7 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO STUDIES PAPERS FROM THE PHYSICAL LABORATORIES UNIV. OF MAIGA. MAY 7 1007 No. 20: ON THE MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HEUSLER'S ALLOYS, BY J. C. MCLENNAN. (Reprinted FROM THE PHYSICAL REVIEW, VOL. XXIV.) THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY: PUBLISHED BY THE LIBRARIAN, 1907 University of Toronto Studies COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. Chairman: ROBERT ALEXANDER FALCONER, M.A., Litt. D., LL.D., D.D. President of the University PROFESSOR W. J. ALEXANDER, PH. D. Professor W. H. ELLIS, M.A., M.B. Professor A. KIRSCHMANN, PH.D. PROFESSOR J. J. MACKENZie, B.A. PROFESSOR R. RAMSAY WRIGHT, M. A., B.Sc., LL. D. Professor GEORGE M. WRONG, M.A. General Editor: H. H. LANGTON, M.A., Librarian of the University ! S ७ ५. [Reprinted from the PHYSICAL REVIEW, Vol. XXIV., No. 6, June, 1907.] * ON THE MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HEUSLER'S ALLOYS. SINCE By J. C. MCLENNAN. INCE the discovery by Heusler some three years ago that it was possible to prepare alloys of copper, manganese, and alu- minium which possessed magnetic properties similar to and com- parable in amount with those of cast iron, considerable attention has been paid by a number of investigators' to this interesting phe- nomenon. Among others Mr. H. F. Dawes, M.A., and Miss L. B. Johnson, M.A., demonstrators in the Physical Laboratory at Toronto, and Messrs. H. A. McTaggart and J. K. Robertson, senior students in the same laboratory have from time to time during the past year, as opportunity offered, studied the properties of some of these al- loys which they prepared, and the following paper contains a few notes on the results of their work, which is still being continued by two of them. In order to prepare samples of the alloys a supply of manganese, copper, and aluminium, sold as chemically pure and free from iron was obtained from Messrs. Eimer and Amend of New York. The ¹Fr. Heusler, W. Starck and E. Haupt, Verh. der Phys. Ges., 5, p. 219, 1903. Heusler, Starck and Haupt über der ferromagnetischen Aigenschaften von Legierung unmagnetischer Metalle, Marburg, 1904. Gumlick, Ann der Physik, 16, p. 535, 1905. Austin, Verh. der Deut. Phys. Gesell., 6, p. 211, 1904. Fleming and Hadfield, Proc. Roy. Soc., 76, p. 271, 1905. E. Take, Verh. der Deut. Phys. Gesell., 7, p. 133, 1905, Ann. der Physik, Vierte Folge, Band 20, p. 249. Hill, PHYS. REV., 21, p. 335, 1905; 23, p. 498, 1906. Guthe and Austin, Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards, Washington, Vol. 2, No. 2, page 297, Aug., 1906. 449 450 [VOL. XXIV. J. C. MCLENNAN. metals were melted in an ordinary coke furnace, such as is used in brass foundries, and poured into moulds just as in making brass castings. A graphite crucible was used for the purpose, and in the process the copper was first heated until it reached a molten state, after which the manganese was added to it. When this in turn was melted the aluminium was added, and the molten mass then stirred for a short time with a porcelain rod, after which the crucible was taken from the furnace and the melted metal poured into the moulds. For a preliminary set of the alloys four castings were made. As Heusler had found that the most highly magnetic alloy contained manganese and aluminium in the proportion of their atomic weights, one casting was made with as nearly as possible this proportion of the two metals. A second was made with a larger proportion of aluminium and two others with smaller proportions of this constituent. The percentages of the metals used in each of the four castings and the proportions of aluminium to manganese by weight and by atomic ratios are shown in Table I. TABLE I. Composition of Alloys - Percentages. Number of Alloy. Ratio of Manganese to Aluminium Aluminium. Manganese. Copper. Atomic Ratio of Aluminium by Weight. to Manganese. I. 8.0 32.1 59.8 .250 .51 II. 9.7 25.6 64.6 .378 .77 III. 14.3 28.6 57.1 .498 1.01 IV. 15.9 23.9 60.3 .683 1.392 In each casting sufficient material was used to make two cylin- drical rods about 20 cm. long, and 8 mm. in diameter, as well as two rings about 7 cm. in diameter, and 2.5 cm. in height. It was thought desirable to make the castings in the form of rings as well as rods, in order to investigate more fully the permeability of each specimen. In the whole of the operation the greatest care was taken to keep the alloy free from iron in order that there might be none of this metal present to vitiate the results or to cast doubt upon their validity. No. 6.] MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HEUSLER'S ALLOYS. 45I The investigations described below include one by Mr. Dawes on the phenomenon of magnetostriction exhibited by one set of the rods, one by Messrs. McTaggart and Robertson on the same phe- nomenon with the second set of rods, and one by Miss Johnson on the permeability of the alloys cast in the form of rings. 