º :º sº | # §ſº º º 3. §º: (º º ºrsºgº &: º ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞, ∞& != <= y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ş… ►► * o BY SIR WILLIAM FRASER, K.C.B., LL.D. |N THREE VOLUMES V O L U M E F I R S T — M E M O | RS ED INEURGH-MDCCCXC Tºst º * § 22-. º S \\avy 25 V, iii QContentg of {{OItime firgt. TITLE-PAGE, TABLE OF CONTENTS, INTRODUCTION, MEMOIRS:— THE LORDS OF MELVILLE IN MIDLOTHIAN FROM I IGo-I458, GALFRID MELVILLE, LORD OF MELVILLE, SHERIFF OF EDINBURGH CASTLE AND JUSTICIARY OF SCOTLAND, c. I I 50-II.8o, GREGORY MELVILLE, LORD OF MELVILLE, ELDEST SON OF GALFRID DE MELVILLE, d. 1178, SIR RICHARD MELVILLE, LORD OF MELVILLE, KNIGHT, c. I 180–c. 1215, WILLIAM MELVILLE, LORD OF MELVILLE, c. I 2 oo, SIR GREGORY MELVILLE, LORD OF MELVILLE, KNIGHT, c. 1242-c. 1270, WILLIAM MELVILLE, LORD OF MELVILLE, c. 1270–c. 1304, JOHN MELVILLE, LORD OF MELVILLE, c. 1320-1345, THOMAS MELVILLE, LORD OF MELVILLE, I344-1345, JOHN MELVILLE, LORD OF MELVILLE, 1379-14oo, Thomas MELVILLE, LORD OF MELVILLE, 1427-1429, JoHN MELVILLE, LORD OF MELVILLE, 1429–c. 1442, THOMAS MELVILLE, LORD OF MELVILLE, 1442-1458, WOL. I. (! PAGE i iii-viii ix-lviii I 7-I9 I9 2O 2O-22 iV CONTENTS. THE MELVILLES OF RAITH IN FIFE :- I. II. III. IV. John Melville, first of Raith, 1400–c. 1427, . Sir John Melville, second of Raith, c. 1427–c. 1463, Marjory Scott (Balwearie), his wife. William Melville of Raith, c. 1463-1502, e º Margaret Douglas (Longniddry), his first wife. Euphame Lundie (Balgonie), his second wife. John Melville, younger of Raith, d. 1494, Janet Bonar (of Rossie), his wife. . Sir John Melville of Raith, 1502–1548, Margaret Wemyss, his first wife. Helen Napier, his second wiſe. Sir Robert Melville of Murdochcairnie, knight, first Lord Melville of Monimail, Ö. c. 1527, d. 1621, Katherine Adamson, his first wife. Lady Mary Leslie, his second wife. Lady Jean Stewart, his third wife. Sir Robert Melville of Burntisland, second Lord Melville of Monimail, 162 I-1635, . e • Margaret Ker (Ferniehirst), his first wife. Jean Hamilton, Lady Ross, his second wife. Sir James Melville of Hallhill, author of the “Memoirs,” I 535- I617, . & s p Christian Boswell, his wife. Sir Andrew Melville of Garvock, Master of the Household to Queen Mary and King James the Sixth, 1567-1617, Jane Kennedy, his first wife. Elizabeth Hamilton, his second wife. William Melville, Commendator of Tongland, and Lord Tongland, I 584-1613, Anna Lindsay, his wife. PAGE 23-27 27-28 29-35 35-37 38-81 82-I 24 I 24-I 32 I 33-162 163-167 168-171 CONTENTS. VI. John Melville of Raith, 1548–1605, Isabella Lundie, his first wife. Margaret Bonar, his second wife. Grisell Meldrum, his third wife. VII. John Melville of Raith, 1605-1626, Margaret Scott (Balwearie), his wife. VIII. John Melville, seventh Laird of Raith, and third Lord Melville of Monimail, 1626-1643, Anne Erskine (Invertiel), his wife. IX. George, fourth Lord and first Earl of Melville, 1643-1707, Lady Catherine Leslie (Leven), his countess. X. David, third Earl of Ileven, and second Earl of Melville, 6. 1660 ; Earl of Leven 1681; Earl of Melville 1707; d. I 728, e ve tº Lady Anne Wemyss, his countess. XII. I. David, fourth Earl of Leven, and third Earl of Melville, ô. I7 I 7, d. I 729, XI. 2. Alexander, fifth Earl of Leven, and fourth Earl of Mel- ville, I 729-1754, Mary Erskine (Carnock), his first wife. Elizabeth Monypenny (Pitmilly), his second wife. XII. 2. David, sixth Earl of Leven, and fifth Earl of Melville, I 754-1802, tº Wilhelmina Nisbet (Dirleton), XIII. Alexander, seventh Earl of Leven, and sixth Earl of Melville, 1802-182 o, g Jane Thornton, his countess. XIV. I. David, eighth Earl of Leven, and seventh Earl of Melville, 1820-1860, cº * Elizabeth Anne Campbell (of Succoth), his countess. his countess. PAGE I 72-184 I85–189 I 9o-I 94 I95-244 2.45-3o 7 37 I-380 vi CONTENTS. PAGE XV. 2. Lady Elizabeth Jane Leslie Melville Cartwright of Melville, , 381 Thomas Robert Brook Leslie Melville Cartwright, her husband. XIV. 2, John, ninth Earl of Leven, and eighth Earl of Melville, 1860-1876, . te © o {- © . 382-385 Harriet Thornton, his first wife. Sophia Thornton, his second wife. XV. 3. Alexander, tenth Earl of Leven, and ninth Earl of Melville, © e § e tº e 386 XV. 4. Ronald, eleventh Earl of Leven, and tenth Earl of Melville, 386 Hon. Emma Selina Portman, his countess. THE EARLS OF LEVEN AND LORDS BALGONIE – I. Sir Alexander Leslie, first Earl of Leven, b. c. 1580, d. 1661, , 387-438 Agnes Renton (Billie), his countess. Alexander Leslie, Lord Balgonie, d. 1645, vita patris, e 437 Lady Margaret Leslie, his wife. II. Alexander, second Earl of Leven, 1661-1664, . o . 439-442 Margaret Howard (Carlisle), his countess. Margaret Leslie, Countess of Leven, d. 1674, & . 440-442 Hon. Francis Montgomerie, her husband, Catherine Leslie, Countess of Leven, d. 1676, tº & 442 ARMORIAL BEARINGS, e © º & 0 • 443-444 GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY OF MELVILLE OF MEL- VILLE, e o e º º e • 445-45 I GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY OF LESLIE, EARLS OF LEVEN, . º º e e º e b 452 CONTENTS. vii ILLUSTRATIONS IN volumE FIRST PAGE Portrait of George, first Earl of Melville, te & e Arontispiece The Stralsund Gold Medal, 1628, xxix The Bishop's Palace at Monimail, Cardinal Beaton's Tower, xlviii Melville House, Fifeshire, xlviii Balgonie Castle, Fifeshire, lii Portrait of Lady Katherine Leslie, wife of George, first Earl of Melville, I 96 Portrait of Alexander, fifth Earl of Leven and Melville, . 3O9 Portrait of David, sixth Earl of Leven and Melville, 337 Portrait of Wilhelmina Nisbet, his countess, 337 Portrait of Alexander, seventh Earl of Leven and Melville, 353 Portrait of Jane Thornton, his countess, . 353 Portrait of David, eighth Earl of Leven and Melville, 37 I Portrait of Elizabeth Anne Campbell, his countess, 37 I Portrait of Agnes Renton, wife of Sir Alexander Leslie, first Earl of Leven, 43O Portrait of Lady Margaret Leslie, wife of Alexander, Lord Balgonie, 438 WOOD CUT SIGNATURES AND SEAL. SIGNATURES OF– Sir John Melville of Raith, 1502–1548, SI Sir Robert Melville of Murdochcairnie, knight, first Lord Melville of Monimail, 1527-1621, I 24 Sir Robert Melville of Bruntisland, second Lord Melville of Moni- mail, 162 I-1635, I 32 Sir James Melville of Hallhill, 1535-1617, I 62 John Melville of Raith, 1548-1605, . I84 John Melville of Raith, 1605-1626, . I89 John Melville, third Lord Melville of Monimail, 1626-1643, I94 WOL. I. viii CONTENTS. WOODCUT SIGNATURES.– continued. - PAGE George, fourth Lord and first Earl of Melville, 1643-1707, . * 244 David, third Earl of Leven and second Earl of Melville, 1660-1728, 3O7 George, Lord Balgonie, his eldest Son, e ſº g e 3O7 David, fourth Earl of Leven, as Lord Balgonie, 1723, g e 308 Alexander, fifth Earl of Leven, and fourth Earl of Melville, I 729-I 754, w sº * ſº tº e e 336 David, sixth Earl of Leven, and fifth Earl of Melville, 1754-1802, . 352 Alexander, seventh Earl of Leven, and sixth Earl of Melville, 1802, 37 o David, eighth Earl of Leven and Melville, 1832, . § g 38o SEAL OF- John Melville, first of Raith, 14oo-1427, p g & e 27 35′SG). O —s gº eXP-3 PºSSPASXS)NSG) ENOTRSS2\9; ſº |&DºS > *, *º-Zeº/O2S-32s 9×9×Zºº 9×2*> 6 & = 9 | ) ſº y THE LEVEN AND MELVILLE PEERAGES. IN the month of August 1856, a request was made to me by David, Earl of Leven and Melville, and his two brothers, the Honourable John Leslie Melville, and the Honourable Alexander Leslie Melville, to meet them at Melville House. The health of the earl's only surviving son—the gallant and amiable Alexander, Lord Balgonie—a major in the army, had suffered severely in the Crimean war, and the progress of his indisposition occasioned much anxiety to his venerable father. The earl was the holder of the two earldoms of Leven and Melville and the minor dignities of Lord Balgonie and of Wiscount Kirkcaldy and Lord Melville of Monimail, etc., connected with these respective earldoms. He was also proprietor of the entailed estate of Melville, and of the unentailed estate of Hallhill and others. In the belief that the personal peerages and the landed estates were always intended to descend to and be enjoyed by the same heirs, the earl considered it to be his duty to make arrangements to provide for this so far as lay in his power. His peerages were held under patents granted by successive sovereigns, James the Sixth, Charles the First, and Charles the Second, and also by King William the Third. One at least of these original patents, that of the earldom of Leven, which was limited to heirs-male, had been surrendered in the hands of King Charles the Second, and a regrant made to include heirs-female as well as male. Under that regrant, on the failure of heirs-male, two heirs-female successively enjoyed the earldom of Leven. From this fact it was inferred by certain lawyers that heirs-female could succeed whenever the succession opened to WOL. I. C X INTRODUCTION. them. The Earl of Leven and Melville had obtained advice in reference to the succession both to his peerages and his entailed estate of Melville in the event of his only son dying without issue, but the advice had been contra- dictory and therefore unsatisfactory. It was in these circumstances that I was requested to attend a conference with the earl and his two brothers, when I stated my opinion that in the event of the death of Lord Balgonie, all the peerages would descend to the heir-male of the family, and that the entailed estate of Melville would be separated from the peerages and be inherited by the heir of line. But that opinion was given with reserve, as I had not had an opportunity of examining all the original patents, the resignations, and regrants of them. Before an authoritative and reliable opinion could be given, I suggested that the patents and regrants should all be carefully examined. At the request of the family I undertook such an examination. The result was given in a statement completed by me in May 1857, with reference to all the Leven and Melville peerages. My opinion was confirmed that these were all descendible to the heir-male of the then Earl of Leven and Melville. My statement in manuscript extended to upwards of one hundred folio pages, and I believe it is still in manuscript, never having been printed. TRUST-SETTLEMENTS BY EARL DAVID IN 1857. The great anxiety of David, Earl of Leven and Melville, in reference to the succession to his peerages and estates, will be best explained by the measures which he adopted to avert what he feared was a crisis in the history of the family. While Lord Balgonie was still alive, Earl David executed on 14th July 1857 a disposition and Settlement of his estates. The circumstances which induced his lordship to grant it are fully narrated in the following terms:— “Considering that whereas I have been advised that the earldom of Leven, and the earldom of Melville, and barony of Melville of Monimail, and other titles of honor vested in my person, are or may be held and assumed by the investitures thereof to stand so destined as that the same may descend to heirs- FIRST TRUST SETTLEMENT OF 1857. xi male to the exclusion of heirs-female ; and whereas I have been further advised that the entailed estate of Melville and others, also vested in my person, are or may be held and assumed by the investitures thereof to stand so destined as that the same may descend to heirs-female to the exclusion of heirs-male: and whereas I am fully satisfied that it was the express desire and intention of my ancestors that the destination of the estate should make the same to descend to the same series of heirs as under the investiture of the titles of honor, that such intention was originally carried into effect and enforced in successive generations by my ancestors at the sacrifice of their feelings towards the younger branches of the family, and for the advantage of those inheriting the honors, and that if the original provisions regarding the estate are not effectual after my decease for the same purpose, and a divergence of the destinations of the honors and estates to different series of heirs shall thereafter take place, it will have arisen solely from misconception as to the destination of the honors belonging to the family, so that it is incumbent on me, alike from the same motives of preserving the dignity and standing of our house which actuated my ancestors, as in return for the benefits derived by me personally under the arrangements made by them, to make pro- vision, so far as in my power, that the objects originally contemplated be here- after as hitherto secured, and that in the event of the said entailed estate descending to heirs-female, and of the said titles of honor, and all and every one of such titles of honor descending to heirs-male, but only in that event, then and thereupon the several heirs shall transact, by means of excambion or disentail, or otherwise, for the transfer of the mansion-house of Melville and lands adjacent thereto, to the end that the same shall become re-united and descendible along with the said titles of honor, and so remain in all time to come ; therefore, and for aiding and promoting such re-union, and the causes and considerations afore- said me moving, I hereby dispome, convey, assign, and make over to and in favour of my now only son, Alexander Leslie Melville, commonly called Lord Balgony, and the heirs-male of his body; whom failing, to the heirs-female of his body succeeding to him in the titles of honor now vested in me, or to any one or more of such titles of honor; whom failing, to the other heirs-female of my own body succeeding to the said titles of honor, or to any one or more of such titles of honor; whom failing, to the Hon. John Thornton Leslie Melville, my brother, and the heirs-male of his body; whom failing, to the Hon. Alexander Leslie Melville, my brother, and the heirs-male of his body; whom failing, to the heirs- female of the said John Thornton Leslie Melville succeeding to the titles of honor, or to any one or more of such titles of honor; whom failing, to the heirs-female of the body of the said Alexander Leslie Melville, succeeding to the said titles of xii INTRODUCTION. honor, or to any one or more of such titles of honor; whom all failing, to my heirs and assignees whomsoever.” The lands contained in that disposition were the manor-place of Monimail and mansion-house of Melville, Letham, Coldcoats, Monksmyre, Edensmuir, patronage of Monimail, Pitlair, and others, all erected into the lordship and barony of Monimail, by charter granted by King Charles the Second, dated 1st October 1669 ; also the lands of Pathcondie and Muirfield, part of Uthrogal, and the Wards Park of the barony of Hallhill. As the barony of Monimail had been entailed in the year 1784, by the grandfather of David, the eighth earl, and as doubts existed as to the latter's competency to dispone them to a different class of heirs from those named in that entail, provision was made in his disposition and settlement in the following terms:— “And in the event of the foregoing disposition being found not effectual to convey the lands and others above described, but only in that event, I do hereby dispone, assign, and make over to, and in favour of the said Alexander Leslie Melville, Lord Balgonie, and his foresaids in the second place, all the unentailed lands belonging to me at my decease.” These unentailed lands included Easter Collessie called Hallhill, Muirfield, parts of Uthrogal, parts of Hilton, Carslogie and Sunnybraes, with subjects in the village of Letham and others. The disposition and settlement also contained the following provision — “Providing always and declaring, as it is hereby expressly provided and declared, as a condition irritant and resolutive of the destination in favour of heirs- female above written, that in the event of the succession thereby opening to an heir-female, the first heir-female entitled thereto shall be allowed the space of eighteen months from and after that event to claim and establish, by due order of law, her right to succeed to and assume the titles of honor aforesaid, or any one or more of such titles of honor: and upon and after the elapse of the said space of eighteen months, and failure of the first heir-female to establish her right to such titles or title of honor as aforesaid, then and thereupon the whole destina- tion in favour of heirs-female, not only the first heir-female, but also all the substitute heirs-female, is, and shall be held to be and become, void and null, and of no force, strength, or effect whatsoever, and the destination is and shall stand SECOND TRUST SETTLEMENT OF 1857. xiii limited to heirs-male throughout the order of succession, exclusive of heirs-female altogether, without any process of law for that purpose. . . . And further pro- viding that if this disposition shall be found sufficient to convey the lands disponed in the first place, then the conveyance of the other subjects in the second place shall be superseded and of no force or effect.” DEATH OF LORD BALGONIE, 28TH AUGUST 1857, AND ADDITIONAL TRUST-SETTLEMENT BY HIS FATHER. Shortly after the execution of that disposition and settlement, Alexander, Lord Balgonie, died on 28th August 1857, and Earl David had then to make further settlements to meet the altered circumstances. On 12th October following, his lordship granted a trust-deed which narrates the death of his son, as follows:– “The decease of my son Alexander Leslie Melville, Lord Balgonie, and the failure of heirs of his body, whereby the succession falls to the heirs substituted to them by the destination hereinbefore written, and now seeing it is proper to make certain additions to the foregoing disposition and settlement, and also to establish and interpose a trust for the more effectually securing and executing the whole provisions and purposes of the same.’ He therefore nominated and appointed the honourable John Thornton Leslie Melville aforesaid, the honourable Alexander Leslie Melville aforesaid, and their eldest sons respectively, granting in their favour the whole subjects in the said disposition and settlement, etc. “But declaring that these presents are granted by me in trust only, and for the uses and purposes following, to wit, primo, to be held the whole trust-estate by the said trustees for the use and behoof of my heirs called and appointed to the succession by the said disposition and settlement before written in their order, and for implement of the provisions and conditions of the same ; Secundo, my intention now being to make a settlement in strict entail in terms thereof, to denude the said trustees by executing, recording, and completing by infeftment a disposition and deed of entail of the lands and other heritages before dispomed in favour of my said heirs, with prohibitory, irritant, and resolutive clauses, and all other clauses usual and requisite to make the same binding and effectual, and so conceived as to bind the institute or person in whose favour the same is directly granted, as well as the other heirs of entail, and to retain the personal estate, xiv. INTRODUCTION. ~’ f heritable debt, and proceeds thereof, as also any bequests in favour of the said trustees by my last will and testament, here held to be part and portion of the personal estate under this trust, and when convenient after realizing the same to employ and lay out the free proceeds in the purchase of other lands or heritages to be settled and entailed in the same manner as above provided and directed.” LAST WILL BY EARL DAVID, 12TH OCTOBER 1857. On the same date, 12th October 1857, Earl David made his last will and testament. He thereby made further bequests to each of his second, third, and fourth daughters. He also left and bequeathed to his heirs succeeding to him in the mansion-house of Melville all effects and moveable property of every kind and description whatsoever, which should be contained in the said mansion-house and belong to him at his decease, it being his wish and intention that the same should remain there for the use and benefit of his said heirs, but that always under the burden and subject to the payment by his said heirs of £3000 sterling thereby bequeathed to the trustees for the heirs succeeding to him in his titles of honour under his special disposition and settlement in their favour; and lastly the earl bequeathed to his trustees the whole free residue of his moveable estate. LAW-SUIT BY EARL DAVID TO VOID ENTAIL OF MELVILLE, 1858. In pursuance of his intentions as to his titles and estates, Earl David on 31st May 1858 instituted an action of declarator in the Court of Session against his daughters and all the other heirs of entail in the estate of Melville under the entail made by his grandfather in the year 1784. The action was instituted for the purpose of having it found that the entail was invalid, and the earl entitled to dispose of the estate in fee-simple. Before the action was decided by the Court of Session, David, Earl of Leven and Melville, died, in 1860, and the trustees nominated by him insisted in the action. The Court ultimately, by decree dated 12th June 1861, decided in favour of the eldest daughter of Earl David, Lady Elizabeth Jane Leslie Melville Cartwright, who thus succeeded to the barony of Melville, while the earl's next brother John Succeeded to the titles and became ninth Earl of Leven and eighth of Melville, ENTAILS BY EARL DAVID's TRUSTEES. IXV ENTAIL BY EARL DAVID'S TRUSTEES OF HALLHILL, ETC., 1864. After this decision in favour of Lady Elizabeth Cartwright, the trustees mamed by her father made up titles to the unentailed estates conveyed to them, and on 29th and 30th November 1864 they entailed these in favour of John Thornton Leslie Melville, Earl of Leven and Melville; whom failing, the Hon. Alexander Leslie Melville, his brother, and the heirs-male of their bodies respectively; whom all failing, the heirs and assignees whomsoever of the deceased David, Earl of Leven and Melville. The lands thus entailed were Easter Collessie, called Hallhill, Muirfield, and others, erected into the barony of Hallhill; the lands of Hilton, Carslogie, Sunnybraes, Uthrogal, and others. ENTAIL BY EARL DAVID's TRUSTEES OF PART OF GLENFERNESS, 1869. The trustees of Earl David further, in 1869, purchased the easter portion of Glenferness, in the county of Nairn, for £12,000, and soon afterwards they made a second entail,” narrating that the conveyance of the barony of Monimail, disponed in the first place by settlement of Earl David, was found to be ineffectual, and the conveyance of the lands therein disponed in the second place became operative; that Lady Elizabeth Leslie Melville Cart- wright had failed to establish her right to any of the titles of honour vested in her father, and therefore that the whole destination in his settlement in favour of heirs-female, not only the first heir-female, but all the substitute heirs-female, has become void, and the destination in his settlement now stands limited to heirs-male throughout the order of succession. This entail of 1869, after referring to the previous entail of Hallhill in 1864, proceeds to narrate the purchase by the trustees of part of Glenferness, being the lands of Airdrie and others as described, which are thereby entailed on the same heirs as in the entail of Hallhill in 1864. The entail also contains a declaration that John, Earl of Leven and Melville, and each heir of entail who should succeed to the lands and others dispomed, shall be * On the same date, John, Earl of Leven 2 Dated 19th, 23d, and 26th November, and Melville, acquired the wester and larger and recorded in the Register of Entails 10th portion of the same property for £47,900. December 1869. xvi. INTRODUCTION. obliged to bear, use, and constantly retain the surname of Leslie Melville, and the coat armorial of Leven and Melville, without prejudice to his bearing, using, and retaining along therewith any other surname and coat armorial and other title of honour. A similar declaration is contained in the entail of Hallhill and other lands entailed in 1864. EXCHANGE AND ENTAIL BY EARL JOHN OF HIS PORTION OF GLENFERNESS FOR HILTON, ETC., IN FIFE, 1870. In the year 1870, John, Earl of Leven and Melville, proprietor of the larger portion of Glenferness in fee-simple, and also proprietor in entail of the lands of Hilton and Sunnybraes, and others, entered into a contract of excambion and deed of entail whereby he disentailed Hilton and Sunnybraes, etc., these lands becoming his property in fee-simple, while he entailed the larger portion of Glenferness acquired by himself upon the same series of heirs on whom the Smaller portion of Glenferness had been entailed by the trustees of Earl David in 1869." GENERAL EXPLANATION OF HISTORICAL PAPERS AT MELVILLE HOUSE, AND PROPOSAL TO PRINT THEM IN 1857. While engaged in examining the Melville muniments in reference to the succession of the family peerages in the year 1857, as already explained, I discovered many interesting historical documents in the extensive collection. These included several charters to the family by King William the Lion, letters from Mary Queen of Scots, King William the Third, and his Queen Mary, Sophia, Electress of Hanover, her son, the Elector, afterwards King George the First, and many other distinguished persons. I submitted to David, Earl of Leven, that the charters and corre- spondence, with a detailed history of the Melvilles, Earls of Melville, and the Leslies, Earls of Leven, would form a valuable and interest- ing family record. Lord Leven listened favourably to the suggestion, and 1 The lands of Hilton and Sunnybraes, etc., and Melville, who left them to his sister. thus disentailed by Earl John, were inherited The lands have thus become entirely separa- by his son Alexander, the late Earl of Leven ted from the main line of the family, HISTORICAL PAPERS AND MELVILLE BOOK. xvii some preliminaries were arranged with him for carrying it out, but he only survived the loss of his son, Lord Balgonie, a few years, and little progress was made with the proposed work. Lady Elizabeth Leslie Melville Cartwright, who succeeded to the entailed estate of Melville, and her husband, Mr. Leslie Melville Cartwright of Melville, however, both favoured the proposal for a Melville Family Book, and contributed to carry it out. Under the trust-deed of her father, her ladyship had acquired the contents of Melville House, including the muniments of the family. Although, dis- appointed that my investigations into the origin and descent of the Leven and Melville peerages did not result in encouraging her to claim one or more of them as allowed under her father's trust-deed, her ladyship did not challenge my opinion, but generously intrusted me with the custody of such of the Melville muniments as had come into my possession, in the hope that Some favourable opportunity might occur for forming them into a family history. Her uncle, Earl John, who was satisfied with my opinion about his right to the peerages, and who as the inheritor of them was entitled to the delivery of the patents and resignations and regrants, also deposited these in my custody. His son and successor, the tenth earl, also followed his example in this respect, and I had the Satisfaction of being thus intrusted both by the heir of line and the heir-male with their respective portions of the family muniments. THE MELVILLE BOOK, AUTHORISED BY LADY ELIZABETH LESLIE MELVILLE CARTWRIGHT. Lady Elizabeth Leslie Melville Cartwright and her husband, Mr. Leslie Melville Cartwright, having thus resolved to carry out the long contemplated family history, were pleased to confide to me the task of completing it. The writing of other family histories, which were also confided to me, retarded the progress of the present work, but it has now been finished in three quarto volumes. The first of these contains a detailed HISTORY of the families of Melville and Leslie from Galfrid Melville, who was a justiciar of Scotland in the time of King Malcolm the Maiden and King William the Lion, down to his living descendants. The second volume contains the CORRESPONDENCE WOL. I. d xviii INTRODUCTION. of the family from the time of King James the Fifth and Queen Mary. The third and last volume contains the CHARTERS and miscellaneous muniments of the family from the time of King William the Lion. Prefixed to the respective volumes of Correspondence and Charters are full abstracts of the contents of each volume. These abstracts will facilitate reference both to the correspondence and charters. There is also a compre- hensive index in the third volume, to all the persons and places mentioned in the three volumes. THE LEVEN AND MELVILLE PAPERS, PRINTED IN 1843. The late Honourable William Henry Leslie Melville, who was the immediate younger brother of John, ninth Earl of Leven, took a great interest in the history of his family, and specially interested himself in their muniments. He was for many years in India in the Honourable East India Company's service, and after his return to England he became a director of the Company. He was a member of the Bannatyne Club, and in the year 1843 he presented to the members of that club a large quarto volume extending to 608 pages, and including nearly six hundred letters and papers. The volume is known as the “Leven and Melville Papers,” or, as more fully described in the title-page, “Letters and State Papers chiefly addressed to George, Earl of Melville, Secretary of State for Scotland, 1689-1691, from the originals in the possession of the Earl of Leven and Melville.” A preface, written by Mr. Melville, and dated from London, April 1843, extends to 30 pages and is very interesting. Lord Macaulay in his “History of England” makes several references to that work, and he pays a graceful compliment to Mr. Leslie Melville, who, he says, “ has deserved well of all students of history, by the diligence and fidelity with which he has performed his editorial duties.” RING LOUIS PHILIPPE's COPY OF THE ABOVE WORK. One copy of Mr. Leslie Melville's work had a somewhat romantic history. It was presented either by himself or by his eldest brother David, Earl of * “History of England,” vol. iv. p. 187 m. MR. WILLIAM LESTIE MELVII, L.E. xix Leven and Melville, to Louis Philippe, then king of the French, who had it bound in a very sumptuous style, and stamped on both sides with his initials L. P., surmounted by a royal crown. At the Revolution of 1848, the library of the king appears to have been at least partially dispersed. His copy of the “Leven and Melville Papers” found its way into the shop of a bookseller at Bath. A medical gentleman there observed the book for sale, and being a friend of Mr. Leslie Melville, he advised him of this. Mr. Melville acquired it, and presented it to the library at Melville House, where it is still preserved. INTENDED ADDITIONAL WORK ON THE MELVILLE FAMILY BY MR. WILLIAM LESLIE MELVILLE. Mr. Leslie Melville's work, although containing nearly 600 of the Melville letters and papers, was limited to the two years, 1689-91, when his ancestor was Secretary of State for Scotland. His work left untouched the other and larger portion of the collection of manuscripts at Melville, Mr. Melville continued his study and arrangement of these with a view to the future publication of them. He communicated with me on that subject very frequently when he was in Edinburgh in the autumn of the year 1852, and afterwards. But he had not then any settled plan except that he was anxious to make the additional work less bulky than his contribution to the Bannatyne Club. Mr. Leslie Melville continued to consider the subject of the publication of additional Melville muniments, till the date of his death in 1856. He knew the history of his family well, and could dilate upon it with great accuracy, and his preface to the Balanatyne contribution shows that he had made a careful study of the subject. He often confessed to me that the history of the Melville family as given in the Peerage Books was imperfect, and he anxiously desired to have it made more complete. From his long study of the subject, I had hoped to find some notes or memor- anda in addition to his preface, but no trace of any notes or memoranda by him have been discovered, and the only assistance which I have received in connection with the present work from Mr. Melville's long labours on the family muniments is that contained in his preface to the Bannatyne book. XX. INTRODUCTION. Mr. Melville was a very estimable gentleman, much respected by a wide circle of relatives and friends. There is at Melville House a characteristic oil portrait of him. At the time of his death there was circulated among his friends a small sketch in water-colour which showed his features very vividly. HIS DISAPPOINTMENT AT NOT FINDING MORE OF THE CORRESPONDENCE OF THE FIRST EARL OF MELVILLE. In his preface, Mr. Leslie Melville remarks that “only a few of Lord Melville's own letters appear in this collection, but they are all of which copies have been preserved.” Mr. Leslie Melville explained that he had made searches in the British Museum and State Paper Office, and at Welbeck, the seat of the Duke of Portland. But he was unsuccessful in finding more of his ancestor's letters in these repositories. He remarks with disappoint- ment that he was not permitted personally to make the searches in the two public offices named, in the same way as he himself was allowed to inspect the correspondence at Welbeck. MORE OF LORD MELVILLE’s LETTERS SINCE DISCOVERED, During my own investigations for letters of the first Earl of Melville, I have been more successful. In the charter-chest of his grace the Duke of Hamilton I discovered twenty-six original letters of the first Earl of Melville, between the years 1689 and 1692, and they are included in the present work.” In the same great repository I discovered several letters written by the first Earl of Leven to the Marquis of Hamilton,” when they were co-operating together under Gustavus Adolphus in his great wars. One of these letters from Leslie gives a detailed account of the death of Gustavus. All these letters of Leslie, with six original letters of Gustavus Adolphus himself, are, from the same source, included in the present work.” 1 Preface, p. xl. * Vol. ii. of this work, p. 125, Nos. 149-174. 3 Vol. ii. of this work, p. 77, Nos. 101, 105-107, 109-114. 4 Vol. ii. of this work, pp. 13-21, Nos. 17-22. MELVILLE CORRESPONDENCE—QUEEN MARY, xxi THE VOLUME OF CORRESPONDENCE OF THE PRESENT WORK. The volume of CORRESPONDENCE, being the second of this work, is very different from the one which was printed by Mr. Leslie Melville, which was restricted to the transactions of two years, 1689-1691, in connection with the Revolution settlement. The present publication has a much wider and a more varied range of subjects. It contains ROYAL LETTERS from King James the Fifth, Queen Mary, and successive Sovereigns down to King William the Fourth, also STATE and OFFICIAL letters from many statesmen in Scotland and England, including John, Duke of Marlborough, and John, Duke of Argyll, two great military commanders, Lord Godolphin, the high treasurer, and Lord Somers the lord chancellor, about the union between England and Scotland. The third division of letters is the FAMILY or DOMESTIC letters. This includes a variety of correspondents, the Duke of Monmouth, Jane, Duchess of Gordon, William Cowper the poet, George Chalmers on the progress of his “Caledonia,” Dr. Thomas Chalmers on his removal from the parish of Kilmany by a call to Glasgow, where his fame as an eloquent pulpit orator was acquired, George Dempster of Dunnichen, Zachary Macaulay, father of the historian, the Earl of Buchan, Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, and other writers of note. THE THREE MELVILLE BROTHERS AND QUEEN MARY, AND HER LETTERS TO SIR ROBERT MELVILLE FROM LOCHLEVEN, ETC. As three Melville brothers, Sir Robert Melville, afterwards first Lord Melville, Sir James Melville of Hallhill, author of the Memoirs, and Sir Andrew Melville of Garvock, all held places of great trust and confidence under Queen Mary and her son, King James, it might be expected that more of the queen's letters to them should have been preserved. Any letters addressed by the queen to Sir James and Sir Andrew Melville would be properly in the custody of their respective representatives." * In a book sale at Sotheby’s in London, in the cover. It is supposed that it was pre- 1879, there occurred a copy of Theodore Beza's sented by the queen to Sir James Melville, “Confession of the Christian Faith,” printed as it bears his autograph signature. The book 1560. It belonged to Queen Mary, having was catalogued as an “extraordinary rarity,” her name stamped in gold on both sides of and it brought the high price of £149. Sir xxii INTRODUCTION. Those addressed to Sir Robert Melville, and now preserved at Melville House, are only six in number. Many more letters must have been written by Queen Mary to Sir Robert Melville. One important letter from the queen to him as her trusty servant, in which she explains her marriage with Bothwell to be submitted to Queen Elizabeth, is printed by Anderson in his collection" from a state register of letters by Queen Mary among the public archives. One of her Majesty's letters to Sir Robert, written while she was a prisoner at Lochleven, is of interest, as it shows the straits to which she and her maids of honour were reduced for necessary apparel. The island fortress was unsuitable for a royal household as well as a private family. The queen requires Melville to send “my madynis clais, for thai ar naikit.” The same letter discloses that the queen had been bent in Occupying part of her time in embroidering, as she asks for supplies of “sewing gold and silver.” That letter was printed as part of the Melville papers in the Miscellany of the Maitland Club,” where there is also given a facsimile of the letter, which, however, does not give a true representation of the original, and its faded ink, being reproduced in ink of a very dark colour. According to popular tradition, the queen's correspondence was so watched by her jailers at Lochleven that she was denied proper paper and ink. The appearance of the original of this letter might support the legend that the queen Sometimes had recourse to the soot in the chimney of her apartment to serve for ink. The paper on which the letter is written is very coarse in quality, and the ink is very faint, In a letter from Sir Robert Melville to the laird of Lochleven he asks to be excused to the queen for not sending “her baggage” sooner.” The request in the queen's letter for embroidering needles and other materials is the more interesting because the identical work on which she Walter Scott paid a tribute to the “Memoirs” * Vol. iii. p. 186. The date of the letter written by Sir James. He said that they in that work is stated in the heading of it as may “justly be compared with the most 3d September 1567, while in the text it is valuable materials which British history printed the iiij September. In the print affords.”—[History of Scotland, edition 1850, the queen asks “rasene" needles to be sent vol. ii. p. 93.] to her at Lochleven. But the original says 1 Vol. i. pp. 102-107. “rasour ‘’ needles. * Vol. ii. of this work, p. 7, No. 8. 4 Ibid. p. 232. QUEEN MARY AT LOCHLEVEN. xxiii and her maidens employed their art at Lochleven is believed to be still in existence, in the possession of the Earl of Morton at Dalmahoy House, his ancestor being the custodier of Queen Mary. The relic in question is a piece of ancient worked tapestry which covers a folding screen. It is unfinished as the queen left it at her escape. As described by a lady writer, Miss Strickland, who had carefully examined it, the screen is “wrought with coloured wools in fine tent Stitch, on canvas of precisely the same fabric as that used by ladies of our own times for that kind of work; it is about twelve yards in length, but in Separate breadths, arranged one above another, on a high folding frame to form a screen. . . . The design is most elaborate, being a succession of pictorial groups of ladies and gentlemen dressed in the costume of the period, and richly decorated with rings, brooches, and chains. The jewels are worked in glazed flax thread, in satin stitch, and the pearls indicated by white dots.” Miss Strickland also in her work, to which reference may be made, gives a full account of the figures on the screen, which, however, is too long for repetition here. Sir Walter Scott, who saw the screen, confessed himself unable to make out the story, and fancied it must have been taken from some old ballad or French or Italian romance. But Miss Strickland expresses the opinion that the figures on the tapestry are “an allegorical illustration of the ill-fated loves of Mary herself and Darnley, the opposition to their union by Queen Elizabeth, her deter- » 2 mined hostility to both, and his tragical death. QUEEN MARY AT LOCHLEVEN CASTLE, AND VISITS TO HER THERE BY SIR ROBERT MELVILLE. During the years between 1561, when the queen returned from France to take up the rule of her own kingdom, and 1567, when she was imprisoned at Lochleven, Queen Mary made several pleasant visits to Lochleven. Apart- ments were fitted up for her reception at the castle with some show of royalty, beds and other furniture being provided.” Darnley also, on his visits to Lochleven, appears to have enjoyed the pleasures of the chase in the * Strickland's Queens of Scotland, vol. vi. p. 32. * Ibid. p. 33. * Inventories of Queen Mary, pp. 20, 21, 35, 50, 112. xxiv. INTRODUCTION. neighbourhood. A letter from him as king, dated from Burley Castle, to the laird of Lochleven, 11th November 1566, complains of poachers or “common shooters,” as he calls them, who are to be apprehended with their guns and sent to his Majesty. He also orders that no fires be made upon the waters for fishing, as it scares the fowls.” * One of Queen Mary's visitors at Lochleven was John Knox, the reformer, who, on 13th April 1563, went to expostulate with her Majesty as to her laxity in enforcing the penal laws against the Roman Catholics. The queen and Knox held a long conference in the castle, and again on the following day they had a second conference in the west of the town of Kinross, where the queen was hawking. Her imprisonment at Lochleven began on Tuesday the 17th June 1567, and ended by her escape” on Sunday, 2d May 1568. A fortnight after her imprisonment Sir Robert Melville paid a visit to the queen, on 1st July 1567, to report on his embassy to Queen Elizabeth in reference to Mary's marriage to Bothwell, and other business. Eight days after- wards Sir Robert Melville again visited Mary at Lochleven. A third visit by him soon after followed on 17th July, when it is supposed that he hinted to the queen an abdication by her in favour of her son. It is said that Melville carried to the queen in the scabbard of his sword a letter from Throgmorton, the English ambassador, advising Queen Mary to sign the abdication.* Melville also urged strongly that she should renounce all communication with Bothwell. But she declined, giving as one reason that she believed herself to be with child, and that a divorce from Bothwell might prejudice any offspring. In anticipation of Sir Robert Melville's visit to her, she had written a letter to Bothwell trusting that Sir Robert would forward it. But Sir Robert refused even to accept of the letter, and the Queen indignantly threw it into the fire. Soon after this episode there occurred one of the most painful transac- 1 The present Lord Balfour of Burley also claimed at the same time the title of Lord Kilwinning. A facetious friend said to the writer, who was engaged in the case, that Rilwinning should be Kilsharp. * Registrum Honoris de Morton, vol. i. p. 14. * A drawing of the queen's escape from the castle was made by John Clerk of Eldin, and appears in the collection of his well- known etchings printed for the Bannatyne Club. A more elaborate drawing of the royal escape was painted by the late D. O. Hill, secretary of the Scottish Academy, and engraved by William B. Scott. * Memoirs of Queen Mary by Claude Nau, her secretary, 1883, p. 64, PORTRAIT OF SIR. ROBERT MELVILLE. XXV tions connected with the residence of Queen Mary at Lochleven, namely, her resignation, on 24th July 1567, of the crown of Scotland in favour of her son, King James. The two commissioners appointed by the parliament and the regent were Lord Lindsay of the Byres and Lord Ruthven. Their unfeeling coercion towards the queen in obtaining her signature to the instrument of resignation of her kingdom has been often told, and need not be repeated here. But as Sir Robert Melville was present and took an active, although mediating, part in that transaction, and as amid the many portraits of royal and noble and distinguished persons at Melville House, of which a list is given in this work," none in that large collection has been identified as that of Sir Robert Melville, it may be permissible to exhibit in this place a fancy portrait of him which has been drawn by the master-hand of Sir Walter Scott, who thus writes:– “The personage who rode with Lord Lindsay at the head of the party was an absolute contrast to him in manner, form, and features. His thin and silky hair was already white, though he seemed not above forty-five or fifty years old. His tone of voice was soft and insinuating, -his form thin, spare, and bent by a habitual stoop, his pale cheek was expressive of shrewdness and intelligence, his eye was quick though placid, and his whole demeanour mild and conciliatory. He rode an ambling nag, such as were used by ladies, clergymen, or others of peaceful professions,—wore a riding habit of black velvet, with a cap and feather of the same hue, fastened up by a golden medal,—and for show, and as a mark of rank rather than for use, carried a walking sword (as the short light rapiers were called) without any other arms offensive or defensive.” ” 1 Vol. ii. pp. 336-340. Dr. M'Crie, in his Life of Andrew Melville, regrets that he was unable to find a portrait of him or of his nephew James. [Ed. 1856, p. 492.] * The Abbot, by Sir Walter Scott, ed. 1820, vol. ii. p. 160. The writer is tempted to place the companion portrait of Lord Lind- say, drawn by the same magic hand, beside that of Melville, but it is not so germane to the present subject. The writer has a profes- sional if not a personal interest in the great house of Lindsay. Forty years ago he as- sisted actively in opposing their claim to the WOL. I. dukedom of Montrose, created in the year 1488. On that occasion partisan feeling ran pretty high, and a noble lord said to the writer that the only fault he had to find with him was “that he fought against those Lind- says that he loved so dearly.” At a later period the writer was again engaged in fight- ing—this time on behalf of the Lindsays– to establish the claim of the present Lord Lindsay of the Byres and Earl of Lindsay. All the Lindsays, chief and cadets, have treated the writer with characteristic cour- tesy, whether he was engaged fighting for or against them professionally. xxvi INTRODUCTION. KEYS FOUND IN LOCHLEVEN. Before passing from the subject of Lochleven and Sir Robert Melville's visit there, notice may be taken of a relic with which his name has been connected. Sometime before 1820 a key was found in the loch, having become entangled in a fisherman's met, and was brought to the minister of Kinross, who presented it to the seventh Earl of Leven, and it is now at Melville House. It is a little over three inches long, with a Gothic bow highly decorated, the neck of open work, and the pipe and wards damasked over with engraved flowers. The date 1565 is deeply cut along the out- ward edge of the wards and the words “Marie Rex” on the rim of the bow. Miss Strickland describes it as a gold or richly gilt key, and assumes, from “its ornamental character and the inscription,” that it must have been the badge of office of Queen Mary's lord chamberlain, “and was probably lost by Sir Robert Melville in one of his voyages to or from the castle.” The keys of Lochleven Castle themselves are now in the possession of the Earl of Morton. manship. The keys are said to have been thrown into the loch by Willie They are five in number, large and small, of antique work- Douglas, the lad who assisted Queen Mary to escape, and to have been found in the beginning of the present century. Another set of keys, however, are said to be in the possession of Sir Charles Adam of Blairadam. Another key, with parts of the wards of a lock, was found in Lochleven Castle in 1831. As represented in a recent popular work, it is much ornamented, having human figures and birds twisted into the scroll-work which composes the handle. The wards of the lock, which may have belonged to some door or chest in the castle, are also curious.” * A label attached to the key gives the history of it. “This key was found in their nets by some fishermen on Lochleven, and taken by them to the minister of Kinross, who gave it to my grandfather. It was lent by my father to Lady Harriet St. Clair Erskine for the purpose of sketching it. She, however, had it copied, which copy is now at Dysart House.—ELIZABETH LESLIE MELVILLE CARTwPIGHT.” * Queens of Scotland, vol. vi. p. 71, n. An examination of the key seems to show that it is simply of brass, not of gold, as Miss Strickland alleges. The inscription “Marie Rex" and the date are of very doubtful authenticity. The key may be that of an old chest or wardrobe, and may or may not be connected with Sir Robert Melville. * An engraving of the key and the wards will be found in “Castles, Palaces, and Prisons of Mary of Scotland,” by Charles Mackie, ed. 1850, p. 369. QUEEN MARY's JEWELS AND SIR ROBERT MELVILLE. xxvii QUEEN MARY'S JEWELS. As Queen of Scotland and Queen Dowager of France, Queen Mary inherited many valuable jewels. Many of these were for a time in the custody of Sir Robert Melville, who duly delivered them to the queen at Bolton in England, as appears from her receipt in his favour." At a later date, however, they were rigorously inquired for by the regents, who obtained power from parliament to recover them. One of the most valuable was the famous “great Harry” which was presented by King Henry the Second of France to Queen Mary, his daughter-in-law. The Regent Murray, it appears, had bestowed it upon his wife. She held it with such a firm grasp that successive regents were baffled in its recovery. Great rigour was observed by the Regent Morton in his measures for recovering the jewels of the queen from holders of them, and in 1573, after the fall of Edinburgh Castle, Sir Robert Melville, as has been said, “with the halter round his neck,” had to answer for everything which had passed through his hands. But his life was spared at the intercession of Queen Elizabeth. FAMILY JEWELS OF THE FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. The fate of Queen Mary's jewels suggests that the family of Melville also have suffered loss of a similar kind. The parliament of Scotland on two occasions voted a jewel to the first Earl of Leven. The parliament of England also, in 1646, ordered a jewel to be delivered to his excellency the Earl of Leven as a testimony of their great respect to him and high esteem of his fidelity and gallantry.” There is some doubt if he received these, but another jewel was given to him by the King of Sweden, to which the earl refers in his last will, desiring it may be kept in his family as an heirloom.” None of these three jewels, if all were received, have been pre- served in the family. In the portrait of the first Earl of Leven, an engraving of which forms the frontispiece to the second volume of this work, there is suspended by a black ribbon around his neck, and on his breast, a * Vol. ii. of this work, p. 8. * Vol. ii. hereof, p. 96, No. 118. * Vol. iii. of this work, p. 175, No. 129. xxviii INTRODUCTION. miniature of Gustavus Adolphus. The order of which it was the badge was created by the king for his Swedish generals, and the first Earl of Leven is the only one known to whom the Order was given out of Sweden. that miniature has not been preserved." Even GOLD MEDAL OF 1628. A solid gold medal, known in the Leven and Melville family as the medal of Gustavus Adolphus, has been more fortunate in its preservation. It was exhibited by the late Mr. William Leslie Melville, with the consent of his brother David, Earl of Leven and Melville, the owner, to a meeting of the Numismatic Society on 26th February 1852. It excited much interest, and a member remarked that he believed it to be unique.” The obverse bears a pheon within a laurel garland, and the legend, “Deo optimo maximo, Imperatori Romano, Foederi posterisque, 1628,” translated thus:– To God the best and greatest, to the Roman Emperor, to the League and to posterity, 1628. The reverse bears an inscription, “Memoriae : Urbis. Stralsvndae Ao . MDCXXVIII Die XII - Mai, a Milite . Caesariano . Cinctæ Aliquoties oppug- natae . Sed Dei gratia . et ope: inclytor . Regwm Septentrional Die . xxiII. Ivli . Obsidione . Liberatae . S. P. Q - S - F - F. " Which being extended is:— “Memoriae Urbis Stralsvndae, Anno MDCXXVIII, die XII Mai, a milite Caesariano cinctae, aliquoties oppugmatae; sed Dei gratia et ope incly torum Regvm Septentrionalium, die XXIII Ivli obsidione liberatae. Senatus popu- lusque Stralsvndae fabricari fecerunt.” 