B 436829 ORANGES & LEMONS OF INDIA & CEYLON BONAVIA SB 369.5 .I4 B69 Plates PLATES WH. ALLEN & Cº LEMONS ARTES LIBRARY 1837 VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN EAR FLUNIAUS UMUTTY TUEBOR I'QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM-AMŒNAM CIRCUMSPICE THE CULTIVATED ORANGES AND LEMONS OF INDIA AND CEYLON. THE CULTIVATED ORANGES AND LEMONS OF INDIA AND CEYLON. ATLAS OF PLATES, WITH DESCRIPTIVE LETTER-PRESS. BY E. BONAVIA, M.D. BRIG. SURG. I.M.S. LONDON: W. H. ALLEN & CO., 13 WATERLOO PLACE, PALL MALL. S.W. 1890. All Rights Reserved. SB 369.5 14 B69 Plates LONDON: PRINTED BY W. H. ALLEN & co. 13 WATERLOO PLACE PALL MALL. S.W. 1. SEVILLE GROUP ... 2. "KHATTA" ORANGE GROUP CONTENTS. ... 3. PORTUGAL OR MALTA ORANGE GROUP 4. "AMILBED AND PUMMELO GROUP 5. "SUNTARA" ORANGE GROUP 6. MANDARIN AND "KEONLA" GROUP 7. JAMIRI GROUP 8. 66 TURUNJ," : : : ... : MADKANKUR,” AND " BAJOURA GROUP 9. LEMONS AND PUMMELO-LEMONS GROUP 10. TRUE LIMES AND "LIMA" GROUP 11. MISCELLANEOUS DRAWINGS ... : : : : : : : : : : : : ... ... : From PLATE I. to XVIII. XIX. XXXIX. XL. LVIII. "" LIX. XCII. XCIII. CXVIA. 99 "" CXVII. CXXVIII. 99 "" "" CXXIX. CXXXVIII. CXXXIX. CLXXVII. "" CLXXVIII. CCXXIV. "" "" : : 305583 ... CCXXV., CCXXXIII. ,, CCXXXIV. CCLIX. Ꭼ Ꭱ Ꭱ Ꭺ Ꭲ Ꭺ . Plate 116A (explanation) third line.-For a read c, and for c read a. Plate 209.-First Figure on the left is a, and c requires letter a near the dots. Plate 129 explanation) first line. For "ventricose" read "verrucose." Plate 234 (explanation) sixth line. For "No. 53," read "No. 54." NOTE. The scale of inches in the Plates, mentioned in the Preface, has been omitted because the fruits have the sizes given in inches, although they are reduced from the natural size. PLATE I. a and b are the Aurantium acidum, copied from Rumphius's Flora Amboyn. (Table 33, Vol. II.) Miquel considers this Aurantium acidum of Rumphius identical with Citrus vulgaris of Risso. In my opinion it is a Séville orange. c and d are the bitter orange of Hagkala, Ceylon. The surface was of a deep orange, foveolate and polished. The colour was vivid, approaching lobster red. It had a flattened mammilla round the apex, where there was a soupçon of roughness. The pulp was orange, and the juice abundant; sour, and slightly bitter. of the rind small, centre solid; seeds white, when cut. The oil-glands I consider this a Séville orange. The leaves were like those of other Sévilles, lanceolate with winged petiole, and distinctly aromatic, PLATE I. a 万 ​girth 8/½ in. d diam. 2¾ in. PLATE II. The "Keep" of Nepal. a and b show an unripe fruit of this Nepal citrus. I omitted to take full notes of this specimen, but if I remember rightly the juice was sour. c is a rain leaf. d and e spring leaves. All have the character of Séville orange leaves; but as I have not full notes, this citrus must be left as doubtful, with regard to its position in the citrus family. PLATE II. a girth 6 in. diam. 2 in. V ་ C d e PLATE III. A Séville Orange, which was received from Calcutta, under the name of "Gorá Lemboo." a and b show the unripe fruit. The surface is chagrined with closely-set foveoli. It is not smooth; but nothing so rcugh as some other Sévilles. The oil-cells of the rind are of three sizes. The rind is very bitter and pungent, the pulp is pale, but with only an orange tinge (because unripe ?), juice abundant and sour. c and d are rain leaves; the former, at the point, has an outline of the mamilla of an ordi- nary lemon. This, however, may mean nothing. e is a spring leaf. All the leaves are tough, like those of the Pummelo, and with a distinct Séville aroma. Their oil-cells are distinct, and of three sizes. I think it undoubtedly a Séville orange. NOTE.-The vernacular name with which this came is probably wrong. Voigt's list of Calcutta citrus puts "Gora néboo," as one of the limes (see one of the limes (see Appendix, No. 55). PLATE III. } a girth 8 in. oppe diam. 2½ in. 1 PLATE IV. Séville orange, which came from Mooltan under the name of “Khattá” orange. a and b show an outline and section of this orange. The surface was slightly chagrined, and covered with foveoli, which appeared like microscopic craters, probably because this specimen was rather dry. This orange was not rougher than a "Súntara" orange. The rind cells were distinct; the pulp pale orange, and the juice pleasantly sour. c and d are rain leaves, and e and f probably spring leaves. All the leaves' had a distinct Séville aroma, and the broad petiole wings point to the same Séville character. The leaf-blades were rather thin, like those of the " Khatta," and some leaves had narrow petiole wings, like those of the latter. Their oil-cells were of three sizes and distinct. I found no spines on the branches sent. The majority of the cha- racters of this specimen were those of a Séville, and not of a "Khatta " orange. PLATE IV. a } girth 8 in. diam. 2% in. goal coal o el p C d f PLATE V. The Lucknow Séville Orange, the Naranj of the Lucknow nurserymen. a and b are the outline and section of the nâranj of Lucknow. The exterior is dark orange, quite smooth and polished. It resembles a cooking apple, or small musk melon. The pulp-vesicles are coarse, and of an orange-yellow colour. The juice is sour and bitter (?); the rind very aromatic and distinctly bitter. Possibly, I may have carelessly tasted the pulp, and may have got some of the rind bitter into my mouth, which may have become mixed up with the juice. c and d are rain leaves, and e and f spring leaves, all with the characteristic scent of the Sévilles. It is strange that of all the Sévilles I have seen in India, this Lucknow variety is the only one which has the native name of Naranj, the Arabic synonym which Risso gives to the Séville Orange. PLATE V. a girth ・93/4 in. b diam.3% in. C a 1 f F PLATE V I. The Séville Orange of Kandy, and other parts of Ceylon, known there by the name of Amool Dódan (sour round orange). a had a rather smooth surface, only pitted with shallow foveoli-cavities. Some other specimens were slightly warty in the apex half. The rind was aromatic and bitter. b. The section shows in the rind curious pointed oil-cells, as if they were small juice vesicles. The pulp was pale orange, and the juice sour and slightly bitter. c is a largely developed rain leaf. d. A spring leaf; both had the characteristic aroma of the Sévilles, and had the leathery feel and polished surface of that variety. NOTE.-In Ceylon I found enormous leaves of the citrus, which are probably due to the moisture and warmth of the climate. PLATE VI. a Ъ girth 7 in diam. 24 in. đ length of whole leaf 7¾ in. с PLATE E VII. Other forms of the "Amool Dódan" of Ceylon. a and b were of an orange colour, chagrined with numerous foveoli; slightly rough round the apex, and with an occasional wart round the base. c is a decidedly lanceolate leaf, with fine serrations, and broad wings to its petiole. The rind of the fruit was aromatic, and the leaves had the distinct aroma of the Séville leaf. d is the Séville orange of the English markets. Some have a rougher exterior. It is of a deep orange colour, closely and evenly foveolate all over, but otherwise this specimen was rather smooth; rind aromatic and very bitter, skin about a quarter of an inch thick; pulp acid, with only a soupçon of bitterness; seeds many. It is given for comparison. ↓ PLATE VII. dram. 3½ in. a girth 10/4 in. ou b girth 734 in. girth 8/3 in. d C ܆ PLATE VIII. a and b are copied from the monograph on the citrus by Risso and Poiteau, where it is called Citrus bigaradia; the " Bigaradier franc" of the French; the "Arancio forte" of the Italians, and the naranj of the Arabs. The surface is minutely warty, like the Malta Séville of the Lucknow Horticultural Garden. c and d are largely developed leaves taken from taken from a young and spiny tree in Kandy. I did not see the fruit of this tree. The leaves resemble those of the Pummelo; the petiole wings, however, are not are not so large. They are leathery and polished, like those of a Séville tree, and their strong aromatic scent is also that of the Sévilles. The leaves are glabrous everywhere, excepting a few hairs on the unexpanded leaf- buds; a few of the leaves were round, and had only a margined petiole. They resemble Fig. c of Plate VI.- PLATE VIII. a length of whole leaf 8 in. b d length of whole leaf I'½ in.. 1 PLATE IX. : A Séville Orange from Toolshipur, Gonda, which was received under the Thambîri! a and b. name of Externally it was of an orange colour, rough, and slightly verrucose. The rind was very bitter and aromatic; the pulp pale orange and sour; the centre solid, and the seeds white, when cut. a rain leaf, and d a spring leaf; both tough and leathery, and sweet scented, like all Séville leaves. NOTE.-For the true "Jhambiri" see Pl. CXXXI., and others. 1 PLATE IX. し ​a b girth 8 in diam. 2½ in. 1 PLATE X. A Séville Orange, which I obtained at Mangalore, under the name of Kârna, or Kanchikái. It is said to grow there, and also in Coorg and Mysore. a and b were of an orange colour, rough and inclined to be warty round the apex. I was told these were small specimens, and that the fruit was often much larger; b was much smoother than a. c is a section of a. The rind was very bitter; pulp palc orange, sour and slightly bitter, and many-seeded. : I did not see the leaves of this citrus; but I was told by a person who knows the Karna of Mysore that it has a tough leaf, and is aromatic, with a large wing to its petiole. α girth し ​73/4 in. ५ girth 7/½ in. C diam. 2½ in. PLATE X. PLATE XI. The Malta Séville Orange of the Lucknow Horticultural Garden, obtained from a bud of the stock on which an imported (in 1863) Malta orange-tree was grafted. a. This specimen was unripe, of a deep green colour, having the outline of a round Malta orange, but chagrined and minutely warty all over, like the specimen taken from Risso (Plate VIII., Fig. a), or Arancio forte of the Italians. b is a section of the same, with pale orange-yellow pulp, coarse vesicles, and sour juice with scarcely any bitter taste. The rind was very bitter, aromatic, and pungent; seeds numerous. c and d are rain leaves, and e, f, g, and h spring leaves. All have the characteristic aromatic sweet scent of the Sévilles, which is a scent sui generis, and not found in other races of oranges. The Séville orange-tree is, in my opinion, recognizable by this scent alone. Mr. Ridley, in comparing the leaves of this and of the nâranj of the nursery- men, said he could see no difference between them, except that the naranj had generally a less developed petiole wing. PLATE XI. ! نس سن سا или f a diam. 3 in. سلامه ъ d g C PLATE XII. : A large and ripe specimen of the Malta Séville Orange of the Lucknow Horticultural Garden. a is sub-warty, rough, and of a deep orange colour, like that of the Keonla orange. foveolate all over. It is closely b is the section of the same, showing the thick and very pithy skin. The rind is bitter, aromatic, and pungent, with a fine marmalade flavour. Some of these Sévilles have a rind so full of oil that simply placing one on paper stains it. The pulp is pale orange, and very sour, but not bitter; centre hollow. c, d, and e are rain leaves, and f, g, and h spring leaves; i is the spine I found on the branch that came with the specimen. Some varieties of the Séville Séville orange have hardly any spines, others have prominent ones. NOTE.-Séville oranges have usually a large solid centre; this, however, had it hollow, with the central column isolated. (See Appendix, No. 62.) PLATE XII. し ​نگه し ​a J د ل نسر し ​ل له : diam. 33/4 in. Ъ f 9 h d. e PLATE XIII. A Séville Orange from Gonda, received under the name of Sadâphal. flower and fruit there all the year round, and hence the name of "Sadûphal." It is stated to It was a was of a pale orange; an unripe specimen was of a dark green, and more chagrined. slightly sub-warty round the apex, closely foveolate all over; rind bitter, aromatic, and pungent. Its skin was half an inch thick, with the pithy part sweetish. The bitter lies mainly in the outer oily part. Many of the Sévilles in India, if left too long on the tree, have their pulp dried up. Pulp of the unripe specimen was pale orange, and intensely sour, not bitter; some seeds were greenish, and others white, when cut. b, a rain leaf, and c a spring leaf; both leathery and shiny, and with the usual sweet aroma of the Séville leaves. NOTE. For the true "Sadaphal" see Plate CCIX. PLATE XIII. تئك } а girth 10% in. ФФ dian. 35% in. PLATE XIV. A Séville orange from the Etawah Jail Garden. The origin of these Séville trees I have not been able to trace. I found them ticketed as Punjab Sévilles. I have called them Etawah Sévilles. a. Orange colour, prominently chagrined all over. b is a section of a; juice vesicles coarse, pale, and interspersed with orange yellow vesicles. An unripe specimen had pale orange pulp, and scanty juice, sour, and slightly bitter; the rind was very aromatic and oily. These Séville oranges, if left too long on the tree become quite juiceless. and d are well-developed rain leaves, with a highly polished surface. I have failed to find any spines on these Etawah Séville trees. The aroma of their leaves is distinctly that of other Sévilles. PLATE XIV. محمد ہی کی a girth 11g in كرك d C • length of whole leaf Tin : B diam. Sain PLATE X V. a is a Dumrèz form of Etawah Séville orange, more warty than those of the spring crop. b, c, and d are leaves taken from the same tree; all broadly lanceolate, but one (c) has only a margined petiole. e is another Séville orange of the English markets, given for comparison. It is of a deep orange colour, closely and evenly foveolate all over; but otherwise not very chagrined. Some specimens are slightly sub-warty; rind aromatic and very bitter; skin about a quarter of an inch thick; pulp acid, with only a soupçon of bitterness; many-seeded. t PLATE XV. diam. 4 in. a girth 12½ in. a Z * length of whole leaf 6 in. girth 8 Win. e diam. 3 in. C PLATE XVI. a, b, c, d, and e are leaves taken from one and the same tree of the Etawah Séville orange. The well-developed leaf of this variety is either rounded, or broadly lanceolate. Some leaves have their petioles only margined; but the typical leaf has a broad-winged petiole. f, g, h are spring leaves, with margined petioles, and are not unlike those of the "Suntara orange, except for their leatheriness and distinct Séville aroma. PLATE XVI. length of whole leaf 6½ in. f q & g h e PLATE XVII, These are citrus leaves sent to me by Mr. John Payne, from some forest near Devikulam, in South India. He says a and b were taken from a tree at the edge of the jungle, and therefore this particular tree, from seeing the light, was in a flourishing condition; while c and d were taken from trees in the middle of the jungle, and were therefore shaded by other trees, and less luxuriant. He said orange-trees of the thickness of a thick walking-stick were common in those jungles; they were growing in a wild state. All these leaves, although somewhat dry, had the characteristic scent of the Séville orange leaf, and their shape quite corresponds to that of the Ceylon Séville leaf. Dr. Trimen, in his Systematic Catalogue of Plants Indigenous to or Growing Wild in Ceylon, does not mention any kind of citrus. PLATE XVII. a length of whole leaf 6 in. b C ď 3 PLATE XVIII. The “Nartun” of Tanjore. a is a Keonla shaped orange, which I got in one of the Tanjore Gardens. They called it "Nartun." One man called it "Kamalà." Its shape is almost exactly that of the Poona Keonla. It is deep orange, foveolate, uneven, and warty round the apex. The latter is much depressed. The skin is thick, though rather loosely attached. The rind has the scent of Laniana; pulp pale orange-yellow; juice abundant, and of a pleasant sour taste, without any sweetness, although ripe (21 Dec.). Seeds are white when cut, though when young they are greenish. b and c are its typical leaves, with large petiole wings. d is an occasional leaf. The scent of the leaves is resinous and unpleasant, and their texture thick and leathery, like those of the Sévilles. (Col. Yule's Glossary, p. 490, says that in Tamul, Narta marum means the "wild orange tree.") e and ƒ is an oblate orange I bought in the Tanjore bazaar. They told me it was "Nartun." It was orange-yellow, and foveolate all over, otherwise it was fairly smooth; pulp pale orange and sour, with a hollow centre; vesicles coarse; skin thick, easily detached, but not loose; rind very bitter; pithy part spongy. As I did not see its leaves, I cannot say whether it was identical with a or not. I sowed the seeds of this "Nartun," and the leaves of the young seedlings gave the distinctive aroma of the Sévilles, so I have little doubt that it belongs to that group. PLATE XVIII. girth ६. し ​I'½ in. diam. 33/4 in. a } ر تحمر diam. 334 in. Ъ girth 1134 in. f C 3* : PLATE XIX. a. Khattà orange from Jubbulpur (received under the name of Attarra lime). Exterior not rougher than a Malta orange; although not very smooth it is not very rough. It is pitted with oil-glands. This specimen was unripe, and of a pale green. b. The pulp is of a decided orange-yellow; juice abundant and very sour. c, d, e, are rain-leaves. f. Spring leaf. g. The spine attached to the branch of the specimen. NOTE. For the Citrus called Attarra, see Plate CCX. 1 PLATE XIX. C a Dé f 9 Girth 10ź in diam. 33 in. PLATE XX. a. Khatta orange from Auraya, Etawah district. Exterior smooth, though not polished, and foveolate with oil-glands. This specimen had no mammilla. b. Pulp orange yellow with the taste of a very sour orange. The white or pithy part of the skin is very slightly sub-acid and spongy, like that of a pummelo. c and d are rain-leaves. e is a spring leaf. f. A spine on the branch of the specimen. PLATE XX. α Girth 10 in 1 diam. 34 in. c ď f PLATE XXI. a. Khattà orange from Messrs. Carew & Co.'s garden, Rosa, Shahjahanpur. Exterior surface chagrined, soft and almost ripe. Between the larger foveoli are eminences covered with the smaller glands. The section having nothing uncommon was not given. The pulp was pale orange, with abundant sour and slightly bitter taste. The skin was more than inch thick. b is a rain leaf. c and d. Spring leaves. The size of the leaves and the larger or smaller development of serrations or crenations is usually a matter of luxuriance, although some pummelos have hardly any. e. It is a spine on the branch of the specimen. PLATE XXI. Girth 94 in diam. 3 in α e d PLATE XXII. Khattd orange from Calcutta (received under the name of Sherbetee-lemboo). a is an unripe specimen, closely pitted with large and small foveoli. furrowed round the apex. It is It is sub-warty and b. The oil-cells of the skin are of three sizes, and are bat-shaped. The pulp is pale orange and acid, with a slightly bitter juice. c is a rain leaf. d and e. Spring leaves. f. A spine on the branch of the specimen. NOTE.-No reliance can be placed on vernacular names for purposes of grouping. Sherbetee nimboo all over Upper India is given to the mitha mimboo, or sweet lemon. PLATE XXII, C a Girth. 9 in b diam. 2 in. ย d PLATE XXII I. Khatta orange from Etawah. (Flowers purplish externally, axilliary, in twos and threes, with little scent.) a. Ordinary form, with a pronounced mammilla. When ripe, of a rich maize-orange. Birds or other animals eat it, although sour. The exterior is rough and foveolate. b. Pulp is of a pale orange-yellow, and, although sour, it has a flavour of orange (not lemon) pulp. c. Exceptional, oblate form. Both forms are sometimes found on the same tree. d. Well developed rain leaf. e and f. Spring leaves. g. Ordinary spine on the flowering branches. PLATE XXill. OL Girth 11½ in diam. 3 in b للا e 9 вобраз Girth. lin. PLATE XXIV. Leaves taken from a Khattà orange tree of Etawah. a and b. Emarginate leaves. c and d. Acuminate leaves. e. Neither emarginate nor acuminate, with a rounded point. All are well-developed leaves. f. Occasional spine met with on the Khattà orange tree. PLATE XXIV. d length of leaf 5 in. c 2 in long f شيقر e PLATE X X V. Khattà oranges from Bholi, Etawah district (received under the name of Kàrna). a. Form with flattened manumilla. b. Form with prominent mammilla. Both were hard and unripe (October). Externally they were not rough, but foveolate, with intermediate smaller oil-cells. The pulp of both was orange, with abundant sour and slightly bitter juice. Being unripe the skin was solid, and an inch thick. They had both large and small oil-cells in the rind, and the latter was not very aromatic. The sections having nothing uncommon are not given. c. Ordinary spring leaf. d. Very emarginate spring leaf. NOTE.-This variety of citrus is sometimes called Karna (meaning bitter, according to Mr. Growse, B.C.S.), but more frequently Khattà. PLATE XXV. a Girth. 10 in Girlh 104 in. diam 3 in. b C d Le ཆུ་ PLATE XXVI. a. Khattà oranges from Saharanpur and Lucknow. Came from Saharunpur, under the name of Karna lime. Its young unexpanded leaves were pubescent. The exterior of the fruit was yellow-orange, rough, with large shallow foveoli. The skin was not easily detached. Pulp orange, juice abundant, and only sour; centre solid. Rind sweetish and aromatic, not bitter, and only slightly pungent. Pith sweetish and not spongy. Pulp carpels slightly emarginate in section. From Bulrampur, Gonda, I received one much like this, under the name of Karna nimboo. It had a rougher and duller surface, and a hollow centre, and a paler orange pulp. Its girth was 14 in., and its apex had a slightly projecting mammilla. b is the is called there either It is called there either Khattà or Kàrna. same kind of orange from Lucknow. It When ripe it is of a deep orange-yellow. c and d are spring leaves of the Lucknow Karna. These leaves had only two sizes of oil-cells distinct. The third size was indistinct. PLATE XXVI. 刃 ​a Girth. 12 in. diam 4 in. Ъ Girth 12 in Girts C 4 PLATE XXVII. Two Khattà oranges, sent from Gonda by Major Buller; he stated they both came off the same tree. a is the smooth form, of a maize-orange exterior, quite smooth, only foveolate. The pulp was pale orange, and the skin in. thick. b is the warty form, with a maize-orange exterior. The front side was, as is shown, very warty; the hidden side was less warty; the mammilla at the apex was very prominent. in. thick. The warts were covered with foveoli, The pulp was pale orange, and the skin as shown on the right side A. in. thick. Major Buller stated that had he not seen them both on the same tree he would not have believed it possible that both forms could have been borne by the same tree. NOTE. Can these two forms on one tree, dependent, as I think, on difference of season, throw any light on the origin of Bizzaria, and so called trifacial oranges? Appendix, No. 65.) (Vide PLATE XXVII. girth Gin diam 27 in. а ル ​ں Z し ​и girth at thickest part 134 inches し ​A diam thickest part· am 44in. PLATE XXVII I. Khattà orange from Khoorja, Bolundshahr district. a. This was a green and unripe specimen, with the general outline of a Khattd, but with the warty surface of a true citron. b is a section of the above. The pulp was orange; the juice sour and slightly bitter. The rind had three sizes of oil-cells. The warts were covered with foveoli-depressions of the oil-cells, as in the preceding specimen. c. A rain leaf. d and e. Spring leaves. The spines I found on the branch were mere points. This specimen floated very well in water. NOTE.-At first I did not know what to make of this specimen, but when I saw the warty form on the same branch as the smooth form, the as the smooth form, the place of the Khoorja specimen became evident. PLATE XXVIII. خذ a Girth. 14 in. ろ ​e Jdiam. 44 in. ď PLATE XXIX. a. • Two specimens of the Khattà orange, taken by myself from the same branch of a tree in the Benares Public Garden. The warty form, which natives call Dumrèz. This after crop sets in the rains. This outline very inadequately indicates the extreme wartiness of this specimen. The large projecting warts were covered with foveoli depressions, as shown on the right side A. It was as warty as the wartiest citron proper, if not more. b. This specimen was almost smooth, with only here and there an unevenness of the surface, as shown by the cross lines. PLATE XXIX. 3 · ह о ہو し ​си ELE میدی а A girth 164 in .S لم } girth 12źin. t PLATE XXX. a. Sections of the Benares warty and smooth Khattà oranges, shown on Plate XXIX. This fruit was not ripe; the pulp was pale orange; the juice was scanty and sour; the seeds where white when cut; the pithy part of the skin was spongy and sweetish; and the centre was solid. b. This fruit was ripe; the pulp pale orange and sour; the juice rather abundant; the seeds when cut where white; and the centre of the fruit solid. PLATE XXX. نسية diam 44in. a Leereche de crooke 200 diam. 34 in. a. PLATE XXXI. A specimen of the Khattà orange type. It came from Jubbulpur under the name of Gulgul. An elongated warty orange; the warts were rather lumpy. Colour of a Khattà orange, that is of a maize-orange. It was spotted all over with oil-glands, and slightly furrowed longitudinally. b. Section of the same. Pulp pale orange-yellow; juice abundant and very sour. White and pithy part of skin sweetish. Rind very aromatic, and resembles that of the Malta lemon. c. Rain leaf. d and e. Spring leaves. f. A spine found on the branch, received with the fruit. Whether this Gulgul be a Dumrez form of the Khattà orange, or whether the tree produces only this form, I do not know. (Vide next plate.) PLATE XXXI. し ​a girth 12źin. 10 diam 3 § in ď с : XXXII. PLATE X A specimen of the Khattà orange type, from Lahore. It was sent under the name of Gulgul, by Mr. H. G. Hein, Superintendent Horticultural Garden of Lahore. It is sub-warty. The sound given by tapping it with the fingers is that given by a pummelo. The exterior is of a deep lemon-yellow, with a polished surface. The surface is more shiny in the cavities of the oil-cells, which are as large as shown on the side A. Between the cells the surface is slightly raised. The rind has a fine aromatic scent. PLATE XXXII. girth 19žin. L : کر م کم در ت كم ک S تم ہے A PLATE XX ΧΧΧΙΙΙ. A section of the Lahore Gulgul, given on Plate XXXII. The oil-cells of the rind are large and distantly situated. The pith is snow white, very spongy, and sweetish, but nothing like the solid white and sweet skin of a true citron. The pulp is pale like that of a lemon, but just verging on the pale orange. The seeds are large and numerous, and cream white when cut. The juice is very abundant, and of a pure sharp acid flavour. The centre is hollow. The aroma of the rind strikes me as being more orangy than lemony. On account of its abundant acid juice this citrus appears a very desirable variety. 1 烹 ​PLATE XXXIII. L l l l l l l l l l l l l legge l longest diam. Cźin. 5 PLATE XXXIV. Leaves of the Lahore Gulgul, shown on the foregoing Plates XXXII. and XXXIII. a and b are well-developed rain leaves, showing the wings of the petioles more than usually developed; more crenate than serrate. c and d are spring leaves, which come out with the spring flower crop, in February or March, more serrate than crenate. These are more like lemon leaves. e. The young All have a faint scent, as is usual with Khattà orange leaves. leaves are tomentose, and even the old leaves have tomentum on the petioles, midrib, and angles between the leaflet, and wings of the petiole. The young stem is also tomentose. A spine found on the branch that came with the specimen. NOTE.-Tomentum, which has been considered the specific character of the pummelo shoots, appears characteristic of most huge citrus, of various types. : PLATE XXXIV. a length of whole leaf bin. 10 е 5* 1 PLATE X X X V. Externally it was lemon- The surface consisted of Specimen of the Khatta orange type, from Bulrampur, Gonda district. It was sent by Major Buller, under the name of Kathairee nimboo, or "Jack" citrus. It also goes by the name of Rus-kankur, and also Beòra. colour. Probably it was not a fully-ripened specimen. lumpy knobs. The mammilla was flattened. The oil-cells were large, transparent and distinct, as shown at a. Some were convex, and others concave. This specimen alone would be enough to disprove Risso's theory that acid pulp was found with concave rind cells, and sweet pulp with convex cells (vide Chapter on " Morphology"). The rind was fragrant, and the whole fruit floated very well in water. It should be noted that "Kunker," "Kanker," "Kankree," all mean "Kàkree," or its Sanskrit equivalent "Kakkatee " a sort of melon. PLATE XXXV. د کی } girth. 22 Žin. } شارك في رشد رد a مسکن PLATE XX X X X V I. Section of the of the Bulrampur Kathairee nimboo. The oil-cell oil-cell portion of the skin is -inch thick, and the cells are large and separate. The pithy part is snow- white, soft and spongy. It is said to be the only part of the fruit which is eaten. Pulp pale, like that of a lemon, with perhaps an imaginary tinge of the palest orange colour. Juice abundant, and very sour; seeds few; juice-vesicles arise also from the sides of the carpels; centre hollow. This is much like the Gulgul of Lahore. Another specimen, also sent by Major Buller from Tulshipur, Gonda, was still larger than this. It had a girth of 24 inches; it was 10 inches long; and had a diameter of 7 inches. It was the largest I have seen. Its pulp was white, and it had no seeds. PLATE XXXVI. ми M roooo goo oooo d longest diam. 7/½ın. : PLATE XXXVII. Leaves of the Kathairee nimboo of Bulrampur, in the "Tarai" at the foot of the Himalayas. a and b are well-developed rain leaves, with the wings of the petioles sufficiently well developed. c is a spring leaf, with the petiole only margined. The young shoots and young calyces are purple, and pubescent. The flower buds are purple. The leaves are rather lemon- scented. The midrib and petioles of the old leaves still retain some of the pubescence. Some of the leaves are serrated or crenated from the base, like those of the Bajouras and Turunj, or citron proper. d is a spine found on the branch attached to the specimen. PLATE XXXVII. a ď PLATE ΧΧΧVIII. a and b are the Karmphal of Almora sent by Mr. H. Harris. I suppose Karnphàl is a con- traction of Karnaphal, or fruit of the Karna. The Khatta is sometimes called Karna. Externally it is orange-yellow; surface smooth and slightly foveolate, with a flattish mammilla at the base. It looks like a Khattà orange, and has the same aroma in the rind, without bitterness. The pithy part is yellowish-white; pulp transparent orange, sour, and juice abundant, without bitterness. c and d are its typical leaves, which are similar to those of the common Khattà orange of the plains; a fully-developed rain leaf and a spring leaf. NOTE.