon one Robarte Lame of Altregam in the chounte of Chester the forthe of Marche by the handes of Thomas Shellmer dier of Roothom late searvante to Recharte Travies shou makear shorte for the lordes frene Mr Recharde Foox and Rafe Shellmer dier rondell p seual A fre made by Thomas Bromelle upon John Darbesheaer aboute the xyth of March the in the nieght and in the hous of the sead John also his wyendore brooken by Broomele. A fre mad and blode drane uppon an Lame by Thomas Hoonte. and his wyief of the denes gate aboute the xyth of Aprell. A fre made Osseyell Thorton Willem Horst and John Houm on Willem Hanle and Recharte Spencer and blod drane aboute the xviijth of Aprell. Goarge Prevall of the foorte akers made a fre one Thomas Huson and dreu bloode one the forsead Husonn in the chorge yarde aboute the fiefte of Janeuare. Thomas Blomele of Manchester bachelar made a frea the 'The last few words in a different ink. 1 2 Documents relating to the Plague. thread of Jeneuare and dreu bloode on the wyief of Frances Kearke. Gefre Koouper¹ of brake the pese in a beuseing of Mr Roburt Levi the ellder and Mr Roburte Levi the vinger in geving them thretning speches and grate abeusees by wyordes he being dronke, the afoore named Mr Roburt Levi sent for us Geeffree Daynell and Willem Sulocot koonstabelles of manches- ter for that time being to se the pese kepte, so at oure coming we the sed the sed konestabelles nameli i Geoffri Dañel charged the aforenamed Geofre Kouper to kepe his magestes and to fiend sheurtes to do the same or ellse to yellde his boode into oure handes he refeused to doe ether of those or to obe to kepe his magestes pese beinge so commanded by his magestes constabell in his magestes name. For alle that he malessoely and out. rageosely fleu at mei his magestes offesor and bete mei one the fase with his fieste so that blode flowed out in the sighte of Robarte Levi the ellder and Robarte Levi the vinger Willem Sulokoote a sarvante of Roberte Leies with others Also he ture my hande frome aboute my neake and bonched mei with his feaiste and wyoullde a throne mei ovear the chorge wyalle the forste of aprell. 2 January-February, 1606. [44]. Nicholas Mosley knight one of his Mats Justices of peace wthin ye countye of Lanc. To all & singuler maiors, sheriffs, bayliefs, constables & other his mats officers to whom yt shall or may appteyne, & especiallye to Jeffrey Danyell constable of Manchester gretinge. Theise are in his Mats name to charge and comaunde you, to attach one James Hepwood of Manchester alehousekeeper, by his bodye, and thereuppon to bringe hym The item of payment for the instrument by which Geoffrey Couper is bound to keep the peace will be found entered in the first week of February, 1606. 2 Over this word is written "febeuare” but “aprell" is not struck out. Documents relating to the Plague. 13 before me or some of my felow Justices of peace of the saide countye, to fynde sufficiente suretie to be of good behavioure anendst his Matie, and all his liege people, vntill ye next generall Quarter Sessions to be holden at Burye, in respecte of Manchester. And then & there psonally to appeare beffore his Mats Justices of peace and not to depte wthout lycence of ye saide Justices. And yf he shall reffuse thus to doe, that then you hym saffelye convey vnto ye nexte prison of or soũaigne lord ye kinge, there to remayne vntill further order be taken, by his Mats Justices of peace in that behalfe. And that hereof you ffayle not as you will aunswere yt contrarye at yor pill, yeven vnder my hande & seale the ffourthe daye of Januarye in the third yeare of the Reigne of oª soũaigne lord James by the grace of god kinge of England ffrance & Ireland, defendor of ye faythe &c. & of Scotland th nyne & thirtith yeare. Nycholas Mosley. January, 1606. [46]. Theis are in the kings Mats name to charge and comaund you that you levie and gather wthin yor Towneshippe of Gorton the somme of iiijs. for pvision of oxen for his Mats howsehoulde And thereof to make vndelaied payemt vnto vs uppon Thursdaie the xxxth of Januarie 1605 by nyne of the clocke in thafforenone of the same daie in the pishe churche of Manchester. Wherein you maye not faile as you tender his mats service and will answere the contrarie at yor pill. Yeaven at Manchester the xxvijth of Januarie 1605. Yor lovinge ffreindes Jeffrey Daniell William Sorocold To the constables of Gorton, thes. constables of Manchester. 14 Documents relating to the Plague. January, 1606. [29.] Vnpaide of the Oxlaye:-1 Mr James Shalcrosse Mr William Glouer ... Richard Bowker Mr Meas Wm Chetam Wm Shalcrosse Robart Sompson James Fletcher ·· .. Mr Raphe Hulme Mr John Hunte Wm Barlowe, younger Mrs Standleye Raphe Strongfellowe Edmunde Grundeye James Burdshall George Chorlton John Asheton • : ... + Anthony Duckyth + Will. Hardman ... : : ... : • : : ··· + Rychard Holland esquier Mrs. Standley P: :: .. • ... : ... : : ... ·· ... : ... ... ... : • ··· : ... ··· *** ·· ... ... : J·· January-February, 1606. [25]. A note of suche as are vnpaid of the laye made ye 4th Januarye, 1605:— : ··· ... T:0 ··· : ... :. : Edward Mayes Robert Danam William Chethm +John Gee ... 'The cost of writing the precept for this Tax is entered January 25, 1606. ÷ ·· iiijs. iiijs. • iijd. ijd. id. iiijd. ijd. id. id. id. vjd. vjd. id. ijs. vjd. id. ijd. id. ijd. ijd. xijd. xvjd. xijd. viijd. xvjd. Documents relating to the Plague. 15 Mrs. Hulton ... Hughe Polton Richard Brucke Nicholas Harteley + Wittm Hardman Edward Mayes Wittm Chetam +John Gee +Charles Leigh Hughe Pelton John Asheton Joseph Costerdeyn Raphe Hulme gen. Robert Becke gen. Robert Hudson A note of those vnpayd ye laye ye first febr. 1605 — + Rychard Holland Esquier Mrs. Standley · ·· · • • ... ... Robt Goodyere butchr Thomas Andrew George Holte Margery Wood, wydow ·· : ... : .. : : : : : : : : : : ... : : ... ·· : : : 9:3 : : ijs. ijs. : iiijs. iiijs. iiijs. ijs. ijs. iiijs. ijs. xvjd. xvjd. viijd. xvjd. xijd. xijd. viijd. xijd. xijd. viijd. viijd. xijd. January, 1606. [45]. To the Sheriffs of the countie of Lancaster and to all Maiors, Bailiffs, Constables, underconstables and all other his Mats officers and to euie theime. Theis are in the kings mats name straightlie to charge and com- aunde you, that ymmediatlie vppon the receipte hereof you app¹- hende and attach the bodie of James Whitworth of Newton in the said Countie yeoman suspected to have killed or murthered John Ogden late of Moston, and him forthwth bringe before me or some oth my fellowe Justice of peace wthin the saide countie to answere vnto the saide ffelonie or murther. Wherein 16 Documents relating to the Plague. you maie not ffaile as you will answere the contrarie att yor vttermost pill. Geaven att heaton vnder my hande and seale the xvjth daie of Januarie Anno R Regis Jacobi &c. tertio 1605. Rychard Holland. February, 1606. [38]. A fre made and blode drane a pon John Hillton of the paresh of Ashton by Thomas Hemle the xxiijth of aprell. A note of the bondes delivered and on seuporseose Recharte Shellmar dier. the bonde of Thomas Shellmer dier to Lame of Altergean. The bonde of Thomas Blomele the yionger to Anne the wydo of Recharte Lame, a bonde where in Godfre Coupe standes bounde to Robarte Leei the ellder and Robert Leei the vinger and to Geefre Danell a boonde where in Recharte Hares is bounde to Rechar Neusom a boond where in Googe Mielles stondes bounde to Robarte Goodeor boochar one yarante frome sored mand Traforde for Robarte Gravener Robarte Gooder his man agenest Mielles one bonde of Thoomas Telor. bondes viij in all. February, 1606. [35]. An invetare of the goodes Willem Cllofelld [Allofield] the xxviijth of febeuare :— i lenen sheite iiij kanvashietes ij tabell klothes i yoslet apren i lenen apren ij peloberes iiij yeardes tafte iij bandes i patiet ij oullde peces of i reade bode i brode half youne i frease goune i sealke stomecher ij shredes of kloth i pere of chamlet cloves xij peces of peuter half chargers i brase kandellstekes i mortar i pestell i pere of sheres v trencheares i pegen i drienkinge glase iij soteres ij smalle boukes ij boacyes i buterell i rouling pien vi yritinges wth selles other wyrityinges without selles ij hinge panes i skellet iij brase potes iij chestes i oullde fether bead i mattres. More ij kooverletes ij blanketes i boull stare i pelo kase i fraienpan ij spietes. Documents relating to the Plague. 17 January-March, 1606. [33]. reseaved of the forstele (?) peade Peade the viijth of Jenevare-— to thoose shoot up in the Fenell striete Peade to Browne his wyief in ente de the tente de for kolles to the peste house for straw to the peste howse for the peareing of a bead to the peste house the elevente of Jenevare- to John Wynter to John Browne for oure wyeages ... peade to Waker for his wyeages for kolles to the peste house to John Browne for our wyeges the xxjth of Jenerare- to the wyedo Marshall ... ·· ... ·· M ·· to the peaste house Peade the xijth of Jenivare to a por travellor the xiijth to the peste house for kooles for the wyriting of the ale hous biell [feare . . .]¹ beade tora bebe ... ... :: peade for the looageing of a pore wyeanch in the Wyethengreve :: ... ... ... peade for removeing of a dead shean [? sheep] out of the striet my charges at the seaseiones this som is lead out the xxijt ienevare : .. .. : ... :: ·· • : :: ... vjd. xvjd. xijd. vjd. ijd. iiijs. viijd. ijs. xijs. iiijs. vjs. viijd. ijs. iii. viijs. .. ... xxviijs. id. xxviijs. id. is. ijs. ijs. ijd. ijd. iiijs. viijd. iiijs. vjs. viijd. xijs. xijd. xd. This passage is absolutely unreadable. The spelling is followed as closely as possible. D 18 Documents relating to the Plague. Peade the xxiiijth of jenevare to the peste house. for kolles the xxvth of Jenevare- to Wyallkar for his wages for oure wyeages to John Browne ·· ... ... ... D:D to the peste house to those at greveses……. for oure wyeges to John Browne and his wyief : : ... to the peste house Pead to Mr Leavies son for preceptes for Ouxmene sm for the writing of a bouk for the toune of Ooxmene peade for kolles to the peste house the xxixth of jenevare iiijd. vjd. iiijd. xvjd. Peade the forthe of febeuare— Ite to John Wyallkar and his wieff theare wyeges iiijs. viijd. vjs. viijd. iiijs. vjs. viijd. iijs. ijd. ... : ... Suma totalis! Laid out more then receaved ... • ... 'In a different hand. : : : :0 vjs. reseved of Sallforth: so dew to mei on thes fourmor acountes Leade oute sence the forthe of febeuare— for kolles to the peste house for the making of the monthle les.. for bearing of a fardell of kloothes to the pest house leade oute of the foarmor acountes more then reseved for our wyeages to John Browne and his wief to John Wyallker and his wyief to the Peste house : : vj : ··· : ijs. iiijs. viijd. vjs. iiijd. iiijs. xis. :. VS. vjs. ijd. vjd. xd. xvjd. iiijd. iijd. xd. vjs. viijd. iiijs. iiijs. viijd. vjs. iiijd. Documents relating to the Plague. 19 to threi at greves for the making of xi preceptes for Oxmone pead for bread and drienke for Lourance Davi when he was in preson peade for the making of the bounde for the pease of Joseph (?) Coupear peade for the wyieneing of Rafe Dekēson peade for straw to the pest house for Marshalles peade for iij loade of kooles to the peste howse... peade to the presonereres in the doongon the xiijth of febeuare peade for drinke that night were moveed the wyedo Marshalles peade for the wyriteinge of the shope lee... peade to them in presone... peade to onne for hellpeinge to bere anlebe¹ to the chorche .. peade the xvth of febeuare to John Browne and his wyief .. for oure wyeages for kolles to the peste house peade to the presoneras in the doongone... peade to the dreseres for the pereinge of Marshalles wyief to the pest hous and hear goodes peade to Wallker of Oullde peade to the peste house and for the wyiending and beareinge of the wyeado Marshal and hear son Peade to John Dabar & his wyief for wyeages peade to foore presoneres the xvth of feuare Peade to Thomas and Willem at greaves the xvthe de- to foore presoneres for dobell piekinges for the keaga : 'This refers to Ann Bibby, buried January 31, 1606. ijs. iiijs. vjs. viijs. xxijd. viijd. iiijd. iiijd. vjd. iiijd. vjd. vjd. iiijd. iiijd. iiijd. viijd. xvjd. iiijd. vd. iiijd. XS. vd. iiijs. viijd. iiijd. xijd. iiijd. iijd. 20 Documents relating to the Plague. peade for the mending of the stoakes and kedge iiijs. iiijd. iiijd. iijd. peade to fore in the dongone the xixth de to a wyoman in preson the xxth de for kooles to the pest house peade the xxijth of febeuare for our wyeages to Browne and his wyiefe ·· to those at the peste house to John Wyoallker and his wyief the xxvjth of febuare for koolles to the pest house for the rente of the peste hous for Mr Cox peade to one Wyiellde Peade to the peste house the forthe of Marche Peade for oure wyeages Peade to John Browne peade to John Daber and his wyiefe peade for the wyriting of a note to geve wyarning in the chorche for vnlafol asemles pead for the tending of Marshalles booyes for lente to Marshall sones for the writeing of this sence the fiefte of Marche- ... to a presoner peade for the beareinge of Goorge Marshall for the wyienddinge for drinke the same night ·· for bearinge of Gillburte Marshall for kandelles to a presonar the xvjth de peade the viij of march- for kooles to the peste houes to Browne and his wyief to John Wyallkar and his wyief ·· for the monthle riteing for the makeing of a biell of John Marshalls det to the toune : ……♥ ... • : : · : : : : : : : : ... xvjd. vjs. viijd. iiijs. vijs. iiijs. viijd. xvjd. iijs. iiijd. vjd. iiijs. ixd. vjs. viijd. iiijs. iiijs. viijd. iiijs. iiijs. ijd. xijd. xijd. vjd. iiijd. ijd. jd. xijd. ijd. iijd. id. xviijd. iiijs. iiijs. viijd. Documents relating to the Plague. 21 for oure wyeages to a presoner in the doogon for v des to foore at the peste house... peade to Willem Jalokooke and my selffe for veawing (?) peade to iij men of Koornewyiell for foare (?) nightes charges ... for makeinge of a diescharge for the same mene for makeinge of the pceptes to the hamletes for wyriteing of the lea for breges... peade for the alouance of a presoner foore des peade for koles to the peste houes peade for the makeinge of the ale house biell beade for the loginge of a soder peade the xvth of march for oure wyeages to John Yallker¹ .. ... : ... ... xxiiijs. iijs. : ... peade to Wyood in preson foore des peade to foore at the peste hous... peade for pceptes to the hamletes... peade for the makeing of the aell hous bill peade for Wyoodes eierenes on and of peade the xxijth of March to Wyood in preson vii des ... 'Something has been crossed out under this. • ... for our wages to John Wyallker to foore at the pest houes peade for one loade of kooelles to the peste hous peade the xxiiijth of March for the veuing of Ms telles le peade the xxixth of Marche to towe at Blomeles for ouer yages to the dreseres in parte of there yages for the dresing of the peste house : : : vjs. viijd. vd. ijs. ixd. iiijd. xviijd. viijd. viijd. xvjd. iiijd. ijd. vjs. viijd. iiijs. viijd. viijd. ijs. ixd. VS. viijd. ijd. iiijd. xiiijd. vjs. viijd. ijs. iiijd. ijs. ixd. vijd. ijs. xiiijd. vjs. viijd. 22 Documents relating to the Plague. peade for the sendeing foorth of a heau and krai after tretores the holl som is I Receaued Disbursed Dewe behinde : : : 9:0 February-March, 1606. [23]. A note of money layde out synce ye first of Ffebruarye 1605. by Jeffrey Danyell Constable of Manchester: Impimis for coales to ye Pesthouse Itm for makinge of this monethly laye Itm for bearinge a ffardell of clothes to the .. Pesthouse... Itm layde out of ye form monethlye accompts more then Recd vill. XS. vjll. iijs. iiijd. vjll. XS. vd. vijs. id. Itm for or wages Itm to John Browne & his wyffe Itm to John Walker & his wyffe Itm to ye Pesthouse Itm to 3 at Greaves... Itm for makinge xj pcepts for oxemoney Itm payd for breade and drincke to Lawrance Davye in prison Itm payd for makinge ye bounde for Geffrey Cowp for ye peace Itm pd for wyndinge Raphe Diconson Itm pd for strawe to ye Pesthowse for Marshalls ffolkes : : : ijd. vd. 30s. Id. Payd since ye 7 febr. 1605, as ffolloweth :- Impmis peyd for 3 loades of coales to ye pesthouse The last three items are in a different handwriting. xvjd. iiijd. iijd. xd. vjs. viijd. iiijs. iiijs. viijd. ijs. vijs. viijd. xxijd. viijd. iiijd. iiijd. viijd. iiijd. Documents relating to the Plague. 23 Itm payd to iiijor prisons in ye Dungeon ... Itm payd for drincke ye same nighte wee removed wydow Marshall to ye pesthouse Itm pd for writinge ye shoppelaye It pd to ye prisons ye 1st febr. It payd to two for helping to beare Anne Bibbye to ye churche¹ It payd ye 15 febr. 1605 to John Broune & his wyffe It for or wages 15s. Id. Paid since ye 15 febr. 1605, as followeth :- Impimis paid for coales to ye Pesthouse... It pd to ye prisons in ye dungeon It pd to ye dressers for bearinge widow Marshall and her goods to ye Pesthouse ... It pd to Walker owinge of old It pd to ye Pesthouse & for ye wynding & buryeing of wydow Marshall Itm payd to John Walker and his wyffe theire wages Itm payd to four prisons ye 15 of ffebruary 1605 Itm payde to 3 at Greaves... Itm ye 16 daye to 4ºr prisons .. 27s. 11d. Itm payd for mendinge ye stockes and cage It payd to 4ºr prisons ye 17 of febr. It ye 18 of febr. 1605 to 2 prisons. It pd the 20 febr. for coales to the Pesthouse It payd ye 22 febr. for or wages It to Browne & his wyffe It to those at the Pesthouse .. D: • ... :: viijd. iiijs. vjs. viijd. viijs. XS. vjd. vijd. iiijd. iiijd. xvjd. iiijd. vd. iiijd. vd. iiijs. xiijd. iiijd. xxjd. iiijd. Itm to John Walk" & his wyffe for wage... 28s. 10d. 'Her burial, as already mentioned, is recorded December 31, 1605. iiijs. viijd. iiijd. ijď. xvjd. vjs. viijd. iiijs. vijs. iiijs. viijd. 24 Documents relating to the Plague. Payd since ye xxvjth februarye to ye Pesthouse :— Impmis for coales Itm payd for Mr ffoxe pte of the Rente of ye Pesthouse .. Itm payde to Wylde ……… 5s. 2d. Paid since ye first daye of Marche 1605: Impmis paide ye same daye for ye pesthowse Itm paide for oure wages Itm payd to John Browne & his wyffe Itm paid to John Dawber & his wyffe Itm payd for writing a note to gyve warninge for vnlawful assembles It payd for attendinge of Marshall's boyes Itm payd to a prison' in ye dungeon Itm layd out, and lent to Marshalls sonnes It for writinge this accompt It pd in turves & candles ijd. 24s. Id.3 ... Suma total & more : 3 Originally 22s. 10d. 4 The words in italics deleted. ... ... : ... 6 11 2 So ys disbursed more then receyved There resteth in Mr. Danyells hands this 5th of Marche 1605—xjs. vijd. & more he is to rec. out of Ardwick4 & out of Marshall's goods And more that remayneth of thre monthlye layės as appeareth by a note hereunto anexed 3 5 7 ... ... xvjd. iijs. iiijd. vjd. iiijs. ixd. vjs. viijd. iiijs. iiijs. viijd. ijd. xijd. id. xijd.R¹ vjd. iijd.² vjli ixs. xid. Oli is. iiid. VS. xd. xvijs. viijd. XXXVS. 'This amount has been altered. The x was crossed through and the mark shewn was added. The amount intended was, perhaps, ijs. (2 shillings). 2 This has been added to balance the account. Documents relating to the Plague. 25 February-March, 1606. [26]. A note of suche as are vnpaide of the laye made the 4th of Januarye 1605 :- Mrs Standleye iiijs. Robte Dann Wm Chetam Mrs Hulton Hughe Pelton Richarde Brucke ... Wm Chetam ….. Hughe Pelton John Ashton Mr. Raphe Hulme Mr. Robarte Becke : : Robarte Hudson Robarte Goodeyeare, butcher Thomas Andrew Willm. Chetam 2 Mr. John Gee Mr. George Tippinge Mr. Charles Leigh² ... Mrs Hultonne A note of those vnpaide the firste of ffebruarie : Mrs Standley Nicholas Hartley Edwarde Meas 'Originally entered as 2/-. E · ·· : ... ·· ... : : ·· ... .. ... : : ... :: : : : ·· ··· George Houlte Margery Wood A note of those unpaide since the first of Marche:- Mrs Standleye Hughe Hardmon Mr. Nicholas Hartleye ... ... 0:0 ·· : : • : : ijs. ijs. xvjs. iiijs. iiijs. ijs. iiijs. ijs. iiijs. iiijs. iiijs. xijd. viijd. viijd. xvjd.¹ xijd. xijd. xijd. viijd. viijd. xijd. viijd. viijd. xvjd. xijd. xvjd. "The names in italics are crossed through. 26 Documents relating to the Plague. Thomas Watsonne John Ashtonne Thomas Goodiare Richard ffox... Robert Baxter ... Robert Hudsonne John Sharelocke Thomas Andrew Thomas Neilde Thomas Wytton George Houlte John Bordmanne .. : Mr. Ralphe Holme ... Mr. John Hunte Mr Robert Becke Mrs Travis ·· ... : .. Blakeley¹ Droylsden cum Clayton ffailsworth Gortonn 5:1 03 Newton cum Kerdmanshulme Crumsall Hulme Both Ardwickes Openshaw Bradford Harpershey cum Gutterswilke : : ... ... March, 1606. [30]. : ·· ·· ... ... 00 08 : .. 03 00 08 : : ... : ... ... : : : : ·· 5:0 : : : The precepts for the hamlets were made March, 1606. ijs. ijs. iiijs. iiijs. ijs. ijs. xijd. xijd. viijd. viijd. viijd. viijd. viijd. viijd. viijd. viijd. xvijs. viijd. xiijs. ijd. xiiijs. xid. xiiijs. xid. vjd. xvjs. ixs. ixd. vjs. iiijd. ixs. viijd. ixs. ixd. iiijs. iiijd. iiijs. iiijd. Documents relating to the Plague. 27 [31] for our mone :- to the constabelles of Neuton a Leaues houme Of Gorton The constabelles of Drailden com Neuton The constbell of Brad ford Of Holme Of frelles (?) ... The conestabelles of Open sha Of Cromsoull Of beal (?) Of Harphey cũ Cutterswicke¹ of Boathe Ardwicks² with Mancheter 3 2 6 8 5 10 ... ... Ra st to som A. Ogden Law Rosy... John Lyghtbourne James Calle Edward Bowles ··· ··· : ... ·· : ……. • ... ·· ·· ··· ... : ... ijs. xlijs. iijd. On the recto of the following leaf are the following rough notes:- ... ... •• .. :- : : : 33 : : ... March, 1606. [28]. A note of the name of those vnpaid of the Bridge Laine :—4 Imprimis, John Keye James Shallcrosse Jervice Mosse William Glouer Rowlande Walleye ... Robert Hudsonne iiijs. iijs. VS. iijd. ijs. iijs. iiijs. ·· 2d. id. Id. IId. Id. } Iid. 1 and 2 Added in handwriting of previous papers. 3 In the handwriting of the first part of the paper. 4 The precept for the "bridges lay" was made in March, 1606. iijd. xijd. xvd. iiijs. ijd. ijd. xijd. id. ijd. id. id. id. ijd. 28 Documents relating to the Plague. Raphe Haughton Thomas Swarelande Thomas Awine Thomas Taylior George Chorelton Robert Jackes William Cheetam Edward Maies Edmond Olivers James Bibbie William Shallcrosse... ... Hennerye Royle [ Rodgar Worthington Stephen Ffasakare Robert Jacksonne Thomas Parsniall James Houghe Richarde Ridings Thomas Collumbine Edmund Ellor George Sondiforth Edward Ridinges George Gooden Edmonde Houlte Edmund Grundie James Burdsell William Escoales Markettsteede Lane: ... ·· ... ·· ... Mealgate come Hanginge diche:- ] Hoult, junior Mary gate:- : Markettsteede :— : : : : .. : : : ·· ... ... : : Toad Lane :- M :: ... : Fennell Street :— ... ... ·· ... : ... : :. : : : : : id id. id. ijd. id. iijd. id. iiijd. id. id. ijd. ijd. id. id. iijd. id. id. ོཚོ་ ང་ རྩ ijd. ijd. id. iiijd. id. id. id. id. id. id. Documents relating to the Plague. 29 Hughe Hunte Thomas Taylior Raphe Smythe ·· : Bartholomewe Weyte William Ouldome William Millotte John Cheetame Mrs Shacklocke George Worrall Robert Goodiard Robert Worsleye John Taylior... Thomas Pendilton Anthonie Holme Robert Langleye John Ridinges Robert Momefort Richarde Crompton Richarde Birtenshall Reynoulde Costerdeine Edward Massie : : Churchyard side:- : Huntes bancke: James Rodleye Richarde Pendilton ... Hughe Barlowe Raphe Barlowe Robert Rodleye Raphe Barlowe Mr Raphe Holme Mr Sammuell Tippinge Mr Travis Robert Becke : : : :: : : : : ... : : : : : :: : : D:. :: • :: : : : : : : :: Summa totalis to Receave ... • : : : • : 9:0 • 9: id. id. id. id. ང་ ང་ ང་ id. id. id. རྔ་ ར་ ཚ་ vjd. id. iiijd. id. id. id. ijd. iiijd. id. id. id. id. ijd. id. id. ijd. viijd. vjd. vjd. iijd. ixs. ·vijd. 30 Documents relating to the Plague. March, 1606. [47.] Whereas I vndrstand by this Bearer that one John Woode of Manchester hath latelie comitted dyverse misdeameanors, for the wch you have imprisonned him in yor dungeon, where I praie you to continue him vntill hee can fynd suertie for his good behaivor and appearance att the next assizes att Lancaster for I have mattr of ffelonie to laye to his charge. And soe for this tyme I leave you to god. heaton this iijth of marche. Yor lovinge ffreinde Rychard Holland. Endorsed To my lovinge ffreindes the constables of Manchester theis deliù. March, 1606. [48]. Nicholas Mosley knighte and Richard Holland Esqr two of the kings Mats Justices of peace wthin the County of Lancaster To the sheriffe of the same county, and to all and singuler Maiors, Bayliffs, Constables, subconstables and other his Mats officers and ministers and eũy of them Greetinge. Theis are in his Mats name to charge and comand you and eũy of you that you or som of you psently uppon the receite hereof to attache the bodie of John Browne of Manchester Taylor and him soe attached to imprison him the said John Browne, for the space of foure and twenty houres in the next Goale of or soũaigne lord the king in the same countie theire to remaine wthout bayle or mainprise for the said time. Wherein you may not ffayle as you and eũy of you will answeare the contrarie at yor vttermost pill. Geaven at Manchester the xxth of March Anº RRis Jacobi &c. tertio ac Scotie xxxixo To the Cunstables of Manchester their Deputy or Deputyes. Nycholas Mosley. Rychard Holland. Documents relating to the Plague. 31 [49]. Mr Danyell my pleashure is that suffer James Hopwood to come fouerthe of prisson vpon suerties that he shall appeare before me & Mr Holland vpon fridaye next and that in the meanetyme he kepe his owen house and goe not abrode. Nycholas Mosley. April, 1606. [50]. Mr Danyell theis are to request you that you will pmitt the bearer hereof to carrie away his goods betwixt this and Sundaye next & without any further molestacon and if he doe not carie them away betwixt this and sundaye that then you carrie him to prisson according to our Order sett downe fare you well this ninth day of Aprill 1606. Yor loueinge freind Nycholas Mosley. [33] INDEX. A LLOFIELD, William, 16. Altrincham, 11, 16. Andrew, George, 3, 4; Thomas, 15, 16, Cowpe, John, 5. Cox, Mr., 20. 26. Ardwick, 24, 26, 27. Ashton, 16. Asheton, John, 14, 15, 25, 26. Askew, Hamon, 4; Robert, 4; Thomas, 4. | Cundclyff, William, ix, 9. Assheton, John, of Chaderton, 8. Awine, see Owen. Baxter, Robt., 26. Becke, Robert, 15, 25, 26, 29. Bibby, Ann, 19; James, 28. Blackley, 26. Blomeley, Thomas, 3, 4 bis., 11, 16. Bordmanne, John, 26. Bourne, William, D.D., iv. Bowker, Richard, 14. Bowles, Edward, 27. Couper (Coupe), Geoffrey, ix, 12, 16, 22; Joseph, 19. DA ABER (Dawber), John, 19, 20, 24- Dann (Danam), Robert, 14, 25. AILEY, John Eglington, iii; Daniell, Geoffrey, iv, vii, 12, 13, 16, 22, William, 5. Baretle, Ralph, 10. B 24, 31. Darbishire, John, II. Barlow, Hugh, 29; Ralph, 29; Robert, 29; William, 14. Davy, Laurence, 10, 19, 22. Dickinson, Ralph, 19, 22. Droylsden, 26, 27. Duckworth (Duckyth), Anthony, 14. ALLE, James, 27. Carver, Wm., 9. Creighton, Dr. Charles, iii. Crompton, Richard, 29. Crumpsall, 26, 27. Bradford, 26, 27. Bromelle, Thos., II. AILSWORTH, 26. Fasakare, Stephen, 28. Feuster, Tho., 7. F Brooke, Henry, 6; Thomas, 5. Browne, John, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, Fitton, Philip, of Moston, ix, 7. 24, 30; Richard, 10. Brucke, Richd., 25. Burdshall (Burdsell), James, 14. Burgess, George, 5. Bury Sessions, 13. Cornwall (?), men of, 21. Costerdine, Joseph, 5, 15; Reynold, 29. F E ARLAM, Richard, 5. Earwaker, John P., iii. Ellor, Edmund, 28. Escoales, Wm., 28. CA Chetham, John, 29; William, 14, 15, 25, 28. Goodaire, Thomas, 25. Gooden, George, 28. Chorlton, George, 14, 28. Church, John, 7. Clayton, 26. Goodiard, Robt., 29. Goodyear, Robert, 5, 11, 15, 16, 25. Clutton, Richard, 7. Cogan, Dr. Thomas, vii. Collumbine, Thomas, 28. Fletcher, James, 14; Mathew, 2. Floock, Ralph, 7. Fowlke, Ellen, 6. Fox, Richard, 11, 24, 26. GE EE, John, 5, 14, 15, 25. Glover, William, 14, 27. Gorton, 13, 26, 27. Gravenor, Robert, 16. Grimshaw, John, 3. Grundy, Edmund, 14, 28. Gutterswick, 26, 27. 34 Index. HA Harpurhey, 26, 27. Harris, Richard, 16. Harte, Richard, 10. ANLEY, William, 11. Hardman, Hugh, 25; Will., 14, 15. Hartley, Nicholas, 15, 25. Hassall, William, 7. Haughton, Thomas, 9; Ralph, 28. Hemle, Thomas, 16. Hielle, James, 11. Hilton, John, 16. Hodson, Robert, 3. Holland, Richard, 14; Richard of Heaton, ix, 6, 8, 16, 30. Holt (Houlte), Edmond, 28; George, 15, 25, 26. Hopwood, Geo.,3; Hen.,3; James, 12, 31. Hough, James, 28. Hudson, Robert, 5, 25, 26, 27. Ralph, 11, 14, 15, 25, 29. Hulton, Mrs., 15, 25. Hunt, Hugh, 29; John, 14, 26; Thomas, 26. Hurst, William, II. Huson, Thomas, II. Huxley, William, 7. ACKSON (Jackes), Robt., 28. Hulme, 26, 27. Hulme (Holme), Anthony, 29; John, 11; | Mosse, Jarvis, 27. Moston, 7, 15. L Lane, William, 4. Langley, Mr., 10; Robert, 29. Leigh, Charles, 15, 25. AME, Ann, II, 16; Richard, 16; Robert, II. Levenshulme, 27. Lever, Alice, 10; (Levi, Leei), Robert, ix, 12, 16, 18. Lightbourne, John, 27. ANCHESTER, 29. Deansgate, 5, II. Fennel Street, 17, 28. Forty Acres, II. Hanging Ditch, 1, 10, 28. Hunt's Bank, 29. Market Sted, 28. Marketstedlane, 28. MA Manchester, Mealgate, 28. Parsonage, 3. St. Mary Gate, 5, 28. Toad Lane, 28. Withingreave, 17. Manwaring, Hugh, 7. Marshall, George, 20; Gilbert, 20; John, 20; widow, 17, 19, 23. Massie, Edward, 29; Ralph, 7. Massyn, Edward, 7. 15. 27. KEVEJChaplain, iv; Francis, 12. Olivers, Edmond, 28. Kirke Openshaw, 26, 27. Ordsall boat house, ix, 6. Orgarts, Thos., 4. Owen, Thomas, 5, 28. Churchyardside, Mayes, Edward, 14, 15, 25, 28. Maystersone, Richard, 6. Meand, William, 4. Millott, Wm., 29. Mills (Mielles), George, 11, 16. Minshall, Rand., 7. Momefort, Robt., 29. Morris, Raphe, 5. Mosley, Sir Nicholas, x, 4, 8 bis., 9, 12, 13, 30, 31; Oswald, senior, 5. ANTWICH, 6. NA Neilde, Thomas, 26. Neusom, Rich., 16. Newton, 15, 26, 27. Nield, Roger, 3. OGDEN, A., 27; John, of Moston, Ox lay, 14. Ox money, 18, 19. ARKER, John, 3, 4 bis.; William, 10. Parkinson, Reynold, 5. РА Parsniall, Thos., 28. Pendleton, Francis, 5; Richard, 29; Thomas, 29. Pelton, Hugh, 15, 25. Percival, see Parsniall and Prevall. Plague, frequency, iv seq. Plomer, Henry R., iii. Pomfret, Will., 3, 4. Prevall, George, II. Price, Laurence, 5. Pycroft, Edward, 5. Index. 35 ADCLYFFE, Alex. de shope, 5; | Tenche, Tobias, 7. William, 5. Tetlow, 8. R Ridings, Edward, 28; John, 28; Rich- ard, 29. Rodley, James, 29. Rosy, Law., 27. Royle, Hen., 28. ALFORD, 18. Shacklock, Mrs., 29. Shalcross, James, 14, 27; William, 14, 28. Sharelocke, John, 26. Shelmerdine, Ralph, 11; Richard, 16; Thomas, 11, 16. Siddall, Robert, 5. Sompson, Robert, 14. Sondiforth, Geo., 28. Thorton, Osseyell, 11. Tipping, Geo., 25; Saml., 29. Travis, Richard, 5, 11, 29; Mrs., 26. Sorocold, William, iv, vii, 12, 13, 21. Spencer, Richard, II. Standley, Mrs., 14, 15, 25. Strongfellowe, Ralph, 14. Swarelande, Thos., 28. WAL Skootelles, William, 10. Smith (Smythe), Cicely, 6; Ralph, 29; Wilbraham, Richard, 6. William, 4. Wild, 20, 24. Willshaw, Robert, 11. Winter, John, 17; Tho., 5. Wood, John, 30; Margery, 15, 25. Worrall, Geo., 29. Worsley, Robert, 29. Worthington, Roger, 28. Wytton, Thos., 26. ALLEY, Rowland, 27. Walker, John, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Walter, Ralph, 10. Warrant, John, 6. Watson, Thos., 25. Weyte, Bartholomew, 29. Wharned, Will., 4. Whitworth, James (suspected murderer), 15; Richard, 5. TAYI AYLIOR, John, 29; Thomas, 16, YEATES, John, 1o. 28, 29. ERRATA. Page 9, line 4, for "at" read "at" or "alias." Page 11, line 4, after "gardener" insert "[guardian]." Page 11, lines 9 and 1.1, for "Shellmer dier" read "Shellmerdine." SURVEY OF THE Manor of Penwortham IN THE YEAR 1570. TRANSCRIBED AND EDITED BY CHARLES W. SUTTON. MANCHESTER: PRINTED FOR THE CHETHAM SOCIETY. 