1 LG BA A. MAGNETOSTRICTION. (EXPERIMENTS BY MR. DAWES.) I. Apparatus. The apparatus used in measuring the elon- gation was, with some changes, modelled after that used by Rhoads in his investigations on magnetostriction in iron. The apparatus is shown in section in the accompanying diagram, Fig. 1. A long hollow solenoid L produced the magnetic field in which the rod to be tested was placed. The lower end of the rod F was screwed into the fixed brass stand H, and the → upper end carried a brass rod E. A cylindrical water jacket K placed between the coil and the rod served to keep the latter at a constant tem- perature. The change of length of the rod was magnified by means of an optical lever. A brass block D carrying a brass pivot indicated by the inverted arrow was clamped to the rod E, and so moved up or down as the rod F was elongated or shortened. A brass tube G which was attached to H at the base of F supported a horizontal projection K Fig Fig. 1. A. A carried two brass pivots indicated by the second arrow. A lever B rested horizontally between these sets of pivots as indicated. At C a mirror was mounted so that it could rotate about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the paper and attached to A. This mirror was supported in a vertical plane by an attach- ment resting on the end of B. The brass points rested on agate beds and the axis was jewelled. The image of a scale as seen in C was ¹ Rhoads, PHYS. REV., Vol. VII., No. 2, p. 65, 1898. 452 [VOL. XXIV. J. C. MCLENNAN. observed by means of a telescope. In order to trace the method by which the change of length was measured, suppose that the rod was slightly elongated relative to the tube G. The brass point carried by D, would then move upwards, and in consequence the C-end of the lever B would be allowed to drop. This would. cause the mirror to be tilted backwards, and hence cause a change in the scale reading as observed by the telescope. It will be seen that if the change of length was very small, it would be propor- tional to the change of scale reading, and the proportionality factor could be found by measuring the ratio of the arms of the lever, the distance between the axis of rotation of the mirror and its point of support, and the distance of the scale from the mirror. In the present experiment a modification was made in the ap- paratus as used by Rhoads. Formerly a plane mirror was used at C and the scale was placed at a distance of about 4 meters from it. This mirror was replaced in these experiments by a concave mirror of one meter radius of curvature, and the scale was placed at a dis- tance from it of one half meter, the focal length of the mirror. By this means the image of the scale was magnified sixteen times its former size and the sensibility, i. e., the change of reading for a given change of length was double that obtained with the plane mirror. A glass scale was used in the telescope instead of a cross hair, and the number of divisions on this scale over which a line of the image moved was taken as the reading. The sensibility of the arrange- ment was such that a change of reading of one division resulted from a change in length of the specimen of 10-5 mnm. II. Measurements. In making measurements the change of scale reading was found for a series of applied fields ranging from about 30 to about 900 C.G.S. units. The strength of the applied field was calculated from the value of the current, and the known dimen- sions of the coil and the change of length per centimeter was de- duced from the scale readings. For each series of readings curves. were plotted, the strengths of field, H, being taken as abscissæ, and the changes per unit length multiplied by 107 as ordinates. In the first few series of measurements, the readings were taken by applying each field for an instant and then withdrawing it. By this procedure, an average result was obtained for the effect No. 6.] MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HEUSLER'S ALLOYS. 453 investigated, but the method was not suitable for bringing out any hysteresis effect which might be present. It was therefore dis- carded, and the method of increasing the field step by step and then reducing it in the same way was adopted. It was found that a cycle of readings could be taken in this way in about two minutes. When the current was kept passing through the coil it might be expected that the heating would effect the change of length. In order to test for errors from this cause, a brass rod was inserted in the apparatus in place of one of the specimens investigated, and a cycle of fields similar to that used in working with the alloys applied to it. As brass is non-magnetic and consequently does not exhibit the phenomenon of magnetostriction, the development of heat by the current and its diffusion into the walls of the water jacket would be followed by the elongation of G, Fig. 1, which would produce an apparent shortening of D. This test showed that during the time of a cycle of observations no error from heating was introduced. Elongation curves for each of the four specimens are shown in Figs. 2-5, the corresponding sets of values being given in Table Curves 1 and 3 A were taken by the first method, the others by the method of cycles. II. TABLE II. Alloy No. 1. dl H ΙΟΥ dl H • ΙΟΥ 33 0 50 0 220 900 ir is .3 .5 130 .1 Alloy No. 2. 