--This and the following specimen arrived after I had arranged the plates, and so I put them at the end of the group. PLATE XXXVIII. a girth 12 in. diam. 4 in. ď PLATE XXX I X. a and b is the Kathphal of Almora, sent by Mr. H. Harris. This name is probably a con- traction of Khattàphàl, or fruit of the Khattà orange. Externally it is maize-orange, with an uneven surface, studded with large and small pinholes. It looks much like a Khatta orange, and has the same aroma The pithy part is yellowish-white; the pulp is orange, and and taste in its rind. the juice sour and abundant. c is a fully-developed rain leaf. d, e, and ƒ are spring leaves. g is the spire that came with the specimen. PLATE XXXIX. تلا a girth 11'sin го diam.3½ in. ď PLATE X L. Four figures of Citrus aurantium, taken from Risso and Poiteau's monograph. a is called " oranger à fruit conifère," with pale yellow pulp; half sweet and half acid, with a little bitterness. The authors say this variety is on the debatable ground between the oranges and lemons. b is the 66 oranger à fruit pyriform." The pulp is orange-yellow in the centre, and blood- coloured towards the rind. It is very fine flavoured. c is the "oranger à fruit toruleux," with the rind-carpels distinct. d is the oranger à fruit rugueux," commonly called "oranger des bois de St. Domingue." Risso states that in St. Domingo this orange was used by preference in cases of weakness after fever. It is not impossible that the Italians may have got the notion of "decoction of lemon" for fever, and weakness after fever, from the West India Islands. t PLATE XL. C α 7 ď PLATE XLI. a and b. c and d. Malta orange from Hagkala, Ceylon. The exterior of this slightly unripe orange was greenish-yellow, with pale orange oil-glands of various sizes. Pulp pale orange, juice abundant and sour-sweet. Skin rather thick. A good kind of orange of the Malta type. Flowers white with five petals. Rain leaves with the distinctive scent of the Malta orange leaf. PLATE XLI. girth 8/4 in α PLATE XLII. a and c. Malta oranges from Colombo, Ceylon. at the bottom of each with miliary convexi- Exterior orange-yellow, pitted all over with shallow cavities; there is a large oil-gland. The intermediate spaces are filled ties, consisting of the smaller oil-glands. c is the section of a. The skin is rather thick. The pulp is of a darker shade of orange than the Malta varieties of India. The centre is all but solid. It is many seeded; seeds white when cut. b is another specimen, pitted like a, but the intermediate spaces are much smoother, and in places shiny. It is thinner skinned, more juicy, and finer flavoured than a. The natives of Ceylon call this either orange, or "Peni-dòdan," which means "sweet and round," while all the other oranges of the "Suntara" type they call by the name of "Mandarin." (None of these, however, is true Mandarin.) The Malta oranges of Kandy are like those of Colombo. 4 PLATE XLII. α girth 10% in girth 104 in • C PLATE XLIII. Oranges of the Malta type from Tanjore, South India. a and b are the "Bàndir ” orange of Tanjore, called by the English "sweet lime." It is of a yellowish-orange when ripe. It is generally smooth and pitted all over over with large foveoli, the intermediate spaces having miliary convexities. The pulp is pale orange, juicy, and of a pleasant, sweet, and sub-acid flavour. The juice-vesicles are rather coarse, the centre hollow, and the seeds white when cut. Another specimen had thinner skin, juice very abundant and sweet, with a distant soupçon of sub-acid. of sub-acid. This is a very fine orange; can be cut across in halves and eaten with a spoon; well worth propagating and disseminating. c and d is the so-called Spanish orange of Tanjore. It is yellow externally, slightly foveolate, and covered with miliary projections. The rind has a slight scent of Lantana. The pulp is darker than other Indian oranges of the same type, and deep orange; juice abundant, and very pleasant, sweet, and sub-acid; centre solid, and seeds white when cut. Both are distinctly of the Malta orange type. PLATE XLIII. girth 12 m α girth 84/4 in ď 1 PLATE XLIV. The "Mussèmbi" orange of Poona. a and c are one orange. The characteristic feature of this variety of the Malta orange is that externally it has closely-set, longitudinal furrows, running from base to apex, with a tendency to become subwarty in the larger specimens, like ƒ. f. The exterior is orange-yellow, generally with an aureola an aureola round the apex, which is probably the remains of an extinct mammilla. The pulp is pale orange, juice abundant, with the distinctive flavour of the Malta orange; seeds white when cut; centre solid, as in c, or hollow, as in e. b is a smoother specimen, and d has only a trace of furrows round the base. The smooth specimens have a much thinner skin; their juice-vesicles are finer, and their juice is more abundant. e is the section of d. g is a rain leaf of the "Mussèmbi" orange of Poona. Natives of Poona say they can keep this orange on the tree for a year, without spoiling. It is supplied to the Bombay market, where I purchased a and b. It is a distinct and very desirable variety. One I got at Poona I kept from 25th December to 28th January. fresh and juicy, and became more highly coloured round the apex. It remained 1 L PLATE XLIV. α girth 9 3/4 in girth 83/4 in e d girth 93/4 in C. girth 10½ in g PLATE XLV. The true "Mussèmbi oranges of the Bombay market. Zanzibar, and "Mussèmbi is evidently a corruption of Mozambique. Malta orange in Bombay. These come from It is also called Most of the specimens are ovoid or egg-oranges, like a, b, c, g, and i, but round forms like d are also found. They are orange-yellow, and foveolate all over. The skin is thin and some are seedless. When quite ripe they are very sweet. Those who know this orange in Zanzibar say it is much better than the Malta or Spanish orange, that is oranges of the same type grown in Malta and Spain. d resembled the Sicily orange. e is the section of a, f is the section of b, g and i were of a deep orange colour, h is the section of g. Both these had many seeds. In two others I found only three seeds, and a was seedless. In this variety the juice-vesicles were attached also a little way up the sides of the pulp carpels. PLATE XLV. girth 84 in α e h C d girth 8 in girth 73/4 in girth 9 in f h girth 741n g girth 7 in て ​PLATE XLVI. Other specimens of the Malta orange type. a and b are called the Suez orange, by Mr. C. Nickels, of the Passewa factory, Jaunpore. He obtained the fruit in Suez, and from their seeds grew this specimen at his factory. I received it on the 30th January. It was of a bright orange colour, evidently ripened on the tree; smooth and only slightly foveolate. When cut the perfume of the fruit is distinctive, and that of the Malta orange type. Pulp of a deeper orange than others of this type grown in India, and as deep as that of the Zanzibar orange; juice abundant, and of a delicious, sweet, and sub-acid flavour. It is one of the best oranges of this type which I have tasted in India. The pithy part of the skin was of a yellowish-white; the rind only aromatic, scarcely bitter or pungent. e is a rain leaf, well developed, and d a spring leaf. e is an orange of this type which I obtained on the SS. Chunda (B. I. S. N. Co.), said to have been purchased at Madras about five or six weeks before. It had a thin skin, abundant sweet juice, and many seeds, with a solid centre. It was of the Malta type. PLATE XLVI. girth I in: a girth I ½ in e b d Фо 4 PLATE XLVII. a and c. Malta egg-oranges from Etawah. Exterior chagrined with foveoli, and intermediate miliary elevations. A larger specimen, of which e is a section, was more chagrined, and its pinholes more decided. It had not only deep foveoli, but other less deep foveoli between them, and between these again there were miliary convexities. The oil-cells of c and e. are rather exaggerated to show clearly the three sizes of oil-cells, to which the foveoli and miliary eminences correspond. b and d show a smaller and smoother egg-orange, with a thin skin, the foveoli being distinct only at the base and apex. The colour of the pulp of all is of a pale orange; abundant and sub-acid juice. These specimens had only from four to seven seeds. Usually the egg-orange in Europe is seedless, and corresponds to the orange sans pépins of Risso; but in India it is often full of seeds. ƒ and g are spring leaves; the latter shows the wing of the petiole continuous with the blade of the leaflet on one side. This is normal in some of the citrons, and occurs often in some pummelos. h and i are also spring leaves. Ρ e 000000 girth 9/4 in เอฟ PLATE XLVII. girth 73/4 in ૧ PLATE XLVI I I. a and b. Malta round orange, from Etawah (frequently but wrongly called Sylhet orange). There is a notion among natives that this orange is better and more juicy when plucked in its green state in October. This notion may have arisen from some varieties becoming, either from quality of soil or want of cultivation, dry and juiceless if left too long on the tree. A fully grown but unripe specimen, with foveoli close to each other. Surface chagrined, with the usual miliary eminences; pulp orange, juice very abundant, sweet and sub-acid. From each half of this orange I squeezed a full wine-glass of juice. c and d are leaves taken from the same branch of the round orange. e and ƒ are leaves taken from the same branch of the egg-orange. spine, which is rather characteristic of this type of orange. Both show the small PLATE XLVIII. girth 1034 d PLATE XLIX. a and b. Another specimen of the Malta round orange. Surface chagrined, pinholes rather close; surface covered with miliary oil-glands. In this specimen the juice-vesicles were developed also from the sides of the pulp carpels, as shown in b and h. Some of them were in an undeveloped state, much like the oil-cells of the rind; i shows them in a section of the side of h. k shows some of the pedicelled juice-vesicles isolated and hanging down, the others having been removed to prevent confusion. In many of the large specimens of the Malta orange type the circumference part of the pulp carpels has an emargination as shown in bat x. This is common in pummelos. c is a rain leaf; d and e very small spring leaves; and f is the small spine of this type of orange. g shows little points on the under side of some of the leaves, as if caused by some insect. PLATE XLIX. g а girth 103/4 in X aa PPP b h ó ó ó ó ó ó ód с d f e 7 PLATE L. Malta blood orange, from the Horticultural Garden, Lucknow. a and b is a large, thick-skinned specimen, deeply foveolate, and coarsely chagrined. Pulp orange, streaked occasionally with blood colour; juice not abundant, and without much flavour; seeds white when cut. - flavour of the Suntara orange type. c and d is a smoother and thinner skinned specimen, of an orange exterior, and only foveolate. Pulp pale orange, streaked with blood colour. The flavour of the Malta type of orange is sui generis, and different from the This was imported from Malta in 1863; it never showed in Lucknow more blood colour than mere streaks, showing probably something was wanting either in the soil or mode of cultivation. It may be also that the trees sent were not of the full-blooded variety. e is a rain leaf, and ƒ and g are spring leaves. The scent of the Malta orange leaf is feeble, and different from that of the Séville, and of the Suntara type. PLATE L. b α girth 11/4 in girth 104 in C A e f d 9 PLATE LI. a and b. Blood oranges sent by Mr. Steel, Deputy Commissioner of Gujranwala, Punjab. The original trees were imported from Malta by Colonel Clarke, D.C., between 1852 and 1856. Some specimens were from the original imported trees, still living; and some were from budded plants. The latter gave smaller fruit, but as good as the others. 1 Exterior of a bright orange; apex half smeared with a tinge of blood red; foveolate all over, with the intermediate spaces dotted with smaller oil-cells. All the specimens sent were more or less slightly oblong. e is the section of b. The oil-cells of the rind are small and of an orange colour, but Low and again a few are found with a blood colour; pithy part of skin yellowish-white. Pulp of a uniform orange-claret colour throughout, and of a delicious sweetness and perfection of flavour, not a bit inferior to those grown in Malta. Seeds very few; centre almost solid. d and e are spring leaves of this orange. PLATE LI. α girth 9 in Ъ girth 84 in C d e PLATE LII. a and b. Blood orange sent by Mr. C. Nickels, of Jaunpore, N.W.P. The trees were imported by him from England in 1872. Exterior deep orange, with a deeper blush on one side, and foveolate all over. Scent, when cut, distinctive and that of the Malta orange type. Pithy part of the skin yellowish-white; rind only aromatic, scarcely bitter or pungent. Pulp orange, deeper than that of others, excepting the Suez and Zanzibar orange. Here and there were streaks and little dabs of blood colour. Flavour delicious, with a slight mixture of sub-acid. Seeds white when cut. c and d are probably rain leaves, showing rather well-developed petiole wings; the former has one half slightly undeveloped. PLATE LII. girth 73/4 in α Ъ DD PLATE LIII. a and b are leaves from a round Malta orange tree of Etawah; b, for size, shape, and thickness of blade resembled a pummelo leaf, the petiole being only margined, and not large winged, as is usual in pummelo leaves. c and d are also leaves of a Malta orange tree, one having a winged petiole, the other a margined petiole. PLATE LIII. α 3 с d PLATE LIV. a, b, and c are also leaves of the Malta orange tree of Etawah. Usually this variety has a stout petiole, only margined. d and e are leaves of the true Sylhet orange, of the Suntara type. Usually their petioles are more slender than the former, and only margined, thinner and less polished; the minute oil-glands slightly project on the surface, giving them a somewhat chagrined appearance. These leaves are given for comparison. There is scarcely a citrus tree which has all its leaves at all times typical. On any tree one is sure to find some leaves which might be easily mistaken for the leaves of some other variety. The rain leaves usually differ much in development from the spring leaves. PLATE LIV. d 1 PLATE LV. It will be c. In reality, how- a, b, and c are leaves taken from the same tree of the Malta orange of Etawah. seen how widely the petiole of a differs from the petiole of ever, the typical petiole, that is like which most of the found, is that of b. leaves on a tree are leaves on PLATE LV. ФФФ PLATE LVI. This is the "Poonchee Jambole" (or small pummelo) of Kandy, Ceylon. Some call it "Amool-dòdan," or sour orange. a, b, and c. When ripe the exterior is of a deep lemon-yellow, pitted all over with foveoli, the intermediate spaces being filled with smaller oil-cells. If it were were orange coloured it might be easily taken for a thick-skinned Malta orange, although the skin can be separated more easily than in the latter. The exterior of b is a little coarser than a. c is the section of a. The pithy part of the skin has a lemon-yellow blush. The pulp is pale yellowish, like that of a lemon. The juice- vesicles are large, and the juice is abundant, and of a pleasant sub-acid flavour, The seeds are like those of the pummelo, large and rugose. without sweetness. e and d are rain leaves, and ƒ and g spring leaves. The majority have a decidedly winged petiole like e and d, but I found nothing to approach the large wings of a pum- melo leaf. They had no special aroma, and their scent approached those of the Malta orange. On tapping the fruit with the fingers it gave the sound of a pum- melo, on account of the thick, spongy skin. and they all had the colour, average size, and I saw a basket full of this citrus, shape of those given. I look upon it as a yellow variety of the Malta orange. The smaller of the spines h supports this view, as also the scent of the leaves. PLATE LVI, ん ​girth а b 10žin. 11zin. d PLATE LVII. Other leaves of the Malta orange trees of Etawah. a and b are rain leaves, and c shows the tip and petiole of another leaf. All these three leaves were taken from the same tree. d and e are rain leaves taken from another Malta orange tree. NOTE.-All these forms of leaves, taken from the same tree, are given, in order to impress the reader with the necessity of making observations, not only on one tree, but on many, and under different circumstances. By only examining one leaf one might perhaps be impressed with a type of leaf of a totally different variety. PLATE LVII. а b C d e 8 PLATE LVIII. This plate shows oranges of the Malta or Portugal type purchased from shops in England. They are here given for purposes of comparison. a is called the Jaffa orange. Some specimens are much larger. It is a large egg-orange, pitted all over with foveoli. It resembles the Malta egg-orange, but is larger. b and c are what are called Denia oranges. The skin is very closely adherent. d and e I purchased under the name of St. Michael's oranges. d was orange-yellow, finely chag- rined, and covered with shallow depressions and intermediate miliary projections; skin thin, and closely adherent; flavour fair, and seeds none. d was a flatter specimen with thickish skin, which had a sweetish aromatic taste, without any bitterness; pulp of a pleasant flavour and slightly sub-acid. I fancy many of the imported oranges are plucked a good deal before they are ripe. In my experience, unless an orange is well ripened on the tree, it never possesses the right flavour. f is the Florida orange, quite ripe and very fresh (14th March). The exterior is orange, blushed with a sooty fine powder, which can be washed off, excepting from the foveoli. I have often observed this blackness on this type of orange; I do not know what it is. Skin rather thin, adherent; centre solid; seeds numerous, long, but many are imperfeet; colour of pulp orange, and flavour very fine indeed; sweet, with a minimum of sub-acid. PLATE LVIII. 1 girth I in. a : b girth I in girth 84 in C d girth 8½ in. girth 8½ in. e girth 8½ in PLATE LIX. The drawings of this plate are taken from the Flora amboyn. of Rumphius. a and b are the Aurantium pompelmoes (Cassomba of the Malays), of Tab. xxiv. fig. 2, vol. ii. of Rumphius. If I have read him rightly, he says that fig. B denotes the natural shape (no spines in his drawing). He describes four kinds, one of which is irregular and tubercled. He says there are both red and white pulped pompelmoes. "" Loureiro at p. 467, under the head of Citrus decumana, says: Spinous, glabrous, petioles large, with cordate wings, pulp red or white, sweet or acid; very thick skin. A variety is very sweet, and with a white pulp and yellow exterior." a shows a spineless branch, with entire leaves, of the Pummelo. c and d are taken from Tab. xxxv. vol. ii. of Rumphius. They represent the Aurantium dulcis verrucosum, with a perfectly round fruit, A representing warts. The branch has crenate leaves, with small petiole wings, and small spines. e represents a bunch of this fruit. Miguel, in his Flor. Ind. Batav., places this Aurantium of Rumphius as "Citrus decumana, var. verrucosa (?). "" NOTE.-c, d, and e should, I think, have been placed with the Portugal orange group. PLATE LIX. a C A 2 О Ъ Fig B of Rumphins "Naturalem hujus fructus formam denotat. 〃 d P.95 Q e C PLATE LX. Is an Amilbed from Rohilcund. a and b show this Amilbed; lemon-yellow externally; round the mammilla it is smooth; in other parts it is closely studded with miliary elevations. It was the only citrus which came with the above name, and which had a mammilla, somewhat like that of the Khattà orange. The pulp was pale orange, with abundant and sour juice. It is said it never sweetens. Some of the pulp carpels were open towards the centre of the fruit, which was hollow. It floated very well in water. c and d are well-developed rain leaves; one with only a margined petiole, and the other with small wings to its petiole. NOTE.-Amilbêd should properly be written Amalbéd, Åmål coming, it is said, from the Sanskrit word meaning sour. PLATE LX. a girth Iin Ъ С d PLATE LXI. An Amilbêd from Ajitmul, in the Etawah District (some call it Amilbènt). a and b show this perfectly oblate specimen, with a perfectly polished surface, distantly pitted with oil-glands. When unripe it is light green, and pale yellow when ripe. The pulp is orange-yellow and sour; juice abundant. When I was examining this fruit, it struck me as on its way from an orange to a pummelo. c is a well-developed rain leaf, and d and e spring leaves. In the section b there is a central column A, detached from the carpels, and only united to them by the surrounding threads. PLATE LXI. C d α e A girth 112 in b PLATE LXII. Is the small Amilbed of Lucknow. a and b show this citrus with a very slight indication of a mammilla. When ripe it is light yellow, with a smooth and shiny surface, simply pitted with oil-glands. When unripe it is of a vivid green, and looks like a large roasting apple. The pulp is orange- yellow; juice abundant, and very acid. Some of the pulp carpels were open towards the centre, and two had an indentation, or emargination, on the circumference part, as shown by AA in the section. c is a fully-developed rain leaf, and d a spring leaf; the former is more serrate than crenate, and the three sizes of its oil-cells are quite distinct. PLATE LXII. α girth 12 in A d A 2 PLATE LXIII. An Amilbêd from Bulrampur, Gonda. a and show this oblate citrus, with a deep lemon-coloured exterior, rather smooth and shiny, with distant foveoli, and smaller ones between them. The pulp is transparent and of a pale orange-yellow; juice abundant, and of a pure acid flavour. The seeds were small for the size of the fruit. The pulp carpels were open towards the centre, the latter being a large hollow space. c shows a well-developed rain leaf with oil-cells of all sizes, quite distinct; and d a spring leaf. e a small spine which came with the branch. The young unexpanded leaf-buds were quite pubescent. The leaves were slightly lemon scented. b shows the central column A remaining adherent to only one carpel, and dragged to the one side. PLATE LXIII. a girth 13 3/4 in CA d b PLATE LXIV. A pyriform Amilbêd from Rampur, Rohilcund. a and b show its distinct pyriform outline, with smooth surface. It had slight foveoli, and the smooth intermediate spaces had indistinct transparent oil-cells. This Amilbêd was different from the foregoing. It had a white pulp, like that of a lemon, with scanty and very sour juice. It was unripe, which may account for the scantiness of its juice. c and d are rain leaves; e is a spring leaf. I found no spines on the branch sent. PLATE LXIV. d OPPP girth 92 u PLATE LX V. Is an ovoid Amilbed from Benares. a and b show its outline and section. Externally it is not unlike a large Gulgul lemon, with- out its mammilla. It is lemon-yellow and smooth. Its pulp is pale, like that of a lemon. Its centre solid, and the circumference part of the pulp carpels has a distinct indentation or emargination. These indentations correspond to the midribs of the carpels. The juice is abundant and sour. The leaves, which I have not seen, would probably decide whether this is an Amilbéd, or a Gulgul lemon. PLATE LXV. a h girth 11 in PLATE LXVI. Is a citrus, received from Messrs. Carew & Co., of Rosa, Shahjahanpur, under the name of Chakôtra, or Pummelo. a and b show its outline and section. It is of a pale yellow, neither very smooth nor at all rough. It has slight foveoli, representing the openings of the large oil-cells, with intermediate small ones, which are not raised. In section these oil-cells of the rind have a curious appearance. The larger ones have a long neck and are shaped like battledores. They are not unlike small juice-vesicles. Each carpel, on its circum- ference side, had a little projection A, representing the main vessel of its midrib. c and d are well-developed spring leaves, thin and quite different from Pummelo leaves. lemon-like, sour and bitter. e, f, g, and h represent spring leaves. Pulp The spines on the branches sent were mere feeble points. Taking all its characters into consideration, I believe this to be an Amilbed, and not a "Chakôtra " proper. PLATE LXVI. α girth 11/2 A b C Богод g h d e f の ​PLATE LXVII. Amilbéd Kalan, or large Amilbêd of Lucknow. a shows its irregular outline. It is, when ripe, of a deeper yellow than the Kaghzi nimboo or lime. Its surface, beyond being undulating, is rather smooth; only pitted with oil- cell openings. The pulp is very pale, like that of a lemon. The juice-vesicles are coarse; the juice very abundant, and of a pure acid; seeds very numerous. a desirable variety, on account of its abundant and purely acid juice. This is e is a rain leaf, thick and tough, reminding one of a pummelo leaf; d is a spring leaf. The oil-cells of the leaves, of three sizes, were distinct. PLATE LXVII. سد α girth 15 1/2 m d 0000 0000000000000000000 h C PLATE LXVIII. The Desi Kalamba of Calcutta. (Desi means "belonging to India," in contradistinction to Belati, or foreign.) a and b show its outline and section. Its exterior was neither rough nor smooth. It had shallow and distant foveoli. The intermediate spaces were covered with convex cells, each having a minute earth-coloured scab or crust, as if caused by some insect. The pulp was pale, and pinkish at the circumference. The juice was abundant and sour, with a pleasant taste of pummelo, and a slight dash of bitterness. c and d were papery leaves, unlike pummelo leaves. e is the small spine found on the branches sent. proper. It appeared to me that this citrus was more like an Amilbêd Kalon than a pummelo Desi might either mean that it belonged to India, or it might be a contemptuous term, meaning an inferior article. PLATE LXVIII. 1 a girth 13½ in. C d - b diam 4¼/4 in PLATE LXIX. The Keem citron of the Saharunpur Botanic Garden. a shows its undulating and sub-warty surface. Its exterior is lemon-yellow, with large lumpy folds round the base. The foveoli are large and shallow, with the interspaces bulging out. The apex mammilla is depressed and obliterated. Its former existence being only indicated by an aureola. b shows the section and its thick skin. It had a very bitter rind; but very aromatic. The pithy part was soft and spongy; the pulp coarse, pale, with a faint tinge of pinkish orange; the juice abundant and very sour; the centre hollow. Many of the carpels were open towards the centre. c is a well-developed leaf, with its petiole simply margined. d, the spine found on the branch sent. In my opinion this is a variety of Amilbêd Kalàn. Mr. Gollam says that its flowers are large and pure white; the young shoots are slightly downy. I do not know what Keem means, if I have read it rightly. PLATE LXIX. a : girth 16/4 in し ​b Coon Come C d diam 5 in. PLATE LXX. Is a Chakôtra or pummelo sent from Gonda, and supposed to have come originally from Nepal. a shows its pyriform outline. The oil-cells were was of an inch Its exterior was lemon-yellow, with a tinge of red on one side. slightly convex; there were no foveoli depressions. The skin thick; the pulp pinkish. The pulp carpels irregular, and rather emarginate on their circumference side; the centre hollow. b shows a well-developed leaf almost entire, and very slightly tomentose. The shape of the leaves, and absence of crenations are like the Chakôtra of Etawah, which has a large oblate fruit. This shaped fruit in Etawah is called Mahtâbi. All the foregoing specimens of citrus, which came under the name of Amilbêd, had only margined petioles. Here we have the large cordate wings of the pummelo proper. PLATE LXX. a girth 14½ in. b ► PLATE LXXI. Is another Chakôtra from Gonda. 2 a shows its pyriform outline, almost an exact copy of the foregoing one on Plate LXX. Like it, it is lemon-yellow, with very slightly projecting oil-cells. Its skin was an inch thick; its pulp pale towards the centre, and pinkish towards the circumference ; centre, small and hollow; carpels regular, and not emarginate. b shows a well-developed leaf, crenate, tomentose, and ovo-lanceolate. I have given this plate to show that, although this fruit is almost indistinguishable from the preceding, the tree is of a different variety, with ovo-lanceolate, crenate, and tomentose leaves; while the foregoing has lanceolate, entire, and almost glabrous leaves. Besides, the pulp carpels of this are not emarginate, while those of the foregoing are slightly so. PLATE LXXI. a b girth 143/4 in. PLATE LXXI I. This is a pyriform pummelo, which I purchased at the Sohagpur station, G.I.P. Ry. a and b show its outline and section. It was lemon-yellow, smooth, and tinged with red in many places. It was closely dotted all over with oil-cells of irregular shape and of various sizes. The centre was solid, with a ring of vessels as shown at A of section b. The pulp was red round the circumference, and pale towards the centre. It had many seeds. (Note the elongated centre, and see Chapter on Morphology.") c shows the disposition of the juice vesicles in the carpels, as were short excepting towards the centre of the fruit. "" shown in a cross section. They Many were like enlarged oil-cells; pear shaped. The attachments were not only on the circumference part of the carpel, as is usual with many citrus, but also on the sides, as far as B B. The vesicles projected into the middle of the carpel; but at B B they projected towards the centre of the fruit, and were much longer. Some of the juice-vesicles were pedicelled, but the majority were sessile. (See Appendix No. 62,) NOTE.