1 Besides the portrait of the earl referred to, there is also at Melville House an en- graving, bearing the inscription—“THE POR- TRACTUR OF ALEXANDER LESLIE, EARLE OF I,EAVEN, GENERALL OF THE SCOTES ARMIE. AN. D. 1644.” It is a line engraving repre- senting him with long hair and beard and moustacle in the style of King Charles the First. Only the bust is shown. Another portrait which may be noted, as it is not named in the list given in volume second of this work, is a miniature likeness of John, Earl and Duke of Rothes, brother of Lady Margaret Leslie, who married Alexander, Lord Balgonie, son of the first Earl of Leven. It is contained in a finely enamelled locket. * Letter from J. Y. Akerman, secretary, 27th February 1852, at Melville House. THE STRALSUND MEDAL, 1628. xxix Which translated is :— In memory that the city of Stralsund, on the 12th day of May in the year 1628, was beleaguered by the army of the I(aiser, was several times attempted to be taken by storm, but by the grace of God, and the succour of the renowned Kings of the North, on the 23d day of July was delivered from siege, the council and people of Stralsund have caused [this medal] to be struck. The event which this medal commemorates is explained in the memoir of the first Earl of Leven, who was the hero on the occasion. An accurate engraving of both sides of the medal is here given. ºf Yºzºvºss º- º NººSºº-º-º-VS-A º sº-y-º" ºr "Ú-D º w º 5. sº 7"tºº sº S. &MU}^ *...*S As *S Jºº | N K. º, - - - s - º §§ºGº - ; : * º §Ivº: | ...ſº y *- . wºn 1 Nºvº º } * * * * t i" -- . . 1 • * > - º/ś(9); Nºſe w, t fº # - Z. A » - º f AS-0)/AS-X/º, ºf S ºGsNº º º 7& , º '. * *- *—ºr . §§ ºr rº gº º Sº º º Zſº * : - 3: *…* º Q ºAVº º º §N * -: º *"Tºº. IV º ºr lº º -- ~ s". it - . º sº º º º *** ** ºs-44 tº - - - - : & ºº::.…” º *†, § Q WA'º' j Lººſ ºjš (G/33; S. *\tº § {WA\!\ (~! sºy & !\!\!\!\ ^{i}} º - y - ; : I - i * * * > jºiſ ºr Aº - - ji. lººk : --Sº " .ii.ºl ºf iſ . . . . º.º.º.º. Tº º 'º','º' TAW - w Fº - * --- r , . ! - t ę ºlº Glºſºſºlº (3)\ * º vi * h ºn - # AS. - '*—S. - l .* \tº al º º || || tº ºs ***** J| " ' ' S º jº-Tº-, -, -5. . **J ; v |}}} ..}}} f || | t •w | º § § º ºft W ==|º]}:SQºſº, ºt l ..º. | - - * ... wº º º ! !" ::...STV5.5 x * * ** 4. t º'ſſ...}}| - rR * f \,\'s h + ; - - t r − i w - [...] w t * ºn §§§ %; º tº: N ºf rºa * - g - .N. th - i x * * * Jºš sº -- &T * -- - AM sº * º Arwu w º $5, ºfºº N Q § 5 U C tº C lºssº Before passing from the volume of correspondence, it may be noted that there are at Melville House many letters which passed between Anna, Duchess of Buccleuch and Monmouth and George, first Earl of Melville, and his son David, third Earl of Leven, whose countess, Lady Anne Wemyss, was a niece of the duchess. The correspondence between these friends chiefly relates to the management of the Buccleuch estates by Lord Melville. The letters were printed in “The Scotts of Buccleuch,” ” and it has been deemed unnecessary to reprint them in the present work. 1 Vol. i. of this work, p. 389. 2 Vol. ii. pp. 369-377. XXX INTRODUCTION. THE MELVILLE CHARTERS. The third volume contains CHARTERS AND MISCELLANEOUS MUNIMENTS of the Melville family. Eight of these charters were granted by King William the Lion between the years 1165 and 1214. Seven of them are in favour of the earliest known members of the Melville family—Galfrid of Melville, the justiciar, Gregory Melville his son and heir, and Richard the son of Gregory. It is very rarely that charters by King William the Lion are preserved in Scottish charter-chests: the present collection in that respect may be con- sidered unique. Reference is made in these charters to earlier grants to the Melvilles in the time of King Malcolm the Maiden, who reigned between the years 1153 and 1165. But these have not been preserved." A number of the early charters in the Melville charter-chest refer to the lands of Inchmartin in the county of Perth. The earliest of these is by Henry (of Stirling), one of the natural sons of David, Earl of Huntingdon and Garioch. He appears to have acquired the lands of Inchmartin before 1st November 1241, the date of his charter. It was granted for the sustenta- tion of a chaplain to serve for ever in the chapel of Inchmartin within the granter's court. The charter grants and provides to the chaplain a variety of rents, etc., from various subjects described. He was also to have the dwelling-house in which John the chaplain was wont to dwell, with the garden and court, and a toft. 1. In a recent work there was printed the earliest known charter connected with Scot- with the Hoop, and Hoop town, and all the bounds up and down, above the earth land, along with a facsimile. It was granted by King Duncan the Second to the monks of St. Cuthbert, in the year 1094, of Tyning- hame and other lands. [Memorials of the Earls of Haddington, 1889, vol. i. p. xxiii of Introduction.] Shortly after the publication of Duncan's charter a noble and distinguished author sent to the writer of the present work “Copy of the original charter of the lands of Pow- mode the year 1057.” “I, Malcolm Kan- more, King, the first of my reing, gives to the barron Hunter, Upper and Nether Pow- mode, with all the bounds within the flood, to heaven, and all below the earth to hell, as free to the and thine as ever God gave to me and mine, and that for a bow and a brod arrow when I come to hunt upon Yarrow. And for the mair faith Ibite the white wax with my teeth, before Margaret, my wife, and Mall, my nurse. Sic subscribitur MALCOLM KANMORE. Margaret, witness; Mall, wit- ness.” The copy had been recently for- warded to the correspondent, who asked if the original charter was preserved in Her Majesty's General Register House. Replying in the negative, the writer was bound to add his belief that no such charter ever existed. MELVII, LE HISTORICAL WEITS. xxxi These Inchmartin charters appear to have been acquired when the first Earl of Leven purchased Inchmartin. He changed the name to Inchleslie. After the property was sold by his descendant, these early charters of the time of the families of Inchmartin, Glen, and Ogilvie, who long held Inch- martin, remained with the Leslies of Leven. These Inchmartin charters have been of great use in elucidating the true history of the family of Wemyss of Wemyss, who intermarried with the Inchmartins and Glens. These intermarriages led to very complicated subdivisions of the Wemyss estates. But the preservation of the Inchmartin writs in the Melville collection of charters threw valuable light on a very intricate subject. Amongst the miscellaneous writs is a licence, in 1463, by King James the Third to William Scott of Balwearie, to construct a castle or fortalice in his lands of Balwearie, to fortify it with walls and ditches, strengthen it with iron gates, and provide it in the upper part with engines of defence, and with power to appoint constables, etc. The castle which was thus authorised to be built was long occupied by the family of Scott, and the ruins of it are still extant. The estate of Balwearie was afterwards acquired by Sir George Erskine of Invertiel, and inherited by the Melvilles of Raith, one of the minor titles of the first Earl of Melville being Lord Balwearie. When Prince Oscar of Sweden and Norway, now the king of these countries, was on a visit to Mr. and Lady Elizabeth Melville Cartwright at Melville House in the year 1871, His Royal Highness saw a portion of the royal charters and correspondence. He was much interested with the collec- tion. A selection of the charters of King William the Lion, and the letters of King James the Fifth, Queen Mary, King James the Sixth, and others, were lithographed for Prince Oscar, who was pleased to accept of the presentation very graciously. BAND FOR THE MURDER OF RICCIO. But interesting as these very ancient royal charters of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries are to the descendants of those to whom they were granted, as well as to charter scholars generally, the present collection con- 1 Vol. iii. of this work, p. 46, No. 49. xxxii INTRODUCTION. tains some documents possessing even a wider interest. One of these is the original band entered into by the Earls of Argyll, Murray, Glencairn, and Tothes, with Lords Boyd and Ochiltree, and their accomplices, to Henry, Lord Darnley, as King of Scotland. The band, ostensibly for the purpose of obtain- ing the crown-matrimonial for Darnley, bound the granters to take true part with him in all his actions, to be friends with his friends, and to be enemies to his enemies, and not to spare their lives to do him service. They also promised to fortify and maintain Darnley's title to the crown of Scotland failing succession of the queen. And should any person or persons oppose these objects, the banders promise to seek and pursue them, and to extirpate them out of the realm of Scotland, or take, or slay them. Of the four earls and two lords who were named in the band, only two earls and one lord actually subscribed it. These are James Stewart, Earl of Murray, Andrew Earl of Rothes, and Andrew Stewart of Ochiltree. The other three signa- tures to the band are those of William Kirkcaldy of Grange, John Wishart of Pittaro, and James Haliburton, the tutor of Pitcur." BOND BY KING HENRY DARNLEY. There can be little doubt that Argyll, Glencairn, and Boyd, who are specially named in the bond, though they did not actually adhibit their names, were privy to its object as much as the Earl of Murray and the other five who signed. Indeed, most of the nobility of Scotland were implicated, though only a few took a prominent part. The leaders of the conspiracy, however, distrusted Darnley so much that, while they pledged themselves to aid his views in regard to Riccio, they forced the king to bind himself to keep the whole of those concerned scatheless for the intended murder. Such 1 The band is dated at Newcastle the 2d omitted the indorsation on the original— March 1565-6. It was printed by Goodall, “Ame. band maid be my Lord of Murray but without the signatures. It was again, and certane other noblemen with him befoir along with other documents, printed in the the slauchtir of Davie.” This indorsation is year 1843 in the third volume of the Miscel- in a contemporary handwriting. There is lany of the Maitland Club, by the permission another indorsation in a later hand : “Ane of David, Earl of Leven and Melville. The band subscrywit to the Kyngis Maiestes six signatures adhibited to the band are there derrest fader.” given in facsimile. But there has been - BOND BY DARNLEY, 1566. xxxiii a bond, conceived in general terms, the king granted to Murray and his friends, but he also granted one of wider scope, in which he expressly affirmed his design against “ane straunger Italian callid David,” and stated that as he could not carry out his purpose alone, he had drawn certain “nobilite, erles, lords, barons, freholders, gentilmen, marchaints, and craftsmen,” to assist him. This important document, which Darnley violated almost immediately after the murder, has often been referred to, and is printed by Goodall," but as its contents are not so well known as those of the other bonds, the terms of it are here inserted from a copy in an English handwriting, preserved in the British Museum — - “Beit kend till all men by thies present lettres, We, Henry, by the grace of God King of Scotland and husband to the Quenes Maieste, forasmekle we, having consyderation of the gentle and good nature, with many other good qualites, in her Maieste, we haue thought pete, and also thinketh it great conscience to vs that is her husband, to suffer her to be abused or seduced by certeyn priuey persons, which it and vngodly [sic] not regarding her Maiestes honnour, ours, the nobilite therof, nor the common weal of the same, but sekes their oun commodites and priuey gaynes, specially ane straunger Italian callid Dauid, which may be thoccasion of her Maiestes destruction, ours, the nobilite and coffiun weall of the same, without hasty remedye be putt therunto, which we ar willing to do, and to that effect we have devised to take their priuey persons, ennemys to her Maieste, vs, the nobilite and common weale to punish them conform to their demerits, and in causes of any diffi- cultye to cutt them of immediately and sla them where ever it happens: And bycaus we cannot accomplish the same without thassistence of others, Therefor have we drawen certain of our mobilite, erles, lords, barons, freholders, gent., marchaints, and craftsmen, to assist vs in this our entreprise which cannot be finished without great hurt : And bycaus it may chaunce that there be sundry great persons present, who may make them ganestand our entreprise, where with sum of them may be slayn, and likewise of ours, wherewith perpetuel fead may be contracted betwixt the one pertye and the other, Therfor we bynd and oblige vs, our heyres and successors, to the said earles, lords, barons, freholders, gentilmen, marchants, and craftsmen, their heyres and successors, that we shall except the forsayd fead on vs and fortifye and maynteyn them at the vttermoost of our powers; and shalbe freend to their freends and ennemy to their ennemys; and shall neither suffer them nor theirs to be molested nor troubled in their bodyes, lands, goodds, rowmes, possessions, so far as is in vs: And if any person wold call any of the sayd earles, 1 Goodall's Queen Mary, vol. i. pp. 266-8. WOL. I. - f xxxiv. INTRODUCTION, lords, barons, freholders, gentilmen, marchants, and craftsmen, for entreprising or assisting with vs for achieving of our purpos, bycause it may chaunce to be don in the presence of the Quenes Maieste or within her pallaice of Holy-roudhouse, we by the woord of a prince shall accept to take the same on vs, now as then and then as nowe, and shall warraunt and kepe harmeles the forsayd earles, lords, barons, freholders, gent., marchants, and craftsmen at our vtter power. In witnes wherof we haue subscribed this present with our hand. At Edinbrough the first of March the yeres of God 1565.” DEATH OF RICCIO, The bond by the king, as above cited, was dated 1st March 1565-66, and that by Murray and his friends at Newcastle on the following day. A week afterwards, on Saturday evening, 9th March, the unhappy Riccio was murdered in the queen's apartments at Holyrood. The circumstances attending “the slauchtir of Davie’ have been often told by historians, but the account of it by Mr. Tytler is so graphic that it may be permissible to repeat it here — “On Saturday evening about seven o'clock, when it was dark, the Earls of Morton and Lindsay, with a hundred and fifty men bearing torches and weapons, occupied the court of the palace of Holyrood, seized the gates without resistance, and closed them against all but their own friends. At this moment Mary was at supper in a small closet or cabinet, which entered from her bed-chamber. She was attended by the Countess of Argyll, the commendator of Holyrood, Beaton, master of the household, Arthur Erskine, captain of the guard, and her secretary, Riccio. The bed-chamber communicated by a secret turnpike stair with the king's apartment below, to which the conspirators had been admitted; and Darnley, ascending this stair, threw up the arras which concealed its opening in the wall, entered the little apartment where Mary sat, and casting his arm fondly round her waist, seated himself beside her at table. A minute had scarcely passed when Ruthven, clad in complete armour, abruptly broke in. This man had just risen from a sickbed ; his features were sunk and pale from disease, his voice hollow, and his whole appearance haggard and terrible. Mary, who was now seven months gone with child, started up in terror, commanding him to be gone ; but ere the Words were uttered torches gleamed in the outer room, a confused noise of voices and weapons was heard, and the next moment George Douglas, Car of Faudonside, and other conspirators, rushed into the * British Museum, Calig. B. ix. f. 216, DEATH OF RICCIO. XXXV closet. Ruthven now drew his dagger, and calling out that their business was with Riccio, made an effort to seize him; whilst this miserable victim, springing behind the queen, clung by her gown, and in his broken language called out, ‘Giustizia giustizia | Sauve ma vie, madame; sauve ma vie l’ All was now uproar and confusion; and though Mary earnestly implored them to have mercy, they were deaf to her entreaties. The table and lights were thrown down ; Riccio was stabbed by Douglas over the queen's shoulder; Car of Faudonside, one of the most ferocious of the conspirators, held a pistol to her breast, and whilst she shrieked with terror, their bleeding victim was torn from her knees and dragged, amidst shouts and execrations, through the queen's bedroom to the entrance of the presence-chamber. Here Morton and his men rushed upon him, and buried their daggers in his body. So eager and reckless were they in their ferocity, that in the struggle to get at him they wounded one another; nor did they think the work complete till the body was mangled by fifty-six wounds," and left in a pool of blood, with the king's dagger sticking in it, to show, as was afterwards alleged, that he had sanctioned the murder. “Nothing can more strongly show the ferocious manners of the times than an incident which now occurred. Ruthven, faint from sickness, and reeking from the scene of blood, staggered into the queen's cabinet, where Mary still stood distracted and in terror of her life. Here he threw himself upon a seat, called for a cup of wine, and being reproached for the cruelty of his conduct, not only vindicated himself and his associates, but plunged a new dagger into the heart of the unhappy queen by declaring that her husband had advised the whole. She was then ignorant of the completion of the murder, but suddenly one of her ladies rushed into the room and cried out that their victim was slain. “And is it so I’ said Mary; “then farewell tears, we must now think of revenge.” ” 1 Thirty-four of these are said to have been in his back. died a natural death. But two of his sons were murdered. The elder of the two was the notorious James Stewart, the usurper of the earldom of Arran. A more pleasing reminiscence of Lord Ochiltree's family is the fact that his daughter Margaret married * Tytler's History, Edition 1845, vol. v. pp. 343-5. It maybe noted that as the signatories to the bond at Newcastle were six of the most prominent actors in the affairs of Scotland, so two of them at least met with violent deaths. Murray, called “the good Regent,” was assassinated, while Sir William Kirkcaldy of Grange was executed. Andrew, Lord Ochiltree, although wounded in the battle of Langside, is believed to have the reformer John Knox, of whom Lord Ochiltree was a strong supporter. Her second husband was Andrew Ker of Fawdon- side, son of the man who earned the unenviable distinction of having actively assisted in the murder of Riccio, and of presenting a pistol at the Queen. xxxvi INTRODUCTION. DARNLEY's DENIAL OF HIS BOND. As a sequel to the bond already quoted, in which Darnley affirmed his murderous intentions towards Riccio, and bound himself to shield and support his accomplices, the proclamation by which he afterwards asserted his innocence is noteworthy. The very event which his fellow-conspirators dreaded, and against which they tried to guard, happened as they feared. Darnley was swayed by the queen, first to accompany her out of Edinburgh, and then to betray his accomplices. Three days after the murder, the king and queen fled to Dunbar, and five days later returned to Edinburgh accom- panied by a considerable armed force. The conspirators took alarm and escaped from Scotland, before a decree of the privy Council was issued against them on 19th March 1565-6." In issuing this decree the queen asserted that she was assured of the assistance of her husband, who had declared to her in the presence of the Council his innocency of the conspiracy, and a formal proclamation to this effect was published on the following day. The general opinion as to which proceeding may be gathered from Knox, who says that it “made all understanding men laugh . . . Since the king not only had given his consent, but also had subscribed the bond; ” while another historian writes, “All men were discharged by proclamation to affirme that the king was partaker or privie to the last fact ; wherat manie Smiled.” The proclamation has been printed by Goodall,” but as his work is little known, it is repeated here:— “Apud Edinbroug, xx Martii 1565. “Forasmuchas diuers Sedicious and wicked persons haue maliciously sowed rumors, bruts, and pryve whisperings amongst the lieges of our realm, slaunder- ously and irreverently backbiting the kings majestie, as that the late conspiracye and cruel murder committed in presence of the quenes majeste, and treasonable deteyning of her majestes moost noble persone in captiuitye, was done at his com- maundement, by his counsaill, assistence, and approbation, his grace, for the removing of the evill opinion which the good subjects may be induced to conceyve through such false reports and sedicious rumors, hath aswell to the quenes majeste as in the presence of the lords of secret counsaill, plainly declared, vppon * Register of Privy Council, vol. i. pp. 436, 437. * Goodall's Queen Mary, vol. i. pp. 280, 281, RICCIO AND MELVILLE CASTLE. xxxvii his honour, fidelite, and the woord of a prince, that he nevir knewe of any part of the sayd treasonable conspiracye wherof he is slaundrously and Sakelesly tra- duced, nor never counsailed, commaunded, consented, assisted, nor approved the same. Thus farr onely his highnes oversaw himself in to, that at the intisement and perswasion of the sayd late conspirators, his grace, without the quenes majestes advise and knowledge, consented to the bringing home out of England of the Earles of Murrey, Glencarn, Rothes, and other persons being theer, with whom her highnes was offended, which he hath in no wise denyed, and this is the simple, syncere, and playn truth, to all and Sundry to whome it effers be it made knowen and manifest by thies presents.” " - There is probably truth in the assertions of the enemies of Riccio that he acquired an undue influence in the management of state business, owing to the partiality of Mary. During the five years which Riccio was in the service of the queen, he rose rapidly in her favour and confidence. He was a Savoyard of humble parentage. He came to Edinburgh in the train of the ambassador of the Duke of Savoy. He was soon afterwards appointed one of the valets of the queen. After a service in that capacity, he was promoted to the more important office of French Secretary, and at the same time seems to have acted as privy purse both to the king and queen. The enemies of Riccio maintain that he was deformed in his person and unprepossessing in his appearance. These defects he strove to hide by the gorgeousness of his apparel. Knox says “that at this time, 1565, David Riccio, Italian, began to be higher exalted, inasmuch as there was no matter or thing of importance done without his advice.” Buchanan even goes the length of saying that Mary wished to make Riccio a peer of Scotland, and to invest him with the old lordship and barony of Melville.” At the time of Riccio's murder, James, Lord Ross of Hawkhead was proprietor of the lordship of Melville, and it appears that Queen Mary had occasionally resided at the house of Melville, and that her Italian secretary had been so frequently visitor to her there, that even the house of Melville came to be called Riccio's house. Lord Ruthven, as the chief actor in the murder of Riccio, upbraided the queen that Riccio “ had caused her Majesty to put out the Lord Ross * Caligula B. ix. fol. 217 (copy). * Knox's History, vol. ii. p. 513, vide also p. 519. * Buchanan, Lib. xvii. cap. 55. xxxviii INTRODUCTION. from his whole lands, because he would not give over the lordship of Melvin to the said Davie.” + Among other prominent documents in this volume may be noted the commissions granted by the convention of estates in 1639 and 1640 appointing Sir Alexander Leslie, afterwards the first Earl of Leven, to be general of the forces. So unanimous were these commissions that they bear the signature of nearly every member of the estates. The first of the two, that of 1639, is printed for the first time in this work, but the second was printed in the Miscellany of the Maitland Club in 1843, and facsimiles were given of all the signatures. MANUSCRIPTS AT MELVILLE HOUSE. In addition to the various charters and letters printed or referred to in these volumes, there are at Melville the following manuscripts of interest — 1. A manuscript copy of Bishop Leslie's History of Scotland, in a hand- writing of the later part of the sixteenth century.” 2. A copy of the National Covenant of 1580, as renewed in 1638, and subscribed in 1639, by Sir Alexander Leslie, afterwards first Earl of Leven. His signature is the third from the left, immediately following those of the Earls of Argyll and Rothes, and is followed by the names of Eglinton, Dun- fermline, Lindsay, Wigtown, Montrose, and others. 3. A volume of Minutes of the Privy Council during a portion of the year 1689 and 1690. They are apparently copies of the daily minutes which were made for Alexander, Lord Raith, and they have since been collected and bound together. To these may be added a number of Household books, from about the year 1630 onwards, some of which have been quoted from in the memoirs. Various members of the family also, who held high official positions, have left a large collection of documents, which it was impossible to include in this work, but which may supply materials for a future historian, 1 Scotia Rediviva, p. 341. the gaps in it have been supplied by a modern hand from a MS. of similar date in the British * The original MS, is much mutilated, and Museum. THE ANCIENT BARONY OF MELVII.L.E. xxxix LANDS AND BARONIES OF THE MELVILLE FAMILY. During the seven centuries and upwards in which the family of Melville have flourished in Scotland they have been prominently associated with the baronies of Melville in Midlothian, and Raith and Monimail or Melville in Fife, and other territorial possessions. This appears from the history of the family; but it may be interesting to trace here the successive baronies and lands of the Melvilles in more comprehensive form than could well be done in the memoirs. 1. THE LORDSHIP, BARONY, AND PARISH OF MELVILLE, IN MIDLOTHIAN. As stated in the memoir of Galfrid Melville, the first lord of Melville, he appears to have bestowed his own name upon a portion of the lands which he held in Midlothian. The extent of the lands thus named Melville, which lay on the banks of the North Esk, is somewhat difficult to define, as neither the early nor later charters give any indication on the point. The lands of Melville, however, gave name to the whole possessions which Galfrid Mel- ville and his posterity held in Scotland, as at a very early date they are described as lords of the barony of Melville. The original charter of erection of the barony of Melville has not been discovered, but it must have been previous to the year 1429, as in that year John Melville was served heir to his father, Thomas Melville, in the barony of Melville. The barony, however, was of new erected by King James the Fourth in favour of John, second Lord Ross of Hawkhead, the son of Agnes Melville, the heiress of Melville. The charter, which is dated 21st February 1509, describes the lands then possessed by the granter as the heir of the Melvilles, but without detailing their boundaries or extent. The lands then comprehended in the barony were: the town and lands of Melville, with mill; the lands of Stenhouse, with mill; and the lands of Mosshouses, all in the county of Edinburgh: Tartraven; Preston, with mill; and Waterston, in * Retour. Inventory of Melville writs. xl INTRODUCTION. the county of Linlithgow ; and the land of “Morowingsidis" or Muiravon- side, in the county of Stirling. The barony of Melville thus re-erected was, however, not identical with the earlier lordship of Melville. In 1344 the barony of Melville, as it is then called, included, in addition to the lands named in the charter of 1509, the lands of Leadburn in Peeblesshire, and in 1379 it also included Greviston or Grieston and Hallmyre, in the same county, with Hawthornden, and the superiority at least of the lands of Granton, both in the county of Edinburgh. All these territories were in the possession of the lords of Melville, and a brief notice of each, in the order of their acquisition so far as known, may here be given. The earliest Melville charter which has been preserved is a grant by King William the Lion to Galfrid Melville and his son of that land which Malbeth held in Liberton, having the same marches, and the land of Lechernard or Letbernard. Both these lands had belonged to Malbet, a baron of the time of King David the First, who in one or two charters is called Malbet of Liberton. He is also named Malbet Ber or Bere, and in two instances his name is spelt Macbet. He was owner of a part of the modern parish of Liberton, and apparently founded the church of that parish, which he endowed with lands in Liberton and also with a grant from Letbernard, probably Leadburn. It is doubtless from the name of this baron of Liberton that the popular tradition arose that the ancient church of that parish was founded by King Macbeth. The particular lands in Liberton thus granted to Galfrid Melville cannot be ascertained, but they do not appear to have remained long in the possession of the Melville family, as no reference is made to them in charters later than 1190. They probably lay near or round the tower of Liberton, but a portion of them was granted by the younger Galfrid Melville to the monks of Holy- rood, and the rest may have been otherwise disposed of. Perhaps, however, the district known as Liberton then comprehended the lands now known as Melville, from the name of Galfrid Melville, who is the first recorded owner. These are the lands of Melville Grange, South Melville, Wester Melville, Melville Mains, with the parks and haughs round and near Melville Castle in Midlothian, with Elginhaugh, Westfield, and other pendicles MELVILLE CASTLE, MIDLOTHIAN. xli in the neighbourhood. The estate as thus formed is situated in the three modern parishes of Liberton, Dalkeith, and Lasswade, but it may originally have been in the territory known as Liberton. The present fine castellated edifice of Melville Castle was built in the year 1786, after plans by John Playfair, architect, on the site of the old house or fortalice of Melville. It was built for the Right Honourable Henry Dundas, afterwards Wiscount Melville, who took his title from the estate which had been purchased by his father-in-law, Mr. David Rennie, from the Lords Ross, the former owners." There is reference to a house at Melville so early as the year 1177, which was probably erected by Galfrid Melville, but it does not appear to have been a castle. Nor is there in any charter, so far as has been found, any reference to a fortalice or tower on the lands, the place being mentioned merely as the principal messuage. The connection of Queen Mary's secretary, David Riccio, with Melville has been noted, and tradition may be correct in stating that he planted some of the fine trees in the grounds. bears his name, still remains. One of these trees, an old oak, which It is on the right-hand side of the approach looking towards the castle from the west, and about 250 yards from it. It is 48 feet high, and its circumference 20 feet 10 inches, according to measurements made some years ago.” The existence of a mansion-house at Melville in the time of Queen Mary is instructed by a contract dated at Melville in the year 1573, between Lord and Lady Ross, then proprietors of Melville, and John Hering in Gilmerton, as to coal working on the Melville estate. as a specimen of such agreements, The document is of some interest The parties to it are James, fourth Lord Ross, with his wife, Jean Sempill, on the one part, and John Hering, in * There is at Melville Castle a painting of the old mansion of Melville, made shortly before its demolition in the year 1786. Two Victoria also visited the castle in 1842. The larger of Lord Eldin's etchings has been reproduced in Grant's “Old and New Edin- etchings of Melville Castle by John Clerk of Eldin were made shortly before its removal to make way for the new castle. These etchings show the large trees near the castle [Clerk’s Etchings, Bannatyne Club, 1855, No. X.] King George the Fourth visited Melville Castle when in Scotland in 1822, and Queen WOL. I. burgh,” vol. iii. p. 363. There is an engrav- ing of the new castle in “The Beauties of Scotland, 1819,” and it is also photographed in the “Castles and Mansions of the Lothians,” [vol. ii.]. ? Oak Trees of Scotland in Transactions of the Highland Society. 9. xlii INTRODUCTION. Gilmerton, for himself and his colliers, on the other. Hering undertakes, “God willing,” to win coal and coal-heughs within the bounds and farms of Melville, Easter and Wester, and binds himself and his craftsmen to enter eight colliers to labour the place where the coal shall happen to be, within three days from date, who shall be partners with him in all expenses and profits of working the coal. They shall labour a level and water-pots for drawing off water and keeping dry the coal and coal-heughs. Hering also promises to work the coal, upper and mether, in such a way that “the samin Sall not be fullzeit ouir-rwn nor waistit be ony maner of way, and to work and Seik the mane coill, vuir and methir, to the vtirmest hall of the Samin, Safer as pos- sibill is to ony workmen to laubour or do in sic behaulffis.” The contract is to endurefortwo years only from the date of Hering's entry on 14th November 1573. Lord and Lady Ross, on the other hand, bind themselves to cause “men of jwgement and vnderstanding ” to examine the work twice or thrice or oftener in the year, and if it be not done to the owner's profit, the contract shall be void. It shall also expire if Hering should die or fail within the two years. Lord and Lady Ross are also bound to pay Hering one-half of the expenses incurred in winning the coal, and to find “and Sustene quarrell mellis, quarrell pikis, wageis, towis, forkis, rowis, doggis, and buckattis, if meid beis to that effect, as vse is requiseit in sic caiss.” Further, Hering for performing the contract shall have the third of Lord and Lady Ross's part of the coal that shall happen to be won, he sustaining the third of the expenses as they do. Providing always that the grieve or overseer to be appointed over the coal working shall be chosen by Lord ROSS and Lady Ross. They shall also receive from Hering yearly during the contract three dozen draughts of coal, one dozen at Christmas, Easter, and Whitsunday respec- tively, which coals are to be free and not named or counted as “pairtismenis pairtis nor collearis coillis.” The parties bind themselves faithfully to observe the contract, which is dated at Melville on the 11th November 1573.” Whether Galfrid Melville built a house or stronghold on his property or not, one of his first acts was to erect and endow a church at Melville, the 1 Original contract. Among the witnesses and Sir John Rolland, notary public. The are John Ross of Swanston, John Ross in latter is known as the author of “The Court Tartraven, Hew Ross, brother to Lord Ross, of Venus’ and other poems. THE OLD CHURCH OF MELVII, L.E. xliii patronage of which he granted to the monks at Dunfermline, and which they held down to the Reformation. He endowed the church with lands which cannot now be traced by name, but which probably comprised part of the haugh land by the side of the North Esk. The church was dedicated to St. Andrew, and the parish, called Melville, afterwards attached to it was composed of the barony of Melville and the smaller barony of Lugton near Dalkeith." In 1615 the church was in a ruinous condition. The parish had previously, in 1583, been united by the general assembly to Newbattle, but in 1632 the commissioners of teinds suppressed the parish, described as “the paroch kirk and parochine of St. Androis.” They also disjoined “the tounes and lands of Lugtoun and Melvill, with thair pertinents,” of which the parish was composed, and united Lugton to Dalkeith and Melville to Lasswade, an arrangement which was ratified by parliament in the year 1633.” The exact situation of the old church of Melville is believed to have been within the grounds of St. Anne's, Lasswade, the present residence of Dr. Falconer. Only a small portion of the foundations can now be said to remain of the ancient building, which must have stood close to the river Esk, as in May 1642 the kirk-session of Lasswade paid to Francis Somervell six shillings “for uptaking the stanes that fell from St. Andro's kirk end into the water.” So early as 1622, at a visitation of the kirk and parish of Lasswade, Archbishop Spottiswood gave permission for repairs of the kirkyard dyke to be made with stones from the kirk of Melville, then in ruins. Further demolition of the building was made in 1659, when stones were taken from it by permission of Lord Ross to build a manse for the minister of Lasswade. In the garden of St. Anne's, human bones are frequently dug up, revealing the site of the * The building stood within a stone-cast of them until about 1620. The king then pre- the church of Lasswade, and on account of this proximity it was not provided either with a minister or reader at the Reformation; but Mr. John Aird, an “expectant ’’ or proba- tioner in Dalkeith presbytery, had charge as a minister at Melville from 1612 to 1614. He probably, however, did not enjoy the fruits of the benefice, as these had been granted by King James the Sixth in 1586 to John Her- ries, minister of Newbattle, and again in 1610 to another John Herries, who enjoyed sented the vacant stipend, glebe, and teinds to Mr. James Porteous, minister of Lasswade, who was a member of the assembly of 1638, and died in 1643, “being one of those ac- counted eminent in their day for “grace and gifts or faithfulness and success.” [Memorials of the Montgomeries, vol. ii. p. 287; Scott's Fasti, Part I. pp. 289, 293.] * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v. pp. 145, 146. xliv INTRODUCTION. ancient burying ground of Melville; and an old resident in the neighbour- hood remembers that when a boy he saw cart-loads of soil containing remains of the dead carted from the site of the old carpet-manufactory at St. Anne's and spread upon the school green. The burial-ground was used long after the church became ruinous. In 1634 the kirk-session of Lasswade enacted that a register should be kept, both of those buried in the kirkyard of Lass- wade “and St. Andros quhilk is for Melville, from this day foorth.”” The Lords Ross, probably as representing the Melville family, also held rights over certain lands in Liberton parish known as the “, Kirklands of St. Catherine, called the Oyliewell.” These lands belonged to a very ancient chapel dedicated to St. Catherine, which stood, with its burying-ground, near the modern mansion of St. Catherine's. The remains of it, however, have long since disappeared. A rising ground to the east, now known as Gracemount, was formerly called Priesthill, and may have formed part of the kirklands of St. Catherine's. The fact that Lord Ross was patron of the chapel seems to point to a right inherited from the lords of Melville, but this is not instructed by extant charter evidence of an early date. The “Oyliewell" or Balmwell of St. Catherine's was at one time an object of veneration for its healing powers. King James the Sixth on his visit to Scotland in 1617 went to see it. The well is still in good preservation. 2. THE LANDS OF LEADBURN IN THE PARISH OF PENICUIK. Although the lands of Lechernard, Letbernard, or Leadburn, which also had belonged to Malbet, were, like those of Melville, in the possession of Galfrid Melville from the time of King Malcolm the Fourth, there is very little mention of them in the extant writs of the family, and no very definite information has been obtained from other sources. The lands were in the possession of John Melville, lord of the Barony of Melville, in 1344, but the territory appears to have been broken up before the time of his grandson of the same name, who mortgaged various parts of his lands. So far as can be gathered the Leadburn which was granted to Galfrid Melville included the modern lands of Halls, Mosshouses, Temple Hall, as well as the modern Leadburn, and probably others which have not been ascertained. Of these * From information supplied by a gentleman at Loanhead, and communicated to the writer. THE LANDS OF LEADBURN, STENHOUSE, ETC. xlv. lands Halls passed into possession of a branch of the family of Ramsay. Temple Hall was mortgaged in 1386 to Sir William Douglas of Strathbrock. Mosshouses was also mortgaged to Henry Douglas of Logton about 1392, but was apparently redeemed, as it was inherited by Lord Ross with the rest of the Barony of Melville. 3. LANDS OF STENHOUSE, LIBERTON. The small estate of Stenhouse, situated to the east of, and not far from the church of Liberton, was among the earliest possessions of the Melvilles. It was for a time in the hands of Galfrid Melville, the younger, ancestor of the Melvilles of Carnbee, and his descendants also held it in tenandry along with their lands of Granton. But it reverted to the main line, as it is named in the charter of the Barony of Melville in favour of Lord Ross in 1509. 4. LANDS OF TARTRAVEN, PRESTON, AND OTHERS IN LINLITHGOWSHIRE. These lands are not named in any of the early charters by King William the Lion now in the Melville charter-chest, but they were in possession of the family at a very early period, if not so early as the time of King Malcolm the Fourth. Tartraven, or Retrevyn as it was then called, formed part of the dowry of Matilda Malherbe, the second wife of Galfrid Melville the elder, about 1180. The lands in Linlithgowshire, afterwards incorporated in the barony of Melville, appear to have been Preston, Tartraven, and Mid- Tartraven, with the mains of Preston and Tartraven and others lying near. At Tartraven there was a chapel dedicated to St. Leonard, which was endowed, if not erected, by Sir Richard Melville about 1200, and placed under the charge of the prior and canons of St. Andrews, with whom a special agreement concerning it was made in the year 1344 by John Melville of that ilk. The further history of the chapel has not been ascertained. 5. MUIRAVONSIDE, IN STIRLINGSHIRE, Among the other lands erected in 1509 into the united barony of Melville was the territory of Muiravonside, a place which now gives name to a parish. The “Statistical Account” of the parish and other authorities give , Registrum Honoris de Morton, vol. ii. p. 179. xlvi INTRODUCTION. the popular name of it as “Moranside,” deriving the name from the moory character of the district. The earliest charter, however, in which it is named in this work, dated between 1189 and 1199, furnishes a different reason for the name given to the parish. Between these years Sir Richard Melville married Margaret Prat, daughter of Reginald Prat, lord of Tynedale, in Northumberland, who granted as his daughter's dowry his lands of “Mor- gunessete” or “Murgamesete.” The lands which thus came into possession of the lords of Melville, and the boundaries of which are fully given in the charter to Sir Richard Melville," though their limits cannot now be traced, evidently took their name from One of their principal land-marks, described in the charter as the seat of St. Morgan. The land-mark in question may be the eminence known as Sight Hill, but who St. Morgan was is doubtful. There is no St. Morgan in the Romish calendar, though a St. Moran or Moder- andus has a place there. The latter, however, is not usually reckoned among Scottish Saints, and it is probable that “Morgan” is merely a variation of the name of St. Marnan or St. Miren, both of whom were prominent teachers in Scotland. This view is corroborated by the fact that the parish church is said to have been dedicated to St. Marnua. The present parish of Muiravonside was formed in 1648. In terms of a petition by James, Earl of Callendar, patron of the churches of Falkirk, Denny, and Muiravonside, Parliament, on the recommendation also of the presbytery of Linlithgow, disjoined from Falkirk the church and parish of Muiravonside, reserving the rights of the patron, and granting all privileges due to the minister of the parish.” HAWTHORNDEN IN MIDLOTHIAN. Besides the barony of Melville, which, as shown, comprehended in 1509 not only the lands of that name in Midlothian, but also the other estates enumerated above, the Melvilles held for a time other lands, which did not descend with the heiress of Melville to the Ross family. Of these the most important was the estate of Hawthornden, which was the property of John Melville of Melville in 1386, and he for a time resided at the castle, 1 Vol. iii. of this work, pp. 4, 5. * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi. part ii. p. 119. HAWTHORNDEN, xlvii This possession of Hawthornden by the Melvilles has been unnoticed by historians. In the time of King Robert Bruce the castle of Hawthornden and the lands round it were in the hands of Sir Laurence Abernethy, a cadet of the family of Abernethy of Saltoun. In 1338 he was a partisan of the English, and held the castle in their interest. His lands of Hawthornden in Midlothian, Myrehall or Halmyre in Peeblesshire, Borthwickshiels in Rox- burghshire, and Lamberton in Berwickshire, were forfeited to the Crown, and granted by King David the Second to various persons." According to a recent writer, the greater portion of the lands forfeited by Sir Laurence were restored to his son Hugh, and were afterwards inherited by daughters of Sir Laurence, co-heiresses.” There is no evidence given in support of this last statement, but it is not improbable that it was in some such way that the lands of Hawthornden came to John Melville. For it would appear that he held also part of the lands of Halmyre in Peeblesshire, which had belonged to Sir Laurence Abernethy, and this fact corroborates the probability of a division between co-heiresses. But the evidence presently available does not show whether John Melville himself married one of these co-heiresses, or whether he inherited from one of them as his mother or grandmother, but the latter view is the most probable, Some authorities, ignorant of the Melville connection with Hawthornden, have stated that in 1388 it was in possession of the Abernethys, who sold it to the family of Douglas. The lands of Hawthornden did come into the hands of a family of the name of Douglas, who occupied them until about 1596, when they were sold to Sir John Drummond, father of the celebrated poet. But the transactions which took place in 1386, 1399, and 1400, between John Melville and his “cousin” or kinsman, Sir William Douglas, son and heir of Sir James Douglas of Strathbrock, were the first dealings of the Douglases with the lands, which came into their possession at a later date. The writs by John Melville are in the form of leases, but they were in reality wadsets or mortgages, as in the first document he refers to a sum of money paid to him, for which he leases the lands for ten years. But how or when the Douglases obtained full possession of 1 Robertson's Index, pp. 54, 56, 57, 116. * The Frasers of Philorth, by Lord Saltoun, vol. ii. pp. 158, 159. xlviii INTRODUCTION. Hawthornden cannot be learned from any documents now in the Melville charter-chest. John Melville refers also to part of the lands of Grieston, in Traquair parish and Buteland, in Currie parish, which may also have come to him with Hawthornden, Grieston remained in the hands of the Melvilles until 1473, but its later history, and also that of Buteland, have not been ascertained. MELVILLE HOUSE AND THE PALACE OF MONIMAIL, IN FIFE. This noble mansion, which was erected by George, first Earl of Melville, about 1692, stands a short distance to the South of an older building called the Palace of Monimail, from its being the country residence of the bishops and archbishops of St. Andrews." The lands of Monimail, on which the palace was built, were in possession of the see of St. Andrews at a very early date. Only a portion of the old palace now remains. It is known as Cardinal Beaton's Tower, and a lithographed representation of it, as well as of Melville House, is given in the present work, The acquisition of the house or palace of Monimail by Sir Robert Melville of Murdochcairnie has been explained in his memoir, and the circumstances under which John Hamilton, archbishop of St. Andrews, sold the house in 1564 to Sir James Balfour of Pittendreich have also been narrated. These need not be repeated here, as the writs there quoted contain all the informa- tion now in the Melville charter-chest. But the archbishop's charter, and that to Sir Robert Melville, only deal with the house and its immediate surroundings, the green before the Outer gate, the whole being described as “within all the principal dykes,” which were probably mounds of turf which fenced off the house and grounds from the neighbouring lands, which had been feued to separate proprietors. 1 John Hamilton, archbishop of St. Andrews, was residing at his palace of Monimail, when he was cured of a dangerous malady (phthisis, according to some writers) by Jerome Car- dan, the famous Italian physician, by means of the healing virtues of a well, which is adjacent to the palace, and is still known as Cardan’s well. A late minister of the parish of Monimail, however, disputed the virtues of the well, declaring that the cure was really effected by the exercise enjoined upon “the lazy prelate,” as he calls him, of walking to and from the well, though the distance is inconsiderable. A few years ago a young calf, grazing in the park in which the well is situated, fell into it and was drowned. The well has thus the distinction of having cured an archbishop and killed a calf. *--• ►" - , , ,'$șĚJË ---- §), ----& •-----~--~~~~ ***~~~~...,~vº R-~<!$$…. : (~~~~. -- ***<!-- .-.-; *<(?)----§§- ×#}&&&řğźń ****ſ ¿№ſiț¢ B I S H O P 's · P A L A C E A T M O N | M A | L ; C A R D | N A L B E A T O N ' S T O W E R . {{| • `„ºſ|- (K) \, …» :ff/,· · Źź, ſgſ; // ķ%éſ ¿??¿::Ķī£®£ · ~~~~ .-§§2,5)-* X *- §§§§§<!--***#!***! ^ . .«$>--<!--№tºwº.~º: … ;-º ~5-__, ~~~~ ~~~~ · ---→-…* • ** ----|---- • --34. . --~--~~~:~L=- <--ºſé--->=2)&~~. ----(„*,* ^--- - - -|-|----~~~~2,3-, º!\, , , , * · · · -- |---+-4%# ¿ș&&(~~~~**-º-º-№v- *t-Lº-Yºzgae, đeººſ,... ~~~~ **!!!--2,4-4, Cº(aef, ----2,3-'':<ſ><\,; |t;24a<!-- …za, º----3,. . . . . . $ *¿.→ſ, →~~~~a,-·~º:· * --* \)'; *,\,~~~~);~~ ~~ 、、、·#***į.ſ-ae **~~~~), , :’, :, :, , \,; – " ( → ). . . . . . · :j!ſºsy;ae fºa *z*,…,\{z~.~* • Tº-::{{<^»^ —3\šș ;---: ſº*;--T-,… - - -§. . . 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There are very few references in the family papers to his younger years, but in 1735 his father writes to his friend, Professor Charles Mackay, about a new tutor “for Davie,” as Mr. George Preston, who had been his tutor, had been recently appointed minister of the parish of Markinch. The professor recommended a young man of the name of Morton as tutor, regarding whom he wrote to a friend:— “To call home Mr. Morton, and the sooner he can enter to the family so much the better, for it will be a very great loss to Lordie," if he should want him any time now that Mr. Preston is gone. I cannot promise that his appointments will exceed 12 pounds per annum, but if matters succeed with his pupill, as I hope they will, I’m perswaded my lord's patronage and countenance to him will be worth a great deal more, and may prove the making of his fortune. I forgot in talking of that affair to mention one circumstance to you, which is that my lord and my lady both expect he is not to make the least scruple of acting as chaplain, as it has always been the way in the family. I assurd them Mr. Morton would not hesitate in the least as to that point.” ” At a later date, perhaps in the end of the same year, Lord Balgonie entered the university of Edinburgh, where he was a class-mate of the famous Dr. Alexander Carlyle of Inveresk. They were together under Mr. Kerr, the professor of Latin, of whom Dr. Carlyle says that— “He was very partial to his scholars of rank, and having two lords at his class, viz., Lord Balgonie and Lord Dalziel, he took great pains to make them (especially the first, for the second was hardly ostensible), appear among the best scholars, which would not do, and only served to make him ridiculous, as well as his young lord.”