33 0 495 - .5 95 .15 375 — .75 225 .25 335 -1.0 335 .25 286 -1.0 375 .25 225 -1.25 491 -.25 95 -1.5 -.5 945 -.25 454 [VOL. XXIV. J. C. MCLENNAN. Alloy No. 3. Curve A. 67 2÷5 22 .25 315 3.8 44 .5 352 4 .6 385 4.2 90 .8 435 4.5 124 1.0 456 5.5 192 2.0 980 9 255 2.3 276 2.5 Alloy No. 3. Curve B. 3333 .5 470 32 56 1.4 385 31 79 4.4 351 30.4 100 8 310 30 143 15 260 29 215 20 215 27.5 260 23.2 143 22.8 310 26 100 19 351 27 79 14 385 27.4 56 9.5 470 27.5 33 5.8 910 33 0 3 Alloy No. 4. Curve A. 33 .5 912 3.2 56 1 475 3 85 1.5 375 3 110 143 220 275 320 385 475 ~ ci ci 357 2.5 2.4 320 2.3 2.5 275 1.5 2.5 221 1 si si 2.5 143 .5 2.5 110 0 2.6 85 -2.5 Alloy No. 4. Curve B. 3333 2 490 11.5 56 5.5 400 11.5 90 7.25 332 11.5 111 8.5 221 11 170 9.5 170 11 7 221 11 110 11 332 11.5 90 10.5 480 11.5 56 10 940 23 33 16 0 3 1 No. 6.] MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HEUSLER'S ALLOYS. 455 III. Discussion. — A careful examination of these and the other curves found in the series of measurements showed that three fac- tors entered into the change of length of the bar. 1. When a change was made in the field to which the bar was subjected an almost instantaneous change was made in the length. This change consisted in a lengthening as the field was increased, and a shortening as it was decreased. 2. As the field was decreased there was a certain lag or hystere- sis effect so that the length did not have the same value for a given field as the field was approached from above or below. 3. In some cases when the specimen was left in a field for some time there was a continuous shortening. This effect when it exis- ted was very marked in strong fields so that the time for which the specimen was left in these fields had a comparatively great influence on the length. This effect was also observed by Austin in some experiments made by him with these alloys. It does not appear, however, to have been found by him in some measurements he has recently made, in collaboration with Guthe, with other samples of the alloys. The form of the curve arising from a cycle of readings on a given specimen would depend, therefore, on the relative importance of x10? 45 이 ​100 200 300 400 500 Fig. 2. 600 700 800 900 H these three factors. In the early stages of an increasing field there would be no effect from (2) and that from (3) would be small so that the initial portions of the elongation curve would correspond to In each of the the change of length arising from the first source. curves shown, this part of the curve exhibits the same character. The curve rises slowly in the very weak fields and then in fields extending from about 50 to 200 units quite rapidly. In still higher fields the rise becomes smaller and tends to a maximum value. In the case of alloy No. 2, Fig. 3, it will be seen that while the 456 [VOL. XXIV. J. C. McLENNAN. actual changes were small compared with those in alloys No. 3 and No. 4, the third factor was of more importance than the first, with S 0 -5 100 200 300 · 400 500 600 700 800 900 H Fig. 3. the result that in the higher fields the bar diminished a little below its original length. This was also observed in the case of alloy No. I, although it is not shown in the curve as the experimenter failed to keep a record of his measurements. In curves 3, B and 4, B, Figs. 4 and 5, this cause of change of dl~10? 20 15 10 A B 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 H Fig. 4. length was not sufficiently great to make the return half of the curve cut the forward half, i. e., to overcome the hysteresis effect. But if the strong fields had been left on a little longer this would probably dl.107 15 10 B A 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 H Fig. 5. have been the case and there would have been a final resultant con- traction. An example of this effect is shown in 4, A, Fig. 5, where No. 6.] MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HEUSLER'S ALLOYS. 457 the return portion of the curve crosses the forward initial portion and consequently masks the presence of the hysteresis effect shown in 4, B. In Figs 4 and 5, curves A represent the elongation obtained with two of the alloys when magnetized for the first time, and curves ы, in the same figures represent the elongations obtained with the same rods after they had been magnetized and demagnetized several times, and then allowed to lie undisturbed for about thirty hours. This increase in the elongation has not hitherto been observed, and it may possibly be connected with the increase of permeability observed by Starck and Haupt,' Gumlich,2 Hill 3 and others with these alloys when they were heated for some time to a moder- ate temperature, such as a 110° C. after being cast. It may pos- sibly, too, point to changes in the constitution of the alloy analo- gous to those