.un »44u до. м . ‚к : „Ёж, „ )Him w» с 5”; кизяк . ‚ . и ‚ Y. . 62., . . »vì ‘И ` vc. 1 „шиитами ‚. m Lv {я „И, .Www „u A ¢ Pk. k и? .7 ŕ . sg' ‘к "in ä ‚м Ng; .ß ¿m? R52, w Ё‘ :è «э, ‚и А â Ё: аса‘. Ü. hä w у )if ‚ и „ ‚атм, .. ‚ .im „и. Y . . . . ж“ шашни: »ë ,Í ma, ‚ ‚ . . . .‚ ‘А’. _ ` . т »f2.5 у а. .4K/N .È „т: :y @Éd wînx .El ЗЁ Ё . r 4E»L.¢»§L„..ilh1 ‹ huuînî Mnl.. 4 I nußßîkvdîrmlŕlulmäfń. . ` ` ‘y 9i.' 4 ряда‘. s ` .1 ‚. l .înhnïîï кг} ‚И ZDÉÜMT; 16 ‚к; . магий .r 19E.. if.. „Ш щммгнатипиьчи у... ‚ : дгышмигм... a. .‘ ,Q_ «_ Í. ъ‘ n . м. -iá i-n L? PUBLICATIONS -OF THE )gest Virginia _Geologicalîsurvey Teachers and Public Libraries get a Discount oi 40 ' per cent from the -prices quoted on this'circular, but they pay the delivery charges, either express or postage. I (1) Detailed Report on Cabell, Wayne and. Lincoln Counties, issued under date of April 15th, 1913. 483 pages plus XVI, with 26 ­halt-tone plates and 6 zinc etchings in the text, also a case 01 9 map descri tural contours on the Pittsburgh coal showing their relations 10 the several of the ‘experts of the s, covering the soils, topography, and geology of each county ­separately. In addition to the ption of all the geologic features of the counties in question, the geologic maps give the struc- horlzon, as also the location of the anticlines and synclines 011 and gas pools of the district. The soil maps and reports U, S. Department of Agriculture covering this great agricultural and tobacco region of the State should prove of especial value to the agricultural and horticultural interests. Price, with case ot other publications, see below. (2) maps,­ delivery charges paid _by the­ Survey. $2.00, but in combination with Extra topographic or; geologic maps, ­25 cents for each county.­ Detailed County Report on Мелом/5115, Marion and Taylor Counties, published under date of September 1st, 1913, the largest volume yet issued by the Survey, containing 844 pages plus XVII with 37 plates of illustrations and 11 figures in the text, and a case of 3 maps (Soil, Topographic and Geologic) of the entire area. In addition to the detailed study and description of all the rocksgthe geologic map gives the structural contours on the Pittsburgh 0051,‘ and thus is very valuable to any one interested in coal, 011, or gas, in showing the exact position of all the anticlines, synclines and structural terraces. The suggestions of Ray V, Hennen, the author of the Report, as ­to the location of prospective oil and gas territory which have heretofore been so fre- quently veriñed are very full _and complete in this Report. Price, with case of maps, delivery charges paid by the Survey, $2.50, but in combination with other publications, see the general list of the publications of the W. Va. Geological Survey, Morgantown, W. Va. Topographic Map, 50 cents, and'of the Geologic and Structural map, $1.00 each. (3) June_1st., 1913, pages 491 +Х1П. revision 01 1110 “West Virginia Flora” up to date. Extra copies of the Volume V(A), The Lining and Fossil Flora of Westf, Virginia, issued under date of Part I, The 'Lining Flora by Dr, C. F. Millspaugh, a complete published in 1896 with many additions and new species brought invaluable for students and teachers oi Botany. Part II, the Fossil Flora, by Dr. David White gives a complete list oi the fossil plants associated with each of the great coal beds, thus constituting a splendid guide to correlation. nation, see below. ( _ 151., 1912, of 3 maps (soil, geologic and topographic.) of the entire area in single sheets. Price, including delivery charges, $1.50, but in combi- 4) Detailed County _Report on Doddridge and-Harrison Counties, under date of September- 712 pages _i-XVI, with 29 plates of illustrations and 5 Figures in the text, and a case In addition to the detailed study and description oi all the rocks, the geologic map gives the structural contours on the Pittsburgh coal, and thus is very valuable 'to any one interested in coal, 011, or gas, in show--­ ing the exact positions oi all the anticlines, synclines, and structural terraces. The line where the Pittsburgh coalof commercialn thickness and value disappears in Doddridge­ county is shown with much more accuracy on these maps with their larger scale of one inch to ­the mile, than was pos- sible 011 1115 State map with its much smaller scale. by the Survey, $2.00, but in combination with _other publications of th'e Survey, see below. Price, with case of maps, delivery charges paid Extra copies of geologic map $1.00, topographic 50 cents. (5) 1910, 385 pages -l-XVI. New Bulletin No. 2-Lecels and Coal Analyses, published under date _of December 1st., Part I contains­ a list of railway proiiles, distance tables, and elevations along all the Railways and principal Rivers of the State in a much more detailed and accurate 'man- ner than ever heretofore published, as well as the elevations ot all the permanent bench marks made in West Virginia through the precise level work of .the U; S, G. Survey ­upto the close of the year 1909. Part Il takes up the coal beds ot the State and collects together all the analyses heretofore made by 'the Survey of each coal bed in regular order from __the oldest or Pocahontas group to the highest and youngest, at the same time correcting typographical and other errors that had un- avoidably crept into previous tables oi analyses. Price, cloth, delivery charges paid by the Survey, $1.50 when ordered separately; but in combination see below. 