? * Apparently a pet name for Lord Balgonie. * Carlyle's Autobiography, p. 31. * Letter, 19th August 1735, in Melville Charter-chest, WOL. I. 2 U 338 DAVID, SIXTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND FIFTH EARL OF MELVILLE. This remark, though not very complimentary, and written long after the event, seems to imply that Lord Balgonie was recognised by his classmates as a promising student unduly patronised by his professor on account of his rank as a peer. He was, in November of this year, 1735, appointed a com- missioner of police in Scotland, but apparently did not take office until the following year, after he reached the age of fourteen." In the year 1740 Lord Balgonie was sent abroad with his tutor, Mr. Morton, to study at Groningen in Holland. There he began, or continued, a study of law. Those letters of his which have been preserved do not contain anything of special importance, referring only in a general way to his studies and pursuits. Besides his college lectures and reading, to which he appears to have given steady attention, he had intervals of lighter subjects. He says in one letter:—— “We stay in Mr. Lacarrieres in de Buterenstraadt, a French house, which is by far the best boarding house here, besides the advantage of the language, which I wou'd willingly be master of as soon as possible; what spare time I have, I spend it mostly that way, and have also a French master for an hour every day. As for diversions, I go to the fencing school. We have also a riding school for 4 months in the year, which I intend to go to for twice or thrice a week.” He adds: “The Prince and Princess of Orange, who commonly stay in this place three or four months in the year, are expected very soon. The winter comes on very fast; we had very cold frosty weather for these three weeks bygone.”” In later letters, of date May and October 1741, he refers to various visits paid to court during the college vacation, and to the friendly notice taken of him and the other British residents by the Prince and Princess of Orange. He also refers to his studies, stating that he attended Barbeyrac's, lectures on Grotius and Puffendorf.” He was still at Groningen in the beginning of 1742, when he received a letter from his father's friend, Professor Charles Mackay, telling him of the death of his former teacher in Edinburgh University, Mr. Kerr, and giving a humorous account of the disputes be- tween the college of justice, the town council, and others interested in the * Commission, 7th November 1735, and in Melville Charter-chest. certification of qualification, 23d December 1736, in Melville Charter-chest. * Letters, 2d May and 31st October 1741, * Letter, Groningen, 24th October 1740, ibid. ENTERS THE MILITARY PROFESSION. 339 election of a new professor." He appears to have remained in Holland until March or April 1742, when his father expressed a wish that he should enter the army. Britain was then about to take part in the war on the Continent, and the Earl of Stair was appointed commander-in-chief in Flanders. Lord Leven appears to have entertained the idea of his son acting as a volunteer under the distinguished field-marshal, but that view was abandoned, and Lord Balgonie in June 1742 received a commission appointing him ensign in one of the troops of the regiment of foot commanded by General Handasyde and then stationed in the north of Scotland.” Lord Balgonie continued in that regiment during the rebellion of 1745-6, but it does not appear that he saw any active service. On 29th July 1747, he married Wilhelmina, daughter of William Nisbet of Dirleton, but except one or two casual allusions in letters, one of which apparently refers to a visit to Ireland, perhaps on duty, the family papers record little regarding him until 1754, the year in which he succeeded to his father in the title and estates. A few days after his father's death, he nominated his wife and several other persons to be tutors and curators to his children.” In the following month, October 1754, he went to London, where he was graciously received by King George the Second, and also had an interview with the Duke of Cumberland. The chief object of his journey appears to have been to sue for the continuance to himself of the office of lord of police held by his father. As to this he writes:– “The Duke of Newcastle and every body was out of town when I came ; however, I have been twice with the duke since, and have great reason to be satis- fied with what pass'd there, tho’ he told me that I cou’d not possibly get the police, but gave me the greatest reason to think that he really intends to do something worth my while. After I found that the police wou'd not do, and nothing casting up just now, I determined to ask a pension.” On this point also he had received encouragement, though he adds: “If I do not get some light into them [his affairs] in a fortnight, it will be in vain to expect anything done for a long time, as their hands will be full for a considerable number of days.” “ * Letter, 9th January 1742, in Melville * Nomination, 13th September 1754, in Charter-chest. Melville Charter-chest. * Commission, dated 4th June 1742, ibid. * Letter, 19th October 1754, ibid. 340 DAVID, SIXTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND FIFTH EARL OF MELVILLE. In November 1756, the Earl of Leven received a letter from Sir John Anstruther of Elie, which merits more than a passing notice. It was an invitation to join a whale-fishing company to be established in the town of Anstruther, but Sir John's own letter may be quoted :— “As I know your lordship is a wellwisher and incuradger of what is advanta- gious to the country, I therefor presume to give you the trouble of this to acquaint your lordship we have sett on foott a scheme that is so, and at the saime time may be a very profitable one to those concern'd. We have begun a whaill fishing company for fitting out a ship from Anstruther, in which I and the gentlemen of this nighburhood are to be concernd and severall others. The ship proposed from two hunderd to about 250 tuns, the capital three thousand pounds; each shair 50f, with a call of 10 per cent. “As to the manadgment and plan to be followed, we propose that of the Dunbar company, which has been very successfull, in a great measure owing to the right manadgment, and in the execution of it we think our situation more favourable, particularly in the article of sailors, as there are just now a num- ber of hands on this coast who have been imploy'd in that service in differant companys. I hope your lordship will joine us in having a concern in so laudable a scheme, which I with greater freedom solicit, as from my information from my friends that know it, I am assurd that there cane be but a trifle lost were the ship unsuccessfull, the bounty given by goverment being so con- siderable.” + The idea of this company and of its constitution probably owed its exist- ence to Sir John's wife, Miss Fall of Dunbar, who is said to have been a woman of superior intelligence and energy, and to her father, Mr. Fall of Dunbar. The latter was one of the extraordinary managers of the new company, in which Lord Leven became a partner, as we learn from a letter from Sir John in March 1757, who states he had subscribed on the earl's behalf. He adds, however :— “At our meeting we found we could not send out a ship this season without being at a much greater expense than necessary, on account of the high price every thing would cost to fitt out in time this year. But we are to provide a ship and * Letter, dated Elie House, 29th November 1756, in Melville Charter-chest. OFFERED THE CHAIR OF GRAND MASTER MASON. 341 other materials for next year, as we cane find them cheap and reight for our busi- mess, and have already bought some things for which there will be a call of 20 per cent. by the managers at Whitsunday.” + In November of the following year, 1758, Lord Leven received a letter from the Earl of Galloway, which gave him much gratification, offering him the chair of the grand master of the freemasons in Scotland :— “My lord, the chair of the grand master of masons in Scotland, which I have the honour to fill att present, becomes vacant the 30th of this month, being St. Andrew's day. I look upon it as a very materiall part of my duty to be carefull in naming for my successor one under whom the craft will be most likely to flourish. As I know no man better qualify'd to support so sublime a character, and as I’m sure you'll be most acceptable to the fraternity, I have done myself the honour to name your lordship for my successor. I flatter myself you’ll be so good as to accept and correct the errors of your predecessor. Your lordship's being with us upon St. Andrew's day will be most obliging to the whole fraternity, but to nobody more than myself. . . . I beleive I continue in office another year, but I must now [name] my successor.”” Lord Leven in his reply says, “I am at a loss for words to express the sense I have of the great honour your lordship has done me in naming me for your successor in the chair of the grand master of masons in Scotland; a trust. I am conscious to myself of being very unfitt for, for many reasons, particularly by being a mason of a short standing, want of experience, besides the disadvantage I shall have of im- mediately succeeding your lordship who fills that chair with so much dignity. For all these reasons, prudence ought to make me decline, but the credit and satisfaction of being at the head of so respectable and worthy a fraternity, and the hopes of improving during the year of my noviciat, by a constant attention to your lordship's behaviour as grand master, prompts me to accept of the great honour you have been so good as to design for me,” etc.” 1 Sir John adds: “The ordinary managers are Baillie Waddle, shipbuilder, and James Anderson, a shipmaster; the extraordinary are Sir Philip Anstruther, David Anstruther, Mr. Fall, and myself.” Letter, 11th March 1757, in Melville Charter-chest. On 25th March a call of £10 sterling a share was made on the members payable on 26th May, and a further call was intimated on the purchase of a ship, but no further evidence of the pro- gress and fortunes of the company has been discovered among Lord Leven's papers. * Letter, 21st November 1758, ibid. 8 Draft letter, ibid. 342 DAVID, SIXTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND FIFTH EARL OF MELVILLE. Lord Leven, accordingly, in the following year, 1759, was installed in the grand master's chair, which he occupied for two years, being succeeded in 1761 by the Earl of Elgin. The family papers of the next few years, being chiefly letters addressed to the earl’s son, Lord Balgonie, or by Lord Balgonie to his father from abroad, do not afford materials for the earl's own personal history, his general correspondence being otherwise unimportant. One letter, however, may be noticed, written by Dr. Joseph M'Cormick, minister of Prestonpans, who edited the “State Papers and Letters” of the Rev. William Carstares. Dr. John Erskine, in September 1773," wrote to Lord Leven announcing the intended publication, and stating that in one of the letters there was “an insinuation as if Lord Melvin [George, first Earl of Melville] had no authority from King William to abrogate the patronage act.” Dr. Erskine desires Lord Leven to furnish information on the subject, and two months later Dr. M'Cormick wrote that he would be glad of any materials to enable him to do that justice to Lord Melville's character which it deserved. Dr. M'Cormick adds:– “From the vouchers in my possession, I own I was led to think that King William was not satisfyed with his conduct in the particular you mention; and in the account I have given of church affairs during that period in the life of Mr. Carstares, I have assigned that as the reason of the changes both of men and measures which happened soon after. At the same time no one acquainted with the history of the times will consider this as any impeachment of my Lord Mel- ville's integrity. In whatever way his instructions were worded, I am convinced that he thought himself authorized to do what he did in that affair by his instruc- tions. I am likewise convinced that he thought it for King William's interest, and the interest of the nation, as matters then stood, to gratify the presbyterians in so darling an object to them as the abolition of patronages. But I apprehend the undiscreet use which the presbyterian clergy made of the power that was put into their hands by the concessions made to them in Lord Melville's par- liament did irritate the king, and dispose him to hearken, with too willing an ear, to the misrepresentations which Lord Melvill's ennemies gave of his partiality to that body. As several of the letters in my publication occasionally mention my Lord Melvill and his family as under some marks of the king's displeasure, I * Letter in Melville Charter-chest, THE SOCIETY FOR PROPAGATING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. 34 3 thought it but fair that the world should know that it was more owing to the indiscretion of his friends and the malice of his ennemies than to any fault of his own.” 1 Lord Leven was a member of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, and in 1778 was their president. In that year and the following, the society took much interest in the question of the repeal of the Roman Catholic penal laws, which had been passed in England, and which it was expected would be extended to Scotland. The society came to a resolution to oppose such a repeal act for Scotland. On this point Lord Leven wrote to the secretary, Dr. Robert Dick :— “From family and from education no person ought to be more firmly attached to the true interest of the Protestant religion, and from principle few, I believe, are, more so than I am. This creates an earnest wish that the penal laws in King William's reign against Roman Catholicks in England had not been repealed in the last session of parliament ; and did I believe that the repeal of these acts went so far as to give a free toleration to priests to perform the publick celebra- tion of their worship, or to open schools for the education of youth, I would heartily join in every measure to defeat the expected repeal; but as that is by no means the case in England, and many statutes will still be in force in Scot- land to prevent such consequences, tho’ the same repeal should take place, it is my opinion that we are not in the danger which many persons apprehend, for which reason, and as we are totally unacquainted with the mature of the expected repeal, I wish to concur with those who are of opinion that the society ought to postpone taking any steps in this matter.” Lord Leven, however, approves of recommending to the society's teachers in the Highlands “the greatest watchfulness and diligence to preserve their scholars from being seduced, in case the expected repeal should take place.” ” Other doings of Lord Leven's at this time are noted by him in a letter to his son, Lord Balgonie, in March 1779. He writes from Edinburgh, first, in reference to some estate business, and then adds:– “Yesterday was our election day at the bank [probably the Bank of Scotland], and I was fully employed from 10 till past eight at night. Had 2 companies to * Letter, 22d November 1773, in Melville 2 Draft letter, 25th December 1778, in Charter-chest. Melville Charter-chest. 344 DAVID, SIXTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND FIFTH EARL OF MELVILLE. entertain, entered upon a fresh one at 7 at night. The Duke of Buccleugh and Lauderdale gave faithfull attendance. I was by no means fou, but I am stupid and thirsty all this day. Took a ride in the forenoon, and saw the Fencibles perform; they fire well indeed. On the peir I met Sir William Scott just em- barking for you—proposed to be at Melvill by 6 this evening. I thought if you went to Bomar's ordination at the Elie—that he would have cold quarters, but I said nothing, as you did not seem resolved.”" Lord Leven held his post as one of the lords of police until the year 1782, when that board was abolished. In the following year, he was appointed to the office of lord high commissioner to the general assembly of the Church of Scotland.” King George the Third conferred that honour on the recommendation of Lord North, then Home Secretary. The earl's daughter, Lady Ruthven, writing to her brother, Lord Balgonie, on 10th May 1783, after the commission was signed, states that her father had received every thing he wished from Lord North “relating to public affairs, and at the same time a very handsome private letter congratulating him in the most friendly manner upon his preferment, and having had it in his power so early to shew his readiness to be of service to him. You never really read a prettier letter. . . . You cannot imagine how brightened up our circle is, and how our dear father seems to enjoy the certainty of his prefer- ment. Suspense is a most shocking state.” ” Lord Leven's commission was dated 5th May, and the assembly met on 22d May, with, it is said, even more than usual pomp. Preparations were made some days before, the commissioner's pages were selected, and Mr. Martin, minister of Monimail, wrote to Lord Balgonie —“I foresee my lord will be splendid. I have got a new suit of the best cloth the man could send. I daresay much money will not be saved this year. Everybody much pleased with the nomination.” 4 Lord Leven on the 21st May received the usual compliments from the magistrates of Edinburgh, and on the next day he opened the assembly in due form. Lord Leven's levees, it is said, were * Letter, 31st March 1779, in Melville obtain the appointment, but was unsuccess- Charter-chest. ful. * Lord Leven's commission, in the Melville * Letter, dated 10th May 1783, in Melville Charter-chest, is dated 5th May 1783. It Charter-chest. would appear that in 1764 he had hoped to * Letter, 15th May 1783, ibid. HIGH COMMISSIONER TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 345 numerously attended by the Scottish nobility, and the opening procession created great excitement and enthusiasm. His first speech, though evidently modelled on the style of his father's speeches, is more formal and more akin to the style of the present day. He professed his “sincere and zealous attachment to the Church of Scotland, in whose principles I have been educated, of whose assemblies I have often had the honour to be a member, and for whose real interest and prosperity all my influence shall on every occasion be employed.”" Of minor matters, we have a glimpse in a letter from John Erskine (perhaps one of the Carnock family) to Lord Balgonie. “It is most easy for me to give you a most satisfactory answer to all your ques- tions. I’ve been thrice dining with his grace since his accession, and never saw anything more comme il faut than everything is ; the livery's handsome without being loaded, and your worthy father more at his ease than I could have con- cieved a person who has been so many years removed from the folly of parade and ceremony.” In a postScript the writer says: “The commissioner has been well attended; he has allways soup and wine, etc., in the retiring room, of which his grace's goodness makes me partake. I hope he won't suffer from the long seats, the ministers and lawyers both speak unmercifully.” ” That he did not suffer is shown by a sentence in a letter from one of his daughters to Lord Balgonie: “Papa returned to us yesterday; . . . the honest man is looking fat and fair, and seems to have gained rather than lost from the fatigue of being commissioner.”” In one of his letters to his oldest son at this time, Lord Leven writes: “Medina goes on briskly; to-morrow, I think may finish, and he will go over on Saturday,” “ a sentence which may refer to a portrait by Sir John Medina, who painted portraits of several members of the Leven family. In 1784, Lord Leven was again high commissioner, and in 1785 he again 1 MS. speech, in Melville Charter-chest. read upon the throne, when his Majesty tires * Letter, May 30, 1783, in Melville Char- of the speeches.” ter-chest. An antidote against the long 3 Letter, 5th June 1783, in Melville Char- speeches was perhaps found, as the earl had ter-chest. desired his sons in England to send him “a * Letter, undated, but written about 1783, daily paper or two during the assembly to ibid. WOL. I. 2 X 346 DAVID, SIXTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND FIFTH EARL OF MELVILLE. applied for the appointment. Nothing specially noteworthy occurs in his speeches of those years. An interesting literary note appears in one of his letters to Lord Balgonie, of uncertain date, but perhaps about 1785: “To descend from serious to glee, there has nothing for a long time afforded so much laugh- ing in this family as John Gilpin. It has already been three times read to different persons. It tickles mother and Mary vastly, and we want a con- tinuation to know what became of the six precious Souls at Edmonton.” During the remaining years of the earl’s life, the only papers of interest relating to his personal history are his speeches at the general assemblies, to which he was commissioner for nineteen years. He held his levees in Fortune's tavern, at the Cross Keys, in the Old Stamp Office Close. Thence also took place the Sunday processions to church, which were usually very attractive. A strong military force was always present, and the bands of various regiments played in honour of the commissioner, who went on foot from the tavern to St. Giles' church, escorted by his guard of honour. Lord Leven also resided for a time in a house at the north-west corner of Nicolson Square, and latterly at No. 2 St. Andrew Square. The general assembly then met in a part of the church of St. Giles called the Old Kirk or South Church. David Allan, the Scottish artist, made a drawing of the general assembly in the Old Kirk, St. Giles', in 1787. The drawing represents the assembly in session under the presidency of the Earl of Leven. His grace is represented in a conspicuous position surrounded by his attendants, who appear to crowd inconveniently around his throne.” The earl’s speeches are for the most part formal, but in some of them we have reference to passing events. Thus, in May 1789, he congratulates the assembly on the recovery of King George the Third from his first attack of mental indisposition. In another speech, May 1793, the earl states that he has authority “to notice the conduct of the ministers of the Church of Scot- land, their loyalty and zeal on a late trying occasion, when designing deluded men, not satisfied with the civil and religious blessings which it had pleased God to bestow upon the nation, attempted in some degree to overturn our glorious constitution.” This appears to refer to the seditious practices of 1 Letter, in Melville Charter-chest. * Original drawing in British Museum. * MS. speeches, 1789, 1793, in Melville Charter-chest. THE UNION WITH IRELAND, 1800. 34.7 the “Friends of the People,” who had been active during the year 1792 in promoting revolutionary ideas. The earl also in this year transmitted an address from the assembly, “On the occasion of the war in which this coun- try is at present engaged with France, expressing their abhorrence of the attempts which have been made by that nation to overturn the other govern- ments of Europe, and assuring his Majesty of the dutiful attachment of the Church of Scotland,” which was graciously received and acknowledged." In 1794, Lord Leven was able to congratulate the assembly on the fact that the revolutionary spirit had in a great degree subsided, and he indicated his belief that this was in a great measure owing to their exertions and admonitions.” The assembly in their address to the king referred to the success which had attended the British arms in Europe and in the East and West Indies, and expressed a hope that the war would soon terminate. Passing over matters of less interest, notice may be taken of the address presented to the king by the assembly in the year 1801. Besides express- ing gratitude for the victories won against France in the Baltic and Egypt, and mourning the fall of Sir Ralph Abercromby, they congratulate his Majesty on the completion of the union with Ireland, in words which contrast widely with some utterances of the present day. “Amidst the splendid atchievements of your Majesty's reign, permit us to say that we admire and rejoice in none more than in your most fortunate completion of a legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland, a measure of state so long wished for with anxiety by the wise, and which, whether we consider its magnitude, the difficulty of its accomplishment, or the great and important effects it is likely to produce, must stand recorded in the annals of the world as a master- piece of human policy and a lasting monument of your Majesty's paternal wisdom. The experience which your Majesty's subjects in this part of the United Kingdom have had, for nearly a century past, of the happy consequences of a similar measure, entitles them to look forward with joyful expectation to no distant period when the united empire in general, and the neighbouring island in parti- cular, shall reap the full fruits of your Majesty's wise and magnanimous counsels.” 8 * Letter, 23d May 1793, in Melville Charter-chest. * MS. speech, ibid. * Copy address, ibid. 348 DAVID, SIXTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND FIFTH EARL OF MELVILLE. In this year Lord Leven informed the assembly that it was probably the last time he would represent his Majesty as commissioner. He said, “The infirmities of old age, as I have now entered into the 80th year of my life, and the growing incapacity of fulfilling the duties of that honour- able office, will prevent me from having the presumption to ask his Majesty to continue me any longer in it. It is now nineteen years since my first appointment, in which time I have seen all the ministers of the church over and over and over again. You whom I have now the honour to address are few in comparison of the whole; but I ask the favour of you that when you return to your flocks and are met in presbytery, you may inform your brethren of my having expressed an agreeable recollection of the pleasure I have had in meeting with them for such a number of years, and of my fervent wishes for their prosperity.” In return for this graceful farewell, the commission of the assembly presented, on 2d June 1801, an address to the earl, expressing their unfeigned sentiments of esteem and affection and their deep concern that his growing infirmities led him to decline the office. They looked back with agreeable reflections upon his long term of office for nineteen years, and the kindly intercourse he had always maintained with them. They acknowledged with gratitude that while discharging his duty with dignity, he yet made every member of the church in his turn feel the pleasing effects of his “condescending humanity,” and gave to many of them un- deniable proofs of his sincere friendship. They concluded by assuring Lord Leven that their warmest wishes would follow him, and their most earnest prayers would be offered on his behalf.” While Lord Leven thus parted from the general assembly in so cordial a manner, his parting from his office was no less agreeable. Lord Hopetoun, writing to him on 3d May 1802, says: “Your lordship's kind letter . . gave us all here the greatest Satisfaction, that his Majesty, in dispensing your lordship from any longer representing his person, has expressed his approba- tion of your long Services in a manner so agreable to you and so pleasing to all your friends, no one ever having fill'd the high station you held with so much credit or so much dignity, as the universal opinion of your lordship's conduct in it attests. Lord Napier will, I believe, be as acceptable as any 1 MS. speech, in Melville Charter-chest. * Copy address, ibid. HIS DEATH . HIS COUNTESS. 349 successor to you can be. You have set him a great example, which I am persuaded he will endeavour to follow.” + In the office of commissioner to the general assembly Lord Leven was succeeded by Francis, Lord Napier, who entered on his duties in the assembly of May 1802. Lord Leven came to Edinburgh to attend on his successor. He also attended the celebration of the birthday of King George the Third on the 4th of June, and he died at Edinburgh on the 9th of that month in the 81st year of his age. His death was thus sudden, but not quite so sudden as that of his father, though the cause was the same, disease of the heart. He appears to have been ill only for a day or two and while absent from home. His remains were carried from Edin- burgh to Balgonie, and apparently buried from that place, probably at Markinch. The letters received by his son after the death of his father bear testimony to the earl’s high character. General Robert Melville wrote, com- menting upon his “life, eminently exemplary in the exercise of piety and virtue with the highest love and estimation, not only of his own family relations and mumerous friends, but of all worthy persons who had the honour and happiness of enjoying his lordship's acquaintance.” Other relatives and friends write to the same effect. After an enjoyment for half a century of a happy married life, Lord and Lady Leven celebrated their “golden wedding ” at Melville House on 29th January 1797. But Lady Leven did not long survive that auspicious event, as she died there on the 10th of May 1798, aged 74 years. In his grief for her loss Lord Leven was compelled to allow the general assembly to hold the opening meeting without his presence. When he met the assembly soon afterwards his lordship referred in feeling terms to the circumstances:– “I meet you now with strong impressions of gratitude for your having been pleased to accept of a message from me, at the opening of the assembly, when deep affliction prevented me from being with you personally ; and I do most cordially thank you for the many fervent applications which were made to a throne of mercy for my support under it on the day of your meeting set apart for prayer, and I earnestly beg the continuance of them.” In the Life of Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, notice is taken of the * Letter in Melville Charter-chest. * Letter, 14th June 1802, ibid. 350 DAVID, SIXTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND FIFTH EARL OF MELVILLE. . exemplary piety of Wilhelmina, Countess of Leven. She was one of a band of excellent ladies in high rank who united in establishing a meeting for reading the Scriptures, to be held alternately at each other's houses. It continued to be well attended and singularly useful for many years. It was strictly confined to a select circle of women in high life, many of whom were Ornaments to the Christian church by a life of holiness. The Countesses of Northesk and Hopetoun, daughters to Lord and Lady Leven, Lady Glenorchy, Wilhelmina, Countess of Leven, with her excellent sisters, Lady Ruthven and Lady Banff, etc., were valuable members of that select band." The tradition in the family is that Wilhelmina Nisbet, when in her nineteenth year, and shortly before her marriage, was converted by the Reverend George Whitfield to a life of eminent piety, which she continued to exemplify during the remainder of her long life. Several journals or diaries written by her are still preserved by her grand-daughter Miss Leslie. They are all on religious subjects. Lady Leven was the posthumous daughter of her parents. She was either their nineteenth or twentieth child. There were nine daughters, who were all married,—three of them to peers of Scot- land, other three to baronets, and the remaining three to Squires. Among other memorials of this good lady is a farm on the Melville estate, which was specially named after her as Nisbet or Nisbetfield. Part of her correspondence with her eldest son, the seventh Earl of Leven, while Lord Balgonie, has been preserved at Melville House, and will be noticed in his memoir which follows. Several of her letters are impressed with a seal, having on the centre her initials, W. N. L. Below these is an earl's coronet, but above and over all is the peculiar motto, “Holiness is happiness.” The earl and his countess had issue five Sons and three daughters:*— 1. Alexander, who succeeded. Of him a memoir follows. 2. Hon. William Leslie, born 8th August 1751. He entered the army as an ensign in the 42d Highlanders or “Black Watch,” and went with that * The Life and Times of Selina, Countess that Alexander was not the oldest child, as a of Huntingdon, vol. i. pp. 100, 101. child was born, and died about that date, but the sex of the child is not stated, and it * From a letter from Lord and Lady is not named in the list written by Lord Northesk, dated 4th May 1748, it appears Leven himself in his family Bible. HIS CHILDREN. 35 | regiment to Ireland in 1771. Writing to his brother, Lord Balgonie, from Belfast on 16th February, “Nothing extraordinary going on here. The Hearts Steell are all come back to the country, it is thought they will kick up a dust again, but don't speak of that as it will make mama uneasy; they fired four days ago at a sergeant of ours and a constable walking together, and wounded the constable.” + In a later letter he writes, “The parliament [of Ireland] has met, and the ministry has 25 of majority. There was a riot at Dublin, pulled the members out of their chairs, broke noses, gave blue eyes, and tossed their wigs in the air, etc.” In 1773, he left the 42d, and became a lieutenant in the 17th regiment. Three years later, in 1776, when he had attained the rank of captain, he and his regiment were in America, and he served with it in the successful attack on Long Island in August 1776. His letters describe the attack, and also the taking of New York, which was burned by the Americans. He also describes the storming of Fort Washington, and an intended advance upon Philadelphia. This last letter was dated 25th December 1776, and a few days later, on 3d January 1777, he was killed when leading his company against an over- whelmingly superior force at a place near Princeton, New Jersey. His fall was much regretted by his comrades. His body was placed in a waggon, but as the British were forced to retreat, the waggon was taken by the Americans. Shortly after this General Washington and his staff rode up, and inquired what officers were killed. On Captain Leslie's name being mentioned, Benjamin Rush, M.D. of Philadelphia, who had formerly, when a student of medicine at Edinburgh, received great kindness from the Leven family, and who accompanied Washington, showed great emotion, and the body was borne to the rear, and buried with all the honours of war, at Pluckamin, then the headquarters of Washington's army. A monument with an inscription was raised over his remains by Dr. Rush. It stood for sixty years; and was repaired, and the original inscription reproduced in the year 1835, at the request of David, eighth Earl of Leven, the nephew of the young officer. Captain Leslie died unmarried. on. David Leslie, born 13th January 1755. He also entered the army, and was with his regiment, the 16th, stationed for a time at Gibraltar, soon after the famous siege of that place in 1782. He afterwards acted as aide-de-camp to his uncle, General Alexander Leslie, while second in command of the forces in Scotland. In 1796 he was sent to Ireland, and was on duty there in various stations till 1804, assisting particularly in quelling the Irish 3. H 1. Letter in Melville Charter-chest. * Letter, 1st March 1771, ibid. 352 DAVID, SIXTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND FIFTH EARL OF MELVILLE. rebellion of 1798. In 1800 he attained the rank of colonel, and in 1808 he became major-general on the North-British staff. He reached the rank of general on 22d July 1838. After retiring from the army, General Leslie resided at Jedbank, near Jedburgh. He married at Glasgow, on 16th January 1787, Rebecca, daughter of the Rev. John Gillies, D.D., minister of Blackfriars Church, Glasgow. General Leslie died at Edinburgh on 21st October 1838, and was interred in the burial-ground of the Abbey of Jedburgh. He left no issue. 4. Hon. John Leslie, born 20th November 1759. He entered as ensign, on 22d July 1778, the first regiment of Foot Guards, and got his rank as captain in the army in July 1781. In 1793 he served in Flanders, and was wounded in an engagement in 1794. He attained the rank of general on 12th August 1819. He married, on 13th September 1816, Jane, eldest daughter and heiress of Thomas Cuming, banker in Edinburgh, who claimed to be the representative of the ancient family of Cuming of Earnside, and assumed the name of Leslie Cuming. He died in November 1824, without issue. 5. Hon. George Melvill Leslie, born 21st April 1766. He frequently acted as purse-bearer when his father was commissioner to the general assembly. He entered the Indian Civil Service in 1802, and was stationed in Ceylon. He married, on 27th November 1802, Jacomina Gertrude, only daughter of William Jacob Vander-Graaff, governor of Java, and died on 8th March 1812, leaving issue one child, Mary Christiana Melvill Leslie, born in Ceylon on 10th November 1803, who resides at Leven Lodge, Portobello. The daughters were:— 1. Lady Jane Leslie, born 1st April 1753. She married, on 9th November 1775, Sir John Wishart Belsches Stuart, baronet, of Fettercairn, M.P., and had issue one child, Williamina, who married Sir William Forbes of Pitsligo, baronet. Lady Jane died 28th October 1829. 2. Lady Mary Elizabeth, born 4th March 1757. She married, on 8th November 1776, her cousin, the Hon. James Ruthven, afterwards fourth Lord Ruthven, and had issue. She died in 1820. 3. Lady Charlotte, born 22d September 1761. She died, unmarried, on 26th October 1830. 4&n ALEXAN DER, EARL OF LEVEN & M ELVILLE, B., 1749, M, IZ 84, D, I 82 0. D. B. Murphy dam nº consumess of Lººs ºn Mºlº. - -- AM Eurºa sº- - 353 XIII.—ALEXANDER, SEVENTH EARL OF LEVEN AND SIXTH EARL OF MELVILLE. JANE THORNTON, HIS COUNTESS. 1802–1820. Alexander, seventh Earl of Leven, was born on 7th November 1749. The family papers do not show where he was educated, nor do they tell any- thing about his younger years. He is referred to in a letter from his father to Professor Mackay in 1761, when he had been ill. Lord Leven wrote:– “I am much obliged to you for your concern about Sandie. His situation ever since I saw you has been such as to give us the greatest hopes that a little time and care will make him quite well ; he can at present read a distinct hand of writ, but he is only tried to see what progress his recovery makes. I hope his ilness will be no material loss to him as yet, as he daily hears his brother's Latin and French lessons, and has much pleasure in it.” " A considerable packet of letters addressed to Lord Balgonie, during the year 1768, and at intervals up to January 1772, by Mr. Alexander Belsches, an advocate, and one of the family of Invermay, contain a great deal of the Edinburgh and other gossip of the day. The character of these letters may be gathered from a few which are printed in this work.” But though interesting in themselves, they contain very little that bears on Lord Balgonie's personal history. We learn, however, incidentally, that he was a member of the IRhetorical Society of Edinburgh, that he had a taste for music and some ability in performance, that at One period he practised the study of shorthand, and that during the years named he occasionally travelled over parts of Scotland and England.” In the autumn of the year 1773, Lord Balgonie left home to make a tour on the Continent. He travelled by Newcastle and visited Blenheim, Oxford, * Letter, 13th April 1761, in Melville earlier letters as an intimate friend of Lord Charter-chest. Balgonie, was Dr. Benjamin Rush, a young vol. i. of this work, pp. 264-278, ºi. * It may be noted here that one person he joined Washington and became one of his whom Mr. Belsches frequently names in his staff, as noted in the previous memoir. VOL. I. 2 Y 354 ALEXANDER, SEVENTH EARL OF LEVEN, ETC. \ and other places on his way to London, which he reached on 25th September 1773. He remained in London for a few days, and was apparently presented to the king and queen, after which he went to Margate, whence he sailed to France, about the 15th of October. On his way to Paris he passed through Dunkirk, where he visited the convent of English nuns. He writes:— “They are most agreeable women, and were happy beyond measure to see a country man (as we are all English in France). I was there two hours, and never more happy. Religion was by no means the topick, tho' I believe they prayed for me, and often] said to themselfs talking of me ‘poor thing.” There was a beautiful noviciate [novice] who will take the veil next week. I am afraid not entirely with her consent, which is most terrible to think of indeed.”" Lord Balgonie did not then stay long in Paris, but went on to Orleans, where he remained for a time in order to learn French and fencing, his masters in both these subjects being excellent. His immediate surroundings may be gathered from a letter to his father — “I dine at a Monsº Ricci, an old Italian gentleman, who having lived much in company takes a method of enjoying enough of it by having a table d'hote in his house, where every person pays a shilling at dinner and the same at supper. He gives you a good plain dinner and as much wine of his own growth and making as you like. Here we meet every day several French gentlemen and all the English here, who besides Marshal and self amount to five. We have two Marshalls of France, two Chevaliers de St. Louis, in all at dinner about 15, who make a droll mixture, and whose characters will one day make a good subject of a letter to Mary, to whom I am in sad debt. As to lodging, I am remarkably lucky, tho' I pay rather dear, but the object here is to have a house near to where you dine and Sup, and mine is only across a square. I give a guinea a week, and for this I have a very good room without a bed, a nice little room to sleep in, Mr. Marshal has above an excellent bed-chamber where he will sit often, and a clever place for Edward.” . . . I forgot to mention that the man where I lodge is an excellent scholar (very rare in this town, which consists of merchants), and has a collection of books worth 5000 livres which he has allowed me the use of He is a musician, speaks excellent French, and is by trade a breeches maker. My windows are vis a vis La pucelle d'Orleans in the Rue royal. She is almost 1 Letter, Paris, 25th October 1773, in the capacity of companion to Lord Balgonie, Melville Charter-chest. though not as tutor, his expenses being 2 Mr. Marshall appears to have acted in paid. Edward was Lord Balgonie's servant. TRAVELS IN FRANCE AND ITALY, 1773–4. 355 as much adored here as the Virgin Mary, which you know is saying a great deal. The statue I mean stood upon the old bridge.”" In other letters Lord Balgonie describes the country, the people, their manners and customs. After a stay of three months at Orleans, Lord Bal- gonie went to Tours, where he appears to have resided in the house of Abbé Rovere, one of the canons of the church of St. Martin of Tours. During his sojourn at Tours Lord Balgonie made a fortnight's excursion into Brittany, which he enjoyed.” From Tours he returned to Paris, where he was fre- quently assured that he bore a strong resemblance to the king, Louis the Pifteenth. He was very anxious to be allowed to extend his travels to Italy, and, permission being accorded, he set out apparently alone, or accompanied only by his servant, Marshall having parted from him at Paris. He travelled by Dijon, Lyons, and Turin to Florence, on his way to Rome, and at Florence he met “the Pretender,” Prince Charles Edward, of whom he says:— “I do not remember if I have mention'd the Pretender, who is here with his wife and suite; his wife a fine woman but gauché to a degree. I know both very well, and as it is Masquerade time, nous causons beaucoup . . . * semble. Il est un homme fort agreable quand il [est] pas gris, cegu . . . pourtant tres souvent. . . . The Pretender speaks English very well, and she a little in the prettiest manner in the world. When fou, he is really drole, but when sober seems to be thoughtfull, which is not surprising in a person situated as he is. He never lets his wife go out of his sight nor from his side. She is very handsome and young; he rather the contrary in both respects. He has about £8000 to spend, three of which are allowed him by his brother the Cardinal, who is immensely rich, weak and a bigot. Apropos you ask me about the conclave. I cannot tell you more about it than if I was with you; all we hear is now and then a rumour of a Pope being elected, which is next day contradicted. However, will be full upon this head from Rome.” “ Erom the same letter we learn that Lord Balgonie was at Florence during carnival: “The carnival here at present is neither gay nor brilliant. Tho' I have been * Letter, Orleans, 5th November 1773, in 3 The letter is here torn. Melville Charter-chest. * Letter, Florence, 24th January 1775, in * Vol. ii. of this work, pp. 278, 279. Melville Charter-chest. 356 ALEXANDER, SEVENTH EARL OF LEVEN, ETC. in luck to see more fetes than have been known here for many years past, yet except one, a ball given at the Opera house to the Elector Palatin, they have been much inferior to my expectation, and even this was by halves, as we payd for everything we called for, tho' admittance was gratis, and the Salle charmingly illuminated. The stinginess of the Grand Duke, a man of 28, and one of the most humane and affable sovereigns in the world, is beyond description, and his riches are immense, much greater in rarities, quantities of plate, pictures, statues, busts, medals, etc., than allmost any prince in the world; yet he sells by auction, every year during Lent, immense quantities of old beds, chairs, tables, particularly a set of Delft chima-ware which my landlord bought for £25 sterling, the designs of which were by the great Raphael.” Lord Balgonie reached Rome on 30th January 1775, and remained there until the 6th of May. During that period he devoted himself largely to sight-seeing, but neither his letters nor the diaries he kept show anything specially noteworthy. At Rome he made the acquaintance of a well-known ecclesiastic of Scottish extraction, Abbé Peter Grant, who wrote to a friend in Scotland, giving a high character of the young nobleman — “His lordship has been here these six weeks past, and is a most respectable and valuable young nobleman, extremely prudent, uncommonly accomplished, universally beloved, and truely does honor to our country. He continues here till after Easter, then proposes going to Naples, there to reside for some time.”" The person to whom this was written, in sending a copy to Lord Leven, adds, “What the Abbé says is confirmed by two very sensible young gentlemen just arrived at Nice from Rome, who seem to be happy in his lordship's acquaintance.” Lord Balgonie wrote from Naples, whither he had gone from Rome, to his father, proposing alternative routes for his return home, by Venice, or by Genoa and the south of France, but how far he carried out his plans is un- certain, as his letters for the last six months of 1775 do not appear to be preserved. While at Naples he visited Pompeii, Paestum, and other places of interest in the neighbourhood, but the chief impression upon his mind was made by the cruelty to animals and the beggary displayed in the streets of Naples. Lord Balgonie returned from Naples to Rome, and was present at the fêtes given in the last-named city to the Archduke Maximilian in July * Copy, in letter dated 9th May 1775, in Melville Charter-chest. VISITS NAPLES, ROME, VENICE, ETC., 1775. 357 1775. He has given a brief sketch of the various processions and fêtes in one of his diaries; they seem to have impressed him greatly with their magnificence. Abbé Grant was his guide to some of the festivities, and with them and the illuminations Lord Balgonie was greatly pleased. It would appear that owing to over-fatigue from his last journey from Naples, and also to the heat of the climate, Lord Balgonie was taken ill while at Rome the second time, but how long his illness lasted is nowhere stated. A letter from Canon Rovere was written and addressed to him at Venice, where he was expected to be in September 1775, but the first notice from himself of his movements is in a letter from Strasbourg, dated 8th December 1775. From it we learn that he did visit Venice and had two marrow escapes from drowning. He was also at Padua, one incident of his stay there being that he was nearly bitten by a scorpion which had crept into his bed. He found the weather very cold at Strasbourg, but enjoyed good health. He expressed a great desire to be allowed to accompany Sir Robert Murray Keith, English ambassador at Vienna, that he might see the busi- ness in his office at that court—a study which he hoped might one day be useful to him. This proposal, however, was not agreed to by his father, and instead of going to Vienna, he made a short excursion into Switzerland. He reached Berne on 3d April 1776, passing through Basle on his way. Basle, he writes— “Is that of all the thirteen cantons which has preserved its primitive appearance, at least in the greatest purity, no doubt not a little owing to the strictness of its sumptuary laws, which permits no lace or embroidery, no velvets, no laced ruffles to men or women, no jewels, no footmen behind carriages, &c.” " At Berne Lord Balgonie met an old friend, who gave him a warm welcome, but he was disappointed that the season rendered the glaciers inaccessible. “Their very singular appearance makes me regret not being able to approach them, tho’ that and every other dissapointment I can possibly meet with in this country is compensated by the very kind and hospitable reception I have here met with.” Lord Balgonie also visited Geneva, where he saw the so-called “Sage of Ferney,” the famous Voltaire, of whom he writes:— * Letter, dated Berne, 4th April 1776, in Melville Charter-chest. 358 ALEXANDER, SEVENTH EARL OF LEVEN, ETC. “And now pray don't suppose me stupid enough to have passed a day at Geneva without going to Ferney to see , you know who. Dare not men- tion names in case this letter should fall into certain hands, but upon the whole, in this as well as in most of my undertakings, have been remarkably fortunate, and to tell you the truth from what I have allways heard, and what I had here confirmed in regard to his shyness of seeing people, had hardly hopes of seeing any more than his house and garden. But to my great satisfaction, without giving myself or any body any trouble, met this prodigy walking in the garden alone, where, as you may be sure, not failing to pass quite near him [I] took a good phizz of him, when I found him the oldest, 82, most infirm and emaciated figure that I ever beheld, dressed in the same wig and kind of bonnet cap that we allways see him represented in, in busts, medals, prints, &c. Again, while I was in his library, in which he has a superb edition of his works, he came in from the garden, and passing thro’ the room, he asked my pardon for leaving me alone, but that he found himself very far from well. In fact he had been very ill in the morning, and among other complaints] this miserable skeleton so bit with buggs as to be obliged to have his whole bed undone, in which state I saw it. What is remarkable is that the house is full of busts and pictures of him. In one room I observed one statue, one picture in crayons, another in Sewing, besides a bust, upon the pedestal of which was written immortalis, but modestly enough a card announced its being given him by the King of Prussia, anno 1775, of whom I also saw here an original picture sent to Voltaire.”" From Geneva Lord Balgonie travelled by Fribourg, Berne, Zurich, where he visited “the incomparable Gessner,” and by the falls of Schaffhausen to Montbeliard, where he was the guest of the exiled Lord Elcho, eldest son of the fourth Earl of Wemyss. Lord Elcho joined Prince Charles Edward in 1745, and was attainted for his share in the rebellion. He went abroad, and was at this time residing in Montbeliard. He was a kinsman of Lord Bal- gonie, who styles him Lord Wemyss or Earl of Wemyss, and thus writes:– “But as to this unfortunate noble cousin. He desires me to offer you his best respects, and is pleased to say that he is most sensible of your attention in sending me to wait upon him. He is in good looks, health and spirits, recalls to mind the happy days of Kinnaird with pleasure, as well as those of Cupar races, with many circumstances too tedious to mention. His memory is much beyond * Letter, Geneva, 15th April 1776, in Mel- quotation, “Voltaire,” has been written in ville Charter-chest. The last word of the full, then deleted, but is still legible. VISIT TO LORD ELCHO AT MONTBELIARD, 1776. 359 that of any person I ever remember to have seen except a beggar at Buxton who, without knowing a figure, used to multiply 6 figures into as many as one desired of him. He [Lord Elcho is here at the Court of a brother of the Duke of Wurtemberg who beat me yesterday, that I spent the day with him, no less than three games of chess, and whose wife, niece to the king of Prussia, scolded me heartily for having kissed the Pope's slipper.” I From Montbeliard Lord Balgonie returned to Strasbourg, which he left finally about the 17th July 1776 on his way homeward, travelling by Carls- ruhe to Mannheim. On the way he spent a short time at Schwetzingen, the country residence of the Elector Palatine, who received him kindly, and which place he quitted with regret. He wrote from Mannheim to his father, proposing to travel down the Rhine by Mayence, Coblentz, Bonn, Cologne, and Dusseldorf, thence to Wesel, Nymegen, and Antwerp, and other towns in Holland. This plan he carried out, and probably returned home about October 1776. In the following January, the death of his brother, Captain William Leslie, killed near Princeton, in America, caused grief to the family. Lord Balgonie was much attached to this brother, and refers to him in his letters with great affection. He also appears about this time to have been crossed in love, having set his heart upon a young lady whose name is not mentioned, but who is described by his aunt, Lady Northesk, as “a charming girl,” and “the first woman in this country.” Their cir- cumstances, however, did not admit of a mutual affection being encouraged.” During the next few years there is nothing specially noteworthy to chronicle regarding Lord Balgonie, except occasional absences from Melville I Letter, Montbeliard, 1st May 1776, in Melville Charter-chest. Lord Balgomie adds to his letter the following memorandum : “Lord Wemyss [Elchol was bred a protes- tant, but with strong Jacobite principles, and when young, in the year , was sent by his father to Rome to see the Pretender, when at two different times he was intro- duced into his apartments at his palace in the Piazza dei Santi Apostoli by a trap door under the table, which was shewn to me when there by the Abbé Grant. In the 1741 my lord returned from abroad, where he had spent four years, and found sitting with his father, my grandfather [the fifth Earl of Leven], and my lord Sutherland, the first of whom was all along his best friend, as he says, and used all his means to prevent his taking the foolish step he did take. The 1742 he spent in Britain, and in 1743 joind our troops in Flanders as a Volontier, where he serv'd a campaign.” * Letter, 27th March 1777, in Melville Charter-chest. 