marking the recovery of iron from overstrain observed by Muir,* on heating strained iron bars for short periods in boiling water. Considering the curves as a whole it will be seen that the elonga- tion increased with the percentage of aluminium, present in the alloy, the maximum elongation, curve B, Fig. 4 being obtained with the alloy in which the manganese and aluminium were present in the proportions of their atomic weights. The maximum elongation in this case, it will be seen, was 16 ten- millionths or about one third the maximum for iron. The effect of higher percentages of aluminium is shown in Fig. 5, curve B, where the maximum elongation was 11.75 ten-millionths. Chemical analyses of the alloys have not as yet been made, but if the constituents of the different samples of the alloys can be taken to have the same relative proportion as the metals from which they were cast, these results would go to show that the maximum elonga- tion was obtained with alloys containing the same proportions of manganese and aluminium as were found by Heusler to give the highest permeability. ¹ Deutsch. Phys. Gesell. Verh., 5, 12, pp. 224–232, June, 1903. 2 Electrotech. Zeit., XXVI., 9, Mar., 1905. 3 Hill, PHYS. REV., Vol. XXIII., No. 6, p. 498, 1906. + Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., London, Vol. 193, pp. 1-46, Series A. · 458 [VOL. XXIV. J. C. MCLENNAN. B. MAGNETOSTRICTION. (EXPERIMENTS BY MESSRS. H. A. MCTAGGART AND J. K. ROBERTSON.) In the experiments made with the first set of rods a very marked difference was observed in the elongations obtained with alloys Nos. 3 and 4, when magnetized for the first time, from what was obtained with them after they had been magnetized and demagnetized several times. This result pointed to the existence of an unstable equili- brium among the molecules of newly cast specimens of the alloys, and it forms a corroboration of the opinions of other experimenters who have arrived at the same conclusions from their observations on the changes in permeability of the alloys produced by variations. in temperature. TABLE III. Alloy No. 2. dl H 2.107 dl ΙΟΥ H ΙΟΥ Τ 235 0.8 300 -0.8 370 1.7 218 -1.7 531 2.5 155 -2.5 675 2.5 0 -3.3 440 0 Alloy No. 3. 55 1.6 580 13.3 96 3.3 376 12.5 130 4.2 255 1 10.8 198 6.6 202 10 255 8.3 155 8.3 272 9.2 118 6.6 376 10.8 75 4.2 474 12.5 0 -1.6 Alloy No 4. 32 4.2 255 15.8 62 8.3 180 15 96 10.8 125 14.2 145 12.5 84 12.5 202 14.2 55 10 250 15 40 8.3 355 15.8 10 4.2 474 16.7 0 0 595 17.1 No. 6.] MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HEUSLER'S ALLOYS. 459 It seemed desirable to investigate this point more closely, and therefore a set of measurements was made by the above mentioned senior students on the elongations of the second set of rods cast at the same time as those used by Mr. Dawes. Before proceeding with this however, a set of readings was taken with the rods used by the latter to see whether any change had taken place in them in the six months interval during which they had been laid aside. The results of their measurements are given in Table III. and represented graphically by the curves in Figs. 6–8. +5 With alloy No. I no elongation whatever could be observed by them. With alloy No. 2, Fig. 6, the general form of the curve they obtained is similar to that given in Fig. 3, by Mr. Dawes, although the maximum elongation they obtained in increasing 100 200 300 400 500 600 H Fig. 6. fields and the maximum shortening in decreasing fields was greater than that observed by him with this specimen. Their results with alloy No. 3, Fig. 7 show the presence of the three effects pointed out in the first set of measurements, the hysteresis and the shortening being clearly marked. The maximum 272107 15 24x10 10 5 -51 100 200 300 400 500 Fig. 7. 15 10 S 100 200 ૩૦૦ 400 ⚫500 Fig. 8. elongation obtained by them with this specimen corresponded to a field of 600 units and is slightly less than that obtained in the first tests for the same field. With alloy No. 4, Fig. 8, the elongation was about 50 per cent. greater than that shown in Fig. 5. In both curves there exists a 460 [VOL. XXIV. J. C. MCLENNAN. 7 : well marked lag, but in the later measurements, the rod returned to its original length whereas in the earlier ones it showed an elonga- tion when the field was removed. It is evident from these measurements that considerable modifica- tions must have taken place in the structure of the alloy in the interval which elapsed between the two tests, and that the lapse of time is a factor as well as changes in temperature and magnetization in producing alterations in the molecular groupings in the alloy. TABLE IV. Alloy No. 2A₁. dl dl H • I07 H 107 Į 2 0 3.3 445 2.9 174 3.3 330 2.9 425 3.75 284 2.5 745 4.1 180 1.7 670 3.75 104 0.8 635 3.3 Alloy No. 2A,. 118 0.8 280 1.7 705 2.1 425 1.7 155 0.8 0 0 Alloy No. 3A1. 42 2.5 910 27.5 86 8.3 600 25 138 12.5 405 23.3 180 15 320 21.7 215 16.7 280 20.8 312 20 215 19.2 390 21.7 121 15 460 22.5 75 8.3 545 24.2 42 5.8 705 25 0 4.2 890 26.7 No. 6.] 