K BOOKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS Z 7164 .C81 W& ALLRABERAI A Selected List VOLA E RESË WEA D BROME.). ISEN SJEL bena u met EPAS STOR ---sors Độ DREAMANTAAN SMAL AD KÄÄNIAL POLAR & LASN Ons 279 128 MË DA Í ME POVOS DE AM Big & PR JERE BEDERAT CITÉALETÉT KADUNA SON QUAD CALO Micamuduru.v.au hig the MA» QUE LET 219MATTE IN with C Wisconsin Free Library Commission Traveling Library Department State Capitol Annex Madison, Wisconsin 1929 BOOKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS A Selected List Compiled by Anna R. Moore Wisconsin Free Library Commission Traveling Library Department The compiler wishes to acknowledge with thanks the valuable assistance in the prep- aration of this list received from the Staff of the Bureau of Business Information of University Extension Division of the Univer- sity of Wisconsin. This list includes only books on Business which are available for loan from this De- partment. The best new books on Business, as on all other subjects, are added each month. The Department now owns more than one hundred and ten thousand volumes, covering all fields. Books are loaned to residents of Wisconsin for three weeks. The date the book is due back in Madison is stamped on a slip in the back of each book. Borrowers are urged to return the books promptly, on or before the stamped date. Extension of time, if requested several days before the date due will be granted whenever possible. Always give author, title and date stamped in back of book when asking for extension. We pay outgoing postage. The borrower pays the return postage. If you live in a city maintaining a public library, make your request through the local library. If you live where there is no public library nor a county library, write your wants direct to WISCONSIN FREE LIBRARY COMMISSION Traveling Library Department State Capitol Annex Madison, Wisconsin [2] Wis. Free libr. commission €11/10/30 ** I the on Clima ACCOUNTING General Books Atkins, P. M. Industrial cost accounting. 1924. Bassett, W. R. & Heywood, Johnson. Production engineering and cost keeping for machine shops. 1922. Bennett, G. E. Accounting systems. 1926. Bennett, G. E. Advanced accounting. 1922. Bureau of municipal research, New York. Hand- book of municipal accounting. 1913. Belt, R. E. Foundry cost accounting. 1919. Bliss, J. E. Management through accounts. 1922. Castenholz, W. B. Cost accounting procedure. $1922. Cheel, E. C. Co-operative accounting: Pt. 1. Store records and accounts as worked out by Henry F. Christensen. Pt. 2. Co-eperative bookkeeping. 1920. Church, A. H. ing and works management. 1916. Cole, W. M. Cost accounting $1913. Cole, W. M. & Geddes, A. E. The fundamentals of accounting 1921. Collins, C. W. C. P. A. review. 1927. Production factors in cost account- for institutions. Cox, H. C. Classified C. P. A. problems and solu- tions, 1915-1916. Denham, R. S. Fundamentals of cost and profit calculation. 1919. Eggleston, D. W. C. & Robinson, F. B. Business costs. 1921. Esquerré, P. J. Accounting. 1927. Finney, H. A. Principles of accounting. 1924. 2v. Garrison, E. E. Accounting every business man should know. 1909. Greer, H. C. Chain store accounting. 1924. Greer, H. C. How to understand accounting. 1927. Harrison, G. C. Cost accounting to aid production. a practical study of scientific cost accounting. 1921. Hatfield, H. R. Accounting; its principles and 1927. Modern accounting. 1918. problems. Hatfield, H. R. Hilgert, J. R. Cost accounting for sales. 1926. Jordan, J. P. & Harris G. L. Cost accounting, prin- ciples and practice. 2d ed. rev. 1925. Kester, R. B. Accounting theory and practice. 2d ed. 1922. 3v. Klein, J. J. Bookkeeping and accounting; introduc- tory course. 1918. [3] Konopak, L. T. Cost accounting fundamentals from the standpoint of management. 1924. Koopman, S. B. & Kester, R. B. Fundamentals of accounting; principles and practice of bookkeep- ing. 1922. 2v. Lawrence, W. B. Cost accounting. 1925. McKinsey, J. O. Bookkeeping and accounting. $1920. 2v. Morey, Lloyd & Castenholz, W. B. C. P. A. prob- lems and solutions. 1918. Moxey, E. P. Principles of factory cost keeping. 1913. Newlove, G. H. & Pratt, L. A. Specialized account- ing. 1925. Nicholson, J. L. & Rohrbach, J. F. D. Cost account- ing. 1919. Railway Powelson, J. A. Introductory accounting. 1926. Railway accounting officers' association. accounting procedure. 1922. Rittenhouse, C. F. & Clapp, P. F.--Acounting the- ory and practice. 1919. Saliers, E. A. ed. Accountant's handbook. 1923. Scovell, C. H. Cost accounting and burden applica- tion. 1916. Shaw, A. W. co. Accounting and costs. 1918 (Shaw banking series) Shaw, A. W. co. Accounting and office methods. 1914. (Students' business book series) Simpson, Kemper. Economics for the accountant. $1921. Thompson, C. B. How to find factory costs. 1916. Walton, Seymour & Finney, H. A. Mathematics of accounting and finance. 1921. Webner, F. E. Factory accounting. 1917. Auditing Bell, W. H. & Powelson, J. A. Auditing; cases and questions by J. A. Powelson. 1924. Castenholz, W. B. Auditing procedure. 1927. Jackson, J. H. Audit work papers. 1923. Montgomery, R. H. Auditing theory and practice. 4th ed. rev. & enl. 1927. Bookkeeping Beach, F. L. Twenty-minute lessons in bookkeeping. 1921. Elwell, F. H. & Toner, J. V. Bookkeeping and ac- counting. complete course. 1926. See also ACCOUNTING-General books. Business forms, blanks, etc. Clark, Wallace. and use. Shop and office forms; their design 1925. [4] ADVERTISING General Books Agnew, H. E. Cooperative advertising by compet- itors. promoting a whole industry by combined efforts in advertising. 1926. Aughinbaugh, W. E. Advertising for trade in La- tin-America. 1922. Barton, H. A. How to write advertising 1925. Blanchard, F. L. Essentials of advertising. 1921. Burdick, R. L. Advertising to retailers; specialized means and methods for developing trade distri- bution. 1923. Calkins, E. E. Advertising. (Reading with a pur- pose) 1929. Calkins, E. E. The advertising man. 1922. Calkins, E. E. Business the civilizer. 1928. Charles, David. Commercial photography; a prac- tical handbook explaining modern methods and appliances for the production of high grade commercial photography. 1927. Cherington, P. T. The consumer looks at advertis- ing. 1928. Chase, Stuart & Schlink, F. J. Your money's worth; a study in the waste of the consumer's dollar. 1927. Cover, J. H. Advertising; its problems and meth- with a chapter on market analy- ods, sis. 1926. Dench, E. A. Advertising by motion pictures. $1916. Dingman, C. F. Selling construction service. $1925. Dippy, A. W. Advertising production methods; pro- cesses, methods and materials with practical suggestions for their use. 1929. Donovan, H. M. Advertising response; a research into influences that increase sales. 1924. Durstine, R. S. Making advertisements and mak- ing them pay. 1920. Durstine, R. S. This advertising business. 1928. Farrar, F. M. Fred Farrar's type book. 1927. Farrar, G. P. How advertisements are built. 1925. Felix, E. H. Using radio in sales promotion; a book for advertisers, station managers and broad- casting artists. 1927. Franken, R. B & Larrabee, C. B. Packages that sell. 1928. Frederick, J. G. ed. Masters of advertising copy; principles and practice of copy writing accord- ing to leading practitioners. 1928. Goode, K. M. & Powel, Hartford, Jr. What about advertising? 1927. Gossop, R. P. Advertisement design. 1927. [5] Hall, S. R. Theory and practice of advertising; a text book covering the development and funda- mental principles of advertising and methods of representative advertising. 1925. Higham, C. F. Advertising; its use and abuse. $1925. Hotchkiss, G. B. Advertising copy. 1924. Hotchkiss, G. B. & Franken, R.B. The leadership of advertised brands; a study of 100 represen- tative commodities showing the names and brands that are most familiar to the public. 1923. Hoyt, C. W. Training for the business of adver- 1922. tising. Lewis, Norman. Samples, demonstration, and pack- aging; their use in advertising. Long, J. C. Public relations; a handbook of publi- 1928. city. 1924. Luckiesh, Matthew. Light and color in advertising and merchandising. 1923. Manly, J. M. & Powell, J. A. Better advertising; a practical manual of the principles of adver- tising, embracing institutional and direct adver- tising, and the makeup of advertising circulars and folders. 1921. (Better business books) Miskella, W. J. Practical color simplified. 1928. Mowry, D. E. Community advertising; how to ad- vertise the community where you live. 1924. Opdycke, J. B. Language of advertising. 1925. Praigg, N. T. Advertising and selling; by 150 ad- vertising and sales executives. 1923. Rose, W. G. The ginger cure. 1911. Russell, Gilbert. Nuntius; advertising and its fu- ture. 1926. Sheldon, G. H. Advertising elements and principles. $1925. Starch, Daniel. Principles of advertising. 1923. Wilder, R. H. & Buell, K. L. Publicity; a manual for the use of business, civic, or social service organizations. 1925. Direct Mail Ramsay, R. E. Effective direct advertising; the principles and practice of producing direct ad- vertising for distribution by mail or otherwise. 