-The elongated centre A gives an impression of this fruit having originally come from the fusion of two ovaries. (Vide Plates CCXXIII. and CCXXIV.) PLATE LXXII. a b girth 14/2 in. A $$ 2. Q Q Q o O o O O v O o O o queal 1 C B B diam 4/2 in PLATE LXXIII. a came from Bulrampur, Gonda, with the name of Mahtabi Chaôktra. It is said that the fruit often weighs 1 seers, or 3 lbs. It is said to ripen in November, and also in March (I suppose the latter is the Dumrèz crop). It is lemon-yellow, with shallow green furrows round the base, indicated by the lines A A. Round the base the oil-cells are shallow cavities; elsewhere they are convex elevations. In its longitudinal furrows it resembles the Mussèmbi orange of Poona. The skin of this specimen was one inch thick; the pulp, of a pleasant sub-acid; in parts pinkish, in parts like a white pummelo; it was seedless. c is a fully-developed leaf of a. It is crenate, and its scent is very faint. The young shoots are pubescent. b is the Chakôtra Ghagus of Bulrampur, said to be sweet. It was not sweet, but sub-acid, and in every way like the bigger one a. The young shoots shoots were also pubescent. í saw no difference between these two, although they bore different names. Another variety, called Chakaya Chakôtra, and said to be sweet, was also sub-acid, like most pummelos. PLATE LXXIII. 1 girth 20 in. a A C A girth 17/4 in. в IC PLATE LXXIV. A "Chakôtra" from Bulrampur, Gonda, said to be uncommon. a and b are the outline and section of this pummelo. It was of a lemon-yellow. The surface was covered with foveoli, at distances of of an inch. The intermediate spaces had both convex and plane oil-cells. The convex ones were polished, the others not so. The pulp was pale and greenish, with a very light pinkish tinge on the B side. The skin was thicker on the B side than on the A side, probably from better development, as is shown also by the larger pulp carpels. The juice was abundant, and of a pleasant sub-acid; and it had no seeds. c is a rain leaf, and d a spring leaf. The spring leaves were either entire or crenate. The spines were mere points. Besides being seedless, I could see nothing uncommon about this pummelo. If c represents a fully-developed rain leaf, which I doubt, this variety may have smaller leaves, with smaller petiole wings, than is usual. PLATE LXXIV. B a girth 163/4 in. A B в A diam. 5/½ in. C d 10* PLATE LXX V. This is the Jambòle, or Jamboo Nârun, of Ceylon. a and b show the outline and section of this ovoid pummelo; the wavy outline indicates the projections of the oil-cells of three sizes, the disposition of which is shown at A. The exterior is pale yellow, covered all over with only convex oil-cells of three sizes. There are no depressions. The convexities are easily squashed with the nail. The scent of their essential oil is peculiar. The pulp is transparent yellowish white, with the faintest tint of pink towards the centre. the juice of a nice sub-acid and aromatic flavour, many-seeded. The seeds, when cut, are white. The juice-cells are large, and without any bitterness. It is The oil-cells of the rind are globular and quite distinct. The pithy part of the skin is spongy, and, as in some other pummelos, bitter. PLATE LXXV. A به ت C girth 18 in: a لمنحة لكند b مس diamm 5/4 in. PLATE LXXVI. c and d show the leaves of the Jambòle pummelo of Ceylon, shown on the foregoing Plate LXXV. c is the largest pummelo leaf I have seen, excepting that of Plate LXXXV.; its size being probably due to the abundant moisture and warmth of Ceylon; d is a spring leaf; both crenate, and not so leathery as the leaves of the Indian pummelos. These leaves were of a light green, mottled faintly with yellow. The stem and mid-ribs were slightly pubescent. The oil-cells were distinct, and both the large and small ones distantly situated. In some parts none but the smallest oil-cells could be seen. Those of the edges, as usual, were quite distinct and large. e is longitudinal section of one of the pulp carpels. The juice-cells of the three different sizes are sufficiently clear, and shown in cross section. They are roughly of three sizes. PLATE LXXVI. C length 8 in. 1000 O o 100 а e 1000000 о d PLATE LXXV I I. Chakôtra Kalan from Gundaroop Sing's Garden, Ajitmal, Etawah district. a is the pyriform outline of this large pummelo. It is lemon-yellow, with a reddish tinge on one side. There are two sets of oil-cells, one concave like pinholes, shown by the dark dots at A, the others are miliary convexities, or little eminences between the former, as shown by the light dots at A. These miliary convexities near the peduncle are also concavities. In Rampur Rohilcund this sort of pummelo, I was told, is called Át Anni Kalàn. BB shows the zigzag minings of some insect, probably the larva of a minute moth. This is the only instance in which I noticed these minings under the epidermis of the fruit. Between the lamina of the citrus leaves, in the rains, these minings are common, and give a glistening appearance to the leaves attacked; they injure the leaf. Probably the larvæ have a partiality to the essential oil of the leaves. PLATE LXXVII. α A B B girth at thickest part 23/4 in. : PLATE LXXVIII. b is a section of the Chakôtra Kalàn, of the foregoing Plate LXXVII. It has a very thick skin and emarginate pulp carpels. The oil-cells of the rind are distinct. The pulp is red towards the circumference, and of a dirty yellowish colour elsewhere. The juice-vesicles of this specimen were dry, concrete, and tasteless. It had no seeds. c and d are its leaves. The wings of the petioles in this variety, even in the young seedlings, are often continuous with the blade of the leaf, as shown in C C, the joint position at C. Four leaves were sent, all with this character ; All the leaves were tough and leathery. being in its normal c was only half so. PLATE LXXVIII. C b O o O o O o o o jo o o po o p C diam 7½ in. : C PLATE LXXIX. Át Anni Kalàn of Rohilcund. This pummelo was pyriform and similar to the foregoing on Plate LXXVII., but larger. It had a girth of 25 inches at its thickest part; its section was rather oval, with a long diam. of 8 inches and a short diam. of 7 inches in the thickest part. The exterior was greenish lemon-yellow (perhaps not quite ripe), with very distinct foveoli depressions at certain distances, and everywhere between the former slight miliary convexities of the smaller oil-glands. depressions gave it a uniform and faintly sub-warty surface. The apex had an outline of a very flattened mammilla. The a shows its section. The wavy outline indicates the depressions and elevations of the oil-glands, as shown at C. D D is the central column burst asunder. b and c are the leaves of this pummelo. As before, c shows the union of the petiole wings with the leaf blade, and the joint at A. The pulp was pale pink; juice abundant, sweetish sub-acid, with a pleasant aroma. The dissepiments or division walls of the pulp were of a dark rose colour. At B is shown the disposition of the juice-vesicles, which are mostly long and slender. NOTE.-The ovality in section may possibly mean that it descends from a fruit made up of the fusion of two ovaries. (Vide Chapter on "Morphology," and Plates CCXXIII. and CCXXIV.) • PLATE LXXIX. b A C a J B Love lo e o O o O o O o eo e o D o va o . O vo v o la lalala Ꮯ Longest diam. 8½ in PLATE LXXX. Large oblate pummelo, called "Chakôtra," from the Public Garden of Etawah. a shows its outline, not unlike that of a gourd. When unripe, it is of a pale green, and when ripe, of a dull lemon-yellow. Its surface does not shine. It has large oil-glands at regular distances as shown at A, interspersed with innumerable small ones. This is the largest pummelo I have seen. • N.B.-The Bombay thin-skinned red pummelo is smaller than the above and more globose, with convex oil-cells of various sizes. The specimen I examined had a girth of 22 inches. The thickness of its skin varied from to inch. Its pulp was of the colour of raw beef, and very juicy, and of a pleasant sub-acid, sui generis flavour, mixed with sweetness, and the merest soupçon of bitterness. The seeds when cut were white. It was by far the finest variety of pummelo I have yet seen, with an aromatic rind. PLATE LXXX. A girth 28 in. a PLATE LX XXI. blush. Section of the foregoing huge pummelo given on Plate LXXX. The pithy part of the thick skin is of the consistence of sponge cake, and has a pink The pulp is of a crimson pink, and hollow in the centre. The parts AA are the central column split up by the expansion of the fruit, and left adherent to the carpels. They are joined together by threads as shown in the centre. The seeds are very numerous, and the carpels contorted in various ways, each having a very distinct emargination on its circumference side C C. In all other kinds these indentations were not so marked. The juice-vesicles are coarse, and their disposition shown at B. Taken singly, they are of a pale rose colour. The juice is an agreeable mixture of sweet, sub-acid, and just enough bitter to give it piquancy. PLATE LXXXI. A A B 1 1 1 longest diam 9½ in. PLATE L X X X I I. Leaves of pummelos, in the Etawah Public Garden. a is a well-developed rain leaf of the foregoing large pummelo given on Plate LXXX. The shoots of this tree and leaves are quite glabrous, so are the shoots and leaves of six other trees, which bear similar oblate fruit, but smaller. Their leaves are entire, with only an occasional indentation; nevertheless, on their edges, at stated distances, there are the remains of oil-glands, as if the leaves had been crenated. (Vide Chapter on Morphology.") 66 These leaves are leathery, tough, and shiny; their scent is nil. The oil-cells of this blade appear to be all small, distantly situated, and almost indistinct, on account of the thickness of the leaf. c is the leaf of a fully pubescent variety, with somewhat pyriform fruit, called Mahtabi by the gardener. Its leaves are crenate, ovo-lanceolate, and of a duller and less shiny green than a. The petiole wings are smaller, and the oil-cells distinct. b is an intermediate form, has a good deal of pubescence on young leaves and very young stem ; less on older leaves and older stems, and none on the oldest leaves. The fully-developed but young leaves have a few scattered hairs here and there. PLATE LXXXII. length 7 in. a b PLATE LXXXIII. Chakôtra, sent by Messrs. Carew & Co. a and b show its outline and section. I here reproduce it because on its B side it was undeveloped. This produced a curious alteration in the oil-cells of the rind. Those shown on the developed, or A side, were simple depressions or concavities, not like pinholes, as in Ất Anni Kalàn of Plate LXXVII. Between them were the small oil-cells, shown by the dots. On the contrary, on the undeveloped, or B side, the large oil-cells were closely set and elevated, that is convexities, while the small oil-cells were either not developed, or only here and there found, as shown by the few dots. Midway between the two sides the small cells became more apparent, and the convex larger cells became concave. b shows the fully-developed oil-cells at A, and only the closely set large cells at B. This fruit had a rosy red pulp, sweet and sub-acid, imperfect and rather dry. The pulp carpels on B side also show a want of development. I think this specimen alone sufficiently proves that the concave or convex oil-cells of the rind do not depend, as Risso said, on the acid or sweet nature of the pulp, but on on a quite different set of conditions. NOTE.-In this specimen also the elongated centre C probably comes from the fruit having originated in the fusion of two ovaries. (Vide Chapter on Morphology.") "" PLATE LXXXIII. B A a C b diam. 4/4 in. PLATE LXXXIV. Leaves of the undeveloped pummelo given on the foregoing Plate LXXXIII. c is a fully-developed rain leaf. d is a spring leaf. e, f, and g are also spring leaves, with margined petioles, ƒ and g showing a deep emargination or division at the tip. The typical leaves of all the true pummelos I have seen always have a large winged petiole; but by search many types of leaves would be found on the same 'tree simulating the leaves of other varieties. PLATE LXXXIV. length 64 in. C d g e PLATE LXXX V. Leaves of a citrus I obtained at Kandy, Ceylon. These leaves were taken from a young tree which had no fruit. They had all the characters of pummelo leaves. a resembled the fully-developed leaves of the Kandy Jambòle. The stems and leaves were quite glabrous, excepting the minute unexpanded leaf buds, which the minute unexpanded leaf buds, which were decidedly tomentose. The large young leaves had only a few hairs on their edges, while in the tomentose forms the hairs were persistent on the edges even on the old leaves. c is one of the spines I found on this tree. From its appearance the tree, I should say, was a seedling about three years old. If so, that would account for such a large spine. I have always found that seedlings of most citrus have more formidable spines than budded plants. These leaves had a faint lemon scent. I cannot say whether they were really pummelo trees. Not having seen their fruit, PLATE LXXXV. length 9½ in. : a в PLATE LX X X V I. a, b, and c. All these three leaves are from one pummelc tree in Etawah; they are all glabrous, and apparently entire, but have oil-cells at their edges, with very minute, almost imperceptible indentations, showing that although entire they retain the remains of crenations. The scent of these leaves is almost nil. The oil-cells along the mid- rib and venations are very sparse. PLATE LXXXVI. length 7¼/4 in. a в C PLATE LXXXVII. These are leaves of two pummelo trees I found in the "Taj" Garden. Their fruits were slightly different in size, but similar in shape. Their leaves were indistinguishable, except that those of a were tomentose, and those of b quite glabrous. The latter were slightly thinner, less crenate, and a little more shiny than those of the former. They had no scent. The unexpanded buds of b had some hairs, as in other citrus, and the petiole wings of the young leaves a few scattered hairs on their edges. The young stems and mid-ribs were quite glabrous. The oil-cells of a were minute and sparsely situated; crenations slight; mid-ribs and edges of petiole wings, and upper side of petiole base, and green stem were tomentose. The oil-cells of b were also minute, very few and sparse, and scarcely visible; crenations obscure; all parts quite glabrous. (See Chapter on the "Pummelo and Amilbêd Group.") PLATE LXXXVII. length 6½ in. a b PLATE LXXXVIII. This specimen was sent by the Secretary A. H. S. of India under the name of sour pummelo. a and b are the same fruit. Externally pale yellow, and exactly like a pummelo of the Mahtàbi variety, only a little more shiny; generally smooth, with foveoli at stated distances, as shown at c, and smaller, and still smaller ones between them. The rind rather lemon-flavoured; pithy part very slightly sweetish, and not so spongy as is usual in pummelos; pulp pale transparent, like that of a lemon, acid, and quite seedless. The letter which accompanied it stated, "I send you three fruits of a pummelo. We know it as 'No. 15.' It is said to be extremely acid. You will notice that the fruit contains no seed. Our garden people declare that anyone eating the fruit is certain to get fever! You must not suppose that our ordinary table-pummelo is anything like it." I have tried the decoction of a number of sour kinds of citrus as an antidote for fever, including some Amilbeds. I found them all more or less useful for this purpose ! after the others were arranged, and NOTE.--This and the following were received after therefore placed at the end of the group. PLATE LXXXVIII. girth 16/4 in. a Dassland was lao loans b diam. 5¼/4 in. PLATE LXXXIX. These are leaves of the sour pummelo, shown on the foregoing Plate LXXXVIII. a, b, and c are fully-developed rain leaves, and d, e, and ƒ are small spring leaves. They have f some tomentum on the under side of the mid-rib, and round the edges of the petiole wings. The petiole wings of b are the largest; most of the other leaves have them much smaller, the petioles of the small leaves being only ridged. The petiole in all is short, and different from the long one of the pummelo, proper. The leaves are serrated rather than crenated, and the serrations commence from the base of the leaf as in lemons. The oil-cells are as usual, and the scent citrine, but feeble. If not an Amilbéd, this large pummelo-like citrus may be a lemon of the "Gulgul" variety; and, having been grown in Calcutta, may have got a thicker skin than usual. The spines g and h are not unlike those of the lemon tribe; but the winged petiole inclines me to think it an Amilbéd. PLATE LXXXIX. length 541 d DD Pq a b گاه h f PLATE XC. This specimen was taken from the Garden of the Maharaja of Ulwar. called Amilbed. There it was a and b. Externally lemon-yellow, like an Amilbêd, but with a tendency to sub-wartiness; the skin thickish, and of a lemon scent; pulp pale orange and sharply acid. c is its well-developed leaf; thin, and its petiole only slightly margined. If this is not an Amilbêd, it may not be impossible that it is a yellow-skinned variety of the Khatta orange. PLATE XC. girth 113/4 in. ୮ し ​し ​a b diam. 334 in. 12 ། PLATE ХСІ. a, b, and c are leaves from a tree called Amilbéd, from the Garden of the Maharaja of Ulwar. Their serrations are indistinct ; the oil-cells minute and distant, as in pummelo- leaves. The upper side of petiole base is distinctly tomentose; all had slight serrations at tips, and they are thinner than is usual in pummelos proper. The green stem is as tomentose as that of a tomentose pummelo. The fruits are indistinguishable from small pummelos. The skin is inch thick and spongy; rind bitter; pulp pale, transparent and sour; it leaves a slight bitterness in the mouth. Seeds large, and rather like those of a pummelo, and white, when cut. Taking into consideration the indistinctness of the leaf serrations and oil-cells, these leaves would appear to be of a sour pummelo. Its large petiole wings point also in that direction. • PLATE XCI. & D D length 5½ in. PLATE XCII. These specimens were purchased from a shop in England. This kind is the shaddock, pummelo, or forbidden fruit of the English markets. The fruiterer said they came from Palestine. They are given for the purpose of comparison. a. Skin quite smooth, with transparent oil-cells of different sizes; of a pale citrine colour, and from to an inch thick; centre solid; pulp pale, like that of a lemon, sub- 2 acid and sweet, and slightly bitter; seeds many. b is a smaller specimen of the same kind, and of a pyriform shape. • N.B.-The fine large red pummelos of India appear to be unknown in the English markets. They can be carried long distances without spoiling. The thin-skinned, dark red, and juicy pummelo of the Bombay market is the best I have seen. It is doubtful whether this shaddock of the English markets is a pummelo proper. Gallesio says the Crusaders found the Pomo d'Adamo in Palestine, and that it is not the Pompelmoess, the latter being a new citrus introduced from the East Indies. PLATE XCII. girth 12/4 in. a girth 94 in. b # · PLATE XCIII. a is taken from the Herb. Amboyn. of Rumphius, vol. ii., Table xxxi. It is his Limonellus Madurensis (from Madura, in Java). (Vide Appendix, 41, j.) It is also called 66 Kimquit." Its tree is usually about 2 feet high. The fruit is not eaten raw, but preserved whole in sugar. d is the smaller "Kumquat," or China orange grown in Lucknow. This branch had margined petioles; but e show leaves without the margins; f is a section of its fruit with five carpels, the smallest number I have ever met with in this genus. The skin is very thin; the pulp pale orange, and sour; seeds greenish-white. g is a specimen of the " Kumquat" from Calcutta, used mainly as a decorative plant; both d and g were unripe specimens obtained in September. When ripe, the fruit is slightly larger, more oblate, and of an orange-yellow; h is a section with seven carpels. The leaves of the Calcutta specimen had linear petioles. b is taken from Table xxxiv., vol. ii., of Rumphius (same as Plate CXVI. A of this group); c shows a margined petiole on the same branch. He calls it Aurantium Sinense. His description of it coincides with that of the "Suntara Appendix, 41, 7.) orange of India. (Vide PLATE XCIII. a 2 girth 24 in. Ъ e f. girth 24 in. h д PLATE XCIV. a, b, c, and d I obtained from a tree in Benares, called "Hazara." It had innumerable oranges, both smaller and larger than the ordinary Kumquat. The name Hazára comes probably from the thousands of oranges it produces. The tree in question was over six feet high, and was covered with oranges The colour is bright yellow- orange, like that of the "Suntara"; oblate, smooth, or chagrined, and foveolate. Pulp, orange, sour; juice abundant; seeds green, when cut; rind loosely attached; aromatic, but not agreeably so; flowers small, white, five-petalled, scented. e, f, and g are its leaves; some having a linear, others a margined petiole; scent feeble. h and i came from Rohilcund, under the name of Hazara naringhi. Its leaves had linear petioles. The fruit was orange-red, very finely chagrined, with minute foveoli and intermediate miliary elevations. Pulp orange, juice plentiful and very sour; never sweetens; seeds greenish, and rind very thin. There were no spines on this branch. These Hazaras appear to be no other than overgrown Kumquats. j is taken from Risso's work. He calls it "Bigaradier Chinois"; acid, and slightly bitter. Probably it is the same as the Hazara and Kumquat, enlarged from the effects of climate and cultivation. PLATE XCIV. girth 4úin. a 6 carpels W С ď girth 3in. 7 carpels girth 2in y carpels N girth 4 in diam 13in. f 9 PLATE XCV. a came from Messrs. Carew & Co., Shahjahaupur, under the name of Reshmi naranghi. Thin skin, yellow-orange; pulp pale orange, sub-acid, with greenish seeds; b and c are its rain leaves; d, e, and f its spring leaves. g and h came from Benares, under the name of Reshmi narangi. The exterior of the fruit is sometimes chagrined, like a mandarin; at other times much smoother; skin loosely attached; pulp pale orange and sour; seeds green. i are the leaves that came with it. They are small spring leaves. The fruit shown had fourteen carpels. These two specimens appear to be no other than "Hazaras," or overgrown Kumquats. As the Kumquat is grown from seed, it probably may vary a good deal. Then cultivation, and difference of soil and climate are almost sure to induce other changes. 1 PLATE XCV. d Ъ а girth Sin. ї girth 5½ in. g diam 12 in F PLATE X C V I. a and b I obtained at Kandy, Ceylon, under the name of Nas-narun. It was reddish yellow and foveolate, otherwise smooth. Pulp pale and greenish, and very acid; skin very thin, and seeds numerous; c are its leaves. At the Colombo Market I obtained a much smaller specimen than this, but with similar characters. It was there called Oodoo-Dèhi. (Vide Plate CCXXIII., Fig. e.) d, e, and ƒ are the Surkh-nimboo (red lime) of Lucknow; very smooth and polished; pulp orange-yellow and sour. The fruit, when ripe, is of a reddish orange. g is a rain leaf, and h a spring leaf. over- Whether this Surkh-nimboo is a distinct variety from the Hazara, or an grown Hazara, I cannot say. Although the fruit is larger, it has similar characters; and so have the leaves. Any differences there might be would be quite compatible with differences producible from seed. PLATE XCVI. girth 53/4 in. girth 63/4in. а Ъ diam. 13 in. РФ d diam. 2 in. girth 54 in. f д PLATE XCVII. a and b came under the name of Bannàti-Benarsi-nimboo. C₂ This name, I was told, was derived from its red-cloth colour, which natives call Bannât. The surface was very finely chagrined, of an orange red colour. Pulp, orange; juice abundant and very sour; it never sweetens ; skin very thin. its rain leaf; d, its spring leaves. They resemble the leaves of the Suntara orange; d is the spine of the branch which came with it. e and ƒ is another specimen of Bannati-Benarsi-nimboo; red-orange externally, foveolate and slightly chagrined. Pulp, orange; juice abundant, and very sour. It never sweetens ; seeds green, when cut. The rind has a resinous aroma. g and h are its leaves, like those of the Suntara orange, and with feeble aroma. These two specimens do not appear to be different from the Surkh-nimboo. PLATE XCVII. girth 6 in. a Ъ diam 2 in. girth 6 in. diam 17/8 in. ď h d. 13 PLATE XCVIII. a and b is a sour orange, which came from Gonda, under the name of Khattà naringi. It is said to have come there from Lucknow. It is scarlet-orange and foveolate; rind not bitter or pungent, but with a slightly unpleasant resinous taste, and without any depressed mammilla at the apex, as in the sweet naringhi. Pulp, orange; juice abundant, and very acid, and with a slightly unpleasant flavour. Seeds green when cut; skin thin, and loosely attached. c is its rain leaf, with marked nerve-furrows on the upper surface; d, spring leaves. They have a feeble scent. The smallest of four oranges had a girth of 5 inches. from the Surkh-nimboo only in being slightly redder in colour. This appears to differ e and f is a Butwal orange, received from Raja Siva Prasad, C.S.I. It was sent to him from Nepal. Colour of the Suntara; pulp, orange; juice very abundant and sweet; skin aromatic, thin, and loosely attached. I found twenty-one seeds in one orange. They were green when cut. PLATE XCVIII. girth 6 in. a girth 614411. e 10 diam. Z in で ​ đ diam. 2 in 13,* PLATE XCIX. This is the interesting Butwal orange of Nepal sent by Major Buller from Gonda. It is the sweetest orange I have seen in India. Butwal is a Nepalese place near the borders of British India, and north of Goruckpore. Its proper name is Sūntolah or Suntòwrea orange. It is the colour of the Suntare orange, smooth and slightly foveolate; many seeded; but in some the seeds are empty. Skin, thin and closely fitting, but easily peeled off; pulp, deep orange, sweeter than any other kinds of Suntara when fully ripe, only very slightly mixed with sub-acid. Seeds green, when cut; centre hollow. is the section of k. i and j is a flat specimen, which came came with the others; d is a rain leaf of the Butwal orange; e, f, and g are spring leaves. h are the spines which came with them. This is evidently a variety of the Suntara orange. It grows in a semi-wild state in Butwal, and appears to get no cultivation whatever. Externally some are more or less rough, and more or less foveolate, especially round the base and apex. PLATE XCIX. . a Ъ с girth 6% in girth 6½ in. girth 6/4 in. gith 82 iw. girth 6½ in. h f У h alal colon diam. 23/4 in. diam. 2 in. .... Um * 2 **** PLATE C. a and b is the Sungtara orange of Mooltan, kindly sent by the Deputy Commissioner of that district. It was smooth and very slightly chagrined, with large and small foveoli closely set. Pulp, orange and sub-acid and sweet; juice abundant; thin skin. Like the Keonla orange, the juice-vesicles are mostly sessile. At the angles between the dissepiments, and the back of the carpel, there are some pedicelled vesicles. c and d are rain leaves, the former with a broadly-margined petiole, and e and ƒ spring leaves. On the branch sent there were no spines. g and h is a specimen I purchased at the Colombo market, and called there Heen-nàrun. It was orange-yellow, smooth, except round the apex, and with shallow foveoli. Pulp, deep orange; juice abundant, and of a pleasant flavour, with large vesicles; seeds green, when cut. The oil-cells were of various sizes, the largest occupying the whole thickness of the skin. This appears to be like the Konda-nàrun of Kandy, and the Nagpore orange of India. i was a smaller specimen, at the apex it had an obliterated mammilla. PLATE C. g b C girth 7% in. qarah 8 3.4 in. girth 83/4 77 ستند diam. 27/8 in ८ بله diam 278117 f PLATE CI. a and b is the Konda-ndrun of Kandy, Ceylon; mostly pyriform, chagrined, and foveolate, more so round both base and apex; oil-cells of rind distinct; pulp, deep orange, and well flavoured; seeds green, when cut. This was an unripe specimen. Its centre was filled with a cottony fibre, which probably disappears when the fruit ripens; although the exterior was green the larger oil-cells of the rind were already turning orange. c is its rain leaf; d and e its spring leaves. f, g, h, and i are other specimens of the same Konda-närun. j is the section of i. This Konda-nârun of Ceylon appears to me to be identical with the Nagpore orange, or merely a variety of it. There is a notion in Ceylon that this orange never gets coloured, and they consequently look upon it as a green orange. Indeed, it is not possible to obtain an orange one at the market. It is sufficiently well flavoured in its green state in December. However, I purchased some on the 11th December, and took them with me to Etawah, which I reached on the 1st January. Most of them, by that time, had turned of a yellow-orange. Probably this is Probably this is a variety which, even in Ceylon, colours late. It is well flavoured when fully ripe, and travels well. NOTE.-Rumphius, in his chapter on "Aur. Sinence," mentions a green orange, which, if left on the tree till it becomes orange, is worthless. PLATE CI. girth 8 in. girth 8 3/4 in a f girth 8/2m. Ъ diam:. 