LETTERS & PAPERS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC HENRY VIII. DA 25 .ΕΙ V.I Jet.3 1920 VOL. I. PART 3 INDEX, &c. = * 1 ARTES 1837 VERITAS LIBRARY SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 2.PLURIBUS UHUM THEBOR SI QUÆRIS PENINSULAM-AMŒNAM CIRCUMSPICE INGARLAGAO OKOUKKOKIMO, : :.: AN 25 El V. I, • pt 1920 LETTERS AND PAPERS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. OF THE REIGN OF HENRY VIII. LETTERS AND PAPERS, FOREIGN AND AND DOMESTIC OF THE REIGN OF HENRY VIII. PRESERVED IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE, THE BRITISH MUSEUM, AND ELSEWHERE. VOL. I. CATALOGUED BY J. S. BREWER, M.A. SECOND EDITION REVISED AND GREATLY ENLARGED BY R. H. BRODIE. AN ASSISTANT KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS. PART 3. (BREWER'S PREFACE, KEY, INDEX.) ISSUED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE MASTER OF THE ROLLS. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. 1920. Wt. 11494. 400 6/20. H.T. Ltd. DA 25 t To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: IMPERIAL HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C.2, and 28, ABINGDON STREET, LONDON, S.W.1: 37, PETER STREET, MANCHESTER ; 1, ST. ANDREW'S CRESCENT, CARDIFF; 23, FORTH STREET, EDINBURGH ; or from E. PONSONBY, LTD., 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. Price One Pound Five Shillings Net. CONTENTS OF PART 3. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION KEY TO NUMBERS IN FIRST EDITION GENERAL INDEX NOTES AND ERRATA ! 373132 PAGE vii lxxv 1 504 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. [References cited by number are to be identified in this second edition by the Key" which follows.-R.H.B.] THIS Catalogue, of which the first volume is now submitted to the reader, differs in some important respects from the Calendars of State Papers which have already appeared under the sanction of the Master of the Rolls. They relate to documents contained in single departments of the State; this embraces an abstract of all Letters and Miscellaneous Papers, illustrative of the reign of Henry VIII, foreign or domestic, printed or in manuscript, preserved either in the different departments of the Great National Depository, or in the British Museum, the Bodleian and the Lambeth libraries, or the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge. It has further been found necessary, from the peculiar nature of the work, to include in it a complete index and summary of the French, the Scotch, the Patent and the Parliament Rolls, the Signed Bills and Privy Seals, the army, navy, ordnance, and wardrobe accounts of the same period, not omitting the transcripts made by the late Record Commission from foreign archives, for the new edition of Rymer's Fœdera. Such portions of the series as belong to the nation, and were hitherto dispersed in different offices, have now for the first time been brought together and arranged chronologically. They consisted originally of 328 miscellaneous volumes found in the Rolls House, 242 bundles and books in the State Paper Office, numerous documents and fragments placed in portfolios and boxes, gathered up in the searches made by the officers at the Chapter House, Westminster. The number has since been greatly augmented by valuable additions from different quarters; partly by an examination, made by Mr. Gairdner and myself, of 118 sacks of unsorted documents transferred from the Chapter House to the New Repository; partly by occasional papers kindly brought to my attention by Mr. Nelson and Mr. Burtt, of the Record Office; and, more recently, by searches in the Rolls Chapel and elsewhere, conducted under the direction of Mr. Hardy, the present Deputy Keeper of the National Records. The entire diplomatic correspondence of the reign was originally deposited at the Chapter House, Westminster, in Her Majesty's Treasury of the Exchequer; but among the documents there, relating to the political history of the times, many letters and private memoranda were preserved, detailing the most secret history of the King's ministers. Not only the property of Wolsey, Cromwell, Lord Lisle, and other noblemen, but their papers and correspondence, were confiscated, on their disgrace, to the King's use. No distinction was observed between official and private documents; between drafts, despatches, memoranda intended for the Council Table, and letters on personal matters and domestic expenditure. Even the escritoires of the ladies were not exempted from this legal confiscation. Whatever in the opinion of the law officers of the Crown might possibly furnish matter for the impeachment of their husbands, was inexorably seized to the King's use,―consequently bills for ribbons, shoes, and millinery, receipts for viii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. apple pies, salves, and medicated waters, are sometimes found in grotesque juxta-position with papal bulls or instructions to plenipo- tentiaries. There is good reason to suppose that these papers were deposited in the Treasury of the Exchequer, in their original order and condition, and remained so until the commencement of the 17th century. Large portions of them were carried off in 1614, if not before, by Sir Robert Cotton, to augment his celebrated library, and are now to be found in the British Museum. Within a late period three hundred bundles and books were sent to the Rolls House; and again from the Rolls House an important selection of them was transferred to the State Paper Office. This diversion of the documents from their primitive source into different channels was productive of great irregularities. Pro- ceedings in manor courts, portions of suits in the Court of Wards, the Star Chamber, or the Chancery, found their way into the diplomatic collections of the State Paper Office or the Rolls House. Treaties made between the same powers, and relating to the same period of history, straggled piecemeal into two or three or even four different depositories. The correspondence of Wolsey, Cromwell, Norfolk, and the King, was broken up between the State Paper Office, the Record Office, and the British Museum. Parts of the same letter were not unusually found in different libraries; addresses were detached from the bodies of the letters to which they belonged, and inclosures inserted in the wrong envelopes. To add to the confusion, special modes of arrangement were adopted in different offices; and not unfrequently the system pursued under one officer was modified or reversed by his successor. The original bundles appear to have been broken up, under the keepership of Arthur Agarde, when the Treasury of the Exchequer was rifled of its most precious contents, to augment the collections of Sir Robert Cotton. Their order was further disturbed by Mr. John Cayley, who arranged many of the letters in an alphabetical order of names. Some preferred a topographical, others a diplomatic, arrangement. But as none of these projects were completed, and never could be so long as portions of the same series remained in different depositories, these successive attempts at arrangement ended, as might be expected, in utter confusion. A return to the primitive arrangement of the papers, however desirable, was altogether impossible, for no memoranda had been kept of these changes. To have catalogued the papers as they stood was scarcely more possible. Nothing remained except to bring the different series. together, and patiently proceed de novo to arrange the whole in uniform chronological order. The task was extremely difficult and fatiguing. The labor was increased by the dispersion of the papers, the variety of experiments to which they had been subjected at different intervals, and the total obliteration of all traces of their original sequence. The letters are seldom dated; their dates had to be determined by internal evidence. Many turn exclusively upon personal topics, or refer to events little known. Long and tedious researches had to be made for obscure names, and events not less obscure; often without any successful result, often where the success bore no proportion to the time and labor spent upon it. Tedious and unsatisfactory as the task proved to be, it was necessary, in some instances, to replace the books and bundles, as nearly as could be guessed, in their ancient order, and insert once more dated among the undated documents, incedens per ignes Suppositos cineri doloso." PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. ix But even where the events were more noticeable, as in the political relations of England with the Continent during the first half of the 16th century, letters of credence or compliment, drafts of instructions, many without date or signature, not in the handwriting of the author but of his scribe, were far from being easily arranged. Events frequently repeat themselves with extraordinary likeness in the various political combinations of those times. It is not easy, for instance, to assign to their proper years undated memoranda relating to the intricate wars and policy of Italy. The diplomatic correspondence between England and France in 1518 or 1519, and again in 1525 and 1526, or that of Flanders in 1516 and 1517, as compared with 1522 and 1523, is deceptive enough. To determine the due sequence of papers referring to the designs of France upon Tournay and the English pale, to follow without confusion the crooked lines of Scotch politics under the Duke of Albany, to keep every minute and instruction, every rough draft and memorandum for each ambassador, in its proper month and year, where no help is lent by signature, date, or handwriting, is more laborious than they know who have never tried it. Nothing seems more easy or obvious after the true order has been discovered; nothing is more perplexing before. • The first step was to number all the documents in the several bundles, boxes, and portfolios as they were produced to me; then to deal into boxes marked with the regnal and dominical year all papers of which the dates were certain, setting aside for the present the less certain and obvious. The residue thus set aside had to be examined again and again, subjected to various processes, and reduced to the smallest compass compatible with accuracy of arrangement. After repeated examination the undigested mass, consisting of frag- ments, anonymous letters, or papers which defied all chronological arrangement, had to be indexed for convenience of reference, in the expectation that during the formation of the Calendar fresh evidence might turn up, doubts be cleared, or the missing portions and fragments of defective letters be discovered. To the difficulty arising from a general absence of dates in papers of this early period must be added the uncertainty in the different modes of calculation adopted by different nations. Some states followed the Roman, some the old style. Some commenced the year on Christmas Day, some at the variable feast of Easter. In some instances the same writer followed no rule but wavered between both styles, like the Emperor Maximilian; some adopted the style of the place where they chanced to be staying, or of the correspondent to whom their letters were addressed. This uncertainty in the chronology of the times involved the necessity of numerous researches among the Privy Seals, Patent Rolls, and other muniments at the Record Office. It was indispensable, to arrive at some certain data for determining the shifting dates of uncertain papers. At last by one method or another, and finally by comparing the entire series of despatches of this or that ambassador, wherever such a comparison could be made, the date of each separate document was determined with tolerable exactness. Step by step the whole series emerged from confusion. To prosecute these inquiries with any chance of success, it became necessary to supply the missing links in the correspondence from the papers in the British Museum. The collections made by Sir Robert Cotton, for the early years of the reign of Henry VIII. are more numerous and even more interesting than the documents in the English, the French or the Spanish archives. They are equally authentic; they supply the lacunæ in the official correspondence; they contain the enclosures, addresses, deciphers, and sometimes the missing portions of the letters X PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. now remaining in the Record Office. By what fraud or negligence they found their way into the possession of Sir Robert Cotton it is not for me to inquire. That originally they belonged to the Crown, will be evident to those who examine both collections minutely. They are in fact, parts of one and the same series.¹ It was necessary, therefore, to examine all the correspondence relating to the reign of Henry VIII. in the Cottonian, Harleian, Lansdowne, and Additional Collections of the British Museum. Such as obviously referred to a later date than 1525 were passed over for the present to avoid delay, and I shall be glad if no document of an earlier period has escaped my researches. Unfortunately many of the Cottonian manuscripts suffered irreparable injury from the fire which devastated the Library in the year 1731. As it raged apparently with greater fury in those cases where these papers were deposited, many documents were entirely destroyed; some are so mutilated that no certain meaning can now be gathered from their contents. Writings left comparatively uninjured by the fire were obliterated by water. In some instances the leaves of the MSS. got loose, as the bindings or fastenings were destroyed by the flames, and were afterwards replaced at hazard. And thus addresses have not unfrequently been attached to the wrong letters, the leaves of one despatch been mixed with those of another, the inner margins been turned outside, the order of the paging inverted, and the sense of the documents rendered unintelligible or obscure. Some of these volumes, formerly inaccessible and useless, have of late years been carefully repaired and bound by the trustees of the Museum; but they have not thought it right to interfere with this inaccurate arrangement. An appendix to the Cottonian Catalogue and two bundles (Calig. E. i. and ii. ?) still remained, at the date of this Preface, in a very mutilated condition. They have been carefully examined and their contents catalogued. The mutilated and unsatisfactory condition of these papers occasioned great trouble. The difficulty of deciphering them, and determining their due order, involved additional labour, and a more precise and tedious method of describing their contents. Wherever the mutilations were so extensive that the sense could not be safely determined from the context, no course remained except to transcribe the mutilated passages as they stood, or omit all notice of them. The former method, though more tedious, seemed more satisfactory, and it has been adopted accordingly. The same difficulty, and the desire to attain completeness, induced me to include in this Catalogue the few letters and documents relating to the reign of Henry VIII. now remaining in the libraries of Oxford, Cambridge, and Lambeth. It is not likely that further researches in England, at all events, will furnish fresh materials of much importance. The various departments of the Public Record Office have been care- fully searched; and the Master of the Rolls, in his desire to render the work as complete as possible, has issued orders to every officer under his charge to furnish a complete list of all papers bearing on the political, religious, or social history of the reign. When these returns have been duly executed I know of no other sources in this country likely to furnish additional stores of information. 1 It is altogether a mistake to suppose that diplomatic documents, once in the Exchequer, were ever allowed to be taken out of it except by an order from the proper minister. It is a still greater mistake to suppose that in the 17th century, or, indeed, in any century, an antiquarian could pick up on bookstalls papal bulls, or wandering bundles of imperial despatches and secret royal letters, chartularies and chronicles, as Sir Robert is said to have done. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xi I have included a summary of the Privy Seals and Signed Bills, both for their chronological and their historical importance. These docu- ments had to be frequently searched during the formation of the Calendar. They have the advantage of being dated with rigid accuracy.¹ To the time of compilation of this Catalogue they were kept on files without any order. They are now chronologically arranged, and their number has been augmented by subsequent researches. As the contents of the Privy Seals and Signed Bills are generally entered on the Patent Rolls, and form their most valuable and interesting materials, it seemed only a small extension of labor to include the remaining entries, and thus make the Index to the Patent Rolls com- plete. That labour was greatly lightened by a manuscript calendar of these Rolls, prepared and in a great part completed by Mr. Roberts, the present Secretary of the Record Office; and though it did not suit the purposes of this work to adopt the fuller descriptions of Mr. Roberts, or follow, as he does, the miscellaneous order of the Rolls, I am glad to acknowledge my obligations to the conscientious labors of that gentleman.2 The collation of the Signed Bills and Privy Seals was often of service in detecting errors in the entries on the Patent Rolls. Such mistakes have been noticed wherever they seemed important. To the Patent Rolls I have added an abstract of the Parliament Rolls, and propose to add one of the Privy Council books as soon as they fall within the scope of my work. The papers and memoranda lately brought to light will supply great deficiencies in those books, and prove not the least curious part of the whole collection. The Scotch Rolls contain the commissions of ambassadors and agents accredited by England to Scotland, and curious notices of the diplomatic relations between the two countries. The French Rolls detail the same information for France, with a larger amount of miscellaneous matter. Both were frequently consulted by Rymer for his edition of the Fœdera, and a full summary of their contents will be found in this Catalogue. 3 Whenever any of these letters, rolls, or documents have been printed by Herbert, Hearne, Rymer, Fiddes, Burnet, Strype, Howard, Ellis, Lodge, or in the State Papers, the Archæologia, or other collections, I have noticed the fact in the margin. When the originals could not be found I have given an abstract of the document as it existed in print. I ought, perhaps, to apologize for including the letters of Erasmus and Peter Martyr. But only those letters of Erasmus are here noticed which were written by him during his residence in England, or received by him from Englishmen during his residence abroad, or are of direct importance to English history. His correspondents were men of high standing in the region of politics. He numbered among his intimate friends, Warham, Tunstal, More, Pace, Sampson, and Ammonius, secretary for the Latin and Italian tongues to Henry VIII. No one was better acquainted than Ammonius with the proceedings between this country and Rome. These letters, therefore, have a claim on the consideration of the historical student beyond the personal importance. of the names under which they were published. Unhappily the dates 1 There are a few unimportant exceptions. 2 The reader will be able to see at a glance when a Signed Bill or Privy Seal is entered on the Patent Roll, or not, by the initials S.B. or P.S. added in the margin of the Calendar, followed by a notice of the Patent Roll, membrane, and number in italics at the close of the description. Wherever these initials do not occur, he is to infer that the entry is found only on the Patent Rolls. When the Patent Roll is not mentioned at the close of the description of a Signed Bill or Privy Seal the enrolment has not been found. 3 I must except the proceedings of provincial archæological societies. xii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. in all the printed copies are strangely confused and inaccurate. I have therefore been compelled to arrange them by their internal evidence, retaining the printed dates at the foot of the extracts. The order adopted by Le Clerc, in his splendid collection of the works of Erasmus, published at the Hague, is certainly faulty. He was followed implicitly by Jortin. Four original letters of Erasmus, now in the Record Office never before printed, will be found in this Volume. For introducing the letters of Peter Martyr I must offer a similar apology. The information, to be found in this writer, relating to England, comes from an authentic and unquestionable source. John Stile, the English ambassador at the court of Ferdinand in the reigns of Henry VII. and Henry VIII., whose letters in cipher make so important a figure in the early years of Henry VIII., is the Hastil so frequently mentioned by Martyr; and to him Martyr was indebted for the information touching this nation and its sovereign which he transmits to his constant correspondent Mendoza. Letters in other printed collections will be mentioned hereafter. Before 1518 they are very scanty. 1 Wherever sufficient evidence did not appear for adopting a new arrangement I have retained the printed date, however unsatisfactory. But the letter of Erasmus, No. 2001, ought not to have appeared where it now stands. Though dated 1511 in all the printed editions, it evidently belongs to 1513, and refers to a poem, written by Carmelianus, on the fall of James IV. at the battle of Flodden, and printed by Pynson. (See Ammonius to Erasmus, viii. 40.) I take this opportunity of correcting and supplying the vagueness of my abstracts, and clearing up the obscure allusions in the letters in question. In the summer of 1513 Ammonius, then Latin secretary, was with Peter Carmelianus, the King's lutanist, in the King's train at the siege of Tournay (see No. 4314). During his absence he received three letters from Erasmus. In one of them, dated Sep. 1, 1513 (erroneously printed 1511, by Le Clerc and others), Erasmus tells Ammonius that he had written to him already, and was still at Cambridge. He mentions in very flattering terms a letter he had received from Ammonius, giving a sprightly account of life in the camp, and begs his compliments to the Abbot of St. Bertin (see No. 4427). In another letter dated from Cambridge, Nov. 27, 1511, evidently a blunder in the year and month (see No. 4576), Erasmus further tells Ammonius that he was expecting to hear of his fine manœuvres and what money he had got in his purse: Expecto jam magnifica illa, stratagemata tum quantum in zonis sit allatum. He tells him that he had written to him more than once whilst he was in the camp, by John of Lorraine; that he, too, has had a share of the spoils in the shape of 10 crowns from the Bishop of Durham. He adds a postscript com- plaining of his treatment in England, and congratulates Ammonius on his better prospects. Again, in a letter dated from Camb., Nov. 1, 1507 (it should be 1513, see No. 3495), and addressed to Colet, then in London, Erasmus tells him that as all had forsaken Cambridge in consequence of the plague, he had been obliged to leave, but intended to return, as he could get no wine where he then was (Ep. vi. 9). Ammonius in his reply, dated London, Nov. 26, 1513 (erroneously printed 1515 among the letters of Erasmus, viii. 40), says, "when I was in the camp I received "from you three letters, and they were more agreeable to me than the rout of the "French. I replied to the first in camp phrase; but I am not sure whether you "received my letter. Your last two were not given to me until our triumphant departure from France, and I have not answered them; but I have not neglected your commands. I have made your compliments to the Abbot of St. Bertin, "who was very glad to hear of you, and inquired of your treatment in England. "I I told him it was far below your deserts. I visited the Master of the Rolls, showed "him what you were writing about him, and presented him with your translation of the little book of Plutarch. He thanked me briefly, as he was very much occupied, and I have had no opportunity of seeing him since. "returned to England I made inquiries about you, as you had told me you had "left Cambridge in consequence of the plague and retired to some unknown spot, which you had again left and returned to Cambridge, as you could get no wine, and that was worse than the plague. Oh! brave soldier of Bacchus, whom no perils can induce to abandon his general. Wherefore I send you a small gift of your commander, a skin of Cretan wine, sed quod Jupiter cum in ea insula educaretur suo peniculo eminxit, hoc est nescio quid ex lacte et nectare_pro- fectum.' If you will come to London soon you shall have freer potations. Your CC CC tr 66 CC C ' After I had PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xiii §e I proceed to some remarks on the sources of information thus laid open to the public by the liberality of the Government. This Volume extends from the accession of Henry VIII. to the close of 1514. Of the contrast presented by the reign of Henry VIII. to that of his predecessor, no more lively example can be found than in the richness and variety of its correspondence as compared with the corres- pondence of the previous reign. Where the documents of the reign of Henry VII. are reckoned by tens, those of Henry VIII. may be reckoned by hundreds. Whilst, under the former, reports of ministers and ambassadors are confined to political news, told in general with a dryness and succinctness characteristic of the monarch to whom they were addressed, the letters addressed to Henry VIII. are full of mis- cellaneous information and lively personal details. The writer seems to be conscious that the young King takes more than ordinary interest in the appearance, manners, doings, and designs of his contemporaries. His personality makes itself felt immediately on his accession; it penetrates in different degrees all classes in the nation from the highest to the lowest. Though the prime ministers and agents of his father were retained, and the political maxims of the last reign remained CC CC congratulations on my good fortune are not friendly unless you share it. I con- gratulate you on the 10 crowns received from the Bishop of Durham (Ruthal), not so much for the value of the gift, as that he is known to be liberal to none except to those for whom he entertains great respect. I am not surprised that he made no reply to your inquiries about me. A little before he left Tournay "he had conceived some displeasure against me, though I do not know why, and (6 don't much care. Let me know when you propose coming to London. '' I must not forget to tell you that Peter Carmelianus has lately composed a "funeral poem (epitaphium) on the King of Scots (James IV.), full of unmanly "abuse. You will soon see it in print by Pynson. Carmelianus values himself highly on his performance; and yet if I had not told him he would have left the word pullulat with the first syllable short. You will smile to see how many "foolish things there are in it, and that some are found to praise it." << CC (C t Erasmus in his reply dated from Camb., Nov. 28, 1511 (it should be 1513, see No. 2001), burst out into an exclamation, May all the Graces and Muses frown upon me as they do upon Carmelianus if anything has occurred to me this year more agreeable than your letter.” He then tells Ammonius he has not received the wine, but is just as grateful as if he had. He speaks of an interview with Ruthal, who was not in good humour, and had conceived some displeasure against Baptista. Erasmus does not propose to visit London before Christmas Day, in consequence of plague and robbers. When he saw the epitaph of Carmelianus with the word puiiulare, he exclaimed, "here is a blunder!" And when they told him it was written by Carmelianus, "it is worthy of him replied Erasmus. Some thought he meant worthy of the King of Scots, others laughed. "But are you not a fine fellow to trouble yourself about the reputation of such a beast ?" He concludes by commending John (Johannes tuus), probably John More, for the care he had taken in copying his letter (to Leo. X. ?); and says that Cambridge is deserted and he intends to leave. "" Finally, in a long letter (viii. 20), dated Cambridge, St. Thomas's Day, 1510 (it should be 1513), after some remarks on his own ill success in life, he protests his sincere pleasure at the better fate of Ammonius; and then proceeds to some critical remarks on a poem written by Ammonius on the siege of Tournay. We learn from his comments that in the treatment and order of his subjects Ammonius had followed very closely the narrative of events, as we find them in Taylor's Diary (No. 4284). And he then quotes several lines from the poem. He states, in con- clusion, that he had heard from Pace that Ammonius was engaged in writing an account of the battle of Flodden. He then proceeds: "I am shut up in the midst "of pestilence, and hemmed in with robbers; for wine I have to drink vinegar (vappam), and what is worse than vinegar. Your poem here passes from hand to hand, and many copies are taken of it." In conclusion, he sends his remem- brance to Linacre; and requests, when Ammonius writes to Pace, he will inquire what became of the MSS. he left at Ferrara. << Of the poems mentioned in this correspondence I can find no trace in Panzer, or in any catalogue of the books printed by Pinson. xiv PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. unchanged, the spirit of the times is transformed. The youth, the frankness, and even that ostentation in which the securer position of Henry VIII. enabled him to indulge, broke down that reserve in which the closer nature and more perilous position of his father delighted to fence themselves. That change finds its most adequate expression in the papers now laid before the reader. In the earlier pages of the Volume little more will be found than the names and offices of those who were destined to play their parts in the great drama that followed, and developed itself with unexampled rapidity and energy. Whole pages are occupied with notices of commissions, rolls of sheriffs, appointments at court,-indications of a regular order long established, as if nothing had interrupted for centuries the even flow of the nation, and no such event as the Reformation were at hand to break up the great deeps. But as the reign proceeds questions of greater moment break upon the nation; the correspondence multiplies in variety and detail. The individuality of the writers is more strikingly displayed; a new era has risen with the new reign, deepening every hour into the fuller day. A more lively curiosity in the proceedings of their contemporaries, especially on the Continent, from which they had long been virtually excluded, pervades the minds of Englishmen. A fuller conviction exists of their own strength, as of men entering on and fully prepared for a new stage of existence. Their judgment is more confident and penetrating, less apt to submit to established traditions, less willing to defer to constituted authority. Their criticisms on things passing around them are freer and not unfrequently marked with indignation. Their reports of the times, lively and minute, contain shrewd observations on the characters, appearance, and actions of those with whom these English agents have to deal. Already they begin to display the peculiar temper and genius of the nation. Plodding and cautious, not easily susceptible of emotion, they look with apparent stolidity, real or assumed, on what is before them. Inferior in statecraft to the Frenchman or the Spaniard, the veteran diplomatists of Europe thought it scarcely worth while to deceive such inexperienced negociators. It was no credit to assume the mask before men who had never sounded the turbid depths of political intrigue. Everywhere on the Continent the notion prevailed that England was wealthy and easily duped, even by intellects of no heavier calibre than Maximilian's. It possessed none of the warlike or administrative genius of its great rival; and none of the prestige which still clung to the Holy Roman Empire. It was not fit to be named in the same breath with the reserved and metaphysical Spaniard. A wealthy parvenu in the great family of nations,-no more, its riches and resources were to patch up the broken finance of Ferdinand, Louis, or the Empire. And the correspondence in this Volume shows the little pains taken by the sovereigns and statesmen of the age to conceal their designs, or veil the contempt they entertained for English simplicity and honesty. The feeling was not unnatural. In the long civil wars which had desolated the country during the last century, England had lost its influence on the Continent. From policy and temperament Henry VII. was little inclined to interfere in foreign politics. It was enough to provide for the security of his throne. He was satisfied to feel his way without indulging in needless exhibitions of confidence or chivalrous designs, which might bring glory, but certainly brought hazard. Great projects, if he formed any, were kept to himself, and before the time for action had arrived he had grown afraid of his own conceptions. So, during his reign, England rose to no higher estimate on the Continent PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. XV than a third or fourth rate power. Even this degree of importance was rather accorded to the sagacity of a king, whose wonderful ability had been displayed through twenty years of unexampled difficulty, than to the genius and character of the nation itself. But it could not be expected that the respect paid to the experience and reserve of Henry VII. should be as submissively yielded to the youth of Henry VIII. The old sovereigns of Europe were not at all prepared to recognize his right of interference in continental politics. He was but a youth among kings and emperors old enough to be his uncles. His gaiety of disposition and unbounded generosity were no secret. Without the title of Catholic or Christian, he was the most Christian and Catholic son of the Church. To Ferdinand he paid deference of a son-in-law, to Maximilian that of a nephew. Obligations which they considered as nominal, he regarded as real; for Pope, father- in-law, or ally, would never, at any moment, have scrupled to sacrifice to their own interests a son and a nephew who entertained such romantic notions of duty. The reader will understand by the following corres- pondence the difference of their conceptions of honour from his; and will be at no loss to see that they would have engaged Henry VIII., under the most solemn promises of aid and fidelity, to the most perilous adventures, and then have shamelessly abandoned him, whenever it suited their convenience. At his accession to the crown he was in the prime of youth and manly beauty. Had he lived in a more poetic age and died before his divorce, he might, without any great effort of imagination, have stood for the hero of an epic poem. He possessed just those qualities which English- men admire in their rulers at all times; a fund of good temper, occasionally broken by sudden bursts of anger, vast muscular strength and unflinching courage. In stature he towered above all his con- temporaries. From the brilliant crowd that surrounded him he could at once be distinguished by his commanding figure, and the superior graces of his person. In an age remarkable for feats of strength, and when bodily skill was held in highest estimation, no one outdid him in the tournament. Man and horse fell before him, and lance after lance, at the jousts held in Tournay in honor of the Lady Margaret and the Emperor Maximilian.¹ It may be thought that the courtesy of the age and place prevented either subject or foreigner from contesting the palm with one who commanded the armies of England. But other feats are recorded of his personal skill and activity, which can scarcely be attributed to flattery. He was no less an adept in the great national weapon than in the more exclusively aristocratic pastime of the tilt-yard. He drew the best bow of his age; and in the mastery of it was a match for the tallest archers of his own guard. Tayler, then clerk of the parliament, who served in the siege of Tournay, tells in his amusing Diary² how he saw the King diverting himself with 1 Sagudino, an unexceptionable witness, says: "The preparations for the joust being at length accomplished this most serene King made his appearance in very great pomp. On his side were ten of these noblemen on most capital horses, all with housings of one sort, namely with cloth of gold with a raised pile, his Majesty's war-horse being caparisoned in the same manner. And in truth he looked like St. George, in person, on its back. The opposing party consisted of ten other noblemen, also in rich array, and very well mounted, so that really I never saw such a sight. Then they began to joust, and continued this sport for three hours, to the constant sound of the trumpets and drums, the King excelling all the others, shivering many lances and unhorsing one of his opponents: so that the show was most beautiful, and I only regret not having time to describe it in full." Giustinian's Desp. i. 81. 2 No. 4284. xvi PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. his archers in a private garden, and as much surpassing them in their own weapon, as he exceeded them in the graces of his person. He spoke French, Italian, and Spanish.¹ Of his proficiency in Latin a specimen has been preserved among the letters of Erasmus. All suspicion of its genuineness is removed by the positive assertion of Erasmus, that he had seen the original and corrections in the Prince's own hand. In the business of the State, he was, with the exception of Wolsey, the most assiduous man in his dominions. He read and noted the despatches of his ministers and ambassadors without the aid of secretary or inter- preter. He spoke French fluently, though he had never been in France; and we have a curious confirmation of his ability in this respect in a letter from the Lady Margaret of Savoy. When Suffolk, in a fit of uncouth gallantry, made love to this lady at Tournay, and stole a ring from her finger, she was unable to make him understand her wish to reclaim it, from his ignorance of French. "One night at Tournay "being at the banquet, after the banquet he put himself upon his knees "before me, and me speaking and him playing, he drew from my finger the ring and put it upon his, and since (afterwards) showed it to me: and I took to laugh, and to him said that he was a thief, and that 'I thought not that the King had with him led thieves out of his country. This word laron he could not understand." So she was compelled to call in the aid of the King to interpret her meaning to the Duke.2 << 6 C 66 (C Among his lighter accomplishments, still more rare among the sovereigns and nobility of that age, was his skill in the practice and theory of music. We learn from Sagudino, secretary to Giustinian, who visited England in 1515, that the King practised the lute, organ, and harpsichord "day and night," and was passionately fond of music.3³ He was extremely skilled in music" is the remark of Giustinian, an Italian, accustomed to hear the best composers of his own country, when the musicians of Italy were scarcely less eminent than its painters. Nicolo Sagudino writes in 1517 that "he remained ten days at Richmond "with the ambassador and in the evening they enjoyed hearing the King play and sing, and seeing him dance, and run at the ring by day; in all which exercises he acquitted himself divinely." ઃઃ The vast number of warrants, letters, and despatches which every day demanded his attention and required his signature-and such a signature as was not struck off in a hurry-is entirely at variance with the popular notion that he gave himself up wholly to amusement, and was indifferent to more serious occupations. Had such been the case the business of the nation must have fallen into confusion or come to a stand, and we should have seen some traces of it in the correspondence of the time. On the contrary, nothing could exceed the regularity and despatch in every department of the State, as shown by the documents now preserved in the Record Office. Above all, is the interest Henry took in the navy, and the corresponding zeal he was able to make others feel for this important branch of the service. Men of inferior rank were sure of his favor and attentive hearing if they had any experience of the sea, or could communicate information on this favorite subject. Details about the speed, the size, and capacity of his ships never came 1 In the Bibliothèque Imperiale, at Paris, there is an entire letter in French, the body and address in the King's hand, evidently composed exclusively by him- self. It is addressed to Francis I. on the birth of Edward VI., and the death of Jane Seymour. 2 No. 4851. • Giust. Desp. i. 80. For further proofs, see Mr. R. Brown's note to Giust. Desp. i. 297. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xvii 1 amiss. When Gerard de Pleine arrived in England, from the Lady Margaret, he found the King in his new ship the Great Harry, with the Queen, the bishops, and the nobility, acting as a guide to his new visitors. Admiral Howard,2 who fell in the great action in Brest, dwells with minute complacency on the speed of the different vessels under his command. He enlarges on the theme, with the pride and garrulity of a sailor, to no cold or indifferent ear : Sir, your good ship is the flower, I trow, of all ships that ever sailed."-"Sir, she "is the noblest ship of sail, is this great ship at this hour, that I trow 'be in Christendom." And then he goes on to tell how they came in one after another. And there was a foul tail between the Mary George and another." And he begs he may be excused the length of his letter, but the King commanded him "to send word how every ship did sail." 66 CC 66 His delight in gorgeous pageantry and splendid ceremonial, if without any studied design, was not without advantage. Cloth of gold and tissue, new year's gifts, Christmas masquerades and May day mum- meries, fell with heavy expense on the nobility, but afforded a cheap and gratuitous amusement to the people. The roughest of the populace were not excluded from their share in the enjoyment. Sometimes, in a boisterous fit of delight, he would allow and even invite the lookers-on to scramble for the rich ornaments of his own dress and those of his courtiers. Unlike his father he showed himself everywhere. He entered with ease into the sports of others, and allowed them with equal ease to share in his. To his hearty compliance with the national humor, which no subsequent acts, however arbitrary or cruel, could altogether obliterate, to the impression produced by his frankness, and good humor, to his unquestionable courage, and ability to hold his own against all comers, without the adventitious aid of his exalted position,— Henry VIII. owed much of that popularity, which seems unintelligible to modern notions. In fact, it is almost impossible to exaggerate his popularity during those early years, or the fascination which he exercised over the minds of his subjects. The old feudal nobility, scarred and broken by the civil broils of the last century, had never recovered that haughty inde- pendence which had once successfully defied the Royal authority. Their spirit had fallen with their power; and the small remnant that survived remembered too well the unbending rule of Henry VII. to venture on fresh rebellions. They acquiesced in the accession of his son with a tameness and submission strikingly at variance with the rugged insubordination of their ancestors. They had nothing to fear, if they had little to hope from his frankness. The clergy, insecure, and jealous of the laity, expected to find a champion in one who was universally acknowledged to be the most orthodox and dutiful son of the Church; whilst the people, looking little beyond the gratification of the hour, were delighted with the splendour and munificence of the new reign, which stood out in striking contrast to the parsimonious and almost puritanical reserve of Henry VII. I will not undertake to say how much of this popularity was to be attributed to other motives than those of loyalty. The position of the King was remarkable; he was the poise and centre of the nation, and no party in it could afford to neglect his favors. The factions of the time regarded each other with watchful jealousy. Their unanimity was that of enemies who take the measure of each other's strength, and 1 No. 5173. 2 Page 514. Wt. 11494. нь xviii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. are unwilling to commence the strife. In the council, Norfolk, Surrey, and Buckingham looked with jealous eye on the influence of Fox and the ecclesiastics. The predilection of Henry for theology, his love of learning and the fine arts, seemed to give the clergy a hold upon him which the lay members of the council dreaded and despised. The bishops were on their part equally apprehensive of Henry's love of enterprise, and his dreams of conquest. Outside the cabinet more unanimity apparently prevailed. The old Yorkist faction showed no symptoms of animation. With great wisdom and and forbearance Henry VII. had condoned the offences of many of the Northern chieftains, and advanced them to place, if not to power. The heads of the party had been laid in the dust, and there was no man of sufficient trust or strength to bind the smouldering embers into a firebrand, and launch it upon the rich provinces of the South. But there were elements of discord, though dispersed and for the present harmless, which one false move at home, one signal discomfiture abroad, would have brought into perilous union. These Northern chiefs still remembered Richard III. and yielded a precarious subjection. Brought up from their infancy. to war, nursed in the forays of the Borders, accustomed to obey no laws except those of their own imposing, they looked with displeasure on a silken King, reigning on the banks of the Thames, and treated his deputies and lieutenants with ill-disguised insolence and contempt. The gentry and nobility of Yorkshire, Cumberland, Westmoreland, and the Borders proportioned their obedience to their inclination. They harbored the King's enemies, they thwarted his lieutenants of the Marches, or betrayed them to the Scotch. But for the present, and in the South at least, Englishmen had found at last a living counterpart of that ideal loyalty which they had often longed for, and seldom been able to realise. That ideal is not ours; it falls far short of our conceptions; still it must be judged by the times. And no attentive reader of the papers or chronicles of the reign will be at a loss to find a counterpart to those passionate expressions of loyalty which Shakespeare has put into the mouth of Wolsey. CC 66 66 For the personal appearance of the King we are indebted to the accounts of strangers. Giustinian, the Venetian ambassador, in a secret memoir intended for the Seignory, thus describes him a year or two after his accession: "His Majesty" (he says) "is twenty-nine years old, and extremely handsome. Nature could not have done more for him. He is much handsomer than any other sovereign in Christendom; a great deal handsomer than the King of France; very fair, and his whole frame admirably proportioned. On hearing that Francis I. wore a beard, he allowed his own to grow; and as it is reddish, he has now got a beard that looks like gold. He is very accomplished; a good musician; composes well; is a most capital horseman; a fine jouster; speaks good French, Latin, and Spanish; is very religious; hears three masses daily when he hunts, and some- times five on other days. He hears the Office every day in the Queen's Chamber; that is to say, vesper and compline. He is very fond of hunting, and never takes his diversion without tiring eight or ten horses, which he causes to be stationed beforehand along the line of country he means to take; and when one is tired he mounts another, and before he gets home they are all exhausted. He is extremely fond of tennis, at which game it is the prettiest thing in the world to see him play, his fair skin glowing through a shirt of the finest texture."1 CC rr (6 66 CC (6 1 Giust. Desp. ii. 312, PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xix << To the same purport is an earlier account written in 1515 by the Venetian Pasqualigo. "His Majesty," says the ambassador, "is the "handsomest potentate I ever set eyes on; above the usual height, with an extremely fine calf to his leg; his complexion very fair and bright, with auburn hair combed straight and short in the French fashion, and a round face, so very beautiful, that it would become a pretty woman, his throat being rather long and thick."1 << << (6 (C (( To the same authorities we are indebted for an account of the King's appearance at a solemn reception. After passing the ranks of the body-guard, which consisted of 300 halberdiers, with silver breast- plates, who were all as big as giants," he and his fellows were brought to the King. They found him standing under a canopy of cloth of gold, leaning against his gilt throne, on which lay a gold brocade cushion, with the gold sword of state. He wore a cap of crimson velvet, in the French fashion, and the brim was looped up all round with lacets "and gold enamelled tags. His doublet was in the Swiss fashion, striped alternately with white and crimson satin, and his hose were scarlet, and all slashed from the knee upwards. Very close round his neck he had a gold collar, from which there hung a rough cut diamond, the size of the largest walnut I ever saw, and to this was suspended a most beautiful and very large round pearl. His mantle was of purple velvet lined with white satin, the sleeves open, with a train more than four Venetian yards long. This mantle was girt in front like a gown, with a thick gold cord, from which there hung large golden acorns like those suspended from a cardinal's hat; over this mantle was a very handsome gold collar, with a pendant St. George entirely “of diamonds. Beneath the mantle he wore a pouch of cloth of gold, which covered a dagger; and his fingers were one mass of jewelled rings."2 "( CC CC But all this splendour must have appeared more dazzling when contrasted with the courts and persons of contemporary sovereigns. Age had not yet abated the ambition of Lewis XII. or blunted the activity of his intellect, but it had made sad ravages in his person. Long before his death at the age of fifty-three, he is everywhere spoken of as an infirm old man, the victim of disease. Has not the King of France had the small pox ?" asks a nobleman of Gerard de Pleine, with malicious curiosity. The terms applied to him in Peter Martyr's unceremonious letters are far from flattering. On his own acknowledgment to the English ambassadors, "he was a sickly body," and not fond of having too curious eyes about him. His treasures had been exhausted in ruinous wars. He had neither the inclination nor the means for that pomp and splendour which the parsimony of Henry VII. had liberally accumulated for Henry VIII. 3 The bankrupt Emperor Maximilian, "the man of few pence," as he was styled in derision throughout Europe, had even less means for rivalling the splendour of the English court. Always receiving large sums for services he never performed, the activity of his intellect was concentrated on shifts and expedients for raising money which never made him richer. In the pursuit of it, there was no meanness to which he would not stoop, even to the sale of honor and of empire. The corres- pondence contained in this Volume abounds with such instances. The 1 Giust. Desp. i. 86. 2 Ibid. i. 86. 3 30 June, 1514. • Lewis evidently suffered from some scorbutic affection. Peter Martyr says he was the victim of gout and elephantiasis. (Ep. 427.) But, of course, he does not speak technically. XX PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. * ' most barefaced and importunate of beggars, he felt no delicacy in appropriating to his own use the sums entrusted him for other purposes. And yet he set up a claim for fastidiousness and modesty. He was too scrupulous and conscientious; and allowed his pride to stand in the way of his interests! When Dr. Knight, on 18 April 1514, asked Lady Margaret for an explanation of some suspicious movements of the Emperor, then coquetting with France in violation of his written engagements, she said "she did not know the reason; but from the manner which was peculiar to her father and her, and all their house, there was something he would have which he would not press. She lamented that such was the manner of their house; and had it been her and her father's fortune to have come of a low house and humble stock, her father and herself must have died for hunger, rather than their courage should have served them to have asked a'-God's name." In the English camp at Tournay he took pay and served as a soldier under the King of England. There Tayler, clerk of the Parliament, saw him, and thus describes this renowned Head of the Holy Roman Empire in his diary already noticed :-"The Emperor," he says, "is "of middle height, with open and manly countenance and pale com- plexion. He has a snub nose and a grey beard; is affable, frugal, and an enemy to pomp. His attendants are dressed in black silk or "woollen.' ઃઃ 2 No wonder the troops became intractable, and disaffection sprung up among officers and men.2 A large number refused to serve any longer unless their wages were increased from 6d. to 8d. the day. The dearness of all necessaries in Spain, even the commonest, placed them out of the reach of the ordinary soldier. The mutiny was quelled, and one of the ringleaders suffered. But the inefficient management of those in command is strongly condemned in the summary expressions of Dr. Knight, who was then in the camp, and sent home to Wolsey accounts of its mismanagement. No martial exercises were kept, no training was insisted on, musters were neglected, many had been slain, others had died, and some had deserted. The instructions they received were disregarded, "and many of our council," he concludes with bitter sarcasm, may suffer no counsel.” << 3 A letter from the same writer to Wolsey, dated 4 Oct., presents the rare and humiliating spectacle of a council of war held by the English commanders at St. Sebastian on the 28th Aug., when the disaffection had reached its height. By a breach of discipline, unexampled in the military annals of England, the army resolved to return home, in direct violation of the King's commands. They had provided ships and baked their biscuit, by the first week in October, turning a deaf ear to the entreaties of Ferdinand, and threatening their officers who dared advise them to stay. According to Polydore Vergil, who was exceedingly well informed on the subject, and evidently compiled this portion of his history from authentic materials, the indignation of the King was unbounded. He wrote to Ferdinand to stop them at all hazards, and cut every man's throat who refused obedience. But the order came too late. The world was breathless with astonishment at such a flagrant act of insubordination, and expected from the King some signal mark of his displeasure. He would have brought the Marquis and his 1 No. 3355. 2 No. 3356. 3 No. 3451. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xxvii associates to trial.¹ But it was hard to discriminate where all were guilty alike. The matter was hushed up, and further proceedings were abandoned at the earnest request of the Council. 66 The news of this disgrace was not unacceptable to foreign courts and ministers. It confirmed the mean opinion entertained by them of the military inexperience of Henry, and deepened their conviction of English intractability and mismanagement. Even the Emperor and his daughter Margaret, though on the verge of bankruptcy, and stooping to every sort of meanness to extract a loan of 50,000 crowns from England, could not resist the temptation of throwing the popular taunt into the teeth of the English Ambassador: You see, said they, Englishmen have so long abstained from war, they lack experience "from disuse; and, (added Margaret,) if the report be true, they are sick of it already."2 The sarcasm circulated from mouth to mouth, and was so bitterly felt, that Henry considered it incumbent upon him to draw up formal instructions for his ambassadors, stating that Ferdinand and he had mutually agreed upon the return of the troops in consequence of the rainy weather.³ (6 In fact, so signal a failure at the outset of his reign, and in the first attempt which England had made for many years to take part in a continental war, was infinitely more disastrous than it appears to us at this day, and threw an air of ridicule over the King's more ambitious pretensions. To the veteran politicians of Europe, accustomed to regard France as the first military power of the time, habituated to this conviction by its splendid victories in Italy, dreading its shrewd diplomacy and experienced statesmen, it appeared more than ordinarily quixotic and absurd for a young sovereign, who had never witnessed a siege, and never seen a sword drawn except at a tournament, to undertake the conquest of so great a kingdom. And, beside the blot on the national escutcheon, the late failure was the more disastrous from its effects on the minds of those whom Henry wished to conciliate, and whose co- operation, or at least whose tacit consent was requisite, before he could prosecute his cherished design with any tolerable chance of success. To invade France on the Flemish frontier, as he had proposed, it was expedient for him to gain the good will of the Emperor and his grandson Charles, Prince of Castile. The toilsome negociations by which he endeavoured to fix the shambling, shuffling, irresolute Maximilian to some definite and distinct arrangement are detailed in the letters of Poyninges and his associates.4 Much, however, as Maximilian hankered after English crowns, it was easy to see that he placed little confidence in the warlike genius of England; he had no expectation that she would succeed in the struggle. He dallied with France, and offered but a feeble resistance to its fascinations.5 Whilst on the other hand, the governors of the Prince of Castile, the betrothed of the King's own sister, made no secret of their little esteem for the English arms. They were at no pains to dissemble their preference for its rival; and looked with studied contempt on Henry's preparations. Had any wavered before, the failure on Guienne was decisive. If England is to right itself with Europe, and wipe out the stain of its recent discomfiture, needful it is she should fall to work in earnest. 1 Hist. xxvii. p. 13, ed. 1641. Polydore was factor for Card. Hadrian, who managed to gain for a time the confidence of all the sovereigns of Europe. No man was better informed on European politics. 2 No. 3469. 3 No. 3555. 4 Commencing at No. 3196. 5 See No. 3555. xxviii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. War was not the wish of Fox or Wolsey. They had rather opposed it and thrown all their influence into the opposite scale. Now the directing genius of the enterprize was not Norfolk or Brandon, but Wolsey him- self; and his vast influence with the King dates from this event. Though holding no higher rank than that of Almoner it is clear that the manage- ment of the war, in all its multifarious details, has fallen into his hands. He it is who determines the sums of money needful for the expedition, the line of march, the number and arrangement of the troops, even to the fashion of their armor and the barding of their horses. It is he who superintends the infinite details consequent on the shipment of a large army. He corresponds with Gonson and Fox about the victualling,¹ and is busy with beer, beef, and biscuit, transports, foists, and empty casks. He puts out or puts in the names of the captains and masters of the fleet, and apportions the gunners and the convoys.3 Ambassadors, admirals, generals, paymasters, pursers, secretaries, men of all grades, and in every sort of employment, crowd about him for advice and information. By the unconscious homage paid to genius in times of difficulty, he stands confessed as the master and guiding spirit of the age. Well may Fox say, "I pray God send us with speed, and soon deliver you out of your outrageous charge and labor; else ye shall "have a cold stomach, little sleep, pale visage, and a thin belly, cum pari egestione."4 There was no lack of energy on all sides. Men felt that the credit of England was pawned in the encounter. But vigor and energy could not of themselves overcome the inert resistance of incapacity and inexperience. To bring together a large army from every part of England, to secure unity of action among officers who had never before served together, to assemble shipping from different ports, to ascertain the tonnage and sailing capabilities of the transports, to make the necessary provision of beef and bread and beer, to place all on board without confusion, to provide against minute accidents proverbially fatal to large bodies, demanded an amount of forethought, energy, patience, and administrative genius not to be found in any other man of that age. There was no war department, and no traditions of office to fall back upon. It is clear from the correspondence of the time that though Wolsey was surrounded by willing instruments, they had to look up to him for their instructions. He had seen no service; he had never so much as handled a sword, or tested the merits of a falconet or a culverin. His education had been that of a churchman; and till now he had only been employed in a subordinate capacity. Since the memory of the oldest Englishman, no enterprize on so large a scale had ever been undertaken by the nation. Not one in all that numerous host had seen much of foreign service. They had to encounter a great and powerful nation, full of veteran soldiers, accustomed to conquest, engaged for years in foreign wars, and rich in those resources which can alone bring war to a successful termination. Such an enterprize, with all the long training and subdivisions of modern official experience, must appear incredibly bold; how much more at that time, when the untrained genius of one churchman had to compensate for official defects and delinquencies, to ride triumphant over the inefficiency of officers, the absence of a commissariat, the disorganization of an army unaccustomed to discipline, unused to command, brought at haphazard from the plough, 1 Nos. 3946, 4056. 21 May, 1513. 2 See his remarkable memoranda, No. 4311. 3 See No. 3977. 4 No. 4103. [But pari is a misreading of rara.-R.H.B.] PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xxix and never mustered for exercise except at the caprice or vanity of some great landed proprietor or some reluctant lord of the county? CC To modern notions the motive for such an enterprize will doubtless appear inadequate. But war had not then lost all traces of its chivalrous aspect. It was the chosen field for the display of personal skill, courage and gallantry;—a tournament on a grander scale. So long as martial exercises remained in vogue, so long as every gentleman was trained to feats of arms, war became a necessity; and those dangerous pastimes, which often toppled over the nice distinction of game and earnest, were only redeemed from childishness by this necessity. War, like the duelling of later times, stood not on adequate motives; or found them adequate when measured by the spirit of the age. 'Let nations," says Lord Bacon,¹ “ "that pretend to greatness have this, that they be sensible "of wrongs, and that they sit not too long upon a provocation." And in that age nations that were not sensible to wrong and ready for war, with and almost without provocation, must have forfeited all claims to distinction, and abandoned the hope of security as well as of greatness. It was the race in which all started for the prize, who felt a drop of genuine blood in their veins; the heat of exercise which kept heart and body healthy, when no other employment that could be considered noble, no other chance of distinction, was open to men. The expedition put to sea in March 1513 under the command of Sir Edward Howard. It was arranged that the King should follow in June with the main body. Sir Edward had already gained reputation by his conduct in the late war of Guienne. His letters detailing the movements of the fleet will be read with interest. There is something of that tone of self-confidence in them, which will remind the reader of Wolfe and Nelson; and in men of more doubtful courage would be deemed vain-glorious. The French had made great preparations to keep the sea and intercept the passage with a fleet of fifty sail. The English navy at the time consisted of twenty-four ships, of which the total tonnage amounted to 8,460 tons. It carried 2,880 seamen, and 4,650 soldiers. The Admiral's ship, the Mary Rose, was of 600 tons, and carried 200 mariners. His subordinates in command were Sir Edward Echyngham, Sir Henry Shirborne, Sir Wm. Sidney, Sir Thomas Cheney, all equally anxious with himself to win the King's favor and signalize their valor against the French. On 25th April Sir Edward caught sight of the French galleys laid up in shallow water. They were protected by bulwarks on both sides, planted so thick "with guns and crossbows that the quarrels and the gunstones came together as thick as hailstones."4 He at once resolved to board them with his boats. The rest must be told in the words of Sir Edward Echyngham, who was present at the engagement.4 "The Admiral "boarded the galley that Pryer John was in (Pregian the French "Admiral), and Charron the Spaniard with him, and sixteen others. By advice of the Admiral and Charron they had cast anchor [into the "rails] of the French galley, and fastened the cable to the capstan, "that if any of the galleys had been on fire they might have veered the cable and fallen off; but the French hewed asunder the cable, or some of our mariners let it slip, and so they left this [brave_man] in the hands of his enemies." In the melée, or ebb of the tide, no one came to his support. "There was a mariner wounded in eighteen places, who by adventure (by mere chance) recovered unto the buoy ፡፡ << ' • ¹ Essay xxix. 2 Nos. 3820, 3857, 3877, 3903. 3 No. 3977. • No. 4005. Xxx PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. CC "of the galley, so that the galley's boat took him up. He said he saw my Lord Admiral thrust against the rails of the galley with marris pikes. Charran's boy tells a like tale; for when his master and the “Admiral had entered, Charran sent him for his hand-gun, which before "he could deliver, the one galley was gone off from the other, and he saw my Lord Admiral waving his sword and crying to the galleys, Come aboard again! Come aboard again!' which when my Lord saw they could not, he took his whistle from about his neck, wrapped it together and threw it into the sea.” On making inquiries the next morning they could learn no more from the French Admiral than that, one lept into his galley with a gilt target on his arm, whom he had cast overboard with marris pikes." Such was the end of Sir Edward Howard, whose loss was universally lamented: for there was never CC ઃઃ CC (C (C 66 a nobleman so ill lost as he was, that was of so great courage and had so many virtues, and that ruled so great an army so well as he did, and kept so great order and true justice. "" 66 a The It was a costly sacrifice; but the gallantry of the action retrieved in the eyes of the world the reputation of England.¹ At such a time, when unbounded admiration was felt for personal bravery, and victory depended much less on scientific combinations, such dangerful enterprise was fruitful in momentous consequences. It fastened on the imagination of both nations. From this man's example his countrymen jumped to the conviction that nothing was too arduous, and no odds on the side of an enemy justified retreat. From this man's daring the world took the measure of English courage generally. The French dared no longer dispute the possession of the narrow seas. news was received with feelings of alarm and discontent by those who had hitherto disparaged the prowess of England. Its importance may be judged by the effect it had on those who were meditating treachery, and seeking an opportunity to make their peace with France. The victory gained over the French by sea, on St. Mark's day, as Knight informs the King,2 gave no satisfaction to his father-in-law, Ferdinand. James IV., then plotting an invasion of England, condoles with Henry: Surely your late Admiral, 'quha decessit to his grete honor,' was a greater loss than winning all the French galleys would have been to your advantage." He spoke more truth than he intended. But it was some consolation to remind his brother-in-law of his great loss in the full swing of his triumph. The most undeniable evidence of the importance of the victory were the sedulous endeavours taken to under- rate it. (C 66 On June 30, 1513, Henry took shipping at Calais with the main body. The vanguard had crossed some days before, under the command of Lord Lisle. The progress of the army step by step to the surrender of Tournay on 24 Sept. is traced by Tayler in his minute and faithful Diary. The papers and correspondence relating to the expedition, the arrangements for the army, the cost of preparation, the "moving accidents " of the field, are accurately detailed in the documents catalogued at p. 623,4 sq. The main body under the King marched in three divisions; first came the van-ward with the chief of the 1 Henry took to heart the Admiral's fall, and expressed his displeasure that he had been so badly supported. His brother and successor Lord Thomas Howard, however, exculpates all who were concerned in the action, and expresses his opinion that it was the most dangerful enterprise he ever heard of, and the most manly handled." No. 4020. 2 No. 4058. 3 No. 4284. 4916 in this edition. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xxxi ordnance; then the middle-ward with the King himself; last the rear- ward under the Lord Chamberlain, the Earl of Northumberland, and others.1 The King was preceded by the Household, to the number of 300, mustered under the Trinity banner; in advance was the unhappy Duke of Buckingham with his 400 men. His banner was followed by Mr. Almoner (Wolsey) commanding 200, the Bishop of Durham (Ruthal) with 100, Fox, the Bishop of Winchester, with the same number. Next came the King with his banner and guard of 600 men, the priests and singers of the chapel to the number of 115, secretaries, clerks, sewers, grooms and pages of the chamber, with Peter Carmelianus² his lutanist, whose bad taste and false quantities furnished endless jokes for Erasmus.³ The King decamped from Calais, 21st July, arrived before Terouenne on the 1st August, and was visited by the Emperor on the 12th. The experienced eye of Maximilian at once detected a capital blunder in the King's strategic position, of which his enemies however had failed to avail themselves. In fact, notwithstanding the disuse of war and the impetuosity of the Englishmen, their experience and superior skill proved of small service to the French. The veteran regiments of Lewis, still remaining on the other side of the Alps, had been shivered into fragments at the terrible battle of Novara. Sick at heart and feeble in body, Lewis himself had driven over in a carriage from Paris, but was prevented by illness from taking part in the action. With the exception of La Palice and the well-known Chevalier Bayard, made prisoner at Terouenne, we miss the great names of the veterans who had served in the campaigns in Italy. The surrender of Terouenne on the 22d Aug. was followed by that of Tournay, Sept. 24.5 During the King's absence in France James IV. of Scotland had seized the opportunity of executing his long-cherished project, the invasion of England. The letters of this King to the different potentates of Europe, now for the first time brought before the reader's notice, will be read with great interest. They add some- thing, though not much, to the scanty information we have of the state of Scotland in those turbulent times. With the exception of these few facts, the history is nothing more than the turbulent doings of an intractable nobility, who- "laid about them at their wills and died." By means not very easily traced, a thin sprinkling of the new learning had been introduced into Scotland. Here and there, among a barbarous and unlettered nobility, hardly able to write their own names, might be found a scholar whose command of the Latin tongue would not have disgraced Muretus. James IV. was one of these; and his Latin letters, as compared with the general Latin letters of that age, are not unworthy of Erasmus, who is said to have been his master. But they are too often characterized by a feeble elegance, that shrinks in dismay from the rough and ready Latinity of earlier times, and so lose in force, perspicuity, and directness. The character of James was not unlike his letters. That he had some reputation for learning is clear from 1 No. 4306. 2 No. 4314. 3 No. 2001. I do not suppose that Wolsey and Fox were present at any engage- ment; but that they attended the army is certain. Tayler states that on one occasion Fox suffered from a kick of his mule. We know, from the amusing letters of Erasmus, that Ammonius was there, and employed himself in sending home to his witty correspondent ludicrous accounts of his life in the camp. See also this Preface, p. xii. 4 June 6. 5 For an account of the demolition of the fortifications of Terounne see No. 4431. 6 Nos. 1926, 3128, 3811, 3838, 3882. xxxii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. the remarkable letter addressed to him by Polydore Vergil, who was engaged at the time in composing his history. A better proof may be found in the interest he took in the studies of the youthful Archbishop of St. Andrews.2 But with these good qualities James had the vices of his family;-a great conceit of his own wisdom and statecraft; an unshaken belief in his own powers as a universal peace maker. Without the means of preserving peace and dignity at home, he was thrust forward by his vanity to mediate between the great conflicting powers of Europe. He was bearded and defied in the precincts of his palace, not merely by his nobility but by his bishops; and at the time when he was making pompous professions of what he intended to do to secure the peace and salvation of Christendom, he was writing letters to the Pope to save him from the insolent encroachments of the Archbishop of Glasgow. That such a King, though not without some amiable qualities, should be untrue to his word, and in this respect most opposite to his rival, my readers will have expected. Among all the documents in the volume none are more painful than those in which Dr. West, the English ambassador, afterwards Bishop of Ely, describes his various interviews with James. A month before the expedition to Terouenne he had been sent by Henry into Scotland to ascertain the intentions of the Scottish King, and bring him, if possible, to some resolute answer. The cool, patient, and determined bearing of the Englishman, who never betrays his temper or the contempt he feels for the swagger of James and his repeated prevarications, the ability with which he unravels his contradictions and hunts him out from one subterfuge after another, the King "sore moved and chafed," plunging and floundering from one false statement or imprudent admission to another, form a striking but not agreeable picture. He was bound by treaty between the two nations not to levy war against England, but allow their mutual disputes to be decided by arbitration. James had no intention to regard his oath, but he had not the courage to announce his determination to break it. He had written to the Pope already for a dispensation; and failing this, had resolved to obey his own inclination. Such was the state of hostility between the two kingdoms, that, notwithstanding the ties of blood open war between the two Princes could never have been considered unnatural at any time. But James contrived to make his own share in the rupture wear a look of meanness and treachery. When the King was away, and all eyes bent on the siege of Terouenne, James began his march into England. His defiance, sent by Ross Herald, reached Henry in the field before Terouenne, Aug. 11. If not a perfidious it was an unchivalrous advantage. It told badly for James in the estima- tion of his contemporaries. From Henry it provoked no other reply than an expression of his disbelief that James would disregard the solemn obligation of an oath; but if such were his intention he doubted not the Scotch King would live to repent it. No change was made in his arrangements. The only person who appears to have been despatched to meet this contingency was Ruthal Bishop of Durham, who returned to London, and immediately put himself into communication_with the Lord Treasurer Surrey appointed Lieutenant General of the North, and hastened towards Norham to arrange for its defence. You are not so busy with war in Terouenne as I am encumbered with it in "England," writes Katharine to Wolsey on the 13th August. "They 1 No. 751. 2 Nos. 379, 3618. 3 Page 624 [now 1059]. • No. 4388. CC PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xxxiii 66 are all here very glad to be busy with the Scots, for they take it for a pastime. My heart is very good to it, and I am horribly busy with making standards, banners and badges."1 as Could James have foreseen the result it would have added to the bitterness of his death, that he was to fall by the hands of a woman. For there is no doubt that Katharine herself was the soul of the enterprize. She quieted uneasy thoughts of Henry's dangers by occupying herself in warlike preparations. The story of her address to the soldiers, detailed by Peter Martyr,2 may be apocryphal; not so the evidences of her activity, as furnished by official documents. But the rashness of James, his impatience to take his rival at disadvantage, and strike the blow before Henry could return, proved his worst enemies. The battle of Flodden remains a lasting monument of his incapacity. Of the correspondence relating to it to be found in this Volume, the letters of Ruthal to Wolsey, lately discovered, are among the most curious.3 The Bishop is bewildered between joy and grief, between wonder at the great victory obtained, and greater wonder, if possible, that there should have been such a number of goodly men, so well fed and fat, left among the slain. "The Scotch," as he tells Wolsey, as he tells Wolsey, "had a large army and much ordnance, and plenty of victuals."4 (C (6 He would not have believed "that their beer was so good, had it not been tasted and viewed by our folks, to their great refreshing."5 At one time he is << (C CC for accumulating honors on my Lord Treasurer, who must be a Duke at least for his victory. And if ye made twenty for Lords with their styles, and the residue with Trusty and well-beloved,' it would do very much good." At another time he attributes the entire glory of the day to the banner of St. Cuthbert. The banner-men won great 'honor, and gained the King of Scots' banner, which now stands beside the shrine. The King fell near his banner." CC << t <: (( 66 ' 66 The victory has been All believe it has been the most happy that can be remembered. wrought by the intercession of St. Cuthbert, who never suffered injury "to be done to his Church unrequited. But for that the Scotch might have done much more harm." Rising above all these varied expressions of triumph and wonderment is heard the sound of his grief for the destruction of his castle of Norham ; which news touched me so near with inward sorrow that I had lever to have been out of the world than in it." However, he expresses his trust that by penance, and spending on it 10,000 marks the next four years, life may still be made tolerable. These remarks are followed by expressions of resignation worthy of so wealthy a prelate: "I never felt the hand of "God so sore touching me as in this, whereof I most humbly thank Him; and after the inward search of conscience, to know the cause of the provocation of God's displeasure against me, I shall reform it, if it be in my power, and regard Him more than the world hereafter. << "" On the capture of Tournay, Maximilian, now thoroughly won over by English crowns and the discomfiture of France, was earnest with Henry to push his advantage to the uttermost. Polydore Vergil is willing to attribute it to Henry's moderation, that he turned a deaf ear to the Emperor's proposal. France had been sufficiently humbled to perceive its error; enough had been done to satisfy the injuries of the 1 No. 4398. 2 Ep. 527. 3 Nos. 4460 sq. 4 See Nos. 4460, sq. 5 Yet, as if the Scotch had been excellent judges of strong beer, as no doubt they were and are, the beer supplied to the English army of the North on this occasion was of a better quality and higher price than ordinary. It cost 10s. the pipe, the usual price being 7s. 6d. Wt. 11494. H c xxxiv PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Church. Without wishing to detract from the praises bestowed on him by Polydore for acting like a Christian Prince, we may reasonably believe that the lateness of the season, the difficulty of keeping such an army on foot, and the delicate state of affairs in Scotland, were strong motives in urging Henry's return. The late brilliant victories had fully sustained the honor of England; and in defeating his enemy Henry perhaps had learned to respect them. Among the prisoners taken at the battle of Spurs¹ was Louis d'Orleans, the young Duke of Longueville, and Marquis of Rothelyn, un tres honneste jeune prince, whom I should pity," says Phillip de Bregilles writing to Margaret of Savoy, "if he were not a Frenchman." The young Duke was sent to London, to the safe-keeping of Queen Katharine, much to her annoyance; for she could find no one fit to attend upon him except my Lord Montjoy, the friend of Erasmus, who was then going over to Calais. Therefore, like a sensible woman much too busy to have the care of lively French noblemen, she recommended he should be disposed of in the Tower.2 Young as the Duke was, he was in high estimation with Lewis XII., who had appointed him the year before his misfortune governor of Boulogne and the whole of Normandy. The tendency in England at the time to admire and imitate French fashions and French manners is well known. The great dramatist, in his wonderful play of Henry VIII., has given prominence, not more, however, than is warranted by history-to this passion in the English aristocracy. Then, as on subsequent occasions, French captives and hostages were courteously received and caressed by their English masters. How the young prisoner spent his time we are not permitted to learn precisely, from want of the necessary documents, at least here in England, a mortification to which students of English history are continually exposed. He was evidently taken into favour; contrived, with the dexterity of a Frenchman, to make himself agreeable, perhaps to Queen Katharine herself, certainly to the King and to Wolsey. He was not slow in turning these advantages to the interests of Lewis, as will be seen in the sequel. Henry had returned to England in November, fully resolved, to all appearance, to continue the war, and make additional preparations in the ensuing spring. There is no reason to doubt the sincerity of his intentions, or of his resolution to continue the war in spite of the insincerity and defection of his allies. At its commencement he could scarcely have reposed much faith in the constancy of Ferdinand. He had heard of the dissatisfaction expressed by his father-in-law at the naval advantages gained by the Howards over the French. Ferdinand's subsequent abandonment of the league to which he had sworn a few months before ;4 the treacherous and underhand mission of his minister Quintana to form an alliance with France, when the conquest of that country by England seemed inevitable, could not have been unknown to Henry, or occasioned him much surprise. Peter Martyr, on the information of Stile, represents Henry as extremely indignant at Ferdinand's conduct, and protesting he will never trust him again; but this may be no more than Stile's version of the remonstrance which Henry thought proper to address to Ferdinand, through his ambassador, and not the expression of his actual feelings. Externally, however, ¹ 17 Aug., 1513. 2 12 Sept., 1513. 5 3 See the remarkable letter to the new Pope, Leo X. No. 4502. 4 He had actually concluded a treaty with Henry for invading France as late as 17 Oct., 1513. 5 8 Mar., 1514. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. XXXV there was no change in his resolutions or designs. He appeared bent upon the conquest of France as much as ever. His ambassadors were instructed to demand leave from Maximilian and Charles to take up troops in the Low Countries.¹ They were ordered to remonstrate with the Emperor for his vacillation, and insist on the fulfilment of his engage- ments against France. Yet it appears from the correspondence in this Volume that the King and his ministers were fully aware that Maximilian was playing a double game. Whilst keeping up appearances with England, he was sidling and coquetting with France, anxious to secure the best terms from the highest bidder. 2 On the 24 Jan. 1514, the Emperor wrote to his daughter Margaret announcing Quintana's arrival from the court of Ferdinand, and his proposal for an accommodation with France. Margaret in return tried hard to persuade him that he could not in honor assent to the offered arrangement.³ She warned him that the only object of Ferdinand was to amuse him. No man, as she told him frankly, ought to know better than he how little dependence was to be placed on French promises. Besides, Ferdinand's interest and his own were diametrically opposed. If Henry, she said, had agreed to an accommodation with France (as Ferdinand pretended, and Maximilian affected to believe), he would have communicated the information to his ally; but she was convinced there was no truth in the insinuation; and if a hint of Quintana's negociation transpired, or the suspicions of the King of England were awakened, it would put thoughts into his head he never would otherwise have entertained. The Emperor must consider how perilous that contingency would be, for if the King of England threw off his allies, and expressed a desire for an accommodation with France, his terms would be accepted with open arms. He needed not the help of Ferdinand or Maximilian for an arrangement with Lewis, who would be only too happy to receive him without caring for his allies. With the tact of a woman she easily perceived that the widowhood of Lewis XII.,4 and the unsatisfactory state of the marriage settlement between Prince Charles and the Princess Mary opened the way for a union between the two crowns, of which France would only be too glad to avail itself. 66 << << 66 ઃઃ Monseigneur," she urges some days after, there is great reason "to fear that these fair offers are only put forward, on the part of France, to escape the storm that would fall upon it, if every one were as ready to do his duty as the King of England, who has made incredible. preparations for continuing the war. Ferdinand may desire peace, for he is old and infirm; but that is not the interest of Monsieur (Prince Charles) and his dominions. This young King, be well assured, will aid you with his person and his purse, without any deceit (like France) or hypocrisy (like Ferdinand), if you give him no occasion to act otherwise; car je vous asseure, Monseigneur, que en luy n'a nulle faintise; par quoy en ce que luy touche, l'on doit aller de semblable maniere, et ne luy rompre nulle promese. 66 C >> The advice was as prudent as it was honorable. But this was not the only occasion on which Margaret had reason to suspect that Maximilian disclosed to her only half his intentions, and asked her advice when he had formed his resolution already. He announced to her, ¹ The Emperor agrees, through his daughter Margaret, to a treaty with Henry, to carry on the war against France, 15 Nov., 1513. 2 Lett. Max. et Marg. ii. 229. The order of these letters is incorrect. 3 Lett. Max. et Marg. ii. p. 221. • His Queen had died 9 Jan. 5 Lett. Max. et Marg., p. 227. xxxvi PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. on the 9th April, that the King Catholic and himself had agreed to a truce for a year with Lewis, upon an assurance from Quintana that Henry would make no objection. Her comment is very significant: "Monseigneur, the news you have sent me is very important, and very "much opposed to my judgment (entendement).1 I know not how the "King of England will accept it, considering the great preparations he has made for war. However, Monseigneur, I do not want to know more than you are willing to communicate. I doubt not you have acted with the best intentions, and understand these affairs much better than I do." ' << 66 In this same year, and at the time when this correspondence was going on between father and daughter, he who was the chief and uncon- scious subject of it had been struck down by sickness.2 Peter Martyr tells his correspondent Furtado, in March: "The King of England has had the fever, and his physicians were afraid it would turn into "pustules called the small pox (variola)."3 By the instructions sent to Spinelly4 on this occasion, it is stated to have been the small pox, apparently less dreaded than the plague,-the universal scourge and terror of this century. Henry had escaped all danger by the end of February, and rose from his bed with renewed resolutions to continue his conquests in France. He then learnt for the first time the full extent of Ferdinand's cunning and insincerity. By a series of secret negotia- tions, for which he was famous, he had contrived to detach the Pope and Maximilian from the confederacy, and in conjunction with them had agreed to an armistice with France for twelve months. The duplicity of which he had been guilty was increased, if possible, by the meanness of his excuses :—It was his duty to promote peace; he could not prevail upon his conscience to be a party any longer to a war against Christian princes, to which he had hitherto consented much against his will. He had never liked the war; had always expected that he would be betrayed by the English, and left to bear the burthen alone, which was more than an old man at his time of life ought to think of. Besides, the King of France had begged for peace ;-to refuse it was inhuman; it was horrible. When such a King humbly sought reconciliation, and under such circumstances, he could not find it in his heart to refuse him, especially as he was anxious to devote the few days he might be spared, not against the friends but the enemies of the Faith. When he framed these excuses he knew full well that no one would believe them. He knew that they would not convince any one of the honesty of his proceedings, or impose upon the meanest understanding. If they served any purpose beyond that of mere diplomatic conven- tionalism, it was to trail off inquiry from the true cause, which was not so much as hinted at. It was the policy of Ferdinand to keep all things, if possible, in statu quo; and balance against each other the different powers of Europe. He was afraid of the aggrandisement of his son-in- law; he was afraid of the projected marriage of Prince Charles with Princess Mary, lest it should lead to a demand of Castile by the former. By the skilful arrangements he had so secretly concluded he hoped that he had effectively prevented the further progress of all parties, and he trusted that out of gratitude for his compliance the King of France would shelter him from the vengeance his treachery had deserved. But, like most cunning men, he had overreached himself. 1 Lett. Max. et Marg., ii. p. 245. 2 Nos. 4726, 4727, and 3 March, 1514. 3 No. 4845. 4 No. 4831. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xxxvii Henry saw all his hopes reft from him by his own father-in-law, and all his labours dashed to the ground. His indignation for the moment knew no bounds. He reproached Ferdinand for his ingratitude and deceit,—reminded him that at his own earnest entreaty he had entered on the war, had gone to vast expense, and directed the war in person. He broke off all communications with Ferdinand, and swore he would never trust him again. Maximilian, on the other hand, conscious of his treachery, did not stay to weather the storm, but withdrew, like a coward, from the King's reproaches, and allowed the whole fury of them to fall upon Margaret.¹ Anne A few weeks after, strange rumours had got into circulation. of Brittany, Queen of Louis XII., had died on Jan. 9, 1514, "underly "lamented," in the language of the day. On 20 April Gattinara writes to Margaret that it was commonly reported "the old gallant would marry the young girl."3 The report was probably premature, but it is certain that some correspondence had been going on between his master and Henry by the means of the Duke of Longueville, who has been already mentioned. He writes to Wolsey from Canterbury as early as March 16, stating he had received a packet from France expressing the cordial feelings of his Sovereign towards Henry. The matter was kept a pro- found secret. Not the slightest hint of it was conveyed to the English ministers or the ambassadors at the different courts, who, like the rest of the world, were kept in entire ignorance of the negociation. Whether a marriage with Mary formed part of the original design cannot at present be ascertained. She was not more than seventeen years of age, and Lewis was 52. Contemporary accounts describe her as the most beautiful woman of her times, though somewhat under size for a Tudor. "This last Sunday in Lent," says an unknown correspondent to Margaret,4 'I saw the Princess Mary dressed in the Milanese fashion; and I think never man saw a more beautiful creature, or one possessed of so much grace and sweetness." Gerard de Pleine, writing to the Archduchess, bears similar testimony: "I would not write to you about the Princess until I had seen her several times. I assure you that she is one of the "most beautiful young women in the world. I think I never saw a more charming creature. She is very graceful. Her deportment in dancing and conversation is as pleasing as you could desire. There is nothing gloomy or melancholy about her. I am certain if you had seen her you would never rest until you had her over. I assure you she "has been well educated. It is certain, from everything I hear, that she is much attached to Monsieur (Prince Charles); of whom she has << "C " 1 No one, I think, can read the extraordinary letter of Maximilian to his daughter Margaret, in which he professes his intention of becoming a pope and a saint, and resist the conclusion that the Emperor was flighty at times. One expression- not to say more than one—in that letter is so extraordinary, that it is hardly possible to suppose it could have emanated from a sane intellect. He tells Margaret he is sending the Bishop of Gurce to Rome, to have himself made coadjutor to the Pope, and succeed to the Papacy. He intends to be sainted after his death; and then he proceeds in this extraordinary strain :-" et il vous sera de nécessité que, apres ma mort, vous seres constraint de me adorer, dont je me trouveré bien gloryoes." (Lett. Max. et Marg., ii. 38.) The idea of Maximilian being worshipped as a saint by Margaret must, to the readers of this Correspondence, appear infinitely comical! Yet the old Emperor is perfectly serious, as is shown by his other letters. 2 No. 4692. 3 "On dit communement que le dit Roy d'Arragon traicte la paix d'entre les Roys par le moyen des mariages, que entendez assez, et le bon vieillard veult avoir "la jeune garce, pour essayer s'il pourra encoires avoir ung fils; mais j'entends qu'il est bien debile." Lett. de Louis XII., iv. 30. These correspondents of Margaret were not always very refined in their language. * April, 1514. xxxviii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. CC a very bad picture. And never a day passes that she does not express a wish to see him 'plus de dix fois, comme l'on m'a affirmé.' I had "imagined that she would have been very tall; but she is of middling height, and, as I think, a much better match in age and person for the Prince, than I had heard or could have believed before I saw "her." 66 CC 66 4 By the terms of the original compact Prince Charles was bound to consummate the marriage in the May of this year, when he had turned fourteen. But his governor Maximilian, now completely under the influence of Ferdinand, would come to no definite arrangement, and invented various excuses to avoid a decisive answer. 2 Margaret did all that she could to fence off the evil day; and wrote to her father in agony, as one pretext gave way after another.³ The Prince was too young, or he was too ill, or he was not in the way. She was feebly sup- ported by the Emperor, who was disingenuous and vacillating. Her efforts were thwarted in every way by the Prince's Council, who hated her influence, and feared their authority would be undermined by the alliance with England. They were moreover, under the influence of France. Peter Martyr says, in a letter dated 8 June, 1514:5—“ The "sister of the King of England was betrothed to Prince Charles on condition that he should marry her when he had passed the age of fourteen. The King is urgent to have the marriage completed, as the Prince was of the age required on 24th Feb. last. But Maximilian and Ferdinand require its postponement, as the Prince is naturally of a feeble constitution." The excuse was not perhaps entirely without foundation. The feebleness, both physical and mental, of his mother, cast its shadow on the earlier and later years of Charles V. He was a sickly boy, of a sedate and melancholy disposition, grave and business-like beyond his years. Peter Martyr, in one of his letters, endeavouring to impress his correspondent with a favourable notion of the Prince, then in his 13th year, dwells much upon the gravity of Charles. Even then he was a solemn censor of the manners of his attendants, and never failed to administer a severe rebuke if they had been guilty of any excesses over night. In fact, if he had one over- mastering quality it was that of gravity;-a gravity that was never pierced by a single ray of passion or generous enthusiasm. The romantic affection of Mary, the appeals of Luther, the destruction of Rome fresh from the hands of Raphael and Michael Angelo, the fears of Katharine, and the curses of Spain, fell like water on that staid and decorous nature and left no mark. At 15 he was his own prime minister, and got out of bed at midnight to answer the despatches of his ambassadors. From his earliest years there was no spirit of boyish intemperance in Charles; no excesses to be corrected, no frivolity to be restrained. In active sports he took little or no delight; so that Margaret, writing on one occasion to Maximilian, thought it a grand piece of news to announce that the Prince had been out hunting. The utmost excess of which Charles is recorded to have been guilty in his youth, was that of dancing 1 30 June. 2 28 April, 1514. 7 3 Her letters on this subject to Maximilian will be found in the Lett. Max. et Marg., ii. 254 and 117. The editor has most strangely perverted their arrange- ment. 4 Knight, May 2, 10, 1514. 5 No. 5152. • Let. 515. 7 << "Nous fumes bien jouyeulx," returns the old Emperor, que nostre filz Charles prenne tant de plésir à la chasse; aultrement on pourra pensé qui fust bastart.”. Lett. Max. et Marg. i. 241. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xxxix himself into an illness at his sister's marriage. In a chivalrous age, and with two such rivals as Henry VIII. and Francis I., he was never betrayed into an unconscious fit of romance or generosity. No good saying, no act of forgetfulness, no impropriety, so far as I can remember, is recorded of him. He was universally solemn, decorous, and insipid; indifferent to the feelings of others, and never forgetful of his own. Sordid as Maximilian in his money dealings, he was without Maximilian's carelessness, irresolution, and nonchalance. That preciseness which afterwards found scope in regulating clocks, manifested itself even now. It presided over the amusements of the boy and prescribed the affections of the man. One of his love letters to Mary is preserved,¹ written probably to dictation; but it is so dull and decorous, it might as well have been his own composition. Love he felt not, and he made no effort to prevent the rupture. The story of his regret in after life is a mere invention. Who can wonder, therefore, that a respectable Scotch clergyman of the last age, on the look-out for a hero, should have thought he had found one in Charles V. The mistake is precisely one into which he was likely to fall-into which Princess Mary fell with her bad picture. Early in June,2 if not before, Lewis sent to demand the hand of Mary. He was ably seconded in his negociations by Longueville. There was not much to choose between a sickly, melancholy boy of 14, and a valetudinarian of 52. What solicitations were used to obtain her consent we know not; perhaps Gerard de Pleine has exaggerated her attachment; perhaps, in that age, female scruples and female delicacy were not much respected. The love affairs of the Tudors never ran in a straight or smooth channel. We learn from her subsequent letters, when she was married to Suffolk, that her reluctance, whatever it might be, was over- come by the assurance, that if she would comply with her brother's wishes in this instance, on the next occasion of the kind she should be at liberty to do as she pleased;-a promise of which she afterwards availed herself. She was induced openly to renounce her contract with Charles on 30 July,³ at the royal manor of Wanstead, in the presence of Brandon and others,-to make a public declaration of her engagement to Lewis, and appoint the Earl of Worcester as her proxy.5 The whole course of her wooing, her love letters, the number of her dresses, her attendants, her reception at Paris, her coronation and life at the French court, may be read in the documents in this volume.6 She was conducted across the water with a splendid retinue, and met Louis at Abbeville in the first week of October. The description given by Peter Martyr of his appearance as he sate on a great Spanish war horse covered with magnificent trappings, giving unmistakeable indications of premature senility, with moist lips and slouching gait, we may charitably trust, is somewhat exaggerated. But the contrast was the more remarkable when Lewis took her by the hand in all the freshness of youth and beauty,-beautiful (as Peter Martyr says) without the adventitious aids of art, and with her native roses on her cheeks 1 No. 4606. 2 No. 5164. See also the Commission, 29 July. 3 No. 5282. 4 13 Aug. 5 22 Aug. 6 Page 848 [now 1325] sq. I take this opportunity of correcting a common error. It was not Anne but Mary Boleyn, her elder sister, who attended the Princess into France; and no doubt it is Mary, and not Anne Boleyn, who was fille d'honneur to Margaret of Savoy and the subject of that lady's letter to Sir Thomas Boleyn, cited by M. Le Glay in his able edition of the Lett. de Max., &c., ii. p. 461. This letter has never attracted the attention of English historians, strangely enough. See especially the letters of Worcester, 3 Oct. xl PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. << (Epist. 542). They were detained at Abbeville some weeks, as Lewis was suffering from the gout. The marriage ceremony had no sooner been concluded than all her English servants were dismissed. Mary does not scruple to ascribe this measure to the Duke of Norfolk. "I "marvel much," she writes to Henry,¹ " that my Lord of Norfolk would at all times so lightly grant every thing at their requests here. I am well assured that when ye know the truth of everything, as my mother Guldeford can show you, ye would little have thought I should have been thus intreated. Would God my Lord of York (Wolsey) had come with me in the room of my Lord of Norfolk; for then I am sure I should have been left much more at my heart's ease than I am now."2 (6 CC 66 1 12 Oct. See also her letters to Wolsey of the same date. 2 Her appeal to Wolsey was not without effect, as will be seen from the following letter addressed by him to Lewis, copied from the French archives. For this interesting document I am indebted to the Rev. Joseph Stevenson. Sire, le plus treshumblement que faire je puis a votre bonne grace me recom- mande. Sire, pour ce qu'il vous a plu de votre grace me advertir par voz lettres, datees a Beauvais le xxvj. jour du moys precedent, que je vous ay fait singullier plaisir le ouvertement et privement vous escripre de ce que je vous escripviz auparavant, The pryant contynuer et faire le semblable, et tout ainsi que je feroye si j'estoye de votre estroit and prive conseil : ' A ceste cause, Sire, je vous veuil bien advertir d'une chose. S'est que la ou le Roy, mon Souverain Seigneur et Maistre, votre bon frere, avoit ordonne pour la vraye, parfaicte and entiere confidence qu'il avoit en Madame de Guylford, quelle seroit avec la Royne, sa seur, votre compaigne, pour les bonnes meurs et experience qu'il congnoissoit qu'elle avoit et bien parlant le langaige; affin ausi que la Royne, sa dite seur, peust estre meulx conseillee et advertye par elle, comme elle se devoit en tous endroitz regir et conduire envers vous; considerant oultre que la Royne, sa dite bonne seur, est une jeune dame, et que quant elle se trou- veroit pardela, non ayant le langaige parfaictement, ne aucune congnoissance a nulles des dames depardela, a qui elle purroit discouvrir telles passions que les femmes ont, et que si elle n'avoit quelque une de sa congnoissance a qui elle pourroit dire et declarer famillierement son cueur, quelle se trouveroit quasy comme desolee, dont elle pourroit prendre aucun regret et desplaisir, que par aventure seroit occasion de prendre quelque malladye, et son corps en estre de pis, que Dieu ne veuille : Et si tel accident advenoit, je croy, Sire, que vous en serez le plus dollent et desplaisent. Et pour ce, Sire, que j'ay sceu et entendu que la dite Dame de Guilford est a Boullongue, pour faire son retour pardeca, et quelle estoit des tout dischargee, doubtant que le Roy, mon dit maistre, s'il en avoit la congnoissance, qu'il trouveroit la chose aucunement estrange, je me suys enhard[y de] descripre a la dite dame de sejoourner encores au dit lieu de Boullongue, jusques ad ce que je vous eusse sur ce escript ma simple et petite oppinion. Ce que je faiz, Sire, a present. Et me semble, Sire, soubz correction, que la devez pour quelque espace de temps retenir au service de la Royne votre dite compaigne et non sy soubitement la discharger, veu et considere que le Roy, votre dit bon frere, la tiree hors d'un lieu solitaire; la ou elle estoit deliberee de non jamais en partir pour aller au service de la Royne, sa dite bonne seur; et je ne faiz doubte nulle, Sire, que quant vous l'aurez bien congneue, que la trouverez dame saige, honorable, et secrete, toute desirante et preste d'ensuyoir et acomplyr en toutes choses a elle possible votre voullente et vous plaisirs, en tout ce que vous luy ordonnerez et commenderez, quelque rapport que vous ait este, ou pourra estre fait au contraire; comme j'ay escript plus a plain a monseigneur le vous chambrelan, pour le vous declairer de ma part. Au surplus, Sire, je vous supplye que votre bon plaisir soit de me pardonner et tenir pour excuse, si je me suys tout enhardy d'ainsy promptement et entierement vous advertir de ceste matiere, et considerer que je le faiz a bonne intencion pour le tres singullier desir que j'ay de nourrir et entretenir le Roy, votre dit bon frere et vous, en amour, amytie et bien vueillance ensemble. Et pour faire fin a ma lettre, Sire, si vous advisez appres et quelle aura este pardela quelque espace de temps, et vous n'estez content de son demeure la, il vous plaira, Sire, m'en advertir, et je feray tant envers le Roy, mon dit maistre, qu'il y pourveyra de sorte que vous serez content. Mais il me semble, Sire, que si toust vous ne la devez descharger, ains entretenir pour la consollacion de la Royne, votre dite compaigne, et jusques ad ce quelle eit meilleure experience et congnoissance pardela. Vous supplyant, Sire, me signiffier et advertir de votre bon plaisir et PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xli The truth of the complaint is substantiated in some measure by a letter from Suffolk to Wolsey;¹ who directly attributes the dismissal of the Queen's servants to Norfolk and his son, "because they were of "Wolsey's choosing, and not theirs ;" and advises him to have it redressed. CC << The alliance between the two crowns was not popular in England or the Netherlands; at least the disappointed correspondents of Margaret endeavoured to make it appear so, and magnified to the utmost the murmurs of the discontented. But, if we look back to the last three years, it cannot be denied that a vast advance has been made in the political position of England. From a second-rate kingdom under the dictation of Ferdinand, it had at once risen to the highest rank in the confederacy of nations. Its power was not the less imposing or dreaded, because in the moment of victory it had acted with moderation. The marriage dazzled the eyes of Europe. France was in one continual dream of delight. English ambassadors swarmed about the French court, which they had never visited before, to congratulate the bride and bridegroom, to feast their eyes on the pageants, or take part in the tournaments. But in the midst of all this mirth, a conversation was going on between Dorset, Worcester, and Robertet, the purport of which can scarcely be gathered from the dark and oracular hints dropped in the correspondence of these ministers. It is so silent and so dark, that their fellow ambassadors in the same court have no notion of it, and Ferdinand for once was thrown off his guard. Suffolk writes to Henry, on 3rd November, that his letters were opened. He had sent letters which he would not should have been seen, which the King knows well." After a variety of manoeuvres to gain the ear of Lewis unseen, Suffolk is sent for by Lewis to come and visit his two daughters. In the midst of this innocent occupation, seeing the King at leisure," and the chamber well rid," he took out his secret letter, and told the French King he had a private message for him from his master. Not a word is dropped by himself or Dorset, of the exact nature of this commission. We have had," says Dorset, divers communications with the "French Privy Council. We leave (omit) to write because the charge 'is my Lord of Suffolk's. But, as far as I can perceive, all things go well, and to our master's honor."2 What was the purport of that communication we learn only from the reply of Lewis himself; not from the English but the French archives. After thanking the King for sending so important a personage as the Duke, Lewis professes his desire to deal frankly with his new brother-in- law. With the proposition made him by the English ambassadors, that he should assist Henry in expelling Ferdinand from Navarre, as a punishment for having violated his engagements, Lewis expresses his willingness to comply, and to raise an army for that purpose. To the second proposition, which was far more startling, he makes a more cautious answer. It seems that Henry had insisted that as the kingdom ઃઃ << (C 3 4 66 intencion sur ce, affin que j'en puisse advertir la dite dame, et quelle congnoisse comme elle se devra conduyre en cest endroyt. Priant au demourant notre Seigneur qu'il vous doivt, Sire, bonne vie et longue. CC Au manoir de Eltham, le xxiij jour d'Octobre. Dorso, "Votre tres humble et tres obeyssant serviteur, "A la bonne grace du Roy." 1 20 Oct. 2 22 Nov. 3 26 Nov. "T. EBOR. 4 Knight was the author of this proposition. See his letter to Wolsey. xlii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. ... of Castile descended in equal portions to the sisters Katharine and Joan,¹ and he had married one of the sisters, he had a right to Castile, and as he was resolved to assert his claim he was anxious to know what aid Lewis would lend him for that purpose. Lewis excuses himself from giving any advice on this head, because he was not acquainted with the laws and customs of Spain, but if Henry would set an enterprise on foot for recovering the whole or part of Castile, Lewis would take his part without further inquiry; mais la et quant le Roy d'Angleterre trouvera par son conseil quil peult et doit faire l'entreprise mencionneet 'es d. articles, tant pour expeller le d. Roy d'Arragon du d. royaume de Navarre, que aussi pour recouvrer le d. royaume de Castille, en tout ou partie, le Roy lors et en ce cas, sans soy vouloir informer "autrement des d. querelles, est delibere et resolu de pourter le querelle "du d. Roy d'Angleterre. This important concession, however, is coupled with a reservation that in the meantime, without disclosing their intentions, both parties should hear what the ambassadors of Arragon had to say, and communicate the result to each other. 66 "" The death of Lewis, shortly after, put an end to this extraordinary project, of which no distinct record remains except in this letter of the French archives. cas During this time the domestic events of the reign are comparatively barren and unimportant. The court and the people were too much occupied with pleasure and pageantry in the earlier years to pay much attention to more serious matters; war and foreign politics took up the later. The chroniclers have been unjustly condemned for filling the pages with accounts of masques and revels, as if their attention had been engrossed by these to the exclusion of graver subjects. But at home, during the first two years, there was little else to chronicle. It was one unbroken round of amusements-revels at Christmas-masques and archery at May-day-tilting, and running at the ring, the rest of the year. King, ministers, and people were occupied with no higher thoughts than such fantastic sports. They are justified also by a curious letter of Queen Katharine to her father Ferdinand: "These kingdoms of your highness," she tells him with delicate flattery,2 are in great tranquility, and show great affection to her lord and herself. The time "is spent in continual feasting." Empson and Dudleys are borne to premature graves with little notice; the unfortunate Edmund De la Pole with less. The masques were not a whit less brilliant, or the maskers less lively. Who could expect that tragic, and "hearse-like airs,' should succeed such careless easy strains? Or that broken hearts and forms of blood should change places with all that mirth and laughter? These chroniclers see more into the texture of life than their philosophical apologists. The reign of Henry VIII. was "a dark and melancholy "work upon a lightsome ground": and therefore, in the language of the dramatist "sad, high, and working.' 66 "" With these exceptions, there was not a cloud to darken the horizon as large as a man's hand. But for the present, whatever scruples might 1 The best account of the melancholy state of this unfortunate lady will be found in the letters of John Stile and Peter Martyr. Both knew her well, and had no reason for palliating the unwelcome truth. 2 No. 368. ³ I must refer the reader to a very curious paper in this volume (No. 1212) con- taining the last will and confession of this unfortunate minister. It seems from that paper that he did not suffer for the crime of extortion, but for constructive treason in attempting to escape from the Tower; a crime which long disgraced English jurisprudence. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xliii 66 66 afterwards arise, there was nothing to interfere with Henry's affection for Katharine. Of his marriage he writes in the highest spirits to Margaret of Savoy¹; he assures Ferdinand his love for Katharine is such that if he were still free, he would choose her in preference to all others.2 In virtues befitting a Queen and a woman no one will deny her pre-eminence. The small disparity of age was rather in her favor at so early a period of their married life. She was a Spaniard born, of the bluest blood, of the noblest descent, of the proudest court in Europe. Ferdinand had not thought that in bestowing her on an English prince he was receiving a favor. What was Henry VII. in the eyes of Europe when he ascended the throne? Or what were the chances that he could hold it? It was he, not they, who received the favor, and touched his bonnet when the names of Ferdinand and Isabella were mentioned in his presence. Accounts vary as to Katharine's personal appearance (as of what woman will they not, according to the taste or humor of the spectator ?). "She is rather ugly than otherwise," says Nicolo Sagudino, secretary to the ambassador Giustinian.3 She is not handsome," says the ambassador himself, "but has a very beautiful complexion."4 She is of a lively “and gracious disposition; quite the opposite of the Queen her sister "(Joan) in complexion and manner, says Gerard de Pleine.5 She danced well, was a good musician; was better educated, wrote and read much better, and composed in English more correctly than half the ladies of her court. Above all, her love and admiration for Henry were unbounded. There was not such a paragon in the world. He was her hero, her paladin. With his health and life," she writes with affectionate solicitude to Wolsey, "nothing can come amiss to him without them I can see no manner good thing shall fall after it.” She is persuaded that the victory at Flodden and the capture of Terouenne "is is all owing to the King's piety." Her greatest comfort in his absence is to hear from Wolsey of the King's health, and all the news of his proceedings. After the battle of Flodden she writes to Henry that she sends him "the piece of the King of Scots' coat which John Glyn now bringeth. In this your grace shall see how I can keep my promise, sending you for your banners a King's coat." She tells him she is praying for his return, and with characteristic devoutness is setting out on a pilgrimage to our Lady at Walsingham for that purpose. .. 66 9 ઃઃ One great grief had befallen her which had redoubled her anxiety and devotion.10 To the inexpressible delight of the King and the nation, a prince had been born Jan. 1st, 1511. A household and officers were appointed for the royal babe.11 His serjeant at arms with 12d. a day, and his clerk of the signet with an annuity of 201., are immortalized in Privy Seals and Treasury Warrants. Even the name of his nurse, 1 No. 224. 3 Despatches, i. 81. 5 Page 833 [now 1307]. 8 2 Sept. 9 16 Sept. 2 No. 338. 4 Despatches, ii. 313. 6 13 Aug., 1513. 7 25 Aug. 10 Peter Martyr mentions another. He states that Henry, in his indignation at the treachery of Ferdinand, had bitterly reproached her with her father's infidelity, and vented his anger against Katharine in no measured terms. Her grief brought on premature childbirth. (See No. 5718.) We learn from Holinshed and Stow that the Queen was delivered of a Prince in November, 1514, which died soon after. No notice of this event is found among any of the official documents; no rejoicings at its birth, as on a previous occasion, and no notice of its burial. Probably it was still-born. But the imputation of Peter Martyr is devoid of all probability. How could he, living at that time at Valladolid, come to the know- ledge of this story? More probably it was a malicious report, with no other foundation than the ill humor of the Spanish court, never favorable to Henry, and now more than ever exasperated at his alliance with France. 11 Nos. 1495, 1513, 1862. xliv PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Elizabeth Pointes, is recorded, and that of the yeoman of his beds and wardrobe. Preparations were made to celebrate the joyous event with all the fantastic splendor and magnificence characteristic of the times. In the spirit of the days of Romance, the King, in the garb of a knight, held the barriers with three others against all comers. Articles of the challenge were put forth in conformity with the strict rules of ancient chivalry. Cœur loyal, the title assumed by Henry himself, Valliaunt desyr, the appellation of Sir Edmund Nevill, Bon valoir, of the Earl of Devonshire, and Joyaux penser, of Sir Thomas Knevet, were to recall to the world once more the golden days of good report and knightly deeds. But the bright vision faded almost as soon as the pageant itself. On Feb. 22 this desire of all eyes died; and the following entry, signed by the King and his council, is found among the wages of minstrels, lords of misrule, and salaries of ambassadors, grim and emotionless as death itself: HENRY VIII. By the King. Trusty and welbeloved, we greet you well. And forasmuch as our subject John Tomson of London, waxchandler, hath delivered in tapers of wax of 3 lb. the piece the weight of 432 lb., to burn about the hearse of the late Prince, our dearest son, within our monastery of Westminster, over and above the charges of the said hearse, which before this hath been accompted for and paid to the said Tomeson by Sir Andrew Windesore, keeper of our Great Wardrobe: We therefore will and command you forthwith and without delay, upon the sight of these our letters, to content and pay unto the said John Tomson or his assignee for the said 432 lb. of wax after the rate of 31. 148. 8d. the 100, amounting in the whole to the sum of sixteen pounds sterlings. And these our letters shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalf. Given under our signet at our castle of Windsor, the 13th day of July, the third year of our reign. T. Surrey-Ri. Wynton-C. Somerset-Harry Marny-T. Englefild. To our trusty and welbeloved servant, John Heron, treasurer of our Chamber.2 With these exceptions, there was nothing in those early years to cloud the brilliancy of the reign. The conspiracies that had troubled Henry VII. so often, dared not raise their front against Henry VIII. The Simnels and Warbecks had disappeared altogether. The only miserable shadow of a pretender, Richard De la Pole,³ was a fugitive 1 No. 1491. 2 There appear in the same accounts, about the same time, various entries of donations to religious orders; among others, the following, probably relating to the same event :- 30 June, 1511. HENRY VIII. to JOHN HERON. To pay 58s. for one hundredth of pure wax,” given in alms to the Friars Observants, Greenwich. Green- wich, 30 June 3 Hen. VIII. Among the warrants to the Treasurer of the Chamber is an order dated 25 Feb. 1512, to pay Wm. Lambert, yeoman of the beds with our late dearest son, the Prince deceased," 4l. 11s. 3d., for his year's wages ending Candlemas last, and for expence of boat-hire from Richmond to Baynard's Castle for conveying the wardrobe there, 7s. 25 Feb. 3 Hen. VIII.; and another dated 12 Dec. 1512, to pay “Wm. Lambert, late yeoman of the wardrobe of beds with our dearest son the Prince deceased," his wages for "keeping the same stuff" from the Feast of Purification last to the Feast of Circumcision, by the space of 326 days, after the rate of 3d. for every day"; total, 47. 18d. Westm., 12 Dec. 4 Hen. VIII. ઃઃ • Of Edmund De la Pole, executed in 1513, no notice is to be found except in the letter of Peter Martyr (No. 4324), where his execution is attributed to his treasonable correspondence with his brother. The Wardrobe Warrants contain the following order :- HENRY VIII. "By the King. "We will and charge you, that unto our trusty and welbeloved knight for our body, Sir Richard Cholmeley, deputy lieutenant of our Tower of London, ye deliver or cause to be delivered for the use of Edmund De la Pole and William his brother PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xlv in France, dependent on a precarious subsistence, and surrounded by spies who transmitted notice of his movements to England. The nation at large was content and flourishing. It is astonishing to observe the rapidity with which it had setttled down to order in the reign of Henry VII. after so many years of civil dissension. It would lead us to infer that those wars were the wars of a class, and not of the nation; and that the effects of them have been greatly exaggerated. With the single exception of Cade's rebellion they had nothing in common with the revolutions of later or earlier times. They were not wars against classes, against forms of government, against the order or the institutions of the nation. It was the rivalry of two aristocratic factions struggling for superiority, neither of them hoping or desiring, whichever obtained the upper hand, to introduce momentous changes in the State or its administration. The main body of the people took little interest in the struggle; in the towns at least there was no intermission of employ- ment. The war passed over the nation, ruffling the surface, toppling down high cliffs here and there, washing away ancient landmarks, attracting the imagination of the spectator by the mightiness of its waves, and the noise of its thunders; but the great body below the surface remained unmoved. No famines, no plagues, consequent on the intermittence of labor caused by civil war, are recorded; even the prices of land and provisions scarcely varied more than they have been. known to do in times of profoundest peace. But the indirect and silent operation of these conflicts was much more remarkable. It reft into fragments the confederated ranks of a powerful territorial aristocracy, which had hitherto bid defiance to the King, however popular, however energetic. Henceforth the position of the Sovereign in the time of the Tudors, in relation to all classes of the people, became very different from what it had been the Royal supremacy was no longer a theory, but a fact. Another class had sprung up on the decay of the ancient nobility. The great towns had enjoyed uninterrupted tranquillity, and even flourished, under the storm that was scourging the aristocracy and the rural districts. Their population had increased by numbers whom fear or the horrors of war had induced to find shelter behind stone walls. The diminution of agricultural laborers converted into soldiers by the folly of their lords, had turned cornlands into pasture, requiring less skill, less capital, and less labor. Consequently, a new class of men, at the commencement of this century, were occupying the soil and had invested their money in land; and a complaint is made to the Parliament of Henry VIII., that in conse- 66 quence of the occupation of land by merchants, clothiers, and others,"1 housekeeping had decayed, and tillage had been turned into pasture. The petition assumes as self-evident that picturesque form of the happiness of ancient days, not uncommon in such complaints. But this tendency to recall the past, and invest it with brilliant but imaginary colors, was characteristic of the reign. It was the same with knight thees parcels following: first, for either of them two gowns, the one of russet furred with fox, and the other of tawney furred with black bogye, price of every yard 5s. ; for either of them two doublets, the one of black satin, the other of black velvet; for either of them three pair of hosen and three shirts; for either of them three pair of sheets; for either of them a black bonnet, three pair of shoes or slippers, three dozen silken points and a ribbon girdle. And these our letters shall be unto you sufficient warrant and discharge at all times hereafter. Given under our signet at our manor of Greenwich, the 23rd day of July, the first year of our reign. "To our trusty and welbeloved Sir Andrew Wyndysor, knight, keeper of our Great Wardrobe. 1 No. 5727. xlvi PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. (C 66 and peasant. The bright sunset of a departing age, from which men were rapidly and unconsciously drifting, still fascinated many minds, and filled them with wistfulness and regrets. When every man was contented, say the petitioners, with one farm, there was plenty of every- thing, as every acre of land ploughed bore the straw and chaff besides the corn, able, with help of the shackle, to keep great beasts, as the land would keep laid in leyes; and by the winnowing of corn there were kept at every barn-door pigs and poultry, to the comfort of the people in every shire. Now in a town of twenty or thirty dwellings "the houses are decayed, the people gone, the churches in ruins, and in many parishes nothing more than a neatherd or a shepherd or a warner is to be seen." ઃઃ 66 rr .. 66 66 But allowing that this account may be exaggerated, it could scarcely be entirely without foundation. The efforts of the Legislature to regulate wages and punish vagabondism is the proof that many irregularities did exist. Licences to beg, and the continuous efforts to repress unlicensed beggary, indicate the prevalence of beggary. In fact, while wages remained high in the towns, and skilled labour com- manded good prices, the drying up of the ordinary employments and means of food in the agricultural districts led probably to the wretched- ness described by Sir Thomas More in his Utopia, and the severe measures required to suppress it. If Latimer thought that two acres of hemp, sown up and down England, were all too little to hang the thieves in it," the prevalence of thieving must have been notorious. And these statements are countenanced by the frequent complaints of robbers made by Erasmus when resident in England, and still more by a letter of Peter Martyr, dated 19 May, 1513:1 John Stile told him that a band of robbers had attacked the King's wagons carrying money "to the wars, and afterwards fled to sanctuary. But the King caught 80 of them before they could escape, and hanged them all.” On the religious foundations, which had sprung up in such numbers in every shire of England, and engrossed the revenues of the secular and parochial clergy, the civil disturbances of the last century were specially disastrous. Discipline had relaxed and could not easily be enforced. The springs of charity which had supported the smaller houses ceased to flow; the estates of the greater houses, by the loss of their tenantry, were neglected and became unproductive. Debt, with no chance of redemption, weighed heavily upon all. An extreme measure was required to avoid the scandal and misery caused by this state of things; and Wolsey, by an act not altogether unlike what we have seen in our own days applied to Ireland, found it necessary to suppress and sell the smaller and more encumbered houses. The larger, which still remained, were necessarily modified by the circumstances of the times, and their religious character impaired. They admitted a number of lay inmates, or at least kept open house for persons not connected with their foundations. In some cases the abbots were bound to give endow- ments to scholars of the King's nomination, or provide them with com- petent benefices;2 pensions and corrodies were granted under the Privy Seal to yeoman ushers of the wardrobe and the chambers, to clerks of 1 No. 4096. 2 Nos. 1235, 1360. One of the most interesting of these cases is that of a pension paid by the prior of St. Frideswide's, Oxford, to Reginald Pole, then a student in the University of Oxford, afterwards Cardinal. No. 4190. Among the warrants to the treasurer of the Chamber is an entry dated Feb. 17, 1511-12, commanding him to pay for the behoof of our scholar, Raynold Pole, son unto the said Lady Margaret Pole," 121. assigned to him for his study and learning for this year ensuing, like as we be minded to give unto him yearly the same exhibition here- after." Westm., 17 Feb. 3 Hen. VIII. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION xlvii the kitchen, sewers, secretaries, and gentlemen of the chapel royal,¹ and these were strictly enforced, whatever might be the other incum- brances of the house. We find Ammonius, in a letter to Erasmus, discussing the question where the latter is to lodge when he comes to London. The Augustinians have only unfurnished apartments. He will not recommend the monastery where he is lodging, as they keep a poor table. Another is not to be thought of; it is too mean, and the rooms are not comfortable.2 Expressions strangely at variance with modern notions of monastic seclusion and religious asceticism. But, in fact, respect for monastic life had in a great measure passed away with the necessity that created it. The writings and example of Erasmus himself, a monk leading a secular life, caressed by bishops and all the eminent men of his time, were not of a nature to inspire respect for monastic institutions. In England, no minister, no ecclesiastic, no scholar, of any eminence, had of late years sprung from the religious orders. Their influence over public opinion, at least in the southern counties of England, had been entirely eclipsed, and they had done nothing to recover it. That in so large a body of men, so widely dis- persed, seated for so many centuries in the richest and fairest estates of England, for which they were mainly indebted to their own skill, perseverance, and industry, discreditable members were to be found (and what literary chiffonnier, raking in the scandalous annals of any profession, cannot find filth and corruption?) is likely enough; but that the corruption was either so black or so general as party spirit would have us believe, is contrary to all analogy, and is unsupported by impartial and contemporary evidence. The general complaint against them is that of ignorance and bigotry; and-what an Englishman would now consider as the root of all evil-the absence of any ostensible employ- ment. Of this, however, more will be said hereafter. 3 The laxity thus introduced by the events of the last century, and the occupation of bishops in political affairs, allowed a freedom in religious practice and discussion to spring up unchecked among the middle classes. Except a man with more zeal than discretion chose to obtrude his heresies into the face of his diocesan, he had little chance of incurring the penalty of martyrdom. Of course then, as now, there were exceptions. The canons were enforced with different degrees of severity in different dioceses. A prelate might distinguish himself by unreasonable severity; -he might enforce the law against a length of beard, or laxity of opinions. But, in general, the indifference or contempt with which the bishops regarded departures from established doctrines, especially when that dissent was not attended with scholarship, was more galling in many cases than when they launched against it their ecclesiastical fulminations. At a later period, when Lutheranism grew into notice by its daring defiance of ecclesiastical authority, the bishops changed their measures, and became more strict and viligant. The King's own book against Luther gave a new tone to the age, and a sharper edge to ecclesiastical discipline. But as late as 1520, diversities of religious opinion spread among the lower orders, especially in the towns, without much notice from the hierarchy. We find Ammonius, indeed, bantering Erasmus, who was very susceptible of cold, on the price of faggots, in consequence of the daily multiplication of heresy, and Erasmus answering in the same tone.4 But this is a sort of banter which must not be inter preted too literally. Had it been literally true, a man of so mild a 1 Nos. 49, 60, 106, 615, 920, 1072, 1081, 1595. 2 No. 1982. 3 The canonists are very strict upon clerical beards. * Nos. 1948, 1957. xlviii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. temper as Erasmus, and an enemy to religious persecution, would scarcely have indulged in so cruel a jest. Foxe, who was not likely to have overlooked such instances, records only two cases of capital punishment for heresy during this early period of Henry's reign.¹ The rapid increase of religious independence among the lower and more illiterate classes in London, as stated by the Italian secretary, may be accepted as a fact. But, saving their old freedom of taxing the Pope and his doings, and the cherished national privilege of preaching and being preached to, the general body of the people had not yet learned to question the established doctrines of the Church. For the most part they paid Peter pence, and heard mass, and did as their fathers had done before them. I turn to some remarks on the ministers and ambassadors whose correspondence forms so large a portion of this volume. Sir Harris Nicolas has collected with great assiduity all that relates to the constitution and powers of the Privy Council.2 Unfortunately his researches point to a later period, and he has been able to throw very little light on the functions and formation of that body as it existed in the early years of Henry VIII. It is certain, however, from the answer made by Henry VIII. to the rebels of Yorkshire in 1536, that the appointment of the Lords of the Council, or the Privy Council, as it is sometimes called, was entirely dependent on the King's pleasure. As some of the great officers of the Crown had no seat at the Council, so men holding no office, and of no rank, were to be found among its numbers. In fact, the Privy Council at this time was apparently nothing more than a body of advisers whom the King might summon at pleasure to his presence, without binding himself to accept their suggestions; without necessarily consulting them on matters of great moment. He might declare war, or determine peace, or form treaties, or enter upon the most important negotiations, not only without their advice, but without so much as making them privy to his intentions. To our modern notions it will seem the more strange, that the orders of the Privy Council, in this volume, should diminish in number in proportion as the events of the times become important, as if they had been entrusted only with the ordinary and formal business of the administration. In all matters of domestic, and still more of foreign, politics the King was absolute. No check was imposed upon his inclinations by his ministers or the House of Commons. Even as late as 1526, when a body of regulations was issued for the establishment of a Council, it will be seen that the Council was far from being of the 1 Had Foxe, the Martyrologist, been an honest man, his carelessness and credulity would have incapacitated him from being a trustworthy historian. Unfortunately he was not honest; he tampered with the documents that came into his hands, and freely indulged in those very faults of suppression and equivocation for which he condemned his opponents. 2 Proceedings of the Privy Council, Pref. to Vol. VII. 3 The King, in answer to their demand, specifies as members of the Privy Council in these early years the Treasurer (Surrey), the High Steward of the Household (Shrewsbury), Lords Marny and Darcy, the Archbishop of Canterbury (Warham), and the Bishop of Winchester (Fox), lawyers and priests. Under the latter he doubtless includes Wolsey, who was only Almoner when he sate in the Council. It is strange, and hardly candid, that he should have omitted the names of the Earls of Oxford and Worcester, and Dr. Ruthal, Bishop of Durham, Secretary of State. The entire list embraced the following names: the Archbishop (Warham), the Bishops of Winchester, London, Rochester, and Durham, the Earls of Surrey, Oxford, Shrewsbury, and Worcester, Sir Thomas Lovell, Sir Henry Marny, Sir T. Brandon, Sir T. Englefeld, Sir Edw. Poyninges, Sir John Husee, Sir H. Wiat, Sir Th. Darcy, Dr. Yong, T. Docwra, and the law officers Sir J. Cutte, Sir J. Fyneux, and others. Wolsey does not appear to have had a seat in the Council till Nov. 1511, and therefore No. 679 is misdated, and should probably be referred to that year. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xlix highest consideration in the State. "Forasmuch as the Lord Cardinal," it is stated, "the Lord Treasurer of England, Lord Privy Seal, Lord "Steward, and divers other Lords and personages before mentioned, by reason of their attendance at the terms for administration of justice, "and exercising of their offices, and other reasonable impediments shall many seasons fortune to be absent from the King's court, and specially in term times, to the intent the King's highness shall not be any season unfurnished of an honorable presence of councillors "about his grace, with whom his highness may confer upon the premises at his pleasure ;-it is ordered that the persons hereafter mentioned shall give their continual attendance on the causes of his said Council, unto what place soever his highness shall resort." Then follow the names of the Lord Chamberlain, the Bishop of Bath, and others. And (6 CC CC << (C because per case it may chance some of these aforenamed persons to be absent, be it always provided that the Bishop of Bath, the "Secretary Sir Thomas More, and the Dean of the Chapel, or two of them at the least, always be present, being every day in the forenoon 'by 10 of the clock at the furthest, and at afternoon by two of the clock, in the King's dining chamber, or in such other place as shall fortune to be appointed for the Council Chamber.”1 ઃઃ (C 66 The great officers of the Crown were, Warham Archbishop of Canterbury, Chancellor, Thomas Earl of Surrey Lord High Treasurer, Fox Bishop of Winchester Privy Seal, Sir Edward Howard Lord High Admiral, the Earl of Shrewsbury Steward of the Household, Lord Herbert Chamberlain, Ruthal Bishop of Durham, Secretary of State. Of the members of the Privy Council, who enjoyed the greatest influence, Wolsey, as might be expected, occupies the most conspicuous place. Next to him was the Duke of Norfolk, a person of extreme authority;" to whose jealousy of the Cardinal foreign ministers, when they could not succeed with Wolsey, were more than once indebted for valuable information. Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk, nearer than any other to the King in age, tastes, and love of martial exercises, shared much of his confidence, although he was infinitely inferior to Henry in all literary and intellectual qualifications. "He is associated with his "Majesty," says Giustinian, "tanquam intelligentiam assistentem orbi, "which governs, commands, and acts with authority scarcely inferior "to the King himself." Next in authority was Fox Bishop of Winchester; last of all, Ruthal, the patient drudge of Wolsey. Warham is seldom mentioned, and none of the rest appear to have enjoyed any consideration. It will seem strange that the name of Warham should occur so seldom except in connexion with his high legal functions. He is never engaged in any diplomatic mission of importance. He appears from the first to have declined all public business. Drafts, memoranda, and letters are frequent in the handwriting of Fox, Ruthal, and Wolsey. But nothing of the kind is found in the handwriting of Warham. In the bustle and excitement consequent on the wars in Guienne and Flanders, and the naval preparations against the French, Warham remained an impassive spectator. He fell at the first from the great group which surrounded the throne of the young prince, and lost whatever influence he might otherwise have commanded by his station and experience. To what causes this neglect is to be attributed, it is by no means easy to discover. The vulgar supposition which imputes it to jealousy on the part of Wolsey is without foundation. Long before Wolsey's name appears among the King's advisers, Warham's want of influence is visible. 66 1 I have abridged one or two needless expressions. I may observe that the style King in Council has no warrant whatever from any document of this early date. The letters are always simply addressed, “To the King's Majesty, &c." Wt. 11494. H d 1 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Jealousy of the Archbishop's power over the young King would have been the most causeless thing imaginable; for he never had any. He was never acceptable either to Henry or to Katharine. His munificence to Erasmus procured for him the praise and gratitude of that somewhat venal scholar; but with the solitary exception of Erasmus, and perhaps of the unhappy Duke of Buckingham, for whom he seems to have enter- tained some kindness, it would be hard to point out a single person with whom Warham lived on terms of friendship. Probably, therefore, the little influence he enjoyed at court may be attributed, with more justice, to a hardness and inflexibility of temper, which could not bend to the new state of things, or comply with the impetuous and stirring movements of Henry VIII., so contrary to the stateliness, reserve, and mystery of the previous reign. We have indications in this volume that the Archbishop was engaged in a dispute with Fox,¹ the most devout and gentle of all Henry's ministers. We find Katharine, no less gentle and conscientious than Fox, in allusion to the same dispute, hinting at the same infirmity2; and Warham's own letters at a subsequent period confirm the impression of his discourtesy, not to say moroseness. CC Nor does the common tradition, which owes its parentage to the spite of Polydore Vergil, whom Wolsey had committed to prison, rest on any better foundation. This historian, who never forgot the injury, and never could forgive the Cardinal, would have us believe that Wolsey paved the way for his own advancement by supplanting Fox, and driving him from the Council. The calumny, like many others affecting the intimacies of great men, has no foundation. It was better suited to the atmosphere of Rome than England. And had it been uttered here, Polydore would probably have been told, as one of his countrymen was told by an Englishman on a similar occasion: "Non isto vivitur illic, quo tu rere modo." The insinuation is at variance with the correspondence of the two ministers. We see in their letters not only the cordial friendship which existed between them, but also the rooted disinclination of Fox to a life of diplomacy. It is only with the strongest arguments that Wolsey can prevail on him to give his attendance at the court, and occupy his seat at the Council table. He was always anxious to get away. He felt it inconsistent with his duties as a bishop to be immersed in politics, and he laments it to Wolsey, in a letter to be noted hereafter, in terms the sincerity of which cannot be mistaken. In fact, the noblest minds of the time often experienced the bitter struggle between the King as their conscience and their conscience as their King. Others than Fox regretted that they had neglected their spiritual calling to serve the State. It must also be remembered that Fox belonged to the old order of things, when monastic seclusion to men of his devout turn, and total retirement from secular employments seemed the only life that deserved the name of religious. Great was the the fascination exercised by Henry VII., and still more by Henry VIII., over the minds of such men; but times of compunction came when this total alienation of thought and action from their duties as spiritual men became an intolerable burthen. So far from driving Fox from the court, it is the utmost that Wolsey can do to bring him there; and when he succeeds, it is evidently more out of compassion for Wolsey's incredible labors than his own inclination. In this respect the statesmen of Henry differ greatly from those of Elizabeth. Numerous are the complaints of the weariness and expense 1 "A lord of extreme authority and goodness," says Giustinian, i. 163. 2 No. 4452. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. li of public employment. There is not an ambassador who does not send reiterated entreaties to the King or Wolsey to be recalled and released. Men of still lower grade petition continually for exemption from offices which were greedily sought a century later. The simpler and sincerer habits of those, must not be measured by the finesse and dissimulation of later, times. Habits of seclusion were congenial to the age. So the main weight of public business fell upon Ruthal and Wolsey; the former of whom had the reputation of being the wealthiest prelate in England, and was not altogether exempt from the imputation of penuriousness. His importance was due to his close connexion with Wolsey,¹ and to his dignity as Bishop of Durham. Owing to the proximity of Durham to the borders none but a wealthy prelate could hold that see with efficiency. It demanded a princely income to keep Norham and the neighbouring fortresses in repair, and provide against the continual incursions of the Scots. It needed a wealthy bishop, but no more; the less formidable for genius or ambition the better. For there were elements of discord and insubordination in the North, which might burst forth at any time, and find a nucleus for their organization in an active and enterprizing prelate. On that head there was not much to apprehend from the talents or ambition of Ruthal. The numerous letters and drafts in his handwriting, often mistaken for Wolsey's, and probably written at Wolsey's dictation, show Ruthal's labor and patience. His own letters do not inspire much respect for his judgment or his genius. Unlike his fellows in the Council, Wolsey's attention to business was not distracted by the duties of a high ecclesiastical appointment, or even the claims of large territorial estates. He held at this time no other preferment than the deanery of Lincoln. The bent of his genius was exclusively political; but it leaned more to foreign than domestic politics. It shone more conspicuous in great diplomatic combinations, for which the earlier years of the reign furnished favorable opportunities, than in domestic reforms. No man understood so well the interests of this kingdom in its relations to foreign powers, or pursued them with greater skill and boldness. The more hazardous the conjuncture, the higher his spirit soared to meet it. His intellect expanded with the occasion. Even at this early time he knew the extent of his power, and the temper of those with whom he had to deal. In a very character- istic letter to his vicar-general at Tournay, Dr. Sampson, who alleged the difficulties he encountered in his administration there, Wolsey tells him to do his duty2: Ye need not doubt thereof; the Pope would not offend me for one thousand such as the elect is, nor there is no such thing spoken of nor intended. I would not have you muse upon the moon, but to go straightly and wisely to my matters." Proud Cardinal and proud prelate were the terms lavished upon him by men as proud as himself, with much less reason to be proud. From a humble station, by his own unassisted efforts he had raised himself to the most conspicuous position not in this nation only, but throughout the whole of Europe. He was seven times greater than the Pope himself," is no exaggeration of the Venetian Giustinian; for he saw at his feet, what no Pope had for a long time seen, and no subject before or since, Princes, Kings, and Emperors courting his smiles. Born to command, infinitely superior in genius to those who addressed him, piercing their motives at a glance, he was lofty and impatient. But there is not a trace throughout his correspondence of the ostentation of vulgar triumph or 66 દ 1 CC CC Singing treble to the Cardinal's base," is the expression of Giustinian, i. 260. 2 No. 5698 lii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. gratified vanity. Grave and earnest-it occasionally descends to irony -is sometimes pungent, never vain-glorious. Ambassadors from foreign courts when they first visit England, address themselves to the King, and write letters to the Council. After a few weeks a little penetration enables them to discover by whose judgment and decision every great question will be eventually decided. But throughout the whole period of his long administration, and through all his correspondence, it is remarkable how small a portion of his thoughts is occupied with domestic affairs; and with religious matters still less. Looking back upon the reign, and judging it as we do now by one great event, and one only, it appears inconceivable that a man of so much penetration and experience should have taken such a little interest in the religious movements of the day and regarded Luther and the progress of the Reformation with so little concern. Grand also and munificent as were his notions of education, it is hard to find any statesmen of his eminence who manifested less interest in the revival of letters, and cared less for Ciceronianisms and Latin elegancies. When, from a variety of causes, questions of domestic interest became para- mount, and the Sovereign and the nation were engrossed in religious discussions, the genius of Wolsey was no longer required. It no longer occupied the entire field of politics. The result was fatal; younger men understood the temper of the times better than he; they had the advantage of mixing in the strife with minds less prejudiced by the traditional maxims of the past; they were less trammelled by rules which no longer suited the rapid changes of the age. But so long as domestic questions remained in abeyance, so long as the movements of Francis I., Charles V., or the Pope, were immeasurably more important than labourers' wages, the exactions of London curates, or the excesses of the Ecclesiastical courts, so long the genius of Wolsey rode triumphant. No one could for a moment mount within his sphere, or contest his superiority. The eclipse of his greatness was inevitable. It was in some measure owing to the dying off of his older associates who had served under Henry VII.;-to the youth and inexperience of the men about Henry VIII.;-to the reluctance with which Wolsey admitted fresh hands to a share of his labors. More than once he was urged by the King to promote younger associates, and provide for contingencies in the public service. More than once he finds excuses for complying, not from envy or selfishness; but, like other great and successful ministers who have long stood supreme and alone, he grew more fastidious as he grew older; he was less willing to hazard his measures by intrusting them to others, or damage the success of his plans through the indiscretion and inexperience of younger heads. With the failing natural to old age, he was more willing to tax his waning strength, than undertake the ungracious and unpalatable task of communicating his designs and explaining their bearings to raw associates. The policy was fatal ;—it angered the King, it raised up a host of enemies in the able and rising courtiers. It left Wolsey friendless when he most needed friends; and the moment an opportunity offered of attacking the minister behind his back, it was readily seized on. Without any great ingratitude on the part of his Sovereign his fall was inevitable; the work and the time had outgrown him;-and the expression put into his mouth by the great dramatist, "the King has gone beyond me,' expresses Wolsey's profound conviction of the real causes of his disgrace, and the impossibility of his restoration. "" But of his wonderful genius, most wonderful in the earlier stage of his career, abundant proofs will be found in this and the subsequent PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITIÓN. liii volumes. The policy of Henry VIII. at the outset presented as great a contrast to the policy of Henry VII. as the administration of Cromwell did to his predecessor's. No minister so thoroughly understood that change as Wolsey, or entered upon it with so much zeal and energy. 1 Of his personal appearance the most faithful record will be found in his picture at Hampton Court. On that portrait the memorial sent by Sebastian Giustinian to his Seignory in 1519 is the best comment : He is about forty-six years old," says the writer, "very handsome, "learned, extremely eloquent, of vast ability, and indefatigable. alone transacts the same business as that which occupies all the magistracies, offices, and councils of Venice, both civil and criminal; and all state affairs likewise are managed by him, let their nature be "what it may. 66 66 "He is pensive, and has the reputation of being extremely just. He "favors the people exceedingly, and especially the poor, hearing their suits and seeking to despatch them instantly. He also makes the lawyers plead gratis for all paupers. He is in very great repute, seven times more so than if he were Pope.2 66 "He is the person," continues the ambassador, "who rules both the King and the entire kingdom. On the ambassador's first arrival "in England he used to say, His Majesty will do so and so;' subsequently by degrees he went on forgetting himself, and commenced saying, We shall do so and so;' at this present he has reached such a pitch that he says, 'I shall do so and so. 64 4 . މ The story of his low birth, though noticed by Giustinian, is apparently exaggerated.³ Its common version is hardly consistent with the Privy Seal, 21st Feb., 1510, granted to Edmund Daundy, of Ipswich, empowering him to found a chantry in the Southern nave of St. Lawrence, Ipswich, to pray for the good estate of the King and the Queen, and among others for the souls of Robert Wolsey and Joan his wife, father and mother of Thomas Wolsey, dean of Lincoln. Indeed, had the story been true, it is highly improbable that it would have escaped the notice of his implacable enemy Polydore Vergil. He was educated at Oxford, for the priesthood, but from the expression in his father's will, published by Fiddes, appears to have felt some reluctance at taking orders. Many evidences remain of his skill in the Latin tongue, but none of any other, whether French or Italian. Though theology was not his forte, yet even his old enemy and maligner, Polydore Vergil, admits his abilities 1 Yet his implacable enemies, Skelton and Roy, state that he was disfigured by the small-pox. Skelton adds that he was So full of melancholy, With a flap afore his eyes.”. Why come ye not to Court? ver. 1166. Apparently a hanging eye-lid. He elsewhere speaks of Dr. Balthazar, Queen Katharine's surgeon, being employed by Wolsey for a complaint in his eye. Ver. 1194. It is noticeable that Holbein gives Wolsey's side face only. 2 Desp. ii. 314. 3 The story was probably set afloat by Skelton. Speaking of the dread enter- tained of Wolsey by the nobility, he has these lines: t They dare not look out at doors For dread of the mastiff cur; For dread the butcher's dog Would worry them like a hog.' And again he asserts :- • No. 899. CC His base progeny Why come ye not to Court? Ver. 293. And his greasy genealogy; He came out of the sink royal That was cast out of a butcher's stall."-Ver. 488. liv PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. as a theologian.¹ According to the same writer he was a Thomist and induced the King to study the works of Aquinas. Beneath the malice of his personal enemies it is easy to trace the more obvious traits of his person and character. He was extremely popular in his manners; offended the old courtiers of the last reign by his wit, and by the absence of that reserved and solemn demeanor which, we can readily believe, was acceptable at the court of Henry VII. From the bitter and indiscriminate satire of Skelton, written at a later period, we gain a few other personal traits of the Cardinal. After affirming that the French shot crowns at the cardinal hat,- "That he ne see can, To know God or man he proceeds in the following strain: "He is set so high In his hierarchy, Of frantic phrenesy And foolish phantasy, That in the Chamber of Stars All matters there he mars. Clapping his rod on the Board, No man dare speak a word; For he hath all the saying, Without any renaying.2 He rolleth in his records, And saith, 'How say ye, my Lords? Is not my reason good?' Good even, good Robin Hood !³ Some say, 'Yes'; and some Sit still as they were dumb. Thus thwarting over them He ruleth all the roast With bragging and with boast.' Expressive enough this, of the Cardinal's abrupt behaviour to the Lords in the Star Chamber. The charge of not keeping the Lent fast, a grace- less accusation from Skelton, has some foundation in fact : • In Lent, for a repast, He eateth capons stewed, Pheasant and partridge mewed." for we find in the records of the time that, in consequence of the weakness of his stomach, Wolsey had obtained a dispensation from Leo X. to eat flesh in Lent. The poet is not less severe against the Cardinal's conduct as chancellor, and his contempt of the lawyers who pleaded before him: "At the Common Pleas, Or at the King's Bench, He wringeth them such a wrench, That all our learned men Dare not set their pen To plead a true trial Within Westminster Hall. In the Chancery where he sits, But such as he admits, None so hardy to speak. C He saith, Thou huddypeke, Thy learning is too lewd!'"ś 1 "Divinis litteris non indoctus," p. 17. 2 Contradiction. ³ They are compelled to be civil as one is to a robber who demands his purse. 4 Why come ye not to Court? ver. 181. Written about 1524. 5 Why come ye not to Court? ver. 383. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. lv He then alludes to divisions in the Privy Council;¹-to the vast crowd of suitors who attended the Cardinal's palace at Hampton Court as compared with the King's Court;-to the influence which the Cardinal exercised over the King's mind: "That all is but nut-shells That any other saith: He hath in him such faith."2 Not satisfied with this indiscriminate condemnation of Wolsey's public conduct, Skelton proceeds to attack him for his want of learning: "He was but a poor master of art; God wot, had little part Of the quadrivials, Nor yet of trivials,³ Nor of philosophy. * * * His Latin tongue doth hobble, He doth but clout and cobble In Tully's faculty."4 And for this charge there might be some foundation in the little apparent interest taken by Wolsey in classical learning. Such indiffer- ence was enough to expose him to the attacks of the popular writers of the day. But abuse so virulent and unguarded defeats itself. Besides, in animosity against the Cardinal, Skelton was animated by party feelings. He was a native of Norfolk,—had evidently resided some time at Norwich, 5-was intimate with the Duke of Norfolk and his son, and never omits any opportunity of recommending himself to their good graces by praising some member of the family, or blackening their personal and political adversaries. Yet when occasion demanded Skelton could be as servile to Wolsey as at other times he was severe. For the long feud between Wolsey and his formidable rival in the cabinet, Thomas Earl of Surrey the Treasurer, created for his victory at Flodden Duke of Norfolk, there is much better authority. It will be seen by the letters in this Volume that Polydore Vergil was not far wrong in stating that Fox and Wolsey regarded this nobleman with dislike. They suspected him of tempting the King into habits of extravagance, and fostering his passion for military distinction. Polydore insinuates that the Earl made use of his influence with the King for the selfish purpose of repairing his estates crippled by the late civil wars. I cannot find any documents which justify this assertion. No extraordinary gifts to the Earl in land or money are to be found among the earlier records of the reign; with the exception of his patent of nobility, and the annuities granted him after the battle of Flodden;" -a victory which eclipsed all others in the estimation of his contem- poraries, and could scarcely be overpaid by any honours or emoluments. In common with other members of his family, the Duke was not partial to Wolsey. He disliked the influence exercised by the Churchmen over the young King; and probably hoped to counteract their authority by engaging Henry in foreign conquests and removing him from the sphere of their influence. The feud descended to the next Duke; and their party was espoused by the Earl of Northumberland. They would 1 Ib. 401. 4 Ver. 509. 2 Ib. 440. CC 3 Ordinary school learning. 5 The scene of his most popular poem, Philip Sparrow," is laid at Carrow Abbey, the ruins of which remained not long since at a little distance from the gates of that city. 6 One of his most biting poems is upon Christopher Garnish, whose name frequently occurs in these papers. 7 No. 4694. Ivi PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. have been much more formidable opponents, but for the affection which the King entertained for Charles Brandon, afterwards Duke of Suffolk. Henry's partiality to this brilliant nobleman exceeded the bounds of ordinary friendship. He pushed Brandon's fortunes with the affection and assiduity of a brother. But Suffolk managed a war-horse much better than he wielded a pen.¹ He took but little interest in politics, and his subsequent marriage with Mary the King's sister compelled him to espouse the side of Wolsey rather than of Norfolk. The other members of the Council had a vote, no more; vox et præterea nihil. Of the offices connected with the Privy Council little needs be said. The chancellorship of the Exchequer was a patent office of 40 marks a year. The King's secretary, if Erasmus may be trusted, was a more lucrative post. The most eminent of the number was Richard Pace, who in this Volume appears only as the faithful servant and executor of Cardinal Bainbridge. The Secretaries of State were secretaries, and no more, employed in making fair copies of despatches. The secretary for the Latin tongue was Andreas Ammonius, the friend and corres- pondent of Erasmus; the secretary for the French tongue Peter Meautys whose salary amounted to no more than 40 marks a year.2 Of the ambassadors of the times few seem to have been drawn from the higher class of the nobility. The duties and emoluments and even the honor of such appointments were not sufficiently tempting. The usual fixed pay of a resident was five shillings a day, increased by occasional bounties from the King. In some instances the ambassador was paid as much as 20s. per diem, but this sum included his own travelling expenses and diet and those of his suite. John Stile sent to reside with the King of Arragon, 20 Jan. 1511, is paid 10s. a day; Sir Robert Drury and Lord Dacre, ambassadors into Scotland, 20s. a day; 19 June, 1511. Dr. Yong, Master of the Rolls, on his embassy into France, 18 July, 1511, the same. When the Bishop of Rochester (Fisher), the Prior of St. John's, and the Abbot of Wynchcombe, were sent ambassadors to the Pope, 5 Feb. 1512, the first and second received 8007., the third 800 marks, for their expenses during 160 days. Dr. West, ambassador into Scotland, 16 April, 1512, had 20s. a day, and Lord Dacre, sent with him, 40s. a day. In addition to his pay as an ambassador, John Stile receives a pension, 12 May, 1511, of 40 marks yearly for his services beyond sea; Thomas Spinelly, 50l., 23 Dec., 1511. But their emoluments and their dignity were entirely dependent on the King's liberality; and, as the sums given them were often irregularly paid, and generally in arrears, the position of an ambassador was not always to be coveted. More, writing to Erasmus,4 in his usual pleasant strain, describes in lively colors the miseries to which an English plenipotentiary was subjected. "Tunstal," he says, "has just left this; having spent scarcely ten days here, and none to his own satis- faction. He has been anxiously and arduously employed all the time "in setting forth those things which belong to an ambassador's com- mission. No sooner is this over, than, vastly against his will, he is thrust again on a new legation, without any warning. I never liked the office of an ambassador. We laymen and you priests are not 66 "6 66 66 1 Of the three greatest noblemen of the time, the Duke of Suffolk, the Duke of Buckingham, and the Marquis of Dorset, it would be hard to say which was the most illiterate. Perhaps the spelling of the Duke of Suffolk is the most tortuous and ingeniously perverse. Doubtless it was phonetic; and fastidious readers will be shocked to learn that the aspirate often predominated where it had no right. 2 No. 588. 3 These notices are from the warrants directed to the Treasurer of the Chamber. * Ep. ii. 16. + PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. lvii (( (6 66 on equal terms on such occasions; for you have no wives or children at home, or find them wherever you go. Whereas whenever we laymen are away, we are called back by the love of our wives and our families. When a priest starts on his mission, he can take his whole family with him, and feed at the King's expense, those whom he must otherwise have fed at home; but when ever I am absent I have two families "to keep, one at home and one abroad. The King provides tolerably well for those whom I must take with me; but no consideration is paid to those whom I leave behind. You know what a kind husband I am! what an indulgent father, and lenient master! and yet for all this I cannot prevail on my wife, children, and servants to close "their mouths and stop eating until I return. The miseries of ambassadors, thus jocosely insisted on by More, find an echo in earnest in the correspondence of the ministers at the different courts; and though the cares of their employment were sometimes alleviated by donatives or appointments, it was sufficiently onerous and ill-paid to deter many competitors from seeking it. ઃઃ 66 "" Of the ambassadors thus employed few were of high birth, or, with one exception, of high position. John Stile, the English ambassador at the expensive court of Ferdinand and Isabella, was a man of no rank or education. His English is extremely uncouth and often obscure. It is not improbable that he was engaged in business, like others in the same position. The name of John Stile, grocer (that is engrosser), London, alias scribe, occurs in No. 1662; and again, of John Stile, collector at the port of Plymouth (No. 1810), who is certainly the same as the ambassador at the court of Arragon. Peter Martyr calls him a gentleman of the chamber. This may well be; for such occupations were not considered incompatible with a place at court. Thus, Richard Lloid, groom of the chamber, is searcher in the port of Yarmouth;¹ Brian Tuke, clerk of the signet, obtains a licence to export kerseys ;2 James Worsley, groom of the robes, to import wine and woad;3 Giles Talbot, groom of the chamber, to import 400 tons of the same; Sir Wistan Brown and Wm. Sydney to export 2,000 sacks of wool. They may have retailed these licences to Italian or other merchants, and occupied their office as searchers by deputy. But whether they traded in their own names, or used their influence at Court in obtaining these licences for others, never seems to have been either questioned or condemned. 4 Another of these ambassadors, Thomas Spinelly, the English resident in Flanders at the court of the Archduchess, was evidently a merchant like his brothers. His earlier letters are written in French, his latter ones in English; but he wrote neither of those languages with eloquence, and barely with correctness. He seems to have been by birth an Italian ; but little else is known of him beyond the information furnished by his own correspondence. Like Stile, he appears to have been employed by Henry VII. He died in the King's service at the court of Spain in 1524. Sir Robert Wingfield, on the contrary, the ambassador with Maximilian, was of a good family, settled in the county of Suffolk, and evidently a man of some literary culture,-a gift he did not hide in a corner. He was deputy of Calais, but occupied that place by Sir Richard Wingfield his brother. His allowance at the court of Spain was 20s. a day, and the liberal grants made him by the King are evidences of the estimation in which he was held. He, too, seems to have been employed by Henry VII. In fact, with the exception of Cardinal Bainbridge at Rome, the same names of English and foreign residents 1 No. 700. 4 4746. 2 Nos. 1873, 3700. 5 3143. $ 2058. 6 See Index. lviii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. occur under both reigns. Cardinal Bainbridge was selected for his high ecclesiastical position in a court entirely governed by Archbishops and Cardinals. His wealth probably was an additional motive. For none but a wealthy prelate could hope to support the expense of a residence at Rome. His rival in the same court, De Giglis, Bishop of Worcester, who was supposed to be instrumental in Bainbridge's death, had been in the service of Henry VII. So was Hadrian de Corneto, the patron of Polydore Vergil; both of whom seem to have tasted the bounty of Henry VIII. The letters of these ecclesiastics, and the corres- pondence relating to Bainbridge's murder, are of the greatest interest. Many of them have never been published. Above all, the letter of Wolsey to Worcester, No. 5465, on the same subject, and the efforts. made to obtain for him the cardinalate, will repay an attentive perusal. Sir Edward Ponynges, Dr. Will. Knight, Sir Thomas Boleyn, Dr. Tunstal, and Dr. Yong, Masters of the Rolls, and the Earl of Worcester, were employed on occasional missions of more than usual delicacy and importance. But the permanent residents were generally men of a lower position. This policy was inaugurated by Henry VII. It seemed to his reserved and suspicious temper safer to trust meaner instruments whom he could shake off at pleasure without incurring danger from their resentment. It was more economical. The employment of humbler men had, moreover, this advantage: they could more easily accommodate themselves to circumstances, and collect information with greater readiness than men of higher rank and pretensions. We are gainers by this policy in the minuteness of details furnished by such negociators, and in the absence of all affectation of political sagacity. They report the occurrences of the hour and the day with a laborious fidelity, which is of the utmost value to the modern historian, and forms a refreshing contrast to the dry and pompous formalities of later diplo- matists. Of the actions and personal appearances of Maximilian and Ferdinand, of the movements of the unconquerable Julius, the Cæsar of all Pontiffs, more trustworthy information can be gained from the unpretending reports of Wingfield, Spinelly, or even Bainbridge, than from any other sources. To the importance of the Signed Bills and Privy Seals,¹ in substan- tiating doubtful points of chronology, I have already referred. But these ¹ I give at length a specimen of each kind of document. Only the series indicated by the Nos. 1 and 3 will be found in this Volume :- 1. Signed Bill. Md. quod xxvj die Aprilis anno regni Regis H. VIII. sexto, ista billa liberata fuit Domino Cancellario Angliæ apud Croydon exequenda.* To the King our Sovereign Lord. Please it your highness of your most abundant grace to grant your gracious letters patents in due form to be made under your Great Seal, according to the tenor hereafter ensuing; and that this bill, signed with your most gracious hand, may be sufficient and immediate warrant unto your Chanceller of England for th'ensealing, making out, and delivery of the same your letters patents, in due and effectual form accordingly. Henry R. (Signed.) Then follows the patent required; viz. Henricus Dei gratia, etc. omnibus ad quos, etc., salutem. Sciatis quod nos de gratia nostra speciali ac in consideratione boni et fidelis servitii quod dilectus serviens noster Radulphus Fenwike, armiger, nobis impendit in diesque impendere non desistit dedimus et concessimus ac per præsentes damus et concedimus eidem Radulpho custodiam omnium et singulorum maneriorum, dominiorum, terrarum et tenementorum Henrici Fenwik, filii et hæredis Johannis Fenwike, armigeri, defuncti qui quidem Henricus Fenwik est, et a nativitate sua fuit fatuus et ideota naturalis, * This memorandum is written by the Chancellor on receiving the Signed Bill, which takes effect from the record of its delivery. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. lix documents have an independent historical importance, which must not be overlooked. Bald as they are, they contain information on a variety of topics with which the historian cannot dispense. Their value to the topographer and antiquary can scarcely be overrated; and if ever the time should come for a sensible work to be written on the history of the English gentry, and of that body of men who from the time of the Reformation have been identified with all the great constitutional struggles in this country, it is from these, and documents such as these, that such a history must be drawn. The dissensions which ploughed up the land in the previous century exterminated with few exceptions the old race of nobility. A few, like the Duke of Norfolk, still remained, rather as fragments of their ancient grandeur, to connect the era of the Tudors with that of the Plantagenets, than in the full integrity of their cujus custodia ad nos de jure dinoscitur pertinere ratione ideotiæ prædictæ in tantum quod regimen sui ipsius minime valeat neque habere potest. Habenda, gaudenda et tenenda dictam custodiam omnium et singulorum maneriorum, dominiorum, terrarum et tenementorum dicti Henrici, et proficua eorundem præfato Radulpho durante ideotia predicti Henrici absque compoto vel aliquo alio nobis vel hæredibus nostris proinde reddendo, solvendo seu faciendo. Eo quod expressa mentis, etc. In cujus rei, etc. 2. Writ for Privy Seal. Writ to the Keeper of the Privy Seal, to command the Chancellor to draw up a patent under the Great Seal. Per Regem. Reverende in Christo pater nobis quamplurimum dilecte salutem. Vobis mandamus quod sub Privato Sigillo nostro in custodia vestra existente literas nostras Cancellario nostro Angliæ dirigendas fieri faciatis, mandantes eidem quod sub Magno Sigillo nostro in custodia sua existente literas nostras patentes fieri faciat in forma sequente. Henricus Dei gratia Rex Angliæ et Franciæ et Dominus Hiberniæ, omnibus ad quos, etc. salutem. Sciatis quod nos, in consideratione boni et fidelis servitii quod dilectus subditus noster Alexander Kell nobis impendere intendit, concessimus eidem Alexandro totam terram nostram in Tyndale vocatam Grendon, cum suis pertinentibus. Habenda et occupanda terram prædictam cum suis pertinentibus eidem Alexandro, absque aliquo inde nobis reddendo, quousque idem Alexander officium seu annuum redditum annui valoris quadragenta solidorum ex concessione nostra per literas nostras patentes habuerit. In cujus rei, etc. Et hæ literæ nostræ vobis erunt in hac parte sufficiens warrantum Datum nostro sub signeto apud manerium nostrum de Grenewiche 18º die Julii, anno regni nostri quarto. Reverendo in Christo patri nostro quampluri- mum dilecto consiliario Ricardo Wintoniensi Episcopo, Custodi Privati Sigilli nostri. 3. B. TUKE. Privy Seal addressed to the Lord Chancellor in accordance with the above writ. Md. quod 30 die Julii anno subscripto istud breve liberatum fuit Domino Cancellario Angliæ apud Knoll exequendum.* Henricus Dei gratia Rex Angliæ et Franciæ et Dominus Hiberniæ, reverendissimo in Christo patri Willielmo Cantuariensi Archiepiscopo, totius Angliæ primati et Apostolicæ in Sedis Legato, Cancellario nostro, salutem Vobis mandamus quod sub Magno Sigillo nostro literas nostras patentes in forma sequenti fieri faciatis. (Then follows the patent verbatim as in the former document.) In cujus rei, etc. Datum sub Privato Sigillo nostro apud manerium nostrum de Grenewich, 18º die Julii, anno regni nostri quarto. 4. RO. SAMSON. Writ under the Privy Seal to the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer to pay money to Richard Gibbons. Henry, by the grace of God, King of England and of France, and Lord of Ireland, to the Treasurer and Chamberlains of our Exchequer, greeting. Where the 5th day of May last past Thomas Bartilmewe and John Brownhyll, bailiffs of our town * Note by the Chancellor. lx PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. might. But the civil wars turned up a new soil to the surface from which all the great names in modern history have sprung; and the cradle of the new race is to be seen in these Signed Bills and Privy Seals. Moreover, these documents contain the nominations of ambassadors, confirmation of treaties, commissions, summons for Convocation and Parliament, creations of nobility, congés d'élire of bishops, abbots and priors, presentations to livings and pensions, stewardships of forests and manors, distribution of forfeited lands, appointments at court, pensions, lists of sheriffs, mortmain licences by Henry VII., licences to import and export merchandize, to beg alms for the redemption of captives, and the like. But even this list will scarcely convey to the reader just ideas of the significance of these documents, unless he bear in mind that they are also the records of the personal acts of the Sovereign, not of his ministers. No other documents, in fact, can give such adequate notions of the enormous powers of the Crown, under the Tudors, or show more distinctly the steps by which it had been aggrandized under Henry VII. Under Henry VIII. the patronage and the revenues of the Crown were immense. Besides the ordinary grant of tonnage and poundage, the expenses of the King's household were provided for by an annual grant of 19,4007., not including the assignments for the Wardrobe. To these must be added the sums received from Lewis XII., the subsidies voted the King in various years by the Commons and the Convocation, benevolences exacted under the title of free gifts, and loans that were never repaid. Happily they were not of frequent occurrence. When, however, the necessities of the Crown were urgent, the nobility and gentry were sent down to their several counties to stir up the liberality of the inhabitants. They were commanded to bring their tenantry and the neighbouring towns together, in order to meet, determine on a contribution for the of Derby, attached one Robert Lilly upon suspicion of felony, and thereupon him committed to ward in the common gaol there, and afterwards, through the negli- gence of the said bailiffs, the same felon suspect escaped, by reason whereof they have lost and forfeited unto us the sum of five pounds: we late you wit, that in consideration of the true and faithful service which our servant Richard Gibbons, groom usher of our larder hath done unto us, and during his life intendeth to do, we have given and granted unto him by way of reward the said forfeiture of five pounds. Wherefore we will and command you, our said Treasurer and Chamber- lains, that ye do strike out one tale or tales containing the said sum, and the same tale or tales, so levied to deliver unto our said servant without prest or charge to be set upon him for the same. And these our letters shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalf. Given under our Privy Seal, in our camp besides Turwyn, the 8th day of August, the 5th year of our reign. 5. RO. SAMPSON. Writ under the Great Seal to the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer.* Henricus Dei gratia Rex Angliæ et Franciæ et Dominus Hiberniæ, Thesaurario et Camerariis suis, salutem. Cum dominus Henricus nuper Rex Angliæ pater noster primo die Aprilis anno regni sui decimo nono per literas suas patentes dederit et concesserit dilecto et fideli servienti suo Ricardo Smyth, valecto robarum suarum, feodum coronæ suæ tunc vacans per mortem Johannis Flight, nuper servientis sui, quod est sex denarios per diem. Habendum et annuatim percipiendum pro ter- mino vitæ suæ ad receptam Scaccarii sui ad terminos Paschæ et Sancti Michaelis Archangeli, per equales portiones, prout in eisdem literis plenius continetur: Vobis mandamus quod eidem Ricardo id quod ei aretro est de prædictis sex denariis diurnis pro festo Paschæ ultimo præterito ad receptam prædictam solvatis, juxta tenorem literarum prædictarum. Teste meipso apud Westm., 20 die Maii, anno regni nostri quarto. * So called because it passes under the hands of the Chancellor, PORTER. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. lxi (( ઃઃ CC King, and each man's quota. A troublesome opponent or refractory minority was easily controlled by a threat of being sent to London to state their objections before the Privy Council;-a threat which generally proved effectual in silencing opposition. For the expenditure of this and other sums, levied on the nation, the King was responsible to no one. He had no control beyond his own sense of right, or the dread of unpopularity, always a potent check upon the Tudors. Henry VII., by his ministers Empson and Dudley, imposed fines, upon different pretexts, under the names of recognizances, with what justice may be seen in the acts of his son and successor. The early pages of this Catalogue are loaded with cancels of these recognizances. In more than one instance, the writ is even charged with a clause that such recognizances were made without any cause reasonable or lawful, by the undue means of certain of the learned Council of our late father, contrary to the law, reason, and good conscience, to the manifest charge and peril of the soul of our late father, and that the sums contained in those recognizances cannot be levied without the evident peril of our 'late father's soul, which we would for no earthly riches see nor suffer.”¹ These remarks, however, can only give a feeble idea of the wealth and power of the Sovereign. Small chance as there was of successful opposition to his wishes, the King was in some measure dependent for these sources of his revenue on the good will of his subjects. There were others for which he was not dependent upon them in any measure, and in the employment of which they would no more have presumed to express an opinion than he would have thought of demanding it. In the union of the houses of York and Lancaster in Henry VII., it must not be forgotten that, besides a union of claims to the Crown, there was a union of estates. Before this time Yorkist or Lancastrian had to supply the expense and means for war from one half only of the revenues which fell into the hands of Henry VII. The lands of attainted and rebellious nobles were confiscated to the Crown; the estates of a Yorkist increased the Crown lands of a Lancastrian, the triumphant Yorkist retaliated the same measure on his Lancastrian opponent. When the war ended, heirs and claimants had died off, or were in ill- favour or under suspicion of disaffection; and even when the attainted lands were restored, some portion stuck fast in the transit; a part was voluntarily surrendered to secure the remainder. The rebellions under Henry VII. added greatly to these acquisitions; and the reader has only to turn over a few pages of this Volume to see how the Crown lands had augmented throughout the length and breadth of England by the attainders of the De la Poles, the Salisburies, the Charltons, the Empsons, and the Dudleys. In fact, treason was more profitable to Henry VII. than any branch of his revenue. Amidst the legal and state fictions of this day, it is hard to realize the true position of a Tudor Sovereign in the 16th century. The lands of the Crown, by whatever means acquired, were as much in the King's power as those of any other landlord. His personal management and control of them were as unlimited. He exchanged them, cut down the timber, built up or pulled down, appointed stewards or managers as he pleased, and at whatever salary he pleased. The revenues he derived from them were his own, to employ or waste at his pleasure. It is probable that this vast increase of estates under the first Tudors did not bring a proportionate increase of revenue; but it placed the power and supremacy of the King on a footing it had never been placed on before. It afforded him numerous opportunities of bestowing lucrative 1 No. 1004, also 1756 sq. lxii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. appointments on his courtiers. He had at his own immediate disposal the stewardships of forests, manors, chases, castles, fisheries, and mines; the collectorships of customs in various ports; nominations to churches on his estates; not to mention his ancient right of wardship and marriage which now sunk into an insignificant item compared with the more splendid and lucrative offices at his disposal. What is the result? The forests and chaces maintained a numerous and hardy race of men, trained to arms, and ready for the King's service at any time he should deem fit to employ them. They formed a standing army without its obnoxious features without the dangers to which standing armies are subject, of becoming mischievous weapons in the hands of their officers. The appointment of customs at various ports was not only a reward for past services, but a watch on the loyalty and disaffection of the towns, and the indirect means for transmitting important information of foreign or domestic insurrections. Even wardships were not without their uses in this respect; for the King could, as we see from this Volume he did, entrust to those of whose fidelity he had no suspicion the wardship, training, and marriage of the sons and daughters of disaffected families. Of course, appointment of ambassadors, commissions in the army and navy, had been in his gift from time immemorial; but now, in con- sequence of the vast augmentation of the Crown lands, he could supple- ment the small wages attached to such employments by some lucrative post on the royal estates. It may be thought that, after all, Henry would be guided by his ministers; that he could know nothing or little of the hundreds of claimants on his bounty. As an answer to that objection, we find among the warrants to the treasurer of the Chamber,¹ signed by the King, one in favour of William Wynesbury, his Lord of Misrule, directing the treasurer to pay him 5l., upon the prest towards his reward for his business against this Christmas next ensuing." But annexed to the above is a note from the petitioner to the following effect: “If it shall like your Grace to give me too much, I will give you none again; and if your Grace give me too little, I will ask more." An indication દ ઃઃ 66 of the freedom with which Henry sometimes allowed himself to be addressed, for he granted the petition; and still more, of the petitioner's conviction that the writ would be read by the King. But we have better evidence than this. On examining these appoint- ments, it is remarkable how many of them are made to those who are or have been in personal attendance on the Sovereign. Scarcely any man holds an office of importance who is not familiarly known to the King. The Howards, the Brandons, the Jerninghams, the Sydneys, the Plantagenets, the Sherbornes, the Fitzwilliams, the Marneys, were or had all been squires or knights of the Body or gentlemen of the Chamber. The King's patronage naturally flows in this direction; and we have this curious result, that all great and important offices in the army, the navy, all influential departments of the State, are not only filled by men who have been in personal attendance on the King, but that the exclusive road to promotion is dependent on this personal service. No minister dispenses or even shares the patronage of the Crown; he may recommend, but evidently that recommendation is confined within the narrow circle of those who are already known to the Sovereign by personal and assiduous service. All this has changed the King's position, and vastly augmented his power. Unlike the old haughty nobility, who kept a jealous watch over the powers of the Crown, and, in the absence of constitutional restraints, acted as a check upon the undue 1 9 Dec., 1509. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. lxiii extension of its prerogatives, the ministers under the Tudors, taken from a lower rank, looked up to the Crown and the extension of its authority as a support for their own. They are the servants of the Crown, an epithet which the ancient nobility of a past age would have rejected with disdain, as they would have rejected that subordination which it signified. It is scarcely necessary for me to point the moral suggested by these remarks. It begins to shape itself in the dim vision of the past, and the confusion of the civil wars. As it drifts along the current of events, it assumes more gigantic and more definite proportions. War, peace, and even rebellion force the consideration of it on the minds of men. It flits in dim consciousness across the thoughts of devout men like Fox in their struggle between loyalty and conscience. It stings fierce men into treason, and thoughtful men into disobedience. Even the passions of men and the policy of kings, with no higher object than their own selfish interests, become instrumental to to its development. The ecclesiastics who surrounded the throne of Henry VII. and Henry VIII., and sanctioned with their presence and authority the acts of both those monarchs, invested royalty with a spiritual influence in the minds of the people which could not be disintegrated from it, or resumed when the King changed their religious principles, and dismissed their spiritual ministers. The royal supremacy was now to triumph after years of efforts apparently fruitless and often purposeless. That which had been present to the English mind for centuries was now to come forth in distinct consciousness armed with a power which nothing could resist. Yet that it should come forth in such a form is marvellous. All events had prepared the way for the King's temporal supremacy. Opposition to papal authority was familiar to men; but a spiritual supremacy, an ecclesiastical headship, as it separated Henry VIII. from all his pre- decessors by an immeasurable interval, so was it without precedent and at variance with all tradition. Fools could raise objections, the wisest could hardly catch a glimpse of its profound significance. Of other notices, but of a different nature, to be found among those documents, are the letters of denization for Katharine Gordon, the unhappy widow of the celebrated Peter Warbeck. No. 1030 is a warrant to the Abp. of Canterbury to deliver to the celebrated Richard Pinson, the King's printer, a true copy of the statutes lately passed in Parliament, that he may print them. No. 3253 contains his annuity of 40s.¹ From the same documents we obtain more accurate lists of the Privy Council ;2 of the exports and imports, which passed chiefly through the hands of Italian merchants. Among the former we find wool paying custom of 10s. per sack or 10s. for 240 fleeces,³ broad cloths, kerseys, skins, lead, tin, oxen, and salt hides. In the latter are Gascon, Burgundy, and Malvesey wine, alum and wood, tapestry, girdles, ribands and laces, leather, silk, and gold, French and Milanese hats and caps. Not the least valuable are the details they furnish of the fees and wages paid to the servants of the Crown and others. The Chancellor's salary is 2001. per annum. Speaker of the House of Commons, 1007. 1 Among the warrants to the treasurer of the Chamber are two of considerable interest to antiquarians. One from Henry VIII. to John Heron, dated 24 April, 1511, ordering him to pay Ric. Pinson, printer, 40s. for eight processioners, delivered to Wm. Atwater, dean of the Chapel. Greenwich, 24 April 3 Hen. VIII. The other from Queen Katharine to the same, dated 7 Sept., 1513, to pay Ric. Pinson, the King's printer, 40s. for printing. “100 papers concerning the interdiction of Scotland" just before Flodden Field. 2 No. 594, 650, 702, 785, 1273. 8 No. 743. 4 I supplement these data by references to the Hanaper and other rolls :— 12 Hen. VIII. Sums paid to the Chancellor. For 62 days attendance, from 29 Sept. till 30 Nov., in his hotel near Charing Cross, Westminster, at 23s. per diem, Ixiv PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. The Chief Justice of the King's Bench has two tuns annually of Gascon wine¹ (1315). The Master of the Rolls one tun, and the House of the Converts (165). The salary of John Tayler, the Clerk of the Parliament, is 40l. (611), and he holds the living of All Saints the More in the city of London (1356). The King's chief carver has 50l., his chief surgeon 40 marks per annum (966); his apothecary, 107. (1373); Master of the Jewels, 207. (3040); Librarian, 107. (3094); cup-bearer, 201. (90); sewer of the mouth, 207. (99); squire of the body, 50 marks (1276); Ann Luke, his late nurse, 201. (284); serjeant at arms (622), veterinary surgeon (1370), porter and master mason at the Tower (1058, 1190), chief gunner (120), and the master of the artillery at Calais (609), 12d. a day; keeper of the Wardrobe (698), and master smith in the Tower of London (716), 8d. a day; yeoman usher of the Chamber (113), yeoman of the Guard (184), gentleman of the Chapel Royal (207), comptroller of the works at Windsor Castle (589), and keeper of the garden at the Tower (1888), 6d. a day; keeper of the garden at Eltham (929), only 3d. a day; the King's painter (2053), 2d. a day; the King's godson, Henry Windsor (1357), 1½d. a day. The salaries of the heralds are extravagant when compared with these allowances. Garter had 401. a year (556); Norroy, 201. (1338); Lancaster, 20 marks (975). Turning to the army, 2 we find that the daily pay of the Earl of Surrey in the fight of Branxton field was 5l.; Lord Berners, marshal of the army, 68. 8d.; captains, 4s.; petty captains, 2s.; a spearman, ls. 6d.; a demi-lance, 9d.; a trumpet, ls. 4d.; an archer, 8d.; a surgeon, the same; an ordinary soldier, 6d. His coat of white and green, the livery of the Tudors, cost 4s. His harness ranged from 8s. to 11s. If he kept himself he was allowed 1s. 6d. a week; and on joining his regiment or returning home he received conduct money, at the rate of 6d. a day, or d. per mile. The payment for the ordnance ranged higher. The master of the ordnance had 6s. 8d. a day; the captain of the gunners, 12d.; quartermaster gunners, 9d.; ordinary gunners, 6d.; but carpenters, wheelwrights, yeoman-carters, and harness-makers employed on the ordnance had 8d. a day. The King's messenger had ls. a day; others were paid at the rate of 2d. a mile. A man and his horse received ls. 4d. per day; whilst the hire of a horse at hard meat cost 9s. 4d. the month 3 a Flanders mare for draught of the ordnance, 10d. a day. • The price of gunpowder was 31d. to 4d. per lb.; saltpetre, 4d. A hand gun cost 9s.; a great copper gun with two chambers, 35l.; two iron guns, 25l. 6s. 8d.4 These guns came chiefly from Flanders. Their names, and the weight of 56 such pieces, may be seen in No. 3616.5 717. 68. For three charters of higher fee, 40s., and 62 charters of less fee at 29. each, 81. 48.; for his attendance in the Star Chamber, in Mich. term, 50l.; for the month of December, 35l. 13s.; for his winter robes at Christmas, 267. 13s. 4d.; for sealed charters in December, 358. 4d.; for diet of himself and his clerks, from Jan. to March inclusive, 1037. 10s.; for his attendance on the Star Chamber in Hilary term, 50%.; for 47 charters in the same time, 4l. 14s.; for his diet in April, 341. 108.; for 10 charters in April, 208.; from 1 May till 7 June for his diet, 431. 148.; for 28 charters, 3l. 98. 4d.; for his diet from 8 June till 31 July, 621. 2s; for charters, 9l. 48. 8d.; for attendance on the Star Chamber in Easter term, 50l.; for his diet from 1 Aug. to 29 Sept., 697.; for his attendance on the Star Chamber in Trinity term, 501.; for his summer robes, 20 marks. In the time when Warham was Chancellor, 4 Hen. VIII., his annual salary was 100 marks. For commons of him- self and his clerk, 100 marks. For the winter robes of John Yong and 11 masters in Chancery, 831.; for a new bag of crimson velvet to keep the Great Seal in, 158.; for green wax, &c., 5s. 8d. 1 Commuted for 127. in one instance, on account of the difficulty of procuring it from the household. No. 3315. 4 No. 3496. 2 No. 4375. 5 See also 4479. 3 See also No. 4635. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. lxv We have a still more curious document in No. 4633, from which we learn the quantity of powder and shot required to serve the guns. Every apostle (so named from a figure of one of the Twelve Apostles cast upon the gun) took an iron shot of 20 lb., and 20 lb. of powder, and might be shot 30 times a day. Every curtow a shot of 60 lb., and 40 lb. of powder, and might be shot 40 times a day; every culverin, a shot of 20 lb., and 22 lb. of powder, and might be shot 36 times a day; every Nuremburgh, a shot of 20 lb., and 20 lb. of powder, and might be shot 30 times a day; every lizard, a shot of 12 lb., and 14lb. of powder, and might be shot 37 times a day; every bombard, a shot of 260 lb., and 80 lb. of powder, and might be shot 5 times a day; every minion, a shot of 8lb., and 8 lb. powder; every potgun, 8 lb., and 40 lb. of powder. In the navy the Admiral had 10s. a day; captains and treasurer, 38. 6d. ; under captains, 1s. 6d. ; clerks 8d., and some ls. ; master and pilot, 30s. a month; master surgeon, 13s. 4d. a month; quartermaster, 78. 6d. ; quartermaster gunner, 6s. 8d.; soldiers and mariners, 5s. Else- where mariners' wages are estimated at 7s. Id. per month. Victuals for captain gunners reckoned at ls. 6d. a week. Coats for the navy, 4s. ; jackets, 20d. Trumpeters and heralds are always paid excessively. I may add, that minstrels were paid 6d. a day; and the marshal of the minstrels 4 d., and 10 marks per annum.¹ It is important to contrast these payments with the wages of mechanics and ordinary labourers. According to the statute 6 Hen. VIII. c. 3, the day's work, from the middle of March to the middle of September, began before 5 in the morning and ended between 7 and 8 in the evening. During the other months it began with "the springing of the day" 1 For those who are interested in these subjects I subjoin the following memoranda from the warrants to the treasurer of the Chamber :— "HENRY VIII. to SIR JOHN HERON. To pay monthly to John Saverneac of France, the King's minstrel, 'using to pley upon our rebece,' his wages of 16d. a day. Greenwich, 28th Oct. 10 Hen. VIII." "HENRY VIII. to JOHN HERON. To pay Matthew de Weldre, the King's minstrel and player upon lutes and 'veoldes,' his wages monthly, at the rate of 20 marks a year. Greenwich, 7 Jan. 8 Hen. VIII.' "HENRY VIII. to JOHN HERON. To pay Ric. Denows, the King's minstrel, his wages of 16d. a day monthly, from 1 July instant. Greenwich, 18 July 1 Hen. VIII.” HENRY VIII. to JOHN HERON. "To pay Wm. Wynsbury, 'lord of our misrule,' 67. 13s. 4d. Greenwich, 18 Dec. 3 Hen. VIII.” 66 HENRY VIII. to JOHN HERON. To pay Dr. Fayrefax, gentleman of the Chapel, 77. and learning for a whole year of Wm. Alderson and scholars. Diet after the rate of 2s. for the week.' 3 Hen. VIII.” C HENRY VIII. to SIR JOHN HERON. 17s. 4d. for the diet Arthur Lovekyn our Greenwich, 24 Nov. To pay Gerrard Van Arcle, the King's 'plumaker,' 34l. 16s. 8d. for plumes and other feathers, bought of him by the King; viz., for 350 of 'sengle feathers, 97. 6s. 8d.; 36 maste of feathers, 12.; 400 black feathers, 408. ; 250 of other feathers of divers colors, 50s. ; one piece of a hatte, 60s.'; another piece of white and blue like a rose, 40s.; and another piece of black and blue, which is upon a new harness of ours, 41.' Greenwich, 3 Oct. 11 Hen. VIII." Among the warrants to the treasurer of the Chamber is an order dated 26 Dec. 1512, to pay 2001. by way of reward to Sir Robert Sheffeld, knight of the Body, the King's councillor, and speaker of our High Court of Parliament," for his services in sundry our causes and businesses in our said Court, and also his costs. and charges by him therein sustained." Wt. 11494. He lxvi PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. and lasted till night; and during these months no sleep in the day was allowed. The labourers had half an hour for breakfast an hour and a half in the summer months for dinner, and half an hour less in the dark months. So, statutably, the day's work consisted of 12 hours, but was practically less.¹ Superior workmen, of freemasons, bricklayers, plumbers, joiners, had in the long months 6d. a day, in the short 5d.; if on board wages 4d. and 3d. The ordinary agricultural laborer was paid from Easter to Michaelmas 4d. without meat and drink, and 2d. with, and the rest part of the year 1d. with his board. A woman was to have 2d. a day with her board, or 4d. without it; yearly clothing of a chief shepherd is valued at 5s., of a woman servant 4s., and the same for a woman or child. 2 This rate of wages continued with little alteration throughout the reign of Hen. VIII. In the Hampton Court accounts for 28 Hen. VIII., even in the winter months superior carpenters are paid 8d., 7d., and 6d. a day, prentices 6d., 5d., and 4d.; wire-drawers, 8d.; bricklayers, 6d.; prentices, 5d.; joiners, 7d.; prentices, 6d., 5d., and 4d.; plumbers, 7d.; scaffolders, 6d. ; plasterers, 8d.; the servitors, 5d.; netmakers, 6d.; prentices in the King's closet, 10d., 9d., 8d.; gardeners, 6d. ; common labourers, 4d., some 41d.; chalk-diggers, 5d.; and the same for the summer months. Weeders in the King's new garden, all women, 3d. a day; but in another entry two women employed in weeding two days are paid 8d. each. The pheasant keeper at Hampton Court had 2s. the week, and 4d. for his bed, with an extra allowance for seed, eggs, &c. 4 Of garden produce we obtain the following memoranda :—apple and pear trees, 6d. each; damson, 2d., rose trees, 4d., the 100; 2lbs. of leek seed, 12d.; 2lbs. of parsley seed, 4d.; 3 service trees, 7d.; 3lbs. of anetts (anise) seed, 5s. 6d. ; for beetroot, carrot, thyme, parsley, caryway, cokcomer, mellyons, syderus, collyamber seed, &c., 12d. Seven baskets of strawberries are charged 3s. 6d. ; and 7 baskets of prymrose 28. 4d.; strawberries for planting 4d. a bushel; a grafting knife, 2d.; two pairs of sheers, 28.; 200 of 2nd nails, 3d.; wheelbarrow, 14d.; a grindstone varying from 2s. 4d. to 7s. ; a spade, 8d. For carpenters and painters:-100 of fine gold, 5s. 8d.; a quarter of Synoper black, 3s. 4d.; a gallon of painter's oil, 20d.; 1lb. of white varnish, 12d.; 1 lb. of bristles, 7d.; 1lb. of glue, 21d.; candles for carpenters, a dozen, 1s. 6d. ; elsewhere 7lbs. of candles, 10d.; 1lb. of pack thread, 4d.; a stone saw for freemasons, 8s.; glass for glazing the windows of the palace, 2d. the foot. Among other interesting items is one of 41. 6s. 8d. paid to B. Augustyn, clockmaker, Westminster, for 20 brazen dials set up in the King's garden at Hampton Court. 1 At all events in the Hampton Court accounts for the latter years of the reign there is an entry of wages paid to carpenters and joiners over working "in their hour times and drinking times for every nine hours 6d. ; and same, 7d.; the exact price of their day's wages. I cannot agree in thinking that this Statute was in favor of the laborers and against their employers. It appears to me the reverse, The rate of daily wages fixed by it was rather below than above the average, whilst the hours of a day's labor were increased one third. 2 The general rate of board wages is ls. a week. ' 3 In the account of Wolsey's buildings at York Place, Westminster, occurs the following entry :-" Paid for the Statute of the last Parliament, bought forasmuch as in them were comprised statutes of labourers and artificers, 8d." There is a note at the top of the accounts, p. 748, that in this week the masons were paid according to the statute, viz., in June 7 Hen. VIII. It is to be noted that in the payment of John Bannaster, the purveyor, the wages were paid for holidays as well as workdays. 98. Wheat for the King's pheasants 13d. the bushel, and oats 4d. A load of hay PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. lxvii The price of the provisions for the navy was estimated as follows: biscuits, 5s. the 100;¹ beer, 6s. 6d. the pipe; dried cod, 38s. 4d. the 124; Flemish fish, 28s. 8d. the 100; salt, 5d. a bushel; oatmeal, 10d., and some 14d.2 a bushel; oil, 10d. a gallon. But the expenses paid for the victuals of the men employed in building The Great Harry will perhaps put the subject more clearly before my readers.3 It appears that the number of mariners employed was 217, and 141 shipwrights, with their ordinary officers, master, quartermaster, and purser. The account begins 3 Oct. 1512, and ends 6 July 1514. The master's wages were 20s. the month, the quartermaster's, 10s., the purser's, 88., other officers, 7s. 6d., mariner's, 3s. They consumed 7,497 dozen and 2 loaves of bread, 370l. 7s. 8d.; 1,543 pipes and 2 kilderkins of beer, 5261. 19s. 11d.; 557 beeves, 706l. 17s. 19d.; 205 score muttons, 321. 5s. 8d.; pork, 36s.; 27 calves, 75s. ; ling, salt-fish, cod, salmon, red and white herrings, sprats, of which the particulars are given; 7 barrels of butter, 4l. 6s. Od.; 30 weys and 3 quarters of cheese. The only vegetables mentioned are grey and green pease. As a contrast, I submit to my readers the following extracts from a MS. in the Rolls House, entitled : 24 "The charges and expenses of dinners made and provided at Westminster, as well for the Reverend Father in God the Lord Cardinal of the Soucheris (Swiss), as for the lords of our Sovereign Lord the King's most honorable Council. From the 29th day of December in the 7th year of the reign of our said Sovereign Lord the King unto the 12th day of July in the 10th year of our said Sovereign Lord the King's reign as by the space of 2 years half and 13 days, as it doth hereafter ensue. Wednesday the 29th day of Dec. Item for bread, 16d.; ale, 2s.; herbs, 1d.; butter, 14d.; a ling, 20d. ; a haburdyne, 6d. ; 4 jowls of salmon, 18d.; 3 pikes, 7s. 9d.; a salmon and 2 chines, 15s.; herrings, 7d. ; eels to roast, 18d.; eels to bake, 12d.; lampreys to roast, 12d.; lampreys for stew, 6d. ; lampreys to blote, 16d. ; oysters, 3d.; oranges, 4d. ; curds, 6d. ; apples, 4d.; flour, 10d.; boat hire, 13d.; salt, 5d.; and sauce, 4d.; cups, 5d.; trenchers, 1d.; cook's wages, 2s. 4d. Sum total, 43s. 10 d. Thursday the 30th day of Dec. Item, bread, 18d.; ale, 2s. ; herbs, 1d.; butter, 8d.; a ling, 14d.; a haburdine, 6d. ; 3 jowls salmon, 18d.; 2 pikes, 58. 6d.; half a salmon and the chine, 6s. 5d. ; herrings, 6d. ; eels to roast, 16d.; lampreys to roast, 18d. ; to blote, 14d. ; and for stew, 6d. ; oysters, 3d. ; lampreys to bake, 16d. ; oranges, 3d. ; cream, 8d. ; apples, 4d.; 2 haddocks, 20d.; flour, 10d.; boat hire, 13d.; spices, 2s.; salt, 6d. ; and sauce, 6d. ; cups, 2d. ; trenchers, 1d.; cook's wages, 2s. 4d. Sum total, 36s. 5d. Friday, 31st Dec. Item, bread, 20d.; ale, 2s.; herbs, ld.; butter, 12d.; a ling, 16d.; a haburdyne, 6d. ; 2 pikes, 5s. 4d.; 3 haddocks, 2s. 9d.; flounders, 16d.; lampreys for stew, 6d. ; lampreys to roast, 16d.; eels to roast, 18d.; lampreys to blote, 16d.; oysters, 3d.; herrings, 6d. ; flour, 12d.; spices, 7s. ; quinces, 3s. 5d.; boat hire, 13d.; salt, 4d.; and sauce, 5d.; trenchers, 1d.; apples, 4d.; cook's wages, 28. 4d. Sum total, 37s. 51d. Monday 10th Mar. Item, bread, 2s.; ale, 2s.; herbs, 2d. ; a ling, 16d.; a cod, 14d.; 3 jowls of salmon, 21d.; a turbot, 6s. 8d.; 6 gurnards, 8s. 4d.; 6 haddocks, 38.; 6 soles, 2s.; half a salmon and the chine, 8s.; eels to roast, 2s.; lampreys to roast, 12d.; eels to bake, 16d.; oysters, 3d.; apples, 10d.; mussels, 2d.; oranges, 2d.; spices, 48.; salt and sauce, 8d.; oil, 8d.; cups, 5d.; trenchers, 1d.; boat hire, 12d.; herrings, 6d. ; flour, 8d.; salt eels, 2s. 4d.; a turbot, 4s.; for my lord Cardinal cook's wages, 2s. 4d. Sum total, 58s. 103d. Tuesday 11th Mar. Item, for bread, 20d.; ale, 2s.; herbs, 2d.; a ling, 16d.; a cod, 16d.; 3 jowls of salmon, 20d.; 4 great gurnards, 5s. 8d.; half a salmon, 108. ; a turbot, 6s. 8d.; eels to roast, 28.; 12 baking oranges, 2s.; oysters, 3d.; salt eels, 28. 4d.; lampreys to roast, 14d.; mussels, 2d.; boat hire, 12d.; flour, 10d.; eels to bake, 16d.; lampreys for stew, 6d. spices, 48.; apples, Sd.; salt and sauce, 10d.; oil, 8d.; herrings, 6d.; washing of cloths, 12d.; cook's wages, 2s. 4d. 2s. 4d. Sum, 52s. ld. 1 No. 3445. 2 No. 4387. 3 No. 5228. 4 I have made these extracts for the different quarters in order to show the changes of food and prices. lxviii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Monday the last day of March at the Tower, for the Embassador of Savoy Item, for bread, 2s. 6d. ; ale, 4s.; wine, 48.; herbs, ld.; butter, 12d.; 2 sirloins of beef, 38. 4d.; 4 loins of mutton, 28.; 2 kids, 5s. 4d. ; a loin of veal, 7d.; a breast of veal, 7d.; 15 marrowbones, 2s. 6d. ; potage flesh, 4d.; cups, 5d.; trenchers, 3d. ; apples, 5d. ; 4 capons, 78.; 4 pheasants, 10s. 8d.; 18 chickens, 3s. ; 2 doz. pigeons, 28. 4d.; eggs, 5d.; 18 rabbits, 3s.; spices, 38. Id.; salt and sauce, 6d. ; curd, 8d. ; flour, 10d.; cook's wages, 28. 4d. Sum total, 31. 0s. 14d. Monday 23 June. Item, bread, 18d.; ale, 28.; herbs, ld.; butter, 6d. ; a ling, 13d.; a haberdine, 6d. ; 6 place, 28.; 3 couple of soles, 16d.; 10 mackerel, 8d. ; half a salmon and the chine, 128.; a doree, 38.; half a conger, 48. ; a turbot, 58.; flounders, 6d.; boat hire, 13d.; flour, 8d.; spices, 2s. 6d.; salt and sauce, 6d. ; cups, 5d.; peas, 4d.; beans, 4d.; cherrys, 4d.; sweet butter, 4d.; boat hire, 13d.; gooseberrys, 2d.; salt, 4d.; cook's wages, 2s. 4d.; sum total, 44s. 7d. Item, paid for 31 quarters of coals, 10s. 4d. Wednesday 25th June. Item, for bread, 18d.; ale, 2s.; beer, 18d.; herbs, 2d. ; sirloin and a half of beef, 2s. 2d. ; 2 loins of mutton, 12d.; a kid, 3s.; 8 marrow bones, 16d.; potage flesh, 3d.; 3 breasts of veal, 21d.; spices, 2s. 6d.; salt and sauce, 5d.; milk, 6d. ; wheat, 4d.; cream, 6d. ; cherrys, 8d.; apples, 6d.; boat hire, 13d.; butter to baste, 6d. ; onions, ld.; sweet butter, 6d. ; gooseberrys, 2d. ; peas and beans, 4d.; flour, 10d.; 6 geese, 3s. 6d. ; 12 chickens, 28.; a doz. of quails, 48.; 8 rundre, 2s.; eggs, 6d. ; cook's wages, 2s. 4d.; trenchers, 2d. Sum total, 388. ld. Thursday 26th June. Item, for bread, 18d.; ale, 2s. ; butter, 6d. ; a sirloin of beef, 18d. ; 2 loins of mutton, 12d.; a neck of mutton, 4d. ; a breast of veal, 7d. ; 8 marrow bones, 16d.; potage flesh, 3d.; 3 capons, 6s.; 3 heronsews, 68.; 2 doz. pigeons, 28. 8d. ; 8 rabbits, 2s.; a doz. quails, 48.; spices, 28.; salt and sauce, 5d.; flour, 8d.; boat hire, 13d.; cherrys, 6d. ; apples, 6d.; peas, beans, 6d. ; herbs, 2d. ; gooseberrys, 2d. ; butter to baste, 6d. ; cook's wages, 28. 4d.; 6 geese, 38. 6d. bacon, 6d.; 4 coneys, 12d.; eggs, 6d. Sum total, 448. Wednesday 18 June. Item, bread, 18d.; ale, 28.; beer, 18d.; herbs, 2d.; butter, 6d. ; a sirloin of beef, 18d. ; 2 loins of mutton, 12d. ; a neck of mutton, 4d. ; a breast of veal, 7d.; potage flesh, 3d.; 8 marrow bones, 16d.; 3 breasts of veal, 21d.; peas, 4d.; beans, 4d.; strawberrys, 18d.; apples, 6d. ; spices, 38.; salt and sauce, 5d. ; 3 heronsews, 6s.; 6 geese, 38. 6d. ; eggs, 5d.; 6 ronners, 18d.; 18 quails, 58.; cream, 6d. ; flour, 8d.; milk, 4d.; wheat, 4d.; boat hire, 13d. ; butter to baste, 6d. ; cook's wages, 2s. 4d.; suet to fry, 4d.; a basket for coals, 3d. ; salt, 4d.; gooseberrys, 2d. Sum total, 41s. 91d. ; Thursday 23 Oct. Item, bread, 18d.; ale, 28.; herbs, 1d.; butter, 6d.; sirloin and half of beef, 28.; 2 loins of mutton, 12d.; 4 partridges, 28. 8d.; 8 woodcocks, 38. 4d.; 6 plovers, 16d.; 3 bitterns, 68.; a breast of veal, 7d.; 3 capons, 58.; a swan, 58.; a goose, 8d.; 3 doz. larks, 15d.; potage flesh, 3d.; 6 marrow bones, 12d.; pears, 4d.; apples, 6d. ; cups, 5d.; trenchers, 2d.; flour, 10d.; 6 quails, 28.; boat hire, 13d.; cook's wages, 28.; spice, 48.; salt and sauce, 6d.; quinces, 12d. Sum total, 478. a Friday 24 Oct. Item, for bread, 20d.; ale, 28.; herbs, ld.; butter, 10d.; ling, 12d.; a haberdine, 6d. ; 3 jowls of salmon, 18d.; baking herrings, 6d. ; 6 had- docks, 28. 8d.; fresh herrings, 6d. ; a conger, 88.; 2 pikes, 4s. 8d.; a quarter of porpoise, 10s.; 3 couple of soles, 2s.; 4 plaice, 16d.; lampreys to bake, 8d.; flour, 8d.; cups, 5d.; trenchers, 2d.; pears, 4d.; apples, 6d. ; medlars, 4d.; spices, 48.; salt and sauce, 6d. ; quinces, 12d.; oysters, 3d.; lampreys for stew, 6d.; boat hire, 13d.; cook's wages, 28. 4d. Sum total, 50s. Saturday 25 Oct. Item, bread, 18d.; ale, 2s.; beer, 9d.; herbs, ld.; flounders for stew, bd.; oysters, 3d.; butter, 10d.; flour, 10d.; boat hire, 10d.; quinces, 8d.; cook's wages, 28. 4d.; a ling, 12d.; a haberdine, 6d. ; baking herrings, 6d. ; fresh herrings, 6d. ; 6 haddocks, 28. 8d.; 20 whitings, 20d.; 3 jowls of salmon, 18d. ; 2 pikes, 48. 6d. ; a quarter of a porpoise, 108.; spices, 48.; salt and sauce, 7d.; cups, 5d.; trenchers, 2d.; pears, 2d.; apples, 6d. ; medlars, 4d.; washing, 12d. Sum total, 408. 7d." Miscellaneous entries : 7th Jan. A swan, 6s.; 12 snipes, 2s. 6d.; a lamb, 28.; 2 pound suet, 2d. ;— 23rd, a crane, 68.; a pheasant, 28. 8d.; a heron, 2s. 8d. ; a curlew, 16d.; 4 partridges, 28. 8d.; 2 doz. larks, 16d.; 5 hens, 28. 11d.; 8 woodcocks, 38. 4d.; 4 coneys, 12d.- 11 Feb. 3 crabs, 28.-14 Feb. a crab, 16d.-15th Feb. a fillet of porpoise, 6s. 8d.- 21 April, a doz. pigeons, 6d. ; 2 pigs, 15d.; a doz. chickens to bake, 28.2 May, 12 oranges, 4d.-27 Nov. for a pipe of claret, a hogshead of red, and a hogshead of white wine, 5l. 6s. 8d.-29 Jan. a heron, 2s.; 2 pheasants, 4s. 8d.; queen apples, 6d.—17 June 1517, sirloin of beef, 28.; rump of beef for clerks, 12d.; gooseberrys, PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. lxix ld.; pottle of strawberries, 19d.-Do. 19th June, 20d.-10 July, a pottle of straw- berries, 16d.; and half a pint, 5d.-11 July, a pottle of strawberries, 20d.; and a pint, 6d.-4 July, a hundred prawns, 8d.-11 July, do. 6d.—3 July, 7 mullets, 16d.; 8 roaches, 12d.; 6lbs. cherries, 82d.-2nd July, cherries, 8lbs., 18d.-31st Jan. a cod's head, 8d.-12 July, 12 sea mews, 8s.; flowers for chambers, 12d.—Wed. 5 Nov., cabbage, 2d.—6 Ñov. do. 2d. In another document of the same period, entitled : Expenses with the French ambassadors being at the King's charge in the town of Farnham, at the sign of St. George, from Tuesday the 17th to Thursday, 19th Nov. 9 Hen. VIII.," the prices are as follow: Six doz. penny loaves, 20d.; for manchet bread, 6s.; for a hgsd. of beer, 26s. 8d.; for 4 blls. of Gascon wine, 48.; for 6 galls. of same, 28.; for 2 wax torches, 2s. 6d. ; for 2 doz. " queryors "of wax, 12d.; for 38 prickets of wax, 12d.; for 6 links, 12d.; for 8lbs. of candles, 4d.; for a of pepper, Î oz. of saffron, 12d.; 3 ozs. cloves and mace, 12d.; ; of cinnamon, 20d.; 3 ozs. ginger, 5d.; 2lbs. dates, 8d.; 2lbs. prunes, 4d.; 2lbs. currants, 4d.; 6lbs. sugar, 48.; streyners, 3d.; 100 de pir," 16d. blaynche pouder, 4d.; 2 capon gr." 47s.; 7 capon "K." 48. 8d.; 13 capon CC cors." 68.; 26 coneys, 58. 5d.; 8 pullets, 15d.; 10 anc," 8d.; 2 pheasants, 4s. 8d.; 8 partridges, 48.; 20 plovers, 58.; 6 doz. larks, 38.; 2 bitterns, 3s. 4d.; 2 curlews, 3s. 4d.; 4 cocks, 16d.; butter (?), 16d.; butter gr.," 6d. ; 50 eggs, 9d.; for herbs, 4d.; pots bought, 4d.; 11 qrs. of coal, 6d. a qr.; talliage of 2 carts, 12d. a cart; 200 faggots, 5s. 4d.; 3 pieces of beef, 4s.; 4 chines, 28. 8d.; 3 carcases ("c") of sheep, 6s.; hired labor in the kitchen, 8d.; white-salt 1 pc." (stone ?), 3d. 1 pint of vinegar, 2d.; pt. of virjuice, 2d.; horsemeat, 268. 4d.; paid to the Widow at The George for hire of houses and damage done in breaking beds, &c., 208. Total, 9l. 68. 7d. • '' Compare with these the provision made for the notorious Court of the Star Chamber: The expenses made and provided for the Lord's diets of the King's most honorable Council at Westminster in the Council Chamber, from the 25th day of January unto the 14th day of February, for Hilary term anno 32 regni Regis Henrici Octavi. 25th Jan. In bread, 28. 6d. ; ale, 28.; beer, 4d.; flour, 12d.; beef, 38.; mutton, 8d.; 2 loins of mutton, 12d.; a rump of beef, 12d.; 2 loins of veal, 16d.; 6 pestles of pork, 28. 8d.; 1 leg of veal, 8d. ; 2 breasts of veal, 16d.; 1 lamb and half, 3s.; suet, 12a.; 3 doz. larks, 28.; 3 capons, 58. 8d.; 1 hen, 8d.; 12 prenes, 38. 4d.; 24 oxes, 28.; 18 snypes, 3s.; cream, 6d. ; eggs, 28.; butter, 2s. ; bacon, 8d.; lard, 8d.; marrow bones, 12d.; spices, 58. 4d.; pippins, 4d. ; onions and herbs, 5d.; sauce and salt, 8d.; cups and trenches, 8d.; cook's wages, 2s. 4d.; boat hire, 14d.; apples to roast, 1d. Sum total, 56s. 27th Jan., bread, 28. 6d. ; ale, 28. 4d.; flour, 12d.; ling, 2s. 8d.; halberdine, 8d.; 3 jowls of salmon, 18d. ; white herrings, 8d.; bacon herrings, 8d.; 2 gurnards, 48.; 6 great rochetts, 3s.; whiting, 16d.; fresh salmon, 58.; a side of salmon, 28. 8d.; 1 hundred gudgeons, 8d. ; 2 pike to boil, 6s. ; 2 pike to fry, 3s.; shrimps, 8d.; eels to bake, 12d.; eels to roast, 2s.; oysters, 8d.; butter, 2s.; eggs, 28.; spices, 58. 4d.; onions and herbs, 4d. ; sauce and salt, 8d.; cups and trenchers, 7d. ; pippins to eat, 6d. ; apples to roast, 4d.; oranges, 4d.; 1 quarterne of lampreys, 20d.; cook's wages, 28. 4d.; boat hire, 14d. Sum total, 598. 3d. 3 Feb., ling to boil, and collops, 28. 8d.-8th Feb., paper for the pastry, ld.— 10th Feb., do. Provisions made for Hil. term, anno 32 H. 8, as followeth for 100 sacks of coals, 418. 8d.; 6 hund. faggots at 3s. 4d. the hund., 20s.; for carriage, 20d. ; 2 load of tall wood, 68.; for washing of the pantry clothes, 3s. 4d.; for a scouring of the plate, 2d.; do. the vessel, 16d.; for dish cloths, 8d.; for the lock of the pantry door, 13d.; and for the conveying of the plate from the Tower to the Star Chamber, 16d.-For Easter. 5 May, spinach, 4d.; 6th, white vinegar, 4d.-23 May, spinach for tart, 4d.-24 May, sage for tart, 4d.; item for rushes for the dining chamber and the Council chamber for the whole year, as doth appear by a bill, and my Lord Treasurer's Chamber, 133. 4d.-25th Aug., pears, 4d.; damsons, 2d.-2 Sept., 2 shovelards, 4s. 4d.; 3 egrets, 48. 8d.; 3rd, smelts, 14d.; 3 plaice, 2s.; 6 mullets, 48.; -9th Sept., pilchards, 8d.-24th Sept., 12 plovers, 48.-29th, bread, 2s. 6d. ; ale, 28.; beer, 4d.; flour, 12d.; 15 Oct., ling, 20d.; haberdine, 8d.; 2 jowls of salt salmon, 10d.; bacon " herrings, 6d. ; white herrings, 6d. ; 3 plaice, 20d. ; 6 soles, 28.; 2 pike, 4s. 4d.; eels to roast, 28.; lampreys, 18d.; conger, 38; flounders, 14d.; roaches, 20d.; shrimps, 6d. ; oysters, 8d. ; eggs, 20d. ; butter, 28.; spice, 58.; onions and herbs, 4d.; sauce and salt, 8d.; cups, 7d.; pears, 4d.; wine of Gascony, 1xx PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 8d.; sack, 6d.; cook's wages, 2s. 4d.; boat hire, 14d.; total, 438. 9d.-12 Nov. 33 H. VIII. 1541, crevyses, 8d.; 30th, one quart of claret for the kitchen, 2d.; malveysey for the same, 3d.; 27th, darcys, 8d.-9 Dec., 2 great crabs of Rye, 28. ; 1 cod and a head, 4s. 4d.; 12 teals, 3s. ; -13 Dec., 1 crane, 6s. 8d.; 10 cocks, 58.; 6 coneys, 28. ;—14 Dec., sprats, 2d.; new laid eggs, 4d.” Provisions made for the vacation from the 16th day of July unto the 22nd day of Dec., and Mich. term in the same, in the 33rd year of the reign of our sovereign lord King Henry the VIII. Imprimis paid for 4 loads of coal the 10th day of July, 488.; for 200 tallwood, 10s. 8d.; 200 faggotts, 6s. ; for a book of the Acts of 30th and 32nd, 2s. ; one book of the Acts from Edw. the 3rd, 13s. 4d.; for two loads of coals the 3rd Sept., 21s.; to the bargeman for 600 faggots 18s.; 12 fine napkins, 9s.; 12 coarse napkins, 6s. 8d.; 3½ ells of cresse cloth at 7d. the ell, for the clerk's table; 28. d. to the collier of Lambeth for one load of coals, 128.; to the bargeman for 400 faggots, 12s.; for mending of a lock, 2d.; for making of 24 napkins, 12d.; for the table cloth, 2d.; for washing of the council pantry cloths for 27 days in the long vacation, 9s. ; for one load of tallwood, 2s. 8d.; for mending of the ambry, 4d.; for 3 kilderkins of ale fallen eger in the long vacation, 68.; for 3 loads of coals, 36s.' "1 § In the abstracts of the papers now submitted to the reader, I have followed the directions laid down by the Master of the Rolls in the instructions issued to the editors of Calendars. I have endeavoured to interpret those instructions, in all cases of doubt, by the probable wants of an historical reader; for whom alone these papers are now likely to be useful. I have also been guided by the consideration, that no historian could of himself peruse all the original Records and State Papers of any reign; nor, if he could, would it be worth his time and labor. He must leave some to be abridged or described for him by others, however zealous he may be in the conscientious execution of his task. No one will impugn this assertion, I am inclined to believe, who has a tolerably correct notion of the mass of original documents hoarded up in the great national repository, and of their present condition. Letters in cipher have been deciphered, and the deciphers printed at full length; for in no other way could the contents of such papers be made accessible. Where, however, contemporary ciphers existed it has been deemed sufficient to give an abstract only of these as of the other documents, care having been first taken to compare the deciphers with the ciphered despatches, as passages are not unfrequently omitted by the original deciphers, from oversight or design. But in mutilated and burnt documents, when neither text nor decipher remained complete, and the exact meaning could only be gathered by a comparison of both, either a fuller abstract has been made, or the despatch thus interpreted has been printed at length. Documents of a secret nature, or very difficult to read, or requiring more than ordinary pains for the inter- pretation, from the corruption of the style or the badness of the hand- writing, have also been given in greater detail. It did not seem to me probable that the historian or general student of ancient documents 1 These are the items of a gentleman's address. Apparel for the Marquis of Exeter: An embroidered night cap, 3s.; a pair of tables, 3s. 3d. ; paper, Id. ; a doz. points, 7d.; one yard of ribband for a bonnet, ld.; a ribband girdle, 28.; two dozen loving points, 16d.; a broidered cap, 3s.; a skarlet bonnet, 20d.; a lace, 2d. ; two yards of white ribband for horses' tails, 2s. ; two bonnets, 8s. ; a pair of gloves, 4d. In April, a yard of ribband, 14d.; a garter of ribband, 6d. ; a bonnet broidered with gold, 38.; a case of knives, 6s. 8d.; a white ribband girdle, 15d.; 6 prs. of gloves, 28. 6d.; a pair of garters, 12d.; a dog chain, 3d.; two yards of broad ribband for a girdle, 2s. 8d.; a slip, 2d.; a collar, 5d.; a net ribband, 3d.; a dog hook and bow strings, 4d.; a penon and hakehorn, 8d.; half a yard sarsnet, 28. 8d.; two leather girdles, 2d. My Lord's chaplain, a primer, 5d.; two yards of ribband for my Lord's bonnet, 4d.; pair of garters, 12d.; two yards of Mellen (Milan) ribband, 6d. ; feather for a hat, 2s. 6d. ; russet girdle, 21d.; a pair of spokes, 8d.; 2 gold brooches, 188.; a bonnet, 48.; 5 pr. of gold haglets for that bonnet, 118. 8d. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. lxxi would have greater facilities in making them out than were possessed by Mr. Gairdner and myself working together. After a careful examina- tion of all the papers of the reign, and many thousand more, of which no notice will appear in this Calendar, I claim the privilege of stating thus much without fearing to incur the charge of vanity or presumption. Formal documents, of which great numbers are to be found in all diplomatic collections, have been catalogued as briefly as was com- patible with clearness. In the chronological arrangements of these papers, the reader must bear in mind that they now stand according to the modern system of computation. The dates, wherever dates appear in the left-hand column, are inferential merely. As, however, the dates of the originals are always retained in the body of the document, whenever they existed, the reader has the means of correcting my inferences whenever he sus- pects them of inaccuracy. And he will have reason to exercise this vigilance on more than one occasion, as he will find that the place assigned for some of these documents is intentionally at variance with their apparent dates. With such a vast mass of materials, and the desire of presenting them to the public in an available shape, condensation in every possible way has been diligently studied. I am painfully aware how difficult it is to satisfy the requirements of all readers; what is important to the biographer or antiquarian will appear trivial to the historian; and an anxiety to do justice to all may end in giving satisfaction to none. But should it be so, the cause of the failure must not be sought in want of thought or diligence on my part, or in the aid and concurrence of those who have been associated with me in this task, or the advice of the most experienced and competent judges. Foremost among these is Mr. Gairdner, of the Record Office, who has laboured with me at this Catalogue from the commencement. I can hardly express, without seeming to be guilty of extravagance, how much I owe to the learning, experience, assiduity, cool judgment, and unvarying perseverance, of this gentleman. All who have the happiness of knowing him will be fully aware how much this Catalogue is indebted to his care; and how much I myself have profited every day in having the assistance of one whose special qualities of mind and disposition were invaluable in a laborious work like this. In its successful accomplishment Mr. Gairdner is as much concerned as I am myself. In my long tried and valued friend Mr. Hardy, now deputy keeper of the Record Office, I have found a ready, I need not say a most able and skilful adviser on all matters of difficulty. His vast experience, the fruits of a long and laborious life devoted to the study of ancient documents, has always been at my service, as it is at the service of all his friends, and all literary inquirers who have had occasion to consult him. It was mainly owing to him that the papers of the reign, dispersed in so many collections, were for the first time brought together. Before his advancement to his present position he had signalized his desire of furthering the work by having researches made for additional papers. Since then he has continued these researches on a larger scale; and the result has been the discovery within the last few days of documents of considerable interest and importance, of which some notice will be found in the Appendix. But in consequence of the lateness of the period when these papers were discovered, the delay to which this volume has been already subjected from similar causes, and its present bulk, it was not deemed advisable to stop the press for their insertion. The second volume is now in the press, and will appear with all convenient speed, allowing for the delays to which the work is subjected. Of these lxxii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. the interruption occasioned by the public, who are allowed by an unusual stretch of liberality to consult these papers during the process of arrange- ment, is not the least considerable. To all those who have been employed under me I desire to make my public acknowledgments; among others I cannot pass over the services of Edward Kirk, a young lad attached to the office, whose steadiness, care, and assiduity are worthy of all praise. And not least do I owe my acknowledgments to Her Majesty's Printers for the skill, patience, expedition and ability, with which they have passed this volume through the press. In conclusion I hope the Catalogue will not be found unworthy of the Government at whose expense it is printed, or of that authority under whose sanction it appears. I am not afraid to assert, that when- ever it is completed it will present such a mass of materials, not only for the reign of Henry VIII. but of Europe generally, during the most momentous crisis, one only excepted, in the history of the world, as, in interest, and completeness no parallel can be found in this or in any other country. Rolls House, Record Office, 1861. HALF-YEARLY RETURNS of the REVENUE, from 1509 to 1514 inclusive. These Returns are taken from the Tellers' Rolls of the Exchequer, in the Record Office. For the items of Receipt and Expenditure from which these totals are derived the reader must consult the Rolls. Receipts 1509. 1 Henry VIII. 1. s. d. 475 18 3 EASTER. Issues MICHAELMAS. 531 Issues 1510. 1 Henry VIII. Receipts - 2,658 - l. 8. d. 1,820 13 41 - 2,247 17 4 Receipts Receipts¹ Receipts I 1 i 1 & 2 Henry VIII. 2,476 4 0 2 Henry VIII. EASTER. Issues MICHAELMAS. - 5,779 4 5 Issues 1511. 2 & 3 Henry VIII. EASTER. 4,861 19 5 51 Issues 1 2,927 5 5 4,653 14 9 Receipts. From tonnage and poundage Miscellaneous 3 Henry VIII. MICHAELMAS. 6,836 2 9 2,916 4 5 Issues. For the King's use to John Heron Miscellaneous I 3,511 19 41 1,166 13 4 5,258 4 0 Total 9,752 7 21 6,424 17 4 ¹ Including a sum of 3,9447. 18. 74d. chiefly derived from tonnage. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. lxxiii Receipts. From fifteenths and tenths Miscellaneous 1512. 3 & 4 Henry VIII. I s. d. - 19,673 12 4 - - 1,543 5 10 Total -21,216 18 2 EASTER. Issues. For the King's Cham- ber Miscellaneous l. 8. d. - 18,802 5 81 - 15,015 5 4 33,817 11 01 4 Henry VIII. MICHAELMAS. Receipts. Issues 2,973 12 11} From tonnage and poundage 6,301 1 21 From fifteenths and tenths - 12,161 9 11 Mixed account, chiefly tonnage and poundage- 2,168 7 43 Miscellaneous 1,331 9 41 Total - 21,962 7 101 1513. Receipts. From subsidy granted by the Commons, 4 Hen. VIII. From fifteenths tenths Miscellaneous 4 & 5 Henry VIII. EASTER. 15,700 16 5 and - 13,027 4 11 5,175 5 8 Receipts. From fifteenths and tenths (first collec- tion) From fifteenths 33,903 7 0 5 Henry VIII. MICHAELMAS. Issues. For the King's use Miscellaneous - 67 0 9 and 753 1 6 tenths (second col- lection) Subsidy granted by the Commons in 4th year 3,789 2 4 First of four dismes granted by the clergy- 9,470 7 7 Miscellaneous 5,700 13 61 Total - 19,780 5 81 Receipts. From fifteenths and tenths (first collection)— From fifteenths and 1514. 5 & 6 Henry VIII. EASTER. - 16,255 13 14 3,358 10 4 19,614 3 51 138 6 01 Issues. For the King's use Miscellaneous -- 32,513 8 3 2,490 12 71 tenths (second col- lection) 545 5 10 One fifteenth and tenth - 25,081 5 81 Subsidy granted in 4th year 8,558 18 10 lxxiv PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Subsidy granted in 5th year First of four dismes 1. 8. d. 1,205 6 2 granted by the clergy- 3,960 14 9 Second of four dismes granted by the clergy- 1,005 15 4 Miscellaneous l. 8. d. << 4,350 6 11 44,845 19 7½ 6 Henry VIII. MICHAELMAS. 35,004 0 101 First disme granted by Receipts. the clergy - Second disme granted in fourth year First fifteenths tenth of 3d year Fifteenths and tenths of 4th year - Tenths and fifteenths (2nd collection) Subsidy of 160,000l. in the fifth year 7,197 0 31 Issues: For the King' use Miscellaneous - 26,139 19 5 2,294 15 9 899 6 10 and 57 15 9 G M 1,263 11 31 52 12 5 - 21,607 10 8 Customs 300 .0 0 Mixed account, chiefly customs 4,017 10 4 Mixed account, almost wholely tonnage and poundage Miscellaneous C 1,792 17 91 1,952 6 0 Total - 39,140 11 5 28,434 15 3 ( lxxv ) 2 KEY TO THE ENTRIES AS NUMBERED IN THE FIRST EDITION. Old Nos. New Nos. | Old Nos. New Nos. | Old Nos. New Nos. [Old Nos.| New Nos. 123 217 58 54 (36) 116 54 (93) 170 94 (47) 11 (1) 59 "" (37) 7 484 I ,, (48) 2 60 "" (38) 8 94 (1) 2 (49) 4 11 (2) 61 "" (39) 9 (2) 3 "" (50) 5 (4) 62 (40) 120 (3) 4 (51) 6 (5) 63 >> (41) (4) 5 (52) 7 (6) 64(1) (42) 2 (5) 6 (53) 8 6 64(2) 43 3 7 (54) 9 11 (7) 65 54 (43) 4 (7) 8 (55) 10 (9) 66 (44) (8) (56) 11 9 67 (45) 6 "" (9) 180 "" (57) 12 11 (10) 68 "" (46) "" (10) 1 (58) 13 "" (11) 69 " (47) 8 "" (11) 2 14 70 (12) "" (50) 9 (12) 15 71 "" (48) 130 (13) 16 (3) 72 "" (49) 1 (14) "" 17 (8) 73 " (50) 2 (15) 18 45 74 "" (51) 3 (16) 19 54 (1) 75 (52) 4 (17) 6676AWN (59) 3 "" (60) 4 5 "" (61) (62) 78 94 (63) 7(2) 74 20 12 76 (53) (18) 8 94 (64) 21 54 (1) 77 (54) 6 "" (19) 9(1) (65) 22 (3) 78 "" (55) 7 (20) 9(2) 75 23 (4) 79 (56) 8 (21) 190 94 (66) 24 "" (5) 80 (57) 9 " (22) 1 (67) 25 (6) 81 "" (58) 140 "" (23) 2 " (68) 26 (7) 82 "" (59) 1 (24) 3 (69) 27 24 (1) 83 "" (60) 2 "" (25) 4 (70) 28 (4) 84 "" (61) 3 "" (26) 5 (71) 29 54 (8) 85 (62) ,, (27) 6(1) (72) 30(1) (9) 86 33 (63) 5 "" (28) 6(2) 77 30(2) 25 87 (64) 6 (29) 7 (73) 31 29 88 (65) 7 60 8 (74) 32 54 (10) 89 " (66) 8 94 (30) 9 (75) 33 (11) 90 (67) 9 61 200 94 (76) 34 "" (12) 91 "" (68) 150 94 (31) 1 " (77) 35 (13) 92 (69) 1 (32) 36 37 (14) 93 (15) "" (70) 2 64 94 93 (71) 3(1) 63(1), 38 (16) 95 " (72) 65(2) 39(1) (17) 96 "" (73) 3(2) error in 39(2) 34 97 "" (74) 1st ed. 2234 6 2(1) (78) 2(2) 79 94 (79) " (80) 5 (81) (82) 40 54 (18) 98 (75) 4(1) 94 (33) 7 99 (83) 41 (19) 99 "" (76) 4(2) 62 8 (84) 42 " (20) 100 (77) 5 66 and 9 " (85) 43 (21) 1 "" (78) 94 (35) 210 (86) 44 (22) 45 (23) 46 (24) 47 (25) 48 "" (26) 49 50 (27) 23 TL 67 (79) 6 94 (36) 1 (87) " (80) 7 (37) 2 (88) " (81) (38) 3 (89) (82) 9 (39) 82 (3) " (83) 160 (40) 5 94 (90) "" (84) 1 69 6 83 (28) 8 " (85) 2 94 (41) 94 (91) 51 (29) 9 "" (86) 3 "" (42) 8 (92) 52 " (30) 110 "" (87) 4 (43) 9 (93) 53 (31) 1 >> (88) 5 (44) 220 (94) 54 (32) 2 (89) 6 "" (45) 1 (95) 55 (33) 3 (90) (46) 2 "" (96) 56 " 57 (34) (35) 4 " (91) 3 70 (97) (92) 4 84 lxxvi KEY. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. 225 94 (98) 293 132 (47) 360 132 (108) 429 158 (45) 6 (99) 4 (48) 1 (109) 430 (46) 7 (100) "" (49) 8 (101) 6 (50) 9 "" (102) 7 (51) 230 (103) 8 (52) 1 "" (104) "" (53) 250 E LO CO (110) 1 (47) 3 (111) 2 148 4 (112) 3 158 (48) 5 (113) 4 (49) 6 (114) (50) 2 "" (105) 300 111 7 (115) 6 (51) 3 (106) 1 132 (54) 8 127 7 (52) 88 2 (55) 9 129 8 (53) 5 A.D. 1519. 3 (56) 370 132 (116) 9 149 6 1446 4 وو (57) 1 (117) 440 158 (54) 7 94 (108) 5 >> (58) 2 (118) 1 (55) 8 "" (109) 6 (59) 3 (119) 2 " (56) 9 " (110) "" (60) (120) 3 (57) 240 65 8 (61) (121) 4 (58) "" 1 32 (1) 9 " (62) "" (122) (59) 2 (2) 310 7 "" (123) 6 (60) CO TH LO LO CO 3 (2ii.) 1 (63) 8 (124) (61) 4 (4) 2 "" (64) 9 105 8 (62) 5 " (5) 3 (65) 380 131 9 " (63) 5(2) 96 (66) 1 158 (1) 450 (64) 6 132 (6) "" (67) 7 (7) 6 (68) (8) (69) "" 9 " (9) 8 535 250 (10) 9 132 (70) 1 (11) 320 (71) 234567 (2) 1 (65) (3) 2 (66) "" (4) 3 (67) 29 (5) 4 (68) (6) (7) 6 (69) 2 (12) 1 (72) 8 (8) (70) " 3 " (13) 2 (73) 9 "" (9) (71) 4 (14) 3 (74) 390 99 (10) 9 " (72) " (15) (75) 1 (11) 460 (73) 6 (16) 5 (76) 2 (12) 1 (74) 7 (17) 6 (77) 3 (13) 8 (18) (78) 135 9 (19) 8 (79) 5 158 (14) 234 (75) (76) "" (77) 260 (20) 9 " (80) 6 "" (15) "" (78) 1 (21) 330 (81) (16) "" (79) 2 QAWN (22) 1 (82) (17) "" (80) 3 99 (23) 4 (24) 5 (25) 6 (26) 23450 (83) 9 (18) (81) (84) 400 (19) 9 (82) (85) 1 (20) 470 (83) (86) 7 100 6 118 23 (21) 1(1) (84) " (22) 1(2) 151 8 132 (27) 7 132 (87) 4 (23) 9 (28) 8 119 5 138 270 (29) 132 (88) 6 158 (24) 1 (30) 340(1) (89) 7 (25) 23 + LO 158 (85) (86) 2 (31) 340(2) 120 8 (26) 6 4 153 (2) 158 (87) 3 (32) 1 132 (90) 9 (27) 7(1) (88) 4 (33) 2(1) (91) 410 (28) 7(2) 152 5 (34) 2(2) 121 1 (29) 8 153 (3) 6 7 8 280 "" (35) 3 132 (92) " (36) 4 (93) (37) 5 " (94) 6 (95) 234 LO (30) 9 158 (89) (31) 480 " (90) 144 1 (91) 5 158 (32) 2 190 (1) 7 (96) (33) 3 "" " "" 1 8 125 7 (34) 4 19: 2 9 132 (97) 8 (35) 5 ་ 3 4 " (38) (39) (40) 350 (98) 9 (36) 6 "" (99) 420 (37) 6 7 ཨ ཡཿ ཨ 108 290 "" 2 (41) (42) 132 (43) (44) (45) (46) 2345 C 1 ∞ ❤ (100) 1 (38) 8 161 (101) 2 "" (39) 9 190 (7) (102) 3 "" (40) 490 162 (103) (41) 1 190 (8) 6 (104) 5 146 2 " 7 (105) 6 158 (42) 3 zaoroo = oad 8 (106) (43) 4 (11) (107) 8 (44) " (12) KEY. lxxvii Old Nos. New Nos. | Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. 496 190 (13) 564 New Nos. Old Nos. 218 (22) New Nos. | Old Nos. New Nos. 633 257 (20) 700 257 (83) 7 (14) 5 "" (23) 4 (21) 1 (84) "" 8 164 6 (24) 5 (22) 2 ,, (85) 9 190 (15) 7 (25) 6 (23) 3 (86) 500 (16) 8 201 7 (24) 4 (87) 1 "" (17) 9 218 (26) "" (25) 5 (88) 2 (18) 570 (27) (26) 6 (89) 3 (19) 1 (28) 640 "" (27) 7 (90) 4 "" (20) 2 (29) 1 (28) 8 "" (91) 5 "" (21) 3 (30) 2 (29) 9 252 6 (22) (31) 3 (30) 710 257 (92) 7 168 (32) (31) (93) 8 190 (23) 6 (33) (32) 9 (24) 7 (34) 6 (33) 23 (94) 510 171 8 (35) (34) 255 1 190 (25) 9 (36) 8 "" (35) 257 (95) 234 " (26) 580 206 9 (36) 6 (96) (27) 1 218 (37) 650 (37) (97) (28) 2 (38) 1 (38) 8 258 5 (29) 3 "" (39) 2(1) (39) 9 289 (1) 6 (30) 4 "" (40) 2(2) 231 (1) 720 (4) "" 7 172 5 "" (41) 2(3) (2) 1 (5) 8 190 (31) 6 (42) 9 (32) 7 (43) 520 (33) 8 (44) 1 (34) 9 (45) 2 (3482) 590 (46) 3 (3483) 1 (47) 4 (35) 2 "" (48) CHLO 6789 3 (3) 257 (40) " (41) 234 (6) (7) (3) 5 (8) (42) 6 (9) (43) 7 (10) (44) 8 (11) 5 (36). (49) 660 "" (45) 9 (12) 6 (37) 4 596 1 (46) 730 " (13) 7 (38) 5 218 (50) 2 (47) 1 (14) 8(1) (39) 6 (51) 3 (48) 8(2) 175 (52) (49) 9 190 (40) 8 214 5 530 176 9 215 6 " (50) (51) 1 190 (41) 600 218 (53) (52). 23 + LO CO 4 } "" (15) (16) 5 (17) 6 "" (18) 2 (42) 3 "" (43) 4 182 123 (54) (53) 7 (19) (55) 9 (54) 8 (20) "" (56) 670 (55) 9 (21) 5 190 (44) 4 (57) 1 (56) 740 (22) "" 251 5 (58) 2 "" (57) 1 32 (23) 7 289 (2) 6 (59) 3 (58) 8 187 7 (60) (59) 9 190 (45) 8 "" (61) 540 191 9 (62) " (60) 1 218 (1) 610 (63) (61) 23 + CO (24) (25) 4 (26) 5 (27) 6 (28) 2 (2) 1 (64) 8 244 (29) 3 (3) 2 (65) 9 257 (62) 8 (30) 4 194 3 219 680 (63) 9 " (31) 5 218 (4) 257 (1) " (64) 750 (32) 6 (5) 5 (2) 7 (6) (3) 8 161 7 (4) 9 218 (7) 8 (5) QAWN 2 (65) 1 275 3 (66) 2 289 (33) 4 (67) 3 277 (68) 4 289 (34) 550 (8) 9 "" (6) 6 (69) 5 (35) 1 (9) 620 (7) (70) 6 (36) 2 (10) 1 (8) 8 (71) 7 (37) 3 (11) 2 " (9) (72) 8 (38) 4 (12) 3 (10) 690 (73) 9 "" (39) 5 (13) 4 (11) 1 " (74) 760 (40) 6 (14) 5 (12) 2 (75) (41) 7 (15) 6 (13) 3 (76) 8 (16) 7 (14) (77) 560 མྦྷོ ཡ ༠ 9 (17) 8 (15) 5 (78) (18) 9 (16) (79) (19) 630 (17) (80) 2 (20) 1 (18) 8 (81) 3 (21) » (19) 9 (82) QLD HLO 678 2 (42) 3 (43) 5 (44) (45) 281 289 (46) lxxviii KEY. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. 769 289 (47) 770 " (48) 837 8 357 (43) 905 973 414 (76) (44) 6 381 (77) 4 447 (1) 1 (49) 9 "" (45) 7 (78) 5 (2) 2 (50) 840 (46) 8 372 6 418 3 305 1 13 9 381 (84) 7 419 4 299 5 307 6 308 7 309 8 A.D. 1519 9 193 (4) 234567 103 910 374 8 447 (3) 381 (1) 1 376 "" (2) 2 381 (88) 980 (3) (89) 1 OOF (4) (5) (6) (4) 4 "" (90) (5) 5 " (91) 780 310 8 (6) 6 1 311 9 (8) " (94) 2 448 (1) 850 "" (9) 8 234LO S 426 427 447 (8) 5 (9) "" 6 (11) (2) 1 "" (10) 9 (100) 7 (12) 4 312 2 (11) 920 "" (101) 8 (13) 5 313 3 (12) 1 "" (102) 9 (14) 6 314 4 (13) 2 357 (1) 8 9 (3) 790 1 234 OGAWNE 5 "" (14) 6 " (15) 7 (16) (4) 8 361 (5) 381 (17) (6) 860 (18) 6679PWN 325 990 (15) 3 355 (17) " 4 325 (2) 2 (18) 5 301 (19) 381 (108) 4 (20) 380 5 (21) 8 414 (1) 6 (23) 321 1(1) (19) 9 (2) 7 (24) 324 1(2) 362 930 (3) 8 (25) 5 357 (7) 6 329 789 357 (8) (9) (10) 2345 O 381 (20) 1 (4) 9 (26) "" (21) 2 382 (1) 1000 (27) 3 388 1 (23) (31) 4 414 (9) (24) 5 "" (10) 800(1) 800(2) (11) (25) 6 (11) 331 8 (26) ," (12) 2340 436 448 (3) (4) (5) 1834 LO 357 (12) 9 (28) 8 (13) (6) 2 (13) 870 (29) 9 (14) (7) "" (14) (30) 940 (15) 8 (15) 2 (31) I 386 "" 437 (8) 5 (16) 3 "" (32) 6 (17) 4 (33) (18) 5 "" (34) 8 (19) 6 " (35) CAWN 414 (21) 1010 449 (1) 3 (25) 1 751 (1) 4 391 2 449 (2) 414 (26) 3 "" (3) 9 (20) "" (36) 6 (29) 4 (5) 810 (21) (37) (30) 5 440 1 341 9 (38) 8 "" (31) 6 449 (6) 2 343 880 165 9 (32) 7 745 3 344 1 381 (39) 950 (33) 449 (9) 4 3599 2 (40) 1 (44) 9 (10) 5 357 (22) 3 "" (41) 6 (23) 4 "" (43) 7 (24) 5 (44) 234 399 1020 "" (11) 414 (46) 1 (12) "" (47) 2 (13) 8 (25). (45) 5 (48) 3 (14) 9 345 7 "" (46) 6 (52) 4 (15) 820 357 (26) 8 " (47) 7 "" (53) 5 (17) 2 (27) (28) 890 9 (48) 8 (54) 6 (18) (49) 9 (55) 7 (19) 3 (29) 1 (50) 960 (56). 8 485 (1) 4 (30) 5 "" (31) 6 7 8 (32) (33) 2 3 4 5 (52) 1 (58) 9 (3) (51) (53) 23 406 1030 (4) 534 1 (5) (54) 4(1) 414 (59) (6) (34) 6 (55) 4(2) 405 3 (7) 9 (35) 7 "" (56) 5 414 (60) (8) 830 "" (36) 8 (57) 6 (61) (9) 1 " (37) 9 (69) 7 (62) 6 (10) 2 " (38) 900 (74) (67) (15) 3 4 (39) 1 " (75) 9 (68) "" (18) (40) 2 (76) 970 (69) 9 "" 5 (41) 3 1 6 " (42) 4 (77) (72) 1040 (19) (၈) 2 Į (73) 1 " (31) KEY. lxxix Old Nos. New Nos. Óld Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. 1042 485 (32) 1111 501 1180 546 (63) 1249 3 "" (33) 2 502 1 535 1250 "" New Nos. 604 (5) (6) 4 "" (34) 5 6 (35) (36) 33.4 519 (51) 2 538 1 "" (7) (52) 3 546 (64) 5 (54) 4 "" (65) 7 81 (37) 6 (55) 5 (66) 234 "" (8) (9) "" 10) 7 9/ 1050 (38) (56) 6 "" (67) 5 "" (11) 8 (57) (68) 6 (12) (40) ,, 9 (58) 8 "" (70) 7 (13) >> (41) 1120 9 (71) 8 "" (14) (42) "" (59) 1190 (72) 9 (15) 3 (43) (73) 1260 (16) 4 (48) 3 (60) 5 "" (51) 4 (61) 6 "" (52) 5 (62) 7 (53) 6 (63) OCHLO 2 (74) 1 (17) 3 543 2 591 4 546 (75) 3 604 (18) 5 547 4 8 (57) 7 "" (64) 6 563 (1) 5 (20) 9 468 (58) 89 (2) 6 "" (21) 1060 485 (58) 9 520 8 "" (3) 7 592 1 (59) 1130 546 (1) 9 "" (4) 8 604 (22) OC THQ CO 2 "" (60) 1 (2) 1200 "" (5) 9 "" (23) 3 4 "" (62) 2 (3) 1 (6) 1270 "" (24) (63) 3 (4) 2 (7) 1 593 5 480 4 (5) 3 "" (8) 6 519 (1) 5 "" (6) 4 "" (9) (2) 6 "" (7) 5 (10) 8 (5) (8) 6 "" (11) 9 (6) "" (16) (12) O CHLO CO 2 604 (25) 3 (26) 4 (27) 5 (28) 6 "" (29) 1070 (7) 9 (17) 8 (13) "" (30) 1 (10) 1140 "" (18) 9 556 8 (31) 2 3 4 5 6 وو (11) 1 "" (19) 1210 563 (14) 9 (33) (12) 2 "" (20) (8) 3 "" (21) "" (9) 4 " (23) 123 (15) 1280 (34) 559 1 "" (35) 563 (16) "" (13) 5 (24) 4 (17) "" "" (14) 6 (25) 5 8 9 1080 (15) 7 (26) 6 99 (18) (19) (16) 8 (27) 7 "" (17) 9 35 (28) 8 "" 1 (18) 1150 (29) 9 (20) (21) (23) 234567 " (36) (39) "" (41) "" (42) "" (43) (44) 8 (46) 23 (20) 1 (30) 1220 588 9 (47) 4 5 6 7 ,, "" "" (21) (22) 2 "" (31) 1 564 1290 (48) (23) (24) (26) 234 LO 8 9 1090 1 99 >> "" "" (27) 94 (34) 519 (30) (31) 1160 (32) (33) (34) 866vGGA CO "" "" (32) (33) (36) (37) 2345O 587 (1) (49) (2) 2 "" (50) (4) 3 632 (1) (5) "" (2) (38) 6 "" (6) 99 (3) (39) (7) 6 "" (4) (40) 8 (8) 7 (5) "" (41) 9 (9) 8 (6) 1 "" (42) 1230 573 9 (7) 23 (43) (44) 5 7 "" (36) 4 "" (47) (37) 5 (48) (39) 6 (50) 8 "" (41) 7 9 1100 1 "" (42) 833 (43) 546 (51) 1234DOI 587 (10) 1300 (8) (11) 1 (9) (12) (13) 5 >> (14) 234 (10) "" (11) (12) "" 6 "" (15) 5 (15) " (16) 6 257 (27) (43) 8 (17) 519 (58) (44) 1170 (55) 9 (18) 8 632 (17) 2 (46) 1240 " (19) 9 "" (18) 3 497 "" (56) 4 519 (47) 3 "" (57) 5 (48) 4 (58) 6 499 (2) 5 (59) 7 "" (1) 6 1294 534 7 546 (60) 9 519 (49) 8 " (61) 1110 " (50) 9 " (62) -Q34 10 6 7 ∞ 1 582 1310 "" 2 577 (5) 1 "" 587 (21) 2 " (19) (20) (21) (22) 3 (22) 5 13 4 (24) 604 (1) 5 " (25) (2) 6 " (26) " (4) 7 " (32) lxxx KEY. Old Nos. New Nos. | Old Nos. New Nos. | Old Nos. New Nos. | Old Nos. New Nos. 1318 632 (30) 1387 651 (21) 1456 682 (44) 1526 731 (6) 9 (31) 8 "" (22) 7 354 7 (7) 1320 (33) 9 (23) 8 681 8 (8) 1 (35) 1390 (24) 599 9 (10) QA CON 2 (36) 1 643 1460 688 1530 (11) 3 (39) 2 651 (25) 1 702 1 (12) 4 "" (41) 3 (26) 2 598 2 (13) 5 (42) 4 "" (27) 3 709 (1) 3 713 6 (43) 5 (28) 4 (2) 4 731 (14) 7 (45) 6 (29) 5 (3). 5 (16) 8 (46) 7 "" (30) 6 (5) 6 (17) 9 (47) 8 "" (31) (6) (18) 1330 (48) 9 (32) 8 (7) 8 (19) 1 (50) 1400 (33) 716 (51) (34) 1470 (10) 1540 731 (20) (52) 4 619 5 632 (53) 6 (54) (55) 2340 CO (35) (13) 1235 2 (14) 2133 3 (15) 5 1008 4 (16) 1234 (21) (22) (23) (24) 6 701 (17) (25) 8 (56) 7 657 6 (18) (26) 9 666 7 (19) 7 (27) 1340 (57) 9 658 8 1053 8 (28) 1 "" (60) 1410 655 9 709 (20) 9 2 " (61) 1 660 1480 (22) 1550 (29) 3 (63) 4 (64) 5 (65) 6 "" (66) 7 (67) 8 (68) 2 3 4 10 67 662 (23) 1 (30) 659 (24) 2 (31) 663 3 "" (25) 3 "" (32) 5 664 4 (26) 4 (33) 518 5 (27) 5 (34) 390 6 (30) 6 (35) 9 (69) 8 652 (31) 7 (36) 1350 (70) 9 682 (1) 8 (32) 8 (37) 1 (71) 1420 (2) 9 (33) 9 (38) 2 (72) (3) 1490 (34) 1560 59 (39) 3 625 2 "" (4) 1 698 1 (40) 4 632 (73) 3 (5) 2 39 709 (35) 2 (41) 5 (74) (6) 3 "" (36) 3 "" (42) 6 " (75) (7) 4 (37) 4 (43) "" 7 "" (78) 6 (8) (38) 729 8 (79) (9) 6 6 731 (44) 9 (80) 8 (10) (39) (45) 1360 (81) 9 (11) 8 703 8 (46) 1 (83) 1430 "" (13) 9 709 (41) 9 (47) 2 (84) 1 (14) 1500 (42) 1570 (48) 631 2 (16) 4 583 3 (17) 5 634 4 676 6 651 (1) 5 682 (19) 7 (2) 6 (20) 1234 LO (43) 1 (49) "" (44) (45) (47) 5 (46) 2345 (50) (51) (52) "" (53) 8 "" (21) 6 "" (48) 6 (54) 9 1370 1 8 (22) (51) 7 99 "" (55) "" (23) 8 (52) 8 (56) (6) 1440 (2) 9 (53) 9 (57) 2 (7) 1 (25) 1510 "" (54) 1580 749 (1) 3 (9) 4 (8) 5 (10) 6 (11) 7 (12) 8 (13) QISHLO 67 (26) 1 (55) 1 732 3 (27) 2 (56) 4 (29) 3 (57) 5 (30) 4 (58) 234 733 749 (2) (3) (33) 5-6 (59) 5 (4) (34) 7 (60) 6 (5) 9 1380 (14) (1382) (35) 8 "" (61) 7 (6) (36) 9 1 (15) 1450 (37) 1520 "" 23456 (16) (38) 1 "" " (17) (18) (19) " (20) 2346 "" (39) 2 (62) (63) (64) 1590 731 (1) 8 (7) "" 9 (8) (9) 1 (10) (40) (41) SO THE 3 "" (2) 2 " (11) 4 (3) 3 (12) (42) 5 (5) 4 (13) KEY. lxxxi Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. 1595 749 (14) 1663 1732 New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. 784 (19) 804 (27) Old Nos. New Nos. 1801 833 (47) 6 (16) 4 (20) 3 "" (28) 7 (17) 5 "" (21) 8 (18) 6 (22) 9 (19) 7 (23) 4 5 6 (29) 234 "" (48) (49) (50) (30) 5 (51) 1600 (20) 8 457 7 (31) 6 (52) 1 (21) 9 784 (24) 8 (33) 7 (53) " 2 (22) 1670 (25) >> (34) 8 (54) 3 (23) 1 (26) 1740 "" (35) 9 (55) 4 (24) 2 (27) 1 (36) 1810 (56) 5 "" (25) 3 (28) 2 "" (37) 1 (57) 6 "" (26) 4 (29) 3 (38) 2 "" (58) "" (27) (30) (39) 3 (59) (28) 6 773 5 (40) 4 ,, (60) 9 (29) 784 (33) 6 (41) " (61) 1610 "" (30) 8 (34) 7 (42) 6 (62) 1 (31) 9 "" (35) 8 "" (43) 7 (63) 2 (35) 1680 " (36) 9 (44) 8 822 3 (36) 1 777 1750 (45) 9 833 (64) 4 (37) 2 784 (37) 1 " (46) 1820(1) LO 5 (38) 3 (38) 2 (47) 1820(2) (65) 6 (39) (39) 3 "" (48) 1820(3) 824 7 "" (40) 5 (44) 4 802 1 833 (66) 8 (41) 6 (45) 5 9 1620 2 (42) 7 "" (46) 6 (43) (47) 7 804 (49) 234 (67) (68) (69) " (44) 9 779 8 5(1) (70) 742 1690 784 (48) 9 (50) 5(2) 826 3 749 (15) 1 (49) 1760 "" (51) 6 828 4 750 (1) 2 (50) 1 (52) 7 833 (71) 5 (2) 3 " (51) 2 833 (1) 8 831 (3) 7 (4) 45 3 (2) 9 836 (52) 4 (3) 1830 857 (1) 8 (5) (54) (4) 1 (2) 9 (6) 7 780 6 (5) 1630 604 (19,* 8 784 (55) (6) 40) 9 (56) 8 (8) 234 (4) "" (5) (6) " 1234 L 751 (1) 1700 690 9 " (9) 5 (7) "" (2) (3) 1 785 1770 (10) 6 (8) 804 (1) 1 "" (11) 7 "" (9) (4) 786 5 (5) 4 804 (2) 6 (6) 5 (3) 234 "" (12) 8 (10) (13) 9 (11) (14) 1840 845 (1) (7) 6 (5) 5 (15) 1 857 (13) 8 (8) "" (6) 6 (16) 2 865 9 A.D. 1518 8 (7) (18) 857 (14) 1640 784 (1) 9 (8) 8 (19) 4 1 2 (3) 3 760 4 784 (4) 5 (5) 6 (6) 7 (7) 8 (8) 9 (9) 1650 (10) 1 QI CO TELO678 de cooco add (2) 1710 (9) 9 (20) 5 "" 1 "" (10) 1780 (21) 6 (15) (16) (17) "" 2 4 5 (11) (12) (13) 1234 (22) 847 810 857 (18) 833 (24) 9 848 (25) 1850 857 (19) 5 (26) 1 "" (14) 6 " (27) 2 789 (2) 7 (28) 3 9 804 (15) 8 (30) 4 853 (11) 1720 (16) 9 "" (31) 5 885 (1) 2 1188 1 (17) 1790 (32) " 3 784 (15) 4 (12) 5 (13) 6 763 7 784 (14) 8 (16) JSCA WIN 2 (18) 1 (33) 3 (19) 2 (36) 8 4 (20) 3 (37) 9 (21) 4 (39) 1860 JOGAGE REE (20) (21) (22) 797 (2) 5 (40) 1 170 7 804 (22) 6 (41) 2 885 (8) 766 (23) 7 (42) 3 (9) 1660 767 9 (24) 8 (44) 4 (10) 1 784 (17) 1730 (25) 9 (45) 5 (11) 2 (18) (26) 1800 > ,, (46) 6 (12) Wt. 11494. H f lxxxii KEY. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. 1867 885 (13) 1935 969 (9) 2004 New Nos. 969 (75) Old Nos. New Nos. 2072 1038 8 (14) 9 870 (2) 6 7 "" (10) 5 "" (76) 3 1044 (23) (11) 6 (77) 4 (24) 1870 2306 8 (12) 7 " (78) 5 1039 (1) 1 878 9 "" (13) 8 (79) 6 1041 2 877(1) 1940 (15) 9 (80) 7 1211 3 885(15) 1 (16) 2010 1065 8 1662 (2) 4 (16) 2 (17) 1 1003 (1) 9 1083 (1) 5 690 3 (18) 2 (2) 2080 (2) 688 (19) 972 1 (3) 7 598 (20) 4 1003 (5) 8 702 6 (21) (6) 9 599 (22) 6 (7) 1880 8 933 (8) 23450 1046 1045 (1) e 1047 1048 889 1 9 969 (23) (9) 6 1083 (4) 2 890 1950 (24) 9 (10) 7 (6) 3 891 4 5 924 (1) (2) 6 7 (3) (4) 8 9 1890 1 "" (6) (7) (8) 1234 LON∞ ∞ (25) 2020 974 8 (26) 1 973 9 (27) 2 1003 (11) 2090 (28) 3 (12) I "" "" 1049 1051 (7) (8) (29) 4 (14) (30) 5 980 7 936 6 981 969 (31) 7 1003 (15) 9 "" (32) 8 (16) 23 + CO 1083 (9) (10) 4 (11) 5 (12) (13) "" "" 2 "" (9) 1960 (33) 9 (17) 7 "" (14) 3 (10) 1 (34) 2030 (18) 8 (15) "" (11) 5 (12) "" (13) (14) O3WN 2 (35) 1 "" (20) 9 (16) "" (36) 2 (21) 3000 (17) (37) 3 995 1 (18) (38) 1003 (22) 8 "" (15) 6 (39) 5 (23) 9 (16) 7 (40) 6 (24) 1900 905 8 (41) 1149 1 924 (17) 9 "" (42) 8 969 (7) 23 +ŁO CO (19) (20) 4 (21) (23) "" " (24) 2 3 6 GA 20 có 906 1970 (43) 9 1007 7 (25) 924 (18) 1 (44) 2040 654 8 (26) 4 "" (19) 2 (45) 1 1136 9 1044 (12) 5 (20) 3 (46) 2 1009 3010 1062 (21) 4 99 (47) 7 (22) 5 (48) He co 3 1466 1 1061 4 Vol. II. 2 1060 99 8 (23) 6 "" (49) 1364 3 1083 (28) 9 (25) "" (50) 5 1044 (1) 4(1) (29) 1910 (26) 8 (51) 6 (2) 4(2) 1059 1 (27) (52) 7 (3) 5 1083 (30) 23 HL CO (28) 1980 945 8 (4) 6 (31) (29) 1 969 (53) 9 (5) 7 "" (32) 4 (31) 5 (32) 6 (33) 7 922 8 917 2345 CO 949 2050 1017 8 "" 969 (54) 1 1044 (6) 9 (55) 2 (7) 3020 "" (56) 3 >" (8) 1 (34) (35) (36) (37) 6 (59) 4 (9) 2 (38) 9 924 (34) 7 (60) 5 (10) 3 1066 1920 (35) 8 "" (61) "" (11) 4 1083 (39) 1 (36) 9 (62) 7 (12) (40) 234 (37) 1990 (63) 8 (13) 1071 969 (1) 1 (65) 9 (14) 7 1083 (41) 25 June, 2 "" (66) 2060 (15) 8 (42) A.D. 1518? 3 (67) 1 1030 9 (43) 5 926 4 (68) 2 1031 3030 1072 6 969 (2) 5 ,, (69) 3 1044 (16) 1 1083 (46) 7 (3) 6 (70) 4 (17) 8 "" (4) 958 5 (18) 23 9 (581) 961 6 "" (19) 234 1930 1 "" 931 (582) 9 969 (71) 7 (20) 5 "" (6) 2000 (72) 8 (21) 6 (7) 1 2468 9 1602 (27) 1084 (49) 1123 (1) "" (2) (3) (4) 969 (8) 23 2 964 2070 1044 (22) 8 (5) 3 969 (74) 1037 9 (6) 1 KEY. lxxxiii Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. 3040 1123 (7) 3109 1170 (1) 3178 1221 (11) 3247 1266 (15) 1 1120 3110 (2) 9 (12) 8 1241 (1) 2345O CO 1123 (8) 1 (3) 3180 (14) 9 1266 (16) (9) 2 1127 (15) 3250 (17) "" (10) 3 1170 (4) "" (11) 4 " 6 (12) (5) (6) 7 (13) (7) 4507 2 " (16) 1 "" (18) 3 (17) 2 "" (19) 4 (18) 3 (20) 5 (19) 4 (21) 8 (14) 7 1132 6 (20) 5 (22) (15) 8 1133 7 " (21) 6 "" (23) 3050 (16) 9 1170 (8) 8 1186 7 (24) 1 (17) 3120 " (9) 9 1221 (22) 8 1245 (1) 2345 CO (18) 1 1135 (1) 3190 "" (23) 9 1266 (25) 1721 2 1137 (1) 1 (24) 3260 (26) 1123 (19) 3 1170 (10) "" (20) 4 (21) 5 (11) (12) 7 (22) 6 1773 8 "" (23) 7 1170 (13) 9 "" (24) 8 "" (15) 2 3 4 LON "" (25) 1 (27) " (26) 2 (29) (27) 3 (30) 5 (28) 4 "" (31) 6 1871 5 (32) 7 1221 (29) 6 (33) 3060 1 (25) (14) 8 (30) 7 "" (34) (26) 3130 (16) 9 (32) 8 " (35) 2 "" (28) "" (17) 3200 "" (33) 9 3 (29) 2 (18) 1 "" (34) 3270 4 (30) 3 1171 (1) 2 "" (35) 5 (31) 6 1094 45 5 (2) 3 (36) 833 (24) 4 7 1095 6 8 1096 1171 (3) (43) 5 "" (37) (38) 6 (39) 9 1123 (34) 1155 (1) 7 1197 3070 (35) 9 1153 (1) 8 1221 (40) 1234567 "" 1277 1266 (36) 1252 1266 (38) "" (39) (40) (41) 1258 (1) 1264 (1) 1 (36) 3140 1154 (1) "" (41) 8 1271 2 (37) 1 1151 (1) 3210 (42) 9 1269 (1) 3 (38) 2 1172 (1) (43) 3280 1316 (1) 4 (39) 3 (2) 2 "" (44) 1 " 5 " (40) 4 (3) 3 "" (45) 6 (41) 5 (4) 4 (46) 7 1101 6 1158 5 (47) 8 1123 (43) 7 1172 (5) 6 773A. Q 3 TH LO 2 "" (2) (3) 1224 (1) 4 1316 (4) 5 1272 9 (44) 8 (6) 7 1221 (48) 6 1316 (5) 3080 (45) 9 (7) 8 1206 7 (6) 1 1108 3150 (8) 9 "" 1221 (49) 8 (8) 2 3 4 LO CO 5 1109 1106 1123 (46) (47) 1 "" (9) 3220 "" (50) 9 (9) 6 7 1116 1123 (49) 2345 (10) 1 (51) 3290 (10) (11) 2 (52) 1 1279 (12) 3 (54) 2 1316 (11) (13) 4 (56) 3 (12) 6 (14) 5 1212 4 " (13) 8 (50) 7 (15) 6 1213 5 (14) 9 3090 1 (51) 8 1166 1221 (58) 6 1285 "" (53) 9 1167 8 (59) 1316 (15) (52) 3160 1172 (16) 9 1217 1286 2 (54) 1 (17) 3230 1221 (60) 9 1316 (16) 3 "" (55) 4 5 (56) (57) 234 "", (18) 1 1176 (1) 3300 "" (17) (19) 2 1266 (3) 1 (19) "" (20) 3 (30) 2 1288 6 (58) 5 (21) (4) 3 1287 (1) "" "" 7 "" (59) 6 "" (22) 5 (5) 1316 (20) 8 (60) (24) 6 (6) 5 (21) 9 (61) 8 (23) 7 (7) 1289 3100 (62) 9 1208 8 (8) 7 1316 (24) 1 (63) 3170 1221 (1) 9 (9) 8 (25) 2 (64) 1 (2) 3240 1230 9 (26) " 3 (65) 2 (3) 1 1987 3310 (27) 4 1100 (1) 3 5 1018 6 1269 (3) 7 1270 (1) 8 1083 (5) SO TH LO C7 " (6) 4 (7) 5 (8) 6 (9) (10) 234O CO 1266 (10) 1 (28) "" 1239 2 (32) 1266 (12) 3 1292 5 (13) 4 1293 6 (14) 5 1316 (33) lxxxiv KEY. Old Nos. New Nos. | Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. 3316 1316 (34) 3385 1353 (1) 3453 1462 (6) 3521 1494 (24) 7 (35) 6 1355 4 (7) 2 (25) 8 (36) 7 1357 5 (8) 3 969 (40) 9 1295 8 1356 6 1429 4 1494 (28) 3320 1297 9 1365 (20) 7 1428 5 1481 1 1298 3390 (21) 8 1462 (9) 6 1438 234 1299 1 (22) (10) 7 1494 (29) 1300 2 (23) 3460 1430 8 (30) 1316 (37) (24) 1 1462 (11) 9 (31) 5 1301 1360 6 1302 1365 (25) 1304 6 1362 234 (12) 3530 (32) 1434 1 (33) 1462 (14) 2 (34) 8 1303 1366 5 (15) 3 (35) 1316 (38) 8 1370 6 (16) 4 (38) 3330 (39) 9 1415 (1) 7 (17) 5 952 1 1306 3400 (2) 8 (18) 6 1494 (39) 23410 CO D 1316 (40) 1 (3) 9 1436 7 (40) 1307 1308 5 1309 6 1316 (41) 7 8 (42) (43) 9 2122 3340 1311 23 450 CO 1 ∞ ✪ (4) 3470 1462 (19) "" (41) (5) 1 1440 9 (42) (6) 2 1462 (20) 3540 (45) 1378 3 6 1415 (7ii) 7 8 9 "" >> (7i) (8) "" (9) 1 1312 3410 (10) "" 2345 CO 1316 (44) 1 (11) 6789 611 ∞ (21) 1 (46) 4 (22) 2 (47) (23) 3 1488 1441 4 1494 (48) 1462 (25) 5 (49) (26) 6 (51) 212 (52) (45) 2 1380 3480 1462 (27) 8 (53) "" (46) 3 1415 (12) 1 1448 9 (54) (47) 4 1382 6 1314 5 1384 7 1315 6 1415 (13) 234 1462 (28) 3550 (56) (29) 1 "" (57) (30) 2 "" (58) 8 1947 7 1387 5 (31) 3 "" (59) 9 1622 8 1415(14iii) 6 (32) 1485 3350 1319 9 1389 (33) 1492 1 1365 (1) 3420 1415 (14 8 (34) 1473 2345 CO 1320 i, ii) 9 1456 7 1524 (1) 1322 1 (15) 3490 1462 (35) 8 (2) 1365 (2) 2 1393 1 (36) 9 (3) " 1326 3 1415 (16) 6 1327 4 (17) 7 1081 5 1394 8 1365 (3) 6 1415 (18) 23 + L (37) 3560 (4) (38) 1 (5) 4 (39) 2 (6) 5 2424 3 (7) 9 1329 (19) 6 1463 (8) 3360 1365 (4) (21) 1493 (9) 1 1334 9 1396 8 1494 (2) 6 (10) 2 1333 3430 1415 (22) 9 1469 7 (11) 3 1335 1 (23) 3500 1468 8 (12) "" 4 1365 (5) 5 (6) 6 (7) 7 1336 8 1365 (8) 9 (9) 3370 1338 1 1365 (10) 2 3 4 5 6 7∞ ✪ (24) (25) 1 1494 (3) 9 1499 2 1471 3570 1524 (13) 1398 1399 1415 (26) 1404 8 1415 (27) 23 + LO CO 2(2)❘ 1472 1 1500 1494 (4) 2 1524 (14) 4 (5) 3 (15) 5 (6) 4 (16) 6 (7) 5 (17) 9 (28) 7 (9) 6 1503 23 HL 1340 3440 1409 (1) 8 (10) 7 1504 1365 (11) 1 (2) 9 (11) 8 1524 (19) 4 (12) 2 1410 3510 (12) 9 1505 5 (13) 3 880 1 (13) 3580 1524 (20) 6 1343 4 1415 (29) 2 (14) 1 (21) 7 1344 5 1416 3 969 (29) 2 8 1365 (14) 6 1421 4 1476 3 9 (15) 7 1462 (1) 5 1494 (16) 3380 (16) 8 (2) 6 (17) 1 1350 9 (3) 7 (21) "" 2 1365 (17) 3450 (4) 8 1477 34 (18) 1 1422 9 1494 (22) (19) 2 1423 3520 (23) 6789 CA W N (22) (23) 4 1509 5 1524 (24) (25) (26) (27) "" (28) KEY. lxxxv Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. 3590 1524 (29) 3655 1602 (12) 3724 1662 (28) 3789 1 1661 (1) 6 "" (13) 5 (30) 3790 "" 2 1524 (30) 7 "" (14) 6 ?? (32) 1 " 3 1511 8 1568 7 "" (33) 2 4 1524 (31) 9 1567 8 "" (35) New Nos. 1732 (24) (25) (26) (8, 14, 27) 5 (32) 3660 1602 (15) 9 " (34) 3 "" (28) 6 (33) 1 1570 3730 (36) 4 (29) 7 (34) 2 1575 8 (35) 3 1577 (36) 4 1579 3600 (37) 5 1602 (16) 1 (38) 6 (17) 12345 1630 5 (30) 1629 6 (31) 1662 (37) 7 1098 (38) 8 1732 (32) "" (39) (33) 2 1533 7 (18) 6 "" (40) 3800 "" (34) 3(1) 8 3(2) 1524 (39) "" (19) 7 1634 1 (35) 9 (20) 8 ,, 1662 (41) 3(31) 3670 (21) 9 (42) "" 3(3ii) 1841 1 "" (22) 3740 "" (43) 3(3iii) 2 (23) 1 (44) 4 1524 (40) 3 "" (24) 2 (45) LO CO 5 6 } 4 (25) 3 (46) 4566AWN 2 (36) 3 (37) (38) 1683 1687 1689 (41) "" (26) 4 2673 8 1732 (39) 1515 6 (27) 5 1662 (47) (40) 8 1524 (42) 7 (29) 6 (48) 3810 (41) (43) 8 1594 7 (49) 1 1690 3610 (44) 9 1602 (30) 8 1638 2 1690 (2) (45) 3680 (31) 9 1640 3 1692 2 3 4 5 6 I (46) 1 (32) 3750 1662 (50) 1694 (47) 2 "" (5) 1 1645 5 1693 1519 3 "" (33) 1530 4 (34) 1529 5 (35) 7 1584 6 "" (36) 8 306 7 "" (37) 9 1070 8 (38) 23 +HLON 1647 6 1732 (42) 1662 (51) 7 1697 4 (52) 8 1732 (43) 5 1650 9 (44) 6 1662 (53) 3820 1698 7 (54) 1 1699 "" 3620 1008 (2) (39) 8 (55) 2 ?? 1732 (45) 1 1545 3690 "" (40) 9 (56) 234567 1296 (1) (41) 3760 (57) 1349 (1) 2 1599 1(1) (58) 1348 (1) 3 1602 (42) 1(2) 1652 ОСТ НА С 3 1700 4 1732 (46) 5 " (47) 6 "" (48) 1347 4 1662 (1) 2(i) 1495 (1) 7 (49) 843 (1) 5 "" (3) 2(ii) 589 (4) 8 411 1325 (1) 6 (2) 8 1478 7 1604 9 1330 (1) 8 1662 (4) 334 1663 9 412 1732 (1) 3830 1711 5 (2) 1 1710 3630 1625 9 (5) 1 1523 3700 (6) 6(1) 1665 6(2) 234LD CO 1561 (1) 1 (7) 7 1665 (2) 1732 (4) 1564 2 (8) 8 (5) "" 1560 3 ," (9) 9 (6) 2 3 4 LO CO 1715 1732 (50) (51) 5 1722 (2) 6 1660 "" 5 1562 (2) 4 (10) 3770 (7) 1615 6 App. 20 5 (11) 1 (9) 8 1735 7 1546 6 2626 2 (10) 9 1736 1011 1662 (12) 3 (11) 3840 1804 (1) 9 1551 8 (13) 4(1) (12) 1 (2) "" 3640 1602 (1) 9 (14) 4(2) 1666 2 1 (2) 3710 (15) 5 1732 (13) 3 2 (3) 1 "" (16) 6 (15) 4 "" 3 (4) 4 "" ?? (6) 5 (7) (8) 234 LO "" (17) 7 1670 5 "" (18) 8 1732 (16) 1234507 (6) (7) (19) 9 1676 7 1743 5 (20) 3780 1677 8 1746 7 1554 6 (21) 1 1732 (21) 9 1745 8 1555 (22) 2 9 1750 (9) 1056 3650 1602 (9) 1662 (23) 1 1566 3720 (24) >> 2 1602 (10) 1 (25) 3 (11) 2 (26) 4 1565 3 "" (27) 6676AWN (17) 3850 1804 (8) 3 (18) 1 (9) "" "" 4 (19) 2 " 5 (20) (21) (22) CTA CON (10) 3 (11) 4 (12) 5 (13) "" 8 (23) 6 1749 lxxxvi KEY. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. 3857 8 1748 1804 (14) 3923 1804 (58) | 3985 1942 4052 1948 (58) 4 1805 (li) 6 1169 3 (59) 9 1750 (2) 5 (lii) 7 1948 (1) 3860 (10) 6 "" (liii) 8 (2) 45 1860 1659 1(1) (1) (liv) 1221 (5) 6 1858 9 1(2) (3) 8 (2) 1948 (3) 7 1865 1(3) ,, (5) "" (lv) 3990 1948 (4) 8 1866 23 2378 (2) 3930 (lvi) 1 (5) 9 1867 Vol. III. 1 (lvii) 2 (6) 4060 1948 (61) 1518 2 (lix) (7) 1 (62) 4 1804 (15) 3 (lviii) 4 (8) 2 1872 5 "" (16) 4 (1x) 5 (9) 3 1948 (64) 6 (17) 5 "" (lxi) 6 "" (10) 4 (65) 7 (18) 6 (lxii) 7(i) "" (12) 5 "" (66) 8 (19) 7 (3) 7(ii) (13) 6 (67) (20) 8 "" (4) 8 (14) 7 2054 (2) 3870 "" (21) 9 1 (22) 1221(4,14a) 1266 (11a) 4000 9 ,, (15) 8 1876 (16) 9 1884 234067 (23) 1462 (22α) 1 "" (17) 4070 2052 1763 1494 (21a, 2 (18) 1 2537 "? 3940 1765 62) 3 (83) 2(1) 1948 (68) 1767 1836 (1) 4 (19) 2(2) 1879 1769 2863 (1) 1844 1771 8 1774 9 1804 (25) 3880 (26) 1 "" (27) Q SOTH LO 2 1775 3 1776 1234 BOD 1836 (2) 6 1948 (20) "" (3) 7 1845 SO TELO C 3 1881 4 1882 5 1885 (4) 8 1848 6 1883 (5) 9 1834 7 1887 5 1813 4010 1948 (22) 8 1892 6 1812 1 " (23) 9 1890 1837 (6) 2 (24) | 4080 1891 4 1412 8 1815 3 "" (25) 1 1891 (2) 5 2053 (3) 1836 (7) 4 "" (26) 2 6 1804 (31) 3950 1820 5 (27) (28) 1 1821 6 (28) "" (33) "" 9 3890 "" "? (32) (29) "" (30) 2 1777 2345 C 1836 (8) 7 (29) (9) 8 (30) O 5TH LO CO 1948 (69) 3 (70) (71) 1723 6 1722 (10) 9 1852 (11) 4020 1851 2055 (132) 1948 (72) 6 (12) 1 1853 (73) 3 1804 (35) 7 (13) 2 1948 (31) 4090 1896 (34) 8 (14) 3 "" "" (32) 1 1895 5 (36) 9 (17) 4 "" (33) 6 (37) 3960 (18) 5 (34) 7 1781 1 (19) 6 (35) 234 1901 1900 1899 8 1804 (38) 2 1824 7 "" (36) 5 1898 9 (39) 3 1836 (21) 8 (37) 1902 3900 (40) 4 (22) 9 (38) 7 1948 (74) 1 (41) (23) 4030 2888 8 1906 " 234567 (42) 6 " (24) 1 1948 (39) 9 1904 1786 2812 (2) 1789 (25) 8 (8) 9 (27) 1804 (43) 3970 (28) 23 + LO (40) 4100 1908 (41) 1 1905 4 (42) "" 5 (43) 23 1948 (75) 1912 (44) 1 "" (29) 6 (44) 4 1913 "" 8 "" (45) 2 1829 7 "9 (45) 5 1915 9 "" (46) 3(i) 1831 (2) 8 1657 (1) 6 1948 (76) 3910 1 2 (47) 3(ii) (3) 9 1857 7 (77) (48) 4 1828 4040 1948 (46) 8 (78) (49) 5 1830 1 "" (47) (79) 3 (50) 6 April?1522 2 4 (51) 7 1661 (3) >> 5 1792 8 1801 4 (48) (49) (50) 4110 1 6 1793 9 June ? A.D. (51) 1804 (53) 3980 1522 6 (52) 8 1797 1453 (3) 7 "" (53) 9 1804 (54) 3920 (55) 1 (56) 234 1661 (8) 8 (54) (7) Vol. IV 9 (55) 4050 (56) 2 (57) (A.D. 1528) 1 (57) 234LO CO 7∞ ✪ 1918 1948 (81) 1922 1948 (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) 8 (87) 9 1924 KEY. lxxxvii Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. 4120 1948 (88) 4189 2055 (34) 4258 2055 (99) 4325 2137 (5) 1 (89) 4190 (35) 9 " (100) 6 2074 234 O " (90) 1 (36) 4260 "" (101) 7 2077 (91) (81) 5 "" (92) 6 "" (93) 7 "" 8 (94) (95) 23 +267 " (37) 1 (102) "" 8(1) 2083 (1) 1979 2 (103) 8(2) (2) 4 2055 (39) 3 "" (104) 9 1265 5 (40) 4 (105) 4330 1835 1984 5 "" (106) 1 2082 2055 (41) 6 (107) 9 1932 8 "" (42) 7(1) 2006 4130 1934 9 ?? (43) 7(2) 2006 (2) I 1935 4200 (44) 8 >> 1836 (32) QC THLO 2 1948 (96) 1 59 (45) 9 2055 (108) Q M + LO CO I 2 2137 (6) 3 2086 4 2137 (8) 5 (7) 6 "" (97) 5 (98) (99) 6 "" "" (100) (101) 23 440 (47) 4270 (109) 7 2088 2137 (10) "" (48) 1 "" (49) 2 2010 (110) 8 (9) 9 (11) 5 "" (50) 3 2014 4340 "" (12) 6 (51) 2016 1 "" "" (14) 8 2771 "" (52) 2055 (111) 2 (13) 1944 8 "" (53) 6 2020 2093 4140 3049 (1) 9 (54) 7 2055 (112) 2137 (15) 1 2055 (3) 4210 1988 8 (113) (16) 234567 (2) 1 2055 (55) 9 (114) 6 (17) (1) 2 (56) 4280 2022 7 (18) "" (4) 3 (57) 1 2055 (115) 8 (19) "" (5) 4 (58) "" (6) 5 (59) "" (7) 6 1993 8 " (8) 7 2055 (60) 23410 2028 9 2101 2029 2391 4350 2137 (20) 1(1)| 2122 (1) 2055 (117) 1(2) (2) 9 (9) 8 (61) 6 2027 (2) 4150 1951 9 (62) 2032 1 2055 (10) 4220 " (63) 8 2030 2 1959 1 (64) 9 2055 (118) 3 1938 4 1957 5 1958 6 2055 (12) 23450 (65) 4290 1836 (19) 23 + LO CO 3372 1300a 4 2108 5 2106 6 2137 (21) "" "" (66) 1 2055 (120) 7 "" (22) (67) 2 (121) 8 (24) >> "" (68) 3 "" (122) 9 2113 7 (13) 6 "" " (69) 4 "" (123) 4360 2137 (23) 8 "" (14) 7 "" (70) 5 " (124) 1 2114 9 4160 (15) 8 "" (71) 6 2038 "" (16) 9 (72) 2055 (125) 1 >> (17) 4230 (73) 8 "" "" (126) 2 1961 1 "" (74) 9 (127) 2345 2115 2137 (25) 2123 2120 3 1962 4 1963 2 M 2483 4300 "" (128) 6 2124 3 2055 (75) 1 (129) 2137 (27) 5 1226 (1) 59 (76) 2055 (18) 5 (77) 7 (19) 6 (78) 8 1966 7 2053 (5) 9 1965 8 1004 (1) 4170 2055 (20) 9 2055 (80) 1 1969 4240 (81) 23 HLO CO 1973 1 (82) 2340 SI∞ a (130) 8 (28) "" "" (131) 9 >> (26) 2039 4370 "" (29) 2040 1 2127 6 2053 (6) 2 2137 (30) 7 2053 (1) 3 "" (31) 8 2038 (2) 4 2130 9 Vol. III. 1450 1974 4 2238 5 2055 (22) 4 6 (23) "" 7 (24) 6 a01f WN 2 (83) 2745 6 2305 (84) 4310 2135 1661 (4) (85) 1943 1725 5 "" (86) 2 2046 9 2687 (87) 3 2136 4380 2138 "" 8 (25) 7 (88) 2053 (2) 1 2222 (1) "" 9 (46) 8 (89) 2137 (1) 2 4180 (26) (90) 6 (2) " 1 QB 40 67∞ 2 3 1229 (27) 4250 2055 (28) (91) (3) (92) 8 2057 (93) 9 2063 (29) 5 (30) (31) " (32) 8 (33) M TIO C7 3 2392 4320 2065 4966 W LU 3226 (1) 2222 (2) (3) 5 4 2055 (95) 1 2137 (4) (4) 2141 July, A.D. 1521 ? " (96) 2 2068 8 1323 6 (97) 3 2069 9 2147 (98) 4 2072 4390 2222 (5) lxxxviii KEY. 4391 2 2222 (6) (7) 4459 2286 Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. 4593 2535 (9) 4525 2398 4460 2284 6 2404 4 "" (10) 3 2149 1 4 2861 (12) 2 5 2153 6 2158 7(1) 2161 (5, 1) QAWN } 7 2738 "" (11) 2283 8 920 6 (12) 3 2289 9 2406 7 (13) 4 2299 4530 2422 (17) 8 2611 5 2297 1 "" (18) 9 2535 (14) 7(2) (4) 2294 (2) 8 2162 7 2302 9 2166 8 2301 23+ (19) 4600 2479 1 4 2414 4400 2222 (8) 9 2330 (6) 5 2478 2168 4470 2310 6 2484 (1) 2 QI WN 2172 1 2320 7 (2) 23 450 3 1342 4 2222 (9) 5 2171 234 2318 8 (3) "" (16) " (17) " (18) (19) 2511 2512 2515 2256 (2) 7 2535 (20) 1413 4540 (5) 8 2517 6 2222 (10) 5 1414 1 (6) 9 2516 7 2180 6 2049 2 " (7) 4610 2518 8 2222 (11) 7 2053 (7) 9 2183 8 1918 (2) 34 "" (8) 2535 (21) (9) 2 (22) 4410 2186 9 2542 5 3604 3 (23) 2187 4480 1267 6(1) 4 (24) 2 2834 1 1918 (3) 6(2)} 2484 (10) 5 2526 3 2188 4 2222 (12) 2195 6 2222 (13) 2 3 4 10 2387 7 (11) 6 2535 (16) 2323 8 2437 7 (26) 2322 9 2440 8 (27) 7 2200 6 } 4550 2484 (12) 9 (28) 2331 1 (13) 4620 "" (29) 8 2203 7 2333 9 2222 (14) 8 2422 (1) 4420 (15) 9 (2) 1 2130 23410 2207 4490(1) 4490(2) 2338 (1) (2) 2222 (16) 2248 5 2211 6 2140 7 2223 12345 2343 4566 WN 2 (14) 1 2530 3 (15) "" (16) (18) 234 2532 2548 2549 2443 2550 7 2484 (19) 6 2551 2422 (4) 8 (20) 7 2552 (3) (21) 8 2553 2345 4560 2446 9 3091 2422 (5) 1 2445 4630 2540 8 2224 6 (6) 9 2225 7 2381 4430 2330 (1) 8 2422 (7) 1 2227 9 2352 23410 2226 4500 2353 2230 1 2350 234567 2447 1 2541 2448 2 1496 2484 (23) 3 1726 (24) 4 2542 (2) (25) 6 Oct., (26) 2330 (3) 2 2355 8 (27) 6 A.D. 1516? 2617 (1) 2232 3 2422 (8) 9 (28) 7 " (2) 6 2330 (4) 4 2235 | 10 5 "" (9) (10) 4570 (29) 8 (4) 1 2452 9 (5) 2330 (5) 6 2363 9 2239 7 4440 2240 2422 (11) 8(1)| 2366 (1) 2246 (1) 8(2) (2) 2345O 2407 4640 (6) 2455 1 5 Jan., 2456 A.D. 1515. 2484 (30) 2 2 2325 9 2370 2458 2247 (3) 4510 2374 2462 THL 2253 1(1) 2377 (1) 2459 5 2256 1(2) (2) 2464 Q5 TL CO 2562 3 2617 (7) 4 "" (8) 5 "" (44) 6 (10) 6 2258 2 2378 4580 2484 (32) 7 (11) 863 3 2379 1 2467 8 (12) 882 4 2422 (12) 2 2469 9 (13) 9 2267 5 (13) 3 2484 (33) 4650 (14) 4450 2266 6 2385 2470 1 (15) 1 2268 7 2767i. 5 2767ii. 234678 2269 2382 6. 2482 2275 9 2422 (14) 2484 (34) 2277 4520 2386 8 2535 (1-4) 5 2276 1 2422 (15) (5) 2274 2 2390 4590 (6) 234567 2279 2288 44 3 2394 1 (7) 4 2422 (16) 2 (8) 9 2576 2575 2617 (16) (18) » (19) (20) A.D. 1515. 2617 (21) KEY. lxxxix Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. 4660 2617 (22) 4729 New Nos. | Old Nos. 2684 (28) 4798 | New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. 2684 (90) 4862 2772 (20) 1 (23) 4730 وو (29) 9 "" (91) 3 (21) 2 "" (24) 1 (30) 4800 "" (92) 4 2707 3 "" (25) 4 (26) 23 (31) 1 A.D. 1517? 5 "> 2772 (22) (32) 2 2667 6 (24) 2593 4 "" (33) 6 2595 5 2642 7 2594 6 2684 (34) 3 w 3 2684 (93) 7 2712 4 (94) 8 2713 5 (95) 9 2714 8 2617 (27) 7 (35) 6 (97) 4870(1) 2718 9 (28) 8 "" (36) 7(1) (98) | 4870(2)| 2717 4670 "" (29) 9 "" (37) 7(2)❘ 3032 1 2715 1 (30) 4740 (38) 8 2684 (99) "" 2 (31) 3 2055 (116) 4 2617 (32) 5 >> (33) 6 "" (34) 1234 LO "" (40) 9 (100) (41) 4810 2672 "" 2643 1 2673 (2) 234 LO 2772 (25) (26) (27) 5 2725 2684 (42) 2 2684 (101) 6 2772 (28) 5 (43) 3 (102) 7 (29) "" 7 (35) 6 " (44) 4 "" (103) 8 3608 8 2599 7 2644 5 (104) 9 2772 (30) 9 2617 (36) 8 2684 (45) 6 (105) 4880 99 (31) 4680 (37) 9 (46) 7 "" (106) 1 (32) 1 (38) 4750 " (47) 8 1736 (2) 2 (33) Q 34 LO CO 2 A.D. 1515. 1 (48) 9 2674 2617 (40) 2 (49) 4820(1) 2684 (107) (41) 3 (50) : 4820(2) 2676 33 4 3 2729 4 2772 (34) 5(1) (35) 5 (42) 4 (51) 1(1)| 2684 (108) 5(2) 2728 "" 6 (43) 5 (52) 1(2)) 2676 (2) 6 2772 (36) 7 (44) 6 2645 8 "" (45) 7 2684 (54) 9 (46) 8 (55) 4690 (47) 9 "" 1 2607 4760 (56) (57) 234 LO CO 2684 (109) 7 2732 " (110) 8 2772 (37) 2647 9 (38) 5 A.D. 1525. 4890 (39) 6 2684 (111) 1 "" (40) 2 2681 1 "" (58) (112) 3 2617 (49) 4 2684 (1) 5 (2) 6 (3) (4) 6 23 +0 0 (59) 8 (113) (60) 9 2678 234 (41) (42) "" (43) 4 (61) 4830 3154 5 (47) 5 (62) 1 2609 6i (44) 1626 8 99 (5) 2684 (64) 9 (6) 8 (65) 234 1655 6ii 2735 2682 7 2772 (45) 2772 (1) 8 "" (46) 4700 (7) 9 (66) 5 2688 9 (47) 1 (8) 4770 " (67) 6 2772 (2) 4900 (48) 2 (9) 1 : (68) 7 (3) 1 (49) 3 (10) 2 (69) 8 (4) ; 4 (11) 3 (70) 9 (5) 5 (12) 4 (71) 4840 "" (6) 6 "" (13) 5 (72) 1 (7) 234 LO 2740 2772 (50) (51) 5 (52) 7 (14) 6 (73) 2 "" (8) 6 (53) 8 (15) 7 (74) 3 2693 7 (54) " 9 (16) 8 (75) 4 2694 8 (55) 4710 2556 9 (76) 5 2697 9 (56) 1 2684 (17) 4780 (77) 6 2772 (9) 4910 2749 23450 CO "" (18) 1 (78) 7 (10) 1 2772 (57) (19) 2 (79) 8 2590 2 (58) (20) 3 (80) 9 2592 3 (59) (21) 4 (81) 4850 2701 4 (60) 6 (22) (82) 1 2941 5 2753 ,, "" 7 " (23) 6 2653 2 2772 (11) 6 2752 8 2631 7 2684 (83) 9 2684 (24) 8 (84) 4720 "" (25) 9 A.D. 1515. 1 (26) 4790 2684 (85) 2(1-6) 2629 (1–6) 1 ·ED EH LO C78 3 2635 2 (86) (87) 4 2636 3 2657 5 2633 4 2684 (88) 36啦 ​678 (12) 7(1)| 2781 4i (13) 7(2) (2) " 4ii 2629 (7) 7(3) (3) 5i 2772 (14) 8 2772 (61) 5ii 2699 9 (62) 2772 (15) 4920 2757 (16) 1 2758 (17) 6 2634 5 1637 9 2610 6 2665 8 2684 (27) 7 2684 (89) 4860 1 2617 (6) 2772 (18) (19) 2 ST LO 4 5 2760 2772 (63) A.D. 1515. 2772 (64) XC KEY. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. 4926 2761 4995 2862 (6) 5063 New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. 5131 | 2964 (24) New No8. 2964 (75) 7 2772 (65) 6 (7) (25) 2 (76) "" 8 2612 7 (8) " (26) 3 (77) 9 2777 8 (9) 2903 "" (78) 4930 2776 9 (10) 7 2964 (27) 5 (79) 1 A.D. 1515. 5000 "" (11) 8 2906 6 " (80) 2 2779 1 1948 (11) 9 2964 (28) 7 (81) 2861 (2) 4 "" (3) 5 2782 234 2772 (20) 5070 (29) 8 (82) 2862 (3) 1 (30) 2656 2863 (1) 2 (31) 5140 2654 6 2783 5 2839 7 2861 (4) 6 A.D. 1515. 34 (32) 1 3049 (2) (33) 2 (3) 8 (5) 2863 (2) 5 (34) 3 (4) (6) 8 (3) 6 2908 4 (5) "" 4940 1 2 3 "" (7) 9 (4) 7 2964 (35) 5 "" (7) "" (8) 5010 (5) 8 (36) 6 "" (8) (9) 1 "" 1836 (15) 9 (37) (9) (10) 2 2863 (6) 5080 "" (38) 8 2972 4 (11) 3 "" (7) 1 (39) 9 3049 (10) 5 (13) 4 (8) 6 "" (14) 5 "" (9) 23 (40) 5150 "" (11) (41) 1 2974 7 (15) 6 (10) 4 (42) 8 (16) 7 2846 5 "" (43) 9 A.D. 1515. 8 2849 6 (44) 4950 2861 (17) 9 2863 (12) 7 (45) 1 2793 5020 (13) 8 (46) 23 LO CO 2982 2984 4 2983 5 2985 6 2986 2 2794 1 2854 9 (47) 7 3049 (12) 3 2704 2 2863 (14) 5090 2913 8 2992 4 2799 (5) 3 (15) 1 2964 (48) 9 A.D. 1515. 5 2800 4 2832 2 (49) 5160 6 A.D. 1516? 5 2864 3 (50) 1 3049 (13) (14) 7 2861 (19) 6 2964 (1) 4 2915 8 (20) 7 " (2) 5 2964 (51) 9 (21) 8 (3) 6 (52) 4960 A.D. 1515. 9 2868 7 (53) G3WN 2 "" (15) 2995 4 3004 A.D. 1517. 1 2805 5030 2867 8 (54) 6 3049 (16) 2 2861 (24) 1 3 (22) 4 (23) 5 (24) 234 2964 (4) 2875 9 2916 (17) 5100 2964 (55) 8 3011 2874 1 (56) 9 3015 2964 (5) 6 (25) 5 2878 7 (26) 6 2964 (6) 234 (57) 5170 3012 (58) 2924 8 2807 "" (7) 5 2925 2861 (27) 8 (8) 6 2926 4970 2808 9 (9) 7 2927 1 2861 (28) 5040 2879 8 2964 (59) 1234 LO CO 3014 3017 (2) 3018 3019 5 3025 6 3026 2 (29) 1 2877 9 (60) 7 3023 3 2809 2 3609 5110 2932 8 3049 (18) 4 2861 (30) 3 2964 (10) 1 2929 9 "" (19) 5 (31) 4 (11) 6 2811 5 (12) 7 2812 6 (13) 8 2815 7 (14) 9 2861 (33) 8 2884 2345 C 2842 5180 (20) 2964 (61) 1 (21) (62) 2 A.D. 1516. (63) 3 3049 (23) 6 (64) 4 ,, (24) 4980 (34) 9 2964 (15) 7 2940 5 (25) "" 1 234 0 (35) }|A.D. 1515. 5050 (16) 8 2964 (65) 6 (26) 1 (17) 9 "" (66) 7 (27) "" 2 (18) 5120 "" (67) 8 (28) 2861 (36) 3 (19) 5 2823 4 2890 1(1)❘ 2942 1(2)| 2942 ii 9 3033 5190 3049 (30) 6 2819 5 2889 7 99 (2) 6 2964 (20) 8 2861 (37) 7 2895 234 2964 (68) 1 (33) (69) 2 3035 (70) 3 3049 (31) 9 (38) 8(1) 2896 5 2944 4 (34) " 4990 2862 (1) 8(2) | 2897 6 2945 5 "" (35) 1 (2) 9 2894 77 2964 (72) 2 (3) 5060 2964 (21) 8 3 (4) 1 (22) 9 3107 (49) (73) (36) (37) 8 (38) (5) 2 (23) 5130 2946 9 3107(28iv) KEY. xci Old Nos. New Nos. | Old Nos. New Nos. | Old Nos. New Nos. | Old Nos. New Nos. 3264 5200 3049 (39) 5269 3092 5335 3226 (21) 5404 1 (40) 5270 3087 6 (22) 5 3265 234 "" (41) 1 3090 7 3171 6 3324 (14) 3041 3049 (42) 5 3046 6 3107 (1) 23 LO 3107 (48) 8 3172 7 3268 (49) 3169 8 3269 (1-7) 4 3095 5340 3226 (23) 9 3267 3107 (50) 1 3174 5410 3274 7 3052 6 3137 (7) 2 3177 1 3275 8 3051 7 3107 (51) 3 3226 (24) 2 3276 9 3050 8 3098 "" (25) 3 3277 5210 3107 (2) 9 3099 (26) 3278 (3) 5280 3100 6 (27) 5 3279 224 (4) (5) "" (6) 5 "" (7) 6 "" (8) 7 (9) 1234 C 3107 (53) 3180 6 3280 3101 8 3181 7 3281 3107 (55) 9 3183 8 3283 2956 5350 3184 9 3324 (15) 5 2957 1 3185 5420 (16) 6 2958 2 2191 1 (17) 8 3057 7 2856 3 2928 2 (18) 9 3058 8 3226 (2) 4 3197 5220 3107 (10) 9 (3) 5 3195 1 (11) 5290 3109 6 3203 23 450 (12) 1 3226 (4) 7 3204 3 I LO C (19) 4 3285 5 3324 (20) 6 "" (21) " (13) 2 3113 8 3205 7 (22) (14) 3 "" 3226 (5) 9 3202 8 (23) "" (15) 4(1) (6) 5360 3201 9 6 (16) "" 4(2) 3111 1 3226 (28) 5430 3287 3556 7 "" (17) 4(3) 3226 (6) 2 3208 1 3324 (24) 8 3060 9 3107 (18) 5230 "" (19) 1 (20) 667 a 5 3114 3 3226 (29) 3226 (7) 4 3219 3115 5 3220 8 3226 (8) 6 3218 2 (21) 9 3116 7 3217 23 HLO C "" "" (25) (26) 4 3289 5 3324 (27) 6 (28) 3 (22) 5300 3226 (9) 8 3210 7 (29) 4 2078 3107 (23) 6 (24) "" "" (25) 8 (26) 9 5240 1 (27) 123 +10 CO 3125 9 3215 8 (31) 3124 5370 3227 9 3296 3226 (10) 1 3324 (1) 5440 3324 (32) 4 3126 5 3129 6 3130 (28) 7 3131 2 3 4 LO 3232 1 (33) 3230 3324 (2) 5 (3) "" (29) 8 3226 (11) 6 3233 2 3 LO (34) 3301 3297 5 3300 2 (30) 9 (12) 7 3235 6 3299 3 5 6 (31) 5310 (13) 8 3236 3304 "" (32) 1 3134 9 3240 8 3303 (33) 2 3226 (14) 5380 3324 (4) 9 3302 (34) 3 (15) 1 3239 5450 3324 (35) 7 (35) 4 (16) 8 "" (36) 5(1) (17) 9 "" (37) 5(2) 3136 5250 (38) 6 3137 (4) 1 3071 7 3137 (15) 2 3076 8 3140 234567 3241 1 (36) " 3238 2 "" (37) 3324 (5) 3 "" (39) (6) 4 " (40) 3246 (41) 3245 6 (42) 3 3212 9 3139 8 3324 (7) 3311 4 3213 5320 3141 9 3248 8 3322 5 3107 (40) 1 3142 5390 3247 9 3324 (43) 6 "" (41) 2 3146 1 3252 5460 "" (44) 7 (42) 3 3150 8 3078 3226 (18) 9 3080 (19) 5260 3107 (43) 6 3152 (2) 23 40 3255 1 (45) 3253 2 3323 3324 (8) (9) 1 (44) 7 3153 6 3261 335 3224 4 3496 3497 ∞ ∞ — CA WN 3083 8 3226 (20) 3324 (10) 6 3327 3082 9 3155 8 3257 3329 4 5 3107 (45) (46) 5330 3156 9 3260 8 3331 1 3157 5400 3324 (11) 9 3328 6 3088 2 3158 1 (12) 5470 3334 3089 3 3164 2 (13) 1 8 3107 (47) 4 3166 3 3263 2 " 3408 (3) (1) xcii KEY. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. New Nos. Old Nos. 5473 4 5 6 3408 (2) (4) 5542 3495 5611 New Nos. | Old Nos. 3499 (44) 5680 New Nos. 3537 3 3132 2 ·(45) 1 3540 3340 4 3409 3 3470 3408 (6) 5 3499 (1) 4 3468 3342 6 (2) 5 3499 (46) 8 3408 (5) 3411 6 3464 9 3345 8 3499 (3) 7 3499 (47) QS TO CO 2 3582 (7) 3 (8) 4 (9) 5 (10) 6 3541 5480 3344 9 (4) 8 "" (48) 3542 1 3408 (7) 5550 (5) 9 "" (49) 8 3582 (11) 2 3348 (2) 1 "" (6) 5620 (50) 9 (12) 3 (3) 2 (7) 1 (51) 5690 (13) 4 3357 5 3408 (9) 6 (8) 336 3416 2 (52) 1 (14) 4 3418 5 3499 (8) 7 (10) 6 (9) 8 3355 7 (10) 9 3356 8 (11) SO TH LO C7 3 (53) 4 5 6 5490 3360 9 3423 8 1 3326 5560 3424 9 2345O CO 3360 (3) 1 3499 (12) 5630 (54) (55) 3408 (37) 3499 (58) (59) (60) (61) 2 3 4 LO CO 1 ∞ - "" (15) (16) (17) 5 (18) 6 3498 7 3545 8 3546 9 3582 (19) 3353 3408 (11) 3361 234 (13) 1 (62) 5700 (20) "" (14) 2 3473 "" (15) 3 3483 6 3362 5 3428 4 3472 7 3360 (7) 6 3427 5 3475 123+ (21) 3560 3582 (22) 4 (23) 8 3408 (12) 7 3499 (17) 6 3474 5 3557 9 (13) 8 (18) 3477 6 3562 5500 3365 9 3430 8 3478 3582 (24) 1 3408 (14) 5570 2433 3499 (65) (25) 2 (15) 1 3499 (20) 5640 (66) (26) 3 (16) 2 (21) 1 3481 5710 (27) 4 (17) 3 (22) 5 3370 4 (23) 6 3408 (18) 5 (24) 7 (19) 6 (25) 23TH LO 3482 1 (28) 3499 (67) 2 3567 "" (69) 3 3572 5 (70) 3573 "" 8 (21) (26) 6 "" (71) 5 3582 (29) 9 ,, (20) 8 (27) (72) 6 (30) 5510 "" (22) 9 3432 8 "" (73) 7 3580 1 3371 5580 3499 (30) 9 3485 8 3581 2 3376 1 3435 5650 3490 9 3582 (31) 3 3375 2 4 3408 (23) 5 (24) 6 (25) 7 3378 8 3379 9 3408 (26) 6676AWN 3434 1 3489 5720 3608 3 3439 2 3499 (75) 1(1) 1727 4 3438 3 (76) 1(2)| 3137 (5) "" 5 3499 (31) 4 (77) 24 May, ,, (32) 5 (78) A.D. 1517. 3445 6 3492 8 3444 7 3493 5520 (27) 9 3447 3582 (1) 1 (29) 5590 3449 9 3501 Q3 Francis, g. 2055 (65). Hugh, g. 833 (68). Mary, 438 (4 m. 3). Ph., 20 (p. 16). Th., 438 (3 m. 28):—g. 2863 (8). See Dax. Roger, g. 2772 (55). Adam, 2539. • 2 Clement, g. 2862 (7). John, 438 (4 m. 17). Adams, Mr., а • Adorni (Addornes), the Adre. (Addornes), the Genoese family, ruling Genoa for the French, 432 ii., 1953, 1988, 2022, 2428, 2462. See Nudry. Adrian (Audryan), -, trumpet, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42). Cardinal. See Corneto. Adrianople, in Turkey, 739. Adryan, Jasper, surgeon, p. 1520. Adthyll. See Athol. Adursa, Juan, merchant in Flanders, 3524. Adyngrobe, Wm., 438 (3 m. 27). Adyngton. See Addington. Edred. See Edred. See Ethel. Æthel. Scottish priest. Af. See Dax. See Williamson, A. John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 41). Maurice, 2480 (26). Wm. alias Aram, 438 (1 m. 24), 438 (2 m. 32). Adamson, John, g. 731 (8), 2617 (7). Rob., 438 (2 m. 6). Adbaston, Staff., g. 709 (22). Adbaston, Wm., g. 546 (33). Adda (Abda), the Italian river, 9, 1220. Addeley, Edw., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 39). Adderston, Mr. Wm., King's [veterinary] surgeon, 20 (p. 19). Adderton, Wm., g. 132 (97). Addescote. See Ascot. Addill, earl of, of Scotland, 2313n. Repetition of Athol ? Addingham (Haddyngham), John. abbot of Swineshead, 438 ( m. 20):-g. 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14). Addington (Adyngton), Kent, 438 (4 m. 2). Addornes. See Adorni. Aderston, Ric., 20 (p. 13). Aderton ΟΥ Adirton. See Ather- ton. Adgore, Gregory, serjeant at law, his daughters and heirs, Ella and Dorothy, g. 1221 (56). Adie, Henry, g. 1316 (4). Adige (Athis), the Italian river, 1043, 1594, 2020, 3396. 2028, 3341, Adindain. See Haddington. Adley, Edw., g. 257 (92). Adlington, Chesh., 438 (1 m. 3). Admiral of England, g. 485 (40), 1365 (11), 1732 (40), 1948 (13). See Oxford, John earl of; Howard, Sir Edward; Howard, Thomas lord. his commissary in the West, 438 (3 m. 31). Admiralty, Court of, g. 969 (4). Adonell. See O'Donnell. 1 Affeton or Afton. See Aveton. AFRICA. See BARBARY. Agallombaic. See O'Gallagher. Agard, John, 392, 438 (1 m. 15): p. 1535. Ralph, p. 1544 : g. 709 (22). Th., g. 1462 (19). Agarde, Arthur, endorsement by, 1286. Aggeus, Augustine, 2818. Aghelar. See Aguilera. Aghinagh (Achinach), co. Cork, p. Aginton. See Eckington. Aglish (Ishereno cre), co. Kilkenny, p. 1524. Aglove. See Ayloff. Agmondesham. See Amersham. Agmondesham, Emma, 438 (4 m. 28). John, 438 (4 m. 28). Agnadello (or Vaila), defeat of the Venetians at (on 14 May, 1509), 33, 98. Agnetez, Guillaume, of Dieppe, 1262 (p. 578). Aguilera (Aghelar), Commander Christobal de, 1656, 1665 (p. 762). Ailesford. See Aylesford. Ailewarton. See Alvarton and Al- warton. Ailmer. See Aylmer. Ailston. See Aylestone. Ailworthe. See Aylworth. Ainalt. See Anhalt. Ainsley, John, p. 1542. Ainstable (Aynestaplegh), Cumb., g. 709 (14), 1948 (31). Aire (Aery, Are, Hayre, Ayryth, Eyrey), in Artois, 2053 (6 iii.), 2173, 2184, 2208, 2391 (pp. 1059-60), 2392, 2483, 2503, 2534, 2995. ? captain of. See Habart, J. de. certificate by the magis- trates, 1565, 4 GENERAL INDEX. Aire-cont. letters dated at, 2168, 2208- 9, 2214, 2232. nunnery, 2252. Aire (Eyre), the Yorkshire river, g. 1123 (37). Airton (Eyrton), Yorks., [in Kirkby in Craven], 438 (1 m. 3). Aisbertone. See Ashburton. Aiskew (Aiscough), Yorks, g. 2964 (44). Aiston. See Ashton. Aix la Chapelle or Aachen (Acon), 1126. 2136. Aka. See Rock. Akeneston. See Kynaston. Akenham, Suff., g. 2964 (33). Akland. See Auckland. Akryng. See Eakring. Akworthe, George, g. 3499 (28). Akynherd, John, prior of Monimusk, p. 1527. Alamanni, Nic., g. 3107 (12). Alan. See Alen. Alan, Alan son of, grant by, g. 158 (32). Alane, John, cooper, g. 2684 (110 ii.). Alanson, Gilbert, g. 1044 (21). Alansoun, David, of Dundee, 1730. Alarde, Ralph, g. 731 (18). Alathom. See Lathom. Alba. See Alva. Albanen', Oliverus [O. Carafa Card. of Alba, 1476-83], 633. Albanians, 766. Albany, John Stewart, duke of, earl of Mar and lord of the Isle of Man, 565, 684, 686, 688, 690-1, 694, 720, 951, 1064, 2443, 2445, 2461, 2605, 2633, 2647, 2681, 2714, 2736, 2740, 2793, 2802, 2974, 3003-4, 3009, 3269 (3), 3348, 3364, 3424, 3449, 3468, 3481, 3485, 3540. letters to, 688, 2802 :- p. 1530. > signature of, 951. • his brother, 3364. his wife, 3449. Albare, in Italy, 2264. Albec. See Aby. Alberto, Signor. See Carpi. Albi, in France, cardinal of. See Brittus, R. Albon, Ric., 438 (2 m. 15). Albion, Mosen Jayme de, Spanish ambassador in France, 6, 260, 325, 329 (pp. 148, 150), 333. letter to, 261. • Albret, town called. See Brest. Albret, Amaneus d', Cardinal, 932, 1375. Henry d', prince of Navarre, son of John, 1326 (p. 615), 1327. Albret-cont. John d', King of Navarre, 442, 1239, 1291, 1320, 1326–7, 1351, 1359, 1375, 1378, 1391, 1404, 1461, 1469, 1484, 1487, 1495 (1 ii., 3), 1509 (pp. 693, 695), 1511, 1519 (p. 703), 1575 (pp. 721, 723), 1665 (pp. 762, 765), 1689, 1866, 1884, 1953, 2161, 2393, 2779, 2928. a daughter of, 1461, • 1484. (Labryt, Albrytte, Delabryt), Mons. d', [Alan d'Albret, father of John king of Navarre], 1291 (p. 592), 1375, 1509, 1511 (p. 698), 1566 (p. 719), 1689 (p. 774), 2006 (p. 907). Albuquerque, Alfonso de, Portu- guese commander in India, 1974. Alburgh, Sir Richard. See Ald- burgh. Albury (Aldebury), Herts, 438 (2 mm. 12, 25). Albury (Aldbury, Oldbury), Oxon., g. 3582 (10). Albury (Albery), Surr., g. 1494 (47). Alby, Alex., merchant of Provence, g., 632 (3). Alcantara, in Spain, 610. Alchemy, 664. Alcock (Alkoke), Mr., King's chap- lain, 20 (p. 15). Alcote, Warw., 438 (2 m. 4). Alcocke, Rob., g., 2861 (35). Alday, Mr., 2185. • • (Aldy, Aldey), Th., 1803 (1 m. 3). (Aldey), Wm., g. 546 (64). Aldborough (Laborrow), Suff., 1672, 1982 (4). Aldborough (Aldeburgh), Yorks, 1355. Aldborough (Aldeburgh, Alburgh), Sir Ric., 1355, 1363. • • " Thomas, 1355. receipt by, 837 ii. See Aldborough. Aldbury. See Albury. Aldeburgh, Suff. Aldebury, Herts. See Albury. Alden (Aldyn), Henry, 438 (3 m. 24). Aldenham, Herts, g. 158 (3), 2055 (51). Aldercher. See Algarkirk. See Algarkirk. Alderkirk. Alderley (Alderleghe), Chesh., g. 485 (9). Aldermaston (Aldermyster), Berks, 438 (4 m. 12). Alderminster (Aldermuston), Worc., 438 (2 m. 6). GENERAL INDEX. 5 Alder Moor (Oldesmore), Derb. [in Somershall Herbert], g. 3499 (23). Alderney (Aureney), Isle of, 386, 1936:-g. 54 (71). .., French safe conduct to, 1796. Aldersey, John, g. 2137 (23). Aldershot (Haldershote), Hants, 438 (3 m. 22 bis). Alderson, Wm., 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41), 877n, 954. Alderton, Ntht., g. 1083 (41). Alderton, Suff., rector of, 438 (3 m. 16). Alderton (Aldurton, Alhirton, Aldir- ton), Th., 438 (2 m. 5). Alderwas. See Alrewas. Alderwashaye, forest, Yorks, 1493 v. Aldesworth. See Awsworth. Aldeworth, Wm., 438 (3 m. 8). Aldey. See Alday. Aldford (Aldeford), Chesh., g. 485 (9). Aldglose (Aldelose), Kent, [in Hast- ingleigh], 1784. Aldingham, Lanc., 438 (1 m. 11). Aldington, Kent, 2424n. grant dated at, g. 885 (13). rectory of, 2724n. Alduson, Gilbert, 707. Aldred, Roger, 2304 (3). Aldridge (Alderiche, Alriche), Staff., 438 (2 m. 14). rector presented, g. 448 (7). Aldrych, Th., g. 2480 (20). Aldwark (Aldwerke), Yorks, g. 1003 (11). Aldwinkle (Alwincle), Ntht., g. 158 (22), 1662 (58), 2772 (51). Holandes manor, and other places in, g. 2772 (51). Aleander, Jerome, 1082, 1552. Alee. See Lee. letter from, 1082. Alegre (Allegre, Lalegra), Yves de Tourzel baron d', 113, 1301 (p. 598). Aleman, Jean, French prisoner, p. 928. Alen or Aleyn, John or Sir John, baron of Exchequer, 82 (p. • · 39): p. 1544:-g. 11 (6), 651 (10), 731 (14),. 1316 (26). John, merchant of London, g. 289 (34). (Alan), John, 438 (3 mm. 21, 26), 1493 iv. :-p. 1503: :-g. 289 (17), 969 (13). (Alyn, Alayn), Nic., 438 (4 m. 2). (Alayn), Ralph, 438 (3 m. 31). Richard, 438 (3 m. 28):-p. 1548. (Alyn), Roger, 438 (3 m. 23). Alen or Aleyn-cont. Th., merchant of the Staple, signature, 440. Th., rector of Newton Tracy, g. 2964 (67). (Alayn), Th., 438 (4 m. 15). (Alyn), Wm., g. 1732 (24). Alenby. See Allonby. Alençon, Charles, duke of, 1055, 1064, 1265 (p. 580), 2172, 2173 (3), 2237, 2392 iii., 3240, 3348, 3361, 3364, 3424, 3476. Alenson (Alynson), Gilbert, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39):—g. 731 (51). (Alynson), Wm., ship cap- tain, 1453. Alesham. See Aylsham. Alessandria (Alexandria), in Italy, 1301 (p. 596), 1312, 1647, 1988, 2028-9, 2352. letter dated at, 1301 (p. 595). Alestre, Th., 20 (p. 18). Alesworth. See Aylworth. Ale water, in Scotland, p. 1260. Aleweston. See Alveston. Alexander VI., Pope, 20 (p. 21), 93, 105, 747, 843, 1066, 3206n. Alexander, 20 (p. 17). ship captain, 1661 (4 p. 753), 1869 iii. Roger, g. 2617 (10). Alexander the sackbut. See Massu, A. Alexandria, in Egypt, 305 (?), 1002. Alexandrie, earl of, a French noble- man, 3348. Aleyn. See Alen. Alfegh, John, 438 (2 m. 15). Alfereston (Alverton) alias Bigods, in Dunmow, Essex, 438 (1 m. 22). Alfonso, called in France the "In- fante of Aragon," second son of Frederic king of Naples, 2038, 2154 (?"Don Allexan- dro "), 3348. Alford, Hants, p. 1516. Alford, Henry, prior of Markby, 438 (4 m. 24). Roger, g. 3408 (14). Alfred, King, charter of, g. 519 (53). Alfreton, Derb., g. 857 (21). Alfriston (Alveryscheston), 438 (4 m. 2). Alfyngton. See Alphington. Suss., Algar (Algor), Ric., 438 (2 m. 29). Algarkirk (Alderkirk, Aldercher), Linc., 438 (1 m. 18):—g. 485 (10), 2906. rector of. See Portinari, J.B. Alhirton. See Alderton. Alicante (Halicant), in Spain, 1423. 6 GENERAL INDEX. Alice, mother of Earl William, [an- | Almazan (Almaçan, Almasan, Dal- 546 cestor of Richard de Clare earl of Gloucester and Hert- ford], charter of, g. (15). Alicenolt (Alisholt), Hants [in Wool- ner Forest], 438 (3 m. 30) : g. 447 (26). Alidosi, Fr., Card. of Pavia, q.v. Aliens, g. 546 (6). See also Deniza- tions. Aligh. See Lee. Aliis, Claude de. See Marseilles, bp. of. Alington, Giles or Sir Giles, 20 (p. 15), 81, 438 (4 m. 11), 1176 (1, 2): p. 1534 :-App. 9, 26 :-g. 94 (99), 257 (49), 632 (26), 682 (3), 969 (23). knighted, 81. Mary, 438 (4 m. 11). Wm., 438 (4 m. 11). Aliston, rector of, p. 1525. Alistre. See Austrey. Alkanynges. See All Cannings. Alkar. See Altcar. Alkborough (Alkeowe, Alkebargh), Linc., 438 (4 m. 7). Alker, John, 1493 iii. Alkerugge, Heref., 1803 (1 m. 2). Allambure. See Lumbier. Allaredy. See Laredo. Allayne, Henry, abbot of Jedburgh, 1433. All Cannings (Alkanynges), Wilts, 438 (3 m. 23 bis). Allegre, Baron d'. See Alegre. 952, 973, 980. Allen, Allerton, Notts. See Ollerton. Allerton, Yorks, g. 289 (25). Allerton Mauleverer, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 12). Allerwas. See Alrewas. Allescote, Warw., 438 (1 m. 11). Alleston, Warw., 438 (1 m. 11). Allexandro (Alfonzo ?), Don, 2154. Alley, Hants, 438 (3 m. 27). Allington (Alynton) [in Gresford parish], co. Denbigh, g. 731 (45). Allington (Alyngton), Kent, 438 (3 m. 10):-g. 784 (20). Allocate, writs of, g. 218 (60). Alloff. See Ayliff. Allonby (Alenby), Henry, of Allonby, Cumb., 438 (4 m. 13). Allysford. See Alresford. Allysworth or Alsworth. See Aws- worth. Almadianus, Jo., clerk of the Sacred College, 3562. Almains. See German mercen- aries. Almayne, Wm., rector of Wichen- ford, g. 632 (21). maçan), Miguel Perez de, King Ferdinand's secretary (died 14 April, 1514), 6, 21 ii., 40, 162 (p. 87), 261, 325, 329 (pp. 150, 153), 474, 478, 797, 864 (3), 1219, 1320, 1575 (p. 722), 1695, 1902, 2006, 2697, 2982. 261. 1219. letters from, 21 ii., letters to, 474, 478, Almeley, Heref., 438 (3 m. 22). Almer, John, serjeant at arms, g. 2055 (34, 36), 2484 (18). Wm., g. 218 (29), 731 (45). Almerstoke, Devon, 438 (4 m. 23). Almesbury, John, g. 546 (64). Almirari, M., 1301 (p. 598). Almisedars, M. d', 1301 (p. 599). Almondbury, Yorks, 438 (4. m. 5). Almondsbury (Almesbury, Alman- desbury), Glouc., 438 (2 m. 19). rector of, pp. 1527-8. • Almott, John (temp. Edw. III.), g. 651 (10). Alms, giving of, 1, 19, 20. Almshoe (Ammesho), Herts, 438 (1 m. 10). Almyngham. See Alvingham. Alneton. See Alton. Alnwick, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 13), 2246 (4), 2651 (3), 2913:—g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). constable of, 2443. Alom, Wm., g. 357 (29). Alonso (or Alonus Spanyard "), footman of Katharine of Ara- gon, 20 (p. 15). Alphington (Alfyngton), Devon, g. 1083 (2). rector of, 438 (3 m. 18). Alps ("the Mountains "), 147, 266, 1064, 1155, 1265, 1277 (pp. 587-8), 1301 (pp. 594-5, 598-9), 1489, 1540, 1665 (p. 763), 1735 (p. 792), 1738, 1791, 1809, 1877, 1884 (p. 858), 1895, 1993, 2020, 2029, 2242, 2647, 2694, 3270, 3424 (p. 1442), 3449 :— g. 289 (34), 357 (1, 13), 604 (2, 12). Alred, Th., p. 1514. Alresford (Allysford), Hants, grant dated at, g. 632 (45). Alrewas (Alderwas, Allerwas), Staff., 438 (2 mm. 4, 24). Alriche. Alscote. See Aldridge. See Alvescott. Alsey. See Halsey. Alspath (Halspade), Warw., 438 (4 m. 24). Alstede. See Halstead. Alston, Staff., 438 (1 m. 26). GENERAL INDEX. 7 Alston, John, of Bristol, 184 (5). Alstone, John, 874 (2), 3313 (6). Altcar (Alkar), Lanc., 438 (1 m. 15). Alternon, Cornw., 1803 (2 m. 4). vicar of, p. 1530. Altherton, Th., 1267. Althorpe (Olthorp), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 21), 438 (4 m. 2), 1803 (1 m. 6):—g. 414 (46), 1494 (28). Altoftes, Wm., king's surgeon, 82 (p. 42). Altofts (Altoftes), Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 24, 28). Alton (Alneton), Derb., 438 (1 m. 18). Alton (Alton Westbroke), Hants, 438 (3 m. 21), 1803 (2 m. 3), 1960. Trunchauntes in, g. 289 (13). Altoveti, Joachim, Joachim, merchant of Florence, g. 218 (18), 604 (7, 34), 651 (18). Altropp, Philip, 2765. throp? Qu. Cal- Alum, 1005, 1882, 1957–8, 3092, 3141, 3205, 3241, 3490 :—p. 1549. importation of, g. 132 (91), 1170 (11), 1494 (13), 3107 (2), 3226 (14). Alumberry. See Lumbier. Alured, Johel son of, charter of, g. 546 (54). Aluyn. See Athlone. Alva (Alba), Duke of, 1239, 1319–20, 1326 (pp. 613-4), 1327, 1376, 1469, 1487, 1509 (pp. 694-5), 1511 (pp. 698, 700), 1519, 1575 (p. 722), 2177. letter from, 1319. Alvard (Alverd), Anne widow of Thomas, 1803 (2 m. 4). Alvarton (Ailewarton), Cornw. [near Penzance], g. 2137 (4). Alveryscheston. See Alfriston. Alveley (Alvithley), Essex, 438 (2 m. 7), 1803 (1 m. 5). Alverton. See Alfereston. Alvescot (Aubscoyd, Alscote), Oxon, rector presented, g. 784 (44), 2422 (6). Alveston (Alyston, Aleweston), Glouc., 438 (2 m. 32). Alveston, Suss., g. 709 (26). Alviano (La Vienne), Bartolomeo d' (Dalbian, Dalviane), Vene- tian captain-general, 9, 1884 (p. 858), 2022, 2106, 2127, 2352, 2852, 3014 ii., 3097, 3237, 3274, 3392, 3396. Alvingham (Almyngham), Linc., priory, 438 (3 m. 15). Alvyngton. See Alwington. Alwarde. See Aylward. Alwarton (Ailewarton), Cornw., g. 2772 (9). Alwincle. See Aldwinkle. Alwington (Alyngton, Alvyngton), Devon, 438 (2 mm. 9, 12, 16, 30). Alworth, Wm., letter to, 3351. Alwyn, Nic., alderman, 438 (3 m. 4). See also Ayliff. Alyde, Maurice, 707 (p. 383). Alye. See Lee. Alyn. See Alen. Alyngworth. See Abinger. Alyngton, Devon. See Alwing- ton. Alyngton, Kent. See Allington. Alynton. See Allington. Alysbury, Bucks. See Aylesbury. Alysbury, Linc. See Aylesby. Alyston. See Alveston. Amadas, Robert, goldsmith, 438 (4 m. 14), 1549, 2781 ii., 3326 (2), 3343-p. 1503. Amaryn. See Amorcyptuny. Ambassadors in England: Flemish (Burgundian) and Imperial, 355, 413, 445–6, 458, 493, 508. See Bonet; Castres. French, 156, 266, 326, 346, 363, 365, 413, 941-2, 3138-9, 3142. See Fé- camp, abbot of; D'Arizo- les; Lannoy, R. de; Rieux, bp. of; Boyer, Th.; La Guiche, P. de. Imperial, 1520, 1588, 2744, 2756, 2915, 2925, 2945, 3151. See Plaine, G. de ; Colla, J. Papal agent, 525. Papal legate, 624, 675, 754, 2029 (p. 918), 2048, 2512, 2517, 2523 ii., 2928 (p. 1266). Papal nuncio, 525, 572, 2276, 2292, 3160. See Griffo ; also Fisher, C.; Bonvisi, J.; Chieti, bp. of; Spinelly, L. Portuguese, 450. Saxony (Duke George, governor of Friesland), 2929, 2930 n. Scottish, 114, 1314-15, 1340, 1499, 1523, 1624, 2793-g. 833 (65), 2535 (28), 2862 (8). See For- man, A. ; Blackadder, R.; Ogilvy, J.; Arran, J. earl of. Scotch commis- sioners. See Scotland, Marches of 8 GENERAL INDEX. Ambassadors in England-cont. Spanish, 6 (pp. 4–6), 162 (p. 87), 166, 2112, 3477. See Fuensalida, G. G. de; Caroz, L.; Lopez, L.; Lanuza, P. de; Mesa, B. de. Swiss (Maurice Hierus and John Stolz), 2808, 2879, 2950, 2955, 2961, 2996–7. Venetian, 336, 365, 3234, 3243, 3341, 3367, 3386, 3394, 3396, 3404, 3503, 3553, 3559, 3579. See Badoer, A.; Donato, F.; Guistiniano, S. Ambert, Lucas, merchant of Pro- vence, g. 632 (3). Ambleside (Amelsett), Westmld., g. 158 (89), 1732 (1). Amboise, in France, 3185:-g. 257 (13). Amboise, Charles d', seigneur de Chaumont, q.v. > Emery d', Grand Master of St. John of Jerusalem (or of Rhodes), 83, 191, 591, 610, 766-7, 1002. 766-7. letters from, 191, 591, George d', abp. of Rouen (Roan), cardinal of St. Sixtin, Legate in France, lieutenant of Normandy († 1510), 83, 103, 162 (p. 85), 266, 268, 274, 333, 363, 367, 406, 430, 432, 531, 1575 (p. 722), 2230. letter to, 103. illness of, 162 (p. 85). George d', the younger, abp. of Rouen, 3269 (3). Jacques d', bishop of Cler- mont and abbot of Cluny, brother of George, 1575 (p. 722). Louis d', bp. of Albi, car- dinal of St. Marcellinus, li- cence by, 137. Ambrelayns (in Berkhamstead), Herts, g. 94 (9). Ambresbury. See Amesbury. Ambricourt (Ambi Curto), Mons. d', 1301 (p. 598). Ambrose, Henry, p. 1512. Ameles. See Meles. Amelherst or Amynhurste, Suss., 438 (3 m. 31). Amelsett. See Ambleside. Amener, Rob., 2606. Amere, Ric., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 41). Amersdorf. See Armestorff. Amersham (Agmondesham, Egmons- ham), Bucks, 438 (1 m. 23) :- p. 1512 :-g. 381 (55). Ameryk, Ric., 438 (2 m. 26). Ames (Amys, Amysse, Ammys), Chr., 438 (4 m. 9). Amesbury (Ambresbury, Amysbery), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 21), 438 (3 m. 28), 438 (4 m. 8). , nunnery, 438 (3 m. 16). prioress. See Fauntle- roy, C. confirmation for, g. 1221 (57). Amfles, John, prior of Castleacre, 574. Amflower. See Honfleur. Amiens (Miens, Amyas), in Picardy, 83, 1594, 1925, 1937, 2061, 2092, 2110, 2119, 2126, 2164, 2169, 2237, 2241, 2254 iii., 2307, 2373 ii., 2379, 2389, 2397, 2665, 3185, 3252. letters dated at, 2169, 2198, 2204, 2287, 2297, 2307, 2311, 2322, 2360. bailly of. See Lannoy, R. de; Pont de Remy, Sieur de. Amiens, le Vidame de, 3348. Amies, John. See Annes. Amlwch (Aunlough), co. Anglesea, 438 (3 m. 21). Ammesho. See Almshoe. Ammonius, Andreas, Andreas, de Arena, Latin secretary, canon of St. Stephens, letters from, 770-1, 917, 933, 949, 961, 964, 973, 1956, 2457, 3302. letters to, 736, 745, 848, 865, 891, 905, 922, 926, 936, 958, 972, 980, 1060, 1188, 2223, 2458, 2468, 2519, 3020, 3062, 3496. 3158. 2519. > > named Papal collector, his Panegyricus, 2519. his poems, App. 5. his servant Thomas, other references, 2053 (2), 2559, 2611, 2644, 2724, 2783, 3158, 3197, 3220, 3311, 3322, 3401-2, 3489, 3495, 3497, 3511:-g. 1083 (1), 2861 (21). Amont, bailli of. See Carondelet. Amorcyptuny or Amaryn, vicarage of St. Mary [co. Tipperary], pp. 1523, 1530. Ampeys or Ampies, Martin de. See Dampies. Ampristron. See Ham Preston. Amptell or Anten, Th., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42). Ampthill, Beds, 438 (2 mm. 22, 30), 438 (4 m. 23). Amstain, (? Stengell ”), in Hain- ault, 2376. 66 Amsterdam (Hanserdam, Hampster- dam), 2009, 2478 (2), 2809. GENERAL INDEX. 9 Amsterdam-—cont. pensioner of, 2694. Amyas. See Amiens. Amyas, Wm., g. 381 (101). Amys. See Ames. Amysbery. See Amesbury. An. See Anne. Anatolia (Natelia, Natalia), 1190, 1534. prince of, 3557. Ancaster (Ankester), Linc., 1798. Anchereta, Martin de, ship owner, 2304. Ancona, in Italy, 843, 1007, 1277 (p. 587), 2794. Ancona, cardinal of, letter to, 374. Ancovra. See Ancrum. Ancrum (Ancrom, Ancron, Ancovra), in Scotland, 2390:-pp. 1521, 1524. Anda (Danda), John de, Spanish merchant, p. 1502. Andalusia (Andolosya), in Spain, 6 (p. 5), 1326 (p. 618). Anderson (Andreson), John, 3135. Laurence, of Leith, 1262 (p. 578). Anderston, Dors., 438 (1 m. 22). Andover (Andever), Hants, 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 8) :—g. 94 (35), 132 (115), 289 (5). confirmation of charters, 619:-g. 632 (59). grant to the town, g.709 (37). Andreas, a Flemish pilot, 3133. Bernard, the "blind poet," 949, 972, 2247 (3). panegyric on Henry VIII., 2247 (3). Master. See Ammonius. Andréwe, Henry, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41). • John, clk., 438 (2 m. 19). Matthew, 438 (1 m. 13). Ric., merchant of the Staple, 438 (3 m. 5). (Androwe), Rob., 438 (4 m. 13):-g. 1221 (14a). Wm., 2540, 2706 (2):-p. 1507. Andrewes, Th., g. 969 (23). Andries, Andrieu, rent-master of Wester Scheldt, letter to, 1311 iv. Aney (Ane), co. Limerick, p. 1529. Angell, Nic., letter to, 3351. Angelo, Friar, letters from, 1204,1223. Anger's Farm (St. Andrew's Farm), Dors. [in Child Okeford], 438 (4 m. 11). Angien. See Enghien. Anglesey (Anglesea) in Wales, 438 (1 m. 24), 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 m. 20), 1803 (2 m. 2):—g. 784 (45). Anglesey, priory, Camb., prior. See Holland, G. Anglesse, Roger, g. 2535 (7). Angoulême, bp. of, p. 1528. duke of. See Francis. Angus, Archibald Douglas earl of, († 1513), 255, 1287, 1499, 2396, 2407, 2455. letter from, 2407. Archibald Douglas, earl of, son of the preceding, husband of Queen Margaret, 2973, 3282, 3468, 3481. earl of. See also Tailboys, Sir G. (Angwis), [George Douglas,] master of, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313n. Anhalt (Halnouct, Hanault, Ainalt), prince of, Maximilian's com- mander in Italy, 83, 522, 570. Anislow. See Annesley. Ankeley, Notts., 438 (2 m. 26). Anlaby, Th., esquire of the House- hold, 20 (p. 18). Annaghdown, in Ireland, bpric. of, 3016. • dean of, p. 1524. Annan (Annand), in Scotland, p. 1260. rector of, 1030. Annandale (Annardale), in Scotland, 2390. stewardry of, 1983. Anne [of Britanny], Queen of France (died 9 Jan., 1514), 304, 367, 590, 674, 1127, 1138, 1141, 1257 (2), 1277 (p. 587), 1647 (p. 743), 1665 (pp. 763–4), 1689, 1709, 1737, 1751, 1825, 1916, 1919, 1933, 1936, 1953, 1999 (3), 2079, 2083, 2116, 2156, 2242, 2373 ii., 2393, 2486, 2496, 2523 ii., 2554, 2570, 2595-6, 2601, 2647, 2681, 2744, 3206n, 3344. letter to, 304. her charge to Felipon, 1257 (2). Jaques, a varlet of her chamber, 1665 (p. 763), 1751, 1919. • her pannetier. Borne, M. de. obsequies of, 2570. Anne (An), John, 1803 (1 m. 6). Annebaut (Denebatt), Mons. See d', cappitaine des toilles of France, 3348. Annes (or Amies ?), John, priest, of the Chapel Royal, rector of Narberth, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40):—g. 257 (44), 731 (38). Annesburton. See Burton Agnes. Annesley, Notts, 438 (3 m. 32). 10 GENERAL INDEX. Antwerp-cont. Annesley Woodhouse (Hansley Wod- hous), Notts, g. 2684 (27). Annesley, Brian, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 41). Hugh, 20 (p. 16). • (Anislow), John, constable of Norham, 817, 1323, 1380, 2111. letter from, 1380. Ralph, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). (Anseley), Ric., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Rob., clk., g. 651 (11). Th., 20 (p. 17 bis), 82 (pp. 39, 41):—g. 3499 (7). Walter, g. 709 (51). Annocque, Jacques, 3212n. Annos, Ric., 20 (p. 19). Anseley. See Annesley. Anstey (Ansty), Herts, g. 94 (35, p. 50), 546 (23). Ansty, Wilts, 438 (2 m. 18). Ansty, Ric., 438 (1 m. 18). Anten. See Amptell. Anthony, Cornw., g. 969 (23). Anthony, East. (Estanton), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 21). Anthony, West (Westanton), Cornw., g. 1083 (2). Anthony, Lord. See Grey. Anthony, Messire, 3227. Qu. La Bastie, q.v. • John, purser, 2938 ii. Segre, ship master, 3506. Anthorn (Aynthorn), Cumb. [in Bowness], 438 (3 m. 32). Antoing (Anthoyne) castle, Tournay, 2448. Anton. See Southampton. Antonianus, school of, 2419. Antonio, 1301 (p. 595). Antony, Ric., 2480 (23). near Wm., 438 (3 m. 24):—g. 2055 (11). Antron, Cornw. [in Sithney], g. 1123 (6), 1415 (26). Antron, Ric., g. 1415 (26). Simon, purser, 3148. Wm., attainted, g. 1123 (6), 1415 (26). ANTWERP (Andwarpe, Andewarpe), 83, 325, 828, 907, 1032, 1229, 1241, 1265, 1321, 1353, 1362, 1421, 1437, 1566, 1664, 1679, 1699, 1768, 1891, 1962, 2068, 2083 (1, 2), 2220, 2265, 2344, 2404, 2413, 2451, 2478 (2), 2483, 2528, 2542, 2572, 2609, 2633, 2668, 2765, 2809, 2867, 2950, 2976, 3041, 3051, 3085, 3109, 3235, 3457-pp. 1497, 1511:—App. 17: g. 1415 (28), 1662 (49), 2772 (33). letters dated at, 819, 1378, 1384, 1387, 1389, 1394, 1761, 1860, 1876, 2736. > marts at, 1891 (2), 1923, 1982 (3):—p. 1517. pensionary of, 2230. Portuguese proctor, letter to, 828. Anyden, Ric., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Anzechin, (of Venice ?), 3003. Ap.. Giles, servant of the earl of Devon, letter from, 2227. Apar. See Parr. Aparry, Maurice, g. 519 (57), 924 (10). Apawell. See Ap Howell. Apbowen, Th., 707 (p. 383). Ap David, Edw., g. 1316 (16), 2684 (103). Griffith, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 7), Jevan, 438 (4 m. 25). John, 438 (1 m. 19), 1803 (2 m. 5) :—g. 54 (43), 1732 (9). John William, g. 54 (43). Llewellyn, g. 1732 (9). Nic., 438 (3 m. 21). Reginald, 893 (2):-g. 709 (42). .., Res, 438 (2 m. 28), 2481 (3). Ric., 2480 (63). Robert, g. 1316 (38). Th., 438 (3 m. 7). Wm., g. 54 (43), 2772 (26). Ap David Vychan, Rob., 438 (2 m. 27). Ap Davy. See Ap David. Ap Deicons, John, 438 (3 m. 11). Ap Eden, Geoffrey, 438 (3 m. 22). Rice, 438 (1 m. 22). Richard, 438 (1 m. 22). Ap Edwardes, David, g. 833 (24). Ap Egn, Huskyn, 438 (4 m. 25). Ap Eign, Jevan, 1803 (1 m. 3). Apethorpe (Apthorpe), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 23):—g. 1083 (41). Ap Evan (or Jevan), Meredith, 438 (4 m. 27). Ap Ewan, Rosere, 438 (1 m. 22). Ap Eynon, Philip, 438 (2 m. 25). Ap Glin, Jevan, g. 54 (43). Ap Glinn, Th., 2053 (6). Ap GI'm, David, g. 1732 (9). Ap Griffith (Griff), David, 438 (2 m. 28). > Hoell, 438 (1 mm. 19, 24), 438 (4 m. 7). Jevan Lloyd, 438 (4 m. 25). John, 438 (1 m. 19). John, clk. alias Glyn, q.v. Rice, 1803 (2 m. 2). Th., g. 632 (84). See also Griffith. Ap Grono, Meredith, 438 (1 m. 19). GENERAL INDEX. 11 Ap Grono-cont. Tudor, 438 (4 m. 27). Ap Gualter, Ric., 438 (3 m. 23). Ap Gwellym, Henry, 438 (1 m. 14). Ap Guylham, Th., 2392 (p. 1063). Ap Guilliam, Th., g. 381 (84), 447 (27). Ap Gwillam, John Philip, 1803 (1 m. 3). Ap Guyllams, Edmund, 2480 (37). John, serjeant at arms, p. 1516 :—g. 969 (26), 3408 (40). Ap Guilliams, Th., g. 1948 (48), 3324 (5). Ap Gwyllyam, David, 438 (3 m. 21). Ap Guyllym Morgan, David, g. 969 (23). Ap Gybon, Howell, 438 (3 m. 7). Ap Harry, David, g. 833 (24). James, 2481 (3). Ap Henry, Hugh, 438 (1 m. 14). (Ap Henre), John, g. 1732 (9). Maurice, g. 604 (23). Th., 438 (2 m. 29). Ap Hopkyn, Morgan, rector of Llant- wit by Neath, g. 2222 (2). Ap Howell or Ap Hoell, David, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (3 m. 7):—g. 3226 (12). • David, gunner, p. 1510. (de Pouel), David, prisoner in France, 2238. (Appowhell), David, ship captain, 2305 i. :-pp. 1500-1, 1503. 1499, Eden, 438 (3 m. 22). (Ap Hol), Gwenhoun (or Gwenhouer), verz Griffith, 438 (3 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 18). (Apholwall, Awell, Aput Halwell, Aphawell, Apawell), Howell or Hugh, 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (3 m. 26), 438 (4 mm. 4, 16), 3554:—g. 546 (70). Inon, 2481 (3). Jevan, 438 (3 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 21). John, 3554 :-g. 54 (43). John Gough, clk., 438 (1 m. 24). Lewis, 2480 (27). Madoc, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (3 m. 28). Philip, rector of Narberth, g. 731 (38). Roger or Roger David, 438 (I m. 22). Rob., g. 1365 (8). (Appowell), Th., 228, 438 (2 m. 27), 1015. (or Powell), Wm., 1803 (2 m. 3). Ap Howell Holant, John, 438 (3 m. 26). Ap Howell Rece, John, 438 (2 m. 33). Ap Howelles, Laurence, 438 (4 m. 7). Ap Hulkyn, Eden, 438 (1 m. 22). Ap Hulkyn Lloyt, Meredith, 438 (3 m. 28). Ap Huskyn, Wm., 438 (4 m. 25). Apilston, John. See Pilston. Ap Jankyn, Howell, g. 54 (43). John, 438 (1 m. 16). Rob., murderers of, g. 54 (43). Ap Jenken, Edward, g. 447 (19). Ap Jenkyn, Howell or Hugh, 438 (2 m. 10), 1803 (1 m. 3). • • James, g. 3107 (3). (Hapieynkyn), Owen, 438 (2 m. 27):—g. 3499 (74). Ap Jevan, David, 438 (2 m. 32) :—g. 1524 (46). • • · • > Griffith, 438 (3 m. 4). Howell, 438 (3 m. 22). Jevan Wynne, 1803 (1 m. 3). John, 1803 (1 m. 3). Ll'n, 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 21). Madoc, 438 (1 m. 19). Meredith, 438 (3 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 18). Morgan, g. 54 (43). • Owen, 438 (4 m. 25). • Rice, 438 (3 m. 26). Wm. Gough, 438 (1 m. 23). Ap Jevan Gough, Morgan ap, g. 1732 (9). Ap Jeyne, Ric., 438 (2 m. 16). Ap John, Agnes, 438 (1 m. 19). David, 438 (1 m. 16), 707 (p. 383), 2481 (3). Edw., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707. Edw., clk., archd. of Car- marthen, g. 94 (26). ii. Griffith, 438 (1 m. 19), 2575 Harry, 2481 (3). Jenkyn, 1803 (1 m. 3). John Jevan, 438 (3 m. 23). Owen, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (3 m. 26). > Th., 438 (1 m. 19). Ap Kever, Griff., 438 (2 m. 28). Ap Llewellyn, David, 438 (4 m. 25). Griffith, 438 (4 m. 25). • • (Ap Ll'n), Howell, 438 (2 m. 9). (Ap Ll'n), Jevan, 438 (4 m. 21). Ap Llewellin Beste, Hoel, 438 (2 m. 33). Ap Ll'n Says, Jevan, 1803 (1 m. 3). Ap Madoc, John, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (3 m. 28). Noel, 438 (1 m. 19). 12 GENERAL INDEX. Ap Matthew, Meredith, 2392 (p. 1063). Ap Meredith, David, g. 2684 (103). Evan, 438 (4 m. 27). Griffith, g. 2684 (102). • (Med), John, 438 (1 m. 19 bis). Philip, 438 (3 m. 23):—g. 1316 (16). Rees, 438 (3 m. 18). Rob., 438 (3 mm. 12, 28), 438 (4 m. 18):—g. 1948 (101). Ap Merek, Owen, 2575 ii. Ap Mericke, Ellen, 1803 (2 m. 6). Ap Morgan, Jevan, g. 1732 (9). John, g. 190 (6). · Rees, g. 1732 (9). Th., sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 12). Ap Morice, Rice, 436 (3 m. 26). Apowell, Maurice, 438 (3 m. 5). Ap Owen, David. See Owen. Margaret, g. 857 (6). Rees, s. and h. of Thomas, g. 857 (6). Th., g. 1415 (9), 2484 (16). Apparel, Act against costly, 341. Apparr. See Parr. Apparrey, Maurice, 82 (p. 39):—g. 3324 (16). Appenzel, Swiss canton, 1051. Appesley. See Apsley. Ap Phelips, Sir Thomas, g. 1805 (1). Ap Philip, Eynon, clk., 438 (2 m. 25). John, 438 (3 m. 23). > Th., 438 (3 m. 24):-g. 54 (29). Appleby (Appulby), Linc., g. 132 (70), 257 (90). Appleby (Appulby, Apulby), West- mld., 438 (3 mm. 13, 34). Richard Rufus, sheriff of (temp. Henry III.?), g. 485 (25). Appleby (Appilby), Hugh, 438 (4 m. 29). (Appulby), John, 707 (p. 383). (Appulby, Appylby), Ric., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39):—g. 94 (2), 519 (30), 1316 (7), 3324 (9, 19). (Appilby), Th., 438 (4 m. 29):—g. 485 (48). (Appilby), Th., chaplain, g. 94 (80). Appledore (Apuldre, Appuldree, Ap- puldurre), Kent, 438 (2 m. 31), 438 (3 m. 23). Applethwaite (Apulwhait), Westmld., g. 1732 (1). Appleton (Apulton), Berks, 438 (2 m. 23). Appleton (Appulton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 10). Appleton (Appilton) in the Moor, Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 4). Appleton le Street (Appulton), Yorks, g. 2535 (18). Appleton (Appulton), Brian, beadle of the Mercery, p. 1498. (Appulton), Roger, g. 132 (61). Appleyarde (Appliard, Appuliard), Nic. or Sir Nic., knighted after Flodden, 438 (1 m. 19), 2246 (4 ii.), 3348 (3):~p. 1541 :— g. 833 (58 i.). (Appulyerd), Rob., Rob., ship captain, 2304 (3), 2936. Ap Powell. See Ap Howell. Appreis. See Ap Rice. Apps (Appys, Nappys, Appes), Th., 438 (4 m. 22). Appulby. See Appleby. Appulton. See Appleton. Ap Rice, Aprice, Ap Rees, Appreis, Apprice, Ap Rece, App Rys, or Ap Res :- David, 20 (p. 13), 877n, 1015. Edw., 20 (p. 12):-g. 381 (29), 651 (23). Evan, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Sir Griffith, son of Sir Rice ap Thomas, 438 (3 m. 33), 1176 (1, 4), 1463 ix., 1496 ii., 1997, 3483: pp. 1513, 1537-8, 1543, 1546-g. 749 (17), 2055 (42), 3324 (37). Hugh, 438 (1 m. 22). James, 438 (3 m. 12):-g. 2684 (105). Janet, g. 54 (33). Jevan, 438 (1 m. 19):~g. 1365 (14). John, 438 (3 m. 26):-g. 2863 (6). Louis, 438 (1 m. 8) Meredith, g. 2684 (104). Morgan, rector of Wynvoo, g. 1266 (39). Owen, 2481 (3). Richard, g. 2486 (103). Rob., g. 1316 (24). Rob., rector of Llanfawr, 438 (3 m. 18). Th., 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (3 m. 9), 707 (p. 383), 2480 (28). Walter, g. 2422 (12), 3408 (15). Wm., 1803 (2 m. 2):-g. 2422 (3). Ap Rees Guyen, David Gough, g. 1524 (46). Ap Rees Gough, Hoell, g. 1732 (9). Ap Richard, David, g. 1732 (9). Th., g. 54 (43). GENERAL INDEX. 13 Ap Robert, Hugh, rector of Kegi- dock, g. 1948 (101). Jevan, 438 (3 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 18). John, g. 54 (43). Maurice, 438 (3 m. 28). Th., g. 54 (31). Ap Robyn, John, 438 (1 m. 19). Ap Roger, Roger, 438 (4 m. 21). Ap Rotheragh (Throtheragh), Th., g. 804 (44). Ap Rys. See Ap Rice. Ap Sir John, John, g. 1732 (9). Apsley (Appesley), Bucks, 438 (1 m. 16). Apsley, Wm., g. 1083 (39). Ap Thomas, David, abbot of Mar- gam, 438 (2 m. 27). Howel, g. 1365 (8). · John, 2481 (3) :—g. 1732 (9). Sir Rice, justice of South Wales, 157, 438 (3 m. 33), 543, 1176, 1997, 2052, 2102, 2227, 2238, 2383, 2391 (p. 1059), 2392, 2481:-g. 257 (28), 485 (37), 784 (21), 2484 (16). • letter to, 2238. Roger, 438 (2 m. 10). Thomas, g. 54 (43). Ap Thomas Duy, Jevan, 438 (1 m. 23). Apthorpe. See Apethorpe. Ap Tudor, David Lloyd, g. 749 (4). Edward, rector of Kegidock, g. 1948 (101). (Tuder), Grono, 438 (1 m. 19). (Tudeur), Meredith, 438 (4 m. 27). Apuldre. See Appledore. Apulia (Puglia), in Italy, 167, 2159. Apulton. See Appleton. Apulwhait. See Applethwaite. Ap William, Edm., g. 54 (43). Morgan, g. 54 (43). Th., 438 (4 m. 21). Ap William Vaughan, Walter, g. 1732 (9). Apye. See Pye. Aquila, Diego de, commander of Calatrava, 2267. Aquileia, patriarchate of, 777 (p. 415). Aquitaine. See Guienne. Aragon and the Aragonese, 6, 162 (pp. 84, 87), 329 (p. 150), 1326 (p. 615), 1327, 1487, 1511 (p. 698), 1665 (p. 763), 1689 (p. 774), 1866, 2006 (p. 908), 2278, 2908. King of. See Ferdinand. Provincial of the Grey Friars, 1665 (p. 763), 1689, 1737, 1751, 2131. 763). his beaupère, 1665 (p. Aragon-cont. .., Queen of. See Germaine. Aragon, Alfonso of, abp. of Sara- gossa and of Valentia, natural son of Ferdinand, 610, 627 (?), 741, 1334, 2177. Alfonso de, son of the abp. Alfonso, 2177. > Don John de, son of the abp. Alfonso, 610, 724, 741, 1334, 1447, 1579, 1586 ii., 1789, 2003, 2797. Juan de, servant of Katharine of Aragon, 20 (p. 15). Katharine of. See Katha- rine. Louis, cardinal of, tit. S. Mariæ in Cosmedin, bp. of Léon, son of the Marquis of Geraco (natural brother of Alfonzo II., of Aragon, King of Naples), 125, 1670, 1677 (p. 770), 3407n. letter from, 125. Aram. See Averham. Aram, Wm. See Adams. Aran. See Arram. Aratre. See Rattray. Arbieto, John de, Spanish merchant, g. 885 (6), 1044 (3). Arborensis, James Serra, Cardinal, 1677. Arbrothe. See Aberbrothok. Archer (Archier), John, 438 (4 m. 27), 1493. Rob., 438 (1 m. 23). Th., 438 (3 m. 21):—p. 1518 :—g. 132 (65), 2055 (117) 3049 (18). (Archier), Th., rector of Glandford, p. 1530. Wm., 1803 (2 m. 2). Arches, Ralph, 1397. Wm., 1397. Archyngfeld. See Irchynfeld. Arcques. See Arques. Ardaffe, co. Pembroke, 438 (3 m. 23). Ardagh diocese, p. 1523. Arde. See Ardres. Ardeborough. See Harborough. Arden, Anne, 438 (4 m. 12). (Ardern), Hamlet, 1803 (2 m. 6). (Ardern, Ardren, Ardon, Er- don), Henry, 20 (p. 13), 438 (4 m. 12). (Ardrn, Ardern, Erdern), John, 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 24):~p. 1546 bis. (Ardern), Sir Peter, g. 604 (36). (Harden, Hardyn), Peter, 438 (1 m. 15). 14 GENERAL INDEX. Arden-cont. (Ardurne), Rob., clk., 438 (3 m. 10). (Ardren, Ardyrne, Ardryne), Rob., 20 (p. 12), 438 (3 m. 8), 2480 (32):-g. 519 (17). Ardenton prebend, Salop, 438 (2 m. 5). Ardern. See Arden. Ardes (Ardys), Ant., 438 (1 m. 14). Ardeslawe. See Ardsley. Ardeson. See Ardisono. Ardfert, bp. of (A.D. 1475), g. 682 (25). diocese of, pp. 1524–5. Ardfinan (Ardinan), co. Tipperary, p. 1524. Ardingley (Erthyngleygh, Erdyng- lye, Erdynglegh), Suss., 438 (3 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 27). Ardisono (Ardeson), George, Genoese merchant, 2986-7:-g. 448 (3), 833 (13, 62), 1266 (30, 32). Ardmulchan (Ardmolghan), Meath, g. 632 (24). Ardon. See Arden. Co. Ardres (Arde, Ardes), near Calais, 2110, 2391, 3411, 3424. nunnery beside, 2139. Ardesley), Ardsley (Ardeslawe, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 18). Ardudwy (Ardyddowey), commote, co. Merioneth, 438 (3 m. 22), 1803 (1 m. 3). Ardurne. See Arden. Ardyrne. See Arden. Ardys. See Ardes. Are. See Aire. Aree, near Tournay, 2392. Aremberg (Arenberg), Robert de la Marck, sieur d', 1388, 2173 (3), 2237. Aren. See Arran. Arena, Andreas de. See Ammonius. Areniti, Signor Constantine (C. Cominatus duke of Achaia), Papal envoy to Germany, 562, 570, 780, 783, 1301 (p. 595). 9 his wife, 562. Aresmaker, Cornelius, 20 (pp. 15, 16). Argaston, Oxon. See East, Berks. Garston, Argentan, in Normandy, 2083 (2). Argentino (Arzentino), Francesco, bp. of Concordia, Papal Datary, cardinal of St. Clement (10 March, 1511), 714, 718, 842. Argentyn, John, p. 1517. Argeston. See Arkstone. Arglen. See Aargau. Argyle (Lismore), bp. of. See Hamilton, D. Argyle (Ergile, Lismore), Archibald Campbell earl of, slain at Flodden, 255, 1379, 1625, 1735 (pp. 792-3), 1775 (p. 810), 2084, 2246 (1, 4), 2313, 2929 (2):—g. 833 (65). Colin Campbell earl of (1513), 2461, 2973. Aridon, the river of Trebizonde, 3557. Arimboldus, Nic., 1277 (p. 587). Arkengarthdale (Arkylgarthdale), Yorks, g. 1602 (20). Arkes. See Arques. Arkesdon (Arksden, Arsden), Essex, 1803 (1 m. 3). Arkeston. See Arkstone. Arkle Dale (Arkeladale or Arken- garthdale), Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 5). Arkstone (Argeston, Heref., 438 (2 m. 5). Arkeston), Arle (Arley), Glouc. [in Cheltenham], 438 (4 m. 3). Arley, Chesh., 438 (4 m. 2). Arley, Glouc. See Arle. Arley, Staff., 438 (4 m. 3). Arlington (Erlington), Suss., pre- bend of (alias of Woodhorne), 438 (4 m. 6). Armagh, in Ireland, St. John's Hospital (New Priory), pp. 1526-7. Armagh, abp. of, 2395:-p. 1529. See Palatio, O. de; Kite, J. diocese, pp. 1526-7. Armagnac (Armoniary, Armonici, Arminiach), Maréchal d', 2173 (3), 2237. Qu. error for Arpajon, q.v. Armathwaite (Ermotwayte), Cumb., g. 132 (50), 257 (49), 632 (26). See also Skelton, J. Armaygant. See Arpajon. Armengol, ? servant of King Ferdinand, instructions for, 2291. Armestorff (Urmestofte, Amersdorf, Armestoft, Armostorf, Armes- dorffer, Armstorff, Hormis- torffe, Armystoft), Paul or Sir Paul, the Emperor's minister, 1213, 1364, 2014, 2038, 2068, 2073, 2083, 2091, 2166, 2391 (p. 1058), 2564, 2924, 3153:—App. 26. letter from, 2166. Armew. See Arnemuiden. Armill or Armytt, Chr., 438 (3 m. 26). Armostorf. See Armestorff. Armour, and harness, 434, 635, 773, 1382, 1385, 1572, 1863, 1920, 2843. See also Ordnance War payments; Daunce, Sir J. (payments by). GENERAL INDEX. 15 Arnot, David-cont. Armourers, 438 (2 m. 28). Arms, grants of, 172. Armstorff. See Armestorff. Armstrong, Alan, g. 2964 (35). Armude. See Arnemuiden. Army :- King's (or Middle) ward or field, 1899, 1912, 1991-2, 2037, 2051, 2053, 2480, 3222, 3321 (2):—p. 1503. lord marshal of the See Brandon, Sir host. C. knight marshal. See Wingfield, Sir Richard. order of march, 2053 (3-6). • 9 master of ordnance. See Berners, lord. • treasurer. See Dym- moke, Sir R. paying off, 2480. rearguard ("second ward"), 1949, 2037, 2051, 2057. marshal. See See Brereton, Sir Randolph. treasurer. Dymmok, Sir R. vanguard, 1949, 2037, 2051, 2057, 3222. .. marshal, 3091 (p. 1323). 2052. list of retinues, treasurer. Sacheverell, R. embarkation order, 1991. pay, 2135, 2257. proclamations, 2219. See transport, 1982, 2009, 2326. victualling. See Commis- sions (purveyance). Armyngton. See Ermington. Armystoft. See Armestorff. Arnemuiden (Ermew, Armew, Ar- mude, Armuden), in Holland, 1598, 1600, 1761, 1831 ii., 2451, 2478 (2), 2483, 2809, 3085-p. 1507. Arnet, John, canon, 178. Arnewey, Rob., p. 1505. Arnhem (Hernam), in Brabant, sur- prised by the Duke of Gueld- res, 2748, 2750, 2797, 2867. Arnold, John, 438 (2 m. 14). • (Arnalde), John, ship master, 1661 (4). Peter, ship owner, 2304. Ric., 438 (2 m. 13). Rob., 2054 (2). Arnot, David, bp. of Galloway and dean of the Chapel Royal, previously abbot of Cambus- kenneth, 105, 107–8, 255, 297–8, 422, 1735 (p. 792), 1775 (p. 810), 2911. letter from, 108. Arom or Arum. See Averham. Aroun. See Arran. Arpajon (Durpaggion, Armaygant), Jean d', seneschal of Rodez, French prisoner, 2225, 2392 iii. See also Armagnac. Arques (Arkes), in Artois, 2249, 3457. Arran (Aren, Aroun, Aran), James Hamilton earl of, Lord Hamil- ton (Hamilden), great ad- miral of Scotland, 20 (pp. 14, 21), 153, 212n, 255, 1499, 1585, 2096, 2313, 2443, 2461, 2973, 2990, 3349, 3481, 3540:-p. 1530. 1585. letter to, 2990. his son and brothers, Arras, 1300A., 1333, 1344, 2534, 2995 (p. 1294), 3240. letter dated at, 2233. governor of, 1311 (p. 602). Arras, bishopric of, 1344. Arroll. See Erroll. Arrows, 1004 (4), 1323. See also Ordnance. Arrundell. See Arundell. Ars, Louis d'. See Arz. Arsden. See Arkesdon. Arsgarth. See Aysgarth. Artclyff. See Hatcliff. Arteley. See Hartley. Artemude. See Dartmouth. Artes (Artysy, Artis, Dertys), Ser- vace, gun-caster, 2832 v., vi. Arthingworth, Ntht., 438 (3 m. 1). Arthur, prince of Wales (died 2 April, 1502), elder brother of Henry VIII., 98, 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (3 m. 16), 438 (4 mm. 4, 16). 1066, 3206 :—g. 94 (10), 731 (3), 1316 (17), 1365 (25). Arthur or Mr. Arthur. See Plan- tagenet, A. Arthuret, Cumb., g. 2684 (86). Artieta, agent of Ferdinand of Aragon, 2003, 2502, 2859. Artilborow. See Irthlingborough. Artington (Ertyngdon), manor [in St. Nicholas], Surr., 438 (1 m. 20). Artois, 1265 (p. 580), 1333-4, 1565, 1631, 1647 (p. 743), 1895, 1925, 1961, 2209, 2366, 2534, 2875, 3174. Artois, Mehaut countess of (A.D. 1304), ordinances of, g. 414 (40). Artois herald, 2445, 2473, 2490, 2613- 15. 16 GENERAL INDEX. Arture, Master. See Plantagenet, A. Artysy. See Artes. Arundel, Suss., g. 969 (63). College, master of, 438 (3 m. 2). Arundel rape, Suss., 3038. Arundel, Thomas Fitzalan earl of, K.G., 1 (p. 2), 19, 20 (pp. 14, 21), 37, 205, 438 (3 m. 30), 442, 559, 670, 963, 1046, 1661 (3, 4 pp. 752-3), 1906, 2077, 2260, 2574, 2759, 3464:-pp. 1537 bis, 1542, 1544-6 :—g. 447 (25-6), 709 (60), 833 (5), 1083 (39), 1221 (6), 1316 (11), 1602 (38), 2222 (16 Suss.), 2484 (1), 2617 (21), 3049 (11). letter from, 1906. signature of, 19. Arundel, William earl of († 1487), 438 (3 m. 30). Arundel, Sir William, lord Mal- travers, q.v. Arundell, Lady Anne, widow of Sir Amfrid, 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 10). Chr., 438 (3 m. 26). Sir Edmund, 438 (2 mm. 16, 20). Eleanor, d. of Sir Thomas, 438 (4 m. 21). Joan, of Trerice, widow, 438 (4 m. 15). John, g. 2964 (64). John, bp. of Exeter (A.D. 1502-4), 438 (3 m. 22). (Arrundell), Sir John, of Langherne or La Hern, knight for the Body, receiver general of the Duchy of Cornwall, 438 (4 mm. 4, 16), 707, 1869 v., 2053 (7), 2414, 2575 ii. :-App. 26:-p. 1534:-g. 54 (81), 132 (27), 158 (67), 257 (49), 519 (6), 731 (44), 784 (30), 833 (58 iii.), 1524 (35), 1602 (38), 2964 (64), 3324 (24), 3582 (11). (Arrundell), John, of Tal- verne, 438 (4 m. 12), 676 :—p. 1535:-g. 257 (49), 833 (58 iii.), 2222 (16 Cornw.), 3408 (4). Sir John, of Trerice, 438 (4 m. 15):—g. 632 (26), 833 (58 iii.), 1003 (9), 1524 (1). John, of Trerice, s. and h. of Sir John, 438 (4 m. 15): g. 1003 (9), 1524 (1). Robert, 438 (4 m. 15). Roger, p. 1535:―g. (58 iii.), 3408 (4). Aryscote. 833 Sir Th., 438 (4 mm. 4, 16). See Ascot. Arz or Ars, Louis d', a French cap tain, 2396, 3348. Arzentino. See Argentino. Arzilla, in Morocco, 2760. Asbryrk. See Ashkirk. Asby (Asshby), Westmld., 438 (4 m. 7). Ascewe. See Askew. Aschyn, Essex. See Ashen. Ascoghe. See Askew. Ascoitia (Scotya, Skatea, Azcotia), Juan de, Spanish secretary to Katharine of Aragon, 6, 20 (p. 15), 30, 82 (p. 41), 329 (p. 154). Ascot under Whichwood, Oxon, 438 (4 m. 6). Ascot (Addescote, Addyscote, Ays- cote, Asshecote, Assecote, Aryscote), John, 438 (2 m. 24 bis), 1803 (1 m. 5). Ascu, Ascue or Ascugh. See Askew. Asgarby (Asgerby), Linc., 438 (4 m. 22). Asgarth. See Aysgarth. Ash (Asshe), Kent, 438 (3 m. 29). rector of, 1803 (1 m. 2). Ash (Asshe), Surr., 438 (3 m. 28). Ash (Asshe), John, 20 (p. 17):-p. 1536. (Asche), Ric., g. 3499 (33). Ashbourn (Assheburn), Derb., 438 (4 m. 6), 2392 (p. 1063) :- g. 218 (59), 381 (108). Ashbroke (Assbrok, Astbroke), Rob., 438 (4 m. 9). Ashburnham, Suss., 438 (1 m. 8). Ashburnham, Helen, g. 1123 (1). • (Asshebornham, Asche- burneham), John, 438 (3 m. 9), 2825, 3042, 3564 :—g. 257 (57), 1083 (39), 2862 (7). (Asshebornham), Th., 438 (3 m. 9): pp. 1545, 1548:- g. 1083 (39). (Asshebournham), Wm., :-g. 438 (1 m. 8):—p. 1545: 1083 (39), g. 2222 (16 Suss.), 2484 (9). Ashburton (Assheparton, Ashparton, Aisbertone, Ayschperton, As- perston), Devon, 438 (2 mm 16, 33), 438 (4 m. 7):-g. 257 (87). Stannary at, 803-g. 447 (9). Ashby, 1410. Qu. Canons Ash- by? Ashby (Assheby, Asseby), Linc., 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (3 m. 2), 438 (4 m. 5). Ashby, Westmld. See Asby. Ashby (Asby) by Horncastle, Linc., 438 (2 m. 26). GENERAL INDEX. 17 Ashby de la Zouche, Leic., 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (2 m. 4), 438 (3 mm. 1 quater, 3, 7, 13, 25 bis), 438 (4 mm. 4, 6, 10, 16). Ashby St. Ledgers (Ayssheby Leger, Assheby de Lyar, A. Lygear), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (2 m. 11). Ashby (Assheby), George, clerk of the Signet, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42) : D g. 54 (73), 414 (60), 563 (1), 804 (50), 1494 (35), 2617 (11). Joan, 1803 (1 m. 1). John, 1803 (2 m. 2) :—g. 587 (10), 1083 (39). (Assheby), John, abbot of Darley, 438 (3 m. 10):-g. 2222 (16 Derb.). (Asby), Peter, bachelor in decrees, rector of Scraying- ham, g. 3499 (62). (Assheby), Wm., 438 (3 m. 6), 1803 (m. 1), 2651:-p. 1539:-g. 218 (12), 3499 (12). Ashdown (Asshidon, Asshdoun), John, prior of Lewes, 308, 438 (4 m. 4), 574 :-g. 132 (51), 632 (38), 2222 (16 Suss.). See Ash. Ashe. Ashen (Asshyn, Aschyn), Essex, g. 54 (14), 94 (96). court rolls, 544. Ashfield (Aschefelds), Salop, 2537. Ashfield (Asshefeld), George, 438 (1 m. 19). (Asshfeld), John, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (4 m. 24). (Asshefeld), Margaret widow of, 438 (3 m. 29), 438 (4 m. 24). Rob., 438 (1 m. 19). (Asshefeld), Rob. (temp. Edw. III.), g. 651 (10). Ashford in the Peak, Derb., g. 132 (115), 289 (5). Ashford (Assheford), Devon, 438 (2 m. 10). Ashford (Assheforth, Asshetford), Kent, 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (3 m. 24):—g. 2055 (120). Ashford (Ayssheford), Nic., 438 (2 m. 10). Ashill, Henry, 438 (3 m. 11). Ashington (Assyngton, Astyngton), Soms., 438 (4 m. 10). Ashington (Assyngton), Suss., 438 (2 m. 30). Ashkirk (Asbryrk), in Scotland, pre- bend of, p. 1522. Ashkirk (Ayshkyrke), John, yeoman of the Wardrobe of Beds, g. 54 (27), 257 (18). Ashley (Assheley), Camb., 438 (3 m. 31). Wt. 11494. Ashley (Assheley), Warw., 438 (1 m. 19). Ashley (Assheley) park, Devon [near Tiverton], g. 749 (31). Ashley, John, p. 1515. (Assheley), Ric., 438 (3 m. 21). (Assheley), Richard, attain- ted, g. 709 (114), 1948 (31). Th., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39). Ashmore (Asshemere), Dors., 438 (3 m. 6). Ashover (Asshore, Asshewer), Derb., 438 (2 mm. 8, 17 bis), 438 (3 mm. 3, 19). chantry in, g. 857 (21). Ashparton. See Ashburton. Ashreigny (Assheregny), 2537. Devon, Ashridge (Assherugge), Bucks, near Little Gaddesden, house or college of, 438 (3 m. 10). 414 (22). m. 10). confirmation for, g. John rector of, 438 (3 Ashridge (Assherudge), Devon [in North Tawton], 438 (3 m. 23). Ashton, Glouc. See Aston. Ashton (Aissheton, Assheton), Lanc., 438 (3 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 14) :— g. 1732 (1). Ashton, Cold (Coldaston), Glouc., g. 604 (44). Ashton next Lancaster, 438 (3 m. 9). Ashton, Long (Longaischton, Ayssh- ton), Soms., 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (2 m. 26) :—g. 2137 (25). Ashton (Assheton) Philip, Soms., 438 (2 m. 26). Ashton Rowd (Rode Ayssheton), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 13). Ashton (Ayssheton, Aston), Alice, 438 (1 m. 12). • • (Asheton), Henry, 438 (3 m. 11):—g. 132 (81), 1123 (25). (Asshaton), Henry, rector of Quarley, p. 1528. Hugh, doctor in decrees, prb. of St. Stephen's, &c.. 438 (2 m. 9), 1446:-g. 54 (84). (Assheton), John, prior of Lewes. See Ashdown. Sir John. See Aston. (Assheton), Peter, 438 (2 mm. 14, 17). (Aysshton), Sir Ric., 438 (1 m. 12). (Ayston), Ric., g. 604 (36). (Aiston, Assheton), Wm., s. and h. of Nicholas, g. 969 (41), 2422 (19), 2684 (99), 3107 (51). Ash Water, near Plymouth, 1883. H 2 18 GENERAL INDEX. Ashwell (Asshewell), Bucks, rector presented, g. 784 (23). Ashwell (Asshewell), Herts, 438 (2 m. 19). Ashwell, Wm., p. 1520. Asia, 1215. Askarth. See Aysgarth. Aske, Anne, g. 2772 (50). Eliz., g. 2772 (50). Sir John, p. 1547. Sir Robert, p. 1547 :-g. 132 (32), 804 (29 iv., ix.), 833 (45 iii.), 1365 (3). Roger s. of Wm., g. 2772 (50). (Ask), Wm., of Aske, 438 (4. m. 27). Askew (Ayscoght, Ascue), Chr. or Sir Chr., 438 (4 m. 5):—p. 1540 :-App. 26:-g. 969 (52). James, g. 2684 (44). (Ascewe), Miles, 1661 (3). (Ascu, Aynescwe, Ayscogh, Asco, &c.), Ralph, 438 (3 m. 33), 2427, 2938 :—p. 1518 :- g. 2863 (11, 15). (Ascugh, Ascue, Ascough, Askewith), Sir Wm., 20, 309, 438 (3 m. 8), 2480 (52):—p. 1540 :—App. 26:—g. 2535 (25). (Askue, Ascugh), Wm., 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5) :—p. 1540 :—g. 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14). Askham Brian (Brianaskam, Brian- ascam, Bryansaham), Yorks, g. 709 (14), 1172 (7), 1415 (11), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). See Erskine. Askill. Askreddyng in Furness, Lanc., 1803 (2 m. 3). Askrige, in Scotland, 2913. Askwith, Ric., 438 (4 m. 15). See also Askew. Aslackby (Aslakkby, Aslabye, Asse- lakby), Linc., 438 (4 m. 9) :— g. 158 (17), 682 (13), 2684 (2). Aslen (Asle, Aslyn), Laurence, 438 (2 m. 7). Walter, 438 (2 m. 7). Aspatria (Aspatre, Aspatrik), Cumb., vicar of, 438 (3 m. 11). Aspeden (Aspesden), Herts, 438 (2 mm. 8, 13):—g. 1732 (49), 2055 (23), 2861 (7). Aspelond. See Asplen. Asperston. See Ashburton. Asplen (Asplond), Guy, clk., 1803 (2 m. 5). • (Aspleon, Asplon, Asplond, Aspelond), John, 438 (3 m. 20): p. 1536:-g. 132 (26 bis). Aspley, Warw., 1803 (2 m. 3). Asseby. See Ashby. Assecote. See Ascot. Assent to elections, g. 94 (100), 257 (47), 289 (28, 30), 357 (27-8), 546 (64), 604 (49), 1083 (40), 1172 (13), 1415 (14), 1732 (34, 51), 1804 (5), 2861 (35), 2964 (26, 34, 71), 3107 (28). Asshe, 1801. Qu. Saltash. also Ash. See Assheborne, Th., clk., g. 381 (3). Asshehurst, Th., g. 2964 (2). Assheley, Devon, g. 158 (70). Asshere. See Esher. Assheton, Heref. See Aston. Asshold. See Esholt. Asshom, Ntht., 438 (1 m. 26). Asshoo, Thomas, master in Chancery (deprived under Henry VII.), g. 257 (58). Asshton, Warw. See Aston. Assington, Suff., 438 (3 m. 16). Assyngton, Suss. See Ashington. Astbury, Chesh., 438 (1 m. 5). rector of, 438 (4 m. 18). Asteley. See Astley. Astelyns, Essex [in High Ongar], g. 289 (16). Asti (Ast, Haste, Aste), in Piedmont, 1277 (pp. 585, 587), 1301 (p. 597), 1647, 1988, 2074, 2597, 3424 (p. 1442). .., letter dated at, 2411. bp. of. Astil. See Stile. See Trivulci, A. Astle (Thomas) MS., 2799 (5). Astley (Asteley), Warw., 438 (2 mm. 6, 13), 438 (3 m. 6). Astley, Lord, 438 (3 m. 21). Astley (Asteley), Ric., 2392 -p. 1543:-g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). Rob., 438 (3 m. 24). Th., 82 (p. 41). (Asteley), Wm., p. 1503 :- g. 1221 (43). Astolo, Melchior, sewer of the Cham- ber, 20 (p. 12). Aston, Bucks, 438 (4 m. 1). Aston, Chesh., 438 (4 m. 2). Aston, Derb., 438 (3 m. 3). Aston (Assheton), Heref., 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 22). Aston, Salop, 2537. Aston, Staff., 438 (4 mm. 15, 16). Aston (Asshton, Hashton), Warw., 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (4 mm. 12, 24):-g. 804 (15). Aston, Worc., 438 (3 m. 22). Aston, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 11). Aston (Aysshton) beside Birming- ham, Warw., 438 (4 m. 24). Aston Clinton, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 4), 1803 (1 m. 3):—g. 158 (59), 381 (55). GENERAL INDEX. 19 Aston, Cold, Derb., 438 (4 m. 28). Aston under Edge (Assheton under Egge), Glouc., 438 (4 m. 20). Aston, North. See North Aston. Aston by Stone, Staff., 438 (3 m. 6). Aston Tirrold (Astonthorold), Berks, g. 94 (51), 682 (8). Aston, Bridget, g. 1804 (4). (Ashton), Sir John, 20 (p. 16), 438 (2 m. 12), 2392 (pp. 1062– 3): p. 1543:-App. 26:— g. 632 (26), 1804 (4), 2484 (9). Aston. See also Ashton. Astonthynk (near Tamworth?), Staff. or Warw., g. 158 (71), 2861 (14). Astonton, Salop, 438 (3 m. 30). Astwell, Ntht., 438 (4 mm. 1, 9). Astwood (Astwod), Worc., 438 (3 m. 1). Astyngton. See Ashington. Atborowe. See Barowe. Atclyff. See Hatcliff. Atcok, Ric., rector of Brinkley, g. 2422 (2). Atella (Telay), Marquis of, prisoner in France, 1916. Atfeld. See Field. Athassel priory (St. Edmund Has- sell), co. Tipperary, p. 1525. Atheldred. See Ethelred. Athelney, Soms., abbey, abbot of. See Collins, J. Atherton (Aderton, Adirton), Rey- nold, 438 (3 m. 13). At Hill. See Hill. Athis. See Adige. Athlone (Aluyn), co. Roscommon, prior of St. Peter and St. Paul de Innocentia, p. 1529. Atholl (Adthyll), John Stewart earl of, wrongly reported as killed at Flodden, 1504 (p. 693), 2313, 2461. his brother to be bp. of Caithness. See Stewart, Andrew. Athyra, Richard elect of (Naturen- sis), vicar of Stranton, p. 1526. Atienza (Tyensa) castle, in Spain, 1511. Atkyns, John, 45. Wm., rector of Pulborough, g. 414 (33). Atkinson, John, p. 1505. Rob., clk., a Scot, g. 2617 (14). Th., rector of Hotham, g. 1123 (53). Wm., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 40), 438 (4 m. 2) :—g. 833 (3), 2055 (9). Wm., canon of Windsor, chaplain to Princess Mary, 2656 (6):—g. 158 (43). Atlyff. See Hatcliff. Aton. See Ayton. Atri, in Italy, 1277 (p. 586). Attehathe. See Hache. Atten or Atton (in Zealand ?), 2451, 2478 (2). Attercliff (Atturclyff, Attyrclyff), Ellis, abbot of Croxton, 438 (2 m. 21), 438 (3 m. 30). Attewell. See Atwell. Attkyrke. See Kirke. Attleborough (Attilburgh), Norf., g. 2055 (95 iii.). • rector of, 1803 (1 m. 2). Atton Renolt. See Acton. Attwell. See Atwell. Attylburgh. See Irthlingborough. Atwater, William, dean of the Chapel Royal and of Salisbury, bp. of Lincoln (1514), 1, 20 (pp. 18, 19), 82 (p. 40), 438 (3 m. 25), 555, 707, 1046, 1465, 1663, 2033, 2380, 3301, 3464, 3549 (2):-p. 1531:-g. 94 (17), 632 (3), 751 (7), 1123 (34), 2535 (1), 2772 (7), 3408 (27), 3499 (9). 2380. grant of arms to, 2033. signature of, 555, Atwell or Attwell, John, 2054 (2): g. 1948 (11). Rob., 1803 (1 m. 6). Roger, 2054 (2). (Attewell), Th., 438 (4 m. 15). At Welle. See Wells. Atwood (Wodd, Wood), Alex., 438 (3 m. 23). (Atwode), Edw., 82 (p. 39) :— g. 94 (35). Aubigny, Robert Stewart sieur d', captain of the Scottish Guard in France, 42, 203, 211, 1647 (p. 743), 2107, 2322, 3348. signature of, 42. Aubrey (Awbrey), John, 438 (3 m. 22). Aubscoyd. See Alvescot. Auch, cardinal of. See Clermont, F. W. de. Aucher, Alice, widow of James, 438 > (3 m. 20). James, 438 (2 m. 8). (Auger), Marcus, 2480 (42). (Auger, Auchier), Wm., 20 (p. 15), 438 (1 m. 21):—g. 3408 (34). Auchris (Achros, Insula), priory, co. Sligo [in Templeboy parish], p. 1523. Auckland (Awkland, Akland, Ake- land), Dham., 2381, 2406. .. letters dated at, 2394, 2423, 20 GENERAL INDEX. Audelet (Audlet), John, 438 (3 m. 32). Audeley, James Touchet lord (exe- cuted in 1497), 438 (3 m. 17), 2590:-g. 132 (72, 103), 257 (16, 65), 604 (42), 709 (14, 32), 749 (18), 924 (33). Audeley (Awdeley), John Touchet lord, knighted at Tournay, 1046, 1176 (2), 1549, 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2301, 2392 (p. 1063), 2414, 3464, 3483 :—p. 1537 :- g. 1662 (27), 2055 (3, 17, 58). signature of, g. 2055 (3, 17, 58). Audeley (Audley), Anne, daughter of James lord A., 438 (2 m. 21). 0 • Edmund, bp. of Salisbury, 1 (p. 2), 205, 308, 853, 963, 1663, 3464: pp. 1534, 1546 :-g. :—g. 546 (64), 563 (5), 651 (15), 731 (6), 833 (5, 52), 969 (5), 1316 (11). letter from, 3409. lease by, 1663. Elizabeth, wife of John, g. 632 (15). James de, g. 94 (35). John, alias Touchet, son of John T. lord Audeley († 1491), 438 (3 m. 16), 2590. (Awdeley), John, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14):- p. 1537:-g. 563 (23), 632 (15), 833 (58 ii.). (Awdeley), Sir John, 20 (p. 15), 1176 i., iii., 1493, 1496 iii., 1803 (2 m. 1): pp. 1541, 1544:-App. 9, 26:-g. 381 (43), 1170 (5), 1524 (15), 2055 (92, 94). (92). signature of, g. 2055 Nic. de, g. 94 (35). Thomas de, g. 94 (35). Audenarde. See Oudenarde. Audlet. See Audelet. Audryan. See Adrian. Audyence, Wm., 1803 (1 m. 4). Augeoy, John, alias Pynnot, q.v. Auger, Ralph, son of Alex., g. 3408 (34). See also Aucher. Aughrim (Achrain) or Templeduff, co. Clare, p. 1525. Aughton, Nic., 20 (p. 13):-g. 132 (83). Augsburg (Awsburg, Awsbourge), in Germany, 408, 413 iii., 1867, 1884, 1933, 1937, 1952, 1977, 2003, 2010, 2016, 2022, 2572, 3126, 3192, 3218, 3245 :— App. 11, Augsburg-cont. letters dated at, 377, 445, 458, 507, 527, 1779, [1863], 1884, 1888, 1892, 1897, 1925, 2446, 2448, 2526, 2749, 3192. Diet of the Empire at, 383, 408, 413 i., iii., 432. Diet of the League of Sua- bia, 1431. Augustini, Paulo, letter from, 1102. Auler, Rob., 20 (p. 14). Aumont, M. d', letters to, 1201, 1237. Auncell, Simon, p. 1511. (or Aunsell), Wm., 438 (4 m. 26). Aungevyn (Awngvyn, Awngefynne, &c.), John, 438 (2 m. 26). Aunlough. See Amlwch. Aunsam. See Awnsham. Aureney. See Alderney. Auria, Bart. de. See Doria. Auriere (Doryere) — de Cha- bannes], Sieur d', 2556. Aus, Cardinal. See Clermont, F. W. de. Aussy. See Auxy. Austell, Th., clk., treasurer of Exeter cathedral, 438 (3 mm. 31, 34). Austin, Wymond, 438 (4 m. 21). (Austen), Th., 3095 ii. Austin Friars, provincial in England. See Toneys, J. Austrey (Alistre), John, clk., dean of Warwick College, g. 563 (6, 7). Austria (Awstryk, Austryche, Os- tryke, Loutotreuce), 773, 777, 1000, 2572, 2694, 3150, 3218. two Austrian gentlemen, 1636. Austria, Archduke of. See Charles. Autbierne. See Bearn. Auteknapp, John, 20 (p. 14), 2606. Auterey. See Ottery. Authorp, Awthorp or Austorp, John, 438 (3 m. 28). Wm., 438 (3 m. 28). Autun, Jacques Hurault bp. of, 538, 812. Auvergne. See Boulogne and Au- vergne. Auvyndorset. See Avon Dassett. Auxerrois, county of, 2646, 2705. Auxonne (Auxon), viscounty of, 590. Auxy (Aussy), in France, 2182. Avalos, Alfonso d', marquis of Pescara, q.v. Avell. See Avill. Avenand, Ric., vicar of Lambourne, 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 m. 19). Avenell, Ralph, g. 2055 (14). Avenescourte, Glouc., g. 682 (30), 1316 (34). Avening (Averyng), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 17). GENERAL INDEX. 21 Averey, Ric., 1803 (1 m. 4). Averham (Arom, Aram, Arum), Notts., 438 (1 m. 10). Avesnes, bailiff of, 2187. Aveton (Affeton, Afton), Devon, 438 (2 m. 31). Aveton Giffard, Cornw., rector of, p. 1532. Avill (Avell), Soms. [in Dunster], 2537. Avington (Yavyngdon, Yvyngdon), Hants, 438 (1 m. 7). Avogaro, Aloysius, 1071 (pp. 516, 518). Avon (Aven), Hants [in Sopley], 438 (4 m. 19), 1803 (1 m. 6). Avon, the Warwickshire river, g. 604 (13). Avon Dassett (Avendorset, Auvyn- dorset), Warw., g. 632 (7). Avon (Auvon, Ayvon), Rob., brewer, 438 (1 m. 6). Avys (à Bys), John, minstrel, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42). Awbeney, lord. See Daubeney. Awbrey. See Aubrey. Awdeley. See Audeley. Awdewen, Wm., g. 2862 (1). Awell. See Ap Howell. Awkland. See Auckland. Awmond, Ric., g. 1948 (41). Awngvyn. See Aungevyn. Awnsham (Aunsam), Th., 2316 ii., 2781 ii. Awode or Awood. See Wood. Awrey, John, 82 (p. 41). Awsburg. See Augsburg. Awstarys. See Ustarits. Awstryk. See Austria. Awsworth (Aldesworth, Allysworth, Alsworth), Notts, 1803 (2 m. 6). Awthorp. See Authorp. Ax. See Dax. Axebridge (Axbrigg), Soms., 438 (3 m. 9):-g. 546 (4). Axes, 568. See also Daunce, Sir J. (payments). Axholme, Isle of, Linc., 1803 (1 m. 3). Carthusian priory, con- firmation for, g. 381 (98). Axminster (Axmyster), Devon, 438 (3 m. 23), 438 (4 m. 14). Ayala, Don Pedro, bp. of the Canary Islands (Canarya), 6 (pp. 4- 5), 162 (p. 87). Ayer. See Eyre. Aylesbeare, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Aylesbury (Alysbury), Bucks, 2671:- p. 1516-g. 2137 (18). gaol of, keeper, 438 (3 m. 19). guild of St. Mary, 438 (2 m. 22). Aylesby (Alysbury), Linc., 438 (4 m. 2), 1803 (m. 1). Ayleston, Devon. Aylesford (Ailesford), Kent, 438 (3 m. 33):-g. 1494 (18). See Newnam. Aylestone (Ailston), Leic., 438 (2 m. 23). Ayleton. See Elton. Ayliff (Aylnoth, Aynoth, Ayloff, Alloff, Ayleff, Aylloff, Aglove, Aylwyn, Alwyn, &c.), Wm., 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 17) :— pp. 1536, 1544:—g. 289 (12, 16-7). Etheldreda his wife, g. 289 (12, 16–7). Aylmer, Edmond, 438 (4 m. 8). (Ailmer), Sir Laurence, alder- man, 438 (4 m. 7). Ric., 438 (3 m. 34):-g. 2484 (20). Rob., 438 (3 m. 24). (Aylemor), Thomas, 438 (3 m. 34), 438 (4 m. 6). (Eylmer), Wm., 1446. Ayloff. See Ayliff. Aylsham (Alesham, Aylesham, Aylysham, Elysham), Norf., 438 (3 mm. 4, 16):—g. 158 (34), 2617 (33). Aylton, Heref., 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 8). Aylward (Alwarde), John, 438 (1 m. 25). Aylworth (Ailworthe, Alesworth, &c.), Rob, 438 (4 m. 23). Aylwyn. See Ayliff. Aymeries (Damerie, Dameryes, Em- ery, Emere, Elmerie, Hemer- ies), Bastard Loys d', 1774, 1792, 1909, 1918, 1934 (2), 2128, 2371, 2383, 2391 (p. 1061), 2392 (p. 1063), 2656, 2888, 2995, 3457. his son, 2656. David bastard d', 2995. Aynescwe. See Askew. Aynger, Alex., g. 1123 (37). Aynho (Ayngho), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 15). Aynoth. See Ayliff. Aynthorn. See Anthorn. Aynysforde. See Eynesforde. Ayr (Ayre), in Scotland, 1262 (p. 578). canonry of (in Glasgow cathedral), 1030. Ayre, Roger, g. 1948 (94). Ayryth. See Aire. Ayschperton. See Ashburton. Ayscogh. See Askew. Ayscote. See Ascot. Aysgarth (Arsgarth, Asgarth, As- karth), Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 6 7). 22 GENERAL INDEX. Aysh. See Ash. Babthorpe-cont. Ayskyrke, John, g. 2617 (43). Ayssher. See Esher. Ayssevett, John, vicar of Halstead, p. 1521. Aysshton. See Aston. Ayston. See Ashton. Ayton (Aton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (2 m. 15). Ayton. See Eaton. Ayvon. See Avon. Ayztmaclan. See Derryvullan. Azcotia. See Ascoitia. Azne, M., a gentleman of Flanders, 2063, 2068. B . . ., John, 653. . Baake. See Bake. Baas B (Base), near Herts, 1849. Broxbourne, Babenton. See Babington. Baber, Th., 438 (2 m. 15). Babergh (Babbergh), hundred, Suff., g. 2861 (25). Babham, John. letter from, 1139. Ric. serjeant of the Con- fectionary or King's apothe- cary, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39) :— g. 651 (9). (Babam), Wm., g. 2617 (41). Babington (Babenton, Dabyngton), Ant., 438 (3 m. 16): p. 1542-g. 857 (21), 1948 (94), 2222 (16 Notts), 3049 (23). Edith wife of Thomas, g. 857 (21). Eliz., widow of Sir John, 438 (4 m. 4). Henry, D.D., g. 857 (21). John, warden of the Fleet, 438 (2 m. 25). Sir John, 438 (3 mm. 7, 18):-g. 857 (21). heir of, 438 (1 m. 8). Kath., 438 (3 m. 16). Th., p. 1535:-g. 132 (26), 857 (21), 2222 (16 Derb.), 3049 (23). Babisdyke, Wm., 438 (4 m. 25). Babram, minstrel, 20 (p. 14). Babsey, Ric., 20 (p. 14). Babthorp, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 18). Babthorpe, Eliz., daughter of Wm., 438 (2 m. 23). Th., g. 1494 (12, 19). Th., rector of Bulmer, 438 (4 m. 9). Baccano (Bacano), near Rome, letter dated at, 165. Bachecroft, John, 438 (2 m. 9). Bacheworth. See Batchworth. Bacho, Francis, a Milanese, g. 2055 (91). Bachrach (Baghragh, Baghrage, Baughragh), Herman, of the Steelyard, 1395, 2668, 2831, 2832 (iii., iv., v.):—p. 1515. Back, James, p. 1502. > John, armourer, 2810. Backer, John, envoy to Denmark. See Baker. Backwell, Derb. See Bakewell. Backwell (Bakewell, (Bakewell, Barkewell), Soms., rector of, 438 (2 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 7). Bacon, 2833. Bacon (Bachon), Giles, vicar of North Aston, p. 1529. (Bakkon, Bakonne), Rob., 1803 (2 m. 1). Baconsthorpe, Norf., 438 (2 m. 30). Bacschalfe. See Bashall. Badam. See Badham. Badcock (Badecok), John, g. 2772 (2). • (Badcok), Rob., 438 (2 m. 16), 438 (3 m. 20). (Badcokke), Thomas, English merchant in Spain, 1495 (3). Wm., 2024. Baddesley (Badisley, Baddisley), Warw., 438 (3 m. 4) :—g. 3499 (66). Baddestan, Herts, 438 (2 m. 9). Baddingham (Badyngham), Suff., 438 (2 m. 33). Baddisworth, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 17). Baddow, Great, Essex, 1803 (2 m. 5). Baddow (Badowe, Badwe), Little, Essex, 438 (3 m. 6) :—g. 1003 (6). Bade or Badius, Josse, letter from, 1200. Badecok. See Badcock. Badelo, Diego de, yeoman of Katharine of Aragon, 20 (p. 15). Baden in Aargau (Ourgau), treaty made at, 695. Badges, 2392. Badham (Badam, Baddam), Walter groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 2480 (35). (Badam), Wm., groom of the Chamber, g. 257 (41). Badingham, Suff., g. 1494 (7). Badislay. See Badsley. Badkyn. See Bodkin. GENERAL INDEX. 23 Badminton (Michel Badmyngton), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 4). Badmondisfield, Suff., g. 3049 (20). Badoer, Andrea, Venetian ambassa- dor, letters from, 5, 7, 98, 156, 159, 230, 238, 264, 360, 365, 385, 395, 413, 421, 430, 434, 450, 455, 463 ii., 493, 508, 531, 569, 601, 615, 675, 705, 737, 759 ii., 788, 812 ii., 825, 854, 871, 896, 937 ii., 998, 1013, 1067, 1093, 1126, 1128, 1180, 1209, 1233, 1307, 1310, 1417, 1439, 1475, 1522, 1586 ii., 1591 (2), 1628 (2), 1766, 1970, 2067, 2573, 2632, 2716, 2773, 2844, 2902, 2930, 2999, 3009, 3029, 3102, 3151, 3270 ii., 3282, 3366, 3386, 3500. letters to, 53, 140, 154, 169, 278, 280, 319, 322, 330, 383, 387, 401, 529, 570, 613, 851, 960, 1345, 1489, 1641, 1790, 1964, 2434, 2565, 2567, 2695, 3341, 3396. 1307. • • his brother, letter to, his cipher, 3009. his wife, 569, 601, 615. other references, 17, 33, 264, 287, 320, 346, 373, 407, 432, 441, 571, 712, 838, 1101, 1179, 1276, 1358, 1425, 1591, 1702, 1824, 2229, 2278, 2412, 2566, 2582, 2689, 2929, 3003, 3234, 3298, 3404, 3544, 3553:—p. 1549. Zuan, of Venice, ambassador to Spain, 268, 393, 1250, 1751, 1878, 2177, 3243 ii., 3250. letters from, 1751, 2177. • • • " ii., 965. letters to, 268, 393, 432 Badsley or Baddesley (Badislay), Hants, preceptory of St. John, 591. Badsworth (Badisworth), (Badisworth), Yorks, rector presented, g. 1602 (6). Badypytt. See Bailypit. Baffe (Baf), John, 438 (3 m. 21). Bagard, Wm., g. 2055 (95). Bagby, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 15). Bagefeld. See Bagthwate. Bag Enderby, Linc., 438 (2 m. 6). Bagge, Ric., g. 1172 (8). Baggraye. See Bogra. Bagh, Lord, 2255. Qu. Berghes Baghragh. See Bachrach. Baghtwayte. See Bagthwaite. Baghyllaith, co. Anglesea, 438 (1 m. 22). Baglioni (Bajoni, Baionus), Jo. Paulus, a captain of Italians, 432, 1277, 1301. ! Bagod, Eliz., 438 (2 m. 7). John, merchant of Bristol, 438 (2 m. 7). See also Bagot and Bigod. Bagot, John, 438 (3 m. 34). (Bagod), Sir Louis, 438 (3 m. 34), 2392 :—p. 1543 :—g. 1948 (23). (Bagotte, Bagatte), 1803 (1 m. 3). Ric., Bagots (Bagottes), and Bagots Brom- ley, Staff., 438 (4 m. 11). Bagschall. See Bashall. Bagshaw (Bagshae, Bagshaa), Wm., 1803 (2 m. 3). Bagshot, Berks, 438 (3 m. 7). Bagshot, Surr., 438 (1 m. 22):—g. 3499 (35). bailiff of, 438 (1 m. 8):-g. 2964 (73). Bagthwaite, Eleanor, 438 (1 m. 22). (Bagefeld), John, 438 (1 m. 22):—p. 1548. (Baghtwayte), Thos., 438 (1 m. 25). Bagtor, Walter, 438 (2 m. 16). Baham, p. 1512. Bai. See Bay. Baiellvelle. See Bailleul. Bailey (Baylly), Lanc., 438 (2 m. 26). Bailey (Baly, Bailly, Baille), Chr., 1803 (1 m. 1). • ► (Bayly), John, D.D., rector of St. Matthew's, Ipswich, g. 563 (20). (Bayley, Bayly, Bailly), John, purser, 2305 i., iii., 2938 ii., 3137 (6), 3148:-pp. 1498–9, 1500-1. (Baly, Bayligh), John, 1803 (2 m. 4), 2832 iv. (Bailly), Nic., 438 (3 m. 34). (Bayly), Ric., 1803 (1 m. 4). (Bayly, Baylly), Rob., 438 (3 m. 29). (Baylly, Bayle), Wm., 438 (1 m. 2), 438 (2 m. 6). Baillesford, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Bailleti, John, M.A., of Tournay, 2978. Bailleul (Baiellvelle), Adrian, French prisoner, 2740, 2774-5. Baillie (Balze, Bailze), Cuthbert, abbot commendatory of Glen- luce, treasurer of Scotland (1512-1514), 1137, 1536-8, 2286, 2551. Bailypit (Badypytt), co. Monm., 438 (2 m. 10). Bainbridge (Baynbrig), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 4). Bainbridge, Christopher, abp. of York, Cardinal (10 March, 1511), English agent and am- bassador at Rome, protector 24 GENERAL INDEX. Bainbridge, Christopher-cont. of the Cistercian Order, bp. of Durham (7 Nov., 1507 to 12 Sept., 1508), 1 (p. 2), 19, 20 (pp. 12, 21), 163, 165, 187, 205, 250, 262, 267–8, 278, 286, 326, 330, 333, 346, 350, 354, 373, 383-4, 402, 408, 417, 421, 425, 432, 438 (4 m. 21), 441, 450, 456, 466, 476, 479, 493, 525, 530, 553-4, 558, 567, 572, 613, 617, 624, 630, 669, 674, 681, 705, 712, 714, 718, 720, 734, 754, 765, 776, 777 (p. 415), 842, 844, 851, 873, 900, 914, 963, 965, 1001, 1006, 1020, 1029, 1043, 1094, 1179, 1182, 1198, 1214, 1232, 1246, 1293, 1307, 1334, 1347, 1361, 1391, 1403, 1430, 1432, 1483, 1489- 90, 1521, 1566 (p. 719), 1594, 1628, 1641, 1670, 1699, 1723, 1735, 1769, 1792, 1830, 1857, 1943 ii., 1984, 2029, 2048, 2063, 2068-9, 2074, 2077, 2122-4, 2127, 2236, 2250, 2258, 2264, 2273, 2276-7, 2286, 2288, 2298, 2332, 2353, 2355, 2363, 2373, 2389, 2394- 5, 2436, 2469, 2512, 2517- 9, 2530, 2607, 2611, 2619, 2642, 2644, 2653, 2672, 2689, 2694, 2696, 2757, 2800, 2969, 3015-6, 3022, 3072, 3076, 3081, 3088, 3125, 3140, 3164, 3177, 3183-4, 3197, 3219, 3236, 3260-1, 3265, 3303, 3495, 3497, 3511-12:—pp. 1528, 1531, 1547:-g. 190 (33), 587 (7), 969 (76), 1171 (3?), 2772 (28), 3226 (9), 3408 (32). letters from, ร 187, 1984, 2029, 2077, 2258, 2276- 7, 2607, 2926, 3015. letters to, 354, 1182, 1214, 1391, 1403, 1769, 1792, 1830, 2069, 2286, 2619, 2732, 2752, 2800, 2975, 3069. signature of, 19. legate to the Papal Camp, 720. executors of. See Pace, R.; Burbank. poisoning of, 3197, 3203-4, 3206, 3211-13, 3220, 3261 ii., 3265, 3302-4, 3312, 3475, 3489, 3497, 3511, 3574. brothers and kinsfolk of, 3261. his sister's son. Spencer, Miles. See (Baynbrug, Baynbrig, Bayn- brigge), George, 438 (1 m. 16). Guy, g. 1266 (19). John, g. 1266 (19). Bainbridge-cont. • (Baynbrigge, Banbrigg), Ralph, 438 (4 m. 22). Ric., g. 1266 (19). (Baynbryg), Roger, g. 1462 (22A). Baines (Baunes, Bones), Edw., 438 (2 mm. 8, 16). Bainham (Beynam), Isabel d. of Thomas, 1803 (2 m. 2). Bainton (Baynton), Yorks, g. 158 (91). Baioceus. See Bayeux. Baionus. See Baglioni. Bairley. See Barley. Bajoni. See Baglioni. Bakchilde. See Bapchild. Bake (Baake, Northblake), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 14). Baker, Mrs., 2656 (6). . • • · • • • " Clement, g. 2862 (7). Edm., 20 (p. 16):—g. 3107 (26). Edward alias Elton, q.v. Henry, 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (4 m. 1) :—g. 546 (16). Joan, a heretic, 3507. John, 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (2 mm. 14, 23), 438 (3 m. 26), 1463 xiii., 1803 (1 m. 6) :—pp. 1513, 1520 :-g. 1524 (15). (Backer), John, ambassador to Denmark, 2721, 2731, 2973, 3196. John, clk., g. 2137 (7). John, LL.B., 853. John, chief mason at Calais, g. 289 (49). John, rector of Lymington, pp. 1526, 1528. John, ship captain, 1661 (4), 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 4, 5 bis), 2684 (26), 2686. Matthew, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42) : g. 784 (50), 969 (8, 25), 2055 (56), 3107 (3). Maud, widow of Thomas, 438 (3 m. 15). Nicholas, groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 640, 1015, 3554. Ric., 438 (2 m. 24), 1803 (2 m. 6): pp. 1514, 1516. Ric., abbot of Shrewsbury (1512), g.1172 (13), 1221 (51–2). Ric. alias Sutton, q.v. Rob., 20 (p. 16), 438 (1 m. 2), 438 (2 m. 5) :—g. 1083 (46). Th., 438 (3 m. 15), 438 (4 m. 14). Walter, g. 3107 (26). Wm., 438 (1 m. 22), 853 :- g. 731 (20). Wm., rector of Cold Higham, g. 749 (5). GENERAL INDEX. 25 Bakers, 438 (2 mm. 9, 30, 34), 438 (3 mm. 12 bis, 13, 22, 25, 26, 31), 438 (4 mm. 6, 28), 1416: g. 731 (47). bakers. See also White- Bakewell (Bakwell, Backwell), Derb., 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (3 m. 12), 1803 (2 m. 3). vicar of, p. 1528. Bakewell, Soms. See Backwell. Bakewell, Henry, g. 1948 (40). Bakkon. See Bacon. Bakshall or Bakshalf. See Bashall. Balachaia. See Ballinchalla. Balacut (i.e. Talbot), 1128. Baladen or Baladyn, Henry, 438 (1 m. 25). Balam, Alex., g. 833 (22). Balby, Nic., g. 1662 (44). Balden. See Boldon. Baldewell, Henry, 438 (3 m. 24). Baldewin. See Baldwin. Baldok, Ric., g. 3408 (7). Baldry, Baldrey or Baldre, Th., 438 (3 m. 27):-g. 132 (30), 381 (49), 1494 (54). Baldwin (Bawdewyn), Francis, 2008 (6):—g. 54 (82). Henry, p. 1520. (Baudewyn, Bawdewyn), John, 438 (2 m. 32), 1397 :- p. 1534:-g. 833 (59), 2222 (16 Bucks.). John, chaplain, 438 (2 m. 31). (Baudewyn), Owen, 438 (2 m. 32). (Baldewyn), Ric., chaplain to Princess Mary, 2656 (6). (Bawdyn), Ric., purser, 3148. (Bawdewyn, Bawedwyn), Rob., 438 (4 m. 21). Baldwinson (Bawdwynson), Wm., 438 (2 m. 31). Baldyng, Wm., 438 (2 m. 27). Bale, Norf., 438 (1 m. 16). Balenicasoayare. See Ballina. Balfour, Andrew, 1731. Balgony (Bogony), Lord, slain at Flodden, 2313n. Balisquis. See Velasco. Balke, Roger, abbot of Rufford, g. 357 (30). Ball or Balle, John, 1803 (1 m. 1) :— pp. 1503, 1512 :—g. 731 (20), 2964 (35). Ph., 1493 iv. Th., 82 (p. 42), 3608 i. Wm., p. 1548. Balladolate. See Valladolid. Ballard, Edmund, g. 3049 (39). Henry, 1803 (1 m. 3). Robert, 438 (3 m. 2). Balle. See Ball. Ballina in Arra (Balenicasoayare), co. Tipperary, p. 1524. Ballinchalla (Balachaia), co. Mayo, p. 1523. Ballintubbert (Villa Fontis), alias Thyinoik [old name for Bally- adams?], in Queen's County, p. 1526. Balliol (Bayllol), Joscelin de (temp. Hen. II.), g. 2964 (67). Balliot, John, of Leith, 1262 (p. 578 bis). Ballydrain (Balyemdragyn, Nedron), co. Down, p. 1526. Ballymacormick (Balynte Ocar- caych), co. Down, p. 1523. Ballyvet, John, g. 1316 (36). Balsall (Balsole, Balsalez, Bewsale), Warw., 1803 (1 m. 6):—g. 1221 (20). Balsham (Walsham, Balsam), Camb., 438 (3 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 8). Balte Tanckarid. See Tankardstown. Balthasar. See Stewart, B. Balverley. See Scott of Balwearie. Baly. See Bailey. Balyemdragyn. See Ballydrain. Balyff, John, 2305 ii. Balynte Ocarcaych. cormick. See Ballyma- Balzarde, John, a Scot, 1017. Balze. See Baillie. Bamber (Banbery), Essex, 438(2m.9). Bamborough, Nthld., 1482 (p. 677), 2386. constable of, g. 94 (69). Bamboroughshire, Nthld., 2913. Bamford (Bawmford), Th., Th., 438 (1 m. 9). Bammer. See Brammer. Bampton (Baunton), Devon, pardon for, 1803 (1 m. 2). Bampton or Bampton d'Oylly (Brampton, Dampton, Bamp- ton and Oyly), Oxon, 1803 (2 m. 4) :—g. 1836 (11). vicar of, 438 (4 m. 6). Bampton, John, 438 (3 m. 12) :—g. 11 (10), 289 (35). Banados, in Thrace, Guillermus bp. of (Panadensis), p. 1529. See also Weyle, T. Banard. See Baynard. Banaster (Banyster), Henry, 438 (4 m. 14). (Bannaster, Banestir), Humphrey, spear of Calais, 893 (2), 2049, 3567 :-g. 357 (41), 833 (36), 2684 (82), 3408 (26). his ship, 1690, 1735 (p. 793). Banbery. See Bamber. Banbrigg. See Bainbridge. Banbury, Oxon, 438 (1 mm. 11, 15), 438 (4 mm. 6, 10):-g. 751 (6), 1172 (10). 