" ----- : B 361802 DUPL Y VES ܐ ARTES LIBRARY 1817 VERITAS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN པནི་ཐོ་༤༦༣ པ ས s TUEBOR ERIS-PENINSULAM·AMŒNAM CIRCUMSPICE SCIENTIA OF THE ………………………………….. LJN 3/31 13 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3, 3 }} 182 28. DOI: #ikonaną ………………………………………………IG. TEATRDAY) 895 188 A VIEW OF CHINA, FOR PHILOLOGICAL PURPOSES; CONTAINING A SKETCH OF DESIGNED.- CHINESE CHRONOLOGY, GEOGRAPHY, GOVERNMENT, RELIGION & CUSTOMS. 1218 48 FOR THE USE OF PERSONS WHO STUDY THE CHINESE LANGUAGE.. سلام BY THE REV. R. MORRISON. +ydt utamists & MACAO: PRINTED AT THE HONORABLE THE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S PRESS, BY P.P. THOM S. PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY BLACK, PARBURY, AND ALLEN, BOOKSELLERS TO THE HONORABLE EAST INDA COMPANY, LONDON. 1817. PREFACE. THE Materials contained in this Small Volume, were at first intended to be attached to the Chinese Dictionary, Printing by Order of the Honorable the East India Company; and to be bound up with it. However, However, is subjects of frequent refer- ence, they will probably be more convenient, Printed in the present form, and bound up by themselves. To avoid, in some degree, the excessive dryness of merely Foreign Names, Distances, and Dates, and to assist the mind of the Student in taking a comparative survey of the progress of human Society, during the same period of time in different parts of the world, a few of the most remarkable Persons, In- ventions, and other Occurences, in the various regions of the Globe, as well as in China, are annexed to the Chronology, They occupy so little space, that no fair objection can be made to their insertion on the ground of swelling a new Book with things already very well known. i iv. The Court of Directors, and their Select Committee, at Canton, in China, continue their liberal encouragement of the Author's attempts to facilitate to Englishmen the acquisition of the Chinese Language. To the existing Committee,---the Pre- sident Sir THEOPHILUS J. METCALFE, Bart; and the other Members, JosEPH COTTON; J. B. URMSTON; and J. MOLONY, Esqres., many thanks are due for their steady perseverance in supporting the Honorable Company's Chinese and English Press. A more generat acquaintance with the Language, will, it may be hoped, by degrees, tend to promote a fuller, and an increasingly cordial understanding between two great Nations; whose amicable intercourse is much calculated to benefit both. To his friends, the President and Members of the Select Committee, with the other Gentlemen of the British Factory; to the Honorable the Court of Directors; and through them to his Country, the present small Work, is respectfully of fered, by JULY 26, 1817. THE AUTHOR. CHRONOLOGY, CONTENT S. "Introductory Remarks, Cycle of Sixty Years, Emperors of the Ta-ts'hing Dynasty, Remarkable Occurrences, The Ming Dynasty, The Yuen Dynasty, The Sung Dynasty, The Woo-tae, or Five Dynasties, viz. Chow, Han, Tsin, T'ang, and Leang, The Tang Dynasty, The Lüh-chaou, or Six Dynasties, viz: Suy, Chin, Leang, Tse, Sung, Tsin, The Han Dynasty, The Period of the San-kwo, or Three Kingdoms, The Tsin Dynasty, The Chow Dynasty, The Shang Dynasty, The Hea Dynasty, The Woo-tae, or Five Emperors, The Sau-hwang, or Three Sovereigns, Fabulous Period, Extract from Chinese History, GEOGRAPHY, Outline of the Empire of Ta-ts'hing. Situation and Population of the several Provinces, The Mung-koo Tribes, long dependant, 12 4 • 5 12 16 ❤ . - • • 16 - 26 32 36 40 44 - - PAGE 1 3 - G 48 ib 52 56 ib. 58 ib. 59 - 61 64 *2 vi. CONTENTS. GOVERNMENT, TIME, Recently attached Mung-koos, New Boundaries on the West, Latitude of Places on the Imperial Map, ❤ → New dependant Territories, Nations reputed Tributary to China, Of the Nine Ranks, "Literary Examinations, Names and Functions of the Officers of Government, Of the Supreme Government, Of Provincial Government, Civil Officers, Gall - The Twenty-eight Constellations, FESTIVALS, Terms, twenty-four in the year, Hours; Night Watches, 44 The New Year, &c. BELIGION, Of the Three Sects, Of the Priests, Marriage, Funerals, Military Officers, * ##: # The Pǎ-kwa, or,Eight Diagrams, Concluding Remarks, 1 1, £ . · .. 1. 譬 ​· 21fgh V 1 " 虐 ​1 - - 87 ib. Į- 92 - - · - PAGE 73 75 77 - 103 104 · 78 80 - - 95 97 101 102 - 110 113 . ib. 114 117 - 120 105 A SKETCH O'F CHINESE CHRONOLOGY, GEOGRAPHY, &c. B IN proportion as a Person is ignorant of the History, Geography, Political and Reli- gious Institutions, Local Customs and Opinions of a Country, is the Language of that Country difficult to him; and his liability to mistake the words and idiom of the Language, is in the same proportion. Hence, what is perfectly clear and explicit to a Native, is often dark and ambiguous to a Foreigner. To the latter, words and sentences do not call up the same associations as to the former; which circumstance causes either obscurity or error. There is a difficulty also in defining words by alluding to Insti- tutions and Customs, respecting which the Reader is as yet uninformed. A Dictionary therefore of a Foreign Language, ought to have annexed to it an outline of the History, Geography, Religion, Philosophy, Government and Customs of the Country. To do this fully, would swell an Introduction to an unusual length; and individual customs and opinions may be explained when words referring to them occur in the body of the work. But the Chronology, Geographical Divisions and Offices of Government, form each a connected series or system, which cannot without much tautology he explained in broken parts. Another reason for presenting to the Learner an outline of the Names of Places, Offices, &c. is, that Persons beginning Chinese are liable to suppose that every character must be defined singly, whereas the fact is, that there is scarcely a sentence in which there are not two or more characters understood as united, and which are not intelligible when taken apart. The several 2 characters which compose a name, either of a person, place, or thing, are not usually to be defined. The following Chronological Table of the Reigns of the Chinese Emperors, is from a Comparison of the following Historical Works. 1st. 通鑑​綱目 ​Thung- këen-kang-mùh, in 100 Volumes, by-Choo-foo-tsze, the celebrated Com- mentator on the Four-books ;-2d. Urh-shih-yih-she, The Twenty-one Kang-keen-hwuy-treuen, in 34 Historians, in 282 Volumes;-and 3d. Volumes, by Fung-chow. Also, from a Table of the Cycles, published by San-yuen-keǎ-tsze;—A Chronological Imperial authority, entitled Table called Lee-tae-ke-nëen-pëen-lan, is that which is + 歷代​紀年​便​覽 ​here followed; in these there are slight discrepancies, which it is not the object of this Table to endeavour to adjust. The Emperors. of ('hina, beside their proper Names, take a Title when they ascend the throne. This title is called their Kwo-haou, or Neen-haou; in assuming which, they (Yung tsze tseu këih tseang) employ characters which denote something felicitous. When the Emperors die, another title is written on a tablet dedicated to them in the temples where they are interred. This By the Kwo-haou, they are 國​號 ​generally mentioned when quoting them for merely Chronological purposes; title is called their Meaou-haou. 廟號 ​however, as previous to the HH Ming Dynasty, many of the Emperors changed their Kwŏ-haou several times during the period of one reign, it is in this case more sim- ple to use their Meaou-haou. The Kwò-haou does not appear to have been introduced till the time of Han. 漢 ​The Meaou-haou is used when speaking of the Emperors personally, and is inserted in the Imperial Almanac, pointing out the day of their demise; which day is kept as 2 day of mourning, and of performing the rites of sacrifice to their manes. This is observed for five generations. When the sixth generation succeeds to these sepulchral honors, the first of the series is removed. 明​禎 ​The name of the Dynasty is often used before the name of the Prince, as Ming-ching-tsung, i. e. 'Ching-tsung of the Dynasty Ming, In making out this Table, though contrary to general practice, I begin at the present inoment and ascend to antiquity. It is immaterial which mode is adopted. 3 That which I follow, appears to me the preferable one, because we are too apt to consider given periods of high antiquity as fixed with absolute certainty, when they are only probable. To come at the dates of past events, we must begin with the present moment, turu round and pass up the stream of time. The Cycle of Sixty years, which the Chinese employ in their Chronology, is called 花​甲子 ​Hwa-keä-tsze. A. D. 1816, is the 13th year of the LXXV Cycle, from the 61st year of the Emperor Hwang-te. Ten of the Characters employed, are 黃帝 ​called 十​榦 ​Shih-kan, The ten stems;' or 天幹 ​Thëen-kan, The celestial stems.. They are these, 甲乙丙​丁​戊​己​庚辛​壬癸 ​Keă, yih, ping, ting, woo, are these, 子丑​寅 ​ke, kăng, sin, jin, kwei. The twelve, called Te-che, Terrestial branches,' Tsze, chow,yin, 辰​巳午​未​申酉​戌​亥 ​maou, shin, sɛe, woo, we, shin, yew, seuh, hae. These are arranged in the following order. 32 53 3 5 寅​甲​51|辰​甲​41|午​甲​31 申​甲​21 戍​甲子​甲​, 夘​と ​52 乙 ​42 未​乙 ​30 酉乙​2 亥乙丑乙​。 辰​丙 ​58 午​内 ​43 申​丙​33 戌​丙​23 子​丙​13 寅​丙 ​巳​丁​54 未​丁 ​54 未​丁​44 酉​丁​34 亥​丁​24 丑​丁​14 外​丁​4 午​戊​55 申​戊​45 戌​戊​35 子​戊​25 寅​戊​15 辰​戊 ​未​已 ​56 已 ​46 亥 ​36 丑 ​26 己 ​配 ​16ee6 申​庚 ​57 戌​庚 ​47 子​庚 ​37 寅​庚 ​27 辰​庚午​庚​: 辛 ​58 亥​辛 ​48 丑​辛​38 辛 ​外​辛 ​28 巳​18 未​辛 ​戌​壬 ​50 子​壬 ​40 寅​壬 ​39 辰​壬​29 午 ​午​壬​10 申​壬 ​亥​癸​60 丑​癸​50 癸 ​40 巳​癸 ​30 未​癸​20 癸 ​8 9 10 These Characters are applied not only to the Years, but also to the Months, Days, and Hours; as also to the points of the Compass. 丙子 ​Ping tsze 年​Nëen, i. e. the 13th. year of the Cycle, corresponds to A. D. 1816, and commenced on the 27th of January of that year. B 2 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE A REIGNS OF THE EMPERORS OF CHINA.. MEAOU-HAOU. OF THE The Ta-ts'hing Dynasty. THE REGNING EMPEROR, A. D. 1816. KWŎ-HAOU. 嘉慶 ​Kea king. 高宗​純​皇帝​Kaou-tsung-shun-hwang-te 乾隆 ​Këen-lung. 世宗​憲​皇帝 ​She-tsuog-hëen-hwang-te. 雍正​Yung-ching, 聖​祖仁皇​帝 ​Shin-tsoo-jin-hwang-te. 康熙 ​Kang-he, 世祖​章​皇帝 ​She-tsoo-chang-hwang-te. 順​始 ​Shun-che, Reigu Reign First ed closed year of years. A. D. Cycle. 21 60 1795 13 1735 61 1722 18 1661 LXXV. 1804 LXXIV 1744 LXXIII 1684 REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES™ 1789; 平定​準​喝​爾後勒​銘​伊犁​之​碑​日​Keen-lung, after redu cing the Chin-kŏ-urh (a Tartar tribe), and fixing the seat of the local Govern-- ment at E-LE, raised there a Stone tablet, on which he wrote, 天之所​培​者​人​雖​傾​之​不可​殛​也 ​天之所​覆​者​人​雖​栽​之​不可​碩​也 ​“The tree which Heaven plants, though man should throw it down, he cannot eradicate it: "The tree which Heaven casts down, though man should replant it, it will not grow.'* The Emperor then upbraids the conquered people with the violence and murder b which they had committed, at the same time that they #Said, they promoted the Yellow (or Lama's) Religion, and worshipped the God Fùh.' His Majesty, after mentioning his own good intentions, and the necessity under which he had been of subduing them, said, that their rebellion would issue in. final good; 因​禍​而​至福​也​。 Good would be educed from evil.' He adds, 天佑​我​皇​清​非​人力​也​,what has. been effected was by the aid which Heaven granted to the Dynasty Ts'hing, and not by human effort. (Vide, Ta-ts' hing-y ih-t'hung-che.) In the 35th year of the reign of Keen-lung, the Too-urh-. T hoo-tih-han, (or Han of Tourgouths) passed from their original settlement, and submitted to the Manchow Dynasty. They are said to have. amounted to 數十 ​Several hundreds of thousands. * The sentiment contained in these lines, corresponds nearly with that dictated by the Almighty to the Prophet Jeremiah, "I have set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build,. and to plant." Jer. i. 10th. : CHRONOLOGY.] 6 1776, Keen-lung subdued Kin-chuen, otherwise called Meaou-tsze. · 1682, Subjected Formosa, called by the Chinese Tae-wan. 1795,乾隆​五十​八年​有​西北​極​遠​亘古​不通​中土​之 ​Ä ‡ Ð ¶ £ ¤ In the 58th year of Keen-lung, the 英吉利​國​越​重​海​來​朝 ​English, from the north west extremity of the world, and who from ancient times to the present, had never reached the middle land (China), passed over an immense ocean and came to the Court' of the Universal Sovereign. (Vide, Map of the World, published by authority, in the 59th year of Keen-lung.) 1735, During the 3d year of Yung-ching, in the Province of water spring burst forth suddenly. of salt daily. Yung-ching the fourth son of Kang-he, was, in the beginning of his reign, greatly perplexed by the conduct of his brothers. He long threatened them with severe punishment, and argued, that he would be justified by posterity, in putting them to death. He proceeded to take from them all rank, and to shut them up in solitary.coufinement, surrounded by high walls. He took away their proper One he called 塞 ​names, and gave them others, either unmeaning or ludicrous. Sih-sze-hih, Shut up to study darkness.' Ministers made out upwards 思​黑 ​of fifty charges against them, and requested that death might be inflicted. The Em- peror made long speeches, saying, how much these unprincipled worthless brothers of his had vexed and distressed his father, and how richly they deserved death, at the same time he could not bring his mind to execute them; 'I must,' said he, 'think of it longer.' In the mean time Sih-sze-hih died in confinement. The Em- peror was grieved, and softened towards another brother. He said, he felt an in- clination to release him, but did not know how to act, and requested that his minis- ters would take the opinions of all the Viceroies, and leading Generals of the Empire. However, before an answer came, the brother died ! Yung-ching, 11th year, Importation of Ivory prohibited at Canton, to repress luxurious e´egance. A Viceroy, took an oathof secrecy in order to obtain a confession, which he immediately divulged, and caused the death of the person who confessed. 1722, Kang-he had moveable types, of copper, cut in considerable numbers. 3 + ८ Hoo-pih, a salt The people obtained from it about 200 catties ~ 7 [CHRONOLOGY. During a scarcity of coin, Keen-lung permitted them to be melted down, which he afterwards regretted much, and had 250,000 wooden types cut. The page of moveable types is commonly called Hwo-pan, or 活版 ​活字版 ​Hwǔ-tsze- changed the term to, pan. The expression was, by the Emperor Këen-lung, deemed inelegant, and he Tseu-chin, Congregated Pearls. Under the Dynasty Sung, moveable characters made of clay, baked hard, were used. The Writer of this, possesses an Imperial Work in 24 vols. entitled 欽​定​平​苗 ​which was printed with moveable types; but it is by no means equal to good printing with wooden blocks, which are still, almost universally adhered to by the Chinese. Kang-he, in his forty-ninth year, said, Since I ascended the throne, I have directed military operations to a great extent. I have crushed rebels, I have taken pos- session of Formosa; I have humbled the Russians.' 降​鄂​羅斯 ​In the 22nd year of Kang-he, the population of the Empire is put down at 19,432,753 familes.-In his 50th year, the population was 20,111,380 families. 1738, The famous Pirate, who submitted to Kang-he, in his 23rd year, was called Ching-chung-shwang. The multitude were called together by Govern- tonsure of the Pirate Chief and his party. R Iris ment to witness the 薙​髮 ​薙髮 ​tomsure of She-lang, was opposed to him, and obtained the title of Tsing- hae Tseang-keun, 'Pacificator of the Seas.' 靖海​將軍 ​吳三桂 ​Woo-san-kwei, The famous Chinese General, who opposed the Tartars, during the closing years of the last Emperor of the Ming Dynatsy; and who, on the Capital being taken by the rebel Le-tsze-ching, and the Emperor and his Empress having destroyed themselves, invited his late enemies the Tartars, to assist in expelling the rebel. Woo-san-kwei fought for the Tartar Dynasty, during the whole of Shun-che's reign, and till. the 10th year of Kang-he, when he rebelled. He was previous to this, denominated Ping-se wang, 'The king, subjugator of the West.' pt In the 17th year of Kang-he, he died unsubdued. Woo-san-kwei's son during his father's life, was taken by the Government and destroyed; his grand son succeeded to the head of his party, but was soon over- come, taken, put to death, and had his lifeless head exposed to the multitude by 11 [CHRONOLOGY. appeared, and the boy having placed himself in a bark, floated down the stream of a river to a certain shore, where having ascended the beach, he broke off willows and framed a seat on which he sat down, in the wilderness. There were in that land contending Chieftains, who fought and killed many. One who went forth to draw water, saw the boy, and was astonished at his extraordinary appearance. Having returned, and told the people of the Clan, they came out and questioned him respecting his name and surname. He said, 'I was born of the Celestial Fc- male Foo-koo-lun, and am ordained by Heaven to settle your disordered state.' All astonished said, 'Heaven has brought forth a Holy One,' and forthwith con- stituted him their Sovereign. They fixed their abode at the city Go-To-LE, in the wilderness of Go-han-hwuy, on the east of the Long White Mountain. They de- nominated their country Man-chow. 滿州 ​It happened after this, that the people of the state rebelled and killed all the family except one boy, whose name was Fan-cha-kin, who ran into the wilderness, and escaped from a rook or magpie alighting on his head, and being seen by his pursuers at a distance, was mistaken for a rotten trunk of an old tree. From this, the family was preserved from becoming extinct.* The next per- son of eminence, who is now termed the Sixth Ancestor, having revenged 六祖 ​the murder of his family, and fixed himself in their former place of abode, he inhe rited the name of Gae-sin-ked-lo; and his descendants still retain the two last syl- lables of the name, and wear a red girdle to distinguish them. (Vide, Tung-hwa-lüh.) * From the preservation of Fan-cha-kin, the Tartars venerate the magpie, and prohibit its being shot. They have an annual ceremony at the spot where this deliverance took place in commemoration of it. + The 6th Ancestor is denominated in the Meaou-haou, Shaou-tsoo; the 5th,興​祖 ​Hing-lsoo; the 4th,景​祖 ​King-tsoo; the 3d, 顯祖 ​Hëen-tsoo; the 2d, Tae-tsoo; and the 1st, or Shun-che, 太祖 ​She-tsoo. Tae-tsoo waged his first war about A. D. 1600, with 100 soldiers, and 30 suits of armour. c 2 1 CHRONOLOGY.] 12 MEAOU-HAOU 莊​烈 ​Chwang-lëě, 熹宗 ​He-tsung, 光宗 ​神宗 ​Shin-tsung, 穆宗 ​Müh-tsung, Kwang-tsung, - 世宗 ​She-tsung, 武宗 ​Woo-tsung, - - 孝宗 ​Heaou-tsung, 憲宗 ​Hèen-tsung, 英宗 ​Ying-tsung, Tae-tsung, - The Ming Dynasty. 1 } 明​仁宗 ​Ming-jin-tsung, 成祖 ​Ching-tsoo, - - 惠帝 ​Hwuy-te, C ★ Tae-tsoo, of 太祖 ​Tae-tsoo, of Low BIRTH, KWŎ-HAOU. ITCF Tsung-ching, 天啓 ​Thëen-k'he, 泰昌 ​Tae-chang, 萬歷 ​Wan-leih, 代宗 ​可 ​景泰 ​King-tae, 英宗 ​Ying-tsung, (restored) 天順 ​Thëen-shun, 宣宗 ​Seuen-tsung, 隆慶 ​Lung-king, - 嘉靖​Kea-tsing, 正德 ​Ching-tih, 弘治 ​Hung-che, Ching-hwa. - Ching-t'hung, - 宣德 ​Seuen-tih, 洪熙 ​Hung-he, 永樂 ​Yung-lð, 建​文 ​8 洪武​时 ​Keen-wǎn, Hung-woo, - - * Taken by the Tartars, 1 1 1 · • 1 1 A Reign Reign First ed closed year of A. D. Cycle. vears. 16 1643 7 1 48 6 45 23 8 7 14 16 1520 10 LXX 18 1504 1504 1 1627 22 LXXII 1620 1624 4 1619 1571 LXXI 1565 1564 1486 1463 1455 LXIX 1448 1444 1434 1424 1423 1401 31 1397 13 CHRONOLOGY.. [CH + 1 1 REMARKABLE OCCURRENces during THE DYNASTY MING. 1635, Regular Posts established from London to Scotland and Ireland. 1597, Watches first brought into England.. 1589, Coaches first used in England.. 1573, 萬​歴​二年​建閘​於​蓮花​莖 ​.In the 2nd year of Wan-leih, was. built the Macao barrier, on the isthmus called 'The stalk of the water-lily.' 1579, English East India Company incorporated.. 明​初​用人​不拘​資格​當​開 ​國​之 ​初​急于​求才​且​以 ​官爵​聳動​天下​而​一時​人才​亦即​出​其中 ​·In the begin- ning of the Dynasty Ming, the Government, in employing men, paid no regard to their rank. In commencing the Dynasty, there was an urgent demand for talents ; and the Empire being roused by the hope of rank and nobility, the human intellect at once rose above mediocrity.' 明​初​有​火車​火​傘​大​二三​將軍​等​砲 ​At the com- mencement of the Dynasty Ming, they had fire-chariots; fire-umbrellas and guns, which they called The Great General, the Second, and the Third General,, &c. 國​初​止​有神​機​火槍​一種​而​佛​郎​機​子母​砲​烏​嘴 ​鋶皆​後​出 ​At the beginning of the Dynasty, they had only a kind of musket called Shin-ke-ho-tseang. The guns and muskets of the Franks (or Euro- peans), all appeared afterwards: 今​之​鳥槍​(The Neaou.tseang, or fowling pieces of the present day.' The soldier's match-lock, is now called a Neaou-tseang. 1535,澳​夷西​洋​族​自​嘉靖​三​十年​來​‘Macao Foreigners, a tribe from the Western Ocean (Europe), began to come from the 30th year of Kea-tsing.' (Vide, Gaou-mun-ke-leŏ.) 1522, 銘​彈​則​嘉靖​四十​三年​始​‘Lead bullets were first introduced in the forty-third year of Kea-tsing, (Vide叢​考 ​Tsung-kaou, 8 vol) 鳥槍 ​則​起​于​嘉靖​倭人​入​內地​有​被擒​並​得其​途​合 ​所擒​之​倭​敎​演​中國​人 ​Muskets were introduced during the reign- · CHRONOLOGY.] 14 of Kea-tsing. Japanese entered the country, and with their muskets were taken. The Japanese thus taken were ordered to teach the Chinese.' 1563, Knives first made in England. 1561, Pins first used in England, before which ladies used skewers.-Silk stockings first used in England. 2 1534, Reformation in England. 1539, Cannon began to be used in ships. 1499, North America discovered for Henry VII. by Cabot. 1497, Portuguese pass the Cape of Good Hope. 1494, Algebra first known in Europe. 1492, America discovered by Columbus, a Genoese, in the service of Spain. 1446, Vatican Library founded at Rome. 1340, Gunpowder and Guns first invented by Swarts, a Monk of Cologne. 1423, In the reign of the capital. 嘉靖​三​十二年​畨​船​趨​濠​鏡​者​言​舟 ​觸​風濤​水漬 ​濕​貢​物​願​暫借​澟​鏡​海地​晾曬​海道​副使​汪​柏 ​許​之​時​僅​草舍​數十​間​後​商人​謀利​者​漸​運​磚​. 无​木石​為​屋​.佛​郎​機​逐​得​混入​,番人​入​居​澳​自 ​汪​柏​始 ​In the 32nd year of Kea-tsing, (People in) foreign vessels came to Macao, and affirmed, that having encountered a gale of wind, the ships were leaky, and the articles of tribute had become wet and damp;-it was desired, that Macao, on the sea-coast, might he allowed them to dry their goods. Wang-pih, the (Chinese) officer on the coast permitted it. At that time, they erected merely a few mat sheds, but afterwards, trading people desirous of gain, caused to be brought thither bricks, tiles, wood and stone, of which they made houses. The Franks (a general term for Buropeans) thus obtained a clandestine entrance. European foreigners obtaining a residence in Macao, originated with Wang-pih.' (Vide, Heang-shan-hëen-che.) 1388, The Japanese repeatedly pillaged the coast, which gave much uneasiness of mind Yung-lo, Pih-king (or Pekin), first became } 15 [CHRONOLOGY Fang-ming-këen, to the Emperor. He requested the advice of who, he said, had been long acquainted with naval affairs. Ming-këen, gave it as his opinion, in reply to His Majesty, that as the Japanese came by sea, they must be repelled at sea. 'Let there be built,' said he, 'a long shore at certain distances, places of defence, occupied by land troops; and between them let vessels of war be stationed. Thus in all probabity the Japanese will be unable to land, or if they do, it will be impossible for them to spread themselves. Further, instead of oppressing the coast with troops brought from a distance, let every fourth man of the inhabitants be required to bear arms.' To this proposal His Majesty assented. Fifty nine towns were built along the coast, and fifty-nine thousand men chosen to defend them. 1394, Population is stated at 16,052,860 families; 60,545,812 persons. (Vide, Kang- këen-e-che.) 1370,The Japanese pillaged Shan-tung. In the same Emperor summoned to his presence the ministers of the late Dynasty, and ques- tioned them respecting Those parts of the administration of the Dynasty Yuen, which were successful, and those which failed. Fung-yib, 元政​得失 ​one of the ministers, replied, 元​有​天下​以​寛​得​之​亦以​寬 ​+ Yuen obtained possession of the Empire by clemency; and by clemency lost it.' The Emperor said in answer, 'I have heard only of clemency being the the new year, the means of obtaining possession of a people; I have not heard of clemency being the cause of losing them,’夫​步​急​則​躓 ​急​則​絕​民​急​則 ​亂​居​上​正當​用​寛 ​ELEЯHe who walks hastily will stumble; the bow-string drawn violently will break; and the people pressed hard will rebel. Those who occupy high stations ought, in an especial manner, to exercise clemency.' The Sovereign Ke, of the late Dynasty, was given up to indulgence and pleasure, he lost his Empire by remissness, but by no means from clemency.' (Vide, Kang. këen-e-che, 38 vol.) *K'hwan, that is literally, 'Broad; breadth;' liberality; lenity; clemency. CHRONOLOGY.] 16 MEAOU HAOU. The Yuen Dynasty. KWŎ-HAOU. 順帝 ​Shun-te, or 元​統 ​Yuen-tung,至元 ​Che-yuen, 順​宗​Shun-tsung, and 至正 ​Che-ching, 文宗 ​wăn-tsung, 天​歷 ​Thëen-lëě, and至​順 ​Che-shun, 明​宗 ​Ming-tsung, 天​歷 ​Thëen-lëě, 泰​定​帝​Tae-ting-te 泰​定 ​Tae-ting, 致​和 ​Che-ho, 英宗 ​Ying-tsung, - 至​治 ​Che-che, 仁宗 ​Jin-tsung, 武宗​Woo-tsung, 至大 ​Che-ta, . 成​宗 ​Ching-tsung, 元貞 ​Yuen-ching, 大德 ​Ta-tih, - 世祖 ​She-tsoo, 至元 ​Che-yuen.* 皇​慶 ​Hwang-king, 延​祐 ​Yen-yew, 1 Reign Reign First ed closed year of years. A. D. Cycle. LXVIII 35 1366 1384 5 1 5 3 11 4 13 15 1338 .1333 1332 LXVII. 1327 1324 1324 1313 1309 1296 *Che-yuen, is the Hoo-pi-li, or Coblai of European Writers. The Chinese write his proper name Hwuh-peih-lëč. 忽必烈 ​17 [CHRONOLOGY. İREMARKABLE OCCURRENCES DURING THE DYNASTY YUEN. 元世祖 ​The first Emperor of the Ynen Dynasty, 遣使​窮​河源 ​persons to discover the source of the Yellow River. The narrator observes, that the river was co-eval with the creation, and that although the shiftings of its course were various, they were beyond the controul of human strength; and to search for its source was in vain. With this Dynasty, however, the Grand Canal originated, which has been an incalculable benefit to the Empire ever since. 元世祖​召​天祥 ​tseang, one of the ministers of the late fallen family, and said to him, 所以​事​宋​者​,事​我​當​以 ​‘If you will transfer to 為​相​矣 ​me that service which you performed to Sung, I will forthwith make you a mini- The first Emperor of the Dynasty Yuen, called for T'hëen- B * * 相​,安​事​二​姓​願​賜​之一​死​足矣 ​(Thëen-tseang, was the ster of state.' The other replied, speaking of himself, minister of Sung; how can he serve masters of different names! He desires that death may be conferred upon him, that will satisfy all his wishes.' The Em- peror hesitated. The attending officers advised compliance with his arrogant request; and an order was immediately given to carry him cut to the market place, and there put him to death. when about to suffer, he displayed the greatest ease and composure, saying to the Excutioners, 事​畢​矣​.My work is finished!' He died at the age of 47. In his girdle were found written, sentences taken from the Sages Confucius and Mang-tsze, with reflections upon them. When his corpse was received by his wife, its coun- tenance, exhibited the same appearance that it possessed when animated by the soul of her departed husband. T'hëen-tseang is greaty admired and praised by the Chinese Historians. (Vide, Kan-këën-e-che.) 順帝​十​一年 ​In the 11th year of Shun-te, (a most dissipated and worthless Em- peror), extensive surveys were made to find the level of various parts of the D CHRONOLOGY.] 18 Country; and great efforts were employed in reference to the Grand Canal. 170,000 men, soldiers and people, were employed to open the former bed of the Yellow River, in which they succeeded, and caused the waters to alter their course and resume their wonted channel. 1366, Foreign Commerce at Canton, stopped one year and opened the next. π # ZŁ G In the beginning of Yuen, the North-west boun- 元​時​西​北疆​最大​‘In dary (of the Empire) was most extensive.' Since the conquests of Keen-lung, those boundaries are probably much exceeded. pre- 古來​佛事​之​盛​未有​如​元朝​者​(The Religion of Füh never vailed somuch as in the time of Yuen.' 八仙​之​說​出于​元​人 ​The story of the Pă-sëen (or eight genii), arose in the time of Yuen.' 今​所​用​紅​帖​則​自​劉瑾​始​也​。 The use of red paper visiting cards, commenced with Lew-kin,' who lived during the reign of Ying-tsung, Before that time, white paper was used; and at an earlier period, pieces of wood with the name engraven on them. ˜ºUSŁ‡ In the time of Yuen, the schools of (the Philosophers) Laou-tsze, and Chwang-tsze, were chiefly attended to.' 世祖​磝​匠​西城​阿​老瓦​了​與其​徒 ​恩馬​因 ​• The first Prince of the Dynasty employed stone-throwing engine makers from Mohammedans,) O-laou-wa-leaou, and his pupil Yĩh- the west. (Two sze-ma-yin.' 1324. Foreign Trade regularly restored. 1320, Gold first coined in England. 1309, Tallow candles so great a luxury in Europe, that splinters of wood were used in England for lights. 1302, Mariner's Compass, by Gioia, of Naples. 1298, Wine, in England, sold in Apothecaries' shops. 