1914, UCPM JAMES STEWART, PRINTER. CROSS KEYS PRESS ·CAMPST. DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER PREFACE. THE original manuscript of this Survey was discovered in the office of Messrs. Houghton, Myres & Reveley, solicitors, Preston, and was sent by them to the Chetham Society, at the suggestion of Professor Tait, and with the approval of Mr. ffarington, Lord of the Manor of Pen- wortham. The Survey is written on thirty-eight numbered pages of foolscap paper. These pages are followed by the memorandum printed on page 34, and this is succeeded by six pages of a later Survey or list of occupiers, dated 1592, which, unfortunately, is incomplete. The whole of these leaves have been sewn between two leaves of finely written and rubricated vellum manuscript, part of a service book, which we may fairly conjecture to have be- longed at one time to the Priory of Penwortham. At the top of the first leaf of the cover are the words: "The boeke of S'vey of the Manowre of Penwortham, 1570.” The Chetham Society has already printed a volume of "Documents relating to the Priory of Penwortham and other Possessions in Lancashire of the Abbey of iv. Preface. Evesham." It forms volume xxx of the original series, and was published in 1853, under the editorship of William Adam Hulton, Esq., who furnished a valuable Introduction of seventy-four pages. In his Introduction Mr Hulton discussed the early history of the district, and gave much detailed informa- tion concerning the Priory, from the time when the Bussels granted Penwortham Church and its appurten- ances to the Abbey of Evesham, down to the Dissolution of the Priory, and the passing of the Manor and lands to John Fleetwood, eldest son of William Fleetwood of Haskin, who obtained a lease of them in 1539, and com- pleted the purchase from the Crown in 1543, receiving a confirmation or extension in 1564. Mr. Hulton found among the Worden papers an ab- stract of the grant of 1543 (34 Hen. VIII, 24 Jan. 1543-4) part of which may be quoted here, as interesting for com- parison with the Survey of 1570. The column of the annual value is taken from Dugdale's Monasticon, vol. iii, p. 420. ffirste, the seite of the priorye, cell, manor, or grange of Penwortham One closse of land (terra arabilis) called the Orchard feld, cont. by estimacon All that closse of land (terra arabilis) called the Butts, cont. by est. The Townfeild (terra arabilis) cont. by est. Hereford Rydinge, att Hangmansbancke and fferymanheye (que quidem pastura. super-crescitur cum vepribus) cont. by est. xij xiij acrees o 8 8 iij 0 2 6 094 xiiij "," :> valet communibus acris per annum "" I O O Ο O 12 O Preface. V. Two closses of land (terra arabilis unde 4 acre supercrescuntur cum les shrubbys) called the Blasshes, cont. by est.... The New closse (terra arabilis) and shrubbs, called Aspleye, cont. by est. One closse (pasturae modo in culture) called the Over Eye, cont. by est. One other closse (pasturae) called the Neither eye, cont. by est. A meadowe called Blasshawe meadowe, cont. by est. There is alsoe granted to the said John ffleetwood by the same letters pattente the eighte parte of the water and fishinge in Rible from Evyn Poole unto the head of the Marshe of Penwortham and Hough- wick... C And also all that turbarie and comon of Turbarie laitlye belonginge to the said Priorie of Penwortham xxviij acrees xvij viij vj vij : "" "" "" "" valet communibus acris per annum I 3 4 0 13 2 094 0 7 0 0 14 0 I O O 034 7 28 And the reversion of all that grove of wood adioyninge to the scite of the said priorye or cell of Penwortham, and to the same belong- inge, conteyninge by estimačon iij rood lands. [In "the transcript of the particulars" this is given more fully. "Mem. that ther ys adioyninge to the house of Penwortham a little grove of wodd of oke and asshe conteyninge by estymacon three rodde and more, which ys compassed with aleys, and lykewyse with crosse aleys in the midle, which wodde ys a greate pleasur and comoditye to the said house."] And also seaven poundes three shillinge eighte pence yearlie, beinge parcell of the rent of lxxxxixli vs iijd reserved upon the said John ffleetwood's leasse. And also the patronage of the rectorie and parish church of North Meyles. And also the advowson, gifte, free disposition, and patronage of the Vicaridge of Leyland. vi. Preface. Reference may also be made to the proceedings in a case that was before the Duchy Court in the year 1547, in which many of the surnames and place names occurr- ing in the present Survey are mentioned. The case is that of the Tenants of Penwortham versus Sir Henry Farington, the King's farmer, and deals with the alleged right of the tenants to get turves from Penwortham Moss. The proceedings of the Commission are printed in "Pleadings and Depositions in the Duchy Court of Lan- caster," part iii, edited by Lieut. Col. Henry Fishwick, (Record Society, vol. 40, pages 11-19). John Fleetwood lived to enjoy possession of property in Penwortham for twenty years after the date of the Survey now printed. In this family the property re- mained many years, though the manor was apparently never owned by it. An abstract in the possession of Messrs. Houghton, Myres & Reveley, shows that in the year 1685 Henry ffarington was then seised of the manors or lordships of Penwortham, Leyland, and Ulnes Walton. Some part of the estate still belonged to the Fleetwoods. until 1749, when, by powers granted in a private Act of Parliament (21 Geo. II, c. 14, A.D. 1748), a sale took place, the purchaser being John Aspinall, who afterwards, in 1752, disposed of the principal portion to James Barton, of Ormskirk. A memorandum dated September 9, 1754, signed by William ffarington and James Barton, refers to the sale of a number of farms and two copyhold rents in the Manor of Penwortham, from which it appears Preface. vii. that the royalty and manorial rights were reserved by Mr. ffarington. An old case for counsel, dated 1776, contains the following statement :- “Sir William ffarington is Lord of the Manor and fee of Pen- wortham, and of the Manor of Leyland in the County of Lancaster. The Manor and fee of Penwortham extends not only over the township of Penwortham but also over 31 other townships in the County, some of them situate at a very considerable distance from Penwortham and others near adjoining thereto, where a Court Leet with view of Frankpledge and a Court Baron have been immemorially held twice a year." ERRATA. Page 5, footnote, line 2, for saull read scull. Page 8, line 5, for [of Myre polle] read of Myre polle. Page 9, footnote, first line, for Warden read Werden. Page 12, footnote, last line, for peat-house read pent-house. Page 14, line 6, for Clerke read clerke, SURVEY OF THE MANOR OF PENWORTHAM. A BOEKE of Surveye of the Manor of Penwortham parcell of the possession apperteyninge unto the duchy of Lan- caster wherein is conteyned the quantitie as well of the freholde & copieholde lande as also the quenes maiesties demayne landes there, mesured after the rate of viijth yardes to the rode & also what rente be yearelie paied for the same which Surveye was held & maide by Sr. Richarde Shireburn Knight,¹ John Towneley,2 Rawffe Asheton³ & John Braddyll¹ esquires, by force of a comission to them directed out of her graces duchie of Lancaster bearinge date the xxvjth daie of November, 1570: And in the year of the reigne of our most dreade Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God of Englande ffrance & Irelande Quene & Deffendor of the faith etc. the xiijth. - Freholde lande, vizt: Inprimis John ffletewoode esquire one capital howse ¹A long and interesting note on this able and vigorous county magistrate is given by Canon Raines in The Stanley Papers, part ii (Chet. Soc., 31, p. 104). He was born in 1523 and died in 1594. 2 Apparently a younger son of Richard Towneley of Burnley. See ped. in Whitaker's Whalley. 3 Probably Ralph Assheton of Great Lever, father of Sir Ralph Assheton, first Baronet. See Whitaker's Whalley, 1876, ii, p. 2. He was a large holder of and dealer in abbey lands. He died in 1578. See Whitaker's Whalley, 1876, ii, ped. 3 His will is printed in Piccope's Wills and Inventories, ii, p. 106 (Chet. Soc, 51). 5 The words "inprimis" and "item," which occur throughout the original MS., are omitted from the following parts of this transcript. B 2 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. called the Priorye together with the orchardes, gardens, cowrtes, ffowldes¹ and one holte of trees lyinge northe frome the said capitall howse conteyneth by mesure² iij acres & a half & xxtie fall. Item the said Mr ffleetewoodde one close called the Orcharde fylde conteyneth in mesure v acres iij rodelande & tenne fall.3 One other close called the butte lyinge northe frome the Orcharde fylde conteyninge by mesure iij acres & iij rode- lande. S One crofte at the newe barne conteyninge by mesure one rodeland & tenne fall. 4a. 3r. 20f. One other close called the Townefilde. 10a. One other close called the Riddinge. Too closes called the ffermor hey & the copie. 3a. 3r. 28ƒ. One close called the Ea above the fyshehowse. 7a. 32f. One close called the nerer [nearer] Ea. 4a. 1r. 27f. One medowe called Blasshawe medowe. 3a. 3r. 51. One close called the Crowe hill. 7a. 3r. 20f. One bancke of wood called Blasshawe bancke. 2a.10f. One watermylne and one barne with too closes called the x acres and the fyve acres. 11a. 10/. Three closes lyinge southeeast frome Aspeleyes which weare late in the holdinge of James Taylior. 3a. 3r. 11/. One parcel of lande lyinge easte frome the Churche to the water of Rible with one yarde called Jackeyarde. 18f. One close called the greate fylde in Aspeleys. 8a. One close lyinge in Aspeleyes south frome Aspeleye greves. 3a. 1r. 10f. One close lyinge at Aspeleys which was late in the holdinge of James Breworth. 3 a. 30f. One close called the newe close. 2a. 10. I Marginal note in another hand A parcell of the folde is land at will as apperes by a rentall of A° 19 H 7 of A° 11 H 8, and for the same he ought to paie xiid. yerlie. 2 The words "containing by measure or "by estimation" are omitted here- after in this transcript, and the measurements are given in Arabic instead of Roman numerals. "" 3 A "rodeland" is a rood, or quarter of an acre. A "fall" is an old word for pole or perch, the 40th part of a rood. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 3 ffreholde lande of the said Mr ffletewoodde in the occupacon of his tenants. For the corne mershe¹ in the holdinge of the said Mr ffletewoods tenants lyinge west at the one ende to the olde landes & lyinge east at the other ende to the litle mershe which lieth under the Easter hill and buttinge sowth to the Riddinge & buttinge north to the Burges litle mershe & to the coppe of an oulde diche which lieth betwixt the shotes of the corne mershe with a waye at the lande endes of the corne mershe lyinge betwixt the riddinge & the corne mershe & so buttinge east and west. 28a. 1r. 15f. The wyef of Richarde Garstange one dwellinge house with one crofte. 1r. 221ƒ. James Taylior one fyrehowse2 wherein he inhabiteth with orcharde & gardyns. 1r. 8f. Payeinge yerelie to the quenes matie for the same, vijd. Bartholomewe Taylior one fyrehowse with a barne and orchardes & gardynes with a parcel of lande belonginge unto the same. 1a. 1r. 127. The wyffe of James Bucke on Cotage with a garden. William Tomson one firehowse with on orcharde & a garden. 15f. Robert Walker one firehowse with a garden. 12ƒ. John Hollenhurst a parcel of lande called Walmesley Bancke. 1a. 1r. 20f. The moitie of one firehowse in the holdinge of Ric. Taylior & other howses with orcharde gardyns & lande belonginge unto the same. 2a. 20f. Robte. Worden one howse wherein he inhabiteth with a garden. 61ƒ. James Breworth one messuage with too closures. 3a. Hughe Blundell one firehowse with a crofte & garden. a. 17f. Rawffe Worden one barne with one close of fyve acres iij rodelande & ii fall. 5a. 3r. 2f. I "Mersh" or marsh means the low flat land beside the river. 2 A firehouse was a house with a hearth or fireplace. Fot 4 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. The same Rawffe one close called the olde lands. 3a. 4f. Thomas Eves one messuage with thre closures. 3a. 3r.21f. Payeinge unto the quenes matie therefore the yerelie rente of xijd. The wyffe of John Barnes one messuage with gardens & orcharde one crofte one close called the [blank]. 3a. 1r.15f. The aforesaid Richarde Taylior one incrochmente called the Rowe mershe lyinge east ffrome the litle medowe in the occupacon of Mr. Kitchin & abuttinge northe to the lane which goethe after the end of the Little Medowe wherof the one moitie is assigned to Mr ffletewoodde the other moitie to Mr Plesington. 1r. The afforesaid James Breworthe one parcel of land called the Bancke lyinge by the hie waye side & goinge to the corne mershe. 1r. 7f. Robert Wildinge one firehowse with a garden west frome the howse. 11///. And paiing to the Q. matie therefore yerlie ijs. jd. ffreholde lande in the holdinge of Barnaby Kitchin esquire.1 One capitall howse wherein he inhabiteth with the orchardes gardens & fowldes. a. 36. The said Mr Kitchin one close called the Wether hey one other close called the grene gore one other close called the brode filde with other closes. 13 a. 2 f. Payeinge yearlie therefore to the quenes matie ixs. ffreholde lande belonginge to the said Mr Kitchin in the occupačon of his tenants. James ffrance one barne of three bayes with too closures. 21a. 6ƒ. (& of the rente of ixs. vjď.). Lawrence Bane one cotage with lande. 71. I Barnaby Kitchin, of North Meols, son and heir of John Kitchin, of Pilling. He died 6 July, 1603. Cf. Lancs. Lieutenancy, Chet. Soc., 49, p. 39, and Fish- wick's Garstang, Chet. Soc., 105, p. 246. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 5 Willm fforshawe¹ one messuage with the orchards gardins & fowlds. 33ƒ. The said Willm fforshawe one close called the brode fylde. 4a. The said Willm fforshawe one medowe. 2a. 17f. The said Willm one crofte called the barne crofte. a. 1r. 31f. The said Willm one crofte called the Calf crofte. 21f. The wyef of Richarde Burges one messuage with gardens orcharde & one crofte. a. 391. The said wyef one close called the Brandley. 1a. 20. Willm Barnes one cotage with a garden. 6f. Robert Wilding one cottadge late in the occupation of Rawfe Waring with a crofte of lande & of the yerly rente of iijs. iiijd. 10f. Jane the late wiffe of John Worden of the Croking holdeth land of the yerly rente of ijs. 1a. John Rydinge one cotage with one garden. 5. Rawffe Hollenhurst one messuage with orchards and gardens and too closes thereunto belonginge whereof the one is called the greate filde and the other the litle fyld. 3a. 1r. 361ƒ. The wyffe of James Symonde one cotage with gardens & lande. 1a. 28. 8yds. The said wief too butts of lande adioyninge to the woodde gappe & abuttinge at the east end to the hie waye 32f. ffreholde lande belonginge to my Lorde Mounteegle² & in the occupa con of his tenants. One messuage in the holdinge of Mr Barnabie Kitchin lyinge & buttinge on the east side to the lande of M² In the general levy of arms in 1574, William Forshawe was called upon to furnish a long bow, a sheaf of arrows, a saull (iron cap), and a bill. Cf. Lanc. Lieutenancy, 49, P. 44. 2 William Stanley, third Baron Monteagle, died in 1581. Cf. Cokayne's Complete Peerage, v. 347. 6 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. Barons & on the sowth side to the Quenes Maties lande called Birchley carre & uppon the northe side adioyninge to the water of Ribble. 35a. 341f. Payeinge therefore yearlie to the Quenes Matie xxjs. iijd. The said Mr Kitchin one old Lane lyinge east ffrome Robře Charneley lande abuttinge north to the water of Ribble & abuttinge sowth to the Comon of Penwortham lyinge in a close called the Rye hill at Banester howse. 1r. 31f. ffreholde lande belonginge to Lawrence Walles¹ & in the occupacon of his tenants. Robert Heaton one messuage with orchards & gardens & other howses errected uppon the same with lande be- longinge thereunto. 9a. 37½ƒ. The wief of Richarde Livesey one messuage with a parcel of lande. 1a. 3r. 2ƒ. ffreholde lande belonginge to Robte Charneley & in his owne occupaĉon. One messuage with the orchards, gardens & a parcell of lande. 1a. 3r. 11f. The said Robert holdeth sondrie other parcells of land. lyinge in the Sandie fielde. 21/a. 11. The said Robert holdeth sondrie other parcells of lande lyinge in the Corne field. 1a. 36f. ffreholde lande belonginge to the said Charnelie in the occupacon of his tenants. The wief of Roger Caterall one messuage with a parcell of lande. 2a. 1r.10f. Willm Greves one cotage with a parcell of land. a. 1r. The said Charneley payinge for the said lande above 'He was a contributor to the general levy of arms in the Blackburn Hundred in 1574. Lanc. Lieutenancy, 49, P. 48. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 7 said as well in his owne occupacon as in the occupacon of his tenants ijs. ffreholde lande belonginge to Roberte Agheton & in his owne occupacon. One messuage with the orchardes gardens & a parcell of lande. a. 117. The said Robert a parcel of lande lyinge before his howse dore with also too gardens. 27f. The said Robert too parcells of lande in the Sandie fielde. a. 37ƒ. The said Robert one parcel of land. a. 20f. The said Roberte one other parcel of land in the Sandie fielde. 1r. 30f. The said Robert one parcel of lande called the Crabbe hey noke. 1r. 7f. The said Robert one parcel of lande in the Carre fielde. a. 1r. The said Robert Aghton one Carre fielde called the too lands. The said Robert one close 2a. 24ƒ. parcel of lande in the 1r. 14f. called the Scolle fielde. The said Robert one close called the goode acre. a. 1r. 287. The said Robert one fielde called the wood hey. 1a. 33/. The said Robert one close called the hew filde buttinge on the lands of Willm Worden. 13a. 26ƒ. Payeinge yearlie to the quenes Matie for the said land ijs. viijd. ffreholde lande belonging to the said Robert Agheton in the occupačon of his tenants. John Aghton one cotage with too closures of lande called the highe fildes. 3a. 39 f. The wyf of George Kirkeson one cotage with land. 1a. 181ƒ. 8 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. ffreholde lande, vizt. Nicholas Blackelach one cotage with a parcel of lande belonginge in the holdinge of Richard Godbere. 5f. ffreholde lande belonginge unto Alex Charneley [of Myre polle]¹ & in the occupacon of his tenants. One messuage in the holdinge of Hvan Worden with gardens. 25ƒ. The saied Van Worden holdeth sondrie parcells of lande lyinge in the Sandie field. 1a. 21f. The same Van holdeth one parcel of lande in the Sandie fielde. a. 13. The said Van Worden holdeth divers other parcells of lande lyinge in the carre. 1a. 28f. The said Van holdeth a parcel of lande lyinge in the carre. a. 1r. 17). The said Van holdeth an other parcel of lande lyinge in the carre. a. 1r. 25f. The said Van Worden holdeth one close called the Scolle field. 2a. 1r. 9f. The said Van holdeth one other close called the Scolle field. 1a. 1r. 12f. Payeinge a yearlie rent to the quenes matie for the same ijs. ffreholde land belonginge to Wm. Cowper & in his owne occupacon. 1a.1r.18ƒ. The said Willm Cowper one garden at the sowth west end of his barne. 2017. One messuage with gardens and one close. The said Willm one medowe. 1r. 37f. ffreholde lande belonging to John Cureden & in his owne occupa con. One messuage with gardens and a orcharde. 18f. Ι ¹ Mirepool was in Inskip in the parish of St. Michael's-on-Wyre. See Fishwick's History of that place, p. 32. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 9 The said John one litle Crofte with Courts lyinge sowth west frome his barne. 22f. The said John Cureden three closes lyinge north west from his firehowse. 81a. 24f. ffreholde lande belonging to Willm Worden¹ & in his owne occupacon. One messuage wherein he inhabiteth with orchards, gardens, courts & fowldes. a. 247. The said Willm one parcell of lande called the Bancke. 1a. 101/ƒ. 2a. 6ƒ. The said Willm one close called the Brodefield. Payeinge yearelie to the quenes majestie ixd. ffreholde land belonginge to the said Willm Worden & in the occupacon of his tenants. Willm Shakeshafte one cotage with one parcell of lande. 151/. Willm Russell one firehowse with lande. a. 38f. ffreholde lande belonginge unto Peter ffarington gent. & in the occupacon of his Tenants. Willm Tomson one crofte lyinge Sowth from his fire- howse & abuttinge West. 13f. Richard Taylior one parcel of lande lyinge Sowth frome his firehowse and adioyninge unto maister fflete- woodde orcharde side. 12f. ffreholde lande belonginge unto Robře Plesington gent. & in the holdinge of his tenants. The moitie of one firehowse in the holdinge of Richard Taylior and other howses theire unto belonginge with the orchards, gardens & lande. 2a. 20f. 1 ¹ There was a family of Worden or Warden at Preston for many generations, but evidence of their connection with Penwortham is lacking. lacking. Cf. Fishwick's History of Preston. с 10 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. Sum totall of all the ffreholde lande within the Manor of Penwortham before perticu- lerlie resited conteyneth in mesure 13 score 16 acres and a half [276] acres, 29 falls, and 8 yards. Copieholde lande belonginge unto John ffletewoodde esquire & in his owne occupaĉon. Tuson howse one barne of five bayes one kilne of three baies & sondrie parcells of lande belonginge unto the same lyinge sowthe frome Blasshey adioyninge uppon the west side to lands in Howghwicke and Sowth east to a lane which goeth frome Penwortham to Howghwicke. 12a. 10/. Payinge yearlie to the quenes matie for the same xijs. The said Mr ffletewoodde one parcel of lande called the Castle Hill¹ & the Cowrte howse lyinge from the churchyarde of Penwortham northe. a. 30ƒ. Payinge yearlie to the quenes matie for the same ijs. vid. The said Mr ffletewoodde one winde myll in Penwortham of the yearlie rente of iijd. The said Mr ffletewoodde one copie of woodde called Aspley Greves lyinge north from the Aspeleyes. 2a. 4f. The said Mr ffletewoodde for Becconsawe howse² & Jacke yarde otherwaies called Thomas yarde, payinge yearlie therefore to the quenes matie ixd.3 Copieholde lande belonginge unto the said Mr fflete- wood & in the holdinge of his tenants. John Barnes one firehowse of iiij bayes one barne of iij bayes with certeine lands belonginge unto the same lyinge northwest frome his fyrehowse. 1a. 1r. 3f. Payeing yearlie to the quenes matie therefore xviijd. A castle is mentioned in Domesday Book. 2 Becconsall Hall was in the neighbouring parish of Hesketh. 3" There sholde be xvd, pd here & so vid. is copieholde as appears by rentall made Aº 19 H 7 et A° 11 H. 8." Marginal note. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. I I Rawffe Worden one firehowse of three bayes one cowe howse of three bayes with a parcel of lande belonginge thereunto lyinge on the east side of his fyrehowse. a. 28f. Payeinge yearlie therefore to the quenes matie iiijd. Copieholde lande belonginge unto Mr Barnabie Kitchin & in the holdinge of his tenants. Hvan Watson one cotage with a firehowse of three bayes & land. 1r. 5f. Peter Tomson one messuage with a firehowse of iiij baies one barne of iiij baies one chamber of too baies with gardens, orchardes & lande belonginge thereunto lyinge east frome his fire howse. 5a. 4f. Payeinge yearlie to the quenes matie for the same xis. id. Edmunde Katerall one cotage within the aforesaid copie of Peter Tomson with an incrochmte belonginge to the 31. same. Copieholde land belonginge unto Rawffe Sergeante & in the occupacon of his tenants.1 John Walmesley holdeth one firehowse of iiij baies with orchards gardens & one close lying sowtheeast ffrome his howse. 21a. 1r. 3f. Payeinge yearlie to the quenes matie for the same ijd. Copieholde lande belonginge unto Ric. Taylior in the occupacon of Van Watson & Ric. Procter. One firehowse of three bayes one dubbinge, one barne of three baies one backehowse adjoyninge upon the north side to his firehowse with too closes lyinge north west frome the firehowse. 3a. 1r. 25f. The aforesaid Richard Taylior holdeth in his owne occupacon one close lying East frome the howse of Willm Procters & adioyninge uppon a lane which goeth to Preston. 2a. 38f. "This is purchased by Mr Fletewoodde." 1 2 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. Payeinge yearlie to the quenes matie for the same xijs. & vid. Copieholde lande belonginge unto Willm ffarington esquire¹ & in the holdinge of his tenants. The wyef of Willm Biccarstathe one firehowse of three bayes one barne adioyeninge to the same of too baies one litle howse of one baye one backehowse of one baye with orchards & a garden & too closes lyinge north west frome the said firehowse. 3a. 1r. 6f. Payeinge yearlie to the quenes matie for the same [obliterated]. Robert Sergeant holdeth one winde mylne in Middleforth payinge therefor to the quenes matie iijd. Copieholde lande belonginge unto John Charnocke in the holdinge of his tenants.2 Rawffe Worden the yonger holdeth one messuage with a firehowse of iiij baies and a dubbinge³ one barne of three baies and too dubbings one chamber of too baies one other chamber of one baie & a dubbinge with gardens & orchards & foulds & allso lande belonginge thereonto lyinge northe east from his howse to the lands of Mr ffletewoode and at the north ende and side lyinge to the comon or more of Penwortham. 6a. 3r. 321ƒ. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the Quenes matie vijs. vjď. Copieholde lande belonginge to John Hollenhurste & in his owne holdinge. One messuage with a firehowse of iiij baies one barne of v baies one dubbinge one chamber of one baie & one dubbing one other chamber of too baies & one dubbinge I William ffarington was the son of Sir Henry ffarington. The Derby Household Books, edited for the Chetham Society by Canon Raines, were begun by him when he was comptroller of the Derby household. 2" This is purchased by Mr ffletewodde." ³A "dubbing" is conjectured to be a peat-house or lean-to structure. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 13 one other howse wherein inhabiteth Ric. Kellet with gardens, orchards, fowlds & too closures of lande whereof the one lieth sowth from his howse & the other lyinge East frome his howse. 6a. 3r. 6f. Payeing therefore yearlie to the quenes matie vijs. vijd. Copieholde lande belonginge unto Willm Worden & in his owne holdinge. Too closes lyinge sowth west frome his dwellinge howse wherein is erected uppon the sowth side of the same closes adioyninge to the Comon or more of Penwortham one cotage of three bayes wherein inhabitethe Hughe Symonde. 3ă. 353f. Payinge yearlie to the quenes maiestie therefore iijs. Copieholde lande belonginge unto Robert Aghton & in his owne occupacon. One parcel of lande lyinge & adioyninge uppon the Sowthe west side of his barne. 18f. Payeinge yearlie therefore to the quenes maiestie jd. Copieholde lande belonginge unto Robert Sergeant & in his owne occupacon. One firehowse of iiij bayes with an oxenhowse adioyninge to the same one chamber of one baye & two dubbings one barne of iij bayes one other barne of iij bayes & ij dubbings one garden with one close called little Birchley Carre belonginge thereunto lyinge northest ffrome his ffirehowse & abuttinge northest uppon the deepe medowe of Mr. Barons. 4a. 15f. therefore unto the quenes matie Payeinge yearlie therefore xiijs. iiijd. Copieholde lande belonginge unto Willm Cowper & in his tenants holdinge. Robert Heaton one parcell of lande called Elles Medowe 14 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. lyinge uppon the west side of Birchley Carres & abuttinge north to my L. Mountegles lande in the holdinge of Mr. Kitchin & adioyning sowth & west uppon the Comon of Penwortham. 1a. 1r. 7f. Payinge yearlie therefore to the quenes matie iiijs. ijd. James Banester Clerke one firehowse of iiij baies & lande belonginge thereunto. 15f. Robert Tomson als. Goodsir one howse of too baies with a parcel of lande belonginge to the same. 18/. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie ixd. Copieholde lande belonginge to Willm Walton & in the occupacon of his tenants. James Banester clerke one howse of too baies & one dubbinge & a parcell of lande belonginge thereunto. 51. Robert Wynfilde one crofte abuttinge north to the fire howse of St James Banester & west to the more. 13. Payinge for the said land to the quenes matie yearlie ixd. Sum totall of all the copieholde lande within the said manor before particularlie risited cont. in mesure 57a. 6½ƒ. Lande at will in the occupacon of the aforesaid Mr ffleetewoodde. One newe intacke adioyninge the north side of a close of the said Mr ffletewoode called the new close abutting at the north side thereof to a newe breke kilne standinge uppon the more or Comon of Penwortham.1 1a. 1r. 18f. One incrochement lyinge frome the Castles hill northe to the litle mershe. a. 10f. One intacke lyinge frome the barne which standithe uppon the copieholde at Blasshaye Easte. 1a. 22f. One incrochment lyinge at his oxen howse late in the holdinge of James Bucke and adioyninge to the lane. 8f. I Words in italic are inserted in another hand. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 15 One parcel of lande lyinge where Thomas Hornebye dwelled & adioyninge to a crofte of the said Mr fflete- woodde. 1f. One close lyinge easte ffrome Blassheye adioyninge east unto the comon of Penwortham & uppon a lane which leadeth to Willm fforshawes. 3a. 1r. 20f. Payeinge yearlie to the quenes matie for fyve of these acres abovesaid. xxd. One parcell of lande adioyninge to the nerere Ea lyinge northe from the said Ea & abuttinge east & west. 71. The herbishe with horses of one woodde called Whad- dishe lyinge west ffrome the Riddinge & abuttinge northe to the corne mershe and adioyninge sowth uppon the frehold land of the said Mr. ffletewoodds in the holdinge of Rawffe Worden & lyinge west to the land of the said Mr. ffletewoods in the holdinge of Thomas Eves. 31 a. 7f. Payinge yearlie therefore to the quenes maiestie iijs. iiijd. For the herbishe with horses of one wood called the Meane Woodde lyinge north frome the Towne filde & lyinge east ffrome the Riddinge. 5a. 20/. Payeinge yearlie therefore to the quenes matie iijs. iiijd. Lande at will in the holdinge of the said Mr fflete- wood his tenants. John Asshall one close lyinge west to more of Howgh- wicke. за. 20f. The wyef of John Barnes one intacke adioyninge uppon the east side to the comon of Penwortham. 1a. 35f. Rawffe Worden one close called the newe Intacke lyinge west frome his howse. 1a. 8f. The same Rawffe incrochement lyinge at the sowthend of his howse with a backe howse standinge uppon the same of too baies & one Ilinge.1 12. 'The word "iling" appears frequently in this Survey. Its meaning is as yet undetermined. 16 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. The same Rawffe one incrochement adioyninge to the copieholde uppon the north side. 41. Payeinge yearlie for the same to the quenes matie vs. vjd., which is after the rate of xijd. the acre. Thomas Eves one incrochment lyinge sowth ffrome his ffirehowse. 33f. The said Thomas one incrochment at the sowth end of his barne. 17. The said Thomas one incrochment with a garden & a howse erected uppon the same of iiij baies. 34f. John Barnes one incrochment lyinge east and sowth ffrome the ende of his firehowse. 26f. The same John one other incrochement adioyninge sowth west uppon his howse. 25ƒ. Robert Wildinge one incrochment with a barne & one Ilinge standinge uppon the same lyinge ffrome his firehouse east to the more. 87. Hugh Blundell one incrochment with a litle howse erected upon the same. 8f. James Breweorth one chamber one parlor with a stable adioyninge to the same & one intacke lyinge uppon the west side of the afforesaid howses. a. 35ƒ. The said James one incrochment lyinge within a garden sowth ffrome his firehowse. 1/1/2/. Robert Worden one parcel of lande adioyning to the east side of his howse. 