26 GENERAL INDEX. Banbury-cont. guild of St. Mary, 438 (1 m. 17). Banbury, John, alias Pere, q.v. Banchi, Michael, merchant of Flor- ence, g. 1948 (46), 2137 (28). Bancrofte, Wm., g. 1123 (17). Bandecgris (i.e. league of the Gri- sons), 1301 (p. 596). Bandested. See Banstead. Bandicis. See Bannissis. Bandini, John, p. 1509. Banerston, Edward, g. 833 (58 ii.). Banes. See Bayns. Bangley park, Staff., 2537. Bangor, co. Down, abbey of St. Comgall, p. 1522. Bangor, in Wales, 438 (3 m. 7). archd. of, 438 (3 m. 28). bp. of. See Skeffington, T. dean of, 438 (3 m. 7). Banham, Richard, abbot of Tavi- stock, 3464:-g. 2617 (27). Banisis. See Bannisis. Banke, Alex., abbot of Furness, 2910. John. See Blanke. Th., clk., 438 (3 m. 2). Bankers (Bankerdes), Kent [in Lee], 1120:―g. 1123 (51, 58), 1172 (12). Bankes, George, g. 1662 (46). John à, p. 1519. Th., p. (31). 1549:-g. Bannaster. See Banaster. Bannerets, 2392. 1662 Banners. See Flags. Banney. See Hannay. Bannisis (Banisis, Banisius, Bany- syus, Bannysii, Bandicis), Jacques de, the Emperor's secretary, 333, 614, 1101, 1306, 1309, 1338, 1344, 1389, 1676, 1884 (p. 858), 1973, 2016, 2038, 2124, 2208, 2287 ii., 2335, 2526, 2633, 2736, 2895 -6, 2915, 3264, 3405: 3405 :-P. 1516. letter from, 2287 ii. letter to, 1973. Banstead (Bandested), Surr., g. 94 (35). Bapchild (Bakchilde), Kent, g. 3107 (23). Bapmanson. See Batmanson. Baptista, 2223, 2468, 2519. See also Boerio and Boncantus. Baptista, Mr. John, 20 (p. 13). Baptiste. See Taxis. Baptiste, Eliz., convert, 2587. Bara, Francis de, merchant of Lucca, p. 1509. Baracbe. See Barnby. Barangier (Berangier), Louis, secre- tary to Margaret of Savoy, 706. • letter to, 1148. Barantyne, Drue, 438 (3 m. 15). John, 438 (3 m. 15). Mary, 438 (3 m. 15). (Barentyne), Wm. or Sir Wm., 438 (3 m. 15), 2053 :— App. 26:-g. 632 (26), 969 (23), 2055 (100, 106). Baraton. See Maraton. Barbançon (Barbamson), Louis de Ligne, baron de, 2835, 3052. Barbania, duke of, prisoner of the Turks, 3585. Barbary (Africa), and the Moors (Morys) and Infidels, 6 (p. 6), 162 (p. 87), 254, 329 (p. 151), 345 (pp. 159-60), 477, 481, 556, 590, 724–5, 728, 730, 734, 742, 787, 793, 795, 797 (2), 864, 1108, 1656, 1665 (p. 761), 2760, 2982 :-App. 6:―g. 731 (18, 41, 44). Barber or Barbour, Giles, p. 1549. Joan, 438 (1 m. 25). John, 438 (4 m. 8):-p. 1520. Piers, groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 925. Rob., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13):—g. 1948 (82). Th., 3095 ii. Wm., mayor of Cambridge, p. 1534: :-g. 2772 (39). Wm. alias Scarlet, g. 2863 (11). Barbers, 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 mm. 7, 26 bis), 438 (4 mm. 8, 25), 1803 (1 m. 6), 1803 (2 m. 1). Barber surgeons, g. 1836 (8), 2863 (11). Barcarii, Andrew, and his brothers, Scottish ship captains, 285. Barcelona, in Spain, 610. Barcheston (Barkeston), Warw., 438 (3 m. 3). Barclay. See Berkeley. Barcombe (Bercombe), Suss., g. 289 (13), 2863 (10). Bardeney or Bardney (Berdeney), Linc., abbey, 438 (1 m. 14) :~ g. 414 (67). ton, W. 414 (36). abbot of. See Mar- confirmation for, g. Bardeney (Bardney), Richard, abbot of Crowland (died in 1512), 205, 308, 438 (3 m. 10), 963, 3464 :—p. 1519 :—g. 257 (48), 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 1365 (13), 1415 (14), 1462 (1). GENERAL INDEX. 27 Bardesley. See Barnsley. Bardfield (Berdfeld, Bardefeld, Bere- feld), Great, Essex, g. 54 (14), 94 (35, 96). Bardi (Bardus), Adrian de (Debardes, Debardys, Debardy), rector of Thame, 438 (1 m. 16). (Barde, Bard, Berdes), Francis de, merchant of Florence, pp. 1508, 1514 :- g. 969 (22), 1221 (25), 1266 (24), 1494 (13), 1524 (33), 1662 (48, 53), 2861 (21), 3107 (11, 44). John Francis de, 3205, 3241, 3490:-pp. 1526–7. Misotto di, g. 94 (34). (Bardes), Peter Francis de, 2832 vi. :—g. 1662 (53). Bardisley (Berdisley), Ric., ship cap- tain, 1661 (4), 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 4). Bardney. See Bardeney. Bardocke, Francis, g. 709 (22). Bardolf, Lord. See Beaumont, Wm. viscount. Bardon park, Leic., g. 218 (2), 1123 (58), 3582 (8). Bardsey (Bardesey), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9). Barentyne. See Barantyne. Barerch manor, Suss. See Burwash. Baret. See Barret. Barfford. See Basford. Barfold. See Bergholt. Barford, Beds, 438 (3 m. 20). Barford (Berford, Bereford), Warw., g. 158 (36), 604 (13), 709 (41), 2055 (129). Barford (Berford) St. Martin's, Wilts, 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (2 m. 13). patronage of the church, 853. Barforth upon Tees (Barford), Yorks, 438 (4 mm. 2, 21). Barfote, John, p. 1512. Barg. See Bergen. Bargehall, Essex, 438 (3 m. 14). Barges. See Berghes. Bargeslych. See Borrisoleigh. Bargham. See Burpham. Barham (Bargham, Bergham, Ber- ham, Berugham), Suff., 438 (1 m. 4), 438 (4 m. 27), 1803 (2 m. 1):-g. 546 (28), 1804 (9), 2964 (33). Bari (Barry), Francesco Maria Sforza duke of, afterwards (1521) duke of Milan, 2869, 3014. Barington. See Barrington. Barisford. See Basford. Barkeley. See Berkeley. Barkeley, Soms. See Berkley. Barker, (10). of Worcestershire, g. 11 Alice, 438 (4 m. 25). (Berker), Ambrose, 1803 (1 m. 6). Henry, 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (4 m. 25)-p. 1548. Hugh, rector of Gimingham, 1803 (1 m. 3). (Berker), John, 2380 ii., 3343 :—p. 1513. Ric., 1803 (2 m. 5). (Berker), Rob., 438 (3 m. 31). Rob., rector of Upton Lovel, g. 682 (35), 709 (5). Roger, 20 (p. 16):-g. 3582 (25). (Barcher), Th., prior of New- borough, 438 (2 m. 18), 1493 v. :—p. 1529:—g. 2484 (2). Wm., vicar of Bunny, p. 1531. Barkers, 438 (2 mm. 5, 30), 1803 (2 m. 6). Barkeston. See Barcheston. Barkeswell. See Berkswell. Barkett, John, 438 (3 m. 3). Barkewell. See Backwell. Barkhamsted. See Berkhampstead. Barking (Berkyng), Essex, 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 29 bis), 438 (4 mm. 5, 20), 1803 (1 mm. 2, 6), 2671 :—g. 2055 (23). • • letter dated at, 2480 (22). nunnery, 438 (4 mm. 4, 16): -g. 94 (35), 632 (36). abbess of. See Grene, E. Barking, Midd. See under London. Barking (Berkyng), Suff., 438 (1 m. 2). Barking, John à, 2539 :—p. 1505. Barkley. See Berkeley. Barkway (Berkway), Herts, g. 2617 (21). Barkwey, Wm., g. 94 (46). Barl or Barle, Adam, g. 1221 (37). Barlborough, Derb., 438 (2 m. 14). Barle. See Barlow; also Barl. Bar le Duc, in Britanny, 1825. Barley, Herts, g. 2684 (1). Barley. See Barlow. Barlings abbey, Linc., 438 (3 m. 4). abbot. See Barton, R. Barlow (Barley), Derb., 438 (2 m. 22). Barlow or Barley, George, g. 1494 (5). • Henry, 438 (2 m. 12). Joan, g. 1494 (5). (Bairley), John, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 14). (Barly), John, S.T.P., 438 (3 m. 16). Margery, 438 (1 m. 15). 28 GENERAL INDEX. Barlow or Barley—cont. Nic., serjeant of the Peltry, g. 969 (42). (Barly), Ric., 2606. (Berley), Robert, 438 (2 m. 22), 2392:—g. 709 (14). Th., 438 (1 m. 15). (Barlee), Wm., 438 (2 m. 12), 1803 (1 m. 6). (Barloo, Barle), Wm., prior of Tiptree, 1803 (1 m. 4). Barmeston or Barmston. See Bar- nardiston. Barmoor wood, near Flodden, 2246 (4). Barn. See Baron. Barnabey or Barnaldbey. See Bar- noldby. Barnaby (Baronby, Barnabee), John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42), 707 (p. 383). Barnack (Barnake), Ntht., rector of, 438 (2 m. 9). Barnage, Th., chaplain, 438 (1 m. 22). Barnaldyno. See Bernardin. Barnard, Francis, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42). John, g. 546 (60). Philip, ship captain, 1661 (4), 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 4):—g. 2964 (33). Robert, master of Fother- inghay College, 438 (3 m. 25) : —g. 3226 (7). Barnard Castle (Barnacastell, Castle Bernard), Dham., 438 (2 m. 17 ter), 438 (4 m. 19), 1149, 1418-g. 94 (55, 68, 80), 132 (86, 110–12), 414 (11), 563 (10), 1732 (17), 1804 (6). constable, &c., of, g. 132 (86). See Conyers, Lord. Barnardiston (Barmston, Barmeston, Barnston), Th., 438 (4 mm. 12, 19):-p. 1540:-App. 26 (?" Kynardiston "):-g. 969 (23), 1494 (9), 2484 (9),3408 (6). Barnardyn, Frere. See Bernardin. Barnby (Baracbe, Branby), Yorks, pp. 1525, 1547 :-g. 2964 (51). prebend, in York cathedral, 1803 (2 m. 3). Barnby (Barnbe), Charles, 2392. Barne (Barone), Edw., 438 (1 m. 18):-g. 924 (37). (Baron), John, g. 632 (18), 1266 (38). (Barn), Matthew, 438 (3 m. 24). Rob. See Barnes. (Baron), Wm., clk., 3529. Barnes, Dham., 1803 (2 m. 1). Barnes (Barons, Baryns), Surr., 438 (2 m. 31), 438 (3 m. 10):—g. 784 (20). Barnes, Chr., M.A., rector of Bladon, g. 731 (56). Eliz., 438 (3 m. 16). (Barneys), John, 438 (3 m. 16). (Baron, Barnys), Robert, Spinelly's servant, 2612, 2777, 3245:—p. 1517. (Barons), Wm., g. 1494 (21A). (Barons), William, Master of the Rolls (1501-1504), 131. Barnes or Barnesse, Lord. See Ber- ners. Barnesse, Jeanne, attendant on the French queen, 3357. Barnesheyd, Lanc., 438 (2 m. 11). Barneston. See Barnardiston. Barnet or Chipping Barnet, Herts, 20 (p. 14), 438 (2 m. 19):—p. 1515. bailiff of, 438 (2 m. 19). Barney (Barnay), Norf., g. 94 (35, p. 50). Barney. See Berney. Barneys. See Berners. Barnhambrowne. Broom. See Burnham Barningham (Bernyngham), Roger, prior of the monks of Thet- ford, 438 (1 m. 16). Barnoldby le Beck (Barnalbey, Barnabey), Linc., 438 (3 m. 18). Barnsley or Bardesley, Glouc., g. 94 (35). Barnsley (Bernesley), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 12). fair at, g. 2055 (124), 3107 (6). Barnstaple (Barenstaple, Barne- staple, Barstaple), Devon, 438 (3 m. 23), 1982 (4):—g. 969 (66), 1083 (2), 2222 (4). chapel of St. Thomas, g. 3408 (24). confirmation of charters, g. 1083 (47). Guild of tanners, conf. of charters, g. 1266 (38). priory, 438 (3 m. 15). • confirmation for, g. 546 (54), 1804 (52). (5). licence for, g. 1836 John prior of. See Pilton, J. Barnwalden (Barroldon), Essex [in Tolleshunt Knights], 438 (3 m. 24). Barnwell (Bernewell) priory, beside Cambridge, 438 (1 m. 22):- g. 1662 (56). prior. See Reyson, W. Barnwell (Barnewell), Th. or Wm., 3523n. :—g. 924 (36). GENERAL INDEX. 29 Barnwood Forest (Barnewode), Oxon and Bucks, g. 381 (36), 3226 (1). warden of, 438 (3 m. 8). Baroke, Ric., g. 1316 (6). Baron. See Barnes. Baronby. See Barnaby. Baronie, Lancelot, 1301. Barons. See Barnes. Barough. See Bergen. Barowe in Brabant. See Bergen op Zoom. Barowe, Norf. See Burgh. Barowe Halle, Westmld.,438 (3 m. 18). Barowe or Baro. See Barrow. Barradot (Barradote or Barradoty, Barret), Richard, secretary to Prince Charles, 2083, 2391 (p. 1059), 3493, 3519. Barre Island, co. Glamorgan [beside Llan Trissaint], g. 587 (9), 749 (2). Barrero, Rob., 438 (2 m. 17). Barreswell. See Berkswell. Barret (Baret), Andrew, 2049. • • (Baret), Henry, 438 (2 m. 31). ii. John, purser, 2842 iii., 2938 Ric., 438 (4 m. 10). Sieur, a Burgundian. See Barradot. Th., 2537. Barrington (Barington), Soms., 438 (1 m. 1). Barrington or Baryngton, Humph., of the Guard, serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 13), 707, 877n., 2053 : g. 218 (3), 1316 (21), 2055 (67), 3499 (15). Sir Nic., App. 26. Barroldon. See Barnwalden. Barrot, Henry, of Lubeck, 1730. Barrovich, Nachmet, a Turkish captain, 1534. Barrow. Nthld.. 438 (4 m. 12 ? Berew "). Barrow (Barowe), Soms., 438 (3 m. 30):—g. 1494 (6). Barrow (Barowe), Suff., 438 (2 m. 15). Barrowe (Barowe, Barough, At- borowe), Sir Maurice, 438 (4 m. 21): p. 1546:-g. 1221 (6), 1462 (34), 1732 (46), 2222 (16 Wilts). • (Barowe, Baroo, Baro), Th., 438 (3 m. 20). ( Barow), Th., master cook, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Barrowden (Barowdon), Rutl., g. 833 (19). Barrowford, Over-(Overbaraforth), Lanc., 438 (4 m. 14). Barry. See Bury. Barry, duke of. See Bari. Bars. See Basse. Barssested. See Bastead. Barsted, Suss., vicar of, p. 1527. Bar sur Seine, 2646, 2705. Barth, John, customer of Bristol, 1728. Bartherton, Chesh., 1803 (1 m. 2). Bartholinus, Zenobius, 3092. Bartholomeus, Ant., French prisoner, 2172. Bartholomew (Bertilmewe), Eliz., 438 (1 m. 24). • (Bartilmewe), John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39) :—g. 1123 (56). (Bertilmewe), Wm., 438 (1 m. 24). Wm., serjeant at arms, g. 1948 (54). Bartholomio. See Alviano, B. Barthone. See Warton. Bartilmew. See Bartholomew. Bartinis. See Bertinus. Bartlay. See Berkeley. Bartlott, Th., 438 (4 m. 14). Bartolinis, Leonard de, p. 1526. Barton (Berton), Berks, 438 (3 m. 32). Barton, Camb., 1803 (1 m. 3):-g. 2617 (21). Barton, Glouc., g. 857 (2). Barton, Linc., g. 2535 (25). Barton, Norf., 438 (2 m. 6). Barton, Staff., 438 (2 m. 14). Barton (Eberton, Berton), Westmld., 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 9). Barton Bendish, Norf., 438 (1 m. 19). Barton (Berton), near Bristol, Glouc., manor and hundred of, g. 381 (74). Barton next Bury St. Edmunds, Suff., g. 1662 (55). Barton in le Clay, Beds., 438 (3 m. 4). Barton (Berton), Earl's, Ntht., 438 (2 m. 12). Barton upon Humber, Linc., 438 (1 m. 5):—g. 485 (6), 546 (73). steward of, g. 190 (12). Barton (Berton) next Marlborough, Wilts, g. 94 (35). Barton under Needwood, Staff., 438 (2 m. 32). Barton Regis (Barton Bristol),Glouc., g. 94 (35). Barton next Smallburgh, Norf., 438 (4 m. 9). Barton Stacy, Hants, 438 (2 m. 13). Barton Turf, Norf., 438 (4 m. 9), 1803 (2 m. 1). Barton (Bertoun), Andrew, Scottish sea captain, 484, 855n., 1056, 1070, 1155, 1523, 2122. goods of, 1070. (Berton), Geoffrey, abbot of Lilleshall, 438 (4 m. 27). 30 GENERAL INDEX. Barton-cont. • (Bertoun), John, Scottish sea captain, 212n., 484, 655, 1017, 1262, 1380, 1735, 1775, 2443. his marriage, 655. Robert, abbot of Barlings, 438 (3 m. 4). (Bertoun, Oberton), Robert or Hob, Scottish sea captain, 12– 14, 188, 233, 1262 (pp. 577–8), 1298, 1302, 1311 (p. 602), 1311 iv., 1314, 1322, 1329, 1340, 1380, 1735 (p. 792), 1835 1971, 2199, 2694 (p. 1183), 2743 (p. 1196). his father, 13. Th., 438 (3 m. 22). Bartram, Rob., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Barty. See Batry. Baruicke. See Berwick. Barwell, Leic., 438 (3 m. 8). Barwick (Berwike in Elmet), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 23), 438 (4 m. 18) :— g. 2772 (24). Barwis, Ric., g. 1948 (60). Barwod. See Burwode. Barworth. See Bereworth. Baryngton. See Barrington. Bascatt. See Basket. Baschurch, Salop, 438 (2 m. 31). Baschurche (Bascharcht), Th., rector of Newington, pp. 1527-8. Base. See Baas. Baseworth. See Bosworth. Basford, Chr., merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). • (Barisford), Godfrey, g. 924 (18). (Beresford, Barfford, Baris- ford), James, rector of Mat- lock, &c., 438 (2 m. 5):—g. 924 (18). (Barisford), Laurence, g. 924 (18). (Berisford), Margery, 438 (2 m. 5). Roger, alderman, merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). Bashall (Bacschalfe, Bagschall, Bak- shall, Bakshalf), Yorks [in Mitton], 438 (4 m. 13):—g. 2684 (27). Bashani. See Bosham. Basildon (Bastelden), Essex Essex [in Langdon], 438 (2 m. 16). Basing, Hants, 438 (2 m. 9). honor of, 438 (2 m. 21). Basingstoke, Hants, 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (3 mm. 17, 21), 438 (4 mm. 10, 19), 1803 (1 mm. 1, 3), 1803 (2 m. 3):—g. 132 (115), 289 (5). Baske, Th., murder of, g. 190 (35). Baskervyle, Sir James, 438 (3 m. 2). Baskervyle cont. (Baskerville), James, 438 (3 m. 2):—p. 1538:—g. 969 (23). (Baskerfyld, Baskerveld), Philip, 438 (4 m. 24). Sir Walter, 438 (3 m. 2). Wm., restoration in blood (Act), 1471. Basket, John, g. 519 (27). (Bascatt, Baskat), Thomas, ship captain, 1414, 2738. Basle, in Switzerland, 2086, 2808, 3063, 3214, 3374. canton of, 1301 (pp. 594, 596). See Lauder, Sir R. Bass. Basse (Bars), Giles, 438 (3 m. 29). Wm., vintner, g. 924 (8). Bassée (Bossilfield), in Flanders, 2380. Bassethewses, Leic., g. 651 (7). Bassett or Basset, Sir John, 438 (1 m. 4):—p. 1535:—g. 833 (58 iv.). John, 438 (1 m. 19):-g. 289 (12). (2). his pedigree, g. 289 Reginald, charters of, g. 414 (18). Ric. or Sir Ric., knighted at Lille (1513), 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (2 m. 5), 2392:—App. 26: g. 804 (29 viii.), 833 (50 ii.), 969 (23). Rob., g. 804 (29 ii., viii.). Th., 438 (2 m. 5). Wm., 2537. Bassidonie, Jan de, waterbailiff of Zealand, 1721. Bassildon (Bastelden), Berks, 1803 (2 m. 5). Bassingbourne, Camb., 438 (2 m. 9):—g. 381 (51). Bassus, 2191. Bastard, Ric., g. 2617 (6). Bastard, the. See Vendôme. Bastead (Bassested, Barssested), Kent, 438 (3 m. 27). Bastelden. See Basildon. Basternay, Imbert de, Sieur de Bou- chage, q.v. Bastia dil Fossa di Zuinol, in Italy, 765. Bastida, 2982. Bastiriacho, John, ship master, 1661 (4). Bastogne (Bastoyne, Bastoing), in Luxemburg, 1813. letter from, 1203. Baston, Linc. See Boston. Baston, John, g. 1805 (1). Th., g. 2964 (27). Bastourne. See Fastern. Batable Lande. See Debateable. GENERAL INDEX. 31 Batchworth (Bacheworth), Herts, g. 1804 (3). Batell. See Battle. Bateman (Batman), John, 20 (p. 17), 438 (1 m. 13). Rob., 438 (4 m. 26). Batemanson. See Batmanson. Batens (Baten), Wm., attainted, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). Batersey. See Battersea. Bates (Baytys), Rob., master carpen- ter, 3506: pp. 1512–15. Bath, knights of the. See Knights. Bath, Chesh., 438 (3 m. 11). Bath, Soms.,. 438 (2 m. 29) :—g. 833 (11), 1221 (4), 1494 (62). cathedral priory of, 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (3 m. 11). Bath, archdeacon of, 438 (4 m. 12). Bath and Wells, bpric. of, 3509. confirmation of char- ters for, g. 546 (13). bp. of. See Corneto, A. de. Oliver [King] late bp. of (A.D. 1495-1503), 438 (4 m. 21). Batisford (Batesford), Suff., g. 519 (42). Batmanson (Batemanson, Bapman- son), John, LL.D., ambassa- dor to Scotland (Sept. 1509), 161, 255, 2015:—g. 158 (80, 90), 2862 (5). Batron (Batran), Wm., 438 (1 m. 1). Batry or Barty, Margaret widow of Robert, 438 (3 m. 27). Battersea (Bateresey), Surr., 438 (3 m. 14). vicar of, g. 1602 (22). Battle (Batell), Suss., 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 18). • abbey, 438 (2 m. 16). • pyon, L. 381 (93). abbot of. See Cham- confirmation for, g. Battle (Batyll), Hugh, vicar of Pot- terne, 438 (2 m. 25). • (Batall), Humphrey, 438 (4 m. 13). (Battyll), Simon, p. 1512. Battlefield (Batelfeld), Salop, g. 414 (46). Baty, Ralph, usher of the Hall, g. 3049 (14). Baudewyn. See Baldwin. Baudone, Nic. de, French prisoner, p. 928. Bauellis. See Knollis. Baughragh. See Bachrach. Baunbach, G. von, p. 1513. Baunde. See Brandenburg. Baunes. See Baines. Baunton. See Bampton. Bavaria (Bavier), 1352, 2572, 3192, Bavaria, duke of, 3003. Probably Saxony intended. Bavaria, William duke of, letter to, 2662. Bavarin, Alberto, chant, 287. • Venetian mer- (Baveryne), Ant., Venetian merchant, 438 (1 m. 4), 1371, 1463 iv., 1512, 1762, 1949, 2060, 2747, 2831 :—pp. 1506, 1510, 1514:-g. 132 (95), 651 (31). letters from, 1371, 1512, 1762, 1949, 2060, 2160, 2265, 2493. Bavelingham. See under Calais. Baveryn. See Bavarin. Bavier. See Bavaria. Bavinchove (Bavynco), in Flanders, 2404. Bawdekyn. See Bodkin. Bawdes, Rob., p. 1540:—g. 3226 (12). Bawdeswell, Norf., 438 (1 m. 6) :~g. 3049 (20). Bawdewyn or Bawdyn. win. See Bald- Bawdrip, Sir Wm., App. 26. Bawdy, Wm. See Dawdy. Bawmford. See Bamford. Bawtry (Bawtre), Yorks, g. 784 (55). Baxter, Edw., g. 381 (21). (Baxster), John, pp. 1503, 1547:-g. 257 (59), 2684 (17). Roland, rector of Ufford, p. 1529. Baxulby. See Saxelby. Bay, the [of Biscay], 1291. Bay (Bai, Bey), John, g. 1494 (32). · Bayard (Bayaudo, Bayart), M., made prisoner at Guinegate, 1301 (p. 598), 2172, 2173 (3), 2198, 2227, 2237, 2254 ii., 2299, 2391 (p. 1059), 2392 iii., 2396. Bayard, Rob., King's messenger, 1982. Bayeux, René de Prie, bp. of, car- dinal, 625, 667, 858, 932, 964, 1375, 2322, 3269 (3), 3361, 3364, 3411, 3424, 3430. signature of, 625. Bayford, Herts, 438 (3 m. 24). Bayford, Soms., 438 (4 m. 17). Bayham or Beigham (Begham), abbey, Suss., near Lamber- hurst, 438 (3 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 10). abbot. See Bexley, R. Bayle, Th., rector of La Marsh, g. 1044 (16). Bayle. See also Bailey. Bayllol. See Balliol. Baylly or Bayly. See Bailey. Baylys, Ric., rector of Melsonby, g. 731 (16). Baynard, John, g. 2222 (16 Wilts). 32 GENERAL INDEX. Baynard-cont. (Banard), Philip, 438 (3 m. 3):—p. 1546 :-g. 218 (12), 924 (29), 1462 (34). Roger, 438 (1 m. 13). (Bayneard), Th., 1493. Baynardes Castell. See under Lon- don. Baynes, Laurence, 2914. Ric., 1262 (p. 578). Baynham or Bayneham (Beynam), 438 (1 m. 26). (Beynam), Sir Alex., 20 (p. 15), 1176 iii., 2053 (6 ii.), 2414 :-P. 1537:-g. 1221 (26), 2964 (17). (4). signature of, 2130 Baynham, Chr. or Sir Chr., esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 16), 1176 • • iii. p. 1537:-App. 26:- : g. 969 (23), 1948 (57), 2964 (17). John, g. 1662 (24). Th., g. 1662 (24). (Beynam), Wm., 2479 (2). Bayns or Banes, Th., 438 (1 m. 25). Bayntley. See Bentley. Baynton (Bayneton), Yorks, g. 709 (31). Baynton (Beynton), John, 438 (1 m. 7), 853, 2293:-g. 924 (20, 29). (Beynton), Sir Robert, g. 924 (20). Bayntre. See Braintree. Bayonne (Bayon), in Guienne, 1239, 1291-2, 1301 (p. 596), 1326 (pp. 612–3, 616–7), 1359, 1368, 1376, 1385, 1394, 1403, 1417, 1432, 1461, 1509 (pp. 694-5), 1511 (p. 698), 1519 (p. 703), 1575 (p. 723), 1665 (pp. 762, 765-6), 1689, 1866, 2006 (pp. 907-8):-g. 1266 (15). fortifications of, 1575 (p. 723). Bayonne (Bayon), bp. of [Bertrand de Lahet], 1326 (p. 616), 1327. bpric. of, 1327. Bayons, Linc. [near Tealby], g. 2684 (2). Bays, Ric., g. 604 (24). Baytys. See Bates. Baytystuny or Boyston, vicarage of St. Nicholas, pp. 1523, 1530. See Lea. Be. Beachampton (Beauchampton), Bucks, g. 1316 (15). Beache. See Beche. Beaching Stoke (Bechyngstoke), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 13). Beachy Head (Bechif, Bechyff, La Beauchieff), 1844 (p. 843), 2305 ii. :-g. 132 (51). Beaconsfield (Bekenesfeld, Bekennys- felde, Bokensfeld, Bekyn- feld), Bucks, 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 m. 19), 438 (4 mm. 27– 8). Beaford (Beauford), Comb, Devon, 438 (2 m. 5). Bealknapp. See Belknapp. Bealmys. See Belamy. Bealper. See Belper. Bealsier. See Belser. Beaminster, Dors., 438 (1 m. 16). Beamish (Beaumysshe), Dham., 438 (3 m. 2). Beamoundes Landes. See Beaumont. Beamount. See Beaumont. Beamount, Linc., g. 2684 (2). Beamsley (Bemesley), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 5). Beantley. See Bentley. Beare. See Bere. Bearn (Byerne, Bierne, Berne, Haute Bearn, Autbierne) and the Bearnese (Byernesys), 1326 (pp. 613, 615), 1327, 1359, 1364, 1422, 1432, 1509 (p. 695), 1511 (p. 698), 1519 (p. 703), 1575, 1665 (pp. 762, 765), 1750, 1866, 1999 (3, 4), 2006 (p. 907-8), 2038 ii., 2056, 2063, 2079, 2112, 2242:—g. 1662 (38). Bearn (Hibernia, Byarne, Burne, Beierna), Baron of, 1277 (p. 587), 1568, 1647 (p. 743), 1984, 2237. Beates. See Betts. Beaton (Betoun), James, archbishop of Glasgow, previously bp. of Galloway, chancellor of Scot- land (1513), 55, 83, 92–3, 108, 124, 173, 255, 374–5, 1135, 1152, 1342, 1735 (pp. 792–3), 2084, 2461, 2569, 2793, 2911, 3481, 3540-p. 1527. • · letters to, 55, 124, 173. (Beton), Walter, canon of Glasgow, p. 1522. Beaubush, Suss., g. 857 (7), 1044 (6). Beaucaire, seneschalcy of, in France, 3344. Beauchamp, Anne, daughter of Henry duke of Warwick († A.D. 1446), g. 1524 (36). Henry duke of Warwick, q.v. Isabel widow of Thomas, 438 (3 m. 30). Richard lord († A.D. 1496), 438 (4 m. 8). Sir Ric., Lord St. Amand, q.v. Th., heirs of, g. 833 (53). Beauchampton. See Beachampton. Beauchief abbey, 438 (1 m. 14). abbot of. See Norton, J. GENERAL INDEX 33 Beaudeley. See Bewdley. Beaudesert (Bewdesert), Staff., 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (3 m. 16). Beaudiner, Monsieur de, 3348. Beaufewe, Alice, daughter of Christo- pher, 438 (2 m. 12). Beauford, Charles, alias Somerset (q.v.), 438 (1 m. 26). Beauforest, Richard, abbot of Dor- chester, 438 (4 m. 6) :—g. 1123 (18). Beaufort, Henry, cardinal (temp. Henry VI.), g. 414 (34). Beaugency, in France, letter dated at, 902. Beaulieu (Bewley, Beweley, Buw- lew), Hants, 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (3 mm. 20, 27), 438 (4 m. 25):—p. 1516. abbey, g. 804 (1). confirmation for, g. 784 (43). letters dated at, 555 :—g, 563 (20). Beaulper. See Belper. Beauly (Belliloci), in Scotland, priory of, p. 1522. Beaumaris (Bewmarys, Bewmares), co. Anglesea, 438 (1 mm. 12, 21-2), 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (3 m. 27), 2834, 3137 (16), 3222. confirmation for, g. 414 (8). constable of. See Beau- maris, R. Beaumont (Bewmond), in France, 3430. Louis de, Comte de Lerin, Marshal of Navarre, 1326 (p. 615), 1327, 1509 (pp. 694–5), 1511 (pp. 697–8). Beaumont (Beamonte), Don John de, 1326 (p. 615), 1327. Beaumont (Beaumand), Leic., 438 (2 m. 23). Beaumont (Beamond), Rutl., 438 (3 m. 13). Beaumont or Beamont, Eliz., 438 (2 m. 30). (Beamond, Bevamount, Bew- monte), George, 438 (3 mm. 5, 28). (Bewmond), Henry, esquire for the Body, 438 (4 m. 8) :— g. 833 (58 iv.), 1494 (57). (Bemond), James 438 (2 m. 8), 559-g. 804 (23). Joan, 438 (3 m. 28). John viscount, father of William, g. 1003 (1). (Beamound, Bewmount, Be- mond), John, 438 (2 mm. 8, 33). (Beamound), Ric., 438 (2 m. 30), 707 (p. 383), 2480 (9, 29):—g. 54 (3), 2055 (121), 2772 (24). Wt 11494. Beaumont or Beamont-cont. Richard viscount, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31). Th., clk., 438 (4 m. 21). Th., g. 969 (70). Wm. viscount, and lord of Bardolf († 1507), and his lands ("Beamoundes Landes "), 144, 438 (4 m. 5):—g. 132 (26), 158 (14, 17, 71), 190 (12), 289 (13), 519 (10), 604 (30), 682 (13, 25), 709 (1, 14), 833 (15, 30), 969 (39), 1003 (1), 1123 (58), 1266 (9, 33), 1948 (31), 2863 (10). commissions for in- quisitions on his lands, &c., g. 132 (26). • his marriage with Joan Stafford, g. 682 (25). Beaumysshe. See Beamish. Beaune, A. de, 3360 (3). Jacques de, 3360. Beaunolt. See Benolt. Beaupyne, Thomas, temp. Ric. II., g. 587 (20). Beaurepeyre. See Belper. Beauvais (Bevoyse), in France, 2128, 3381, 3411, 3430. letters dated at, 2169, 3387. bp. (and count) of, 3417 (p. 1437). Beauvale (Beawvale) priory, [in Greasley], Notts, 438 (2 m. 7). • • confirmation for, g. 485 (30). letter dated at, 492. > prior. See Middleton, W. Beawley. See Beaulieu. Bebow. See Bilbao. Becansaw. See Bekynsall. Beccles (Bekkyls, Bexlys, Bekles), Suff., p. 1512 :-g. 1602 (43), 2772 (61). chantry in, g. 2772 (61). Beche (Beache), Walter, 438 (3 m. 9). Bechear (or Bewzar), Th., 438 (2 m. 14). Beches, Essex, g. 784 (56). Becheworth. See Betchworth. Bechif. See Beachy Head. Bechyngstoke. See Beaching. Beck or Becke. Edward, g. 2861 (31). (Beke), Eliz., g. 1266 (18). (Bek, Beke, Becce, Begge), John, 438 (2 m. 25). (Beke), Marmaduke, g. 1266 (18). (Bek, Beke), Roger, 707: g. 1948 (51). (Bekke, Beke, Beek, Bey), Th., 438 (2 m. 29):-g. 1266 (18), 3107 (16). H 3 34 GENERAL INDEX. Beck or Becke-cont. Wm., auditor, 1024 :-g. Beckbury (Becbury), Salop, 438 1805 (1). (3 m. 31). Becket, Thomas, chancellor Henry II., g. 2964 (67). of Beckham (Bekham), East-, Norf., 438 (2 m. 8). Beckhay (Bekhay, Bekey), Yorks, 1057, 1593. Beckingham (Bekyngham), Linc., 438 (3 m. 23). Beckington (Bekyngton), 438 (4 m. 1). Soms., Beckley (Bekley), Oxon, g. 1662 (41). Beckley (Bekley), Suss., g. 709 (26). Beckwith, Ralph, prior or minister of Hounslow, 438 (4 m. 8). (Bekwith), Th., 438 (4 m. 21) g. 833 (41). Beckys. (Bekwith), Sir Wm., 438 (4 m. 21). See Bex. Bedale, Yorks, g. 2964 (44). rector of, 438 (4 m. 7). Bedasen. See Bidache. Beddington (Bedyngton), Surr., 438 (3 m. 34):-g. 885 (5), 3499 (36). Bede. See Oliver, B. Bedeford, Devon. • See Bideford. Bedell, ship carpenter, 1748. Ric., auditor, g. 357 (15). (Bedill), Roger, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 39), 707 :—g. 485 (43). (Bedull), Wm., 1446-p. 1538:-g. 132 (97), 357 (41), 2222 (16 Herts), 2617 (2), 3226 (7). Bedell. See also Biddulph. Bedford, 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (3 mm. 10, 18), 438 (4 m. 2), 1803 (2 m. 2) :—g. 381 (78), 924 (37), 3107 (7). fee farm, g. 94 (35). mayor and burgesses, 438 (4 m. 9). hospital or priory of St. John Baptist, 438 (1 m. 18). confirmation for, g. 1083 (22), 1662 (29). W. master. See Morgan, St. John's, rector of, 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 13). Bedford, archdeacon of, 438 (3 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 21). Bedford, Jasper Tudor duke of (1485– 1495), g. 485 (37), 709 (14), 784 (21), 1948 (31). Bedford (Bedeford), John, 438 (2 m. 18). Ric., 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 24). Bedford minor, prebend in Lincoln cathedral, 438 (4 m. 21). Bedfordshire, 205 (p. 106), 580, 2054 (1, 5), 3377 :—g. 190 (3), 218 (55), 381 (74), 632 (26), 709 (6), 833 (11), 969 (23, 51), 1123 (15), 1494 (9, 55), 1662 (45), 1804 (22, 49), 2222 (16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (17), 3408 (18, 20), 3499 (12, 28). commission of the peace, p. 1533. Bedhampton (Bedehampton, Bode- hampton), Hants, g. 218 (23), 587 (18), 1524 (2). rector presented, g. 731 (10). Bedingfeld, Edmond, g. 709 (31). (Benyngfeld), Th., or Sir Th., 81, 438 (1 m. 2), 1453, 1661 (p. 752):—g. 257 (84), 709 (31), 833 (58), 2222 (16 Norf.). .., knighted, 81. Bedingham, Norf., 438 (4 m. 23). Bedlington, Nthld., 438 (4 m. 3). Bedminster (Bedmyster, Bedmes- ter), Soms., 438 (3 m. 32) :—g. 1266 (11a). Bedmynye. See Bodmin. Bednell, John, 3170. Th., abbot of Whitby (1514), 3584 :-g. 2861 (28, 35), 3408 (32). Bedon. See Beedon. Bedoo, David, rector of Weyhill, 2480 (27):—g. 2617 (4). Ric., M.A., rector of Glades- try, g. 2863 (6). Bedwardyn. See under Worcester. Bedwell, Herts, 1849 :-g. 1524 (38). Bedworth, Warw., 2537. Bedyford. See Bideford. Bedyll or Bedle, Staff. See Bid- dulph. Bedyngton. See Beddington. Beedon (Bedon), Berks, g. 132 (96). Beef, 1416. See also Commissions (purveyance), Naval Expen- ses. Beek. See Beck. Beeleigh (Byley, Bileigh), near Mal- don, Essex, 438 (3 m. 24). abbey, 438 (3 m. 19). T. abbot. See Skarlet, Beelsby (Belesby), Linc., 438 (1 m. 2). Beelthe. See Builth. Beene, Wm., abbot of Burton upon Trent, g. 414 (39), 2222 (16 Staff.). Beer and ale, 193, 1416, 1531, 2833, 3148. See also Commissions (pur- veyance), Naval Expenses. GENERAL INDEX. 35 Beerbrewers, 438 (3 mm. 6, 8, 24), 438 (4 m. 15), 1803 (m. 2). Beer Ferrers (Bereferrers, Bereferys), Devon, 438 (3 m. 1), 438 (4 m. 23), 1803 (2 m. 1). Beetham (Bethom, Bethume, Beth- ymne), Westmld., 438 (3 mm. 10, 34):-g. 2684 (64). Beetley (Beteley), Norf., 1803 (2 m. 6). Begge. See Beck. Beggranes, Cumb., g. 1172 (16). Begham. See Bayham. Beghton. See Beighton. Beguyneau. See Peguineau. Behobia (Byhobya), near Fontara- bia, 1509, 1511 (p. 699). Beierna. See Bearn. Beigham. See Bayham. Beighton, Derb., 438 (2 m. 28), 1803 (1 m. 4). Beighton (Beghton, Boyghttun, By- ton), Ric., 438 (2 m. 25). Beilby (Byleby), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 12). Beilby (Bylby), John, p. 1547:—g. 158 (91). Beilde (Beld), Magnus, a Dane in Scottish service, 1560-4, 1582, 1729, 2578 (3). Oswald, chancellor of Den- mark, uncle of the preceding, 1560. Beillarville, Rade de, at Honfleur, 3349 (p. 1411). Bejar, Gregory de, merchant of Bur- gos, 2459. Bek, or Beke. See Beck. Bekelbergh. See Dickleburgh. Bekenesfeld. See Beaconsfield. Bekennysfeld. See Beaconsfield. Bekerton. See Bickerton. Bekestraynes, Cumb., g. 1172 (16). Bekett, Th., g. 2684 (74). Bekey. See Beckhay. Bekhay. See Beckhay. Bekingham or Bekyngham, Elias de, • • g. 519 (42). Mary, widow of Thomas, 1803 (1 m. 2). Ric., 438 (3 m. 27). Robert, 438 (3 m. 19). Th., 20 (p. 16), 438 (2 m. 11):—g. 749 (36). Bekk. See Beck. Bekkes or Bekkys. Bekles. See Beccles. See Bex. Bekkyls. See Beccles. Bekley. See Beckley. Bekwith. See Beckwith. Bekynfeld. See Beaconsfield. Bekyngton. See Beckington. Bekynsaw (Bekynsall, Bekonsall), George, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41). Bekynsaw-cont. (Bekynsals, Becansaw, Be- kensall, Bekensawe), Dr. Robert, Queen's almoner, 19 (p. 11), 20, 82 (p. 41), 1446 :- g. 1462 (33), 2330 (3). (3). signature of, g. 2330 Belamy (Bealmys, Bealmy), John, rector of Todmarton, 438 (2 m. 13). Ric., g. 1948 (32). Belchamber, John, 438 (3 m. 21). Belchamp Walter (Belechamp Water), Essex, 438 (4 m. 11). Belcher, Humphrey, 438 (2 m. 31). (Belchier, Belcheer), Rob., 438 (2 m. 31) :—g. 563 (15). Beld. See Beilde. Belenzona. See Bellinzona. Belerikkey. See Billericay. Belesby. See Beelsby. Beley, Henry, abbot of Tewkesbury, 3464: -P. 1537:-g. (47). 257 (Belee), Hugh, 438 (4 m. 24). Belford, Nthld., 2740. Belgrave, Leic., 438 (2 mm. 11, 20). Belgrave, George, s. and h. of John, g. 2772 (58). Belitza, lord of. See La Palisse. Belknap (Bealknapp, Bellekanapp, Belknaper), Edw. or Sir Edw., esquire for the Body, knighted at Tournay, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 14), 438 (4 m. 4), 1176 iii., 1869 v., 1913, 2053 (1, 3, 5, 6 ii.), 2301, 2480 (54, 57), 2575, 2598, 2673, 2678, 2834, 2880, 3002, 3135, 3137 (16), 3222, 3506, 3539, 3555:—pp. 1503– 4, 1511, 1516, 1545:-g. 158 (36), 257 (80), 289 (17), 449 (15),709 (41.43), 1805 (1), 1948 (85), 3499 (49), 3582 (12). his accounts, 2575 ii., 2598, 3002. recognizance made to, g. 257 (80). signature of, 3506, 3539:—g. 1805 (1). Henry, g. 289 (17). Bell (Bel), Bernard (abbot of Mel- rose ?), 300. John, painter, 307. John, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 41), 438 (4 m. 5) :—g. 3107 (31). Margaret, g. 833 (53). (Belle), Richard, chaplain, 438 (2 m. 28):—g. 94 (1). Ric., g. 833 (53). (Belle), Rob., g. 132 (111), 381 (101), 2330 (1), 2422 (18). Roger, 1493 ii. 36 GENERAL INDEX. Bell-cont. (Belle), Th., of the Cellar, 82 (p. 39):—g. 54 (46), 257 (18), 381 (88), 604 (8), 731 (8), 804 (25), 1415 (7), 2055 (95). Wm., 707-1462 (18). Belle. See Beverley. Bell founders, 438 (2 m. 29). Bella, Th., 20 (p. 13). Bellake, Simon, of the Toils, 20 (p. 16). Belleau (Hellowe), Linc., g. (21), 749 (6). park of, g. 158 (63). 731 Bellecensis (of Belsunce ?), Marquis, letter to, 1458. Bellegarde, M. de, letter to, 2115. Bellelolell. See Beloeil. Bellemicas [co. Tipperary ?], p. 1524. Beller (Byller, Billar), Ric., 1803 (1 m. 2). Bellers, Roger, g. 94 (35). Belles, Ric. See Bolles. Bellesbi. See Bilsby. Bellewe, John, 1493. Belliloci. See Beauly. Belling, in Scotland [near Fallside], 2443. Bellingham (Belyngham, Belynge- ham, Belyngcham, Belenge- ham), Chr., 438 (1 m. 2) :— pp. 1534, 1542 :—g. 2222 (16 Berks). • (Bellingeham), Edward or Sir Edward, a demi lance, 1450 (p. 661):-App. 26 :—g. 1083 (39). John, chantry priest, p. 1527. (Bollyngeham), (4 m. 25). John, 438 (Belyngeham), Nic., 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 33). (Belyngeham), Ralph, g 1083 (39). (Belyngeham), Ric., g. 1083 (39). (Belyngeham), Rob., 438 (4 m. 26). (Bolyngham, Belyngham), Sir Roger, p. 1546-g. 804 (29 iii.), 833 (45 ii.), 1365 (3). Bellinzona (Belanzona), in Italy, 982. Bellisby. See Bilsby. Bellister park, in Haltwhistle, Nthld., g. 1662 (43). Bellouse (Belus), Wm., clerk of the Council, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p 43): —g. 546 (20), 749 (18). Belluno (Čividal di Belluno), in Italy, 278. Bellyng, Th., 438 (3 m. 10). Bellyngforth. See Billingford. Belmesthorpe (Byllesthorp), Rutl., 438 (1 m. 11). Beloeil (Belleolell), in in Hainault, letter dated at, 1932. Belovesa or Belowsa, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 16). Belper (Bealper, Beaurepeyre, Beaulper), Derb., 1803 (1 m, 2). Belsay (Belso, Belsoo), Nthld., 438 (2 m. 26):—g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Belser (Bealsier, Beaulsyer, Belsier), George, 438 (4 m. 21). Belshawe, Th., clk., g. 54 (93). Belson, Robert. See Notes and Errata, No. 2137. Belstead (Belstede), Suff., g. 2684 (12). Beltenment, in Scotland, p. 1260. Belton, Linc., 438 (1 m. 12), 438 (2 m. 6). Beltrian (Beltran), Pedro, messenger of Ferdinand of Aragon, 1557, 1740 (p. 796), 1999, 2132. Belus. See Bellouse. Belvoir (Bever), Leic., 438 (3 m. 8). Belwode, Rob., 438 (1 m. 12):-p. 1540. Belyngdon. See Billington. Belyngeham. See Bellingham. Belzers. See Welzers. Bembo, Peter, Papal secretary, 2399 (2), 3527, 3547-8, 3574. signature of, 2253, 2288, 3205. Bemersley, Staff., 438 (2 m. 15). Bemesley. See Beamsley. Bemond. See Beaumont. Bemynster, Dors. See Beaminster. Benamye. See Binamy. Benavente, Count de, 6 (p. 5). Benbury (Benbery), Nic., son of John, 438 (3 m. 17). Benche, John, clk., p. 1524. Bendell, Rob., g. 447 (27). Benden. See Bennenden. Bendfield Bury (Benfeldbury), Essex [in Stansted Mountfichet], g. 2055 (123), 2484 (1). Bendish, Wm., 707 (p. 383). Bendon (Byndon), Devon, 438 (4 m. 4). Bendon, Ric., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 39). Bene, Wm., g. 2055 (6). Benedict. See Vialis. Benefeld, in Rockingham Forest, Ntht., g. 1123 (46), 2684 (59). Benehall. See Benhall. Benemyd. See Binamy. Benese (Benys), Richard, rector of Woodborough, g. 731 (6). Beneston. See Benston. Benet, • 559. Henry, 3135. Joan, 438 (4 m. 14). (Benette), John, 438 (2 mm. 16, 19), 438 (3 m. 2), 1803 (1 m. 2). GENERAL INDEX. 37 Benet-cont. (Beynnet, Beynet), Robert, 438 (3 m. 18). Th., 82 (p. 42), 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (3 m. 16), 853:-g. 2772 (63). Wm., 1803 (1 m. 5) :—g. 784 (19). Benet Hulme. See Hulme. Benevolence, granted to Henry VII., 438 (1 mm. 2, 11). Beneython. See Boneython. Benfeld. See Binfield. Benfleet, South- (Southbemeflete), Essex, 438 (2 m. 5). Benger, John, g. 2055 (17). Ric., 436. Benhall (Benehall), Suff., g. 190 (4), 2055 (95). Benham, in Scotland. See Binning. Benham Lovell, Berks, g. 94 (35). Bennecar (Bymaker), Wilts, 438 (3 m. 15). Bennenden (Benden, Benynden), Kent, 438 (4 m. 5). rector of, p. 1530. Bennington (Benyngton), Linc., 438 (3 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 26). Benolt (Bunolt, Bunowlte, Bennolt), John, clk., secretary of Calais, 981 :-g. 54 (16), 449 (19), 751 (2), 924 (34), 3408 (37). • (Beaunolt), Thomas, Wind- sor herald, Norrey king of arms (1510), Clarencieux king of arms (30 Jan., 1511), 707, 1442, 1450 (p.661),,2053 (6 ii.), 2873, 2880, 2903, 3193 (2), 3215, 3221, 3348, 3552 :-g. 449 (9), 632 (56, 79), 682 (42). letter to, 3215. Bensall. See Bonsall. Benson, John, chaplain, g. 1221 (43). Ric., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Wm., 707 (p. 383). Bensted or Benstede, Edw. or Sir Edward, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 41), 438 (3 m. 13), 2295:—g. 2684 (41). his account as trea- surer of wars in the North (in 1512), 1450. • as treasurer to the French Queen, 3294, 3348 (3):—p. 1538:-App. 26. John, abbot of Whitby, 438 (3 mm. 21, 34" Benston "): g. 2222 (16 Scarborough), 2684 (25), 2861 (35), 3408 (32). Wm., 20 (p. 17). Benston. See Denston. Benston, John, abbot of Whitby. See • Bensted. (or Beneston), Lawrence, 438 (2 m. 15). Bentbowe, Wm., g. 1494 (2). Bentham (Bentam), Glouc., 438 (2 m. 24). Bentham (Benthen), Yorks, rector of, p. 1527. rector presented, g. 1123 (28). Bentinck, Allart, household steward to Margaret of Savoy, 2767. Bentivogli (Bentyvoyllys), the, of Bologna, 777 (p. 415), 779- 80, 802, 996, 1127, 1677 (p. 770). Louis XII's protection to them by name, 802. 1277 (p. Bentivoglio, Alexander, 1277 587), 1301. Hannibal, 965, 1747. Hermes, 2352 (2). Bentley, Worc., 438 (3 m. 23). Bentley, Suff., g. 2684 (12). Bentley, Fenny- (Fenebentley), Derb., chantry in, g. 924 (18). Bentley Parva, Essex, 438 (3 m. 32). Bentley (Benteley) Wood, Wilts, g. 381 (75). Bentley (Bentle, Bayntley, Beantley), Henry, 438 (4 m. 19). John, p. 1548:-g. 257 (88). John, chaplain, 438 (1 m. 22). Benyfelde, Ntht., 438 (3 m. 13). Benyngfeld. See Bedingfeld. Benys. See Benese. Beoly (Reley), Worc., 438 (1 m. 1). Ber', Warinus filius. See Geroldus. Berangier. See Barangier. Bercombe. See Barcombe. Berde or Berd, Edward, 438 (3 m. 3). Berdeney. See Bardney. Berdes, Fr. de. See Bardi. Berdfield, Essex, court rolls, 544. Berdisley. See Bardisley. Berdiwike. See Wick. Berdmore, Hugh, alias Kingsley, q.v. John, g. 94 (37), 749 (19), Berdwell, Suff., 438 (4 m. 21). Bere, Hants, 438 (1 m. 25). Bere (Beare), John, g. 1221 (15). John, 2053 (2). See Vere. John, gunpowder maker, p. 1508. Richard, abbot of Glaston· bury, 205, 963, 1803 (1 m. 6), 2759, 2928 (p. 1266), 3464 :---- g. 2222 (16 Soms.). Berecedo, Pedro de, a Spaniard, 2215. Berefeld, Essex. See Bardfield. Bereferrers or Bereferys. See Beer. Bereford. See Barford. Bere Forest (Southbere, West Bere, King's Bere, Westebury, Kyngesbury), Hants, g. 94 (28, 90), 381 (13), 969 (15), 2684 (29), 3408 (19). 38 GENERAL INDEX. Berenghier, Jaquet, of Lille, 1387. Bere Norbury. See Berry Narbor. Bere Regis, Dors., 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 28). Beresford. See Basford. Bereton. See Burrington. Berewe, Nthld. See Barrow. Bereworth (Berwithe, (Berwithe, Barworth, Berworth), Stephen, dean of Wallingford, doctor of physic, 438 (2 m. 11 ter) :—g. 447 (11). Berewyk manor, Herts, g. 2617 (21). Berford. See Barford. Bergamini. See Burgarini. Bergamo (Bergham), in Italy, 1309, 1417, 1555, 1647, 2074, 2645, 2982, 3282, 3392, 3396, 3400, 3451. Bergamo, Gabriel de, pp. 1524–5. Bergavenny. See Abergavenny. Bergayny. See Abergavenny. Bergen (Barg), duchy of, g. 3049 (13). Bergen, duke of, 1162. Bergen op Zoom (Berghes, Berghez, Barowe, Barough), 325, 438 (3 m. 17), 1032 (8), 1353, 1357, 1437, 1573, 1594, 2451, 2478 (2), 3085, 3174, 3208, 3235:—pp. 1503, 1514. letters dated at, 89, 1362, 1370, 1664, 1768, 3208. Bergen, Anthony of. See St. Omer, abbot of St. Bertin's. Bergevenny. See Abergavenny. Bergham. See Bergamo. Bergham or Berham. See Barham. Berghe, in Scotland, p. 1260. Berghes. See Bergen. Berghes (Berges, Barges, Bergues, Berghis), John lord of, high chamberlain to Maximilian, 89, 324, 325 (p. 147), 592, 628, 650, 919, 1146, 1213, 1229, 1288-9, 1339, 1350, 1362, 1364, 1469, 1566, 1594, 1750, 1895, 2010, 2014, 2021, 2039– 40, 2063, 2068, 2076, 2083, 2106, 2123, 2173 (3 "Bergen"), 2203, 2209, 2214, 2225, 2230, 2235, 2255 (?" Bagh "), 2377, 2656, 2694, 2705, 2736, 2797, 2815, 2867-8, 2940, 2941 (p. 1271), 3014, 3174, 3208–9, 3400. " · • letter from, 89 his daughter, 3174. his son. See Walhain, Peter lord of. his son-in-law, 1566 (p. 719). Berghes, Jehan de, 1950 (3). Bergholt (Berghold, Barfold, Bar- folt), Suff., 438 (3 mm. 9, 28). Bergholt, East- (Estbarholt, Estbar- fold), Suff., 438 (1 m. 21). Bergholt (Barfold), West-, Essex, 438 (1 m. 19). Berg St. Vinox (Bergues), in Flan- ders, 2391 (p. 1061). Bergues. See also Bergen. Beripper, Cornw., 438 (4 mm. 10, 18). Berkeley (Barkeley), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 24) :—g. 381 (84), 447 (27), 485 (15), 563 (21), 1316 (34), 2964 (40). constable, &c., g. 2964 (40). Berkeley (Brakeley), hundred, Glouc., g. 682 (30). Berkeley, Alice widow of Sir Ed- ward, g. 546 (19). (Barkeley), Eliz. widow of Thomas, 438 (2 m. 28):-g, 546 (19). Henry, 3038. (Barkley, Berkeley), James, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 14) :- g. 485 (15), 2964 (40). John, s. and h. of Thomas, s. and h. of Sir Edward, g. 546 (19). Katharine widow of Sir Wil- liam, g. 546 (19). Maurice lord († 1506), 438 (1 m. 26). (Barkeley), Maurice or Sir Maurice, esquire and knight for the Body, 20 (pp. 14, 16), 81, 438 (1 m. 26), 707, 878 ii., 1176 (1, 4), 1422, 1441, 1496 i., ii., 1869 v., vi., 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2391, 2480 (49), 2537, 2575 ii., 2838, 2907, 3348 (3): pp. 1513, 1517, 1519, 1537, 1539, 1546 :—g. 218 (12), 257 (49 bis), 632 (26), 833 (61), 969 (23), 1221 (6), 1602 (24), 2964 (1). signature of, 1441:- g. 2964 (1, 2). knighted, 81. (Barclay, Barkeley, Barcley), Maurice, ship captain, killed at Flodden, 1414, 1661 (1, 3, 4), 2246, 2304 (3), 2652, 2738: -g. 1494 (9), 2484 (6). (Berkley, Barkley), Ric., of Rye, 438 (1 m. 4), 1812, 1869 iii. :—p. 1537:-g. 1494 (9). (Barkeley, Bartlay), Thomas or Sir Thomas, knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.):-p. 1547 bis :-g. 2055 (44), 2964 (40). William marquis (1488-92), Earl Marshal (1485-92) and Nottingham (1483-92), vis- count Berkeley (1481-92), and his lands ("Berkeley's GENERAL INDEX. 39 Berkeley, William-cont. lands "), 438 (1 m. 26):-g. 357 (15), 381 (74), 709 (14), 1948 (31). Berker. See Barker. Berkhamstead (Barkhamsted), Great-, Herts, 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 1):—g. 94 (35). porter of the castle, g. 94 (9). Berkhampstead (Barkehamsted) fee, in cos. Ntht. and Bucks, g. 257 (32). Berkhampstead, West-, Herts, 438 (4 m. 8). Berkley (Barkeley), Soms., 1803 (1 m. 1). Berkshire, 205 (p. 106), 438 (4 m. 13), 2054 (4):—g. 190 (28), 381 (74), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1123 (23), 1494 (9, 55), 1524 (30), 1732 (21, 24), 2055 (37), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (79), 2964 (13), 3499 (12). commission of the peace, pp. 1533-4. Suffolk's lands in, g. 94 (51). Berkshire, archd. of. See Twynyho, C. = Berkstall, Henry, p. 1505. Berkswell (Berkeswell, Barreswell, Barkeswell), Warw., 438 (3 m. 27):-g. 158 (36), 257 (30), 709 (41), 1221 (20), 1732 (48), 2055 (129). Berkway. See Barkway. Berkyn. See Birkin. Berkyng. See Barking. Berkyng, Surr. See Dorking. Berling (Birling), Suss., g. 289 (13), 2863 (10). Bermeo, in Spain, 1239. Bermingham, Wm., 3583. Bermondsey, Surr., 438 (2 m. 8), 1803 (1 m. 3). abbey of St. Saviour, 643, 786 :-p. 1529 :—g. 3049 (27). John abbot of, 438 (1 m. 4). > confirmation for, g. 1221 (13). Bermyngeham, Patrick, chief justice Bern. of King's Bench in Ireland, g. 2535 (2). See Barn. Bernard, John, s. and h. of John, g. 1365 (12). (Bernarde), Robert, provost of Cotherstok college, g. 1266 (28). Wm., g. 749 (28). Bernard Castle. See Barnardcas- tle. Bernarde, Anthony, comptroller of the Emperor's artillery, 2285. Bernardin (Barnaldyno), Fray, knight of Rhodes, French naval commander, 1326 (p. 618), 1844 (p. 843), 1907. Berne, in Switzerland, 2086, 3127. letter dated at, 3088. Berne. See also Bearn. Berners (Barnes, Barners, Barnesse, Bernes, Barneys, Marnesse), Sir John Bourchier lord, chamberlain to the French Queen, 20 (pp. 12, 19, 20), 37, 205, 438 (3 m. 16), 438 (4 m. 10), 963, 1450, 2051, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ii.), 2218, 2413, 2480 (I. 44, II.), 2542, 2834, 2838, 3222, 3272, 3294, 3321, 3348 (3), 3355, 3464, 3483: pp. 1517, 1538, 1544:-g. 1732 (2), 2055 (105), 2964 (53), 3049 (11). letter from, 2480 11. letter to, 3266. signature of, 2218, 2413, 2415:—p. 1511:-g. 2684 (11). Berners (Barners), Jane, 2692. Bernesley. See Barnsley. Berney (Barney), John, g. 833 (58i.). Katharine, 438 (3 m. 9). (Barney), Ralph, g. 833 (58 i.). (Barney), Th., 438 (3 m. 9). Berni, John de, merchant of Tou- louse, g. 2137 (28). • Berquetot, Rigault de, his retort to De Clermont, 1518. Berreguardi, in Milan, letter dated at, 2864. Berrey. See Bury. Berrington (Borington, Beryngton), Heref., 438 (4 m. 27):—g. 1170 (4). Berry. See Bury. Berry, Estienne de, French prisoner, p. 928. Berry Narbor (Bene Norbury), Devon, 438 (2 m. 4). Berry Pomeroy (Berypomere), Devon, vicar of, 438 (4 m. 6). Bertilmewe. See Bartilmew. Bertinus (Bartinis), Leonard, Apos- tolic writer, 539, 638. Berton. Bertoun. letter from, 638. See Barton. See Barton. Bertram, Roger son of, g. 158 (32), 632 (82). charters of, g. 731 (4). Berttesi, Mons. de, 724. Berugham. See Barham. Berwell, Thomas, abbot of Biddles- den, 438 (3 m. 20). Berwick (Berwyk), Oxon, 438 (1 m. 4). 40 GENERAL INDEX. Berwick, Nthld See Abberwick. Berwick-cont. Berwick in Elmet. See Barwick. Berwick (Baruicke) St. John's, Wilts, p. 1521. Berwick upon Tweed (Barwyke), 157, 299, 438 (2 mm. 10, 12, 23 ter, 26), 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 mm. 5, 12 bis), 827, 1004, 1302, 1315, 1329 (p. 620), 1363, 1391, 1463 ii., 1690, 1735 (p. 793), 1775 (p. 810), 1803, (2 m. 6), 1914, 2111, 2121, 2284, 2286, 2324, 2382, 2386, 2390, 2401, 2427, 2576, 2651- 2, 2708-9, 2713-14, 2740, 2812 (3), 2834, 2913, 2973, 3313 (6):-g. 94 (65-6, 68), 1804 (6). • letters dated at, 1329, 2096, 3215-6. confirmation of charters for, g. 447 (28). captain of, 845, 1819. See Darcy, Lord. constable of the Castle, 438 (2 m. 7). deputy [-captain] of, and council, 2096, 2576, 2714, 2740. See Evers, Sir R. garrison of, 3030, 3505. garrison lands, 1149:-g. 94 (68), 289 (25), 563 (10), 709 (14), 857 (16), 1804 (6), 1948 (31). marshal of, g. 1083 (37). See Garth, T.; Borough, T. master mason of, g. 563 (10). master of ordnance, g. 3582 (16). See Papedee, Pawne, W. J.; master porter of, g. 2055 (41). See Strangways, T. master of works, 438 (1 m. 25). See Coke, H. .., mayor and aldermen of, 290, 2740. outlaws of, 309. porter, 1329. See Clapham, C.; also Strangways. receiver general of, 918 :-g. 94 (55). See Lee, W. treasurer of, 438 (1 m. 9). See Langton, W. treasurer, chamberlain and customer of, g. 94 (53). See Darcy, Lord. vice-captain, g. 1805 (2). See Notes and Errata. Bridge, 2714. The Nesse, 2708. Walles Green, 2708. Berwick (Barwyke), pursuivant, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42). Berwick, Avery, a spear, 1450 (p. 661). (Berwyk), Ric., 3529. (Berwike), Rob., g. 1221 (14). · Berwike, Yorks. See Barwick. Berwithe. See Bereworth. Berworth. See Bereworth. Berwyk or Barwike. See Berwick. Berwyk in Elmet. See Barwick. Berwyll, Alfred, g. 1083 (39). Bery. See Bury. Bery, abbot of. See Bury St. Ed- munds. Berydgge, John, 438 (3 m. 9), Beryff, ship owner, 2324. Beryman, Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39):—g. 519 (7). Beryngton. See Berrington. Berypomere. See Berry Pomeroy. Berypper, Cornw. See Beripper. Beryton. See Burrington. Besançon, in Franche Comté, 2166. Besançon, archdeacon of, 2208. Bescosquet, John, g. 381 (91). Besells. See Besilles. Besford, Worc., 438 (3 m. 26). Beshap or Beshop. See Bishop. Besilles (Boselles, Besells), Wm., pp. 1533, 1542:-g. 1123 (18), 2222 (16 Berks). Besilsleigh (Besseley), Berks, 438 (3 m. 31). Beskewode or Beskwode. See Best- wood. Besseley. See Besilsleigh. Best, Edward, 2054 (2). John, g. 2535 (26). Th., p. 1505. Bestney (Besteney), Th., 438 (3 m. 4). Beston, Th., 20 (p. 15):—g. 94 (47), 3408 (5). Bestwood (Beskewode) park, Notts, 1803 (2 m. 1):—g. 709 (19). Bestwode, Ralph de, g. 485 (44). Beswick (Beswike), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 5). Betchworth (Becheworth), Surr., g. 2055 (120). Betchworth, West- (Westbeche. worth), Surr., 438 (2 m. 4). Beteley. See Beetley. Beten. See Boton. Bethom or Bethume. See Beetham. Bethune (Betton, Betten, Bethon, Betwyn), in Artois, 2208,2256, 2380, 2392, 2534, 2693, 2995, 3240. letter dated at, 2245. governor of, 2068, 2256. See Desessyngbard. Betley (Beteley, Betteley), Staff., 438 (2 m. 20). Beton or Betoun. See Beaton. Bette (Bet), Wm., 438 (3 m. 20). Betton. See Bethune. GENERAL INDEX. 41 Betts (Bettes), Richard, prior of Snape, g. 519 (63). Rob., 438 (3 m. 4). (Bettys), Lewis, g. 1494 (62). (Beates, Bettys), Th., 438 (3 m. 4) :—g. 2055 (12). Betwyn. See Bethune. Beudeley. See Bewdley. Beuelham. See Bibleham. Beuelt. See Builth. Beule. See Byeul. Beulewe. See Bewley. Beures (Bevers), Adolph de Bour- goyne, Sieur de, 1594, 3052. Beuyle. See Bewley. Bevan (Bevyn, Deuyn), John, 438 (2 m. 4):-g. 804 (52), 1524 (4). Beveney. See Boveney. Bever. See Belvoir. Beverley, Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 20, 24, 27, 30, 32), 438 (3 mm. 8 bis, 13, 18, 21-2, 31, 34), 438 (4 mm. 7, 10, 13, 15 bis, 22, 25 ter, 27), 1803 (1 m. 4), 1803 (2 mm. 4, 5):—g. 1462 (36). confirmation of charters, g. 682 (15). bailiff of, 438 (1 m. 17). church or chapel of St. Mary, 438 (2 m. 7). provostry of, 438 (2 m. 16). provost of. See Dal- by, T. Beverley (Belle, Bylly), Ralph, 438 (3 m. 3). Ric., 438 (1 m. 2). Rob., g. 1462 (29). Th., 3170-pp. 1518, 1547. Bevers. See Beures. Beversham, Th., g. 1662 (37). Bevill or Bevyle, Agnes (temp. Hen. V.), g. 587 (20). John, 438 (4 m. 10):—g. 587 (20). (Bevile, Devyll), Peter, 438 (4 mm. 4, 16):—p. 1535:—g. 833 (58 iii.), 1494 (9), 2222 (16 Cornw.), 2484 (9), 3408 (4). (Bewell), Rob., 438 (4 m. 22). Wm., 438 (4 m. 10). Bevington. See Wood Bevington. Bevirlaw, Th., 1297. Bevoyse. See Beauvais. Bewcastle (Bowecastell), 827:-g. 2684 (86). Cumb., Bewdeley, Heref., 438 (2 m. 27). Bewdesert. See Beau. Bewdley (Bewedeley, Beaudeley, Beudeley, Budeley), Salop and Worc., 438 (1 mm. 13, 22), 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (3 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 15, 20), 1803 (1 m. 2). confirmation for, g. 381 (60). Beweley. See Bewley. Bewell. See Bevyll. Bewers. See Bures. Bewley. See Beaulieu. Bewley (or Buly), Th., petty captain, 2304 (5). (Beuleywe, Beuley, Bueley, Beuuyle), Wm., pp. 1535, 1541, 1546 :—g. 381 (15), 804 (29), 833 (45), 1123 (40), 1365 (3). Bewmares or Bewmarys. maris. See Beau- Bewmond, Bewmonte or Bewmount. See Beaumont. Bewsale. See Balsall. Bewyk, Margaret, widow, p. 1528. Rob., draper, 438 (1 m. 2). Bewzar or Bechear, q.v. Bex (Beckys, Bekkes, Bekkys), Rob., 438 (1 m. 15). Bexley, Kent, g. 1948 (7). Bexley, Richard, abbot of Bayham, 438 (4 m. 10). Bexlys. See Beccles. Bexwyke or Bexwyll, Ric., 438 (3 m. 8). Bey. See Bay; also Beck. Beycote. See Boycot. Beynam. See Baynham. Beynet or Beynnet. See Benet. Beynham. See Baynham. Beynton. See Bainton. Beyrd. See Bird. Beyston, Ralph, 2346. Beyton, Wm. à, g. 2684 (50). Bianco, Cavalier. See La Bastie. Bibbesworth, Th., g. 604 (36). Bibiena, Bernard Dovisi de, cardinal of St. Mary in Porticu (23 Sept., 1513), 2320n., 2568, 2869, 3173, 3291, 3574. Piero de, Papal nuncio to Venice, 1682, 2081, 2104, 2126, 2254 ii., 2307, 2869. • • 2104, 2444. letters to, 541, 2081, 2126, 2254 ii., 2307, his children, 2869. Bibleham (Beuelham), Suss. [in May- field], 438 (2 m. 10). Bibury, Glouc., 1803 (1 m. 3). Bicester (Burcestre, Burghchester, Bissetour), Oxon and Bucks, 438 (1 m. 4), 438 (3 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 1). Bickenhill (Byknell), Warw., pp. 1512, 1515. Bicker (Bykker, Bykeri, Linc., 438 (4 m. 9):-g. 682 (13). Bickerton (Bekerton), Chesh., g. 2684 (45). Bickerton (Bykerton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22). 42 GENERAL INDEX. Bickington (Bukyngton, Bykynton), Devon, 438 (3 m. 3). Bickton (Bykton), Hants, 438 (3 m. 3). Bicluves, in France, letter dated at, 2164. Biconell (Byconyll), Lady Eliz., widow of Sir John, 438 (4 m. 6). Bidache (Bedasen) castle, in Na- varre, 2006 (p. 907). Biddenham (Bydenham), Beds, g. 1266 (22). Biddesden, Wilts, 436:-g. 969 (38). Biddlesden (Buttlesden), Bucks, abbey, 438 (3 m. 20). T. abbot. See Berwell, Biddlestone (Bidleston), Heref., 438 (2 m. 4). Biddulph (Byddell, Bedell, Bedle, Bedyll), Staff., 438 (2 m. 28), 1803 (2 m. 3). Bideford (Bedeford, Bidford, Bedy- ford), Devon, 438 (2 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 17):—g. 1948 (38). Bidlake (Bithelake), John, 438 (4 m. 17). Bidnell, John, p. 1541 :-g. 357 (21). Bidoux, Prégent de (Preyer John, Prejan, Pery John, Pregianni, Prior John, Prejam, Prejiam, Pregent), knight of St. John, admiral of the French galleys (Amiral de Lavant), 113, 1422 (p. 651), 1512, 1647, 1709, 1769 ("Prester John "), 1771, 1808, 1825, 1840, 1844, 1878, 2154, 2681, 2854, 2934, 2946, 2959, 3001. • letter from, 1825. Bidwell, Dionysia, 438 (4 m. 1). (Bidwill), John, 438 (4 m. 1). • Bierne. See Bearn. Bierton, Bucks, g. 94 (35 p. 50). vicar of, 1803 (2 m 1). Biflete. See Byfleet. Bigars (Vigars), Louis de, Sieur de la Londe, 2297. Bigge, John, groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 438 (4 m. 21): p. 1545: p. 1545:—g. 158 (60), 2964 (73). Ric., 82 :—g. 257 (71), 587 (10), 3226 (22). Bigges (Byggys), Edw., 1803 (1 m. 1). (Biggis), Ric., 20 (p. 16), 1803 (1 m. 1). Wm., 20 (p. 19). Bigging, Derb. [in Hartington], 438 (4 m. 26 bis). Biggleswade (Bykylswade, Bykeles- wade), Beds, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 12). Bigland, John, g. 2617 (31). Bignell. See Bucknell. Bigod (Bygod, Bagod, Bigott, By- got), Sir Ralph, 438 (4 m. 26): p. 1547 bis :-g. 804 (29 iv., v., ix., x), 833 (45 iii., 50 iv.), 1365 (3), 2222 (16 Yorks), 2861 (28). Bigods (Bygoddys), Herts, 438 (1 m. 22). Bigott. See Bygod. Bigrave. See Bygrave. Biker, Ralph, 1262 (p. 578). Bikley [co. Monmouth ?], g. 604 (18). Bilbao (Bilbo, Bylbawo, Bebow), in Spain, 1441, 1459, 1495 ii., 1575 (p. 723), 1694. Bilby, Notts, 438 (2 m. 6). Bildeston (Bilston), Suff., 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (3 mm. 3, 4), 1803 (2 m. 2). Bileigh abbey. See Beeleigh. Billar. See Beller. Billard, Blaise, gunner, 20 (p. 14), 311 :—g. 289 (42), 519 (9). Billericay (Belerikkey), Essex, 2671. Billesley, Warw., 438 (2 m. 11). Billesby. See also Bilsby. Billesdon, John, p. 1502. Billessey. See Bilsby. Billett (Byllete), Peter, 438 (2 m. 33). Billing, Ntht., g. 257 (32). Billing, Great- (Mochebilling), Ntht., g. 804 (11), 2330 (4). rector presented, g. 1524 (13), 1602 (39). Billing Parva, Ntht., 438 (4 m. 5). Billingborough, Linc., g. 2330 (4). Billingford (Bellyngforth), Norf., 438 (4 m. 11). Billingford, Th., g. 833 (58 i.). Billinghay (Byllyngeye), Linc., g. 1836 (11). Billinghurst (Byllyngesburth), Suss., 1803 (2 m. 5). Billington (Belyngdon, Byllyndon), Joan, daughter of John, 438 (1 m. 26). John, 438 (4 m. 9). Billockby (Byllokby), Norf., 438 (2 m. 33). Bills and billheads, 1004 (4), 1189. See also Ordnance. Bilsby (Byllesby, Bellesbi, Billesbi), Linc., 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 14):-g. 804 (49). Bilsby (Billesby, Byllysby, Billessey, Bilesby, Bellisby), Andrew, or Sir Andrew, 438 (2 m. 6) :— App. 26-p. 1540:-g. 804 (13, 49), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 3582 (14). Bilston. See Bildeston. Bilth. See Builth. Bilton, co. City of York, 438 (2 m. 15). GENERAL INDEX. 43 Binamy (Benemyd, Benamye), Cornw., 438 (2 mm. 16, 20). Binasco (Parascho), in Italy, 1277 (p. 586). Binfield (Benfeld), Berks, 438 (3 m. 24). Bingham, John, customer at the Lanterngate of Calais, 193 (pp. 98-100), 1921 :—g. 1083 (6). Bingley, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 23), 438 (4 mm. 7, 13, 15). Reddysdyn, 3030. Bingwood, Bingewood or Bringwood (Brungewodde), chace, Heref., g. 1494 (34). Binham, Norf., priory, 438 (3 m. 24). Binis, Thomas de, clk., pp. 1527–8. Binning (Benham), in Scotland, p. 1530. Birch Magna, Essex, 1803 (2 m. 2). Birch Parva, Essex, 438 (2 m. 6). Bircham, Norf., 438 (4 m. 24):-g. 94 (35 p. 50). Birche, Rob., člk., 438 (2 m. 33). (Burche), Wm., 3554. Birches. See Birkes. Birchinshaw (Byrchyshaw), John, abbot of Chester, 308, 438 (4 m. 18). Bird or Birde, Anabella, g. 2772 (57). (Bryd), Edward, 438 (3 m. 18). (Beyrd, Birde), Geoffrey, 438 (1 m. 7). • (Burde, Byrde), John, 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 12), 2480 (67):—p. 1548 :-g. 132 (82), 3226 (7). Rob., 1414-g. 1123 (17). Wm., g. 2772 (57). Wm., clk., 438 (4 m. 19). (Birdde), Wm., prior of Bath, 438 (3 m. 11). Wm., purser, 3148. Birdforth (Brudeforth), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 15). Birdhurst, Wilts, g. 2684 (1). Birdwood, John, purser, 2305 iii. Birfeld. See Burghfield. Birkenhead (Brykenhed, Brykheved), Ralph, 2651:—g. 11 (10). Birkes (Brikkes, Birches), Th., clerk of the Green Cloth, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39), 438 (2 m. 21), 1531, 2540, 2833, 3048, 3144:-pp. 1505-8:-g. 2617 (31), 2772 (41). his account, 1531. Birkhead, Edmund, bp. of St. Asaph, pp. 1060, 2480 (22). letter from, 2480 (22). (Brikhed), Ralph, 1493 ii. (Birkhed), Ric., g. 2137 (23). Birkin (Berkyn), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (3 m. 10). Birkmer close, Cumb., g. 1948 (60). Birle, John, g. 1123 (17). Rob., g. 2684 (79). Birley, Th., clk., g. 709 (56). Birling (Burlyng), Kent, 438 (1 mm. 6, 23), 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (3 mm. 1, 27), 438 (4 mm. 2, 26). grant dated at, g. 1732 (36). Birling, Suss. See Berling. Birmingham (Byrmyncham, Brym- myngham), Warw., 438 (3 m. 18), 438 (4 mm. 22, 24), 1004 (4):—pp. 1512, 1515. Birnaund. See Burnand. Biron. See Byron. Birr, Wm., g. 2772 (57). Birt, Alex., 438 (2 m. 8). (Birtte), John, 438 (2 m. 8): —g. 2055 (3). Ric., g. 1494 (40). (Byrt), Simon, g. 2055 (3). Birton, Ric., 20 (p. 14). Birtford. See Britford. Birtport. See Bridport. Birt's Morton (Morton Birt), Worc., g. 833 (71). Biscay (Bysquey, Byskey, Viscadia) and Cantabria, in Spain, 1239, 1305, 1495 (1 i., v., 3), 1511– 12, 1564, 1580, 2006 (p. 908), 2008, 2059 :—p. 1506. county of, 3476. Biscuit, 1416. See also Commissions (purveyance), penses, &c. Naval Ex- Bisfa. Turkish admiral, 1765. Bisham (Bustelsham), Berks, priory, confirmation for, g. 546 (12). Bishop (Bysshoppe, Bysshap, Bes- hap, Beshop, Boshap), John, 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (4 mm. 12, 27). Rob., 438 (1 m. 26) :—g. 833 (59), 1494 (57). (Byschope), Rob., servant to Sir Ric. Wingfield, 1887, 2643, 2776–7, 3457 :—pp. 1516-7. Bishop Burton, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 21). Bishopdale, Yorks, g. 1462 (29). Bishopric, the. See Durham. Bishopsbourne, Kent, 438 (1 m. 21). Bishopsden (Bysshoppynden, Bys- synden), Matthew, 438 (2 m. 30). Bishop's Norton. See Norton. Bishop's Nympton (Nymet Epis- copi), Devon, 438 (4 m. 7). Bishop Stone, in Stone, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 27):-g. 632 (72). Bishport (Bisshopworth), Soms. [in Bedminster], 438 (2 mm. 12, 16). Bisley (Bislegh, Bisleche), Glouc., 1803 (2 m. 2) :—g. 94 (35). Bisley (Byssey), hundred, Glouc., g. 448 (8). 44 GENERAL INDEX. Bisley (Bystley), Surr., rector pre- sented, g. 158 (82). Bisley, Wm., 1493 ii. :—g. 2137 (25), 3582 (15). Bisset (Byset), Manasser (temp. Hen. II.), g. 2964 (67). Bissetour. See Bicester. Biston, John, canon of Glasgow, p. 1524. Bitburg (Bitberg), on the Luxem- burg frontier, letter dated at, 2103. Bithelake. See Bidlake. Bithynia, in Asia Minor, 766. Bitonto, Marquis of, prisoner in France, 1916. Bitton (Bucton, Bukton), Glouc., 1803 (1 m. 6). Bixton (Bykkerston), Norf. [in Burn- ham Broom], g. 2617 (37). Blaby, Leic., g. 2772 (58). Blacadur. See Blackadder. Blachall. See Blakhall. Blackadder (Blakater, Blacater), laird of, slain at Flodden, 2313n., 2913. Blackadder (Blacader), James, canon of Glasgow, p. 1524. (Blacadur), Robert, 153. Blackbourn (Blakborn) Suff., g. 2861 (25). hundred, Blackburgh (Blakeburgh) nunnery, Norf. [in Middleton], 438 (2 m. 33). • prioress. See Fincham, M. Black Deeps (Blake Depis), the [in Thames Mouth], 2305, 2865: -p. 1499. Blacker (Blakker), Th., 438 (1 m. 13). Black Friars or Friars Preachers, Chapter provincial of, con- firmation for, g. 447 (16). Blackheath (Blakkeheth, Blakeheth), Kent, 2929. Cornish rebels at, 438 (2 m. .8):-g. 519 (43). muster at, 1453 iv. Black Mere (Blakmere), Salop, 438 (4 m. 8). Blackmore (Blakamore, Blakmore) park, Worc., g. 94 (47), 1524 (47), 3408 (5). Blackmoor (Blakamore), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 19). Blackness, in Scotland, 1504. Blacksmiths, g. 1494 (21a). Blackwall (Blakwall), Derb., 1803 (1 m. 2). Blackwall (Blakwall), Agnes. widow of Richard, 1803 (1 m. 2). Robert, of the Exchequer, 704. (Blakwall), Wm., rector of Stevenage, 1803 (1 m. 2). Blacnall. See Blaknall. Bladbourne, Humphrey, p. 1535. Bladel, Arent de, 484. Bladesmith, 438 (3 m. 26). Bladon, Oxon, rector presented, g. 289 (14), 731 (56). Blagdon (Blaccadon, Blakedown), Devon [in Paignton], 438 (3 m. 2) :-g. 1083 (2). Blagge, Barnaby, son of Robert, g. 2964 (65). Robert, of the Exchequer, 213-pp. 1539-40:-g. 289 (3), 804 (42), 924 (36), 1316 (7, 22, 31), 1462 (5), 1524 (18), 1836 (30), 1948 (63), 2684 (6, 53), 2964 (65), 3049 (29), 3107 (39), 3499 (16, 29). • signature of, 213. Blair, Alex., provost of Perth, 2461. Blak, John, trumpet, marriage gift to, 1025. Blakamore. See Blackmoor; also Blackmore. Blake, Francis, footman of Katharine of Aragon, 20 (p. 15). John, ship master, 2305 (p. 1035), 2789, 2842 iv. (Blaake), Rob., 438 (4 m. 24). Th., 438 (4 m. 10). Wm., 1803 (1 m. 1):-g. 2861 (10). Blakeburgh. See Blackburgh. Blakeburne, Henry, clk., p. 1523. Blakedon, in Widecombe, Devon, 438 (1 m. 17). Blakedown. See Blagdon. Blakemore (Blakamore), Dors. [in Bridport and Whitchurch], g. 1804 (11). Hermitage chapel, g. 969 (27). Blakemore priory, Essex, 1803 (1 m. 4). Blakemore, Henry, abbot of Les- ness, 438 (4 m. 21):-g. 1732 (30). Blakenall, Ric., g. 1221 (33). Rob., g. 1221 (33). Wm., g. 1221 (33). Blakeney (Blakney) Haven, Norf., 1262 (p. 578). Blakeney, John, g. 546 (74). Blaket, Chr., 438 (4 m. 4). Blakewale. See under London. Blakewall, Wm. See Blaknall. Blakewell, Warw., g. 632 (7). Blakhall (Blachall, Blakcall), Ric., 438 (2 m. 28). Blakker. See Blacker. Blaknall (Blacnall, Blakewall), Wm., clerk of the Ordnance, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383), 1450 (p. 661), 2651. Blakwell, Ric., 20 (p. 17). 2 GENERAL INDEX. 45 Blamyer, John, rector of Abberley, g. 3582 (5). Blancharde, Wm., 438 (2 m. 14). Blanchefort, Gui de, Grand Master of Rhodes (elected 1513, died 24 Nov., 1513), 1263-4, 1604, 1720, 1765, 2225, 2511. letter from, 1765. letters to, 1263-4, 1720. Bland, Edward, 438 (3 m. 4). Th., 1803 (2 m. 4). Blandford (Blanford), Dors., 438 (2 m. 32). Blandford, Long. See Langton. Blangango. See Blencogo. Blangy, near Terouenne, 2170. Blank (Banke), John, trumpet, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 43). Blankenberghe (Blankynborne), in Zealand, 2478 (2). Blankney (Blankeney), Linc., 438 (3 m. 13):-g. 158 (17), 1316 (4), 2772 (11). Blarer, Allbright, captain of Ger- mans, 2220. Blaston (Blayston), Leic., g. 289 (13). Blatchington, Suss., 438 (1 m. 20). Blatherwick (Bletherwyk), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 19). Blaunkeney. See Blankney. Blawetwood. See Blaytwood. Blays. See Blois. Blayston. See Blaston. Blaytwood (Blawetwood), in Scot- land, p. 1260. Bleasby (Blesby), Linc., 438 (1 m. 12):—g. 2535 (25). Bleasby (Blysby), John, 438 (1 m. 12). (Blysby), Th., 438 (1 m. 12). (Blesby, Blysby), Wm., 438 (1 m. 12):—g. 2535 (25). Blebure. See Blythburgh. Bleccheley. See Bletchley. Blech. See Bletch. Blecsall. See Bletsoe. Blemeller. See Plainmeller. Blencogo (Blangango), Cumb., 438 (3 m. 32), 1803 (1 m. 6):—g. 709 (14), 1948 (31). Blencow (Blynkowe), Cumb., 438 (3 m. 30). Blenerhasset (Bleneresset), • Anne, prioress of Campsey, 438 (4 m. 11). (Blenerhaysett), John, g. 784 (22), 1170 (8). (Blenerheyset), Th., 1803 (1 m. 2):-g. 257 (29), 784 (22), 857 (7). Blenkinsop (Blynkyngsope), Gerard, g. 1662 (43). (Blenkensop), Th., p. 1546 :- g. 1662 (9). Blesby. See Bleasby. Blescall. See Bletsoe. Bleseby, Salop, 438 (3 m. 16). Bletchingley (Blechynglyethe, Blechynglie, Blechynglee, Blechyngleigh), Surr., 438 (2 m. 30), 1803 (2 m. 5). rector of, 1803 (2 m. 2). Bletchley (Blecheley, Bleccheley), Bucks, 438 (3 m. 32) :—g. 11 (10). Bletherwyk. See Blatherwick. Bletsoe (Bletneso, Blescall), Beds., 438 (3 m. 6), 1803 (2 m. 2). Blewbery, Berks, 438 (4 m. 3). Blewbery (Blubery, Blewbere), John, yeoman of the Armoury, 1698 (p. 778), 1717, 1920 (3), 1935, 1981, 2167, 2482, 2738, 2810, 2968 (5), 2970 :—pp. 1496–7, 1501-2, 1513 :—g. 11 (10), 289 (35). signature of, 1717. Blewet. See Bluet. Blewmantell pursuivant. See Dyes, F.; also Lago, R. Bliburgh. See Blyborough. Blickling (Bliklyng), Kent, g. 1732 (12). Blickling (Blikling), Norf., 438 (3 m. 7). Blind Dick, the King's harper, 975, 2575 ii., 3436. Blind poet, the. See Andreas, B. Blinsoeld. See Wingfield. Blisland (Bliston), Cornw., g. 381 (48). Bliston. See Blisland. Blisworth, Ntht., 438 (3 m. 30):- g. 1221 (8), 2617 (19). Blithe. See Blyth. Blithefield (Blyffeld), Staff., 438 (3 m. 34). Bliton. See Blyton. Blockfield (Blokfeld), Surr. [in Ling- field], g. 632 (26), 969 (23). Blockley (Broclei), Worc., vicar of, p. 1521. Blofield, Norf., 438 (3 m. 33), 438 ( m. 2). Blois (Blays), in France, 268, 274,734, 850, 1264-5, 1309, 1334, 1375, 1469, 1566 (p. 719), 1594, 1601, 1628, 1665 (p. 763 1668, 1676, 1736, 1747, 1751, 1760, 1791, 1854, 1878, 1911, 1919, 1937, 1999 (3), 2014, 2470, 2570, 2681. • letters and deeds dated at, 113, 266, 333, 363, 367, 522, 526, 535–6, 565, 614, 636, 645, 649, 868, 942, 983, 1000, 1055, 1064, 1075, 1087, 1090, 1113, 1127, 1131, 1138, 1141, 1146, 1148, 1157, 1163, 1228, 1243, 46 GENERAL INDEX Blois, letters and deeds dated at- cont. 1273, 1311 iii., 1328, 1611, 1635, 1647, 1695, 1703, 1754, 1787, 1938, 1959, 2486, 2561, 2586, 2666, 2703, 3178:- App. 10, 11. treaty of, 942, 1146. abbey of, 1647. Bourg Neuf, 1263. Blokfelde. , letter dated at, 1765. See Blockfield. Blokley, John, 45. Blomsteis manor, Essex, g. 289 (12). Blont. See Blount. Blore, Staff., g. 218 (59), 381 (108 Blore, Suff."). ઃઃ Blount, —, 579 (3). • Alice, wife of Richard, g. 1462 (31). Anne, d. of Sir Wm., 1803 (2 m. 1). Sir Edward, 1803 (2 m. 2) :— g. 357 (42), 1083 (4). Edward, 2392. Edward, Lord Mountjoy († 1475), 438 (2 m. 16). Elizabeth, 3387 (p. 1423). Eliz., wife of Sir Andrew Windsor, sister of Edward, lord Mountjoy, 438 (2 m. 16). Humphrey, g. 2535 (8). (Blont, Blunt), John, 20 (p. 15), 438 (4 m. 11), 1262 (p. 578), 1493 ii., 2392, 2480 (31):—p. 1544 : -p. 1544 :—g. 969 (47), 2222 (16 Staff.). (Plownt), Margaret, d. and h. of (blank), 438 (3 m. 8). (Blownt, Blunt), Ric., gentle- man usher, 20 (p. 16), 193 (p. 103):―g. 1462 (31), 3049 (8). as master of horse to the French Queen, 698, 3294, 3320, 3348 (3), 3357. signature, 698. Rob., sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 14). Thomas or Sir Thomas, knighted at Tournay, 438 (2 m. 21), 1176 iii., 1803 (2 m. 2), 2392, 2537 :-App. 26: p. 1543-4 :—g. 257 (49), 2617 (10). Th., clerk to lord Mountjoy, 2326. William, father of Edward, lord Mountjoy, 438 (2 m. 16). William, lord Mountjoy, q.v. (Blyunt, Blont), Wm., 438 (3 m. 16). Blountesdon. See Blunsdon. Blounts Court, Oxon, 438 (1 m. 4). Blownt. See Blount. Blowse, Ric., g. 731 (37). Bloxwich (Bloyscwych), Staff., 438 (3 m. 18). Bloxwich, John, g. 1123 (11). Bloyscwych. See Bloxwich. Blubery. See Blewbery. Bluemantle (Blewmantill, Blewman- tell), pursuivant, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 1241 (p. 573), 2027, 3457:-g. 158 (35), 731 (34). See Dees, F.; also Lago, R. Bluet, Nic., s. and h. of Walter, g. 587 (20). (Blewet), Ric., p. 1543. Bloundell), Blundell (Blondell, George, g. 833 (71). Blunsdon (Blountesdon), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 6). Blyaunt, John, g. 651 (10), 731 (14), 1316 (26). Blyborough (Blyburgh), Linc., 520 :—g. 132 (70), 546 (27), 632 (64). Blynkowe. See Blencow. Blynkyngsope. See Blenkinsop. Blysby. See Bleasby. Blyth (Blithe), Notts, 438 (1 m. 11). vicar of, 438 (1 m. 15). Blythburgh (Bliburgh, Blebure), Suff., priory, 438 (2 m. 32) g. 3408 (30). prior. See Park, R. Blythe, Notts, 1. 438 (4 m. 20). Blythe, Geoffrey, bp. of Coventry and Lichfield ("bishop of Chester "), 20 (p. 12), 205, 308, 438 (2 m. 24), 963, 1046, 1176 (3), 1642, 1661 (4), 2019, 3464: PP. 1532, 1537-8, 1542-3, 1545-6:-g. 448 (4), 833 (5), 1316 (9), 2055 (42). confirmation for, g. 381 (71). (Blyeth), James, clk., p. 1530. John, clk., g. 448 (4). Th., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383). Blythyng hundred, Suff., g. 546 (70). Blyton, Linc., vicar of, 438 (2 m. 10). Blyton (Bliton), Wm., 438 (1 m. 22). Blyunt. See Blount. Boachym. See Bochym. Boarstall (Borstall), Bucks, 438 (3 m. 8). Bobbing (Bobyng), Kent, 438 (1 mm. 8, 22 bis), 438 (3 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 2). grant dated at, g. 3324 (42). Bobbington (Bobyngton), Staff., 438 (2 m. 16), 438 (3 m. 19), 1803 (2 m. 4). Bobbingworth (Bodyngworth, Bob- yngworth), Essex, tenements in (named), g. 289 (16). Bobyng. See Bobbing. Bochar or Bocher. See Bourchier. GENERAL INDEX. 47 Bocheston (Bocherdeston), Leic., g. 1123 (58). Bochether. See Bourchier. Bochier, Ant., 406. abbot of. See Fécamp, Bochym (Boachym) Cornw. [in Cury], 1803 (1 m. 2). Bockard. See Bouquehault. Bockhampton (Bokampton), Berks, 2537. Bocking, Essex, rector of, p. 1529. Bockum, Alem, captain of mercen- aries, 2835. Boconnok, Cornw., 676. Boddington (Bodyngton) Superior, Ntht., g. 1494 (28). Bodehampton. See Bedhampton. Bodeley. See Bodley. Bodenham, James, 438 (3 m. 17). Joan, 438 (3 m. 17). (Bodman), Roger, 438 (1 m. 17): p. 1538 :—g. 1494 (4). (Bodynham), Roger, clk., 1803 (2 m. 4). Th., s. and h. of Roger, g. 3499 (43). Bodford. See Dodford. Bodham, Wm., 1803 (2 m. 6). Bodinneck (Bodennek), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 18). Bodkin (Bawdekyn, Baudekyn, Bad- kyn), Rob., 1803 (1 m. 4). Bodley, James, g. 2772 (57). Joan, g. 2772 (57). (Bodeley), Th., g. 833 (16), 1732 (4), 2772 (57). Wm., p. 1548. Bodmin (Bodman, Bedmynge), Cornw., 438 (2 mm. 8, 34), 438 (4 mm. 7, 10). > priory, 438 (4 m. 16). prior. See Vivian, T. vicar of St. Petroc's, p. 1529. Bodon, Ric., justice of assizes, g. 132 (2, 48), 381 (39), 546 (47), 709 (34). Bodrigan (Bodryngan, Botryngon), Sir Henry, attainted, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18), 3582 (31). Bodwelian, co. Caern., 438 (1 m. 19). Body, John, 728 (2). John, rector of Halstow, g. 1415 (1). Bodyham (Bodyam), John, 438 (1 m. 22). Bodyngton, Ntht. See Boddington. Bodyngton, Nthld., 438 (3 m. 8). Bodyngworth. See Bobbingworth. Boer. See Bowyer. Boerio, John Baptist (see also Bap- tista), 2847-8 :—g. 132 (102). letter to, 1477. Boeth. See Booth. Bofet, John alias Eambeth, 438 (4 m. 26). Bogas (Bogays, Boggas), Wm., 438 (3 m. 12). Bogg (Bog, Boge, Bogge), Th., 438 (3 m. 14). Boghan castle. See Bouchain. Bognell, Derb., 438 (3 m. 3). Bogony. See Balgony. Bogra (Baggraye), in Scotland, p. 1260. Boham. See Bohun. Bohemia, 724, 2572, 3218. • king of. See Ladislaus. Boher. See Boyer. Bohier. See Boyer. Bohun, Humphrey de, Earl of Here- ford and Essex, charter of, g. 546 (15). (Boham), Mary, d. of John, of Midhurst, 438 (2 m. 7). Boif, Mons. de, 1301 (p. 598). Boill. See Bull. Bois le Duc (Bulduke, Harthaum- busse, Hartevanbusse, Busse, Voosdouc), in Brabant, 325 (p. 147), 438 (1 m. 25), 1529, 2809, 2856 :—g. 546 (6). letter dated at, 906. Boissy, Sieur de. See Gouffier, A. Boitte, Magnus, a Scot, 1262 (p. 578). Bojya, in Barbary, city and realm of, 345 (pp. 159–60). Bokhampton. See Bockhampton. Bokelman, Hermann, merchant of the Hanse, 438 (2 m. 33). Bokelond. See Buckland. Bokenham. See Buckenham. Bokensfeld, Bucks. See Beacons- field. Boker (Bokker, Bulker), Wm., pur- ser, 3148:—pp. 1497-9, 1500- 2. Bokerygge. See Puckridge. Bokfast. See Buckfast. Bokynham. See Buckingham. Bolan. See Boldyn. Bolay, Mr., 2765. Bolayn. See Boulogne. Bold, Staff., 438 (4 m. 15). Bold (Bulde), Henry, 438 (3 m. 21). Sir Nic., 309. Sir Ric., 20 (p. 16). (Boold), Roger, mayor of Northampton, g. 1662 (47). Boldon (Balden), Dham., 438 (2 m. 13). Boldyn or Bolan, Wm., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Bole. See Bull. Bolebec (Bulbeke), Viscount, 438 (3 m. 1), 1905. Boleyn, Alan, g. 804 (20). . (Bolen), Sir Edward, 2480 (49). ! 48 GENERAL INDEX. Boleyn-cont. (Bolen), Dame Elizabeth, wife of Sir Thomas, 82 (pp. 38, 41), 1549:-g. 1415 (4). George. See Poulayn. (Bulleyn, Bullen), James, p. 1541-g. 833 (58 i.), 3107 (24). Mistress, attendant on the French Queen, 3348 (3), 3357. (Bolan, Bolen, Bolayn, Bul- leyn, de Boulan), Thomas or Sir Thomas, esquire for the Body, keeper of the Foreign Exchange and the Exchange at Calais, letters from, 1213, 1226, 1229, 1258, 1279, 1285, 1288-9, 1293, 1303, 1306, 1308, 1322, 1333, 1335, 1338, 1343, 1350, 1353, 1357, 1362, 1370, 1378, 1384, 1389, 1394, 1399, 1404, 1421, 1430, 1434, 1436, 1448, 1456, 1468, 1476, 1481, 1485, 1764, 1871. • • letter to, 1492. signature, 698. knighted, 81. other references, 20 (p. 13), 81, 438 (3 m. 7), 698, 707, 1196, 1241, 1245, 1252-3, 1437, 1470, 1493, 1554, 1566, 1587, 1666, 1745, 1750, 1841, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5), 2375, 2480 (49): pp. 1539, 1541, 1544:-App. 9:-g. 132 (92), 257 (40, 49), 632 (26), 709 (19), 833 (14, 60), 969 (23), 1083 (26), 1221 (27), 1415 (3, 4), 1524 (5, 39), 1602 (12), 1662 (26), 1732 (12), 1804 (57), 2055 (132), 2964 (63). (Bullen, Bulleyn), Th., of Lynn, 438 (4 m. 12). Sir Wm., 438 (3 m. 7). Bolingbroke (Bullyngbroke), Linc., 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (3 m. 14), 438 (4 m. 23). Boll or Bolle. See Bull. Bolles (Bollys), John, 1493 ii. (Boles, Boules, Boylles,Belles), Ric., 438 (4 m. 5):—p. 1539: ―g. 519 (2), 969 (52). Bolling (Bollyngis), Wm., 3rd baron of Exchequer, 82 (p. 39):— p. 1538:-g. 11 (7), 158 (57). Bollyngeham. See Bellingham. Bollynghall. See Bowlinghall. Bolman, Rob., clerk of the Privy Seal, 20 (p. 18). Bolnes, Rob., 438 (3 m. 25). Th., p. 1549. Bolney, Edward, 438 (3 m. 29). Bologna, cardinal of. See Alidosi. Bologna (Bonany, Bonanye), 649, 674, 714, 753, 773, 776–7, 779- Bologna-cont. • 80, 793, 794n., 812 ii., 816, 829, 854, 858, 943, 952, 964, 977, 996, 1007, 1014, 1020, 1065, 1071 (p. 518), 1100, 1102, 1104, 1127, 1204, 1224, 1277 (pp. 586-7), 1301 (pp. 595, 597), 1670, 1676, 1787, 2006 (p. 908), 3139, 3599:-p. 1514:-g. 969 (29, 40), 1524 (25, 39). > letters dated at, 317, 668, 747, 756, 759-60, 996, 3557. merchants of, g. 132 (91), 357 (13), 1415 (10), 3324 (31). Papal captain of, 829. Papal legate of. See Pavia, card. of. St. Stephen's monastery, p. 1531. Bolsover (Bullesover, Bollessover), Derb., g. 751 (3), 833 (55), 2684 (1). Bolstrode. See Bulstrode. Bolt, John, 2799 (5). (Bolte), Rob., 438 (2 m. 32), 1572, 1920 (1-3):—pp. 1506, 1513:―g. 2535 (25). (Bolte), Wm., 1803 (2 m. 1):—g. 784 (27), 3049 (26). Boltby, Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Bolte. See Bolt. Bolton near Alnwick (Bolton in Glendayll), Nthld., 2246 (4). Bolton next Bowland, Yorks, 438 (4 mm. 2, 13). Bolton in Chanom, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 5). Bolton in Craven, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (3 m. 28), 438 (4 m. 14). priory, 438 (2 m. 13):-p. 1530. prior. See Otteley, T. Bolton upon Dearn, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 6). Bolton, Lord. See Scrope. Bolton, Anne, widow of William, 438 (3 m. 20). John, 20 (p. 16). John, canon of Bolton in Craven, p. 1530. Th., 2970. Wm., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39), 438 (2 m. 33), 707 (p. 383) :- g. 158 (38), 1494 (7). (Boltun), William, prior of St. Bartholomew's, 1, 438 (4 m. 21), 3162, 3307, 3363, 3410-pp. 1506, 1511. Bolum, Gilbert and Alma de (temp. Henry III.'?), g. 632 (82). Bolyngham. See Bellingham. Bolyngton. See Bullington. Bolyngton, Rob., g. 804 (11). GENERAL INDEX. 49 Bolzano (Bolzanne, or Bozen), in the Tyrol, letter dated at, 276. Bombasius, Paul, 848, 996. letter from, 996. Bommel (Bumbill), in the Nether- lands, 1101, 2038. Bomye, near Terouenne. gate and Bomye. See Guine- Bona (Bonoc), in Scotland, rector of, p. 1523. Bonany. See Bologna. Bonar or Boner, David, purser, 2305 ii., iii., 3137 (6, 7), 3148 :—pp. 1498, 1500-1, 1503. Bonaventure, Friar. See Langley. Bonby, Linc., 438 (4 m. 23). Boncantus, Jo. Bapt., 949. Bond or Bonde, Mr., 2807. (Bownde), John, 438 (3 m. 27), 438 (4 m. 23), 853:—g.. 1948 (25), 2055 (99). Nic., 1493. Nic., rector of North Lew, g. 2055 (84). Th., 438 (2 m. 29). (Bound), Wm., 20 (pp. 16, 18), 82 (p. 40), 3012, 3060, 3262: pp. 1506–8. Bondegate, Westmld., g. 833 (41). Bondgedworth. See Bonjedward. Bones. See Baines; also Bowness. Bonet (Bonnet), Esquire, of Flanders, sent to England (1509), to France (1513), 325 (2), 355, 1895, 1937 (?), 3153, 3174. Boney, Notts, g. 381 (16). Boney, Yorks. See Bunny. Boneythen. See Bonythan. Bonfise or Bonfitz. See Bonvisi. Bonham [in Wishford], Wilts, 438 (2 m. 13). Bonham, John, 2292. Katharine, 438 (2 m. 33). Th., 438 (2 m. 33), 2505 :— p. 1536 :—g. 94 (8), 1462 (14). Wm., 438 (2 m. 13):-g. 3499 (12). (Boneham), Wm., ship cap- tain, 2686, 2842 ii., 2938 :- p. 1518. Bonjedward (Bondgedworth), laird of, 2443. Bonnet. See Bonet. Bonneval (Bona Valla), Mons. de, 1359, 1647 (p. 743). Bonnivet (Bonyvet), Guillaume Gouffier sieur de, 3348, 3461. Bonny, Ric., 1493 ii. Bonoc. See Bona. Bonon. See Boulogne. Bononiensium, domus. See Boulogne, Countesses of. Bononpeverell. See Boulogne, &c. Bonony. See Bologna. Bon Repos, the capdet de, 470. Wt. 11494. : Bonsall (Bunsall, Bensall), Derb., 438 (1 m. 25). Bonson, Peter, a Norman, g. 1415 (20). Bonsons, > a French merchant, 2083 (2). Bont, Doctor, of Cambridge, 2417 ii. Bontemps (Buntanes, Bountaunce), minstrel, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 43). Jean, sieur de Salans, q.v. Bonvile, Lord, 438 (3 m. 21). Bonvisi (Bonivisi, Bonevyse), the banking house, 17, 1882, 2278. Bonvisi (Bonevixi, Bonvixi), Ant., of Lucca, p. 1503 :—g. 1836 (23), 2861 (19). (Bonvixi, Bonvyzo), Jerome, apostolic notary (" Abba- tis "), 9, 100, 111, 165, 354, 793, 812 ii., 829. · letters from, 9, 793. (Bonvice, Bonvixi, Bonvize, Bonvise), Laurence, 85, 354, 138 (3 m. 25 bis), 1463 iv., 2644 :—p. 1506 : -g. 357 (20), 731 (52), 2055 (5 ii., 101-2). arrest of, 85. (Bonvyse, Bonfise, Bonfitz, Bonvixi), Nic. de Paulo (or quondam Paule "), 438 (1 m. 1):—p. 1503 :-g. 749 (3), 2861 (19). (Bonvixi), Paul, g. 2861 (19). Bon Vouloir, 671. See Devon, Wm. earl of. Bonvyle, Henry, g. 682 (21). Bonway (Bonewey), John, 438 (2 m. 20). Bonyngton, Rob., g. 519 (49). Bonythan (Boneythen, Boneithon, Beneython), Ric., 438 (4 mm. 4, 16). (Boneythen), Wm., purser, 2807, 3137 (6), 3513:-p. 1507. Bonyvette. See Bonnivet. Booell. See Boyle. Books: heretical, 3507. a list, 492 ii. Aldine editions, 745. Bapt. Mantuanus, Lauren- tius Valla, Isidorus, Politian, An. Macinellus and Mamotrectus, 2191. Cicero, 1166. De Auctoritate, by the Council of Pisa, 1082. De Pueris educandis, of Maffeo Vegio, 2433. Erasmus's Adagia (orCopia), 51, 920, 952, 968, 1122, 1166, 1552, 2088, 3063. H 4 50 GENERAL INDEX. Books: Erasmus's-cont. Moric Encomium, 790. New Testament, 1547, 2088, 2424, 2818, 3063. Proverbs, 2519. St. Jerome, 958, 972, 2088, 2223, 2458, 2818, 3063. Enchiridion, 3063. St. Paul, 3063. German prognostication, 2572. Grammars of Chrysoloras and Theodorus, 905. History of Peter's Pence, by Griffo, 1235. Icaromenippus, 961, 973. of John Ive, 752. Officium Chrysostomi, 863. La Valeriana, 650. Lucian's dialogues, 1167. Lucianus de Astrologia, 1477. Plutarch, 1550. Plutarch's De discernendo adulatorem ab amico, 2133-4, 2223, 2457. De Utilitate cap- ienda, 2558, 3064. De tuenda bona Valetudine, 2818. Polydore Vergil's Adagia, De Inventoribus Rerum and Historia, 275. St. Basil on Isaiah, 863, 882-3, 920. Seneca, 2458. Bookyll, Wm., 559 (p. 327). Boold. See Bold. Booldon. See Bouldon. Boote (Bote), Th., of Calais, 193 (pp. 100, 104), 582, 589, 1424, 1715, 1921, 2593, 3317. Booth (Bothes, Bothe), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 22). Booth or Bothe (Boeth, Bouthe, Both), Charles, clk., 142, 1174, 1446-pp. 1537-8, 1542, 1546:-g. 414 (48, 52), 1123 (20), 1316 (9), 2055 (42). • signature, 1174. Edw., servant of Margaret countess of Richmond, 145. Edw., rector of Attleborough, &c., 1803 (1 m. 2). (Bowthe), Joan and Anne, ds. and hs. of Ralph, g. 833 (32). (Bowth), Sir John, slain at Flodden, 20 (pp. 12, 20 bis), 309 bis, 1493, 2246 (4), 2283. Ů Sir Philip, 1493, 1661 (p. 752):—p. 1544 :—g. 546 (28), 1804 (9), 2964 (33). Booth-cont. Ric., g. 132 (88). · Rob., clk., g. 381 (15). Th., 438 (1 m. 20). Wm., p. 1535 :—g. 2222 (16 Derb.). Boothby (Botheby), Linc., g. 3049 (37). Boothby (Bothby) Paynell, Linc., 438 (2 m. 10). Bootle (Botyll), Cumb., g. 1804 (17). Borbage. See Burbage. Borbon. See Bourbon. Borboroughe. See Bourbourg. Borde, Henry, 438 (4 m. 20). Bordeaux (Burdyews, Burdews, Burdeux), in France, 438 (4 m. 23), 1081, 1127, 1326 (p. 617), 1461, 1599, 1844 (p. 843), 1886, 1894, 1936, 1971, 2605, 2693:—p. 1503: :-g. 485 (21), 546 (18), 924 (3), 1415 (17). Bordeaux (Burdeos), [John de Foix] abp. of, 1327. Bordeaux, François de, sieur de Poissonniere (Pontinere, Pysseneir, Puycener), envoy to Scotland, 3143, 3188-9, 3273, 3565. 3227. letters from, 3215-6, Borders, the. See Scotland, Marches of. Bordesley abbey, Worc. [in Tarde- bigg parish], g. 54 (83). Bordley (Bordeley), Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 5, 10 bis). Borefford. See Burford. Boreman, John, clk., 438 (1 m. 16). Borewell or Borwell. See Burwell. Borghcher. See Bourchier. Borgo (Burgo, Bourgue), Andrea da, Maximilian's ambassador in France, 274, 325 (p. 147), 333, 363, 367, 568, 614, 636, 645, 649, 769, 983, 1000, 1101, 1178, 1309, 1311 (p. 602), 1469, 1863, 1877, 1888, 1892, 1897, 1988, 2038, 2154. letters from, 333, 363, 367, 565, 636, 645, 649, 718, 809, 823, 840, 850, 858, 860, 868, 902, 942, 1113, 1131, 1138, 1141, 1146, 1148, 1157, 1163, 1988:-App. 10, 11. letters to, 753, 1863, 1888. See his secretary. Laude, P. de; Rorarii, A. de. (Burgo), Daniel da, 1301 (p. 597), 1352. Borgogna, Madame de. See Mar- garet of Savoy. GENERAL INDEX. 51 Borham manor, Essex, g. 833 (14), 1415 (3). Borington. See Berrington. Borlas. See Burlace. Borne. See Bourne. Boroage. See Brouage. Borough, Linc. See Burgh. Borough, Norf. See Burgh. Borough in le Mershe. See Burgh. Borough, Anne, wife of Sir Edward, 438 (4 m. 3):-g. 357 (15). • • (Burgh, Borogh, Burth), Sir Edward, 309, 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 3) :—g. 357 (15), 709 (14), 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14). (Burgh, Borowe), Gilbert, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). (Burgh), Henry alias Stok- ton, 438 (4 m. 21). (Burgh), James, 3499 (31). John, 874 (2). 707 :-g. (Borowe), Ric., g. 94 (25, 76), 2484 (11, 20). (Burgh), Rob. alias Stokton, 438 (4 m. 21). (Burgh, Burght), Th. or Sir T., esquire for the Body, King's spear, marshal of Berwick, 20 (p. 15):—g. 257 (48), 357 (6), 563 (10), 651 (25), 804 (13), 969 (52, 54), 1083 (37), 1171 (3), 2535 (25), 3408 (6). • letter from, 2096. (Burght), Sir Thomas, knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.). (Bourough, Burgh, Purgh), Sir Th., junior, knighted at Tournay, 2301, 2740:- p. 1540. (Burgh, Borowe), Sir Thomas, 438 (4 m. 3):~p. 1540. (Burgh), Th., p. 1540-g. 1494 (16), 3582 (14). (Borowe), Th., of Calais, g. 257 (51). Thomas à, receipt by, 837 (2). (Borow, Burght), Wm., 672, 877n., 1505. Boroughbridge, Yorks, 1355. Boroughdon. See Burradon. Borowe. See Borough. Borowey. See Burghwey. Borrisoleigh (Bargeslych, Burgestia), vicarage of St. James, co. Tipperary, pp. 1523, 1530. Borrow, Guillaume, sackbut, (p. 14), 82 (p. 42). 20 Borsalus [John Becar of Borsselen], letter from, 2818. Borsselen, Anne de, lady of Veere, q.v. | Borsselen-cont. i (Borsalia, Borsselia), Henry de, bailiff of Veere, lord of Lawderdale in Scotland, letter to, 188. Paul de, lord of Lawderdale (temp. Jac. III.), 188n. Borstall. See Boarstall. Borthwick (Borthike), Lord, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313. (Borthuike), William, Lord, 2443, 2973:g. 2862 (8). Borthwick (Borthuike) burn, in Scotland, p. 1260. Borton. See Burton. Borunley. See Burnley. Borwell, Th., rector of Torrington, g. 632 (60). Wm., 707 (p. 383). Bosbury, Heref., chantry in, g. 651 (16). Bosdon, Th., 1493 v. Boselles. See Besilles. Bosham (Boseham, Bashani), Suss., 438 (1 m. 12). free chapel, 438 (3 m. 15): p. 1530. Boshap. See Bishop. Bosnia, 1534. Queen of, letter from, 3585. Bosnians, 766. Bosom or Boson (Bozom), Henry, p. 1542:-g. 257 (49), 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.), 1494 (9), 2484 (9). (Bossom), Sir Ric., knighted at Lille, 2392 (p. 1063) :—App. 26. Bosse, John. See Rush. Bosshe. See Bush. Bossilfield. See Bassée. Bossom. See Bosom. Boston (Baston, Roston), Linc., 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (2 mm. 8, 20), 438 (3 mm. 2 bis, 11, 14, 22), 438 (4 mm. 12, 23), 577 (5), 874 (2), 1176 (3), 1405 (2), 1752, 1803 (1 m. 1, 2 m. 5), 2671, 3313 (6):—p. 1518:—g. 132 (56), 218 (10), 257 (29, 48), 485 (10), 604 (31), 1266 (4), 1804 (32), 3107 (17). • bailiff, &c., g. 132 (99), 804 (30). wool weigher, g. 94 (29). guild of St. Mary, 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (3 m. 18). Haulgarth, g. 132 (99). Jesarhaull, g. 132 (99). Boston, John, 853 :—g. 651 (4). ...., John, M.A., rector of Mil- stead, g. 1602 (25). Boswel, Rob., canon of Dunbar, p. 1522. Boswell, John, g. 289 (22). Th., g. 289 (22). 52 GENERAL INDEX. Bosworth (Baseworth), Leic., 438 (2 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 2). Bosworth Field, Leic., chapel of St. James, g. 857 (18). Bote. See Boote; also Bott. Boteldy, Staff., 438 (3 m. 17). Boteler. See Butler. Botell, Nthld. See Wallbottle; also Bothal. Botell, John, 707 (p. 383). Wm., 707 (p. 383). Botely. See Butleigh. Boterell, Th., g. 709 (22). Boterey. See Botrye. Bothal (Botell, Bottell), Nthld., 438 (4 m. 12):—g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Botham, Wm., 2167. Bothby. See Boothby. Bothe or Bothes. See Booth. Bothwell, earl of, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313. Botill, John, g. 3049 (6). Botiller. See Butler. Botolffe, John, 438 (1 m. 14). Boton, Beten or Botown, James, 438 (2 m. 9). Boton. See Bouton. Botreaux, lord of, 438 (3 m. 1). Botry (Botrie, Boterey, Botterey), John, rector of St. Swithin's, Worcester, 1803 (2 m. 3). (Buttrey, Botrey, Butre, Butry), Wm., mercer, 559, 1493 vi., 3166, 3373, 3426 :- pp. 1498, 1501-3: :-g. g. 632 (70), 924 (9), 2055 (95 iii.), 2535 (26), 2617 (33). Botrym, Sir Thomas, 3348 (3). Botryngon. See Bodrigan. Bott (Bote), Rob., 1803 (1 m. 6). Bottell. See Bothal. Bottisham (Bottesham), Camb., 438 (4 m. 7). Boty (Botty) or Botyll, John, 82 (p. 40), 1803 (2 m. 6). Botyll. See Bootle. Botyller. See Butler. Boucault, M. de, of the French King's council, 1647 (p. 743). Bouchage (Boucharge, Bussaige), Imbert de Basternay, Sieur de, of the French King's council, 538, 1257, 1375, 3269 (3, 7), 3348, 3411, 3424, 3430n. Bouchain (Boghan), castle, in Hain- ault, 1932. Boucheron, Monsieur de, 3348. Boudon. See Bowdon. Bouge. seigneurie, in France, 951. Boughforth in Pickering, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 2). Boughton, Kent, g. 2684 (83). Boughton, Ntht., 438 (4 m. 6). Boughton, Notts., g. 1083 (46). Boughton, Henry, g. 381 (16). Nic., p. 1539. • " Ric., 438 (2 m. 14). (Bowghton), Wm., 438 (2 m. 14): p. 1546 :-g. 381 (16). Bougie, in Algeria. See Bojya. Bouldon (Booldon), Salop, 2537. Boules. See Bolles, Boulogne (Bolayn, Boleyne), in France, and the Boulonnais, 1064, 1119, 1265 (p. 580), 1567, 1601, 1837, 1925, 2009, 2028, 2041, 2081, 2087, 2233, 2391, 2673, 2869, 2875, 2888, 2928, 2946, 3018 (p. 1302), 3028, 3087, 3193, 3201, 3221, 3240, 3252, 3295, 3331, 3370, 3375-6, 3381, 3424, 3430, 3513 (2). • letter dated at, 3328. captain of, 2673, 2871. La Fayette. county of, 1961. See Boulogne, Peveril and Haughley (Bononpeverell and Hagnet or Hagonet), honors of, in England, g. 94 (35), 190 (3). Boulogne, Countesses of [Anne and Madeleine de la Tour, the former being wife of John duke of Albany and the latter marrying, in 1518, Lorenzo de Medici duke of Urbino], 951, 1584n., 2578 (3). Boulonnais, the, seneschal of. See Douriers, Seigneur de. Bound. See Bond. Bounkyer, Th., 438 (2 m. 4). Bountaunce. See Bontemps. Bountayn. See Buntayn. Bountisse, Roland de, 20 (p. 16). Bouquehault (Bockard), in in the county of Guisnes, rector pre- sented, g. 2861 (4). Bourbon (Burbone), Charles duke of, 432 iii., 1064, 1081, 1301 (p. 598), 1311 iii., 1326 (p. 616), 1359, 1509, 1511 (p. 698), 1647, 1980, 2092, 2107, 2110, 2126, 2128, 2182, 2396, 2462, 2791, 2969, 3004, 3206, 3235, 3369, 3387, 3424, 3519, 3540, 3544, 3576. • • a daughter of, 3206. his brother [Francis duke of Chatelleraut], 3424. Bourbon, Francis de, duke of Lon- gueville, q.v. Bourbon (Borbon), Louis de. See Roche sur Yonne, prince of. Bourbon, Madame de [Anne, mother of the duchess and daughter of Louis XI.], 3544. Bourbourg (Borboroughe, Burborow), in Flanders, beside Dunkirk, 1322, 2179, 2376, 2396, GENERAL INDEX. 53 Bourchesella, Alex., graver of the Mint, 185. Bourchier, Agnes, wife of Sir Thomas, g. 485 (5), 833 (43). Henry, earl of Essex, q.v. (Borghcher), John, g. 3499 (12). John, lord Berners, q.v. John, lord Fitzwaren, q.v. (Bocher), Rob., g. 1083 (46). (Bousher, Bourghchier), Sir Th., knight for the Body, 20 (p. 14), 1493 :-pp. 1539-40, 1544 :-App. 26:-g. 289 (43). 485 (5), 604 (20), 833 (43, 60, 70), 857 (5), 1524 (45). (Bochether, Bochar), Wm., petition of, 1672. Bourdot, Jehan, servant to M. de Vergy, letter from, 2115. Boure. See Bower. Boureman, Lady Joan, 438 (4 m. 15). Bourge. See Borgo. Bourgeois, Jacques, French prisoner, 2172. See also Vorrat, J. Bourges in Castile. See Burgos. Bourges (Bourgys en Berry), in France, letter dated at, 718. letter to the chapter, 2150. abpric. of, 2802, 3051, 3407: pp. 1527-8, 1532. Bourghchier, John, lord Fitzwaren, q.v. Bourgogne, Adolph de, Sieur de Beures, q.v. Philip de, Admiral of Flan- ders, 919, 1594, 3052. Bourgoyne. See Burgundy. Bourgue. See Borgo. Bourke (de Burgo), Thomas, clk., p. 1525. Bournage, Jean, 2256 (2). Bourne (Burne, Brynne, Brunne), Linc., g. 132 (55–6), 158 (4), 218 (3), 604 (31), 885 (11), 1316 (21), 2055 (43), 2964 (75). abbey, confirmation for, g. 2617 (39). election of abbot, g. 833 (48), 857 (15). abbot. See Grisby, W.; Small, J. Bourne, Jean, bastard, prisoner, 2172. French (Borne), Monsieur de (or de Breves), instructions for, 2393. 2486. Louis XII.'s answer, Bourne or Borne, John, g. 2137 (27). Th., 2454, 2949, 3494. Bourneley. See Burnley. Bournonville, Sieur de, 2027. Bourough. See Borough. ! Bourton (Burton), Berks, 1803 (1 m. 2). Bourton (Burghton), Glouc., g. 94 (35). Bourton (Burton), Over-, Berks, 438 (2 m. 11). Bouryng. See Bowring. Bousher. See Bourchier. Bouthe. See Booth. Bouton (Boton), Claude, lieutenant to the Sieur de Walhain, 2249, 2383, 2564, 2835, 2995. signature of, 2995. Boveney (Beveney), Bucks, (1 m. 1). chapel, p. 1527. Bovetracy. See Bovy Tracy. Bovill, 438 847, 917, 922, 933, 936, 949, 952, 972-3, 1188, 2468. See also Boyvill. Bovy, Wm., 438 (1 m. 12). Bovy, South-, Devon, 438 (2 mm. 6, 8). Bovy Tracy (Bovetracy), Devon, 438 (2 mm. 6, 8, 16). bailiff, &c., g. 132 (107). Bovyle. See Boyvill. Bowbanke, Ric., 438 (1 m. 25). Bowde, Th., clk., 438 (2 m. 25), 1803 (2 m. 6). Bowdon, Devon, 438 (1 m. 12). Bowdon (Boudon), John, 438 (3 m. 23). • · Ric., p. 1512. Th., g. 2617 (40). Bowecastell. See Bewcastle. Bowen, Philip, g. 604 (40). (Bowne), Th., 438 (3 m. 6). Bower (Boure, Bowre), James, rector of Headley, &c., 438 (3 m. 2). John, 3598. Peter, 2765. Bowers Gifford, Essex, 438 (4 m. 1). Bowes, Sir Ralph, 438 (2 m. 13) g. 833 (41). Sir Ralph, knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.) :-g. 833 (41). Wm., 438 (2 m. 13). Bowet, Eliz. and Nic., 438 (2 m. 6). Bowgeman, 1803 (2 m. 4). Bowghton. See Boughton. Bowland, James, 3522. Wm., p. 1519. Bowlinghall (Bollynghall), Yorks, 438 (4 mm. 23, 26). Bowlsden. See Bowsdon. Bowman, Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Bowmer. See Bulmer. Bownde. See Bond. Bowne, Nic., g. 2222 (16 Midd.). Bowness (Bones), Cumb., 438 (4 m. 23): p. 1260. Bowre, John, 1803 (1 m. 6). 54 GENERAL INDEX. Bowring (Bowryng), Rob., 438 (2 m. 12): p. 1535:-g. 833 (58 iv.), 1123 (22), 1266 (11a), 2222 (16 Devon). Bowryngesley, Devon, g. 1123 (22). Bows or bowstaves, 529, 566, 613, 757, 1004 (3), 1323, 1388, 1452. See also Ordnance ; War payments. Bowsdon (Boysdon, Bowlsden), Nthld., 438 (1 m. 23):-g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Bowset water, in Scotland, 2443. Bowsons, Peter, g. 1494 (21). Bowstrings, 1004 (3). See Ordnance; also War payments. Bowterworthe, Roger, ship owner, 1414. Bowthe. See Booth. Bowyer (Boer), Chr., 612. (Bower, Boyer, Bowier), John, gunstone maker, 2832 (iii., v., vi.):—pp. 1496, 1509, 1511-12. (Bowyare), Nic., 1803 (2 m. 3). (Boyere, Boywere), Th., 438 (4 m. 24). Bowyers, g. 11 (10). See also Daunce, Sir J. (payments). Bowyngton, Rob., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 40). Boxley (Boxele, Boxsele), Kent, 438 (3 m. 17). • grant dated at, g. 546 (64). abbey, 438 (3 m. 32):—g. 604 (20). Robert abbot of, 438 John abbot of, g. 604 (3 m. 32). (20). Boxstead (Boxstade), Suff., 438 (1 mm. 12, 18). Boxworth (Boxford), Camb., 438 (3 m. 20). Boycot (Beycote), Salop [near Pon- tesbury], g. 3324 (28). Boyd, Marioun, mother of Alexander abp. of St. Andrews, 212n. Boyer or Bohier, Ant., abbot of Fécamp (q.v.), brother of Thomas. (Boher, Bohier), Henry, général of Languedoc, 3215 (?), 3348, 3360 (1, 3). letter from, 1938. Thomas, general of Norman- dy, French ambassador to England (1514), 113, 363, 470, 1467, 1635, 2729, 2955, 2957, 2959 (?“ this Frenchman”), 2974, 2981, 2985, 2994, 3003, 3008-9, 3018, 3024, 3028–9, 3035, 3037, 3041, 3051, 3073, 3084, 3098-3100, 3102n., 3117, Boyer, Thomas-cont. 3124, 3129-31, 3146, 3151, 3155-6, 3186, 3189, 3193, 3197, 3201-2, 3252, 3269, 3298, 3331, 3348, 3360, 3411, 3416, 3424, 3427, 3430, 3449:-g. 3226 (24). letters from, 1635, 2729, 3156, 3201-2, 3233. letter to, 3188. Boyer or Boywere. See Bowyer. Boyghttun. See Beighton. Boyland, Th., of Boyland, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 11). Boylandes manor, Norf., g. 784 (22). Boyle (Byle, Booell), Peter, clk., 438 (4 m. 19). Boyll. See Bull. Boylles. See Bolles. Boynton, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 9). Boynton, Anne, 1803 (1 m. 5). Sir Henry, 438 (1 m. 15). Martin, 1803 (1 m. 5). Boyres, Barnard de, gunner, 2305. Boys (Boysse), Joan, widow of Wal- ter, 438 (3 m. 16). • " (Boyes, Boyzes), John, 438 (4 m. 8). Rob., 438 (2 m. 25). Boys, Jean de, French prisoner, p. 928. Boysdon. See Bowsdon. Boyston. See Baytystuny. Boyville (Bovyle), George, 1838:-g. 3226 (27). Bozen, in the Tyrol. See Bolzano. Bozom. See Bosom. Braban (Brabyn, Brabon, Braben, Braband), John, 20 (p. 13), 438 (2 m. 8):—g. 132 (91, 107), 218 (28), 604 (11), 749 (22). Brabanson. See Barbançon. Brabant, 193, 919, 1074, 1214, 1241, 1424, 1437, 1440, 1566, 1860, 1929, 2028, 2223, 2230, 2254, 2419, 2672, 2750, 2963, 2992, 3014, 3126, 3174:-g. 519 (32), 1462 (13), 1494 (21). chancellor of. See Le Sau- vage, J. Brabazon (Brabson), Joan, daughter of Roger, 438 (2 m. 4). Brabull, Ric., g. 94 (105). Bracebridge (Brasebrige, Brasbrig, Braysbrige), John, 438 (2 m. 20):—g. 1494 (55). Bracewell in Craven, Yorks, 438 (4 mm. 23, 26). Brachost, Eurax, 484. Brackley (Brakley), Ntht., vicar of, p. 1527. Bracon Ash (Brakenasshe), Norf., 438 (1 m. 19). GENERAL INDEX. 55 Bradbourne (Bradborne, Blad- bourne), Humphrey, 438 (1 m. 4): p. 1535:-g. 2222 (16 Derb.). (Bradburn), John, 2392. Bradburye, Joan, g. 833 (16), 1732 (4), 2772 (57). John, master of artillery of Calais, g. 218 (62). Ric., rector of Froyton, g. 1494 (39). Th., mayor of London (A.D. 1509-10), g. 833 (16). Wm., g. 2055 (23). Bradden (Braddon), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 22) :—g. 1083 (41). Bradebrige, Nic., clk., g. 924 (17). Bradell, -, 1262. Bradenstock, Wilts, priory, 438 (4 m. 21). prior. See Walshe, T. Bradfield, Berks, 438 (3 m. 6). Bradfield, Wilts, 1803 (1 m. 2). Bradford (Breidford), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (4 m. 19). rector of, p. 1524. • Bradford (Bradforth, Bradfurth), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (4 m. 23), 3598. Bradford, Brian, 438 (2 m. 8). (Bradforth), John, 438 (1 m. 1). (Bradeford), Ric., 438 (4 m. 14). Walter, p. 1547 :—g. 804 (29 vii.), 833 (50), 1365 (3). Wm., p. 1512. Bradgate, Leic., 438 (2 m. 13). Brading (Brerdyng, Brardyng), I. of Wight, 438 (4 m. 21). Bradleigh (Bradelegh), Devon, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 9). Bradley (Bradeley), Glouc., 2537. Bradley, Lanc., 438 (3 mm. 13, 33), 438 (4 m. 16). Bradley (Braddeley), Leic., priory, 1803 (2 m. 2). m. 2). ., John prior of, 1803 (2 Bradley (Bredlen), Staff, g. 357 (41). rector of, 1803 (2 m. 1). Bradley, Yorks, g. 2772 (11). Bradley in Craven, Yorks, g. 218 (24). Bradley, Great, Suff., 438 (3 m. 1). Bradley, Little, Suff., 438 (3 mm. 24, 31) Bradley, West, Berks [in Chevely], 520-g. 546 (27), 632 (64). Bradley, John, 1033 : -g. 1602 (17). • Th., g. 857 (9). Ambrose, soldier of Bradman, Calais, serjeant at arms, 3348 (3):-g. 749 (25), 1804 (58), 2772 (45). ! Bradney, Linc. See Bardeney. Bradney, Soms. [in Bawdrip], 438 (2 m. 10). Bradninch (Bradenynche), Devon, g. 54 (26). rectory of, g. 2772 (7). Bradon, Soms., 438 (4 m. 8). Bradon Forest, Wilts, g. 94 (11). Bradshaw, Eliz., 20 (p. 17). Ric., g. 1524 (47). Bradsole. See under Dover. Bradstock (Bradstoke), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 27). • priory, g. 587 (10). Bradwardyn, Heref., g. 1732 (9). Bradwell, Essex, g. 94 (35), g. 289 (12). rector of, 438 (2 m. 5). Bradwell St. Laurence, Essex, 438 (4 m. 26). Bradwell, John, prior of Holy Trinity, London, g. 1415 (5), 1462 (38), 1662 (21). Bradwey, Soms. See Broad Wey. Bradwey, Worc. See Broadway. Bradwey, Agnes wife of Alex., 438 (3 m. 32). Braetayn. See Britanny. Bragges, Wm., rector of Evering- ham, g. 1494 (56). William, rector of Hervel- inghen, g. 1003 (21). Wm., M.A., rector of Over- ingham, g. 731 (43). Braghton. See Broughton. Bragot, Ric., g. 1948 (26). Braham, Eustace, g. 784 (22). Brailes (Brayllis), Warw., 438 (4 m. 6):—g. 158 (36), 604 (13), 709 (42). Brainston Moor. See Flodden. Braintree (Branktre, Branetre, Bayn- tre), Essex, 438 (3 m. 13) :— pp. 1512-13. Brakeley hundred. See Berkeley. Brakenasshe. See Bracon Ash. Brakenburgh (Brakynburght), Midd. [in Harefield], 438 (3 m. 22). Brake Sands (Brakks), of Kent, 1698 (p. 778). Brakley. See Brackley. Brakynbarough. borough. See Brecon- Bramblety (Bramultye), Suss., 1803 (2 m. 4). Bramfield (Brounfild), Suff., 438 (4 m. 18). Bramford, Suff., 438 (1 m. 2). Bramley, Staff. See Bromley. Bramley (Bromley), Surr., 438 (4 m. 8), 559. Bramley (Bromeley), Henry alias Ryton, q.v. Brammer (Bammer), Ric., g. 969 (38). 56 GENERAL INDEX. Brampston (Bramston), Roger, 438 (3 m. 25). Brampton, Derb., 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (3 m. 30), 438 (4 m. 4), 1803 (1 m. 4). Brampton, Hunts, 438 (4 m. 22). Brampton, Ntht. See Chapel Bramp- ton. Brampton, Oxon. See Bampton. Brampton (Branton, Braunton), Westmld., 438 (2 m. 12). Brampton (Bramton), John, 438 (3 m. 21). Ric., gentleman of the Pan- try, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 41). Th., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Wm., g. 519 (27). Bramston Heth. See Flodden. Brancepeth (Brauncepath, Braunce- pith, Braunsepeth), Dham., 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (3 mm. 1, 25), 1803 (1 m. 1):—g. 94 (67). rector of, 438 (3 m. 29). Branche (Braunche), Th., abbot of St. Peter's, Gloucester, 205, 438 (2 m. 5) :—g. 546 (40), 604 (49), 632 (83). Brandelyng, John, mayor of New- castle, 2651. Brandenburg, Albert, margrave of, bp. of Magdeburg, abp. of Mentz (9 Feb. 1514), 179,2755. Brandenburg, Elizabeth marchioness of, daughter of John King of Denmark and wife of the Elector Joachim I, letter from, 179. her children Joachim and Anne, 179. Brandenburg (Baunde, Brownder- boro), Marquis Casimir of, 2101, 2383, 2391 (p. 1061), 2673 (2), 2755, 2779, 3150 (p. 1346), 3400. Brandenburg, Marquis Joachim of, Elector, 2755. Brandesby, Ralph, g. 3049 (30). Brandham. See Brantham. Brandon, Charles or Sir Charles, esquire for the Body, marshal of the Household (Nov. 1511), 20 (p. 12), 438 (3 m. 4), 698, 888, 1144, 1286 ("Suffolk "), 1414 bis, 1453, 1480, 1556, 1661 (4), 1748, 1785, 1807, 1858, 1869-70, 1875, 1880, 1882-3, 1885-7, 1898-1900, 2305, 2738 :—pp. 1541, 1544- 5:-App. 9, 26 :—g. 257 (78), 381 (17), 447 (23), 604 (12), 682 (5, 40), 731 (28), 969 (62), 1123 (65), 1221 (9), 1524 (5), 1602 (35), 1804 (2, 26, 55–7), 1805 (1 ix.), 1948 (10), 2055 (95), 2964 (37). Brandon, Charles or Sir Charles- cont. signature, 698. first called Charles," 1144. made K.G., 1807. Sir as lord Lisle (creation 15 May 1513), 1869, 1879, 1912-3, 1928, 1960, 1965, 1969-71, 1978, 2051, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2078, 2141, 2171, 2172 (2), 2286, 2326, 2376, 2391 (pp. 1059, 1061), 2435n., 2480 (62-4), 2506, 2537 (?), 2542 (2), 2544, 2556, 2562, 2598, 2609, 2738, 3104: -pp. 1504, 1518:-g. 1805 (1 ix.), 2055 (26, 96), 2617 (44), 2964 (37). 2480 (63), 2575. letters from, commission to, g. 1948 (93). 1869. instructions to, signature, g. creation as Vis- 1805 (1 ix.), 2055 (76, 82). count Lisle, g. 1948 (68). · > marshal of the army in France, 2078. ter," 2654. his "little daugh- as duke of Suffolk, 2573, 2590, 2610, 2628, 2632, 2654, 2679, 2700-1, 2838, 2856, 2916, 2929, 2941, 3040, 3101-2, 3146, 3205, 3210, 3346, 3368, 3370, 3416, 3426, 3429, 3430, 3440, 3446, 3461, 3464, 3472, 3476-7, 3479, 3498, 3513 (2), 3580:—pp. 1504, 1516, 1541, 1544 bis :-g, 2684 (34), 2964 (37). letters from, 3376, 3387, 3411, 3424, 3437- 8, 3449. letters to, 2924, signature, g. 2940, 3046, 3253, 3281. 2684 (14), 2772 (33). creation as duke of Suffolk, 2590, 2620:—g. 2684 (5). Sir Robert, knight for the Body, 20 (p. 14), 2480 (55) : g. 447 (23), 682 (40), 833 (58), 1602 (35), 2055 (95), 2684 (15) :—pp. 1541, 1544 :-App. 26. pardon for, g. 447 (23). Sir Thomas, K.G., Master of the Horse († 27 Jan. 1510), 19, 20 (pp. 15, 21), 37, 157, 353, 438 (1 m. 8):-g. 94 (12, GENERAL INDEX. 57 Brandon, Sir Thomas, K.G., Master of the Horse-cont. 31), 158 (90), 218 (30, 52), 381 (17, 18, 32, 76), 519 (22). signature of, g. 158 " (90), 190 (34–5, 41), 289 (35). funeral of, 353. Brandon Ferry, Suff., 438 (4 m. 25). grant dated at, g. 709 (19). Branhouse, John, g. 682 (17). Brankston (Branxston), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Brankston-field. See Flodden. Branktre. See Braintree. Branscombe (Braynescombe), Devon, 438 (4 m. 20). Branston (Braunston), Linc., g. 1316 (4), 2772 (11). Bransweig. See Brunswick. Brantham (Brandham), Suff., 438 (3 m. 9). Brantingham, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 5), 438 (2 m. 17). Brantingishey park, in Cheshunt, Herts, g. 132 (97). Branton. See Brampton. Brantsey, Ntht., g. 1662 (58). Branxholm (Branksholme), in Scot- land, p. 1260. Branxton, Ñthld., battle of. See Flodden. Brasanell, Th., 438 (2 m. 13). Brasbrig or Brasebrige. See Brace- bridge. Brasier, Roger, 1493 v. Th., 438 (2 m. 13). Brass-sizing, 78. Brattleby (Bratelsby), Linc., 438 (4 m. 6). Braughing (Broughing), Herts, 438 (3 m. 18). vicar presented, g. 1948 (84). Brauncepath. See Brancepeth. Braunspath. See Brancepeth. Braunston, Linc. See Branston. Braunston, next Leicester, 438 (3 m. 3). Braunton (Braunten), Devon, 1803 (1 m. 2). Braunton, Westmld. See Bramp- ton. Braure, John, 2995. Brawdrybbe, Ric., rector of Halstow, g. 1415 (1). Brawne, John, abbot of Abingdon, 205, 308, 341, 438 (3 m. 32), 963, 1549, 1661 (p. 752), 3464: p. 1517. Bray, Berks, 438 (2 mm. 5, 17): g. 54 (70), 94 (35). Bray, Edm., esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14), 438 (2 m. 23), 1176 iii., 2053 (6 ii.), 2414:—pp. 1503, 1533, 1545. Sir Edmund, g. 3499 (12). Bray-cont. Edward, ship captain, 1496 iii., 2053 (7), 2304 (3), 2305 ii., 2478, 2652, 3000–1, 3513 (2). Sir Edward, App. 26. Joan, 438 (2 m. 23). John, 438 (4 m. 14), 2606. Michael, 438 (4 m. 14). Sir Reginald, 559-g. 132 (115), 158 (49), 218 (24), 289 (5), 447 (23), 651 (2, 32), 804 (43). Reynold, 1947 :—g. 1836 (31). Young, 1976. Braybroke, Sir Gerard son of Sir Gerard, g. 1221 (59). James, ranger of Groveley Forest, g. 54 (38–9, 65, 72–3), 257 (6, 34, see Errata), 2964 (20). Margery, 438 (1 m. 23). Ric., 707 (p. 383). Braybrook (Braybroke), Ntht., 438 (4 mm. 3, 12), 1803 (2 m. 5). Brayles. See Brailes. Brayne, Roger, B.D., sub-dean of Hereford, 438 (1 m. 3). Braynewode, Wm., g. 2617 (42). Braynford. See Brentford. Braysbrige. See Bracebridge. Brayton (Braton), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 5):—g. 833 (51). Breamore (Brommore, Brymmore), Hants, g. 1083 (2). priory, 438 (2 m. 24). prior. See Holyng- " borne, W. g. 632 (58). confirmation for, Breamore (Bromore, Brymmore, Bro- mere), Rob., prior of Butley, 438 (1 m. 8), 1493. Breche, Henry, 893 (2):—g. 784 (25). Brechin, in Scotland, diocese of, pp. 1522-5, 1527-8. · subdeanery of, p. 1527. Brecket, See Bricket. Brecknock (Breknok), in Wales, 438 (3 m. 17). Breconborough (Brakynbarough), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 1). Bred Devon, 438 (4 m. 21). Breda (Bredale), in Holland, 919, 2809. Brede, Suss., 1803 (2 m. 1). Brede, John, 853. Bredeham, Chr., g. 3499 (5). Bredendela, Pedro de, ship master, 1664. Bredlen, Staff. See Bradley. Bredwell, John, prior of Christchurch, London, 3521. Bree, John, 438 (4 m. 10). 58 GENERAL INDEX. Bree-cont. (Bre, Abree), Wm., 438 (4 m. 10). Breele. See Briel. Bregandyne. See Brigandyne. Bregavenny. See Abergavenny. Breges. See Bruges. Breggewater. See Bridgewater. Bregilles (Bresilles, Brysell), Philip Sieur de, 2125, 2141, 2171, 2383, 2634, 2654, 2694, 2704, 2941 (pp. 1271–2), 3257. letters from, 2141, 2171, 2654, 2704. Brehawte, John, prior of St. Helier's, Jersey, g. 1365 (20). Brehyll. See Brickhill. Breidford. See Bradford. Breisgau (Brysco), in Germany, 1884 (p. 859). Brekelsey. See Brightlingsea. Brekenshaw (Brekynshawe), Wm., 438 (3 m. 4). Brekilworth. See Brixworth. Breknell, Edm., esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14). Brekylsworth. See Brixworth. Brekynden, Rob., of the Guard, 20 (p. 16). Breme (Bremen ?), 2478 (2). Brenan (Brenak), Onellus, clk., p. 1524. Brendon, Arnold, g. 485 (39). Brene. See Bryne. Brengewood chace, in Wigmore, g. 1221 (50). Brenhedon. See Wrandike. Breniss, lord of. See Piennes. Brenkburn. See Brinkburn. Brennesley, Henry, 1803 (2 m. 5). Brent (Brente), John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 438 (1 m. 12), 707 :- p. 1543:—g. 604 (15), 1948 (100), 2684 (84). John alias Fazakerley, q.v. Thomas, LL.D., dean of the College of St. Michael Arch- angels, 438 (3 m. 13). Brentford (Olde Braynford), Midd., 438 (3 m. 19). Brentwood (Brundwode, Brend- wode), Essex, 176, 438 (4 m. 1). Brerdyng. See Brading. Brereley. See Brierly. Brereton, Chesh., 438 (1 m. 5). Brereton, John, rector of Hatford, g. 190 (32), 485 (32). (of Bruerton), Sir Randolph, chamberlain of Chester, mar- shal of the Rearguard, 2051, 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2392 (p. 1063), 2414, 3091 (p. 1323):—App. 26: g. 54 (40), 132 (108), 414 (48). Brereton-cont. • (Breverton), Ric., 1947, 2414 :—g. 2772 (17). Roger, rector of Little Com- berton, g. 132 (28). Th., 2480 (50) :—g. 158 (36). Urian or Erean, 3408 (5) :— g. 94 (47). (Brerton, Breton), Wm. or Sir Wm., knighted at Tournay, 438 (1 m. 5), 2301. Brescia (Bressa), in Italy, 83, 113, 438 (4 m. 23), 780 (p. 418), 1101, 1180, 1277 (p. 587), 1301 (pp. 595, 598–9), 1309, 1345, 1354, 1358, 1417, 1455, 1469, 1488-9, 1558, 1647, 1892, 2074, 2329, 2645, 2982, 3396, 3451, 3541. • narrative of the siege and sack, 1071. St. Florian's monastery, 1071 (p. 517). St. Nasarius gate, 1071 (pp. 517-8). Brescia, Franciscus de. See Fama- • gosta. (Brisia), Peter de, g. 1462 (21). (Bressa), John Petrus de, g. 3107 (49). Bresilles. See Bregilles. Bressa. See Brescia. Bresse (Brexte), president of. See Gorrevod, L. de. president of. See Gattinara. Bresse in Brytayn. See Brest. Bressingham (Bresyngham, Brys- yngham), Norf., 438 (1 m. 12), 438 (2 m. 33) :—g. 1494 (7). Brest (Prest, Albret, Bresse), in Brit- anny, 1169, 1237 iii., 1240, 1242, 1281, 1344, 1356, 1371, 1385, 1422 (p. 651), 1518, 1594, 1647, 1659, 1670, 1694, 1699, 1771, 1786, 1812, 1825, 1835, 1840, 1844, 1851 (p. 846), 1894, 1907, 1936, 1943, 1965, 1978, 1992, 2053 (9), 2156, 2260, 2782, 3349: :-p. 1504. letter dated at, 1709. castle of, 1883, 1907. Breston, Hants. See Broughton. Bresyngham. See Bressingham. Breszé, Louis de, Comte de Mau- leuvrier, seneschal and lieu- tenant of Normandy, 2240, 2297, 2557, 3348–9. · commission to, 2240. letter to, 1635. Bretaine. See Britanny. Breten. See Britanny. Breteyn, Wm. See Breton. Breteyns, Essex, 438 (4 m. 17). GENERAL INDEX. 59 Bretherton, Th., g. 11 (10). Breton, John, 1803 (1 m. 1). (Breteyn, Breten), Wm., merchant of the Staple, 20 (p. 19), 438 (4 m. 19), 3529 :— p. 1501 :-g. 3499 (38). Breton. See also Brereton. Bretons, prisoners, 2441. Brett (Brette), Hugh, 438 (1 m. 26). (Brette, Bret), Rob., 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (4 m. 24). Bretton, West-, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 4). Bretts (Brettys), in West Ham, Essex, g. 94 (35 p. 50). Breuerer, John, 438 (2 m. 13). Breverton. See Brereton. Breves, M. de. See Borne. Brewce. See Brewes. Brewer, Bertram, minstrel, 82 (p. 42). ... (Bruer), Th., tailor, 438 (2 m. 15). (Bruer), Wm., 438 (4 m. 26). Brewern (Bruwarn, Brewan, Brower, Brewster), Robert, vicar of Southwick, 438 (2 m. 20). Brewers, 438 (1 mm. 6, 12), 438 (2 mm. 14, 15, 29, 33), 438 (3 mm. 1, 6, 11, 29), 438 (4 mm. 25 bis, 26 bis, 28), 1416, 1803 (m. 6), 1803 (2 m. 4) :—g. 11 (10), 682 (1), 969 (9), 1083 (38), 2684 (14), 3499 (52). Brewes (Brews), Eliz., 438 (4 m. 29). (Brewce, Brevs), Mrs., 82 (pp. 38, 41). (Breux, Brewce), John, 2480 (36), 3340. (Brewys, Breux, Brues), Rob., 438 (4 m. 29), pp. 1541, 1544 :—g. 1494 (9), 2222 (16 Suff.). Sir Thomas, 438 (4 m. 29). Brewster, Rob., 1451. See also Brewern. > Th., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Brewyn (Bruyne), g. 833 (58 ii.). (Bruyne), Geoffrey, g. 94 (13). (Bruyn, Broyn), Ric., gentle- man usher, 438 (4 m. 8). (Bruyn), Th., s. and h. of Wm., g. 2055 (89). Brexte. See Bresse. Breylysden, Lanc., 438 (2 m. 25). Breynton (Braynton), Isabel, abbess of Godstow, 438 (3 m. 2). John, 438 (2 m. 27):—p. 1538:―g. 1494 (4). Th., 438 (2 m. 27). Brézé. See Breszé. Briak, John de, gunner, 3457. Briake. See St. Brieuc. Briamonde, John, g. 1494 (10). Brian, 878, 2468. Brian, Lady, 82 (pp. 38, 41). · Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas, to marry Nicholas Carew, 3387 (p. 1423, Mrs. "Carru "), 3419. Henry, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383):-g. 1266 (17), 1804 (22 ii.). Dame Margaret, wife of Sir Thomas, 3419. Sir Thomas, 20 (pp. 12, 19, 20 bis), 438 (3 m. 32), 1473, 1493 ii., 2054 (6), 3419, 3483 : —p. 1534 :—g. 381 (55). Th., 2054 (4). Brianaskam. See Askham. Briant, Francis, 438 (3 m. 23). (Briand, Briant), John, 438 (3 m. 22). Brice, Rob., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383). (Brisse, Brise), Wm., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 438 (2 m. 7). Bricett (Brisete), Suff., g. 519 (42). Bricket (Brecket, Brykket), George, 438 (1 m. 24). Brickhill (Brikhill), Great-, Bucks, 438 (1 m. 23), 1803 (2 m. 2) :— g. 3049 (20). Brickhill, Little (Brehyll), Bucks, 438 (3 m. 13). Bricklayers, 438 (22). Bricklehampton (Bright Hampton), Worc. [near Pershore], g. 3049 (8). Brickmakers, 438 (4 m. (20). 11):—g. 731 Bridam, Hants. See St. Bartholo- mew. Bridestowe, Devon, 438 (2 m. 11). Bridde, Wm., rector of , p. 1524. Briddon or Bridden, Wm., 1803 (2 m. 3). Bridgeford (Brygeford) next Notting- ham, 438 (1 m. 2). Bridgend (Holandbrigge, De Ponte Aslaci), Linc. [in Horbling parish near Folkingham], priory, 438 (3 m. 15). Bridgenorth (Brigenorth, Brigge- north, Brugenorth), Salop, 438 (3 mm. 16, 24), 2537 :—g. 1662 (1), 2684 (35). College of St. Mary, g. 2137 (22), 2422 (16). Bridges (Bruges), 1899. (Brugges), Florence, 438 (1 m. 6). (Brygges, Brugges, Brugge), Sir Giles, 20 (p. 14), 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 10):—pp. 1537, 1546. 60 GENERAL INDEX. Bridges-cont. • (Briggis, Brugges, Brigges, Brykys), Henry, 20 (p. 14), 438 (4 m. 21), 438 (3 mm. 5, 16), 2574:—p. 1534:—g. 632 (30), 2222 (16 Berks). (Brugge, Brugges), Isabel, widow of Sir Giles, 1803 (2 m. 2). (à Bruges), Jamy, merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). (Bruges, Brugges), Sir John. 2480 (63), 2575 ii. :—App. 26, (Brugge, Bruges, Brigge), John, 438 (2 m. 32), 1812, 2008 (4), 2467:-g. 54 (82), 1365 (23), 2222 (16 London, Surr.), 2422 (8), 2684 (28), 2772 (55). (à Briggis, Brigges), Miles, 438 (2 m. 31). (Abriggis, Brigges), Rob., 438 (4 m. 12). Roger, ship captain, 2304 (3, 4, 5). (Brugyes, Bruges), Roland, M.P. for Hereford, g. 924 (31). letter from, 3068. (Brugges, Bruge, Brige, Brigge), Th., 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (2 m. 8), 2054 (2). (Brige, Brigge, Brugge), Wm., 438 (3 m. 11):-p. 1546 :- g. 1494 (11). (Bryggys), Wm., prior of Black Friars, Norwich, 438 (4 m. 19). Bridge Sollers (Brigge upon Wye), Heref., 438 (4 m. 20). Bridget, Mrs., 1549. Bridgewater (Briggewater, Bregge- water), Soms., 184 (3), 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (2 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 2), 438 (4 m. 21), 874 (2), 1982 (4), 2537, 3313 (6) :—g. 94 (35), 447 (4), 804 (52), 2055 (125), 2137 (17). confirmation of charters, g. 731 (15). St. John's, 438 (2 m. 27). master or prior of. • See Spencer, T. Bridlington (Byrdlyngton), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (4 m. 25):- g. 158 (91). priory, confirmation for, g. 381 (81). Bridport (Brideport, Byreport, Birt- port, Britteport, Britport), Dors., 438 (2 mm. 14, 32), 438 (3 m. 21). Bridwell (Brydwyll), Devon, 438 (3 m. 23). Brie, Sieur de, French prisoner, 2173 (3), 2392 iii. Briel (Embryell, Breele), in Holland, 2809. Brierly (Brereley), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (2 m. 13). Brierley (Bryarley, Brereley, Brer- ley), John, purser, 2305 iii., 3137 (6), 3148 bis. Briffeld. See Driffield. Brigandine maker, 438 (3 m. 6). Brigandyne, John, ship captain, 1453 (ii. p. 663, vi.):-p. 1500:-g. 632 (45). (Bregandyn, Brikenden), Robert, clerk of the King's ships, 16, 1393, 1613, 2680, 2738-pp. 1496-9, 1500–2, 1504, 1516-g. 132 (101), 632 (45). ; letter to, 1613. (Bregandyn), Wm., 1463 xiii. Brige, Brigge, Briges or Brigges. See Bridges. • Brigewater. See Bridgewater. Briggenorth. See Bridgnorth. Brigham, Chr., g. 257 (88), 1266 (14). Chr., mayor of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, g. 1524 (16). Brigholme, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 9). Brighouse, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 25). Brighouse, George, 82 (p. 42). Bright, John, 20 (p. 16). , Rob., LL.D., King's chap- lain, g. 2055 (77). Bright Hampton. See Bricklehamp- ton. Brightley (Brightlegh), Devon, 1803 (1 m. 2):—g. 1083 (2). Brightlingsea (Brykkelsey, Brykyl- sey, Birtilsey, Brekelsey, Bryculsaye), Essex, 438 (3 m. 32), 1080, 1262 (p. 578), 1982 (2), 2305, 2324 :—g. 1662 (37). Brighton (Brighthenston, Brighthel- helmstone, Brighthampston), Suss., p. 1505. burnt by the French, 2974, 3000. Brightwell, Oxon, 438 (3 m. 4): -g. 2055 (95 ii.). Brightwell Baldwin, Oxon (2 m. 12). Brignall (Briggenell), Yorks 438 (2 m. 32). Brigot, Edmund, D.D., g. 784 (6). Brigsley (Brigesley), Linc., 438 (4 m. 5). Brigstock (Brygstoke), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 13):—g. 784 (2). Brikenden. See Brigandyne. Brikhed, Ralph. See Birkenhead. Brikkes. See Birkes. Brill, Rob., 438 (4 m. 26). Brime. See Bryne. Brimpsfield (Brymmesfeld), Glouc., g. 94 (35). GENERAL INDEX. 61 Bristol-cont. Brimpton (Brynton), Berks, 438 (3 m. 23). Brimstone, 1004 (2). See also Ordnance. Brington (Brynton, Bryenton), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 6). Brington (Brynketon) Magna, Ntht., g. 1494 (28). Brington Parva, Ntht., 1803 (1 m. 6). Bringwood. See Bingwood. Brinkburn (Brenkburn), priory, Nthld., 438 (4 m. 11), 3170. prior. See Carre, Th. Brinkley (Brynkeley), Camb., rector presented, g. 2422 (2). Brinkworth (Brynkenworth), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 16), 438 (4 m. 26). rector of, p. 1525. Brinny (Briny, Bryn), co. Cork, pp. 1523, 1527. Brinston (Brymston), Heref., 438 (2 m. 33). Brise or Brisse. See Brice. Brisete. See Bricett. Brisia. See Brescia. Bristall, John, g. 1172 (9), 1602 (42). Bristo. See Bristowe. Bristol (Bristowe), 184 (5), 205 (2), • 438 (1 mm. 4, 5, 23, 25), 438 (2 mm. 5 bis, 12, 14 bis, 17, 20, 25-7, 29, 32), 438 (3 mm. 2, 11, 14, 15, 18, 22 bis, 23-5, 32), 438 (4 mm. 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17), 577 (2), 874 (2), 963, 1004 (3), 1262 (p. 578), 1409 (2), 1727, 1803 (2 m. 5), 1883, 2305 i., ii., iii., 2537, 3313 (1, 6, 7):—pp. 1504, 1506– 7:-g. 132 (17), 132 (123), 485 (40), 833 (11), 969 (5 § 2), 1172 (17), 2055 (109), 2222 (15, 16), 2964 (1, 2), 3324 (7), 3582 (2). admiralty court, g. 485 (40). confirmation of charters, g. 485 (27). customs and port of, g. 190 (27), 632 (25), 749 (42), 833 (61), 1083 (3), 1123 (56), 1266 (5), 1602 (15), 2684 (3), 3499 (17). customers of, 438 (1 m. 4), 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (3 m. 32), 1728. fee farm, g. 94 (35). gauger, 438 (4 m. 13). mayor and townsmen, 438 (3 m. 14). searcher of, g. 132 (17). ships of, 1982 (4). list, 1577. All Saints, vicar of, 438 (1 m. 23) :—p. 1531. Black Friars (or Friars Preachers), confirmation for, g. 485 (36). Castle, constable of, g. 158 (64). Earl's Court, g. 381 (74). Gaunt's Hospital, 438 (4 m. 16). confirmation for, g. 414 (74). • · ,master. See Tiler, T. Grey Friars (Friars Minors), g. 519 (14). Hospital of St. John Bap- tist in Redeclyff Pytt, p. 1531. St. Augustine's abbey, 438 (3 m. 33) :—g. 1123 (52). abbot of, g. 2222 (16 Bristol). Briston, Norf., g. 632 (50). Bristowe. See Bristol. Bristowe, Cornelius, g. 546 (6). (Bristo), John, 1493 iv. :—g. 546 (6). Philip, g. 546 (64). Briswoode, Wm., surveyor of works at Calais, 2833, 3338:-p. 1508. Britford (Birtford), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 25). Brittany or Britanny (Breten, Brae- tayn, Bretaine), and Bretons, 193, 264, 406, 1081, 1127, 1210, 1242, 1257 (2), 1267–8, 1273, 1277 (p. 587), 1291, 1321, 1328, 1371, 1385, 1422 (p. 651), 1512, 1647 (p. 743), 1697, 1711, 1771, 1808, 1851, 1854- 5, 1864, 1869-70, 1873, 1894, 1907, 1925, 1936, 1943-4, 1960, 1971, 2006 (p. 908), 2107, 2275, 2305 ii., iii. bis, 2393, 2475, 2546, 2598, 2647, 2681, 2693-4, 2782, 2804, 3240, 3298, 3349, 3540 :- App. 26-g. 158 (21), 1365 (20), 1494 (21), 1524 (7), 1948 (1, 37), 2617 (36). grand master of, 1825, 2156, 3349. • letter to, 2156. vice-admiral of. See Chil- lou, M. de. Brittany, duke of, 3009. See Fran- cis. Britteport or Britport. See Bridport. Britto (Brittus), Robert, bp. of Nan- tes, q.v. Brix, Th., 1313. Brixen, in the Tyrol, 562. Brixen (Bryxsyn), bp. of [Christo- pher von Schrofenstein], 130, 1884. 62 GENERAL INDEX. Brixham, Devon, 1801. Brixia, Estienne de, vicar general of the Carmelites, 1763. Brixton, Devon [in Shaugh], g. 3499 (73). Brixton Deverill (Brykston Deverell), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 32). Brixworth (Brekilworth, Brekyls- worth), Ntht., 438 (2 mm. 18, 34), 438 (3 m. 30). Brizeño, Christoval, knight comman- der, Spanish ambassador at Rome, 1658, 2292, 2329, 2476, 2585. letters to, 1658, 2476, 2585, 2745. Broad Chalk (Brode Thalke), Wilts, vicar of, p. 1528. Broad Hinton (Brodehenton), Wilts, 438 (4 m. 17). Broadhurst (Brodhurst), Suss., 438 (2 m. 30). Broad Sound, on the Breton coast, 1771, 1844 (p. 843). Broadwater (Brodewater), Soms., 438 (1 m. 7). Broadway (Bradwey), Worc., 1803 (2 m. 3). Broad Wey (Bradwey, Bradewey), Soms., 438 (2 m. 20). Broats, Over and Nether, in Scot- land, p. 1260. Brobury (Brobry), Heref., 438 (2 m. 26). Brocas, Anne and Edith, ds. and hs. of Wm., g. 563 (23), 1316 (35), 3582 (20). • " George, serjeant of the Ewery, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 39). John, 2480 (30):-g. (58 ii.). 833 Wm., g. 1316 (35), 3582 (20). Brochelz, 3227. Brockden (Brokden), Friar John, minister of Thelsfold, 438 (4 m. 8). Brockdish (Brokdysch, Brokedisshe), Norf., 438 (4 mm. 1, 6):—g. 257 (6). Brockdish Hall (Brokedisshehalle) in Burston, Norf., g. 2964 (20, 52). Brockenhurst (Brokenest), Hants, 438 (4 m. 25). Brockley (Brokeley), Suff., g. 414 (30). Broclei. See Blockley. Brodebank, Chr., p. 1505. Brodebent, Wm., chaplain, 853. Broderers (Brotherers), 1803 (2 m. 4): pp. 1502-3:-g. 1003 (24). Brode Thalke. See Broad Chalk. Brodewater. See Broadwater. Brodhurst. See Broadhurst. Brodley (Brodele, Brodlee, Brode- ley, Browley), Wm., 438 (3 m. 13). Broense, Nic., merchant of the Hanse, 696. Brofyld. See Bromefeld. Broghton. See Broughton. Brok, lord. See Willoughby, of Broke. Brokden. See Brockden. Brokdyshe. See Brockdish. Broke, I. of Wight. See Brook. Broke, Wilts. See Brook. Broke, lord. See Willoughby, R. Broke, Sir Edward, 438 (3 m. 24). George, 2413. · D 2 • · George. See Cobham. (Brooke), John, 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (2 m. 26): pp. 1537, 1543-g. 2862 (7). John, clerk of the Market (of the Stable), 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40):—g. 132 (45). (Brookke), John, mayor of Oxford, pp. 1518, 1542. John, rector of Wenvoe, 885 (4)—g. 1266 (39). (Brooke), John, lord Cobham, q.v. Leonard, 2054 (6). (Brooke), Mr., 559. Ralph, of Calais, 1424, 2337, 3067, 3338:—g. 2684 (30). Ric., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42). (Brok), Ric., rector of St. Margaret Moyses, g. (29). 651 Richard, king's serjeant at law, g. 546 (48), 709 (26, 62), 731 (27-8), 924 (14), 969 (17, 45), 1083 (24), 1732 (2, 16), 2484 (15), 2684 (8), 2964 (50), 3049 (20). (Brooke), Th., 228, 438 (1 m. 12), 707 :—g. 190 (28), 1172 (3), 2617 (30), 3499 (11). Th., yeoman usher, 1015 :- g. 54 (55, 92). Th., abbot of Muchelney, 438 (1 m. 13) :—g. 3107 (28). Th., serjeant at arms, g. 1948 (50, 53). Wm., bailiff of Dover, g. 94 (109). Wm., warden of All Souls' College, Oxford, 438 (3 m. 10). Brokedisshe. See Brockdish. Brokeley. See Brockley. Brokelond, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Broker, John, 1527:-g. 587 (5), 2422 (5). Brokers, 438 (3 m. 4). Brokesby. See Brooksby. Brokesby, or Brooksby (Brokysby), Barth., 438 (3 m. 1). GENERAL INDEX. 63 Brokesby-cont. (Brokysby, Brokysbe), Rob., 438 (2 m. 27). Th., 438 (2 m. 4):-p. 1539: -g. 651 (7), 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). (Brokysby), Wm., 438 (2 m. 4):—p. 1539:—g. 2222 (16 Leic.). Brokestede. See Broxted. Brokett (Brokkette), John, 438 (1 m. 10):-p. 1538:-g. 2222 (16 Herts). Rob., p. 1505. Brokewell, John, 2606. Brokhampton, Isabella, widow of Walter, 438 (2 m. 9). Brokkesbourne. See Broxbourne. Brokland. See Brookland. Brokwall, John, 20 (p. 14). Brokwod. See Brookwood. Brome. See Broome. Brome (Brone, Broun, Browne), Chr., 438 (3 m. 18). Eliz. widow of Robert, 438 (4 m. 9). Jocosa, prioress of Wroxall, 438 (1 m. 6). John, s. and h. of Christo- pher, g. 546 (44). (Broune), Nic., 438 (3 m. 4):—g 3499 (66). Bromefeld, Essex. See Broomfield. Bromefeld, Ric., master of St. John's Hospital, Bristol, p. 1531. (Brofyld), Richard alias Chepman, vicar of All Saints in Bristol, 438 (1 m. 23). Bromeholme. See Broomholm. Bromeley, Henry. See Bramley. Bromewiche, Wm., 2049. Bromfeld, —, three brothers slain at Flodden, 2913. Bromfield (Bromfild, Bromefeld), lordship, co. Denbigh, 438 (4 mm. 4, 16), 1803 (2 m. 5), 3313 (6):—g. 54 (77), 190 (26), 218 (29, 74), 357 (29), 731 (45), 784 (37), 833 (8), 1804 (55–6). Bromfield, Salop, 438 (1 m. 22). Bromham, Wilts, 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (2 m. 18). Bromholme, Norf., 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (2 mm. 26, 29). priory, 574. > John prior of, bp. of Calcidony, q.v. Bromley, Kent, 438 (3 m. 19). Bromley (Brymley), Midd., 438 (2 m. 26). Bromley (Bramley, Brommeley), Staff., 438 (3 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 14). Bromley (Bromlegh), Surr., 1803 (1) m. 2). Bromley-cont. See also Bramley. Bromley, King's, Staff., 438 (2 m. 24):-g. 709 (22). Bromley (Bromeley), George, of the Council of Wales, 142, 1174: pp. 1537-8, 1543, 1546 :—g. 414 (48, 52), 1123 (20), 1316 (9), 1494 (4), 2055 (42). · signature of, 1174. Th., 2392 (p. 1063). Brommer, Rob., prior of Butley, g. 94 (106), 132 (76). Brommore, Bromore or Bromere. See Breamore. Brompton, Yorks, g. 2964 (74). Brompton, John, merchant of the Staple, 1032. Bromsell pursuivant, 3338. Bromsgrove (Brymmesgrove), Worc., 438 (1 m. 15) :—g. 94 (35). Bromsgrove (Bromysgrave), Hugh, monk of Evesham, g. 2535 (24). Bromwich. See Castle Bromwich. Bromwich, West- (Westbremyche, Westbrymyche), Staff., pp. 1509, 1513. Bromwich, Alice, 438 (1 m. 22). · • (Bronwich), James, canon of Hereford, p. 1525. (Bromewiche), Th., 438 (1 m. 22). Wm., 438 (1 m. 22). Bromwike. See Brunswick. Bromyard, Heref., college of, p. 1527. Bromyle, Th., 1272. Bron or Brone. See Browne ; also Brome. Bronolt, John, rector of St. Andrew Undershaft, p. 1521. Bronwich. See Bromwich. Brook (Broke), I. of Wight, 438 (4 m. 15). Brook (Broke), Wilts, 438 (3 m. 1). Brooke or Brookke. See Broke. Brookland (Brokland), Kent, 438 (3 m. 11). Brooksby (Brokesby), Leic., g. 2684 (27). Brooksby (Brokesby), Linc., 438 (3 m. 23). Brooksby. See Brokesby. Brookwood (Brokwod), Surr., g. 158 (5). Broome (Brome), Norf., 438 (3 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 18). Broome (Browne, Brome), Suff., 438 (3 m. 14):-g. 784 (22). Broomfield (Bromefeld), Essex, 438 (3 m. 17). Broomholm (Bromeholme), in Scot- land, p. 1260. Brossey, in Scotland, 1262 (p. 578). Brotnell. See Brudenell. 64 GENERAL INDEX. Brouage (Brouwaigne, Boroage), in France, 2532, 2574. Brough (Burghe), in Scotland, 1262 (p. 578). Brough (Burgh), Yorks, 1803 (il m. 5). Brough under Stainmoor (Burghe, Burgh under Stanmore), Westmld., 438 (2 m. 31), 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 13). Brough (Burgh), Wm., 1803 (1 m. 5). Brougham (Burgham), Westmld., g. 833 (41). Broughing. See Braughing. Broughton (Breston), Hants, 438 (1 m. 6):—g. 1123. See Notes and Errata. Broughton (Braghton), • Linc., g. 969 (31). dioc. of rector presented, g. 190 (44). Broughton, Ntht., p. 1548:-g. 1462 (19). Broughton, Oxon, 438 (2 m. 23). Broughton (Browghton), Worc., g. 3049 (8). Broughton, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 34). Broughton, West- (Westbroughton), Derb., g. 3499 (23). Broughton or Browghton (Brogh- ship master, 1661 • ton), (4). Mr., 1176 (3), 1453. Anne, 438 (2 m. 10). Dorothy, g. 381 (89). George, 438 (4 m. 26). John, 438 (2 m. 10 bis), 3348 (3):-g. 190 (44), 381 (89). John, rector of Broughton, g. 190 (44). Katharine, g. 381 (89). Sir Robert, g. 381 (89). Brouker, Rob., 2293. Broun. See Browne; also Brome. Brounfield. See Bramfield. Brounflete, Wm., prior of Ormsby, 438 (2 m. 21). Brounhill. See Brownhill. Brouwershaven (Bruershawyn), in Holland, 2451. Browe, Wilts, 438 (4 m. 23). Browe, Guillaume. See Brown. Brower, Rob. See Brewern. Browghton. See Broughton. Browley. See Brodley. Brownderboro. See Brandenburg. Browne or Brown, Rochester, 1493 vi. mayor of (Broun), Alice wife of Hum- phrey, g. 2484 (34). (temp. Anne, 438 (3 m. 20). (Broun), Sir Ant. Hen. VII), 438 (1 m. 1):—g. 54 (42), 414 (59), 2484 (29). (Brown), Chr., merchant of the Staple, 438 (3 m. 14), 1032 Browne, Chr., merchant of the Staple-cont. • • • (2), 1493-pp. 1539, 1540 bis:-g. 132 (26), 257 (49), 2222 (16 Linc.). (Broun), Chr., King's carpen- ter, p. 1512. Chr., chaplain to Prince Henry, 707 (p. 383). Chr. See also Brome. (Broun), David, a Scot, 638: -p. 1521. Edmond or Egremund, rector of Lawshall, 438 (3 m. 25). (Broune), Edward,g.2964(52). (Broun), Francis, p. 1540 bis. (Broune), Sir George, 438 (2 m. 4). (Broun), George, 2054 (5) :— p. 1513. George, bp. of Dunkeld, q.v. (Broune), Hugh, merchant of the Staple, 438 (1 m. 22):-p. 1518. (Broun), Humphrey, pp. 1536, 1541 :-g. 2964 (72). James, App. 14. Sir John, 438 (3 m. 20). (Broun, Brone, Bron), John, 82 (p. 41 bis), 438 (3 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 7) :—g. 1662 (37), 2964 (52), 3324 (35), 3582 (10). John, ship master, 1661 (1, 3, 4), 2764, 3137 (6). (Broun), John, painter, 20 (pp. 11, 16), 707, 2799 :—pp. 1497-8, 1500–2 :—g. 1044 (8). (Broun), John, trumpet, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 43), 3320. (Broun), Sir Matthew, 20 (pp. 12, 19, 20 bis), 309, 438 (2 m. 4), 707, 1176 (4), 1463 xii. p. 1545:—g. 546 (36), 2055 (120). (Broun), Miles, 1803 (1 m. 1):—g. 357 (24), 833 (6). (Broune), Nic., 577 (2), 874 (2), 3313 (6, 7) :—p. 1545 : g. 485 (40). (Broune), Ralph, g. 587 (5). (Broune, Broun), Ric., 438. (2 mm. 5, 26), 438 (3 m. 20). (Broune), Ric., mayor of Calais (1509–10), 589, 3567. (Broune, Broun), Rob., 438 (3 m. 30), 438 (4 m. 10): pp. 1540, 1542 :-g. 1083 (46), 2137 (4), 2772 (9), 2964 (52). (Broun), Robert, a Scot at Rome, 638. (Broun), Th., 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (3 mm. 23, 27), 438 (4 m. 25), 1505, 3529:—g. 969 (9), 1415 (7), 2617 (7). GENERAL INDEX. 65 Browne-cont. • (Broun), Walter 438 (2 m. 28). (Broun, Browe), Wm., 20 (p. 16), 438 (2 m. 28), 1493 v., 2404, 2413, 2737, 2833:—pp. 1507-10, 1514, 1516, 1546 :— g. 449 (15), 604 (13), 2772 (41, 59), 2964 (35), 3324 (11). (Bron, Brone), Wm., alder- man, merchant of the Staple, &e., 438 (3 m. 20), 1463 vi, 1497, 1691,2467, 2812, 2929:- g. 132 (30), 449 (15), 2684 (6, 31). 1530. his account for guns, (Broun), Wm., gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707-g. 257 (43), 1462 (4). Wm., vicar of Reigate, 1803 (2 m. 1). Wm., rector of Wenvoe, g. 2222 (8). Wm., surgeon, p. 1520. (Broun), Wistan or Sir Wistan, esquire for the Body, King's spear, ship captain, 20 (p. 12), 864, 1176 (1, 3), 1413 bis, 1453 ii., v., 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1851, 1869 iii., 2260, 2304 (3, 5), 2305 iii. bis, 2478 (1 iii., 2), 2686, 2842, 2938, 2959, 3077, 3483, 3513 (1, 2):—pp. 1504, 1506, 1517– 18, 1536-App. 9, 26:- g. 94 (108), 158 (53), 1172 (2), 1804 (10), 2772 (54), 3107 (2). his son, 1176. knighted by Ferdinand of Aragon (15 Sept. 1511), 864. • 7 to be treasurer of Calais, g. 1804 (10). Browne. See also Broome. Browney (Brown), river, Dham., 438 (1 m. 25). Brownhill (Brounhill, Browne Hyll), Wm., a Scottish ship captain, 1262 (p. 578), 1298, 1329, 1380, 1645, 1775, 2578, 2973. instructions for, 2578 (3, 4). Brownsover (Brownswover), Warw., 438 (2 m. 14). Brownyng, Henry, p. 1520 :—g. 2964 (246). Broxbourne (Brokkesbourne), Herts, 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (3 m. 24). Broxted (Brokestede), Essex, g. 2055 (23). Broyn. See Brewyn. Bruce (Brus), David, of Clakmannan, 2461. Wt. 11494. Bruce-cont. Peter de, temp. Edw. I. (?), g. 969 (57). Sir Robert, of Erth, bond by, 1379. Bruchsal in Swabia (Brussel en Zwane, Bruxcellis in Swave), in Germany, 1676, 2010. letter dated at, 1993. Brudeforth. See Birdforth. Brudenell, Drue, 438 (1 m. 18). Philippa, wife of Robert, 438 (1 m. 18). (Brotnell, Bryknell, Brud- nell, Brutenell), Rob., justice of King's Bench, 82 (p. 39), 205 (p. 106), 315, 341, 438 (1 m. 18), 963, 1046, 2787, 3464 (2):—pp. 1533-4, 1537-8, 1539 bis, 1540 bis, 1541, 1542 ter, 1543, 1546 :—g. 54 (1, 8, 47-8), 132 (2, 18, 31, 48), 218 (1), 257 (48), 381 (39), 546 (1, 47), 651 (13), 709 (34, 55, 62), 804 (13, 28), 833 (39), 924 (14), 969 (52), 1083 (10), 1171 (3), 1221 (41), 1266 (36, 41), 1662 (1, 8), 1732 (2, 16), 1948 (19), 2055 (59), 2222 (16 Bucks.), 2330 (4), 2484 (15), 2684 (9, 41), 3049 (23), 3226 (7), 3408 (37), 3582 (14). Robert, junior, justice of assizes, g. 709 (34), 1083 (10), 1266 (36, 41), 1662 (8), 2055 (59), 2684 (9), 3049 (23). See Brewer. Bruer. Bruere, Sieur de, of France, 2391 (p. 1060). Bruern abbey, Oxon, 438 (3 m. 15). abbot. See Pere, J. Bruershawyn. See Brouwershaven. Bruerton. See Brereton. Brues. See Brewes. Bruessell in Swabia. See Bruch- sal. Brugenorth. See Bridgenorth. Bruges (Bryges, Burges, Breges, Brugges), in Flanders, 108, 438 (3 mm. 2, 16), 484, 504, 659, 828, 1573, 1594, 1688, 1699, 1848, 1865, 1876, 1895, 1957-8, 2082, 2129, 2220, 2391 (p. 1058), 2404, 2613, 2633, 2650, 2681, 2694, 2768, 2781, 2809, 2867, 2961, 3272, 3296. 3418-P. 1516 :-g. 3107 (27). > letter from the town, 1634.. letters dated at, 3283, 3285, 3287, 3296, 3299, 3439, 3444- 5, 3450, 3545. St. Andrew's abbey, 2613. Bruges, Guillaume de, 2385. H 5 66 GENERAL INDEX. Bruges, Brugge or Brugges. See Bruton-cont. Bridges. Brugyes. See Bridges. Brumiselles, Lamond de, 2383. Brunarde, in Flanders, 2404. Brundall (Brundale), Norf., 2830. Brundish, Suff., 438 (3 m. 25):—g. 289 (13). Brundwode. See Brentwood. Brungewodde forest. See Bingwood. Brunne abbey. See Bourne. Brunskale (Brunstayll, Burnskaill), John, 438 (4 m. 13). Brunswick [-Wolfenbuttel] (Brom- wike), Eric duke of, the Em- peror's captain against Guel- dres, 1421, 1440, 1455–6, 1468, 1481, 1566, 1591 (2), 1639. Brunswick [-Calenberg], Henry duke of, brother of the preceding, 1440, 1455, 1897, 2038, 2063, 2068, 2070, 2083, 2093, 2101, 2103, 2105, 2375, 2391, 2421. Brus. See Bruce. Bruses manor, Midd., g. 2055 (130). Brussa (Prusia), in Bithynia, 766. Brussel en Zwane. See Bruchsal. Brussell, Wendell van, captain of Germans, 2220. Brussels (Bruxelles), 650, 1241, 1291, 1421, 1424, 1567, 1576, 1789, 1831 (3), 2095 ii., 2164, 2220 (p. 994), 2337, 2414, 2516, 2648, 2672, 2797, 2908, 2963, 3017 (2), 3192, 3235, 3247, 3338, 3457. letters dated at, 568, 1197, 1213, 1226, 1229, 1241, 1245, 1252, 1258, 1279, 1285, 1288– 9, 1293, 1303, 1306, 1308–9, 1311, 1322, 1333-5, 1336, 1338, 1343-4, 1350, 1353, 1430, 1434, 1436-7, 1448, 1456, 1468-70, 1476, 1481, 1764, 1774, 1792-3, 1797, 1820-1, 1825, 1830, 1887, 1895-6, 1923, 1957-8, 1962–3, 1966-7, 1979, 2014, 2022, 2038, 2047, 2063, 2068-9, 2074, 2083, 2093, 2106, 2113- 4, 2123-4, 2608, 2633-4, 2665, 2781, 2985, 2994, 3014, 3035, 3046, 3051-2, 3079, 3082, 3113, 3116, 3153, 3174, 3246, 3263-4, 3329, 3339, 3345, 3456, 3493, 3519-20, 3573. master of the Posts. See Taxis. Spaniards in, 3174. Brussels armourers, p. 1497. Brusset, Anthoine, letter from, 1961. Brutenell. See Brudenell. Bruton (Drynton, Brynton), Soms., 438 (2 m. 19):—p. 1543, • priory, 438 (3 m. 4):-g. 833 (64). • prior. See Gilbert, W. 833 (64). made an abbey, g. Bruwarn. See Brewern. Bruxcellis in Swave. See Bruch- sal. Bruxe, M., 3031. Bruyn. See Brewyn. Bryansaham. See Askham Brian. Bryanston (Bryerston), Dors., 438 (4 m. 5). Bryche, Henry, 20 (p. 17). Bryculsaye. See Brightlingsea. Bryd. See Bird. Brydwyll. See Bridwell. Bryenton. See Brington. Brygeford. See Bridgeford. Bryges. See Bruges. Brygge, Linc. See Glamford Brigg. Brygus, George, 683. Bryhall, Herts, 438 (3 m. 18). Brykenhed. See Birkenhead. Brykheved. See Birkenhead. Brykkelsey. See Brightlingsea. Bryknell. See Brudenell. Brykston. See Brixton. Brykylsey. See Brightlingsea. Brykys. See Briggs. Brymley, Midd. See Bromley. Brymley, 559 (p. 327). Brymmesfeld. See Brimpsfield. Brymmesgrove. See Bromsgrove. Brymmore. See Breamore. Brymston. See Brinstow. Brymstone, Th., 438 (4 m. 15). Brymyngeham. See Birmingham. Bryn, in Ireland. See Brinny. Bryn (Brynne, Bynne), Lanc. [in Winwick], 438 (4 m. 14). Bryne, Ant., rector of Gresford, g. 357 (29), 804 (2). (Brime), John, 1524. canon, p. (Bryn, Brynne, Brene, Brime), Th., 438 (2 m. 23). Brynketon. See Brington. Brynkle, Gilbert, g. 1221 (4). Brynne. See Bourne. Brynton. See Bruton. Bryonnes, Pierre de, a Castilian, 3428. Brysco. See Breisgau. Brysell. See Bregilles. Brysigella, Babonus, 1071 (p. 517). Brystall. See Burstall. Brystewyke. See Burstwick. Bryswod, Wm., merchant of the Staple, 3144. Brysyngham. See Bressingham. Bryxsyn. See Brixen. Bua, Mercurio, in Venetian service, 2352 (2), 3396. GENERAL INDEX 67 Bubwith, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 5 ? with "):-g. 519 (39). Buk- Bucaurin, Louis Zefirus, p. 1526. Bucheer, Guillaume, French pri- soner, p. 928. Buchrson, Ric., p. 1526. toun ? Bicker- Buckby (Bukby), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 6):-g. 969 (24). Buckby (Bugby), Long-(Longbukby), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 6):-g. 257 (32). Buckby (Bukbe) Magna, Ntht., 438 (3 m. 12). Buckden (Bukden), Hunts, 438 (3 m. 3). letter dated at, g. 1462 (1 ii.). Buckeley, Ric., g. 563 (18). Buckenham (Bokenham Castell), Norf., 438 (4 m. 18), 1803 (1 m. 1). Buckenham (Bokenham) Norf., 438 (2 m. 8). Ferry, Buckenham (Bokenham, Buknam, Bokynham), Anne, 20 (pp. 11, 17):-g. 414 (72), 638 (8). (Bokenham, Buknam), Wm., clk., p. 1534. Bucker, Wm., purser, 2305 iii. ter. Buckfast or Buckfast Leigh (Bokfast, Bukfast Light), Devon, 438 (3 mm. 9, 22). abbey, g. 1123 (25). 381 (62). confirmation for, g. John abbot of, 438 (3 m. 9). Buckhold (Bukkeholt), Suss., 438 (3 m. 1). Buckholt (Bukholt) Forest, Hants, g. 447 (25). Buckholt (Bukhold) Forest, Wilts, 438 (3 m. 30). Buckhorn Weston, Dors., 438 (4 m. 26). Buckhurst (Bukherst), Berks, 438 (3 m. 20). Buckingham (Bukyngham), 438 (2 mm. 8, 32), 438 (3 m. 3) :—g. 1316 (15). pardon to the burgesses, 1803 (2 m. 4). town weights and measures, 45. Buckingham, archdeaconry of, 438 (4 m. 19). Buckingham, Sir Edward Stafford duke of, K.G., 20 (pp. 14, 21), 37, 82 (5), 157, 205, 341–2, 368, 438 (3 mm. 10, 29), 442, 474, 476, 851, 963, 1024, 1046, 1176, 1484, 1803 (2 m. 1), 1899, 2051, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2252, 2391, 2480 (68), 3146, 3298, 3464, 3483: :-pp. 1534, Buckingham, Sir Edward Stafford duke of, K.G.-cont. 1537, 1538 bis, 1542, 1543 bis, 1544-5, 1547 bis :-g. 94 (87, 89), 257 (62), 289 (44), 357 (37, 41), 546 (37–8), 651 (34), 784 (16), 804 (8), 833 (5), 1083 (41), 1365 (19), 1524 (16), 2055 (107), 3049 (11), 3226 (3, 5). bailiffs' accounts, 1024. Great Constable and Great Steward of England for the Coronation, g. 94 (87, 89). signature of, 2252 :- g. 257 (62), 2055 (28, 71). sisters of, 474. Buckingham, Henry duke of (†1483), 438 (3 m. 29). Buckingham (Bukyngham), George, g. 833 (58 i.). Buckinghamshire or Bucks, g. 205 (p. 106), 1409 (2, 4, 6):—g. 190 (3), 218 (55), 257 (32), 381 (74), 833 (11), 969 (23, 51), 1123 (15), 1494 (9), 1662 (18, 45), 1804 (31 ii., 49), 2222 (16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (17, 79), 3408 (18), 3499 (12, 28). commission of the peace, p. 1534. Buckland (Bukland), Berks, g. 94 (51), 682 (8), 2055 (50). Buckland (Bukland), Bucks, g. 381 (55). Buckland (Bokelond) or B. Monacho- rum, Devon, 438 (4 m. 23) :- g. 1083 (2). abbey, 438 (4 m. 17):-g. 1083 (2). abbot. See White, T. Buckland (Bokelond), Hants, g. 1083 (2). Buckland (Bukland), Kent, 438 (2 m. 12). Buckland or Buckland Sororum or Minchin B. (Mynchynbroke- land), Soms., 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 34) :—g. 804 (52). nunnery, 438 (4 m. 29). confirmation for, g. 749 (15). Cecilia prioress of, 438 (4 m. 29). Buckland Brewer (Bokeland Bruer), Devon, 438 (4 m. 17). Buckland Dinham (Bokeland Den- ham), Soms., g. 546 (56). Buckland Ripers, Dors., 438 (2 m. 7). Buckland (Bukland), Gervaise, of the Stable, clerk of the Accatry, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). (Buklond, Buclond), Ric., 438 (4 m. 6). 68 GENERAL INDEX. Bucknell (Bignell, Bukenehul), Oxon, · • " 438 (4 m. 1). rector of, 1040. Bucknell (Buknell) woods, Ntht., g. 587 (10). Bucknell (Buknele), Joan, widow of Thomas, 438 (4 m. 9). Buckton (Bukton), Nthld., g. 1732 (33). Buctiler. See Butler. Bucton, Glouc. See Bitton. Budbrook, Warw., g. 2055 (129). Budde (Bude), Th., of Hewish, his account, 436. Buddes (Buddis, Budes), Fras., sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 707 (p. 383), 2480 (35), 3357. Budeley. See Bewdley. Budes. See Buddes. • Budleigh, East and West, Devon, hundreds of, g. 1083 (2). Budworth, Chesh., 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 2). Bugby. See Buckby. Bugge, —; of Dorset, g. 11 (10). Th., 438 (1 m. 26). Bugthorpe, prebend, in York cathe- dral, 1653. Builth (Beuelt, Buelth, Bilth, Beel- the), in the Marches of Wales, 438 (3 m. 33):-g. 749 (17), 1804 (1), 3324 (45). Buk (Bukke), Robert, principal of New Inn, 438 (3 m. 16). Wm., 438 (1 m. 19). Bukberd, Ralph, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 14):-g. 218 (35), 357 (7). Bukby, Th., 438 (2 m. 21). Bukenehul. See Bucknell. Bukhurst alias Godhurst [in Chig- well], Essex, g. 289 (16). Bukke, Rob., alias Bures, q.v. Bukkehold. See Buckhold. Bukkett, Wm., 438 (4 m. 10). Bukland. See Buckland. Bukley. See Bulkeley. Bukmer, Gregory, chief carpenter at Calais, g. 289 (48). Buknahams manor, Suff., g. 414 (30). Buknam. See Buckenham. Buknell. See Bucknell. Bukrigge. See Puckridge. Buksted. See Buxted. Bukton, Glouc. See Bitton. Bukwith. See Bubwith. Bukyngton. See Bickington. Bulbeke. See Bolebec. Bulcombe (Bulcome), Wm., 438 (3 m. 2) :—p. 1542. Bulde. See Bolde. Bulduke. See Bois le Duc. Bulgarini. See Burgarini, Bulkeley or Bulkley, Charles, g. 3499 (71). • Ric., yeoman of the Crown, 438 (1 m. 22). Rob., 438 (3 m. 28):-g. 833 (58 ii.), 2484 (17), 2964 (67). (Bukley, Bukeley), Roland, constable of Beaumaris, 438 (3 m. 27). Th., 2392 (p. 1063). Th., serjeant at arms, g. 94 (18). (Bukley), Wm., 438 (3 m. 27):-g. 1083 (46). Bulker. See Boker. Bulkey, Agnes, g. 924 (27). Bulkington, Wilts, 438 (4 m. 20). Bull or Bulle (Boyll, Buyll, Boill), Alex., 438 (2 m. 6). • • (Boll, Bolle), John, 3338:- g. 3324 (29), 3408 (26). John, of Southwell College, p. 1528. Ric., 874 (2), 3148, 3313 (6): p. 1505. (Boll), Rob., 1613. (Bole), Stephen or Sir Step- hen, ship captain, 438 (3 m. 19), 1260, 1414, 1453 (p. 663), 1463 viii., 1464, 1480, 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1844, 2304, 2478, 2652, 2686, 2738, 2842, 2938, 2946, 3513:—p. 1518. Stephen, trumpet, 2803. Wm., trumpet, 1778, 2803, 3320:―p. 1519. (Bulle or Bulla), Wm., mercer. See Bulley. Bullen. See Boleyn. Bullesover. See Bolsover. Bulley (Bulla, Bulle, Bullow), Wm., mercer, 438 (3 m. 20):-g. 414 (32), 784 (30), 1494 (22), 2055 (101). Bulleyn. See Boleyn. Bullington (Bolyngton, Bulyngton), Linc., priory, 438 (2 m. 21), 438 (3 m. 15). J. prior. See Jordane, Bullington (Bolyngton), hundred, Oxon, g. 94 (35). Bullock (Bulloke), John, 438 (2 m. 27). Th. alias Dekylburgh, prior of Mendham, 10). Wm., 3529. Bullow. See Bulley. 438 (4 m. Bullwell, Notts., g. 2684 (27). Bullyngbroke. See Bolingbroke. Bulman, John, 438 (2 m. 17). Bulmer (Bowmer), Yorks, rector of, 438 (4 m. 9). GENERAL INDEX. 69 Bulmer, Sir John, knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.). Sir Walter, g. 804 (21). Sir Wm., sheriff of Northum- berland, 2239, 2279, 2283–4, 2382, 2394, 2651, 3170:—p. 1547:-g. 257 (49, 88), 804 (29 v., x.),'833 (50 iv.), 969 (23), 1365 (3), 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 2772 (50), 3408 (33), 3499 (12). Bulsterd. See Bustard. Bulstrode, Mr., of Kent, 677. (Bolstrode), Edw., esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 29):—p. 1534. Margaret, 438 (3 m. 29). Ric., 438 (3 m. 29). Th., 2293. Walter, p. 1542. Wm., 20 (p. 15), 82 (pp. 38, 41), 312, 438 (2 m. 32), 1752-p. 1534 :—g. 132 (44), 2222 (16 Bucks.), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). Bulwick (Bulwyk), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 23). Buly, Th. See Bewley. Bumbill. See Bommel. Bumpstead Helion (Bumsted or Bomstede H.), Essex, 438 (1 m. 14). Bumpstead Steeple (B. at the Tower), Essex, 1803 (1 m. 1). Bunbry, John, g. 485 (19). Bunbury, Ric., g. 2137 (23). Bunche (Bunshe), John, purser, 2043, 3148:-p. 1548. Buncle, Wm., abbot of Kilwinning, q.v. Bungay (Bungey), Suff., 438 (1 m. 21), 438 (2 m. 32). nunnery, 438 (2 m. 32). prioress of. See Stevenson, E. Bunny (Boney), Yorks, vicar of, p. 1531. Bunowlte. See Benolt. Bunsall. See Bonsall. Bunshe. See Bunche. Buntanes. See Bontemps. Buntayn or Bountayn, Mr. John, clerk of the Counting House, the Queen's avener, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 41). Bunting, John, of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707. Wm., g. 2862 (7). William alias John Coden- ham, abbot of Bury St. Ed- munds, 205, 341, 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (4 m. 6), 963, 1046, 1661 (p. 752), 2765, 3464. Buntingsdale, Salop, 438 (4 m. 12). Burbage (Borbage), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 16). Burbank, Wm., servant of Cardinal Bainbridge, 3125, 3164, 3166, 3177, 3183, 3203-4, 3219, 3261, 3304: :—p. 1531. letters from, 3203–4. Burbone, M. de. See Bourbon, Charles duke of. Burborow. See Bourbourg. Burcestre. See Bicester. Burche. See Birch. Burde. See Bird. Burden, Wm., g. 158 (91). Burdett (Burdyte), Sir John, King's spear, ship captain, 1453 ii., v., 1661, 2480 (33) :—App. 26. John, p. 1546. Burdon, John, 1451. Rose, widow, loan to, 2712. Th., mayor of Calais (1508- 9), 193. Burdyews. See Bordeaux. Bures (Burys, Burrys, Bewers), Suff., 438 (3 m. 1), 438 (4 m. 21). Bures (Buresse), Rob. alias Bukke, 438 (3 m. 16 bis). Bureton. See Burton. Burford (Borefford, Burfard, or B. on the Wold), Oxon, 1803 (1 m. 3):-g. 682 (8). confirmation of charters for, g. 414 (42). the George inn, g. 519 (27). Burford, Salop, g. 1172 (22). Burford, Baron of. See Cornwall, Sir T. Burfyld Chace. See Stourfield. Burgany. See Abergavenny. Burgarini (Bergamini, Bulgarini, Bur garnus), the company, pp. 1521, 1526-7. Peter Francis, p. 1526. Burgate, Hants, 438 (3 m. 28):—g. 2964 (67). Burges in Flanders. See Bruges. Burges, co. Tipperary, p. 1524. Burges, John, draper, g. 784 (30). Burgestia. See Borrisoleigh. Burgevenny. See Abergavenny. Burgeys, Th., g. 833 (21). Burgh (Barowe, Borough), Norf., 438 (3 m. 4) :—g. 2617 (33). Burgh, Westmld., p. 1529. • vicar of, p. 1529. Burgh, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (2 m. 19). Burgh near Aylsham (Borough near Alesham), Norf., g. 924 (9), 2055 (95 iii.). rector presented, g. 158 (34). Burgh by Catrik. See Brough. Burgh (Borough) in le Mershe, Linc., 438 (2 mm. 20-1), 1803 (1 m. 3). 70 GENERAL INDEX. Burgh under Stanmore. See Brough. Burgh, Eliz., daughter of Wm., 438 (2 m. 19). • " John, g. 1948 (38). Ric., alias Johnson, q.v. Rob., 20 (p. 17). Wm., 438 (1 m. 19). See also Borough, and Brough. Burgham, Surr., 438 (2 m. 5). Burgham, Westinld. See Brougham. Burghchester. See Bicester. Burghe. See Brough. Burgherst. See Burwash. Burghfield (Birfeld, Byrfeld Abbot), Berks, 438 (1 m. 13) :—g. 257 (34), 1662 (11). Burghill, Heref., 1803 (1 m. 3). Burghill, Ric., g. 1804 (41). (Burghull), Wm., 438 (1 m. 22). Burght. See Borough. Burghton. See Bourton. Burghwell. See Burwell. Burghwey (Borowey), Nic., fish- monger, 438 (1 m. 2). Burgo, Andrea de. See Borgo, A. da. Thomas de. See Bourke. Burgon. See Burgoyne. Burgos (Borgus, Bwrgus, Bourges), in Spain, 993, 1108, 1119, 1197, 1326 (pp. 613, 617), 1509 (p. 696), 1511 (p. 699), 2131, 2459:-App. 26:—g. 885 (6), 1044 (3). letters &c. dated at, 864, 997, 1011, 1304, 1320, 1326 (p. 615), 1519. Burgovenny. See Abergavenny. Burgoyne, John, g. 1083 (14). (Burgon), Th., g. 2617 (17), 3499 (55). 1245, Wm., clk., p. 1534. Burgundians, horsemen in Henry VIII.'s service, 1241, 1252, 1569, 1630, 1639, 1713, 1932, 1934, 1950, 1962-3, 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2083, 2089, 2128 ("Hennuyers "), 2160, 2189, 2208, 2225, 2391 (p. 1059), 2414, 2835, 2877- 8, 2894, 2995, 3009, 3018 (p. 1302), 3056, 3082, 3257 :—g. 2684 (88). · 2995. book of payments, retainers, 1934. Burgundy (i.e. Franche Comté) and Burgundians, 406,446,565,572, 578, 590, 982, 1102, 1301 (pp. 594, 596), 1309, 1311, 1334, 1370, 1434, 1447, 1456, 1559, 1658, 1665 (p. 765), 1741, 1866, 1884 (pp. 858-9), 2056, 2063, Burgundy and Burgundians—cont. 2074, 2079, 2083, 2101, 2113, 2115, 2144, 2198, 2203–4, 2225, 2230, 2259, 2396, 2495, 2532, 2597, 2633, 2646, 2705, 2748, 2841, 3018 (p. 1302), • • 3210, 3417 (p. 1437). duke of. See Charles. marshal of. See Vergy. president [of the parliament] of. See Gattinara, M. de. Burgundy, House of, 13, 84, 325 (2), 568, 1557, 1679, 2613–14, 2646, 2670, 2756, 2985. chancellor of, letter to, 660. Senate of. See Flanders. Burgus Novus. See under Blois. Burlace (Borlase, Burlas Burges), Cornw., 438 (3 m. 22), 438 (4 m. 9). Burlace (Borlase, Burlaas Burlas), Ric., 438 (4 m. 9). .. (Burlas, Burlaas, Borlas), Th., 438 (3 m. 22). Burlescombe (Burscum), Devon, 438 (2 m. 23). Burlewe, 2383. Burley, Hants, g. 2484 (6). Burley, Rutl., 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (3 m. 23). Burley Lodge, Leic., 438 (4 m. 1). Burley (Burlee), John, gentleman usher, 438 (3 m. 15):—g. 1083 (39). Burlton (Burleton), Heref., 1803 (1 m. 2). Burlyng. See Birling. Burman, John, vicar of Ashby [Canons Ashby ?], 1410. Burn (Burne), Yorks, g. 833 (51). Burn, John, subprior of Whitby, g. 2861 (35). Burnand (Birnaund), George, 1493. Burne, Linc. See Bourne. Burne, Baron de. See Bearn. John. See Burnett. Burneby, Th., g. 2055 (23). Burnell, Henry, 438 (4 m. 22). John, 438 (4 m. 22). Burnett, Henry, p. 1549. (Burneytt, Burne), John, 438 (2 mm. 4, 7), 1505. Burnham, Bucks, nunnery, confirma- tion for, g. 1494 (43). vicar of, p. 1527. Burnham, Essex, 438 (4 m. 20). Burnham, Norf., 1803 (2 m. 6). Carmelite Friars, 438 (4 m. 9). ham, J. prior. See Faken- Polsted Hall, g. 969 (30). Burnham Broom (Barnhambrowne), Norf., g. 2617 (37). GENERAL INDEX. 71 Burnley (Borunley, Bourneley), Lanc., 438 (2 m. 11). Burnorius. See Gambara. Burntone, Wm. de, g. 519 (42). Burpham (Bargham), Suss., 559 :— g. 709 (59). Burradon (Boroughdon), 438 (3 m. 25). Nthld., Burre, Th., g. 604 (48). Burrington (Bereton, Beryton), Heref., 438 (2 m. 22). Burrowe, Ntht. See Peterborough. Burrys or Burys. See Bures. Burslem (Bursleym), Staff., 438 (2 m. 6). Burstall (Brystall), Yorks, 496. Burstall, John, g. 1602 (42). Burston, Norf., g. 257 (6), 2964 (20, 52). Burston, John, g. 11 (10). Th., pardon for, g. 218 (41). Burstwick (Brystewyke), 438 (4 m. 6). Yorks, Bursy, Arnold, shipmaster, 2938 ii. Burtergill (Burtrygill), 1803 (2 m. 1). Westmld., Burthorp, Linc., g. 2684 (2). Burton, Berks. See Bourton. Burton (Bureton), Chesh., 438 (3 m. 9). Burton, co. Denbigh [in Gresford parish], g. 731 (45). Burton, Linc., 1803 (1 m. 4). Burton (Burton Fery), co. Pembroke, rector of, g. 132 (79). Burton, Staff., g. 709 (22). Burton, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 26). Burton Agnes (Annes Burton), Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 4, 24):—g. 651 (25), 1494 (2). Burton, Bishop's- (Bysshopburton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 17). Burton Bradstock (Byrton), Dors., 438 (1 m. 3). Burton upon Dunsmore, Warw., rector of, p. 1523. Burton Joyce (Burtonyose), Notts, 438 (4 m. 14). Burton Latymer, Ntht., g. 587 (10). Nether manor and Prior's manor in, g. 1083 (41). Burton Lazars, Leic., hospital, 1525, 2536. confirmation for, g. 485 (11). master of. See Nor- ton, T. Burton Stather, Linc., 438 (2 m. 32). Burton upon Trent, Staff. and Derb., 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 11). abbey, abbot of. See Beene, W. 414 (39). confirmation for, g. Burton, West- (B. next Sturton), Notts, 438 (1 m. 22). Burton Wood (Burtenwode), Lanc., 438 (3 m. 33), 438 (4 m. 16). Burton, -, servant to the Earl of Oxford, 1905. Davy, gentleman of the Chapel, 707 :-g. 857 (13), 1170 (2). Edmond, 438 (4 m. 22) :—p. 1548 g. 587 (21). (Borton), Eliz., 20 (p. 17):- g. 3324 (13). James, of the Guard, 20 (p. 15). John, 20 (p. 13), 438 (1 m. 20):—g. 132 (51), 833 (41), 969 (77). John, prior of St. Frides- wide's, Oxford, g. 1804 (5), 1968 (22), 2055 (35). Sir John, App. 26. Ric., p. 1541 :-g. 1494 (9), 1662 (23). Rob., 438 (2 m. 7) :—g. 132 (26). Roger, 82 (p. 42). Th., 82 (p. 41):—g. 94 (10). Burward (Burghward), John, 438 (3 m. 5). Burwash (Burghwasse, Burgherst), Suss., 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 10), 559 (?“Barerch"). Burwell (Burghwell, Borewell, Bor- well, Burvell), Wm., King's plumber, &c., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 438 (3 m. Î1), 438 (4 m. 9), 1032 (2), 2540:—p. 1513:—g. 132 (30), 924 (21). declaration by, 1982. Burwcde (Barwod), John, 438 (4 m. 7). Bury (Bery), Lanc., 438 (1 m. 12). Bury St. Edmunds (Bury, Bery), 438 (1 mm. 6, 7, 13, 25), 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (3 mm. 18, 31 bis), 438 (4 mm. 1, 5, 24), 1661 (p. 752), 1803 (2 m. 3):—g. 969 (13), 1221 (4). abbey, 438 (2 m. 32):-p. 1528:―g. 94 (35), 414 (72), 546 (17), 632 (8), 1044 (20), 1948 (4), 2861 (25). abbot. See Bunting, W.; Melford, J. election of abbot, g. 1732 (50), 1836 (6), 1948 (88). Bury (Bery, Berrey), Edmond, 438 (3 m. 4): p. 1542 :—g. 132 (26). (Bery), John, p. 1534:—g. 969 (70), 1221 (21), 1462 (15) 2772 (39). Lewis, g. 414 (29), 1123 (22). Philip, g. 257 (14). Ric., 438 (1 m. 22). 72 GENERAL INDEX. Bury-cont. (Bery, Berry, Burry, Bary, Barry), Th., 438 (2 m. 23), 1803 (2 m. 5). See Notes and Errata, No. 784. Sir Th., 2053 (5). Misread- ing of Lucy, q.v. Busby, Yorks, g. 519 (52). Busby (Busbe, Bushby, Bussheby), Andrew, 438 (1 m. 5). Wm., rector of St. Mary's, Hoo, g. 731 (25). Busche or Bussche, Sir Miles. See Bussy. Buselles, in Brabant, g. 357 (11). Buser, Hans, captain of Germans, 2220. Bush (Busshy, Bussh, Bushe, Bussy), Edm., p. 1540 :—g. 132 (65), 257 (49), 969 (52), 1524 (40). (Busshe), Sir Edmond, g. 632 (26). (Bussy), Sir Hugh, 438 (3 m. 11). (Busshe, Bussche, Busche, Busshy), Sir Miles, 438 (3 m. 11), 1661 (3, 4 p. 752) :—pp. 1518, 1540:—g. 132 (65), 2222 (16 Linc.). (Busshe), Miles, clk., canon of Llandewi Brefi, g. 132 (12). (Busshe, Bosshe), Th., 438 (3 m. 16). (Busshe), Wm. or Sir Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 :-p. 1540 g. 731 (31), 3499 (44). Bushley (Bussheley), Worc., g. 1524 (47). Bushmead (Busshemede) priory, 438 (3 m. 18). prior. See Norwich, G. Bushy. See Bussy; also Bush. Busi. See Bussy. Buskegage, Suss., g. 289 (13), 2863 (10). Busleiden, Jerome, letter from, 967. Buslingthorp, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 14). Bussaige, M. de. See Bouchage. Busse. See Bois le Duc. Busset, letters from, 1277 passim, 1301 passim. Busshe. See Bush. Bussheby. See Busby. Bussheler, Wm., 2738. Busshell, Roger, g. 924 (37). Bussheme. See Rushmore. Busshey, Herts, g. 833 (14), 1415 (3). Bussici, Dominic, a Stradiot, 1071 (p. 518). Bussy. See Bush. Bussy (Busi, Bushy), M. de, taken prisoner at Guinegate, 1301 (p. 598), 2173 (3), 2230, 2237, 2254 ii., 2392 iii. Busta a Turkish naval commander, 1604. Bustard (Bulsterd, Busterd), John, p. 1542. Bustelsham. See Bisham. Buston, High and Low, Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Butchers, 438 (1 mm. 2, 4, 19, 22, 23), 438 (2 mm. 5, 10, 24 bis, 25, 30, 32, 33 bis), 438 (3 mm. 3, 6 bis, 18, 29), 438 (4 mm. 1, 4, 6, 16, 24, 25), 1416, 1803 (mm. 1 ter, 2, 4, 6 bis), 1803 (2 m. 2):—p. 1496:-g. 784 (19), 1083 (14), 1221 (14), 1494 (11), 1602 (9), 3049 (12). See Butts. Bute. Bute, in Scotland, rectory of, 1348. Buthaven, in Scotland, 3349 (p. 1411). Butleigh (Botely, Butcley), Soms. 438 (2 m. 31), 1803 (2 m. 6). —, 1493 v. Butler, (Botyller), Mrs., 82 (pp. 38, 41). (Butteler), Agnes, g. 158 (15). (Boteler), Alice, g. 651 (8). (Rutile), Edmund, clk., p. 1530. (Botyller), Eliz., 438 (3 mm. 7, 15). (Boteler, Botler, Botteler), George, 438 (3 m. 17). (Butteler), Henry, g. 2055 (10). Humphrey, 2392 (p. 1063). (Boteler, Boteller), James, 438 (4 m. 21). James, clk., g. 11 (10). (Buctiler), James, prior of Athassel, p. 1525. (Boteler, Botler, Butteler), John, of Solihull, 20 (p. 16), 438 (1 mm. 4, 15), 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 10), 1803 (1 m. 4), 1803 (2 m. 6), 2537:-g. 218 (12), 1221 (30), 1836 (18). (Botiller), John, justice of Common Pleas, 82 (p. 39), 205 (p. 106), 315, 341, 963, 1046, 2787, 3464 (2):—pp. 1536–7, 1538 bis, 1540, 1544-5:—g. 11 (5), 132 (48), 218 (1), 257 (85), 381 (39), 519 (44), 546 (41, 47), 709 (34, 62), 833 (2), 924 (14), 1266 (41), 1316 (14), 1662 (1), 1732 (2, 16, 25), 1948 (10), 2055 (114), 2137 (11), 2222 (16 Herts), 2484 (15, 27), 2684 (9), 3049 (26). (85). signature of, g. 257 Maurice, serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42). .., Piers, 82 (p. 42). (Boteler), Philip, g. 3408 (20). (Boteler), Ralph, g. 651 (8). GENERAL INDEX. 73 Butler-cont. (Boteller, Boteler), Roger, g. 969 (60). (Botiller, Botele), Th., 20 (p, 19), 82 (p. 40), 438 (3 m. 13), 1803 (2 m. 3)':—g. 132 (7). Thomas, earl of Ormond, q.v. Sir Th., 20 (p. 16). Walter, butler, 438 (2 m. 5). (Butteler), Wm., g. 11 (10), 1316 (4). (Buttlar), Wm., alderman, 438 (3 m. 7).. ., Wm., canon of Windsor, 781. (Botyller, Butteler), Wm., serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 707, 1450 (p. 661):—g. 190 (16), 784 (50), 3107 (3). Butlerage and prisage, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 3107 (20). accounts, 184, 577, 874, 1405, 2314, 3313. Butlers (buttelers), 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (3 m. 18). Butlery, the office of the, 438 (1 m. 9). Butley (Butlegh, Buttley), Suff., priory, 438 (1 m. 8). R. prior. See Breamore, election of prior, g. 94 (106), 132 (76), 289 (28). Butrigario, Goleaz, Papal nuncio to Spain, 2595. Butteler. See Butler. Butter, Rob., g. 2137 (27). Buttercrambe (Buttercamp), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 6) :—g. 94 (67), 132 (115), 289 (5). Butterwick, Linc., 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 18), 1803 (1 m. 5). Buttes, John, auditor, 1024: -g. 485 (58). (Butte, Bute, Buttis), Walter, 438 (4 m. 23). Buttill or Buttle, John, 20 (p. 16): -g. 1003 (13), 2484 (31). Buttlesden. See Biddlesden. Button, James, g. 519 (24). Ric., g. 519 (24). (Buttun), Roger, 438 (2 m. 10). Buttrey. See Botry. Buwlew. See Beaulieu. Buxhall (Buxale), Suff., 438 (1 m. 4):—g. 414 (30). Buxted (Buksted), Suss., 438 (2 mm. 13, 23). See Notes and Errata, No. 784. Buxton, Norf., 438 (1 m. 17). Buyll. See Bull. Byarne. See Bearn. Byburgh, Devon, 438 (2 m. 7). Byde. See Hyde. Bydenham. See Biddenham. Bye. See Lea. Byerd, Rob., messenger, 20 (p. 16). Byerne. See Bearn. Byernesys. See Bearn. Byeul (Beule, Byoul), Georges, French prisoner, 2172:- p. 928. Byfield (Byfeld), Ntht., 438 (4 m. 10). • rector of, 438 (4 m. 6). Byfleet (Biflete), Surr., 1803 (1 m. 6):—g. 1602 (26). Bygod, John, 1363. (Bigott), Sir Ralph, g. 257 (49). Bygrave (Bigrave), Herts, 438 (1 m. 19). rector of, p. 1528. Byhobya. See Behobia. Byker, Linc., g. 1266 (9). Bykerton. See Bickerton. Bykford, John, 1803 (2 m. 4). Bykkerston. See Bixton. Bykley, 2392. Byknell. See Bickenhill. Bykton. See Bickton. Bykylswade. See Biggleswade. Bykynton. See Bickington. Byland abbey, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (4 m. 15). abbot. See Farlington, John. confirmation for, g. 632 (34). Bylby. See Beilby. Bylby, John, g. 2222 (16 Yorks). Bylde, Ove, Chancellor of Denmark, letter to, 2731. Byle. See Boyle. Byleby. See Beilby. Byley. See Beeley. Byllerne, Wm., clk., 438 (1 m. 11). Byllesthorp. See Belmesthorpe. Bylly. See Beverley. Bylston, Suff. See Bildeston. Bymaker. See Bennecar. Byndon. See Bendon. Byndon abbey, Dors., g. 1524 (11). Byndre. See Dindor. Byng, John, g. 2484 (5). Bynne. See Bryn. Byoul. See Byeul. Byrchayn, Friar Adam, 2090. Byrdlyngton. See Bridlington. Byreport. See Bridport. Byrfeld. See Burghfield. Byrley, John, a demi-lance, 1450 (p. 4661). Byrn, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 10). Byrner, Wm., g. 2055 (49). Byron, Joan widow of Sir Nicholas, 438 (4 m. 14). • (Biron, Diron), John, 1176 (3), 1661 (4):—p. 1542:—g. 804 74 GENERAL INDEX. Byron, John--cont. (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.), 969 (23), 1524 (18), 1732 (49), 2222 (16 Notts), 2861 (7). Byrton, Dors. See Burton Brad- stock. Byry, Ralph, vicar of St. James's, Shaftesbury, p. 1531. Bys, John à. See Avys. Byset. See Bisset. Bysquey. See Biscay. Byssey. See Bisley. Bysshopereton, Devon. See Cheri- ton. Byssy,, a Fleming, 2383. Bystley. See Bisley. Bythe More, Roger, 1803 (2 m. 3). Bythesee (Bithesee), Rob., g. 2484 (23). Byton. See Beighton. Bytteyne, Jasper, dit Paris, French prisoner, p. 928. Bywell, Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). See also Diwell. Byxster, Suss., 1803 (2 m. 1). C Caa or Cae, Wm., 438 (2 m. 5). Cabanillas, Hieronymo de, Spanish ambassador in France, 261, 325, 329 (pp. 148, 150), 333, 572, 854, 858, 867, 983, 1119, 1127, 1257 (2):—App. 10. letter from, 572. letter to, 261 :—App. 6. Cabra, Count de, 6 (p. 5). Cabrieres, in France, 3344. Caceres (Casserys), Francisca de, wife of Francisco Grimaldo, 474, 2120, 2131. Cacheman or Cachemay, Ph., g. 132 (68), 587 (12). Cachmayd (Catchmay), John, page of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13). (Chachemay, Chacchemew, Cachemewe), Ric., page and groom of the Chamber, 228, 640, 707 (p. 383), 2480 (29): g. 381 (29), 632 (74), 651 (23), 1316 (47). Caddington, Beds, prebend of C. Major, in St. Paul's, London, g. 3499 (10). Cadebury, Th., p. 1517. Cadherne, Henry, g. 731 (57). Cadiov, Wm., rector of Brinkley, g. 2422 (2). Cadiz (Gwaides, Calles, Cadys), in Spain, 730, 1321, 1326 (p. 617), 1883. letters dated at, 787, 795. Cadney, Linc., 438 (4 m. 14). Cadogan, Th., 438 (3 m. 24). Caen, in Normandy, 1594. letter dated at, 1201. Caenoncle. See Canoncle. Caen stone (Canestones), g. 1494 (21). Caerdegok, co. Anglesea, 438 (1 m. 22). Caerleon (Kaerlyon, Carlion Kar- lyon), co. Monmouth, g. 54 (31, 35–6), 190 (6), 381 (1), 447 (19), 485 (37), 784 (21), 924 (11), 1804 (42), 2964 (12). Caermarthen county, g. 414 (56), 749 (17). Caermarthen (Kermerdyn), town, confirmation for, g. 414 (57). Caernarvon, g. 784 (45). Caerwent (Carewent), co. Monmouth, 438 (1 m. 22). Caestres. See Castres. Cafe. See Cave. Caherelly (Rayrillei, Rayralley), co. Limerick, p. 1530. Cahors. See Oulx. Cailwey. See Kelway. Cairo, in Egypt, 1002, 1522. Caister (Castre, Caster Bardolf), Norf., 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (2 m. 24) :- g. 833 (46). Caistor (Castre), Linc., g. 190 (13, 14). Caithness (Catnes), bp. of. See Stewart, A. Caithness, Wm. St. Clair earl of, slain at Flodden, 2313. Cakrowe. See Carrow. Calabria, Ferdinand duke of, son of Frederic king of Naples († 1504), 1511. See Calibut. Calabut. Calais (Calesse, Calise, Kales), 110, 168, 193, 214, 261, 438 (1 mm. 1, 5, 8), 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 mm. 19 bis, 22, 30 bis, 32), 438 (4 mm. 2, 6 bis, 19, 29), 535, 568, 592, 791, 878, 1004, 1032 (5), 1055, 1087, 1201, 1216, 1233, 1237, 1241, 1258, 1265 (p. 580), 1279, 1285, 1291, 1307, 1321- 2, 1344 (p. 625), 1377, 1413, 1420, 1424, 1461, 1463, 1500, 1551, 1559, 1643, 1679, 1715, 1725, 1812, 1821, 1834, 1848, 1863, 1869 vii., 1876, 1891 (2), 1899, 1902, 1912, 1921, 1937, 1942, 1962-3, 1970, 2009-10, 2014, 2028, 2037, 2054 (2), 2057, 2061, 2063–5, 2069,2073, GENERAL INDEX. 75 Calais-cont. 2078, 2081, 2092, 2120, 2126, 2132, 2147, 2163, 2179, 2185, 2220-1, 2226-7, 2257, 2269, 2273, 2278, 2305 ii., iii., 2308, 2375-6, 2378, 2380, 2391, 2397, 2404, 2413, 2451, 2478 (2, 3), 2480, 2483, 2493, 2510, 2540, 2542, 2544 ii., 2562, 2604, 2609, 2611, 2633, 2650, 2656, 2678, 2685, 2693, 2741, 2765, 2768 (2), 2781, 2797, 2809, 2811-12, 2832 (v., vi.), 2833-4, 2849, 2853, 2865, 2875, 2877-8, 2888, 2894, 2934, 2946, 2951, 2972, 2983, 3009, 3018 (p. 1302), 3041, 3048, 3085, 3090, 3135, 3137 (16), 3173–4, 3178, 3210, 3222, 3228, 3246, 3257, 3272, 3298, 3329, 3331, 3338, 3411, 3421, 3424, 3427, 3456, 3501, 3506, 3513 (2), 3539, 3555, 3565, 3567, 3578, 3595:-pp. 1505, 1508-11, 1514, 1516-7 :—g. 11 (12), 94 (59), 132 (53, 94-5), 158 (30), 190 (34), 257 (13, 22), 381 (41), 447 (3, 14-5), 449 (10, 19), 519 (12, 16), 651 (17), 682 (6, 39), 709 (42), 751 (2), 784 (25), 833 (71), 1221 (11), 1316 (40-1), 1365 (16), 1804 (47), 2055 (11), 2222 (11), 2422 (4), 2535 (22), 2617 (31), 2772 (5, 55), 3408 (26, 37), 3499 (77). confirmation of charters for, g. 414 (40). grants dated at, g. 2137 (21, 27), 2222 (3, 5–7, 11), 2484 (14), 2535 (18). letters &c., dated at, 170, 723, 1567, 1815, 1853, 1865, 1871, 1890-1, 1901, 1908, 2082, 2089-90, 2098, 2100, 2112, 2385, 2470, 2556, 2593, 2643, 2673, 2767, 2854, 2974, 2983, 3087, 3144. alderman, 438 (3 m. 16). artillerist. See Cliff, R. artillery and springald at, 193. bailiff of the scunage, g. 969 (35). See Culpeper, W. bill-money," g. 94 (110), 193 (p. 99), 1804 (53). captain of the castle. See Carew, Sir Ric. chief carpenter, g. (48). See Bukmer, G. 289 chief mason, g. 289 (49). See Baker, J. chief smith, g. 381 (10). See Dowsyn, J. Calais-cont. clerk of the council, g. 604 (47). See Lathbury, R.; Tuke, B. clerk of the works. Deacon, Th. See collector of quit rents, 878:- g. 158 (28), 604 (5). See Eng- lish, T.; Pawne, W. comptroller of, g. 190 (39), 218 (4), 257 (4), 2222 (7). See Wiltshire, Sir J. council of, 193 (pp. 101, 103), 2786, 2854. customer of, g. 94 (94). See Smith, R.; also Vaughan, W. > customer at Lanterngate. at_ See Bingham, J. Deputy of, 175, 194 :-g. 190 (39), 2222 (7). See Talbot, Sir G.; Wingfield, Sir Ric. "devours or dues of, g. 54 (82), 94 (34, 94), 289 (34), 357 (8). dyke keepers, 193 (p. 101). Englishmen at, 713. espial money, 193 (p. 102):- g. 190 (39). exchange in, 193 (p. 100). fortifications, 1463 xiii. garrisons of. See below, retinue. keeper of the Exchange or foreign exchanges, g. 132 (92), 833 (62), 1266 (32). See Boleyn, Sir T.; Ardisono, G. king's rents, 193. lieutenant of, 193 (pp. 99, 101-2), 3338 (2):-g. 190 (39). marshal of, 1887:-g. 190 (39), 447 (31), 969 (48), 2222 (6, 7). See Meryng, Sir W.; Wingfield, Sir Richard and Sir Robert. and master of artillery ordnance, g. 218 (62). See Somerset, A. master carpenter of, g. 2535 (21). mayor of (appointed 4 Aug. yearly), 438 ˜¯(1 m. 24), 438 (3 m. 19):-g. 3226 (17). See Burdon, T. (1508–9); Chafer, R. (1511-12); Prowde, T. (1512-13); Cuttures, R. de (1513-14). mint (and cinerage of money) in, 193 (p. 100). See also Mint. porter (master porter) of, 1803 (1 m. 2), 2375 :—g. 190 (39), 447 (12), 2222 (7). 76 GENERAL INDEX. Calais, porter of-cont. See Carew, Sir R.; Wotton, R. receiver of, 438 (1 m. 23). retinue (soldiers, garrison, spears, &c.) of, 193 (2), 438 (1 mm. 22, 24-5), 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (3 mm. 16 bis, 17, 20, 23), 440, 589 (2–4), 634, 1803 (2 m. 1), 1887, 2049, 2053 (3), 2179, 2425, 2607, 2673, 2786, 2954:―g. 190 (34), 1805 (1). musters, g. 190 (34). spears, g. 218 (62), 651 (17), 833 (36, 66-7), 857 (10), 1524 (9), 2055 (62), 2684 (30, 40), 2861 (15), 3324 (19). spears and archers on horseback named, 2049. revenues, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2684 (30, 40). See searcher, g. 749 (1). Redmayn, A.; Davy, W. ; Clerk, J. secretary. See Benolt, J. soldiers, g. 447 (3), 749 (25), 833 (71), 1804 (53, 58), 2222 (7). Staple, merchants of the (collectively), 438 (1 m. 16), 440, 634, 876, 1715, 1752, 1921, 1940, 2211, 2787, 2954: g. 709 (14), 1170 (11), 1494 (13), 1662 (13), 1948 (31, 74), 2055 (101–2), 2964 (48), 3107 (2, 20), 3226 (14, 29). account of wool ship- ments, 1752. confirmation of char- ters, g. 519 (29). grants to, g. 546 (5), 2222 (1). dispute with Merchant Adventurers, 1032. lieutenant of, 2673. merchants of the, 193 (pp. 101-3), 438 (1 mm. 2, 3, 5, 16 ter, 18, 19 quater, 22), 438 (2 mm. 13 quater, 15, 20— 2, 25), 438 (3 mm. 2 bis, 3, 4, 5 bis, 7, 8, 10 bis, 11 ter, 12, 14 ter, 16 ter, 19, 20 bis, 23-4, 28, 29 bis, 32 ter, 33, 34), 438 (4 mm. 3, 7, 8 bis, 19, 22-3, 27, 29), 872, 1032, 1385, 1803 (2 mm. 1, 5), 2812, 2832 v., vi., 3385-pp. 1507, 1509- 10, 1515, 1519:-g. 485 (10), 784 (27), 924 (7), 1221 (4, 38), 1316 (39), 2137 (16), 2684 (31), 2772 (41), 2964 (48), 3499 (38). ...., mayor, 1032 (8). • solicitor of, 438 (1 m. 17), 1803 (1 m. 6). steward of, 438 (3 m. 15). Calais-cont. • sub-marshal marshal, q.v. or under- .., surveyor of works. See Nele, A.; Briswood, W. · treasurer of, g. 190 (39), 218 (4, 15), 257 (4), 833 (47), 1804 (10), 2222 (7), 3107 (20), 3408 (9). See Conway, Sir H. treasurer's accounts, 3595. See under Conway, Sir H. treasurer's seal, 193 (p. 100). under-marshal or vice- marshal of, g. 190 (39). See Culpeper, W. victualling of, 1150:- -g. 1804 (22). water-bailiff, g. 94 (6), 1221 (46). See Cokeson, J. weigher or wool-weigher of, 1803 (2 m. 5):--g. 1804 (44). works at, account, 582. places in and near : Balingham (Bavelingham), 193 (pp. 100, 103-4), 214:-g. 709 (14), 1948 (31). rector presented, g. 731 (53). Brewhouses (the King's), 2675. Calkewell. Coquelle. See below Carmelite Friars, 193 (p. 102). Castle, 1961, 2656 (3):—g. 190 (34). lieutenant of, 170, 405-g. 414 (59), 2484 (29). See Carew, Sir R. Castle Hill, 193. Colne Island, 193 :-g. 969 (35). Coquelle (Calkewell, Calk- well), 2112, 2380, 2391. Elveringham or Evering- ham. See below, Herve- linghen. Exchequer, 2482. Fisherstrete, g. 257 (51). Froyton. See Fréthun. Hemp Street, g. 546 (5). Hervelinghen (Elvering- ham, Everingham, Over- ingham), rector present- ed, g. 731 (43), 1003 (21), 1494 (56). Lantern (Lantron) Gate, customer at, 1921 :-g. 1083 (6). Le Lede, g. 1804 (58). Marke, rectory of, g. 54 (16). Marke (Merke) and Oye, lordships of, 193 (pp. 100, 104), 582, 589 (p. 339), GENERAL INDEX. 77 Calais, places in and near: Marke and Oye, lordships of-cont. 1715, 2483, 2593, 2834, 2888, 3222, 3317:-g. 190 (39), 546 (2), 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2222 (7). beadle, g. 833 (67). See Cokeson, W. confirmation for the inhabitants, g. 381 (72). Mill Hill, 193. Netylbed Tenements, g. 833 (66). Newenham, sluice and turn- pike at, 193 (p. 101). (Neunham) Bridge, 193 (p. 101), 2392 (p. 1063), 2834, 3222. , collector of tolls, g. 749 (25), 1804 (58). Newhaven, 193 (p. 99): g. 749 (1), 1221 (46). Overingham. See above, Hervelinghen. Oye. See Marke and Oye. Pitta church, 2391 (p. 1061). Richard II's chantry, 2854. Roper Lane, g. 546 (5). Ruysbank tower, 193 (p. 100), 716, 1871, 2959. lieutenant of, g. 54 (17). See Knight, R. ; Peachy, Sir J. St. Blaise, rector presented, g. 218 (20), 3324 (17). St. Mary's, 2295, 2391 (p. 1058), 2483. rector presented, g. 289 (37). St. Nichasius, rector pre- sented, g. 804 (37). St. Nicholas, 1057-8), 3457. (15). 2391 (pp. rectory of, g. 54 St. Peter's or St. Peter le Stones, 3411, 3424, 3430:-g. 1804 (58). Sangatte (Sandegate), 193 (pp. 100, 103-4), 214, 589 (p. 339), 3338:- g. 519 (12), 709 (14), 1948 (31). bailiff of. Cheyny, R. Scunage, (58). See 193 :-g. 1804 Staple Inn and Hall, 2295, 2380, 2562, 2656 (3): g. 546 (5). Wale, 2593. White Friars, g. 546 (71). Windmills, 193. Calais pursuivant, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 879. See Joyner, J. Calais (Calyse, Caleys, Cales, Calise), Henry, 20 (p. 17), 1801, 2540, 3343, 3357:—g. 190 (1), 749 (30), 3408 (11). Calatrava, Order of, 2267. Calcatt, Edw., purser, 2305 ii. Calce, Jane, and Alice de (temp. Hen. III. ?), g. 632 (82). Calcidony, John bp. of, prior of Bromholme, 574. Calcina (Calzina), in Italy, 2434. letter dated at, 2154. Calcot, Rutl. See Caldecot. Calcot or Calcote, John, 438 (3 m. 29):-g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 969 (23), 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). Calcote. See Caldecot. Calcout. See Calicut. Caldbeck, Cumb., g. 485 (25). Caldecot (Calcote), Hunts, p. 1520. Caldecot (Calcote), Ntht., p. 1548. Caldecot (Calcot), Rutl., 438 (1 m. 22). Calderon, - servant of Ferdinand of Aragon, 513. Caldon. See Cauldon. Caldstreme. See Coldstream. Caldwell, Beds, 438 (3 m. 18). Calebut. See Calibut. Cale Hill (Calhull), Kent, g. 1123 (27). Calehum, Jerome, of Milan, 1277 (p. 587). Calendar, proposed reform of the, 3083. Calendarer, 1003 (16). Cales or Caleys. See Calais. Cales, Robenet of, 1918. Caleweyse. See Keilways. Calfehill, Humphrey, g. 132 (85). Calgarth, Westmld., g. 158 (89), 1732 (1). Calibut (Calabut, Calebut), Francis, 438 (1 m. 1) :—p. 1541:—g. 132 (26), 381 (43), 414 (4), 833 (58 i.), 3107 (24). Calicut (Calcout), in India, 1344, 2801. Calilee. See Callaly. Calipolis. See Gallipoli. Calke, Derb., St. Giles church, cell to Repton priory, 1803 (1 m. 4). Callaly (Calilee, Caluley, Calole), Nthld., 438 (4 m. 20) :—g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Callay, G. de. See La Calege. Calles. See Calais; also Cadiz. Callington (Calington, Caryngton), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 23). Callow, Derb., 438 (2 m. 30). Callowhill (Colowhill), Worc., 438 (1 m. 12). 