1296, Foreign Commerce at Canton interrupted for a time. 1281, An Imperial order was given Taou. To burn the books of the sect The Emperor believed. the Sang-mun,' One stated to His Majesty, that the Laou-tsze, the founder of * i.e. the Sha-mun, or Priests of Buddah. 德​經 ​Taou-tih-king alone was published by 19 [CHRONOLOGY. the sect; all other books possessed by them were spurious productions of persons who lived subsequently. His Majesty directed to burn them all without exception. "Alas! says the Historian, that the Emperor seeing the fallacy of the Books of Taou, should yet esteem those of Buddah as true. He ran to the same extreme on the one hand that some of the Emperors of the preceding Dynasty did on the other. They were misled by the pretensions of the sect Taou, and persecuted that of Buddah, They were equally partial and equally under the influence of erroneous principles." No other than the principle of toleration will prevent mutual persecution; it alone is fitted for universal use. 1280,A large army was sent to attack Japan.' The Historian of the Dynasty hình 30 Hwih-peihle. Yuen, inserts some notices of the ancestors of His grandfather was Ching-keil- sze-k'ho-han, Zenghisk'hau, or Ginghisk'han. His elder brother by the same mother, Mung-ko (the Mogul ?), who succeeded to his grandfather's throne, and About 1252, he directed his brother was held his Court at Kwan-nan-ho. 斡​難​河 ​忽必烈​to rule the蒙古 ​Mung-koo's and漢​地​民 ​Chinese. In 1624, Tă-tă-urh, Tartars, to 帶​征​欣​都​思​怯​失 ​he ordered the 迷​兒 ​They found there, it is said, an immense quantity of gems and treasure. At this time, and previous to it, the people of the North-east and North-west, Tung-leaou, held alternately a considerable part of the Chinese Empire. The and Se-leaou, (the Western and Eastern Tartars), the people called by the Kin-kwo, and Yuen, (the Empire of Zenghisk han) contended with each other, and against the Chinese. Chinese Historians devote a considerable portion Chinese of their works to these foreign Sovereignties, but do not admit them among the legitimate Emperors of China. Yuen, finally prevailed over all competitors, as well as the Chinese Dynasty Sung. go to reduce the Hin-too-sze, 'Hindoos,' and Këě-shih-me-urb, Cashmere.' D 2 CHRONOLOGY.] 20 The Sung Dynasty. Also distinguished by 南宋 ​Nan-sung, or 大米 ​Ta-sung. MEAOU-HAOU. KWO-HAOU. 帝​昺 ​Te-ping, - - 祥興 ​Tseang-hing, 端​宗​Twan-tsung, 景​炎 ​King-yen, 恭​宗 ​Kung-tsung, 德祐 ​Tih-yew,. 度​宗 ​Too-tsung, - 咸淳 ​Han-shun, 程​宗 ​Le-tsung,.- 哲宗 ​Chě-tsung, - C 熙​Kea-he, 淳祐 ​Shun-yew, 寶​祐 ​Paou-yew,開​慶​Kae-king, 景 ​King-ting,Shaou-ting,&c. ? 寧宗 ​Ning-tsung, - 慶元​King-yuen,嘉泰 ​Kea-tae, &c. 開 ​Kae-he,嘉定 ​Kae-ting, &c. 光宗 ​Kwang-tsung, 紹煕 ​Shaou-he, 孝宗 ​Heaou-tsung, 隆興 ​Lung-hing 乾道​Kan-taou, 淳熙 ​Shun-he,- 高宗 ​Kaou-tsung, - 建​炎 ​Keen-yen,紹興 ​Shaou-hing, 欽宗 ​Kin-tsung, 靖康 ​Tsing-kang, - 徽宗 ​Hwuy-tsung, 建中​靖​國 ​Këen-chung-tsing-kwǒ, 崇寧 ​Tsung-ning,大觀 ​Ta-kwan, 政和​Ching-ho,重​和 ​Chung-he, 宜​和​E-ho,- 元祐 ​Yuen-yew,紹聖 ​Shaou-shing) 元​符 ​Yuen-foo,- Reign Reign | First ed closed year of years A. D. Cycle. 2 2 2 10 1281 1279 1277 1275 40 1265. 30 1225 5 1195 16-17 1190 36 1.163 1 or 2 1127 LXVI 1264 LXV 1204 LXIV 25 1125 1146 LXIII 15 1100 1084 [Continued on page 22.]. 219 CHRONOLOGY. REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES DURING THE DYNASTY SUNG. · The first Emperor of the Dynasty Sung, was raised to the throne by the Generals of the army, on account of the minority of Kung-te, who succeeded his father at seven years of age. The Generals about to attack the Northern hordes, disliked the idea of fighting under the rule of a child, who could not know or reward their services. They therefore determined among themselves to raise Kwang-ying, a servant of the deceased Monarch to the Sove- reignty, and immediately dispatched a messenger, who found him lying under the influence of wine, and in that state, communicated to him the decision of the army. 未及​對​.黃袍加身​·Ere he had time to re- son.' ply, the yellow robe (the badge of sovereignty) was already applied to his per- How like the bestowment of the Purple in the days of Rome's decline! 1281, The custom of colouring the nails with the red Fung-seen flower, Tili commenced during this Dynasty. The Mohammedan women are said to be fond of it. 木​棉布 ​Some writers place here 篇 ​clay and placed in a frame. Cotton cloth first made under this Dynasty. ↓ 1 Hwùh-tsze, or Moveable Characters, made of burnt · 1275, Marco Paulo, the Venetian Traveller. 火器​古​已有​之​非​火藥​製​也 ​Fire machines in war were 砲 ​used in ancient times, but not with powder.' What were called Paou, or 6 Ho-paou, Fire engines,' commenced during this Dynasty, Paou, were machines for throwing stones. They could throw them from I to 200 paces. amongst the Tartars. Lime and sulphur (they say), were enclosed in paper, which when thrown into ditches that surrounded the walls of towns, exploded when coming in contact with water, and annoyed the beseigers. Wei-shing, mnade engines for throwing stones, in which he used powder. His powder was made of Saltpetre, sulphur, and willow charcoal.' These, it is said, were the commencement of the powder and guns used in later ages. 1 CHRONOLOGY.] +22 MEAOU-HAOU. 大 ​The Dynasty Sung. (Concluded.) 神宗 ​Shin-tsung, 熙寧 ​He-ning,元豐 ​Yuen-fung, 英宗 ​Ying-tsung, 治平 ​Che-ping, 仁​宋​Jin-tsung, -- 康定 ​Kang-ting, 慶歷 ​King-leě, 皇​祐​Hwang-yew,至​和 ​Che-ho, 嘉​就 ​Kea-jew, 嘉祐 ​真宗 ​Ching-tsung, 咸平​Han-ping,景德 ​King-tih, C ·· KWY-HAOU. 大中​祥符 ​Ta-chung-tseang-foo, 天禧 ​Theen-he, 乾​興 ​Kan-hing, Tae-tsung, -- 太平​興國 ​Tae-ping-hing-kwǔ; 雍熙 ​Yung-he; 端拱​Twan-kung ; 淳化 ​Shun-hwa, 至道 ​Che-taou. ★Mill Tae-tsoo, - - 建隆​Kěen-lung: 乾​德 ​Kan-tih; 開​寶 ​Kae-paou. - |Reign|Reign | First closed year of Cycle. ed years. A. D. 18 4 1085 41-49 1063 22 1067 25 1014 17 989 967 LXII 1024 LXY. 964 23 [CHRONOLOGY. J In the 8th year of King-ting, pearls and ornaments of gold for head dresses, were prohibited by law at Canton. 宋寧宗​開​禧​二年​羣臣​共​上​尊號​曰​成​吉思 ​'In the second year of Kae-he, of the Dynasty Sung, all the ministers of state, accosted the (Tartar) Lord, by the honorable title of Ching-keĭh-sze-k’ho- han, (Genghisk han). The birth of one of his ancestors, is represented as extra- ordinary. The mother dreamt that she saw 白光​自​天​而​下​化​金 ​色​神​人​趨​臥榻 ​A white light descend from heaven, which was bed. transformed into a golden coloured divine person, who approached the She awoke in a fright, and found that she had conceived a son, who on his birth, was called Po-twan-che-urh. The boy was remark- able in his appearance; was thoughtful and silent, and by the people of the family, thought silly. His mother, however, affirmed that he was not silly; that his sons and his grandsons would become great and glorious. Zenghisk'han, aMung-koo man, was the fifth in descent from the wonderful boy. His name was 鐡​木​眞 ​Teč-mǔh-chin, which denotes 武功​也 ​Military glory, which name. was given him by his father, from his 手握 ​IDE L 'Hand grasping when he was born, a ball of clotted blood.' 1233, Houses in London still thatched with straw. 1200, Chimnies not known in England. 1180, Glass windows first used in England. 1172, Ireland taken possession of by Henry II. ** Choo-foo-isze, the famous Commentator on the Four-books, 朱​夫子 ​1100, The first Crusade. 1085, Justices of the Peace first appointed in England. 1080, Tower of London built. Tung-too, Chinese Capital in Honan, 1066, William the Conqueror. 1065, Turks take Jerusalem. 989, Paper made of Cotton rags, was in use in Europe, A. D. 1000; that of linen rags, 1170. Manufactory introduced in England, at Dartford, 1588. Shin-tsung, of this Dynasty, was a person exceedingly desirous of CHRONOLOGY.] 24 ruling well. He was diligent, and he was economical. Yet, notwithstanding the possession of these good qualities, from an erroneous choice of a minister, Wang-gan-shih, he is said to have pursued measures, which commenced the ruin of the house of Sung. eastern world; 狷​狹​少​容​泥古 ​Wang gan-shih, was a learned man, not well acquainted with the state of the Hasty, narrow minded, and bigotedly attached to every thing contained in the ancient books of the Chinese.' Wher the Emperor asked him what he thought of the rule of Tang Tae-tsung, he exclaimed, “ What did Tae-tsung ever perform! È 堯舜 ​Your Majesty must imitate (the two first kings of our race) Yaou and Shun." The Emperor in opposition to the advice of all his other statesmen, gave the chief direction of affairs to Gan-shih; and he forthwith set about changing every part of the government to his views of the ancient Classics. The other ministers vehemently opposed him for a time. One of them in the Emperor's presence, after a long and unsuccessful debate, fell down, and died from vexation. When they found their opposition ineffectual, many of them retired from office. One of them said, to the Emperor,大抵​小人​惟​喜​動作​生事 ​則​其間​有所​希​覬 ​'It is a general rule, that bad men are fond of -stirring up and creating a piece of work, because in the midst of the commotion they have something to hope for; 若​朝​廷守静​則​事​有​常​法 ​小人​何 ​but if Your Majesty will adhere to a steady quiet system, 哉 ​then things will acquire and go on in a constant regular mode of government; and what will bad men have to hope for !"-That no alteration or improvement • : 1 should be made in governments, is of course absurd; at the same time it will be found true, that speculative universal innovators, who, either like Wang-gan- shib, think that the ancients were infallibly right in every thing, or like some modern Europeans, think they were right in nothing, are either bad or weak men, and enemies to the peace of mankind 小人 ​One of Gan-shih's measures was, to form a kind of Militia, to which the people had so great an aversion, that 民​截​指 ​斷​腕​以​避​丁​者 ​some of them cut off their fingers and hands to avoid being enrolled. (Vide, Kang-këën-e-che.) 25 CHRONOLOGY. In the fourth year of Ying-tsung, Canton was first walled in, at the expense of 50,000 Tales, surrounding a space of seven le, about two English miles; previous to that, the people all lived in the fields. It was done as a defence against the people of Cochinchina, who frequently invaded and plundered Canton. Cochinchina was at that time called H Keaou-che, which was during the same Dynasty, changed to Gan-nan, its present name. 仁宗​元年​禁​廣​南​巫​塑​邪術 ​In the irst year of Jin-tsung, the arts of witches and wizards, (women and men who pretended they could see spirits) were prohibited at Canton,' which was then called Kwang-nan. 眞​宗 ​In the 7th year, 12th moon, of the reign of Ching-tsung, An Eclipse of the sun, which the Astronomers predicted, did not take place. On this occasion the Ministers congratulated His Majesty, as if the Heavens for his sake had dispensed with so unlucky an omen. The Historian who relates this circumstance, cannot help noticing the ignorant and ridiculous flattery exhi- bited by this congratulation. It was more probable that the course of nature was altered, than that the Imperial Astronomers were mistaken!] The last Emperors of the Dynasty Sung, were pursued by the conquering Tartar barbarians of the subsequent Dynasty Yuen, to Hwuy-chow, in On taking some of the towns, they tore the Province of Canton. 屠其民 ​to pieces, by fastening to carts the Generals who withstood them, and butchered the people in such numbers, that the blood flowed in sounding torrents. From Hwuy-chow, the Emperor Kung-tsung, and great numbers of the Court and Army betook themselves to sea, where finally in despair, Lo-sew-foo, having first thrown over-board his own 陸秀夫 ​wife, addressing the Emperor said, " Since the affairs of the country have come to this state, you ought now to die; your Majesty now suffers the lowest degree of degradation; you ought not to suffer it longer." So saying, he bore the Emperor with himself to immediate death, by drowning in the sea. An immense number of the Court and Army followed their example. History says, that some days afterwards, the sea cast up 100,000 dead bodies. E CHRONOLOGY.] 26 The Woo-tae, or Five Dynasties. 後​周 ​HOW-CHOW. MEAOU-HAOU. 恭帝 ​Kung-te, - 世宗 ​She-tsung, 太祖 ​Tae-tsoo, - 隱​帝 ​Yin-te, - 高祖 ​Kaou-tsoo, 齊王 ​Tse-wang, - 高祖 ​Kaou-tsoo, - 1 · 末帝 ​Müh-te, 太祖 ​Tae-tsoo, - - KWǒ-HAOUu. 顯​德 ​Hüen-tih - 廣順 ​Kwang-shun. - 後​漢 ​HO 乾祐 ​Kan-yew. 天​福 ​Theen-fuh. HOW-HAN. 1 後晉 ​HOW-TIN. 天​福 ​T'hëen füh; 開​運 ​Kae-yun, 天​福 ​Theen-fuh. · - Reig|Reign| First ed closed year of Cycle. years. A. D. 後梁 ​HOW-LEANG. 乾​化​Kan-hwa,真​明 ​Ching-ming. 開平​Kae-ping,乾​化 ​Kan-hwa. HIN 6 3 3 |:| 1 後唐​HOW-TANG. 廢帝 ​Fei-te, - 閔​帝 ​Min-te, 清泰 ​Ts'hing-tae, burnt himself to death 應​順 ​Ying-shun, (reigned 3 months.) 明​宗 ​Ming-tsung, 天成​Thèen-ching,長興 ​Chang hing 8 莊宗 ​Chwang-tsung, 同​光 ​Thung-kwang. 3 7 2 10 950 950 944 941 938 937 935 926 924 924 916 913 6 903 LXI. 964 LX. 904 27 [CHRONOLOGY. M REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES DURING THE FIVE DYNASTIES. ✯✯Ko, the first Emperor of the short Dynasty How-chow, was of mean parentage. In his childhood, he had a bird marked with ink on his neck, from whence he was nick-named Sparrow Ko.' He served the last Emperors of the preceding Dynasty, and fought against the northern barbarians. He gained the affections of the army, usurped the name of Em- peror; returned, and attacked his Master, who attempted resistance, but was defeated; fled; overtaken and murdered in a peasant's house. 950, 300 Priests sent from China to India. 後​漢​高祖​姓 ​of the 沙​陀部 ​Sha-to tribe. Ke-tan Tartars overcame Lew, the first Emperor of the How-han, was a foreigner He held a military command when the Tsin. The Chinese Imperial throne thus be- coming vacant, he usurped it, and having occupied it two years, died. 938, Mun-të, or evil spirits, introduced. Taou foo, A kind of spell to drive away, or keep out It consists of the four words Shin-too, and Yüh-luy, which are the names of two deities; one of which is pasted against each side of the door. 晉高祖​姓​石 ​Shih, the founder of the Dynasty Tsin, was a foreigner from the West. He held his chief military command under Tang. He gave sixteen dis- tricts to the Tartars on condition that they should acknowledge him as Em- peror. They conferred the title upon him, and he usurped the throne; which he filled seven years, and died in his 51 year. 937, Chinese Priest travelled 12 years in the west; he was 6 years in India. 935, Printing introduced to the notice of the Emperor, by a Minister of State, Fung-taou, and some of the Classics printed by his recommendation. Fung-taou is worshipped by the Type-cutters, but execrated by the Historians as a supple time-serving man, who paid his court to five different and contending Sovereigns. E.2 CHRONOLOGY.] 28 後唐​莊宗​姓李 ​Le, the first Sovereign of the How-tang Dynasty, was a foreigner from one of the small states on the west of China. He made himself useful against the enemies of 4 Tsin, obtained a high situation in the army, succeeded to the throne of the kingdom; destroyed the Leang Dynasty, and styled himself Emperor. He enjoyed this dignity three years, and was mur- dered by a kind of court buffoon, in the 35th year of his age. (Vide, Kang-këen- e-che.) 924, Printing invented according to Du Halde. 916, Le-how-choo, who ordered his concubine to bind up her feet. 婦女​弓​足​不知​起​於​何時​有​謂​起​於​五代​李 ​後​主​介宮​嬪窅​娘​以帛​繞脚​合繊​小作​月​狀 ​# # It is not known when the bow-foot (small foot) of 由 ​females was introduced. It is said, that it arose in the time of the Woo-tae, or Five Dynasties; that Le-how-choo ordered his concubine, Yaou, to bind her foot with silk, and cause it to appear small, and in the shape of the new-moon. From this sprung the imitation of every other female.' 梁 ​Choo, the first Emperor of the Dynasty Leang, was the son of a country school-master. He joined himself to a gang of robbers, who after- wards submitted to the Government. The existing Emperor conferred a name, Tsuen-chung, denoting 'Perfectly faithful' ou Choo, and with the name, the highest situation in the army, at that time called Keuen-tseě- th'oo. At first, his wife, then a rigidly correct and intelligent woman, for whom he felt respect and awe, kept him in order; but after her death, he became abandoned as before, and having debauched his own son's wife, was murdered by him. Choo-tsuen-chung, after surrendering himself to the Government, on see- ing the decline of the party, commenced his atrocities by becoming the tool of the Minister Tsuy-ying. This minister thought, that the Eunuchs, who 崔胤 ​were numerous, and some of them clever, shared his influence over the So- vereigns mind, and he therefore determined to exterminate them. He endea- voured first to persuade the Monarch that it was necessary to do so. The Mo- march, however, argued that there were many good amongst them, and it would 29€ [CHRONOLOGY. J be quite sufficient in the present instance to select a few of the worst, and punish them as examples to the rest. This however, was not enough to satisfy the malice and ambition of the Minister. His hostile views came to the knowledge of the Eunuchs, and they began to intrigue against him. The Minister, by feasting, flattery and tears, made friends with the General, and called him to Court with his army under pretence of opposing his force to another military Commander, who wished to dictate to the Emperor. Having.despatched. sixteen persons of the op- posite party; he caused at one imperial resideuce, seventy Eunuchs to be murdered, and ninety at another place. When the Emperor appeared, he put on mourning,and affected to weep; bowed to the ground, and submitted himself to the punishment which he professed to deserve. The Emperor shed tears; took off his girdle and conferred it upon him. The Minister's malice was still but partially gratified. He therefore represented to the Emperor that the remaining Eunuchs amounting to several hundreds, were preparing to usurp the Government, it was absolutely necessary to destroy them. The Emperor submitted, and Tsuen-chung sent in his soldiers, who drove out the miserable Eunuchs and murdered them in cold blood. Their doleful cry of murder and injustice extended through every part, and far beyond the precincts of the palace. By the Minister's influence, Tsuen chung was ennobled, and had the title of King conferred on him. He then began to discover the final object of his ambition. The Minister perceived it; was alarmed for the consequences; and though he still kept up appearances of friendship with the General, (or as he now was called the King) he cherished very different views. Tsuen-chung observed it, and fearing that the Minister would oppose him, he caused him and several of his friends to be murdered. He now determined on the removal of the Emperor, and sent a written request to that effect, accompanied by a military force. The message was communicated whilst His Majesty was at an enter- tainment in the Gallery of Joy. Before he had time to descend, the Court and people were hurried off by force, and, amidst lamentations for their own fate, with curses on the head of the Minister, for calling in Tsuen-chung E to overturn the throne and the altar, crowded the roads. As the Emperor: CHRONOLOGY.] 30 passed, the people called out, Wan suy, 'Ten thousand years,' live for ever! He replied with tears, say not Wan suy, for I shall never again be your Sovereign. For a time, he and his Queen, like many persons bereaved of hope, foolishly gave themselves up to grief and to drinking. At last, Tsuen-chung sent two of his creatures, with a hundred men, who after having killed the attendants forced their way into the chamber of the Emperor, where having just risen from a fit of intoxication, with a single garment upon him, he ran round a pillar, to escape his murders in vain. They pursued and killed him. When information. of this was brought to Tsuen-chung, he threw himself upon the ground, and burst out in a tone of the most bitter lamentation, weeping most violently, and say- ing, 奴​輩​負​我​合​我​受​惡名​於​萬​代 ​. The slaves have dis obeyed me, and will cause my name to be infamous to ten thousand ages!' He forthwith directed that his two agents in the murder of the Emperor should be put to death. One of them,Yew-kung, in going to execution E 呼​曰​賣 ​我​以​天下​之​謗​如​鬼神​何​‘Called out saying, I am sold a victim to stifle the reproaches of the world, but how will it appear to the Gods !' After this, Tsuen-chung invited the nine kings, sons of the late Emperor the Lake Kew-keŭ, 昭宗 ​Chaou-tsung, to an entertainment at where he caused them to be all strangled, and thrown into the lake. At this time, a Comet appeared, which has always been regarded by the Chinese, as ominous of some change in the governments of the world; in consequence of this, Tsuen-chung put to death thirty men of influence at court, who were ob- noxious to one of his favourites. Another of them having a dislike to a few of the Literati, whose province it was to examine candidates, and to confer de- grees, because they would not pass him, said to Tsuen-chung, "These fellows always call themselves the Pure flow,' (a Chinese phrase for persons of justice and equity; uncorrupted by bribes or undue influence) "They deserve to be thrown into the Yellow River, and made the Muddy flow.' Tsuen-chung laughed, and gave an order that the suggestion should be carried into effect. He afterwards murdered the Empress Ho-tae-how, to secure to himself the Imperial throne, which be had usurped.How cruel and mischievous a passion is the love of dominion! 31 [CHRONOLOGY. *** Müh-te, or Z Teen, the second of the Leang Dynasty, after stabbing, through the body, his abandoned father, amidst a load of abuse, in the chamber where he lay 'extremely ill, before he left the bed-room, despatched a person to kill- his brother, and immediately forged a decree in his father's name, affirming that his brotherYew-wăn, was a rebellious and disobedient son, but that Yew-kwei (as Teen was then called) was faithful and dutiful; the army was also thereby commanded to destroy Yew-wăn, and to deliver the con- troul of their actions, and of the nation to Yew-kwei. On the strength of this forged decree, drawn up by the advice of one of the principal Generals, and of liberal donations to the Military, Yew-kwei ascended the throne. After reigning ten years, and leading a most profligate life, he killed himself on the approach of an enemy, in his 26th year; so that he must have been only sixteen when he murdered his father! 903, Gold and silver first weighed by the Leang or Tael. Before this, weighed by the Kin or catty- 斤 ​CHRONOLOGY.] 32 1 MEAOU-HAOU. 僖​宗 ​He-tsung, 昭​宣 ​Chaou-seuen,天佑 ​Thëen-yew, 昭宗 ​Chaou-tsung, 龍​䰾​Lung-ke: 大​順 ​Ta-shun;景 ​福 ​King-füh, 乾​寧 ​Kan-ning; 光化​Kwang-hwa, 天​復 ​Thëen füh; 天佑 ​Thëen-yew. 乾符 ​Kan-foo; 廣明 ​Kwang-ming 中​和​Chung-ho; 光啟​Kwang k'he: 文德 ​Wan-tih. 肅宗 ​- 壹​容​宗​E-tsze-tsung 咸通 ​Han-t'hung, 宣宗 ​Seuen-tsung, 大中 ​Ta-chung, 武宗 ​Woo-tsung,Hwuy-chang, 文宗 ​Wăn-tsung, 太和​Tae-ho,開​成​K'hae-ching, 敬宗 ​King-tsung, 寶​歷 ​Paou-lèih, 穆宗 ​Müh-tsung, 長慶 ​Chang-king, 憲宗 ​Hëen-tsung, Heen-tsung, Yung-ho, 元​和 ​順​宗 ​Shun-tsung, -| 永貞 ​Yung-ching, 德宗 ​Tih-tsung,- - The Tang Dynasty. * KWO-HAOU. Süb-tsung, - - 代宗 ​Tae-tsung: -- 廣​德 ​Kwang-tih, 永泰 ​Yung-tae; 大​歷 ​Ta-lèih, 建中​Këen-ching, 興​元 ​Hing-yuen, 貞元 ​Ching-yuen, 至德 ​Che-th,乾元 ​Kan-yuen,上​? 元 ​Shang-yuen, 寶應 ​Paou- ying, *Also styled Tang-ming-hwang. Reign Reign | First ed closed year of Cycle. years. A.D. 2 10 895 15 14 13 6 14 2 4 15 1 26 897 7 J 879 864 850 837 831 817 815 811 796 17 769 795 752 LX. 904 LIX. 886 LVIII 804 LVII 744 [Continued on page 34.] 33 [CHRONOLOGY. B REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES DURING THE DYNASTY TANG. 爺​本​呼​父​之​為​尊貴​之​稱​起​於​唐​(Yay, was originally a term applied to a father. It became a term of respect during the Dynasty Tang. 896, Alfred the Great, after subduing the Danish invaders, composes his body of laws, divides England into counties, hundreds, and ty things, erects country courts, • and founds the University of Oxford. Chaou-tsung, was Sun-k'hwei, a distinguished officer of the Emperor taken prisoner by Khih-yung, who asked Sun-k'hwei to accept a com- mand under him. He refused on the ground of its being dishonorable to him, saying, "that as his troops were defeated, to die was his duty, but to accept an office under one opposed to the Emperor was impossible. K'hih-yung, in a rage, gave ordersTo saw him asunder. The executioners of this barbarous mandate, could not make the saw enter. 揆​駡​日​死狗​奴​鍩​八 ​當 ​* ¶ * × × ¤ 'K'hwei railing said,. You dead dogs and slaves, if you would saw a man asunder, you should compress him between two planks; but how were you to know it! They accordingly did so with him, and he kept railing at them till he expired. (Vide, Kang-këen-e-che.) Throughout the Chinese aud Tartar history, even up to the latest period,. great cruelty appears to have been exercised towards prisoners. It seems to have been a constant practice, to put to death the principal officers after being taken. If they were able men and would serve their captors, they were spared; if not, they were destroyed with a liberal portion of abuse. Those who chose to die rather than change sides, are in history, mentioned with honor, under the appellation of Sze-tsee, which denotes, dying with an undeviating. adherence to the line of duty. The term 門生​Min-- 879, The literary title Chwang-yuen introduced. sång, denoting a Pupil, came into use after this. F. CHRONOLOGY ] 3+ MEAOU-HAOU. The Dynasty Tang. (Concluded.) 太宗 ​Tae-tsung, 高祖 ​Kaou-tsoo, 元​宗 ​Yuen-tsung 開元​K'hae-yuen, 天寶​Thëen-paou, 睿宗 ​Juy-tsung, 景雲 ​King-yun, 太極 ​Tae-këih, 中​宗 ​Chung-tsung, 嗣​聖 ​Sze-ching, 神龍 ​Shin-lung, 景​龍 ​King-lung. 高宗 ​Kaou-tsung, 永​微 ​Yung-hwuy, 顯​慶 ​Hëen-king, 龍​朔 ​Lung-sõ, 麟​德 ​Lin-tih, 乾封 ​Keen-fung, &c. to the num ber of thirteen. 武 ​KWŎ-HAOU. 貞觀​Ching-kwan. It The Woo-tih. C Reig Reign First ed closed vear of vers. A.D. Cycle 43 745 ..3 21 699 24 23 702 9 678 654 631 LVII. 744 LVI. 684 35 [CHRONOLOGY. Wang-seu, a Chinese General during the reign of He-tsung, finding provisions failing him on a march, gave orders that all the old and feeble should remain behind; if any presumed to disobey this order, they should be put to in- stant death. The General's brothers, without his permission, ventured to take with them their aged mother. Wang-seu, harshly reprimanded them, saying, "Every army possesses laws; no army can exist without them; not to destroy you for your disobedience to my order, is to render my army without laws.” The brothers urged the peculiar case of their mother. The General became en- raged, and issued an order to cut her head off. The brothers begged to be put to death first. The army interfered in their behalf, and procured a pardon. This is on record as an instance on the one hand, of great filial duty, and on the the other, of a total want of it. During the same reign,星​交流​如​織​大​如​杯椀 ​‘Two falling stars or meteors, shot across the heavens with a motion repeatedly intersecting each other's track, the appearance of which was similar to threads interwoven. They appeared of the size of a large bowl.' The phenomenon was regarded as bowl.'. The phenomenon was regarded as very extraordinary. 815, 699, 815, 避​煞​之​說​唐​時​已有​此​風 ​The stories of avoiding malevolent spirits, which return with the manes of the deceased, at certain periods; and also of avoiding the baleful influence of stars, existed during this Dynasty.? 795, 三代​而​下​惟​漢興​學​. After the three Dynasties (夏商周 ​Hea, Shang, Chow) Han alone excelled in learning.' 魏晉​宋​梁​頗​傷 ​Those of Wei, Tsin, Sung, Leang, rather injured learning.' * * 于​唐宋 ​治 ​During Tang and Sung, was education's most splendid period." 745, Books first bound up in leaves about this time. Some place it later. this time they were in rolls. Began to appoint an officer over foreign trading Ships.' 唐初​制​試 ​The public examinations of literary candidates were instituted: in the beginning of the Dynasty Tang,' 631; Shang-yuen Kea tsee, or the feast of lanterns, ´commenced tsëč, during this dynasty, and prevailed most during Sung. Before CHRONOLOGY.] ! 36 MEAOU HAOU. The Period called Wei, Leang, Tse, Chin, Chow, Suy. Of these Wei; 北齊 ​Pih Tse, and gical series. 恭帝 ​Kung-te, 煬​帝 ​Yang-te, 文帝 ​Wăn-te, or 高 ​TEL Kaou-tsoo, It is Woo-te. 武帝 ​• The Six Dynasties. Lüh Chaou, or Six Dynasties, viz. 魏​梁​齊​陳​周​隋 ​Pih Wet, or Yuen 元魏 ​Pih Chow, are not admitted into the Chronolo- 隋朝 ​SuY DYNASTY. 100. KWS-HAOU. 陳朝 ​後​王 ​How-wang. 至德 ​Che-tih,禛明 ​Ching-ming, 宣帝 ​Seven-te,. 大建 ​Ta-këen, 臨海​王​Lin-hae-wang 光大​Kwang-ta.. 文帝 ​Wăn-te, 義​寧 ​E-ning, 大業 ​Ta-nèě, 開​皇 ​K`hae-hwang, 仁壽 ​Jin-show, CHIN DYNASTY. 天​嘉 ​™ 永定 ​Yung-ting, 敬​帝 ​King-te, 元帝 ​Yuen-te,. 簡​文帝​Keen-wăn-te 大​寶 ​Ta-paou, 武帝 ​Woo-te, 梁朝 ​LEANG DYNASTY. 貂​泰 ​Shaou-tae,太平 ​Tae-ping, Ching-shing. 天​監​Thüen-këen;晉​通 ​Tsin- t'hung, Tae-t'hung,&c. Reign Reign First ed closed year of years. A. D. Cycle. 2 Thëen-kea, Thëen-kang, 7 13 6 14 24 608 3 СО 3 3 1 3 47 622 621 584 578 564 562 555 552 549 516 543 LV. 624 LIV 564 37 [CHRONOLOGY, REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES DURING THE SIX DYNASTIES. 