1921. See also RETAILING-Mail order business. Display, Window and Store Fischer, A. T. Window and store display; a hand- book for advertisers. 1921. International correspondence schools, ed. The win- dow trimmer's handbook. 1912. [6] Parsons, F. A. The art appeal in display advertis- ing. 1921. Percy, Carl. Window display advertising; an analy- sis of its force as a sales medium for manufac- turers, traveling salesmen, advertising agencies and retail merchants. 1928. Taft, W. N. Handbook of window display. 1926. Woodward, W. O. & Fredericks, G. A. Selling serv- ice with the goods; an analysis and synthesis on the planning, designing, construction and in- stallation of window displays. Includes com- prehensive and practical chapters on the psy- chology of window displays, color harmony, lithography, and dealer cooperation. 1921. Outdoor Lippincott, Wilmot. Outdoor advertising. 1923. Retail Hall, S. R. Retail advertising and selling; adver- tising, mercantile display, sales planning, sales- manship, turnover, and profit figuring in modern. retailing, including "Principles of typography as applied to retail advertising," by R. M. Boren. 1924. Namm, B. H. Advertising the retail store. 1924. Show Card Instructions on modern show card 1913. Principles and practice of show card Bissell, J. G. writing. Blair, L. E. writing. 1922. Matasek, R. T. Beginner's course in show card writing. $1924. Pearson, F. A. Ticket and show card designing. 1923. Wagner, C. L. Wagner's blue print text book of sign and show card lettering. 1926. AGRICULTURAL CREDIT See CREDIT, AGRICULTURAL. ARITHMETIC, BUSINESS Dale, R. B. Arithmetic for carpenters and builders. 1915. Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co. Applied mechanical arith- metic. 1914. Finney, H. A. Modern business arithmetic, com- plete course. Rev. ed. 1922. [7] Ginsbach, J. A. Robinson, A. D. ers, business Van Tuyl, G. H. $1923. Print shop arithmetic. 1923. Arithmetic help for pupils, teach- men. $1915. Modern business mathematics. ARBITRATION, INDUSTRIAL See BUSINESS MANAGEMENT-Personnel Man- agement-Arbitration, Industrial. ART INDUSTRIES AND TRADE Guild, L. Van A. The geography of American an- tiques. 1927. Richards, C. R. Art in industry; the report of an industrial art survey conducted under the aus- pices of the National society for vocational ed- ucation and the Department of education of the State of New York. 1922. See ACCOUNTING. AUDITING AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRIES AND TRADE Forbes, B. C. & Foster, O. D. Automotive giants of America; men who are making our motor in- dustry. 1926. Seltzer, L. H. A financial history of the automobile industry. 1928. Tufford, H. H. The tire business answered: 2250 $1921. questions on the complete tire business. Wyatt, H. M. The motor industry, its growth, its methods, its prospects, and its products; with an indication of the uses to which motor vehicles of all kinds are, or could be advantageously applied. 1917. Bergengren, R. F. General Books Agger, E. E. Organized banking. 1918. BANKING Brandeis, L. D. bankers use Cooperative banking; a credit union book. 1923. Boeckel, Richard. Labor's money. ©1923. Borden, W. E. & Hooper, C. L. Banking and busi- ness ethics. 1921. Other people's money, and how the it. 1914. [8] Dewey, D. R. & Shugrue, M. J. Banking and credit; a textbook for schools and colleges of business administration. 1922. Ebersole, J. F. Elementary banking. $1918. Kerman, F. R. New business for banks. Kniffin, W. H. 1926. The business man and his bank. banking; 1920. a treatise Kniffin, W. H. Commercial covering the practical operation of a commercial bank, the theory of money and banking, and the development of banking in the U. S. 1923. 2v. Kniffin, W. H. American banking practice; a treatise on the practical operation of a bank, in- tended for students, bank employees and others who would know of the conduct of a bank under recognized American practice, with which is combined the negotiable instrument law uniform in forty-six states. 1921. Kniffin, W. H. The practical work of a bank; a treatise of practical banking which aims to show the fundamental principles of money, the practical work of a bank in detail and partic- ularly, credit in relation to banking operations. 4th ed. rev. $1927. Langston, L. H. & Whitney, N. R. Banking prac- tice, a text-book for colleges and schools of business administration. 1921. Lanier, H. W. A century of banking in New York. 1922. Mitchell, W. F. The uses of bank funds. 1925. National city bank of New York. Practical bank operation, prepared by L. H. Langston. 1921. 2v. Scott, W. A. Money and banking. 6th ed. rewrit- ten, rearranged and enl. 1926. Scroggs, W. O. A century of banking progress. 1924. Shaw, A. W. company. Loans and discounts, proved methods that build business-tested time-saving systems and records for loans of every sort- lending profitably to farmers-how to increase earnings. 1918. Shaw, A. W. company. Management and executive control. 1919. (Shaw banking series) Sprague, O. M. W. Banking reform in the U. S.; a series of proposals, including a central bank of limited scope. 1911. White, Horace. Money and banking; illustrated by American history; rev. and continued to the year 1914. 5th ed. 1911. Willis, H. P. & Edwards, G. W. Banking and busi- ness. 1922. See also CREDIT, AGRICULTURAL; CREDITS AND COLLECTIONS; FINANCE. [9] Acceptances Mathewson, Park. Acceptances, trade and bankers'. 1921. Clearing Houses Cannon, J. G. Clearing houses; their history, meth- ods, and administration. 1900. Exchange, Domestic and Foreign Cross, I. B. Domestic and foreign exchange, theory and practice. 1923. Shugrue, M. J. Problems in foreign exchange. 1920. Federal Reserve Banks American Academy of political and social science. The federal reserve system-its purpose and work. 1922. Burgess, W. R. The reserve banks and the money market. 1927. Glass, Carter. An adventure in constructive finance. 1927. Kemmerer, E. W. The A B C of the federal reserve system. 1920. Owen, R. L. The federal reserve act. 1919. Money Foster, W. T. & Catchings, Waddell. Money. 1923. Fisher, Irving. Stabilizing the dollar; a plan to stabilize the general price level without fixing individual prices. 1920. Hayward, W. R. Money; what it is and how to use it. 1917. Hepburn, A. B. A history of currency in the U. S., with new chapters in the monetary and finan- cial developments in the U. S. from 1914-1922. Mortgage Banks Myrick, Herbert. The federal farm loan system, new method of farm mortgage finance, under national supervision; a practical manual upon organizing and conducting national associations, also joint stock land banks, showing how farm- ers, investors, bankers, and the public may ob- tain the fullest benefit of the system. 1916. BOOKKEEPING See ACCOUNTING. - [10] BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Clark, H. F. & Chase, F. A. Elements of modern building and loan associations. 1925. BUSINESS General Books Bassett, W. R. How to solve typical business prob- lems. 1928. Bexell, J. A. First lessons in business. 1919. Business training corporation. Course in business essentials: v. 1, Analyzing yourself; v. 2, Phy- sical fitness; v. 3, Mental ability; v. 4, Building character; v. 5, Utilizing time; v. 6, Working with others; v. 7, New business; v. 8, Produc- ing; v. 9, Selling; v. 10, Financing; v. 11, Ac- counting; v. 12; Management. 1916. Fletcher, W. L. How to get the job you want. 1922. Forbes, W. C. The romance of business. 1921. Filene, E. A. The way out; a forecast of coming changes in American business and industry. $1924. Foster, W. T. & Catchings, Waddill. without a buyer. 1927. Foster, W. T. & Catchings, Waddill. The road to plenty. 1928. Gamble, William. Straight talks on business. $1907. Gerstenberg, C. W. Principles of business. 1918. Gowin, E. B. Developing executive ability. 1919. Jackson, W. M. Making business advancement sure. 1924. Business McKee, H. S. The A B C's of business. Marshall, L. C. & Wiese, M. S. the business man in society. Maxwell, W. M. If I were twenty-one; tips from a business veteran. 1917. Parsons, F. W. Everybody's business; the story of America's assets and opportunities as repre- sented by the nation's chief industries. 1923. Shaw, A. W. An approach to business problems. 1916. (Harvard business studies) Simonds, A. T. Business fundamentals. character. 1911. Tugwell, R. G. Warren, W. P. Whitehead, Harold. $1923. 1922. Modern business; 1926. 1923. Shidle, N. G. Finding your job; sound and practical business methods. 1921. Stockwell, H. G. Essential elements of business Industry's coming of age. 1927. Thoughts on business. 1907. Common sense in business. [11] Wilkins, Z. P. Letters of a business woman to her daughter, and Letters of a business girl to her mother. 1923. BUSINESS ARITHMETIC See ARITHMETIC, BUSINESS. BUSINESS BIOGRAPHY Bennett, James Gordon Crockett, A. S. When James Gordon Bennett was Caliph of Bagdad. 1926. Calkins, Earnest Elmo Calkins, E. E. "Louder please!" The autobiogra- phy of a deaf man. 1924. Carnegie, Andrew Carnegie, Andrew. Autobiography. 