2.3% in 9 girth 8½ in. بله d girth Tin. e diam. 2% in PLATE CI 1. a and b is the Nagpore orange, grown in Nagpore, and which I purchased at one of the railway stations in the Central Provinces. The skin is thin; pulp, deep orange, deeper coloured than the rind; juice very abundant, and of a pleasant flavour; rind loosely adhering, the white tissue of the skin being very scanty. Surface smooth, only foveolate round the base and apex. All Nagpore oranges are neither so smooth nor so regular in form as this. The mammilla at the base is rather typical of one of the Nagpore varieties. I saw some with the mammilla so flattened that it was practically obliterated; others were oblate at both base and apex. One had an areola, or remains of a mammilla on the apex. The Nagpore orange is one of the best Suntaras of India. c and d is the Nagpore orange, grown in Etawah. It has the Suntara colour, with abundant juice, a very pleasant mixture of sub-acid and sweet. When ripe the rind is aromatic, not bitter, loosely attached to the pulp; centre hollow; seeds greenish, when cut; e and ƒ are its rain leaves; g and h its spring leaves. Usually the Nagpore orange tree has no spines, but i shows what it can sometimes produce. 1 PLATE CII. girth 734 in. a girth 834 in. f Mzsoles lae de diam 2½ in. diam. 27's in. で ​ p PLATE CIII. a and b is the Nagpore orange, grown in Lucknow. It has the same surface and colour of the Suntara. It is baggy, with the apex much depressed; most specimens have a prominent base, but not all. Pulp, a shade deeper than the ordinary Suntara; carpels loosely adherent, with a space between them and the skin; centre hollow; seeds green, when cut. c and e are rain leaves; d and ƒ are spring leaves; their scent is like that of the Suntara leaves. g and h is the Sylhet orange, as grown in Lucknow from seed. Exterior exactly like a baggy Suntara; pulp also similar; carpels loosely held together, with a space between them. and the pulp-ball; centre hollow; seeds green, when cut. The original Sylhet oranges of Lucknow were seedlings raised from seeds of the Calcutta Sylhet oranges, or oranges, or Kamlà lemboo. The tree does not spread horizontally as much as the Nagpore or Suntara proper, but straight upwards. It is the most productive of the Suntara group, and appears to suit the climate and soil of Lucknow better than either the Nagpore or Suntara proper varieties. It has larger leaves than the latter. j is a rain leaf, and i is a spring leaf. PLATE CIII. girth "934 in. a त्रे girth 9½ in.. 2 b diam. 3/8 in. 9 h long diam. 3'8 in. ď f PLATE CIV. a and b is the Suntara orange proper, Suntara orange proper, as grown in Lucknow. Of a smooth yellow-orange colour, with scarcely any foveoli, and with minute miliary projections. Apex much depressed; most of these oranges have also a depressed base. Pulp, orange, of about the same shade as the rind; very juicy, and, when ripe, of a pleasant sub-acid and sweet flavour; centre large and hollow, with a space between skin and pulp-ball; seeds green, when cut. The hollow space beneath the skin makes it feel baggy. All these Suntara oranges are very good floaters. c is a rain leaf, and d a spring leaf. e and f is the Suntara proper of Delhi. It is also called Rungtra, Sungtra, and Suntra. It is of a bright orange-yellow, with a smooth surface as before. The base has often a flattened mammilla. The oil-cells of the skin are distinct, and their rotundity quite visible on the inside of the skins, as it has little pith; g is the section of f, with a thin skin, and very small space between it and the pulp-ball; pulp, transparent orange, of a pleasant mixture of sweet and sub-acid; centre hollow; seeds green, when cut. h and i are spring leaves, with the usual scent of all leaves of this Suntara group. PLATE CIV. girth 10'2 in a e f girth 8½ in. girth 8 in. ་ diam. 32 3½ in. diam. 2'27. h مجد 乙 ​PLATE CV. a and b is a Suntara orange from Rohilcund, with all the characters of the Suntara orange. This was an unripe specimen, obtained in October, of a bright green, turning yellowish in parts. It floated well. (Vide Chapter on "Derivations of Vernacular Names.") c are small spring leaves of the same. The specimen sent had no spines. d and e is the Naranghi, from Rohilcund. It was unripe, and of a bright green, turning reddish in parts. It had all the characters of a Suntara orange, perhaps with a more chagrined exterior. It floated very well. f are its spring leaves. The specimen sent had no spines. I could see no decided difference between these two oranges, although they came with distinct names. The colour of the "Naranghi," when ripe, may be redder, and the surface rougher; but such variations are frequently found on the same tree. PLATE CV. girth 83/4 in с a Б diam 23/4711 girth 8/4 in. = d diam. 2/4in. 21/4 In 14 PLATE CVI. a and b was kindly sent to me by Dr. J. Shortt, from Yercaud, in the Shevaray Hills, S. India. He stated it is there called the country orange. Madras it is called Kitchlee. Natives call it Kolinje, and about Externally deep orange, smooth; slightly foveolate. The rind had a peculiar scent, with the aroma of the "Lantana." It was faintly five-sided, and had fourteen carpels. The pulp was rather pale orange; the juice thick with mucilage, and did not taste like that of ordinary oranges; with a sui generis flavour. The skin was loosely attached, and the flavour was not what I should call pleasant, with a soupçon of bitter. c shows its juice-vesicles, with pedicelled ones only at the circumference angles of the carpels. d and e are oranges I purchased at Mangalore. I was told they came from Coorg. They appeared to be Suntara oranges of the Nagpore variety. The pulp was deep orange; juice abundant and sweet, and the seeds were few. The exterior was of a pale orange and fovelate; the centre was hollow; f is the section of d, which had a flattened mammilla at the base. At Calicut and Cochin I found small oranges of the same stamp as those of Mangalore. Probably they came also from Coorg, although at Cochin they said they came from Madras. I was informed that in Canarese the orange is called Kitle-hannoo (hannoo=fruit), PLATE CVI. girth 84.mn. a b girth. 84in. d d short diam 258 in. girth 8½ in. e ہو تو ป f diam 2½ in. 14+ PLATE CVII. a and b is the Buxa orange (Bhootan), kindly sent at the request of Colonel Rutherford, 33rd Regiment, N.I. It is of the Suntara type, with yellow-orange exterior, and with large distant foveoli, more pronounced in the south half; skin loose, and in every way as good, but not better, than the Slyhet orange. e was smaller and smoother, and externally much like the Butwal orange. to in De Probably this Buxa orange may be the "sweet orange" alluded to in Candolle's Origin of Cultivated Plants, p. 185, where he says, "Turner's expedition C gathered delicious' wild oranges at Buxadooar, a locality to the N.E. of Rungpur, in the province of Bengal." d and e is the Bhootan orange from Gonda, Oudh. It has all the characters of a Suntara, though not baggy; sub-warty round the apex; pulp, deep orange, with a good sub-acid and sweet flavour; juice abundant; centre hollow; seeds green, when cut. The skin was closely adherent, but easily separated; f are its spring leaves, with the Suntare scent. This orange came on the 24th January, and was still green, only tinged with orange. If not a dumrez, it is a good late orange; or perhaps of a variety similar to the green orange of Kandy. PLATE CVII. girth 8½ in girth 9/4 in. a شكة b girth 7 in. diam. 2.3/4 in. diam. 27/8 in. ФФ PLATE CVIII. a, b, and e is the Suntara orange of Poona, light orange colour, and puffy to the feel. Apex greatly depressed, and rather warty all round it. It had an irregular mammilla at the base, depressed, and with furrows all round it as round it as seen in longitudinal section c. Foveoli not very distinct, except among the warts. The small oil-cells are represented by minute miliary convexities. It floats very well. Pulp, deep orange, deeper than the rind. The white tissue of the skin is almost absent, except at the angles between the pulp carpels; centre hollow; juice abundant, and of a pleasant sweet and sub-acid flavour. Juice-vesicles large, and attached also to the sides of the carpel, a little way up. This is also of the Suntara type, orange-yellow d and e is the Jawa-nàrun of Kandy, Ceylon. when ripe. The oil-cells of the skin distinet; pulp, orange and juicy; seeds green, when cut; agreeable flavour, and in every way like a Suntara. f is its rain leaf, and g its smaller spring leaves, with the Suntara scent. PLATE CVIII. girth 10/½ in. girth 10 in. مشبه a a b diam. 3lain. バ ​ diam. 3hain و PLATE CIX. a and b is the Jawa-nàrun of Colombo, called also by some Jamboo-narun. It has an orange- yellow exterior, all up and down, uneven and baggy, gathered up into folds, and with a pronounced mammilla at the base; much chagrined, with miliary convexities, but hardly foveolate at all. It floats well. The oil-glands of the skin are very pronounced, of various sizes, the largest touching the pulp-ball. Even when the exterior is still green, the oil-cells are of an orange colour, and resemble juice- vesicles. Pulp, deep orange, with large vesicles; juice abundant, and very pleasant; hollow centre; seeds slightly greenish, when cut; apex depressed. b shows the size of skin oil-cells, and also that of juice-vesicles. c is a smaller and less uneven specimen. d and e is the Sungtara of Lahore, wrongly named also Karna. This is the most pyriform of all specimens I have seen, and a distinct variety; bright yellow-orange, finely and closely chagrined, with miliary convexities; round and shallow oil-cell depressions. When shaken the pulp-globe wabbles inside. The section d shows how loosely the pulp carpels are attached to one another and to the skin. Pulp, pale orange, and, from being kept too long on the tree, rather dry, with the juice-vesicles somewhat concrete; seeds green, when cut; centre hollow. Two specimens were sent, both very pyriform. ƒ is a fully-developed rain leaf with large crenations. g are spring leaves, all with the Suntara scent. NOTE.-In No. 266 of Miss North's gallery of oil-paintings, Royal Gardens, Kew, are given pictures both of this Jawa-narun and of the green orange of Ceylon. PLATE CIX. a ď girth 103/4 in diam 3 in. ہے ло C diam. 3½ in girth Win. e girth widest part 9½ in. f д PLATE CX. a and b is the At Anni of Rampur, Rohilcund. Its name, I am told, about half the size of a pummelo-from At Anna (eight annas specimen was unripe, and quite green. comes from its being half a rupee). This It had a very curious exterior. The large and almost equi-distant foveoli A A are connected one with the other by means of slight and sinuous furrows, as shown at A A, mapping the whole surface into irregular squares or triangles. The intermediate spaces are filled with miliary convexities, representing the smaller oil-cells, while the depressions represent the larger oil-cells, as shown in section b. The pulp is pale pinkish-orange; the juice is plentiful, and of a rather pleasant sweet and sub-acid flavour. The juice-vesicles are rather large. The oil-cells of the skin appear distinctly of three sizes. Those most deeply placed are the largest, and correspond to the large foveoli or depressions above mentioned. The pulp carpels are all emarginate in section. c and d are spring leaves; they were thin, and resembled those of the Suntara. slightly margined at the petiole. I found no spines on the branch sent. Some were PLATE CX. a 1000 girth 12 uv. diam. 33/4 in. 3 00 ď PLATE CX I. a and b is a ripe At Anni from Mr. Kinloch's garden, at Etawah. It is of a yellow-orange colour externally, much chagrined, with large foveoli at certain distances, with sinuous broken furrows radiating from them. Between the large foveoli are smaller ones, as shown at A. Some specimens were smoother than the one given. The rind is aromatic and pungent, but scarcely bitter. The pulp is a pale orange, streaked with lighter shades, of a pleasant rather sweetish acid; centre solid and filled up; seeds greenish white, when cut. c is a rain leaf; d, e, and f spring leaves. The young leaves have a scent of the Keonla orange leaf. The old leaves are leathery. Flowers are rather large, four or five petalled. Those I saw on the tree were single and axillary. The young shoots are of a yellowish-green. N.B.-The young stems and leaves are pubescent. The white tissue of the skin is thick and spongy. PLATE CXI. А سکھتے a girth 13½rn Sam diam 4½ in 10 е d PLATE CXII. Shows a large At Át Anni from Gonda, Oudh, which came under the name of Naringi. Externally it was of a maize-orange colour, very rough and sub-warty. At certain distances there were depressions, and sinuous furrows radiating from them; then intermediate foveoli, with smaller sinuosities converging towards them, and finally between these again there were miliary oil-cells, as shown at A. All over the surface there was, in addition, what appear to have been minute cracks, which had healed up. The character and scent of this At Anni leaves, and the looseness of its skin indicate, I think, relationship with the Suntara orange. Not improbably it may be a Decumana variety of the Suntara group. It is very suggestive that on this "Decumana" variety the young shoots and leaves should be also found pubescent, as in some varieties of the pummelo. PLATE CXII. ж girth 'zo in. PLATE CXIII. a is a section of the preceding large At Anni from Gonda (Plate CXII). The oil-cells of the skin are large; the white portion of the skin is very thick and spongy. The skin is easily separated from the pulp-ball. The pulp is pale orange, of a pleasant sub-acid. Eaten with sugar it is very nice. The juice-vesicles are large and like those of a pummelo. The juice is abundant; the seeds are large and of a cream, or greenish-cream, colour, when cut. They are more like those of an orange than of a pummelo. Under the name of Nimboo Shirnee, two small specimens were sent from the Maharaja's garden, at Mathora, Gonda. They had the same characters and the same flavour as this At Anni. Some of the carpels were burst open towards the centre, as shown in section a, and the juice-vesicles projected into the hollow centre, as shown at A A. The central pith column, by expansion, was separated into four pieces, as shown at B B. b and c are rain leaves; d and e spring leaves. All leathery, and with a Suntara scent. f is the spine which came on the branch. 1 PLATE CXIII. по игорь diam. а તું 15 PLATE CXIV. Is the Rungpur lime from Saharunpore Botanic Garden, called by the native gardener Rungpolang; which is nothing but a transformation of "Rungpur lime." a and b are the same fruit, of a lobster-red round the apex, and of a yellow-orange round the base; smooth and very slightly foveolate all over; has an elastic feel, and no sign of mammilla at the apex. Skin, although closely-fitting, is easily removed. • The section b is exactly like that of a Nagpore Suntara orange; juice abundant, and very sour; centre hollow; seeds of a greenish-cream colour, when cut. d and e are the spring leaves of a, with a very faint scent. c was smooth like a surkh-nimboo, very thin-skinned; pulp, pale orange, and very sour; of a rather orangy flavour. When unripe the skin adheres to the pulp, like that of a sweet lemon. f, g, h are the leaves of c. Both these specimens came from the same garden. The former was sent to me; the latter was unripe in October, and which I plucked myself. NOTE. This and the following specimeus I obtained late, and are, therefore, placed at the end of the group. PLATE CXIV. girth 7/4 in а Ъ girth 6/h in. d д ام ч 15* PLATE CX V. This is the Shôr orange of Almora, Kumaon. Plucked in October, and therefore rather unripe. It is the Suntara orange of Kumaon, sent by Mr. A. Harris. a and b are one fruit, much chagrined, green, turning yellowish; skin with flavour of Suntara; pulp deep orange, sour-sweet; centre solid, probably because unripe; seeds green, when cut. Skin rather thick and solid; always so in the unripe Suntara. By further ripeness and expansion the centre would become hollow, and the skin thinner and looser. The seeds have a rather long beak. c is a slightly smoother specimen. This orange of Kumaon is called indifferently Shôr, Sitowli, or Gangoli orange of Almora. There appears to be no difference between a and c. The names are taken from the places where they are grown. d is the leaf of a. e and ƒ came with c. They were pale green, with deeper green veins. PLATE CXV. girth 7/sin. a Ъ ď e f girth 74 in. PLATE CX V I. This is an At Annî, which I plucked from the Roshnara bagh, Delhi. October, and unripe. a. I got it in The exterior is not clearly marked out by furrows, as in the other specimens of Plates CX. and CXI.; but the prominence of the small oil-cells in the would-be inter- mediate spaces is very distinct. The surface is deeply chagrined. b is from the same tree, but not go pyriform; the large oil-cells are depressed, and the intermediate smaller ones very prominent, giving the surface a chagrined appearance. c is the leaf of this At Anni. It has a feeble scent; petioles distinctly pubescent on upper side of their base; young stems also distinctly pubescent, under the magnifying glass. The pulp of this citrus has a pale orange tinge; juice of a pleasant acid flavour. • (The pulp of a ripe At Anni, eaten with sugar, is nice.) Its centre was solid, probably because unripe, and it was full of seeds. PLATE CXVI. а Ъ girth 13 in. girth 10 in. PLATE CXVIA. This Plate shows the Aurantium Sinense of Rumphius more fully than Plate XCIII., Figs. b and c. a and b show the leaves of adult trees; b shows them with margined petioles; c shows the leaves and spines of a young branch. d is a separate and enlarged fruit, to show its proper form. From this description of Rumphius, I have no doubt whatever that this is identical with the "green" Suntara orange of Kandy-the Kònda-nàrun. " Rumphius describes two varieties of this Suntara, a larger and a smaller. In the copy of the Royal Botanic Garden of Seebpore there are notes on the back of this plate, written by Buchanan Hamilton. He writes: The large kind is the Sylhet orange; and the small kind is the Midnapore orange." In India there are now many varieties of the Suntara type. PLATE CXVIA. C d Ъ α PLATE CXVII, a and b is a true Mandarin orange, plucked at Etawah, in the unripe state in September. The exterior is deep green, coarsely chagrined, and shiny, as if varnished. Pulp, when unripe, is pale orange-yellow; juice abundant, of a pleasant sweetish sub-acid. f c is a typical rain leaf, decidedly and distantly serrated in its tip-half with spine; d, e, and are spring leaves, apparently entire, A whole branch had leaves averaging from g to h. On the same branch I found spines from an inch long to less than inch, i is a myrtle leaf of the rainy season. A leaf of myrtle and one of Mandarin could scarcely be distinguished by the eye. is taken from Risso's monograph. He called it "Bigaradier à feuilles de myrte." "It has a shiny chagrined skin, sometimes larger than that pictured; pulp orange-yellow, sweet and sub-acid." It appears to me not improbable that this Bigaradier of Risso and the Mandarin orange are identical. NOTE.-In Andrew's Repository there is a picture of a Mandarin orange called C. nobilis. It has immense leaves and very large flat fruit. If this be a true Mandarin, climate and culture have made a great change, both in its leaf and fruit PLATE CXVII. C ď g Дх е & h a Ъ girth Cžin PLATE CXVIII. a and b is a ripe true Mandarin, plucked from a tree in the Peradeniya Botanic Garden, Ceylon. Dr. Trimen told me that in 1847 H.H. Ibrahim Pashà, of Egypt, sent a collection of orange plants to Peradeniya, and that probably these Mandarins were descendants of some of them. The rind and leaves of the true Mandarin have an aroma distinct from all other orange trees that I have seen, although it is allied to that of the Keonla of India. The exterior of this orange was smooth and shiny; oil-cells distinct, as shown at A. It was not perfectly ripe, and the colour was orange-yellow (December); skin thin, and loosely adherent to the pulp; the latter being orange-yellow, with large cells, as shown in one of the carpels; seeds green, when cut. The rind had an aroma distinctly that of a true Mandarin; juice abundant, and of a very pleasant flavour. The oil-cells of the rind project like little balloons into the scanty, and white loose areolar tissue. c is a rain leaf, and d and e spring leaves, both with a sui generis aroma. f and g is a ripe Mandarin orange from the Etawah Jail Garden, introduced from Lucknow. Exterior bright orange, foveolate and chagrined, especially round the apex. The typical shape is slightly pyriform; some are more globose. Pulp orange; seeds green, when cut; centre hollow. In this and the Lucknow climate and soil the pulp is dryish. h is a rain leaf; i, j, and k are spring leaves; I its spines. Often it is spineless. PLATE CXVIII. a 100 400 А girth 3 64 in Ъ f д googo diam. 3 in d h て ​k Z PLATE CXIX. a and b is a globose Mandarin orange from Lucknow, with a close but loose skin; bright orange, smooth, and simply foveolate; pulp orange, paler than the rind, with a special aroma. The pulp is dry; the centre hollow and small. c is a rain leaf; d and e spring leaves. The petioles are linear and without wings. The scent of the leaves reflects somewhat that of the rind, but it is a sui generis scent, and allied to that of Keonla leaves. In a suitable climate and soil the flavour of the Mandarin orange pulp is exquisite, and the juice abundant. ƒ and g was obtained from Auraya, unripe in September. It is what natives call Naràngi; loose-skinned and about the size of a Keonla orange, but said to be sweeter.. The glandular portion of the rind is thick, and the white portion thin; pulp, in its unripe state, is pale orange-yellow and sour; seeds numerous, and conspicuously green, when cut. PLATE CXIX. girth 8ź in a girth 44 in 9 b F I PLATE CXX. 1 a and b is a Narangi orange, sent by Messrs. Carew & Co., of Shahjahanpur; chagrined and covered with foveoli. The intermediate spaces have small cells, decidedly convex. The rind of the unripe fruit is deep green; pulp pale orange, sub-acid, and sweet. c is a rain leaf, and d and e spring leaves. ƒ is a Naràngi orange from Gonda. Exterior scarlet, and foveolate, with a depressed mammilla; oil-cells of rind large and distinct; pulp orange; juice abundant, and more like a Keonla orange; centre hollow; seeds green, when cut. h and i are spring leaves, with the scent of Keonla leaves. This appears a small form of Keonla, All these Narangi oranges are more chagrined than those of the Suntara type, and frequently they have a depressed mammilla. They appear a sweeter variety than the common Keonly. PLATE CXX. a girth 14 in. b f girth 64 in д P P ď e 16 PLATE CXXI. a and b is the Nas-narun of Colombo, called there Mandarin. Externally it is deep orange, smooth and pitted all over with minute foveoli. The intermediate cells are not distinct. Skin loosely attached to pulp. The pulp is orange, and large celled. The juice has a pleasant flavour, and the seeds seeds are green, when cut. This orange appeared to me to have the character of the Reshmi orange of Upper India. It is not a true Mandarin. I was told that its juice is used medicinally, mixed with other things, and poured into the nose, for headaches, &c. It is also eaten. c and d is the Heen-ndrun of Kandy. Shaped like a tomato, with surface distinctly foveolate. It is depressed at both base and apex, and the colour, when ripe, is that of a boiled lobster. The oil-cells of the rind are large and distinct; pulp deep orange; juice- cells large; flavour not unpleasant-sub-acid and aromatic; seeds green, when cut. e is a smaller one of the same variety; g and h are its leaves; is another form, and i and j are its leaves. The leaves of these two had the scent of the Keonla orange; c, e, and ƒ were distinctly like the Reshmi orange of India. PLATE CXXI. girth 64 in لله Ъ C girth 54 in д h D v girth 64 in f level で ​d 16* PLATE CXXII. a and is a Reshmi Narangi, taken from Raja Siva Prasad's Garden, at Benares, flat and tomato-like; depressed at both base and apex; colour, when quite ripe, of a lobster- i red. On the apex especially it is often as red as a tomato. Pulp orange, and juice abundant; it does not sweeten completely, but remains sub-acid; juice-cells stout and short; seeds green, when cut. The rind is loosely attached, and has the scent of Lantana; aromatic, but not agreeably so. c and d are the leaves of this orange, rounded and crenated, like those of a Keonla. The scent of the leaves is also similar, but not so pronounced. e and ƒ is the same Reshmi orange from Lucknow; does not sweeten till late. g is a smaller and smoother form. h and i are its rain and spring leaves. k is the section of a Keonla orange from Gonda; externally sub-warty, with a thickish, loose skin, containing the largest oil-cells I have seen. The juice-cells were of an orange- colour; juice sweetish acid; seedless. Leaves had the scent of the Keonla. PLATE CXXII. girth 54in لله gerth 64 in ло д f た ​ФФ ч PLATE CXXIII. a and b is a Keonla from Bulrampur, Gonda; of a lobster-red colour on its apex half; chagrined and foveolate; with a flattened mammilla on the apex. It felt baggy, from the skin being very loose. c was a smaller one from the same place. d and e are their leaves. The oil-cells, as shown in b, are very large and distinct, and the pith around them easily removed so as to expose the globular orange-coloured oil- cells, the largest of which had a diameter of 1 inch. The rind was sweet and pungent; pulp orange and sub-acid; juice-vesicles coarse; seeds very few, and green, when cut. f and g is a Keonla from Lucknow; deep orange and chagrined, more like a Mandarin than a Suntara, but of a deeper red, rather a lobster-red. On the apex there is often a flattened mammilla. Pulp is of the same colour as the Suntara, but not so juicy, and more sour. Seeds green, when cut. PLATE CXXIII. girth 94 in a ло girth Jin с e Q P f girth 94 in g PLATE CXXIV. a and b is a Keonla orange from Benares. smaller, 7 inches in girth, and orange, inclining to lobster-red. This is a good average-sized Keonla; others are a few still larger. When quite ripe, of a red This specimen was sub-verrucose sub-verrucose; rind strongly aromatic, rather resinous, and loosely attached. The pulp was distinctly sour, other- wise it did not differ from others of the same type. c and d are its leaves; rounded and often emarginate, crenate, and with a distinct aroma. e and ƒ is an unripe Keonla from Etawah. The apex is rough, sinuous, and sub-warty, with a pushed-in mammilla. Oil-cells large, and easily dissected from the white pithy tissue; pulp bright orange; juice-cells coarse, and, when fully ripe, sweetish. g are some of the juice-cells; very few were pedicelled, they were mostly sessile, and some not larger than the oil-cells of the rind. h and i are well-developed rain leaves; and j and k well-developed spring leaves. The young canes from the bottom of the trunk have spines like the Sylhet and Suntara varieties. PLATE CXXIV. girth 8 in خنة girth yire a g میں PLATE CXXV. a and b I purchased at the Bombay market. I was told it came from Aurungabad, Deccan. It is the most warty orange of the Keonla type I have seen. Externally deep orange, with its apex half very warty. The apex has a distinct mammilla, also warty, pushed in, and depressed in its centre. Each wart of this orange has usually one or more distinct foveoli. The base half is slightly rugose and foveolate. Pulp deep orange; juice fine-flavoured, and abundant; juice-vesicles large, and attached also to the sides of the carpels. This appears a desirable variety of the Keonla type. It has few seeds, and a fine flavour. c shows the interior surface of the rind, with the pithy white tissue dissected off. There was a space between the skin and pulp-ball. d and e is a Keonla from one of the Poona orchards. On the apex it had only a warty and depressed aureola, not a distinct mammilla; it had a large space between the skin and pulp-ball, with connecting pith-fibres, as shown in section; pulp deep orange, distinctly sub-acid; seeds green, when cut; centre hollow. ƒ and g are its leaves, distinctly crenate, with all the characters of Keonla leaves. } PLATE CXXV. بره ما s C ju girth gin. a し ​L ८ 2 し ​1 girth S 9½ in 358 S L 10 Ъ e 0000000000 f д PLATE CXXV I. a and b is a variety I obtained also in one of the Poona orchards. It is there called "Laroo." It is quite flat, with a prominent mammilla at the base. The apex is much depressed. It is of a lobster-red, bladdery, and loose-skinned; foveolate all over very markedly and deeply; between the skin and pulp-ball there is a large space, as shown in section, with connecting fibres. The pulp is orange, large-vesicled, sub-acid, and not very sweet; seeds green, when cut; centre hollow; seeds few.* c, d, and e are its leaves; rounded and distinctly crenate, with a distinct Keonla scent. On the petioles of the young leaves I found scattered hairs. ƒ and g I purchased in the Bombay market. I was told it was a Keonla from Delhi. Its colour was lobster-red, much chagrined and sub-warty, and foveolate. It had a depressed mammilla on the apex; skin loosely attached, and the quarters, or carpels, loosely adhering; pulp orange; vesicles coarse; juice not very abundant, and distinctly sub-acid; centre hollow; seeds greenish, when cut. 