622, Mahomet flies from Mecca to Medina., From the Hegira, or flight of Mahomet, the Arabie Era begins. An Embassador sent from China to Chih-too, (Cambodjia.) 六朝​時​已有​次​助​哭​竟​使​代​哭​之​陋習 ​In the ime of the Luh Chaou, there were persons to assist to weep at funerals; finally they came to the disgraceful practice of hiring some to weep for them.' . 六朝​以來​更有​忌日 ​From the time of the Lüh Chaou, the observing a day of mourning on the anniversary of the death of friends, was more practised.' Also 俗​以​人死​每​第七​日​為​忌​至​七七​四​十九 ​The custom of observing every seventh day, for seven weeks, or forty-nine days after the death of senior relations, as days of mourning and deprecatory rights; weeping closes with the forty-nine days.' 552, 梁​書​持​記​垂​脚​而​坐​以為​殊​俗​駭​觀​‘The books of Leang mention particularly, as an extraordinary custom which excited great notice, that people sat with their legs hanging down,' i. e. they began to sit on chairs or stools. 梁​開​五​舘​則​終​崇​佛氏 ​Leang opened five schools, but paid most respect to the doctrines of Füh. 每​朔望​例​向​文武​廟​行​香​起​于​六朝 ​The custom of civil and military officers going on the first and fifteenth of every moon to the civil and military temples to burn incense, began in the time of the Luh Chaou. 516, Computing time by the Christian æra introduced by Dionysius, a Monk. 508, Prince Arthur begins his reign over the Britons. 461, Saxons establish themselves in Kent, under Hengist. £ * * * * The term of respectful direct address, Laou-sëen- Dynasty Sung.' Many of the names of this period sàng, was not used till the are followed by the word Laou, as Hoo-tang-laou, &c. } CHRONOLOGY.] 38 MEAOU-HAOU. 昏​帝​帝​帝 ​和帝 ​Ho-te, 中興 ​Chung-hing, 東​昏侯 ​Tung-hwǎn-how 水元 ​Yung-yuen, 建武 ​Keen-woo - - Ming-te, Woo-te, 永明 ​Yung-ming, 高帝 ​Kaou-te, or 太祖 ​建元 ​Këen-yuen, 齊​朝 ​晉朝 ​恭帝 ​Kung-te, 安帝 ​Gan-te. 順帝 ​Shun-te, - - 昇​明 ​Shing-ming, 蒼梧​王 ​Tsang-woo-wang 元​徽 ​Yuen-hwǔy, 明帝 ​Ming-te, 廢帝 ​Fei-ter 孝​武帝 ​Heaou-woo.te. 文帝 ​wăn-te, 少帝 ​Shaou-te, 武帝 ​Woo-te, - TSE DYNASTY. 曾​奕 ​Te-yih, 哀帝 ​Gae-le, 穆帝 ​Mùh-te 借​管 ​Kang-te, 成 ​Ji Ching-te, 明帝 ​Ming-te, 元帝 ​Yuen-te KWŎ-HAOU. - 宋朝 ​SUNG DYNASTY, or 北宋 ​NORTH SUNG. 景​平 ​King-ping, 水​初 ​Yung-ch'hoo. C 太​始 ​Tae-che, 太​獴 ​Tae-yu, TSIN DYNASTY, OR # " 景​和 ​King-ho, 孝​建​Heaou-keen, 太​明 ​Tae-ming, 元嘉 ​Yuen-kea, - JEE E-he, ► 元​熙 ​Yuen-he, 隆安 ​Luug-gan: 元​興 ​Yuen-hing Reign Reign | First ed close d year of A. D. Cycle. years. I }. 2 5 成​和​Han-ho;咸康 ​Han-kang, 太​寧 ​Tae-ning, 建武 ​Küen-woo, 大興 ​Ta-hing, Yung-chang, 11 東晉 ​EASTERN TIN. 1 4 477. 2 義​熈 ​孝​武帝 ​Heaou-woo-te 寧康 ​Ning-kang; 太​元 ​Tae-yuen 24 2 帝 ​Küen-wän-te 咸安 ​Han-gan, 太和​Tae-ho, 1 1 473 5 471 5 466 30 1 3 496 495 493 5 隆​和​Lung-ho; 興寧 ​Hing-ning, 永和 ​Yung-ho;升平 ​Shing-ping 17 建元 ​Kien-yuen, 488 22 415 461 461 17 450 420 419 416 393 369 367 4 362 358 2 341 339 3 322 6 319 LIII. 504. LII. 444 LI. 384 L. 324 39 [CHRONOLOGY. 1 宋​入​好​譽​,The people of Sung were fond of praise or fame. 每一​鉅​公 ​其​子弟​及​門下​士​必​記​其​行事 ​‘Every great man had his actions recorded by his relatives and dependants.' 426, Romans withdraw their troops from Britain. 410, Rome taken and plundered by Alaric, king of the Visi-goths. 367,Shwuy ke, or stamp-duty, on the sale of lands and houses introduced- 362, Constantinople made the capital ✯ Е Ë ‡ ƒ ‡King Chaon allowed his people to worship Buddah, in 趙王​聽​其​民事 ​the time of Ching-te. The general introduction of Buddism is, by some dated from this act of toleration. 成帝​二年​正月​彗星​.In the first moon of the second year of Ching-te, a comet was seen; and another was seen in the first year of Heaou-woo. 元月​四年​三月​日中​有​黑子​. In the 3d mooa of the fourth year of Yuen-te, there was a dark spot in the sun. (Vide, Kang këen-e-che.) Throughout Chinese History, the phenomena of Nature, such as an Eclipse, the appearance of a Comet, a vivid Meteor, an Earthquake, as well as Pestilence, excessive Rains, Drought, Locusts, and Famine, have been regarded as signifying the displeasure of Heaven; and have induced a real or a feigned desire to repent, and to reform. General pardons have been granted; measures taken to alleviate the distresses of the poor; and Imperial proclamations issued, inviting persons to speak 詔​求​直 ​pointedly and freely their opinions of what they deemed amiss in the Sovereign's conduct. Earthquakes; 26 flling, or rushing floods, occasioned by excessive rains, or irrup- Chinese History mentions 101 H down of mountains; and 63 ★ tions of water from the beneath the surface of the earth. They mention a few time a raining down of blood; and once a phenomenon which appeared to them 風​如​血 ​in which the wind appeared as blood. hail are mentioned 24 times, and 雨​雷 ​Storms of rain and Great storms of rain and hail four times. The hail stones are once compared to cocks and hens for size, and are said to have measured in diameter 2 cubits 5 tenths. On this occasion it is said that they killed the people on whom they fell. $ CHRONOLUGY.] 40 The 西晉​朝 ​Western Tsin Dynasty. Re ed voirs MEAOU-HAOU. 愍​帝 ​Min-te, 懷​帝 ​惠帝 ​Hwuy-te, - Hwae-te, - 武帝​Woo-te, I KWÚ-HAOU. 建興 ​Keen-hing, 永嘉 ​Yung-kea, 永熙 ​Yuug-he, 元​康 ​Yuen-kang) 永​康 ​Yung-kang, &c. 泰始 ​Tae che, 咸寧 ​Han-ning, 太康 ​Tae-kang, 太​煕 ​Tae-he. 8 1 後​漢朝 ​How-han Dynasty. 後主 ​How-choo, 建興 ​Këen-hing, 延熙 ​Yen-he, &c. 昭烈帝 ​Chaou leě-te 章​武 ​Chang-woo. 4 6 17 26 Beige Fust closed year of Cycle A. D. 313 309 303 286 t I,. 324 41 260 1:1:1 3 229 XLIX. 264 釐 ​41 [CHRONOLOGY. REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES DURING the tsin DYNASTY, &c. Min-te, i. e. The much-to-be-commiserated Emperor,' of the Western • • Tsin. Min, is the Meaou-haou, which is formed on what is called the She,. or descriptive epitaph, conveying a general idea of the character and fortunes of the person referred to. The epitaph of Min, was 在​國​遭​憂​.Presiding over the nation, grief and sorrow were his lot.' Hence the Meaou-haou, or by temple designation 'Min-te." He was, in the fourth year of his reign murdered Tsung, the sovereign of Han, answering to the first year of The Emperor Yuen, of the Eastern Tsin. In the same year Tsung's sons to the number of 21 persons were destroyed by fire. 昭烈 ​In the 2nd year of Chaou-lee, the state Wei, passed a Salique Law,in these words,From this time, Queens shall not assist in the government.' The Historian adds a note,ÉH ‘A good law, worthy of being a Master,' i. e. an example for the imitation of others. In the last days of Han, the states Wei and Woo arose, and with- 漢 ​魏 ​drew a part of the Empire, hence Historians removed the title Te, and inserted Choo. The General of Wei,Tang-yae, pursued the last of the Han race to Ching-too, now the capital of Sze-chuen Province. The Emperor summoned a council of state, in which amidst a variety of opinions, it was at last determined to send the Imperial seal to Tăng-yae, and to surrender. When the Emperor's son Shin, heard this, he said, with agitated feelings, 'If reasoning fail us, and our strength be exhausted; if calamity and ruin are about to fall upon us, it is incumbent on us all, Father and Son, the Emperor and his Ministers, to turn our backs on the city, and with the fall of our altars to die fighting the enemy; then we shall not be ashamed to see our Imperial Ancestors.. Why would you surrender! The Emperor, however, would not listen to him... C CHRONOLOGY.] 42 Shin therefore hastened to the temple of, and there having wept bitterly. for the disgrace of his family, he first killed his wife, and then himself. The Emperor and his ministers were led out to the north side of the city, with their hands bound behind their backs, and their coffins following them, in mournful procession, to the General Tăng-yae's camp. Yae received them, loosened their bonds, burnt their coffins, and seated them at a banquet. Thus rished Han, once so illustrious! Pe- There was given to the conquering General, tion' and of the army, with the Civil list. The numbers were these, i. e. families, 280,000; armour,' 102 000; 313, The term for 309, Capital in Mouths,' i. e. persons, 940,000. Mouths,' i. e. persons, 940,000. A list of the popula Doors,' Men in placed before the gates of public offices. 東 ​Civil officers, 40,000. Ya-mun, denoting a public court, introduced by mistake Ya-mun, which term had an allusion to the figure of the standards. ( Keang-nan. 306, Constantine begins his reign, 286. The literary title Sew-tsae, introduced about this time. 286, ZEA. Paper money (not for commercial 紙錢​之​起​於​魏 ​purposes, but to scatter at funerals), began in the time of Wei and Tsin. Of this. there is no doubt. 273, Longinus, a Greek Orator and Critic.. 260, Capital at Nan-king, in the Province of Keang-nan.. 南京 ​254, Origen, a Christain father of Alexandria. The Northern Erratic Tribes, on Wandering nations, against whom, Tsin Che-hwang-te built the great wall; who shared the Empire with Sung; conquered it under Yuen; and who repossessed themselves of it, during the last two cen- turies, were exceedingly troublesome in the time of Han. The 匈奴​Heung-noo, Clamorous slaves,' as they were then called, appear in almost every page of the history of that period. In the 9th year of Han 太祖 ​Tae-tsoo,始​與​匈奴 ​China began to form alliances with the Tartar kings, by giving. X 43 [CHRONOLOGY. • Princesses of the Imperial family to them in marriage. The Historian says, # 其 ​辱​中國​莫​甚​焉​後​中國​失其​尊​矣 ​(The disgrace brought upon China, was never greater; from this time she lost her honor and her respectability.' The minister who proposed and carried this measure, hoped to raise up a Chinese interest amongst the Tartars. He said they were such barbarians that it was impossible to reason with them; moreover they had no permanent habitation, it was extremely dif ficult to carry on war with them. They were here to day, and a month hence hundreds of miles distant. The mother of the first Princess would not consent that her daughter should be thus disposed of, and another female took her place, and was called the Princess. Afterwards, the Tartars came every few years and demanded such alliances. The character of the Heung-noo of that day, may be surmised from the way in which they treated月​氐​王 ​King Yuě-te, after killing him: 以其​頭​為​飲​器 ​they made a drinking vessel of his head. The ministers of Han, do not appear to have been much better, 漢​高祖​時​羣臣​飲酒​爭​功​醉​或​妄 ​115 They assembled together to drink and to wrangle about their respective merits; when drunk, some roared out improper language, whilst others drew their swords and struck the pillars.' It is but just to say, that they afterwards adopted certain court ceremonies, to prevent the recurrence of such barbarous conduct in His Majesty's presence. CHRONOLOGY.] 44 MEAOU-HAOU. The 三國 ​Three Kingdoms, viz. 魏​蜀​吴​Wei, Shuh, Woo, 靈帝 ​Ling-te, 桓帝 ​Hwan-te,- 質​帝 ​Chih-te, 冲​管 ​Chung-te, 順帶 ​Shun-te, 安帝 ​Gan-te, 帝 ​Shang-te, - 帝 ​Ho-te, 殤​帝 ​m Heaou-hëen-te, 獻帝 ​Heen-te, or孝​獻 ​初​平 ​Ch'hoo-p'hing,興平 ​Hing- p'hing, 建安​Këen-gan, 延 ​康 ​Yen-kang, 建寧 ​Keen-ning,熹平​He-phing 中平 ​Chung-p'hing, 建和​Keen-ho,和平​Ho-p'hing) 元嘉 ​Yuen-kea, 永興 ​Yung-hing, 水​壽 ​Yung-show. 延​蕭 ​Yen-he,水​康 ​Yung- kang, 本​初 ​Pun-ch'hoo, 永嘉​, Yung-këa,.. 永​康 ​Yung-kang, 陽​嘉 ​Yang- kea, 永和 ​Yung-ho,漢​安 ​Han-gan,建康 ​Këen-kang, 永​初 ​Yung-ch'hoo, 元初​Yuen ch'hoo, 永寧 ​Yung-ning,建 ​光​Keen-kwang, 延光 ​Yen kwang, 建平 ​Yen-p'hing, 永​元 ​Yung-yuen,元​興 ​Yuen-hine 建​初 ​Këen-ch'hoo,元​和 ​Yuen-i ho,章和 ​Chang,ho, 永平 ​Yung-phing, - 章帝 ​Chang-te, \ 東漢 ​TUNG-HAN. KWÖ-HAOU. - 1 - - Reign Reign First ed closed year of A. D. | Cycle. vars 31 22 21 1 1 19 19 1 17 明帝 ​Ming-te, 世祖​She-tsoo, or 光武 ​建武 ​Keen-wo, 中元​Chung-yuen 33 226 18 195 173 152 151 150 131 112 13 94 111 81 63 XLVIII 201 · LXVII. 144 XLVI. 84 : 45 [CHRONOLOGY. # ´REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES DURING THE THREE KINGDOMS. San-kwo-che, a kind of Historical Novel formed on the events of this period, is much esteemed for its style and the ability with which it is written. It is thought a model of the Narrative kind. 漢​時​取​士​無​考試​之​法​皆​薦舉​故​謂​之​舉人​In the time of Han, the rule of selecting the officers of Government from amongst the Literati, after certain public examinations, did not exist. They were all recom- mended, hence the phrase Keu-jin,' i. e. a recommended person. Keu-jin, is now a literary title. 220, In the close of this Dynasty, they began To make seats of wood cut for the purpose; they were still called Chwang, and 榻 ​Tă. In all probability the were all for Sitting on cross- legged, and not with the feet hanging down." 桓帝​時​天竺​大秦​等​國​皆由​南海​重譯​貢​.自此​賈 ​'In the time of Hwan-te, India, Ta-tsin, (Egypt or Arabia,) and other nations, came by the southern or Chinese sea with tribute, and from this, trade with Foreigners was carried on at Canton.' 118, Juvenal. 111, Plutarch of Greece. 81, During the reign of 99, Tacitus.-93, Josephus.-74, Pliny, the elder.-64, Boadicea. 63, Capital at 洛陽 ​Lǒ-yang,in 河南 ​Ho-nan. 54, Caractacus. Ming-te, the religion of Füh introduced. 52, Julius Cæsar's first expedition to Britain. CHRONOLOGY.] 46 t MEAOU-HAOU. The Western Han Dynasty. 元帝 ​Yuen-te, 宣帝 ​Seuen-te, 昭 ​Chaou-te, 武帝 ​woo-te, 淮陽​下​Hwae-yang-wang 更始​Kăng-che, 攝 ​Keu-che, 孺子​嬰 ​Joo-tsze-ying,居 ​平​帝 ​P'hing-te, 元始 ​Yuen-che, 哀帝 ​Gae-te, 成帝 ​Ching-te, 景帝 ​King-te, 文帝​wăn-te, leu-she, 惠帝 ​Hwuy-te, 高 ​Kaou-te. • J 更​居​元​建 ​KWO-HAOU. - • } 建平​Këen-ping, 元​壽 ​Yuen-show 建​始 ​Këen-che,河​平​Ho-phing 陽朔 ​Yang-ső,鴻​嘉 ​Hung- kea, 永​始 ​Yung-che, 元​延 ​Yuen-yen, 綏​和 ​Hwan-hu, 初​元 ​Chihoo-yuen, 永光 ​Yung- kwang,建​昭​Këen-chaou,竟 ​Kaou-how- A Queen who governed in the name of Children, Prior to this time the Kwo-haou, was not used. Reigo Reign | First ed closed year of years A. D. Cycle. า 2 18 5 6 King-uing, 本​始 ​Pun-che,地​節 ​Te-tsüd, &c. 始​元 ​Che-yuen, 元​鳳 ​Yuen-fung. 13 建元 ​Keen-yuen, 元​光 ​Yuen- kwang, &c. 元年 ​Yuen-nëen, 中元 ​Chung- yuen, &c. 元年​Yuen-néen, 後​元​How-yuen 28 26 16 Q. 25 } 16 8 30 28 10 5 B. C. 1 27 54 81 43 68 135 151 174 7 182 12 189 XLV. 24 XLIV 36 XLIII 66 XLII 156 * Before the names of this and the last Dynasty, the word Heaou is sometimes used. 47 [CHRONOLOGY. REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES DURING THE WESTERN HAN DYNASTY. 墓​表 ​碑​表 ​Moo-peaou, or Pei-peaou, Tomb-stones' introduced about this time. Records engraved, were burried in the tomb.' =± 銘​堙​壙​中 ​• 說​其​功德 ​They narrated or extolled the virtues of the deceased.? 17, Livy,-19, Ovid.-20, Celsus. JESUS CHRIST, the Divine Saviour, appeared in Judea, during the reigns of ƒ à 甯 ​Heaou-ching-te, and Heaou-gae-te. 日​十二​時​始於​漢 ​+= The division of the day (from midnight to mid- night) into 12 parts of two hours each, commenced in the time of Han.' In the time of the Two Han, To consider the ,右​卑​左​久​為​定制 ​right the place of honor, and the left the meaner place, was long the fixed rule.' Since the time of Han, It was altered, and honor conferred on the left.' When this change commenced, is not known. * ÄK✿´ÄIn the time of Han, some of the district Magis- trates themselves sold wine.' Perhaps this opinion arose from the very great attention which was paid by Government in collecting the duty on liquors. For the people to distill clandestinely three measures of grain, was a capital crime. In the habit of sending persons abroad to invite Foreigners. 外​番​珍​貨​流入 ​The pearls and Merchandise of Foreigners began to enter China.' Some vessels arrived which were four or five months on their passage.. 29, Virgil.—34, Salust.—96, Horace.—86, Jerusalem taken by Pompey. Ching, the king of Tsin, overcame the other six nations; and formed the Empire into thirty-six Keun; or Principalities Books burnt, and four hundred and sixty of the Literati thrown into a pit to perish, or buried alive. This was done at the suggestion of a worthless minister. Mung-teen, who was sent with 300,000 men to re- Hair pencils invented by duce the Hoo-jin, or Heung-noo, certain Tartar {tribes. 胡人 ​To keep out this Northern people, the wall was built by him; it extends from Wan-le-chang-ching, great Lin-taou, on the west, to Leaou-tung, on the east; upwords of 10,000 Lc. CHRONOLOGY.] 48 MEAOU-HAOU. 二世​皇帝 ​Urh-she-- hwan-te, Che-hwang-te- Tung-chow-wang. 赧​王 ​Nan-wang, 顯​王 ​Hëen-wang, 烈​王 ​Lee-wang, 安​王 ​Gan-wang, 威烈​王 ​Wei-lëě-wang. Kaou-wang, - - 考​王 ​貞​定​王 ​Ching-ting-wang Yuen-wang, 敬王​King-wang, 景​王 ​King-wang, 靈王 ​Ling-wang, Keen-wang, Újj I 定​于 ​Ting wang, # - i 秦朝 ​Tsin Dynasty. Period denominated Chen- 美國 ​Shin-tsing-wang kwo, 'Fighting, or contending nations. Seven nations who contended for the Supremacy, Tsin prevailed over the other six. CHOW-DYNASTY, iL The principles maintained in the times of these kings are considered more pure and just than those of any other period; and are often proudly referred to by the phrase Wang-taou, The Royal doctrines; the principles of the ancient Kings.' Nine States about this time. Reign Reigu First ed closed year of years. Čy cle. B. C. Lee-kwo, is a term by which this period is spoken of generally. 3 11 28 7 59 6 48 7 24 16 28 44 25 201 204 27 515 26 375 21 | 24 243 250 309 315 368 6 469 401 425 441 475 544 14 571 519 585 XLI. 216 LX 276 XXXIX 336 XXXVIII 396 XXXVII 456 XXXVI. 516 XXXV. 576 49 [CHRONOLOGY. ; REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES DURING THE DYNASTY CHOW. 277, Euclid.-332, Aristotle.-332, Alexander the Great at Jerusalem. 284, Alexandrian Library. 284, Septuagint Translation. 世​以​五月​五日​生子​為​不祥​自​戰國​時​已有​此​忌 ​The idea of the age, that to bear a child on the 5th day of the 5th moon, was unlucky, existed in the time of the Chen-kwŏ.” 320, Ptolemy Soter takes Jerusalem.--348, Plato.-313, Demosthenes poisoned himself. 350, Xenophon.-413, Herodotus.-400, Socrates. 코 ​Mang-tsze, or Mencius, disciple of Confucius, and writer of one of the Four-books, refers much to the Chen-kwo, or contending states of that period. A native of the state 鄒 ​Chow. 古 ​In ancient times there were no sacrifices offered at tombs.' It is not known exactly when the practice commenced. Some say about this time, some place it later. 536, Cyrus the Persian Emperor.-497, Pythagoras.-558, Solon of Athens. 588, Zedekiah and the Jews carried to Babylon. 606, Nebuchadnezzar over Babylon and Assyria, in conjunction with his father. No Chinese Books extant, which were written before the compilations of Confucius. Loo-kwo, (the state Shan-tung. Born in the 11th moon, of the 21st Confucius, (Kung-foo-tsze,) Native of 老子 ​Loo,) now the Province E year of Ling. add ZIZ Laou-tsze, or 老君 ​Laou-keun, the founder of the 道士 ​Taou-sze Sect, lived also about this time. Chinese wrote on Bamboos with the point of a style; hence engraving the Character Tsze-tsze, Pricking the character.' They also wrote 紅​丹 ​is expressed by with a kind of red lead, called Hung-tan. · H CHRONOLOGY.] 50 MEAOU-HAOU, 匡​王​Kwang-wang. 頃​王​King-wang, Seang-wang, - H 惠王​Hwuy-wang. Le-wang, The Dynasty Chow. (Continued.) 東周​莊王 ​Tung- chow-chwang-wang, 桓王 ​Hwan-wang, 平王​Ping-wang, Yew-wang, 宣王 ​Seuen-wang, 厲王 ​Le-wang, 夷​王 ​E-wang, 孝王 ​Heaou-wang. 懿王​E-wang, 共​王 ​Kung-wang. 穆王​MU-wang, - C 昐​王 ​B Chaou-wang, E Kang-wang, 成​王 ​Ching-wang, 武王 ​it I Woo-wang, B - This is the Period of the History Chun-tsew; which includes 春秋 ​242 years. It may be called Confucius' History of his own times. The name Chun-tsew, Spring and Autumn, is from its having been commenced in Spring and finished in Autumn There were at that time 125 differ- States or nations. 國 ​s 東周 ​Eastern Chow. ent 四十​一 ​Forty-one States. 西周 ​Western Chow, capital at Shen-se. 23 States. Reign Reign First ed years. closed year of B. C. Cycle. 6 6 26 32-33 | 918 5 15 23 51 11 46 51 16 15 25 12-11 51 26 606 37 612 7 640 666 671 686 709 760 771 XXXII. 817 756 884 868 XXXI. 816 XXIX. 55-51 936 936 XXVIII. 991 996 XXXIV 636 928 XX XIII 696 XXX. 899 876 1042 1105 XXVII. 1068 1056 ་ 51 [CHRONOLOGY. 850, Probable time when Buddah lived. 770, Intercourse with the eight barbarous tribes, 通道​入​蠻​謂​天然 ​called T'heen-chùh, (India.) 古人​席地而坐​。 The ancients sat on the ground., ( ( Concealing or avoiding the Wei (name), began in the time of Chow. It was that name of himself which a person used in worshipping the Deity; after which it was held sacred. Still observed by the Chinese. At present, only women 簪花 ​times both men and women did so. 754, Romulus founds Rome. 818, Kingdom of Macedon begins. 869, Queen Dido founds Carthage. 907, Homer. decorate their beads with flowers; but in ancient It is much discussed, whether women ever knelt in paying their obeisance; some in- stances occur; but they are cases in which persons voluntarily degraded themselves. Some say they knelt, and their hands touched the ground, but not their heads. Now they bend the knee slightly, and join their hands, the arms hanging down on the left side. Sedan chairs made of bamboo, existed in ancient times. Originated in the South. 720, Salmaneser, king of Assyria, takes the Ten Tribes. First Eclipse of the moon recorded. 1012, King Solomon lays the foundation of the temple. 1042, Chow, the great Historian,' and framer of the Seal Character. 2: CHRONOLOGY.] 52 MEAOU-HAOU. 紂王 ​Chow-wang. Te-yih, * ★T Tae-ting, it Z Woo-yih, 庚​丁​Kăng-ting, . - 廩​辛 ​Liu-sin, 祖​甲 ​Tsoo-keǎ, << T 小辛 ​庚 ​- Tsoo-kăng, Woo-ting, - Seaou-yih,- Seaou-sin, - Wae-jin, - - - - - 1 Pwan-kǎng, 陽 ​Yang-keǎ, - 商​庚 ​Nan-kǎng,. 1T Tsoo-ting, 沃​甲 ​Yüh-keă, 祖辛 ​Tsoo-sin, 組​乙 ​河​膏​甲 ​Ho-tan.keă, - 外​王 ​Tsoo-yih, Chung-ting, 太戊 ​Tae-woo, * 雍​已 ​Yung-ke, 小田 ​Seaou-keă, 太​庚 ​Tae-kăng, AT Yuh-ting, - 沃丁 ​太甲 ​Tae-keä, 成湯 ​Ching-thang, - · · Į The Shang Dynasty. • 1 Capital at this time in Honan. 國​徵​弱​東夷​盛​強​(The Chinese were small and feeble; the Eastern foreigners numerous and strong.' The Chinese +'gradually obtained a residence in the middle of the country,' and hence called themselves Chung-kwŏ, the Middle Nation. It is observable that there was a people to the East of them stronger than they were. * Moses' Sabbath instituted in the wilderness. Those from whom the Chinese descended, separated before its institution, and hence a sabbath is not observed amongst the Chinese ? This idea is submitted as a probable solution of the difficulty which exists in accounting for the Chinese having no Sabbath, if the observance of that day was commanded at the Creation of our first parents. For the argu- ment in favour of the opinion, that the Sabbath was first appointed in the Wilderness, at Mount Sinai, see Paley's Moral Philosophy. 1745, Joseph born. Reigu Reign First ed closed year of years. B C. Cycle. 32 37 3 4 21 6. 33 - 21 28. 7 1248 59 1255 28 1314 1342 7 25 XXVI. 1112 1116 16 1144 XXV. 1181 1176 1184 19 9 1188 XXIV. 1209 1216 1363 XXI. 1391 1398 1396 32 1423 25 1215 XXII. 1356 XX. 1455 1456 1480 149,6 1515 1524 15 13 1539 75 1552 X IX. 1516 XVIII. 12 1627 1576 17 1639 25 1656 29 1.681 XVII. 1636 XVI. 33 1710 1696 13 1743 * These do not seem proper names; this part of Chinese History is evidently under great obligations to the Historians of subsequent times. 53 [CHRONOLOGY. REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES DURING THE DYNASTY SHANG.. the • Chow, or Chow-sin, the last king of the Dynasty Yin, which is commonly spoken of as the closing period of Shaug Dynasty, was one of those persons who obtain an infamous celebrity by their crimes and follies. He was the youngest of three sons. His mother in the character of the King's Concubine, bore his two elder brothers; after which she became the King's wife and Qeen, and had Chow, who, according to the rule of succession in those times, 有​妻​之​子​不可​立​妾​之​子​‘If there be a wife's son, a concubine's son cannot inherit,' ascended the throne. Chow in his wars, took a female captive Chow is represented as possessing good natural abilities, and great personal strength, but his abilities were employed to fortify himself against the advice of his friends, and to gloss over his crimes. He was proud, extravagant, drunken, debauched and cruel. One instance of his extravagance is more amusing than serious. He introduced Ivory Chop-sticks, used in eating. One of his relations, Ke-tsze, sighing said, “Ivory chop-sticks are now mađe; these must be followed by valuable dishes; and valuable dishes must be filled with rare viands; the king thus gratifying his desires, endangers the safety of the Empire" Tă-ke, whose name is as infamous as his own. They both gave themselves up to the greatest excess of un- restrained sensuality, and to the wildest extravagance. They had immoral songs composed, and introduced a species of posture-making or dancing, in which those who engaged, sought the pleasure of mutual compliance or indulgence They. erected a kind of stage, or terrace, a thousand cubits high, and three le (about one English mile) broad. It required ten years to complete it. They laid out extensive gardens; formed manageries filled with horses, dogs, rare animals, and curious birds; to feed these, and the crowd of idle people around them, large granaries were built. At Sha-kew, now the province of Chih-le, they collected a vast concourse of people devoted to pleasure and dissi- CHRONOLOGY.] 51. 1 pation. They there made a lake of wine, and surrounded it with meat suspended on the trees; to this paradise naked men and women resorted, and passed the long nights in drunkenness and debauchery. Profligacy to this extent is more than the common sense of mankind, in the worst of times, can approve. The king and court fell into contempt; which Tă.ke, instead of attributing to the right cause, ascribed to the lightness of the ordinary punishments, and to the easy deaths to which criminals were subjected. She therefore introduced a punishment called Wei-tow, which was an iron vessel, like the Chinese measure called Tow, and which when heated red-hot, the criminal was obliged to hold in his hands till they were roasted. She also invented a brass pillar, called Paou-lo, which being greased, or daubed with unctuous matter, and so made slippery, was laid over a fire of coals. Across this fire, the criminal The consequence was forced to walk upon the slippery burning rounded brass. was, that he fell into the fire. It is said, that the ineffectual efforts of the cri- minals to walk across the burning roller, afforded this cruel Lady much amusement and delight. Chow in a passion, murdered a nobleman's daughter, because she disliked the debaucheries of the palace. He ripped up the body of a pregnant female, that he might see the foetus in the womb. On seeing some persons fording a brook, in a cold winter's morning, he said they endured the cold in a remarkable man- ner, and forthwith ordered their legs to be cut off, that he might view the marrow. His relationKe-tsze, having reproved him, escaped death by affecting madness. Pe-kan acquired immortal fame, by being one of the first martyrs in the generally hopeless cause of reproving bad kings. Woo-wang, the martial king, thought it right to rid the world of Chow. He made a solemn appeal to heaven; imposed an oath on his nobles, and proceeded to what he conceived was fighting Heaven's battles. Chow sent 700,000 men to oppose him. But they had no will to fight. They were routed. Chow fled to the stage he had erected, clothed himself sumptuously, adorned with pearls and gems, and in that state burnt himself to death. Woo- wang cut down with the sword, the wicked and unhappy Tă-ke.-How often, even in this life, does Divine Providence punish the atrociously profligate! 55 [CHRONOLOGY. two-yih, was 無​道 ​a bad man. He爲​偶​人​謂​之​天神​.Made idols, and called them Celestial Gods.' He placed servants by them to move them along. This gave offence to real Celestial Beings, and Woo-yih, when hunting was struck dead by the force of thunder. (Vide, Kǎng-müh.) 自​佛法​成​而​塑像​遍​天下​然​塑像​實​不​自​佛家​始 ​帝乙​為​偶​人​以​象​天神 ​From the introduction of the Sect Füh, idols prevailed throughout the whole empire, but they did not originate with Te-yih made an image of a man to represent the God or that Sect. Gods of heaven.' It is added, that those of Füh were at first gold, but that they afterwards imitated the Chinese, and made them of wood or clay. 1570, Moses born,-1451, died. 1552, Joshua born. 1556, Cecrops first king of the Athenians. 湯​王​伐​夏​後​以​十二月​為​歲首​色​尙​白​‘King Tang ha- ving conquered Hea, made the 12th moon the first month of the year; and of colours he gave the preference to white.' He chose domestic animals that were white; was clothed in white; and made white the colour of his banners. 1703, Commencement of the seven years of famine in Egypt. 1729, Commencement of seven years of Great drought ' and famine in China. At the close of seven years, the King 以​身​禱​於​桑林​之​野 ​himself went forth to the mulberry groves and to the desert places to pray.-Confucius has been thought to discountenance prayer; but the duty of prayer has always been acknowledged by the practice of Chinese Kings and Emperors in seasons of calamity. Tang made confession, and considered his own vices as occasioning the famine. fully enunciated the words which expressed the contrition of his heart, a heavy It is said, 言​未​已​大雨​方​數​千里​that before he had rain fell over a space of several hundred miles. 