78 GENERAL INDEX Calmyre, Westmld., 438 (2 m. 31). Calne, Wilts, 438 (4 m. 24):—g. 94 (35). Calne hundred, Wilts, g. 94 (35). Calole. See Callaly. Calonne, Oliver le, notary, of Tour- nay, 2767. Calonymos, Calo, a Hebrew physician or astrologer, letter from, 2212. Calowe House, Glouc., 438 (2 m. 5). Calstone (Calston), Wilts, 438. Calthorne. See Cawthorne. Calthorpe, Eliz., 438 (3 m. 21). Francis, 438 (3 m. 21). Joan, wife of Sir Philip, g. 969 (30). Sir John, 438 (3 m. 16). (Caltropp, Calthrop), Philip, 20 (p. 16), 438 (3 m. 16), 1176 (4), 1453, 2830, 3348 (3):—p. 1517:-g. 833 (58), 969 (30). (Calthrop), Ric., ship cap- tain, 1661 (3, 4), 1971, 2304 (3 i., ii., 4), 2686. Caltrasse. See Galtres. Calvecaunt. See Cavalcanti. Calveley, James, warden of Ruthyn college, g. 833 (57). Calverley (Calvarey), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 12). Calverley, Walter or Sir Walter, 438 (4 m. 12):-App. 26. Sir Wm., and Isabel his wife, 438 (4 m. 12). Calvertsholme, 1260. in Scotland, Calvus, Peter Baptista, p. 1525. Calwodlegh, John, g. 132 (57). Calzina. See Calcina. Cam (Came), Richard, 438 (3 m. 5). Camadium. See Comacchio. Camangel. See Cormangel. Camarata, Count of, 478. Cambaye, king of, 1974 (p. 895). Cambel. See Campbell. p. Camber, the, 1480, 2546, 2825, 2865, 3042. Camberwell (Camerwell), Surr., 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (3 m. 10), 438 (4 mm. 11 bis, 26). Camboise (Camboys), Nthld., g. 94 (67). Camborne (Cambourne), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 18). Cambray, and the Cambresis, 1265, 1925, 2281, 2355, 2981. Cambray (Camereye), Treaty and League of (1508), 83, 266, 279, 319, 356, 389, 463 ii., 531, 545, 562, 564, 614, 669, 681, 777, 780 (p. 418), 783, 943, 1002, 1138, 1338, 1357, 2646 : App. 6. Cambridge, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 19), 438 (4 mm. 1, 3, 5, 11, 20, 24), 933, 952, 2133, 2457:-g. 11 (10), 289 (31), 833 (11), 1221 (21), 2055 (16, 21), 2617 (13), 2772 (39), 3049 (37). letters dated at, 847-8, 863, 865, 883, 890–1, 905, 920, 926, 936, 958, 961, 972, 980, 1060, 1188, 2088, 2133, 2306, 2424, 2458, 2468, 2519, 2558, 2625. ancient farm of, g. 94 (35). bailiff of, g. 94 (35 p. 50). commission of the peace, p. 1504. confirmation of charters, 443-g. 449 (16). mayor of, g. 289 (31), 2772 (39). Black Friars (Friars Preachers), annuity to, g. 132 (21). Friars Minors, annuity to, g. 132 (23). St. Edmund's priory, 438 (3 m. 15). priory of St. John the Evangelist, g. 158 (24). Cambridge Üniversity, 438 (1 mm. 3, 15, 18, 19 bis), 438 (2 mm. 21, 24-5, 32 bis), 438 (3 mm. 2, 6, 13, 16), 438 (4 mm. 4, 9), 559, 882, 948, 1526, 1803 (1 m. 4), 2223-4, 3063 :—g. 132 (11). letters from, 1526, 2224, 2942. election of Chancellor, 2942. a Dutch physician at, 847. Christ's College, g. 158 (27). confirmation for, g. 1836 (16). Countess of Rich- mond's bequest to, 145, 1446. Clare Hall, 1803 (1 m. 3) :— p. 1525. College of Holy Trinity of Norwich, 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (3 m. 20). master of. Wright, J. See Corpus Christi College, 438 (3 m. 34). T. master. See Cosyn, Gonville Hall, 438 (3 m. 16). master. See Stubbe, E. King's College (Royal Col- lege of St. Mary and St. Nicholas), 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 5):—g. 546 (30), 1083 (50), 3107 (19). GENERAL INDEX. 79 Cambridge University, King's Col lege-cont. confirmation for, g. 1083 (50). King's Hall, 438 (4 m. 3). confirmation for, g. 414 (19). New College, 1 (p. 2). Pembroke Hall, founded by Mary widow of Aymer de Valence earl of Pembroke († 1324), g. 1732 (26). Queen's College, confirma- tion for, g. 632 (77). St. John's College, g. 158 (24). Countess of Rich- mond's bequest to, 1446. St. Katharine's Hall, 438 (3 m. 19):—g. 1662 (34). master. See Grene, T. • St. Peter's College, 438 (3 m. 22). master of, 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (3 m. 22). Cambridgeshire, 205 (p. 106), 438 (4 m. 5), 1409 (2), 2054, 2392 (p. 1063), 3377 :—g. 11 (10), 132 (26, 39, 59), 218 (55), 257 (48), 381 (74), 632 (26), 682 (4), 804 (38), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1123 (15), 1462 (1), 1494 (9, 37), 1602 (19), 1804 (22, 29), 1836 (6), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (5), 2964 (81), 3324 (20), 3408 (18), 3499 (12, 22, 68). commission of the peace, p. 1534. Camburn, Wm., p. 1549. Cambuskenneth (Cambuschinet, Tunbuschmech) abbey, in Scotland, 107, 178, 1757, 2155, 3119, 3123, 3487 :—p. 1526. Andrew abbot of, 1757. Patrick abbot of. See Pani- ter, P. Camby, of the Counter, g. 11 (10). John, g. 924 (17). Camden, Glouc., g. 3049 (33). Camden, Ric., g. 3324 (15). Came. See Kyme. Camel (Cammell), East, Soms., 438 (3 m. 3). Camel, Queen's-, Soms., g. 158 (3). Camelford (Camelforth), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 10). Camelton. See Campton. Cameryngham (Camryngham), Ric., of the Stable, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Camfer. See Veere. Camme, Ric., monk, g. 381 (11). Cammyswell. See Camswell. Campagna, in Italy, 933. Campanato, Hieronymo, letter from, 965 ii. Campbell, Archibald, earl of Argyle, q.v. (Cambel), Dougal, 3349 (p. 1411). (Caufelde), Sir Duncan, slain at Flodden, 2313. (Cambel), John, 1625, 2084, 3349 (p. 1412). Campden, Glouc., 438 (4 m. 20). Campeggio, Lawrence, auditor of the Rota, bp. of Feltre, Papal nuncio to Maximilian, 965, 2448 (pp. 1081, 1083), 2572, 2601, 2611, 2928, 3080, 3172, 3218, 3541, 3556. Campion, Henry, 2357. Campis, Bernard de, g. 1462 (9). Campochy. See Campucci. Campo Fregoso, Janus da, 529, 765, 1345. Octavian da, 529. Campsall (Camsall), Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 3). Campsey (Campessey), Suff., nun- nery, 438 (4 m. 11). • prioress. See Blener- hasset, A. Campton (Camelton), Beds., 438 (2) m. 27). Campucci (Campochy, Campucio), John, merchant of Lucca, 1493 vi., 2644, 2668, 3496 :- p. 1510-g. 1266 (40), 2055 (33). Campvere. See Veere. Campyon. See Champyon. Camswell (Cammyswell), John, 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 10). Camynadus, Augustine, a Scot, 662- 3. Camyngys. See Cannings. Can, abbot of. See Fécamp. Canarya, bp. of. See Ayala, Don P. Candalle (Kendall), Gaston de Foix, comte de, 1327. Candeveresden. See Preston Can- dover. Candia (Candy, or Crete), the island, 83, 1005, 1216. Candie, M., 2195. Candissh. See Cavendish. Candlemas tapers, 1027. Candy, Ric., ship captain, 2938. Candyshe. See Cavendish. Caneto, by Asola, in Italy, 2154. Canewdon (Canvedon, Caneweden), Essex, 438 (1 m. 25). marshes of Kengeworth and Goore, 438 (4 m. 11). Scottis in, 438 (4 m. 11). Canfelde. See Campbell. Canferre. See Veere, 80 GENERAL INDEX. Canfield, Little-, Essex, g. 289 Canterbury-cont. (12). Canford, Dors., g. 158 (69), 1123 (26). grant dated at, g. 587 (19). bailiff, &c., of, g. 132 (87). Canford laund, Dors., g. 132 (87). Cank. See Cannock. Cannaquecul et Cannamare, in Ire- land, p. 1523. Cannings (Cannynges), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 7). Cannings (Camyngys), Wilts, 438 (4 m. 7). Bishops-, Cannington (Canyngton, Conyngton), Soms., 438 (2 m. 16), 438 (3 m. 25), 2033. Cannock (Cank) Forest, Staff., g. 257 (70). the Seven Hayes, g. 94 (16), 257 (70). Cannon (Canon), George, 438 (1 m. 20). John, g. 3582 (25). (Canon), Wm., chaplain, 1803 (2 m. 3). Cannonby, in Scotland, p. 1260. Canon. See Cannon. Canoncle (Caenoncle, John, g. 1415 (13). Carnoncle), Canons Ashby, Ntht., priory, 1803 (1 m. 2). R. prior. See Randall, Canossa (Canosse), Count Louis de, 3018, i.e., the bp. of Tricarico, q.v. Cantabrians. See Biscay. Cantelowe, Henry and Joan, 438 (3 m. 4). Cantepye, Jean de, called Mercerot, 3349. Canterbury, 1 (pp. 2, 3), 205 (p. 106), 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (2 mm. 4, 8, 26), 438 (3 mm. 9, 13, 19, 24, 29), 438 (4 m. 15), 480, 855, 1430, 1803 (1 m. 3), 1941, 2057, 2120, 2148, 2438, 2809, 2912, 2929, 3308, 3376 :—p. 1516-g. 587 (5), 833 (11), 885 (2), 1462 (27), 1732 (13, 25), 1948 (14), 2222 (16), 2422 (5), 2964 (67). • " grants dated at, 546 (60-3), 731 (33-40, 42-4, 46–51, 53–7), 749 passim, 750 (1), 885 (2–7), 1083 (25), 1316 (41-4), 1524 (32), 1662 (27, 31-5, 37, 43, 45– 6, 48-9, 51-4, 56-8),1732 (1, 3– 8, 25, 34–5, 39, 41, 43–4, 47–8), 1804 (9), 2137 (26), 2684 (99). letters dated at, 725, 1803 (1 m. 3), 2019, 2023, 2034, 2059, 2729, 3155–6. customs of the city, 1727. Christchurch cathedral priory, 438 (3 mm. 4, 13), 861, 1780, 2295, 3596: —g. 731 (40). chapter of, 205, 1780, 1941. confirmation for, g. 414 (37). dean of the alms- house, 438 (2 m. 6). prior of, p. 1531. See Goldstone, T. shrine of Thomas, 1 (p. 2). St. visitation, 861. Mint in, 438 (4 m. 22). Northgate hospital, con- firmation for, g. 749 (34). St. Augustine's abbey, 1638, 2295. abbot. See Hamp- ton, T. election of abbot, g. 485 (52), 546 (63). John [Dygon], ab- bot of, 205 :~g. 485 (52), 546 (63). St. John's hospital, 480. prior. See Man, J. St. Mary Undercrofte, 2295. St. Paul's, vicar of, 438 (3 m. 33). St. Sepulchre's nunnery, 438 (4 m. 28). prioress. Hales, M. See Canterbury, abp. of. See Warham, W. 381 (86). audience court, 631. confirmation for, g. prerogative court of, 438 (1 m. 19). Canterbury, Boniface of Savoy abp. of (1244-1270), g. 414 (37), 485 (47). Thomas abp. of (A.D. 1403), g. 414 (37). Henry Chicheley, abp. of (A.D. 1414-1443), g. 485 (61). Cantilupo, Eva de, charter of, g. 381 (66). Cantleston (Cantlewaston), CO. Glamorgan, 438 (1 m. 14). Cantley (Cantelowe), Norf., g. 3049 (11). Cantley (Kanteley), Yorks, g. 784 (35). Cantok. See Quantock. Cantref Selyf (Cantrecelby), Brecon, g. 709 (14). co. GENERAL INDEX. 81 Cantrell (Canterell), Ralph, D.D., 438 (2 m. 24). Cantuar', Willmus. See Warham. Canute (Cnhut), King, grants of, g. 381 (73), 682 (12). Canvedon. See Canewdon. Canyngton. See Cannington. Capast, Th., p. 1548. Cap de la Hague ("the Hag"), in Normandy, 3001. Capell, Surr., 438 (4 m. 27). Capell, Giles or Sir Giles, esquire for • • the Body, knighted at Tour- nay, 20 (p. 12), 1176 (1, 4), 2301, 2480 (30) :—g. 587 (21– 2), 749 (27), 1170 (4). Sir Wm., merchant of the Staple, mayor of London, 309, 438 (1 m. 18), 1032 (2):—pp. 1509, 1514:-g. 11 (10), 587 (21-2), 731 (27), 1948 (11). pardon for, g. 357 (22). Capell. See also Cappell. Capello, Filippo, of Venice, letter to, • 147. Francisco, appointed am- bassador to England, 336, 383, 401-2, 909, 914, 965 ii., 1276, 1345, 1352, 1374, 1386, 1426, 1439, 2567. instructions, 1276. letter from, 1352. Paulo, Venetian ambassador at Rome (in 1509), provedi- tor, letters from, 147, 373 (2), 765, 1102. 1178. letters to, 398, 1102, Cape St. Vincent, in Spain, 837. Capet, Ant., gunner, g. 357 (25). Capland, West (Westecabbelond), Soms., g. 1083 (2). Caponibus or Capponibus (Capponus), Louis de, pp. 1525-6. Cappadocia, 766. Cappe, Th., trumpet, 2803. Cappell, —, 597. (Capell), Peter, 438 (3 m. 24). Capper, Ralph, 438 (2 m. 25). Wm., 438 (1 m. 9). Cappers, 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (4 m. 26):-g. 604 (40), 2484 (5). Cappleside (Čapyshede), Westmld. [in Beetham], 438 (3 m. 10). Capron, Henry, p. 1520. Caps and hats, licence to import, 1732 (19, 29), 3107 (27), 3582 (13, 21, 28). Capyshede. See Cappleside. Car (of Scotland). See Kerr. Caracciolo, -, letters from, 3008, 3022, 3037, 3084, 3096, 3165, 3211, 3256. Carafa, Jo. Petrus, bp. of Chieti, q.v. Oliver, cardinal of Naples, q.v. Wt. 11494. Carais, rectory of [co. London- derry ?], p. 1522. Carant (Carent, Carrant, Carraunt), Wm., 438 (4 m. 7): p. 1543:-g. 257 (49), 632 (26). Carate, Mathieu, Spanish messenger, 2588. Carbrooke (Karbroke), Norf., 438 (1 m. 2), 438 (2 m. 9). Carcassonne, in France, seneschal of, 1064, 1647 (p. 743). • Carden (Cawardyne, Cawrdyn). Robert, 438 (1 m. 11), 2392. (Karden), Wm., 561. Carder, Wm., a heretic, 752 ii. Cardeston. See Kerdiston. Cardew, Cumb., g. 132 (50). Cardiff (Kardyff, Kaerdyff, Kerdif), in Wales, 438 (2 mm. 14, 27), 438 (3 m. 25), 438 (4 m. 8, 21 bis):-g. 158 (55), 257 (12), 1836 (18). • letter dated at, 1402. castle, g. 54 (87). constable, g. 519 (51). Cardiff (Kerdeff), Matth., 20 (p. 16). Cardigan county, 438 (1 m. 23):- g. 94 (98), 414 (56), 749 (17). Cardigan (Gardygon), Th., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 41), 380. Margaret his wife, 380. Cardinals, the, college of, and con- sistory, 147, 268, 354, 476, 515, 590, 633, 697, 773, 785, 812, 866, 1006, 1232, 1670, 1677, 1697, 1719, 1735, 1769, 2029- 32, 2273, 2276, 2353, 2373, 2530, 2601, 2636, 2642, 2644, 2891, 2928, 2932, 3051, 3063, 3236, 3301, 3304, 3495-6, 3508-9 :—g. 1083 (19). • letters from, 2168, 3504, 3562. letters to, 697, 702, . 1540, 1616. creation of, 636, 669, 674, 714, 718, 777, 834, 1041, 1182, 1293, 2320, 2398 :-p. 1529. French, 3544. schismatic (viz., St. Cross, Narbonne, Cusentin, Bayeux, and St. Severin), holding a General Council, 625, 636, 667, 732, 777 (p. 415), 829, 842, 923, 932, 1007, 1127 (p. 539), 1224, 1670, 1750, 1769, 2016, 2029, 2056, 2123, 2127:-p. 1528 :-g. 1836 (3). letters from, 625, 732. messenger of, 636, 667. • Cardinham (Dynham), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 4). H 6 82 GENERAL INDEX. of Cardington, Beds, 438 (1 m. 26). Cardington, Salop, 438 (1 m. 7). Cardmaker, 438 (4 m. 27). Cardmaker, Th., 438 (4 m. 27). Cardona, Duke of, his daughter, 2292. Ramon de, viceroy Naples, 481, 965 ii., 1277 (p. 588), 1301 (pp. 595-8), 1339, 1345, 1364, 1374, 1469, 1489, 1555, 1559, 1568, 1604, 1637, 1667, 1670, 1676, 1699, 1722 (p. 783), 1739, 1769, 1868, 1884, 1892, 1897, 1953, 1984, 1988, 1993, 1999 (4), 2006 (p. 908), 2010, 2020, 2022, 2028-9, 2038, 2040, 2074, 2076, 2106, 2113, 2132, 2154, 2177, 2271, 2328-9, 2389, 2448, 2462, 2472, 2474-6, 2889, 2945, 2982, 3014 ii., 3109, 3243 ii., 3245, 3274, 3392, 3396, 3400, 3451, 3525, 3541, 3556. letters to, 481, 1559, 1667, 1739, 2056, 2328-9. an Imperial secretary with, 2945. a_gentleman of. • • Geytan, B. Carecroft, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 6). Caredon. See Cuerden. Carell. See Caryll. Caresfeld, Oxon, g. 2055 (95 ii.). Carethorne. See Garthorn. Carethorp, Yorks, p. 1547. See Caretto, Dominic de, cardinal of Finale, q.v. (Carito, Carretto), Fabrizio di, Great Master of the Order of St. John (Dec. 1513), 1604, 2511, 2645, 3451. letter from, 2511. Carewe, Norf. See Carrow. Carew, co. Pembroke, 543, 2481. Carew (Carue, Carrewe), Sir Ed- mund, called the Baron of Carew, killed at Terouenne, 20 (p. 14), 438 (1 m. 3), 1176 (1, 2, 4), 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2391, 2392 (p. 1063), 2414, 2834, 3222: pp. 1535–6, 1543:—g• 833 (58 iv.), 969 (23), 2137 (1). (Carru), Elizabeth. Brian, Eliz. See (Carow, Caru, Caro, Careri, Carrowe), Sir John, esquire (or knight) for the Body, marshal of the Household, killed at Brest (Aug. 1512), 20 (pp. 13, 15), 82 (p. 42), 438 (2 m. 12), 1260, 1356, 1385, 1403, 1414: pp. 1536, 1543, 1545:—g. 158 (62, 78–9, 81), 587 (19), 682 (10), 751 (5), 969 (62), 1123 (8, 26), 1524 (20), 2684 (37). Carew-cont. • John, 438 (2 m. 21):—g. 3499 (12 bis, 13), 3582 (11). John, of Anthony, g. 969 (23). John, s. and h. of John, g. 833 (20), 1602 (35). (Carue), Nic., 438 (2 m. 21). (Carrewe, Carue), Nicholas, gentleman of the Privy Cham- ber, 772, 877n., 1105, 2562, 3338, 3419:-g. 2484 (29), 2863 (10). (Caru, Karewe), Sir Richard, knight for the Body, captain of Calais Castle, 104, 170, 193 (p. 103), 405, 438 (3 m. 34), 589 (2), 791, 893 (2), 981, 1715, 1744, 1848, 2025 ii., 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2413, 3419 p. 1544:-App. 26:-g. 11 (12), 257 (13), 414 (59), 449 (19), 731 (44, 52), 751 (2), 885 (3), 924 (34), 2484 (29). letter from, 170. * signature of, 981, 3419-g. 2964 (19). Richard, 2983. (Carrewe, Carowe), Th., ship captain, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 ii. bis, 2652. Sir Wm., 3483. Carewent. Wm., p. 1535 :—g. 2484 (9). See Caerwent. Carewike. See Carrick. Carhampton (Caramton, Carinton), Soms., 438 (3 m. 6), 1803 (1 m. 1). Cariati (Carriati, Chariati), Jo. Bapt. Spinelli, Count of, Spanish ambassador at Venice, 1345, 1352, 1374, 1376, 1426, 1432, 1558, 1676, 1790, 1868, 1878, 1884 (p. 858), 1892, 2003, 2010, 3405. letter to, 1558. Carinthia (Carynthe), 2889. Carinton. See Carhampton. Carisbrook (Caresbroke) Castle, I. of Wight, 2828 :—g. 2055 (63). • repairs account, 1799. Carlanerig (Carlangrick), in Scot- land, 2390:-p. 1260. Carleton, Camb., 438 (3 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 4). Carleton. See also Carlton. Carleton, Ant., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 41), 1801, 2540. John, g. 833 (55). Carlewich. See Carlowitz. Carlile, John, a Scot, g. 1948 (14). Carlinghow, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 25). Carlion. See Caerleon. Carlis, John de, servant of Emperor Maximilian, 1534. GENERAL INDEX. 83 Carlisle (Carlell), 438 (1 mm. 21–2), 438 (2 mm. 10, 12, 16, 20, 31), 438 (3 mm. 8, 28, 32), 438 (4 mm. 7, 23 bis, 26), 827, 1315, 2394, 2455, 2714 :—g. 1316 (7). • letters dated at, 1302, 1342, 1645, 2381-2, 2386-7, 2390, 2793, 2973, 3170. confirmation for, g. 381 (105). castle, g. 485 (59). .,cathedral priory, 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (3 m. 16):—p. 1531. confirmation for, g. 381 (106). Simon prior of. See Senos, S. Carlisle, bp. of. See Penny, J. Carlowitz (Carlewich, Charlo), George, captain of Almains, 1934 (2), 1939, 2050, 2383. Carlton (Carleton), Beds, 1410. • manorial court at, 1398. Carlton (Carleton), Notts, 438 (1 m. 11):—g. 485 (43). Carlton (Carleton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 14):—g. 2772 (11). Carlton (Carleton, Charleton, Char- leiton) in Craven, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 5):-g. 218 (24), 709 (14) :—g. 1948 (31), 2137 (18). Carlton in Lindrick (Carlyngton, Carylinton in Lynracke), Notts, 438 (2 m. 27). rector of, 438 (2 m. 30). Carlton, John, p. 1518. Carlyngton. See Carlton. Carlyon, Ric., vicar of Stratton, p. 1524. Carmarthen (Carmarden, Kermer- dyn, or New C.), 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (3 mm. 23, 33). Old-, Carmarthen (Carmerdyn), priory, 438 (3 m. 15). Thomas prior of, 438 (3 m. 15). Carmarthen county, 438 (1 m. 23): g. 94 (98). Carmarthen (Carmerden), archd. of, g. 94 (26). See Ap John, E. Carmeliano, Peter, of Brescia, secre- tary for the Latin tongue, prb. of St. Stephen's, lute player, 20 (p. 15), 169, 280, 322, 413, 430, 438 (4 m. 23), 463 ii., 1188, 1970 ii., 2053 (2), 2246 (5 ii.), 2457, 2468, 2519. letter from, 430. his epitaph on James IV., 2246 (5 ii.). Carmelite Friars, 1763. Carmygam. See Kermincham. Carmynowe, John, p. 1535 :—g. 833 (58 iii.), 2484 (9). Nic., p. 1535. (Carmynall, Carmenowe, Kermynow), Thos., gentle- man usher, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 510, 1256:-g. 190 (10), 289 (50), 381 (48), 1804 (18). Carnaby, Th., g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 969 (23). Carnarvon, in Wales, 438 (2 mm. 12, 20, 27), 438 (3 mm. 20-1), 438 (4 m. 4), 1803 (1 m. 4). • exchequer of, 438 (3 m. 21), 438 (4 m. 4). vicar of, 438 (4 m. 4). sheriff of, 438 (4 m. 18). Carndean (Cornden), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 8). Carne (Kerne), Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Carnesdale [Lanc.], g. 2137 (23). Carnesowe (Carnsayowe, Carnsewe, Carnesewe, Carnsuyow), Wm., p. 1535:—g. 632 (26), 833 (58 iii.), 969 (23), 2222 (16 Cornw.), 3408 (4). Carnforth (Carneford), Westmld., g. 1732 (1). Carnoncle. See Canoncle. Carnwhayte, Derb., 1803 (2 m. 6). Carold. See Garold. Caroldo, Zuam Giacomo, Venetian secretary at Milan, letter from, 1368. Carondelet, Claude de, bailli of Amont, 49, 1977. Ferry, prothonotary, 2294 (2). Caroz (Carroz, Carus, Carros, Carroze). Louis, de Villaragut, ambassador from Spain, 167, 220, 253-4, 260, 321, 329 (p. 153), 332 (?), 355, 365, 367, 385, 395, 408, 413, 421, 430, 432, 468-9, 472, 474, 476-8, 482-3, 556, 675, 742, 793 (p. 427), 795 (2), 880, 945, 1011, 1180, 1304, 1369, 1384, 1437, 1455, 1460– 1, 1484, 1575 (p. 722), 1639, 1650, 1656, 1665 (p. 766), 1689, 1723-4, 1750 (3-5), 1815, 1884, 1897, 1899, 1911, 1916, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2079, 2120, 2131, 2162, 2242, 2292, 2326, 2377, 2501, 2583, 2665, 2743 (p. 1196), 2849, 2867, 2877, 2929, 2945, 3003, 3073, 3151, 3174, 3256, 3282, 3295, 3331, 3524 :—App. 6 :—g. 1083 (11), 1836 (32). 8. letters from, 474, 476– 84 GENERAL INDEX. Caroz, Louis-cont. > letters to, 482–3, 1006, 1460 ii., 1656, 1737-8, 1999, 2001, 2079, 2132, 2496, 2499, 2744, 3104. commission to, 321, 468, 830, 945, 1304. signature of, 945, 1098, 1750 (3), 2377. his salary, 254 iii. Carpenter, John, p. 1496. · , Ric., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Rob., 438 (1 m. 22). Th., tailor, 438 (2 m. 15). Wm., 438 (4 m. 14), 1803 (1 m. 1). Carpenters, 438 (1 mm. 15, 25), 438 (2 mm. 20, 23, 32), 438 (3 m. 21), 438 (4 mm. 7, 22, 26, 27), 1803 (1 mm. 1, 6), 1803 (2 m. 6):—g. 11 (10). Carpi (Carpe), Count Alberto da, Imperial ambassador at Rome, 432, 530, 756, 965, 977, 1001, 1204, 1301 (p. 598), 1344, 1670, 1677, 2029 (p. 918), 2123-4, 2250, 2273, 2276, 2332, 2389, 2397, 2928. letter from, 1677. Carpmell or Carpnell. See Cartmell. Carr or Carre, Edward, 2480 (38). Hugh, 20 (p. 13). James, 3170 :-g. 414 (11). John or Sir John, esquire for the Body, King's spear, 20 (p. 13), 325, 2244, 2480 (38), 3342, 3348 (3):-App. 9: g. 54 (76), 158 (31), 546 (61), 784 (12), 1221 (22), 1266 (33), 1732 (43), 2055 (50), 2772 (11). letter from, 2480 (38). Ralph, 438 (2 m. 19). Rob., letter from, 2096. > Thomas, prior of Brinkborn, surname). See suffragan bishop of Durham, 438 (4 m. 11), 3170. See Carant. Carretto. See Caretto (Scottish Kerr. Carraunt. Carrewe. See Carew. Carriati. See Cariati. Carrick (Carewike) in Reedsdale, Nthld., 438 (1 m. 1). Carrickittle (Kareketaeyll), Limerick, p. 1529. CO. Carriers, 926, 936, 1803 (2 m. 3), 2468. Carrik herald, of Scotland [— Mur- ray], 1153-4, 1211-2, 1330–1. instructions for, 1155, 1212. Carrok. See Llandeinol. Carroke, John, g. 1804 (17). Carros. See Caroz. Carrow (Cakrowe, Carewe), Norf. [in Norwich], 438 (1 m. 17), 438 (3 m. 9). Carroze. See Caroz. Carru. See Carew. Carsfeld. See Caversfield. Carsington, Oxon, g. 2055 (95 ii.). Carstairs (Tastariis), in Scotland, p. 1522. Carswell priory, Devon, p. 1531. See Silivri, T. bp. • prior of. of. Cartagena, in Spain, 6 (p. 6), 1291. Cartcote, Wm., 877n. Cartelege, Ant., 2008 (3). Cartelyng. See Kirtling. Carter, John, 438 (4 mm. 14, 18, 27). • > Nic., g. 833 (28), 1123 (31), 2772 (43). Rice, 438 (4 m. 21). Th., g. 546 (56). Wm., 361, 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 21). Carteret, Helier, bailiff of Jersey, g. 2964 (30). Philip, 438 (4 m. 13). (Carterat), Ric., 438 (4 m. 13). Carthorpe, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 24). Cartier, John, French notary, 3269 (3, 5, 7). Cartington, Wm., g. 381 (15). Cartlynge. See Kirtling. Cartmell (Carpnell, Carpmell), Lanc., 438 (3 m. 28), 438 (4 m. 12). Cartriche, James, priest, 2304 (5). Cartwrights, 1803 ‍(1 m. 6). Carue. Carus. See Carew. See Caroz. Carvael. See St. Cross, Card. Carvanell (Carwenale), John, chap- lain to the Queen of Scots, 1296, 1300. Th., page of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 475, 640, 877n. (bis), 1015, 1290, 3554. Carvel (i.e. Carvajal), Bernard, Car- dinal of St. Cross, q.v. Carver, John, clk., p. 1547. Carwenale. See Carvanell. Cary (Care, Carie), Rob., 438 (4 m. 4):—g. 632 (26), 833 (58 iv.), 969 (23). Caryhas, Cornw., 199. Carylinton. See Carlton. Caryll (Carryll, Karell, Carell), John, 438 (4 m. 27):—p. 1545. (Carell), John, serjeant at law, king's serjeant, justice of gaol delivery, 3464 (2):-g. 94 (50), 969 (38), 1083 (39), 3049 (2). Caryngton. See Callington. GENERAL INDEX. 85 Castile-cont. Casal Maggiore (Casall Maiour), in Italy, 9. Casby. See Catesby. Case, John, 82 (pp. 39, 41). • (Casse), Wm., 438 (1 m. 19). Cashel, archdeacon of, p. 1530. diocese of, pp. 1524–5. of Prince Charles's chamber, 2849. Casius Hacquency, Caspian Sea, 766. Casse. See Case. Cassel (Castyll, Cassells), near St. Omers, 2404. bailli of. See Morbecque. provost of. See Themsick. Casserys. See Caçeres. Cassey. See Cassy. Cassillis, David Kennedy earl of, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313. Gilbert Kennedy earl of (1513), 2461, 2973. Cassy, Elizabeth widow of, g. 2964 (8). • • • • Leonard, s. and h. of John, g. 1170 (18). Leonard, s. and h. of Wm., g. 1365 (7). (Cassey), Wm., g. 1123 (13). Castel della Scala, in Italy, 278, 432. Castel Franco, in Italy, 777 (p. 415). Castell, Princess of. See Mary. Castell, John, p. 1538 :-g. 1462 (27), 2222 (16 Hunts). • Leonard, 438 (4 m. 23) :-g. 833 (58 i.). Th., 1803 (2 m. 5). Wm., prior of Shrewsbury, g. 1123 (55). Castelle Novate, Bonegaliaz de, Milanese ambassador to the Emperor, 2572 (p. 1127). Castellensis, Adrian. See Corneto. Castellensis, Polydore. See Vergil, P. Castel Novo de Tortonese (Castrum novum prope Tordonam), in Italy, letter dated at, 1301. Caster or Castre. See Caistor. Caster Bardolf. See Caister. Caster or Castur, John, 438 (2 m. 22). Castern (Caster) Grange, Staff. [near Ilam], 438 (4 m. 26). Casterton, Westmld., g. 1732 (1). Casthorpe (Casthropp), Linc., 438 (2 mm. 14, 17):—g. 969 (31). Castile (Castyl) and Castilians, 6, 162 passim, 274, 329 (pp. 148, 150), 345, 610, 793, 1006, 1326, 1328, 1511 (p. 698), 1575, 1866, 1884, 2006 (p. 908), 2083, 2278, 2502, 2908, 3337, 3428, 3477. constable of, 6. · King of. See Philip. Prince of. See Charles ; also Juan, Don. Princess of. See Mary. Queen of. See Juaña. Castillion, a castle in France, 2597. Castleacre (Castelacre), Norf., 438 (1 mm. 1, 21). priory, 574. sea, J. prior. See Winchel- Castle Bromwich (Castell Bremege), Warw., g. 804 (15). Castle Cary, Soms., 438 (2 m. 6), 1803 (2 m. 4). Castle Combe (Castelcombe), Wilts, 438 (3 mm. 22, 30). Castleconnell alias Stradbally (Scra- duale), co. Limerick, p. 1524. Castle Cornet, in Guernsey, g. 54 (71). Castle Dinas (Dynas, Dynnas), co. Brecon, g. 3324 (26, 37), 3499 (75). Castle Donington (Castilldonengton), Leic., 438 (4 m. 8). chantry in, g. 784 (3). Castle Eaton (Castell Eton), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 23). Castle Frome, Heref., 438 (1 m. 22). Castle Hay (Castell Hey, Castylhay), Staff., 438 (2 mm. 6, 7), 438 (3 m. 6). Castle Hedingham (C. Henyngham, Hevenyngham Castell, Heng- ham ad Castrum, Huning- ham), Essex, 438 (2 mm. 20, 31), 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 mm. 1, 14), 1671. letter dated at, 1626. Castle Levinton (Castelleventon), Yorks (in Kirk Levinton), 438 (1 m. 15). Castle Rising, Norf., g. 54 (14). constable, &c., g. 94 (96). rector presented, g. 94 (1). Castle Sowerby (Castell Sourbye, C. Soreby), Cumb., 438 (4 m. 13): g. 1172 (16). Castor (Kaster, Caster, Castre, Cas- tra), Linc., 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 4) :—g. 709 (14), 1948 (31). Castor (Castere), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 11). Castra. See Castor. Castre. See Caister; also Castor. Castres (Caestres), Jacques [de Thiennes], Sieur de, sovereign of Flanders, ambassador to England (1514), 2656, 3174, 3208, 3210, 3235. 3257, 3264, 3282. • letter from, 3268. instructions to, 3210. his brother, p. 1516. 86 GENERAL INDEX. Castro, Diego de (Decastre), 1364, 2083, 2091, 2158, 3051. John de, merchant of Spain, 1968, 2765-g. 1948 (47). (Castir), Donna Katerina de, 3109. Castro Car, in the signory of Florence, 1127 (p. 539). Castro Novo. See Castel Novo; also Neufchatel. Castrum Leonis, in Italy, 1277 (p. 587). Castyll. See Cassell. Castylton, Ant., 2054. Catalenago, Fortuno de, 1463 vi. Catania [James Comchillos], bishop of, 1665 (pp. 765-6), 1689, 1736, 2002. Catbeston, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 14). Catchmay. See Cachmayd. Catcote, Wm., 735. Caterall. See Catterall. Caterike, Wm., g. 1123 (48). Catesby (Catysby), Mrs., 20 (pp. 11, 17), 1549. • Anne widow of Eusebius, 438 (3 m. 13). (Catisby, Catesbe), Edward, 438 (3 m. 13). (Catisby, Catysby, Cattisby), Eliz., widow of George, 438 (2 m. 11) :—g. 3324 (12), 3582 (22). Eusebius, 438 (3 m. 13). George, 438 (1 m. 16). (Catysby, Casby), John, g. 414 (46), 784 (50), 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 3107 (3). (Catisby), Sir Richard, at- tainted, g. 709 (14), 2137 (18). " Th., g. 3582 (11). Wm., s. and h. of George, g. 190 (31), 1494 (17). Catesthorp, Glouc., g. 651 (8). Catfoss, Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 6):-g. 357 (18). Cathcart, in Scotland, vicar of, p. 1523. Catherp. See Caythorpe. Catherston (Caterston), Dors., g. 632 (70). Catherton, Alan de, grant by Matilda his daughter, g. 158 (32). Cathom. See Cotham. Cathorp. See Caythorpe. Catlyn, Th., p. 1548. Catnes. See Caithness. Catney, Linc., 438 (2 m. 25). Catrope. See Caythorpe. Catteley (Cattellea), Linc., priory, 438 (3 m. 15). Catterall, Lanc., 438 (1 m. 18). Catterall or Caterall, Ralph, 438 (1 m. 18):—g. 2617 (43). Th., g. 546 (57). Catterick (Catrik), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 6), 1803 (1 m. 5). Cattisby. See Catesby. Catton (Catuna), Yorks, g. 158 (32). Catuna. See Catton. Catur, John, 1803 (1 m. 4). Catwater, near Plymouth, 1907. Catysby. See Catesby. Cauchie, in the Boulonnais, 1961. Caudron, Baudouin, bailli de la Basterre, 2256. Cauldon (Caldon), Staff., g. 2617 (10). Caulier, Jean, 614, 2082, 2532, 3519. Caundeler, Th., prior of Horsham St. Faith's, 438 (1 m. 14):-g. 709 (25). Caundissh. See Cavendish. Caundle (Caundell) Purs, Dors., 438 (2 m. 4). Caunton, Notts, 438 (1 mm. 11, 22), 438 (2 m. 6). Causton. See Cawston. Cauwey, in Flanders, 2392 (p. 1063). Cavalari (Caveler, Cavalar, Cavalare, Chavaly), Ant., merchant of Lucca, 1444, 2668, 2832 (iv., v., vi.):—pp. 1503, 1506, 1508, 1511, 1515:—g. 257 (67), 651 (30), 1170 (11), 1948 (74), 2861 (19), 2964 (79). his patents, 3597. John, master of Bethlehem hospital, London, g. 1123 (61), 2055 (45), 2137 (15). (Cavalere), Laurence, mer- chant of Genoa, 2008 (5). Cavalcanti (Cavelcanti, Cavolcante, Cavilcant, Cavelcaunt, Chav- alcanti, Cavacant), John, 1254, 1394, 1423, 1463 vi., xii., 1587, 1920, 2278, 2668, 2736, 2765, 2832 iii., v., vi., 2867, 2916, 3137 (16), 3155, 3205:—pp. 1503, 1506, 1508-10, 1514-15, 1517, 1519-App. 21-g. 94 (34), 1462 (16), 1662 (48), 1804 (35), 3107 (11). Th., 2308: pp. 1508-9. Cavallicensis, episcopus, 1244. Cave, Yorks, g. 132 (70). prebend of, in York cathe- dral, 1803 (2 m. 3):—g. 190 (5). Cave, North (Northcave), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9). Cave, South (Southcave), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9). Cave, John, 2537 :—g. 804 (52). ► (Cafe), Ric., 438 (4 m. 17). Th., 438 (4. m. 17). Caveler. See Cavalari. Cavell, Henry, 438 (2 m. 26). (Cavill), Nic., 438 (2 mm. 22, 26). GENERAL INDEX. 87 Cavendish, Suff., 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (2 m. 21). Cavendish, Alice wife of Thomas, 438 (2 m. 21). (Candisshe), Sir Richard, ship captain, 1424 (p. 652), 1661 (1, 3), 2480 (62), 2575 ii. :— pp. 1541, 1544. (Caundissh, Candissh), Th., 438 (2 m. 21):—g. 1462 (27). Caversfield (Carsfeld), Bucks [but within Oxon], 438 (3 mm. 10, 32). Caversham, Oxon, g. 54 (75), 94 (79), 519 (56). Cawardyne. See Carden. Cawell, Master, clerk of chancery of Scotland, slain at Flodden, 2313n. Cawood (Cauwode, Cawodys, Cawe- wode), Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 4, 27, 32), 438 (3 mm. 5, 13), 438 (4 mm. 7, 22):—g. 3408 (34). Caws, Gregory, shipowner, 1982 (4). Cawston (Čauston, Caweston), Norf., 438 (3 m. 20):—g. 2055 (95 iii.). Cawston (Causton, Cavston), John, 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 20), 438 (4 m. 26). (Causton), Th., 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (4 mm. 20, 26). Cawsy, Th., p. 1512. Cawthorne (Calthorne), Yorks, 438 Cawthorpe, Linc., 438 (4 m. 25). (1 m. 25). Cayham. See Kyme. Caylwey. See Kelway. Caylweys. See Keilways. Caynton (Kaynton), Salop, 438 (4 m. 6). Cayo. See Kew. Caythorpe (Cathorp, Catrope, Cat- herp), Linc., 438 (1 m. 16) :— p. 1528-g. 158 (14), 604 (30), 709 (1), 2684 (2). Ceble or Ceblie, Geoffrey, 438 (4 m. 24.). Cecil (Cecille, Cecile), David, yeoman of the Chamber, g. 132 (49), 804 (38). serjeant at arms, g. 2535 (13). Sir William, lord Burleigh, handwriting of, 343. Cecile, Cecylia, De Cecill, or De Cicilia, John, trumpet, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42), 3320 :-g. 2964 (49). Cecilia, Lady. See Welles, Viscoun- tess. Cecylya. See Sicily. Cedbar or Ceddebargh. See Sedbergh. Cefnrhos (Revynrose, Keffunros), co. Merioneth, 438 (2 m. 9). Ceira, bp. of, 754. See Coire. Celand. See Zealand. Cele. See Keel. Celle, Glaudy. See Cilly, Claude de. Cely, René de, French prisoner, 2172. Celywreye, Cumb., 438 (4 m. 13). Cene. See Cheyny. Cenos or Cenose. See Senos. Censeau, Pierre, g. 2772 (60). Cento, in Italy, 765. Centuryon, Peter, merchant of Genoa, g. 604 (26), 651 (31). Cerdington, Exeter dioc. ton. See Credi- Cerf (Serffe, Ducerf), John de, 594, 1700:-g. 2222 (13). Ceri. See Cieri. Cerisola, M. de. See D'Arizoles. Cerne (Sern), Dors., abbey, g. 1804 (11). confirmation for, g. 447 (22). election of an abbot, g. 289 (47), 357 (28), 449 (1), 563 (5). Robert abbot of. See Westbury, R. Cerneffeld. See Sarnesfield. Cerner, de, 1301 (p. 599). Cervington, Roger, 853. Walter, 438 (1 m. 13). Cessenon, in France, 3344. Cessford (Cesfurde), in Scotland, 817. Cesson, Barth., g. 2772 (21). Cetyngborn. See Sittingbourne. Ceyton. See Keton. Chabannes, Sieur d'. de. See Auriere, Jacques de, Sieur de La Palisse, q.v. Chabham. See Chobham. Chabo, Anthony, surgeon, g. 3499 (65). Chacchemew. See Cachmayd. Chace, Wm., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383). Chachemay. See Cachemayd. Chacho or Chathei, lord Gabriel de (killed at Brest), 1385, 1403. Chackmore (Chakemore), Bucks, g. 1316 (15). Chacombe, Ntht., 438 (2 m. 8). Chaddesley Corbet (Chedesley, Chadesley), Worc., 438 (3 m. 3), 1556, 1803 (2 m. 2), 2537 :- g. 1804 (25). steward of, g. 158 (71). Chaderton (Chaterton), George, and Margaret his wife, 1803 (1 m. 2). Wm. See Notes and Errata, No. 833 (54). Chadiok. See Chidiock. Chadlington hundred, Oxon, g. 682 (8), 731 (31), 749 (7). 888 GENERAL INDEX. Chamber, Dr. John-cont. See Chedworth. Chadsey. See Chedzoy. Chadworth. Chafer, Ric., mayor of Calais (1511– 2), 1424. Chaffer, Ric., g. 519 (16). Chafiri, Nicolo, merchant of Venice, letter to, 1956. Chagford (Chaggeford, Chagfforth), Devon, 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 7). stannary receipts at, 803. Chaini, M. de. See Chesnes. Chalcot, Walter, serjeant at arms, g. 3499 (15). Chaldeston. See Shalstone. Chaldfield (Chalfeld), Wilts, 438 (1 m. Chaldfield, East (Estchalfeld), Wilts, 13). 438 (2 m. 21). Chaldfield (Chalfeld), 438 (3 m. 4). Little-, Wilts, Chaldon (Chalvedon), Surr., 1803 (1 m. 3). Chalener. See Chaloner. Chalers, Sir John, 438 (4 m. 7). Margaret, 438 (4 m. 7). Chalfaunt, Ric., alias Hawardyn, q.v. Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks, 438 (4 m. 19). Chalford (Cholford, Challeford), John, 438 (3 m. 24). Chalgrove (Chalgrave), Oxon, 438 (3 m. 15). Challerton, Arnold, 20 (p. 17). Challeye, Lady, 878 ii. Challow (Chalowe), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Chalmer, John, a Scot, 1262 (p. 578). Chalner (Chalnar), Ranulph, g. 2422 (19), 2684 (99), 3107 (51). Ric., collector of bill money of Calais, 193 (p. 99):—g. 94 (110), 1804 (53). Chaloner, • 559. (Chalener), John, p. 1547 :- g. 218 (1). (Chalener), Th., g. 1083 (39). Chalons (Challon), in Champagne, · 1837. bp (and count) of, 3417 (p. 1437). Chalvedon. See Chaldon. Chalvelegh. See Chawleigh. Chamber or Chambre (Chambyr), Edward, auditor, 438 (3 m. 34), 707 (p. 383), 1819. • • • • Eliz., g. 3324 (36). John, 1803 (2 m. 5). John, marshal of the Minstrels, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42):-g. 3408 (17). Dr. John, clk., king's physician, canon of Windsor and St. Stephen's, dean of St. Stephen's (22 Nov. 1514), 20 • (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 438 (1 m. 26), 1446, 2404 :—g. 158 (43), 1534 (12), 2422 (15), 3499 (40, 42, 53-4). John, serjeant at arms, g. 2055 (39). (Chaumbre), Reynold, 438 (3 m. 17), 2607. Robert, rector of Haughton, 438 (2 m. 18). Robert, smith, g. 3499 (36). Th., g. 2137 (9), 3408 (7). (Achamber), Wm., 438 (3 m. 28). Chamberleyn, Edw. or Sir Edw., esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14), 1176 (1, 4), 1496 iii., 2480 (48), 2575 ii. :-p. 1542 :- App. 26-g. 1221 (35), 3499 (12). Edward, 438 (3 m. 29), 2404. Eliz. widow of Sir Robert, 438 (3 m. 29), 2765. Eliz., wife of Ralph, 438 (3 m. 29). > Ralph or Sir Ralph, esquire for the Body, knighted at Tournay, 20 (p. 15), 438 (3 m. 29), 707, 1493, 2301, 2480 (6), 3306 (2), 3348 (3):-p. 1534 :—App. 26 :—g. 709 (2), 1123 (8), 1494 (9), 1732 (47), 3324 (34), 3499 (12). Sybil widow of Richard, 438 (4 m. 22). Th., p. 1549. (Chambyrlayn), Wm., mer- chant of the Staple, 1032 (2), 1891 (2). Chamburn. See Champernon. Chamley. See Cholmondeley. Chamon. See Chaumont. Chamond, John, esquire for the Body, p. 1535 bis :-g. 833 (58 iii.), 1415 (6), 2222 (16 Cornw.), 2484 (9). Champagne, in France, 2101, 2106. court of, 3417 (p. 1437). Champaigne herald, of France, 1962, 2047 (?"bearer "). Champaigne (Champion), Piers, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14):-g. 357 (26), 381 (56), 604 (29), 632 (71), 651 (27), 682 (10), 969 (8). (Champayne, Champney, Champyon), Peter, page of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 640, 1015, 3554. Champaynes, Suff., g. 1316 (26). Champernon (Champernor, Cham- burn, Champernuphe), Philip, 438 (3 m. 34). GENERAL INDEX. 89 Champion or Champyon, Arnold, 438 • (1 m. 8). Hugh, g. 1948 (35). (Campyon), John, 438 (3 m. 27). Laurence, abbot of Battle, 205, 308, 438 (2 m. 16), 963, 3464-g. 381 (93). Walter, 438 (1 m. 8):—g. 833 (13). Wm., 438 (4 m. 14), 1998 :- g. 749 (28). Champlyn. See Chaplyn. Champnes, George, purser, 3148. Champnes, John, g. 2861 (29). Champney. See Champaigne. Champneys (Champney), Joan, widow of Thomas, 438 (4 m. 29). Chancellor, Lord. See Warham, W. Chancellor, Mr. [of the Duchy of Lancaster], 392. See Marney, Sir H. Mr. [of Durham], 163. Chancery, 109, 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (2 m. 8), 579 :—g. 257 (93). · • • , Chaffwax, 109. See Clerke, Nic. clerk of the Crown, g. 54 (62), 857 (3), 1003 (13, 19), 1123 (31), 1316 (30), 1662 (31, 35, 37), 1732 (8, 14), 1836 (20), 2484 (22, 31), 2535 (15), 2617 (3), 2772 (23), 2861 (32), 3049 (6, 22), 3324 (38). See Porter, W. clerk of the hanaper, 579 :- g. 132 (113). See Smith, W.; Lupton, R. masters in, g. 218 (50), 257 (58), 1123 (21). J. portjoy, 109. See Mason, prothonotary, g. 632 (55). six clerks of, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 11). spigurnel or sealer, 109: g. 1948 (9). See Hodgeson, J. Chances or Chancy. See Chauncy. Chancton (Chengton), Suss., 559. Chancy. See Chauncy. Chandler, Eliz., 438 (3 m. 9). (Chaundeler, Chaunler), Hugh, 438 (3 m. 9). (Chaundeler, Chaundler), Th.. abbot of Wymondham, 438 (1 m. 25). (Chaundeler), Wm., 1803 (2 m. 3). Chandlers, 438 (4 m. 12), 1803 (m. 3):-g. 731 (49). Chandos (Chaundos), Sir John, heirs of (traced), 438 (1 m. 6). Chanfer or Chaufer, Ric., 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 19), 3567. Change. See Cheinge. Chanivet. See Knyvett. Chanseau (Sanseau), Pierre, 1950. Chantrezac, Alain de, letters from, 1201, 1237. Chapel Brampton, Ntht., g. 257 (32), 519 (49), 2330 (4). Chapelyn, Henry, prior of Austin Friars, Little Yarmouth, 438 (4 m. 13). Chaplyn or Champlyn, Th., purser, 2305 ii., iii. Chapman, Hugh, p. 1534 :—g. 289 (31), 1221 (21), 2772 (39). · " " John, 438 (3 m. 28). Marg. widow of John, 438 (3 m. 10). Ric., 438 (3 m. 28), 878 ii. :— g. 1365 (10), 3408 (35). Rob., 2483. Wm., g. 1804 (8). Chapmen, 438 (1 mm. 2, 9, 14, 18), 438 (2 mm. 25, 31), 438 (3 mm. 5, 11, 25, 31, 34), 438 (4 mm. 12, 13, 24, 25, 28 bis), 1803 (1 mm. 2, 3, 5), 1803 (2 m. 4): −g. 1266 (4). Chard (Cherde), Soms., 438 (1 m. 21), 438 (2 m. 8). Chard, Th., g. 257 (93). Thomas, prior of Monta- cute, g. 3107 (28). Chardford (Charford), North-, Hants, 438 (4 m. 21). Chardford, South-, Hants, 438 (3 m. 28). Chardstock (Cherdestoke), Dors., prebend in Salisbury, 438 (3 m. 28). Chariago, Urtino de, ship master, 1661 (4). Chariati. See Cariati. Charing (Charryng), Kent, 1803 (1 m. 2) :—g. 1123 (27), 3408 (7). grants dated at, g. 731 (30– 2), 885 (15), 1732 (9–24, 26– 33, 38, 40). Charing Cross. See under London. Charité sur Loire, abbey ("House of Charity of Cluny "), g. 1462 (2). Charite (Cherite), Wm., rector of Easton, 438 (4 m. 1). Charlbury (Chorleburyt, Chorlbury), Oxon, 438 (3 m. 16), 438 (4 m. 17). Charlecote, Warw., 438 (4 m. 14):— g. 132 (15). Charleiton. See Carlton. Charles VI., King of France, 1. Charles VII., King of France, 2322. Charles VIII., King of France, 365n., 535, 2681 ii., 3100, 3185, 3257n. :-g. 751 (2). 90 GENERAL INDEX. Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, 545, 1925, 2646, 3586. Charles, Prince of Spain, archduke of Austria, son of Archduke Philip and Joanna of Castile, grandson of Maximilian, 6 (pp. 4, 6), 130, 162 (pp. 83, 86-7), 220, 253, 260, 274, 325 (1, 2), 329 (pp. 148-50), 345, 355, 385, 389-90, 476, 508, 531, 557, 572, 592, 610, 614, 695, 724, 741, 793 (p. 428), 809, 813, 819, 858, 860, 866, 899, 919, 965, 989, 1050-1, 1064, 1210, 1229, 1241, 1252, 1258, 1279, 1301 (pp. 595, 597), 1322, 1333-4, 1339, 1362, 1370, 1404, 1421, 1430, 1436-7, 1447, 1497, 1529, 1554, 1557, 1559, 1565–6, 1576, 1579, 1601, 1647 (p. 743), 1660, 1665 (p. 766), 1683, 1692, 1700, 1713, 1724, 1736, 1740, 1792, 1866, 1895, 1897, 1909, 1912, 1917, 1929- 30, 1934, 1957, 1966, 2003, 2006 (p. 907), 2014, 2038 i., ii., 2047, 2063, 2068, 2082, 2088, 2101, 2110, 2114-5, 2139, 2169, 2182, 2205, 2213, 2215, 2242, 2250, 2278, 2281, 2291, 2294 (2), 2329, 2345, 2347, 2355, 2375, 2377-8, 2380, 2391 (p. 1061), 2392 (p. 1063), 2408, 2414, 2421, 2445, 2448 (p. 1083), 2466, 2473–5, 2490, 2496, 2502, 2523–5, 2532, 2534, 2562, 2564, 2610, 2646 ("Monsieur "), 2656, 2670, 2672, 2678, 2694, 2704–5, 2707, 2710, 2724-5, 2736, 2743, 2745–6, 2748, 2762 (2), 2769, 2779, 2781, 2794, 2797, 2823, 2841, 2849, 2858, 2860, 2867-8, 2894, 2908, 2924, 2928, 2963, 2976, 2982, 2985, 2994, 3009, 3014, 3018, 3024, 3027, 3041, 3046-7, 3051-2, 3073, 3079, 3082, 3109, 3113, 3139, 3145, 3150-1, 3153, 3174, 3210, 3235, 3253, 3257- 8, 3270 ii., 3271, 3274, 3296, 3298-9, 3327, 3331, 3345, 3362, 3371, 3380, 3400, 3405, 3423, 3519, 3546, 3572 :—pp. 1517, 1549 :-g. 804 (35), 1462 (13), 1524 (39), 2684 (34, 88), 2772 (59, 60), 3226 (29). • letter from, 2515. letters to, 1930, 2262. his brother. Ferdinand. See his lieutenant of ord- nance. See Lusy, J. de. Charles, Prince of Spain, etc.-cont. his marriage (intended) with Mary of England. See Mary. , his master of ord- nance. See Termont. scene with his council- lors, 3298. a sister of, to marry the heir of Hungary, 724. See Mary. · a sister to marry the Duke of Lorraine's son, 965 ii. a sister to marry the Duke of Milan, 2056, 2475, 2797, 3024. • • three sisters of, 1241, 1252, 2473, 3109:-p. 1531. suggested marriage with Renée of France. Renée. ? See with a daughter of Ladislas King of Hungary, 3405. France, 2797. to Claude of See treasurer of. Flores, D. Charles, John, 3608 i. :—p. 1503. Ric., p. 1549. Charleton, Devon, 2537. Charleton in Craven. See Carlton. Charley, Berks. See Childrey. Charley, Staff., 438 (2 m. 7). Charlo. See Carlowitz. Charlton (Chorleton), Glouc., g. 94 (35). Charlton, Oxon, g. 1123 (11). Charlton (Charleton Strete), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (4 m. 11). Charlton (Charleton), Worc., 438 (1 m. 16):—g. 969 (32). Charlton near Dover, Kent, g. 289 (17). Charlton by Islip alias C. upon Ottemore, Oxon, g. 1123 (11). Charlton Mackerell (Charteton Mac- relle), Soms., rector of, p. 1529. Charlton (Charelton) Regis, Glouc., 438 (2 m. 25). Charlton (Charleton), next Tetbury, Glouc., g. 94 (35). Charlton, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, wife of Sir Richard, g. 485 (5). Ric., (Charleton), Sir attainted (1 Henry VII.), g. 94 (20), 257 (19), 357 (32), 414 (60), 485 (5), 563 (1), 604 (9, 15, 23), 632 (54), 709 (14, 52), 731 (2, 8, 33), 749 (28), 833 (43), 1415 (7), 1494 (40), 1662 (33, 58), 1948 (100), 2617 (7), 2861 (36). Charlwelton, Ntht., 438 (4 m. 3). GENERAL INDEX. 91 • Charlwood (Charlewode), Surr., g. 94 (35). Charmouth, Dors., 438 (1 m. 21 bis). Charney, Berks, 438 (3 m. 6). Charnock (Chirnok, Chinoke), Roger, 438 (2 m. 13). Charolois, county of, 858, 2633, 3210, 3380. Charowchou, ence, 2280. merchant of Flor- Charran. See Sharon. Charrington (Cheryngton, Chiryng- ton), John, 1803 (1 m. 4). Charryng. See Charing. Chart (Chert) [Little], Kent, g. 1123 (27). Chartesey. See Chertsey. Charteton Macrelle. See Charlton. Chartham, Kent, 438 (2 m. 27). Chartres, in France, 3240. > bp. of. See Liège, bp. of. Vidame de, 3348. Charwell. See Cherwell. Charwelton (Charvelton), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 5). Charyngdon. See Cherrington. Chateau Chinon, seigneurie of, 2633, 3210, 3344, 3380. Chaterton. See Chaderton. Chatham, Kent, hospital of St. Bartholomew, confirmation for, g. 1083 (45). Chathei. See Chacho. Chatsworth (Chattesworth), Derb., g. 651 (7). Chatton, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 19):—g. 1732 (33). Chatwall, Salop, g. 2684 (1). Chauce. See Chawcey. Chaueew (Shaw), Etienne, French prisoner, 2172 :—p. 928. Chaufer. See Chanfer. Chaulcin. See Chaussin. Chaumberleng, John le (temp. Hen. III.), g. 1494 (12, 19). Chaumont (Chamon, Chiamon), Charles d'Amboise, seigneur de, nephew of the Cardinal, Admiral of France, Great Master of Milan, 9, 113, 406, 432 iii., 470, 515, 522, 536. letters to, 113, 470, 522, 536. Chaumpeyne, Rob. (temp. Edw. III.), g. 414 (27). Chauncefeld, Jo., g. 11 (10). Chauncy, Edward, g. 11 (10), 2862 (7). George, p. 1549:—g. 11 (10). Gerard, g. 924 (1). (Chancy, Chaunsy), Henry, 438 (4 mm. 5, 10, 18), 1803 (1 m. 2):-g. 132 (122), 857 (7). Chauncy-cont. (Chauncys, Chances, Chancy), John, 438 (1 m. 7) :—p. 1518. Chaundeler or Chaundler. Chandeler. See Chaundos. See Chandos. Chaunte or Chauntey, John, the king's “sage French doctor,' 20 (p. 15), 82. Chaunterell, Wm., 438 (3 m. 11). Chauntrell, Rob., g. 2222 (12). Chaussin (Chaulcin), seigneurie of, 3210, 3380. Chavalary. See Cavallari. Chavalcanti. See Cavalcanti. Chawcey (Chauce, Chaucy), Wm., 438 (2 m. 20). Chawleigh (Chalvelegh), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Chaworth (Cheworth, Chauworth), George, 438 (3 m. 32):—p. 1542:-g. 857 (21), 1494 (9). Katharine, g. 857 (21). Sir Thomas, 438 (3 m. 32). Th., 438 (3 m. 32) :— g. 1662 (18). Sir Wm., g. 857 (21). Chawry or Chawery, Ric., alderman, 438 (3 m. 32). Chawton, Hants, g. 885 (13), 3107 (35). Cheam (Cheham), Surr., g. 632 (70). Cheam, East (Estcheyham), Surr., 1803 (2 m. 5). Cheam, West (Westcheyham), Surr., 1803 (2 m. 5). Cheberton. See Theberton. Chebsey (Chebesey), Staff., 1493 vi. :—g. 632 (17), 2137 (18). Chebson, Camb., 1803 (2 m. 2). Checheley. See Chicheley. Chechester. See Chichester. Chedburgh (Chedbergh), Suff., g. 414 (30). Cheddar, Soms., 1803 (2 m. 2). Cheddar Hananns, Soms., 2537. Cheddiston (Chedesteyn, Chedestan, Chesteyn), Suff., 438 (1 m. 13). Chedeoke. See Chideock. Chedesley. See Chaddesley Corbet. Chedill (Chedell, Chydell), Wm., prior of St. Frideswide's, Oxford, 438 (4 m. 12) :—g. 1662 (51), 1804 (5), 1948 (22). Chedworth (Chadworth), Glouc., g. 749 (7), 1524 (47). Chedworth, John, prior of St. Peter's abbey, Gloucester, g. 546 (40), 604 (49), 2861 (17), 2964 (34). Nic., 438 (3 m. 3). Chedyngston. See Chiddingstone. Chedynston. See Chiddingstone. Chedzoy (Chedsey, Chadsey), Soms., g. 158 (62), 1123 (26). 92 GENERAL INDEX. Chedzoy-cont. presentation of rector, g. 682 (11, 26). Cheese. See Commissions (purvey- ance). Cheesemongers, 438 (1 m. 25). Cheham. See Cheam. Chei. See Kay. Cheinge (Change), Henri de, French prisoner, 2172 :—p. 928. Chekoston, near Exmouth, Devon [a "stone called Cheston alias Checheston ”—Cal. of Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., p. 1, m. 11], g. 132 (57). Chelchehithe. See Chelsea. Chelham, Th. See Chilton. Chelismore. See Cheylesmore. Chelle, John, 2305 iii. Chelmerton (Chelmerdon), 438 (4 m. 9). Chelmondiston (Chelmton), 438 (3 m. 28). Cherhill (Cheryell), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 28). Cherington (Cheryton, Chyrton, Cheryte, Cherughton), Wilts, 438 (2 mm. 28, 32). Cheriton, Hants, 438 (1 m. 11). Cheriton (Cheryntey, Chiringka), Kent, rector of, pp. 1521, 1523. Cheriton, Bishops- (Bysshopereton), Devon, g. 448 (4). Cherley. See Childrey. Cherrington (Charyngdon), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 17). Chert. See Chart. Chertsey (Chartesey), Surr., 438 (2 m. 19), 438 (3 m. 26):-g. 2055 (72), 2964 (14). Derb., • Suff., Chelmsford, Essex, 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (4 mm. 1, 14), 1803 (2 m. 6). Chelmyng, Salop, 438 (1 m. 7). Chelrey. See Childrey. Chelsea (Chelsey, Chelchehithe), Midd., 438 (3 mm. 1, 28). Chelsworth (Cillysworth), Suff., g. 2055 (123), 2484 (1). Cheltenham (Scheltenham, Shelten- ham), Glouc., 438 (2 m. 25), 1803 (2 m. 2) :—g. g. 2861 (29). Cheltenham (Cheltynham), Richard, abbot of Tewkesbury († 1509), g. 218 (36), 257 (47). Rob., g. 257 (47). Chelton. See Chilton. Chelwood (Chelworth), Soms., 438 (4 m. 13). Chelworth, Wilts, g. 94 (35). Chener, Stephen, p. 1549. Cheney. See Cheyny. Chengton. See Chancton. Chenu, Estienne, 3349. Cheny. See Cheyney. Chepingkington. See Kineton. Chepman, Ric. See Bromefeld. Chepsted. See Chipsted. Chepstow, Monm., 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 21) :—g. 289 (44), 1836 (7). priory, 2489. 2489. letter to John prior of, Chepynglambarn. See Lambourn. Chepyngnorton. See Norton. Chepyngwardon. See Wardon. Cherbourg, in Normandy, 3000-1. Cherch. See Church. Cherde. See Chard. Cherebeare, Devon, g. 1083 (2). grant dated at, g. 3324 (9). abbey of, 164, 438 (2 mm. 15, 19). J. 833 (7). abbot of. See Parker, confirmation for, g. Cherubeer (Churebere), Devon [in Dolton], g. 969 (70). Cherwell (Charwell), the Oxfordshire river, g. 1044 (10), 2684 (82). Cheryngton. See Charrington. Chesehull. See Chishall. Cheseman, John, serjeant of the Chaundry, 20 (p. 17). Rob., 438 (3 m. 33). Chesham (Chesseham), Bucks, 438 (1 m. 7), 2054 (6). Chesham, Andrew, g. 2055 (20). Cheshire or the County Palatine," 559, 1802, 2246, 2392, 2651 :— g. 11 (10), 94 (14), 132 (103), 257 (65), 414 (52), 857 (11), 1316 (9), 2055 (42), 3408 (20). Chesholme. See Chisholm. Cheshunt (Chesson, Chesthunt, Ches- tount), Herts, p. 1512:—g. 632 (70), 2617 (2). > bailiff, &c., g. 132 (97). steward of, g. 132 (35). nunnery, confirmation for, g. 1266 (11). Chesnes or Chaini, Sieur de, 3348, 3364. Chesson. See Cheshunt. Chesten or Chestren Wood, Kent, g. 857 (13), 1170 (2). Chester or West Chester, 142, 438 (1 m. 5), 438 (2 mm. 8, 9), 438 (3 m. 8), 438 (4 mm. 4, 5, 15), 1262 (p. 578), 2977 :—g. 924 (28), 2684 (45). mayor, &c., 438 (3 m. 20). abbey of St. Warburga, 142, 245, 438 (4 m. 18). shaw, J. abbot of. See Birchin- GENERAL INDEX. 93 Chester or West Chester, abbey of St. Warburga—cont. • • dispute with the town settled by award, 142. 245. steward appointed, castle, g. 1462 (12). (12). exchequer in, g. 1462 king's pool fishery, g. 3049 (10). St. John's College, dean of, 438 (2 m. 24). Wermyngham's House in Eastgate, g. 519 (24). archd. of, 438 (3 m. 14). bp. of (i.e. of Coventry and Lichfield). See Blythe, G. Chester, earldom or county palatine of, g. 94 (15), 257 (65), 709 (14), 1948 (31), 3049 (10). confirmation of char- ters, g. 784 (15). attorney, g. 94 (15), 709 (30). See Porte, J. chamberlain, g. 54 (40). See Brereton, Randolph. xii.). chancellor, g. 804 (29 Ranulph earl of (temp. Henry III.), charter of, g. 784 (15). Chesterfield, Derb., 438 (1 m. 4), 438 · (3 m. 5), 438 (4 mm. 4, 13), 2392 :—g. 1804 (6). confirmation of charters, g. 784 (41). vicar of, 438 (2 m. 5). Chesterfield, Dham., g. 94 (55, 68), 563 (10). Chesterford, Great, Essex, 438 (3 m. 34):—g. 3324 (20). chantry in All Saints, g. 3324 (20). Chesterford (Chesterforth) Parva, Essex, 438 (2 m. 19), 438 (3 m. 34). Chester le Street, Dham., dean of, 438 (2 m. 18). Chesterton, Hunts, 438 (4 m. 22). Chesterton, Warw., g. 1662 (24). Chesteyn. See Cheddiston. Chestren Wood. See Chesten. Chesylden, John, outlawed (temp. Hen. VII.), g. 257 (80). Richard, prior of Leeds, 438 (3 m. 11). Chetham, Giles, 438 (2 m. 29). Chethern. See Chevithorne. Chetisham (Chettisham), Camb., 438 (4 m. 7). Chetwynd, Salop, g. 969 (47). Chetwynd (Chetwen), John, 2392. (Chetwen), Philip, 2392 (p. 1063). Chetwynd-cont. (Chetwyn, Chetwen), Wm., esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 16), 2392 (p. 1063):-g. 969 (23), 3499 (12). Chevening (Shevenyng), Kent, 438 (3 m. 18). Cheverell, Roger, p. 1536 :-g. 2222 (16 Dors.), 2964 (54). Chevers. See Chievres. Chevington, Suff., g. 414 (30). Cheviot hills, 2246 (4). Chevithorne (Chethern), Devon, 1803 (2 m. 2). Chevres. See Chievres. Chewton under Mendip, Soms., 438 (4 m. 21). Cheylesmore (Chilesmore, Chelis- more), in Coventry, 438 (1 m. 1):-g. 2684 (56). Cheyney (Cheyne), Eliz., wife of Sir Thomas, g. 2484 (34). • • • (Cheny, Cheyne), Francis or Sir Francis, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14), 81, 438 (2 m. 21), 707, 918, 1463 xii. :- pp. 1496, 1536–7, 1539, 1546, 1548-App. 9.—g. 158 (26, 48), 218 (25), 289 (10), 519 (23), 709 (14), 833 (58 ii., 69), 1123 (9), 1221 (9, 23), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). * • " knighted, 81. pardon of, g. 158 (48). executors of, 3483. (Cheyne), Sir John, Henry VII.'s standard bearer and master of Horse, g. 132 (89), 357 (15), 381 (76), 2617 (1). (Cheyne), John, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 6):—p. 1534 :-g. 54 (47), 132 (18), 1221 (6), 2055 (37), 2222 (16 Bucks). Margaret widow of Sir John, 438 (3 m. 5). (Cheney), Rob., 2480 (16). (Cheny), Roger, bailiff of Sandgate and Hammes,589 (p. 339), 2049, 3338 :—g. 519 (12). (Cheyne, Cheney, Sieno, Cene), Thomas or Sir Thomas, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 15), 698, 1176 (1 iii., 2), 1844, 1851, 2437, 2732, 2757 (?), 2908, 3024, 3078, 3348 (3), 3403, 3483: p. 1541:-App. 9:-g. 158 (85), 804 (20), 1494 (9), 2222 (16 Ntht.). • > signature, 698. (Cheny, Cheyne), Thomas, ship captain, 1661 (3, 4), 2304 (3, 5), 2305 iii. :—g. 1123 (9), 3499 (12). 94 GENERAL INDEX. Cheyney-cont. (Cheyne), Dame Walberowe, widow of Sir Francis, g. 1221 (23). (Cheny, Cheyne), Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 42), 394, 494 (2), 3421, 3529:-g. 54 (53), 632 (54), 784 (7). Chiamon. See Chaumont. Chiavenna (Clavenna), in Italy, 1277 (p. 587). Chich, Essex. See St. Osith. Chicheley (Checheley, Chylheale), Henry, 438 (4 m. 18). (Chichele), Henry, abp. of Canterbury, q.v. Th., 438 (3 m. 6). Wm., g. 485 (61). Chichester, Suss., 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (2 m. 34), 438 (3 m. 9), 457, 874 (1, 2), 1801, 1803 (1 m. 1, 2 m. 1), 2062, 2305 iii., 3313 (5, 6, 7):—p. 1505:-g. 257 (57), 833 (11). " butlerage accounts, 184 (2), 577 (3), 1405 (2 ii.). cathedral, 438 (4 m. 6), 559 (p. 327). chantry in, g. 709 (56). dean (of "Chester "). See Young, J. · vicars of, 438 (2 m. 26). fee farm of, g. 94 (35 p. 50). staple of, election of officers, g. 381 (26). Chichester, bp. of. See Sherburn, R. Chichester, Mr., of Devon, 1176 (3), 1661 (p. 752). (Chechester), John, 438 (4 m. 7): p. 1518:-g. 257 (49), 833 (58 iv.), 3499 (12). Chickney (Chikney), Essex, 438 (1 m. 5). Chicksand (Chikeshande), Beds, 438 (2 m. 32). priory, 438 (3 m. 15). Chiddingfold (Chydyngfold), Surr., 438 (1 m. 9). Chiddingley (Chittynglegh), Suss., 438 (4 m. 10). Chiddingstone (Chedynston, Ched- yngston), Kent, 438 (2 mm. 6, 15). chantry at, g. 3408 (29). Chidiock (Chedeoke, Chadiok), Dors., 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (4 mm. 4, 16). Chieti (Civita) [Jo. Petrus Carafa], bp. of, Papal nuncio to Eng- land (1513), 2448 (p. 1083), 2610-11, 2632, 2658, 2744, 2820, 2884, 3009, 3018, 3298. letters to, 2658, 2820 : • p. 1530. his auditor, 3009. Chievres (Chierves, Chevres, Chevers, Shierve), Wm. de Croy lord of, 592, 1683, 2014, 2366 (2), 2421, 2502, 2705, 2779, 2797, 2976, 3113, 3153, 3245, 3257, 3519. Chigwell (Chikwell), Essex, g. 289 (16), 1662 (58). Chikesand or Chikeshande. Chicksand. Chikney. See Chickney. Chikwell. See Chigwell. See Chilborn, Suff., court rolls, 544. Chilcolmavan. See Kilcolmanbane. Child, Wm., 2090. Childe, Th., rector of Spettisbury, p. 1526. Childeley or Childerley, Wm., king's turner, 2807: pp. 1512, 1514 :-g. 833 (26), 2968 (2). Childeswykwan. See Wickham. Childfrome (Chilfrom), Dors., 438 (2 m. 28). Childhay (Chilehay), Dors. [near Burstock], 438 (4 m. 23). Childmell, Th., 480. Child Okeford (Childeckeford), Dors., 438 (3 m. 5). Childrey (Charley, Cherley, Chelrey), Berks, 438 (2 mm. 5, 17) :- g. 885 (13). Child's Ercal (Childesarhall), Salop, 1803 (1 m. 2). Chilesmore. See Cheylesmore. Chilham (Shilham), Kent, 438 (3 m. 12). Chillingham, Nthld., 438 (2 mm. 19, 24):—g. 94 (77). Chillou (Sillou), Guyon le Roy, sieur de, vice-admiral of Britanny, admiral of French fleet, 1635, 1711, 1825, 1907, 2014 (?), 2934, 3349. deed by, 1711. Chiltern (Chitterne), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 30). Chiltern hundreds, Bucks, bailiff of, 438 (3 m. 19). Chilton, Suff., court rolls, 544. Chilton Canteloe (C. Cantlowe), Soms., 438 (2 m. 12). Chilton Foliat (C. Foliott), Wilts, g. 1171 (2). rector presented, g. 381 (20). Chilton (Chelton, Sheltham, Chel- ham), Th., 438 (2 mm. 13, 15), 438 (3 m. 12). Chilwell, Notts, 438 (1 m. 8), 438 ( m. 18), 438 (4 m. 4) :—g. 857 (21). Chimay (Semay, Samaye) [Charles de Croy], Prince of, brother in law to the King of Navarre, 2014, 2779. GENERAL INDEX. 95 Chimay, Prince of—cont. his maître d'hotel, 1566 (p. 719). Chimes, Jacques de, 2173 (3n.), 2237. China, 1974. Chinoke. See Charnock. Chinon. See Chateau Chinon. Chioggia, in Italy, 1001. Chios (Syo), in the Levant. See Scio. Chippenham, Wilts, 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (2 m. 24), 1803 (1 m. 4) : g. 94 (35). Chippenham, Henry, g. 3499 (24). Chipping Norton, Oxon, 438 (4 m. 24). Chipsted (Chepsted), Kent, 438 (3) m. 18). Chirch. See Church. Chirdon (Chirden), Nthld., 1803 (1 m. 1). Chiringha. See Cheriton. Chirk lordship, and Chirkland, in the Marches of Wales, g. 54 (77-8), 414 (48), 833 (8), 924 (15), 1804 (55–6). Chirnok. See Charnock. Chirton, Wilts. See Cherington. Chiryngton. See Charrington. Chishall (Chesehull), Essex, 438 (1 m. 19). Chishall (Chishull), Little, Essex, g. 289 (12). Chisholm (Chesholme), John, to be dean of Dunblane, 2553. Chislehurst, Kent, g. 804 (10). Chislet (Chistlet), Kent, 438 (3 m. 29). Chitterne. See Chiltern. Chittlehamholt (Chitlampholt), Devon, g. 969 (70). Chittok, John, 438 (4 m. 6). Chittynglegh. See Chiddingley. Chivasso, in Italy, college of, p. 1529. Chobham (Cobhams), Essex [in West Ham], g. 1662 (58). Chobham (Chabham), Surr., 438 (2 m. 29):—p. 1513. Chocke, Alice, 438 (1 m. 13). (Chokke), John, 438 (1 m. 13). Ric., 438 (1 m. 13). Chocknall (Chokynhill), Worc. [in Leigh], g. 1221 (40). Choen. See Coghan. Chokes, honor of (or fees of), in cos. Ntht., Beds, Bucks, Linc. and Leic., g. 190 (3). Chokynhill. See Chocknall. Cholford. See Chalford. Chollerton, Arnold, 806. Cholmondeley, Eliz., wife of Sir Richard, g. 449 (6). ... (Chomley), Hugh, serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42): g. 132 (109). Cholmondeley-cont. .. (Chamley, Chombley, Chom- ley, Cholmley, Cholmodley, Cholmey), Sir Ric., esquire and knight for the Body, deputy lieutenant of the Tower, customer of London, 20 (pp. 12, 14), 118, 312, 438 (3 m. 4), 886, 1752, 2260, 2308, 2416, 2667-8, 2831, 2853, 3453, 3607: pp. 1513– 14, 1539-40:-g. 94 (53, 68, 102–3), 132 (14), 218 (11), 449 (6), 784 (5), 924 (36), 1123 (37), 1524 (37), 1804 (17, 32, 48), 2055 (75), 2222 (16 Midd.), 2484 (27), 2964 (47–8). signature of, 2260, 2416, 2668, 2683, 2831, 2832 ii., iii., 3137 (16), 3251, 3506, 3539, 3555-pp. 1511, 1514. (Chomley, Cholmeley), Roger, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 14), 438 (2 m. 17):—g. 158 (46–7), 804 (29 v., x.), 833 (50 iv.), 1365 (3). (Cholmeley), Wm., 2480 (68). Cholsey, Berks ("Derb."), 438 (3 m. 8). Chombley or Chomley. mondeley. See Chol- Chorlbury. See Charlbury. Chorleburyt. See Charlbury. Chorleton. See Charlton. Chorley, Chesh., 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 m. 21) :—g. 2684 (45). Chorlton, Wm., 2392. Chorsi. See Corsi. Chowne, John, g. 1836 (27). Chration, M., 1301 (p. 598). Christchurch or C. Twynham, Hants, 438 (2 m. 22):-g. 289 (11), 604 (43), 1266 (23). • grants dated at, g. 563 (17, 18, 21). priory, confirmation for, g. 546 (53). Christiern, viceroy of Norway, son of John King of Denmark, and subsequently (1513), King Christian II., 285, 304, 365, 666, 1117, 1331, 1563, 1584, 1729, 1731, 1735, 1792, 1827, 2694, 2838, 2973, 2985, 3196, 3270 ii., 3315. letters to, 666, 1117, 1331, 1563, 1729, 1827, 2578- 9, 2721 :—p. 1527 :—App. 20. proposed marriage, 304, 1584, 1729, 2578 (3). Christmas (Cristmas), Peter, g. 1316 (4). • (Cristemasse, Crismas), Th., 1803 (2 m. 3) :—g. 3499 (12). Christon (Crixston), Soms.,g.2684(96). 96 GENERAL INDEX. Christopher, 2940. Christopher. See Fisher, C. Christopher, trumpet, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 43). Christopher, Mr., ship master, 1387. Coo ?, q.v. Christopherson (Cristoferson), John, M.D., a Scot, g. 1602 (40). Chubbis, Th., 438 (4 m. 3). Wm., clk., 438 (3 m. 4). Chudleigh (Chydeley, Chudley), Devon, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (4 m. 8). Chudleigh (Chudeley), James, p. 1535:—g. 833 (58 iv.), 1494 (9). Chumleigh (Culmelegh, Chulmelegh, Chymlight, Chymligh, Chym- ley), Devon, 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 7) :—g. 190 (7), -g. 190 (7), 749 (35), 969 (70), 1083 (2). Church (Chirch, Cherch), Roger, canon of Wells, 438 (1 m. 21). (Chyrch), Wm., 786. Churchill (Churchehill), Soms., 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (3 m. 10). Church Knowle. See Knowle. Church Lalford. See Lawford. Church Langton (Chirche L.), Leic., 438 (1 m. 11). Church Over (Wover), Warw., g. 449 (15). Church Stow (Churstowe), Devon, 438 (1 m. 7). Church Withington (Chyrchimetyn- ton), prebend in Hereford cathedral, p. 1525. Churebere. See Cherubeer. Churston Ferres, Devon, 438 (2 m. 10). Churstowe. See Church Stow. Chute. See Shute. Chute Forest, Hants and Wilts, war- den of, 438 (1 m. 17). Chydeley. See Chudleigh. Chydell. See Chedyll. Chyket, Edward, 438 (4 m. 23). Chylheale. See Chicheley. Chymley, Chymligh or Chymlight. See Chumleigh. Chyrch. See Church. Chywon, Nic., of Chywon, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 11). Cibo, Innocent, Cardinal SS. Cosma and Damianus (23 Sept. 1513), 2320n., 2373, 2633, 2802, 2884, 3051, 3407, 3532 :-pp. 1529, 1532. his proctor Baptista, 2884. Cibsey. See Sibsey. Cicestre. See Cirencester. John Cicestre monastery, g. 54 (38). Cirencester ? Cicile. See Cecil. See Cecile. Cicilia. Cieri (Ceri), Renzo di, holding Crema for the Venetians, 432, 2434, 3160, 3270 ii., 3396. Cifuentes (Swyfentys), Count of, 6 (p. 6), 162 (p. 87). Cilgerran (Gilgarran), co. Cardigan, g. 54 (79). Cilicia, in Asia Minor, 1190. Turkish insurgents in, 766. Cilly (Celle, Silly), Claude de, Prince Charles' ambassador with Ferdinand, 6 (p. 6), 162 (p. 85), 445, 669, 741. letter to, 741. Cillysworthe. See Chelsworth. Cinque Ports, 1313, 1360:—g. 1365 (24), 1948 (69, 70), 2222 (16), 2422 (4), 2862 (7). confirmation for, g. 414 (20). warden of, 438 (3 m. 30) :— g. 632 (4), 2222 (16, Cinque Ports). See Poynings, Sir E. Cintra (Sincia), in Portugal, letter dated at, 171. Cirencester (Circestur, Circetyr, Cicestre, Sissetour), Glouc., 438 (1 mm. 18, 21), 438 (3 m. 17), 1803 (1 m. 2):—g. 1836 (7). • abbey, g. 54 (38 ? Cices- tre "), 257 (2). John abbot of, 205, 963, 3464: p. 1537. 13). subprior of, 438 (3 m. rector of, 438 (3 m. 13). Cisar. See Sizergh. Ciscetur, Rob., g. 546 (64). Cistercian Order, protector at Rome. See Bainbridge, C. Cisterlowe. See Oysterlow. Ciston. See Siston. Cittadella, in Italy, 3043, 3097. Citadello, Ant. de, merchant of Lucca, g. 1804 (38). Ciudad Rodrigo, bp. of, 6 (p. 5). Civile. See Seville. Civita, bp. of. See Chieti. Civita Vecchia, in Italy, 402, 2428. letter dated at, 408. Clacke, Wilts, 438 (2 m. 27). Claclos hundred, Norf., 438 (2 m. 26). Clacton, Essex, fair at, g. 3408 (30). Clairvaux abbey, in France, 2619, 3022, 3069. Claiston. See Glaston. Clanor. See Clonmore. Clapcot (Clopcot), Berks, 438 (3 m. 8). Clapham (Clopham), Beds, 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 2). Clapham (Clopham), Surr., 643, 786. GENERAL INDEX. 97 Clapham (Clapam), Chr., porter and receiver of Berwick, 438 (4 m. 5), 1004, 1493 vi., 2709 :—p. 1542-g. 11 (10), 94 (55), 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 3582 (15). Th., 438 (4 m. 5). Wm., 438 (4 m. 5). Clapton (Clopton), Ntht., 438 (4 m. 5). Claramonte. See Clermont. Clarasci, count of. See Ticiono. Clare, Suff., g. 54 (14), 94 (35, 96). castle, g. 54 (14), 94 (96). honor of, 438 (4 m. 5) :—g. 54 (14), 94 (35, 96), 2964 (81). court rolls, 544. Clare, Gilbert de, earl of Gloucester and Hertford (temp. Edw. II.), grant of, g. 1494 (61). Richard de, earl of Glouces- ter and Hertford (temp. Hen. III), grant of, g. 546 (15), 1221 (28). Claredon. See Claverdon. Clarence, George duke of († 1477), g. 485 (33), 833 (14, 19), 1415 (3), 1662 (58). Clarencieux king of arms, g. 158 (44), 682 (42). See Machado, R.; Benolt, T. Clarendon (Claryndon, Claringdon) park, Wilts, 438 (3 m. 30). forest and park, warden, g. 447 (25). Claret Hall [near Clare], Suff., g. 94 (35). Clarevaux or Clarves. See Clervaux. Clarica, Enores de or Alons Claris- tanc, killed at Brest, 1371, 1403. Clarius. See Olarius. Clark or Clarke. See Clerk. Clarvys. See Clervaux. Clasco. See Glasgow. Clatford, Upper-(Upclatford), Hants, g. 709 (24). Claton. See Clayton. Clattercot, Oxon, priory, 438 (3 m. 15). Claude, eldest daughter of Louis XII. (by Anne of Britanny), mar- ried (18 May, 1514) Francis duke of Angoulême, 1141, 1825, 2475, 2596, 2647, 2921, 2979, 3004, 3191, 3240, 3270, 3364, 3411. proposed marriage to Archduke Charles, 2797. Clavell (Clavyle), John, 438 (1 m. 3), 2346. Clavenna. See Chiavenna. Claverdon (Claredon), Warw., g. 94 (38), 709 (41), 2137 (10). Claverham, Suss. [in Arlington], g. 218 (65). Wt. 11494. Clavering, Essex, 438 (2 m. 28) :—g. 709 (35), 2055 (23). Clavering, Rob., 438 (4 m. 20) :—p. 1542. Claverle, John (temp. Edw. III.), lands of, g. 3107 (39). Claverynges lands, in Edmonton, Midd., g. 833 (43). Clavourd. See Clayworth. Clawurda. See Clayworth. Claxston, Suff., g. 2055 (95). Claxton, Norf., 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (2 m. 29), 520, 3442:—g. 632 (63), 750 (6). Claxton, Ralph, 438 (1 m. 9). Claybrook (Cleibroke), Leic., 438 (3 m. 12). Clay Coton (Cleycoton), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 6). Claydon (Cleydon), Suff., 438 (3 m. 24). Claydon, Middle-, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 32) :—g. 3408 (23).. Claydon (Cleydon) or Steeple Clay- don, Bucks, g. 94 (35 p. 50). Claydon (Clayden), John, 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 10). Claygate (Cleygate), Surr., g. 709 (14), 1836 (31), 1948 (31), 2055 (129), 2137 (18). Clayhydon. See Clehydon. Claymond, John, clk., president of Magdalen College, Oxford, 438 (2 m. 8) :—g. 2684 (69). Clayssuerie or Clayssurne, John, p. 1523 bis. Clayton, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 13). Clayton (Cleyton), Henry, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 42). (Claton), Rob., 438 (3 m. 13). (Cleyton), Wm., 438 (2 m. 8): g. 969 (77). Clayworth (Clawurda, Clavourd), Ntht., g. 1494 (8). Clech, Richard, of Reading, 602. Clederom. See Clotherholme. Clederrowe. See Cliderhowe. Cleer. See Clere. Clee St. Margaret's, Salop, 438 (3 m. 30). Cleeve (Cleve), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 24). Cleeve, Soms., 438 (3 m. 30). abbey of, 438 (4 m. 3). abbot. See Derby, J. Cleffort. See Clifford. Clefton. See Clifton. Clegg, Hamnet or Hamlet (Hammell), 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 41), 3226 (1):-g. 381 (36), 1948 (4), 3324 (11). Clehonger (Clehunger), Heref., 438 (3 m. 26), 1803 (1 m. 2). Clehydon (Clayhydon), Devon, 438 (2 m. 15). Clement, John, 893 (2):—App. 9. H 7 98 GENERAL INDEX. Clement-cont. John, spear of Calais, g. 857 (10). John de, notary, of Tournay, 2767. Ric., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 2480 (37):—p. 1500g. 651 (20). Rob., butcher, 438 (1 m. 22). Clements Inn. See under London. Clementson, Margery, p. 1512. Cleobury, Salop, g. 132 (85). Clere, Eliz., 438 (4 m. 5). (Cleer), John, 1803 (1 m. 1). clothmaker, (Clerc), Sir Robert, 20 (p. 17), 438 (4 m. 5), 1661 (p. 752) :— p. 1541:—g. 804 (49), 833 (58). Rob., 438 (4 m. 5). Clerfayi, Michael de, of Hainault, 2753. Clerke or Clerk, Adam, bailiff of Guisnes (temp. Hen. VII.), g. 94 (72). Cecilia, 438 (4 m. 24). (Clerc), Clement, 438 (1 m. 22):-g. 54 (62). (Clark), Edm., labourer, 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (3 m. 28). George, 438 (3 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 24) :—g. 2484 (20). Jan, 2832 vi. Joan, 438 (4 m. 14). (Clerc), John, 20 (p. 12), 438 m. 14), 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (3 mm. 3, 18), 438 (4 m. 24):-g. 1804 (6), 1836 (27). John, auditor (temp. Hen. VII.), 1418:-g. 2055 (66). (Clerc), John, master of the Maisondieu at Dover, 438 (1 m. 25). John, physician, 438 (4 m. 14). (Clerc), John, searcher of Calais, g. 749 (1). John, [chaplain?] of Cardinal Bainbridge, decr. doct., rec- tor of Portishead, 3220, 3497 : -p. 1530. (Clerc, Clarke), John, ship master, 1661 (1, 3, 4), 2304 (4, 5), 2305 ii., iii. ter : pp. 1497, 1502. Lancelot, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39). Martin, 1803 (2 m. 4). (Clark), Nic., chaffwax in Chancery, 109, 579, 1803 (1 m. 3). (Clerc), Ric., 438 (4 m. 18) p. 1540 bis :-g. 2964 (9), 3324 (3). Clerke cont. D Ric., vicar of Ellingham, 438 (3 m. 8). Rob., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Roger, g. 587 (5). Roger, prb. of Warwick, g. 3049 (42). (Clerc), Th., 438 (4 m. 14), 1262 (p. 578):—p. 1505 :- g. 969 (9), 1123 (37). (Clarke, Clerc), Wm., 184 (4), 187, 438 (1 m. 5), 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (3 m. 6), 707 (p. 383), 874 (2), 1493 vi., 3313 (6) :— p. 1538-g. 924 (31), 1494 (4), 2772 (24), 2484 (17). Wm., prb. of Warwick, p. 1529-g. 3049 (42). Clerkenwell, Midd., church of, g. 414 (13). hospital of St. John of Jeru- salem. See St. John. Clerkson or Clarkson, Rob., merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). Wm., p. 1542 :—g. 2684 (25), 3049 (23). Clermont, in France, letter dated at, 3485. bp. of. See Amboise, J. d. Clermont, Francis William de, car- dinal of Auch (Aus), 526, 3364. (Cleremond, Claramont, Claramonte), René, vice- admiral of the French fleets, taken prisoner at Guinegate, 1273, 1371, 1403, 1518, 2170, 2172, 2173 (3), 2198, 2208, 2227, 2237, 2391 (p. 1059), 2392 iii., 2556, 2609, 2633, 2719, 2905, 3035, 3387. Clervaux (Clarevaux), Eliz., d. and h. of John, g. 3107 (45). (Clarevaux, Clarves, Clerves), John, 438 (3 m. 15). Marm., 438 (3 m. 15). (Clarvys), Ric., g. 1524 (14). Clery, in France, 902. Cleve. See Cliff. Cleveland, archdeaconry of, 310. Cleves, Duchy of (Clivensis), 1311, 2083, 2976 :—g. 709 (46), 2772 (53). Cleves, John duke of, deed by, 1162. his daughter to marry Charles of Gueldres, 2976, 2994. William duke of (1539–1592), 2591. Cleves, Charles de, Comte de Nevers, q.v. "Louis Louis de, called Monsieur," brother of C. count of Nevers, 1689 (p. 774), 3348, 3364, GENERAL INDEX. 99 Cleves-cont. • 3 Philip de, Seigneur de Raven- stein, "Bastard of Cleves,' 463 ii., 1071 (p. 517), 2782. Clewer (Cleware), Berks, 438 (4 m. 9). Cley, Norf., 1982 (2). Cley, John, 438 (4 m. 10). • Wm., alias Henley, q.v. Cleycoton. See Clay Coton. Cleydon. See Claydon. Cleyff. See Cliff. Cleygate. See Claygate. Cleyton. See Clayton. Cliborn, Th., 1493 ii. Cliderhowe (Clederrowe), Hugh, clk., 438 (1 m. 5). Rob., 438 (2 m. 26). Cliff (Cleyff, Cleve), Kent, 438 (4 m. 16). rector of, 438 (4 m. 21). Cliff, Salop, 438 (1 m. 19). Cliff or Kings Cliff, Ntht., 438 (2 m. 4):-g. 784 (2). Cliff (Cliva), by Lewes, Suss., 438 (2 m. 23), 1803 (1 m. 1). Cliff, Henry, 438 (2 m. 11). · (Cleve), John, 438 (2 m. 7). John, chaplain, g. 749 (43). John, sub-prior of Abing- don, g. 1544 (22). Maurice, 438 (1 m. 26). Nic., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 41). Rob., 20 (p. 13). Robert, artillerist of Calais, 193 (p. 101). Robert, B.D., rector of Tilston, &c., 438 (3 m. 14). Clifford lordship and castle, Heref., g. 132 (52), 2055 (69), 2772 (3). Clifford, Anne, g. 1804 (4). Charles, king's spear, cap- tain of the John Baptist, 20 (p. 16), 893 (2), 1424, 1661 (3, 4), 2304 (3, 4, 5), 2305 bis, 2337, 3338. Charles, Barbara and Mary, children of Sir Roger, g. 749 (23). Eliz., widow of Sir Robert, 438 (2 m. 8). Sir Henry, lord, 20 (pp. 14, 20), 81, 205, 438 (3 m. 33), 707, 963, 1493 ii., 2053, 2239, 2443, 3464 :—pp. 1529, 1546– 7:-App. 26:—g. 546 (62), 804 (29 iii., vi., ix.-xi.), 833 (41, 45 ii., iii., 50 iii., iv.), 969 (23), 1365 (3), 3499 (12). Florence his wife, g. 833 (41). Henry or Sir Henry, cup- bearer, esquire, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 43) :—g. 218 (24), 485 (33), 1732 (49), 2861 (7). Clifford, Henry or Sir Henry—cont. • " knighted, 81. Sir Henry, junior, g. 1662 (9). James, ship captain, 1869 iii. :—g. 1804 (4). John and Thomas, former lords of, 438 (3 m. 33). (Cleffort), John, governor of the English merchants in Flanders, 1573, 1576, 1664, 1691, 1721, 1761, 1860, 2011 (3), 2106, 2123, 2413, 2451, 2478 (2), 2643, 2850, 2894 (p. 1256) :—p. 1506. 1761. letters from, 1664, his account, 2451. Louis, 438 (1 mm. 8, 22):— p. 1539 :—g. 2484 (8). Mrs. Mabel, wife of Wm. Fitzwilliam, 20 (pp. 11, 13), 82 (pp. 38, 41), 971:-g. 2055 (131). 2 Sir Robert, g. 1172 (7). Robert (temp. Hen. VII.), g. 1415 (11). Sir Thomas, 2480 II. Th., 438(2 m. 13), 1493 vi. : p. 1538-g. 1732 (49), 2055 (23), 2484 (9), 2861 (7). Clifton, Beds, 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (2 m. 31). rector of, 438 (2 m. 24). Clifton, Derb., g. 2684 (78). Clifton, Worc., g. 94 (35). Clifton next Bristol, Soms., 438 (2 m. 26). Clifton Campville (C. Caumbell), Staff., 438 (4 m. 15). Clifton-Dertmouth-Herdenes. Dartmouth. See Clifton Maubank (C. Mabang), Dors., 438 (3 m. 5). Clifton, North, Notts, 520 :—g. 546 (27), 632 (64). Clifton, Alice, abbess of Stixwold, 438 (4 m. 23). Gervaise, 438 (3 m. 2). (Clyfton), Joan, widow of Sir Gervaise, 438 (4 m. 14). John, abbot of Sibton, 438 (1 m. 12). Sir Rob., 1661 (p. 752):— g. 833 (50 ii.). Robert, 1176 (3) :—pp. 1536, 1542, 1547 :—g. 804 (29 ii.). (Clefton, Clysston), Wm., 438 (4 m. 26), 1803 (2 m. 5). Clinche, John, 20 (p. 18). Clinton, John, Lord Clinton and Say, 20 (p. 12), 3464:-pp. 1538, 1545:-g. 969 (38), 1732 (25). Anne his wife, g. 969 (38). 3 > 100 GENERAL INDEX. Clinton-cont. Sir Thomas, 3348 (3) :— App. 26. Wm., p. 1538. Cliottes, Ric., ship master, 1661 (4 p. 753). Clipsham, Rutl., 1803 (1 m. 6). Clipston (Clippeston), Notts, 438 (4 m. 24):-g. 751 (3), 833 (55), 2684 (1). Clipstone Shrogges, Notts, g. 924 (16). Clise Antron, Cornw., g. 1415 (26). Clist, Devon, rector of, p. 1527. Clist Gerard, Devon, 438 (4 m. 1). Clist Honyton, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Clist St. Laurence, Devon, 438 (1 m. 18). Cliston, Wm., chaplain, g. 3408 (24). Clitheroe (Clyderoe), Lanc., 438 (4 m. 26). Clithyowe laund, Cumb., g. 1948 (60). Cliva. See Cliff. Clochall. See Clothall. Clod, Wm., 3529. Cloderom. See Clotherholme. Clog (Cloge, Clogge), John, ship master, 1453 ix., 1661 (1, 3, 4), 3137 (6) :—g. 3499 (76).| Clogher diocese, p. 1523. Clomorgan. See Glamorgan. Clompton, Th., g. 1948 (26). Clon, John, sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 12). Clonfert, bp. of [Dennis O'Moore], p. 1531. Clonmarean. See Stradbally. Clonmore (Clanor), co. Kilkenny, p. 1524. Clonne park, co. Glamorgan, g. 749 (2). Clonne, Maurice, g. 3049 (7). Cloontuskert Nasyna (Cluntoskeyt N.), co. Roscommon, prior of, p. 1529. Clopcot. See Clapcot. Clopham. See Clapham. Clophill, Suff., 438 (3 m. 16). Clopton. See Clapton. Clopton Hall, Suff., g. 289 (13). Clopton, Eliz., 438 (3 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 14). Hugh, merchant of the Staple, mayor of London, (A.D. 1491–2), 1032 (2), 1508, 2308, 2668:—pp. 1509-10, 1513-14 :—g. 604 (2), 1462 (7), 1662 (6). John, 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (3 m. 9). Sir Wm., 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (3 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 14):-p. 1544:-g. 651 (10). Thomasia his wife, 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (3 m. 9). Wm., 438 (4 m. 14). Close, Ric., 1803 (1 m. 6). Clostahyg. See Restalrig. Cloth, 6 (p. 5), 610, 1074. linen, licence to import, g. 1494 (21). woollen (kerseys), export of, 610, 1475-g. 357 (1), 381 (23), 546 (67), 563 (13), 604 (2, 12), 804 (5), 885 (1, 15), 1170 (11), 1221 (25), 1266 (24), 1365 (18), 1415 (17), (17), 1494 (13, 21), 1602 (31), 1662 (6, 22), 1948 (74, 89, 98), 2055 (5, 101–2), 3107 (2, 14, 53), 3226 (14). export of (Act), 2590 (13). solicitor for ker- seys, 885 (1). black, for funerals, 20, 707. red and scarlet, 82. tapestry and arras, 331 :- g. 357 (11). white and green, 82. in the wardrobe, 877. Clothiers, 438 (1 mm. 5, 10, 12, 20, 21 bis), 438 (3 mm. 9 bis, 12, 15, 17 bis, 20, 21, 23 bis, 25, 30, 32), 438 (4 mm. 1, 14, 15, 17 ter, 18, 22 bis, 23, 26, 28), 1803 (1 mm. 1, 4, 6), 1803 (2 mm. 3, 5 bis) :-g. 546 (56), 1266 (4), 1602 (3). Cloth makers or clothmen, 438 (1 mm. 6, 15, 20, 21 bis), 438 (2 mm. 6, 20, 26, 29), 438 (3 mm. 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21 bis, 23, 24 ter, 26, 32), 438 (4 mm. 1, 3, 5, 7, 17, 21, 23, 26 bis, 28), 1803 (mm. 1 ter, 2, 3, 6 bis), 1803 (2 m. 2 bis, 3):-g. 1221 (4). Clothall (Clochall), Herts, 438 (2 m. 23), 438 (4 m. 1). Clotherholme (Cloderom, Clotherom, Clederom), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 12). Clotton, Ric., 1506, 2062, 2480 (46): p. 1517.|| Cloudesley (Clowdesley, Clowdysle), Ric., 438 (4 m. 11):—g. 2484 (17). Clovis (A.D. 481-511), founder of the French monarchy, 3478. Clovyle, Henry, g. 1494 (55). Clowdys, Derb., 438 (2 m. 30). Clowdysle. See Cloudesley. Cloyne, bp. of [Th. O'Mullaly], pp. 1524, 1531. diocese, pp. 1525, 1527. Clun (Clunne), Heref., 438 (4 m. 12), GENERAL INDEX. 101 Coby, Henry, 2759. Cluntoskeyt. See Cloontuskert. Cluny abbey, in France, g. 1836 (5). abbot of. d'. See Amboise, J. Cluny, House of Charity of. See Charité sur Loire. Clyf, Th., the king's "deser,” 985. Clyfton Dertmouth. See mouth. Clynt, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 21). Clyston, John, g. 1316 (1). Cnhut. Dart- Wm., rector of Newton Tracy, g. 2964 (68). Wm. See also Clifton. See Canute. Co. See Coo. Coates (Cotes), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 4). Coates (Cootys, Cotes) Magna, Linc., 438 (4 m. 12). Coates. See also Cotes. Cobarrcivias, Francis de, 2459. Cobbame. See Cobham. Cobbe, George, g. 2862 (7). Henry, 438 (3 m. 16). Wm., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Cobbetonheis. See Cobden. Cobden (Cobbetonheis), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Cobden Hill. See Copthorn. Coberley. See Cubberley. Cobham, Kent, g. 804 (10). college, p. 1530:—g. 1221 (47). G. master. See Cromer, Cobham, Anne, d. and h. of Sir Thomas, 438 (4 m. 3). Sir Edw., ship captain, 1453 ii., v., 2480 (29). George [George Broke son of Thomas lord Cobham], 3348 (3), 3357. (Cobbame), Sir John Broke lord († 9 March 1512), alias Sir John Cobham of Cobham, 205, 438 (3 m. 24), 963, 1453-p. 1538 :—g. 1221 (47, 59). > Ric., 2480 (49). Th., esquire for the Body, (p. 15). 20 Thomas Broke lord (1512), knighted at Tournay, 2051–2, 2301, 2392, 3464, 3483:—p. 1538:—g. 1221 (59). See also Broke. Cobhams, Essex. See Chobham. Cobham Wick [in Bridestowe], Devon, 438 (2 m. 11). Coblegh, John, 1803 (1 m. 2). Coblentz (Covelence, Covalence, Couvelentz), in Germany, 2083. letter dated at, 2086, 2091. Coburley. See Cubberley. Cocharcha. See Dunkirk. Cock, John, 2054. Cockburn (Cokburn), Edward, & Scot, 1324-5. (Cokburne), John, a Scot, whose father, George, was captain of the French king's guard, 103. (Cokburne), Sir Wm., slain at Flodden, 2913. Cocke. See Coke. Cockerells (Cokerellys), Essex, g. 1316 (4). 17), Cockermouth (Cokyrmouth), Cumb., 438 (3 m. 4), 438 (4 m. 26). Cockett (Coket), John, 438 (2 m. 2324, 2805:—g. 784 (22). Cockington (Cokyngton), Devon, 438 (4 m. 4). Cocklaw (Coklawe), on the Scottish Border, 2913. Cockwood (Cokwood), Devon, 1801. Code, Ric., g. 833 (58 iii.), 3499 (12 bis, 13). († Codenham (Codneham), Wm., abbot of Bury St. Edmunds 1513), g. 1732 (50), 1836 (6). Coderuge. See Cotheridge. Codgrave. See Cotgrave. Codham, Essex, 438 (4 m. 11). Codham Hall, Essex, 438 (2 m. 6). Codneham, John or William alias William Buntyng, q.v. Codnor (Codnawe, Goodenor), Derb., 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 8). Codrede. See Cottered. Codreth. See Cottered. Codrington (Coderyngton), Glouc., 438 (4 m. 26). Codrington (Coderyngton, Cuddryng- ton, Cothryngton), Chr., 438 (4 m. 26). • Edward, 853. John, monk, g. 381 (11). Ric., g. 2861 (37). Codyng. See Cooding. Codyngton. See Kiddington. Coed Raf (Coyde Raf), co. Pem- broke, g. 3324 (16) Coedyswydd (Coydesoyth,, in Wales, g. 2684 (104). Cœur Loyal (Noble), 671. See Henry VIII. Cofferer, Mr. See Shirley, J. Coffyn (Coffen), Ric., 438 (3 m. 7) : p. 1536-g. 632 (26), 1170 (9), 2222 (16 Devon), 3324 (42). Wm., 2480 (12, 15). Cogdean (Cokden), Dors., g. 1123 (26). (Cokeden) hundred, Dors., g. 158 (69). Cogger, Wm., g. 804 (6). 102 GENERAL INDEX. Coggeshall (Cogsale, Coksale, Cokkes- hall), Essex, 438 (1 m. 5), 1803 (1 m. 6), 3529. priory of, g. 1170 (13). Coggs (Cogges), Oxon, g. 94 (49), 682 (8). Coghan or Coughan (Coghne, Choen, Cohan), Walron, sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42), 707 (p. 383), 2480 (50). Coghton. See Coughton. Cogsale. See Coggeshall. Cohan. See Coghan. Coignocle. See Conocle. Coimbra, duchess of, her chaplain, 1344. Coinage, 139, 185:—g. 158 (1). Coiners, g. 969 (17). Coire (Cura), bp. of [Paul Ziegler], 754. See Notes and Errata. Cok, John. See Slakok. Cokayne (Cokker), Edmund, 438 (4 m. 6), 1803 (1 m. 6). Humphrey s. and h. of Ed- mund, g. 3499 (34). Rob., 2392 (p. 1063). (Cokeyn, Coken, Cokyn), Th. or Sir Th., knighted at Lille, 2392 (p. 1063):-App. 26: p. 1535:-g. 218 (59), 381 (108), 2684 (78), 3499 (12). Cokden. See Cogdean. Coke or Cooke,—, g. 11 (10). • • (Cocke), Agnes, widow of Laurence, 438 (2 m. 18). (Cuyk), Edw., 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41), 438 (2 m. 26), 2407 :— g. 1266 (11a), 2055 (79). (Cok), Henry, 438 (4 m. 27). Humphrey, master of works of Berwick, 438 (1 m. 25). Joan, 438 (1 m. 20), 438 (4 m. 14). (Cok), John, 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (3 mm. 21, 23), 1803 (2 m. 6), 2480 (10):-App. 9:-pp. 1512, 1515. (Cook), John, alderman and mayor of Gloucester, 438 (1 m. 7) :-g. 1662 (1). John, rector of St. Peter's, Monk Soham, 1803 (2 m. 4). (Cook), Katharine, g. 2772 (57). (Cooke), Paul, of the Chan- cery, 438 (2 m. 8). Philip, g. 2617 (21). Ric., mercer, 438 (1 m. 20), 438 (2 m. 10), 2575 ii. (or Ceke), Ric. See Syke. (Cooke), Rob., clk., of Ponte- fract, 438 (1 m. 13). Roger, 1803 (2 m. 5). Sir Th., g. 2617 (21). Coke-cont. Th., of Salisbury, 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (3 m. 12):-p. 1518. (Cooke), Th., rector of Don- head St. Andrew's, 853. (Cook), Th., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383), 2221 (2):— g. 1732 (14), 3324 (24). (Cook), Walter, g. 2772 (57). (Cook), Wm., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 41), 438 (3 mm. 9, 14 bis, 26), 1176 (3), 1803 (2 m. 1): p. 1514:-g. 190 (19), 1083 (39), 1462 (15), 1662 (55). (Cowke), Wm., LL.D., 1803 (2 m. 1). (Cooke, Cocke), Wm., ship captain, the Queen's servant, 1453, 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1852, 2686, 2842, 2938, 3513:-p. 1518. Cokeden. See Cogdean. Cokeham. See Cookham. Cokeley. See Cookley. Coker, Soms., 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 4). Coker, East, Soms., g. 1170 (5). Coker, West, Soms., g. 969 (70), 1083 (2). Coker, Edward, App. 9. Rob., 20 (p. 16). Cokerell, James, D.D., vicar of Hessle and Hull, 2805. Cokerley, Glouc., 438 (1 m. 6). Cokeron, Pety John, minstrel, 1181. Cokesdon. See Coxden. Cokesey, Lady, 388 (3). (Cookyssey), John, 2054 (4). Sir Th., 388 (3). Cokeson, John, water bailey of Calais, 193 (pp. 99, 101), 578, 589, 1424, 2049, 2593 :—g. 94 (6), 447 (15), 1221 (46). Wm., beadle of Mark and Oye, 589 (p. 339) :—g. 546 (2), 833 (67). Cokeston, Wm., 438 (2 m. 27). Coket. See Cockett. Cokke, Th., g. 2137′(27). Cokker. See Cokayne. Cokkes or Cokkis. See Cox. Cokles. See Coles. Coklond, Philip, 438 (3 m. 20). Coksale. See Coggeshall. Coksalle, John, 438 (2 m. 20). Coksedie, Edmond, g. 604 (24). Cokson. See Cokeson. Cokswete or Cokkeswete, John, 438 (2 m. 28). Cokyn, Edm., g. 1494 (55). Cokyngton. See Cockington. Cokyrmouth. See Cockermouth. Cola. See Colla. Colam. See Colham. Coland. See Culland. GENERAL INDEX. 103 Colart,, 3004. Colarte, Johannes, of Rouen, ship master, 3092. Colas, of Bristol, 2738. John, g. 485 (40). Colbrand or Colbrond, George, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40) :—g. 1266 (17), 1804 (22 ii.). (Colebrande), Th., 20 (p. 16). Colbroke. See Colebrook. Colby. See Coleby. Colcer, reward given to, 2383. Colchester, Essex, 438 (2 mm. 6, 11, 13, 20, 26, 28), 438 (3 mm, 8, 19, 27-8), 438 (4 mm. 1, 21), 1080, 1672, 1803 (1 m. 1, 2 m. 3 bis, 6), 1905, 1982 :-g. 289 (17), 604 (36), 632 (50), 731 (48), 1083 (15), 1462 (14), 2617 (21). • • · confirmation of charters, g. 750 (10). castle of, g. 54 (12), 2964 (80). Crutched Friars, 3568 :-p. 1532. St. John's abbey, 438 (1 m. 5), 1905 :—p. 1530. sey, W. abbot of. See Lind- St. Mary at the Walls, p. 1531. St. Nicholas, p. 1531. Colchester, archd. of, 438 (3 m. 22). Colchestre, John alias Neblond, monk, p. 1528. (Colchester), Coldstream (Caldstreme), in Scot- land, 817, 1504 (pp. 692–3). Cole, Joan, 438 (1 m. 14). John, 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (2 m. 24), 1396 :—p. 1536:- g. 2222 (16 Devon). (Coole), John, priest, of the Chapel Royal, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 :-g. 969 (27), 1804 (11). John. See also Colla. Th., 438 (1m.14):—g.682(18). (Coll, Colle), Wm., 438 (3 m. 12), 2402 :-g. 1662 (1). See also Colley. Colebrande. See Colbrand. Colebrook (Colbroke), Devon, 438 (3 m. 18). Coleby (Colby), Linc., 438 (3 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 3). Colemore (Colemere), Hants, g. 94 (83), 2484 (23). Colepeper. See Culpeper. Coleridge (Colrigge, Colrugge) hun- dred, Devon, g. 218 (52), 381 (18), 632 (35). Colerne, Wilts, 438 (1 m. 7). • vicar of, 438 (3 m. 20). Colerton. See Colyton. Coles (Colys, Colis, Cokles), John, 438 (2 m. 8). Coleshill (Colsyll, Colshell, Colshull), Warw., 438 (4 m. 24) :—g. 54 (41), 632 (7), 1266 (9). Coleshill (Colsell), • Rob. alias Cuper, monk, p. 1529:-g. 357 (27). Colcok, Edward, 2054 (2). Colcombe. See Collumpton. Colcombe beside Colyton (Coluton), Devon, g. 190 (18), 749 (20), 1083 (2). Coldale, Giles, clk., p. 1526. John, S.T.D., commissary of Oxford, vicar of Farnham, &c., 438 (1 m. 20). Coldaston. See Ashton, Cold. Cold Aston, Glouc., rector of, p. 1525. Coldhigham. See Higham. Coldingham (Goldignum, Coldinga- han), in Scotland, 2793. priory of, 299, 338, 1077, 2355, 2443, 2552, 3119 :—pp. 1521-3. John prior of, 299. English claimant, 1077. Cold Kenyngton. See Kempton. Cold Norton, priory, Oxon, 1803 (1 m. 4). Cold Overton (Coleoverton, Overton Quatremarc), Leic., 438 (2 m. 33), 1803 (2 m. 5). 11 (10). messenger, g. (Colshill, Colshull), Sir John, 438 (2 mm. 16, 20). (Colshill, Colshull, Colsihill, Colshell, &c.), John, 438 (2 m. 32). Colet, Lady Christina, widow of Sir Henry, 438 (4 m. 27). • Sir Henry, alderman, 931, 1803 (1 m. 3). (Collett), John, S.T.P., dean of St. Paul's, 20 (pp. 16, 21), 316, 438 (2 m. 18), 559, 633, 736, 847, 863, 882, 890, 920, 931, 952, 958, 972, 1049, 1060, 1122, 1166, 1188, 1803 (1 m. 3), 2088, 2818, 3063 :-App. 5 :—g. 519 (13, see Notes and Errata), 1804 (40), 2617 (21), 3107 (1), 3324 (22). letters from, 882, 3374. letters to, 847, 863, 890, 920, 1166, 2088, 2424. oration by, 1049, 1122. will of, 931. (Collett), Peter, g. 3226 (10). Colewath, Rob., 707. Coley (Colley), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22). Colham (Colam), Midd., g. 3107 (40). Colier. See Collier. 104 GENERAL INDEX. Coliweston. See Colly Weston. Coll, in Denmark, 1730. Coll (or Colle), Rob., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Thomas, ship master, 1661 (4). Colla (Colle, Cole, Cola, Solla), John, ambassador to England (June 1514), 1301 (p. 598), 1311 ii., 2564, 2633, 2895-7, 2915n., 2963, 2976, 2994, 3009, 3014, 3018, 3024, 3027, 3035, 3041, 3047, 3052, 3061, 3070, 3079, 3082, 3103-4, 3109, 3141, 3298 :—p. 1516. letter from, 3018. Colle. See Cole; also Colles. College, the or Sacred College. See Cardinals. Collencourt, Jacques de, 1565. Collerton, Edm., chaplain, 20 (p. 17). Colles (Colle), John, 438 (3 m. 28). (Collys), John, vicar of Stone, p. 1528. (Collys), Wm., 1803 (2 m. 3). Collett. See Colet. Colley, Yorks. See Coley. Colley (Coly, Cole, Coln), John, 438 (4 m. 12). Collier (Colier, or Colyer), Henry, > 438 (3 m. 7). John, 438 (4 m. 16). Ric., 438 (3 m. 22). (Colier), Roger, 438 (3 m. 22). Wm., rector of Abberley, g. 3582 (5). Colliers, 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (3 m. 22), 438 (4 m. 16). Collin (Colyn, Collen), John, 438 ( m. 25). (Colyn, Colen, Golly, Golle, Gole), Nic., 438 (3 m. 25). Collins or Colyns, Eliz., Queen's chamberer, 908, 3448. John, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). John alias Wellington, abbot of Athelney, 438 (3 m. 13), 1465, 1493. Lancelot, treasurer of York, 3460. (Colyn), Peter, 438 (1 m. 7). Ric., 1803 (2 m. 6). (Colyns, Collyn), Th., 438 (2 m. 18), 1803 (2 m. 3). Walter, 438 (3 m. 21). (Colyn), Wm., p. 1534 bis : g. 2772 (39). Collingbourn (Colynbourne), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 24). Collingham, South- (Southcolyng- ham), Notts, 438 (1 m. 6). • rector of, 1803 (1 m. 2). Collingtree (Colyntree), Ntht., g. 2617 (19). Collingwood (Colingwode), John, 597. • (Colyngwode), Ralph, S.T.D., dean of St. Mary's, Warwick, 438 (4 m. 17) :—g. 563 (7). (Colyngwode), Rob., g. 2484 (9), 3499 (12). Collinson (Colynson), John, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 778, 877 bis, 990, 1249, 3554. Collumpton (Colompton, Columpton, Colome, Colomjohn, Colombe John), Devon, 438 (2 mm. 13 bis, 27), 438 (3 mm. 7, 9, 23), 438 (4 m. 14), 1803 (1 mm. 2, 4):-g. 190 (18), 257 (14), 1083 (2). vicar of, 438 (4 m. 18). Collyng. See Cowling. Colly Weston (Colyweston, Coliwes- ton), Ntht., 438 (1 mm. 3, 20), 438 (2 m. 14), 438 (3 m. 8), 438 (4 mm. 1, 12):~g. 132 (60), 218 (9), 257 (32). Colman, Henry, 438 (3 m. 24). John, p. 1539. signature of, 2912. Th., letter from, 3557. (Culman), Th., clk., p. 1531. Th., prior of Little Malvern, 1803 (2 m. 1). Wm., 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41), 436, 707, 1248. Colmworth (Colmorth), Beds, 438 (4 m. 2). Coln, John. See Colley. Colne (Coolne), Essex, priory, 1905. Colne, Lanc., 438 (2 m. 11). Colne Prior's (Colme Priore), Essex, letter dated at, 2480 (23). Colne Wakes (Colnewake, Colney- wake), Essex, g. 381 (51, 102), 2330 (4). Cologne (Couloygne, Coleyn, Colleyn) in Germany, 966, 1289, 1306, 1309, 1311, 1321, 1334, 1338, 1344, 1440, 1481, 1566, 2028, 2083, 2093, 2115, 2715, 3298. letters dated at, 1351, 1367, 1383, 1388, 1428, 1438 (?), 1750 (2), 2115. Diet at (Oct. 1512), 1440. conclusions, 1428. Cologne, abp. of [Philip von Daun Oberstein], 1897, 2448. Cologne clifts (i.e. spear handles), 1420. Colom, in Artois, 2404. Colombe John. See Collumpton. Colombier (Coulombiers), in France, letter dated at, 470. Colome, Colomjohn, Colomp-John or Colompton. See Col- lumpton. Colonna, the family, 1344, 1677 (p. 770). GENERAL INDEX. 105 Colonna-cont. Fabritio, leader in Ferdi- nand's service, 793, 1301 (p. 597), 2020. Marco Antonio, 529. Mutius, 1277 (p. 586). (Colunna), Prospero, 350, 541, 1204, 1312, 1354, 1988, 2029, 2127, 3525, 3541. Colowe, Wm., justice (temp. Henry VII.), g. 604 (24). Colowhill. See Callowhill. Colpyn, John, 2049. Colquhoun (Culquhone), Adam, canon of Glasgow, g. 2862 (8). (Coolchome), Sir John, of, made prisoner at Flodden, 2246 (4). Colrigge or Colrugge. See Coleridge. Colshill, Colsihill, Colshell or Colsu- hyll. See Coleshill. Colsterworth, Linc., rector of, p. 1528. Colt or Colte, John, g. 546 (3), 2222 (16 Essex). Colthorp. See Colthorpe. Coltman, John, 438 (2 m. 28). Colton (Coweton Grange), Lanc. [in Furness], 1803 (2 m. 3). Colton, Norf., 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (2 m. 16) :——g. 2617 (37). Colton, Staff., 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (3 m. 19), 438 (4 m. 3). Columb (Culme, Cullum, Cullam), Hugh, 438 (3 m. 15):-g. 1123 (10). Columbell, Humphrey, g. 651 (7). Columton. See Collumpton. Coluton. See Colyton. Colvile, Henry, g. 2617 (21). (Culwen), Lord, slain Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313. at (Colvell, Colvele), Rob., 438 (3 m. 14). Colwell, Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Colwich, Staff., 1803 (1 m. 2). Colwick (Colwike, Colwyk), Notts, g. 1732 (49), 2861 (7). Colwick, Over- (Overcolwyke), Notts, 438 (4 m. 14). Colyford (Coliford) borough, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Colyford, John, g. 1266 (38). Colympjohn. See Collumpton. Colyn. See Collin and Collins. Colyng. See Cooling. Colyngbourne, Margaret d. of Wm., 1803 (1 m. 2). Colynge. See Cowlinge. Colyngwode. See Collingwood. Colys. See Coles. Colyton (Coleton, Colaton), Devon, 1801:-g. 749 (20), 1083 (2). Colyton (Colerton) Raleigh, Devon, g. 414 (29). Colyweston. See Colly Weston. Comacchio (Camadium), in Italy, salt making in, 783. Comartyn. See Combe Martyn. Comarys, Marquis de, Ferdinand's deputy in Navarre, 2006 (p. 907). Combe, Devon, 438 (4 m. 8). Combe (Southcombe), Dors., g. 2684 (32). Combe, Kent, g. 804 (10). Combe, Warw., abbey, 438 (4 m. 8). abbot. See Toton, J. Combe Flory, Soms., 438 (1 m. 7). Combe Martyn (Comartyn), Devon, bailiff of, g. 132 (83). Combe in Teignhead (Comberyntyn- chide), Devon, rector of, p. 1525. Combe, John, 436. Combermere, Chesh., abbey, 438 (3 m. 2). m. 2). John abbot of, 438 (3 Comberton (Cumberton) Parva, Worc., 438 (3 m. 11):—g. 132 (28). Comberworth. See Cumberworth. Combes (Combys), Th., auditor, 438 (2 m. 29):-g. 357 (15). Wm., 438 (2 m. 29). Comborough. See Cornbrough. Combworth. See Cornbrough. Comchillos, James de, bp. of Catania, q.v. Comdoye. See Cwmyoy. Comekillyone. See Iona. Comersale, Wm., g. 132 (101). Comewyth. See Comwyth. Cominatus, Constantine. See Areniti. Commissions : Admiralty, g. 485 (40). ambassadors', admirals', captains', &c., indexed under their names. Army victualling. See be- low Purveyance. Array, 827, 1360 :-g. 94 (63), 804 (29), 833 (45, 50, 58), 1083 (39), 1316 (9), 1365 (3, 24), 2330 (3), 2861 (6, .33), 3408 (37). Assessment, g. 3324 (24). Assize and gaol delivery, g. 94 (50), 132 (2, 48), 218 (1, 12), 289 (31, 43), 357 (21, 38), 381 (39, 43, 78), 414 (55), 519 (44, 50, 60), 546 (1, 47), 587 (1, 5), 709 (34, 62), 731 (27-8), 804 (36, 41), 833 (2, 22, 40, 106 GENERAL INDEX. Commissions—cont. Commissions: Assize and gaol de- livery-cont. 59), 924 (14, 31, 37), 969 (13), 1083 (8, 10, 13, 16, 20-1), 1221 (21, 30, 41), 1266 (34, 36, 41), 1316 (3, 6, 14, 28), 1462 (14, 34), 1494 (4, 54), 1602 (10, 41), 1662 (1, 5, 8, 47), 1732 (2, 13, 16, 25), 1948 (10, 19), 2055 (8, 59, 93, 114), 2137 (3, 11), 2422 (5), 2484 (15, 20, 27), 2617 (35), 2684 (9, 41, 62, 68), 2772 (39), 3049 (4, 23, 26, 35), 3107 (24, 34, 55), 3226 (4). Coronation, g. 94 (43, 87–9). Debts to the Crown, g. 3226 (8). Enquiry, g. 132 (61), 357 (6), 651 (10, 13), 709 (55, 61), 731 (14), 804 (21, 28), 924 (36), 969 (4), 1083 (24), 1123 (6, 12, 13, 40), 1221 (16), 1316 (26), 1662 (9), 1948 (94), 2055 (95), 2484 (34), 2684 (99), 3107 (16), 3226 (27), 3324 (42), 3408 (4, 6, 16, 26, 33). Marches of Wales, g. 414 (48, 52). Musters. See Musters. Oyer and terminer, g. 158 (76), 1123 (19, 20), 1316 (9), 1836 (18), 2055 (42), 3408 (37). revoked, g. 257 (85). Peace, pp. 1533–47. Purveyance, for armies and fleets, g. 1123 (17), 1662 (35, 37, 54), 1732 (6, 8, 14, 23, 27, 31), 1804 (8, 14, 22, 33–4), 2055 (11), 2684 (79, 87, 110), 2772 (23, 60). for the Household, g. 587 (8), 804 (9), 833 (3, 18, 28, 37), 857 (3), 1003 (13, 19), 1123 (31, 38), 1266 (17), 1804 (22), 1836 (20), 2055 (9), 2484 (22, 31), 2535 (15), 2617 (3, 30), 2684 (54), 2772 (43), 2861 (32), 3049 (6, 22), 3226 (15), 3324 (1, 38). for works, g. 158 (11), 682 (37). Receipt of the French pen- sion. See French pension. Scots in England, g. 2222 (16). Sewers, g. 132 (32–3, 51), 158 (91), 257 (48, 88), 804 (13, 52), 969 (45, 52, 54), 1123 (37), 1171 (3), 2684 (8), 3582 (14). Special, g. 257 (95), 833 (52), 969 (5), 1123 (18), 1732 (37), 2861 (28), 2964 (22). Subsidy, g. 2862 (7). Weirs, g. 132 (57). Common Pleas ("Comyn Place," Common Bench), 82 (p. 39), 164, 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 mm. 3, 9), 438 (4 mm. 2 bis, 16, 23, 28), 579, 3315 (2):—g. 257 (85). • • · Chief Justice of, 1. See Rede, Sir R. chirographer, g. 94 (81). clerk of estreats, g. 3408 (22). keeper of writs and rolls, g. 94 (8). prothonotary of, 438 (2 m. 12). records of, kept by the clericus Inferni in the place called Hell, 438 (1 m. 7). Comnor. See Cumnor. Como, in Italy, 1277 (pp. 585, 587). • " letter dated at, 1973. Compaignon, the, Spinelly's spy in France, 2694, 2777, 3109, 3235, 3493. Company, Wm., p. 1512. Compaynes, Suff., g. 1316 (26). Compiegne (Compiennes), in France, 1594. Compton, Glouc., g. 1123 (13). Compton, Staff., Haloweys lands, g. 2535 (8). A Compton, Wilts, g. 94 (35). Compton Chamberleyn, Wilts, 438 (2 m. 20). Compton, East-, Surr., 438 (2 m. 15). Compton, Fenny. See Fenny C. Compton, Long-, Warw., g. 3107 (40). Compton, Over-, Devon, 438 (2 m. 5). Compton, West, Berks, g. 94 (51), 682 (8), 2055 (50). Compton, Alice, 1803 (2 m. 2). John, 438 (3 m. 34), 438 (4 m. 1):-g. 1221 (38), 2861 (11). (Cumpton), Th., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 16), 640, 707, 1015, 1493 vi., 1803 (2 m. 5), 3554 :—g. 784 (33), 1365 (21), 1948 (77), 3582 (29). Wm., g. 2484 (6). GENERAL INDEX. 107 Compton-cont. • (Comton), Wm., abbot of Pershore, 438 (3 m. 18):- pp. 1537, 1546:—g. 1221 (40). (Conton), Wm. or Sir Wm., groom of the Stole, knighted at Tournay, Chancellor of Ireland (6 Nov. 1513), 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 474, 579, 640, 734, 888, 1015, 1046, 1748, 1844, 1882, 1951, 1957– 8, 1960, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2301, 2480 (4, 26), 2766, 3502, 3535, 3554 :-pp. 1503, 1519, 1536, 1538-9, 1541, 1543, 1545-6: g. 94 (27), 257 (30), 289 (36), 447 (18), 546 (16), 604 (13), 632 (68), 651 (19, 28), 682 (8), 709 (42), 749 (7), 804 (39), 969 (10, 34), 1083 (18, 41), 1123 (26), 1221 (23), 1494 (9), 1662 (10, 47, 58), 1948 (73), 2055 (65, 129– 30), 2422 (15, 17), 2484 (7), 2484 (9), 2535 (23), 2617 (15), 2684 (18), 2772 (51, 54), 2861 (14), 2964 (72, 76), 3049 (20), 3107 (1, 40), 3226 (4), 3582 (26). grant of lands to, 1083 (41). (23). his marriage, g. 1221 signature of, g. 2055 (65), 2964 (76), 3049 (33), 3107 (9). Comwyth (Cumwyth, Comewyth), John, 438 (1 m. 25). Cona, Rob., g. 3107 (40). Conand, John, 438 (1 m. 8). Concha. See Cong. Conciliabulum. See Pisa, Council of. Concordia, in Italy, 773, 1277 (p. 587): p. 1528. • · bp. of. See Argentino. Concressault (Concursallo), Mons. de, steward to the French Queen, 1988, 3364. Condicote (Gouldicote), Glouc., 388. Condover (Cundour), Salop, g. 2535 (10). Coneborowe. See Queeniborough. Conesholme. See Conisholme. Cong (Concha) priory, co. Mayo, p. 1524. Congell. See Conocle. Congham St. Andrew's, Norf., 438 (4 m. 9). Congherst or Congeherst, George and Margaret, 438 (3 m. 3). Congresbury (Conysbury), Soms., g. 2684 (50). Congston. See Coughton. Conholt (Counholt), Wilts, 438 (4 m. 23). Coningsby (Conyngesby), Linc., guild of St. Mary, 438 (1 m. 3). Coningsby, Anne, wife of Humphrey, 438 (2 m. 11). (Conyngesby), Humph., 438 (3 m. 28). (Conysby), Humphrey, jus- tice of King's Bench, 82 (p. 39), 205 (p. 106), 315, 341, 438 (2 m. 11), 963, 1046, 2787, 3464 (2) :—pp. 1535 bis, 1538, 1539 bis, 1540 ter, 1541, 1542 bis, 1545, 1546 bis, 1547 bis :- g. 54 (1, 50), 94 (50), 132 (31, 48), 218 (1), 257 (85), 357 (21, 38), 519 (44), 546 (47), 709 (62), 833 (2), 924 (14), 1083 (20−1), 1123 (37), 1316 (3, 6), 1662 (1, 5), 1732 (2, 16), 2055 (8, 51, 53), 2137 (11), 2484 (15), 2684 (41, 68), 3049 (4, 26), 3107 (40, 55), 3226 (7). signature of, g. 257 (85). (Conyngesby), Wm. pp. 1538, 1541 :—g. 3107 (24). Conisbrough (Conysborugh Connes- burgh, Cornysborow), Yorks, g. 94 (55, 68), 563 (10), 1003 (11), 1804 (6). Conisholme (Conyngesholm Cones- holme), Linc., 438 (3 m. 10). rector presented, g. 190 (42). Conkarnean, in Britanny, 3349 (p. 1411). Conkett. See Conquet. Connée, Jacques, of Aire, 1565. Conner, Ph., p. 1549. Connesburgh. See Conisbrough. Conneswyke, Westmld., 438 (4 m. 8). Conocayn. See Knockane. Conocle (Coignocle, Congell), John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Conqueste, Edmond, 438 (2 m. 32). Conquet (Conkett), in Britanny, 1844. letter dated at, 1825. Consaloveris, John Baptist de, mer- chant of Milan, p. 1496. Considew, Wm., g. 833 (13). Consistory of Cardinals, 17, 367, 432 ii., 923, 1246. Constable, Barbara, 438 (4 m. 16) g. 632 (40). .. John, g. 1732 (49), 2861 (7). John, master of St. Leonard's Hospital, York, g. 381 (107). Dr. John, rector of Fulbeck, g. 2964 (23). John, clk., treasurer of Lin- coln cathedral, 438 (2 m. 14)-g. 1494 (16). 108 GENERAL INDEX. Constable-cont. • • Sir John, 1450 (p. 661): p. 1547:-g. 632 (26), 804 (29 iv., ix.), 833 (45 iii.), 969 (23), 1365 (3). Sir Marmaduke, knight for the Body, ambassador to Scotland (Sept. 1509), 37, 161, 255, 438 (3 m. 6), 2239 : p. 1547:—g. 132 (32), 158 (80, 90), 257 (49), 519 (1), 651 (12, 25), 804 (29 iv., ix.), 833 (45 iii.), 1123 (37), 1365 (3). ambassador to Scot- land, g. 158 (80, 90), 519 (1). • • • Marm. or Sir Marmaduke, the younger, son of Sir Marm., 20 (p. 15), 255, 438 (4 m. 16), 2246 (4 ii.):-g. 2484 (9). Marm. or Sir Marm., of Ever- ingham, p. 1547:—g. (32), 3499 (78). 132 Marmaduke, g. 632 (40). (Constabill), Ph., 20 (p. 15), 438 (1 m. 5) :—g. 1123 (37). Ralph, g. 357 (18). Sir Robert, 20 (p. 16), 438 (3 m. 3), 837 ii. :—p. 1547 : g. 132 (32), 804 (29 iv., ix.), 833 (45 iii.), 1123 (37), 1365 (3), 1494 (16). > receipt by, 837 ii. Th., g. 357 (18). Sir Wm., of Carethorpe, knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.) :—p. 1547. Sir Wm., of Hatfield, knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.). Wm., of Rudstone, p. 1547:—g. 804 (29 iv., ix.), 833 (45 iii.), 1365 (3), 2222 (16 Yorks). William, son of Sir Marm., 255. Constance, in Germany, 1352. letter dated at, 576. Constantin, Signor. See Areniti, C. Constantine's or St. Constantine, Cornw., 438 (2 m. 4). Constantinople, 766, 1190, 1964, 2291, 3108. Contarini, Federigo, 1071 (p. 517). Conton. See Compton. Controller, Mr. See Poynings, Sir E. Conty (Conti), Baron de, 1301 (p. 598). Convet. See Laurencekirk. Convocation, 2046, 2932:-g. 1948 (95). • speech of the prolocutor (J. Taylor), 3050. summons, 219 :—g. 969 (75– 6), 2772 (28). Conway, in Wales, 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (4 m. 29). > confirmation for, g. 414 (23). abbey, abbot of, 438 (3 m. 18). Conway or Conwey, Chr., 878. Edw., gentleman usher, 20 (p. 16), 1176 (1, 4) :—g. 3499 (68). Elizabeth, wife of Sir Hugh, sister of Thomas earl of Devon (1458-61), g. 749 (23), 1083 (2). > of Henry, 1803 (1 m. 3). Sir Hugh, treasurer Calais, 193 (pp. 99, 100, 102, 440, 582, 589, 634, 716, 878, 981, 1424, 1471, 1493 ii., 1551, 1715, 1744, 1752, 1848, 2049, 2337, 2425, 2522, 2656 (3), 2673, 2954, 3067, 3457 :— g. 11 (12), 218 (15), 257 (13), 449 (19), 749 (23), 751 (2), 833 (47), 924 (34), 1083 (2), 1804 (10), 1805 (1), 3408 (26, 37). his accounts, 193, 589, 634, 893, 1424, 2337, 2786, 2954, 3338. signature, g. 1805 (1). (Connewey), Peter, archd. of St. Asaph, 438 (3 m. 18). Philip, g. 2617 (16). Cony, Edmund, ship master, 1661 (1, 3). (Conye), James, 1262 (p. 578). John, third clerk of the Kitchen, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707. Conyam (Quoniam), John, 438 (2 m. 34). Conyers, Anne, g. 833 (32). • • Cuthb., clk., g. 132 (50), 833 (41). Dr., 2913. James, serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42). Sir John, father of William lord C., 2382. John, 438 (3 m. 5) :—g. 1602 (20). Margaret, 438 (3 m. 5). Robert, 438 (3 m. 5). (Connyers), Sir Thomas, knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.). Sir William lord of Hornby, 205, 309, 963, 1493 ii., 2239, 3464 :—p. 1547 : -g. 132 (86), 158 (54), 804 (29 iv.-vi., ix.- xi.), 833 (41, 45 iii., 50 iii., iv.), 1365 (3), 1662 (2). Wm., 438 (1 m. 22). Conyngham, George, of Newcastle, 874 (2). Conyngton. See Cannington. GENERAL INDEX. 109 Conyngton, Rob., 1493 iv. Conysbury. See Congresbury. Conysby. See Coningsby. Coo, Chr., ship captain, 1387 (?), 1661 (4), 2304 (3, 5), 2305 ii., 2686, 2738, 2842, 2938, 3513 (1, 2):-g. 2861 (16). Hugh, 438 (4 m. 5). (Co.), Lionel, 438 (4 m. 5), 1661 (3). Cooding (Codyng), in Bexhill, Suss., 3433. Cook or Cooke. See Coke. Cookham (Cokeham), Berks, 164:— g. 54 (70), 94 (35). Cookham and Bray, Berks, the seven hundreds of, g. 94 (35). Cookley (Cokeley), Suff., g. 190 (4). Cooks (see also under Henry VIII.), 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (2 m. 31), 438 (3 m. 26). Cooksey (Cokesey), Worc. [in Upton Warren], 438 (4 m. 23). Cookyssey. See Cokesey. Coolchome. See Colquhoun. Coole. See Cole. Coolepeper. See Culpeper. Cooling (Colyng), Kent, 438 (3 m. 24). Coolne. See Colne. Coombe Bissett (Cumba), Wilts, g. 2964 (67). Coop or Coope. See Cope. Cooper. See Cowper. Coopers, 438 (1 m. 21), 438 (2 m. 14), 438 (3 mm. 20, 24):—g. 2684 (110), 2772 (23). Cooplant. See Copland. Coosby. See Cowesby. Cootys. See Coates. Coparcioners (Coopercionarslandes), g. 2137 (4), 2861 (14). Copcote, John, justice of assizes, 1803 (1 m. 6):—g. 132 (48), 381 (39), 519 (44), 546 (47), 709 (34), 833 (2), 1316 (14), 1662 (1). ; Cope or Coope, 1661 (p. 752). Agnes d. and h. of Edward, g. 546 (59). John, 82 (p. 41), 1267. Robert, 438 (3 m. 16). Stephen, serjeant of the Cellar, serjeant of the Pantry and Poultry, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 438 (3 m. 16), 1962–3, 1966-7-g. 449 (14 bis), 587 (18), 969 (15), 1172 (20), 1524 (2). Wm., 20 (p. 15): pp. 1542, 1545:—g. 94 (90), 218 (23), 414 (10), 447 (23), 485 (44), 587 (18), 804 (43), 1494 (9), 1804 (26), 1836 (10), 2055, (129). Copeland, in Irton, Cumb., g. 2861 (11). Copenhagen (Cowpanhevyn), 302. letters dated at, 117, 285, 462, 1140. Coper. See Cowper. Copham, Dors., 438 (4 m. 19). Copildike. See Copuldike. Copinger (Copenger), John, page of the Chamber, of the Ward- robe of Robes, 20 (p. 13), 82 (pp. 38, 42), 228, 640, 1015, 1549, 2162, 2226, 3454 :—g. 447 (8), 969 (46), 1804 (16), 3408 (22), 3499 (67). (Copyngre), Ric., 438 (3 m. 31). Wm., alderman, 438 (2 m. 13)-App. 14. Copland (Coplond), -, tailor, 559. (Coplond), John, 1803 (2 m. 2). (Cooplant, Copeland), Wm., 1594, 1697, 1714, 1752, 1860, 1869 vii., 1943 ii., 2013, 2152, 2181, 2344, 2542, 2609, 2633, 2779, 2908, 3222, 3519:-pp. 1498, 1503, 1516–7. Cople (Copull, Coupull), Beds, 438 (2) m. 22). Copleston, Agnes d. and h. of John, g. 924 (32), 969 (68). (Copston), Henry, 438 (3 m. 3). John, 438 (1 m. 12), 1803 (1 m. 2) :—g. 833 (58 iv.). Th., 438 (3 m. 25). Copley, -, 559. (Coppeley), Ric., 438 (2 m. 29). Roger, g. 218 (35), 1083 (39), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). Copmanthorpe, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 13). Copoliffe. See Topcliff. Coppeley. See Copley. Copper, 325, 1004 (2). Ordnance. Coppersmith, 307. Copston. See Copleston. See also Copthorn Hill or Cobden Hill, in Radlett, Herts, chantry at, g. 2055 (51). Copuldike, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 16). Copuldike (Copledyke), Beatrice, 438 (4 m. 7). • (Copildike), James, 438 (4 m. 7). (Copildyke, Coupildike), John, 438 (2 m. 16), 878 ii., 1313 :- g. 1083 (6), 1948 (41), 2862 (7). (Coppuldyke, Copledyke, Copuldiche), Leonard, 438 (3 m. 6). Margaret, g. 2964 (9). 110 GENERAL INDEX. Copuldike-cont. Cork-cont. " Wm., s. and h. of Wm., g. 1524 (40). Copyn, armourer. See Watte, C. Copwood, John, 1805 (3). Copyn, Wm., 20 (p. 19). Copynford, Ntht., g. 519 (2). Corand (Currand, Currant), John, 438 (1 m. 10). Corbett, Eliz. widow of Robert, 438 • .. • " (3 m. 16). Otis, g. 11 (10). Sir Richard, 438 (4 m. 1). Richard, 438 (3 m. 12):— g. 1662 (1). Sir Robert, 438 (4 m. 1), 1176 :—p. 1543 :—g. 381 (46). Sir Roger, 438 (4 m. 1). Roger, s. and h. of Sir Robert, 2628:-g. 2617 (44). (Corbete), Th., 438 (3 m. 12):-g. 3049 (20). Wm., 438 (3 m. 11). Corbowe, John, of Norfolk, g. 190 (19). Corbridge (Corbrig), Nthld., 438 (2 m. 16). Corby, Linc., 1803 (1 m. 4). Corbye (Corbeil), in France, 2238. letters dated at, 2275, 2396, 2399. Cordes, in Picardy, 2392. Cordier, Peter, doctor of decrees, French ambassador to Scot- land and Denmark, 1031, 1039, 1058, 1140, 1153, 1155, 1268. Cordova, Gonsalvo Fernandez de, duke of Terra Nueva and Prince of Venossa, the "Great Captain," 6 (p. 5), 541, 610, 1219,1223, 1277 (pp. 585, 588), 1301 (p. 595), 1511 (p. 700), 1866 (p. 851), 1877. letter from, 1219. his second daughter, wife of John of Aragon, 610. Cordray, Th., serjeant at arms, g. 709 (38). Cordwainers. See Shoemakers. Corfe (Corff), Dors., g. 1123 (26). Corfe Castle, Dors., 438 (1 m. 8): g. 158 (69), 1123 (26). • grant dated at, g. 587 (4). confirmation of charters, g. 709 (47). Corfe (Corf), Philip, 438 (2 m. 32). Corfu, 83. Corinthi, H. L. See Lastarrinea, Helena. Coriton, Ric., g. 969 (70). Cork (Corkys), in Ireland, 1803 (2 m. 5): p. 1523. confirmation of charters, g. 381 (87). cathedral, pp. 1525, 1528. Holy Trinity, church, 1026. priory or leper house of St. Stephen, 1026. Cork diocese, pp. 1523–4. Corke, Roger, g. 1266 (11a). Corle. See Crowle. Cormalet. See Curry Malet. Cormangel (Vangel, Camangel), M., a Breton killed at Brest, 1371, 1385. Cornard, Suff., 438 (4 m. 21). Cornard, John, g. 1221 (4). Cornaro, -, a Venetian, 278n., 328, 334-5. (Corner), Marco, Cardinal, 250, 2568, 2602. letter from, 2602. Cornbrough (Comborough, Comb- worth, Cornburgh), Yorks, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (7). Cornbury (Corunbury), Oxon, 438 (3 m. 29), 438 (4 m. 17):—g. 682 (8). Corn buyer, 438 (3 m. 15). Cornden. See Carndean. Corndon forest, co. Montgomery, g. 218 (38). Cornelyous, John, g. 1221 (4). Cornelius, the king's cordwainer, 887. Cornell. See Cornhill. Corneto, in Italy, letter dated at, 2602. Corneto, Adrian de (or de Castello), cardinal of St. Chrysogon, bp. of Bath and Wells, Imperial protector at Rome, Papal col- lector for England, 135, 205, 438 (3 m. 16), 630, 777 (p. 415), 880, 963, 1007, 1356, 1488, 1574, 1677, 2029, 2032, 2077, 2258, 2276, 2644, 2932, 2986- 8, 3203, 3302, 3305, 3401–2, 3464, 3489, 3496, 3504, 3509– 10, 3514-5, 3562. letters from, 135, 1007, 1488, 2032, 3177, 3508, 3516, 3560. Cornewelle or Cornewall. See Corn- wall. Cornhill (Cornell), Nthld., 1302, 1504. Cornish (Cornysshe), John, 438 (4 m. 24). Th., 1803 (2 m. 5), 3148. (Cornysshe), Thomas, warden of St. Mary Ottery College, bishop of Tino (? Tenensis), 438 (4 m. 17). Wm., gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 490, 707, 877n., 1272,2404. • GENERAL INDEX. 111 Cornwall, 205 (p. 106), 1409 (2): · • App. 14:-g. 94 (58, 84), 218 (52), 381 (18, 75), 632 (26), 833 (11, 58 iii.), 969 (23), 1123 (6, 22), 1221 (16), 1365 (24), 1494 (9), 1602 (38), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9), 2684 (17), 2964 (18), 3324 (24), 3408 (4), 3499 (12, 13). coinage of tin, g. 158 (16). bulwarks, 1471. commission of the peace, pp. 1534-5. export of hides from, g. 2772 (49). havenator, 438 (4 m. 18). rebels of (temp. Hen. VII.), g. 519 (43). tinners of, confirmation of charters for, g. 414 (24), 969 (64). Cornwall, Edmund earl of (temp. Edw. I.), charters of, g. 414 (22), 632 (14), 1221 (57), 1494 (43). Reginald earl of (temp. Hen. II.), g. 2964 (67). ! Richard earl of, brother of Henry III., charters of, g. 632 (14), 784 (40). Cornwall, Duchy of, g. 94 (85–6), 158 (67), 190 (10), 414 (69), 632 (69), 709 (14), 874 (2), 1732 (7), 1804 (43), 1836 (2), 1948 (31), 2684 (72), 2772 (7), 2861 (26), 2964 (16), 3107 (20), 3324 (24). attorney, g. 709 (30). auditor, 438 (4 m. 6). escheator and feodary, g. 94 (84). receiver, 438 (4 mm. 4, 16 bis): g. 54 (81). See Arundell, Sir J. steward, g. 54 (26). See Marney, Sir H. Cornwall (Cornewale), John, 20 (p. 13). John, lord Fanhope, q.v. (Cornewelle, Cornewaile, Cornewele), Ric., 438 (2 m.22). (Cornewall, Cornewayll), Ric., esquire for the Body, one of the Spears, App. 9: g. 519 (64), 1170 (4), 2055 (69), 2137 (27, 29), 2535 (9), 2772 (3), 3107 (48). (Cornewalle, Cornewaile, Acorneweylle), Ric., ship captain, 1414, 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1844, 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 5), 2305 ii., 3483. (Cornewelle, Cornewale, Cornwall), Sir Th., "the bar- on of Burford," 438 (2 m. Cornwall, Sir Th.-cont. 22), 1176, 2392 :—g. 632 (26), 969 (23), 1172 (22), 3499 (12). (Cornewall, Cornewell), Thomas or Sir Th., knighted at Tournay, 1803 (1 m. 4), 1496 ii., 2392, 2537, 3483 : pp. 1513, 1543 :—App. 26. Cornwallis (Cornwaleys), Edward, 438 (3 m. 14):—g. 784 (56). (Cornewales), Eliz., widow of Robert, 438 (4 m. 22). (Cornwaleys), Rob., g. 784 (56). (Cornwailles, Cornewalesse), Wm., auditor, g. 218 (34), 546 (43). Cornwood (Cornewode), Devon, 438 (4 m. 26):—g. 1083 (2). Cornycall, Tristram, g. 1524 (26). Cornysborow. See Conisbrough. Coronation of Henry VIII. and Katharine of Aragon, ac- counts, 81-2. Coroners, Act touching, 341. extortion by, g. 218 (33). Corringham (Coryngham), Linc., 438 (1 m. 25), 520. Corringham cum Stowe, prebend, Linc., 438 (2 m. 6). Corrodies and pensions, g. 54 (27, 38, 52, 83), 132 (11, 84), 257 (43), 414 (1, 14), 519 (11, 18, 46), 546 (39), 587 (14), 749 (11, 14), 784 (49), 804 (1), 924 (17), 969 (79), 1044 (4, 20), 1123 (25, 52, 63), 1170 (13, 17), 1266 (3), 1415 (2, 16), 1462 (10, 30), 1524 (4, 11), 1662 (56), 1732 (11, 35), 1804 (50), 1948 (65–6, 88), 2055 (35, 56), 2222 (3), 2617 (23, 41), 2863 (14), 3324 (11, 21), 3408 (11), 3499 (7). Cors. See Corse. Corscombe. See Croscombe. Corse (Crosselawnde, Cors), Glouc., chace of, 438 (2 m. 24):—g. 1524 (47). Corse, Peter. See Corsi. Corsen by Porsmoguer (Croix Primo- guet), in Brittany, 1825. Corsham (Cosseham), Wilts, g. 94 (35). customaries of, confirma- tion of charters, g. 784 (40). Corsi (Corsy, Corse, Chorsi, Corso), Peter, merchant of Florence, 1463 vi., 2308, 2668, 2970, 3091 :—App. 17 :-p. 1509 :- g. 1003 (24), 1662 (53), 1836 (23). Corsica, Isle of, 2022. Corsiis, James de. See Cortesius. Corsistis, J. de. See Cortesius. 112 GENERAL INDEX. Corsley (Corseley), Wilts, g. 885 (13), 3107 (35). Corson. See Curson. Corston (Coston), Soms., 438 (1 m. 23). Corsy. See Corsi. Cort, Blaise, French prisoner, p. 928. Cortenhale. See Courteenhall. Cortesius (Cortusius, De Corsistis, Corsiis), James, scriptor apos- tolicus, Apostolic prothono- tary, 108, 539, 843 (?), 1230, 2911: pp. 1521, 1523–4. letter to, 108. Corteville. Cortney. See Courteville. See Courteney. Corton, Soms., g. 2964 (57). Corton Denham (C. Dynham), Soms., 438 (3 m. 3). Corton, Th., g. 289 (47). Corunbury. See Cornbury. Corunna (Groyngue, the Groyne), in Spain, 2694, 2743 (p. 1196). Corvysers. See Shoemakers. Corymalet. See Curry Malet. Coryton, Ric., g. 2861 (37). Coscombe. See Croscombe. Cosenza (Cusentin), Francis de Bor- gia, abp. of, Cardinal, 625, 732, 964. • signature of, 625, 732. Cosford hundred, Suff., g. 2861 (25). Cosington, Kent, g. 3499 (19). Cosseham. See Corsham. Cossey. See Costessy. Cossington (Cosington), Leic., g. 289 (13). Cossington (Cosyngton), Soms., 438 (1 m. 12 bis). Costa, Andreas de, 3141. Coste, Harry, sheriff of Nottingham, 2325. Costenza, Dom., letter from, 2367. Costessy (Cossey), Norf., 438 (1 m. 19), 520, 1803 (1 m. 4) :- g. 546 (27), 632 (64). Coston, Soms. See Corston. Costopolegrino, Bart., 3567. Costowe, Ntht., g. 1083 (41). Cosyn. See Cousyn. Cosyngton. See Cossington. Coten. See Cotton. Coterel, Peter, of Tournay, 3445. Coterell (Cottrell), Th., 438 (1 m. 24), 438 (3 m. 25). Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Cotes. See Coates. Cotes (Cottes), James, clk., a Scot, p. 1522. (Cottes), John, 1803 (1 m. 6), 2392 :—g. 604 (36), 3499 (12). Th., a Carthusian friar, 492. Cotford, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Cotgrave (Codgrave), Notts, rector of, 438 (I m. 6). Cotham (Cathom), Notts, g.1083 (46). Cothele (Cuthell), Cornw., [in Cal- stock,] 438 (4 m. 16). Cotheridge (Coderuge), Worc., 483 (4 m. 6). Cotherstok, Ntht., College, confirma- tion for, g. 1266 (28). • ,provost. See Bernarde, R. Cothryngton. See Codrington. Cotington, Th., serjeant at arms, g. 1948 (15). Coton or Cotun. See Cotton. Coton, Clay. See Clay Coton. Coton, Notts. See Cottam. Cotrum or Cotini, Peter, p. 1522. Cottam (Cottom, Coton), Notts, 438 (1 m. 22). Cotteney. See Cottes. Cottered (Codrede, Codreth), Herts, 438 (3 m. 19):-g. 2964 (50). Cottern. See Cotton. Cottes. See Cotes. Cottes (Cotteney), in Picardy, 2392. Cottesmore, Rutl., 438 (2 m. 13). Cottesmore, Sir John, 438 (2 m. 12). Wm., g. 2055 (95 ii.). Cottingham (Cotingham), · Yorks, 182, 438 (1 m. 17), 438 (2 m. 16), 438 (3 m. 12, 21, 33), 438 (4 m. 18), 488, 1149:-pp. 1527-8 (Uttmgahan) :-g. 94 (55, 67-8), 132 (115), 158 (6), 289 (5), 563 (10), 1804 (6, 17), 1948 (41). rector of. See Forman, A. rector presented, g. 3049(38). rectory of, 2276–7, 2612. Cottingham Langton on le Olde, Yorks, g. 2964 (47). Cottisford (Cottesford), Oxon, 438 (1 m. 6). Cotton, Suff., g. 731 (14). manors in, g. 651 (10), 1316 (26). Cotton by Northampton, g 1948 (82). Cotton (Coton), Ant., sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 707 (p. 383), 2480 (35), 2656 (6). (Coton), Cecily, p. 1532. Clement, 438 (4 m. 1). (Coten), George, 438 (2 m. 32). Joan, 438 (1 m. 5). • Sir John, 1453. (Coten), John, 438 (1 m. 19). (Coton), Kath. widow of Thomas, 438 (3 m. 16). (Coton, Cotun), Ric., 438 (2 m. 24). (Cottern, Coton), Sir Rob., 20 (p. 15), 438 (1 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 7), 1176 (1, 3, 4), 1661 (p. 752), 3348 (3):-p. 1534:-g. 132 (26), 651 (6), 2222 (16 Camb.). GENERAL INDEX. 113 Cotton, Sir Rob.-cont. his brother, 1176 (1, 4). Sir Robert, founder of the Cottonian Library, his signa- ture, 258. Stephen, g. 2964 (17). Th., 438 (1 m. 5):—g. 969 (23), 1494 (9). Wm., gentleman usher, King's spear, 1401, 1990, 2429, 2480 (31), 2885. Cottrell. See Coterell. Cotyngham. See Cottingham. Coubith or Coubygh. See Cowbit. Couche. See Cowche. Coudale. See Cowdale. Coudrey. See Cowdrey. Coughton (Coghton, Congston), Warw., 438 (1 mm. 2, 16), 438 (4 m. 15):—g. 414 (46), 632 (70), 1732 (49), 2861 (7). Coulombiers. See Colombier. Couloygne. See Cologne. Coulpeper. See Culpeper. Coulsdon (Cullesdon), Surr., g. 885 (5). rector of, 1803 (2 m. 2). Councer, Wm., p. 1542. Council, General [of the Lateran],417, 483, 636, 645, 674, 816, 829, 842, 858, 945, 965, 993, 1006, 1048, 1060, 1062, 1067, 1153, 1155, 1182, 1191, 1204, 1224, 1346-7, 1367, 1449, 1657, 1916, 1952, 2029-32, 2161, 2353, 2399, 2512, 2517, 2523 ii., 2601, 2611, 2744-5, 2770, 2890, 3083, 3157, 3362, 3407, 3496. See also Pisa. indiction (to meet at the Lateran 19 April 1512), 816, 829. English envoys to, 1006, 1048, 1050, 1060, 1067, 1182 :—g. 1083 (5), 1170 (1). meeting in Germany proposed, 1140, 1212. Council, the King's, 17, 20 (p. 14), 38, 82 (2), 131, 193 (p. 101), 383, 401, 421, 472, 476, 525, 559, (p. 327), 568, 596, 674, 734, 793 (p. 427), 855, 942, 998, 1032 (8), 1127, 1150, 1201, 1216, 1247, 1260, 1276, 1285, 1313, 1420, 1437, 1459, 1475, 1482, 1484, 1519, 1551, 1591 (2), 1642, 1693, 1723–4, 1801 (2), 1808, 1907, 1913, 1916, 1936, 1957-8, 1963, 1969–70, 1982, 1999 (3), 2010, 2026, 2062, 2065, 2067, 2082, 2089– 90, 2098, 2120, 2135, 2143, 2151, 2163, 2208-9, 2220, 2226, 2230, 2304 (5), 2305 iii. quater, 2326, 2339, 2349, 2362, Wt. 11494. Council, the King's-cont. 2364, 2369, 2387, 2391 (pp. 1058, 1060-1), 2475, 2478, 2479 xviii., 2520, 2538, 2546, 2576, 2587, 2612, 2643, 2650, 2654, 2656 (2), 2740, 2781 ii., iii., 2825, 2849, 2869, 2883, 2888, 2900, 2926, 2962, 2974, 2992, 3018, 3091 (p. 1323), 3135, 3139, 3148 ix., 3210, 3216, 3235, 3268, 3272, 3294, 3361, 3399, 3444, 3447, 3483, 3524 :—pp. 1515, 1517–19 :— g. 11 (1), 132 (43, 91), 218 (33), 448 (4), 731 (34, 44), 749 (23), 804 (49), 833 (58), 857 (22), 1003 (15), 1123 (45), 1266 (6, 32), 1316 (8, 41), 1524 (38), 1662 (53), 1732 (46), 2535 (28). 2617 (5, 18), 2772 (21), 2861 (33), 3499 (40). letters from, 596, 2260, 2888 :—p. 1520. letters to, 131, 1551, 1634, 1864, 1942, 1958, 1978, 2096, 2574, 2718, 2913, 2946, 2987, 3001, 3170, 3245, 3340, 3481. clerk of, 438 (3 m. 24):—g. 1462 (26). See Rydon, R. (died in 1509); Belus, W.; Meautis, J.; Eden, R. dinner bill, 1247. orders in, 602, 716. parties in, 3210. See Conholt. See Covintre. Counholt. Counitre. County Palatine, the. See Cheshire. Coupar (Cuper), William abbot of, 2461. Couper. See Cowper. Coupull. See Cople. Coupuldike. See Copuldyke. Courcelles (Cursoll), Monsieur de, 3348. Courrauden, Jeanne de, letter from, 2719. Course, Peter. See Corsi. Coursers ("corsers ") or horse cour- sers, 438 (3 mm. 12, 22, 31), 438 (4 mm. 2, 25), 1803 (2 m. 2 bis):-g. 1804 (2). Court, the, 290, 880, 917, 922, 1885, 2929 (2), 3063, 3154, 3295, 3298. Courte (Curt, Cowerte), Robert and Joan, 438 (2 m. 14). Courteenhall (Cortenhale), Ntht., g. 2617 (19). Courteman, Henry, a heretic, g. 651 (15). Matilda, Th., Wm., Agnes and Joan, g. 651 (15). Courteney, Edw., earl of Devon, q.v. George, 1798. H 8 114 GENERAL INDEX. Courteney-cont. Henry, brother of Thomas, earl of Devon († 1461), g. 969 (70), 1083 (2). Henry or Lord Henry, 641, 726, 805, 877n. bis, 986, 1199; for later references see Devon, earl of. Lady Katharine, countess of Devon, daughter of Edward IV., and wife of Sir William Courteney, 808, 1176 (3), 1471, 1661 (4), 1912-p. 1518:-g. 158 (20), 749 (23), 784 (16), 1083 (2). • signature of, p. 1518. grant of lands to, g. 1083 (2). Margaret, 438 (4 m. 6) :—g. 2964 (80). to marry Henry Somerset, p. 1530. (Courtenay), Sir Philip, 438 (1 m. 13). m. 13). Alice his wife, 438 (1 Philip, gentleman usher, 2480 (7):-g. 833 (58 iv.), 1123 (10). Ric., ship captain, 2304 (3, 4), 2305 ii., 2686, 2738, 2842 ii., 2938 :—p. 1518. William or Sir William, 170, 438 (4 mm. 4, 6), 671 ("Bon Vouloir "), 698: p. 1535: -App. 9:-g. 11 (10), 158 (20), 749 (23), 784 (14, 16), 833 (58 iv.), 1083 (2). called earl of Devon, g. 1083 (2). 1 creation as earl of Devon, g. 784 (16). • reversal of attainder, g. 784 (14). Wm., ship captain, g. 2055 (25), 2304 (3, 5 bis). signature, g. 2055 (25). Wm., 438 (4 m. 6), 877n. :· p. 1535-g. 1170 (5), 1415 (12), 2137 (1, 27), 2861 (38), 2964 (3), 3049 (20), 3324 (42). (Courtney, Cortney, Cor- teney), Young, ship captain, 1413, 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1869 iii. Courteville (Corteville), Jean de, 2408. Courthope (Courthorpe), Henry, 438 (3 m. 9). (Courthoppe), John, 438 (3 m. 9). Courtray, in France, 1647 (p. 743). Cousin (Cosyn), Mr., King's chaplain, 20 (p. 14). Lewis, g. 804 (9), 1003 (19). (Cousyn), Rob., g. 2964 (21). Cousin-cont. (Cosyn), Th., S.T.P., master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 438 (3 m. 34). (Cosyn), Wm., clk., pp. 1531, 1543. (Cosyn), Wm., dean of Wells, 438 (4 m. 21), 3305: 5:—g. 2484 (26). Couvelentz. See Coblentz. Covelehall. See Cowley Hall. Covelence. See Coblentz. Coveney, Camb., 438 (1 m. 21). Coventry, Warw., 205 (p. 106), 438 (1 mm. 2, 15, 20, 24), 438 (2 mm. 10, 11 bis, 25, 31), 438 (3 mm. 5, 10, 12, 18bis, 28),438 (4 m. 27 bis), 1176 (3), 1409 (2), 1661 (p. 752), 1803 (1 m. 6, 2 mm. 2, 6) :—g. 833 (11), 1266 (4), 1732 (48), 2222 (16), 2684 (56). • • grants dated at, g. 857 (22), 885 (7). confirmation of charters, g. 3499 (64). mayor, &c., 438 (1 mm. 1, 19). Babelake, 1803 (1 m. 3). cathedral priory, 438 (3 m. 13) g. 1804 (50). worth. prior. See Polles- confirmation for, g. 2617 (48). Charterhouse, confirmation for, g. 381 (67). guild of Holy Trinity, &c., 438 (1 m. 1). hospital to be founded by Henry VII., 1 (p. 2). ulnage of, g. 1462 (5). Coventry, Hugh de Pateshall bp. of (1234-41), charter of, g. 381 (71). Coventry and Lichfield, bp. of (of Chester), 438 (3 m. 3):-g. 857 (18). See Blythe, G. Coventry (Coventre), Alice, d. of Robert, 438 (1 m. 13). (Coventre, Covyntre), John, abbot of Abingdon († 16 Jan. 1512), g. 1044 (22), 1123 (16, 45). Coverdale, Yorks, g. 1462 (29). Coverdale forest, Yorks, g. 1602 (20). Coverdale, Th., clk., g. 651 (11). Coverham, Yorks, abbey, 438 (3 m. 22). m. 22). John abbot of, 438 (3 Coverlet weaver, 438 (2 m. 7). Coverley, Glouc., 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (2 m. 10). GENERAL INDEX. 115 Covers, Giles, alias Newton, q.v. Covert, Eliz., wife of Richard, 438 (2 m. 28). , John, g. 969 (38). Ric., 438 (2 m. 28) :-p. 1545:—g. 1083 (39). Covintre (Counitre, Covingtre), Patrick, dean of Restalrig, p. 1530:—g. 2862 (8). Covyntre. See Coventry. Coward (Cowart, Cowerte, Cowert), Nic., of Southampton, 438 (1 m. 9), 577, 874 (2), 2304 (2), 2314, 2738, 2842 iii., 3313 (6) : -pp. 1504-5:-g. 833 (59). Cowarn (Cowerne). Heref., 438 (3 m. 23). Cowbit (Coubith, Coubygh, Coubit), Linc., 438 (3 m. 22). Cowbridge (Cowbrige), co. Glamor- gan, g. 54 (87), 158 (55), 519 (51). Cowche (Couche), Rob., p. 1549. Cowdale (Coudale). Derb., 438 (3 m. 12). Cowdrey (Coudrey), Morgan, s. and h. of Wm., 1803 (1 m. 6) :— 2055 (58, 111). (Cowdray), Peter, g. 833 (58 ii.). Cowe (Kow), the, in the Solent, 1133, 1845, 1883. Coweley, Rob., g. 2055 (99). Cowen, co. Merioneth. See Towyn. Cowerte. See Courte; also Cow- ard. Cowesby (Coosby, Cowyssby), Ric., 438 (3 m. 34). Coweton Grange. See Colton. Cowick (Cowyk), Devon [in Exeter], g. 357 (10). Cowick (Cowyk), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22). Cowke. See Coke. Cowley, Worc. [in Malvern], 438 (3 m. 26). Cowley, Robert, of Ireland, g. 2535 (4). Thomas, canon of St. Ste- phens, g. 1123 (34). Thomas, master of Chancery, g. 1123 (21). Cowley Hall (Covelehall), Midd., g. 485 (5), 833 (43). Cowling (Collyng), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 8). Cowlinge (Colynge), Suff., 438 (1 m. 5). Cowlone or Cowelane, Chesh., 1803 (2 m. 3). Cowlyn, Henry, 1803 (2 m. 4). Cowpanhevyn. See Copenhagen. Cowper, Adrian, cooper, pp. 1512, 1515. (Coper), Chr., g. 3499 (3). Cowper-cont. • , " (Couper, Cooper, Coper), Giles, 438 (2 m. 21). Hans, cooper, p. 1512. Henry, 438 (3 m. 24). (Couper), Jas., 438 (3 m. 25). (Couper), John, 707 (p. 383): −g. 190 (11), 1044 (7). (Couper, Cooper), Ric., 438 (1 m. 22). Ric., clk., 1803 (2 m. 5). (Cooper, Coper, &c.), Ric., alias Kokko, 1803 (2 m. 2). (Coweper, Couper), Rob., 438 (2 m. 32) :—g. 1266 (4). Robert, clk., doctor of music, g. 3499 (4). (Couper), Th., 2357:-P. 1548. (Coupar, Coweper), Wm., 438 (4 m. 13). Cowton, South, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 13). Cox or Cokkes (Kokkes), Henry, abbot of St. James beside Northampton, signature of, 201. John, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40), 2480 (56):-g. 381 (88). (Cokkis), John, parson of Gerrans, 438 (4 m. 9). (Cokkis), Ric., p. 1549:—g. 1462 (19). (Cokkys), Stephen, 438 (2 m. 28). (Cokkys), Th., 438 (3 m. 14). Wm., canon of Windsor, g. 1462 (33). Coxden or Coaxdon (Cokesdon), Dors. [in Chardstock], 438 (2 m. 8). Coxwold (Crokwald, Crukwald, Cuk- wald), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 1). Coyde. See Coed. Coydesoyth. See Coedyswydd. Coyff, Rob., g. 2772 (23). Coyle, Th., 438 (1 m. 13). Cr.. Walter, of Scarborough, 1262 (p. 578). Cra, John, surnamed Franculus, in the French service, 1071 (p. 517). Cracall. See Crakehall. Cracheroode, John, g. 190 (23), 2055 (64). Crackenthorpe (Trakenthorp), Westmld., 438 (4 m. 8). Crackenthorpe or Crakenthorpe (Crakynthorp), Ambrose, 438 (4 m. 7) :—pp. 1535, 1546: g. 804 (29), 833 (45), 1365 (3). Edward, clk., 438 (4 m. 7). (Crakanthort), George, rector of Newbiggyn, p. 1529. John, p. 1534:—g. 969 (23), 1494 (9). 116 GENERAL INDEX. Cradenhill. See Credenhill. Cradock (Cradok), Francis, 2392 (p. 1063). (Cradok), Matthew, ship captain, 1231, 1661 (3), 1727, 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 4), 3313 (6):—g. 1836 (18), 3049 (20). Craford or Crafford. See Crayford. Crafthole (Crostehole) borough [in Sheviock], Cornw., g. 1083 (2). Cragges, John, 2652. Crainebroke. See Cranbrook. Craikecross, in Scotland, p. 1260 Craissier, Willequin, 2875. Craistok or Crastok, Wm., 438 (3 m. 10). Crake, Rob., g. 1494 (55). Crakehall (Cracall), Yorks, g. 447 (6). Crakemarsh (Crakemersshe), Staff., 438 (4 m. 11). Crakenthorpe. See Crackenthorpe. Cralian, John, prior of Launceston, 438 (3 m. 13). Cramborne or Crambourne. Cranborne. Crambroke. See Cranbrook. Cramer, Henry, 20 (p. 14). See Cramlington, Nthld., 438 (3 m. 31). Cranato, Jean de, French prisoner, p. 928. Cranborne (Cranebourne, Cram- bourne, Cramborne), Dors., 438 (4 mm. 6, 11):-g. 94 (35 p. 50), 381 (75), 709 (14), 1948 (31). Cranborne (Crambourne), 1803 (1 m. 3). Hants, Cranborne Alderholt, Dors., g. 94 (35 p. 50). Cranborne Hotwell (C. Howell), Dors., g. 94 (35 p. 50). Cranborne Wilkesworth, Dors., g. 94 (35 p. 50). Cranbrook (Cranebroke, Crainebroke, Crambroke), Kent, 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (3 mm. 11, 23, 26), 752, 1803 (1 m. 5):—g. 784 (19), 2964 (4). Crane, Anne or Lady, widow of Robert Crane and Sir Amfrid Arundell, 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 10). Wm., gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 210, 707, 994, 1710-pp. 1507-8 :-g. 94 (24), 632 (69), 857 (14), 1462 (7), 2684 (91), 3226 (14). his account, 1710. Craneford, Th., 438 (2 m. 15). Cranesley or Cransley (Cranesby, Craunesley), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 23), 438 (3 m. 8). Crankes, John, g. 749 (28). Cranley, Surr., 559. Cransley. See Cranesley. Cranwell (Crendenwell, Crendwell), Bucks, 1397. Cranworth, Norf., 438 (1 m. 25). Craswell. See Creswell. Crasslowe or Creslowe, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 40). Crasswell. See Creswell. Crastok. See Craistok. Cratfield, Suff., 438 (3 m. 30):—g. 190 (4). Crathorn. See Craythorn. Crattorn. See Craythorn. Craufurde. See Crawford. Crauthorn. See Craythorn. Cravell, David, g. 1732 (9). Hoell, g. 1732 (9). Craven, Yorks, 157, 438 (1 mm. 3, 17):-g. 1732 (49). Crawford (Crayfort), John Lindsay earl of, slain at Flodden, 83, 2246 (4), 2313. Alex. Lindsay earl of (1513), 2461, 2793, 2973. Crawford (Craufurde), Elizabeth, 655. Crawley, Nthld., g. 2222 (10). Crawley, Suss., 438 (4 m. 27). Crawley, North (Crowley), Bucks, Hellowis manor, g. 969 (11). Crawthorn. See Craythorn. Cray, John (temp. Ric. II.), g. 1083 (26). Cray, St. Mary. See St. Mary Cray. Craybroke, James, g. 257 (34). Errata. See Crayford (Craford), Kent, 438 (1 m. 22). rector of, 438 (4 m. 27). rector presented, g. 2861 (8). Crayford (Craford, Crafford), Alice, widow of Thomas, 438 (3 m. 3). (Crowford, Craford), Lionel, serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 707 :-g. 969 (26, 46). Crayfort, Lord. See Crawford. Craymer, Henry, gunner, g. 132 (74). Craythorn (Crauthorn, Crattorn, Crawthorn, Crathorn), Rob., 438 (1 m. 16). Creagh, Andrew, dean of Limerick, pp. 1522, 1530. Creake (Creyke), Norf., 438 (1 m. 6). Creake (Creke), North, Norf., g. 1083 (15). Crechtoun. See Crichton. Crecy. See Cressy. Credenhill (Cradenhill), Heref., g. 833 (39). Crediton (Cerdington, Kirton, Credi- hanton, Credyheampton), Devon, 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (2 GENERAL INDEX. 117 Crediton-cont. m. 9), 438 (3 m. 18):—g. 969 (60), 2137 (2). college, 2395. Credyheampton. See Crediton. Credun, Alan de, charter of, g. 381 (79). Creech (Criche), Dors., g. 94 (35). Creek, Wm., 775. Creeme. See Crema. Creeting (Cretyng, Crething), or C. St. Olave's, Suff., 520 :—g. 546 (27), 632 (64). Creghton. See Crichton. Creichtoun. See Crichton. Creiff, in Scotland, canonry of (in Dunkeld), 1030. Creighton. See Crichton. Creke. See Crick. Crekevile, Petit Jean de, French prisoner, p. 928. Crekewell or Crekeffield, ouenne, 2380. Cressoner, Sir John, App. 26. Cresswell (Creswell), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Cresswell, George, &c. See Cres- well. Cressy, in France, 2208. Cressy, Rob., g. 2137 (6). (Crecy), Th., 438 (1 m. 17). Creswell (Craswell), Edward, 438 (4 m. 2):-g. 2055 (25, 30). George, g. 357 (21). (Crasswell, Treswell), John, yeoman harbinger, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). • by Ter- Crekilwod, John, p. 1512. Crekys, Wm., 438 (2 m. 9). Crema (Creme, Creeme), in Italy, 1277 (p. 58), 1301 (pp. 595, 598), 1309, 1417, 1469, 1489 (p. 679), 1568, 1647, 2352, 2645, 2755, 2869, 3014 ii., 3126, 3160, 3264, 3270, 3341, 3525. Creme, Henry, 1004. Cremer, Henry, gunner, 311. (Cremor, Cremoure), Th., 438 (4 m. 8):—g. 857 (14). Cremona, in Italy, 9, 1277, 1301 (pp. 595-7), 1637, 1647, 1697, 1747, 1866 (p. 851), 1917, 2022, 2056, 2074, 2107, 2154, 2309, 2448, 2452, 3014 ii., 3043. Cremoure. See Cremer. Crempe, Th., 438 (3 m. 11). Crendell, John, 1803 (2 m. 4). Crendenwell. See Cranwell. Crequy, Charles de, dean of Tournay, 2294. Young M. de, 2141. his father, 2141. See Pontderemy, Sieur de. Creshall, Ric., prior of St. Mary Spittle, 438 (2 m. 15). Creslowe. See Crasslowe. Cresmere. See Grasmere. Cressener, Th., 438 (2 m. 12). Cressent, Wm., g. 1365 (22). Cresset, Joan, 438 (1 m. 21). Ric., 2392. Th., 1176 (1, 4). Cresshawe. See Kershaw. Cressingham Magna, Norf., 438 (2 mm. 9, 31). Cressingham Parva, Norf., g. 1836 (4), 2861 (16), 2964 (63). Rob., 438 (4 m. 3), 1493 iii. (Cressewell), Wm., 438 (2 m. 34). Wm., fishmonger, g. 190 (35). pardon of, g. 1013 (14). (Creswall), Wm., harbinger, 1734, 1795, 2058. Cresweller, John, g. 381 (26). Cretingham (Gretyngham), Suff., 438 (4 m. 1) :-g. 289 (13). Cretoffte. See Critott. Creton, Ntht., g. 2617 (19). Creton, Mr., king's chaplain, 20 (p. 15). Creuch, in Italy, 1301 (p. 598). Crema ? Creverrek. See Trevarrick. Crevoryon or Krevoryon, co. Carnar- von, 438 (4 m. 18). Crewkerne (Crukerne, Crokehorn), Soms., 438 (3 m. 2) :—g. 1083 (2). rector presented, g. 190 (8). Crewkerne (Crukern, Crokhorne, &c.), John, 438 (4 m. 23). Creyke. See Creake. Creys, Essex, 438 (4 m. 19). Criccieth (Crikketh), co. Caern., 438 (1 m. 19). Criche. See Creech. Crichton (Crechtoun), in Scotland, provost of. See Halkerston, T. Crichton, George, abbot of Holyrood, 1084, 1294, 2461, 3119. (Creghton), Lord, 2973. (Crechtoun), Sir Patrick, of Cranston, 2461. Crick (Creke), Ntht., rector of, 438 (4 m. 17). Cricket St. Thomas (Cryket Thomas), Soms., 1803 (1 m. 1). Cricklade (Crikelade), Wilts, g. 94 (35). confirmation of charters, g. 563 (22). Cricksea (Crixhithe), Essex, 438 (2 m. 26). Crikelade. See Cricklade. Crikketh. See Criccieth. 118 GENERAL INDEX. Cringleford, Norf., 438 (2 m. 31). Cripps (Crips), John, g. 2484 (9). (Crippis, Crypse, Crispe), Th., 438 (21). Crisacre (Grisaker, Grissacre), Edw., s. of John, 1803 (1 m. 4). Crismas. See Christmas. Crispe, John, g. 2222 (16 Kent). his account, 2438. See also Cripps. Crispyn, Ric., g. 1083 (46). Cristechurch. See Christchurch. Cristed. See Kirkstead. Cristell, Wm., a Scot, 1017. Cristis Churche. See Christchurch. Cristmas. See Christmas. Cristofer. See Christopher. Critott (Krytot, Critoft, Cretoffte, Cratot), Rob., 438 (4 m. 23). Crivelli, Ugeloti, 1277 (p. 586). Crixhithe. See Cricksea. Crixston. See Christon. Croatia, 1534. Croche, John, p. 1518. Crochett, John, king's armourer, 20 (p. 15), 82 :—p. 1499. Crocker (Crokker, Croker), John, 309, 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (3 m. 22), 1661 (p. 752), 1176 (3): p. 1536:-g. 257 (49), 833 (58 iv.), 2222 (16 Devon), 3499 (73). Croft, Heref., 438 (4 m. 12). Croft, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 15, 16). Croft House, Heref., g. 132 (52). Croft or Crofte, Edward or Sir Ed- ward, esquire for the Body, knighted at Lille, 20 (p. 16), 438 (4 m. 12), 1493 ii., 2392 (p. 1063):-App. 26:-p. 1538:-g. 132 (52), 257 (49), 2484 (9). John, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 16). Sir Richard, Henry VII.'s treasurer of Household, 438 (4 mm. 12, 16):-g. 132 (52). Crofton, Wm. See Croughton. Croglin (Crogling), Cumb., 438 (3 m. 30):-g. 833 (53). Croix Primoguet. See Corsen. Croke, George, 438 (3 m. 6). John, butcher, 438 (3 m. 6). (Crokk), John, ship master, 2842 iii., 2938 iii. Margaret, d. and h. of John, 438 (2 m. 30). Richard, 863, 882, 920, 1082. Crokeburnell. See Crook. Crokeham. See Crookham. Crokehorn. See Crewkerne. Croker. See Crocker. Crokhorne. See Crewkerne. Crokisden. See Croxden. Crokker. See Crocker. Crokwald. See Coxwold. Crome, Earls- (Erls Crombe), Worc., rector presented, g. 158 (73). Cromer (Crowemer), George, 1176 (3). (Crovomer, Crowmer), George, rector of Guildford, master of Cobham College, pp. 1525, 1530:-g. 1221 (47). Henry, gunner, g. 357 (25). (Trowmer), Sir James, 438 (2 m. 22). John, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 14). (Crowmer), Nic., g. 3582 (31). (Crowmer, Trowmer), Wm. or Sir Wm., 20 (pp. 14, 16), 81, 438 (2 m. 22), 877n. :—p. 1539:—g. 257 (49, 68). (Crowmer, Cromar, Kromer), Wm., vicar of Preston Can- dover, 438 (4 m. 10). Crompe, Edw., p. 1518. • John, g. 3499 (70). Wm., mayor of Canterbury, g. 587 (5). Crompton, Sampson, 2315-g. 784 (1), 1948 (9). Cromwell (Crumwell), Matilda wife of Ralph, g. 1316 (1). Ralph lord († 1455), trea- surer of Exchequer, g. 2772 (4). (Crumwell), Robert, vicar of Battersea, g. 1602 (22). Thomas, handwriting of, 1473, 3195. Crondon. See Crozon. Crook Burnell (Crokeburnell), Devon [in Down St. Mary], 438 (4 m. 13). Crookdale (Cruykdale), Cumb., g. 132 (50). Crookham (Crokeham), Berks, g. 1732 (24). Croos. See Grosse. Cropredy (Cropern), Oxon, prebend in Lincoln cathedral, 438 (1 m. 11). vicar of, 438 (3 m. 29). Cropton in Pickering Lythe, Yorks, g. 3226 (19). Cropwell, Notts, 438 (4 m. 29). Croscombe (Corscombe, Coscombe, Goscombe), Soms., 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (4 mm. 14, 18). confirmation of charters, 608. Guild of, confirmation of charters, g. 632 (23). rector of, p. 1521. Crosholm, Linc. [in Bishop's Nor- ton], 575. Crosland (Croslond), Yorks 438 (2 m. 30). GENERAL INDEX. 119 Crossbow-bearer, John, 20 (p. 15). Crossbowmaker, Piers, 82 (p. 42). Crosse, John, of Liverpool, 438 (2 m. 25). • John, rector of Turvey, &c., 438 (2 m. 25). John. See also Grosse. Margaret, 438 (2 m. 7). (Crose), Ric., 1803 (1 m. 6). Th., g. 1836 (19). Crosselawnde. See Corse. Crossewell, John, g. 1602 (3). Crostath. See Croxteth. Crostehole. See Crafthole. Crosthwaite, Westmld., 438 (2 m. 31):—g. 1732 (1). Crostwight (Crostwheyght, Croste- thwayte, Crostweyth), Norf., 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (2 mm. 28- 9). Crotoy, in France, 1925. Croughton (Croxston, Crofton), Wm., King's hosier, groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 42), 640, 877n., 1015, 3554. Crovomer. See Cromer. Crowemer. See Cromer. Crowford. See Crawford; also Cray- ford. Crowhurst (Crowherst, Croweherst), Surr., 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (3 m. 27), 1803 (1 m. 3):-p. 1545. Crowhurst (Crowherst), Suss., 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (3 m. 9). Crowker, Thomas, master of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 438 (3 m. 31). Crowland (Croyland), Linc., 438 (4 mm. 3, 16). abbey, 438 (3 m. 10), 1406 (4). election of abbot, g. 1365 (13), 1415 (14, 16), 1462 (1). 381 (79). confirmation for, g. abbot of. ney, R.; Wells, J. (13). See Bard- Simon prior of, g. 1365 Crowle (Crull, Cruyll, Corle), Th., 438 (3 m. 23). Crowley, Bucks. See Crawley. Crowmarsh (Crowemerssh), Oxon, g. 485 (44) Crowmer. See Cromer. Crowton (Crouton), John, 1803 (1 m. 4). Croxall (Croxsall, Croxhall), Derb., 438 (1 m. 14). Croxden (Crokisden), Staff., abbey, 438 (1 m. 10). Stephen abbot of, 438 (1 m. 10). Croxteth (Crostath), Lanc., 438 (2 m. 9). Croxton (Croxston), Leic., abbey of, 438 (2 m. 21), 438 (3 mm. 8, 30- 1). E. • abbot. See Attercliff, confirmation for, g. 485 (23). Croxton, Rob., ship captain (?), 1942. Vincent, 3529. Wm. See Croughton. Croy, Anthoine de, brother of the Prince of Chimay, 2657. Charles de, Prince of Chimay, q.v. Ferry de, Sieur de Roeulx, q.v. Wm. de, lord of Chievres, q.v. Croydon, in Britanny. See Crozon. Croydon, Surr., 438 (1 m. 20), 438 (3 m. 22), 438 (4 m. 21), 1803 (1 m. 2), 3268 :—g. 885 (5), 1494 (36). letters dated at, 209-10, 3257. grants dated at, 438 (3 m. 10):—g. 54 (57, 64, 67–8, 73, 75, 79, 80, 83–7, 90–3), 94 (10, 13, 14, 16, 26), 218 (2, 5, 7, 50, 52, 64–5), 257 (8, 14, 17, 35), 357 (43), 447 (4, 13–5), 519 (2), 1170 (16-8), 1365 (3, 4), 1836 (2), 2617 (7, 8), 2861 (10-2, 14–20, 22–7, 29, 31, 35), 2863 (3–7, 9, 10), 3324 (29). Croyland. See Crowland. Crozon (Croydon, Crondon), in Brit- anny, 1771, 1786, 1808, 1851. Crudwell, Wilts, rector of, 438 (1 m. 7). • • rector presented, g. 682 (44). Crues. See Cruse. Crugge, Wm., 438 (1 m. 5). Crukerne. See Crewkerne. Crull. See Crowle. Crumwell. See Cromwell. Crumpe, Wm., g. 2422 (5). Crusade, suggested ("war with the Infidels "), 598, 645, 649, 690– 1, 702, 708, 724-5, 748, 758, 777, 783, 816, 831, 1076, 1100, 1106, 1214-5, 1224, 1271, 1499, 1539, 1659, 1677 (p. 770), 1718-9, 1737 (p. 795), 1751, 1769, 1787, 1917, 1922, 2036, 2069, 2242 (2), 2288, 2292, 2310, 2373, 2448, 2474-5, 2744, 2762 (2), 2770, 2823, 2860, 2928, 3160, 3254, 3255 (2), 3407, 3591. Cruse (Cruys, Crues), Wm., 438 (3 m. 7). 120 GENERAL INDEX. Crutched (Crowched) Friars, 20 (p. 21). Cruthyn, co. Caern., 438 (1 m. 19). Cruwys (Cruys) Morchard, Devon, 438 (3 m. 7). Cruykdale. See Crookdale. Cruys. See Cruse and Cruwys. Crychton. See Crichton. Cryk in Chepstow, lordship, 438 (3 m. 16). Cubberley (Coberley, Coburley), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 16), 1803 (2 m. 2) :—g. 1365 (17). Cudbart. See Cuthbert. Cudde, Ric., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Cudlyngton. See Kidlington. Cuer, Janina de. See Quero. Cuerden (Caredon, Kyrdon), Lanc. [in Leyland], 438 (2 m. 13). Cughan. See Coghan. Cuignart, Jean, 3349 (p. 1411). Cukwald. See Coxwold. Culgaith (Culgaeth), Cumb., 438 (2 m. 19). Culham (Culnham), Oxon, 438 (4 m. 13). Cullam or Cullum. See Columb. Culland (Coland), Derb., g. 3499 (23). Cullesdon. See Coulsdon. Culman. See Colman. Culme, Hugh. See Columb. Culmelegh. See Chumleigh. Culmington, Salop, 438 (1 m. 22). Culpeper (Colepepyr, Coulpeper, Collepepur, Colpeper), Alex., 309, 438 (3 m. 15), 1803 (2 m. 2):-p. 1539:-g. 257 (68), 1316 (22), 2222 (16 Kent), 3499 (12), 3582 (11). Constance wife of Alex., g. 1316 (22). (Colepeper), Edward, 438 (3 m. 33): p. 1539. Isabel, 438 (3 m. 32). Ric., 438 (3 m. 32). Thomas (?), p. 1514. (Colepepyr), Walter, 438 (3 m. 15):—g. 132 (94). . (Colepeper, Coolepeper, Cole- pepyr), Walter, under-mar- shal of Calais, bailiff of the Scunage at Calais (3 Nov. 1511), 193 (p. 101), 589, 791, 981, 1424, 1744, 1921, 2834, 3222 :—g. 11 (12), 257 (13, 51), 449 (19), 751 (2), 924 (34), 969 (35). Culquhone. See Colquhoun. Culross, in Scotland, abbey, 1536, 1538. Andrew [Masoun], abbot of, 1536, 1538. Culverdon, Wm., 631. Culwen, Lord. See Colvile. Culwenne, Gilbert de, charter of, g. 485 (25). Culworth (Pulworth), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 16). Cumba, Wilts. See Coombe Bissett. Cumbe, John, 3306 (2). t Cumberegge, hn, rector of Colster- worth, p. 1528. Cumberland, 205 (p. 106), 438 (4 m. 20), 2460-g. 218 (55), 289 (25), 381 (15), 632 (26), 804 (29), 833 (11, 45, 53), 1123 (15), 1365 (3, 24), 1494 (9, 55), 1524 (37), 1804 (17), 2222 (12), 2484 (9, 17), 3408 (18, 37), 3499 (12, 68), 3582 (15). commission of the peace, p. 1535. Cumberton. See Comberton. Cumberworth (Comberworth), Linc., 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 14) :- g. 158 (63). .. rector presented, g. 1494 (52). Cumburford, Edw., 2392 (p. 1063). Cumnor or Comnor, Th., prior of Abingdon, g. 1044 (22). Cumpton. See Compton. Cumwyth. See Comwyth. Cumyng, Sir Wm. of arms. See Lyon, king Cundour. See Condover. Cundy, Wm., son of John (temp. Edw. III.), his heirs, g. 1462 (27). Cunningham (Cunynghame), Andrew, to be precentor of Glasgow, 1535. Cunwyn, Th., 438 (4 m. 24). Cuny, Leonard, 438 (3 m. 2). Robert, 438 (3 m. 3). Cunye, Walter, g. 94 (19), 749 (10). Cupar (Cupionyis), in Scotland, vicar of, p. 1525. abbey of, 300. Cuper, Robert alias Colchester, q.v. Wm. See Coupar. Cura. See Coire. Cure. See Kyre. Cures, Essex, 438 (2 m. 12). Curgtington. See Kirtlington. Curleus, Nicholas, rector of St. Nicasius, Calais, g. 804 (37). Curll, Th., g. 1804 (47). Currand. See Corand. Currant. See Carant. Currier, 438 (2 m. 25) :—g. 1415 (25). Curry Malet (Corymalet),Soms.,438 (4 m. 17):—g. 158 (29), 2684 (18). Curry, North-, Soms., 438 (1 m. 11). Cursoll. See Courcelles. Curson (Corson), John, 438 (1 m. 14), 2392 (p. 1063):—g. 969 (23). (Curzon), Sir Robert, Baron Curson, captain of Hammes, 20 (p. 14), 438 (1 m. 10), 1874 GENERAL INDEX. 121 Curson, Sir Robert-cont. 1945, 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2135, 2388, 2392 (p. 1063), 2414, 2542, 3251 : -p. 1516 :-g. 257 (27), 546 (36), 804 (49), 2055 (16), 2772 (47, 55). 1945. letters from, 1874, signature of, p. 1516:- g. 2055 (16), 2772 (47, 55), 3107 (8, 36). Roger, 82 (p. 42). Th., 3529. Curt. See Courte. Curteys, Henry, g. 546 (75). Jas., 20 (p. 15). John, mercer, g. 731 (5, 32), 1083 (17), 1662 (3). Peter, 438 (3 m. 14). (Curtes), Ric., 438 (1 m. 24):—g. 546 (75). Curtlyngton. See Kirtlington. Curturis. See Cuttures. Curwen, Edmund, g. 1524 (37). Gilbert, g. 257 (63). Sir Thomas, p. 1535:-g. 132 (34), 257 (49, 63), 485 (42), 519 (26), 651 (1), 784 (29), 1524 (37), 3107 (18), 3499 (12). Curzon. See Curson. Cussheman, Simon, g. 2964 (4). Custans, John, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 41). Customs, extortionate, g. 11 (1). payment of (Act), 341. Cutcombe (Cuttrombe), Soms., rector of, p. 1528. Cuthbert (Cutbert), Andrew, p. 1514. (Cudbart), James, p. 1512. (Cutbert), Rob., g. 2137 (27). Cuthell, Cornw. See Cothele. Cutler (Cutteler), John, clk., trea- surer of Lincoln cathedral, 1803 (1 m. 4). (Cutteler), John, D.D., war- den of Grey Friars, London, g. 3107 (40). (Cutteler), Rob., clk., of Nor- wich, 438 (1 m. 11). Rob., clk., provost of Rother- ham College, 438 (1 m. 11). Wm., 3529. Cutlers, 438 (2 m. 31), 438 (3 m. 10). Cutte, John, 827. Cutte, Sir John, Under-Treasurer of England, 1 (p. 3), 19, 20 (p. 13), 78, 82 (p. 43), 180, 209, 438 (2 m. 6), 592, 683, 704, 1005, 1176 (3), 1420, 1453, 1463, 1589, 1661 (3, 4), 1755, 2054 (2, 3), 2325, 2604, 2667, 2751, 2831, 2832 iv.- vi., 3095, 3137 (16), 3185, 3377, 3522 :—pp. 1506-8, 1511, 1513-15, 1517, 1519, Cutte, Sir John-cont. 1534 bis, 1536, 1538 bis :— g. 94 (58), 447 (23), 448 (4), 632 (68), 709 (35), 731 (27–8), 924 (36), 1221 (43), 1316 (11), 1732 (2), 2222 (16 Midd., London), 2330 (4), 2772 (5). letter to, 683. signature of, 19, 46, 2260-p. 1520 :-g. 448 (4), 651 (7), 731 (7, 20, 52), 749 (3, 16), 784 (56), 804 (49), 1123 (45), 2330 (3). account rendered by, 1420-App. 14. warrants to, 19, 2308: pp. 1510, 1515. Cutton, Devon, chapel in Exeter Castle, prebend, g. 546 (7), 1083 (2). Cuttrombe. See Cutcombe. Cuttures, Cutturus, or Curturis, Ray- mond de, mayor of Calais, 3338, 3567. Cuttyng, Rob., gunner, 2939: 519 (9), 1732 (5). Cuyk. See Coke. :-g. Cwmyoy (Comdoye), alias St. Mar- tin's by Abergavenny, co. Monm., 438 (1 mm. 18, 23). Cwre, Nic., 438 (3 m. 20). Cycelya. See Sicily. Cycile. See Sicily. Cyke. See Syke. Cyllcairill. See Termonamungan. Cynllaith (Kynlleth) and Owen, lordship, co. Denbigh, g. 414 (48), 833 (8), 1804 (55–6). Cyny, Dominic, clk., pp. 1499, 1502, 1506. Cyprus, 83, 1429. Cyrew, Ant. de, French prisoner, p. 928. D Dabescourte, Bernard, g. 833 (58 ii.). Dabscort, App. 22. Dabscourt, John, 1496 iii. Dabuli, in Arabia, 1974 (p. 895). Dabyngton. See Babington. Dachi, Girami, canon of Tamworth, p. 1526. Dackus, Rob., g. 924 (21). Dacre of the North, or of Greystoke, lord. See below, Dacre, Th. Dacre of the South, Margaret lady (1594–1611), wife of Samuel Lennard, 1696. 122 GENERAL INDEX. M Dacre-cont. (Daker) of the South, Thomas Fiennes (Fenys, Feyns), lord, 20 (p. 12), 205, 438 (3 m. 1 bis), 438 (4 m. 10), 559, 707, 963, 1453, 1696, 1955, 2051, 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2414, 3464 :- p. 1545:-g. 485 (16), 969 (38), 1083 (39). • • " letter from, 3433. his wife, 82 (41), 3433. pedigree of, 1696. Dacre (Dacres), Chr. or Sir Christo- pher, knighted after Flodden, brother of Lord Dacre,438 (4m. 23), 1493 vi., 2246 (4 ii.), 2406, 2443, 2455-pp. 1535, 1541: —g. 804 (29), 833 (45), 1365 (3). (Dacres, Dakyn), Henry, 438 (4 m. 21): p. 1549. Isabel, widow of Randolph, 438 (2 m. 31). Dame Mabel, mother of Lord Dacre, 131. Lord Philip, brother of Dacre, 1262 (p. 578), 1342 (p. 624), 2443-p. 1541. , taken prisoner at Flod- den, 2913 (pp. 1259–60). Thomas, lord Dacre of the North, or of Greystock, war- den of the West Marches, letters from, 131, 1302, 1342, 1504, 1645, 2026, 2381–2, 2386-7, 2390, 2406, 2443, 2455, 2714, 2717-8, 2793, 2913, 2973, 3170, 3399, 3481. , letters, &c., to, 1297– 8, 1315, 2323, 3181. indenture with, 984. Elizabeth his wife, d. and h. of Sir Robert Grey- stoke, g. 381 (15). letter to, 2248(?). other references, 20 (pp. 12, 20 bis), 96, 205, 309, 341, 442, 918, 963, 1046, 1147, 1158, 1262, 1299, 1314, 1323, 1329 (p. 620), 1391, 1690, 1775, 1960, 2239, 2246, 2271 ("Earl of Acres "), 2283-4, 2394, 2460, 2576, 2740, 2838, 3464, 3468, 3483: pp. 1506, 1535, 1541, 1546 :—g. 11 (10), 132 (5, 50), 381 (15), 804 (29 i., vii., 34), 833 (45 i., 50 i., 65), 857 (19), 1003 (15, 17, 23), 1083 (25), 1170 (14–5), 1365 (3), 1662 (32), 3408 (33). Dacrye, Henry lord, g. 804 (29 xi.). Error for Thomas lord Darcy? Daddy, Ric., rector of Stewton, g. 1732 (15). Dade, John, 438 (3 m. 26). Roger, g. 1602 (43). Dadlington, Leic., g. 857 (18). Dadyngton. See Deddington. Dagenham (Dagnams), Essex, 438 (3 m. 8):-g. 1316 (4). Dagnall, Chr., surgeon, p. 1520. John. See Rigby. Dahey, Ant., 2383. Daker. See Dacres. Dakyn, Henry. See Dacre. Dalabre. See Delabere. Dalamalle, Govin, of Dieppe, 1070 (2). Dalamson or Dalason. See Dalyson. Da Lapere. See Delabere. Dalbian. See Alviano. Dalborn or Dalbourne. bourne. See Daw- Dalbury and Dalbury Lees, Derb., 1803 (1 m. 1). Dalby, Leic., preceptory of St. John, 438 (2 m. 6). Dalby (Daleby), Linc., 638 (4 m. 23). Dalby, Geoffrey, g. 1266 (38). Thomas, arch. of Richmond, provost of Beverley, 438 (2 m. 32), 874 (2), 1355, 1653, 2053 (2, 3, 5, 6 ii.), 2480 (29), 2576, 3007, 3015 :—p. 1531 :—g. 11 (10), 519 (54), 751 (7), 804 (45), 1123 (28). Dale (Depdale, Stanley Park), Derb., abbey, 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (4 m. 24). Richard abbot of, 438 (4 m. 24). Dale, Henry, of Bristol, 438 (3 m. 22). James, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 41). John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39), 438 (4 m. 17), 707 (p. 383): p. 1537:-g. 587 (15), 833 (58 ii.), 1221 (30). Philip. See Dalles. Rob., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42). Roger à, g. 381 (102). Th., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). (Daale), Wm., prior of Her- ringfleet, 438 (4 m. 10). Dalehead, Westmld., g. 1732 (1). Dalevale. See Delavale. Dalhousie (Dawissie), Lord, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313n. Dalles (Dale), Philip, 2047. Dalley. See Dawley. Dalling, Wood- (Wodallyng), Norf., 438 (2 m. 32). Dalmaçan. See Almazan. Dalman. See Dolman. Dalmatia, 432, 463, 724. Dalton in Furness, Lanc., 438 (2 m. 6). Dalton, servant of Lord Darcy, 290. , John, g. 257 (88). John, abbot of Furness, 2910. GENERAL INDEX. 123 Dalviane or Dalviano. See Alviano. Dalyland, John, 1803 (2 m. 4). Dalyon, Edmund, App. 22. Edward, auditor, 1529 (2). George, auditor, 438 (2 m. 23), 1150, 1416, 1517, 1531, 1580, 1710, 1811, 1839, 2196, 2260, 2544 iii., 2778, 3137, 3398: pp. 1538, 1541:—g. 414 (13). 2544 iii. signature of, 2260, (Dalamson, Dalason), Wm., 1803 (2 m. 3). Damaryes. See Aymeries. Damascus, 766. Dame, Wm., of the Queen's stable. See Davy. Dame Ellensbury manor [in Hough- ton Conquest, Beds], 1503. Damerham, Wilts, 853. Damerie, Bastard. See Aymeries. Dameron, John, 3529. Dameryngcourt, Mons., captain of mercenaries, 2835. Damory (Dammory), Sir Richard (temp. Edw. III.), g. 94 (35), 604 (19). Dampies or De Ampeys, Martin, en- voy from Aragon, 1356 (?), 1461, 1484, 1575 (p. 722), 1999. Damport, Ralph, clerk of the Larder, clerk of the Avenery (of the Stable), 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Danbury (Daunbery, Danbery), Essex, 438 (2 m. 33), 438 (4 m. 21), 1803 (2 m. 6):-g. 784 (56), 2137 (27), 2964 (32), 3582 (27). • letter dated at, p. 1517. fraternity of, 438 (4 m. 12). Danby, Agnes d. of Ralph, 1803 (1 m. 4). Sir Chr., knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.). Margery, d. of Ralph, 438 (2 mm. 8, 18). Matthew, p. 1549. Th., ship captain, 2304 (3 ii.), 2652. Dancaster or Dancastre. caster. Dancy. See Daunce. Danda, John. See Anda. Dandefort, Hacquinet, 2875. Dandolo, Sir Marco-cont. letters to, 2142, 2178, 2190, 2845, 2979, 3250, 3337, 3527, 3548, 3558. Dandosoli. See Domo d'Ossola. Danett, Gerard, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 15), 3348 (3):-g. 449 (5), 2055 (26). Sir Gerard, 2480 (51). Dangulem, Lord. See Francis duke of Angoulême. Daniel. See Danyell. Danneveli, Ant., French prisoner, p. 928. -, 3376. Dannot, —, Dans, Danse or Dansey. See Daunce. Danson, Wm., g. 3582 (7). , Wm., M.A., rector of Ford- ham Magna, p. 1530. Dansy. See Daunce. Dantzic (Edanum, Darskyne, Dans, Danske), in Germany, 1008, 1544, 1730-1, 2085: :-p. 1503:―g. 3049 (25). Danube (Danubius), the river, 2572, 2600. Danvers, Anne, wife of Sir John, 438 (2 m. 16). Anne, widow of Sir William, 438 (1 m. 15). (Daunvers), Sir John, 438 (2 m. 16): p. 1546-g. 632 (26), 2222″ (16 Wilts), 2484 (9). (Davers), John, g. 381 (25), 969 (23), 1494 (9). Th., g. 924 (23). Dany, Wm., 438 (2 m. 9). Danyell, Alice widow of Stephen, • See Don- > Dandolo, Sir Marco, Venetian am- bassador to France, 2750, 3081, 3160, 3234, 3366, 3544. letters from, 1931, 1980, 2071, 2107, 2116, 2169, 2198, 2204, 2287, 2311, 2360, 2410, 2586, 2666, 2703, 2791, 2872, 2921 ii., 3138, 3178, 3191, 3270, 3286, 3292, 3369, 3452, 3486, 3531, 3569, 3576. 438 (1 m. 21). Gerard, 438 (3 m. 26). Grace, widow of Edmond, 438 (2 m. 21). Hugh, g. 2222 (12). James, 2575 ii. (Daneel, Daniell), John, 380, 438 (2 m. 21), 1803 (2 m. 2) :— g. 414 (31). John, clk., 438 (3 m. 13). (Daniel), Mr., 2765. Stephen, 438 (1 m. 21). Thos., of the Exchequer, 46: g. 546 (72). Wm., p. 1549. Danyson. See Denison. Daragon. See Aragon. Darbye. See Derby. Darces, Sir Ant. See La Bastie. Darcy, Anthony, g. 969 (23). Arthur, second son of Lord Darcy, 2740. Edith lady, wife of Thomas, 438 (3 m. 26). Elizabeth widow of Roger, 438 (4 m. 21):—g. 158 (18). 124 GENERAL INDEX. Darcy-cont. Sir George, knighted after Flodden, eldest son of Lord Darcy, 1329 (p. 620), 2239, 2246 (1, 4 ii.), 2651, 2713, 2740: p. 1547:-g. 2484 (11). Robert, son of Sir Robert, 438 (2 m. 26). Roger, g. 158 (18), 784 (56). Thomas, lord, warden of the East Marches, captain of Ber- wick, &c., K.G., captain of the Guard (till 12 May 1509), 20 (pp. 12, 21), 37, 75, 157, 182, 205, 259, 290–1, 309, 438 (3 m. 26), 442, 488, 550, 597, 644, 725, 728, 730, 746, 837, 845, 880, 963, 979, 1004, 1057, 1363, 1391, 1463 i., ii., 2051, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2059, 2096, 2139, 2151, 2172´ (2), 2386, 2391 passim, 2427, 2505, 2774–5, 2913, 3137 (16), 3359, 3370, 3375, 3464:—pp. 1520, 1541, 1547 ter:-g. 54 (9), 94 (53, 63-9, 77, 103), 132 (38, 115), 257 (88), 289 (5, 7, 24), 563 (10), 731 (41, 44), 804 (29 vi., vii.), 833 (50 i., iii.), 857 (19), 924 (22), 1365 (3), 2484 (11). letters from, 157, 597, 787, 795, 1329, 1363, 1482, 1593, 1914-5, 2576, 2740, 2914. letters to, 725, 797, 1147, 1502, 2111, 2708–9, 2713. ..., signature of, 420, 550, 2427, 3030 :—g. 257 (62), 448 (8), 731 (19). chosen K.G., 37. commands expedition to Spain, 725, 728, 730, 837, 862, 880, 2059 :—p. 1513 :- g. 731 (41, 44). 730. (2). instructions for, handwriting of, 2172 indenture as captain of Berwick, 845. memorandum by, 290. Edith his wife [widow of Ralph Nevill, son of the third earl of Westmoreland, who died vita patris in 1498], g. 132 (115), 289 (5). (Darsy), Th., s. and h. of Roger, g. 132 (58), 2055 (19). Sir Wm., of Ireland, g. 1316 (29). Dare, Joan, widow of Richard, 438 (1 m. 21). Darelio. See Darillyo. Darell. See Darrell. Darien [in America], 3089. Darillyo (Darelio), John, pilot, 1661 (7–9), 2305 iii., 2479 viii. Darisey, Dominic, a Biscayan ship owner, 1882n., 1958. D'Arizoles (de Cerisola, Dauryzolles, Dorisell, Sieur [Anthoine de Pierrepont], maréchal des logis to Louis XII., ambassador to England, 266, 326, 332–3, 383, 385, 395, 406, 538, 565, 568, 674-5, 734, 776, 793, 812 ii., 829, 1169 :-App. 10, 19 letters from, 674, 734. Darlett. See Darsett. Darley (Derley), Derb., abbey, 438 (3 m. 10). abbot. See Ashby, J. Darley, Brian, S.T.P., rector of St. Mary's, Calais, g. 289 (37). (Derley), Mr., king's chap- lain, 20 (p. 15). (Derley), Ric., 438 (2 m. 34). Roger, rector of West- borough, g. 2617 (26). Roger, rector of Scraying- ham, g. 3408 (12). Darmar. See Dermer. Darnall, Th., engrosser of the great roll of the Exchequer, g. 1415 (24), 1836 (17). Darnley (Daunley), Lord, 2313n. Repetition of Lennox? Darnton (Dernton), Ric., 438 (1 m. 9). Darold or Darrold (Darrald), Alice, 1819-g. 1804 (32). (Darrald), Godfrey, 1819:- g. 784 (33), 1804 (32), 3107 (17). (35). murderers of, g. 2964 Darpaggion. See Arpajon. Darrell (Darell), —, g. 1123 (27). Alice, wife of Sir Edward, g. 1365 (19). (Darell), Sir Edw., knight for the Body, 20 (pp. 12, 21), 436, 438 (3 m. 1), 707, 1453, 1596, 2293: pp. 1503, 1533, 1546, 1548:-g. 257 (49), 833 (12), 924 (29), 1171 (2), 1365 (19, 23), 1662 (27), 2222 (16 Wilts). letter to, 1596. (Darell, Dorrell), James or Sir James, king's spear, 3483-App. 26. (7). signature of, g. 1266 Sir John, 20 (p. 15). (Darell), Lady, 82 (pp. 38, 41). (Darell, Dayrell), Th., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 438 (4 m. 10). GENERAL INDEX. 125 Darrold. See Darold. Darsett or Darlett, John, 438 (4 m. 6): p. 1514. Darskyne. See Dantzic. Darsy. See Darcy. Dartford (Dertford), Kent, 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (3 m. 16) :—g. 132 (61), • 804 (10), 2330 (4). leper hospital, 213. nunnery, confirmation for, g. 357 (31), 1494 (44). Elizabeth prioress of, g. 357 (31), 1494 (29). grant of privileges, g. 1494 (29). Dartington (Dertyngton), Devon, g. 132 (81), 2684 (21). rector of, 438 (4 m. 6). rector presented, g. 804 (46). Dartmoor Forest, Devon, forester of, g. 54 (26). Dartmouth (Clyfton Dertmouth and Herdenes), Devon, 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (2 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 27 bis), 874 (2), 1262, 1371, 1748, 1801, 1803 (2 m. 2), 1851, 1864, 1869, 1875, 1958 (? "Artemude "), 1982 (4), 2305 ii., iii., 2669, 3313 (3, 6). bulwark beside the castle, g. 449 (4). confirmation for, g. 449 (4), 485 (29). customs and port of, g. 94 (21), 132 (101), 381 (100), 1170 (9), 2222 (4), 3049 (40). grant to the town, g. 632 (69). water bailiff of, g. 94 (24). Darver (Duelber), co. Louth, pp. 1526-7. Dary, Wm., 2054 (2). Dassa (Dascy, Daza), Fernando, Spanish merchant, 2832 (iii., vi.):—p. 1502. Dasset (Dorcet) Parva, Warw., pre- bendary of, 438 (2 m. 24). Daston, Heref., 438 (2 m. 4). Datchet ferry, Berks and Bucks, g. 94 (17). Datte, Christiana wife of Thomas, 438 (2 m. 5). Daubeney, Elizabeth widow of Sir • Giles, g. 632 (12). 100, (Dawbney), Sir Giles lord, chamberlain to Henry VII., lieutenant of Calais (died 20 May 1508), 193 (pp. 102n.), 438 (4 m. 6):—g. 54 (10), 158 (64), 218 (55), 587 (22), 632 (12), 749 (24), 857 (5), 1123 (15), 2137 (1). (Dawbeney, Awbeney), Henry lord. son of Giles, 81, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5), 2480 (40), Daubeney, Henry lord-cont. 2912, 3464 :-PP. pp. 1535-6, 1543 :-g. 632 (12), 1662 (27), 3582 (23). knighted, 81. (Dawbeney), Wm., gentle- man of the Chapel, 707. Daubigny. See Aubigny. Daubourne. See Dawborne. Daunbury. See Danbury. Daunce (Daunse, Dauns, Dawnse, Dans, Danse), Henry, 438 (1 m. 13). (Dansey), Jane, 1849. (Danse, Dauncy, Dancy, Daunsy), John, or Sir John, teller of the Exchequer, cus- tomer of London, paymaster of War, 19, 312, 438 (3 m. 7), 1150, 1260, 1382, 1393 (p. 640), 1409, 1416, 1453, 1463 i., x., 1506, 1531, 1572-3, 1664, 1761, 1811, 1869 v., 2052, 2053 (2), 2054 (1–3), 2256, 2388, 2404, 2451, 2479, 2480 (22), 2540, 2544, 2546, 2648, 2829, 2833, 2907, 3090, 3228: pp. 1504, 1506, 1513, 1520, 1533, 1540, 1542:- App. 21, 26:-g. 132 (120), 257 (22), 885 (16), 924 (36), 2772 (5, 27, 34, 41), 3499 (49), 3582 (6). letter from, p. 1519. letters to, 1664, 1761, 2575, 3042. signature of, 1382, 1572, 1755. 2167. • his accounts, 3608. first called "Sir John," payments by (war- rants, receipts, &c.), 1517, 1580, 1583, 1605-6, 1608, 1643, 1678, 1704 (3), 1705, 1710, 1727-8, 1734, 1755, 1783, 1785, 1795, 1798, 1817- 8, 1838-9, 1842-3, 1880, 1893, 1920 (2), 1927, 1935, 1968, 1981-2, 1990, 1990, 1994, 1998, 2005, 2008, 2011-12, 2023, 2034-5, 2042, 2058-9, 2066, 2073, 2100, 2105, 2117–8, 2139, 2145, 2148, 2151, 2167, 2176, 2179, 2193, 2196, 2205, 2220, 2244, 2251-2, 2272, 2280, 2285, 2295, 2304, 2305 (i. bis, iii.), 2326, 2334, 2344, 2347-9, 2356, 2359, 2361, 2364-5, 2371, 2375, 2380 ii., 2383, 2404, 2413, 2427, 2442, 2480, 2490-2, 2503, 2510, 2543, 2580, 2598, 2603, 2675, 2677, 2706, 2722-3, 2727, 2733-4, 2741-2, 2751, 2759, 126 GENERAL INDEX. Daunce, John, or Sir John, payments by-cont. 2763-4, 2785, 2788-9, 2795-6, 2798,2804, 2824–5, 2832, 2839, 2846, 2850, 2865, 2880–2, 2885-6, 2899, 2900, 2904, 2909, 2923, 2933, 2936, 2947– 8, 2960-2, 2965-6, 2968 (5), 2970, 2993, 3012-3, 3017, 3055, 3133, 3137 (4, 16), 3143, 3161-2, 3176, 3193, 3200, 3229, 3262, 3272, 3306–7, 3309-10, 3320-1, 3325, 3336, 3389, 3426, 3340, 3343, 3346, 3363, 3368, 3372, 3382, 3398, 3410, 3419-21, 3457, 3480, 3501, 3505, 3513 (2, 3), 3517, 3521-2, 3543, 3564-5, 3578, 3608 ii., 3612: -pp. 1511, 1515:-App. 24. (Dawnce), John, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 16). (Dansey), John, senior, g. 2684 (63). (Dansy, Dansey), John, App. 22:-p. 1538. (Dawnsy), Wm., merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). Daundy, Anne, g. 381 (69). Edm., g. 381 (69), 1494 (54). Wm., g. 381 (69). Daunley. See Darnley. Daunport. See Davenport. Dauntsey, Wilts, 438 (2 m. 16). Daunvers. See Danvers. Dauphiné (Dolfany, Dolphenie, Dol- phynye), in France, 470, 1301 (pp. 594, 596), 1665 (p. 765), 1722 (p. 783), 1750, 1993, 2038, 2069, 2107, 2462, 2791, 3014 ii., 3072, 3270, 3519. Dauryzolles. See D'Arisoles. Dautrey. See Dawtrey. Dave. See Davy. Davell, Anne, 438 (1 m. 22). Th., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42), 438 (1 m. 22). Davenport, Chesh., 438 (3 m. 21). Davenport, Chr., rector of Froyton, g. 1494 (39). John, M.A., rector of Flam- stead, g. 1662 (52). (Daunport), Ralph, 438 (3 m. 21). Daventry (Daventre), Ntht., 1803 (1 m. 1) :—g. 11 (10). priory of, 277 :-g. 969 (24). prior. See Ilston, Th. Davern. See Desvres. Davers. See Danvers. David, John, groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13). Ric., g. 94 (19). Th., g. 1494 (6). David Duy, Griffin, rector of Wendle- bury, p. 1528. Davidt, Guillaume, of Calais, 2557. Davison, ship master, 1661 (4 p. 753), 2304 (3). Rob., g. 1462 (29). Davit, Dominus, p. 1523. Davnant, Wm. s. of Nic., g. 519 (21). Davy, -, groom of the Chamber, 228. Davys. (Dave), Benedict, 438 (2 m. 30) :—p. 1548 :—g. 2684 (17). Geoffrey, g. 1266 (38). (Dave, Devy), John, 438 (1 m. 21), 438 (3 mm. 23, 29), 438 (4 m. 26):—g. 709 (13), 969 (63), 1732 (45), 2772 (52). (or Davys), John, 438 (3 m. 11). Maurice, g. 1494 (11). Rob., 2480 (25). Th., 438 (4 m. 28). (Davie, Davy, Dame), Wm., 20 (pp. 17, 19), 82 (pp. 39, 41), 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 1), 893 (2) :—g. 94 (59), 604 (12), 1123 (44). Wm., purser, 2304 (5). Wm., searcher of Calais, 589, 3567 :—g. 749 (1). See also Dawes. Daw, Isabel, 543. • • " Thomas, 543. Dawbeney or Dawbney. See Dau- beney. Dawbeneys manor, Midd., g. 2055 (130). Dawborne (Dalborn, Dawbern), Wm., groom of the Chamber, and of the Bows, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 640, 778, 877n., 1004, 1015, 1249, 3036:-g. 289 (46), 1494 (48). Dawdy (or Bawdy), Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Dawe, Th., 1803 (2 m. 5). Dawes, Arthur, 236. John, 438 (3 m. 27):-g. 2422 (8). (Dawis, Dawx, Davys), Roger, 438 (3 m. 11) :—g. 485 (40). (Dawys), Th., 438 (2 m. 10). (Dawys), Wm., p. 1513. Dawissie. See Dalhousie. Dawkyn, Rob., 438 (4 m. 26). (Daweken, Dawyken), Th., 438 (4 m. 9). Dawley (Dalley), Midd. [in Harling- ton], 438 (3 m. 22). Dawnce. See Daunce. Dawne. See Donne. Dawney, Guy or Sir Guy, knighted after Flodden, 438 (1 m. 22), 2246 (4 ii.). GENERAL INDEX. 127 Dawney-cont. Dawnse. See Daunce. Joan, 438 (1 m. 22). Dawnsy. See Daunce. Dawson (Dauson), Edmond, 1803 (1 m. 4). (Dowson, Doowson), Hugh, 438 (4 m. 19). John, a Scot, 1262 (p. 578). Ric., clk., 438 (4 m. 20). Ric., rector of Thoresway, g. 1316 (2). Th., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40) :- g. 3049 (40). (Dawsson), Wm., a Scot, 2643. Dawtrey (Dawtre, Dawtrie, Dau- trey, Dawetrye), John, of Southampton, 874 (2), 1393 (pp. 639-40), 1414, 1453, 1463 xi., 1480, 1675, 1845, 1858-9, 1881-2, 1898-1900, 1904, 1912-3, 1928, 1976, 2011, 2043, 2217, 2260, 2304 (2), 2305 iii. bis, 2479, 2575, 2738, 2851, 2959, 3133 (2), 3513 :—pp. 1506-7, 1537, 1545:—g. 94 (52, 74), 132 (26), 682 (23), 833 (58 ii., 59), 1083 (39), 1170 (10), 2222 (12, 16 Hants), 2861 (33). letters from, 1845, 1859, 1882, 1900, 1913, 1928, 2304 (2). his accounts, 2738,3610. warrants to, 2851, 2866, 2874, 2901, 2968 (5), 3077, 3137 (16) :—p. 1520. (Dawtre), Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 41). See Dawes. Dawys. Dax (Ax, Acus, Af), in Guienne, 1326 (p. 617), 1327, 1509, 1511 (p. 698), 2006 (p. 907). Day (Dey, Deye), John, 20 (pp. 13, 18), 82 (pp. 40 bis, 42), 707 (p. 383):~g. 94 (13), 1415 (25). • (Deye, Dey), John, clk., g. 257 (75). Ric., 1505. (Dey), Rob., g. 381 (96), 3049 (15). (Dey), Th., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40), 1505. Dayell. See Drayell. Daylour, Philip, 707 (p. 383). Dayly. See Doyly. Daymeries. See Aymeries. Dayrell. See Darrell. Daza. See Dassa. Deacon (Deykyn, Decon), Th., clerk, surveyor of the works at Calais, 193 (p. 101), 582, 716, 1921, 3317:-g. 2617 (23). Deale, Roger. See Dele. Dean (Dene), Hants, 438 (3 m. 21 bis). Dean (Deen), Oxon, 438 (4 m. 24). Dean (Dene) Forest, Glouc., 438 (1 m. 23):—g. 632 (74), 651 (23), 1316 (47). the gawle above the wood, g. 587 (12). riding forester, &c., g. 132 (68). Dean Magna, Glouc., 438 (1 m. 18). Dean (surname). See Dene. Deanham (Dennom), Nthld. [in Hart- burn], g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Deapole, Herbert. See Pole. Debardes, Debardy or Debardys. See Bardi. Debateable Land (Batable Lande), between England and Scot- land, g. 519 (1). Debden (Depden) Essex, 438 (2 mm. 8, 10? Depete), 438 (4 m. 29). Debden (Depden) Mellis, in Stisted, Essex, g. 289 (12). Debenham, Suff., 438 (1 m. 2). Debyns, John, 3313 (6). Deckere, Guillermus de, 1634. Decon. See Deacon. Decons (Decoyns), Ric., 438 (4 m. 20):-g. 94 (8, 9, 11). Ric., Queen's secretary, 82 (p. 41):—g. 749 (14). Th., g. 749 (14). Deddington (Dadyngton), Oxon, guild of Holy Trinity, 438 (2 m. 34). Dederych, Th., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Dedham (Dedeham), Essex, g. 94 (35 p. 50). Dedham Magna, Essex, 438 (3 m. 22). Dedyk. See Dethick. Dedyngton. See Diddington. Dedynsale. See Dinsdale. Dee, the Cheshire river, g. 1365 (25). Dee mills, beside Chester, g. 3049 (10). Dee, Dyo, g. 54 (43). Hugh, g. 2772 (32). John, g. 709 (51), 1462 (2). Maurice, 1262. Th., 20 (p. 13) :—g. 709 (51), 1462 (2). Deele. See Dele. Deenemele. See Dynhynlle. Deeping (Depyng), Linc., 3604 :—g. 94 (35), 132 (56), 257 (32), 604 (31). Deeping, East, Linc., g. 1221 (8). Deeping Gate (Depyngate), Ntht. [in Maxey], 438 (1 m. 20), 438 (4 m. 1):—g. 3582 (7). Deeping (Depyng), Market, Line., g. 1221 (8), 3582 (7). 128 GENERAL INDEX. Deeping (Depyng), West, Linc., g. rector of, 438 (1 m. 18). Deeping (Depyng), Robert, abbot of Sel- by, 205, 438 (2 m. 31), 963, 3464. (Depyng), Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707. Deeps, the, in Thames mouth, 1698. Deer (bucks, does), g. 651 (8). (red deer), g. 709 (13). Deer (Deir, Deyr) abbey, in Scot- land, 281-2, 431 :—p. 1522. James Pettindreith, abbot of, 281, 431 :-p. 1522. John Innes abbot of, 431. Deere or Dere, Wm., clk., 438 (2 m. 19). Dees, Francis, Bluemantle pursui- vant, g. 158 (35). Defferentcloid or Deffrynclod. Dyffryn Clwydd. Deffyens. See Fiennes. See Deffynuvuyr, vicarage of St. Mary [co. Tipperary], p. 1523. Qu. Dovea upon Suir? De Fosse, Andrew, 20 (p. 19), 1193. Deighton (Dighton), North-, Yorks, g. 2055 (68). Dekylbergh. See Dickleburgh. Dekylburgh, Th., alais Bullok, q.v. Delabere (Dalabre, Dallabere, Dala- ber, Da Lapere), James, ship captain, 1661 (3, 4), 1869 iii., 1875, 1976, 2304 (3, 4), 2305 : p. 1518. (Delabre, Dalabre), Sir Ric- hard, 438 (3 m. 26):—p. 1538:―g. 632 (26), 3107 (48). (Dalabre), Th., p. 1538 :-g. 3499 (37). Delafreffell, Lewas [goldsmith ?], 550. De la Guisque, John, of Spain, g. 604 (46). Delahay, Th., 309. De la Lynde. See Lynde. Delamare, Wilhelmina, d. and h. of Peter, g. 924 (20). De la More, Marcellus, King's sur- geon, sergeant of the surgeons, g. 587 (4), 2222 (5). De la Motte. See La Motte. Delapalys. See La Palisse. De la Pole, Edmund, earl of Suffolk, q.v. , Margaret, wife of Edmund, g. 190 (4), 604 (35), 2055 (50, 95), 2772 (25). Michael, earl of Suffolk, q.v. Richard, called "White Rose," an exile, youngest son of John, duke of Suffolk, 646, 1223, 1265 (p. 580), 1297,1302, 1314-15, 1340, 1509, 1575 (p. 723), 1911 ii., 2072, 2607, 2934, 2974, 3004, 3165, 3240:-g. 11 (10). De la Pole-cont. William, prisoner in the Tower, brother of Edmund, 877n., 886, 3453 :-g. 11 (10). Wm., g. 132 (72). Sir William, attainted, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). De la Pole. See also Pole. Delaroche, President. See Plaine. Delaval (Dalevale), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Delavale, Anne, 438 (3 m. 16). George, s. and h. of Anne, 2913 (p. 1261). • Guy, 2913 (p. 1261). John, 2913 (p. 1261). Delaware (Lawarre, Lawar), Thomas West lord, K.G., 20 (pp. 12, 14, 20), 205, 438 (2 mm. 14, 21), 442, 963, 1176 (2), 3348 (3), 3464 :—pp. 1537, 1545:- App. 8:-g. 218 (38), 1083 (39), 1221 (6). his son, 2053 (6 ii.). See West, Sir Th. chosen K.G., 442. signature of, 1176 (2). Dele (Deale, Deele, Dell), Roger, 874 (2), 2054 (2, 3), 3313 (6) :- pp. 1503, 1515-6:-g. 2330 (6), 3582 (21). his accounts, 2054 (2), 2167 (2), 3420. Delelond. See West Donyland. Delft, Holland, 2009, 2809. pensioner of, 3400. Dell. See Dele. Dellabole (Delybolle), Cornw. [in St. Teath], 438 (4 m. 10). Delves, Ellen, d. and h. of Sir John, 438 (3 m. 18). Ric., clk., g. 2055 (54). (Delvys, Delve), Ralph, 438 (2 m. 5). Dely. See Ely. Delybolle. See Dellabole. Delyen, Henry, cordwainer, 3343. Delyngham. See Dullingham. Demayne, Jasper. See Ŏdenhauser. Demok. See Dymmoke. Demonelia, Michael, merchant of Genoa, g. 2055 (91). Demyneres. See Mineres. Denbigh (Dinbigh, Dynbigh, Dyn- bieth), lordship and land of, g. 54 (58), 132 (75, 108), 485 (19, 62–3), 731 (23, 51), 749 (4), 1044 (21), 1123 (41), 1221 (39), 1365 (8, 14), 1948 (81, 99), 2055 (49, 83), 2484 (24), 2684 (84), 2772 (17, 26), 3408 (14), 3499 (2). commissioners for, g. 414 (48). confirmation for, g. 414 (70). GENERAL INDEX. 129 Denbigh-cont. Denmark-cont. castle and gaol of, g. 132 ambassadors to :- (93). English envoy, 2721. See Baker, J. steward of, 1803 (1 m. 2). Denby, Derb., g. 2772 (2). Denby, Th., chaplain, 438 (3 m. 21). Denchworth, North-, Berks, 438 (3 m. 6). Denchworth, South-, Berks, 438 (4 m. 27). Dendermonde (Termonde, Tenre- monde), in Flanders, 3041. letter dated at, 2462. Dene Forest. See Dean. Dene Magna. See Mitcheldean. Dene (Deane), Henry, abp. of Canter- bury (A.D. 1501-1502), 3195. (Deane), Hugh, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). John à, g. 2772 (8). John à, prior of Mottesfont, 438 (3 m. 16). (Dean), Ric., of the Staple, 634, 1262 (p. 578). (Deane), Th., 20 (p. 18). (Dean), Wm., 438 (1 m. 9). Denebatt. See Annebaut. Denebyght, p. 1513. Denerth. See Llandrillo yn Rhos. Denes. See Dennis. Denford, Wilts (Berks ?), g. 1221 (23). Denghby, g. 2137 (18). Den- bigh lordship? Dengone, Peregrinus, 1506 (2). Denham, Bucks, 438 (2 m. 18):—g. 804 (50). Denham, Suff., 438 (4 m. 3). Denham, 1502. John, rector of North Kil- worth, p. 1531. Th., 20 (p. 14) :—g. 2222 (16 Bucks). Denia, in Spain, 2982. Denison (Danyson), Th., 1803 (2 m. 3). Denizations, g. 218 (21), 257 (67), 357 (4, 20), 485 (7), 519 (20, 32), 604 (39), 632 (28), 682 (21), 709 (46), 833 (9), 1083 (28-9), 1221 (7, 19, 37), 1266 (15, 30), 1316 (5, 17, 36-7), 1365 (6, 15, 22), 1415 (22, 29), 1462 (8), 1524 (7, 26, 29, 33), 1602 (4, 40), 1662 (38, 44), 1804 (35), 1948 (36, 83, 91), 2055 (7, 85, 87, 113, 118), 2137 (15, 31), 2617 (14, 36, 47), 2684 (57), 2772 (16, 30, 62), 2861 (22), 2863 (7), 2964 (11, 36, 38), 3049 (13), 3499 (52, 65). Denmark and the Danes, 117, 247, 303, 1008, 1058, 1268, 1298, 1586, 1683, 2694, 2740, 2957, 2973, 3196:-p. 1516. Wt. 11494. • • French, 547. See Cordier, P.; La Bastie. Scotch, 547. See Brown- hill, A.; La Bastie, Sieur de. King of. See John; Chris- tiern. Queen of, 665, 1154, 1562. letters to, 1154, 1562. treaty with, g. 2772 (38). Denmead (Denmede), Hants [in Hambledon], 438 (2 m. 27). Denn Jasper, 2668. See Oden- hauser. Denner, John, 438 (4 m. 15). Denney (Denny), Camb. [in Water- beach], 1803 (1 m. 4). ., nunnery, g. 1266 (22). abbess. See Throg- • " merton, E. 485 (12). confirmation for, g. Dennington (Donyngton), Suff., g. 289 (13). Phylippis Chantry, 438 (1 m. 22). Dennis (Denes, Denyse, Denys), Alice, 20 (pp. 11, 17), 82 (pp. 38, 41), 438 (1 m. 26), 3348 (3). (Denys), Agnes, g. 3226 (11). Anne, 438 (3 m. 19). (Denys), Henry, ship cap- tain, 2686, 2842 ii., 2938:- p. 1518. (Denyse), Hugh, esquire for the Body, usher of the Parlia- ment Chamber, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 327, 438 (4 m. 13), 707 (p. 383), 877 :—g. 54 (47), 357 (16), 1044 (4, 20), 1123 (65), 1266 (5), 1662 (10). (Deynys, Denys), John, 438 (3 m. 6) :—g. 3226 (11). (Denys), Michael, a demi- lance, 1450 (p. 661):—g. 632 (70). (Denes, Denys, Deynys, Dey- nes), Th., 20 (p. 16), 438 (3 m. 6, 19):-p. -p. 1535: :-g. 132 (57), 682 (34), 731 (30), 833 (20. 58 iv.), 1494 (9), 1948 (2), 2055 (12), 3324 (24). Sir Th., App. 26. (Denys), Th., ship captain, 2686, 2842, 2851, 2938:—p. 1518. (Denes, Denys), Wm., 20 (p. 14): p. 1537:-g. 804 (8), 969 (23), 1494 (9), 1602 (24), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). H 9 130 GENERAL INDEX. Dennom. See Deanham. Denny, Edmund, 4th baron of Ex- chequer, g. 731 (7), 1602 (13), 1948 (28). Densell, John, 3492. Densham (Denysham, Denesham), Ric., 438 (4 m. 19). Denston (Benston), Suff., 438 (2 m. 20). Dent or Dent in le Dale, Yorks, 438 (1 mm. 15, 21), 438 (2 m. 7). Dent, John, M.A., rector of St. Blaise, Calais, g. 218 (20), 3324 (17). Denton, Ntht., rector presented, g.