360 ALEXANDER, SEVENTH EARL OF LEVEN, ETC. in England or elsewhere. On these occasions he received letters from his parents, especially his mother, whose epistles mingle religious advice with domestic details, and from relatives. One of the most gratifying features of these letters is the great family affection which they display, Lord Balgonie being evidently much beloved by his brothers and sisters. One letter written during this period may be quoted, as it mentions Lord Balgonie as a patron of art. Richard Cooper, an engraver, writes thanking his lordship and his cousin, Lord Banff, for their purchase of some mezzotint engravings from the writer. Cooper refers to an engraving by him “ of a famous picture of Rem- brandt . . . in the possession of Lord Maynard, who purchased it of our friend Mr. Slade for a good sum,” but he does not indicate the subject. He adds: “I am at present about a most interesting work from Vandike, no less than his original design for what he was to have painted for the banqueting house at Whitehall, the procession of the Order of the Garter. The figures are small, and some of the portraits are discernable, such as King Charles the 1st, Vandike, Inigo Jones, and others. This is a work that all the world knows Wandike was to have done, but went back on account of the troubles of the time, and very few knew that there ever was anything of it. It is a long sketch painted in brown and white upon board, about near 5 feet long and about a foot high. The picture I have been favoured with at my own house belongs to Lord Northington. Wal- pole makes mention of it in Vandike's life; I intend to imitate it as nearly as I can of the same size, which I shall do by a mixture of engraving and the aquatinta together. You see, my lord, it will be a long print, and I do assure you I think myself very lucky in having got it.” " The announcement, in 1784, of Lord Balgonie's intended marriage with Jane, daughter of John Thornton of Clapham, Surrey, gave much pleasure to his family, and great preparations were made by the ladies at Melville for the reception of the young couple. The marriage took place on 12th August 1784, and on the following day, Mrs. Thornton, the bride's mother, wrote to Lady Leven sending her sincere congratulations to Lord Leven, herself and family on the completion of an event which the writer hoped would prove the beginning of much comfort and Satisfaction to many. The writer adds : “As Lord Balgonie declared he could give no description, . . . so it is more | Letter, 13th November 1781, in Melville Charter-chest. MARRIAGE TO MISS JANE THORNTON, 1784. 361 than probable a few of my peculiar anecdotes may let you more into the history of this memorable day than what your ladyship would receive either from his lordship or Mr. Thornton. Suffice it to say, that it past off exceeding well; my daughter . . . went thro’ the solemn service well, which, with a few exceptions, is a very excellent form, and my brother Conyers, who is a very serious and excellent minister, made it more so by his devout temper. . . . Lord Balgonie behaved throwout the whole scene of the day with the utmost propriety, serious but not sad, and very easy and affectionate. Lord Bamff's unexpected arrival rather enlivened the scene than did any harm, as he brought much ease and good nature along with him, and the dispersing of cake, letter writing, walking, etc., filled up the different intervals of the day very agreably, and the remarks of the poor and the populace in this neighbourhood, who are not used to noblemen’s weddings, occationed some diversion. As Lord Bamff arrived, while the ceremony was performing, in a chaise with a cypher B and a coronett, he was supposed by some to be the bridesgroom come too late, and as the church door was locked he knocked hard for admittance before he gained it, which the mobility thought very hard ; however, they got to know the right gentleman when returning home, and exprest much sattisfaction at his gentility and appearance.” Mrs. Thornton also mentions that Mr. Jonas Hanway, “a character much known and respected in England for his usefulness and benevolence, and as a public man,” likewise appeared unexpectedly on the scene, “and seemed much pleased to be introduced to Lord Balgonie.” The marriage was hailed with great joy, and the bride received a warm welcome from her new kinsfolk.” Congratulations poured in upon Lord and Lady Balgonie, who, a day or two later, set out on their way to Scotland, and arrived in Edinburgh about the end of August. He received at this time a letter from his youngest brother, George Leslie, which expresses the feeling of the neighbourhood on the subject — “I write this, my dear Balgonie] to congratulate you and my dear new sister, upon your arrival in Edinburgh, where I hope you are arrived before now. We are all, as you may belive, sincerly happy in the hopes of seeing you to- morrow, and I asure you that we is very comprehensive. It contains the whole parish, who are very impatient to pay their compliments to Lady Balgonie, who is as great a favourite on your account as she will hereafter be on her own, which 1 Letter, 13th August 1784, in Melville Charter-chest. 2 Cf. vol. ii. of this work, pp. 28S, 289. 2 Z VOL. I. 362 ALEXANDER, SEVENTH EARL OF LEVEN, ETC. you will allow is saying a good deal. . . . If there are any fireworks to be had I wish you would send them by the bearer; Mr. Erskine of Cardross promised to send me some India ones, but they are not come, which I regret much. . . . I expect to be created master of the revels, which I hope are to take place on this happy occasion.” " After their visit to Scotland, Lord Balgonie and his wife seem to have gone back to London, and to have remained there for a time. A letter written to him by his mother, Lady Leven, about this period, shows that he was in London, and may be quoted as an example of her letters:— “My dear Bal., Lady B.'s letter and yours was a prodigious feast to me, and Mr. Henry's [Mr. Henry Thornton] was the desert ; I thank you for affording me the pleasure of transmitting this seasonable bounty, . . . Sorry for Jane's toothach, hope it is gone. I think, if very bad, it would have kept her from church, at any rate, I fear, from hearing. I have been a strong wrestler for the church in this way, and I commend her for it. I have so little power now that I must make my will conform to ability, and be thankful that God is not confined to temples made with hands. No weather prevented my sister and I long ago from walking a mile, three times a week to attend the early church hours in Edinburgh. They then met at 8 and 9,-now reduced to two in number, and deformation meet at # past 10; there is a reformation (sic) of manners in every thing since that old date. I thank you for the specimen of corespondence you sent and beseech you to send some more of the same; the worthy man has such a pleasure in doing good that he will not withhold such a cordial from one that of late years has few of that nature.” Living in the country and unable to keep up an extensive corespondence, I have but few opportunitys of learning many things that refreshed my spirits when they came to my knowledge, besides that most of my most precious corespondents are now in heaven. You are much indebted for all the substantial proofs you receive of affection and generosity. I trust you will render yourself ever worthy of the love and esteem of such friends; are you not ashamed of Mr. Thornton's liberality? I thank you for communicating the adventures of a day; I hope you approved as much of the evening excercise of it 1 Letter in Melville Charter-chest. chest. Originally addressed to Mr. or Mrs. Thornton, they were probably transmitted * This sentence appears to account for for the edification of the Countess of Leven, numerous letters from clergymen and from and kept by her. Among the writers were religious friends of the Thornton family the Rev. John Newton, the Rev. John Ber- which are found in the Melville Charter- ridge, and others. LETTER FROM HIS MOTHER, 1785. 363 as I did when I read it, a far preferable and more substantial ground for pleasure than that the Pr. of W. enjoyed at the D-ch-ss's. Tis pity but that his highness were introduced to Dr. C–’s meeting. We have had most severe weather, I wonder you say nothing of it, as it was commenced when you wrote. An amaz- ing quantity of snow has faln since Sabbath se’enight and the cold for 4 or 5 days has been intense. Let me know how you feel and if much snow has faln about London. Write to your father whenever you think any thing can be done about the coal; he will turn very keen if once set agoing, perhaps hands should be secured as they are often ill to be got, and also instruments for their work. I will send a note soon to Wheble for candles, hope he will not send what is made in frost as they are always bad. I suppose they give no discount. Is any of the robbers discovered that made the attempt upon Mr. Thornton's house; the man's face that looked in at the window has often been represented to my vision—the poor housekeeper has my sympathy. + “You have not mentioned dear George, but I dare say you do not forget him. He is a fine creature, I hope in God he shall not fall into bad hands. Don’t let him go among heathens. Is it not amazing that government does not give encouragement to some pious men to go out with our fleets and armies and to some to settle among our people in different settlements to endeavour to prevent their turning heathens also, which they soon do. Let me hear from you as often as possible as it is a great pleasure. My best respects to all the worthy family, roots and branches, and believe me ever your truely affectionate mother. “I wish you could procure Herbert's poems, I am sure you would like them.” + A few months later, in June 1785, the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge admitted Lord Balgonie as one of their members. The reason of this honour on their part was the fact that at the annual sermon preached in London on their behalf the sum collected was £200, a larger amount than had ever before been realised. The society in this recognised the good offices of Lord Balgonie, “who had interested himself in the success of the Society, and had prevailed with a number of the nobility and gentlemen to become members of the corresponding board, and that he had personally attended the annual sermon and dinner.” They therefore formally thanked him and made him one of their number, a decision which was conveyed to him by his father as president of the society.” * Letter, dated Feb. 24th, probably 1785, in Melville Charter-chest. * Letter and Minute, 2d and 3d June 1785. 364 ALEXANDER, SEVENTH EARL OF LEVEN, ETC. From this period for some years, Lord Balgonie's life seems to have been without much incident. He was appointed in 1786 comptroller of the customs at Edinburgh, and continued to discharge the duties of that office for a considerable period. His correspondence, though voluminous, contains at this date nothing specially noteworthy, an exception perhaps being an account of a visit in 1792 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thornton to Miss Hannah More and her work at Cowslip Green, Mrs. Thornton wrote to Lord Balgonie from Penzance, whither they had gone on a pleasure trip:— “We left Clapham as we proposed, the 30 of August, and came by Bucking- ham to see Stow, a grand place, but the gardens are much too crowded with buildings for the more chaste taste of the present day. We spent our first Sunday at Cowslip Green, which gave us an opportunity of going with Hannah More and her sister Patty their Sunday circuit to three of their schools. They have literally been the instruments of civilizing the country round them for a diameter of twenty miles, and the effects upon the parents as well as the children is very striking. I never spent so interesting a day in all my life. The neglected situation of these parishes perhaps can hardly be supposed when the Miss Mores first set up their schools. Several of them had not had a resident clergyman amongst them for fifty years, and their employment being to work in mines . . they were in a manner shut out from the rest of the world, and two of the parishes had not even a family amongst them of the rank of the lowest farmer. They were such absolute savages that Miss More told me, at Shipham where they have one of their most flourishing schools, they were so devoid of the principles of common honesty, that if any one owed money to any person out of the village the creditor gave up the debt sooner than risk his person amongst them by coming to demand the debt.”" Mr. Robert Thornton also writes on the same subject, and adds: “It is impossible to calculate how much good she [Miss Hannah More] does. Miss Patty More also is the most animated creature I ever met with. There is a character for pleasantness and moral conversation in these ladies which I cannot describe.”” - Lord Balgonie was, in 1794, appointed by the Earl of Crawford one of his deputy-lieutenants of the shire of Fife,” and in 1798 he was made * Letter, 15th September 1792, in Melville Charter-chest. * Letter, ibid. [date uncertain]. * Commission, 12th August 1794, ibid. HIS SERVICES AS COLONEL OF MILITIA, 1798. 365 lieutenant-colonel of the Fifth or Fifeshire Regiment of Militia. The regiment had been embodied in the winter of 1797-8, and was now ready for service. They were marched in the Spring of 1799, first to Aberdeen, and thence to Fort George, where they were stationed for a time as guards over those Irishmen who had been taken in the rebellion of 1798, and were confined at that place. Regarding these Colonel David Leslie wrote: “At Fort George you may have the pleasure of guarding our Irish traitors, they are slippery chaps, so take care of them. They will leave nothing undone to corrupt your people.” Lord Balgonie soon after followed his regiment, and he and his family took up their residence for a short time at Cawdor Castle in the vicinity, their first views of which were mot cheering. A friend wrote that there was excellent barrack accommodation at Fort George, but that the situation was remote from Society, though well enough in the summer. Lord Adam Gordon, the commander-in-chief for Scotland, wrote: “Lady Balgony will find plenty of space at the Thane of Calder's old castle, but not much furniture. It is a pretty old mansion, and may answer for summer.” Lord Leven wrote, “I have received yours of Sunday 19th [May 1799], with the awfull description of Cawdor Castle. Sombre as it is, you and Lady Balgonie will be much happier there than in the Fort. The distance of a market, and even bread and beer, will be your greatest inconveniency.” Sir Charles Ross of Balnagowan wrote from Ireland:— “Say everything to her ladyship [Lady Balgonie] that respect and esteem can dictate, and give my love to my dear young friends. I heartily regret being absent from Ross-shire during the time that your regiment occupys the quarter in my neighbourhood; it will afford me peculiar pleasure to think that my place produces any thing that can be at all useful to you or Lady Balgonie, and I have desired my factotum, Mr. Baillie, at Knockbreak by Tain, to send you some hens and eggs whenever you apply for them. The best way will be for you to make one of your soldiers go from Fort George and bring them over; the distance is not above twelve miles. I wish with all my heart that you commenced your military career with more pleasant service and in a more agreeable country, but in those days we must make the best of anything. We have just received accounts of the French fleet having got out of Brest, and there seems every reason to think that their destination is Ireland. We soldiers never can be better * Certificate of qualification, 14th July 1798, in Melville Charter-chest. 366 ALEXANDER, SEVENTH EARL OF LEVEN, ETC. prepared to receive them, but I shall not regret being deprived of my share of the laurels, if Lord Bridport is fortunate enough to meet with them. They have many friends in this unhappy land, and I fear that nothing but trying the experiment will convince the wretches that the fraternal embrace is not of all blessings the greatest. I am sorry to say that a Paddy is something like a nettle, he must be squeezed hard to prevent his stinging, and if the French get amongst them, they will probably meet with enough of that discipline.”" Lord and Lady Balgonie, however, notwithstanding the “desolate state’ of Cawdor Castle, remained there from May till November, when they returned to Edinburgh. In the following year, 1800, his lordship was again with his regiment, which was stationed at Aberdeen. Lord Balgonie succeeded his father as Earl of Leven on 9th June 1802, and assumed, being the first in the family to do so, the designation of Earl of Leven and Melville. This was probably owing to the creation of another peerage of Melville only six months after his succession. The famous states- man, Henry Dundas of Melville, in Midlothian, was created Viscount Melville On 24th December 1802, apparently in ignorance of the existence of the earlier and higher dignity of Earl of Melville, which had not been assumed by the holders of it after the death of the first Earl of Melville in the year 1707. Following out his adoption of the title of Melville in addition to Leven, the Earl's younger children, in 1803, assumed the surname of Melville in addition to that of Leslie. This step was taken partly in consequence of an urgent request on the part of General Robert Melville, who was a son of a former minister of Monimail. The general wished to leave his landed pro- perty to a series of heirs, including Lord Leven's second son and his younger brothers successively, on condition that they should assume the surname of Melville, “being the ancient paternal surname of their family.” This pro- posal was made in August 1802, after Lord Leven's aceession, but the question as to Lord Balgonie's younger Sons bearing the name of Melville had been raised and discussed some years previously, and an opinion expressed in 1795, that not only might the Earl of Leven assume both titles, but that the younger members of the family might take the name of Melville alone.” * Letter, 9th May 1799, in Melville Charter-chest. * Paper in Melville Charter-chest. ASSUMES STYLE OF EARL OF LEVEN AND MELVILLE, 1803. 367 When, however, General Melville's proposal was made in 1802, Lord Leven at first demurred, for although he admitted that his sons already assumed the name of Melville in addition to that of Leslie, he objected to the stipulation that it should be assumed in place of Leslie. This point, how- ever, was afterwards arranged, and in April 1803 it was agreed that the surname of the younger members of the family should be Leslie-Melville. The Earl was, in December 1804, a candidate for election as one of the sixteen representative peers of Scotland, but was not returned as such till the general election of 1806. His daughter Jane, aged ten, writes to her mother: “We all congratulate dear papa on his good success, and thank you and Lucy for your kind letters, which we were happy to see franked by papa, who is greatly improved in his writing. I fancy he has had a lesson or two from Mr. Butterworth.” " In the year 1813 the Earl of Leven and Melville was required to appoint a professor of chemistry in St. Andrews University in the following circum- stances: Five years previously Mr. John Gray of London left part of his estate for various purposes in Scotland, including, first, fº()0 to be invested for paying the yearly salary of a schoolmistress in the parish of Cupar, to instruct “the young females in the proper branches of female education,” under certain conditions, and under the patronage of the Countess of Leven for the time, who should examine the scholars; and secondly, the sum of £2000, to be invested in the name of the principal and masters of the United College of St. Andrews, to pay “the salary for a professor of chemistry in the said university,” together with two bursaries of £10 each, which were to be competed for. Lord Leven was specially nominated patron of the pro- fessorship, but the opportunity for acting on the will did not occur until some time afterwards. Mr. Gray died about 1811, but there was some difficulty about the funds at the disposal of his executor, and Lord Leven's first nomination was only made in 1813, by the appointment to the chair of Dr. Patrick Mudie, a physician of St. Andrews.” One of the earl’s correspondents about this time was the Rev. Thomas Chalmers, then minister of Kilmany, a parish not far from Melville House. * Letter, 18th December 1806, in Melville Charter-chest. * Papers on the subject in Melville Charter-chest. 3.68 ALEXANDER, SEVENTH EARL OF LEVEN, ETC. He wrote to Lord Leven a few days after his acceptance of a call to be minister of the Tron Church in Glasgow, a characteristic letter expressing gratitude for kindness on the earl’s part." Another correspondent was the veteran agriculturist, George Dempster of Dunnichen, whose activity in pro- moting the fisheries and agriculture of Scotland in the beginning of this century is well known. He sent, as a present to Lord Leven, a “Skibo cow,” which he recommends for its fattening qualities, and for its colour. “It may pass for a deer that has strayed from the herd, and if not doomed to the baulk, would make a pretty gentle pet for a lady—a pad, indeed, if the lady lived in Astracan.” Two years later the Octogenarian donor again refers to the cow, and alleges that, if it be “suffered to breed, the park of Melville might have a herd of animals little less ornamental than deer, and nearly as deli- cious as the deer kind.” ” The letters of Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe to Lord Leven will be found to be written with even more than his usual raciness of style, and some of them contain references to his books." Sir David Wilkie, the well-known painter, was also one of the earl’s correspondents.” In the beginning of 1818, the Earl of Leven and Melville lost his countess, who, after a comparatively brief illness, died on 13th February in that year. Writing to his eldest son, who was then in Italy, Lord Leven says:– “DEAR DAVID,--The sad event you have been led to expect took place in so easy a way as not to be hardly distinguished by the tender anxious witnesses surrounding her deathbed. You know it took place on the 13th, about 3 o'clock, and if two restless nights are excepted, her pain was not severe, her suffering moderate, and her death easy; that prepared as she was for the change, it ought to be our ambition to live so as to hope for a peacefull removal and a blessed eternity. . . . The funeral did not take place till the 21, to give John a power of coming, tho’ not from his late fatigue hardly expected, assuring you that from the arrangements made which the time admitted of, every point was conducted with becoming decency, propriety, and the approbation of many hundreds who, both here and at Markinch, in spite of bad weather, testified their silent affection in return for many instances of kind charity administered to them. Yesterday, too, 1 Vol. ii. of this work, p. 308. nature of his holograph letter, an intimation that he is aged eighty-four. 2 7},..., d Ibid. p. 309. * Ibid. pp. 314, 317-324. * Ibid. p. 317. The writer adds to the sig- * Ibid. pp. 325-327. DEATH AND BURIAL OF THE COUNTESS, 1818. 369 Sunday the 22d, at church, where she was a close attender, renewed our grief, especially when by name her character was fully and justly and truly delineated by Dr. Martin, whose wife, if not a corpse, was left all but so; but she in the evening rallied, to the surprise of all. The turn-out was most respectable, twenty carriages, most of the gentlemen in our neighbourhood, and nearly every farmer and feuar of the estate, to the number of some hundreds.” " The letters which have been preserved relating to the death of Lady Leven all speak of her in the highest terms. The earl did not long survive his countess, as he died about two years later, ou 22d February 1820. They had issue nine children :— 1. David, Lord Balgonie, who succeeded. Of him a memoir follows. 2. Hon. John Thornton Leslie-Melville, who became ninth Earl of Leven and eighth Earl of Melville. Of him a memoir follows. 3. Hon. William Henry Leslie-Melville, born 19th May 1788. He entered the service of the Hon. East India Company, and sailed for India on the 5th March 1808. He reached the Cape of Good Hope on 31st May, and Madras in August of that year. He was detained at Madras some time by the illness and death of his cousin, the Hon. David Ruthven, who was one of his companions on the voyage, and whose loss he very deeply regretted. He reached Calcutta about the 24th of October. Few of his letters from India seem to have been preserved, but he appears to have liked the country and his work. He was engaged at first in the commercial and later in the judicial department of the company's service. In 1817 he was, at his own request, made assistant to the Superintendent of police at Calcutta, an active situation, and one in the way of promotion. He returned home before 1832, and in 1841 was made a director of the East India Company. At this period he took much interest in the history of his family, made many researches as to its origin and descent, and prepared for the press a selection from the letters and papers of his ancestor, George, first Earl of Melville, which was printed for the Bannatyne Club in 1843, as “The Leven and Melville Papers.” He died unmarried on 9th April 1856. 4. Hon. and Rev. Robert Samuel Leslie-Melville, born about 1793. He entered the Church of England, and gave promise of much excellence in his pro- fession, but his career was comparatively short. In 1825 he was in Italy, evidently in search of health, and died on 24th October 1826, unmarried. | Letter, 23d February 1818, in Melville Charter-chest. WOL. I. 3 A 370 ALEXANDER, SEVENTH EARL OF LEVEN, ETC. 5. Hon. Alexander Leslie-Melville of Bramston Hall, county Lincoln, born 18th June 1800. He entered the legal profession, and was called to the Scottish bar. According to one of his eldest brother's correspondents, he made his “maiden speech " as an advocate at the Perth circuit in September 1824. It “did him great credit. I noticed with what satisfaction Lord Pitmilly listened to it.” He married, on 19th October 1825, Charlotte, daughter of Samuel Smith, M.P., of Woodhall Park, Hertfordshire. She died on 26th April 1879. Their issue are enumerated in the genealogical table. The daughters were— 1. Lady Lucy Leslie-Melville, born 10th December 1789; died 11th February 1791. 2. Lady Lucy Leslie-Melville, born on 26th January 1794. She married, on 14th July 1824, Henry, third son of Samuel Smith, M.P., and had issue. She died on 23d December 1865. 3. Lady Jane Elizabeth Leslie-Melville, born on 16th May 1796. She married, on 13th October 1816, Francis Pym, of the Hasells, Bedfordshire, and had issue. She died on 25th April 1848. 4. Lady Marianne Leslie-Melville, born on 30th November 1797. She married, in 1822, Abel Smith of Woodhall Park, M.P., and died at their residence in Berkeley Square, London, on 22d March 1823, without issue. 1 Letter, the Earl of Kellie to Lord Leven, 24th September 1824, in Melville Charter-chest. ~~ . : º DAVID EARL of LEVEN AND MELVILLE. BO RN 1785, DIED |B60. № } №. ,ſ.|- - №№. §.\ |- №.\\\\№. № №! ,W№ ||…', |- ------ - ---- -- ----- º, e º Cºs COUNTESS of LEVEN AND MELV l LLE. * ELIZABETH ANNE MARRIED 1824, DIED 1863. 3.71 XIV. 1.-DAVID, EIGHTH EARL OF LEVEN AND SEVENTH EARL OF MELVILLE. ELIZABETH ANNE CAMPBELL (OF SUCCOTH), HIS COUNTESS. 1820–1860. David, eighth Earl of Leven, was born on 22d June 1785. After the death of his grandfather in 1802 his courtesy title was Lord Balgonie. In 1792 his father began to inquire as to a public school for him. His uncle, Mr. Samuel Thornton, in reply wrote, “with respect to your inquiries about David, I believe Rugby to be the best of the schools you have mentioned; I should greatly object to Westminster, and think him also too young for Eton.” I A few days later he wrote that he thought on the whole Eton pre- ferable to Rugby, “having turned out such good scholars as Grey, Whitbread, and some others of late, and such steady ones as young Brogden, etc.” It would appear, however, that Lord Balgonie was placed at a private school near London.” But during the years before his grandfather's death the references to him are of the most casual and meagre description. He entered the Royal Navy before March 1800, and in the year 1808, when his ship, the Cygnet, visited Leith, he appears to have resided at Melville for a few weeks. In the following year, 1809, he was with the British fleet under Collingwood, as a lieutenant on board the Ville de Paris, Lord Collingwood's flag-ship, of 110 guns. In an attack upon a French convoy which had sailed from Toulon and gone into the Bay of Rosas, on the north-east coast of Spain, Lord Balgonie volunteered to command one of the boats which were to be engaged, and took charge of one from the Topaz. The action began about four in the morning, first on the French store-ship, and then on the convoy. In writing about it to his father, he says, “Almost every vessel proved armed, but they were taken one after another under showers of shot from four batteries . . . in less than two hours there were ten Sail burnt and four towed out. The explosions were grander than anything * Letter, 31st October 1792, in Melville 3. A letter by him to his father, without Charter-chest. date, but written in a round half-text hand, is sent from Wandsworth. He refers to his * Letter, Nov. 5, ibid. garden and other amusements, 372 DAVID, EIGHTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND SEVENTH EARL OF MELVILLE, I ever saw.” One of the vessels towed out was taken by Lord Balgonie, and he was specially mentioned for his gallantry by Lord Collingwood in his despatches. In consequence, no doubt, of his dash on that occasion, he was in December following promoted to the rank of commander, and received the command of a brig,” although not long before he had written to his father expressing considerable anxiety about his prospects of advance- ment.” His naval career cannot be traced in detail from the family papers. He was promoted to the rank of post-captain in 1812, and appears to have retired from active service in the spring of 1814, somewhat out of health. Referring to this, a friend writes to him, in a spirit of banter — “Your safe arrival in your native country has given us all much pleasure. I was afraid your noted gallantry to the fair sex would induce you to exert your- self too much on the voyage, and perhaps hurt your health. In your short note to me you do not mention whether the cough has left you; you must now be very careful of yourself, and recruit after the London campaign. I am informed by very creditable authority that you not only entered into the gayities of the town during my absence, but that you were frequently seen of cold raw nights bellowing among the link boys for some of the old dowagers' carriages. Now, my good friend, in your delicate state, you should not carry your good-nature so far.”.” Lord Balgonie again went abroad in the years 1817-1819, and was at Naples or at least in Italy at the time of his mother's death. He left Rome about the middle of June 1819, when he thus wrote to his brother John :— “At last I am off from Rome, and must say it is almost with regret, there are so many objects of admiration and interest that one must get some taste for one of the arts during a short residence. I believe if I had remained a few months longer I should have begun to paint. Several ladies have been tempted, and have made some progress. Mrs. Captain Graham really copies well in three weeks. Eastlake,” a friend of mine, was the general master, and very much liked. He is to paint me two or three pictures of Greece and Sicily where we were together. He is very clever, and I expect they will be good. When my old pictures arrive I should like Lord and Lady Caledon to see one of them, a 1 Letter, 2d November 1809, vol. ii. of * Letter, Edmund W. Knox, 10th July this work, pp. 304, 305. 1814, in Melville Charter-chest. * He was at a later date in command of H.M.S. Romulus. * Afterwards Sir Charles Eastlake, presi- * Vol. ii. of this work, pp. 305, 306. dent of the Royal Academy. HIS SUCCESSION AS EARL, AND MARRIAGE. 373 Crucifixion, which we admired another copy of much together. also wishes a friend of his to see it.” " Mr. Eastlake Not many months after his return home, he succeeded to the title and estates on the death of his father, and appears to have continued to reside at Melville, except when called to London in connection with his duties as a representative peer. He intended to go there in the Spring of 1821, as appears from a letter of his friend Mr. Eastlake,” but it is not certain if he went ; and although invited to attend, he was not present at the coronation of King George the Fourth, which took place on 1st August 1821.” The Earl of Leven married, on 21st June 1824, Elizabeth Anne Campbell, second daughter of Sir Archibald Campbell, second Baronet of Succoth.* His uncle, General David Leslie, a few days before the event, wrote congratu- lating him on his happy prospects, and upon having Selected a partner for life, whose superior good qualities must ensure to him “that domestic felicity which is the choicest blessing of heaven.” General Leslie and his wife, however, were unable to be present, but sent their best wishes, and Mrs. Leslie added: “May you keep the anniversary of the 21st fifty years hence, as was the lot of your worthy grandfather and grandmother to do after a union of fifty years, and I verily believe in all that long time they never had one dispute or any serious difference even of opinion.” " At the general election of the sixteen representative peers of Scotland held on 3d June 1831, Lord Leven was elected one of them. His lordship was re-elected at every subsequent general election, including that of 10th May 1 Letter, 18th June 1819, in Melville Charter-chest. * Vol. ii. of this work, p. 332. * A letter to him, of date 6th July 1821, from his cousin, Samuel Thornton, thus com- ments on the approaching ceremony. “We are disappointed in not being likely to see country beside yourself, which together with the circumstance of there being no ladies to walk in the procession, has made me so care- less about witnessing this pageant that, unless it is for the fun of seeing the scramble in Westminster Hall (the only real sight after all), I doubt whether I should be willing to you or your sisters in town, after all the hopes you have been holding out to your brother. I am not the less sorry at the diminution of splendour, and I may add of respectability, which the approaching corona- tion will suffer by the absence of several other members of the ancient nobility of the spend three weeks' half-pay upon a seat, either in the abbey, hall or booths.” 4 He is designated in the certificate of banns as “Sir Archibald Campbell of Gar- scube.” * Letter, l l th June 1824, in Melville Char- ter-chest, 374 DAVID, EIGHTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND SEVENTH EARL OF MELVILLE. 1859, which was the last previous to his death, so that he held the position of a representative peer for the long period of thirty-eight years. His first election in 1831 had special reference to the impending struggle on the Reform Bill. His opinions, however, were not on all points in accord with those of the Conservative party, to which he usually adhered, as some cor- respondence with the Earls of Rosslyn and Harrowby, the managers for the opponents of the Reform Bill, shows. The debate in the House of Lords on the second reading took place in the beginning of October 1831, and in August the earl wrote to Lord Rosslyn enclosing his proxy, and expressing the hope that it would be placed in hands disposed to promote the great object for which he came forward at the last election. He added that it was his desire to make certain concessions to the reform party so as to avoid collision with the popular voice." But his views were not encouraged by Lord Rosslyn.” In a later letter, dated 29th September 1831, Lord Leven gave reasons why he could not be in London at the second reading.” Lord Rosslyn in his reply expressed sanguine hopes that the bill would be defeated,” and, as is well known, this debate in the House of Lords ended in the rejection of the first Reform Bill. With various alterations it was again brought forward in the next session, passed by a large majority in the Commons, and sent up to the House of Lords in due course. Lord Leven had not gone to London, but still took a deep interest in the matter. As he and Lord Rosslyn did not wholly agree about the bill, and believing that Lord Harrowby, who, though he had made a powerful speech against the second reading of the first bill, was disposed to accept the new bill with certain alterations and Omissions, most nearly represented his own views, Lord Leven wrote to him in the end of February 1832 — “As I concur generally in the view your lordship has taken upon the question of reform, and regard compromise as the only mode of extrication from the difficulties in which the country has been placed by the government, permit me to offer my support to your lordship should it be agreeable to continue to take a lead in promoting that object.” * Copy letter, 8th August 1831, in Melville * Copy letter, in Melville Charter-chest. Charter-chest. * Copy letter, 4th October, ibid. * Copy letter, ibid. * Copy letter, 27th February 1832, ibid. HIS VIEWS ON THE REFORM BILL, 1832. 375 The earl then expressed a desire to transfer his proxy from Lord Rosslyn to Lord Harrowby, and the latter in reply stated his surprise and gratification at Lord Leven's concurrence with his views. Lord Rosslyn, however, wrote :- “I cannot help believing that your lordship has acted upon erroneous informa- tion, for it is not only acknowledged by Lord Harrowby and Lord Wharncliffe that there exists at present no compromise with the government upon any part of the question, but it is certain that the ministers omit no opportunity of disclaiming all intention to concede any point of importance, and afford no encouragement to hope that they will yield anything to Lord Harrowby, or those who may join him in voting for the second reading.” Lord Rosslyn then proceeds to point out wherein he thinks Lords Harrowby and Wharncliffe are mistaken in their view of the situation, and their hope of averting the threatened creation of new peers by voting for the second reading and then altering the bill in committee. He comments at some length upon what he styles their fallacious calculations, and concludes by recommending Lord Leven to attend the Committee stage of the bill." Lord Leven's reply fully indicates his position and sentiments. After thanking Lord Rosslyn for giving effect to his wish about his proxy, he says:– “I regret, however, very much to find that you, as well as some others of my political and private friends, attach so much importance to that step, and indeed regard it as little less than a secession from the conservative party. I can only say I never contemplated it in that light, and I have not pledged myself to any- thing beyond the sentiments expressed by Lord Harrowby on the second reading of the late bill in the House of Lords. . . . Your lordship may recollect that when I first transmitted my proxy to you, I expressed a hope that some com- promise might be attempted. In reply you followed the argument since taken by your party and Lord Harrowby in the House of Lords that no modification would render that bill an expedient measure. I did not perceive any advantage likely to arise from continuing the discussion at that time, but my opinion remained unchanged, and the best consideration I could since give the subject has tended to confirm it. It appeared to me that amongst the enormous difficul- ties which on either side beset the subject, and the settlement of it, our only prospect of extrication lay in selecting some middle points which might still preserve much of the spirit and substance of our constitution ; that any leading * Copy letter, 2d March 1832, in Melville Charter-chest. 376 DAVID, EIGHTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND SEVENTH EARL OF MELVILLE. person making the effort even must carry with him a very large and respectable party in the nation, House of Lords, and perhaps the government, who at present regard the tories as pledged to resist all reform ; that Lord Grey, although he maintains the doctrine of resistance to all material alterations, may explain those terms as he likes, and I cannot but believe he will yield rather than adopt a measure so subversive of the constitution as the creation of peers; that in fact joining property with population as the basis of representation is a considerable concession ; that I am unable to perceive any hope of settling the question by continued and uncompromising resistance to the whole of it, and that the attempt to come to terms, if not met by ministers in a fair, candid and reasonable spirit, must contribute to place them still further in the wrong, while in my opinion nothing of moment is lost in making the effort. “Such, in my humble judgment, are some of the grounds which recommend compromise, and when I found a person so highly respectable as Lord Harrowby coincide with me, and disposed to propose something specific, your lordship will understand, altho' you do not concur with me, my reasons for wishing to strengthen his hands in any negotiation in which he might engage according to the sentiments he had declared. Feeling deeply sensible of the importance of the crisis, and how necessary it is to inform myself upon the subject, I have deter- mined to go to London for the second reading. - “I should regard a breach in the conservative party at the present moment as a serious evil, and not perceiving among them any such essential difference in principle as should lead to separation, I cannot but hope so heavy an addition to our difficulties may be avoided. However this may be, it affords me great satis- faction to learn that the difference of opinion which exists between us on this occasion will make no alteration in our private friendship, and that I may continue to hold these sentiments of regard and esteem I have ever entertained for your lordship.” " The earl’s resolution to proceed to London and to be present at the debate on the Second reading appears to have been not altogether spontaneous, as a letter addressed to him on 5th March 1832 contains a strong expression of opinion about his procedure. The writer says:– “I am sorry you have withdrawn your proxy from Lord Rosslyn and given it to Lord Harrowby, as by so doing you separate yourself entirely from the party who assisted in bringing you in as one of the sixteen, and if you have any wish of being a representative peer next parliament you cannot expect their * Copy letter [no date] Melville Charter-chest. PROMOTED TO THE RANK OF REAR-ADMIRAL, 1846. . . . 377 support, and I think it would have been better had you adhered to the same opinion which guided your vote last time upon this awful question, and you should recollect that your principal support was from those peers who have always been opposed to the principles of the Reform Bill, and who of course understood you to entertain the same sentiments, and by voting for the second reading you at once admit the principle. But all this must have occurred to yourself, and you are the best judge of your own conduct, and I only hope you will excuse the liberty I have taken in saying what I have done, and if you should change your mind you have still plenty of time to give your proxy to whom you please. I have no doubt of the bill going into committee, but I confess I should have liked to have seen it do so without your support. Lord Grey certainly holds a carte blanche to make as many peers as he may think necessary, and he will of course exercise that power not only to carry the Reform Bill, but any other measure that may be proposed.”" This last statement, though no doubt believed by the writer, was at this stage somewhat premature, but the whole tone of the letter appears to have weighed with Lord Leven, who on the 12th March wrote again to Lord Harrowby that he had desired to support the propositions for compromise thrown out by him, but intimating his intention of being present at the debate in person. To the copy of this and the other letters, Lord Leven adds a note that he had received an answer from Lord Harrowby, and in reply had stated more distinctly that if no reasonable compromise according to his views was effected with the Government, he would reserve his decision upon supporting the second reading of the bill until he reached London, and informed himself further upon the subject.” The result was that Lord Leven did attend the debate, and he voted against the second reading, being thus opposed to Lord Harrowby, who voted for it. The earl was on 31st October 1846 promoted to the rank of a retired rear-admiral, and this appears to be the chief public event recorded regarding him during a long series of years. He took no very active part in politics, but lived privately, devoting much of his time and attention to the furtherance of local interests and the amelioration of the condition of his tenants and labourers. In this respect he followed in the footsteps of his predecessors, * Copy extract from letter, in Melville Charter-chest. The name of the writer is not stated. * Copy letter in Melville Charter-chest. WOL. I. 3 B 378 DAVID, EIGHTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND SEVENTH EARL OF MELVILLE. and it was the boast of some of his tenants that they and their fathers had possessed their farms on the estate for close upon three centuries. The family of Leven and Melville always gave much attention to their estates, and studied to introduce agricultural improvements and to encourage good farming, while the steadings and cottages were models of excellence. A notice of the Earl of Leven, written in a local newspaper at the time of his death, remarks, “The late earl was not behind any of his predecessors in kind consideration for his tenants. He had his own way—as who has not—but for genuine kind-hearted interest in the prosperity and well-being of all on the estates, tenants and workers, his lordship was one in a thousand; and not less honourably distinguished in his efforts for the welfare of the people within the reach of his influence, than were the houses of which he was the worthy representative in the annals of their country’s struggle for liberty and peace.”" From the same source we learn that in matters of local public interest, the earl “was among the foremost. He took a deep interest in the formation of the Fife Railway, of which he was the first chairman, and with his relative, Mr. Balfour of Balbirnie, almost the only considerable holder of stock in the county. To every other public object of general utility he gave a liberal and hearty support, and the latest—the volunteer movement—has also had his cordial sympathies and liberal contributions. The active interest he took in the welfare of the labourer seemed even to increase with his failing strength. He was always providing employment for them, and otherwise contributing to enable the aged to have comfort in their declining years.” When he died “he was busily engaged in a well-formed and extensive plan for the erection of additional buildings, especially of new cottages where he considered them required.” He was also one of the trustees of the Bell bequest, and in that office lent a most beneficial influence to the cause of education. Some years before his death great grief and anxiety were caused to Earl David, by the illness and death of his only surviving son, Alexander, Lord Balgonie. The family arrangements which Earl David thought fit and proper to make in the crisis which thus arose, have been fully explained in the Introduction, to which reference is made. The earl died of apoplexy at Melville House, on 8th October 1860, at the * Fife Journal, quoted in Courant, 12th October 1860. HIS LATER YEARS AND DEATH. 379 age of seventy-five, and his remains were interred in the family burying- place, at the old church of Monimail. He was succeeded in the lordship and barony of Monimail and other lands known as the estate of Melville, by his eldest daughter and heir of line and entail, Lady Elizabeth Jane Leslie Melville, then Cartwright. The peerages of Leven and Melville were inherited by his lordship's next brother, the Hon. John Thornton Leslie Melville, as nearest heir-male under the investitures. Earl David was survived, for upwards of three years, by his countess, Elizabeth, who continued to reside at Melville House, and died there on 6th November 1863. Her remains were interred beside those of her husband. A monument to his memory, in the present church of Monimail, which was commenced by the countess, was completed in 1868 by their surviving children, Elizabeth, Anne, Susan, and Emily, in affectionate remembrance of both their parents. Their issue were two sons and four daughters. 1. Alexander, Lord Balgonie, born 19th November 1831. Educated at Eton, he entered the army in December 1850 as ensign, and became lieutenant in the 1st (Grenadier) Foot Guards, of which the Duke of Wellington was colonel. His majority was celebrated at Melville House in November 1852, and not long afterwards he accompanied his regiment to the East at the outbreak of the Crimean war. He served during the greater part of the campaign of 1854, acting as aide-de-camp to General Sir Henry Bentinck, and attained the rank of major. At the battle of Inkerman his horse was shot under him, and when the ammunition had run short, he stopped a donkey laden with stones for the trenches and rolled them down on the Russians. Lord Balgonie inherited the ardour of his ancestors for military service, and was a most promising young officer, of great amiability of character, and much beloved in his regiment. He, however, suffered severely from the hardships of the Crimean campaign, and towards the close of the year 1855 was obliged to return home. A few days after his return he was to have been presented with the freedom of the burgh of Cupar at a dinner given there, but was suddenly seized with the illness which afterwards terminated fatally. The following autumn, just before starting to spend the winter in Egypt, in September 1856, the free- dom of the burgh of Cupar was presented to him at Melville House. He spent the winter and spring of 1856-57 in Egypt, in a vain attempt to regain his health, and, returning to England, died at Roehampton House, 380 DAVID, EIGHTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND SEVENTH EARL OF MELVILLE. 2 2 Surrey, the residence of his uncle John, on 29th August 1857. His death, which was deeply mourned by his sorrowing parents and numerous relatives, occurred on the eve of a county festival in his honour. His remains were brought from Roehampton to Scotland, and interred in the family burying-place at the old church of Monimail. The tenantry on the Melville estates and the neighbouring gentlemen erected, in the church of Monimail, a marble tablet with an inscription which narrates his military services and lamented death, and states that his high principles and kind and gentle disposition endeared him to all. There is also an inscription on a monument to him in the Guards' Chapel in Wellington Barracks, London. . Honourable David Archibald Leslie Melville, who was born on 14th October 1833, and died on 20th October 1854, unmarried. His remains were interred at the old church of Monimail. . Lady Elizabeth Jane Leslie Melville, who succeeded to Melville. . Lady Anna Maria, who married, at Paris, on 26th April 1865, Sir William Stirling-Maxwell, Baronet, of Keir and Pollok, K.T. As the result of an accident, Lady Anna died at Keir, on 8th December 1874. Sir William survived her and died on 15th June 1878. They had issue two sons, Sir John Stirling-Maxwell, Baronet of Pollok, and Archibald Stirling of Keir. Lady Susan Lucy, who was appointed lady-in-waiting to Her Royal Highness, the late Duchess of Kent, in 1859, and was with her till the death of the Duchess in 1861. In 1866 Lady Susan was appointed lady-in-waiting to Her Royal Highness, Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, on her marriage, and resigned in 1883. Lady Emily Eleanor, born 22d May 1840. She married, on 28th March 1864, John Glencairn Carter Hamilton, of Dalzell, who was created Baron Hamilton of Dalzell in 1886. Lady Emily died on 11th November 1882, much regretted by all classes in her neighbourhood, leaving surviving issue three sons and four daughters. ~~~~ 381 XV.