55 "pag ( 6 )_, New Volume V, Forestry and Woodl Industries, 500 pages, handsomely illustrated with e plates, 'andaccompaning'iorest niap-"ŕoioedrin'_pocket-'of снижала-511010513 in separate colors the virgin forests, cut-over, and farm lands oi the State, issued under date of February lst., 1911. This Volume describes the principal forest trees of the State, giving both the common and botanical names, and tells the purposes for which each can be used. mates of the acreage still The virgin forests are given with esti- remaining in the several counties. The Wood Working Indus- tries are described along with interesting accounts of the insects and other agencies that destroy timber. a forest policy suitable for West Virginia. .Also a general summary of the forest laws in other States with valuable suggestions as to Published in cloth only; price, delivery charges prepaid, $2.00, but in combination with other publications oi the Survey, see below. Extra copies of Forestry map, 50c each. (7) Volume I (A), Petroleum and Natural Gas, 625 pages, issued under date of July 1st., 1904. tîstics of production to date. Contains a full history of the 011 and gas developments of West Virginia, as 17511 as sta- Also the full statement of the Anticlinal Theoryot oil and gas oc- currence, with descriptions of the different Sands and Oil regions, together with hundreds of oil and gas well records from 'every States of Pennsylvania and Ohio.­ rately, but in combination, 555 below. (8) Volume II, Coal, 725 pages, issued June 15, 1903. county within the 011 or 555-20110, and many from the adjoining Price, postage paid by the Survey, cloth, $1.25, it ordered. sepa- Gives a full description of all the 0051 Formations, and the separate coal beds ot the State, together with accurate analyses from complete sections of every coal mine in commercial operation up to January 1, 1903. paid by the Survey, cloth, $1.50, when ordered separately, but in combination, see below. tions attempted in Volume II. Price, postage (9) Supplementary Coal Report, Volume П (A), 720 pages, issued under date of September 15th, 1908, with map showing location of bore holes, the records of which are given in the text. This Supplementary Coal Report devotes much more space than did the older Volume II to the re'- gion southwest from the Great Kanawha and New rivers. The revised correlationïot the coals ot the Kanawha series is also given 111 full, together with corrections of the errors made ln the correla- Price, $2.00, when ordered separately, or $2.25 with Coal, Oil, Gas and Limestone Map, postage paid by the Survey. For other combinations at reduced prices, see below. 1906. (10) Treats of the origin, properties and uses of clays, with chemical analyses of clays of the State, also the manufacture and development of the sand-lime brick industry. Volume III, Clays, Limestones and Cements, 500 pages, issued under date of April 1st., The second part' of the report is an account of the limestones of the State, methods of burning lime, and its many uses including the new processes of hydrating lime. manufacture and uses. paid by the Survey, Cloth, $1.50, (11) under date of September 25th, 1909. Iron Ore deposits of the State togetherwith 'a history of the old charcoal furnace industry. The third part treats of cements, their classification, Illustrated by 53 figures in the text and 44 full-page plates. Price, postage if ordered separately. but in combination, see below. Volume IV, Iron Cres, Building Stones and Other Minerals, 603 pages, cloth, issued This volume gives descriptions and analyses of all the principal The main building stones of the State are described and elaborate tests given of their strength and crushing limit, together with chemical analyses, petrographic determinations, etc. Salt Industry and Brines ot the State are also described and analyses given. The Glass Sands, Illustrated with 24 page plates, and 16 ñgures and maps in the text, showing location of iron ores, geological structures, Blast Furnaces, etc. bination, see below. small scale of the State map. Price, postage paid by the Survey, ­$2.00 when ordered separately, but in com- (12) Detailed County Report on Ohio, Brooke and Hancock Counties, 337 pages plus XXIX, with