` 1003 (8). Denton, Eliz., g. 94 (91), 132 (29), 519 (58). Henry, p. 1535:—g. 132 (50), 804 (29), 833 (45), 1365 (3). Dr. James, clk., almoner to the French Queen, 82 (p. 43), 2480 (22), 3294, 3348 (3), 3357, 3430 (p. 1444). king's chaplain, canon of Windsor, g. 190 (37-8). letter from, 2480 (22). Th., 1803 (1 m. 1): p. 1542-g. 132 (26), 2055 (95 ii.), 2484 (9). Wm., g. 218 (3), 682 (4), 1602 (19). Denturden. See Tenterden. Denver, Norf., 438 (2 m. 26). Denybegh. See Denbigh. Denyngton. See Dennington. Denys or Denyse. See Dennis. Denysham. See Densham. Depdale. See Dale. Depden. See Debden. Depe. See Dieppe. Depete. See Debden. Depford Stronde. See Deptford. Deping. See Deeping. Deptford (Depford, Depford Strond), Kent, 438 (2 m. 34), 1080, 1803 (1 m. 2), 3137 (15), 3526, 3566-pp. 1496, 1506:-g. 94 (35 p. 50), 2617 (12), 2964 (59). Guild of Holy Trinity and St. Clement, g. 1732 (39), 2964 (59). King's Storehouses, keeper, g. 2617 (12). De Pyn, Martin, g. 1266 (15). Depyng. See Deeping. Deram, John, purser, 3148 iii, Derby, 392, 438 (1 m. 12), 438 (3 m. • 17, 23) :—g. 833 (11). confirmation of charters, g. 833 (38). fee farm of, g. 94 (35). Derby, Linc., 438 (2 m. 32). Derby, countess of, 82 (p. 41). countess of [Richmond and Derby]. See Margaret. Derby, Thomas earl of († 1504), 438 (3 m. 14), 2929 (2). Thomas Stanley, earl of, 20 (pp. 12, 19, 21), 37, 205, 245, 307 (p. 142), 438 (3 m. 14), 442, 853, 963, 1391, 1450 (p. 661), 2051–2, 2392, 2838, 2910, 3464, 3483 :—pp. 1535, 1546 : −g. 1365 (3), 2055 (32, 38), 3107 (40), 3499 (72). signature of, g. 2055 (32), 2684 (14). Derby,, bowyer, g. 11 (10). Agnes, g. 632 (18). Edward, archdeacon Stowe, g. 1494 (16). of (Derbey), Joan, daughter of Roger, 438 (2 m. 9). (Darbye), John, g. 804 (26), 1266 (21). (Darby), John, alias Paynter, abbot of Cleeve, 438 (4 m. 3). (Darby), Ralph, 438 (4 m. 26):-g. 969 (52). Th., dean of St. Mary's Col- lege, Leicester, 1803 (2 m. 3). Derbyshire, 205 (p. 106), 849, 2392: —g. 11 (10), 190 (25), 833 (11), 969 (23, 51), 1221 (26), 1316 (41), 1494 (9, 18), 1662 (18, 57), 1804 (28 ii.), 1948 (94), 2222 (12, 16), 2330 (3), 2484 (9), 2684 (27), 2861 (6), 3408 (18, 37), 3499 (12, 68). commission of the peace, p. Dere. 1535. See Deere. Dereham, Glouc. See Dirham. Dereham, East- (Estderham), Norf., 438 (4 m. 10), 2671. rector of, 438 (3 m. 2). Derham (Durham, Dewam, Derme, Derne), James, 20 (p. 13), 82 (pp. 39, 41), 438 (2 m. 12). Th., g. 833 (58 i.). Derley. See Darley. Car- Derllys (Trayne) commote, co. marthen, 438 (3 m. 23). Dermer (Darmar, Derman, Durmer), Th., 438 (4 m. 14). Derne. See Derham. Dernton. See Darnton. Derry, in Ireland, canon of, p. 1530. Derryvallan (Ocyztmaclan, Ayzt- marlan), co. Fermanagh, rec- tory, p. 1523. Dersingham, Norf., 438 (1 m. 16). Dertford. See Dartford. Dertmouth. See Dartmouth. Dertyngton. See Dartington. Dertys. See Artes. GENERAL INDEX. 131 Derwent, the Yorkshire river, g. 132 (32). Derwent, Wm., g. 1462 (31). Deryan (Derean, Dyryan, Doran, Deran), Peter, 1803 (1 m. 2). Derykson, Deryk, 1598, 2510. Deryng, Rob., p. 1513. Desborough (Desborowe, Deys- burgh), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 15). Descane. See Scharon. Descars or Destars, François, French prisoner, 3370, 3375 :—p. 928. Desert (Dosirlercriun), co. Cork [by Clonakilty], p. 1524. Desessyngbard, M., captain of Beth- une, 2995. Desmond, earl of. See Fitzgerald. Des Prez, Philippe, consul of Alexan- dria, 305. Desquirvell, Alonso. See Esquivel. Des Roziers (Desrosieres), John, 2995. Desrues, Thomas, 3349. Destars. See Descars. Destyere, Lord, 2767. Desvres (Davern), in the Boulonnais, 2089. Dethick (Dedyk), Derb., 438 (3 m. 16):—g. 857 (21). Dethicke, Mary wife of John, g. 1494 (5). Detmere, Hans, gunner, 1710. Deuattur. See Devautters. Deulemont (Deuslemons), in Flan- ders, 2256 (2). Deuyn. See Bevan. Devall, Th., 438 (2 m. 15). Devautters or Deuattur, Perpoynt, pp. 1508, 1510, 1514. Deve. See Davy. Devenish (Devynnysshe, Deven- esshe), Sir John, 20 (p. 12), 1176 (3), 1661 (3, 4):-p. 1545-g. 1083 (39). Devereux, Mistress Anne, attendant on Mary the French Queen, 3325, 3348 (3). Sir John († 1501), g. 289 (18). Elizabeth his wife, g. 289 (18). Walter, Lord Ferrers, q.v. Sir Walter († 1485), g. 289 (18). (18). Anne his wife, g. 289 Deverill Langbridge, Wilts, 438 (1 m. 23). Deveroux, Water. See Ferrers, Lord. Devizes (Le Vises, Vyes, Le Vyse, Vize), Wilts, 438 (2 mm. 6, 13), 438 (3 mm. 15, 21), 438 (4 mm. 3, 18, 27), 1803 (1 m. 6):-g. 94 (35), 132 (15). Devizes-cont. disputed election of mayor, 2293. mayor, &c., 438 (4 m. 23). Devon or Devonshire, 205 (p. 106), 420, 438 (2 m. 6), 550, 1482, 1502 :—g. 11 (10), 94 (58, 84), 190 (29), 218 (52), 381 (18, 75), 414 (21), 632 (26), 833 (11, 58 iv.), 969 (23), 1171 (1), 1221 (11), 1365 (24), 1462 (38), 1494 (9, 60), 1602 (38), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (17), 3049 (41), 3324 (24, 42), 3499 (12), 3582 (15). coinage of tin, g. 158 (16). • cloth-making, 2590. commission of the peace, pp. 1535-6. custos rotulorum, 438 (3 m. 9). Gloucester fee. See Wink- leigh. havenator, 438 (4 m. 18). tinners of, confirmation of charters for, g. 381 (64). Devon, earldom of, g. 357 (35), 414 (68), 587 (19), 749 (8, 23, 37), 751 (4, 5). auditor, g. 749 (8). Devon, Katharine Countess of. See Courteney. Lady Katharine. Hugh Courteney earl of (1340-1377), and Margaret his wife (d. of Elizabeth, d. of Edward I.), g. 784 (16). Thomas Courteney earl of (1458-61), and Henry his brother, g. 749 (23), 1083 (2). Edward Courteney earl of, K.G. (died 28 May 1509), 37:-g. 94 (37), 132 (117), 158 (58, 67), 190 (1, 7, 10, 18), 257 (10, 14), 414 (68), 447 (24), 519 (6), 709 (14), 749 (19, 20-4, 29, 30), 751 (4), 784 (14, 16), 1083 (2), 2137 (18). [William earl of. See Cour- teney, W.1. or Devonshire, Henry Cour- teney earl of, 1471, 1661 (3), 1912, 2227, 2814, 3325, 3357 ("Nonshere "):—g. 3049 (20). letter to, 2227. restoration in blood (Act), 14741. Devonshire, Lord William of. Courteney. Devoys, Ric., minstrel, 1181. Devyll. See Bevyll. Dewam. See Derham. See De Watt, Jacob, alias Copyn Watt, armourer, p. 1497:-g. 1123 (4). 132 GENERAL INDEX. Dewchurch (Duchurche), Heref., 438 (1 m. 17), 1803 (2 m. 4). Dewes, Giles, 877n. Dewlapard, Salop, 438 (3 m. 28). Dewnhousyn. See Dunson. Dewoesbroke. See Dowsbrocke. Dewsbury (Dewesby), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 23). Dewy, John, 438 (4 m. 16). Rob., 1982. Dewysland, in Wales, 1727. Dey or Deye. See Day. Deykyn. See Deacon. Deyman, Henry, 438 (2 m. 27). John, 438 (3 m. 16). Deyncourte, Bucks. Deincourt. See Wooburn Deynes or Deynys. See Dennis. Deyr. See Deer. Deysburgh. See Desborough. Deysne, in Flanders, letter dated at, 2147. Dichampton or Dichehampton. See Ditchampton. Dickinson (Dykenson), Harry, sur- geon, pp. 1519-20. Dickleburgh (Bekelbergh, Dikkel- brough, Dekylbergh), Norf., 438 (4 m. 11):—g. 632 (50). Dickson (Dikson), Thomas, a Scot, provost of Guthrie, 296. • dean of Restalrig, pp. 1522, 1530. • • minister of Houston, p. 1527. Didaci, Bart., a Portuguese ship captain, 171. Diddington (Dedyngton), Hunts, 438 (3 m. 14), 1803 (1 m. 4). Diensis, Roger elect of. See Dor- chester, abbot of. Dieppe (Depe), 1018, 1070, 1201, 1518, 1594, 1635, 1647 (p. 743), 1694, 1835, 1891 (2), 1971, 1992, 2014, 2120, 2240, 2605, 2693-4, 2854, 2974. 2 letters to officers of, 233, 1017. Dier .., Wm., of Ghent, petition · of, 2856. Diest, in Germany, 1293. Diet, the. See Augsburg. Dieulacres, Staff., abbey, 438 (3 m. 25). abbot. See Newton, J. Differencloid alias Ruthyn, q.v. Digby, Linc., g. 682 (13), 2684 (2). Digby, Benjamin, 2668 :-pp. 1509– 10. Dorothy wife of Sir Th., 438 (4 m. 19). (Dyggeby), Everard, 438 (3 m. 7), 1176, 1496 iii. :—p. 1539:-g. 132 (49), 218 (12), 2222 (16 Leic.), 2484 (9). Digby-cont. • • (Dyggebie), Sir John, mar- shal of the Vanguard, 20 (p. 14), 146, 1176 (4), 1463 xii., 2052, 2053 (2), 2392, 2537, 2765:—p. 1539 :—g. 54 (41), 132 (26), 190 (34), 833 (19), 2964 (44), 3499 (12). signature of, 146. John, 1947. (Dyghby), Lebyas, 20 (p. 16). Roland, g. 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.). Simon or Simkin, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14), 438 (4 m. 24):—pp. 1542, 1545 :-g. 54 (41), 257 (49, 66), 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.), 2684 (91). (Dygbe), Sir Thomas, 20 (p. 14), 438 (4 m. 19), 707 :— g. 709 (61), 804 (28). Digges (Dyggys), James, p. 1539: g. 190 (34), 257 (49), 632 (26). Dighton, Yorks. See Deighton. Dighton (Dygton), Rob., mayor of Lincoln, 438 (2 m. 25), 872. Dijon (Dowgion, Duvio), 2273, 2299, 2332, 2379, 2597, 2736, 2790. president of [the parliament of], 1055, 2577. appointment of (between France and the Swiss), 2597, 2752, 3018. French hostages, 2597. bailly of, French ambassa- dor to Rome, 3072, 3081. Diker, Rob., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Dikson. See Dickson. Dimyck, Clais, Flemish ship master, 1500. Dinan, in Britanny, 1237 iii. Dinbigh. See Denbigh. Dinder (Dyndor), Soms., prebend in Wells cathedral, 438 (3 m. 21), 438 (4 m. 25). Dindor (Byndre, Duynour), Heref., 438 (3 m. 26), 1803 (1 m. 2). Dingley (Dyneley), Francis, 2759. Francis of Manston, his poem upon Flodden Field, 2247 (2 ii.). (Dygneley), John, 438 (4 m. 15). John, groom of the Privy Chamber, 772, 1015, 1105, 2504, 3554-p. 1517:-g. 682 (30), 969 (33), 1316 (34), 2684 (56), 2772 (17). Louis, 438 (4 m. 15). Th., g. 3324 (21). (Dyneley, Dyngeley), Wm., 438 (1 m. 16):—p. 1546 :—g. 632 (81), 749 (11), 969 (32), 1266 (3), 3226 (28). Dinguel, John, clk., a Scot, 654. GENERAL INDEX. 133 Dinham, Sir John, of Dinham, 438 (4 mm. 4, 16). Dinkan. (Dyngham), Th., p. 1534. See Dunkan. Dinnysby. See Dunsby. Dinsdale or Dittinsdale (Dedynsale), Dham., 438 (3 m. 30). Dinton (Donyngton, Dodyngton, Dun- ton), Bucks, 438 (3 m.32). See Notes and Errata, No. 2137. Diochampton. See Ditchampton. Diphams manor in Edmonton, Midd., g. 485 (5), 833 (43). Dirham (Dereham), Glouc., 438 (4 m. 16). Worthy park, g. 804 (8). Diron. See Byron. Diselstain. See Ysselstein. Disert, co. Clare, p. 1525. Disert. See Dysart. Disney (Dysnay), Wm., g. 2222 (16 Linc.), 3408 (6), 3499 (12):- p. 1540. Dison. See Dyson. Diss (Dysse), Norf., 438 (3 m. 24), 1803 (2 m. 6), 3313 (6):—g. 132 (90), 2964 (81). rector of, 438 (2 m. 31). Wattons manor, g. 132 (90). Diss hundred, Norf,, g. 132 (90). Disstermeyallta Loyd. See Moyarta. Ditchampton (Dichampton, Dioc hampton, Duchamton, Dut- hampton), Wilts, 438 (4 mm. 6, 11):—g. 94 (35 p. 50), 381 (75), 709 (14), 1948 (31). Ditcheat (Dycheyate), Soms., rector of, 438 (3 m. 25). Ditchling (Dychelyng), Suss., 438 (2 m. 31). Ditsham (Dytesham), Devon, 1801. Dittisham (Dytsam), Devon, 438 (4 m. 21). Ditton, Bucks, g. 804 (39). Ditton, Camb., 438 (3 m. 29). Ditton, Ferme-, Camb., 438 (3 m. 15). Divelin. See Dublin. Diwell, 438 (3 m. 25). Probably By- well, Nthld. Dixmuyden (Dixmew, Dykesmeu), in Flanders, 2376, 2392. Dixson, Wm., p. 1549 :-g. 289 (38). Dixwell, Herts, g. 1524 (38). Dixwell, Margery, wife of Henry, g. 632 (50). Wm., rector of St. Andrews by Baynard's Castle, g. 2617 (46). Dobbes or Dobbys, John, purser, 2305 i., iii. bis, 3137 (6), 3148. Rob., 1463 viii., 1994, 3090– 1: pp. 1496, 1499, 1506, 1508:―g. 1003 (10). Dobledey (Dobelday, Dobyldale), John, 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (3 m. 33):—g. 1494 (57). Dobney (Dobeney), Wm., gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41). Dobson (Dobeson), James, 1803 (2 m. 2). Th., 438 (1 m. 11). Dobyldale. See Dobledey. Docwra (Docray, Dokwra, Dokwray), Thomas, prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, "lord of St. John's," 20 (p. 14), 191, 205, 313, 342, 438 (2 m. 4), 455 ("Monsem Joam,"), 493, 508 ("Mons. Prejam "), 529, 538, 840, 963, 1048, 1067, 1180, 1264, 1765, 2052, 2053 (2), 2392, 2447, 3018, 3186, 3193, 3221, 3240, 3256, 3268, 3294, 3298, 3348, 3411, 3449, 3464, 3495:-pp. 1533, 1536, 1538, 1540, 1545:-App. 10, 11 :—g. 190 (25), 257 (37, 48), 357 (43), 414 (13), 519 (47), 731 (27), 749 (15), 804 (13), 969 (17, 52), 1083 (5, 24), 1171 (3), 1221 (6), 1836 (3), 2684 (8), 3226 (21), 3324 (33), 3582 (14). • 3424. letters from,3252,3361, signature of, 313, 1176 (2):—g. 190 (25), 257 (37), 604 (8), 1836 (3), 2684 (16). Dodd (Dode, Dod), Edward, 1803 (1 m. 1). (Dod), John, 2392. (Dodde, Dod), Rob., p. 1532: -g. 11 (10). (Dodde), Th., 438 (1 m. 9). Doddesworth, John, 309. Doddington (Donyngton), Camb., rector of, 438 (1 m. 2). Doddington (Dudyngton), Chesh., 438 (2 m. 5). Doddington (Dodyngton), Glouc., 438 (4 mm. 13, 20). Doddington (Dodyngton), Linc., g. 2684 (2). Doddington (Dodington), Nthld., g. 2330 (1), 2422 (18). Doddington (Dodyngton) Pigot, Linc., g. 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14). Doddington Welburn, Linc., g. 709 (1). Doddingtree (Duddingtree) hun- dred, Worc., g. 132 (106). Dodemore, Roger de, g. 158 (32). Dodford (Bodford), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 19):-g. 485 (55 p. 298), 1316 (15). Doding (Doden), John, 438 (3 m. 23). Dodmer, Ralph, 2539. Dodo. See Duodo, 134 GENERAL INDEX. Dodsthorpe (Dosthorp), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 10). Dodwell, Wm., M.A., rector of Gay- ton le Marsh, g. 1836 (15). Dodyngton, Bucks. See Dinton. Dodyngton, Glouc., Linc., &c. See Doddington. Dodyngton in Holderness. Dunnington. Doffe, John, p. 1514. See Doget, John, clk., chancellor of Salisbury cathedral, 438 (1 m. 3). Dogett, John, 438 (4 m. 21 bis). Dogowe, Stephen, 438 (4 m. 16). (Dogoe), Wm., 438 (4 m. 16). Dogs, 646. Doket. See Duckett. Dokwra or Dokwray. See Docwra. Dole, in Burgundy, letter dated at, 1758. Englishman 1758. Dolfany. See Dauphiné. arrested in, Dollyng, Th., 1589: p. 1510. Dolman, John, servant of Katharine of Aragon, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41);—g. 1266 (26–7). (Dalman), Nic., 438 (1 m. 6). Dolphenie. See Dauphiné, Dolton (Dowlton), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Dolwyddelan (Dolwethelan), co. Car- narvon, 438 (3 m. 12), 438 (4. m. 18). Dolwyn, Germyse or Jeromyas, of the Steelyard, 2668: pp. 1508-9, 1511, 1514. Dominic, trumpet, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42). Domo d'Ossola (Dondossella, Dando- soli), in Italy, 1277 (p. 587), 1301. Domynyke, John, 853. Don, the Yorkshire river, g. 1123 (37). Don. See Donne. Dona Agnes, Lady. See Vanegas. Donado (Donato), Francesco, knight, of Venice, appointed ambas- sador to England (1514), 3243, 3367, 3394, 3404, 3488, 3503, 3559, 3579. .., instructions for, 3544. Hironimo, Venetian ambas- sador at Rome, 242, 402, 407- 8, 417, 432, 601, 851, 889, 914, 960. letters from, 408, 413 iii., 417, 432, 466, 553, 617, 720, 776, 815, 829, 842, 869. letters to, 402, 407, 425, 433, 441, 456, 479, 525, 530, 558, 567, 624, 630, 712, 739, 754, 761, 838, 844, 867, 895, 900. Donbertram. See Dumbarton. Doncaster (Dancaster, Dancastre), Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 4, 21, 26), 438 (3 mm. 8, 10), 438 (4 mm. 4, 7):-g. 94 (55, 68), 563 (10), 784 (35), 1003 (20), 1266 (lla), 1804 (6), 2484 (12), 2964 (60). , mayor of, 438 (2 m. 26). Donçeles (Donsellas), Alcayde de los [i.e. captain of King Ferdi- nand's bodyguard of veteran pages], 162 (p. 87), 1519 (p. 703), 1575. Doncken. See Dunkan. Doncombe. See Duncombe. Dondall. See Dunnall. Dondossella. See Domo d'Ossola. Doneat or Donet. See Donhead and Donyatt. Donferneyn. See Dunfermline. Donham. See Dunham. Donhead (Donet, Dounhede) St. Andrews, Wilts, 853, 1803 (1 m. 6). Donhead St. Mary (Dɔnet Mary), Dors., rector of, 438 (3 m. 3). Donington (Donyngto), Linc., 438 (3 m. 2). Donington in Holland, Linc., Wekes chapel, g. 604 (27), 1003 (5). Donkirk. See Dunkirk. Donnall. See Dunnold. Donne (Dawne), —, 1176 iii. (Dun), Angelus, alderman, merchant of the Staple, his widow, 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 19). (Doon, Dune, Dume, Don, Done, Dunne), Edw. or Sir Edw., gentleman usher, knighted at Tournay, 20 (p. 12), 438 (4 m. 2), 1176, 1496 iii., 2301, 2480 (39), 2842: p. 1534:-g. 1170 (5), 1804 (7). (Don), Sir Griffith, King's spear, 698, 1387 (Mr. Griffen- don), 1453 ii., v., 2480 (20), 2575 ii., 3169, 3395, 3403, 3459, 3537 (?). signature, 698. (Doon), Griffith, sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 12). Sir John, g. 414 (59), 2482 (29). (Don, Done), John, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (4 m. 14). (Dawne, Donna), Ralph, 438 (2 m. 8). (Doune, Dawne), Ric., 438 (1 m. 16):-g. 2137 (23). (Downe), Wm., p. 1512. Donnington (Donyngton), Berks, g. 94 (108), 132 (120), 2422 (17), 2684 (5). GENERAL INDEX. 135 Donnington (Donyngton), Leic., g. 1123 (58). Donsellas, Alcade de las. See Donce- les, Alcayde de los. Dontisshe. See Duntish. Donton. See Dounton. Donyatt (Doneat, Donet, Dunyate), Soms., 438 (3 m. 1):—g. 158 (62), 709 (60), 1123 (26). Donyngton, Berks or Leic. Donnington. See See Dodding- Donyngton, Bucks. See Dinton. Donyngton, Camb. ton. Donyngton, Suff. See Dennington. Doon. See Donne. Doorte. See Dordrecht. Doorus or Durrus (Dorusa), co. Cork, p. 1524. D'Opicys, Pierre, an English mer- chant in Flanders, 898. Dopson, John, 1451. Doran. See Deryan. Dorceter (Dorcestre, Dorcetur), John, 438 (3 m. 19). Dorcet Parva. See Dasset. Dorchester, Dors., 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 13), 1176 (3):-pp. 1509 -10. • , confirmation of charters, g. 1494 (26). rector of Holy Trinity, p. 1528. rector presented, g. 632 (19). Dorchester, Oxon, 438 (1 m. 11). abbey, 438 (4 m. 6). Richard abbot of. See Beauforest. Roger [Smith] abbot of, bp.-elect of Lydda (Dien- sis), p. 1525. rectory of, p. 1525. Dordrecht (Dordright, Doorte), in Holland, 2009, 2809. Dore or Valley Dore, Heref., 438 (4 m. 12). D'Orea or Dorea. See Urea. Doren, Perott, 20 (pp. 11, 13). Doreward, Joan, g. 485 (61). Doria (de Auria), Bart., pp. 1525–6. Dorialli, Benedict, p. 1521. Dorisell. See D'Arizoles. Dorisme. Dorizolles. See Durham. See Darizolles. Dorking (Berkyng), Surr., 438 (2 m. 4), 438 (3 m. 4), 438 (4 m. 28):—p. 1512. vicar of, 438 (3 m. 10). Dormer, Geoffrey, g. 682 (22). (Dormar), Michael, merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). .. Ralph, brewer, pp. 1505- 6. Dorne, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 25). Dornham. See Tournehem. Dorno or Adorno (Adurno), in Italy, 1277 (p. 586), 1301. Dornock (Dronok), and Dornock Wood, in Scotland, p. 1260. Dorrell. See Darrell. Dorrington (Doryngton), Salop, g. 2535 (10). Dorset or Dorsetshire, 205 (p. 106): —g. 11 (10), 158 (62), 381 (75), 784 (21), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1123 (26), 1365 (24), 1494 (9, 18), 1524 (30), 1602 (38), 1662 (27, 45), 1732 (21), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (18, 53), 2964 (24), 3324 (36), 3499 (12, 33), 3582 (15). commission of the peace, p. 1536. Dorset, Thomas Grey, late marquis of, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (3 m. 21). Thomas Grey, marquis of, K.G., 104, 170, 205, 277, 309, 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (3 m. 21), 442, 698, 707, 878 ii., 963, 1120, 1126, 1128, 1147, 1174, 1239, 1283, 1286, 1291-2, 1319-20, 1323, 1326, 1356, 1359, 1366, 1403, 1422, 1435, 1441, 1444, 1447, 1459, 1461, 1463 ix., 1468, 1484, 1495, 1496 iv., 1509 (p. 696), 2051, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 6 ii.), 2059, 2377, 2480 (65), 2546, 2738, 2838n., 2929, 3146, 3268, 3294, 3348 (3), 3370, 3387, 3411, 3416, 3446, 3449, 3464, 3483, 3513 (2):—pp. 1510, 1539, 1541, 1543, 1545:-App. 22 :-g. 11 (10), 158 (49, 75), 804 (8), 969 (17, 58), 1083 (41), 1123 (58), 1170 (16), 1172 (11, 12, 18, 22— 4), 1221 (5, 6, 12, 48), 1365 (19), 1732 (24), 1805 (1), 1948 (3), 2055 (95), 3049 (11, 20), 3324 (33, 40). letters from, 1292, 3424, 3430, 3461, 3472. letters to, 1319-20. a brother of, 1484. pardon for, g. 158 (75). signature, 698, 1176 (2), 1441:—g. 1172 (22–4), 1221 (2, 24, 35), 1805 (1), 2964 (66). (3). Cecily his wife, 3268, 3348 marchioness of [daughter and h. of Wm. Bon- ville of Harington and mother of the marquis], 309. Dorset, Lord, at Bergen, 1032 (8). Dorsett (Doresette), Henry, 438 (3 m. 31). Dorsomoine. See Drumhome. Dort. See Dordrecht. 136 GENERAL INDEX. Dorton, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 27). Dover-cont. Dorusa. See Doorus. Dorvey. See Rewy. Doryere. See Auriere. Dosirlercriun. See Desert. Dossy. See Idoxi. Dosthorp. See Dodsthorpe. Douai (Dowey), in Flanders, 2404. Doughtfire, Rob., clk., 438 (4 mm. 3, 16). Doughton, Glouc., g. 94 (35). Doughtyman, Wm., rector of Cum- berworth, g. 1494 (52). Douglas, Archibald, earl of Angus, q.v. (Douglace), Gavin, to be ab- bot of Arbroath, 2548, 3119, 3468, 3588-p. 1532. George, master of Angus, q.v. George, son of Angus, to be abbot of Aberbrothok, 2443. (Duglas), Hugh, 2313. James, earl of Morton, q.v. Sir John, slain at Flodden, 2313. Dounall, Rob., petty captain at Guisnes, 3135. Doune. See Donne. Douneley. See Downley. Dounesmore, Devon, 438 (2 m. 14). Dounham. See Dunham. Dounhede. See Donhead. Dounhevedburgh. See Launceston. Dounton (Downeton, Donton), Hum- phrey, 438 (3 mm. 13, 15). Dourantes. See Durhams. Douriers (Durers, Dourriers), Fran- çois de Crequy Seigneur de, seneschal of Boulonnais, uncle of Anthoine de Crequy, 3240, 3252, 3348. Dove, John, brewer, g. 682 (1). Dovea, in Ireland. See Deffynuvuyr. Dovell, Harry, 2483. Dover (Dower), Kent, 187, 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (3 m. 16), 589, 880, 1329, 1413, 1513, 1567, 1600, 1643, 1768, 1812, 1871, 1874, 1912, 1915, 1943, 1982, 2014, 2054 (2, 3), 2065, 2220–1, 2227, 2246 (5), 2295, 2305 iii., 2326, 2427, 2480-1, 2576, 2643, 2761, 2809, 2937, 3001, 3161, 3222, 3295, 3321 (2), 3424, 3430, 3485, 3513 (2):-pp. 1504, 1508 :—g. 190 (34), 1804 (28-30), 2055 (127), 2422 (4), 2862 (7). letters dated at, 736, 1313, 1692, 1942, 2037, 2946, 2959, 3310, 3376. grants dated at, g. 749 (1), 885 (8, 9), 1662 (21–2), 2055 (120, 122), 2137 (1, 8, 10, 18), 2535 (11, 12), 3408 (2). bailiff of, g. 94 (109), 1172 (19). See Vaughan, T. pardon to the town, 1803 (2 m. 2). Castle, 205 (p. 106), 1313, 2834, 3222. constable of (and war- den of the Cinque Ports), g. 94 (33), 632 (4), 924 (6). See Poynings, Sir E. lieutenant. Copuldik, J. J. See Maisondieu, 438 (1 m. 25). master of. See Clerk, confirmation for, g. 414 (64). St. Martin of the New Work priory, 1803 (1 m. 2). (2). J. confirmation for, 885 prior. See Thornton, St. Radegund's of Bradsole, near Dover, abbey of, 438 (3 m. 9):-p. 1531. abbot. See Willouse, T. Dower. See Dover. Dowesyng. See Dowsing. Dowey. See Douai. Dowgion. See Dijon. Dowker, Rob., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Dowlton. See Dolton. Dowman, John, LL.D., g. 2964 (70). Down Amney, Glouc., 438 (3 m. 16). Down, East (Estdoune), Devon, 1803 (1 m. 2). Downe, Surr., 438 (2 m. 26). Downe, Wm. See Donne. Downer, Hugh, g. 969 (63). (Dowener), John, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383). Rob., p. 1512. Downes, Nic., of the Guard, serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 707, 2480 (30):-g. 94 (18), 257 (8). Downeton. See Dounton. Downhead (Donhed), Soms., 438 (3 m. 17). Downley (Douneley, Downele) [in Singleton parish, Suss.], 438 (3 m. 23). letter dated at, 1906. Downs (Downys), the, off Kent, 855, 1291, 1688, 1698, 1748, 1858, 1992, 2054 (2), 2305 ii., iii., 2478 ii., 2479 x., 2865, 2909, 2939, 2946, 3148 vi., viii. :— pp. 1507, 1517, 1520. Downyng. See Dunning. Dowsbrocke or Dewoesbroke, John, assayer of the Mint in Flan- ders, 2781. GENERAL INDEX. 137 Dowsing (Dowsyn, Dowesyng), John, chief smith of Calais, g. 381 (10), 1083 (46). Dowson. See Dawson. Doyle, John, g. 519 (7). Doyly (Dayly), Th., vicar of Marc- ham, p. 1531. Doynton, Glouc., rector of, p. 1529. Dracote. See Draycot. Draicote. See Draycot. Drake, Th., g. 257 (21). Wm., 438 (3 m. 34). Drakelow, Derb., 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (2 m. 19). Drakys. See Drax. Draper, Alice, prioress of Polles- worth, g. 218 (40). • Isabel, 438 (3 m. 2). Nic., ship captain, 1869 iii., 1883. (Drapar), Ric., 438 (2 m. 30). Rob., 2480 (27). Robert, of the Jewel House, 3343. Robert, ship captain, 1413- 14, 1661 (4), 2304 (3, 4), 2842 ii., 2938:- -p. 1518. Thomas, ship captain, 2686. Th., g. 2684 (8). Wm., 438 (3 m. 2) :—g. 132 (61). Drapers, 438 (1 mm. 3, 6, 8, 10, 13 bis, 17, 19 ter, 20 bis, 22), 438 (2 mm. 8, 10, 12, 17, 18, 24, 25, 28), 438 (3 mm. 7, 9 bis, 14 bis, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24 bis, 27, 28, 29 ter, 31), 438 (4 mm. 5, 6 bis, 7, 14 ter, 21, 22 ter, 23, 25), 1803 (mm. 1, 2, 6), 1803 (2 m. 2) :—p. 1509 :-g. 54 (82), 651 (32), 709 (15), 749 (16), 784 (1, 30), 833 (13, 56), 857 (14), 1221 (4), 1266 (4), 1316 (37), 3049 (37), 3107 (13), 3324 (7), 3582 (21). Draughton, Ntht., 438 (1 m. 7). Drawswerd, Th., sheriff of York (1506–7), 307. Drax, Yorks, priory, 438 (2 m. 4). confirmation for, g. 969 (57). prior. See Wilson, R. Drax, Alex., 438 (4 m. 12). Isabel d. and h. of John, 438 (4 m. 12). ,Lambert, 438 (4 m. 24). (Drakys), Th., clk., rector of Lincoln College, Oxford, 438 (3 m. 27). Draycot, Wilts, 438 (2 m. 33):—g. 132 (96), 651 (7), 1948 (75). Draycot Cerne (Draicotes Serne), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 13). Draycot in the Moors (Draicote de le Moris), Staff., 438 (2 m. 12). Draycott (Dracote, Draicote), Sir John, 438 (2 m. 12), 2392 :— g. 632 (26), 969 (23), 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). John, p. 1515. Sir Philip, p. 1515:—g. 3226 (29). letter from, 3238. Philip, g. 1732 (19). Ric., 2392. Drayell (Dayell, Druyll), Th., 438 (1 m. 26). Drayton, Bucks, g. 132 (18). Drayton, Hants, 438 (1 m. 25), 1803 (1 m. 3). Drayton, Ntht., 438 (3 m. 8). Drayton, Oxon, 1803 (1 m. 4). Drayton, Salop, 438 (1 m. 22). Drayton (Drecton), Suss., g. 94 (35 p. 50). Drayton Basset, Staff., 2537. Drayton, John, D.D., g. 546 (64). Drecton. See Drayton. Drepa, M., captain of a French ship, 1371. Dresden, in Germany, letter dated at, 729. Dress. See under Henry VIII. See also Windsor, Sir Andrew, warrants to. Dreux, in France, county of, 1689 (p. 774n.). Drew, James, 438 (2 m. 34). (Trewe), John, 438 (4 m. 7). Drewell. See Druell. Drewintorn, Henry, of Dantzic, 2085. Drewre. See Drury. Driffield, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 24). prebendary of, 438 (3 m. 22). Driffield (Briffield), Great, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 23). Drim. See Drom. Drinach (Trinach),co. Cork,p.1523 bis. Dring Houses (Dringhous, Ryng- houses), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 10):—g. 709 (14), 1172 (7), 1415 (11), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). Drinkel. See Dunkit. Driver, John, 1493 ii. Drodagh. See Drogheda. Drogheda (Drodagh, Drodaghada), in Ireland, 438 (3 m. 8), 2907, 2977 :—g. 604 (1), 2535 (2, 4). confirmation of charters, g. 1316 (18). Droitwich (Wiche), Worc., 438 (3 m. 33):-g. 94 (35). Drom (Drim), co. Tipperary, p. 1524. Dromond. See Drummond. Dromore, in Ireland, church of, 1244. canons of, p. 1527. • • diocese, pp. 1526. George bp. of, 747. Thady O'Reilly bp. of, 747. Dronok. See Dornock. 138 GENERAL INDEX. Drossell, -, 1262. Drosswell, John, g. 2684 (70, 76). Drovers, 438 (1 m. 5). Drownbugh. See Drumburgh. Drue, Joan, d. and h. of Eliz., g. 1316 (24). Druell (Drevell, Drewell), Chr., 438 (4 m. 22) :—p. 1538 :—g. 257 (49), 414 (55), 587 (1). (Drewell), Ric., 438 (4 m. 1): 1538:-g. -p. 1083 (35), 2964 (52). Rob., 1083 (35). Wm., 438 (4 m. 1). Drumburgh (Drownbugh), Cumb., 438 (4 m. 23). Drumhome (Dorsomoine, Drune- mame), co. Donegal, p. 1525. Drummond (Dromond), John lord, 1499, 2461:-g. 833 (65), 1602 (27), 2862 (8). (Dromond), Walter, dean of Dunblane, 2461, 2553. Drummully (Drumonilche), Fermanagh, p. 1532. CO. Drunemame. See Drumhome. Drury (Drewre, Drewrie, Druery), Sir Rob., knight for the Body, ambassador to Scotland (Sept. 1509), 20 (p. 14), 153, 161, 255, 341, 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (3 m. 9), 707, 1453, 1504, 1735, 1960, 2765, 3348 (3) p. 1544 :—g. 94 (99), 158 (80, 90), 218 (37), 414 (30), 519 (1), 682 (3), 731 (14), 804 (34), 833 (65), 969 (13), 1316 (26), 1662 (2, 12), 2055 (95), 2772 (25), 3049 (20). ambassador to Scot- land, g. 158 (80, 90), 519 (1). (Drurey), Wm., 633 :—g. 2055 (95 iii.). Druyll. See Drayell. Dryburgh (Driburght) abbey, in Scotland, pp. 1526, 1528. Dryland, Leonard, g. 1365 (10). Ric., g. 1836 (24). Dryllinhandnor, co. dore ?], p. 1524. Drynton. See Bruton. Cork [Glan- Dublin (Divelin, Dulyng), 438 (3 m. 8), 2977 :-g. 2535 (2, 4). letters dated at, 61, 3583 :- App. 16. • • confirmation of charters, g. 447 (32). grant to the city, g. 632 (6). pardon to the city, 1803 (1 m. 4). Christ Church, App. 16. St. Mary's abbey, letter from abbot and convent, 3583. St. Patrick's College, dean of, 3583. Dublin, abp. of. See FitzSimon, W. ; Rockeby, W. (1512). abpric. of, g. 1003 (12), 1123 (29). diocese, pp. 1526–7. Du Bos, Jehan, abbot of St. Martin's, Tournay, q.v. Ducarnge, Philip, M.D., g. 1316 (37). Ducerf. See Cerf. Duchamton. See Ditchampton. Duche, John, gunner, g. 190 (2). Duchebourne, Wm. See Dyche- bourne. Duchurche. See Dewchurch. Duckett, Eleanor, wife of Thomas, 438 (2 m. 16). · • (Dɔket), Mabel, widow of James, 438 (1 m. 16). (Doket, Dukket, Dokket), Ric., 438 (2 m. 9), 2480 (34). (Doket), Rob., 438 (1 m. 16). (Duket, Doket), Th., 438 (2 m. 16). Ducklington (Duglyngton), Oxon, 438 (2 m. 11), 1803 (1 m. 2). Duckridge (Duckred, Duikriche), Wm., 438 (1 m. 25). Duckworth (Duckeworthe, Duc- worthe), George, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 41), 2617 (7):—g. 519 (21). Ducmanton, Th., 392. Duddingtree. See Doddingtree. Duddo (Duddowe), Nthld., 438 (4 m. 20). Dudgley (Dudeley), Salop [in Card- ington], 438 (3 m. 2). Dudimont, captain of mercenaries, 2835. Dudley, Staff., 438 (3 m. 12). Dudley (Dudeley), Edward Sutton, lord, K.G., 20 (p. 15), 37, 205, 341, 963, 1176 (1, 4), 2053 (7), 3464, 3483 :-pp. 1543, 1545- 6, 1548. his son, 1176 (1, 4), 2053 (6 ii.) :—App. 26. Dudley, Andrew, 436. • Andrew, son of Edmond, 559. (Dudeley), Edmund, Henry VII.'s minister, his book, 560. his first wife [Anne sister of Sir A. Windsor], 559. inventory of his goods, 146. recognisances made to, g. 54 (3), 94 (99), 132 (18, 34), 218 (59), 289 (6, 44), 357 (10), 381 (108), 414 (46), 449 (15, 18), 485 (42), 651 (7), 784 (56), 804 (6), 3499 (41). signature of, g. 54 (88). trial of, pp. 1548-9. his will, 559. GENERAL INDEX. 139 Dudley, Edmund-cont. other references, 1, 131, 146, 341, 391, 436, 559, [597?], 1046 :—g. 11 (10), 54 (75, 82), 132 (91), 218 (53), 381 (47), 519 (61), 604 (18), 632 (39, 63), 682 (3), 709 (2, 14, 26, 59), 731 (55), 833 (69), 857 (4), 969 (31, 38), 1123 (1, 15), 1316 (4), 1602 (37), 1948 (85), 2055 (74), 2484 (25), 3324 (22), 3408 (28). Elizabeth, wife of Edmund, 559, 561. Elizabeth, daughter of Ed- mund, 559. Jerome, son of Edmund, 559. John or Sir John, son of Ed- mund, 20 (p. 15), 559, 1046 :— g. 1602 (37), 3049 (20). Peter, 559. (Dudeley), Ric., clk., 559 :— g. 709 (26). Rob., g. 3107 (36). Wm., 559. Dudyngton. See Doddington. Duelber. See Darver. Duff (Duffe), Peter, 1803 (2 m. 4). Duffeld, John, 20 (p. 17). Wm., 82 (p. 43), 164. Duffield, Derb., 438 (4 m. 26). Duffield, North-, Yorks, g. 749 (27). Duffield, South- (Southdufeld), Yorks, g. 2772 (24). Du Fou (De Fou), Monsieur, 3348. Duglas. See Douglas. Duglyngton. See Ducklington. Duikriche. See Duckridge. Duke, Farnando. See Estrada. Duke, Ric., 438 (4 m. 17). Duker, Rob., 707. Duket. See Duckett. Dukeworthe. See Duckworth. Dukkett. See Duckett. Dulas (Llysdullas), co. Anglesea, 438 (3 m. 21). Dullingham (Delyngham), Camb., 438 (4 m. 22). Dully, Wm., 707 (p. 383). Duloe, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 8). rector of, 438 (2 m. 5). Dumbar. See Dunbar. Dumbarton (Donbertram), in Scot- land, 3349 (p. 1411). Dume or Dune. See Donne. Dumfermlin. See Dunfermline. Dummelen (i.e. Dunelmensis). See Ruthal, T. Dummer (Dunmar, Dummar), Hants, 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 21). Dun. See Donne. Dunbar (Dumbar), in Scotland, 3481. Dunbar-cont. • prebend of, p. 1522. Dunbar, Gavin, archd. of St. An- drews, q.v. Dunblane, diocese, pp. 1527, 1532. James Chisholm, bp. of, 2461. Duncan, John, 300, 1135. Dunchurch, Warw., 438 (1 m. 24) g. 632 (7). Duncombe (Doncombe), Wm., 438 (2 m. 25). Dundalk, in Ireland, g. 2535 (4). Dundas, Sir George, a knight of Rhodes, preceptor of Tor- phichen, 843, 1077-8, 1230, 1263-4, 1720, 2911 :—p. 1530. his uncles killed, 2313. Dundee (Dunde), in Scotland, 1730-1, 2616. Dundonald, in Scotland, vicar of, 1625, 2084. Dune. See Donne. Dunesse, Mons. See Dunois. Dunestanvilla, Robert de (temp. Hen. II.), g. 2964 (67). Dunfermline (Donferneyn, Dum- fermlyn), in Scotland, g. 857 (12). abbey of St. Margaret, 299, 2443, 2550, 3119:-p. 1532. abbot of, 124. See Stewart, Alex.; Forman, A. James postulate of. See Hepburn, J. Dunham, Cornw. See Dynham. Dunham Hall, Suff., g. 519 (62). Dunham upon Trent, Notts, 438 (2 m. 21). Dunham (Dounham, Donham), Sir John, 20 (p. 14), 309, 438 (2 m. 6), 1176 (3), 2392. (Donham, Dounham), John, 438 (1 m. 5):—g. 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.), 969 (23), 1524 (18), 1948 (94), 3049 (23). Ric., 438 (4 m. 5). Dunheved or Dunhevid. ceston. See Laun- Dunholm (Dunham), Linc., 438 (4 m. 13). Dunholt. See Dunnold. Dunian (Dungyon), in Scotland, 2443. Dunkan (Dinkan, Doncken), Adrian, ship captain, 2686, 2842 ii., 2938, 3513. Dunkeld, in Scotland, cathedral, 1030. Dunkeld, archd. of. See Paniter, P. archdeaconry of, 1296, 1300. bishopric and diocese of, 1137:—pp. 1521–4, 1527–8. George Brown bp. of, 1300. Dunkeswell abbey, Devon, 438 (2 m. 6). 140 GENERAL INDEX. Dunkeswell abbey-cont. abbot. See Whitmore, J. Dunkeswick (Dunkeswyke), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 5). Dunkirk (Donkirk, Cocharcha), 1848, 2376, 2392, 2396, 2404, 2797. letter dated at, 2557. Dunkit (Drinkel), co. Kilkenny, p. 1524. Dunleer (Lonutdlount, Lowedowe), co. Louth, pp. 1526–7. Dunmow or Great Dunmow, Essex, 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 17) : g. 2055 (23). vicar of, 438 (1 m. 20). Dunnall. See Dunnold. Dunne. See Donne. Dunning (Downyng), John, g.1123 (2). (Downyng, Downeyng), Th., g. 1083 (32). Dunnington (Dodyngton in Holder- ness), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 10). Dunnold (Dunnall, Dunnoll, Don- dall, Dunnowe), Ric., 20 (p. 16), 248, 626, 947, 1205, 1806, 2449, 3491. (Dunolt, Dunholt, Dunwold), Th., p. 1538:-g. 414 (55), 587 (1), 833 (22), 1602 (10). Dunny (Duny), Glouc., 438 (4 m. 14). Dunnysby. See Dunsby. Dunois (Dunes, Dunesse, Dunoix), Comte de, 9, 1239, 1301 (p. 599). See also Longueville, Francis duke of. Dunpole, Soms., g. 709 (60). Duns. See Duntish. Dunsby (Dinnysby, Dunnysby), Linc., 438 (3 m. 14). Dunson (Dewnhousyn), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 25). Dunstable (Dunstaple), Beds, 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 26). priory, confirmation for, g. 519 (19). Beds). prior of, g. 2222 (16 Dunstall. See Tunstall. Dunstanborough, Nthld., 2386, 2913. Dunster, Soms., 438 (2 m. 27), 438 (3 mm. 4, 24), 1803 (1 m. 1). St. Lawrence chantry, 1803 (2 m. 3). Dunston (Dunstone), Linc., g. 1316 (4), 2772 (11). Duntish (Dontisshe, Duns, Dun- tysche), Dors. [in Buckland Newton], 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (4 mm. 24, 26). Dunton, Bucks. See Dinton. Dunwich, Suff., 438 (1 m. 14), 1982 (2, 4) :—g. 2617 (35). burgesses of, 438 (1 m. 16). Dunwold, Th. See Dunnold. Dunyate. See Donyatt. Duodo (Dodo), Nic., a Venetian in England, 330, 438 (2 m. 28), 2747. Duperier, Chr., g. 1662 (38). Du Pin (Di Pim), M., 463 ii. Dupont, Seigneur. See Mervault. Du Prat, Jean, 981. Dupyn or Dupyne, Martin, g. 1365 (6), 2861 (20). Durant. See Durrant. Durant, Monsignor di. See Ruthal. Durea, Don Pedro. See Urreas. Duredaunt, Th., g. 804 (50). Durers. See Douriers. Dures, M., 1301 (p. 598). Durham (Dorisme), 290, 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (2 mm. 10, 28), 438 (4 m. 27), 1803 (1 mm. 1, 5, 2 mm. 4, 6 (?)), 2381. letters dated at, 163, 2279, 2283. cathedral priory, 438 (2 m. 18). Thomas prior of, 163, 438 (2 m. 18), 2714 :-g. 289 (24). letter from, 163. Durham (Dorisme, Duresme), bp. of, 70, 100. See Ruthal, T. bpric. of ("the Bishopric "), 187, 290, 299, 438 (2 m. 18), 2283, 2355, 2386, 2636, 2641: ―g. 132 (10), 289 (25). chancellor of ("Mr. Chancel- lor"), 163, 290-1. Durham, James. See Derham. Durhams or Durrants (Dourantes, Dowrauntes), Midd. [in En- field], 438 (4 m. 11). Durmer. See Dermer. Durram, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 29). Durraunt, John, 82 (p. 41). (Durant, Durraunde), Th., of Derbyshire, g. 11 (10), 289 (35), 709 (22), 1083 (46). Durrants. See Durhams. Durraunde. See Durrant. Durrington, Suss., 1803 (1 m. 3). Dursley (Durseley), Glouc., 438 (2 m. 34), 438 (4 m. 13). Dursleym. See Burslem. Dutartre, Clement, g. 1415 (29). Duthampton. See Ditchampton. Duthek, Wm., 438 (3 m. 6). Du Val, Sieur, 3349. Duvis. See Dijon. Duwes, Alex., 1086. (Du Wes), Giles, the King's librarian at Richmond, 82, 956, 3550:-g. 190 (27), 414 (69), 969 (19), 1123 (56), 3226 (20), 3324 (43). Duynour. See Dindor. Dyat, Ric., ship master, 2738. GENERAL INDEX. 141 Dychard (Dychaud, Dycherd), Wm., brewer, 438 (1 m. 2). Dychebourne (Duchebourne), Wm., 20 (p. 16), 707 :—g. 94 (101). Dychelyng. See Ditchling. Dycons, Ric., g. 2422 (15). Dyer, Edm., 438 (1 m. 23). Hugh, p. 1520. Ric., of Calais, 3567. Dyers, 438 (2 mm. 20, 28), 438 (3 mm. 17, 21, 23 ter, 24), 438 (4 m. 18), 1803 (mm. 2, 4), 1803 (2 mm. 2, 5):-g. 1003 (16), 1836 (12). Dyes, Francis, Bluemantle pursui- vant, Windsor Herald (1510), 1459, 1509, 1575 (p. 722), 2053 (7) :—g. 632 (79). bill of, 1459. Dyffryn Clwydd (Defferentcloid, Deffrynclod), co. Denbigh, g. 132 (67), 414 (48). Dygneley. See Dingley. Dyker (Dykar), John, 438 (4 m. 2). Nic., 438 (3 m. 24). (Dykar), Peter, 438 (4 m. 2). Rob., 707 (p. 383), 2404. Dykerawe (Dyker), in (Dyker), in Scotland, 2443. Dykesmen. See Dixmuyden. Dykson. See Dickson. Dylcok, Henry, 2656 (6). Dymmocke, Dymmok or Dymmoke, Glouc. See Dymock. Dymmok or Dymmoke, Anne, 438 (2 m. 10). Eliz., widow of Andrew, g. 604 (36). (Dymoke), John, 2220 :—pp. 1511, 1513. (Dymoke, Demok), Lionel or Sir Lionel, 438 (2 m. 10), 2480 (54) :—p. 1540 :—App. 26 :— g. 2684 (20), 3408 (6). (Dimmok), Sir Rob., king's champion, treasurer of the Rearward, treasurer of Tour- nay, 20 (p. 14), 82, 438 (2 m. 10), 1493 iv., 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2130, 2135-6, 2371, 2388, 2392 (p. 1063), 2414, 2521, 2528, 2983-4, 2992, 3114: App. 26 :—g. 257 (48-9), 804 (13, 49), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 1266 (6), 1494 (16), 3582 (14). letter to, 2136. his accounts, 2388, 2414. • signature, g. 1266 (6). Sir Robert, merchant of the Staple, 438 (2 m. 13). Dymock (Dymmocke, Dymmoke), Glouc., 438 (2 mm. 5, 12), 438 (4 m. 14, 17). Dynas. See Castle Dinas. Dyne, John, pp. 1533, 1541. Wm., 1493 iv. Wm., merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). Dyneley. See Dingley. Dynham, Cornw. See Cardinham. Dynham, Sir John lord, treasurer of the Exchequer († 1509), g. 132 (98), 2772 (4). See also Dunham. Th., g. 1494 (9), 2684 (53). Dynhynlle (Deenemele), co. Den- bigh, 438 (2 m. 28). Dynne, John, 438 (2 m. 9). • Rob., 438 (2 m. 9). Dyonisius, Lord. See St. Denis. Dyrham or Dirram, Glouc., 438 (2 m. 32). Dyryan. See Deryan. Dysart (Disert), in Scotland, 1262 (p. 578 ? "Des . . ."), 1324– 5. Dysenghien. See Enghien. Dysley, John. See Notes and Errata, No. 833 (54). Dyson (Dison), John, 1803 (2 m. 4): -g. 11 (10), 257 (3), 289 (35), 709 (22), 857 (20). Dysylstein. See Ysselstein. Dyve, John, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 12), 1176 (1, 2) :—g. 257 (49), 632 (26). Dyves, Ric., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 855. E Eadgar. See Edgar. Eagle, bailly of the (bajulus aquilœ), of the Order of Rhodes, 438 2 m. 6), 1765. See Newport, Sir T. Eakring (Ekryng, Acren, Akryng), Notts, 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (2 m. 26). Ealing (Elyng), Midd., 438 (3 m. 19). Eambeth, John, alias Bofet, q.v. Eardington (Yerdington), Salop, g. 2137 (22). Eardisland (Greslame, or Gresland, Erysland), Heref., 438 (3 m. 17):—g. 519 (64), 3107 (48). Eardisley (Erdyley, Yerdesley), Heref., 438 (3 m. 2). Earl's Crome (Erlescrombe), Worc., g. 1524 (47). Earlstone (Erleston), Hants, 438 (4 m. 24). Earsham (Hersham), Norf., rector of, 438 (2 m. 30). 142 GENERAL INDEX. Easton-cont. Easebourne (Eseborn), Suss., 1803 (2 m. 1). Easingwold (Esyngwold), Yorks, g. 563 (10). Easingwold or Esyngwold, John, p. 1505. Margaret, prioress of Wil- berfoss, g. 158 (32). Easling (Islyng), Kent, 438 (3 m. 31). Eastbourne (Estborn), Suss., g. 132 (51). Eastburn (Estbourn), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 5). Eastchurch (Estchurch), in Sheppey, Kent, 438 (4 m. 2). Easter, Good- (Goodester), Essex, 438 (3 mm. 3, 30). Easterford (Esterford), Essex, 438 (4 m. 5). Easterlings, the, 20 (p. 20), 1370, 1567, 2694, 2832 iii., vi. :— App. 14. Eastern Circuit. See Norfolk Cir- cuit. East Friesland, lieutenant of. See Emden, count of. East Garston (Ergaston), Berks, vicar of, p. 1528. East Hall (Esthall), manor, Kent, 438 (3 m. 11):-g. 3107 (23). Easthampstead, Berks, letter dated at, 533. grants dated at, g. 546 (65, 67, 71–2), 563 (16). Eastington (Estynton), Glouc., 438 (4 m. 14). Eastland (Estland, eastward "), on the Baltic, 2809: pp. 1496 bis, 1497, 1503. East Mill (Estmyll), Hants, 438 (1 m. 12). Eastoft (Estoft, Estuft), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 6 bis). Eastoft (Estoft), John, 438 (4 m. 6). Easton (Eston), Cumb., 438 (4 m. 23). Easton (Eston), Hants, rector of, 438 (4 m. 1). Easton (Esten, Eston), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (3 m. 5):—g. 218 (9). Easton (Eston), Suff., 438 (2 m. 13). Easton Bavent (Eston Davant), Suff., 1982 (4). Easton, Great (Estaynes ad Mon- tem), Essex, 438 (3 m. 5). Easton, Little (Eyston ad Turrim), Essex, 438 (3 m. 24). Easton Neston (Estneston), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 24), 438 (2 m. 11): p. 1548-g. 804 (28), 1083 (41). Easton (Eston), John, 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (3 m. 20):—p. 1505 :- g. 1732 (31), 2684 (110). (Eston), John, purser, 2938 ii. (Eyston, Eston), Th., 438 (1 m. 20). Wm., 438 (1 m. 20). East Riding (Estrydyng), archd. of. See Magnus, T. archdeaconry of, 310, 438 (2 mm. 16, 32). East Thorpe (Esthorp), Essex, 438 (3 m. 11). Eastwell (Estwell), Leic., 438 (2 m. 4). Eastwick (Estwyke), Herts, Herts, 438 (4 mm. 5, 18), 3223 :—g. 2684 (1). Eastwood, Essex, 438 (4 m. 1). Eastwood (Estwode), Ric., 1803 (1 m. 3). Eatington (Etyngton), Warw., vicar of, 1803 (2 m. 4). Eatington (Etyngdon), Warw., 438 (4 m. 27). Nether-, Eaton Bray (Eyton), Beds, p. 1503. Eaton (Eton, Etton), Berks, g. 563 (8), 1083 (23). Eaton (Eyton), Bucks, g. 11 (10). Eaton (Ayton), Chesh. [in Tarporley], 438 (2 m. 8). Eaton Gamage (Eton G.), Heref., 438 (2 m. 27). Eaton Hastings (Water Eton), Berks, 438 (2 m. 23). Eaton Tregos (Eton Tregos), Heref. [in Foy], 438 (3 m. 12). Ebbeney. See Ebony. Ebbingford, East-, Cornw. [in Strat- ton], 438 (4 m. 15). Ebbisham. See Epsom. Eberton. See Barton. Ebony (Hebney, Hebbeney, Eb- beney), Kent, 438 (2 mm. 23, 24), 438 (3 m. 24). Ecclesfeld. See Eglesfeld. Ecclesfield (Egglesfeld), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 26). Eccles juxta Mare, Norf., 438 (2 m. 20). Eccleston, Lanc., g. 969 (38). Eccleston (Egilston), Gilbert, 438 (4 m. 5). Eche, John, 438 (2 m. 31). Echecombe. See Edgecombe. Echefeild, App. 26. Echeham in Westfeld, Suss., 438 (2 m. 25). Echels. See Etchells. Echinghame or Echyngham. Ichingham. Eckington (Ekyngton, (Ekyngton, See Aginton), Worc., 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (4 mm. 20, 24). Edale (Edall), Derb., 438 (4 m. 21). Edall. See Etal. GENERAL INDEX. 143 Edinburgh, letters dated at-cont. Eddingthorpe (Edyngthorp), Norf., 1803 (2 mm. 6, 33). Edeirnion (Edernyon), co. Merioneth, g. 2861 (34). Edelmeton. See Edmonton. Eden, in Artois. See Hédin. Eden (Iden, Idon), Henry, 1803 (1 m. 6):—g. 289 (34). (Iden), Ric., clerk of the Council, 2053 (6 iii.):—g. 1462 (26), 1662 (55). (Iden), Th., g. 54 (25), 1083 (7). Eden Hall (Ednell), Cumb., 438 (2 m. 15) :—g. 132 (50). Edenham, Linc., g. 289 (13). Edenham (Edmayn, Edname), Dr. John, King's almoner, prb., and treasurer (July 1509) of St. Paul's, 19, 20 (pp. 11, 16, 18), 82 (p. 40), 438 (3 m. 29). Edgar (Eadgar), King, charters of, g. 447 (29), 519 (3), 546 (15), 750 (9). Edgbaston (Eggebaston), 438 (4 m. 11). Warw., Edgecombe (Eggecomb), John, 438 (3 m. 6):—p. 1542. (Egecombe, Eggecombe, Echecombe), Sir Piers, knight for the Body, 420, 438 (4 m. 16), 1869 v., 1870, 1883, 2053 (7), 2305 ii., 2414, 2575 ii. :— p. 1535 bis :—g. 94 (84—6), 357 (10), 447 (24), 731 (44), 833 (58 iii.), 1123 (22), 1221 (58), 1602 (38), 3049 (20), 3324 (42), 3582 (31). (Egecombe), Peter, g. 1494 (9). (Egecombe), Sir Ric., 438 (4 m. 16) :—g. 3582 (31). Edgecott (Egecote), Ntht., 438 (4 m. 9). Edgware (Egeware), Midd., p. 1515. Ediall (Edyall), Staff., 438 (2 m. 7), 438 (3 m. 6). Ediall, Henry, archd. of Rochester, &c., 438 (3 m. 2). Edinburgh, 584, 1262, 1314, 1504, 1645 (p. 742), 1735, 1775, 2161, 3481. letters dated at, 12, 107, 114, 233, 252, 281, 297, 302, 356, 374-5, 422, 502, 539, 548, 588, 593, 598, 600, 655, 664, 666, 684-8, 690 (2), 694, 697, 701 (3), 702, 773A., 810, 828, 836, 843 (2), 974, 1009, 1017, 1030– 1, 1039, 1041, 1058, 1061–3, 1077, 1084, 1089, 1108 (2), 1110–1, 1116–7, 1136, 1151–3, 1269-70, 1287, 1294-1300, 1324, 1331, 1340, 1347-9, 1433, 1466, 1499, 1523, 1538, • • 1563-4, 1585, 1615-20, 1757, 1773, 1775-6, 1922, 2084-5, 2122, 2407, 2553, 3188, 3390- 1, 3589. Castle, 212n., 1645, 1775. Holyrood Abbey and Palace, 1084, 1775, 1983, 3119. letters dated at, 69, 129, 1100, 1109. George abbot of. See Crichton. Edingdon (Edyndon), Wilts, house of, 438 (3 m. 27). confirmation for, g. 1221 (31). ༣. rector. See St. John, Edingworth [in East Brent], Soms., g. 132 (96). Edith Weston (Edeweston), Rutl., 1803 (1 m. 6). Edlingham (Edlingeham), Nthld., g. 2863 (5). Edlogan, co. Monmouth, g. 54 (31). Edlyn, Rob., 20 (p. 17). Edlingham, Nthld., 438 (3 m. 8): g. 485 (26). Edmayn, Dr. See Edenham. Edmondson, Th., priest, g. 3499 (36). Edmondstoun, Gilbert, 655. Edmonton (Edelmeton), Midd., 438 (2 m. 33), 438 (3 m. 28):—g. 289 (13), 485 (5), 709 (22), 833 (43), 2055 (130). · Claverings lands, g. 485 (5). Edmund, John, S.T.P., rector of Petworth, 438 (3 m. 2). Edmunde, to be confessor to Princess Mary, 2656 (4). Edmundes, Wm., g. 604 (13). Edname, Dr. See Edenham. Ednell. See Eden Hall. Edon. See Eden. Edred (Ædred), King, grant of, g. 381 (79). Edsawe or Edshawe, Ric., g. 2055 (22), 3049 (21). Edward the Confessor, grants of, g. 381 (73), 414 (17, 37, 63), 447 (7, 29), 485 (55), 519 (3, 31), 682 (12, 43), 709 (4), 750 (9). Edward I., grants, &c., of, g. 381 (22, 64, 68, 71, 79, 81, 85, 87, 99, 105-7), 414 (8, 18, 20, 22-4, 36-7, 41, 57, 63–4, 66, 70, 74– 5), 447 (7, 22, 28–30), 449 (8, 16), 485 (11, 17, 22-5, 27-8, 49, 55-6), 519 (3, 35, 38), 546 (9, 14, 15, 46, 53, 69), 604 (37), 632 (13–4, 27, 29, 36, 44, 49, 58, 82), 682 (15, 43), 709 (4, 11, 29, 40), 731 (4), 750 (8), 784 (15), 833 (7, 23), 969 (14), 1083 (33, 47), 1123 (33), 1221 144 GENERAL INDEX. Edward I., grants, &c., of-cont. (13, 57), 1316 (18), 1462 (24), 1494 (43), 1494 (50), 3049 (32), 3408 (30). Edward II., grants of, g. 381 (7, 22, 27, 64, 68, 73, 81, 87, 92–3, 107), 414 (17–8, 20, 22, 37, 41, 57, 63, 65-6, 70-1, 74-5), 447 (7, 22, 32), 449 (8, 16), 485 (13–4, 17, 22, 24-5, 27-8, 45– 6, 49, 55 p. 298, 56), 519 (3, 19, 28, 35, 38, 40, 45, 65), 546 (9, 11, 13–15, 22, 46, 49, 53–4), 587 (3), 604 (3, 19, 38), 632 (14, 29, 36, 49, 58, 76, 82), 682 (12, 15, 31, 43), 709 (4, 8, 40), 731 (4), 750 (8–10), 885 (2), 969 (14, 57), 1003 (3), 1083 (33, 47), 1123 (33), 1221 (57), 1266 (2, 11, 37), 1316 (18, 23, 29), 1494 (50), 1804 (24), 3408 (30), 3499 (64). Edward III., grants of, g. 381 (22, 27, 42, 62–4, 66, 68, 71–3, 79, 85– 7, 92-3, 104-7), 414 (8, 17–20, 22-4, 27, 36, 40-2, 49, 50, 57, 63-6, 70-1, 74-5), 447 (7, 10, 16, 22, 28–30, 32), 449 (7, 8), 485 (11, 12-4, 17, 22-5, 27– 30, 44-7, 49, 50, 54-6), 519 (3, 4, 19, 28-9, 35, 38, 40, 45, 53, 65), 546 (9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 22, 46), 563 (3), 587 (3), 604 (3, 19, 38, 45), 632 (13-4, 27, 29, 34, 36, 38, 44, 49, 58-9, 76), 682 (12, 15, 18, 28, 31-2, 43), 709 (4, 8, 11-2, 21, 28-9, 50), 731 (4), 749 (32-4), 750 (8-10), 784 (15, 32, 40, 43), 833 (7, 17, 23, 38), 885 (2), 969 (14, 57, 73), 1003 (3), 1083 (44-5), 1123 (27, 33, 42, 48), 1221 (13, 31, 57), 1266 (2, 11, 28, 37), 1316 (18, 23), 1462 (24), 1494 (1, 26, 43–4, 50, 61), 1732 (3), 1804 (24), 1836 (11), 2617 (39), 2861 (1), 3049 (32), 3408 (30), 3499 (64). Edward, Prince of Wales, son of Edward III., grants of, g. 784 (15), 1462 (24), 3499 (64). Edward IV., 1101, 3185:-g. 749 (23), 833 (67), 2222 (5), 2484 (1), 3499 (19). : grants of, 386 g. 381 (7, 22, 42, 58-65, 67-8, 70, 72, 79, 81-2, 85-6, 92-3, 96-9, 103, 105-7), 414 (6, 8, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22–4, 28, 34, 37, 39, 40-3, 45, 49, 50, 57, 63-4, 66, 71, 75), 447 (7, 10, 16, 22, 28– 9, 30), 449 (7, 8, 16), 485 (11, 16, 17, 21-2, 24-5, 27-9, 30, 39, 45-6, 49, 50, 55), 519 (3, 4, 19, 29, 35, 38, 40, 45, 53), Edward IV., grants of-cont. 546 (9, 11-15, 45-6, 52), 563 (22), 587 (3), 604 (3, 19, 37-8), 632 (14, 29, 36, 59, 62, 77), 682 (15, 18, 28, 31-2, 43), 709 (4, 8, 12, 21, 29, 40, 47), 731 (4, 9, 15), 749 (32–3), 750 (8– 10), 784 (15, 31–2, 41, 43), 804 (32), 833 (7), 857 (12), 885 (2), 924 (30), 969 (14, 58, 70), 1003 (3), 1083 (22, 44–5, 47, 50), 1123 (32–3, 42), 1221 (55, 57), 1266 (1, 2, 11), 1316 (18), 1415 (20), 1494 (1, 26, 44, 50), 1602 (28), 1662 (29), 1732 (3), 1948 (25), 2861 (1), 3049 (32), 3499 (57, 64). Edward, son of Edward IV., after- wards Edward V., charter of, g. 784 (15). Edward, son of George duke of Clar- ence. See Warwick, Earl of. Edward, the sackbut. See Johannes, E. Edward, Adam son of, charter of, g. 485 (25). Edward, Th., 438 (3 m. 31). Edwardis, Wolseys and Keyrs, in Little Canfield, Essex, g. 289 (12). Edwards (Edwardis), David, scholar, g. 546 (39), 2964 (52). (Edwardes, Edwardis), Hugh, 20 (p. 14), 3313 (6) :—g. 132 (59), 289 (20), 651 (2), 885 (11), 2055 (43), 2964 (52, 75). (Edwardys, Edwarde), James, 438 (4 m. 10). (Edwardes, Edwardis), John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39) :—g. 54 (92), 485 (40), 731 (17), 1123 (17), 1732 (31), 2964 (52). (Edwardes), Ric., 438 (1 m. 18). (Edwardis), Th., g. 3499 (61). (Edwardes), Wm., 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 40), 2480 (63, 66), 2575 ii. :-App. 9:-g. 381 (1), 447 (19), 485 (40), 924 (11). (Edwardys), Wm., clk., notary, 3101, 3142, 3146, 3176-g. 1415 (16), 1948 (88). Edwardston (Hedwardstowne), Suff., 438 (3 m. 12). Edyngthorp. See Eddingthorpe. Edyall. See Ediall. Egecombe. See Edgecombe. Egecote. See Edgecott. Egellius, Dr. Joachim, 1082. Egerton, Kent, 438 (3 m. 15). Egerton, Hugh, 438 (4 m. 3):—g. 1948 (99). GENERAL INDEX. 145 Egerton-cont. John, 438 (4 m. 3):-p. 1543 :-g. 132 (103), 969 (23). (Eggerton), Ralph or Sir Ralph, gentleman usher, King's standard bearer (2 Jan. 1514), knighted at Tour- nay, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2295, 2301, 2480 (67), 2702 :-App. 9:-g. 94 (14), 257 (65), 485 (9), 651 (24), 784 (8), 924 (28), 1365 (25), 1462 (12), 1524 (13), 2617 (1, 20), 2684 (45), 2861 (33). (Eggerton), Randolph, 438 (3 m. 17). (Eggerton), Wm., 438 (2 m. 24), 2392 :—g. 1565 (14). Egeware. See Edgware. Eggebaston. See Edgbaston. Eggecombe. See Edgecombe. Eggelsfeld. See Eglesfield. Eggerley, Rob. See Notes and Erra- ta, 2137. Eggerton. See Egerton. Eggesford (Engenesford, Eggenef- ford, Eggisford, Eggynefford), Devon, 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (2 m. 12). Eggington (Egkingdon, Ekyndon), Beds, 438 (4 m. 14). Egglesfield. See Ecclesfield. Eggleston (Egleston), Dham., 438 (4 m. 22). Egham, Surr., 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 6):—g. 2222 (14). Eginchton. See Heighington. Egilston. See Eccleston. Eglesfeld or Eglisfeld, John, 438 (4 m. 4) :-g. 190 (15), 3499 (31). (Eggelsfeld, Ecclesfeld, Eg- ylsfeld), Lawrence, clerk of the check of the Guard, 1015, 2023, 3373, 3426, 3554 :—g. 709 (1), 833 (15), 2055 (44). Rob., 2315 (2):—g. 1462 (32). Th., g. 1083 (49). Egleston, John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Eglintoun, Hugh Montgomerie, earl of, 2461. Eglisfeld. See Eglesfeld. Egmanton, Notts, 438 (1 mm. 3, 5). Egmanton, John, 438 (4 m. 7). (Emangton), Rob., 438 (4 m. 7). Egmond, M. de, 2187. See also Ys- selstein. Egmonsham. See Amersham. Egnatius, Baptista, 1552. Egnesham. See Ensham. Egramonte or Egramownt. Grammont. See Egremont (Egremond), Cumb., 438 (2 m. 28). Wt. 11494. Egton, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 9). Egylsfeld. See Eglesfeld. Egypt, 766, 3586. Sultan of [Khansuweh el Ghuri], 191, 766-7, 795 (2), 1002, 1974 (p. 895), 3586. See also Abu' Nasr. his nephew, 191. French and Venetian envoys to, 1002. Eibury, Suff. See Erbury. Eifionydd (Yenneth) commote, co. Caernarvon, 438 (1 m. 19). Eire. See Eyre. Eisye, John, 2842 iii. Eklyngham. See Icklingham. Ekryng. See Eakring. Ekyndon. See Eggington. Ekyngton. See Eckington. Eland, Nthld. See Ponteland. Eland, Yorks. See Elland. Eland (Heland), Rob., 438 (4 m 25). Elandshire, Nthld., 2386, 2913. Elberd or Elbert, Henry, 1803 (2 m. 5).. Elcisten. See Ysselstein. Elcombe (Elcom) [in Wroughton], Wilts, g. 357 (15), 885 (10), 1221 (23). Elder, John, 817. Elderkare. See Ellerker. Elderton, Edw., gentleman usher, 20 (p. 15). Sir John, 1493 iii. Th., 438 (4 m. 28), 3137 (6, 9, 14, 15): pp.1519-20, 1549. letter to, 2546 iii. his accounts, 2546-7. See Elrington. See Ellerker. Wm. Eldorkar. Eleanor, Queen of Edward I, grant by, g. 632 (58). Eleanor (Leonora), sister of Charles Prince of Castile, 2867, 2963. proposed marriage to the Duke of Lorraine, 545. proposed marriage to Louis XII., 2710, 2743-4, 2868, 2945, 3009, 3018 (p. 1302), 3145, 3210 (p. 1361). ... proposed marriage to the Duke of Gueldres, 3174. Eleot. See Elyot. Elesham, Worc., 438 (4 m. 6). Evesham ? Eleson. See Elson. Elfael or Elvael (Elvell, Ellewell, Ellevell) lordship, co. Rad- nor, 1803 (1 m. 3):—g. 54 (24), 519 (51), 1524 (46), 1732 (9), 1804 (1), 3324 (45). Elfarnburgh, Yorks. See Elpha- brough. Elford, Camb. Elsworth?, q.v. H 10 146 GENERAL INDEX. Elford, Staff., 438 (2 mm. 4, 31), 438 (4 m. 26). Elgay. See Hilgay. Elham, Kent, vicar of, 438 (2 m. 6). Eliano, Ludovico, French ambassa- dor to Hungary, 463. Eling, Hants, 438 (2 m. 23) :—g. 833 (69). Eliot or Elliott. See Elyot. Elistrige, in Scotland, p. 1260. Elizabeth [Woodville], Queen of Ed- ward IV. († 1492), 438 (3 m. 13) g. 784 (11). mother of King Ed- ward, 825. See Notes and Errata. [Plantagenet], daughter of the preceding, Queen of Henry VII., mother of Henry VIII. († 1503), 438 (4 m. 11), 1429:-g. 257 (23), 709 (44), 784 (11), 885 (7), 1316 (11), 3324 (8, 12, 14, 36, 39), 3499 (59). Ella (Elley, Euella), or Kirk Ella, Yorks, vicar of, 438 (4 m. 8). Elland (Eland), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 5). Elleffeld. See Hellifield. Ellerker, John, g. 158 (91). • • ༡ (Elderkare, Ellarcar, Eller- car, Illerker, Helerker, Eller- kyre), Sir Ralph, 20 (p. 17), 438 (1 m. 9), 725, 837, 1363, 2740-p. 1547 bis :-g. 94 (63), 804 (29 iv., ix.), 833 (45 iii.), 1365 (3). ., receipt by, 837 ii. his sons, 725. (Ellerkar, Ellercar, Elderkar), Ralph or Sir Ralph, the younger, ship captain, 182, 1414, 2304 (3), 2305 ii., iii., 2652, 2686, 2740, 2842, 2938:—p. 1519. knighted after Flod- den, 2246 (4 ii.). (Eldorkar, Eldicar, Eldircar, Ellercar), Wm., ship captain, 1661 (1, 3, 4 bis), 1869 iii., 2304 (3), 2652, 2686, 2722, 2842, 2938:—p. 1519. Ellerlek, Westmld., 438 (3 m. 28). Ellerton, Salop, 438 (3 m. 28). Ellerton, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 12). Ellerton [on Derwent], (Elreton), Yorks priory, 438 (3 m. 15). prior. See Mathewe, H. Elles, Th., purser, 3513. Ellesborough (Ellysburgh, Elles- burgh), Bucks, 438 (1 mm. 10, 16), 438 (3 m. 29):-g. 2137 (5). Ellesmere, Salop, 438 (2 mm. 28, 31). Ellester, dean of, i.e. of Glasgo w See Forman, R. Ellevell or Ellewel lordship. Elfael. See Ellingham (Elingham), Hants, 438 (2 m. 8). Ellingham, North (Northelingham), Norf., 438 (4 m. 25). Ellington (Elyngham), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). vicar of, 438 (3 m. 8). Elliot (Ellot), Master, slain at Flod- den, 2313n. See also Elyott. Ellis, Alan son of, grant by, g. 158 (32). Ellis or Elys, Alfred, g. 2772 (24). Henry, 1803 (2 m. 4). (Elyes, Elyse, Elysse), John, 438 (2 m. 32), 653, 1803 (1 m. 6):-g. 1805 (2). (Glys), John, abbot of New- ham, p. 1531. Rob., 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383):-g. 1083 (46). Roger, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39). Stephen, clk., g. 833 (41). Th., 3030. (Elyse), Th., vicar of Shorne, g. 1462 (25). Wm., p. 1541:-g. 833 (58 i.). Ellysworth. See Elsworth. Elmartour, in Scotland, p. 1260. Elmerie. See Emery. Elmerie, lord of. See Aymeries. Elmham (Elmyngham), Suff., g. 2684 (12). Elmham, North, Norf., g. 731 (50). Elmley (Elmele, Elmeley), Kent [in Sheppey], 438 (3 m. 11):—g. 3107 (23). Elmley (Elmeley), Worc., g. 1524 (47). college, warden of, 438 (2 m. 25). Elmley (Elmeley) Castle, Worc., barony of, g. 1804 (25). chapel of, g. 485 (32). Elmley Lovet, Worc., g. 94 (13), 257 (86). Elmore, Glouc., 438 (4 m. 5). Elmsall, North (Northelmesall), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 9). Elmstead (Elmested), Kent, 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 24). Elnestowe. See Elstow. Elphabrough (Helflabourgh, Elfarn- burgh), Yorks [in Sowerby], 438 (4 m. 5), 1803 (1 m. 2). Elphin diocese, pp. 1523, 1529. George, bp. of, 747. GENERAL INDEX. 147 Elphinstone (Elweston), Alex. lord, slain at Flodden, 1379, 2246 (4), 2313. > (Elphraston, Elphiston), Alex., clk., a Scot, pp. 1521, 1523. (Elphiston), Rob., clk., a Scot, p. 1523. Wm., bp. of Aberdeen († 25 Oct. 1514), 212, 2420, 2443, 2461, 2793, 2911, 2973, 3119, 3122, 3390. Elreton. See Ellerton. Elrington, Yorks. See Elvington. Elrington, Edward, g. 218 (35). (Erlington), Rob., 438 (4 m. 18): p. 1541. (Elderton, Eldyrton), Wm., 1803 (1 m. 1). Else or Elsey, Th., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 43). Elsenham, Essex, 438 (2 m. 12). Elsham, Linc., priory of, 438 (2 m. 10). prior. See Martin, J. Elsing, Norf., 438 (2 m. 4), 438 (3 mm. 5 bis, 20). Elslack (Elslake), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 3). Elson (Eleson), Wm., p. 1547 :—g. 132 (26, 32), 158 (91), 1123 (37), 2222 (16 Yorks), 3408 (16). Elston, letter dated at, 1118. Elstow (Elnestowe) nunnery, Beds, confirmation for, g. 485 (54). Elstree (Idelstre), Herts, g. 158 (3). Elsworth (Ellysworth), Camb., 1803 (1 m. 2). rector of, 438 (1 m. 15 ? "Elford "). Elsy, John, ship master, 2938 ii. Elsyngton, Norf. See Islington. Eltham, Kent, and Horne Park, 438 ? (1 m. 6), 1434, 1453 ix., 2337, 2925, 2929 (2), 3018, 3024n., 3248, 3268, 3416, 3423 :-App. 26:-g. 414 (2), 587 (2), 784 (28), 1123 (50), 1732 (42), 3324 (35). letters dated at, 248, 792, 796, 798, 994, 2877-8, 2885-6. 2943, 2949, 2965, 2971–2, 2992, 3036, 3055-6, 3070, 3074-5, 3078, 3086, 3350, 3379, 3380-1, 3393. grants dated at, g. 132 (99, 118), 158 (4, 5, 12), 257 (84), 289 (16, 17), 357 (36), 804 (23, 42, 46), 833 (5, 64), 969 (11), 1044 (8), 1462 (1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 29, 38), 1732 (12), 2617 (22), 2964 (22–3, 25–6, 33–4, 40–2, 49, 57–8, 69, 70), 3049 (5, 21, 25, 33, 37, 42), Eltham, grants dated at-cont. 3107 (26, 28–9, 35, 46, 48, 50), 3226 (7, 13, 16, 25), 3324 (7), 3408 (17, 23, 27, 32, 35, 38-9, 41), 3499 (1, 18). chaplain of, g. 357 (39), 1602 (5, 33). Elties, Th., of the Staple, 634. Eltisley (Eltesle), Camb., g. 1266 (22). Eltoft (Eltoftes), Chr., 438 (4 m. 13). Elton (Ayleton, Aylton), Notts, 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (4 mm. 19, 22). Elton, Edward alias Baker, scholar of Oxford, g. 3107 (41). Elveden, Henry, 438 (3 m. 18). Nic., g. 2684 (10, 11). Elvell. See Elfael. Elvenden, Oxon, 438 (4 m. 27). Elveringham. See under Calais. Elvetham, Hants, 438 (4 m. 13). Elvington (Elrington), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 33):—g. 190 (15), 563 (10), 3499 (31). Elvyden, Wm., p. 1518. Elvys, Rob., 2049. Wm., p. 1520. Elweston. See Elphinstone. Elwold, John, 438 (4 m. 12). Elwyn, Th., 438 (4 m. 9). Ely (Dely), Camb., 438 (1 m. 21), 438 (2 mm. 6, 15), 438 (3 m. 32), 438 (4 mm. 7, 11, 12) :—g. 11 (10), 2055 (52). cathedral priory, g. 546 (15), 1415 (2). 519 (3). ii. confirmation for, g. Robert prior of, 1493 hospital of St. John, p. 1529. Ely, Nigel bp. of (1133-1169), and Hugh bp. of (1229-1254), and Herveus, bp. of (1109– 1131), charters of, g. 546 (15). bp. of. See Stanley, J. bpric. and diocese of, 137, 438 (2 m. 21), 438 (4 m. 19). confirmation for, g. 519 (3). Ely, Isle of, Camb., 438 (1 mm. 2, 15). Ely, Ric., 438 (3 m. 9). Elyes. See Ellis. Elyn, John, purser, 2305 iii., 3148. Elyng. See Ealing. Elyngbrigge, Anne, d. and h. of Thomas, g. 449 (5). > John, g. 449 (5). Joan widow of Thomas, 1803 (m. 1). Elyngham. See Ellingham. Elyngton. See Helhoughton. Elynor, Th., g. 1732 (31). 148 GENERAL INDEX. Elyott (Eliott), Hugh, 874 (2), 1262 (p. 578):-g. 1804 (54), 3324 (7). • • John, 438 (4 m. 1) :—g. 485 (40), 2684 (66). Ric., 438 (3 m. 27). (Elyatt, Elyet, Elliott, Eliot), Ric., King's serjeant at law, justice of C.P., 82 (p. 39), 205 (p. 106), 438 (2 m. 20), 963, 2787, 3464 (2):—pp. 1533–7, 1542 bis, 1543, 1546 :-g. 11 (9), 54 (49), 94 (50), 132 (57), 519 (50), 804 (36), 833 (2), 924 (23), 1083 (8), 1316 (3, 14), 1662 (1, 28), 1836 (14), 2055 (114), 2137 (11), 2684 (41, 50, 62), 3107 (34), 3499 (71). made justice of C.P., g. 1836 (14). (Eliot), Rob., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40)—g. 414 (14). (Eliot), Robert, clk., 438 (3 m. 2). (Eliot), Th., 438 (4 mm. 10 bis, 16)—g. 1266 (26-7). Th., justice of assizes, g. 804 (36), 833 (2), 1083 (8), 1316 (3, 14), 1662 (1, 28), 2055 (114), 2137 (11), 2684 (62), 3107 (34). (Eliot, Eleot), Wm., 438 (4 m. 28). Wm., clk., 438 (2 m. 20). Elys or Elyse. See Ellis. Elysham. See Aylsham. Elysse. See Ellis. Elysworthy, John, 1803 (2 m. 3). Emangton. See Egmanton. Emanuel King of Portugal, 23, 37, 171, 329 (p. 149), 345, 442, 504, 795 (2), 797 (2), 1215, 1326 (p. 618), 1974, 2031, 2801, 2823, 3586. • 3236. letters from, 171, 1974. letters to, 504, 2823, his marriages, 23. chosen K.G., 442. Embleton (Emyldon), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5), Emborough (Enborough), Soms., 438 (1 m. 13). Embryell. See Briel. Emden (Embden), Edzard count of, lieutenant of East Friesland, 2857, 3153, 3365, 3456, 3572. Emery, Lord. See Aymeries. Emesley. See Hensley. Emler, Laurence, 579. Emlode. See Evenlode. Emly, diocese, p. 1524. cathedral, p. 1530. Emmanuel, John. See Manuel. Emnesley or Emmesley. See Hens- ley. Emneth, Norf., 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (2 m. 27). Emondhilles [in Norhamshire], Nthld., 1803 (1 m. 4). Emperor, the. See Maximilian. Empingham, Rutl., 438 (3 m. 18). Empire, the, and its princes and electors, 83, 130, 430, 547, 610, 866, 1252, 1306, 1309, 1383, 1386, 1428, 1438, 1440, 1469, 2028, 2040, 2095 ii., 2169, 2294 (2), 2448, 2572 (p. 1127), 2600-1, 2925, 2957, 3139, 3151, 3237, 3365, 3400, 3456, 3519. Papal envoy to. See Areniti, C. Emps, James, a captain of German mercenaries, 1071. Empson or Emson, John, 438 (4 m. 7). Richard, Henry VII.'s chan- cellor of the duchy of Lancas- ter, his daughter, wife of Edward Greville, 388. recognizances made to, g. 54 (3), 94 (99), 132 (18, 34), 218 (59), 289 (6), 357 (10), 381 (108), 414 (46), 485 (42), 651 (7, 32), 682 (3), 784 (56), 804 (6), 3499 (41). · reversal of attainder, g. 1602 (11). > trial of, p. 1548. other references, 1, 131, 341, 388, 1473 :—g. 11 (10), 54 (64), 132 (115), 158 (42), 218 (13, 24), 257 (32), 289 (5), 357 (43), 519 (61), 587 (10), 632 (72), 709 (14, 24, 36, 61), 751 (6), 804 (28), 833 (70), 969 (21, 38, 56), 1083 (41), 1172 (10), 1316 (4, 15), 1462 (37), 1602 (11), 1948 (31, 85), 2861 (8), 3408 (28). Th., 438 (3 m. 21), 1471–3, 1803 (1 m. 6) :—p. 1541 :-g. 1732 (49), 2861 (7). (Emson), Thomas, son of Sir Richard, p. 1548 :—g. 1602 (11). restoration in blood (Act), 1471-2. Emyldon. See Embleton. Enborough. See Emborough. Enchusen. See Enkhuysen. Encusan. See Enkhuysen. Enderby, Leic., g. 381 (31, 33), 2330 (4). Enderby, Anne widow of John, 438 (4 m. 12). Eleanor d. and h. of John, g. 833 (31). Eleanor, widow of Sir Richard, 438 (3 m. 5). GENERAL INDEX. 149 Enderby-cont. Sir Richard, 438 (2 m. 8). Endergill, Th., 1262 (p. 578). Ene. See Ine. Enfeld, John, g. 1316 (22). Enfield (Enfeld, Enfyle, Envilde, Envile), Midd., 438 (3 m. 19), 438 (4 m. 11):—p. 1512 :—g. 651 (20), 2055 (130). · grants dated at, g. 190 (8, 9, 16, 18, 22, 24, 28-9), 218 (2), 682 (26, 42), 709 (1). ....., letters dated at, 3168:— App. 3. Engeham, John, p. 1539:-g. 132 (33), 969 (23), 2222 (16 Kent). Engenesford. See Eggesford. Enghessen. See Ennsishaim. Enghien (Angien), in Hainault, 1469. Enghien, Sieur d', 3051 (? “Dyseng- hien "). Englefield (Ingilfeld, Inglefelde, In- glesfeld), Sir Thomas, 20 (p. 19), 81, 313, 341, 1493, 2067n., 2163, 2269:—pp. 1533, 1537– 8, 1542, 1546 :-App. 21 :—g. 94 (43), 257 (80), 414 (53), 546 (68), 731 (27-8), 1732 (2), 2055 (37), 2330 (4). signature of, 313, 555, 596, 602, 845, 1247, 1221, 2243:-g. 132 (65), 158 (90), 190 (25, 35, 41), 218 (33), 257 (85), 414 (48, 52), 448 (4, 8), 519 (5), 604 (25–6, 44), 632 (35), 731 (7, 20, 52), 749 (3, 16), 784 (14, 16, 56), 804 (49), 1003 (15), 1123 (45), 1316 (36-7), 1524 (16, 47), 2330 (3). chosen speaker of the House of Commons, 341. (Inglefeld), Th., p. 1533. Englese, Zuan, 541. English (Inglus), Henry, g. 2055 (95 iii. ). • (Ynglyssh), John, King's player, 20 (p. 16). (Inglysshe, Englysshe), Michael, merchant of the Staple, 438 (3 m. 4), 1032 (2). (Hyngelych), Roger, gunner, 20 (p. 14), 311. (Inglys), Th. (temp. Hen. IV.), g. 2055 (14). Th., 438 (4 m. 24). (Ynglysshe, Englysshe), Th., serjeant of the Poultry, col- lector of the King's rents in Calais, 20 (pp. 18, 19), 82 (p. 40), 193 (pp. 99, 100), 438 (4 mm. 6, 15), 878:-g. 158 (28), 449 (14 bis), 604 (5). letter from, 878. English cardinal. See Bainbridge. Enkhuysen (Inckehusen, Enchusen, Henkhewes, Encusan), in Holland, 2009, 2809. Ennsishaim (Enghessen), in Alsace, letter dated at, 621. Ensham (Eyvesham, • Egnesham) abbey, Oxon, 438 (1 m. 24). abbot. See Salley, M. Enterden. See Tenterden. Enturden. See Tenterden. Entwissell, Th., p. 1539. Envilde. See Enfield. Epinoi (Espignoy), Sieur d', 446. Epperstone (Helpeston), Notts, g. 833 (17). Eppeswell. See Hipswell. Epping (Heppyng), Essex, 438 (1 m. 10). Epping Hills, Essex, g. 1221 (36). Epsom (Ebbisham), Surr., 438 (1 m. 21). Epwell (Ipwell), Oxon, 3385. Epworth (Ippworth, Epweth), Linc., 438 (4 m. 6), 1803 (1 m. 3) :—g. 2484 (2). rector of, p. 1529. Erard, Wm., g. 1083 (14). Erasmus (Herasmus), -, ship master, 1661 (4). Desiderius, letters from, 652, 736, 745, 790, 847-8, 863, 865, 883, 890–1, 905, 920, 922, 926, 936, 958, 961, 968, 972, 980, 1050, 1052-3, 1060, 1166-7, 1188, 1477, 1546-8, 1550, 1552, 2088, 2133-4, 2191, 2223, 2306, 2417-19, 2424, 2433, 2458, 2468, 2519, 2558, 2610, 2625, 2724, 2847–8, 3044-5, 3062-4, 3214. letters to, 50-1, 91, 771, 882, 911, 917, 933, 935, 948-9, 952, 964, 967, 973, 996, 1082, 1122, 1139, 1200, 2457, 2626, 2818, 2855, 3374. other references, 212n., 2224:-App. 5. Erbaston, Sir Alex., App. 26. Erbury or Eibury, Suff., g. 94 (35). Erchyngfeld. See Irchenfield. Erdern. See Ardern. Erdescote, Berks, g. 2684 (1). Erdeswyke, Sampson, brother and heir of Hugh, g. 632 (31). Erdon. See Arden. Erdyley. See Eardisley. Erdynglye. See Ardingley. Eresby (Erisby), Linc., 1803 (2 m. 4). Eresey. See Erisey. Ergaston. See East Garston. Ergile or Ergyle. See Argyle. Eridge (Ewregge), Suss., 438 (3 m. 1). Erisey (Grysy), Cornw. [in Grade], 438 (4 m. 16). 150 GENERAL INDEX. • Erisey (Grysy, Gresy, Grese, Eryse, Erysy, Eresey, Heresy), James, 438 (4 m. 16):—p. 1535-g. 833 (58 iii.), 969 (23), 1494 (9), 3324 (24). (Grysy), Th., 438 (4 m. 16). Eriswell (Eswell, Erswell, Ersewell, Ereswell), Suff., 438 (1 m. 2), 438 (3 m. 13) :—g. 546 (17). Erith (Ereth), Kent, and naval store- house there, 438 (1 m. 12), 438 (3 m. 2), 2546, 2904, 3085, 3137 (1, 6, 9, 15), 3318, 3382, 3513, 3526, 3566 :-pp. 1506, 1519 :—g. 94 (35 p. 50), 2617 (12). Erlescrombe. See Earl's Crome. Erleston. See Earlstone. Erliche (Elflyth), John, p. 1534 :—g. 1221 (21), 2772 (39). Erlington. See Elrington. Erme. See Herm. Ermew. See Arnemuiden. Ermington (Armyngton), Devon, 438 (3 m. 25). Ermotwayte. See Armathwaite. Ernane. See Hernani. Erneys, Wm., 438 (3 m. 17). Ernley or Erneley, John, King's at- torney, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 39), 205 (p. 106), 214, 963, 1661 (p. 752), 2574, 2787, 3464 (2) : -pp. 1535, 1541, 1541, 1545-6, 1547 ter :—g. 11 (9), 54 (88), 94 (36), 132 (51), 289 (6), 519 (60), 546 (1), 651 (7), 709 (26, 34), 804 (28), 833 (2), 1083 (16, 24, 39, 46 iii.), 1266 (34, 41), 1316 (4), 1602 (41), 1662 (5), 2055 (93, 114), 2222 (16 Suss.), 2484 (27), 2684 (68), 3049 (35), 3107 (55). signature of, g. 54 (88), 218 (4, 53–8), 257 (4, 5, 85), 632 (35), 709 (22), 1494. (14). John, nephew of the preced- ing, 2574. Ernulfiberia (i.e. St. Neots, Hunts), 438 (4 m. 10). Eroll. See Erroll. Erpingham, Norf., g. 969 (30). Erroll (Eroll, Arroll), Wm. Hay, 4th earl of, constable of Scotland, slain at Flodden, 1294, 2246 (1, 4), 2313. William Hay, 5th earl of (1513), 2461. Errona, Francis de, Spanish mer- chant, 1463 v. Erryham. See Eryholme. Ersewell. See Eriswell. Erskine (Askill), Lord, slain at Flod- den, 2246 (4), 2313. John lord (1513), 2461. Erskine-cont. John, and Sir John, the younger, of Dun, inventories of their property, 2165. Erswell. See Eriswell. Erthyngleygh. See Ardingley. Ertyngdon. See Artington. Eryholme (Eryham, Erryham), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 6). Eryngfeld, Sir Th., p. 1535. Gren- ville? Eryngton, Gilbert, p. 1542. Eryse. See Erisey. Erysland. See Eardisland. Erysy. See Erisey. Escault. See Scheldt. Escheators, appointments, 1221 (53):-g. 1494 (18, 37, 55, 60), 2484 (17), 2617 (17), 2684 (39, 63), 3499 (28, 33, 56, 68). Act touching, 341. Escluse. See Sluys. Escourte, Walter, 438 (2 m. 15). Escoyd. See Iscoed. Escreke, John, g. 257 (19). Esdeyne. See Sedan. Eseborn. See Easebourne. Esher (Assher, Ayssher), Surr., 438 (2 m. 7), 3409. Esholt 5 grants dated at, g. 158 (80, 84, 89), 190 (7, 11, 12, 14), 604 (10, 13, 14), 3324 (13, 14). letter dated at, 2811. (Asshold), Yorks, g. 1221 (8). Eshton (Essheton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 3). Esk, the Border river, p. 1260. Eskdale Muir, in Scotland, 2406. Eslingen (Estlynge), in Germany, 1993. Eslington, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 29). Eslyngton. See Islington. Esmond, Wm., 3529. Espanault, Guillaume, 2385. Esparre. See L'Esparre. Espignoy. See Epinoi. Espinouli. See Spinelli. Esquier, Eliz., prioress of Sinning- thwaite, 438 (4 m. 25). Esquivel (Desquirvell), Alonzo de, servant to Katharine of Ara- gon, 82, 127. Essa. See Saltash. Essendine (Esyngden), Rutl., g. 132 (49). Essex, 205 (p. 106), 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (4 mm. 4, 5), 2054, 3223 : -g. 218 (32), 381 (74), 632 (26), 682 (4), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1044 (18), 1365 (24), 1462 (38), 1494 (9, 55), 1602 (19, 38), 1662 (46), 1804 (8), 1836 (6), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 17), GENERAL INDEX. 151 Essex-cont. 2684 (87), 2964 (81), 3324 (20), 3408 (18), 3499 (12). commission of the peace, p. 1536-7. de-afforested part of, con- firmation for, g. 381 (58). feodary of, g. 94 (35 p. 50). forest of, g. 604 (48). See also Waltham Forest. Essex, archdeacon of, 438 (3 m. 7). See Rawson, R. countess of, 82 (p. 41). Henry Bourchier earl of († 1483), g. 2772 (4). Henry Bourchier, earl of, K.G., captain of the King's spears, 20 (pp. 12, 19, 20—1), 37, 205, 438 (3 m. 24), 442, 707, 953, 1453, 1803 (2 m. 5), 2053 (1, 2, 5, 6 ii., iii.), 2391 (pp. 1058-9), 2480 (13), 2929, 3146, 3464, 3483:- pp. 1536, 1538 :-App. 9:— g. 857 (5), 1044 (18), 1170 (7), 1172 (7), 1415 (11), 1804 (36), 2055 (23), 2684 (49), 3049 (20), 3499 (47). signature of, g. 2055 (23), 2684 (49). Essex, Eliz., widow of Thomas, 438 (2 m. 23). Henry de, constable (temp. Hen. II.), g. 2964 (67). Wm., or Sir Wm., esquire for the Body, knighted at Tour- nay, 20 (p. 15), 438 (4 m. 8), 1176 (1 iii., 2), 2301, 2480 (48), 2575 ii., 3348 (3) :—p. 1534 : -g. 257 (49), 784 (38), 2222 (16 Berks). Est. See East. Estampes. See Etampes. Estanton. See Anthony. Estaynes ad Montem. See Easton, Great. Estbarholt or Estbarfold. holt. Estborn. See Eastbourne. See Berg- Estcourte, Joan, Agnes, Margaret, Eliz. and Walter, g. 3226 (11). Estderham. See Dereham. Este, in Italy, 3270 ii., 3396. letter dated at, 2080. Este, Alfonzo d', duke of Ferrara, q.v. Card. d'. See Ferrara. Esten. See Easton. Esterfeld, Harry, g. 2964 (2). John, 438 (4 m. 5). John, King's chaplain, canon of Windsor and Bridgenorth, 20 (p. 13), 438 (2 m. 5):-p. 1526:—g. 2137 (22). Esterfeld-cont. John, merchant of Bristol, 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (3 m. 15). (Esterveld), Scolastica, 438 (4 m. 10). Esterford [in Coggeshall], Essex, 2765. Estham. See Ham. Estharneham. See Harnham. Esthenred. See Hendred. Esthornton. See Horndon. Esthorp, Essex. See East Thorpe. Esthorpe, Yorks, g. 158 (32). Estkeswyk. See Keswick. Estkyrby. See Kirkby. Estlete, Westlete, &c. in Lowestoft, q.v. Estlulleworth. See Lulworth. Estlyng. See Guestling. Estlynge. See Eslingen. Estmarche. See Marsh. Estmond, Ric., clk., 438 (1 m. 23). Estneston. See Easton Neston. Estning, Suff., 438 (4 m. 7). Estogwyll. See Ogwell. Eston. See Easton. Estpury. See Pury. ' Estrada, Ferdinand duke of (" Farn- ando Duke "), 6 (p. 5), 162 (p. 87). Estradiots. See Stradiots. Estreke, John, g. 1494 (40). Estrige, in Scotland, p. 1260. Estwell. See Eastwell. Estwicombe. See Wycombe. Estwrotham. See Rudham. Estynam, Dors., 438 (1 m. 3). Estynton. See Eastington. Eswell. See Eriswell. Esyngden. See Essendine. Esyngton, Wm., p. 1538 :-g. 709 (30). Esyngwold. See Easingwold. Etal (Edall, Etell), Nthld., 438 (2 m. 15), 2246, 2284, 2381, 2386. Etampes (Temps, Estampes, Estem- pes), in France, 3191. letters dated at, 1929-30, 3201-2, 3230, 3232–3, 3239, 3244. Etaples, Treaty of (A.D. 1492), 257 (13), 2957. Etchells (Echels), Chesh., g. 485 (9). Ethelbald (Ethelbald), King of the Mercians, grant of, g. 381 (79). Ethelred (Atheldred), King [the Un- ready], grants of, g. 381 (73), 519 (53), 682 (12). Etherdwick (Etherwyk), Yorks, 1803 (2 m. 3). Ethered, Wm., 1493 ii. Eton, Berks. See Eaton. Eton, Bucks, 438 (3 mm. 29, 32), 1803 (1 m. 4). college of, g. 485 (34). 152 GENERAL INDEX. Eton, college of-cont. provost. See Lupton, R. Eton Tregos. See Eaton. Eton, John. See Eyton. Wm. See Eyton. > Wm., purser, 3148. Etton, Berks.~ See Eaton. Etton, Ntht., 1803 (1 m. 5). Etton, Anne, g. 381 (16), 1494 (5). • Eliz., d. of Miles, 438 (3 m. 2). Sir John, 438 (3 m. 2). John, App. 22 :—g. 381 (16). Etwall (Etwell), Derb., 438 (2 m. 30), 1803 (1 m. 4). Etwell, John, merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). Etyngdon or Etyngton. See Eating- ton. Eu (Heu), in France, 12, 1835. Eudes, Th., g. 546 (2). Euella. See Ella. Eure. See Evers. Eustace, Mr., App. 16. Eustace (Ewstace), Edw., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Euston, Suff., 438 (3 m. 17). Euxine, the, 766. Evan, John, 707. Evans, Th., minstrel, 3436. Eveas. See Evyas. Evelyn, Clays, gunner, g. 2684 (26). Evenlode (Emlode), Worc., 438 (2 m. 30). Ever. See Iver. Everard, Henry, p. 1510. Henry, secretary to the earl of Surrey, 2008 (2). Henry, teller of the Exche- quer, 2829. John, 1803 (1 m. 1):—g. 3226 (11). Th., 438 (2 m. 18). Wm., 438 (3 m. 30). Everdon (Ewerdown), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 5). Everdon, Alice, widow of Thomas, 438 (4 m. 16). Everingham, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 7) :- p. 1547. See also Constable, Marm. Everingham alias Elveringham. See under Calais. Everingham, Edmund, 1803 (2 m. 4), 2392 (p. 1063). Henry, g. 804 (29 vi., xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1365 (3). Sir John, 1363 :—p. 1547 :— g. 804 (29 vi., xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1172 (7), 1365 (3), 1415 (11), 1494 (9), 2772 (24). John, g. 1003 (20). Everley (Everleigh), Wilts, 436, 438 (2 m. 24):-g. 969 (38). Evers, George, notary public, 438 (2 mm. 32, 34). • • (Eure, Ivers), Sir Ralph, deputy of Berwick, 290, 438 (2¯m. 15), 837 ii., 1493 ii., 2096, 2651, 2713, 2740:-p. 1547 bis :—g. 257 (88), 632 (26), 3499 (78). letter from, 2096. receipt by, 837 ii. (Eure), Ralph, g. 3499 (78). (Eure), Sir Wm., 438 (2 m. 15). Sir Wm., knighted at Tour- nay, 2301, 2480 (57):-App. 9. Eversaw, Bucks, St. Nicholas chapel, g. 1316 (15). Everton, Notts, 438 (2 m. 11). Everton, Humphrey, g. 190 (4), 604 (35), 2055 (95). John, g. 2964 (52). Everyngham, Mons. de, 2383. Evesham, Worc., 438 (1 mm. 7, 13, 16, 23), 438 (4 m. 6 ? ham "), 1803 (2 m. 3). "Eles- abbey, 438 (4 m. 4), 3315 : g. 749 (11). confirmation for, g. 485 (46). abbot of. See New- bold, T.; Lichfield, C. election of abbot, g. 2535 (20, 24), 2617 (23), 2684 (22). Evesham, Ric., monk, g. 2684 (22). Evington (Evyngdon), Leic., 520 :— g. 546 (27), 632 (64). Evington, Wm., g. 857 (14). Evrard brother of the Marquis. See Grey, Lord Edward. Evyas (Eveas), Alex., 438 (3 m. 11): -g. 3107 (23). Humphrey, g. 3107 (23). John, g. 3107 (23). Ewdale. See Uvedale. Ewe and Lovayne, lord of, 438 (3 m. 24). Ewell, Surr., 438 (2 m. 34), 1803 (2 m. 6). Ewelme (Newelme), Oxon, 438 (1 mm. 8, 12):-g. 54 (55), 1172 (3), 2055 (50). • master of the hunt, g. 94 (51), 682 (8). rector of, p. 1527. rector presented, g. 2055 (97). Ewen, Nic., coppersmith, 307. Th., g. 485 (59). Ewenny priory, co. Glamorgan, g. 604 (49). Ewer, Th., mariner, 2304 (5). Ewerdown. See Everdon. Ewes (Ewse), the Scottish river, p. 1260. GENERAL INDEX. 153 Ewes (Ewse) Doores, in Scotland, p. 1260. Eweslacy. See Ewias Lacy. Ewhurst (Eweherst), Surr., 438 (2 m. 22):-g. 709 (32). lands (named) in, g. 924 (33). Ewhurst (Iwehurst, Uherst), Suss., 438 (2 m. 21), 1803 (1 m. 3). Ewyasland), Ewias (Ewyslande, Heref., 438 (2 m. 33). Ewias Lacy (Eweslacy), Heref., lord- ship of, g. 54 (23), 132 (52), 519 (51). Ewregge. See Eridge. Ewstace. See Eustace. Ewyn, Griffith. See Gwyn. Ewyslande. See Ewias. Exbridge, Devon, 438 (1 m. 5). Exbrigge, Rob., 438 (2 m. 10). Excetour. See Exeter. Exchequer, the, 45-6, 78, 82 (p. 39), 168,217,251, 438 (2 mm. 21–2), 438 (3 mm. 1, 7), 438 (4 m. 13), 683, 704, 877 (2), 1463, 1715, 1752, 1819, 2431, 2829, 2903, 3032 : -g. 11 (1), 132 (45), 804 (42), 1524 (15, 18), 1836 (7), 1836 (30), 1948 (60, 63), 2684 (53), 3324 (39). chamberlains of. See Tal- bot, G. " • 9 chancellor of, g. 2964 (53). See Lovell, Sir T. chief baron, g. 1602 (7). See Hody, W.; Scott, J. clerk of the Pipe, g. 1836 (17). Declaration of state of the Treasury, 180, 1407. delivery of records. See Records. , engrosser of the great roll, g. 1415 (24). fourth baron, g. 1948 (28). See Denny, E. King's 804 (42). remembrancer, g. tellers, 2829. treasurer of, g. 132 (98), 2772 (4). See Surrey, earl of. treasurer's g. 1602 (13). remembrancer, Exe, the Devonshire river, g. 132 (57), 749 (19), 1083 (2). Exemption from serving on juries, taking office, &c., g. 94 (7), 357 (16), 447 (3), 485 (10), 519.(16), 546 (3, 48), 563 (16), 651 (12, 35), 682 (2, 19), 731 (42), 784 (13, 20), 804 (22), 833 (68), 1266 (14), 1662 (12), 1804 (21, 47), 2484 (8), 2964 (39, 61), 3324 (2), 3408 (13), 3582 (18). Exemption from tolls, &c., g. 158 (33),357(46),1221(3), 2964(55). Exeter (Excetour), 438 (1 mm. 5, 9, 11, 12), 438 (2 mm. 7, 9, 11 bis, 13, 16, 21, 32), 438 (3 mm. 3, 9, 11, 17, 18 bis, 21, 23, 25– 6, 31 bis), 438 (4 mm. 10, 12, 14, 17, 21 bis), 874 (2), 1661 (4), 1801, 1803 (2 m. 2), 1852, 1864, 1982 (4), 2109, 2763 (2), 3313 (3, 6):—pp. 1518, 1520:— g. 833 (11), 924 (23), 969 (4), 1083 (2), 1948 (2). confirmation for, g. 381 (22). customs and port of, g. 94 (21), 132 (101), 381 (100), 969 (66), 1170 (9), 2222 (4), 3049 (40). mayor, &c., of, 438 (3 m. 2):- g. 132 (57). merchant of the Staple of, 438 (1 m. 12). tailors' company, confirma- tion for, g. 485 (39). places in: All Saints, g. 1083 (2). Cathedral, 438 (3 mm. 15, 22, 31, 34), 438 (4 mm. 12, 15). confirmation charters, g. 381 (73). of dean of, 438 (3 m. 10):—p. 1531 :—g. 2222 (16 Devon). 229. election of dean, vicars choral, 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 15). gaol of, keeper, 438 (3 m. 3). hospital of St. John Baptist, 438 (2 m. 5). • master. See Hill, R. St. Edmund's on the Bridge, rector of, p. 1532. St. George's, rector pre- sented, g. 289 (33). St. Katharine's nunnery, confirmation for, g. 414 (5). St. Mary's chapel, in the castle, g. 1083 (2). St. Petroc, 2109. St. Thomas in Cowyk, 438 (4 m. 22). West Gate, 438 (4 m. 22) :— g. 94 (37). bailiff of Westgate alias Ex Iland, g. 749 (19). Exeter, bp. of. See Oldham, H. John de Grandison bp. of (1327-1369), charter of, g. 485 (50). bishopric of, 438 (4 m. 15). confirmation for, g. 682 (12). 154 GENERAL INDEX. Exeter, duchy of, Exeter lands," g. 132 (13), 158 (2), 381 (18), 414 (21), 1123 (26), 3049 (41), 3408 (24). Exeter (Excetur), Th., monk of Gloucester, 2489. Exhall (Oxhull, Oxshulff), Warw., 438 (1 m. 12). rector of, 438 (1 m. 14). Exilond. See Exwill. Exmewe, Th., 438 (3 mm. 10, 34):—g. 1083 (24). Exminster (Exmystre), Devon, g. 218 (28), 604 (11), 749 (22), 1083 (2). Exmoor (Exmore) Forest, Devon and Soms., g. 94 (35). Exmouth, Devon, g. 2222 (4). Exton (Hexston), Staff., 438 (2 m. 8):-g. 969 (47). Extuart. See Stewart. Exwill (Exilond), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Eydesham. See Gittisham. Eydon, Ntht., g. 257 (32). Eye, Suff., 438 (4 m. 19):—g. 2055 (50). constable of castle, &c., g. 190 (9). honor of, g. 190 (9), 709 (27), 2055 (95). priory, confirmation for, g. 546 (35). Eyland, Rob., g. 2484 (17). Eyllott. See Elyot. Eylmer. See Aylmer. Eyman or Eyeman, Wm., 1803 (2 m. 6). Eyne. See Ine. Eynesford (Aynysforde), Kent, 438 (1 m. 5). Eynesham monastery, Oxon, g. 924 (17). Eyre river. See Aire. Eyre (Heyr, Eyr), Arthur, 438 (1 m. 8), 2392 (p. 1063). Eliz., widow of William, 438 (2 m. 9). (Eire), John, 438 (3 m. 17). Ric., g. 132 (26), 1221 (41). Rob., 438 (1 m. 8). (Eyer), Roger, 1803 (2 m. 6) :—g. 2222 (16 Derb.). (Eyr, Ayer), Th., 2392 (p. 1063):—g. 2055 (95). Eyrey. See Aire. Eyrton. See Airton. Eyston. See Easton. Eyton, Beds. See Eaton Bray. Eyton, Bucks. See Eaton. Eyton, Ntht., g. 2330 (4). Eyton [Yorks ?], g. 3499 (78). Eyton upon the Wild Moors, Salop, g. 2535 (22). Eyton (Eton, Heydon), John, 438 (3 m. 30). Eyton-cont. Margaret, 438 (3 m. 16). Owen, 2480 (61). Ric., clk., keeper of Tong college, 438 (2 m. 8). Th., g. 2535 (22). (Eton, Heyton), Wm., 438 (3 m. 16):—g. 3408 (14). Eyvesham, Oxon. See Ensham. Eztuñiga, Juan de, provincial of Aragon, 3524. F Fabian, Captain, in French service, 1071 (p. 517). Fabyan (Fabean), John, 255. Th., surveyor (surgeon) of the King's horses, p. 1517 :— g. 651 (5), 969 (71). Faccombe, Hants, grant to, g. 2964 (55). Faceby in Cleveland, Yorks, g. 519 (52). Facele, Adam, canon of Chichester, p. 1524. Faconer. See Falconer. Faddiley (Fadyleigh), Chesh., 438 (3 m. 20). Fadhamhithe. See Fordham. Fadyleigh. See Faddiley. Faenza (Fayence), in Italy, 9, 783, 965, 1127 (p. 539), 1141, 1699: -p. 1524. Fagugnana. See Favignana. Failford (Faylfurt), in Scotland, Trinitarian Friars, p. 1522. Fairchild (Fayerchild, Fayyrchylde, Feyrchild, Farchilde, Fer- child), John, 438 (2 m. 12), 2480 (22). Faircliff (Fartley, Farkeley, Fayr- clive), Laurence, ship cap- tain, 2842, 2938. Fairfax, Eliz., widow of William, 2787. • John, 1355. Margaret, d. and h. of Wm., 438 (4 m. 1). Ric., 1355. (Farefax, Feyrefax), Dr. Rob., gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707, 806 (2), 877n. :—g. 94 (83), 1732 (11), 2484 (23), 3324 (10). (Fairefax), Sir Th., knighted at Tournay, 2301, 2480 (60): -p. 1547 bis. GENERAL INDEX. 155 Fairfax-cont. Th., 438 (4 m. 24), 1363 :— pp. 1535, 1547 ter :-g. 132 (26, 32), 158 (91), 804 (29 vi., xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1123 (37), 1365 (3), 2222 (16 Yorks). (Farefax), Wm., serjeant-at- law, justice of Common Pleas, 315, 438 (4 m. 20), 963, 1046, 1593, 2787-pp. 1535, 1541, 1546, 1547 ter:-g. 94 (50), 132 (32, 48), 158 (91), 357 (38), 519 (55, 60), 546 (1), 709 (34, 62), 804 (29 iv., ix.), 833 (2, 45 iii.), 924 (14), 1083 (16), 1123 (37), 1266 (34, 41), 1365 (3), 1602 (41), 1662 (5), 1732 (2, 16), 2055 (93, 114), 2222 (16 Yorks), 2484 (15), 2684 (68). Wm., 438 (1 m. 20). Fairfield (Feyrfyld, Heyrfyld), Derb., 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 26). Fakeham. See Fawkham. Fakenham (Fekenham), Norf., 438 (4 m. 15). Fakenham (Fakynham), Great and Little, Suff., 438 (3 m. 17). Fakenham, John, prior of Burnham, 438 (4 m. 9). Fakenhamdam, Norf. See under Hempton. Falborune or Falkkeborune. Faulkbourn. Falcariis. See Falcutiis. Falcon, Ric., 1004. See Falconer (Fawconer, Faulconer, Fawkynnere), , David, a Scottish ship captain, 1262, 1298, 1302, 1314, 1315 (p. 605), 1380, 1504. Francis. See Letyre, F. Hugh, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 43). John, 438 (4 m. 10). Matthew, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 43). Patrick, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 43). Peter, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 43). Petie John, 82 (p. 43). (Fawconer, Faukener, Faw- ckener, Fowekener, &c.), Ric., 20 (p. 14), 438 (4 m. 10). (Fawconer, Faukener, Faul- coner, &c.), Ric., master gun- ner or gunpowder maker, 311, 1004, 1463 v., 2308, 2668, 2832 (iii., iv., v., vi.), 2839, 3372 (2): pp. 1506, 1509- 11:-g. 289 (39). Robert son of Hugh (temp. Hen. II.), g. 1494 (8). Falcutiis or Falcariis, Damianus de, abbot of Tongland, 297-8 :— p. 1525. Faldingworth (Fauldyngworth), Linc., 438 (3 m. 14), 438 (4 m. 7). Fale (Fayll), Rɔb., 438 (1 m. 21). Falke, Th., rector of Farndon, p. 1530. Wm., g. 969 (4). Fallesley. See Fawsley. Falley. See Fawley. Falley, John, gunner, g. 2617 (32). Fallside (Fawsyde), East and West, in Scotland, 2443. Fallston (Fallerston, Fallesdon, Fal- leston, Falston), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (2 m. 23), 438 (3 m. 5) :—g. 924 (29). Falmouth, Cornw., 734, 1484, 1694, 1870, 3092. ships of, 1982 (4). Falston. See Fallston. Falthwayte, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 30). Falwesley. See Fawsley. Famagosta, in Cyprus, Francis Mar- cello of Brescia, bp. of, letter from, 1429. Fane. See Vane. Fangyn, John, canon of Limerick, p. 1530. Fanhope, Heref., g. 3324 (5). John Cornwall lord (1438- 1443), g. 132 (13). Fannar, John, 438 (3 m. 6). Faques, Richard, printer, 2246 (4). Wm., priest, keeper of the King's library, 20 (p. 14). Farchilde. See Fairchild. Fardell (Virdell, Fordell), Devon [in Cornwood], 438 (3 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 26). Farding or Fardyng. See Farthing. Farethwaith, Rob., g. 682 (18). Farewell, John, prior of Walsingham (temp. Henry VII.), g. 3408 (28). Faria, John, Portuguese ambassador at Rome, letter from, 3236. Farkeley. See Faircliff. Farlam, Cumb., g. 1804 (17). Farleigh (Farlygh), West-, Kent, 438 (4 m. 26). Farleigh (Farley), Soms., 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (3 m. 4), 438 (4 m. 23). Farley, Salop [near Pontesbury], g. 3324 (28). Farley, Suff., 544. Farley (Farlegh) Hungerford, Soms., 438 (2 m. 25). Farley (Farlegh), Monkton-, Wilts, 438 (1 m. 22). Farley, Th., 2025 iii. Farlington, John, abbot of Byland, 438 (1 m. 22), 2910. Farmdon. See Farndon. Farmer or Fermour (Fermer, Far- mar), John, 438 (2 m. 9), 1803 (1 m. 1). 156 GENERAL INDEX. Farmer or Fermour-cont. (Fermer), Ric., of the Staple, grocer, 1497, 1566 (p. 719), 1594, 1691, 2118, 2308, 2668, 2765, 2832 (iii., v., vi.), 2833: -pp. 1507-10, 1515, 1519, 1548:-g. 1316 (20), 1662 (12), 2055 (95 i., iii.), 2684 (6, 31), 2772 (41). Roger, rector of Teffont, 853. Th., alias Smith, q.v. (Fermer), Wm., p. 1542 bis :-g. 1044 (10), 2222 (16 Oxon), 2684 (82). Wm., coroner in the King's Bench, g. 94 (5). Farming (Fermyng) Wood, Ntht., g. 1123 (60). Farnandus. See Fernandez. Farndon (Farmdon, Farneton), Chesh., g. 94 (14), 2684 (45). Farndon, Ntht. (Faryngdon, Norf.), 2537:-g. 1083 (41). rector of, p. 1530. Farnehawgh, in the Welsh marches, 438 (2 m. 31). Farnham (Fornham), Surr., 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (3 mm. 23, 29, 34), 1803 (1 m. 3):—p. 1516: g. 682 (43). grants dated at, g. 158 (55, 58, 62), 3324 (19, 22, 24). letter dated at, 1356. rector of, 1803 (2 m. 5). vicar of, 438 (1 m. 20). Farnham, John, g. 132 (26). Farnhill (Farnehell), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 13). Farningham (Furnyngham), Kent, 438 (3 m. 24). Farnworth (Farnewurth), Lanc., 438 (2 m. 29). Farnyhurst. See Fernyherst. Farrate. See Ferrette. Farrer or Ferrour (Ferrer), Hum- • " phrey, clk., g. 132 (65). (Farrar), John, 438 (3 m.17): -pp. 1512, 1514 bis. Ric., 438 (3 m. 23). Rob., 438 (1 m. 13). (Ferrer), Roland, 438 (3 m. 19). Th., g. (26). 1836 (2), 2861 Th., chief mason at Calais (temp. Hen. VII.), g. 289 (49). Farrett. See Ferrette. Farriers, 438 (2 m. 12). Farringdon (Faryngton) or Chipping Farringdon, Berks, 438 (3 m. 34). Farthing (Farding), John, g. 604 (27), 1003 (5). Farthing-cont. (Fardyng, Ferthyng), Th., gentleman of the Chapel, 707, 904, 1143, 2426, 3330 :—g. 833 (25), 1948 (66). Fartley. See Faircliff. Farway (Farwey, Faruey), Devon, g. 1083 (2). rector of, p. 1525. Farwell, John, 1397. Faryngdon, Norf. Ntht. See Farndon, Faryngfoke, Ric., p. 1549. Faryngton, Henry, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 16). Fastalff. See Fastolf. Fastcastle, in Scotland, 2913. Fastern (Bastourne, Fastourne) [in Wootton Basset], park, 438 (2 m. 15) :—g. 94 (11, 35). Fastolf (Fastalf, Fastall), George, 438 (3 m. 10), 1496 iii. :-—g. 1948 (7). John, 438 (3 m. 10). Th., 438 (3 m. 10). Father, John, g. 2964 (52). Fauconberge, Count. See Ligne, A. de. Fauconer. See Falconer. Faucquet, Jan, of St. Omer, letter from, 2875. Faukeham. See Fawkham. Faukener or Faukner. See Falconer. Fauldyngworth. See Faldingworth. Faulkbourn (Falborune, Falkke- borune), Essex, 438 (3 m. 1). Faune, Nic., s. of Rob., g. 2617 (21). Faunte, Peter, customer of Bridge- water, 251, 438 (2 m. 11). Fauntleroy, Christina, prioress of Amesbury, 438 (3 m. 16). Tristram, 438 (4 m. 23). Fauquemberg (Faukemberghe), in Hainault, 2249. Comte de. See Ligne. Faux. See Vaux. Fava, Andrew de, King's footman, 256. See also La Fava. Favell, Wm., 438 (1 m. 20). Favenne, in Italy, 1127 (p. 539). Faenza? Faversham (Feversham, Feversam), Kent, 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (2mm. 7, 10), 438 (3 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 16), 1313, 2034, 2179 :-g. 2862 (7). Favignana (Fagugnana), island off Sicily, 556. Favour, John, ship owner, 2842 iii. Favri, Nicolo di, letters from, 1591, 2229, 3003, 3298. Fawconer. See Falconer. Fawkham (Faukeham, Fakeham), Kent, 438 (2 m. 33). GENERAL INDEX 157 Fawkynnere. See Falconer. Fawley (Falley), or South Fawley, Berks, g. 885 (13), 3499 (71). Fawley (Falley), Bucks, 438 (3 m. 9):—g. 1003 (7). Fawne, John, president of Cam- bridge, letter from, 2942. Fawsley (Falwesley, Fallesley, Fal- lisley), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 8):- g. 969 (24). Fawsley (Fallesley) hundred, Ntht., g. 190 (30). Fawsyde. See Fallside. Fawteles, John, p. 1503. Faxan, Dom. Stefano, 3003. Faxfleet (Faxflete, Flaxflete, Fayx- flete), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9), 520 :-g. 132 (70), 546 (27), 632 (64). Fayes, in Barbary. See Fez. Fayll. See Fale. Fayrenter. See Wayrenter. Fayxflete. See Faxйleet. Fazakerley (Vazacreley), John, alias Brent, of the Cellar, 20 (p. 17):—g. 132 (84), 2684 (84). (Vazakerley), Nic., 707. · Feaster. See Fewster. Fécamp (Fescamp, Feckam), in Nor- mandy, 1237, 1844 (p. 843). Fécamp (Can) [Ant. Boyer or Bohier], abbot of, ambassador from France, 156, 159, 242, 363, 365, 385, 395, 406 :-App. 5. Feckenham (Fekenham), Worc., 438 (4 m. 8) :—g. 94 (35). Fedamore (Frademur), co. Limerick, p. 1529. Fedresso. See Fetteresso. Feeke. See Feke. Feelde in Whichewode. field. See Lea- Feering (Feryng), Essex, 438 (2 m. 28). Feherre or Feeherre, Wm., a poor gentleman," 157. Feinde, Edmund, 2668. Feke (Fek, Feeke), John, 1803 (1 m. 4). Fekenham, Norf. See Fakenham. Fekenham, Worc. See Feckenham. Felavyn, Maurice, canon, p. 1530. Felawe. See Fellow. Felbridge (Felbrigge), Norf., 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (2 m. 28), 1471 :— g. 2964 (32), 3582 (27). See Felton. Felcon. Feld. See Field. Feldallyng. See Field Dalling. Felding. See Fielding. Felipon, servant to Queen Germaine of Aragon, brings message from France, 1257. Felix or Count Felix. berg. See Werden- See Ferrers. Feliz, Lord. Fell, John, 438 (1 m. 11). (Felle), Leonard, 438 (3 m. 6). Rob., p. 1549. Wm., rector of Theydon Mount, p. 1529. Fellcliff (Fellesclyff, Felclyf, Felle- clyffe), Rob., 438 (1 m. 17). Felley, Notts, priory, 438 (3 m. 21). prior. See Ingham, L. Fellow (Felawe), Ric., 438 (3 m. 10). (Felow), Wm., purser, 2305, • 3137 (6), 3148, 3513. Felmingham, Norf., 438 (1 m. 15). Felsham, Suff., 438 (2 m. 29). Feltham, Midd., g. 1316 (4). Felton, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 32). vicar of, 3170. Felton (Felcon), Edm., 438 (1 m. 18). John, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 43). Th., g. 1524 (22). Feltre, in Italy, 278. Venetian ambassadors sent to (or rather to Ospitaletto, q.v.), to meet Maximilian's, 278, 319, 328, 334-6, 383. Feltre (Feltyrs), bp. of. See Campeg- gio, L. Femd, Edm. See Frende. Fencotes, Thomas de, g. 1123 (48). Fencott [in Thornbury], Heref., g. 519 (64). Feneux. See Fyneux. Fenis. See Fiennes. Feniton (Fyneton), Devon, 1803 (2 m. 6). Fenix, Lord. See Fyneux, Sir J. Fenn (at Fenne), Hugh, 438 (4 m. 18). Fennimore (Fenymore, Fylmore), John, 438 (3 m. 12). Fennowys, Wm., 438 (3 m. 6). Fenny Bentley (Fenebentley). Bentley. See Fenny Compton (Fynecompton), Warw., g. 1948 (31):-g. 709 (14). Fennymere (Fennemere), Salop, 438 (2 m. 31). Fennys, co. Flint, 438 (2 m. 26). Fenny Stratford, Bucks, 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (3 m. 25) :—g. 11 (10). Fenrother, Rob., alderman, gold- smith, joint master of the Mint (till Aug. 1509), 185, 2781 ii. :-g. 1083 (24). Fenton, Chr., 438 (2 m. 19), Fenuex. See Fyneux. Fenwick (Fenwyk), Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 4, 28). Fenwick, (attainted ?), g. 2137 (18). • (Fenwike), Henry, an idiot, wardship of, 2717-8-g. 2863 (4). 158 GENERAL INDEX. Fenwick-cont. (Fenwike, Fenwyk), Ralph, joint lieutenant of the Mid- dle Marches, 2840, 2913 (p. 1261):—g. 2863 (4, 5), 3499 (12). (Fenwike, Fynwike), Roger, joint lieutenant warden of the Middle Marches, 309, 984, 1493 iii., 2443, 2717-8, 2913 (p. 1260):—p. 1541:—g. 94 (63), 132 (38), 381 (15), 485 (26), 632 (26), 804 (29 vii.), 833 (50), 1365 (3). knighted after Flod- den, 2246 (4 ii.). Fenys. See Fiennes. Fenystratford. See Stratford. Feock (Lafeoke), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 11). Feodaries, appointment of, g. 749 (37), 2222 (12), 2684 (17), 3049 (41), 3582 (15). Feratt. See Ferrette. Ferchild. See Fairchild. FERDINAND, KING OF ARAGON ("Spain"), 6, 17, 24, 37, 63, 83-4, 130, 162, 169, 240, 278, 280, 319-20, 325, 329 passim, 333, 345, 354-5, 383, 393, 398, 408, 430, 442, 461, 463, 468, 501, 508, 515, 525 -6, 529, 531, 545, 557, 562, 564, 570, 590, 610, 627, 650, 669, 724, 728, 730, 734, 739, 741, 759, 769, 773, 776–7, 779-80, 783, 785, 793, 812 ii., 818-9, 829, 832, 838, 843-4, 854, 864, 866-7, 884, 889, 895-6, 900, 902, 906, 933, 943, 960, 965, 1000, 1002, 1014, 1020, 1039, 1065-6, 1081, 1093, 1095, 1101, 1106, 1127, 1141, 1147, 1155, 1157, 1163, 1169, 1179-80, 1182, 1186, 1194, 1204, 1213–15, 1226, 1229, 1237, 1239, 1252, 1258, 1270, 1279, 1284, 1286, 1293, 1301 (pp. 595-8), 1307, 1319, 1321, 1326–7, 1326-7, 1330, 1334, 1339, 1344, 1351, 1356, 1359, 1361, 1370, 1384–5, 1391, 1417, 1422, 1425, 1432, 1437, 1447, 1459, 1461, 1469, 1475, 1487, 1489 (p. 679), 1491-2, 1495 (1 ii., iii., 3), 1509, 1511, 1515, 1519, 1543, 1554, 1564, 1568, 1575, 1579, 1586 ii., 1591, 1607, 1611–2, 1628, 1636, 1641, 1647 (p. 743), 1650, 1655, 1657, 1659, 1665, 1677 (p. 770), 1689, 1695, 1723-4, 1736, 1750–1, 1754, 1769, 1781, 1790–2, 1794, 1822, 1824, 1833, 1854, Ferdinand, King of Aragon-cont. 1856, 1863, 1866, 1868, 1877, 1884, 1892, 1897, 1899, 1902, 1916, 1937, 1956, 1970, 1996, 2006, 2016, 2028, 2037–8, 2060, 2070, 2077, 2083, 2101, 2117, 2123-4, 2177, 2182, 2189-90, 2203, 2208-9, 2212, 2242, 2254, 2267, 2299, 2307, 2309, 2367, 2377-8, 2398, 2421, 2448, 2456, 2462, 2474, 2486, 2493-4, 2528, 2564, 2567-8, 2571-2, 2577, 2592, 2595, 2597, 2601-2, 2633, 2646, 2665, 2670, 2673, 2678, 2694, 2697, 2703, 2705, 2743, 2746, 2769, 2791, 2794, 2797, 2815, 2868, 2876, 2894, 2908, 2921, 2928, 2982, 3018, 3041, 3051, 3072, 3082, 3089, 3095, 3102 ii., 3109-10, 3132, 3139, 3150, 3173-4, 3206, 3208, 3235-7, 3243 ii., 3245, 3248, 3250, 3253, 3256-7, 3264, 3270 ii., 3274, 3282, 3298, 3331, 3334, 3337, 3378, 3392, 3400, 3407, 3435, 3451, 3477, 3482, 3519, 3524, 3527, 3541, 3547-8, 3556, 3570, 3581 :- App. 7, 26 :—g. 969 (29, 40), 1170 (6), 1524 (25, 39), 1732 (32) 1836 (32), 1948 (12), 2863 (2). commissions and in- structions by, 24, 26, 63, 66, 321, 1304, 2131, 2242, 2291- 2, 2393, 2523, 3145. letters from, 21–3, 30– 1, 38–9, 166–7, 253-4, 260, 481-3, 556, 742, 797, 1006, 1011, 1320, 1369, 1460, 1557– 9, 1656, 1658, 1667, 1737–41, 1917, 1919, 1933, 1952–3, 1999-2003, 2056, 2079, 2132, 2328-9, 2459, 2475-7, 2496– 2502, 2524-5, 2554, 2583–5, 2588, 2710-11, 2744-5, 2762, 2770, 2823, 2858-60, 2887, 3093, 3104-6, 3405-6, 3591: App. 6. letters to, 112, 119, 127-8, 220-1, 469, 472-3, 476– 7, 513, 572, 787, 795, 1010, 1108-9, 1269, 1292, 1423, 1484, 1542, 2112, 3242 :—pp. 1529, 1531. • aid sent to, g. 731 (41). ambassadors to :- English, 6 (p. 6), 3102 ii. See Stile, J; also Knight, W. Flemish (from Margaret or Charles), 445-6, 3102 ii. See Cilly, C. de. Florentine, 2299. GENERAL INDEX 159 FERDINAND ("the Infante "), 2nd Ferdinand, King of Aragon, ambassa- dors to cont. " French, 6, 329 (p. 152), 1854, 3102 ii. See Lange, M. de. Imperial, 669, 1933, 1952– 3, 2003, 2006 (p. 909), 3093, 3102 ii. Papal nuncios and ambas- sadors, 1327, 1509 (p. 696), 2584, 2887. Butrigario, G. See Venetian, 909. See Guistin- ian, A.; Badoer, Zuan. > his confessor, 2002. his Councillors, 1575 (p. 723), 2002. • cousin of, a duke killed in Barbary, 724. 2177. his natural daughters, the Queen his sister. See Juaña, Queen of Naples. treaties with England, 461, 468, 476–8, 483, 501, 618, 934,945,995, 1098, 1650, 1656– 7:-g. 485 (51), 969 (29), 1494 (15), 1524 (25). > Henry VIII.'s con- firmations, g. 632 (53), 1083 (11). treaty (secret) with Leo X., 3291. • treaties with Maximi- lian, 274, 325, 1486. makes truce with France (1 April 1513), 1447, 1461, 1611, 1736-41, 1751, 1781, 1791, 1809, 1813, 1821- 2, 1824, 1830, 1833, 1837, 1854, 1856, 1863, 1866–8, 1877-8, 1884–6, 1892, 1895, 1897, 1899, 1911 ii., 1917, 1919, 1922, 1933, 1960, 1999 (3), 2002-3, 2006-7, 2079, 2122, 2234, 2242, 2254, 2278, 2292, 2340, 2393, 2475, 2577, 2646, 2670, 2743, 3591 :- :-p. 1527. makes truce with France (Orleans, 13 March 1514), 2645, 2678, 2697, 2703, 2707, 2710-11, 2725, 2743-7, 2752, 2758, 2762, 2768-70, 2790, 2794, 2797, 2800-1, 2815, 2823, 2841, 2844, 2849, 2852, 2859, 2864, 2868, 2877, 2887, 2894, 2925, 2945, 2952, 2963, 3003, 3008, 3014, 3018, 3027, 3041, 3073, 3103-4, 3129, 3150, 3210, 3257, 3271, 3591 (p. 1492), 3592. 2725. ratification, son of Philip King of Castile, grandson of Maximilian, 6, 1301 (pp. 595, 597), 1866, 1916–7, 1919, 1953, 2291–2, 2393, 2445, 2475, 2523–5, 2665, 2670, 2694, 2703, 2710, 2745, 2791. Ferdinandi. See Fernandez. Ferdinandus, Roderic Gundisalvus, King's chaplain, precentor of St. Paul's (1504-13), son of Dr. Puebla, 20 (p. 15), 112: g. 1948 (95). Ferfay (Ferthyng), in France, 2391 (p. 1060). Feritate, Ralph de, g. 485 (25). Fermour. See Farmer. Ferman, John, g. 485 (39). Fernaly, Ric., 438 (4 m. 21). Fernandez, Diego, confessor to the Queen. See under Katharine. (Ferdinandi), Edward, Portu- guese envoy to Scotland, 171, 504, 828. Gonsalvo. See Cordova. (Farnandus), Nic., a Span- iard, 1420. Fernando (Furnando), John, ship master, 2478. Ferne, George, his suit for the arch- deaconry of Dunkeld, 1296, 1300. John, 438 (3 m. 26). Ferneham, John, 438 (3 m. 6). Fernes, John, trumpet, 3320. Ferningham, Anne, attendant on the French Queen, 3348 (3). Jer- ningham ? Ferns, archd. of, p. 1525. • " bpric. of, App. 16. Edmund bp. of, p. 1524. cathedral, p. 1525. diocese, p. 1525. Fernyherst (Farnyhurst), laird of, 3181. Fernyngham, Rob., 20 (p. 13). Feron, Jehan, 3349. Fervyll, John, 20 (p. 19). Ferrando, Gonsalvo. G. Fernandez de. See Cordova, FERRARA, 113, 154, 250, 267–8, 286, 325, 432, 483, 522, 526, 562, 1020, 1100, 1102, 1180, 1223– 4, 1277 (p. 586), 1301 (pp 597-8), 1344, 1354, 2292, 2329, 2519, 3014 ii., 3396. Ferrara, Hippolyto de Este, cardinal of, 325, 1277 (pp. 585–6), 1344, 3544. Ferrara, duchess of, 3544. Ferrara, Alfonso d'Este duke of, gon- falonier of the Church (April 1509), 9, 267, 278, 280, 322, 570, 755, 776-7, 780 (p. 419), 160 GENERAL INDEX. Ferrara, Alfonso d'Este duke of— cont. 783, 841, 943, 965, 1127, 1250, 1277 (p. 586), 1301 (pp.597-8), 1312, 1344, 1354, 1677 (p. 770), 1699, 1747, 1952, 2254 iii., 2287, 2292, 2328–9, 2341, 2495, 3544. Ferre, Ric., g. 1221 (20). Ferren or Sarran, François de, French prisoner, 2227:-p. 928. Ferrer, attendant on Juana of Cas- tile, 6 (p. 6). Ferrer. See Farrer. Ferrers (Ferres, Feliz, Ferrys, Ferys), of Chartley, Walter Devereux lord, 20 (pp. 12, 19), 205, 442. 963, 1176 (1, 3, 4), 1286, 1441. 1484, 1496 iii., 1661 (1, 3, 4, 7, 9), 1698, 1828, 1844, 1851, 1869 iii., 1870, 1978, 2304 (3, 5), 2305 ii., 2479 vii., xi., 2838, 3137 (16), 3325, 3464, 3483 : pp. 1519, 1538 :-App. 22 g. 132 (79), 289 (18), 448 (7), 632 (73), 709 (41), 1123 (62), 1172 (23), 1602 (34), 1732 (10), 2222 (9), 2964 (25), 3049 (20), 3499 (14). Ferrers of Groby [Thomas Grey] lord, 205, 438 (3 m. 21), viz., Thomas marquis of Dorset, named earlier in the same document. Ferrers, Lady, 82 (p. 41). • " (Ferres), Mr., 2912. (Ferrys), Elizabeth, 3348 (3). (Ferrars, Ferres, Ferers, Ferreis, Ferreys), Edward or Sir Edw., knighted at Tour- nay, 20 (p. 14), 707, 1803 (1 m. 1), 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6), 2301, 2480 (40):—p. 1545 :- g. 218 (7, 43), 1221 (20), 2484 (9), 3499 (66). Gerard, surgeon, p. 1520. Sir Henry, g. 2684 (56). Humphrey, s. and h. of Sir John, g. 2863 (9). Lady Joan, 438 (4 mm. 4, 16). Joan, 1803 (2 m. 6). Sir John, 20 (p. 15), 1493 ii. :—pp. 1543, 1545 :—g. 257 (49). (Ferres), John, 438 (2 m. 4). Kath., 438 (3 m. 16). (Ferres, Ferreys, Ferys), Ric., 1803 (2 m. 6) :—g. 257 (93). Sir William lord († 1450), Anne his daughter and heir, g. 289 (18). Elizabeth his wife, g. 289 (18). Ferrers-cont. (Ferrys), Wm., g. 2422 (1). Ferrett, John, 82 (p. 40). Ferrette (Farrate, Ferrett, Ferrat), county of, in Alsace, 1301 (p. 596), 1884 (p. 859), 2063, 2101, 2597. Ferrette (Ferrato, Ferret, Differret, Ferette, Farrett, Ferrot, Feratt), Simon or Sir Si- mon de, 1364, 1680, 1779, 1895, 1977, 2014, 2021, 2038, 2068, 2073, 2083, 2091, 2114, 2123, 2145, 2391 (p. 1058), 2521, 2995, 3014:-p. 1516:— App. 26. Ferriby, South- (Southfereby), Linc., g. 969 (54). Ferrour. See Farrer. Ferryes or Ferrys. See Ferrers. Fersfield (Ferfeld), Norf., 438 (3 m. 24). Fersyngfeld. See Fressingfield. Ferthing. See Farthing. Feryby, Wm., 438 (3 m. 26). Feryng. See Feering. Ferys. See Ferrers. Fesaunt, John, 309. Fescamp. See Fécamp. Fescher. See Fisher. Fesen. See Fiessen. Fetiplace (Feteplace), Ant., esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 438 (3 m. 29):-p. 1542 -g. 94 (49, 51), 651 (27), 682 (8). Eliz., 438 (2 mm. 5, 17). John, 438 (3 m. 6):—pp. 1534 bis :-g. 3499 (71). .., Peter, 438 (3 m. 6). Richard, 438 (3 m. 31):—p. 1534. (Fetypace), Sir Th., 20 (p. 15) :—p. 1533 :—g. 1836 (22), 2055 (37). Th., 436. (Fetyplace, Fetplace), Wm., 438 (2 mm. 5, 17):—p. 1534 : ―g. 1123 (11), 3499 (71). Fetilworth. See Fittleworth. Fetplace or Fetyplace. See Fetiplace. Fetteresso (Fidereso, Federosso, Fedresso), in Scotland [near Stonehaven], canonry of, pp. 1522-3, 1526. Feulden. chapel of St. Mary, 600. See Fouldon. Fever or Fevers, Peter, armourer, pp. 1497, 1499:-g. 1123 (3). Feversham. See Faversham. Fewster (Feaster, Fouster), Hum- phrey, 438 (2 m. 6). Feyrford, Henry, purser, 3513. Feyrfyld. See Fairfield. Fez (Fayes), in Morocco, g. 731 (18). GENERAL INDEX. 161 Ficher. See Fisher. Fiddelton. See Fittleton. Fidereso. See Fetteresso. Field, Agnes, 438 (3 m. 32). (Feld, Felde, Atfeld), John. 438 (3 mm. 1, 19):-p. 1548: -g. 2772 (48). (Felde), Th., 438 (3 m. 23, 32). Field Dalling (Feldallyng), Norf., 438 (2 m. 19). Fielding (Fyldyng, Feldyng), Sir Everard, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 33): p. 1539:-g. 54 (41), 218 (12), 381 (16), 2222 (16 Leic.). (Feldyng), Everard, 1176 iii. (Feldyng), Th., merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). (Feldyng), Wm., 438 (3 m. 33). Fiennes (Fynes, Fynis), in Picardy, 1601, 2082, 2483. Fiennes (Fynys, Fyennys, Deffyens), Jacques de Luxemburg, Sieur de, governor general of Flan- ders, 2061, 2068, 2082, 2123, 2174, 2182, 2208, 2210, 2391 (p. 1058), 2694, 2797, 2995, 3283-p. 1516. letters to, 2082, 3240. his daughter to marry M. de Berghes' son, 1469. his son, 2182. Fiennes, Lord, 2170. See Piennes. Fiennes (Fenys), Dame Alice, widow of Sir John F., pedigree of, g. 1732 (44). (Fenys), Anne, Thomas, g. 969 (30). wife of (Fenys), Edw. and Richard, lord Saye, q.v. (Finis), Mary, daughter of Lord Dacre, 3357. (Fynys), Sir Robert, and Eleanor his wife, 438 (3 m. 25). (Fenys), Th., lord Dacres, q.v. (Fenys), Th., g. 969 (30). (Fynes, Fenis, Fenes, Fenys), Sir Th., 20 (pp. 12, 19, 21), 1661 (p. 752) :-p. 1545: g. 218 (65), 1083 (39), 2222 (16 Suss.). Fieramosea, Cesare, a Spanish leader, 2434. Fieschi (Flisco), Nicholas de, car- dinal, 1670. Fiesiames. See Fitzjames. Fiessen (Fesen), in Germany, 568, 773, 780. Fiffehide, Fiffhide or Fifhid. See Fyfield. Fifteenths and tenths, 1208. Filbertis. See Philberts. Filby, Norf., 438 (1 m. 14). Filleigh, Th., g. 1266 (38). Fillingham, Linc., 1803 (1 m. 4). Filoll, Dorothy, wife of Sir Wm., g. 2684 (32). Filpot. (Philoll), Jasper, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 12), 438 (3 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 11 bis) :—g. 1602 (13 ii.). Joan, 438 (3 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 11). Maurice, 1493. Reynold, of the Exchequer, 438 (2 m. 22). (Fylyoll), Sir Wm., 20 (p. 14), 438 (2 m. 15), 1176 (1, 3), 1493, 1661 (p. 752):—p. 1536:-g. 2222 (16 Dors.), 2684 (32). See Philpot. Filwood Chace (Fullefwoodde forest), Soms., 438 (1 m. 26):—g. 833 (61). Fimber (Fymbre, Fymmer), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 22). Finale, in Italy, 1127 (p. 539). letter dated at, 765. (Finario), Finale Cardinal del, [Dominic de Caretto], 2645, 3160, 3213. Finch. See Finche. Fincham, Norf., g. 3107 (38). • " rector of, 438 (2 m. 23). Fincham, Margery, prioress of Black- burgh, 438 (2 m. 33). Finchampstead, Berks, 438 (1 m. 13):—g. 158 (60), 709 (13), 1732 (24). Finche, Mr., merchant, 307 (p. 142). • " Henry, 438 (1 m. 7). James, g. 749 (3). Vincent, 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (2 m. 10) :—p. 1545 :—g. 1083 (39). Wm., or Sir Wm., esquire for the Body, King's spear, 20 (p. 16):-App. 26:-g. 1948 (18). Finchingfield, Essex, 438 (3 m. 16), 438 (4 m. 26). Finchley (Fyncheley), Midd., 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 22). Finden or Findon, Suss., 520, 559, 3442-g. 632 (63). Findern (Fyndarn), Philip, 438 (3 m. 13). Rob., 438 (2 m. 12). Th., of Findern, Derb., 438 (2 m. 12). Sir Wm., 438 (4 m. 4):-p. 1534:-g. 2222 (16 Camb.). Finedon (Thynden), Ntht., 438 (4 m. 5). Fingall, in Ireland, App. 16 Finibus, Bart. de, p. 1521. Wt. 11494: H 11 162 GENERAL INDEX. Finisterre, in Britanny, 1291. Finmere, Oxon, g. 94 (35 p. 50). Finningley (Fynyngley), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22). Firle. See West Firle. Firsell. See Frissell. Fish, 1262, 1891 (2), 1913 :—g. 485 (36), 519 (14). See also Com- missions (purveyance), Naval expenses, &c. cod (Iceland fish), 1416. congers, 1482. herrings, 1500, 1599, 1613, 2643. herring fisheries, 438 (2 m. 21), 1336, 1416, 1480, 2738. Iceland ling, 1482. mussels, g. 94 (35). salmon, 290, 1262, 1499. Fish or Fysshe (Fysche), Andrew, gunner, 2305 iii. • John, 82 (p. 41), 438 (2 m. 26):-g. 587 (5). (Fysche), Peter, 438 (3 m. 30). Ric., 1803 (2 m. 5). (Fysche), Th., 438 (4 m. 27). Fishacre (Fysacker), Devon, 438 (4 m. 14). Fishbourn (Fyssheborn), 1803 (m. 1). Ralph, Fishegewghe, in Scotland, p. 1260. Fisher, Mr. Ant., King's chaplain, 20 (p. 15). , Anthony, rector of St. Nicholas Hospital near Rich- mond, Yorks, g. 804 (45). Anthony, rector of Torring- ton, g. 632 (60). (Freschies, Ficher), Christo- pher, solicitor of English causes at Rome ("Christo- pher "), 165, 402, 407, 413 iii., 417, 425-7, 433, 493, 529, 734. letter from, 165. Gilbert, merchant of the Staple, 438 (3 m. 2). John, bp. of Rochester, chancellor of Cambridge University, 1, 19, 20 (pp. 12, 20 bis, 21), 153, 205, 341, 863, 883, 920, 936, 948, 958, 963, 1048, 1050, 1052-3, 1060, 1067, 1446, 2424, 2989, 3062, 3464, 3495 :—p. 1534 :-g. 158 (24), 448 (4), 1316 (11), 3226 (7). , iii. letter from, 948. letters to, 883, 2942 signature of, 19, 2243 : -g. 448 (4), 651 (7), 731 (7, 20, 52), 749 (3, 16, 24), 784 Fisher, John, signature of-cont. (56), 804 (49), 1123 (45), 2684 (64). • John, rector of Lough- borough, 438 (1 m. 18). Sir John, justice of Common Pleas, 82 (p. 39), 205 (p. 106), 341, 438 (1 m. 6):—pp. 1539 bis, 1540-1, 1545:—g. 11 (5 Notes and Errata), 54 (1), 94 (50), 132 (48), 218 (1), 381 (39, 78). John, p. 1531 :—g. 519 (46). John, gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707 :-g. 1732 (11). Michael, 438 (2 m. 31):-p. 1533 :—g. 924 (37), 1494 (9), 2222 (16 Beds), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). (Fyssher), Nic., 438 (2 m. 20). (Fyssher), Ric., 20 (p. 12), 438 (2 m. 22). Rob., 20 (p. 14). Mr. Robert, King's chaplain, canon of Windsor, rector of Chedzoy, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 43):-g. 54 (51), 257 (25), 682 (26), 709 (48). Robert, clk., provost of Staindrop college, g. 357 (30). (Fycher, Fescher), Rob., gun- ner, 311, 2308, 2668, 2831, 2832 (iii., iv., v., vi.): pp. 1509-10, 1515 :—g. 132 (104). Roger, 1803 (1 m. 6). Wm., 2480 (55), 2575 ii. Wm., clk., g. 3499 (27). (Fyscher, Fyscharr), Wm., ship captain, 2686, 2842 ii., 2938, 3513:-p. 1518. Fishermen, 1803 (m. 2):-g. 1804 (46). Fishers. See Fishmongers. Fisherton Anger gaol, beside Salis- bury, g. 1462 (34). Fishmongers (fishers), 438 (1 mm. 2, 22, 24, 26, 29), 438 (2 mm. 10, 13, 31, 34), 438 (3 mm. 1, 5, 10, 11 bis, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26 bis), 438 (4 mm. 8, 13, 14, 22, 25), 1416, 1442 :-g. 11 (10), 190 (35), 833 (21), 924 (1), 1044 (19), 1415 (7), 1462 (19), 1602 (42), 1804 (19), 3324 (3, 15). Fishwick (Fysshewyke), Lanc., g. 969 (38). Fittleton (Fiddelton), Wilts, 436. Fittleworth (Fetilworth), Suss., 438 (4 m. 14). Fitton, Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 41), 707 (pp. 382-3):-g. 632 (39), 2484 (25). GENERAL INDEX. 163 : Fitz, Joan d. and h. of John, 438 (4 mm. 4, 16). > John, 438 (4 m. 8). Roger, 438 (4 mm. 4, 8). (Vice), Simon, justice of as- sizes, 438 (3 m. 4) :-p. 1533: -g. 2055 (114), 2137 (11), 2684 (9), 3049 (26). Fitzalan, Thomas, earl of Arundel, q.v. William, lord Maltravers, q.v. FitzGeffrey, John, 438 (2 mm. 5, 6, 10, 15). Fitzgerald, Gerald, 8th earl of Kil- dare, q.v. Sir Gerald, s. and h. of the preceding, g. 632 (24). John, son of Thomas earl of Desmond, p. 1529. (de Geraldinis), Redmond Fitzmaurice, dean of Limerick, p. 1524. Fitzherbert, Agnes, 438 (4 m. 18). • Dame Alice, abbess of Pol- lesworth (1509), g. 289 (30). (Fitzherberd), Anne, abbess of Pollesworth, g. 218 (40), 289 (30). (Fitzharberth), Ant., 438 (2 m. 8):—pp. 1539, 1543, 1545: ―g. 2222 (16 Derb.). Ant., serjeant at law, 142: g. 709 (55). • " Dionysia, 438 (3 m. 18). Hercules, 438 (4 m. 18). Humphrey, 438 (3 m. 18). (Fiherbert), John, 392, 438 (4 m. 2), 1267, 1803 (1 m. 4): pp. 1535, 1539:-g. 2222 (16 Derb.), 2772 (2). of letter from, 392. John, King's remembrancer the Exchequer (temp. Hen. VII.), g. 804 (42). (Fitherberd), Nic., 2392. Rob., 392. Thomas, D.D., rector of Nor- bury, &c., 438 (2 m. 25). Wm., draper, g. 357 (1). Wm., rector of St. Magnus, 438 (4 m. 27). (Fitzherbard), Wm., rector of Crayford, g. 2861 (8). Fitzhugh, Lord, claims to the title by Sir Th. Parre and Lord Dacre of the South (9.v.), 1696. Fitzhugh (Fitz Hew), George or Sir George lord, 20 (pp. 14, 20). 81, 131, 205, 963 :—pp. 1541, 1547 ter :—g. 132 (46), 804 (29 ix.-xi.), 833 (45 iii., 50 iii., iv.), 1365 (3), 1494 (42), 1732 (44). Fitzhugh, George or Sir George lord -cont. " knighted, 81. livery of lands to, g. 132 (46), 1494 (42). George, dean of Lincoln († 1505), 438 (2 mm. 5, 14). Henry lord (1452-1472), g. 132 (46). his two daughters and heirs, 1696. Richard lord († 1508), g. 132 (46), 1494 (42). Th., justice of assizes, g. 804 (36), 1083 (8), 1316 (14), 1662 (28), 2137 (11), 2684 (62), 3107 (34). Fitz-James, John, recorder of Bristol, p. 1543 :-g. 218 (32), 485 (40), 632 (61), 969 (45), 2222 (16 Soms.). letter to, 1217. (Fiesiames), John, the younger, 438 (3 m. 2), 1803 (2 m. 6). Richard, bp. of London, 1, 19, 20 (pp. 12, 21), 205, 342, 438 (3 m. 11), 559, 652, 963, 1176 (3), 1642, 1661 (p. 752), 1803 (1 m. 2), 2019, 2355, 2469, 2929, 2931, 3374, 3464, 3523-pp. 1518, 1528-9: g. 218 (32), 414 (63), 682 (25), 833 (24), 969 (45), 1316 (11), 1462 (38), 2772 (40), 3324 (22). signature of, g. 448 (4), > 651 (7), 731 (7, 52), 749 (3, 16, 24), 784 (56), 804 (49), 1123 (45), 2684 (64). signature of, 19. Fitz Lewis (Fitzlewes), Joan, 438 (2 m. 6). (Fitzlowys), John, 438 (2 m. 20). (Fitzlewes, Fitzlowys), Sir Ric., knight for the Body. 20 (p. 20):-p. 1536:—g. 2055 (103), 3049 (9). Fitz Randolf, Sir Ralph, 438 (2 m. 24). FitzRichard, Simon or Sir Simon, App. 26-g. 969 (23). FitzSimon, Walter, abp. of Dublin († 1511), 1037. Fitzwalter, Elizabeth lady, 20 (pp. 11, 16), 474. Fitzwalter, John Ratcliff lord († 1495), attainted, g. 132 (90), 709 (14), 2137 (18), 2964 (81). Fitzwalter (Fyctzwatter, Fitzwauter, Fitzwater), Robert Ratcliff (Radclyff) lord, 20 (pp. 12, 19), 81. 110, 368, 442, 474, 707, 963, 1453, 2051-2, 2392, 2838, 3464 :—pp. 1498, 1503, 1536, 1541, 1544:—g. 132 164 GENERAL INDEX. Fitzwalter, Robert Ratcliff lord- cont. (90), 1602 (38), 1662 (50), 1804 (31 ii.), 1948 (56). restitution of, 341. Fitzwaren, Elizabeth lady, widow of Sir Robert Southwell, g. 2964 (64). (Fitzwareyn), John Bour- chier lord, 20 (p. 16), 205, 963, 1176, 1869 v., 2480 (56), 3464 :—App. 26:—pp. 1535–6, 1543:—g. 357 (12), 1602 (38), 1662 (27), 3324 (42). Fitzwilliam, Anne, d. and h. of John, g. 1662 (39). Elizabeth widow of Sir Wil- liam, g. 1083 (31). George, merchant of the Staple, 438 (2 m. 13):-p. 1540:-g. 257 (48-9), 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 1494 (55), 2222 (16 Linc.), 3408 (6), 3499 (12), 3582 (14). John, 1661 (4) :—g. 1083 (31). Mabel, wife of Wm., 2315. Sir Th. (temp. Hen. VII.), 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (2 m. 13) :— g. 1003 (11). (Fitz Williams), Th., 1493 ii. :- :—g. 190 (24), 519 (2), 804 (29 vi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1365 (3). Thomas, son of Sir William, g. 1083 (31). Wm., g. 2222 (16 Essex). Wm., son of Sir Wm., g. 1083 (31). Wm., alderman, 438 (3 m. 33), 438 (4 m. 1). (Fithwilliam), Wm. ΟΥ Sir Wm., gentleman usher, second cup-bearer, esquire for the Body, knighted at Tournay, 20 (p. 14), 82, 1176 (1, 3, 4), 1495 (1 ii., 3), 1496 iii., 1661 (4), 1844, 1870, 1885, 2053 (5), 2301, 2315, 2562, 2680, 2886, 3483 :-pp. 1536, 1545:-g. 54 (67), 289 (22), 357 (40), 519 (2), 682 (10), 731 (55), 804 (43), 1083 (31), 1221 (22), 1662 (45). 1732 (43, 47), 1836 (30), 2055 (129, 131), 2484 (9), 2964 (73), 3499 (12, 35). delivers a message to the Chancellor, g. 357 (40). Fiume (Fume), on the Adriatic, 2889. Fixby, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 5). Fixer, Alice, widow of Hugh, 438 (2 m. 30). Fladbury (Fladebury), Worc., g. 2137 (2). Flags, banners, and standards, 19, 20, 342 ii., 707, 1161, 1185, Flags, banners, and standards-cont. 1283, 1317, 2392 (p. 1063), 2799, 2967. Flakebrigg, Westmld., g. 833 (41). Flakman. See Flatman. Flamborough (Framburgham,Flame- burgh, Fleynburgh), Yorks, 438 (1 mm. 5, 7, 13), 438 (3 mm. 3, 6), 438 (4 mm. 16, 25—6) :—g. 1732 (49), 2861 (7). Flamborough Head, Yorks, 1645. Flammake, John, 791. Flamstead (Flamsted, Flampstede), Herts, 438 (1 m. 11):—g. 94 (104-5), 857 (2), 2617 (11). chantry, g. 381 (3). rector presented, g. 1662 (52). Flamston (Flamberston), Wilts, 438 (4 m. 18). FLANDERS and the Low COUNTRIES, 7, 162 (p. 88), 193, 212n., 268, 325, 329 (p. 152), 411, 434, 463 ii., 478, 493, 780, 793 (p. 427), 1005, 1064, 1074, 1101, 1138, 1146, 1216, 1228, 1234, 1241, 1262, 1265 (p. 580), 1268, 1330, 1370, 1377, 1416, 1424, 1447, 1463 vi., 1504, 1516, 1575, 1645, 1647 (p. 743), 1691, 1714, 1744, 1750 (10), 1863, 1886, 1897, 1913, 1918, 1929-30, 1971, 1976, 1995-6, 2011, 2014, 2038 ii., 2047, 2063, 1992, 2016, 2071, 2082, 2101 ("Base country "), 2120, 2147, 2152, 2164, 2169, 2195, 2220, 2254, 2332, 2421, 2472, 2488, 2510, 2532, 2534, 2654, 2661, 2670, 2681, 2703, 2737-8, 2748, 2768, 2785, 2797, 2809, 2812, 2831 (12), 2849, 2875, 2894, 2908, 2943, 2945, 2947, 2950, 2955, 3018 (p. 1302), 3041, 3047, 3133, 3154, 3174, 3210, 3228, 3240, 3246, 3296, 3299, 3331, 3339, 3418, 3457, 3524, 3543, 3545: pp. 1500-1, 1505, 1509, 1514, 1517, 1549 : -g. 749 (23), 804 (5), 1462 (13), 1462(13), 1494 (21), 1732 (19, 39), 2484 (14), 2684 (52 ii., 90), 2772 (21). Admiral of. See Bourgogne, P. de. Ambassadors in Danish (three), 2976, 2985, 2994. English, 1514, 1516, 1588, 1639. See Spinelly, T. (Poynings, Sir Richard Wingfield, &c., in 1513), 1576, GENERAL INDEX. 165 Flanders and the Low Countries cont. Flanders and the Low Countries, Ambassadors in: English-cont. 1594, 1609, 1612, 1670, 1676, 1679-80, 1697, 1713, 1743, 1749, 1750 (11), 1792-3, 1830-1, 1895, 1897. letters to, 1660, 1722-4. (Sir Ric. Wing- field, Wm. Knight and Sir Th. Spinelly, 1514), 2655–6, 2926. instructions, 2656. French, 858, 1213–14. See Medula, Dr. ; Genly, Sieur de. Gueldrois, 2014, 2063, 2068, 2074, 2083, 2123. Navarrese, 1351, 1404. Spanish. See Lanuza. a confidential valet de chambre, 819. Council of (the Emperor's or Prince's, "Senate of Burgundy"), 6 (p. 5), 504, 621, 828, 1101, 1289, 1333, 1339, 1370, 1430, 1468, 1630-1, 1660, 1768, 1822, 1831 (3), 1895, 1897, 2010, 2113, 2474, 2646, 2748, 2797, 3235, 3283, 3339, 3519. president. Plaine, G. de. See county and sovereignty of, 659, 1895, 2209, 2646, 3417 (p. 1437). Philip count of (A.D. 1427), 2613. Fellowship of English mer- chants or Merchant Ad- venturers, 859, 907, 1032, 1660, 1721. confirmation charters, g. 1462 (13). of governor, 438 (3 m. 24), 1032. See Clifford, J. .,decree touching,907. > letter to, 1032 (4). complaints and pro- ceedings, 1721. English money in, 2609, 2633, 2781, 2797. estates of, 1101. governess of. garet. See Mar- governor of Flanders. See Fiennes, Sieur de. great esquire. See Main- goval. master of artillery, 1713. master of the Mint. See Gramay, M. de. Mint masters of, p. 1517. receiver-general. cault, J. See Mi- sovereign of. See Castres, J. de. treasurer-general, 919, 1481, 1566. Roland. See Lefevre, Treaty of intercourse (28 July 1502 ?), 576, 1750 (13). Flat (Flate), Cumb., 438 (3 m. 30). Flatman (Flakman), Wm., a mur- derer, 313. Flaunche, John, rector of North Lew, g. 731 (21). Flaxflete. See Faxfleet. Flaxton, Rob., p. 1549. Flaxyards (Flaxyordys), Chesh. [in Tarporley], 438 (2 m. 8). Flayrenter. See Wayrenter. Fleccher. See Fletcher. Flecheham. See Fletcham. Flechin, Jean de, 1565. Fledborough (Fletburgh), Notts, 438 (1 m. 15). Fleeching. See Fletching. Fleet Marston (Fletemarston), Bucks, 438 (3 m. 32). Flegge, Rob., g. 1170 (3). Fleming, Hugh, 438 (4 m. 26). Joan, 438 (4 m. 26). > John lord, of Scotland, 1302, 2461. letter from, 3540. (Flemmyng), John, ship cap- tain, 1413, 1453 ii., v., ix., 1493, 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1698, 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 5), 2305 iii. bis, 2686, 2842, 2938 :-pp. 1504, 1518-9 :—g. 132 (36). (Flemmyng), Martin, 438 (3 m. 30). (Flemmyng), Philip, 438 (3 m. 33). (Flemmyng), Stephen, 20 (p. 18), 438 (3 m. 30). Wm., g. 1316 (45). Flemish coins described, 1610, 2781. valuation, 1918 (3). Flemish merchants, 484. Fletburgh. See Fledborough. Fletchampstead (Flechehamsted), Warw., 438 (3 m. 4) :—g. 449 (15). Fletcher, John, pardon of, g. 546 (23). (Fleccher), Ric., 438 (2 m. 10). Fletching (Fleeching, Flechyng), Suss., g. 289 (13), 546 (41), 709 (26), 2863 (10). 166 GENERAL INDEX. Flete. See Fleet. Fleuranges, Sieur de. See La Marck, R. de. Fleynburgh. See Flamborough. Fligh, John, g. 257 (81). Flintshire, 1802-g. 94 (14), 414 (52), 709 (14), 857 (11), 1316 (9), 1948 (31), 2055 (42). Flisco. See Fieschi. Flisk (Flyisk), rector of. See Spens, D. Flitcham (Flyccham), Norf., 438 (4 mm. 12, 24). Flixborough, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 17). Flixton in Southelmham, Suff., 438 (1 m. 21). nunnery, 438 (2 m. 28). Margaret prioress of, 438 (2 m. 28). Flodden, Battle of (Bramston Heth, Branxton, Brainston Moor, Scottish Field, Brankston, Field, &c.) (9 Sept. 1513), 2246-7, 2268-9, 2270-1, 2278-9, 2282- 4, 2286, 2287 ii., 2290, 2299, 2300, 2326, 2332, 2335, 2355, 2386, 2452, 2460-1, 2463-4, 2478, 2576, 2578 (3), 2651, 2707, 2714, 2854, 2870, 2913, 2929 (2), 2931 :-p. 1505 :—g. 2684 (1, 2). Floid. 2313. • list of slain, 2246 (4), list of knights made after the field, 2246 (4 ii.) :— App. 26. armour captured, 2325. horses captured at, 2460. Scotch ordnance won at, 2651 (2, 3), 2652, 2714, 2740. poetical accounts, 2247. costs of the campaign, 2324, 2651–2. See Lloid. Flood (or Ll'd), Maurice, 438 (3 m. 5). Floore (Flore), Ntht., 2623. Flordam, on the Luxemburg border, 1813. Flore. See Floore. Florence and the Florentines, 113, 154, 504, 739, 812, 816, 850, 869, 917, 933, 1005, 1127 (p. 539), 1183, 1204, 1216, 1220, 1223, 1264, 1277 (pp. 586, 588), 1301 (pp. 595-6), 1354, 1489, 1519, 1665 (p. 764), 1677, 1884, 1902, 1911, 1953, 2032, 2038, 2069, 2242 (2), 2761, 2906, 3051, 3556:-p. 1517-g. 1804 (35). letters dated at, 2104 ii., 3203-4. Florence and the Florentines-cont. letters from the Signory, ? 2081, 2104, 2126, 2254 ii., 2307, 2444. letters to the Signory, 1695, 1840, 2092, 2164, 2307, 2561. Florentine (Tuscan) merchants, &c., 20 (p. 20), 438 (3 m. 16), 937, 1005, 1197, 1209, 1382, 1423, 2253, 2280, 2308, 2335, 2832 iii., v., 2965, 3091, 3128 :—pp. 1498, 1508-10, 1514, 1519, 1524, 1527 :—g. 218 (18), 357 (8), 604 (7), 651 (18), 804 (19), 833 (33), 969 (22), 1003 (24), 1221 (25), 1266 (24-5), 1316 (32), 1415 (10), 1462 (16-7), 1494 (13), 1524 (33, 53), 1948 (46), 2137 (28), 2861 (21), 3107 (11), 3226 (18). Flores (Floryce), Diego, treasurer to Margaret of Savoy and Prince Charles, 1265, 1399, 2564, 2963, 3027, 3052, 3079. Florys. See Ysselstein, lord of. Flotmanby (Flotmandby), Yorks, g. 357 (18). Flouschyng. See Flushing. Flowre, Barnard, King's glazier, g. 2964 (11). Floyd or Floyde. See Lloid. Flushing (Frislinge, Flouschyng), in Zealand, 1513, 1891 (2), 2305 ii., 2451, 2478 (2), 3085, 3133. bailiff of, 1891 (2). Flye, John, g. 381 (14). Flygh, John, 877. Flythyll, Essex, 438 (3 m. 14). Fobbing, Essex, 438 (2 m. 33). Focars. See Fuggers. Fockerby or Frockerby (Folkerby), Yorks [in Adlingfleet], 438 (4 m. 7). Foderynghey or Fodrynghey. See Fotheringhay. Fogge, Sir John, 2912 :-p. 1539: g. 1494 (9), 2222 (16 Kent), 2484 (9). (Foggis), John, g. 2055 (120). (Fogg), Th., serjeant porter, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40):-p. 1539 :—g. 731 (11), 1804 (27), 2055 (95 iii.). Foghille. See Youghal. Foix (Foys), county of, 2928. Foix, count of, intended marriage with a daughter of John d'Albret of Navarre, 325. Foix (Foys), Gaston de, duke of Nemours, q.v. Gaston de, comte de Can- dalle, q.v. John de, brother of the pre- ceding, abp. of Bordeaux, q.v. Fokes, John, 2438. GENERAL INDEX. 167 Folgeham or Folgeambe (Folgen). See Foljambe. Folgoët (Follagonum), in Lower Britanny, shrine of Our Lady, 1127. Foliot (Foliet), Nic., p. 1546. Foljambe (Folgeam, Foleiambe, Fol- gen, Foljamby, Folgeham, Folyambe, Foliam, Fulgeam, Fulchambe or Fuljambe), Benedicta, 438 (1 m. 4). Godfrey or Sir Godfrey, 438 (1 m. 19), 1803 (2 m. 6), 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5), 2480 (43):—p. 1535 :—g. 784 (55), 2055 (70). signature of, g. 2055 (70). Henry, 438 (1 mm. 4, 19). Roger, g. 1083 (36). Th., 438 (1 m. 4). Folkard, Th., 438 (4 m. 3). Folkerby. See Fockerby. Folkestone (Folkeston, Fulston, Ful- ton, Fowleston), Kent, 438 (1 m. 8), 1803 (1 mm. 2, 3) :— g. 2862 (7). grant dated at, g. 885 (10). priory, prior. See Sudbury, T. Folkingham (Fokyngham), Linc., g. 158 (14), 604 (30), 709 (1), 833 (15), 2684 (2). rector presented, g. 1462 (23). Follagonum. See Folgoët. Followe. See Foolowe. Follyfoot (Folyfayt), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 24). Folsham. See Foulsham. Foltham, John, 2383. Folyat, Rob., g. 969 (49). Foly John park, Berks, g. 632 (1). Folyjohn, Wm., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Folyoll, Rob., 20 (p. 16). Fonseca, Juan Rodriguez de, bp. of Palencia, q.v. Fonsomme (Fonsson), in France, 1925. Fontaine, —, maid of honor of Mar- garet of Savoy, 3041. Fontainebleau, in France, 2092. Fontarabia (Fuentarabia, Fontraby, Fowntraby, Founteraby, Fount Rabye), 1081, 1119, 1147, 1180, 1201, 1216, 1237, 1239, 1286, 1291, 1326 (p. 617), 1327, 1375, 1422 (p. 651), 1487, 1495 (1 iii., v., 3), 1496 iv., 1509, 1511 (p. 699), 1656, 1665 (pp. 763, 765), 1695 : p. 1519. letters dated at, 1326-7. border fighting at, 329 (p. ·152). Fontarabia-cont. Our adjacent town called Lady of Vryne," 1286. Fonterailles, Captain, 2164. Fonthill (Fontell) Episcopi and Fonthill Gifford, Wilts, 853. Fookesholys. See Foucquesolles. Foolowe (Folowe), Derb., 438 (4 m. 21). Foolowe (Followe, Folowe), Rob., 438 (4 m. 21). Foorthe or Foorthes. See Ford. Foote (Fote), Wm., 438 (4 m. 23). Footehede, John, clk., g. 3226 (7). Forbes, Lord, slain at Flodden, 2246 (2, 4), 2313. John lord (1513), 2461. Forbin, Louis de, Sieur de Soliers, q.v. Ford, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 32). Ford (Forde), Devon, g. 1083 (2). abbey, abbot of, p. 1529 :- g. 1083 (2). Ford confirmation for, g. 1083 (33). Ford, Dham., 438 (2 m. 17). Ford (Forde), Heref., 438 (4 m. 12). (Fourd, Foorthes, Furde), Nthld., 1342, 1504, 2246 (4), 2381, 2740. See also Heron, W. letter dated at, 1504. Ford (Forde), Salop, g. 94 (35). Ford or Forde, Erasmus, merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). Hugh, 438 (4 m. 14). John, 438 (3 m. 1), 438 (4 m. 7). Lawrence, 438 (4 m. 14). Misericordia widow of Ric- hard, 438 (4 m. 24). Ric., 438 (3 m. 9). (Foorthe), Rob., 438 (1 m. 19), 1262. Th., 438 (4 m. 14). (Foorthe), William, 438 (1 m. 19), 3137 (6). Fordell. See Fardell. Fordham (Frodham), Camb., 438 (3 m. 4). priory, 438 (3 m. 15). Fordham Hythe (Fordan, Fadham- hithe, Formanhith), Norf., 438 (2 mm. 19, 26), 438 (3 m. 8). Fordham Magna, Essex, rector of All Saints, p. 1530. Fordingbridge (Fordyngbrigge), Hants, 438 (1 m. 12), 438 (3 m. 3), 438 (4 m. 8). Fordwich, Kent, g. 2862 (7). Foreland or Land's End, the, in Thames mouth, 1698. Foreman, Hugh, priest, 2305 (p. 1035). 168 GENERAL INDEX. Forescwe. See Fortescue. Forest, Edmund alias Shyar, prior of Lanthony by Gloucester, 438 (4 m. 17), 2402 :—g. 381 (7), 1221 (3). Edward, groom of the Cham- ber, 707 (p. 383), 988, 3554. (Forrest), Wm., abbot of Hulme St. Benet's, 205, 438 (4 m. 8):-g. 289 (27). Wm., surgeon, 2480 (30). Forest Raw, p. 1512. Forests north of Trent, warden, &c., g. 94 (64). See Darcy, Lord. Forests south of Trent, warden and justice, 362-g. 94 (12), 381 (19). See Brandon, Sir T.; Lovell, Sir T. Forget, Alan, g. 1083 (19). Geoffrey, g. 1083 (19). John, g. 1083 (19). Forgon, John, 3529. Th., ship master, 1661 (4), 2304 (5). Forli, bp. of. See Griffo, P. Forman, of Lincolnshire, g. 357 • (6). -, keeper of Dunbar Castle, brother of Andrew, 3481. Adam, brother of Andrew, 2313. Andrew, bp. of Moray, com- mendatory prior of Pitten- weem and rector of Cotting- ham, letters from, 756, 1618- 9. 1058. letters to, 708, 758, ambassador to Eng- land, 114, 129, 153. • 3 ambassador to Julius II. and Louis XII., 593, 598– 600, 645, 649, 669, 675 ii., 680-1, 684-91, 694, 697, 702, 748, 753, 755–6, 759-61, 773A., 777 (p. 415), 794, 812, 815, 823, 834, 836, 841, 869-70, 1014, 1020, 1041, 1062, 1065, 1076, 1100, 1137, 1155, 1539–41. ambassador to France, &c., 1706-8, 1718-20, 2107, 2396. 1706. 7. commission to, abp. of Bourges, 2276– to be made cardinal, 760, 834, 1735, 3051, 3407. other references, 1287, 1297, 1299, 1302, 1314–15, 1329, 1340, 1499, 1566 (p. 719), 1735 (pp. 791, 793), 1769 (pp. 806–7), 1776, 1787, 1922, 2150, 2246 (4), 2276–7, 2283, 2313, 2322, 2387, 2736, 2802, Forman, Andrew, other references -cont. 3051, 3358, 3407, 3481, 3485, 3532, 3563 :-pp. 1526-8, 1532. Edward, p. 1540:-g. 969 (54), 3408 (6). John, brother of Andrew, precentor of Glasgow, 593, 1535, 2246 (4), 2387-p. 1526. John, of James IV.'s house- hold, 1262. John, monk, 2569. Robert, dean of Glasgow and chancellor of Murray, 255, 1294, 2313, 2461. Wm., 438 (4 m. 20). Formanhith. See Fordham Hythe. Formentera Island, beside Iviça, 610. Fornes. See Furnis. Fornevall. See Furnival. Fornham, Surr. See Farnham. Fornham All Saints, Suff., 438 (3 m. 31). Forrest. See Forest. Forret, Th., 1544. Forscote (Foxcot), Soms., g. 885 (13), 3107 (35). Forscu. See Fortescue. Forst. See Frost. Forstall, Mr., 1435. Forster. See Foster. Fortes, Katerina, 20 (pp. 11, 15), 82 (pp. 38, 41). Fortescue (Foscu, Forscu), Sir Adrian, 20 (p. 12), 438 (3 m. 7), 559, 1176 (1, 2), 1493 iv., 2053 (1, 2, 3, 6 ii.), 2097 :—p. 1542:—g. 1804 (29), 1948 (29). Anne, wife of Sir Adrian, 438 (3 m. 7). Sir John, lieutenant of Ruys- bank, 193 (p. 102), 438 (3 m. 1):—g. 54 (17). John, 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (3 m. 1), 1176 (1, 2), 1493 ii., 1803 (1 m. 2), 2053, 2480 (47), 2537:-g. 414 (15), 833 (58 iv.), 1804 (29), 1948 (30), 2055 (110), 2684 (41). John, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14):-g. 2055 (90). signature of, g. 2055 (90). (Forscue, Forescwe, Fosckew), John, ship captain, 2686, 2842 ii., 2938 -p. 1518. Philippa, 438 (3 m. 1). Wm., g. 833 (58 iv.), 1494 (9), 2222 (16 Devon). : Forth, the Firth of (the Frith), 1380, 1645 (p. 742), 2793, 2973. Forth, Rob., 1493 ii. GENERAL INDEX, 169 Forthe, Ric., 1493 iv. Foster, Walter-cont. Forthward, John, 438 (2 m. 16 bis). Fortibus, Isabel de, countess of Albemarle, charter of, g. 546 (53). Forwell. See Shorwell. Fos. See Fosse. Foscari, Francesco, Venetian am- bassador to the Pope, 923, 1001, 1101, 1558, 2258. • letters from, 1104, 1119, 1191, 1246, 1354, 1361, 1449, 1628, 1682, 1701, 1747, 1760, 1846, 1854, 1878, 1937, 2007, 2041, 2087, 2126, 2144, 2237, 2250, 2259, 2273, 2307, 2332, 2335. letters to, 1029, 1179, 1194, 1232, 1386, 1432, 1483, 1791, 2264. Lunardo, Venetian mer- chant, 434, 601. Foscu. See Fortescue. Fosdyk. See Fossdyke. Fosekew. See Fortescue. Fossdyke (Fosdyk), Linc., g. 485 (10). Fosse Water or Fosse Dyke, near York, g. 94 (25, 76), 2484 (11). Fosse (Foyse, Foyst), Andrew de, King's footman, 623, 775, 915, 2817, 3448 (2). (Foys, Foysse), Ric., 1803 (1 m. 2). (Fos), Th., 438 (3 m. 2). Foster (Forster), groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13). (Forster), Mrs., 1446. Agnes, 438 (3 m. 19). (Forster), Sir George, 20 (p. 14), 1176 (1 iii., 2, 3), 1661 (p. 752): pp. 1518, 1533:-g, 969 (23), 1494 (9), 2222 (16 Berks). Hugh, yeoman of the Buck- hounds, 798, 877n., 987, 1251. John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39). John, of the Larder, g. 731 (23). (Forster), John, dean of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 397:-g. 414 (50). (Forster), Oswald, rector of Fréthun, g. 3408 (10). (Forster), Ric., p. 1543. (Forster), Rob., 1015. (Forster), Roland, tailor, 438 (1 m. 23). (Forster), Th., 438 (1 m. 2), 1021 :-p. 1502. Th., the King's broderer, 1259, 3343. (Forster), Th., prior of Worm- bridge, 438 (4 m. 14). (Forster), Walter, clerk- comptroller of the Works, 20 (p. 17), 707 (p. 383), 2023, 2540:-g. 94 (97). (Forster), Wm., 20 (p. 16), 438 (2 mm. 14, 27), 2607 :—g. 1602 (20). Foston, Derb., 438 (1 m. 15). Fote. See Foote. Fotheringhay (Fodrynghey, Foder- ynghey), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 10): —g. 94 (35 p. 50). Fou. college, 438 (3 m. 25). confirmation for, g. 381 (82). master. See Barnard, R. See Du Fou. Foucquesolles (Fookesholys) wood, by Tournehem, 2089. Fougères abbey, in France, g. 2684 (58). Fouhell or Fowell. See Vowell. Fouhelliscomb. See Fowelscombe. Fouldon (Feulden), Norf., 438 (2 m. 9). Fouler. See Fowler. Fouller. See Fuller. Foulsham (Folsham), Norf., 438 (4 m. 10). Foulsyke, in Scotland, p. 1260. Founders (see also Gunfounders), 307, 1803 (2 m. 5). Fountains Abbey (Fountance), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 6). Marmaduke abbot of, 2910: -p. 1547. confirmation for, g. 632 (13). Fountyngton. See Funtington. Fourd. See Ford. Foures, John, trumpet, p. 1519. Fourneis. See Furnes. Fournes. See Furness. Fournes (Fourn), in Flanders, 2392. Fournesfell. See Furness. Fourneys. See Furness. Fouster. See Fewster. Fowekener. See Falconer. Fowelscombe (Fouhelliscomb, Vow- elles Comme), Devon [in Ugborough], 438 (2 m. 7):— g. 3408 (3). See Fowyn. Fowen. Fowey (Fowy, Fowe), Cornw., 438 (2 mm. 7, 11), 438 (4 m. 2), 874 (2), 1420, 1801, 1864 (p. 850), 1982 (4), 2669 :—p. 1517. letter dated at, 2669. customs and port of, g. 94 (3), 289 (19), 833 (56), 1044 (17), 1170 (9), 1266 (27). Fowey, Th., 1493 iv. Fowler, Mrs., 20 (pp. 11, 13). (Fouler), Edith, g. 3226 (7). Joan, widow of Richard, 438 (4 m. 22). 170 GENERAL INDEX. Fowler-cont. • > Joan, wife of Richard, g. 924 (25). John, 438 (3 m. 18):-g. 2964 (74). John, priest, of the Chapel Royal, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707. Juliana, wife of Sir Richard, g. 2684 (6). : (Fuller, Fouler), Sir Ric., 20 (pp. 12, 20), 164, 1176 (1, 2, 3), 1661 (p. 752) :—p. 1542 g. 54 (82), 449 (15), 924 (25), 2222 (16 Oxon), 2684 (6). Richard, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster (1462– 1477), 438 (4 m. 22). , Rob., 20 (p. 18), 149: -g. 1948 (6). (Fouler), Robert, of Calais, g. 3408 (37). (Fouler, Foular), Robert, teller of the Exchequer, 703, 1409, 2491, 2673, 2888, 2983, 3087. letter from, 2983. (Fouler), Th., p. 1519:- :-g. 3226 (7). Thomas, prior of Monmouth, bp. of Lachorensis, 438 (1 m. 24). Fowlers, 438 (2 m. 29). Fowleston. See Folkestone. Fowntraby. See Fontarabia. Fowrneis. See Furnes. Fowyn (or Fowen), Walter, 438 (2 mm. 28–9). Fox (Foxe), John, merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). Richard, bp. of Winchester, Lord Privy Seal, letters from, 1268 (?), 1858, 1881, 1885, 1898-9, 1912, 1960, 1976, 2611, 2811, 3141. letters to, 157, 880, 1356, 1845, 1992, 2513, 2559, 2640, 2659, 2782, 2821, 2914, 2918, 2928, 2959, 2974, 3006, 3057, 3087, 3197, 3220, 3249, 3305, 3312, 3362, 3402, 3407 : -pp. 1529-31. handwriting of, 1314, 1315 (p. 605), 2101, 2656, 3129 (3). signature of, 19, 58–9, 118,168,214,313,602,845,1247, 2049, 2441:—g. 11 (12), 54 (33, 50), 94 (43), 158 (90), 190 (19, 25, 34, 41), 218 (4, 33, 56), 257 (4, 5, 12, 26, 37, 85), 414 (48, 52), 448 (1, 4, 8), 519 (5), 604 (18, 25–6), 651 (7), 731 (7, 19, 20, 52), 749 (3, 16, 24), 784 Fox, Richard, signature of-cont. • (15, 56), 804 (49), 1003 (15, 17), 1123 (45), 1316 (11), 1365 (10), 1732 (28), 1836 (22), 1948 (17), 2055 (1, 2, 20), 2684 (64). other references, 1, 20 (pp. 12, 21), 58–9, 82, 98, 118, 153–4, 157, 168, 205, 214, 341– 2, 383, 391, 406, 430, 434, 455, 463 ii., 476, 568, 637, 670, 674, 734, 880, 917, 926, 933, 936, 949, 963-4, 972-3, 980, 1046, 1094, 1239, 1276, 1286, 1327, 1414, 1446, 1493, 1642, 1664, 1761, 1780, 1803 (1 m. 2), 1864, 1882-3, 1941, 1965, 1971, 1978, 2029, 2053 (2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2098, 2163, 2208–9, 2261, 2269, 2283, 2287 ii., 2304 (2), 2312, 2351, 2367, 2377, 2382 (?), 2391 (p. 1059), 2405, 2445, 2468, 2530, 2572, 2644, 2658, 2718, 2738, 2740, 2773–4, 2783, 2844, 2913 (pp. 1260–1), 2928-9, 2986, 3007, 3014, 3018-9, 3101, 3111, 3146, 3210, 3256, 3268-9, 3276–7, 3279, 3457, 3464, 3483, 3502, 3511 :—pp. 1528-9, 1531, 1537, 1543, 1544-6 :-App. 5-g. 94 (35 p. 50), 132 (91), 158 (24), 218 (55), 546 (7, 75), 682 (11), 784 (16, 36), 804 (8), 833 (5), 969 (38), 1083 (41), 1123 (15-6), 1316 (4), 1365 (19), 1415 (14), 1462 (3), 1494 (16), 2055 (72, 89), 2535 (20), 3049 (11, 20), 3226 (6, 8, 24). Riç., brewer, 438 (2 m. 33). Ric. s. and h. of Rob., 1355. Th., captain of German mercenaries. See Fuchs. > See Th., mariner, 438 (2 m. 30). Vincent, painter. Volpe. Foxcot, Soms. See Forscote. Foxearth (Foxherth), Essex, 438 (3 m. 16 bis). Foxley, Norf., g. 3049 (20). Foxley, John, p. 1548. Peter, 82 (p. 42). Foxlowe, Ric., chaplain, 1803 (2 m. 3). (6 Foxton, Camb. (F., Cumb."), 438 (3 m. 28). Foxwyst, John, clerk of Exchequer of Carnarvon, 438 (4 m. 4). Foys. See Foix. Foys, Foysse or Foyst. See Fosse. Foyt, Sigismund, 1184, 1420, 1839: -p. 1502. Frademur. See Fedamore. Fragoses. See Fregosi. Framburgham. See Flamborough. GENERAL INDEX. 171 Framgelly. See Framozelles. Framilode (Framlode), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 24). Framingham Pigot, Norf., 438 (1 m. 1). Framland hundred, Leic., g. 94 (35). Framlingham, Suff., park keeper's accounts, 2836. Framlingham (Fremlingham, Fram- yngham, Fremyngham), Sir James, knighted at Tournay, 2301, 2480 (58), 2575 ii. :- pp. 1541, 1544. (Fremyngham), Rob., 1446 : −g. 257 (52). Framozelles (Framyselles, Framez- elle, Framgelly), Mons. France-cont. GOVERNMENT (King of France), 5, 6, 7, 12, 17, 22, 33, 38, 53, 83, 147, 159, 162 (pp. 84, 87), 167, 169, 189, 230, 240, 242, 250, 253, 254 iv., 261, 264 (1, 2), 266, 268, 278, 304, 319, 325 (2), 329 passim, 330, 345-6, 354- 5, 367, 383-5, 389, 398, 401-2, 408, 413, 417, 430, 432–3, 466, 479, 483, 493, 508, 515, 517, 525, 529, 531, 541, 553–4, 558, 562, 564, 567-8, 570, 579, 590, Robert or Robinet de, 1601, 1647 (p. 743), 2173 (3), 2237, 2392 iii. 610, 613, 617, 624, 636, 669, 681, 684-91, 694, 702, 705, 720, 724, 734, 739, 748, 754, 756, 759, Frampton, Dors., 438 (3 m. 30). Frampton, Linc., g. 132 (88). Frampton Cotterell (Framton Cotell), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 11). Frampton, James, 438 (2 mm. 7, 17): p. 1536 :—g. 2684 (32). Richard, abbot of Malmes- bury, p. 1546 :-g. 546 (64), 833 (52). his oath, g. 969 (5). Framyngham, James, 1176. FRANCE: country, 5, 42, 162 (p. 85), 325, 408, 413 iii., 417, 434, 479, 481, 553, 625, 669, 782, 831, 880, 891, 941, 1043, 1067, 1075, 1081, 1127–8, 1157, 1163, 1228, 1241, 1264, 1268, 1271, 1273, 1277 (pp. 587-8), 1278-9, 1281, 1298, 1320, 1330, 1344, 1363, 1404, 1461, 1601, 1645, 1647, 1660, 1665 (pp. 763, 766), 1689, 1735, 1737, 1751, 1754, 1771, 1835, 1837, 1873, 1914, 1929, 1931, 1993, 2014, 2021, 2038 ii., 2047, 2087, 2096, 2101, 2114, 2154, 2177, 2203, 2234, 2247 (4), 2299, 2322, 2445, 2494–5, 2508, 2534, 2557,2575ii.,2576–7,2592, 2597, 2601, 2607, 2625, 2632, 2647, 2654, 2661, 2665, 2681, 2694, 2844, 2852, 2854, 2891, 2894, 2902, 2921, 2981, 2998, 3000, 3004, 3018, 3028, 3041, 3063, 3092, 3096, 3334, 3349, 3392, 3457: pp. 1504-5:—g.1732 (39), 1948 (1, 37), 2684 (90), 2772 (1), 3107 (27). 773, 777, 779-80, 783, 793 (p. 427), 812, 815, 819, 825, 829, 840-1, 850, 869-71, 896 ii., 914, 937, 943, 945, 960, 965 i., ii., 977, 982, 991, 998, 1001-2, 1006-7, 1014, 1016-17, 1020, 1039, 1055, 1058, 1071, 1076, 1081-2, 1101, 1106, 1113, 1119, 1127, 1138, 1141, 1146–7, 1155, 1194, 1204, 1206, 1209, 1212, 1214-15, 1223, 1229, 1237, 1239-40, 1301 passim, 1302, 1304-5, 1307, 1309-12, 1315 1322, 1326-7, 1333, 1338, 1340, 1358, 1360, 1364, 1368, 1370, 1373, 1377-8, 1380, 1383-4, 1386, 1391, 1421-2, 1425, 1428, 1434, 1436–7, 1443, 1458, 1461, 1469, 1475, 1491, 1499, 1504, 1509, 1511-13, 1519 (p. 703), 1522–3, 1533, 1539-40, 1557, 1559, 1564-6, 1568-9, 1575, 1578, 1583, 1586, 1591, 1594, 1611, 1615, 1628, 1631, 1640, 1656-60, 1665 (pp. 762, 764–6), 1668, 1676, 1677 (p. 770), 1679-80, 1682, 1689, 1697, 1701–2, 1713, 1718, 1722-3, 1729, 1735-41, 1745, 1750, 1760, 1762, 1769, 1775, 1781, 1790–2, 1792, 1794, 1813, 1822, 1824, 1826, 1830, 1846, 1854, 1856, 1866-8, 1884- 5, 1892 (p. 862), 1895, 1897, 1899, 1902, 1916-7, 1936, 1937, 1952–3, 1960– 1,1971,1977,1980,1984–5, 172 GENERAL INDEX. France, Government-cont. 1999 (3, 4), 2002, 2006– 7, 2016, 2022, 2029, 2038, 2041, 2056, 2061, 2063, 2068-9, 2077, 2079, 2082, 2086, 2101, 2112, 2122, 2124, 2132, 2144, 2147, 2157, 2161, 2177–8, 2203, 2230, 2242, 2250, 2254, 2264, 2268, 2276, 2291–2, 2296, 2328-9, 2353-5, 2368, 2377, 2393, 2398, 2410-11, 2423, 2428, 2436, 2445, 2448, 2452, 2456, 2461-2, 2466, 2474- 5, 2486, 2493, 2495-6, 2523, 2528, 2532, 2534, 2554, 2568, 2572-4, 2577– 8, 2583-4, 2588, 2601–2, 2611, 2633, 2643, 2645, 2665, 2670, 2673, 2678, 2681, 2694, 2697, 2703, 2705, 2707, 2710-11, 2725, 2736, 2740, 2743–4, 2746-7, 2750, 2752, 2762, 2768-70, 2773, 2782, 2790, 2794, 2797, 2800, 2815, 2845, 2849, 2859- 60, 2868, 2879, 2884,· 2887-8, 2925, 2927-8, 2932, 2945, 2950, 2956, 2981-2, 2997-8, 3003, 3008, 3014 ii., 3018, 3043, 3051, 3059, 3081, 3084, 3088, 3093, 3106, 3117, 3132, 3145, 3150, 3153, 3165, 3174, 3185, 3210, 3220, 3235, 3245, 3253, 3258, 3282, 3296, 3299, 3329, 3337, 3365, 3371, 3400, 3405–7, 3445, 3452, 3456, 3479, 3481, 3519, 3527, 3533, 3545–8, 3556, 3558, 3572, 3574, 3581, 3591, 3596-p. 1530 :- App. 6-g. 1316 (41), 1365 (16), 1602 (38), 1836 (3), 2055 (132), 2684 (107– 8). Admiral of, 2654. ambassadors in :- English, 840, 983. See Young, Dr. J.; also Somerset (earl of Worcester), Docwra and West (Aug.1514), 3193, 3240, etc.; Brandon, duke of Suf- folk (Oct. 1514), 3346, 3368, 3426, 3430, 3437, 3440-1, 3474, 3476-7,3519(p.1516). Flemish. See Gat- tinara, M. de; Cau- lier, J.; Bonet. France, ambassadors in-cont. Florentine, 2928. Acciaioli, R. Imperial, See 276, 554, 1102. See Borgo, A. da; Roquendorf. Lucchese, 1937. Mantuan, 1277 (p. 587). Papal legate. See Am- boise, G. d'. Papal legate to be sent, 2048. Papal nuncio, 2928. See Tivoli, bp. of; Sassari, abp. of. Scottish, 1539, 2561, 2647, 2694 (p. 1183), 2714, 2743 (p. 1196), 3349. Spanish, 3477. See Albion, M. J. de; Cabanillas, H. de (May-June 1513), 2038 ii. See Quin- tana; Orti; Mesa, B. de (1514). a comendador of Santiago (sent in 1509), 6. two friars, 1628. Venetian, 3243, 3341, 3367, 3394, 3396, 3404, 3503, 3559, 3579. See Piero, A. de; Dandolo, M.; Mocenigo, A.; Pas- qualigo, P. Amiral de Levant. Bidoux. See armies of the north, 2061, 2064, 2071, 2087, 2089, 2092, 2095, 2102, 2104, 2107, 2110, 2116, 2125– 8, 2139, 2154, 2159-60, 2164, 2166, 2168–70, 2173 (pp. 980-1), 2174, 2182, 2184, 2190, 2198, 2201, 2204, 2208, 2210, 2227, 2233, 2237, 2245, 2247, 2254 ii., 2258, 2265, 2267, 2270, 2276–9, 2281, 2287, 2290–1, 2307, 2311, 2341, 2352, 2355, 2372, 2389, 2391, 2397, 2444, 2457, 2609, 2666, 2791, 2854, 2877, 2888, 2976, 2985, 2994, 3025, 3051-2, 3079, 3113, 3154. Audiencier. Sieur de. Chancellor, 1228, 1265. See Ganay, J. de. See Villeroy, Council of, 526, 649, 983, 1064, 1689 (p. 774), 3361, GENERAL INDEX. 173 France, Council of-cont. 3411, 3424, 3449, 3461, 3472, 3540, 3545. Court, 1041, 1566, 1647, 1665 (p. 763), 1689, 2769, 3008-App. 10, 11. Dolfyn of. See Francis [of Valois]. English prisoners in, 2974, 3375. Fleets (armata), 450, 463 ii., 1169. See Ships. Franciscan Conventual and Observant Friars, 740. generals of, 2673. Great Master of, 2095 ii. See La Palice, M. de. interception of letters by, 553, 558, 562, 564, 568, 570, 572, 601, 965, 1127. King of. See Louis XII. obtains secret information out of England, 329 (p. 150). Peers of, 3417 (p. 1437). pragmatic sanction (pre- matica) in, 2038. Queen of. See Anne. Scots in, and Scotch sol- diers, 42, 203, 211, 1301 (p. 598), 1647, 2322, 2443 (p. 1080), 2461, 2976, 3113, 3461. .., privilege for, 2322. Treaty with (of 1510), 156, 325, 406, 413, 416, 421, 432–3, 441, 446, 450, 455, 463, 476, 493, 499, 508, 515, 525, 529, 534–5, 554, 780 (p. 418), 3101 iii. : App. 7-g. 447 (1). signed (23 March 1510), 406. oath of French com- missioners, 406 (2). 499. (47-8). exemplification of, commissions, g. 519 Henry VIII.'s con- firmation, g. 519 (48). the Pope's con- firmation, g. 587 (7). 534. • · oath of Louis XII., bond of Louis XII. for payments, 535, 538. Treaty with (of 1514), negociations reported, 2586, 2746–7, 2811, 2816, 2852, 2869, 2872, 2902, 2917-8, 2921 ii., 2927-8, 2952, 2955–9, 2969, 2979, 2981, 2985, 2994, 2998, 3003-4, 3008-9, 3018, France, Treaty with (of 1514), ne- gociations reported-cont. 3028-9, 3031, 3034–5, 3037, 3039, 3041, 3051, 3053, 3059, 3061, 3072–3, 3081-2, 3084, 3086, 3093, 3096-9, 3102, 3104-6, 3113, 3115, 3117, 3124, 3132, 3138, 3151, 3154, 3160, 3165, 3173–4, 3188– 9, 3192, 3197-8, 3203, 3206-7, 3210, 3220, 3236, 3237, 3240, 3243 ii., 3245, 3248, 3250, 3254, 3257, 3259, 3264, 3268, 3271, · 3274, 3302, 3327, 3341, 3362, 3365, 3380, 3399, 3405, 3456, 3458, 3489, 3519, 3533, 3546, 3553, 3591 :—p. 1516. commissions, 3098- 3100, 3111, 3134:-g. 3226 (6, 21). (2). oaths, 3101, 3269 proclamation, 3136, 3152, 3298:-g. 3226 (17). treaties and con- 3129-31, firmations, 3142, 3176, 3221, 3269, 3345, 3371, 3423, 3542 :— g. 3226 (24). Treaty with the Emperor. See under Maximilian. Treaty with Navarre, 1375. Treaty with Scotland. See under Scotland. Treaty with Venice (23 March 1513), 1703, 1747, 1760, 1790, 1824, 1866 (p. 851), 1884, 1956, 1970, 1999 (3), 2007, 2067, 2160, 2229, 2493, 2565, 2567. Vice-admiral of. See Cler- mont, R. de. war with likely, 5, 17, 156, 230, 253, 264, 278, 413 ii., 1055, 1087, 1090, 1101–2, 1104, 1113, 1119, &c. Francigena, John, parson of Cald- beck (temp. Henry III.), char- ter of, g. 485 (25). Franciottus, Andrew, knight of Jeru- salem, 423. CC FRANCIS of Valois, duke of Angoulême (Dangulem), duke of Britanny and Valois, Monseigneur," Dauphin of France, afterwards King Francis I., 538, 1064, 1081, 1157, 1228, 1509, 1511 (p. 698), 1647 (p. 743), 1980, 2107, 2110, 2126, 2128, 2173 (3), 2182, 2198, 2237-8, 2294 174 GENERAL INDEX. Francis of Valois, duke of Angoulême, etc.-cont. (2), 2379, 2392 iii., 2445, 2596, 2647, 2681, 2693, 2725, 2920- 1, 2979, 3004, 3009, 3240, 3269 (3), 3292, 3308, 3342, 3348, 3361, 3364, 3370, 3375, 3387, 3424, 3430, 3461, 3476, 3519, 3540, 3544 :-App. 11. letter to, 2920. Francis the bookseller. cus. See Francis- Francis the King's falconer. Letyre, F. See Francis of Padua, 936, 949. Francis (Frauncys), Alice, d. and h. of Sir Thomas, 438 (4 m. 1). (Frauncis, Fraunceys, Frauncesse), George, gentle- man usher to the Queen, 20 (p. 13):-g. 94 (30), 158 (89), 357 (2), 381 (47), 682 (4), 709 (64), 784 (4), 1123 (5), 1602 (19), 3408 (36). (Frauncys), Isabella, 438 (4 m. 1). (Fraunces), John, g. 2684 (69). John, servant of James IV., 660. (Fraunces), Mary, g. 1415 (28), 2772 (21, 33). (Fraunceys), Nic., 438 (1 m. 7). (Fraunces, Fraunceis), Ric., 438 (4 m. 11). (Frauncesse), Th., 20 (p. 18). Franciscus [Berckman], seller, 1122, 3045. a book- Franconia, in Germany, 2448, 2790. • • • " League of, 2755. Francoyas (Fraunes), Jenyn, French prisoner, 2227, 2238. Franculus. See Cra, J. Frangipane (Francapan), Christopher, 2694. Frangipani, the, 1352. Count Frank, trumpet, 20 (p. 14), 82 " (p. 42). 2 Hans, 2414 (p. 1072). John, 2054 (2). Margaret, 438 (1 m. 12). (Franke), Ph., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 43). Th., 2054 (2). (Fraunke), Wm., 559. Frankecheyne, John, 438 (4 m. 1). Frankeleyn. See Franklin. Frankfort (Francfort), in Germany, 2028, 2068, 2083. letters dated at, 2039–40, 2070, 2855. Frankley, Worc., 438 (4 m. 3). Franklin, Alex., 2251. (Frankeleyn), John, 1493 iv. Franklin-cont. • Oliver, 707 (p. 383). Franklins, 438 (1 mm. 5, 11, 18, 22), 438 (2 mm. 5, 8, 9, 13, 27), 438 (3 mm. 15, 19, 22, 25), 438 (4 mm. 9, 11, 14, 18, 26), 1803 (2 m. 4 bis, 5):-g. 969 (60), 1172 (8). Fransham (Fraunsham), Norf., 438 (4 m. 19). Fransham (Fraunsham) Norf., 438 (2 m. 31). Magna, Frascina, Theodore, a stradiot, 1071 (p. 518). Fraser (Fresell), John, vicar of Walls in Shetland, 1262 (p. 578). Fraunceis, Fraunces or Fraunceys. See Francis. Fraunçois, Captain Simon, 3113. Frauncs. See Francoyas. Fraunke. See Franke. Fraunsham. See Fransham. Fraxinio, Thomas de (temp. Hen. 804 charter of, g. III.), (4). Frebody, Hugh, 438 (2 m. 34). Frebrigge. See Freebridge. Frederic III., Emperor (1440–1493), 515. Frederic, King of Naples († 1504), 3586. his second son. See Alfonso. FREDERIC DUKE OF HOLSTEIN, brother of John King of Den- mark and afterwards (1523– 33), King of Denmark, 247, 285, 303, 1324, 1478, 1584. letters to, 303, 1324, 1478. his chancellor, 303. Freebridge (Frebrigge), Wm., p. 1549. Freebridge (Frebrigge, Frebrige) hundred, Norf., 438 (1 mm. 1, 13), 438 (2 mm. 6, 27), 438 (4 m. 19). Freemantle (Fremantill) park, Hants, g. 381 (32), 519 (22). Freemason, 438 (4 m. 27), 1803 (2 m. 4). Freermayn. See Friar Maine. Freeston. See Freston. Fregosi (Fregosys, Fragoses), the Genoese family, 1953, 1988, 2006 (p. 908), 2022, 2029, 2074, 2462, 3544. Octavian de, 1301 (p. 597). Freiburg (Fribourg, Fryebourh), in Breisgau (Bryscope), many, 3400. Ger- letters dated at, 627-8, 646, 650, 669. Freiburg, Philip de, in the French service, 1071 (p. 517). GENERAL INDEX. 175 Freman (Freeman), —, shipmaster, 1661 (1, 3 bis, 4), 1698, 1852. Th., 20 (p. 16). Fremantill. See Freemantle. Freme, Wm., 438 (3 m. 9):-p. 1537 :-g. 924 (37). Fremington, Devon, 438 (2 m. 27). bailiff of, g. 381 (14). chapel of St. Katharine, g. 3408 (24). Fremlingham. See Framlingham. Fremyngham. See Framlingham. French herald, 1163. merchants, g. 546 (21). pensions, the, 159, 287, 326, 535, 538, 734, 981, 1380, 1917, 2475, 2523 ii., 2583-4, 2744, 2770, 2794, 2860, 2957, 2981, 3028, 3066, 3073, 3130, 3176, 3220, 3256, 3269 (6, 7), 3427, 3429:-App. 7:-g. 11 (12), 257 (13), 449 (19), 519 (47), 751 (2), 924 (34), 3408 (37). receipts, 3502, 3536, 3552. prisoners, 2305 iii., 2341, 2416, 2441, 2503, 2605, 2673, 2774-5, 2804, 3389. See also Guinegate. Frenche (Freynce), John, 20 (p. 14). Ric., g. 3107 (7). (Frenshe), Rob., 853. Frenchman (Frensheman), Nic., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42). Frenchmen in England, 20 (p. 20), 1126–7, 1387, 1591, 2083 (2), 2207, 2854:-g. 1415 (29), 2684 (85). Frende (Femd, Frend), Edmund, pp. 1508, 1510, 1513. • (Frynde), John, purser, 2305 ii., 3148:—pp. 1499, 1500–1, 1503. Th., g. 1805 (1), 2861 (5). Frene, Hugh de (temp. Edw. III.), g. 1123 (27). Frenshe. See French. Frere (Frer), Henry, 438 (3 m. 21). John, trumpet, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 43), 3320. • Freschies. See Fisher. Frescobaldi, Francis and John, canons of Aberdeen, p. 1528. (Friscobald, Fryskeball, Fris- chobaldi), Jerome, dwelling in Flanders, 162 (p. 88), 325, 355, 659, 1568, 1573, 1664, 1697, 1761, 1876, 1887, 2011 (3), 2510, 2650:-pp. 1503, 1517, 1549-g. 1415 (10), 2861 (19). letter from, 1876. (Frishobald, Fressgobald, Friscaball), Leonard, 1463 iii., 1529, 1573, 1594, 1598, 1661, (p. 753), 1675, 1717, 1785, Frescobaldi, Leonard-cont. 1981, 1986, 2011-12, 2510, 2603, 2668, 2738, 2809, 2839, 3372: pp. 1498, 1500-1, 1503, 1506, 1509-10, 1517, 1519-g. 1266 (25), 1602 (30), 2861 (19), 2964 (79). Ludovico, 1099. (Frescabolde), Philip, 494. Fresell. See Fraser; also Frissell. Fressingfield (Fyrsyngfeld, Fersyng- feld), Suff., 438 (3 mm. 3, 26). Freston (Freeston), Suff., 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (2 m. 12). Fréthun (Frodon, Froyton), near Calais, 2391. • rector presented, g. 1494 (39), 3408 (10). Frethy, Th., rector of St. John, in Cornwall, g. 632 (48). Fretyte, Sir Anthony, captain of Remingham, 2105, 2139. Frevyll, Frevyle or Frevell, Rob., 1803 (2 mm. 3, 5) :—p. 1534 : -g. 2222 (16 Camb.), 2484 (9), 3499 (12, 68). Freynce. See French. Freyne or Freny, Henry, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Friar Maine (Freermayn), Dors. [in Knighton], g. 2964 (54). Friars, the four houses of, 1 (p. 2), 19, 20 (p. 21). Friars (Fyers), in Shrivenham, Berks, 438 (1 m. 14). Fribourg. See Freiburg. Frickley (Frykley), Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 6). Frie. See Fry. Friedberg (Friberg), near Augsburg, g. 1083 (28). letter dated at, 2528. Friesland, 729, 1336, 2633, 2818, 2929, 3264. + chancellor of (i.e. of George duke of Saxony). See Reis- chach. Fringford (Fryngfourth), Oxon, 438 (3 m. 26). Frisby, Leic., 438 (2 m. 27). Frisby next Steeping, Linc., 438 (4 m. 23). Frisby upon Wreak (F. super Wreke), Leic., 438 (3 m. 1). Friscobald or Frishobald. See Fres- cobaldi. Friskney (Fryskay, Fryskenay), Linc., 438 (3 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 26). Frislinge. See Flushing. Frissell (Firsell), Robert, 438 (2 m. 15). (Frysell, Fresell), Wm., prior of Rochester, 438 (3 m. 24). Frith, the. See Forth. 176 GENERAL INDEX. Frith, South-(Suthfrith, Southfrith), Kent, 438 (2 m. 30), 677 :—g. 94 (35 p. 50). Frith, Thomas, 1803 (1 m. 6). Fritwell (Frutewell), Oxon, g. 804 (48), 2137 (13). Friuli (Fryoole, Fryole), in Italy, 432, 773, 777, 780 (p. 418), 1386, 1637, 1781, 2428, 2448, 2572, 2577, 2784, 2852, 3274. Frobisher (Froluser), John, g. 1316 (45). Froddesley, Salop, 438 (2 m. 31). Frodesam or Frodesham. Frodsham. Frodham. See Fordham. Frodon. See Fréthun. See Frodsham (Frodesham), Chesh., g. 2617 (8), 2684 (45). Frodsham (Frodesam), Roger, 2049. Wm., 438 (4 m. 22). Frogmarton or Frogmerton. Throgmerton. Frognall, Mrs., 1446. See (Thrognall), Alex., Queen's carver, 82 (pp. 38, 41). (Frogenall), Th., 438 (2 m. 12). Frolbury, Hants, g. 969 (3). Froluser. See Frobisher. Frome, Castle. See Castle Frome. Frome Selwood, Soms., 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 24), 438 (4 mm. 21, 29). Fromont (Froymont), Gerard de, 1950, 2414. Frontecha, M., 1301 (p. 598). Frontignan, in France, 3344. Frosell (Froyzell), Wm., 438 (1 m. 22). Frost or Froste (Forst), John, 438 (4 m. 9). (Sfoglat), John, archd. of Winchester, p. 1522. > John, S.T.B., g. 924 (19). Walter, 20 (p. 14) :—p. 1536:-g. 731 (3), 750 (3), 2222 (16 Essex). Wm., 438 (1 m. 7):-P. 1537 :-g. 257 (69), 587 (15), 833 (58 ii., 59), 1221 (30), 2222 (16 Hants). Frostenden (Frostden), Suff., 520 : g. 546 (27), 604 (6), 632 (64). Frosthwaite (Frostwhait), Westmld., g. 1732 (1). Froston, John, g. 833 (4). Frowyk or Frowyke,, of Barnet, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 4). Lady, 2765. Sir Henry, 438 (4 m. 14). Henry, 82 (p. 42):—g. 632 (26), 969 (23), 2684 (41), 3499 (12), 3582 (11). Frowyk or Frowyke-cont. Sir Th., chief justice of Com. mon Pleas, his widow and executrix, 438 (1 m. 7):-g. 969 (38). Froymont. See Fromont. Froyton. See Fréthun. Froyzell. See Frosell. Fruste, Veit, governor of Modena, 3556. 586). letter from, 1277 (p. Frutewell. See Fritwell. Frye, John, 20 (p. 16). Ric., g. 132 (96). (Frie), Wm., 438 (2 m. 33): g. 11 (10), 289 (35). Fryebourh in Bryscope. burg in Breisgau. See Frei- Fryes, Edward, g. 1948 (14). James, g. 3107 (3). John, g. 784 (50). Frynde. See Frende. Fryoole. See Friuli. Frysce, Arden, 1598. Fryse, Bart., 82 (p. 41). Fryskay. See Friskney. Fryskeball. See Frescobaldi. Fryste, Arden, 2510. Frythe, John, 2357. Frytton, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 12). Fryvell. See Frevyll. Fuchir, Henry son of Elias, g. 519 (42). Fuchs (Fux, Foxe), Thomas or Sir Thomas, captain of mercen- aries, 2521, 2995 : - App. 26. Fuensalida, Gutier Gomez de, com- endador of Membrilla, Span- ish ambassador in England (until 1509, returned to Spain 7 Aug. 1509), commission to, 24, 63–5. • 30, 38. deeds by, 63–5, 1066. letters to, 21 ii., 22–3, signature of, 63–4. other references, 6, 21, 24, 39, 127, 130, 162, 167 :- g. 94 (41). Fuentarabia. See Fontarabia. Fuggers (Fukkyrs, Focars), the Ger- man bankers, 2010, 3590. Fugglestone (Fugleston), Wilts, rec- tor of, 438 (3 m. 28). Fukkyrs. See Fuggers. Fulbeck (Fulbeke), Linc., rector pre- sented, g. 2964 (23). Fulbourn (Fulburn), Camb., rector of, p. 1525. Fulbroke, Th., 853 :—g. 289 (46). Fulbrook park, Warw., g. 604 (22), 709 (41). Fulchambe. See Foljambe. • GENERAL INDEX. 177 Fulford [in Dunsford], Devon, 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (2 m. 11). Fulford, Lady Florence, 438 (1 m. 3). Sir Humphrey, 438 (1 m. 3). (Fulleford), John, clk., 438 (4 m. 21):—g. 1948 (2). Wm., g. 833 (58 iv.). Fulgeam or Fulgeham. jambe. See Fol- Fulham (Fullam), Midd., 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 28), 1803 (1 m. 2), 3507, 3551 :—g. 218 (32). grants dated at, g. 190 (38). Fuljambe. See Foljambe. Fulleford. See Fulford. Fullefwoodde forestry. See Fil- wood. Fuller, mercer, 559. & 4). ship master, 1661 (1, 3, Gabriel, barber-surgeon, g. 1266 (7). Hugh, of the Ordnance, 2221, 2308, 2604, 2832 v., vi., 3137 (16) :—pp. 1509-11, 1513, 1520. , account of, 2604. Sir Ric. See Fowler. (Fullar), Ric., 438 (2 m. 30). Th., merchant of the Staple, 438 (1 m. 22), 1032 (2). (Fouller, Fullour), Wm., 438 (1 m. 21). Fullers, 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (3 mm. 13, 18, 26, 27), 438 (4 mm. 8, 13), 1803 (mm. 1, 6), 1803 (2 mm. 3, 5) :—g. 546 (56). Fulmer (Fulmare), Bucks, 438 (2 m. 32). vicar of, 438 (3 m. 29). Fulmer, John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Fulmodeston, Norf., g. 94 (35 p. 50). Fulnetby (Fulneby), Linc., g. 2535 (25). Fulnetby (Fulnaby, Fulneby), John, p. 1540:-g. 357 (6), 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 2535 (25), 3582 (14). Fulsehurst, Ralph, g. 2484 (28). Fulshurst, Th., 1176 iii. Fulston. See Folkestone. Fulthorp, Chr., 438 (2 m. 17). Edith, 438 (2 m. 17 bis). (Fulthrop), Th., 438 (2 m. 17 bis) :-g. 3499 (41). Fulton, Kent. See Folkestone. Fulwood (Fulwode, Fulwod), Rob., 438 (1 m. 10) :—p. 1546 :—g. 218 (12). Fume. See Fiume. Funtington (Fountyngton), Suss., 438 (1 m. 12). Fureswey. See Thoresway. Furlong (Furlang, Furland), John, 438 (3 m. 18). Wt. 11494. Furnando. See Fernando. Furnaydh. See Urney. Furneaux Pelham (Furneuxpellam), Herts, 438 (3 m. 24). Furner, John, rector of Withcall, p. 1528. Furness (Fourneys, Fournesfell, Fournesse), Lanc., 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 6 bis), 1803 (2 m. 3). abbey, 2910-p. 1530. abbot. See Banke, A.; Dalton, J. Furness (Furnes, Fornes), Andrew, 438 (3 m. 25). • (Furnes, Fournes, Fowrneis), John, 438 (2 m. 34), 1778. John, minstrel, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42). (Fournes, Fournesse), Ric., 438 (4 m. 22). Furnival (Fornevall), Lord, 438 (3 m. 1). Furnyngham. See Farningham. Furnyvall, Ralph, 2054 (5). Furtado. See Mendoza. Fux. See Fuchs. Fycher. See Fisher. Fychet, John, clk., g. 257 (93). Fyctzwatter. See Fitzwalter. Fyers. See Friars. Fyffehyde. See Fyfield. Fyfield (Fiffehide), Berks, g. 563 (8), 1083 (23). Fyfield (Fifhid, Fiffhide), Essex, 438 (2 m. 7):-g. 289 (16), 1316 (22). Fykkylbourke. See Vöcklabruck. Fyla, Ric., chaplain, 438 (1 m. 2). Fylberdis. See Philbertis. Fyldyng. See Fielding. Fylmore. See Fennimore. Fynall, Wm., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383). Fynecompton. See Fenny Comp- ton. Fynes. See Fiennes. Fyneton. See Feniton. Fyneux (Fenuex, Fenix, Feneux), Sir John, chief justice of King's Bench, 1 (p. 3), 20 (pp. 14, 21), 81, 82 (p. 39), 205 (p. 106), 315, 341, 438 (4 m. 2), 963, 1046, 1526, 2260, 2765 (“Lord Fenix "), 2787, 3464 (2) :—pp. 1533, 1534 bis, 1538 bis, 1540- 1, 1544 bis :—g. 54 (1), 94 (43), 132 (2, 48), 218 (1), 257 (85), 289 (43), 381 (39), 414 (4), 448 (4), 546 (1, 47), 709 (34, 62), 731 (27-8), 804 (13, 41), 833 (22, 40), 924 (14), 969 (17, 52), 1083 (13, 20), 1171 (3), 1266 (41), 1316 (11, 28), 1602 (41), 1662 (28), 1732 (2, H 12 178 GENERAL INDEX. Gainsford-cont. Fyneux, Sir John, chief justice of King's Bench-cont. 13, 16, 25), 2137 (3, 11), 2222 (16 Kent, Canterbury), 2330 (4). 2484 (15), 2684 (62), 3049 (35), 3107 (34), 3582 (14). · grant to, g. 632 (25). letter to, 1526. signature of, 2260:- g. 257 (85), 448 (4), 651 (7), 731 (7, 20, 52), 749 (3, 16, 24), 784 (56), 804 (49), 1123 (45), 2684 (64). John, rector of Allhallows le More, g. 632 (75). (Feneux), Ric., g. 2862 (7). Wm., p. 1539. Fynkell, Edward, 3135. Sir John, alderman, 438 (4 m. 8). Kath., widow of Sir John, 438 (4 m. 8). Fynsynger. See Phintzing. Fynwike. See Fenwick. Fynys. See Fiennes. Fyorynys, Lazarus, 'g. 1948 (46). Fysacker. See Fishacre. Gabryell, G rector of Wyberton, g. 1462 (11). Gaddesden, Herts, 438 (3 m. 14). Gaddis, George de, secretary of the Duke of Milan, letter from, 1973. Gafton, Ntht., 438 (2 m. 5). Grafton ? Gage (Gauge), John, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 15) :—p. 1545 :- g. 257 (68), 2484 (17). Gainford (Gaynesforthe, Gaynforth), Dham., g. 1662 (4). hermitage of, g. 485 (48). Gains (Gaynes), Hunts, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 5). Gainsborough (Gaynysborowgh, Gaynesburgh), Linc., 438 (1 m. 10), 438 (4 mm. 3, 6). Gainsford (Gaynesford), George, g. 3408 (26). (Geynesford, Gaynesford), John, 20 (p. 12), 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (3 m. 27) :—1803 (1 m. 3), 2912 :—p. 1545 :—g. 632 (26), 969 (23), 1494 (9). (Gaynsforth), John, clk., 1355, Nic., g. 632 (42), 1083 (39), 1732 (22). (Gaynesford), Ric., 438 (3 m. 27). Gaisley. See Gazeley. Gaitford. See Gateford. Gaitys. See Gates. Galant (Galen, Galond, Galon, &c.), Th., 438 (4 m. 12). Gale, Harry, 2151. Galicia (Gallicia, Galysya), in Spain, 162 (p. 85), 1310, 1326 (p. 618), 1422 (p. 651), 1512, 2694. Galle, Agnes, 438 (4 m. 29). Galleas, Count. See St. Severin. Gallipoli (Calipolis), in Turkey, 1604. bp. of, 1782. See Young, J. Galloway, archd. of, 376 :—p. 1522. See Stewart, A.; Nudry, T. bp. of. See Arnot, D. bpric. of, and of the Chapel Royal, 93, 105, 173. diocese, p. 1525, Galon. See Galant. Galterote. See Gualteroti. Galtres (Gawltiers, Gawtresse, Gal- trasse, Caltrasse, Gaultres) Forest, Yorks, 1493 v. :— g. 54 (13), 158 (47), 190 (11), 289 (38), 357 (44), 485 (35), 563 (18), 709 (14), 1524 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18), 3324 (6). bow bearer of, g. 1524 (14). steward of, g. 94 (96). See Vere, J. Galysya. See Galicia. Gamage, Sir Th., App. 26. Gambara family (Gambari), of Bres- cia, 1277 (p. 587), 1301 (p. 598). Count Burnorius de, 1301 (p. 596). Count Nicholas de, 1277 (p. 587). Gamell (Gomell), Rob., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Gamell, Walden son of (temp. Henry III. ?), charter of, g. 485 (25). Gamelston. See Gamston. Gamesak, Guise de, French prisoner, 2172. Gamett, Georges, French prisoner, p. 928. Gamllespeth, in the Middle March, 2443. Gamme (Game), Th., 438 (1 m. 23). Gammyll, Th., g. 2137 (7). Gamston (Gamelston, Gamulston), Notts, 438 (1 m. 14). Ganay (Gannay), John de, chancel- lor of France (1507–1512), 538, 658, 674, 793 (p. 428), 1138, 1148. GENERAL INDEX. 179 Gander (Gandyr), John, 438 (3 m. Garret, Ric., p. 1512. 22). Ganeell, Ric., g. 833 (58 i.). Ganetran. See Gaverigan. Ganges estuary, in India, 1974. Gannay. See Ganay. Garard, John, 438 (2 m. 13). Garbler, 438 (4 m. 13). Garda (Benacus), lake of, in Italy, 63, 1440, 1488, 2074. Gardif. See Tardiff. Gardiner, of Leith, 1262. (Gardener), Humphrey, 438 (1 m. 11). (Gardener, Gardner), John, 438 (2 m. 9):—g. 804 (50). (Gardener), Mary, d. and h. of Richard, alderman, 438 (4 m. 11). Th., 1803 (1 m. 1). (Gardener), Th., trumpet, 1160, 3320. Walter, g. 546 (23). (Gardener), Wm., 575. Gardygon. See Cardigan. Gare, John, g. 731 (8). Garendon (Garadon), Leic., abbey of, 1803 (1 m. 2). Thomas 1803 (1 m. 2). abbot of, Garet, Marinus, King's cutler, g. 1948 (71), 2964 (38). Garett, a gunner, 2135. Gargrave, Roger, 1798. Garland (Garlond), Ric., 438 (3 m. 12), 2480 (29). Garnanshall. See Gernons. Garnesey. See Guernsey. Garnet (Garneytte), John, 438 (3 mm. 24, 34). Garnethorp or Garnethropp. Grainthorpe. See Garneys (Garnish), Chr., or Sir Chr., gentleman usher, knighted at Tournay, serjeant of the Tents, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 2295, 2301, 2349, 2480 (8, 45), 3348-p. 1539: -App. 9: g. 190 (40), 257 (24), 447 (20), 709 (59), 1804 (27), 2055 (95 iii.), 3324 (32). Joan, wife of Sir Christopher, g. 3324 (32). (Garnysshe, Garnych, Gar- nys), John, 438 (1 m. 10). (Garnishe), Rob., 2337:- g. 1804 (53). Th., 438 (1 m. 10). Garnons. See Gernons. Garnyngam. See Jerningham. Garold (Carold), James, 1803 (1 m. 1). Garonne (Jero unde), the French river, p. 1503. Garrard. See Gerard. Garrell, Roger, p. 1512. Garsdon (Garsedon), Wilts, rector presented, g. 804 (51). Garsington (Gousyngton), Oxon, 438 (2 m. 34). Garston, Norf. See Garveston. Garston, East, (Argaston), Berks, chantry of, g. 2055 (77). Garston, Th., g. 1732 (9). Garter king of arms. See Wriothes- ley, Th.; also Wriothesley, John. Garter, Order of the, 20 (p. 21), 2639– 40, 2644:-App. 8. chapters of, 37, 442, 743, 1156, 1807, 2838. • registrar. See Ruthal, T. (until 22 April 1510); Wolsey, T. (22 April 1510). Garth (Gerth), Edward, 438 (3 m. 18). Thomas, marshal of Ber- wick, 1803 (2 m. 3) :-g. 1083 (37). Garthorn (Carethorne), Westmld. [in Asby], 438 (2 m. 16). Garthum or Garthom, Ric., vicar of Owthorne, 438 (1 m. 26). Garthyng, Wm., clk., 1355. Garton, John, 1803 (2 m. 5):—g. 1494 (55). Gartside, James, 2638 :—g. 1266 (21), 1462 (18). Garveston (Garston), Norf., g. 289 (13). Garvoo. See Gorrevod. Gascoigne or Gascoign (Gascoyn), Eliz., 1410. • Henry, g. 1494 (16). Humphrey, LL.B., rector of St. John's, Bedford, 438 (1 m. 18). John, g. 709 (61). Laur., 20 (p. 16). (Gascoyn), Wm., 20 (p. 14), 438 (1 m. 26), 1503 :-pp. 1533, 1538, 1541:-g. 381 (78), 804 (28), 924 (37), 969 (38), 1662 (47), 2222 (16 Beds), 2484 (9), 3226 (4). (Gascoyng), Sir Wm., 20 (p. 16), 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 6):—p. 1547:-g. 804 (29 vi., xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1365 (3), 2484 (9, 12). Sir Wm., the younger, knighted after Flodden, 2239, 2246 (4 ii.), 2387. Gascon soldiers, 413 ii., 470, 1071, 1509 (p. 695), 1511 (p. 698), 2561. GASCONY, 193, 1182, 1216, 1327, 1659, 3024 :-g. 158 (21), 1365 (6), 1662 (38), 1732 (40), 1948 (13). 180 GENERAL INDEX. Gaskin, Rob., rector of Holy Trinity, Dorchester, p. 1528. Gaso, John, 20 (p. 13). Gasper, Sir Hans, of the Emperor's Council, 1781. Gast, Gest or Geist, John, 438 (3 m. 26). Gatcombe, Katharine daughter of Nicholas de, 438 (2 m. 15). Gate. See Gates. Gateley, Rob., 20 (p. 17). Gateford (Gaitford), Notts, 438 (1 m. 5). Gate Manor, Suss., 438 (2 m. 10). Gates, Sir Geoffrey, 1176 (2), 3054 :— g. 3107 (4). Sir (Gaitys), Geoffrey or Geoffrey, knighted at Tour- nay, 1176 (1, 4), 2301, 2480 (25) :—App. 9. (10). signature of, g. 2684 Gatley park, Heref., g. 132 (52). Gatte, Wm., g. 3582 (25). Gattinara, Mercurino de, president of the parliament of Burgundy, at Bresse, Flemish ambassa- dor to France, 266, 274, 325, 329 (p. 152), 445–6, 557, 669, 818, 1758. .༡ letters from, 266, 818, 1758, 3192, 3259, 3271. power to, 557. Gatton, Humphrey, 438 (2 m. 5). Gaudy (Gaude, Gavedy), John, 438 (4 m. 16). Gauetran. See Gaverigan. Gauge. See Gage. Gaultres. See Galtres. Gaunt. See Ghent. Gaunt, Gilbert de, charter of, g. 381 (42). Gaunston, Notts, g. 54 (41). Gavara. See Guevara. Gaverigan (Gauetran, Ganetran), Cornw., 438 (2 mm. 22, 26). Gawcell. See Godeby. Gawekethrop. See Gawthorpe. Gawen, John, p. 1546. Gawkthorpe (Gawethrop, Gauk- throp), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 6). Gawsell or Gowsell (Gawcell, Gau- cell), John and Ric., 438 (2 m. 26). Rob., purser, 3148. Th., 438 (2 m. 26). Gawsem, John, clerk, constable of Windsor Castle, g. 218 (61). Gawthorpe (Gawekethorp), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 34). Gawtresse. See Galtres. Gay or Gaye, Chr., 438 (1 m. 8). • Henry. See Grey: Gayer, Reynold, 676-g. 2964 (18). Gayhurst (Gothurst), Bucks, g. 1662 (23). Gaynes. See Gains. Gaynesford. See Gainsford. Gaynesforthe, Dham. ford. See Gain- Gaynysborowgh. See Gainsborough. Gayrer, Joan, 514. John, 514. Gaysley, Th., g. 1804 (37). Gaysthorpe (Yaresthorp), Yorks, g. 2535 (18). Gayton, Linc., 438 (3 m. 2). Gayton, Ntht., 438 (1 m. 23):—g. 2617 (19). Gayton le Marsh, Linc., rector pre- sented, g. 1836 (15). Gayton, John, 2759. Wm., prior of Sixhill, 438 (2 m. 6). Gaza, Caliph of, 3586. Gazeley (Gaisley), Suff., 438 (3 m. 18). Ge, Salop, 438 (3 m. 3). Gebbon or Gebon. See Gibbon. Gedding, Suff., 438 (2 m. 29). Geddington (Gedyngton), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 16). Gedge, Robert, clerk of the Mercery, p. 1498. Gedling, Notts, g. 485 (43). Gedyngton. See Geddington. Gee (Ge), Th., p. 1540. Gefferon. See Jeffron. Geffon. See Jephson. Geffourne. See Jeffron. Gefferey or Geffrey. See Jeffrey. Geffreyson. See Jefferson. Geffron. See Jeffron. Gefson. See Jephson. Geist. See Gast. Gekyll. See Jekyll. Gelderland. See Gueldres. Geldon. See Gildon. Geldres. See Gueldres. Gelgett, Edmond, g. 969 (65), 2055 (95), 2772 (25). Gelston, John, master gunner, 2480 (21), 2738. Gelyot. See Gillott. Gemonde or Gemund. See Gmun- den. Genealogy of the Kings of France and England, 628, 650. General Pardon. See Pardon. General Surveyors, Court of [held in the Princes Council Chamber at Westminster], g. 1836 (2). Genett. See Jenet. Geneva, 2113. lake of, 2014. Genevre, Madame. See Renée. Geney. See Jenney. Gengham, Peter, King's arras maker, g. 357 (11). . .. GENERAL INDEX. 181 Genlis (Genly, Janly, Jenly), Jacques de Hangest, Sieur de, French envoy to Flanders, 1824, 1856, 1895, 1909, 1929-30, 2047, 2083. Genney. See Jenney. Genoa (Jeyn, Gennys, Jeane, Jean), 90, 113, 268, 398, 434, 526, 529, 536, 541, 562, 570, 572, 714, 773, 783, 965 i., ii., 1072, 1183, 1216, 1250, 1281, 1301 (p. 597), 1345, 1354, 1647 (p. 743), 1768, 1884, 1917, 1938, 1953, 1988, 2006 (p. 908), 2022, 2029, 2038 ii., 2056, 2074, 2104, 2127, 2242 (2), 2428, 2462, 2486, 2597, 2633, 2670, 2745, 2860, 2891, 3051 (p. 1313), 3404, 3519, 3527, 3556. Doge of, 3544. castle or fortress of, of Lan- terna, 1277 (p. 587), 1568, 1637, 2029, 2309, 3206, 3220, 3245, 3253.. St. George's, 1604. Genoese merchants (Jeniweses), 345 (p. 160), 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 m. 22), 610, 734, 937, 2008, 2986-7, 3166, 3279: pp. 1516, 1525-6:-g. 132 (102), 357 (19), 651 (31–2), 833 (13), 1123 (44), 1221 (32), 1948 (83), 2055 (5, 91), 2137 (20), 2684 (60). Gentili, Andrea, Genoese merchant, 3166, 3279:—pp. 1525–7. (Gentil), Nic., Genoese mer- chant, g. 1221 (32), 2684 (60). Gentilman, John, g. 2617 (35). (Jentilman), Th., g. 3499 (21). (Jentyllman), Wm., messen- ger, 82 (p. 42):—p. 1518. Gentyll, James, g. 2535 (26). Genyns. See Jennings. Geoffrey, footman of Katharine of Aragon, 20 (p. 15). Geoffrey, groom of the vestry of the Chapel Royal. See Wright, G. George, the King's tailor, g. 54 (68). George, Master, an Almain engineer, 1575 (p. 723). George, -, ship captain, 1661 (3). > Ambrose, 438 (4 m. 4). Edmund, notary, 438 (4 m. 18). See also Gorges. Georgehenton. George. See Hinton St. Georgia, King of, 3586. Geraldinis, R. M. de. See Fitz- gerald. Gerard, the bookseller, 972. Gerard (Gerrarde), Lady Cecily, 438 (4 m. 15). (Jeraard, Jerard), John, 438 438 (3 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 10): g. 357 (1). (Gerrard, Jarard, Jerrard, Garard, Gererd), Miles, 20 (p. 16), 438 (4 m. 22), 1493 vi, 1904, 2009, 2326, 2451, 2478 (1, 2), 2480 II. :-pp. 1506, 1508: g. 357 (7), 1221 (43), 1804 (19), 1948 (69, 70), 2055 (126). his accounts, 2478 (1, 2). Peter, 438 (4 m. 14). 2326, (Gerrard, Garrard, Gerrad), Th., 438 (3 m. 20), 438 (4 mm. 10, 14). Gerbier, Anthoine, 1693. Gerby, in Barbary, g. 632 (3). Gere or Gerey. See Gery. GERMAINE (DE FOIX), QUEEN OF ARAGON, 2nd wife of Ferdi- nand (married in 1505), daughter of John vicomte de Narbonne, 6 (pp. 4, 6), 40, 162 (pp. 84, 87), 329 (pp. 150– 2), 345 (pp. 159-60), 1257, 1519, 1575, 1665 (p. 763), 1689, 1919, 2177, 2398, 2928, 3435, 3451. her servants sent to France, 1257. German mercenaries (Almains, lanzknechts, lansquenets), in English (or Spanish) service, 1127 (p. 539), 1138, 1138, 1146, 1176 (1, 4), 1229, 1252, 1279, 1333, 1412, 1463 iii., ix., 1495 (1 ii., 3), 1509 (pp. 694, 697), 1569, 1722 (p. 783), 1745, 1792, 1869 v., vi., 1895, 1962, 2021, 2052, 2053 (3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2062, 2073, 2083, 2123, 2173, 2219– 20, 2225, 2249, 2299, 2391, 2462, 2609, 2633, 2649, 2652, 2656-7, 2738, 2835 :-pp. 1506-7, 1517 :-g. 2684 (88). in Ferdinand's service, 1511 (p. 699), 1515, 1575 (p. 722), 1656-7, 1665 (pp. 760-2), 1999 (3), 2475, 2494, 2496, 2499, 2500, 2678, 3591. in French service, 1071, 1146, 1265, 1437 (p. 657), 1509 (pp. 694–5), 1511, 1575 (p. 723), 1601, 1647 (p. 743), 1655, 1665 (p. 761), 1837, 1993, 2006 (p. 908), 2095 ii., 2147, 2259, 2307, 2561, 2577, 2681, 2736, 2854, 3004, 3160, 3165, 3173, 3548. GERMANY (Allmayne, Almaine), 83, 212n., 425, 478, 568, 572, 182 GENERAL INDEX. Germany-cont. 754, 831, 1001, 1043, 1067, 1101, 1126, 1140, 1216, 1311, 1334, 1345, 1377, 1386, 1394, 1424, 1566, 1641, 1665 (p. 762), 1699, 1743, 1933, 2038, 2160, 2214, 2278, 2448, 2462, 2523, 2568, 2583, 2602, 2611, 2633, 2689, 2891, 2921, 2932, 2941 (p. 1271), 3062, 3172, 3210, 3264, 3405. incendiary fires in, 1301 (p. 596), 1352. natives of, g. 632 (28), 2964 (11). troubles between bishops and laity, 1345. Germyn. See Jermyn. Gernegan. See Jerningham. Gerningham. See Jerningham. Gernons Hall (Garnanshall, Garnons), Essex, 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 26), 1803 (1 m. 1). Gernyer, Hymbert, 2767. Geroldus (Ber'), Warin son of, g. 2964 (67). Gerrad. See Gerard. Gerrans (St. Girens, St. Gyryns), Cornw., parson of, 438 (4 m. 9). Gerrarde. See Gerard. Gerth. See Garth. Gerves or Gerveys. See Jervis. Gery (Gerey, Gerre, Gere), Ric., 438 (1 m. 19). Gerys, Francis, 2383. Gesfeld. See Gosfield. Geslyng. See Wieslingen. Geslyng or Gestlyng. See Guest- ling. Gesmond. See Jasmund. Gest. See Gast. Getter, Wm., 1262 (p. 578). Gettyng, John, g. 2137 (27). Geynesford. See Gainsford. Geytan, Barnabas, a gentleman of the Viceroy of Naples, 2472, 2474. Gheldres. See Gueldres. Ghent (Gant, Gaunt, Gandt, Gand), in Flanders, 301n., 568, 1101, 2047, 2082, 2391 (p. 1058), 2542, 2797, 2856, 3283, 3285, 3296, 3329, 3457 :—App. 7. letters dated at, 741, 2372, 2408, 2445, 2516. > letter to the officers, 1909, 2613. John of, 568. bailli of, p. 1516. Vicomte de, letter to, 1300A. Ghilberd. See Gilbert. Ghilleford. See Guildford. Ghinea. See Guinea. Ghinzinge. See Phintzing. Ghisbertus (Guibert), Doctor, physician, 1050, 2223, 2724. Ghualterott. See Gualteroti. Ghyayn. See Guienne. Ghyot, Sir. See Heulle. Giacomo, Gian. See Trivulci. Gianson. See Johnson. Giaza, Colpho de la. See Jazia. Gibbon (Guybon), George, 438 (1 m. 23). (Guybon, Gebon, Gibon), Th., 438 (1 m. 23):-g. 2484 (9, 13). Gibbons, John, g. 2535 (5). (Gybons), Ric., 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 40). (Gebons, Gebbons, Gybons), Th., 438 (1 m. 17), 438 (3 m. 21). Gibbs (Gibbes, Gibbys), Wm., ship captain, 1661 (4), 2304 (3, 5), 2686, 2842 ii., 2938 :-App. 9. Gibby, Wm., of Devon, 1176 (3). Gibcliff. See Guy's Cliff. Gibraleon, Aloysius, scriptor apos- tolicus, 283, 2214:—pp. 1521, 1525-6, 1529. Gibson, Chr., gunner, g. 3582 (24). John, canon of Glasgow, p. 1524. John, merchant of the Staple, 438 (1 m. 19). Ric., player, 20 (p. 16). Richard, yeoman tailor, porter of the Wardrobe, 877, 2349, 2404, 2480 (8), 2483, 2562, 3017, 3090-1, 3343, 3373, 3426:-pp. 1503, 1507– 8:—g. 94 (48). 