6ƒ. Richard Taylior tenante to the said Mr ffletewoodde & Mr Plesington one parcel of lande adioyninge uppon the northe ende of his howse lyinge after the hie waye side downe to the litle mershe and adioyninge uppon the west side to the land of the said Mr ffletewoodde & Mr Plesington. 1817. The said Richard one incrochment lyinge uppon the west side the Castle Hill and adioyninge uppon the west side to the hie way. 8/11/ The said Richard one incrochment adioyninge to the shorte butts. f. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 17 Robert Walker one incrochment adioyninge to the Cowrte howse uppon the north ende. 31. The said Robert one incrochment called the litle Pad- docke adioyninge to a pece of the corne mershe lyinge west from the litle mershe. 61. Willm Tomson one incrochment lyinge west ffrome the litle mershe & adioyninge to the corne mershe. 2. Bartholomewe Taylior otherwaies called Bartholomewe Cooke one parcel of lande nere adioyninge to his howse & lyinge north west. 1r. 8f. The said Bartholomewe one other incrochment adioyn- inge uppon the more hedge. 1r. 20f. The wief of Richard Garstange one backehowse of one baye with an incrochment lyinge after the lane side and adioyninge unto Mr. ffletewooddes lande abuttinge north & sowth. 71. James Taylior one incrochment lyinge at the east ende of his howse. 6f. The said James one intacke lyinge east ffrome his howse & nere adioyninge to the Comon. 1a. 11f. Richard Taylior one inclosure adioyninge to his said howse of copiehold land whereof the one moitie to Mr ffletewood & the other to Robře Plesington gent. 1a. 19f. The said Richarde Taylior one incrochement lyinge in the woodde called Whaddishe. D 33f. Sum totall of the lande at will before re- sited occupied by Mr. ffletewoodde & his tenants 25 a. 30 f. Lande at will in the holdinge of the aforesaid Mr. Kitchin. Too inclosures lyinge east to the Comon of Penwortham & buttinge west to the Comon of Howghewiche. 5a. 22f. Payeinge yearelie to the quenes matie for v acres xxd. [& for the residue he paieth no rent for].1 I Inserted later. 18 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. The herbishe of one bancke of woodde lyinge sowth west frome a close of his called the Brodefielde unto the more of Penwortham & buttinge at the one ende northe adioyninge unto Ste Marie Well & buttinge at the other end sowth west. 1r. 6½ƒ. One backehowse whereof the moitie standith uppon the west with one Ilinge adioyninge to his oxenhowse & also one garden lyinge & adioyninge uppon the west side of his hall with parte of an orcharde lyinge at the sowth end of his oxenhowse with a parcel of land whereuppon standith his torves. 3r. 22f. * One medowe called the litle medowe lyinge east frome a woodde called the copie of Mr. ffletewoodds & lyinge north ffrome Barnes Bancke & buttinge northe to a lane. leadinge to the corne mershe & the woode called Wad- dishe. 11a. 1r. 38f. Payeinge yearelie therefore, to the quenes matie ixs. One incrochement lyinge & adioyninge uppon the west side to my L. Mounteegles lande & abuttinge uppon the west side to the Comon or more of Penwortham. 25/. One parcel of lande of Birchley Carres buttinge sowth to the Comon or more of Penwortham. 1a. 12/. Payeinge yearelie to the quenes maiestie therefore iijs. iiijd. One parcel of lande called the Croked acre lyinge sowth west ffrome the lande of Mr. ffletewoodde called the Townefielde & north ffrome the copiholde lande of Mr. ffarington in the holdinge of the wief of Thomas Bicker- stath. a. 1r. 28f. Lande at will in the holdinge of Mr. Kitchin his tenants. Willm fforshawe one close lyinge sowth east ffrome his howse. 1a. 4f. The said Willm one incrochement lyinge sowth ffrome his howse. 13ƒ. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 19 The said Willm one incrochement of a lane leadinge to the more or comon of Penwortham. 25f. Van Watson one incrochement lyinge north east ffrome his howse with a stable standinge uppon the same of one baye & one dubbinge. 111ƒ. The said Van Watson a backehowse of one baye & one dubbinge lyinge sowth east frome his howse. 5f. The wief of Thomas Waringe one incrochement lyinge sowth ffrome the howse of Robert Wildinge. 20/. The wief of Richarde Burges one incrochment lyinge within a garden uppon the sowth side of her howse. 1f. Richarde Barnes & the wief of Henrie Barns one in- crochment & parte of a howse. f. Lawrence Bane one garden lyinge north east ffrome his howse. 2ƒ. The said Lawrence one incrochement lyinge north west frome his howse to the more. 16f. James ffrance one firehowse of iij baies with a garden adioyninge to the same. 6f. The said James one incrochment lyinge north frome his ffrehold land & leadinge alonge to the more of Pen- wortham. 1r. The said James one incrochment lyinge north ffrome his field parcel of the frehold land of the said Mr. Kitchin & leadinge to the Comon unto a steele. 4ƒ. Edmund Katerall one incrochment lyinge on the northe side his firehowse. 61. The said Edmund Caterall one incrochment lyinge north east to the more ffrome his howse. 18f. Peter Tomson one incrochement lyinge uppon the sowth side of Thomas Hollenhurst firehowse & abuttinge east & west a. 13f. Payeinge yerelie therefore to the quenes maiestie iiijd. The said Peter Tomson one incrochment lying uppon the west side of his barne & adioyninge to his copiehold lande. 21. The said Peter Tomson one incrochment lyinge uppon 20 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. the west side of his firehowse & adioyninge to his copie holde lande. 12f. The said Peter one lane leadinge west to the more of Penwortham. 77. The said Peter one incrochment lyinge sowth west frome his firehowse. 1r. 3f. The said Peter one incrochment lyinge north-west ffrome his howse with a howse of one bay standinge uppon the same. 1r. 20f. The said Peter one incrochement lyinge uppon the east side of an hedge within his copiehold lande. 5f. The said Peter one incrochement lyinge uppon the more & abuttinge east & west. a. 1r. 20/. The wief of Thomas Waringe one incrochment lyinge north ffrome her howse. 3f. Willni Brekell one kilne standinge uppon the Wast of one baie & too dubbings. . The wief of James Symonde one garden. 3. 7yds. Rawffe Hollenhurst & Wm Hollinherste his son one Ilinge of a howse with an incrochment uppon the sowth side of his firehowse. 5f. The said Rawffe & Wm Hollinherste doe holde also one incrochment nere adioyninge at the sowth ende to an in- crochment in the holdinge of Christopher Taylior. 1a. 30f. G John Ridinge one chamber of one baye with a parcell of lande lyinge uppon the sowth side of his howse. 123/. The said John one other incrochment uppon the sowth side of his howse. 1/1/2/ • The said John one incrochment lyinge uppon the sowth east side of his howse. 3計​. Payinge for iiij acres & i rodeland of these landes aforesaid to the quenes maiestie vs. xd. The afforesaid wief of Thomas Waringe one firehowse of three baies with a parcel of lande lyinge on the sowth side of the same. 23f. The said Lawrence Bane one incrochment lyinge west. frome his firehowse. 22f. The Burges Sporte in the holdinge of the said wief of Richard Burges. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 21 Sum beside Burgs Sporte is 5a. 3r.261f.7yds. Sum totall of the lands at will occupied by Mr. Kitchin & Mr. fforshawe his tenants is 16a. 1r. 293ƒ. Tyds. Lande at will in the holdinge of Robte Charneley. One incrochement at the east end of his firehowse. 2f. One other incrochment lyinge sowth east ffrome his howse. 11f. Lande at will in the holdinge of the said Charnley his tenants. Willm Greves one howse of one bay with an incrochment lyinge sowthe to the Comon of Penwortham. 24f. Payinge yearelie to the quenes matie therefore ijd. The same Willm one incrochment lyinge uppon the sowth side of his howse. 5f. Thomas Hollenhurst one firehowse of too bayes & too dubbings with a shepecote of one baye, one orcharde & a garden & lande thereunto belonginge. 1a. 1r. 8f. The wife of Roger Caterall one incrochment lyinge uppon the west side of her barne. 11. Lande at will in the holdinge of Richard Taylior. One parcel of lande lyinge within the mosse hey lyinge sowth frome his copiehold land & abuttinge east & west. 1a. 19/. Payinge therefore to the quenes matie xiiijd. Lande at will in the holdinge of Richard Proctor & Adame Charneley & late in the tenure of John Tallior. Richard Proctor [one parcell] lyinge sowthe ffrome his firehowse. 117. The same Richard one incrochement lyinge sowth easte ffrome the [said] firehowse. 21f. 22 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. The said Ric. Proctor & Adame Charneley one incroch- ment within a fowld & one firehowse wherein the said Charneley dwelleth of three bayes & one dubbinge stand- inge within the said fowld & one stable of iij baies. 13f. Lande at will in the holdinge of John Walmesley & Rawffe Sergeante tenants. One incrochment with a barne of too bayes & too ilings standinge uppon the same.1 15f. The said John one incrochment lyinge west ffrome his firehowse. 61ƒ. The said John one intacke lyinge uppon the sowth side of his barne & lyinge west to the more or comon of Pen- wortham. a. 1r. 10½ƒ. Payeinge yerelie to the quenes matie for the same iiijd. Lande at will in the holdinge of Rawf Worden tenante? to John Charnocke. One inclosure lyinge sowth east ffrome his howse a. 1r. 12f. The said Rawf one incrochment with a backhowse standinge uppon the same lyinge sowthe ffrome the ende of his howse. 14ƒ. - The said Rawf one incrochment lyinge north ffrome his firehowse & abuttinge to the comon. 1r. 9f. The said Rawffe one incrochment lyinge north west ffrome his firehowse & buttinge to the comon. 14f. Payinge yerelie to the quenes matie for i acre iiijd. Lande at will in the holdinge of John Hollenhurst. One inclosure lyinge sowthe ffrome his copiehold lande unto the more. 1a. 20f. The said John one other incrochment lyinge on the I 2 Marginal note. James Bayne nowe tenante. Marginal note. Joseph Legh nowe tenante. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 23 north side of his field and adioyninge to a lane which leadeth to the more or comon of Penwortham. 28f. The said John one other incrochment lyinge north west frome his copiehold lande. 9f. Lande at will in the holdinge of Willm Worden. One close lyinge west to the ffreholde lande of the said Willm Worden & east to the more or comon. 1a. 11/. Payinge yearlie to the quenes matie for the same [acre] xijd. The said Willm one parcell of lande lyinge east to the more or Comon of Penwortham. 1r. 4f. The said Willm one incrochment lyinge sowth east to the Comon ffrome his howse with a lane leadinge from his howse to the more of Penwortham. a. 27f. The said Willm one intacke lyinge sowth west ffrome his copieholde lande & adioyninge to the more or Comon of Penwortham. a. 32. Payinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie viijd. Lande at will in the holdinge of Willm Worden his tenants. Willm Shakeshaft one incrochment lyinge sowth east ffrome his fire house. 1r. 13f. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie ijd. William Russell one parcel of lande lyinge sowthest ffrome his howse. 11/. Hughe Symond one parcel of lande lying west from his howse. 101ƒ. Lande at will in the holdinge of John Cureden. One close lyinge frome his howse sowth east & ffollow- inge alonge after the moreside. 1a. 17f. Payinge yearlie to the quenes maiestie (for the said acre) iiijd. The said John one incrochmente lyinge ffrome his ffire- 24 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. howse east unto the Comon or more of Penwortham, with also parte of a backehowse adioyninge to the same. 39f. Lande at will in the holdinge of Willm Cowper. One parcel of lande lyinge on the sowth side his fire- howse & so lyinge sowth to the Comon. 31ƒ. [Paying for the same . . . 1576, viijd.] The said Willm one lane lyinge & abuttinge west unto the land of Mr. ffletewoodde in Aspeleyes & buttinge east to the Comon & lyinge betwixt the lande of Mr. fflete- woodde & John Cureden. 1r. 151. Payinge yearelie to the quenes maiestie iiijd. The said Willm one incrochment lyinge on the sowthe side of the newe intacke uppon Penwortham more & buttinge at the west ende uppon the Comon of Howghe- wicke & abuttinge east to the comon of Penwortham. a. 251. Payinge therefore yearelie to the quenes matie xijd. The said Willm too intackes called the Chapes in Middlesforth lyinge uppon the sowth west side unto the lordshippe of Walton. 3a. 8f. Payinge yearlie therefore to the quenes matie iijs. vid. The said Willm one close lyinge frome John Harrisons howse sowth east & adioyninge to the mosse. 2a. 1r. 24f. And for the same paieth yerelie to the Quenes matie xviijd. Lande at will in the holdinge of Van Worden tenante unto Alexander Charneley of Myre Polle. One incrochment lyinge sowth west ffrome the howse which John Agheton dwelleth in. 26f. The said Van Worden one parcell of lande lyinge sowth ffrome the landes of Alexr Charneley & buttinge sowth to the Comon of Penwortham. 22f. The said Van Worden one incrochmente lyinge sowth ffrome his firehowse & abuttinge to the Comon or more of Penwortham. 1r. 20f. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 25 Payinge therefore yearelie to the quenes matie iiijd. The said Van one improvement lyinge sowthe frome his barne. 91f. Lande at will in the holdinge of Richarde Godbere tenant unto Nicholas Blackelache. One parcel of lande lyinge sowth to the Comon on the sowth side his firehowse. 13f. Payeinge therefore yearelie to the quenes matie jd. Lande at will in the holdinge of Robert Agheton. One parcel of lande lyinge & adioining to his copie- holde lande. 17ƒ. The said Robert one incrochment lyinge within his grounde called the Crabbie Noke. 2f. The said Roberte one incrochement lyinge & adioyninge to the hie waye side sowth ffrome the lane end which leadeth to Preston. 25 1ƒ. Lande at will in the holdinge of the said Agheton his tenants. The wief of George Kirkeham one parcel of lande lyinge sowth frome her firehowse unto the Comon. 29f. John Agheton one incrochment lyinge north east to the Comon or more wherein standeth a shepecote of one baye. 8f. Lande at will in the holdinge of Robert Sergeant. One inclosure lyinge sowth west ffrome his howse uppe after the moreside. 1a. 151/. One other incrochment lyinge by his turfe stacke & so unto the more. 14/. The same Robert one parcell of Birchley Carre lyinge uppon the north west side of his barne. 1a. 191ƒ. Payinge yearelie to the quenes matie therefore iijs. iiijd. The said Robert one intacke lyinge at Christophers Taylior with a barne standinge uppon the same. 3a. 1r. 28f. E 26 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. Payinge yearelie therefore to the quenes maiestie xijs. vjď. The said Roberte one incrochment lyinge north west ffrome the said barne. 14f. The said Robert one close called the newe fielde lyinge uppe to the more at the sowth end of his firehowse closed in three [?there] wherein is planted an orchard. 7a. 27f. Payinge yearelie for the afforesaid close to Sir James Banester clerke fyve shillings. Payinge also to the quenes matic therefore yerelie ijs. jd. Lande at will in the holdinge of Roberte Sergeant his tenants. Richard Sergeant one firehowse at the Wyndemill of three bayes & one dubbinge & lande thereunto belonginge 24/ Payinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie viijd. Christopher Taylior one fire howse of three bayes with a crofte lyinge uppon the sowth side of his firehowse. 17. Payinge yerelie therefore to the quenes matie vs. The said Christopher one incrochment lyinge north frome his howse. 81. The said Christopher one intacke lyinge after the more- side. a. 1r. 22ƒ. Payinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie xvjd. Lande at will in the holdinge of Sir James Banestre clerke. The said Sir James one parcel of lande lyinge on the more buttinge east & west. ļa. 1r. 38f. Payinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matic iiijd. The said Sir James a parcel of lande called the litle Burges mershe & the shotes belonginge thereunto abutting east after the coppe of an old diche betwixte the corne mershe and the shotes & so east unto a place where rayles & stopes weare sette lyinge northe to the water of Rible Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 27 & buttinge west to the Townes mershe & to the corner of the Earles Medowe & Burges sporte.1 17a. 3r. 11f. Payeinge yerelie therefore to the quenes matie vis. viijd. The said Sir James one barne of three baies & land. thereunto lyinge. 20f. Land at will in the holdinge of the wyffe of Thurstan Hesketh. The wieff of Thurstan Hesketh one firehowse of ij baies one dubbinge with also one barne of one baye & one dubbinge with a parcel of lande thereunto belonginge. 1a. 1r. 24f. Payeinge therefore to the quenes matie yearelie iijd. The said Sir James one intacke in the holdinge of the said Thurstan wyef Hesketh lyinge by the hie waye side which leadeth to Preston & west to the Comon & adioyn- inge east to a close of Robert Sergeant. 2a. 5f. Payinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie viijd. Lande at will in the occupacon of the tenants of Lawrence Walles. The wief of Richard Livesey one barne & a dubbinge one orcharde with a lane leadinge to the more frome her firehowse with also a parcell of lande belonginge therunto. 1r. 16f. Payinge therefore yearelie to the quenes matie iiijd. Robert Heaton one intacke lyinge west frome his fire- howse & buttinge to the Comon or more upon the west side. 1a. 25f. Payeinge [for the said acre] yearelie to the quenes matie iiijd. The said Robert one other incrochment lyinge sowth west from his firehowse. 21f. Payinge therefore yearelie to the quenes matie iijd. Marginal note. Layed to the great mershe all savinge the shotes. 28 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. The said Robert one other incrochment lyinge sowth west ffrome his howse. 13f. The said Robert one other incrochment beinge a lane which leadeth ffrome his howse to the more. 11/. Lande at will in the occupačon of Thomas White- heade. First one close of Bircheley Carres lyinge north to my L. Mounteegles lande & buttinge sowth to the more. 1a. 1r. Payinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie iijs. iiijd. The said Thomas one other parcell of Bircheley Carres lyinge uppon the west side of all Birchley Carres. 1a. 3r. Payeinge therefore yearelie to the quenes matie iijs. iiijd. The said Thomas one inclosure lyinge uppon the north side of all the intackes which lie uppon the more. 1a. 10f. Payeinge therefore yearelie to the quenes matie iiijd. The said Thomas one barne of iij baies & one incroch- ment lyinge thereunto. 22f. Lande at will in the holdinge of the wief of Willm Charnocke. Three inclosures lyinge uppon the north side of the intacke of John Clayton & buttinge east & west. 5a. 20ƒ. Paiing yerlie therefore to the quenes matie xvjd. Land at will in the holdinge of John Clayton. One parcell of Birchley Carres lyinge north to the lande of my Lorde Mounteegles & southe to the more or comon of Penwortham. 2a. 1r. 15/. Payeinge therefore to the quenes matie yerelie vis. viijd. One intacke in the occupacon of John Harrison. 21a. Paiing therefore yerly to the quenes matie viijd. Lande at will in the holdinge of John Harrison. One firehowse of iij baies & one dubbinge one barne of Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 29 iiij baies & j dubbinge with an orcharde & a garden and lande belonginge thereunto. 2a. 1r. 20f. Payinge yearelie therefore to the quenes maiestie iiijs. The said John one litle incrochment at the east end of his firehowse with a backehowse standinge uppon the same. 13ƒ. The said John one close called the newe intacke lyinge uppon the north side of his howse. 2a. 3r. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie xd. Lande at will in the holdinge of Thomas Pedder. One firehowse of one bay & too dubbings with a parcell of lande whereuppon his house standeth. 23f. Payeinge therefore yearelie to the quenes matie iiijd. Lande at will in the holdinge of Thomas Coke. One inclosure lyinge north frome his house. 22 1ƒ. Payeinge yearlie therefore to the quenes matie ijd. One other incrochment adioyninge unto the said inclosure on the west side. 20f. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie jd. Lande at will in the holdinge of John Crane & in the occupacon of John Harrison the elder. One inclosure lyinge uppon the north side of an in- crochment of To. Sowthworthe buttinge east & weste. 21a. 14f. Payeinge therefore yearelie to the quenes matie viijd. . Lande at will in the holdinge of Thomas Sowth- worthe. One crofte lyinge uppon the sowth side of the inclosure of John Cranes to the more & buttinge east & west. La. 20f. Payeinge therefore yearelie to the quenes matie xijd. 30 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. Lande at will in the holdinge of Robert Wynfilde. One firehowse of iij baies with a parlor of too bayes & certeyne lands thereunto belonginge lyinge north frome his firehowse with a shipen of ij bayes thereupon erected. 121/. One other incrochment lyinge at the west side of the said firehowse abuttinge to the Comon or More uppon the sowth side. 3 4 12/ Paiinge yerlie for the said parcells to the quene vjď. · Lande at will in the holdinge of Robert Tomson. One firehowse of iij baies & one other howse of iij baies with ij incrochments lyinge uppon the north side of the said howse. 3. One other incrochment at the west ende of the said fire- howse. 31. The saide Robert Tomson one other incrochment at the sowth east side of his howse. 21. One other incrochment at the sowth west side of his howse. 17. (And paing for all these severall parcels to the quenes matie, 1578, xijd.) Lande at will in the holdinge of Roger Wildinge. One firehowse of one baie & j Ilinge with one crofte lyinge east frome his howse with one other howse of one baie standinge upon the same. 1r. 4f. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie ijd. The said Roger one other incrochment lyinge at the sowthend of his firehowse. 2f. Lande at will in the holdinge of the wief of William Bickerstath. One incrochment lyinge est ffrome her firehowse. 33f. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 31 Lande at will in the holdinge of Willm Thorneton & To. Williamson. One firehowse of ij baies & one Ilinge with one in- crochment lyinge west ffrome his firehowse. 31. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie xijd. One other newe incrochement lyinge east ffrome his firehowse. 6f. The said Thomas Williamson one Ilinge of a howse with one incrochement lyinge north frome his Ilinge. 3f. Lande at will in the holdinge of the late wief of John Carter. One incrochment with a litle howse of iij baies standinge uppon the same. 21f. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie viijď. Lande at will in the holdinge of Willm Procter: under Sir To. Hesketh Kt.1 One firehowse of ij baies & one dubbinge with one close lyinge sowth west ffrome the said howse. 2a. 3r. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie vjs. jď. Lande at will in the holdinge of Richarde Robinson. One firehowse of iij baies one barne of three baies & one dubbinge with an orcharde & certaine lands belonginge thereunto. 11a. 3r. 20f. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie ijs. viijd. Lande at will [in the holdinge of Wm Walton & late in the holdinge of the wiffe of . . . 4 years!.2 Three inclosures lyinge on the more abuttinge west to the Comon of Howghwicke & abuttinge east to the Comon of Penwortham. 8a. 1r. 34f. Payeing yearelie therefore to the quenes matie xvs. vjd. 2 'Sir Thoinas Hesketh, of Rufford. The words in brackets are in another hand. 32 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. Lande at will in the holdinge of Rawffe Worden the younger (being John Charnocks tenant). One intacke lyinge on the more abuttinge west to the Comon of Howghewicke & abuttinge east to the comon or more of Penwortham. 1a. 1r. 14f. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie ijs. jd. Lande at will in the holdinge of Richard Sergeant. One intacke lyinge west to the Comon of Howghewicke & abuttinge east to the Comon or more of Penwortham. 1a. 1r. 4f. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie ijs. jd. Lande at will in the holdinge of Rawffe Hollen- hurst. G One intacke lyinge west to the Comon of Howghewicke & abuttinge east to the Comon or more of Penwortham. 1a. 1r. 4f. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie ijs. jd. Lande at will whereof the one moitie in the occu- pacon of the quenes maties tenants & the other moitie in the occupacon of the tenants of Mr. fflete- woodde. One parcel of lande called the Earles Medowe lyinge & abuttinge west to the Comon of Howghewicke & abutt- inge to the east ende to the olde lands & lyinge north to the grene Townes mershe & lyinge sowthe to a medowe of Mr. ffletewoods called Blasshey medowe. 16a. Payinge for the said medowe & for the Edishe therof yearlie to the quenes maiestie iijli. xiijs. iiijd. One other parcel of lande called the grene mershe abuttinge at the west ende to Howghewicke mershe & abuttinge east to Burges mershe ende & lyinge northe to the water of Rible & lyinge sowthe to the Earles medowe. 24a 1r. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 33 Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie xxxvs. iiijd. One firehowse of three baies with the moitie of the hulme lyinge betwixt the water of Rible in the occupacon of his tenants. 6a. 5. Payeinge yearelie therefore to the quenes matie vjs. viijd. Lande at will in the holdinge of Willm ffarington esquire. Willm Taylior one parcell of lande lyinge east to a new intacke in the holdinge of Rawffe Hollenhurst & abuttinge sowth to the Comon or more of Penwortham. 1a. 3r. 22f. Lande at will in the holdinge of Mr. Peter ffaring- ton his tenants. Payeinge to the quenes matie therefore yearelie vs. iiijd. One other parcell of lande in the holdinge of Sir James Banester clerke lyinge north east frome the howse late in the holdinge of John Taylior. 1a. 1r. 15f. Images tag Payeinge to the quenes matie therefore yearelie iiijs. iijd. Robert Sergeant too crofts lyinge sowth east frome Christopher Taylior his howse & abuttinge north to the Comon or more of Penwortham. 2a. 19f. Payeinge therefore yearelie to the quenes matie vjs. F Sum totall of the landes at will beinge the quenes matie demayne their is 197a. [ix score xiij acres] 1r. 20f. 7yds. Sum totall of all the acres & quantitie of lande in the said Manor is 547a. [xxvi score vij acres] 151f. 15yds. Whereof in freholde lande the quantitie and nombre of 260a. [xiij score xvj acres] 29f. 8yds. In copieholde lande the nombre of 57a. 61ƒ. And in landes at will beinge the quenes demayne lands there is 197a. 1r. 20f. 7yds. 34 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. All which severall parcells of land before particularlie menčoned were measured and presented unto the said Commissioners by vertue of the said Commission by the othes of: Robert Sergeant Robarte Aghton Robart Charneley Evan Worden Willni Worden Arthur Worden Peter Tomson Ju Rawffe Worden the elder Rawffe Worden the yonger Rawffe Hollinherst John Harryson Richard Taylior John Hollinherst Christopher Tayler [MEMORANDUM IN ANOTHER HAND.] Landes belonginge to the priory of Penwortham. In frie rentes xxviijs. xjd. ob. xiijs. xjd. ob. Jur In land att will xxviij. In granis decimalis xxvl. xd. gousse by estimation xxvjs. viijd. mation xxiijs. iiijd. Calfe with other small tithes. And the ester roulle cxjs. red in pention from Kerkham xxiijs. iiijd. Northe meylles vjs. viijd. The Vicar of Layland xls. Suma totalis 36/. 11s. xd. Hempe, flaxe, haye, and Woll and lame by esti- - Rectoria de Layland impropriať' dic'o proratu valett in reditibus terrarum vocata glebe lands per annum xxjs. vjd. in granis decimalibus xlvijl. vjd. Calfe, lame, flaxe, offeringes, with the ester roulle ij. Suma totalis valoris tam spiritualiũ quam temporaliu pertinent' priorat' siue sella pre- did cxiiijl. xvjs. xd. So I collect thatt the tithe of Farington should be viijl. vs. ijd. Yf you take the tithe of Farington from Layland and appraise the tithe of Penwortham att a reson- able raytt it exceydes xxvl. xd. For Houghwick 46s. 8d., Longton 137. 6s. 8d., and Hotton 6. 13s. 4d. is xxijl. vis. viijd. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 35 [OCCUPIERS IN 1592.] A [note of certaine lands] howses and buildings [occupied] by Richard ffletewoode Esquire and his tenants appertaining unto Wm ffarington Esquire ano Regni Regine Eliz. xxxiijo et aº Dño 1592. Landes at will in the occupacon of the said Mr ffleetwoode, viz.: One new Intacke adioyninge to the north end of a close of the said Mr ffleetwoods called the new close & abuttinge at the north ende thereof to a parcell of the Comon of Penwortham whereupon a bricke kilne was standing. 11/a. Two Incrochments lying ffrom the Castle hill, northe to the litle marche & neare unto the ryver of Rible. 3r. 20f. One other improvement adioyning to the Courte howse at the north end of the same and late in the holding of Roberte Walker. 4f. One Intacke lyinge ffrome the barne which standeth uppon his copiehould at Blashey easte. 11/a. One incrochment lying at his oxen howse late in the houlding of James Bucke & adioyning to the lane. 10f. One parcel of lande lying where To. Hornbie dwelled and adioyning to a crofte of the said Mr ffleetwoods. 1f. One close lying easte from Blashey and adioyning easte unto the Comon of Penworthame, and upon a lane which leadeth to Willm fforshawes. 4a. One parcel of land adioyning to the neare Ea next to the Ryver of Rible, lyinge north from the said Ea and abutting easte and weste. 20ƒ. The herbishe with horses of one woode called Whadish lying weste from the millinge & abutting north to the corne marshe and adioyning southe upon the ffreehould land of the said Mr ffleetwoods in thouldinge of Raphe Worden and lying west to the land of the said Mr fleet- woods, in the houlding of Thomas Eaves. 4/1/a. 36 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. For the herbishe with horses of one wood called the meane woode lying north ffrom the towneffeild & lyinge easte from the Rydding. ба. One improvement of a lane neare unto the gates of his stable. a. One parcel of land late parcell of the tenement now in the occupacon of Wm Hollinhurst & whereupon the said Mr. ffleetewoods turffe stacke doth stand being the in- heritance of the said Wm ffarrington. 8. - One acre of land late in the houlding of John Worden lying in a feild called the brode ffeild parcell of the in- heritance of the said Wm ffarrington. 1a. The said Richard ffox the halffe of the Earles meddow viz. the marche and also the edishe of the same. 12a. 20a. ffor the halfe of the great marshe. One incrotchment called the litle padocke adioyning to a parcell of the Corne Marshe lyinge west from the litle Marshe in the houldinge of Ric. Taylor. 61. One encrotchment late in the houlding of Willm Tomson, & lying west ffrome the litle Marshe & adioyning to the Corne Marshe lying in a ffeild called Swannes Acre occupyed by Alexander Dakin. 3f. Three closes lying to the Comon or more of Penworthame upon the west syde & to Howghwicke more upon the west syde & late in the occupacon of Wm Walton. 8 a. A parcell of the coppe belonginge to the Shootes & devyding the shootes & the corne marshe inclosed by Mr ffleetwood. 4ƒ. ffor one encrochment late in the howlding of Hughe Blundell wherupon a litle howse was erected which is now by Mr ffleetwood pulled downe & caried awaie. 10ƒ. One parcel of land adioyning to the easte syde of the house late in the houlding of Robte Worden. 12/. [Three entries crossed out here]. One parcell of the Quenes maties waste adioyning to the outter courte of the sayd Mr ffletewoodde & whereupon Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 37 the stables & other oute howses of the sayd Mr fflete- wooddes be builded. 20f. The same Mr ffleet (hiatus) of the sayd lane, and ad- ioyning to the said Corne barne erected upon the tenement late James Breworthes. 