盛 ​The king Pwan-kǎng changed the denomination of the dynasty Shang to Yin. The People on the north of China, have by the Chinese, been called by various names under different dynasties. At this early period, they used the language of con- tempt and abuse, and instead of saying they subdued the people of the north, it is written they 'conquered the land of demons or devils.' CHRONOLOGY.] 56 MEAOU-HAOU. 桀​王 ​HT I Kee-wang, 王​發 ​Wang-fă, 王​皇​Wang-kaou, 王​孔甲 ​Wang-kung-kea 王​廑 ​Wang-kin, The Hea Dynasty. Wang-shang, - 王​不​降​Wang-piih-keang I Wang-së, 王​芒​Wang-mang, 王​槐 ​Wang-hwae, 王​杼​Wang-choo, 少​庚 ​Shaou-kang, - 王相 ​Wang-seang, - 1 Đi Chung-kăng, 大​庚 ​Tae-kăng, 帝​啟​Te-k he, 大禹 ​Ta-yu. - 唐虞 ​year Suy; and Tang and Yu, called the Tsae; Hea, called it 夏 ​it X Paj Shang, called it Sze, ML Chow, called it Nëen. Yu was 9 cubits 2 tenths high. 儀​狄 ​Wine was made by E-teib. Yu drank of it, and delighted in it; but apprehensive of its consequences in succeeding ages, procured its pro- hibition. 是​時​天雨​金​三 ​'At that time heaven rained down gold three days!' The grave state- ment of this circumstance, certainly lessens the credit of the History of this period. The Five Emperors. 虞帝舜 ​Yu-te-shun; aged 110,-. (✯✯✯ 唐 ​* 45 Te-kw ùh-kaou-sin-she,. 帝​嚳​高​辛​氏 ​Chuen-küh-kaou-yang-she,.. 少昊​金天氏 ​Shaou-haou-kin-t'hëen-she,.... Reign Rel ed vears * A period of much obscurity. 52 1756 13-19 1808 1821 11 .32 1832 21 21 17 22 List closed year of Cycle B. C · 1868 1885 59 1906 16 1965 18 1981 XI. 26 1999 1996 50-61 2169 Tang-te-yaou; aged 118, or Chinese deluge, 100–72 2230 2025 2042 78 84 XV. 1756 XIV. 1816 X. 27 2064 2056 13 2091 29 2104 XIII. 1876 IX. 9 2133 2116 8-27 2142 XII. 1936 2538 VII. 70 2330 2236 VIII. 2176 VI. 2296 V. 2400 2356 IV. 2416 57 [CHRONOLOGY. REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES DURING THE DYNASTY TANG. *Z 1996, Abraham.-1856, Inachus, first king of the Argivi. 2089, Ægialeus, first king of Sicyon, the most ancient kingdom of Greece. 2126, Terah, Abraham's father born. 2142, Ta-yu, aged 100 years. The repairer of the effects of the Deluge, and he who di- vided the land into Nine regions, referred to in the Woo-king 五​經 ​and 四​書 ​She-shoo. 古文​尚書​自​宋​以來​諸儒​多疑​其​低 ​Of the Shang-shoo, which treats of this period, there is a copy called Koo-wan; since the Dynasty Sung, (A. D. 1100); all the literati have much suspected that it was spurious.' The other copy is not doubted. That Confucius had 3,000 Odes Yih-king, from which he compiled the She-king, is disputed. The also is mutilated; some quotations from it are not now found in it. * 2142, Theexisted at this time, and have, as a distinct people, continued to the present day. Where they not the aborigines, and the Chinese a Colony? 2188, Kingdom of Egypt founded by Mizraim, the son of Ham. 2348, The Deluge recorded by Moses. 2366, Death of Methuselah.-2582, Death of Jared, 6th from Adam. A Prince is here placed by some, who was called Te-che, and of whom it is said, that. He proceeded to unlimited dissipation. Choo-foo-tsze says, that prior to this, it is impossible to fix the year of the Cycle. 難盡​信 ​世​遠​傳聞 ​that, 'It is impossible to give entire credit to the traditions of those remote ages.' 2330, Cycle said to be formed by Ta-yaou, in the 61 year of Hwang-te. 桑麻​蠶​績​自​元妃​而​始興 ​The culture of the Mulberry, the Silk- worm, and Weaving, (is said to have) commenced with Yuen-fe,' the wife of 黄帝 ​Hwang-te. *Many of the above circumstances are taken from a work entitled Hae-yu-tsung-kaou.) I 陔​餘​叢​考 ​CHRONOLOGY ] 58 • Yrk' 炎帝​神農氏 ​The Three Sovereigns. MEAOU HAOU. 帝​楡​罔 ​Te-yu-wang, 帝 ​Te-le,- 帝​來 ​Te-lae, 臂 ​帝​宜 ​Te-e, Hwang-te-yew-heung-she, 帝​明 ​Te-ming, 帝​承 ​Te-ching, 帝​臨​魁 ​Te-lin-bwuy, · 太昊​伏羲​氏 ​Tae-haou-fuh-he-she, 盤古 ​Pwan-koo. 1 Yen-te-shin-nung-she, - 女媧​氐 ​Neu-wo-she. 1 · 9 Brothers. Reign commenced, B. C. 3369. HereChoo-foo-tsze begins his History. 火皇​氏 ​Jin-hwang-she, 井 ​Te-hwang-she, 11 Brothers. Theen-hwang-she, 12 Brothers reigned. I # FABULOUS PERIOD. • * Here all is obscure. * First appeared after the Heavens and earth were separated. He is represented as clothed with a kind of apron of leaves; and holds in one hand the sun, and in the other, the moon. Reig-Reign First closed year of Cycle. B. C. ed years. 100-110 2622 50-55 43 48 45 49 60 80 140 115 18,000 18,000 45,000 黄帝 ​2732 61 year 2787 2835 2880 2925 2974 3034 3114 I 2596 3254 *59 [CHRONOLOGY. REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES DURING THE THREE SOVEREIGNS. 2789, Made caps and garments. Several things affirmed of this period 皆​後人​追溯​之​辭 ​were all pushed up by people who lived in subsequent ages.' (Choo-foo-tsze.) 3254, Fùh-he, who taught agriculture; fishing; the care of cattle; marriage; music, &c. Difference amongst Historians in the manner and arrangement of this period. Neu-wo-she, who melted stones and repaired the heavens. Though the character Women forms part of the name, it is not known whether the person was a wo- man or not, as there were no characters at that time. The characters were sup- plied in subsequent ages to express the sound of the name. Some Chinese Writers suppose, the story has a reference to an Inventor of the proper appli- cation of fire. MOVING, produced istence of EXTRACT FROM CHINESE HISTORY. I Fang-kwan-shan says, that Tae-keïh, ‹ The First Principle,' Yang; at REST or still, produced Yin. 陰 ​From the pre-ex- Tae-keih, Yang and Yia were produced; these existing produced ، Wan-wuh, i. e. All things,' exclusive of Heaven, Earth and Man. Wăn-wüh existing, Shing-jin Perfect men,' were born. But (he adds), how is it credible 1 that more than 10,000 years elapsed, as is asserted, (after the existance of Tae- keih) before Yang was produced, and the heavens spread; and that 10,000 years more elapsed before Yin was produced, and the earth formed. That 10,000 more passed before Yin and Yang united, to produce the various material existences (expressed by Wan-wuh); and further, that 40 or 50,000 years more passed away, before the process of Yin and Yang was finished, and the Shing-jin appeared. I 2 CHRONOLOGY.] 60 萬 ​Such a tale is contrary to all sense and reason. From THE Yaou and Shun, to the present time is not more than 舜 ​千餘​年 ​Three thousand and odd years. The 三代 ​Three Dynasties 夏商周 ​Hea, Shang, and Chow were not equal in duration to Tang and Yu, which preceded them; and the latter Dynasties of Han, Tang, and Sung, were 代 ​San-Lae. How can it be believed that 40 or 50,000 years not equal to the elapsed after the formation of the Heavens and the Earth, before man appeared, or the earth and the water were adjusted, and food supplied to human beings? or, that (if the world had existed so long) these things should not have been arranged before Füh he, and his successors? It is evident that wan-koo, who acted at the separation of the heavens and earth, could not have been long before Fùh-he, perhaps, a thousand years, certainly not 10,000; and the time of Fùh-he, must have been very Yaou and Shun, perhaps a hundred years, certainly not a thousand. -No scholar should decline a thorough enquiry.” near (Vide, A view of History by Fung-chow.) 1 61. [GEOGRAPHY. OUTLINE OF THE EMPIRE- 西域 ​the frontier. OF THE MAN-CHOW FAMILY, WHICH NOW FILLS THE THRONE OF CHINA. THE whole Empire is frequently called by the Tartars Ta-ts’hing-kwŏ, ← The Empire of Ta-ts'hing. The regions of Man-chow (Man-choo) Tartary, are called Shing-king. China proper may be distinguished by its ancient name 中國 ​Chung-kwo. The countries on the north of the Great wall, are • called,Mung-koo; and the countrics on t'e west and rorthwest, are called Se-yih. All beyond China proper, is sometimes enominated Beyond ( The Chinese have undergone, perhaps, as many revolutions as any people on the earth. They have been partially and completely conquered; have delivered themselves, and have been conquered again;—and the divisions of their country have undergone a thousand different changes. Is it not the inflexible nature of their Language which has contributed much to give them at all times an apparent sameness? In Statistical Accounts of the Empire, the relative distance of places is mentioned in Le, 250 of which make a Geographical degree; but in Maps published under the Astronomical Board, the distance is put down in degrees of Latitude and Longitude: The latter reckoned from the meridian of Peking. In the close of the Reign of Keen-Jung, a new edition of★~ Œ A complete Statistical Account of the Empire of Ta-ts`hing,' or the Manchow Dynasty, was published. Amongst other things, it gives the Population and Antiqui-. ties of every part of China;. and some notices respecting the other parts of the Em- GEOGRAPHY.] 62 $ • pie. The countries seem divided into such as are properly under the complete govern- ment of the reigning family; those that are 灌 ​attached, and to swell the list, those that have honored them with occasional or regular tribute. * The new territories acquired in the time of Këen-lung, are represented as extend- ing from Han-hae, or the desert Sha-ino on the east, to 沙漠 ​囖​瑪爾 ​Să-ma-urh-han (Samarcand), on the west. On the south to La-tsang, or 拉​藏 ​: Go-lo-sze (Russia); said to include a space Thibet; and on the north to upwards of 20,000 Le in circumference. Of these E-le is the seat of govern- ment. It is distant from Peking to the northwest, 10,820 le, about 2,600 miles. In Chinese Maps, said to be 44° 50' N. and 34° W. of the meridian of Peking. The Edition of the above Work, now referred to, gives the names of Tartar places according to a new fixed Othography. It is directed, however, that the old Orthogra- phy of the Chinese should also be stated, to prevent mistake. It may be presumed that the new Orthography, made by Tartars themselves, is sufficiently near to the true sound, to enable the ear to recognise the name when pronounced. For the R following a vowel, they use Urs; and for the a before o and u, they use Lo and Loo. 魯 ​Sometimes these characters have a by the side, as if Loo, or roo. occuring in the European Orthography of Tartar names, is expressed by In the Chinese Government, there appears great regularity and system. Every dis trict has its appropriate officer; every street its constable, and every ten houses a tything-man. They have all the requisite means of ascertaining the population with considerable accuracy. гoo. The тH, AS Tih. Every family is required to have a board, always hanging up in the louse, and * The Ta-ts'hing-yih-t'hung-che, does not profess to be An Account of all the Nations of the World, but of the Empire of the Ta-ts'hing Dynasty; it includes only nations over whom they have a right to hold dominion. And that right, (whether Present- they choose to exercise it or not) they found on the circumstance of ing Tribute.' who When they include as forming part of their Empire, the Nations Tsin kung, it can no longer be a matter of doubt what the meaning of that phrase is. Whether it be advisable for European Sovereigns, in their intercourse with China, to profess to reign under the sanction of His Imperial Majesty, as their Liege Lord, is another question. The Ceremony, as it is loosely called, is the act of homage or fealty. C 63 [GEOGRAPHY. J Mun- ready for the inspection of authorised officers, on which the name of all persons, men, women, and children, in the house are inscribed. This board is called a pae, Door-tablet,' because, where there are women and children within, the officers are expected to take the account from the board, at the door. Were all the inmates of a family faithfully inserted, the amount of the population would of course be ascer- tained with great accuracy. But it is said, this is not the case. Names are often omitted, and the officers pass it over, either from neglect, or from some consideration given them by the head of the family, who, according to his situation in the cum- munity, has various reasons to represent his family fewer than it is. One reason said to operate sometimes is, that in urgent cases a conscription of every third male, able to bear arms, has been made by the government: That, however, was an ancient regula- tion, and is not applicable to the present Dynasty, which keeps up a constant standing army. Every Tartar is a soldier. Others say, that amongst the poor, who constitute the mass of the population in every country, the Mun-pae, or account of persons given. in, is generally correct.. To be the reverse, exposes them to informations and to much. trouble. This seems the more probable statement. However, amongst Chinese, as amongst every other People, there is, either more or less, a difference between what their institutions, opinions, and professions would lead one to suppose was their character and practice; and what is really their character and practice. Those who do not attend to this distinction, err egregiously in their conceptions respecting whatever concerns the Chinese. of. F 原​額 ​* Original amount Population, i. e. the Amount of the Census taken at the beginning of the present Dynasty, is first given, and then the 滋生 ​The first was, probably about A. D, increase of Population since that time. 1644; and the last, about 1790. C The ¡ * The Work itself does not state what the time of the original Census was, that it was at the beginning of this Dynasty, rests on the verbal authority of natives. GEOGRAPHY.} 64 興​京 ​Hing-king. 奉​天府 ​Fung-t'heen-foo, includes, 興​京 ​and The present population is given at 盛京 ​盛京 ​Shing-king, The NAMES OF PLACES. 7 漢 ​Yew-chow of Han Dynasty, and the region of Leaou and Kin, who held the northern part of China in the close of 金 ​朱 ​Sung. 京師 ​King-sze, or 直隷 ​Chih-le, or # 直 ​Pih-chih-le. The Province of Pe-che-le The Yen-kwo of the Dynasty Chow. 燕​國 ​Keang-soo Province, The Nan-king, of Ming Dynasty. 南京 ​安徽 ​Gan-hwuy Province name These two Provinces are included under the 江南 ​Keang-nan 山西省 ​Shan-se Province, Shan-tung, Province In the time of the Dynasty Chow, was 齊 ​國 ​Tse-kwǔ,魯國 ​Luo.kwǔ. The native place of Confucius, also Wei-kwo, and various others. 衛國 ​Le * Eng. Lon. Population from miles Lat.N. from about Pekin about Peking A. D. 1644 1710 420 41°40′ 8 30′E 1470 360 42" I I 2400 600 30° 50′ 1020 2700 670 31° 40° 255 The Capital Town or istrict is intended. 7°E 1 4194 3,260,075 4°E 3,917,707 800 200 36° 45' 1°15C 3°E 1,350,131 38° 5°50' w 1,792,329 1 65 [GEOGRAPHY. Increase of Population 1790. 95,929 TOTAL Population. 390,714 REMARKS. The seat of Government, when the present family first assumed the regal or Imperial title, in 1615. The八旗 ​Eight Standards are put down at the very low number of persons which appears in the column opposite. It is near to the native place of the reigning family; and distant about 60 miles to the east and southward of Shing-king, which is at once the name of the whole Man-chow Territory, and of the present seat of Government, in that region. King sze, is sometimes applied to the town of Peking; 249,963 3,504,038 sometimes to the whole Province of Pih-chih-le; andÓE King-sze-too, denotes A Map of the Whole Empire.' Capital district is Shun-t'heen-foo, which includes Peking, ★ and is the seat of the Provincial Government. 江寧​府 ​25,049,528 28,967,295 Capital district Keang-ning-foo. | 87,892 1,438,023 Capital District Gan-king-foo. 1 68,487 1,860,816 Capital District Tae-yuen-foo. 太原​府 ​25,447,633 Capital District Tse-nan-feo. 濟南​府 ​K 1 3 GEOGRAPHY.] 河南省 ​• NAMES OF PLACES. Shen-se Province, In the time of Chen-kwo, seat of the 戰國 ​秦 ​Kan-süh Province, court of Tsin, Honan Province. During Chow 1540 385 豫州 ​Dynasty, it was called Yu-chow. In the time of Chun-tsew, it included the territory of seven different states. ·浙江省 ​Chě-keang Province, Keang-se Province, 66 Hoo-pth Province, 湖南省 ​Hoo-nan Province - · * 1 These two Provinces united, composed 廣 ​Hoo-kwang. • 1 Le Eng. Lon. Original from about Lat. N. from Population Pekin miles. Peking about 1644 2°50' 2,005,088 2650 662 35° 35° 8°20' w 240,809 4040 1010 36°20 1240w 311,972 3300 825 30° 3°30' 2,710,649 4850 1212 28°40 1°50'w 5,528,499 3155 788 30° 38 и 4550 1137 28°20' 3°50' w 469,927 375,782 67 [GEOGRAPHY. ↓ Increase of Population 1790 617,881 2,662,969 Capital District 16,895 TOTAL. Population 28,114 REMARKS. Kae-fung-foo. At different periods of Chinese history, called 東京 ​Fung-king, 西京 ​Se-king, 汴京 ​Pëen-king, &c. 340,086 Capital district 257,704 Capital district at Se-gan-foo. Of Soldiers. 西安​府 ​Of屯​丁 ​placed on the land, there are 109,524. Lan-chow-foo. Besides the popula 屯​丁 ​Soldiers who culti- tion given in the column, there are vate the land 217,415; of those who have changed their names (the cause and circumstances of which do not appear) 15,868, and of Foreign families who have submitted to the government, or emigrated thither, 57,331. 16,264,549 18,975,099 Capital district | PRI Soo-chow-foo, in to be the best districts in the Empire. W Keang-soo Province, are said Hang-chow-foo. This and 393,661 5,922160 Capital districtNan-chang-foo. There are of people denominated 棚​丁​·客​丁​. and 屯​丁 ​8,041. 24,134,442 24,604,369 Capital district Woo-chang-foo. | 8,722,228 9,098,010 Capital district Chang-sha-foo. I 2 GEOGRAPHY.] 68 ↓ NAMES OF PLACES. Sze-chuen Province, Before the time of Tsin, it was a barbarous nation called Pa-shüh. 巴蜀 ​福建省 ​Füh-keen Province. - In the time of 周 ​Chow, called 七​閩 ​Ts'hih-min, or the Seven barbarous states. In the F · Kwang-tung Province. In the time of Chow, a foreign dependant state. During the Chen-kwo period, was UPL called 百越​Pih-yuè.始皇 ​Che-hwang, the Burner of the books, seized it, and made it Nan-hue-keun, ‘The Principality of the southern ocean.” In the time of Han it became Nan-yuě state or na- tion. In Yuen, it was connected with the kingdom of Bit Keaou-che, or Ton-kin. In the period of the San-kwo, (the 3rd century) it was called Kwang-chow. 廣州 ​In 1366, it was called Kwang-tung 廣東 ​(Canton), by the first Emperor of the last Dynasty. Kwang-se Province, Chung-tsew period, was called Pih-yuč-te. 奥 ​DEL Yue, is now Le En. from miles Lat.N. Pekin about 5710 148729°40' 12°50n 144,154 6130 1532 7570 1892 Lon. Original from Population Peking about 1644. 26°3' 1°30'E 1,468,145 23°10' 4° w 1,148,918 7460 1865 25°20' ‚°50'w 205,995 69 [GEOGRAPHY. Increase of TOTAL. Į Population Population 1790. 7,789,782 These 7,789,782 are said to compose 1,765,899 families. Capital district Ching-too-foo. 216,383 1,684,528 Capital district Füh-chow-foo. 福州​府 ​REMARKS. 342,353 1,491,271 Capital district ĺ Kwang-chow-foo. The 蛋​戶 ​Tan-hoo, or people who live in boats in this Province, are considered a district race, 其​種​不可​考 ​whuse origin cannot be traced ; fishing was originally their profession. In the fourth century, they amounted to upwards of 50,000 boats, after Tang they were numbered and taxed. 明洪 ​In 1370, they were united along the sides of the rivers and put under the charge of an officer called н0- po-so, "The anchoring place officer,' and paid a tax in fish. In marriage they made no previous betrothment. The man who wanted a wife, placed a platter of straw on the end of his oar, and the female who accepted his offer, did the same with a basket of flowers, after which they united in singing barbarous songs. Yung-ching, about 1780, allowed them to live on shore aud cultivate the land. Poor people on shore still consider it degrading to marry with them. 2,363,523 2,569,518 Capital district Kwei-lin-foo. Of Soldiers T who cultivate the land, there are 250. GEOGRAPHY.] 70 f 雲南省 ​NAMES OF PLACES. often applied to this Province and the preceding one. They are also called Leang- kwang, 兩廣 ​江蘇​and 江西 ​are called Ed İI. Leang-keang Cura's as Yun-nan Province. - Kwei-chow Province, 0 1 · Le En. Lon. Population from miles Lat. N. from about Pekin about Peking| A. D. 1644 8200 2050 22 2016 30w 2,255,666 7610 1910 24°40′ 950 51,089 The above are all the Provinces of China Proper. These Provinces are divided into Foo and Chow, which are larger cantons, including under them, smaller districts called if Heen, which have subordinate Departments called and which include a few Seun-këen-szę, Tsun, or villages. 71 [GEOGRAPHY. Increase of Population 1790. 827,723 TOTAL. 3,083,459 Capital-district REMARKS. Yun-nan-foo. Bordered on the south by Kezou-che, (Ton kin), on the west by Mëen-tëen, (or Pegu) and on the north by Too-fan. There is said to be no increase of population, the 827,793 are what are called Foo-ting. 試​丁 ​2,890,909 2,941,394 Capital district Kwei-yang-foo. RA. 貝​湯 ​The whole Population as thus given by the best authority is below One Hundred and Forty-thre· Millious, which differs widely from the account given to the English 1 Embassy, at Peking, in 1793, and also from the accounts contained in Grosier. From what source he obtained his Chung-min-shoo, 'Number of the people,' I do not know. 1 have enquired in vain for a document so designated. Allow 2 Millions for the army and civil list, and 2 Millions for people who live in boats, still the whole amount will be under 150 Millions. Nations, Tribes, or hordes of Shepherds, who E being destitute of fixed habitations, move about to whatever place a plentiful supply of water and pasture invites them, leave no monuments to perpetuate the memory of past events. The Heung-noo, and Keih-tan, and others who for- merly inhabited the countries now occupied by the Mung-koo's, have left nothing but there names on the page of Chinese History, The present 蒙 ​Mung-koo Tribes, extend on the East to Hib- 黑龍江 ​ung-keang, the river Amour; on the west to 伊犁 ​E-le; on the south to長城 ​"Chang-ching, The Great Wall; and on the north pass beyond the desart Sha-mo. GEOGRAPHY. J 72 舊​藩​蒙古​五十​一​旗 ​The old dependant Mung-koo's, consisting of Fifty-one Standards, are situated in the following places: NAMES OF PLACES. 科爾沁 ​Ko-urh-chin, htt Ko-urh-lo-sze, 杜爾伯特 ​Too-urh-pih-tih, 扌 ​喀喇沁 ​Kih-la-chin, 翁​牛​特 ​Ung-new-tih, BEJ đi lên Ho-pa-ha-na-urh, . 阿​霸​垓 ​O-pa-kae, Kaou-tse-tih, · Cha-lac-tih, 土​黑 ​特 ​Too-hĩh-tih, 扎鲁特 ​Chä-loo-tih, 阿魯​科爾沁 ​O-roo-ko-urh-chin, 敖​漢​G10u-han,. 奈曼 ​Nae-man, N. E. of喜​峯​] He-fung-kow, 1 Kih-urh-kib, left wing, Woo-choo-mùh-tsin, 巴林 ​Pa-lin, 克西克​腾 ​蘇尼特 ​Soo-ne-tih, 喀爾喀​右翼 ​Khi 5 | Kih-se-kih-tăng, • Kih-urh-kïh, right wing, Sze-tsze-poo-lüh, Maou-ming-gan, 7 烏​喇​忒​woo-la-tih, 鄂爾多斯 ​Go-urh-to-sze, (Ortous). 6 Standards. NORTH1280 2 1 . 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 wing, . 1 | | | │ | | | | | | | | | | | ││ 3 • m ### (Kwei-hwa-ching), Too-mih-tih, JJ Distance from Peking in Le. { N. 1297 N.. E. 2500 N. 2010 1000 1510 1340 1010 1110 1210 760 N.E. 760 1500 1000 1185 1163 960 810 N. W. 1130 960 1240 1520 English miles. 308 1160 326 625 502 250 377 335 252 277 302 190 190 375 250 960 240 296 290 240 88 282 240 310 380 1100 275 290 73 GEOGRAPHY:. 1. 2. Shepherds. 新​藩​蒙古 ​RECENTLY ATTACHED MUNG-KOOS. Müh-chang, for the breed of horses. Distant from Peking, N. E. 1250 le. Cha-ha-urh, 8 Standards, N. W. 1000 le. 遊牧 ​Wandering 3. 喀爾喀 ​Kih-urh-kih, Gerghis,. ing on the East to the river Amour; on the West to Four tribes, 74 standards; extend- O-urh-tae Moun- tain and E-le. On the South to the desert Sha-mò, and on the North to Russia. From E. to W. 5000 le; from N. to S. 3000 le. Divided into three Khan. Fought with the Gih-loo-tih, Eleuths, when the Emperor of China interfered, He allowed them to retain the title of Khan, and conferred the hereditary regal title, together with various titles of nobility. 授​王​貝勒貝​子​,公​,台​吉 ​which they call Wang, Pei-lib, Pei-tsze, Kung, Tae-keih. Some say, they correspond to King, Duke, Count, Marquis, &c.; apparently similar to what is called the Feudal System in Europe. 4. 青海 ​Tsing-hae, anciently called 西海 ​Se-hae. Foreign name is 庫​庫 ​Koo-koo-chur Eleuths, lies S. W. 5070 le, between Kan- suh, on the West of China and Thibet. 土​爾 ​牧地 ​特喀爾喀​各​旗 ​It is the land where the Tourgouths and Gerghis feed their flocks. 5. Se-tsang, Thibet, extends E. and W. 6400 le; N. and S. 6500. Lies on the west of 雲南 ​Yun-nan and 四川 ​Sze-chuen. Countries on the west of 西域​回部​大​沙海 ​it, they denominate Western Mohamedan tribes, and great sandy desart. On the north are 青海​及​回部 ​Tsing-hae and Moha- medan tribes. The Chinese observe the same divisions as are mentioned by Europeans, viz. ✈ Chun-tsang, The Centre or Middle Thibet; How-tsang, 'Upper Thibet.? Tseen-tsang, Lower Thibet.' In the Middle Thibet, is the capital La-sa, Lassa; which is distant from Sze-chun, L and La-sa, sometimes written 3480 le. The Chinese say, that the natives call their country Too-pih-tik, GEOGRAPHY.] 74 Thibet, and also called Tang-koo-tih. Same as what the Chinese formerly Too-fan. Fan, probably denoting Foreigner, and Too, the first syllable of the proper name; for the Chinese like to abbreviate long Foreign names. In fact their own names of places are often abbreviated, one syllable of a well known name is used, instead of three or four. Recently, A. D. 1815, His Imperial Majesty found fault with the writers about court for taking this liberty with various Tartar names. 永樂 ​Yung-lo, of the Dynasty, Ming, (about 1430), bestowed the regal title E Wang, on eight of the Priests of Thibet. Each is accompanied with a sentence in praise of the person receiving the title, and all referring to the excellence of the religion they professed, or of their zeal for it, and being ornaments of it; one of them is literally King, defender of the Faith,' or the religion taught. ** E 順​始 ​Shung-che, of the present Dynasty conferred 金​册​金​印 ​Golden books and a golden seal no the 喇嘛 ​La-ma, with the title 西天​大​善​自 ​在​佛 ​'The greatly good and self-existing Füh of the Western Heaven.' 其​俗​相傳​有​宗喀巴​者​居​喇​薩​始興​黃帽​之​教​。 後世​日​根​敦​佳木​左​立​第​巴以​治國​事​.索諾​木​佳 ​木​左​始​彌​達賴喇嘛 ​‘According to their tradition, they had an ancestor whose name was Kih-pa, and who lived at Lassa. He first introduced the religion of the Yellow-cap, (as that of Lama is called). In succeeding ages, Kăn-tun-. Să-no-müh-kea-müh-tso, kea-müh-tso, established the Te-pa to govern the country. was the first who was called Tă-lae Lama, (Delai Lama.) The period of this may perhaps be ascertained by the following remark, F or the temple of Poo-ta-la, which is the residence of the grand Lama, was first built by the 吐蕃 ​Too-fan, in the time of 唐太宗 ​A. D. 660, and 五世​後 ​after the Five Dynasties (about 740), Ta-lae Lama and the Te-pa rebuilt them. la the 32th year of Kang-he, the Lama died, or as they sometimes express it₺ V · Manifested silent rest,' and the Te-pa concealed it sixteen years from the Chinese, After this, the Chin-ko-urh from the north, invaded Thibet, overcame, burnt and destroyed the temples, and drove away the priests. The Delai Lama took refuge in a temple of Kan-suh Province. Kang-he, 53rd year, an army was 甘肅 ​sent and reduced Thibet again under subjection to the Chinese. $ 75 [GEOGRAPHY. In the 32nd year of Kang-he, the Te-pa was styled King of Thibet.' In the 4th year of Keen-lung, he appointed a person in Thibet with the title King. In his 12th year appointed the King's son, and in the 15th year put him to death, and appointed Four nobles to assist in the government of 輔國公​四​員 ​the country. In his 44th year, Pan-shen Lama, who is the second in dignity, came to Peking, and went to rest, i. e. died. It is said, that his Majesty sent him back to Thibet in a 金塔 ​Golden pagoda, or Mausoleum. The Poo-to-la temple, it is said (in the Ta-ts'hing-che), is 367 cubits, 4 tenths high. The tops of the numerous buildings are covered with gold. There are in the temple many gold and silver Pagodas; and images of Fùh out of number, made of gold, or silver, or valuable stones. The people of Thibet Trade at Sze-chuen. The road from Peking to Lassa lies through the District Se-ning, in the Province Kan-süh. Tribute is brought every two years. 6: 西套​尼鲁特 ​Se-taou Gih-loo-tih, the western Eleuths. 3 Standards. Distant from Peking 5000 le, and situated on the south of Shamo desert down to the frontier of Kan-sùh Province. 甘肅 ​They are the descendants of the Dynasty Yuen, and immediately from O-loo-tae, which is E! Erroneously written Gih-loo-tih, or Eleuths. 西域​新疆 ​NEW BOUNDARIES ON THE WEST. The whole of this extensive country, (see Page 61), is under the government of a Tseang-keun, which term commonly denotes a military commander, but in this case, the authority both Civil and Military is vested in him. He was first appointed in the 27th year of Ken-lung. The records of any intercourse with Western inland Countries, commences in the time of 100, when they became acquainted with thirty-six different nations. the Han-woo-te, B. C. GEOGRAPHY.] 73 1. 伊犁 ​E-l is the seat of Government, and is distant from Peking, 'N. W. 182) le. There is a Tscang-keun (with authority similar to the Tscang-keun of E-le), at J' 830 le; and 2000 le distant from the Russian frontier. Hih-lung-keang, or the river Amour. Distant from Peking on the N. E. 