樂 ​Can this be the same as the large flat Mandarin pictured in the Botanical Kepository? PLATE CXXVI. girth 11½ in. a c girth 114 in f ८ E 도달 ​३ C д a : C e d PLATE CXXVII. This shows the Kôkni orange of Saharunpore and Delhi. a and b are one fruit one fruit; chagrined, especially round the apex. I only saw it when unripe, in October. The skin is loosely adherent, and strongly aromatic; pulp orange, juicy, and sub-acid, when unripe. It is said to sweeten, when ripe; centre solid in October; seeds green, when cut. c is a smaller specimen, with some of the smallest leaves on. id and e are well-developed leaves; and ƒ and g are small spring leaves. leaves corresponds more to those of the Keonla than any other. the Kumquat when ripe. I believe in Saharmpore its English name is "China orange." small orange of China. It may be this. The scent of its It is redder than Rumphius mentions a PLATE CXXVII. girth 54in a d girth 4in) e f g ло PLATE CXX VIII. These four oranges are all true Mandarins, purchased at an English shop, given here for purposes of comparison. Each is from a different firm, and probably all come from Spain. They all have the same character; pitted all over with foveoli, and shiny. a had the brand of "Vives navarrete; Oliva." Firm, A. Barraca. b was "Mandarina Catarroja; Valencia." Firm, Pedrer. C "Mandarine Extra; Espagne; Abaran." Firm, D'Ginestar et fils. d "Sinibaldo Gutierez; Gandia; 50 milms.' ~, a, b, and c were simply enveloped in thin tissue paper, and each orange wrapper had the brand of the firm. d, besides a wrapper of tissue paper, had a second one of fine tin foil to each orange. This flat tomato shape is typical of the true Mandarin, when grown in a suitable soil and climate. PLATE CXXVIII. girth Min. а girth 6½ in. girth yin. Ъ girth Fin 17 PLATE CXXIX. b and c is the "Jamir It had a somewhat ventricose of Almora, sent by Mr. H. Harris. appearance, but the general outline was that of a typical Malta lemon; not improbably it may be a link between the two types. Exterior lemon-yellow, studded closely with minute foveoli; inclined to be sub-warty, or verrucose; slightly aromatic. Skin thick, pulp pale, with a tinge of orange-yellow; juice abundant, and very acid; seeds many, but all shrivelled and without a kernel. d is a typical rain leaf; e and f typical spring leaves; and g its spines. e is taken from the Flor. Amboin. of Rumphius, vol. ii., Table xxvi., Fig. 2. He calls it Limo tuberosus, or Lemon Martin. He says it is allied to Limo ventricosus (Plate XXVI., Fig. 1), but that the former has very different leaves from the latter. It is impossible, from Rumphius's plates, to judge of the size of the fruit. Probably this Limo tuberosus is of the lemon group, but may have some connection with the Jambiri. PLATE CXXIX. a し ​C し ​с し ​girth 8/3 in. Ъ C d g 17* PLATE CX X. X. Two forms of Jhambiri. a and b is the Jhambiri from Dhama Chowree, Gonda, one of the late Maharaja's gardens. The exterior is lemon-yellow, inclining in parts to orange-yellow; rind verrucose and aromatic; pulp lemon-yellow, and very sour, with the structure of a Keonla orange; seeds green, when cut; rind lemon-flavoured, but unpleasant. It had no prominent mammilla. c and d are the leaves of the same. e and f is the Thambiri lime of the Saharunpore Botanic Garden. It is lemon-yellow, with an elastic feel; foveolate all over, and with here and there a slight eminence, as if It has a flattened mammilla. The skin is loose like it tried to be verrucose. that of a Keonla orange. The appearance of the pulp is also that of the Keonla, excepting that it is very pale yellow; juice abundant and pure acid; centre hollow; seeds greenish white, when cut. g, h, and i are its spring leaves; flowers small, half inch diameter, faintly tinged purple ; young shoots green; spines mere feeble points. In all respects this Thambiri is like a Keonla orange, excepting colour of rind and pulp. The scent and shape of the leaves, and the colour of the seeds, are more like those of a lemon. PLATE CXXX. с C し ​し ​а C Ъ } д фот f PLATE CXXX I. Other forms of Jhambìri. a and b I obtained at one of the G.I.P. Ry. stations in the Central Provinces. I was told it is called Thambiri. It is shaped like a Keonla orange; surface rough, gathered into folds round the base, with a pronounced and flattened mammilla on the apex, and a deep furrow all round it, as shown in section b. Externally of a clear lemon-yellow, deeply pitted all over with foveoli and intermediate indistinct oil-cells. b is a longitudinal section, showing its hollow centre and the small and large juice-vesicles very distinctly. Cells of rind very distinct; pulp with a pale orange tint; juice-cells rather large, like those of the Keonla; juice abundant and sour. It reminded me, both in flavour and sourness, of an unripe Keonla orange. c and d rain leaves; e and f spring leaves. All leaves were emarginate on on the branch I took. They were rather lemon scented. In shape they were similar to those of the Keonla; g is its spine. h, i, and j is the Jamiri of Rohilcund; pale lemon-yellow; chagrined. The mammilla is flattened and pushed in, as shown in j; pulp pale and very sour, never sweetens; centre hollow. k, l, and m are the leaves that came with it. n is its spine. PLATE CXXXI. し ​し ​girth 6724in し ​لله α Ъ diam. 24 in で ​mom 0000 g 7 j ФФФР e f PLATE CXXXII. Other forms of Jhambìri. a and b is a Jhambìri from Lucknow, which came marked No. 1. Its exterior is lemon- yellow, much chagrined; with folds round the base, and a depressed mammilla orange of the loose-skinned type. Pulp It never sweetens; centre hollow; flowers on the apex. It has the shape of an pale, like that of a lemon, and very sour. very faintly tinged purple. c is a smoother specimen. d is a spring leaf, with distant and scarcely perceptible serrations. e is a rain leaf, with distinct crenations. There is a yellow and a red variety of Jhambìri in Lucknow, and the flowers of both are faintly tinged purple, and the young shoots are green. I ƒ and g is a citrus, which came from Benares under the name of "Another Nepâlee." believe it is nothing but a Jhambìri, much chagrined round the base and apex, otherwise smooth, with a flattened mammilla; pulp pale and very sour. It was sent without leaves. Its section is more like a "Keonla orange than a Nepâlee lemon. PLATE CXXXII. girth 7 in a ло ď な ​girth 6zin f ૪ д .ވ PLATE CXXXIII. Other forms of Thambiri. a and b came from Calcutta, under the name of Gord lemon (Vide Appendix, No. 55) (2nd kind). Its exterior is slightly chagrined, with a depressed mammilla, like that of other Thambìri. It has large and small foveoli, with intermediate oil-cells. This specimen was turning pale yellow. Pulp pale, with an orange tinge; juice abundant, sub-acid, with an orange flavour. e and d are the leaves which came with it. e and ƒ came from Allahabad, under the name of Kunra. Its exterior is pale yellow, and chagrined, with foveoli closely set; the intermediate spaces are filled with miliary convexities, representing the smaller oil-cells. The pulp is pale, with pale, with a very slight tinge of orange, and sour. The rind has more the taste of orange rind than lemon rind. The mammilla is flattened and pushed in, with a sulcus all round, as shown in section. N.B.-Kunra may possibly be a corruption of the Bengali name Gord. vesicles of ƒ are vere distinct. The small juice- PLATE CXXXIII. girth 64 in. a 万 ​ФФ girth Cin e f PLATE CXXXIV. a and b came from Benares, under the name of Shunkhadráv. Exterior smooth, but not so smooth as the Kalan Kaghzi nimboo. The oil-cells are close to each other. Pulp pale orange, very sour, and with a lemon orange taste. c and d are the leaves that came with it, and e the spine. f came from Dhama Chowree, Gonda, one of the Maharaja's gardens. Exterior of a fawn- coloured orange, quite chagrined, and with a curious epidermis, which may give it this fawn colour. It has a flattened mammilla; skin thin and puffy; pulp very pale orange, very sour, and juice abundant, with a slightly orange flavour; skin has an orange taste; centre hollow; seeds green, when cut. a h and i are the leaves which came with it, they had no scent; and 9, its spine. Another came from Toolshipur, Gonda. It was yellow, with an orange-skin flavour; pulp very pale, with only a soupçon of orange tinge; very sour; others were like a Keonla; seeds greenish cream. j and k is a Jambiri from Lucknow, which came ticketed ticketed No. 2, smoother than No 1, and more globose; mammilla scarcely visible; its skin is thin and closely fitting; when ripe, lemon-yellow. It is full of sour juice, and has a sui generis aroma. PLATE CXXXIV. 万 ​O O O D girth Yź in e girth 9ź in. 8 f. д N d girth Jin PLATE CXX X V. a and b is a Jambiri from Rosa, Shahjahanpur; externally pale yellow, and closely studded with foveoli. c is an ovoid form, with the mammilla represented by a point. The pulp is pale and very sour, with a faint bitter taste. d and e are rain leaves. ƒ and g spring leaves. It is doubtful whether this is a Jambiri proper or a citrus like the ones from Mooltan, Khoorja and Calcutta (Vide Plates CCVII. and CCVIII.), which are also with a slightly bitter taste in their juice. h and i came from Baghelkund, Toolshipur, Gonda. It came ticketed Mitha nimboo. The colour is deep yellow on apex half, and yellow orange round base, and foveolate all over; pulp pale yellow, with a tinge of orange; perfectly sour; centre hollow; seeds greenish cream, when cut. It is certainly not a Mitha nimboo, or sweet lemon. The skin fits closely, but is easily detached. It has all the characters of a Jambiri. j is a rain leaf, and k a spring leaf. The spines were mere points. PLATE CXXXV. girth Jir لله 万 ​ОФФФФ بله له PLATE C X X X V I. • a and b is a citrus I found on a tree in Hagkala, Ceylon; colour lemon-yellow, and foveolate all over, and with a flattened mammilla. The rind had not a very pleasant scent. The pulp was pale orange, juice abundant, and sour; centre solid; seeds white, when cut. c is a fully-developed rain leaf, with only ridges on upper side of petiole, like those of the Malta lemon leaf. Both were slightly margined. youngest leaves also tinged purple. The large size of leaf c is accounted d is an old spring leaf, and e a young leaf (December). The flowers were tinged purple, and the Not improbably this is of the Jambiri type. for by climate, and by its having been taken from a young cane. f I purchased at the Bombay market, and said to be grown in Bombay. chagrined, and foveolate. It is said to be yellow when ripe. g is one of the leaves which were attached to it. scented, others were distinctly emarginate. type. It is pyriform, This was distinctly crenate and lemon Not impossibly it belongs to the Jambiri PLATE CXXXVI. girth yin a } C d f 9 Ъ girth 64 in. : 18 PLATE CXXXVII. a and b is a Jambiri, from the Botanic Garden, Saharunpore. It was unripe when I plucked The pulp it in October. Probably this is the reason why it is so chagrined. was white and sour, with abundant juice. The seeds were greenish, when cut, and with a brown pellicle beneath the outer shell; rind aromatic, but not pleasant; oil-cells closely packed, possibly from being unripe and insufficiently expanded. c and d are rain leaves; e and f spring leaves; and g the spine. PLATE CXXXVII. น. ར फुट girth 64in a C .. ď D D Ъ Л 9 18* PLATE CXXXVIII. ! a and b is the Jamir of Almora, grown at Sitowli, by Mr. H. Harris. When I got it, it was green turning pale citron colour; chagrined like an unripe Keonla orange; the aroma of the rind, neither citrine nor pleasant; pulp pale transparent, with a slight orange flavour. It was full of seeds, which were longer than usual. c and d are its rain leaves, thin and rather like those of the Suntara orangé. PLATE CXXXVIII. girth 5+ in a ло PLATE CXXXIX. The Chhangurà (literally, six fingers) or primitive (?) pulpless citron. a gives an idea, as I think, of this most interesting and primitive attempt of nature at evolving a citrus fruit. The carpels, although distinct, are united at their base, and free at their extremities. This digitate citron consisted of two whorls, an outer one of 13 carpels, and an inner one of 7 or more carpels. In section, more than ten are visible. b is a section across the solid part, and c across the part which is just above the union of the carpels. It should be observed that the inner whorl of rind carpels at ▲ is that which at a later period, according to my view, developed into the citrus pulp; the oil- cells of the rind of the inner whorl becoming the juice-vesicles of the pulp. (Vide Chapter on Morphology.") The hollow space at a was filled up with some withered carpels. "" d, e, and ƒ are the leaves of this citrus, and g its spine. The leaves have a lemon scent. f PLATE OXXXIX. م a a girth 6in. Q ло PLATE CXL. Represents another Chhangurd. a had also two whorls; the inner consisted of 9 carpels, and the outer of 11 carpels. In the same way that a flower can become double, by an additional whorl of petals, so I think a fruit can double itself, by an additional whorl of carpels. b is a section across the base. At A there appear to be oil-cells or rudimentary carpels. c is a section close to the base of the fingers. At в there appears to be a ring of oil-cells, or a rudimentary inner rind. d was an unripe, but still more interesting specimen of a Chhangurd. It appears to indicate a later period than a in the morphological history of the citrus. Its digits are still ununited, but closed upon themselves, like the fingers of a closed fist, preparatory to complete union and formation of the modern closed rind of the fruit. e is a longitudinal section of d, showing no indication of an inner whorl. This specimen appeared to be a single fruit. PLATE CXL. α ༦འ girth 1½ in. at widest part: شقم A 8 0 0 B Q 0 а PLATE CXLI. a and b are taken from the Flor. Amboyn. of Rumphius, vol. ii., tab. 25. a is the warty form, and b the smooth form and called by him Malum Citrium. J. de Loureiro, in his Flor. Cochin Chin., p. 465, refers to this plate, under the head of Citrus Medica, and says that the petioles are linear, flowers white (no purple or pink colour mentioned), pulp white, often acid; skin thick, externally yellow, hard, and unequal. Eaten raw, and preserved; cultivated in Cochin China. e is taken from Risso's monograph. It is a section of the fruit of his "Cedratier à gros fruit." It is only given to show the enormous thickness of its skin. The dots round the carpels are probably their feeding vessels. PLATE CXLI. a Ъ C : PLATE CXLII. Is a Turunj from Mangalore. I was told that in Concani it is called Mauling, and in Tulu it is called Ma'palà. a shows the very warty exterior of this citron proper. I was told that this was a small specimen, and that the first fruits are larger than those of the subsequent crop, Externally it was lemon yellow, with deep transverse furrows in the middle, and deep longitudinal furrows in the lower half; the warts prominent, especially in the middle part. The surface was dotted all over with oil-cells of various sizes; in some parts concave, in others convex. b is a longitudinal section. The oil-cells were large and distinct; the pulp pale yellowish; juice not abundant, and pure acid. At A is shown a pretty example of the large, medium, and small juice-vesicles, corresponding, as I think, to similar sizes of the oil-cells of the rind and leaves of the citrus. (Vide Chap. on "Morphology.") PLATE CXLII. 2 Автош 20 1. C · 212 2/ girth تو د عد 223 PLATE CXLIII. A Turunj from Bassein, near Bombay, purchased at the Bombay market. a gives an idea of this curious citron. Externally it was almost of a sulphur-yellow, dotted all over with oil-cells, as shown at A. This citron had a constriction all round its middle, as shown at B, with transverse lines and small warts; round the base the warts were comparatively smooth, but round the apex they were prominent and large. The rind was very aromatic. b is a section across the most warty part, close to A, cutting across the ends of the pulp carpels. c is a section across the constriction. The skin is solid white, and sweetish; pulp pale yellowish white, dry and sour, and many-seeded. PLATE CXLIII. Ъ 20 ос о С ناشون سلمة diam 3/4 in. Ju с C. B 1 PLATE CXLIV. A Turunj from Alibagh, near Bombay, purchased at the Bombay market. a represents its external appearance. It was rather flattened as shown in section. Externally it is lemon-yellow, striated transversely, and studded with concave oil-cells, which in certain parts became convex. The oil-cells were not distinct to the unaided eye. The lower portion was rather warty, and the mammilla inverted. b is the same in section. The oil-cells of the rind were distantly located; the rind aromatic; skin white and sweet; pulp pale yellowish; juice rather abundant, and pure acid. PLATE CXLIV. لا بر کرد برس girth /4in. 33 }} 3} }} 3 } =33 و البسه ~ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 6 33 } 3327 33 2 lesleepte ele 19 PLATE CXLV. Shows another Turunj from Bassein, near Bombay. a shows its form, with the repetition of the constriction and transverse striæ in its middle. The exterior was pale yellow, rough and sinuous, but not decidedly warty. The constriction was more pronounced on one side than on the other. It was deeply pitted all over with oil-cells. b is its section across the constriction. Skin very thick and white; pulp white, dry, sour, and many-seeded, Rind aromatic. I have not been able to account for the constriction, which occurs so often in these Bombay specimens, and which is connected with transverse striæ, nor is the cause of it in any way apparent in the sections. PLATE CXLV ? a 19* girth round construction 154 in. ло PLATE CXLVI. A Turunj from the Saharunpore Botanic Garden. a represents its form. On the bulged-out side B, the warts are larger, while on the rather contracted side A, the warts are small and placed among the transverse striæ, appa- rently the same striæ, for which I could not account, in the Bombay citrons, shown on the foregoing plates. In the section b, there does not appear much difference in the two sides. The oil-cells of the rind, on the contracted side, may be perhaps more closely packed than on the opposite side. The rind is aromatic, the skin white and sweet; pulp pale yellow, sour, and juice scanty; seeds white, when cut, edged with white and brown lines, from the brown pellicle under the outer shell. c and d are spring leaves-not typical-that came with it, and e its spine. The leaves are serrated from the base, and the petiole is barely ridged. They have a faint lemon scent. I PLATE CXLVI. a : a girth 13 in می ر ر ها ؟؟ دوم اس > } تم تم که عنا ر ردد شي U نكشاك PLATE CXLVII. Shows another Turunj from Alibagh, near Bombay, purchased at Bombay. a shows its long and slender form. Its exterior was almost of a canary yellow, with shallow longitudinal furrows. The warts were small projections, mostly towards the apex. In this case also we find a belt of transverse striæ, as if there were a tendency to a constriction. This appears to be inherited, otherwise the same feature would hardly appear in so many. in so many. The surface is dotted with oil-cells, which, if anything, are slightly This is against Risso's theory, as the pulp is very sour. convex. b is the section of the same. Skin white and sweetish; pulp yellowish white; juice not abundant, and very sour. · • PLATE CXLVII. a انا Ӧ C girth at the thickest part // zn. 2/2. > PLATE CXLVIII. Turunj from Goa, said to grow also in Mysore, called there (at Goa) Mauling; purchased at Bombay. a shows its smooth, melon-like form, with a lemon-yellow exterior, only slightly furrowed. The warts are hardly traceable. Mammilla not pronounced. It was dotted with large oil- cells, generally plane with the surface. b is its section, with scattered oil-cells. The outer rind was not at all bitter; skin very thick and sweet; pulp white, dry, and sour. Natives eat its thick sweet skin, after removing its outer rind. This is probably a variety that has been selected for its thick sweet skin. In section, the oil-cells of the rind are not distinctly made out. PLATE CXLVIII. а girth ·212 2 771 500 000 • PLATE CXLIX. A Turunj from Lucknow (ticketed sweet lime). a shows its exterior conformation, scored with longitudinal furrows, the warts being represented only by undulations, of a deep yellow colour, and pitted all over with oil-glands. b is its section. The oil-rind was aromatic, with large oil-cells; the skin sweetish, and the pulp dry, with an insipid sweetish taste. The pulp carpels were open towards the centre, which was hollow. is a rain leaf, and d a spring leaf, both serrated. NOTE.-On account of the sweetness of the pulp, this should, by rights, be called Mudhkunkur. PLATE CXLIX. ย girth 164 24 172. Ъ PLATE CL. A Turunj from Khoorja, in the Bolundshuhr District. a shows its size and appearance, with the curious transverse striæ in the middle. The warts were not prominent, and were covered with the little depressions of the oil-cells. I tried this citron in water, and it floated, in spite of its solid centre. The tranverse striæ are quite plain. The feeding b is the section, with sour pulp, of the colour of a lemon; juice not abundant. vessels of the carpels were distinct. The skin was not very thick; and on the side a the oil-cells were of one size and closely packed, as if not sufficiently developed. c and d are the only leaf and spine which came with it. They are not typical. PLATE CL. ་ར་ ہی girth 104 in. 1814.79 A Ъ запазат газ ď PLATE CLI. Represents the citron of Kandy, Ceylon. Some call it Siderun, others Nàtterun. a and b give an idea of its exterior. The small-sized one is not unlike the Cedrato of Italy. The exterior was lemon-yellow, slightly furrowed, and warty and pitted all over with shallow cavities. c is a section of b, with sour and scanty juice; skin solid, and rind aromatic. d was a leaf, without a jointed petiole, a jointed petiole, of which there were several, with the serrations commencing near the petiole. e had a jointed petiole of the usual type. The young unexpanded leaf-buds of this citrus were decidedly tomentose, and the upper side of the petioles of the large leaves had also a few scattered hairs. f represents its spine. PLATE CLI. し ​سکتے ی a 3-5 girth 12272 تم حذ し ​し ​در ما نا داد し ​し ​C diam 25/ain میں e PLATE CLII. Another Turunj from Lucknow. a shows its exterior, with an undulating surface, and shallow furrows pitted with oil-glands. b is its section, with a sweet skin, dry and sweetish pulp. The juice-vesicles were coarse, like those of the pummelo, and the pulp carpels were open towards the centre. The seeds were smooth like the Amiltas seeds (Cassia fistula); the centre hollow. c represents the seed. PLATE CLII. ༼སྙ༡ girth 22391 О る ​1 20 PLATE CLIII. A Turunj from Rampur, Rohilcund. a shows its exterior, with an occasional wart. b is its section, with insipid pale pulp, inclining to sweetish. c, d, and e are spring leaves, and the only ones which came with it. I think all the citrons proper, with a sweet or acidless pulp, should be called Mudhkunkur. (See Chap. on "Derivations of Vernacular Names.") PLATE CLIII. α м 2 لو 30* PLATE CLIV. A smooth Turunj from Agassi, near Bassein, purchased at Bombay. a shows its curious shape, like an inverted pear. The surface was uneven, as shown in section, gathered in folds at the base. b is its section, through the thick part. The interior was perfectly white everywhere; skin solid; rind very aromatic; juice not abundant and very sour. The juice-vesicles were very slender, numerous, and closely packed. The majority were long and spindle- shaped; others were small, contorted, and compressed, as if there were too many for the space. c shows the different forms of juice-vesicles I found in this citrus. PLATE CLIV. girth round thickest part 14ź in. a 刀 ​C ло 200mm030 گئی 80 PLATE CLV. Turunj from Rosa, Shahjahanpur. a shows its shape and size. The exterior was slightly rough and sub-warty, especially towards the apex. This specimen was unripe, but turning pale-yellow in places. b shows it in section. Pulp very pale, dry, and sweetish. c, d, and e are the leaves that came with it, and f its spine. Many leaves of the citron proper are found, like e and d, without margins or wings to their petioles. PLATE CLV. α girth 10 in. د NO f a PLATE CLVI. Mudhkunkur from the garden of the Maharaja of Bulrampur, Muthoora, Gonda. a and b had ridges converging to the apex. a was more warty than b, which was almost smooth The rind was citron-scented, pale-lemon colour, with shallow foveoli and shiny. all over. c is the section of a. Pulp pale and sour, and therefore the name Mudhkunkur is inappropriate. d and e are spring leaves which which came came with it. They were slightly lemon-scented, and the joint of the petiole not distinguishable in most leaves. Why this was called a Mudhkunkur, and not a Turunj, or a Bajoura, I do not know. PLATE CLVI. ; Birth 114 in : د د J 10 C girth gź in. C • J f 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V o O o O 0 PLATE CLVII. Mudhkunkur from Lucknow. (In Almora this name is changed into Mudkakrée.) a shows its form; exterior light yellow; surface deeply pitted with oil-glands; rough but not warty. Surface dull, not shiny. b is its section. Pulp rather dry; juice scanty and sweet, more so than that of the sweet lemon; pulp-vesicles coarse. Skin white and sweet; oil-rind very aromatic, but oil-cells not very distinct. c and d are rain and spring leaves. The junction of petiole and leaflet is not distinguishable. PLATE CLVII. girth //in a PLATE CLVIII. The Bhimra of Nepal. a is its shape, much like the Cedrato of Italy. b is its section, with the pulp white, dry, and acid. c and d are rain leaves, of a pale green, with lemon scent. e and f spring leaves. g its spines. The flower-bud and calyx which came with it had a purplish tinge. The petioles of the leaves had also a purplish tinge, so probably the young shoots had also the same tinge. The fruit is said to grow to 7 inches long. A small specimen was probably sent from Katmandoo for convenience of carriage. For all the Nepal specimens I am indebted to the kindness of the resident at Katmandoo. PLATE CLVIII. a b girth 8ili e d PLATE CLIX. Bajoura from Mr. Kinloch's garden, Bholi, Etawah District. a and c were of a pale lemon-yellow, rough and furrowed towards the mammilla. b is a section of a. Pulp pale; juice rather abundant, and very sour. The larger foveoli depressions are not distinct in these Bajouras. The oil-cells resemble those of the Malta lemon, and there are uniform slight depressions studded all over the surface. d and e are rain leaves. f, g, and h spring leaves. PLATE CLIX. a girth 10ź in. Z girth 94rn 00 > 5 0 0 0 0 0 f h g PLATE CLX. Bajoura from the garden of Gundaroop Sing, Auraya, Etawah District. a shows its form, with small isolated warts in its upper half. Exterior lemon-yellow, studded with closely-set oil-cells, as shown at a. b is its section, with pulp like that of a lemon; juice abundant, and very sour. This Bajoura comes near the Limonier à grappe, L. Amalfi, and L. à deux mammelons of Risso. At one time there were citrus collectors in Europe, as now there are orchid collectors in England, and it is not impossible that either Portuguese, Dutch, or other traders with the East introduced some of the Indian Bajouras and other citrons to Europe, if those in Risso were not all raised in Europe. The fruit of these citrons will keep a long time. c is a rain leaf; d and e spring leaves. Some have the petiole slightly winged; others only margined. is its spine. PLATE OLX. し ​K し ​し ​A يا Ъ ; diam 3/2½ in. d PLATE CLXI. Bajoura from Mr. Kinloch's garden, Etawah. a shows its furrowed character. Colour pale lemon-yellow; foveolate and polished. When unripe, it is of a pale green. It was not warty. b is the section. The rind has a pungent lemon aroma. Skin white and solid, like that of a carrot, and sweetish; pulp pale, like a lemon; juice pure acid, not abundant ; seeds white, when cut, edged brown. c is a rain leaf; d and e spring leaves. They have more the character of lemon than citron leaves; large ones serrated, small ones crenated. Petioles short and yellow, rarely margined. Young unexpanded leaves have only scattered hairs on them. shoots and flower-buds purple. Young PLATE CLXI. 10 diam 3 in. f d е C 21* 12 PLATE CLXII. Bijòra from one of the gardens of the Maharajah of Bulrampur, Gonda. a and b are their form, slightly furrowed longitudinally with shallow foveoli; colour lemon- yellow. They had no warts. c is the section of b. Pulp pale, juice scanty and sour; skin solid; seeds white, brown edged. d and e are the leaves that came with it; lemon-scented, with naked yellow petioles; flowers purple. f is its spine. PLATE CLXII. a Ъ ď e girth girth 8 in 8źin f PLATE CLXIII. Bajoura from Public Garden, Etawah. a and b are one form. d and c are another. Exterior slightly rough and pale yellow; pulp pale, like that of a lemon, and as sour; juice-vesicles coarse; white part of skin sweetish. e and ƒ are the leaves. The former shows also the spine. PLATE CLXIII. girth 10½ in a Z # Q Q o s a l s en o he a с girth 94in. f PLATE CLXIV. This is the Sunkhdaràz of Nepal. Probably this word is a modification of the Sanscrit (?) Shunkhdaràv, or "shell splitter," owing to its extreme acidity. a and show its form and section. The pulp is very acid and many-seeded. ỏ smooth. c is a rain leaf, and d and e spring leaves. f its spine. The exterior is Shunkhdarav is the name of one of the Indian sour citrus. Its juice is said to melt shells, in the same way that the Sui-gul is said to melt needles. PLATE CLXIV. a d girth 104 in میر e PLATE CLXV. This is the Nibooa of Nepal. (This name is evidently a modification of Nimboo.) a and b show its shape and section. I have little doubt that other forms might be found on the same tree. This often happens. The pulp is pale and acid. It was smooth. c and d are rain and spring leaves, both slightly winged. e its spine. PLATE CLXV. 1 girth 11źin a a o O o O o O o O o b 0 0 0.00 а d C PLATE CLXVI. The Kalamba of Calcutta. a shows its curious peg-top shape. The exterior is of a shiny pale yellow, with distant foveoli and smooth interspaces, filled with smooth oil-cells. b is its section. Pulp pale, and pure acid; white part of the skin solid and sweetish; many- seeded. c and d are the serrated leaves that came with it, and e its spines. I am informed that in Sanscrit they have the word Kalamba, which means the pumpkin used as a float for swimming purposes, and not improbably this Kalamba, which may be of a much larger size than that shown, is derived from that, being not unlike a pumpkin. PLATE CLXVI. a girth 14½ in Anne Dona On. ď 1 b PLATE CLXVII. Other forms of Bajoura. a and b are a Bajoura which came from Benares. It looks like a large elongated lemon. The upper were smooth, and only warty round its mammilla. It was of a deep lemon- yellow, with pulp like a lemon, and sour (but not very much so). It had a rather thin skin, but considering the amount of pulp, the juice was rather scanty. c and d are a Bajoura received from Allahabad. Externally pale yellow. The large and small oil-cells not distinct. It was studded all over with minute depressions. The pulp was pale; juice rather abundant and sour; many seeded. PLATE CLXVII. girth 94in a girth 8½ in Mega Pro Coasta ď ر し ​ཀ کر PLATE CLXVIII. a and b are the Kalama of Calcutta. This was an unripe fruit, sub-warty, with both deep and shallow foveoli, and undulations of the surface. The pulp was pale and pure acid. c and d are the leaves that came with it. The name Kalama bears a family resemblance to Kalamba, which see. (Pl. CLXVI.) a and bare an oblong lemon, which I found in the Benares Public Garden, said to have come from Calcutta. Colour lemon-yellow, pitted with large and small oil-cells, as shown at A; pulp pale, juice abundant, and pure acid. c´ is a rain leaf and d a small spring leaf; the former quite lemon-like, only serrated like that of a citron, while that of a lemon is often crenated; e is its spine. The young leaves and flower-buds are of an intense maroon purple, deeper than any I have seen. The young leaves are amply covered with hairs, and the young calices have hairs also. Traces of ridges (abortive wings) on the petiole, only visible by a magnifying glass. The leaves had a faint lemon-scent. PLATE CLXVIII. e IF " ( リ ​α Ъ ď girth 64 in C а girth 84 in A 22 PLATE CLXIX. Saròtee Nimboo from Gonda, Oudh (said to have come from the East). a and b are the forms of this citrus. Exterior sub-warty, of a beautiful pale lemon colour; surface polished; foveoli not distinct; rugæ round the apex. c is the section of a; pulp very pale and Bajoura-like; juice not very abundant, and pure acid; many-seeded; seeds white when cut. d. e, and ƒ are its leaves, of a pale green, like those of Nepalee Nimboo; petioles generally margined and lemon-yellow; scent faint and hardly that of lemon leaves. g are its spines. (Vide Chap. on Derivations of Vernacular Names.) PLATE CLXIX. د > a し ​io b し ​girth Jź in C д у علی e 22* PLATE CLXX. This is the Bijouri, received from the Saharumpur Botanic Garden. a and b show its form. Colour lemon-yellow, foveolate all over, and rather rough round the apex, with a pronounced greenish-yellow mammilla. The scent and taste of the rind are different from those of the Malta lemon. b is its section, with a rather thin skin; pulp pale greenish, unlike that of the Malta lemon. In this specimen I found no seed. Juice abundant and acid; it differs in taste from that of a Malta lemon. c and d are spring leaves, serrated and rather curly; petiole just margined, and they have only a faint lemon scent. NOTE. This citrus and the foregoing one are SO near to the lemons that they might have been as well placed in the lemon group. I have placed them at the end of the citron proper group, to show the gradations by which the citron may have passed into the modern lemon. PLATE CLXX. girth 94 in. 19 100 PLATE CLXXI. This is the Madhkakree of Almora, sent by Mr. H. Harris. It was almost smooth, the surface being slightly undulating, with slight eminences, as at A, and covered with oil-cells of various sizes, as at B. The rind was pale green, turning citrine, and very aromatic. aromatic. It was like a melon, and having a sweet pulp; the name Madhkakree is not inappropriate. NOTE.