1r. 10f. The same Mr ffleetwood ij incrochments in Blundell Lane adioyning to his owne lane there. áƒ. Lands at will in the houlding of Mr ffleetwood his tenants. John Ashall one close lying west to the more of Howgh- wicke. 31a. Raphe Worden of the Crookinge one close called the new Intacke lying west from his howse. 11a. The same Raphe one incrochment lying at the south ende of his howse with a backehowse standing upon the same of ij bayes & one Iling. 16/. The said Rawfe one incrochment adioyning to the copi- holde of Mr Fletewoodes upon the north side. 41. Tho. Eaves one encrochment at the south ende of his barne. 1ƒ. The same To. one encrochment which was latlie ij en- crochments with a garden and a howse erected upon the same of iiij bayes. a. 10ƒ. John Barnes now in thoccupacon of James Baine one incrochment lying east & south ffrom the end of his ffyer howse, late in thoccupacon of John Walmesley. And also for one other encrochment adioyning south weste upon his howse. a. 107. The said James Baine one other incrochment with a barne of ij bayes and ij Ilings standing upon the same. 17. The said James ij encrochments lying west from his ffyere howse. 20f. The said James one Intacke lying upon the south syde of his barne, & lying west to the more of Penworthame. 1a. 20ƒ. The said James Baine one other incrochment of xxtie 38 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. ffale adioyning to his barne late Walmesley wyffes where- upon a howse of iij baies & j Iling is erected. 20ƒ. Robfe Wilding now in the occupacon of Wm Debdall one encrochment with a barne & j Iling standing upon the same, lying ffrom his ffyer howse easte to the more. 12f. John Breworth (hiatus) a garden south ffrom his ffyer howse. 5f. Ric. Taylor tenante to the said Mr ffleetwood one parcell of land adioyning upon the north end of his howse lying after the hye waye sayd downe to the litle marshe adioyn- ing upon the west syde to the land of the said Mr fleet- woods. 1r. The said Ric. one oxenhowse & an encrochment lying upon the west syde the Castle Hill & adioyning upon the west syde to the high waie. 21. The said Richard one encrochment adioyning to the shorte buttes. 1f. The said Ric. Taylor one inclosure adioyninge to his said howse of copiehoulde land. 3a. The said Ric. Taylor one incrochment lying in the woode called the Whaddishe. 17. The said Ric. Taylor one house of ij bayes with an orchard and an improvement opening to the more at the east ende of his ffyre howse. 11r. Roberte Taylor alias Cooke one parcel of land neare adioyninge to his howse, & lying north west. 1a. The said Roberte one other incrochment adioyning upon the more hedge. a. The said Roberte Taylor one lane leading to the more of Penworthame from his ffyer howse. 1r. Edward Dicons one backhowse of ij bayes upon the east syde of his howse & also an incrochment lying at the southe ende of his ffyere howse & after the lane syde & adioyning to Mr ffleetwoods land abutting north and south. 10ƒ. Leonard Taylor one incrochment devyded into ij parcells, lying at the east ende of his howse. 8f. Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. 39 Uxor James Taylor one intacke lying east ffrom her howse & neare adioyning to the Comon. 1a. 117. Thomas Cooke ffor one inclosure lying north from his howse which lately was ij inclosures. 50ƒ. One other improvement in the houlding of the said To. & adioyning to the fferme of Thomas Parker. 4f. [Six imperfect and illegible lines]. A note of certaine landes howses and buildings occupyed by Barnebie Kitchen Esquire and his tenants apper- taining unto Willm ffarington Esquire ao Rne Eliz. xxxiijo et aº Dño 1592. Land at will in the houlding of the said Mr Kitchen, viz.: Two inclosures lying east to the Comon of Penworthame & abutting west to the Comon of Howghwicke. 6a. The herbidshe of one banke of wood lying south west from a close of his called the brodefeild unto the more of Penworthame, and butting at the one end north adjoining unto St Marie Well¹ and butting at the other end south east. La. One backehowse whereof the moyetie standith upon the wast, with one Iling adioyning to his oxen howse, & also one garden lying & adioyning upon the west syde of his halle with parte of an orchard lying at the south end of his oxen howse with a parcell of land whereupon standeth his turves, & one parcel of ground called the hollins. la. 1r. One encrochment lying & adioyning upon the weste syde to my L. Mounteagles lande & abutting upon the west syde to the Comon or more of Midleforth in Penworthame, together also with a parcel of meddow land lying at the north end of the said improvement. 3r. Some particulars of this well are given in The Ancient Crosses and Holy Wells of Lancashire, by Henry Taylor, F.S.A. (1906, p. 33), who also furnishes a plan showing the relative positions of the Church, Castle Hill, Hangman's Bank Cross, &c. 40 Survey of the Manor of Penwortham. The capital howse called the lower halle with all the demaine landes thereunto belonging, late the inheritance of John fforshaw and now the inheritance of Willm ffar- ington. 20a. Landes at will in the houlding of Mr Kitchen his tenants. Wm Watson ffor one encrochment lying north east ffrom his howse, with a stable standing upon the same of one baie and one dubbing. 15f. One other improvement latly improved and adioyning to the former. 1r. The said Wm one other improvement whereupon was a backehowse of one baye & one dubbinge was erected & which is now pulled downe, lyinge south east ffrom his ffyre howse. 8f. Roberte Corleyes a parcell of land lying upon the south syde of his howse & whereupon was erected a howse of i baye which is pulled downe and carried awaye. The said Roberte ffor another encrochment upon the south syde of his said howse. The said Roberte ffor a third improvement lying upon the said south syde of his howse in the whole contayning 21f. [For above three items]. John Burges ffor a parcell of land called Burdges Sporte late in the houlding of the late wyffe of Richard Burges. 1r. The same John ffor one incrochment lyinge within two gardens upon the south syde of his howse. 3f. John Bird alias Buckley one stable of ij bayes with ij litle improvements adioyning to his ffire howse and stable upon the south syde of the same. 81. The said Buckley ffor his cottage being the inheritance of the said ffarington. 4ƒ. One tenement in the houldinge of John Burges. 5a. [Cetera desunt] A GHTON (Agheton), John, 7, 24, 25; | Carre field, Robert, 7, 13, 25, 33. Aspinall, John, vi. Aspley greves, 2, 10. Aspleys, 2, 10. Asshall, John, 15, 37. Assheton, Ralph, 1. 27, 33. Banester house, 6. Bank, the, 4, 9. Barn Croft, 5. ACKHOUSE, 11, 12, 15, &c. BAC Baine, James, 22, 37. Bane, Lawrence, 4, 19, 20. Banester, James (Sir James, clerk), 14, 26, Cooke, Bartholomew, 17; Thomas, 29, Blackelache, Nicholas, 8, 25. Blasshey, v, 2, 10, 14, 15, 35. Blundell, Hugh, 3, 16, 36. Blundell lane, 37. Becconsall (Becconsawe), 10. Bickerstath, Thomas, 18; William, 12, 30. Birchley carres, 6, 13, 14, 18, 25, 28. Bird, John, 40. [41] INDEX. Court house, 10, 35. Barnes, Henry, 19; John, 4, 10, 15, 16, Cowper, William, 8, 13. 37; Kichard, 19; William, 5. Barnes bank, 18. Barons, Mr., 6, 13. Barton, James, vi. Braddyl, John, I. Brandley, 5. Brekell, William, 20. Breworth, James, 2, 4, 16, 37; John, 38. | 39. Bucke, James, 3, 14, 35. Brick kiln, 14, 35. Broad field (brode field), 4, 5, 9, 18, 36, << Buckley, John, 40. Burges, John, 40; Richard, 5, 19, 20, 40. Burges marsh, 3, 26. Burges Sport, 20, 21, 40. Butt, the, ii, 2. C ALFE," tithe, 34. Calf croft, 5. G Carter, John, 31. Castle hill, 10, 14, 16, 35. Caterall, Edmund, 11, 19; Roger, 6, 21. Chamber, 20. Chapes in Middleforth, 24. Charneley, Adam, 21, 22; Alexander, 8,. 24; Robert, 6, 21, 34. Charnock, John, 12, 22; William, 28. Clayton, John, 28. Coke, see Cooke. 39. Corleyes, Robert, 40. Corn marsh, 3, 36. Crab hey nook (Crabbie Noke), 7, 25. Crane, John, 29. Crooked acre, 18. Crooking, the, 5, 37. Crowe hill, 2. Cureden, John, 8, 9, 23, 24. AKIN, Alexander, 36. Debdall, William, 38. D Dicons, Edward, 38. "Dubbing," 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 40. E A (Eye), v, 2, 15, 35. Earl's meadow, 27, 36. Easter hill, 3. Easter roll, 34. Elles (Earl's?) meadow, 13. Eves (Eaves), Thomas, 4, 15, 16, 35, 37. Evesham Abbey, iv. Evyn pool, v. FALL `ALL=perch, 2 et passim. Farington, Sir Henry, vi.; Peter, 9, 33; William, vi, 12, 18, 33, 35, 36, 39; Sir William, vii. Farington tithes, 34. Fermonhey, 2. 42 Index. Ferryman hey, iii. "Firehouse," 3 et passim. Flax, 34. Fleetwood, John, vi, 1-2, 10, 14-18; Richard, 35 et seq. Forshaw, John, 40; William, 5, 18, 21, 35. Fox, Richard, 36. France, James, 4, 19. G Good acre, 7. Goodier, Robert, 14. ARSTANG, Richard, 3, 17. Godbere, Richard, 8, 25. Green gore, 4. Greves, William, 6, 21. H Heaton, Robert, 6, 13, 27. Hemp, 34. ANGMAN'S BANK, iv. Harrison, John, 24, 28, 29, 34. "Herbish," 15, 18, 35, 39. Hereford Rydinge, iv. Hesketh, Sir Thomas, 31; Thurstan, 27. Hew field, 7. Hollenhurst (Hollinherst), John, 3, 12, 22, 34; Rawffe, 5, 20, 33, 34; Thomas, 19, 21; William, 20, 36. Hollins, 39. Holt of trees, 2. Hornbie, Thomas, 15, 35. Houghton, Myres & Reveley, iii. Howick (Howghwicke), 10, 15; com- mon, 17, 24, 31; tithe, 34. "Hulme," 33. Hulton, William Adam, iv. Hutton (Hotton), tithes, 34. JA ACK YARD, 2, 10. ATERALL, see Caterall. Kellet, Richard, 13. K Kirkham, George, 7, 25. Kirkham tithes, 34. Kitchin, Barnaby, 4, 5, 6, 11, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 39, 40; John, 4. "" "L Legh, Joseph, 22 11. Leyland manor, vii. Leyland rectory, v, 34. Livesey, Richard, 6, 27. Longton tithes, 34. Lower hall, 40. M EAN WOOD, 15, 36. Mersh=marsh, 3 et passim. Middleforth, 12, 24, 39. Mirepool (Myre polle), 8, 24. Monteagle, Lord, 5, 14, 18, 28, 39. N° O 17. PA Parker, Thomas, 39. (( Parlor," 30. Pedder, Thomas, 29. ORTH MEOLS, v, 34. Penwortham Common, v, 6 et passim. Penwortham manor, vi, vii. RCHARD FIELD, iv, 2. "Oxenhouse," 13, 18. Penwortham Priory, iii seq. Penwortham tithes, 34. Plesington, Robert, 4, 9, 16, 17. Priory, John fleetwood's house, 2. Procter, Richard, 11, 21, 22, 31. "ILING," 15, 16, 18, 22, 30, 31, 37, Scolle field, 7, 8 38, 39. RR IBBLE, water of, 2 et passim. Ridding, the, 2, 3, 15, 36. Ridinge (Rydinge), John, 5, 20. Robinson, Richard, 31. Rodeland rood, 2 et passim. Row mersh, 4. Russell, William, 9, 23. Rye hill, 6. ST. (6 K T. MARIE WELL, 18, 39. Sandie field, 6, 7, 8. Sergeant, Rawffe, 11, 22; Robert, 12, 13, 25, 26, 27, 33, 34. 66 Shakeshafte, William, 9, 23. Sheep cote," 21, 25. "C Shippen," 30. Shireburn, Sir Richard, 1. "Shoots (Shotes), 3, 26, 36. Southworthe, Thomas, 29. "" Stanley, William, Baron Monteagle, 5n. Stopes," 26. Swannes acre, 36. Symonde, Hugh, 13, 23; James, 5, 20. TAY 'AYLIOR (Taylor), Bartholomew, 3, 17; Christopher, 20, 25, 26, 33, 34; James, 2, 3, 17, 39; John, 33; Index. 43 | Leonard, 38; Richard, 3, 4, 9, 11, 16, 17, 21, 34, 36, 38; Kobert, 38; William, 33. Thomas yard, 10. Thorneton, William, 31. Tithes, 34. Tomson, Peter, 11, 19, 20, 33; Robert, 14, 30; William, 3, 9, 17, 36. Townfield, ii, 2, 15, 18, 36. Town's marsh, 27. Towneley, John, 1. Tuson house, id. Two lands, 7. WAL ALKER, Robert, 3, 17, 35. Walles, Lawrence, 6, 27. Walmsley, John, 11, 22, 37. Walmsley bank, 3. Walton, William, 14, 31, 36. Walton, lordship of, 24. Waring, Rawffe, 5; Thomas, 19, 20. Watson, Hvan (Van), 11, 19; William, 40. Wether hey, 4. Whaddish, wood so called, 15, 17, 18, 3.5, 38. | Whiteheade, Thomas, 28. Wildinge, Robert, 4, 5, 16, 19, 38; Roger, 30. Williamson, Thomas, 31. Windmill, 10, 12, 26. Wool, 34. Worden, Arthur, 34; Evan (Hvan, Van), 8, 24, 34; Jane, 5; John, 5, 36; Rawffe, 3, 4, 11, 15, 16, 22, 33, 35, 37; Rawffe, the younger, 12, 33; Robert, 3, 16; William, 7, 9, 13, 23, 33. Wynfilde, Robert, 14, 30, 36. List of Clergymen, &c. IN THE DIOCESE OF CHESTER, 1691, RECORDED AT THE FIRST VISITATION OF NICHOLAS STRATFORD, BISHOP OF CHESTER. WALTER POPE, M.D., REGISTRARY. HENRY PRESCOTT, LL.B., Deputy, EDITED WITH INTRODUCTION BY JOHN BROWNBILL, M.A. MANCHESTER: PRINTED FOR THE CHETHAM SOCIETY, 1915. JAMES STEWART PRINTER. CROSS SQ KEYS SHE * PRESS 75.G' BRIDGEWATER ST MANCHESTER. PREFACE. THE list printed herein was compiled some years ago from the Visitation List of 1691, preserved in the Bishop of Chester's Registry at Chester. The List itself is a thin folio of paper, and in it the names are recorded in the usual order of the various deaneries; here they are arranged alphabetically, but the folio number is given, so that any suspected error may be checked readily. The names include not merely the beneficed clergy and licensed curates, but also parish-clerks, schoolmasters, physicians, and midwives, for all these had then to re- ceive the bishop's licence before being allowed to practise. The visitation of 1691 being the first after the Revolution, it may be supposed that more care than usual was taken to secure an accurate and complete record, and one effect of the Revolution is shown in the institutions of new rectors or vicars in place of those who would not take the oaths to William and Mary. Those deprived were: Thomas Boardman, rector of Grappenhall; Ralph Lownds, rector of Eccleston, near Chester; Thomas Mallory, rector of Mobberley; Hugh Maurice, vicar of Bangor-on-Dee; George Newton, vicar of Prestbury; James Peake, vicar of Bowdon; and the vicar of Middleton Tyas. It is iv. Preface. somewhat singular that no Lancashire incumbent suffered. It may be noted that all the names recorded in the List are here printed, so that those in the Yorkshire, West- morland, and Cumberland portions of the Archdeaconry of Richmond will be found with those of Lancashire and Cheshire. Some incumbencies are missing. Two of the clergy had survived both the Rebellion and the Revolution, these being William Barne, ordained in 1638, and Peter Samwaies, ordained in 1643. Another, Charles Beswick, had been ordained by a dispossessed Irish bishop in 1656, while the Book of Common Prayer was under the official ban. The degrees and universities of those included in the List are not uniformly recorded; but it is found that four came from Oxford, eighteen from Cambridge, one from Aberdeen, three from Glasgow, and three from Dublin. Four of the twelve Cambridge preachers appointed under a patent of Queen Elizabeth had benefices in the diocese ; and three of the four "Lancashire Preachers" are named: Thomas Marsden, Samuel Shawe, and Zachary Taylor. A considerable number of free schools or grammar schools are mentioned, and in a few cases the amount of the endowment is set down. The schools are: In Cheshire.-Bunbury, Grange in West Kirby, Macclesfield, Mobberley, Mottram, and Tarporley. In Lancashire.-Cartmel, Colton, Great Crosby, Dalton-in- Furness, Ellel, Flixton, Hawkshead, Halsall (?), Heskin, Holland, Huyton, Ireleth, Kirkham, Leigh, Manchester, Oldham, Ormskirk, Staveley in Cartmel, Urswick, Walton-on-the-Hill, Warrington, Warton, Wigan, Winwick, and Woolton. Preface. V. In Cumberland and Westmorland.-Burton-in-Kendal, Cocker- mouth, Corney, Old Hutton, Kendal, Kirkby Lonsdale, Loweswater, and Workington. In Yorkshire.-Bedale, Kirkby Ravensworth, Richmond, and Sedbergh. Smaller schools are mentioned, like the schola trivialis at Cundall. No attempt has been made to annotate the list, though many of the names are of interest either locally or generally, e.g., Dr. Wroe, then warden of Manchester, and Thomas Wilson, then curate of Newchurch (Culcheth) in Winwick, and afterwards bishop of Man (1698-1755). It will be observed that the latter is entitled A.B., but it is not stated that he obtained the degree at Dublin. JOHN BROWNBILL. [vi.] [Title on Cover]. LIBER EXHIBICONUM LITERARUM ORDINUM SACRORUM, INSTITUCONUM, MANDATORUM AD INDUCÊNDUM, FACULTATUM ET LICENTIARUM CLICORUM, MEDICORUM, LUDIMAGISTRORUM ET ALIORUM (INTRA DIOET CESTRIENSEM CONSTITUTOR ET COMORAN) IN VISITACONE PRIMARIA REVDI IN XPO PŘIS ET DNI DNI NICOLAI PERNE DIÑA¹ CESTRIEN EPI CELEBRATA ANNO DOMINI 1691. ¹i.e., permissione divina. [vii.] FEES. TO THE REGISTRAR. For the exhibition of Letters of Diaconate, Priesthood, Institution, Mandate for Induction, Admission to serve a Cure For the exhibition of Certificate of Subscription, and Certificate of Subscription or Assent to xxxix. Articles .. "} "" For the registration of Induction (duly certified) and exhibition of Plurality For the exhibition of any Licence TO THE APPARITOR. 6d. each. From a Rector or Vicar From a Curate, Schoolmaster, or other who exhibits. From a Warden of any parish or chapel 4d. each. 3s. 4d. 3s. 4d. 4d. 8d. 4d. 4d. [viii.] LIST OF DEANERIES. ARCHDEACONRY OF CHESTER. Fo. 2. Chester & Wirral-Chester Cathedral, Tuesday, May 5, 1691. 8. Frodsham, Malpas, Bangor-Do. Thursday, May 7, 1691. 12. Nantwich, Middlewich-Nantwich, Tuesday, May 12, 1691. 14. Macclesfield Macclesfield, Thursday, May 14, 1691. 16. Manchester Manchester, Saturday, May 16, 1691. Wigan, Tuesday, May 19, 1691. 21. Warrington 24. Blackburn and Leyland-Preston, Thursday,² June 16, 1691. ARCHDEACONRY OF RICHMOND. 26. Amounderness & Lonsdale Lancaster, Thursday, June 18, 1691. 30a. Furness Cartmel, Saturday, June 20, 1691. 34. Copeland Kendal, Tuesday, June 23, 1691. 36a. Kendal Kirby Kendal, Thursday, June 25, 1691. 39. Richmond & Catterick-Richmond, Tuesday, June 29,3 1691. 45a. Boroughbridge ... Boroughbridge, Thursday, July 2, 1691. ¹N.B.-Fo. 20a, Sefton and Walton, is dated Sept. 8, 1691. 2 Error for Tuesday. 3 Error for 30. Chester Clergy List for 1691. Aerton, Edward (46),¹ Emmanuel College, Cambridge. (1) Vicar of Nidd. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), Institution, &c., &c. "ut in Aº1674." (2) Curate of Staineley, by John Cartwright, May 6, 1690. Aikrigg, John (28a). A.M. [Rector?] of Thornton [near Clapham, Yorks.] Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in Ao 1671," &c. Alanson, Edward (21a). Cl. Curate of Newton [in Makerfield]. Deacon by T. Bishop of Lincoln, Dec. 23, 1683; Priest by Baptist Bishop of Sodor and Man, July 12, 1685; Faculty to serve the cure by T. Bishop of Chester, Dec. 3, 1686. Allen, Richard (17). At Radcliffe (Lancs.) Faculty to practise surgery in Diocese of Chester, by John Wain- wright, LL.D., March 1, 1665. Allen, William (18). Manchester Hospitium." Faculty of John Bishop of Chester to act as Schoolmaster in Manchester Hospice,2 June 22, 1674. Allens, Ralph (16). Lit. Parish Clerk at Bolton; May 66 2, 1677; by Dr. John Wainwright. Almond, Richard (22). Faculty for teaching boys in the Free School at Woolton (in Childwall), granted by George Bishop of Chester, April 16, 1666. Alred, James (19a). At Deane (Lancs.). Faculty from John Archbishop of York to teach boys "in Abece- dario "; June 19, 1684. 'The number following the name indicates the folio of the MS. Chetham's Hospital. B Uor M 2 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Alston, Lambert (9a) Cl. At Harthill. Letters of Diaconate, Priesthood, &c., by George Bishop of Chester "ut in Annis 1677 and 1686." Alston, Thomas (24). At Clitherow. Surgeon; Aug. 20, 1662; by Dr. John Wainwright. Apelford, Daniel (13). A.M. Rector of Warmincham. Letters of Orders, &c. " ut in Ao 1686." Armetriding, Thomas (24a). Vicar of Leyland. Insti- tuted, &c., by Nichs. Bishop of Chester, Oct. 21, 1689. (Presented by E. Fleetwood, Esq.) Deacon by Jo. Bishop of Chester, Sept. 21, 1684; Priest by Nics. Bishop of Chester, Oct. 21, 1689. Armistead, Daniel (29). A.B. Vicar of Melling; insti- tuted, &c., by Nics. Bishop of Chester, Oct. 15, 1689. (Presented by William and Mary). Deacon by T. Bishop of Carlisle, June 10, 1688; Priest by Nics. Bishop of Chester, June 15, 1690. Armstrong, John (33). A.M., S.T.B. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Priest by Hy. Bishop of Chiches- ter, Dec. 22, 1660. (1) One of the 12 Cambridge Preachers (patent of Queen Elizabeth), by Edward Mountague Earl of Manchester, Chancellor of the University, Jan. 14, 1661. (2) Collated to curacy of Cartmel by George Bishop of Chester (at £80 per annum), July 7, 1665. Ash, Leonard (45a) A.B. Vicar of Kirkby super Moram. Instituted, &c., by Thos. Bishop of Chester June 7, 1687. (Presented by James II.) Deacon by Rd. Archbishop of York, June 21, 1668; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 22, 1672. Ash, William (28). Parish Clerk of Clapham, Feb. 12, 1679; by Sir Jos. Cradock. Faculty to teach boys in English (by John Archbishop of York), June 6, 1684. Ashton, Lambert (9a). Cl. At Harthill. Exhibited Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c., as in 1677 and 1686. (Subscr, to the Decl. by George Bishop of Chester). Chester Clergy List for 1691. 3 Ashton, Robert (25a). Curate of Brindle; Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest) "ut in 1677." Aspinwall, William (25). Parish Clerk of Haslingden, Oct. 19, 1683; by Dr. Thos. Wainwright. Astley, George (25). At Rufford. Surgeon. Faculty dated June 20, 1689; by Dr. Thos. Wainwright, Commissary of Thomas Archbishop of York (See vacant). Atherton, Edward (25). Curate of Rufford (by John Archbishop of York), June 10, 1684. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, June 10, 1682. Priest by same, May 25, 1684. Atherton, William (22a). Curate of Liverpool and of West Derby, by Thos. Bishop of Chester, Sept. 19, 1688 (on nomination of T. Pawlett, Rector, and T. Marsden, Vicar, of Walton). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester Sept. 22, 1678; Priest by same, Sept. 21, 1679. Atkinson, James (28a). Lit. Schoolmaster of Silverdale (Warton parish), by John Bishop of Chester, June 1, 1683. Deacon by Thos. Bishop of Carlisle, Sept. 19, 1686. Atkinson, Miles (v. Michael) (16a). Cl. Curate of Ellen- brook (in Eccles); by John Bishop of Chester, Feb. 16, 1682. Schoolmaster within parish of Eccles, by John Bishop of Chester, June 13, 1671. Deacon by latter Bishop, Aug. 6, 1671; Priest by former, Sept. 22, 1678. Backhous, Thomas (29a). Lit. Usher at Warton (dec. Kendal), by John Bishop of Chester, March 22, 1681. Baines, William (29a). Schoolmaster within parish of Lancaster, by John Bishop of Chester, June 28, 1674. Bancroft, Reginald (15a). Cl. Curate of Chelford. Ex- hibited Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c., "ut in annis 1671, 1674, 1677." Bankes, William (24a). Curate of Clitheroe. Exhibited Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c., "ut in 1677." 4 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Banks, Peter (46). bishop of York, Banner, Thomas (3). Parish Clerk of Wath; by John Arch- Sept. 2, 1684. 66 Parish Clerk of Stoake (Wirral); Feb. 7, 1680; by Dr. John Wainewright (Vicar- General of John Bishop of Chester). Bannester, William (25a). Schoolmaster at Longton (in Penwortham). Ut in 1674, &c." Bardesley, Samuel (14). Cl. Curate of Disley (Maccles- field). Letters of Orders, &c., "ut in 1677 et 1686." Faculty for preaching from William Archbishop of Canterbury; also from Accepted Archbishop of York. Barker, Arthur (12a). Parish Clerk of Davenham; Aug. 14, 1686; by Thos. Wainwright (for Dean and Chapter of York; See vacant). Barker, John (3). A.B. Curate of Thornton (le Moors); by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Dec. 2, 1690. Deacon by Herbert Bishop of Hereford, Sept. 25, 1681; Priest by above Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Dec. 2, 1690. Barlowe, James (17). Parish Clerk of Chorlton; Sept. 18, 1684, by John Archbishop of York. Barlowe, Jeremiah (17). Schoolmaster at Prestwich; by John Archbishop of York, Sept. 18, 1684. Barlowe, John (27). Curate of Harwood and Lango; by Nichs. Bishop of Chester, June 16, 1691 (nomination of Francis Price, Vicar of Blackburn). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, May 21, 1676; Priest by same, June 11, 1682. Barne, William (35a). L. Priest by Barnaby Bishop of Carlisle, May 20, 1638. Barnett, Daniel (13). Cl. Rector of Baddiley. Instituted, &c., by Nichs. Bishop of Chester, April 23, 1691 (presented by Sir John Manwaring, Bart.)¹ Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 23, 1683; Priest by Thos. Bishop of Chester, Sept. 25, 1687. 'Testimonial of induction by John Oliver, clerk, May 11, 1691. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 5 Barnett, John (42). L. Christ's College, Cambridge. Vicar of East Witton (Yorks.) Instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, July 20, 1671. (Fell to the Bishop by lapse of time). Deacon by Richard Arch- bishop of York, Sept. 20, 1668; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, July 18, 1671. Barrowe, William (18). A.M. Usher in Manchester Grammar School; faculty by John Bishop of Chester, July 14, 1677. Basnett, Robert (3a). At Tarvin. Teacher in rudiments of English; faculty by Richard Archbishop of York, July 2, 1670. Bateman, George (33). Lit. At Flookborough. Teacher of English; faculty by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 1, 1677. Bateson, Christopher (30). Parish Clerk of Chipping (Lancs.); June 22, 1668; by Sir Jos. Cradock. Batty, Henry (37a). Lit. (1) Curate of Over Kellet (so far as a Deacon can serve); by John Bishop of Chester, March 22, 1681. Deacon same day by the said Bishop. (2) Schoolmaster of Warton Grammar School, by the same Bishop, Sept. 6, 1681. Bayley, Randolph (9). Schoolmaster at Weaverham; by John Bishop of Chester, March 16, 1679. Baynes, Thomas (43). A.B. Curate of Bolton and Red- mere (in Wensley, Yorks.); by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Sept. 21, 1690. Deacon by Thos. Bishop of Carlisle, Sept. 22, 1689; Priest by Nics. Bishop of Chester, Sept. 21, 1690. Bean, Matthew (42a). Parish Clerk of Melsomby; May 12, 1683, by Thos. Cradock. Beckett, George (4a). Vicar of Eastham; instituted, &c., by George Bishop of Chester, June 19 and 29, 1666 (on presentation of Sir Wm. Stanley, Bart.) Deacon by said Bishop, Dec. 26, 1665; licence to preach, &c., at Eastham, by same, March 17, 1665; Priest by Robert Bishop of Bangor, Sept. 20, 1668. 6 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Bell, George (44). A.M., Cl. Rector of Croft (Yorks.); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, May 19, 1683 (presented by Charles II). Priest by Richard Archbishop of York, Dec. 20, 1668. . Bell, Thomas (32). A.M. Stipendiary Curate of Hawkes- head, by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 12, 1680. Priest by George Bishop of Chester, Aug. 2, 1668. Bellis, Robert (3). A.B. Curate of Ince (near Frod- sham); faculty to preach there by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Jan. 17, 1690. Deacon by said Bishop, Dec. 21, 1690. Benn, Joseph (34a). University of Dublin. Curate of Drigg and of Irton (Cumberland); by John Arch- bishop of York, June 5, 1684. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, June 6, 1680; Priest by same, May 29, 1681. Had also faculty to teach boys in those parishes. Benne, Edward (35a), of Todholes in St. Bees. Surgeon; Jan. 16, 1682; by Thos. Cradock. Benson, William (31). A.B. Rector of Corney (Cumber- land); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, July 31, 1677 (on presentation of Miles Pennington, of Seaton). Deacon by Henry Bishop of Sodor, Jan. 18, 1675; Priest by Nics. Bishop of Chester, May 21, 1676. Bentley, William (18). At Edenfield. Surgeon (per Dioc. Cestr.); Oct. 1, 1672, by Dr. John Wainewright. Beswick, Charles (18a). Rector of Radcliffe; instituted, &c., by Accepted Archbishop of York, Oct. 27, 1662 (on presentation of Sir Ralph Ashton, of Middleton, Kt. and Bt.) Deacon by Thos. Bishop of Ardfert and Aghadoe, Dec. 13, 1656; Priest same time. Licensed to preach in province of York by above Arch- bishop, Aug. 14, 1662. Biggins, John (3). At Tarvin. Surgeon; Sept. 29, 1682; by Dr. John Wainewright. Billington, Edward (9a). Parish Clerk of Weaverham; Chester Clergy List for 1691. 7 Nov. 2,1681; by Dr. John Wainwright (V.G. of John Bishop of Chester). Billington, John (26). Parish Clerk of Broughton (near Preston); "ext ut in Annis pds" (i.e., 1674, &c.) Birch, James (17). Lit. Schoolmaster of Flixton Grammar School; by John Bishop of Chester, April 1, 1684. Birkett, John (30a). Curate of Coniston (in Ulverston); by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 23, 1683. Deacon by the said Bishop the same day. Blackburn, John (44). At Marrick (Yorks.) Faculty for teaching boys in English; by John Archbishop of York, June 2, 1684. Blackiston, Gabriel (43). A.M. (1679). St. John's Col- lege, Cambridge. Rector of Danby Wisk (Yorks.); instituted, &c., by Thos. Bishop of Chester, Nov. 18, 1686 (on presentation of Sir Wm. Blackiston, of Gib- side, Bart.) Deacon (Inc. in Arts) by Peter Bishop of Ely, June 15, 1679; Priest by Nathaniel Bishop of Durham, Sept. 21, 1679. Blamire, Robert (43). Lit. At Hawes in Wensleydale. Deacon by Nathaniel Bishop of Durham, Sept. 21, 1690; Priest by Thos. Archbishop of York, March 8th, 1690. Also (44a), Curate of Hawes (in Ais- garth); by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, June 30, 1691. C Bland, James (26a). A.B. At Preston. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, June 10, 1688; Priest by the same, March 16, 1689. Bolton, John (34). St. Alban's Hall, Oxford. Rector of Workington; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Ches- ter, Aug. 20, 1679 (on the presentation of Hy. Curwen, Esq.) Deacon by Ed. Bishop of Carlisle, Sept. 21, 1673; Priest by same Sept. 20, 1674. Bolton, Roger (23a). A.M. Curate of Holland (Lancs.) ; by John Bishop of Chester, Oct. 25, 1683. Deacon by same Bishop, Sept. 22, 1678; Priest by same, Feb. 29, 1679. 8 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Bond, Christopher (28). A.B. Schoolmaster in Wyersdale Chapel; by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 2, 1677. Bonell, Thomas (46). A. M. Curate of Nun-Monkton (Yorks.), by Sir Jos. Cradock, April 26, 1678; and of Kirk Hammerton, by Thos. Cradock, July 19, 1681. Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, Sept. 25, 1670; Priest by the same, March 4, 1681. Boote, Thomas (13). Parish Clerk of Audlem. "Ut in 1686." Booth, Martha (17a). At Rochdale. Midwife; July 14, 1677. Wife of William Booth, of Castleton. Booth, Robert (44a). A.B. St. John's College, Cam- bridge. At Richmond (Yorks.) Deacon by John Bishop of Durham, March 3, 1666; Priest by Richard Archbishop of York, Sept. 22, 1667. Bouch, Thomas (28a). A.M. Queen's College, Oxon. Rector of Whittington (Lancs.); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, June 31 (sic), 1681 (on pre- sentation of Christopher Carus, Esq.) Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, June 15, 1679; Priest by same, June 6, 1680. Bowes, Anthony (44). Parish Clerk of Bolton (Yorks.); by Thos. Cradock, Aug. 20, 1686. Bowker, James (14). Rector of Taxall; instituted, &c., by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, July 23, 1690 (on pre- sentation of Regd. Downes of Overton, on resignation of Peter Nedham, Clerk). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Nov. 15, 1670; Priest by Richard Arch- bishop of York, Sept. 22, 1672. Bowker, John (3a). Curate of Hargreaves; by John, Bishop of Chester, Aug. 21, 1680. Deacon by same, Dec. 23, 1677; Priest by same Sept. 19, 1680. Bracken, John (38). L. Schoolmaster at Winster (Ken- dal); April 5, 1689 (by John Cartwright, A.M.) Deacon by Nichs. Bishop of Chester, June 15, 1690. Bradshaw, Eleanor (17a). At Blakeley (Manchester). Midwife; Sept. 18, 1684. } Chester Clergy List for 1691. 9 Bradshaw, Humfrey (17). Parish Clerk of Salford; Sept. 18, 1684, by John Archbishop of York. Braithwaite, John (34a). A.B. Rector of Harrington (als. Haveringham); instituted, &c., by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Aug. 8, 1690 (on presentation of Henry Curwen, of Workington). Deacon by Benjamin Bishop of Lincoln, Sept. 23, 1668; Priest by George Bishop of Chester, June 2, 1667 (sic). Brancker, Hannah (22a). At Liverpool. Midwife; Sept. 16, 1679. Brassgirdle, John (15). Parish Clerk of Mobberley; June 8, 1671, by Dr. John Wainwright. Breres, Jane (21a). At Chorley (Lancs.) Midwife; Sept. 13, 1678; widow. Brescie, Thomas (15a). At Macclesfield. Physician (per Dioc. Cestr.); July 10, 1686, by Dr. Thos. Wainwright. Brest, Ambrose (46). Parish Clerk of Pickall (Yorks.); April 10, 1665, by Sir Jos. Cradock. Briggs, John (28a). Cl. A.M. Vicar of Kirkby Lons- dale. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), insti- tution, &c., "ut in 1677." Briscall, Michael (2). (1) Schoolmaster of Tarporley Grammar School, June 5, 1670; by John Bishop of Chester. (2) Curate of Tarporley (as far as a Deacon can officiate), Sept. 24, 1676; by John Bishop of Chester; Deacon by the last named on the same day. Broadbent, James (17). Parish Clerk of Saddleworth ; June 20, 1674, by John Wainewright, LL.D. Broadbent, Robert (28a). Parish Clerk of Bispham (Fylde); Oct. 27, 1663, by Accepted Archbishop of York. Brockbanck, John (32a). (1) Curate of Witherslack (Bethom), June 23, 1671, by John Bishop of Chester, (2) Schoolmaster there, June 6, 1684, by John Arch- bishop of York. Deacon by George Bishop of Chester, Dec. 21, 1662; Priest by same Dec. 20, 1663; licensed to preach in Bethom by same, Sept. 13, 1664. C JO Chester Clergy List for 1691. Brooks, Hester (17). At Bury. Midwife, May 10, 1678. Wife of Peter Brooks of Bury. Brown, Daniel (3a). Curate of Holt; Sept. 19, 1675, by John Bishop of Chester. Priest by said Bishop on same day. Brown, Robert (11). Rector of Ashton-on-Mersey; in- stituted, &c., July 25, 1679, by John Bishop of Chester (on presentation of Richard Massie, of Sale). Deacon and Priest by Thomas Bishop of Whithern (Candida Casa), Dec. 13, 1660. Brown, Simon (44a). Parish Clerk of West Tanfield (Yorks.), Sept. 2, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Browne, Henry (42a). Parish Clerk of Manfield (Yorks.), Aug. 20, 1686, by T. Cradock. Brownell, Nathaniel (22). (1) Rector of Halsall. Letters of Orders, Institution, &c. "ut in Ao 1686." (2) Faculty for teaching boys in school there, by John Bishop of Chester, June 6, 1680. Brownsword, John (21). Cl. A.M. Rector of Aughton; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, May 16, 1679 (on presentation of Charles II, "ratione si- moniae "). Deacon and Priest by John Bishop of Gloucester, May 30, 1675. Brundreth, Thomas (12a). Parish Clerk of Goostrey; June 24, 1678; by John Wainwright, LL.D. Buck, Nathanael (41). A.M. Rector of Hawkeswell (Yorks.) Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. as in 1671, 1674, &c. Buckley, Ralph (3a). Parish Clerk of Hargreaves; July 5, 1677, by Dr. John Wainewright. Buckley, William (29). Schoolmaster in English in the hamlet of Kearsden (Kearsley, margin) in Clapham (Yorks.); Aug. 14, 1690, by Thos. Cradock. Buerdsell, Robert (9a). A.B. At Handley. Deacon by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Sept. 29, 1690. Bulfell, Robert (32). L. Curate and Schoolmaster in the Grammar School at Staveley (in Cartmell); by John Chester Clergy List for 1691. I I Bishop of Chester, June 10, 1682. Deacon by Ed- ward Bishop of Carlisle, Feb. 28, 1670. Priest by the said John Bishop of Chester, June 10, 1682. Bullen, Thomas (13a). At Nantwich. Physician. M.B. Camb., June 28, 1690 (Charles Duke of Somerset, Chancellor of the University). Burches, Hugh (5a). A.B. (1) Rector of Woodchurch. Instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Oct. 9, 1673 (on presentation of Margaret Burches). Deacon by Henry Bishop of Meath, July 25, 1669; Priest by Henry Bishop of Sodor and Man, April 16, 1673. (2) Curate of Overchurch (as far as a Deacon may); by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 7, 1672. Burton, Richard (4a). Parish Clerk of Dodleston; Dec. 18, 1674, by Dr. John Wainewright. Bushell, William (26a). At Preston. At Preston. Deacon by Henry Bishop of London, June 15, 1690. Butterworth, James (26a). Schoolmaster at Goosnargh, July 15, 1686; by John Bishop of Chester. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest) "ut in 1677 and 1686." Byrom, John (24). Parish Clerk of Whalley, March 24, 1679; by Dr. John Wainewright. Caddy, William (31). (1) Schoolmaster in the school at Corney (Cumberland), May 3, 1669; by Richard Archbishop of York. (2) Parish Clerk there, May 10, 1688; by Thos. Cradock. Calvert, Ralph (35). A.B. (Sid.-Suss. Camb.) Rector of Moresby. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), Institution, &c. "ut in 1671 &c." Cappur, George (13). Parish Clerk of Wybunbury; Jan. 7, 1683; by Dr. John Wainewright. Carr, Thomas (46). A.B. Vicar of Great Ouseburn (Yorks.) Letters of Orders, Institution, &c. “ut in 1671, 1674, &c. ;" was presented by the "Custodes Libertatum Angliæ."1 During the Commonwealth. I 2 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Carre, Thomas (41). Parish Clerk of Wensley (Yorks.), June 2, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Carter, John (46). A.B. At Wath (Catterick). Deacon by John Archbishop of York, March 15, 1684; Priest by Thos. Bishop of Lincoln, May 30, 1686. Carter, John (27a). Parish Clerk of Stalmine, June 2, 1673; by T. Cradock. Cawsey, Thomas (25a). Usher in Heskin (Grammar School], July 13, 1686; by John Bishop of Chester. Charnley, Mary (26). At Broughton (near Preston). Mid- wife, Feb. 6, 1685. Widow, of Haighton. Charnock, Roger (25). Schoolmaster at Standish; “ut in 1674 and 1677." Chatburne, William (24). At Billington. Surgeon; Dec. 10, 1674, by Dr. John Wainewright. Cheshire, Robert (8a). Vicar of Runcorn; instituted &c. by John Bishop of Chester, July 1, 1686 (on presen- tation of Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 1, 1675; Priest by same, May 21, 1676. Clark, Robert (28). Parish Clerk of Ingleton, Oct. 22, 1663; by Accepted Archbishop of York. Clarkson, Henry (28). Schoolmaster of Ellell school; May 22, 1688, by Thos. Cradock. Clarkson, Mark (28). Parish Clerk of Ellell, Nov. 12, 1683, by T. Cradock. Clegge, Richard (26). Vicar of Kirkham. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), Institution, &c. "ut in 1674 and 1677.” Clementshaw, Mary (45a). At Knaresborough. Midwife, Jan. 26, 1681. Wife of Denis Clementshaw. Clopton, Thomas (4a). Rector of Christleton; instituted, &c., Oct. 8, 1688, by Thos. Bishop of Chester (on presentation of Sir Rd. Brook, Bart., and Thos. Brook). Deacon and Priest by Robert Bishop of Bangor, March 26, 1673. Midwife, June Clowes, Margaret (12a). At Nantwich. 28, 1683. Wife of William Clowes. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 1 3 Coates, John (43a). Schoolmaster at Scruton (Yorks.), April 16, 1675; by Joseph Cradock. (Faculty not approved). Coates, Luke (41a). Lit. (1) Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), and faculty for preaching at Kirkby Ravensworth, &c. " ut in Annis 1671, 1674, &c." (2) Schoolmaster at Kirkby Ravensworth April 15, 1689; by Thos. Cradock. (Faculty not approved.) Cole, Thomas (13). Cl. Orders (Deacon and 1677 and 1686." Rector of Audlem. Letters of Priest), Institution, &c. “ut in Colton, John (3a). Parish Church of Bebington, Oct. 31, 1662; by Thos. Burwell, LL.D. Colton, William (25a). Preacher at Lowe and Samlesbury, by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Aug. 14, 1688 (on nomination of Francis Price, Clerk, Vicar of Black- burn). Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest) “ut in Ao 1686. Cooper, John (14). A.B. Curate of Stockport, by Nicholas Bishop of Chester (no date). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 24, 1676; Priest by the same, Sept. 23, 1677. "" - Copstack, Thomas (30a). A.B. Curate of Aldingham, by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Sept. 22, 1690. Deacon by Thos. Bishop of Carlisle, June 10, 1688; Priest by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Sept. 20, 1690. Corker, Eliza (12a). Of Shavington (Wybunbury). Mid- wife in Province of York, Sept. 16, 1684. Corker, Samuel (14a). A.M. Rector of Alderley. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), Institution, &c. “ut in 1677." Cornhill, Thomas (4a). Parish Clerk of Thornton-le- Moors, Jan. 2, 1683; by Thomas Wainwright, LL.D. Cottam, Thomas (28a). Parish Clerk of Garstang, May 6, 1669; by Richard Archbishop of York. Cotterell, Robert (4). Vicar of Backford; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 7, 1685 (on presen- 14 Chester Clergy List for 1691. tation of Sir James Pool, Bart.) Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 21, 1679; Priest by same, June 11, 1682. [N.B.-In margin, "Backford and Stoake."] Cowper, Thomas (30a). At Blowith (in Ulverston). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 21, 1684. Crewdson, John (32). Stipendiary Curate of Ulverston, Oct. 17, 1683; by John Bishop of Chester. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, March 12, 1681; Priest by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, June 15, 1690. Croft, Christopher (42). Parish Clerk of East Witton (Yorks.), Oct. 6, 1663; by Sir Jos. Cradock. Croft, John (37). Parish Clerk of Heversham, Aug. 3, 1677; by John Wainewright. Crompton, Robert (31a). A.B. Rector of Whicham (Cumb.); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Oct. 10, 1680 (on presentation of Miles Pennington, of Seaton). Deacon by Accepted Archbishop of York, Sept. 20, 1663; Priest by the same, on same day. Cropper, Jonah (21). Schoolmaster in the Free School of Winwick, July 13, 1686, by John Bishop of Chester. Curtis, Hannah (26a). At Preston. Midwife, June 25, 1674. Wife of William Curtis. Curwen, Patrick (35). L. Curate (as far as a Deacon can) of Lowswater in St. Bees, Sept. 4, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Deacon by Edward Bishop of Carlisle, March 15, 1673. (Also) Schoolmaster within the said chapelry (salary £4 10s.), Sept. 24, 1686; by Thos. Cradock. Daggett, Robert (44a). At Wensley. Teacher of boys in English, April 10, 1689; by Thos. Cradock. (Faculty not approved.) Dale, Roger (15). Curate of Northenden; by Nicholas Deacon by John Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 24, 1690. Bishop of Chester, Sept. 24, 1671; Bishop of Chester, May 25, 1684. Damm, John (21a). Parish Clerk of Huyton, May 9, 1676; by Dr. John Wainwright. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 15 Dawson, Gabriel (27). St. John's College, Cambridge. Curate of Pilling, by Thos. Bishop of Chester, Jan. 28, 1686. Deacon by Thos. Bishop of Carlisle, Sept. 20, 1685; Priest by same, Sept. 19, 1686. Dawson, George (45a). L. Curate of Farnham (Yorks.) endowed with £8 per annum by Dr. Stockdale, impro- priator. Feb. 16, 1670; by Thos. Cradock. Deacon by Edward Bishop of Carlisle, June 18, 1671. Dawson, James (35), Parish Clerk of St. Bees, June 1, 1678; by Sir Joseph Cradock. Dawson, John (17a). Parish Clerk of Blakeley (Manches- ter), May 21, 1669; by Richard Archbishop of York. Daxon, Edward (9). Rector of Coddington; instituted, &c., on Dec. 23, 1670, by Dr. John Wainewright (V.G. of John Bishop of Chester), on presentation of Dean and Chapter of Chester. Deacon by George Bishop of Chester, Dec. 21, 1663; Priest by same, May 21, 1665. Dean, Gerard (8a). Schoolmaster at Witton, July 22, 1681; by John Bishop of Chester. 66 Deane, Peter (22). A.B. Curate of Halsall. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. ut in 1674 et 1677." Dennis, William (4a). Rector of Dodleston; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Oct. 9, 1673 (on pre- sentation of Thomas Bispham). Deacon by George Bishop of Chester, June 2, 1667; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, June 6, 1669. Denton, Christopher (36). A.B. A.B. Rector of Gosforth (Cumb.); instituted, &c., by Thomas Bishop of Ches- ter, Aug. 6, 1688 (on presentation of John Senhouse of Seascales). Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, June 10, 1688; Priest by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Aug. 5, 1688. Dewhurst, Robert (17a). Curate of Gorton, July 12, 1686; by John Bishop of Chester; Priest by George Bishop of Chester, April 25, 1663. 16 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Dicconson, Andrew (27a). Teacher of boys in English within the chapelry of Stalmine, Aug. 25, 1686; by Toby Watkinson¹ (Dean) and Chapter of York (the Archbishopric of York and the Bishopric of Chester being vacant). Dicconson, Thomas (14a). Parish Clerk of Northenden, July 8, 1686; by Dr. Thomas Wainwright. Dixon, Joshua (16a). A.B. (1) Curate of Ringley (in Prestwich); by John Bishop of Chester, June 15, 1674. Deacon by same Bishop, May 25, 1673; Priest by same, June 14, 1674. (2) Licensed to teach boys grammar within the Chapelry; by George Bishop of Chester, March 25, 1666. Dixon, Nicholas (34a). Licensed to read prayers (absolu- tion excepted) at Nether Washdale (in St. Bees); by Toby Wickham, Aug. 31, 1686. [Later note--" Vide postea Anº 1698."] Dobson, Hugh (33). Licensed to teach boys in English in the town of Lindall (Furness), by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 1, 1677. Dobson, Timothy (14). A.M. Erased at Stockport (John Cooper inserted). Dod, Andrew (13). Licensed to teach "in literis gram- maticalibus" in the Free School at Bunbury, by George Bishop of Chester, Aug. 11, 1665. Dod, John (3a). Parish Clerk of Holt, Sept. 1, 1666; by Dr. John Wainwright. Dod, William (9a). A.M. Rector of Malpas Inferior; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, July 8, 1680 (on presentation of Thomas Dod as assignee of Hester Dod, widow and administratrix of Randle Dod, late of Edge, deceased). Deacon by John Bishop of Oxford, March 12, 1676; Priest by the same, March 16, 1677. Duckworth, Elizabeth (16). 19, 1684. Midwife, June At Bolton. 'Should be Wickham. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 17 Duckworth, John (25). At Haslingden. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Jan. 25, 1679; Priest by the same, Feb. 29, 1679. Duckworth, Richard (23). Schoolmaster of Free School of Leigh (Lancs.); by John Bishop of Chester, July 24, 1677. Dutton, John (5). Schoolmaster at Farndon; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, May 5, 1691. Dutton, John (6a). Schoolmaster within parish of East- ham, by Thomas Burwell, LL.D. (V.G. of Accepted Archbishop of York), Oct. 31, 1662. Dutton, Samuel (3). Lit. Parish Clerk of Waverton; by Accepted Archbishop of York, Aug. 20, 1663. Eaton, John (6). A.B. Curate of Bidston; by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 19, 1675. Deacon by Hum- phrey Bishop of London, March 15, 1673; Priest by the above John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 19, 1675. Edgley, Samuel (13). Cl. Vicar of Acton. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1686." Edmundson, Benjamin (24a). Cl. Curate of Chorley. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1686." Schoolmaster there; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, June 8, 1691. - Elcock, Seth (42a). A.M. Rector of Kirkby Wiske (Yorks.) Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1671, 1674, &c." Ellom, William (22). Parish Clerk of Winwick, Oct. 28, 1662; by Thomas Burwell, LL.D. Ellison, Thomas (17). A.M. [Rector of] Ashton-under- Line. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. “ut in 1674." Etough, Richard (24a). Parish Clerk of Burnley, June 10, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Evans, Roderick (9a). A.B. At Bangor-on-Dee. Deacon by William Bishop of St. Asaph, Dec. 24, 1682; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, June 3, 1683. Farington, Alexander (37). A.B. Schoolmaster in the D 18 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Free Grammar School at Kendal; by John Bishop of Chester, May 21, 1681. Farmer, George (37). A.M. Vicar of Heversham; insti- tuted, &c., by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, May 21, 1691 (on presentation of Dr. John Mountague, Master, Fellows, &c., of Trinity College, Cambridge). Priest by Thomas Bishop of Lincoln, Sept. 22, 1689. Farrer, James (30). Lit. Schoolmaster at Manserge (in Kirkby Lonsdale); by Thomas Cradock (Commissary of Dean and Chapter of York, the See being vacant), Aug. 27, 1686. Farrer, John (9a). Licensed to teach boys in English in parish of Tattenhall, by John Bishop of Chester, June 30, 1679. Farrer, Miles (30). A.B. Schoolmaster in Free School of Kirkby Lonsdale; by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 3, 1677. Fawcett, Anthony (41a). Parish Clerk of Kirkby Ravens- worth, June 25, 1663, by Sir Jos. Cradock. Fisher, George (13). Parish Clerk of Marbury, July 6, 1686; by Thomas Wainwright. Fisher, Henry (37a). Parish Clerk of Windermere, May 12, 1690; by John Cartwright. Fisher, Katharine (34). At Cockermouth. Midwife; June 30, 1674. Wife of John Fisher. Fishwick, Ellen (45a). At Knaresborough. Midwife; Jan. 26, 1681. Wife of Richard Fishwick. Fishwick, John (8a). Glasgow University, A.M. Curate of Witton, by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 20, 1675. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 7, 1671; Priest by above John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 19, 1675. Fleeming, James (27a). Parish Clerk of Thornton (Amounderness), May 30, 1682; by Thomas Cradock. Fleming, Henry (37a). A.B. Rector of Grasmere; in- stituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Jan. 1, 1684 (on presentation of Sir Daniel Fleming, of Rydal), Chester Clergy List for 1691. 19 Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, Nov. 23, 1684; Priest by the same, Dec. 21, 1684. Fleming, Roger (37a). Lit. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 20, 1682. (1) Curate of Ambleside (in Grasmere); by Toby Wickham (Dean) and Chap- ter of York, the Sees of York and Chester being vacant, Aug. 27, 1686. (2) Licensed to teach boys English at Grasmere, by John Archbishop of York. Sept. 4, 1684. Flesher, James (15). A.B. Rector of Mobberley; insti- tuted, &c., by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Nov. 24, 1690 (Thomas Mallory deprived); (on presentation of Mary Brideoake, widow). Priest by Thomas Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, Sept. 24, 1685. Fletcher, Anne (13a). At Over. Midwife; Oct. 15, 1683. Wife of John Fletcher. Fletcher, Charles (5a). Parish Clerk of St. Mary's [Chester], June 16, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Fletcher, William (26a). At Kirkham. Licensed to teach boys in English; by John Archbishop of York, June 9, 1684. Flower, Christopher (44). Parish Clerk of South Cowton (Yorks.); March 4, 1685, by Thomas Cradock. Fogg, Lawrence (6a). S.T.P. (1) Vicar of St. Oswald's [Chester]; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, June 21, 1672 (on presentation of Dean and Chapter of Chester. (2) Canon of Chester Cathedral; insti- tuted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Oct. 7, 1673. (Succeeded Charles Duckworth, deceased.) Deacon and Priest (then A.M.) by Thomas Bishop of Whitherne (Candida Casa) at Westminster, Feb. 28, 1660. Fort, Henry (25). Schoolmaster at Whalley; by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 9, 1691.1 Foster, William (25a). Schoolmaster at Heskin; ut in "" 1674 &c. "" 'Error in date or in bishop's name. 20 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Fothergill, Alice (44a). At Bolton in Wensley. Midwife; Sept. 8, 1686. Widow. Foxcroft, Richard (21). Cl. Curate of Sefton; by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Oct. 3, 1688. Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, June 15, 1679; Priest by the same, Feb. 27, 1680. Also (25) Rector of Hoole (Lancs.); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, July 16, 1686 (on presentation of James II). Freres, James (32a). Parish Clerk of Aldingham, June 30, 1674; by John Wainewright, LL.D. Fullilove, Stephen (14a). Parish Clerk of Mottram, Aug. 13, 1663; by Accepted Archbishop of York. Furbanck, John (46). Parish Clerk of Cundall (Yorks.), July 12, 1665; by John Wainwright. Gardner, John (28a). Parish Clerk of Cockerham, Sept. 9, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Gargill, Anne (41). At Gilling. Midwife; Dec. 18, 1675. Gargreave, John (42a). Parish Clerk of Finghall, Sept. 8, 1686; by Thomas Cradock. Garnet, Thomas (31). Parish Clerk of Whitbeck (Cumb.), June 5, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Gee, Benjamin (14a). Schoolmaster in the Free Grammar School of Mottram; by John Bishop of Chester, Nov. 19, 1677. Gerard, Joseph (6). Vicar of Tarvin; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, June 7, 1680 (on presentation of Joshua Gerard of Werneth, assignee of John Hutchinson, prebendary of Lichfield and Coventry in in preb. of Tarvin). Deacon by Humphrey Bishop of Bangor, Sept. 17, 1679; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, June 6, 1680. Gibson, John (4). At Plemstall. Deacon by Thomas Archbishop of York, March 16, 1689; Priest by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Dec. 21, 1690. Gipps, Thomas (18). S.T.B. (1) [Rector of] Bury; in- tuted, &c. "ut in 1674 et 1677." Deacon and Priest by Joseph Bishop of Peterborough, Sept. 22, 1667. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 21 (2) Faculty to preach throughout England and Ire- land, by James Duke of Monmouth, Chancellor of University of Cambridge, Nov. 9, 1674. Godsalve, Richard (44a). A.M. (1) Rector of Richmond (Yorks.); Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c., &c. "ut in Ao 1671, &c." (2) Rector of Smeaton ("ut in 1671," &c.); dispensations by Gilbert Arch- bishop of Canterbury, Feb. 20, 1667, and by Charles II, Feb. 26. - Golborne, Nathan (23a). Cl. At Wigan. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Feb. 20, 1686; Priest by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Oct. 21, 1689. Gordone, John (6). Of King's College, Aberdeen; A.M. At Thornton-le-Moors. Deacon by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Dec. 22, 1690. Gradwall, Thomas (29a). Schoolmaster at Bolton-on- Sands; by John Archbishop of York, June 6, 1684. Grainger, William (34). A.B. (1) Rector of Waber- thwaite (Cumb.); Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1677." (2) Curate of Muncaster; by Toby Wickham S.T.P. (Dean) and Chapter of York (the Sees of York and Chester being vacant), Aug. 31, 1686. Graisdale, John (38a). L. Curate and Schoolmaster of Kentmere (in Kendal); by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 24, 1682. Deacon by Edward Bishop of Car- lisle, March 16, 1678; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 24, 1682. Gray, Francis (37). A.M. At Kendal. Physician; by John Bishop of Chester, Nov. 14, 1674. Greathead, Francis (43). Parish Clerk of Hawkeswell, April 30, 1683; by Thomas Cradock. Greaves, Mary (15a). At Macclesfield. Midwife; May 22, 1688. Wife of John Greaves. Green, Samuel (37). L. Schoolmaster at Heversham; by John Archbishop of York, May 6, 1684. Gregory, Peter (25a). Cl. Curate of Penwortham; by 22 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Oct. 21, 1689. Deacon by William Bishop of St. Asaph, Sept. 20, 1680; Priest by above Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Oct. 21, 1689. Gresty, Sarah (12a). At Alderley. [Midwife]; Nov. 10, 1685. Wife of Joseph Gresty. Grey, George (41a). A.M. Vicar of Burniston (Yorks.); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 26, 1682 (on presentation of Zachariah Cawdrey, Clerk, Rector of Barthomley, patron for that turn). Deacon. and Priest by the same Bishop, Sept. 24, 1676. Grice, Richard (21a). Parish Clerk of Ormskirk, June 23, 1674; by John Wainwright, LL.D. Grimbaldston, Thomas (27a). Parish Clerk of Poulton Aug. 25, 1686; by Dr. Toby Wickham (Dean) and Chapter of York, sedibus vac. Grime, Isabel (16). At Bolton (Lancs.) Midwife; June 5, 1688. Wife of Elisha Grime. Grindall, Miles (35a). Parish Clerk of Waberthwaite (Cumb.), July 31, 1677; by John Wainwright. Haddon, Peter (23a). A.M. Curate of Wigan. Priest by Thomas Bishop of Lincoln, June 15, 1679. Hall, John (41). A.B. Vicar of Ainderby Steeple (Yorks.); instituted, &c., by Thomas Bishop of Chester, April 20, 1687 (on presentation of the King). Deacon by Nathaniel Bishop of Durham, June 3, 1683; Priest by same, Sept. 21, 1684. Hall, Thomas (18a). (1) Vicar of Eccles; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 24, 1678 (on pre- sentation of Charles II). Deacon by same Bishop, Sept. 19, 1675; Priest by same Dec. 26, 1675. (2) Curate of West Derby; by same Bishop, Dec. 26, 1676. (3) Fellow of Collegiate Church of Manches- ter; by Thos. Wainwright, LL.D., Sept. 20, 1688. Hammond, John (15). Rector of Gawsworth. "Ut in 1686." Hamond, Richard (41). Parish Clerk of West Witton (Yorks.), Sept. 2, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 23 Hancock, John (5). A.M. (1) Curate of St. Michael's, [Chester]; by John Bishop of Chester, July 4, 1685. Deacon and Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 19 and 22, 1672. (2) Schoolmaster in parish of St. Bridget's [Chester]; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Oct. 17, 1690. Handforth, William (8a). A.B. At Overton Madoc. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 24, 1682; Priest by same, Sept. 23, 1683. Handley, Thomas (8a). Parish Clerk of Tattenhall, July 4, 1677; by Dr. John Wainwright, Vic.-Gen. of John Bishop of Chester. Hanmer, Samuel (10). Cl. Vicar of Weaverham; insti- tuted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Feb. 28, 1683 (on presentation of Robert Warburton of Grange, by grant of Brian Bishop of Chester). Deacon by George Bishop of Chester, Aug. 20, 1662; Priest by the same, Sept. 25, 1664 (letters dated 26th). Hardy, Richard (22a). Cl. [Rector of] North Meols; in- stituted, &c., by Dr. Thomas Wainwright (V.G. of Thomas Bishop of Chester), Jan. 19, 1688 (on pre- sentation of Edward Fleetwood, of Penwortham). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, May 21, 1676; Priest by same, Sept. 21, 1679. Hargreaves, Anne (24a). At Churchkirk. Midwife; June 10, 1684. Wife of Christopher Hargreaves. Hargreaves, James (24). Cl. Curate of Colne. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1674 et 1677." Hargreaves, John (24a). At Burnley. Surgeon; by Ac- cepted Archbishop of York, Nov. 14, 1662. Harper, John (12a). Parish Clerk of Over, June 13, 1672; by Dr. John Wainewright. Harpur, Isaac (17a). Cl. Curate of Oldham; by Richard Archbishop of York, June 6, 1669. Deacon by George Bishop of Chester, Sept. 25, 1664; Priest by John Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, Dec. 17, 1665. 24 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Harrison, Christopher (26a). Parish Clerk of Goosnargh. Ut in 1686." "" Harrison, John (26a). Cl. At Ribchester. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, May 21, 1676; Priest by the same, Sept. 22, 1678. Harrison, John (16a). One of the Parish Clerks of Man- chester, March 10, 1673; by Dr. John Wainewright, on the nomination of Edmund Trafford. G Harrison, Richard (28a). A.B. Vicar of Poulton [le- Fylde]; Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1677." Harrison, Thomas (22). Parish Clerk of Sefton, Nov. 8, 1662; by Accepted Archbishop of York. Harrison, William (38). L. Schoolmaster at Staveley (in Kendal); by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 5, 1677. Deacon by same Bishop same day. Hartley, Jane (34a). At Whitehaven. 29, 1679. Midwife; April Hatton, Richard (16). Cl. Deacon and Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Feb. 3, 1671. Vicar of Deane (Lancs.); instituted, &c. by Dr. John Wainewright (V.G. of John Bishop of Chester), Nov. 22, 1673 (on presentation of Charles II). Faculty to preach in Deane, by same Bishop, March 29, 1672. Hawkeswell, Thomas (44). L. Faculty to preach in Parish Church of Kirkby Fleetham by George Bishop of Chester, July 12, 1665. Deacon by Accepted Arch- bishop of York, Aug. 17, 1662; Priest by John Bishop of Durham, March 15, 1662. Haworth, William (11). Lit. Parish Clerk of Ashton-on- Mersey, Sept. 11, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Haydock, William (25). Rector of Standish. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c., &c. "ut in 1674 et 1677," Hayes, Joseph (6a). Parish Clerk of Eastham, June 14, 1684; by John Archbishop of York (on the Vicar's choice). Chester Clergy List for 1691. 25 Hayes, William (12). Vicar of Sandbach. triennali tenta Aº 1686." Hayton, Jonathan (38). L. Curate (so far as a Deacon can), and Schoolmaster in English, at Longsleddall (in Kendal); by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 24, 1682. Deacon by same Bishop same day. Heblethwaite, James (36a). A.B. Curate and School- master at Crosthwaite (in Heversham); by John Bishop of Chester, May 14, 1685. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, Dec. 21, 1684; Priest by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, June 7, 1691. Helme, Richard (31). Parish Clerk of Millom, Oct. 3, 1677; by Sir Joseph Cradock. Henderson, John (28a). Parish Clerk of Poulton [le- Fylde], April 28, 1681; by Thomas Cradock. Hersfoote, George (22). Schoolmaster at Walton [on the Hill]; by George Bishop of Chester, Dec. 11, 1664. Hewitt, James (14). Lit. Schoolmaster (in English) in the Grammar School of Macclesfield; by John Bishop of Chester, July 12, 1677. Heyes, John (15). Schoolmaster of Grammar School of Mobberley; by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 16, 1669. "Ut in visne - Heywood, Thomas (21a). At Warrington. Surgeon; by Sept. 12, 1684. John Archbishop of York. Higginbothom, Thomas (14a). Parish Clerk of Wilmslow, July 8, 1686; by Thomas Wainwright. Highfeild, Richard (23). Usher in the Free School of Wigan; by John Bishop of Chester, July 13, 1686. Hilton, Richard (9). Cl. (1) Vicar of Hanmer; insti- tuted, &c., by Accepted Archbishop of York, Oct. 31, 1662 (on presentation of Sir Thomas Hanmer, Kt. and Bart.) (2) Faculty to preach throughout the Province of York by same Archbishop, same day.. Deacon and Priest by Henry Bishop of Chichester, May 30 and 31, 1661. Hindley, Peter (2a). Faculty to preach at Hargreaves E 26 Chester Clergy List for 1691. and Christleton; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Nov. 4, 1690. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 27, 1676; Priest by above Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Nov. 3, 1690. Hobson, Richard (44a). Parish Clerk of Downholme (Yorks.), Nov. 30, 1667; by Sir Joseph Cradock. Hodgson, John (2a). Schoolmaster at Neston; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, April 23, 1691. Holmes, Matthew (42a). Parish Clerk of Burniston (Yorks.), July 8, 1674; by John Wainwright. Holt, John (9). Parish Clerk of Grappenhall, June 16, 1686; by Dr. Thomas Wainwright (V.G. of John Bishop of Chester). Holt, Roger (3). Minister at Farndon. Deacon and Priest by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Sept. 18 and 25, 1687. Hoole, Robert (12). Schoolmaster at Bunbury; by George Bishop of Chester. Aug. 11, 1665. Horn, William (41a). Lit. Faculty to teach boys in the Free School of Kirkby Ravensworth, by George Bishop of Chester, July 12, 1665.1 Hudson, John (27a). Parish Clerk of St. Michael [on- Wyre], June 23, 1681; by Thomas Cradock. Hudson, John (37a). Parish Clerk of Beethom (West- morland), Sept. 4, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Hudson, Peter (35). Parish Clerk of Loweswater, Oct. 15, 1663; by Accepted Archbishop of York. Hull, John (28a). A.B. Curate of Overton (Lanc'r); by John Archbishop of York, Sept. 8, 1684. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, May 25, 1684. Hulme, Adam (14a). At Prestbury. Faculty to teach boys in English; by George Bishop of Chester, Aug. 9, 1665. Hulme, Samuel (15a). A.B. Minister (preacher) in the The master was probably L. Coates. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 27 Chapelry or town of Macclesfield; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester and John Blagge Mayor¹ of Macclesfield, Sept. 26, 1689. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, May 29, 1681; Priest by same, June 3, 1683. Hulton, Abraham (16a). Parish Clerk of Prestwich, March 4, 1677; by John Wainwright. Hunt, James (21a). Parish Clerk of North Meols, May 8, 1675; by John Wainwright. Hunt, John (11).2 Surgeon (Diocese of Chester), Dec. 6, 1662; by John Wainwright. Hunter, Hugh (32a). At Ireleth in Dalton-in-Furness. (1) Curate in the Chapel of Kirkby Ireleth; 3 by Thomas Cradock, Commissary of Richmond, Dec. 11, 1689. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 5, 1677. (2) Schoolmaster in Kirkby Ireleth afore- said (school endowed £12); by the said Thomas Cradock, Dec. 11, 1689. Hunter, John (31a). Parish Clerk of Whicham (Cumb.), May 12, 1682; by Thomas Cradock. Hunter, Miles (32). Parish Clerk of Ulverston, May 12, 1688; by Thomas Cradock. Hunter, Thomas (36a). A.B. Curate of Dent (in Sed- bergh); Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. ut in 1674, &c." เ Huntington, Robert (3). Schoolmaster at Woodchurch; by John Bishop of Chester, Nov. 2, 1679. Hussey, Samuel (12). Lit. Parish Clerk of Nantwich, July 6, 1686; by Dr. Thomas Wainwright. Hutchinson, Matthew (40a). A.M. (1) Vicar of Gilling (Yorks.); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, July 20, 1681 (on presentation of John Mitford mer- chant and John Cleaver citizen of London). Deacon by John Bishop of Durham, Sept. 23, 1666; Priest by George Bishop of Chester, Aug. 3, 1668. (2) • I "Majoris vel prætoris." 2Exhibited at Manchester; lived probably at Ashton-on-Mersey. 3i.e., Ireleth in Dalton. 28 Chester Clergy List for 1691. A.B. Faculty to preach in Parish Church of East Cowton (als. Long Cowton), by the said George Bishop of Chester, May 30, 1668. Hutchinson, Simon (42). Christ's College, Cambridge; Curate of West Tanfield (Yorks.); by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 2, 1680. Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, May 25, 1673; Priest by the same, Dec. 20, 1674. Hutton, Philip (44). Christ Church, Oxford; A.B. Curate of West Witton (Yorks.); by John Archbishop of York, June 2, 1684; Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, Dec. 18, 1681; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, May 25, 1684. A.B. Rector of Bootle (Cumb.) (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in Hutton, Richard (31). Letters of Orders 1674, &c." Hutton, Thomas (44). A.M. Rector of Marske (Yorks.) Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1671." Hyde, John (16). A.B. (1) Chaplain of Salford; in- ducted, &c., by George Bishop of Chester, Feb. 15, 1666 (on presentation of Robert Booth and Hum- frey -). Faculty to preach there; same day. Deacon by George Bishop of Chester, Sept. 25, 1663; Priest by Richard Archbishop of York, March 11, 1665. (2) Also (11): Vicar of Bowdon; instituted, &c., by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Jan. 16, 1690 (on the deprivation of James Peake, Clerk). Hynde, John (18a). A.M. Curate of Manchester; by John Bishop of Chester, July 12, 1686. Deacon by Guy Bishop of Bristol, April 26, 1676; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 21, 1679. Ianson, Robert--see Janson, Robert. Idle, Thomas (46). Parish Clerk of Goldsborough (Yorks.), April 26, 1683; by Thomas Cradock. Inman, Thomas (30a). A.B. (1) Vicar of Urswick; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Oct. 16, Chester Clergy List for 1691. 29 1681 (on presentation of Anthony Turner Vicar of Dalton, Thomas Marshall, John Cockenshell, Chris- topher Gardner, Thomas Fell, and William Postle- thwaite). Priest by John Bishop of Chester, July 3, 1674. (2) Schoolmaster of the Free Grammar School of Urswick; by John Bishop of Chester, Oct. 16, 1681. Irish, Robert (9). Parish Clerk of Witton, June 12, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. "" 99 Isherwood, John (16). A.B. Curate of Flixton; Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1674." Iveson, Timothy (40). In Artibus L. (1) Curate of the Church or Chapel of St. John (parish of Stan- wick); by George Bishop of Chester, July 11, 1665. Deacon by John Bishop of Durham, March 15, 1662; Priest by the same, Sept. 25, 1664. (2) Curate of the Chapel of Hutton Magna (parish of Gilling); by Thomas Cradock (for Sir Joseph Cradock), Sept. 20, 1670.1 Iveson, William (41a). Vicar of Catterick (Yorks.); in- stituted, &c., by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, March 6, 1690 (on presentation of King and Queen). Deacon by Nathaniel Bishop of Durham, Sept. 21, 1679; Priest by same, June 6, 1680. Jackson, Christopher (28). Schoolmaster at Austwick (in Clapham); by George Bishop of Chester, June 8, 1665. Jackson, George (18). A.B. A.B. Schoolmaster at Rochdale, by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 3, 1675. Deacon by the said John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 23, 1677. Jackson, John (22). Schoolmaster and Reader of Prayers in Chapelry of Burtonwood (Lancs.); by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 18, 1681. Deacon by same Bishop, Dec. 18, 1681. Jackson, John (29). Lit. Curate of Burton (in Thornton); 'In margin: "Minime admittendam," referring to the licence. 30 Chester Clergy List for 1691. by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Aug. 14, 1690. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 23, 1683. Jackson, John (42a). Schoolmaster within parish of Romaldkirk; Sept. 29, 1677. Jackson, William (37). A.B. (1) Vicar of Beetham; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, April 13, 1683 (on presentation¹ of Charles II). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 22, 1672; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 21, 1673. (2) School- master within the parish by the last-named Bishop, Sept. 22, 1673. Janson, Robert (41). Parish Clerk of Aisgarth (Yorks.), Sept. 2, 1680; by John Archbishop of York. Jaques, Peter (28). Faculty to read public prayers (abso- lution excepted) within Ingleton Fell, by John Bishop of Chester, June 23, 1671. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 5, 1677. Jenkinson, Thomas (10). Cl. Curate of Peover Superior; by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 23, 1683. Deacon by same Bishop, Sept. 19, 1680; Priest by same, Dec. 23, 1683. Johnson, Rodolph (39). A.M. (altered from “in A. Lit.”). Vicar of Brignall (Yorks.); instituted, &c., by Dr. Thomas Burwell, Oct. 4, 1662 (on presentation of Charles II). Deacon and Priest by Thomas Bishop of Whitherne, Aug. 8, 1661. Johnson, Roland (33). Lit. (1) Curate of Cartmell (as far as a Deacon may); by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 25, 1671. Deacon by said Bishop, Sept. 24, 1671. (2) Schoolmaster in Cartmell Grammar School; by John Bishop of Chester, June 21, 1671. (3) Parish Clerk of Cartmell, July 26, 1670; by John Mayor, LL.B., acting for Sir Joseph Cradock. Johnson, William (38). St. John's College, Cambridge. Curate of Garsdale, in Sedbergh (so far as a Deacon ¹By lapse of time. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 31 may); by Thomas Bishop of Chester, March 23, 1686. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 18, 1681. Joseph, John (2a). Parish Clerk of Shotwick, Feb. 15, 1677; by Dr. John Wainewright. Kettlewell, Robert (46). Parish Clerk of Nun Monkton (Yorks.), Aug. 28, 1666; by Sir Jos. Cradock. Kinsey, Noah (14a). A.B. Curate of Mottram. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1686." Kippax, Archippus (18). A.M. At Prestwich. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 24, 1682; Priest by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, Sept. 19, 1686. Kippax, Richard (24a). A.B. Curate of Burnley; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Aug. 22, 1690. Priest by Richard Archbishop of York, Dec. 20, 1679. Kirby, John (41). Parish Clerk of Danby Wiske, March 14, 1677; by John Bishop of Chester. Kirkham, Thomas (27a). A.B. At Garstang. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, June 6, 1680; Priest by same, May 25, 1684. Kirton, John (45). A.B. Curate of Easby (Yorks.); by John Bishop of Chester, May 21, 1676. Deacon by said Bishop, May 21, 1676; Priest by same, Aug. 9, 1677. Kitching, Daniel (41). Parish Clerk of Ainderby Steeple, Dec. 18, 1686; by Thomas Cradock. Knowles, Benjamin (40a). Faculty to teach boys English within parish of Aysgarth; by John Archbishop of York, Sept. 2, 1684. Laidman, William (43). Parish Clerk of Bowes (Yorks.); by Accepted Archbishop of York, May 20, 1663. Lamplugh, George (34). A.M. Rector of Lamplugh (Cumb.) Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c., &c. "ut in 1671, 1674, &c." Lancaster, Lancelot (45a). Parish Clerk of Kirkby-super- Moram, April 3, 1677; by Thomas Cradock. Lancaster, Peter (13a). Cl. A.M. Rector of Nantwich; instituted by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Aug. 28, 1690 (on presentation of Anne Crewe Offley, widow). 32 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Deacon by Baptist Bishop of Sodor and Man, Feb. 20, 1686; Priest by same, Nov. 13, 1687. Lancaster, Timothy (43a). A.B. Vicar of Ay[ke]sgarth (Yorks.); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, March 3, 1682 (on presentation of Trinity College, Cambridge). Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, Sept. 20, 1674; Priest by same, Dec. 23, 1677. Lancaster, William (29). Schoolmaster at Leck (in Tun- stall); by John Cartwright, April 4, 1690. Lanchester, Henry (40a). St. John's College, Cambridge. Vicar of Manfield (Yorks.); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 30, 1674 (on presentation of the King). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, June 29, 1671; Priest by Richard Archbishop of York, Sept. 22, 1672. Lawson, Thomas (29a). Of Glasgow College. Lit. Vicar of Warton (dec. Kendal); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Nov. 25, 1681 (on presentation of Dean and Chapter of Worcester). Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, Sept. 20, 1668; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 6, 1671. Lawson, Thomas (26a). Schoolmaster at Preston; by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 9, 1684. Lawson, William (43a). At Forcett (Yorks.) Faculty to teach boys in English; by John Archbishop of York, June 2, 1684. Lawton, James (17a). Schoolmaster in Free Grammar School of Oldham; by John Bishop of Chester, Oct. 25, 1683. Lea, Duglas (12a). At Sandbach. Midwife; Sept. 8, 1676. Wife of Richard Lea. Leadbeater, Thomas (3a). Schoolmaster at Bebington; by John Bishop of Chester, June 1, 1674. Leaver, John (16). Cl. Vicar of Bolton. Letters, &c. ut in 1674 and 1677." "C Letters of Leech, Zachary (23). Curate of Maghull. Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. “ut in 1677.” Chester Clergy List for 1691. 33 Lees, John (17). A.B. Curate of Saddleworth; by George Bishop of Chester, Dec. 21, 1663. Deacon by said Bishop same day; Priest by Richard Archbishop of York, May 1, 1665. Leftwich, Thomas (2a). Curate of Shotwick. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 23, 1677; Priest by same, Dec. 21, 1679. Leigh, John (8a). Parish Clerk of Lymm, May 19, 1682; by Dr. John Wainwright, V.G. of John Bishop of Chester. Leigh, Joseph (16a). Parish Clerk of Middleton, June 19, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Leigh, Martha (19a). Widow. At Manchester. wife; June 20, 1674. Mid- Leigh, Martha (24). At Blackburn. Midwife; June 16, 1671. Leigh, Peter (10a). Rector of Aldford; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Feb. 18, 1677 (on pre- sentation of Charles Lord Gerard Baron of Brandon, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to Charles II). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, June 14, 1674; Priest by same, Sept. 19, 1675. Leigh, Peter (8). A.M. Rector of Lymm (mediety); in- stituted, &c., May 21, 1689,1 by Thomas Archbishop of York (the See of Chester being vacant), on presen- tation of Austin Leigh. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Sept. 25, 1687; Priest by Jonathan Bishop of Exeter, May 14, 1689. Levett, John (45a). A.M. Vicar of Knaresborough. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1671, &c." Lindsey, Samuel (40). Lit. Rector of Spennithorne; in- stituted, &c., by Richard Archbishop of York, Dec. 17, 1672 (on presentation of Sir Christopher Wyvill, Bart., and Wm. Wyvill). Deacon by John Archbishop 'Testimonial of induction by Thomas Boardman, clerk, May 30, 1689. F 34 Chester Clergy List for 1691. of York, Sept. 21, 1661; Priest by Richard Arch- bishop of York, June 10, 1666. Lingard, William (12). Parish Clerk of Astbury; ut in CC 1686." Liptrott, James (21a). Grammar School); 16, 1684. Litton, Robert (45a). Lit. Faculty to teach boys in English (“in schola triviali" in Cundall); by Thomas Cradock, May 6, 1690. Schoolmaster at Ormskirk (in the by John Bishop of Chester, March Lloyd, William (10). (Nominated but not yet conse- crated Bishop of Killala in Ireland). Rector of Ban- gor [on-Dee]; instituted, &c.¹ by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Sept. 26, 1690 (on presentation of William Lloyd, Esq., on deprivation of Hugh Maurice, Clerk, last incumbent). J Lodge, Edmund (29). A.B. Vicar of Clapham (Yorks.); collated, &c., by John Bishop of Chester (in right of his Bishopric), Oct. 4, 1684. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, May 30, 1670; Priest by same, June 2, 1672. Lodge, Henry (42). A.B. Curate of Patrick Brompton; by John Bishop of Chester, June 3, 1683. Deacon by said Bishop same day. Lodge, Thomas (26a). Schoolmaster at Preston; by John Archbishop of York, Sept. 6, 1684. Lomas, Thomas (17). Parish Clerk of Ashton-under- Line, July 10, 1686; by Dr. Thomas Wainewright. Lomax, John (19a). A.M. Curate of Bury; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, May 16, 1691. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, May 5, 1673; Priest by same, July 25, 1677. Lowe, Alexander (19a). At Bolton. Surgeon (in Diocese of Chester); July 20, 1665, by John Wainwright. Lowe, John (12a). Cl. Rector of Lawton. Letters of Orders, &c. "ut in 1686." 'Testimonials of induction by Richard Hilton, clerk, Sept. 29, 1690. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 35 Lowe, John (21a). Cl. Vicar of Huyton. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c., and licence to preach throughout the Diocese of Chester "ut in 1674, 1677, &c." Lowe, John (16). Parish Clerk of Flixton, Aug. 11, 1663; by Accepted Archbishop of York. Lowe, Jonathan (40a). Cl. Rector of Barmingham; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, March 17, 1685 (on presentation of James II). Deacon by Henry Bishop of London, Sept. 28, 1678; Priest by Thomas Bishop of Lincoln, Aug. 1, 1680. Lowndes, Thomas (13). Cl. A.M. Curate of Congleton; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Aug. 29, 1690; Deacon by William Bishop of Norwich, Dec. 20, 1685; Priest by same, Sept. 19, 1686. Lumley, John (45a). Parish Clerk of Allerton Mallivery, July 31, 1663; by Sir Joseph Cradock. Lupton, Thomas (27a). Cl. Rector of Bentham "ut in 1671, 1674, &c." Lymm, John (8a). Schoolmaster at Lymm; by John Bishop of Chester, June 24, 1682. Macdowell, John (32). Lit. Curate of Cartmell Fell (as far as a Deacon may), by John Bishop of Chester, June 3, 1683. Deacon by said Bishop same day. Malpas, John (9). Parish Clerk of Runcorn, June 12, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Manwaring, Edward (13). Cl. Vicar of Wybunbury. Letters of Orders, &c. " ut in 1677 and 1686." Marbury, James (12a). A.M. Rector of Davenham. Letters of Orders, &c. " ut in 1686." Markland, Ralph (23a). A.M. Vicar of Childwall. (Let- ters of Institution, &c., not sent). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 18, 1681; Priest by Henry Bishop of London, June 18, 1682. Marsden, Thomas (21). S.T.B. (1) Vicar of Walton. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. “ut in 1671, 1674, &c." (2) Appointment as one of the 36 Chester Clergy List for 1691. four Royal Preachers in Lancs.; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, July 6, 1690. Marshe, John (45a). A.B. At Whixley. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, June 10, 1688. Marshall, Katharine (31). At Millom. Midwife; May 15, 1690. Mason, William (39). A.M. (1) Rector of Wensley (Yorks.); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Oct. 29, 1683 (on presentation of Charles Marquis of Winchester). Priest by John Bishop of Derry, Sept. 14, 1660. (2) Faculty as a Preacher, by Accepted Archbishop of York, Sept. 18, 1662. (3) Physician ("in omni genere medicinæ "), by Oliver St. John Chancellor and the Masters, &c., of the University of Cambridge, Oct. 28, 1656. Massey, Thomas (22). At Huyton. Physician; by Dr. John Wainwright, Sept. 27, 1665. Mather, Abraham (17). Schoolmaster at Radcliffe; by Accepted Archbishop of York, Nov. 8, 1662. Mather, James (16). Parish Clerk of Deane, June 1, 1665; by George Bishop of Chester. Mayer, Robert (29a). Parish Clerk of Melling (near Lancaster), Feb. 27, 1690; by John Cartwright. Meacock, Manasseh (9a). Parish Clerk of Aldford, Nov. 29, 1673; by Dr. John Wainewright (V.G. of John Bishop of Chester). Mercer, James (27). Schoolmaster at Burnley; by John Archbishop of York, June 10, 1684. Mercer, Robert (27). Parish Clerk of Harwood, May 27, 1685; by Dr. Thomas Wainwright. Messenger, George (34a). Lit. (1) Curate of Emble- ton (in Brigham); June 5, 1684, by John Archbishop of York; Deacon by Edward Bishop of Carlisle, Sept. 20, 1674. (2) Faculty to teach boys in English ("i.e., to teach a petty schoole "); by Christopher Matteson (deputy of Sir Jos. Cradock), April 28, 1674. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 37 Metcalf, George (42a). Parish Clerk of Askrigge, May 27, 1682; by Thomas Cradock. Milner, Thomas (35). Lit. (1) Curate of Ponsonby; by John Archbishop of York, June 5, 1684. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 18, 1681; Priest by Edward Bishop of Carlisle, Sept. 23, 1683. (2) Curate of Hale; by the Archbishop as above. Moor, James (36a). Lit. (1) Curate of Preston Patrick (in Burton); by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, June 18, 1691. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, Feb. 24, 1688. (2) Master of Free School of Burton; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, June 18, 1691. Moor, Major (24). Pembroke Hall, Oxford. School- master of Clitheroe; by John Bishop of Chester, April 16, 1685. Moorcroft, Elizabeth (22). At Ormskirk. Midwife; Sept. 12, 1684. Moore, Robert (28). Parish Clerk of Tunstall, Oct. 13, 1689; by Thomas Cradock. Moreton, Joseph (5a). In St. Oswald's [Chester]. Sur- geon (in Diocese of Chester); by Dr. John Wainwright (V.G. of John Bishop of Chester), May 11, 1682. Morhall, Stephen (12a). A.B. Curate of Marbury; by Thomas Bishop of Chester, May 12, 1688. Priest by Robert Bishop of Gloucester, May 22, 1687. Morrell, William (46a). A.B. Vicar of Marton-super- Montem (Yorks.) Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1674," &c. Morrey, Peter (6a). Rector of Thurstaston; instituted, &c. by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Oct. 15, 1689 (on pre- sentation of Dean and Chapter of Chester). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 19, 1680; Priest by same, Feb. 24, 1683. Morris, Anne (24a). Of Livesey. Midwife; Sept. 12, 1678. Widow. Morton, John (17a). Cl. Curate of Blakeley (in Man- chester); by John Bishop of Chester, July 19, 1683. 38 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, Sept. 24, 1671; Priest by same, Sept. 21, 1673. Moseley, Francis (14). Cl. Rector of Wilmslow. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c., &c. “ut in 1677 and 1686." Mottershead, Joseph (14a). Parish Clerk of Gawsworth, May 22, 1688; by John Wainewright. Moulson, Charles (5). Parish Clerk of St. John's [Chester], Feb. 15, 1678; by Dr. John Wainewright. Moulson, Thomas (6a). At Chester. Surgeon (in Diocese of Chester); by Dr. John Wainewright (V.G. of John Bishop of Chester), Feb. 20, 1677. Mount, James (30a). Curate of Pennington; by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 11, 1680. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, June 6, 1669; Priest by above John Bishop of Chester, July 3, 1674. Murgatroyd, Thomas (38a). A.M. Vicar of Kendal. [In- stitution, &c., not given.] Deacon by Richard Arch- bishop of York, June 6, 1680; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, May 8, 1681. < Myres, Thomas (32a). A.B. Schoolmaster and Preacher [ludimagistri prædicantis] in Grammar School of Coul- ton; by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 22, 1678. Deacon by said Bishop, Sept. 22, 1678; Priest by same, Dec. 18, 1681. Newcome, Henry (8). Rector of Tattenhall; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, July 29, 1675 (on presentation of John Archbishop of York). Deacon by Herbert Bishop of Hereford, May 25, 1673; Priest by same, June 14, 1674. Newsham, William (26a). Schoolmaster at Wood Plump- ton; by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 20, 1679. Nicholson, Edward (36a). Lit. (1) Curate of Old Hutton (Kendal Deanery); by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Aug. 13, 1687. Deacon by Edward Bishop of Car- lisle, March 11, 1676. (2) Schoolmaster in the School there, by John Archbishop of York, June 6, 1684. - Chester Clergy List for 1691. 39 Nicholson, John (41). A.B. Vicar of Stanwigge (Yorks.); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, June 1, 1681 (on presentation of Humphrey Wharton, of Gilling). Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, May 25, 1673; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, July 9, 1674. Nicholson, Richard (44). Magdalene College, Cambridge; Curate of South Cowton; by John Archbishop of York, Sept. 2, 1684. Deacon by Richard Arch- bishop of York, May 25, 1673; Priest by same, Sept. 21, 1673. A.B. Nicolson, Robert (40). Magdalene College, Cambridge; A.M. Schoolmaster in the Free Grammar School of Bedall, June 30, 1671. Deacon by Richard Arch- bishop of York, Feb. 20, 1675; Priest by same, Sept. 23, 1677. Nixon, James (14). Parish Clerk of Macclesfield, Sept. 9, 1681, by Dr. John Wainwright. Nixon, Richard (12). Parish Clerk of Bunbury; by Brian Bishop of Chester, April 18, 1661. Noble, Gowen (34). Lit. (1) Curate of Cockermouth (in Brigham); by John Bishop of Chester, June 6, 1680. Deacon by Edward Bishop of Carlisle, May 26, 1678; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, June 6, 1680. (2) Schoolmaster in the Free School of Cockermouth; by John Bishop of Chester, May 30, 1676. Noble, John (35a). Lit. Deacon by Edward Bishop of Carlisle, Sept. 25, 1680. (1) Schoolmaster within parish of Deane (Cumb.); by John Bishop of Chester, June 30, 1674. (2) Curate of Arlecdon, by John Bishop of Chester, June 30, 1674. Nodding, John (42a). Parish Clerk of Kirkby Wiske, Aug. 8, 1686; by Thomas Cradock. Nuttall, Edward (16a). Parish Clerk of Edenfield, Sept. 18, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Oddy, John (24). Schoolmaster at Blackburn; by John Bishop of Chester, June 16, 1671. 40 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Oddy, Thomas (43). Lit. At Coverham. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, May 30, 1686; Priest by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Sept. 25, 1687. Ogden, George (18a). (1) Fellow of Manchester. Deacon by Joseph Bishop of Peterborough, Sept. 2, 1667; Priest by Richard Archbishop of York, March 7, 1668. (2) Vicar of Ribchester; collated by John Bishop of Chester, Oct. 26, 1681. Oliver, John (12). Curate of Wrenbury. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Lincoln, Dec. 21, 1679. Letters of Priesthood, &c. "ut in 1686." Orton, Dorothy (43a). At Forcett. Midwife; Sept. 2. 1684. Wife of Christopher Orton. Orton, Luke (43a). Parish Clerk of Marske, Aug. 20, 1686; by Thomas Cradock. Parker, Thomas (35). Lit. (1) Curate (as far as a Deacon may) of Eskdale (in St. Bees); by John Archbishop of York, Sept. 4, 1684. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, July 3, 1674. (2) Schoolmaster in Eskdale; by Thomas Cradock, Sept. 22, 1686. Parving, John (44a). L. Schoolmaster in the Free Gram- mar School of Richmond; by George Bishop of Chester, July 12, 1665. Peares, John (45). Lit. At Romaldkirk. Deacon by Edward Bishop of Carlisle, Sept. 21, 1673; Priest by same, June 6, 1680. Penny, James (8). A.M. Vicar of Great Budworth; in- stituted, &c.,¹ by John Bishop of Chester, March 4, 1681 (on presentation of Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford). Priest by John Bishop of Oxford, Sept. 22, 1678. Phillips, Thomas (43a). Parish Clerk of East Cowton (Yorks.), May 2, 1681; by Thomas Cradock. Pick, Richard (46a). Parish Clerk of Great Ouseburn, July 2, 1669; by Sir Joseph Cradock. 'Testimonial of induction, &c, by James Leicester, clerk, March 30, 1682. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 41 Pickering, Robert (25a). (1) Rector of Eccleston (Ley- land). Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1674, &c." (2) Rector of Croston; insti- tuted, &c., by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, March 14, 1689 (on presentation of Charles Layfeild S.T.B. and William Haydock, Cl., A.M.) Dispensations from Canterbury (Dean and Chapter), and King and Queen, March 11, 1689. Pickstall,¹ James (33). Curate and Schoolmaster of Lowick (in Ulverston); by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 24, 1682. Deacon by said Bishop same day. Pigott, Henry (16a). S.T.B. Vicar of Rochdale; Induc- tion, &c., by George Bishop of Chester, Oct. 13, 1662; also by Accepted Archbishop of York, Oct. 25, 1662. Dispensations from King (Oct. 10, 14 Car. II) and Archbishop of Canterbury (Oct. 1, 1662) to hold Rochdale and Brindle. Pilkington, John (25a). Schoolmaster at Brindle; "ut in 1686." Pimloe, William (9). Parish Clerk of Great Budworth, Dec. 9, 1679; by Dr. John Wainewright (V.G. of John Bishop of Chester). Place, John (39). A.B. (1671), A.M. (1682). Vicar of Well (Yorks.); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, March 3, 1682 (on presentation of the Master of the Hospital of St. Michael2 and the brethren and sisters). Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, June 18, 1671; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 22, 1672. Plewes, Thomas (42). Parish Clerk of Grinton (Yorks.), June 2, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Pollard, Richard (27). Schoolmaster at Walton-le-Dale; ،، ut in 1677 and 1686." Pomfret John (45a). A.M. Rector of Ripley; instituted &c. by John Bishop of Chester, July 16, 1684 (on 'Or, Pickthall. G 2 Edward Place. 42 Chester Clergy List for 1691. presentation of Margaret Ingleby, widow, and Sir John Ingleby, Bart., her son). Deacon by Richard Arch- bishop of York, May 29, 1670; Priest by same, Sept. 24, 1671. Pool, Hugh (3a). Rector of Bebington; instituted, &c., by Dr. Thomas Wainwright (V.G. of Thomas Bishop of Chester), Dec. 5, 1688 (on presentation of Hugh Grosvenor and Francis Leche, to whom, with John Massie, Edward Wright, and Ralph Pool deceased, the presentation had been assigned by Sir Roland Stanley, Bart.) Deacon by Peter Bishop of Chichester, May 5, 1673; Priest by same, Dec. 21, 1673. Popleton, Edward (45a). Parish Clerk of Staveley (Yorks.) July 10, 1674; by John Wainwright. Porter, John (12). At Bunbury. Deacon by Henry Bishop of London, Dec. 22, 1689. Porter, Thomas (12a). Curate of Bunbury. Curate of Bunbury. Letters of Orders, &c. "ut in 1686." Porter, William (46). Parish Clerk of Whixley, May 16, 1685; by Thomas Cradock. Preston, Christopher (24a). Parish Clerk of Clitheroe, March 6, 1667; by John Wainwright. Price, Francis (24a). A.M. [Vicar of] Blackburn. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1686." Price, Thomas (5a). Parish Clerk of West Kirby, Aug. 19, 1663; by Accepted Archbishop of York. Procter, Anthony (29a). A.B. At Caton (in Lancaster). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 24, 1676; Priest by Thomas Archbishop of York, March 16, 1689. Procter, Edward (41). Parish Clerk of Well (Yorks.), April 10, 1665; by Sir Joseph Cradock. Proctor, Anthony (35a). A.B. (1) Rector of Deane (Cumb.); instituted, &c., by Nicholas Bishop of Ches- ter, March 19, 1689 (on presentation of Philip Lord Wharton). Deacon and Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 24, 1671. (2) Licensed to preach in Chester Clergy List for 1691. 43 province of York by Richard Archbishop of York, Sept. 19, 1673. Proctor, John (28). Lit. At Middleton (in Kirkby Lons- dale). Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, March 16, 1689. Proudlove, Eleanor (12a). At Sandbach. Midwife; March 24, 1684. Wife of Henry Proudlove. Radley, Richard (3). Rector of Barrow (Cheshire); insti- tuted, &c., by Thomas Archbishop of York, June 17, 1689 (on (on presentation of Thomas Earl Rivers). Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Dec. 19, 1686; Priest by Thomas Archbishop of York, June 16, 1689. Raine, Nathaniel (42a). At Romaldkirk. Druggist,¹ &c.; by Sir Joseph Cradock, Aug. 6, 1675. Raine, William (39). Lit. At Brignall. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, Sept. 22, 1689. Raper, John (40a). Parish Clerk of Watless (Yorks.), Sept. 2, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Rawes, Richard (36a). Parish Clerk of Sedbergh, Nov. 28, 1684; by Thomas Cradock. Parish Clerk of Chorley (Lancs.); Rector of Copgreave (Yorks.) Richardson, John (10a). (1)Schoolmaster within the Chapel- ry of Daresbury; by George Bishop of Chester, July 28, 1665. (2) Parish Clerk of Daresbury, July 28, 1665; by Dr. John Wainewright, V.G. Richardson, Theophilus (10a). A.B. At Peover. Priest by William Bishop of St. Asaph, May 30, 1686. Richardson, William (18). Curate of Turton; by John Bishop of Chester, March 3, 1682. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 22, 1672; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, June 3, 1683. Rawlinson, John (27). "C ut in 1686." Richardson, John (46a). CC ut in 1677." IN. R. Ext Facultatem sibi concessam ad consulendum et valetudinariis et egrotis medicamenta salutaria componendum sec’dm naturam et morbi qualitatem et alia quae ad munus Aliptæ spectant faciend". 44 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Richardson, William (23). Schoolmaster in the Free Grammar School at Holland (Lancs.); by John Bishop of Chester, Jan. 2, 1691.1 Richmond, Richard (20a). A.M. (1) Rector of Sefton; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester (for John Archbishop of York, then holding a metropolitan visi- tation), Aug. 30, 1684 (on presentation of Richard Legh of Lyme by donation from Caryll Molyneux Viscount Maryborough). Deacon and Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Feb. 1 and March 7, 1679. (2) Rector of Walton [on the Hill]; instituted, &c.2 by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, April 10, 1690 (on pre- sentation of Silvester Richmond, by donation of above Lord Maryborough). Richmond, Silvester (21). At Liverpool. Physician (pro- vince of York); by Thomas Turner S.T.P. (Dean) and Chapter of York (the See being vacant), July 10, 1663. Midwife; May 8, Robinson, Elizabeth (46). At Nidd. 1679. Wife of John Robinson. Robinson, Elizabeth (24). At Colne. Midwife; June 16, 1671. Wife of John Robinson (formerly Slater). Robinson, Henry (5a). Licensed to teach boys within the parish of Wallasey; by George Bishop of Chester, July 28, 1665. Robinson, James (10a). Of Glasgow College. A.M. Curate of Knutsford; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, April 27, 1691. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 21, 1684; Priest by William Bishop of St. Asaph, Sept. 19, 1686. Robinson, James (38a). Lit. (1) Curate (so far as a Deacon may) of Staveley (in Kendal); by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 24, 1676. Deacon by said Bishop on above day; Priest by same, Aug. 5, 1677. (2) 'Error in name or date. ¿Certificate of induction by Thomas Marsden, Vicar of Walton, April 24, 1690. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 45 Schoolmaster at Hugill; by Accepted Archbishop of York, Oct. 20, 1667. Robinson, John (46). Parish Clerk of Nidd, Feb. 4, 1690; by John Cartwright. Robinson, Mary (42a). Midwife; At Bolton-on-Swale. July 4, 1674. Wife of Richard Robinson. Robinson, Samuel (10a). Curate of Daresbury; by John Archbishop of York, Sept. 11, 1684. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, June 6, 1670; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, June 14, 1674. Robinson, Thomas (27a). Trinity College, Dublin. A.B. [Vicar of] St. Michael's [on-Wyre]; Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c., "ut in 1671, 1674, &c." Robinson, Thomas (41a). Parish Clerk of Barton Maries, Sept. 2, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Robinson, Thomas (46). Parish Clerk of Staineley (Yorks.) Dec. 10, 1672; by Thomas Cradock. C Roddam, Robert (45). A.M. (1) Rector of Romaldkirk; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 16, 1682 (on presentation of John Duck Alderman of Durham and Anne his wife). Deacon by Peter Bishop of Ely, Dec. 3, 1677; Priest by Thomas Bishop of Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1678. (2) Licensed to preach in Diocese of Durham by Nathaniel Bishop of Durham, Sept. 5, 1679. (3) Vicar of Middleton Tyers; in- stituted, &c., by Peter Samwaies S.T.P. and Toby West, Cl., A.M. (Commissaries of Nicholas Bishop of Chester), March 20, 1690 (on presentation of William and Mary II, on deprivation of the last incumbent). Romsbotham, William (2a). Cl. Rector of Heswall; in- stituted, &c., by George Bishop of Chester, March 26, 1666 (on presentation of Edward Glegg). Deacon and Priest by Brian Bishop of Chester, Oct. 7, 1661. Roscow, Anne (16). At Bolton. Midwife; Jan. 19, 1684. Wife of Ralph Roscow. Rose, Jonathan (36a). A.B. (1678), A.M. (1682). Vicar of Sedbergh; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Ches- DOFM 46 Chester Clergy List for 1691. ter, June 29, 1682 (on presentation of Trinity College, Cambridge). Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, Dec. 22, 1678; Priest by same, Dec. 21, 1679. Rothwell, Charles (26a). Parish Clerk of Leyland; in 1686." CC Sadler, John (32). Schoolmaster of Free Grammar School of Hawkshead; by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 22, 1672. ut Samwaies, Peter (39a). S.T.P. (1) Rector of Bedall (Yorks.); instituted, &c., by Brian Bishop of Chester, Dec. 31, 1660 (on presentation of Charles II, by lapse of time); Commission to George Ferrer, Rector of Watless, Henry Pagett Rector of Fingall, and Tho. Brockhill Vicar of Hornby to administer the necessary oaths, &c., Dec. 31, 1660. Deacon by John Bishop of Rochester, May 28, 1643; Priest by Thomas Bishop of Lincoln, April 9, 1645. (2) Faculty to preach throughout England and Ireland by Henry Rich Earl of Holland, K.G. (Chancellor) and the masters and scholars of University of Cambridge, Dec. 16, 1644. (3) Rector of Wath; by Accepted Arch- bishop of York (by reason of metropolitical visitation), Feb. 20, 1662 (on presentation of Thomas Earl of Elgin &c.) (4) Royal Chaplain-in-Ordinary, May 5, 1673; by Edward Cranfield, Gentleman Usher.¹ (Dis- pensation to hold the two Rectories by Archbishop of Canterbury, Nov. 30, 1661, and King, Dec. 17, 1661). Sanderson, Owen (9). Parish Clerk of Bowdon, July 7, Anteambulo. 1673; by Dr. John Wainwright. Sanderson, William (34a). Lit. Curate of Lorton (in Brigham), as far as a Deacon may; by John Arch- bishop of York, June 5, 1684. Deacon by Edward Bishop of Chester, 2 Sept. 19, 1680. Saul, Thomas (28). Parish Clerk of Cockerham, Nov. 12, 1683; by Thomas Cradock. Error for Carlisle. : Chester Clergy List for 1691. 47 Sawrey, William (37). Lit. (1) Faculty to read prayers (absolution excepted) at Langdale (Grasmere); by John Bishop of Chester, June 23, 1671. (2) Faculty to teach boys in English there; by said Bishop same day. Scarbrough, Robert (41). Parish Clerk of Forcett (Yorks.), April 29, 1669; by Richard Archbishop of York. Scholes, James (17a). A.B. At Oldham. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Lincoln, June 15, 1690. Sclater, William (30). Lit. Curate of Killington (in Kirkby Lonsdale); by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 19, 1675. Deacon by said Bishop same day. Scroope, Richard (39). A.B. Rector of Thornton Watlas; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, May 15, 1679 (on presentation of Margaret widow of Thomas Danby of Thorpe (Yorks.), and Christopher Danby his son and heir). Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, Sept. 19, 1675; Priest by same, May 21, 1676. Sedgwick, Thomas (42a). Parish Clerk of Scruton (Yorks.), June 26, 1675; by Joseph Cradock. Sedgwicke, George (32). St. John's College, Cambridge. A.B. Curate of Broughton (in Kirkby Ireleth); by John Archbishop of York, June 6, 1684. Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, Sept. 19, 1680; Priest by same, March 12, 1681. Seed, Jeremy (37). A.B. At Kendal. Deacon by John Priest by same, Bishop of Chester, June 3, 1683; May 25, 1684. Sharp, Thomas (29). A.M. Rector of Tatham. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. " ut in 1671, &c." Sharrock, William (25a). Schoolmaster at Brindle; "ut in 1677 &c." Shawe, Brian (12a). Rector of Barthomley. Letters of Orders, &c. "ut in 1686." (6 Shawe, John (12). Cl. Rector of Swettenham ut in 1686." 48 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Shawe, John (43a). A.B. Vicar of East Cowton (or Long Cowton); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, June 17, 1686 (on presentation of Wardens, &c., of Hospital of St. John Baptist of Kirkby Ravensworth). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 9, 1677; Priest by Edward Bishop of Carlisle, May 26, 1678. Shawe, Lawrence (29a). A.B. Vicar of Cockerham. Let- ters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. " ut in 1671 &c." Shawe, Oliver (27). Schoolmaster at Blackburn; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, June 16, 1691. Shawe, Peter (17). A.B. At Didsbury. Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, June 15, 1679; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 18, 1681. Shawe, Ralph (12). Parish Clerk of Sandbach, April 17, 1683; by Dr. John Wainwright. Shawe, Samuel (23). Cl. (1) Rector of Warrington; instituted, &c., by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Jan. 10, 1690 (on presentation of James Holt). Deacon and Priest by John Bishop of Chester, June 14 and Sept. 20, 1674. (2) One of the four Royal Preachers in Lancs., Sept. 19, 1682, by John Bishop of Chester. (3) Schoolmaster in the Free School at Warrington, by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Jan. 28, 1686. Sheapheard, John (22a). (1) Schoolmaster of Walton [on the Hill] School; by George Bishop of Chester, May 26, 1667. (2) Parish Clerk, June 12, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Sheapheard, Robert (22a). At Walton [on the Hill]. Sur- geon; by John Archbishop of York, Sept. 11, 1684. Shelmerdine, John (19a). A.M. At Bolton. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Dec. 19, 1686. Shenton, John (12a). Parish Clerk of Acton, Nov. 25, 1684; by Dr. Thomas Wainwright. Sherdley, Edward (24). Cl. At Blackburn. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, June 10, 1688; Priest by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, June 15, 1689. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 49 Sherrard, Roland (2). (1) Rector of Tarporley; insti- tuted, &c., by Brian Bishop of Chester, Jan. 29, 1660 (on presentation of Jane Done). Priest by Robert Bishop of Oxford, Feb. 14, 1659. (2) Faculty to preach; by Accepted Archbishop of York, Oct. 30, 1662. Sherwin, John (36). Parish Clerk of Gosforth (Cumb.), April 18, 1668; by John Mayer (for Sir Joseph Cradock). Simpson, George (42a). Parish Clerk of Bolton-on-Swale, Sept. 8, 1686; by Thomas Cradock. Skellerne, John (6). Parish Clerk of Holy Trinity [Chester] Aug. 20, 1663; by Accepted Archbishop of York. Slater, Elizabeth-see Robinson. Slayter, Peter (42a). Parish Clerk of Coverham (Yorks.), March 22, 1674; by Joseph Cradock. Smelt, Thomas (44a). A.B. Christ's College, Cambridge. At Langton (Yorks.) Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, Sept. 22, 1667; Priest by same, Dec. 20, 1668. Smith, Francis (28). Parish Clerk of Tatham, Aug. 3, 1677; by John Wainwright. Smith, Isabel-see Smith, William, below. Smith, Robert (43a). A.M. Rector of Finghall (Yorks). Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1671." Smith, Thomas (16). Parish Clerk of Eccles, July 14, 1677; by Dr. John Wainwright. Smith, Thomas (16). Schoolmaster at Eccles; by John Archbishop of York, Sept. 14, 1684. Smith, William (10a). At Knutsford. (1) Surgeon; by George Bishop of Chester, March 20, 1665. (2) Physician (in Diocese of Chester); by John Bishop of Chester, July 31, 1673.-Smith, Isabel (wife of above) Midwife; June 1, 1674. Smorthwait, Isabel (41). H At Well (Yorks.). (through Archdeaconry of Richmond); 1686. Wife of John Smorthwait. [Midwife] Sept. 25, 50 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Sowerbutts, Anne (26a). At Kirkham. Midwife; Oct. 24, 1685. Wife of James Sowerbutts. Spanne, Benjamin (14a). A.M. A.M. Vicar of Prestbury; in- stituted, &c.1 (on deprivation of George Newton, Clerk, according to Act of Parliament) by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, May 1, 1691 (on presentation of John Legh). Deacon by Anthony Bishop of Kildare,² Sept. 10, 1679; Priest by Anthony Bishop of Meath, June 17, 1682. Spark, John (29). A.B. Vicar of Bolton-on-Sands; col- lated, &c., by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Dec. 18, 1690. Deacon by said Bishop, June 15, 1690. Squire, Loftus (40a). Cl. Rector of Melsomby; insti- tuted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Jan. 24, 1671 (on presentation of Elizabeth Spooner, of Great Aikeley in Durham). Deacon by Accepted Archbishop of York, March 15, 1662; Priest by Henry Bishop of Chichester, May 12, 1664. Stables, Samuel (46). A.B. Rector of Goldsborough (Yorks.) ut in 1671." ፡፡ Stainton, Richard (34). Lit. Curate of St. Bees; by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 23, 1673. Deacon by said Bishop, Aug. 5, 1677;3 Priest by same, Dec. 23, 1673. Stalman, William (28). Schoolmaster in English at Aust- wick (in Clapham); by John Cartwright, Nov. 12, 1690. Stanley, Edward (12a). Schoolmaster in English at Over; by John Archbishop of York, June 17, 1684. Stanybanck, George (42a). Parish Clerk of Easby, May 7, 1666; by Joseph Cradock. Stephenson, Henry (35). A.B. Vicar of Brigham. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1674." Stewardson, William (38a). Lit. Usher in Free Grammar 'Certificate of induction by James Robinson, clerk, minister of Knutsford, May 2, 1691. 2 Darensis. 3 Some error in date. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 51 School of Kendal; by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 3, 1677. Stockdale, William (31). Deacon. Curate (so far as a Deacon may) of Ulpha (in Millom); by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 21, 1684. Deacon by said Bishop same day. Stockley, Sarah (15). At Macclesfield. Midwife; May 14. 1681. Widow. Stone, Roger (12). At Nantwich. Surgeon; by Dr. John Wainewright (Vicar-General of John Bishop of Ches- ter), Sept. 2, 1678. Stubbs, James (32a). At Satterthwaite (in Hawkshead). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 5, 1677. Styth (or Stith), Robert (22a). One of the Curates of Liverpool and West Derby; by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Sept. 19, 1688 (on nomination of Thomas Pawlett S.T.B. Rector and Thomas Marsden A.M. Vicar of Walton). Deacon by John Bishop of Ches- ter, June 6, 1680; Priest by same, June 12, 1682. Sumpner, John (23). A.B. Schoolmaster of Free Gram- mar School of Wigan; by Thomas Bishop of Chester, March 20, 1686. Mad Swainston, Richard (42a). A.B. St. John's College, Cam- bridge. At Eriholme. Priest by Richard Archbishop of York, Sept. 24, 1671. Swartbreck, Lawrence (26). At Kirkham. Physician; by Richard Archbishop of York, July 7, 1669. Sweeting, Michael (42a). Parish Clerk of Patrick Bromp- ton, March 3, 1682; by Dr. John Wainwright. Swinton, Thomas (5a). Rector of Wallasey (mediety); collated, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 20, 1674. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, June 10, 1670; Priest by same, Sept. 2, 1672. Tarleton, John (29a). At Lancaster. Physician (in Arch- deaconry of Richmond); by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 18, 1683. Tasker, Roger (27). Parish Clerk of Lowchurch [Walton- le-Dale]; "ut in 1686." 52 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Tatham, Edmund (28a). Christ's College, Cambridge. A.M. Vicar of Tunstall (Lancs.) Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1674 &c." Tatham, Richard (41a). A.M. Rector of Kirklington. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. “ut in 1671, 1674 &c." Taylor, John (25a). Curate of Altham and Churchkirk; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Dec. 18, 1690. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest) "ut in 1686.” Taylor, Joseph (28). Schoolmaster at Eldreth (in Clap- ham); by Thomas Cradock, July 11, 1688. Taylor, Richard (29a). A.M. Rector of Heysham ("Hesum dec. Kendale "). Ut in 1677." << Taylor, Zachary (23a). Vicar of Ormskirk. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), Institution, &c., appoint- ment as one of the Four Preachers, “ut in 1677." Taylor, Zachary (26). A.M. Schoolmaster at Kirkham; by John Archbishop of York, Sept. 9, 1684. Thane, John (15). A.M. Rector of Northenden; insti- tuted &c. by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, July 5, 1690 (on presentation of Dean and Chapter of Chester). Deacon and Priest by William Bishop of St. Asaph, April 12 and 18, 1686. 66 Thomlinson, Thomas (26). Parish Clerk of Kirkham; ut in 1674 &c." Thompson, Adam (34). Schoolmaster of Grammar School of Workington; by Sir Joseph Cradock, April 26, 1681. Thompson, Richard (28). (1) Curate of Gresingham; by John Archbishop of York, June 6, 1684. (2) Curate of Leck; by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 19, 1675. Deacon by last-named Bishop, Sept. 19, 1675. Thompson, William (41). Lit. At Askrigge. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, March 16, 1689. Thompson, William (34). Parish Clerk of Muncaster, June 5, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Thomson, Thomas (30a). (1) Curate of Walney; by John Chester Clergy List for 1691. 53 Bishop of Chester, June 22, 1671. Deacon by George Bishop of Chester, Dec. 21, 1662. (2) Schoolmaster within Chapelry of Walney; by Dr. Thomas Burwell, Oct. 22, 1662. 66 (1) Surgeon; ut (2) Parish Clerk of Knutsford; do. At Macclesfield. At Macclesfield. Surgeon; ut << Thorley, Robert (14). At Knutsford. in 1677 and 1686." Thorley, Thomas (14). in 1677 and 1686." Thornton, William (27a). Lit. At Ingleton. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, March 16, 1689; Priest by same, June 7, 1671.1 Threlcalt, Robert (28). Parish Clerk of Bentham, May 31, 1688; by Thomas Cradock. Threlfal, James (27a). Cl. At Lytham. Deacon and Priest by George Bishop of Chester, March 6, 1663. Tickell, Richard (35a). Trinity College, Dublin. A.M. (1) Rector of Distington (or Dissington); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 3, 1685 (on presentation of Sir John Lowther, of Whitehaven, Bart.) Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 24, 1671; Priest by Isaac Bishop of St. Asaph, Feb. 23, 1672. (2) Rector of Egremond; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Jan. 2, 1685 (on presentation of Charles and Elizabeth, Duke and Duchess of Somer- set). Dispensations of Archbishop of Canterbury (Nov. 25, 1685) and of King James II (Nov. 27, 1st year). Trotter, George (43). St. Peter's College, Cambridge. At Hawes. Deacon by Thomas Archbishop of York, June 15, 1690. Turner, Anthony (33). Vicar of Dalton in Furness (en- dowed with 26 marks). Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1671, 1674, &c." Twemlowe, Richard (5). Schoolmaster at Eastham; by John Bishop of Chester, April 23, 1680. ¹Qy. 1691. 54 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Ubanck, Thomas (41a). Parish Clerk of Barton Cuthbert (Yorks.), Oct. 11, 1662; by Sir Joseph Cradock. Usherwood, John (15). A.B. At Wilmslow. Deacon by Sodor and Man, May 26, 1689; Bishop of Chester, June 15, 1690. Curate of Church Hulme. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 24, 1676; Priest by same, Dec. 23, 1683. Subscription to declaration; by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Feb. 16, 1686. Wade, George (27a). Schoolmaster (in English) in parish of Lytham; by Thomas Cradock, Feb. 7, 1686. Wade, Richard (25a). Schoolmaster at Leyland; “ut in 1686." Baptist Bishop of Priest by Nicholas Vawdrey, William (12). Wade, William (27a). Parish Clerk of Lytham, Feb. 5, 1686, by Thomas Cradock, Commissary of Richmond. Wadson, Mary (9a). At Aldford. Midwife; Oct. 12, 1676. Wife of Roger Wadson. Waggett, Michael (42). Lit. Curate of Marrick and Downholm (but admissions rejected), by T. Cradock. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, July 9, 1674; Priest by same, Aug. 9, 1677. Walkden, Thomas (25). Schoolmaster at Standish; by John Bishop of Chester, May 25, 1676. Walker, Anthony (44). Parish Clerk of Spennithorne, June 13, 1670; by Thomas Cradock. Walker, Dudley (37a). (1) Curate (as far as a Deacon may), of Troutbeck (in Windermere); by George Bishop of Chester, Sept. 21, 1663. Further faculty, Sept. 26, 1664. Deacon by said Bishop, Sept. 21, 1663; Priest by same, Sept. 25, 1664. (2) School- master within Chapelry of Troutbeck; by Accepted Archbishop of York, Oct. 20, 1662. Walker, Francis (40). (40). Lit. Parish Clerk of Hutton Magna, Aug. 28, 1686; by Thomas Cradock. Walker, John (46). Parish Clerk of Kirkhammerton, Sept. 10, 1686; by Thomas Cradock. Walker, Lancelot (31). Lit. Curate of Whitbeck (Cumb.) Chester Clergy List for 1691. 55 by Dr. Toby Wickham (Dean) and Chapter of York (Sees of York and Chester vacant), Aug. 21, 1686. Deacon by Edward Bishop of Carlisle, March 12, 1676; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 21, 1684. Walker, Samuel (4). Schoolmaster within township of Mickle Trafford (in Plemstall); by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, March 5, 1690. Wall, John (11). Vicar of Rostherne. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. " ut in 1674 and 1677." Wall, Thomas (22a). Schoolmaster within the Borough of Liverpool; by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Oct. 17, 1688. Walmsley, Anthony (24). Usher at Clitheroe; by John Bishop of Chester, Feb. 27, 1679. Walmesley, Henry (9). A.B. Rector of Grappenhall; in- stituted, &c., by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, July 30, 1690 (on presentation of John Boardman; vacant by deprivation of Thomas Boardman, Clerk). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 23, 1677; Priest by same, Feb. 29, 1679. Warbreck, Katharine (21a). At Liverpool. Midwife; June 12, 1684. Wife of Richard Warbreck. Warburton, John (16a). A.M. At Edenfield. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), and Licence to preach in Diocese of Chester "ut in 1674 and 1677." Warburton, Richard (19a). A.M. (1) Rector of Middle- ton (Lancs.); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Ches- ter, June 15, 1682 (on presentation of Sir Ralph Ashton, Bart.) (2) Fellow of Manchester Collegiate Church; by the said Bishop, May 2, 1684. Deacon by John Bishop of Oxford, Dec. 24, 1676; Priest by same, March 11, 1676-7. Priest by Ward, George (25). At Eccleston (Lancs.) Nicholas Bishop of Chester, June 16, 1689. Ward, John (29a). Parish Clerk of Warton (near Lan- caster), June 19, 1671; by John Wainwright. 56 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Ward, John (45a). Parish Clerk of Farnham (Yorks.), Feb. 13, 1672; by Thomas Cradock. Wareing, Henry (23a). Schoolmaster within parish of Prescot; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, July 19, 1690. Wareing, Hugh (25a). Schoolmaster at Bretherton; "ut in 1686." Wareing, John (23a). (1) Curate of Great Crosby; by John Bishop of Chester, June 6, 1680. (2) School- master of the Free School there; by same Bishop same day. Deacon by said Bishop, June 14, 1674; Priest by same, June 6, 1680. Wareing, Thomas (21a). Curate of Ashton [in-Makerfield] by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Sept. 16, 1690. Priest by Thomas Bishop of Lincoln, Feb. 20, 1686. Warmingham, Charles (6). At Chester. Surgeon; by Dr. Thomas Wainewright (Vicar-General of John Bishop of Chester), Dec. 7, 1685. Waterhouse, Thomas (24a). Parish Clerk at Blackburn, June 2, 1690; by Dr. Thomas Wainwright (on choice of Alex. Osbaldeston of Osbaldeston and Mary Os- baldeston widow, his mother and guardian). Waterwood, William (4). Parish Clerk of St. Martin's [Chester], July 20, 1677; by Dr. John Wainewright. Watmough, James (17). Parish Clerk of Blackrod, June 23, 1674; by John Wainwright. Webster, John (24). At Clitheroe. Physician; by Richard Archbishop of York, June 18, 1669. Weld, Sarah (13a). At Nantwich. Midwife; Dec. 20, 1689. Wife of Owen Weld. Wells, John (27a). A.B. Curate of Stalmine; by John Bishop of Chester, April 29, 1681. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 24, 1671; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, June 28, 1674. Wells, Thomas (37a). At Croskrake (in Heversham). Faculty to teach boys in the vulgar tongue; by Thomas Cradock, May 17, 1682. CHETHAM SOCIETY. POEMS OF JOHN BYROM. NOTE TO VOL. III, PAGE II. The following article by Dr. William E. A. Axon, which appeared in Pitman's Journal of December 21st, 1912, calls attention to the rectification of an oversight which I will not try to extenuate by dwelling on Byrom's possible share in it. For, after all, he may not have given to his poem the title used by his transcribers a more likely conjecture than that he should have added an erroneous title long enough after he had written the verses to allow of his forgetting their unmistakable main direct original. A. W. WARD. BYROM, AUSONIUS, MARTIAL, AND MANILIUS. Herr Max Baeckler, the distinguished President of the German Stenographenverband Stolze-Schrey, after reading my article on "The Poet of Shorthand" in this Journal of 2nd November, has sent a letter calling attention to a curious fact. In the volume edited for the Chetham Society by the Master of Peterhouse from unpublished MSS. in Chetham's Library, there is a poem which claims to be a translation from Martial. Herr Baeckler points out that John Byrom, whilst professedly giving an English expansion of Martial's epigram is really translating a longer poem of Ausonius. This is, indeed, the case.¹ I ought to have remembered the verses of Ausonius for I quoted them in an article which appeared so long ago as 1887 in the "Companion to the Almanac." lines are mentioned by most of the historians of shorthand from Philip Gibbs downwards. It may be of interest to give here the prose translation of William P. Upham : The TO THE MOST SWIFTLY REPORTING NOTARIUS. Hasten, youth, skilled in the swift shorthand. Bring hither the two-leaved tablet on which are so many words by single points expressed, as a single sound is uttered. I 1. The poem by Ausonius is Epigramma cxxxvi: Ad notarium velocissime excipientem. { unroll the well filled books, and like a stream of dense hail I rapidly read. Thou hearest all rightly, and yet thy page is not filled. Thy hand deftly moved flies over the waxen surface. Even now, while my speed is most prolix with round about circumlocution, thou hast fixed on the waxen tablets the thoughts of my breast while they are uttered. I would that my mind could have thought as swift as thy skilful right hand. Thou anticipatest my speech. Who, I ask, who has betrayed me? Who has already told you of what I was thinking to say? What thefts in my inmost heart has your winged right hand committed? What is this new order of things that should come to your ears which the tongue has not yet spoken? No learning has caused it. No other hand is so swift with the flying contractions. Nature has brought thee the skill, and God the gift has bestowed, that what I should speak thou shouldest know, and what I might wish, thou should'st wish. (Brief History of Stenography, 1877, p. 9.) It may, perhaps, be said that in a roundabout way Byrom is expanding Martial. Certainly, the poem written by Ausonius in the fourth century seems to be a development of that written by Martial in the first century of our era. But the idea of the hand outstripping the tongue is to be found also in Manilius, who is earlier than Martial. Speaking of one born under the sign Virgo, he says:- "And he shall be a fortunate writer to whom a letter is a word. By his notes he shall surpass the tongue and the quickness of speech. He shall take down long sentences by new contractions." (6 Apparently we owe this somewhat obvious compliment by exaggeration to the ingenuity of Manilius, and its expansion to Martial, Ausonius and Byrom. Perhaps, however, we should regard the thought as a common form" of poetic licence. John Byrom had in his library the pretty little Elzevir edition of Ausonius, and also the Delphin edition of Martial. I have just had these books in my hands. There is now no edition of Manilius among his books, but it must be remembered that his descendant, Miss Atherton, occasionally gave a volume from his collection to some special admirer of her ancestor. If nowhere else Byrom may have read all these passages in the book of Philip Gibbs-if he had it. It is not now in his collection. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 57 Wells, William (31). A.B. Vicar of Millom. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1671, &c." West, Toby (42). A.M. Vicar of Grinton; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Oct. 4, 1680 (on presen- tation of Charles II). Deacon by William Bishop of Lincoln, March 9, 1670; Priest by Humphrey Bishop of London, Sept. 24, 1671. Wetherby, John (22). Schoolmaster in Free School of Huyton; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, June 24, 1690. Wetherelt, John (41). Cl. Rector of Scruton (Yorks.) Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1671, &c." Wetherlalt, Matthew (43). Lit. (1) Schoolmaster at Hawes; by Thomas Cradock, Sept. 12, 1685. (2) Parish Clerk there; by Thomas Cradock, Aug. 20, 1686.1 Wettenhall, John (13a). Cl. Rector of Wistaston. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1677 and 1686." Wharton, Posthumus (36a). A.M. Schoolmaster of Free Grammar School of Sedbergh; by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 4, 1677. Wharton, Richard (43). Lit. (1) Curate of Bowes (Yorks.); by John Bishop of Chester, July 8, 1674. Deacon by Edward Bishop of Carlisle, Sept. 21, 1673; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, July 9, 1674. (2) Schoolmaster within the parish of Bowes; by John Bishop of Chester, June 28, 1671. White, Richard (29a). CI. A.B. At Chipping. "Ut in 1677." Faculty to preach in Chapel of Admarch ; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Oct. 7, 1689. Whitehall, Thomas (12). (1) Schoolmaster at Barthom- ley; by John Bishop of Chester, Oct. 17, 1683. (2) Parish Clerk there, Oct. 13, 1683; by Dr. Thomas Wainwright. I I The MS. does not identify the schoolmaster with the parish clerk. 58 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Whitehead, Robert (26). Second Schoolmaster at Kirk- ham; by John Bishop of Chester, July 21, 1679. Deacon by said Bishop same day. Whitehead, Thomas (18). A.B.1 At Rochdale. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Sept. 25, 1687; Priest by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, June 15, 1690. Whitley, John (27). Parish Clerk of Samlesbury; 'ut in 1686." Whittaker, James (25a). Parish Clerk of Altham, Sept. 9, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Whittingham, Thomas (13). A.M. Rector of Brereton. Letters of Orders, &c. "ut in 1686." Whitworth, Alexander (19a). Parish Clerk at Milnrow, May 21, 1669; by Richard Archbishop of York. Wicliff, Ambrose (40). A.M. Rector of Wycliffe (Yorks.); instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Nov. 18, 1681 (on presentation of John Wycliffe, for Francis Tunstall). Deacon by Richard Archbishop of York, June 18, 1671; Priest by Guy Bishop of Bristol, Sept. 22, 1672. Wigley, Henry (5). A.M. Rector of Eccleston (near Chester); instituted, &c., by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, July 30, 1690 (on presentation of Mountague Venables Bertie Lord Norreys and the Lady Anne his wife; vacant by deprivation of Ralph Lownds, Clerk). Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 21, 1684; Priest by Thomas Bishop of Lincoln, Dec. 18, 1687. Wilde, John (17a). Parish Clerk of Oldham, Sept. 22, 1680; by Dr. John Wainewright. Wilkinson, John (6). At Chester. Surgeon; by Dr. Thomas Wainwright, May 20, 1686. Wilkinson, Leonard (43a). A.B. At Forcett. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, Feb. 28, 1685; Priest by same, March 12, 1687. Wilkinson, Thomas (14a). Curate of Marton (in Prest- Of Jesus Coll., Camb.; Cartwright's Diary. Chester Clergy List for 1691. 59 bury); by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 12, 1679. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Aug. 6, 1671; Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 20, 1674. Williams, George (4). Parish Clerk at Bruera, May 13, 1669; by Richard Archbishop of York. Williamson, Robert (10). A.B. Curate at Malpas; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, May 8, 1691; Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, March 25, 1676. Williamson, Thomas (5). (1) Rector of West Kirby; in- stituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, May 25, 1670 (on presentation of Thomas Williamson and Richard Percival). Deacon and Priest by John Bishop of Chester, May 12, 1669. (2) Licensed to preach at West Kirby; by same Bishop, May 25, 1670. Wilson, Richard (40). Parish Clerk of Wycliffe (Yorks.), Oct. 6, 1662; by Dr. Thomas Burwell. Wilson, Thomas (21a). A.B. Curate of Newchurch¹ (in Warrington Deanery); by Thomas Bishop of Chester, Feb. 10, 1686. Deacon by William Bishop of Kildare,² June 19, 1686; Priest by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Oct. 21, 1689. and Wilson, Thomas (35). Priest. (1) Curate of St. John's St. St. Bridget's of Beckermond (Cumb.); by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, June 9, 1690. (2) Li- censed to preach in Archdeaconry of Richmond; by John Bishop of Chester, April 18, 1686. Wilson, Thomas (38). Lit. (1) Curate (so far as a Deacon may) of Underbarrow (in Kendal); by Toby Wickham (Dean) and Chapter of York (Sees of York and Chester vacant), Sept. 17, 1686. (2) Licensed to teach boys in English by the same on the same day. Deacon by Thomas Bishop of Carlisle, May 30, 1686. Wilson, William (37a). Cl. Rector of Windermere. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1671." ¹i.e., Culcheth. 2 Darensis. 