1920. Alderson, Bernard. Andrew Carnegie, the man and his work. 1902. Creelman, James Creelman, James. On the great highway. $1901. Chambers, Julius Chambers, Julius. News hunting on three contin- ents. 1921. Dix, Henry A. Dix, M. H. An American business adventure, the story of Henry A. Dix. 1928. Farquhar, Arthur B. Farquhar, A. B. The first million the hardest; an autobiography, in collaboration with Samuel Crowther. 1923. Firestone, Harvey Samuel Firestone, H. S. Men and rubber, the story of busi- ness; with the collaboration of Samuel Crow- ther. 1926. Ford, Henry Ford, Henry. My life and work. 1922. Hamilton, J. G. de R. Henry Ford the man, the worker, the citizen. 1927. [12] Lane, R. W. Henry Ford's own story. 1917. Marquis, S. S. Henry Ford. 1923. Frick, Henry Clay Harvey, George. Henry Clay Frick, the $1928. Frick, James, Jr. Fuller, R. H. Jubilee Jim, the life of Col. James Frick, Jr. Tarbell, I. M. of steel. Gary, Elbert Henry The life of Elbert H. Gary; the story 1925. Gibbs, Sir Philip Hamilton Gibbs, Sir P. H. Adventures in journalism. 1923. man. Girard, Stephen McMaster, J. B. Life and times of Stephen Girard, master mariner and merchant. 1918. 2v. Greenley, Horace Linn, W. A. Horace Greeley, founder and editor of the New York Tribune. 1903. Greeley, Horace Seitz, D. A. Horace Greeley; founder of the New York Tribune. 1926. Hill, James Jerome Pyle, J. G. Life of James J. Hill. 1917. 2v. Mc Clure, Samuel Sidney Mc Clure, S. S. My autobiography. 1914. all: $1928. Mac Dougall, Mrs. Alice (Foote) Mac Dougall, Mrs. A. (F.) Alice Foote Mac Doug- The autobiography of a business woman. Marcosson, Isaac Frederick Marcosson, I. F. Adventures in interviewing. 1919. Marden, Orison Swett Connolly, Mary. The life story of Orison Swett Marden. 1925. [13] Pulitzer, Joseph Seitz, D. C. Joseph Pulitzer, his life and letters. 1924. Rockefeller, John Davison Rockefeller, J. D. Random reminiscences of men and events. 1909. Swift, Gustavus Franklin Swift, L. F. The Yankee of the yards. 1928. Towne, Charles Hansen Towne, C. H. Adventure in editing. 1926. Wanamaker, John Conwell, R. H. The romantic rise of a great Amer- ican. 1924. Gibbons, H. A. John Wanamaker. 1926. 2v. Watterson, Henry Watterson, Henry. "Marse Henry" 1919. 2v. Woodward, Helen Woodward, Helen. Through many windows. 1926. : Zukor, Adolph Irwin, W. H. The house that shadows built. 1928. Collective Works 1914. Bullard, F. L. Famous war correspondents. Casson, H. N. The romance of steel; the story of a thousand millionaires. 1907. Holland, Maurice & Pringle, H. F. Industrial ex- plorers. 1928. Minnigerode, Meade. Certain rich men; Stephen Girard-John Jacob Astor-Jay Cooke-Daniel Drew-Cornelius Vanderbilt-Jay Gould—Jim Fisk. 1927. BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE See BUSINESS ENGLISH. BUSINESS CYCLES See BUSINESS STATISTICS-Business Cycles and Forecasting. [14] BUSINESS DICTIONARIES Crowell's dictionary of business and finance. 1923. BUSINESS EDUCATION Lyon, L. S. Education for business. Mays, A. B. The problem of industrial education. $1927. 1922. Person, H. S. Industrial education; a system of training for men entering upon trade and com- merce. 1913. BUSINESS ENGLISH Babenroth, A. C. Modern business English. 1925. Barnes, N. W. How to teach business correspond- ence. $1916. Buhlig, Rose. Business English; a practical book. $1922. Butler, R. S. & Burd. H. A. Commercial corres- pondence. 1919. Clapp, J. M. Talking business. 1920. Dolch, E. W. Manual of business letter writing. 1922. French, J. C. & Uhler, J. E. English in business. $1925. Gardner, E. H. & Aurner, R. R. Effective business letters. rev. ed. 1928. Hall, S. R. Business writing; articles-house or- gans reports advertisements; methods of gathering data and of writing business copy of news, educational and promotional character. 1924. Hall, S. R. Handbook of business correspondence. 1923. Hatfield, W. W. Business English projects. 1921. Hotchkiss, G. B. & Kilduff, E. J. Advanced business correspondence. 1921. Lee, J. M. ed. Business 1920. (Lan- writing. guage for men of affairs v. 2) Manly, J. M. & Powell, J. A. Better business Eng- lish; a working manual for the business writer, including ready reference helps in the technical make-up of business letters, paragraphs, sen- tences and words, spelling, punctuation and cap- italization. 1921. (Better business books) Manly, J. M. & Power, J. A. Better business let- ters. $1921. (Better business books) Naether, C. A. The business letter; its principles and problems. 1923. Opdyke, J. B. The English of commerce. Opdyke, J. B. & Drew, C. A. $1918. $1920. Commercial letters. [ 15 ] Picken, J. H. Handbook of business correspondence. 1926. Powell, J. A. How to write business letters. 1925. Raymond, C. H. Modern business writing; a study of the principles and practice underlying effec- tive advertising and business letters. Ross, J. W. Business English. 1923. Saunders, A. G. & Creek, H. L. ed. The literature of business. 1920. 1921. Schulze, E. H. Making letters pay; a practical sys- tem for making business letters produce better results in less time at lower cost. 1923. Smart, W. K. ed. How to write business letters. $1916. Watson, Herbert. Applied business correspondence. $1922. BUSINESS ETHICS American academy of political and social science. The ethics of the professions and of business. 1922. Birdseye, C. F. Arbitration and business ethics; a study of the history and philosophy of the va- rious types of arbitration and their relation to business ethics. 1926. Brendeis, L. G. Business-a profession. ©1914. Brooks, J. C. Conflict between private monopoly and good citizenship. 1909. Frederick, J. G. Book of business standards. $1925. Hadley, A. T. Standards of public morality; the Kentucky lectures for 1906 in the school of phil- anthropy, conducted by the Charity Organiza- tion society of the city of New York, 1907. Heermance, E. L. The ethics of business; a study of current standards. 1926. Lee, J. M. Business ethics; a manual of modern morals. $1926. Sweet, W. E. The business man and his "overflow." $1919. Taeusch, C. F. Professional and business ethics. $1926. Yale University. Sheffield scientific school. Every- day ethics; addresses delivered, 1909, before the senior class of Sheffield scientific school of Yale university. 1910. Yale University. Sheffield scientific school. Morals in modern business, addresses delivered in the Page lecture series, 1908, before the senior class of Sheffield scientific school. 1909. BUSINESS FORECASTING See BUSINESS STATISTICS-Business Cycles and Forecasting. [16] BUSINESS FORMS, BLANKS, ETC. See ACCOUNTING Business Forms, Blanks, etc. BUSINESS GEOGRAPHY See GEOGRAPHY, BUSINESS. BUSINESS LAW See LAW, BUSINESS. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT General Books Alford, L. P. ed. Management's handbook, by a staff of specialists. 1924. American academy of political and social science. Modern manufacturing; A partnership of ideal- ism and common sense. 1919. Basset, W. R. Organization of modern business. 1921. De Haas, J. A. Business organization and adminis- tration. $1920. Church, A. H. The making of an executive. 1923. Marshall, L. C. Business administration. 1921. Parsons, F. W. American business methods for in- creasing production and reducing costs in fac- tory, store and office. 1921. Lewis, E. S. E. Getting the most out of business; observations of the application of the scientific method to business practice. 6th ed. 1919. Robinson, Webster. Fundamentals of business or- ganization. 1925. Shaw, A. W. company. Purchasing problems, buy- ing and hiring; buying stocks, material and equipment; follow-up methods and order sys- tems, building up and handling the working force. Efficiency, Industrial American academy of political and social science. Science in modern industry. 1925. (Annals, May, 1925) Business training corporation. Course in modern production methods: 1. Team work. 2. Hand- ling men. $1918. IN Curtis, Vanderveer. The foundations of national in- dustrial efficiency. 1923. Emerson, Harrington. Efficiency as a basis for op- eration and wages. 1909. Farnham, D. T. & others. Profitable science in in- dustry. 1925. [17] Jones, E. D. Administration of industrial enter- prises, with special reference to factory practice. 1925. Kelly, R. W. & Brewer, J. M. Training industrial efficiency. 1920. Lockwood, J. J. The creation of wealth; modern efficiency methods analyzed and applied. 1915. Münsterberg, Hugo. Psychology and industrial efficiency. 1913. Veblen, T. B. The engineers and the price system. 1921. Watts, Frank. An introduction to the psychological problems of industry. 1921. Efficiency, Personal Babson, R. W. Making good in business. 1921. Babson, R. W. What is success? 1923. Barton, Bruce. More power to you; fifty editorials from Every Week. 1917. Beveridge, A. J. The young man and the world. 1905. Fowler, N. C. Beginning right; how to succeed. Fowler, N. C. Getting a start; first aids to suc- cess. 1915. Fowler, N. C. & others. How to get your pay raised; a work of experience the underlying principles which lead to promotion-a compos- ite of success-making methods. 1912. Gowin, E. B. The executive and his control of men; a study in personal efficiency. 