3090-1. his accounts, 2562, (Gybeson), Roland, 1803 (2 m. 4). Stephen, mercer, 438 (1 m. 19). Th., barber-surgeon, g. 1123 (32). Wm., g. 2964 (60). Gidding Parva, Hunts, 438 (4 m. 22). Gidleigh (Gyddelegh), Devon, 438 (2 m. 4). Giffard, Walter, earl of Buckingham (A.D. 1102-1164), grant of, g. 1221 (28). Gifford, Sir John, 438 (2 m. 10) :—g. 257 (49), 3049 (36). (Jefford), John, or Sir John, gentleman usher, King's sewer, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 42), 2480 (38):-App. 26:-pp. 1543– 4:-g. 94 (16), 257 (49, 70), 632 (31), 1266 (12). (Gyffarde), Roger, g. 2861 (38), 2964 (3). (Gylford), Th., p. 1534. GENERAL INDEX. 183 Gifford-cont. Th., rector of Little Lang- ford, g. 604 (24). Sir Wm., 438 (2 m. 10), 2574:-g. 833 (58 ii.), 1221 (6). Giglis (Gygles), John Paul, g. 749 (3). (Zigli), Silvester de, bp. of Worcester, English ambassa- dor at Rome, 20 (p. 14), 205, 354, 423, 427, 432 ii., 438 (3 mm. 6, 10, 29), 963, 1048, 1067, 1723, 1746, 1857, 1872, 1943, 1960, 2029 (p. 918), 2048, 2250, 2258, 2276, 2353, 2355, 2436, 2517, 2530, 2559–60, 2636, 2639–42, 2659–60, 2694, 2715, 2783, 2800, 2821, 2890, 2926, 2981, 3005-6, 3019–20, 3076, 3139, 3190, 3203–4, 3212-3, 3236, 3249, 3254–5, 3261 ii., 3265, 3300–3, 3311– 12, 3464, 3475, 3489, 3512, 3574 :—g. 414 (62), 632 (83), 1083 (5), 1170 (1), 3226 (25). letters from, 1857, 1872, 2276, 2353, 2530, 2644, 2783, 2906, 2927-8, 3011, 3132, 3197, 3219-20, 3241, 3280, 3362, 3407, 3460, 3490, 3496, 3511. letters to, 2611, 2800, 3495, 3497. Stephen, his chamber- lain, 3203, 3212-3, 3302-3. Gilaberte (Gilbert), Luis, knight- commander, 1447 (p. 660), 2497, 2500, 2633, 2646, 2670, 3405. letter to, 2497. Gilbert, Alice, 438 (2 m. 16). Baldwin son of (A.D. 1138), charter of, g. 2617 (39). commander. See Gilaberte. James, p. 1509. Joan, 438 (3 m. 3). (Gilberd), John, 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (3 m. 3), 1803 (1 m. 6): p. 1536 :—g. 709 (34), 833 (58 iv.), 1732 (9), 2484 (17), 3049 (28), 3107 (39). ? Jordan son of, grant by, g 158 (32). Nic., 438 (1 m. 18). Ric., canon of Wells, p. 1523. (Gilberd), Rob., 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 3), 1803 (1 m. 6). Rob., clk., g. 357 (41). Rob., rector of Newton Blossonville, &c., 1803 (2 m. 1). Th., 653. Gilbert-cont. (Gilbard, Gilberde), Wm., 436, 438 (3 m. 11):—g. 969 (38). (Ghilberd), Wm., prior of Brewton, 438 (3 m. 4):-g. 833 (64). Gilby, Margaret and Robert, 438 (3 m. 2). Gilcammyn, Cumb., 2460. Gildeford. See Guildford. Gilders, 307. Gildon. See Guilden. Gildon, John, g. 54 (90). (Geldon), Th., 438 (4 m. 24):—g. 2684 (20). Gile (Gyle), John, 438 (1 m. 23). Giles, minstrel, 20 (p. 14). John, gentleman of the Chapel, 707. John, merchant, 2832 iii., vi. (Gylys, Gyllys), Ric., 438 (4 m. 6). (Gylys), Simon, gunmaker, 2812, 2831, 2832 v. :-PP· 1506, 1508-11, 1513, 1515. Gilford. See Guildford. Gilgarran. See Cilgerran. Gill, Chr., vicar choral of York, p. 1531. John, 1066. Walter, p. 1531. Gilles, Peter, letters to, 1547-8, 3045. Gilling, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 13). Gilling in Ryedale, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 24). Gillingham, Dors., g. 94 (35). rector of, 438 (3 m. 3). St. Katharine's chantry, p. 1527. Gillingham, Kent, g. 2684 (83). Gilliot or Gillott, Sir John, 438 (1 m. 15). • (Gyllyat, Gelyott, Guillyot), John, 2810, 2904, 3382, 3526, 3566 :—p. 1506. Ric., g. 3049 (26). (Gilliet), Wm., 438 (3 m. 13). Gilly, John, g. 132 (7). Gillycke, John, g. 1732 (31). Gilmews, Peter, King's crossbow maker, g. 1524 (4). Gilmyn, John, 438 (2 m. 14):—g. 3582 (8). (Guylmyn), John, of the Buttery, marshal of the Minstrels, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39):-g. 218 (2), 3408 (17). Stephen, g. 3226 (7). Th., 251, 438 (3 m. 6). Gilpyn, Saberus, 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 8). Gilson, 157. Gilt spurs, as rent, 193 184 GENERAL INDEX. Gimingham (Gymmyngham), Norf., rector of, 1803 (1 m. 3). Gimingham Soken, Norf., 438 (2 m. 22). Gingham, Yevan, a Breton, g. 1462 (28). Gippewich, Suff., g. 1316 (26). Gipping, Suff., 438 (1 m. 4) :—g. 749 (27), 1804 (9). Girdler (Gyrdelar), the, in Thames mouth, 1698. Girdlers, 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (3 m. 25) :—g. 731 (8, 20), 3582 (28). Girton, Anne, wife of Robert, 438 (2 m. 15). Rob., 438 (2 m. 15). Gisburn in Cleveland. See Guis- borough. Gisnam, Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 43). Gittisham (Eydesham), Devon, 438 (4 m. 8). Gittons, John, marshal of the Hall, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Ric., 1493 ii. -g. 857 (17). Giustiniano (Justinian), Ant., g. 1462 (9). • • > (Justinian), Antonio, Vene- tian ambassador to Ferdi- nand of Aragon, made prisoner at Brescia, 909, 914, 965 ii., 1071 (p. 518), 1374. letter to, 1374. (Justinian), Baptista, quon- dam Jeronimi, g. 1804 (12). (Justynian), Fabian, mer- chant of Genoa, g. 2055 (91). Hieronimo, Venetian mer- chant, 455, 601. (Justinian, Justenyan), John, patron of the Santa Maria di Loretto, 1072, 1594n., 1768, 2113, 3113, 3264. John, son of Paul Baptist, g. 1462 (9). (Justinian), Jo. Bapt., g. 1462 (9). Lorenzo, 601. (Justiniano), Sebastian, Vene- tian ambassador (appointed 18 Dec. 1514), 3544, 3579. Givendale (Gyndale, Gledall, Gle- dale), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 mm. 4, 25). Givry (Gynry), Monsieur de, 3348. Gladestry (Glawdster), co. Radnor, g. 2863 (6). Glaisedale, Th., 438 (3 m. 4). Glaister, Alex., p. 1509. Glamford. See Glanford. Glamorgan (Clomorgan) and Mor- gannok county and lordship in South Wales, 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (2 m. 10):-g. 1836 (18). sheriff, &c., g. 54 (87), 158 (55), 519 (51). Glandford (Glonfford), Norf., rector of, p. 1530. Glanford Brigg (Glanfordbrige, Glamford Brygge), Linc., 438 (1 m. 5), 438 (3 m. 12). Glanogra (Glinogroe), co. Limerick, p. 1529. Glapthorne (Slapthorne), Ntht., 438 (4 m. 24). Glasbury (Teleglase, Glasbery), in the Welsh marches, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (4 m. 21):-g. 2055 (69), 2772 (3). Glaseby. See Glazeley. Glaseneth college. See Penrhyn. Glasgow, g. 2862 (8). letter dated at, 504. cathedral, 1030. precentor See Forman, J. of, 1535. Glasgow (Clasco), abpric. and diocese. of, 92–3, 105, 3349 (p. 1411): • • —pp. 1521–5, 1527-9.. abp. See Beaton, J. chancellor and dean of. See Forman, R. precentor. See Forman, J.; Nudry, T. treasurer of, 1625, 2084. See Inglis, A.; Nudry, Th. Glasier, John, 2671. Wm., priest, g. 1462 (22). Glass maker or glazier, 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 31), 1803 (m. 5). Glaston, Leic. See Gloostone. Glaston (Claiston), Rutl., 438 (4 m. 12), 1803 (1 m. 2). Glastonbury (Glauston, Glaston), Soms., 438 (3 m. 2), 438 (4 m. 24). abbey, p. 1531:-g. 2863 (14). R. abbot of. See Bere, confirmation for, g. 485 (24). Glaunte, 1801. Glauston. See Glastonbury. Glawdster. See Gladestry. Glayvre, John, 2480 (66). Glazeley (Glaseby), Salop, 438 (3 m. 16). Gledale. See Givendale. Glemham (Gleymham, Gleneham, Glemam, Gleman), Sir John, 2480 (56), 2575 ii. :-App. 26: pp. 1541, 1544. Glemsford (Glemfford, Glenford), Suff., 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 6). Glencairn, earl of, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313. earl of, 2973. Glendalough diocese, p. 1525. Gleneham. See Glemham. GENERAL INDEX. 185 Glenford. See Glemsford. Glenluce (Glenlus) abbey, in Scot- land, 300, 656, 1137, 1536–8, 2551, 3119.. Robert abbot of, 300, 656. Cuthbert commendatory abbot of. See Baillie, C. Glennet, Jean, 2370. Glentworth, Linc., 1803 (1 m. 4). Gleymham. See Glemham. Gleyston. See Gloostone. Gleyve, Henry, g. 2137 (23). Glidding (Glynddyn, Glydden), Hants, 438 (2 m. 27). Glinogroe. See Glanogra. Glocestre, Monsignor di, 1417. Glomestre. See Gloucester. Glonfford. See Glandford. Gloostone (Glaston, Glorestone, Glowston, Gleyston), Leic., 438 (4 m. 12). Glorestone. See Gloostone. Glossop, Th., 438 (3 m. 26). Gloucester, 205 (p. 106), 438 (1 mm. 8, · • 22), 438 (2 mm. 10, 25), 438 (3 mm. 5, 9 bis, 12, 14, 20, 27), 438 (4 mm. 4, 15, 17, 25), 1176 (3), 1654, 1661 (4), 1803 (1 m. 2, 2 m. 5), 2402, 2537: p. 1518-g. 604 (44), 833 (11), 924 (37), 1221 (11), 1662 (1), 2222 (16). letters dated at, 2489, 3010: -g. 3226 (25 ii.). letter to mayor and sheriffs, 2143. commission of the peace, p. 1537. confirmation of charters for, g. 414 (71). mayor, &c., 438 (3 m. 27). ordinances, 3347. Abbey of St. Peter ("monas- tery of Gloucester "), 438 (2 m. 5), 555, 1176 (3), 2024, 2402, 3315 :-g. 257 (43), 1462 (4), 1732 (35). abbot. See Branche, T. ; Newton, J.; Malvern, W. confirmation for, g. 519 (28). election of an abbot, 555:—g. 546 (40), 604 (49), 632 (81, 83), 2861 (17), 2964 (22, 34), 3226 (25), 3324 (21). letter to the prior, 555. Castle, constable of, g. 1083 (18). St. Oswald's priory, 3195. confirmation for, g. 924 (24). prior of, 3195 Gloucester, honour and manor of, 438 (4 m. 5):—g. 381 (74), 2964 (81), 3499 (60). Gloucester, W. earl of (temp. Hen. II.), g. 2964 (67). > Robert son of the earl of, charter of, g. 414 (74). Humphrey duke of (1414– 1446), g. 94 (35). grant by, g. 1732 (3). Gloucester and Hertford, earl of. See Clare, Richard de. Gloucester (Glowcestre, Glomestre), Th., g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). Gloucestershire, 205 (p. 106), 1004 (4), 1409 (2), 2054 (4), 3422 :- p. 1517-g. 381 (74), 414 (52), 632 (26), 857 (11), 969 (5§2, 23), 1123 (13, 23), 1316 (9), 1494 (9, 18), 1804 (2), 2055 (26, 42), 2222 (12), 2484 (9, 17), 2861 (29), 2964 (17), 3408 (18), 3499 (12, 33), 3582 (15). sheriff of, 438 (1 m. 4). Glover, Harry, p. 1508. > Rob., 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (3 m. 26). Th., 438 (4 m. 5):-g. 54 (55). Glovers, 438 (1 mm. 7, 11), 438 (3 m. 26), 438 (4 mm. 4, 13, 15, 17), 1803 (m. 1):-g. 1948 (82). Glowcestre. See Gloucester. Glowston. See Gloostone. Glydo, James, 2148. Glyn (Glynne), John, 82 (p. 41), 2162, 2268: :-p. 1535:—g. 833 (58 iii.), 924 (15). (Glynne), John, alias Ap Griffith, dean of Bangor, 20 (p. 15), 438 (3 m. 7). (Glyne, Glynne), Maurice, archd. of Bangor, 438 (3 m. 28). Glynde, Suss., 438 (1 m. 20). Glyn-dyffrdwy (Glyndovirdoy), co. Merioneth, now Llansanfraid G., g. 2861 (34). Glynddyn. See Glidding. Glynne. See Glyn. Glys. See Ellis. Gmunden (Munde, Gemonde, Ge- mund), in Austria, 3080, 3172. letters dated at, 966, 991, 3110, 3126, 3150. Gnomor. See Oranmore. Goa, in India, 1974. Goamonchester. See Godmanches- ter. Goathill (Gothehill), Soms., 438 (2 m. 4). Goathurst (Gotehurst), Soms., 438 (2 m. 15). Gobarrow (Golborowe), Cumb. [in Greystock], 438 (4 m. 26). 186 GENERAL INDEX. Gobull, Th. and Wm., 438 (2 m. 34). Goche. See Gooche. Godale, —, 34). abbot of Sulby, 438 (3 m. Godalming, Surr., 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (3 m. 28). Godard or Godart. See Goddard. Goddard (Godard, Goodderd), John, 438 (3 m. 16), 3343. (Godart), Ric., ship master, 1661 (1, 3, 4). (Goderd), Th., prior of Ing- ham, 438 (1 m. 17). Godde, John, p. 1518. Godder, Ric., p. 1505. Goddesbere park, Devon [near Tiver- ton], g. 158 (70), 749 (31). Goddington (Godyngton), Oxon, g. 94 (35). Godeby or Goadby (Gawdebye, Goodeby), Leic., 438 (2 m. 33), 438 (3 m. 13). Godegam, John, g. 969 (17). Godehale, John, g. 2055 (92). Godeknap, John, 438 (1 m. 2). Godell (Godyll), Marg., Robert and William, 438 (2 m. 21). Godeman. See Goodman. Goderd. See Goddard. Goderich, John, rector of Middleton Cheney, 722. (Goodryche), Wm., 438 (2 m. 13). Goderston, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 9). Goderyk (Goodryk), John, 438 (3 m. 14) :—g. 2964 (19). (Goderyke, Godryke), Wm., 438 (3 m. 14) :—p. 1540 :—g. 257 (48), 651 (13), 709 (55), 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14). Godewyne. See Goodwin. Godfrey, Wm., 438 (3 m. 24 bis): g. 2684 (83). Godfrey, Wymond, Wynant or Wy- nart, 20 (p. 14), 311 :—g. 289 (40), 632 (67). Godhurst. See Bukhurst. Godisgrace, Rob., 853. Godman. See Goodman. Godmanchester (Gumcestre, Gume- cestre, Gumestre, Goamon- chester), Hunts, 1803 (1 mm. 2, 4). Godmersham, Kent, 438 (3 m. 12). Godmersham, Wm., B.D., g. 546 (63). Godolphin (Godedolffyn), -, App. 22. (Gododghan), Wm., p. 1535. Sir Wm., letter to, 514. Godryke. See Goderyke. Godstone (Wolkenstede), Surr., 361, 438 (3 m. 27):-g. 709 (26). Godstow, Oxon, nunnery, 438 (3 m. 2). abbess. See Brayn- ton, Isabel. confirmation for, g. 414 (75). Godyng. See Gooding. Godyngton. See Goddington. Goeff or Goefr, Odo, g. 2964 (64), 3324 (24). Goes or Ter Goes (Tyrgowe, Turgowe, Tergoos, Wandergose, Tur- goes), in Holland, 2009, 2451, 2478 (2), 2809. Goffeld. See Gosfield. Gofton, John, 1661 (4). Gogh. See Gough. Golborowe. See Gobarrow. Gold, 6 (p. 5). Gold, John, mayor of Northampton, g. 1494 (4). Ric., yeoman of the Ord- nance, 2738. Rob., 438 (4 m. 14). (Goold), Roger, 438 (3 m. 10). (Golde), Th., 438 (3 m. 2). Goldbeater, g. 731 (8). Goldeford. See Guildford. Golder, Reynold, 20 (p. 17). Goldes. See Golds. Goldhanger (Goldeanger), Essex, 438 (3 m. 14). Goldicote manor, Warw., 822. Goldignum. See Coldingham. Golding, Mr., App. 16. John, 2604 : :-pp. 1513- 14:-g. 1221 (43). John, auditor, g. 885 (9). (Gooldyng), Rob., 438 (3 m. 23):—g. 11 (10), 218 (6). Goldyngham, -, ship captain, 1661 old (4). John, p. 1544 :—g. 132 (26), 2055 (95), 2684 (12). account by, 580. Goldsborough (Goldesburgh), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 6). Goldsborough (Goldesburgh), Joan, g. 1524 (27). (Goldesburgh), Ric., g. 2484 (12). (Goldesborowe), Th., g. 132 (73), 2137 (26), 2617 (3). Goldesmith, Chr., g. 3499 (3). Th., g. 731 (46), 2772 (42). Wm., 438 (3 m. 20). Goldsmiths, 438 (1 mm. 6 ter, 20), 438 (3 mm. 4, 7, 10, 20, 34), 438 (4 mm. 3, 5, 8, 14, 22 bis), 1803 (m. 1) :—g. 651 (31), 749 (28), 1462 (36), 3499 (3). Goldstone, Thomas, prior of Christ- church, Canterbury, 205, 438 (3 m. 4) :—g. 731 (40), 2222 (16 Kent, Canterbury). GENERAL INDEX. 187 Goldwasher, 810. Goldwyn, Wm., 1638. Golen (Goolyn), John, 438 (2 m. 19). Golike. See Juliers. Golly, Gole, or Golle. See Collins. Gomell. See Gamell. Gomshall (Grumshulve), Surr., 438 (3 m. 34). Gonell, Wm., 2418. letters to, 2191n., 2306, 2417-18, 2610, 2847-8. Gonnestone. See Gonson. Gonnor. See Gunner. Gonson, Th., ship captain, 2686, 2938. V., (Gounson, Gunson, Gunston, Gonnestone, Gonstone), Wm., ship captain, 1453 ii., 1594, 1598, 1600, 1661 (3), 1704 (1, 2), 1812, 1845, 1875, 1942, 2023, 2510, 2686, 2799, 2842 ii., 3000-1, 3513:-pp. 1504, 1516, 1519:-g. 3049 (1). 1942. letters from, 1812, Gonzaga, Francis, marquis of Man- tua, q.v. Gonzalvo, the "Great Captain." See Cordova. Gooche (Goche, Gouche), Wm., 438 (3 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 18):-g. 2222 (12). Goodale (Goodalk), Robert, abbot of Sulby, 438 (3 m. 8). Goodderd. See Goddard. Goode, Nic., g. 1948 (63). Goodeby. See Godeby. Goodenor. See Codnor. Gooderyk. See Goderyk. Goodester. See Easter. Goodewyn. See Goodwin. Goodherst. See Goudherst. Gooding (Godyng, Gordyng), Ric., p. 1540. Goodman, George, 1493 ii. Lewis, g. 833 (39). (Godeman, Godman), Th., 438 (1 m. 13), 3313 (6) :—pp. 1537, 1548:-g. 969 (23). Thomas, surveyor and re- ceiver of Crown lands, g. 381 (74–5), 857 (2). Wm., p. 1548. Goodryche. See Goderich. Goodryk. See Goderyk. Goodwin or Godewyn (Goodewyn), Henry, vicar of St. Peter's, Stowmarket, 438 (2 m. 32), 1803 (2 m. 6). (Godwyn), John, abbot of Robertsbridge, 438 (4 m. 4). Rob., 438 (2 m. 12). Th., 1803 (1 m. 6). Goodwin-cont. Th., prior of St. Peter's, Ips- wich, 438 (1 m. 8):-g. 2684 (65). Wm., 438 (1 m. 21) :—g. 381 (96). Goodwin Sands, off Kent, 1698 (p. 778). Goodyear (Gowdyer), Ric., g. 2684 (41). Goold. See Gold. Gooldyng. See Golding. Goolyn. See Golen. Goorge. See Gorge. Goosnargh (Gosenor, Gowssna), Lanc., 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 26). Gorcum (Gorkham, Gorcom), in Hol- land, 2009, 2220. Gordon, Alex., earl of Huntly, q.v. (Gorden, Goredon), Lady Katharine, widow of Perkin Warbeck, and d. of the 2nd earl of Huntly, wife of James Strangways, 20 (pp. 11, 16), 438 (3 m. 20) :—g. 485 (7), 563 (8), 1083 (23). Gordyng, Ric. See Gooding. See Gower. Gore. Gore, Wm. See Gurre. Goree, in India, 1974. Goregane or Gorgayne. See Gurgany. Goreley (Gorley), Hants, Breche Lane in, 2531. Gorge (George), Sir Edmund, g. 257 (49). • Edm., 315. (Goorge), Edward or Sir Ed- ward, knighted after Flodden, 1450 (p. 661), 2246 (4 ii.) :—p. 1543-g. 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 3499 (12), 3582 (3). Eliz., g. 546 (51). Margaret, g. 546 (51). Marmaduke, g. 546 (51). Matilda, g. 546 (51). Wm., 1496 iii. Gorghe. See La Gorgue. Goring, Suss., g. 969 (38). Goris or Gorizia. See Gorz. Gorizo, Martin de, a Spanish mer- chant, 1009. Gorkham. See Gorcum. Gorleston, Suff., g. 682 (33). Gormen, François de, French pri- soner, p. 928. Gornay. See Gurney. Gorran (St. Goron's), Cornw., 438 (3 m. 25). Gorrevod (Garvoo), Laurence de, president of Bresse, 83, 1213, 1265, 1288-9, 1288-9, 1293, 1308, 1362, 1566 (p. 719), 1594, 1697, 1750, 1967, 2068, 2175, 2182, 2184, 2189, 2194-5, 188 GENERAL INDEX. Gorrevod (Garvoo), Laurence de, president of Bresse-cont. 2201-2, 2208-9, 2214, 2225, 2230, 2255, 2375, 2383, 2633, 2694, 2705, 2736, 2797, 2811, 2940, 3519. letters from, 1967, 2182, 2184, 2189, 2195, 2201- 2, 2208-9, 2214. his wife, 2255. Louis de, bp. of Maurienne, q.v. Gorssnodeok park, in Denbigh, g. 2055 (83). Goryng, John, p. 1545:-g. 1083 (39). Gorz or Gorizia (Goris), near Trieste, 83, 430, 977. bp. of. See Lang, M. Gosberton, Linc., 438 (4 m. 5): -g. 519 (2). Goscombe. See Croscombe. Goscote wapentake, Leic., g. 94 (35). Gosebek, Richard and Margery de (temp. Edw. I. ?), g. 632 (82). Goseborn or Gosebourn, Henry, g. 587 (5), 2422 (5). Gosenor. See Goosnargh. Gosfield (Gesfeld, Goffeld), Essex, 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 11). Gosling, Chr., 20 (p. 16). Gosnold, Edmund, 3529. Goston, John à, ship captain, 1453. Gostwik, John, g. 3582 (28). Gothehill. See Goathill. Gothurst. See Gayhurst. Gotson, Th., LL.B., g. 682 (25). Gottorys. See Guttierez. Gouche. See Gooche. Goudherst (Goutherst, Gouthehurst, Gowthehurst, Goodherst), Kent, 438 (3 mm. 9, 15, 23):—g. 257 (68). Gouffier, Artus, Sieur de Boissy, 3348. Guillaume, Sieur de Bonni- vet, q.v. Gough, David, g. 94 (61), 2684 (105). (Goghe), Geoffrey, 2053 (6). Humphrey, 438 (2 m. 27). Jevan, g. 1732 (9). (Gowgh, Gogh), John, 20 (p. 18 bis), 82 (pp. 39, 40), 2404 : —g. 1732 (27), 2055 (90, 110). See also Ap Howell. Philip, brewer. g. 1462 (15). Rees, g. 1732 (9). (Goughe), Ric., 827. (Gowzht), Ric., purser, 2305 ii. bis, 3148. Ric., purveyor, his account, 2324. Ric., under-chamberlain of London, p. 1506. Gouldicote. See Condicote. Gounson. See Gonson. Gource or Goures (i.e. Gorz), bp. of. See Lang, M. Goure. See Gower. Gourlay (Gurlaw, Gourlaw), David, a Scot, 1324-5. Gournaye. See Gurney. Gousyngton. See Garsington. Gouthehurst. See Goudhurst. Gowdyer. See Goodyear. Gower, lordship and honor, in Wales, 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 8) :— g. 3049 (20). Gower, Lord. See Somerset, Ch. Gower (Goure, Gowre, Gouer), Sir John, 438 (1 m. 9):-g. 804 (29 iv., v., vii., ix., x.), 833 (45 iii., 50 i., iv.), 1123 (37), 1365 (3), 2222 (16 Yorks). slain at Flodden, 2246 (4):—p. 1547 bis. John, 20 (p. 16). Laurence, clerk of the Ward- robe, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 43), 707 (p. 383). Rob., 1453 x. Th., 438 (1 m. 9). Wm., customer of Bridge- water, 3313 (6) :—g. 447 (4). (Gore, Gowre), Wm., groom of the Privy Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 500, 640, 772, 1015, 1105, 2813, 3554 :-g. 54 (45), 289 (9), 357 (33), 519 (27), 749 (28), 857 (20), 1044 (20), 1948 (4), 2222 (3), 3226 (1). (Gore), Wm., King's footman, 623, 915, 1193, 2509, 2817, 3448 (2). Gowffe, Ric., p. 1505. Gowlls. See Gull Stream. Gowsell. See Gawsell. Gowssna. See Goosnargh. Gowthe, John, ship master, 2738. Goze, Thomas, g. 54 (43). Graby (Greby), Linc., 1803 (1 m. 3). Grace, Robert, pp. 1512, 1514. Wm., p. 1538 :-g. 414 (55), 587 (1), 1602 (10), 2222 (16 Hunts). Gracedieu (Gracedewe) Leic., 438 (1 m. 11). Gracien, M., 1813. nunnery, Gradenigo (Graderigo), Francesco, of Venice, letters to, 601, 1067, 1310, 1591, 1766, 2229, 3298. Grafton [Flyford], Worc., 438 (1 mm. 1, 18), 438 (3 m. 19 bis), 438 (4 m. 8), 1643, 3112 :-g. 132 (96). Grafton, Adam, dean of Shrewsbury, g. 2055 (29). Nic., skinner, 438 (1 m. 24), 438 (3 m. 8). Grafys Ind. See Gravesend. GENERAL INDEX. 189 Graham (Grame), —, p. 1516. Grain :- flour, 583, 585, 1497, 2833. malt, 2833, 3048. See also Victuals. rye, 583, 585. wheat, 612. Grainthorpe (Garnethropp), Linc., g. 857 (4), 969 (31). Graistoke. See Greystoke. Gramay, Thomas, general of the Mint in Flanders, 2781, 2797. commission • port by, 2781. and re- Gramè, Warw., 438 (2 m. 20). Grame (surname). See Graham. Grammont (Grantmont), in Flanders, letter dated at, 2129. Grammont (Egramownt), Mons. de, mayor or bailli of Bayonne, 1326 (p. 616), 2006 (p. 907). his daughter-in-law, 1326 (p. 616). Granada, abp. of. See Rojas, A. de. Grandis, John, a captain of Gascon soldiers, 1071 (p. 517). Grane, Godfrey, rector of St. Michael's, Queenhithe, 1521. p. Graneall or Granehalch. See Grene- hall. Grange (Graunge), Rob., 438 (4 m. 13). Granger (Graunger), John, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41). • (Graunger, Grawnger), Ric., 438 (1 mm. 3, 5). (Graunger), Th., alderman, 438 (4 m. 8), 2951. Granges, Mr. Guyot de, 578. Grannoble. See Grenoble. Grant or Graunte, John, g. 3226 (7). John of, slain at Flodden, • 2246 (4), 2313. Ric., 438 (4 m. 3). Wm., prior of Hurley, 438 (1 m. 17). Grantham (Grauntham), Linc., 438 (1 mm. 5, 24), 438 (2 mm. 7, 24), 1661 (p. 752), 1803 (2 m. 1) :—g. 94 (35), 3049 (37). confirmation of charters for, g. 414 (45). St. Wulfran's, chantry of Henry Curteys in, g. 546 (75). Grantham, Chr., p. 1503 :—g. 731 (7). (Grantam), John, g. 2772 (37). Grasford or Grasforth. See Gresford. Grasmere (Gresmere, Gresmore), Westmld., g. 1732 (1). chapel, g. 924 (19). rector of St. Oswald's, 438 (2 m. 9). Grasmere (Greşmer), Westmld., g. 1948 (86). Grasse (Grassis), bp. of. See Gri- maldi, A. de. Grassis, Achilles de, Cardinal (10 March 1511), 714, 718. Grassthorpe (Gresthorp), Notts, 520 :—g. 546 (27), 632 (64). Grateley, Suss. (Hants ?), 438 (1 m. 17). Gratham. See Gretham. Gratton woods. See Gretton. Gratz, in Styria, 2915, 3126. > letter dated at, 2945. Grauara, Lady Mary de. See Gue- vara. Graunger or Grawnger. See Granger. Grauntham. See Grantham. Graunte. See Grant. Grave (Graves), in the Netherlands, 2014, 2113, 2849. Grave. See Grove. Grave, Roger, 438 (2 m. 17). Graveley Forest. See Groveley. Graveley, Edward (temp. Edward IV.), g. 3324 (35). Gravelines (Gravelyng, Gravelyn), in Artois, 1279-80, 1750, 1779, 1848, 1871, 1887, 1977, 2014, 2028, 2179, 2220, 2392, 2404, 2413, 2797, 2878:-g. 2055 (132). letter dated at, 1961. nunnery beside, 2105. Gravener or Gravenour. See Gros- venor. Gravesend (Grafys Ind, Grawysend, Gravys Ende), Kent, 438 (4 m. 21), 1672, 2305 ii., iii. (p. 1035), 2809 :-p. 1501 :—g. 11 (10), 1732 (39). Graville, Louis Malet Sire de, Ad- miral of France (1486-1508), 406, 1265, 1796, 2654, 3269 (3), 3348. Grawysend. See Gravesend. Graynefeld. See Grenville. Graynvyle. See Grenville. Grayrigg, Westmld., 438 (2 m. 9). Graysthoroke. See Thurrock. Graystoke. See Greystock. Graziers, 438 (1 mm. 8, 14, 16, 22, 25), 438 (2 mm. 11, 16, 18, 30), 438 (3 mm. 20, 24), 438 (4 mm. 9, 11, 16, 17, 24), 1221 (33). Greanus. See Grene. Greasbrough (Greysebrok), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 25).. Greasley (Gresley), Notts, 438 (1 m. 15). Great Captain, the. See Cordova, G. F. de. Great Chamberlain, 674. See Somer- set, Sir C. 190 GENERAL INDEX. Great Chamberlainship of England, g. 54 (56). Grebill, Agnes, a heretic, 752. Chr. and John, 752. Greby. See Graby. Greco, Angello, a Stradiot, 3229. Gree. See Grey. Greece and the Greeks, 766. Greek fire, 1265 (p.480). Greek language, 275, 1082, 1188, 3063. Green (Grene) alias Wisborough Green, Suss., 438 (3 m. 31):- g. 749 (18). Green or Greene. See also Grene. Greenfield (Grenfeld) nunnery, 438 (4 m. 12). prioress. See Skipwith, J. Greenford (Grenfoorde), Hants, 2531. Greenhithe (Grenehethe), Kent, 438 (2 m. 5). Greenway (Greneway), Devon, 438 (2 m. 5). Greenwey. See Greneway. Greenwich or East Greenwich (Est- grenwich or Greenwich manor), 1 (p. 2), 137, 162, 193 (pp. 101, 103), 329, 438 (1 mm. 17, 25), 438 (2 m. 21), 438 (3 mm. 1, 2, 31), 442, 589, 855, 984, 1080, 1279, 1285, 1299, 1302, 1306-7, 1456, 1517, 1553, 1571, 1583, 1735 (pp. 791, 793), 1745, 1768, 1775, 1921, 2034, 2167, 2337, 2740, 2913, 2997, 3144, 3146, 3248, 3268, 3298, 3338, 3449, 3577 : -pp. 1496-7, 1502, 1507-8, 1514, 1517:-App. 26:—g. 1462 (36), 2137 (27, 29), 2684 (8), 2862 (9), 3408 (3). grants dated at, g. 54 (17–9, 21-4, 29-33, 35–7, 40–6, 51–5, 58-78, 80-7, 89-93), 94 (1– 97 passim, 102-5, 109), 132 (11, 14, 15, 27, 34, 36, 40–1, 44-5, 49, 50, 52-6, 59, 60, 65-78, 80-98, 100-3, 105–17, 119-21), 158 (2, 3, 6, 8–11, 13-17, 19-25, 27-8, 34, 36, 60-1, 67, 71, 88), 190 (6, 13), 218 (23, 53-9), 257 (10-12, 16, 18-25, 27, 30-2, 34, 36-40, 43-7, 50-6, 58, 63-5, 68-75, 77-81, 83, 92, 95), 289 (1, 4– 7, 9-11, 13, 14, 20, 22-8, 30, 32–4, 36–8, 44, 46, 49), 357 (10, 19, 24-6, 28, 30, 39, 42), 381 (5, 23, 25, 29, 40, 48, 84, 95, 101–2), 414 (12–5, 26, 29, 30– 3, 46, 53-4, 56, 59-61, 67-9, 72-3, 76), 447 (1-6, 8, 9, 11, 14-5, 17-21, 23-7, 31), 449 (1, 3, 10, 12-4, 17-8), 485 (passim), 519 (passim), 546 Greenwich, grants dated at-cont. (1-44 passim, 64, 68, 70, 75), 563 (1, 5, 8), 587 (6), 604 (6, 9, 17, 18, 23), 604 (41), 632 (12, 37, 65, 69), 682 (40), 709 (57, 60, 63-4), 731 (5, 6, 7, 10, 16– 8, 20-5, 30-9, 42-3, 45-7, 51-4, 56–7), 749 (3–5, 8, 9, 12– 16, 18-22, 24-5, 27, 29-31, 35-9, 41-4), 751 (5, 7), 784 passim, 804 passim, 833 passim, 857 (2, 6), 924 (25), 969 (25, 38), 1003 (6-8, 12, 14–8, 20–2, 24), 1044 passim, 1083 (3, 4, 15, 17, 36, 38), 1170 (4, 5, 8-10, 12, 17), 1172 (2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 18–9, 21), 1221 passim, 1266 passim, 1316 passim, 1365 (8, 12), 1415 (3, 6, 8, 13, 26, 28), 1462 (2, 15, 18, 19, 21-2, 26, 28, 30-1, 33, 36-7), 1494 (7, 22, 29, 31), 1524 (38, 44), 1602 (8, 12, 15- 17, 21–3, 25–6, 29–31, 39, 42), 1662 (4, 6, 10, 11, 22, 30, 33–4, 36, 38-44, 46, 50-3, 56, 58), 1732 (4, 5, 7, 11, 15, 17-19, 21-2, 26, 28-30, 33-5, 37, 41, 44, 47-51), 1804 passim, 1836 (3, 5–7, 9, 10, 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 29), 1948 passim, 2055 (5–7, 18, 27, 31, 33-5, 39-41, 54, 56, 66-9, 77, 86, 88-9, 91, 97-8, 101-4, 108, 112–3, 116, 118), 2137 (4-7, 9, 12, 19), 2222 (4, 14), 2684 (28, 52, 56, 60), 2772, (24, 27, 29, 32, 35, 41-2, 44, 46, 50, 59, 60, 62–3), 2861 (2, 7, 11, 16–7, 21-2, 25, 28, 31, 35, 37), 2863 (1, 6, 7), 2964 (17, 32, 54, 64), 3049 (1), 3107 (2, 17-19), 3226 (1, 23, 29), 3324 (6, 20−1), 3499 (2, 3, 6–9, 11, 14-5, 17, 24-5, 31, 35-9, 41-5, 47, 49, 51-2, 59, 61–2, 67, 73-6, 78), 3582 (2, 8, 10- 13, 16–8, 23, 26–7, 30–1). letters &c. dated at, 51, 58, 60, 63-4, 101, 104, 112, 115, 119, 127-8, 220-1, 224, 228, 232, 234, 237, 239, 249, 256, 263, 265, 269, 327, 337, 394, 403, 409-10, 428, 435, 439, 453, 459, 464, 469, 471–3, 475, 487, 490, 494-5, 500, 505-6, 510-13, 710, 716, 719, 726, 728, 735, 740, 768, 772, 774-5, 778, 789, 805-6, 811, 893 (2), 957, 970-1, 975-6, 978, 985– 90, 992, 999, 1012, 1015, 1021– 3, 1025, 1027-8, 1033, 1035, 1125, 1129, 1143-5, 1147, 1159-61, 1165, 1168, 1177, 1181, 1184-7, 1192-3, 1195-6, 1199, 1210, 1217-18, 1225, GENERAL INDEX. 191 Greenwich, letters &c. dated at- cont. 1226, 1227, 1248-9, 1251, 1255-6, 1259, 1283, 1290, 1393 vii., 1423-4, 1452, 1571, 1579-80, 1583, 1590, 1596, 1640, 1642, 1648, 1713-15, 1744, 1777-8, 1783, 1806, 1817, 1839, 1849, 1880, 1927, 1934, 1968, 1985 (2), 1990, 1994, 1998, 2012, 2708-9, 2712-13, 2715, 2721, 2737, 2775, 2789, 2795, 2803, 2813- 4, 2817, 2824-5, 2839, 2884, 2970, 3139-40, 3149, 3159, 3169, 3179, 3293, 3365, 3397, 3413, 3436, 3440, 3443, 3448, 3453-4, 3471, 3484, 3489, 3491, 3530, 3538, 3550, 3554, 3561, 3572, 3575, 3608 i. : pp. 1511, 1515 :-App. 8, 15. the "high altar,” 20. park of, 467. vicar of, 438 (1 m. 8). Greete (Grete), Salop, rector of, 438 (3 m. 14). Gregory (Gregore), Ric., 1803 (1 m. 6). Gregson, Edward, g. 2137 (2). James, g. 2137 (2). Gremesdyche. See Grimmesdiche. Grenagh (Gronach), co. Cork, p. 1527. Grendell. See Grindell. Grendon, Nthld., g. 1316 (46). Grendon, John, p. 1548. Grene, Suss. See Green. Grene (Greanus), 2610, 2847-8. Anne. See Vaux, Lady. Elizabeth, abbess of Bark- ing, 438 (4 mm. 4, 16), 2671. Sir John, 20 (p. 15), 438 (2 m. 29), 2052. (Greene), John, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40), 438 (3 mm. 12, 28), 1704 (3), 1803 (1 mm. 1, 3). (Greene), John, of Bristol, 438 (2 m. 14), 1728 :-g. 1123 (56). Maud. See Parre, Lady. Ric., 438 (2 m. 27). Rob., 438 (4 m. 27). • Roger, 438 (3 m. 27). Simon, 438 (2 m. 19). Sir Thomas, 309:-g. (53), 1123 (15). 218 Th., gentleman usher, 20 (p. 16). Thomas, S.T.B., master of St. Katharine's Hall, Cam- bridge, 438 (3 m. 19). Thos., painter, 20. Wm., 1450 (p. 661):-p. 1547:-g. 94 (27). Grene-cont. Wm., customer of London, merchant tailor, 312 :—g. 158 (30). Greneacres, John, g. 257 (72). Grenefeld. See Grenville. Grenehalgh, Ralph, 1803 (2 m. 6). Grenehall (Graneall, Granehalch, Graneale), Ralph, 438 (1 m. 11). Grenehill, John, g. 1732 (35). Greneleeff, Lawrence, g. 1123 (55). Grenewaye (Grenewey), John, 438 (2 m. 24), 1444, 2008 (2). Ric., 438 (4 m. 23). (Grenewey, Greenwey), Th., p. 1534 :-g. 158 (59), 257 (9), 2684 (77), Grenewod (Grenwod), John, 438 (3 mm. 21, 25), 3598. Ric., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Grening, Th., minstrel, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42). Grenoble (Grannoble), 154, 1301 (p. 596), 3424 (p. 1442). Grenville (Grenefeld), Hugh, g. 257 (93). • (Grenefelde, Greynfeld), Ric., g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 969 (23). (Grenfeld, Graynfeld, Greyn- vile), Roger, p. 1535 :-g. 257 (49), 632 (26). (Graynvyle, Greynfeld, Grenefeld), Thomas, 438 (4 m. 17), 1661 (p. 752):—p. 1535:-g. 804 (52), 2222 (16 Devon). Graynefeld, Sir Grese or Gresy. See Erisey. Gresford (Grasforth, Grasford), co. Denbigh, g. 3107 (1). rector presented, g. 804 (2). Gresford (Gresforthe), CO. Flint, rector presented, g. 257 (25). Gresham, John, 438 (1 m. 21). Ric., 3137 (16):—pp. 1498, 1503. Greslame or Gresland. See Eardis- land. Gresley. See Greasley. Gresley (Greysley), Anne, widow of Sir Thomas, 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (3 m. 19). • • John, 2392 (p. 1063). (Grisley), Rob., 1493 ii. :-g. 158 (50), 604 (28), 2055 (31). Sir Th., 438 (1 m. 7). (Grisle, Grisley), Wm., or Sir Wm., knighted at Lille, 1493 iv., 2392:-App. 1535. 26 :—p. Gresmer, Gresmere or Gresmore. See Grasmere. Gresthorp. See Grassthorpe. Grete. See Greete. Greteham. See Gritham. 192 GENERAL INDEX. Gretplompsted. See Plumstead. Gretton, Great-, Glouc., g. 651 (8). Gretton (Gratton) Woods, Ntht., g. 1123 (47). Gretyngham. See Cretingham. Greve, Th., gunner, 311. Grevell. See Greville. Greves (Grevys), Peter, clk., clerk of the Closet to Henry VII., 20 (p. 14), 438 (1 m. 2) :—g. 54 (15). Rob., g. 833 (70). (Grevys), Th., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40):—g. 414 (68), 549 (37), 751 (2), 1123 (41). Greville, Mr., 1397. (Grevyle), Edward, or Sir Edw., 388, 653, 822, 1803 (1 m. 4), 2053 (7), 2414, 2575 ii., 3348 (3), 3385 :—pp. 1542, 1545:-App. 26:-g. 257 (49), 449 (15), 546 (44), 632 (26), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). (111). signature of, g. 2684 (Grevyle), George, p. 1546. (Grevell, Grevyle), Giles, 20 (p. 15):—pp. 1537, 1546 :- g. 2484 (17), 3049 (8). John, 388 (3). (Grivell, Grevell), Miles, 438 (4 m. 3). Ric., 438 (4 m. 3). Rob., g. 3499 (70). Sir Thomas, 1176 (3). (Greveld, Grivell, Gryvyle), Wm., justice of Common Pleas, 82 (p. 39), 205 (p. 106), 315, 341, 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 3), 963, 1046-pp. 1533, 1537-8, 1542-3, 1546:- g. 54 (48, 50), 132 (2, 48), 218 (1), 381 (39), 546 (1, 47), 709 (34, 62), 924 (14), 1083 (10), 1266 (36, 41), 1662 (1, 8), 1732 (36). Grevy (or Greve), Ric., 438 (1 m. 3). Wm., g. 1170 (12). Grevyn, Thomas. See Notes and Errata, No. 784. Grewell (Greywell), Hants, 438 (1 m. 19). Grey, Alice, 1803 (2 m. 5). Andrew, of Leith, 1262 (p. 578). Lord Anthony, 20 (pp. 12, 19, 20), 1496 ii. :-p. 1513 : App. 22. Benedicta, widow of Thomas, 438 (2 m. 22). Chr., g. 749 (12). Edmond, lord of Wilton, 20 (p. 14), 205, 438 (3 m. 29) :— p. 1534. See Notes and Erra- ta. No. 825. (Gray), Edmond, 707 (p. 383). Grey-cont. • 2 Edward, p. 1543:-g, 289 (43). Lord Edward, brother of the Marquis Dorset, knighted at Tournay, 2301, 2365, 3320, 3348 (3), 3357 :—App. 26. (10). signature of, g. 2422 Edward, son of Sir John Grey lord of Wilton, 438 (3 m. 32). Elizabeth, countess of Kent, q.v. Eliz., viscountess Lisle, q.v. Lady Elizabeth, sister of the Marquis, 3348 (3), 3357. Mistress Elizabeth, of Wil ton, 3348 (3), 3357. Emma, g. 546 (8). (Gray), George, spear Calais, 893 (2), 2049:—g, 651 (17), 2684 (40). (Garay, Graye, Gree, Graay, Gay), Henry, 438 (2 m. 22), 1803 (2 m. 5). of Henry, brother of the earl of Kent, 20 (p. 14):—p. 1533. (Gray), Henry, prisoner in Scotland, 2246 (1, 4). James, 1262 (p. 578). Joan widow of Robert, 438 (3 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 11). John, viscount Lisle, q.v. Lord John, brother of the Marquis, 20 (pp. 12, 19, 20), 1496 iii., 2480 (15), 3348 (3): -pp. 1539, 1541:-App. 9, 22. letter from, 2480 (15). John [son of John lord Lisle ?], signature, 698. Sir John, lord of Wilton († 1498), 438 (3 mm. 29, 32). John, rector of Barking, Suff., 438 (1 m. 2). (Graye), John, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 438 (2 m. 4), 612 :—g. 709 (52). (Gray), Lady Katharine, 20 (pp. 11, 16), 2656 (6). Katharine lady, wife of Wil- liam de la Pole, g. 132 (72). (Graye), Lord Leonard, King's spear, 698, 1843, 2480 (40), 3348 (3) :—App. 9. (2). > signature, 698, 1843 (Gray), Mercy, g. 2861 (23). (Gray), Nic., g. 519 (46), 2861 (23). Sir Ralph, 131 :—g. 94 (77), 289 (7), 804 (21). Ralph, g. 1524 (27). Richard, earl of Kent, q.v. GENERAL INDEX. 193 Grey-cont. • (Gray), Lord Richard, one of the spears, knighted at Tour- nay, 20 (pp. 12, 19, 20), 698, 2100, 2301, 2480 (25), 3348 (3):-App. 9. • signature of, 698 :-g. 2055 (10). Ric., 438 (3 m. 25):-g. 1083 (15). Ric., clk., 3578. Robert, 438 (3 m. 25). (Gray), Sir Roger, knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.), 2913. Thomas, marquis of Dorset, q.v. Thomas, s. and h. of Sir Ralph, 746-g. 94 (77), 289 (7), 969 (1). Th., rector of Snave (Snawe), p. 1528. (Gray), Th., 438 (4 mm. 10, 25). Walter, clk., 1803 (1 m. 6). William lord, of Wilton (A.D. 1531), g. 257 (27). (Gray), Wm., butcher, 438 (1 m. 12). Greyes, Suff., g. 449 (17). Greynesby. See Grimsby. Greynfeld. See Grenville. Greynsted. See Grinstead. Greynvile. See Grenville. Greysebrok. See Greasbrough. Greysley. See Gresley. Greystoke (Graistoke), Sir John, of Morpeth, son of Ralph († 1501), 438 (3 m. 22):-g. 381 (15). (Graistok, Graystoke), Ralph de, lord of Greystoke and Wem, the old baron of G. († 1487), 131, 309:-g. 381 (15). Ric., clk., g. 381 (15). Sir Robert, g. 381 (15). Greywell. See Grewell. Gric, Andrew. See Gritti. Grice (Grysse), John, 438 (4 m. 1). Rob., 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 3). Th., 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (3 mm. 3, 9), 597 :—p. 1547 :—g. 804 (29 vii.), 833 (50), 1365 (3), 1948 (77), 2964 (31). (Gryse), Wm., 438 (4 m. 6) :- g. 2484 (17). Griffendon, Mr. See Donne, Sir G. Griffith (Gruff), Edmund, chaplain, g. 2772 (7). Edward, g. 2055 (129). (Gryffen), Edw., serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42) :— g. 257 (9, 30). Griffith-cont. George, 20 (p. 16). Humphrey, 2575 ii. John, 438 (3 m. 23), 878 ii., 2481. (Gruth), John, clk., 1997:-g. 132 (79). Kath., 438 (2 m. 9). Maurice alias Walssheman, g. 2137 (27). (Griffyn), Sir Nic., 20 (p. 14) :—g. 54 (45), 651 (6). (Griffin, Ap Gryffyth), Owen, 438 (1 m. 12):—g. 381 (2). Peter, clk., g. 3107 (40). Peter, serjeant at arms, g. 1948 (39). (Gruffith), Piers, 707, 2049, 2480 (12). (Gruffith), Rob., 438 (2 m. 9). (Griffyn), Th., s. and h. of Sir Nicholas, g. 651 (6). Sir Walter, 438 (2 m. 4), 1493 v., 2239:-pp. 1543, 1547 bis :-g. 2222 (16 Yorks). Sir Wm., 438 (4 m. 18). (Gruffith), Wm., or Sir Wm., knighted at Tournay, 438 (4 m. 18), 1176 (1, 4), 1496 ii., 2301, 2480 (59), 2575 ii. :—p. 1513. William, chamberlain of North Wales (temp. Hen. VII.), g. 257 (78). Griffo (Gryf, Grifo, Griphus, Gryst, de Rizo, Griphius), Piero, of Pisa, Papal collector in Eng- land (1509-1512), bp. of Forli, 354, 415, 432 iii., 529, 734, 923, 949, 965, 973, 980, 1233–5, 1735, 2645 :—App. 5. letter from, 2645. Grigge (Grigges), Henry, 438 (2 m. 26):-g. 731 (48). Grilston, Devon, 438 (4 m. 7). Grimaldi, Augustino de, bp. of Grasse, Papal nuncio with Maximilian, 393, 408, 425, 432. (Grimaldo), Francesco, 39, 52, 474. Lazarus, Genoese merchant, 3166, 3261. (Grymbade, Grymald, Gry- mold, Grymbald), Jo. Bapt., 1493 vi. :—g. 11 (10), 94 (60), 381 (6). Grimani, pardon for, g. 381 (6). his son, g. 94 (60). a Venetian merchant, 601. Cardinal Domenigo. See St. Mark. Hironimo, a Venetian mer- chant, 601. Wt. 11494. H 13 194 GENERAL INDEX. Grimani-cont. (Grymane), Mark Anthony, 1493 ii. Grimdich. See Grimsdiche. Grimescote (Grymscote), Ntht. [in Cold Higham], g. 1083 (41). Grimsby (Greymesby, Northgremes- by), Linc., 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 18). confirmation of charters, g. 519 (65). ., mayor and burgesses, 438 (2 m. 33). rector presented, g. 731 (54), 924 (26). Grimsdiche (Grimdich, Gremmes- dyche, Grymmesdiche), John, 20 (p. 17), 2090 :—g. 132 (105– 6). Grimshoe (Grymmeshowe, Grim- shawe) hundred, Norf., g. 1836 (4), 2861 (16), 2964 (63). Grimsthorpe (Grymesthorp), Linc., g. 289 (13). Grimston, Leic., 438 (2 m. 27). Grimston, Norf., g. 94 (35 p. 50), 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). Grimston, Henry, 438 (3 m. 16). Walter, g. 158 (91). Grindall, Wm., 3148. Grindell (Gryndyll, Grendell, Gryen- dell), John, 438 (2 mm. 25, 34). Gringley, Notts, park keeper, 438 (2 m. 30). Gringore, Pierre, his book of Mary's reception in Paris, 3417 (see Notes and Errata). Grinstead (Greynsted), Suss., p. 1512. Grinstead, East- (Estgrensted), Suss., g. 709 (26). Grinton, Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 5). Griphius or Griphus. See Griffo. Grisaker or Grissacre. See Crisacre. Grisby (Grisbe), Wm., abbot of Bourne, g. 833 (48), 857 (15). Grisle or Grisley. See Gresley. Grisons, the, 1301. League of (the Ban- decgris), 1301 (p. 596). Gritham (Gratham, Greteham), Suss., 559 :—g. 709 (59). at Gritti (Griti, Gric), Andrew, pro- veditor commanding Venetian troops, taken prisoner Brescia, 1043, 1071 (pp. 517–8), 1368, 1491, 1647, 1668, 1703, 1747, 1754, 1787, 2095, 2107. letters from, 1043, 1754, 1787. letters to, 2095, 2104 ii. Grivell. See Greville. Grivenere. See Grosvenor. Grobered, John, an Easterling, 309. Groby, Leic., 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (2 mm. 6, 13), 438 (3 m. 6). Grocemond. See Grosmont. Grocers, 438 (1 mm. 7, 14, 17, 20), 438 (2 mm. 7, 14, 21, 25 bis, 29), 438 (3 mm. 4 bis, 7, 11 ter, 12, 15 bis, 17, 18 bis, 19, 21 quater, 23 bis, 27, 28 bis, 29, 31 bis, 34), 438 (4 mm. 8, 13, 15, 19, 20, 24 bis), 1803 (mm. 2, 4), 1803 (2 m. 4): pp. 1501-2:-g. 54 (82), 604 (10), 651 (31–2), 682 (36), 731 (46), 749 (28), 784 (18, 30), 833 (13), 1836 (9), 2055 (6), 2137 (9), 3408 (2), 3499 (18, 38). Grocyn (Grosson), William, master of Maidstone College, 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (4 m. 23), 863, 883, 968, 1082. Grome, Roger, vicar of Waldring- field, 438 (1 m. 20). Grome park. See Grove. Gronach. See Grenagh. Grondesburgh. See Grundisburgh. Groningen, in Friesland, 3456. Gröningen priory (Gronebergensis) [of Observants, in Courtray], warden of. See Prussia, S. de. See Grosse. See Grosse. Groos. Gros. Grosapa, King, of India, 1974 (p. 895). Grose or Groso, 2765. Grosmont (Grocemond, Grossemond, Grusmont), co. Monmouth, 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (3 m. 12). Grosse (Groos, Gros, Croos, Crosse), John, 438 (2 m. 29) :—g. 2137 (18). Grossen, Nic., p. 1520. Grosvenor (Gravenour), Randolph, 438 (3 m. 28). (Gravener), Rob., g. 731 (51). (Grivenere), Roland, g. 1662 (1). Grote, Ambrose de, g. 519 (32), 1662 (49). Peter de, g. 1662 (49). Groundesborough. See Grundes- burgh. Grove (Le Grove), Heref., 438 (2 m. 4). Grove (Grave), Notts, 438 (1 m. 1). Grove, escheator of Bucks, g. 11 (10). John, 82 (p. 39). Th., g. 1221 (50), 1494 (34). Groveley in Barford St. Martin, Wilts, 438 (2 m. 13). Groveley (Graveley) Forest, Wilts, 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (3 m. 30) :- g. 54 (39), 447 (25). Grove (Grome) Park, Warw., g. 158 (36), 709 (41), 2055 (129). Grover, John, 438 (4 m. 14). Growt, Th., 3090 (p. 1322). GENERAL INDEX. 195 Groyngue. See Corunna. Groyte, Andrew, 1444. Gructure. See Gruthuze. Grue, M. de, 1277. Grufith. See Griffith. Grumshulve. See Gomshall. Grundesburgh (Groundesborough), • " Suff., 438 (4 m. 29). rector of, p. 1528. Grusmont. See Grosmont. Gruthuze (Gructure, la Greyttuyse) [Jean de Bruges], Seigneur de, governor of Picardy, 406, 1300 A., 1311 (p. 602). letter from, 1300A. Gryendell. See Grindell. Gryf. See Griffo. Gryme, Wm., g. 3499 (29). Grymesley, in Scotland, p. 1260. Gryndill, John, mayor of Lynn, g. 381 (43). Grynston, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31). Gryse. See Grice. Gryse, John, Henry VII.'s apothe- cary, g. 519 (7). Grysley, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 4). Gryst. See Griffo. Grysy. See Erisey. Gualteroti (Gualterote), Ant., mer- chant of Florence, g. 3107 (11). (Galterote, Galtero ty, Ghaul- terott), Philip, a Florentine merchant, 504, 1394, 1566, 1697, 2736, 2867:-g. 1462 (17), 3107 (11). Gueldres (Guylderland, Gelderlond, Gelderland), and the Gueldrois (Sicambri), 1101, 1252, 1311, 1421, 1440, 1455, 1463 xii., 1481, 1529, 1559, 1564, 1599, 2068, 2182, 2203, 2247 (4), 2583, 2588, 2609, 2646, 2665, 2794, 2957, 3018 (p. 1302) :- p. 1506. Gueldres, Bastard of, 1566, 1612. GUELDRES (Gheldres, Geldres), CHARLES OF EGMOND, DUKE OF (1492 to 1537), 6 (p. 5), 13, 83, 276, 279, 325 (2), 355–6, 389-90, 446, 517, 724, 793 (p. 428), 809, 825, 832, 851, 854, 856, 858, 871, 906, 919, 1055, 1126, 1146, 1183, 1203, 1213, 1229, 1252, 1258, 1268, 1279, 1288, 1291, 1301 (p. 598), 1311, 1321, 1345, 1370, 1381, 1421, 1436, 1440, 1456, 1469, 1566, 1591 (2), 1647 (p. 743), 1736, 1751, 1791, 1813, 1822, 1826, 1856, 1884 (p. 859), 1895, 1897, 1922, 2014, 2038, 2063-4, 2072, 2081, 2092–3, 2095 ii, 2101, 2106, 2110, 2116, 2122, 2126, 2144, 2159, 2164, 2169, Gueldres, Charles of Egmond duke of-cont. 2190, 2198, 2204, 2230, 2254, 2259, 2287, 2307, 2396, 2665, 2748, 2750, 2797, 2849, 2894, 2976, 2994, 3153, 3365, 3456, 3519, 3572 :-g. 804 (35). • " letters from, 279, 389. letter to, 356. English aid against, 884, 906, 919, 966, 989, 992, 999, 1463 xii. 858. • French envoy to, 809, proposed treaty with Flanders, 390. Guernsey (Garnesey), Isle of, 438 (3 m. 24 bis), 1262, 1605–6, 1711, 1907, 2834, 3222 :—p. 1500. captain, &c., of, g. 54 (71). See Weston, R. 1742. letter to the captain, confirmation of charters, 386 g. 485 (2). Guestling (Geslyng, Gestlyng, Est- lyng), Suss., 438 (3 m. 9 bis). Guevara or Gavara (Grauara), Dame Maria de, 20 (pp. 11, 15), 82 (pp. 38, 41). Katerina de, 20 (pp. 11, 15). Don Pedro de. See Velez de G. Guibé, Robert, cardinal of Nantes, q.2. Guibert,, physician. See Ghis- bertus. Guidoto, Vincenzo, a Venetian secre- tary, 463. Guienne (Acquitaine, Guyon, Gyayne, Ghyayn, Aquitaine, Ghyan), 406, 945, 1081, 1090, 1127, 1228, 1273, 1286, 1320, 1327, 1330, 1344, 1356, 1359, 1412, 1422 (p. 651), 1432, 1447, 1461, 1484, 1495 iii., 1496 iv., 1509, 1511 (p. 698), 1519 (p. 703), 1559, 1575, 1647 (p. 743), 1650, 1656-9, 1665, 1689, 1695, 1737, 1750, 1866, 1999 (3, 4), 2001, 2003, 2006, 2128, 2132, 2242, 2377, 2475, 2681, 2782, 3417 (p. 1437), 3519, 3591 :—g. 54 (11), 158 (21), 1732 (40), 1948 (13). arms of the duchy, 1283. English expedition against (commanded by Dorset), 1093, 1098, 1103, 1126, 1133, 1147, 1161, 1176, 1179-80, 1182-3, 1186, 1216, 1223, 1226, 1233, 1239, 1243, 1283, 1286, 1291, 1311 (p. 602), 1319-20, 1326– 7, 1356, 1359, 1368, 1375, 1399, 1400, 1403, 1417, 1422, 196 GENERAL INDEX. Guienne, English expedition against -cont. • 1432, 1435, 1441, 1444, 1447, 1458, 1461, 1463 ix., 1468, 1475, 1484, 1487, 1492, 1495, 1498, 1509, 1511, 1520, 1523, 1557, 1575 (p. 722), 1580, 1591, 1657, 2006, 2008, 2254, 2546, 2647, 2928 :-App. 22:-g. 1170 (6, 7), 1221 (48), 1732 (24 iii.). Dorset's commission, g. 1221 (5). musters for, g. 1221 (6). lists of captains and officers, 1176. , payments, 2008. Guigne, Bastard of, 2095. Ligne. See also Guilain, of the Emperor's chamber. See Pinjon, G. Guilden Morden (Gilden Mordon), Camb., 438 (2 m. 19). Guildford (Gilford, Goldeford), Surr., 438 (2 mm. 22, 29), 438 (3 mm. 11, 19), 1803 (1 m. 6), 1960: p. 1516:—g. 381 (92), 414 (10), 804 (43), 1948 (10). letter dated at, 3186. grants dated at, g. 604 (4, 5), 3324 (3). rector of, pp. 1525, 1530. Guildford (Ghilleford, Gylleforde, Guylford), Edw., or Sir Edw., esquire for the Body, master of the Armoury, knighted at Tournay, 20 (p. (p. 12), 1463 vi., 1629, 1717, 1920, 1981, 1986, 2011, 2053 (9), 2301, 2359, 2480 (28), 2648, 2741, 2825, 2834, 2843, 2965, 3042, 3091, 3115, 3222, 3483, 3564: pp. 1496, 1499, 1500, 1502, 1506, 1539, 1541 :— App. 24, 26 (?) :—g. 132 (33), 257 (73-4), 414 (48), 604 (12), 682 (5), 833 (8), 924 (6), 969 (23, 31), 1602 (37), 2617 (30). letter from, 3042. pardon of, g. 257 (73). signature of, 1629, 1920, 1986:-g. 2617 (30), 2684 (48), 2964 (4). ...(Guylford, Guldeford), George, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 15), 309 :—g. 257 (68). (Gyldeford, Gylford), Henry or Sir Henry, sewer for the King, master of the Revels, esquire for the Body, King's banner-bearer (28 May 1513), 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 698, 864, 1144, 1414, 1748, 1869 v., 2053 (1, 3, 5, 6), 2480 (42), 2562, 2575 ii., 3368, Guildford, Henry or Sir Henry-cont. 3411: pp. 1503, 1539:- App. 26 bis :-g. 414 (76), 1266 (9), 1524 (3, 45), 1732 (47), 1948 (96), 3324 (34). signature, 698, 3578. ...., knighted by Ferdi- nand of Aragon (15 Sept. 1511), 864. (Guldeford, Guylford, Gil- ford), Dame Jane, 1549, 3262, 3348 (3), 3355–6, 3378, 3381, 3416, 3440:-g. 3499 (59). See also Jane, Lady. Margaret, wife of Sir Henry, g. 1266 (9). (Guldeford, Gildeford), Sir Ric., g. 94 (23), 257 (73), 1266 (8). (Gilford), Simon, g. 2684 (29), 3408 (19). Guildford's Inning (Guldefordysynn- yng) near Rye, Suss., g. 132 (33). Guillart, Louis, elect of Tournay, 2197, 3004, 3075, 3217, 3231, 3283-5, 3287, 3296, 3299,3331, 3378-9, 3416, 3427, 3439, 3445, 3545-6. documents concerning his election, 2197. his father, president of the Parliament of Paris, 3004, 3287, 3416, 3545. Guillaume, Maistre, physician to the French Queen, 3357. Guillyot. See Gillott. Guinea (Ghinea), 1344. Guinegate and Bomye (Gyngat, Gingatt and the Battle of Spurs), near Terouenne, 2380, 2391 (p. 1059), 2483, 3091. letters dated at, 2170, 2227, 2280. • prisoners taken at the, "Bat- tle of Spurs," 2053 (6 iii.), 2170, 2172, 2173 (1 (1 iii., 2, 3), 2193, 2198, 2213, 2225, 2227, 2230, 2237, 2249, 2391 (p. 1059), 2392 iii., 3252. poetical account, 2247. Guinigi (Quynige), Francis and John, of Lucca, g. 749 (3). Guiote, Micer. See Heulle, Sir Guyot de. Guipuscoa (Ipusqua, Cypuscoa, Lypwsca), in Spain, 1239, 1444, 1509, 1511, 1519 (p. 703), 1656, 1665 (pp. 761–2), 1689, 2132. Guisborough (Gisburn in Cleveland, Gysburgh, Guyesbourne), Yorks, priory, 438 (2 m. 17). prior. See Moreby, J. vicar of, 1803 (1 m. 4). GENERAL INDEX. 197 Guise, Claude count of, 3348. Guisnes (Gwynes) Castle, • near Calais, 193 (p. 100), 194-5, 215-6, 225, 231, 589, 1424, 1608, 1678, 1838, 1853, 2095 ii., 2380, 2522, 2833 (2), 2854, 2875, 2877-8, 2888, 2937, 3003, 3135, 3154, 3222, 3424, 3513 (2):—g. 190 (34), 218 (4), 257 (39), 709 (14), 1316 (41), 1365 (16), 1948 (31), 2535 (22), 2861 (4). letters dated at, 2118, 2480 (2), 3042. garrison account, 3135. lieutenant of, 194–5. Vaux, Sir N. See Guisnes, manor, lordship, county and forest of, 193 (pp. 100, 103–4), 214–5, 438 (3 m. 22). bailiff of, g. 94 (72). See Pawne, W. • places in, named, 214. Guisnes (Guynes), pursuivant, 2238, 2974. See Wall, T. (until April 1510). Guldeford. See Guildford. Gull, Philip, of Cork, 1026. Gullarate, Ant. de, 1277. Gull Stream (Gowlls), the, off Kent, 1698 (p. 778). Gumby (Gumbee), John, 438 (4 m. 21). Gumcestre. See Godmanchester. Gummer. See Gunner. Gundesalus, Mr., King's chaplain. See Ferdinandus. Gunfounders, 325, 355, 3613. See also Johnson, C.; Popenruy- ter, H.; Walker, H. Gunne, John, g. 2535 (16). Gunnefownder, Hans. See Popen- ruyter. Gunner (Guner, Gummer, Gonnor), Ric., 438 (2 m. 8). Gunners. See under London, Tower. Gunpowder, 589, 1004 (2). See also Ordnance; War payments. Guns (artillery), and gunmaking, 287, 1394, 1495 (3), 1725–6. See also Ordnance; War payments. > purchase in Flanders, 324-5, 355, 1334. bombards 1494 (57). (described), g. covenant for making, 324. Gunson or Gunston. See Gonson. Gunstones, 1189. See also Ordnance. Gunter, Howell, g. 54 (43). John, g. 2535 (11). Gunthorpe, Notts, 1803 (1 m. 6). Gunyonneth. See Gwynionydd. Gur. See Gurre. Gurce, bp. of. See Lang, M. Gurgany (Gorgayne, Goregane), Hugh, 438 (3 m. 27). Gurk (i.e. Gorz), bp. of. M. See Lang, Gurlaw. See Gourlay. Gurney (Gurnay, Gurno), Ric., 438 (4 m. 17). Th., 438 (3 m. 27). (Gournaye, Gornay), Thomas, ship captain, 1413 bis, 1453 ii., v., 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1851, 2304 (3). Wm., 438 (2 m. 10). Gurre, John, armourer, 2810. (Gore, Gurr), Wm., brigan - dine maker, 1463 iii., 1927, 2325: pp. 1498, 1500-1:- g. 969 (6). bill of, 1927. Gurrey. See Mont Orgueil. Gurrey, in Holland (Gouda ?), 2009. Gurry, Ric., messenger, 2651. Gurse (i.e. Gorz), bp. of. See Lang, M. Gussage, Dors., 1803 (1 m. 6). Gussage Bohun (Gusseche Bowne), Dors., g. 94 (35). Guston, Ric., g. 3499 (5). Guthrie (Guthre), provost of. See Dickson, T. Guttierez (Gottorys), Alonzo, 2765. Guybon. See Gibbon. Guylderland. See Gueldres. Guyliot. See Gillott. Guyllary, John, rector of Milstead, g. 1602 (25). Guylle, Ric., serjeant of the Bake- house, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39): g. 449 (14 bis). Guylliams, John à, g. 1462 (30). Guyllym, Nic., 438 (4 m. 14). Guyllyot. See Gillott. Guylmewes, Peter, 877n. Guylmyn. See Gilmyn. Guyne. See Gwynne. Guyneslond in Wales (i.e. Gwenwyn- wyn's land or Powys Wen- wynwyn), 438 (3 m. 26). Guyon. See Guienne. Guyot. See Heulle, G. de. Guy's Cliff (Gibcliff), near Warwick, g. 604 (13). chantry of, g. 682 (29). Guyse, Sir John, 438 (4 m. 5). (Gyse, Gyys), John, 438 (4 m. 5) :—g. 357 (41). Guyvarra. See Guevara. Gwaides. See Cadiz. Gwenwynwyn. See above Gwynes- lond. Gwernek, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 4). Gwetheryn. See Gwytherin. Gwilliam Morgan, David, p. 1538. Gwynes. See Guisnes. 198 GENERAL INDEX. Gwynionydd (Gunyonneth), co. Car- digan, g. 2330 (4). Gwynne, g. 54 (43). > (Ewyn), Griffith, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). (Guyne), Owen, 2481 (3). Gwytherin (Gwetheryn), co. Den- bigh, 438 (2 m. 28). Gyayne. See Guienne. Gyde, Edward, 438 (3 m. 30). Gydman, John, 438 (3 m. 19). Gyffon. See Jephson. Gygell. See Jekyll. Gygges, John, mercer, 573. Dame Olive, 573. Gygyll. See Jekyll. Gykhill or Gykyll. See Jekyll. Gyle, John, g. 2055 (2, 72). Gylford, Th. See Gifford. Gylgett, Edmond, g. 1494 (54). Gyllam, Th., alias Reynold, q.v. Gylleforde. See Guildford. Gyllon, Plecy, French prisoner, 2172. Gyndale. See Givendale. Gynes, Mrs., 2656 (6). John, 438 (2 m. 27). Gyngat. See Guinegate. Gynry. See Givry. Gypuscoa. See Guipuscoa. Gysburn. See Guisbrough. Gyse. See Guyse. Gysell, John, messenger, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 42). Gysnam, Wm., 707 (p. 383). Gyston, John, gunner, 2575 ii. Gyvae, Eliz., p. 1511. Gyvarra. See Velez de Guevara. Gyvor, John, clk., a Scot, g. 1948 (91). H Haarlem (Harlame, Harleham), in Holland, 2009, 2809. Habart, Jean de, captain of Aire, taken prisoner by the French, 2532, 2534. Haberdashers or merchant haber- dashers, 438 (1 mm. 6, 10, 26), 438 (2 mm. 26, 29), 438 (3 mm. 13, 23, 32, 34), 438 (4 mm. 10, 24, 27):—pp. 1496, 1499, 1508-g. 682 (14), 731 (20), 924 (27), 1003 (10), 1044 (15), 1170 (3), 1172 (6), 1494 (32), 1602 (18), 1732 (29), 3582 (13). Haberden (Habirden, Abyrden, &c.), Peter, 438 (3 m. 22). Habochi, John, a Danish gold miner, 810. Haborough (Haweburg), Linc., 1803 (m. 1). Habton, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 13). Habyngdon. See Abingdon. Hacche (Hathe), Hugh atte, 1803 (1 m. 2). (Hache), Th., 1262-g. 833 (58 iv.). Haccheman, Roger, 1033:—g. 969 (56). Haccombe (Haccoumb, Hakcombe), Devon, 438 (3 m. 9) :—g. 833 (20). Hache. See Hacche. Hackebury. See Heytesbury. Hackbushes, 1189. See Ordnance; also War payments. Hackeland, John, g. 833 (58 iv.). Hackelett. See Hakluyt. Hackeswad, John, purser, 3513. Hackett (Haget, Haket), John, 438 (2 m. 20). Hackford next Reepham (Hakford next Resam), Norf., 438 (1 m. 3). Hacking (Hakkyng), Wm., rector of Greete, 438 (3 m. 14). Hackney (Hakene, Hakoney, Haky- ney), Midd., 95, 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 mm. 3, 10), 438 (4 mm. 5, 18), 2765 :—g. 969 (17). • St. Augustine's, rector of, 438 (3 m. 7). Hackuluet. See Hakluyt. Haclyf. See Hatcliff. Hacomblen or Hacomplaynt, Robert, clk., provost of King's College, Cambridge, p. 1534:—g. 1083 (50). Hacon, John, g. 2222 (12). Hacquinet Dandefort, 2875. Haddenham (Hadnam, Hadenham), Camb., 438 (2 m. 19). Heyngton in, 438 (1 m. 2). Haddershelfe. See Hathershelf. Haddes, John, 438 (2 m. 8). Haddington (Adindain), in Scotland, hospital of St. Laurence, 835, 3589:-p. 1522. Haddiscoe (Haddesco), Norf., 438 (1 m. 12). Haddley. See Hadley. Haddon, East-(Esthaddon), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 6) :—p. 1548. Haddon, Nether and Over, Derb., 438 (3 m. 23), 438 (4 m. 25), 1803 (2 m. 3). Haddon, West-, Ntht., 438 (3 m. 6). Haddon, Sir Henry, g. 731 (27). Richard, or Sir Richard, mayor of London (1512-13), g. 731 (27 ii.), 1732 (2, 16). Hadeclyffe. See Hatcliff. GENERAL INDEX. 199 Hainault-cont. Hadefeld or Hadfeld. See Hatfield. Hadenham. See Haddenham. Hades, Wm., g. 1662 (35). Hadfield (Hatfeld), Derb., 438 (3 m. 3). Hadfile. See Hatfield. Hadham, Great-, Herts, 438 (3 m. 16). Hadham (Haddam) Parva, Herts, 438 (4 m. 24). Hadleigh (Hadley, Hadlowe, Had- legh), Essex, 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 8) :—g. 94 (35). Hadleigh (Hadley, Halley), Suff., 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (2 mm. 20, 29), 438 (4 m. 11), 1803 (1 m. 1), 1803 (2 m. 2). charter to, g. 1836 (28). rector of, 438 (3 m. 15). Hadleigh Ree, Essex, g. 94 (35). Hadley, Edw., yeoman of the Pantry, g. 54 (64). (Hedley), Ric., 438 (2 m. 13). (Haddley), Rob., g. 2684 (56). Hadlow, Essex. See Hadleigh. Hadlow (Hadloo), Kent, 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 18):-g. 833 (21). Hadnall, Th., g. 1662 (1). Hadnam. See Haddenham. Hadrian, Cardinal. See Corneto, A. de. Haeze, Francis de, of Ostend, 1500. Hafburgh. See Happisburgh. Hag, the. See Cap de la Hague. Hagborne, West-(Westhaggebourne), Berks, 1803 (1 m. 2). Haget or Hagette. See Hackett. Hagh. See Haugh; also Hawe. Hagh, Ric. See Halgh. Hagnaby (Hagneby), Linc., abbey, 438 (3 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 18). abbot. See Starton, R. Hagnet or Hagonet, honor of. Boulogne, &c. 3009, 3051-2, 3174, 3258:- g. 218 (21). Hainault king of arms, 3051. Hainault (Heynold) bailiwick, in Waltham Forest, g. 2422 (9). Hainton (Hynton), Linc., g. 2535 (25). Haise, Hays or Hayse, Albert, Easterling, 2832 (iii., v., vi.) : -p. 1496. Haistynges. See Hastings. Haitfeld. See Hatfield. Hak. See Hack. Hakcombe. See Haccombe. Hakelet or Haklet. See Hakluyt. Hakevyll or Hakewell. well. See Hawk- Hakford. See Hackford. Hakker. See Hawker. Hakluyt (Hakulette, Hackelette, Hakelet, &c.), Ralph, 438 (3 m. 17) :—p. 1538 :—g. 11 (10, 11), 924 (31), 1494 (4, 9), 2055 (69), 2484 (9), 2772 (3), 3499 (12). Richard, s. and h. of Henry, 438 (2 m. 27). (Hakeluyt, Hokkelet, Hake- let), Walter, 438 (3 m. 20), 438 (4 m. 25). Hakoney. See Hackney. Hakulette. See Hakluyt. Halbeard, Hervey, ship captain, 16. Halden, Kent, 438 (3 m. 9) :—g. 257 (73). Halden, Bernard, clk., g. 2863 (7). Ric., 1803 (1 m. 3). Haldenby, Emma, 438 (2 m. 21). Haldershote. See Aldershot. Haldeworthe or Haldesworth. Holdsworth. Hale, Chesh., 438 (3 m. 11). See Hale, John, g. 1732 (13). Hague (La Haye), in Holland, 884, 919, 2009. letter dated at, 83. Council at, 2009. letter to, 1466. Hagworthingham (Hagunthyngham), Linc., 1803 (1 m. 6), 1803 (2 m. 4). Hailes (Helys), Lord, of Scotland, 2313. Hailes (Haylys, Heylys), Harry, 2305 iii. bis, 2722. Hailsham (Haylysham), Suss., 438 (4 m. 10). Hailston. See Helsington. Hainault (Haynau, Henago, Henaud, Heynault), 1265 (p. 580), 1647 (p. 743), 1925, 1929, 2047, 2110, 2266, 2366, 2371, 2462, 2534, 2753, 2976, 2985, 2994, See Ric., 438 (4 m. 15) :—g. 2137 (23). Rob., g. 1732 (30). See also Hales, and Hall. Hales (Halis), Christopher, 438 (2 m. 8). • • (Halys, Hale), Edw., 438 (1 m. 1):—p. 1536. (Halys), James, wood carver, 307 (p. 142). (Halys), John, 438 (2 m. 8), 2733 :—p. 1539 :—g. 132 (33), 289 (43), 587 (5), 1732 (25), 1948 (14), 2422 (5), 2684 (8). Mildred, prioress of St. Sepulchre's, Canterbury, 438 (4 m. 28). (Hals, Halis), Ric., 438 (2 m. 4):-g. 833 (58 iv.). (Halys), Th., 438 (3 m. 32). 200 GENERAL INDEX. Halesowen (Halysowen), Salop, 438 (3 m. 12). Hall-cont. • abbey, g. 94 (35), 749 (40). confirmation for, g. 632 (44). Halewell, Dors., 438 (2 m. 14). Halford, Sir George, App. 26. Halgh or Hogh, John, s. and h. of Rob., 1803 (1 m. 1). (Halghe, Hagh), Ric., 438 (2 m. 32), 1803 (2 m. 2). Halhed, Henry, p. 1534. Halifax, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (3 mm. 9, 13, 25), 1803 (1 m. 1), 3598-g. 54 (3), 132 (31). Halile, John, servant of Lord Darcy, 2914. Halkerston, George, merchant of Edinburgh, 583-4. Thomas, provost of Creich- ton, archd. of Aberdeen, tutor to Alex. abp. of St. Andrews, 106, 212, 292, 411-12, 1735 (pp. 791, 793) :—p. 1530. Hall, Anne, 559 (p. 327). Eliz., 436 (4 m. 3). (Hale, Halle), Francis, 1803 (2 m. 1):-p. 1540. John, 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (4 m. 26):-g. 2617 (15). John, rector of Caythorpe, p. 1528. Katharine, 438 (4 m. 19). Margaret, wife of Robert, 438 (3 m. 13). " Matthew, 3030. Nic., 438 (4 m. 3). (Haulle), Piers, 20 (p. 16). 1). (Halle), Ralph, 1803 (1 m. Ric., 438 (4 m. 19), 1803 (1 m. 1). Rob., 707 :—g. -g. 1602 (8), 2862 (7). (Halle), Robert, keeper of Ludgate prison, 438 (3 m. 13). (Halle), Roger, 438 (2 m. 21), 2968 (4):—pp. 1502, 1512. (Halle), Th., 438 (3 m. 26), 3529:-p. 1538 :—g. 218 (49), 1804 (9, ‍37), 1948 (32), 2222 16 Hunts), 3408 (16). (Hale, Halle), Thomas, M.D., M.A., 438 (4 m. 3):-g. 414 (67). Th., priest, of the Chapel Royal, 707. Thomas, rector of Garsdon, g. 804 (51). Th., rector of Folkingham, g. 1462 (23). Thomas, Wolsey's servant, 1924. letter to, 1653. Wm., 1803 (1 m. 6), 2382. of (Halle), Wm., abbot Laventon, 438 (2 m. 31). Wm., rector of Whittington, g. 1221 (54). Halle (Haulx, Our Lady of Hawes), near Brussels, 1213, 1226, 1469. Hallewin, Louis de, Sieur de Piennes, q.v. Halley, Suff. See Hadleigh. Halley (Hallay, Hallee), John, 438 (1 m. 12):—g. 1123 (12). Th., messenger, 82 (p. 42). (Hawlay), Thomas, Rouge- crosse pursuivant, 1450 (p. 661), 1735, 2239, 2246 (1, 3, 4), 2268, 2375, 2580, 2734, 3143, 3565 :—p. 1516 :-g. 158 (87). signature of, 2734. Hallington (Halingeon), Linc., 438 (4 m. 25). Hallyathe. See Hollyat. Halmer. See Hanmer. Halnaker (Halfnaked), Suss., 438 (2 m. 14)—g. 2964 (43). Halnouct. See Anhalt. Halrigge. See Hayrigge. Hals. See Hales; also Halse. Halsall (Halshall), Sir Henry, 1493, 3483 :-App. 26. (Halsale), John, 438 (1 m. 20). John, rector of Wood- borough, g. 731 (6). Halse (Hals) St. John's, Soms., 438 (2 m. 10). Halsey (Alsey), Thomas, peniten- tiary at Rome, bp. of Leighlin (May 1513), 1053, 1910 :-p. 1528. letter to, 1053. Halsland. See Hasland. Halspade. See Alspath. Halstead (Alstede), Essex, vicar of, p. 1521. Halstow, Kent, rector presented, g 1415 (1). Halswell or Halsewell, Nic., clk., canon of York, 438 (2 m. 15). Rob., 438 (2 m. 15). Halswey, Soms. [in Bicknoller], 438 (3 m. 25). Haltemprice (Hawtemprice, Hauten- prise, Hauctenprice, Hawden- price) priory, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 8), 3315. confirmation for, g. 485 (14). election of prior, g. 3107 (50). prior. See Womberslay, J. Halton, Chesh., 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (4 m. 2). Halton (Hawlton), Linc., 438 (1 m. 17), 438 (2 m. 20). Halton, Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). GENERAL INDEX. 201 Halton, Oxon. See Holton. Halton on the Hill, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 21). Halton, John, 438 (1 m. 17). Haltus, —, friend of Erasmus, 2519. Halwill, Devon, 438 (2 m. 7). Halwell (Halighwill), Joan, daughter of Richard H. of Halwill, Devon, 438 (2 m. 23). Ric., g. 218 (52), 381 (18). Halweye, John, g. 833 (58 iv.). Halyday, Adam, 707. John, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 43). Halyfeld. See Hellifield. Halys. See Hales. Halywell. See Holywell. Halywell nunnery. See under London. Ham, Bucks. See Notes and Errata, 519 (13). Ham, Suss., 559. Ham, East- (Estham), Essex, g. 2055 (128). Ham, West. See West Ham. Hamble (Hamyll, Hambl Rysse), Hants, 438 (1 m. 9), 3318 iv. Hambledon (Hamulidon, Hamulden), Surr., 438 (1 m. 12), 438 (2 m. 27). Hambleton (Hamyldon), 1803 (1 m. 1). Rutl., Hambrook (Hambroke), Glouc., g. 2964 (1, 2). Hamburg, in Germany, 1210, 1324, 1330-1, 1336, 1478-9. letter to the Governors, 1325. Senate of, 285. Hamby, Linc. See Humby. Hamby, Agnes, widow of Thomas, 438 (3 m. 2). Hamerton, George, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 41), 3038. John, 438 (1 m. 22):-p.'1547. John, serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42). Rayner, 2671. Roger, clerk of the market, g. 1044 (23), 2861 (24). inquisitions by, 2671. Wm., 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41). Hames. See Hammes pursuivant. Hamfay, Suss., 559. Hamilton, Andrew, 3540. David, bp. of Argyle (or Lis- more), 2461, 2551, 3119. James, lord Hamilton, earl of Arran, q.v. Sir James of Finnart, 1585. John, of Broomhill, 1585. Sir Patrick, of Kincavil, 20 (p. 15), 1585, 2461. letter to, 2990. Hamlet, John, 707 (p. 383). Hamlyn, John, g. 2535 (15). Hammerton (Hamerton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22). Hammerwich (Homerwiche), Staff., 438 (3 mm. 3, 6). Hammes (Hampnes, Hammez, Ham- mes) Castle, near Calais, 193 (p. 100), 226, 438 (1 m. 10), 589, 1050, 2834, 2875, 3222. castle and lordship of, g. 190 (34), 257 (4, 5, 27), 519 (12), 546 (36), 1316 (41), 1365 (16). letters dated at, 3062-3. lieutenant of. See Mount- joy, Lord. Hammes (Hampnes, Hamswel) Well, 2380, 2391. rector of, 193 (p. 100). Hammes pursuivant (Hames, Hams), 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 2854, 2888-p. 1516. Hammes or Hammys, Wm., son of Henry, 438 (2 m. 25). Hamo, Robert son of, charter of, g. 381 (99). Hamond, Bart., player, 20 (p. 16). Henry, g. 3107 (8). John, gunner, 1517, 2785 :- g. 1123 (24). Hampden, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 25). Hampden (Hamden), -, of the Hill, 1176 (1, 2). Sir Edm., g. 94 (20), 604 (9), 2861 (36). See Notes and Errata, 2137. Eliz., 438 (3 n. 25), 438 (4 m. 9):—g. 804 (47). Etheldreda. Errata, 2137. See Notes and (Hamden), John or Sir John, esquire for the Body, a Spear, 20 (p. 12), 438 (3 m. 25), 2480 (31):—App. 26:—p. 1534. Ric., 438 (2 m. 14):-Notes and Errata, 2137. Wm., 438 (3 m. 31):—g. 804 (47). See Notes and Er- rata, 2137. Hampnes. See Hammes. Hampnet (Hamptenett), Suss., g. 218 (35). Hampnet, West- (Westhamptenet), Suss., 438 (2 m. 29). Ham Preston (Ampristron), Dors., rector of, p. 1521. Hampshire (Hamshyre, Hanpshere), 205 (p. 106), 559, 1409 (2), 2098:—p. 1517 :—g. 132 (26), 381 (75), 632 (26), 833 (11, 58 ii.), 969 (23), 1365 (24), 1462 (1), 1494 (9, 55), 1524 (30), 1602 (38), 1662 (27), 1732 (21), 2055 (100), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (39), 2964 (72), 3408 (18, 19), 3499 (12, 29). commission of the peace, pp. 1537-8. 202 GENERAL INDEX. Hampstall (Hamstall) Ridware, Staff.,438 (2 m. 24), 438 (4 m.2). Hampstead (Hampstede), Midd., 438 (4 m. 22). Hampstead Marshall (H. Marchall), Berks, g. 94 (35). Hampsterdam. See Amsterdam. Hamptede. See Hempstead. Hampton, Oxon, 438 (2 m. 20). Hampton in Arden, Warw., 1493 v. :—g. 1266 (9). Hampton Bishop, Heref., rector of, p. 1525. Hampton Court, Midd., 438 (2 m. 29), 3024. Hampton on the Hill, Warw., g. 2055 (129). Hampton Poyle, 438 (4 m. 14). Hampton,, of Southampton, g. 11 (10). Geoffrey, g. 3226 (12). Henry, 438 (1 m. 21). John, 438 (1 m. 21): g. 546 (64). Robert, App. 14. Thomas, D.D., abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, 963, 1638, 3464-g. 485 (52), 546 (63). Hamsey (Hampsey, Hamshay, Haunshay), Suss., 438 (3 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 1) :—g. 969 (38). Hamsfeld. See Heimfels. Hamstall Ridware. See Hampstall. Hamsted, Hamswell. 559. See Hammes. Hamulidon. See Hambledon. Hamworth, Dors., 438 (2 m. 19). Hamworth, Yorks. See Hemsworth. Hamyll. See Hamble. Hamyldon. See Hambleton. Hanam. See Hanham. Hanaper, the, 438 (3 m. 22), 596, 3313 (6):—g. 54 (62), 632 (55), 709 (14), 833 (43), 1494 (29), 1836 (4), 1948 (31), 2055 (131), 3499 (75), 3582 (6, 12). clerk or keeper, g. 2055 (61), 3107 (20), 3324 (44), 3408 (25). See Lupton, R.; Heron, J. Accounts, 109, 579, 875, 1406, 2315, 3315. Hanault, Prince of. See Anhalt. Hanboc, Th., 20 (p. 17). Hanbury, Worc., p. 1512. Hancok, Alice, 438 (3 m. 22). Handborough (Hanebergh), Oxon, g. 381 (24). Handeley, Ralph. See Henley. Handley (Hanley), Chesh. [near Bollington], 438 (4 m. 16). Handsacre (Honsaker), Staff., 438 (4 m. 15). Handsworth (Hannysworth), Staff., 438 (2 m. 13). Haneton or Hanneton, -, the Em- peror's secretary, 1721, 1923. Hanford, Mr., 2765. Edward, ship captain, 3513 (2). Margaret widow of John, 438 (3 m. 11). Hangest, J. de, Sieur de Genlis, q.v. Hanging Houghton, Ntht., 438 (2 m. 25). Hanging Stane, on the Middle March, p. 1260. Hangmer. See Hanmer. Hanham (Hanam), Ric., 438 (1 m. 11). Hankyn (Henkyn), John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Hanley, Chesh. See Handley. Hanley, Worc., 438 (2 m. 28):—g. 94 (47), 969 (33), 1524 (47), 3408 (5). Hanley, Ralph. See Henley. Roger, p. 1518. " Hanmer (Hangner), co. Flint, 438 (2 m. 26). Hanmer (Hangmer), John, 438 (2 m. 26). Sir Th., App. 26. (Halmer), Th., merchant tailor, 438 (1 m. 24). Hanna, Th., 20 (p. 17). Hannart, John, 2521. Hannay (Banney), Dogge, falconer to James IV., 1262 (p. 578). Hanneton. See Haneton. Hannibal (Hanyball, Honyball), John, LL.D., commissary of York, 438 (3 m. 13) :—g. 3226 (25). Hans, the gunfounder. See Popen- ruyter. Hansard or Hansart, Ant., 1803 (2 m. 1), 3313 (6), 3483 :-g. 158 (63), 749 (6), 3408 (21). (Hanserd, Hansert), John, 438 (3 mm. 8, 31):—p. 1549. John, ship captain, 2304 (3 i., iii., 4, 5), 2305 (p. 1035), 2936. Ric., letter from, 3058. Wm. or Sir Wm., 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5), 2480 (52) :—App. 26 :- p. 1540 :—g. 749 (6), 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14). Hanserdam. See Amsterdam. Hanse Merchants, or "Merchants of the Steelyard," 309, 438 (2 m. 33), 586, 696, 903, 1493 vi., 1564 (p. 718), 3196 :—p. 1516. justiciary in London. See Tate, Sir J. Hanshawe, Wm., mayor of Glouces- ter, 438 (3 m. 27):—g. 1662 (1). Hansley Wodhous. See Annesley. GENERAL INDEX. 203 Hanslope (Hanslap, Hanslepe, Hanse- lape, Hanscope), Bucks, 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (2 mm. 9, 13, 15), 438 (3 m. 12):—g. 257 (32), 709 (36). rector of, 438 (1 m. 8), 1803 (2 m. 3): p. 1525:—g. 94 (54). Hanson, Oliver, g. 2964 (51). Rob., p. 1520. Hanstanton. See Hunstanton. Hanstede, John, g. 2055 (122). Hanwell, Suss., g. 132 (51). Hanworth, Linc., g. 1316 (4), 2772 (11). Hanworth, Midd., 153 :—g. 54 (69), 1316 (4). grants dated at, g. 132 (18), 158 (31), 190 (1), 218 (22), 357 (12), 381 (1, 55), 604 (49), 632 (15), 3499 (26). Hapieynkyn. See Ap Jenkin. Happisburgh (Hafburgh), Norf., 438 (2 mm. 19, 31), 438 (3 m. 26). Hapton. See Hopton. Har. See Havre. Haracombe, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Harbard, gunfounder. Harbart. See Herbert. See Pole. Harbatell. See Harbottle. Harbernford (Hurbernford), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Harberton (Hurberton), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Harbledown (Herbaudon, Harbal- doune), Kent, hospital, con- firmation for, g. 749 (33–4). rector of, p. 1528. Harborne, Staff. (Horbren, Worc.), 438 (4 m. 22). Harborough (Ardeborough, Haver- burgh, Harborowe), Leic., 438 (4 mm. 21, 25). Harbottle (Harbottell, Herbotell), Nthld., 438 (1 m. 24):-g. 2222 (10). • letters dated at, 2026, 2443. castle of, 131. Harbottle (Harebotell), Chr., rector of Thoresway, g. 1316 (2). (Harbotylle, Harebotylle), Ralph, 438 (1 m. 5). Sir Wynchard, slain at Flod- den, 2246. (Harbatell), Wigard, g. 357 (21). Harcourt, -, 2053. • (Herecourt), Edm., 438 (1 m. 26). (Harecourt, Hercorte), Fras., sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 14), 2480 (25). Joan, wife of Edmund, 438 (1 m. 26). (Harecorte), Sir Ric., 438 (4 m. 17). Harcourt-cont. (Harecourt, Hercourt, Haren- court), Ric., 20 (p. 18), 438 (1 m. 8) :—p. 1534. (Harecourte), Rob., g. 94 (51). (Herecourt, Hertcorte, Harre- court, Harencourt), Simon or Sir Simon, 438 (1 m. 26), 2480 (25) :—App. 26 :—p. 1542 : g. 2055 (95 ii.), 3499 (12). Th., g. 257 (49). (Harecorte, Harecote), Wm., 438 (4 m. 17) :—p. 1542 :-g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 2222 (16 Oxon). Hardcastell (Herdcastell), Wm., p. 1520. Hardeclyffe. See Hatcliff. Hardelegh. See Harlech. Harden (Harding), John, chaplain, 20 (p. 17). John, prb. of Penkridge, g. 1003 (12). John, rector of Worthy Mor- timer, p. 1529. (Harding), John, M.A., rector of Bladon, g. 289 (14), 731 (56). John, rector of Yelvertoft, g. 731 (39). John, rector of Upton Lovell, g. 2535 (19). Harden or Hardyn. See also Arden. Harderwyk (Hardwick), in Holland, 2809. Hardhed, John, clk., 438 (1 m. 19). Harding, Alan, 874 (2):-p. 1506. John. See Harden. Nic., justice of assizes, g. 94 (50), 132 (48), 381 (39). Rob., 1262. Wm., 438 (2 m. 11). Hardingham, Norf., 438 (4 m. 18). Hardlaugh. See Harlech. Hardouin (Hardwyn), Jean, French prisoner, p. 928. Hardsough (Hardeshawe), Lanc., 438 (2 m. 29). Hardwareman, 438 (3 mm. 26, 28). Hardwick (Hardwyke), Glouc., 1803 (2 m. 4). Hardwick, in Holland. See Harder- wyk. Hardwick (Hardewyke), Norf. [in Runcton], 438 (3 m. 16). Hardwick (Herdwike), Oxon, g. 2684 (1). Hardy, John, g. 448 (3). • Rob., 438 (4 m. 3). Hardyn, in Hainault, 2392. Hardys (Herdys), Wm., 438 (1 m. 23). Harebotell. See Harbottle. Harebroun or Harebrowne, George, p. 1543. 204 GENERAL INDEX. Harper-cont. Harecote or Harecourt. See Har- court. Harefield (Hareford, Herefeld), Midd., 438 (3 m. 22) :—g. 449 (3). Hareford. See Harefield. Harescombe, Glouc., 438 (3 m. 34). Harewell. See Harvel. Harewood (Harwod), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (3 m. 4):—g. 2055 (108), 2484 (12). Harfleur (Herflew), in Normandy, 1594, 1835, 1971. Harford. See Hertford. Harigge. See Hayridge. Harington, Lord, 438 (3 m. 21). Harington. See Harrington. Harlakynden, Roger, 438 (3 m. 18). Harlam. See Haarlem. Harlech (Hardelegh, Hardlaugh) Castle, in Wales, 438 (2 mm. 9, 20), 438 (3 m. 20). Harleston (Herleston, Parleston), Norf., 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (4 mm. 11, 16), 1803 (1 m. 3). Harleston (Herleston), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 25). Harleston, Suff., g. 414 (30). Harleston, Alice, widow of Robert, g. 2055 (18). Clement, g. 2055 (18). John, rector of Blaxhall (temp. Edw. III.), g. 651 (10). Harley, Salop, 438 (4 m. 14). Harling, East- (Estharlyng), Norf., 438 (3 m. 22). Harlis Park, Devon, [near Ashbur- ton,] g. 3499 (48). Harlowe, Essex, 438 (1 m. 20):—g. 289 (16). Harlsey (Harlesey), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9). Harlton, Camb., rector of, 438 (3 m. 29). Harman, John, of the Queen's stable, 82 (p. 41). (Harmer, Hermer), Wm., 438 (2 m. 33). Harmanson, Eliz., 438 (3 m. 19). Harnes or Harneys, Thomas, prior of Black Friars, Ipswich, 438 (2 m. 34). Harness. See Armour; also Horse harness. Harnham, East- (Estharneham), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 25). Haro, Diego Ramirez de Villa Escusa de, bp. of Malaga, Spanish ambassador to Maxi- milian, 6 (p. 6), 818-9. Haroldston (Harroldston), co. Pemb., 438 (1 m. 17). Harowe, Walter, 20 (p. 14). Harper (Harpur), Eliz., widow of Richard, g. 604 (36). George, g. 1316 (22). Henry, auditor, g. 381 (90). (Harpur), John, groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 15), 953. (Herper), John, serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42). (Harpur), Marg., 438 (1 m. 2). Roger, 438 (1 m. 23). Th., S.T.P., 438 (1 m. 23). Walter, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40) :—g. 804 (48), 2137 (13). (Harpur), Wm., 438 (1 m. 2). (Herper, Harpour), Wm., ship captain, 1661 (4), 1786, 1844 (p. 843), 1971, 2304 (3, 4), 2305 iii. bis, 2686, 2842 ii., 2938: p. 1517. Harpfield, Louis, draper, 719. Harpham (Herpham), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 4). Harpham, John de, charter of, g. 381 (81). Harpole (Horpole), Ntht., g. 2617 (19). Harpsfeld (Harpysfeld), John, g. 2055 (48, 81–2). (Hairepesfeld, Herepisfeld, &c.), Lewis, 1803 (2 m. 6):-p. 1520:―g. 2055 (48, 81–2). Harptree, West- (Westharptre), Soms., 438 (4 m. 21). Harpur. See Harper. Harrecourt. See Harcourt. Harreson. See Harrison. Harrewell. See Harvel. Harrietsham (Heryettisham), Kent, 438 (3 m. 23). Harriett, Harriot or Haryott, Wm., 438 (1 m. 19), 2480 (28), 2656 (6). Harrigge. See Hayridge. Harringay (Harryngey), Midd., 438 (1 m. 4). Harrington, Ntht., 438 (3 m. 5). Harrington (Haryngton), Eliz., d. and h. of Sir John, 438 (2 m. 30). • (Haryngton), Hamlet, gentle- man usher, 20 (p. 16). (Haryngton), Isabel widow of Sir James, 438 (3 m. 30). (Haryngton), James, 2480 (22). (Harington), James, dean of York, 631, 1272. (Haryngton, Heryngton), John, 438 (3 m. 28):—g. 132 (26), 632 (26), 969 (23), 1494 (9). (Haryngton), Nic., 2443. (Haryngton), Sir Thomas, 438 (2 m. 30). Harriot. Th., p. 1512. See Harriett. Harris or Harres (Herrys), 2575 ii. GENERAL INDEX. 205 Harris-cont. • Francis, g. 381 (54). Isabella, g. 381 (54). (Herres, Harreson, Harryes, Haryez), John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 438 (4 m. 16):— p. 1548-g. 604 (10). John rector of King's Rip- ton, g. 289 (26). (Harries, Harreys), Laurence, 438 (4 m. 20). Philippa, g. 381 (54). (Harries), Rob., 438 (2 m. 33) :—pp. 1539, 132 (26). 1545 : 1545 :—g. (Harries, Haries), Th., 438 (4 m. 28). (Harries), Wm., 707 (p. 383): p. 1518. Wm., clk., g. 132 (79). Harrison or Harreson, Harry, g. 1948 • • (14). (Haryson), 3425. John, 1505, (Haryson), John, ship master or loadsman, 1661 (p. 752), 2842 iv., 2938 ii. :—p. 1497. (Harreson), Piers, farrier, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 41). (Haryson), Robert, a heretic, 752 ii. (Haryson), Valentine, 2404. Harrold, Wm., rector of Mellis, g. 833 (49). Harroldston. See Haroldston. Harrop, Thurston, 2759. Harrow (Harowe), Midd., 438 (4 m. 14), 1803 (1 m. 1). Hill, Midd., p. 1512. Weald (Harowe Midd., p. 1512. Welde), Harrowdon (Herredon, Harwedon Magna), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 m. 5) :—g. 158 (77). Harsey. See Hercy. Harston, Camb., 438 (3 m. 22). Hart, Harte, Herte or Hert, Edw., 2542. John, 438 (2 m. 6) :—g. 414 (44), 1172 (8). John, trumpet, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 43). Ralph, p. 1549. Ric., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 41):— g. 414 (2), 784 (28). Ric., purser, 2478, 3148. Rob., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228: g. 414 (2). Thomas, 1046. (Hert), Th., draper, g. 709 (15), 1221 (12). Th., master gunner and ship captain, 20 (p. 16), 311n.,1004, 1414, 1463 v., 1529, 2308, Hart, Th.-cont. :-pp. 2346, 2738, 2834, 3222: 1506, 1508–10, 1513-14: App. 17:—g. 94 (3). Wm., 438 (3 m. 23), 2803. Hartegood, Rob., g. 731 (8). Hartenshay, Dors., 438 (4 m. 23). Harteshorne, Ric., 2483. Hartest (Herthest, Hertest), Suff., 438 (2 m. 9):—g. 414 (30). See Bois le Duc. Hartevanbusse. Hartfeld, John. See Hatfield. Hartfield (Hertfeld, Hatfeld), Suss., 438 (3 m. 18), 2668, 2832 (iii., v., vi.):—pp. 1509, 1511-12: -g. 709 (26). Hartford, Berks, g. 682 (8). Hartford Bridge (Herfordbryg), Hants, 1495 (3). Hartforth (Herforth), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 13). Harthaumbusse. See Bois le Duc. Harthill (Herthyll), Derb., g. 2684 (78). Harthill wapentake, Yorks, g. 132 (32). Hartington (Hertyngton, Hortyng- ton), Derb., 438 (4 m. 26 bis). Hartland (Hertland), Wm., 438 (2 m. 9). Hartlepool (Hertilpole), Dham., 1262 (p. 578), 1803 (2 m. 5). Hartley (Hertley), Nthld., 1262 (p. 578). Hartley (Arteley), Westmld., 438 (2 m. 15). Hartley (Herteley), John, g. 2055 (16, 21). (Harteley), Th., rector of Great Billing, g. 1602 (39). Hartlington (Hertlyngton), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 7). Hartridge (Hertriche), Berks, 1803 (2 m. 5). Hartshead (Hartyshed, Hertished), Th., 438 (2 m. 18). Hartwell (Hertwell), Bucks, 438 (3 mm. 18, 31):—g. 632 (72). Sircotes or Sithcotes lands, g. 969 (56). Hartwell (Hertwall), Staff. [near Stone], 438 (2 m. 12). Hartwell or Hertwell, John, p. 1548 : -g. 2964 (66). Ric., 438 (3 m. 24):—g. 2055 (71). Wm., g. 2055 (107). Hartys, Ric., rector of Doynton, p. 1529. Harweholme. See Haverholme. Harvel (Harrewell, Horrewell, Hare- well), Edmond, 438 (3 m. 26). Harvey or Harvy (Hervy), -, ship master, 1661 (4). 206 GENERAL INDEX. Harvey-cont. • 2 (Hervy), Edmund, g. 2964 (33). (Hervy), George or Sir George, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 14), 81, 438 (1 m. 6) :—App. 26 :- g. 709 (6). (Hervy), H., 1463 viii. Humphrey, p. 1543. John, 438 (4 m. 11), 707 (p. 383): p. 1549. (Hervy), Nic., 3529. (Harvy), Ric., 3023. (Hervey), Rob., 3023 :-g. 2964 (33). .(Hervy), Th., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 438 (3 m. 8). Harward, George, 1575 (p. 723), 2738, 2909 :-g. 1365 (9). (Hayrward, Herward, Ho- ward), George, ship captain, 1463 viii., xii., 2478 (3), 3137 (16): pp. 1501-2, 1506, 1508. Harwedon. See Harrowdon. Harwegge. See Hayridge. Harwell, Lady Agnes, 438 (1 m. 14): -g. 1804 (4). Thomas s. and h. of John, g. 1804 (4). Wm., 438 (1 m. 14). Harwich, Essex, 1080, 1672, 2478 ii., • 2865, 3137 (16). letter dated at, 1480. ships of, 1982 (4). Harwod, Yorks. See Harewood. Harwood (Horewode), Devon, 438 (2 m. 27). Harwood Magna, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 11). Harwood (Harwode), John, 438 (4 m. 25). (Herwode), Peter, 438 (2 m. 11). (Harwod), Th., 1262 (p. 578). Haryngey. See Harringay. Haryngton. See Harrington. Haryott. See Harriet. Hasard, Rob., 438 (2 m. 32). Hasel, George, 2049. Haselden. See Hasilden. Haseley (Hastley), Warw., 1493 v.: g. 158 (36), 709 (41), 2055 (129). lands in, g. 1221 (20). Haseley, Edward, g. 3499 (45). Th., g. 54 (62). Haselrig. See Hasilrig. Haselwod. See Hasilwood. Hasfield, Glouc., 438 (3 m. 23). Hashton. See Aston. Hasilden (Haselden, Hassilden), Francis, 20 (p. 14), 438 (2 m. 19): p. 1534:-g. 94 (99), 257 (49, 84), 682 (3). Hasilor (Hasellore) hundred, Dors., g. 94 (35). Hasilrig (Hasilrigge), Eliz., 438 (1 m. 11). (Haselrig, Hesulrygge), Rob., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (pp. 38, 41):—p. 1542: -g. 54 (86), 257 (81). (Hasylryg, Hesylryg), Th., 438 (1 m. 11):—pp. 1539, 1542:-g. 218 (12), 784 (3). (Hasilrigge), Wm., 438 (1 m. 11). Hasilwood (Haselwode), Edmund, 438 (1 m. 26), 1803 (1 m. 6) :— p. 1541-g. 804 (28). (Haselwode), John, 438 (3 m. 26), 1803 (1 m. 6):-g. 1494 (40). John, teller of the Exche- quer, 1409. (Haselwode), Th., keeper, &c., of Westminster Palace, 438 (1 m. 26). Hasland (Halsland), Derb., 438 (3 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 13). Hasle. See Hazeley. Haslebury Plucknet (Hasilbare Pluknet), Soms., 438 (2 m. 30). Haslerton, Th., g. 632 (20). Haslingfield (Haselyngefeld), Camb., g. 2617 (21). Hassell, Th., 1947. Hassilden. See Hasilden. Hassill. See Hessle. Hasta, in Italy, 2267. See also Asti. Haste. See Asti. Haster (Arter), John, merchant of the Staple, 1803 (2 m. 5). Hastingleigh, Kent, 1784. Hastings, Suss., 3001: -g. 2862 (7). priory, 438 (2 m. 25). • prior. See Swan, H. Hastings or Hastynges, Anne lady, wife of Sir George, 474 n., 1549. Sir Edward, lord Hastings and Hungerford († 1506), 438 (3 m. 1). Eliz., d. and h. of Sir John, g. 414 (58). (Haistynges), Sir Sir George lord, 20 (pp. 14, 20), 37, 205, 341, 438 (3 m. 1), 474n., 963, 1046, 1453, 2051-2, 2392, 2838, 3464, 3483-pp. 1539, 1547:-g. 381 (31), 651 (34), 1221 (27), 1804 (28). George or Sir George, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 16), 438 (2 m. 4):-g. 289 (6), 804 (29 vi., xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1365 (3). GENERAL INDEX. 207 Hastings, George or Sir George- Hatclyff, Wm.—cont. cont. knighted, 81. Lady Joan († 1505), 438 (4 m. 5). Joan, wife of George, 438 (2 m. 4). (Hastingis), John, earl of Pembroke, q.v. John, 1803 (2 m. 1). Katharine lady, dec. [widow of Wm. lord H., who was executed in 1483], 438 (3 m. 1):—g. 132 (72), 709 (14). Mary lady, widow of Ed- ward lord Hastings and Hun- gerford, 438 (3 m. 1) :~g. 651 (7). Peter, 3522. Richard († 1503), lord of Welles and Willoughby, 438 (4 m. 5). (Hastinges), Sir Richard, g. 632 (9), 2772 (36). Ric., cupbearer, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 38 bis) :—p. 1545. Sir Roger, 438 (3 m. 8):- g. 257 (49). William lord († 1483), 438 (3 m. 1). Wm., 438 (3 m. 1), 438 (4 m. 20):—p. 1539:-g. 1948 (94), 222 (16 Derb.). Hastley, Warw. See Haseley. Haston, Suff., 438 (3 m. 25). Hasylby, John, 20 (p. 13). Hasyll. See Hessle. Hatcliff (Hadclyfe, Haydeclyfe), Linc., 438 (2 m. 24) :—g. 1662 (54). Hatclyff (Atclyff, Atlyf, Hatticlif, • Hatteclyf), Edw., clerk comp- troller, second clerk of the Kitchen, clerk of the Signet, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 39), 1422 (pp. 650–1), 1444, 1495 (1 iii., 3), 1496, 1506, 1511 (p. 699), 1976 (p. 896 "Ratclif "): pp. 1511, 1513:-g. 485 (62-3), 784 (34), 1123 (19, 20), 1316 (9). signature of, 1506. (Atclyff), John, clerk of the Queen's stable, 82 (p. 41). T., p. 1506. (Atclif, Atclyfe, Atlyff, Attcliff, Artclyff, Hadeclyfe, Hardeclyffe, Haclyf, Hede- clyffe), Wm., clerk of the Counting House, &c., 20 (p. 17 bis), 82 (p. 39), 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (4 mm. 6, 15), 1134, 1661 (11), 1748, 1904, 2009, 2305 (p. 1035), 2326: pp. 1505-8-App. 22:-g. 449 (14), 1172 (12), 1662 (31, 35, 37, 54), 1732 (8, 14), 1948 (69, 70), 2422 (7). See Notes and Errata, 707. • Hatfeld, Derb. Hatfeld, Suss. letter from, 1904. his account, 2326. See Hadfield. See Hartfield. Hatfield (Haitfeld), Heref., 438 (1 m. 22). Hatfield or Bishops Hatfield (Hort- feld), Herts, 438 (1 m. 20), 438 (2 m. 14), 438 (3 mm. 8, 14, 22), 438 (4 mm. 1, 13). rector of, p. 1524. Hatfield (Hadfile of the Thorne, Haitfelde, Hattefeld, Hat- fyld), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (3 m. 3): g. 54 (61), 94 (55, 68), 546 (61), 563 (10), 1732 (43), 1804 (6). Hatfield Broadoak or H. Regis, Essex, 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (4 m. 1):-g. 1494 (21a.). Hatfield, Great (Mykylhatfeld), Yorks [near Goxhill], 438 (4 m. 10). Hatfield Peveril, Essex, 438 (2 m. 34). Hatfield (Hatfyld), Edmund, rector of St. Mary's Hoo, g. 731 (25). (Haitfeld, Hartfeld, Hate- feld), John, 438 (4 m. 8):— p. 1547 :—g. 158 (91). (Haitfeild, Hattefeld, Hate- feld, Hadefeld, Hadfeld), Stephen, 438 (4 m. 8), 1803 (1 m. 6). Hatford, Berks, g. 94 (51). • rector presented, g. 190 (32). Hathemer, Th., 1654. Hathern, Leic., rector of, 1803 (1 m. 2). Hathershelf (Haddershelfe), Yorks [in Sowerby], 1803 (1 m. 2). Hatmakers or hatters, 438 (2 m. 31), 438 (3 mm. 23, 29). Hats. See Caps. Hattefeld. See Hatfield. Hattisbury. See Heytesbury. Hatton (Hotton), Chesh., 438 (3 m. 24). Hatton, Warw., g. 1221 (20). Hatton, John, g. 1948 (34). Richard, canon of St. Stephen's, clerkof Parliaments, King's chaplain, 20 (p. 14), 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 5) :— g. 54 (84), 218 (64). Hau. Th., g. 587 (15). Haubourdin (Pount Abovyn), in Hainault, 2392. Hauctenprice. See Haltemprice. Hauchet, Ric., 438 (2 m. 28). Haugh (Hegh, Hagh), Linc., 438 (4 m. 5). 208 GENERAL INDEX. Haugh. See Hawe. Haughley (Hawleigh, Hawley, Haughlee), Suff., g. 54 (46), 604 (8, 35), 2055 (95). Haughton, Dham., rector of, 438 (2 m. 18). Haughton, Ric., 438 (3 m. 31):—g. 2684 (35). Roger, 438 (3 m. 31). Hauker. See Hawker. Haukyns. See Hawkins. Haulle. See Hall. Haulx. See Halle. Haunshay. See Hamsey. Haunstaton. See Hunstanton. Hause, Agnes, 438 (4 m. 12). Hausted. See Hawstead. Haut. See Hawte. Hautbois, Charles de, bp. of Tournay, 2197. Hautenprise. See Haltemprice. Havant (Havent, Havand, Hewant), Hants, 438 (1 m. 12). • letter dated at, 2574. rector. See Stynt, W. Havard, Philip, g. 519 (15). Havell, George, p. 1542. Haverbreck (Haverbrake), Westmld., 438 (3 m. 10). Haverburgh. See Harborough. Haverford West, co. Pembroke, 1803 (2 m. 5) :—g. 54 (30), 158 (53), 190 (20), 731 (57), 2772 (54). priory, confirmation for, g. 1266 (37). Haverhill (Haverell), Essex and Suff., 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 24), 1803 (1 m. 4). Haverholme (Harveholme), Linc., priory, 438 (3 m. 15). Havering atte Bower, Essex, 1803 (1 m. 3) :—g. 94 (35). grants dated at, g. 190 (19, 27), 218 (25), 257 (6). Haversham, Bucks, 1410. Havre (Har), in Normandy, 42. Haward. See Howard. Haward, Hervy. See Hayward. Hawarden (Hawardyn), co. Chester, 438 (4 m. 8). Hawarden (Hawardine), Andrew, bailiff of the Scunage at Calais, 193 (pp. 99, 100), 1424:-g. 969 (35). (Hawardyn), Ric., alias Chal- faunt, clk., 438 (4 m. 19). Rob., 251. Hawcemprice or Hawdenprice. See Haltemprice. Haweburg. See Haborough. Hawe or Haw, John, alderman, mer- chant of the Staple, 438 (2 m. 13), 1032 (2). (Haugh), John, of Norfolk, 438 (2 m. 19), Hawe-cont. • (Haugh, Hagh), Ric., prior of Pontefract, 438 (2 m. 19) :- g. 2055 (124). (Haugh), Walter, 438 (3 m. 26). Hawes, Our Lady of. See Halle. Hawker (Hakker), Henry, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). (Hauker, Haweker), John, 438 (3 m. 20). Hawkes (Hawkis), Richard, g. 2222 (12). Hawkesfeld or Hawkesford, John, priest, under-almoner, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40):—g. 751 (1). rector of Marsh John, Chapel, p. 1525. Hawkesworth, John, 1803 (2 m. 2). Hawkherst (Haukeherst), Kent, 438 (2 m. 16), 438 (3 mm. 3, 20). Hawkins, Rob., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 643, 707, 786. Roger, g. 604 (44). (Haukyns), Wm., 438 (3 m. 12). Hawks and hawking (birding), 112, 467, 1141. goshawks, 170. Hawksworth (Hawkesworth), Notts, 438 (1 m. 9). Hawkwell, Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Hawkwell (Hakwill, Hakevyll,Hauke- well), Geoffrey, 438 (4 m. 17). Hawlay. See Halley. Hawleigh. See Haughley. Hawles, Hawlesse or Hawleys, Wm., p. 1538:—g. 132 (26), 833 (58 ii.), 1221 (30), 2964 (72). Hawley. See Haughley. Hawley, Rob., ship master, 2304 (5). Hawleys. See Hawles. Hawlton. See Halton. Haworth, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 13). Hainworth near Bingley? Hawsang, Benedict, of Dantzic, let- ter to, 1544. Hawstead (Hausted, Hawstede), Suff., 438 (3 mm. 9, 18), 1803 (1 m. 5) :—g. 414 (30). Hawte (Haut, Haute), Edw., 438 (2 m. 12), 1784, 3517 :-g. 2684 (106). Ric., 438 (2 m. 12). Wm., g. 1732 (25). Haw temprice. See Haltemprice. Hawton (Haweton), Notts, 438 (1 m. 15). Hawton, John. See Lawton. Hawtrey (Hawtre), Henry, 438 (3 m. 8). • (Hawtry, Hawtre), Th., 438 (3 m. 29), 1397. GENERAL INDEX. 209 ! Haxwade (Haxwarde), Ric., 1803 (2 m. 1). Hay (Le Haye), Salop, [near Lud- low,] g. 1948 (26). Hay, John, prb. of Lincluden, p. 1527. Ric., 438 (2 m. 32). Haydarde, 1813. Haydeclyfe. See Hatcliff. Haydok. See Heydok. Haydon (Heyden), Nthld., 438 (2 m. 16). Haydon. See Heydon. Haydor (Heydur, Haydour), Linc., 438 (3 m. 14). Hayes (Hays), Devon [in Broad Clist], prebend in Exeter Castle, 438 (3 m. 15). Hayford Warren (Heyfordeworen, H. Superior), Oxon, rector of, p. 1527. Hayles (Heyles), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (4 m. 6). abbey, 438 (3 m. 20). abbot. See Melton, A. Hayling Island, Hants, confirmation of charters for, g. 381 (61). Haymer or Hayner, Th., 438 (4 m. 12). Hayne (Heyn), Nether- [in Chum- leigh], Devon, 438 (1 m. 11). Haynford (Heynford), Norf., 438 (3 m. 25). Hayre. See Aire. Hayridge (Halrigge, Harigge), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Hayridge (Harwegge, · Harrigge) hundred, Devon, g. 257 (10), 749 (19), 1083 (2). Hayrward. See Harward. Haystercombe. See Hestercombe. Hayt, Ric., mayor of Exeter, p. 1518. Haytresbury. See Heytesbury. Haytysbury. See Heytesbury. Hayward (Heyward), Chr., 3529. (Heywarde, Haward or Har- ward), Harry or Hervy, ship owner, 1414, 1453 ix., 1463 viii., 2304 (5), 2738, 3483. > , Rob., 438 (3 m. 30). Rob., rector of Newton, g. 749 (41). (Heyward), Wm., King's joiner, 2799:-pp. 1499, 1501. Haywode, Devon, 438 (3 m. 31). Haywood (Heywode), Staff., 438 (2 m. 12). Haywood (Heywode), Maurice, 438 (2 m. 16). (Haywode, Heywod), Wm., 707, 778, 877n., 1249, 2537, 3148:―g. 218 (8), 749 (29), 1948 (50). Hazeley (Hasle), Oxon, 438 (3 m. 15). Hazelwood (Hesilwode), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 5). Wt. 11494. Headcorn (Hedcron), Kent, 438 (4 m. 26). Headington (Hedyngton, Hedendon), Oxon, g. 94 (35), 2684 (69). Headley (Hedley), Hants, rector of, 438 (3 m. 2). Headon (Hedon, Heydon), Notts, 438 (1 m. 4). Heage (Hugh, Hogh), Derb., 438 (1 m. 4). Healey (Holey, Heley), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 12), 1803 (2 m. 2). Healing (Helyng, Heeling), Linc., 438 (3 m. 12). Heanton Sachevyle (Heampton Sachefeld), Devon, 438 (2 m. 9):-g. 1804 (20). Heath (le Hethe), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 8). Heath (Hethe), 707. John, painter, (Hethe), John, yeoman al- moner, his marriage, 648. Heathcote (Hethcote), Derb. [in Hartington], 438 (4 m. 26). Heathfield (Hethfeld), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Heaton (Heton), Yorks, rector pre- sented, g. 731 (24). Hebbeney. See Ebony. Hebbestowe. See Hibaldstow. Hebblethwaite (Hebeltwayt), James, 438 (4 m. 22). Hebburne. See Hepburn. Hebbys, Roger, 438 (3 m. 25). Hebden, Wm., clk., p. 1508. Hebney. See Ebony. Hecham. See Hitcham. Heche (Hechis, Heiche, Hiche), John, 1803 (2 m. 2). Hechecok. See Hitchcock. Hechyn. See Hitchin. Hechyngfelde. See Itchingfield. Heck (Hek) Parva, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22). Heckington (Hekyngton), Linc., g. 158 (17), 682 (13), 2684 (2). Hed. See Hede. Heda, —, maître d'hotel to Charles duke of Gueldres, 1566, 1647 (p. 743). Hedcron. See Headcorn. Hedd or Hedde. See Hede. Hedẹ (Hed), Mr., of Kent, 677n. (Hedde), John, p. 1542. Margaret widow of Henry, 438 (3 m. 23). (Hedd), Th., rector of St. Anne and St. Agnes, London, p. 1524. (Hedde), Th., rector of Brinkworth, &c., p. 1525. (Hedde, Heed, Hed), Th., vicar of Colerne, 438 (3 m. 20). H 14 210 GENERAL INDEX. Hede-cont. (Heed, Heede), Wm., 436, 1803 (1 m. 3):—p. 1539 :-g. 289 (43). Hedeclyffe. See Hatcliff. Hedendon. See Headington. Hederyngton or Hedryngton. Hetherington. See Hedgerley (Hegeley), Bucks, 438 (3 m. 29). Hédin (Eden, Hesdin), in Artois, 1265, 2038, 2061, 2083 (1, 2), 2210. letter dated at, 2110. governor of. See Roeulx. Hedin (Hedyng), Mons. de, 1892, 2383. Hedingham (Hevyngham, Henyng- ham, Hemyngham), Essex, 438 (3 mm. 16, 17, 20), 438 (4 mm. 4, 6), 1803 (2 m. 1), 1905. See also Castle Hed- ingham. Hedleghe or Hedlere. See Heedlee. Hedley. See Hadley; also Headley. Hedley, Wm., purser, 3513. Hedon. See Headon. Hedrisgill. See Hethersgill. Hedsor, Bucks, g. 2330 (2). Hedwardstowne. See Edwardston. Hedwin Streams (Hydwynstremes), Nthld. [near Newcastle], g. 257 (88). Hedworth, John, g. 257 (88). Hedyng. See Hédin. Hedyngton. See Headington. Heed. See Hede. Heedlee (Heelee, Hedlere, Hedleghe, &c.), Lancelot, 438 (3 m. 2). Heeling. See Healing. Heerd. See Herd. Heewet. See Hewett. Hegeley. See Hedgerley. Hegenbothom, John and Otwell, 438 (4 m. 25). Hegge, Wm., 2539. Hegh. See Haugh. Hegster, Raynkyn, a gunner, 1450 (p. 661). Heiche. See Heche. Heigham. See Higham. Heighes, Henry, 1803 (1 m. 6). Heighington (Eginchton), Dham., vicar of, p. 1527. Heighley (Heyley), Staff., castle, g. 132 (105). Heilly, M. d', 2227. Heimfels (Hamsfeld), in Germany, letter dated at, 899. Hekelyng. See Hickling. Hekington. See Heckington. Heland. See Eland. Hele Bridge (Helebregge), Devon, [near Ashburton,] g. 3499 (48). Helerker. See Ellerker, Heley. See Healey. Helflabourgh. See Elphabrough. Helgay. See Hilgay. Helhoughton (Helughton, Helyng- ton, Elyngton, Heluhton), Norf., 3442 :-g. 357 (31), 632 (63), 750 (6). Hellenbourgh, Christopher van, 1918. count Hellens (Helyns), Heref. [in Marcle], 438 (3 m. 1). Hellespont, the, 1765. Helley, , messenger, 20 (p. 15). Hellifield (Halyfeld, Elleffeld), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (2 m. 17 bis). Hellowe. See Belleau. Helmsdale (Helmysdale), 438 (2 m. 30). Yorks, Helperthorp, Yorks, grant by Alan son of Robert, of, g. 158 (32). Helpeston Wood, Notts. See Epper- stone. Helpstone (Helpiston, Helpeston), Ntht., 438 (4 m. 12) :—g. 257 (32). Helshaw (Henshaw), Salop, 438 (4 m. 5). Helsington (Hailston), Westmld., 438 (2 m. 31) :—g. 1732 (1).- Helston in Kerrier, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 16), 881 :—g. 190 (22). confirmation of charters, g. 1083 (44). stannary of, 438 (4 m. 4). Helton. See Hilton. Heluhton. See Helhoughton. Helwell, Dors., g. 94 (35). Helyndon. See Hillingdon. Helyng. See Healing. Helyngton, Norf. See Helhoughton. Helyon, Isabel d. and h. of John, 438 (4 m. 11). Helys. See Hailes. Hemerdon, Devon [in Plympton St. Mary], g. 3499 (73). Hemerford. See Hymerford. Hemeries. See Aymeries. Hemesby (Hemmesby), Norf., 438 (1 m. 14). Hemingbrough (Henyngburgh), Yorks, college of, provost, 438 (4 m. 9). Hemingford (Hymmyrford) Grey, Hunts, g. 519 (61). Hemington, Ntht., 438 (4 m. 5). Hemington, Soms., g. 1083 (2). Hemmesby. See Hemesby. Hemmysley, Robert, prior of Sem- pringham, 438 (2 m. 34). Hemnale. See Hempnall. Hemnesley. See Hensley. Hempholme, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 4). GENERAL INDEX. 211 Hempnall (Hemnale), Norf., 438 (1 m. 7), 3313 (6) :—g. 132 (90), 2964 (81). Hempnale, Ralph (temp. Edw. III.), g. 651 (10). Hempstead (Hempstede, Hamp- stede), Essex, 438 (4 m. 29 bis), 1803 (2 m. 1 bis). Hempstead (Hempstede), Norf., 438 (2 m. 9). Hempsted, John, 342. Hempston (Hemston), Devon, 438 (4 m. 14). Hempton (Hemton), Norf., 438 (2 m. 9). priory (of Hempton and Fakenhamdam), 438 (4 m. 17). prior. See Penton, J. Hemswell (Hemeswell), Linc., rector presented, g. 1732 (7), 1804 (43). Hemsworth (Hymmesworth, Ham- worth), Yorks, 438 (3 mm. 3, 30). Hemton. See Hempton. Hemyock (Hemioke), Devon, 438 (2 m. 23). Henage. See Henneage. Henago or Henaud. See Hainault. Henbery, Th., p. 1520. Hend, Griselda, g. 289 (17). Hendall (Hyndale), Suss. [in Bux- ted], 438 (2 m. 13). Hendeley. See Henly. Henden, Kent [near Hever], g. 833 (60). Henden, Henry, g. 3499 (3). Henderson (Henrison, Henresoun), James, clerk of justiciary of Scotland, 1499, 1735 (p. 793):―g. 448 (1), 833 (65). (Henryson), John, clerk of justiciary of Scotland, g. 1602 (27). (Henrisoun), Thomas, a Scotch merchant, 1008. Hendley, Surr. See Henly. Hendly. See Heulle. Hendour, Ric., g. 2684 (42). Hendred, East- (Esthenred), Berks, 438 (1 m. 20). Hendry, John, g. 3582 (13). Hendy (Hindy, Hende), Walter, King's fletcher, 849, 1427, 1463 viii., 1903, 2832 iv. : g. 94 (21), 1365 (8). Henfield (Henfilde), Suss., 438 (4 m. 12). Hengbach, in Germany, 1162. Hengham. See Hingham. Hengham, ad Castrum. See Castle Hedingham. Henham, Essex, g. 2535 (14). Henham, Suff., g. 447 (23). Henhowe (Hennowe), Suff. [near Bury St. Edmunds], g. 2964 (33). Henkhewes. See Enkhuysen. Henkkester, Westmld., 438 (3 m. 11). · Henkyn. See Hankyn. Henley in Arden (Arderne), Warw. g. 709 (41), 1805 (26). Henley upon Thames, Oxon, g. 632 (70). Henley (Hanley, Handeley, Hane- ley), Ralph, 438 (2 m. 30). Wm., alias Cley, abbot of Netley, 438 (3 m. 9). Henllan, co. Denbigh, g. 546 (29). Henly (Hendeley, Hendley) park, Surr., g. 414 (10), 2055 (129). Henneage (Henage, Henege, Hen- nege), John, John, p. 1540:-g. 357 (6), 651 (13), 709 (55), 804 (13), 969 (52, 54), 1171 (3), 2222 (16 Linc.), 2535 (25), 3408 (6), 3582 (14). (Honnege), Thomas, 3142 :- g. 2863 (13). Hennowe. See Henhowe. Hennuyers, i.e. Burgundians under M. de Ligne (of Hainault), 2128. Hennyngham. See Heveningham. Henresoun or Henrisoun. See Hen- derson. Henrison (Herrison, Herryson), Rob., justice of gaol delivery, 438 (2 m. 12):—g. 94 (50), 132 (48), 357 (38), 519 (60), 546 (1), 709 (34), 833 (2), 1083 (16), 1266 (34, 41), 1602 (41), 1662 (5), 2055 (93, 114), 2684 (68), 3049 (35), 3107 (55). (Herryson), Rob., mayor of Hull, g. 924 (37). Henry I., grants of, g. 381 (27, 42, 73, 79, 81, 86, 93, 99), 414 (17, 36-7, 63), 447 (7, 29, 30), 485 (46, 54, 61), 519 (19, 28, 45), 546 (9, 14, 15, 34–5, 46, 54), 604 (37), 632 (36, 38), 682 (12), 709 (11), 750 (8), 784 (31), 833 (35), 924 (24), 1221 (13), 1316 (23), 1494 (50), 1804 (24). Henry II., grants of, g. 381 (7, 22, 27, 42, 62, 66, 71, 73, 81, 83, 85-6, 99, 107), 414 (37, 42, 65, 71, 75), 447 (22, 29, 30), 485 (11, 23, 25, 27, 54), 519 (19, 28, 35, 38, 45, 53), 546 (9, 14, 15, 34-5, 46, 54), 563 (22), 604 (3, 37-8), 632 (13, 36, 38, 49, 58, 82), 682 (12, 43), 709 (4, 8, 11), 731 (4), 750 (8, 9), 784 (32), 833 (7, 38), 885 (2), 924 (24), 969 (14), 1083 (22, 33, 212 GENERAL INDEX. Henry II., grants of-cont. 47), 1221 (13, 57), 1494 (8, 50), 1662 (29), 1804 (24), 2617 (39), 2861 (1), 2964 (67), 3049 (32), 3408 (30), 3499 (64). Henry son of Henry II., grants of, g. 414 (37), 447 (29), 485 (54). Henry III., grants of, g. 381 (22, 27, 42, 66, 71, 73, 79, 83, 85, 87, 92-3, 105-7), 414 (5, 17-8, 36-7, 39, 41, 57, 63-6, 71, 74-5), 447 (7, 10, 29, 30), 449 (7, 16), 485 (11, 12, 17, 21, 22– 3, 25, 27-8, 46, 49, 55), 519 (3, 19, 35, 38, 40, 45, 53, 65), 546 (9, 13–15, 22, 34, 46), 563 (3, 22), 587 (3), 604 (3, 19, 37- 8, 45), 632 (14, 27, 36, 38, 40, 44, 49, 58–9, 82), 682 (12, 15, 31, 43), 709 (4, 8, 12, 21, 29, 40, 50), 731 (4), 749 (32–3), 750 (8-10), 784 (41, 43), 833 (23, 34-5, 38), 885 (2), 924 (24), 969 (14), 1003 (3), 1083 (45, 47), 1123 (33), 1221 (3, 13, 57), 1266 (11), 1316 (18), 1494 (12, 19, 43, 50), 1804 (24), 2617 (48), 2861 (1), 3049 (32), 3408 (30), 3499 (64). Henry IV., grants of, g. 381 (27, 67, 72, 79, 80, 85, 99, 104), 414 (17, 35–7, 40, 42, 57, 65, 70–1, 74), 449 (8, 16), 485 (11, 12, 17, 25, 50, 56), 519 (19, 29, 38, 45), 546 (10, 69), 587 (3, 20), 632 (29, 34, 49, 58–9), 682 (18), 709 (8, 28), 749 (15), 784 (32), 969 (73), 1221 (13), 1266 (28), 1316 (18), 1462 (13), 1494 (43, 50), 1732 (3), 1804 (52), 3049 (32). Henry V., 1. grants of, g. 381 (22, 27, 59, 67, 71-2, 104), 414 (8, 17, 35, 40, 42, 51, 57, 71), 449 (8), 485 (12, 13, 47, 54, 56, 61), 519 (29, 38, 69), 563 (3), 587 (3, 20), 632 (29), 682 (15), 709 (8, 28), 749 (15), 969 (73), 1266 (28), 1316 (18), 1462 (13), 1494 (43, 50), 1732 (3), 2617 (48), 3408 (30). Henry VI., 1, 2278. grants of, g. 381 (22, 27, 42, 59, 67, 71-2, 79, 85, 93, 99, 106-7), 414 (8, 17, 34-8, 40, 42, 50, 57, 64–6, 70–1), 447 (10, 29), 449 (8, 16), 485 (2, 12, 17, 20, 22, 24-5, 47, 55–6, 61), 519 (28-9, 38, 65), 546 (10, 14, 15, 22, 54, 69), 563 (22), 587 (3, 20), 604 (45), 632 (13–4, 29, 34, 40, 49, 59, 77), 682 (12, 18, 32, 43), 709 (8, 11, 40, 49), 749 (15), 784 Henry VI., grants of-cont. (40), 804 (32), 833 (29, 38), 969 (73), 1083 (48, 50), 1221 (13, 31), 1266 (28), 1316 (18), 1462 (13), 1494 (31, 43, 50), 1732 (3), 1804 (24), 1948 (25), 2617 (48), 2861 (1, 3), 3049 (32), 3408 (30), 3499 (57, 64). HENRY VII., 40, 51, 83-4, 100-1, • 111, 115, 129, 131, 138, 154, 191, 217, 582, 590, 592, 596, 621, 627, 690–1, 702, 733, 811, 877, 974, 1032, 1101, 1108, 1215, 1307, 1322, 1370, 1465, 1477, 1521, 1853, 1866, 1904, 2010, 2072, 2717-8, 2738, 2740, 3095, 3100, 3185, 3253, 3289, 3340, 3447, 3560, 3595 : -App. 5, 19:-g. 257 (23), 414 (1), 448 (5), 449 (1, 2), 519 (43), 546 (29, 33, 46), 833 (67), 885 (1, 7), 1316 (11), 1948 (85), 2684 (77), 3324 (8, 39), 3499 (59, 74). grants of, 386:-g. 381 (7, 22, 27, 59-65, 67-8, 70, 72, 80–2, 85–7, 92–3, 96–9, 103–7), 414 (6-8, 18–20, 22–4, 27–8, 34-43, 49, 50, 63-4, 70-1, 75), 447 (7, 10, 16, 22, 28–9), 448 (8), 449 (4, 7), 485 (11, 12, 16, 17, 20–2, 24–5, 27, 29, 30, 36, 45–7, 49, 55, 61), 519 (3, 4, 5, 19, 28–9, 35, 38, 45, 53), 546 (9, 11-13, 15, 52–3), 563 (22), 587 (3), 604 (3, 19, 37-8, 45), 632 (13–4, 23, 27, 29, 32, 34, 36, 62, 76), 682 (18, 28, 32, 43), 709 (4, 8, 29, 40, 47), 731 (15), 749 (33–4), 750 (8-10), 784 (41, 43), 804 (4), 833 (7, 29), 857 (12), 885 (2), 969 (14, 64, 73), 1003 (3, 4), 1083 (44-5, 48), 1123 (32–3), 1221 (31, 55, 57), 1266 (2, 11, 37), 1462 (13), 1494 (20, 26, 43-4, 50), 1602 (28), 1732 (3), 1804 (24), 1836 (16), 2617 (48), 2861 (1), 3049 (32), 3499 (64). letters to, 6, 9, 2407. Confessor of, 1. debts to, 309, 314, 1493. estimate for making his tomb, 307. executors of, and their pro- ceedings, 1 (p. 2), 19, 58–9, 308, 1493, 1780, 1784: g. 448 (4, 5), 731 (7, 20), 749 (24), 804 (49), 1123 (45), 1316 (11), 1524 (38). footmen of, 11 (10). funeral of, 19, 20, 342. a godson of, g. 632 (78). his household, 20. GENERAL INDEX. 213 Henry VII. cont. illness and death of, 4, 5, 17, 21-2, 30-1, 84, 112, 143, 193 (p. 101):—p. 1548. , messengers of, g. 11 (10). will of, 1. HENRY VIII., personal references (all others omitted), 5, 17, 37, 51, 109, 127, 156–7, 159, 222, 224, 238, 250, 253-4, 260, 264, 269, 278, 280, 309, 337, 341–2, 360, 365, 379, 395, 407, 409, 413, 415, 421, 430, 434, 442, 463 ii., 469, 473–4, 476–7, 481, 508, 525, 528, 570-1, 601, 669, 671 (Cœur Noble), 674, 678, 698 (Cœur Loyall), 725, 730, 734, 776, 793 (p. 427), 795 (2), 812 ii., 825, 854-5, 871, 880, 937, 948, 960, 965, 1027, 1045- 6, 1121, 1126-8, 1158, 1183, 1201, 1209, 1216, 1223, 1268, 1276, 1307, 1327, 1351-2, 1356, 1363-4, 1383, 1388, 1391, 1403, 1412, 1417, 1422, 1424, 1437, 1446, 1475, 1477, 1480, 1484, 1512, 1522, 1532, 1554, 1578, 1591, 1656, 1698, 1748, 1760, 1762, 1766, 1808, 1828, 1834, 1844, 1846, 1865, 1902, 1906-7, 1912, 1937, 1943-4, 1961, 1965, 1970, 1985, 2007, 2029, 2051, 2053, (1, 3, 6), 2060–1, 2063-4, 2065, 2067-9, 2071, 2076, 2081, 2087, 2091-2, 2107, 2110, 2120, 2125-6, 2138, 2141, 2157, 2159, 2162, 2166, 2168, 2171, 2173, 2182, 2189, 2195, 2198, 2200-2, 2208-9, 2212, 2226-7, 2249, 2255, 2261-2, 2265, 2273, 2281, 2295–6, 2305 ii., iii., 2311, 2341, 2360, 2372, 2375-6, 2383, 2389, 2391, 2392 (p. 1063), 2396-7, 2406, 2411, 2421, 2434–5, 2444, 2478, 2493, 2556, 2562, 2646, 2648, 2650, 2654, 2656, 2670, 2707, 2738, 2740, 2747, 2756, 2769, 2773, 2801, 2811, 2820- 2, 2833 (2), 2844, 2852, 2865, 2902, 2907, 2913, 2928-30, 2932, 2940-1, 2957, 2999, 3003, 3018, 3024, 3040–1, 3062-4, 3091 (p. 1323), 3101, 3115, 3146, 3149, 3151, 3155, 3159-60, 3171, 3220, 3224-5, 3232, 3244, 3266, 3268, 3282, 3298, 3313 (6), 3331, 3342, 3366, 3386-7, 3411, 3430, 3449, 3457, 3497, 3513 (2), 3524, 3581, 3607 :-pp. 1496– 7, 1503, 1517 :—App. 5, 9, 19, 26:-g. 381 (69), 414 (53), 833 (18), 885 (7), 1172 (5, 17), 1494 Henry VIII., personal references -cont. (13), 1524 (17), 2055 (98), 2422 (3), 2964 (61), 3107 (42, 49). letters from, 4, 84, 101, 104, 112, 119, 128, 143, 200, 220-1, 354–5, 416, 472, 555, 594, 620, 635, 740, 811, 831, 859, 898, 989, 992, 999, 1032 (4), 1182, 1186, 1234, 1452, 1196, 1210, 1214–5, 1314-5, 1423, 1443, 1492, 1521, 1571, 1583, 1596, 1640, 1642, 1648, 1659-60, 1661 (7), 1690–1, 1713-4, 1722-4, 1744, 1769, 1848, 1970 ii., 2019, 2025, 2037, 2082, 2089, 2098, 2112, 2161, 2170, 2173 ii., 2213, 2215, 2235, 2270, 2300, 2310, 2312, 2355, 2378, 2436–7, 2450, 2463, 2466, 2488, 2582, 2649, 2655, 2661, 2674, 2678, 2700-1, 2708-9, 2713, 2715, 2721, 2731, 2737, 2775, 2877- 8, 2884, 2943, 2956, 2972, 2992, 3056, 3070, 3074–5, 3078, 3086, 3139-40, 3169, 3186, 3257, 3365, 3380, 3393, 3489, 3553, 3572-App. 3, 12. letters to, 21, 61, 69, 83, 89, 100, 111, 125, 129, 135, 138, 162, 164, 166, 191, 329, 345, 382, 426-7, 556, 564, 591, 625, 681, 732–3, 742, 752 ii., 766-7, 773, 773A., 777, 779- 80, 785, 899, 906, 1007, 1011, 1056, 1065, 1094, 1096, 1101, 1197, 1213, 1226, 1229, 1241, 1245, 1252, 1258, 1279, 1285, 1288-9, 1293-5, 1299, 1300, 1302-3, 1306, 1308-9, 1311, 1322, 1326, 1329, 1333–5, 1336, 1338, 1340, 1343-4, 1350, 1353, 1357, 1362, 1369-70, 1373, 1378, 1384, 1387, 1389, 1394, 1399, 1404, 1421, 1429, 1430, 1434, 1436, 1440, 1448, 1456, 1468– 9, 1476, 1481, 1485, 1488, 1499, 1500, 1504, 1509, 1511, 1515, 1519, 1566, 1568, 1570, 1575, 1594, 1599, 1645, 1665, · 1670, 1676, 1683, 1687, 1689, 1693-4, 1697-8, 1700, 1735, 1745-6, 1763-5, 1767-8, 1771, 1774-6, 1780-1, 1786, 1789, 1793, 1797, 1813, 1820, 1851, 1860, 1866, 1870-1, 1884, 1892, 1894-6, 1898, 1914, 1922, 1936, 1941, 1957, 1962, 1966-7, 1979, 1984, 1993, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2016–18, 2020, 2022, 2028-30, 2032, 214 GENERAL INDEX. Henry VIII., letters to-cont. 2038, 2046, 2048, 2057, 2063, 2068, 2074, 2083, 2086, 2093, 2101, 2106, 2108, 2113–4, 2122-4, 2134, 2140, 2147, 2149, 2158, 2180, 2183, 2203, 2225, 2230, 2253, 2258, 2263, 2266, 2268, 2276, 2288, 2320, 2343, 2352-4, 2363, 2386, 2405, 2407, 2423, 2443, 2445, 2447-8, 2452, 2459, 2462, 2464, 2469–70, 2511-12, 2516– 8, 2525, 2530, 2532, 2566, 2572, 2577, 2597, 2600-1, 2607; 2633, 2636, 2639, 2642, 2645, 2653, 2664-5, 2672, 2682, 2688-9, 2694, 2714, 2717, 2736, 2740, 2743, 2753, 2755, 2757-8, 2760-1, 2774, 2784, 2790, 2793, 2797, 2808, 2815, 2857, 2864, 2867, 2879, 2889- 90, 2894, 2896, 2905, 2908, 2916-8, 2925-6, 2927, 2945, 2973, 2978, 2985-6, 2988, 3000, 3005, 3014-5, 3025, 3051-2, 3076, 3082-3, 3092, 3109, 3113, 3116, 3125-6, 3128, 3150, 3153, 3157-8, 3163-4, 3172, 3174, 3183, 3203–5, 3207–9, 3218, 3235, 3248, 3252, 3254– 5, 3263–4, 3267, 3274, 3300–1, 3303, 3311, 3322, 3355, 3361, 3370, 3375, 3387, 3392, 3395, 3400-1, 3403, 3424, 3428, 3437, 3441, 3447, 3459, 3468, 3473-5, 3508-9, 3511, 3514, 3519, 3525, 3537, 3541, 3556, 3580, 3585, 3587:-p. 1527– 31. • • 3019, 3080, children of, 469, 473-4, 482, 578, 670-1, 673-5, 698, 707, 712, 734, 793, 3333 :—g. 709 (57). coronation of, 81-2, 84, 98, 112, 135, 157, 1353. commissioners claims, g. 94 (43). crown revenues, 2766. for debts owing to, 3483, 3606: -g. 3226 (8). dress, 81-2, 224, 269, 337, 379, 409, 439, 459, 642, 717, 719, 877n., 887-8, 1068, 1107, 1144, 1227, 1390, 2971, 3293, 3530:-App. 15. his grandame. mond, countess of. handwriting of, 1661. illness of, 230. See Rich- (smallpox), 2609-10, 2634, 2697, 2703. marriage with Katharine of Aragon, 84, 98, 101, 112, 119, 125, 135, 138 :-App. 5. Henry VIII., marriage with Kathar- ine of Aragon-cont. • : form of words used by the King and Princess, 68. his "maundy," 717. his " offerings,” 2295, 2380. his palm, for Palm Sunday, 403. Papal bull granted to, 15334 his portrait taken, 3457. his promise not to make peace with France without Maximilian's (?) consent, 2368. his style, Most Christian King,” 1422 (p. 651). 2496. "king of France," к his will, g. 2330 (4). Household, g. 546 (21, 72), 833 (18, 27-8, 37), 857 (3), 2055 (9). 343. > 449 (14). expenses of (Act), 341, pardon of accounts, g. weekly charges, 3194. HOUSEHOLD AND OTHER OFFICERS, 1, 20 (pp. 12, 17,20), 180, 217, 404, 457, 703, 2053 (1, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2766. Accatry (Catrye, Catery), 707 (p. 383). officers named, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40):—g. 784 (8), 833 (27-8). purveyors, g. 587 (8), 1123 (31), 3049 (22). serjeant, 1267. See Roche, B.; Honnyng, W. • Admiral of England. See Oxford, earl of; Howard, Sir Edward; Howard, Sir Thomas. almoner or great almoner, g. 257 (31), 3499 (51). See Edenham, Dr.; Hobbes, T.; Wolsey, T.; Raw- lins, R. almoners, 707 (p. 383). Almonry (almory), officers named, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40):-g. 709 (51). apothecary. See below, poticary. Armoury, 2053 (2), 2810, 3055, 3091 (p. 1323). armourers, 20 (p. 15), 2765, 2810. See also Crochett, J. yeoman. See Blew- bery, J. arras maker, g. 218 (16), 357 (11). See Gengham, P.; also Vanderscrete, C. GENERAL INDEX. 215 Henry VIII., Household and other officers-cont. attorney general or King's attorney, 1493. Erneley, J. See auditors, 20 (p. 19), 2053 (2). Avenary, g. 1804 (22 ii.). See also Stable. Bakehouse, g. 2861 (36). > officers named, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 438 (3 m. 13), 707. 16). conducts, 20 (p. serjeant. Guylle, R. See banner bearer, g. 1948 (96). See Howard, Sir Edward; Guildford, Sir Henry. barber. See Barbour, P. bargemen, 707. See also master of the Barge. Beds. See below Wardrobe. Boiling House (Bowlyng- house), 2404. officers named, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383). bowyer, 2053 (2). brawderer or broderer. See embroiderer. brigandine maker, g. 969 (6). See Gurre, W. Buckhounds, 510, 798, 1251, 1256, 2454, 2949, 3494. Butler of England. below, Chief Butler. Buttery or Butlery, 2404 :- See g. 449 (14), 1172 (20). officers named, 20 , (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 :— p. 1506-g. 1948 (81, 99, 100). yeomen. See Hodgeson, W.; Fitton, W. capper, 3373 (3). captain of the Guard. See Darcy, Lord (till 12 May 1509); Marney, Sir H. (12 May, 1509). cart takers, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383). carvers : Sir D. first. See Owen, second. See West, Sir T. Catery. See above Accatry. Cellar, 2404. officers named, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 :- g. 54 (46), 132 (84), 257 (18), 381 (88), 485 (35), | Henry VIII., Household and other officers: Cellar, officers named- cont. 604 (8, 15), 731 (8), 1170 (12), 1221 (26), 1266 (26– 7), 1836 (10), 1948 (100), 2137 (13), 2617 (7), 3324 (16). See My- serjeant. nours, R. Chamber, 579, 579, 2053 (2, 6 ii.). See also Privy Chamber. warrants for liveries, 228, 640, 1015. officers named, 82 (p. 42). See also gentle- men, grooms, messengers, pages, sewers, ushers, yeomen. chamberlain of England. See below, great chamber- lain. chamberlain of the House- hold. See Lord Cham- berlain. champion. See Dymmok, Sir R. Chancellor of England. See Warham, W. See Mar- Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. ney, Sir H. Chancellor of the Ex- chequer. See Lovel, SirT. Chapel, the, 20 (p. 21), 352, 707, 904, 1236, 2053 (2, 6 ii.), 2404, 3091 (p.1323). officers named, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 210, 877n., 938, 1092, 1143, 1248, 2426, 3330, 3355 :- g. 94 (22, 24), 257 (43), 381 (8), 519 (18), 749 (4), 804 (1), 833 (25), 857 (13-4), 1044 (21), 1123 (29, 52, 63), 1170 (2, 13), 1462 (4, 7), 1732 (11), 1948 (65-6), 2484 (23), 2684 (113), 2861 (4), 3324 (10). children of, 20 (p. 15), 707, 3397. dean. See Atwater, W.; Voysey, J. • master of the ten See boys, g. 94 (22). Newark, W. subdean, 20 (p. 18). See Kite, J. vestments &c., for, 352, 578, 930, 3397. serjeant of the Ves- try, 20 (p. 18). See Tebbe, W. 216 GENERAL INDEX. Henry VIII., Household and other officers-cont. chaplains 20 (pp. 11, 14, 15, 20), 438 (1 m. 2) :—g. 414 (62), 682 (35). Chaundry, 678, 2404. officers named, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). serjeant. Ketilby, J. See Chief Butler of England, g. 2964 (81), 3107 (20). See Southwell, Sir R. chief clerk controller, 707. chief surgeon for the Body. See Veyreri, J. children of the Chapel and Leish. See Chapel, Leish. clerk of the Closet, 82 (p. 42), 438 (1 m. 2). See Wren, G. clerk of the Council. See Bellouse, W.; also Ry- don, R.; also Edon, R. clerk of the Crown. See Porter, W. clerk of the Larder. More, R. See clerk of the Market, g. 1044 (23). See Broke, J.; Hamerton, R. 2671. inquisitions by, clerk of the Marshalsea. See below, clerk of the Sta- ble. clerk of the Ordnance. See Huxley, W. See clerk (clerk-keeper) of the Ships, g. 132 (101). Brigandyne, R. clerk of the Spears. Smith, J. See clerk of the Spicery. See Ketilsby, J. clerk of the Stable, alias clerk of the Marshalsea. See Lovekyn, G.; Pawne, W. Henry VIII., Household and other officers-cont. clerks of the Signet, 1817, 2053 (2) :—g. 54 (73), 804 (50), 1123 (19), 1494 (35), 2617 (11). Closet, 505, 877n.,944, 2404. See also clerk of the Closet. cofferer of the Household. See Shirley, J. See comptroller of the House- hold, 20 (p. 12). Poynings, Sir E. comptroller of Works, g. 94 (97). See Foster, W. confessor of the Household. See Young, R. constable of England, g. 94 (87). Confectionary, officers named, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707. Counting House, officers named, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). See also above, clerks of the Green Cloth. crossbow maker, g. 1524 (4). cupbearers, 20 (p. 13), 82: —g. 1221 (22). See Hast- ings, R.; Fitzwilliam, W. cutler, g. 1948 (71). Deerhounds. keepers. See below, deser," 533, 985. Earl Marshal of England, g. 546 (42). See Surrey, earl of. earl marshal of the Wars (in 1514), g. 2861 (24). embroiderer (brawderer, broderer), 1021, 1785. esquires or squires for the Body, 20 (pp. 12-16, 20), 82 (p. 42), 438 (4 mm. 7, 8, 13-4), 2053 (2, 3) :— g. 54 (25), 94 (49, 51, 108), 158 (36, 40–1, 53, 83), 190 (20), 257 (73-4, 78), 289 (17), 357 (26, 34), clerk of the Wardrobes. See Porth, J. 381 (17, 56), 449 (5), 546 clerk (comptroller) of the Works, g. 94 (97). Foster, W. See of clerk (clerk-overseer) Works, g. 94 (45). See Smith, H. clerk controller of the Household. See Mick- low, J.; also Hatcliff, E. clerks of the Green Cloth, 3048-g. 1172 (12). clerks of the Privy Seal, 2053 (2):—g. 1415 (24), 1836 (17). X (67), 604 (14, 29), 632 (71), 651 (27), 682 (10, 34), 709 (2, 41), 731 (30), 749 (2), 784 (50, 55), 804 (8), 833 (20), 924 (12), 969 (8, 25, 62), 1083 (4), 1123 (8, 35), 1172 (2), 1316 (41), 1415 (6, 12), 1494 (30), 1602 (37), 1662 (19), 1804 (23), 1836 (12, 30), 2055 (26, 37, 78, 90, 100, 106), 2137 (1), 2535 (10), 2772 (3), 3107 (3), 3324 (34), 3499 (73). GENERAL INDEX. 217 Henry VIII., Household and other officers-cont. esquires of the Household (named), 20 (pp. 16, 18). Ewery (Ewre), 2404. officers named, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707, 1023-g. 447 (6), 448 (8), 485 (43), 682 (16). yeoman for the King's mouth, g. 158 (42). falconers, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 43). first sewer. Sir W. See Vampage, fletcher, 2053 (2). fool, 273. See also Martin. keeper of. See Worthy, W. footmen, 20 (p. 13), 256, 623, 775, 877n., 915, 1193, 2509, 2817, 3448 (2). French cook. See Le Doulx, P. French doctor. See John. French secretary. Meautis, J. See general surveyors of Crown Lands, 1047:-g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 3499 (49). See Southwell, Sir R.; Westby, B.; Belknap, Sir E.; Daunce, Sir J. gentlemen of the Chamber, g. 94 (14), 218 (31), 651 (24), 1462 (12), 1524 (13). gentlemen ushers, 20 (pp. 12, 16, 20), 82 (p. 42), 438 (3 m. 15), 438 (4 m. 27), 946, 1256, 1401, 1803 (2 m. 1), 2012, 2053 (2, 3), 2429, 2480 (7, 9, 29, 37, 42) :—g. 94 (38—9), 132 (47, 67), 158 (39), 190 (10, 40), 257 (20, 24, 65), 289 (50), 447 (20), 632(17, 30),709 (24), 784 (5,8),885 (10), 1044 (11), 1083 (6, 23), 1266 (12, 35), 1316 (37), 1365 (25), 1602 (30), 1662 (4), 1804 (18), 1948 (64), 2617 (12), 3107 (29). Great Chamberlain of Eng- land, g. 2964 (80). See Vere, J., earl of Oxford. Wardrobe. See Great below, Wardrobe. Greyhounds. See below, keepers. groom of the Bakehouse. See above, Bakehouse. groom of the Beds. See below, Wardrobe of Beds. groom of the Bottles with the Queen (sic), 20 (p. 16). Henry VIII., Household and other officers-cont. See groom of the Bows. Dawborne, W. groom of the Hackneys, g. 485 (19). See also Stable. groom porter, 2404. groom purveyor, g. 1123 (38, 1836 (20). groom purveyor of carriage, g. 2535 (15). groom of the Robes. See below, Wardrobe of Robes. groom of the Stirrup, g. 969 (79). See also below, Stable. groom of the Stole. See Compton, W. groom of the Wardrobe, g. 1083 (35), 1804 (13). grooms, 20 (pp. 13, 14). grooms of the Chamber, 20 (pp. 13, 15–6), 82 (p. 42), 438 (4 m. 12), 640, 679, 772, 778, 950, 953, 988, 1097, 1290, 2053 (2, 3), 2090, 2480 (10, 25, 29, 35, 46, 50, 53), 2480 II., 2504, 2622, 3554 :—g. 54 (18, 19, 45), 94 (17, 27), 257 (6, 7, 30, 36, 41, 83, 92), 289 (9, 36), 357 (7, 33), 414 (11), 519 (27), 563 (18), 587 (9), 651 (23), 682 (17,30), 784 (33), 857 (20), 969 (33), 1044 (20), 1266 (13), 1316 (34, 47), 1365 (21), 1732 (22), 1804 (1, 21), 1948 (77, 99), 2055 (43), 2222 (3, 19), 2535 (17-8), 2617 (29, 45), 2684 (44, 56, 95), 2772 (1), 2862 (6), 2964 (20), 3226 (1), 3324 (15, 45), 3408 (5), 3499 (58), 3582 (29). grooms of the Privy Cham- ber, g. 447 (21), 632 (42), 885 (1), 1266 (19). Guard, 20 (pp. 13, 15–6, 21), 438 (3 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 18), 511, 735, 921, 1033, 1073, 1134, 1169, 1882, 1976, 2023, 2034, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii., 9), 2348, 2404, 2480 (15), 2638, 2738, 3091 (p.1323), 3373, 3426, 3578:-p. 1517:— g. 2055 (37). See also yeomen. clerk of the Check, 438 (1 m. 12). See Egles- feild, L. 735. warrant for liveries, 218 GENERAL INDEX. Henry VIII., Household and other officers-cont. gunstone maker, g. 2964 (41). See Scorer, R. Hall (and Chamber), officers named, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383):-g. 519 (52). serjeant. See Lath- bury, W. ., sewer, g. 519 (8). usher. See Baty, R. Harbingers, 1734, 1795, 2058, 2484 (98), 3091 (p. 1323). officers named, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). harper, 975. Harriers, officers, 20 (p. 16): ―g. 3226 (22). Master. See Fitz- william, W. Henchmen (Henxmen), 20 (pp. 11, 15, 21), 232, 239, 487, 768, 877n., 897, 2053 (2), 2404, 2432, 2442, 3350. See master of the, 20 (p. 11), 232, 487, 768, 877n., 897, 2432, 3350. ····, yeomen of. Pultney, J. hosier. See Croughton, W. Jewel House, 2404, 3091 (p. 1323):-g. 1948 (92). officers named, 20 (p. 18):-g. 563 (2), 749 (10). See also Master of the Jewels. joiner. See Stokton, T. keeper of the Foreign Ex- change, g. 132 (92), 1003 (6). See Boleyn, Sir T. keeper or clerk of the Hanaper, 438 (3 m. 3 bis). keeper of the King's books. See Porth, J. keeper of the King's deer- hounds, g. 1316 (35). keepers of the King's grey- hounds, 20 (p. 16), 248. keeper of the King's library, 20 (p. 14). See Duwes, G. keeper of the "little jennett," 186. keeper of the Toils. See below, toil setters. King's Champion. Dymmok, Sir R. King's nurse, 877n. See King's painter, g. 1044 (8). See Browne, J. King's scholars, 954. Henry VIII., Household and other officers-cont. King's secretary. See Rut- hal, T. King's serjeants at law, 82 (p. 39) :—g. 11 (9). King's sewers. See below, sewers for the King. King's spears ("cent gentilshommes "), 244, 516, 635, 1453 v., 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5), 2090, 2100, 2356, 2480 (31), 2576, 2885, 2929, 3310 :—g. 519 (64), 1083 (37), 1123 (35), 1804 (7), 1948 (18), 2055 (28), 2137 (10), 2684 (49), 2772 (6), 3107 (48). captain of. See Essex, earl of. ordinances for, 244. King's standard-bearer. See Knyvet, Sir T. King's tailor, g. 218 (21). See Jasper, S.; Hilton, W. en. Kitchen, 438 (1 m. 5), 3091 (p. 1323), 3561 :—g. 519 (7). See also Privy Kitch- officers named, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707, 970, 2404:-g. 158 (38), 731 (51), 1044 (21). chief clerk. See Lee, A. chief cook, or mas- ter cook for the King's mouth, 3090 (p. 1323). See Hunt, J. French cook. See Le Doulx, P. knights for the Body, 438 (2 m. 12), 886, 1803 (2 m. 1), 2053 (2):—g. 54 (26), 94 (7, 23, 31, 84–5, 96), 132 14, 55–6, 58, 86, 92), 158 (62, 64), 190 (12—4, 25,41), 218 (26), 257 (15, 39, 86, 90), 289 (32), 357 (9, 42), 381 (32, 34, 55, 76), 447 (24, 31), 485 (26, 33), 519 (1, 6, 22), 604 (14, 30–1, 42-3), 632 (72), 682 (39, 40), 750 (2), 804 (10, 22), 833 (12, 14, 43, 51, 60), 857 (5), 885 (3), 924 (29), 969 (48, 62), 1083 (26), 1123 (51), 1170 (10), 1171 (2), 1221 (9, 27), 1316 (41), 1365 (11), 1415 (3, 4), 1602 (24), 1732 (24, 32, 40-1), 1804 (2, 10), 1948 (55), 2055 (74, 103), 2222 (6), 2684 (86), 2863 (5), GENERAL INDEX. 219 Henry VIII., Household and other officers: knights for the Body— cont. 2964 (32, 44, 47), 3107 (2, 38, 46), 3582 (12, 31). Larder, 2404. officers named, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383):-g. 519 (30), 731 (23). purveyor. See yeomen purveyors. serjeant. See Ry- croft, J. Latin secretary. See below, secretary. Laundry, 2404. officers named, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Leish or Leash, 626, 778, 877n., 947, 1205, 1249, 1806, 2449, 3491. librarian. See Duwes, G. Lord Chamberlain of the Household. See Somer- set, Sir C. marshal of the Admiralty, 438 (2 m. 20). marshal of England, g. 94 (88). marshal of the Household, g. 158 (79), 969 (62), 2964 (37). See Carew, Sir J. ; also Turbervile, Sir J.; Brandon, C. his clerk. See Hat- cliff, W.; Pawne, W. marshal of the Minstrels. See Chamber, J. Marshalsea of the House- hold, 82, 438 (2 m. 12), 2671. master of the Armoury. See Guildford, E. master of the Barge, g. 257 (76). See Thurston, J. master cook. See above Kitchen. master of the Harriers, g. 1662 (45). See william, W. Fitz- master of the Hawks. See Norres, W. master of the Henchmen. See above, Henchmen. master of the Horse, 3091 (p. 1323). See Brandon, Sir Th. ; Knyvet, Sir Th. (1510). master or keeper of the Jewels, g. 1948 (92). See Wyatt, Sir H. master of the Mint, 110 :— g. 132 (53). See Mount- joy, Lord. Henry VIII., Household and other officers-cont. master of the Ordnance. See Norton, Sir S. master of Ordnance (temp. Henry VII.), 438 (2 m. 13). master of the Posts, 2053 (2). See Tuke, B. master of the Revels. See Guildford, Sir Henry. master of the Rolls (or vice-chancellor), 579. See Young. master of the Wardrobe. See Windsor, A. J.; master of the Wards, 392. See Hussey, Sir Lovell, Sir T. messengers of the Chamber, 20 (pp. 16, 20), 82 (p. 42), 435, 2053 (2):—g. 158 (87), 3408 (31). minstrels (or styll shal- mes "), 20 (pp. 13, 14, 19, 20), 82 (p. 42), 672, 2053 (2), 3436. marshal (J. Cham- ber) and others named, 20 (p. 19). nurse. See Luke, A. Nursery, 394 (2), 578, 3333-g. 381 (95). pages of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 1290, 2053 (2, 3), 3554 :—g. 54 (44). pages officers, 20 (p. 13). painters, 20 (p. 16). Pantry, 2404:—g. 1172 (20). officers named, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 :— g. 54 (64), 94 (20), 257 (77), 604 (9), 731 (31), 2684 (44). serjeant. Cope, S. See Papal collector. See under P. Pastry and Saucery, 2404. .., officers, 707 (p. 383). serjeant of. Pittour, R. paymaster of wars. Daunce, Sir J. See See physicians, 82 (p. 42), 2053 (2). Pitcher House, 2404. officers named, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 :— g. 190 (17), 682 (16). players, 20 (p. 16), 2053 (2). plumber, or serjeant of the Plumbary, 438 (4 m. 9). 220 GENERAL INDEX. Henry VIII., Household and other officers-cont. porter of the Wardrobe. See Gibson, R. porters at the Gate, 6 (p. 5), 20 (p. 14), 707 (p. 383) : g. 132 (7), 414 (68), 749 (37), 751 (4), 1123 (41), 1365 (14), 1524 (11), 2484 (24), 2684 (35), 2772 (26). officers named, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Posts. See above, master of the Posts. poticary, 2404. See Bab- ham, R. Poultry (Pultre, Pullatrye, Pultry), 438 (4 m. 6), 2404. officers named, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383), 3012, 3262. serjeant. See Eng- lish, T.; Cope, S. yeomen and pur- veyors, g. 804 (9), 1003 (13, 19), 2484 (22, 31), 2617 (3), 2861 (32). printer. See Pynson, R. Privy Chamber, liveries, 772, 1105. See also Cham- ber. Privy Kitchen, yeoman cook for the King's mouth, g. 190 (7). Privy Seal, Lord. See Fox, R. Privy Seal, clerks named, 20 (p. 18). provost marshal, 3091 (p. 1323). Robes. See below, Ward- robe of Robes. sackbuts and shalms, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42). saddler, 3343. saltpetre makers,g. 289 (40). Saucery (Salsre) officers named, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). serjeant. See above, Pastry. Scalding House, 2404. officers named, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383). Scullery (Squyllary), 2404. officers named, 20 (p. 18), 82 (pp. 40, 42), 707 (p. 383) :—g. 94 (13). serjeant. See Starkey, J. Secretary. See Ruthal, T. secretary for the French tongue. See Meautis, J. Henry VIII., Household and other officers-cont. secretary for Latin. See Carmeliano, P.; Ammo- nius, A. secretary, a, 1265 (p. 580). serjeant of the Carriage, g. 414 (14). serjeant of the Pantry. See Cope, S. serjeant of the Peltry or King's skinner, g. 969 (42). serjeant porter, g. 3324 (28). serjeant of the Staghounds, 438 (1 m. 8). serjeant of the surgeons. See De la More, M. serjeant of the Tents. See Garnish, Sir C. serjeant of the Vestry. See Tebbe, W. serjeants at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 19), 2053 (2), 2480 (11, 30, 39) :—g. 54 (54), 94 (18, 70-1), 132 (109), 257 (8, 9), 784 (50), 969 (26), 1123 (49), 1948 (15, 39, 42, 48–54, 67, 72, 76, 78–9), 2055 (34, 39, 40, 67, 88), 2137 (23), 2484 (3, 18), 2535 (13), 2772 (25, 45), 2861 (30), 2964 (15), 3107 (3), 3324 (20), 3408 (40), 3499 (15). servitors of the Hall, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). See also Hall. sewers of the Chamber and Hall, 20 (pp. 12, 14-5, 18), 82 (p. 42), 542, 639, 913, 2053 (2, 3), 2480 (25, 30, 35, 44, 50–1, 60, 66–7), 2824, 3454:-g. 132 (59), 289 (20), 414 (15), 485 (31), 519 (11), 709 (32), 749 (42), 784 (45), 885 (11), 924 (33), 1732 (35), 2055 (43, 83), 2484 (3), 2617 (8), 2861 (34), 2964 (75). sewers for the King, 20 (pp. 13, 15), 80 (p. 42), 3032: —g. 54 (76), 94 (16), 190 (31), 218 (7), 257 (70), 289 (23), 604 (22), 731 (3), 1221 (22), 1494 (17), 2684 (98), 3107 (21). Signet, clerks named, 20 (p. 18). skinner. See Ring, J.; also above, serjeant of the Pel- try. GENERAL INDEX. 221 Henry VIII., Household and other officers-cont. solicitor-general or King's solicitor, 1493. Porte, J. See Spears. See above, King's spears. Spicery [and Wardrobe of the Household], 2404. clerk. See Hill, N. officers named, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707, 3505. Stable, 19, 20, 370, 453, 506, 540, 605, 877n., 1021–2, 1187, 1255, 1259, 2053 (2), 2404, 2933, 3471 :- g. 1804 (22 ii.). See also above, master of the Horse. • clerk or avener of. See Hattecliff, W. ; Pawne, W.; Lovekyn, G. officers named, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Staghounds. See serjeant of the Staghounds. standard bearer, g. 2617 (1). See Knyvett, Sir T.; Egerton, R. Steward of England, g. 94 (89). steward of the Household, g. 2055 (60). See Shrews- bury, earl of. styll shalmes. See min- strels. sumptermen (named), 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 43). supervisor of the preroga- tive (of Henry VII.), 438 (3 m. 14). surgeons, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 42), 288, 2053 2899:-g. 587 (4). (2), serjeant. See La More, M. de; Veyrery, J. surveyor and approver of Crown Lands, g. 2964 (81). surveyor of the King's horses, g. 969 (71). surveyors of Crown Lands. See above general sur- veyors. surveyors at the Dresser, 20 (p. 16):—g. 447 (19). surveyors of the Hall, 20 (p. 18). tabrets named, 20 (p. 19). See above, King's tailor. tailor. Henry VIII., Household and other officers-cont. Tents, 2053 (2), 2480 (8), 2483. 2483, 3017, 3090-1. 2188. expenses accounts, described, 2173, serjeant. See Gar- nish, Sir C. Toils, master of the, g. 2772 (54). toil setters, or keepers of the toils, 20 (p. 16), 2053 (2). treasurer of the Chamber (King's receiver general), 341. See Heron, J. accounts, 3606. Treasurer of England, Lord. See Surrey, earl of. treasurer of the Household. See Lovell, Sir T. trumpets, 20 (pp. 14, 16, 20); 82 (p. 42), 700, 877n.,1025, 1159-60, 1778, 2053 (2), 2803, 3320 (3). tumbler. See Tosso, S. turner, 2807 :—g. 833 (26). under-almoner, 20. See Hawkesford, J. under-porter, 20 (p. 14). under-treasurer. See Cutte, Sir J. usher of the Chamber, g. 857 (20), 1316 (34). usher of the Hall, g. 1602 (20). usher of the Parliament chamber. See Dennis, Hugh. vice-chamberlain. Marney, Sir H. vice-chancellor. See See above, master of the Rolls. Wafery, officers named, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707. warden of the Cinque Ports, g. 924 (6). Wardrobe or Great Ward- robe, 1, 19, 82, 180, 193 (p. 103), 1471, 2766, 2953 :—g. 218 (14), 709 (14), 1044 (8), 1948 (31), 3107 (20). accounts, 578, 877, 2953. expenses of (Act), 341. keeper. See Wind- sor, Sir A. porter (portator). See Gibson, R. servants named, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 43). A 222 GENERAL INDEX. Henry VIII., Household and other officers: Wardrobe or Great Wardrobe-cont. ' tenants, 20 (p. 19). warrants addressed to. See Windsor, Sir A. Wardrobe of Beds, 2053 (2), 2404. officers, 2509 :-g. 54 (72, 85), 218 (5), 257 (72), 381 (29), 414 (14), 731 (33), 749 (40), 924 (4), 1170 (17), 1316 (34), 1494 (24), 1804 (44), 2055 (56), 2617 (7, 43), 3107 (31), 3324 (27), 3408 (5). See also yeoman of the Beds. Wardrobe of the Household. See above, Spicery. Wardrobe of Robes, 2053 (2), 2243, 2404. officers, 2344, 3455:-g. 54 (74), 357 (40), 447 (8), 969 (8, 46), 1044 (13), 1083 (35), 1804 (13, 16), 2055 (63), 3499 (67). See also below, yeo- man of the Robes. Wards, ruler and master of, g. 2055 (80, 104). See Hussey, Sir J.; Lovell, Sir T. Watch, 877n. See London, Tower of. Henry VIII., Household and other officers: yeomen of the Chamber -cont. (38), 833 (15), 1123 (57), 1172 (3), 1662 (36), 1948 (97). yeomen of the Crown, 438 (1 mm. 3, 4, 8, 22), 438 (2 m. 26 bis), 438 (3 mm. 6 bis, 10, 24), 438 (4 m. 11 ter), 2606:—p. 1500:- g. 54 (90-2), 94 (19, 92-3), 132 (17, 93, 110, 112), 218 (29, 39), 357 (18), 381 (2, 40, 100), 519 (24), 587 (2, 6, 18), 632 (5), 731 (45), 749 (10, 38), 784 (25), 804 (26, 30), 885 (14), 1003 (18), 1044 (14), 1083 (6), 1172 (3, 5), 1266 (12), 1602 (21), 1836 (2), 1948 (8, 48-9, 51, 97), 2055 (25, 30), 2772 (32), 2861 (10, 26), 3049 (40), 3408 (14), 3499 (25, 76). yeomen of the Guard, g. 94 (61, 101), 132 (4, 8, 9), 190 (18) 218 (8), 257 (17, 69), 357 (14), 381 (84), 447 (27), 485 (6), 519 (10, 49), 546 (73), 604 (11), 632 (84), 731 (17), 749 (20-2, 29), 784 (35, 54), 804 (11), 969 (21, 56, 66), 1083 (34), 1123 (60), 1172 (4), 1266 (21), 1462 (18), 1524 (14), Wood yard, 2404. yeoman of the Beds, 409, 494 (2):-—g. 54 (27, 53), 94 (79, 94), 218 (5), 257 (72). 1602 (17, 29), 1662 (42–3), 1804 (50), 1948 (50-1), 2055 (34, 49), 2222 (4), 2684 (89), 3226 (19), 3499 (6, 31). yeoman of the Bottles, g. 924 (10), 2861 (36). yeoman of the Bows, 778, 1249. See Pole, W. yeoman of the Horses, g. 289 (4). yeoman of the Male, g. 804 (48), 2137 (13). yeoman of the Robes, 1107, 3530 :—g. 54 (32). yeoman of the Stirrup. See Webbe, H. yeoman tailor. See Gib- son, R. yeoman of the Vestry, g. 1602 (20). yeomen, 20 (pp. 13, 15–7), 82 (p. 42), 707. yeomen of the Chamber, 228, 237, 265, 640, 978, 3484, 3554 :-g. 54 (83), 94 (75), 132 (49, 63), 158 (29), 218 (3, 22, 28), 289 (11), 381 (102), 546 (70), 632 (37), 749 (31), 804 yeomen purveyors, g. 1266 (17), 2684 (54), 2772 (43), 3324 (1). yeomen ushers of the Cham- ber, 640, 707, 3554 :—g. 54 (55, 90, 92), 94 (18, 37, 62), 132 (16, 111), 158 (58-9, 63), 190 (28), 218 (10), 257 (3, 9, 10), 381 (101), 682 (13), 709 (1, 52), 749 (19, 30), 751 (3), 1948 (14, 48-9), 2055 (36, 44), 3324 (5, 9). HENRY, PRINCE OF WALES, eldest son of Henry VIII, (born 1 Jan. 1511, died 22 Feb. 1511), 670-1, 673-5, 678, 698, 712, 734, 793 (p. 427), 1463 v. :—p. 1517:-g. 709 (38, 57), 885 (8). 674. • christening of, 670, funeral of, 707. GENERAL INDEX. 223 Henry, Prince of Wales-cont. lady Mistress of his household, 670. 383). • his household, 707 (p. his nurse, 674. See Poyntz, E. Henry, the King's godson, 20 (p. 15). Henry, a Scottish (?) ship captain, 117. Henshawe, Salop. See Helshaw. Henshaw, Nic., rector of Clist, p. 1527. Wm., g. 604 (44). Hensley (Hemnesley, Emnesley, Emesley, &c.), Th., 438 (1 m. 4). Henson (Hynson), Nic., 438 (2 m. 27). Henstead (Hensted), Suff., 438 (3 m. 6). Henstridge (Henxstrigge), Soms., 438 (4 m. 7). Henterdreme, Cornw., 438 (3 m. 11). Henton or Charterhouse Henton, Soms., 1803 (1 m. 1). confirmation for, g. 414 (41). Henxworth. See Hinxworth. Henyngburgh. See Hemingbrough. Henyngham, Essex. See Heding- ham; also Castle Heding- ham. Henyngham (surname). See Heven- ingham. Hepburn, George, abbot of Aberbro- thock, treasurer of Scotland, 255, 296, 502, 548, 588. letter from, 588. (Hoban, Hebburne), James, postulate abbot of Dunferm- line, 2443, 2461, 2550, 3119 :— p. 1532. John, prior of St. Andrews, q.v. Hepple (Heppell), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Heppyng. See Epping. Heptonstall, Yorks, 438 (3 mm. 21, 25), 438 (4 m. 26). Heralds and pursuivants, 20 (pp. 12, 20), 82 (42), 455, 601, 2053 (2, 6 ii.) :—p. 1549. payments to, 710-11. Herasmus. See Erasmus. Herbaudon. See Harbledown. Herbe, in Lombardy, 1071. Herbert, Lord, 1484. Howard? Herbert, Lord, of Gower, Chepstow and Ragland. See Somerset, C. Herbert, Anne, g. 289 (44). Elizabeth, d. and h. of Wil- liam earl of Huntingdon, and wife of Charles Somerset lord Herbert, g. 1836 (7). Herbert-cont. (Harbart, Harbert), John, 438 (2 m. 19), 1493 ii. Richard or Sir Ric., App. 26:-g. 132 (114), 447 (13), 587 (13), 3049 (20). Roland, 438 (1 m. 19). Sir Walter († 16 Sept. 1507), g. 1836 (7). (Herberd), Wm., 438 (2 m. 11), 1493 i., ii. :—g. 3049 (20). Herbotell. See Harbottle. Hercies lands, Midd., g. 485 (5). Hercy (Hersy, Hersyn, Harsey), Humphrey, 438 (1 m. 1): p. 1542 :—g. 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.), 1494 (9), 2222 (16 Notts), 2484 (9), 3049 (23). Herde, Rob., g. 3049 (5). (Heerd), Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 438 (1 m. 24), 707 (p. 383). Herdman, Edmund, 1803 (2 m. 4). Herdwike. See Hardwick. Herdys. See Hardys. Herefeld. See Harefield. Hereford, 438 (1 mm. 17, 22 quater) 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (3 mm. 12, 18, 21 bis, 25-6), 438 (4 m. 24), 1803 (2 m. 4), 1978 :—g. 833 (39), 924 (31), 1494 (4), 2684 (23), 3324 (45), 3499 (24). grant to the city, g. 519 (33). letter to mayor, &c., 3068. cathedral, 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (3 m. 16):—p. 1525:-g. 519 (33). confirmation for, g. 485 (13). dean. See Wolsey, T. college of vicars, 438 (4 m. 3). St. Peters, vicar of, 438 (1 m. 3). Hereford, bp. of. See Mayhew, R. his prison ("the_con- vict prison"), g. 546 (29). • Peter bp. of (P. de Aqua Blanca, 1240-68), g. 485 (13). Hereford, earl of, 438 (3 mm. 10, 29). Hereford, John. See Hertford. Hereford Est, Heref., 438 (3 m. 10). Hereford, Little-, Heref., 438 (1 m. 24). Hereford West (Herford West), Heref., p. 1519. Herefordshire, 205 (p. 106), 438 (2 m. 8), 1004 (4), 2392 (p. 1063) g. 11 (10), 132 (52), 381 (74, 90), 414 (52), 632 (26), 833 (11), 857 (11), 969 (23), 1221 (11), 1316 (9), 1494 (9, 55), 1804 (41), 2055 (42), 2222 (12), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (63), 224 GENERAL INDEX. Herefordshire-cont. 2964 (13), 3408 (18), 3499 (12, 43). commission of the peace, p. 1538. Herepisfeld. See Harpsfield. Heresie. See Horsey. Heresy, James. See Erisy. Heresy and heretics, 933, 936, 993, 3083, 3422, 3507:—g. 651 (15). prosecution for, 752. Herflew. See Harfleur. Herfordbryg. See Hartford Bridge. See Hereford. Herford West. Hertford. Herforth. See Hartforth; Hergest, Roger, 1803 (2 m. 4). Herham. See Horham. Hering, Henry, g. 3499 (6). Heriot, James, clk., p. 1523. also Robert, canon of Glasgow, p. 1522. Wm., g. 857 (14). Herle, George, g. 2964 (13). • John, g. 2964 (13). (Herld), Margery widow of John, 438 (2 m. 25). Th., g. 2964 (13). Herleston. See Harleston. Herm (Erme), island, g. 54 (71). Hermanson, Herman, 2539. Hermer. See Harman. Hermitage, in Blakamore, Dors., g. 1804 (11). Hernam. See Arnhem. Hernani (Ernane), near Fontarabia, 1509, 1511 (p. 699). Herne, Kent, 438 (4 m. 2). Herne. See Heron. Hernis, Robert son of, charter of, g. 381 (81). Heron (Hern), Essex, p. 1536. grant dated at, g. 2422 (4, 6). Heron (Heyron, Herne), John, the Bastard, 2122. · pardon to, g. 2222 (10). (Heyron, Herron), John, treasurer of the Chamber, clerk of the Hanaper (1514), letter to, 1174. pardon for, g. 447 (17), (682 (19). signature of, g. 54 (82), 132 (50), 257 (12), 651 (7), 731 (7, 52). 749 (3, 24), 1123 (45), 1462 (19), 2964 (54, 64). payments by, 1463, 1575, 3457 :—App. 14.. warrants to, 19, 58–9, 115, 209, 404, 710, 1261, 1450 (p. 661), 1464–5, 1587, 1590,. 2121, 2712 :—p. 1508. other references, 20 (p. 18), 149, 341, 438 (3 m. 7), Heron, John, other references- cont. 559 (p. 327), 877 ii., 1272, 1393, 1420, 1453, 1463, 1493, 1495 (1 v., 2), 1549, 1752 (p. 802), 1843, 1874, 2220, 2388, 2478, 2604, 2651, 2738, 2766, 3315, 3608 i. pp. 1503, 1506, 1513, 1519:-g. 218 (24), 357 (21), 447 (17), 651 (1), 709 (14), 1524 (31), 1662 (39, 40), 1948 (31), 2055 (46-7, 61), 2330 (4), 3107 (38), 3226 (8), 3324 (18, 39, 44), 3499 (49). (Herne), John, supervisor of the Custom House, controller of subsidy in London, 438 (2 m. 20), 1416, 1904, 1978 (p. 897), 2009, 2451, 2478 (1 ii., 2); 2544, 2546, 2833, 2937, 3013: pp. 1503-4, 1506-7-g. 158 (45), 2772 (41). accounts by, 1416, 2478 (2), 2544, 2778, 3513. John, mercer, g. 2617 (24). John, of Prittlewell, 438 (2 m. 9). Oduel, g. 94 (63). Th., 3013. (Heyron), Wm., 309, 438 ( m. 12), 2913. Herper. See Harper. Herpham. See Harpham. Herredon. See Harrowdon. Herres. See Harris. Herring fishing, 193 (p. 100). • account for wafting fleets, 1416. Herringfleet (Heryngflete), Suff., 438 (4 m. 23). St. Olave's priory, 438 (4 m. 10). prior. See Dale, W. Herrison or Herryson. See Harrison. Herrys. See Harris. Hersey. See Hercy. Hersham, Norf. See Earsham. Hersham, Westmld. See Hevers- ham. Hersom. See Heversham. Herst, John, 1493 iv. Herstmonceux (Horsemounsex, Hurstmonceaux, Hermoun- ceux), Suss., 438 (3 mm. 1, 17), 1803 (1 m. 3). letter dated at, 3433. Herst priory. See under Mendham. Hersy or Hersyn. See Hercy. Hert. See Hart. Hertcorte. See Harcourt. Herte. See Hart. Hertegood, Rob., g. 2617 (7).. Herteley. See Hartley. GENERAL INDEX. 225 Herteson, Mary, g. 1415 (28). Hertfeld. See Hartfield. Hertford, Herts, 438 (3 m. 16 ? Here- ford). bailiff and burgesses of, 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 10). Hertford (Harford, Herforth), Eliz., 438 (3 m. 2). (Hereford), John, customer of Plymouth and Fowey, 438 (4 m. 16), 1420-pp. 1509– 10:―g. 1266 (27). (Herfford, Hartford), John, 1864, 2938 ii. letter from, 1864. Hertfordshire or Herts, 205 (p. 106), 438 (4 m. 5), 1409 (2), 1849, 2054 (1, 6), 2962, 3223, 3377 :—g. 132 (26), 381 (74), 682 (4), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1462 (1, 38), 1494 (9), 1602 (19), 1662 (18, 46), 1804 (22), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 17), 2964 (81), 3408 (18, 20), 3499 (12). commission of the peace, p. 1538. Herthest. See Hartest. Herthman," 438 (1 m. 25). Hertilpole. See Hartlepool. Hertingfordbury (Hertfordynbury), Herts, 438 (3 m. 13). Hertished. See Hartshead. Hertishill, Joan, d. and h. of Wm., g. 1494 (8). Hertley. See Hartley. Hertlington, Rob., 438 (2 m. 8). Herton, Midd., vicar of, 438 (2 m. 6). Hertriche. See Hartridge. Hertwall. See Hartwell. Hervy. See Harvey. Herward. See Harward. Herwode. See Harwood. Heryettisham. See Harrietsham. Heryng, Henry, g. 2772 (20). Simon, g. 2772 (20). Heryngham, in Flanders, 2404. Hesant, Rob., g. 381 (33). Hesdin. See Hédin. Hesill. See Hessle. Hesilwode. See Hazelwood. Hesketh, Ric., 438 (4 m. 19):—g. 709 (26), 833 (22). Hesse, landgrave of, Elector, 2040. See Notes and Errata. Hessle (Hasyll, Hesill, Hassil), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 17), 2805 :—g. 158 (6, 91), 546 (73). vicar of. See Cokerell, J. Hesteley, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22). Hestercombe (Histercombe, Hayster- combe), Soms. [in Kingston], 438 (1 m. 25). Hesulrygge or Hesylryg. See Hasil- rig.. Wt. 11494. Hesylstein. See Ysselstein. Heth or Le Heth, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 1). Hethcote. See Heathcote. Hethe. See Heath. Hether, John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 877n. Hetherington (Hederyngton or Hed- ryngton), Roland, 1803 (1 m. 2). . (Hedryngton, Hederyngton), Wm., 438 (3 m. 8). Hethersgill (Hedrisgill, Hederesgill), Cumb., 438 (3 m. 8). Heton. See Heaton. Heton, Yorks. See Kirk Heaton; also Hetton. Heton, Rob., g. 158 (32). Th., g. 3107 (27). Wm., purser, 2305 iii. bis. Hetton (Heton), Nthld., 438 (2 m. 28). Hetton (Heton) in Craven, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 10). See Eu. Heu. Heulle (Neul, Heudly, Hule, Heule), Sir Guyot de, one of the King's spears, 516, 635, 1146, 1333, 1441, 1463 ix., 1495 ii., 1496, 1509 (pp. 694, 697), 1511 (p. 699), 1515, 1575 (p. 722), 1656, 1665 (p. 672) :—p. 1513:—App. 26. his account, 1441. Heuse, Staff., 438 (4 m. 8). Heven (Hevyn), Edw., 704 :—g. 132 (99, 100), 257 (48), 969 (34), 1003 (5). Heveningham, Suff., 438 (2 m. 14). Heveningham (Hynyngham), Mr., 1176 (3). (Hevyngham), Alice widow of John, g. 2055 (18). Anne, 438 (3 mm. 12, 14). (Henyngham), George, 20 (p. 13), 438 (2 m. 14). (Hevyngham, Henyngham), Sir John, 438 (3 mm. 12, 14), 1661 (p. 752). (Henyngham, Hennyngham), John, 438 (3 mm. 12, 14), 1453-p. 1544:-g. 190 (4), 632 (26), 804 (49), 2222 (16 Suff.). Th., 438 (3 mm. 12, 14). Hevenyngham, Essex. See Heding- ham; also Castle Hedingham. Hever (Hover), Kent, 438 (3 m. 7) :- g. 1732 (12). Heversham (Hersham, Hersom), Westmld., 438 (2 m. 31 bis). Hevyn. See Heven. Hevyngham, Essex. See Heding. ham. Hewart, Miles, 817. Hewat, John, 3148. H 15 226 GENERAL INDEX. Hewdale. See Ewdale. Hewes or Hewis. See Hughes. Hewett (Heewet, Huet), John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 438 (2 m. 26), 480. (Huet), Ric., of Exeter, 438 (1 m. 12). (Huett), Roger, rector of St. Edmund's, Exeter, p. 1532. (Huett), Wm., 438 (2 m. 27). Hewish (Huysshe), Wilts, 436. Hewitson, Ric., g. 2964 (35). Hews. See Hughes. Hewster (Heustor, Hewester), John, 438 (3 m. 21). Th., g. 485 (39). Hewyke. See Highweek. Hewys. See Hughes. Hexham, Nthld., 438 (2 mm. 7, 28). Hexston. See Exton. Hext, John, 1803 (1 m. 2):—g. 833 (58 iv.). Heyber, Peter, 3529. Heyburn, Ric., g. 2964 (35). Heyden, Nthld. See Haydon. Heydok (Haydok), Eliz.,wife of John, 438 (1 m. 19). (Haydok), Th., 438 (1 m. 19): p. 1542:-g. 632 (26), 969 (23), 1494 (9). Heydon (Heyden), Essex, 438 (3 m. 20). • rector of, 1803 (2 m. 5). Heydon, Norf., 438 (2 m. 9). Heydon, Notts. See Headon. Heydon, John. See Eyton. Heydon, Sir Henry, g. 2055 (95). • " (Haydon), John or Sir John, 20 (p. 15), 81, 1176 (4), 1453, 1661 (p. 752), 3348 (3) -p. 1541-g. 190 (4), 257 (49), 604 (35), 632 (26), 833 (58), 2055 (95), 2222 (16 Norf.), 2484 (9), 2772 (25), 3499 (12). knighted, 81. Sir Nic., App. 26. (Haydon), Ric., 438 (2 m. 5) :—g. 1123 (22). Wm., 438 (1 m. 25). Heyford, Ntht., 438 (3 m. 16):—g. 1316 (15). Heyfordeworen. See Hayford War- ren. Heygrove, Soms., g. 94 (35). Heyles. See Hayles. Heyley. See Heighley. Heylisbery park, Cornw., g. 132 (27). Heylys. See Hailes. Heyn. See Hayne. Heynault. See Hainault. Heynes, Nic., 20 (p. 16), 1420. Heynford. See Haynford. Heyngton. See Haddenham. Heyngham. See Hingham. Heynold. See Hainault, Heyr. See Eyre. Heyrfyld. See Fairfield. Heyron. See Heron. Heys, Devon, chapel in Exeter Castle, g. 1083 (2). Heyse, Albrecht, 3133. Heyshott (Heyshete), Suss., 438 (1 m. 16). Heytesbury (Haytresbury, Heytres- bury, Hattisbery, Hachebury, Haytysbury), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (3 m. 4), 438 (4 m. 24):-g. 158 (77). college, p. 1524. Heythrop (Heythorp), Oxon, 438 (4 m. 24). Heyton. See Eyton. Heywarde. See Hayward. Heywode. See Haywood. Heywourth. See Highworth. Hibaldstow (Hebbestowe), Linc., 438 (4 m. 13). Hibernia, Baron of. See Bearn. Hiche. See Heche. Hicheman, Wm., abbot of Stratford Langthorn, 20 (p. 15), 438 (3 m. 9), 631, 2671, 2910: g. 519 (35), 2222 (16 Essex). Hiches, Rob., tailor, 438 (1 m. 26). Hickleton (Hykkylton), Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 6). Hickling (Hekelyng, Iklinge), Norf., priory, 438 (2 m. 28):~g. 3324 (30). Hide. Robert prior of, 438 (2 m. 28). See Hyde. Hide, Herts, g. 2684 (1). Hides. See Leather. Hierus, Maurice, Swiss Envoy to England, 2808. Higdon, Brian, LL.D., rector of Bucknell, vicar-general of York, 1040, 1753, 3007 :—g. 3408 (32). (Hygden), Ralph, 438 (1 m. 11). Th., g. 3107 (33). Higecok or Higgecokkes. See Hitch- cock. Higford, Agnes, 438 (4 m. 12). (Huggeford, Hugford), John, 20 (p. 16), 438 (4 m. 12) :—g. 158 (36), 381 (74), 1948 (24). Thomas, g. 1804 (2), 2055 (26). Wm., 707. Higges, Edw., 20 (p. 14). Higginbottom (Hegynbothum, &c.), John and Otwell, 438 (3 m. 20). Higgins (Higgyn), Edward, clk., Councillor, master of Chan- cery, g. 1123 (21). GENERAL INDEX. 227 Higgins-cont. Edward, clk., dean of Shrewsbury, g. 2055 (29). Edward, rector of Lanteglos juxta Stratton, g. 857 (1). (Higons or Hygons), Dr. Edward, clk., 2480 (18). Th., g. 2137 (27). High Almayne. See Switzerland. Higham, Derb., 438 (2 m. 13). Higham nunnery, Kent, 3315. election of prioress, g. 2964 (71). Higham (Iham), Suss. [in Winchel- sea], g. 257 (73). Higham, Cold- (Coldhigham), Ntht., rector presented, g. 749 (5). Higham Ferrers, Ntht., bailiff of, 438 (3 m. 30). college, 438 (3 m. 7). confirmation for, g. , 485 (61). R. warden. See Wills, honours of, 438 (2 m. 6). Higham (Heigham), John, 2480 (13):-g. 784 (22), 969 (13), 2222 (16 Suff.), 2964 (52). (Heigham), Ric., justice of Assizes, g. 1316 (3), 1662 (1, 5), 2137 (11), 2684 (68), 3049 (4). Highcliff (Hyclyffe, Hilclyff), Derb., 438 (1 m. 23). Highehaunton. See Heampton. Highfeld, John, sewer of the Cham- ber, 20 (p. 12). Highways and bridges, repair of, 1 (p. 2). High Week (Hyewike, Hewyke), Devon, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 9). Highworth, Wilts (Heywourth, Soms., Hyworth), 438 (1 m. 21):—g. 94 (35). Hilbereworth. See Hillborough. Hilclyff. See Highcliff. Hilgay (Helgay, Elgay), Norf., 438 (3 m. 13). Hill (Hul), Dors. [in Iwerne Minster], g. 1083 (2). Hill (Hille), Glouc., 438 (4 m. 17). Hill, Mr., 342. • • Christina, 1803 (2 m. 2). Edmond, 438 (2 m. 26). (Hull), Eliz., abbess of West Malling, 438 (3 m. 21). (Hull), Giles, 438 (1 m. 12). (Hilley, Hille), Guy, mercer, 438 (2 m. 12). Henry, serjeant at arms, g. 1948 (76). (Hille), Hugh, 438 (4 m. 12). Humph., 20 (p. 16):-g. 709 (22). James, g. 604 (6), 1494 (54). Hill-cont. • John, 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 26). (Hylle), Nic., clerk of the Spicery, 20 (pp. 17, 19, Richard" H.), 82 (p. 39) :-- g. 449 (14 bis). Richard, bp. of London (A.D. 1489-1496), 438 (2 m. 26). Ric., clk., master of St. John Baptist's Hospital, Exeter, 438 (2 m. 5). (Hull, At Hill), Ric., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 438 (1 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 10), 559, 1803 (2 m. 5):—p. 1520-g. 833 (59), 1836 (27). Rob., 438 (1 m. 12), 1798, 1803 (2 m. 2). Stephen, g. 1805 (1). (Hille), Th., 237, 438 (2 m. 10), 2054 :—g. 1462 (5), 3582 (2). (Hille), Wm., 438 (1 m. 14): g. 1602 (43). Hillarsden. See Hillersden. Hillary, Sir Roger, 438 (3 m. 18). Hillborough (Hilbereworth), Warw., 1803 (2 m. 3). Hill Crome (Hylcromeve, Hylero- mebe), Worc., 1803 (1 m. 4). Hill Deverill, Wilts, 438 (1 m. 10). Hillersdon (Hillarsden, Hyllesdon, Hyllysdon), Andrew, 438 (1 m. 12):—p. 1536 :-g. 833 (58 iv.). Hilles, Reynold, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Hillesdon, Bucks, g. 1083 (2). Hilley, Ric., clk., treasurer of Salis- bury cathedral, 438 (3 m. 14). Hilliard, Chr., g. 804 (iv., ix.), 833 (45 iii.), 1365 (3), 1494 (9). (Hillyarde), Chr., a King's spear, g. 2055 (28). Hilling or Myllyng, Th., canon, p. 1527 bis. Hillingdon (Helyndon), Great and Little, Midd., g. 485 (5), 833 (43). Hillington, Nic., LL.B., vicar of St. Clement's, Sandwich, g. 289 (2). Hill Moreton (Hylt Moreton), Warw., 1803 (2 m. 4) :—p. 1512. Hill Wood (Hilwode), Warw. and Staff., g. 1494 (24). Hilmer, Wm., 20 (p. 13). Hilton, Staff., 438 (4 m. 3). Hilton, Alex., purser, 3148. Chr., 1493 ii. .. Ellis, of the Ordnance, of the Queen's Robes, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 41), 311, 1493 ii., 2059, 2738-p. 1514. 228 GENERAL INDEX. Hilton-cont. Rob., 20 (p. 13). Thomas, clerk of the House of Commons, g. 381 (5). Sir William, baron of Hilton, 291, 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (3 m. 27) :—p. 1542 :—g. 3107 (45). Wm., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 1097. Wm., King's tailor, 2506 : p. 1499:-g. 969 (61). (Helton), Wm., 438 (2 m. 17):-g. 257 (88), 632 (26), 969 (23). Hilwode Chace, Warw. [in Sutton Chace], g. 924 (4). Hinchcliff, Wm., g. 54 (3). Hindringham, Norf., 438 (3 m. 32). Hindley or Hindeley, John, 438 (4 m. 20). Hindy. See Hendy. Hingham (Hengham, Heyngham), Norf., 438 (2 mm. 31, 33) :— g. 3049 (12). Hintlesham, Suff., 438 (2 m. 14). Hinton, Camb., 438 (4 m. 7). Hinton, Glouc., g. 2964 (40). Hinton, Salop [near Pontesbury], g. 3324 (28). Hinton St. George (Georgehenton), Soms., 438 (4 m. 4). Hinxworth (Henxworth), Herts, 438 (2 m. 19). Hipswell (Ippeswell, Hippeswell, Eppeswell), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 17 ter). Hirdelston. See Huddlestone. Hisley. See Isley. Hispanus, Philippus. See Spangen. Hisselonde. See Iceland. Histercombe. See Hestercombe. Histon, Camb., 438 (4 m. 11). Hitcham (Hecham), Bucks, g. 2330 (2). Hitcham (Hycham, Hecham), Suff., 438 (3 m. 4), 1803 (2 m. 1). Hitchcock (Higecok, Higgecokkes, Hechecok), Henry, 438 (3 m. 12 bis). (Hyggecoke, Hyggecokkes), John, 438 (3 m. 17). Hitchin (Huchyn, Hechyn, Hichyn), Herts, 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (3 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 23), 1803 (2 m. 2):—g. 94 (35 p. 50). grants dated at, g. 2330 (6), 2772 (64). Ho, John. See Howe. Hoarcross (Horecrosse, Whorecrosse), Staff., 438 (4 m. 15). Hoathley (Hodelegh), Suss., g. 709 (26). Hoathley, West-(Westhothle, West- hodelegh), Suss., 438 (4 m. 27):-g. 749 (18). Hoban, James. See Hepburn. Hobart (Hubberd), Anne, g. 784 (11). Christina, 438 (3 m. 16). Ellen, 2830. (Heberd, Hobert, Hubert, Hubbert), Sir James, recog- nizances made to, g. 94 (99), 218 (24), 357 (10), 651 (32), 682 (3). other references, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 mm. 14, 16), 438 (4 mm. 10, 20), 1176 (3), 1453, 1493, 1661 (p. 752):-pp. 1536, 1541, 1544:-g. 132 (115), 289 (5), 381 (43), 414 (4), 731 (14), 833 (22, 58), 969 (38), 1316 (26), 1494 (54), 2222 (16 Norf.), 2484 (20), 2617 (35), 3107 (24). (Hobert), John, pilot, 2304 (5). (Hobard), Miles, 2830-g. 1805 (1). gunner, (Hubart, Hubard, Hobard), Th., merchant of the Staple, 438 (3 m. 16). (Hobard), Walter, p. 1541 :- g. 381 (43), 833 (22). Hobbes or Hobbys, John, 438 (2 m. 20). Philip, 853. (Hobbez), Thomas, D.D., King's almoner, dean of Wind- sor and Exeter, master in Chancery, (died 1509), 20 (pp. 11, 14, 20), 109, 229, 438 (3 m. 10):—g. 54 (51), 218 (50), 257 (11). Hobe or Hoben. See Hoby. Hobson, Ric., s. and h. of Thomas, g. 1170 (8). Th., 1803 (1 m. 5):—g. 257 (16). Th., auditor, 20 (p. 19):-g. 158 (2, 4), 885 (9, 11, 12), 2684 (72). Hoby (Hobe, Hobyn, Hoben), John, 438 (2 m. 26). Ric., g. 485 (40). the Hobyns, John, 438 (4 m. 27). Hochstetters (Hugstettyrs), German bankers, 2010. Hochyn, John, 438 (4 m. 27). Hochynson. See Hutchinson. Hockley (Hokley), Essex, 438 (2 m. 33). Hockley (Ocle), Hants, 438 (3 m. 11). Hockwold (Hokwold), Norf., 438 (2 m. 24). Hodchowse. See Woodhouse. Hoddonyll. See Hodnell. Hode, John, 2738. Hodelegh or Hodeley. See Hoathley. Hodelston. See Huddlestone. Hodenhull. See Hodnell. 5 GENERAL INDEX. 229 Hodgekinson (Hoggekinson), George, g. 1123 (60). Hodgeson (Hoggeston), John, spi- gornel in Chancery, 109. (Hogeson, Hoggeson), Peter, 438 (2 m. 24). (Hoggeson, Hogeson, Hog- son), Wm., yeoman of the Butlery, 79, 82 (p. 39):-g. 94 (78), 357 (44), 604 (15), 1044 (7), 1948 (99, 100), 2617 (41). Hodnell (Hodenhull, Hoddonyll), Warw., 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (4 m. 2):-g. 449 (15). Hodsock (Hosydoke), Notts, 438 ( m. 14). Hody (Hoody), Sir Wm., chief baron of Exchequer, 20 (pp. 14, 21), 82 (p. 39), 341, 1046, 1803 (1 m. 1), 3464 (2) :—pp. 1538, 1543:-g. 218 (1), 709 (62), 924 (14), 1602 (7), 1732 (2, 16), 2484 (15). Wm., p. 1536. Hodyngton. See Huddington. Hoe Hall (Hoohall), Essex, 438 (2 m. 23). Hogan (Ogan, Oghan), Sir John, 1493 ii., 2392, 2481 (3). (Oughan, Owgan, Owen), John, 438 (3 m. 22). Rob., g. 2964 (5), 3107 (53). Hogard. See Ogard. Hogby. See Ogilvy. Hogeson. See Hodgeson. Hogesshawe. See Hogshaw. Hogge, John, 1803 (1 m. 4). Peter, g. 132 (112). Hoggeson. See Hodgeson. Hoggeston. See Hodgeson; also Hoxton. Hogh. See Halgh; also Heage. Hogham. See Hougham. Hogshawe (Hogesshawe), 438 (3 m. 7). Bucks, preceptory of St. John, 438 (1 m. 1). Hogson. See Hodgeson. Hoke. See Hook. Hokeley. See Ockley. Hokelscote. See Hugglescote. Hokenorton. See Hook Norton. Hoker. See Hooker. Hokkelet. See Hackluyt. Hokkes, Robert, abbot of Woburn, 438 (1 m. 22). Hokley. See Hockley. Hokwold. See Hockwold. Holand. See Holland. Holandbrigge. See Bridgend. Holandes manor, Ntht., g. 1662 (58). Holbeam (Holbeme), John, of Hol- beam [in East Ogwell], 438 (2 m. 11). Holbeche, Ric., abbot of Thorney, 205, 438 (2 m. 8), 963 :-g. 1171 (3), 1662 (30), 1732 (34). Holbek, Wm., 438 (3 m. 11). Holberton, Devon, 438 (2 m. 31). Holborn, Midd. See under London. Holbrook (Holbroke), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Holbrook (Holbroke), Suff., g. 1804 (37). Holcombe, Devon, App. 26. Holcombe Burnell, Devon, 438 (3 m. 19). vicar of, 438 (4 m. 13). Holcombe Paramore (H. Puramour), alias H. Wormede, Devon, 438 (3 m. 23). Holcombe (Holcom), Charles, 438 (4 m. 20). Holcot, Salop, g. 381 (38). Holcote, Wm., p. 1548. Holden, John, 438 (3 m. 31). Kath., g. 3324 (20). Th., keeper of Westminster palace, 20 (p. 17):—g. 218 (22), 1602 (14). Wm., g. 257 (69), 3324 (20). Holdenby (Haldenby, Haudeby), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 23). Holdenby (Haldenby), Robert, 438 (4 m. 23). Holdenham. See Ownham. Holdenhurst Wood (Holnestwod), Hants, 438 (2 m. 22). Holder, Simon, g. 833 (39). (Holdar), Wm., 1803 (m. 1). Holderness, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (2 m. 20):-g. 158 (91), 357 (18). Holdiche, John, 438 (2 m. 19). Holdsworth (Haldeworth, Hald- worthe), Edw., 438 (1 m. 25). (Haldesworth, Aldesuor), Robert (or Richard), S.T.P., vicar of Blockley, vicar- general of Worcester, 438 (3 mm. 10, 29) :—p. 1521. Holdysworthy. See Holsworthy. Hole, Devon, 438 (4 m. 20). Hole, in Scotland, p. 1260. Holey. See Healey. Holford (Holforth), Chesh., 438 (3 m. 3). Holford, Sir George, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 3). Sir John, App. 26. Holgate (Holgote), Salop, g. 2684 (1). Holgill. See Howgill. Holgrave, John, 438 (3 m. 20), 878 ii. Holingbourne, Wm., g. 546 (63). Holkham (Olkeham), Norf., 438 (3 m. 2). 230 GENERAL INDEX. Holland, 919, 1336, 1566, 1891 (2), 2009, 2809, 3052, 3079, 3174:-g. 804 (5), 1462 (13), 1494 (21), 1732 (18). Holland herald, of the duke of Saxony, 3264. Holland, in Lincolnshire, 2544. Holland or Holand (Hollond), Mr., Wolsey's servant, letter to, 1653. " • " Eliz. widow of Roger, g. 1123 (22). George, prior of Anglesey, 438 (2 m. 11). John, 438 (2 m. 33), 707, 874 (2), 2478 jii. :—g. 2684 (89). Morgan, marshal of the Hall, 82 (p. 40). Oliver, gentleman usher, 82 (pp. 38, 41), 394 (2) :—g. 381 (95), 604 (6), 3582 (8). Owen, 82 (p. 41), 438 (3 m. 26). Ralph, rector of Ufford, g. 1123 (39). (Honyland), Rob., 438 (4 m. 13), 1803 (2 m. 2). Roger, g. 218 (52), 381 (18), 357 (10). (Hoyland, Holond), Th., 438 (4 m. 9): p. 1540:-g. 257 (48), 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14). Wm., goldsmith, 1549, 3336. his account, 1549. Hollesworthy. See Holsworthy. Hollingbourn (Holyngbourne), Kent, 438 (3 m. 23). Hollingworth (Holyngworth), Laurence, 862, 1482, 1502. Hollyat (Hallyat, Hallyathe), Mat- thew, 1803 (1 m. 6). Hollyffeld, Margaret, widow of Thomas, 3343. Holm, John, of Denmark, 2921. Holme, Notts, 438 (1 m. 26):—g. 1732 (49). Holme Cultram (H. Coltren), Cumb., abbey, Robert abbot of, g. 1123 (40). confirmation for, g. 485 (25). Holme by Newark, Notts, 438 (3 m. 8). Holme Pierrepont, Notts, g. 2861 (7). Holme, St. Bennet's of. See Hulme. Holme in Spaldingmore, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 5), 438 (3 mm. 3, 6), 438 (4 m. 25). Holme, Anne, heiress to Robert, g. 784 (7). · Hugh, 438 (1 m. 17). (Holmes), John, 438 (1 m. 3), 1424. Holme-cont. Wm., 1495 vi. :-g. 2137 (13). (Holmys, Holmes, Hoolme), Wm., rector of Carlton in Lindrick, 438 (2 m. 30). Holmside (Holneset, Honeset), Dham., 438 (2 m. 19). Holmys or Holmes. See Holme. Holneset. See Holmside. Holnestwod. See Holdenhurst. Holond. See Holland. Holstein, 247, 285, 303. duke of. See Frederic. Holsworthy (Holdysworthy, Holles- worthy), Devon, 1803 (1 m. 5):-g. 158 (10), 2137 (30). Holt (Holte), Dors., 438 (2 m. 19). Holt (Holte), Lanc., 438 (4 m. 13). Holt or Holt Market, Norf., 438 (1 m. 21). Holt, Worc., g. 357 (41). Holt (Lyon) [in Bromfield], in Wales, castle and lordship, 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 4), 1803 (2 m. 5) :—g. 190 (26), 257 (74), 357 (29), 833 (8), 1804 (55–6). , free chapel in the castle, g. 357 (29). Holt, John, g. 132 (87). Ric., g. 381 (26). Th., g. 2055 (92). (Holte), Wm., 438 (4 m. 8). Holtesweller or Holtwheler, Henry, 239:-g. 3049 (13). Holton (Halton), Oxon, 438 (3 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 9):-g. 2684 (6). rector of, 438 (1 m. 20). Holton, Yorks. See Houghton. Holton le Moor (Howton in the More), Linc., 438 (1 m. 2). Holtwheler. See Holtesweller. Holwell, John, vicar of St. Petroc's, Bodmin, p. 1529. Holwey, Clement, g. 2862 (7). Holy, Yorks. See Huby. Holy Croys. See under Edinburgh, Holyrood. Holy Island ("the Islands "), Nthld., 2652. Holy League, 812 ii., 830, 842, 844, 851, 867, 873, 889, 892, 895- 6, 902, 914, 923, 933, 937, 939, 942, 959-60, 965, 977, 995, 1001-2, 1011, 1014, 1020, 1039, 1054, 1065, 1095, 1108, 1155, 1191, 1198, 1204, 1214– 15, 1277, 1301 (p. 595), 1304, 1307, 1314–5, 1326 (p. 615), 1340, 1345, 1428, 1432, 1469, 1489, 1558, 1647, 1677 (p. 770), 1699, 1769, 1775, 1779, 1792, 1794, 1822, 1841, 1846, 1867-8, 1884, 1888, 1895, GENERAL INDEX. 231 Holy League-cont. • • 1897, 1911 ii., 1916-7, 1937, 1996, 1999 (3), 2003, 2006, 2014, 2016, 2048, 2124, 2132, 2355, 2752 :—g. 969 (29, 40), 1494 (27), 1804 (28). See also Ferdinand, treaties with. articles, 889. English commissioners, g. 1524 (39). Henry VIII. joins, 1198, 1204. treaty (of 5 April 1513), 1750. Holybronde, Wm., 874 (2). Holyngborne, Wm., g. 485 (52). Wm., prior of Breamore, 438 (2 m. 24). Holynghall, Yorks, g. 2484 (12). Holyns or Holyn, Ralph, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Wm., 707 (p. 383). Holywaterclerk," "438 (4 m. 17). Holywell (Halywell), Dham., 438 (1 m. 9). See Hume. Home. Home Circuit (this name not used in original, which simply names the counties of Essex, Herts, Surrey, Sussex, Kent and Mid- dlesex, and the City of Canter- bury), g. 132 (48), 381 (39), 519 (44), 546 (47), 709 (34), 804 (41), 833 (2), 1266 (41), 1316 (14), 1662 (1), 2055 (114), 2137 (11), 2684 (9), 3049 (26). Homerwyche. See Hammerwich. Hom Lacy, Heref., 438 (3 m. 16). Homo, Th., rector of Dorchester, g. 632 (19). Homyldowne. See Hamilton. Honden. See Hundon. Hondesdiche. See under London. Hone, Mr., schoolmaster to Princess Mary, 2656 (2). Wm., dean of Tamworth, g. 3408 (38). Wm., King's chaplain, rec- tor of Upton Lovel, g. 682 (35). Wm., rector of Aby, p. 1526. Wm., M.A., rector of Long Leadenham, g. 1524 (19). Honedell, Warw., 438 (3 m. 4). Honesdon. See Hunsdon. Honeset. See Holmside. Honfleur (Homflew, Honteflou, Hondfleur, Hownflew, Am- flower, Hunflette, Honflett), in Normandy, 1081, 1467, 1594, 1647 (p. 743), 1835, 1907, 1936, 1971, 2014, 2204, Honfleur-cont. 2240, 2260, 2297, 2681, 2693, 2854, 3349. letter dated at, 2240. Honily (Honeley), Warw., g. 632 (7). Honingham (Hunnyngham), Norf., 438 (4 m. 1). Honiton (Honyngton, Honnyngton), Devon, 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (2 m. 34), 438 (3 m. 6). Honnege. See Henneage. Honnesdon. See Hunsdon. Honnyng, Roger, 438 (1 m. 18). (Hunnyng), Wm., serjeant of the Accatry, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 438 (1 m. 18):—g. 833 (18), 857 (3), 924 (21), 3226 (15). Honnington (Honyngton), Suff., 438 (3 m. 17). Honsaker. See Handsacre. Honstone. See Houghton Regis. Hony, Rob., g. 1266 (38). Honyball. See Hannibal. Honychurche, -, App. 22. Honyland. See Holand. Honyngton. See Honiton. Honyslade (i.e. Honddhu Valley), in Cwmyoy parish, co. Mon- mouth, 438 (1 m. 23), 438 3 m. 26). Honywode, Dr. King's chaplain, 19 (p. 11), 20 (pp. 12, 14). John, g. 2862 (7). Hoo, Beds [in Luton], 438 (3 m. 7). Hoo, Essex. See Hoe. Hoo, Kent, g. 1415 (13). Hoo, John. See Howe. Hoody. See Hody. Hooges, John and Peter de, brothers made nobles of the Empire, 1438. Hook (Hoke), Dors., 438 (3 m. 1). Hook (Hoke), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 14):—g. 449 (12), 784 (56). Hook Mortimer (Hokemortymer), Hants, g. 94 (35). Hook Norton (Hokenorton), Oxon, g. 257 (23), 1365 (4), 2055 (50, 95 ii.). rectory, p. 1526. Hooker (Hoker), John, 438 (1 m. 13). Hoolme. See Holme. Hoon, Rob., rector of Todenham, p. 1529. Hooper, John, g. 1662 (25), 2684 (75). Hoorde. See Ord. Hoorn (Horne), in Holland, 2809: g. 833 (9). Hoorne. See Horne. Hoothome. See Hotham. Hoothon, Ric., rector of Grundis- burgh, p. 1528. 232 GENERAL INDEX. Hooton (Hotton, Hoton), Chesh., 438 (4 m. 14). Hooton Pagnell (Hoton Panell), Yorks, g. 94 (55, 68), 563 (10), 1662 (42). Hooton, John. See Houghton. Hope, Ric., g. 3499 (6). Hopelyn, heirs of, 1322. Hopkins, Henry, 20 (p. 14), 2606 :- g. 218 (38-9). Thos., 82 (p. 42), 438 (4 m. 11). Hopper or Hoppar, Andrew, rector of Binning, p. 1530. (Hoppier), John, 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (4 m. 24). Hopping, Ch., g. 414 (29). Hopton (Hapton), Salop, 438 (3 mm. 7, 28), 438 (4 mm. 1, 9). Hopton, Anne widow of Thomas, 438 (3 m. 16). · • Arthur or Sir Arthur, 438 (4 m. 5), 1453, 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2414 :-App. 26 :-p. 1544 : g. 2055 (24), 3499 (12). > Sir George, 438 (4 m. 5). John, 438 (4 m. 9):-g. 604 (13). John, ship captain, clerk controller of the Navy, 1393, 1453 ii., v., 1463 viii., 1600, 1661 (1, 3), 1698 (p. 778), 1704, 1812, 1940, 1942, 2574, 2686, 2738, 2842 ii. bis, 2901, 3137 (6, 15), 3318, 3513 bis : App. 19A:—pp. 1504, 1506, 1508, 1517-18, 1521 :—g. 1948 (64), 2617 (12). accounts of, 3318. signature of, 1600. Walter, abbot of Wigmore, 308, 438 (2 m. 21), 1493 ii. Wm., 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (4 m. 5): p. 1519. Hopwell, Derb., 438 (3 m. 3), 438 (4 m. 27). Hoquet, Thomas, called Barate Plastrier, of Hâvre, 203. Horbren. See Harborne. Horbury (Horbery), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 10):-g. 1948 (77), 2964 (31). Horde, Master Edmund, g. 2137 (22). John, 438 (3 m. 24). Ric., 1493 iv. :—p. 1543 :— g. 1662 (1). Rob. See Ord. (Whord), Th., 438 (3 m. 24) :—g. 1662 (1). Wm., of the Exchequer, 46. Horder (Horeder), Walter, (1 m. 6). Hordona. See Orduña. 1803 Hore, Edith daughter of John, 438 (2 m. 17 bis). Horecrosse. See Hoarcross. Horeham (Horham), Essex, 438 (2 m. 6). Horetop, Wm., g. 1266 (17). Horewode. See Harwood. Horham (Horram, Herham), Suff., 438 (2 m. 16), 438 (4 m. 3). Horksley (Urkysley, Horkelsdy), 438 (3 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 4). Horley, West- (Westhorlegh), Surr., g. 357 (15). Hormistorffe. See Armestorff. Hornby (Horneby), Lanc., 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (3 mm. 9 bis, 13), 438 (4 m. 3). Hornby, Lord. See Conyers. Hornby (Hornebe, Hornbe), Henry, master of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, chancellor and secretary to the countess of Richmond, 20 (p. 13), 438 (1 m. 3), 1446. (Hornbe, Horneby), Henry, clk., 438 (3 mm. 18, 22):—g. 158 (24), 257 (48), 3226 (7). Horncastle, Linc., 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (3 m. 6) :—g. 2964 (9). Guild of St. Katharine, g. 2964 (9). Hornchurch (Hornchirch), Essex, 438 (4 m. 17):—g. 1316 (4), 3324 (29). Dovers, 438 (3 m. 3). Horncliff (Hornecliffe), Nic., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707 :—g. 1602 (20). Horndon, East- (Esthornton), Essex, 438 (4 m. 19). Horndon, West-, Essex, 438 (4 m. 12). Horne, in Holland. See Hoorn. Horne, Surr., g. 709 (26). Horne, new park of. See Eltham. Horne, Gregory, 438 (3 m. 29). • • Henry, 438 (1 m. 23). (Horn), John, 438 (4 m. 10):— p. 1542-g. 2222 (16 Oxon). (Hoorne), Margaret, 438 (1 m. 23). Rob., 438 (2 mm. 13, 25). (Hornede), Wm., 438 (3 m. 23). Hornebe. See Hornby. Hornecliffe. See Hornecliff. Horner, Andrew, canon, 178. John, 438 (3 m. 17). Nic. See Notes and Errata, No. 833 (54). Rob., 438 (3 m. 17). Wm., rector of Grimsby, g. 924 (25). Hornes, the lady of, 2941 (p. 1271). Horningsham, Great-, Wilts, 438 (1 m. 13). Horningsheath (Hornengserth), Suff., g. 414 (30). Hornyngtoft, Ric., 438 (1 m. 5). GENERAL INDEX 233 Horpole. See Harpole. Horram. See Horham. Horrewell. See Harvel. Horroda. See Horwood. Horsecoser. See Courser. Horse harness and barbs, 428, 434, 453, 506, 540, 605, 1187, 1259. See also Ordnance. Horseheath (Horseth, Horshed), Camb., 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (4 mm. 8, 11). Horsekeeper, John, 438 (3 m. 20). Horseley, Th., p. 1542. Horse master, 438 (2 m. 24). Horsemounsex. See Herstmonceux. Horsendon (Horsyngton), Bucks, 438 (4 m. 2):—g. 1804 (7). Horses, 605, 759 ii., 813, 941, 2054, 2706, 2951, 2962. hobby for Prince Charles, 325 (2). hobby, 1338. English, 941. Flanders, 2812. German, 1544. Italian, 1301 (p. 595). Neapolitan, 127. Scottish, 1543. Sicilian, 127. Spanish courser, 1338. Spanish jennets, 127, 162 (p. 87), 167, 186, 1010, 1542-3. Turkish, 1301 (p. 595). Horsey (Horsy, Horse), John, 438 (2 m. 31), 438 (3 mm. 2, 5) :— p. 1543 :—g. 1494 (9), 2222 (16 Soms.). (Horse), Rob., 438 (4 m. 17). Th., 438 (2 m. 31). Dr. Wm., archdeacon of London, 633. (Heresie), Wm., clk., the bp. of London's chancellor, 3523 :—g. 682 (25). Horsford, Surr., 438 (3 m. 1). Horsford (Horseford), Norf., 1955. Horsham, Suss., 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (2 mm. 25, 28, 30), 1803 (1 m. 2), 1803 (2 m. 5):—g. 2772 (4). Horsham St. Faith's, Norf., 438 (4 m. 24). fair of, g. 709 (25). priory, 438 (1 m. 14):—g. 709 (25). T. prior. See Caundeler, Horsington, Bucks, g. 1170 (5). Horsington, Soms., 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 2). Horsington (Horsyndon, Horsyn- ton), John, 438 (1 m. 23). Horsley, Derb., g. 751 (3), 833 (55), 2684 (1). Horsley, West- (Westhoresley), Surr., 438 (3 m. 28):-g. 709 (14), 1948 (31). Horsley, Wm., 1424:-g. 3226 (19). Horsted Keynes, Suss., 438 (2 m. 30):-g. 709 (26). Horsted, Little- (Litilhorsted), Suss., g. 709 (26). Horston. See Orston. Horston, Derb., g. 2684 (1). Hortfeld. See Hatfield. Horton, Dors., 438 (2 m. 14). Horton or H. Monachorum, Kent, priory of, 438 (2 m. 9). R. prior. See Sebronde, Horton, Ntht., g. 1170 (4). Horton, Nthld., 817. Horton, Salop, 438 (2 m. 5). Horton, Staff., 438 (4 m. 17). Horton, Surr., 438 (1 m. 21). Horton, Th., 438 (1 m. 15). Wm., g. 2484 (16). Hortop, Wm., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40):- g. 1804 (22 ii.). Hortyngton. See Hartington. Horwood (Horroda), Bucks, g. 1221 (28). Hosey, Wm. See Huxley. Hosiers, 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (3 mm. 9, 21), 1803 (2 m. 1). Hoskyns, Th., 438 (4 m. 11). Hospedaleto. See Ospitaletto. Hosteler, John, 436. Hostia. See Ostia. Hosydoke. See Hodsock. Hosyer (Hosier, Hosyar), John, merchant of the Staple, 438 (4 mm. 7, 8), 1032 (2). Hotham (Huthome, Hothom, Hot- hume), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 3). rector presented, g. 1123 (53). Hotham (Hothom), Sir John, 199, 438 (4 m. 21):~g. 190 (41). (Hoothome), John or Sir John, knighted after Flodden, 438 (4 m. 21), 2246 (4 ii.) :—p. 1547. Hoton, Westmld., g. 1732 (1). Hoton, Yorks. See Hutton. Hoton Panell. See Hooton Pagnell. Hoton. See Hutton. Hotton, Chesh. See Hatton. Hotton. See Hooton; also Hutton; also Wootton. Houby or Houghby. See Huby. Houerlay, Jacques prisoner, p. 928. de, French Hough, Ranulph, g. 2137 (18). Thos., g. 11 (10). Hougham (Howeham), Kent, 438 (3 m. 12). Hougham (Hogham), Linc., g. 132 (65). Houghton, Notts, g. 2684 (27). 234 GENERAL INDEX. Houghton (Holton), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 25). Houghton Conquest, Beds, 438 (2 m. 32). rector of, 438 (3 m. 13). Houghton, Hanging, Ntht., 438 (4 m. 5). Houghton Regis (Houstone), Beds, g. 158 (33). Houghton, Joan, widow of Sir Wil- liam, 438 (2 mm. 16, 20). (Howton, Howlton, Hooton), John, 438 (4 m. 28). Hounslow (Hownslowe, Howneslow), Midd., 438 (4 m. 11), 2321 :— pp. 1512-13. priory, or house of, 438 (4 m. 8). R. prior. See Beckwith, Hount. See Hunt. Houssey. See Huxley. Houston, in Scotland, Trinitarian House, p. 1527. Hover. See Hever. Hovingham, Yorks, 1803 (2 m. 2). Hovyll, Ric., 438 (3 m. 20). Howard (Haward), Anne widow of John, 438 (3 m. 20). • (Haward), Edmund or Sir Edmund, one of the Spears, knighted after Flodden, 698, 1176, 1496 iii., 1661, 2090, 2246 (1, 4 ii.), 3325, 3348 (3), 3483-p. 1544 :-App. 9:~ g. 969 (23), 1662 (16), 2684 (99). signature, 698. (Haward), Sir Edward, King's banner-bearer, admiral of Eng- land (March 1513), slain in Britanny (25 April 1513), 20 (pp. 13, 20-1), 43, 309, 442, 855n., 880, 888, 1004, 1132-4, 1147, 1239, 1260, 1268, 1356, 1385, 1387, 1413, 1422 (p. 651), 1453 i., ii., v., 1463 vi., vii., 1480, 1549, 1661 (1, 3, 4 pp. 751-2, 7), 1688, 1698, 1704 (3), 1727, 1748, 1771-2, 1786, 1792, 1807–8, 1825, 1828, 1840, 1844, 1851- 2, 1858, 1864, 1869 iii., 1911, 1922, 1965, 2274, 2305 ii., iii., 2479, 2738, 2834, 3222 :-pp. 1498-9, 1500-4, 1506, 1517, 1519, 1521, 1541 :-App. 9 :- g. 54 (42), 257 (40, 53), 604 (12), 682 (5), 804 (5), 1170 (6), 1365 (11), 1524 (5), 1602 (12), 1662 (26), 1732 (32, 40), 1804 (57), 1948 (96), 2055 (96), 2964 (32). letters from, 1480, 1688, 1698, 1748, 1771-2, 1786. Howard, Sir Edward, letters from -cont. warrants by, 1704 (3), 1705, 1727, 2305 i.:—p. 1511. his accounts, 1453. admiral of the fleet, • g. 1732 (32). • admiral of England, g. 1365 (11), 1732 (40). elected K.G., 1807. indenture with, 1132. instructions to, 1133. questions answered, 1134. his wife. See Morley, Lady. George. See Harward. Harry, ship master, g. 2055 (12). Philip, g. 632 (84). Thomas, Lord Treasurer, earl of Surrey, q.v. (Haward, Hawarde), Thomas lord, admiral of England (May 1513), eldest son of the preced- ing, letters from, 1286, 1851–2, 1870, 1875, 1883, 1886, 1894, 1907, 1936, 1965, 1971, 1978, 1992. • ? letters to, 1944, 1969. signature of, 698, 1176 (2), 1441, 1444, 1855, 2304 (2):-App. 22. p. 1520. (12). • • . · warrants by, 2305 :- chosen K.G., 442. commission to, g. 1948 grant of lands to, 520. instructions to, 1869. obtains loan, 1103. other references, 20 (p. 12), 37, 110, 442, 520, 707, 808, 855n., 1103, 1176 (1, 3, Admiral," 4), 1422, 1461, 1484 (?" Herbert "), 1495 (3), 1496 i., iv., 1803 (1 m. 3), 1858, 1864, 1882, 1885, 1893, 1898-9, 1912, 1960, 1976, 2008, 2090, 2120, 2217, 2239, 2246, 2260, 2268-9, 2283–4, 2286, 2304 (2, 3), 2386–7, 2478–9, 2542 (2), 2546, 2575, 2651, 2738, 2834, 2836: pp. 1513, 1541, 1544 :-App. 8, 9, 26:—g. 257 (40), 414 (44), 546 (27, 31), 632 (63–4), 750 (6), 833 (58), 1221 (6, 48), 1524 (5), 1602 (12), 1662 (26), 1804 (57), 1948 (12, 13, 80). as earl of Surrey, 2305 iii., 2574, 2590, 2651-2, 2714, 2803, 2838, 2874, 2881, 2900, 2913 (p. 1261), 2974, 3146, 3161, 3295, 3348 (3), 3376, GENERAL INDEX. 235 Howard, Thomas lord, as earl of Surrey-cont. 3442, 3464 :—pp. 1516-18, 1539, 1540 bis, 1541, 1544: g. 2861 (33), 2863 (2), 2964 (32), 3324 (33), 3499 (69), 3582 (27). letters from, 2574, 2946, 2959-60, 3000–1. ...., letters to,2669:- Hoxeson, Wm., 20 (p. 13). Hoxne (Oxone, Hoxon), Suff., 438 (3 m. 15). Hoxon. See Hoxne. Hoxson or Hoxston, John, spigurnel of Chancery, 579, 875, 2315: :—g. 1948 (9). Hoxton (Hoggeston), Midd., 438 (3 m. 1), 1803 (2 m. 6). • " T. prebendary of. See Sewell, Hoygges, John, g. 2862 (7). pp. 1517, 1519. signature of, warrants by, Hoym. See Hume. 3161: -g. 2861 (24), 3107 (13). 2722, 2759, 2789, 2796, 2799 (4):—pp. 1517, 1520. 2863 (2). commission to, g. created earl of Surrey, 2590, 2618, 2620:—g. 2684 (1). Anne his wife, daugh- ter of Edward IV., 520, 808 :- g. 414 (44), 546 (27, 31), 632 (63-4), 750 (6). How Carleton, Norf., g. 3049 (15). Howden (Houeden), and Howden- shire, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 15) :— g. 132 (32). college, p. 1525. Howe, Norf., 438 (2 m. 7). Howe (Hoo, Ho, Thowe), John, 438 (3 m. 33) :—g. 54 (18). Howeham. See Hougham. Howell, Edward, M.A., rector of Dartington, g. 804 (46). Eliz., g. 1172 (17). Maurice, 438 (3 m. 23). Th., 438 (3 m. 14) :—g. 3107 (13). Howellys, Ric., 438 (4 m. 7). Howerd, Chr., gunner, 1710. Howett, Alice, 438 (3 m. 22). Howgill (Holgill), Westmld. Howike, John, g. 587 (18). Howlson, Francis, 728 (2). Howm. See Hume. [in Kirkby Thore], 438 (4 m. 7). Howneslow. See Hounslow. Hownflew. See Honfleur. Hownslowe. See Hounslow. Howpaslee (Howpaslot), in Scot- land, 2390. Howth (Howethe), Joan lady, widow of Ric. Frye and of Rob. St. Lawrence lord Howth (died in 1485), and sister and co- heiress of Edmund duke of Somerset († 1471), g. 132 (96). Howton, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 23). Howton in the More. See Holton. Howton, John. See Houghton. Howys, Wm., prior of Wymondley, 438 (1 m. 10). Hoyland. See Holland. Hoynde, Richard, vicar of St. Clement's, Sandwich, g. 289 (2). Hoyth, Lanc., 438 (3 m. 1). Huart, John, notary, 538, 2385. Hubart. See Hobart. Hubbartz. See Huberts. Hubbaud or Hubaud, John, 1803 (2 m. 3 bis). Hubert. See Hobart. Huberts (Hubbartz), brothers, of Zierickzee, q.v. Huby (Holy, Houby, Houghby), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (2 m. 19):—-g. 563 (10). Huchyn. See Hitchin. Huchyn, John, 438 (2 m. 17). Hucknall Torkard (Huknall Tor- kerd), Notts, 438 (2 m. 28). Huddersfield (Huddresfeld), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 5). Huddesfeld, Katharine widow of Sir William, 438 (3 m. 18). Huddington (Hodyngton), Worc., 438 (4 m. 23). Huddlestone, Elizabeth, daughter of Dame Mabel Dacre, 131. (Hurleston), James, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 40). (Huddilston, Huddeleston, Hodelston, Hudleston, Hur- leston), Sir John, 20 (p. 12), 438 (3 m. 9):—g. 257 (63), 357 (42), 519 (26), 632 (70), 651 (1, 8), 784 (29), 804 (49), 1083 (4, 18), 1948 (60). (Huddilston), John, 2386 :- g. 3107 (18). (Hurleton, Uddelston, Hudil- ston), Nic. 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707. (Huddylston), Sir Richard, 438 (4 m. 26). Ric.. 131. (Hirdelston, Huddelston, Hoddelston, Hodelston), Rob., 20 (p. 14), 2606, 3484:-g. 257 (64), 632 (51). Huddyston, Isabel widow of Wm., 438 (2 m. 31). Hudleston. See Huddlestone. 