俄羅斯​界 ​At the town of E-le, in 1790, there were soldiers of different tribes, People connected with the Eleuths, 御​魯特 ​Turgouth shepherds, • Of Mohamedans 6,000 families, (they are put down at 20,356.) perhaps equal to, J Chinese 71 families, Criminals transported, tains there are in They extend from E. to W. 6000 le. On the south are the On the north are the Chin-ko-urh tribes. 準噶爾​部 ​Peih-chen, is The door to the Mohamedan tribes. מ 10,640 3,155 25,595 Total Population, 2. 庫爾喀​喇​烏​穌 ​Koo-urh-kih-la-woo-soo, A military station on the East side of E-le. 348 soldiers who cultivate the land, and a few criminals. 3.Ta-urh-pa-ko-tae, on the north east of E-le, extending to the borders of Russia. Eleuths, 3516 families, making 11,737 p`rsons. Tourgouths 944 families, making 4200, all removed from E-le in the 42nd year of Këen-lung. 4. JAHō-meih, Hami, Lat. N. 43, W. Lon. 22° 40'. Distant from Peking 7180 le. Country destitute of water, long cold and vast quantities of snow. Water is daily procured from melted snow. Mohamedan subjects, 1950 families, 12,163 persons. 5. Peih-chen, to the W. of the preceding place. N. 43°. W. 25°. 30'. On the South side of the T'hëen-shan, Heaven mountains.' In this range of moun- Ke-leen-shan; Seih shan, 'Snow-mountains,' &c. Mohamedan tribes. 闢​展​為​回部 ​Of Mohamedans, there are 2937 families, 1373 persons. 6. PA Peking 9100 le. Mohamedans, 1330 families, 5390 persons. 7. 30,000 290 244 69,924 Ha-la-sha-urh, is 1600 le west of the preceding. Distant from Sae-la-muh, to the S. W. of the following. Mohamedans, 500 fa- 77 [CHRONOLOGY. milies, 1627 persons. A people called Pae, 563 families, 1735 persons. Produces red copper and salt petre. 8. 庫車 ​Koo-chay, N. 41° 50' W. 34°. To Peking 1800 le. Mohamedans, 1112 Koo-chay, N. 41° 50′ W. 34°. families; 4660 persons. Sha-ya-urh, families 673, 1898 persons. 沙雅爾 ​9. BO-kih-son, N. 41′. W. 35. Mohamedan, 756 families; 24,607 persons. Woo-shih, N. 42°. W. 36'. Mohamedans, 822 families; 3258 persons. 10. 11. 喀什​噶爾 ​Kih-shih-kö-urh, Cashgur, N. 41° W. 43°. To Peking 11,925 le. Mohamedans, 14,056 families; 66,413 persons. On the west is the Tsung-ling Mountain, which is a continuation of the Thëen-shan. This mountain produces large hence its name. It is the 屏障 ​Screen that limits the Tsung, or Onions, and Western Regions. Ye-urh-keang, takes it rise from this mountain; the 36 The river nations of the ancients were bounded by it; produces gold, red copper, silk with gold interweaved; and cotton. 12. 葉爾羌 ​Ye-urh-keang 500 le south of Cashgar. Mohamedans, 15,574 fa- milics, 65,495 persons. 13. THE LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF THE FOLLOWING PLACES, ARE GIVEN IN THE CHINESE IMPERIAL MAP OF THE WORLD. Ho-teen, N. 95° 36°. W. 34°. Mohamedans, 13,642 families, 44,630 persons. The families do not seem to average more than 5 or 6 Persons. * 14. Pih-too-năh, N. 46° 20.' E. 8° 40′. 15. 爾 ​Go-urh-shen, N. 36°. W. 47° 16. 尼布楚 ​Ne-poo-tsoo, N. 53° 50.' W. 11° 穆齊 ​19. 20. 17. 18. Pa-le-kwan, N. 44°. W. 23. 巴 ​吧 ​布魯特 ​The famous Zhehol is in Chinese, Jě-ho. Woo-loo-müh-tse, N. 44° 30' W. 28' Pǎ-pǎ-tăh, N. 35°. W. 45°. Poo-loo-tih, N. 38º. W. 50º. There is Pandof this name. 熟河 ​Ho-tun, is PHo-tun. How * That a Population of about four thousand persons should, in a few years ac- quire a dominion the most extensive of any in the world, is a remarkable case. variable the condition of nations and of men! • GEOGRAPHY.] 78 新疆​蕃​屬 ​NEW DEPENDANT TERRITORIES. 1.Left H'hŏ-să-kih, Hassacks or Cossacks. From south to north, 左​哈薩克 ​lie between E-le and Russia. On the N. W. of the Chin-ko-urh 準噶爾​部 ​tribe. Their tribute passes by the way of E-le to Peking. 2. 右​哈薩克 ​Right Hassacks, 2000 le to the west of the preceding. 3. 東​布魯特 ​East Poo-loo-tih, lie 1400 le to the S. W. of E-le. Their tribute passes through the Mohamedan cantons to Peking. They are a people Lie on the N. fond of gain and of quarreling. They do plough; but prefer flocks. of Theen-shan mountains. 4. West Poo-loo-tih. Situated on the N. W. of Cashgur, and of the 西布鲁特 ​蔥嶺 ​Tsung-ling Mountains. Entirely wandering shepherds. On the West, they extend to 布哈爾 ​Poo-h'ho-urh. 5. Ho-han, N. W. of Cashgur, 880 le; joins the preceding; on the West, bounded by Tǎ-shih-han: Occurs in Chinese History under different names. Gan-tseih-yen, N. 37°. W. 40'. 6. 7. ·塔什罕 ​Ta-shill-kan, 1300 le north of Cashgur. Send their Tribute through the Mohamedan Cantons. Woody and fertile region. 8.Pa-tǎ-kih Mountain, to the S. W. of Cashgur, amongst the Tsung-ling Mountains, (the mountains of leeks.) 9. Po-lo-urh, on the eastside of the preceding. 博洛爾 ​10. 愛烏罕 ​Gae-oo-kan, on the S. W. of拔達​克​Pa-tä-kih mountain. 11. Han-too-sze-tan, Hindostan, on the S. E. of the preceding, 痕​都​斯坦 ​In the time of Han, the Ke-pin nation occupied the territory. The people of this country are skilful artisans, and excel in working gems, which they polish with water and not with sand. They are neighbours to the Five Yin-too, Indo, or Gentoo nations. They are a people fond of trade, and formerly carried on com- merce with the Mohamedans of Ye-urh-keang. In the 25th year of Keen-lung, when the Western territories were settled, His Majesty published a Proclamation to those people, and conferred gifts upon them. Commercial intercourse goes on now as formerly. 79 [GEOGRAPHY. It was anciently called Wǎn-too-sze-tan, which, after an examination of 梵文 ​the language of Fan, is changed to what is correct, viz. 痕​都​斯坦 ​漢​武帝​, In the time of about 100 years B. C. the Chinese intercourse with India commenced; and in books of that period, there are accounts of the civilization and riches of the country. It is said, that several of the Ambassadors from China Yuen-te discontinued the in- were put to death by the Princes of India, and Ching-te, at the commencement of the Christain tercourse. In the time of Era, the people of India sent an Ambassador to China, to make an Apology. (India is here spelled Heen-too). In this part of the Work, there are several notices of 賽瑪爾​堪 ​Sae-ma-urh- kan, Samarcand, and of the great wealth and splendour of a city called Sew-seen, (Shu-shan?) The king was crowned with gold, and sat on a throne of gold. In the time about A. D. 630; an Ambassador came from thence to China. 12. Ha-li, seems (Delhi), upwards of 1100le from the Western frontier 哈里​國 ​of China, and 2400 le south of Samarcand. The title of the Prince is noticed, ▲ 之​為​蘇勒坦 ​Persons honor him by the name Soo-lih-tan (Sultan). surrounding states are mentioned, and all of them said of and Some 周 ​observe a weekly division of time, and a Sabbath, which in the language of the place, is called 阿​啼​納 ​O-te-na. This day is considered 吉 ​most blessed, and 拜​天​聚會 ​all who worship Heaven assemble to do so. 13. The reign of husband of a Princess of 元 ​Yuen. to Tih-mo-urh, Tamerlane is noticed, and his being the C 14.Theen-fang kwo, The Celestial Country, or otherwise Lŏ-kwŏ, Arabia Felix is mentioned. Seuen-tih, about: 1430, sent an Ambassa- dor thither. The voyage is represented as lasting three months. The pretentions of 瑪哈穆特 ​Ma-ha-mo-tih, (Mohamed) are mentioned... There is no rain in the country, and vegetation is promoted by the dew which falls at night. 15. 已 ​Pa-lih-te, is a small state on the East of Hindostan, consisting only of a few thousand persons. Unknown till they submitted to the armies of Keen-lung in his 25th year, when pursuing his conquests in that quarter. The dependence on China, of some of the above states, seems merely nominal,.. as all who send Ambassadors with presents to China, are said to offer tribute. GEOGRAPHY.] 80 朝貢​諸國 ​THE NATIONS WHICH HAVE BROUGHT TRIBUTE TO CHINA, AS THEY STAND ON THE 禮部 ​RECORDS OF THE III. BOARD OF RITES AND CEREMONIES. 1. Chaou-sëën, Corea, otherwise called Kaou-le, whence the name HE Corea. In the period of the Chen-kwo, B. C. 300 years, it belonged to the kingdom at Yen. Also called Kaou-keu-le; the two latte 高​句​驪 ​syllables denote a colt. A person of the name Kaou fled thither on a colt, and founded the kingdom in the close of Han, A. D. 100. 安 ​Anciently called II. Gan-nan, Cochinchina. Nan-keaou. In the time of How-han, A. D. 250, a Prince rebelled, and affairs being again arranged, the boundaries were marked by a brass pillar. In the northern part were 交趾​等​七​郡 ​Keaou che, and other small states, seven in number; the region now called Tonking. Ying-ching, A. D. 1730, made a settlement of the limits, and gave to the reigning Prince the title Jih-nan-she-tsoo, It denotes The Sun of the South, through ages happy,' which he still uses on official documents. Lew-kew, the Lekyo islands. Litile or no intercourse with China till the Dynasty Yuen. More intercourse during the present Dynasty. Their features appear remarkable to the Chinese, on the same account as the Europeans do, viz. 深​目​長鼻 ​deep eyes and long nosis.’ IV. 荷蘭 ​Ho-len, the Hollanders or Cutch. 自古​服​之​地​不通 ​In ancient times a wild territory which had no intercourse with The first persons who appeared, were very remarkable for their deep China.' eyes, long noses, and the hair of their heads, eyebrows, and beards, being all red ; hence they were denominated Hung-maou, The Red-haired nation,' 紅毛​國 ​a term which has since been transferred to the English; and which is again giving. way to the name Ying-keih-le, English. 81 [GEOGRAPHY. V.Tsëën-lo, Siam, situated on the South west of Chen-ching, which is the 赤土​國 ​Chih-too nation of 唐 ​Tang. VI. Se-yang, Western Ocean, the name assumed by 西洋 ​Matthew Ricci, when he came to China in the time of Wan leih, (1580), he seems to have intended by it the whole of Europe; in which sense it is often used. But in later times, it has come to denote the Portuguese alone. It is said, that His Majesty was gratified with the distance which he had come; treated him graciously, and retained him. Afterwards many of his associates came who all boasted great things of their ancestors. 瑪​竇​有​萬​國​全​圖 ​Matthew had a Map of the World, by which he endeavoured to give the Chinese an idea of it. An outline of the great divisions of the world is inserted, with some mistakes. 以西​把​尼亞 ​E-sze-pa-ne-a, (Hispania);拂​郎​察​Fö-lang- cha, (France); E-ta-le-a, (Italy), &c. are inserted, with accounts of their Manners; perhaps as accurate as our accounts of foreign countries sometimes are. They are a little inflated, and appear something modified by passing through the hands of the Chinese. It has not yet become the fashion in China to study Universal Geography. VII. Soo-18, the Soo-loo of the Philipine Isles. In the time of Yung- lo, A. D. 1420, three or four of their Princes came, accompanied by their wives Brought pearls, tortoise shells, &c. to China, on an Embassy. VIII. Nan-chang, or 南​掌 ​Laou-chwa, (D'Anville, kingdom of Tonking) came with tribute in the time of Yung-lo, A.D. 1420. Brought Elephants. IX. or Go-lo-sze, (Russia). This name began in the time of 鄂​羅斯 ​俄羅斯 ​Shun-che, A. D. 1650, they Yuen, 14th Century. In the time of 元 ​were, on the river Amour, called Lo-chă. About that time, they built the town 雅克薩 ​Ya-kih-să, (Ya-kutsk). In the 15th year of Këen-lung, an Ambassador came from Russia. His Majesty 諭​以​嚴禁​羅剎 ​母​擾​邊陲 ​Ordered the Ambassador to restrain the people of Lo-chă, and not allow them to disturb the frontier. They however continued to do GEOGRAPHY.] 82 so, and His Majesty sent troops against them, who compelled them to submit; after which affairs went on as before. This suspension of arms lasted, however, but for a short time; and in the 24th year they were again attacked and sur- rounded (or besieged) by the Chinese, or rather Tartars. Next season, Season,蔡​漢 ​Cha-han-kan (Catherine), sent an Ambassador who made an acknowledge- ment,謝罪​言​.下​國​邊民​搆​釁​自​當​嚴​治​乞​撤​雅 ​克薩​之​圍​且​請​分​定​邊界​詔​許​之 ​· She acknowledged the crime which had been committed, and said, Should the people on the frontiers of (our) the inferior nation quarrel and fight, it is proper for us to punish them severely ourselves. We beg you to raise the siege of Yakutsk, and request you will decide the limits.' His Majesty issued a proclamation permitting it.' In the 28th year, persons were sent to 尼布​潮​or尼布楚​)之​地 ​Ne-poo-chaou, or ne-poo-tsoo, (Tobolskoi ?) to settle the limits. Yakutsk and the neighbouring places reverted to the Chinese. On the north the river 格爾 ​N Kih-urh-peih-tse was made a boundary, and a monument erected by the side of the river. 其​國王​所​居​之​城 ​莫斯科​近​西北​大海 ​The city at which the king of the country resides, is called Mo-sze-kò-wa, (Mos- cow or Muscovy), near the great north-west sea;" very remote from Peking. It is said, that the nation was at first small and weak, but rose by force of arms, and is now 今​其​地​廣​袤​幾​二​萬里 ​an extensive country, stretching upwards of 20,000 le. In the time of Kang-he, they sent persons to study at Peking, 來​京師​就學​特設​俄羅斯​館​有​滿州 ​助​敎​一​人​漢​助​敎​一​人 ​A school was established on purpose for them, and a Manchow teacher with a Chinese teacher appointed, (about 1700). x. ✯Jh-pun, (Japan), the ancient Wei-noo nation. Called Jih- 日 ​pun, Day, source,' from being situated in the region of the rising sun. 後​漢 ​女 ​First came with tribute in the time of How-han, (third Century). 小 ​They IValue the books of the learned, and believe the doctrines of Fùh. XI. Leu-sung, Luzon or Manilla, and hence the name has passed to Spain. The 83 [GEOGRAPHY. # first is now called Little Leu-sung, and Spain is called Great Leu-sung. In the time of Wän-leih, about A. D. 1600, the Pirate 林​道​乾​被​官軍​追至​其​國​國人​助​計​有功​Lin- taou-këen, fled thither when pursued by the government forces, and the people of the place assisted in attacking the pirates, which act was meritorious. Ho-meaou-le, some islanders near to Manilla, in the Eastern sea, accompanied the Ambassadors from Ava. XII. 明 ​XIII. Mei-lo-keu, (Moluccas), first heard of in the beginning of Ming Dynasty, about 1420. XIV. 萬歷​中​佛​郎​機​與​紅毛番​互​爭​其​地​每​歲 ​About A. D. 1600, the Franks and Dutch contended about those countries, and every year had battles, which alarmed the natives.' Many Chinese- were there for the purchase of spices, and used their influence to reconcile con- tending parties. The Franks and Dutch then divided the Islands. They made Laou-kaou-shan their boundary, on the north of which were the Franks, and on the south the Dutch. It is curious to observe the light in which these things were represented at the court of Peking. It is added, that though the two Foreign nations divided the country, the native Prince remained. 服​屬​而​其​國​猶存​未 ​He was made dependant, but his kingdom was not destroyed.' XV. Po-lo, a people on Borneo, otherwise called sent tribute in the time of Tang, about 670. 唐高宗​時 ​Wän-tsae. First *VI. 榜​葛​刺 ​Pang-ko-la, Bengal. 在​西海 ​On the Western (Indian) ocean. 時​身​毒​國 ​Shin-tùh nation of Han. In the time of 後​漢 ​The How-han, (3rd century) called Theen-chüh. Also called 婆羅門 ​天竺​郎​五​印度 ​Theen-chih is Po-lo-mun, Brahmin land. the same as Woo Yin-too. The first syllable denotes five,' the other two seem to make India, or Gentoo,' i. e. the Five Gentoo Nations.' In the Year 930, A Chinese Priest travelled into the nations of the west. 晉天福 ​GEOGRAPHY.] 84 He travelled twelve years, six of which, he spent among the Five Hindoo nations. *** In the time of Sung, (A D. 980) another priest travelled to India, and brought back a letter from the Hi King 没​徙​襄 ​Mùh-se-nang. On being translated, it read 近​聞​支那 ​國內​有​大​明王​至聖​至​明威​力​自在​每​慚​薄幸 ​朝​謁​無​由​遥望​支那​起居​聖躬​萬福​‘I have recently heard that there is in Che-na (China) an illustrious King, most excellent ; . most august and powerful! I blush to think of my ill fortune, by which I am left without the means of obtaining an interview with your Majesty. At a distance, I look towards Che-na, and wish Your Sacred Person, rising or at rest, 支那 ​ten thousand blessings.' A Priest from India accompanied the Chinese Priest to Peking with a document similar to the preceding. The Itinerary of the Priest is then inserted, contain- ing a dry list of the names of places, and the days' journey between each. In the next reign, a Brahmin Priest came to Peking. 婆羅門 ​婆羅門​儈 ​And 乾​德 ​Këen-tih, in the year 950,命​沙門​三百​人​入​天竺​求 ​舍利​及​多​葉​書 ​Ordered Three hundred Sha-mun, Priests to go to India and procure relicks of Fùh, and the books of Buddhah (Pei-to-ye.) The itinerary (or quotations from it) of these three hundred persons is given, in which they tell of the Pagodas, temples, traces, ves- tiges, or miracles of Fùh, which they saw in immense numbers. And 渡​洹 ​# Having passed the river Hang, they saw a large (figure 河南​有​大​浮屠 ​of) Fow-too (Buddhah) on the southside of it. Hăng river, appears to be the name used for the Ganges by the Chinese Priests. They often recite O Füh who exists (in forms or persons) numerous as the sands of the river Ganges.' 10 An Ambassador came from Bengal in the sixth year of Yung-lo, A. D. 永樂 ​1417, and also during the 10th year. After this they ceased to come. B** * They cultivate the doctrines of Buddhah and do not destroy animal life. XVII. Koo-le, A place in the Bay of Bengal, three days sail from 柯​枝 ​} 85 [GEOGRAPHY. 1 O-che, which in Chinese Maps, is placed in the site of Arracan; ten days journey From Koo-le, (Calicut or Calcutta) the person who from 錫蘭 ​Seih-lan. went from China to Arabia in the fifteenth century, set sail. First Embassy to China in the reign of Yung-lo, A. D. 1410. XIX. XVIIIO.che. Intercourse with China commenced during Sung Dynasty. 柯​枝 ​They are of the Buddhah religion. 錫蘭​國 ​Seib-lan (Ceylon ?) nation. rock, the print of a foot three cubits long. At the foot of a hill is a temple 边 ​SUP a couch.. relics which are called Shay-le. By the side of the sea, there is on a in which is the real body of Fuh lying on it's side on : 旁​有​佛牙​舍利 ​By the side are teeth of Füh, and 西洋​里 ​Ambassadors came to China in the 14th century, and brought with them Pepper which they sold. The use of Se-yang, by this petty state, puzzled the Boards at Peking, when Matthew Ricci went there and called himsel 西洋 ​A man from Se-yang; they thought he had been from the same place as the So-le. It is said, that there is a degree of obscurity with respect to this people, as those from 占城​Chen-ching,暹​羅 ​Tseen-lo, 錫蘭 ​Seih-lan, and O-che, all called themselves So-le people. + XX. Se-yang-so-le, appears to be a place in the Bay of Bengal. ancient 虞 ​XXI. P Soo-mun-tă-la, (Soomatra), to the S. W. of Chen-ching. Afterward changed the name to A-tsee, (Acheen.) XXII. Nan-po-le, Mohamedans, three days sail from Soo-ma-ta-la. XXIII.占城​Chen-ching, (Perhaps Cambodgia.) The 林邑 ​Lin yih of 秦 ​Tsin. A violent warlike people. Country produces gold, elephants, &c. XXIV.I xxIv.真​臘 ​Chin-lă, or占​臘 ​Chen-la, originally called 扶​南 ​Foo-nan. During the Dynasty Yuen, subdued Chen-ching. Elephants, gems, &c. XXV. Kwa-wa, Ava, (In the Imperial Map of the World put for Java.) The Too-po nation. In Yuen Dynasty first called Ava. It I GEOGRAPHY.] 86 is 西南​諸番​之​衝​要 ​the thoroughfare of all the Foreigners on the 宋文帝 ​south west. Began its intercourse with China during Sung Dynasty. XXVI. Po-ne, formerly connected with the preceding. XXVII.Ma-ye-ung; ten days sail from Chen-ching. XXVIII. San-füh-tse, adjoins Chen-ching. Was subdued by Ava. XXIX Füh-lang-ke, the Franks or French, first denoted Europeans generally. The court heard of their ravages on the sea, and that they attacked Malacca. Appears to have conceived of them as one of the nations of the Bay of Bengal. xxx. 佛​菻 ​Fühlin,漢​大​秦國 ​the Ta-tsin of Han; also called 犁​靬 ​Le-këen, situated on the west of the Bay of Bengal, Very remote. 其​人 ​長大​平正​有​類​中國​故​謂​之​大秦 ​The people were tall and well formed, of the same race as the Chinese, and therefore called Ta-tsin. * About A. D. 150, they began to come to China. In the time of Tang, they changed their name to Füh-ling. There is a most splendid account of the country, and it is added, when Matthew Ricci came to Peking, he affirmed that 耶蘇​生于​如​德亞​蓋​師​古​大​泰國 ​JESUS was born in Judea, which was the Ancient Ta-tsin.' In the original, the Bay of Bengal is denoted by Se-hae, The Western Sea.Tung-hae, denotes 'The Eastern ocean; Nan-hae, The South Sea,' denotes what is commonly called the Chinese Sea. The two latter terms are sometimes confounded. What lies on the south east is also called 海 ​Tung-hae. * Does this not favour the late De Guignes' supposition, that the Chinese were originally a Colony from Egypt. 87 [GOVERNMENT. 1 I: NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT. THE following sketch, as well as the preceding, is intended not for Political, but for Philological purposes. Perhaps every Student of Chinese has felt the difficulty arising from not having some brief Analysis at hand, to enable him when reading, to conceive nearly of the period of an event referred to; of the relative situation of a place; or of the rank and duties of a particular Office. A person who has a Native Assistant at hand, can generally from him obtain enough of information on such subjects to enable him to proceed; but to a Student in Europe, without a Native Assistant, the difficulty arising from being unaquainted with what these sheets are intended to supply, (though but partially) has always been insurmountable. Hence, no person in Europe has succeed in acquiring the Language to any extent. The Capital, Peking, is called Nine gates. In the centre of that, is 太 ​ナ ​is otherwise designated皇帝 ​Hwang-te; 皇上 ​Hwang-shang, 聖​主 ​Shing- choo, and when speaking of him, Chaou-thing, as we say. His Majesty.' 朝庭 ​By following the order of the Kwan-shoo, or Public Offices in the Capital, we shall best conceive what the functions of the officers in them are. · OF THE SUPREME GOVERNMENT. * Ta-hwang-te, 'The Great Emperor, is the source of all authority, he le in circumference ;. and within that, is Tsze-kin-ching, "The sacred city, six le in circumference. The south gate is called Woo-mun, within the Woo- mun, is : King-ching, to which there are 九​門 ​Hwang-ching, the Imperial city,” eighteen Nuy-ko, The Imperial Council Chamber. In this Chamber assemble the Ta-heo-sze, Two Tartars and two Chinese; also GOVERNMENT.] 88 III. A* Shang-shoo-hee-pan-ko-woo, or as they are commonly called Pae- Hee-pan-ta-heŏ-tsze, one Tartar and one Chinese. The Tartars always take precedence. These six persons are called seang. Seang, denotes to Assist; and Pae, to Bow and make obeisance. The persons who have been appointed assistants of the Sovereign and made their bow. Show-seang, Head-assistant, or Prime Minister. The Chung-tang attached to their names, and by Ko-laou, (Colao). There are in this office also Nuy-ko-heŏ-sze, six Tartars and four Chinese. Further, 內閣 ​侍讀​學士 ​Nuy-kǒ-she-täh-heő-sze, and 內閣​侍讀​典籍​撰文 ​辦事 ​Nun-ko-she-tüh-teen-tseïh-seuen-wăn-pan-sze, also A Chung-shoo-shay-jin, "Who perform the duties of Secretaries and Clerks.' The term Ta-heŏ-sze, was first employed during the Dynasty Tang. Placed next in order is the:- The first is called first four have the title inferiors they are called II.Han-lin-yuen, A College instituted in the time of Tang. It is partly literary and partly political. All national works are conducted by its members, and they are frequently appointed to high offices in the state. It is not a school open for the education of youth, but a kind of Royal Society, or National Institute, the members of which rank in the second of the Nine Orders. 從​二​品 ​There are two Chang-yuen-hco-sze, or Presidents, one Tartar and one Chinese. There are six persons styledShe-tuh-heo-sze ; also six She-keang-heo-sze, others called She-tuh and 侍讀 ​侍講 ​She-keang. Further 修撰​編 ​Sew-seuen-pëen, 修​檢討​庶​吉 ​Sew-këen-taou-shoo-këĭh-sze. Also 典籍​待詔​孔​目 ​Teen-tseih she-chaou-keung-müh, all of which titles express different literary departments, 聖賢​後​世襲​五​經​博士​亦​附​於​翰林院​(The descen- dants of Confucius and Mencius are hereditary members, and eminent classical scholars are attached to the Han-lin College.' Chen-sze-foo, the officers of which have the controul of Her Majesty and the Princes' household. ! 89 [GOVERNMENT. → TV. · K'he-keu-choo-kwan, a Recorder's office, filled by a member of the Han-lin College. V. 內務府 ​Nuy-woo-foo, for the affairs of the Palace; 掌​以​總管​大 ​(1 has the general controul of the higher officers of state: Is divided into seven departments. VI. Luh-ko, Six Offices attached to the Six Boards, and have the controul of the seals of those boards. There are two There are two給事中 ​Keih-sze-chung, and two 給​事 ​Këih-sze. VII. 中​書​科 ​Chung-shoo-ko, at present, 掌​書寫​誥​勅 ​in this office, they have the charge of, and write certain documents issued by His Majesty. VIII.Tsung-jin foo. An Office for the oversight of all the branches of 王​貝勒​。 the Imperial family. The presiding officers are, 親王 ​貝​子​·宗室​公​將軍​為之 ​Kings, Princes and Nobles. IX. Le-poo, the Board which presides over all appointments to official rank in the state. There are two Presidents called Shang-shoo, one Tartar X.Hoo-poo, the Board of Revenue. The Presidents and Members are de- nominated by the same names as the preceding, only distinguishing to what Board they belong. Also fourteen persons from various Provinces called 英司 ​Tshing-le-sze. J and one Chinese. Other members are called侍​即 ​She-lang;郎中 ​Lang- chung: Yuen-wae-lang; 員外郎 ​Lang-choo-sze. In this and the following offices are 筆​帖​式 ​Peih-teïh-she, Clerks or Writers, and分 ​Fun-chang-fan-yih, Translators. XI. XI Hing-poo, the Penal Board. 刑部 ​X Le-poo, the Board of National Usages. Officers similar to the above. XIII. Kung-poo, the Board of Public Works, Le-fan-yuen. Established by the reigning family for all the affairs N GOVERNMENT.] 90 of the dependant states; Thibet, the Tartars, the Mohamedan Cantons, &c. Officers similar to those of the Six Boards. They are 滿州​蒙古人 ​Manchow Tartars and Mung koos. XV. Too-cha-yuen, the office of Examiners. Persons appointed to over- look the affairs of the Prince; the Magistracy; and the People; and to give their opinions or information to the Sovereign, whenever they please, in writing. The rule is that their persons should be sacred: at least that they should not lose their lives for what they say. That rule, however, was violated by the late Emperor, when he was advised to name his successor. They are at all times liable to very severe censure from His Majesty, when he happens to differ from them. He does not scruple to tell them that they direct that their papers be thrown back again to them. He does not like them to interfere with his family arrangements. One of them, not long ago, objected to the number of expensive gardens which his Majesty kept; and had for a reply, that it was none of his business; his province was National Affairs, and not the concerns of the palace. They act the part of spies occasion- ally, and are also sent to distant parts of the Empire as Commissioners of in- Tae-wan, Formosa. talk nonsense, and to 臺灣 ​spection. A few years ago, two were sent to The general epithet for them is, Yu-she. There are two Presidents, one Tartar and one Chinese as usual, called Chang- yuen-tso-too-yu-she, and have four Assistants. Viceroys and Fooyuens all take this as an honorary title, when they go to their several governments. Of these called Chang-taou-yu-she, there are thirty; one Tartar and one Chinese for almost every Province; and of the Keeh-cha-yu-she, there are twenty-six. They have sometimes been called Censors. 0 XVI. Thung-ching Sze-sze, Officers through whom official docu- 通​政​使​司 ​ments pass to and from His Majesty. The three first characters express the na- ture of the office. There are other two, a Tartar and a Chinese. Also a Secretary called 知事​經​歴 ​Che-sze-king-löð. XVII. 大理寺 ​Ta-le-sze. In which are two officers called King, with 左右 ​寺 ​Assistants in the discussion of business. 91 [GOVERNMENT. XVIII. Tae-chang-sze, in which are two officers called · Shaou-king, Pö-sze, Learned men. In what way the assist in the government does not appear. XIX. Kwang-lo-she, officers similar to the preceding. 光寺 ​XX. xx. 太僕寺 ​Tae-po-she, with similar officers. XXI. 鴻臚​寺 ​Hung-loo-she. XXII. 國子監 ​Kwo-tsze-këen, 敎​蒙古​子弟 ​for the Education of the sons and brothers of the Mung-koos. It is more properly a college than the Han-lin-yuen. The first officers are called Tse-tsew. There are two of them. The Tartars are called Po-sze-tsoo-keaou, Heŏ- ching, and He8-18. The reigning family has paid great attention to this college. Keen-lung often went in person to pour out libations before the tablet 先​師​孔子 ​of Confucius, who is called and whose name is placed as high as His Imperial Majesty's. He wrote inscriptions for the various halls, and erected stone tablets commemorating his several victories. Every time that he went in person he composed an Ode. 監​正 ​ITIL® 滿 ​Principal Astronomers, one Tartar and one European, Assistants one Tartar and one Chinese. Secondary Assistants, one Tartar and one European. There are also inferior officers attached to it. XXIII.Kin-t'heen-këen, the Imperial Astronomical Board. XXIV. Tae-e-yuen, Imperial Medical Board. President is called E Assistant 院​判 ​Yuen-pawn. And a certain number of 御醫 ​Yuen-sze. Imperial Physicians. XXV. Sze-yih-kwan, Translator's office. 