46I MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HEUSLER'S ALLOYS. TABLE IV. Continued. Alloy No. 3A2. 50 2.5 705 20.8 75 4.2 880 22.5 104 6.7 635 20.8 125 8.3 405 19.2 155 10 270 16.7 185 12.5 175 12.5 238 14.2 104 8.3 320 16.7 60 4.2 398 18.3 0 0 495 19.2 Alloy No. 3B₁. 53 1.7 740 23.3 80 4.2 592 22.5 110 5.8 425 20.8 138 8.3 370 20 192 12.5 326 19.2 225 14.2 284 17.5 277 16.7 255 16.7 348 18.3 208 15 372 19.2 174 12.5 458 20.8 118 8.3 565 21.7 68 4.2 610 22.5 0 1.7 Alloy No. 3B, 55 1.7 545 21.7 85 4.2 390 20.8 134 8.3 348 20 187 12.5 327 18.3 275 16.7 255 16.7 390 19.2 187 12.5 480 20.8 125 8.3 665 22.5 68 4.2 760 23.3 0 0 Alloy No. 4A1. 112 3.3 565 7.5 208 4.2 452 7.5 270 5 320 7.5 362 5.8 215 7.5 390 6.7 103 6.7 478 6.7 0 5 705 7.5 462 [VOL. XXIV. J. C. MCLENNAN. TABLE IV.-Continued. Alloy No. 4A2. 50 1.7 362 2.9 110 2.5 255 2.5 362 3.3 118 2.5 552 3.4 70 2.1 610 3.4 42 1.25 590 2.9 0 0 The measurements made with the duplicate set of rods are given in Table IV., and curves representing them are given in Figs. 9, 10, II, 12, 13, and 14. For convenience in description the rods used in this investigation are designated as No. 1, A, No. 2, A, No. 3, A, and No. 4, A, and where subscript figures are used, for example in No. 3, A₁, and in No. 3, A, they represent the first and second tests respectively made with the specimen. Alloy No. 3, B is a rod of another casting made over a year ago from the same metals and with the same proportions as the pair No. 3 and No. 3, A. 2 With No. 1, A no elongation was observed which accorded ex- actly with the behavior of the twin rod No. 1. With No. 2, A, Fig. 9, the results obtained were very similar to those obtained with rod No. 2. Curve No. 2, A, represents the elongations obtained with the first magnetization. As the field was 1 42,107 5 No.2 -A, No.2 - A₂ 100 *200** *300** 400 600 800 700 800 900 H.1 Fig. 9. gradually increased to 750 units the rod steadily lengthened, and as the field was decreased the rod shortened, and finally when the field was removed entirely it remained slightly shorter than its original length. It was then repeatedly magnetized and demag- netized and afterwards put through the usual cycle of fields. curve No. 2, A, represents its behavior after this treatment. The The No. 6.] MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HEUSLER'S ALLOYS. 463 rod as will be seen had assumed a steady state, and the upward and downward curves coincided exactly. No hysteresis action or shortening under high fields was observed. With alloy No. 3, A the measurements made with the first mag- netization are given in Fig. 10. Here it will be seen a lag was 25 20 15 10 5 · 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Fig. 10. obtained in the return portion of the cycle, the rod ending with a slightly greater length than it had originally. Curve No. 3, A2, Fig. 11, shows its behavior after being repeat- edly magnetized. Here again a lag was observed in the return 210? 20 15 JO 5 100 200 300 400 *500 600 700 800 Fig. 11. portion of the cycle, but the shortening referred to under heading No. 3 page 455 had entirely disappeared, so that the initial and final lengths of the rod were the same. The first and second tests with alloy No. 3, B are shown in Figs. 12 and 13. Here again it will be seen, precisely the same behavior 464 [VOL. XXIV. J. C. MCLENNAN. was obtained as with No. 3, A. As with the latter a lag was again observed in the return portion of the cycle and a final lengthening of the specimen occurred. In the second tests, Fig 13, made after 47,107 20 15 10 1 '100 200 300 400 500 600 Fig. 12. repeated magnetizations, this change of length disappeared, and the rod after being put through its cycle returned to its original length. With alloy No. 4, A, the behavior was exactly the opposite of that obtained with No. 2, A. In the initial test, No. 4, A₁, Fig. 14, the rod steadily lengthened as the field was increased to 700 units 47x107 20 15 10 5 100 200 300 500 400 600 700 Fig. 13. and afterwards as the field was decreased a lag occurred and the rod ended somewhat longer than it was at the commencement of the cycle. After it had been repeatedly magnetized and demag- netized it was again put through a cycle, and curve No. 4, A₂ was obtained. Here again the values in the downward portion of the cycle coincided exactly with those obtained in the forward portion and no lag and no shortening was observed. No. 6.] MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HEUSLER'S ALLOYS. 