1917. Hemingway, A. T How to make good; a business man's message on commercial character-build- ing the only success insurance. *1915. Kimball, G. S. Gaining the round above; a guide to personal efficiency. 1918. Lynch, Richard. Mind makes men giants. 1926. Marden, O. S. Ambition and success. $1919. The exceptional employee. 1913. Getting on. 1910. Marden, O. S. Marden, O. S. Marden, O. S. Marden, O. S. Marden, O. S. He can who thinks he can. 1908. Making life a masterpiece. 1916. Self discovery or, Why remain a $1922. dwarf? Marden, O. S. Success fundamentals. Marden, O. S. Training for efficiency. Purinton, E. E. 1919. Rukeyser, M. S. Financial advice to a young man. A program for getting along in the world. 1927. Spillman, H. C. Personality; studies in personal de- velopment. 1919. Switzer, Maurice. Letters of a self-made failure. 1914. Whitehead, Harold. Your job; how to choose a job, how to get a job, how to grow in a job. 1920. 1920. 1913. Personal efficiency in business. [ 18 ] Factory Management American academy of political and social science. Labor management and production. 1920. Atkins, P. M. Factory management. 1926. Business training corporation. Course in modern production methods: v. 1, Team work; v. 2, Handling men; v. 3, Organization; v. 4, Machin- ery and materials; v. 5, Production records; v. 6, Management. 1919. Cartmell, Madison. Stores and materials control, including procurement by manufacture and by purchase. 1922. Davis, R. C. Prniciples of factory organization and management. 1928. Gardiner, G. L. Management in the factory. 1925. Lansburgh, R. H. Industrial management. 2d ed. 1928. Parkhurst, F. A. Symbols. 1917. Porosky, Matthew. Practical factory administra- tion. 1923. Taylor, F. W. Shop management. rev. ed. See also BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Management. Magn n. d. Scientific Personnel Management General Books Allen, C. R. The foreman and his job. 1922. American academy of political and social science. Personnel and employment problems. 1916. (The Annals May, 1916) American academy of political and social science. Four years of labor mobility; a study of labor turnover in a group of selected plants in Phila- delphia, 1921-1924. 1925. American academy of political and social science. Stabilizing industrial employment; reducing the labor turnover. May, 1917. American academy of political and social science. Steadying employment. 1916. Benge, E. J. Standard practice in personnel work. 1920. Bloomfield, Daniel, ed. Financial incentives for employees and executives. 1923. 2v. Bloomfield, Daniel, comp. The modern executive. 1924. Bloomfield, Daniel, comp. & ed. Problems of labor. 1920. (Handbook series) Bloomfield, Daniel, ed. Problems of personnel man- agement. 1923. Business training corporation. Course in modern production methods. Part 2, Handling men. *1918. [ 19 ] Conference on unemployment, Washington, D. C. 1921. Committee on seasonal operation in the construction industries. Seasonal operation in the construction industries: summary of re- port, and recommendations of a committee of the President's conference on unemployment. 1924. Craig, D. R. & Charters, W. W. Personal leadership in industry. 1925. Emmons, A. B. Health control in mercantile life; a problem of conserving human energy. 1926. Employment management, wage systems and rate setting; a treatise on the functions and organi- zations of an employment department, duties of the manager, wage payment systems and prac- tical rate setting methods in machine shops. 1921. Frankel, L. K. & Bunzel, Bessie. Health of the worker, how to safeguard it. 1924. Frankel, L. K. & others. The human factor in in- dustry. 1920. Gardiner, G. L. Practical foremanship. 1925. Grimshaw, Robert. The modern foreman. 1924. Hitchcock, C. N., ed. Forms, records and reports in personnel administration. $1923. Hoopingarner, D. L. Labor relations in industry. 1925. Houser, J. D. What the employer thinks; execu- tives' attitudes toward employees. 1927. Kimball, D. S. Principles of industrial organization. 3d ed. 1925. Lewisohn, S. A. The new leadership in industry. $1926. Lewisohn, S. A. & others. Can business prevent un- employment? 1925. Schell, E. H. The technique of executive control. 1926. Scott, W. D. & Clothier, R. C. Personnel manage- ment; principles, practice and point of view. $1923. Scott, W. D. & Hayes, M. H. S. Science and com- mon sense in working with men. 1921. Tead, Ordway & Metcalf, H. C. Personnel adminis- tration; its principles and practice. 2d ed. rev. 1926. Watkins, G. S. Labor management. 1928. Wera, Eugene. Human engineering; a study of the management of human forces in industry. 1921. Williams, Whiting. Mainsprings of men. $1925. See also BUSINESS STATISTICS; OFFICE MANAGE- MENT; BUSINESS PSYCHOLOGY. [ 20 ] Ability Testing Bingham, W. V. & Freyd, Max. Procedures in em- ployment psychology; a manual for developing methods of vocational selection. $1926. Chapman, J. C. & Chapman, D. R. Trade tests, the scientific measurement of trade proficiency. 1921. Scott, W. D. Science and common sense in working with men. 1921. See also BUSINESS PSYCHOLOGY. Arbitration, Industrial Allen, H. J. The party of the third part; the story of the Kansas industrial relations court. $1921. Beman, L. T., comp. Compulsory arbitration and compulsory investigation of industrial disputes. 4th ed. rev. & enl. 1920. Bloomfield, Daniel, ed. Selected articles on com- mercial arbitration. Bowers, J. H. The Kansas court of industrial rela- tions. 1922. Feis, Herbert. The settlement of wage disputes. 1923. Feis, Herbert, ed. A collection of decisions present- ing principles of wage settlement. 1924. Holmes, J. H. Is violence the way out of our in- dustrial disputes? Johnson, J. E., comp. relations. 1922. 1920. Kansas court of industrial Stoddard, N. L. The shop committee; a handbook of employer and employee. 1919. Employees' Representation in Management American academy of political and social science. Industrial stability. 1920. Barnett, G. E. & Mc Cabe, D. A. Mediation, inves- tigation, and arbitration in industrial disputes. 1916. Bassett, W. R. When the workmen help you man- age. 1919. Commons, J. R. & others. Industrial government. $1921. Goodrich, C. L. The frontier of control; a study in British workshop politics. Lewisohn, S. A. The new leadership in industry. $1926. Plumb, G. E. & Roylance, W. G. Industrial democ- racy; a plan for its achievement. 1923. Rockefeller, J. D. jr. The personal relation in in- dustry. 1923. Occupational diseases and hygiene Kober, G. M. ed. Diseases of occupation and vo- cational hygiene. 1916. See also INSURANCE; PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT -General books. [ 21 ] Scientific Management Bloomfield, Daniel, ed. Selected articles on prob- 1920. lems of labor. Hunt, E. E. ed. Scientific management since Tay- lor. 1924. Shaw, A. W. Company. How scientific management is applied; how the one best way is found and put into practice and how standards are set- who carries them into effect-how men are trained and paid-how production, wages and profits are increased; based upon experience— tried methods of eight factories. 1911. Taylor, F. W. Principles of scientific management. 1917. Thompson, C. B. Theory and practice of scientific management. 1917. Traffic Management Huestis, B. L. Shipping containers. 1925. Wilson, G. L. Traffic management. 1926. Waste American engineering council. Waste in industry. 1921. Chase, Stuart. The tragedy of waste. 1925. BUSINESS PSYCHOLOGY American academy of political and social science. Psychology in business. (Annals, November, 1923) Cody, Sherwin. How to deal with human nature in business; a practical book on doing business by correspondence; advertising; and salesmanship. 1915. Edie, L. D., comp. Practical psychology for busi- ness executives. 1922. Hollingworth, H. L. Judging human character. $1922. Kitson, H. D. of selling. Mc Clure, M. T. How to think in business. 1923. Marat, Helen. The creative impulse in industry. The mind of the buyer; a psychology 1921. $1918. Scott, W. D. Increasing human efficiency in busi- ness; a contribution to the psychology of busi- ness. New & enl. ed. 1923. Scott, W. D. Influencing men in business; the psy- chology of argument and suggestion. 3d ed. rev. and enl. 1928. Smith, E. D. Psychology for executives; a study of human nature in industry. 1922. Snow, A. J. Psychology in business relations. 1926. [ 22 ] Snow, A. J. Psychology in personal selling. 1926. Strong, E. K. Psychology of selling and advertis- ing. 1925. Swift, E. J. Business power through psychology. $1925. BUSINESS STATISTICS General Books Bailey, W. S. & Cummings, John. Statistics. 1917. Brinton, W. C. Graphic methods for presenting facts. 1914. (Works management library) Frederick, J. G. Business research and statistics. $1920. Guthman, H. G. Analysis of financial statements. Prentice-Hall. 1925. Haskell, A. C. Graphic charts in business; how to make and use them; assisted by J. G. Breaznell. 1922. Karsten, K. G. Charts and graphs; an introduction to graphic methods in the control and analysis of statistics; introd. by Carl Snyder. 