-Some of the skin of this made the best candied citron-peel I ever tried. This and the following specimens were received after the citron-plates were arranged, so I placed these fine citrus at the end of their group. PLATE CLXXI. A Ś كم a a доп 0 ง b girth 2127/761 weight ७ 6 źlbs. : PLATE CLXXII. a is a section of the Madhkakree shown on Plate CLXXI. The oil-cells of the rind are very indistinct in section, although quite otherwise on its exterior surface. The rind is aromatic, but not bitter. The white part of the thick skin is sweet, and resembles the flesh of the Pètha (Benincasa cerifera). The juice-vesicles are perfectly white, dry, and sweetish. They are attached only to the circumference part of the carpel. Some are pedicelled, others sessile; some short and stumpy, others long; but the majority are of a uniform length, as shown in b. They do not, however, fill the carpel to its central edge. c shows a cross view of a carpel with the juice-vesicles seen in section, and a seed at the apex. d is the natural size of the seed. This citrus is full of seeds; in half a carpel there were nine, arranged on each side alternately like peas in a pod, along the line of union, which is a furrow. The seeds are flat and white, when cut. PLATE CLXXII. а Ъ 3/s in. Vrong PLATE CLXXIII. This is another specimen of the Madhkakree of Almora, also sent by Mr. H. Harris. Whether it grew on the same tree as the smooth one, shown on Plate CLXXI., or not, I do not know; but, judging from the oil-cells, it is probably another variety. Externally it was pale citron-yellow, very fragrant, and covered all over with convex oil- cells, like miliary projections, as at b. They were more closely packed round the apex. They appeared of uniform size. This specimen alone would suffice to disprove Risso's theory that a sweetish or "fâde" pulp carries with it plane oil-cells. Under a magnifying-glass these cells resolved themselves into large, smaller, and smallest, the latter not being numerous. A, A are deep furrows, the rest are shallow and broad. The rind appeared made up of eight carpels, the space between the deep furrows A, A consisting probably of three distinct carpels. 1 PLATE CLXXIII. A Minches gitthickest part weight 4lbs. PLATE CLXXIV. a is the section of the Madhkakree shown on the foregoing Plate CLXXIII. The rind is aromatic and not bitter; the pulp is white, dry, and sweetish; the seeds are white, when cut. The thick skin is also sweetish. In section the larger oil-cells are distinct, but not the small ones. The arrows indicate deep furrows, of which the three A, A, A are deeper than the others. They appear to be the joinings of the carpels, while the indentations shown by the crosses appear to correspond to the midribs of the carpels. In that case the rind whorl would consist of about nine carpels; while the pulp consists of eleven, or probably twelve, as a' appears to be a fusion of two carpels, as it has two nourishing yessels or midribs. It is evident that twelve pulp carpels and nine rind carpels can neither be opposite nor alternate, but sometimes the one and sometimes the other. b is the base or peduncle end, showing more distinctly the joinings of the carpels. Probably b'b' is the fusion of two carpels. In that case the rind would consist of about nine carpels. c shows the division of the apex in eight or nine distinct carpels. In the body of the citron the carpels are more or less fused, and their number is counted with less certainty. These points are noted in connection with Phyllotaxis, mentioned in the Chapter on " Morphology." PLATE CLXXIV 23 ۱۷۳ x 2 : 오 ​1 PLATE CLXXV. a and b are the rain leaves of the Madhkakree of Almora. c is a spring leaf. d is the spine that came with its branch. PLATE CLXXV ༧༡ ཨ PLATE CLXX V I. This is a Bajoura from the garden side a, and smoother on the opposite side. of the Maharaja of Ulwar. It is warty on the It is more like a "Turunj" than a "Bajoura." b is one of its leaves. The upper surface of all the leaves is channelled, in correspondence with the nerves, but the general outline differs as in the following plate. PLATE CLXXVI. a ر ز J Ś )) کر ) L J راه د ر - b • 1 23 : PLATE CLXXVII. a is the section of the foregoing citrus, Plate CLXXVI. The joinings of the carpels of the rind are obliterated, excepting at the base and apex, and therefore it is impossible to make out whether they are opposite to or alternate with those of the pulp. (Vide reference to Phyllotaxis in Chapter on " Morphology.") In some leaves of this citron, such as b, there is no sign of division between the petiole margin and the edges of the blade, and no sign of a joint, while in others, as in c, the separation between- the two is imperfect. d is its spine. PLATE CLXXVII. 20 : 23* PLATE CLXXVIII. a is the "Limonier à fruit digité" of Risso. Many years ago I remember seeing one like it in India. It has no pulp, and is composed of a single or outer whorl of carpels, with their ends free at the apex. b is the "Limo tuberosus Martinicus " of Rumphius, taken from his Flor. Amboyn, vol. ii., tab. 26, fig. 2. He says it is allied to Limo ventricosus, but has very different leaves from the latter. Its leaves are distinctly those of the lemon; I consider it a warty lemon, or citron, of a globose form. I have given the same figure in Plate CXXIX., so that it may also be readily compared with the Jambiri forms. c and d are the fruit of the "Limonier ordinaire" of Risso-the Citrus limonum vulgaris of the same author. It is the same as the Malta lemon. It has a very slightly rough surface. e is its leaf, taken from Risso. ƒ and g are also taken from Risso's monograph. It is the "Limonier à fruit rond.” It is not unlike some specimens of the Indian Kaghzi Kalàn. PLATE CLXXVIII. a 8 С شمال C PLATE CLXXI X. Various specimens of the Malta lemon from the Jail Garden, Etawah. a is typical of the spring crop, which ripens in November and December. rough, with depressions of oil-glands. Skin slightly b is an exceptional form; so is c. They are Dumrèz, or rain-crop fruit, which ripen in the ensuing hot weather. d is the section of c. These two were plucked in the rains. They were smooth and very juicy. ་ Risso mentions that With management e, f, and g, h were plucked from the same tree. They had few seeds. the C. limonum vulgaris varies in form, especially in its after crop. and proper cultivation ripe fruit may be taken from this lemon tree all the year round. It fruits abundantly, and grows luxuriantly everywhere, provided the climate is not too cold for it. PLATE CLXXIX. a b girth 8/4 in. girth 87/4 in girth 14 in. girth gin. C F girth 64 ir.. α p PLATE CLXXX. Other forms of Malta lemon from Jail Garden, Etawah. a was plucked in September. It was almost ripe. It resembles in shape the Kaghzi Kalan and Sherbetee Nimboo. b is a Dumrèz; smooth, and pitted with oil-glands. c and d are a globose specimen. This had a faint tinge of pale orange in its pulp. The exterior was smooth. Besides the deep foveoli and lesser ones, it had numerous dots, which looked like undeveloped oil-cells, for want of space. All the Malta lemons are pale yellow at first. ripening. The colour becomes deeper by PLATE CLXXX. a girth g'zin girth & i in. 10 girth 8½ in. C PLATE CLXXXI. Leaves of the Malta lemon, from the Etawah Jail Garden. a is a new fully-developed rain leaf, thin and transparent. Its petiole has no sign of wings or margins. Two minute ridges on the upper part, indicated by two lines at ▲, are the remnants of ancestral petiole margins. On this sketch are shown the three sizes of oil-cells, which are repeated on the crenations. The crenations, large and small, are exact copies of the original. The Malta lemon leaf and rind have very fine and distinct aromas. The main nerves branch towards the edge, and their branches anastomose. This is the character of all the citrus leaves I have examined. On the upper surface the larger oil-cells can be seen as low miliary projections. On the under side the two larger sizes can be seen as dark green dots on a light The third and smallest size can be only seen by transparency. green surface. b and c are rain leaves, and d a typical spring leaf. e is the spine. In fig. a the open rings represent the largest oil-cells; the large black dots, the medium-sized oil-cells; and the mere points represent the oil-cells of the smallest size. PLATE CLXXXI. GOOD A PLATE CLXXXII. Malta lemons sent by Messrs. Carew & Co., of Rosa, under the name of Amalbêd, or Amilbêd a and b show their shape. They were chagrined with large and small foveoli. The skin of both was of an inch thick. c is a rain leaf. d, e, and f, spring leaves. The "petit grains" or essential oil-cells were very distinct. g is the spine. There was no doubt in my mind that these were of the Malta lemon type. They had its aroma and its pure acid juice. Probably they had been obtained from Lucknow. NOTE.-The Malta lemon is the same as the Palermo and Messina lemons that come to the English markets. I have observed many specimens in the shops that bear traces of their citron origin, in having a rough, channelled, and thick skin. PLATE CLXXXII. girth Jiin. ON д ď PLATE CLXXXIII. Specimens of the Malta lemon type, received through Mr. R. Blechynden, Sec. A.H.S. of India, and grown in Mr. Stalkartt's garden at Goosery. a, c, d are forms usual in the Malta lemon. They came in July, and were ripe. Therefore, they are probably of the Dumrez erop. Mr. Stalkartt states those of the spring crop are rougher. b is the section of a; e is a typical spring leaf; f and g, other spring leaves; h is the spine of the branch that came with them. I at first thought this stock may have been obtained from Lucknow; but it is not so. Mr. Stalkartt vouches for the trees having been in his garden since he came to India, in 1833. Mr. Blechynden thinks it probable that the old plants in the Society's garden may have been obtained from him. He adds that Firminger alludes to this lemon, and thinks it the "common Spanish," and gives Korna neeboo as the native name. And that, in the Hortus Bengalensis of Roxburgh, published in 1814, the Korna neeboo is given as the Citrus medica, "common lemon," and the date of its introduction into the Botanic Garden is given as 1796. The Goosery lemon trees are not improbably some of its descendants. Goosery lemon are those of the Malta or Spanish lemon. also an improved form of the Assam lemon, Jóratenga (?). fig. a.) The Goosery lemon just floats in water. All the characters of the Nevertheless, it may be (Vide Plate CCXXXIX., " PLATE CLXXXIII girth 84 in. : a. girth 64in. girth 74 in. b ď 9. e f PLATE CLXXXIV. a and b are Pondicherry lemons. a had concave oil-cells, and b convex cells. They are called "citrons " by the French there. Both had thin skins, and very pale and sour pulp. Their flavour had something of the Kaghzi Nimboo taste in it. The seeds were greenish, when cut. I obtained both in the market. In the Horticultural Garden of Pondicherry I was shown a plant, said to be that of the "citron." Its leaf is shown at c. It struck me as being more like that of the Turunj. The Eurasian superintendent, however, who had been to Italy, told me that the Pondicherry lemon was exactly like the Italian lemon. The Italian and Malta lemons are one thing. It is not improbable that the French introduced this lemon from Europe. I saw it nowhere else in S. India. d and e are the Malta lemon, from the Saharunpur Botanic Garden. ƒ is an unripe one; g and h are its typical leaves; i an abnormal spring leaf; and the spines. The history of the Saharunpur lemon trees is not known. Mr. Gollam states they are between sixteen and eighteen years old. Probably they were obtained from Lucknow. girth yin. d girth 7 Fin PLATE CLXXXIV. 200 girth 10in 151.1/1/2 girth 5 Lin. f 24 PLATE CLXXX V. Variety of the Malta lemon, received from Mr. C. Nickels, Passèwa Factory, Jaunpore. a and b show the shape of this lemon, with a pale yellow exterior, pitted with deep and shallow foveoli, with whitish dots between them. The aroma of the rind did not appear to me so fine as that of the Lucknow lemon. b is the section of a. The pulp is pale, and pure acid, with abundant juice of a fine flavour. d is a rain leaf; e and f spring leaves; g a spine. The only difference I could see in this lemon from that of Lucknow was that it had its mammilla a little to the one side, and its leaves perhaps more mucronate or pointed. Mr. Nickels says that in 1872 he brought out from England some blood orange trees. The stock on which one was budded gave out a shoot. Thinking that in England they budded on the lemon stock, he removed the shoot, and struck it under glass. It gave the fruit shown. It may, perhaps, be of some use to distinguish this variety as the English or Jaunpore lemon. PLATE CLXXXV. girth 9 in a 6 girth 84 in. C ક 9 e 24 9 PLATE CLXXXVI. Gulgul from Raja Shiva Parshad's garden at Benares. He says it abounds in Lahore. a indicates its form. It is of a lemon yellow, closely foveolate all over; apex depressed. b is its section. hollow. The pulp is pale, like a lemon; the juice abundant, and pure acid; centre c is the Gulgul leaf, with a slightly margined petiole. The leaves are crenate, and thin ; rather like those of a Khatta orange. The young leaf buds have hairs on them. d is the Gulgul spine. e and f are two Gulguls purchased at Jagàdri. They look much like the Kilkil or Kulkul of the Emperor Baber's memoirs. He says: "It is like a goose's egg, but does not, like that egg, taper away at the two extremities. Skin thin, like the Sangtereh. It has a remarkable quantity of juice." The skin is quite smooth, and of the texture and colour of Kaghzi nimboo, and marked longitudinally with shallow depressions opposite the divisions of the pulp. Juice very sour, very abundant, and slightly aromatic. is the section of e. PLATE CLXXXVI. girth 12 in. д a る ​girth Jú, in. Dva 00 00 Qua. 700 e f girth 9zin. PLATE CLXXX VI I. Meetha Gulgul of Saharumpur, Botanic Gardens. a is the shape of this lemon. Its colour is lemon yellow; foveolate all over; is rather smooth, It looks like a large Malta lemon. and has an elastic feel. b is its section, with a thick skin. The oil-cells are large and distinct. The pulp is pale and lemon-like. Although it is called Meetha (sweet), this specimen is not so, but sub-acid. The juice is abundant, and the vesicles coarse. The centre is hollow. c and d are spring leaves, with a faint lemon scent. The petioles are only slightly margined. The spines were mere points. Flowers large white, tinged purple. PLATE CLXXXVII. girth 12 in. a Ni! Ъ C PLATE CL X X X VIII. This is what is called the Kumaon lemon, or lime. It was sent by Mr. John Martin, proprietor of Douglas Dale, Nynee Tal. a is its shape, like a very large Malta lemon, and not unlike the Meetha nimboo of the foregoing plate. The exterior is lemon-yellow, with a rough surface. The large oil-cells are depressed, and the intermediate small ones are like pinholes. It is slightly sub-warty round the apex. Pulp transparent, and of a faint of the Malta lemon; juice very This appears to be a true lemon b is its section, with thick skin; oil-cells distinct; pithy part white and sweetish; the rind has not the fine aroma of the Malta lemon. orange-yellow; sour, but not the pure sourness abundant; centre hollow; seeds white, when cut. of the Gulgul type. c is a rain leaf, and d a spine; e is a bit of the rind, with the pith shaved off, showing sections of the oil-cells of three sizes. The young leaves are bronze-coloured, and the blossoms bronze-reddish-brown, PLATE CLXXXVIII. - 1 بل girth 13 in. 7 ď b @ C PLATE CLXXX I X. Kaghzi Kalan lemons, from Gundaroop Sing's garden, at Ajitmal, Etawah District. k a, c, and e differ only slightly in form and size. Their exterior is pale yellow, and quite smooth, only marked with faint foveoli at certain distances. The intermediate spaces being filled with smaller oil-cells, which are neither raised nor sunk. b is the section of a, and d the section of c. The skin is very thin; pulp pale; juice abundant, and very sour. g is a typical rain leaf, and f an abnormally shaped one. h is a small spring leaf. I could see no difference between these leaves and those of the sweet lemon, or Sherbetee nimboo. The spines were mere points. This lemon tree is said to have been obtained from Saharumpur. Kaghzi only means that it has a very thin skin, that is, paper-like. The name PLATE CLXXXIX. girth • yzin C girth 8 ir C ď girth Jźin. PLATE CXC. Mitha nimboo, or sweet lemons; also called Sherbetee nimboo and Amritphal. a is the sweet lemon of Mooltan; pale yellow and smooth, the furrows being tinged with red. The specimen was rather dry. The skin was very thin, as shown in section b. The juice was abundant, and of a nicer flavour than other sweet lemons I have tried. Probably the dryness of the Mooltan climate inay have influenced its flavour. The re- c is an abnormal rain leaf; f an abnormal spring leaf; d and e typical spring leaves. leaves have a slender petiole, without a trace of wings or margins, which are presented by two minute ridges on the upper part. The very youngest leaf-buds There were no spines on the branch sent. have a little down. g and h is a sweet lemon from Khoorja. On the apex the oil-cells are the oil-cells are concave, in other places quite plane. It floats in water, but not well; it first sinks and then rises slowly to the surface. i are abnormal spring leaves, and the only ones that came with it. It is curious that from .... Khoorja I received both small Sherbetee and also small Kalan Kaghzi lemons. This, however, might be a small specimen of an ordinary tree. PLATE CXC. girth 8 in girth 64 in. a : Ћ て ​d PLATE CXCI. Other forms of lemons. a is the usual form of sweet lemon. b its typical rain leaf; and c its typical spring leaf, with their spines. d and e are Kalan Kaghzi, or sour lemons, from Lucknow cricket-ball, and the latter had an oblate form. The former was as round as a f is a rain leaf of the same; and g a spring leaf. The wings of the petioles were mere margins. The flower of the sweet lemon is pure white, and the young shoots green, with scattered hairs on the young leaf-buds. The flower of the Kalan Kaghzi is very slightly tinted with red, and the young shoots green. Judging from the fruit and leaves, one would say the Sherbetee is an acidless variety of the sour Kalan Kaghzi. Drange Judging from the flowers, one would say the Sherbetee is a lemon-coloured PLATE CXCI. girth 84 in. d girth. 8 in. girth gir. R f PLATE CXCII. Other sweet lemons. a and b came from Benares, under the name of Nepâlee. Sherbetee. The Nepâle proper is a sour lemon. This was a sweet lemon, an ordinary c is the Mitha nimboo I purchased at Bombay, and said to come from Nagpore; d is the leaf that was attached to it. It appeared quite a lemon leaf. e, f, g, and h are leaves of a Sherbetee which came from Rosa, Shahjahanpur; e is a rain leaf, and the others small spring leaves. The fruit of this Rosa Sherbetee was smaller than ordinary sweet lemons, with thin skin, pale pulp, and sweetish abundant juice; otherwise it did not differ from other sweet lemons. PLATE CXCII ganth Jin α girth 8tin. ФФФ C d PLATE CXCIII. Other sweet lemons. a and b is a Sherbetee nimboo from Mr. Nicholson's garden, Gonda. It has a thicker skin than the usual, with a solid centre, oil-cells of rind very distinct. The seeds, when cut, were white, tinged green. c and d are its leaves; their petioles had a slight pubescence, even in old leaves; the leaves had a faint lemon scent. e is a Sherbetee from Bhilawa, Auraya. The oil-cells present neither concavities nor convexities. They are mere transparent dots; neither the tip of the finger nor that of the tongue can detect any unevenness. All the sweet lemons are more or less smooth, globose, or oblate, and generally with a small indistinct mammilla, and usually marked with shallow longitudinal furrows, corresponding to the divisions of the pulp. This is probably owing to the tightly- fitting thin skin. j. g, and are the leaves which came with e PLATE CXCIII. ; girth 70źin. girth. 9źir. α 10 る ​loooooooo leogvalo д Z · لله 25* PLATE CXCIV. Other sweet lemons. It was lemon yellow, and a and b are the only ovoid sweet lemon I have met with in India. It came from a tree which bore globose fruit, in the Public Garden, Benares. closely foveolate with concave cells; rather thick-skinned. a thicker skin than that of the spring crop. The rind than usual. c is a globose Sherbetee from Raja Siva Parshad's Garden, Benares. The Dumrez Sherbetee has of this was more aromatic Raja Siva Parshad's Garden, Benares. Deep lemon yellow, and also rather thick-skinned. d is its leaf, rather serrated than crenated. Petiole only margined; young leaf-buds much covered with hairs. e is its spine. PLATE CXCIV girth 9 in. a girth Is in d ! PLATE CXCV. a Other forms of sweet lemons. Its Why and bare a sweet lemon from Muscat, which I purchased at the Bombay market. flavour, unlike that of Mooltan, appeared to me of the ordinary Sherbetee. they import them from Muscat, when they are largely grown in India, is impossible to say. It had few seeds. c is another Muscat sweet lemon. For a sight of this I am indebted to Mr. A. Y. Gubboy, of Ezra Street, Calcutta. He was travelling in the same carriage with me from Bombay. He showed me this enormous sweet lemon, which he purchased in Bombay, under the name of "Muscat sweet orange." I could not see its interior, as he was taking it to his friends in Calcutta. I, however, took an outline drawing of it, and measurements. It had a diameter of about 4 inches, and was of a canary yellow. Mr. Gubboy afterwards kindly sent me its seeds. They germinated, and I sent some of the plants to Lucknow and some to Saharunpur. d and e are a pyriform Sherbetee from Auraya. It was unripe, and that may account for its smallness and thick skin. It had pure white flowers; f is its rain leaf; and g its spring leaf. PLATE CXCV. Veraloelae a girth 84 in. girth Sin 9 ло girth 134 in. PLATE CXCV I. a and b are a citrus sent by Major Buller from one of the gardens of the late Maharaja of Bulrampur, Gonda. It is a very distinct variety, and I regret that no leaves were sent with it. It was deep yellow, rough, elastic, and puffy; shaped like a large Malta lemon, but with the feel of a spongy-skinned pummelo. The oil-cells were very large; skin sweetish, and loosely attached. The angles A A were not filled up as in all other citrus, but hollow. The pulp was yellowish-white; the juice- vesicles loose and sour; the carpels were loose and open at the centre. The centre was hollow, and the seeds white, when cut. It may possibly be a yellow mamillate variety of At Anni. It came under the name of Qism Bajoura Turshee, but it is not a Bajoura. c and e are the Bard Nepalee nimboo, or Nepal lemons. The exterior is of a beautiful pale lemon yellow, and regularly dotted with foveoli and intermediate oil-cells. d is the section of c. Pulp lemon-like; juice abundant and acid, and leaves a a rather unpleasant aroma in the throat. These lemons had the shape and colour of Guavas. f, g, and h are their leaves, rather serrated than crenated, with the scent of lemon leaves. Some had margined petioles, others not. Young shoots purple; flower-buds tinged purple. The Nepal lemon is often seedless. PLATE CXCVI. girth 10/4 in. а А girth 8 in L A NO е Coolocale laval ФФ h girth 8 in. C ď PLATE CXCVII. Nepal lemons from Gonda. a and b came under the name of Nepalee Kaghzi nimboo-as round as a cricket-ball; pale lemon yellow, smooth with shallow foveoli. Rind aromatic, pulp pale, juice abundant It appears and very sour, and slightly aromatic; almost seedless; centre hollow. a globose form of Nepal lemon. c is a small spring leaf, and the only one that came with it. It had a faint lemon scent, and with a naked petiole. The spines were mere points. d and e centre solid; juice came under the name of Kaghzi nimboo (Nepalee); very pale lemon yellow, globose and minutely foveolate all over; deeper yellow round the apex. Rind lemon flavoured, pulp pale, inclined to greenish; thin skin, seedless abundant, with much the flavour of the Barà Nepàlee nimboo, an unpleasant taste in the throat. f, g, and h are its spring leaves, and have the character of lemon leaves. and, like it, leaves They are lemon scented, not lime scented. It has all the characters of the larger Nepal lemon, and appears to be a small form of it. PLATE CXCVII. girth 9 in. a girth. d e 10 ДФФ PLATE O XC VIII. Fahȧree nimboo sent by Major Buller from the late Maharaja's garden at Sheopura, Gonda. a, b, and c are its form ; e had a small flattened mammilla. Curiously enough, they both had those transverse striæ on one side that I found in various citrons (which see). They made no difference in the section Exterior lemon yellow, smooth (excepting the stria), with shallow foveoli. They looked like smooth and large Malta lemons. Thin skin, pulp pale, like a Sherbetee; juice abundant, not very sour, only sub-acid. When cut, they gave the scent rather of an orange than a lemon; rind with a faint lemon flavour; seeds white, when cut It seems a desirable variety. It appears allied to the thin-skinned Gulgul of Jagàdri. It is not quite clear whether by the term Paharee is meant a mountain lemon, or a mistake for Beharee, from Behàr. PLATE CXCVIII 1 } a b girth 8½ in. بيور الها C girth 8 4 in PLATE CXCIX. Gungolee lemons, sent by Major Buller, Gonda. a and b came from Sheopura. Another of the same shape had a girth of 8 inches. Externally it was of a dull clayey yellow, and in parts with an epidermis not unlike that of a potato. Whether this may have been the work of some insect I do not know. The oil-cells were convex and large, like those of the Ceylon pummelos. Rind lemon scented; skin hard skin hard and citron-like; pulp pale, like that of the Bajouras; seeds many, white, when cut; some were edged with brown, on account of the under pellicle of that colour; juice abundant, and very acid. and d are spring leaves, which came with it; serrated from the base, tough, and with scarcely any scent. e is its spine. This lemon appears close to the Bajouras. ƒ and g are a Gungolee nimboo from Bulrampur. Exterior of a dull fawn yellow; oil-cells indistinct, and very small. In the hand it feels like a potato; slightly aromatic, when scratched; pulp pale, like that of a lemon; juice abundant, and very sour; seeds white, when cut; centre solid. h and i are spring leaves that came with it. NOTE.