-2. LADY ELIZABETH JANE LESLIE MELVILLE CARTWRIGHT OF MELVILLE, THOMAS ROBERT BROOK LESLIE MELVILLE CARTWRIGHT, HER HUSBAND, On the death of her father, David, eighth Earl of Leven and seventh Earl of Melville, Lady Elizabeth inherited the family estates of Melville as heir of line. In the lifetime of her father, about two years previous to his death, she married, on 2d November 1858, Thomas Robert Brook Cartwright, second son of Sir Thomas Cartwright, G. C. H., of Aynhoe, Northamptonshire, Minister Plenipotentiary to the Diet of Frankfort, and afterwards Envoy Extra- ordinary to the Court of Sweden and Norway, where he died in April 1850, survived by his widow, who is still alive in her eighty-sixth year. The Cartwright family, various members of which have been distinguished in war, politics, and invention, is descended from Hugh Cartwright, who lived in the reign of King Henry the Seventh. His eldest son William was the ancestor of the Cartwrights of Norwell and Marnham, while Roland, the second son, was the ancestor of the Cartwrights of Aynhoe. Roland's grandson, Richard Cartwright of the Inner Temple, purchased, about 1600, the Manor of Aynhoe, which has ever since remained with his descendants. William, grandson of Richard, married as his second wife Ursula, seventh daughter of Ferdinando, second Lord Fairfax of Cameron, a sister of the famous Thomas, Lord Fairfax, and their son was the direct ancestor of the present representatives of the family. After the succession of Lady Elizabeth to the Melville estates, Mr. Cart- wright adopted the additional names of Leslie Melville before his own. They have had issue, one son and four daughters. 1. Alexander William Leslie Melville Cartwright, born 5th March 1863, died 24th September same year. Elizabeth Harriet Leslie Melville Cartwright, born on 18th August 1859. Marian Leslie Melville Cartwright, born on 11th February 1861. Frances Agnes Leslie Melville Cartwright, born on 22d January 1862. Ursula Leslie Melville Cartwright, born on 17th July 1864. She married, on 7th August 1889, Charles Walter Cottrell-Dormer of Rousham, Oxford- shire, captain in the 13th Hussars. : 38.2 XIV.-2. JOHN, NINTH EARL OF LEVEN AND EIGHTH EARL OF MELVILLE, IHARRIET THORNTON, HIS FIRST WIFE. SOPHIA THORNTON, HIS SECOND WIFE. 1860–1876. John Thornton Leslie Melville, who succeeded his brother David, as heir-male, in the peerages of Leven and Melville, was born on 18th December 1786. He appears to have been educated at a private school near London. In 1804 it was intended that he should proceed to Russia, apparently in connection with the business of his uncles, the Messrs. Thornton, but the idea was abandoned. He afterwards, in 1809, acted as assistant deputy pay- master-general to the forces under Sir Arthur Wellesley, then in the Penin- sula. In one letter which has been preserved Mr. Leslie Melville gives a sketch of the situation in Spain after the battle of Talavera. He regrets that the date of his commission did not allow him to be present at that conflict, and adds:– “Every officer I have spoken to on this subject assures me that such a fight with such unequal numbers was never seen before. . . . I am told the French claim the victory since our retreat, but they ought in justice to remember who maintained the field of battle, and who were the first to fly. Indeed our coming away at all was not so much from fear of the same army returning to attack us, as from knowing that Soult's army, of at least 15,000 infantry and 5000 cavalry, were within three days' march of our rear. “You will ask how our commander-in-chief suffered them to get there 7 (which we flatter ourselves is the only part of his conduct which can be called in question), and thus it is to be explained. They could only get into this posi- tion by one road, and that is commanded by the pass of Gata, where Cuesta 1 placed 300 men and guns enough to defend it; but as soon as a few French cavalry appeared in sight away they went, leaving guns and everything else for the French, in spite of the perswasion of an English officer who attempted to get them to do their duty. But the truth of the matter is, altho’ so much is said of * The Spanish general. HIS EXPERIENCES IN SPAIN, 383 Spanish patriots, of their spirit, and determination to die or free themselves from the French yoke, they are a complete set of cowardly banditti who will submit, after our departure from the country, to the will and pleasure of Joseph Bonaparte, and if the game is really up in Austria, in my humble opinion he will very soon have quiet possession of this kingdom, tho' if our government please to defend Portugal, they will not find it easy to drive us from thence. As for comparing, either as soldiers or as a people, the Portuguese with the Spaniards, the former are decidedly superior in both points of view, and the only advantages possessed by the Spaniards are a more fertile soil (to which they do no justice), and a handsomer race of females, for whom they will not fight. “But, to give the devil his due, I believe the common Spanish soldiers are not so much to blame as the officers, for the latter generally run first. The Portuguese are pretty well off for English officers, and considering the short time they have had the command, it is wonderful to see their state of discipline. I saw General Beresford at the head of 6000 of them a fortnight ago, and very well, indeed, they looked. Our own army are now very sickly indeed, and growing more so every day, owing to the scarcity of provisions. No wine or brandy can be pro- cured, and many days the whole ration of bread cannot be served out, sometimes none at all. Report says we are to retire as far as Elvas on the borders of Por- tugal, but this seems to me to depend upon our finding provisions plentiful or scarce in our retreat. Sir Arthur could not now muster above 16 or 17,000 men here, but General Catlin Crawford is on the north of the Tagus with 7000 fresh troops, who have never yet been engaged. We all blame ministers for not send- ing Lord Chatham's expedition here, not, however, wishing for his lordship's pre- sence, but that the troops should have been under the command of Sir Arthur Wellesley. “We are at present encamped on the bank of the river Guadiana within a 4 of a mile of the town of Merida. . . . All the paymasters of the different regiments at Talavera have been put under arrest for running away from the battle, and it is expected to prove a serious matter to most of them. Some of the commissaries have been dismissed the service for the same offence. Our officers and men fought like lions—many have to lament the loss of their friends, but it was a glorious fight. The regiments that were in the hottest of it were the Brigade of Guards, 23d Light Dragoons, 48th Regiment, and 47th Regiment—the last had every officer, except 3, killed or wounded. Two friends of mine, Christie and Sandilands, both Fife men in the Coldstream Guards, received slight wounds in the leg and were taken with the rest of our wounded at Talavera; but they have both since had the good fortune to be exchanged, and 384 JOHN, NINTH EARL OF LEVEN, AND EIGHTH EARL OF MELVILLE. we expect them to join as soon as their wounds will permit. Sir Arthur wrote to Mortier," after we left Talavera, to claim every attention to our sick left, and to ask permission to send an officer with money to them. The answer was ‘that they were in the hands of Frenchmen; that rations should be served to them be- fore the French army received any ; that no money was necessary, for he would furnish any sum required out of his own pocket until the matter was arranged by his Government, and concluded by assuring Sir Arthur he should always have the highest respect for him and the brave English nation.’ “My own exploits have been none, except a very rapid retreat, for on my way to join Sir Arthur by the regular road from Lisbon I got within 10 English miles of four hundred of Soult's cavalry who were within two miles of the place I intended to have slept at that night, and advancing on the road to meet me. However, I went back 47 miles to Castello Branco, and after remaining some days at that place I crossed the Tagus at the famous bridge of Alcantara, and proceeded to join Sir Arthur, who had retreated as far as Truxillo, when I got up to him. The French have made this town (famous for being the birth-place of Pizarro) quite a heap of ruins. It stands in a very commanding situation, and from the remains of Moorish walls, towers, etc., has in days of yore been a very strong place. . . .”.” It does not appear how long Mr. Leslie Melville remained with the army, but he was in London in the year 1812, if not earlier, and he must therefore have left Spain before the end of the Peninsular war. Beyond this date, scarcely anything can be gathered of his career from the family papers. He entered into business and became one of the original partners in the London banking-house of Williams, Deacon, Labouchere, Thornton & Co., and he continued a partner till within a few years of his death. His elder brother, David, eighth Earl of Leven, dying, in 1860, without surviving male issue, the Hon. John Leslie Melville succeeded to the titles and dignities of the family, and became ninth Earl of Leven and eighth Earl of Melville. At the first general election after his succession he was chosen one of the sixteen representative peers of Scotland, on 28th July 1865. He was re-elected at subsequent general elections previous to his death in 1876. 1 French General. General would “send this letter to my father * Letter from Merida, 31st August 1809, to read ; as we march to-morrow. I know addressed to General Robert Melville. In a not when I shall be able to write two more postscript the writer adds a wish that the sheets to anybody.” IHIS CHILDREN. 385 In the year 1869, the earl purchased the estate of Glenferness which formed part of the lands of Coulmony and others on the south side of the river Findhorn in the barony and parish of Ardclach, late regality of Spynie, and county of Nairn." Glenferness thereafter became his principal Scottish residence. The family arrangements under which this ninth Earl of Leven and eighth Earl of Melville acquired the old Melville barony of Hallhill in the county of Fife, and other lands there, have been fully explained in the Introduction, and need not be repeated here. This earl attained to the great age of ninety years. He retained all his faculties of mind and body to the last. A paralytic attack ended fatally at Glenferness on Saturday, 16th September 1876. The earl was twice married, first on 15th September 1812, to his cousin Harriet, youngest daughter of Samuel Thornton of Clapham. She died after apparently a lingering illness, on 26th July 1832. His second wife, to whom he was married on 23d April 1834, was another cousin, Sophia, fourth daughter of Henry Thornton of London. By his two wives this earl had issue — 1. Alexander, eldest son of the first marriage, who succeeded him as Earl of Leven and Melville as aftermentioned. . Alfred John Leslie Melville, born 5th June 1826. He entered the service of the Hon. East India Company, and died at Penang, on 25th May 1851, without issue. . Ronald Ruthven Leslie Melville, eldest son of the second marriage, who succeeded as eleventh Earl of Leven and tenth Earl of Melville as after- mentioned. 4, Hon. Norman Leslie Melville, born on 5th February 1839. He entered the army, and was a captain in the Grenadier Guards. He married, on 4th December 1861, Georgina, daughter of William Shirley Ball of Abbeylara, county Longford, and has issue. [See Genealogical Table for his children; also for his younger brother and sisters]. 2 3 * The price paid for the western portion of David, and entailed on Earl John, was £12,000, Glenferness by the Hon. John Leslie Melville in all £60,000. [Record of Sasines, County was £47,900 ; and for the eastern portion of of Nairn, vol. i. pp. 108, 113, 175.] it by the trustees of his eldest brother, Earl WOL. I. 3 C 386 XV.-3. ALEXANDER, TENTH EARL OF LEVEN AND NINTH EARL OF MELVILLE. He was the elder son of the first marriage of his father, and was born on the 11th January 1817. He was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge. He early engaged in business as a banker at Windsor, and afterwards became a partner in the banking-house of Williams, Deacon & Co., London. On the death of his father in September 1876, he succeeded to the peerages of Leven and Melville. At the general election held on 16th April 1880 he was elected one of the sixteen representative peers of Scotland, and was re-elected at subsequent elections held previous to his death. He also inherited from his father the estates of Hallhill in Fife and Glenferness in Nairn. He died at Glenferness on 22d October 1889, aged 72 years, unmarried, when his peerages and the entailed estates of Glenfer- ness and Hallhill devolved upon his half-brother, the Honourable Ronald Ruthven Leslie Melville. XV.—4. RONALD, ELEVENTH EARL OF LEVEN AND TENTH EARL OF MELVILLE. He was the eldest son of the second marriage of his father, and was born on 19th December 1835. He was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, where he took his degree of M.A. On the death of his elder brother, as above stated, he inherited the peerages of Earl of Leven and Earl of Melville, and also the estates of Hallhill and Glenferness, the latter being his principal residence in Scotland. He married, on 7th May 1885, Emma Selina, eldest daughter of the second and present Wiscount Portman, and has issue — 1. John David Leslie Melville, Lord Balgonie, born at Portman House, London, on 5th April 1886. 2. Archibald Alexander Leslie Melville, born at Glenferness on 6th August 1890. 3. Constance Betty, born at Roehampton House on 7th August 1888. 387 THE EARLS OF LEVEN AND LORDS BALGONIE. I.—SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. BORN c. 1580: DIED 1661. AGNES RENTON (BILLIE), HIS COUNTESs. This distinguished soldier and statesman was a cadet of the historical house of Leslie, of which the Earls of Rothes were chiefs, and one of whom, in the time of King Charles the Second, attained the rank of Duke of Rothes. The earliest known ancestor of the Leslies appears in the twelfth century, when David, Earl of Huntingdon, who was also Lord of the Garioch, granted to Malcolm, the son of Bartolph, the lands of Lessele, and their name became the surname of the descendants of Malcolm. These lands are situated in the parish of Leslie in the lordship or earldom of Garioch and county of Aberdeen. Through marriages with the heiress of Rothes in Strathspey, and with a co-heiress of Abernethy on the Tay, the Leslie family at an early date obtained large possessions in the shires of Moray and Fife, and with these estates the fortunes of the Leslie family were long associated. Sir Alexander Leslie, the subject of this memoir, was descended from the Balquhain branch of the Leslie family which long flourished in the district of the Garioch. He is stated to have been a son of Captain George Leslie, who was second son of George Leslie, first Laird of Drummuir, who was the third son of Alexander Leslie, first Laird of Kininvie, who was the second son of George Leslie, first Laird of New Leslie, who was second son of Sir William Leslie, fourth Baron of Balquhaim. George Leslie, the father of Sir Alexander Leslie, first Earl of Leven, was captain of the castle of Blair in Athole in the reign of King James the Sixth, and had the repute of being a brave soldier. He married Sybil Steuart and had issue three sons, John, George, and David, and several daughters. He was also the father of Sir Alexander Leslie, first Earl of Leven. Captain George Leslie married after the death of his first wife for the purpose of legitimating his son, Sir Alexander, who had by that time distinguished himself as a military com- mander, and risen to the rank of general." * Historical Records of the family of Balquhain. A more detailed history of the Leslie, by Colonel Leslie of Balquhain, vol. iii. family of Leslie was published in the year p. 356. Several histories of the Leslie family have appeared. One of the earliest is known as the Laurus Leslacana, which was published at Gratz in the year 1692. It was the work of the Rev. William Leslie, younger son of Patrick, Count Leslie, fifteenth Baron of 1869 by the late Colonel Leslie of Balquhain in three volumes octavo. According to the contemporary journal of David, second Earl of Wemyss, the mother of the first Earl of Leven was a “wench in Ramnoch.”—[Original Ms Journal at Wemyss Castle.] 388 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. Only a few writs relating to his brothers and sisters in connection with Sir Alexander Leslie are preserved in the Leven charter-chest. The earl gave his sister, Margaret Leslie, on her marriage with George Law, fiar of Brunton, in 1643, a tocher of 13,000 merks, and after the death of her husband the earl arranged for her second marriage, when she was styled “Lady Brunton,” in 1647, to Lieutenant-Colonel James Brainer. To Janet Leslie, daughter of the deceased Colonel George Leslie, brother of the earl, his lordship, on her marriage, in 1642, to Alexander Pennecuik, surgeon, burgess of Edinburgh, who was probably father of Dr. Pennecuik of Newhall, gave a tocher of 2000 merks. His brother, Captain John Leslie, gave another 1000 merks." From the circumstances connected with his birth, the education of Leslie in the ordinary branches of learning appears to have been neglected. His signa- tures “A. Leslie’’ and “Leuen" are the only specimens of his handwriting which have been discovered in the Leven charter-chest. He formed the letters of his name as if each letter was printed instead of written in the ordinary form. All his signatures, whether as a commoner or a peer, are quite distinct, and we cannot agree with Lord Hailes when he says that his signature of “Lesley’ is so awkward and mis-shapen as to confirm the tradition of his being absolutely illiterate. Many a distinguished man of letters has had a more illegible signature than Leslie. Lord Hailes states that while upon a march, Leslie, in passing by a certain house, said, “There is the house where I was taught to read.” “How, general,” said one of his attendants, “I thought that you had never been taught to read.” “Pardon me,” replied he, “I got the length of the letter g.”? The letter on which Lord Hailes comments is quoted as signed “Lesly.” But it must have been misread, as he signed “A. Leslie" before he was made a peer. Leslie is not the only distinguished general who has been accused of being illiterate. Dundee was said by Sir Walter Scott to spell like a chambermaid, while Lord Macaulay said that Dundee's letters would have disgraced a washer- woman. But although Dundee's spelling was defective, he was far from being an illiterate man, as his holograph letters instruct. Uneducated, however, as Leslie was, he affords a very striking example of a man with a neglected education possessing a great military genius, and raising himself to the highest position in the profession of arms. This will appear in the following narrative of his remarkably successful career as a military commander. Colonel James Turner, in his Memoirs, states that Alexander, first Earl of Leven, was over eighty years of age when he died in 1661. That age would fix * Contracts and Discharges in Melville Charter-chest, * Records of the Leslies, vol. iii. pp. 357, 358. HIS DEFENCE AND RELIEF OF STRALSUND, 1628. 389 the date of his birth as in or before the year 1580. Trained in youth like his father and brothers, Captain John and Colonel George Leslie, to carry arms, Alexander Leslie went abroad apparently before 1605, taking service with the Dutch, who were then engaged in war with Spain. He was a captain in the regiment of Horatio, Lord Vere, in that campaign, and afterwards obtained a commission in the army of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, and as in 1638 he had been in the Swedish service for thirty years, he must have entered it about 1608. Under that renowned leader, commonly called the “Lion of the North,” the military genius of Leslie won rapid recognition. He was soon promoted to the rank of lieutenant-general, and afterwards made a field-marshal. In the thirty years' war in Germany, he acted for long a conspicuous part. In 1628, when Gustavus Adolphus entered on the war with the imperialist troops, the important seaport of Stralsund, on the Baltic, was placed by Denmark under his protection, though at the time it was invested by the victorious army of Wallenstein. The latter had threatened and vowed to take the town, “though it were fastened by a chain to the heavens,”and to make its site as flat as a table. It was the last hope of Germany, and Leslie was chosen by Gustavus to replace the Danish commander who had hitherto conducted the defence. He was thereupon appointed governor of Stralsund, and also of the cities along the Baltic coast. Colonel Munro speaks of Leslie at this date as an expert and valorous Scots commander, and narrates that, having some Scottish regiments with him, and desirous of winning credit for his countrymen, he made a sortie with them alone. He adds that they were forced to retire, but it was with their faces to the enemy." So well was the defence of the city now managed, that the imperialist general was, with his army, compelled to withdraw, and Leslie, to whom this success was due, was greatly idolised by the citizens, who munificently rewarded him. Medals were struck in commemoration of the relief of Stralsund. One of these in solid gold was given by Gustavus Adolphus to General Leslie. An engraving of it is given in this work from the original medal at Melville. When, in 1631, James, third Marquis, afterwards first Duke of Hamilton, raised a force of six thousand soldiers to assist the King of Sweden in this war, Leslie was deputed by the latter to take command immediately under the Marquis, with the rank of sergeant-major-general, and to act as adviser to his lordship, as had been promised in the formal agreement between Gustavus and Hamilton. Leslie was authorised to prepare for the landing of the British troops, and also to provide for their being supplemented by new levies in Germany. Careful instructions were given him by the king, which directed his 1 Munro's Expedition, 1637, pp. 75-78, 390 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. going to England to meet the marquis if that should be necessary. The appointed landing-place was Bremen, at the mouth of the river Weser, but as the setting out had been delayed, and the imperialist troops held much of the country between that town and the positions then occupied by Gustavus Adolphus, the marquis, who had been joined by Leslie in England, thought it more expedient to proceed to the mouth of the Oder in Pomerania." Having landed in Germany at the end of July 1631, the Anglo-Scottish troops proceeded up the Oder towards Silesia. Very soon after commencing the campaign at least a third of the force fell victims to sickness and death. But, though thus diminished, they reduced and took possession of the towns of Crossen, Frankfort, and Guben on the Oder. The town last named lay in the province of Silesia, and on the strength of a report that it was but carelessly guarded, Leslie was sent with a small force to take it. He, however, found his information false, and had recourse to stratagem to obtain an entrance. Con- cealing himself in the suburbs until sunrise, when the bridge was lowered, he seized it, broke open the port with hatchets, and secured an entrance for his own forces. Thence Leslie accompanied the Marquis of Hamilton to effect the reconquest of Magdeburg, which had been taken amid fearful carnage by the imperialist general, Tilly. It was now a city of the first importance, strongly garrisoned, and containing the treasure collected by the imperialists. After some months' siege it was surrendered, the garrison being allowed to withdraw. When the Marquis of Hamilton returned to Britain, Leslie remained in Germany, and was present at the battle of Lutzen, where, on the 6th November 1632, Gustavus Adolphus was killed. He sent a graphic account of the circum- stances of the king's death to James, Marquis of Hamilton; and in the letter Leslie evinces his interest and concern for the triumph of the protestant cause. His opinion was that the king of Bohemia, the brother-in-law of King Charles the First, should take the command of the protestant army and continue the struggle; * but that prince had neither the influence nor the force of character requisite for being a successor to the great champion of the reformation, and, moreover, his career was cut short by death only two months later. The particular services of Leslie in Germany are not now easily ascertainable, but, among other engagements, he took part in the siege of Brandenburg, in March 1634, which surrendered to him on the 16th of that month, and he after- wards went into Pomerania; thence he returned in May of the same year to assist * Vol. ii. of this work, pp. 13–19, 77–80. Report on the Duke of Hamilton's Manuscripts, by the Hist, MSS. Commission, pp. 69-73. * Vol. ii. of this work, pp. 82, 83. RECALLED TO SCOTLAND, 1638. 391 in the reduction of Frankfort on the Oder. In the spring of 1636 he had the command of the army in Westphalia, and among his conquests were the castle of Petershagen upon the Weser, the relief of Osnabrück, and the capture of the town of Minden on the Weser, which commanded a pass of considerable importance. While in this place he despatched Colonel Robert Munro to Scotland for the purpose of raising new levies, and especially commended him to the Marquis of Hamilton for assistance from the court. Leslie also, by a letter to King Charles, acquainted him with the doings of his subjects in Germany, referring him to the marquis for a detailed account of his own engagements, the narrative of which he had sent from his camp at Herford in Westphalia.” Success, however, was not always on the side of the protestant troops, and the next letter which has been found from Leslie, and which is dated from Stock- holm on 15th September 1637, relates a retreat from Torgau, in Saxony, whence they were pursued down the Elbe to Tangermund and Neustadt and Schwedt, in Pomerania. On reaching Stettin, Leslie, seeing no opportunity at once of resuming the offensive, crossed over to Stockholm to make new arrangements respecting the army. In this letter Leslie places before the Marquis of Hamilton, to whom he is writing, the extremity to which the protestant cause must now be reduced if timely help were not afforded.” Leslie appears, however, to have returned to Germany to continue the war in the protestant interest, as on 19th September of the same year, for his conduct in Pomerania, he received instruc- tions signed by Axel Oxenstierna, the Swedish chancellor, and other officers of state. A few days later he received a yearly pension of 800 rex dollars, in consideration of his great services under Gustavus Adolphus; and his son, Alex- ander, who was also in the Swedish service, was promoted to the rank of colonel.” But just at this time events in Scotland were hastening to a crisis in the same direction as in Germany—a war on account of religion—and when the second reformation progressed, and it was seen that for its maintenance recourse to arms was inevitable, the eyes of the nation turned towards Germany, where so many of its sons of military skill were, and especially to Leslie, whose fame as a soldier was established throughout Europe. He was entreated to transfer his acknowledged warlike abilities to the service of his own country. Leslie, and many of the Scots with him, at once responded to the call. He obtained letters of demission from Queen Christina of Sweden, dated 14th August 1638, which were couched in terms of grateful recognition of long services— 1 Report on the MSS. of the Duke of Hamilton ; Hist, MSS. Commission, p. 91. * Ibid. pp. 92, 93 ; vol. ii. of this work, pp. 84-87. * Ibid. pp. 87, 88. * Original Swedish Documents in Melville Charter-chest. 392 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. for thirty years—under her grandfather and father; and, on the same day, she granted an order on the board of war that Sir Alexander Leslie should be furnished with two field-pieces and two thousand muskets," which Leslie is said to have taken in part payment of his salary. Turner says that the administrators in Sweden encouraged the Scots to go home. In October following, Leslie crossed from Germany in a small barque, which, by its unpretentiousness, escaped the English cruisers sent to intercept him. He was in full sympathy with the refor- mation movement, and actively supported it. By way of preparation, as Baillie states, he caused “a great number of our commanders in Germany subscryve our covenant, and provided much good munition,” and he was one of those who subscribed the libel against the bishops.” On his arrival in Scotland, the direction of military operations was at once intrusted to Field-Marshal Leslie, as none of the nobility had the military experience which he possessed. Spalding says he caused cannon to be cast in the Potterrow, by Captain Hamilton (afterwards general of artillery to the covenanters), he sent to Holland for all kinds of arms and ammunition, and also to all the continental countries in which he knew his countrymen were engaged in military service, bidding them return for patriotic duty. He established a council of war com- posed of nobles, colonels, captains, and other wise and expert persons, and commenced to fortify Leith. He also levied men and drilled them.4 Baillie's testimony is to the same effect: “Much help we gott from good Generall Leslie, who satt daylie with our general committees. His advise in giving of orders was much followed. We intended to give unto him when the tyme of need came, as we did, the charge of our generallissimo, with the style of His Excellence, but for the present he was diligent, without any charge, to call home officers of his regiments, to send for powlder, muskett, picks, canons, wherein from Holland, Swaine,” Germanie, we were pretty well answered.”" Then Leslie's tact and management sometimes stood in place of arms. An instance of this occurs at the very commencement of operations in his obtaining the surrender of Aberdeen and securing adhesion to the Covenant by the Marquis of Huntly in April 1639. The opposition in the North, led by the marquis, had become so great that an expedition was despatched to cope with it. The Earl of Montrose was nominally in command, but Leslie was sent with him, and, as Spalding says, everything was done by his advice. From this temporary preced- 1 Original Documents in Melville Charter-chest. * Letters, vol. i. p. 111. 8 Gordon's History of Scots Affairs, vol. i. p. 127. 4 Memorialls of the Trubles, vol. i. p. 130. 9 Sweden. * Letters, vol. i. p. 192. CAPTURE OF EDINBURGH CASTLE, 1639. 393 ence Montrose expected always to be preferred to Leslie in military affairs, and it was the disappointment of his ambition in this respect that afterwards caused Montrose to take umbrage at the covenanters. Baillie says in reference to this: “When the canniness of Rothes had brought in Montrose to our party, his more than ordinare and civill pride made him very hard to be guided. His first voyage to Aberdeen made him swallow the certaine hopes of a generallat over all our armies. When that honour was put on Lesley, he incontinent began to deale with the king.”" But that in point of fact this command was only given to Montrose as a sop to his ambition, and that General Leslie was not only a tower of strength to the covenanters, alike by counsel, service, and renown, but also a terror to his enemies, is shown by a letter from Ulick, Earl of St. Albans and Clanricarde, then governor of Berwick-upon-Tweed, to secretary Windebank, in which he says— “We shall have some leisure to repair the ruins that time and neglect have wrought here, General Lesley being not yet returned to Edinburgh since Aber- deen was rendered to him without a blow struck, according to former examples, By his learning and oratory he has wrought upon the tender conscience of Marquis Huntley to swear the covenant, by which you may know how the 3000 arms sent to his [Huntly's] assistance will be employed.”” It was the king's resolution to put a stop to the work of reformation in Scotland that gave the signal for active hostilities on the part of the Scots. Lists of all men able to bear arms, and of the kind of arms they possessed, were pre- pared in every parish and district. One of Leslie's first exploits was the taking of the castle of Edinburgh. It was done in half an hour, and without the loss of a soldier on either side. One afternoon in March 1639, Leslie, accompanied by certain noblemen, and supported by the town's armed bands, walked up to the castle gate, and demanded the surrender of the fortress. The constable, Archibald Haldane, uncle of the Laird of Gleneagles, absolutely refused, and after some parley, the two parties took apparent farewell. Before departing, however, Leslie applied a petard to the outer gate, by the explosion of which the gate was destroyed. Then the inner gate was plied with axes, hammers and rams, scaling ladders were attached to the walls, and ere the garrison could recover from their astonishment the castle was in the hands of the covenanters.” When the levies for the army were made Leslie was unanimously chosen general of all the Scottish forces by land or sea, horse and foot, and of all forti- * Letters, etc., vol. ii. p. 261. * Letter dated from Berwick, April 14th, State Papers, Domestic, 1639, p. 39. 8 Baillie's Letters, vol. i. p. 197; Balfour's Annals, Vol. ii. p. 321. WOL. I. 3 D 394 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. fied places, with plenary powers; and in bestowing his commission upon him the whole estates of the realm assembled in convention swore to give him all dutiful obedience in this office. His commission was to endure “so long as we ar necessitat to be in armes for the defence of the couenant, for religione, crowne and countrie, and ay and whill the Lord send peace to this kingdome.” Baillie remarks that in this “verie ample commission” there was but one proviso, “that he should be subject to answer to the courts, ecclesiastick and civill, according to the settled laws of the kingdome.” As the royalist troops were by this time assembling at York, Leslie ordered a general muster of the Scottish forces at Leith on 20th May. One reason for choosing this place may have been that the Marquis of Hamilton with a fleet in the interests of King Charles now lay in the Firth of Forth. All sorts of rumours as to Leslie's intentions went to England. One Dr. Watts, who had been in the wars of Germany, is reported as stating the general's mind to be not to risk a pitched battle with the royal forces, as it might be difficult to bring another Scot- tish army into the field.” Another report reached the king's ears and was repeated by himself at the English treasurer's table at Raby Castle, that General Leslie had said he would meet the king upon the Borders, or rather near Berwick, with 30,000 men and would there parley with him. “Most intolerable insolency of so worthless a vassal to such a sovereign : " writes the narrator.” He also notes in another letter that General Leslie sent to the Marquis of Hamilton “who lies at anchor before Leith, this “braving ' message, that hitherto they had constantly made good the mutual agreement and resolution concluded among themselves, which was not to appear in way of hostile invasion upon any English ground or man, whom hitherto they had not wronged to the loss of a hen, or hurt of a broken pate. But now, seeing his Majesty's preparations by land and sea, his lordship having taken or stayed some of their ships, and the frontier towns made good against them by our new planted garrisons, it was now high time for them to fall off from their first intentions, and to think of the invasive as well as of the defensive part. That he so little regarded his lordship's navy and forces, that were the sea shore covered with angels of gold, yet not a man should dare to set foot ashore to touch a piece.” ” According to the same writer, this interchange of pleasantries between the two commanders, who were formerly comrades in arms in Germany, continued for some days. “The Marquis of Hamilton keeps the sea, and demanding fresh water is denied by Lesley, who braves him, and 1 Vol. iii. of his work, pp. 162, 164. * Edward Norgate, brother of the Earl of 2 Baillie's Letters, vol. i. p. 203. Warwick, 19th April, ibid., pp. 59, 66, 67. 3 State Papers, Domestic, 1639, p. 51. * Ibid. 12th May 1639, p. 162. HIS INFLUENCE IN SCOTLANT). 395 bids him come and fetch it.” But in a later letter he gives an incident which shows that though Leslie acted thus towards his own countrymen who were in arms on the king's side he made a distinction in regard to Englishmen. Several of the latter had landed from Hamilton's ships a few miles from Leith fort in search of water, and being taken by the coast-guard were brought before Leslie, who happened to be in Leith at the time. Satisfied of their nationality and business he said he was glad he was there to defend them from the ill-usage of the soldiers, and bade them fetch vessels, and take as much water as they would.” There can be no doubt that at this period General Leslie was the leading and most powerful man in Scotland. This was admitted in both nations. Among the Scots his influence was such that it excited the admiring wonder of Baillie himself. Referring to the courageous spirit shown by the Scottish army, which he accompanied as one of the chaplains, he says:–“ Also Leslie, his skill and fortoun made them all so resolute for battell as could be wished. We were feared that emulation among our nobles might have done harme when they should be mett in the fields; but such was the wisdome and authoritie of that old, little crooked souldier, that all, with ane incredible submission, from the beginning to the end, gave over themselves to be guided by him, as if he had been great Solyman. Certainlie the obedience of our nobles to that man's advices was as great as their forbears wont to be to their king's commands; yet that was the man's understanding of our Scott's humours, that gave out, not onlie to the nobles, but to verie mean gentlemen, his directions in a verie homelie and simple forme, as if they had been bot the advyces of their neighbour and companion.” ” Among the English also Leslie was regarded as the real head and guiding spirit of the Scottish movement, and everything that could be learned of his private or public proceedure was greedily reported. He was said to be “a great rich man,” possessed of two earldoms in Germany, and one in Sweden, and to have also purchased two lordships in Scotland worth £2000 per annum. One Englishman, who had frequent discourses with the general, told how he resided in a mean lodging in Edinburgh, “not surrounded with legions, as we have been told, and but meanly attended.” Another, writing from the fleet in the Firth of Forth, says in a letter to Secretary Windebank :-‘‘I cannot but advertise you that the impudence and insolence of Lesley are come to such a height as it is incredible. I will instance only this, that he sits at table with the best of the nobility of Scotland at the upper end covered, and they all bareheaded ; that in the letters or acts that are subscribed by them . . . he signs before them all. He boasts he * State Papers, Domestic, 16th May 1639, p. 180. * Ibnd. p. 190. * Letters, vol. i. pp. 213, 214. 3.96 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. will make my Lord of Holland to rise without his periwig; that the king's army is not able to stand against him, and the like stuff, which I know you can mo more bear than I write without indignation.” The same writer states in another letter that at the meetings of “the tables" of the covenanters, Leslie “sat at the upper end of the table with his hat on, and all the rest, whereof many were ancient peers, stood uncovered,” Also that absurd stories were circulated to inspire awe for Leslie, as his having eaten a toad, etc. It was considered to be a test of loyalty if, where the English soldiers came, the inhabitants prayed for the king and cursed Leslie. Norgate gives a few instances of this, where at Colding- ham the women met the king's troopers, crying “Grace grace | God and the king !” and cursing Leslie with many a malison. At Dunbar, he says they were also met by the women (for never a male appeared) crying for mercy and saying : “We are all for God and the king, and the deil take Lesley.” " When it was ascertained that the king's army was drawing near Berwick upon Tweed, the following letter was sent from General Leslie to be circulated through the country, to rouse the citizens to action:- “Whereas it was formerly appoynted that if the king's army should approach the borders with any great forces, that upon warning all should be readie upon the first call to march to the borders with what armes they could find, horse or foot; this is therefore to warn all that love the good of this cause and their own safety, to come in all haste once this week, and to bring what they can of a month's provision, and let the rest follow them ; for if they come, a competent number together, we shall be able, by God's assistance, to hold them up from breaking in into the countrey, in the which, if once they gett footing, it will not be easie to bring them to a stand; and upon the guard of thir parts is the safety of the whole kingdom. They that shall be found wanting now, are enemies to this cause and their countrey. Stirr up one another, and remember that your chartour chists are lying at the borders. We shall bear them witness. But let none stay at home, when strangers are hired for 3s. a week to make us all slaves. They are not worthie to be free men who will stay at home and neglect their countrey, which is now readie to bleed for their neglect. Some of the enemies are come over the border, Ethrintoun is taken ; Eymouth is feared to be taken this night, where there is a verie great magazine of victuals. If horse and foot haste not, we can hardlie hold them up. Be not wanting to yourselves, and be confident God will send an outgate to all these difficulties. So, in haste, looking for all dispatch at their hands whom the lyke concerns, I rest.”” Similar letters from the general and noblemen associated with him followed 1 State Papers, Domestic, 1639, pp. 226, * Baillie's Letters, etc., vol. ii. pp. 438, 227, 234, 267, 271, 520. 439, TREATY WITH KING CHARLES AT DUNS LAW, 1639. 397 these. And on the eve of their march to Duns Law they sent from Dunglas in East Lothian a message rallying their countrymen on their supineness, and on the manifestation of a spirit to withdraw from the undertaking. In this letter the general and his associates say:— “The Sword wes drawen befoir, now it is at the throat of religioun and libertie, if it have not given a deipe wound already. . . . Our inexcusable fault is that the power commited to us we have not used, altho we have sworne and subscryved to do it. It will seime that people are rewing what they have been doeing, and will subject their necks to spirituall and bodily slavery, may be desperately heir and for ever, whilk we are loath to conceave ; or that some spirit of slumber hes overtakin them, and pos- sessed them, whilk maketh them think that the fyre is not kendled, when the flame may be seen, and all is in ane burning. We can say no more, but we sall resolve, under the conduct of Our Lord, to whom we have sworne, to go on without fear, and in ane livelie hope. If our countrie men and fellow covenanters, equallie obliged with us, sall either withdrawe themselves or come too laite, it may be to the burying of our . bodies, whilk with the cause itself might be saved by their speid, horse and foote, let them answer to God for it ; to whoise grace, coumending ourselves and you, we con- tinue, your loving friends.” + Leslie led an army of nearly 30,000 horse and foot to Duns Law, where he encamped in full view of the English host. Some skirmishing took place, and the English began to feel uneasy. The king, however, remained “as fixed as unconcerned ; and when it was hastily told him that Leslie was within four miles of him he said, ‘Why, them, I am within four miles of Lesley.’” ” As is well known, this campaign, thanks to the firm attitude maintained by Leslie, termin- ated in favour of the Scots without a battle. This result was achieved by negotiation, the credit of inaugurating which is ascribed to Robert Leslie, a Scots- man, and one of the king's pages, who paid a visit to the Scottish camp to see some old friends. Through his dropping a hint that the king was not indisposed to treat if the Scots first made the advances, the Scots presented their petition, and a treaty of peace, yielding their demands, was entered upon. One of the conditions pressed by the king was that the commission granted to General Leslie should be cancelled. His Majesty seems to have entertained a strong dislike to the Scots commander, as in the royal proclamation prior to the treaty Leslie was especially exempted from the pardon promised to others, and a reward of £500 sterling was offered for his head. Though the Scots were reluctant to agree to this condition imposed by the king, and on which he insisted, Leslie himself com- * Baillie's Letters, etc., vol. ii. pp. 439-443. * Historical MSs. Commission's Fourth IReport, Appendix, p. 294, 39S SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. plied most willingly, and repeatedly pressed his countrymen to permit him to resign, to which they at last yielded." Baillie relates that while he was at Duns, Leslie took up his quarters in the castle at the foot of the Law. He had “a brave royall tent,” but it was not set up. His bodyguard was some hundreds of musketeers, mostly or entirely Scottish lawyers under the command of Sir Thomas Hope and Sir Alexander Gibson of Durie, who were all well apparelled and armed, and had their position before the castle gate “with cocked matches.” The general, with his lieutenant, who at this time was William Baillie of Letham, personally saw to the posting of the guards at night. Baillie also states that Leslie “keeped dailie in the castle of Dunce ane honourable table for the nobles and strangers with himself, for gentlemen waiters thereafter at a long syde table. I had the honour by accident one day to be his chaplaine at table, on his left hand. The fare was as became a generall in tyme of warr; not so curious be farr as Armidaill's to our nobles. Bot ye know that the English sumptuositie, both in warr and peace, is despised by all their neighbours. It seems our generall's table was on his own charge, for so farr as yet I know, neither he, nor any noble or gentleman of considerable rent, got anything for their charge.”” During the progress of the negotiations the camp on Duns Law was visited by the English Earl of Stamford, who, being recognised by “Sandy Hamilton,” the general of artillery, was brought to Leslie. He first was feasted in a princely way, and then was shown round the camp, where the exuberant display of loyalty he witnessed rather surprised him. Another thing which interested him was the cavalry corps of the Marchioness of Hamilton, the impress on whose “coronets” was a hand repelling a book,” and the motto, “For God, the king, religion, and the covenant.” “ The marchioness, though her son was commander of the royal expedition into Scotland, was an enthusiastic covenanter, and on her son's arrival with the English fleet in the Firth of Forth, came forth with a pistol, with which she vowed to shoot him if he offered to come ashore. It is also said that she animated all other ladies and gentlewomen to make all possible resistance to his landing, and she and other ladies wrought at the fort of Leith, carrying earth and stone, and refusing no labour to make it good against assault. Although on the shore, she refused to see her son. When the army marched she too pro- ceeded at the head of her troop, a case of pistols at her saddle, and a case of dags at her girdle, not forgetting to carry with her silver bullets for her own son and 1 State Papers, 1639, pp. 407, 408, 419. * Evidently the Service-Book. Balfour's Annals, vol. ii. pp. 334, 336. * Baillie's Letters, vol. i. pp. 212, 214. * State Papers, 1639, p. 331. AGAIN APPOINTED LORD GENERAL, 1640. 399 the English general. The ladies and gentlewomen, says Norgate, by her example, do all practise their arms, in which new kind of housewifery they are very expert." The treaty of pacification made between Charles and his Scottish subjects gave no real satisfaction to either party, so that though the latter disbanded their forces, gave up the fortresses, and loyally observed all the rest of the conditions agreed upon, the king regarded the pacification as a mere truce, to be employed in preparations for inflicting summary vengeance on the Scots at no distant date. It was accordingly with very slight regret that many saw the infatuated monarch resile from his pledges, and signs thereby given that the differences between parties must soon be more decisively settled. At a meeting of the Scottish nobles, held in November 1639, Leslie came to Edinburgh, presumably from a period of retirement at his seat of Balgonie, and told the nobles, doubtless in response to a request from them to resume the command of their forces when required, that they should command his services as they pleased. He probably was then and there informally re-invested with office in order to organise the army, as active preparations were now pushed forward, and Leslie, when seen in the streets of Edinburgh, was always attended by thirty or forty officers. In March 1640, the nobles made him an offer of the generalship in conjunction with some of their own number, but he declined it on these terms. At the meeting, however, he made a speech which greatly encouraged the people, and made them resolve to fight the king's army, though it were ten times as numerous as their own.” By this time Charles had proclaimed the Scots traitors and rebels, and made overt preparations for reducing them to obedience. It was on the 17th of April 1640 that Leslie received from a meeting of the convention of estates at Edinburgh the formal renewal of his commission as lord- general of all the Scottish forces;” and that he was actively engaged in discharging the duties of the post, is shown by a letter from his headquarters at Dunglas in the following months of May and June, directing the movements of his outposts nearer the borders.” About the same time also Leslie was in correspondence with John, Earl of Athole, and the landed gentlemen of the Athole district, in reference to levies of men, and the contribution for the support of the army.” His commission was fully confirmed by the parliament which met at the same place on 2d June following, as adjourned till then by his Majesty's commissioner from November of the previous year. They declared his election 1 State Papers, 1639, pp. 146, 163, 282. Earl of Lothian, 31st May and 3d June 1640, * Ibid. 1639–40, pp. 113, 362, 555. printed in Correspondence of the Earls of * Vol. ii. of this work, pp. 164-167. Ancram and Lothian, vol. i. pp. 101-103. * Letters, Sir Alexander Leslie to William, 5 Vol. ii. of this work, pp. 88-90. 400 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. and commission “to be done for the weell of this kingdome, and for his eminent woorth deservedly conferred vpoun him.” And, at the same time, they granted him a full and complete ratification of all his proceedings under his former com- mission, making mention of “the thankefull and painefull service" done by him at that time, and “acknowledging that his singular caire, vigilancie, paines, and good governement meriteth ane greater reward then this, which is only in there power to confere.” But they publicly record this as a proof to posterity of their obligation." Much was made by Charles of a letter which was discovered to have been written by some of the more prominent Scots to Louis the Thirteenth of France during the campaign of the previous year, by which they designed to acquaint him with the true reasons of their quarrel with their king, and to invoke the influence of the old Scoto-French alliance. Leslie was one of the signatories, and, along with the others, was summoned to the royal presence to answer to a charge of high treason. The summons, of course, was disregarded; but John, Earl of Loudoun, another signatory, fell into the king's hands while acting as a commissioner for the Scots, and very narrowly escaped summary execution in the Tower. One of Leslie's first attempts in the opening of the new campaign was to regain possession of the castle of Edinburgh. But previous experience had not been lost upon the royalist garrison, and though the castle was partly under- mined and some of the outworks destroyed, the breaches were quickly repaired, and the attempt to take it was for the time abandoned, to the great displeasure of the town. The loss, through their capture by the English, of several ships, one of which is said to have belonged to Leslie himself, and to have been laden with Ordnance and ammunition, greatly enraged him, so that he vowed he would no longer delay. If, he said, the answer from the king was not presently satis- factory he would march into England, and not be pillaged by sea and blocked up by land.” And he was as good as his word. Before the end of the month of June he had his army on the borders preparing to enter England.” It was, however, fully the middle of August before Leslie crossed the Tweed, and the delay fostered the belief in the minds of the English authorities at Ber- wick that it was not his intention to enter England on this occasion, as he had not on the former expedition. Yet his purpose of proceeding to Newcastle, and taking command of the coalfields which supplied the whole country, was reported by an English spy fully a month before. And even when Leslie did cross the * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v. p. 285. * State Papers, 1640, pp. 313, 336. * Ibid. p. 447. ENGLISH BURLESQUE OF A SPEECH AT THE TWEED. 