1923. King, W. I. Elements of statistical method. 1912. Marshall, W. C. Graphical methods for schools, colleges, statisticians, engineers, and executives. 1921. Secrist, Horace. Introduction to statistical meth- ods; a text book forcollege students, a manual for statisticians and business executives. 1917. Secrist, Horace. Readings and problems in statis- tical methods. 1920. Secrist, Horace. Statistics in business; their analy- sis, charting and use. $1920. • Business Cycles and Forecasting Hardy, C. O. & Cox, G. V. Forecasting business conditions. 1927. - Hexter, M. B. Social consequences of business cy- cles. 1925. Jerome, Harry. Migration and Migration and business cycles. 1926. Jordan, D. F. Business forecasting. 1921. Mitchell, W. C. Business cycles, the problem and its setting. 1927. Vance, Ray. Business and investment forecasting; forecasting methods and their application in practical use. 1922. CANNING INDUSTRY Bitting, A. W. Canning and how to use canned foods. 1916. [ 23 ] Cruess, W. V. Commercial fruit and vegetable products; a textbook for student, investigator and manufacturer. 1924. Lee, J. A. How to buy and sell canned foods; statis- tical and practical information about the can- ning industry. 1926. CHAIN STORES See RETAILING-Chain Stores. COAL INDUSTRY AND TRADE American academy of political and social science. The price of coal, anthracite and bituminous. 1924. Bruere, R. W. The coming of coal. Hunt, E. E. & others, ed. What the coal commis- sion found. 1925. Johnsen, J. E., comp. Government regulation of the coal industry. 1926. Rauschenbush, H. S. The anthracite question. 1924. Shurick, A. T. The coal industry. 1924. Wadleigh, F. R. A coal manual for salesmen, buy- ers and users. c1921. Wilson, F. H. Coal; its origin, methods of working and preparation for market. 1913. COFFEE TRADE Keable, B. B. Coffee from grower to consumer. $1910. Ukers, W. H. Coffee merchandising, Coffee merchandising, a handbook to the coffee business giving elementary and es- sential facts pertaining to the history, cultiva- tion, preparation and marketing of coffee. 1924. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC See ARITHMETIC, BUSINESS. COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY See GEOGRAPHY, BUSINESS. COMMERCIAL LAW See LAW, BUSINESS. ( [24] COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS Bailey, E. H. S. Food products from afar; a pop- ular account of fruits and other foodstuffs from foreign lands. 1922. Brown, N. C. Forest products, their manufacture and use; embracing the principal commercial features in the production, manufacture and utilization of the most important forest prod- ucts other than lumber, in the U. S. 1927. Leeming, Joseph. Ships and cargoes. $1926. Miller, E. M. & others. Some great commodities. 1922. Newland, H. O. The romance of modern commerce; a popular account of the production of cereals. tea, coffee, rubber, tobacco, cotton, silk, wool, timber, cattle, oils, furs, precious stones, etc. 1920. Peattie, D. C. Cargoes and harvests. 1925. Toothaker, C. R. Commercial raw materials, their origin, preparation and uses. Rev. ed. 1927. COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, CONSUMERS' Gide, Charles. Consumers' cooperative societies. 1922. Gillette, K. C. The people's corporation. 1924. Webb, Sidney & Webb, Beatrice. The consumers' cooperative movement. 1921. CORPORATIONS, PARTNERSHIPS, STOCK COMPANIES, TRUSTS (BUSINESS) Clark, J. B. & Clark, J. M. Control of trusts. Rewr. & enl. 1912. Conyngton, Thomas. Corporate organization and management; rev. by Helen Pottor. 4th ed. 1917. Conyngton, Thomas & others. Corporation proced- ure; law, finance, accounting. 1922. Cross, M. C. Types of business enterprise, structure and control. 1928. Davenport, E. H. & Cooke, S. R. The oil trusts and Anglo-American relations. 1924. Dewing, A. S. Financial policy of corporations. Rev. ed. 1926. Dewing, A. S. & Dewing. Mrs. F. R. Corporation finance; a textbook for colleges and schools of business administration. 1922. Flint, C. R. & others. The trust: its book. $1902. Jones, Eliot. The trust problem in the U. S. 1921. [ 25 ] Mead, E. S. Corporation finance. 5th ed. rev. & enl. 1923. Mead, E. S. Trust finance; a study of the genesis organization and management of industrial combination. 1903. Ripley, W. Z. Main street and Wall street. 1927. Stockder, A. H. Business ownership organization. 1922. CREDIT, AGRICULTURAL Eliot, Clara. The farmer's campaign for credit. 1927. Larmer, F. M. Financing the live stock industry. 1926. Morman, J. B. Farm credits in the U. S. and Can- ada. 1924. Olsen, N. A. & others. Farm credit, farm insurance and farm taxation. 1924. (In U. S. dep't. of agriculture: agricultural year book, 1925) Wright, Ivan. Bank credit and agriculture, under the national and federal reserve banking sys- tems. 1922. CREDITS AND COLLECTIONS Bartlett, J. T. & Feed. C. M. Retail credit practice. 1928. Beckman, T. N. & Held, F. E. Collection corres- pondence and agency practice. $1925. Ettinger, R. P. & Golieb, D. E. Credits and collec- tions; rev. in collaboration with H. M. Deamond. 1926. Gardner, E. H. New collection methods; a system- atic treatment of the place of collections in mar- keting, including constructive credits, psychol- ogy of collections, procedure and system for collection departments, and principles of resales. 1918. McAdow, F. H. Mercantile credits; a practical study of the credit man's work. 1922. Phillips, C. A. Bank credit, 1920. Prendergast, W. A. Credit and its uses. 1906. Shaw, A. W. Company. Credits and collections; tested methods and records for handling credits -finding the right credit basis-fortifying your credit policy-collection plans that cut costs. 1918. Steiner, W. H. Credit practices. 1924. (Interna- tional library of technology, 388) Ward, Wilbert. American commercial credits. 1922. 1 [ 26 ] EFFICIENCY, INDUSTRIAL See BUSINESS MANAGEMENT-Efficiency, Indus- trial. EMPLOYMENT MANAGEMENT See BUSINESS MANAGEMENT-Personnel man- agement. FACTORY MANAGEMENT See BUSINESS MANAGEMENT-Factory manage- ment. General Books Dewey, D. R. Financial history of the United States. 10th ed. 1928. Lincoln, E. E. Applied business finance. 1917. Lough, W. A. Business finance; a practical study of financial management in private business concerns. 1917. R. H., ed. Financial handbook. Montgomery, 1925. FINANCE Regan, J. M. Financing a business. 1920. Shaw, A. W. Company. How to finance a business; where to get funds-how to use the bank- partnerships and stock issues-success from small capital-financing in a crisis-handling in- vestments-money leaks and savings planning to make ends meet-202 proved methods of rais- ing capital and using credit. 1912. See also BANKING; BUILDING AND LOan Asso- CIATIONS; CORPORATIONS; REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. Budgets Buck, A. E. Budget making. 1921. Mc Kinsey, J. O. Budgetary control. 1922. Atwood, A. W. Investments General Books How to get ahead; saving money and making it work. 1917. Atwood, A. W. Putnam's investment handbook; a stimulus and a guide to financial independence. $1919. Babson, R. W. Enduring investments. 1921. Badger, R. E. Badger on investment principles and practice. 1928. [ 27 ] Cassel, Gustav. Foreign investments. 1928. Flint, Zebediah. Playing the game. 1918. Fowler, N. C. How to save money; the care of money-plain facts about every kind of invest- ment-an exposé of the prevalent fraudulent and get-rich-quick schemes-valuable and au- thentic information for all moderate money- savers and small investors. 1912. Frazer, Elizabeth. A woman and her money. · $1926. Gaines, M. W. The art of investment. 1922. Garrett, Garet. Where the money grows. 1911. Herschel, A. H. The selection and care of sound in- vestments. 1925. Jordan, D. F. Jordan on investments. ©1924. Lagerquist, W. E. Investment analysis; fundamen- tals in the analysis of investment securities. 1921. Lincoln, E. E. Testing before investing. 1926. Schnedler, W. A. How to get ahead financially. 1926. Rose, D. C. Scientific approach to investment man- agement. 1928. Rukeyser, M. S. The common sense of money and investments. 1924. Sturgio, H. S. Investment, a new profession. 1924. Stocks and Bonds American academy of political and social science. Bonds and the bond market. 1920. Chamberlain, Lawrence and Edwards, G. W. Prin- ciples of bond investment. Rev. & enl. ed. 1927. Sakolski, A. M. Elements of bond investment. 1921. Sloan, L. H. Security speculation, the dazzling ad- venture; a statistical study of the gainful pos- sibilities of two important types of stock mar- ket operation. $1926. Smith, E. L. Common stocks as long term invest- ments. 1924. Stock Exchange Dice, C. A. The stock market. 1926. Huebner, S. S. The stock market. Meeker, J. E. The work of the stock exchange. 1922. 1922. Pratt, S. S. The work of Wall street; an account of the functions. methods, and history of the New York money and stock markets. 3d ed. rev. & enl. by G. F. Crowell. 1921. Smith, J. G. Organized produce markets. 1922. FOREIGN EXCHANGE See BANKING-Exchange, Domestic & Foreign. 