60 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Withers, Thomas (29a). Cl. Rector of Halton (near Lan- caster). "Ut in 1677.” Wittrigg, William (31). Parish Clerk of Bootle (Cumb.), April 5, 1673; by Christopher Matteson, surrogate. Wood, John (32a). Schoolmaster in Free Grammar School (£9 endowment) of Dalton in-Furness]; by Sir Jos. Cradock, May 17, 1680. Wood, Lawrence (2a). (1) Rector of St. Bridget's, Ches- ter; collated, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, June 30, 1685. Priest by Thomas Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, Aug. 22, 1673. (2) Curate of St. John's, Chester; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Oct. 11, 1689. Wood, Thomas (17). Parish Clerk of Didsbury, June 19, 1684; by John Archbishop of York. Wood, Thomas (30). Lit. (1) Schoolmaster of Free Grammar School at Burton in Kendal; by Dr. Thomas Burwell, Oct. 22, 1662. (2) Parish Clerk there, June 3, 1663; by John Mayer, LL.B., surrogate of Sir Joseph Cradock. Wood, William (26). (1) Curate of Broughton (near Preston). (2) Schoolmaster there. Letters of Orders (Deacon and Priest), &c. "ut in 1674." Woodfall, Thomas (8a). A.B. Curate of Aston (near Run- corn); by John Archbishop of York, June 12, 1684. Deacon by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 20, 1674; Priest by same, May 29, 1681. Woods, James (26). Schoolmaster at Kirkham; by John Archbishop of York, Sept. 9, 1684. Worden, James (21). A.M. At Aughton (Lancs.) Deacon and Priest by John Bishop of Chester, Sept. 21 and Dec. 26, 1679. Worrall, Margaret (17a). At Oldham. Midwife, June 19, 1684. Wife of John Worrall. Wright, Richard (6). Rector of Holy Trinity [Chester]; instituted, &c., by Richard Archbishop of York, Sept. 8, 1669 (on presentation of Charles Earl of Derby). Chester Clergy List for 1691. 61 Deacon by George Bishop of Chester, Jan. 8, 1663; Priest by Robert Bishop of Bangor, Aug. 29, 1669. Wright, Richard (25a). Curate of Downham and White- well; "ut in 1686." Wrigley, Joshua (25). Schoolmaster at Haslingden; by John Bishop of Chester, March 1, 1683. Wroe, Richard (19). S.T.P. (1) Warden (or Dean) of Manchester Collegiate Church; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester (by grant of John Archbishop of York during the Archiepiscopal Visitation), May 1, 1684 (presented by King Charles II). (2) Preacher through England and Ireland (Queen Elizabeth pa- tent, April 6, in her 13th year), by George Duke of Buckingham (Chancellor) and the Masters, &c., of University of Cambridge, Jan. 19, 1671. (3) Canon of Chester (in succession to Phineas Bury, Clerk, de- ceased); by John Bishop of Chester, March 15, 1678. (4) Vicar of Garstang; instituted, &c., by John Bishop of Chester, Nov. 28, 1684 (on presentation of Silvester Richmond, physician; vacant by resignation of Richard Richmond, Clerk). Deacon by Matthew Bishop of Ely, June 14, 1663; Priest by same, March 12, 1665. Wylde, Daniel (17). At Saddleworth. Physician (in pro- vince of York); by Accepted Archbishop of York, 17, 1663. Yarwood, Joseph (12a). Parish Clerk of Church Hulme, Sept. 30, 1689; by Dr. Thomas Wainwright. Yarwood, William (16). Schoolmaster at Bolton; by John Archbishop of York, Sept. 18, 1684. Yates, George (44a). Parish Clerk of Kirkby Fleetham; April 30, 1683; by Thomas Cradock. Yates, John (8). A.B. Curate of Lymm; by John Bishop of Chester, Dec. 18, 1681. Deacon and Priest by same Bishop, May 29 and Dec. 18, 1681. Yeates, Francis (22). Curate of Winwick; by Nicholas Bishop of Chester, Oct. 11, 1689. Deacon by Robert 62 Chester Clergy List for 1691. Bishop of Gloucester, May 30, 1686; Priest by Robert Bishop of Gloucester, May 22, 1687. Yong, Josiah (5a). A.B. Schoolmaster in Free Grammar School of Grange (in West Kirby); by John Bishop of Chester, June 23, 1677. ERRATUM. Page 4-To William Barne, add "At Cleator." BERDEEN, King's College, 21. Acton (nr. Nantwich), 17, 48. A Admarsh, 57. Ainderby Steeple, 22, 31. Alderley, 13, 22. INDEX OF PLACES. Aldingham, 13, 20. Aldford, 33, 36, 54. Allerton Mauleverer, 35. Altham, 52, 58. Ambleside, 19. Arlecdon, 39. Ashton-in-Makerfield, 56. Ashton-on-Mersey, 10, 24, 27". Ashton-under-Lyne, 17, 34. Askrigge, 37, 52. Astbury, 34. Aston (nr. Runcorn), 60. Audlem, 8, 13, Aughton (nr. Liverpool), 10, 60. Austwick, 29, 50. Aycliffe, Great ('Aikeley '), 50. Aysgarth, 30, 31, 32. ACKFORD, 13, 14. BA Baddiley, 4. Bangor-on-Dee, 17, 34. Barningham, 35. Barrow (nr. Chester), 43. Barthomley, 22, 47, 57. Barton St. Cuthbert, 54. Barton St. Mary's (in Gilling East), 45- Bedale, 39, 46. Beethom, 9, 26, 30. Bentham, 35, 53. Bidston, 17. [63] Bebington, 13, 32, 42. Beckermet, St. John's and St. Bride's, 59. Billington, 12-see Langho. Bispham (Fylde), 9. Blackburn, 13, 33, 39; 42, 48,* 56. Blackley, 8, 15, 37. Blackrod, 56. Blawith, 14. Bolton-le-Moors, 1, 16, 22, 32, 34, 45, 48, 61. Bolton-le-Sands, 21, 50. Bolton-upon-Swale, 8, 45, 49. Bolton (Wensley), 5, 20. Bootle (Cumberland), 28, 60. Bowdon, 28, 46. Bowes, 31, 57. Brereton, 58. Bretherton, 56. Brigham, 50. Brignall, 30, 43. Brindle, 3, 41,* 47. Brompton-Patrick-see Patrick - Bromp- ton. Broughton (nr. Preston), 7, 12, 60. Broughton-in-Furness, 47. Bruera (Chester), 59. Budworth, Great, 40, 41. Bunbury, 16, 26, 39, 42. Burneston, 22, 26. Burnley, 17, 23, 31, 36. Burton-in-Kendal, 37, 60. Burton (Thornton), 29. Burtonwood, 29. Bury, 10, 20, 34. C AMBRIDGE, University, 46, 61. Christ's College, 5, 28, 49, 52. Emmanuel College, 1. Jesus College, 581. Magdalene College, 39.* Trinity College, 18, 46. St. John's College, 2, 7, 8, 15, 30, * 32, 47, 51. St. Peter's College, 53. Sidney-Sussex College, 11. Cartmel, 2, 30. Cartmel Fell, 35. Catterick, 29. Castleton (Rochdale), 8. Caton, 42. Chelford, 3. Chester, 27, 38, 56, 58, 61. Cathedral, 19, 61. St. Bridget's, 23, 60. St. John's, 38, 60.- 64 Index of Places. Chester, St. Martin's, 56. St. Mary's, 19. St. Michael's, 23. St. Oswald's, 19, 37. Holy Trinity, 49, 60. Childwall, 35. Chipping, 5, 57. Chorley (Lancs.), 9, 17, 43. Chorlton, 4. Christleton, 12, 26. Church (Churchkirk), 23, 52. Church Hulme, 54, 61. Churton Heath-see Bruera. Clapham, 2, 34. Cleator, 4. Clitheroe, 2, 3, 37, 42, 55, 56. Cockerham, 20, 46, 48. Cockermouth, 18, 39. Coddington, 15. Colne, 23, 44. Colton, 38. Congleton, 35. Coniston (Furness), 7. Copgrove, 43. Corney (Cumberland), 6, 11. Coverham, 40, 49. Cowton, East (Long Cowton), 28, 40, 48. Cowton, South, 19, 39. Croft (Yorks.), 6. Crosby, Great, 56. Crosscrake (Heversham), 56. Crosthwaite (Heversham), 25. Croston, 41. Cundall, 20, 34. Culcheth (Newchurch), 59. DA ALTON-in-Furness, 29, 53, 60. Danby Wiske, 7, 31. Daresbury, 43, 45. Davenham, 4, 35. Deane (Lancs.), 1, 24, 36. Deane (Cumberland), 39, 42. Dent, 27. Didsbury, 48, 60. Disley, 4. Distington, 53. Dodleston, 11, 15. Downham, 61. Downholme (Yorks.), 26, 54. Drigg, 6. Dublin, Trinity College, 6, 45, 53. Durham, 45. E A East Cowton-see Cowton. ASBY, 31, 50. Eastham, 5, 17, 24, 53. * East Witton-see Witton. Eccles, 3, 22, 49. Eccleston (Cheshire), 58. Eccleston (Leyland), 41, 55. Edenfield, 6, 39, 55. Edge (Cheshire), 16. Egremond, 53. Eldreth (Clapham), 52. Ellel, 12. * Ellenbrook, 3. Embleton (Cumberland), 36 Eryholme (Gilling), 51. Eskdale (Cumberland), 40. F ARNDON, 17, 26. Farnham, 15, 56. Finghall, 20, 46, 49. Flixton, 7, 29, 35. Flookborough, 5. Forcett, 32, 40, 47, 58. ARSDALE, 30. Garstang, 13, 31, 61. Gawsworth, 22, 38. Gibside, 7. G Gilling, 20, 27, 39. Glasgow, 18, 32, 44. Goldsborough, 28, 50. Goosnargh, 11, 24. Goostrey, 10. Gorton, 15. Gosforth (Cumberland), 15, 49. Grange (West Kirby), 23, 62. Grappenhall, 26, 55. Grasmere, 18, 19. Great Budworth-see Budworth. Great Crosby-see Crosby. Gressingham, 52. Grinton, 41, 57. HAIGHTON, 12. Hale (Cumberland), 37. Halsall, 10, 15. Halton (Lancs.), 60. Handley, 10. Hanmer, 25. * Hargrave (Cheshire), 8, 10, 25. Harrington, 9. Harthill, 2. Harwood, 4, 36. Haslingden, 3, 17, 61. Hawes, 7, 53, 57. Hawkshead, 6, 46. Hawkswell, 10, 21. Heskin, 12, 19. Heswall, 45. Index of Places. 65 Heversham, 14, 18, 21. Heysham, 52. Holland-see Upholland. Holt, 10, 16. Hoole (Lancs.), 20. Hornby (Yorks.), 46. Hugill, 45. Hulme see Church Hulme. g Hutton, Great (in Gilling), 29, 54. Hutton, Old (in Kendal), 38. Huyton, 14, 35, 36, 57. NCE (Cheshire), 6. Ingleton, 12, 53. Ingleton Fell, 30. I Ireleth (or Kirkby Ireleth, in Dalton) 27. Irton, 6. EASDEN (in Clapham), 10. K Kellet, Over, 5. Kendal, 18, 21, 38, 47, 51. Kentmere (Kendal), 21. Killington (Kirkby Lonsdale), 47. Kirby-on-the-Moor, 2, 31. Kirkby Fleetham, 24, 61. Kirkby Ireleth-see Ireleth. Kirkby Lonsdale, 9, 18. Kirkby Ravensworth, 13, 18, 26, 48. Kirkby Wiske, 17, 39. Kirkham, 12, 19, 50, 51, 52, 58, 60. Kirk Hammerton, 8, 54. * Kirklington, 52. Knaresborough, 12, 18, 33. Knutsford, 44, 49, 50, 53. L AMPLUGH, 31. Lancaster, 3, 51. Langdale (Grasmere), 47. Langho (in Billington), 4. Langton (Yorks.), 49. Lawton, 34. M Maghull, 32. Malpas, 16, 59. Manchester, 5, 24, 27, 33. Chetham Hospital, 1. Leck, 32, 52. Leigh (Lancs.), 17. Leyland, 2, 46, 54. Lindale (Furness), 16. Liverpool, 3, 9, 44, 51, 55.* Livesey, 37. Long Cowton-see Cowton. Long Sleddal, 25. Longton, 4. Lorton, 46. Lowe, Lowchurch-see Walton-le-Dale. Loweswater (St. Bees), 14, 26. Lowick, 41. Lyme (Cheshire), 44. Lymm, 33,* 35, 61. * Lytham, 53, 54.* K ACCLESFIELD, 9, 21, 25, 27, 39, 51, 53. Collegiate Church, 22, 28, 40, 55, 61. Manfield (Yorks.), 10, 32. Mansergh (Kirkby Lonsdale), 18. Marbury, 18, 37. Marrick, 7, 54. Marske, 28,* 40. Marton (Prestbury), 58. Marton-super-Montem (i.e., Marton-with- Grafton), 37. Melling (Lonsdale), 2, 36. Melsomby, 5, 50. Meols-see North Meols. Mickle Trafford-see Trafford. Middleton (Salford), 6, 33, 55. Middleton (Kirkby Lonsdale), 43. Middleton Tyas, 45. Millom, 25, 36, 57. Milnrow, 58. Mobberley, 9, 19, 25. Moresby, 11. Mottram-in-Longdendale, 20,* 31. Muncaster, 21, 52. ANTWICH, 11, 12, 27, 31, 51, 56. NA Neston, 26. ΝΑ Newton-in-Makerfield, 1. Newchurch (Culcheth), 59. Nidd, 1, 44, 45. Northenden, 14, 16, 52. North Meols, 23, 27. Nun-Monkton, 8, 31. OLD LDHAM, 23, 32, 47, 58, 60. Old Hutton-see Hutton. Ormskirk, 22, 34, 37, 52. Osbaldeston, 56. Ouseburn, Great, 11, 40. Over (Cheshire), 19, 23, 50. Overchurch (Wirral), 11. Over Peover-see Peover. Overton (Lancaster), 26. Overton Madoc, 23. Overton (in Taxall), 8. Over Staveley-see Staveley-in-Kendal. Oxford, Christ Church, 28. Pembroke Hall, 37, Queen's College, 8. St. Alban's Hall, 7. 66 Index of Places. PAT ATRICK-Brompton, 34, 51. Pennington (Furness), 38. l'enwortham, 21, 23. Peover, Over, 30, 43. Pickall, 9. Pilling, 15. Plemstall, 20. Plumpton-see Woodplumpton. Ponsonby, 37. Poulton-le-Fylde, 24, 25. Poulton (le-Sands ?), 22. Prescot, 56. Prestbury, 26, 50. Preston (Lancs.), 7, 11, 14, 32, 34. Preston l'atrick, 37. Prestwich, 4, 27, 31. RA ADCLIFFE, 1, 6, 36. Redmire (Wensley), 5. Ribchester, 24, 40. Richmond, 8, 21, 40, 59. Ringley, 16. Ripley, 41. Rochdale, 8, 29, 41, 58. Romaldkirk, 30, 40, 43, 45. Rostherne, 55. Rufford, 3. Runcorn, 12, 35. Rydal, 18. * ADDLEWORTH, 9, 33, 61. St. Bees, 6, 15, 50. St. Bridget's-see Beckermet. St. John's-see Beckermet. St. Michael-on-Wyre, 26, 45. Sale, 10. Salford, 9, 28. Samlesbury, 13, 58. Sandbach, 25, 32, 43, 48. Satterthwaite, 51. Scruton, 13, 47, 57. Seascale, 15. Seaton (Cumberland), 6, 14. Sedbergh, 43, 45, 57. Sefton, 20, 24, 44. Shavington (Ches.), 13. Shotwick, 31, 33. Silverdale, 3. Sleddall-see Long Sleddal. Smeaton, 21. South Cowton-see Cowton. South Stainley-see Stainley. Spennithorn, 33, 54. Stainley (Yorks.), 1, 45. Stalmine, 12, 16, 56. Standish, 12, 24, 54. Stanwick (Stanwigg), St. John, 29, 39. Staveley (Cartmel), 10. Staveley (Kendal), 24, 44. Staveley (Yorks.), 42. Stockport, 13, 16. Stoke (Wirral), 4, 14. Swettenham, 47. ANFIELD, West, 10, 28. les, 9, 49. TAN Tarvin, 5, 6, 20. Tatham, 47, 49. Tattenhall, 18, 23, 38. Taxall, 8. Thornton (in Lonsdale), 1. Thornton-le-Fylde, 18. Thornton-le-Moors, 4, 13, 21. Thornton Watlass, 43, 46, 47. Thorpe, 47. Thurstaston, 37. Todholes (St. Bees), 6. Trafford, Mickle, 55. Troutbeck, 54. Tunstall, 37, 52. Turton, 43. ULPHA, 51. Ulverston, 14, 27. Underbarrow (Kendal), 59. Upholland ("Holland "), 7, 44. Urswick, 28, 29. WAL Walney, 52, 53. ABERTHWAITE, 21, 22. Wallasey, 44, 51. Walton-le-Dale (or Lowe, Lowchurch), 13, 41, 51. Walton-on-the-Hill, 25, 35, 44, 44”, 48* 51. Warmincham, 2. Warrington, 25, 48. Warton, 3, 5, 32, 55. Wasdale, Nether ("Washdale "), 16. Wath, 4, 12, 46. Watlass-see Thornton Watlass. Waverton, 17. * Weaverham, 5, 6, 23. Well, 41, 42, 49. Wensley, 12, 14, 36. Werneth, 20. West Derby, 3, 22, 51. West Kirby, 42, 59. Westminster, 19. West Tanfield-see Tanfield. West Witton-see Witton. Whalley, 11, 19. Index of Places 67 # Whicham, 14, 27. Whitbeck, 20, 54. Whitewell, 61. Whittington (Lancs.), 8. Whitehaven, 24, 53. Whixley, 36, 42. Wigan, 21, 22, 25, 51. Wilmslow, 25, 38, 54. Windermere, 18, 59. Winster, 8. Winwick, 14, 17, 61. Wistaston, 57. INDEX OF NAMES. IN ADDITION TO THOSE OF THE CLERGY LIST. RDFERT and Aghadoe, Thomas bishop of, 6. Assheton, Sir Ralph, 6, 55. A Thomas, $5. Booth, Robert, 28. William, 8. BANG ANGOR, Humphrey bishop of, 20. Robert bishop of, 5, 12, 61. Bertie, Mountague Venabies, 58. Anne, 58. Bispham, Thomas, 15. Blagge, John, 27. Blakiston, Sir Will., 7. Boardman, John, 33", 55. Brideoake, Mary, 19. Bristol, Guy bishop of, 28, 58. Brockhill, Thomas, 46. Brook, Sir Richard, 12. Thomas, 12. Brooks, Peter, 10. Buckingham, George duke of, 61. Burches, Margaret, 11. Burwell, Thomas, 13, 17,* 30, 53, 59,60. Bury, Phineas, 61. C Witherslack, 9. Witton (Cheshire), 15, 18, 29. Witton, East, 5, 14. Witton, West, 22, 28. Woodchurch, II, 27. Woodplumpton, 38. Woolton, I. Workington, 7, 9, 52. Wrenbury, 40. Wybunbury, 11, 35 Wycliffe, 58, 59. Wyersdale, 8. ANTERBURY, archbishops of, 4, 21, 41, 46, 53. Dean and Chapter, 41. Carlisle, bishops of, passim. Cartwright, John, commissary, passim. Carus, Christopher, 8. Cawdrey, Zachariah, 22. Charles II, 21, 22, 24, 30,* 32, 41, 46,* 57, 61. Chester, bishops of, passim. dean and chapter, 15, 19, 37, 52. Chichester, Henry bishop of, 2, 25, 50. Peter bishop of, 42. Cleaver, John, 27. Clementshaw, Denis, 12. Clowes, Will., 12. Coates, L., 261. Cockenshell, John, 29. Cooper, John, 16 Cradock, Sir Joseph, commissary, passim. Thomas, commissary, passim. Cranfield, Edward, 46. Curtes, Will., 14. Curwen, Henry, 7, 9. Custodes Libertatum Angliæ, 11. ANBY, Christopher, 47. Margaret, 47. Thomas, 47. Derby, Charles earl of, 60. Derry, John Bishop of, 36. Dod, Hester, 16. DA Randle, 16. Thomas, 16. Downes, Reginald, 8. Duck, Anne, 45. • 68 Index of Names. Duck, John, 45. Duckworth, Charles, 19. Durham, John bishop of, 8, 24, 29. Nat. bishop of, 7, 22, 29, 45. E' LGIN, Thomas earl of, 46. Ely, Matthew bishop of, 61. Peter bishop of, 7, 45. Exeter, Jonathan bishop of, 33. FE ELL, Thomas, 29. Ferrer, George, 46, Fisher, John, 18. Fishwick, Richard, 18. Fleetwood, E., 2. Edward, 23. Fleming, Sir Daniel, 18. Fletcher, John, 19. ARDNER, Christopher, 29. G Gerard, Joshua, 20. Gerard of Brandon, Charles lord, 33. Glegg, Edward, 45. — — Gloucester, John bishop of, 10. Robert bishop of, 37, 62. Greaves, John, 21. Gresty, Joseph, 22. Grime, Elisha, 22. Grosvenor, Hugh, 42. Sir H Hargreaves, Christopher, 23. Haydock, William, 41. Hereford, Herbert bishop of, 4, 38. Hilton, Richard, 34. Holland, Henry earl of, 46. Holt, James, 48. Hutchinson, John, 20. INGL NGLEBY, Sir John, 42. Margaret, 42. JAM AMES II, 2, 20, 22, 35, 53. ILDARE, Anthony bishop of, 50. William bishop of, 59. Killaloe, bishop of, 34. L AYFEILD, Charles, 41. Leche, Francis, 42. Legh, John, 50. Legh, Richard, 44. Leicester, James, 40n. Leigh, Austin, 33. Lichfield, John bishop of, 23. Lichfield, Thomas bishop of, 19, 38, 60. Lincoln, Henry bishop of, 9. Thomas bishop of, 12, 18, 22, 35, 40, 45, 46, 47, 56, 58. William bishop of, 57. Lloyd, William, 34. London, Henry bishop of, 11, 35,* 42. Humphrey bishop of, 17, 57. Thomas bishop of, 1. Lownds, Ralph, 58. Lowth, Sir John, 53. ALLORY, Thomas, 19. M Manchester, Edward earl of, 2. Manwaring, Sir John, 4. Marsden, Thomas, 3, 44", 51. Marshall, Thomas, 29. Maryborough, Caryll lord, 44. Massie, John, 42. Richard, 10. Matteson, Christopher, 36, 60. Maurice, Hugh, 34. Mayor (Mayer), John, 30, 49, 60. Meath, Anthony bishop of, 50. Henry bishop of, 11. Mitford, John, 27. Molyneux, Caryll, 44. Monmouth, James duke of, 21. Mountague, Edward, earl of Manchester, 2. John, 18. EDHAM, Peter, 8. Newton, George, 50. N' Norreys, lord, 58. Anne, lady, 58. Norwich, William bishop of, 35. FFLEY, Anne Crewe, 31. Oliver, John, 471. Orton, Christopher, 40. Osbaldeston, Alexander, 56. OF Mary, 56. Oxford, John bishop of, 16, 40, 55. Robert bishop of, 49. dean and chapter of, 12, 40. AGETT, Henry, 46. Pawlett, Thomas, 3, 51. P Peake, James, 28. Pennington, Miles, 6, 14. Percival, Richard, 59. Peterborough, Joseph bishop of, 20, 40. Place, Edward, 41n. Pool, Sir James, 14. Ralph, 42. Index of Names. 69 Pope, Walter, title. Postlethwaite, William, 29. Prescott, Henry, title. Price, Francis, 4, 13. Proudlove, Henry, 43. RICH, Henry, earl of Holland, 46. Richmond, Richard, 61. Silvester, 44,* 61. Rivers, Thomas earl, 43. Robinson, James, 501. John, 44. Richard, 45. TR RAFFORD, Edmund, 24. Tunstall, Francis, 58. Turner, Anthony, 29. Thomas, 44. * Rochester, John bishop of, 46. Roscow, Ralph, 45. SAIN AINT ASAPH, Isaac bishop of, 53. William bishop of, 17, 22, 43, 44, 52. Saint John, Oliver, 36. Samwaies, Peter, 45. Senhouse, John, 15. Slater, Elizabeth, 44. Smorthwaite, John, 49. Sodor and Man, Baptist bishop of, 1, 32, 54. Henry bishop of, 6, 11. Somerset, Charles duke of, 11, 53. Elizabeth duchess of, 53. Sowerbutts, James, 50. Spooner, Elizabeth, 50. Stanley, Sir Rowland, 42. Sir William, 5. Stockdale, Dr., 15. WADSON, passim. Thomas, commissary, passim. Warbreck, Richard, 55. Warburton, Robert, 22. Weld, Owen, 56. West, Toby, 45. Wharton, Humphrey, 39 ADSON, Roger, 54. Wainwright, John, commissary, Philip lord, 42. Whithern (Candida Casa), Thomas bishop of, 10, 19, 30. Wickham, Toby, dean of York, 16,* 21, 22, 55, 59. William and Mary, 2, 29, 41, 45. Williamson, Thomas, 59. Winchester, Charles marquess of, 36. Worcester, dean and chapter of, 32. Wright, Edward, 42. Wycliffe, John, 58. Wyvill, Sir Christoper, 33. William, 33. S 19, YORK, ORK, archbishops of (Accepted, John, Richard, Thomas), passim. dean and chapter of, 4, 16, 19, 21, 22, 44, 55, 59. G The Chetham Society. REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE SIXTY-NINTH TO SEVENTY-SECOND YEARS (30th to 33rd of the NEW Series), Read at the General Meeting, held by permission of the Feoffees, in the Audit Room of Chetham's Hospital, Manchester, on the 1st of March, 1915. S' INCE the last General Meeting of the Society three volumes have been issued to the members, namely, the third volume of The Poems of John Byrom, edited by Sir A. W. Ward; The Survey of the Manor of Rochdale, 1626, edited by Henry Fishwick; and A History of Lea- gram, by John Weld. The previous volumes of the Poems of John Byrom were issued in 1894-5. The new and concluding volume con- tains previously uncollected pieces, many of them character- istic of the author's habit of happy and humorous phrasing, and of his healthy religious frame of mind. The editor's annotations present various interesting sidelights on the literary and local history of the middle of the eighteenth century. An appendix gives a series of Byrom's letters to his friends James Stansfield and Francis Hooper, and dis- closes the fact that Byrom took part in the controversy about Richard Bentley and Trinity College in 1718-19, his con- tribution being an anonymous vindication of Bentley which Dr. Monk, the biographer of the great Master of Trinity, believed to have proceeded from Bentley himself. G p 2 Colonel Fishwick's volume, the Survey of the Manor of Rochdale, affords rich material for local topography and genealogy, being particularly full of details relating to each hamlet and parish and to the occupiers and copyholders. The History of Leagram: the Park and the Manor, is a posthumous publication. The author, who died in 1888, took a great interest in his inheritance at Leagram, still a secluded part of the county, and compiled its history with accuracy and skill. The manuscript was placed at the disposal of the Society by his daughter, Miss Weld, of Leagram, and has been edited by Mr. John Brownbill, to whom the thanks of the members are due. In 1886-88, the Society issued the Coucher Book of Furness Abbey, edited by the Rev. J. C. Atkinson, of Cleveland (New Series, vols. 9, 11, 14), from the original volume in the Record Office. Since then a further volume of the Coucher has come to light, and of this Dr. William Farrer has obtained a full transcript, with other documents supplementing the Coucher, and, with his accustomed liberality, has enabled the Society to continue this important record. It has been prepared for the press by Mr. John Brownbill, and a large proportion of it has already been printed. It is hoped that a volume will be in the hands of the members in a short time. Another volume of Chetham Miscellanies is in prepara- tion, of which two portions are printed off, namely, Documents relating to the Plague in Manchester in 1605, and A Survey of the Manor of Penwortham, 1570. It is hoped to include in the publications of the Society at an early date further instalments of the materials con- tained in the Duchy of Lancaster Records in the Public Record Office, as well as early Lancashire and Cheshire wills at Somerset House, and Chester ecclesiastical disci- plinary documents prior to the Civil War. Other works suggested are: -(1) Salford Hundred Court Rolls, (2) Chartulary of Lytham Priory, (3) Supplement to the Inven- 3 tories of Church Goods in Lancashire, (4) George More's tract on Demoniacal Possession in Lancashire, 1600, (5) a reprint of the Surey Demoniack Tracts, (6) Records of Bretherton School, 1645 and following years. The Society has to deplore the death of its Vice-President, Colonel Henry Fishwick, F.S.A., which took place on September 23rd, 1914, in the eightieth year of his age.- He had been a member of the Council since 1875, and Vice-President from 1901. The first book he compiled for the Society was his History of the Parish of Kirkham (1874). This was followed by histories of Garstang (1878), Poulton-le-Fylde (1885), Bispham (1887), and St. Michaels-on-Wyre (1891); the Notebook of Thomas Jolly (1895), History of Lytham (1907), and finally by the Survey of Rochdale already named. The Council also records with regret the death of the following members:- 1. Colonel R. J. ASPINALL, J.P., D.L., of Standen Hall. 2. Canon J. A. ATKINSON, D.C.L., a member of the Council, and editor of Sir Stephen Glynne's Notes on the Churches of Lancashire and Cheshire and of Tracts relating to the Civil War in Cheshire (New Series, vols. 27, 32, and 65). 3. Rev. C. CHETWYND ATKINSON, D.D., his son. 4. Sir W. H. BAILEY, Kt. 5. W. S. CHURCHILL, of Manchester. 6. THOMAS KAY, ex-Mayor of Stockport. 7. Sir BOSDIN T. LEECH, Kt., ex-Mayor of Manchester. 8. HENRY LEWIS, M.A., of Blackburn. 9. J. P. ORMEROD, J.P., of Castleton. 10. Colonel T. R. PHILIPPI. 11. Sir FRANCIS S. POWELL, Bart., late M.P. for Wigan. 12. W. E. ROBINSON, of Poulton-le-Fylde. L Chetham Society. LIST OF JULY, 1915. AINSWORTH, Charles, 215, Chorley New Road, Bolton Armitage, Ziba, Newton Bank, Preston Brook, Warrington Armytage, Sir Geo. J., Bart., F.S.A., Clifton Woodhead, Brighouse BARKER, Rev. J. A., Cottam Rectory, Preston Beswicke-Royds, Mrs., Pyke House, Littleborough Billington, Very Rev. Dean, St. Peters, Lan- caster Boothman, C. T., 14, Clarinda Park West, Kingstown, Dublin, and St. George's Club, Hanover Square, London Brierley, Henry, B.A., 26, Swinley Road, Wigan Bowden, William, Clontarf, Victoria Road, Grappenhall, Warrington Brooke, Alexander, 34, Craven Hill Gardens, Bayswater, London, W. Brooks, Captain Samuel H., J.P., Slade House, Levenshulme MEMBERS Brown, Dr. R. C., 27, Winckley Square, Preston Broxap, Ernest, M.A., Riversdale, Blackfield Lane, Kersal, Manchester, Assistant Hon. Secretary Bury, Joshua, 8, John Dalton Street, Manchester Butcher, Samuel F., 13, Silver Street, Bury CARINGTON, H. H. Smith, J.P., Grange- thorpe, Rusholme Cheetham, Right Hon. J. Frederick, Eastwood, Staleybridge Clayton, Gerald E. C., Penarwel, Llanbedrog, N. Wales Clemesha, H. W., County Court Offices, Preston Cornish, J. E., Ltd., St. Ann's Square, Man- chester Coward, John, J.P., Fountain Street, Ulverston Crawford and Balcarres, Right Hon. the Earl of, Haigh Hall DAWSON, Edward B., Aldcliffe Hall, Lancaster Derby, Right Hon. the Earl of, Knowsley, Prescot Dixon, Colonel George, Astle Hall, Chelford Downie, R. Forbes, Cornbrook, Knutsford EARLE, T. Algernon, 88, King Street, Man- chester Eckersley, J. C., Carlton Manor, Yeadon, Leeds Ellesmere, Right Hon. the Earl of, Worsley Hall Ellis, Sir Thomas Ratcliffe, 18, King Street, Wigan Emmott, Right Hon. Lord, 30, Ennismore Gardens, London 2 LIST OF MEMBERS FARRER, William, D.Litt., Hall Garth, Carn- forth, Vice-President ffarington, Mrs., Worden, Leyland Fiddes, Edward, M.A., 173, Wilmslow Road, Withington Fletcher, John S., M.P., Bryony Hill, Hamble- don, Surrey Fox, Rev. Arthur W., M.A., Todmorden GREENALL, Sir Gilbert, Bart., Walton Hall, near Warrington HAILSTONE, Rev. S., M.A., Walton Lodge, Broughton Park, Manchester Harding, George, 64, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Hesketh, Charles H. B., The Rookery, North Meols, Southport Heywood, Mrs. Charles J., Chaseley, Pendleton Heywood, Rev. J. H., M.A., The Rectory, Ulverston Holden, Herbert C., Bromley Cross, Bolton Holme, Strachan, Bridgewater Offices, Walkden Hudson, Rev. H. A., M.A., Holy Trinity Rectory, Stretford Road, Manchester Hughes, J. D., 27, St. Ann Street, Manchester Hughes, T. Cann, M.A., F.S.A., 78, Church Street, Lancaster Hulton, Rev. H. E., Great Waltham Vicarage, Chelmsford KENYON, Rt. Hon. Lord, Gredington, Whit- church, Salop Kershaw, James, 31, Booth Street, Manchester LATHOM, Right Hon. the Earl of, Lathom House, Ormskirk Leech, Dr. E. Bosdin, 242, Oxford Road, Man- chester. Lees, Major William, J.P., 69a, Market Street, Manchester, Treasurer (Acting) MAINWARING, Sir Harry, Bart., Peover Hall Massey, George, 137, Water Street, New York Muir, Prof. Ramsay, The University, Manchester ORMEROD, Captain George Milner, 2, Ribbles- dale Place, Preston Ormerod, William, J.P., Luddendenfoot, Yorks. PARKER, Colonel Jno., C.B., F.S.A., Brows- holme Hall, Clitheroe Peel, Robert, Fair Oaks, Wilmslow Petre, Captain C. B., Dunkenhalgh, Clayton-le- Moors Philips, Mrs. Herbert, Sutton Oaks, Macclesfield Pierpont, Robert, 8, Cleveland Square, London Powicke, Prof. F. M., 42, Malone Park, Belfast RADCLIFFE, R. D., M.A., F.S.A., 26, Der- went Road, Liverpool Roberts, Dr. D. Lloyd, Broughton Park, Man- chester Robinson, Mrs., Tithebarn Street, Poulton-le- Fylde Rylands, J. Paul, F.S.A., 96, Bidston Road, Birkenhead Rylands, W. H., F.S.A., 52, Great Queen Street, London, W.C. SHERRIFF, Herbert, Rectory Lane, Prestwich Shuttleworth, Right Hon. Lord, Gawthorpe Hall, Padiham Spafford, C. H., Wilderspool Hall, Urmston Starkie, Captain E. A. Le Gendre, Hunt royde, Padiham Stocks, G. A., M.A., Blackburn Grammar School Sutton, Charles W., M.A., Reference Library, Manchester, Hon. Secretary Sykes, T. Tatton, Prince's Street, Stockport TAIT, Professor James, M.A., 9, Beaconsfield, Derby Road, Withington, President Tatton, Thomas Egerton, Wythenshawe Hall, Cheshire LIST OF MEMBERS دب Taylor, Henry, 8, John Dalton Street, Man- chester. Taylor, Henry, F.S.A., Birklands, Southport, and Braeside, Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells Taylor, Henry, F.S.A., 12, Curzon Park, Chester. Thompson, William, 29, East Beach, Lytham Toller, Professor Thos. Northcote, M.A., Lans- downe House, Didsbury Tonge, W. Asheton, c/o Lathbury & Co., Cum- berland Street, Manchester Toulmin, Sir George, M.P., Fishergate, Preston The Honorary Secretary requests that any change of address may be communicated to him or to the Treasurer. Aberdeen University Library Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales Accrington Public Library Ashton-under-Lyne Public Library Bolton Public Library Bootle Public Library Bacup Co-operative Stores Library. Barrow in Furness Public Library Berlin Royal Library (per Asher & Co.) Birkenhead Public Library Birmingham Central Public Library Blackburn Public Library Bury Co-operative Society Library Bury Public Library and Art Gallery. LIBRARIES. Boston, U.S.A., Athenæum (per E. G.Allen & Son Boston, U.S.A., New England Historic Genea- logical Society (per B. F. Stevens & Brown) Boston, U.S.A., Public Library (per B. Quaritch) Bradford Public Library Tout, Prof. T. F., M.A., 1, Oak Drive, Fallow- field, Manchester California, University of, Berkeley, Ca. (per B. F. Stevens & Brown) Cambridge, Christ's College Cambridge University Library WARD, Sir A. W., M.A., LL.D., Litt.D., Peter- house Lodge, Cambridge Wearing, J. W., M.A., J.P., Parkfield, Lancaster Wilkinson, William King, M.A., Middlewood, Clitheroe Wood, G. H., Walton Cottage, Whalley Range, Manchester Cardiff Public Library Chester Public Library Chicago, Newberry Library (per B. F. Stevens & Brown) Chorley Public Library Cornell University, Ithaca, U.S.A. (per E. G. Allen & Son) Derby Public Library (Dublin) National Library of Ireland (per Hodges, Figgis & Co.) Dublin University (Trinity College) Library (per Hodges, Figgis & Co.) Eccles Public Library (Edinburgh) Advocates' Library Edinburgh Public Library (Edinburgh) Signet Library (Glasgow) Mitchell Library (Glasgow) University Library Göttingen University (per Asher & Co.) Hartford, U.S.A., Watkinson Library (per E. G. Allen & Son) Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A., (per E. G. Allen & Son) 4 LIST OF MEMBERS Horwich Mechanics' Institute Hyde Public Library Illinois, University of (per G. E. Stechert & Co.) Lancashire Independent College, Manchester Lancaster Public Library (Leeds) Old Library (Leeds) Public Library (Leeds) University Leigh (Lancs.) Public Library (Liverpool) Athenæum (Liverpool) Public Library (Liverpool) Lyceum Library (Liverpool) University. (London) Athenæum Club (London) British Museum (London) Dr. Williams' Library (London) Guildhall Library (London) Royal Historical Society (London) Honble. Society of the Middle Tempio (London) Law Society, Chancery Lane, W.C. (London) Library, St. James' Square (London) Lincoln's Inn (London) Reform Club (London) Sion College (London) Society of Antiquaries (London) South Kensington Museum (Manchester) Chetham Library (Manchester) Public Library (Manchester) John Rylands Library (Manchester) Portico Library (Manchester) Union Club (Manchester) University Melbourne, Public Library of Victoria Michigan, University of (per H. Sotheran & Co.) Minneapolis, Athenæum Library (per G. E. Stechert & Co.) (New York) Historical Society (per B. F. Stevens & Brown) New York Public Library (per B. F. Stevens & Brown) (New York) Columbia University (per G. E. Stechert) (New York) State Library, Albany (per G. E. Stechert) Nottingham Public Library Oldham Public Library Oswaldtwistle Public Library (Oxford) Brasenose College (Oxford) Bodleian Library (Oxford) Manchester College (Philadelphia) Free Library (Philadelphia) Historical Society of Pennsyl- vania (per B. F. Stevens & Brown) (Preston) Dr. Shepherd's Library Radcliffe Literary and Scientific Society Rawtenstall Public Library Rochdale Public Library Salford Public Library Sheffield Public Library St. Helen's Public Library Southport Public Library Stockport Public Library Stonyhurst College, via Blackburn Sydney, Public Library of New South Wales (per Truslove & Hanson) Todmorden Public Library Toronto Public Library (per C. D. Cazenove & Son) Upsala (Sweden) Royal University Library Wallasey Public Library, Liscard, Cheshire Warrington Museum Washington, D.C., U.S.A., Library of Congress (per E. G. Allen & Son) Wigan Public Library Windsor, Royal Library Wisconsin State Historical Society (per G. E. Stechert & Co.) Yale University (per E. G. Allen) DEC 1 6 1915 CONTA } AAR SAR SEKEPRESSANFTANTIA SEZONO UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN T 3 9015 03704 2523 ; L- Reviewed by Preservation 2000 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARDS ་*་ : 4 PLOREDANAU COR HOMEO⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 80000 [ [ [ C F F F D C F C D F [ [ [ [ C C C C C D D C umu MENU C C C D D U V W I H H H Hum