an atlas'oi topographic, geologic, and soil maps of each county. Only a- few_.copies in stock. Price including maps and delivery, $2.00. ` ` (13) Detailed County Report on Marshall, Wetzel and Tyler Counties, 654 pages plus XVIII, with case of 3 maps-topographic, geologic, and soil, published _under date of October 1st., 1909. In ­this Report a new feature is introduced, showing the structure­ of the тоску-‘511515111’501110111‘5 on the Pittsburgh coal bed, thus bringing out the exact positions of the anticlines and synclines, and exhibiting the location of all the oil and gas pools developed in these 3 counties to the close of 1909. The line of disappearance of the Pittsburgh coal is shown with more accuracy than possible on th'e Price, with case of maps, postage paid by the Survey, $2.00, but in combination, see below. (Il) Detailed County Report on Pleasants, ­Wood, and Ritchie Counties, with a case of topographic, geologic, and soil maps, containing 352 pages ­­|­XIV, published under date of April 1st, 1910. churches, villages, streams, etc. appropriate symbols. tion with other publications of the Survey, see below. _ $1.00, topographic _50 cents. . case of 3 mapsH-topographic, geologic, and soil-published under date of July 1st., 1911. The topographic and geologic maps show all the roads, 111-105115, houses, school houses, The oil and gas pools developed up 10 1909 are also shown by Price of Volume and case of maps, postage prepaid, $1.75, but in combina- liliana.­ copies oi geologic structural man.­­ (15) Detailed County Report, on'Wirt, Roane and 0511101111'005111155, 573 pages plus XX, with Besides the detailed study and description of all the rocks, the geologic map gives also the true location of all oil and gas pools. developed up to July 1st., 1911, and shows by structural contours, the sev- eral anticlinal and synclinal arches including the southern extension of the famous Burning Springs or Volcano anticlinal. Price, with case of maps, postage paid by the Survey, $2.00, but in combi- nation, 500 below. Extra copies oi geologic map, $1.00, topographic, 50 cents. (16) Detailed County Report on Jackson, Mason and Putnam Counties, under date of Decenn- ber 15th., 1911, 387 pages -l-XIV, with 36 plates and illustrations, and a case of 3 maps (topographic, geologic and soil) of the entire'area in single sheets, being the largest maps yet publlshed by the State Survey. In addition to the detailed study and description of all the rocks, the geologic map gives the structural contours on the Pittsburgh coal horizon, as well as the approximate area under- laid by that bed. bination with other publications of the Survey, sce below. map, 50 cents each. (17) Coal, Oil, Gas, Limestone and Iron Ore Map issued under date ot April 1st., 1913. Price, with case of maps, delivery charges paid by the Survey, $2.00, but in com- Extra copies of topographic or geologic This new edition is the joint publication of the State Geological Survey and the State Semi-Centennial Commission. clinals being added, and others corrected from later observations. It contains a thorough revision oi the Coal, Oil, and Gas Developments, several anti- The valuable I_ron Ore deposits of the State are also indicated on this map, and all the special features of previous 'editions corrected and brought up to date, showing the approximate areas of the several coal series, operating mines and their post oñice addresses, as well as the 011 and gas pools. Scale 8 miles to the inch. Price, enclosed in strong envelope and delivered by mail, 50 cents each, but in combination with other publications see below. (18) Railroad and County Products Map, issued under date of October 1st, 1905 showing all the Railroads ot the State and their routes to the 555-1105111 and Lakes. ‘13110 main trunk lines and their branches are printed in separate colors so as to indicate at a glance the shortest and best routes for shipments, etc. on the margin of the map. Also the chief products of every county in the State are shown by counties Price, postage paid by the Survey, 500 when ordered separately, but in combination, see below. The prices quoted above are the retail ones in cloth binding when only a single publication is ordered (the payment, cash, check. or 2­cent postage stamps up to $1.50 only, must always accom- pany the order, as the Survey Commission does not permit any open accounts), but_as many wish both of the maps, or the entire set of the Survey publications, a considerable reduction in price is ouered by the following combinations, for which any or all of the Detailed County Reports can b'e included by adding one dollar for each County Report desired except Monongalia, Marion and Taylor, and Ohio, Brooke and Hancock, for which $1.50 each must be added: (l) (2) (3) (4) (5') (c) (7) Morgantown, w. vo., November 10, 1913. ._.