1 [ 28 ] FOREIGN TRADE Aughinbaugh, W. E. Selling Latin America: & problem in international salesmanship; what to sell and how to sell it 1915. Bächer, E. L. Export technique; a series of typical export transactions based on actual orders. *1916. Bastable, C. F. The commerce of nations; rev. by T. E. Gregory. 1923. Brown, H. G. Principles of commerce; a study of the mechanism, the advantages, and the trans- portation costs of foreign and domestic trade. 1916. J Day, Clive. History of commerce. Rev. & enl. ed. 1922. Day, Clive. History of commerce of the U. S. 1925. De Lima, E. A. & Sautilhaus, J. J. Financing: Pt. I, Financing foreign trade, by E. A. De Lima; Pt. II, Banking for foreign trade, by J. Sautil- haus. 1916. Dennis, A. P. The romance of world trade. 1926. Butterbaugh, W. E. Principles of importing. 1924. Eder, P. J. Foreign and home law; its main points of contact with our foreign trade. 1916. Filsinger, E. B. Exporting to Latin America; a handbook for merchants, manufacturers and exporters. 1916. Fowler, J. F. & others. Export houses: Pt. I, The export merchant, by J. F. Fowler; Pt. II, The export commission house, by C. A. Richards; Pt. III, The export forwarder, by H. A. Talbot. $1916. Henius, Frank. The A B C of foreign trade. 1920. Herrick, C. A. History of commerce and industry. $1917. Herzog, Siegfried. The future of German industrial exports; practical suggestions for safeguarding the growth of German export activity in the field of manufactures after the war-the Ger- man plan to dominate the trade of the world, drawn up by one of their leading engineers. 1918. Hough, B.O. Practical exporting; a handbook for manufacturers and merchants. 6th ed. 1919. Shipping in its Johnson, E. R. & Huebner, G. G. relation to our foreign trade. 1916. Marcosson, I. F. Caravans of commerce. 1926. Pratt, E. E. & others. Export policies: Pt. I, De- termining export policies, by E. E. Pratt: Pt. II, Exporting policies employed in certain lines. comp. by E. C. Porter & P. B. Kennedy. 1916. [ 29 ] Redfield, W. C. Dependent America; a study of the economic bases of our international relations. 1926. Selfridge, H. G. Romance of commerce. 1918. Smith, J. R. Commerce and industry. New ed. $1925. Taussig, F. W., comp. Selected readings in inter- nationel trade and tariff conditions. 1921. Vedder, G. C. American methods in foreign trade, a guide to export selling policy. 1919. Webster, W. C. General history of commerce. Rev. ed. 1918. GEOGRAPHY, BUSINESS Chamberlain, J. F. Geography, physical, economic. regional. $1921. Chisholm, G. G. Handbook of commercial geogra- phy. 1922. Cooper, C. S. Latin America-men and markets. $1927 Culbertson, W. S. Raw materials and food stuffs in the commercial policies of nations. 1924. Goode, J. P. The geographic background of Chi- cago. $1926. Huntington, Ellsworth & Williams, F. E. Business geography. 2d. ed. rewritten. 1926. Huntington, Ellsworth & Cushing, S. W. Modern business geography. 1925. Keller, A. G. & Bishop, A. L. Commercial and in- dustrial geography. 1912. Newbiggin, M. I. Commercial geography. n. d. Smith, J. R. World's food resources. 1919. Smith, J. R. Industrial and commercial geography. New ed. 1925. South American handbook, 1929; a guide to the coun- tries and resources of Latin America inclusive of South and Central America, Mexico, and Cuba; ed. by J. A. Hunter. 1929. Whitbeck, R. H. Economic geography of South America. $1926. See also COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS. GROCERY TRADE See RETAILING-Grocery Trade. HOTEL, RESTAURANT AND CAFE- TERIA BUSINESS Boomer, L. M. Hotel management; principles and practice. 1925. Elliot, R. N. Tea room and cafeteria management. 1926. [ 30 ] INSTALMENT SELLING See MARKETING-Instalment Selling. INSURANCE BUSINESS General Books American academy of political and social science. Modern insurance tendencies. 1927. Gephart, W. F. Principles of insurance. $1917. 2v. Hood, Frazer. Everyman's insurance; a necessity for home protection. 1925. Huebner, S. S. Property insurance, comprising fire and marine insurance, automobile insurance, fidelity and surety bonding, title insurance, cre- dit insurance and miscellaneous forms of prop- erty insurance. New ed. rev. & enl. 1922. Riegel, Robert & Loman, H. T. Insurance principles and practice. 1921. Casualty Crobaugh, C. J. & Redding, A. E. Casualty insur- ance. 1928. Fire Wiegand, W. B. Fire insurance accounting. *1926. Shaw, A. W. Company. Selling methods: fire insur- ance. n. d. Industrial Downey, E. H. Workmen's compensation. 1924. Life Alexander, William. What life insurance is and what it does; a primer for laymen and students. $1917. Callihan, T. W. Brief course in the selling of life insurance. 1927. Dowling, L. W. $1925. Hart, H. D. Life Hendrick, B. J. Huebner, S. S. Life insurance; a textbook. Wills, trusts and estates. 1927. Huebner, S. S. Madden, J. L. Mudgett, B. D. Total disability provision in Amer- ican life insurance contracts. 1915. 2v. Mathematics of life insurance. insurance as a life work. ©1926. The story of life insurance. 1907. Economics of life insurance. 1927. 1915. National life insurance company. National life in- surance company; a history of its foundation and development. 1925. [31] Shaw, A. W. Company. Selling methods: life in- surance. n. d. (Students' business book se- ries) Stevenson, J. A. A. Selling life Selling life insurance. 1922. (Harper's life insurance library) Strong, E. K. The psychology of selling life insur- ance. 1922. (Harper's life insurance library) System Company. How to sell more life insurance: specific methods of finding and following up prospects. 2d ed. 1911. Woods, E. A. Life underwriting as a career. 1923. Surety & Fidelity Lunt, E. C. Surety bonds; nature, functions, un- derwriting requirements. 1922. INVESTMENTS See FINANCE-Investments. JOURNALISM Country journalism. 1928. Allen, C. L. Atwood, M. S. The country newspaper. Bent, S. Ballyhoo. 1927. Bing, P. C. The country weekly. 1917. Bleyer, W. G. How to write special feature arti- cles. 1920. Bleyer, W. G. Journalism. (Reading with a pur- pose) 1929. Bleyer, W. G. Main currents in the history of American journalism. 1927. Bleyer, W. G. Newspaper writing and editing. rev. ed. 1923. 1923. Boughier, G. J. Women in journalism. Brazelton, Mrs. E. M. (C.) women. 1927. 1925. Writing and editing for Chicago Tribune. Pictorial encyclopedia of the world's greatest newspaper. $1928. Cobb, I. S. Stickfuls; compositions of a newspaper minion. 1923. Crawford, N. A. Ethics of journalism. 1924. Cushing, C. P. If you don't write fiction. 1920. Davis, Elmer. History of the New York Times. 1921. Detweiler, F. G. The negro press in the United States. 1922. Dibblee, G. B. The newspaper. n. d. (Home uni- versity library) Farrar, F. M. Fred Farrar's type book. 1927. Flint, L. N. The conscience of the newspaper; a case book in the principles and problems of journalism. 1925. Flint, L. N. The editorial. 1920. [ 32 ] Fowler, N. C. Handbook of journalism; all about newspaper work. 1913. Givere, J. L. Making a newspaper. 1907. 1927. Harwood, Dix. Getting and writing news. Harrington, H. F. Chats on feature writing. 1925. Harrington, H. F. & Frankenberg, T. T. Essentials in journalism. Rev. ed. 1924. Harris, E. P. & Hooke, F. H. The community news- paper. 1923. Heaton, J. L. Story of a page; thirty years of pub- lic service and public discussion on the editorial column of the New York world. $1913. Hyde, G. M. Handbook of newspaper workers. New & enl. ed. 1926. Hyde, G. M. Newspaper editing. 1919. Jettinger, C. A. How and what to write as news. $1921. 1922. Lippman, Walter. Liberty and the news. Lord, C. S. The young man and journalism. Mc Cauley, T. & S. Getting your name in print. 1922. 1920. Maulshy, W. S. Getting the news. $1925. Neal, R. W. News and news writing. 1925. Ockham, David. Stentor; or the press of today and tomorrow. $1928. Olin, C. H. Journalism. 1906. Park, R. E. The immigrant press and its control. 1922. Ralph, Julian. The making of a journalist. 1903. Rogers, Jason. Newspaper building, the applica- tion of efficiency to editing, to mechanical pro- duction, to circulation and advertising with cost finding methods, office forms and systems. €1918. Rogers, Jason. The American newspaper. 1909. Sinclair, Upton. The brass check; a study of Amer- ican journalism. 1920. Spencer, M. L. Editorial writing. 1924. Spencer, M. L. News writing; the gathering, handl- ing and writing of news. $1917. Thayer, Frank. Newspaper management. 1926. Villard, O. G. Some newspapers and newspaper men. 1923. Williams, Talcott. The newspaper man. 1922. Williams, Walter & Martin, F. L. The practice of journalism. 1911. Yost, C. S. Principles of journalism. Young, J. P. 1924. Journalism in California. n. d. LAW, BUSINESS Bolles, A. S. Putnam's handy law book for the lay- man. $1921. Ballantine, H. W. Preparation of contracts and conveyances. 1921. [ 33 ] Conyngton, Thomas. Business law. 2d. ed. 1920. Conyngton, Thomas and others. Corporation pro- cedure; law, finance, accounting. 1924. Frey, A. B. American business law, with forms. 1920. Green, J. B. Law for the home owner. 1926. Huffcut, E. W. Elements of business law, with il- lustrative examples and problems; rev. by G. G. Bogert. 