—I have met with a Jhambiri citrus also of this fawn colour; and I have been told that in Monte Video there is an orange which is always of this colour. PLATE CXCIX. 1 girth gin. a girth 5½ in. ло д ФФ PLATE CC. Citrus sent by Mr. H. B. Webster, B.C.S. He states he found a thicket of these lemon trees growing wild in a heavy tree jungle in the Tarài, near Barèni, N.W.P. He said the thicket was 10 or 12 feet high, and the trees had 2-inch spines, so that his elephant refused to face it. There were several ripe lemons, but, owing to the spines, only one could be reached. He had never met with wild lemons before. He said the leaves were large, broad, and glossy; he had collected some, but lost them. a and b show the shape of this citrus. Externally deep lemon yellow, quite smooth, with trans- parent oil-cells of various sizes, neither concave nor convex. In section the oil-cells were indistinct; skin sweet, with lemon aroma; pithy part yellowish-white; pulp pale, transparent, yellowish; juice abundant and very sour, with a sui generis flavour. Afterwards, through the directions of Mr. Webster, Mr. MacDonald, C.S., of Moradabad, kindly obtained for me the leaves of this wild lemon. It is situated in the Bazpur tehsil. They are shown in c, d, and e. They appeared to be rain leaves, lemon scented, with a yellow naked petiole, having only two ridges on its upper side. They had a coarse surface, and were more like citron leaves. The flowers were large and tinged with red, and the young shoots were green. The young unexpanded leaves had scattered hairs on their midribs. f is the spine I found on the branches. PLATE CC girth 84in. к B ď Fins long. 26 PLATE CCI. Other forms of lemons. a, b, and c came from Calcutta, under the name of Kagchi lemboo (long kind). Exterior, when unripe, has distinct foveoli and minute intermediate oil-cells; pulp pale; juice not abundant and sour, with an aroma something like the Kaghzi nimboo. Three sizes of oil-cells were visible in the section. is the section of b. the spines. There was no sign of margins d, e, and ƒ are spring leaves that came with it and the spines. } to the petioles. h, i, and j came from Lucknow, under the name of Gungolee nimboo; surface very smooth and polished, exterior yellow, pulp pale and pure acid; flowers small, very faintly tinged red. k is a spring leaf, and a rain leaf. Both had a slightly margined petiole. NOTE--Not impossibly the long kind of Kagchi lemboo of Calcutta shown at a, is of the variety shown in Plates CCV. and CCVI. PLATE CCI ろ ​C а d میں @ O ® 0 0 0 x girih 44.in. girth 44in. بله girth 6ź in. girth 5/8 in. کتا F تھے 28* PLATE CCII. Other forms of lemons. a, b, and are Behàri nimboo from Lucknow. Yellow and rather rough; pulp very pale and sour. d and e are its leaves. They did not come with it, but afterwards, so I am not quite sure that they belong to this Behar nimboo. The flowers are said to be tinged red. ƒ and g came from Nepal, ticketed Zamiri. It was rather unripe, and, if I remember rightly, the pulp was pale and sour. I omitted to note this. n and are its rain and spring leaves, which were sent afterwards. PLATE CCII. а birer girth. 94 in. girth 64 in Ž d e girth 44 in f д ħ て ​1 PLATE CCIII. Behari nimboo, from Messrs. Carew & Co., Rosa, Shahjahanpur. a and b are its shape. Exterior lemon yellow, neither rough, nor very smooth. pulp pale; juice sour, with the aroma of a Kaghzi nimboo. is a rain leaf; d, e, and f, spring leaves. g is its spine. Skin not thin; PLATE CCIII. α girth 6 Zin 10 д C ď میں PLATE CCIV. Behari kalan of Lucknow. This is the only place from which I got this variety. sent by Mr. Ridley. a, b, and c are its forms, rather purse-shaped. It was The exterior was smooth, but not shiny, pale yellow or buff, studded with oil-glands. It looked like a large lemon; c was smoother and yellower than a. b is the section of a; skin not thick; pulp pale and lemon like, and as sour, with an aroma sui generis; juice-vesicles rather coarse-a desirable variety; centre hollow. d and are its leaves. They were sent afterwards, and in such cases there is always some doubt as to their belonging actually to the specimen. In e there was no joint between the petiole and leaflet, and it is like that of a citron proper. The flowers are said to be large, and coloured red. PLATE CCIV. girth 10 in. a ло ď е girth 9žin. PLATE C c c v . Other forms of lemon. This name and Zamiri are evidently a a and b came from Benares, under the name of Jamiri. modification of Jambìri. It has been given, like Karna, to many different varieties of citrus. It is, therefore, impossible to identify any variety from its native name. It resembles either the Behari or Gungolia nimboo. It is lemon yellow; pulp pale and sour; a gcod variety. It is pale yellow. c, d, and e came from Allahabad, also under the name of Jamiri. of Lucknow and Gulgul of Auraya. between large and small oil-cells. This is more like the Gungolia There is no apparent distinction The surface is closely studded with the minute depressions of the oil-cells; skin thin; pulp pale; juice abundant and very sour. No leaves were sent with either this or the so-called Jamiri of Benares. form of the same. It seems a desirable variety. é is a long ƒ and g were sent in August by Dr. Duke, Civil Surgeon of Jhansi. They are of the same var. as c and d. h is a rain leaf, and i and j spring leaves. k is their spine. The branch sent had both the leaves and fruit attached. The branch was very spiny, and the leaves had not the sui generis aroma of lime leaves. The fruit had many seeds, and not the distinctive aroma of Kaghzi nimboo. It is known in Buldelcund as Gangolee, or Gulgul, and in Rohilcund as Behari nimbov. PLATE CCV. girth 54 in. ५ g girth 4 ½ in. girth Lira ло k. d girth 42 in. e girth Fin. d girth 4sin. e PLATE CC VI. a and b were brought by a friend from Jhansi, purchased in the bazaar there. He did not know the name given there. Inquiries made by letter in Jhansi elicited the reply that this elongated citrus was probably a Kaghzi nimboo. This word may mean a distinct variety, or that the variety has a very thin skin. c is the section of b ; seeds white, when cut. Pulp pale, with abundant pure acid juice. No one knew d, e, f, and g I purchased at Auraya, Etawah district, under the name of Gulgul. where they were grown. They were evidently brought there for sale. g is the section of f. In section, both this and the foregoing have the stamp of a Kaghzi nimboo. Almost all the specimens had the mammilla to the one side; f had it exactly in the middle; pulp greenish-yellow; juice abundant, very acid, with a sui generis aroma of a Kaghzi. I tried to get specimens of these elongated limes, with their leaves, and h, i, j, k, and l were sent to me. It is probably a small specimen of the same. If so, the leaves (spring leaves) appear like those of true limes. Surface of h is pale yellow and quite smooth. It is very probable the Jamiri of Benares and Allahabad belong to this variety (a and d). P.S. On the 17th June, 1886, Mr. J. F. Holcomb sent me c' and other similar leaves, stating that he took them off a tree, with fruit like the oblong Jhansi lemon a and b, from the Government garden at Barwa, twelve miles from Jhansi. This leaf is different from the true lime leaf, and is nearest that of a lemon. PLATE CCVI. a girth 5źin. ло Ъ C d h C k で ​O P Q Ø V girth 5in. e g girth 5in. PLATE CCVII. a and b is a globose citrus, which came from Mooltan, under the name of Niboo. Exterior pale yellow, studded with minute depressions, so closely set that some ran into others. by twos and threes. The surface of this citrus was tinged red, as if inclined to take on the colour of an orange. In some places the colour was decidedly red, in others only suffused with red. This is the only red-cheeked lime or lemon I have seen. c, d, e, f, and g are the leaves which came with it; they appear those of a true lime, and so do the spines h. The pulp was pale, juice abundant and acid, with a slightly bitter taste. i and j is a citrus, which came from Calcutta under the name of Sherbetee pâti. It was pale yellow, with a shiny surface; skin very thin, pulp pale, juice abundant, sour, and slightly bitter. The leaves k, l, and m are like those of the Kaghzi, and probably it is the same variety as that of Mooltan; " is its spine. n : PLATE CCVII. girth bin. ас O O D P V I P girth biin. - & in п PLATE CCVIII. A citrus from Khoorja, which came under the name of Kaghzi nimboo. (It should be remembered that "kaghzi" means with a skin of paper-thickness, and does not always mean any particular variety. It is used, also, for walnuts and Bol fruit.) and b are its form; pale yellow, very smooth. It floats in water, but not well. It sinks and then rises slowly only to the surface. Pulp pale, juice sour, and slightly bitter, with an aroma sui generis. c and d are probably large spring leaves, and e, f, and g small ones--all with a naked, lemon- like petiole. This citrus, and the two previous ones from Mooltan and Calcutta, have many points in common, viz., the shape, thinness of skin, and a slightly bitter, sour juice, but the leaves of this one differ in their petiole from those of the other two. It is not impossible that all three belong to the variety called Kaghzi kalàn, which I think is a lemon. It is curious that from Khoorja I should receive both this (which may be a small Khagzi kalàn) and also a small Shérbetee nimboo. (Not improbably these two-the sour and the acidless, are variations of each other.) PLATE CCVIII. a : Ъ e d g A 27 : PLATE CCIX Sadaphal of Public Garden, Etawah. a is a full-sized specimen, and c is a smaller one, The surface looks pasty, and is covered, at regular distances, with large foveoli-depressions, shown by the large dots at A. The intermediate spaces are filled with slightly prominent smaller oil-cells. The depressions correspond to the larger oil-cells. The Sadaphal is pale yellow, when ripe. b is the section of a. Pithy part of skin sweetish; pulp pale, with a slight tinge of orange yellow; juice scanty, with a sweetish, sub-acid flavour. It had slight tinges of orange yellow, here and there, in its pulp. d is a rain leaf, and e and f spring leaves. All have very large crenate wings to their petioles, and are leathery. The spines are shown with the leaves. The flowers and young leaves are tinged purple. h is a pulp carpel, with the side removed, to show the convergence of the juice-vesicles to a common centre. The seeds are also arranged round that centre. g are the juice- vesicles of a portion of a pulp carpel. They are pedicelled and spindle-shaped, and have very little juice. The Sadaphal which came from Benares and Saharunpur do not differ from that of Etawah, PLATE CCIX. girth 11 & in. Ъ A C f gooooond e 9 نیر 2>* PLATE C C X. Attàrra nimboo, obtained at one of the railway stations in the Central Provinces. a is its shape, rugose at the apex, and gathered into folds at the base, otherwise smooth, shiny, and covered with foveoli of all sizes; colour of a clear lemon yellow; the rind has the aroma of the Sadaphal; pulp pale, like a lemon. The juice-vesicles are very prettily disposed in the pulp carpels, as shown at c. The side vesicles are all long pedicelled, and there are some also at the broad part of the carpel. Their attachments are shown at f, f. The short sessile vesicles are few, and at the corners e, e. The carpels are mostly open, and the juice-vesicles project into the hollow centre, as shown in the section b. The juice is abundant, and of a pure acid. The skin is comparatively thin; seeds few. Altogether this is a desirable variety. d is the typical leaf, lanceolate, sometimes emarginate, with scarcely any scent, and with large wings to the petioles. They are leathery, and remind one of pummelo leaves. PLATE CCX. girth 10 Lin а @ e f f C De e lo e ce e l e e e d b PLATE C C X I. The Siderun of Kandy, Ceylon. a, b, and c are one of its forms; lemon yellow; pitted all over with large and small depressions; rugose and furrowed at base and apex, with small warty prominences here and there. Otherwise it is fairly smooth. b is the section of a. Pulp yellowish white; juice abundant and pure acid; juice-cells prettily disposed, like those of the Attarra nimboo (vide Plate CCX.). They also take root from the sides of the carpels, with short cells at the circumference. This appears allied to the Attarra of the Central Provinces of India. In Ceylon some pronounce the name Sidrung. Rung, I was told, in Singhalese meant gold. Persons who knew the language thought the name an imported word. Probably it is a modification of the English word citron. In the Kandy market, the sellers call this Siderun, and the citron proper Natherun. Others, when asked, reversed the names. PLATE CCXI. а د girth 12½in. ло l o o c c a o o o e o ó l l с 1 し ​> شد ८. تا 心 ​girth 12źrn, PLATE CCXII. Another Siderun, more furrowed and warty than the previous one. a shows its external appearance, more warty round the apex. b is a rain leaf, and c a spring leaf. They are not flat like pummelo leaves (though, like them, they are thick and leathery), but curved and curled. They have a faint lemon scent, and the petioles are broadly margined. d is its spine. The Siderun has a lemon flavour, both in its juice and rind. PLATE CCXII. い ​ل а Ъ يخد girth 3 154 in. PLATE CCXIII. This is a citrus, sent from the Botanic Garden, Saharunpur, under the name of Amalbed. a is its shape, pale lemon yellow, furrow -d, and with ridged dough-like folds, converging towards both base and apex. The apex is flattened. Rind aromatic and covered with shallow foveoli. b is its section. Pulp very pale and transparent, like the Attarra nimboo, with the same herring- bone disposition of its juice-vesicles; juice very abundant, and pure acid. c is a rain leaf, with large wings to its petioles; and d is a spring leaf, with its petiole only broadly margined. The leaves are crenate, and have a faint lemon scent. This citrus is a good kind, and has most of the characters of the Attarra nimboo. Perhaps all the Attarra citrus ought, more naturally, to be grouped with the Amalbeds. PLATE CCXIII. girth 13in. ло : C L PLATE CC XI V. This is a citrus of the Attarra variety, obtained from the garden of the Maharajah of Ulwar. The skin is lemon scented and lemon flavoured; the colour is lemon yellow. In section it has all the characters of an Attárra (see Plate CCX.). The pulp is pale and sour, The juice- vesicles have the disposition of c in the same plate. b is a fully-developed rain leaf. c and d are spring leaves. e is an ordinary spine, and ƒ the spine of a young luxuriant cane, with an angular, ribbed stem. This and the following specimens were received, or met with, after the others had been arranged and numbered. They are therefore placed at the end of the group. PLATE CCXIV. girth 704 in : Ъ مجھ PLATE CCXV. This is a Bajoura lemon, obtained from the garden of the Maharajah of Ulwar. It is a and c show its outline. It is yellow and smooth, like a lemon, only slightly foveolate. scarcely distinguishable from a Malta lemon. Its mammilla is more drawn out than in the latter. It is very like the "Goosery" lemon of Mr. Stalkartt, and not impossibly may have come from Calcutta. b is its section, showing a thin skin, though tough. The pulp is very acid, and lemon flavoured. The rind is lemon scented, and tougher than that of the Malta lemon (vide Plate CLXXXIII.). c has its apex more chagrined. d is a rain leaf, and e a spring leaf. They are Bajoura-like, and their nerves are depressed below the surface. The spines are small. PLATE CC.XV. girth 74 in. a girth 8 in. e PLATE CC X V I. This is another Bajoura lemon, taken from the garden of the Maharajah of Ulwar. Externally it is like an elongated Malta lemon, with a tougher skin. b is its section, with a rather thin skin; pulp white and acid, though not sharply so; centre hollow. This specimen was seedless. Another specimen from another tree was many-seeded. It had elongated and also rounded fruits. c is a rain leaf, and d a spring, well-developed, leaf. Their edges are serrated, and their petioles only ridged on the upper part. They resemble the leaves of the Bajoura. Taking everything into consideration, I think that there appears little doubt that the lemon of Europe has descended from the citron proper, the Turunj, probably passing through the intermediate forms of the Bajouras. It is probable that these Bajoura lemons are indigenous forms, with a tough, solid skin, although comparatively thin. In India they have been probably selected further into the Kaghzi Kalan, and in Europe into the Malta and Sicilian lemons, which have a softer skin. : PLATE CCXVI. 1 girth 8 in. а d 28 PLATE CCXVII. a and b are a long lemon from Ulwar. It is like those obtained from Jhansi, at Plate CCVI. It is pale citrine, with a thicker skin, aromatic, but not of a pleasant flavour. I met with a similar long lemon in the Taj Garden. The gardener in the latter place told me that if this lemon is kept it becomes bitterish. c is the form and size of its seed, different from that of the Kaghzi nimboo, or true lime. d, e, and ƒ are its leaves, with either a long and linear petiole, as in e, or with a short and winged petiole, as at ƒ and g. g and h show also other forms of petioles, from the same tree. i is its spine. Having had an opportunity of examining this citrus on the tree, I think I have rightly placed this and the Jhansi long citrus of Plate CCVI. and others among the lemon group,~ which, I think, is distinct from the lime group. PLATE CCXVII. girth 54in. a b C C འ f h 28 PLATE 1 CCXVIII. a and b are a specimen of the Almòra lemon sent by Mr. H. Harris. When ripe, it is deep lemon yellow, studded with large foveoli, especially on the apex half. The rind is not so aromatic as that of the Malta lemon; pulp pale, and full of sour juice. It is a desirable variety where a large quantity of juice is wanted at one time. c and d are rain leaves. e and f, spring leaves. This variety is the same as the Kumaon lemon, only of a smaller size. leaf, c, is probably due to the rich, moist soil of Almora. The immense NOTE. All citrus trees sometimes give off long shoots from the base of the trunk. These then bear large luxuriant leaves. PLATE CCXVIII. f girth 10žin a b ď length 741 VIV. PLATE C C XIX. This is the Shôr, or Gangolée nimboo, of Almora, sent by Mr. H. Harris. a Bajoura lemon. It appears a and b are its outline and section. The exterior is shiny, hard, and of a pale citrine colour, slightly uneven, with rather large and distant foveoli. It is sub-warty round the apex. The skin is tough and aromatic, like that of a Bajoura. The pulp is pale, transparent, and sour; seeds many, with a brown pellicle under the outer shell; white, when cut. c and d are typical leaves and well developed; thin, but not channelled at the ribs. is a spring leaf. NOTE.-By Bajoura lemon I mean a transition form between the Bajoura and the lemon proper. I have mentioned two transition forms, viz. lemon-citron, that is, a citron approaching the lemon type; and citron-lemon, that is, a lemon having still some citron characters. I look upon the Bajouras as half-way forms between the citrons proper and the lemons proper; so that Bajoura lemon would be a still further lemonized form of the Citrus medica than the Bajoura. 80 PLATE CCXIX. α girth gźin. sonalonaereselmagdoaa0a - ло ď PLATE ССХХ. This plate shows specimens of a large lemon received from Pertabgurh, in Oudh; it was sent by Mr. J. A. Luffman. b is a section of a. When ripe it is yellow and smooth, with scarcely any foveoli. The skin is rather thin and aromatic, the pulp pale, transparent; juice very abundant and sour; centre hollow. c is a more elongated form of a. d and e came from the same bunch as the other two, which contained five lemons. The pulp is pale greenish, with long and slender juice-vesicles. The juice is not sharply acid, and of not so pure a flavour as that of the European lemon. All five lemons were of this shape, and all had a very small mammilla. This variety appears distinct, and not unlike the Punjab Gulgul, shown on Plate CLXXXVI., Fig. ƒ. PLATE CCXX. 1 α girth 12 in e d ло girth 84 in. girth 10 in. PLATE CC X X I. These leaves are of the Pertabgurh lemon of Plate CCXX. a and b are fully-developed rain leaves. c, d, and e are spring or dry-weather leaves. NOTE. As stated, large leaves, such as a, are not uncommon on the new cane-like branches, which are given from the base of the stem, near the ground. In Europe, probably these cane-like branches would be pruned off, as detracting from the strength of the tree, without adding to the fruit. The flowers and fruit are produced from the small twigs of the previous year; therefore, in pruning, the latter should be encouraged by removing the former, which may not produce flowers till after several years. (See Chapter on "Cultivation of the Citrus.") PLATE CСCХХІ. CCXXI. " a Ъ 1 PLATE CCXXII. a and b is the sweet Gulgul of Saharunpur. It was plucked in October, and rather unripe, and of a dark green colour. It grows larger by ripening. The rind is very aromatic, but has not a pleasant taste. The pulp is white, and in its unripe state dry and insipid-neither sweet nor acid-like that of the Sadaphal. It appears a sweet or insipid Bajoura. I had not met with a sweet Bajoura before; it may have descended from the sweet Turunj or Madhkakree. c and d are its typical leaves. The essential oil of this specimen, like the "lima" of Ceylon, tinged paper permanently, of a gamboge yellow. e and ƒ are the Behari lemon from Saharunpur, plucked also in October and unripe; when ripe, it is slightly larger. It is foveolate all over, and lemon scented. The rind The latter is white and acid. This specimen and pulp are of a lemon flavour. was seedless. g is its well-developed. typical leaf, with a wavy surface, serrated, but not prominently so, and slightly lemon scented. h was a small and smooth leaf of the same. NOTE.-In forwarding the specimen of Plate CLXXXVII., possibly it was mistaken for this sweet Gulgul, as that on Plate CLXXXVII. was not sweet. PLATE CCXXII. بالم girth W 8źin い ​ر Ъ α k girth 52, in: نکه length 64 in. PLATE CCXXIII. a and b are a double lemon which I got off a tree in Etawah. It was quite seedless. c and d are another double lemon, which I got at an English shop. It came from Palermo, and had seeds. These double lemons were formed by a fusion, or fasciation of two ovaries. In d the centres of the two lemons are quite separate. In b, however, there is a tendency to fusion of the centres, in order to produce an elongated common centre. NOTE. It is not improbable that the large varieties of citrus may have originated either by proliferation of extra carpels between the normal ones, or, as in this case, by a fusion of two ovaries. I have examined three double lemons, and in no case did the rind extend inwards between the two lemon pulps. With reference to double fruit, vide Appendix 21, on the Indian Philippine. PLATE COXXIII. girth of the two 10 in. girth of the two 11 #in a NGORA DIZZ 6 ď 13 PLATE CCXXI V. a and b is another double lemon, which I also got from an English shop. It also came' from Palermo. I give it here, because it also shows the amalgamation of the two centres, producing one elongated centre. This specimen had many perfect seeds, and, therefore, this fasciation of the two ovaries might possibly be reproduced through the seeds, and by selection fixed into a large citrus variety, as in Plates LXXII. and LXXXIII. A double fruit would naturally take the fancy of Orientals; they have their own game of Philippine, and, if they obtained seeds, they would almost surely sow them, to obtain a continuance of this doubleness. I think it probable that many large kinds of citrus may have originated in this way, and by selection perfected, so as to lose all trace of their double origin. c, d, and e are the leaves and spines of a wild citrus, found by Mr. Duthie, "growing in the Sarjoo Valley; elevation, 2 to 3,000 feet. It had all the appearance of wildness, there being no villages anywhere. There was a small stream, beside which it was growing, and by which the seed was most likely conveyed from some village above."-Ranikhet, 9th September, 1886. (Vide Webster's lemon, Plate CC.) PLATE CCXXIV. 1 a 1 سمة ФФ 29. PLATE CCXX V. Lima of Ceylon, or Kudalu dehi (Leech lime or Caffre lime). This is not eaten, but is used for washing the hair, and for rubbing on the feet and legs, as an antidote against land- leeches. a and b are the outline and section of the Lima; c is a smaller specimen; both were unripe, and very warty, the warts being studded with foveoli. The rind is thick, with an aromatic, resinous scent, and a bitter acrid taste. The essential oil contains a gamboge-yellow pigment, which permanently stains paper yellow. Pulp greenish, and juice-vesicles small; seeds greenish, when cut; pulp sour, and of a very unpleasant flavour. A riper specimen I got at Colombo had greenish pulp with small vesicles; juice very sour, with a sui generis aroma, not unlike that of the Kaghzi nimboo. The rind had a very unpleasant acrid taste and resinous scent. Dr. Trimen's foreman said it is sometimes larger than this specimen. d and are are fully-developed rain leaves; dark green, thick, and leathery, with their edges slightly turned backwards; the oil-glands of the leaf-blade and petiole wings are of various sizes, as also on their edges. They have no special aroma. The petiole wings are sometimes almost as large as the leaflet, or larger, and both glabrous. ƒ and g are spring leaves. The flowers are small, slightly tinged red, either male or bi-sexual, and often with four petals, with either separate or partially-united stamen-filaments, k are the spines of the lima. h and i are limu leaves, with small petiole wings; is a well-developed leaf of the Ceylor Kaghzi nimboo, or lime, with a large petiole, given for comparison. The small leaves of the lima and the large leat of the lime have similar wings to their petioles. PLATE CCXXV. girth 2:2 14 དལ་ 5 えど ​Z of المه 1 ام in. length 14 1 Tength 1/2 in. girth 2279 29 PLATE C C X X V I. are taken from the illustrations of the Flora Amboyn. of Rumphius, These figures are published in 1750. a is Limo ventricosus, Vol. II., Tab. xxvi., Fig. 1. It is yellow when ripe, thick skinned, and used for washing the head; pictured by Rumphius with four petals. This corresponds with C. Hystrix D.c. of Kurz, Flor. of Brit. Burma. It also corresponds with the Lima of Ceylon; both are used for washing the head. The Cingalese, in addition, have discovered that it is useful against land-leeches, and have given it the name of Kudalu dèhi. The Caffre regiments of Ceylon used it for similar purposes, and hence a third name among the English there is Caffre Lime. b is Limo agrestis, Vol. II., Tab. xxvii. (Dutch-Wilde pap. Leimen) Citrus papeda of Miquel. Very yellow colour; pulp sour and acrid. This is evidently a close connection of a. It has retained its broad petiole wings, and has lost some of its warts. warts. At the same time it is acrid like the lima, and pictured by Rumphius with four petals. e is Limo ferus, Tab. xxviii., Vol. II., also pictured with four petals. It is another variety closely connected with Limo ventricosus. It retains the broad petiole wings of Limo ventricosus, and the fruit, though small, is still tubercled. The spines of b and e are like those of the Kaghzi nimboo. d, e, f, g, and h are leaves from a rain-shoot of the Kaghzi nimboo, Etawah, given here for comparison. They have unusually large wings to their petioles. PLATE CCXXVI. فری a 32 ད n Ğ D PLATE C C X X VII. These figures are also taken from the Flora Amboyn. of Rumphius. a would appear a smooth form of Limo ventricosus, but, I believe by mistake, Burmann called it Limo ferus (or lemon swangy), Vol. II., Tab. xxvi., Fig. 3, pictured with four • petals. Here we have we have again the broad petiole wings of Limo ventricosus with an entirely smooth fruit. b is an ovoid Kaghzi nimboo of India, which in no way differs from the fruit of a, as far as one can judge from a picture. The spines of a are identical with those of b; the latter, however, has the leaf of e. c, c is the Limonellus aurarius (lemon Maas), Vol. II., Tab. xxx., pictured with four and also with five petals. This is the smallest of all citrus; not used for food, but by goldsmiths, for cleaning gold. The leaves are pictured entire, but the broad winged petiole of a is still maintained. I think that in some parts of India also the smallest Kaghzi nimboo is used by goldsmiths for the same purpose. e and d are both taken from Vol. II., Tab. xxix., of Rumphius. e (Limo tenuis) is distinctly like an Indian Kaghzi nimboo in all its features. (Vide Plate CCXXVIII., Fig. b, and other plates, showing the small lime of India.) Rumphius says "it is thin skinned, very common, and much used. It is pictured with four petals. Loureiro, under Citrus limonum, says, 'spinous, petioles often linear," and refers it to Vol. II, Tab. xxix., of Rumphius. Unfortunately this table has both d and e. d is distinctly 66 $5 a lemon (C. medica, var, limonum), and e is distinctly a true lime, which may possibly be C. hystrix, var. acida. PLATE CCXXVII. b а C PLATE CC XXVIII. a is the Monserrat true lime of the West Indies. It is taken from the "Botanical Magazine," Tab. 6,745, and called there Citrus medica, var. acida, as given in Sir J. Hooker's Flora Indica. In my opinion, it is a luxuriant variety of the Kaghzi nimboo (Limo tenuis) of Amboyn., Plate CCXXVII., Fig. e, and that of India Fig. b of this Plate. b is the common Kaghzi nimboo of India, called also desi, in contradistinction to the other and larger form, the Behari. It is also called bara màsi, owing to its being procurable during the "twelve months of the year. or in cymes. c is section of b. This lime is thin skinned, with an aroma sui generis. The pulp is greenish, and very acid. The flowers are small, white, or slightly tinged purple; solitary axillary, The young shoots are tinged ochre colour, and the young unexpanded leaves tomentose. The leaves are small, rounded, oval, or lanceolate, with a distinct The spines given in b are typical. Fruit pale yellow, when ripe; smooth and foveolate, as shown in b. aroma. d is an ovoid variety; e is a typical spring leaf; and ƒ a well-developed rain leaf. The petiole given in a and b is usually very constant, and occurs in all the true limes I have seen. PLATE CCXXVIII. > a girth. 