236 GENERAL INDEX. Hudson, Chr., 438 (2 m. 7). John, g. 132 (31). Rob., 438 (2 m. 29) :—g. 833 (26). Stephen, g. 3582 (28). Th., clk., 438 (4 m. 12). Wm., 438 (2 m. 7) :—g. 731 (20). Hues. See Hughes. Huet or Huett. See Hewett. Hugford or Huggeford. See Hig- ford. Hugglescote (Hokelscote), Leic., g. 1123 (58). Hugh. See Heage. Hughe, Wm., of Flushing, 1891 (2). Hughes, Agnes, 438 (2 m. 9). (Hewys), Garrard, goldsmith, 2781 ii. (Hewis), 3555. Geoffrey, 3539, (Hues, Hewes, Hews), John, 438 (1 m. 25), 1435 :—g. 54 (36). Rob., 20 (p. 15), 878 ii. (Hewes, Hewis, Hywes), Wm., 438 (2 m. 9) :—g. 357 (17). Hughson, John, g. 289 (31). Nic., p. 1534 bis :—g. 833 (22), 1221 (21). Hughuchioni or Hugoshony, Charles, merchant of Florence, g. 1415 (10), 3107 (12). Hugstettyrs. See Hochstetters. Hukmore, Wm., 438 (4 m. 17). Huland, Simon, canon of Tournay, 2301. Hulcote, Ntht. [in Eston Neston], g. 1083 (41). Hule. See Heulle. Hulham, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Hull or Kingston upon Hull, Yorks, 205 (p. 106), 438 (1 mm. 2, 5, 18), 438 (2 mm. 17, 26), 438 (3 mm. 3, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 22), 438 (4 mm. 2, 8, 22–3), 577 (4), 874 (2), 1752, 1803 (1 m. 5), 2211, 2324, 2544 iii., 2652, 2722, 2805, 2973, 3137 (16), 3313 (6) :—p. 1504 :—g. 11 (10), 132 (70), 218 (11), 709 (14), 833 (11), 924 (37), 1221 (4), 1948 (31), 2222 (16), 2964 (35). Hull. confirmation for, g. 449 (8). customs of, 1819:-g. 94 (55), 218 (11), 519 (2), 784 (33), 1804 (32), 2964 (48). Carthusian priory, firmation for, g. 381 (104). manor of, g. 2772 (56). con- vicar of. See Cokerell, J. See Hill. Hull Bank, Yorks, 182. Hulme (Holme), St. Benet's abbey, Norf. [near Ludham], 438 (4 m. 8):-p. 1529. abbot. See Forest, W.; Redyng, J. election of abbot, g. 289 (27), 357 (27), 546 (39), 804 (16–7). Hulston. See Ulveston. Hulton, Adam, of Hulton Park, Lanc., 438 (3 m. 24). Hum', Richard de, constable (temp. Hen. II.), g. 2964 (67). Humber, the Yorkshire river, g. 132 (32), 158 (91). Humbercourt or Ymbercourt (Imbre- court, Imbercort), Sieur d', French prisoner, 2064, 2173 (3), 2227, 2237. Humberston, Leic., 438 (3 mm. 10, 25). Humby (Hamby, Humbe), Linc., 438 (1 m. 24), 438 (3 m. 9) :— g. 2684 (20). Hume Castle (Howm), in Scotland, 3181. Hume, of Fastcastle, 2229. · brother of the chamber- lain, to be prior of Colding- ham, 2443. Alexander lord, chamber- lain of Scotland, 2246, 2283, 2313, 2323, 2355, 2381, 2390, 2406, 2443, 2461, 2793, 2913, 2973, 3181, 3468, 3481 :—g. 448 (1). • • letter from, 3181. letter to, 3540 (?). Alex., of Spott, 2461. Cuthbert, 305. (Home), Cuthbert, of Fast- castle, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313, 2913. Lord David, g. 448 (1). (Home), Sir David, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313. his son slain at Flod- den, 2913. David, to be prior of Cold- ingham, 2552, 3119. George, Scottish warden of the East Marches, 2313. Lord John, g. 448 (1). (Home), Sir John, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313n., 2913. (Hoym), John, prior of Cold- ingham, p. 1523. (Humus), Master of, 2313. Richard. See Hun. Humiliati, the religious order, general of. See Landriano, J. de. Humphrey, letter to (from Erasmus), 2417. Humphrey, Th., 438 (2 m. 5). GENERAL INDEX. 237 Hun. See Hunne. Hunne cont. Huncote, Leic., 438 (3 m. 3). Hundhill, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 30). Hundiche. See under London. 3507. Hundon (Hunden, Honden), Suff., 54 (14), 94 (35, 96). g. (Hun, Hume), Richard, articles of of heresy against, inquest upon, 3523. sentence on, 3549. • court rolls, 544. three parks, g. 94 (96). Hunflette. See Honfleur. Hungary and Hungarians, 90, 417, 430, 432, 724, 1534, 2397, 2516, 2797, 2889, 3089, 3557. ambassadors: • French. See Eliano, L. Papal legate, 714. Venetian. See Pasqualigo, P. king of. See Ladislaus. rebels or cruciferi' of, 3172, 3218. Hungate (Hunget), Roger, 438 (4 m. 13): p. 1549 :-g. 1123 (11). Hungerford, Berks, 438 (2 m. 30). Hungerford, Wilts, 438 (4 m. 11). Hungerford, Lord, 438 (3 m. 1). Hungerford, Sir Anthony, 2480 (39):—App. 26:-pp. 1518, 1537. • Edw., or Sir Edw., esquire for the Body, knighted at Tournay, 20 (p. 12), 2053 (1, 3, 5), 2301, 2480 (47), 2575 ii. :—App. 9 :—p. 1546. Joan, 438 (4 m. 14). Sir John, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 16), 1176 (3), 1661 (p. 752), 3348 (3) :—p. 1537 :—g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 833 (52), 969 (5). Mary lady. See Hastings. Mary d. and h. of Sir Thomas, 438 (3 m. 1). Ric., esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14), 438 (4 m. 14): :-pp. 1542, 1545:-g. 604 (50). Sir Robert, and Eleanor his wife, 438 (3 m. 1). Sir Thomas, 37, 442. Sir Walter, of Heytesbury, 20 (p. 12), 1176 (1, 4), 1869 v., 2121, 2293: -pp. 1543, 1546-g. 158 (77), 632 (26), 1221 (6), 1662 (27), 1732 (46), 3499 (60). (6 ii.). signature of, 2121. his son, 1869 v., 2053 Huningham. See Hedingham. Hunkes (Hunkys), Rob., 438 (1 m. 13): p. 1546. Hunmanby (Hundmanby), Yorks, 391. Hunne (Hune), John, messenger, 20 (p. 16). Hunnesdon. See Hunsdon. Hunnesworth. See Hunsworth. Hunnyng. See Honnyng. Hunnyngham. See Honingham. Hunsdon (Honesdon, Hunnesdon, Hounesdon), Herts, 438 (3 mm. 16, 28), 3223:—g. 2684 (1). Hunstanton (Hunstone, Haunstaton, Hanstanton), Norf., 438 (3 mm. 11, 20 bis, 31). Hunston, Henry, pp. 1540-1. Hunstone. See Hunstanton. Hunsworth (Hunnesworth), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 8). Hunt or Hunte (Hount), Henry, 1424, 3457. Henry, ship master, 1661 (4). John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). John, chief cook in the King's kitchen, g. 190 (7), 587 (16), 749 (35), 1415 (23), 1602 (14), 3408 (13). Ric., 438 (2 m. 29) :—g. 2137 (23). Roger, 438 (4 m. 7). (Hwnt), Th., p. 1512-g. 3499 (44). Th., clerk-overseer of works, g. 94 (45). (Hwnt), Wm., 438 (3 m. 10):—p. 1512. Huntbere (Huntebeare), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Hunteley. See Huntley. Hunter, John, 438 (4 m. 5). Hunting, 112, 467, 470, 1138, 1141, 1146, 1493 v. Huntingdon, 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (3 mm. 2, 24), 438 (4 mm. 3, 22), 1798. • 3 bailiff of, g. 94 (35 p. 50). castle and honor of, g. 94 (35). priory, confirmation for, g. 709 (21). Huntingdon, William Herbert earl of (1489-1491), g. 485 (37), 709 (14), 784 (21), 1836 (7), 1948 (31), 2684 (18). • Huntingdon, Th., 1803 (2 m. 1). Wm., g. 969 (4). Huntingdonshire or Hunts, 205 (p. 106), 438 (4 m. 5), 2054 (5) : g. 132 (39, 59), 257 (35, 48), 381 (74), 804 (38), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1462 (1), 1494 (9, 37), 1804 (22), 2222 (12, 16), 238 GENERAL INDEX. Huntingdonshire-cont. 2484 (9, 17), 2964 (81), 3408 (18), 3499 (12, 68). commission of the peace, p. 1538. Huntingfield, Suff., 438 (3 mm. 12, 14) :—g. 190 (4), 2055 (95). Huntley,, g. 2484 (17). Alice, 438 (4 m. 16). (Hunteley), John, 438 (4 m. 16):—g. 1836 (7), 2535 (17), 2617 (45), 2684 (96), 2862 (6). Wm., g. 1948 (58), 2861 (29), 2964 (17). Huntly (Huntley), Alex. Gordon earl of, 255, 2246, 2313, 2913, 2973. George Gordon earl of († 1502), 438 (3 m. 20). Hunton, Hants, g. 709 (60). Hunton, Kent, 1803 (1 m. 3). Huntrodes, Wm., rector of Chedzoy, g. 682 (26). • Wm., King's chaplain, rector of St. Nicholas Hospital near Richmond, Yorks, g. 804 (45). Huntwade, Edmund, 2606-P. 1548-g. 1123 (46), 2684 (59). Hurault, Général, 674. Jacques, bp. of Autun, q.v. Hurbernford. See Harbernford. Hurberton. See Harberton. Hurbonde, Blaise, g. 1221 (7). Hurdegrove, Th., g. 833 (70). Huredyke, co. Flint, g. 2686 (45). Hurleston. See Huddlestone. Hurleton, Nic., g. 3049 (10). Hurley (Hurle) priory, 438 (1 m. 7) :—g. 2617 (41). confirmation for, g. 833 (35). prior. See Graunte, W. Hursche. See Hurst. Hurst, Berks, 438 (1 m. 2). Hurst (Hursche) or Bromley Hurst, Staff., 438 (3 m. 6). Hurstbourne (Husborn) Prior's, Hants, 438 (4 m. 10). Hurstbourne (Husbourne) Tarrant, alias H. Regis, Hants, 438 (1 m. 16). Hurstmonceaux. ceux. See Herstmoun- Hurst Pierrepont (Perpoundysherst, Perpoynthurst), Suss., 438 (3 m. 1):-g. 485 (16). Hurtsky (Hurteskye), Th., prior of Watton and master of Sem- pringham, 438 (3 m. 15). Hurtubia. See Urtubia. Husbandmen, 438 passim, 1803 passim. Husbourne. See Hurstbourne. Huse. See Hussey. Hussey, Anne, 438 (4 m. 14). Hussey-cont. (Huse, Husye), Sir John, knight for the Body, master of the Wards, recognizances made to, g. 54 (3), 132 (18, 34, 59), 289 (6), 381 (108), 414 (46), 485 (42), 651 (7), 784 (56), 804 (6), 3499 (41). signature of, g. 132 (65), 190 (41), 1524 (16). pardon of, 149:-g. 54 (63, 66), 158 (56). other references to, 20 (p. 12), 149, 152, 392, 438 (3 m. 8), 707, 1176, 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2414, 3348 (3), 3483 :—pp. 1518, 1536, 1538-9, 1540 bis:-App. 26:—g. 132 (55– 6), 158 (14, 17, 56, 76, 88), 257 (48), 289 (29), 604 (30–1), 784 (34), 804 (13), 969 (52), 1083 (24), 1170 (7), 1171 (3), 1316 (4), 1732 (26), 1948 (55), 2617 (16), 2772 (11), 3049 (20), 3582 (14). (Husee, Husey), John, 438 (3 m. 20), 1819:-g. 1221 (4). Margaret, wife of Sir John, 438 (3 m. 8). (Husey, Huse, Husee), Robert, 438 (4 m. 14):—p. 1540:-g. 414 (46), 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 2222 (16 Linc.), 3582 (14). (Husee, Huse, Husse), Wm., or Sir Wm., knighted at Tournay, 20 (p. 15), 1118, 1176 (1, 4), 2301, 2480 (25) :- App. 9-p. 1539:-g. 604 (30-1), 749 (27). Hutchinson 1505. letter to, 1118. (Hochynson), Huthome. See Hotham. Huton. See Hutton. John, Huton, lord of, of Scotland, 2313. Hutte, Lanc., 438 (4 m. 8). Hutton (Hoton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 5). Hutton Cranswick (Huton Crance- wyk), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 10). Hutton John (H. Jon), Cumb., 438 (1 m. 7). Hutton Panell. See Hooton Pagnell. Hutton Roof (Huttonroffe), Cumb., 438 (4 m. 14). D Hutton (Hoton), Eliz., g. 833 (53). (Hoton), Hen., g. 381 (15). (Hoton, Hotton), Hugh, 438 (1 m. 7):-p. 1535-g. 804 (29), 833 (45), 1365 (3). (Hoton, Huton), John, 438 (3 m. 15), 438 (4 m. 14):—p. 1535:—g. 804 (29), 833 (45, 53), 1365 (3). GENERAL INDEX. 239 Hutton-cont. D (Hoton), Ric., g. 381 (15). Rob., rector of Denton, of Cumberworth and of Lan- lythian, g. 1003 (8), 1494 (52), 1462 (6). Th., 878 ii. Huxley, Ric., p. 1513. (Hosey, Houssey, Huxle), Wm., yeoman or clerk of the Ordnance, 20 (p. 14), 311, 1004 (4), 1463 vi., 1783, 2305 iii., 2403 :—pp. 1512, 1516 :— App. 17:—g. 1365 (8). Huyloby. See Willoughby. Huysshe. See Hewish. Hwnt. See Hunt. Hycham. See Hitcham. Hyde abbey, beside Winchester, g. 54 (38, 52), 257 (95). abbot of, g. 257 (95). Romsey, R. See confirmation for, g. 546 (46). Hyde in Purbeck, Dors., 438 (3 m. 12). Hyde of (Hide), Eliz., widow Leonard, 438 (1 m. 19). (Hide), Nic., sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 707 (p. 383), 2480 (19): g. 1266 (23), 1732 (35). Oliver, 438 (4 m. 27):-g. 3582 (10). See also Oliver, Bede. Hydon (co. Soms. ?), 1803 (1 m. 6). Hydwynstremes. See Hedwin Streams. Hyet, James, g. 3408 (1). Hyett, Ric., 438 (1 m. 23). Hyghet, Cumb., 438 (3 m. 27). Hyewike. See High Week. Hylling, Peter, g. 1266 (16). Hymerford (Hemerford), Henry, 438 (3 m. 6). Hymmesworth. See Hemsworth. Hyndale. See Hendall. Hynde, John, 438 (1 m. 19):-p. 1534 bis :-g. 2772 (39). John, mayor of London, g. 289 (12). Th., g. 2535 (25). Hyndhaugh Head (Hyndhalghehede), in Scotland, 2443. Hyndley (Hyndeley), John, 438 (2 m. 33). Hyndon or Hynder, Ric., 438 (1 m. 25). Hyne, George, g. 2055 (32). Hyngelych. See English. Hynson. See Henson. Hynton, Linc. See Hainton. Hynyngham. See Heveningham. Hypswell (Hyppeswell), Yorks, g. 3499 (41). Hyrdhill, in Scotland, p. 1260. Hyrley, Suss., 438 (3 m. 29). Hyrste, John, g. 1083 (46). Hythe, Kent, g. 2862 (7). Hywes. See Hughes. Hyworth. See Highworth. I Ibberton (Ebrighton, Iberton), Dors., g. 1083 (2). Ibbesley (Yvysleyys), Hants, 2531. Ibernicus, Oddo, p. 1524. Ibgrave, Wm., broiderer, 3343. Ibre han, Donatus, clk., p. 1526. Ibrickan (Obrakan), co. Clare, p. 1525. Ibrien. See O'Brien. Iceland (Hisselonde), 1416, 1971, 2731. fishing (Act), 341. Ichingham (Ichengham, Igyngam, Echyngham), Edward or Sir Edward, ship captain, 1176 (3), 1413, 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1812, 1844-5, 1869 iii., 1976, 2217, 2304 (3), 2478, 2652, 2686, 2842, 2938:—p. 1517. • • letter from, 1844. letter from, p. 1517. knighted after Flod- den, 2246 (4 ii.). (Echingham), Margaret daughter of Sir Thomas, wife of Wm. Blount, 438 (2 m. 16). Ichyll. See Itchel. Ichyngton. See Itchington. Ickleton (Ikelyngton), Camb., nun- nery, confirmation for, g. 546 (34). Icklingham (Iklyngham, Eklyng- ham), Suff., 438 (3 m. 13) :- p. 1529. Icrlahy, Th., clk., p. 1527. Iddesleigh (Yeddesley), Devon, 2537. Ide, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Ideley, Margaret, widow of Thomas, 438 (2 m. 8). Idelstre. See Elstree. Idell. See Idle. Iden or Idon. See Eden. Iderton. See Ilderton. Idiall, Mr. Henry, 20 (p. 16). Idland, Camb., g. 804 (49). Idle (Idell), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9). Idonanayn. See O'Donovan. Idoxi (Dossy), in Italy [near the junction of the Corone with the Po], 1277 (p. 586). 240 GENERAL INDEX. Iduda. See O'Dowd. Idyad. See O'Dowd. Ies. See St. Ives. Ifford. See Iford. Ifield (Ifeld), Kent, g. 3499 (19). Iford, Soms., g. 546 (56). Iford (Ifford), Wilts [in Westwood], 438 (1 m. 15). Ifragayl. See O'Farrell. Ightham (Itheham), Kent, 438 (2 m. 12). "Igrers," 20 (p. 20). i.e., Grey, q.v. Igyngam. See Ichingham. Igyngton. See Itchington. Iham, Suss. See Higham. Ihogayn. See Ohogayn. Ikelyngton. See Ickleton. Iken, Suff., 438 (1 m. 24). Iklinge. See Hickling. Ilachnanre. See Olachnayn. Ilay. See Islay. Ilchester, Soms., 438 (4 m. 21): g. 2684 (50). gaol of, 1803 (2 m. 6). Ilderton, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 19). Ilderton (Iderton), Sir Th., sheriff of Northumberland (1503–6), &c., 438 (2 m. 7) :—g. 94 (63), 804 (29 vii.), 833 (50), 1365 (3). Ilford, Essex, 1803 (1 m. 6). Ilketshall (Ilkettishall), Suff., g. 289 (13). Illerker. See Ellerker. Illingworth, Grace, widow of Richard, 438 (3 m. 7). Joan, g. 1494 (5). Ric., g. 381 (16), 1494 (5). Illisley, John, chaplain of St. George's, Windsor, 438 (2 m. 5). Ilminster (Ilmister), Soms., 438 (3 m. 7). Ilsestin. See Ysselstein. Ilston, Th., prior of Daventry, 277. Ilton (Yelton, Ylton), Devon, 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 4):—g. 2861 (38). Imathima. See Omochan. Imbar, Rob., 1493. Imbrecourt. See Humbercourt. Imerhuly. See Omurhuly. Immeslowe, Notts., g. 924 (16). Imola, in Italy, 780, 1127 (p. 539). Imurli. See Ömurhuly. Inbercort. See Humbercourt. Incent, Mr. John, 2098, 2163. Inch (Insula), co. Wexford, p. 1525. Inch (Inys), abbey, co. Down, pp. 1526-7. Inchaffray (Insula Missarum) priory, in Scotland, 2549, 3119:-pp. 1527, 1532. abbot. See Stewart, A. Inchaffray-cont. Laurence abbot of, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313, 2549-p. 1532. Inchgarvie, in Scotland, 1645 (p. 742). Inchigeelagh (Insigcyloach, Insige- yaldalch), co. Cork, pp. 1523, 1525. Inchkeith ("the Inch "), in the Frith of Forth, 2973. Inchmachane or Inchmahome, priory, in Scotland, 422, 549. Qu. Inchinnane? Inckehusen. See Enkhuysen. India, 191. Portuguese in, 1002, 1974, 2173 iv., 2265, 2823. Indulgences, 633 :—g. 632 (3). Ine (Yin, Iyn, Eyne), Ric., 438 (4 m. 11), (Iny, Ene), Wm., 438 (2 m. 7). Infanta, the. See Katharine. Infidels, the, 5, 2107. See also Turks; Barbary; Crusade. Informations upon penal statutes (Act), 341. Ingelerd, Wm., rector of Scraying- ham, g. 3499 (62). • > Ingham, Norf., priory, 438 (1 m. 17). prior. See Goddard, T. Ingham (Yngham), Edw., 1982. (Yngham), Laurence, prior of Felley, 438 (3 m. 21). Wm., 20 (p. 16), 707. Ingilfeld. See Englefield. Ingleby, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 15). Inglefield. See Englefield. Ingleton [chapelry in Bentham], Yorks, g. 1123 (28). Ingleton, a minor, g. 132 (121). (Inglyton), Rob., 438 (4 m. 12). • Inglewood Forest, Cumb., g. 2684 (86). Ironfelde and Brangull in, g. 1316 (6). Inglis, Alex., treasurer of Glasgow cathedral, 1625, 2084:—p. 1525. James, a Scot, letter to, 664. Wm., vicar of Cupar, 1478– 9 :-p. 1525. Inglose, Henry, g. 833 (58 i.). Inglus, Inglys or Inglysshe. English. See Ingoldby (Ingelby), North, Linc., 438 (1 m. 5), 438 (3 m. 14). Ingoldesby, John, 438 (2 m. 8). Ingoldsby (Ingganylse), Linc., 1803 (1 m. 3). Ingram, Richard, prior of Penmon, 438 (3 m. 16). GENERAL INDEX. 241 Ingston in Foy, Heref., 438 (3 m. 12). Ingweiler (Jungweiler), in Germany, letter dated at, 1588. Inhaldesthorp, Sir Edmond, and Joan his wife, 438 (3 m. 7). Iniscaltra (Inyscheltray), co. Clare, p. 1525. Inkpen (Inkepenye), Berks, 438 (4 m. 26). Innerwick (? Juderby, Underbiensis), Lord, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313. Innes (Innys), John, to be abbot of Deer, 281-2, 431. Innholders, 438 (1 mm. 2, 4, 22), 438 (2 mm. 9, 10, 29, 32), 438 (3 mm. 3, 11, 17, 25, 26 ter, 28, 31), 438 (4 m. 6 ter, 11, 12, 26, 27), 1803 (1 m. 1):— g. 3499 (39). Innocent VIII, Pope, 20 (p. 21), 1136. Innsbrück (Insbruk, Insebrowk, Isprouck, Insprugh, Ysprouc, Yspruk, Yspurch, Yssbrokk), in Germany, 545, 773, 777, 780, 785, 818, 919n, 1000, 1354, 1376, 1440, 1469, 1568, 2568, 2633, 3014, 3109, 3126, 3172, 3206, 3245, 3248, 3259, 3264, 3405. commissions dated at, 557, 614, 3327. letters dated at, 773, 777, 780, 785, 943, 1781, 2571–2, 2577, 2597, 2600-1, 3218, 3248, 3253, 3259, 3271, 3274, 3340, 3525, 3541, 3556. Inquisitions, Act touching untrue, 341. Insbruk or Insebrowk. See Inns- brück. Insigcyloach or Insigeyaldalch. See Inchigeelagh. Insnecteghe. See Inchigeelagh. Instoke, Warw. See Shustock. Insula. See Inch. Insula priory. See Auchris. Insula Missarum. See Inchaffray. Insula Viventium. See Monaincha. Intwood (Intwode), Norf., g. 3408 (21). Inwood (Inwode), Soms. [near Nether Stowey], g. 357 (12). Iny. See Ine. Inys. See Inch. Iona (Comekillyone, St. Columb Yone), abbey of, in Scotland, 502, 548. Iper. See Ypres. Ippeswell. See Hippeswell. Ipplepen (Ipellien), Devon, vicar of, p. 1530. Ippworth. See Epworth. Wt. 11494. Ipswich (Ippeswich), Suff., 438 (1 mm. 10, 22, 26), 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (3 mm. 10, 25), 438 (4 mm. 8, 11, 29), 874 (2), 1080, 1463 v., 1752, 1803 (2 mm. 1 bis, 2), 1940, 1982, 2478 iii., 3313 (6):—p. 1513: -g. 804 (49), 1494 (54), 1804 (9, 37), 1948 (7, 32), 2964 (33). letter dated at, 1874. confirmation of charters, g. 1123 (33). • customs of the port, g. 218 (49), 1524 (15). fee farm of, g. 94 (35). grant to the town, g. 969 (65). ships of, 1982 (4). weigher of, g. 381 (49). writs to the bailiffs, 3529. Black Friars, 438 (2 m. 34). prior. See Harnes, T. • St. Laurence the Martyr, g. 381 (69). St. Matthew's, rector pre- sented, g. 563 (20). St. Peter's priory, 438 (1 m. 8):-g. 2684 (64). .., prior. See Good- wyn, T. Ipur. See Ypres. Ipusqua. See Guipuscoa. Ipwell. See Epwell. Irchenfield (Irchynfeld, Irchyngfeld, Erchyngfeld, Erchenfeld or Archyngfeld), Heref., 438 (1 m. 24), 438 (2 mm. 16 bis, 28, 33), 438 (3 m. 23). Ireby, Lanc., 438 (3 m. 4). Ireby, John, vicar of Aspatria, 438 (3 m. 11). IRELAND, 61, 438 (4 m. 11), 747, 1026, 1262 (p. 578), 1422 (p. 651), 1936, 2095 ii., 2395, 2398, 2445, 2907, 2977, 3349 : -p. 1504 :-g. 604 (1), 1732 (40), 1948 (1), 2861 (31). Admiral of, g. 54 (11). Chancellor, g. 632 (22), 2484 (7), 2535 (3). See Compton, Sir W.; Rokeby, W. Chief Justice, g. 632 (22), 731 (19), 2535 (2, 3). See Bermyngeham, P.; Topclyff, J. Council of, 61 :-g. 1948 (1), 2535 (4). letter from, 61. Deputy, g. 632 (22), 2535 (3). See Kildare, Earl of. Irish or Irishry, 61 :—g. 632 (6). Justiciary, g. 2535 (4). H 16 242 GENERAL INDEX. Ireland-cont. Papal dues, 2216. Ireland (Irlond), Sir John, 438 (4 m. • • 8). (Irelond), John, 438 (2 m. 14). (Irelond), Oliver, 3151. (Irland), Th., rector of Llan- ddyfnan, 438 (4 m. 18). Irenham. See Irnham. Irewyn. See Irvine. Irish soldiers (Yrysmen), 1412. Irland or Irlond. See Ireland. Irnham (Irenham), Linc., 438 (1 m. 2). rector of St. Andrew's, 438 (2 m. 34). Iron. See Ordnance; Daunce, Sir J. (payments). Iron Acton (Irenacton), Glouc., 438 (1 mm. 20, 23, 25), 2537. Ironmongers (iremongers), 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 mm. 23, 25, 27, 34). Irthlingborough (Irtlyngburgh, Ir- Artilborow, tillyngborowe, Attylburgh), Ntht., 438 (1 mm. 1, 12), 438 (3 m. 15). college, g. 804 (20). Irton, Cumb., g. 2861 (11). Irton, John, 2392. • Ric., 20 (p. 15). Irvine (Irewyn), in Dumfrieshire, 2406. Irysshe, Dennis, 82 (p. 42). Isaak, James, his pedigree, g. 1462 (27). Wm., alderman, 438 (1 m. 10):g. 1462 (27), 1732 (25). Isabel, Queen of Edward III, grant by, g. 3499 (64). Isabella (Elizabeth), Queen of Cas- tile (died in 1504), wife of Ferdinand of Aragon, 6 (p. 5), 84, 1066, 2299, 3095, 3586 :- g. 357 (23). Isabella (Ysabeau), sister of Prince Charles, 2867, 2963. to marry Charles duke of Gueldres, 390. to marry the King of Po- land, 2291. to marry Christiern II. of Denmark, 2790, 2985, 2994. Iscoed (Iscoyte, Escoyd), co. Cardi- gan, g. 1415 (9), 2330 (4). Iseham. See Isham. Iseldon. See Islington. Iselham. See Isleham. Isell (Ysell, Issell), Cumb., 438 (1 m. 14) :—g. 1462 (32). Iselten. See Ysselstein. Isham, Ntht., p. 1548. Isham, John, 438 (3 m. 11). Ysame, (Iseham, Ysham, Isesham), John, ship captain, Isham, John, ship captain-cont. 1453 ii., v., 1463 viii., xii., 1598, 1661 (3), 1812, 1940, 2510, 2686, 2764, 2842 ii., 2938: : pp. 1498, 1500-1, 1506-7. Th., g. 2484 (34). Isherenocre. See Aglish. Iskennen, commote, co. Carm., 438 (1 m. 14). Islay (Ilay, Iley), herald, of Scot- land, 1499, 1504, 1624n, 1922, 1960, 2066, 2122 (1, 3), 2157, 2239, 2246 (4), 2793. Isle Brewers (Islebruars), Soms., 438 (2 m. 12). Isleham (Iselham), Camb., 438 (3 m. 11). Isles, bpric. of the, in Scotland, 502- 3, 548. John bishop of the, 502. · bishop of, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313. Isleworth (Istelworth, Thyssilworth, Thystylworth), Midd., 438 :- (3 m. 26): pp. 1512, 1520 :— App. 14. Isley (Hisley), Th., p. 1539:-g. 2222 (16 Kent). Islington (Isylton, Isyldon, Iseldon, Isoldoy, Eslyngton), Midd., 438 (3 m. 3), 438 (4 m. 11), 2305:-p. 1512. vicar of, 438 (2 m. 26) :—pp. 1521, 1523. Islington (Elsyngton), Norf., 438 (4 m. 24). Islip (Jesslyppe), John, abbot of Westminster, 1, 20 (pp. 15, 21), 82, 205, 341-2, 438 (3 m. 11), 707, 963, 1046, 1446, 1661 (4), 2260, 2671, 3464:-p. 1540: -g. 2222 (16 London, Midd.), 2772 (40), 2862 (5), 3499 (54). signature of, 2260. Islyng. See Easling. Isola della Scala, in Italy, 1071. Isoldoy. See Islington. Isprouck. See Innsbrück. Issell. See Isel. Isselstein. See Ysselstein. Istelworth. See Isleworth. Istenhinsted. See Stanstead. Istria, 773, 1352. Isullibayn. See O'Sullivan. Isyldon or Isylton. See Islington. ITALY, 83, 154, 162 passim, 167, 220, 278, 319, 325, 329 (p. 149), 345-6, 383, 385, 398, 401-2, 408, 432 iii., 434, 481, 483, 570, 572, 590, 613, 627, 652, 675 ii., 724, 734, 761, 783, 785, 788, 790, 819, 831, 891, 895, 905, 917, 926, 933, 936, GENERAL INDEX. 243 Italy-cont. 949, 958, 960, 964, 1082, 1138, 1186, 1224, 1229, 1241, 1308- 9, 1311, 1322, 1326 (p. 615), 1339, 1343-5, 1356, 1358–9, 1362, 1378, 1384, 1389, 1422, 1447, 1455, 1461, 1468, 1488, 1519 (p. 703), 1520, 1559, 1575, 1641, 1647 (p. 743), 1665 (pp. 761, 764–5), 1667–8, 1675, 1737-41, 1747, 1750, 1781, 1787, 1790-1, 1809, 1822, 1866 (p. 851), 1884 (p. 859), 1892, 1899, 1917, 1933, 1952-3, 1962, 1964, 1979, 1999 (3), 2002–3, 2006, 2028, 2038, 2048, 2107, 2116, 2128, 2132, 2142, 2177-8, 2214, 2242 (2), 2267, 2292, 2328–9, 2352, 2379, 2437, 2445, 2448, 2452, 2456, 2475, 2519, 2564, 2583-4, 2633, 2690, 2724, 2738, 2743-4, 2755, Italy, armies in: Imperial-cont. 2650, 2753, 2784, 2852, 3014 ii., 3109, 3274, 3547:-App. 6. Papal, 9, 154, 432 ii., 522, 613, 627, 630, 754, 776–7, 779-80, 783, 785, 793, 831, 902, 965, 1007, 1020, 1127 (p. 539), 1141, 1147, 1179, 1277 (p. 586), 1301 (p. 597), 1345, 1432, 2038, 2144, 3547. Spanish, 432, 590, 627, 765, 773, 777, 780, 793, 866, 902, 917, 964, 977, 1020, 1071 (pp. 516, 518), 1102, 1104, 1119, 1141, 1147, 1179-80, 1191, 1204, 1223, 1277 passim, 1301 (pp. 595-8), 1312, 1345, 1351, 1425, 1432, 1469, 1488-9, 1568, 1594, 1656, 1659, 1665 (p. 764), 1699, 1722 (p. 783), 1747, 2770, 2794, 2800, 2849, 2859, 2860, 2876, 2879, 2889, 2921, 2945, 1866, 1877, 1884, 1973, 2956-7, 2985, 2985, 3008, 3034, 1984, 1988, 2020, 2032, 2132, 2144, 2264, 2379, 3051, 3059, 3063, 3072, 3082, 3104, 3126, 3150, 3165, 3173, 3178, 3191-2, 3198, 3206, 3242, 3253, 3261, 3274, 3286, 3369, 3405-7, 3435, 3452, 3460, 3479, 3482, 3591:—pp. 1527, 1549:-g. 54 (82), 969 (40), 2055 (85, 87). armies in :- French, 9, 83, 98, 130, 154, 266, 268, 319, 330, 333, 354, 408, 413 ii., iii., 434, 481, 483, 522, 570, 627, 674, 720, 754, 773, 776–7, 779-80, 831, 844, 851, 866, 917, 964, 982, 1071, 1101-2, 1127 (p. 539), 1141, 1146-7, 1178, 1182, 1191, 1204, 1216, 1220, 1224, 1246, 1265, 1277 passim, 1304, 1312, 1344, 1358, 1432, 1447, 1461, 1469, 1489, 1568, 1637, 1665 (p. 764), 1854, 1877, 1897, 1902, 1917, 1952, 1972-3, 1984, 1988, 1993, 2006 (p. 908), 2014, 2016, 2022, 2032, 2056, 2074, 2154, 2352, 2561, 2607, 2921, 2969, 2981, 3014, ii., 3160, 3270, 3519. lists of captains and forces, 1301 (p. 598). Imperial (Germans, lanz- knechts, Almains), 154, 240, 432, 568, 590, 627, 851, 942, 1277, 1301 (p. 596), 1559, 1781, 2029 (p. 918), 2264, 2434, 2428, 2434, 2475, 2567, 2633, 2645, 2852, 2945, 3014 ii., 3051, 3097, 3236, 3282, 3337, 3392, 3396, 3400, 3407, 3451, 3547, 3556:-App. 6. Swiss, 522, 1147, 1277, 1351, 1972–3, 1984, 1988, 1993, 1999 (4), 2014, 2020-2, 2029, 2032, 2056, 2072, 2074, 2079, 2267, 2271, 2428, 2869, 3547. Venetian, 162 (p. 85), 250, 322, 325, 383, 430, 522, 754, 783, 785, 793, 851, 917, 942, 1007, 1127 (p. 539), 1147, 1180, 1246, 1277 passim, 1301 passim, 1358, 1432, 1469, 1488- 9, 1568, 1594, 1699, 1781, 1884 (p. 858), 1895, 1897, 1984, 1993, 2010, 2020, 2022, 2028-9, 2032, 2074, 2107, 2127, 2144, 2379, 2434, 2493, 2645, 2945, 3014 ii., 3043, 3109, 3236, 3274, 3392, 3400, 3451, 3525. news of, 1277, 1301, 1312. Itchel (Ichyll), Hants, 438 (2 m. 10). Itchingfield (Hechyngfelde), Suss., 438 (2 m. 28). Itchington (Ichyngton, Igyngton), Long, Warw., 438 (3 m. 12). Itheham. See Ightham. Ive, John, 752. (Ivy), Nic., 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41). 244 GENERAL INDEX. Ive-cont. (Ivy), Th., g. 54 (62). (Ivee), Wm., g. 485 (1), g. 2772 (53). Ivechurch, Kent, rectory, 3473 ("benefice "). Ivee. See Ive. Ivenson (Iveson, Ivonson), Wm., 438 (4 m. 22). Iver (Ever), Bucks, 438 (4 mm. 10, 27). Ivers. See Evers. Iviça Island, 610. Ivinghoe (Ivyngho), Bucks, 438 (2 m. 15). vicar of, pp. 1526, 1528. Ivrea (Yvreye), in Savoy, 3519. Ivy. See Ive. Ivy Church, Wilts, priory, 438 (3 m. 19). 546 (22). confirmation for, g. prior. See Page, R. Iwardby, Elizabeth, d. of John, 438 (1 m. 5). (Iwerby), Sir John, p. 1545. John, 1803 (2 m. 6). Iwehurst. See Ewhurst. Iwerne Courteney, Dors., g. 1083 (2). Iwrez, Diego, receipt by, 813. Ixcydeorthe. See Kegworth. Ixworth priory, Suff., 438 (4 m. 13). prior. See Gerves, J. Iyn. See Ine. 1355. Jackson, Jakson or Jacson, George, 438 (2 m. 10). James, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). (Jekson), John, 438 (2 m. 30), 707 :-g. 519 (10), 546 (41), 784 (35), 2055 (34). (Jaksone, Jakesone), John, vicar of Kippen, apostolic notary, 539:-p. 1521. Nic., serjeant at arms, 707-p. 1516:-g. 94 (62), 132 (124), 158 (58), 1948 (78, 97). Ric., 438 (2 m. 31). (Jakeson), Rob., 438 (2 m. 31), 1803 (1 m. 4). Th., 707-g. 257 (17), 682 (13). Th. alias Otteley, q.v. Wm., 1803 (1 m. 6). Jacob, John, 1262 (p. 578). Wm., 438 (4 m. 23). Jacobstow or Stow St. James (Seynt Jamys Stewe), Devon, 438 (4 m. 13). Jacomo, Laurence, 1301 (p. 598). Jacopson, Adrian, 1598, 2510. Jacques, Jean. See Trivulci. Jakes, Eliz., 438 (1 m. 7). • Rob., sherman, g. 11 (10). (Jakys), Th., 438 (1 m. 7), 2404-pp. 1539-40:-g. 132 (26), 969 (17), 2222 (16 Midd.). (Jaques), Wm., g. 1524 (42). Jakett, -, trumpet, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42). Jakson. See Jackson. JAMES III., King of Scotland (1460- 1488), 13, 504, 828, 1136, 1348. JAMES IV., KING OF SCOTLAND, letters from, 12-14, 69, 92–3, 103, 105-7, 129, 188, 233, 281- 2, 292–305, 356, 374-6, 422, 484, 502-4, 547-8, 583-5, 593, 598-600, 654-61, 664-6, 684- 91, 694, 697, 701-2, 773A., 782, 810, 828, 834-6, 974, 1008-10, 1017-18, 1030-1, 1039, 1041, 1058, 1061–3, 1070, 1076-9, 1084, 1089, 1100, 1108, 1110-12, 1116-7, 1135-7, 1151-4, 1211, 1263-4, 1269-70, 1294-1300, 1324-5, 1330-1, 1340, 1346-9, 1433, 1466, 1478-9, 1499, 1523, 1535-45, 1560-2, 1581-2, 1615-7, 1620-2, 1625, 1706- 8, 1718-20, 1729-31, 1756- 7, 1773, 1776, 1922, 2084-5, 2122-App. 20. ? , letters to, 117, 171, 179, 212, 247, 275, 279, 279, 285, 338, 372, 389, 411, 462, 668, 760, 783, 943, 1014, 1158, 1271, 1314, 2036, 2239-p. 1528. 2161, provides ordnance in Flan- ders, 83, 325, 355. birth of a son (20 Oct. 1509), 212n. his desire to visit the Holy Sepulchre, 292. wishes to serve as captain general of Venice, 434, 450, 455. > desires a confessional," 1062, 1100. writes for books on alchemy, 664. defiance of Henry VIII., 2157. his dead body, 2246. almoner of. See McBrek, A. chaplain. See Strachan, G.; Wood, Henry. GENERAL INDEX. 245 James IV.—cont. > charter of, 29. children of, 2287 ii. commissions of, 114. his confessor, 92. other references, 124, 161, 208, 252-3, 255, 264 (2), 268 (2), 306, 325, 346, 355, 493, 518, 617, 645, 649, 675 ii., 748, 788, 880, 1016, 1056, 1147 (p. 544), 1183, 1212, 1214, 1262, 1268, 1287, 1301 (p. 596), 1302, 1315, 1323, 1329, 1342, 1380, 1391, 1504, 1566 (p. 719), 1584-5, 1591, 1645, 1647, 1659, 1682, 1690, 1735-6, 1767, 1769, 1775, 1787, 1960, 1983, 2014, 2029, 2031, 2083, 2087, 2096, 2107, 2116, 2143, 2156, 2164, 2166, 2169, 2192, 2204, 2233, 2241, 2246, 2261, 2268, 2270-1, 2273, 2276, 2278-9, 2282-3, 2286-8, 2299, 2300, 2313, 2332, 2335, 2355, 2391 (pp. 1059-61), 2396, 2398, 2436, 2445, 2452, 2457, 2461, 2464, 2468-9, 2546, 2578 (3), 2592, 2651, 2707, 2913, 2929 (2), 3119, 3121, 3349, 3591 :—pp. 1528-9: -g. 158 (90), 969 (2), 1170 (14-5), 1602 (27), 1662 (32), 2684 (1). JAMES V., Prince of Scotland (born 10 April, 1512), King of Scot- land (Sept. 1513), 1153–5, 1271, 1775 (p. 810), 2287 ii., 2323, 2391 (p. 1061), 2410, 2428, 2461, 2568, 2595, 3009, 3151, 3173, 3282, 3468, 3540:—p. 1530. > letters from, 2420, 2548-53, 2578-9, 2613-4, 2616, 3119- 23, 3188-9, 3390–1, 3588-9. letters to, 3470:-p. 1531. his younger brother, 3468, 3540. James (Jamys), John, 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 m. 31), 1493 ii. :—g, 1494 (57). Th., 20 (p. 15):—g. 1732 (9). Wm., 438 (3 m. 12). Jameson, Th., 438 (4 m. 27). Jamesoun, Elizabeth, 655. Jamisson, Henry, 1262 (p. 578). Jane, Lady, 20 (pp. 11, 13). Guild- ford ? Jane, Mrs., 20 (pp. 11, 13). Janizaries, the Turkish force, 1190. Jankyn, Philip, rector of Tredun- nock, g. 2684 (36). Janly. See Genlis. Jantone, Ernanus de, clk., p. 1523. Janyns. See Jennings. Jaques. See Jakes. Jarard. See Gerard. Jarden, Sir Alex., 3540. Jarford (Jerford), Eliz. and James, 438 (3 m. 32). Jarieguy, Sebastianus de, 1506. Jarnegan. See Jerningham. Jarnyngham. See Jerningham. Jartier (i.e. Garter). See Wriothes- ley. Jasmund (Gesmond), in the Baltic, 1731. Jasper (Jesper), Stephen, the king's tailor, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 43), 877n:-g. 54 (68), 218 (21), 969 (61). Java, in East Indies, 1974. Jay, John, g. 485 (40). Jazia (Giaza), in Syria, 191, 1002. Jean or Jeane. See Genoa. Jeanne of France, first queen of Louis XII., 3206n. Jedburgh (Jedworth), in Scotland, 13n, 2443. abbey of, 1433. • abbot. See Alleyne, Henry; Lynne, J. Jefferson (Jeferason, Geffreyson), Henry, 438 (3 m. 25). Jefford. See Gifford. Jeffrey or Geffrey (Gefferey), James, p. 1514. John, 438 (4 m. 10). Margaret d. of Thomas, g. 784 (26). Nic., 3529. (Gefferey), Rob., p. 1514- g. 3499 (4). (Gefferey), Th., 1803 (1 mm. 1, 5). Wm., 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (3 m. 18). Wm., vicar of East Garston, p. 1528. Jeffreys (Geffreys), Wm., 485 (40). Jeffron (Joffron, Gefferon), George, 438 (3 m. 14). Jekson. (Geffourne, Geffron), John, serjeant at arms, 707, 1004 :- g. 1948 (14, 51, 67). See Jackson. Jekyll (Gigyll, Gykyll, Gygell, Gyk- hill, Gekyll, Jekell), Wm., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40), 2185, 2221 (2), 2540, 3319:- -p. 1517:- g. 1266 (17), 1804 (22 ii.). his acccount for horses, 2054. Jely, John, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 40). Jemys, Joan, 438 (2 m. 5). Jenenz. See Jennings. Jenet (Genett), Ralph, yeoman of the Wardrobe of Beds, 20 (pp. 15, 19), 82 (38, 42), 394, 494 (2), 707 (p. 383):-g. 218 (5), 257 (72), 3107 (31). 246 GENERAL INDEX. Jeniweses. See Genoese. Jenkyn, Hugh, 438 (2 m. 10). John, merchant tailor, 3373 (2), 3426. Jenkyns, Alice, 1803 (2 m. 2). William, g. 1948 (26). Jenkinson, Henry, g. 3226 (26). John, g. 1602 (9). Rob., 1355. Wm., g. 857 (14). Jenly. See Genlis. Jenney (Jenny), Chr., g. 804 (49), 2617 (35). (Genney), Sir Edm., 309, 438 (4 m. 18 bis) :—p. 1544 :— g. 2617 (35). Eleanor widow of Sir Wil- liam, 438 (3 m. 25). (Geney, Genny), John, 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (3 m. 23). John, clk., 438 (3 m. 25). (Jenny), Th., 438 (2 m. 8). Sir Wm., 438 (4 m. 18). Wm., 438 (4 m. 18). Jennings or Jenyns (Janyns, Jeyn- yng), Hugh, 20 (p. 18), 82 (pp. 40-1). (Janyns, Genyns), John, 20 (pp. 13, 16, 18), 438 (3 m. 28), 1576, 2009, 2491. Richard, prior of Maiden Bradley, 438 (3 m. 17). (Jenyn, Jenen), John, LL.D., rector of Coulsdon, 1803 (2 m. 2). (Jenyn, Jenyns, Jenenz), Nic., 438 (4 m. 21), 2539 : pp. 1506, 1517, 1548. (Genyns), Sir Stephen, mayor of London (1508-9), 20 (pp. 20-1), 438 (1 m. 19):-App. 26: g. 218 (1), 709 (26), 1415 (19), 1804 (25). Margaret his wife, 438 (1 m. 19). Rob., mason, 307 (p. 142). (Jenyns), Th., serjeant of the Peltry, 2795 :—p. 1548 :— g. 969 (42). Jenour, John, justice of assizes, g. 519 (44), 546 (47), 833 (2), 969 (38), 1083 (20–1), 1316 (3, 6), 1662 (1, 5), 2055 (8), 2137 (11), 2684 (68), 3049 (4), 3107 (55). Rob., 2505. Jensoun or Jenson, Andrew, of Den- mark, 1116-7, 1523, 1581-2. Jentilman. See Gentilman. Jenton, Claude, French prisoner, p. 928. Jenyngham. See Jerningham. Jenyns. See Jennings. Jephson (Geffon, Gyffon, Jepson, Gefson), Rob., 438 (1 m. 13). Jerard. See Gerard. Jerford. See Jarford. Jermy, John, 438 (2 m. 8). Young, 309. Jermyn, Th., 1493:—g. 2222 (16 Suff.). (Germyn), Th., shipmaster, 1661 (4), 2909. Jernegan. See Jerningham. Jernemouth. See Yarmouth. Jerningham, to be master of horse to Princess Mary, 2656 (4). (Jenyngham), Anne, 1115, 3348 (3?, Ferningham "), 3357. ……. (Jernegan, Gernegan, Gerny- gan), Edw., 20 (p. 14), 82 (pp. 38, 41), 1803 (2 m. 1) :—g. 94 (56, 99), 190 (4), 257 (84), 604 (35), 682 (3, 33), 2055 (50). ...... (Jarnyngham, Jirnyngham), Mrs. Mary, 20 (pp. 11, 17), 82 (pp. 38 bis, 41), 512 :- g. 94 (50), 682 (33). (Jernegan, Jernyngen, Garn- yngam, Gerningham), Ric- hard or Sir Richard, knighted at Tournay, King's spear, 675 ii., 773, 1322, 1440, 1568, 1781, 2301, 2562, 3114 :—g. 218 (31), 682 (38), 1123 (35), 1732 (47), 2684 (46–7), 3324 (34). letters from, 1440, 1568, 1781. Jerngnesey. See Jersey. Jerounde. See Garonne. Jerrard. See Gerard. Jersey (Jerngnesey, Jornesey, Jerne- sey), 199, 396, 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 13):-g. 190 (41), 2772 (6). letter dated, 1829. bailiff of, g. 257 (37), 2964 (30). See Lempriere, T.; Cartchet, H. captain of, g. 190 (41). See Vaughan, Sir H. confirmation of charters for, g. 381 (97). St. Helier's priory, prior of, g. 1365 (20). See Brehawte ; also Basse. Jerusalem, 816, 1429, 1735 (p. 792), 1895, 2773, 2844. (7). Holy Sepulchre, g. 885 petition from the war- den, 3586. Mount Calvary, and other holy places (named), 3586. Jerusalem, Provost of. See Torphic- hen. Jervis (Gerves), John, 2623. GENERAL INDEX. 247 Jervis-cont. (Gerves), John alias Langton, q.v. (Jerveys), John, porter of the Tower, g. 485 (57). (Gerves), John, prior of Ix- worth, 438 (4 m. 13). (Gerves), Nicholas, 361. Rob., p. 1540. (Jerveys), Simon, 438 (3 m. 24). Jesper. See Jasper. Jesslyppe. See Islip. Jethou (Sothowe), island, g. 54 (71). Jewellery, 145–6, 156, 365, 515, 517, 569, 613, 615, 705. • unlicensed export of, 193. Act against exporting, 341. Jewish literature burnt, 2855. Jews, the, 2907, 3083. Jeyn. See Genoa. Jeyngng. See Jennings. Jirnyngham. See Jerningham. Joachim, Dr. See Egellius. Jobourn or Joborn, John, prior of Sheen, 438 (3 m. 23):—g. 1123 (11). Jodocus, the Bookseller, 891, 2424. Joesshe, Dennis, 20 (p. 19). Joffron. See Jeffron. Johannes and Edward Johannes, sackbuts, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42). Johey. See Joy. John, King, grants of, g. 381 (22, 42, 58, 73, 79, 81, 85-6, 92), 414 (5, 63, 71), 447 (7, 22, 29, 32), 448 (8), 485 (13, 17, 27–8), 519 (35, 38, 45, 53), 546 (13, 14, 35), 587 (3), 604 (3), 632 (29, 44, 49), 682 (12, 15, 31, 43), 709 (4, 8), 731 (4), 750 (8, 9), 784 (43), 1003 (3), 1083 (33, 44, 47), 1123 (33), 1462 (24), 1494 (50). John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, grant of, g. 682 (32). John II., King of Castile (1406–1454), 6 (p. 6). JOHN, KING OF DENMARK (died 20 Feb. 1513), letters from, 117, 247, 285, 462, 547, 1056, 1140, 1155, 2107, 2578:—g. 2772 (38). letters to, 301-2, 518, 585, 665, 810, 1008, 1031, 1039, 1112, 1116, 1153, 1211, 1330, 1479, 1523, 1545, 1560– 1, 1582, 1584. letters of marque by, 247 (2). other references, 179, 365, 666, 1212, 1362, 1564, 1586, 1645 (p. 742), 1659, 1694, 1729. | John, King of Denmark-cont. herald or king of arms. See Norge. John, Erasmus' servant. See Smith, J. John of Lorraine, 2458. John, Petie, 20 (pp. 13, 15, 19), 623. John the poticary (John de Poty- caris) of Katharine of Aragon, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41). Lord. See Grey. John, Mr., the king's sage French doctor. See Chaunte, J. Mr., the king's surgeon. See Veyrye, J. John, Sir J., the chaplain of Kat- harine of Aragon. See Swann, J. John, Cadwalader, 20 (p. 14). • David, 438 (3 m. 11), 2606. Edw., gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707-g. 804 (1). Hankyn and Hynkyn, g. 1123 (17). John, 438 (3 m. 29) :—g. 414 (29). Louis, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42). Robert, g. 587 (9). Johns. See Jones. Johnson, Andrew, smith, 438 (2 m. 12). Cornelius, smith and gun- maker, 495, 1463 vi., 1704, 2308, 2785, 2799 (5), 2807, 2832 iii., v., vi., 3137 (16) :— pp. 1497-9, 1500-1, 1506–7, 1509, 1511 :—g. 632 (67), 2684 (71). App. 24. bills of, 1704, 1842 :- Chr., g. 632 (37), 3499 (3). Edward, 874 (2). Humphrey, 438 (2 m. 27). James, 2765. John, 438 (3 m. 19), 1493 ii. :—g. 546 (41). John, ship master, 1661 (4). Ric., 438 (3 m. 22) :—g. 447 (21). Ric. alias Burgh, abbot of Shapp, 438 (2 mm. 12, 29). Rob., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 438 (3 m. 19):—p. 1548. Robert, alderman, and Eliz. his widow, 438 (4 m. 8). Robert, prior of Katharine's beside Lincoln, 438 (2 m. 6). St. Robert, ship captain, 2938. Th., 3148 :~PP. 1513, 1515. ..Thomas, alias Kernyngton, abbot of Newsham, 438 (4 m. 2). 248 GENERAL INDEX. Johnson-cont. (Gianson), Wm., 82 (p. 42), 1099. Johnstone, John of, g. 448 (1). Joice (Joyes, Joys), Boyt, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Joiners, 438 (2 m. 11). Joly, John, g. 804 (15), 2684 (35). Jones or Johns (Jonnez), Mr., 1176 (3). • • • • Alice widow of Wm., 438 (3 m. 24). Davy, 20 (p. 14):~p. 1520. (Johnes), Edward, g. 1123 (52, 63), 1170 (13), 1948 (66). Eleanor, g. 381 (35). (John), Eliz., 438 (4 m. 8). (Jonys), John, 2781 ii. :- g. 1732 (51). Matthew, 683. Philip, esquire of the House- hold, 20 (p. 18). (Jonys), Rob., 20 (p. 12), 438 (4 m. 8), 1493 ii., 1661 (p. 752), 3348 (3):—App. 14:- pp. 1508-9:-g. 485 (53), 519 (51), 749 (2), 3324 (25). (Jonys), Th., 82 (p. 42), 438 (2 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 27), 2480 (46), 2606 :—g. 804 (18), 1123 (60), 1316 (13), 3324 (25). Wm., grocer, g. 2617 (38). Wm., mercer, 1573, 1664, 1761, 2011 (3). (Johnes), Wm., rector of Crudwell, g. 682 (44). (Jonys), Wm., rector of St. Peter's, Marlborough, 438 (1 m. 7). Jonnett the Bastard, of Luxemburg, 1813. Jonnez. See Jones. Jorco. See York. Jordan, Joan, 2467. Jordane, John, prior of Bullington, 438 (2 m. 21). Jornesey. See Jersey. Joselyn. See Josselyn. Joseph, Charles, 3523. Michael, the Cornish rebel, g. 2422 (7). Josse, John, rector of Melton, Norf., • 438 (1 m. 11). (Jossellyn), captain, 2938. George, ship John, ship captain, 2842 ii., 2938. John, g. 132 (26), 833 (30). (Joselyn), Sir Ralph, alder- man, 438 (2 m. 8). Ralph, g. 833 (30). Jourden, Wm., g. 1415 (2). Jousts or tilting, and tournaments, 98, 112, 156, 339, 400, 467, 477, 671, 698-9, 710-1, 1222, Jousts, etc.-cont. > 2347, 2351, 2359, 2389, 2391 (pp. 1061-2), 2392 (p. 1063), 2414, 2435, 2741, 3308, 3400, 3469-p. 1499:-App. 9, 11. See also Paris. challenges, &c., 467, 671, 698. Jovius, Dr. Paul, letter from, 2950. Jowell, John, of Norwich, 438 (2 m. 9). Joy (Johey), Th., 1493. Joyes. See Joice. Joyeuse Pensiere (Joyecup Pensere), 671. See Knyvett, Sir T. Joyner, John, Calais pursuivant, Richmond herald (7 Feb. 1511), 773, 777, 779-80, 785, 879, 1145, 1320, 1326 (p. 613), 1422, 1495 (1 ii., 3), 1880, 2575 ii., 2961, 3348 (3), 3387 (p. 1423), 3543 :-g. 709 (17). ., signature of, 2961. Joynour, Henry, 438 (2 m. 11). Juan, Don, Prince of Castile († 1497), son of Ferdinand and Isabella, 329 (p. 149). JUANA (Johanna), QUEEN OF CAS- TILE, widow of Philip, sister of Katharine of Aragon, 6 (pp. 5, 6), 40, 64–5, 162 (p. 86-7), 166, 253, 260, 321, 329, 345 (p. 160), 468, 501, 945, 1066, 1204, 1304, 1384, 1519 (p. 703), 1575 (p. 723), 1791, 2242, 2340, 2475, 2710, 2762 (2), 2860, 3041, 3145, 3264 :- g. 632 (53), 969 (29), 1083 (11), 1524 (39). her grandmother Mary, daughter of Ferdinand the Just of Aragon, 6 (p. 6). ...., powers and commis- sions by, 21 ii., 24 (4), 26, 64. treaty with, g. 485 (51). Juaña, Queen of Naples, sister of Ferdinand of Ãragon, 2292. Jubbes, Th., p. 1543. Judde, Th., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Judenbourge, in Styria, 3080. Juderby. See Innerwick. Jugill, Otwell, g. 731 (20). Julianus. See Medicis, Julian de. Juliers (Golike), Duchy of, 2083:— g. 3049 (13). William and John, dukes of, 1162. Julius I (St. Julius), Pope (A.D. 337– 353), 432. JULIUS II., POPE (1 Nov. 1503 to 20 Feb. 1513), 5, 9, 17, 20 (p. 21), 55, 83, 90, 92–3, 108, 113, 140, 147, 154, 165, 167, 169, 230, 240, 242, 250, 253, 267-8, GENERAL INDEX. 249 Julius II., Pope-cont. > 278, 280, 282–3, 325 (1, 2), 329 (p. 149), 333, 338, 345, 354, 360, 366-7, 373, 382-4, 398, 401-2, 407-8, 415, 417, 421-5, 430-2, 441, 446, 450, 456, 463, 466, 476, 479, 481, 483, 493, 499, 508, 515, 525, 529, 531, 536, 541, 553, 558, 562, 564, 567-8, 570, 572, 590, 598, 613, 617, 624, 627, 636, 645, 649, 659, 669, 674, 680–1, 690-1, 694, 702, 708, 714, 718, 720, 722, 725, 734, 739, 747–8, 753–6, 758–9, 761, 765, 773, 776-7, 779-80, 783, 793, 812, 815-6, 823, 829, 831–2, 838, 840-5, 858, 866, 869-70, 880, 884, 889, 892, 895–6, 900, 902, 905, 914, 917, 933, 942-3, 958, 965, 982, 995-6, 1000, 1002, 1005-7, 1020, 1029, 1039, 1060, 1064, 1076, 1079, 1095, 1101, 1104, 1106, 1108, 1119, 1127, 1137, 1140–1, 1157-8, 1163, 1169, 1182–3, 1194, 1204, 1206, 1209, 1212, 1214–5, 1223, 1229-30, 1233, 1246, 1252, 1257 (2), 1258, 1268, 1270, 1277 passim, 1279, 1287, 1293, 1297, 1300, 1301 (pp. 594, 596-8), 1302, 1304, 1307, 1312, 1315, 1326 (p. 615), 1344-5, 1344-5, 1347, 1347, 1352, 1354, 1361, 1370, 1384, 1386, 1391, 1432, 1427, 1447, 1449, 1461, 1468-9, 1483, 1489 (p. 679), 1491, 1499, 1519, 1523, 1536, 1554, 1555 (“S.D. n ”), 1558-9, 1564, 1568, 1575, 1586 ii., 1618–20, 1622, 1624, 1628, 1641-2, 1657-9, 1665 (p. 764), 1667, 1670, 1677, 1682, 1687, 1707, 1718, 1723, 1735, 1738, 1756, 1769, 1775, 1787, 1790, 1854, 1953, 1999 (3), 2002, 2006, 2017-8, 2029, 2122, 2242 (2), 2258, 2276, 2363, 2448, 2469, 2476, 2517, 2568, 2707, 2715, 2724, 2926, 3119, 3158, 3206, 3305, 3338 (?): pp. 1527, 1531 :-App. 6: -g. 132 (10), 158 (13), 587 (7), 632 (3), 750 (4), 969 (29, 40), 1170 (6), 1365 (2, 4), 1524 (25, 39), 1948 (12), 2863 (2). bulls of, 70, 178, 1037-8, 1040, 1066, 1182, 1305, 1533, 1594, 1655. Liege, 1594. publication in letters (briefs) from, 55, 100, 124, 173, 207–8, 317, 372, 418, 668, 760, 870 (3, Julius II., Pope, letters (briefs) from -cont. • 4), 1014, 1065, 1094, 1096, 1224, 1244, 1271. letters to, 92, 105, 107, 281, 292-4, 296-9, 375-6, 422, 502, 526, 600, 654, 684–6, 834-6, 974, 1030, 1041, 1062– 3, 1100, 1110, 1135-6, 1151, 1188, 1190, 1296, 1346, 1348,- 1433, 1521, 1539, 1615, 1625. ...., army of. See under Italy. illness and reported death of, 250, 850, 850, 858, 865-7, 880, 917, 1104, 1628, 1647 (p. 743), 1667, 1670, 1676, 1735, 2108. meditates an expedi- tion in person against the Infidels, 292. offers and demands sent to Louis XII., 748, 841, 870. sends Henry VIII. a consecrated golden rose, 413 iii., 417-8, 425-7, 493. treaties with France, 674. • Jullyn, John, clk., 438 (4 m. 2). Jungweiler. See Ingweiler. Jurden, Rob., 2049. Justice, Agnes widow of Henry, 438 (3 m. 11). Ric., groom of the Robes, 82 (p. 41), 2243 :—g. 519 (56). Wm., 438 (1 mm. 5, 10). Justices of the peace (Act), 341. Justinian. See Giustiniano. Kaer. See Caer. K Kaerdyff. See Cardiff. Kaerlyon. See Caerleon. Kail (Kale), water, in Scotland, 2443. Kailwey. See Kelway. Kameys. See Kemmes. Kanfer. See Veere. Kanteley. See Cantley. Kar. See Kerr. Karalio, or Karaliou, Sieur de. See Seliczon, M. de. Karbroke. See Carbrooke. Karcombrey. See Kirkcudbright. Karden. See Carden. Karden (Karde), in Germany, letter dated at, 2362. 250 GENERAL INDEX. Katharine of Aragon, Princess of Kardyff. See Cardiff. Kareketaeyll. See Carrickittle. Karell. See Caryll. Karewe. See Carew. Karlion. See Caerleon. Karugys, Philippe du, physician, payment to, 115. Kaster. See Castor. Kath. See Keith. Katharine, Queen, wife of Henry V. and afterwards of Owen Tudor, daughter of Charles VI. of France and grand- mother of Henry VII., 1. KATHARINE OF ARAGON, PRINCESS OF WALES, QUEEN (24 June 1509), 6, 20 (pp. 11, 15, 17), 21-4, 30, 38–40, 52, 60, 63–6, 127, 162 (pp. 83, 86–7), 166– 7, 220, 249, 280, 329 (pp. 150, 154), 337, 342, 365, 434, 469, 472, 474, 477-8, 483, 512–3, 647, 674–5, 678, 795 (2), 877n, 1027, 1066, 1144, 1276, 1446, 1475, 1484, 1549, 1656, 1748, 1751, 1852, 1884, 1906–7, 1970, 1985, 2065, 2131, 2182, 2260-1, 2270, 2278-9, 2283, 2287 ii., 2299, 2307, 2312, 2323, 2341, 2378, 2381, 2391 (p. 1060), 2394, 2405, 2478, 2546, 2620, 2654, 2656 (4), 2831 (9), 2868, 2907, 2944, 2957, 2999, 3018, 3024, 3041, 3063, 3074, 3146, 3206, 3232, 3268, 3270 ii., 3332, 3387 (p. 1423), 3416, 3440, 3500, 3524, 3581, 3586 :-p. 1512: —App. 5,12 :—g. 381 (69), 519 (39), 546 (18), 632 (8), 885 (7), 2055 (46-7, 98), 2330 (3), 2422 (1, 3), 2772 (57), 2964 (56), 3226 (7), 3324 (20). letters from, 127, 473, 513, 673, 683, 1391, 2120, 2138, 2143, 2162, 2200, 2226, 2268-9. letters to, 21 ii., 31, 39, 40, 167, 253–4, 260, 1460, 1872, 2000, 2098, 2163, 2440, 2897: -p. 1528. signature of, 2121, 2243:-g. 2222 (16), 2330 (3). coronation of, 81-2, 84, 101, 112. dispensation for her marriage with Henry, 23, 84. her dowry, 6 (p. 5), 24, 38-9, 52, 60, 63-5, 73, 341-g. 94 (41). 38 ii. account of payments, her jointure, 66, 3068:-g. 94 (35–6, 42), 682 (33) Wales, Queen-cont. her marriage. See under Henry VIII. miscarriage and preg- nancy, 469, 474, 482, 493, 880. preparations for birth of a prince, 394 :—g. 381 (95). appointed regent, g. 2055 (46). 3206. divorce of, suggested, Household of :- attendants, 82 (p. 41), 683, 908, 971, 1218, 1985, 2765, 3425, 3448, 3524 : g. 94 (70), 158 (10), 218 (9, 22), 257 (52), 357 (2, 3), 381 (25, 47, 95), 414 (2, 21), 519 (21, 56), 604 (6), 632 (46–7), 682 (4), 709 (52), 784 (4, 28), 857 (6), 924 (5, 15), 1123 (5, 25, 46–7), 1602 (14, 19, 26), 1948 (4), 2617 (22), 2684 (59), 3049 (41), 3226 (7), 3324 (11), 3499 (7), 3582 (8). her attendants, as Princess, 20 (p. 15). almoner. R. See Bekynsall, her attorney. hale, W. See Rud- her chamberers, 82. her chamberlain. See Ormond, Earl of; Mount- joy, lord. her chancellor, 82, 1985 (2). her clerk of the Closet. See Swann, J. her confessor and chancel- lor, Friar Diego Fernan- dez, 6 (p. 5), 22, 82 (pp. 38, 41), 127, 254, 469, 473-4, 483, 3524. letter from, 469. letter to, 254 ii. [a new] confessor, 1665 (p. 763), 1737, 1751, 2131. her footmen, 82. master of Horse. Tyrrell, T. See her poticary. See John. her secretary. See Decons, R. her Spanish secretary. See Ascoitia. Spanish physician for, 2131. Spanish servants returning home, 127, 167, 254, 473. her stable, 82. officers named, 82 (p. 41). GENERAL INDEX. 251 Katharine of Aragon, Princess of Wales, Queen, Household of-cont. yeoman of the Beds, 364, 683. yeomen ushers, 394 (2). her vice-chamberlain. Poyntz, Sir R. See Katharine the Infanta, youngest daughter of Juaña of Castile, 6 (p. 6). Katharine, Lady. See Grey. Katharine, Mrs., 20 (pp. 11, 17). Katt water, at Plymouth, 1883. Katundeboug, in Denmark, letter dated at, 1056. Svendborg? Katzenelnbogen, Count of, 1162. Kaufbeuren, in Germany, letter dated at, 1856. Kay (Chei), Th., canon, p. 1525. Kayford. See Keyford. Kayham. See Kyme. Kaylway. See Kelway. Kaynton, Salop. See Caynton. Kayo. See Kew. Keal (Keele), Linc., 438 (1 m. 24). Keal Coates (Kelcotes), Linc., 438 (4 m. 24). Kearton (Kyrton), Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 5). Kebe, Wm. See Keby. Kebell. See Keble. Keber, Walter, 438 (3 m. 14). Kebett (Kevet), John or William, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 43). Keble (Kebell, Kebyll), Henry, alderman, mayor of London (1510–11), 438 (1 m. 19): g. 709 (62), 731 (27), 969 (17), 2684 (6). (Kebeel), John, 438 (3 m. 1). (Kebeel), Th., 438 (3 mm. 1, 25). (Kebell, Kebyll, Kebeell), Walter, 438 (3 m. 25):—p. 1539. Kebolton. See Kimbolton. Keby (Kebe, Kebee), Wm., of the Guard, ship captain, serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 13), 707, 1134, 1413-14, 1661, 1688, 1982, 2540-p. 1516:-g. 54 (90), 218 (10), 751 (3), 1948 (49, 79). declaration by, 1982. Kechyn, Wm., minstrel, 3436. Kedeowen, lordship, in Wales, g. 54 (22), 519 (51). • Kedermynster. See Kidderminster. Kedewen (Kydhowen, Kydwen, Kydowen), Maurice, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383). Kedington (Ketyngton, Ketton), Suff., 438 (4 m. 12). Kedyrmystir. See Kidderminster. Keegworth. See Kegworth. Keel (Kele, Cele), Staff., 438 (2 m. 19). Keele. See Keal. Keere, Ric., 1313. Keevil (Keivyll), Wilts, 438 (4 m. 20). Keffunros. See Cefnrhos. Kegidock (Kegidog) alias St. George, co. Denbigh, rector presented, g. 1948 (101). Kegworth (Keegworth, Kegeworth, Ixcydeorthe), Leic., 438 (2 m. 4), 1803 (2 m. 3). rector of, p. 1525. Keighley (Keghley), Yorks, 3598. Keighley (Kyghley), Henry, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). (Kyghley), Oliver, messenger, 20 (p. 16). Keilewey. See Kelway. Keilways (Caleweyse, Wilts, 438 (2 m. 7). Caylweys), Keith, Wm., earl Marischal, q.v. William, master Marischal, 2461. , (Kath), Sir William, g. 2862 (8). Keivyll. See Keevil. Kelby, Linc., g. 94 (35). Kelcotes. See Keal Coates. Keldergreve, Hans, merchant of Holland, g. 1732 (18). Kele. See Keel. Kelham (Kellom), Notts, 438 (1 m. 10). Kelham, priest, g. 257 (26). • (Kelom), James, g. 1662 (46). (Kelme, Kelom), Wm., 438 (3 m. 2), 2054 (2). Kelingworth. See Killingworth. Kellom. See Kelham. Kell, Alex., g. 1316 (46). Kellet, Edward, decr. doct., of York, p. 1531. Kellingworth. See Kenilworth. Kells (Kelliis) priory, co. Kilkenny, p. 1523. Kellyngton, Cornw., 438 (3 m. 2). Kelmarsh (Kelmershe), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 5). Kelme or Kelom. See Kelham. Kelsale, Suff., g. 3107 (38). Kelsey (Kelsay), Linc., g. 749 (6), 2535 (25). Kelsham (Kelsam), John, 438 (4 m. 26). Kelso (Kelsoo), in Scotland, 817. abbey of, p. 1528. abbot of, 1504 (p. 693), 2443. Kelton, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 24). Kelvedon (Kelveden), Essex, 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (4 m. 5). Kelway or Kayleway (Keyleway), g. 833 (58 ii.). Joan, wife of John, g. 2684 (42). 252 GENERAL INDEX. Kelway-cont. (Caylewaye, Cailwey, Kail- wey, Keylewey), John, 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 21): pp. 1518, 1536:—g. 969 (23), 2484 (9), 2684 (42), 3049 (20), 3499 (12). (Keilewey), Robt., p. 1546- g. 1462 (34). (Kalawey), Th., g. 2484 (17). (Keylwaye), Sir Wm., 438 (4 m. 21):-g. 969 (70). Kelynghale. See Killinghall. Kelyngworth. See Kenilworth ; also Killingworth. Kembyll. See Kimble. Keme, John, 438 (3 m. 27), 2008 (5). Kemer. See Kymer. Kemes or Cemaes (Kemmes, Kemys), barony of, co. Pembroke, g. 54 (30), 190 (16), 485 (37), 784 (21). Kemes (Keman), lordship, co. Car- marthen, 438 (3 m. 23). Kemes (Kemmys), Arthur and Anne his wife, 438 (3 mm. 28, 32). (Kemys), Eliz., g. 2964 (8). (Kemeys, Kameys, Kemys, Kemyas, Keymes), Henry, page of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 640, 1015: g. 54 (44), 1123 (13), 2861 (29), 2964 (8), 3582 (3). Kempe, Edmond, vicar of Holkham, 438 (3 m. 2). John, 438 (2 m. 29). John, ship-master, 1661 (4), 2304 (5), 2305 iii., 3137 (6). Sir Th., p. 1539:-g. 1494 (9). Wm., 82 (p. 42), 2912 :—g. 3499 (12). Kempsey (Kemsey), Worc., 438 (1 m. 23). Kempsey (Kemsey), Ric., g. 1732 (48). Kempten, in Germany, 1352. Kempton (Cold Kenyngton), Midd., g. 54 (69). Kemsey. See Kempsey. Kemys. See Kemes. Ken, Devon. See Kenn. Kenaston or Kenarston. See Kynas- ton. Kenchurch, Heref., 1803 (2 m. 5). Kenclodin. See Lincluden. Kencott (Kentcote), Oxon, g. 2684 (1). Kendal (Kirkby in Kendal, Kirk- bekendale, Kyrbykendall, Kyrkby Kenall), borough, bar- ony and lordship, Westmld., 438 (1 mm. 11, 16), 438 (2 mm. 9, 11, 20, 31), 438 (3 mm. 8, 18, 28), 438 (4 mm. 7, 8, 23, Kendal-cont. 27), 1803 (1 mm. 1, 3), 2305 i., 3313 (6) :—g. 132 (78), 158 (2, 89), 563 (17), 731 (13, 36), 750 (2), 1732 (1), 3226 (2). steward, g. 132 (41). See Parre, Sir T. Kendalmen ("kendilmen "), 438 (4 m. 23), 1803 (2 m. 3). Kendall (Kendale), Herts, g. 158 (3), 2330 (4). Kendall, Sir John, late prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, 438 (2 m. 4). • (Kendale), John, esquire of the Household, 20 (p. 16). (Kendale), John, attainted, g. 682 (30), 1316 (34). (Kendale, Kendell), Th., 438 (4 m. 26):—g. 1524 (8). Wm., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42) :— g. 709 (3), 1948 (31). Wm., attainted, g. 709 (14), 2137 (18). Kendall, Mons. de. See Candalle. Kender. See Kynder. Kene, George, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 707, 946. Rob., g. 1266 (11a), 1494 (11), 2055 (79). Kenebalton. See Kimbolton. Kenilworth, (Kenelworth, Kyllyng- worth, Kelyngworth, Kelling- worth), Warw., 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 12), 2623 :—g. 709 (14), 1948 (31). abbey, 438 (2 m. 20):-g. 969 (43), 2055 (56). abbot. See Maccles- field, R. Kenivet. See Knyvett. Kenlleth Owen. See Cynllaith. Kenn (Ken), Devon, g. 604 (11), 749 (22), 1083 (2). chapel of, in Exeter castle, g. 1083 (2). Kennedon (Kynedon, Kyneton), Devon, [in Sherford parish], 438 (2 m. 4). Kennedy, Gilbert, earl of Cassillis, q.v. Kenneston. See Kinvaston. Kennington (Kenyngton), Surr., g. 1804 (48). Kent, 205 (p. 106), 438 (2 m. 20), 1409 (2), 1795, 1820, 2054 (2, 4), 2438, 2880, 3377-g. 11 (10), 132 (61, 77, 115), 218 (55), 289 (5), 381 (74), 632 (8); 632 (26, 42), 731 (18), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1123 (15), 1365 (16, 24), 1462 (38), 1494 (9, 18), 1602 (38), 1732 (12, 22), 2055 (37), 2222 (16), 2484 (9), GENERAL INDEX. 253 Kent-cont. 2617 (17), 2684 (17), 2861 (27), 3408 (18), 3499 (5, 12). commission of the peace, pp. 1538-9. Kent, Elizabeth, countess of, 20 (pp. 11, 16), 1503 :—g. 519 (61). Richard Grey, earl of, K.G., 20 (pp. 12, 14, 20), 37, 205, 559, 963, 1503, 2051, 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2392 (p. 1063), 2414, 3464:—p. 1533:—g. 54 (93), 587 (10), 709 (14), 784 (34), 1662 (25), 1948 (31, 82), 2772 (31). signature of. g. 1662 (25), 2772 (31), 2861 (13), 3107 (7). Kent, the Westmoreland river, g. 1732 (1). Kent, John, 438 (1 m. 22). 438 (4 m. 13). Nic., g. 546 (25). Nic., clk., g. 132 (19). Ric., p. 1542. Ric. alias Sebronde, q.v. Ric, mayor of Oxford, 438 (1 m. m. 6). Thomas, prior of Southwick, 438 (3 m. 24):-g. 2484 (23), 2617 (28). Wm., purser, 3148, 3513. Kentford (Kenford), Devon, g. 1083(2). Kentisbeare, Devon, 438 (4 m. 10). Kentish Town, Midd., 438 (3 m. 33). Kentmere, Westmld., 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 8). Kenton, Devon, g. 132 (115), 289 (5). Kenton, Suff., 438 (1 m. 10). Kenwode, Wm., ship master, 2304 (3), 2842, 2938. Kenyngton, Leic., 438 (1 m. 9). Kenyngton, Cold-. See Kempton. Kepon (Keypon), Stephen, 1803 (1 m. 2). Kepwick (Kepyke), Yorks, g. 3049 (30). Kerby. See Kirby. Kerdeff. See Cardiff. Kerdif. See Cardiff. Kerdiston (Cardeston), Norf., g. 2055 (95 iii.). Kerkeby. See Kirkby. Kermerdyn. See Caermarthen. Kermincham (Carmygam), Chesh., 438 (3 m. 5). Kermynow. See Carmynowe. Kerne. See Carne. Kernyngton, Th., alias Johnson, q.v. Kerr (Car), Andrew or Dand, of Fernieherst, 2443, 2461:-g. 448 (1). his brother, abbot of Kelso, 2443. Kerr-cont. • (Kar), George, canon of Glas- gow, p. 1531. (Carr), Mark, 817. (Car), Ralph, g. 448 (1). Sir Robert, Scottish warden of the East Marches, mur- derers of, 2122. Walter, of Cessford, father of Sir Robert, 2122n. (Carr), Walter, of Leith, 1262 (p. 578 bis). (Carr), Wm., slain at Flod- den, 2913. (Ker, Kar), Wm., M.A., archd. of Teviotdale, pp. 1525, 1528, 1531. Kerrier (Kyrryer, Kerr), hundred, Cornw., g. 289 (50), 1804 (18), 2684 (95), 2772 (12). Kerris (Kyrrys), John and William, of Kerris Vere, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 8). Kerry (Kyrry, Kery), lordship, co. Montgomery, 438 (3 m. 26):- g. 54 (22), 519 (51). Kerrybullok (Kerybullok) park, Cornw., keeper, g. 94 (85). Kersey, Suff., 1803 (1 m. 6). Kershaw (Kylshawe, Kyrshawe, Cresshawe), Agnes and Hugh, 438 (1 m. 11). Kerstern, John de (temp. Edw. I?), g. 632 (82). Kertelinge. See Kirtling. Kertlynge. See Kirtling. Kery. See Kerry. Kery, Wm., 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41). Kesland. See Kessingland. Kessell (Kessyll), district on the Meuse, above Grave, 2014, 2230. Kessingland (Kesland), Suff., 438 (2 m. 24). Kesteven (Keston), Linc., g. 604 (30). Keston, Linc., g. 158 (14). Keswick, East (Estkeswyk), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9). Ketel or Ketil. See Kettle. Ketesby. See Kettleby. Ketilson (i.e. Kedleston), Derb. See Curzon, J. Keton (Ceyton), Mich., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42). Kettering (Keteryng), Ntht., 1803 (2 m. 5). Ketteringham (Keteryngham), Norf., 438 (3 m. 12). Kettleby (Ketylby), Leic., g. 54 (41). Kettleby (Ketellesbey, Ketilby), Linc., 438 (2 m. 7), 438 (3 m. 12) :—g. 651 (25), 2535 (25). Kettleby (Ketilby), Isabel, 438 (3 m. 16). 254 GENERAL INDEX. Kettleby-cont. (Ketelby, Ketelsby, Ketesby), John, 438 (4 m. 6). (Ketilby, Ketilsby), John, clerk of the Spicery, serjeant of the Chaundry, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 39), 678, 1027, 2404 :- p. 1546 :—g. 1462 (35), 1602 (32), 1948 (59). Kettlestone (Ketelston, Ketylston), Norf., 438 (1 m. 12). Kettlethorpe (Ketilthorp), Notts, 438 (2 m. 4). Kettleton (Ketilton), Wm., rector of Barford St. Martin, chancel- lor of Lichfield, 853:-g. 448 (4). Ketton. See Kedington. Ketyngdon. See Kedington. Kevet. See Kebett. Keving, Rob. and Marg., 2024. Kew (Kayo, Cayo), Surr., 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (3 m. 16). Kexby (Kexley), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 1). Key, Rob., 1803 (1 m. 2). Th., clk., g. 604 (44), 804 (21). Keye, Master, slain at Flodden, 2313n, Perhaps a confusion with Keith, master of Maris- chal. Keyford (Kayford), Soms., 438 (4 m. 17). Keyleway. See Kelway. Keyll, Henry, of Calais, 3567. Keymes. See Kemes. Keynes, Humphrey, s. and h. of John, g. 731 (30). Keypon. See Kepon. Keysier, John de, a Flemish notary, 1655. Keysoe (Keysoo), Beds, 438 (3 m. 6). Kibworth (Kybbeworth), Leic., 2537. Kidderminster (Kedermynster, Red- deministra), Worc., 438 (4 m. 9): g. 2964 (67). Kidderminster (Kedyrmystir), Ric- hard, abbot of Winchcombe, 20 (pp. 15, 20-1), 205, 963, 1048, 2402, 3195, 3464:-g. 651 (8), 1083 (5), 2964 (22). letter from, 3195. Kiddington (Codyngton), Oxon, 438 (2 m. 20). Kidlington (Cudlyngton, Kydlyn- ton), Oxon, 520 :—g. 546 (27), 632 (64), 1365 (4). Kidsnap, Lanc., 438 (4 m. 26). Kidwelly, in Wales, 438 (3 m. 34). Kidwelly, Geoffrey, 438 (4 m. 3). Isabella, 438 (4 m. 3). John, LL.D., g. 969 (4). Sir Morgan, 438 (4 m. 3). Michael, 438 (4 m. 3). Kilbecan (Kyllokycan), co. Kilkenny, p. 1524. Kilburn (Kilbourn) nunnery, Midd., confirmation for, 1494 (1). Kilclonfert, King's County, p. 1526. Kilcolmanbane (Chilcolmavan), in Queen's County, p. 1526. Kilcronan in Aghamore (Unatarac), co. Mayo, p. 1523. Kildale (Kyldayll), Th., g. 2684 (25). Kildalkey (Kyldalk), in Ireland, g. 1316 (29). Kildare, dean of, p. 1525. Kildare pursuivant, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42). Kildare, Gerald Fitzgerald, 8th earl of, Deputy of Ireland (killed 3 Sept. 1513), 61, 1004, 2398n, 2738, 2834:-g. 632 (7, 22), 1948 (1), 2055 (95 iii.). Elizabeth St. John (or Zouche), his wife, g. 632 (7, 22), 2055 (95 iii.). 9th Gerald Fitzgerald, earl of Kildare, Deputy of Ireland (2 Dec. 1513), g. 2535 (3, 4). Kildwick (Kylwyke), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 6). Kilfenora, in Ireland, bpric. of, 3301. Maurice O'Kelly, bp. of, succeeds Theoderic, pp. 1531- 2. cathedral, p. 1525. Kilford, in Denbighland, g. 485 (31). Kilgorman, co. Wexford, p. 1525. Kilham, John and Thomas, 438 (1 m. 10). Kilkenny, in Ireland, confirmation of charters for, g. 414 (51). > Hospital of St. John Evange- list, p. 1524. Kilkhampton (Kylkehampton), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 17). rector of, p. 1523. Killala, in Ireland, cathedral church of, p. 1523. archd. of, p. 1523. diocese of, p. 1523. bp. of [Malachi O'Clowan], p. 1531. Killaloe, cathedral, p. 1525 bis, 1526, 1530. dean of, p. 1524. diocese, pp. 1523, 1525. Killashee (Rylnasythy), co. Long- ford, pp. 1523. Killeenagariff (Kylhonager), Limerick, pp. 1524. Co. Killigrew (Kyllegrewe), John, g. 833 (58 iii). Killimer (Kymmare), co. Clare, p. 1525. Killinghall, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 14). GENERAL INDEX. 255 Killinghall (Kylyngall, Kelynghale), Hugh, 438 (2 m. 18), 874 (2), 3313 (6). Killington, Westmld., 438 (1 mm. 12, 25). Killingworth, -, 707 (p. 383). John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). (Kelingworth), Thomas, at- tainted, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). Killone priory (St. John Baptist beside Leuarnac), co. Clare, p. 1523. Killuran (Kyllurayn), co. Clare, p. 1525. Killyowe, Cornw., g. 969 (18). Kilmacduagh, in Ireland, precentor of, p. 1525. Kilmeny (Kilmani), in Scotland, vicar of, 208. Kilmoe (Kylino), co. Cork, p. 1523. Kilnwick (Kylwyk), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 10), 438 (2 m. 7). Kilokennedy (Kyllokennedy), Clare, p. 1523. Co. Kilsant [in Llanwinio], co. Carmar- then, 438 (2 m. 19), 438 (3 m. 23). Kilsby (Kyllysby), Ntht., 1803 (2 m. 3). Kilseilly (Kylsacyly), co. Clare, p. 1523. Kilte, Ric., clerk of the Privy Seal, 20 (p. 18). Kiltenan (Riltenayn), co. Clare, p. 1530. Kilvey, co. Glamorgan, g. 3049 (20). Kilwarde, Roger, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Kilwike. See Kilnwick. Kilwinning (Rylwynyn), abbey, in Scotland, 1535, 2569:-pp. 1526-7. abbot of, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313. William Bunche abbot of, 1535, 2569. James abbot of, 2569: -p. 1527. Kilworth, North (Northkyllvorth), Leic., rector of, p. 1531. Kimberley (Kymbriley), Norf., 438 (1 mm. 1, 18). Kimberworth, Yorks, g. 485 (33). Kimble (Kembyll, Kymball, Kym- bell), Great and Little, Bucks, 438 (2 m. 14) :—g. 632 (72). Whitynghams manor, 1473. Kimbolton (Kenebalton, Kebolton, Kymbalton), Kymolton, Hunts, 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (3 m. 20), 1803 (1 m. 4):—g. 357 (41). Kimmerstone (Kymerston), Nthld., 438 (2 m. 29). Kincaid (Kincard), Laird of, 3540. Kinderton, Chesh., 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (4 m. 15) :—g. 1462 (19). Kineton (Kynton), Warw., g. 94 (35). Kineton (Kyngton) and Kingford, Warw., g. 632 (7). Kineton (Kyngton), Chipping-, and Little, Warw., 438 (2 m. 8). Kinfare, Staff., g. 94 (35), 381 (74), 2535 (8). forest of, g. 94 (35). King, " , 2054 (2). Alan, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 2404, 2643 :—g. 604 (1). James, ship captain, 2652, 2738. John, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 41), 438 (3 m. 17). Ric., 438 (2 m. 16), 438 (3 m. 31). Robert, p. 1513. Kingesbere or Kingesbury Forest See Bere. Kingsbarn (Kinges Barnys), Suss., g. 857 (7), 1044 (6). King's Bench, 82 (pp. 38–9), 579, 3315 (2):—g. 190 (25), 257 (85), 289 (36). • Chief Justice of, 1. See Fyneux, Sir J. , coroner, g. 94 (5). marshal, g. 94 (31), 381 (17). Kingsbridge (Kyngesbrigge), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Kingsbury (Kynsbury, Kynnesbury), Warw., 438 (2 mm. 20, 27), 438 (3 m. 18). Kingsbury Regis, Soms., 438 (4 m. 6). Kingsclere, Hants, g. 969 (3). King's Cliff. See Cliff. Kingsdown (Kyngesdowne), Kent, g. 94 (35 p. 50), 289 (17). King's Hall manor, Notts, g. 1083 (46). Kingsham (Kyngeshome), Glouc., 438 (2 m. 9). Kingshaugh (Kyngeshese), (Kyngeshese), Notts [near Tuxford], 438 (2 m. 4). Kingsland (Kyngeslane), Heref., g. 94 (35). Kingsley (Kyngysley), Hants, 1803 (2 m. 3). Kingsley (Kyngesley), Hugh alias Berdmore, abbot of Medmen- ham, 438 (2 m. 30). King's Meadow, Nthld., g. 2863 (5). King's Norton, Worc., 438 (1 m. 25). King's Pyon (Kyngys Pewen), Heref., 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 8). King's Ripton. See Ripton Regis. King's Stanley (Kyngestanley), Glouc., 1803 (1 m. 2). Kingsthorpe, Ntht., p. 1548. 256 GENERAL INDEX. Kingston (Kyngeston), Camb., 438 (3 m. 29 ter). Kingston (Kyngyston), I. of Wight, 438 (2 m. 13). Kingston (Kynston), Notts, 438 (3 m. 16). Kingston Bagpuze (Kyngeston Bap- pus), Berks, 438 (4 m. 13) :— g. 885 (13). Kingston Deverill, Wilts, 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (2 m. 32). Kingston Maureward (Kyngeston Mowreward), Dors., 438 (3 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 11 bis). Kingston Russell, Dors., free chapel, 438 (3 m. 15). Kingston upon Thames, Surr., 438 (3 m. 9), 438 (4 mm. 14, 18), 1080 :—p. 1512. confirmation of charters for, g. 414 (43). Kingston or Kyngeston, John, 20 (p. 16):-g. 218 (26), 885 (13), 3107 (35), 3499 (71). Nicholas, g. 3107 (35). Susanna, g. 3499 (71). Th., g. 218 (26), 885 (13), 2861 (8). Wm. or Sir Wm., gentleman usher, 20 (p. 12), 1004, 1176, 1422, 1495 (1 ii., 3), 1496 iii., 2480 (19), 3032, 3422:—p. 1537:-App. 9, 26:-g. 132 (8), 218 (27), 546 (67), 2684 (98), 3499 (12). Kingstone (Kyngeston), Heref., 438 (2 m. 5). Kingstone Lisle, Berks, 2537. Kingsweston, Glouc., g. 2964 (1). Kingswood (Kyngeswod), Wilts, 438 (1 mm. 7, 26), 438 (4 m. 12), 1803 (2 m. 3). Kingswood forest, Glouc., 438 (1 m. 26):-g. 833 (61). Kington, Warw., g. 709 (41). Kington St. Michael (Myghell Kyng- ton), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 11). Kington, West-, Wilts, g. 2684 (58). Kinlet, Salop, 438 (3 m. 16). Kinneigh (Kynheytz, Insnecteghe), co. Cork, pp. 1523, 1525. Kinnersley (Kyndnersley), Heref., 438 (3 m. 26). Kinnersley, Th., g. 969 (59). Kinnoul (Rimuel, Kynuol), in Scot- land, rector of, pp. 1523, 1526. Kinvaston (Kenneston), Staff., pre- bend, 438 (2 m. 5). Kinwolmershe, Th. and Wm., g. 2055 (23). Kippen, in Scotland, vicar of, 539. Kirby (Kerby, Kyrby), Leic., 438 (2 m. 4), 438 (3 mm. 1 ter, 3, 7, 25):-g. 651 (7), 2684 (90). Kirby Bellers (Kirkby, Kyrkeby super Wrethek, Kyrkeby Vel- lers), Leic., priory of, g. 924 (2). • (1 m. 4). Richard prior of, 438 fire at, g. 924 (2). confirmation for, g. 1266 (1). Kirby Caen (Kyrby Came, Kyrkeby), Norf., 438 (4 m. 18). Kirby (Kirkeey, Kirkeby, Kirkley, Kerkeby, Kerby), Wm., 438 (1 m. 8). Kirkbekendale. See Kendal. Kirkbride (Kyrkbrede), Cumb., 438 (4 m. 22). Kirkbride (Kirbrede, Kirkebride), George, 349, 438 (4 m. 22) :- g. 1123 (40). Kirkbrune, in Scotland, p. 1526. Kirkby (Kyrby), Linc., 438 (3 m. 14). Kirkby (Kerkeby), Lanc., g. 257 (63), 519 (26), 651 (1), 3107 (18). Kirkby next Bolingbroke, Linc., 438 (4 m. 24). Kirkby, East (Estkyrby), Linc., g. 2684 (20). Kirkby Green, Linc., g. 1316 (4), 2772 (11). Kirkby Hall (Kirkebyhalle), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 14). Kirkby in Lonsdale, Westmld., 438 (1 m. 25). Kirkby Overblow (Kerkeby Over- blawes), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9). Kirkby Stephen, Westmld., 438 (3 m. 17). Kirkby, South, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 34). Kirkby (Kirkeby), George, ranger of West Bere forest, g. 94 (28), 381 (13). • . (Kerkeby), Henry, g. 257 (63), 519 (26), 651 (1), 784 (29), 3107 (18). John, 438 (4 m. 19):-g. 833 (58 ii.), (Kyrkeby), Roland, g. 1804 (17), Th., 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (3 m. 26). (Kirkeby), Wm., g. 833 (41). (Kirkeby), Wm., surgeon, g. 1123 (32). 190 (30), barber- Kirkcudbright (Kirkobrighe, Kar- combrey), in Scotland, 2443, 3349: -p. 1527 (?" Kyrku- rum "). Kirke (Attkyrke, Atthekyrke), George, 438 (1 m. 13). Kirkeby. See Kirkby; also Kirby. Kirkeby on Wrethik. See Kirby Bellers. Kirkeey. See Kirby. GENERAL INDEX. 257 Kirk Ella. See Ella. Kirketon. See Kirkton. Kirketon, Gilbert de, sheriff of West- moreland (temp. Edw. I. ?), g. 485 (25). Kirkham (Kyrkeham), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 9). priory, 438 (2 m. 19). confirmation for, g. 784 (31). Thomas prior of, 438 (2 m. 19). Kirkham (Kirkeham), George, acting keeper of the Hanaper (26 April to 12 July 1509), 109, 438 (3 m. 22):—g. 132 (66), 158 (22), 546 (28), 1415 (15). (Kyrkeham), Sir John, 438 (3 m. 2):-p. 1535:-g. 357 (10), 414 (29), 2222 (16 Devon). John, g. 833 (58 iv.). (Kyrkeham), Nic., 438 (1 m. 9): g. 414 (29), 833 (58 iv.), 1948 (2). 2222 (16 Devon). letter from, 1864. Kirk Heaton (Heton), Yorks., 438 (2 m. 30). Kirkley (Kyrkeley), Suff., 438 (4 m. 24). Kirklington (Kyrlyngton, Kirtling- ton), Notts., 438 (1 mm. 5, 15), 438 (2 m. 6), 1803 (1 m. 3). Kirklinton (Randollington), Cumb., g. 2684 (86). Kirkliston (Lison), in Scotland, 1263. Kirkoswald, Cumb., 438 (2 m. 20), 1297. letters dated at, 2406, 2714, 2717-8, 2913, 3399, 3481. Kirkpatrick (Kuhpatrik), in Scot- land, 1759:-p. 1260. Kirkstall abbey, in Leeds, Yorks, abbot. See Stokdale, W. Kirkstead (Cristed), Linc., abbey, John abbot of, g. 257 (48). Kirkton, John, p. 1541. (Kirketon), Margaret, 438 (1 m. 19). Kirmington, Linc., 1803 (1 m. 1). Kirsandall. See Sandall. Kirtling (Kertlynge, Cartlynge, Cartelyng), Camb., g. 132 (25), 804 (25), 2964 (28). rector of, 438 (3 m. 22). Kirtlyngton, Notts. See Kirkling- ton. Kirtlington (Curtlyngton, Curgting- ton), Oxon, 1803 (1 m. 2). rectory, p. 1526. Kirton, Devon. See Crediton. Kirton, Notts, 438 (1 m. 22). Kirton in Lindsey, Linc., steward of the lordship and soke, g. 132 (70). Wt. 11494. : Kirton, John, p. 1545 :—g. 709 (26), 1462 (27), 2684 (8). (Kyrton), Rob., abbot of Peterborough, 205, 438 (1 m. 8), 963, 1661 (4), 3464 :—g. 969 (67), 2222 (16 Ntht.). Kislingbury, Ntht., rector of, 438 (3 m. 18). Kite (Kyte), John, priest, sub-dean of the Chapel Royal, abp. of Armagh (1513), 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707, 1272, 2395, 2480 (27), 2907, 2977 :-p. 1529: g. 414 (1), 604 (16). 2977. letters from, 2907, Kiteley, Henry, 707 (p. 383). Kitson, Peter, rector of Weyhill, g. 381 (12). Kittowe, Wm., 438 (2 m. 21). Knages, Stephen, 2480 (25). Knaggis, Th., 1803 (2 m. 6). Knaploke, Margaret, g. 519 (7). Knapp, John, p. 1549. Knaptoft, Leic., 438 (3 m. 1). Knapton, Norf., g. 2055 (123), 2484 (1). Knapton, Yorks, g. 1083 (34). Knaresborough , (Knavesborough), Yorks, 438 (1 mm. 15, 17), 2505. honour, 438 (3 mm. 12, 15). House of St. Robert, 438 (4 m. 8), 1803 (2 m. 6). R. minister of. See Tesh, prebend in York cathedral, 438 (2 m. 25). Knaresdale, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 24). Knatsale (Knatteshale). dishall. Knavesborough. rough. (1). See Knod- See Knaresbo - Knebworth, Herts, 1803 (1 m. 4). Kneeton (Kneton), Yorks, g. 1732 Knell. See Knill. Knesworth (Kneysworth). Th., alderman, 559 :-g. 731 (7). Knevett. See Knyvett. Kneysworth. See Knesworth. Knight, Edward, g. 2484 (17), 2772 (24), 3408 (34). Henry, clerk of the Council of Wales, p. 1537 :-g. 709 (57), 857 (11), 3582 (17). Oliver, 1803 (1 m. 1). Richard, lieutenant of Ruys- bank tower (till 17 May 1509), 193 (p. 103 bis) :—g. 1462 (31). Sir Thomas, 438 (2 m. 25). Th., merchant of the Staple, 438 (1 m. 5):—g. 1123 (17), 1494 (18). Vincent, priest, 3447. H 17 258 GENERAL INDEX. Knight-cont. Dr. William, ambassador to Spain, Flanders and Switzer- land, 1239, 1286, 1327, 1356, 1359, 1422, 1650, 1656, 1659, 1665, 1689, 1866, 1999 (3), 2002-3, 2006, 2037, 2177, 2655, 2736, 2743, 2748, 2756, 2768, 2779, 2782, 2849, 2877, 2997, 3457, 3591 :—pp. 1516– 7:-g. 1524 (25), 1836 (32), 2684 (88). letters from, 1239, 1327, 1359, 1422. 1665, 1866, 2006, 2779, 2782, 2797, 2800, 2815, 2867-8, 2894, 3088. letters to, 1659, 2037. See also Switzerland, English ambassador to. Knightley, Staff., g. 969 (47). Knightley, 1661 (p. 752). • Edmund, g. 2484 (34). Sir Ric., 20 (p. 15), 438 (1 m. 8): pp. 1518, 1541 :—g. 632 (26), 969 (24), 2222 (16 Ntht.). Ric., p. 1541 :-g. 2484 (34). Th., p. 1518. Knights, passim. creation of, 29, 81, 864, 2246-App. 26. Knightstreet [in Marnhull], Dors., 438 (2 m. 22). Knighton, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Knighton, co. Radnor, g. 257 (41). Knighton, Th., p. 1538. Knill (Knell), Eustace, merchant of the Staple, 438 (3 m. 22), 1032 (2):—g. 709 (20), 1083 (9). (Knelle), Thomas, 438 (2 m. 31). Knockane (Conocayn), co. Kerry, p. 1524. Knockmeal (Nochimall), co. Kerry, p. 1525. Knoddishall (Knatteshale, Knote- sale, Knotsale, Knodsale, Knatsale), Suff., 438 (4 m. 18 ter). Knoll, Devon. See Knowle. Knoll [now Knole Park], Kent, 438 (2 m. 4). . • letters dated at, 416, 438 (3 m. 17), 752 ii., 1803 (1 m. 3). grants dated at, 438 (1 m. 23, 25), 438 (3 mm. 25, 26 bis) :—g. 158 (50-1), 190 (33-4), 289 (9, 11, 12, 15-18, 20-8, 30-4, 36-43, 45-50), 357 (1-5), 414 (73, 76), 447, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9), 485 (57–60, 62-3), 546 (65–7, 70, 73–4), 563 (1, 4, 6–15, 21), 587 (1–14, 17), 604 (4–7), 651 (3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21-2, 24-8, Knoll, grants dated at-cont. 33), 682 (1, 10, 11, 14, 16–7), 709 (57, 59, 62–4), 731 (1, 3, 5, 6, 8-13, 19, 23-4, 27-9), 751 (3, 4, 7), 784 (1-3), 804 9, 12, 13, 15, 18-20, 23–9, 34-5, 38-9), 833 (2, 16, 45–7, 49-53, 55-62, 64–71), 857 passim, 885 (1, 16), 969 (5), 1003 (8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 21, 23), 1044 (1, 3, 5, 7), 1170 (6– 11, 13), 1221 (54, 56, 59), 1266 (2, 9), 1316 (4, 26, 30, 33–9, 46-7), 1365 (1, 2, 5, 8-10, 12- 15, 17, 19-23), 1415 (1-4, 7- 13), 1524 (41-2, 45), 1602 (1-4), 1662 (7, 14-15), 1732 (50), 1948 (65, 68–70, 72, 74, 76-7), 2484 (30-2), 2535 (passim), 2617 (1-5), 3324 (6, 10, 12–21, 24–9, 31, 34, 36, 38, 41), 3582 (2, 4, 8-10, 12-19, 21, 27, 29–31). Knoll, Salop. See Mary Knowl. Knoll, Warw. See Knowle. Knolle. See Knowle. Knolles, John, of the Pantry, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 :— g. 94 (20), 604 (9), 2861 (36). (Knollys), Letitia, wife of Robert, g. 3107 (29). • (Knollis), Rob., 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 707, 2480 (42) :-g. 257 (55), 709 (24), 1804 (23), 1836 (12), 3107 (29). (Knollis, Novellis, Banellis), Wm., preceptor of Torphi- chen, 668, 843:—pp. 1524, 1526. Knotforde, Peter, 653. Knotsale. See Knoddishall. Knott, Henry, 438 (3 m. 24). John, surgeon, p. 1520. Knotton, Ric., 633. Knottyng Barnes [alias Kensington manor near Notting Hill, Midd.], 20 (p. 16). Knovyle. See Knoyle. Knowle (Knoll), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Knowle (Knolle), Dors. [now Church Knowle], g. 94 (35). Knowle (Knolle, Knoll), Warw., 438 (3 m. 14), 438 (4 m. 12), 1803 (1 m. 3). guild of St. Anne, 438 (1 m. 18). Knowsley (Knowesley, Knowisley), Lanc., 438 (2 m. 4), 438 (3 m. 3, 14), 438 (4 m. 8). Knoyle (Knovyle), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 6). Knoyle, Leonard, s. and h. of Peter, g. 632 (61). Knyff, Francis, alias Franklyn, trum- pet, 1159-60, 2575 ii. GENERAL INDEX. 259 Knyfton (Knyston), Alice wife of John, g. 1494 (5). John, g. 1221 (26). Rob., bailey of Ashbourne, 2392 (p. 1063). Knyvett (Knevett), Mrs., 2656 (6). Ant., 2738. • • Edmund, g. 969 (25), 3324 (28). (Knevett), Edw., Queen's carver, 82 (p. 41):-g. 833 (58 i.). Eleanor, widow, (116). g. 2055 (Knevet), James, ship-cap- tain, 410, 1453 v., 1661 (3, 4), 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 4, 5), 2574, 2686 (1, 2). (14). • signature of, g. 2964 Isabel d. and h. of Edward, 438 (3 m. 9). Joan, wife of Sir Wm., sister of Thomas earl of Devon (1458-61), g. 749 (23), 1083 (2). (Knevet), Katharine, widow of Edward, 438 (2 m. 33). (Chanivet, Kenivot, Ruevet, Knevett), Thomas or Sir Thomas, esquire for the Body, King's standard bearer, mas- ter of the Horse (22 Feb. 1510), killed at Brest (Aug. 1512), 20 (p. 12), 81, 120, 370, 428, 442, 453, 506, 540, 605, 671 (Joyeuse Piensiere), 698, 1022, 1177, 1255, 1356, 1371, 1385, 1403, 1453, 1591, 2738: -App. 9, 23:-g. 132 (89), 257 (40), 381 (76), 563 (21), 604 (12, 21), 682 (5), 1316 (25), 1415 (9), 1524 (3), 1602 (12), 1804 (57), 2617 (1). Marcella his wife, vis- countess Lisle (widow of Sir John Grey viscount L.), 82 (pp. 38, 41):-g. 257 (40), 1524 (5), 1602 (12), 1804 (57). Thomasia, 438 (3 m. 9). (Knevet), Sir Wm., 438 (4 m. 18), 1471 :—p. 1541 :-g. 682 (25), 749 (23), 1083 (2), 1316 (1), 3226 (7). Wm., 2315 (2) :—g. 2862 (3). Koke. See Kuik. Kokkes. See Cox. Kokko, Ric., 1803 (2 m. 2). Konke, Wilts, 438 (2 m. 28). Kow, the. See Cowes. Kromer. See Cromer. Kuhpatrik. See Kirkpatrick. Kuik (Koke), district on the Meuse, above Grave, 2014. Kydwen. See Kedewen. Kyghley. See Keighley. Kylanyens [co. Down ?], p. 1526. Kylbek, John, g. 1316 (17). Kylhonager. See Killeenagariff. Kylken, in North Wales, 438 (3 m. 4). Kyllconinaloy, in Ireland, p. 1524. Kyllgebayn, co. Cork, p. 1524. Kyllmellaya, in Ireland, p. 1524. Kyllokycan. See Kilbecan. Kyllosade, in Ireland, p. 1524. Kyllyngworth. See Kenilworth. Kylniren, in Ireland, p. 1524. Kylshawe. See Kershaw Kylwyk. See Kilnwick. Kylwyke. See Kildwick. Kylyngall. See Killinghall. Kyme, Linc., 438 (4 m. 4) :—g. 2535 (25). Kyme, lord of, 438 (4 m. 4). Kyme, John, g. 1003 (24). (Cayham, Kayham, Came), Ric., 82 (p. 43), 438 (3 m. 10). Kymer (Kemer), John, g. 11 (10), 289 (35). Kymerston. See Kimmerstone. Kymmare. See Killimer. Kymolton. See Kimbolton. Kynardiston, Sir Th., App. 26. Barnardiston ? Kynaston, Ellen, 438 (2 m. 31). · Humphrey, 2392 (p. 1063). Roger, 438 (3 m. 28). (Kenaston, Kynnerston, Akeneston, Kenarston, &c.), Th., 438 (2 m. 31), 438 (4 m. 9), 1176 (1, 4) :-p. 1548: g. 381 (46), 604 (4). Kynder or Kender, Wm., 438 (3 m. 24). Kynedon or Kyneton, Devon. See Kennedon. Kynentwit [co. Clare ?], p. 1525. Kynersley, Th., 2392. See Kineton. Kynevere, Henry, g. 2862 (7). Kyngesbury forest. See Bere. Kyngesford, Warw. Kyngeshese, Notts. See Kings- haugh. Kyngeston Lisle. See Kingstone. Kyngis Sunborne. See Sombourn. Kyngstonforde. See Stanford. Kynlleth Owen. See Cynllaith. Kynnesbery, Kynnesbury, or Kyns- bury. See Kingsbury. Kyntana. See Quintana. Kynton. See Kineton. Kyrby. See Kirkby. Kyrbykendall. See Kendal. Kyrdon. See Cuerden. Kyre (Cure), Worc., 438 (4 m. 16). Kyrkeby, Norf. See Kirby Caen. Kyrkeby in Kendall. See Kendal. Kyrkeby super Wrethek or K. Vel- lers. See Kirby Bellers. 260 GENERAL INDEX. Kyrkurum, canonry of. See Kirk- cudbright. Kyrlyngton. See Kirklington. Kyrry. See Kerry. Kyrryer. See Kerrier. Kyrrys. See Kerris. Kyrshawe. See Kershaw. Kyrtewon, Th., trumpet, 2803. Kyrton in Swaldale. See Kearton. Kyssylbury, John, p. 1548. Kyttenden Farm, Berks, g. 3499 (58). L La Badia (Labbadia), in Italy, 3396. La Bassée. See Bassée. La Bastie (Labatie), Sir Anthony Darces, Sieur de, a French knight, comes to Scotland, sent to Denmark (Jan.-May 1514), 2443, 2461, 2561 (? "Cavalier Bianco "), 2578 (3), 2579, 2973, 3216. La Baume, G. (or E.) de [Madame de Marnay], letter from, 3163. her father and grand- father, 3163. La Beauchieff. See Beachy Head. La Borde, Martin and Michael de, ship masters, 2909. Laborrow. See Aldborough. La Bourda, Petrus de, 1506 (2). Labourers, passim. Labryt, M. de. See Albret. La Calege (Callay), Guillaume de, French prisoner, 2053, 2172:— p. 928. Lacan. See Lakyn. Laccheley. See Latchley. Lachaux (Lasschaw), Charles de Poupet, Sieur de, 2203. La Chesnaye, Nic. de, of Rouen, 1231. Lachorensis (Lathorensis), bishop, 438 (1 m. 24). Lackford (Lakeford) hundred, Suff., g. 2861 (25). Lackham (Lacham, Lackeham, Lak- ham), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (3 m. 3):—g. 924 (29). La Clee M. de, a French cap- tain, killed in Milan, 2022. Laclete. See La Fayette. Lacok. See Laycock. Lacon (Laton), Th., p. 1543. La Coste, Andrew de, of Bruges, 1957-8, La Croce, Zuan Francesco de, 3198- 9. Lacryan. See Lecriand. Lacy (Lascy), Henry de, charter of, g. 632 (27). (Laci), Robert de, charter of, g. 709 (11). Lacy, Doctor, King's physician, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42). Mr., 707 (p. 383). Mrs., 1549. Margaret, g. 784 (26). (Lascy), Nic., g. 54 (3). Wm., g. 784 (26). Ladde (Lade), Rob., 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 m. 28). Ladder. See Larder. Ladislaus, King of Hungary and of Bohemia, 37, 365, 432, 442, 450, 463, 564, 694, 724, 739, 965, 1351, 1534, 2379, 2838, 3172, 3218, 3405. letter to, 694. his son. See Louis. La Fava, Alex. de, merchant of Bologna, 1785, 2668-pp. 1509-10, 1514, 1519:-g. 3324 (31). Ludovico de, merchant of Bologna, 121, 162 (p. 88), 329 (p. 151), 1393 iv., viii., 1463 (iii., vi., viii.):-p. 1506 :- g. 132 (91), 357 (13), 1415 (10). La Fayette (Laclete, La Faiete), Sieur de, French prisoner, captain of the Duke of Alen- çon's men, 2172, captain of Boulogne, 2173 (3), 2237, 2254 ii., 2299, 2392 iii., 2974, 3087, 3215, 3252. letters to, 2871, 2934. Lafeoke. See Feock. Laferthy, Donald, clk., p. 1524. Lafford, Old. See Sleaford. Lagham. See Legham. Laghton. See Laughton. Lagishe. See La Guiche. Lago, Ralph, Bluemantle pursui- vant, York herald, g. 731 (34), 1948 (5). letter to, 3227. La Gorgue (le Gorghe), in Flanders, 2256. La Greyttuyse. See Gruthuze. La Guiche (Ghysse, Le Gyche, Lag- ishe, La Guysse). ierre de, French ambassador to Maxi- milian, 1127 (p. 539), 1241, 1245, 1252; to England, 3461, 3476, 3580. La Hay, Lord Simon de. See Ley. La Haye. See Hague. Laiborn. See Layburn. Laindon (Leyndon, Leindon), Essex, 438 (2 m. 28). GENERAL INDEX. 261 Laindon-cont. • rector of, p. 1526. Lainston (Layneston), Hants, 438 (2 m. 33). Laistofte. See Lowestoft. Lakareta, Sebastian de, ship owner, 2304. Lake, Ric., of the Guard, p. 1518. Laken. See Lakyn. Lakwyke, Lanc., 438 (4 m. 8). Lakyn (Lakan, Lacan, Lakayn), George, 438 (2 m. 32). Sir Ric., 438 (4 m. 14). (Laken), Th., 438 (4 m. 14):-g. 257 (49), 1662 (1), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). Lalain, M. de, 2208. Lalaunde, Stephen de, minstrel, 20 (p. 13). Lalegra. See Alegre. Lalemant, Jean, receiver general of Normandy, 2199. order to, 2297. La Leu or Lalu, Jean de, French prisoner, 2053 (p. 928), 2172. Lalleford. See Lawford. Lalo, Alonso de, Spanish merchant, 1693, 1797. La Londe, Sieur de. See Bigars. Lalu, Jean de. See La Leu. La Magnana, near Rome, 408, 1020, 2373, 2428. Lamana, Cornw., g. 1083 (2). La Marck, Everard de, bp. of Liege, q.v. (Marche, Marsch), Robert de, seigneur de Sedan et Fleuran- ges, in the French service, 1146, 1229, 1265, 1301 (p. 598), 1647, 1813, 2083, 2392 iii., 2957, 3103, 3400. See also Arenberg, Sieur d'. 2083. one of his sons, 1813, Lamarsh (Lammersh, Lambemersh, Lam Merche, Lanmershe), Essex, g. 381 (51, 102), 2330 (4). ., rector presented, g. 1044 (16). Lamb or Lambe, Isabella sister of John, a Scot, 1545. • John, 438 (2 m. 31). Rob., g. 3499 (55). Th., 2090. Walter, g. 1170 (17). Lambemersh. See Lamarsh. Lambert, Bertram, Sieur du Val, 3349. Lambert or Lambard, Gilbert, 20 (p. 15). John, 45, 1803 (2 m. 5) :—g. 969 (70). Miles, mayor of Leicester, 102, 438 (3 m. 16):-g. 1221 (41). Nic., g. 54 (82), 784 (30). Th., 438 (4 m. 23). Lambert-cont. • Wm., 20 (p. 15), 707 (p. 383), 1032 (2), 1803 (2 m. 5), 2337, 3333 :—g. 2055 (62). Lamberton, Edm., 78. Lambeth (Lambede, Lambheth), Surr., 438 (1 m. 22 bis), 438 (2 mm. 4, 9), 438 (3 mm. 1, 6, 9, 18, 23 bis, 26, 28–9), 1235, 1445, 1450 (p. 661), 2026, 2620 (4), 2651, 2714:—p. 1516-g. 1524 (17), 2684 (8, 55), 3107 (52). letters dated at, 219, 935, 2163, 2451 ii., 2606, 2622, 2624, 2638, 2678-9, 2692 :— pp. 1511, 1517. grants dated at, g. 132 (66), 2684 (25, 27, 31, 35–6, 40, 58– 9, 64, 66, 69, 71, 77, 83-4, 86, 90, 102-6), 2772 (2, 5-7, 13, 15, 17, 20, 26, 37), 2861 (23), 2964 (31), 3324 (43, 45). Lambeth Marsh (Lambythmarche, Waterlambyth), Surr., 438 (3 mm. 3, 9, 14). Lambourn, Chipping- (Chepynglam- barn), Berks, g. 784 (38). vicar of, 438 (3 m. 19), 438 (2 m. 20). Lambourn, Upper-, Berks, g. 485 (55, p. 298). Lambton (Lumton), Dham., 438 (2 m. 19). Lameheth. See Lambeth. Lamenham. See Lavenham. Lamerton (Lamarton), Devon, 438 (1 m. 17), 438 (2 m. 22). La Meth, M., 3364. Lamington (La Myngton), in Scot- land, rector of, 2990. Lamkyn, Wm., 438 (4 m. 22). Lamme, Th., g. 2137 (7). Lam Merche. See Lamarsh. Lammersh. See Lamarsh. La More. See Moor Park. La More, Marcellus de, King's ser- jeant, surgeon, 2404, 2480 (29), 2899, 3501:-g. 2964 (46). signature of, g. 2964 (46). La Motte (Delamote, La Mothe), John de, a Frenchman, 1262 (p. 578 bis), 1298, 1302, 1315, 1380, 1467, 1501, 1504 (pp. 692–3), 1584, 1645, 1775 (pp. 809–10), 1936, 2246 (2), 2313n., 3349. letter from, 1584. La Mote, Sieur de, App. 26. See Heulle, Sir Guyot. Lampeter (Lanpetyr), co. Merioneth, 1803 (1 m. 3). Lampets (Lampyttis), Essex [in Fyfield], g. 289 (16). 262 GENERAL INDEX. Lamplew, John, g. 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). Lamport, Ntht., g. 1316 (15). Lamport or Lamporth, Old. See Langport. Lanam, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 14). Lanam, Suff. See Lavenham. Lancashire, 559, 2246, 2651 :—g. 11 (10), 1365 (3). Lancaster, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 mm. 5, 9), 2910:—g. 485 (23), 969 (38). • mayor of, 438 (3 m. 9). Lancaster, county palatine of, 438 (4 m. 26). chancellor, g. 804 (29 xiii.), 833 (45 iv.), 1365 (3). Lancaster, Thomas earl of (temp. Edw. II.), charter of, g. 414 (18). Lancaster, duchy of, 1 (p. 2), 438 (2 m. 6), 1066, 2505 :-g. 1316 (11), 3226 (2). · chancellor of. See Fowler, R. (1462–1477); Empson, Sir R. (under Henry VII.); Marney, Sir H. clerk, 438 (1 m. 25). See Heydon, W. receiver general. Gerard, M.; Bonham, T. wards of, 392. See Lancaster herald. See Wall, T. (3 April 1510). Lancaster (Longcastre, Loncastre), Edw., 438 (2 m. 12). • (Lancastre), Geoffrey, p. 1546-g. 804 (29 iii.), 833 (45 ii.), 1365 (3). Hugh, 438 (3 m. 5). (Lancastre), Joan, g. 833 (53). (Lancastre), John, g. 833 (41). John, prior of Launde, 438 (3 m. 18), 1493 ii. (Lancastre), Stephen, clk., g. 833 (41). (Lancastre), Th., g. 833 (53). (Lonkester), Wm., g. 94 (2), 132 (50), 519 (30), 3324 (19). Lances ("clyftes "), 1420. See also Ordnance. Lanceston. See Launceston. Lanchester (Langehestre, Langhes- ter), Dham., college of, p. 1525. Lancheton. See Langton. Landau, in Germany, 2563n. letters dated at, 1555, 1569, 1631-2, 1636–7, 1639. Lando, Piero, Venetian ambassador at Trent, ambassador at Trent, Rome (Oct. 1513), 1352, 1385, 2298, 2335, 2373, 2696, 3081, 3206, 3236. > letters from, 2373 ii., 2397, 2981, 3533, 3547, 3574. letters to, 2696, 2952, 2980, 2998, 3009, 3190, 3198, 3404. • commission to, 2298. Landrean, Cornw., g. 1083 (2). Landriano, Jerome de, general of the Humiliati, 1277 (p. 587), 1301 (p. 595). Landry, Agnes, John and Philip, g. 784 (24). Land's End, the, in Thames mouth. See Foreland. Landshut, in Bavaria, 1352. Landulph, Cornw., g. 1083 (2). Landwade (Landewade), Camb., 438 (1 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 7):—g. 651 (6). Lane, Edward, archd. of Surrey, 361. Ralph, p. 1548 :—g. 54 (47), 1494 (9), 2222 (16 Ntht.), 2964 (39), 3226 (27). · • ., Ric., 438 (1 m. 1). Wm., 1803 (1 m. 6):-p. 1541 :-g. 804 (20). Wm., merchant of the Staple, 438 (3 m. 5). Laneham. See Lavenham. Lanell, John, g. 749 (39). Laneshaw (Lowerlammeschawe), Lanc. [in Colne], 438 (4 m. 14). Lanford. See Longford. LANG, MATTHEW, BP. OF GORZ (Gurce, Gurse, Gursa or Gurk, near Trieste in Carinthia), chancel- lor of the Tyrol, cardinal (1511), 83, 113, 130, 333, 402, 417, 522, 554, 562, 565, 590, 614, 649, 674, 708, 714, 718, 753-6, 761, 773, 777, 779–80, 783, 793, 818, 866, 880, 965, 1007, 1277 passim, 1288, 1293, 1301 (pp. 596-8), 1311 ii., 1312, 1338-9, 1344-5, 1352- 4, 1367, 1378, 1384-5, 1432, 1449, 1468-9, 1483, 1486, 1488-9, 1491, 1519, 1521, 1555, 1557, 1559, 1568, 1637, 1677 (p. 770), 1680, 1739–40, 1749, 1884, 1895, 2070, 2106, 2113, 2154, 2173 (3), 2242 (2), 2259, 2276, 2291–2,2329,2341, 2389, 2428, 2448, 2456, 2462, 2476, 2524, 2568, 2585, 2645, 2736, 2745-6, 2770, 2800, Landeck, in Germany, letter dated at, 562. Landesdale. See Lonsdale. Landford. See Langford. 2859, 2869, 2891, 2915, 2921, Landhill (Loundehelle), Devon [near Halwill], 438 (2 m. 7). 2932, 2945, 2969, 3014, 3080, 3126, 3192, 3218, 3259, 3405, GENERAL INDEX. 263 Lang, Matthew-cont. 3541, 3547, 3556 :—App. 10, 11. 1895. 1486. • letter from, 753. letter to, 1277 (p. 586). brother in law of, made cardinal, 714. treaties concluded by, Lang or Longe, Marcus, spear of Calais, 193 (p. 101):-g. 257 (79). Lang. See Long. Lang or Lange, Th., 438 (4 m. 14). Wm., 438 (2 m. 4). Langbarugh (Langbargh), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 5). Langborough. See Longburgh. Langbrigge. See Longbridge. Langdale, Agnes, d. and h. of Wm., 438 (3 m. 2). Langdon, Devon [in Wembury], 2537. Langdon, Westmld., g. 1732 (1). Langdon,, App. 22. John, p. 1535. Lange, Mons. de, French ambassador in Spain, 1127 (p. 539), 1138. Langefellowe, Peter, chaplain, 3480 ii. Langehestre. See Lanchester. Langford, Berks, 438 (1 m. 19). Langford, Glouc. See Longford. Langford, Norf., 438 (4 m. 13). Langford (Landford, Lanford), Notts, 438 (3 mm. 5, 16). Langford, Oxon, 438 (1 m. 16). Langford Parva, Wilts, 438 (2 m. 13): g. 604 (24). Langford, Anne, d. and h. of Sir John, g. 614 (76). • (Longford), Sir John, 20 (p. 14), 396-g. 257 (74), 414 (76), 563 (12), 632 (30). Margaret his wife, g. 414 (76). Margaret, 438 (1 m. 15). (Langford), Margaret, relict of Sir Nicholas, 438 (4 m. 15). (Langforth), Sir Ralph, 438 (3 m. 1) :—g. 1948 (94), 2964 (25). Ralph, s. and h. of Nic., s. and h. of Sir Ralph, g. 1732 (10), 2964 (25). Langfordes Place, Essex, g. 1662 (58). Langforgum. See Longforgan. Langforth. See also Longford. Langham, Essex, g. 94 (35 p. 50). Langham Parva, Norf., rector of, 438 (2 m. 31). Langham (Langeholme), John, 438 (3 m. 10). Langhame. See Langholm. Langharne (Langhern), co. Carmar- then, 438 (2 m. 19). Langholm (Langhame), in Scotland, p. 1260. Langholme, Cumb., 438 (1 m. 6). Langland, Luke, g. 632 (70). Langley, Berks [in Hampstead Norris], 520 :—g. 94 (51), 546 (27), 632 (64), 682 (8). Langley, Bucks, 1803 (2 m. 4). Langley, Derb., 438 (1 m. 24). Langley (Langeley), Norf., 1803 (1 m. 1). • abbey, Wm. abbot of, 1493. Langley (Langle), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Langley, Oxon, g. 546 (33), 682 (8), 885 (14). Langley Marsh (L. Marres, L. Mar- reys), Bucks, 438 (3 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 3) :—g. 94 (35). Langley Park, Kent, g. 1524 (45). Langley Regis, Herts, g. 94 (35). priory of Black Friars, con- firmation for, g. 485 (45). Langley (Longley), Friar (Friar Bonaventure, provincial of the Observants), 2394, 2423, 2440. ? Isabel, d. of Edmund, 438 (3 m. 16). James, g. 2055 (70). John, g. 2862 (7). (Langeley), Katharine, widow of Henry, 438 (3 m. 4). > Ric., g. 784 (3). Th., 438 (3 m. 22). Alice sister of Walter, 438 (4 m. 16). Langney Gate (Langneygotte), Suss., g. 132 (51). Langonnok. See Llangunnock. Langosok, Alice, 438 (3 m. 22). Langport (Lankeporte), Kent, 438 (3 m. 24). Langport (Langporth, Olde Lam- porth), Kent [in Lydd], g. 289 (17). Langport (Lamport), Soms., 1803 (2 m. 5). Langres, in France, bp. (and duke) of, 3417 (p. 1437). Langridge (Langrythe), Soms., 438 (2 m. 11). t Langrig, Wm., 1803 (1 m. 6). Langston, Ric., 45, 438 (3 mm. 10, 32). > Th., sheriff of Beds and Bucks (A.D. 1496–7), 438 (3 mm. 10, 32) :—p. 1534 :— g. 54 (47), 969 (23), 1494 (9), 2055 (95 ii.), 2222 (16 Bucks). 264 GENERAL INDEX. Langtoft, Linc., g. 1804 (32). Langtoft prebend, in York cathe- dral, 438 (2 m. 15). Langton, Dors., g. 2055 (58). Langton (Lancheton), Linc., 438 (1 m. 11)-p. 1525. Langton, in Scotland. See Lanton. Langton (Langtone), Yorks, rector of, 438 (1 m. 18). Langton Butler, Dors., 1803 (1 m. 6). Langton or L. Guylden, Dors., g. 2055 (111). Langton alias Long Blandford, Dors., 438 (4 m. 3). Langton in the Wold (L. in Le Old), Yorks, g. 132 (118). Langton, Henry, g. 709 (22). (Langtoyn, Langeton), John, 438 (1 m. 11). John, alias Gerves, abbot of St. Mary Graces, London, 20 (pp. 15, 20), 438 (3 m. 16): -pp. 1529-30. Mr. Rob., 20 (p. 16). Thomas, bp. of St. Davids (1483-5), of Salisbury (1485– 93), and of Winchester (1493– 1501), 438 (3 m. 15), 438 (4 mm. 19, 22). Wm., treasurer of Berwick, 2913:―g. 94 (63), 804 (29 vii.), 833 (50), 1365 (3). letter from, 2096. warrants to, 3030. Langtre, Lambert, 438 (3 m. 6). Langtrowe (Langetroe), John, 438 (2 m. 10). Langua or Llangua, co. Monın., 438 (3 m. 12). Languedoc, 406, 965 ii., 1081, 1647 (p. 743), 1750, 2633. general of. See Boyer, H. impositio foranea, 3344. Langvylle. See Longueville. Langwith Bassett (Langquathbasset), Derb., 438 (1 m. 17). Langworth, Th., clk., g. 2055 (54).. Lanhargh, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 16). Laner, in St. Allen? Lanherne (Lanheron), Cornw. [in Mawgan], 438 (4 m. 4). Lani, Wm., clk., a Scot, p. 1523. Lanivet, Cornw., 438 (2 m. 27), 438 (4 m. 14). Lanlivery, Cornw., 438 (2 m. 8). Lanlythan and Holy Cross chapel, i.e. Llanblethian and Cow- bridge, q.v. Lanmershe. See La Marsh. Lannoy, Raoul de, Sieur de Morvil- liers, bailly of Amiens, am- bassador from France (Feb.- March 1510), (died 29 June 1513), 363, 365, 385, 406, 526, 538, 1055:—App. 10. La Noa, James de, trumpet, g. 2964 (49). Lanpetyr. See Lampeter. Lansoy (Llansoy), co. Monmouth, rector presented, g. 1316 (42). Lanteglos park, Cornw., keeper of, g. 132 (27). Lanteglos (Lanteglas) juxta Strat- ton, Cornw., rector presented, g. 857 (1). Lanthony, St. Mary's priory, beside Gloucester, 438 (4 m. 17). 381 (7). cellarer of, 3195. confirmation for, g. exemption from tolls, &c., g. 1221 (3). prior of. See Forest, E. Lanthony (St. John's) priory or cell, in Wales, 438 (4 m. 17). Lanton or Longtown (Langton), in Scotland [near Jedburgh], 2443, 2913. Lantriguer. See Tréguier. Lantwit. See Llantwit. Lantyan, Cornw., g. 158 (81), 2684 (37). Lanuce, near Lens? Bethune, 2392. Lanuza (Nosa, La Newce), Juan de, Spanish ambassador in Flan- ders, 1364, 1447, 1579, 1656, 1683, 1699, 2003, 2006 (p. 907), 2038, 2063, 2070, 2113, 2123-4, 2131, 2203, 2230, 2242, 2292, 2377, 2421, 2501- 2, 2588, 2633, 2665, 2670, 2678, 2694, 2769, 2794, 2797, 2815, 2859, 2908, 2940, 2994, 3051, 3082, 3109, 3174, 3208, 3235, 3245, 3264, 3400. letter from, 2038 (2). letters to, 2003, 2501– 2, 2525, 2583, 2711, 2859, 3406. • instructions for, 1447. signature of, 2377. his secretary, 3400. (La Nuça), Nuça), Pedro de, brother of Juan, 1999-2001, 2006 (p. 907), 2079, 2112, 2123-4, 2132, 2292 (?), 2475, 2496, 2859. (3). instructions for, 1999 Lanvalleius, Wm. de (temp. Hen. II.), g. 2964 (67). Lanvenit. See Llanfynyd. Lanwynno. See Llanwinio. Lanzknechts. See German mercen- aries. Laon, in France, bp. (and duke) of, 3417 (p. 1437). Premonstratene abbey, g. 1365 (2). GENERAL INDEX. 265 La Palice (La Palize), in France, letter dated at, 860. La Palice (Palisse, Palysa, Palisia, Belitza, La Pallyce), Jacques de Chabannes Sieur de, Great Master of France, 1301 (p. 598), 1359, 1509, 1511, 1575 (pp. 721, 723), 1591, 1647 (p. 743), 1689 (p. 774), 1980, 2038, 2170, 2173 (3), 2198, 2204, 2237, 2254 ii., 2299, 2379, 2681 ii., 3240, 3247, 3348, 3364. La Perriere, seigneurie of, 3210, 3380. La Peyon, Jenan de, French prisoner, 2227. Lapfflode or Laplode, John, 438 (4 m. 20). Lapostole, Peter, of the Council of Mechlin, 1721. Lapworth, Warw., 438 (2 m. 11). Larbre, Thomas, canon of St. Step- hen's, 3142. Larder (Ladder), Edmond, 438 (2 m. 15), 1502 :—p. 1536 :-g. 833 (58 iv.), 3582 (15). La Rea (Ree), Glouc. [in Hempsted], g. 2861 (29). La Rea, Peter de, Spanish ship master, g. 546 (18), 924 (3). Laredo (Allaredy), in Spain, 1326 (p. 618), 1459. Lares, Francis de, 1423. Larkbeare, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Larke, Peter, g. 3499 (39). Thomas, King's chaplain, canon of St. Stephen's, g. 969 (50). Wm., 707 (p. 383). Wm., clk., 3529. La Roche (Rochefort), Sieur de. See Plaine, G. de. La Rocque or La Roche, Pierre de, French prisoner, 2053 (p. 928), 2172. Larrance. See Lawrence. Larstokke. See Laverstock. La Ryve, Jean de, French prisoner, 2172: :-p. 928. Lasborough (Lasborowe), Glouc., 438 (4 m. 3). La Scala. See Castel della Scala. Lascarde, Cornw. See Liskearde. Lascarina, Isabella, a Greek, g. 750 (4). Lascaris, John, French ambassador at Venice (in 1508), 1552. Lascy. See Lacy. Las Donsellas. See Donceles. Lask, Ric., a Scot, 1262 (p. 578). Lasschaw. See Lachaux. Lassell, Margaret, 438 (1 m. 12). Lassells (Lassellys), Ric., g. 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii). I Lassells-cont. (Lassels, Lassellys), Roger, 438 (1 m. 1). Lassher, Wm., p. 1545. Lasswade (Leswaide), in Scotland, 1136. Last, Th., trumpet, 2803. Lastalrig. See Restalrig. Lastarrinea, Helena, of Corinth, countess of Sarrinalle, g. 357 (23). La Stella, in Italy, 1102. Lastitheall. See Lostwithiel. Lastop. See Lowestoft. Lastormall. See Restormell. Lastytheall. See Lostwithiel. Latchley (Laccheley), Essex, g. 94 (35 p. 50). Lateran Council. See Council. Lathbury (Lathebury), Richard, clerk of the Council in Calais, 193 (p. 101):—g. 604 (47). Wm., serjeant of the Hall, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40) :—g. 449 (14). Lathern, Wm., 1803 (2 m. 4). Lathom (Lathoum), Lanc., 438 (1 m. 17), 438 (2 mm. 4, 6), 438 (4 mm. 8, 16). Lathom (Laathum, Latham, Alat- hom), Ralph, goldsmith, 438 (1 m. 6):—g. 94 (32), 1083 (24). (Alathom), Robert, 438 (2 m. 18). (Lathum), Th., g. 3107 (14). Lathorensis. See Lachorensis. Latimer (Latemer, Latamer), Rich- ard Nevill lord, 37, 205, 438 (4 m. 21), 442, 963, 2239, 3464: pp. 1546, 1547 ter : g. 784 (42), 804 (29 iv.-vi., ix.−xi.), 833 (45 iii., 50 iii., iv.), 1365 (3), 2222 (16 Yorks), 3408 (16, 37). 26. • his son and heir, App. Latimer, Dr., 1082. • John, justice of assizes, g. 3107 (55). Wm., g. 2055 (95). Latin language, 275. Laton, Th. See Lacon. La Tremouille (Trimouille, Trimolia, Tremoyle, Latrymoll), Charles de, governor of Burgundy, 406, 432, 538, 1081, 1141, 1237, 1265, 1647, 1854, 1973, 1984, 1993, 1999 (4), 2020, 2022, 2028-9, 2041, 2056, 2074, 2079, 2095, 2144, 2198, 2259, 2307, 2332, 2410, 3348, 3364, 3411, 3424, 3430. • his two sons, 1984. letter from, 1237 ii. 266 GENERAL INDEX. La Tremouille-cont. Francis de la, prince de Tal- mond, son of Charles, 3348. Latrymoll. See La Tremouille. Latryne, Jean de, French prisoner, p. 928. Latton, Essex, g. 604 (36). Latton (Letton, Lytton), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 25). Laude, Paul de, secretary of Andrea da Borgo and the Duke of Milan, letters from, 1228, 1240, 1863, 1888, 2233, 2245, 2261, 2271, 2281-2, 2296, 2309, 2351, 2372. other references, 1278, 1309, 1311 (p. 602), 2183, 2270. Lauder (Lowder), Sir Alex. and Sir George, slain at Flodden, 2313n. (Lawder), Sir Robert, of the Bass, 1499:-g. 448 (1), 833 (65), 1602 (27), 2862 (8). Lauffen, in Bavaria, letter dated at, 2650. Laughton (Laghton), Linc., 1803 (2 m. 3). Laughton (Laghton), Suss., 438 (3 m. 9):-g. 709 (2). Laughton en le Morthen (Laghton in Moruyng), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 5). Laukynhorne. See Linkinhorne. Launcelyn, J. Benedicta, daughter of John, 438 (2 m. 22). Launcells, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 26). Launcelot, Sir —, of the Order of St. John, g. 1836 (3). Francis, p. 1517. Launceston (Lanceston), alias Dun- hevid. (Downevet, Doun- hevedburgh), Cornw., 438 (2 mm. 16, 21), 438 (3 mm. 11, 23), 438 (4 mm. 16, 23, 27). castle, g. 94 (86). priory, 438 (2 m. 21), 438 (3 m. 13). • prior of, 1493. See Cralian, J. Launde priory, Leic., 438 (3 m. 18). • prior. See Lancaster, J. Launder, Wm., chaplain, g. 682 (29). Laung. See Lang. Lauredano. See Loredano. Laurence, groom of Katharine of Aragon, 20 (p. 15). Laurence. See Lawrence. Laurencekirk (Convet, Convecht), in Scotland, pp. 1523, 1526. See Lawshall. Laushull. Lauson. See Lawson. Lauston (Laweston, Laueston), Henry, 438 (1 m. 6). Lautrec (Lawter, Utrech, Lotrech), Odet de Foix, seigneur de, 1301 (p. 598), 1611, 1689 (p. 774), 1695, 1736, 1937, 2079, 2242, 2561, 3348, 3364. commission to, 1611. Lauweryn, Jerome, lord of Watre- vliet, 2366 (2). Laval, M. de, 1825, 3349 (p. 1412). Lavarth. See Llanarth. Lavell, John, g. 546 (21). Lavender (Lavander), Wm., 438 (1 m. 12). Lavenham (Laneham, Lanam, Lamenham), Suff., 438 (3 mm. 9, 17, 32), 438 (4 mm. 23, 26), 1803 (1 m. 1). Laventon (Lawnden), Bucks, abbey, 438 (2 m. 31). abbot. See Hall, W. Laver, High-, Essex, g. 289 (16). Laver, Little-, Essex, g. 289 (16). Laver Mawdelyn (L. Maydeleyn), Essex, g. 289 (16). La Verderne, Charles de, ordinary secretary of Margaret of Savoy, 1344. La Vernade, Pierre de, master of re- quests of France, 2322. Laverock, Th., 2054 (4). Laversdale, Cumb. (Loversdale, Cornw.), [in Irthington], 1803 (1 m. 2). Laverstock (Laverstoke), 1493 v. Hants, Laverstock (Larstokke), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 30). La Veure. See Veere. La Vienne, Bart. de. See Alviano. La Viridea, Charles de, secretary or audienciary to Margaret of Savoy, 2255. Lavynder. See Lawnder. La War, Lord. See Delaware. Laward. See Lord. Lawarr. See Delaware. Lawden, John, purser, pp. 1499, 1500-2. Lawder. See Lauder. Lawderdale, in Scotland, lord of, 188n. Lawe, John, 438 (3 m. 25). Lawes (Lawe), Cuthbert, 438 (2 m. 24). Laweston. See Lauston. Lawford or Church Lawford (Lalford, Lalleford), Warw., 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (2 m. 14), 438 (3 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 17). Lawford Parva, Warw., 1803 (2 m. 3). Lawnden. See Laventon. Lawnder (Lavynder), Wm., 1803 (2 m. 5). Lawnell, Roger, 438 (1 m. 9). GENERAL INDEX. 267 Lawnselyn, Alice and Wm., g. 2772 | Lea (Lee), Linc., 438 (3 m. 13), 438 (57). Lawrence or Laurence • Henry, 1493 ii. (Laurens), (Lawrens, Lorans), John, 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (3 mm. 9, 26). (Laurance), John, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 16). John, rector of Fonthill Gifford, 853. (Larrance), Ric., 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 7) :—g. 632 (70), 833 (4), 1415 (8). (Lawrense), Rob., 438 (1 m. 13). Roger, 707. Stephen, p. 1505. Wm., 436. Wm., a Scot, g. 1948 (14). Lawrence Marston. See Marston. Lawshall (Laushull), Suff., rector of, 438 (3 m. 25). Lawson (Lauson), George, 2651, 2708-9, 2713, 3359 :—p. 1507. signature of, 3359. (Lauson), Gilbert, 438 (4 m. 12). • (Laweson), James, 438 (4 m. 26). John, of Leith, 1380. (Lauson), Wm., 438 (3 m. 31). Lawter, Mons. de. See Lautrec. Lawter, Lawtor or Lawtur, Godfrey, 20 (p. 17), 438 (1 m. 19). Lawton, Chesh., g. 2684 (45). Lawton (Hawton, Launton, Lauton), John, rector of Astbury, 438 (4 m. 18). Laxton, Notts, 438 (1 m. 26). Layburne (Leyborne, Leynborne), Kent, rectory of, pp. 1526, 1528. Layburn (Laiborn), Rob., 1493 iii. (Laybourne, Layborn), Th., 438 (4 m. 8). Laycock (Lacok), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 22):—g. 924 (29). Laycon, Ric., 2392. Layer (Layre) de la Hay, Essex, 1803 (1 m. 6). Layer Marney (Leyre Marney), Essex, 438 (3 m. 19). Layham (Leyham, Leigham), Suff. [in Clare], g. 94 (35 p. 50), 1083 (32). Layneston. See Lainston. Lazarus, a copyist. of Erasmus, 2133. La Zouche. See Zouche. Lea, the Essex river, g. 969 (45). Lea (Lee, Leygh, Be, Bye, Legh), Derb., 438 (2 mm. 8, 17 bis), 438 (3 m. 3). (4 mm. 3, 16). Lea (Ley) Marston, Warw., 438 (3 m. 25). Leachlade (Lichelad), Glouc., g. 94 (35). Lead, export of, g. 132 (91), 563 (13), 604 (12), 632 (68), 1170 (11), 1415 (17), 1494 (13, 21), 1662 (22), 3107 (2, 14, 53). staple of, g. 132 (30), 381 (26). See also Ordnance. Lead (Ledehall), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 12). Leafield (Feelde in Whichewode), Oxon, g. 1365 (17). League, the. See Cambray. Leake (Leek), Linc., 438 (4 m. 23) :— g. 2964 (45). rector of, 438 (1 m. 10). Leam (Leme, Overleme, Netherleme), Nthld., 1803 (1 m. 1). Leamington (Lenyngton), Warw., 438 (2 m. 27). Leases, Act touching, 341. Leather, hides, &c., 193 :—g. 1415 (17), 1494 (13), 1602 (31), 2772 (49), 3107 (2, 14), 3226 (14). buying of (Act), 2590 (17). export of, g. 132 (91), 563 (13), 604 (12), 1662 (22). staple of, g. 132 (30), 381 (26). Leatherhead (Letherhed, Lederede), Surr., 361, 438 (4 m. 28). Leathermakers, 438 (3 m. 4). Leather sellers, g. 158 (50), 604 (28), 2055 (31), 3499 (11). Leawood (Wode, Leytwode), Devon [in Bridestowe], 438 (2 m. 11). Le Bascle, Guillaume, of Britanny, 3349 (p. 1412). Le Bras, Michelet, of Havre, 211. Le Brasseur, 2414 (p. 1072). Le Charon, Denis, French gunner, 1265 (p. 580), 2083 (2). Leche, Alexander, chaplain, a Scot, g. 1415 (20). > (Leych), John, 2392 (p. 1063). John, clk., g. 1732 (4). John, vicar of Chipping Walden, g. 2772 (57). Martin, 438 (3 m. 30). (Leych, Lech), Ralph, 2392 (p. 1063), 2832 v., vi. :—g. 651 (7). (Leych), Ric., 2392 (p. 1063): —g. 1494 (8). Th., 438 (1 m. 23). Wm., 1262 (p. 578). Lechedesham, Hants, g. 2964 (67). Leckhampton (Lekehampton, Leche- hampton), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 2). 268 GENERAL INDEX. Leckhampstead (Leycamstede), Bucks, g. 1462 (37). Leckonfield (Lekynfeld, Lekingfeld), Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 9, 13, 17), 438 (3 m. 25), 1803 (2 m. 2) : g. 833 (23). Leckwith (Liquith), co. Glamorgan, g. 749 (2). Le Clerc, Alain, 3349 (p. 1412). Daniel, receiver of the Em- peror's artillery, 2205. Le Clerck, J., of Bethune, 2995. Le Cousturier, Jenyn, 3113. Lecriand, Lacryan or Lecryant, Wm., gunner, 20 (p. 14), 311 :—g. 218 (51). Lecton or Lekton. See Layton. Ledbury, Heref., 438 (3 m. 5):—g. 833 (71), 3107 (26, 41). Leddringham. See Letheringham. Ledehall. See Lead. Lederede. See Leatherhead. Ledesdale. See Liddisdale. Ledington (Ludyngton), Glouc., 438 (4 m. 14). Le Doulse, Pero, the King's cook, 20 (p. 15 "Pirse "), 877n., 970, 2624, 3561. Ledyngton. See Lyddington. Ledys. See Leeds. Lee, Derb. See Lea. Lee, Essex, 1672. Lee, Kent, 1120 :—g. 1123 (51, 58), 1172 (12). Lee, Linc. See Lea. Lee or Lagley, Salop, 438 (3 m. 20):- g. 381 (46). Lee, in Tortington, Suss., g. 969 (38). Lee, Wilts. See Leigh. Lee, Anne, 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (4 m. 5). · • (Lyght, Legh, Leigh, Lygh), Ant., chief clerk of the Kit- chen, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39); 707, 2933-p. 1505:-g. 94 (60), 257 (2), 3408 (11). Edmund, p. 1544. (Legh), Fulk, 438 (3 m. 20). (Legh), Giles, g. 546 (57). (Lye), Henry, 853. (Legh), Humphrey, g. 1732 (27). (Leye), James, 1803 (2 m. 5). Joan, 438 (3 m. 23): -g. 1266 (35). Joan, abbess of St. Mary's, Winchester, 438 (3 m. 31). (Legh, Leygh, Lye, Ley), Sir John, 438 (4 m. 18):-p. 1545:-g. 257 (49), 731 (28), 833 (58 ii.), 1948 (10), 2222 (16 Surr.), 2484 (27), 2684 (8, 99), 3499 (12). (Legh, Lye, Alye), John, 20 (p. 13), 438 (2 m. 28), 438 Lee, John-cont. • • (3 mm. 31-2), 438 (4 mm. 1, 12):-g. 414 (54), 1948 (19), 2222 (12). (Lye), Matth., page of the Chamber, 20 (p. 15). (Legh, Ley, Le), Sir Piers, 20 (p. 16), 438 (4 m. 16). (Legh), Ralph, 438 (3 m. 32). (Ligh, Loee), Ric., 19, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (3 m. 31):—p. 1539 :—g. 289 (43), 1266 (35), 2055 (120), 2222 (16 Kent). (Lye, Ly), Richard, abbot of Shrewsbury, 205, 438 (4 m. 4), 3464 :—g. 1123 (55), 1221 (51–2). (Alee), Ric., of the Jewel House, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42). (Alee, Legh, Le, Ley), Rob., 20 (pp. 17, 19 bis), 82 (pp. 39, 40), 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (3 m. 24), 438 (4 mm. 5, 25):-g. 563 (2), 1266 (35). (Legh, Leygh), Roger, p. 1545:-g. 2684 (8). (Legh), Th., g. 218 (32), 546 (57). (Legh), Thomas, M.A., King's chaplain, g. 2422 (16). (Aligh, Alye, à Lye), Wm., g. 94 (93), 158 (70), 709 (56), 749 (31, 42). (Legh, à Legh), Wm., King's spear, 1990, 2480 (23), 2885. (Alee), Wm., receiver general of Berwick lands, 746-g. 94 (55), 857 (16). (Leygh, Lye), Wm., sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 639, 877n., 913. Leed. See Lydd. Leeds (Ledes), Kent, g. 833 (70). castle, g. 1524 (45). • • park, g. 1524 (45). priory, 438 (3 m. 11):—g. 2137 (8), 3499 (55). confirmation for, g. 924 (30). R. prior. See Chetham, Leeds (Ledys), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 14), 438 (3 m. 12), 1803 (1 m. 4). Kirkstall abbey. See under K. Leek, Linc. See Leake. Leek (Leeke, Leke), Staff., 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (3 mm. 5, 6). Leek or Leeke. See Leke. Leeming (Lemyng), Little-, Yorks, g. 2964 (44). Leeming (Lemyng), John, g. 3582 (7). Leeuwarden (Lewardia), in Fries- land, letter dated at, 3455. GENERAL INDEX. 269 Leey. See Ley. Le Feld. See Leighfield. Lefevre, Roland, Sieur de Tamise, treasurer to Prince Charles, 2070, 2528, 2563-4, 2849. Legate, the [in France]. boise, G. d'. See Am- Legbourne (Leyghburn), Linc., 438 (4 m. 25). · nunnery, 1505. Legendre, Adenet, French ship cap- tain, 1467. Legge, Warw., in Aston, 438 (4 m. 12). Legh, Derb. See Lea. Legh. See Lee. Leghderant. See Leigh Durant. Legham (Lagham) manor, Surr., 643:-g. 709 (26). Leghorn, in Italy, 2991. Leght, Wilts. See Leigh. Leghton. See Leighton. Legnago (Lignano, Lynago), in Italy, 522, 531, 570, 2074, 3396. Le Grand, Henry, gunner, 2414 (p. 1072). Legsby (Legysbe), Linc., 438 (1 m 6). Le Gyche. See La Guiche. Legysbe. See Legsby. Le Haye, Salop. See Hay. Leicester, 102, 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 m. 8), 438 (4 mm. 6, 13, 26), 1803 (2 m. 5):-g. 833 (11), 1221 (41), 2684 (41), 3049 (26). castle, g. 218 (12). • mayor and burgesses, 438 (3 m. 16). St. Mary de Pratis abbey, 438 (3 m. 2). abbot. See Pexsall, R.; Penny, John. confirmation for, g. 414 (18). St. Mary's College (New College, Newark), 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (2 m. 8), 1803 (1 m. 2), 1803 (2 m. 3):-g. 784 (27), 1524 (32), 3324 (4). confirmation for, g. 414 (34). dean. See Whistons, J.; Young, J.; Derby, T. Wigston's hospital, g. 2137 (16), 3499 (27). Leicester, archd. of, commissary and official, 438 (1 m. 18). Leicester (Leycestre), Laurence, clk., • 853. (Leycestre), Peter, 438 (2 m. 4). Roger de, g. 519 (42). (Leycettur), Wm., g. 3499 (68). Leicestershire, 205 (p. 106), 438 (1 • m. 13), 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (3 m. 18), 849, 2392 :-g. 132 (26), 190 (3), 218 (55), 381 (74), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1003 (1), 1123 (15), 1462 (1), 1494 (9, 55), 1804 (22, 28 ii., 30), 1836 (6), 2222 (12, 16), 2330 (3), 2484 (9, 17), 3408 (18, 37), 3499 (12, 66, 68). commission of the peace, p. 1539. Leigh, Derb. See Lea. Leigh, Lanc., 438 (4 mm. 6, 16). Leigh (La Lee), Oxon, g. 485 (44). Leigh (Lee, Leght), Wilts, 1803 (1 mm. 1, 6). Leigh Durant (Leghderant), Cornw. and Devon, g. 1083 (2). Leigh upon Mendip (Lye or Lygh upon Mynydemp), Soms., 438 (3 mm. 17, 31). Leigh. See Lee. Leigham. See Layham. Leighfield (Le Feld, Lighfeld), Rutl., alias the "forest of Rutland,' ranger, g. 257 (52), 632 (47). See Ratcliff, R. Leighlin, in Ireland, archd. of, p. 1526. bp. of, 1910 :—p. 1528. See Maguire, N.; Halsey, T. diocese, p. 1526. Leighs (Lyghes), or Great Leighs, Essex, priory, 438 (1 m. 9). prior. See Trotter, H. Leighton (Leyghton), Beds, 438 (4 m. 9). Leighton, Hunts, g. 1805 (2). Leighton, Lanc., 438 (3 m. 10). Leighton Buzzard (L. Busard), Beds, 438 (4 m. 14). Leighton (Leghton), John, g. 1804 (4). • Maud, g. 1804 (4). (Leygtton), Rob., of the Guard, ship captain, 1134, 1661 (3). 707, Sir Th., knighted at Tournay, 1176, 2392:-App. 26:—p. 1543. (Lekton, Lecton, &c.), Th., 438 (4 m. 24). Leigh wood, Wilts, g. 1171 (2). Leinden. See Laindon. Leintwardine (Lentwardyn), Heref.. 438 (2 m. 8). Leith (Lyth, Lidebourg, Let), in Scotland, 585, 1262, 1324-5, 1504, 1645, 1775, 2085, 2793, 2973, 3349. St. Anthony's priory, p. 1522. Leke, Staff. See Leek. 270 GENERAL INDEX. Leke, Eliz., widow of Andrew, 438 (2 m. 21). (Leyk), Sir John, knighted at Lille, 2392 :-App. 26. (Leeke), John, 438 (2 mm. 5, 12), 1176 (4) :—g. 1948 (23). (Leeke), Margaret, 438 (3 m. 5). (Leek, Leyk), Th., 438 (3 m. 5), 2392. Lekehampton. See Leckhampton. Lekynfeld. See Leckonfield. Leland (Leyland, Leylond), Wm., 438 (4 m. 16):—App. 26. Lelegrave, Wm., g. 1266 (6). Leliten, Lelytyn. See Lillington. Lemagis, Wm., g. 2684 (57). Leman, Th., vicar of Walpole, 438 (3 m. 16). Le Marcer, Olivier, g. 2861 (20). Le March. See Marche. Leme. See Leam. Lemington, Over-, Glouc., 438 (4 m. 3). Le More, Salop. See Moor. Lemos (Lemus), count of, of Spain, 162 (p. 85). Le Motte. See Mote. Lempriere, Th., bailiff of Jersey, g. 257 (37). Lempston, Surr., 438 (4 m. 22). Lemyng. See Leeming. Lemyngton. See Lymington. Lemyngton, Ralph, g. 784 (3). Lemyster. See Leominster. Lenaenach. See Nenagh. Lenakre. See Linacre. Lenard, Ric., g. 3049 (33). Lenard Stanley. See Stanley St. Leonard's. Lenborough (Letymburgh), Bucks, 438 (2 m. 8). Lench Randolff, Worc., 438 (3 m. 14). Lench, Rouse- (Rowslenche), Worc., 438 (3 m. 11). Lenche, Sheriffs- (Shiresfeslenche), Worc., g. 924 (12), 969 (32), 3226 (28). Lendall, Th., purser, 2881. Lendenara, in Italy, 3396. Lene. See Lynn. Le Negro, Peter, 3567. Leney, M. de. See Ligne. Lenham (Leneham), Kent, 438 (3 m. 20). Lenn or Lenne. See Lynn. Lennington (Lynyngton, Lenengton), Joan, 438 (1 m. 18). Lennox (Lenox), Matthew Stewart earl of, slain at Flodden, 255, 2246 (1, 4), 2313. (Levinax), John Stewart earl of (1513), 2461, 2973. Lentalle, Th., g. 1494 (55). Lenthorpe. See Leventhorpe. • Lenton, Notts, priory, 438 (3 m. 6) : ―g. 519 (18). T. prior. See Reynold, Lenton, John, g. 1662 (23), 2484 (17). Nic., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39), 707. Lentwardyn. See Leintwardine. Leny, Lord. See Ligne. Lenyngton. See Leamington. LEO X., POPE [John de Medici, elected 9 March 1513], 1677, 1682, 1694, 1699, 1701, 1718, 1723-4, 1737–8, 1740-1, 1747, 1750-1, 1753, 1762, 1769, 1775-6, 1781-2, 1792, 1830, 1846, 1854, 1857, 1872, 1877, 1884, 1892, 1895, 1899, 1902, 1916-7, 1937, 1952-3, 1970, 1984, 2002, 2010, 2016, 2029, 2032, 2038, 2041, 2056, 2069- 70, 2077, 2108, 2120, 2124, 2127, 2132, 2144, 2160, 2178, 2212, 2216, 2237, 2242, 2250, 2258-9, 2264, 2267, 2273, 2276, 2291-2, 2307, 2309, 2328-9, 2343, 2353-4, 2373, 2375, 2377, 2389, 2395, 2397, 2428, 2456, 2462, 2474-7, 2493, 2495-6, 2523 ii., 2526-7, 2530, 2554, 2561, 2564–5, 2567-8, 2572, 2577, 2584, 2595, 2601-2, 2607, 2609, 2611, 2629-31, 2633, 2644-5, 2653, 2665, 2689-90, 2694, 2697, 2724, 2736, 2743–5, 2755, 2770, 2783-4, 2790, 2794, 2800, 2816, 2823, 2845, 2849, 2852, 2855, 2859-60, 2869, 2876, 2887, 2915, 2921, 2926– 9, 2932, 2945, 2957, 2969, 2975, 2981, 2998, 3003, 3009, 3011, 3014 ii., 3018, 3024, 3051, 3063, 3072, 3075, 3080- 1, 3093, 3105-6, 3109, 3117, 3132, 3150-1, 3160, 3173, 3192, 3198, 3203-4, 3206, 3212, 3220, 3231, 3236, 3241, 3243 ii., 3245, 3253, 3256, 3261 ii., 3274, 3285, 3301–2, 3304, 3322, 3362, 3379, 3391- 2, 3400, 3404-5, 3407, 3417 (p. 1437), 3468, 3482, 3490, 3495-7, 3508, 3511, 3519, 3527, 3533-4, 3540, 3546–8, 3556, 3558, 3569, 3574, 3585:-p. 1516 :-g. 1732 (32), 1836 (3, 5), 2772 (13). bulls of, 2870, 2910-11, 3275–9, 3568, 3617 :-g. 3499 (8 ii.). letters (briefs) from, 1687, 1746, 1759, 1827, 2017-8, 2030-1, 2036, 2048, 2155, 2197, 2253, 2288, 2354, 2469, GENERAL INDEX. 271 Leo X., letters (briefs) from-cont. 2512-13, 2517, 2559, 2560, 2636, 2639-41, 2658-60, 2664, 2688, 2760-1, 2802, 2820-2, 2916-20, 2978, 2986-8, 2990, 3005-7, 3016, 3019-21, 3083, 3092, 3125, 3128, 3157-8, 3164, 3205, 3242, 3249, 3254- 5, 3284, 3300, 3305, 3311-12, 3358, 3401-2, 3462, 3470, 3475, 3487, 3532, 3563, 3617. • letters to, 1707, 1719, 1756- 7, 1974, 2084, 2310, 2355, 2420, 2436-7, 2548-53, 2674, 2715, 2884, 3119-20, 3139- 40, 3390, 3489, 3588-9. English and Imperial em- bassies to do fealty, 2010. sending legates to France and England, 2064, 2077, 2353, 2436, 2611. league with the Swiss, 2771. his oath to (or capitulation with) the Conclave, 1677 (p. 770n.), 2517. Regesta of, pp. 1527–32. treaty (secret) with Ferdi- nand, 3291. Leodo, Sieur de, of Guienne, 1344. Leominster (Lemyster), Heref., 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 mm. 20, 26), 438 (4 mm. 25, 27). Leominster (Lymyster), Suss., g. 969 (38). Leon, in Spain, 3435, 3451. Leonino, Angelo, bp. of Tivoli, q.v. Leouns, in Austria, 3109. Le Pere, Philip, 1262. Leppington (Lepyngton), Th., 438 (3 m. 22). Lepyngton, Wm., 438 (2 m. 7). Le Rendnal, Jean, French prisoner, p. 928. Le Roy, Guyon, Sieur de Chillou, q.v. Le Roye, Francis, g. 3408 (26). Le Sauvage, John, Sieur de Schau- beke, chancellor of Brabant, 919, 2366 (2), 2985. Lescarde. See Liskeard. Lescorno, Don Juan de, admiral of the Spanish fleet, 1385. See Liskeard. Leskard or Leskerd. Lesley. See Lisle. Leson, Thomas, 1951. > Thomas, chaplain, 2480 (4), 3535. Thomas, canon of Shrews- bury, p. 1527. Thomas, rector of Bentham, g. 1123 (28). Thomas, rector of Ewelme, g. 2055 (97). (Lesons), Thomas, rector of Tettenhall, p. 1525:-g. 563 (4). L'Esparre (Lespar), Sieur de, 3348. Lespine, å French messenger, 734. Lessingham (Lesyngham), Geoffrey, rector of St. Edmond's, Nor- wich, 438 (4 m. 5). Lessness (Lesones), Kent, abbey, 438 (4 m. 21). abbot of. See Blakemore, H.; Tiseherste, W. election of abbot, g. 1732 (30, 51). Lesster, Mr. See Lister. Lestaurik. See Restalrig. Le Strange, Richard lord (1398- 1449), and Eliz. his wife, 438 (3 m. 10). Le Strange (Straunge), Anne, widow of Thomas, 438 (3 m. 11). · Sir George Stanley lord, 438 (3 m. 14). Joan lady, d. and h. of John lord Le Strange (1449-1477), and widow of Sir George Stanley (†1487), 309, 438 (3 m. 10): g. 3107 (40), 3499 (72). (Straunge), John, 438 (1 m. 2): pp. 1540-1:-g. 381 (43), 833 (58 i.). Rob., 20 (p. 16), 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (3 m. 11), 1176 (4): g. 11 (10), 833 (50 i.). Sir Roger, 438 (1 m. 2) :—g. 218 (37). Leswaide. See Lasswade. Letcombe Basset (L. Fasset), Berks, g. 885 (13). Letherhed. See Leatherhead. Letheringham (Lethringham, Led- dringham), Suff., 438 (3 m. 22), 438 (4 mm. 1, 29). Lethewood. See Lythwood. Letley. See Litley; also Netley. Le Tort, Rogerin, 2605. Letton, Heref., 438 (2 m. 26). Letton. See Latton. Letymburgh. See Lenborough. Letyre, Francis, falconer, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 43). Leuarnac, St. John's by. See Killone. Leucophæus,, 771. Leuesham. See Lewisham. Leukemore. See Lewkenor. Leulinghen (Lullingham), in Picardy, 2392. Leuroux, seigneurie, in France, 951. Leuykyr, near Wilberfoss, g. 158 (32). Leuyton. See Luton. Levant, the, 1393 iv. Le Veau, Jean, secretary of Andrea da Borgo, letters from, 983, 1000, 1055, 1064, 1075, 1087, 1090, 1877. letter from, 1877. Levedown. See Lovedown. 272 GENERAL INDEX. Leven, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 20). Leven's (Levyns), Westmld., 438 (1 m. 14). Leventhorpe (Lenthorpe), Dorothy, 1165 (2). John, 20 (p. 12), 438 (4 m. 2): p. 1538:-g. 257 (49), 289 (3). Th., 438 (1 m. 11). Lever, Yevan, a Breton, g. 1462 (28). Leveret, Henry and Simon (2 m. 24). Levermer. See Livermere. Leversage, Ant., g. 158 (41). Edm., 438 (4 m. 3) :—g. 158 (41), 357 (34). Eleanor, widow of Edmond, 438 (2 m. 18). Rob., g. 357 (34). Leversege. See Liversedge. Leverton, Linc., 438 (4 m. 23). Levesey (Lovesey), Edm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39) :—g. 158 (42). George, 735, 877n. Levesham. See Lewisham. Leveson, Nic., g. 2684 (6). Levestoft. See Lowestoft. Levet, John, g. 2862 (7). Levetot, John de, g. 519 (42). Levinax. See Lennox. Levingstoun. See Livingstone. Le Vise or Le Vises. See Devizes. Levisham (Levesham), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 17). Levsham. See Lewisham. Levynton. See Linton. Lew, Devon. See North Lew. Lewardia. See Leeuwarden. Lewer or Leweb, Suss., 438 (2 m. 25). Lewes (Lewys), Suss., 438 (2 m. 23), 438 (4 m. 26), 559 :- g. 381 (88), 546 (41). priory, 438 (4 m. 4). " confirmation for, g. 632 (38). J. prior of. See Ashton, Lewes, archdeacon of, 438 (2 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 18). Lewis, a ship captain. See Southern. Lewis or Lewes, Chr., 2668-pp. 1509, 1515. Geoffrey, 438 (4 m. 19). Griffith, rector of Old Rad- nor, g. 1083 (42). Hugh, 438 (2 m. 9). Hugh, rector of Llanfihan- gell, g. 485 (60). John, 20 (p. 15), 457, 704. Sir Ric., 20 (p. 12), 1453, 1661 (3, 4). Ric., 2438. Rob., mayor of Canterbury (A.D. 1530), 1527. Lewisham (Levesham, Leuesham), Kent, g. 1221 (15), 2422 (7). Lewisham (Levsham), Rob., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Lewkenor, Oxon. See Lewknor. Lewkenor (Lewknour), Edw., 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 39), 184 (2), 559, 577 (3), 874 (2), 3313 (6, 7) : p. 1545:—g. 257 (49), 632 (26). > Francis, g. 969 (38). John, 559 (p. 327). (Leukemore, Lewekemore), Sir Roger, 438 (4 m. 7), 1661 (3, 4 p. 752) :—p. 1545:—g. 969 (23), 1083 (39). Roger, 559-p. 1545:—g. 709 (26). Lewknor (Lewkenor), Oxon, 520 :— g. 546 (27), 632 (64). Lewys, Hakenett de, minstrel, 20 (p. 13). Ley (Leey), Salop, 438 (4 m. 9). Ley, Warw. See Lea. Ley. See Lee. Ley (Loy, La Hay), Simon de, Breton killed at Brest, 1371, 1385, 1403. Leyborne. See Layburne. Leycamstede. See Leckhampstead. Leycettur. See Leicester. Leych. See Leche. Leyden (Leyen), in Holland, 2613, 2809. Leyff, Robert, rector of Stansted Thele, p. 1528. Leygh. See Lee. Leygh, Derb. See Lea. Leyghburn. See Legbourne. Leyham. See Layham. Leyke. See Leke. Leyland or Leylond. See Leland. Leyndon. See Laindon. Leynham, 2053. Leyre Marny. See Layer Marney. Leysola, Charron de, g. 1948 (47). Leystoft. See Lowestoft. Leyton. See Leighton. Leytwode. See Leawood. Liamocaernoc. See Lyethmacacmog. Liberate, writs of, g. 218 (60). Licences :- to acquire in mortmain, g. 158 (24–5, 27), 414 (13), 485 (34), 519 (13, 39), 546 (30), 604 (20), 784 (10), 804 (20, 31), 969 (24, 43, 65), 1123 (11), 1415 (19, 27), 1662 (34), 1732 (4, 26, 28), 1804 (25), 2055 (57), 2137 (7, 8), 2222 (1), 2330 (4), 2684 (69, 81), 3226 (5), 3408 (39), 3499 (27, 55). GENERAL INDEX. 273 Licences, to acquire in mortmain -cont. See also below Licences to found chan- tries. to alienate, g. 54 (47), 381 (16), 632 (18), 784 (22), 833 (41), 969 (3), 1221 (43), 1462 (27), 1494 (16), 1662 (23-4), 1948 (26), 2055 (73), 3049 (20), 3107 (19). to appropriate, g. 1221 (40), 1266 (22), 1365 (4), 3499 (50). to change the name of priory to that of abbey, g. 833 (64). to cut wood in forests, g. 1221 (36). to elect, g. 54 (6), 94 (46, 106), 218 (36, 40), 289 (27, 47), 381 (11), 485 (52), 546 (40), 1044 (22), 1123 (55), 1365 (10, 13), 1662 (30, 51), 1732 (50), 2535 (20, 24), 2684 (25), 2861 (17), 2863 (1), 3107 (50), 3408 (28). to export, g. 3226 (29). See Wool, Tin, Cloth, Leather, Lead. to found chantries, &c., g. 381 (69), 519 (39), 546 (75), 784 (3, 27), 833 (16), 857 (21), 924 (18), 1044 (12), 1316 (11), 1494 (46), 1524 (35), 1804 (40), 2055 (51, 53-4), 2137 (16), 2772 (61), 2964 (56), 3226 (3), 3324 (20), 3408 (29). to found guilds, g. 632 (43), 924 (35), 1732 (39), 2772 (57), 2964 (9, 56, 59, 70), 3582 (25). to gather alms, g. 357 (23), 632 (3), 750 (4), 833 (54), 924 (2), 1083 (19), 2862 (4). to go abroad for study, g. 257 (26). to impark, g. 414 (30), 546 (38), 804 (8), 833 (5, 51), 969 (59), 1494 (28), 1804 (20), 2684 (78), 3499 (73). to import, g. 1948 (37), 2861 (20), 2964 (48), 3049 (5), 3107 (2, 12, 27), 3226 (14, 29), 3582 (13). See also also under Wine; Woad, Silk, Cloth (linen), Caps. to practise medicine, g. 3582 (19). Wt. 11494. Licences-cont. Lichelad. to retain apprentices, g. 1948 (71). to retain customs, g. 1948 (46), 2684 (52), 3107 (44, 49), 3226 (18, 20), 3408 (8). to trade (aliens), g. 1221 (32), 1462 (9, 28), 2055 (91), 2684 (60). See also Safe conducts. to trade in Ireland, g. 2861 (31). See Leachlade. Lichet. See Lytchet. Lichfield (Lychefeld, Lyche), Staff., 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (2 mm. 6, 24, 26, 29), 438 (3 m. 3), 438 (4 mm. 15 bis, 16, 27), 1803 (1 m. 1, 2 m. 4):—g. 11 (10), 709 (22). cathedral, 438 (4 m. 6), 1803 (1 m. 1):—p. 1528:-g. 2055 (54). J. Lichfield canons of, p. 1523-4. chancellor, 853. dean. See Yotton, (Lychefeild), Clement, abbot of Evesham (Jan. 1514), p. 1546-g. 2684 (22). (Lichefeld), John, clk., g. 1524 (21). (Lycchefeld), Th., 1803 (2 m. 5):—g. 1662 (23). (Lychefeld), Wm., King's chaplain, 20 (p. 14), 341, 1450. Wm., clk., dean of Tam- worth, g. 1524 (21). Lichtenstein (Lyttsteyne), Sir Paul, ruler of the Tyrol, 780. Licques (Lysk), in Picardy, 2392. Liddel (Liddall), the Border river, p. 1260. Liddell, Cumb., g. 2684 (86). Liddelowe. See Ludlow. Liddington. See Lyddington. Liddisdale (Lidesdale, Ledesdale), in Scotland, 1504, 2443. Lidebourg. See Leith. Lidiare Episcopi. See Lydiard. Liège (Lwke, Luke), 1311 (p. 602), 1400, 1421, 1440, 1594, 1813, 2068, 2083, 2254 ii., 2360, 2532, 2957. French prisoners taken in, 1421. Liège (Lwke), [Everard de la Marck] bp. of, and of Chartres, 1399, 1400, 1440, 2063, 2069, 2083, 3269 (3), 3407n. Lierville, François de Theligny sieur de, seneschal of Rouergue, 2186. H 18 274 GENERAL INDEX. Lifton (Lyston), Devon, 1803 (2 m. 5) :—g. 132 (115), 289 (5). rector presented, g. 158 (51), 2055 (27). Ligan. See Lugano. Ligh. See Lee. Lighfeld. See Leighfield. Ligh lands, near Tortington, Suss., 559. Lightfote,,653. (Lyzghtfote), Edw., 1529. Humphrey, p. 1509. Lighthorn, Warw., g. 158 (36), 709 (41, 43). Lignano. See Legnago. Ligne (Ligny, Leny, Lynye, Lynny, Leney), Anthony comte de Faulconberg, Sieur de, 1792–3, 1909, 1918, 1932, 1934, 2025, 2095 (? Guigne"), 2128, 2139, 2225, 2249, 2383, 2388, 2391 (pp. 1059-60), 2392 (p. 1063), 2414, 2656, 2835, 2878, 2995, 3113. · • letters from, 1793,3474. letter to, 2878. commission to, 1934. petition of, 2249. signature, 1932. his maitre d'hotel, 1934. his titles, 2414. Ligne, Louis de. See Barbançon. Likerke, -, maid of honor to Mar- garet of Savoy, 3041. Lilbourne, Ric., p. 1520. Lilburn, West-, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 19). Lile. See Lisle. Lille, Mons. de. See Brandon, C. (lord Lisle). Lille (Lisle), in Flanders, 1387, 2053 (6 iii.), 2202, 2255-6, 2294 (2), 2372, 2375-6, 2380, 2391 (pp. 1060-1), 2392, 2445, 2542, 2572, 2577, 2678, 2682, 2736, 2744-5, 2777, 2811, 2941, 3041, 3139, 3163, 3257-8, 3264-App. 26. letters dated at, 2180, 2203, 2225, 2230, 2261, 2271, 2281, 2286, 2366, 2374, 2377. (C the canon of," 2694, 3235. Friars Observants, 2375. Lilleshall (Lilleshull), Salop, abbey, 438 (4 m. 27). abbot. See Barton, G. Lillingston (Lullingston), Bucks, 438 2 m. 5) :—g. 357 (3, 45),. 1316 (15). Lillingston (Lullyngston) Dancy, Oxon. See Lillington Lovell. Lillingston Dayrell, Bucks, 438 (4 m. 10). Lillingston Lovell alias L. Dauncy, Oxon (but within Bucks), 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 25) :—g. 1316 (15), 1462 (37). Lillington (Lelytyn, Leliten, Lyly. tyn), Warw., 438 (2 m. 9), 1803 (1 m. 6). Lilly or Lylle, John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Wm., 1803 (1 m. 4). (Lily), Wm., schoolmaster, 2419. Limber Magna, Linc., 438 (3 m. 12). Limbury (Limbere, Limbery), Ric., 438 (4 m. 3). Limena (Lymisne), near Padua, letter dated at, 196. Limerick in Ireland, confirmation of charters, g. 546 (69). • licence for, g. 1948 (37). cathedral, canons of, p. 1530 bis. • dean of, pp. 1522, 1524, 1530. treasurer of, p. 1530. Limerick diocese, pp. 1522, 1524. Linacre, John, 438 (4 m. 4). (Lynakre, Lynakur, Lyn- acres), Robert, 438 (4 m. 4), 2392 (p. 1063). (Lynakyer, Lenakre), Th., 438 (3 m. 6), 736, 771, 863, 882, 891, 920, 949, 968, 1082, 2519, 2656 (6). Linby (Lyndeby, Lymby), Notts, 438 (1 m. 6) :—g. 751 (3), 833 (55), 2684 (1). Lincluden (Linclowden, Kenclodin) provostry, in Scotland, 1135: -p. 1527. Lincoll, Wm., g. 749 (38). Lincoln, 144, 205 (p. 106), 438 (1 mm. 4, 5, 16), 438 (2 mm. 25-–6), 438 (3 m. 20), 438 (4 mm. 18, 22, 25, 27), 872, 1798 :- g. 357 (6), 833 (11, 71), 1123 (2), 1316 (3), 2222 (16). deed dated at, 575. mayor and citizens of, 438 (3 m. 8), 872 :—g. 357 (6). weavers, confirmation of charters, g. 1123 (42). places in :- Beamount and Beamounts Rents, g. 2684 (2). Cathedral, 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 8), 1803 (1 m. 4), 3142: —g. 651 (11), 2772 (29). chantry of Duchess of Lancaster and Coun- tess of Westmoreland, g. 651 (11). sey, T. dean of. See Wol- GENERAL INDEX. 275 Lindsay, Alex., earl of Crawford, q.v. Lincoln, places in: Cathedral-cont. lease by the vicars, 575. Richard Ravenser's chantry, g. 924 (26). subdean of, 438 (3 m. 3). treasurer, 438 (1 m. 10), 438 (2 m. 14). Close, 438 (1 m. 10). College of Sir Nicholas and Joan Cantelupe, 438 (1 m. 10). Hangate, g. 2684 (2). Hospital of Holy Innocents of Malardry, 438 (2 m. 11). St. Katharine's priory, 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 15). prior. See Johnson, R. Lincoln, archdeacon of, 438 (1 m. 15). > bishop of, 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 25), 438 (4 m. 14), 2629, 2635, 2642, 2644, 2653, 2660, 2783, 3197, 3275, 3301- 2, 3315, 3495-7, 3560 :—pp. 1527, 1531. See Smith, W., Wolsey, T., Atwater, W. bishopric and diocese of, g. 857 (18), 2772 (13, 29), 3499 (9). consistory of, 438 (1 m. 18). Lincoln, John de la Pole earl of († 1487), g. 546 (43), 632 (66), 709 (14), 1083 (23), 1662 (11), 1948 (31), 2055 (95 i., iii.), 2617 (29), 3107 (16), 3499 (58). Lincoln, John, 438 (3 m. 4). Lincoln, Sir [i.e., the bp. of Lincoln]. See Wolsey, T. Lincolnshire, 205 (p. 106), 559, 1798, 2054 (3), 2414, 2544:—p. 1516-g. 132 (59), 158 (63, 76), 190 (3), 218 (55), 257 (48), 381 (74), 604 (31), 632 (26), 651 (13), 709 (55), 749 (6), 804 (21, 38), 833 (11), 969 (23, 52, 54), 1003 (1), 1123 (15), 1365 (24), 1462 (1), 1494 (9, 55), 1524 (30), 1804 (22), 2055 (43), 2222 (12, 16), 2330 (3), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (20), 3408 (6, 18, 37), 3499 (12, 16), 3582 (14). commission of the peace, pp. 1539-40. Richmond fee in, g. 132 (56, 88). wards' lands in, g. 158 (63). Lindores (Lundoris), Henry abbot of, 2461. Patrick lord, of the Byris, g. 2862 (8). Lindsey, part of Lincolnshire, p. 1540-g. 357 (6). Lindsey (Linsey, Lyndesey), John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383):-g. 2772 (26). (Lyndesey), Wm., abbot of St. John's, Colchester, 205, 438 (1 m. 5), 963, 3464. Linen drapers, 438 (2 m. 6). Lingen (Lyngeyn, Lyngoyn, Lyngon, Lyngham, Lyn gam), Sir John, 438 (1 m 16), 1661 (p. 752) :—pp. 1518. 1538:—g. 257 (49), 632 (26); 924 (31), 1494 (4, 9), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). Wm., 20 (p. 12):—g. 519 (11), 784 (45, 49). Lingfield (Lyngesfeld, Linkfelde), Surr., 438 (4 m. 2):—g. 519 (31), 709 (26). Lingwood, Norf., 438 (1 m. 14). Linkinhorne (Laukynhorne, Laukyn. hornee), Cornw., 1803 (2 m. 4). Linley, Salop, 2537. Linlithgow, in Scotland, 1775 (p. 810). letters dated at, 834, 1135, 1137, 1211 (2), 1212, 1539 1767. Lins. See Lintz. Linsey. See Lindsey. Linstead (Lynsted), Great-, Suff., 438 (3 m. 14):-g. 190 (4). Linstead (Lynstede), Parva, Suff, g. 190 (4). Linthecombe. See Lurcombe. Linton, Kent, 438 (3 m. 15). Linton (Nition), in Scotland, vicar of, pp. 1521, 1523. Linton Parva, Camb., 1803 (2 m. 1). Linton (Levynton), West-, Cumb. 1493 vi. Linton, Rob., 707 (p. 383). Lintz (Lynse, Lynce, Lins, Lynche), in Austria, 1469, 2694, 2815, 2889. letters dated at, 2753, 2755, 2790, 2794. Linwood (Lynwode), Linc., g. 519 (10), 2684 (2). Lion, Ralph, purveyor, his account, 3319. Lionia, Herveus, count of (temp. Stephen), charter of, g. 546, (35). Lipiatt. See Lypiat. Lippomano, Hieronimo, letters from 680, 714. 276 GENERAL INDEX. Lippomano-cont. • " Vetor, letters from, 1846 ii., 2159, 2273, 2307, 2373, 2389, 2428, 2508, 2527, 2746, 2869, 2891, 2921, 2969, 2981, 3043, 3059, 3072, 3081, 3117, 3160, 3173, 3206, 3243. letter to, 680. Liquith. See Leckwith. Lisbon (Lyxborne), in Portugal, 1326 (p. 618), 2265, 2801. • letter dated at, 1974. earthquake at, 1751. Liskeard (Leskerd Burgh, Lascarde, Lescarde), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 6, 8, 9, 27), 1803 (2 m. 5) :— g. 257 (69). Lisle, in Flanders. See Lille. Lisle, Jehan de, 42, 2053 (p. 928). Ramon or Reynaud de, taken prisoner at Guinegate, 2053 (p. 928), 2172. Lisle (Lysley), Lord. See Brandon, Sir C. Lisle-cont. (Lysley, Lyley), Wm., 438 (2 m. 32). Sir Wm., App. 26. Lisleman, Comte de, 951; i.e., of the Isle of Man. Lismore, in Ireland, archdeacon of, p. 1530. diocese, p. 1524. Lismore, in Scotland, cathedral, 1151-2. bp. of. See Hamilton, D.; see also Argyle. Lismore, earl of. See Argyle. Lison. See Kirkliston. Lister (Lytster), 1118. (Lesster), Richard, 420, 550, 559, 597, 644, 728 (2), 979, 1482, 1502, 1593, 1915, 2506: p. 1520. • 1593. け ​Lisle, Edward Grey viscount († 1491), 1803 (2 m. 2). Sir John Grey viscount († 1503), 2537 :-g. 257 (40), 1602 (12), 1662 (26), 1804 (57), 2617 (46). Elizabeth Grey viscountess, a minor, daughter and heir of Sir John, 2537, 2654 (? “the lady "), 2941 (p. 1272n) :— g. 257 (40), 1524 (4), 1602 (12), 1662 (26), 1804 (57), 1948 (68), 2617 (46). 2537. valor of her lands, Marcella viscountess, widow of Sir John. See Knyvet, Th. Lisle (Lyele), Elizabeth, Queen's chamberer, 877n, 908:—g. 3226 (7). • > (Lile), Sir Humphrey, 1493 iii., 3170:-g. 11 (10), 289 (35). • " prisoner in Scotland, 2246 (1, 4). (Lesley, Lysley, Lyle), Sir John, 20 (p. 17), 438 (1 mm. 9, 17), 438 (2 m. 21), 1176 (2), 1596, 2574 :—p. 1537 :-g. 833 (58 ii.), 1221 (6), 1602 (38), 1662 (27), 2222 (16 Hants), 2861 (33), 2964 (21). John, spear of Calais, 2049. (Lile), Launcelot, 438 (3 m. 4). Sir Nicholas, 438 (1 mm. 9, 17). (Lyle), Th., 438 (2 m. 12). (Lyle, Lysley, Lyell). Walter, 438 (4 m. 6). letter from, 1502. letters to, 597, 1482, (Lytster), Rob., 707. (Lytster), Wm., 438 (4 m. 25):-g. 2684 (20). Litchborough (Lychebarowe), Ntht., g. 1083 (41). Litcote, John, marshal of the Hall, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Litell. See Little. Litilhorsted. See Horsted. Litilton. See Littleton. Litley, Helen, g. 94 (4). • (Letley), John, 438 (1 m. 24). Litlington, Camb., 438 (3 m. 25): g. 731 (37). Litlington, Nic., 3596. Little (Litle), Rob., g. 485 (59). (Lytell, Lytull), Rob., groom of the Chamber, and Ward- robe of Beds, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 640, 912, 1015, 3554 :-g. 54 (85), 218 (5), 414 (14), 731 (33), 749 (40), 1170 (17). Littlebury (Litilbury), Essex, 438 (4 m. 10). Littlebury (Littulbery), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 25). Littlebury (Litilbery, Litilbury, Ly- telbury), John, p. 1540:-g. 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 2222 (16 Linc.), 3582 (14). (Litelbury), Ric., g. 3499 (56). Littlecot (Lytelcote), Wilts, 438 (3 m. 1):—g. 1171 (2). Littlecot (Litilcote), Alice, d. and h. of Simon, 1803 (1 m. 1). (Lytyllcott, Litilcote), John, 1605–6, 2834, 3222. Little Dean (Litell Dene), Glouc., 438 (2 mm. 16, 23), 438 (3 m. 19). Little Frye, Nic., 438 (4 m. 8). GENERAL INDEX. 277 Littlemoor (Litelmore), Oxon, g. 2684 (69). nunnery, Littleport (Litilport), Camb., 438 (1 mm. 11, 15). Littleton (Lytlyngton, Littelton), Midd., 438 (3 m. 22), 2873. Littleton or Litilton (Litilcan), Ed- mond, 438 (4 m. 3). • Edward, 438 (1 m. 18), 2392 (p. 1063):-g. 3226 (13). Hugh, 438 (1 m. 18). Joan, 438 (1 m. 18). (Lytilton), John, g. 414 (12), 3226 (13). Mary, widow of Sir William, 438 (4 m. 3) :—g. 3226 (13). (Litelton), Ric., p. 1543 bis : -g. 289 (43), ~ 2222 2222 (16 Staff.), 2617 (10). (Lytelton), Th., p. 1546. (Littilcan, Litilcan), Sir Wm., 438 (4 m. 3) :—g. 414 (12). Litton. See Lytton. Livermere (Levermer), Magna, Suff., 438 (1 m. 22). Liverpool (Lyverpull), Lanc., 438 (2 m. 25). Liversedge (Leversegge), Yorks, App. 26-g. 158 (66), 2772 (24). Livery of lands, g. 289 (12, 16, 17, 18), 357 (36), 381 (30, 89), 546 (26), 563 (14–5), 709 (18), 784 (26, 48), 804 (47), 833 (63), 885 (13), 924 (20, 25), 1044 (24), 1083 (31), 1221 (11, 59), 1266 (18), 1316 (1, 24, 35), 1365 (12), 1415 (12), 1494 (5, 14, 42), 1524 (27, 36), 1732 (44), 1804 (4), 2055 (18), 2137 (5), 2964 (13), 3049 (3), 3107 (23, 35), 3226 (11), 3408 (20, 23), 3499 (34, 37, 43, 72), 3582 (10, 20, 23). Livesay, Edmond, g. 969 (39). Liviano, Bart., a Venetian, dies in prison at Loches, 264. Livingstone (Levingstoun), Eliz., widow of Alex., 549. Lize. See Leighes. Lkan. See Llan. Llanaber (Llaneaber), co. Merion., 438 (3 m. 22). Llanarth (Lavarth), co. Cardigan, p. 1528. Llanavaur Tallyn. See 'I alyllyn. Llanbeblig (Llankeblike), co. Carnar- von, 438 (2 m. 27). Llanblethian (Lanlythan), co. Gla- morgan, rector presented, g. 1462 (6). Llandaff, bp. of. See Salley, M. bpric. of, 438 (1 m. 24). Llanddewi Brefi (Llantheweebrevee), collegiate church, co. Cardi- gan, g. 132 (12). CO. Llanddyfnan (Llandifbenam), Anglesea, rector of, 438 (4 m. 18). Llandeffrodok, co. Anglesea, 438 (4 m. 25). Llandeinol (Llantheynoll) alias Car- rog, co. Cardigan, g. 132( 12). Llanderfel (Llanthervell), Co. Merioneth, 438 (4 m. 27). Llandeylo, co. Carmarthen, g. 784 (24). Llandovery (Llandeverour), Carmarthen, g. 784 (24). CO. Llandrillo yn Rhos alias Denerth, co. Denbigh, 438 (3 m. 18). Llanfawr (Llanvawre) in Penllyn deanery, co. Merioneth, 438 (3 m. 18). Llanfernach (Llanwernache), Pembroke, 438 (3 m. 23). Llanfihangell (Llanvehengell), Co. co. Llandaff, rector presented, g. 485 (60). Llanfihangel Abercowyn, co. Carm., 438 (2 m. 25). Llanfynyd (Lanvenit), co. Carmar- then, g. 132 (116). Llangua. See Langua. Llangunnok (Langonnok), Heref. [in Llangarran], 438 (2 m. 16). Llanmerewig (Thalnmorek), CO. Montgomery, 438 (2 m. 27). Llannor (Llanormon), co. Caern, 438 (1 m. 19). Llansoy. See Lansoy. Llanstephan, co. Carmarthen, g. 54 (29). Llanth. See Lland. Llantillio, Marches of Wales, 438 (1 m. 25). Llantrisham castle, co. Glamorgan, g. 749 (2). Llan Trissaint (Llantrisshen), co. Glamorgan, g. 587 (9). Llantwit (Lantwyt), co. Glamorgan, 438 (2 m. 19). Llantwit by Neath (St. Iltuti de Neth), rector presented, g. 2222 (2). Llanvawre. See Llanfawr. Llanwernache. See Llanfernach. Llanwinio (Lanwynno), co. Carmar- then, 438 (3 m. 23). Llevenethe (Llybenyth), co. Mon- mouth, g. 924 (11). Llewellyn, Glin, g. 54 (43). Lloughourne. See Loughor. Llowes, in Wales, 1803 (1 m. 3). Lloyd or Lloid, David, g. 749 (4). Geoffrey, chaplain, g. 2772 (7). Hoel, 2480 (62). Hugh, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42). (Floyd), Humphrey, 1496 iii. (Floyd), Jenkin, 20 (p. 15). 278 GENERAL INDEX. Lloyd-cont. • Jevan, 438 (4 m. 25). (Floid), John, 20 (pp. 13, 18), 82 (pp. 40, 42), 1803 (1 m. 3):—g. 132 (123). (Lloilld, Floyde), John, gentleman of the Chapel, 210, 707, 938, 1143, 2426, 3335 : g. 1123 (52), 1172 (17). (Ll'd), Maurice, 438 (3 m. 5):-g. 54 (29). (Floyd), Ric., 20 (p. 15) :—g. 94 (98), 257 (83). Rob., g. 132 (93). (Thloyd), Roger, g. 2684 (23). Th., 2049. Wm., g. 519 (43). Llybenyth. See Llevenethe. Llysdullas. See Dulas. Lobbe, Wm., 438 (1 m. 12). Lobons, John, mason, 307 (p. 142). Locarno (Lucarne, Locarum), in Italy, 1127 (p. 539), 1277 (p. 587), 1566, 1647. Loches (Lochies) castle, in France, 264. Lockent. See Logan. Lockerley (Lokerley), Hants, 438 (1 m. 16). Lockswell (Lokkeswell), Wilts, 438 (4 m. 26). Lodbroke. See Ludbroke. Loddon, Norf., 438 (3 m. 5), 1803 (2 m. 5). Lode, Nic., 542. Lodebyre, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 17). Loder, James. See Lowther. Lodi, in Italy, 2029. • " bp. of [Octaviano Maria Sforza], 1277 (p. 587). Lodirsdane. See Lothersdale. Loee, Ric. See Lee. Lofte, Henry, hermit, g. 885 (7). Logan (Lockent), John, a Scot, p. 1522. Logge, Warw., 438 (4 m. 24). Loggyn, 2054 (2). Logiebride (Logybrid), in Scotland [in Auchtergaven], p. 1521-2, 1529. Logie Pert (Loguntrose), in Scotland, rectory of, p. 1522. Logroño (Longionio, Logrogno, Lucronii, Trollogrono), in Cas- tile, 1432, 1459. letters dated at, 1359, 1369, 1458, 1509, 1511, 1515. Lokerley. See Lockerley. Lokkeswell. See Lockswell. Loksmyth, John, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Lokton, Rob., s. and h. of Geoffrey, g. 3499 (22). Lokyer, Philip, 2738. Loly or Lole, Ric., 438 (2 m. 5). Lombardy and the Lombards (Lum- bardys), 1007, 1020, 1489 (p. 679), 1695, 1866 (p. 851), 1892, 2006 (p. 908), 2746, 3527, 3544. Lombart, Pierre, French prisoner, p. 928. Philip, 628. Lomelyn or Lomylyn, Bartholomew, merchant of Genoa, g. 2137 (20). Dominico, merchant of Genoa, 52 :-g. 1172 (1), 2055 (87), 2137 (20). Lomesdale. See Lonsdale. Lomley. See Lumley. Loncastre. See Lancaster. Lond, Rob., g. 1494 (16). Londcote, Devon. See Lovicot. Londe. See Lounde. LONDON (minor references omitted), 205 (p. 106), 711, 874 (2), 1046, 1080, 1409 (2), 1661 (p. 752 bis), 1728, 1752, 1794, 1864, 1898, 1912, 1915, 2054, 2467, 2590:-g. 11 (10), 833 (11), 924 (36), 969 (5 § 2), 1170 (2), 1462 (38), 1524 (34), 1732 (21), 1836 (6), 2222 (12, 16). letters dated at, 4, 5, 7, 98, 156, 230, 238, 264, 275, 332, 365, 385, 395, 413, 421, 430, 434, 450, 455, 463 ii., 474, 476–8, 493, 508, 514, 531, 569, 601, 615, 652, 652, 674, 734, 759 ii., 793, 812 ii., 825, 854, 871, 882, 896, 911, 917, 933, 937, 941, 948-9, 952, 964, 973, 998, 1013, 1016, 1050, 1052-3, 1067, 1128, 1158, 1166–7, 1183, 1209, 1216, 1291, 1307, 1310, 1321, 1323, 1371, 1377, 1391, 1403, 1417, 1439, 1475, 1477, 1484, 1502, 1512-13, 1522, 1546, 1550, 1552, 1578, 1586-7, 1591, 1628 (2), 1702, 1762, 1766, 1769, 1949, 1956, 1969–70, 2013, 2060, 2067, 2111, 2160, 2223, 2229, 2265, 2278, 2412, 2457, 2490, 2493, 2573, 2626, Loguntrose. See Logie Pert. Loham. See Lotham. 438 (3 m. 31):—3499 (26). Wm., 494. Lokekyn. See Lovekyn. Lok (Loke, Look), John, mercer, 2632, 2654, 2722, 2724, 2747, 2773, 2844, 2847-8, 2852, 2902, 2942, 3003, 3018, 3024, 3029, 3034, 3040-1, 3045, 3068, 3073, 3097, 3102, 3108, GENERAL INDEX. 279 London, letters dated at-cont. • • 3141, 3151, 3268, 3268, 3270 ii., 3282, 3295, 3297-8, 3351, 3366, 3374, 3386, 3388, 3500 : -pp. 1510-11. deeds and grants dated at, 52, 468, 3142, 3180:-g. 190 (31), 632 (53). Act concerning juries, 1471. aldermen, 20 (p. 20), 438 (1 mm. 10, 18, 19, 20), 438 (2 m. 8 bis, 13 bis), 2929. Barber Surgeons Company, g. 1123 (32). complaint curates, 3602. against the Fishmongers Company, g. 1804 (19). grant of arms, 1442. Goldsmiths Company, con- firmation for, g. 414 (49). Grocers' Company, g. 1316 (4). Haberdashers' Company, confirmation of charter, g. 632 (32). Innholders' Company, g. 3582 (25). Italian merchants, 917. juries (Act), 2590 (15). keepers of the changes, con- firmation of charters, g. 1266 (2). mayor of, 2480 (40):-g. 2222 (16 London). See Jennings, Sir S. (1508–9); Haddon, R. (1512– 13).; Browne, W. (1513–14). , mayor and commonalty, 1493 iv. Mercers Company (Mercery), 1761:-p. 1498:-g. 519 (13, see Notes and Errata), 1732 (4), 1804 (40), 2617 (21). Merchant Adventurers. See under Merchant. , Merchant Tailors, 438 (1 mm. 3, 8, 19 bis, 22, 24), 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (3 mm. 6, 16, 21, 33), 438 (4 mm. 19 bis, 21), 763, 1803 (2 mm. 1, 2, 6) :— pp. 1501-2:-g. 1415 (19), 1524 (42), 1804 (25). confirmation of char- ters for, g. 485 (3), 682 (18). Pewterers Company, con- firmation of charters, g. 1602 (28). Plasterers Company, con- firmation of charter, g. 1003 (4). port of, 438 (2 m. 20), 3085, 3313 (6). customs and customers, 312, 438 (1 m. 5 bis, 10), 438 (2 m. 20):—g. 94 (27, 32, 34, London, port of, customs and cus- tomers-cont. • 38, 73, 95), 132 (14, 44, 54), 158 (44–5), 190 (45), 218 (14), 257 (66), 289 (34), 357 (7, 8), 381 (23), 519 (23, 58), 546 (24, 67), 604 (2), 632 (25, 68), 651 (5, 30), 682 (5), 885 (16), 969 (22, 71), 1044 (14), 1123 (9), 1172 (2), 1221 (38), 1266 (25, 40), 1316 (33), 1462 (7, 20), 2684 (91), 2964 (48), 3049 (1), 3107 (4). gauger of, g. 449 (2). packership, 2590 (8). ., surveyor of customs. See Heron, J. surveyorship of the port, 2590 (18). 54 (19). (45). troner and peiser, g. wherries in, g. 158 recorder of, 438 (1 m. 8). See Sheffield, Sir R. serjeant at the mace, 438 (3 m. 7). sheriffs, 20 (p. 20), 438 (1 m. 3), 3353 :—g. 158 (74). Stockfishmongers Company, 438 (4 m. 28). sword bearer of, 20 (p. 20). ulnage of cloth in, g. 1221 (34). vice-chamberlain of, 20 (p. 20). places in and near: Algate or Aldgate, 438 (2 m. 28), 1416. Allhallows, g. 833 (70). Allhallows, Barking, vicar of, 1811. All Hallows Bredstrete, g. 2617 (7). All Hallows, Hony Lane, g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). Allhallows the Little, g. 132 (13). All Hallows, Lombard Street, g. 1804 (37). All Hallows, London Wall, g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). Allhallows the More, g. 709 (52). rector presented, g. 632 (75). All Hallows Stanynges or Staynyng, g. 519 (7), 857 Angel without Temple Bar, 1397. Arches, Court of, 1803 (2 m. 2). Austin Friars, 933, 949, 2929:―g. 2684 (69). 280 GENERAL INDEX. London, places in and near: Austin Friars-cont. London, places in and near: Char- terhouse-cont. J. .., prior. See Toneys, Barking, 1811. Guild of St. Mary, g. 3107 (30). Barnard's Inn, 438 (3 mm. 6, 23). Baynards (Baynaudes, Cas- trum Bernardi) Castle, 1420, 1801 (2), 1858, 1982, 2010, 2765, 3018 :- p. 1516-g. 94 (35 p. 50), 1836 (32). letters dated at, 1150, 1750 (3, 4), 2308 : pp. 1510, 1520 :—g. 2055 (80). Berebynder Lane, g. 519 (7). Bethlehem hospital (St. Mary of Bethlehem), war- den, g. 1123 (61). Bishop of London's palace beside St. Paul's, 20 (pp. 12, 21), 3003. Black Friars, or Friars Preachers, 353, 1420, 2590, 3017 (2), 3185:— g. 2617 (18). (24). annuity to, g. 132 prior of; 2765, 3017 (2). Black Wall (Blake Wale), 2546, 2865, 3137 (15). Blomesbury, 438 (3 m. 26). Borthalane or Bordhaw- lane, g. 3499 (18). Botolph's (Bottalles, Botoll), quay or wharf, 2167 (1, 2), 3420. Bow Lane, g. 709 (52). Bredstrete, g. 1266 (7). Bridewell, Wolsey's house at, 1969. Bridge House, 20 (p. 20). master of the, 438 (1 m. 25). Buklersbury, g. 604 (23), 1662 (33). Bush Lane, g. 833 (14), 1415 (3). Candelwyke, Candewyke, Canwyk Street, 146: g. 289 (12), 2055 (74). Carlisle lands, g. 1316 (11). Chancery (Chaunsler) Lane, g. 2964 (64). Charing Cross, 1 (p. 2), 20 (p. 21), 2539 :— g. 1316 (11). Charterhouse, 438 (2 m. 15), 3374:-g. 546 (30), 3107 (19) William prior of, 438 (2 m. 15), 492. 492. letter to, Chepe or le Chepe, g. 731 (8), 1494 (40), 2617 (7). Great Conduit in, g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). Christchurch priory. See below, Holy Trinity. Church Alley, g. 2684 (77). Clements Inn, 438 (1 mm. 10 bis, 15), 438 (3 m. 3, 22), 1118. Clerkenwell, 438 (1 m. 4), 438 (2 m. 30). Clifford's Inn, 438 (3 m. 7, 8), 438 (4 m. 18). Clynke, the, 20. Coldharbour (Coldehar- brough), g. 132 (13, 29). Conys Wharf, p. 1515. Cornhill, g. 357 (32), 604 (15). Counter prison, g. 857 (22), 1266 (7), 1316 (38). in Breadstreet, 20 (p. 12). in the Poultry, 20 (p. 12). Cow Cross Street, g. 1836 (10). Croked Lane, g. 381 (2). Crutched Friars, 3568 (2):— p. 1532. Custom House, 438 (2 m. 17), 559 :-g. 94 (39). Cussyn Lane, g. 709 (52). Distaf Lane, g. 519 (7). Doctors Commons, 949. Dovegate, g. 709 (52). Dowgate Ward, g. 833 (14), 1415 (3). Durham Place, 438 (1 m. 25). Durham Rents, 438 (1 m. 25). Dyers' Company, g. 1948 (25). Eastcheap, 1416. Ely Place, g. 731 (2). Fanchurche Street, g. 519 (7). Farringdon Ward, g. 2684 (77). Farringdon Without, 763. Fenkeslane. See below, Fynkes. Fetter (Fater) Lane, g. 731 (2). Fleet prison, 725, 2441 2804, 3389, 3447:-g 604 (40). GENERAL INDEX. 281 London, places in and near: Fleet prison-cont. • 26). keeper of, 438 (1 m. warden of, 438 (2 m. 25). See Villers, W. Fleet Street, 20 (p. 21):—p. 1512:―g. 381 (29), 651 (23). sign of the Walssh- man, g. 381 (29). Fynkes, Fynkys, Fenkes, Lane, g. 357 (32), 604 (15), 1948 (100). Goldsmiths' Hall, 2781 ii. Grays Inn (Greysin), 438 (1 mm. 1, 4), 438 (2 m. 8, 23), 438 (3 m. 12), 438 (4 mm. 2, 19), 1803 (2 m. 3), 2733. Grey Friars ("Place of St. Francis "), warden. See Cutler, J. Grubstrete, g. 3107 (52). Guildhall, 559 :—pp. 1548- 9. Holborn, 438 (3 mm. 6, 9, 17, 21, 23), 438 (4 m. 8) -g. 731 (2). 2024. White Hart inn, prebendary of [in St. Paul's], 438 (3 m. 13). Holy Trinity, alias Christ- church, priory, 438 (1 m. 19), 1406 (4). confirmation for, g. 1804 (24). election of prior, g. 1365 (10), 1415 (5), 1462 (22, 38), 1662 (21), 1948 (84). prior. See Percy, T.; Bradwell, J. Holywell (Halywell) nun- nery, g. 804 (31). Hospital of St. Thomas. See below, St. Thomas. Houndsditch (Hondesdyche, Hunsdyche, Hundiche), 2812, 3251:—pp. 1512, 1514. Belle Howse in, 3521. Hydoke's quay, 2167. Inner Temple, 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 4). King's Bench prison, 20 (p. 12):—g. 190 (35). Langborn ward, g. 519 (7). Ledon Hall, 20 (p. 12) :—g. 381 (47). Le Herber inn, g. 1415 (3). London, places in and near-cont. Limehouse (Lymemoste), 3318. Lime Street, p. 1514. Lincolns Inn, 438 (3 m. 1), 1803 (1 m. 1, 2 m. 6), 3068-g. 2964 (64). Lollards Tower, 3523. Lombard Street, 2945 (p. 1274):—g. 604 (34). London Bridge, 20 (p. 20), 559 (p. 327) :—p. 1514. masters of, g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). Ludgate prison, 20 (p. 12). keeper of, 438 (3 m. 13). Lyon's Inn, 438 (2 m. 4). Marshalsea prison, 763:- g. 546 (23), 3049 (34). Marte Lane, g. 857 (14). Mayden Lane, g. 519 (7). Middle Temple, 392, 438 (2 mm. 12, 26), 438 (4 m. 1). Mile End (Mylles hend, Millhend), 2834, 3222, 3251: pp. 1515, 1519. Newgate gaol, 20 (p. 12):- g. 218 (1), 709 (62), 731 (27), 924 (14), 969 (17), 1732 (2, 16), 2484 (15). New Hospital of St. Mary. See below, St. Mary Spittle. New Inn, 438 (3 m. 7). principal of, 438 (3 m. 16). New Temple, bars of the, 438 (2 m. 4). Old Bailey, g. 381 (29), 651 (23). Old Temple, bars of the, 438 (3 m. 24). Paternoster Row, g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). Lovelles Inn, g. 1662 (58). Pool, the, 2546. Poultry, 438 (4 m. 1). Prince's Wardrobe, g. 414 (69). Ratcliff. See under R. Redcross Street, 723-g. 257 (56). Roiall, the, g. 381 (14). Rolls House ("house of the Converts "), g. 94 (44). account of keeper of the House of Converts, 2587. St. Andrew's near Bay. nard's Castle (or in the Wardrobe), 20 (p. 17), 877 282 GENERAL INDEX. London, places in and near: St.An- drew's near Baynard's Castle- cont. 383). rector of, 707 (p. rector presented, g. 2617 (45). St. Andrew's Holborn 438 (1 m. 21), 438 (3 mm. 24, 28), 438 (4 m. 7) :— g. 2684 (77). St. Andrew Undershaft (Viderschafre), rector of, p. 1521. St. Anne and St. Agnes, rector of, pp. 1524, 1526. St. Augustine's, g. 447 (8). St. Bartholomew's hospital in West Smithfield, 438 (3 m. 31). St. Bartholomew's priory, beside Smithfield, 438 (4 m. 21), 1803 (1 m. 4). prior. See Bolton, W. St. Benet's at Polles Wharf, p. 1520. St. Botolph's without Aldersgate, g. 731 (20). St. Botolph's near Billings- gate, g. 1462 (19). St. Bride's (Brydis), par- sonage in Fleet Street, g. 218 (13) :—g. 357 (43). St. Clement's Danes or St. C. without Temple Bar, 438 (1 m. 1, 2), 438 (2 mm. 4, 5, 12, 14, 17, 29), 438 (3 mm. 3, 7, 15, 22, 26, 31), 438 (4 m. 16), 3142 :-g. 1003 (22), 1316 (11), 1662 (46). St. Dunstan in the West, g. 1462 (15). St. Ethelburga, g. 2772 (24). St. Faith's, g. 1662 (58). St. Giles without Cripple- gate, 438 (2 m. 22):—g. 257 (56), 731 (33), 1083 (14), 1415 (7), 2617 (7), 3107 (52). St. Giles in the Fields, 438 (1 m. 25):-p. 1513:- g. 289 (13). St. Giles hospital without Old Temple Bar, 438 (2 m. 11). St. Helen's, beside Bishops- gate, nunnery, g. 604 (15), 1948 (100). St. James in Garlikhithe, g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). St. John's, jurisdiction of, 438 (3 m. 20). London, places in and near-cont. St. John's Street, 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (2 m. 19), 438 (3 mm. 10, 18):—g. 1836 (10). St. John Baptist upon Wal- broke, g. 414 (60):-g. 563 (1). St. Katharine's hospital be- side the Tower, 438 (1 m. 19), 579, 1429:—g. 94 (4). confirmation for, g. 447 (10). jurisdiction of, 438 (3 m. 20). ton, J. master. See Pres- St. Laurence Jewry, g. 731 (33). St. Laurence Lane, 1664, 1761-g. 731 (8), 2617 (7). St. Laurence Pountney or Poulteney college, 631. master. See Ros- ton, Ric. St. Leonard's Shoreditch, 438 (2 m. 29). St. Magnus, rector of, 438 (4 m. 27). St. Margaret's, g. 381 (2). St. Margaret's Lothbury, 78. St. Margaret Moyses in Friday Street, rector pre- sented, g. 651 (29). St. Margaret Pattens, g. 190 (17). St. Martin's, 157. St. Martin's in the Field, 438 (1 m. 25). St. Martin's le Grand, g. 485 (55 p. 298), 731 (20). commissary of, 438 (3 m. 14). St. Mary Aldermary (Alder- marichurch), g. 1415 (7), 2535 (16). St. Mary Axe, indulgence for church repairs, g. 2862 (4). St. Mary of Bethlehem, hospital, g. 2055 (45). St. Mary le Bow, g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). St. Mary Bothowe, g. 833 (41), 1415 (3). le Herber inn, g. 833 (14). 1531. rector of, pp. 1527, St. Mary Colchurche, g. 604 (23), 1662 (33), 2772 (24), 3499 (18). GENERAL INDEX. 283 London, places in and near-cont. St. Mary Graces. See below, Tower Hill. St. Mary Magdalen, Milk- street, g. 357 (33), 749 (28). St. Mary Matfelon, 438 (2 m. 28):-g. 731 (20). St. Mary Spittle, or the New Hospital of St. Mary without Bishopgate, 20 (p. 12), 438 (2 m. 15): -g. 3408 (39). prior of. See Cres- hall, R. St. Mary de Rouncidevall, chapel [at Charing Cross], confirmation for, g. 381 (96). L. master. See Longe, St. Mary le Strand, 438 (1 m. 17), 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (4 mm. 24, 26) :—g. 1316 (11). St. Mary's Wolchurche, g. 519 (7), 749 (16). St. Michael ad Bladum, rec- tor of, p. 1524. St. Michael Basingshawe, g. 94 (20), 604 (9), 731 (20), 2861 (36). St. Michael Cornhill, g. 604 (15), 1948 (100). St. Michael Crooked Lane, dean of the college. See Brent, T. St. Michael Paternoster, g. 709 (52). St. Michael Queenhithe, g. 632 (54), 1415 (7), 2617 (7). rector of, 438 (3 m. 13), 1803 (2 m. 3):-p. 1521. St. Mildred in the Poultry, g. 257 (19), 1494 (40). St. Nicholas Acorn, g. 731 (20). St. Nicholas Fleshambles, or at the Shambles, 1416 :— g. 2684 (77). 25). rector of, 458 (2 m, St. Pancras, g. 1415 (7). St. Paul's Cathedral (Pow- lys), 19, 20 (pp. 11, 19, 20-1,), 342, 438 (2 mm. 12, 13), 438 (4 m. 22), 559 (p. 327), 936, 949, 1750 (5), 2122, 2355, 2469, 2929-31, 3003, 3523, 3549-g. 682 (25), 969 (75), 1804 (40), 1948 (95), 2772 (28), 3499 (10). altar of St. Kath- arine, p. 1528. London, places in and near: Paul's Cathedral-cont. St. College of Minor Canons, confirmation for, g. 731 (9). confirmation for, 447 (7). • • • g. dean. See Colet, J. dean and chapter, 1 (p. 2), 438 (2 m. 18). · precentor of. See Ferdinandus, R. G. treasurer of, 438 (2 m. 26). St. Paul's bakehouse (Pou- lis Bakehoce), 612. St. Paul's Churchyard, g. 519 (13). St. Paul's School, founded by Dean Colet, 931, 1122, 1167, 2088 :-App. 5: g. 519 (13, see Notes and Errata), 1804 (40), 2617 (21). St. Peter's, g. 749 (28). St. Peter's in Chepe or West Chepe, g. 357 (33), 1415 (7), 2617 (7). St. Sepulchre's without Newgate, 438 (4 m. 25), 763-g. 190 (23), 731 (20), 1003 (22), 1524 (37), 2684 (77). St. Stephen's, Colman Street, g.833 (16),1732(4). St. Stephen's Walbrook, rector, 2395. St. Swithin's, 559 (p. 327). St. Swithun in Candylwyk- stret, p. 1548:-g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). St. Swithin's beside London Stone, 146. St. Thomas of Acres, 1761: -p. 1526. master. See Young, J. Savoy (Savye), 2480 (§ 2), 2574, 3483. steward of, 438 (2 m. 12). Savoy hospital, g. 1316 (11), 2617 (18). building of, 1 (p. 2). Shordiche, 438 (2 m. 7), 438 (3 mm. 1, 32). Snowrehill, g. 190 (23). Staple Inn, in Holborn, 438 (1 m. 15). Steelyard (Styllard) or Guildhalla Teutonicorum, 903, 1395, 2668, 2765, 2831, 2832 (v., vi.) :—pp. 1508-11, 1513-15:- App. 14. 284 GENERAL INDEX. London, places in and near: Steel- yard-cont. -cont. confirmation of London, places in and near: Tower charters for, g. 381 (68). • inward pricker, g. 289 (36). Strand (Strond) 438 (2 m. 8), 1803 (2 m. 6):—p. 1518. Strand (Stronde) Cross, g. 1316 (11). Strand (Strond) Inn, with- out Temple Bar, 438 (4 mm. 7, 16 bis). Temple, 1803 (2 m. 6). Temple Bar, 438 (3 m. 7) : g. 632 (83 ii.). See also New Temple and Old Temple. Tower, 81, 110, 118, 185, 438 (4 m. 24), 559-60, 876, 877n, 978, 1394, 1450 (p. 661), 1463 v., vi., viii., 1513, 1572, 1960, 2072, 2220, 2226, 2416, 2482, 2546, 2606, 2668, 2683, 2719, 2812, 2832 iii., v., 3017 (2), 3137 (16), 3162, 3251, 3421, 3432, 3484, 3506, 3539, 3555:—pp. 1511, 1513-15, 1519:-App. 14, 17:-g. 54 (82), 1123 (57), 1415 (25), 1732 (41). grants dated at, g. 11 (10), 54 (2-5, 15-6, 38, 79), 94 (100–1), 257 (28), 289 (29, 39–42, 47– 8), 381 (89, 90), 414 (44), 546 (7, 19-21), 682 (22–3, 33), 709 (17). 516. letter dated at, 273, .., chaplain of, g. 190 (21), 257 (46). See Sur- land, R. († 1509); Nor- ton, R. constable, g. 54 (16), 1732 (41). See Oxford, Earl of; Lovell, Sir T. See deputy lieutenant of, 438 (3 m. 4). Cholmondeley, Sir. R. ., gunners, 438 (2 m. 7) :—g. 132 (74, 104), 190 (2), 218 (51), 289 (39), 357 (25), 485 (1), 519 (9), 632 (67), 1003 (2), 1123 (24), 1172 (14), 1266 (29), 2535 (7), 2617 (32), 2964 (29), 3226 (23), 3499 (1), 3582 (24). 311. their pay, keeper of the arrows, g. 94 (21). See Hende, W. keeper of the bows, g. 604 (25), 1123 (57). See Southworth, H. keeper of the garden, g. 218 (46), 924 (5). keeper of the lions, &c., g. 54 (14), 1804 (13). See Oxford, earl earl of; Worseley, J. Martyn tower near the Lion tower, g. 257 (72). master mason, g. 546 (72). master smith, g. 257 (96), 2684 (71). See Woodland, C.; Johnson, C. Mint and Change in. See Mint. ordinances for the garrison, 118. porter, 438 (2 m. 13):—g. 485 (57). works at, at, 1954, 3251, 3307, 3363, 3410: g. 158 (11), 682 (37). yeomen of the Guard (yeomen of the Chamber attending in the Tower), App. 13. See also Henry VIII. 265. yeomen's livery, Tower Hill (or St. Mary Graces) abbey, 438 (3 m. 16): p. 1530:-g. 857 (14), 3107 (31). (45). abbot of, g. 969 See Langton, J. ; Prehest, R. • confirmation for, g, 682 (32). Tower Street, the King's Armoury, p. 1517. Tower Wharf, 1704 :-p. 1514. Vintry, 2220. Walbroke, g. 519 (7). Wardrobe or Great Ward- robe, 20 (p. 17). See also under Henry VIII. Warwick's Inn, g. 2137 (4), 2772 (9). Watelyng Street, g. 833 (70). West Smithfield, g. 2684 (77). GENERAL INDEX. 285 London, places in and near-cont. West Smithfield priory. See above, St. Bartholo- mew's. Whitechapel, p. 1512:—g. 969 (45). Whitecross Street, g. 257 (56), 1415 (7), 2617 (7). White Friars, 2539. Whittington College, 438 (1 m. 23). Wood Street, g. 749 (28). Worcester place, g. 1316 (11). London, Treaty of (23 March, 1510), 2957. London, bishop of, See FitzJames, Ric. confirmation for, g. 414 (63). consistory court, 631. official of, g. 546 (64). London, Augustine, abbot of War- • don, 438 (2 m. 31). John, 438 (3 mm. 4, 11). Mr. John, rector of Lifton, g. 158 (51). Londondale. See Longden Dale. Lonelleypton. See Upton Lovell. Long or Longe, Alex., 438 (3 m. 24). • Henry or Sir Henry, 438 (2 m. 13), 1453, 3483 :—App. 9, 26 :—pp. 1546, 1548 :-g. 651 (7), 969 (23), 1948 (75), 2055 (99). (Lang), John, 1803 (2 m. 4): -p. 1548. Laurence, master of of St. Mary de Rouncival, g. 381 (96). (Laung), Matthew, archd. of Surrey, 1803 (2 m. 5). Ric., 438 (4 m. 25), 2337, 3338 :-g. 1221 (45), 1804 (39). Th., 438 (2 m. 13). Wm., 438 (4 m. 25). Longaischton. See Ashton. Longavylla. See Longueville. Longbridge (Langbrigge), hospital or priory [in Berkeley, Glouc.], g. 751 (1). Longburgh (Langborough), Cumb., 438 (3 m. 30) Longcastre. See Lancaster. Longden Dale (Londondale), Chesh., g. 2617 (20). Longdon, Salop, g. 2684 (1). Longdon (Longedon), Staff., g. 709 (22). Longdon, Worc., 438 (2 m. 24). Longdon, Rob., g. 3499 (12). Longe. See Long. Longe, Merkes. See Lang. T Longevile. See Longueville; also Longvile. Longford (Langforthe), Derb., 438 (3 m. 1). Longford (Lanford), near Gloucester, g. 2055 (14). Longford (Langford) Cervington, Wilts, 438 (1 m. 13). Longforgan (Langforgum), in Scot- land, 462. Longfylde, Duke of. See Longue- ville. Longionio. See Logroño. Long Leadenham (Longledonham), Linc., rector of, p. 1526. • " presented, g. 1524 (19). Longland, John, D.D., rector of Lif- ton, g. 2055 (27). Lucas, 2727. Longley, prebend in Lanchester, Dham., p. 1525. Longley, Friar. See Langley. Longueville, in Normandy, abbey of St. Faith, g. 1221 (28). Longueville (Longavylla), Francis de Bourbon, duke of († 12 Feb. 1513), comte de Dunois, 406, 1055, 1064, 1081, 1087, 1090, 1127, 1509, 1511 (p. 698), 1647 (p. 743), 2237. · his son's death, 1647 (p. 743). (Longheville), Louis d'Or leans [de Bourbon], duke of, ma arquis of Roteln (Ruttelyn, Rotolin), comte de Dunois, 2168, 2170-2, 2173 (3), 2182, 2198, 2203-4, 2226–7, 2230, 2237, 2249, 2254 ii., 2261, 2299, 2391 (p. 1059), 2392 iii., 2556, 2597, 2620, 2633, 2729, 2929, 2956-7, 2994, 2996, 3003, 3009, 3018, 3024, 3087, 3098-3100, 3124, 3129–31, 3146–7, 3151, 3155–6, 3160, 3171, 3186, 3189, 3198, 3201, 3210, 3225, 3269, 3298, 3323, 3331, 3348, 3364, 3370, 3375, 3387, 3411, 3424, 3430, 3449, 3517, 3519-g. 3226 (24). letters from, 2729, 3155, 3230, 3239. letter to, 3188. commissions to, 3098- 3100, 3134. his chaplain, 2556. Longueville (Langvylle), herald, 2556. Longvyle (Longuevyle, Longefyld), Sir John, 20 (p. 16), 438 (4 m. 5) :—g. 54 (82), 414 (46). Lonhaun, John, clk., a Scot, p. 1524. Lonkester. See Lancaster. Lonnysburgh, William de, g. 158 (32). 286 GENERAL INDEX. Lonsdale (Landesdale), Lanc., 438 (3 m. 4). Lonsdale (Lomesdale), Westmld., g. 1732 (1). Lonsdale (Lounesdale), Yorks and Lanc., 438 (1 m. 15). Lonutdlount. See Dunleer. Looe (Loo, Lowe), Cornw., 438 (4 · m. 13), 1801, 1982 (4). rector presented, g. 731 (35). Look. See Locke. Loore, James, g. 924 (23). Lopen, Soms., g. 2684 (96). Lopez, Leonard, LL.D., Spanish en- voy to England and Scot- land, 1058, 1067, 1106, 1108– 9, 1158, 1269–70. Lorans. letter from, 1158. James tions to, 1106. IV's instruc- See Lawrence. Lord, George, p. 1519 :-g. 158 (11). • bill of, 1954. James, 438 (2 m. 4). (Laward), Robert, clerk to Sir John Daunce, 2050, 2961:―g. 2772 (34). Lordesman, George, 1262. Loredano (Lauredano), Leonardo, Doge of Venice, 320, 372, 382, 430, 1276, 1358, 1373, 1426, 1594, 2010, 2234, 2566, 2596, 2755:―g. 969 (40). letters from, 382, 1358, 1373, 1426, 2566, 2784, 3207. · letter to, 3553. signature of, 3542. Loreden, Marcus, 20 (p. 19). Loret, M. de. See Soliers. Loretto, in Italy, 917, 958. Lorraine, Anthony duke of, 545, 965 ii., 1837, 2391 (p. 1059), 2577, 3240, 3348:—App. 10. Lorraine, Alice daughter of Godfrey duke of, wife of Henry I., charter of, g. 519 (45). Lorraine, John of, 2458. Losa, Domingo de, a Spanish ship owner, 1866. Loseby (Lowesby), Leic., 438 (3 m. 6). Losell, Edmond, 707 (p. 383). Losenmarle. See Malenous. Losse, Nic., gunner, 3137. Lossenham (Losenham), Kent [in Newenham], 438 (3 m. 15). Lossilyon. See Luxilion. Lostwithiel (Lostithyell, Lostwyt- heel, Lastytheall), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 27), 438 (3 m. 22):- g. 132 (19), 158 (16), 546 (25), 632 (69). confirmation of charters, g. 546 (11). Lostwithiel-cont. stannary accounts, 2044. Lotham (Loham), Ntht., g. 969 (67). Lother. See Lowther. Lothersdale (Lodirsdane), Yorks, [near Dale End], g. 2772 (11). Lothingland (Luddynglond) hun- dred, Suff., g. 94 (35, 56), 682 (33). Lotrech. See Lautrec. Lotrell. See Luttrell. Louder. See Lowther. Loudun, in France, 3344. Louedey. See Loveday. Louetorre. See Loughtor. Loughborough, Leic., 438 (3 m. 4), 438 (4 m. 1):—g. 54 (20), 289 (13), 357 (17),833 (30). rector of, 438 (1 m. 18). Loughborough (Lughborow), Notts, rector of, 1803 (2 m. 3). Loughmoe (Lyethmacacmog, Lia- mocaernoc), vicarage, co. Tip- perary, pp. 1523, 1530. Loughor or Lwchwr (Lloughourne), co. Glamorgan, g. 3049 (20). Loughre. See Lowther. Loughrig, Westmld., g. 1732 (1). Loughton (Lowton), Bucks, 1410. Loughton (Lufton), Essex, g. 1221 (36). Loughtor (Louetorre), Devon, 438 (1 m. 13). Louis XI., King of France (1461– 1483), 535, 3185. LOUIS XII., KING OF FRANCE, personal references, 53, 130, 138, 140, 147, 154, 156, 162 (p. 85), 266, 292, 354, 367, 399, 406, 408, 413, 430, 432 ii., 434, 455, 463, 481, 526, 538, 601, 649, 670, 674, 690–1, 702, 724, 734, 759 ii., 761, 794, 809, 816, 850, 854, 858, 867, 902, 983, 1014, 1055, 1058, 1062, 1065, 1081, 1087, 1100, 1106, 1108, 1119, 1127, 1138, 1141, 1146, 1157-8,1178, 1220, 1228, 1257, 1265, 1268, 1271, 1277 (pp. 587-8), 1297, 1301 (pp. 594, 596), 1307, 1314–5, 1391, 1403-4, 1491, 1504, 1575, 1584, 1601, 1615, 1622, 1624, 1647, 1665 (p. 763), 1689 (p. 774), 1694, 1735 (p. 792), 1750, 1754, 1764, 1787, 1825, 1908, 1916, 1919, 1931, 1933, 1937-8, 1953, 1980, 1999 (3), 2014, 2029, 2038, 2067, 2083, 2092, 2107, 2116, 2119, 2122, 2126, 2128, 2132, 2142, 2154, 2157, 2164, 2169, 2182, 2198, 2204, 2209, 2212, 2229, 2238, 2242, 2247 (2), 2267, 2275–6, 2287, 2294 (2), 2311, GENERAL INDEX. 287 Louis XII., King of France, personal references-cont. • 2379, 2396, 2443, 2461, 2475, 2513, 2523, 2561, 2592, 2596, 2601, 2665-6, 2681, 2703, 2710, 2729, 2770, 2791, 2793, 2859, 2917-21, 2928, 2945, 2955, 3004, 3009, 3034, 3041, 3072, 3101, 3151, 3155–6, 3173, 3178, 3178, 3191, 3201-2, 3206n, 3230, 3240, 3252, 3256, 3264, 3266, 3269-70, 3285, 3292, 3294-5, 3328, 3331, 3334, 3342, 3348, 3357, 3361, 3364, 3369-70, 3375-6, 3378- 9, 3387, 3411, 3416, 3418, 3424, 3430, 3435, 3440-1, 3449, 3461, 3472, 3477, 3482, 3485, 3496–7, 3540, 3544–6, 3585:-App. 10, 11 :-g. 449 (19), 519 (47), 751 (2), 3226 (21). See also France, gov- ernment. • • " • . 9 letters &c. from, 113, 399, 470, 522, 536, 708, 758, 1328, 1501, 1909, 1929-30, 1959, 2071, 2150, 2156, 2275, 2297, 2399, 2871, 2934, 2957, 3098– 3100, 3124, 3217, 3225, 3232, 3244, 3323, 3498, 3580. letters to, 583-4, 657–9, 740, 755, 782, 870 (3), 1018, 1140, 1224, 1709, 2047, 2080, 2919, 3147, 3186-7, 3189, 3224, 3358, 3380-1, 3393, 3440, 3563 :—pp. 1527, 1531– 2:-App. 19. archers, 2110. illness of, 162 (p. 85), 3569, 3576. commissions by, 1243, 1273. intended interview with Henry VIII., 3201, 3331, 3342, 3411, 3416, 3424, 3430, 3452, 3486, 3500, 3531, 3547- 8, 3574. marriages for (suggested), 3009. niece to marry Julian de Medici, 2242. obligation by, 3066. pensioners or "hundred gentleman of the guard" of, 2110, 2172, 2173 (3), 2254 ii., 2392 iii. proposed meeting with Maximilian, 83, 130, 162 (p. 84), 565. his steward (in 2173 §3 called Longueville's steward), 2292 iii. Louis of Hungary, son of King Ladis- laus, marriage with Prince Charles's sister Mary, q.v. Louis, Maitre. See Maraton. Louis Monsieur. See Cleves. L. de. Lound. See Lund. Lounde (Londe), Rob., vicar of Guisbrough, 1803 (1 m. 4). Loundehelle, Devon. See Landhill. Lounesdale. See Lonsdale. Lourchecomb. See Lurcombe. Loure. See Lowre. Louth (Lowthe), Linc., 438 (1 mm. 2, 6), 436 (2 m. 13), 438 (3 m. 10), 438 (4 mm. 22, 25) :—g. 1494 (55). abbey of or of Louth Park, 438 (2 m. 21). G. abbot. See Walker, Louthe (Lowthe), Th., 438 (4« m. 1): p. 1538:-g. 414 (55), 587 (1), 1602 (10), 2222 (16 Hunts.). (Lowthe), Wm., goldsmith, 438 (1 m. 6). (Lowth), Wm., prior of Wal- singham, 136:-g. 3408 (28). Louther. See Lowther. Louthparks. See Louth. Louthre. See Lowther. Loutotreuce (i.e., l'Haute Autriche). See Austria. Louvain (Loven), 1546, 2404 iii. (see Notes and Errata), 2940–1, 2995 (p. 1294), 3018. letter dated at, 1547. See Ewe and Lovayne, lord of. Lovayne. Lovat (Lovetus), Lord, slain at Flod- den, 2246 (4), 2313. Love, Ant., g. 1462 (36). John, 1313-g. 1948 (25). Nic., gunner, g. 1172 (14), 1266 (29). Reynold, g. 2772 (22), 2862 (10). Wm., 20 (p. 13). Loveday, Henry, 1803 (2 m. 2). (Lovedey, Louedey), John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 438 (1 m. 13), 707 (p. 383). Noel, 82 (p. 39):-g. 1836 (10). Walter, ship captain, 1413, 1600, 1661 (3, 4), 1869 iii., 2304 (3), 2305 ii. bis, 2652, 2686, 2714, 2846. Wm., g. 3408 (33). Lovedown (Levedown), Essex, near Hockley, 438 (4 m. 1). Lovekyn. Arthur, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41), 877n. Arthur, King's scholar, 954. (Lokekyn, Lufkyn), George, clerk of the Stable, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40), 370, 428, 453, 506, 540, 605, 1022, 1177, 1255:- g. 218 (48), 563 (9). 288 GENERAL INDEX. Lovelas or Loveles, of Kent, 309. Sir Ric., under-marshal of Calais (temp. Henry VII.), g. 784 (25), 833 (36), 857 (10), 2055 (62). Lovell, Francis or Sir Francis, vis- count, attainted, 1493 vi. :- g. 257 (65), 563 (12), 709 (14, 31), 804 (10), 833 (12, 14), 885 (10), 1044 (10), 1172 (7), 1221 (23), 1266 (9, 12, 33), 1316 (4), 1365 (19), 1415 (3, 11), 1662 (58), 1948 (31), 2055 (131), 2535 (8, 10), 2617 (20), 2684 (82), 2772 (11, 51), 2863 (10), 2964 (44), 3049 (8), 3324 (32). Sir Gregory, 438 (1 m. 19). Henry, g. 257 (53). Sir Rob., 20 (p. 15), 1661 (3):-p. 1541:—g. 132 (26), 381 (43), 414 (4), 833 (58), 2222 (16 Norf.). Rob., g. 784 (22). (Lowell), Sir Thomas, K.G., treasurer (or keeper of the Great Wardrobe) of the Household, "Mr. Treasurer,' &c., 1, 19, 20 (pp. 13, 17, 20), 37, 58-9, 82 (pp. 38-9), 104, 118, 168, 193 (p. 104), 362, 438 (2 m. 14), 438 (4 m. 24), 442, 559 (p. 327), 582, 893 (2), 1004 (3), 1176 (1, 2), 1280, 1322, 1427, 1446, 1493, 1589, 1661 (3, 4), 1673, 1715, 1903, 2067n, 2163, 2269, 2325, 2470, 2604, 2838, 2913 (p. 1261), 2974, 3087, 3135, 3137 (16), 3154, 3268, 3377, 3502: :-pp. 1507, 1509, 1512, 1515, 1518-9, 1533, 1538, 1540-1, 1542 bis, 1543-4 : App. 14, 21:-g. 94 (35, p. 50), 132 (35, 51, 91, 115), 158 (24), 218 (53, 57), 289 (5, 32), 381 (19), 731 (27-8), 749 (24, 44), 784 (16, 36), 804 (8, 29, 31,) 833 (5, 50 ii.), 969 (17), 1083 (41), 1123 (15), 1170 (7), 1266 (10), 1316 (4, 11), 1365 (19), 1494 (46), 1732 (2, 41), 1948 (85), 2055 (60, 80, 104), 2222 (12, 16 Midd., London, 2330 (3. 4), 2484 (17, 27), 2684 (41), 2964 (53), 3408 (37). letters from, 2974, 3087. • recognisances made to, g. 54 (3), 94 (99), 132 (18, 34), 218 (24, 59), 257 (80), 289 (6, 44), 357 (10), 381 (108), 414 (46), 449 (18), 485 (42), 651 (7, 32), 682 (3), 749 (24), 784 (56), 804 (6, 49), 3499 (41). Lovell, Sir Thomas-cont. · • signature of, 19, 58–9, 118, 168, 265, 313, 404, 716, 820, 845, 2308, 2441, 2832 v.: pp. 1509-10, 1515, 1520:—g. 11 (12), 54 (33, 48–9), 94 (43), 132 (65), 190 (19, 25, 35, 41), 218 (33), 257 (26, 37), 414 (48, 52), 448 (1), 519 (5), 604 (18, 25–6), 651 (7), 731 (7, 19, 52), 749 (3), 1003 (15, 17), 2222 (12), 2535 (29), 2684 (17), 2772 (58), 2863 (8, 9, 13), 2964 (45), 3499 (60), 3582 (15, 26). Sir Th. [junior], knighted at Tournay, 2301, 3575 ii. Th., of Norfolk, 438 (1 m. 19). Wm., p. 1536. William lord Morley, q.v. Lovelsupton. See Upton Lovell. Loven. See Louvain. Lovere, in Flanders, 2404. See Notes and Errata. Loversdale, Cornw. See Laversdale. Lovesey. See Levesey. Lovet (Lovette), John, 438 (1 m. 25):—g. 1462 (15). • (Lovett), Nic., 438 (4 m. 9), Th., 438 (3 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 1): p. 1541 :-g. 546 (59). 2484 (9), 3499 (12). Lovicot (Londcote), Devon, [in Har- wood], 438 (2 m. 27). Lowchampe, Pierre prisoner, p. 928. de, French Lowder. See Lowther; also Lauder. Lowdham, Notts, 1803 (1 m. 6). Lowe. See Looe. Lowe, Ant., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41). See also Love. Dionisius, g. 2772 (2). Humphrey, g. 2772 (2). Lowedowe. See Dunleer. Lower. See Lowre. Lowerlammeschawe. See Laneshaw. Lowesby. See Loseby. Lowestoft (Leystoft, Loyestofte, Las- top, Laistofte, Levestoft), Suff., 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 29), 1262 (p. 578), 1672, 2671:-g. 94 (35), 94 (56), 682 (33). ships of, 1982 (4). Lowick (Lowyke), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 8). Lowman, Wm., master cook, 20 (p. 18) :—g. 94 (78). Lowrans, Th., rector of Conesholme, g. 190 (42). Lowre (Loure, Lower), Wm., 676 :- p. 1535:—g. 833 (58 iii.), 2222 (16 Cornw.), 3324 (24), 3408 (4). GENERAL INDEX. 289 Lowson, Th., g. 651 (25). Lowthe. See Louth. Lowther (Louther), Cumb., 438 (3 m. 24). Lowther (Louthre, Lother, Sowder), Westmld., 438 (3 m. 27), 438 (4 m. 26). rector of, p. 1525. Lowther (Lother, Louthre, Loughre), Sir Hugh, 438 (3 mm. 27, 34):-g. 257 (49). (Loder, Louder), James, gen- tleman usher, 20 (p. 14):— g. 885 (10). (Lowder, Lother, Louther), Lancelot, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 15), 3313 (6) :—g. 54 (77), 190 (26), 784 (37). Lowton. See Loughton. Loxley (Loxeley), Staff., g. 969 (59). Loy. See Ley. Loyall, Wm., 2542 :—pp. 1512, 1514. Loye, Th., brewer, g. 1083 (38). Loyes. See Lewis. Loyes Wedon. See Weedon, Loyfy, Hugh, 1945. Loys, Maitre. See Maraton. Lozano, Fray Alonzo, envoy of King Ferdinand to Rome, 2887. Lubbesthorpe (Lublesthorp), Leic., 438 (2 m. 12). LUBECK and the Lubeckers, 247, 285, 462, 547, 1155, 1210-11, • 1330, 1336, 1731, 2973, 3196-p. 1516. letter to the Council, 1730. Lubiana (in Austria ?), Laybach ? 