465 In the measurements with these rods, the greatest elongation was obtained with samples No. 3, A and No. 3, B. With them the maximum elongation observed was about 22.5 ten-millionths which is somewhat greater than that obtained with the specimen No. 3 where the maximum elongation obtained was 16 ten-millionths. The maximum elongation obtained with rod No. 4, A was some- what less than that obtained by Mr. Dawes with rod No. 4. With the former specimen the maximum elongation was about 3 ten- millionths while that obtained with the latter was over three times as great. This discrepancy was very likely due to a difference in the composition of the - $ 10 two rods which should be 10? brought out by a chem- ical analysis of the speci- mens. It is interesting to note that with both sets of rods the maximum elongation was obtained when the composition of the alloy was approximately the same as that of the 5 No.4-A, No4-A2 * 100 200 300™ 400 *500 600 H Fig. 14. specimens which were found by Heusler to give the highest permeability. Summarizing the results of the two measurements it would ap- pear that the structure of the alloys when freshly cast is very unstable, and that it undergoes a rapid change under repeated mag- netizations and a slower change under the lapse of time. In their experiments on magnetostriction Guthe, and Austin state that no after-effect either in expansion or in contraction was observed even with the strongest fields, whereas Austin in his first communi- cation refers very definitely to the observation of such an effect in his measurements. The explanation probably is that in the first investigations the rods were in the same condition as those with which the initial tests described in this paper were made; while in the later investigation the rods tested (which were obtained from Dr. Heusler) had very likely been subjected to such conditions prior to the test as to bring them into the stable condition. 466 [VOL. XXIV. J. C. MCLENNAN. III. PERMEABILITY. (EXPERIMENTS BY MISS L. B. JOHNSON.) During the period covered by the experiments on magneto- striction, a series of measurements was made by Miss L. B. John- son on the permeability of the four alloys. Two rings had been made at each casting, in addition to the two rods mentioned above, and with these the experiments on permeability were carried out. The magnetization was measured by the ballistic method, by revers- ing the magnetizing force, and the arrangement of apparatus was similar to that used by Ewing and Klaasson.¹ TABLE V. Designation of Ring. Height. Thick- ness. Mean Diam. Cross Section. Turns in Primary. Turns in Secondary. No. I. 1.56 cm. .881 cm. No. II. 1.47 " .855 " No. IIIa. 2.44 " .623 " No. IIIb. 2.37 .. .68 (( 6.59 cm. 6.615" 6.98 6.87 1.374 sq.cm. 155 100 1.256" 66 153 100 66 1.516 " (( 150 50 66 1.61 แ 115 50 No. IVa. 2.39 " .703 " 6.86 1.684 " "" 157 50 No. IVb. 1.447" .838 .. 6.64 66 1.212 .. " 136 46 TABLE VI. Alloy No. I. H B 3 H B 1.39 1.39 1.0 14.40 18.7 2.82 4.01 1.4 28.22 3.93 5.35 1.3 37.63 37.8 50.8 7.52 10.7 1.4 86.45 78.9 m 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 TABLE VII. Alloy No. II. H B H B M .814 1.464 1.7 17.5 27.8 1.5 1.66 2.92 1.7 42.5 68.8 1.6 4.99 8.78 1.7 69.3 106.8 1.5 8.55 13.17 1.5 ¹ Phil. Trans., Vol. CLXXXIV., A, p. 987, 1893. No. 6.] MAGNETIC PROPerties of HEUSLER'S ALLOYS. 467 TABLE VIII. Alloy No. IIIa. H B μ H B μ .68 6.442 9.3 17.1 201 11.6 1.8 17.1 9.8 28.3 332.8 11.7 4.4 46.1 10.3 36.9 364 9.8 7 71.2 10.1 42.9 413.8 9.6 11.9 129.8 10.8 59.3 483.1 8.1 The dimensions of the rings which have been designated as I., II., IIIa, IIIb, IVa, IVb for the purpose of identifying them with the rods which were denoted by the same numbers, are given in Table V. The table also contains the number of turns in the primary and secondary coils of each ring. TABLE IX. Alloy No. IIIb. H B М H B .99 4.596 4.6 11.24 70.17 6.2 1.45 9.138 6.3 23.4 160.8 6.8 2.04 11.42 5.5 30.81 221.5 7.1 3.08 18.27 5.9 50.75 352.1 6.9 6.01 34.26 5.7 ! The first set of measurements was made with the rings, just as they were cast, and the results are given in Tables VI., VII, VIII., IX., X., XI. The permeability curves are given in Fig. 15. TABLE X. Alloy No. IVa. H B 1 μ H B μ .2745 13.1 48.1 8.692 565.7 65.1 .5032 30.5 58 16.47 933.9 56.7 1.464 96.1 65.6 34.31 1487.2 43.3 2.379 157.2 66.1 45.29 1724.08 38 4.575 314.5 68.7 69.54 2072.3 29.8 468 [VOL. XXIV. J. C. MCLENNAN. TABLE XI. Alloy No. IVb. H B H B M .0379 3.108 82 16.45 1366.93 83.0 .147 13.67 92.9 27.14 2113.44 77.8 .452 49.72 110 34.55 2257.76 65.4 1.192 136.75 114.7 41.77 2424.24 58 2.467 279.72 113.3 51.00 2548.4 49.8 3.331 360.52 108.2 55.93 2586.4 44.4 5.264 535.81 101.7 80.61 2735.04 33.8 7.81 739.70 94.7 92.13 2735.04 24.6 From these it will be seen that Alloys IVa and IVb showed the highest permeability. Alloys I. and II. were but feebly magnetic, and Alloys IIIa and IIIb only slightly so. 105 90 75 60 45 30 15 VI IV II 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 H Fig. 15. It had been expected that the permeabilities of the rings would give an indication of the relative permeabilities of the corresponding rods used in the measurements on magnetostriction. The very considerable difference in the permeability of the two rings No. IVa and No. IV, which were made at the same casting, showed, how- ever, that even different portions of the same casting did not exhibit the same magnetic properties, and that before any definite com- parisons could be made, it was necessary to make a chemical No. 6.] MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HEUSLER'S ALLOYS. 