譯​字​生 ​Eight rooms. There were There are now only originally appointed ninty-six Translators. eight. XXVI.Lwan-e-wei, office of the Imperial Guards. XXVII. På ke-too-tung-ya-mun, Court of the eight Standards. 八旗​都​統​衙門 ​Pă N 2 GOVERNMENT.] 92 XXVIII. Kew-mun-te-tüh Ya-mun, the Court of the 九門提督​衙門 ​Gencral of the city, or othe Nine Gates, a high military command. XXIX. Tsung-wan-mun-këen-tuh-shoo, the Court of the Commissioners of Customs. Xxx. Woo-ching-ping-ma-sze, office of the Cavalry. XXXI.宗​學 ​Tsung-heǔ,以​教宗​室​子弟 ​School for the Imperial Fa- mily. There are Masters to teach the Manchow Tartar language, Chinese horsemanship, archery, &c. XXXII. Keo-lo-heo, a School for the children of the Keolo, a branch of 覺​羅​學 ​the Imperial family. Some other Schools are mentioned. XXXIII. The Keun-ke-ta-chin, appears to be a Special Council, the members of which vary, The words might be rendered a Council of War, III. OF THE PROVINCAL GOVERNMENT. CANTON WILL SERVE AS A SPECIMEN OF THE OTHER PROVINCES. 文​職官 ​CIVIL OFFICERS. 1. Leang-kwang Tsung-tuh, Governor-General of the two Kwang, 兩廣​總督 ​or Viceroy of Canton and Kwang-se. 制​薹 ​tae. He is otherwise denominated He is otherwise denominated 11. Kwang-tung Seun-foo, the Seun-foo, or 廣東​巡撫 ​Scun-foo, the Seun-foo, or Foo-yuen of Canton. The Viceroy takes precedence of him, but cannot controul him. They. are collegues in office. It is a maxim in the present dynasty to divide the power as much as possible, both in the Civil Service and in the Army; a principle which has its defects as well as advantages. What they cannot agree in must be referred to Court. Che- 提督​學​政 ​and has a certain controul in the army on special occasions. Te-tüh-heŏ-ching, is the first literary officer in the Province,, 93* [GOVERNMENT. 1 IV. Po-ching-sze, over the Revenue of the Province, and has a certain controul in inferior appointments. In his office there is.. * 1 King-lëě, a kind of Secretary. 照​磨 ​DR. Q Chaou-mo, keeper of the Seal. V. Gan-cha-tsze, a Criminal Judge. 按察使 ​A Secretary like the preceding. Sze-yo, a Gaoler. Koo-ta-sze, keeper of the Treasury. VI. Yen-yun-sze, an Officer who superintends the Salt Trade. பட் The inferior officers are a ing Salt from place to place. A Secretary as above; a Assistant; 庫 ​Koo-ta-tsze, a Treasurer, &c. D VII. Leang-taou, Superintendant of the Public Granaries. 倉​大使 ​Tsaug-ta-sze, a Granary Keeper, Yun-t'hung, who attends to the transport“- Che-sze, Each Foo has a Magistrate called a Kwang-chow-foo Che-foo, the Che-foo of Kwang-chow-foo. ' Officers situated in different parts of the district, who are called che, or Fun-foo. There are also attached to him, wise called 學​正​Heǒ-ching, TIET Che-foo, as 廣州​府​知府 ​Several Assistant T’hung- Thung-pwan, Foo-heo-keaou-show, a Teacher in the district school, other- Heun-taou, Instructor. King-lëě, Secretary, Sze-yo, Gaoler. Each Chow has a Magistrate called Che-chow, with inferior officers simi- H lar to the Foo. Each Heen has its Che-heen. In common language, the name of of the 国 ​· GOVERNMENT.] 94 Hëen answers for the name of the officer who presides over it, as 南海​縣 ​Nan-hae Hëen, is used to designate the Che-hëen, and the district itself. The Assistant to a Hëen is called 縣丞 ​Hëen-ching, or 左​堂 ​Tso-tang; also 分 ​Jung-ting, in contradistinction from whom the Hëen 縣​氶 ​Fun-hëen, and Ching-tang. The Tso-tang holds a separate court. } I or LELE is called INFERIOR OFFICERS IN A HEEN. Heen-bed-keaou-yu, Tutor. 訓導 ​Heun-taou, Instructor. 主​簿 ​Choo-poo, an Assistant officer in a Hëen. 廵​檢 ​Seun-keen, or Teen-she, a kind of clerk. Poo-ting, over villages. 派 ​更​目 ​Le-mùh, Attendants in Courts. Ho-po-so, controuls the boats on the river. In Canton there is a Commissioner of Customs arising from Foreign Trade, who is appointed immediately by His Majesty. He ranks with the first officers of the Province, and is called Hae-kwan, and Keen-tüb, also sometimesKwǎn-poo. By Europeans called Hoppo, from a misapplication of the name of the Board of Revenue, to him, viz, Hoo-poo. The Secretary to the Hoppo is called King-ching. All these officers have personal friends whom they employ to assist in drawing up official papers, and whom they call Sze-yay. Their household servants are called Yay-mun. These are generally appointed to be Tide-waiters, and attendants at the Kwan-k'how, or Custom-houses. Attendants in the outer apartments, and at the gate, are called Mun-shang. 門​上 ​Official Messengers are called Wei-yuen. The Petty Police Runners are called 委員 ​Yuen-chae, Te-paou. 1 Chae-yub. A constable of a single street is called 95. [GOVERNMENT. In cases of flagrant Mal-administration in the distant Provinces; or charges brought against the higher officers, it is the custom to send some persons of rank from the Capital to try the parties on the spot. These Imperial Commissioners are called欽差 ​Kin-chae. C + 武職​官 ​MILITARY OFFICERS. 1. **** keun, or General for the defence of Canton. He is always a Tartar. Foo-too-tung, two Adjutant Generals. 瀧​洲​漢軍​協​領 ​Mwan-chow-han-keun-hëe-ling, commonly, called 軍​恊 ​Keun-hee, a sort of Major-Generals. There are eight of them. # Tso-ling, sixteeņ. Chin-show Kwang-tung Tsëang-keun. The Tsëang f B Fang-yu, thirty-two. 驍騎​校工 ​Heaou-ke-keaou, thirty-two. 院 ​BỀ HI LÊ GIA LÊ I suy-tsang-keun-yin-woo-peil-tëë-shi, two Secretaries who accompany the Tsëang-keun. 水師​旗​營​恊​領​sh Shwuy-sze-ke-ying-hee-ling, a kind of Admiral appointed in the tenth year of Keen-lung, since that there has been appointed a Shwuy-sze Te-tùb, who is an Admiral possessing higher powers than the preceding. wise. called t • » IITseang-keun-peaou-chung-keun-tso-ying, · foo-tseang. The Foo-tseang or Adjutant-General of the left of the Tsëang-keun's - centre division. Subordinate officers are. 都​司 ​Too-sze, perhaps about the rank of a Major. 千 ​Tseen-tsung, rank of a Captain. 把​總 ​Pa-tsung, rank of a Lieutenant. The Yew-ying, right encampment, has a Yew-keih, other, 右​營 ​Yew-foo. Under him are, GOVERNMENT.] 96 守備 ​Show-pei. 千​總 ​Tseen-tsung. 把​總 ​Pa-tsung. There is a still inferior officer called a 外​委​Wne-wei. He may probably rank with a Sergeant. General of the Viceroy's troops. 1. Tüh-peaou-chung-keun-foo-tseang, the Adjutant- III. 督​標​中​軍​副將 ​tseang; under whom are Pa-tsung. 。 Officers same as above. The Left, right, front, and rear Camps, call the principal officers Tsaa- 守備​Show-pei,千​總 ​T'shëen-tsung, and 把​總 ​IV. +T⭑Foo-peaou-chung-keun Tsan-tsëang, the Tsan-tsëang or Major-General of the Fooyucn's troops. With inferior Officers, as above. V. Te-tüh-tsung-ping-kwǎn, the Te-tüh-General officer. In- ferior officers as above. This is considered of high rank. He and the preced- ing in some cases have their own departments, and each can act for himself; in other cases it is necessary for them to act in concert. Of the Chin-tsung-ping-kwan, there are seven or eight in different parts of the Province. Who answer to European Generals. 3 97 [RANKS. OF THE NINE RANKS.` 正​一​品 ​九品 ​In these Nine they distinguish between Principal and Secondary, expressed by 正 ​Ching and 從 ​Tsung. 太師 ​Tae-sze, 太傅 ​Tae-foo, 太保 ​Tae-paou, 大 ​FIRST RANK-PRINCIPAL. Distinguished by a Hung paou shih, Red Precious Stone on the top of the cap. On common occasions wear Coral. These Globes or Buttons are called 帽頂 ​Maou-ting. Guardians of the Sovereign. In cases of minority None at present enjoy they act as Regents. this dignity. Ta-heo-sze, Ministers of State. 從​一​品 ​少​師 ​Shaou-sze, 少傅 ​Shaou-foo, 少​保 ​Shaou-paou. 太子太師 ​Tae-tsze-tae-sze, ★★Tac-tsze-tac-foo, 太子​太保 ​Tae-tsze-tae-paou. FIRST ORDER-SECONDARY. Of these there are not any now. Yih-pin-foo-jin. Of this rank are all the Shang-shoo, and Yu-she. These persons write on their cards the title Kwang-yung-lüh-ta-foo. Their Ladies are styled 0 Guardians of the Prince. RANKS.] 98, 正​二​品 ​Distinguished by an inferior Red Gem; commonly wear 小​紅寶石 ​Flowerd Coral. 從​二​品 ​SECOND RANK-PRINCIPAL. 太子​少​師 ​Tae-tsze-shaou-sze, 1 Tae-tsze-shaou-foo, t Tae-tsze-shaou-paou, Ko săng Tsung-tub, the Viceroys of all the Provinces.. Poo-yuen-she-lang. 音 ​Write on their cardsTsze-ching-ta-foo. Ladies are styledFoo,jin. 1 Write on their cards Secondary Guardians of the Prince. SECOND RANK-SECONDARY. P Nuy-kŏ-heŏ-sze. ***£**Han-lin-yuen, and Tang-yuen-heŏ-sze. 各省​巡撫 ​Kŏ săng Seun-foo, all the Foo-yuens of the Provinces. # Poo-ching-sze. Write on their cards Tung-fung-ta-foo. Ladies are styled Foo-jip. 花​珊瑚 ​正​三品 ​Distinguished by 藍寶石 ​副​者​御史 ​Foo too Yu-she. The Assistant Yu-she Officers of the- Courts above mentioned. 宗​人​府 ​Tsung-jin-foo;通​政​使 ​T'hung-ching-sze. The Officers called King. HEP 按察使 ​Gan-cha-sze. Write on their cards Thung-e-ta-foo. Ladies styledShuh-jin. THIRD RANK-PRINCIPAL, a Blue Stone Globe. 從​三品 ​{ Some of the 鄉 ​King. 鹽​軍​使 ​Yen-yun-sze. THIRD RANK-SECONDARY. E-ta-foo. Ladies are styled ▲ Shüh-jin. · 99 [RANKS. 正​四​品 ​Distinguished by a Light Blue Stone, or Glass Globe. FOURTH RANK-PRINCIPAL. Tung-chin-foo-sze. 少卿 ​Shaou-king. 各省​守​巡​道 ​The Seun-taou of all the Provinces. Write on their cardsChung-heen-ta-foo. Ladies styled Kung-jin. 從​四​品 ​國子監​祭酒 ​The Tse-tsew of Kwo-tsze-këen. Nuy-ko-she-tüh-heo-sze. FOURTH RANK-SECONDARY. She-këang-heŏ-sze. 各​府​知府 ​All the Che-foo of districts called Foo. Write on their cards Chaou-e-ta-foo. Ladies styled Kung-jir 正​五​品 ​Distinguished by Crystal or a White Glass Globe. FIFTH RANK-PRINCIPAL. 給事中 ​Këĭh-sze-chung. 院​郎中 ​Yuei-lang-chung. 欽​天​監 ​Kin-t'heen-këen, the Astronomers. Ta-e, Members of the Medical Board. All the T'hung-che of the Foo Districts. Che-chow, and the Magistrates of Chow, in Peking Province. Write on their cards Fung-ching-ta-foo. Ladies styled E-jin. FIFTH RANK-SECONDARY. 從​五​品 ​翰林院​侍讀​侍講 ​*B##The She-tüh and She-keang of Han-lin College,員外郎 ​Yuen-wae-lang, 各​道​監察​御史​The Keen-chǎ Yu-she of all the Taou. Write on their cards Fung-chih-ta-foo. Ladies styled E-jia. 2 RANKS.] 1:00· 正​六​品 ​Distinguished by a White Stone or Glass Globe. The Heen Magistrates of Peking; the officers called King-lee of the, higher courts, &c. 從​六​品 ​州​同 ​Chow-t'hung, &c. Write on their cards SIXTH RANK-PRINCIPAL. 厦 ​Write on their cards SIXTH RANK-SECONDARY. Ching-tih-lang, a difference between the Principal and Gan-jin. Secondary. Wives styled 正​七​品 ​各縣​知縣 ​All the Magistrates of Hëen. 從​七​品 ​P SEVENTH RANK-PRINCIPAL. SEVENTH RANK-SECONDARY. The Pŏ-szę of Kwo-tsze-keen. Ching-sze-lang. Wives styled Yu-jin, 正​八​品 ​Distinguished by a Flowered Gold Globe. All the Assistant Magistrates of Heen, otherwise called Tso-tang.. EIGHTH RANK-PRINCIPAL.. 從​八​品 ​The inferior Secretaries and Writers of various courts. EIGHTH RANK-SECONDARY. 九品 ​Gaolers; inferior Treasurers; Village Magistrates, &c. They also wear a gold button., on their caps. NINTH ORDER. } 101 [RANKS, 未​入流 ​PERSONS WHO HAVE NOT ENTERED THE SERIES. Denotes those inferior Attendants on Public Courts, who are not of any of the Nine · Orders, but who are understood to be attached to the Government. Any of the above distinctions of Rank may be purchased from the Government, and give to the pos- sessors a certain kind of respectability among their fellow subjects. Though in cases where the rank is purchased, it is always attended with a large deduction of influence on that very account. None affect to distinguish more than the Chinese between mere wealth and real merit. Those who possess any of the above distinctions, are said to possess Kung 功名 ​ming, or Chih fun. And in cases of a breach of the law, the first step is to 職​分 ​革 ​Kih chih, take away their nominal rank. The possession of the rank gives a certain. privilege and dignity to their character, which must be removed ere they can be beaten or fettered. With the higher ranks this degradation must take place before the parties can be tried. After all, there are but three Classes in China, those in Power; the Wealthy; and the Poor; and according to a homely adage of their own, "the great fish eat the smaller; the smaller eat the shrimps, and the shrimps are compelled to eat mud." There are exceptions to this censure, and when an exception does occur, the indivi- dual is almost adored by the people. 考 ​PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. The Examinations of persons who devote themselves to letters, for the purpose According to a theory introduced in the time from this well educated Class the Officers Places of having degrees conferred on them. 唐 ​Tang, it was intended to choose of the Government. The idea is still partially, and but. partially acted on. are conferred for other than literary merit, and many are sold. At these Examinations, all who choose, excepting Menial Servants, their Children or Grand-children; inferior Police Officers called Ya-yuh; and Play Actors, These persons are also excluded from obtaining any of the above ranks. may attend. TIME.] '102 The prohibition including Menial Servants excludes a large number of persons. 'If such a person however becomes wealthy, the law is often evaded. To superintend the Examinations, two persons called Choo-kaou, are deputed from Peking. The lowest rank obtained at these Examinations is Sew-tsae; the second, The 舉人 ​Keu-jin; the third is 進士 ​Tsin-sze; the fourth 翰林 ​Han-lin. first of the Keu-jin, is called Kae-yuen, the first of the Tsin-sze, is called Ch'hwang-yuen; next to which Hwuy-yuen; and the first of the Han-lin, are the titles 探花 ​Tan-hwa, and 榜眼 ​Pang-yen. The present Dynasty, which takes great pains in training a standing army, has in- troduced a similar examination, and similar titles amongst the Military. 二十八宿 ​TWENTY EIGHT CONSTELLATIONS. THELR NAMES ARE THESE, AND ORDER AS. FOLLOWS. 1 2 3 4 S 5 -6 ช 角​Keö; 龙​Kang; 氐 ​Te; 房 ​Fang;心 ​Sin; Sin; 尾​Wei; 箕 ​Ke; 8 9 10 11 S 12 13 14 Tow; New; 牛​New; 女​Neu; 女​Neu;虛​Heu:危 ​Wei; 室​shih;壁 ​Peih; 22 15 16 17 18 S Kwei; Loo; Wei; Maou; Peih; 19 20 BETER TE RE * The Sunday Characters. 21 觜 ​Tsze, 28 23 24 25 S 26 27 Tsing; Kwei; Lew; 鬼 ​Kwei; 柳 ​Lew;星 ​Sing: 張​Chang;翼​Yu:軫 ​Chin. Tsan; 觜 ​Besides being the names of the Constellations, one of these is applied to every day in regular succession; from which circumstance, four of them, viz. 房​虛​昴​星 ​regularly occur in rotation, on the first day of every succeeding seven days, and cor- respond to our weekly Sabbath. No such day, however, is observed by the Chinese. January 6, February 5, March 6, 二十​四​節令 ​TWENTY-FOUR TERMS OR PERIODS OF FIFTEEN DAYS EACH. THESE mark the Seasons more regularly than the number of their Moons; and They correspond to our Months nearly some of them are referred to as Holidays. as follows: April 6, May 7, i June 7, • 麝 ​小 ​Seaou,大 ​Ta 寒 ​Han; 寒 ​Han, 立​Leïh,雨 ​Yu, (春 ​Chun, 水 ​Shwǔy 驚 ​King,春 ​Chun, 蟄​Chih,: 分 ​Fun, 清​Ts'hing, 彀​Küh, 乳​明 ​Ming, 雨 ​Yu,. • 103 芒 ​Mang,夏 ​Hea, 種 ​Chung,至 ​Che, } 21 21 July 21 August 9, 22 Sept. 8, 立 ​Leth, Seaou22 November 8, · ·//、 夏 ​Hea, Mwan, 22 }" 9, 22 October 9, * December 8, Seaou; Ta, 191! 大 ​21: [TIME. reli 暑 ​Shoo, 暑 ​Shoo, J 位 ​Leib, Choo, 秋 ​Tsew,暑 ​Shoo, J 白 ​Pih; Tsew, 秋 ​露 ​Loo, 寒 ​Han, 露 ​Loo, 分​.Fun, * Summer Solstice. + Winter Solstice. Fun, J 立 ​Leih, 小 ​Seaou, 冬 ​Tung,雪 ​Seüb, * 霜​Shwang 降 ​Keang 大 ​Ta 冬 ​Tung, 雪 ​Seüh,至 ​Che. s 24 24 21 23. 22 The Months or Moons are numbered. The first is called Ching-yue; the others, Urh-yue, San-yuě, &c. in succession. They have besides what may be called Poetical names, from an allusion to the Season, and which are used occasionally in the introduction of letters, &c. An intercalary moon is expressed by Jun, before the number of the moon. The day, or twenty-four hours of Europeans, is divided into twelve parts, and the characters of the Te-che, are applied to them. (See Cycle, page 3.) +; TIME.] 101 Midnight is expressed by Tsze, which extends backwards to eleven at night, Ching-tsze in twelve at night; 交​子 ​and forwards to one in the morning. Keaou-tsze, is eleven. The words Ching and Keaou, are applicable to all the other .characters in a similar way. 11 to 1 1 — 3 in the morning (4th 3 I 7 D 5 - 7. Ca 5 9 .. 9—11. Forenoon .... 上午 ​11 — 1 The point of noon is 4 Ching-woo, 3. 5 ... M 1- 3........ Afternoon T 5 — 7.. 7 - 9.. (3d = 9-11 11. (5th五更​Watch) Watch, morning) ……………. — Tsze, .. Watch) is expressed by Chow, 寅 ​Yin, 夘 ​Maou, 辰 ​Shin, E 4 1 下午 ​Watch,).. (1st (2d二​更 ​Watch,) TE Chung, Hea, express the first, second, and third. to the twentieth of the month. ·· Sze, Woo, We, ** One of these two-hour-periods is called Yih-ko-she-shin. The eighth of which is Kih. Ching-maou-yïh-kih is a quarter past six in the morning, Keaou-maou-urh-kih, is half past 5 o'clock. 四季 ​Sze-ke expresses the four quarters of the year, 春夏​秋冬 ​Chun, Hea, Tsew, Tung, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. The three months of each quarter are distinguished by the characters Măng, Chung, Ke. Hea-chung 孟​仲​季 ​夏​仲 ​is the second month of the Summer quarter. The month is divided into three decades called # 申 ​Shin, 西 ​Yew, 戌 ​Seǔ, 亥 ​Hae. Seun. Shang, 上​中​下 ​Chung-seun is from the tentk 105 FESTIVALS. 正月​初​一​名​元日 ​sometimes POPULAR HOLYDAYS. • FIRST MOON, FIRST DAY. 1 'The first day of the first moon is called Yuen-jih,' Sin-neen, The New Year,' new Year's day. For two Early in the morning crowds During the day, there is much Pae-nëen. three, or more days, all work is put a stop to. of people repair to the temples to worship. visiting, feasting and congratulating each other, which is called Leih-chun, when the sun is in the 15° of Equarius, is a holyday time. Whole families go to the temples to worship; and ramble about the country for amuse- ment, the season of festivity continues ten days. The first day is called B 雞​日 ​Fowl-day; the 2nd,犬​日​(Dog-day; 3d, 猪​日 ​Pig-day; 4th,半日 ​'Sheep-day;' 5th, Cow-day; 6th, Horse-day;' 7th, B A (Man-day;” 8th, 榖​日​·Grain-day; 9th, 麻​日​(Hemp-day;' 10th, 荳​日 ​'Pea-day.' The 7th, is the greatest day. 15th. | Kê ′ Shae-tăng, A striving to excel in an exhibition of Lanterns.' Com- monly called the Feast of Lanterns. It is also called Hwa-täng. 2nd moon, 2nd day. Füh-shin-tan, or otherwise called Too-te-tan, includes the Lares urbani familiares; rustici and compitales. The Second is the general birth-day of these, when at all the public offices, and in various of the streets, plays are performed, and Chuen-paou, Crackers, Hwa-paou, decorated rockets. The are let off in great numbers; also spectators struggle to obtain the, fragments of the last, under the idea that he who obtains it will be fortunate. Paou-tow, the common rocket, and K Yen-ho, various fire works. FESTIVALS.] 106 3rd moon. In April, at the Tshing-ming-tsee, every one repairs to the tombs of their fathers, mothers, or uncles, to Tse-saou, Sacrifice and sweep ;' i. e. to offer sacrifices of fish, fowls, swine or sheep, with oblations of wine to the manes of their deceased relatives, and to repair the tombs. After the ceremony is performed, they Yä-che, fix a piece of paper beneath a sod on the top of the hillock to show that the usual ceremonies have been performed. This period is called K'hae-thing. 4th moon, 8th day. Is the birth-day of Shih-kea-fub, (Buddah), many people go and gather the fragrant herb Yuen-se, and make it up into cakes. It is a charm or preservative against every disease. 5th moon, 5th day. The day is called T'heen-chung, otherwise called. 端午節 ​端陽 ​Twan-woo-tsee, or Twan-yang. People make a long narrow boat which they call Lung-chuen, Dragon boat,' with which they run races; a person beating at the same time a large drum in the centre of the boat. This is called Tow-lung-chuen. 男女​往​看 ​Men and women go to see them. At this term 客人​收​賬目 ​people clear off their tradesmen's accounts. sih moon, 6th day. Is called Theen kwang. Every one on this day airs their clothes, from a tradition that clothes aired on this day are not liable to be injured by insects. 7th moon, 1st to 15th day, Is called Yu-lan-shing-hway. There is Muh-leen, to which 俱 ​目 ​禦 ​a tale of a certain young man whose name was Tsun chay, the honorable,' is now attached. His mother was a very 者 ​wicked woman, and after death was consigned to punishment in Tartarus. Müh- leen was a very virtuous person, and knowing that his mother was in torment, he went on the 15th of the 7th moon to the place of future misery, and 地獄 ​rescued his mother. When the infernal gates were opened, many of the spirits. in darkness escaped from thence. Founded on this story are the observances of this period, which is called Shaou-e-tsëě, from people making garments of parti-coloured paper, and burning them in order that they may pass 107 [FESTIVALS. to the invisible world. Benevolent and rich men invite the priests of Füh and Taou to ET98-tseaou, which expresses their spreading carpets on the floor, and reciting various. prayers; laying out tables covered with fruit, pastry, &c. All which is intended (Chaou-too) to elevate and make pass over from abodes of darkness and wo, the Koo-hwăn) disconsolate and orphan spirits, who have no relatives to pay honors to their manes, or intercede for them. All is done 超昇​净​界​之​意 ​with an intention of raising them to more elevated and purer regions of existence. They also go on the water in boats to clothes in behalf of the spirits of those who have been drowned. Numerous 放​燄​口​燒​衣 ​disperse or scatter prayers, and burn- lanterns are lighted up at nights, and hence the period is also called k Fang-shwüy-tăng, or Fang-shwùy-luh, from being performed both on the land and water. They continue these observances night and day, from the first to the fifteenth. At this period, people settle their accounts. 8th moon, 15th. Is called 明 ​Chung-tsew-tsee. It is said, that the Emperor Ming-hwang, of the dynasty Tang, was one night led to the palace Chang go sëen neu, Female divinities playing on instruments of music. On his return, he ordere persons to dress themselves, and sing in imitation of what he had seen. (命 ​• 此​作​寛​羽衣​曲​) Play actors, c led in poetical language 梨 ​屋 ​Le-yuen-tszc-te, The sons and brothers of the Pear Orchard,' the place where they first acted, originated in this Imperial excursion. Persons { of the moon, where he saw a large assembly of now, from the first to the fifteenth, make, cakes like the moon of various Yue-ping, ‘Moon sizes, and paint figures upon them, these are called cakes.' Friends and Relations pay visits, purchase and present the cakes to each other; and give entertainments. At full moon they spread out oblations and make prostrations to the moon. 9th moon, 9th day. Is called Chung-yang-tseč, also called Tăng- 登高 ​kaou, 'Ascending high.' Mary people go in parties to the hills to drink and amuse themselves. It arose from a person mentioned in ancient story, whose P 2 FESTIVALS.] 108 name was Hwan-king, having ascended a hill on that day to avoid some impending calamity (Others make variegated fancy kites, which after amusing themselves with, they let fly wherever the wind may carry them, and give their kites and cares at once to the wind, this is called 4 放​風箏 ​Fang-fung-tsǎng. 11th moon. The shortest day, or Tung-che, is called 多​至 ​Chang-che- military, repair to 萬壽宮 ​Wan-show-king, the Imperial hall; one of which is in every Provincial city, tsëě. All officers of government, both civil and military, repair to and make their prostrations to the Winter Solstice. Many make cakes, &c. with In the which they congratulate the Solstice on the returning sun. streets and markets there is a great concourse of people. The Term is othewise called Tung-tsee. People settle their accounts. 12th moon, 年​盡​了 ​Neen-tsin-leaou, the close of the year. Great preparations are made for the approaching new year. New clothes are purchased, provisions bought in for feasting, and for offerings to the gods. Public offices are shut twenty days before, and opened twenty days after the New year. 24th. On the evening of the 24th, every family pays its adorations to Tsaou- shin, the god of the furnace employed in the dressing of provisions. It is called Seay-tsaos, Thanking the furnace divinity." K 30th, On the evening of the 30th, every person lets off crackers, this is called Sung-nëen-keung, 'Seeing out the old year.' Wine, victims, &c. are spread out, and the deities worshipped; and the whole family, men women and children partake of a repast, which is called Twan-nëen, 'Rounding off the year. Many persons do not sleep, but wait for the New year, which is called Show suy, Watching for the year.' There is a common < He who can watch for the year will obtain saying, long life.' 2d moon. In February, at Leih-chun Term. There is made at the expense of Government, a clay image of a man called Tae-suy, (in allusion to 109 FESTIVALS. T the year of the Cycle,) and a buffalo of the same materials, which is called 牛 ​4 Chun new. On the day preceding the term, the Che-foo of every provincial city, goes out in state to 迎春 ​Meet Spring, when he offers sacrifice, and makes prostrations to these two figures. There are, dressed out by all the inhabitants of the different streets, a number of children, who are placed on tables, or represented sitting on trees. These tables are carried on men's shoulders, who parade the streets. These living figures are called Chun-sih, and every one vies with another to dress them more handsomely and fancifully. On the following day the same officer comes out as the Priest of Spring, in which capa- city he is the greatest man in the Province, and would receive obeisance from the Viceroy in case of meeting him. He takes a whip in his hand, and strikes the buffalo two or three times in token of commencing the labours of Agriculture. The populace then stone the buffalo till they break it in pieces, from which they expect an abundant year. The Decorated tables, upwards of seventy in number, with living figures upon them, go to the various public offices to return thanks for the Silver Medals which have been given ► them. RELIGION.] 110 RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY. 儒​Joo,釋 ​Shih, 道​Taou, ARE THE NAMES OF THE THREE ACKNOWLEDGED SECTS OR RELIGIONS. OFF LOWERS OF CONFUCIUS, OF BUDDAH; AND OF 3. OF THE SECT CALLED JOO-KEAOU. The divinities acknowledged by the Government in its official capacity, are chiefly these, Theen, and Te, the Heavens and the Earth,' which they worship on the first and fifteenth of each moon.. y of this god, is the idol THE FOL LAOU-TSZE. Tit Shay Tseih, the Gods of the Land and of the Grain, worshipped by all the officers of Government in Provincial towns, at Autumn. and Spring and The Spirits of the Hills, Rivers, Winds, and Fire. 龍王 ​Lung Wang, the Dragon king, or the god of the Sea; the Nep- tune of China. Of this divinity the officers of Government supplicate rain. Temples dedicated to him are numerous on the banks of the Great Canal. During the second and eighth moons, they sacrifice to Confucius. The word sacrifice is used by the Writer of this, in preference to offering or oblation, because the worshippers use victims which they have previously deprived of life. 天后 ​T'hëen-how, the Queen of Heaven. ℗ 關​帝 ​Kwan-te, a deified Warrior of the dynasty Han. Worshipped by the m- ilitary chiefly. Highly honored by the reigning family for various alledged inter- positions in the Imperial cause. Wan-chang, the god of Letters, honored by the literati. In the temple Kwei-sing, worshipped by the literati. 111 [RELIGION. 10 I. 3. 4. San-paou-fuh, the Three Precious Füh,--Past, Present, and to Come. 2. Chin-te, a goddess with numerous arms, indicating her power to save. Kwan-yin, a merciful goddess, much spoken of, and frequently represented. of the sect cALLED SHIH OR FÙH-KEAOU. 5. 天花​聖母 ​THE MOST NOTED DIVINITIES ARE, dren ill of the small pox. Theen hwa Shin-moo, the Sacred Mother who superintends chil- Hwüy-füh Foo-jin, the patroness of barren women. Worshipped by those who desire children. Always represented with a child in her arms. 6. Tsae shin, the god of wealth, &c. &c. to the number of many thousands OF THE SECT CALLED TAOU-KEAOU. THE DIVINITIES ARE r. San ts'hing, the Three Pure Ones, are first in dignity. 2. Yüh-hwang, or Shang-te, the. Most Honorable in Heaven. 3. Pih-te, the Northern Emperor. ㅖ ​4. Hwa-kwang, a god of fire. 5. Sung săng sze ma, Who preside over the birth of children. The Penates are expressed by Too-te. Mun low too te, the gods of the door and of the upper story. 1 There are 門樓​土地 ​五​才 ​方​出​地 ​Woo. fang too te, the gods of the four corners of the house, and of the centre, &c. &c. At the dedication of the idols, certain rites are performed, and the eye is painted with animal blood, "the life is in the blood." This is called Kae kwang. The intention is, Sze ke ling, To give to it spirituality.' 開​光 ​< 1 RELIGION.] 