401 Tweed, the matter was not looked at in a serious light, and the exuberant levity of some English spirit found vent in a squib, which the English secretary (Winde- bank) found pleasure in transcribing. This squib is entitled:— « LESLIE'S SPEECH TO HIS SOLDIERS AFTER THEY WERE PASSED - THE TWEED. “FELLOW-SoLDIERs AND CountRYMEN, Give me leave to bid you heartily welcome thus far. We are now with Caesar passed the Rubicon, and this night you are to lie on English ground. This is the land of promise, which as yet ye see but afar off. Do but follow me, I will be your Joshua. Your turf cottages you shall ere long exchange for stately houses, and let not the thought of your wives and bearns and such like lumber which you leave behind trouble you, for having done your business you shall have choice of English lasses, whereon you may beget a new and better world. Was not their great William the Conqueror a bastard . And in some things we are not inferior to him, and will never despair of as great a fortune ; nay, in many things we have far greater advantages than that Norman Duke, and shall we be such dastards not to pursue them At his first entrance he had no party to trust to, but we have already many a fair town ; yea London itself is as sure to us as the good town of Edinburgh. Their purses, which have been shut to their king, doubt not but you shall find open to you. The brethren who have in their hearts long since sworn the covenant are already providing change of raiment for you, and the sisters clean linen, and do but long for your coming to fetch it. You have fast friends both in court and city, fathers, brothers, and kindred that will employ their utmost ability to solicit your cause ; and if occasion be, their swords, I trust, shall be as ready to make way for you as your own. Our informations, our declarations, and especially our late inten- tions are generally well liked of and approved by all. What remains but that like true Scots we lay hold of this blessed opportunity. I shall quickly bring you to the sight of gay coats, caps and feathers, goodly horses, bonnie lasses, fair houses. What shall I say Win them and wear them. When we are once in possession they shall know more of our minds. Return to Scotland they that list for Leslie.” + But this spirit of levity and mirth was soon proved to be ill-timed, and those who indulged it were ignorant of the resolute determination which animated the Scots, though it was apparent enough to others. Thus a Dutchman, Jean de Gyrisch, who believing himself to have been ill-used in England, and who, volun- teering his services to Leslie, was made colonel-major of cavalry and captain of the general's own company, wrote to certain of his friends warning them of their hazard if they should join with the English against the Scots, “If,” he says, “you have a friend whom you love who wishes to serve against the Scots, dis- * State Papers, 1640, pp. 447, 480, 484, 529, 546, 612. WOL. I. 3 E 402 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. suade him from it, for be sure the English will gain very little honour in their undertakings. And, moreover, were their forces four times as great, they would effect but little.” " After crossing the Tweed, Leslie marched straight to the Tyne, and after a smart conflict with the English troops in forcing the passage of that river at Newburn, the details of which are matter of history, he entered Newcastle towards the end of August. A letter giving an account of these events was sent by him to the committee of estates, and at the same time he despatched from himself and from the army a submissive petition to the king, who was then at York. After some delay Charles hastily summoned and acted upon the advice of his great council of peers to treat with the Scots; a conference was opened at Ripon, and afterwards adjourned to London, where a treaty of peace was com- pleted, but not until 7th August 1641.” All this time, the space of a year, Leslie lay in Newcastle with the Scottish army, save that he also took and placed under military control the towns of any consequence on the Tyne and in the neighbourhood, including those of Durham, Sunderland, Hartlepool, and Darlington on the Tees.” Lord Loudoun was appointed governor of the town of Newcastle. On the day after the town sur- rendered Leslie made his formal entry, and was entertained by the mayor in great state; and on the ensuing Sabbath, says an English correspondent, “he went to church, four men bare before him, one lord, bareheaded, on whom he lays his arm, and in his other hand his staff, so walked to the church, and sat in state in the same place his Majesty sat in when he was there.” The same writer says: “Leslie swears all the townspeople to the covenant, and those that refuse he imprisons. Last Tuesday he began to fortify a hill on this side the town, which shows he intends to keep that place, and there is reason for it, because it is worth more to the king in custom and coals than all the revenue of Scotland by far.” Other English letters state that Leslie not only taxed Newcastle heavily for the support of his army, but levied on the bishopric of Durham an impost of #350 a day, and exacted it punctually. The Scots, however, alleged this and the other supplies to be voluntary offers, made, of course, to avoid compulsion, as the Scots army, compelled to stay at Newcastle, could not starve. For falling into arrears the mayor and aldermen of Newcastle were thrown into prison, kept in the dark, and fed on bread and water till payment was made ; but Leslie rode about in the town in Sir John Suckling's coach, which he had seized, along with 1 State Papers, 1640, p. 556. ments of Scotland, vol. v. pp. 335-345; Baillie's Letters, etc., vol. ii. p. 470. * Ibid. pp. 649, 651 ; Acts of the Parlia- * State Papers, 1640-1641, pp. 464, 558. RETURNS FROM NEWCASTLE WITH HIS ARMY, 1641. 403 that knight's clothes and money." Perhaps one of the most important additions to his strength as generalissimo of the Scottish army accrued to Leslie while he lay at Newcastle, for then no fewer than twenty-six of his comrades in the Swedish army, who had been principal colonels and officers there, including Colonel David Leslie, who had been Banner's lieutenant-general and right-hand man, and Colonels Lumsden and Sinclair, obtained leave to return to Scotland. What made them still more welcome was that they took their arrears of pay in the form of munitions of war, a course which, says the English correspondent, was “begun by Leslie the Great.”” Two letters from General Leslie in reference to the negotiations then in progress, which were to effect the return of the Scottish army, dated both in July 1641, were produced in the Scottish parliament at the time, and are printed among their proceedings.” As soon as the terms of the treaty between England and Scotland were arranged in a definite form, and in response to a letter from the Earl of Holland, general of the English army at York, stating that he was about to disband his army, and that it would be a satisfaction to hear that the Scots had retired from the Tees, Leslie began to call in his troops from the country around Newcastle. He thus had his army consolidated there when King Charles passed through that town on his way to Edinburgh to hold the Scottish parliament. The Scottish army received the king with every demonstration of affectionate loyalty, and was reviewed by him. He was afterwards entertained to dinner in a magnificent manner by Leslie at his house in Newcastle, and the Scottish general seems to have made a most favourable impression upon Charles at this their first meeting. It was immediately rumoured that he was to be made an earl, and not only so, but during his life to take precedence of all the earls of the kingdom, and then his son to follow the rank of his creation.* After the king had passed on towards Edinburgh, Leslie led the Scottish army homewards. Some dispute arose among the English as to whether he should cross the Tweed by the bridge at Berwick, or by a bridge of boats; and the king intimated it as his will that he should be permitted to use the bridge at Berwick. Leslie, however, solved the difficulty by saying he would go by the way he had come. So fording the Tweed at Coldstream, he led his army to Hirsel Law, and there disbanded it." Leslie was with the king in Edinburgh on * State Papers, 1640-1641, pp.48-50, 93,157. 110. Sixth Report of the Historical Mss. * Ibid. pp. 101, 102. Commission, Appendix, p. 82. * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, * Memorials of the Family of Wemyss of vol. v. pp. 626, 631. Wemyss, by Sir William Fraser, K.C.B., vol. i. * State Papers, 1641-1643, pp. 48, 105, p. 244; State Papers, 1641-1643, p. 100. 404 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. the morning of the 28th of August, and two days later was entertained at a feast given by the provost to the king and the nobles in the great hall of the parliament, where he took precedence of all the nobles in respect of his office of general, of which he had not yet been relieved." The meeting of parliament to preside over which Charles came to Scotland, proved an exciting and eventful one in itself, and was very important in its bear- ing on the fortunes of General Leslie. One of the most prominent episodes of the meeting was the alleged plot against the lives of Argyll, the Marquis of Hamilton and his brother, the Earl of Lanark, known in history as “the Incident.” Get- ting word of the plot these three noblemen fled to Hamilton's house at Kinneil, and the day after, when the king rode up to the Parliament House, with an armed force of five hundred men, many of whom were known to be disaffected to the covenant, the estates took alarm and, as Baillie says, “would not be pacified till Lesslie had gotten a commission, verie absolute, to guard the parliament, with all the bands of the citie, and regiments yet on foot, and some troups of horse, which according to his printed warrand he did quicklie and diligentlie.” According to Sir Edward Nicholas, it was General Leslie who revealed the existence of the plot to Argyll and Hamilton, he having obtained his information from two officers in the army, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir John Hurry, and Captain William Stuart, both of whom had been pressed to take part in carrying out the nefarious design.” In the Earl of Lanark's account of the affair the general's part is narrated. “On the 2d of this current, General Leslie sent to the Parliament House to desire my brother and the Earl of Argyle before their return to court to come and speak with him at his house with as great privacy as could be ; which they did, and with him they found one, Lieutenant-Colonel Hurrie, to whom, the general said, my brother and Argyle were much obliged, and desired Hurrie to acquaint them with that particular which he had already discovered to him.” “ The king was, or professed to be incensed at the subsequent conduct of the marquis, his brother, and Argyll, and also challenged Leslie for not coming first to him with the infor- mation, to which the general made the excuse that he had thought the whole affair to be but “a foolish business.” " At this meeting of parliament General Leslie was chosen by the king as one of the Scottish privy council." The general here, too, acted a very graceful part 1 State Papers, pp. 106, 110. * Baillie's Letters, vol. i. p. 392. 3. Account of the Plot, State Papers, 1641-1643, p 137. 4 Hardwicke's State Papers, vol. ii. pp. 299-303. 5 Narrative by Nicholas already referred to. • Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v. pp. 388,704; Balfour's Annals, vol. iii. p. 67. CREATED EARL OF LEVEN AND LORD BALGONIE, 1641. 405 to an old companion in arms in the German wars, General Patrick Ruthven, Lord Ettrick, who had, however, latterly appeared on the field in the king's behalf. This nobleman had been appointed governor of Edinburgh Castle, and had successfully resisted the second assault made by Leslie upon it, holding it for the king against the Scottish covenanters until compelled by want of supplies to capitulate. For this offence the Scottish parliament had passed sentence of forfeiture against Lord Ettrick. On 13th October General Leslie presented a peti- tion to parliament praying for the restoration of Lord Ettrick to his honours and estates, and about a month later the petition was acceded to, “especiallie in respect of the earnest Sut of the said lord Generall Leslie.”" Another important event of this parliament was the installation of General Leslie as a peer under the titles of Earl of Leven and Lord Balgonie. The proceedings formed the sole business of the meeting of parliament on one day of the session, Saturday, 6th November. General Leslie, attired in his parliamentary robes, and supported by the Earl of Eglinton on his right hand, and by the Earl of Dunfermline on his left, also in their robes of state, was ushered into the king's presence, then sitting in full parliament and was solemnly invested. The procession was composed of six trumpeters in their liveries, two and two ; the pursuivants in their coats of office, two and two; the heralds in their coats, the oldest carrying the earl's coronet; next the lyon king of arms, carrying the earl's patent in his hand, and after him the Duke of Lennox and Richmond, lord great chamberlain, in his official robes, followed by the earl marischal, who ushered in the newly created earl and his supporters. When they reached the throne, the lyon king of arms delivered the letters patent by the king to the Earl of Leven, who handed it to the president of the parliament, and he again to the clerk. The patent having been publicly read was returned to the president who gave it to his Majesty, whereupon, with three obeisances, the earl ascended the throne, and kneeling before the king, had the usual oath of an earl admini- stered to him by the Earl of Lanark, secretary of state. His Majesty thereupon handed to the earl his patent, and placed the coronet on his head. The earl, then, rising from his knees, humbly thanked his Majesty for this great testimony of his favour, and besought him that the four esquires who attended him might be knighted. These were John Leslie of Birkhill, John Brown of Fordel, James Melville of Burntisland, and Andrew Skeen of Auchtertool. Called in this order by the lyon king of arms they ascended the throne, and kneeling, were severally dubbed knights by his Majesty with the sword of state; them again kneeling they had a gilt spur put on their right heels by Sir David Crichton of Lugton, the * Balfour's Annals, vol. iii. p. 102; Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v. p. 382. 406 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. oldest knight present, and the oath of knighthood, their right hand uplifted, was administered to them by the lyon king of arms, after which they kissed the king's hands and attended the newly made earl to his place, where he was ranked among his peers. There were then four several largesses proclaimed by the lyon, first, for the king, by the heralds for the new earl, and by the pursuivants for the four knights, with all their titles. This being done, the earl retired and dis- robed, and then returned to the house; but there was nothing further of con- sequence done in the house that day." The patent of the earldom of Leven, granted by the king to General Sir Alex- ander Leslie, sets forth as the reason of the grant his greatness and valour in war- like enterprise in Germany and Sweden, whereby he had won such applause, reputa- tion, and approbation as to reflect great honour and renown on “our ancient realm of Scotland, whereof he is a native and subject.” The dignity is conferred on the general and the lawful heirs-male of his body, who are in all time coming to be called Earls of Leven and Lords of Balgonie, with due precedency as earls and lords of parliament. It is dated at Holyrood the 11th, written to the great seal the 13th, and sealed with that seal on the 20th October 1641.” There can be little doubt that the prime reason of the parliament in obtaining this well- merited honour for Sir Alexander Leslie was the great service he had rendered as general of their forces against the king; but for obvious reasons no account could be taken of this in the patent. Yet an Englishman with the king, Sydney Bere, asserts the opposite. He says in a letter to Sir John Pennington :-‘‘Last Friday Leslie was created an earl; he takes his title from a little river near his lands in Fife called Leven. His patent was read openly, wherein is a large recital of his great services and deservings, as in many occasions, so in this last year's employments.” But the patent shows that this was not the case. These late services, however, were not altogether passed over in silence. A more substantial recognition of them was made in the gift to the Earl of Leven of a hundred thousand merks Scots, or between five and six thousand pounds sterling. An act for this purpose was passed, wherein it is narrated that the king and estates of parliament, taking to consideration the great and acceptable service done to this kingdom by Alexander, Earl of Leven, general of the whole forces thereof during the late troubles, and being most willing to give him some token and testimony of their thankful remembrance of the same, grant the sum above stated to be paid to him, his heirs and assignees, out of the first and 1 Balfour's Annals, vol. iii. pp. 139-141 ; * Vol. ii. of this work, pp. 167, 168. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v. p. 381. * State Papers, 1641-1643, p. 161. APPROBATION OF HIS SERVICES BY PARLIAMENT. 407 readiest of the moneys pertaining to the public at the term of Lammas next, 1642, with the ordinary interest thereafter if not paid at that term." On the same day there was also passed in his favour, by parliament, an act of exoneration and approbation in respect of these services, wherein, after having, at the earl’s own request, received from him an account of his actions and car- riage, and compared the same with his commission, they “doe find and declaire that the said noble erle, Alexander, Erle of Levin, designit in his commissione Sir Alexander Leslie of Ballgonie, heath woorthilie acquite himselfe of that great place and trust was put WPoun him to be generall of ther armyes and heath so noblie behaved himselfe in al the pairtes of his chairge, as he justlie deserveth ther trewe testimony of his approvine fidelitie, worth, and abilitie. And therfor his Ma- jestie and estates of parliament doe not onlie liberat and exoner him of all questiones or challenge which can be made to him for his cariage in the said place in tymes bygone, but also for the full demonstratione of their dewe acknowledgment of his woorthie cariage, doe give him this weell deserved testimony and approbatione to be recordit to efter ages. That he heath deserved mobilie of the kingdome, and in all his actiones have exprest pietie, valour, wisdom, and good governmente.”” In addition to all this the earl was on the same day appointed captain and keeper of the castle of Edinburgh, with the whole rents, duties, liberties, and privileges pertaining to that office. It is ordained that the castle be put in the condition it was before the late troubles, and that it be delivered over to the Earl of Leven.” A signature for the crown grant of the office is still preserved in the Melville charter-chest, and shows that as granted by King James the Sixth to John, Earl of Mar, then keeper, 9th July 1618, the revenues of the castle con- sisted of payments of grain from the abbey of Scone, the priory of Charterhouse, the kirk of Monifieth, the bishopric of Dunkeld, the abbey of Holyrood, the lands of Ardat, the lands of Dron, the lands of Easter Fairny, and from the Tron customs of Edinburgh ; and these were still to form the revenue of the castle, any portion thereof which had been since estranged to be restored. The estimation in which the Earl of Leven was held for energy and usefulness in the public service is further evinced by his being made not only a member of the privy council, but also a member of various important commissions and com- mittees. He was placed on a commission for regulating the taxation and public burdens to be imposed on the nation, with special reference to the liabilities in- curred during the troubles. Closely connected with this was a commission for receiving the “brotherly assistance" from England, and upon it the earl also had a seat. Another was appointed for the conservation of the treaty recently con- * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v. p. 432. * 1bid. p. 430. * Ibid. p. 432. 4.08 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. cluded with England, on which the earl was placed, and he also is included among the councillors to whom the king, before his departure from Scotland, committed the practical government of his northern dominion. To him also was intrusted a commission with regard to the forces still undisbanded." Some days before the parliament closed the earl was engaged on another committee of four noblemen, to whom was assigned the task of considering and reporting on what should be done in the case of the prince Elector Palatine.” This prince was present with his uncle, King Charles, at the Scottish parliament, and when, on the following day, the committee of noblemen reported that there might be ten thousand infantry sent on the country's charges to any convenient port in Germany for his assistance, the prince rose, hat in hand, and expressed his hearty thanks for this token of their affection to him, and hoped he might be able to reciprocate it. His mother, Elizabeth, dowager queen of Bohemia, in letters to Sir Thomas Roe, English ambassador to the diet of Ratisbon, indicates that this result was largely due to the Earl of Leven. “My brother,” she says, “carried my son to the Parliament House; they all showed a great affection to us, especially Leslie and the officers of the army, who are all willing to be em- ployed for us. . . . You will have heard the resolution of the Scotch parliament to give my son 10,000 men for Germany, if you have not contentment, which I fear you are not like to have.” ” On the last day of the parliament, Wednesday, 17th November, there was a very solemn riding from Holyrood Palace to the place of meeting, when, in virtue of his generalship, the Earl of Leven rode first before all. It was at this meeting that he formally demitted his office of general to the king and parliament by lay- ing down his baton, and received their public approbation of his services. But until the council were able to provide money, it was ordained that he should have the command of all horse and foot. At the same sederunt he obtained a parlia- mentary ratification of the crown charter of his lands granted on 6th July 1635,4 to which fuller reference will be made on a later page. Not long after this a question arose between the Earl of Leven and the Earl of Callendar respecting the precedency of their respective peerages. Sir James Livingstone, Lord Livingstone of Almond, was further ennobled by King Charles creating him Earl of Callendar, and the warrant or signature for his patent was dated 6th October 1641—five days before that of the Earl of Leven. The latter, 1 Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, * Balfour's Annals, vol. iii. pp. 145-147; vol. v. pp. 392, 395, 404, 405, 430. State Papers, 1641-1643, pp. 121, 198. 2 Charles Lewis, Count Palatine of the * Balfour's Ammals, vol. iii. pp. 159-163; Acts Rhine and Duke of Bavaria. of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v. p. 450. DISPUTE WITH EARL OF CALLENDAR AS TO PRECEDENCY. 4.09 however, as has already been stated, was invested as earl on 6th November follow- ing, his completed patent being delivered to him on that day, whereas that of the Earl of Callendar was only sealed on the 19th, and delivered to him on the 21st November by the Privy Council. Callendar claimed to be ranked before Leven on the five days’ prior dating of his signature. Leven urged that the signature was not a patent, and that as his patent was perfected by the act of sealing five weeks before that of Callendar, and, moreover, as he had sat and voted in parliament as an earl while his opponent was present and voted only as Lord Almond, he was clearly entitled to the priority." But the better to establish his position Lord Leven obtained a letter from King Charles, dated 24th January 1642, wherein the king declares the dating of Callendar's patent to have proceeded from a mistake, and that as it never was his intention, and was contrary to what he had ever resolved, that Callendar should have the precedency, so he would shortly take a course for remedy of the mistake which should give the earl satisfaction.” This decided the matter in favour of the Earl of Leven. The Earl of Callendar, how- ever, did not accept the situation, and protested against the Earl of Leven being enrolled, called, and voting in parliament before him. Probably the renewal of the strained relations between Charles and his Scottish subjects sufficiently explains the failure of the promise to rectify the mistake. During the lifetime of the Earl of Leven, the precedency of his peerage was maintained, but imme- diately after his death, the Earl of Callendar revived the question, and secured the verdict of a Committee of Parliament (of 1661) in his favour. The Earl of Leven was cordially congratulated on his creation as Earl of Leven by his warm friend Axel Oxenstierna, the Chancellor of Sweden, in a letter which breathes the spirit of sincere esteem and affection, and which was accom- panied by another written in reply to a communication from Leven, and sent by Colonel Sir Lewis Leslie, in reference to the promised contingent of Scotsmen in aid of the Bohemian Crown. This intention, however, of reuniting Scottish and Swedish forces on the Continent was defeated by the outbreak of the rebellion in Ireland, and the highly disturbed state of the relations betwixt the king and the English parliament.” The news of the massacres of the Protestants in Ireland roused great indignation in Scotland, and the ten thousand men promised to Bohemia were offered and accepted for the quelling of the Irish, and placed under command of the Earl of Leven, as general. On this occasion the commission of the earl was granted by the king himself at York on 7th May 1642.* * MS. information in Melville Charter- * Letters, dated from Stockholm, 12th Sep- chest, 1642. tember 1642. Vol. ii. of this work, pp. 90-02. * Vol. ii. of this work, p. 21. * Vol. iii. of this work, pp. 168, 169. VOL. I. 3 F 41 0 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. In the beginning of the year the earl had considerable labour and some correspondence in the raising of the levies." But for any detailed account of the earl’s conduct in this Irish campaign, we are indebted to Sir James Turner, who accompanied the expedition as major to Lord Sinclair's regiment. Turner, how- ever, writes with a continual feeling of umbrage towards Leven, who, he says, was dissatisfied with his appointment by Lord Sinclair, as his consent was not asked. “If it had, I am sure it had never been got, for that excellence of his was constantlie my very heavie friend.” ” The Scottish forces went to Ireland in the spring of the year 1642, but the earl did not accompany them. He went later and made only a short stay, and Turner's account of him may best be given as he himself tells it — “About Lambes in this yeare, 1642, came Generall Leven over to Ireland, and with him the Earle of Eglinton, who had one of these ten regiments, my Lord Sinclare, and Hamilton, generall of the artillerie, better known by the name of Deare Sandie. Great matters were expected from so famous a captain as Leven was, but he did not ansuere expectation. One cavalcad he made, in which I joymed with him with 300 men, in which I could not see what he intended, or what he proposd to himselfe. Sure I am he returnd to Craigfergus without doeing anything. And the same game he playd over againe at his second march, except that he visited the Neurie ; for which we were but litle obligd to him, being forcd thereby to part with our hay, wine, beere, and breade, of which we were not very well Stord. . . . “The officers of this our Scots armie in Ireland finding themselves ill payd, and which was worse, not knowing in the time of the civill warre who sould be their pay- masters, and reflecting on the successfull issue of the Nationall Covenant of Scotland, bethought themselves of makeing one also ; bot they were wise enough to give it ane other name, and therefore christened it a Mutual Assurance ; wherby upon the matter they made themselves independent of any except these who wold be their actuall and reall paymasters, with whom, for anything I know, they met not the whole time of the warre. The generall was very dissatisfied with this bond of union, as he had reason ; and at first spoke hie language of strikeing heads of ; bot the officers sticking close one to another, made these threates evanish in Smoake. And indeed it is like ame active generall (who could have added policie to courage, and divided them), might have made their union appear in its Oume collors, which were even these of blacke mutinie. Bot the Earle of Leven, not being able to overmaster it, got himselfe ane errand to go to Scotland, and so gave an everlasting adieu to Ireland. The most remarkeable thing he did in the time of his stay was that he tooke 2500 lb. sterline to himselfe, which the parliament of England had sent to the officers of his armie for wagon money. And trulie this earle, who lived till he past fourscore, was of so good a memorie, that he was never knowne to forget himselfe, may not in his extreame age. I cannot say more * Correspondence of the Earls of Ancram and Lothian, vol. i. pp. 131-133. * Memoirs of Sir James Turner, p. 19. THE IRISH CAMPAIGN OF 1642-3. 411 of his deportments in Ireland then what my Lord Wiscount Moore (who was killd nixt yeare) said to tuo of my friends, and it was this: That the Earle of Leven's actions made not such a noyse in the world as these of Generall Lesley.” I Before leaving and after returning to Scotland the earl was kept informed of the progress of the Scottish arms in Ireland by Major-General Robert Monro– two at least of whose letters to the earl are preserved. One of these is dated 13th May 1642, and along with other two letters from the Corporation of Londonderry and the Earl of Antrim to Monro, which accompanied it, was printed as a thin pamphlet of nine Small quarto pages at London in 1642. It is in reply to a communication from the Earl of Leven, and details the progress of the campaign.” The other letter is of fully a year's later date, and relates the making of a tem- porary armistice with the rebels, and how this circumstance led to the intercepting and capture of the Earl of Antrim,” who was commissioned to Ireland by King Charles to effect a pacification there and release both English and Irish, and the Scots too, if they could be corrupted for the king's service in England. Antrim, who had on a former occasion effected his escape from the Scottish general, was this time kept in close ward, notwithstanding repeated orders and missives from the king himself requiring his release. One such letter was addressed to the Earl of Leven on 11th June 1643,4 but as he and Monro only recognised instructions received through the Scottish council or parliament, these royal let- ters were disregarded, and Antrim was not delivered up by the Scottish army in Ireland. The English parliament demanded that he should be delivered up to them to be tried for treason, and an order was issued by the Scottish parlia- ment to the Earl of Leven to hand over his prisoner to them ; while the French also interposed with a request for his liberation. But, meanwhile, Antrim delivered them from any dilemma in regard to him by again effecting his escape from Carrickfergus.” King Charles the First and the parliament of England were by this time engaged in the throes of civil war, in which the parliamentary forces were gradu- ally being worsted. As to all intents and purposes the war was a religious one, —a bellum episcopale, as it was called, the king being obliged to rely for the support of his army on the bishops—the sympathy of the Scots was opposed to the king, so that when their assistance was solicited and an offer made by the English parliament of a mutual league, offensive and defensive, it was willingly * Memoirs of Sir James Turner, pp. 23-25. 4 Ibid. p. 22. * Copy of original print in Library of the * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, University of Edinburgh. vol. vi. part i. p. 17; Baillie's Letters, vol. ii. * Vol. ii. of this work, pp. 93-95. pp. 70, 80, 105, 116. 4 12 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. agreed to. One condition was insisted upon by the Scots, that the league should be primarily a religious one ; hence the Solemn League and Covenant of England, Scotland, and Ireland, which was adopted not only by the national representa- tives, but by the great mass of the people with great enthusiasm. The Scots were now leagued in arms with the parliament of England against the king and accordingly a new army was levied, and the Earl of Leven, who had attended the meetings of the Convention of the Estates in June, July, and August of this year, 1643, and had been placed on committees to consider what remedies should be applied against the dangers which threatened religion, and what was necessary for the defence of the kingdom, was again appointed to the supreme command of this army." The English parliament sent a special request to the Earl of Leven that if the Scots sent any army for their assistance, he should take the command of it.” Baillie intimates his acceptance, with a note of ex- planation : “Generall Leslie is chosen, and accepted his old charge. It is true he past manie promises to the king, that he would no more fight in his contrare; bot, as he declares, it was with the expresse and necessar condition, that religion and country's rights were not in hazard; as all indifferent men thinks now they are in a verie evident one.” ” The earl was present at the meeting of the Convention of Estates on 3d January 1644, but on the 8th, when he was also present, he was instructed to go to the army on the Borders,” and the Tweed was crossed and England entered in the frost and snow of midwinter. Turner states his army to have consisted of about 20,000 foot and 2000 horse. They crossed on the ice, the river being so strongly frozen that it supported even their wagons, etc. Marching to the Tyne they forded it just in time to avoid the floods consequent on the melting of the snow, and encamped before the town of Newcastle. Turner paid a visit to the army just when they were about to cross the Tyne and invest the town, and being asked his opinion, advised that false alarms should be made at different points around the town, lest the royal troops should fall in force upon those who were making the bridge for the army to cross. He was sent to acquaint the general with this opinion, which was agreed in by all; and he relates that he found him going to supper. “When I returnd, I was ashamd to relate the ansuere of that old captaine, which was that he feard the brightnes of the night (for it was mooneshine) would discover the burning matches to those on the walls. I told 1 Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, sion's Fifth Report, Appendix, p. 96. vol. vi. part i. pp. 3, 13, 57, 59. * Baillie's Letters, vol. ii. p. 100. * Draft letter, dated 19th July 1643, in * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, House of Lords. Historical MSS. Commis- vol. vi. part i. pp. 60, 69. CAMPAIGN IN NORTHUMBERLAND, 1644, 413 him the mooneshine was a prejudice to the designe, for it wold hinder the matches to be sene ; for the more lunts were seene, the better for a false alarme.” Turner affects to make very merry over what he calls “Generall Leven's imper- timent ansuer to my message.” But apart from his own royalist proclivities, his prejudice against Leven, and his bombastic comparisons of his own better military judgment with that of his experienced commander's, his story does not comport with contemporary accounts of the passage of the Tyne by the Scottish army. As on the previous occasion, the Earl of Leven made for the ford at New- burn, but finding it too strongly fortified, proceeded up the river to Ovingham, Bywell, and Altringham, where they waded the river.” The siege of Newcastle lasted for nine months, and from that town to York was the skirmishing ground between the Scots and the royalist army under the Marquis of Newcastle, who was thought not unworthy of being pitted against “the great soldier, Leslie.” “ The Scots had also to keep Northumberland, and Leven is notified as being at Newton in that county on 26th February, by the date of a commission to a son of the Earl of Eglinton, which he signed there on that day.” At the end of March the joint committee of both the kingdoms made the Earl of Leven com- mander-in-chief over all the forces, both “British ’’ and Scottish then in Ireland, and as he personally was required in England, he was desired to appoint some one to be commander-in-chief under himself, who should direct the army in his absence. He appears, indeed, to have held in some way a priority among the generals of the army in England, as in their official despatches he is usually the first to sign, and he was sometimes designated “Lord General,” while usually addressed as “His Excellency.” This last title he had brought with him from Germany. Probably, however, no real seniority or priority was implied, and the precedency he got was due to the courtesy and deference of the English parlia- mentary generals, which they showed alike to his age and military experience, and also to the fact of his being the representative of a neighbouring and assist- ing power. The native modesty which he displayed in commanding the Scottish army, and which Baillie notes as having such an admirable effect in preventing rivalries among the Scottish nobles, was as conspicuous when he joined his forces with the English leaders. At a later period of the war, when some contention was threatened in the English army respecting the chief command on a junction of separate corps, the joint committee of the kingdoms wrote, warmly deprecating * Turner's Memoirs, pp. 31-33. * State Papers, 1644, p. 35. * Memorials of the Montgomeries, Earls * Newcastle Reprints, quoted by Burton, of Eglinton, by Sir William Fraser, K.C.B., History of Scotland, vol. vi. p. 357. vol. ii. p. 294. 414 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. any such spirit manifesting itself, and desiring that those interested should take “as an example the fair and amicable agreement that was between the three generals at Marston Moor and the taking of York, where in all that time they were together there never grew any disputes nor differences about command.”" Leven achieved little during the first six months of this campaign in England, though in other parts the parliamentary generals reaped some victories. Baillie laments that the aid of the Scots was not more effectively shown. Leven, he says, “as yett has had his hands bound.”” His chief occupation was keeping the royalist troops in check in the district north of York. One of the royalist generals, the Marquis of Newcastle, had a considerable army situated at various points in this region, but his troops were gradually forced to the two positions of Newcastle and York. Lord Fairfax, in one of his reports, praises the Earl of Leven for his prudent and vigorous conduct on one occasion in following up the army under the Marquis of Newcastle, and to this he ascribes the safety of his own army, which was so much smaller than Newcastle's that it could not have escaped. The Scottish forces and those of the parliamentary generals were now joined together for the investiture of York, into which the bulk of the troops under Newcastle had thrown themselves. On April 20th the Earl of Leven had formed his camp at Wetherby,” and thence marched to York, before which he lay for nine or ten weeks. One day the commandant of the town sent out a flag of truce to Leven, to ask why he “beleaguered this city on all sides, made batteries against it, and so near approached it !” To which Leven replied “that it was with intention to reduce it to the obedience of king and parliament.” It was in the neighbourhood of York that one of the great and more im- portant battles of the Civil War took place, that of Marston Moor. Prince Rupert had succeeded in raising a splendid army from the western counties, and in concert with the king and the Marquis of Newcastle, marched to the relief of York. The united forces of the English parliament and the Scots were under Leven, Fairfax, and the Earl of Manchester, and the two armies met on 2d July. So uncertain was the issue for a time that Baillie says of the generals on both sides that “within halfe an hour and less, all six took them to their heels.” “ Turner makes merry over this incident of the battle, but suppresses remark about the English commanders. Of those on the parliament's side he says that all three “had shamefullie left the field and fled ; but Leven fled furthest, for he did 1 State Papers, 1644, pp. 80, 206, 266, 3 Seventh Report of Commissioners on 287, 311, 432, 491. Hist. MSS., App. part ii. p. 60. Fourth Report, App. p. 268. * Letters, vol. ii. p. 179. * Baillie's Letters, vol. ii. p. 204. CAPTURE OF NEWCASTLE BY STORM, 1644. 4 || 5 not draw bridle till he was at Wedderbie, four and twentie miles from the place of battell. There was reason he sould take the start of the other tuo, because he had furthest home.”" The flight of Leven was occasioned by one of Prince Rupert's brilliant charges, which broke up and disorganised the wing of the army which was under the command of Leven and Fairfax, and Rupert was even credited with having made a prisoner of “Ould Lesley.” ” But the pursuit was carried too far, and the prince returned to the field to find it in the possession of Leven's lieutenant-general, David Leslie, and of Cromwell, and it now became his turn for flight. A fortnight after the battle, on 16th July, the city of York capitulated.” The next important episode in the war in which Leven was engaged was the siege and capture of Newcastle. It had stood a long siege, and refused still to accept conditions of surrender, so it was resolved to take it by storm. This was carried out by the Earl of Leven on 19th October, and the mayor, Sir John Morley, whom even Turner condemns for refusing the very fair offers made him by Leven, was thrown into prison to await the parliament's pleasure.* Newcastle thus fell a second time to the sword of the Earl of Leven, and that it resisted so long on this occasion was doubtless owing to the fact that military operations elsewhere demanded the attention of the veteran lord-general. He appointed Sir James Lumsden as governor of the city.” In the beginning of the following year the earl paid a visit to Scotland and attended the meeting of parliament held at Edinburgh on 7th January 1645. He was placed on the committee for carrying on the war both within and without the country.” The usual protest for precedency was made on behalf of the Earl of Callendar, by Lord Yester, and the Earl of Leven protested for himself in the contrary." He also interested himself with the parliament on behalf of the children and grand-children of his son-in-law, General Ruthven of Dunglas, whom he calls his pupils. He saw the matter taken in hand by the parliament, and wrote to Alexander, sixth Earl of Eglinton asking him to attend it for him in his absence.* Probably the Earl of Leven was now obliged to return to his post at Newcastle, whence he writes to * Turner's Memoirs, p. 38. * Historical MSs. Commissions, Fourth Report, App. p. 276 Acts of the Parlia- ments of Scotland, vol. vi. part ii. p. 861. * State Papers, 1644, pp. 359, 361, etc. * Ibid. p. 432 ; Histolical Mss. Commis. sion's Sixth Report, App. p. 32. * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi. part ii. pp. 363, 371. ° Ibid. pp. 284, 2S7. 7 Balfour's Annals, vol. iii. p. 246. * Memorials of the Montgomeries, Earls of Eglinton, by Sir William Fraser, K.C.B., vol. i. pp. 269, 270. 4 16 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. Hugh, Lord Montgomerie, son of the Earl of Eglinton, who was stationed about Halifax, directing him to keep a close watch on the movements of Prince Rupert." In June Leven was instructed to march to Worcester,” and thence they proceeded into Gloucestershire, on the way learning that the king had lost the battle of Naseby (fought on 14th June), the last great conflict of the war. Hereford was then invested by the Scots army for some weeks, but the approach of Charles himself at the head of an army forced them to raise the siege and return to Yorkshire, where Leven joined his forces to the parliamentary troops then engaged in besieging Newark on Trent. Turner says that he was then ordered by the parliament to go to Newcastle; “I am very sure,” he adds, “sore against his will he parted with a command whereby he could have put abundance of money in his pocket, which Lieutenant Generall David Lesley could not choose bot doe.” ” Leven was at Northallerton on 24th September, as he wrote thence on that day to Alexander, Earl of Eglinton, congratulating him on the victory obtained over Montrose, and declaring his intention to demit office, as he now felt himself un- able to perform such duty as he would for the public. He had written to the Scottish Estates of parliament requesting an exoneration and discharge, and he entreats Lord Eglinton to further his suit with them.* The lord general's proffered resignation, however, was not at this time accepted, and in the end of the following November he had returned to the neighbourhood of Newark upon Trent, his first feat on this occasion being the capture of Musk- ham Bridge and the sconce on the farther side of the river; but he was back again at Newcastle on the last day of December.” A week later the Scottish parliament instructed him to co-operate with the English parliamentary forces for the reduction of Newark upon Trent, and he must have left for that place forth- with, as on 11th January 1646 he wrote to the parliament requesting them to send Lord Humbie to his army at Newark to clear accounts with Yorkshire, and to send a committee of their number to be with the army.” At a subsequent meeting the parliament re-affirmed by a public declaration that the Supreme command of all Scottish armies was held by the Earl of Leven. The act was as follows:—“That anie commissions formarlie granted doeth naways derogat to the commissions granted to the Erle of Leavine to be generall of the * Memorials of , the Montgomeries, Earls * Memorials of the Montgomeries, Earls of Eglinton, by Sir William Fraser, K.C.B., of Eglinton, by Sir William Fraser, K.C.B., vol. i. pp. 278, 279. vol. i. p. 279. * Sixth Report of Hist, Mss. Commission, * Ibid. pp. 279, 280. Cf. Sixth Report of App. p. 66| also Eighth Report, part ii. p. 62. Historical Mss. Commission, App p. 87. * Turner’s Memoirs, pp. 40, 41. * Balfour's Annals, vol. iii. p. 362. HIS SERVICES RECOGNISED BY THE ENGLISH PARLIAMENT. 4.17 haill forces within and without this kingdome, but is altogethir without prejudice therof in anie poynt.” " The reason for this declaration appears in the further proceedings of the parliament on the day it was made. They had offered to the Earl of Callen- dar a commission as commander-in-chief of the forces serving in Scotland, without derogation of the Earl of Leven's patent in any respect. But Callendar, who had a standing quarrel with Leven in reference to the precedency of their respective peerages, declined acceptance of the commission with any such reserva- tion, saying he would not act in a subordinate capacity, whereupon the commis- sion was offered to Major-General Middleton, who accepted it.” To this parliament also the earl had represented the inconvenience sustained by him through the non-payment of the money they had assigned to him, L 12,320 merks being still due to him of the 100,000 merks voted to him in 1641 —and they ordained that this balance should be paid by the treasurer from the fines and forfeitures, in preference to all other claims thereupon.” An interesting recognition of the services rendered by the earl to England was about this time made by the English parliament. Very probably they had heard of his intention to resign his commission, and hoped that in this way they might prevail upon him to continue his services until the conclusion of the war. They sent him a jewel with a special letter to himself, testifying their great respect for his personal and military qualities, and their high esteem of his fidelity and gallantry. Unfortunately the letter by the parliament to Leven has not been discovered, but the jewel and letter were formally intrusted by the speaker, Henry Mildmay, to the English commissioners in attendance upon the Scottish parlia- ment at Edinburgh, who were instructed to have them conveyed to the earl." What form the jewel took, or what was its future history, has not been ascer- tained; but it is not referred to by the earl at a later date, when he makes special mention of the jewel given him by Gustavus Adolphus. It is an evidence also of the popularity of Leven with the English generally, in consequence of the mild- ness of his rule, that some of those who for adherence to the king fell under the displeasure of the parliament, obtained the benefit of his intercession with that body.” While the Scottish army lay at Newark a very unexpected incident occurred which, for a time, interrupted the harmony which had hitherto existed between * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi. part ii. pp. 559, 584. vol. vi. part ii. pp. 502, 557. 4 Vol. ii. of this work, p. 96. * Balfour's Annals, vol. iii. pp. 370, 371. 3 Historical MSs. Commission Reports, v. * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, , p. 331; vi. p. 110 ; is, part ii. p. 393. WOL. I. 3 G 4 18 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. the two kingdoms and their armies. The king had been driven from his last stronghold by the parliamentary troops, and after wandering about for some days in disguise, he resolved to intrust himself to his Scottish subjects. Accordingly he appeared in their midst on the morning of the 5th of May 1646, and was received with due ceremony and submission, in the course of which the Earl of Leven gave up his sword to the king. Contrary to custom the king retained the sword of the general, which was an act so significant that the earl judged it expedient to remind the king that he was in command of the army, though in humble duty to his Majesty. The English parliament demanded of the Scots the surrender of the king to them; but Leven declined, and placing him under a strong guard, alike for his protection and to prevent him making his escape, returned to Newcastle where they could be freer from intimidation by the English parliament. While there Leven and the other officers and army, by a dutiful address to his Majesty, did what they could, consistently with their obligations under the Solemn League and Covenant, to induce the king to terminate the civil disorders. In their petition they affirm their readiness to sacrifice their lives in his defence, if he would take the covenant and promote the interests of true religion in his realms. The petition and the king's reply were printed along with a declaration by the Earl of Leven and others in name of the army, to obviate sinister reports and imputations as to their design in keeping possession of the king." The war being now practically at an end the Scottish army only remained in England awaiting the adjustment of their accounts and the settlement of arrears. In December the Scottish parliament still instructed the earl to keep the king safely in his camp, and to prevent any from getting access to him who had been formerly of his party.” The anxiety of the Scots to return home is shown by references in letters from Leven read in the English parliament, wherein he states the hardships to which his army were subjected by the delay in the settlement.” This, however, was finally effected in January 1647, and the Scots recrossed the border, but as the English threatened war if they took the king with them, they were obliged to surrender him into the hands of his English parliament.