2d. rev. ed. 1925. Lunt, E. C. Surety bonds. nature functions, under- writing requirements. 1922. MacChesney, N. W. Principles of real estate law. $1927. Sales contracts and forms. 1928. Spencer, W. H. Law and business. 1921-22. 3v. Sullivan, J. J. American business law, with legal forms. 4th ed. rev. 1927. LEATHER INDUSTRY AND TRADE Harvey, Arthur. Practical leather chemistry; a handbook of laboratory notes and methods for the use of students and workers' chemists. 1920. Lehman, H. M. Leather goods and gloves. 1922. Modern American tanning; a practical treatise on the manufacture of leather complied from orig- inal articles describing modern methods printed in "Hide and leather" and written by well known tannery foremen, superintendents and chemists. 1902-18. See also MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. LUMBER INDUSTRY AND BUYING IN- DUSTRIES TRADE Brown, N. C. The American lumber industry, em- bracing the principal features of the resources, production, distribution and utilization of lum- ber in the United States. 1923. Bryant, R. C. Lumber, its manufacture and distri- bution. 1922. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS See RETAILING-Mail Order Business. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES Keir, R. M. Manufacturing. (Industries of Amer- ica series) 1928. Thomas' register of American manufactures and first hands in all lines. 18th ed. 1927-28. See also Separate industries, e. g. CANNING IN- DUSTRY, etc. 1 1 [34] MARKETING General Books 1925. American academy of political and social science. Scientific distribution; modern selling, a dy- namic wealth producing force. 1924. Arnold, J. R. Hides and skins. Barton, L. M. Study of all American markets; in- cluding all cities and towns of 1000 population or more in the U. S., arranged by markets and states. 1927. Barton, L. M. A study of 81 principal American markets. 1925. Cherington, P. T. Elements of marketing. 1920. Clark, F. E. Principles of marketing. 1922. Converse, P. D. Marketing methods and policies. 2d. ed. rev. 1924. Duncan, C. S. Marketing, its problems and meth- ods. 1920. Ivey, P. W. Principles of marketing; a textbook for colleges and schools of business administration. 1921. Maynard, H. H., Weidler, W. C. & Beckman, T. N. Principles of marketing. 1927. Nourse, E. G. The Chicago produce market. 1918. Rhoades, E. L. Introductory readings in market- ing; commodity characteristics and marketing functions. 1927. White, Percival. Scientific marketing management. 1927. White, Percival & Hayward, W. S. Marketing prac- tice. 1924. Wright, Ivan & Landou, C. E. Readings in mar- keting principles. 1926. Instalment Selling Academy of political science, New York. Problems af prosperity; better economic organization of agriculture; installment purchasing; the pros- pects of industrial civilization. 1927. $1927. (Pro- ceedings, V. 12, No. 2, p. 83-134) Griffin, B. W. Installment sales and collections. 1922. Plummer, W. C. Social and economic consequences 1 of buying on the installment plan. 1927. Seligman, E. R. A. The economics of installment selling; a study in consumers' credit with spe- cial reference to the automobile. 1927. 2v. See also ADVERTISING; BUYING; RETAILING; SELLING; TRADE MARKS. MONEY See BANKING-Money. ! [ 35 ] MOVING PICTURE BUSINESS Kennedy, J. P., ed. The story of the films as told by the leaders of the industry to the students of the graduate school of business administra- tion, George F. Baker Foundation, Harvard University. 1927. Richardson, F. H. Motion picture handbook; guide for managers and operators of motion picture theatres. 2d. ed. 1916. Я. OCCUPATIONS Allen, F. J. Business employments. 1916. Babcock, Mrs. L. H. W. Pin money suggestions. 1912. Bernays, E. L., ed. An outline of careers; a prac- tical guide to achievement, by thirty-eight em- inent Americans. 1927. Bowsfield, C. C. How boys and girls can earn money. 1916. Bureau of vocational information. Statistical work; $1921. a study of opportunities for women. Center, S. S., comp. The worker and his work; readings in present-day literature presenting some of the activities by which men and women the world over make a living. 1920. Dean, E. O. Opportunities out of doors. 1921. Dodge, M. R. Fifty little businesses for women. $1928. Dunphy, H. M., ed. One thousand ways to make a living; or, an encyclopedia of plans to make money. $1919. Fleischman, D. E., comp. & ed. An outline of careers for women; a practical guide to achieve- ment. 1928. Giles, F. M. & Giles, Mrs. T. K. Vocational civics; a study of occupations as a background for the consideration of a life-career. 1919. Gowin, E. B. & Wheatley, W. A. Occupations; a textbook in vocational guidance. $1916. 1926. Leuck, M. S. Fields of work for women. Lyon, L. S. Making a living; the individual in so- ciety, an introduction to vocations, business civics and the problems of community life. 1926. 1927. Miles, A. L.. comp. Extra money; true stories of successful business adventures at home. Parsons, Frank. Choosing a vocation. 1909. Richardson, A. S. The girl who earns her own liv- ing. 1908. Rodger, E. G. Careers. 1928. 1907. Rollins, F. W. What can a young man do? Platt, R. H., ed. Book of opportunities. What 3,000 American occupations have to offer. 1927. [36] Rosengarten, William. Choosing your life work. 1924. Weaver, E. W. Vocations for girls. 1913. Weaver, E. W. & Byler, J. F. Profitable vocations for boys. 1915. OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES AND HYGIENE See BUSINESS MANAGEMENT-Personnel Man- agement-Occupational, etc. OFFICE MANAGEMENT General Books Leffingwell, W. H. Office management; principles and practice. 1925. Mac Donald, J. H. Office management. 1927. Schulze, J. W. Office administration. 1919. Taintor, S. A. Training for secretarial practice; a textbook in secretarial theory and correspond- ence. 2d. ed. 1926. Files and Filing Mc Cord, J. N. Textbook of filing. 1920. Scholfield, E. E. Filing department operation and control from the standpoint of the management. 1923. Wallace, Eugenia. Filing methods. 1924. Warren, Irene. Office records. 1921. Warren, Irene, Lyons, M. C. & Mc Clelland, F. C. Filing and indexing, with business procedure. $1924. Secretaries, Private Charters, W. W. & Whitley, I. B. Anaylsis of secre- tarial duties and traits. 1924. Church, A. L. Training of a secretary. 1922. (Lippincott's training series) Kilduff, E. J. The private secretary; the duties, and opportunities of the position. 1924. Mc Namara, E. J. Secretarial training. See also ARITHMETIC, BUSINESS; ENGLISH; LAW, BUSINESS. 1927. BUSINESS PACKING INDUSTRY Clemen, R. A. By-products in the packing industry. 1927. Russell, C. E. The greatest trust in the world. 1905. See also MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. [ 37 ] PAPER INDUSTRY Butler, F. O. The story of paper-making; an ac- count of paper-making from its earliest known record down to the present time. 1901. Chalmers, T. W. Paper making and its machinery. 1920. Kellogg, R. S. Pulpwood and wood pulp in North America. $1923. Sindall, R. W. The manufacture of paper. 1919. Sindall, R. W. Paper technology: an elementary manual on the manufacture, physical qualities and chemical constitments of paper and of pa- per-making fibres. 3d. ed. rev. & rewritten. 1920. Stevens, H. P. The paper mill chemist. 2d. ed. rev. & enl. 1919. Sutermeister, Edwin. Chemistry of pulp and paper making. 1920. Witham, G. S. Modern pulp and paper making; a practical treatise. 1920. See also MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT See BUSINESS MANAGEMENT-Personnel man- agement. PETROLEUM INDUSTRY AND TRADE Day, D. T. & others. Handbook of the petroleum industry. 1922. Hager, Dorsey. Oil-field practice. 1921. Kewley, James. The petroleum and allied indus- tries; petroleum, natural gas, natural waxes, as- phalts and allied substances. 1922. Marcosson, I. F. The black Golconda; the romance of petroleum. 1921. Reinholt, O. H. Oildom, its treasures and tragedies; essential and current truths about petroleum and the dependent oil and automotive indus- tries, prepared primarily for motorists and in- vestors. 1924. Ross, Victor. The evolution of the oil industry. 1920. See also MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. PURCHASING Dinsmore, J. C. Purchasing principles and prac- tices. 1922. Hysell, Helen. The science of purchasing. 1922. + [ 38 ] REAL ESTATE BUSINESS General Books Bingham, R. F. & Andrews, E. L. Financing real estate. 1924. Babcock, F. M. Appraisal of real estate. 1924. Benson, P. A. & North, N. L. Real estate; princi- ples and practices. 1922. Fisher, E. A. Principles of real estate practice. 1923. Gahagen, W. R. How to conduct the real estate, in- surance, and general brokerage business. 1920. Gifford, W. C. Real estate advertising. 1925. Hall, Harry & others, eds. Real estate manual for brokers, owners and operators. 1925. Hinman, A. G. & Doran, H. B. Real estate mer- · chandizing. 1926. Isman, Felix. Real estate in all its branches. 1924. Mc Michael, S. L. How to make money in real es- tate. 1924. Mc Michael, S. L. Long and short term lease holds. 