112 Though the Chinese have imported many of their divinities from India, they seem to have left behind entirely the gross indecent parts of the Indian superstitions. Their Mythology is perhaps quite as ridiculous as those of the Greeks and Romans, though certainly not so offensive to good morals as some parts of those " elegant" systems. Those who have acquired Classical taste enough to admire enthusiastically the very delicate and divine stories told of Jupiter, Venus, &c, have said that genuine Polytheism was highly tolerant. Without saying any thing of genuine Poly- theism, as it is difficult to conceive of a corrupt or spurious one, the justness of the remark may be much questioned. They were tolerant to the principle of a mul- tiplicity of gods, and on this principle, had no objection, when fancy struck them, to adopt divinities who would submit to a share of the worship and honors they had to offer; they were tolerant to the principle of a multiplicity of gods; i. e. they were tolerant to their own principle. A very great stretch of toleration certainly. But suppose their principle opposed; suppose Monotheism partially introduced amongst them, and then let their actions bear witness to their very great toleration. They also will be found to have failed in the true principle of toleration, and to have pleaded their cause by physical strength, instead of by strength of argument. The same remark applies to those persons who cannot see distinctly the line which distinguishes truth from error, and are disposed to think that there really is no line of separation, particularly in matters of Religion and Morals; and hence give up to scepti- cal indifference. Towards those whose opinions differ from theirs, but who yet hold their sceptical principle, they are exceedingly good-tempered and complaisant, but towards those who oppose their principle, and think that considerable certainty may be obtained in Religion and Morals; i. e. towards the bigots and zealots, (as they are pleased occasionally to denominate such persons), they lose all patience. Stag • 113 [PRIESTS. OF THE PRIESTS. In a Meaou, or Temple of Fùh. The apartment of the Superior is called✈✈ Fang-chang. The same term is applied to the Superior himself. The inferiors are called 和尚 ​Ho-shang. 老​柳​尙 ​Laou ho shang, denotes a Superior who is out of office, the Superior Taug kin ho shang, expresses holds his situation three years. Of the inferiors every one has his department particularly those who at present act. specified. The Shen-sze, are those who engage in the religious rites. The persons who receive visitors at the temple, are called Che-kïh-ta-sze. Of the others, some are appointed to superintend the incense matches, and some to perform the menial offices of the institution. These temples are also called Sze. THE SECT TAQU. Denominates its temples Kwan, and its Superior Laou-sze, or 老師 ​r道​長 ​Taou-chang. The Inferiors are called 道士 ​Taou-sze; the 火​居​道士 ​Taou-sze, marry and have families, or as they express it, Dwell amongst the fires. THE NUNNERIES Are called Gan-tang. The Superior is called Tsze-tae, and the Éi Ne-koo. Persons wearied of a life of prostitution, who can pay for 庵堂 ​Nuns their own support, are sometimes received into these houses. R The above may be called the Established Religions of China, in as much as, they are not ordinarily molested by the Government in the performance of their usual rites. TheMohamodans also are suffered to have temples, but are not allowed to make proselytes. Besides these, there are various fraternities, whose sentiments never appear, but the bond of whose union seems to be some religious observance, or an obscure Shibboleth, as the word To instruct; the things taught' is applied to These associations, are by the Government, them, in common with all the others. called Religious Banditti:' and their systems Depraved Ethics.' 邪​敎​. When discovered, the ring-leaders are punished, sometimes capitally, and their followers compelled to recant. MARRIAGE.] 114 婚姻 ​MARRIAGE Is preceded by an espousal which is expressed by Ping. This is ratified by presents sent from the intended Bridegroom. On the day of marriage, the Sin-lang, or Bridegroom, undergoes the ceremony of Kea-kwan, i. e. putting on his head a cap, and pronouncing a benediction over him. The 新婦 ​Sin-foo or Bride, is expected to weep for ten evenings previous to the marriage, in which she is often joined by her sisters, from whom she is about to be separated. The chair, presents, music, &c. which go from the Bridegroom to receive the Bride, is expressed by Ying tsin. At the Bridegroom's is a large assembly of friends waiting to congratulate the parties, and partake of an entertainment. A table is prepared for the Bride and Bridegoom, which is called♬ † Wǎn-fang-fan. They sit down at this and make a shew of eating together, and also Hwuy-tsin. of exchanging cups, which seems to seal the marriage, as it is considered the most important, and an indispensable part. After the Gentlemen have dined, they are permitted To see the Bride. When a month has elapsed, the pa- rents of the Lady visit her at the house of her husband. This is called For a person who has a wife and children to marry a Tsee, or Concubine, is es- teemed less virtuous than to refrain from doing so. If for many years a man has no children by his wife, it is considered perfectly correct to take a concubine. For every additional concubine a man takes, he sinks in the scale of virtue. And Chinese Moralists have drawn out a fanciful scale of the exact degrees of virtue and vice, varying from one to ten thousand. To give a daughter to be a concubine is considered derogatory to the female, and to the dignity of the family; hence they are generally obtained from persons in an inferior condition. Men of high spirit will not give their daughters to be concubines to the Sovereign himself. Of course, there are always time-serving men of high rank who are not so scrupulous. tions. 送葬 ​FUNERALS. WHEN a Parent dies, a messenger is sent On each side of the door are t to announce it to all the rela- pasted up pieces of white paper; 115 FUNERALS. white being the colour of mourning in China. Wealthy families place a board at the door, on which is written a statement of the deceased person's name, ag', &c. The children and grand-children of the deceased, sit on the ground around the corpse, weeping, clothed in white, and a white bandage round their heads. This is called Show sang. The friends of the deceased come with pieces of white which they lay over cloth or silk, the size of a coverlid, £ the corpse, and which is denominated 長子 ​錢 ​small copper coins. His friends then support him by the arms, and he proceeds weeping with the bowl in his hands, to the ditch which surrounds the city, or to the well at the gate of a village, and takes from thence a little water in his bowl. The coin he throws into the stream or well, and returns with the water. This is called 買​水 ​buying water. On reaching home, the face and body of the corpse is washed with the water brought by the son, and then put into the coffin, and 入棺 ​安​座 ​placed in state; and a tablet erected with the name of the deceased inscribed on it, thus: 皇​清​顯​考​諱​其昌​趙​公​靈​位 ​Poo pe. The eldest son takes an earthen bowl in his hands, and puts into it two 銅 ​A FATHER'S TABLET. EMPEROR TS'HING (DYNASTY) THE ILLUSTRIOUs dead FINISHED HIS STATE OF TRIAL. NAME K'HE- CHANG- (SURNAME) CHAOU MR's, SPIRIT's TABLET. A MOTHER'S. * 故​妣​超​門​李氏​安人​靈​位 ​清 ​TS'HING (DYNASTY) DECEASED, COMPANION OF HER HUSBAND CHAOU'S GATE (HOUSE), LE MAIDEN NAME LADY'S, SPIRIT'S TABLET. *Foo moo, Father and Mother, when applied to the dead, is expressed by: 父母 ​2 R FUNERALS.] 116 1 The tomb-stone has generally the same characters written on it. The Father's would read thus in English:-The Tomb-stone of Mr. Chaou-k'he-chang; the deceased, who shone illustrious in his day, finished his state of probation during the Dynasty Ts'hing. The Mother's thus, -The Tomb-stone of Mrs. Chaou, whose maiden name was Le. The companion of her husband, and pattern of his virtues. Died during the Dynasty Ts'hing. When placed in rooms, the word Tomb-stone must be rendered Tablet It is first written on paper, which is burnt, and its place supplied with wood. Before the tablet incerse is lighted up, and the children during the first seven days, prostrate themselves every morning before it. 三 ​After three times seven days, the funeral procession takes place, attended by the children, wife, concubines and friends. The relations weep aloud. The tablet is carried in a sedan-chair, placed at the head of the grave, oblations offered, and prostrations again performed. I After interment, they bring back the tablet, and place before it whole roasted pigs, 4 or three or five kinds of dressed animal food, f uits, and pastry, they again prostrate themselves; ad for t t seven times seven days, at morning and evening, present oblations and m. ke prostrations. The first seven days of mourning, are by some extended to seven weeks. And with the rich, the period of interment is sometimes deferred many years. 筍​庫 ​‘Send a treasury,' expresses erecting rooms of paper; burning them; and so passing them to the invisible state for the use of the deceased. Kaou, Father, and Pe, Mother. These are the Tomb-stones of Canton Province. In the interior they vary in their form and inscription. Mae-shwùy cannot be * Tablets are not erected for unmarried children. performed but by the eldest son living; or the eldest son's son in preference to the second son. Whoever brings the water, is entitled to a double share of the property. When neither children nor grand-children are in life, cousins, or those next in kin buy the water and irherit the property. 117 [DIAGRAMS. Order Go 八卦 ​THE PA-QUA OF THE YIH-KING. Name 坤 ​艮 ​Kwǎn Kǎn 10 7 ||| 4 太陰 ​Tae-yin 6 111 坎 ​K'han ZERO 5 111 SE Sin 隂​儀 ​4 They are carried back to Sze-seang, viz. 3 о = 少陽 ​Shaou-yang 少陰 ​Shaou-yin And these to 兩儀 ​Leang-e, Which terminate in OR 3 11 2 震 ​離 ​兌 ​乾 ​Chin Le Tuy Keen 陽​儀 ​® પે ||| 太陽 ​Tae-yang TAE-KEIH. * * The extreme point of analysis; the first principle or existence. DIAGRAMS.] 118 The Eight Diagrams were drawn, it is said, by the far-famed Fuh-he. They were analysed by a person named Chow, of the dynasty Sung. He intro- duced the Circle, to which he applied the words Tae-keih, the extreme limit; chaos, became two or primitive existence; unity. On the division of unity, a line and thus existed an odd and an even number. The One was Yang, and the Two隂 ​Yin, the same as is represented by the 河​圖 ​Ho-too, and 洛​書 ​Läh- shoo, or the odd and even digits placed so as to make Ten every way. Which figure, was obtained by Fùh-he, from the back of a tortoise. It is thus represented. * " 離​東 ​LA 水​八 ​o-a-α 粤 ​뽕​掉​0-0-0- 7 水​一 ​tipit O ولا 火​七 ​# 水​六 ​With the lines, one whole and the other divided, or an odd and an even number,. by placing on each, first a whole and then a divided line, the Sze-se. gare pro- then on the whole line place a Next on the divided line place a line ; and finally, they are the Sze-seang. duced. Thus, on the whole line place a line a divided line on the divided line place a divided line By proceeding according to the same rule, whole line, and then a divided line, the i. e. by placing on each of these, first a Pä-kwa are produced. In the Yih- * This is the most approved method of representing the Luh-shoo. 119 [DIAGRAMS. Į king they are carried to six lines on each other, which makes Sixty-four Kwa, to each of which a name is given. The whole of this seems to consist in REPRESENTING BY LINES A GEOMETRICAL SERIES, WHOSE CONSTANT MULTIPLIER IS TWO. Carried to twenty-four lines, they are said to make 16,777,216 changes. In the Luh-shoo, the five Elements and the points of the Compass are inserted. The fifth Element is Too, which is commonly made to occupy the centre of circular diagrams. * What gives these trifles such importance with the Chinese is, the belief that they represent the manifold changes which take place in nature, and in the affairs of the world; and when referred to by lot in divination, that they give previous intimation of those impending changes. Thus they become a source of profit to the impostor, who knows better; and an object of superstitious dread to the credulous mind, that is itself deceived. * For an account of the Five Elements, and the Theories of the Fortune-teller, Physiognomist, and others, consult MORRISON's Chinese Dictionary, under the character Woo, page 48, compared with HK'hih, page 238. 1 CONCLUSION.] 120 1 CONCLUSION. FROM the above dry detail of Names and Terms, the Reader must not expect to. find, what the Writer did not mean to give. It is intended for the assistance of the Chinese Student, and not for the amusement of the general Scholar. * It has often been remarked, that to teach Language, whether viva voce, or by Grammars and Dictionaries, is the humblest of all literary undertakings, and perhaps the most irksome. The labour is useful and necessary, and must therefore be sub- mitted to. To teach the a, b, c, to spell, and to define single words, cannot, from the nature of things, be entertaining. It is scarcely possible for a person in Europe, without a Chinese Assistant, to study the Language with success. Perhaps the following course may be the best for any one about to acquire the Language. Begin with one of the works of Fiction, called Seaou shwo, Small talk.” ✔ They are not all colloquial. The Happy Courtship, translated into 好逑​傳 ​English under the title of ‘The Pleasing History,' is colloquial. The S 'Dreams of the Red Chamber,' in the Dialect of Peking, is also so. In attempting to read these, the lines of Poetry at the commencement of each section will be found too difficult for a beginner. All descriptions of person's dress; of houses; the words of inscriptions above doors, and in rooms, which inscriptions are called Pëen-gih, Tuy-tsze, or are difficult. Also sentences contained on rolls of paper, called 對 ​Tuy-lcen, are generally unintelligible, without a large share of what may be * The Author is informed, that the Rev. W. MILNE, of Malacca, designs to publish an Account of Chinese Customs and Opinions, more calculated for the general Reader than this work. 121 [CONCLUSION. called the Classical Literature of the Chinese. They have often an allusion to persons, places or events, which cannot be perceived, but by those who are acquainted with the tales of other times. What the persons, mentioned in the narrative, did and said, will generally be found easy. In connexion with these books, the Student will find considerable assistance from Shing-yu-kwang-heun-choo. ThePih-wăn, or the 聖 ​text of this book, is an Imperial production, and is in the style of fine writing. To each section there is a colloquial paraphrase by an officer of rank. The Student may next advance to the works of Confucius; Sze- 四​書​註 ​shou-choo, or 四​書​合​講 ​Sze shoo-ho-keang, where, in the Commentary, he will find much concise and perspicuous definition. m. The best copy of the older Classics called Woo-king, is that by Imperial authority, entitled. The Commentary in this work, is in a lucid and good style. Having gone through these latter books, the Chinese give themselves up to general reading. An European can have little motive to enter on the study of Chinese; or at least, can scarcely have motive sufficiently strong to carry him successfully through. Abstract Science, or the Fine Arts can learn nothing from China; and perhaps as much is already known, as can be known, to aid the general Philosopher in his reasonings. Her His- tory will not bear out the fond expectations of the opposers of Christianity, in dis- proving the Jewish and Christian Scriptures; nor can the friend of Christianity obtain any useful addition to his Religion or Code of Morals from her Sages. In China there is much to blame, and perhaps something from which to learn. A good Writer has remarked that the Christian Spirit is very different from what may be called the heroic spirit; it is of a more tame, gentle, and submissive cast. It is matter of regret how little, in this particular, it has moulded the public feeling of Europe, and how much we yet overvalue a high proud spirit, with a bold disregard of con- sequences, and prefer it to a rational, meek, unaspiring and humble spirit. Nothing can be more unchristian than the stern resentment of insults cherished by Europeans. * Archdeacon Paley, Ꭶ CONCLUSION.] 122 The Chinese teach contempt of the rude, instead of fighting with them. And the man who unreasonably insults another, has public opinion against him, whilst he who bears and despises the affi out, is esteemed, Men The Chinese are fond of appealing to reason. They have their of a high spirited sense of right, and who manifest a bold adherence to it, but still such characters are at great pains to shew that reason is on their side. They have no con- ception of that sullen notion of honor, that would lead a man to prefer being shot, or shooting somebody else, rather than explain and prove the truth and reasonable- ness of his words and actions.. Even the Government is at the utmost pains to make it appear to the people, that its conduct is reasonable and benevolent on all occasions. They have found by the experience of many ages that it is necessary. To make out the argument, they are not nice about a strict adherence to truth; nor are their reasons or premises such that Europeans would generally admit: but granting them their own premises and statement of facts, they never fail to prove that those whom they oppose are completely in the wrong. A Chinese would stand and reason with a man, when an Englishman would knock him down, or an Italian stab him. It is needless to say which is the more rational mode of proceeding. J 1 ↓ Were the religious and moral writings of Europeans considered by a person living in China, as a faithful delineation of their character, how much would he be mistaken. And on the other hand, if he formed his opinion from the follics and vices recorded in the daily Papers, whilst he would form a quite opposite opinion, it would be equally unfair. We should guard against judging of the whole by a part only. The European Student must not consider what the Chinese teach, and what they do, as always the same. Their moral maxims are as ineffectual in regulating their hearts and conduct, as the moral maxims of Christendom are with respect to Europeans. This, knowing what is right, and doing what is wrong, can be accounted for only on the principle that human nature is depraved, or fallen from its original purity and I rectitude. The Millions of China, whom, on principle, we must recognise as children of 1 123 [CONCLUSION. the same Almighty Father, (for God hath made of one blood all nations of men). are reudered by the strong arm of power, exerted by the Magistrate, the Parent or Guardian, more afraid of telling truth than Europeans. They are vastly prone to prevaricate, to deceive, to lie. Superstition and Idolatry usurp the place of true Religion; and, Chinese, like the rest of mankind, are inclined to be satisfied with external observances, instead of Religious and Moral Rectitude. The affairs of Europe are of comparatively no importance whatever to China; and on the other hand, the affairs of China do not much concern Europeans. There exists 'mutual indifference. The Greeks and Romans were the ancestors of Europeans. The scenes of their battles; the situation and antiquities of their cities; the birth place of their Poets, Historians, Legislators, and Orators, all possess an acquired interest in the minds of those whose education has led them to an early acquaintance with them. But it would be difficult for a Chinese of the best talents and education, to acquire in the years of manhood, a similar interest. ? I } 4 1 1 hearts in the antiquities of their fathers. * ! ei. The Chinese also can point out the scenes of battles where thousands fought and died; the situation of splendid courts; the tombs of Monarchs; the abodes of Histo- rians, Moralists and Poets, whose memory is dear to them, and which interest their But what they look on with interest and pleasure, can certainly have few charms for a foreigner, who is excluded from their families, and passed from Peking to Canton in a boat, under military escort. Still from this to deny that the country does not possess any of the charms of Europe, does not seem a fair conclusion. If the reality of things is to be judged' of by the feelings of the inhabitants of a country, every region of the world, and every 'state of society, would in its turn assume the place of high superiority. Europe, which is the most scientific portion of the globe, is not yet free from selfish and narrow prejudices ; and to a person placed on the Eastern verge of the Asiatic Continent, who hears little of the nations of Europe, but the distant rumour of their perpetual wars, with all their advantages, they appear still as rancorous against each other, as if they possessed no great principles of equity and justice to appeal to, or were too selfish and barbarous to do so. " $ 2. דיי.. 1 1 CONCLUSION.] 124 There are certainly not many things in which the Chinese are worthy of imitation = there is, however, one benevolent cause, which a Chinese would never think of oppos- ing, but which has yet to struggle with much unreasonable opposition in modern Europe, viz. that of making education as general as possible, and giving to Moral Science a decided preference to Physical Science, in the education of youth. To honor virtue more than talent. It is painful to hear a smattering of astronomy and geo- graphy, together with a little music, drawing, and dancing, which can be of very little use in the regulation of the heart and life, considered of great value, whilst instruction in Relative and Religious Duties, on which depend the peace and happiness of families, and of nations, is lightly esteemed. To utter a moral or religious sentiment any where but in the pulpit is esteemed perfectly insufferable. Every benevolent Englishman inust wish to see the reasoning faculty more called into exercise, than it generally is amongst the poor of his own country, and to hear Duty to Parents, with a Rational and Religious Self-controul, quite as much houored in general conversation as those attainments and accomplishments, which may coufer elegance on a dwelling, and give grace to a person, but which have no influence on the Springs of Human Action,. morally considered, nor feed the Sources of real heart-felt Human Bliss. The Writer, however, means not to insinuate, that in morals we are inferior to the Chinese; he believes the fact to be very far the reverse. Their advantages indeed. have not been equal to ours; and our public morals are still greatly below what our acknowledged standards require. As, Fas est ab hoste doceri,' so probably in some things, nations denominated Christian, may yet learn from Heathens. As Confucius taught, our dislike of a man's vices should never be carried, to such a height, as to make us blind to what is really good about him. The good traits in the Chinese character, amongst themselves, are Mildness and Urbanity; a wish to shew that there conduct is reasonable, and generally a willingness to yield to what appears so; Docility; Industry; Subordination of Juniors; Respect. for the Aged, and for Parents; acknowledging the claims of poor kindred: these are. the virtues of public opinion, which, of course, are, in particular cases, often more shew than reality. For on the other hand, the Chinese are Specious, but Insincere, i 125 [CONCLUSION. Jealous, Envious, and Distrustful to a high degree. There is amongst them a corsider- able prevalence of scepticism; of a Sadducean, and rather. Atheistical spirit; and their conduct is very generally such as one would naturally expect from a people whose minds feel not that sense of Divine Authority, nor that reverence for the Divine Majesty and Goodness, which in Sacred Scripture is denominated the Fear of God.' Conscience has few checks but the laws of the land; and a little frigid ratiocination, on the fitness and propriety of things, which is not generally found effectual to restrain, when the selfish and vicious propensities of our nature, may be indulged with present impunity. The Chinese are generally selfish, cold-blooded, and inhumane. Perhaps the behaviour of no people amongst themselves, and towards Foreigners is exactly the same. With the Chinese it is exceedingly different. When interest or fear do not dictate a different course, they are to Strangers, haughty, insolent, fraudulent and inhospitable. A Merchant will flatter a foreign devil (as they express it), when he has something to gain from him; then he can be servile enough; par- ticularly if he is not seen by his own countrymen; for the presence of a menial servant of his own nation, will make him more on his guard in yielding his fancied superiority, Europeans are secluded from general intercourse with natives of. different ranks; which affords great facilities to Merchants and native domestics to combine and impose upon them, which they usually do. Few instances of gratitude or attachment have ever occurred on the part of servants to their European Masters. The Chinese study to get the better of those with whom they have to contend, by bringing the other party into a dilemma, like the king in Chess, who is reduced to check- mate; and they become apprehensive, when their opponents maintain calmness and an apparent indifference; they remember their own maxim, 'He that has reason on his side, need not talk loudly.' It seems Love to one's own country is perfectly compatible with benevolent feelings to all mankind;. and the prosperity of this nation, with the prosperity of that. quite a mistake to think that attachment to one's own People is manifested by a vio- lent dislike of others.- Will the day ever come when the various Tribes of men shall live together as Brothers? When they shall not hurt, nor destroy each other any Sp CONCLUSION.] 126 more? When Truth and Knowledge shall universally prevail? Let us still cherish the pleasing hope, that so desirable a state of society will finally exist, and whilst cherishing this hope, every serious mind will readily join in the King of Israel's Prayer to the Almighty, O God,' “let thy ways be known upon the Earth, and thy saving health amongst ALL NATIONS.” THE END. ABORIGINES, Chinese not the, page 52. Meaou-tsze, probably the Aborigines, page 57. Abraham, page 59. Alexander the Great, page 49 Alexandrian Library, 49. INDEX. B C From Shu- From India to 1 Bay of Bengal, how expressed, p. 86. Bengal, p. 88. Blood, wind appeared like showers of, 39 Boards of Controul (six) at Peking, 89. Books, ancient, imperfect; spurious, 57. None extant, written previously to the compilations of Confucius, 57 # Alfred the Great, 33. Ambassador to Arabia, 79. shan to China, p. 70. China, 84. Amour river, 71. Anecdotes of the origin of the Manchow Canal, Chinese great, 17, 18. Canton Province, see Kwang-tung, 68 Canton city first walled in, 25. Capital of the Empire, see Metropolis. Arabia or Egypt (ships from), 45. Arabia Caps and garments first made, 59. Felix, 79, 86. Caractacus, 45. Aristotle, 49. race, 10, 11. Antiquities (very high) not credible, 59, 160. Asia (Central), called Se-yih, 61. Atrocities of Tsuen-chung, 28, 29, 30. Astronomical Board, 91. Ava, 85. First bound up in Books burnt, 47. leaves, 35. Borneo, a people on, 83. Buddism introduced to China, 39, 84. Buddah, birth-day of, a festival, 106. Buttons or globes, worn to distinguish rauk, 97-100. C C hard in Chinese names, see K. Cambodgia, 85. Cards, visiting, its origin, 52. Red paper when first used, 18. Carthage founded, 51. Cashgur, 77. Censors, 91. Ceres of China, 110. Ceylon, 85. Chǎ-ha-urh, name of a place, 73. Chǎ-lae-tih, name of a place, 72. Chǎ-loo-tih, name of a place, 72. Chairs to sit on, 37. Chang-ho, Imperial title, 44 Chang-king, Imperial title, 32. Chang-sha-foo, capital of Honan, 67. INDEX.] 