* As a large portion of the army was not disbanded, but remodelled for the 4 The Earl of Leven had a secretary while * Printed in London, July 6, 1646, Copy in University Library, Edinburgh. * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi. part ii. p. 637. * Sixth Report by Historical MSs. Commis- Sioners, App. p. 139. in England, who also acted for the committee with the army. He was Mr. Thomas Hen- derson, whose salary was fixed by parliament at £100 per month [Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi. part ii. pp. 664, 709]. DEBT DUE TO HIM BY LORD NAPIER, 419 purpose of quelling the insurrection of the royalists in the north, the Earl of Leven was retained in his post as general of all the forces, with a yearly salary of 10,000 merks. If circumstances required that he should personally take the field, then over and above that his charges were to be taken into consideration. In point of fact the command of the forces in the field was devolved on the lieutenant-general, David Leslie, afterwards Lord Newark, and the Earl of Leven remained with the acting committee of estates, of which he was a member, for counsel and advising." In discharge of his duty as lord general we find him in February 1647 demanding from parliament that a prisoner then in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh should be delivered over to him for trial by court-martial. The prisoner was Captain John Denmistoun, who was alleged to have killed a soldier in the Marquis of Argyll's regiment, in which he was then serving as lieutenant. The earl's demand was granted, protests being taken on behalf of the Earl of Errol, the high constable, to whom pertained the right of judging all matters of blood and riot within four miles of the person of the king, or of the parliament or council, and on behalf of the town of Edinburgh that the transac- tion should not prejudge their respective rights.” Before this same meeting of parliament the Earl of Leven brought an action against Archibald, Lord Napier, for payment of a debt of £10,000 Scots and interest, incurred by his lordship's father to John Rentom of Lamberton, and assigned by the latter to the Earl of Leven. This sum of money appears to have been a fine or penalty incurred by the lately deceased Lord Napier for allowing his son to escape, while they both, being staunch supporters of King Charles, were under parole imprisonment by the covenanters. Young Lord Napier after- wards obtained from Major-General Middleton an assurance of honour, life, and fortune in respect of any deeds done in the late rebellion, and he pleaded that this constituted also a remission of the fine in question. Leven denied that the bond granted by the late Lord Napier to Renton bore any relation to the penalty, which had been received and discharged to him by Archibald Sydserf, general commissary depute, some time previously. Renton himself, who as constable of the castle of Edinburgh had been custodier of the late Lord Napier while im- prisoned there for a time, and other parties having been heard, Lord Napier, among his other defences, denied the discharge by Sydserf, and prayed the par- liament to consider his present encumbered condition. For payment of only part of his debts his lands of Merchiston were mortgaged, while his west country lands were so ruined and overburdened by military quarterings that he could not nearly * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi. part ii. pp. 672, 710, 725. vol. vi. part i. pp. 707, 708. 420 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. meet the interest of his debts, far less provide for his own entertainment. Par- liament, however, decided that the debt was valid, and that Lord Napier was liable therefor to the Earl of Levon." In the following month parliament again passed in favour of the Earl of Leven an act of approbation and exoneration in regard to his past services, and ordained a valuable jewel to be given to him in token of their estimation thereof. The act is as follows:— “The estates of parliament haveing takine to thair consideration that Alexander, Erle of Levin, Lord Balgony, hathe since the begining of the troubles of this kingdome bene employed these nyne yeiris bygane as generall and commander in chiefe over all the forces, horse and foote, within this kingdomo, and sent into England and Ireland for advancing the work of reformatioune of religion and promoving the endis of the Solemn League and Covenant; and that in all and everie ane of these imploymentis (whiche God hathe blessed with happie succes) he hath evidentlie manifested his grave wisdome, vigilancie, and indefatigable panes, constant fidelitie, gallant conduct, and everie gift desireable in ane great leader of armies to the kingdome's great satisfaction and his awne perpetuall honour. Therfore the Saidis estates doe heirby allow and approve the said noble Erle, Tord Generall Levin, his whole cariage and honourabill deportment in the said charge and trust, with this testimonie, that he hath therby deserved this approbatioune with the returne of their publict acknowledgment of thankfulnes to be recordit as ane memoriall of honour to posteritie, and have ordered that ane jewell of the value of ten thousand merkis Scotis, with the pension alreadie established upon him be act, sall be given to him as ane Small token of that great respect whiche they carie to his worth, valour, and merite.” ” Had this jewel been bestowed it would have formed the third trophy of the kind the earl received in recognition of his merit as a soldier, but the renewal of the troubles in Scotland appear to have prevented parliament from carrying this part of their resolution into effect. The Earl had already received a similar gift from the King of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus, which he prized most highly, and in his will gave instructions that it should be preserved as an heirloom.” In a litigation which took place in 1683 among the descendants of the earl special reference is made to the jewels. But only one is distinguished as “the great jewell, called the jewell of the family, gifted to Alexander Lesly, first Earl of Leven, when a general in Germany, by Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden,” and it was decided that this jewel as the “airship jewell,” must belong to the family; the rest, being of the nature of paraphernalia, could be treated as * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi. part i. pp. 694-696. ? Ibid. p. 777. * Vol. iii. of this work, p. 175. Is OPPOSED TO THE “ENGAGEMENT,” 1648. 421 moveable property." The fact that the earl makes no mention of the English parliamentary jewel in his testament seems to imply either that like the Scottish jewel it was never presented, which is most likely, or that it had been lost or disposed of prior to the earl's own death. In the following year, 1648, the earl was present at the opening of the second triennial parliament of Scotland held at Edinburgh, on 2d March. The most important business of this parliament was what was done in support of “the engagement” made by their commissioners with the king at Carisbrook, in terms of which they sent an army into England to attempt his rescue from the military faction which had seized the reins of power in England. But although parliament by a majority carried this measure it was strenuously opposed by the church and a number of the nobles headed by the Marquis of Argyll, whose opposition was based on the fact that it was in contradiction to the stipulations of the solemn league and covenant between the two kingdoms. Argyll's party was known as “the honest party,” or “the godly party,” and the Earl of Leven was among those who sided with Argyll. Turner says that Leven privately signed a petition drawn up by Argyll, called the petition of the army, the object of which was to secure religion before any forces were raised on the king's behalf. As the promoters of the movement for the king's release were indisposed to have Leven as their military superior, he was prevailed upon to resign his office of lord general. During the preliminary stages of the debate, and while reconciliation of the conflicting parties was being attempted, the opposers were assured that the old and tried officers of the army would again be their military leaders, and, says Baillie, “The old generall” (meaning Lord Leven) “for all his infirmitie is acceptable.” But the Duke of Hamilton and the Earl of Callendar, who were eager for the war, were resolved to supersede Leven, and so, Baillie remarks again, “with threats and promises they moved old Lesley to lay downe his place.” Lord Clarendon corroborates this statement by Baillie in a passage in which he rather sneers at Leslie's reputation. He says:– “It was a hard thing to remove the old General Leven who had been hitherto in the head of their army in all their prosperous successes. But he was in the confidence of Argyll, which was objection enough against him if there were no other. And the man was grown old and appeared in the actions of the last * Fountainhall’s Historical Notices of Scot- mittee of the parliament on military matters tish Affairs, vol. i. pp. 421, 422. was appointed to meet on the afternoon on * Letters and Papers, vol. iii. pp. 40, 45. 25th March in the earl’s lodging in Edin- It corroborates the presumption that the earl burgh. [Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, was really infirm at this time, that a com- vol. vi. part ii. p. 16.] 4 22 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. expedition into England very unequal to the command. And therefore some expedient was to be found to be rid of him, and they found it no hard matter to prevail with him to decline command upon pretence of his age and infirmities, when of a truth he had no mind to venture his honour against the English, except assisted by English, which had been his good fortune in all the actions of moment he had performed in this war, and when he had been destitute of that help he had always received some affront.” ". But while writing thus Lord Clarendon appears to have forgotten Newburn and Newcastle, as well as other victories won by diplomacy by the “old general” when he had not only no assistance from the English but had to face all the forces they could place in the field. The only real affront he did sustain was when assisting the English at Marston Moor. The act of parliament by which the earl was so far relieved of his command as general (for as the act shows, he was not wholly divested of it) bears that the measure was in response to his own request, as by reason of age and infirmity he was no longer able to undergo that great charge. He declared, however, that his affection and will to hazard his life for religion, king, and country remained un- changed. In accepting his demission the parliament appointed “the committee of 24” to express to him their sense of his generous behaviour and fidelity, and to present to him their formal approbation of his conduct as general, “ and everie passage therof, and in acknowledgment of thankfulnes they ordaine #1000 Sterling to be peyed to him during his lyfetyme, and that ane effectual course be tane for assureing the peyment therof to him out of the reddiest publict moneyis of the kingdome. As also ordaines the jeuell formerlie appoynted to be presentlie provydit and given to him as a merk of the parliamentis respect for his great and faithfull service. And farder, in caice vpone the removeall of this army out of the kingdome thair sall be occasioune to raise any new forces to be imployed within the kingdome for its Saifety and preservatioun, the estates of parliament nominatis, maks, and constitutes the said Erle of Levin to be lord generall of these forces.”” This act manifests that though the Earl of Leven certainly had individual enemies and detractors both in the army and in the parliament, he stood high in the reputation and affection of both parties existing at this juncture, while in due consistency with all his former professions he stood firm for the furtherance of the ends of the solemn league and covenant. So did his able lieutenant, David Leslie, and many of the other principal officers. When, therefore, the resolution of parliament was taken to levy an army and send it into England for the deliver- ance of the king, it was necessary that the command of that army should devolve * History of the Rebellion, vol. vi. p. 44. * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi. part ii. pp. 68, 88. CROMWELL VISITS EDINBURGH, 1648. 423 upon those whose consciences were not fettered by the methods to be employed. The movement was not popular in the country, and strong means were needed to compel those levied to attend. When the army did enter England, as Turner relates, the headstrong determination of Callendar to carry things his own way, and the subsequent dissensions and breach between him and the Duke of Hamil- ton, with want of heart to the work in the army, rendered it easy for Cromwell to inflict a decisive defeat upon the Scots at Preston in Lancashire, and Hamilton, taken prisoner, expiated his participation in the engagement with his life at London. In terms of this act the overthrow of the Duke of Hamilton at Preston, and the dispersion of his army, ipso facto reponed the Earl of Leven in his old office as lord general, while at the same time it recalled the Marquis of Argyll's party to power. The ill-advised expedition into England gave Cromwell a sufficient casus belli with Scotland, and steps had to be taken at Once to obviate further disaster. He was met on the borders by Argyll and other prominent members of the “honest party,” and after explanations given and received, the English leader was invited to Edinburgh as a peaceful guest, and accepted the invitation. Meanwhile two Scottish armies had taken the field, one at Stirling, under the Earl of Lanark and General Munro, being the remnant of Hamilton's army which had escaped, and the other nearer Edinburgh, under the Earl of Leven and David Leslie, each hostile to the other, but under treaty in face of the common danger. In terms of the agreement with Cromwell, however, these were both disbanded, with the exception of fifteen hundred horse and foot under the Earl of Leven, which were to be maintained to secure the disbanding of the rest." Lambert, Cromwell's major-general, was the first to come to Edinburgh, and he is mentioned as visiting the Earl of Leven and having some discussion with him.” Cromwell came soon after and was lodged in the Earl of Moray's house in the Canongate, and during his stay was entertained by the Earl of Leven in the castle of Edinburgh, “where was provided a very sumptious banquet, old Leven doing the honours, my lord Marquis of Argyle and divers other lords being present to grace the entertainment. At our departure many pieces of ordnance and a volley of small shot was given us from the castle.” ” But this agreement with Cromwell did not last long. When parliament again met at Edinburgh on 4th January 1649, under different auspices from the last, the Earl of Leven was present and was recog- * Carlyle's Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches, Letter lxxv. * Historical Mss. Report, x. part vi. p. 171. * Carlyle's Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, Letter lxxvii. 424 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. nised as lord general. Important events were transpiring in England, where, against the urgent remonstrances of the Scots, by their commissioners at London, King Charles the First was put to death. On receiving intelligence of this, the Scottish parliament proclaimed his son, King Charles the Second, as king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and took measures for placing the kingdom in a posture of defence, while they invited their new monarch to return from his exile in Holland. The Earl of Leven, in regard to military matters, besides the supreme command, was appointed on the committee of war for the county of Berwick, and a supernumerary on the committee for despatches. He held the appointment also of a colonel of the horse in the new levies, his troop being sixty strong." About this time also Montrose headed another expedition into Scotland, in the hope of setting Charles the Second upon the throne without the aid of the covenanters. It was his last and fatal effort. On his landing in Orkney the parliament immediately required the Earl of Leven or his lieutenant to proceed north to check his progress, and armed them with powers to deal with such as had taken part with Montrose, either to punish or pardon. David Leslie was sent, with the result that after his followers had been dispersed, Montrose himself was brought to Edinburgh, tried, and executed.” The alarm which existed in the country during the expeditions of Montrose, between 1640 and 1650, is shown by the burying of the Lovat charter-chest under ground to conceal it from the enemy. This fact is stated in a letter by a lawyer to the Earl of Leven, in which, referring to these, he says:—“I have Seine the chartour kist, and I find thair is many wreitis away since I wes thair last. It is alledgit that the chartour kist wes put wnder the ground the tyme that Montrois wes in the country, and that they war oppint than all out lyeing Soe long wnder the earth for fear of roating, at quhilk tyme I suspect they have gottine wrong.” Other injunctions issued by this parliament to the Earl of Leven illustrate the occasional use of the army as a civil police, a practice indeed frequently resorted to by the parliaments of the covenanting period in their efforts to preserve public order. He was placed on a small committee to arrest such of the engagers as had committed outrages upon their fellow-subjects during their brief period of power.” On a supplication by the creditors of Sir Alexander Nisbet of West Nisbet, a noted royalist, the lord general was authorised to have him arrested by his troopers assisting the messengers-at-arms, and to re-incarcerate him in the 1 Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, * Letter, dated Elgin, 26th March 1651, in vol. vi. part ii. pp. 124-187 passim, 379, 507. Melville Charter-chest. * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, * Ibid. pp. 222, 700. - vol. vi. part ii. p. 133. HIS CONCERN FOR THE CASTLE OF EDINBURGH. 425 Tolbooth of Edinburgh, out of which he had been taken by Montrose in 1645; and the like instructions were given him in regard to similar cases in other parts of the country." In this same parliament of 1649, which the Earl of Leven attended to its close, being mentioned by Balfour as one of the ten noblemen who alone put in an appearance at this meeting, he, as keeper of the castle of Edinburgh, drew attention, as he had formerly done, to the ruinous condition of its walls, its want of proper victualling, and generally insecure condition. He offered that if the treasurer would pay certain sums due to him, for which precepts had been long issued by parliament, he would devote these to the reparation of the castle, and wait the public convenience for receiving his own money. 12,320 merks were still due to him of the sum voted in his favour in 1641 by the parliament, and on this being represented, an act was passed of new, on 16th February 1649, ordaining that this sum should be paid. A discharge granted by the earl to Sir John Wemyss of Bogie, treasurer of the army, for £8213, 6s. 8d. Scots, shows that at length this sum of one hundred thousand merks was received in full by the Earl of Leven.” From similar documents and exchequer precepts preserved at Melville, it is evident that the government of the day were frequently indebted to the earl for accommodations to tide over temporary difficulties, and while the authorities acknowledge their obligations, the earl's action and offers to expend still in the public service these moneys, if repaid, show the sincerity of his public spirit. On the day that the earl received the money referred to above, the parliament had under consideration another supplication from him respecting the condition of the castle, as nothing had been done upon his former representation. In this he states that having been intrusted by the king and parliament with the keep- ing of the castle, he had been most careful in so doing for the public service. He had deemed it his duty to represent to them its insecure condition, and also to suggest how the cost of repairs might be defrayed. Nothing had been done, however, and now that the parliament was ordering the embodiment of a new army to meet the dangers which threatened the kingdom, he “conceaves himselff obleidged in duety againe to represent to the parliament the conditioune of that castle. If the repaireing of that castle and furnishing of it be any langer delayed, this will beare witnes that he hes dischairged his duety, and that no * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, probably a mistake for 1649, according to vol. vi. part ii. pp. 351, 428, 720. the Scottish mode of reckoning at that date, * The discharge in the Melville Charter- though the old style was still recognised in chest is dated 14th March 1648. But this is England and elsewhere. VOL. I. 3 H 426 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. blame may be imputed to him.” On this occasion the parliament was stirred to action, and the offers of the earl accepted, their orders probably being the occa- sion of the payment of the balance of the grant of 1641. Instructions were given to the treasury, who placed in the earl's hands a precept on the chamberlain of Fife for £500 sterling for the purpose of repairing the castle. The work was imme- diately begun, and the earl's next report on 8th June following set forth that he had expended £11,801, 9s. 4d. in the work (whether sterling or Scots money is not stated), but he had not been able to obtain the amount of the precept. Another recommendation to the treasury was the result, but apparently to little purpose. One part of the changes authorised at the castle was the demolition of the outmost fortification called “the Spur,” which for the greater security of the castle was to be smoothed and levelled. The stones were to be used by the earl in repairing the other walls, and what remained with the outer gate and its pertinents were to be given to the town of Edinburgh, while the great gate was to be placed about the parliament house for beautifying the outer court thereof. Other arrangements were also debated in parliament respecting the fortress and its provisioning; but, despite all that the general could do, the recommenda- tions on this point were not attended to. When Cromwell's army was preparing to march upon Scotland, the earl, in consequence hereof, in his own name and the under officers of the castle, protested that he should be free of any incon- venience which might befall the castle of Edinburgh, in respect it had not been properly provided." Events, however, soon severed the connection of the Earl of Leven with the castle. Another meeting of parliament took place in Edinburgh on 7th March 1650, and continued in session there until the 5th of July. It was part of its labours to con- duct the negotiations with King Charles the Second at Breda, and before it rose the king had arrived in the country. His coming was the signal for war with Eng- land ; and when it was known that Cromwell was preparing an expedition into Scotland, an order for the levy of an army was at once issued. A day or two previous to the passing of this act, and in view of the duties which he saw would be imposed on him thereby, the Earl of Leven desired to be relieved of his office as general. Balfour says that in a short discourse, he, on account of his age and for other reasons, laid down his office at the parliament's feet, and so removed himself out of the house. He then adds that the house, having taken to their serious consideration the lord general's proposal and demission, ordained the lord president to tell his excellence that they greatly blessed God, with all thankfulness to His divine Majesty for his happy carriage in the former conduct of their armies, * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi. part ii. pp. 286, 403, 517, 568, 583, 597, etc. THE BATTLE OF DUNBAR, 1650. 427 and entreated him still to continue in his charge. And seeing he had so able a depute (meaning the lieutenant-general, David Leslie), they would have a care to lay no more upon him than he should be able to undergo, and with which his great age might comport. This was all but unanimously agreed to, one solitary vote being offered in the contrary by one of the commissioners for the shire of Wigtown, Glendinning of Gelston, whom Balfour characterises as “a phanatick fellow, made from the dunghill by medling with the publickes seruice.” + The Earl of Leven was accordingly continued in his command as general of the Scottish army, but more as an advising than an active leader. His prudence and Sagacity in military matters had been hitherto so conspicuously crowned with success, and so reverse had been the experience of the Scots when he was absent, as at Preston in England, that the parliament felt they could not afford to dis- pense with his services, even though they could no longer expect from his age that he would lead their battalions in the field. But as he and his lieutenant- general, David Leslie, wrought so perfectly in harmony together, the arrangement was as good as might be. In his expedition into Scotland in 1650, Cromwell found his march unopposed till he reached the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. Here an army was assembled under General David Leslie, whose policy seems to have been the old Scottish one, if possible, not to fight, but to wait and watch, in the hope that the difficulty of procuring supplies would compel Cromwell's retreat. Consequently, while watching every movement made by Cromwell, and successfully thwarting all his efforts to gain the town, Leslie maintained the defensive for over a month, and had the satisfaction of seeing his tactics succeed. Worn out with exposure to an inclement autumn, and on the verge of starvation, the English army was com- pelled to retreat to Dunbar. Leslie now followed them, and seizing the hill- passes of the Lammermuirs immediately to the south, determined to cut off their retreat. The prospects of the English looked desperate, and even Cromwell felt them to be so. But as is well known, an ill-advised movement on the part of Leslie gave an opportunity which Cromwell promptly seized, and the issue of the battle of Dunbar left him a conqueror. The Scots army was completely broken up and routed, and fled to Edinburgh pursued by the Ironsides. The battle took place at dawn on the 3d of September 1650. The Earl of Leven, who had been personally on the field, succeeded in making good his escape, reach- ing Edinburgh only about two in the afternoon.” 1 Annals of Scotland, vol. iv. pp. 58, 59. * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, Cf. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi. part i. p. 769. vol. vi. part ii. p. 587. 428 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. That town, however, was now at the mercy of Cromwell, who shortly after took possession of it, but doubtless before he entered, the earl had taken his departure, as he would not afterwards have been allowed to leave the city. In doing so, however, he gave the castle in charge to his son-in-law, Walter Dundas, younger of Dundas, who succeeded for a time in holding it against the English leader, but was ultimately obliged to yield. Before the battle of Dunbar took place the king and court had been removed to Perth. But the committee of estates only went to Stirling, where another army was assembled and posted under David Leslie, to prevent the passage of the English northwards. Where the Earl of Leven went it does not clearly appear. Balfour gives a minute account of the proceedings of the committee of estates, and the names of the nobles present at their meetings in Stirling, but Leven is not included. He either retired to his residence in Fife, or more probably was with the army at Stirling. The next mention of him is at the parliament which met at Perth on 26th November 1650, though it does not appear that he was present. On the third day of the parliament, a petition was laid before them from the earl in which he supplicated for an expression of their judgment respecting his conduct at the battle of Dunbar, and laying down his commission at the feet of the king and parliament until he be cleared." This petition was referred to the committee for military affairs, and the fact of its being presented, together with the renewal of his commission by parliament several months before the affair of Dunbar, and a statement by the Earl at a later date in his petition to the English parliament refute the generally expressed opinion that the earl was only present at this battle as a volunteer. He was there as commander-in-chief, and in his petition to parliament he assumed all the responsibility for the result. In his supplication he craved “that his Majestie and estaittis of parliament wald be pleased to tak exact tryall of all his cariages in there severall services, and especiallie concerning the late vnhappie bussienes at Dumbar, and that as his deserveing sould requyre, that some impartiall course may be takin thairin and testimonie gevin him accordinglie.” A deliverance was given in his favour in the following terms — “His Majestie and the estaittis forsaidis haveing called to mynd the said Erle of Levin, lord generall, his cariage and deportment in the late conduct of the armie, wherein it pleased God not to give such succes as at other tymes; and remembring the many faithfull eminent Services done by him in prosecuteing the enemies of this caus and kingdome both within and without the countrie, and haveing so good and reall proofe of his faithfulness and abilities in dischairge of the trust committed to him, thairfore his Majestie and estaittis forsaidis doe give and grant to the said Erle of * Balfour's Annals of Scotland, vol. iv. p. 187. WISEIES TO LAY DOWN HIS COMMISSION. 429 Levin, lord generall, ane full exoumoratione in relatione to all his former imploymentis and service, with ample approbatione for his fidelitie thairin.” " Another meeting of parliament took place at Perth in March 1651, which the Earl of Leven attended, and a few days after its opening made another effort to be relieved of his charge as lord general of the army. It was ineffectual, how- ever, as the parliament were averse to the loss of his services. He was now very aged, and pleaded this fact. In his petition he says that— “Conceaveing it to be his greatest happines to be serviceable to the king's Majestie and the kingdome in the preservatioun of the caus of God (he) hes thairvpone, with much waiknes bot with exact fidelity and affectione, contribute his vºmost endea— vours and paines in thair service thir twelf yeirs bygone, and Wold have most willingly continewed thairin, bot that it hes pleased God to viseit him with such waiknes, the inseparable companion of old aige, that he is not able to performe that Service that ather the importance of the publict affairs or his duetie and affection to his Majesties service doeth requyre of him ; and thairfore that thair be no preiudice by him, he does with all humility surrander and dimitt to the king's Majestie and estates of parliament his office and charge of being general of the forces of the kingdome, to be dispoised as the king's Majestie shall think fitt, and if it shall pleas God to grant him health and strenth, he shall be most willing to attend his Majestie and contribute with his best advyse.” In reply to which the parliament, after passing, in terms as formerly, a high encomium on his services and character, continued him “in his former charge as generall of the forces of this kingdome; and considdering that in respect of his aige and indispositioun of his body, he is not aible to geive constant attendance vpone the airmy; thairfore his Majestie and Estates forsaidis dispences thairwith, he always attending his Majestie and the airmy as his hailth may permitt him ; and declairs that in respect of his indispositioun foresaid he shall noways be comptable for any omission if any shall be in the airmy bot shall be only redy to geive his best advyse in everything concerneing the sam.”” After a short recess of a few weeks the parliament met again at Stirling, but in connection with it the Earl of Leven is noticed only as presenting a petition and obtaining decree in his favour against Sir James Stuart, and also being con- tinued as a member of the committee of estates.” He seems at this time, not- withstanding his dispensation, to have been present with the army at Stirling, whence he could not return home to attend the funeral of his wife, the Countess * Extract Act in Leven Charter-chest, * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, dated 23d December 1650. Cf. Acts of the vol. vi. part ii. p. 651. Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi. part ii. pp. 609, 618, 624. * Ibid. pp. 668, 679, 687. 430 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. of Leven, who died at Inchleslie, in the Carse of Gowrie, on 26th June, this year. Lamont notes the event, and adds:–“ Her corps were brought to Balgonie in Fyfe, and were interred the 23d of July att Markinshe, in the night season, a fewe onlie attending them, her husband, the Earle of Leuin, not being present, bot was vp att Stirling with the armie.” + Possibly the movements of Cromwell's troops had something to do with the earl’s absence from the funeral of his countess; for at this very time, while Cromwell himself was threatening the Scottish position at Stirling, part of his forces had effected a landing on the Fifeshire coast, and had taken possession of the district.” When Cromwell crossed the Firth of Forth the Scottish leaders resolved on the bold step of invading England. Led by David Leslie, and with King Charles the Second himself in their midst, they suddenly struck their camp and marched southwards. Their destination was the English capital, and they suc- ceeded in reaching Worcester before the pursuit of Cromwell forced them to stand. Here the Scots fortified themselves, and on the anniversary of Dunbar, the 3d of September, the battle of Worcester took place. After a stubborn fight the Scots were totally defeated, only a few, among whom was the king, succeed- ing in effecting their escape. - While the Scottish army was marching south, a powerful detachment of the English parliamentary forces under General Monck continued their progress northwards and throughout Fife. Perth had been rendered before Cromwell left, and now Monck's soldiers were besieging Dundee. The Scottish committee of estates, with whom the Earl of Leven was, were being driven further north. They attempted to hold a meeting at Alyth, in Forfarshire, on the 28th of August. But intelligence having reached Monck at Dundee, he sent a military force to the spot, which succeeded in surprising and capturing all the members, including the Earl of Leven. The prisoners were immediately sent off by sea to England—first to Tynemouth Castle and then to the Tower of London, where they probably arrived in the latter half of September. They were certainly there before the 1st October, as on that date his son-in-law, Ralph Delaval of Seaton- Delaval, in the county of Northumberland, petitioned the English council of state for leave to visit the Earl of Leven in the Tower in order to supply him with necessaries, and the request was granted. Two days later, on the motion of Cromwell himself, the council agreed to give the earl the liberty of the Tower, and leave to his servant to come and attend him. Delaval, however, endeavoured to obtain the council's permission that the earl should be imprisoned at his house 1 Lamont's Diary, p. 31. 2 Carlyle's Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, Letter clxxvi. * A G N E S W | F. E. C. F A L E X A N D E R L E S L | E. R E N T 0 N. F I R S T E A R L 0 F L E W E N i - i . i A PRISONER IN ENGLAND. 431 in Northumberland, to which they agreed on condition that the earl himself gave his parole under his hand and seal, and that Delaval found security to the amount of £20,000 that the earl would be a true prisoner to parliament, as by them confined to Mr. Delaval's house at Seaton Delaval, or within twelve miles thereof, and not depart thence without leave, nor meantime act, advise, or contrive anything prejudicial to parliament. These conditions were com- plied with, the earl giving his parole as required, and Delaval himself, with John Delaval of Peterborough and John Delaval of Dover, probably relatives, entering into a recognisance, jointly and severally, of £20,000 for his safe keeping. Warrant was thereupon given to the lieutenant of the Tower to release the earl, and also Lauchlan Leslie, his servant, to attend him." The Earl of Leven continued to reside at the house of Mr. Delaval and his eldest daughter until the year 1654, save that in June 1652 he received a permit from the English council to proceed to London for two months, the time being afterwards twice extended for similar periods, the latter on account of the inex- pediency of his travelling so far in mid-winter. While he was in London in December 1652 a general order was issued for the remanding of all prisoners, and it appears as if the earl had been again committed to the Tower, as special instructions were sent to the lieutenant of the Tower that it had not been intended by this order that the Earl of Leven should be remanded. He also employed his stay in London to petition for the recovery of his estates, concern- ing which reference was made to the Scottish executive, and orders issued that none of them should meanwhile be given away or disposed of.” Nothing, how- ever, was immediately done. In August 1653 the earl was again petitioning the English council, when it was arranged that Captain Howard should present the earl's petition to the parliament.” In the following March it is minuted in the council's proceedings that the earl's petition had been referred to the committee for Scottish business for report.” To what this petition related does not appear, but about this time Christina, Queen of Sweden, and her son the king, were exerting themselves on behalf of the earl. The queen wrote to the English par- liament requesting his freedom, and setting forth the great services he had rem- dered in various countries between 1605 and 1638. Her letter is dated from Stockholm on 17th September 1653,” and may have been penned in support of a petition for freedom from the earl himself. At all events her intervention was * State Papers, 1651, pp. 431, 458, 465; Parliaments of Scotland, vol. vi. part ii. pp. 1651-2, pp. 12, 16, 17. 777, 797, 800. 3 Ibid. 1653-4, p. 79. * State Papers, 1651-2, pp. 289, 432, 511; * Ibid. 1654, p. 54. 1652-3, pp. 65, 97, 100, 103 ; cf. Acts of the ° Note of Letter in Melville Charter-chest. 4.32 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. successful, and the earl was permitted to return to Scotland. He came to Bal- gonie, says Lamont, on 25th May 1654, “haveing his person relaxed, his seques- tration taken of, and frie of any pecuniall fyne ; this was done by the meanes of the Queene of Swedden.” + Some portion of the earl's estates, however, had been disposed of to an English officer, with whom complications arose later. These gave rise to the fol- lowing petition, presented by the Earl of Leven to the English parliament, which is interesting as giving the earl's own account of some of the main incidents of his later life — “To the Supreame Authority the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, “The humble peticion of Alexander, Earle of Leven ; “Humbly sheweth,--That in the yeare 1640 your petitioner came into England generall of the Scotch army at a seasonable tyme out of a brotherly affection to this nation, which, by the providence of God after the success of the Scottish army at Nuburne, proved the greate occasion that induced the late king to call this present parliament ; and how faithfull your petitioner was to the intrest of the good people of this nation dureing the tyme the Scotch army resided in Angland in keepeing the army from being wrought uppon to your disservice he doubts not but is fresh in your honnours memory. “That in the yeare 1643 hee came in like manner generall of the Scottish army in the winter season, and made way with the same, notwithstanding the interposition of the Earle of Newcastels army, till be became possessed of the port of Sunderland in order to your service, and that after Yorke fight, your petitioner layd Seige to the towne of Newcastle which place he obteyned, and though the same was taken by storme, yet out of his affection to the English nation he would not suffer that the inhabitants should be put to the sword ; allthough the army were exceedingly provoaked thereto by the losse of the lives of many of theire best commanders. “That in anno 1648, when Duke Hamilton invaded this nation, your petitioner, notwithstanding all importunities and profferred incourragments for ingageing in that service, did refuse to invade England, and not only thereupon layd dowme his commis- sion granted to him for his life, but likwise did take vpon him the commande of the army raised by the well efected in Scotland in opposition to that ingagement of the said dukes. For all which services your petitioner did at severall tymes receive letters of thankes and other toakens of acceptance from this parliament. “That your petitioner doth acknowledg that in the yeare 1650, when your forces entred Scottland, your petitioner, haueing then the tytle of generall, was thereby obliged to be with the Scotch army at Dunbarr. But after the Scotch army entred England the petitioner did not cnter with them ; but retired with other noblemen and gentlemen of that nation northwards, where afterwards he was taken prisoner at Elliott. “That your petitioner being thus taken prisonour had his estate therevpon seized and 1 Diary, p. 72. PETITION TO THE ENGLISH PARLIAMENT, c. 1659. 433 sequestred, and afterwards, by an order of this present parliament of the fowerteenth of May 52 it was reffered to the commissioners for sequestration and confiscated estates in Scottland to sett forth lande of the cleare yearly vallue of £500 per annum for Colonel Overton and his heires (£100 per annum whereof hee was to pay as a rent to the commonwealth ; in pursuance whereof the said commissioners, although your petitioners estate was never adjudged confiscat by parliament), did assigne the said Colonel Overton to receive the said annuall sume out of his estate ; and your petitioner afterwards humbly addressing himselfe to this present parliament for releefe therein, you were pleased by your order of the 29 of October 1652, for the reasons therein con- teyned in his petition, to referr your petitioners case to a committee of your owne, and in the meanetyme, and Vntill the matter of fact was stated and reported to your honnours, were pleased to order the stopp of any further disposall of your petitioners estate ; but your honmours, before any reporte made of his case being interrupted, afterwards vpon a generall order made by the late deceased protectour for satisfaction of those persons who had donatiues, the said Colonel Overton, by his atturney there- wnto authorised, did decleare his willingness (before hee was vnder any restraynt) to except of satisfaction in money for his said donatiue from the state after the rate of tenn years value out of the £40,000 imposed as a fryne vpon certayne persons in Scott- land, and about the same tyme the said deceased protectour was pleased, in considera- tion of your petitioners said service, and vpon a lettre written from the King of Sweaden mediateing on your petitioners behalfe for the free restoreing him to his said estate, to cause all sequestration to be discharged ; and your petitioner, shortly after marrying his grand childe to the daughter of Sir William Howard of Naworth, in the county of Cumberland, did settle and entayle his said estate vpon his said grand childe and his posterity. “That Colonel Overton not haueing received the afforesaid satisfaction in leiu of the said donatiue, hath lately presented this parliament with a petition to be restored to his said donative out of your petitioner's said estate ; which, if your honmours should grant, will not only be a greater punishment then hath been inflicted vpon any the confiscated persons in Scotland, but is that which will be the total ruine of your petitioner and his relations, and must necessaryly bring downe his grey haires with Sorrow to the grave. “Your honnours' petitioner therfore humbly prayeth that the perticulars before mentioned may be taken into your serious consideracion, as also the settle- ment of your petitioner's estate vpon marriage as foresaid, and to continue your petitioner and his said grand childe in the possession of theire said estate ; and that for effectuall releife and satisfaction to the said Colonel Overton, your petitioner humbly beseecheth your honnours will be pleased to finde out such other way as by your honnours' greate wisdome and good- ness shall be thought fitt. “And he, as in duty bound, shall ever pray, etc. “LEVEN,” 1 * Original or signed copy, undated, in Mel- lately deceased protector fixes the date as ville Charter-chest. The reference to the about the year 1659. WOL, I, 3 I 43 | SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. What the result of this petition was has not been ascertained. It is indeed doubtful if anything was done by the English parliament, as they soon had enough of other work cut out for them by the schemes of General Monck. The restora- tion of the monarchy, however, in the following year, placed an insuperable bar in the way of Colonel Overton's wishes, and gave the desired relief to the old Earl of Leven. Hitherto we have only dealt with the political career of the Earl of Leven. It is necessary that we look back to his domestic and private life, of which, how- ever, little is known, until he came into prominence as the great warrior he was. As a soldier, early in life he had carved out his fortune with his sword, and from time to time, during his military career on the Continent, found leisure to return to his native country and enjoy somewhat of domestic felicity. He must have mar- ried pretty early in life, as his son Alexander took service with him under the king of Sweden, and was, as formerly stated, a colonel in the Swedish army in 1637. It was in 1635, during one of his visits to Scotland, that Sir Alexander Leslie purchased the greater portion of his landed estates. These investments indicate a wish on his part to retire from active military service for the remainder of his life. He already possessed an estate in Sweden, which he had received from Gustavus Adolphus in 1630, confirmed to him by Queen Christina in 1632, and, as formerly noted, two earldoms in Germany—at least according to an English account. His rights to these, however, if they were granted, must have vanished when the Imperialist troops again overran the country; and the Swedish estate never seems to have been entered upon. Indeed it was recalled by the Swedish government in 1655, as having been unduly and therefore illegally bestowed on him. But the leanings of Sir Alexander Leslie were towards his native country, and he aimed at settling there. The barony of Balgonie, in Fife, belonged, in 1445, to the Sibbalds, from whom, a little later, it passed by marriage to the family of Lundie. The Lundies held it for more than a century, and then sold it in 1626 to two sons of Boswell of Balmuto. Being, however, heavily encumbered with debt, the barony was sold in 1634 to John, Earl of Rothes, who, in purchasing, probably acted for Sir Alexander Leslie, as he sold it to him in the following year, with the lands of Craigincat, likewise acquired from the Boswells." About the same time Leslie acquired Boglilie from Sir John Boswell of Balmuto, with consent of the Earl of Rothes and others. The infeftments of these lands were taken to Sir Alexander Leslie as liferenter, and to his son, Colonel Alexander Leslie, as fiar, who in the following year married Lady Margaret Leslie, daughter of the Earl of Rothes. * Disposition, dated 13th June 1635, in Melville Charter-chest, SETTLEMENT OF HIS ESTATES. 435 Another estate purchased at this time was that of East Nisbet in Berwick- shire. In the latter half of the fifteenth century it came by marriage from the family of Nisbet to that of Chirnside, and continued with the latter till 1622, when it was apprised for debt by John Cranston of Thorndykes, who, in 1626, disponed it to Lord Cranston, and he to General Leslie in 1635. This estate, with the others in Fife, were by crown-charter erected into the barony of Balgonie in favour of Sir Alexander Leslie and his son, and their heirs, and the grant was afterwards ratified by parliament." One thing which shows that Sir Alexander Leslie was in Scotland at the time these purchases were made is that he was then presented with the freedom of the ancient burgh of Culross.” This was apparently the only case in which the continental fame of the earl procured such a recognition. After his services, however, as general of the Scots army, similar honours were conferred upon him by other Scottish towns. On 1st November 1639 he was presented with the freedom of the town of Perth. Edinburgh followed suit on 1st April 1640, and a month later South Queensferry made “the right honourable and renowned ” general one of her burgesses. In 1642, when the expedition under his care was sent to Ireland, Dunbar showed her esteem for “the mighty and potent Erle, Alexander Erle of Levin,” etc., by enrolling his name, on the 6th July, on her civic list ; and on his way to assume the command, he was stopped at Ayr, and presented with the freedom of that town ; while Glasgow seized her opportunity on his return from Ireland thither on 2d December to make “the most honour- able brave and worthy leader” one of her burgesses.” In 1642 the Earl of Leven made a further settlement of his estates by an entail conceived in favour of his respective grand-children and their issue. He, as liferenter, and his son, Lord Balgonie, as fiar, grant these estates to Alexander Leslie, only son of the said Lord Balgonie and Lady Margaret Leslie, his wife, daughter of the deceased John, Earl of Rothes, and to the heirs-male of his body. The succession in the entail is then stated to the following other grand-children of the earl and their heirs-male, viz., Alexander and Francis Ruthvens, the second and third sons of Major-General Sir John Ruthven and Lady Barbara, the eldest daughter of the earl; to the son of Walter Dundas, fiar of that ilk, and Lady Christian, second daughter of the earl; to the second son of Hugh, Master of Lovat, and Lady Anna, third daughter of the earl; and then to the second son of his youngest daughter, Lady Mary, and whomsoever she should marry. Fail- * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. v. p. 450. * Burgess ticket, dated 9th July 1635, in Melville Charter-chest. * Burgess tickets in Melville Charter-chest. 4 36 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. ing all these the succession was devolved on Captain John Leslie of Edrom, brother of the earl, and the heirs-male of his body; then on the second son or lawful nearest heir-male of the family of Rothes, and finally on the heirs-male of that house succeeding to the earldom of Rothes, the successor being obliged to take the name of Leslie, and bear the insignia of Leven and Balgonie. The granters reserved their respective liferents and power of redemption by payment in the church of Markinch, or at the outer door of Balgonie, of ten merks Scots, gold or silver, on three days' warning." The close relations that existed between the house of Rothes and the earl's family are manifested in this entail, as well as in the matrimonial alliance between them. It is further evinced by the earl obtaining, after the death of John, Earl of Rothes, in August 1641, a gift from the king of the ward and marriage of the young earl, who afterwards became Duke of Rothes and chancellor of the kingdom. Along with the gift there is stated to have been an assignation of the same in favour of the young Earl of Rothes, showing the intention of Lord Leven to make it over to him at a convenient season.” Probably this was done on the occasion of his marriage in 1648 to Lady Anna Lindsay, eldest daughter of the lord high treasurer, to which, as one of his curators, the Earl of Leven gave his sanction.” Later, the Earl of Leven added to his possessions in the counties of Fife and Berwick by the purchase in 1650 from Sir Patrick Ogilvie, Lord Deskford, of the estate of Inchmartin in the parish of Errol, and Carse of Gowrie, Perthshire. The price appears to have been 40,000 merks, for which the earl granted a bond. But owing to the events which took place immediately afterwards, and the cap- ture and removal of the earl to England, the bond was not duly met until after his return, before which time, however, action for payment had been commenced against the earl in the court of Cromwell's “Keepers of the Liberty.” The earl changed the name of the estate to Inchleslie, but the Ogilvies re-acquired the estate about 1720, and the name was restored to its original form. When between 1651 and 1654 the earl was in England a prisoner of the commonwealth, and residing at Seaton-Delaval, in Northumberland, the residence of his third daughter, Lady Anne, the Howards of Naworth Castle, in the adjacent county of Cumberland, did some friendly service in connection with the negotiations with Cromwell's parliament for his release, etc., and the friendship * Charter, dated 27th July 1642, in Melville 3 Fourth Report of Historical MSS. Com- Charter-chest. mission, Appendix, p. 510. * Fourth Report of Historical MSs. Commis- 4 Disposition and other papers in Melville sion, Appendix, p. 509. Charter-chest. HIS MARRIAGE AND CHILDREN. 