469 analysis of each of the specimens tested. This difference in mag- netic properties was also very marked with alloy No. III. The rods of this casting gave the greatest elongation, while the rings, as the figures show, possessed but a small permeability. Guthe and Austin¹ have pointed out that the greatest elongation was obtained by them with rods which possessed the greatest permeability and as some experiments which are now being made on the permea- bility of the rods No. III. show that they possess a very much higher permeability than that exhibited by the rings, this conclusion is very probably correct. TABLE XII. Alloy No. IIIa. H B μ H B ३ .73 8.59 11.9 17.1 309.2 17.9 1.28 15.03 11.7 27.5 440.1 15.9 1.97 25.77 13 36.1 541.1 14.9 6.4 94.4 14.7 46.4 674.3 14.5 6.8 105.2 15.3 64.5 751.6 11.6 8.5 138.2 16.2 91.1 843.9 9.2 11.5 196.5 17 Alloy No. IVa. H B μ H B .164 9.83 59.9 8.88 758.02 85.3 .814 65.33 80.5 16.4 1187.42 72.4 1.41 121.02 85.8 34.31 1857.5 54.1 2.33 203.15 87.1 43 2090.1 48.8 4.3 415.05 96.7 71.32 2402.6 33.6 6.03 538.26 89.2 Alloy No. IVb. H B μ H B μ .7621 10.567 13.9 24.38 528.22 21.6 1.258 28.172 16.3 31.24 654.99 20.9 3.35 56.34 16.4 44.2 795.85 18 6.09 116.2 19 58.68 993.06 16.9 9.9 211.29 21.3 86.11 1253.6 14.55 15.24 352.15 23.1 1 Loc. cit. 470 [VOL. XXIV. J. C. MCLENNAN. . In addition to the initial tests just described, some measurements were also made on the changes in the permeability produced by continued heating. jul 15 10 I 5 90 80 70 60 50 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 H Fig. 16. 40 II 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 H Fig. 17. Examples of these measurements with alloys No. IIIa and No. IVa and No. IVb, are given in Table XII. No. 6.] MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HEUSLER'S ALLOYS. 47I The values of the permeability of alloy No. III. were obtained when the specimen had become cool after being heated to 107° C. and kept at this temperature for 40 hours. A permeability curve repre- ё 105 90 75 60 45 30 15 II I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 H Fig. 18. senting the results is given in Fig. 16, and a comparison with the curve made in the initial test which is plotted in the same figure shows that although the magnetic properties of the specimens were ё ' 120 110 100 90 80 70 -200 •160 -120 -80-40 O +40 +80 °C Fig. 19. not very marked the heating nevertheless produced a very consid- erable increase in the permeability. 472 [VOL. XXIV. J. C. MCLENNAN. This increase in the permeability is also shown by the numbers for alloy No. IVa. Curve I., Fig. 17, shows the permeability of the alloy in different fields when freshly cast, and curve II. its permea- bility in the same fields after it had been repeatedly heated up to 100° C. and cooled to the temperature of liquid air. The results obtained with alloy No. IVb show the effect of rais- ing the alloy to a red heat and then allowing it to cool slowly. This specimen in the initial tests showed the highest permeability of all the rings, but after being treated as described a very consid- erable decrease in the permeability ensued. Curves I. and II. rep- resent respectively the initial and final tests with this specimen. In the interval between which the results with alloy IVa recorded in Fig. 17 were obtained, this specimen was examined under a con- stant magnetizing force of 3.934 C.G.S. units for temperatures rang- ing from — 182° C. to 105° C. The temperatures were estimated from variations in the resistances of a platinum wire wound round the ring between the primary and secondary coils. The results of these measurements are given in Table XIII. and a curve repre- senting them is given in Fig. 19. TABLE XIII. Alloy No. IVa. H=3.934 C.G.S. units. Temperature. B Temperature. B μ -182 487 123.7 0 338.5 86 -169 471.8 119.9 8.2 334.2 84.9 -154 454.3 115.4 19.6 327.6 83.2 -143.5 445.6 113.2 35.3 321.1 81.6 -131 432.5 109.9 48 308.8 78.5 -110.5 410.6 104.3 63.1 297 75.5 -53 375.7 95.4 69 288.3 73.2 -46 364.8 92.7 76.4 281.8 71.6 -36 358.2 91 91.6 266.5 67.7 -13.5 342.9 87.1 105 521.21 63.8 The permeability, it will be seen, showed a steady increase as the temperature was lowered. The results of these various tests, it will be seen are in accord- ance with the observations of other investigators, who have found that the permeability of these alloys can be considerably increased by continued heating at moderate temperatures. No. 6.] MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF HEUSLERS ALLOYS. 