128 Chang-te, an Emperor, 44. Chang-woo, an Imperial title, 44 Chang-yuen-heŏ-sze, President of the Han-lin College, 88. proceedings are reasonable, p 122. China and Europe mutually indif- ferent to each other, 123. Ching-shing, Imperial title, 36. Ching-te, Emperor, 38, 46. Chin Dynasty, 36. Chaou-lëě-te, an Emperor, 40. Chaou-sëen, or Corea, 80. Chaou-seuen, an Emperor, 32. Chaou-te, an Emperor, 46. Chaou-tsung, an Emperor, 32. Chaou-wang, a king, 50. Chih-te, an Emperor, 44. Ching-wang, a king, 50. Ching-hwa, Imperial title, 12. Ching-tsung, an Emperor, 16. Character of Tartars and Chinese, in the Ching-t'hung, an Emperor, 12. close of the 'Han Dynasty, 43 Che-ta, Imperial title, 16. Che-hwang-te, who burnt the books, 48 Che-ho, Imperial title, 16, 22. Che-kiang Province, Chen-kwo, the Belligerent states, 48. Chen-sze-foo, (91, called Kwo-tsze-keen) Controllers of the Princes' household 88. Che-ping, Imperial title, 22, Che-taou, Imperial title, 22. Che-tsang, Imperal title, 20. Ch'hoo-p'hing, Imperial title, 44. Chih-le, or Province of Peking, 64. China sea how called, 86. Ching-hing, Imperial title, 26. Ching-ho, Imperial title, 20. Ching-kwang, Imperial title, 34. Ching ming, Imperial title, 26, 36. Chinese have undergone great changes,61. Not opposed to general education, 124. * China, called Che-na in India, perhaps the name from thence derived to Europe, 84. Division of Territory 61. Not much to be learned from. Her history will not disprove the Sacred Scriptures, page 121. The Government tries to shew that its / Ching-tsung, an Emperor, 22. Ching-tih, Imperial title, 12. Ching-tsoo, an Emperor, 12. Ching-yuen, Imperial title, 32. Chin-kŏ-urh, 5, 76, 78. Ching-ling-wang, a king, 48. Ching-too-foo, capital district of Sze- chuen Province, 69. Choo-foo-tsze, commentator on the Four Books, 23. Begins his history, 58. Choo-yuen, an Imperial title, 56. Chop sticks (ivory), 53. Chow-wang, or Chow-sin, 53. Chow-wang, or Fung-chow-wang, 48. Chow Dynasty, 48. Chung-ho, Imperial title, 32, 20. Chung-hing, Imperial title, 38. Chung-kǎng, a king, 56. Chung-p'hing, Imperial title, 44. Chung-tsang, 73. Chun-te, an Emperor, 44. Chung-tsing, an Emperor, 34. Chung-yuen, Imperial title, 44, 64. Chuen-kuh-kaou-yang-she, 56. Chwang-lee, an Emperor, 12, Chwang-tsung, an Emperor, 26 Coblai, grandson of Zenghisk’han 16. Cochinchina, 80. College of the Han-lin, 83. 129 [INDEX. # Colao, 88. Comet, 39. Commerce, foreign, at Canton stopped, 18. Confucius born, 49. Constantinople made the Capital, 39. Concubine's son, cannot inherit to the prejudice of the wife's son, 53. Concubinage not compatible with strict virtue, 114. Constantine, 42. Constellations, 102. Corea, 80. Cossacks,. 78. Cotton Cloth when first made, 21. Countenances of Europeans remarkable to the Chinese, 80. Cruelties of Tsuen-ching, a Chinese Ge- neral, 29. 30. Of Chow-wang,. 53. Customs, Commissioner of, 94. Cycle of Sixty-years, 3. when formed, 57, 58. Cyrus, 49. D Decades, 104. Degrees of Rank, 97, 101. Delhi, 79. Deluge, Chinese time of, 56. Demosthenes, 49. Desert of Sha-mo, 7. Diagrams called Pǎ-kwa, 117. Districts, how divided, 70. Dragon-boat, a kind of holyday time, 106. Dress of the head, men and women both used flowers, 51. Dutch, 80. called Foo, officers in; called ' Chow, officers in; called officers in, 93, 94. Heen, મ E Day and night divided into twelve por- E-teih first made wine, 56. tions, 47. E-tsze-tsing, an Emperor, 32. Euclid, 49. Debaucheries of Chow-wang, 53, 54. Dedication of Idols, 111, 117. Eulogies, posthumous in fashion, 39, Eunuchs murdered, 29. Europe, a term for, 81; now denotes the Portuguese. E-wang, a king, 50, two names so pro- nounced. Earthquakes, how many noticed in Chinese history, 39. Eastern Ocean, 16. Eclipse predicted, did not occur, 25. E-he, an Imperial title, 38. E-ho, an Imperial title, 20. E-le, seal of Chinese Government in Central Asia, 6%; mentioned, 71. Population, 76. Eleuths, 73, 75. Embassador from China to Cambodjia, 37. E-ming, an Imperial title, 36. Emperor, how denominated, 87. Empire first united under one Monarch, 47. How divided at present, 61. English, 6, 80. Epitaph of Chinese Sovereigns, 41. Era, Christian, introduced, 37. Espousal, 115. Examination, Public, for literary honors, 101. F Fabulous period, entirely so in Chinese history, 58. INDEX.] 130 Faith, defender of, 74. Famine, seven years of, in China, 55, Families average five or six persons, 77. Feast of lanterns commenced, 35. Fei-te, an emperor, 26. Fifth day of the fifth moon an unlucky birth-day, 49. Fingers, people cut them off to avoid being enrolled in the Militia, 24. Fire arms taken from the Japanese inva- ders, 14. Fire chariots, fire umbrellas, warlike en- gines so denominated, 13. Fo, see Fùh, Foě, Fo, Fùh, or Buddah, applied to the Lama, 74. Religion introduced, 45. Foot (small) of Chinese women intro. duced, 28. Foreigners, those esteemed such by the Chinese, occupied the sea coast in 'ancient times, 52. A foreigner was the first Emperor of the How-han Dynasty, 27. Gŏ-urh-shen, 15, 77. Go-urh-to-sze, or Ortus, 72. Founder of the Dynasty Tsin, a foreigner. Foreigners invited to come, 47. Fùh-chow-foo, capital of, 69. Government, Chinese, very regular and systematic, 62. Füh, an abbreviation of Fùh-too, i. e. seat of, Central Asia, 62. Boodoo, or Buddah, 74. in Manchow Tartary, 65 Fùb-he, (Fo-hi), the firs civilizer of the Chinese, 58, 59. H Fùh-këen (Fo-kien) Province, Situation Hae-yu-tsung-kaou, a work on Chinese and Population, 68. Antiquities, 57. Hail stones, 39, Ha-la-sha-urh, 76. Funeral rites, observances of the 7th day for seven weeks, 37. G Gae-oo-kan, 78. Gae-te, an Emperor, 38, 46. Gan-hwuy Province, 64. Gan-king-foo, capital of Gan-hwuy, 56. Gan-nan, or Cochinchina, 80. · Gan-te, an Emperor, 38, 44. Gan-hang, a king, 48. Gan-tseih-yen, 78. Gaou-han, a place in Tartary, 72. Ganges, river how called, 84. General (famous) who invited the pre- sent Manchow-Tartars to assist a- gainst a Chinese rebel; from which circumstance arose their conquest of China, 7. Wang-seu orders his mother to be decapitated to pre- serve discipline, 35. Genghisk'han, 19, 23. Gentoo, 78. Gerghis, or Kih-urh-kih, 72, 73. Gih-loo-tih, 75. God of the furnace, 108. Most noted of those worshiped by the several Sects, 110, 111. Gold, rained down, 57. Gold and silver first weighed by the Tael, 31. P Ha-li, probably Delhi, 79. Hang-chow-foo, capital of Chě-keang, 67, Ha-meih, name of a place, 76. Hami, 76. Han Dynasty, 44, 45; miserable end of, 41, 42. Spirited conduct of the Emperor's son, 41, 42. 131 [INDEX. Han-gan, Imperial title, 44. Han-lin-yuen, a kind of national institute, 58. Han-uing, Imperial title, 40. Han-ho, Imperial title, 38, Han-kang, Imperial title, 38. Han-gan, Imperial title, 38. Han-p'hing, Imperial title, 22. Han-shun, Imperial title, 20. Han-t'hung, Imperial title, 32. Hassacks, 78. Hih-lung-keang, the Black Dragon River on the river Amour, 71 Hea Dynasty, 56. He-fung-kow, 72. Heaou-gae-te, an Emperor, who reigned How-yuen, Imperial title, 46. when Jesus died, 46. Heaou-wȧng, a king, 50. He-p'hing, Imperial title, 44. He-tsung, Imperial title, 12. Heen-wang, a king, 48. Heen-king, Imperial title, 34. Hëen-tsung, an Emperor, 32 He-tsung, an Emperor, 32. He-ming, Imperial title, 22. Heen-tsung, an Emperor, 12. Heaou-këen, Imperial title, 38. Heaou-woo-te, Emperor, 38, occurs twice. Heaou-tsung, an Emperor, 12, 20. Heen-tih, Imperial title, 26. Heen-te, or Heaou-heen-te, an Emperor, 44. Hindoo Nations, 84. Hindostan, 78, 79. Hing-ning, Imperial title, 38. History added to in subsequent ages, 59, not credible for more than 3000 odd years, 60. Hing-p'hing, Imperial title, 44. Hing-yuen, Imperial title, 32. T2 Ho-han, 78. Ho-nan Province, Situation and Popu- lation, 59. Hoo-nan Province, 66. Hoo-kwang Province, 66, Hoo-pih Province, 66. Ho-ping, an Imperial title, 46. Ho-lan, Hollanders, 80. Ho-tëen, 13, 77. Ho-tun, 77. Hoo-pi-li, 16. Hoppo, a Commissioner of Customs, 94. Ho-te, an Emperor, 44. How Chow, Han, Tsin, Tang, Leang, The five latter Dynasties, 26. How-choo, an Emperor, 40. Horses bred at Mùh-chang, 73. Hours, day and night first divided into twelve portions, 47, 104 Hung-che, Imperial title, 12. Hung-he, Imperial title, 12. Hung-woo, Imperial title, 12. Hung-kea, Imperial title, 46. Hwan-te, an Emperor, 40. Hwan-te, an Emperor, 44, Hwan-wang, a king, 50. Hwae-yang-wang, an Emperor, 46. Hwang-te, or Hwang-te-ycw-heung-she, 58. Hwan-ho, Imperial title, 46. Hwang-king, Imperial title, 16. Hwang-yew, Imperial title, 22. Hwuy-chang, Imperial title, 32. Hwuy-te, an Emperor, 12. Hwuy-tsung, an Emperor, 20. Hwuy-te, an Emperor, 40, 46. INDEX.] ง 132 I Idols when introduced, 55. · Increased by the Buddists. India called Thëen-chùh, 51. Called Yin-too, 78. Imperial city, 87. Imperial Council- Chamber, 87. Inherit, ceremony performed to the de- ceased by the person who inherits, 115, 116. Ink, a kind of red-lead used instead of. Innovation, general, bad; whether from recent to very ancient; or from existing usages to entirely new ones, 24. Institutions of the Chinese, cannot judge certainly of their character from them, 63. Italy, 81. J Japan, 82. Japanese repeatedly pillage the Chinese coast, 14. Pillage Shar-tung, 15. Were taken by the Chinese, and also their fire arms, 14. Jin-hwang-she, 58. Jiu-show, Imperial title, 36. Jin-tsung, an Emperor, 16, 22. Joo-tsze-ying, an Emperor, 46. Josephus, 45. Judea, according to Pere Ricci, 86. Julius Cæsar, 45. Juvenal, 45. Juy-tsung, an Emperor, 34. K Kae-hwang, Imperial title, 36. Kae-yuen, Imperial title, 34. K'hae-ching, Imperial title, 32. Kae-paou, Imperial title, 22. Kac-fung-foo, capital of Ho-nan Pro- vince, 67. Kang-he, Imperil title, 4. Kang-te, an Emperor, 38. [Should be read Tang-te.] Kang-ting, Imperial title, 22. Kang-che, Imperial title, 46. Kang-tih, Imperial tile, 22. Kang-wang, aking, 50. Kang-ning, Imperial title, 32. Kan-hing, Imperial title, 22. Kan-foo, Imperial title, 32. Kan-hwa, Imperial title, 26, occurs twice. Kan-suh Province, 66. Kan-taou, Imperial title, 22. Kaou-tse-tih, 72. Kan-yew, Imperial title, 26. Kaou-wang, a king, 48. Kaou-te, or Tae-tsoo, au Emperor, 38. Kaou-tsoo, an Emperor, 16, 34, 36. Kaou-tsung, an Emperor, 34. Kaou-tsung, an Emperor, 20. Kaou-how-leu-she, a Queen, 46. Kaou-te, an Emperor, 46. Kaou-tsung-shun-hwang-te, Emperor, 4. Keang-se Province, 66. Kea-king, Imperial title, 4. Keen-lung, Imperial title, 4, 22. Ke-leen-shan, 76. Ke-pin, ancient name of Hindostan, 78. Keang-soo, or Keang-uan Province, 65. Kea-ting, Imperial title, 20. Keaou-che, or Tonking, 80. Kea-tae, Imperial title, 20. Kea-yew, Imperial title, 22. Kea-he, Imperial title, 20. Kea-tsing, Imperial title, 12. Këĕ-wang, a king, 56. Keen-wang, a king, 48. Këě-wang, 56, so called, 48. Keen-wän, Imperial title, 12. 133 [INDEX. Keen-yen, Imperial title, 20. King-tsung, Imperial title, 32. Ken-chung-tsig-kwo, Imperial title, 20. King-tih, Imperial title, 22. Keen-ching, Imperial title, 32. Keen-fung, Imperial title, 31. Keen-wǎn-te, an Emperor, 36. Keen-gan, Imperial title, 44. Keen-ning, Imperial title, 44. Keen-ho, Imperial title, 44. Keen-kang, Imperial title, 44. Keen-kwang, Imperial title, 44. Keen-woo, Imperial title, 38, 44. (twice). Këen-yuen, Imperial title, 38, 46. Keen-chaou, Imperial title, 46. Keen-ch hoo, Imperial title, 44. Keen-hing, Imperial title, 40. Këen-ping, Imperial title, 44. Keu-che, Imperial title, 46. Keu-jin, a literary title, how introduced, 45. K'hae-he, Imperial title, 20. K'hae-king, Imperial title, 20. K´hae-yun, Imperial title, 26. K'hac-ping, Imperial title, 26. Kĭh-urh-kih, or Gerghis, 72, 73. Kĭh-la-chin, 72. Kih-se-kih-tăng, 72. Kih-shih-ko-urh, Cashgur, 77. Kings, ancient, 48. Kite, Paper flying of, a festival, 107. King-wang, a king. Two persons so called, 48. King-sze, same as Peking, or Chih-le, 64. King-wang, a king, 50. King-ning, Imperial title, 46. King-te, an Emperor, 46. King-tae, Imperial title, 12. King-ho, Imperial title, 38. King-p'hing, Imperial title, 38. King-te, an Emperor, 36. King-lung, Imperial title, 34. King-fuh, Imperial title, 32. King-te, an Emperor, 36 King-lee, Imperial title, 22. King-ting, Imperial title, 20. King-yen, Imperial title, 20. Kin-tsung, an Emperor, 20. Kneel, doubted whether women ever knelt as an act of obeisance, 51. Koo-urh-kih-la-woo-soo, 76. Koo-chay, 77. Koo-koo-cho-urh, Eleuths, 73. Ko-urh-chin, 72. Ko-urh-lo-sze, 72. Kung-tsung, an Emperor, 20. Kung-te, an Emperor, 36. Kung-te, an Emperor, 26. Kung-wang, a king, 50. Kwang wang, a king, 50. Kwang-tung Province, 68. Kwang-chow-foo, Capital district, 69. Kwang-se Province, Situation and Population of, 68. Kwang-ta, Imperial title, 36. Kwang-tih, Imperial title, 32. Kwang-k he, Imperial title, 32. Kwang-ming, Imperial title, 32. Kwang-hwa, Imperial title, 32. Kwang-shun, Imperial title, 26. Kwang-tsung, an Emperor, 20, 12. Kwei-lin-foo, Capital of Kwang-se, 69. Kwei-chow Province, Situation and Po- pulation of, 70. Kwei-yang-foo, the Capital of Kwei-chow Province, 71. Kwei-hwa-ching, 72. Kwo-haou, What, 2; when begun, 46. L Ladies, appellations of, according to their different Ranks, 97, 100. INDEX.] 134 Lama, presents and titles given to, 74. died at Peking, 75. Lung-ho, Imperial title, 38. Lung-gan, Imperial title, 38. Delai, 74, deceased how expressed, Lung-ke, Imperial title, 32. Lung-so, Imperial title, 34. Lung-king, Imperial title, 12. Lung-king, Imperial title, 20. Luzon, 82. 74. Lanterns, the feast of commenced, 35, time of, 105. Lan-chow-foo, Capital of Kan-süh Pro- vince, 67. Language difficult without a knowledge of the customs, 1. Mode of com- mencing the Chinese Language, 120. Laou-seen-säng, a term of respect when introduced, 37. Laou-tsze, founder of a Chinese Sect, 49. Lassa, 73, 74. Lares, birth day of, a Festival, 105. Le, Chinese land measure, 61. Leaou-tung, Tartars, 19. Lee-wang, a king, 48. Le-wang, two kings so named, 50, Learning, flourished under the Dynasties Tang and Sung, 35. Lëě-kwŏ, 'Constituted States,' a phrase applied to the various states which constituted the Empire of Chow, 48. Leang Dynasty, 36. First Emperor, 28. Lekyo, or Lew-kew, 1slands, 80. Le-tsung, an Emperor, 20. Ling-wang, a king, 48. Ling-te, an Emperor, 44. Ling-hac-wang, an Emperor, 36. Lin-tih, Imperial title, 34. Literary examinations when instituted 35. Titles Chwang yuen and Mun-säng, when introduced, 33. Object of, 101. Literary degrees of rank, 102, persous excluded from, 101. Lo-kwo, The happy nation,' Arabia F. lx, 79. Longinus, 42. Loyang, the Capital at Ho-nan, 45. M 13. Macao, time of building the barrier, Isthmus at the Barrier, name of, 13. Foreign European vessels first come to, 14. Magpie, venerated by the Tartars, 11. Maou-ming-gan, 72. Mahomet, see Mohamed. Malacca, name of a place, 86- Manilla, name of a place, 83. Marco Paulo, 21. Mars of China, 110. Meaou-haou, or titles of Emperors con- ferred after death, 2. Mencius, 49. Metropolis of the Empire in Ho-nan Pro- vince, 23, 52, in Keang-nan, 42. Meteors, extraordinary, 35. Medical Board, 91. Militia, a kind of, 24. Ming Dynasty, 12. Min-te, an Emperor, 26. Ming-tsung, an Emperor, 16, 26. Ming-jin-tsung, an Emperor, 12. Military officers in a Province, 95. Ming-te, an Emperor, 38, occurs twice. Mohamed, Chinese Ma-ho-mo-tih, 79. Moon, observance of the new and full, introduced, 37. Harvest festival, 107. Moluccas, 83. • Months how named, 103. Moral writings, the actual characters of a 135 [INDEX. people cannot be known from them, 122. Mother, the sacred, a goddess, 111. Mo-wang, a king, 50. Mountains, falling, 39; mountains of Central Asia, called Tsung-ling, 77. Mùh chang, 73. Mùh-te, an Emperor, 26, 38. Müng-koo Tribes, who have long been dependant on the Ts'hing Dynasty, 72. Mun-pae, list of persons in a family. Hung up at the door, Population easily taken from it, 63. Müh-tsung, an Emperor, 32, 12. Mythology, Chinese, not indecent, 112. N Names abbreviated by the Chinese, 74. Name sacred, 51. Nan-chang-foo, Capital of Keang-se Pro- vince. Nan-wang, a king, 48. Nebuchadnezzar, 49. Pae, 77. Pa-lih-te, 79. Pa-lin, 72. Pa-le-knăng, 42, 4. Nae-man, 72. Nails of the fingers coloured red by Paper money burnt at funerals, 42. Mohamedan women, 21. Ne-poo-tsoo, 16, 77. Neptune of China, 20. Neu-wo-she, a fabulous personage, said to have melted stones and repaired the heavens. New-year's day, 105. Ning-kang, Imperial title, 38. Ning-tsung, an Emperor, 20. Nobility, Tartar titles of, 7. Nuns, 113. Nunneries, 113. of a Province, Civil, 92. Military, 95. At the Capital, 87,92. 0 O kih-soo, 9, 77. O-pa-ha-na-urh, 72. O-loo-tae, O-pa-kae, 72. Opprobrious language early used by the Chinese, 55. Origen, a father of the Church, 45. O-roo-ko-urh-chin, name of a place in Tartary, 72. Ortous, or Go-urh-to-sze, 72. P Pa-på-ta, 77. Parriside, instance of, 31. På-sëen, or eight Genii, story of, when originated, 18. Pa-tǎ-kih Mountain, 78. Paou-leih, Imperial title, 32. Paou-yew, Imperial title, 20. Paou-ying, Imperial title, 32. Pearls prohibited at Canton, 23. First entered China, 47. Peih-chen, 76. Penates, 111. Peking, first made the residence of the Court, 14. Situation of, 64. Pencils, hair, invented, 47. Pe-kan, a famous ceasor who lost his life for remonstrating with the king Chow, 54. P'hing-te, an Emperor, 46. Pih-too-năh, 14, 77. Officers of Government, how Chosen, 45. Ping-wang, a king, 50. 136 INDEX.] Pirate, famous in the time of Kang-he, 7. Pwan-koo, who separated the heaven Pliny, 45. from the earth, 58. Plutarch, 45. Poo-hǎ-urh, 79. Q Po-lo-urh, 78. Poo-loo tĩh, a place in Western Tartary, Quang-tung, Quei-chow, &c. for the 77, 78. initial Qu, in the names of Chinese - Poo-ta-la Temple, 74. Population in the time of the Emperor Queen of heaven, a Goddess, 110. places see, Kw. Kang-he, 7. A. D. 1394, 15. Whole popu- lation about A. D. 1790, 71. In the middle of the 3d century. Of western dominions, 76. Powder, gun, invention of, 21. Portugueze, 81. Prayer always practiced by the Chinese, 55. Presents to the Emperor of China from Foreign nations, how to be under- stood, 62. Presidents of the Han-lin College, 88. Priest, Chinese, travelled in India, 27. Priests of Fùh, and of Taou, what called, 113. Principalities, 36, 47. Printing first introduced to the notice of Government, 27. Princesses first given in Marriage by the Chinese to the Tartars, 42, 43. Profligacy, atrocious, punished in this life, 54, Prime Minister, 88, Prisoners, principal, taken in war put to death, 33, Pythagoras, 49, Privileges of Rank, 101, Ptolemy Soter, 49, Punishments, cruel, invented by a Queen, 54, Purgatory, festival of, deliverance from, 106, R 堞 ​• Rank, not regarded in the commence- ment of the Ming Dynasty, 13. The Nine Ranks, 97, 100, are really but three, 101. Privileges of may be purchased, 101. Persons excluded from Literary degrees of Rank, 102. Religions, the three established, 110, 113. Ricci, Matthew, 80, 85, 86. Rome founded, 51, taken by Alaric, 39. Romans withdraw their troops from Britain, 39. S Russia, Chinese dominions extend to, 62, 76. Included amongst the Tributary nations, 81. Had a school or Col- lege at Peking, 82. Sabbath, conjecture respecting, 52, No- ticed, 79. Sacrifices at tombs, not offered in ancient times. Salique law passed, 41. Sae-lǎ-mùb, 76. Samarcand, inention made of, 62, 79. San-kwo, the three Kingdoms, 44, 45. Saxons establish themselves in Kent, 37. Sawing asunder, punishment inflicted, 33. Sereen or limit on the west, 77. ! 137 [INDEX. ! Seal Character framed by Chow, 51. Sedan chairs, 51. Seats (none) People sat on the ground, 51. Schools opened, 37. Seun-te, an Emperor, 36, 46. Seuen-wang, a king, 50. Se-tsang, Thibet, 73. Se-yang, Europe, 80. Seuen-tsung, Imperial title, 32, 12. Seüh-shan, Snow-hill, 76. Seuen-tih, Imperial title, 12. Seasons, four, 104. Se-gan-foo, capital of Shen-se Province, 67. Shin-lung, Imperial title, 34. Septuagint translation, 49. Shin-tsung, Imperial title, 22. Shing-king, Capital of Man-chow, 64. Shing-p'hing, Imperial title, 38. Shing-ning, Imperial title, 38. Shushan, 79. Shun-tsung, 16. Shun-yew, Imperial title, 20. Shun-tsung, an Emperor, 16. Shun-che, Imperial title, 12, Shun-te, 16, Sew-tsae, a Literary title 1st introduced 42 Sha-mo Desert mentioned, 62. Shepherds, wandering, leave no monu- ments, 71. Shin-nung, an ancient Emperor, 58. Shin-tsing-wang, a king, 48. Shin-tsoo-jin-hwang-te, an Emperor, 4. Shin-tsung, an Emperor, 12. Sha-ya-urh, 77. Shan-se Province, 64. Shang-te, an Emperor, 44. Shang-tung Province, 64. Shaou-haou-kin-t'heen-she, 56. Shang-yuen, Imperial title, 32. Shaou-kǎng, a king, 56. Shaou-tae, Imperial title, 36. Shaou-te, an Emperor, 38. Shaou-shing, Imperial title, 20. Shaou-hing, Imperial title, 20. Shaou-he, Imperial title, 20. Sha-mun Priests go to India, 84. Shaou-ting, Imperial title, 20. Shaving the head required by the Tar- tars on pain of death, 6. She-tsoo, an Emperor, 16. Shen-se Province, 66. She-tsung, an Emperor, 12. She-tsung-keen-hwang-te, an Emperor, 4. She-tsung, an Emperor, 26. She-tsoo-chang-hwang, an Emperor, 4, She-tsoo, 16. She-tsoo, or Kwang-woo, an Emperor, 44. Shen-tsoo-jin-hwang-te, 4. U Shun-hwa, Imperial title, 22, Shun-te, an Emperor, 16, 38, 44, Shun-he, Imperial title, 20. Shun-tsung, an Emperor, 32, Shuh, one of the Three Kingdoms, 44, Siam, 80. Silk, 57, Small pox, guardian goddess, 111. Snow mountains. Snow, water procured from, 76 Soolo, of the Philipine Isles, 81. Soo-ne-tih, 72. Socrates, 49. Solon, 49. Solomon, lays the foundation of the Temple, 5. Soomatra, 85. Solstice, winter, a holyday, 108. Sparrow-ko, uickname of an Emperor, Spelling of Tartar words, by Chinese characters, 62, Spain, 81, 82, Spirits, malevolent, stories respecting them, 35. INDEX.] 138 Spirits of the Hills, Rivers, &c. 110, Spring, ceremony at the introduction of, 105, 108, 109. Spring, salt water, 6. Spurious, Chinese Classics, 56, Stamp duty in China, 39. Ta-chung-tseang-foo, Imperial title, 22. Ta-chung, Imperial title, 32, Tae-kǎng, a king, 56, Tae-haou-fuh-he-she, 50, Standards of the Tartars, 65, Stars falling, 35, Baleful influence avoid- Tae-p'hing-hing-kwo, Imperial title, 22, ed, 35, Tae-këïh, Imperial title, 24. Statistical work, name of, 61, Stools first invented, 45. Tae-tsung, an Emperor, 12, 22, 32, 34. Tae-chang, Imperial titie, 12. Tae-tsoo-kaou-hwang-te, an Emperor, 8. Storms of rain and hail, destructive, 39. Sultan, 79, Tae-ting, Imperial title, 16 Sun, spot in, 39, Tae-ting te, an Emperor, 16. Tang Dynasty, 32. Suh-tsung, an Emperor, 32. Sung Dynasty, 20, 21, 22. Miserable end of, 25, Superstition, dread of the phenomena of nature, 39, Sunday, Character in the Chinese Alman- ack which corresponds to. Chinese observe noue, 103, Supreme Government, 87, Sung-chaou, or Pĭh-sung-chaoù, 48, Suy Dynasty, 36, Sze-chuen Province, 68. Sze-shing, Imperial title, 34. Sze-tsze-poo-lõh, 72, T Tae-yuen-foo, Capital district of Shan-se, 65, Tae-che, Imperial title, 40, Tae-kang, Imperial title, 40, Tae-she, Imperial title, 40, Tae-yuen, Imperial title, 38, Tae-ho, Imperial title, 32, 38, Tae-ning, Imperial title, 38, Tae-che, Imperial title, 38 Tae-yu, Imperial title, 38, Tae-t'hung, Imperial title, 36, Tae-p'hing, Imperial title, 36, Tae-tsung-wăn-hwang-te, an Emperor, 8. Tae-ning, Imperial title, 38, Tang-ming-hwang, Imperial title, 32. Tang-koo-tih, name given to Thibet, 74. Tă-shih-han, or kan, 79. Tǎ-ur-på-ko-tae, 74. Ta-k'he, an Emperor, or king, 56. Ta-yu, the remover of the waters of the Deluge, 56. Ta-tsʼhing Yìh-thung-che, a Statistical account of the Chinese dominions, 61 Tǎ-ke, a famous and profligate Queen,53. Ta-leih, Imperial title, 32. Ta-tshing-chaou, the Dynasty that now (A. D. 1817), fills the throne of China, 12. Ta-tih, Imperial title, 16. Ta-shun, Imperial title, 32. Ta-nëě, Imperial title, 36. Ta-hing, Imperial title, 38. Ta-keen, Imperial title, 38.. Ta-kwan, Imperial title. 20. Ta-paou, Imperial title, 36. Te-e, 58. Te-ching, 58. Te-le, a Sovereign, 58. Te-che, 57. Te-lin-hwuy, 58. 139 [INDEX. Te-lae, 58. Te-ning, 58. Te-ping, an Emperor, 20. Te-yu-wang, 5%. Te-yih, an Emperor, 38. Te-pa, officer in Thibet, 74, 75. Te-hwùh-kaou-sin-she, 56, Te-hwang-she, 58. Terms, the year divided into, 24, 103. Temples of Buddah, of Taou-keaou, and of Priestesses or Nuns, 113. Temple of Solomon built, 51. Teen-shan, 78. Tëen-hwang-she, 58. T’hëen-fing, 79. T'hëen-lëě, Imperial title, 16. T'heen-shun, Imperial title, 12. T'heen-k'he, Imperial title, 12. Theen-kang, Imperial title, 36. T'heen-këen, Imperial title, 36. T'heen-kea, Imperial title, 36. T'heen-paou, Imperial title, 34. T'hëen-yew, Imperial title, 2. T'heen-ching, Imperial title, 26. T'heen-füh, Imperial title, 26, 32. T'heen-he, Imperial title, 22. T'heen-tsung, Imperial title, 8. Theen-wing, Imperial title, 8. Thibet, name, &c.-Invaded by the Chin-ko-urh Tartırs, 74. Tih-yew, Imperial title, 20. Time, divided into periods of 15 days each, 103. Ting-wang, a king, 48. Toleration of the Religion of Buddah 39. Toleration, Polytheists and Sceptics also intolerant, 112, 113. Tombs repaired annually, and cere- monies performed at, 106. Tomb- stones, inscription on, 115. Tomb stones, introduced, 47. v 2 Tonkin, 81. Ton-kin, or Ton-king, 71, Tourgouths, 5, 73. Too-urh-pih-tih, 72. Too-hih-tih, 72. Too-pih-tih, Thibet, 73. Too fan, 71. Too-urh-hoo-tih Han, the Han of Tour gouths, 5. Too fan, 74. Traditions, ancient not to be implicitly believed. Translators Office, 91. Tribute, note respecting, 62. Tribes, the ten carried away, 51. Tsang-woo-wang, an Emperor, 38. Tsung-ching, Imperial title, 12. Tsung-ling Mountains, 79. Tsiu-chaou, or Dynasty, 48. Tsing-hue, 73. Tsëa g-keun, a Military commander, 75. Tseen-tsang, 73. Tsëen-lo, or Siam, 80. Tse-wang, an Emperor, 26. Tsang, Thibet, 73. Tsung-tih, Imperial title, 8. Tsung-ning, Imperi. I title, 20. Ts'hing-tre, Imperial title, 26. Tsing-kang, Imperial title, 20. Tseang-hing, Imperial title, 20. Tsze-nan-foo, Capital district of Shan- tung, 65. Tung-kwang, Imperial title, 26. Tung-han Dynasty, 44. Twan-kung, Imp rial title, 22, Twan-tsung, an Emperor, 20, Types, moveable, 21. Type cutter's Patron, demigod, 27. Ung-neu-tih, 72 U INDEX.] 140 Urh-shc-hwang-te, an Emperor, 48. W Wall, great, built, 47. Wan-tsung, an Emperor, 16. Wăn-te, an Emperor, 46, 38, 36. Wǎn-wang, Woo-Wang's Father, never was king, 53. 1 Wăn-tsing, an Emperor, 32. Wǎn-te, an Emperor, 46, 38, 36. Wan-tsung, an Emperor, 16. Wan-leih, Imperial title, 2. Wang-choo, a king, 56. Wang choo, a king, 56. Wang-shang, a king, 56. Wang-fa, a king, 56. Wang-kaou, a king, 56. Wang-kin, a king, 56. Wang-king-keà, a king, 56. Wang-seang, a king, 56. Wang-hwae, a king, 56. Wang-pùh-keang, a king, 56, Wang-mang, a king, 56. Wang-see, a king, 56. Wăng-tih, Imperial title, 32. War, declaration of, made by the Tartars against the Chinese, 8, 9. Watches of the night, 104. Wealth, the god of, 111. Weeks, three, intervene between demise and interment. After a week of weeks, or seven weeks, other ob- servances take place, when the spirit of the deceased is supposed to return and visit an apartment of the house, 116. Wei-lee-wang, a king, 48. Wei, one of the Three Kingdoms, 44. Western Regions, 61, 77. Wine, a lake filled with, 54 the magistrates, 47. Sold by White, the favorite colour at court, 55. Witches and wizards prohibited, 25. Woo, one of the Three Kingdoms, 44. Woo-chang-foo, capital of Hoo-pih, 67 Woo-choo-mùh-tsin, 72. Woo-la-tih, 72. Woo-san-kwei, a famous Chinese Gene- ral, 7. Woo-shih, 10, 77. Woo-loo-muh-tse, 77, 17. Woo-tae, The Five Dynasties, 26. Woo-te, an Emperor, 36, 38, 40, 46- Woo tih, an Imperial title, 34. Woo-tsing, an Emperor, 12, 16, 32. Woo-tsung, an Emperor, 16. Woo-mang, a king, 50, 54. Writing performed on Bamboos with the point of a style, 49. X Xenophon, 49. Y Ya-kih-să, or Yakutsk, 82. Ya-mun, denoting a public court or of- fice; when introduced, 42. Yang-kea, Imperial title, 44. Yang-so, Imperial title, 46. Yang-te, Imperial title, 36. Yaou, or Tang-te-yaou, 56. Yay, a title of respect, when introduced,33 Year expressed by a different word in different perieds of history, 56. New year, ceremonies at, 108. Commenced with the 12th moon, 108. Yellow religion, 5. Yen-kwang, Imperial title, 5. Yen-p'hing, Imperial title, 44. Yen-he, Imperial title, 40. Yen-kang, Imperial title, 40, 44. 141 [INDEX. Yen-he, Imperial title, 44. Yen-fe, 57. Yen-te-shin-nung-she, 58. Yen-yew, Imperial title, 16. Ye-urh-keang River, 77. Yew-wang, a king, 50. Ying-shun, Imperial title, 26. Ying-tsun, an Emperor, 12, 16, 22. Yin-te, Imperial title, 26. Yuen-che, Imperial title, 46. Yuen-ching Imperial title, 16. Yuen-ch'hoo, Imperial title, 44. Yuen-fung, Imperial title, 46. Yuen-he, Imperial title, 38. Yuen-hing, Imperial title, 38, 44. Yuen-ho, Imperial title, 44. Yuen foo, Imperial title, 20. Yuen-fung, Imperial title, 22. Yuen-hwuy, Imperial title, 38. Yuen-kea, Imperial title, 38. Yuen-kang, Imperial title, 40. Yuen-kwang, Imperial title, 46. Yuen-nëen, Imperial title, 46. Yuen Dynasty, 16. Yuen-te, 36, 38, 46. Yuen-wang, a king, 48. Yuen-kea, Imperial title, 44. Yuen-show, Imperial title, 46. Yuen-tung, Imperial title, 16. Yuen-tsung, an Einperor, 34. Yuen-yew, Imperial title, 20. Yuen-yen, Imperial title, 46. Yung-ch'hoo, Imperial title, 38. Yung-ching, Imperial title, 4, 32. Yung-he, Imperial title, 22. Yung-hwuy, Imperial title, 34. Yung-ho, Imperial title, 38. Yung-lo, Imperial title, 12, Yung-ch'hoo, Imperial title, 38, 44. Yung-chang, Imperial title, 38. Yung-ho, Imperial title, 38, 44. Yung-kang, Imperial title, 44. Yung-ning, Imperial title, 38, 44 Yung-p'hing, Imperial title, 44. Yung-kea, Imperial title, 40. Yung-hing, Imperial title, 58. Yung-show, Imperial title, 44. Yung-ting, Imperial title, 36. Yung-tae, Imperi .l title, 32. Yun-ming, Imperial title, 38. Yun-nan Province, situation and popu-- lation of, 70. Yun-nan-foo, the capital district of Yun- nan Province, 72. Zedekiak, 49. Zenghisk'kan, 19. Zhehol, 77. א POUND OCT 31 1545 UNIV. OF RICH. LIBRARY ப ¡ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 03558 9863 1 .... qa, hay te que t