5 in. ŏ ہے girth 5 in. f С PLATE CCXXIX. Two forms of the true lime of India (Kaghzi nimboo). a, b, c, and d were taken from a seedling tree about four years old, and just beginning to fruit. The spines in all young seedling citruses are usually more developed than in older trees and those raised from buds. The wings of the petiole are here more developed. e is a form growing in the Public Garden, Etawah. Its section f shows the typical skin of the Kaghzi nimboo. These thin-skinned limes are often slightly furrowed longitudinally, the furrows corresponding to the dissepiments of the pulp. 9 is a rain leaf; i a spring leaf. h is a rounded form of leaf, which very often occurs in the true limes, and recalls the leaflet of Lima leaf d, Plate CCXXV. j is a globose form of fruit, from a four-year-old seedling (from date of planting out the young tree, not from date of sowing the seed). PLATE CCXXIX. A girth 54 in. girth stin. j girth 5tin そ ​i PLATE CC X X X. Forms of true limes, found in Calcutta and Bombay. a is the China pâti, or so-called China form in Bengal. b, c, d, e, are the spring leaves which came with it. f its spine. Exterior smooth, pitted with concave cells; in parts they are convex. The section showed nothing new the skin very thin; juice abundant, with a pronounced Kaghzi flavour. The words chin ka, like pahàri, and belaiti, are often given to plants in contra- distinction to dèsi, or common kinds. Whether, in this case, this variety had a Chinese origin, or not, I do not know. g, h, i, and j is the Dèsi pâti of Calcutta, or the common Kaghzi nimboo. Pulp like that of other Kaghzi nimboo. The leaves and the spines k came with this specimen. 1, m, and n I purchased in the Bombay market. I was told that I was the China Kaghzi; m the Kaghzi of Nassick; and n the Kaghzi of Poona. I had a sour pulp, with a slightly pale orange tinge; its flavour was different from the ordinary Kaghzi. The other two had the true lime flavour. All were pale yellow and thin skinned. I did not see the leaves of any of these Bombay limes. It is doubtful whether is a true lime. It may be something like the udo dehi of Ceylon, a variety of sour orange. (Vide Plate CCXXXIII., e.) PLATE CCXXX. girth 47in. a ФФФФР Оффон f girth. 44 in. girth girth Stin n z m PLATE CC X X X 1. Ceylon limes, called there Dehi. a and b are the outlines and section of the lime of Kandy. This has not the papery skin of the Kaghzi nimboo. In India this variety would probably be called Behari nimboo. It is pale yellow, and studded all over with large and small foveoli. The pulp is pale, like that of a lemon; juice very sour and abundant, and slightly bitter. Young unexpanded leaf buds are tomentose. d and e are like the regular lime leaves; j its spine. C c is the lime of Colombo; pale yellow, pitted all over with shallow cavities. Thin skinned, though not quite Kaghzi; pulp pale greenish; ten carpels; juice abundant, of the flavour of Kaghzi; oil-cells of rind distinct; centre solid; seeds white, when cut. f, g, h, and i are from a lime tree (?) I found in the Hagkala garden. I found none but au unripe undeveloped fruit, h; flowers tinged purple, four or five petals. Leaves longer than usual, with shape and scent more like those of a lemon. General aspect and spines are those of a lime. * PLATE CCXXXI. girth 64 in. girth 6 in a ФФ 9 PLATE CCXXXII. a and b are the Kaghzi nimboo, of Calcutta. This was an unripe specimen, with a thickish skin. It had foveoli, large and small, with shallow longitudinal furrows here and there. pale; juice abundant, acid, with a fine aroma. c, d, e, and ƒ are the leaves and spine which came with it. g is a Kaghzi nimboo from Bhilawa, Auraya, Etawah District. Pulp Exterior quite smooth; has neither elevations nor depressions; very thin skinned; aroma of the sour juice that of the true Kaghzi. h, i, j, k are the leaves and spine of the same. I and m are a lime that came from Benares, under the name of Behari nimboo. - It appeared to be no other than an ovoid or pyriform Kaghzi, with pale and sour pulp. PLATE CCXXXII. girth 6 in a ር Ъ d @ a po p girth Gir. girth 54 in て ​ m 30 PLATE CCXXXIII. a, b, c, d are leaves of the Kaghzi nimboo, taken from seedling plants, four or five years old They are all dark green, and have the scent of true lime leaves. € is a small citrus I obtained at the Colombo market. It was called Oodoo Dèhi. It is used for hair scrubbing. It has a thin skin, of a pale yellow, and smooth. The pulp had only six carpels. Its sour juice was abundant, but different in flavour from that of the ordinary true lime. The seeds were greenish when cut. name Oodoo may be a corruption of the Usoh of Khasia, or Archipelago. Not improbably the Usse of the Malay PLATE CCXXXIII. α DP P Q > girth Lźin. 30* PLATE C C X X XIV. and b are the Bor jeneru tenga of Assam. From its leaves and size and shape of fruit, it would appear one of the Suntara oranges. All the drawings of citrus from Assam were favoured me by Mr. G. E. McLeod, and are all of the size given. They give a very good idea of the oranges and lemons of that Province. He omitted, however, to give any further characters beyond what are seen in the drawings. I have, therefore, reproduced in the Appendix, No. 53, the list of Assam citrus given by Mr. William Robinson in 1841. One of the oranges is there called Jendru tenga. It is probably this. Mr. McLeod adds that the Horu generu tenga is exactly the same, but smaller. and d are the Júta muri of Assam. From the petiole of its leaf it would appear a large lemon of the Gulgul class, or Kumaon lemon variety. On one side (e) this specimen was imperfectly developed, as was seen in its section. In d I have only shown the well- developed portion of the section, with its thick skin. Mr. Robinson, among the sub-acid lemons, gives Jota mori tenga, which, I suppose, means this variety. PLATE COXXXIV. IN a diam 23/4 in. C ļ ཀ ག ལ་ diam 4 in. PLATE CC X X X V. a and b are the Chokla tenga of Assam. From its leaf petioles I would say it is a lemon of the large Kumaon kind, with a thick skin. Mr. Anderson, of Sibsâgur, in his list (Appendix, No. 43, b), gives as No. 3 Sakla tenga-a bitter lime-meaning, perhaps, sour-bitter. Mr. Robinson groups Chakla tenga among the sub-acid lemons, but he also gives the same name under acid limes. I do not think it can be a Seville, as it has no winged petioles, which are large in the Sevilles. The leaf, as shown in Mr. McLeod's drawing, is that of a lemon, or Bajoura. PLATE CCXXXV. : : پیچھے b diam 5 in. PLATE CCXXXVI. a and b are the Hulinga muri of Assam. Judging from its leaf, I would group it among the Amilbêds (which see). Mr. Robinson, among the sub-acid lemons, gives Halangá mori tenga, which, I fancy, is the same as this. PLATE CCXXXVI. a ( > ན > diam 5½½ in. 8 PLÁTE CCXXX VI I. a and b are the Bor tenga of Assam, Judging from its leaf, I would put it also among the Mr. Amilbêds. Mr. Anderson, in No. 4 of his list, gives Bor tenga as a big lime, not a pummelo; and Mr. Robinson, among the sub-acid lemons, gives Bor mori tenga. McLeod says it is actual size, and, therefore, might easily be mistaken for a true pummelo. It appears warty round the apex. PLATE CCXXXVII. 3 3 3 3 и التقاء الى السلال ال الالة w a и つ ​2 diam 5½in! PLATE C C X X X V I II. a and b are the Rabab tenga of Assam. Mr. McLeod adds (? Nawàb), and thinks it might possibly be a corruption of that name. Mr. Anderson gives No. 1 under the same name, but Mr. Robinson gives two kinds of shaddocks, viz., the white-Boga robab tengá, and the red—Runga robah tengú. Possibly it is one of these, but I think its petiole-wings are too small for a true pumelo, and would seem to belong rather to the Amilbed group. It is impossible to say whether the Amilbeds and the true pumelos have the same or different ancestors. If this were of Batavian origin, it would probably have retained either the Bengali name of Batabi tengá, or that of Jakatra tengá. In upper India, however, the pumelos have, from their large size, gained different names, such as Maha nimboo (large nimboo) and Gagree nimboo (jar-like nimboo). Whether this Rabah tengá is one of those mentioned by Mr. Robinson as Shaddocks, or not, I cannot say. PLATE CCXXXVIII. 20 со 30 2 PLATE C C X X X I X. a and b are the Jora tengá of Assam. It appears to be a true lemon of the Nepàlee nimboo variety. It is, however, rather thick skinned, but this may not be a typical specimen. It is No. 2 of Mr. Anderson's list. Mr. Robinson gives three varieties with this name, and all placed under citrons. Between thin-skinned citrons and thick-skinned lemons there is not, in reality, a very great difference. The drawing gives the "reduced size." c and d are the Nimboo tenga of Assam. Judging from the shape of the leaf given in the drawing, I should say it was not the true lime (Kaghzi nimboo) of the plains, but rather a small variety of the Nepal lemon. Its spines are too large and its leaves too oblong for a true lime. (Vide Plate CXCVII., Figs. d and e.) Mr. Robinson, among the acid limes of Assam, gives Nimu tenga, which, I suppose, means this. PLATE CCXXXIX. a C d PLATE CCXL. a and b are the fruit of the "Bigaradier fetifère" of Risso. They show oranges developing within oranges, and the section b shows a multiple fruit. At A is shown a rind carpel developed within the pulp carpel, and a second whorl of pulp carpels within the outer one. c and d are the fruit of the "Bigaradier à fruit corniculé " of Risso. They show several carpels remaining distinct, and unamalgamated with the others, to form a uniform round fruit. The section, at e and f, shows separate pulp carpels, belonging to the separate rind carpels. g is the fruit of the "Oranger à fruit cornu cornu" of Risso. It shows a single carpel persisting in remaining separate. This horn varied in size, but all the oranges of that variety had it more or less developed, and every large appendage had within it a separate pulp carpel. Whatever may be the origin or nature of the citrus rind, it would appear that each pulp carpel had originally its own rind (carpel or not): that, in the process of selection and perfection, the pulp carpels remained distinet, while the rind coverings became amalgamated and their separate nature obliterated. These figures are referred to in the Chapter on "Morphology." PLATE CCXL. α 9 A ? d. f 31 PLATE CCXLI. a and b show the fruit of the "Bergamottier mellarose à fleur double" of Risso. a shows the rind carpels all distinct, and ununited at their distal ends, forming a sort of cup-rim, out of which come out numerous other carpels, belonging to inner whorls. The section b shows a very interesting multiplication of rind and pulp carpels. Within the outer whorl of pulp carpels there is a whorl of rind carpels, shown at b', with their oil-cells; within these, again, is a complete whorl of smaller pulp carpels. The centre of the fruit is occupied by pulp carpels of various sizes. At A there is also a rind carpel. Innermost of all is a circle of rind carpels, with essential oil-cells. c is the fruit of the "Bergamottier mellarose" of Risso, showing distinct carpels, and a second whorl of carpels at the distal end. d is the anomalous form of orange given by Dr. Masters in his "Teratology," Fig. 32, Plate LXXIV. If I have interpreted it rightly, it consists of single carpels of the centre leaflet and one of the side leaflets of the original trifoliate leaf. By the doited carpel d', I have endeavoured to complete the trifoliate ancestral form, changed into a tri-carpellar fruit, with all three carpels completely disunited (?). e is also taken from Dr. Masters' work, p. 303. It shows the whorl of stamens changed into carpels or pistils. PLATE CCXLI. Ό ос e 31+ PLATE CCXLI I. a and b are the ovoid form of the Bal fruit (Egle Marmelos). Although heavy and solid, it floats in water. The rind is pale green, and when ripe of a yellowish brown studded with large and small oil-cells. b is the section, showing the isolated pulp-carpels. c shows a longitudinal section of one of the latter. Its interior surface is studded with open- monthed cells, which pour their gummy secretion into the interior of the carpel, and fill it, bathing the seed. The Bal gum is a sticky astringent substance, soluble in water. The gum-cells are more numerous towards the circumferential side of the carpel, which is also the case with citrus juice-vesicles. I look upon these gum-sacs as the homologues of the citrus juice-vesicles. Their rim projects beyond the inner surface of the carpels, and a little more might make them closed sacks. All the rest of the fruit b'b' is occupied by a yellow spongy substance, and which appears to be the homologue of the white pith which is on the inside of the organge and lemon. peel. d and e is a pyriform Bel. I cut three Bal fruits, from different trees, and in each found eleven pulp, or gum-carpels. This specimen had a very small mamilla, shown at e.' The large and small oil-cells of the rind were distinct. ƒ is the trifoliolate leaf of the Bal. The minute unexpanded leaves are covered on both sides and edges with a short brownish down. This is shed by degrees, as the leaf grows. The oil-cells, of three sizes, are very distinct on the edges. Not so distinct on the othe parts of the blades. The spines are in pairs. PLATE CCXLII. girth 94 in. a A DAD U D 00 " non n o A D Ъ ثر о ď girth 212 779 e e' PLATE CCXLIII. a large pumelo-like variety of Bal (Egle Marmelos) called Bara Bal. The hard pithy substance which occupies the whole interior of the fruit, is sweetish and aromatic, of the colour of pale orange carrot. In the case of the Bal fruit, this pithy matter has forced itself between the pulp carpels-squeezing and separating them, and invading also the centre of the fruit. In fact, it is the principal part of the fruit. While in the citrus, the pulp vesicles with their enclosing pod-membrane form the principal part of the fruit. By their excessive growth, they have kept the pulp carpels close together, and so have prevented the pith from invading the centre also. In the citrus, this pithy substance could only grow externally by expanding the rind, and so creating the thick skins of the pumelo, citron, and Kathairee nimboo, and others. e shows the interior of the gum-carpel, with its gum-cells, and the seed c', with its large placenta. In October this Bal was pale green, and might have become larger when ripe. It was studded with oil-cells of two sizes, with intermediate white dots. PLATE CCXLIII. girth 76 in. it C doo 4 0 0 0 0 0 00 O Q ง 0 L. る ​ PLATE CCXLIV. a is an ovoid fruit of the Kaitha (Feronia elephantum). It is covered with a fawn-coloured epidermis, more dense at the apex. b and c are the compound leaves of this Feronia. They are crenated as in c, although in b the crenations are not shown. The leaflets have sparse oil-cells; also in the angles, between the crenations, and on the edges of the margined petiole. Sometimes the oil-cells of the blades require a high-power glass to bring them out, while those of the edges are distinct and like minute pearls. When crushed, they have the scent of aniseed. d is a small trifoliolate leaf, and e is the spine. The older branches, in the axillæ of the spines, have small tufty branchlets, The fruit of the Feronia, though solid and heavy, floats in with five or six leaves. water. ƒ and g are a fruit of the Feronia of the shape of an inverted pear. It is covered with a furfuraceous epidermis, of an earth-colour, and easily scraped off. g shows the internal structure of the fruit. At g' are the cells of the woody rind, filled with a hard concretion. The fruit appears to consist of five large, and imperfectly closed carpels; AA. They appear to consist only of the skeletons of the carpels, that is of the feeding vessels,. at the ends of many of which seed-buds are developed. BB appears to be another whorl of carpels, alternating with the first. They have their feeding vessels straight, filling the centre of the fruit with seed-buds, at the same time pushing out of the way, and curving inwards the edges of carpels a. In the section, some of the seeds are seen of full size, while others are seen in part, and belong to a lower level. As in the Egle, the carpels of the Feronia are embedded in a dense pithy substance, homologous to the pith of the orange rind. It fills the fruit. h is the normal leaf of an Egle I found at the temple of Tanjore, with very thick leaflets; so much so, that when bent, they snapped. Usually the leaves of the Egle are very thin. The fruit of this Egle was small and ovoid. PLATE CCXLIV. girth 10 in. cx ло 尽 ​д C ď B B 9 girth 8 Win. PLATE CCXLV. a, b, and c are the compound leaves of the Limonia acidissima, which I got at the Saharanpore Botanic Garden. The tree has the habit of the Feronia. The leaflets are dotted with large and small oil-cells. Their scent is almost nil, perhaps it distinctly recalls that of the leaves of Feronia elephantum. The petioles are pubescent. At the angles of the crenations there are large oil-cells, with smaller ones between them. The leaves of this Limonia might perhaps be taken to consist of a chain of winged petioles, one budding out of the tip of the other, with a pair of opposite side-buds proliferating from the same node, and ending in the odd leaflet, when the power of proliferation had been exhausted. The rind is studded d is the Limonia fruit of the natural size. When ripe, it is purple-black. When ripe, it is purple-black. with oil-cells, and slightly aromatic, and bitterish, but not citrine. The pulp is slightly acid and bitter; I did not find it very acid, as its name would denote. It had one seed of the size of a Sorghum-seed. e is its spine, with a bud at its base. ƒ and g are only diagrams, in connection with what I said in the Chapter on Morphology, and intended to illustrate a supposed branching of the Phyllanthus-one of the Cactacea. PLATE CCXLV. a ло d C д C PLATE C C X L V I. The first The The following plates show the young seedling leaves of various kinds of citrus. leaves that show themselves above ground are always opposite, as shown in Plate CCLV second and third of these varieties came out as here shown. a is the second leaf of the Kumquat (Plate XCIII., Figs. d and g), showing margins to the petiole. b is the second leaf of the Kathairee nimboo (Plate XXXV.), showing a very long margined petiole, its margins being continuous with those of the blade. b' shows the position of the joint. • c is the second leaf of the Ať Anni of Gonda (Plate CXII.). d and e are its third and fourth leaves. Another seedling of this variety gave a second leaf like e. f is the second leaf of Surkh nimboo (Plate XCVI., Figs. d and f). g is the second leaf of the Delhi Keonla, purchased at Bombay (Plate CXXVI., Fig. ƒ). ĵ h and i are third and fourth leaves of the Jhansi long lemon (Plate CCVI., Fig. a and b). is the third leaf of the Ceylon orange called Punchi Jambole (Plate LVI., Fig. a). k is the second leaf of the "Lima" or Kudalu déhi of Ceylon (C. or Kudalu déhi of Ceylon (C. hystrix, Plate CCXXV. Fig. a). I and m are its third and fourth leaves. It should be noted that these leaves are taken from are taken from one particular seedling of each variety, other seedlings of the same variety might give somewhat different leaves. The trifoliate leanes are rare. PLATE CCXLVI. e D D F F F F f k Р 722 PLATE CCXLVII. 1 a is the third leaf of the Kaghzi Kalàn of Ajitmal (Plate CLXXXIX., Fig. a); it does not show any sign of joint between the petiole and the leaflet. b is the third leaf of the Rangpur lime from Saharanpur (Plate CXIV., Fig. a). c and d are the second and third leaves of the Calamba of Bengal (Plate CLXVI., Fig. a). e is the second leaf of the Bhootan orange (Plate CVII., Fig. a). ƒ and g are the second and third leaves of the Nagpore Suntara orange (Plate CII.). h and i are the second and third leaves of the Suntola orange of Nepal (Plate XCIX.). is the third leaf of the Pondicherry lemon (Plate CLXXXIV., Fig. a). PLATE CCXLVII. a و h h d e PLATE CCXLVIII. a is the third leaf of the ovoid Sherbetee of Benares (Plate CXCIV., Fig. a). b and c are • the second and third leaves of Major Buller's Kaghzi nimboo Nepalee (Plate CXCVII., Fig. d). If this is a true Kaghzi n. its large winged petiole might strengthen the theory of the descent of the true lime from the C. hystrix. d is the second leaf, and e and f the third leaves of the oblate Nartun of Tanjore (Plate XVIII., Fig. f). The pyriform Nartun had similar leaves. g is the second leaf of the petiole and leaflet. Bombay red pumelo. It had no no sign of joint between the Its edges seemed entire, but they had the unmistakable oil-cells in the places of the crenations. The oil-cells on the blade were very few and scattered. h is the third leaf of the same pumelo. Both g and h were glabrous, CCXLVIII. a ФФ C d f 32 PLATE CCXLIX. a and b are third and fourth leaves of Buller's large Gungolee nimboo (Plate CXCIX., Fig. a). c is the third leaf of the ordinary round Sherbetee nimboo (Plate CXCI., Fig. a). à is the second leaf of the Mitha (?) Gulgul of Saharanpur (Plate CLXXXVII., Fig. a); it has a joint at d, but the edges of the petiole margin are continuous with those of the blade. e is the third leaf of Mr. Nickel's Suez orange (Plate XLVI., Fig. a). f is the third leaf of the Ceylon Suntara or Konda närun (Plate CI., Fig. a). g is the second leaf of the Lucknow Jambiri (Plate CXXXII., Fig. a). * h and i are the third and fourth leaves of the common fourth leaves of the common Khatta orange (Plate XXV., Figs. a and b). PLATE COXLIX. a D ५ с 9 32* PLATE CCL. a and b are the second and third leaves of the Nepal sour lemon (Plate CXCVII., Fig. a), with lemon-like leaves and no joints. c and d are the second and third leaves of the Desi Calamba of Bengal (Plate LXVIII., Fig a), probably an Amilbed. e is the second leaf of the Behàri Nimboo, without a joint (Plate CCII., Fig. a). f is the third leaf of the Etawah Bajoura, with a joint (Plate CLXIII., Fig. a). f' is the third leaf of another seedling of the Etawah Bajoura. g is the second leaf of the yellow Surk nimboo. h is the second leaf of the Buxa small orange (Plate CVII., Fig. a). i is the second leaf of the Malta Séville (Plate XI, Fig. a), of Lucknow. j and k are the second and third leaves of the Etawah Séville (Plate XIV., Fig. a). I and m are the second and third leaves of another specimen of the same Séville. PLATE COL. a 9 Ъ D P P Q m PLATE CCLI. , a and b the second and third leaves of the Gungolee nimboo of Bulrampur (Plate CXCIX., Fig. f). and d are the second and third leaves of the Benares Gulgul (Plate CLXXXVI., Fig. a). e is the second leaf of the large lemon of Kumaon, without joint (Plate CLXXXVIII., Fig. a). ƒ and g are the third and fourth leaves of the Saroti nimboo of Gonda (Plate CLXIX., Fig. a.) f is without a joint, and g has a joint. h and i are the second and third leaves of the Bandir orange of Tanjore (Plate XLIII., Fig. a.) j is the second leaf of Qism Bajoura of Major Buller (Plate CXCVI., Fig. a). Probably it is an "At' Anni." PLATE CCLI. C d : g' PLATE CCLII. a is the second leaf of the Mooltan Sherbetee, or sweet lemon (Plate CXC., Fig. a). b and c are the second and third leaves of the Lahore Gulgul (Plate XXXII.). b has a joint at b'; but the edges of the blade and petiole are continuous. c has also a joint at c', showing a tendency to separation between the petiole wings and blade. d and e are the first and third leaves of the Aurungabad orange (Plate CXXV., Fig. a). f ƒ is the second leaf of the Sherbetee lemon (a sour citrus) of Calcutta (Plate CCVII., Figs. i and j). g is the third leaf of the Nepalee nimboo of Benares (sweet lemon) (Plate CXCII., Fig. a). h is the third leaf of the Surkh nimboo (Plate XCVI., Figs. d and e). PLATE CCLII. a ФФФФР g え ​PLATE CCLIII. a, b, and c are second, third, and fourth leaves of Qeem citron of Saharunpore (Plate LXIX., Figs. a and b); probably an Amilbêd. d is the third leaf of the small Sherbetee of Khoorja (Plate CXC., Fig. 9). e and ƒ are second and third leaves of the Amilbéd (Plate LXI., Figs. a and b). PLATE COLIII. ФФФФФФ PLATE CCLIV. a and b are the second and third leaves of the large Sherbetee lemon of Muscat (Plate CXCV., Fig. c). c and d are the second and third leaves of another specimen of the same variety. e is the third leaf of the yellow Surkh nimboo of Tulshipur Gonda. f is the third leaf of the Ocdo Déhi of Ceylon (Plate CCXXIII., Fig. e). g' are the leaves and spines of the Citrus trifoliata, sent from the Botanic Garden, Saharunpore. It has never fruited there. (Vide Plate CCLI., Fig. g'.) PLATE COLIV. ФФФФФ PLATE CCLV. a shows the first pair of leaves and the second leaf of the small Behari Nimboo of Lucknow (Plate CCIV.). b shows the same in the Sungdaraz of Nepal (Plate CLXIV.). c ditto of the Turunj of Lucknow (No. 2) (Plate CLII.). d ditto of Etawah Bajoura (Plate CLXIII.). e ditto of Big Pumelo of Etawah (Plate LXXX.). ditto of Turunj of Lucknow (No. 1) (Plate CXLIX.). g and h are seedlings of the same fruit, the Nibooá of Nepal (Plate CLXV.). In no case do the first pair of leaves show either margins or wings to the petiole, or joints, between the petiole and blade. The second leaf of all the above shows a joint, but no appendages whatever to the petiole. Might the first pair of leaves be considered the original citrus leaf, from the tip of which, by proliferation, a second leaf budded, the latter being afterwards called the leaflet, and the former the winged petiole? Possibly this suggestion might be hazarded, from an embryological point of view. PLATE CCLV. фффф фффф PLATE CCLVI. This, and the following, represent some of the varieties of citrus in the Khasia Hills mentioned in Mr. G. Stevenson's letter (vide Appendix No. 43 a). These outlines are taken from coloured sketches made by Rai Jagesh Chandra Chatterjee Bahadur, subdivisional officer of Sumamgunj, and courteously forwarded by Mr. Stevenson, Deputy Commissioner of Sylhet. a is called Moglai in Bengali. It has the shape and colour of the Suntara orange varieties. In Khàsi, its name is Usoh Myngor. The Kamald proper differs little from this. Mr. Stevenson says the Moglai has a thicker skin than the Kamalà. b in the drawing is only called orange. It is probably the common orange--the Kamald proper -of the Bengalis, and the Usoh Santra, or Niamtra, of the Khasis. PLATE CCLVI. α " 10 33 PLATE CCLVII. (a is the Narangi of the Bengalis. It is coloured much redder than the foregoing, and Mr. Stevenson, in Appendix 43 (a), says the Narangi is sour. Probably it corresponds to to the Keonla of the plains. clear why its Khâsi not clear why its Khâsi name should be Possibly it is only sour when unripe. although I think it of the If the Narangi be sour, it is not Usoh Sim, meaning the 'Raja orange." The Naringhi of Upper India, probably a sweeter variety, or proper. Keonla type, is one that sweetens earlier than the Keonla b is given as Jhagi in the drawing. This name is not in Mr. Stevenson's list, unless it be the one called there Kaki. In his list, it is said to be sour. Its colour is deep yellow, and may be some kind of lemon, if not the Jhambiri of the plains. In the drawing it looks much chagrined, + PLATE CCLVII. α ло 33** PLATE CCLVIII. a is pictured as green, and called Khata jamir, the Khâsi name would be Usoh kymphor, and is said to be sour. It was probably taken from an unripe specimen, and its name points to its being a variety of the Jamiri. It is pictured as warty and much chagrined. 66 b is called Satkara and its Khasi name is given in the list as Usoh kuid or kuhit. It is sour and eaten unripe, cooked, and used as a chutny." It is probably one of the Amilbêds. It is pictured as rather warty, and chagrined, and of a lemon colour. leaf corresponds with the Amilbéd leaf. Its PLATE CCLVIII. a 刀 ​心 ​is • • PLATE CCLIX. These figures are taken from the monograph on the Citrus of Risso and Poiteau. a and b are there called "Bigaradier bicolor." It was yellow, with green stripes, when unripe, and yellow with orange stripes, when ripe. c and d are called " Bigaradier bizarrerie." warty parts of a yellow colour. in one fruit. The smooth parts were of an orange colour, and the They appeared a mixture of an orange and citron A seedling is also mentioned, which, on the same tree, had both white flowers and others tinged purple. Mention is also made of similar mixtures between the apple and the pear. NOTE.-The whole subject of the hybridization of the different varieties, or species, of citrus requires to be carefully gone over by direct experiment, not only to determine certain purely scientific points, but to see whether new and useful varieties might be obtained by crossing. N.B.-These are like the so-called Trifacial oranges of other writers L PLATE CCLIX. 10 a 5 C 46 ď ت C THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY DATE DUE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN • 3 9015 03503 1072