437 with this family was soon afterwards more closely cemented by the earl's arrang- ing the marriage of his grandson to Margaret Howard, the sister of Charles, first Earl of Carlisle. In 1656 he made his will, in which he left all his property to his grandson, with a particular charge to preserve in the family the jewel gifted to him by the King of Sweden; and he added several other special wishes." He lived to see the restoration of King Charles the Second in 1660, and died at Balgonie on 4th April 1661. He was buried in the evening of the 19th of the same month in his own aisle at Markinch Church. As formerly stated, Alexander, first Earl of Leven, married Dame Agnes Renton, daughter of David Renton of Billie, in the county of Berwick, who predeceased him on 26th June 1651, and was buried at Markinch on 23d July, under circumstances already referred to. It is stated, on the authority of an English peerage-writer, that the earl afterwards married, as his second wife, Frances, daughter of Sir John Ferrers of Tamworth, in Staffordshire, widow of Sir John Packington of Westwood, in Worcestershire, but not the slightest indi- cation of such a marriage is afforded by the family papers, so that, to say the least, it is extremely doubtful. By his countess, Agnes Renton, he had issue two sons and five daughters:— 1. Gustavus Leslie, who appears to have died young. 2. Alexander Leslie, Lord Balgonie, the second, but only surviving son, who, following the same calling as his father, accompanied him to the Continent, and rose to the rank of colonel in the Swedish service. He married, in 1636, Lady Margaret Leslie, second daughter of John, fifth Earl of Rothes, having previously, as stated above, been placed in possession of the estates as fiar, in part of which Lady Margaret was infeft as her jointure lands.” He seems to have been of a facile and easy nature, and to prevent the possi- bility of injury to the family on that account he granted a bond debarring himself from borrowing money, contracting debts or cautionries, or doing anything to dilapidate the estate, without the consent of his “loveing father,” and of William, Master of Cranston, Major-General Sir John Ruthven, and Walter Dundas, younger of that ilk, his brothers-in-law, and John Renton of Lamberton, while letters of inhibition following upon the bond were procured against Lord Balgonie.” He made his will on 12th January 1644, appointing curators for his children,” and died in the following year. * Vol. iii. of this work, p. 175. * Fourth Report by the Historical Mss. Commissioners, Appendix, p. 509; cf. Memoirs of the Family of Wemyss of Wemyss, by Sir William Fraser, K.C.B., vol. ii. pp. 318, 319. * Bond (Extract), dated 27th December 1643, and Letters of Inhibition, dated 24th January 1645, in Melville Chalter chest. * Vol. iu, of this work, p 172. 4.38 SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN. 2. Lady Margaret Leslie, Lady Balgonie, survived her husband, and was twice afterwards married, to Francis, second Earl of Buccleuch, in 1646, and to David, second Earl of Wemyss, in 1653. This remarkable lady had a very prominent hand in bringing about the restoration of King Charles the Second in 1660. She was by her several marriages mother of the second Earl of Leven, of the two young Countesses of Buccleuch, Mary, and Anna who became Duchess of Buccleuch and Monmouth, and also of Margaret, Countess of Wemyss in her own right. The issue of the marriage of Alexander, Lord Balgonie, and Lady Margaret Leslie were— (1.) Alexander Leslie, second Earl of Leven, of whom a short notice follows. (2) Catherine Leslie, who married George, first Earl of Melville, and has been noticed in his memoir. (3.) Agnes Leslie, who is mentioned in her father's testament, but appears to have died young, apparently before January 1646. The daughters of Alexander, first Earl of Leven, and Agnes Renton, were— . Lady Barbara Leslie, who married General Sir John Ruthven of Dunglas, and had issue. Lady Christian Leslie, who married Walter Dundas, younger, of Dundas, and had issue. . Lady Anne Leslie, who married, first, Hugh, Master of Lovat, and had issue, and secondly, Sir Ralph Delaval of Seaton-Delaval, in the county of Northumberland, and had issue. Lady Margaret Leslie, who married James Crichtom, first Wiscount of Fren- draught, and left issue a daughter, Lady Janet, to whom the Earl of Leven refers in his will. She married, in 1665, Sir James M'Gill of Rankeillor, her dowry being provided temporarily out of the Leven estates." . Lady Mary Leslie, who married William, Master of, afterwards third Lord Cranston, and had issue. * Lamont's Diary, p. 181. L.A. D Y M A R G A R ET LES Ll E, CO U N TESS OF B U C C LEU C H . M A R R | ED | 64.6 : D | E D 688. 439 II.-ALEXANDER, SECOND EARL OF LEVEN. MARGARET HOWARD (CARLISLE), HIS COUNTESS. 1661–1664. On the death of his father in 1645, Alexander Leslie, afterwards second Earl of Leven, was still in his minority, having been born in or about the year 1637. He was, with his surviving sister, Lady Catherine, taken under the care of his grand- father, who having provided the estates to him, made a special provision for his sister, and afterwards arranged her marriage, as already stated, to George, Lord Melville. Young Lord Balgonie had as his tutor or “pedagoge " in 1647, Mr. Robert Turnbull,” and his grandfather, in 1656, arranged his marriage to Margaret, fifth daughter of Sir William Howard, and sister to Charles, Earl of Carlisle. The marriage took place at Naworth Castle, in Cumberland, the resid- ence of the bride's brother, on 30th December of that year, but Lamont says she did not come to Balgonie till the following month of March. He adds that her dowry was forty-five thousand merks, her jointure from the Leven estates nine thousand merks, and that the home-coming cost Iord Balgonie about twenty-four thousand merks.” In 1661, on the death of his grandfather, Lord Balgonie succeeded as second Earl of Leven, and as such appeared in parliament at Edinburgh on 14th May of that year, and took the oath of allegiance and his seat. The Earl of Callendar, who had striven so long and unsuccessfully with the first earl to have precedency for his title, took this opportunity to raise the question of new, and on this occasion the question was remitted to the lords of the articles for debate. They, after consideration, and hearing both parties, reported in favour of the Earl of Callen- dar, and parliament accordingly passed a decree in his favour, in which they state their reasons for so doing. In the same parliament the earl took the precaution of obtaining a ratification of the charter of his lands granted by King Charles the First to his grandfather in 1641.4 The earl is mentioned in the following year as forming, with his attendants, 1 Vol. iii. of this work, p. 173. * Contract of marriage in Melville Charter- * He was a witness to the marriage con- chest; Lamont's Diary, p. 90. tract of Colonel Brainer and Margaret Leslie, * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, Lady Brunton. vol. vii. pp. 200, 210, 273. 440 ALEXANDER, SECOND EARL OF LEVEN. part of the convoy of the newly consecrated archbishop of St. Andrews, James Sharpe, on his way through Fife to St. Andrews, and he attended the meeting of parliament at Edinburgh on 8th May, at which the bishops were reintroduced as members of the estates. In the following year he was chosen to act on the parliamentary commission for the plantation of kirks, made a justice of the peace for the counties of Berwick and Fife, and placed on a committee for adjusting accounts with the collectors of Fife, which was appointed at his own request." In the same year he was chosen by Anna, Countess of Buccleuch, as one of her curators, and as such signed her marriage contract to James, Duke of Monmouth.* This earl in 1663 made a new entail of the Leven estates, as, having no male issue, he wished to provide them to his daughters, and failing them, to the second son in succession of the Earls of Rothes, Melville, and Wemyss.” In terms thereof he resigned his estates, and a signature was given by the king in February 1664 for a re-grant, but before the charter was completed the earl died. In the same year, 1663, he made his testament, but it was not completed. In it he mentions his having two daughters, and refers to another child still unborn. He died at Balgonie on 15th July 1664, Lamont says, of a high fever, after a deep carouse with the Earl of Dundee at Edinburgh and Queensferry. Some say, he relates, that in crossing the Firth they drank sea water to one another, and after their landing they drank sack. He was buried at Markinch on 3d August with some ceremony, a funeral sermon being preached on the occasion from James iv. 14, “Our life is but a vapour,” by Mr. John Robertson, minister of Edinburgh, and formerly chaplain to the earl; and the annalist adds that this was the first funeral sermon preached in Fife for the last twenty-four years or more. He was survived by his countess for only a short time. She died at Edinburgh on 30th September, the same year, “being bot a tender weake woman,” and her body being transported from Leith to Wemyss by water, was interred at Markinch on the evening of the 3d October.” They had issue three daughters:– 1. Margaret, Countess of Leven, who in terms of the new entail made by her father, succeeded to the title and estates. The Earl of Rothes was her tutor, and obtained a new signature from the king in her favour in place of the former one granted to her father. The heirs under the old entail made objection to her succession, but Rothes summoned them to prove their 1 Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, Fraser, K.C.B., vol. i. pp. 409–413. vol. vii. pp. 368, 446, 474, 501, J05, 507; * Dated 12th February 1663, in Melville Lamont's Diary, pp. 146, 148. Charter-chest, * The Scotts of Buccleuch, by Sir William * Lamont's Diary, pp. 170 172. MARGARET, COUNTESS OF LEVEN. 44.1 claims before the lords of session, who found that the lately deceased earl had the power to alter the entail as he had done." In 1671 she made choice of her curators, among whom were the Duke of Monmouth, the Earls of Rothes, Wemyss, Eglinton, and Carlisle, and Lords Melville, Lindores, and Newark.” Alexander, eighth Earl of Eglinton, here named, was a nephew of John, Earl of Rothes, being the son of his younger sister, Lady Mary, and having no sons of his own, Rothes appears to have designed to marry the young Countess of Leven to Eglinton's younger brother, the Hon. Francis Montgomerie of Giffen. The following letter from her evidently to her aunt, Lady Melville, is interesting as dealing with this subject. She appears to have been residing at the time with her grandmother, the Countess of Wemyss, who was the aunt of Montgomerie :— “Wemyss, July 31, 1673. “My DIEREST ANT,--I reseued yours and thinks my self very much oblidged to your gret kyndnes in acquenting me uith things you hier of me, uhich I can ashure you I am not gilty of, for my corospondans uith Mr. Munt- gomry's sisters is nou almost auay, for I urot not to any of them bot oms sins I sie you, and I am confident mather he nor his sisters has any ground to say I hau any mor lou to him then I shuld hau to a cosin, and mather dar they say so much uithout giuing me much ofcns, for it neuer uas my humer to given any man that satisfaction to say I have any partikuler lou to him, nether did he euer demand that of me yet. I beliue uhen he coms ouer he uill do it, and the chansler will do all he can too. Bot be ashured I shall giu my consent to mary to no man till I be tuenty yiers of ag, and then I hop in God I shall not be in gret danger of bearing bairns. I got word from Dr. Waderburn that if I maried nou I shuld haserd both my oun lyf and my chyld's. Bot I intend to put the wyen to no hazerd sins I beliu its only the chansler's desyr to get him this fortoum and me to dy, and therfor in a mater I oght to consider upon or I weaken the family my gret grandfather got at the prys of his blood. I am sory you think I can disemell, espitily uith on I loue so riell as you. Realy the thoghts of it put me in a gret distemper hier yesterdy, and I uas a litel uuried, for I neuer imagind you had such an ill opinion of me as to think I could disemell any, sins my father uas so frie of it. I asoir you all the kyndnes euer I profesed to you was all in tru afection, and if you do not beliu me it shall truble me mighttily, sins I prys your kyndnes at so gret a rait that I wold not los it for any thing in the world. I shall falow my lady's derekshon as will sertenly it uill be my Saifest uay. I shall declair myself no farder of the kyndnes I hau mor to my dier father's beloued sister, bot shall say this far uithout any disemlin, —I am intierly, my dierest heart, your oun M. LIVEN. * Decreet, 10th February 1665, in Melville , the dinner on the occasion at Cupar, 18th Charter-chest. April, was over £140 Scots. [In Melville * The imnkeeper's account for providing Charter-chest.] VOL. I. 3 K 4:42 CATHERINE, COUNTESS OF LEVEN. “I hau sent the berer expres uith this long leter, desyring to send a kleu of virset uith him. My most humble seruis to your lord and children, and lykuys the master, I shall sho you if it be good.”" Probably, however, the countess was not permitted to carry out her own wishes in the matter, for within a few months the contract of marriage be- tween her and Mr. Francis Montgomerie was prepared, and the marriage was to be solemnised with all convenience thereafter.” When it took place does not appear, but the event that was feared was what actually happened. The countess died in November 1674, leaving no issue. Her husband, by the contract, was entitled to a large jointure out of the estates, which led to a lawsuit between him and the third Earl of Leven, to which reference has been made in the latter's memoir. One of the pleas urged was that the marriage ought never to have taken place, as the young countess was in no condition for matrimony, and that she was forced thereto by the Duke of Rothes; but medical evidence was adduced on both sides, which determined nothing, and the plea was not sustained.” She was succeeded by her only surviving sister, Lady Catherine Leslie. 2. Lady Anna Leslie, the second daughter, is mentioned in the testament of her father in 1663. In an account by the apothecary who furnished medicines for the three sisters from 11th July 1668 to 22d January 1676, and which amounted to £2312, 9s. 0d., Lady Anna is said to have been the most valetudinary of the three. She must have predeceased her eldest sister. 3. Catherine, Countess of Leven, who was born in 1663 or 1664, and succeeded on the death of her sister, Lady Margaret, to the title and estates of Leven. George, Lord Melville, was on 15th January 1675 appointed tutor-in-law to her by letters under the great seal,” and in October of the same year she chose as her curators the Duke of Monmouth, the Earl of Carlisle, George, Lord Melville, and his son, the Master, one of whom was to be Sine qua non ; and there were others, but the Duke of Rothes is not named. Countess Catherine, as is indicated by the apothecary’s account, died on 21st January 1676, unmarried, and was succeeded in the title and estates by her cousin, David Melville, the next heir of entail, as third Earl of Leven. His lineal male descendants have inherited the Leven and Melville peerages, as ex- plained in the previous memoirs of the Melville family. 1 Copy letter in Melville Charter-chest. Memorials of the Montgomeries, Earls of * Contract of marriage, dated 10th October Eglinton, by Sir William Fraser, K.C.B., 1673, ibid. vol. i. p. 94. * Papers in Melville Charter-chest. Cf. * In Melville Charter-chest. 443 ARMORIAL BEARINGS. For Melville—Quarterly, first and fourth, gules, three crescents argent, within a bordure of the second, charged with eight roses of the first ; second and third, argent, a fess gules. Crest. The head of a ratch hound, erased, sable. Supporters. Dexter, an eagle; Sinister, a ratch hound, both proper. Motto. Denique coelum. For Leven—Quarterly, first and fourth, azure, a thistle slipped, proper, ensigned with an imperial crown, or, a coat of augmentation to the arms of LESLIE ; second and third, argent, on a bend, azure, three buckles or, for Leslie. Crest. A demi-chevalier in complete armour, holding in his right hand a dagger, erect, proper, the pommel and hilt, or. • Supporters. Two chevaliers in armour, each holding in his exterior hand the banner of Scotland. Motto. Pro rege et patria. The coat of arms of the Melville family is of considerable antiquity. But, as a recent writer on heraldry remarks, the arms have varied much, and the remark is warranted by the various charges on the armorial seals of the family of which there is any record. The opportunity for comparison is in this case more than usually ample, as in 1296, at which date the earliest seals of the family are found, no fewer than nine persons of the name of Melville did homage to King Edward the First for lands in several counties of Scotland. Some of the seals then used are preserved, or their charges are known. Thus the seal of Sir John Melville, apparently of Glenbervie, shows a shield with a fess. The seal of James Melville of Aberdeen, probably a burgess, also bears a fess, surmounting a garb. Another seal, belonging to William Melville, who held lands in Peeblesshire, bears a hunting-horn, stringed. Robert Melville, who did homage for lands in Roxburgh- shire, is said to have used a seal bearing a lion rampant. Reginald Melville, a burgess of Stirling, also swore fealty. His seal is not preserved, but that of his son Henry, attached to a writ of later date, shows a single crescent on a shield. There is no seal extant, so far as is known, of an early date, bearing the name of any of the Melvilles of Melville in Midlothian; but Sir David Lindsay, in his Book of Heraldry, of date 1542, assigns to “Melving of that ilke" a blazon of gules, three crescents argent, within a bordure of the second, charged with eight roses of the first. This coat also was quartered by the family of Lord 444 ARMORIAL BEARINGS. Ross of Halkhead and Melville, after intermarriage, about 1470, with Agnes Melville, the heiress of Melville. The Melvilles of Carnbee, in Fife, likewise blazoned crescents, but their coat also varied. In one case, of uncertain date, it is described as argent, a fess gules, a bordure of eight gyronny and or. In 1685 their arms, as registered in the Lyon Office, were—or, three cushions gules, each charged with a crescent, argent all within a bordure of the second, charged with eight roses of the first. But a seal, appended to a charter by John Melville of Carnbee in the year 1509, shows a shield bearing three cushions, each charged with a crescent. The bordure of roses must have been added at a later date. The Melvilles of Raith, according to Sir David Lindsay, bore simply argent, a fess gules, but the seal of the earliest known laird of Raith, John Melville in 1412, shows a fess between three crescents. This bearing, which combines the cognizance assigned to the Melvilles of that ilk with another old Melville blazon, the fess, continued to be used by the Melvilles of Raith down to their accession to the peerage of Lord Melville, as shown by extant seals. After the creation of the peerage, Sir Robert Melville of Murdochcairnie, who up to that time had used the fess between three crescents, received a new coat of arms, blazoned quarterly, first and fourth, gules, three crescents argent, within a bordure of the second, charged with eight roses of the first, as in the blazon of Melville of that ilk; second and third, argent, a fess gules; with the supporters, an eagle and ratch hound, crest and motto, as at present. This blazon was continued by the second and third lords Melville, and also by George, first Earl of Melville. The patent of his arms has not been preserved at Melville, and it is left blank in the Lyon Office Record, the name only being entered; but a blazoned Genealogy by Walter Muir, Rothesay Herald, of date 1690, so far supplies the want of the original and the defective record. Since that period, however, the arrangement of the blazon and supporters has for some reason been altered, the modern armorial bearings of the family showing quarterly, first and fourth argent, a fess gules; second and third, gules, three crescents argent within a bordure of the second, charged with eight roses of the first, while the supporters have changed sides. The cadets of Raith also appear to have used different coats. Sir Andrew Melville of Garvock blazoned an eagle displayed between three crescents. Melville of Auchmoor, about 1673, showed the fess gules, charged with three crescents, and differenced. Probably about the same period, Sir James Melville of Burntisland, a descendant of Sir James Melville of Hallhill, was allowed the old coat of the Melvilles of that ilk, with a crescent for cadency, as appears from a blazon of his arms at Melville House under the hand of John Sawer, Snawdon herald. 445 GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY OF MELVILLE OF MELVILLE. GALFRID MELVILLE OF MELVILLE, IN MIDLOTHIAN, flourished in the reigns of King Malcolm the Fourth and King William the Lion, and was a prominent courtier of these sovereigns. He held the offices of sheriff of Edinburgh Castle, and justiciar of Scotland, probably south of the Forth. Between 1170 and 1178 he granted the church of Mel- ville to the monks of Dunfermline, and five of his sons appear as witnesses to the charter. He was twice married, his second wife being Matilda Malherbe ; and he had seven sons. - ; | | | | GREGORY MELVILLE OF MELVILLE, GALFRID MELVII.LE, THOMAS MELVILLE, ROBERT MELVILLF. eldest son, who succeeded. He who was probably who, with his excambed the lands of Ednam, etc., ancestor of the younger brothers, HUGH MELVILLE, in Roxburghshire, for those of Gram- family of Melville witnessed a char- ton, etc., in Midlothian, and is men- of Carnbee. ter by his father. RICHARD MELVILLE. tioned in charters to his son, WALTER MELVILLE. | SIR RICHARD MELVILLE, sheriff of Linlithgow under King William the Lion, from whom he received several charters. He married Margaret, daughter of Reginald Prat of Tynedale. In 1174 he was captured at Alnwick with his sovereign, and was compelled before his release to swear fealty to the English king. | WILLIAM MELVILLE, mentioned in charters by STEPHEN MELVILLE, probably uncle of Thomas of Temple, his son Gregory. - as on his death he obtained his lands. He had a son, | | | | SIR. GREGORY MELVILLE, who between DAVID, who wit- THOMAs of HADDINGTON, who as such WALTER MELVILLE, 1255 and 1271 confirmed a charter by his nessed a charter witnessed a charter by his brother who inherited from his grandfather, Sir Richard, for maintaining by his brother Gregory. Probably he is also the father the temple lands a chaplainry at Tartraven, through which Gregory. Thomas of Temple, son of William in Gorton, but disponed lands he granted, in 1264, a right of way to Melville, who married Christian, them to William St. Clair. the monks of Newbattle. He is frequently sister of Gregory Lysurs, and with He was probably the Inentioned as a witness to charters, and her obtained six acres of temple father of about 1264 is designated lately sheriff of lands in Gorton. He left three Aberdeen. He had a son, daughters. | WILLIAM MELVILLE, designated in a charter CHRISTIAN, who mº An son of Walter, JOHN MELVILLE, who }. * father Sir Gregory, his son and heir. son of Aldwyne. lived during the reign n 1296 he swore fealty to King Edward the > r ~~~~3 * A is a sº , , of Robert Bruce, and left First of England. He had a son, Aº sº Richard, son of Galfrid, a Som, EVA, who married Malcolm, son of David Dum. — |- JOHN MELVILLE, LORD OF THAT ILK, who confirmed to the WALTER MELVILLE, who, on his father's resignation in the monks of Newbattle in 1329 the charter of right of way hands of Ring Robert Bruce, had a charter to himself and through Tartraven granted by his grandfather, Sir Gregory, Margaret, his wife, daughter of John Ayr, of the lands of and also in 1344, his gift of a stone of wax. He had a son, Capronestoun, in Peeblesshire. He died before 5th July 1365. THE MELVII,I,ES OF RAITH. THOMAS MELVILLE, who was a consenting party to JOHN MELVILLE, FIRST of RAITH, who had a charter of Pitscottie, in his father's charter of 1344. He had a son, Fife, from William Scott of Balwearie, in the reign of Robert III. His son, | | JOHN MELVILLE, LORD of THAT ILK, who, on 20th November 1379, SIR JOHN MIELVILLE, SECOND OF RAITH, on 31st granted a charter to John, son of John Melville of Carnbee, of the lands May 1412 obtained the lands of Dura from William of Granton and Stenhouse, Scott of Balwearie, with his daughter Marjory Scott in marriage. He entered into a contract with THOMAS MELVILLE, LORD of THAT ILR, who in 1427 made an agree- the laird of Wemyss in 1429 about a mill-lade. He ment with Sir William Tyminghame, parson of Melville, anent the kirk had a son and a daughter, lands. He died before 27th January 1429, when his son, | - | | JOHN MELVILLE, Lord WILLIAM MELVILLE, THIRD OF RAITH, who on 26th May 1474 received ELIZABETH, who married, OF THAT ILK, was served a charter of Raith from the abbot of Dunfermline. He married, first, about 1455, David Bos- heir to him. He died Margaret, daughter of Douglas of Longniddry ; and, secondly, well of Balmuto. before the year 1442, Euphame, daughter of Sir Robert Lundie of Balgonie, who survived when his sºn, him. He died before 29th October 1502. (ſ. b VOL. I. - 3 I, 446 GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY OF MELVII.LE OF MELVII.L.E. * | C., JOHN MELVILLE, FIAR OF RAITH. He granted a bond of manrent on 16th August 1487 to Sir John Wemyss of that Ilk. In 1491, on his father's resignation, he obtained the family estates of Raith, and some litigation subsequently took place between him and his father. He married Janet Bonar, daughter of the laird of Rossie, who survived him. He predeceased his father between June 1493 and June 1494, but left two sons, THOMAS MELVILLE OF THAT ILK, succeeded in 1442. His estates seem to have suffered from debt. He died in 1458, leaving a daughter Agnes, who married Robert, son of Sir John Ross of Hawkhead. She died before 16th October 1478, and in 1496 her son John Ross, second Lord Ross of Hawkhead and Melville, was retoured her heir in the barony of Melville. | d SIR JOHN MELVILLE, FOURTH OF RAITH, who succeeded his grandfather in the estates of Raith, being served heir on 29th October 1502, and infeft on 24th November following. He was created a knight by King James the Fourth, and rose to high favour with King James the Fifth, by whom he was appointed Master-general of the Ordnance, Captain of the Castle of Dunbar, etc. ... But having embraced the Reformed faith, he became obnoxious to the ruling clergy, and was executed on a charge of treason in 1548. He married, first, Margaret Wemyss, daughter of Sir John Wemyss of that Ilk, by whom he had a son and daughter; secondly, Helen, eldest daughter of Sir Alexander Napier of Merchiston, who survived him, dying about 1588, by whom also he had issue. € | | | WILLIAM MELVILLE, JOHN MELVILLE, FIFTH OF RAITH, who SIR, ROBERT MELVILLE OF SIR JAMES MELVILLE who, in 1544, had a charter to himself and his wife, Mar- garet Douglas, sister of Robert Douglas of Lochleven. He died without issue. His wife survived him until about the year 1588. MURDOCAIRNIE, afterwards first LORD MELVILLE. He was a dis- tinguished statesman. He was thrice married, first, to Kathe- rine, daughter of William Adam- son of Craigcrook, by whom he had one son ; secondly, to Lady Mary Leslie, daughter of Andrew, fifth Earl of Rothes; thirdly, in 1613, to Lady Jean Stewart, daughter of Robert, Earl of Orkney, and widow of Patrick, first Lord Lindores, by neither was restored to his father's forfeited estates on 4th June 1563. He married, first, Isobel, daughter of the laird of Lundie, by whom he had one son and two daughters; secondly, Margaret Bonar, who died in October 1574, also leaving issue ; and thirdly, Grissel Meldrum, daughter of the laird of Seggie, who like- wise predeceased him in 1597, leaving issue. He died in March 1605. of Hallhill, also a distin- guished courtier and states- man. He was the author of his “Memoirs.” He married Christian Bos- well, and had issue two sons and two daughters. He died on 13th Novem- ber 1617, and was suc- ceeded by his son. | J O HN MELVILLE, SIXTH OF of whom he had issue. He died in 1621. | | | | | | MR. THOMAS MELVILLE. MARGARET, who married, contract MARGARET, who was still unmarried in RAITH, succeeded his father in the family estates. In 1602 he obtained a charter of the lands of Raith and others. He mar- He had a gift of the mar- riage of his nephew John, on 4th January 1626. He appears to have died about dated 1st October 1585, James Wemyss of Bogie, and had issue. Isobſ. L, who married, contract dated 1621, when she was a legatee of her uncle Robert, first ried, in 1584, Margaret, daugh- April 1643. 25th January 1588, George, eldest Lord Melville. ter of Sir William Scott of son of George Auchinleck of Bal- CHRIST ſh Balwearie, who survived him. JAMES MELVILLE, named Iſla llll O. W:LS i. | o He died on 17th January 1626, along with his brother in W ...i. her leaving issue. 1605 in their father’s will. AGNES, who appear to have died j* S legatees in d the lands of Fedd- } t He ha JANET, young. KATHERINE, young- est daughter. She was also a legatee inch. He married, and c. * * r QIl Gel’S. º g had issue two daughters ALISON, who married Mr. David Bar- clay of Touch. in 1621. | 9. JOHN MELVILLE, SEVENTH OF RAITH, JAMES MELVILLE, who DAVID MELVILLE, who appears MR. THOMAS MELVILLE, THIRD LORD MELVILLE, succeeded his father was connected with as a witness to a resignation minister of Kinglassie, ancestor of the Melvilles of Cairnie. He married Jean Gourlay, and died 21st April 1675, aged 73. He had issue three sons and three daughters. in Raith in 1626, and in 1635 succeeded his cousin, Robert, second Lord Melville, in his honours. He married, contract dated 27th October 1627, Anne, elder daughter and coheiress of Sir George Erskine, Lord Innertiel, a brother of the first Earl of Kellie. She survived her husband, being still alive in 1648. He died on 22d May 643, leaving issue. | | | | | | JOHN MELVILLE. MOSES MELVILLE. GEORGE MELVILLE, JEAN. h BATHIA, CATHERINE. by his brother-german, John, Lord Melville, on 11th Janu- ary 1643, was appointed tutor to his brother's chil- dren in May 1644, but died in that year, apparently unmarried. the plantation of Ulster. He married, in 1618, Jean Sinclair, “Lady Parbroith,” and died about 1653, apparently S.p. C | WILLIAM MELVILLE, who had a disposition of the lands of Pitscottle and Dura. He appears fre- quently on record. GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY OF MELVILLE OF MELVIII,E. b | | ANDREW MELVILLE, who was a party with his father and brothers in their pleas before the lords of parliament, etc. He lived at Leith. DAVID, mentioned as son of Euphame Lundie in 1506. | ELIZABETH, who mar- ried, contract dated 27th February 1497, John Gourlay, son of the laird of Lam- lethan. DAVID MELVILLE, bur- gess of Edinburgh, who married and left a Son, 447 MAR GARET, who married James Bomar of Rossle. WALTER MELVILLE. | CAPTAIN Dº MELVILLE of Newmill. He had a charter of the mills of Dairsie in 1581. He married Margaret Douglas, but died in October 1594, S.p., when his brother James was served heir to him in Prinlaws, his brother John being served heir to Dairsie mills. WALTER MELVILLE, one of the gentlemen of the Earl of Murray's chamber. He died young. SIR ANDREW 'Mºwtº of Woodend and Garvock. He was master of the household to Queen Mary and James the Sixth. He married, first, Jean Ken- nedy, one of Queen Mary’s Jadies-in-waiting, who was drowned in 1589 in cross- ing the Firth of Forth on her way to Court; se- condly, Elizabeth Hamil- ton, by whom he had two SOllS, WILLIAM MELVILLE, commenda- tor of Tungland and Kilwin- ning. He was a lord of session from 1587 to 1613. He mar- ried Anna Lindsay, and left an only son, Frederick, who died in March 1614, and a daughter, Agnes, who died in 1615, her uncle Andrew being served heir to her on 1st Feb- ruary of that year. JoBN MELVILLE, an illegitimate som, forfeited for taking part in the death of Cardinal Beaton. JANET, who married James Kirk- caldy of Grange, and had issue. KATHARINE, who, on 1st July 1549, on her father's forfeiture, obtained a charter of Shawsmill from David Hamilton, son of the Governor Arran. She married Brown, her son John Brown being retoured her heir on 18th February 1558. JONETA, who married James John- stone of Elphinstone. ROBERT, SECOND LORD MELVILLE, JAMES MELVILLE of Hallhill, was MR. ROBERTMDL- formerly styled of Burntisland. was also a distinguished statesman. He married, first, contract dated 24th and 28th October 1580, Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas Ker of Fer- He served heir to his father on 14th April 1618, in the lands of Prinlaws, and on 22d July 1636, and 12th April 1653, heir of line of Robert, Lord Melville, in the lands of Nether Grange of Kinghorn, the castle of Burntisland, etc. lied, before 1615, Catherine Learmonth, and left issue two VILLE, minister of Sim prin, Berwickshire. He married Catherine Mel- ville, and had issue a son and He mar- a daughter. SIR GEORGE MEL- VILLE, under mas- ter of the house- hold to K1 mg Charles the ELIZABETH, who married John Colville, com- m end at or of Culross, ances- niehirst, who died on 24th M secondly, Jean, daughter of Gavin Hamilton of Raploch, and Robert, fourth Lord Ross, who also He died on 19th March 1635, without issue, and predeceased him in 1631. his titles devolved on John of Raith. ay 1594; relict of SOllS. Melville JEAN, who married Michael Balfour of Grange. ELIZABETH, who married, contract dated 24th May 1616, Mr. Robert Mur- ray, provost of Meth- ven, and had issue. MI BATIIIA, who married John EUPIIAME, who appears to JOHN MELVILLE, tor of the Lords Second. He mar- Colville of Cul- Tied, and had IOSS, issue. MARGARET, who married Slr HENRY MELVILLE, styled brother of Trail of Dinmork. have died unmarried. ARGARET, who married James Scrimgeour of Wester Cartmore. John Scot of George Melville MARGARET. Scotstarvit, and of Garvock. had issue. .. * SIR JAMES MIELVILLE of Hallhill, also of Burntisland. He mar- ROBERT ried Margaret Farquhar, and died in 1664, leaving two sons. MELVILLE, who | | appears to JAMES MELVILLE of Hallhill. GILBERT MELVILLE, who entered have died He lost the estate of Hall- the church, and was succes- S.p., as his hill by adjudication in 1675, sively minister of Arngask and nephew and appears to have died S.p. Glendevon, but demitted his Was served before 1714. office in 1709. In 1714 he was as his served heir to his father and heir in uncle Robert. 1714. 448 GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY OF MELVILLE OF MELVIII.E. h. | | GEORGE, FOURTH LORD MELVILLE AND FIRST EARL ðr MELVILLE, born 1636, succeeded his father in 1643, JoHN MELVILLE, and became a distinguished statesman. Charged with complicity in the Ryehouse Plot, he was obliged to who is men- flee to Holland, whence, however, he returned with William, Prince of Orange, and was by him created, on tioned in his 8th April 1690, Earl of Melville, Wiscount of Kirkcaldy, Lord Raith, Monimail, and Balwearie. He afterwards father's will in became secretary of state for Scotland, president of the council, etc. He married, contract dated 17th January 1643. He died 1655, Catherine, daughter of Alexander, Lord Balgonie, who survived her husband, dying on 2d April 1713. before 1675, S.p. George, Earl of Melville, died on 20th May 1707, aged 71 years. He had issue. | | | k; ALEXANDER, who had mºney titles of MASTER JOHN MIELVILLE, born DAVID, THIRD EARL OF LEVEN AND SECOND EARL OF MELVILLE AND LORD RAITH, born 23d December 28th May 1657. OF MELVILLE, born 5th May 1660. He succeeded 1655, was for some time treasurer-depute of Scot- to the earldom of Leven on the death of John, Duke land. He married, contract dated 27th August 1689, GEORGE MELVILLE, of Rothes, in 1681, as heir of his cousin, Catherine, Barbara, third daughter of Walter Dundas of Dum- born 24th Septem- Countess of Leven ; and he succeeded his father as das, who survived him, dying on 23d February 1719, ber 1664. Earl of Melville in 1707. He married, contract by whom he had two sons, both of whom died in Both appear to have dated 3d September 1691, Lady Anne Wemyss, infancy. He predeceased his father on 27th March died young. eldest daughter of Margaret, Countess of Wemyss, 1698. and died on 6th June 1728. They had issue. | | | ! GEORGE, LORD BALGONIE AND RAITH, who Aſ, EXANDER, FIFTH EARL OF Lives AND FOURTH EARL OF MIEL- HON. was born in January 1695. He married, VILLE, was educated for the legal profession, and succeeded his nephew JAMES contract dated 27th July 1716, his cousin- in the family honours and estates in 1729. He was high commissioner LEs LIE, german, Lady Margaret Carnegie, eldest to the General Assembly for several years. He married, first, in 1721, alive in daughter of David, fourth Earl of Northesk, Mary, eldest daughter of Hon. Colonel John Erskine of Carnock, by I738. by whom he had issue. He died in August whom he had a son ; secondly, in March 1726, Elizabeth, daughter of * 1721, and Lady Balgomie died on 7th July David Monypenny of Pitmilly, Fifeshire, who survived him, dying on 1722. 15th March 1783, in her 84th year. He had also issue by her, and died on 2d September 1754, | | | | 777, DAVID, FOURTH EARL OF LEVEN ANNE, born 7th DAVID, SIXTH EARL OF LEVEN AND FIFTH OF HON. GEORGE AND THIRD EARL OF MELVILLE, April 1721, and MELVILLE, born 4th March 1722, served for some LESLIE, alive born 17th December 1717. He was died in 1723. time in the army, and succeeded his father in 1754. in 1730. He served heir to his father in 1722, He was high commissioner to the General Assembly appears to and succeeded his grandfather in for nineteen years. He married, 29th July 1747, have died 1728, but died in June 1729, in his Wilhelmina, daughter of William Nisbet of Dirleton, young. 11th year. who died 10th May 1798. Lord Leven died at Edin- burgh 9th June 1802, aged 80, leaving issue. | | | 20, ALEXANDER, SEVENTH EARL OF LEVEN AND SIXTH EARL HON, WILLIAM LEs LIE, IHON. DAVID LESLIE, born 13th OF MELVILLE, born 7th November 1749. In 1786 he was born 8th August 1751, January 1755. He also appointed comptroller of customs in Scotland, and in 1806 he entered the army, and was entered the army, and rose was chosen a representative peer. He was also for some time killed at Princeton, in to rank of brigadier-general. colonel of a regiment of militia. He succeeded his father in America, on 3d January He married, 16th January 1802. He married, on 12th August 1784, Jane, daughter of 1777. 1787, Rebecca, daughter of John Thornton of Clapham, Surrey, who died 13th February Rev. John Gillies, D.D., of 1818. The earl died 22d February 1820, leaving issue. Glasgow, and died 21st Oc- tober 1838, s.p. GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY OF MELVIII.E OF MELVIII.E. 449 t HON. JAMES MELVILLE of Cassingray. witness to a discharge by his brother George, on He married, con- tract dated 7th December 1672, Anne, daughter 22d August 1693, at Melville. He was a of Mr. Alexander Burnett of Carlops, but appears to have died, S.p., about 1706. David, thud Earl of | Is O BEL, young. | who died JEAN, who died before | | ANNA, who married Thomas Boyd, younger of Pinkhull, and had issue. KATHERINE. She made her will on 20th February 1692, and appoints her brother, James Melville of Cassingray, her only Leven, his nephew, was served heir-general to him executor. She died unmanried in March on 19th August 1714. 1692. k | | | | HON, JAMES MELVILLE of JoHN MELVILLE, born 24th MARGARET, who was born on MARY MELVILLE, born 7th Balgarvie, also of Hallhill, April 1670. 28th October 1658, and mar- May 1662, who died in March born 18th December 1665. ried Robert, fourth Lord 1690. ii. m.º.d'ſ...h ºf. CHARLES, MELY LLB, born 2d Balfour of Burleigh. They * ! s December 1673. ; S O ANNA MELVILLE, born 8th crieff, and had issue. He had issue. March 1668, who died young died in 1706. John MELVILLE, born 26th 2 young. September 1677. RATHARINE MELVILLE, born All of whom appear to have 1st June 1671, who died died young. young. l | | | LADY wº born in GEORGE MELVILLE ALFXANDER of Balgarvie, who died in December 1713, apparently unmarried. July 1692, who mar- ried William, second Earl of Aberdeen, and died in 1710, leaving a daughter Anne, Countess of Dumfries. LADY MARGARET, born In March 1696, died in infancy. MEL- VILLE of Bal- ganvie, who, in 1714 and 1737, was served heir to h is b other George, and in 1736 to his father. DAVID MFLVILLF, who resided at Sciennes, Edin- burgh, and died there, 12th De- cember 1782. | | | | MARGARET, who married Mr. John Erskine of Carnock, author of the “Institutes,” Their son was Dr. John Eiskine of Edin- burgh. ANNE, who died unmarried. |BARBARA, who married Mr. Alexander Stod- dant, minister at Falkland, and had issue. MARY, who died unmarried, 22d June 1759. 772, | MARY ANNE, who married, in 1787, John Rutherford of LADY ELIZABETH, born in March | HON. GENERAL ALEXANDER LESLIE, born in April 1731, who entered the almy, and had a distinguished military He married 23d December 1760, the second daughter of Walter Tullideph of Tullideph, and had He died 27th December 1794. Cal’eel". issue one daughter. Edgerstoun, but died S.p. | LADY ANNE, born 27th February 1730, married, 30th April 1748, George. sixth Earl of Northesk, and had issue. November 1779. 1735, but died in infancy. She died 8th | LADY MARY, who married, | LADY ELIZABETH, born in July 1737, married, 10th 5th Janual y June 1767, to 1762, Dr. John, second Eall James Walker of Hopetoum, and had issue. She died 10th April 1788. of Inverdovat, Fifeshire, and had issue. 77 | HON. John LESLIE, born 20th November 1759, also entened the army, and rose to rank of lieutenant-general. He mar- ried, 13th September 1816, Jane, eldest daughter and heir of Thomas Cumming, Fsq , and assumed the name of Cuming. He died in November 1824, S.p. WOL. I. HoN. GEORGE MELVILLE LESLIE, who was born 21st Apill 1766, and entered the Indian Civil Service at Ceylon in He married, on 27th Novem- 1802. 1829. ber 1802, Jacomuna-Gertrude, only daughter of William Jacob Vander Graaff, governor of Java, Batavia. He died on 8th March 1812, leaving an only daughter, named Mary Chris- tiana, of Leven Lodge, Portobello, who still survives. LADY CHARLOTTE, born 22d September 1761. | | | LADY JANE, born 1st April 1753, who married, on 9th November 1775, Sir John Wishart Belsches Stualt, Bart.. of Fettel callin, M.P., and had issue. Died 25th October LADY MARY ELIZABETII, born 4th March 1757, who mar- ried, 8th November 1776, her cousin-german, James, fourth Lord Ruthven, and had issue. She died in 1820. She died on 20th October 1830, unmarried. 3 M GENEAE,OGY OF THE FAMILY OF MELVIII.E OF MELVIII.E. O A) JOHN THORNTON, NINTEI EARL OF LEVEN AND EIGHTEI EARL OF MELVILLE, born on 18th December 1786. He suc- ceeded his eldest brother in the family dignities in October 1860, and was afterwards elected one of the representative peers of He was twice married, first, on 15th September 1812, to Harriet, youngest daughter of Samuel Thornton of Clapham, M.P.; and, secondly, on 23d April 1834, to Sophia, fourth daughter of Henry Thornton, and had issue by both. DAVID, EIGHTH EARL OF L MELVILLE, born 22d June 1785. and rose to the rank of rear-admiral. on 22d February 1820, and was chosen one of the sixteen representative peers of Scotland. 1824, Elizabeth Anne, second daughter of Sir Archibald Camp- bell of Succoth, and by her, who died on 6th November 1863, had issue two sons and four daughters. 1860, aged 75 years. EVEN AND SEVENTEI EARL OF He entered the royal navy, He succeeded his father He married, on 21st June He died on 8th October Scotland. September 1876. | | | | | ALEXANDER, Lord BAL- LADY ELIZABETH JANE LADY ANNA MARIA, who ALEXANDER, TENTH GONIE, born 19th No- vember 1831. He en- tered the army, and rose to the rank of major. For services in the Crimea, he obtained from France the Cross of the Legion of Honour, but having contracted disease in that campaign, he died at Roehampton House, Surrey, on 29th August 1857, unmarried. HON. DAVID ARCHIBALD LESLIE MELVII, LE, born on 14th October 1833, and died on 20th October 1854, unmarried. L ES LIE ME L VILLE CARTWRIGHT, who on the death of her father in 1860, inherited the family estates of Mel- ville, the titles being inherited by her uncle, as the heir-male. 2d November 1858, she married Thomas Robert Brook Cart- wright of Aynho, Northamptonshire, married at Paris, on 26th April 1865, Sir William Stirling-Maxwell, Baro- net, and had issue. She died on Sth December 1874. On LADY SUSAN LUCY, who was lady of the bed- second son of Sir LADY EMILY ELEANOR, Thomas Cartwright, G.C.I.I., and has had issue one son and four daughters. He died on 16th | ALFRED EARL OF LEVEN JOHN AND NINTFI EARL OF LESLIE MELVILLE, born MELVILLE, 11th January 1817. born 5th He succeeded his June 1826. father in the dignities He entered in 1876, and was sub- the service sequently elected one of the of the sixteen repre- East India Q RONALD Ruthven, ELEVENTH EARL OF LEVEN AND TENTH EAR L OF ME L- VILLE, eldest son of the second marriage, born on 19th Decem- ber 1835. He man- ried, on 7th May 1885, Emma Selima Port- awººd WILLIAM LESLIE MELV1LLE CARTWRIGHT, born on 23d March 1863, and died 24th Sep- tember the same year. | | | ELIZABETH HARRIET, born on 18th Au- gust 1859. MARIAN, born on 11th February 1861. FRANCES AGNES, born on 22d January 1862, chamber to Princess sentative peers of Company, man, eldest daughter Christian from 1868 to Scotland. He died at and died at of the second Vis- 1883. w Glenferness, on 22d Penang on count Portman, and October 1889, aged 25th May has issue. 72 years, unmarried, 1851, S.p. who, on 28th March when the honours de- 1864, married John Glen- volved upon his half- cairn Carter Hamilton, brother, Ronald. afterwards Lord Hamil- ton of Dalzell, Lanark- shire, and died 11th November 1882, leaving issue. –– | | | | | | | q' URSULA, born on 17th JOHN DAVID LESLIE CoNSTANCE GALFRID John LESLIE MEL- July 1864. She married, on 7th Au- gust 1889, Charles Walter Cottrell- Dormer of Rous- ham Park, Oxford- shire, captain of 13th Hussars. MELVILLE, LORD BETTY, BALGONIE, born born on 5th April 1886. on 7th August ARCHIBALD AI,EX- 1838. A ND E R LES L I E MELVILLE, born at Glenſerness on 6th August 1890. VII.LE, born on 11th No- venber 1863. FLORENCE Ev ELYN, who died at Malta on 31st May 1S64, KATHLEEN MABEL, born on 22d November 1868. GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY OF MELVII, LE OF MELVILLE. 451 | | HON, WILLIAM HENRY LESLIE MEL- He be- came a director of the East India He died on 9th April VILLE, born 19th May 1788. Company. 1856, unmarried. HON. and REV. ROBERT SAMUEL LES- entered the He died on 24th October LIE MELVILLE, who church. 1826, unmarried. | HON. ALEXANDER LESLIE MELVILLE, of Branston Hall, county Lincoln, born 18th June 1800. He mar- ried, on 19th October 1825, Charlotte, daughter of Samuel Smith, M.P., of Woodhall Park, Herts, and by her, who died on 26th April * has issue. ary 1794. | | | | | LADY EMILY MARIA, who | | LADY LUCY, born on 10th De- cenber 1789, and died on 11th February 1791. LADY LUCY, born on 26th Janu- She married, on | | LADY JANE ELIZABETH, born on 16th May 1796. She married, on 13th October 1816, Francis Pym, of the Hasells, Bedfordshire. She died on 25th April 1848. November 1797. 14th July 1824, Henry, son of LADY MARIANNE, born on 30th Samuel Smith, M.P., and died on 23d December 1865. She married, in 1822, Abel Smith, M.P., and died in the following year, S.p. HON. N OR MAN HON. ALEX- WILLIAM DAVID L ESLIE MIEL- ERNEST married, on 18th Novem- AND E R L E SLIE ME L- VILLE, born on I, Es LIE ber 1858, Robert Wil- SAMUEL VILLE, born on 5th February MELVILLE, liams, of Bridehead, LESLIE 9th January 1839. He en- born on county Dorset. MELVILLE, 1831, and died tered the army, 20th Janu- r º born on in 1839. and was a cap- ary 1843, *ś. hº * 28th July tain in the Gre- and died September 1830, 1s29. He nadier Guards. on 1st LADY JULIA LOUISA, who married, HENRY LESLIE He married, on September married, on 29th March on 30th MELVILLE, born 4th December 1862, s. p. 1S69, Lieutenant-General September on 14th October 1861, Georgina, Richardson Robertson, of 1858, 1833, and died daughter of Tullibelton, Perthshire, Albinia in 1840. William Shirley and died on 24th Octo- Frances, Ball of Abbey- ber 1870. 3. C lara, county t f e daughter CHARLES LESLIE Longford, and HARRIET ROSA, who died of Charles, MELVILLE, born has issue. Both on 20th April 1850. LADY ADELAIDE HARRIET. LADY CIARA SOPHIA, born 5th July 1843. LADY FLORENCE born on 15th August 1848. daughters second marriage. sixth on 21st February Viscount, 1835. Middleton, and lias issue. LUCY, of the Otter Stephens, rector of Blankney. ALBINIA HARRIET, who married, on 25th May 1886, Edward Evans Lombe, of Bylaugh Park, Norfolkshire. IUCY WICTORIA, EDITH MARY. CONSTANCE ALICE. ITTTT | ALEXANDER BRODRICK LESLIE MELVILLE, born on 19th December 1872. CHARLES LE DESPENCER LESLIE MELVILLE, born on 23d January 1877. EMMA CHARLOTTE, who married, on 16th June 1887, the Rev. John | REV. FREDERICK- A BE L LES LIE MELVILLE, M.A., rector of Wel- bourne, Gran- tham, county Lincoln, born in September 1838. He married, on 9th June 1869, Susan Georgiana, daughter of Mr. and Lady Louisa Wardlaw Ram- say of Whitehill, and has issue. | | | | | | ARTHUR CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH, HENRY L ESLIE MELVILLE, born on 12th March 1842. ANNIE LOUISA, born 2d August 1871. LUCY MABEL, born 4th October 1873, EULANOR, born 19th September 1875. who married on 2d May 1866, William Elphin- stone Malcolm of Burn- foot, Dumfriesshire. MARIANNE, who mar- ried, on 27th January 1852, Francis Brown Douglas, advocate, Edinburgh. CAROLINE, who married, on 9th October 1879, the Very Rev. William Robert Fremantle, D.D., Dean of Ripon. Lucy Sophia, who mar- ried, on 28th October 1857, Rev. Henry Wright. EMILY. LOUISA JANE. | | | | | | | RUTHVEN WARDIAW LESLIE MELVILLE, born 27th July 1879. HENRY WILLIAM LESLIE MELVILLE, born 9th June 18Sl. MALCOLM ALEXANDER LESLIE MELVILLE, born 11th December ISS2. DOUGLAS MonTAGUE LESLIE MELVILLE, born 12th February, died 26th August 1886. 452 GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY OF LESLIE, EARLS OF LEVEN. SIR ALEXANDER LESLIE, FIRST EARL OF LEVEN, born in Athole about 1580, took service under Gustavus Adolphus, and rose to the rank of field-marshal in the Swedish army. Recalled to Scotland in 1638, he was appointed lord-general of all the Scottish forces, and made several successful expeditions into England. In 1641 he was created Earl of Leven and Lord Balgonie. He was, in 1651, taken prisoner by Cromwell's troops at Alyth, but was restored to liberty on the intercession of the Queen of Sweden, and died in 1661. He married Agnes Renton, daughter of the Laird of Billy, in Berwickshire, who predeceased him in 1651, and by her had issue two sons and five daughters. | | | | GUSTAvUs, ALEXANDER, ow BALGONIE, LADY * * married Sir LADY ANNE, who mill first, Hugh, Master who died a colonel in the Swedish army, who John Ruthven of Dunglas, and of Lovat; and, secondly, Sir Ralph Delaval t).70. , 8.79. º, º * Leslie, had issue. of Seaton Delaval. Issue to both. sister of John, Earl, afterwards & g Duke of Rothes, who survived him. LADY CHRISTIAN, who married LADY Mºº ...? .. º Vis- He predeceased his father in 1645, Walter Dundas, younger of Dun- count of Frendraught, an º leaving issue. das, and had issue. LADY MARY, who married William, third Lord Cranston, and had issue, & | ALEXANDER, SECOND EARL OF LEVEN. He succeeded his grandfather in 1661, CATHERINE, who married George, AGNES, and died on 15th July 1664. He married, in 1956, Margaret Howard, sister of fourth Lord, afterwards first who died Charles, Earl of Carlisle. She died in September 1664. They had issue, Earl of Melville, and besides young. other amºn had | | | MARGARET, Countess of LEVEN, who LADY CATHERINE, CountEss of DAVID, THIRD EARL of LEVEN, and after- succeeded her father in 1664. She ANNA, LEVEN, who succeeded her wards seconD EARL OF MELVILLE, who suc- married, in 1673, the IIon. Francis who died sister in 1674. She died un- ceeded to the Leven honours and estates Montgomerie of Giſlen, and died in young. married on 21st January 1676, after the death of his cousin, Countess November 1674, s.p. and was succeeded by her Catheline. For his descendants see the cousin, David Melville, who Melville Genealogy. became third Earl of Leven, |NIVERSITY O ſiliff 2015.53554.3%;" | as N ||||||||||||||||||||||}} JT837 & . 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