3d. ed. 1925. Selling real estate. Mc Michael, S. L. 1926. National association of real estate boards. Real es- tate appraising. 1927. 10 pts. National association of real estate boards. Real es- tate selling. 1927. 12 pts. North, N. L. & Van Buren, De Witt. Real estate titles and conveyancing. 1927. North, N. L., Van Buren, De Witt & Smith, C. E. Real estate financing. 1928. Keep, S. N. Second mortgages and land contracts in real estate financing. 1928. Snyder, Blake & Roby, R. W. Fundamentals in real estate. $1927. Snyder, Blake & Lippincott, Wilmot, eds. Real estate handbook. 1925. Spilker, J. B. & Cloud, P. G. Real estate business as a profession. 1921. Zangerle, Israel. Principles of real estate apprais- ing. 1924. City Planning Baker, N. F. Legal aspects of zoning. 1927. James, Harlan. Land planning in the United States for the city, state and nation. 1926 (Vol. 9 is the standard course in real estate outlined by the joint commission representing the national association of real estate boards, the united Y. W. C. A. schools and the institute for research in land economics and public utilities.) Mc Michael, S. L. & Bingham, R. F. City growth essentials. 1928. Williams, F. B. The law of city planning and zon- ing. 1922. [39] Land Economics Doran, H. B. & Hinman, A. G. Urban land econom- ics. 1928. Ely, R. T. & Norehouse, E. W. Elements of land economics. 1924. See also BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS; LAW, BUSINESS. RETAILING General Books Brisco, N. A. & others. Principles of retailing. 1927. Copeland, M. T. Principles of merchandising. 1924. Greene, J. H. Principles and methods of retailing. $1924. Hayward, W. S. Retail handbook, with a section on credits and collections, by D. E. Beebe. 1924. Higinbotham, H. N. The making of a merchant. $1906. 1923. Leigh, Ruth. Elements of retailing. Nystrom, P. H. Economics of retailing. 1915. Sprague, J. E. The making of a merchant. 1928. U. S. Commerce Dep't. Foreign and domestic com- merce, Bureau of. Retail store problems. 1926. Chain Stores Baxter, W. J. Chain store distribution and manage- ment. $1928. Hayward, W. S. & White, Percival. Chain stores. 3d. ed. 1928. Nystrom, P. H. Chain stores. 1926. See also ACCOUNTING. Department Stores Aiken, Charlotte. The millinery department. 1918. Doubman, J. R. & Whitaker, J. R. The organiza- tion and operation of department stores. 1927. Hungerford, Edward. Romance of a great store. 1922. Souder, M. A. The notion department. 1917. Thompson, E. B. The cotton and linen depart- ments. 1917. Thompson, E. B. The silk department. 1918. Dry Goods Trade Kneeland, Natalie. Hosiery, knit underwear and gloves. 1924. Kneeland, Natalie. Millinery. 1925. [40] Kneeland, Natalie. Waists. 1924. manuals for retail salespeople) Gift and Art Shops Knudson, Mrs. G. P. (T.) Gift and art shop mer- chandising. 1926. Grocery Trade Torodoff, Alexander. What is what in groceries. $1926. Bull, A. E. 1921. (Merchandise Mail Order Business Conducting a mail order business. Hall, S. R. Picken, J. H. Pratt, V. E. tice. 1924. Mail-order and direct-mail selling. Principles of selling by mail. 1927. Selling by mail; principles and prac- Retail Buying Brisco, N. A. & Wingate, J. W. Retail buying. *1925. Bull, A. E. Buying goods; the commercial buyer and his work. 1922. See also ADVERTISING, RETAIL. Retail Selling Baer, Laura. Retail selling methods; everyday sales problems and their solution. 1923. Charters, W. W. How to sell at retail. 1922. Fisk, J. W. Retail selling; a guide to the best mod- ern practice. 1916. Hutchison, E. L. House-furnishings, kitchenware, and laundry equipment. 1922. (Merchandise manuals, No. 3) Ivy, P. W. Elements of retail salesmanship. 1920. Kennard, B. E. & Hutchinson, E. L. Jewelry and silverware. 1922. (Merchandise manuals, No. 4) Kneeland, Natalie. Cases in retail salesmanship. 1924. Lehmann, H. M. Leather goods and gloves. 1922. (Merchandise manuals, No. 5) Lehmann, H. M. & Kenanrd, B. E. Glass and glass- ware. 1922. (Merchandise manuals, No. 2) Leigh, Ruth. The human side of retail selling. Norton, H. R. Textbook on retail selling. 1919. Selling at retail. 1926. Pelz, V. H. Retail Store Management Brisco, N. A. & Urngate, J. W. Retail receiving practice. 1925. [ 41 ] David, D. K. Retail store management problems. $1922. Fri, J. L. Retail merchandising; planning and con- trol. $1925. Hahn, Lew & White, Percival, ed. The merchant's manual. $1924. Kilduff, F. W. Inventory practice and materials control. 1925. Mazur, P. M. & Silbert, M. S. Principles of organ- ization applied to modern retailing. 1927. RUBBER INDUSTRY AND TRADE Geer, W. C. The reign of rubber. 1922. See also MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. SALESMANSHIP AND SALES MANAGE- MENT Collins, J. H. Human nature in selling goods. $1909. Converse, P. D. Douglas, A. W. Fernald, C. H. Ferris, E. E. & Collins, G. R. Fowler, N. C. Practical salesmanship. 1911. Frederick, J. G. Modern sales-management. 1919. Frederick, J. G. Modern salesmanship. 1925. Frederick, J. G. Selling by telephone. 1928. Giles, Ray. Breaking through competition. 1926. Hall, S. R. Handbook of sales management. 1924. Hayward, W. S. Sales administration; a study of the manufacturer's marketing problems. 1926- 27. Selling policies. 1927. Traveling salesmanship. 1919. Salesmanship. 1926. Salesmanship. 1924. Hoenig, L. J. Modern methods in selling. 1922. Hoover, S. R. The science and art of salesmanship. 1916. Huttinger, E. P. The law of salesmanship. 1927. Larned, W. L. A sales manager's field letters to his men. $1926. Leigh, Ruth. Training the retail clerk to sell your product. 1927. Lyon, L. S. Salesmen in marketing strategy. 1926. Mackintosh, C. H. Creative selling; making and keeping customers. 1923. Mahoney, P. R. The export salesman. 1916. Russell, F. A. Management of the sales organiza tion. 1922. Stevenson, J. A. Constructive salesmanship. 1923. Taylor, H. C. pseud. What a salesman should know. 1919. Tosdal, H. R. Principles of personal selling. 1925. Whitehead, Harold. Business of selling. 1923. [ 42 ] es of aso BUSINESS PSYCHOLOGY; RETAIL SELL- ING. salesmanship. SHOE TRADE Allen, F. J. The shoe industry. 1916. Harding, J. S. The boot and shoe industry. 1918. See also MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. STATE AND BUSINESS American academy of political and social science, Philadelphia. National industries and the fed- eral government. 1916. $1926. Clark, J. M. Social control of business. Commons, J. R. Legal foundations of capitalism. 1924. Marshall, F. C., ed. Readings in industrial society. $1918. Orth, S. P., comp. Readings on the relation of government to property and industry. 1915. Swenson, R. J. The national government and busi- ness. 1924. See BUSINESS STATISTICS. STATISTICS, BUSINESS TEXTILE INDUSTRY General Books Johnson, G. H. Textile fabrics; their selection and care from the standpoint of use, wear and launderability. 1927. See also MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. Hooper, Luther. ture. n. d. and industries) Silk Industry and Trade Darby, W. D. Silk, the queen of fabrics; a survey of the broad silk industry from the raw material to the finished product, including descriptions of manufacturing and marketing methods, a chapter on immitation silk, and a dictionary of silk fabrics. 1922. Silk; its production and manufac- (Pitman's common commodities THRIFT American academy of political and social science. The new American thrift. 1920. [ 43 ] Blodgett, H. A. F win it. 1926. Thrift. 1916. Hall, Bolton. Kirkpatrick, E. A. The use of money: how to move and how to spend. 1915. Schoenfeld, M. H. The trend of wage earners' sav- ings in Philadelphia. 1925. TRADE-MARKS Munn & Co. Trade-marks, trade names, for the business man. 1912. Rogero, E. S. Goodwill, trade-marks and unfair trading. 1914. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT See BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Traffic manage- ment. TYPEWRITING AND SHORTHAND Bolger, E. A., S. John, R. P. & Noonan, R. L. Busi- ness letters for dictation. 1924. Byrne, H. E. Practical dictation for the use of teachers and students of stenography. 5th ed. $1914. Caton, J. G. Caton scientific shorthand; specially adapted to professional reporting. 1917. Fuller, J. E. The typist; a course of lessons in the proper fingering and efficient manipulation of the typewriter, together with graded matter suitable for practice. 1918. Graham system of shorthand simplified. 1916. Gregg, J. R. Gregg shorthand. 1916. Gregg, J. R. Gregg speed studies. $1917. Kennedy, A. M. & Jarrett, Fred. High speed in typewriting; a series of advanced lessons for the development of expertness in the operation of the standard keyboard typewriter. 1919. Kilduff, E. J. The stenographer's manual. Longstreth, B. B. P. Miami Pitmanic shorthand instructor. $1913. 1921. Pitman, Isaac. Isaac Pitman's shorthand instruc- tor. 1916. Pitman, Isaac. Key to Pitman's shorthand teacher. n. d. Pitman, Isaac. Pitman's shorthand writer's phrase book and guides. n. d. Pringle, H. P. Ideal shorthand. 1915. Ward, Mina. The dictator: a collection of graded dictation exercises counted and arranged to es- tablish a standard for determining shorthand speed. 1899. [44]