__­_.,_ wifi-ß' Coal, Oil, Gas, Limestone and Iron Ore Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Railroad and County Products Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volume V(A), Living and Fossil Flora of W, Va . . . . Volume V, Forestry . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r) l c n с a l »l n-l, во... New Bulletin No. Levels and Coal Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . Volume II, Coal..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volume II (A), Supplementary Coal Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Both Coal, etc., and Railroad . . . . New Bulletin No. 2, Levels and Coal- Analyses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volume II (A), Supplementary Coal Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volume II, Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volume I (A), Petroleum and Natural Gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Both Coal, etc., and Railroad Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Bulletin No. Volume Volume Volume 2, Levels and Coal Analyses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . V, Forestry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV, Iron Ores, Building Stones, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . II (A), Supplementary Coal Report . . . . . . . . . . . Volume III, Clays, Limestones and Cements. . . . . . . . . Volume I (A), Petroleum and Natural Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . В0111 0051, etc., and Railroad Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ogplglilli Volume V(A), Flora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Bulletin No. 2, Levels and Coal Analyses . . . . . . . . Volume V, Forestry. . . . . . . . . . . Volume IV, Iron Orcs, Building Volume II (A), Supplementary Coal Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volume II, Coal.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volume III, Clays, Limestones and Clements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volume I (A), Petroleum and Natural Gas . . . . . . .. . . . Both Coal, etc., and Railroad Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . о u о в о l l I о l Il о о о о о l поводов...‘- ‚О...‘ еЁс...«—— ‘очно-00.00‘... '.-........-0с.’000000000 '.....'.::::::::::- ..О......С..- Complete 501 of all described publications including County Report and Maps (Ohio, Brooke and I­Iancock).................... . . . . . Report and Maps (Marshall, Wetzel and Tyler) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report and Maps (Pleasants, Wood and Ritchie) . . . . . . . . . . . . Report and Maps (Wirt, Roaue and Calhoun) . . . . . . . Report and Maps (Jackson, Mason and Putnam).­......... Report and Maps (Doddridge and Harrison)..............................­.­ Report and Maps (Mûllûllgâlîa. Marion and Taylor). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Report and Maps (Cabell, Wayne and Lincoln)...................,.......... u-gnngoggcasoolou 18.00 .IO-IUIIIÜÍCiOQI-ICIÚ’.C* I. C. WHITE, State Geologist. ч. ‚- .,- .\.._.,_ ч .„ =_­` в“ г _," pri/g'gïâlr'frisiâ-ÃQJì-:w«,n-' #tí-13"#‘VN-#Jgv'nê-ŕ'fœu'ŕ'r'ańyŕht'ww W. 'VA. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, Enclosed please ñnd Box 448, Morgantown, W. Va. ­_ which send Combination No.. . . . . . . . . . . ._. . ......................cop....-Bulletin No.2. _......................cop....Vol. ПА. ......'.................cop....Vol. II (A). _____@__e___­____~ ~ - ° ° - v ° *3_3 _°_._° ° ч... 9 ‘ " "_VQL . . . .Íl . . . . . . . . .cop..'.'.vo1."'1n'.­ г- ......................oop..,.vo1.1v. ......................cop'....Vol. V. ...............,..'....00р.,..1701.ХНА). '_ .IIQCOCO'Ü' Illßll.. ..cop. . . .Detailed County Report, Cabell, Wayne and Lincoln. I... .OCQ'OÍII . . . . . . . .cop. . . .Detailed County Report, Doddridge and Harrison. ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . .cop. . . .Detailed County Report, Jackson, Mason and Putnam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cop . . . .Detailed County Report, Wirt, Roane and Calhoun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cop. . . .Detailed County Report, Pleasants, Wood and Ritchie. ......................00р ­.ooooo..ooo...oooooooooeop 1.009.018'00'00ПП'0П'0100Р Бате...‘ОО'ООО'П.‘ПОСО‘ЗОООО‘ООО... . . . .Detailed County Report, Marshall, Wetzel and Tyler. . . . .Detailed County Report, Ohio, Brooke and Hancock. . .cop. .Coal, Oil, Gas, Limestone and Iron Ore Map. .. „Railroad .and County Products Map. Street Post-oillce....................................... „04'11Ф'2'3-5Р41354": . .cop. . . .Detailed County Report, Monongalia, Marion and Taylor..­ î Л. Л й H13 ß! ` ИЁ‘Ч ¿_ .. :inn: ‚ хъищгцч а. Ã? ‘с ßnfm . warf.: . щк..%д&ёщх »fw ÍA.» по. ‚ ‚та .,...m MX wv J. у. QJ ...E и Ф с ‚ м dá@ Адам“ .. ŕ.. , „у? .,wîs KNS( ‚ЁЖ rf „ч ‚ ‚525 гм) :l