473 The results obtained with alloy No. IVa lends support to the view expressed by Hill, that when these alloys are raised to a tem- perature higher than the transformation point, and then cooled, they possess a permeability which is largely determined by the temper- ature from which the cooling took place. This alloy when cooled from the melting point as curve I., Fig. 18, shows, possessed a per- meability very much higher than that which it had when cooled from a red heat. This suggests a parallel between the behavior of these alloys and those studied by Heycock and Neville. In their investigations it was found that the structure of an alloy at any temperature could be ascertained very closely by suddenly chilling it from that tem- perature. It is possible that these alloys under varying condi- tions of temperature, may pass through different phases, some of which may be magnetic, and others not. From the general results of the present investigations it is evident that the magnetic properties of the different alloys are intimately associated with their molecular structure, and since the structure of an alloy at any temperature can be ascertained by rapid cooling from that temperature, it is possible that the magnetic properties of the alloy may also be investigated by the same procedure. The results obtained by Hill and other investi- gators would seem to point in that direction. PHYSICAL LABORATORY, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, December 20, 1906. 1 Rapports Congrès Int. de Phys., Paris, 1900, p. 131. [i i 1 T i. J !| ין !!! !! ! !! li. 1. ! il 15 1: 1 1 1 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO STUDIES. J The "Papers from the Physical Laboratories," to be issued as a special series of University of Toronto Studies, date from the year 1900. Nos. 1-17 were published by the Physical Department in a very limited edition and are no longer in print. For the sake of a complete record the numbering of the Papers, as forming a series of University of Toronto Studies, is made continuous with the earlier series and commences with number 18. The earlier numbers, except those to which a price is attached, are not now available either for sale or gift. No. No. No. 1: Electric Screening in Vacuum Tubes, by J. C. Mc- LENNAN. Trans. Roy. Soc. of Canada, second series, Vol. VI, Sec. III (1900). 2: Electrical Conductivity in Gases traversed by Cathode Rays, by J. C. MCLENNAN. (a) Phil. Trans., A. Vol. 195 (1900), pp. 49-77. (b) Zeitschrift f. Physik. Chemie XXXVII, 5 (1901). 3: On a kind of Radioactivity imparted to certain Salts by Cathode Rays, by J. C. MCLENNAN. (a). Phys. Zeit. Vol. 2, No. 49, pp. 704-706 1901). (b) Phil. Mag., Feb. 1902. No. 4: On excited Radioactivity, by R. M. STEWART. No. Trans. Roy. Soc. of Canada, second series, Vol. VIII, Sec. III (1902). 5: Induced Radioactivity excited in Air at the Foot of Waterfalls, by J. C. MCLENNAN.. (a) Phys. Zeit., 4, No. 10, pp 295-298 (1903). (b) Phil. Mag., April 1903. (c) Physical Review, Vol. XVI, No. 4 (1903). (d) University of Toronto Studies, Physical Science Series, No. 1. 0.50 No. 6: Some Experiments on the Electrical Conductivity of Atmospheric Air, by J. C. MCLENNAN and E. F. BURTON. 0.50 (a) Physical Review, Vol. XVI, No. 3 (1903). No. (b) University of Toronto Studies, Physical Science. Series, No. 2 (1903). 7: On the Radioactivity of Metals Generally, by J. C. Mc- LENNAN and E. F. BURTON . . . . (a) Trans. Roy. Soc. of Canada, Second Series Vol. IX, Sec. III (1903). (b) Phys. Zeit. 1903, No. 20, pp. 553-556. (c) Phil. Mag., Sept. 1903. (d) University of Toronto Studies, Physical Science. Series, No. 3 (1903). 0.25 No. 8: On the Potential Difference required to produce Elec- trical Discharges in Gases at Low Pressure; an Extension of Paschen's Law, by W. R. Carr. Trans. Roy. Soc. of Canada, Second Series, Vol. VIII, Sec. III (1902). No. 9: On the Laws governing Electric Discharges in Gases at Low Pressures, by W. R. Carr. Phil. Trans. A. Vol. 201, pp. 403-433 (1903). No. 10: On the Character of the Radiation from Ordinary Metals, by E. F. BURTON. Phys. Rev. Vol. XVIII, No. 3 (1904). No. 11: The Metric System of Weights and Measures, by J. C. MCLENNAN. Proc. of Select Standing Committee on Agriculture and Colonization of the House of Commons, Canada, March 29, 1904. No. 12: On the Radioactivity of Natural Gas, by J. C. MCLENNAN. Trans. Roy. Soc. of Canada, Second Series, Vol. X, Section III (1904). No. 13: On a Radioactive Gas from Crude Petroleum, by E. F. BURTON. (a) University Studies, Phys. Sci. Series, No. 4 (1994). (b) Phil. Mag. Oct., 1904. No. 14: On the Radioactivity of Mineral Oils and Natural Gases, by J. C. MCLENNAN. Proceedings of the International Electrical Congress of St. Louis, 1904. No. 15: Note on the Use of Sensitive Quadrant Electrometers, by J. C. MCLENNAN. Phys. Rev. Vol. XX, No. 3 (1905). No. 16: On the Decay of Excited Radioactivity from Natural Gases, by Miss L. B. JOHNSON. Phys. Rev. Vol. XX, No. 3 (1905). No. 17: On the Secondary Radiation excited in Different Metals by the y Rays from Radium, by H. F. Dawes. Phys. Rev. Vol. XX, No. 3 (1905). No. 18: On a New Method of Determining the Specific Heat of a Gas at Constant Pressure, by H. F. Dawes.. Trans. Roy. Soc. of Canada, Second Series, Vol. XII, Section III (1906). No. 19: On the Magnetic Susceptibility of Mixtures of Salt Solutions, by J. C. MCLENNAN and C. S. Wright Phys. Rev. Vol. XXIV, No. 3 (1907). 0.25 0.25 + 0.25 No. 20: On the magnetic properties of Heusler's alloys, by J. C. MCLENNAN 0.25 Phys. Rev., Vol. XXIV.