3014 ii. Lublesthorp. See Lubbesthorpe. Lucam. See Lugano. Lucarne. See Locarno. Lucas, John, vicar of East Pennard, 438 (4 m. 24). Thomas, solicitor to Henry VII., 438 (1 m. 6), 1176 (1 iii., 2), 1493—p. 1544 :-g. 132 (25, 115), 289 (5), 381 (37), 519 (62), 731 (14), 969 (38), 1316 (4). recognizances made to, g. 54 (3), 94 (99), 132 (18, 34), 218 (24, 59), 357 (10), 381 (108), 414 (46), 485 (42), 651 (32), 682 (3), 784 (56), 1316 (26). Lucca (Luke, Luce), in Italy, mer- chants of, 438 (3 m. 25 bis), 1493 vi., 2832 (iv., v.):—pp. 1509-11 :—g. 257 (67), 651 (30), 731 (52), 1170 (11), 1266 (40), 1462 (20), 1662 (15), 1804 (38), 1836 (23), 1948 (74), 2055 (5 ii., 33, 101), 2861 (19), 2964 (82), 3107 (5). Luceria. See Luzzara, Wt. 11494. Lucerne, in Switzerland, 2144, 2771, 3534. Luchyngton. See Lushington. Luckham (Lukcomme), Soms., 438 (4 m. 15). Luçon, M. de, letter from, 2241. Lucronii. See Logroño. Lucton (Luctone), Heref., 438 (3 m. 17). Lucy, Lady. See Nevill. Lucy, Anne, 438 (1 m. 1). Edm., 438 (1 m. 1) :—g. 132 (15). Sir Edmund, 20 (p. 15), 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 5), 1176 (3), 1661 (p. 752), 2759:—p. 1533 :—g. 833 (31), 2222 (16 Beds). Eleanor, wife of Sir Edmund, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 5). Elizabeth wife of Sir Thomas, 1410, 1673. Humphrey, 653. (Luci), Joan widow of Ed- mond, 438 (4 m. 14). John, g. 132 (15). John de. See Lusy. Richard de (temp. Hen. II.), g. 2964 (67). Th., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 43), 201, 388, 653, 698, 822, 853 :- p. 1541:—g. 132 (15), 190 (31), 604 (22), 1494 (17). (15). • " signature, 698. livery of lands, g. 132 (Lucee), Sir Thomas, ship captain, 1396, 1398, 1410, 1453 ii., v., 1661, 1673, 1951, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5 ["Bury "] 6 ii.), 2480 (9), 3492, 3535, 3551 :-App. 26. Sir Wm., 438 (1 m. 1):-g. 132 (15). Lucyan or Lusynen, Jean de, French prisoner, 2053, 2172 :-p. 928. Ludbroke (Lodbroke, Lodebroke), John, 438 (3 m. 6). Ludbrook (Sutludbroke), Devon, 438 (1 m. 18). Ludclynche. See Lydlinche. Luddenbeg (Lugden), co. Limerick, p. 1530. Ludder river, in Scotland, p. 1260. Luddynglond. See Lothingland. Ludeyate, Wm., chaplain, g. 682 (29). Ludgarshale, Wilts, 438 (3 m. 5) g. 632 (30). Ludgarshall (Lurgathall, Lurgessale), Bucks, 438 (3 mm. 13, 27). Ludigan [co. Wexford ?], p. 1525. Ludlow (Liddelowe, Luddelowe), Salop, 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (2 mm. 13, 30), 438 (3 m. 16), H 19 290 GENERAL INDEX. Ludlow-cont. 438 (4 mm. 14, 20), 1803 (1 m. 2):-g. 651 (24). letter dated at, 1174. confirmation for, g. 381 (103). Guild of palmers, g. 784 (10). Guild of St. Mary, 438 (2 m. 7). porter of the castle, g. 94 (10). rectory of St. Laurence, p. 1523. Ludlowe, John, 438 (1 m. 10):—g. 2484 (9), 3499 (12). Maurice, g. 519 (57). Ludyngton. See Lyddington. Ludyngton, Glouc. See Ledington. Luffe, John, 1803 (2 m. 5). (Luff), Wm., 438 (1 m. 22). Luffield, Ntht., g. 1316 (15). Lufkyn. chapel of St. Thomas, g. 1316 (15). priory, g. 1316 (15). See Lovekyn. Lufton. See Loughton. Lufton (Lukton), Soms., 438 (2 m. 4). Lufton, Ric., mayor of Chichester, 438 (2 m. 34). Lugano (Lucam, Ligan), in Italy, 1127 (p. 539), 1277 (p. 587), 1566, 1647. Lugden. See Luddenbeg. Lughborow. See Loughborough. Luittichau. See Luttichau. Lukcome. See Luckham. Luke. See Liège. Luke, Anne, the king's nurse, 82 :- g. 132 (39), 1221 (18). Walter, husband of Anne, pp. 1533, 1538 :—g. 132 (39), 381 (78), 804 (28), 924 (37), 2222 (16 Hunts). Lukton, Soms. See Lufton. Luky, Wm., late vicar of Lyminge, &c., 438 (2 m. 6). Lullingham. See Leulinghen. Lullingston. See Lillingston. Lullingstone (Lullynston), Kent, 438 (3 m. 7):-g. 632 (70), 2055 (95). Lulworth, Dors., 438 (2 m. 11). Lulworth, East- (Estlulleworth), Dors., 1803 (1 m. 1). Lumbard, John Antonyn de, 1568. Lumbardys. See Lombardy. Lumbier (Lumbierre, Alumberry, Allambure), in Navarre, 1320, 1326 (p. 613), 1327. Lumley (Lomley), Sir John lord, knighted after Flodden, 2239, 2246 (4 ii.), 3464. • Richard lord, 205, 963. • · > letter to, 291. Lumley-cont. Roger, 291. Lumsden (Lummisden), Thomas, merchant of Copenhagen, herald, 302, 665. Lumton. See Lambton. Lund (Lunden), in Denmark, abp. of [Byrger Gunnari], 285. Lund (Lound), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9). Lundoris. See Lindores. Lunenburg, in Germany, senate of, 285. Lupset, Th., goldsmith, 438 (1 m. 24). Thomas, 2088, 2133, 2418. Lupton, Ralph, M.A., rector of Tor- rington, g. 2861 (9). Dr. Roger, King's chaplain, provost of Eton, clerk of the Hanaper, 19 (p. 11), 20 (pp. 12, 14), 341, 438 (3 m. 29), 579, 644, 875, 1046, 1406, 1549, 2439, 3313 (6), 3315, 3594:-p. 1534:—g. 132 (113), 158 (72), 414 (62), 784 (44), 1365 (6), 2055 (61), 2964 (36), 3324 (44), 3408 (25). signature, 644. account as clerk of the Hanaper, 579. Lurchestrother. See Luststruther. Lurcombe (Lourche comb, Linthe- combe), Devon [in Bicking- ton], g. 447 (9), 3499 (48). Lurgathall. See Ludgarshall. Lurgessale. See Ludgarshall, Lusa, M. de, his castle in Navarre, 2006 (p. 907). Luse. See Lusy. Lushington (Luchyngton), John, g. 1804 (6). Lusk (Luske), in Ireland, 3583. Lussher, Ric., g. 2535 (11). Lusshyngbourne. See Luxemburg. Lussura, Nicholas, 1495 v. Luststruther (Lurchestrother), Scotland, 2443. Lusy, Anthony de, 2074. in (Lucy, Luse), Jean de, lieutenant of the Prince of Castile's ordnance, 1950 (2), 2135, 2383-4, 2414, 2492, 2751, 2767:-g. 2772 (60). Lusynen. See Lucyan. Lute, Roger, 2034 (2). Luthyngton. See Lyddington. Luton (Leuyton), Beds., 438 (4 m. 15). Guild of Holy Trinity, 438 (3 m. 25). Lutsenburgus. See Luxemburg. Luttichawe (Luittichau), Sir Sig- fried, councillor of George duke of Saxony, 729, 811 :— g. 804 (14). GENERAL INDEX. 291 Lutton, Ntht., 438 (1 m. 25). Luttrell (Loterell, Lotrell, Luterell, Lotterell, Lutterell), Sir Hugh, 20 (p. 15), 438 (3 m. 4), 1176 (3), 1661 (p. 753):—p. 1543:- g. 2222 (16 Soms.). Luxemburg (Lusshyngbourne), 1481, 2095 ii., 2101, 2106, 2144, 3174. Luxemburg (Lutzenburg, Lutsen- burgus), Ant., steward of the abbot of St. Bertin at St. Omer, 2223, 2724. (Luxonbroght), Charles de, a captain of the sieur de Fiennes, 2995. Jacques de, sieur de Fiennes, q.v. Luxilion (Lossilyon), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 25). Luysy. See Lusy. in Mantuan territory, 1301 (p. 596). Luzzara (Luceria), Lwchwr. See Loughor. Lwke. See Liège. Lyance or Lyaunce, Lewis, g. 2684 (43). Lyanyngton. See Lymington. Lychard, Simon, purser, 3148. Lychebarowe. See Litchborough. Lychefeld. See Lichfield. Lydd (Leed, Lyde), Kent, g. 289 (17), 2862 (7). Lyddington (Liddington, Ledyngton, Ludyngton, Luthyngton), Rutl., 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (2 m. 14), 438 (4 mm. 3, 6 bis). grant dated at, g. 857 (10). Lydiard Bishop's (Lidiare Episcopi), Soms., 438 (4 m. 17). Lydiard Tregoose, Wilts, 438 (2 m. 34). Lydley (Lyddelowe), Salop [in Car- dington], 438 (3 m. 2). Lydlinche (Ludclynche), Dors., 438 (1 m. 11). Lydney (Lydenea), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 23):—g. 1524 (47). vicar of, 438 (1 m. 3). Lye. See Lee. Lye, Soms. See Leigh. Lye Abbatis. See Abberley. Lyell. See Lisle. Lyeme. See Lyme Regis. Lyethmacacmog. See Loughmoe. Lygh. See Lee; also Leigh. Lyghes. See Leighs. Lyght, Ant. See Lee. Lygon, Ric., p. 1546 :-g. 546 (58), 1494 (60). Lyle, Lyley or Lylle. See Lisle. Lylyton. See Lillington. Lymbowe, Th., 2293. Lymbryk, Isabel, 438 (3 m. 16). Lymby. See Linby. Lyme, Chesh., 438 (3 mm. 13, 33), 438 (4 m. 16). Lyme (Lyeme) or Lyme Regis, Dors., 438 (1 m. 21), 874 (2), 1801, 3313 (6). confirmation of charters, g. 632 (62). prebendary of, 438 (2 m. 9). vicar of, 438 (3 m. 21), 438 (4 m. 25). Lymemoste. See under London. Lyminge (Lymmyngge), Kent, vicar of, 438 (2 m. 6). Lymington (Lemyngton), Hants, 438 (4 m.2), 1882:—g.1083(2). letter dated at, 1613. Lymington (Lyanyngton), rector of, p. 1526. Soms., Lymington, New-, Hants, 438 (3 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 25). Lymisne. See Limena. Lympsham, Soms., 2537. Lympyn or Lympeny, John, 438 (3 m. 31):—g. 132 (57). Lymster, John, 1589. · • " Wm., g. 924 (36). Lymyster. See Leominster. Lynago. See Legnago. Lynam. See Lyneham. Lynce or Lynche, in Germany. See Lintz. Lynche, Mr., 20 (p. 13). Wm., 438 (2 m. 13). Lyncoll, Th., of Brentwood, 176. Lynd. See Lynne. Lynde (Lyende), Robert, 438 (4 m. 11). (Lyne), Th., 438 (3 m. 6):— pp. 1536, 1543 :-g. 2484 (9). Lynden, Henry, denization of, g. 833 (9). • John, 2049. Lyndon, Rutl., 1803 (1 m. Lyne. See Lynne. Lyne, Th. See Lynde. Lyneham (Lynam), 6). Devon [in Yealmton], 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (2 m. 12) :—g. 3499 (73). Lyneham, Lynam, Lynham or Ly- nom, Th., 438 (3 m. 16), 2766 :—pp. 1537-8, 1543, 1546-g. 414 (48, 52), .1123 (20), 1316 (9), 2055 (42). Lyng, Soms., g. 804 (52). Lyngham or Lyngon. See Lingen. Lynn (Lenne, Lenn, Lene), or Bishop's Lynn, Norf., 438 (1 mm. 3 bis, 19, 20, 23, 25 bis), 438 (2 mm. 6. 25, 34), 438 (3 mm. 2, 4, 6, 16, 22, 26), 438 (4 mm. 3, 7, 12, 19 bis, 22, 24 bis), 874 (2), 1645, 1803 (2 m. 6), 2671, 3313 (6) :—p. 1505 :—g. 132 (124), 381 (43), 447 (23), 1266 (4), 2617 (6), 3107 (24). 292 GENERAL INDEX. Lynn-cont. • commission of the peace, p. 1540. confirmation of charters, g. 485 (28). Guild of Holy Trinity, 438 (1 mm. 19-20), 438 (2 m. 25). Guild of St. George, 438 (1 m. 20). ships of, 1982 (4). water bailiff of, g. 218 (48). Lynn, North- (Northlenn), Norf., 438 (1 m. 23). Lynn, South- (Southlyn), Norf., 438 (2 mm. 6, 26), 438 (4 m. 9). Lynn, West- (Westlenn), Norf., 438 (1 m. 23). Lynne (Lynd, Lyne), Edmund, 792, 798, 877n. bis, 1332, 2454, 2949, 3494. John, abbot elect of Jed- burgh, 1433, 2461. Ric., 438 (2 m. 9). Rob., 438 (3 m. 17). Stephen, 3343. (Lynd, Lyne, Lenne), Wm., 438 (3 m. 28), 1803 (1 m. 3), 1803 (2 m. 4): p. 1548: g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 784 (2). Lynom. See Lyneham. Lynryche wood, Warw. [in Sutton Coldfield], g. 1044 (5), 3324 (27). Lynse. See Lintz. Lynwood (Lyndwood), Hants, 2531. Lynye. See Ligne. Lynyngton. See Lennington. Lyon, lordship of. See Holt. Lyon king of Arms, of Scotland [Henry Thompson]. 20 (p. 17), 153, 665-6; [Sir Wm. Cumyng], 2122 (3), 2156–7, 2161, 2164, 2169, 2198, 2204, 2391 (p. 1059), 3468, 3481. Lyons, in France, 367, 413 ii., 794n., 942, 1301 (pp. 595-6), 1647 (p. 743), 1895, 2069, 2074, 2107, 2113, 2128, 2198, 2237, 2259, 2307, 2373 ii., 2746, 3160, 3338, 3369, 3444, 3519, 3531, 3544, 3569. letters dated at, 850, 858,. 2095 ii., 2169, 2241, 2307. Lyons, Gulf of (Mar de Lione), 1321. Lypiat (Lipiatt), Glouc., 438 (2 mm. 11, 24). Lypiat, Nether (Netherlupeyate), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 9). Lypwsca. See Guipuscoa. Lyrndall, Th., purser, 3148 iii. Lys, the Flemish river, 2170. Lysk. See Licques. Lyston, Devon. ~ See Lifton. Lytchet Matravers (Lichet Moutra- vers), Dors., 438 (4 m. 12). Lyte, Th., 438 (3 m. 2). Lyth. See Leith. Lythe, Yorks, rector of, 438 (2 m. 9). Lythe, Margaret, 1803 (2 m. 3). Lythwood (Lethewood), Salop, g. 257 (21). Lytle. See Little. Lytlyngton. See Littleton. Lytster. See Lister. Lytton, Wilts. See Latton. Lytton (Litton), Lady, 146, 559 (p. 327). (Litton), Eliz., 438 (2 m. 18). John, clk., 438 (2 m. 5). Sir Rob., 1803 (1 m. 4) :—g. 1602 (13). ..., Wm., 164, 1803 (1 m. 4) :— g. 632 (26), 2222 (16 Herts), 2684 (41). Lyttsteyne. See Lichtenstein. Lytull. See Little. Lyxborne. See Lisbon. M Mabankes, Surr., g. 709 (32). Mablethorpe (Malberthorp, Mapil- thorp), Linc., 438 (2 m. 13): g. 632 (39), 969 (31), 2484 (25). Mabley, John, chaplain, 2480 (25). Mabson, Rob., p. 1512. McBrek, Andrew, almoner of James IV., 107. • Archibald, canon, 178. MacCarmacan. See MacCormac. Macclesfield (Maxfeld, Maksefeld, Makesfeld), Chesh., 438 (4 mm. 7, 20), 1803 (1 m. 1) :—g. 731 (3), 750 (3). Macclesfield (Maxfild) Forest, Chesh., 438 (1 m. 11). Macclesfield (Maxfeld, Makkesfeld, Makelesfeld), Ralph, abbot of Kenilworth, 438 (2 m. 20). MacCormac (MacCarmacan), Mene- laus, bp. of Raphoe, 2630 :- p. 1529. Macdonallynd, Maurice, clk., p. 1532. Macdovill, Æneas, canon, p. 1524. MacEgan (Mageo cagayn), Constan- tine priest, p. 1524. (Machaygayn), Cornelius, p.. 1524. MacGennis (Magnassa), Arthur, clk., p. 1527. GENERAL INDEX. 293 MacGennis-cont. (Magnassa), Gelasius, abbot of Inch, pp. 1526–7. 1244. canon of Dromore, M'Gyllaghe, John, clk., brief to, 1244. Machado, Roger, Richmond [i.e., Richmond Clarencieux] king at Arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 172:—g. 158 (44), 218 (14). Machell, Dr., 2576. (Mauchell), John, 438 (4 m. 8). Th., vicar of Torpenhow, 438 (4 m. 8). Machelyn. See Mechlin. Machimaii, Dermicius, Limerick, p. 1522. Machyn. See Matching. dean of McIan (Mackan, Mackeyn) [of Ardnamurchan], Scottish chieftain, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2973. Mackney (Makkeney, Makney, Mac- ney), Berks, 438 (2 m. 14). McLean (MacCleen, Makclayn) [of Dowart], Scottish chieftain, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313, 2973. Macloneigh (Macluoynheho), Cork, p. 1525. Maclyn. See Mechlin. Co. Macnamara (Macnaman), Conay, treasurer of Killaloe, p. 1526. (Macriamara), Donatus, clk., p. 1530. Laurence, canon of Killaloe, p. 1530. Mâconnais (Masconnois), the, in France, 2646, 2705. Macosquin priory (St. Mary de Claro Fonte), co. Londonderry, p. 1522. Macrathagairt, John, canon of Derry, p. 1530. Macray. See Magrath. Macriamara. See Macnamara. Macworth. See Makworth. Madder, Margaret, wife of John, 438 (2 m. 7). Maddington (Maydenton), Wilts, 438 (3 m. 5). Maddok, Madok, or Maddokes, Wm., of Henry VII.'s chamber, 20 (p. 14), 2606 :-g. 257 (56). Madeley, Humphrey, 1174. Th., g. 132 (85). Madison, Edward, ship owner, 1940, 2211. John, 20 (p. 13):-g. 857 (4). MADRID (Madryle), 329 (p. 151), 345 (p. 160), 408, 2486 (2), 2769. Madrid-cont. letters dated at, 2459, 2554, 2588, 2743, 2762, 2823, 2887. Madringham. See Metheringham. Madryn. See Meilltyrn. Maelenydd (Myleneyth, Milleneth, Melenneth) lordship, in Wales, 438 (3 m. 26):- -g. 1316 (16), 2684 (103–5). woods (named), g. 3049 (7). Maestricht (Mastrik), 2068, 2123. Mafeld. See Mayfield. Magagnosco, priory of St. Laurence of, in Glasgow diocese, p. 1521. Haddington ? Magdeburg, bp. of, 2755. Brandenburg, Albert of. See Mageocagayn. See MacEgan. Magfinalud, in Ireland, in Tuam diocese, p. 1523. Maghfeld. See Mayfield. Maghlyn. See Mechlin. Magius. See Meghen. Magliana (Manliana, Majana), the Pope's villa near Rome, 2921. letters dated at, 2916-20. Magnassa. See MacGennis. Magnesia, in Asia Minor, 1604. Magni, Petrus, 2752. Magnus, Henry, 874 (2), 3313 (6). (Magum), Thomas, King's chaplain, archdeacon of East Riding, 438 (4 m. 7), 1450, 2651, 3480:-g. 3107 (38). Magorneys' lands," g. 833 (70). Magotson, Wm., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 43). Magrath (Macray), Thady, priest, p. 1524. Maguire, Nicholas, bp. of Leighlin († 1512), p. 1528. (Maguydir), Roger, clk., p. 1523. Magum. See Magnus. Magunce. See Mentz. Maheneot. See Menheniot. Mahommedans (Makhométans), 724, 1974. sects of, 766. Maiden Bradley (Mayden Bradlegh), Wilts and Soms., 438 (3 m. 28). priory, 438 (3 m. 17). confirmation for, g. 632 (49). prior. See Jennings, R. Maidencote. Berks [in East Garston], g. 833 (70). Maidford, Ntht., p. 1548. Maidstone (Maydeston), Kent, 438 (1 mm. 6, 19), 438 (4 m. 23). 1453 x. :—g. 289 (43), 1732 (8), 2055 (120). grants dated at, 1803 (1 m. 3):-g. 731 (25–6). 294 GENERAL INDEX. Maidstone-cont. College, 438 (2 m. 22):- -g. 2684 (81). W. master. See Grocyn, Guild of Corpus Christi, con- firmation of charters, g. 709 (49). Maidwell (Maydewell), Ntht., (1 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 7). 438 Maine, in France, g. 1221 (7). Maingoval (Myngoval), Anthony de Lannoy Sieur de, great esquire of Flanders, 3400. Mainwaring (Manwaryng), Charles, g. 2484 (24). > George, g. 1494 (9). (Mannaryng), Joan, 438 (1 m. 25). (Manwaryng), John or Sir John, of Eghtfeld, knighted at Lille or Tournay, 2053 (1, 2, 3), 2301, 2392, 2480 (45) :— App. 26-p. 1543. John, 2392. Peter, g. 94 (105). (Mayngwaryng), Randolph, 438 (3 m. 5), 2392. (Manerynge), Roger, 438 (1 m. 19):-—g. 731 (23). Maior, John, 438 (1 m. 25). Nic., the King's saddler, 20 (p. 19), 3343. Maison, Oswald, a Scot, 817. Majana. See Magliana. Major, Th., 1451. Majorca, bp. of. See Rojas, A. de. Majorete (Mayorete), in Spain, deeds dated at, 2492, 2725. Makarrig, Eugenius, clk., p. 1525. Makclayn. See McLean. Makcownell, Wm., 1262 (p. 578). Makelesfeld. See Macclesfield. Makelyn. See Mechlin. Makerelsbury. See Maskelsbury. Makesey. See Maxey. Makesoun, James, servant of James IV., 301, 2616. Makkeney. See Mackney. Makkesfeld. See Macclesfield. Makkilholl, Donald, 1262 (p. 578). Maksefeld. See Macclesfield. Makworth (Macworth), George, 438 (3 m. 18):-g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 969 (23). Makyll. See Mechlin. Malabayla, M., declines the office of steward to the French Queen, 3364. Malacca, captured by the Portuguese, 1974. Malaga, bp. of. See Haro. Maland, Nic., g. 2137 (7). Malary. See Malory. Malaspina, Barnabas marquis, 2352. Malberthorp. See Mablethorpe. Malde, John, rector of Sproatley, p. 1521. Maldon, Beds. See Maulden. Maldon, Essex, 438 (2 m. 9). Malefantes lands, co. Glamorgan, g. 54 (87), 158 (55), 519 (51). Malenous or Losenmarle, near Terou- enne, 2391 (p. 1060), 2392. Malerbe, Joan, d. and h. of Wm., 1803 (2 m. 6). Malery. See Malory. Malet, Baldwin, p. 1543 :-g. 804 (52). James, B.D., canon of Wind- sor, g. 2772 (15), 3408 (27). Robert, founder of Eye priory, charter of, g. 546 (35). Maleudry, beside Lincoln, 438 (2 m. 6). Maleverer (Malyverer), Joan, g. 1221 (16). (Malevery, Maliverer, Mal- leverey, Mauliverer, Maly- vere), Ric. or Sir Ric., esquire for the Body, knighted after Flodden, 20 (p. 16), 438 (2 m. 12), 837, 1363, 2246 (4 ii.), 2740:-g. 804 (29 vi., xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1365 (3). receipt by, 837. (Malevoray), Sir Wm., knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.). Maleverer, Comte de. See Maulev- rier. Malham (Malhom), in Craven, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 5). Malham, of the Chancery, g. 11 (10). • (Malghom), John, 1803 (2 m. 3). Maliant, M. de, of Savoy, 1972. Malines. See Mechlin. Malison or Malisson, John, a Scot, 539:—pp. 1521, 1524. Maliverer or Malivery. See Male- verer. Malketon. See Malton. Mallerstang, Westmld., g. 833 (41). Malley, Robert de, g. 784 (24). Malling (Mawlyng, Mellyng) or West Malling, Kent, 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (4 m. 26), 1803 (1 m. 4) :— g. 1836 (27). ., nunnery, 438 (3 m. 21). abbess. See Hull, E. Malling, South. See South Malling. Malmesbury (Mawmesbury), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (2 mm. 15, 28), 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 8), 1803 (1 m. 4). abbey, 438 (2 m. 14):—g. 94 (35), 749 (43), 1462 (30), 3408 (40). GENERAL INDEX. 295 Malmesbury, abbey-cont. abbot. See Olveston, T.; Frampton, R. election of an abbot, g. 381 (8, 11), 546 (64), 833 (52), 969 (5). fee farm of, g. 94 (35). Malmesbury hundred, Wilts, 438 (4 m. 8). Malmesbury (Mawmsbyrry), Wm., 2415. Malmesey (Mawlmesey), Peter. See Malvesey. Malmeshill. See Mansel. Malmyshillacy. See Mansel Lacy. Malory (Melory, Malary, Malere, &c.), Ant., 438 (3 m. 7) :—p. 1538. (Malery), Sir John, 2480 (27). (Malery, Malary), Nic., 438 (3 m. 32):-p. 1546. Malpas, Chesh., 438 (1 m. 12). Malpas manor, co. Monmouth, g. 604 (18). Malshanger (Malishangre), Hants, grant dated at, g. 563 (11). Malta, bp. of [suffragan of Palermo]. See Saulis. Maltby [with Raithby], Linc., 438 (4 m. 25). Maltbye, John, rector of Hemswell, g. 1732 (7), 1804 (43). John, rector of North Lew, g. 731 (22), 2055 (84). (Malteby), John, rector of Washingbrough, g. 1266 (31). Maltmen, 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (4 m. 15). Malton (Malketon), Camb., 438 (3 m. 29). Malton or Old Malton, Yorks, g. 3499 (78). priory, 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 15). · prior. See Shopstone, R. Malton, Rob., rector of Burgh, g. 138 (34). Wm., 315. Maltravers (Matravers), Thomas lord. See Arundel, T. earl of. (Matravers, Mautravers), William Fitzalan (or Arundel), lord, 20 (p. 14), 37, 707, 2053 (6 ii.): pp. 1536-7, 1543, 1545-6 g. 447 (25-6), 709 (60), 1083 (39), 3049 (11). Anne [Percy] his wife, 82 (p. 41):-g. 709 (60), 3049 (11). Malvenda, Peter de, Spanish mer- chant, g. 885 (6), 1044 (3). Malvern, Great-, Worc., priory, 438 (2 m. 20). • confirmation for, g. 1316 (23). Thomas prior of, 438 (2 m. 20), 1493 iv. Malvern, Little, Worc., priory, 1803 (2 m. 1). Th. prior. See Colman, Malvern Chace, Worc., g. 1524 (47). Malvern, John alias Pope, sub-prior of Cirencester, 438 (3 m. 13). Wm., abbot of Gloucester (1514), g. 2964 (22, 34), 3226 (25). letter from, 3010. letter to, 3290. Malvesey or Malmeseye (Mawlmesey), Peter, groom of the Cham- ber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 475, 640, 877n., 1015, 1290, 2622, 3554 :-p. 1517. Malyard, Ant., g. 731 (8), 2617 (7). Malyn, John, abbot of Waltham Holy Cross (1514), g. 2964 (26). Ric., g. 1123 (17). Malyson. See Malison. Malyvere. See Maleverer. Mammelukes, 2875. Stradiots? Man (Mane), Alice, g. 3107 (43). Brian, 438 (1 m. 15). (Manne), John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 438 (1 mm. 15, 18), 707-p. 1534. John, prior of St. John's Hospital, Canterbury, signa- ture of, 480. Roger, p. 1549. Th., 438 (1 m. 15). Manachen, Alex. (Alexandro Man- zino), ship captain, 2304 (3, 4), 2305 iii. Manaton, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Manby (Manbee), John, 438 (2 m. 20). Mancefeld. See Mansfield. Mancell. See Mauncell. Manchester, Lanc., 438 (1 mm. 11, 18), 438 (2 m. 34), 438 (3 m. 8), 2651:—g. 2861 (31). college, keeper of, 438 (3 m. 14). Mandeville's (Monviles, Moundevyles) manor, Suff., [in Sternfield,] g. 1316 (20), 2055 (95 i., iii.). See Manners. Maners. Maneryng. See Mainwaring. Manfeld, Rob. (temp. Hen. VI.), g. 2330 (2). Th., g. 2330 (2). Manfrone (Manfredus), Julio, a cap- tain of Venetians, 2352 (2). Manfroy, Earl, a French nobleman, 3348. Mangall, Th., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 438 (3 m. 19). Mangotsfield (Mauguarsfeld), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 8). Maningham, Isabel widow of Sir John, 438 (4 m. 15). 296 GENERAL INDEX. Mankoyll, Nicolas, captain of mer- cenaries, 2835. Manliana. See Magliana. Mannaryng. See Mainwaring. Manneng, Wm., 2938 ii. Manners or Maners, Anne, wife of Sir George, 438 (2 m. 15). • Sir George, knight for the Body, 20 (p. 13), 131, 438 (2 m. 15), 442 :-p. 1545 :-g. 257 (49), 289 (32), 1221 (6), 1494 (45). See also Roos, Lord. becomes Lord Roos (21 Nov. 1512), g. 1494 (45). Henry, son of Thomas lord Roos, 3348 (3), 3357. Sir Richard, 37. Robert, 438 (2 m. 15). Th., g. 1602 (9). Manningham, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 25). Mannington (Manyngton), Norf., 438 (3 m. 16). Mansel Lacy (Maunsill Lacy, Monse- hill Lacy, Malmyshillacy, Malmeshill, Maunsell), Heref., 438 (2 mm. 6, 26):-g. 519 (64), 2772 (20), 3107 (48), 3324 (5), 3499 (6). Mansfeldt (Mansfelde), Count, 2790. Mansfield (Maunsfeld in Shirwode), Notts, 438 (4 m. 13) :—g. 751 (3). Mansfield Manor (Mauncefed, Mance- feld Maner), Notts, g. 833 (55), 2684 (1). Mansfield Woodhouse (Maunsfeld, Mauncefeld Wodhouse), Notts, 438 (1 m. 22):—g. 751 (3), 833 (55), 2684 (1). Mansilla (Manselya), in Spain, 329 (pp. 148, 153), 345. letters dated at, 253, 260. Mantell or Mauntell, Margaret widow of John, 438 (3 m. 16). Walter s. and h. of John, g. 709 (63), 1462 (37). Mantholme, Yorks [beside Bever- ley], g. 132 (115), 289 (5). Manton, Rutl., 438 (1 m. 14). Mantua, 113, 483, 1301 (pp. 595, 597– 8), 1345, 1354, 1374, 2020, 2154, 3537. letters dated at, 1102, 1178, 1220, 1277 (pp. 587-8), 2732, 2757, 3267, 3281, 3459. Diet at, 222, 266, 669, 681, 708. Mantua, cardinal of, 1277 (p. 587). Isabel marchioness of, sister of the duke of Ferrara, 1250, 3169. FRANCIS (Gonzaga) III., MARQUIS OF, gonfalonier of the Church, 9, 83, 147, 154, 162 (p. 85), 373, 408, 417, 570, : Mantua, Francis III., marquis of— cont. 598, 689, 1178, 1277 (p. 587), 1301 (p. 597), 1617-8, 1773, 1953, 2908, 3024, 3034, 3040:—p. 1516. letters from, 1178, 2732, 2757, 3267, 3281, 3459. letters to, 598, 689, 941, 1079, 1617-8, 1773, 3024, 3034, 3040, 3078, 3169. • made prisoner by the Venetians (Aug. 1509, re- leased July 1510), 147, 154, 162 (p. 85), 530, 598. Frederic prince of, son of the marquis, 2732. letters to, 1619–20. Manuel (Emmanuel), Don Juan, 1683, 2003, 2083, 2421, 2502, 2571, 2633, 2697, 2815, 2859, 2908, 3524. Manumission, g. 3582 (17). Manuzio, Aldo (Aldus Manutius), the printer, 1552. Manwaryng. See Mainwaring. Manzino, A. See Manachen. Maonesi, the, of Scio, 1513. Maperley, John, g. 2684 (27), Mapilthorpe. See Mablethorpe. Mappleton (Mapilton), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 10). Maquelu, -, a French captain at Terouenne, 1961. Mar (Mariæ), earl of, 2313. See also Marche. Maramcherch. See Marham. Marano (Marrane), in Friuli, 2572, 2945, 3109. Maraton or Maroton (Marraton, 1 Marreton, Moraton, Mareton, Marton, Baraton, Moreton, Maroton, Marauton), Louis, the Emperor's secretary, 769, 884 (Maître Loys), 906, 919, 1293, 1309, 1311 i., ii., 1322, 1335, 1344, 1350, 1353, 1362, 1364, 1383, 1389, 1437, 1469– 70, 1554-5, 1779, 1895, 1993, 2039-40, 2068, 2106, 2123, 2182, 2208-9, 2230, 2285, 2339, 2408, 2474, 2528, 2563- 4, 2571, 2633, 2694, 2736, 2748, 2790, 2797, 2889, 2915, 2925, 2941, 2963, 2976, 2985, 2994, 3027, 3052, 3061, 3079, 3103, 3109, 3192. 2039-40. letter from, 1555, letter to, 1554. instruction for, 3061. a servant of, 769. Marazion (Marshasowe, Marhajowe), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 10). Marba. See Morbage. GENERAL INDEX. 297 Marbury (Merbury), Blanche, the Queen's servant, 3448. John, clk., g. 1662 (23). (Merbury), John, rector of Alvescott, g. 2422 (6). (Merberye, Merbury), Rob., 20 (p. 13), 438 (3 m. 8):-g. 414 (21), 1662 (23), 3049 (41). Marbyll, Ric., 438 (2 m. 8). Marc. See under Calais, Marke. Marcello, a Venetian merchant, 601. March, Earldom of, 808 :—g. 190 (6), 709 (14), 749 (23), 784 (8, 34), 1948 (31), 2484 (30), 2684 (36), 2772 (20), 3324 (37), 3408 (28), 3499 (6). auditor of, g. 132 (72), 381 (90). receiver of, 438 (4 m. 23):—g. 132 (52). , surveyor of, g. 1123 (19). March, Anne countess of, and of Ulster, grandmother of Ed- ward IV., 520 :-g. 749 (23). March, Edmund [Mortimer] earl of (1360-81), deeds of, g. 381 (99), 804 (4). March, Dennis, 1262. Marcham, Berks, vicar of All Saints, p. 1531. Marcham, Wm., g. 924 (27). Marchaund (Merchaund), Th., 438 (2 m. 31). Marche, Heref. See Marcle. Marche, in Luxemburg, 1813. Marche [in Scotland], Comte de la, 951, 3481; i.e., Earl of Mar. Marche (Le March), herald of the Duke of Albany, 3481, 3540. Marchell. See Marshall. Marchenston, James, a Scot, p. 1521. Marchienne, in Hainault, letter dated at, 2266. Marck, count of, 1162. Marcle (Marhyll, Marcull, Markehill, Myrhill, Marche) or Much Marcle, Heref., 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (3 mm. 2, 20), 438 (4 m. 8):—g. 94 (35). Marden (Mawrreden, Mawarden), Heref., 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 8) :—g. 94 (35). Marden (Merden) hundred, Kent. See Middleton and Marden. Mardewall, near Shrewsbury, g. 924 (21). Mardyke, Linc., g. 1123 (37). Mardyng or Mordyng, Hants, 1803 (1 m. 6). Mareham (Maryng) on the Hill, Linc., 438 (2 m. 10). Mareld. See Meryll. Mareny. See Marigny. Maresia. See Mattersey. Marevault, Jehan, 3349 (p. 1412). Marfleet (Mareflete), Yorks, 438 (1 mm. 8, 18), 438 (3 m. 12). Marfleet (Mayrflete), John, 438 (1 m. 8). Margam (Margan, Morgan) abbey, in Wales, 438 (2 m. 27). David abbot of, g. 1836 (18). Margaret countess of Richmond, q.v. OF THE MARGARET OF AUSTRIA, GOVERNESS NETHERLANDS (“Madame "), daughter of the Emperor Maximilian and widow of Philibert duke of Savoy and John son of Ferdi- nand of Aragon, 24, 83, 154, 162 (pp. 85-6), 253, 261, 319– 20, 325, 355, 365, 383, 390, 401-2, 413, 455, 476, 478, 508, 568, 592, 670, 706, 793 (p. 427), 825, 854, 1032 (5), 1101, 1127 (p. 539), 1182–3, 1213, 1226, 1229, 1241, 1245, 1252, 1258, 1276, 1279, 1288- 9, 1293, 1301, 1306-9, 1311 (pp. 601-2), 1322, 1333–4, 1338, 1343-4, 1353, 1357, 1362, 1370, 1378, 1384, 1389, 1394, 1404, 1421, 1430, 1434, 1436, 1440, 1447-8, 1452, 1456, 1468-9, 1481, 1492, 1529, 1554, 1566, 1576, 1591 (2), 1594, 1630, 1660, 1670, 1683, 1694, 1697, 1721-4, 1750, 1764, 1768, 1792, 1824, 1831, 1841, 1860, 1892, 1895, 1937, 1960, 1962-3, 1967, 1993, 2003, 2014, 2016, 2022, 2031, 2038, 2063, 2063, 2068-9, 2074, 2079, 2082-3, 2093, 2106, 2113, 2115, 2120, 2123- 4, 2131, 2147, 2160, 2198, 2203, 2220, 2225, 2230, 2242 (2), 2254–5, 2271, 2276, 2285, 2291, 2294 (2), 2296, 2328, 2341, 2355, 2366, 2368, 2372, 2375, 2378, 2380, 2383, 2391 (pp. 1060-1), 2392 (p. 1063), 2445-6, 2462, 2496, 2525, 2562, 2583, 2586, 2588, 2609, 2633, 2643, 2656, 2665, 2678, 2681 ii., 2694, 2697, 2711, 2736, 2740, 2767, 2777, 2779, 2782, 2797, 2800, 2809, 2811- 12, 2815, 2841, 2859, 2867-8, 2889, 2894, 2908, 2915, 2924– 5, 2940, 2945, 2947, 2985, 2995, 3014, 3018, 3046, 3051- 2, 3061, 3082, 3093, 3113, 3116, 3141, 3153, 3163, 3174, 3208-10, 3235, 3237, 3245–7, 3257, 3264, 3283, 3285, 3299, 2079, 298 GENERAL INDEX. Margaret of Austria, Governess of the Netherlands-cont. * 3329, 3331 (p. 1404), 3345, 3362, 3371, 3378-9, 3380, 3416, 3418, 3423, 3445, 3493, 3519-20, 3543, 3546, 3572, 3592:-g. 1524 (39), 2055 (132), 2484 (10). letters from, 446, 517, 667, 681, 741, 819, 832, 856, 884, 906, 919, 1197, 1278, 1280, 1311 iv., 1336, 1339, 1364, 1387, 1400, 1437, 1455, 1470, 1487, 1498, 1500, 1516, 1609, 1693, 1700, 1763, 1797, 1830, 1833, 1896, 1957-8, 1966, 1979, 2047, 2140, 2149, 2158, 2174-5, 2180, 2189, 2262, 2339, 2367, 2369, 2408, 2472-4, 2502, 2521, 2532–3, 2564, 2608, 2634, 2646, 2670, 2682, 2705, 2748, 2756, 2768- 9, 2774, 2849, 2905, 2963, 2976, 2994, 3027, 3047, 3079, 3103, 3573:—App. 3. ? letters to, 4, 13, 49, 84, 130, 143, 196, 200, 222, 266, 276, 333, 363, 366–7, 377, 445, 458, 484, 507, 515, 527, 545, 562, 565, 576, 590, 594, 620– 1, 627-8, 635, 645-6, 649-50, 669, 673, 718, 724, 769, 809, 818, 823, 840, 850, 858-60, 866, 868, 871, 898, 902, 942, 966, 983, 989, 991-2, 999, 1000, 1009, 1055, 1064, 1075, 1087, 1090, 1095, 1113, 1131, 1138, 1141, 1146, 1163, 1196, 1203, 1210, 1228, 1234, 1240, 1242, 1253, 1265, 1351, 1381, 1383, 1388, 1491, 1520, 1569, 1588, 1607, 1612, 1631–2, 1636, 1639, 1676, 1679-80, 1713, 1777, 1779, 1822, 1826, 1856, 1867, 1877, 1897, 1925, 1929, 1977, 1988, 1996, 2021, 2038 (2), 2061, 2070, 2076, 2091, 2103, 2110, 2125, 2128- 9, 2138, 2141, 2166, 2168, 2170-1, 2173 ii., 2182, 2184, 2194-5, 2201-2, 2208-10, 2213-5, 2235, 2362, 2370, 2466, 2488, 2528, 2563, 2571, 2649, 2654-5, 2661, 2700, 2704, 2719, 2737, 2749, 2775, 2794, 2856, 2858, 2877, 2943, 2972, 2992, 3041, 3056, 3070, 3074-5, 3086, 3192, 3217, 3258-9, 3268, 3271, 3388, 3590:-App. 7, 10-12. 1923. 2841. · signature of, 1750 (2), declaration by, 2421. justification by, Margaret of Austria, Governess of • the Netherlands-cont. • а Castilian valet de chambre, 1437, 1455. • • her lady mistress, 2633, 2905. Courrauden ? her officers, 2255, 2375. proclamation by, 1923. proposed marriage with Charles Brandon, 2573, 2610, 2632, 2654, 2670 (?), 2700-1, 2736, 2940-1, 3102, 3104, 3257 (?). proposed marriage with Louis XII., 2596, 2654, 2745, 3009, 3210 (p. 1361). proposed marriage with the Duke of Milan, 3405. her secretary. See Marnix, J. de. her steward, 2383. her treasurer, Don Diego. See Flores. MARGARET QUEEN OF SCOTS, wife of James IV., eldest sister of Henry VIII. (marries Archi- bald earl of Angus, 1514), 518, 880, 974, 1106, 1109, 1296, 1300, 1301 (p. 596), 1342, 1504 (pp. 692–3), 1563, 1694, 1735, 1767, 1775 (p. 810), 1776, 1922, 2122, 2157, 2248, 2278, 2323, 2394, 2423, 2440, 2445, 2516, 2568, 2573, 2595- 6, 2793, 2973, 3003, 3095, 3173, 3216, 3227, 3282, 3390, , 3481, 3540:-PP. 1516, 1529:-g. 2535 (28), 2862 (8), 3324 (39), 3499 (59). • letters from, 518, 1109, 1563, 1767, 2248, 2613-5, 2662, 3121-3, 3468, 3590. letters to, 3532:—p. 1532. birth (and death) of a son (in December 1512), 1504 (p. 693). her legacy [left by her brother Arthur], 1342, 1735, 1767, 1776, 2122. proposed marriage with Emperor Maximilian, 2573, 3051. proposed marriage with Louis XII., 2793, 2859, 2955, 3009, 3028, 3043, 3210. Margate (Margett Rood, Mergat), Kent, 1672, 1942, 2305 (p. 1035). Marghera (Margera), in Italy, Vene- tians defeated at, 2493. Margysson. See Marquise. Marham Church (Maramcherch), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 30). Marhyll. See Marcle. GENERAL INDEX. 299 Maricult. See Maryculter. Marigny (Maryney, Mareny), Jean de Sains, sieur de, bailli of Senlis, 3240, 3266, 3323, 3328, 3331 (p. 1404). letter from, 3328. Marignye. See Marnix. Mariners, 438 (1 mm. 6 bis, 9), 438 (2 mm. 18, 30), 438 (3mm. 4 bis, 33), 438 (4 mm. 2, 14), 1803 (1 m. 2):—g. 784 (46), 1804 (46). 2964 (1, 2, 35). Marinis, Brankinus de, merchant of Genoa, g. 357 (19). Laurence de, merchant of Genoa, g. 2055 (87), 2137 (20). Marischal (Merschell), Wm., Keith earl, 2461. (Marshall), Master of, slain at Flodden, 2313n. Mariswell, ship captain, 1661 (4). Markby, Linc., priory, 438 (4 m. 24). prior. See Alford, H. Marke, John, 438 (4 m. 6). Wm., 438 (4 mm. 6, 9). Wm., chaplain, g. 2772 (7). Markehill. See Marcle. Markenfield (Markynfeld, Martyn- • felde), Ninian or Sir Ninian, of Markenfield, 438 (2 m. 18), 2246 (4 ii.) :—g. 1494 (16). (Markynfeld), Sir Th., 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (2 m. 18). Markes, Lord. See Dorset, marquis of. Markfield (Markefeld), Leic., g. 1123 (58). Markham, Notts, 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 10). Markham, Great-, Notts, 438 (1 m. 17). Markham, West-, Notts, g. 1083 (46). Markham, Sir John, 438 (1 m. 22). John or Sir John, knighted at Tournay, 438 (1 m. 22), 2301, 2480 (52) :—p. 1539 :— g. 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.). Marklond, Peter, 438 (3 m. 6). Markyndell. See Martindale. Markynfeld. See Markenfield. Marland (Merland, Marlond), Nic., 1496, 1869 vii., 2414. his book, 1496. (Merleynd), Nic., ship cap- tain, 1176 (1, 4), 1189. Marlborough (Marleburgh, Merle- berg), Wilts, 436, 438 (1 m. 6):—g. 94 (35), 924 (29). priory, 438 (3 m. 15). St. Peter's, rector of, 438 (1 m. 7). Marlege (Marlegge, Marleche, Mar- lache), Rob., 438 (1 m. 12). Marler (Merler, Merlay, Marley), Emerus, 1803 (1 m. 5). • John, prior of St. John Baptist's hospital in Wells, 438 (2 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 7). (Merler, Morler), Ric., grocer, 438 (2 m. 25). Th., 1493 ii. :—g. 132 (32), 632 (35). (Merlar), Wm., pp. 1509–10, 1514. Marleton, Rob., serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42). Marliano (Marlyon), Louis de, physician, 1309, 1344, 1895, 2797-App. 5. Michael de, 1277 (p. 587). Marlond. See Morland. Marlowe, Great-, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 25 bis) :—g. 54 (70). Marly, Th., rector of Berwick St. John's, p. 1521. Marlyn, Arnold, 3148. Marmyon, Th., 1493 ii. Marnell. See Marnhull. Marnesse, Lord. See Berners. Marnay near Besançon, letter dated at, 3163. Marney (Merney, Mernye), Sir Henry, knight for the Body, captain of the Guard and Vice-Chamberlain (12 May 1509), chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, &c., 20 (p. 13), 25, 37, 118, 146, 153, 157, 168, 205 (p. 106), 391-2, 442, 1004, 1176, 1414, 1446, 1474, 1549, 1803 (1 m. 6, 2 m. 2), 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2391, 2480 (3), 2838, 2929, 3501:-pp. 1519, 1534, 1536, 1540:-App. 8:—g. 54 (9, 26), 94 (96), 158 (24, 90), 190 (25), 257 (80), 731 (27-8), 784 (16, 56), 1083 (24), 1170 (7), 1804 (31), 2055 (50, 74), 2863 (12), 3107 (46), 3324 (6, 24). signature of, 118, 146, 168, 265, 555, 596, 602, 716, 845, 1247:-g. 132 (65), 158 (90), 190 (25, 34-5), 218 (33), 257 (12), 289 (35), 448 (4), 519 (5), 604 (18, 26, 44), 632 (35), 651 (7), 731 (7, 20, 52), 749 (3, 16, 24), 784 (15), 804 (49), 1003 (15, 17), 1123 (45), 1221 (6), 1732 (2), 2055 (100). chosen K.G., 442. • made captain of the Guard, g. 54 (9). (Marny), John or Sir John, esquire for the Body, knighted at Tournay, son of Sir Henry, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 19), 2053, 2301-p. 1536 bis :-g. 54 300 GENERAL INDEX. Marney, John or Sir John-cont. (25), 632 (26), 1462 (14), 2863 (12). Marnhull (Menell, Marnell), Dors., 438 (4 m. 7), 1803 (1 m. 1). Marnix (Marynex), Jean de, secre- tary of Margaret of Savoy, 162 (pp. 85-6), 253, 724n., 741, 1288, 1309, 1322, 1338, 1344, 1353, 1370, 1378, 1492, 1594, 1824, 1958, 2083 (2), 2123, 2141, 2195, 2255 (?" Marignye "), 2370, 2633- 4, 3113, 3153–4, 3519, 3573 : App. 7. instructions Ferdinand, 254 iv. .., letter to, 3154. from Marny, Jean, French prisoner, 2172. Marok. See Morocco. Maroye or Maroys, Grimont, 3349, 3383. Marple (Marpole, Marpull), Chesh., 438 (3 m. 20), 438 (4 m. 25). Marpool (Merpole), Devon [in Withe- combe Raleigh ?], 438 (3 m. 19). Marquesyn, Janyn, 20 (p. 19). Marquis, the lord. See Dorset.. Marquise (Margysson), in Picardy, 2392. Marrane. See Marano. Marres (Marrys), Wm., 438 (1 m. 11). Marret, Wm., g. 2964 (14). Marrex, Andrew, 484. Marriage gifts, 648, 1023, 3163, 3419. Marriott (Maryot), Win., 438 (3 m. 31). Marrok. See Morocco. Marros. See Melrose. Marryffe, Ric., 20 (p. 17). Marryng. See Marshfield. Mars. See Marsh. Marsakavyr, in Africa, 162 (p. 87). Marsden (Mersden), Richard, alias Hobson, prior of Nostell, 438 (4 m. 5). Marseilles [Claude de Seyssel], bp. of, French ambassador to Leo X., 538, 2104, 2144 (“C. de Aliis "), 2264, 2373 ii., 2399 (2), 2577, 2595, 2602, 2926, 3081, 3206, 3236. letter from, 2104 ii. Marsh (Mershe), Devon [in Newton St. Cyres], g. 414 (29). Marsh (Mersshe) by Yeovil, Soms., 438 (4 m. 7). Marsh, East- (Estmarche) and West, Bucks, g. 632 (72). Marsh (Merese, Meres, à Mers), John, p. 1539:-g. 969 (52). (Mars, Masse), Margaret d. and h. of Wm., g. 3408 (35). Marsh-cont. (Mershe, Meshe), Wm., 438 (3 m. 21). Marshal, Earl, 438 (1 m. 26), 579. See Surrey, Earl of. Marshall, Master. See Marischal. Marshall (Marchell, Marchall, Mary- sall, Mershall), Geoffrey, 438 (4 m. 2), 2938 ii. (Marchell), James, 707 (p. 383). (Mershall), John, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 12). (Mershell), Ric., 438 (3 m. 30). Rob., 1493 iii. :—p. 1520. (Marchall), Stephen, 1803 (1 m. 5). Wm., 1503-p. 1533 :- -g. 1662 (1), 2222 (16 Beds). Wm., pewterer, 438 (2 m. 8). Marshasowe. See Marazion. Marsham, Norf., 438 (1 m. 5). Marsham, John, 438 (3 m. 28). Marsh Chapel (Mersse), Linc., rector of, p. 1525. Marshe, in Scotland. See Merse. Marshfield (Mayrryng, Marryng), co. Monmouth, 438 (3 m. 24). Marshland (Merssheland), Yorks, g. 1123 (37). Marshwood, Dors., g. 94 (35). Marshwood (Mershewode), Hants, 438 (3 m. 3). Marsley (Merseley) park [in Alling- ton, co. Denbigh], g. 218 (29). Marson (Merson), Edward, 438 (3 m. 30). Marston, Bucks, g. 632 (72). Marston (Merston), Linc., g. 1494 (12). Marston (Merston), Staff., 438 (2 m. 29). Marston (Merston), co. City of York, 438 (2 m. 15). Marston Maisey (Merston Morsey), Wilts, g. 94 (35). Marston Parva, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 30). Marston St. Lawrence (Lawrence Marston), Ntht., g. 1083 (41). Marston (Marzen, Marson), Lady, 20 (pp. 11, 17). (Merston), Ric., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). (Merston), Wm., 420, 438 (1 m. 21). Marstrand (Merstrand), in Norway (now in Sweden), 285. Marsworth (Masworth, Masseworth, Maxworth), Bucks, 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (3 m. 32), 2054 (6). Marsyngham. See Massingham. Marten, Westmld. See Marton. GENERAL INDEX. 301 Marten. See Martin. Martensthorp. See Marunsthorp. Martes or Martis, Menaud de, 438 (4 m. 23). Martin (Marten), Linc., g. 1316 (4), 2772 (11). Martin (Merten), the King's fool, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 43). Martin, Ant., g. 1003 (22). · Elizabeth, 1046. Godfrey, g. 54 (62). (Marton, Marten, Martoun), Henry, 438 (1 m. 3). Henry, LL.B., rector of New Radnor, g. 414 (73). (Marten, Marton, Merton), John, 438 (2 mm. 25, 28):—g. 132 (61). (Marten), John, of Guernsey, p. 1500. John, archd. of Salop (1494-1504), 438 (3 m. 21). John, archd. of Teviotdale, pp. 1522, 1525. (Marten, Marton), John, prior of Elsham, 438 (2 m. 10). (Marton), Lionel, 438 (1 m. 3). Piers, attainted, g. 632 (45). (Marten), Ric., merchant of the Staple, 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (4 m. 21). (Marton), Rob., rector of Pil- ham, p. 1528. (Marteyn), Roger, 438 (3 m. 32). (Marten), Th., 707 (p. 383), 853. Th., barber-surgeon, g. 1123 (32). Th., canon of Salisbury, p. 1526. (Merton), Th., rector of Crick, 438 (4 m. 17). Th., D.D., rector of Fuggle- stone, 438 (3 m. 28). Sir Wm., alderman, 438 (1 m. 16). (Marton), Wm., abbot of Bardney, 205, 438 (1 m. 14), 963, 3464 :-g. 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14). Martindale (Markyndell), Westmld. [in Barton], 438 (3 m. 18). Martindale (Martendale), Rob., g. 1948 (19). Martinez (Mertynes), Francis, a Spaniard, 1420. Martley, Worc., 438 (4 m. 6), 1803 (1 m. 2). Martir, Th., 2054 (2). Martock (Martok, Mertoke), Soms., g. 1125 (5), 1524 (11). Marton (Merton), Chesh., 438 (3 m. 21). Marton or Martyn, Essex. See Moreton. Marton (Marten), Westmld., g. 519 (30), 3324 (9). Marton (Merton), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 31). Marton in the Forest, Yorks, priory, g. 2137 (7). Marton, Loys. See Maraton. Marton (English surname). Martin. See Martynere, Nic., French prisoner, 2673. Martyr, Peter [d'Anghiera], letters from, 1458, 1902, 2072, 2127, 2267, 2299, 2379, 2398, 2456, 2595, 2697, 2707, 2982, 3089, 3334, 3435, 3451, 3482, 3581. Maruffo, Raphael, merchant of Genoa, g. 1948 (83). Marunsthorpe (Martensthorp, Mas- torpe, Masthorp), Rutl., 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 m. 33) :—g. 54 (41). Marwell, Hants, g. 257 (34). Marwent, Wm., g. 546 (40). Marwood (Merwode), Wm., 1803 (1 m. 2) :—g. 833 (58 iv.). Wm., serjeant at law, g. 3049 (20). Marwood Hag forest Hag forest and park, Barnard Castle, g. 132 (111– 12). "" Marworth. See Mereworth. MARY, LADY, youngest daughter of Henry VII., "Princess of Castile, 'French Queen,' letters from, 1777, 3147, 3187, 3224, 3355–6, 3370, 3375, 3434, 3441, 3447. letters to, 2515, 2895, 3155, 3202, 3230, 3233. • > marriage with Louis XII., 2596, 2791, 2957-8, 3004, 3009, 3035, 3037, 3039, 3043, 3053, 3059, 3089, 3097, 3106, 3131-2, 3134, 3138-9, 3145-6, 3153, 3160, 3165, 3173-4, 3178, 3191-2, 3197- 8, 3201-2, 3206, 3208-10, 3220, 3224-5, 3232, 3240, 3243 ii.. 3244, 3246-7, 3252, 3254, 3256, 3259, 3264, 3266, 3269-70, 3282, 3286, 3292, 3294-5, 3298-9, 3306, 3308, 3323, 3328, 3331, 3334, 3342, 3348, 3352-6, 3361-2, 3364, 3369, 3376, 3378, 3381, 3387, 3393, 3398, 3411, 3416-7, 3424, 3430, 3435, 3449, 3461, 3469, 3472, 3482, 3518, 3531, 3544, 3580, 3591, 3593-p. 1505. commissions, g. 3226 (6), 3324 (33). . 302 GENERAL INDEX. Mary, Lady, youngest daughter of Henry VII., marriage with Louis XII. cont. 3424. 8, 3178. coronation, her dower, 2957- espousals, 3146, 3151, 3171, 3180, 3187, 3198, 3269 (5), 3294 (2, 3), 3298, 3344, 3348. her horses, 3360. 3360-1. 3344. (2), 3360. her jewels, 3331, her jointure, her plate, 3326 in Paris, 1442), 3478. her reception 3417, 3424 (p. her trousseau, 3262, 3272, 3326, 3343 : p. 1517. her escort and household, 3294, 3306, 3309, 3318 vii., 3320–1, 3325, 3348 (3), 3355–7, 3364, 3366, 3376, 3513:—pp. 1504, 1520. as the French Queen :- almoner. Dr. J. chamberlain. Lord. See Denton, See Berners, master of Horse. Blount, R. See treasurer. See Bensted, Sir E. intended marriage with Charles, Prince of Cas- tile, 1 (p. 2), 6 (pp. 4, 5), 23–4, 30-1, 38-9, 49, 65, 84, 98, 130, 162 (p. 85), 276, 325 (2), 377, 507, 527, 592, 793 (p. 428), 1050, 1557, 1559, 1866, 2038 ii., 2083, 2164, 2198, 2250, 2254, 2355, 2366, 2370, 2374, 2378, 2421, 2445, 2464, 2496, 2573, 2609-10, 2633, 2656, 2682, 2704, 2744, 2756, 2768, 2779, 2797, 2811, 2841, 2849, 2867-8, 2877, 2894, 2924, 2941 (p. 1272), 2945, 2963, 2972, 2982, 3003, 3009, 3018 (p. 1302), 3024, 3041, 3043, 3089, 3095, 3101, 3104, 3109, 3139, 3174, 3210, 3220, 3240, 3243 ii., 3245, 3257, 3263, 3268, 3271, 3282, 3298-9, 3339, 3482, 3593-App. 5, 10:—g. 2222 (13). declaration touching, 2366, 2374. Mary, Lady, youngest daughter of Henry VII., intended marriage with Charles, Prince of Castile -cont. • description of the espousals, 6 (p. 5). Charles, 130. sends a ring to proposed marriage with Emperor Maximilian, 2164, 2250. jewellery for, 2656 (5). proposed household for, 2656 (4). servants of, 20 (p. 17), 2656 (6) :—g. 190 (1), 519 (15), 1462 (29), 1662 (41), 3324 (8, 12, 14, 18, 36, 39), 3499 (20, 59), 3582 (22). other references, 20 (pp. 11, 16-7), 82, 162, 202, 224 (2), 237, 471, 474, 594, 629, 639, 678, 724, 796, 806, 877n., 976, 1027, 1086, 1115, 1125, 1165, 1286, 1446, 1700, 2131, 2465, 2487, 2654, 2692, 2704, 3018, 3041, 3101, 3109, 3268. Mary, sister of Prince Charles, to marry the son of the King of Hungary, 724, 1351, 2291, 2521, 2748, 2849, 2867n. Maryculter (Maricult), in Scotland, 1263. Mary Knowl (Knoll), Salop [near Ludlow], g. 1948 (26). Marynex. See Marnix. Maryng, Linc. See Mareham. Maryng, Walter, g. 969 (38). Maryot. See Marriott. Marzen, Lady. See Mârston. Masagrosa. See Massagrosa. Masconnois. See Mâconnais. Mashbury (Meshebury), Essex, 438 (3 m. 19). Mashon. See Messian. Maskelsbury (Mascallesbury, Maker- elsbury), Essex, g. 289 (17). Masking. See Revels. Mason, Henry, 1803 (2 m. 4). ? (Masoyn, Mayson), John, 109, 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 26). John, rector of St. John, in Cornwall, g. 632 (48). Ric., g. 3226 (7). Wm., 438 (2 m. 29), 579, 875, 2439. Wm., LL.D., rector of West Deeping, 438 (1 m. 18). Masons, 438 (2 mm. 5, 22), 438 (4 mm. 11, 27). Massagrosa (Masagrosa), Mauro de, merchant of Lucca, g. 2964 (82), 3107 (5). Masse, Margaret. See Mars. GENERAL INDEX. 303 Masses, saying of, 1, 20 (3–5), 105, 633. Masseworth. See Marsworth. Massey, Eliz., g. 833 (25). Massingberd,, App. 22. Massingham (Marsyngham) Magna, Norf., 2671 :—g. 357 (31). priory or hospital of, g. 357 (31). Massingham Parva, Norf., 438 (1 m. 2 bis), 438 (3 mm. 5, 11). Massu, Alex., sackbut, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42). Massue, Guillaume prisoner, p. 928. Massy, Henry, 2049. Ralph, p. 1542. Mathieson-cont. (Matesoun), Nich., 586. Mathon (Mathom), Worc., rectory appropriated, g. 1221 (40). Matisoun. See Mathieson. Matlock (Matloke), Derb., rector of, 438 (2 m. 5). Matoke. See Mattok. Matras, Rob., 1313. Matravers. See Maltravers. Matrei (Mathan), near Innspruck, letter dated at, 818. Matston, Th., p. 1537. Mattersey (Maresia), Notts, priory, 438 (3 m. 15). de, French Matthew, Th., 2537 :—g. 2137 (23). Wm., 2049. Mastaing, François de, grand bailli of Ghent, 2082. Master, Peter, purser, 2305 iii. Master of the Rolls. See Young, J. Masthorp or Mastorpe. See Maruns- thorpe. Maston, Th., 20 (p. 15). Mastrik. See Maestricht. Masts and spars, 1116-7. Masworth. See Marsworth. Matching (Machyn), Essex, g. 289 (16). Mathan. See Matrei. Matharn, Wm., prb. of Neasdon [in St. Paul's], 595. Mathern, Monm., 438 (2 m. 14). Mathewe, Alex., 438 (4 m. 1). • Chr., g. 1836 (18). David, 438 (4 m. 21). Henry, prior of Ellerton, g. 519 (39). Hugh, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Jane, 438 (1 m. 25). John, 438 (3 m. 10):-p. 1505:―g. 1123 (58). John, alderman, 438 (2 m. 22). Margaret, widow, 438 (2 m. 22). (Matheu), Rob., 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 22):—p. 1541:—g. 257 (49), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). Th., 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (2 m. 5). Th., gentleman harbinger, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 2058. Wm., 438 (4 m. 8) :—g. 1836 (18). Sir Wm., App. 26. Mathews (Mathows, Mathowys), John, 438 (4 m. 27) :—g. 3049 (14). Mathieson (Mathesone), Andrew, 1543. (Matheson), George, 1270. (Matisoun, Mathesoun), John, 1269, 1542. 2268. Edward, g. 2772 (64). Mattishall, Norf., g. 289 (13). Mattok (Matoke), Nic., 438 (3 m. 11), 2738. Matyrdale, Kath., g. 1494 (21 A.). Mauchell. See Machell. Maud, Empress, wife of the Emperor Henry V., daughter of Henry I. and mother of Henry II., g. 54 (12), 414 (75), 519 (45). Maudelyn (Maudelen, Mawedeleyn), John, 438 (1 m. 3). Mauesyn Rydware. See Ridware. Maughen (Mawhen), Th., 438 (2 m. 16). Maugiron, M., 470. Mauguarsfeld. See Mangotsfield. Maulden (Maldon), Beds, 438 (2 m. 30). Maulevrier (Maleverer), Comte de. See Bresze, L. de. Mauliverer. See Maleverer. Maumeshan, Monsha or Maunesyn, Chr. de, French prisoner, 2172 bis :—p. 928. Mauncefed. See Mansfield. Mauncell (Mauncyll), John, 438 (1 m. 7), 1493 ii. :—g. 3226 (27). (Mancell), Rice, ship captain, 1727, 2304 (5) :—g. 3049 (20). Maunesyn. See Maumeshan. Maunger (Manger), Ralph, 438 (3 m. 2). Rob., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 40). Maunsell or Maunsill, Heref. See Mansel Lacy. Maunsfeld or Maunsfyld. See Mans- field. Mauntell. See Mantell. Maurice, a messenger of Erasmus, 1200, 2223. Maurice. See Morice. Maurienne (Murryen) [Louis de Gorrevod], bp. of, 1182, 1293. Mautravers. See Maltravers. Maverell, George, g. 2484 (17). Mawarden. See Marden. Mawdeleyns, Herts, 438 (2 m. 31). 304 GENERAL INDEX. Mawdesley, Gilbert, serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42):-g. 804 (39). Mawdyt, Humphrey, 2968 (5). Mawedeleyn. See Maudelyn. Mawgan (St. Maugan, St. Mangany), in Pyder, Cornw., g. 1524 (35). rector of, 438 (4 m. 12). Mawhen. See Maughen. Mawlmesey. See Malmeseye. Mawlyng. See Malling. Mawmesbury. See Malmesbury. Mawncye, John, p. 1515. Mawreden or Mawrreden. See Mar- den. Maxe, Wm., 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41). Maxey (Makesey, Maxhey), Ntht., g. 132 (59), 158 (22), 257 (32), 833 (25), 969 (67), 2055 (43), 3226 (7). Maxfeld or Maxfild, Chesh. See Macclesfield. Maxfelde, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 5). Maximilian, Duke. See Sforza. MAXIMILIAN, KING OF THE ROMANS, commonly styled EMPEROR, 5, 6 (p. 6), 9 (p. 7), 24, 30-1, 49, 83-4, 90, 113, 130, 135, 140, 147, 154, 162 (pp. 83–4), 165, 167, 169, 189, 192, 196, 220, 240, 253, 260-1, 264, 266-7, 274, 319-20, 323, 325, 328-30, 333–6, 345, 354–5, 365, 382-3, 385, 387, 389–90, 393, 395, 398, 401–2, 408, 412-3, 417, 421, 430, 432, 455, 463. 470, 476, 483, 493, 508, 522, 525, 529, 536, 554, 557, 565, 570, 579, 601, 636, 645, 681, 695, 702, 705, 708. 739, 741, 753, 756, 759, 773, 776–7, 779-80, 785, 788, 793, 809, 812 ii.. 813, 816, 818, 829, 838, 850-1, 858, 860. 867, 871, 880, 889, 892, 895-6, 906; 917, 933, 942, 965, 977, 983, 1000-1, 1007, 1013, 1020, 1039, 1051, 1101-2, 1104, 1119, 1126–7, 1138, 1146–7, 1157, 1178, 1183. 1196, 1204, 1213-4. 1229, 1237, 1241, 1245, 1250, 1252, 1258, 1268, 1276, 1277 passim, 1279, 1288-9, 1291, 1293, 1301 passim, 1303-4, 1306-9, 1311– 12, 1321-2. 1326 (p. 615), 1334-5, 1338, 1344-5, 1350, 1352-3, 1357, 1362, 1364, 1370, 1378, 1384, 1386, 1389, 1394, 1404. 1417, 1421, 1428, 1430, 1432, 1434, 1436, 1439-40, 1447-9, 1456, 1461, 1468-9, 1476, 1481, 1488-9, 1492, 1519, 1521, 1534, 1554– 5, 1557-8, 1566, 1568, 1574, 1 Maximilian, King of the Romans, commonly styled Emperor-cont. 1586 ii., 1591 (2), 1594, 1615, 1628, 1637, 1641, 1647 (pp. 742–3), 1658–9, 1665 (pp. 763- 6), 1670, 1676, 1677 (p. 770), 1697, 1699, 1721-4, 1736-9, 1743, 1749-51, 1764, 1769, 1781, 1790-2, 1794, 1813, 1824, 1837, 1841, 1846, 1866, 1868, 1877, 1884-5, 1887-8, 1892, 1895-6, 1899, 1909, 1916-7, 1922, 1933-4, 1937, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1962, 1966, 1970, 1993, 1999 (3), 2002–3, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2020, 2022, 2028, 2038, 2040-1, 2056, 2063, 2067-8, 2069, 2073-4, 2077, 2079, 2082–3, 2086, 2101, 2106, 2113-5, 2122-4, 2128, 2132, 2139, 2144, 2147, 2154, 2158-60, 2164, 2166, 2168-9, 2170–1, 2173, 2177-8, 2180, 2182-4, 2189, 2195, 2200-5, 2208–10, 2212, 2214, 2225, 2227, 2229- 30, 2233, 2237, 2242 (1, 2), 2245, 2250-1, 2254 i., iii., 2255, 2258-9, 2262-5, 2267, 2271-3, 2276, 2278, 2281, 2285, 2287, 2289-90, 2292, 2294 (2). 2299, 2307, 2311, 2328-9, 2341, 2345, 2355, 2360, 2362, 2366, 2368, 2372– 3, 2377-8, 2380, 2389, 2391 (pp. 1059–62), 2392 (p. 1063), 2393, 2397, 2411, 2421, 2445-6, 2448, 2452, 2456, 2462, 2466, 2475, 2483, 2486, 2493, 2495–6, 2502, 2516, 2519, 2523-5, 2532, 2554, 2565–8, 2572–3, 2577, 2582–5, 2588, 2592, 2597, 2600-2, 2609, 2611, 2613-15, 2632-3, 2645, 2650, 2654, 2656, 2665– 6, 2672, 2673 (2), 2678, 2682, 2689-90, 2694-7, 2705, 2707, 2710, 2724-5. 2736, 2743–5, 2749, 2752-3, 2755, 2770, 2773, 2777, 2784, 2790, 2797, 2800, 2812, 2815, 2823, 2852, 2855, 2857-60, 2864, 2867-8, 2876-8, 2889, 2894, 2915, 2921, 2924-5, 2940-1, 2945, 2969, 2985, 2992, 3008-9, 3041, 3051-2, 3061, 3070, 3080, 3086, 3089, 3093, 3106, 3109-10, 3126, 3141, 3145, 3150, 3153. 3160, 3163, 3172– 3, 3192, 3206, 3210, 3214, 3218, 3235, 3237, 3245, 3248, 3253, 3257, 3264, 3268, 3270 ii.. 3271, 3274. 3282, 3298-9, 3315, 3327, 3331, 3339-40, 2908, 2928, 2982, 3014, GENERAL INDEX. 305 • Maximilian, King of the Romans, commonly styled Emperor-cont. 3345, 3362, 3380, 3392, 3400, 3405, 3407, 3457, 3462, 3519, 3525, 3527, 3541, 3556, 3585, 3591-3 :-App. 3, 6, 10:- g. 1524 (39), 2684 (34, 88). letters from, 49, 130, 196, 222, 276, 366, 377, 445, 458, 507, 515, 527, 545, 557, 562, 564, 576, 590, 621, 627– 8, 646, 650, 669, 724, 769, 783, 866, 899, 943, 966, 991, 1095, 1203, 1242, 1253, 1351, 1381, 1383, 1388, 1438, 1491, 1520, 1569, 1588, 1607, 1612, 1631-2, 1636, 1639, 1679–80, 1779, 1822, 1826, 1856, 1867, 1897, 1925, 1977, 1996, 2021, 2070, 2076, 2091, 2103, 2129, 2194, 2370, 2526, 2528, 2563, 2571, 2794, 2895 :—App. 7. letters to, 14, 446, 517, 547, 667, 690, 819, 831-2, 856, 884, 919, 1186, 1215, 1278, 1280, 1339, 1400, 1426, 1437, 1452, 1455, 1470, 1487, 1498, 1516, 1609, 1718, 1831, 1833, 2174-5, 2300, 2339, 2367, 2369, 2408, 2472-4, 2521, 2533, 2564, 2614, 2646, 2676, 2701, 2705, 2748, 2756, 2768– 9, 2849, 2963, 2976, 2994, 3018, 3027, 3047, 3079, 3103. ambassadors to, 1000, 2445. • Danish, 2755, 2790. English, 325 (p. 147), 430, 450, 476, 527, 1000. Wingfield, Sir Robert. See (Young, Boleyn and Sir Rob. Wingfield-for letters from them, see under their names), 1196, 1203, 1214, 1278, 1280, 1309, 1311, 1334, 1383, 1400, 1437, 1469, 1498, 1516, 1520, 1554. French, 432, 773, 1000, 1226, 1241:—App. See La Guiche. Maximilian, King of the Romans, commonly styled Emperor, am- bassadors to-cont. Russian, 3080. Spanish (of Aragon), 329, 432, 515, 517, 568, 590, 777 (p. 415), 780, 818, 895, 1000, 1101, 1226. See also Haro and Urea. Spanish envoy, 1636. Venetian, 2448 (p. 1083), 2572, 2577, 2690. 1516. his chamberer, p. his chancellor, 773, 1000, 3248. 111. • commission by, 1721 coronation (intended) at Rome, 515, 646, 783, 793. his confirmation of the Treaty of Lille, 2446. his councillors, 476, 773, 785, 1000, 1301 (p. 597), 1555, 1884, 2010, 2597, 2601, 2915, 2945, 3103, 3150. groom of his chamber (two), 2106. death of his Empress [31 Dec. 1510], 669. 724, 866. to marry again, German account of his meeting with Henry VIII., 2173. his harbinger or maître d'hotel captured by the Gueldrois, 1288, 1321. his master of Horse, 2945:—p. 1274. his master of the Posts. See Taxis, B. de. his nephews (i.e. grandsons). See Charles and Ferdinand. offers Henry the Roman crown and vicariat of the Empire, 2925, 2992. 11. payments to, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2070, 2145, 2196, 2220, 2232, 2272, 2285, 2334, 2748-9, 2815, Hungarian, 568, 3080, 3172. Lorraine, 2577. Milanese. See Novate. Castelle Navarrese, 1000. Papal legate, 2048, 2493, 2517, 2523 ii. Papal nuncio, 1000, 1101, 2292, 2448 (p. 1082). See Grimaldi, A. de; Cam- peggio, L.; a nephew of Julius II., 780; Areniti, C. Polish, 3080. Wt. 11494 2894, 2976, 2985, 2992, 3014, 3027, 3109 : 3109-p. 1516:—g. 2055 (132). presents Henry VIII. with a cross-bow, 1388, 1452. receives money from · France, 3110. treaties with England, 148, 196, 592, 1486. · treaties with Ferdi- nand of Aragon, 274; 325, 329 (pp. 148-50, 152), 345, 385, 1486. H 20 306 GENERAL INDEX. Mayo-cont. Maximilian, King of the Romans, commonly styled Emperor-cont. treaty with France (17 Nov. 1510), 614, 674. > treaties with Julius II., 1486 i.. ii., 1519 (p. 703), 1522, 1575, 1628, 1665 (p. 764), 1737, 1741, 1854, 1999 (3). treaty with the Swiss, 695, 1051. • vice-chancellor, 2010. Maxson, Th., 20 (p. 13) :—g. 94 (75), 132 (63). Maxstoke, Warw., priory of, 438 (2 m. 7). Wm. prior of, 438 (2 m. 7). Maxwell, John lord, slain at Flodden, 1983, 2246 (4), 2313 :—g. 448 (1). Robert lord (1513), son of the preceding, 1983, 2461, 2973. Maxworth. See Marsworth. May, Walter, prior of St. Denis by Southampton. g. 218 (47), 2222 (16 Southampton). Wm., g. 1365 (17). Maya, in Navarre, 1320, 1327. Maydenton. See Maddington. Maye, Walter, g. 1221 (41). Mayence. See Mentz. Mayewe. See Mayhew. Mayfield, grants dated at, g. 563 (2, 3). Mayfield (Maghfeld, Mafeld), Ric., 438 (2 m. 13). Mayhew (Mayewe). Ric.. bp. of Here- ford, almoner to Henry VII., late president of Magdalen College. Oxford, 20 (p. 16), 205, 438 (3 m. 16). 963. 1176 (3), 3464 :—pp. 1537-8, 1542, 1546 g. 546 (29). Ric., his pedigree, g. 1462 (27). (Mayve, Mayoe, Mayhve), Th., 438 (4 m. 14). Maymond or Meymond, Wm., p. 1513. Maynard. Agnes, wife of Thomas, 438 (2 m. 18). John, 1493 ii. :-g. 11 (10). John, painter, 307. Wm., 82 (p. 39). Mayorete. See Majorete. Mayow (Mayre), Th., minstrel, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42). Mayre, Lambert, p. 1520. Ric., yeoman of the Ewery, marriage gift to, 1023. Th. See Mayow. Mayreld. See Meryll. Mayrflete. See Marfleet. Mayrryng. See Marshfield. Mayson. See Mason. Measures, sizing of, 78. Meath, bp. of. See Rockeby, Wm. Inge, Hugh (1512). diocese of, p. 1524. Meatham. See Metham. Meaulevrier, Comte de. See Bresze, L. de. Meautis (Mewtes, Mewtys, Meawtis), John, sewer or esquire for the Body, French secretary, clerk of the Council in the Star Chamber, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42), 84, 2042, 3502 :-P. 1541:-g. 11 (12), 218 (44), 257 (13, 37, 93), 682 (2), 731 (27-8), 1462 (26), 3107 (22), 3324 (41). signature, 1452, 2042, 2699, 2728:-g. 257 (37). Meaux abbey, Yorks, John abbot of, g. 158 (91). Meaux, John (temp. Edw. III.), g. 1836 (11). Meavy (Mewy), Devon, g. 784 (47). Mecca (Motica), 1190. Mechlin (Malines, Makyll, Mache- lyn, Malyns, Meghlen, Make- lyn, Maclyn, Meklyn, Magh- lyn), in Flanders, 83 (p. 45), 324, 592, 724n., 785, 1183, 1265, 1353, 1424, 1448, 1463 vi., 1492, 1529, 1566, 1768, 2113, 2147, 2220, 2337, 2404 bis, 2478 (2), 2670, 2673, 2736, 2797, 2809, 2812, 2831, 2867, 2877, 2963, 2972, 3041, 3109, 3338, 3432, 3457, 3473:-pp. 1510, 1513, 1515. > Th., 361, 438 (2 m. 18), 1663:―g. 1948 (43). (Maynerd), Vincent, 438 (1 m. 17). letters dated at, 681, 706, 1101, 1357, 1399, 1404, 1421, 1487, 1498, 1500, 1551, 1554, 1566 (p. 719), 1594, 1599, 1630, 1670, 1676, 1683, 1693, 1697, 1699, 1700, 1721, Mayncell, Th., of Shropshire, 438 (2 m. 32). Mayne, preceptory of St. John, 591. Mayne, Eliz. and Th., g.. 632 (18). Maynell. See Meynell. Mayo, Simon, 853, 1743, 1745, 1749-50, 1763, 2515, 2521, 2532, 2672, 2694, 2705, 2756, 2776-7, 2779, 2782, 2797, 2800, 2815, 2849, 2867-8, 2894, 2905, 2908, 2924, 2940, 3235, 3245. Council of, 1721, GENERAL INDEX. 307 Mechyfuychy, co. Carm., 438 (1 m. 14). Medd-y-Bythych? Meddelham. See Middleham. Mede (Meede), Wm., 1803 (1 m. 6). Medeburne, Wilts, 438 (4 m. 17). Medel. See Middle. Medeley. See Medley. Medgate, Walter. See Mitford. Medhurst. See Midhurst. Medici (Medicis), the Florentine family, 1738, 2069. • John de, cardinal de (elected Pope 9 March 1513), 965, 1301 (p. 595), 1677. For later references see Leo X. Julian de, brother of Leo X., 1301 (p. 595), 1781, 2016, 2038, 2242, 2292, 2343, 2639– 40, 2644, 2659, 2794, 2838, 2887, 2928 (p. 1266), 3009, 3021, 3051, 3338 (?), 3547, 3581. 66 letters from, 2343, 3395. Julius de, Cardinal (23 Sept. 1513), protector " of Eng- land, 2320, 2639-42, 2644, 2653, 2658-9, 2890, 3021, 3197, 3203, 3496. letters from, 2320, 2642, 2653, 2890, 3076, 3301, 3322. K Lorenzo de, letter to, 2816. Raphael de, merchant of Florence, 2253. Medicus, Mr., a Spanish surgeon, 2575 ii. Medilborght. See Middelburg. Medilton, Hants. See Milton. Medina del Campo, in Spain, 329 (p. 151), 1326 (p. 617), 1689 (pp. 772, 775), 1736, 1854. letters dated at, 1650, 1665, 1667, 1751, 3093, 3581. Mediterranean Sea, 1005. Medley. See Methley. Medley (Meddeley), Benedict, g. 1221 (20). (Metheley, Medelay), Chr., 1118 :-g. 1494 (18), 1948 (94), 2222 (12). letter from, 1118. (Medeley), George, of the Staple, 1497, 2833:-pp. 1507–8:—g. 2684 (31), 2772 (41). Margaret widow of William, 438 (4 m. 10) :—g. 1221 (20). (Medeley), Wm., 438 (4 m. 10):—g. 1221 (20). Medmenham, Bucks, 438 (1 m. 10), 438 (3 m. 29) :—g. 2137 (5). H. abbey, 438 (2 m. 30). abbot. See Kingsley, Medmenham, abbey-cont. confirmation for, g. 1462 (24). Medope. See Middop. Medryngham. See Metheringham. Medula, Dr. François, a Neapolitan, ambassador from Louis XII. to Flanders and the Emperor, 1241, 1252, 1309, 1311 (p. 602), 1339, 1351. Medway, the river, g. 2964 (10). Medyelton. See Middleton. Medylscogh. See Middlescough. Meede. See Mede. Meelton. Melton. See Middleton ; also Meeriell. See Merell. Meesden (Meseden), Herts, 1626. Meese, Wm., g. 3226 (7). Meghen (Magius), Peter, the eyed,” 890, 958. Meghlen. See Mechlin. Megson, Th., g. 1602 (9). Megynall. See Migenall. :: one Meifod (Myvot, Meyvot), in St. Asaph's dioc., g. 2422 (15). rector presented, g. 381 (9). Meilltyrn (Madryn), co. Caern., 438 (1 m. 19). Th. ap John [of], 438 (1 m. 19). Mejorada convent, in Spain, 1999 (3). Mekarrygh, Dermot, clk., p. 1523. Mekenes, James, a Scot, 2438. Meklyn. See Mechlin. Mel, Wm. de, rector of Ham Preston, p. 1521. Melan. See Milan. Melaton. See Milton. Melbourne (Meldeburn), Camb., 438 (3 m. 17), 1803 (2 m. 2). Melbourne (Milbourne), Derb., 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 8). Melbourne, —, g. 2222 (16 London). Melbury Sampford (M. Samford), Dors., 438 (4 m. 11). Melchbourne (Melcheburne), Beds, 438 (2 m. 27). preceptory of St. John, 438 (4 m. 15). Melchet (Milchet, Melchuyt) forest or wood, Wilts [in Alder- bury], 438 (3 m. 30):-g. 381 (75), 447 (25), 651 (4). Melcombe Regis, Dors., confirma- tion of charters, (20). g. 1494 Melcombe Turges, Dors., g. 2964 (72). Melcote. See Milcote. Meldreth (Meldrede, Melreght, Milreth), Camb., m. 17), 438 (4 19). 438 (3 mm. 17, 308 GENERAL INDEX. Meleman, Henry, of the Steelyard, 2832 v., vi. Melengose. See Millingoos. Melenneth or Melennyth. See Maelenydd. Meles (Ameles), John, 438 (3 m. 20). Meleton. See Milton. Melete. See Millet. Melford, Long- (Longmelford), Suff., 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (3 mm. 9, 32), 438 (4 mm. 14, 25). Melford, John, abbot of Bury St. Edmonds (April 1513), g. 1836 (6), 2222 (16 Suff.), 3049 (27). Melksham (Mikkesham, Milkesham), Wilts, 438 (3 m. 15):-g 94 (35). Meller. See Miller. Mellers, Agnes, widow, g. 1494 (46). Melling. See Malling. Mellis (Melles), Suff., rector pre- sented, g. 833 (49). Mellis, John, 438 (4 m. 18). Mellours. See Miller. Mells (Myllys), Soms., 438 (3 m. 31). Mellum, Hue de, of the Order of the Toison d'Or, 1793. Mellun, Mellan or Melyn, Gabriel de, French prisoner, 2172-p. 928. Mellyn (Millyn), Erkinwald, friar, 438 (4 m. 13). Mellyngton or Melynton. lington. Melory. See Malory. See Mil- Melrose (Marros, Dymilios) abbey, in Scotland, 300, 638, 656 : p. 1521. abbot of, 638, 1538. Melsonby (Melsambe), Yorks, g. 731 (16). Meltham (Meltam), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 6). Meltham, Rob., g. 749 (28). Melton, Norf., 438 (2 m. 9). rector of, 438 (1 m. 11). Melton Mowbray. (M. Mounbray), Leic., 438 (2 m. 26), 438 (4 mm. 1, 13). Melton, Anthony, abbot of Hayles, 438 (3 m. 20). John, 438 (3 m. 11):-g. 1003 (11). John, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 12), 698, 1057, 1176 (1, 4), 1493 ii., 1496, 1593, 2480 (30)-p. 1513-App. 9. signature, 698. Margaret, 438 (3 m. 11). (Meelton), Wm., 438 (3 m. 19). Melun, prothonotary of, bp. elect of Arras, 1344. Melun, Seigneur de, 445–6. Melyn, G. de. See Mellun. Membrilla (Membrelia), Comendador de. See Fuensalida. Memland (Memynglond, Mamlona, Memlond), Devon, 438 (1 m. 12). Memmingen, in Germany, 1352. Memynglond. See Memland. Mena, Lope de, 2132. Menart, Joan, widow of Wm. M., a Breton, g. 158 (21). Mendham, Suff., 438 (3 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 16), 1803 (1 m. 4). Herst priory, 438 (4 m. 10). prior. See Bullok, T. Mendham, John, canon of Butley, g. 132 (76). Mendip (Myndip) Forest, Soms., g. 94 (35). Mendlesham, Suff., g. 1524 (6). Mendoza, Luis Hurtado (Furtado) de, son of the count of Ten- dilla, letters to, 1902, 2072, 2127, 2267, 2299, 2379, 2398, 2456, 2595, 2697, 2707, 2982, 3089, 3334, 3435, 3451, 3482, 3581. Menefrede. See St. Minver. Menell. See Marnhull. Menfeld, Rob., 20 (p. 17). Menge, Frederic de, g. 1365 (18). Menheniot (Menhynet, Maheneot), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 8):—g. 604 (32). Menteith, Sir Wm., of Kers, 2461. Mentz (Mayence), in Germany, 1481. Mentz (Magunce, Mayence), [Uriell of Gemmingen], archbp. elector of, 2010, 2448. abp. of, 2755. See Branden- burg, Albert of. Menzies (Menzeys), David, 2407. (Menzes), Gilbert, provost of Aberdeen, 2461. Meppershall (Mepsale), Beds, 438 (3 m. 18). Mepsale. See Meppershall. Merable (Merrabull, &c.), Th., 438 (3 m. 20). Merberye or Merbury. See Marbury. Mercellus. See La More, M. de. Mercer, Richard, ship captain, 1661 (4), 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 4, 5). Th., 1905. Mercerot. See Cantepye, J. de. Mercers and merchants, passim. Merchant Adventurers, 438 (1 m. 21), 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (3 mm. 11, 12), 438 (4 mm. 10, 25, 27), 1463 vii., 1803 (2 m. 2), 1891 (2), 1982 (3):—p. 1503. GENERAL INDEX. 309 Merchant Adventurers-cont. governor of. See Clifford, J. dispute with Staplers, 1032. Merchaund. See Marchaund. Merchemstoun, James, 108, 662, 664. Merchens, Barth., 484. Mercheston or Merchinston, James, clk., a Scot, pp. 1522, 1524. Mercurio or Mercurius. See Bua. Merden, Ric., prior of St. Oswalds, Nostell, g. 709 (11). Mere (Mire), Wilts, 438 (1 mm. 13, 22), 438 (4 m. 17, ?" Myre "): ―g. 54 (26). Mere (Mire), John or Robert, abbot of Sherborne, 308, 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 4). Meredith, Owen, g. 969 (45). Philip, g. 2535 (26). Merell, Edward, clk., g. 218 (59), 381 (108). • (Meryell), Harry, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41). (Meeriell), Henry, student at Oxford, g. 449 (1). (Meryll, Mareld, Mayreld), Richard, 438 (3 m. 18). Merevale (Miravale), Warw., abbey, 1803 (2 m. 6). John abbot of, 1803 (2 m. 6). grant dated at, g. 924 (28). Mereworth (Merworth, Marworth), Kent, 438 (3 m. 1), 438 (4 m. 26), 2179 (?"lord of Purgay- nis "). Mergat. See Margate. Meriden, Warw., 438 (2 m. 17), 438 Meriell. (4 m. 24). See Merell. Merigge, Soms., g. 257 (16). Mering [in Girton], Notts, 438 (2 m. 4):-g. 1083 (46). Mering, Th., pp. 1542, 1547:-g. 2222 (16 Yorks). Sir Wm., marshal of Calais, 193 (pp. 99, 101–2), 438 (2 m. 4), 1493:—p. 1542:—g. 257 (12), 447 (31), 449 (19), 751 (2), 969 (48), 1083 (46), 1948 (94), 2222 (6, 16 Notts), 3499 (12). Wm., of Meryng (temp. Edw. IV.), g. 1083 (46). Merioneth (Meryonneth), in Wales, 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 m. 20) :— g. 784 (45). Merke. See under Calais. Merland. See Morland. Merlant (Merlans), Janin de, servant of d'Aymeries, 2995. Merlar. See Marler. Merleberg. See Marlborough. Merler or Merlay. See Marler. Merleynd. See Marland. Merney. See Marney. Merpole. See Marpool. Merrabull. See Merable. Merriot (Meriot), Soms., 438 (2 m. 4). Mers. See Marsh. Merschell. See Marischal. Merse (Marshe), the, on the Scottish Border, 2390. Merseley. See Marsley. Mersh. See Marsh. Merson. See Marson. Mersse, Linc. See Marsh Chapel. Merstham, Surr., 1803 (1 m. 1). Merston. See Marston. Merstrand. See Marstrand. Merthall, Guise van, French prisoner, p. 928. Merther (St. Marther), Cornw., g. 969 (18). Merthwayt, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 22). Merthyr (Merthyn) Mawr, in Wales, 438 (3 m. 25). Mertoke. See Martock. Merton, Chesh. See Marton. Merton, Devon, 438 (2 m. 4). Merton, Surr., priory, 438 (4 m. 14). confirmation for, g. 2861 (1). William prior of, 438 (4 m. 14):-g. 2222 (16 Surr.). Merton, Wilts. See Marton. Merton (surname). See Martin. Mertynes. See Martinez. Mervault, Jehan, Seigneur Dupont, 3383. Mervyn (Merven), Hugh, 438 (1 m. 8). John, 438 (3 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 17):—g. 969 (38). Merwode. See Marwood. Mery, John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 3505. Merycoke, John, 20 (p. 13). Merydew, Ric., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Meryell. See Merell. Meryke, James, g. 2484 (30). Owen, 2480 (63). Meryll. See Merell. Meryman, Wm., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39). Merzen, John, a Dutch ship master, 2694. '' Mesa, Bernard de, bp. of Trinopoli, a Black friar, Spanish ambassador in France, 3035 (?" friar "), 3051, 3093, 3106, 3145, 3165, 3174; ambassador to Eng- land, 3570-p. 1517. • letters to, 3093, 3591. Meseden. See Meesden. Meshe. See Marsh. 310 GENERAL INDEX. Meshebury. See Mashbury. Mesnart, Martin, French notary, 3269 (3, 5, 7). Mesopotamia, 766. Messen (Myssyn, Mysyn, Messyn), Rob., 438 (4 m. 10). Messenger, Allan, a Scot, g. 2684 (77). Ayngell, p. 1548. Ric., p. 1549. Messian or Mashon, Th., 438 (2 m. 7). Messing (Messynges), Essex, 438 (2 m. 21). Messingham, Linc., 438 (2 m. 31). Messingham, John, prior of St. Thomas by Stafford, 438 (2 m. 21). Messynden. See Missenden. Mestre and the Mestrino, in Italy, 2434. Mestylden, Rob., surgeon, p. 1520. Metcalf, Gilbert, g. 1602 (20). (Metchalfe), James, gentle- man usher, 20 (p. 14), 438 (4 m. 7) :—g. 833 (41), 3499 (41). John, clk., notary, 1355. John and Roger, auditors, 485 (58), 1804 1418 :-g. (6). Metelim. See Mytelene. Meterson, John, g. 2964 (35). Metford. See Mitford. Metglay. See Methley. Metham, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 11). Metham (Metam, Methom, Meat- ham), Th. or Sir Th., 81, 438 (1 m. 11), 1363 :—p. 1547 :— g. 132 (32), 804 (29 iv., ix.), 833 (45 iii.), 1365 (3). Metheley (surname). See Medley. Metheringham (Madringham, Med- ryngham), Linc., g. 1316 (4), 2772 (11). Methley (Metglay, Medley), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (3 mm. 8, 9). Methwold, 2413. (Metheolde), Ric., 438 (4 m. 13). Suff., Mettingham (Metyngham), college of, 438 (1 m. 9). master. See Weybred, R. Metz, in Lorraine, 1813. Metz, Hans, captain of Germans, 2657. Meulx, Sir Wm., g. 833 (58 ii.). Meuse (Mosa), the river, 2014. Meute, Martin, captain of Germans, 2657. Meuwenek. See Muwynyk. Meux (Melsa, Mewes, Mewx) abbey, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 20). Meux-cont. abbot of, 2910 :-g. 2222 (16 Hull). Meux (Mewys), Th., 438 (2 m. 13). (Mewys, Mewis), Sir Wm., 438 (2 m. 13), 1661 (3). Meverell, Nic., 438 (4 m. 15). Mewekinghall. See Mucking Hall. Mewes abbey. See Meux. Mewese. See Muse. Mewis. See Meux. Mewtys. See Meautis. Mewy. See Meavy. Meycote, Rob., g. 2862 (7). Meydecroft, Beds, g. 2330 (4). Meymond. See Maymond. Meynell (Maynell), Ric., g. 485 (43). Meynours. See Mynours. Meyvot. See Meifod. Micault, Jean, receiver general of the Low Countries, 813. Michael, Rob. See Michell. Michaelmarsh (Mychelmarshe), Hants, 438 (4 m. 23). Michaelstow (Mighelstowe), Cornw., rector presented, g. 2684 (38). Micham. See Mitcham. Michel, Jean, French prisoner, 2172. Michel Badmyngton. See Badmin- ton. Michelham (Mechilham) priory, near Hailsham, Suss., 438 (3 m. 10). prior. See West, J. Michell (Mycholl), -, ship master, 1661 (1, 3, 4). • (Mighell), James, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39). (Michille), John, 438 (3 m. 2), 1803 (2 m. 5 bis) :—g. 11 (10), 1083 (39). Rob., master mason of Ber- wick, g. 563 (11). Robert, prior of St. Mary Overey, 438 (4 m. 25). (Michael), Rob., rector of Warbleton, p. 1525. (Mychell, Michill), 438 (1 m. 21). Roger, Th., 438 (3 mm. 27, 34), 559 :—g. 11 (10). Th., S.T.P., vicar of Staver- ton, p. 1530. Michelley. See Muchelney. Michellis Bourgh. See St. Michael. Michellwillyam, John, 1803 (2 m. 4). Michelond. See Muchland. Michmuich, Gerald, clk., p. 1525. Micklethwaite, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 23). Micklewood (Mikelwode) chace, in Berkeley lordship, Glouc., g. 381 (84), 447 (27). Micklow (Myklow, Mockelowe, Mik- kelowe, Muklowe, Myclowe, GENERAL INDEX. 311 Micklow-cont. Mikelow), John, clerk-con- troller of the Household, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 12), 2540, 2833, 3144, 3348 (3), 3513 (3) :—pp. 1505, 1507-8-g. 804 (50), 2617 (31), 2772 (23, 41). (Mucklow), Wm., letter to, 2102. Middelburg (Medilborght, Middyl- borowe, Myedyborowgh), in Zealand, 1693, 1797, 1923, 2009, 2478 (2), 2809. , letters dated at, 1694, 1891 (2), 2818. letters to the senate, 661–2. Scots at, 661–3. prebend of, 2818. Middelton Abbey. See Milton Abbas. Middelton Erneys. Ernest. See Milton Middelway, near Calais, 2483. Midderst. See Midhurst. Middes, W., prior of Beauvale, q.v. Middle (Middill), Salop, 438 (2 m. 31). Middlecot (Middelcote), Th., 438 (2 m. 5). Middleham, in Germany. See Mindel- heim. Middleham (Meddelham, Middelham, Midlam), Yorks, 1149, 1418, 1803 (2 m. 3) :—g. 94 (55, 68), 158 (54), 563 (10), 1462 (29), 1602 (20), 1804 (6). Middlehope (Mydilhope), Salop, 2537. Middlemore (Middelmore, Myddel- more), John, g. 11 (10), 289 (35). (Midilmore, Medelmore), Th., 438 (4 m. 11). letter from, 1891 (2). Middlescough (Medylscogh), Cumb., 438 (1 m. 7). Middlesex, 205 (p. 106), 1409 (2), 1794, 2392:—g. 132 (10, 26), 381 (74), 833 (11), 1123 (23), 1170 (2), 1462 (38), 1662 (36), 1804 (28), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (17), 2617 (17), 2684 (79), 3408 (18). commission of the peace, pp. 1540-1. Middlesex, archd. of, 438 (3 m. 20). Middleton, Dham., 438 (4 m. 22). Middleton, Dors. See Milton Abbas. Middleton (Middelton), Hants, g. 885 (13). Middleton (Mittelton), Heref., 1803 (2 m. 6). Middleton (Mydylton), Lanc., 438 (1 m. 12). Middleton (Middelton), Norf., 438 (1 m. 25). Middleton (Myddelton), Ntht., g. 1316 (15), 2617 (19). Middleton (the "three Middiltons "), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Middleton (Middelton), Suff., 438 (4 m. 18). Middleton (Medelton) [Suss. ?], g. 3107 (35). + Middleton (Middilton), Warw., 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 m. 14). Middleton (Medilton), Yorks, g. 1732 (1). Middleton Cheney (M. Cheyneduyt), Ntht., rector of, 722. Middleton George, Dham., 438 (2 m. 18). Middleton Hall, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 19). Middleton in Lonsdale, Westmld., 438 (3 m. 32). Middleton, Middle-, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 19). Middleton by Sittingbourne. See Milton. Middleton Stoney (Midlyngton), Oxon, 438 (3 m. 30). Middleton and Marden (Merden), hundred, &c., of, Kent, g. 54 (25, 72), 289 (10), 519 (23), 1083 (7), 1123 (9), 3499 (5). Middleton (Myddylton), Agnes widow of Robert, 438 (4 m. 15). ., (Middelton), Anne d. and h. of Thomas, g. 2330 (5). Chris., commissary of the Admiralty, g. 969 (4). Edward, g. 969 (17). (Midelton, Middilton), Geof- frey, 309, 438 (3 m. 32). Isabella widow of Nicholas, 438 (3 m. 15). (Middelton), Joan, 438 (3 m. 3). (Medilton, Meelton, &c.), 438 (3 mm. 6, 12) :—g. 969 (38). (Midilton), John, spear of Calais, 2049. (Middelton), Sir John, g. 2684 (86). Peter, g. 2535 (16). Ric., chaplain, g. 94 (80). Sir Robert, 438 (3 m. 10). (Middilton, Medyelton, Mideltowne), Th., 309, 438 (3 mm. 6. 10), 2443 :-p. 1512:- g. 709 (22), 2684 (64). (Middelton), Sir Wm., knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.). (Middilton), Wm., prior of Beauvale, 438 (2 m. 7). letter from, 492. Middop (Medope), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 25). 312 GENERAL INDEX. Midhurst, Suss. (Midderst, Soms., Midhirst, Medhurst), 438 (2 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 5), 1803 (1 m. 3), 1803 (2 m. 1). Midlam. See Middleham. Midland Circuit (name not used in original, which simply names the counties, viz.: Northamp- ton, Warwick, Leicester, Derby, Nottingham, Lincoln, Rutland, the cities of Coventry and Lin- coln, and town of Nottingham, or else the gaols), g. 94 (50), 132 (48), 381 (39), 519 (44), 546 (47), 833 (2), 1083 (20—1), 1316 (3, 6), 1662 (1, 5), 2055 (8), 2137 (11), 2684 (68), 3049 (4), 3107 (55). Midlyngton. See Middleton Stoney. Midsomer Norton, Soms., 438 (4 m. 21). Midwinter, Wm., 438 (3 m. 16). Miens. See Amiens. Migenall (Megynall, Mychenall), Wm., ship captain, 2304 (3, 4, 5), 2305, 2686, 2842, 2938:-p. 1518. Mighell. See Michell. Mighelstowe. See Michaelstow. Mihelton, Nic., 2049. Mikelow. See Micklow. Mikelwode. See Micklewood. Mikkesham. See Melksham. Miklow. See Micklow. Milan (Melan, Milleyn), city, 9 (p. 7), 140, 162 (p. 85), 432, 536, 570, 675 ii., 753, 759, 777 (p. 415), 816, 983, 1007, 1071 (p. 518), 1127 (p. 539), 1220, 1277, 1301 (pp. 595–7), 1312, 1697, 1699, 1988, 1993, 2006 (p. 908), 2022, 2029, 2038, 2107, 2198, 2864, 2891, 2965, 2970, 2975, 3014 ii., 3245, 3462 :-g. 3107 (27), 3582 (19). letters dated at, 111, 138, 732-3, 1277 (p. 587), 1368, 1568, 2183, 2352, 2452, 2464, 2619, 2758, 3537. abbey of St. Ambrose, 2619, 3022, 3069. ambassadors of the Emperor and Spain expected, 733. cardinals at. See Cardinals, schismatic. castle, 1301 (p. 598), 1312, 1345, 1358, 1568, 1637, 1647, 1697, 1917, 1988, 2020, 2056, 2309, 2452, 2462, 2532, 3014 ii., 3043. (p. 586). French castellan, 1277 cathedral, 1312, 1344, Cistercians of, 2975. Milan, archbishopric, 1277 (pp. 585– 6). Milan, Duchy of, 167, 278, 319, 522, 529, 568, 572, 783, 867, 1127 (p. 539), 1141, 1147, 1257 (2), 1277 (pp. 587-8), 1301 passim, 1309, 1321–2, 1344 (p. 625), 1352, 1417, 1447, 1469, 1519 (p. 703), 1559, 1575, 1647, 1665 (p. 764), 1867, 1884, 1892, 1899, 1917, 1952-3, 1996, 2016, 2038, 2079, 2086, 2122, 2154, 2157, 2242 (2), 2267, 2271, 2462, 2475, 2486, 2495, 2523, 2554, 2577, 2583, 2665, 2670, 2710, 2744–5, 2762 (2), 2770, 2791, 2797, 2860, 2869, 2887, 2928, 2957, 3039, 3051, 3081, 3105–6, 3110, 3117, 3145, 3150, 3235, 3237, 3245, 3256, 3298, 3369, 3405, 3407, 3424 (p. 1442), 3477, 3519, 3531, 3533, 3556, 3591:—g. 2055 (91). • · • 9 Great Master. See Chau- mont; also Foix. excommunicated, 613. Parliament of, president, 1204. Milan, duke of. See Sforza, Ludo- vico. Milan, Isabel duchess of, widow of John Galeazzo Sforza, and her daughter, Bona, afterwards Queen of Poland, 2292. Milan (Myllen), Alexe of, painter, p. 1502. Milanese armourers, p. 1496. • harness, 2843. merchant, p. 1496. Milaton, Cecilia, prioress of Polslow, 438 (3 m. 12). Milborne Port (Milbone Port), Soms., 438 (4 mm. 6, 7, 24) :—g. 2330 (4). Milborne Week (Wyke), Soms., 438 (4 m. 6). Milborne, Henry, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 13), 438 (2 m. 30). John, 438 (4 m. 25), 2467. Milbourne. See Melbourne. Milburn (Milbourn), Westmld., 438 (4 m. 7). Milchet. See Melchet. Milcote (Melcote), Warw. [in Weston upon Avon], 822, 1803 (1 m. 4):-g. 449 (15). Mildenhall (Mildenhale), Suff., 438 (1 m. 2), 438 (3 m. 31):—g. 546 (17). Mildenhall, Wilts, 438 (4 m. 17). Mile End, by Colchester, 438 (3 m. 18). Mileto, Benedict de, p. 1524. GENERAL İNDEX. 313 .1 Miliis, Aloysius de, 1071 (p. 517). Milkesham. See Melksham. Mill (Mull, Mille), Edmond, 438 (3 m. 34):—p. 1543. Ralph, 438 (2 m. 29). Wm., an idiot, g. 414 (33). Millbrook (Milbroke), Hants, g. 833 (69). Milleneth. See Maelynydd. Miller, Eliz., 438 (3 m. 30). (Milner), John, King's em- broiderer, 1785. Nic., 438 (4 m. 27). Ric., 1803 (2 m. 3). (Meller, Myllar, Mylner, Mel- lour, Mellours, Meller), Th., 438 (1 m. 21 bis), 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (3 m. 9). (Meller), Wm., 438 (2 m. 21), 1803 (2 m. 3). Millers, 438 (2 mm. 12, 21, 23, 32), 438 (3 m. 18), 438 (4 mm. 18, 28), 1803 (mm. 2, 6):—g. 3499 (3). Millery, Eliz., widow of Wm., 438 (4 m. 3). Milles, John, 438 (4 m. 27):—g. 11 (10), 289 (35). -g. (Myllys), Rob., 2305 ii. : 1836 (27). Millet (Mellett), John, clerk of the Signet, teller of the Exche- quer, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42), 1409, 1450 (p. 661), 2028, 2220, 2832, 2853, 3085, 3137 (6, 9, 14, 15):—pp. 1511, 1519:—g. 546 (27), 1662 (6), 2055 (132), 3226 (22). 3085. his accounts, 2220, Millett, Roland, French prisoner, p. 928. Milleyn. See Milan. Millfield (Milfeld, Mylnfelde), Nthld., 438 (2 m. 29), 2239, 2246 (4). Millhend. See under London. Millichope (Millenchop), Salop, g. 2684 (1). Millingoos (Melengose), Cornw., g. 1415 (26). Millington (Mellyngton, Melynton), Ric., 438 (4 m. 16). Millison, Wm., will of, 489. Mill man, g. 546 (56). Millom (Millume), Cumb., 438 (2 m. 31), 438 (3 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 26), 2386. Millwright (Mylwryght), John, p. 1496. Millyn. See Mellyn. Milnbeck, Westmld., g. 1732 (1). Milner. See Miller. Milnes, Ralph, 438 (3 m. 30). Milnthorpe next Wakefield, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 5). Milreth. See Meldreth. Milstead, Kent, rector presented, g. 1602 (25). Milte, John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Milton, Camb., 438 (2 m. 14). Milton (Medilton), Hants, 1803 (1 m. 6). Milton, Ntht., g. 1221 (14a). Milton, Oxon, prebend in Lincoln cathedral, 438 (4 m. 21). Milton (co. Soms. ?), 1803 (1 m. 6). Milton, Yorks, g. 132 (70). Milton Abbas (Middelton), Dors., abbey of, p. 1529:-g. 1494 (31). • · confirmation for, g. 546 (10). · • (31). > Wm. abbot of, g. 1494 vicar of St. Nicholas, p. 1528. Milton Abbatis, Devon, 438 (4 m. 23). Milton Clevedon (M. Clovedon), Soms., 438 (2 m. 19). Milton Damerell, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Milton Ernest (Middelton Erneys), Beds, 438 (3 m. 17). Milton Falconbridge, Soms. [in Mar- tock], g. 587 (19), 751 (5). Milton by Gravesend (Meleton, Mela- ton), Kent, 438 (1 m. 22). hospital of St. Mary, 438 (3 m. 20). rector of, p. 1524. Milton by Sittingbourne (Myddelton), Kent, 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 mm. 16, 28). Milton, Rob., g. 2055 (14). Milverton, Dors., g. 94 (35). Milverton, Soms., 438 (3 m. 23). Min, stone of, in Italy, 1277 (p. 587). Mincio, the Italian river, 53, 1489. Mindelheim (Mydelhan, Middleham), in Germany, letters dated at, 366, 1822, 1826. Minehead (Mynhede), Soms., 438 (2 m. 27), 438 (3 m. 4), 1982 (4). Mineres, Maître Jean de, of Rouen, 2083 (2). Miners (mynters), 438 (1 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 8), 1803 (1 m. 6). Minskip, Edw., g. 11 (10). Minster nunnery, in Sheppey, 438 (1 m. 22). prioress. See Rivers, A. Minster Lovell (Mynsterlowel), Oxon, g. 94 (49), 682 (8), 1044 (10). St. Cecilia's chapel, g. 485 (8). Minsterworth, Glouc., 438 (4 m. 14). Minstrels, 438 (3 m. 21). 314 GENERAL INDEX. Mint, the, accounts, 185, 876, 1408, 2316, 3316 :—g. 158 (1). indenture for working, 139. campsor and assayer, comp- troller and clerk-keeper, g. 54 (59). graver of dies, g. 381 (41). keeper of the Change, g. 546 (74), 1804 (16). See Stafford, W. master of the Mint, 438 (1 m. 1):-g. 132 (53), 1083 (24). See Mountjoy, Lord. usher of the Exchange, g. 257 (72). warden of the Mint. See Stafford, W. Mintlyn (Myntelyng), Norf., 438 (3 m. 6). Miranda, count de, 6 (p. 5). Mirandola (Mirandula), in Italy, 773, 1277 (p. 587), 2154. letter dated at, 680. Count John Francis of, brother of Lodovico, 1277 (p. 587). countess of [Francesca Trivulcio, widow of Count Lodovico], and her son, 1277 (p. 587). Mirandola, Ludovico della, the duke of Ferrara's captain, slain, 280. Miravale. See Merevale. Mire. See Mere. Mirfyn, Th., 2467, 2668 :—p. 1509 :- g. 2222 (16 London). Mirmound (or Well) priory, Camb., near Upwell, Norf., 438 (3 m. 15). Miros. See Myross. Miserden (Mussardere, Musader), Glouc., g. 94 (35), 1365 (17). Misery, John, chaplain, g. 2684 (50). Missenden, Great-, Bucks, 438 (3 m. • " 19). abbey, 438 (3 m. 21). W. abbot. See Smith, Pottersrewe, 438 (3 m. 30). Missenden, James, 438 (3 m. 12). (Messynden, Misseldyn), Th., p. 1540:-g. 969 (54), 3408 (6). Misterton, Leic., 438 (3 m. 1). Misterton, Notts, 438 (2 m. 26). Misterton, Soms., g. 1083 (2). Mistilbrok, Wm., g. 1804 (6). Mitcham (Mycheam, Mycheham, Micham), Surr., 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (3 m. 11), 1803 (1 m. 1). Mitcheldean (Magna Dene), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 24). Mitcheldever (Micheldever), Hants, 438 (4 m. 19), 1803 (1 m. 3). Mitford, Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2683 (5). Mitford, Chr., p. 1541. (Metford, Mitfurth), Rob., 438 (2 m. 28). Th., g. 1804 (46). (Medford), Walter, dean of Wells (1413-1423), his regis- ter as Papal collector, 1235. See Notes and Errata. Miton. See Myton. Mittelton. See Middleton. Mitton, Lanc., 438 (1 m. 18). Mitton, John, 1803 (2 m. 4):—p. 1543 :—g. 1494 (9). Th., p. 1543. Moccas, Heref., 1803 (2 m. 5). Mocenigo, Alvise, a Venetian, in- tended ambassador to France (1514), 278n., 328, 334-5, 3234, 3367. Mochebilling. See Billing. Mochelney. See Muchelney. Moche Waryng. See Wakering. Mochnant (Moghenaunt), in Chirk- land, bailiff of, and of the three trayans of Nanheudwy (Nantheody), g. 924 (15). Mockelowe. See Micklow. Mocoron, 2383. Modbury, Devon, 438 (3 m. 34). Modena (Moodon, Modona, Modon), in Italy, 613, 753, 773, 780, 1277 (p. 586), 1432, 1469, 1699, 2292, 2329, 3556:~p. 1524. Emperor's governor of. See Fruste, Veit. Modena, Raynaldus de, priest, ac- cused of poisoning Card. Bainbridge, 3203-4, 3206, 3211-3, 3220, 3236, 3261 ii., 3265, 3302–3. confesson of, 3213. Modenden (Motynden) Kent, [in Headcorn], Trinitarian Friars, minister of, 438 (2 m. 11). See Sutton, R. Modrusa, Count, 3003. Moffat, John, Scottish merchant, 1466. Moffett, Michael, purser, 3148, 3513. Moghenaunt. See Mochnant. Mogher, Perys. See Porzmoguer. Mogynton. See Muggington. Mohun, John, 438 (4 m. 6). Moigne, Beatrice d. and h. of Henry, 438 (4 m. 7). (Moin), John, rector of Combe in Teignhead, p. 1525. .. (Moine), Robert, clk., 438 (3 m. 1). Th., 438 (4 m. 7). Moile. See Moyle. Moin. See Moigne. GENERAL INDEX. 315 Mokkynges in Tottenham, Midd., g. 2055 (130). Molardus, Captain, in French service, 1071 (p. 517). Molder, Wm., priest, of the Chapel Royal, 707. Molembaix (Molenbeys), Sieur de, 2665, 2673 (2). Moleneux. See Molyneux. Molens, lord of, 438 (3 m. 1). Molens (Mulleyns, Molence), Th., 438 (2 m. 14). Molesworth (Mullesworth), Hunts, 438 (2 m. 31). Moleyns. See Molyneux. Molin, Hier. da, Venetian merchant, 434, 455. Molines, English troops land at, 2750. Molla, Agostin da, captain of Vene- tian galleys, letter from, 17. Molland Champiaux, Devon, 438 (3 m. 15). Mollart, M., 470. Molle, John, 1803 (1 m. 6). Mollesdale, Th., p. 1549. Molsham. See Moulsham. Molyne, John de, 3343. Molyneux, Agnes, widow of Hugh, 438 (4 m. 6). (Molyyns), Henry, 438 (4 m. 6). Joan, 438 (2 m. 9). (Moleneux), Rob., 438 (1 m. 15). (Moleyns), Th.; 438 (4 m. 6). Wm., 438 (2 m. 9), 1493. Sir Wm., 2239. letter to, 2463. Momford, Francis, g. 3107 (24). Mompesson (Munpesson, Mowmper- son), John, pp. 1546, 1548 :— g. 1494 (55). Monaincha, co. Tipperary [near Roscrea], priory of St. Cross de Insula Viventium, p. 1530. Monakdam, in Holland, 2809. Monare or Mounare, Edm., 438 (1 m. 21). Monasse or Moneasse. See Monyash. Monasteranenagh, Co. Limerick, abbey of St. Mary de Magio, James abbot of, p. 1528. Monasterium dymilios. See Melrose. Monastir, in Barbary, 610. Monçaon (Montissonum), in Spain, deed dated at, 501, 556. Moncelyse. See Monselice. Monckton Farlegh. See Farley. Mondeslee. See Mundesley. Mondoñedo, bp. of. See Muros. Mondy, Wm.,˜436. Mone, John, 438 (2 m. 6). Roger, g. 833 (70). Monesoterey. See Ottery Mohun. Money, unlicensed export of, 193. ., Act against exporting, 341. Money, Henry, 361. Monfalcone (Mountfalkon), in Friuli, 2572. Monfferon, John Paul de, in the Pope's service, 773. Monfroni, Paul, made prisoner at Brescia, 1071 (p. 518). Mongombrey. See Montgomery. Monimusk priory, in Scotland, p. • 1527. prior. See Akynherd, J. Monjoy, Lord. See Mountjoy. Monk or Monke, Ant., s. and h. of Humphrey, g. 682 (34). Humphrey, 438 (2 m. 4). • " John, 20 (p. 17), 438 (3 m. 19):-g. 969 (70). Monkastre. See Muncaster. Monkbretton, priory, prior. Tickhill, T. See Monks Kirby, Warw., 438 (2 m. 25). Monk Soham, Suff., rector of St. Peter's, 1803 (2 m. 4). Monkton (Monketon), Soms., 438 (4 m. 17). Monkton Moor (More Mounkton), Yorks, rector presented, g. 833 (42). Monmouth, 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (3 m. 21). priory, 438 (1 m. 24). prior. See Fowler, T. Monmouth Land (Munmouth), Heref., 438 (1 m. 4), 438 (4 m. 25). Monmouth, John, rector of Llanfi- hangell, g. 485 (60). Monon. See Monyn. Monoux, George, alderman, 1439, 2467:―g. 2222 (16 London). letter from, 3351. Mons, in Hainault, 3258. Mons, Henry de, g. 381 (91). Monsehyll Lacy. See Mansel. Monselice (Moncelyse), in Italy, 3245. Monsem Joan (i.e. Mons. St. John). See Docwra, Sir T. Monsha. See Maumeshan. Monsieur. See Charles, Prince. Monsieur (Monsor), Louis. Cleves, L. de. Monslawe, Wm., g. 1170 (17). Monson, Sir John, 144. See (Mounson), John, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 16), 1505 :—p. 1540g. 132 (26), 749 (6), 2222 (12, 16 Linc.), 2535 (25). Monsor. See Monsieur. Monstrell. See Montreuil. Montacute (Montegu), Soms., priory of, 438 (4 m. 17), 3315 :-g. 1524 (4). 604 (37). confirmation for, g. 316 GENERAL INDEX. Montacute, priory of-cont. 3107 (28). election of prior, g. prior of. See Chard, in T.; Water, J. Montagnana (Monteignyane), Italy, 2106, 2264, 3274. Montague (Mountaguy, Mountagew), John Nevill marquis of (A.D. 1470–1), 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (2 m. 31). • Elizabeth his wife, 438 (3 m. 7). Montague, Lord, 3357. See Pole, Henry. Montague (Mountagu, Mountegu), Th., 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 5). Montaigle, Lord. See Stanley, Sir E. Montauban, Philip de, 406. order by, 1237 iii. Montauros, in France. See Montreuil. Montaya or Montoya, Katerina, 20 (pp. 11, 15). Mont Cenis, pass of, in the Alps, 983. Montclare (Mount Clere), Hugues de, French prisoner, 2172, 2227:- p. 928. Montclere, Claude, French prisoner, p. 928. Monte [S. Savini], Ant. Maria de, Cardinal St. Vitalis (10 March 1511), bp. of Sipontin, auditor of the Apostolic Chamber, 714, 1621 ii., 1677, 2029, 2276. Monte Chiaro, in Italy, 1043, 1071. Monteney. See Mountney. Monterey (Montarey), count of, of Spain, 162 (p. 85). Montero, James, envoy from the schismatic cardinals, 625, 732-3. Montferatt, Boniface de, French prisoner, p. 928. Montferrand, in Auvergne, letters to the lieutenant, 1938, 1959. Montferrat (Montferrare), marquis and marquisate of, 1277, 1301 (pp. 594–5), 1647, 1988, 2074, 3544. Montford, ship captain, 1661 (3). Montgomerie, Hugh, earl of Eglin- toun, q.v. (Montgumery), John master of, 2461. Montgomery (Moungumbrey), Wales, 438 (3 m. 23). in stewardship, &c., g. 54 (22), 519 (51). Montgomery (Mountegomery), Anne and Dorothy, ds. and hs. of Sir John, g. 3049 (19, 36). (Mongombrey), Benet, 20 (p. 19). Montgomery-cont. • (Mountgomery), Ellen daugh- ter of Sir John, g. 2964 (42), 3049 (19, 36). (Mountgomery), Robert, 193 (p. 100). (Mongomere, Mongomery), Sir Thomas, 438 (3 m. 1), 438 (4 m. 19):-g. 54 (14). Montigny, in France, 3344. Montils les Tours (Mountilz), in France, g. 257 (13). Montissonum. See Monçaon. Montjoye herald or King of arms, of France, 304 ("Montroye "), 3051, 3308, 3342, 3400. Montlheri, in France, 1925. Montmorency (Monmorancy), Wil- liam de, premier baron of France, 3269 (7), 3348, 3424. Mont Orgueil (Mountorgill, Gurrey) Castle, in Jersey, 199, 396, 438 (4 m. 18):—g. 190 (41). Mont Orgueil (Mount Orgiel, Mount- orgell), pursuivant, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 707, 2052. Montpellier, in France, 3344. letter to Perottus, senator of, 305. Montreuil (Monstrell, Mottrell, Mot- rell), in Picardy, 1265, 2089, 2169, 2208, 2229 (?“Mon- tauros"), 2415 (3), 2888, 3240, 3252. letter dated at, 3342. Montreuil (Monstroell), lord of, 1932. Montrose, in Scotland, hospital of St. Mary, 600, 1063, 1756. Montrose, earl of, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313. Montroye King of arms, 304. See Montjoye. Monviles. See Mandeville's. Monyash (Moneasshe, Monasso), Derb., 438 (4 m. 9). Monyn (Mouen, Monon), John, p. 1539. Monyngton, Th., p. 1538 :-g. 969 (23). Monysotery. See Ottery Mohun. Moodon. See Modena. Moole Hall, Essex, g. 289 (12). Moor or Moore. See More. Moor (Le More), Salop, [near Lud- low], g. 1948 (26). Moor (More), Old-, Nthld., 438 (4 m. 12). Moorhouse (Murhus), Cumb., 438 (4 m. 22). Moor Park or La More, Herts, g. 1804 (3). grants dated at, g. 158 (90), 190 (5, 10). Moors (Morys). See under Barbary; also Syria. GENERAL INDEX. 317 Moota. See Mota. Moptyde, , carpenter, 2305 ii. Morales, Treasurer, in Spain, his niece, 473. Moraton. See Maraton. Moravia, 724. Moray (Murray), archd. of, pp. 1526, • 1529. Nudry, T. See Paniter, P.; bp. of. See Forman, A. bpric. and diocese, 654:—pp. 1522, 1526, 1528–9. · canon of, p. 1527. chancellor and dean of. See Forman, R. subdean of, p. 1522. Moray, James Stewart earl of, natural son of James IV., 212n. Moray. See also Murray. Morbage or Marba, Bertrand de, 2995 (p. 1294). Morbecque (Morbeck), M. de, bailli of Cassel, 1322. Morchard Episcopi, Devon, 438 (4 m. 17). Morcot, Rob., and Wm., 438 (3 m. 6). Mordaunt, Sir John, 1803 (2 m. 1). John, 1803 (1 m. 6):-p. 1533:-g. 218 (24), 257 (49), 2222 (16 Beds), 2484 (17), 3324 (2). Wm., 1803 (2 m. 1):—p. 1536. Wm. or Sir Wm., justice of gaol delivery, g. 132 (2, 48), 381 (39), 546 (1, 17, 47), 709 (34), 804 (41), 833 (40), 969 (38), 1083 (13, 20), 1266 (41), 1316 (28), 1602 (10, 41), 1662 (28), 2137 (3, 11), 2222 (16 Essex), 2684 (62), 3049 (35), 3107 (34). Mordon. See Morton. Mordyng. See Mardyng. More, Herts. See Moor Park. More, Nthld. See Moor. More, Oxon. See Northmoor. More (Mour), Salop [in Stoke Mill- borough], 438 (4 mm. 12, 27). More, Agnes, widow, 438 (2 m. 16). Alice, wife of Wm., g. 969 (4). > Christina, g. 1044 (24). Christopher, g. 1316 (4). Joan, g. 1044 (24). John, 438 (3 m. 9), 1803 (1 m. 2), 2392 (p. 1063), 2480 (40–1). John, carrier, 936, 949. John, harness maker, pp. 1512-13. John, justice of Assizes, 2787: pp. 1535-6, 1538 bis, 1540, 1544-5 :—g. 132 (26, More, John, justice of Assizes-cont. 48), 381 (39), 519 (44), 546 (41, 47), 709 (34), 731 (27–8), 833 (2), 969 (45), 1266 (41), 1316 (14), 1662 (1), 1948 (10), 2055 (114), 2137 (11), 2222 (16 Herts), 2484 (27), 2684 (8, 9, 41), 3049 (26). • " Randolph, 2392 (p. 1063). Richard, canon of Exeter, 438 (4 m. 15). (Moore, Moor), Ric., vicar of Eatington, 1803 (2 m. 4). Rob., pp. 1536, 1543. Roger, clerk of the Larder, 2404. (Moore), Th., 438 (2 m. 16), 1803 (2 m. 5):—g. 132 (26), 833 (58 ii.), 969 (3), 2684 (8). (Moore), Thomas, afterwards Sir Thomas, 736, 771, 790, 865, 891, 917, 926, 936, 949, 958, 961, 1082, 2133:—p. 1537 :—g. 587 (15). " • letters to, 790, 2133. his brother, 961. his wife, 771. Wm., 1803 (2 m. 4):—p. 1549. Wm., of Leith, 1262 (p. 578). Moreby, John, prior of Guisborough, 438 (2 m. 17). More Critchell (Morekyrchell), Dors., 438 (1 m. 13). More End (Moreinde), Ntht. [in Potters Pury], 438 (3 m. 30):— g. 357 (3, 15, 45). Moreend, Worc., 1803 (1 m. 4). Moreff or Moryff, Maud, widow of John, 438 (1 m. 14). Peter, 438 (1 m. 14). Moreholme, Westmld., g. 1732 (1). Morehouse (Morehows), Rob., p. 1534 :—g. 289 (31). Morell, Oliver, g. 1221 (19). (Morall), Ric., 438 (4 m. 13). Simon, 1505, 2536. More Mounkton. See Monkton. Mores. See Morice. Moresby, Anne, daughter of Sir Christopher, 438 (2 m. 11). Eliz., widow of Sir Christo- pher, 438 (3 m. 19). > (Morysby), Rob., 438 (2 m. 16). Moresson, Th., p. 1520. Moret, in France, 3344. Moreton, Chesh., 438 (3 m. 22). Moreton (Morton), Devon, g. 1662 (25), 2684 (75). Moreton (Mourton, Morton), Dors., 438 (2 m. 7). Moreton (Marton, Martyn), Essex, g. 289 (16). Moreton, Glouc., 2537. 318 GENERAL INDEX. Moreton. See also Morton. Moreton, Loys. See Maraton. Morewic, Hugh and Sibyl de (temp. Hen. III. ?), g. 632 (82). Morewode, John, g. 1948 (60). Morgan, Mr., servant of the countess of Richmond, 20 (p. 13). • • Anne, 438 (3 m. 11). (Morgan, Morgayne), Gre- gory, p. 1546 :-g. 132 (15), 784 (17). 1316 (12), 2222 (12). Guyllym, g. 969 (23). John, 2656 (6), 2657 :-g. 1804 (53). John, rector of Llantwit by Neath, g. 2222 (2). (Morgayne), Rob., 438 (3 m. 11). Th., 82 (p. 41), 2480 (12), 2742. Wm., 20 (p. 14), 1176 (1, 4), 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2414 :-g. 54 (35), 519 (43), 1804 (42). 24). his brother, 1176 (1, signature of, 2130 (3). (Morgon), Wm., LL.D., mas- ter of St. John's Hospital, Bedford, 438 (3 m. 13). Sir Wm., 2742-p. 1516 :- App. 26 :—g. 2964 (12). Morgan abbey. See Margam. Morgannock. See Glamorgan. Moricaude, 2141. Morice (Moris), Andrew, letter from, 1864. (Morres), Chr., master- gunner, pp. 1514, 1519:-g. 2535 (7), 3226 (23). (Morez, Mores), James, 1446, 3313 (6) :—g. 94 (29), 158 (3), 289 (20), 651 (2). (Moris), Jankyn, g. 54 (43). (Maurice, Moris, Moryis, Morres), John, 438 (4 m. 24), 1803 (1 m. 2), 2480 (39), 2810-g. 2772 (55). (Moriss), Peter, g. 2617 (35). (Mores, Morys, Morres, Morrys), Th., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 11), 1032 (2), 2193. (Morys), Wm., alias Wm. Poole, searcher, 438 (1 m. 22). Moricheb', Hugh de, charter of, g. 485 (25). Morispikes, 1189. nance. See also Ord- Morlaix (Morleux), in Brittanny, g. 1462 (28). seneschal of (killed at Brest), 1385. Morland (Merland, Marlond), Nic., 2057, 2510:p. 1513. Morler. See Marler. Morley, Derb., 438 (2 m. 4), 438 (4 m. 27). Morley, Lanc., 438 (4 m. 16). Morley, Norf., 438 (4 m. 18). Morley, Henry Lovell lord († 1489), g. 709 (14), 1266 (12), 1948 (31), 3324 (32). Morley, William Lovell, lord († 1476), g. 257 (53), 1221 (23). Morley, James Morley lord, attain- ted under Henry VII., g. 969 (11). Audeley? Morley, Mr., of Lewes, 559. 9 Alice lady, wife of Sir Edward Howard [d. and h. of Henry Lovell lord Morley († 1489) and late the wife of Sir Wm. Parker († 1509)], 309, 1748 :—g. 257 (53), 2055 (96). Joan, 438 (1 m. 20). John, 2404, 2575 ii. :-p. 1506:―g. 2772 (27). Nic., 438 (1 m. 20). Ric., g. 11 (10), 3107 (33). Rob., 438 (1 m. 20), 1803 (2 m. 2) :—p. 1545:—g. 2684 (111). .., Th., 1493 ii. Morley's lands,” g. 381 (74), 709 (14). Mornings Mill (Moryngesmyll), Suss., [by Lower Willingdon], g. 132 (51). Morocco (Marroke, Maroke, Morrok), Straits of (or of Seville), 1005, 1812-g. 94 (34), 132 (91), 289 (34), 357 (1, 8, 13, 19), 546 (24), 563 (13), 604 (2, 12), 651 (30), 682 (5), 709 (16), 969 (22), 1172 (2), 1221 (38), 1266 (25), 1365 (18), 1462 (7, 20), 1662 (13), 2055 (33, 126), 2684 (28), 2861 (21), 2964 (5, 82), 3049 (1), 3107 (4). Morone (Moron), Hieronymo, Milanese ambassador at Rome, 3547. Morosini or Morexini, Ferigo, Vene- tian consul in London, 267, 287, 434, 601. letter from, 264. Justinian, 9. Pandolfo, letter to, 264. > Morovelli, Benedict, 1509-10. 2668: pp. Morpeth, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (3 m. 22), 2460, 2913 :—g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Morres. See Morice. Morreton. See Maraton. Morrok. See Morocco. Mors, Wm., rector of Croscombe, p. 1521. GENERAL INDEX. 319 Morton-cont. Morston. See Murston. Mortaigne (Morteyn), in Hainault, • 2391 (p. 1060). letter dated at, 3474. captain of, 2266. lord of, 3113. See Ligne, A. de. Mortain, count of (afterwards King John, q.v.), charters of, g. 485 (27), 546 (56), 1494 (8). Morthen (Mortham), Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 8, 18). Mortimer (Mortymere), Edw., g. 587 (14). (de Mortuo Mari), Henry, g. 94 (35). Hugh (temp. Edw. I.), char- ter of, g. 804 (4). John, lands of, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31). John, messenger, 20 (p. 16), 1329, 1450 (p. 661). Roger (temp. Hen. III.), charter of, g. 804 (4). (Mortimar), Walter, rector of Logiebride, pp. 1522, 1529. (Mortemer), Wm., embroi- derer, 2562, 3343-p. 1502. Mortimer Stratfield. See Strat- field. Mortlake, Surr., grants dated at, g. 218 (3), 2137 (28, 30), 2222 (1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 11), 2330 (2, 6), 2422 (7, 11, 15-17, 19), 2484 (1, 5-7, 18, 19, 23–5). letter dated at, 2405. Morton, Devon. See Moreton. Morton, Dors. See Moreton. Morton, Salop, g. 381 (46). Morton (Moreton), Warw., g. 158 (36). Morton (Mourton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9). Morton Bagot (Moreton), Warw., g. 709 (41, 43). Morton Birt. See Birt's Morton. Morton (Moreton) Corbet, Salop, 438 (4 m. 1). Morton Valence (Moreton Valance), Glouc., 2537. Morton, Robert Morton earl of, slain at Flodden, 2313. (Mortoun), James Douglas earl of, 2461, 2973. Morton, Agnes, 438 (3 m. 19). Geoffrey, 1493. (Moreton), John, 20 (pp. 12, 13), 82 (p. 41), 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 22): pp. 1536, 1541-g. 449 (3). (Murton), John, Cardinal († 1500), 438 (3 mm. 2, 15, 25). Nic,, clk., p. 1529, (Murton, Moreton), Rob., 438 (2 m. 31). 438 (3 m. 19):- g. 969 (23, 41), 1170 (18), 1365 (7), 2422 (19), 2684 (99), 3107 (51). (Mortune), Robert and Peter, sons of David, a Scot resident in Denmark, 302. Sir Robert, King's spear, g. 698, 1453 ii., v., 1661, 2480 (26, 29), 2738:-App. 9, 26 ("Norton "):—g. 1494 (9). signature, 698. (Moreton), Roland, pp. 1538, 1546. (Moreton, Murton), Th., 20 (p. 14), 2656 (6), 3135:-p. 1545:-g. 2684 (99). (Moreton, Mouretone, Mor- don), Th., clk., 438 (3 m. 18):—g. 651 (16). (Moreton), Th., rector of Lanteglos, g. 857 (1). Mortray (Mortuary) or Murtree, Soms. [in Brickland Dinham], g. 546 (56). Mortuarye. See Mortray. Morval, Cornw., g. 833 (58 iii.). Morvilliers, Sieur de. See Lannoy, R. de. Morwell, Th., clk., g. 485 (8). Morwinstow (St. Morwen), Cornw., vicar of, p. 1524. Moryell. See Muriell. Moryngesmyll. See Morning's Mill. Morys, the. See Moors. Morysby. See Moresby. Mosa. See Meuse. Mosgrave. See Musgrave. Mossesyde, in Scotland, p. 1260. Moss Wood (Mossewode), Chesh., 438 (2 m. 9). "Most Christian," title, 2926. Mota (Mote, Moota), Dr. P. de, of the Emperor's Council, 522 (p. 312), 1353, 1399, 1400, 1884 (p. 858), 2408, 2601, 3405. letters from, 565:- App. 10, 11. Mote, Kent, g. 2964 (54). Mote (Le Mote), Kent, [in Maid- stone], 438 (3 m. 11). Motica. See Mecca. Motlowe, Wm., g. 546 (40), 604 (49). Moton, Th., g. 1316 (47). Motre de Flotre, 2383. Motrell. See Montreuil. Mottesfont, Wilts, priory, 438 (3 m. 16). • prior. See Dene, J. Motton, Peter, g. 2137 (23). , Rob., 438 (3 m. 7). Moubach, in Germany, 1162. Mouen. See Monyn. 320 GENERAL INDEX. Moughton. See Moulton. Moulgrave. See Mulgrave. Moulsham (Mulsham, Molsham), Essex, in Chelmsford parish, 438 (3 m. 17):-g. 1836 (8). Moulton (Moughton, Mowton), Norf., 438 (4 m. 10). Moulton (Multon), Ntht., g. 289 (46), 1494 (48). Moulton in South Holland (Multon in Southeland), Linc., 438 (2 m. 13). Moulton (Mowlton, Multon), Robert, abbot of Thorney (1513), 3464 :-g. 1662 (30), 1732 (34, 37), 1836 (21), 3582 (14). Mounare. See Monare. Moundeford. See Mountford. Moundevyles. See Mandeville's. Mounford. See Mountford. Mounfret. See Munfrete. Moungumbrey. See Montgomery. Moungyne and his wife, in Margaret of Savoy's court, 2375. Mounson. See Monson. Mount, John, g. 1266 (38). Mountagu. See Montague. Mountains, the. See Alps. Mount Clere. See Montclare. Mountegu. See Montague. Mounteney (Mountenay), John, g. 3582 (30). Richard, 438 (2 m. 30). (Monteney), Rob., 438 (1 m. 22). (Mownteney), Rob., ship captain, 2686, 2842, 2938. Wm., 438 (4 m. 22). Mountford (Moundeford, Mounford), Francis, 438 (2 m. 21):—p. 381 (43), 2484 1541 :-g. (20). John, 3135. Rose (temp. Edw. IV.), 1803 (2 m. 3). (Mounford), Sir Simon, at- tainted, g. 632 (7), 709 (14), 1266 (9), 1948 1948 (31), 2137 (18). Mountfort, Wm., g. 563 (17), 731 (13, 36). Mountgaleries, engines so called, ("mowntes "), 1818, 1992 :- p. 1504. Mountgomery. See Montgomery. Mountgrace, Yorks, priory, 438 (1 m. 15). confirmation for, g. 381 (70). m. 15). John prior of, 438 (1 Mountilz. See Montils. Mountjoy priory [in Haveringland parish], Norf., demise of the house, by the prior, 136. Mountjoy (Monjoy, Monyay), Wil- liam Blount lord, master of the Mint, lieutenant of Ham- mes Castle, chamberlain to Queen Katharine, 20 (p. 13), 51, 81, 128, 139, 185, 193 (pp. 100, 103), 205, 226, 652, 736, 745, 770-1, 791, 876, 890-1, 905, 920, 926, 933, 936, 948-9, 958, 963-4, 967, 968 (?), 973, 1046, 1546, 1552, 1689, 1849, 1985 (2), 2224, 2226, 2316, 2326, 2519, 2610, 2781 ii., 2834, 2838, 3045, 3062-3, 3222, 3268, 3464-Pp. 1535, 1537-8, 1543, 1549 :-g. 132 (53), 158 (1), 257 (4, 5, 27, 80), 632 (16), 1221 (29), 1524 (38), 1948 (69, 70), 2055 (75), 2617 (22), 3049 (19). • 3214. letters from, 51, 1849. letters to, 770, 2224, his indenture as master of the Mint, 139:-g. 158 (1). signature of, 2121. his wife. See Vane- gas, Agnes de. Mountnessing (Mounteneisyng), Essex, 438 (3 m. 18). Mount's Bay (Mountisbay), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 10). Mount St. John, Yorks, g. 1948 (11). preceptory of St. John, 438 (4 m. 15). . Mount Sinai, letter from Clement, the abbot, and the convent, 3587. Mour. See More. Mouretone or Mourton. See Morton. Mourton, Dors. See Moreton. Mouy or Moy (Nyon), Sieur de, 2173 (3), 2227. Mowbray (Mubray), Roger de, com- position with, g. 381 (83). Mowceherst, Hugh, g. 1836 (27). Mowde, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 7). Mowde or Mowhaunt, Constantine, 438 (4 m. 7). Mower (Mowar), Ric., 438 (3 m. 23). Rob., g. 1083 (46). Mowhaunt (Mouhaunt). Mowde. Mowlton. See Moulton. Mowmperson. See Mompesson. Mownteney. See Mounteney. Mowton. See Moulton. Moxica. See Muxica. Moy, Sieur de. See Mouy. See Moyarta (Disstermeyaltta Loyd), co. Clare, p. 1523. Moyle (Moile), John, 438 (2 m. 14): p. 1535-g. 833 (58 iii). Mubray. See Mowbray. C GENERAL INDEX. 321 Muchelney (Mochelney, Michelley), Soms., abbey, g. 519 (46). abbot. See Broke, T. Muchland (Michelond in Fournes), Lanc. [in Aldingham], 438 (3 m. 28). Mucking (Mukyng), Essex, 438 (2 m. 5). Mucking Hall (Mewekinghall), Essex, 438 (2 m. 6). Mucklow. See Micklow. Mud or Mudde, John and Thomas, 438 (2 mm. 6, 7). Mugge, John and Wm., 438 (3 m. 23). Muggington (Mogynton), Derb., 438 (2 m. 30). Muiden, in Holland, certificate by officials, 2274. Muklow. See Micklow. Mukyng. See Mucking. Mulcastre. See Muncaster. Mulgrave (Moulgrave), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 26). Mullesworth. See Molesworth. Mulleyns. See Molens. Mulsham. See Moulsham. Mulsho (Mulsoo, Mulsole), John, 438 Queen's servant, 3448. the (4 m. 6). (Mulshoo), Margaret, Multon. See Moulton. Mulwe (in Denmark ?), 1545. Mulys, lord of, 438 (3 m. 1). Molens. See Mumby, Linc., 438 (3 m. 14). Muncaster (Monkastre, Mulcastre), Cumb., 438 (4 mm. 21, 23, 27):—g. 132 (34), 485 (42). Muncaster (Mulcastre), Wm. de, sheriff of Cumberland, g. 485 (25). Munchensi (de Monte Caniso), Dionisia (temp. Edw. I.), g. 92 (35). Munde. See Gmund. Mundesley (Munnysley, Mondeslee), Norf., 438 (2 mm. 30, 33). Mundham, North-, Suss., g. 969 (38). Mundy, John, goldsmith, 438 (1 m. 20), 1446. Munfrete (Mounfret), Philip alias Peryn, vicar of Sturminster Newton, 438 (4 m. 14). Munich, in Bavaria, 1352. Munjoy, Th., ship owner, 1414. Munpesson. See Mompesson. Murgetrode, Rob., his will, 496. Murgya, near Fontarabia, 1509, 1511 (p. 699). Murhus. See Moorhouse. Muriell (Moryell, Murell), Edward, 438 (3 m. 12). John, rector of Wortham (temp. Edw. III.), g. 651 (10). Wt. 11494. Muros, Diego de, bp. of Mondoñedo, 6 (p. 6). Murray, in Scotland. See Moray. Murray, See Carrik. Sir Wm., of Tullibardine, 2461. Murryen, bp. of. See Maurienne. Murston (Morston), Kent, g. 3107 (23). · rector of, p. 1525. Murtholme, in Scotland, p. 1260. Murton. See Morton. Murtree. See Mortray. Musader. See Miserden. Musbury, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Muschamp (Muschyans), George, g. 1494 (60). Margaret, widow of John, 438 (3 m. 2). Muscote. See Musket. Muse or Mewese. Isabel, widow of Adrian, 438 (3 m. 30). Musgrave, Westmld., rector of, 438 (4 m. 7) :—p. 1530. Musgrave, Alice, g. 833 (53). Cuthb., g. 132 (50). (Mosgrave), Edward or Sir Edward, knighted after Flodden, 438 (2 m. 15), 2246 (4 ii.): pp. 1529, 1546 :-g. 132 (50), 632 (26), 804 (29 iii.), 833 (45 ii.), 969 (23), 1365 (3), 2484 (9). Sir John, knight for the Body, 255:—p. 1535:-g. 804 (29), 833 (45), 1365 (3), 2684 (86). Leonard, g. 924 (11). Rob., g. 804 (29 vii.), 833 (50), 1365 (3). letter from, 2096. Th., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 2480 (10) :—g. 833 (53), 2684 (86), 3324 (19). Muskett, Alice, wife of John, 438 (2 m. 12). (Muscote, Muskyn, Mus- kettes, Muscotys), John, jus- tice of Assizes, 438 (2 m. 12), 1803 (1 m. 6):—p. 1541: g. 132 (48), 381 (39), 519 (44), 546 (47, 60), 709 (34, 61), 804 (20), 833 (2), 1266 (41), 1316 (14), 1494 (4). (Muscote), Wm., s. and h. of John, 2623. Muskham, South-, Notts, 438 (1 m. 11). Musoen, count of, dies in Italy, 1301. Mussardere. See Miserden. Mussels, a dragging" of, g. 94 (35). Mussyka. See Muxica. Musterden, Th., 438 (2 m. 15). H 21 322 GENERAL INDEX. Musters, 264, 332-3, 705, 1016, 1134, | 1217, 1360, 1820-g. 190 (34), 257 (62), 731 (44), 1170 (7), 1221 (6, 60), 1316 (8, 40-1), 1662 (27), 1732 (46), 1804 (28– 31), 1948 (73), 2861 (33). Muston, Eliz., daughter of Wm., 438 (4 m. 29). Musurus, Marcus, 1552. Mutford, and Mutford hundred, Suff., g. 94 (56), 682 (33). Muwynyk (Meuwenek, &c.), Wm., clk., 438 (4 m. 23). Muxica (Mussyka, Musschyka, Muss- hica, Moxica), Martin de, comendador, Ferdinand's paymaster, envoy to England (1512), 1458, 1460-1, 1484, 1509 (p. 696), 1511 (p. 699), 1575 (p. 722), 1650, 1656, 1659, 1665, 1737, 1933, 1999 (3), 2002–3, 2006, 3591. • • , 1933. letter from, 1484. instructions for, 1461, Muyth. See Mythe. Mycheam or Mycheham. See Mitch- am. Mychenall. See Migenall. Myddelton, Kent. See Milton. Myddelscop or Mydystopp, Hans, 2834, 3222. Mydelhan. See Mindelheim. Mydystopp. See Myddelscop. Myedyborowgh. See Middelburg. Myghell Kyngton. See Kington. Mykelfeld, W., App. 22. Myklaw. See Micklow. Mykylhatfeld. See Hatfield. Mylard, Ric., p. 1549. Mylaton, John, g. 784 (47). Myle, Henry, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 16):—g. 1494 (9). Myleneyth. See Maelenyd. Mylett, John, receiver general to Abp. Warham, p. 1518. Myllydenhithe, Berks, 438 (3 m. 25). Myllyng, Th. See Hilling. Myllys. See Mells. Mylnfelde. See Millfield. Mynchull, Peter, g. 2137 (23). Mynchyn Bukland. See Buckland. Myndip. See Mendip. Myners. See Mynours. Myngoval. See Maingoval. Mynott, Ric., g. 2772 (57). Mynours (Meynours), Reynold, M.P. for Hereford, 3068. (Myners), Ric., 2392 2392 (p. 1063). (Meynour), Roger, gentle- man usher, serjeant of the Cellar, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 39):—g. 257 (45), 449 (14), 1221 (26), 1948 (94), 2484 (9). Mynours—cont. Myre, Th., page of the Chamber, 82 (p. 43). 438 (4 Wilts ? m. 17). Mere, Myrhill. See Marcle. Myross (Miros), co. Cork, p. 1523 bis. Myssyn. See Messen. Mytelene (Metelim), in Greece, 463 ii. Mythe (Muyth), Glouc., g. 857 (2). Myton (Miton), Yorks, g. 1804 (32), 2772 (56). Myvot. See Meiford. N Naburn (Naborne, Nabburne), Yorks, ack 438 (1 m. 22). Nackington (Natindon), Kent, 438 (2 m. 8). Nacton. See Natton. Nafferton (Nofferton, Naferton, Naffurton), Nthld., 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (3 m. 2). Nafferton (Nawferton, Nauffarton), Yorks, 391, 438 (3 m. 11). Nafford (Narford), Worc., 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 24). Nailston (Nelson), Leic., g. 54 (93). Najera (Najara, Nazara), duke of, 6 (p. 5), 1291, 1509 (p. 695), 1511 (pp. 698–9). Nalyngton, Surr., 438 (3 m. 1). Query Paddington in Abinger parish? Namur, in Luxemburg, 1813, 2113, 2404, 3174. Nanfan, Sir Richard, deputy of Calais under Henry VII., 791: g. 190 (39), 357 (33), 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2222 (7). Wm., 193 (p. 99):-g. 94 (110). Nanskewell, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 16). Nanskylly, John, his will, 206. Nantes (Nauntes), in Britanny, 1936. Nantes, [Robert Guibé or Britto], cardinal of St. Anastasius, bp. of, 406, 554, 755n, 756, 1052, 1621 ii., 1854, 2144, 3063. letters to, 1052, 1621 ii. Nantheody, See Moghenaunt. Nantwich (Nownthwyche, Noun- wyche), Chesh., 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 16):-g. 94 (14), 519 (24). GENERAL INDEX. 323 NAPLES (Napulys), city and kingdom, 6 (pp. 4, 6), 83, 147, 162 (pp. 83-4, 86), 329 (p. 150), 345, 432, 526, 545, 570, 610, 627, 724, 741, 793, 819, 1186, 1204, 1223, 1257 (2), 1277 (pp. 585, 587), 1326 (p. 615), 1423, 1511 (pp. 697, 700), 1519, 1665 (p. 765), 1667, 1781, 1877, 1892, 1897, 2006 (p. 908), 2016, 2038 ii., 2077, 2242, 2292, 2475, 2486, 2523, 2583, 2670, 2743, 2746, 2791, 2794, 2797, 2800, 2860, 3009, 3018, 3051, 3145, 3245, 3597: -App. 6. letters dated at, 965 ii., 2991. Venetian consul at, 2990. viceroy of. See Cardona, R. de. Cardinal of (Oliver Carafa), 286, 479. Ferdinand King of, 325. Joan Queen of ("the old Queen "), widow of Ferdinand I. (†1494), sister of Ferdinand the Catholic of Aragon, 965 ii. Naples (Napulles), John de, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 186. Vincent of, painter, p. 1502. See Medula. Napolitan, Doctor. Nappa (Nappey), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 7): g. 3499 (41). Nappys. See Apps. Narberth (Nerberd, Nerberth, Nar- bath), S. Wales, 1803 (1 m. 1) :—g. 257 (44), 485 (37), 784 (21). rector presented, g. 731 (38). Narbon, Henry, canon of Bridge- north, g. 2422 (16). • (Nerbon), Piers, 151:-g. 158 (84). alms knight at Wind- sor, App. 18. Narbonne (Gallia Narbonensis), in France, 1647 (p. 743), 1769, 3344. Narbonne, Guillame Briçonnet, cardinal of, bp. of Præneste, 625, 667, 732, 964. signature of, 625, 732. Naregod, Heref, 438 (2 m. 33). Qu. Northgate ? Narford. See Nafford. Narke, Th., 438 (3 m. 21). Narrow Seas, the, 1567, 1894, 1899, 1992, 3513 (2):—p. 1508. Narsigua [in Africa], King of, 1974 (p. 895). Nassau (Nassou, Nasso, Nauso, Van- nasso, Nessou), count of, 919, 1101, 1481, 1792, 2038, 2063, Nassau, count of-cont. • 2147, 2174, 2362, 2383, 2391 (p. 1061), 2521, 2656, 2665, 2673 (2), 2705, 2736, 2797, 2894, 2985, 2994, 2995 (pp. 1293-4), 3113, 3400. lord of, resident in Germany, marries Lord Berghes' daugh- ter, 3174. Nassington, Ntht., 438 (2 m. 33) :— g. 94 (35). prebend in Lincoln cathedral, 438 (1 m. 3). Nastoke. See Navestock. Natelia, See Anatolia. Natindon. See Nackington. Natton (Nacton), John, 438 (4 m. 4). Naturensis. See Athyra. Nauffarton. See Nafferton. Naunton (Newnton), Glouc., g. 651 (8). Naus, John, clk., 438 (4 m. 12). Nauso. See Nassau. Naval expenses, 1393, 1414, 1463, 1506, 1600, 1661, 1669, 1704- 5, 1710, 1727–8, 1801, 1864, 1982, 2043, 2478, 2652, 2805, 2842, 2883, 2909, 2937–9, 2968, 3060; see also war pay. ments; Daunce, Sir J. (pay- ments by); Dawtrey, J.; Wyndham, Sir T. Navarra (Navare, Navaro, Novaro), Count Pedro de, Ferdinand's general against the Moors, 345 (p. 159), 481, 556, 610, 724. prisoner in France, 1916, 2203, 2208, 2475, 2561, 3145. Navarre (Navar), kingdom of, 854, 1239, 1286, 1292, 1319–21, 1326-7, 1359, 1375-6, 1417, 1422 (p. 651), 1447, 1458, 1487, 1509, 1511, 1519, 1575, 1665 (pp. 761-2, 765), 1689, 1866, 1884 (p. 859), 1931, 2006 (pp. 907-8), 2016, 2077, 2254, 2523, 2583, 2745, 2794, 2860, 2928, 2957, 3018, 3472, 3477, 3519. • · the daughter of [Anne eldest daughter of John d'Albret ?], 325. King of. See Albret, J. d'. marshal of. See Beaumont, L. de. Queen of [Katharine wife of John d'Albret], 1320, 1326–7, 1351, 1375, 1509, 1511 (pp. 697-8), 1665 (p. 765), 1689, 1953, 2393. treaty with France, 1375. Navestock (Nastoke), Essex, 438 (3 m. 3), 438 (4 m. 1). 324 GENERAL INDEX. Nawferton. See Nafferton. Nawisley. See Noseley. Nelson, Leic. See Nailston. Nayler, Edward, 438 (3 m. 25). John, g. 587 (5). • • (Neylar), Rob., g. 1494 (18). Nazara. See Najera. Naze (Nase), the, off Essex, 2865. Neale. See Nele. Nean. See Neen. Neasdon, Midd., rental of the pre- bend, 595. Neath (Nethe, Neith), co. Glamorgan, g. 54 (87), 158 (55), 519 (51). abbey, 438 (2 m. 27). L. abbot. See Thomas, Neblond, John, alias Colchestre, q.v. Nechilles or Nechellys, John, g. 682 (18), 1494 (21A). Necton (Nekton), Norf., g. 1836 (4), 2964 (63). Neddans (Nedanis), co. Tipperary, p. 1524. Nedding. See Nedging. Nedercot. See Nethercote. Nedging (Nedding, Neding), Suff., g. 158(40). 2055 (50, 95). Nedham. See Needham. Nedhrop (Nethroppus), Oxon, 438 (4 m. 10). Nedron. See Ballydrain. Needham (Nedham) Market, Suff., 438 (1 m. 14). Needles, the, 1936. Neele or Neell. See Nele. Neen Sollers (Nean Solers), Salop, 438 (3 m. 28). Neenton (Neynton), Salop, 2537. Negeyll, Wm., canon, p. 1530. Negropont, in Turkey, Prince of, 3557. Neill. See Nele. Neith. Nekton. See Neath. See Necton. Nele, Alice, 1398. (Neill, Neale), Anthony, of Calais, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 589, 878, 893 (2), 1424, 1463 xii., 1715, 1752, 2057, 2337, 2786, 2833 (2), 2983, 3135, 3144, 3317, 3338:-pp. 1506, 1511:—g. 1123 (17), 1805 (1), 2617 (31), 3408 (26, 37). # • • " letter to, 878. signature, g. 1805 (1). Chr., p. 1539:-g. 218 (12). Giles, 2537. (Neele, Neyle, Nelle), John, 20 (pp. 17, 18), 438 (4 mm. 3, 8):~g. 132 (84). Ric., 3133-p. 1498. Rob., ship-master, 1661 (4). Th., a Scot, 1262 (p. 578). Nelleson, Neleson, or Nelison. See Nelson. Nelson, George, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39). (Neleson, Nelleson, Nelison), Wm., 438 (I m. 13):~g. 357 (21). Wm., M.A., rector of St.. Blaise, Calais, g. 3324 (17). Nembury. See Newbury. Nemours, Gaston de Foix, duke of, Grand Master of Milan, French commander in Italy, 1071, 1127 (p. 539), 1178, 1204, 1257, 1301 (p. 598), 1312. Nenagh (Lenaenach), co. Tipperary, St. John's priory, prior of, p. 1530. Nenneton. See Nuneaton. Nepi (Nepo), near Rome, 165. Nerberd. See Narberth. Nerbon. See Narbon. Neroche (Rache) Forest, Soms., g. 94 (35). Neronis, Bertram, p. 1521. Nesbethe or Nesbit. See Nisbet. Nessewyk. See Neswike. Nesshe, Wm., g. 449 (12). Nessou. See Nassau. Neswike (Nessewyke), Rob., 20 (p. 13):-g. 357 (3), 519 (21). Nethe. See Neath. Nethercote (Nedercot), Warw., [in Wolphamcote], 438 (3 m. 3). Nethercote, Wilts, 2537. Netherex (Nytherey), Devon, 438 (3 m. 31). Netherleigh, Glouc. [in Westbury], 438 (1 m. 24). Netherlupeyate. See Lypiat. Nethersloughter. See Slaughter. Netherwent. See Wentsland. Netherwood (Nethewood), park, Heref., g. 257 (86), 447 (21), 519 (15), 632 (84), 1602 (34), 3107 (48). Nethroppus. See Nedhrop. Netley (Letley) abbey (Locus Sancti Edwardi), Hants, 438 (3 m. 9). confirmation for, g. 709 (29). Nettica (in Istria or Carniola ?), 1534. Nettlebed, Oxon, 438 (2 m. 28). Nettlestead, (Netylstede, Netlisted, Netlestod, Notlystode), Suff., 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 16) :— g. 1804 (9). Nettleworth, Notts., 438 (1 m. 22). Neu. See New. Neudegate. See Newdigate. Neufchatel (Castro Novo). Rothelin and Neufchatel. See Neufville, N. de, sieur de Villeroy, q.v. Neul, Guyot de. See Heulle. Neunham Bridge. See under Calais. 4 GENERAL INDEX. 325 Neuport. See Newport. Neuremberc. See Nuremberg. Neuss (Newys, Nuis), in Germany, 1440, 1469. letter dated at, 1440. Neutham. See Newton. Neuton. See Newton. Nevell. See Nevill. Nevers, Charles de Cleves Comte de. See Cleves. Charlotte of Vendôme, countess of, widow of Engel- bert count of Nevers, letter to, 12. Nevers, the process of, 2705. Nevill (Nevell), Lord. See West- moreland, earl of. Nevill (Nevell, Nevile), Edw., or Sir Edward, esquire for the Body, King's spear, 20 (p. 12), 616, 671 (Vaillant Desyre), 698, 877n, 1176, 1496, 2053 (5), 2480 (15), 2562 :-p. 1513: App. 9, 22:-g. 158 (40), 546 (19), 804 (5), 3324 (34), 3582 (26). (1). letter from, 2480 (15). signature of, g. 2862 George, s. and h. of Sir John Nevill marquis Montague, 438 (3 m. 7). George, father of Lord Aber- gavenny, g. 1524 (36). George, Lord Abergavenny, q.v. Sir George, 2607:-g. 11 (10). Isabel (or Elizabeth), daugh- ter of John marquis of Monta- gue, (A.D. 1470-1), 438 (2 m. 31). Joan, wife of Michael, g. 1662 (23). John, Marquis Montague, q.v. Sir John, of Liversedge, g. 158 (66). Sir John, knighted at Tour- nay, 2301, 2480. (Nevell), John, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 40), 438 (4 m. 7), 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5) :—g. 158 (66), 969 (11), 2772 (24). John, yeoman of the King's horses, g. 289 (4), 749 (13). Lady Lucy, d. of John Marquis Montague (†1471), widow of Sir T. Fitzwilliam and Sir A. Browne, 82 (p. 41), 438 (1 m. 1), 1549. Michael, g. 1662 (23). (Nevyle), Ralph († 1498), eldest son of the Earl of West, moreland, 438 (3 m. 26). Nevill-cont. Richard, earl of Warwick, q.v. Richard, Lord Latimer, q.v. (Nevell, Nevyle), Richard, of the order of St. John, 591 :- g. 190 (36). Sir Robert, App. 26. (Nevell, Nevyle), Robert, 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (4 m. 7) : p. 1542 :—g. 94 (61), 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.), 1948 (94). (Nevell, Nevile), Th. or Sir Thomas, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 25) :—pp. 1539, 1540, 1545 bis, 1546 :— g. 158 (61), 632 (26), 1083 (36), 3107 (9, 42), 3499 (72). Newall. See Nowell. Neware. See Novara. Newark (Newerk), Notts., 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 23). letter dated at, 2279n. Newark in Sherwood priory (St. Mary de Novo Loco), Notts 438 (1 m. 1). prior. See Sandall, W. Newark (Newerke), upon Trent, 438 (4 m. 21), 3398. Newark (Neward), Wm., gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41) :—g. 94 (22), 257 (43). Newbald, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 3). Newbiggen (Newbigging), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Newbiggyn, Cumb., rector of, p. 1529. Newbold, Warw., 438 (2 m. 14). Newbold, Fenny-, Warw., 438 (3 m. 32). Newbold Ryvell, Warw., 438 (3 m. 32). Newbold or Newkald, Thomas, abbot of Evesham (†1513), 205, 438 (4 m. 4), 963, 3464 :—g. 2535 (24), 2684 (22). Newboo (Newbou), abbey, Linc., 633. Newborough under Needwood (Newe- broghe), Staff., 438 (4 mm. 15, 16). Newborough or Newburgh, Yorks, priory, 438 (2 m. 18):-p. 1529:—g. 2484 (2). • 381 (83). • confirmation for, g. prior. See Barker, T Newborough or Newburgh, John, 2054 (5). (Newborow), Lewes, g. 784 (45). (Neuburgh), Sir Roger, 438 (3 m. 2): —g. 2684 (32). (Newbrugh, Nuenbrugh), Roger, 438 (2 m. 11). 326 GENERAL INDEX. Newborough-cont. (Nouburgh), Th., 1803 (1 m. 1). Newbottle (Newbotell), Ntht., 1803 (1 m. 6). Newburn (Neweborne), Nthld., 438 (3 m. 27). Newbury (Nubury, Newyry, Nem- bury, Newbery, Neubury), Berks., 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 5, 17, 24) :—g. 94 (35). rector of, 438 (2 m. 5) :—pp. 1526, 1529. Newcastell, Loys of. See Southern, L. Newcastle under Lyne, Staff., 438 (2 m. 33), 438 (4 m. 20):— 833 (11). • • mayor and commonalty, 438 (2 m. 21). Newcastle upon Tyne, 205 (p. 106), 438 (2 m. 18, 23, 30), 438 (3. mm. 2, 25), 438 (4 m. 22), 874 (2), 1262 (p. 578), 1342, 1645, 1982 (1, 2), 2111, 2260, 2324, 2386, 2544 iii., 2546, 2651–2, 2713–14, 2722, 3313 (6), 3522 : -p. 1506:—g. 257 (88), 381 (21), 833 (11), 1524 (16), 2222 (16), 3408 (33). • • • " · • • • • • letter dated at, 2546 iii. confirmation of charters, g. 485 (17). customs of, g. 94 (55), 158 (37), 784 (5). export of wool, g. 289 (25). mayor of, 2714 :-g. 257 (88). See also Brandelyng, T. preceptory of St. John, 438 (4 m. 15). repair of the bridge and walls, g. 289 (24). tronage of, g. 1462 (18). weigher of, g. 257 (59). Newce (News), Ric., g. 546 (17). (Newse, Newyce), Th., 438 (1 m. 6). Newdigate (Neudegate), John p. 1540 g. 731 (27-8), 969 (17), 2684 (41), 3049 (20). Newehaule. See Newhall. Newell (Neuell), Robert, 438 (4 m. 4). Newelme. See Ewelme. Newenden, Kent, g. 132 (33). Newenham (Nywanham, Neuenham), Devon, 438 (2 m. 13):-g. 969 (70). Newenham (Newham, Newnam) abbey, Devon [near Axmin- ster], p. 1531. · abbot of. See Ellis, J. confirmation for, g. 485 (21). Newenham Courtney, Oxon, 520 : g. 546 (27), 632 (64). Newesom, Thomas, prior of Wartre, 438 (4 m. 22). New Forest, Hants, 438 (4 m. 25). .., ranger, g. 1221 (9). warden or keeper of, 438 (3 m. 30). Newgatt, soldier of Calais, 2643. Newhall (Newehaule), Chesh., g. 257 (65). Newhall, Essex, 438 (3 m. 3), 721. Newhall, Leic., 438 (3 m. 3). Newham (Newnham), Nthld., 438 (1 m. 9). Newham abbey. See Newenham. Newham, Ralph, g. 784 (35). Newhaven. See under Calais. Newhaven, in Scotland, 1645, 1775. Newington (Newenton), Bucks, g. 1221 (28). Newington (Newyngthin), 2054. rector of, pp. 1527–8. Kent, Newington, Oxon, rector of, 1803 (1 m. 1). Newington (Newton), Surr., 438 (3 m. 19). Newington Green (Newinton Grene), Midd., g. 3049 (37). Newington, John, mercer, 2779. Wm., 1451. Newkald. See Newbold. Newland (Newelond), Devon, 1803 (1 mm. 1, 5). Newland, Glouc., g. 132 (68). Newland (Newelond), Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 16, 18):—g. 1602 (9). preceptory of St. John, 438 (2 m. 6). Newland (Newelond), John, abbot of St. Augustine's, Bristol, 438 (3 m. 33). Newman, Joan, 438 (3 m. 23). (Neuman), John, 438 (3 m. 23) g. 833 (69). John, clk., g. 1462 (22a.). Rob., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Wm., trumpet, 2803. New Market, Suff., 438 (3 m. 17). Newminster abbey, Nthld., beside Morpeth, confirmation for, g. 632 (82). Newnam alias Ayleston, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Newnam or Newnham abbey. See Newenham. Newnham Courtney (Nunam Cort- nay), Devon, g. 257 (8). Newnham, Ralph, g. 2684 (77). Th., g. 257 (75). Newnton. See Naunton. Newport (Neuport), Essex, 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (4 m. 29). Newport, I. of Wight, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 ( (3 m. 2):-g. 3049 (28). GENERAL INDEX. 327 Newport, Salop, 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (2 m. 31). Newport, in Wales, 1803 (1 m. 3). Newport Pond, Essex, rector of, 438 (2 m. 34). St. Leonard's hospital, 438 (2 m. 34). Newport or Neuport, John, 438 (2 m. 27): pp. 1537-8, 1543 :- g. 587 (15), 833 (58 ii., 59), 1221 (30), 2222 (16 Hants). John, justice of assizes, 2787-pp. 1533, 1537 bis, 1538 bis, 1542, 1543 bis, 1546 bis :—g. 632 (26), 2055 (59), 2684 (9), 2861 (33), 3049 (23). Ric., clk., 438 (3 m. 15). > Rob., p. 1538 :—g. 1524 (38). Sir Thomas, knight of St. John's, bailly of the Eagle, 438 (2 m. 6), 1964, 2234, 2254, 2263, 2447, 2511:-p. 1539– 40:-g. 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 1836 (3), 3582 (14). Wm., gunner, g. 289 (39). New Priory. See Armagh. Newrenberge. See Nuremberg. News or Newse. See Newce. Newsham (Newsom), Linc. [in Brocklesby], abbey of, 438 (4 m. 2) :—g. 3107 (33). T. abbot. See Johnson, Newstead (Newestede), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 15). Newstead near Glanford Brigg alias N. upon Ankholme, priory of, 438 (3 m. 15). Newstead (Neustede), in Sherwood, Notts, 438 (2 m. 28). priory, confirmation for, g. 381 (63). New Street, Herts, 438 (1 m. 25). Newton, Cornw., 438 (2 m. 6). Newton (Neweton), Cumb., 438 (4 m. 27):—g. 132 (34), 485 (42), 1804 (17). Newton (Nuton), Soms., 438 (4 m. 22). Newton, Surr. See Newington. Newton, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 10). Newton Blossonville, Bucks, rector of, 1803 (2 m. 1). Newton Busshell, Devon, 438 (3 m. 9). Newton next Castleacre, Norf., 438 (2 m. 30). Newton upon Derwent (Neuton, Neutham), Yorks, g. 158 (32). Newton (Neuton) Hall, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 32). Newton Holy Cross. See Newton St. Cyres. Newton (Neweton) in le Moor, Nthld., 438 (4 m. 12). Newton Pleycy (Plassy, Placy) alias North Newton, Soms., 438 (2 m. 28). Newton Popleford, borough, Devon [in Aylesbeare], g. 1083 (2). Newton St. Cyres (Newton Holy Cross), Devon, 438 (1 m. 9). 438 (4 m. 1):—g. 414 (29). Newton St. Low, Soms., 438 (3 m. 13). Newton, in St. Mellion, Cornw., g. 2861 (37). Newton Sermonville (N. Sermafeld), Soms., 438 (4 m. 22). Newton [near Sudbury], Suff., rector presented, g. 749 (41). Newton Tracy, Devon, rector pre- sented, g. 2964 (68). Newton Unthank (Neuton Buthank), Leic., g. 1123 (58). Newton Valence, Hants, 438 (2 m. 21). Newton, Wold (Waldnewton), Linc., 438 (4 m. 2). Newton, Wold, Yorks, g. 709 (31). Newton, Alice, 438 (1 m. 19). (Neuton), George, canon of Ancrum, p. 1521, 1524. Giles, alias Covers, g. 1524 (17). Harry, 2480 (22). Sir Isaac, copy made for (A.D. 1701), 2781 (2). John, 438 (1 m. 17), 2305 iii. John, abbot of Dieulacres, 438 (3 m. 25). John, D.D., abbot of Glou- cester, 963, 1383, 1661 (4), 2024, 2402, 2489, 3422, 3464: —pp. 1518–9, 1537 :—g. 604 (49), 632 (83), (83), 2222 (16 Gloucester), 2861 (17), 2964 (34). the letters from, 2489. letters to, 1383. (Neuton), Peter, of Council of Wales, 438 (2 m. 30), 1174-pp. 1537-8, 1543, 1546g. 381 (37-8), 414 (48, 52), 485 (62), 709 (57), 784 (34), 857 (11), 1123 (20), 1316 (9), 1365 (25), 1494 (9), 2055 (42). signature of, 1174. Ric., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 43), 438 (1 m. 19), 707 (p. 383), 2537:-g. 94 (25, 76), 2484 (11). Rob., 438 (2 m. 27):-g. 3107 (28). Roger, 438 (4 m. 3). (Newtoun), Th. ΟΥ Sir Thomas, knighted after Flod- den, 1450 (p. 661), 2246 (4 ii.). Wm., 3567:-g. 731 (47). 328 GENERAL INDEX. Newtown of Fertulagh, co. West- meath, p. 1524. Newwerke, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 10). Newark, Notts. ? Newyce. See Newce. New Year's Gifts, 1549. Newyry. See Newbury. Newys. See Neuss. Neylar. See Nayler. Neyle See Nele. Neynton. See Neenton. Nichol. See Nichols. Nicholas, Gilbert, a Scottish friar, • 1756. Roger, of the Guard, 20 (p. 15). Nicholasson, Ric., 438 (3 m. 28). Nichol Forest, Cumb., g. 2684 (86). Nichols, Nichol or Nicolls, George, 2274:-p. 1534:-g. 1221 (21). (Nicholas, Nicholes, Nicoll), John, g. 546 (41). (Nicholles), Laurence, g. 2422 (14). Nichols (Nicols, Nicolson), Rob., 438 (2 m. 19), 438 (3 m. 8) :- g. 804 (39). Th., g. 1804 (19). Nicolson, Wm., 559, 1947. Nieuport (Newport), in Flanders, 620, 1743, 1891 (2), 2220, 2376, 2854, 2888, 2983. Nightingale (Nytyngale), Derrick, 1664, 1761, 2011 (3), 2539 : p. 1505. Nile, the river, 1974 (p. 895). Nimeguen (Nymeghe), in Gueldres, 919, 966, 1101. Nimeguen (Nymyng) money, 1610. Nimes, in France, g. 2055 (118). Ninsin, David, clk., a Scot, p. 1522. Nisbett (Nesbit), George, a Scot, 1262 (p. 578). Nition. (Nesbethe, Nesbit), Philip, Scot, 2313, 2461 :—g. 448 (1). (Nesbit), Th., 853. See Linton. Nivelle, in Flanders, 1213. Nix (Nykke), Richard, bp. of Nor- wich, 20 (pp. 14, 21), 205, 283, 438 (2 mm. 4, 33), 963, 1046, 1803 (1 m. 1), 3276–7, 3279, 3464, 3603 :-pp. 1528, 1541, 1544:-g. 289 (28), 519 (63), 731 (47), 1732 (4). Noble (Nobull), Eliz., widow of Richard, 438 (3 m. 9). Nobton, John, 1493 v. Nocemethuin, Venetian prothono- tary, 1277 (p. 586). Nochimall. See Knockmeal. Nocton, Linc., 438 (3 m. 13):-g. 1316 (4), 2772 (11). Nocton Park, priory, Linc., 438 (4 m. 25). Richard prior of, 438 (4 m. 25). Nofferton. See Nafferton. Noke (Nokke, Nok, Nooke), Ed- mond, 438 (2 m. 25). John at, of the King's Chapel, 3594. (Nokke, Nooke, Nok), Rob., 1803 (1 m. 6). Nokes, John, g. 2684 (14). Nolson, Ric., g. 804 (24). Nona [co. Clare ?], p. 1525. Nonnemonketon. ton. See Nun Monk- Nonshere, conte de. See Devon. Nooke. See Noke. Noon, Henry, p. 1541, 1544 :-g. 833 (58 i.). Norborough, Wm., g. 804 (33). Norborowe. See Northborough. Norburn. See Northbourn. Norbury (Northbury), Derb., 438 (4 m. 2), 1803 (1 m. 6). · letter dated at, 392. rector of, 438 (2 m. 25). Norbury, Joan, widow of Sir John, 438 (2 m. 26). Norcotes, John, g. 218 (7). Nördlingen (Norlyng), in Germany, 2445. Norfolk, 205 (p. 106), 438 (4 mm. 2, 5), 559, 1262, 1416, 2054 (3, 4), 3377-p. 1519: g. 11 (10), 132 (26), 158 (71), 218 (31, 37), 381 (74), 447 (23), 546 (28), 632 (26, 41, 66), 833 (11, 58), 969 (23), 1003 (1), 1365 (24), 1494 (9, 55), 1602 (38), 1804 (9, 22, 37), 1836 (6), 2055 (95 iii.), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 13, 17), 2617 (37), 2684 (1, 5, 12, 52), 2861 (27), 2964 (81), 3107 (21), 3499 (12). commission of the peace, p. • • • 1541. coroners in, g. 190 (19). (and Suffolk), escheator, 438 (1 m. 19). feodary of, g. 94 (35 p. 50). Richmond fee in, 438 (1 m. 3): :-g. 381 (74), 1170 (12). (and Suffolk), sheriff of, 438 (1 m. 4). Norfolk, archdeaconry of, 310 (2). Norfolk, Elizabeth duchess of (†1507), widow of John de Mowbray duke of Norfolk (†1476), 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (4 m. 18), 1471. Norfolk, John Howard, duke of Nor- folk (†1485), Earl Marshal, 2382-g. 546 (42). GENERAL INDEX. 329 Norfolk, Thomas Howard duke of (1514, for earlier references see Surrey, earl of), 2315. Norfolk, or Eastern Circuit (this name not used in original, which simply names the counties, viz.: Norfolk, Suf- folk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Beds and Bucks, the city of Norwich, and the liberty of Bury St. Edmunds, or else the gaols), g. 132 (2 Notes and Er- rata, 48), 381 (39), 546 (1, 47), 709 (34), 833 (40), 1083 (13, 20), 1266 (41), 1316 (28), 1602 (41), 1662 (28), 2137 (3, 11), 2684 (62), 3049 (35), 3107 (34). Norge king of arms, of Denmark, 462, 518. Norham castle, Nthld., 627, 1323, 2111, 2246 (4), 2270, 2279, 2283-4, 2381-2, 2390, 2391 (p. 1060), 2394, 2642 :-g 2330 (1), 2422 (18). J. letter dated at, 1380. captainship of, 290. constable of. See Annesley, Norhamshire, Nthld., 2913. Norice, Rob., 1262 (p. 578). Norlache. See North Leach. Norling, Hieronymo, letter from, 2750. Norman, Th. son of Roger, g. 2964 (57). Normandy and Normans, 193, 264, 268, 406, 1055, 1081, 1127–8, 1163, 1201, 1265, 1273, 1321, 1391, 1447, 1461, 1509 (p. 696), 1559, 1656-8, 1665 (p. 765), 1676, 1699, 1709, 1711, 1737, 1750, 1894, 1907, 1925, 1936, 1971, 2014, 2021, 2156, 2199, 2275, 2377, 2557, 2647, 2694, 2782, 2797, 2856, 3000-1, 3004, 3009, 3331, 3417 (p. 1437):—g. 1221 (19), 1316 (36–7), 1365 (22), 1415 (22), 1494 (21), 1732 (40), 1948 (1, 13, 37, 71), 2055 (113), 2684 (57), 2964 (38), 3226 (10). general of. See Boyer, T. lieutenant and seneschal of. See Bresze, L. de. Normandy cloth, 1829. Norman priest, a spy, 1265 (p. 580), 2083 (2). Norman soldiers, 413 ii., 2736. Normanton, Derb., 1803 (2 m. 6). Normanton, Notts., 520 :—g. 546 (27), 632 (64). Normanton, Rutl., 1803 (1 m. 6). Normanton, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 28). Normanvyle (Normanvell, Norman- ville), Sir John, 438 (2 m. 7 bis):—p. 1547:-g. 158 (91), 804 (29 iv., ix.), 833 (45 iii.), 1365 (3). Sir Thomas, 438 (2 m. 7). Norramton. See Northington. Norres (Nores), Sir Edward, g. 833 (63). Henry, 438 (2 m. 18). Joan, 1803 (1 m. 1). (Norrys, Nores), John, s. and h. of Edward, 144:-g. 546 (68), 833 (63). (Norreys, Norrys), Ric., 20 (p. 14), 438 (4 m. 11 bis) :—g. 1948 (6). Th., 1803 (1 m. 1). (Norreys, Norrys, Nores), Sir Wm., 438 (4 m. 11):-g. 546 (68), 632 (1), 804 (3), 833 (63). (Norreis), Wm., sewer, mas- ter of the Hawks, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42):—g. 632 (1). Norresse, Lord, 2053 (4). Berners ?, q.v. See Norrey (Norroy) King at Arms, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42). Benolt, T.; also Young, J. Norsted. See Northstead. North, Brian, 2054 (6). (Northe), Christina, 438 (3 m. 23). John, p. 1549 bis. (Northe), Roger, 438 (3 m. 23). Northallerton (Northalverton), Yorks, g. 2964 (74). Northam, Devon, 1803 (1 m. 2). Northampton, 438 (1 mm. 7, 26), 438 • (2 m. 8), 438 (3 mm. 5 bis, 10, 12, 29, 30), 438 (4 m. 6), 1803 (1 m. 3): p. 1548:-g. 190 (3), 833 (11), 969 (21), 1083 (41), 1494 (4), 1662 (47), 2617 (19), 2772 (46), 3226 (4). grants dated at, g. 857 (1, 5, 8), 885 (13). confirmation of charters, g. 709 (40). castle, g. 190 (3). rents, g. 190 (3). Coyfrowe, g. 632 (18). De la Pray (St. Mary de Pratis), nunnery, 438 (1 m. 24). ...., abbess. abbess. See Stoke, C. St. Andrew's priory, 438 (2 ın. 6) :—g. 414 (1). prior. See Yorke, T. quondam prior, 438 (2 m. 12). St. James's abbey, 201. St. John Baptist's hospital, 438 (2 m. 21). 330 GENERAL INDEX Northampton, archd. of, 438 (1 m. 15). Northampton, earl of, 438 (3 mm. 10, 29). Northamptonshire, 205 (p. 106), 2054 (5) :—g. 132 (59), 190 (3), 218 (55), 257 (32, 48), 381 (74), 632 (26), 709 (61), 804 (28, 38), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1123 (12, 15), 1462 (1), 1494 (9, 55), 1804 (22), 1836 (6), 2055 (43), 2222 (12, 16), 2330 (3), 2484 (9, 17), 3226 (27), 3499 (12). commission of the peace, p. 1541. sheriff of, 438 (1 m. 26). North Aston, Oxon, 438 (2 m. 34), 438 (3 m. 30). vicar of, p. 1529. Northaw (Northalle), Midd., 438 (1 m. 4). North Berwick (Berwyk be North), in Scotland, 3468. Northblake. See Bake. Northborough (Norborowe), Ntht., g. 969 (67). rector of, p. 1526. Northbourn (Norburn), Kent, 438 (3 m. 9). North Cheles. See Shields. Northchurch, Herts, 438 (4 m. 8). Northcome, Suff. See North Cove. Northcotes (Northcotis), John, 438 (3 m. 25). North Cove (Northcome), Suff., 438 (4 mm. 1, 6). Northe. See North. Northelmesall. See Elmsall. North Elmham, Norf, 438 (4 m. 6). Northern, Rob., 438 (1 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 25). Northern Circuit (name not used in original, which simply names the counties, viz.: York, North- umberland, Cumberland, West- moreland, the city of York and towns of Newcastle and Hull, or else the gaols), g. 94 (50), 132 (48), 357 (38), 519 (60), 546 (1), 709 (34), 833 (2), 1083 (16), 1266 (34, 41), 1662 (5), 2055 (93, 114), 2684 (68), 3049 (35), 3107 (55). Northeyghton, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 15). Northfleet, Kent, 438 (4 m. 15): g. 1836 (27). rector of, 438 (2 m. 6). North Foreland, the, Kent, 2865. Northgate, Heref. See Naregod. Northgate hundred, Oxon, g. 3582 (10). Northgremesby. See Grimsby. Northhill, Cornw., g. 1083 (2). Northill (Northieuell, Northyevell, Noryell), Beds., 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (3 m. 20). New College of, master. See Underhill, J. Northington (Norramton), Hants, 1803 (1 m. 3). North Leach (Norlache), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 16). Northlees alias Northlesues, Yorks, g. 2964 (44). Northlenn. See Lynn. North Lew (Northleve), Devon, 438 (2 m. 7) :—g. 2055 (84). rector presented, g. 731 (21). Northmoor (More), Oxon, g. 1083 (23). Northop, co. Flint, 1803 (2 m. 5). rector of, 438 (3 m. 18). Northorp or Northrop, Wm., 438 (2 m. 9). Northpeterton. See Petherton. Northriche, Henry, g. 632 (54). Northrown, Exeter diocese, rector of, p. 1526. North Seas, the, 1915. Northstead (Norsted, Worsted), Yorks [by Scarborough], g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). Northstodeley. See Studley. Northumberland, 205 (p. 106), 2026, • 2382, 2443, 2460, 2651, 2714, 3170g. 94 (63, 65), 132 (10), 257 (49), 289 (2, 25), 381 (15), 632 (26), 804 (21, 29 vii.), 833 (11, 50), 969 (23), 1494 (9, 60), 1365 (3, 24), 1494 (9), 2484 (9, 17), 3408 (18), 3499 (12). commission of array, 74. commission of the peace, p. 1541-2. sheriffdom of, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). Northumberland, Henry Percy earl of (1470–1489), 157, 438 (3 m. 4), 2382, 2913-g. 94 (65). Henry Percy earl of (1489- 1527), K.G., 20 (pp. 14, 21), 37, 157, 205, 309, 391, 442, 963, 1046, 1391, 1450 (p. 651), 2051, 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2130, 2391, 2392 (p. 1063), 2414, 2443, 2913, 3464 :—pp. 1541, 1545, 1547 ter :-g. 158 (91), 414 (26, 58), 651 (34), 709 (60), 804 (29 iv.-xi.), 833, (5, 23, 45 iii., 50 i., iii., iv.), 1365 (3), 1948 (90), 3049 (11), 3408 (16, 37). signature of, 2130. Northway (Northey), Glouc. [in Ash- church], 438 (2 m. 24). Northweald, Kent, 438 (4 m. 26). GENERAL INDEX. 331 Northweald Basset, Essex, g. 289 (16). See also Weald. Northwich, Chesh., 438 (1 m. 24) :— g. 2684 (45). Northwood (Norwode), Kent, g. 2055 (120). Northwotton. See Wooton. Norton, Chesh., abbey, Wm., abbot of, 1493 ii. Norton, Sir Sampson, master of the Ordnance-cont. 2738, 2765, 2831-2, 2834, 3002, 3222 :—pp. pp. 1509-11, 1513-15, 1519. 1004. • • ordnance delivered by, declaration by, 2834. accounts, 3002. Norton, Ntht., 438 (4 m. 6). Norton, Salop, 438 (3 m. 20). Norton, Soms., 438 (1 m. 23). Norton, Wilts, free chapel, g. 749 (43). Norton, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 4). Norton Bavant, Wilts, 438 (2 m. 16). Norton Beauchamp, Soms., 2537. Norton, Bishop's-, Linc., 575. Norton, Chipping- (Chepyngnorton), Oxon, 438 (2 m. 4). Norton, Cold-, Essex, 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 22). Norton Conyers, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 13). Norton Daney (Nortondauny), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Norton by Daventry (Norton Davy), Ntht., p. 1548. Norton Disney, Linc., 438 (2 m. 24). Norton under Hamden (Hampden), Soms., 520 :-g. 546 (27), 632 (64), 709 (14), 1948 (31). Norton or King's Norton, Worc., g. 94 (35). Norton, Chr., grocer, 438 (1 m. 4). • Sir John, 1493, 1820, 2912, 3601-p. 1547 bis :-g. 158 (91), 1083 (7), 2222 (16 Yorks), 2484 (9), 2862 (7), 3499 (5, 12). John, 20 (p. 14):—p. 1547 ; −g. 2055 (120), 2137 (7). John, abbot of Beauchief, 438 (1 m. 14). Margaret, 361. Otho, 1803 (2 m. 4). (Nortown), Richard, 438 (3 m. 16): p. 1538:-g. 833 (58 ii.), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). Sir Robert. See Morton. Roger, priest, of the Chapel Royal, chaplain of the Tower, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 : g. 190 (21), 257 (46). Sir Sampson, chamberlain of North Wales (temp. Hen. VII.), g. 257 (78), 2772 (53). Sir Sampson, master of the Ordnance, 20 (p. 15), 707, 849, 1004 (1, 4), 1254, 1300 A., 1311 (p. 602), 1333, 1395, 1412, 1420, 1427, 1463 iv., vi., xii., 1508, 1529, 1803 (1 m. 2), 1947, 2057, 2308, 2392, 2510, 2542, 2604, 2667-8, 2678, 2376. payments by, 1427, signature of, 1254, 1395, 2668. 1508. receipts of ordnance by, retinue of, 1947. Sir Thomas, of the Order of St. John, 438 (2 mm. 11, 13). Th., p. 1496. Thomas, master of Burton Lazars hospital, 438 (2 m. 11), 1525, 2536. Th., mayor of Lincoln, 438 (3 m. 8). Walter, his will, 361. Wm., p. 1548 :—g. 2772 (31), 2862 (7). Norway, 1116-7. Christian, king or viceroy of. See Christiern. Norwell (Norvell), Notts., 438 (3 m. 16), 438 (4 m. 8). Norwich, 205 (p. 106), 438 (1 mm. 1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 18, 24, 26), 438 (2 mm. 4, 9, 12, 15 bis, 16, 24, 25 bis, 29 bis, 31), 438 (3 mm. 5, 6, 16 bis, 18, 23-4, 28, 34), 438 (4 mm. 2, 5, 14, 18, 24, 25 bis), 1661 (p. 752), 1803 (1 m. 6, 2 m. 3) :—g. 11 (10), 94 (35 p. 50), 833 (11), 1948 (32), 2222 (16), 2484 (20), 2617 (37). fee farm, g. 94 (35). worsted weavers of, 438 (3 m. 24). places in :- Black Friars (Friars Preachers), 438 (4 m. 19). prior. See Bridges, W. · Castle, g. 414 (4), 1123 (7). constable, g. 1083 (26). wards and reliefs, g. 54 (60). Cathedral priory (Christ- church), confirmation for, g. 546 (14). prior of, g. 2222 (16 Norf., Norwich). College of St. Mary in the Fields, 438 (1 m. 2). J. .., dean. See Treman, 332 GENERAL INDEX. Norwich: places in-cont. St. Edmond's, rector of, 438 (4 m. 5). St. Michael Coslany, rector of, 438 (3 m. 16). St. Paul's hospital, g. 546 (14). St. Peter Mancroft, John Cosyn's chantry, 438 (1 m. 11). Norwich, archdeaconry of, 310 (2). bp. of. See Nix, R. confirmation for, g. 1494 (50). Norwich, bishopric and diocese of, g. 857 (18). Norwich, Gregory, prior of Bush- mead, 438 (3 m. 18). Simon, s. and h. of John, g. 1415 (15). Norwode, Kent. See Northwood. Norwode, Eliz., d. and h. of John, 438 (2 m. 32). (Norrewod), Eliz., wife of John, 438 (3 m. 2), 438 (4 m. 28). Joan, 438 (4 m. 28). (Norwod), John, 438 (3 m. 2). Noryell. See Northill. Nosa, John de. See Lanuza. Noseley (Nawisley), Leic., 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 13). Nostell, Yorks, priory of St. Oswald, confirmations for, g. 709 (11), 784 (32). R. prior. See Marsden, Notley, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 8). abbot of. See Potterton, R. Notlystode. See Nettlestead. Nott, John, heir of Robert, g. 784 (17). Nottingham, 205 (p. 106), 438 (1 m. • • · 14), 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (4 m. 20), 589, 1463 vi. :-pp. 1496-7 :—g. 833 (11), 1494 (46), 2222 (16), 3049 (23). grants dated at, g. 857 (13, 15-19, 21), 885 (1, 4, 8). confirmation of charters, g. 632 (29). farm of, g. 94 (35).. patent by burgesses, g. 485 (56). boys' school in St. Mary's parish, g. 1494 (46). castle, 877n. Nottingham, archd. of, 438 (3 m. 23). earl of, 438 (1 m. 26). See Berkeley, Marquis. Nottinghamshire or Notts, 205 (p. 106), 849, 1409 (2), 2392 :—g. 132 (26), 218 (55), 257 (48), 519 (17), 604 (31), 632 (26), Nottinghamshire-cont. • • 804 (29 ii., viii.), 833 (11, 50 ii.), 924 (16), 969 (23, 51), 1123 (15), 1494 (9, 18), 1662 (18), 1804 (28 ii.), 1948 (94), 2222 (12, 16), 2330 (3), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (27), 3408 (18, 37), 3499 (12, 68). commission of the peace, p. 1542. Richmond fee in, g. 132 (56, 88). (and Derb.), sheriff of, 438 (1 m. 1). Nouburgh. See Newborough. Nounwyche. See Nantwich. Noury, Edward, g. 2055 (28). Novalese (Noveleise), in Italy, 983. Novara (Neware, Noware), in Italy, 1277 (p. 587), 1345, 1902, 3014 ii. battle and defeat of the French at (5-6 June 1513), 1972, 1984, 1988, 1993, 1996, 2014, 2016, 2022, 2029, 2032, 2056, 2074, 2079, 2083, 2107, 2128n., 2352, 2592. Novaro. See Navarra. Novellis. See Knollis. Novyou, Sir Wm. de, App. 26. Noware. See Novara. Nowell (Newall, Neweall), Rob., 438 (4 m. 16). Wm., surgeon, p. 1520. Nowers, Ant. and Edm., 438 (2 m. 33). Nownthwyche. See Nantwich. Nowton, Great, Suff., g. 414 (30). Nowtoune, Wm., p. 1519. Noyers (Noyer), in France, 2633. Noyers, seigneurie of, 3210, 3380. Noyon, in France, bp. (and count) of, 3417 (p. 1437). Noyr, Wm., g. 519 (12). Nubury. See Newbury. Nuby, Miles, g. 132 (26). Nudry, (Nudre, Adre), Thomas, archd. of Galloway (Nov. 1509), treasurer of Glas- gow, apostolic prothonotary, Scottish proctor at Rome, archdeacon of Murray (July 1510), precentor of Glasgow, minister of Houston, 338, 374-6, 539, 588, 638, 843, 1062-3, 1076–9, 1346–9, 1620– 2, 1756, 2990, 3532:-pp. 1521-8. letter to, 843. Nuenbrugh. See Newborough. Nuis. See Neuss. Nunam Cortnay. See Newnham Courtney. Nunburnholme, Yorks, nunnery, 438 (4 m. 26). GENERAL INDEX. 333 Nunburnholme, nunnery-cont. prioress. See Willons, A. Nuneaton (Nenneton), Warw., 28. vicar of. See Weyle, T. Nun Monkton (Nonnemonketon), Yorks, nunnery, 438 (2 m. 32). Joan prioress of, 438 (2 m. 32). Nunnes (Nunnys), Ric., 438 (3 m. 8). Nuremberg (Neuremberc, Newren- berge), in Germany, 2445. guns from, 1530. Nursling (Nusselyng) Beauffeys, alias Nutshalling, q.v. Nuthall (Nuttall), Notts, 438 (3 m. 8), 438 (4 mm. 4, 21). Nuthill Garth, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 4). Nuthurst (Nutherst), Suss., 438 (1 m. 4). Nutley, Hants, 438 (3 m. 16). Nuton. See Newton. Nutshalling, alias Nursling Beau- ffeys, Hants, g. 833 (69). Nykke. See Nix. Nymes, W., alderman, 559. Nymet Episcopi. Nympton. See Bishop's Nymyng. See Nimeguen. Nyon, Lord. See Mouy. Nytherey. See Netherex. Nywanham. See Newenham. Oakham (Okam), Rutl., 438 (2 m. 13) :—g. 1316 (3). Oakhampton (Okenton, Okehamp- ton), Devon, g. 190 (1), 357 (2), 709 (64), 749 (30), 784 (4), 1083 (2). Oakley (Ocley), Beds, vicar of, p. 1529. Oakley (Okeley, Okley), Hants, 1803 (2 m. 2). Oakley (Ockeley), Salop, g. 54 (18). Oakley (Okley), Suff., g. 784 (22). Oakley (Okley), Park, Glouc. [near Berkeley], g. 3499 (67). Oare (Woore), Wilts, 436. Obell, Obeel or Ovyll, Derick, 438 (3 m. 7), 2539. Oberton, Aubert. See Barton, Robert. O'Boyle (Obugill), Bernard, p. 1530. Obrakan. See Ibrickan. O'Brien (Ibrien), Donald, clk., p. 1523. (Ibrien, Ibryn), Matthew, canon, p. 1525 bis. (Obryin, Obreyn), Theodoric or Thady, clk., p. 1525 bis. Obrye, Thomas, French prisoner, p. 928. Obsaken, James, of the Steelyard, 2832 v., vi. Observant Friars (Cordeliers of the Observance), 1 (p. 2), 58, 115, 2599, 2715. Provincial of, 1, 740. See also Langley. Obugill. See O'Boyle. O'Cahan (Okahan, Okhann), Cornelius, bp. of Raphoe, 2630:—p. 1529. O'Callaghan (Õkeallakayn), Dona- tus, canon of Cork, p. 1528. Ocaylte, Simon, canon Conventrensis ecclesiae, 1244. Occold (Okolt), Suff. 438 (4 m. 14). Occurrin, James, clk., p. 1525. Ochoea, John, purser, p. 1502. Ochonant, John, clk., p. 1532. Ockam, Ric., 1004. Ockeford. See Okeford. Ockeley, Salop. See Oakley. Ockendon, North- (Northwokendon), Essex, 438 (2 m. 18). Ockley (Okeley, Ocley, Okkeley), Surr., 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (4 m. 27), 1803 (2 m. 4). Ockley (Ocley, Okley), George, 438 (2 m. 33). (Okeley, Ocley, Hokeley), Rob. and Th., 438 (2 m. 30). Wm., 20 (p. 16), 312, 438 (2 m. 20), 1803 (1 m. 6) g. 604 (48). Ocle. See Hockley. Ocley. See Oakley. Ocluda, Eugenius, archdeacon of Killala, p. 1523. O'Connor (Oconchubayr), Charles, p. 1523. Octavian. See Olarius. Ocyztmaclan. See Derryvullan. Odayn, Dermot, priest, p. 1523. Odcombe, Dors., g. 94 (35). Oddingley (Odyngley), Worc., 438 (1 m. 18:—g. 94 (35). Odeham, Rob., 1493 iv. Odell (Wodell), Magna et Parva, 438 (2 m. 21). Odell or Odall, Mrs., 82 (pp. 38, 41). (Wodhull), Anne, g. 784 (48). (Wodhull, Wodell, Wodyli), Nic., s. and h. of Fulk, p. 1541 :-g. 784 (48), 3499 (12). (Woddell), Th., 438 (2 m. 21). 334 GENERAL INDEX. Odenhauser, Caspar alias Jasper Demayne, 2600:-pp. 1508, 1515. See also Denn. Odesboke. See Oldstoke. Odesdon. See Waddesdon. Odet, Ant., g. 1365 (15). Odiham (Odeham Odyam), Hants, 1803 (2 mm. 2, 3):-g. 94 (35), 1602 (3), 2684 (70, 76), 3408 (41). Odingsellis (Odyngfellys), Edward, 438 (3 m. 12):—p. 1546. Odnawyn. See O'Donovan. O'Donnell (Adonell), Sir Hugh, App. 26. O'Donovan (Odnawyn), Cornelius, clk., p. 1523. (Idonanayn), Donald, dean of Ross, p. 1524. O'Dowd (Idyad), Cornelius, clk., p. · 1523. (Iduda), Fergullus, clk., p. 1523. O'Duffy (Odubcanaid), Cornelius, priest, p. 1525. O'Dugan (Oduigan), Ric., monk, p. 1522. (Oduygyn), Rory and Wm., p. 1530. Odyngley. See Oddingley. O'Fallon (Offalleyn), Teague, canon of Elphin, p. 1529. O'Farrell (Ifragayl), John, clk., p. 1523. Offa, King of the Mercians, charter of, g. 546 (9). Offchurch (Offechurch), Warw., 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (4 m. 14). Offichin, Cornelius, archd. of Leigh- lin, p. 1526. Offington, Suss., 438 (2 m. 21), 1803 (1 m. 3). Offlangelle, John, canon, p. 1523. Offlayff, Th., prior of Rathkeale, p. 1526. Offley (Offeley), Herts, 438 (4 m. 14). Offwoode (Ofwood), John, 2832 ii., 3377. O'Flaferthyn, Otho, dean of Annagh- down, p. 1524. Ofwood. See Offwoode. O'Gallagher (Ogallehabain), Donald, clk., p. 1525. Ogan. (Agallombaic), Edmund, clk., p. 1525. See Hogan. Ogard (Hogard), Andrew, g. 833 (58 i.). (Hogard, Ogerd), Sir Henry, 438 (2 m. 27) :—p. 1541. Ogbourn St. Andrew, or Little Og- bourn (Okebourne), Wilts, g. 546 (30). Ogbourn (Okborn, Okebourne) St. George, or Great Ogbourn, Wilts, 438 (3 m. 16), 438 (4 m. 23). priory and manor, g. 546 (30), 3107 (19). Ogbourn (Okebourne), Little, Wilts, g. 3107 (19). Oghan. See Hogan. Ogilvy, (Oglebe, Hogby), James, Scottish ambassador in France, 153, 1380, 1566, 1645, 2461. Oglander, Th., 438 (4 m. 21):-g. 587 (15). Ogle, Cuthbert, priest, 2913 (p. 1261). Eleanor, widow of Ewin lord Ogle, 438 (3 m. 27). Gawen, 1342 (p. 624). Owen, 1493 iii. Sir Ralph lord († in 1512), 205, 963, 1121. Robert lord, knighted after Flodden, 2239, 2246 (4 ii.), 2443, 3464:-App. 26:-g. 3408 (33). Oglebe. See Ogilby. Ogmore castle and lordship, co. Glamorgan, 438 (3 m. 25). Ogwell, East (Estogwyll), Devon, 438 (2 m. 11). Ohogayn (İhogayn), John, dean of Killaloe, p. 1524. Oil maker, 438 (2 m. 15). Oistermouthe. See Oystermouth. Okahan. See O'Cahan. Okam. See Oakham. Okborn. See Ogbourn. Okeallakayn. See O'Callaghan. Okebourne. See Ogbourn. Okeford Fitzpayn (Ockeford Fyp- pyn), Dors., 1803 (2 m. 5). Okeham, Ric., p. 1496 bis, 1502. Okehampton. See Oakhampton. Okeley. See Ockley. O'Kelly (Okellay), John, prior of Athlone, p. 1529. (Okaillyd, Okillyd), Maurice, bp. of Kilfenora, pp. 1531-2. Okenden, Wm., g. 833 (58 ii.). Okenton. See Oakhampton. Oker, Humphrey, 1493 iv. Okernain, John, p. 1529. Okhann. See O'Cahan. Oking. See Woking. Okkeley. See Ockley. Okley. See Oakley; also Ockley. Okolt. See Occold. Okys, John, g. 2684 (14). Olachnay, Cornelius, clk., of Ossory diocese, p. 1523. • Nicholas, p. 1523. (Olachy), Thomas, p. 1523. Olachnayn (Ilachnanre), Cornelius, clk., of Killaloe diocese, p. 1523. GENERAL INDEX. 335 Olarius, Octavian, Papal nuncio to Scotland, 1271, 1499, 1615– 22, 1624, 1645, 1773. to, 1624. James IV's credence Oldbury. See Albury. Oldcastle (Oldecastell), co. Mon- mouth, 438 (1 m. 18):-g. 604 (18). Olderadnor. See Radnor. Oldesmore. See Alder Moor. Oldestoke. See Stoke Charity. Oldfeld or Oldefeld, James, 20' (p. 16), 438 (3 m. 6). Wm., 438 (3 m. 12). Oldham (Oldom), Hugh, bp. of Exeter, 205, 308, 341, 438 (1 m. 9), 963, 1046, 1446, 1642, 1661 (3), 2019, 2109, 2929, 3464 :—pp. 1531, 1534-5 :—g. 357 (10), 833 (5), 2137 (2), 3049 (20). 3226 (7), 3324 (24, 42). commission by, 2109. Oldhall or Oldehalle, Sir Wm., 3223-g. 709 (14). Old Palace, p. 1513. Oldryng, Rob., 438 (3 m. 6). (Olderyng), Simon, 438 (3 m. 6). Oldstoke (Odesboke), Wilts, rector of, p. 1524. Olediur, Donatus, abbot of Abbey- leix, p. 1526. Olfi, Thomaso dai, a Florentine in Turkey, 739. Oliphant, John lord, 2461. Oliver, Bede, King's carpenter, 1818, 2542 (3), 3506, 3539:-p. 1504-g. 2535 (21). Henry, 438 (3 m. 2). Olkeham. See Holkham. Ollerton (Allerton), Notts., g. 1083 (46). Olmo (Ulmo), near Vicenza, 2352. Olney, Bucks, 438 (4 m. 19). Olthorp, Ntht. See Althorpe. Olveston or Wolston, Th., abbot of Malmesbury († 2 Jan. 1510), 205, 438 (2 m. 14), 963, 3464 :-g. 257 (47), 381 (11), 546 (64), 969 (5 iv.). Thomas, third-prior of Malmesbury, g. 546 (64). Olyff, John, 438 (3 m. 20). Olynbusse, in Holland, 2809. Omeachyr, Donald, prior of Mon- aincha, p. 1530. Omera, Thadeus, prior of Killone, p. 1523. Omochan (Imathimo), David or Daniel, clk., p. 1523. O'Mullaly, Thomas, bp. of Cloyne, abp. of Tuam (1514), q.v. Omulryayy, Wm., clk., p. 1524. } Omurhuly or Imerhuly (Imurli), Donald, clk., p. 1524. > > John, p. 1523. Rinaldus, p. 1523. Onehouse (Onhows), Suff., g. 414 (30). O'Neill (Onel), Ernest, prior of Bangor, p. 1522. Onelipp. See Wanlip. Onershe. See Wonersh. Ongar (Onger), Essex, g. 2422 (9). Ongar (Onger), High-, Essex, tene- ments in (named), g. 289 (16). Onhows. See Onehouse. Onlep. See Wanlip. Onley (Oneley, Onlie), John, 438 (1 m. 19): p. 1545. Onn or Oune (Owenhill), Staff. [in Church Eaton], g. 709 (22). Onslow (Onyslow, Ouneslowe), George, 2628 :—g. 709 (63). Oppy, Nich., g. 1123 (6), 1221 (16). Opsam or Opsham. See Topsham. Oram, Th., g. 190 (17). Oran, in Africa, 162 (p. 87). Oranmore (Gnomor), co. Galway, p. 1524. Orcherton (Orcharton, Orcheton), Devon, 438 (3 m. 25). Ord (Hoorde, Urde), Robert, 438 (3 m. 25). Ordelyngbere. See Irthlingborough ; also Orlingbury. Ordern, Rob., g. 2055 (131). Ordnance, the, 20 (p. 14), 209, 311. See also Guns. • in Darcy's expedition, 1004. book of prests," 1903. estimates, lists and pay- ments, 1420, 1427, 1435, 1496, 1529-30, 1589, 1725–6, 1800, 2308, 2321, 2346, 2542, 2668, 2680, 2685, 2687, 2738, 2812, 2831, 2853, 3002, 3137, 3222, 3251, 3377, 3432, 3506, 3539, 3555, 3607. See also Daunce, Sir J. (payments). Ordstone (Orreston), Berks, 2537. Orduña (Hordona), in Spain, g. 885 (6), 1044 (3). Ore (Owre), Kent, g. 3049 (17). O'Reilly (Oreylle), Thadeus, bp. of Dromore, q.v. Orell (Orwell, Orwill), Sir Lewis, knighted at Tournay, 2301, 2480 (55), 2575 ii., 2856 :—p. 1538 :—g. 2055 (76). Orenge, John, g. 632 (70). Oreton, Rob., 1493. Orford, Suff., 1803 (2 m. 4) :—g. 132 (6). • confirmation of charters, g. 519 (40). Augustinian Friars, g. 132 (6). 336 GENERAL INDEX. Orford-cont. castle, g. 132 (6). Organ maker, 438 (2 m. 30). Orgrave, Wm., 438 (4 m. 26). Ork, near Tournay, 2391 (p. 1060). Orkney, Edward Stewart, bp. of, 2461. Orleans, 1082, 1635. • • " letter dated at, 1909, 1911 ii. truce dated at, 2725, 2758. Orleans, Charles duke of (†1465), father of Louis XII., 2957, 3100, 3130n. :—g. 3226 (21). Orleigh (Orlee), Devon, 438 (1 m. 4). Orleton, Heref., g. 519 (64), 3107 (48). Orlingbury (Ordelyngbere, Orlibere), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (3 m. 5); see also Irthlingbor- ough. Orme, Th., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Ormesby, Linc. See Ormsby. Ormesby, Norf., 438 (4 mm. 5, 18), 2327:-g. 804 (49). Ormesby (Urmesby) in Cleveland, Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 4). Ormeston, Eliz., widow of Sir Roger, 438 (3 m. 29). Guy, spear of Calais, 2049. Mr., 20 (p. 16). Ormond, Sir Thomas Butler, earl of, lord Rochford, Queen's cham- berlain, 20 (p. 14), 82 (pp. 38, 41), 205, 438 (2 m. 13), 721, 963, 1661 (3), 3464. Ormond, letter to, 3583. petition to, App. 16. Elizabeth, daughter of John, g. 857 (21). John, g. 857 (21). Ormsby (Ormesby), Linc., g. 651 (35). Ormsby (Ormesby), or North or Nun Ormsby, Linc., priory, 438, (2 m. 21), 438 (3 m. 15). prior. See Brounflete, • W. Ormsby, South- (Southornesby), Linc., 438 (2 m. 13):-g. 2535 (25). Ormskirk (Ormeskirke), Lanc., 438 (1 mm. 3, 17), 438 (3 m. 13). Ormuz [beside Goa], in India, 1974 (p. 895). Orreston. See Ordstone. Orsini (Ursini, Ursyns), the Roman family, 1204, 1277 (p. 586), 1301 (p. 597), 1677 (p. 770), 3051. three barons of the, 9. Orston (Horston), Notts., g. 751 (3), 833 (55). Orthez, in Guienne, 1375 n. (Ortyse), bp. of [i.e. of Dax ?], 1326 (p. 616). Orti, Gabriel de, Ferdinand's chap- lain, Spanish envoy to France, 1919, 1933, 2177 (?), 2242, 2475, 3093, 3145. letter to, 1919. Ortyse. See Orthez. Orton (Urton), Cumb., 1803 (1 m. 6), Orum, John, abbot of St. Mary's, Dublin (1497-1500), letter from, 3583. Orval [Jean d'Albret], Sieur d', his secretary, 1689 (p. 774). Orvy, John, p. 1512. Orweel, Lewis. See Orell. Orwell, Camb., g. 632 (37), 682 (4), 1602 (19). Orwell, Lewis. See Orell. Eliz., d. and h. of John, mayor of Calais, 438 (3 m. 9). Orz. See Oulx. Osbaldeston, John, p. 1542. Osbaston, John, g. 2484 (9). Osborne (Osbourne), Eliz., of Whit- field, g. 2861 (3). • • (Osburne), John, 1803 (1 m. 6). (Osbern), Maurice, 438 (3 m. 5) :—g. 3226 (27). Ric., 438 (3 m. 10). Th., 438 (3 m. 10). (Osbarne, Osburne), Th., vicar of Dorking, 438 (3 m. 10). Oseley. See Ouseley. Oseney, Oxon, abbey of, p. 1526 :— g. 519 (11), 784 (49), 1365 (4), 3499 (50). 519 (45). confirmation for, g. William abbot of, g. 3499 (50). Osleston (Oslaston), Derb. [in Sutton on the Hill], g. 3499 (23). Osmerdike or Oxmardike (Owse- moredike), Yorks [in Fax- fleet], 438 (1 m. 9). Osmond, Benedicta, widow of John, 438 (3 m. 18). Osmondthorpe, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 33). Osmotherley (Osmonderley), Lanc., [in Ulverston], 438 (3 m. 6). Osmundeston, Norf. See Scole. Osmundeston, Suff., g. 519 (42). Osopio (Osopo), in Friuli, 2784. Ospitaletto (Hospedaleto, Ospeda- leto), near Feltre, 319, 328, 334. letter dated at, 323. Ospring, Kent, 438 (2 m. 10). Ossington, Notts, preceptory of St. John, 438 (2 m. 6). Ossory diocese, p. 1523. archdeacon of, p. 1530. Ostend, in Flanders, 1500, 2404, 2694. GENERAL INDEX. 337 Osterlowe. See Oysterlow. Ostia (Hostia), in Italy, 242, 842, 1020, 1246, 2373. Ostia, cardinal of. See Riario, R. Ostin, Will'm [Guillaume d'Estoute- ville card. of Ostia, 1461-83], 633. Ostler, 438 (4 m. 18). Ostryke. See Austria. Ostrynghanger or Ostynghanger. See Westonhanger. O'Sullivan (Isullibayn), Florentius, clk., p. 1524. Osulweston. See Owston. Oswald Kirk, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 13). Oterbury, John, 20 (p. 16). Oternden. See Otterden. Otery. See Ottery. Otford, Kent, grants dated at, 1360 : ―g. 132 (79–82, 84–5, 87-114, 116–22), 158 (2–8, 10–15, 17– 25, 27-31, 33-6, 38-41, 43, 52-65, 67–71, 73, 76, 78-85, 87-9, 91), 190 (passim), 414 (33), 447 (12), 546 (71), 563 (16–8, 20, 23), 587 (15, 16, 18, 19), 604 (1, 2), 651 (5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 23, 30), 682 (8, 13), 731 (17, 21–2), 804 (10, 30-1, 33), 857 (4), 1003 (20), 1221 (58), 1266 (4), 1316 (32), 1365 (16, 24-5), 1415 (27-9), 1732. (51), 1948 (71, 81), 2222 (15), 2535 (19), 2772 (25, 62–4), 2861 (2-6, 6-9, 34, 36–7), 2863 (1), 3049 (2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10–13, 17), 3107 (42–3, 45, 47– 8, 50, 53), 3226 (17, 19, 20, 22-3, 25-9), 3324 (2-5, 7-9, 11, 23, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45), 3408 (1, 4, 6, 10, 31), 3582 (22-6). letters, &c. dated at, 161, 1803 (2 m. 5), 3330, 3332–3, 3335. Otheney (Othendy), Edw., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383). Othevikerage, Th., 438 (3 m. 26). Otley (Otteley), Suff., g. 1804 (9), 2684 (12). Otley Pole. See Poole near Otley. Otteley, Th., grocer, g. 651 (31). Th., alias Jackson, prior of Bolton in Craven, 438 (2 m. 13). (Otley), Wm., g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 969 (23), 2484 (9). Otterburne, Ric., g. 2137 (7). Otterbury (Oterbury), John, mes- senger, 20 (p. 15). Otterden (Oternden), Kent, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 20). Otteringden (Oteryngden), Kent, 438 (1 m. 21). Wt. 11494. Ottery (Auterey), Devon, g. 1123 (22). Ottery Mohun (Monysotery, Moneso- terey), Devon, 438 (1 m. 3). Ottery St. Mary (Seynt Awtry), Devon, 438 (1 mm. 11, 19). 438 (2 mm. 5, 22 ? “ Abtre "), 438 (3 mm. 7, 14), 438 (4 m. 10):—g. 1083 (2). College, 438 (3 m. 15), 438 (4 m. 17) :—g. 257 (93). confirmation for, g. 485 (50). customary tenants (named), g. 257 (93). nish, T. warden of. See Cor- Oudenarde (Audenarde), in Flanders, letters dated at, 2149, 2158. Ouden Bosch (Audyn Busse), in Hol- land, 2009. Ouderwick (Owderwyk), in Flanders, 1934 (2). Oughan. See Hogan. Oughtred. See Ughtred. Oulson, Rob., 2537. Oulx (Orz, Ors), in Piedmont [wrongly identified as Cahors], 2198. letter dated at, 2095. Oundle (Oundell), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 14). Ouneslowe. See Onslowe. Ourssin, Charles, 2370. Ouse, the Yorkshire river, g. 1123 (37). Ouseley (Oseley), Edw., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Ouston (Ulston), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Ovedale. See Uvedale. Over (St. Mary Otter), Camb., 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (3 m. 19). Over (Overa) Magna, Derb., 438 (3 m. 5). Overbaraforth. See Barrowford. Overbrotts. See Broats. Overey, Th., g. 132 (16). Overingham. See under Calais. Overstone (Oveston, Oweston), Ntht., g. 158 (23), 257 (32), 804 (11), 857 (8). Overton, Yorks, g. 804 (24). Overton, Cold-. See Cold Overton. Overton, Bart., groom of the Cham- ber, 20 (p. 13). Guthlac, 2349 :—g. 414 (13), 2684 (95), 2772 (12), 2964 (16, 52), 3324 (24). John, p. 1549. Oveston. See Overstone. Ovingdean (Ovyngden), Suss., rector of, g. 3226 (10). Ovingham (Owyngham), Nthld., 438 (3 m. 2). Ovston. See Owston. H 22 338 GENERAL INDEX. Ovyll. See Obell. Owden (Owedyn, Oweden), Rob., 438 (1 m. 12). Owderwyk. See Ouderwick. Oweden. See Owden. Oweghtred or Owghtred. See Ugh- tred. Owen lordship. See Cynllaith and Owen. Owen, Anne, wife of Sir David, 1803 (2 m. 1). • • (Owyn), Sir David, the King's carver, 20 (pp. 12, 20-1), 37, 82 (p. 38 bis), 438 (2 m. 7), 559, 1176 (2), 1640, 1803 (2 m. 1), 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2414, 2765, 3348 (3):—p. 1545:-g. 257 (12, 62), 1083 (39), 1221 (6), 1948 (16). · " letter to, 1640. signature of, 1176 (2): -g. 257 (62). son of, 2765. David, bp. of St. Asaph († Feb. 1513), 205, 438 (3 m. 18), 963. Sir Henry, knighted Tournay, 2301, 2480 (16): App. 26 bis. at (Oweyn), Henry, 438 (2 m. 7). John, g. 2137 (27). See also Hogan. Mary, wife of Sir David, 438 (2 m. 7). Ric., auditor, g. 414 (56), 2535 (11, 12). Owenhill. See Onn. Owersby (Owrysby), Linc., 438 (3 m. 31):-g. 3408 (21). Oweston, Ntht. See Overstone. Owestroppe. See Owsthorpe. Owettred. See Ughtred. Owf, Rob., 438 (2 m. 27). Owgan. See Hogan. Owghtred. See Ughtred. Owmby (Ownaby), Linc., 1803 (1 m. 4). Ownaby. See Owmby. Ownham (Holdenham), Berks, g. 94 (35). Owre. See Ore. Owrysby. See Owersby. Owsemoredike. See Osmerdike. Owsthorpe (Owestroppe), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 6). Owston (Osulweston), Leic., 438 (2 m. 13). Owston (Ovston), Linc., 1803 (1 m. 3). Owthorne, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 26). Owthryd. See Ughtred. Owtrede. See Ughtred. Owyngham. See Ovingham. Oxburgh, John, 2333, Oxenbridge (Oxynbruge), (p. 752). 1661 (Oxybrigge), Dorothy, d. and h. of Sir Thomas, 438 (4 m. 19). (Oxenbrigge), Edward, p. 1545. (Oxenbrygge), Goddard or Sir Goddard, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 14), 81 :-p. 1545:—g. 1083 (39), 1494 (9). knighted, 81. (Oxonbrygge, Oxonbregge), Dr. John, rector of Shitling- ton, canon of Windsor, &c., 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 43), 438 (4 m. 18):-g. 54 (37), 2617 (40). Oxenford. See Oxford. Oxenford, John. See Rigby. Oxenherd, Oxman or Oxenman, Nic., 438 (2 m. 5). Oxenhoath (Oxnoth), Kent, 438 (3 m. 32). Oxenhope, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 13). Oxenton (Oxmendon, Oxmanton, Oxenden), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 22). OXFORD (Oxonford), 438 (1 mm. 13, ❤ • 25), 438 (3 mm. 2, 6, 21), 438 (4 mm. 3, 27), 1176 (3), 1661 (p. 752), 1803 (1 m. 1, 2 m. 2): —p. 1518 :—g. 833 (11), 1524 (17), 2772 (21). letter dated at, 1139. commission of the peace, p. 1542. confirmation of charters for, g. 381 (85). fee farm of, g. 94 (35). mayor of, 438 (1 m. 6). pardon to the burgesses, 1803 (1 m. 1). Black Friars (Friars Preachers), annuity to, g. 132 (20). Cordwainers or corvesers of, confirmation for, g. 414 (65). Friars Minors, annuity to, g. 132 (22). Marshalsea of, 438 (2 m. 20). North Gate, g. 94 (35). St. Frideswide's priory, 438 (4 m. 12) :—g. 587 (14). election of a prior, g. 1662 (51), 1804 (5), 1948 (22), 2055 (35). prior. See Chedill, W.; Burton, J. St. John's Hospital, g. 414 (66). White Friars, letter dated at, 200, GENERAL INDEX. 339 Oxford University, 438 (2 mm. 5, 25, 27), 438 (3 mm. 2, 20, 26, 30, 33), 438 (4 mm. 1, 2, 10), 559, 1803 (1 m. 3 bis), 3063, 3195: g. 449 (1), 587 (14), 2055 (35). letter from, 3290. chancellor of, 438 (3 m. 16). commissary of, 438 (1 m. 20). confirmation of charters, g. 604 (19). All Souls College, 438 (3 m. 10). confirmation for, g. 414 (38). warden. Broke, W. See Brasen Nose College, found- ation, g. 1044 (12). Hinksey Hall, g. 3107 (41). Lincoln College, 438 (3 m. 27). rector. See Drax, T. Magdalen College, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 mm. 22, 25), 1803 (2 m. 1):—g. 2684 (69). confirmation for, g. 414 (66). president. See Claymond, J.; also May- hew, Ric. Merton College, 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (3 m. 11). warden. See Raw- lins, R. New College of St. Mary Winchester, 438 (3 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 14). confirmation for, g. 414 (35). warden. Porter, W. See Oriel College, confirmation for, g. 632 (76). , provost. See Wil- ford, E. Pembroke Hall alias Valence Marie College, 438 (2 m. 28). Queen's Hall, 438 (2 m. 19). confirmation for, g. 682 (28). E. provost. See Ridge, St. Mary's College. See New College. University College, 438 (2 m. 22). Oxford, archd. of, 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 7). Oxford, Elizabeth Veer countess of, mother of John earl of Ox- ford († 1513), g. 2484 (1), 2964 (80). Oxford-cont. Elizabeth countess of, wife of John earl of Oxford (†1513) and late the wife of William viscount Beaumont (†1507), 82 (p. 41), 2590, 2763:—g. 289 (13), 1003 (1), 1266 (33), 2863 (10). Anne countess of, wife of Earl John († 1526) and daughter of Agnes duchess of Norfolk, 2656 (4), 3348 (3) :— g. 2964 (80). (Oxinford) John Vere, earl of, Admiral of England, K.G., Great Chamberlain of Eng- land, constable of the Tower († 10 March 1513), 20 (p. 13), 37, 81, 82 (1, 2), 312, 342, 380, 406, 438 (3 mm. 1, 17), 438 (4 mm. 7, 29), 442, 963, 1176 (3), 1397, 1453 ii., v., 1626, 1661 (3), 1671-2, 1803 (1 m. 6, 2 m. 5), 1905 :—pp. 1534 bis, 1536, 1538 ter, 1541-2, 1544:—g. 54 (11, 13, 14, 56), 94 (35 p. 50, 96), 158 (14), 289 (13), 414 (31), 604 (48), 784 (16), 833 (5, 14), 969 (4), 1003 (1), 1266 (33), 1365 (11), 1415 (3), 1602 (38), 1732 (41), 1804 (13), 2422 (9), 2484 (1), 2863 (10, 12), 2964 (80), 3324 (6). 1905. letter from, 1626. funeral of, 1671. petition to, 1672. inventory of his goods, receipts as constable of the Tower, 312. signature of (“ Oxyn- ford "), g. 11 (12), 54 (50), 94 (44). John Vere, earl of (1513), son of George Vere, 1905 :- g. 2055 (123), 2422 (9), 2484 (1), 2964 (80). (80). his marriage, g. 2964 Oxford Circuit (this name is not used in the original, which simply names the counties, viz. : Ox- ford, Berks, Worcester, Staf- ford, Salop, Hereford, Glouces- ter, and the town of Gloucester), g. 54 (48), 132 (2, 48), 381 (39), 546 (1, 47), 709 (34), 1083 (10), 1266 (36, 41), 1662 (8), 2684 (9), 3049 (23). Oxfordshire, 205 (p. 106), 438 (2 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 13), 1409 (2), 2054 (4) :—g. 11 (10), 132 (26), 190 (28), 381 (74), 632 (26), 709 (13), 784 (38), 833 (11), 9C9 (23), 1123 (23), 1494 (9, 340 GENERAL INDEX. Oxfordshire-cont. 55), 1662 (18), 1732 (24), 1804 (2, 31 ii.), 2055 (26, 95 ii., 100), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (79), 2964 (13), 3408 (18), 3499 (12). commission of the peace, p. 1542. Suffolk's lands in, g. 94 (51). Oxhull. See Exhall. Oxman. See Oxenherd. Oxmardike. See Osmerdike. Oxnead (Oxne, Oxened), Norf., 438 (1 m. 3). Oxnoth. See Oxenhoath. Oxone. See Hoxne. Oxshulff. See Exhall. Oyarzun (Oyarson), near Fontarabia, 1509, 1511 (p. 699). Oye. See under Calais. Oylley, Henry and Robert de, char- ters of, g. 519 (45). Oyly, Oxon. See Bampton. Oysterlow (Osterlowe, Cisterlowe) commote, CO. Carm. [now Derllys], 438 (2 m. 25):—g. 54 (29). Oystermouth (Oistermouthe), Glamorgan, g. 3049 (20). P co. P.. Thomas. See Cheyney, Sir T. Paaston. See Paston. Pacchyng. See Patching. Pace, John, groom of the Chamber, 228. (Pacie, Paxe), Richard, at Rome, 1053, 2290, 2519, 2997, 3164, 3166, 3177, 3183, 3203- 4,3212, 3218, 3220, 3260, 3297, 3302, 3495–7, 3511-12 :—p. 1531. letter from, 3261, 3265, 3303-4. letter to, 2290. Pacheford, Th., 82 (p. 39). Packer (Pakker), Th., 438 (1 m. 7). Packington (Pakyngton), Pigott or Little Packington, Warw., 1803 (1 m. 3). Packington or Pakyngton, Austin, p. 1518. John, 438 (3 m. 28), 2015 :- p. 1537:-g. 94 (81), 2055 (14). Padarte, Th., p. 1500. Padavensis. See Panados. Paddington (Padyngton), Surr., 438 (3 m. 31). Paddokisbroke, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Padley (Padle, Padeley), Derb. [in Hope], 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (2 m. 22). Padley, Nether-, Derb., 438 (2 m. 12). Padley, Over-, Derb., 438 (3 m. 30). Padstow (Paddistow, Padistowe), Devon, 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 16), 1982 (4):—g. 1602 (8). Padua (Padawa, Pado) and the Padovano, 83, 135, 140, 154, 156, 162 (pp. 83, 86), 165, 192, 238, 240, 267, 275, 413, 430, 432 ii., 522, 529, 780 (p. 418), 783, 1102, 1364, 1469, 1489, 1668, 2074, 2106, 2127, 2265, 2271, 2352, 2379, 2389, 2434, 2784, 2928, 3097, 3245, 3274, 3396, 3525, 3547, 3574. • letters dated at, 212, 411-12. governor executed, 3525. Padua, Francis of, See Francis. Paenell. See Paynell. Paganellus. See Paynell. Page, Edward, g. 1415 (25). Henry, g. 2861 (36). John, 2054 (4). Ric., 1812-p. 1548:-g. 11 (10), 54 (82), 94 (24), 784 (30). Richard, prior of Ivy Church, 438 (3 m. 19). Wm., 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 1):—g. 94 (62). Pagenham, Edm., gentleman usher, 20 (p. 15). (Pagnam), Nic., 309. Pageny, Master, a sculptor, 307 (p. 142). Paglesham, Essex, 438 (3 m. 6). Pagnam. See Pagenham. Pagot, Rob., merchant tailor, 1262. Paignton (Paynton, Peynton), Devon, 438 (2 mm. 5, 34), 438 (3 m. 2), 1801 :-g. 357 (10), 414 (29). Pailton, Warw., 438 (2 m. 25). Pain, Rob., of Dieppe, 1262 (p. 578). Pain (English surname). See Payne. Pain's Castle (castle of Payn), co. Radnor, g. 54 (24), 519 (51). Painsley (Penysley), Staff., 438 (2 m. 12). Painswick (Payneswyke), 1803 (2 m. 2), 2537. Painter. See Paynter. Glouc., Patrick. See Paniter. Painters and painters' work, 20 (pp. 11, 19), 307, 628, 1803 (2 m. 5). See also Browne, J. a painter of Ghent, 3457. GENERAL INDEX. 341 Paisley (Paslay), in Scotland, abbey, 2084. Robert Shaw abbot of, 1625, 2461. Pake, John, ship master, 2842 iv. Pakefield, Suff., 438 (1 m. 7). Pakenham, Edmond, g. 1083 (39). Paker. See Parker. Pakkarse or Pakkers, Warw., g. 632 (7). Pakker. See Packer. Pakyngton. See Packington. Palaeotus, Camillus, of Bologna, his panegyric upon Henry VIII., 2247 (4). Palatine [of the Rhine], Frederic count, 1555, 1743, 1749, 1895, 2265, 2278, 2448 (p. 1083), 2656, 2779, 3041, 3400. letter to, 1743. Lewis count, 1162. Rupert count (A.D. 1357), 1162. the counts, 1428 ii. Palatio, Octavian de, abp. of Armagh, a Florentine, 2395. Palavesyne. See Pallavicini. Paledy, John, clk., 438 (2 m. 21). Palencia, bp. of [Jo. Rodriguez de Fonseca], 6, 795, 797. Palermo, in Sicily, letter dated at, 610. Palestine (the Holy Land), 2801. Palet. See Paulet. Palgrave, Suff., 1803 (2 m. 6):—g. 784 (22). Palgrave (Palsgrave), —, secretary to the French Queen, 3348 (3), 3434. Palisia. See La Palisse. Palladiis, Blaise de, pp. 1525, 1527. Pallavicini (Palavesyne), Ant. Maria, 1301 (p. 596), 1988. (Palavesyne), Galeazzo, slain at Cremona, 1301 (p. 599), 2022. Palle, Wm., 438 (4 m. 28). Pallespury. See Paulers Pury. Pallet or Pallette. See Paulet. Palley, Wm., g. 833 (21). Palmer, Edward, p. 1545:-g. 651 (20), 1083 (39). Geoffrey, 438 (1 m. 14). George, 2392 (p. 1063). Henry, 438 (4 mm. 8, 10). John, 82 (p. 41), 438 (1 mm. 3, 14, 17, 19), 874 (2), 3313 (6) :—g. 54 (88). Ric., 438 (3 m. 26) :—g. 1494 (57), 2484 (17). Th., p. 1548:-g. 54 (47), 132 (88), 924 (11). Thomas, King's spear, 2480 (7). Thomas, rector of Langham Parva, 438 (2 m. 31). Palmes, Anne, 438 (1 m. 22). Brian, serjeant at law, justice, 438 (1 m. 22):—pp. 1535, 1541, 1546, 1547 ter :— g. 132 (32), 804 (29 vi., xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 924 (37), 1123 (37), 1221 (43), 1365 (3), 2222 (16 Yorks), 3049 (35), 3107 (55), 3408 (37). Guy, serjeant at law, justice of Assizes, 164, 2787, 3464 (2): pp. 1533, 1535, 1537, 1539 bis, 1540 bis, 1541–2, 1545, 1547:—g. 54 (1), 94 (50), 132 (48), 357 (21), 381 (39), 519 (44), 546 (47), 587 (15), 833 (2, 58 ii.), 1083 (20– 1), 1316 (3, 6), 1662 (1, 5), 1948 (45), 2055 (8), 2137 (11), 2684 (68), 3049 (4, 26), 3107 (55). Palmzon, Wm., spear of Calais, 2049. Palsgrave, John. See Palgrave. Palshide (Palshet, Palshed), Ric., customer of Southampton, 1393 (p. 640), 1969, 1975, 1978, 2304 (2), 2574, 3148 vii. :—pp. 1497, 1504-5, 1521:—g. 94 (82), 132 (26), 833 (58 ii., 59), 1170 (10). letter to, 1393 viii. Pampeluna (Pamplona), in Navarre, 1311 iii., 1320, 1326 (p. 613), 1334, 1359, 1368, 1376, 1469, 1509, 1511, 1575, 2299. letter dated at, 1319. Pampyng (Pampyn, Peympyne), John, 438 (2 m. 27). Pan, Josepe, 2605. Panadensis. See Banados. Panell. See Paynell. Panell Hutton. See Hooton Pag- nell. Paniter (Paricter, Painter, Panter), Patrick, secretary of Scot- land, archd. of Moray and Dunkeld, abbot of Cambus- kenneth, 108, 208, 255, 293– 6, 306, 317, 412, 638, 662-3, 668, 701, 843, 1077–8, 1230, 1263-4, 1287, 1294, 1342, 1347, 1504, 1537, 1566 (p. 719), 1622, 1720, 1735 (pp. 792-3), 1757, 1775, 1983, 2155, 2313, 2461, 2870, 2911, 3119, 3540: pp. 1522-4, 1526, 1530. letters from, 306, 662– 3, 843, 1264. letters &c. to, 208, 317, 412, 638, 2155, 2870, 3487. confessor for, 294–6. Pannal (Panhale), Yorks, g. 833 (23). Pannare river, in Italy, 773, 777. 342 GENERAL INDEX. Panor, Wm., g. 2684 (41). Pansano (Panusanus), Francesco, merchant of Genoa, 438 (3 m. 27):—g. 604 (26), 651 (31), 1123 (44), 1221 (31), 2684 (60). Pansatichi, Bart., merchant of Florence, g. 2137 (28). Panter, Patrick de. See Paniter. Pantteley. See Pauntley. Pantter, Roger, 2607. Panusanus. See Pansano. Panworth Hall, Norf., g. 1836 (4), 2861 (16), 2964 (63). Panyarman," 1803 (1 m. 4). Papa, Chr., 1160. Papal collector in England, 2986–8, 3158, 3311, 3322, 3489, 3496, 3504, 3508-11. See Ammoni- us, A.; Cornets, A.; Griffo, P. Papaw. See Passau. Papedee, John, master of ordnance at Berwick, g. 3582 (16). Papworth Agnes, Camb. and Hunts, 438 (3 m. 7). Paradise, Joan de, 438 (1 m. 25). Parascho. See Binasco. Parcivale. See Percival. Parcye. See Percy. Parcyvale. See Percival. Pardon :- • general, 2, 102, 149, 313, 349, 438 (roll), 596, 1803 (roll), 2590 (19):—g. 11 (1, 10, 11), 54 (2, 4, 5, 33, 43, 63, 89), 158 (75), 190 (35), 218 (6, 41), 289 (1), 357 (22), 381 (6, 28), 519 (54), 546 (4, 56), 709 (22), 1003 (14). rolls, 438, 1803. names of persons exempted, g. 11 (10). intrusion and acquisition without licence, g. 1524 (6), 1804 (19), 2684 (32), 3408 (34), 3499 (71). manslaughter, g. 546 (17, 41), 833 (39), 924 (23), 969 (17, 63), 1172 (8), 1316 (45), 1494 (2, 11, 47), 1602 (9), 2684 (50), 2964 (35, 51, 60), 3499 (3, 70). outlawry, g. 604 (19a, 40), 833 (21), 924 (27), 1083 (14, 49), 1221 (4, 14a), 1266 (11a), 1462 (22a, 32), 1494 (21a), 1948 (6, 11), 2055 (79), 2617 (10), 3049 (34), 3107 (33), 3408 (7). pardon and release, g. 132 (71), 158 (48, 56), 257 (53), 381 (46), 414 (29, 58), 447 (17, 23), 449 (15, 18), 519 (2, 17), 546 (28, 36, Pardon : cont. pardon and release- 62, 66), 604 (36, 41), 632 (20), 651 (25), 709 (6), 749 (6, 44), 784 (18, 19, 38, 46-7), 833 (53, 56), 924 (29), 969 (47), 1003 (6), 1044 (18), 1171 (1), 1172 (20), 1462 (31), 1524 (37), 1602 (12), 1662 (26, 46), 1732 (12), 1804 (9, 17, 32, 37, 49), 1948 (85), 2055 (96), 2422 (7), 2617 (19), 2684 (12, 27, 55, 90), 2772 (2, 24), 2861 (29), 2964 (17, 32, 57, 72, 81), 3107 (38), 3408 (21, 25), 3499 (5, 66, 78), 3582 (27). special, g. 218 (47, 65), 357 (17), 546 (6, 29), 632 (50), 682 (1), 731 (37, 47–50), 804 (17-8, 23, 44), 833 (24, 47, 71), 885 (5), 969 (18, 60), 1003 (16, 22), 1044 (6), 1083 (15, 32), 1123 (1, 2), 1172 (16, 17, 21), 1221 (8, 15), 1316 (38-9), 1365 (17), 1415 (25), 1462 (25), 1494 (7, 33, 41), 1524 (17, 46), 1732 (9, 33), 1804 (46), 1948 (7, 34), 2055 (127), 2137 (23, 27, 29), 2222 (10, 14), 2330 (1), 2422 (18), 2484 (5), 2535 (14, 22), 2684 (23), 2861 (11, 19, 37), 2862 (3), 2964 (8, 37, 58), 3049 (12, 17, 30, 37, 39), 3107 (11, 26, 37, 41, 43), 3226 (12), 3408 (3), 3499 (21, 24, 39), 3582 (7). Pardoner, 1803 (2 m. 6). Pare. See Parr. Parensis, Urbanus, merchant of Lucca, g. 1662 (15), 1804 (38). Pares, John, p. 1549. Pargettour (Pargittyr), Th., 438 (2 m. 9). Parham (Perham), Suff., 438 (3 m. 6), 1803 (2 m. 4). Paricter. See Paniter. PARIS (Pareys), 325, 363, 385, 408, 413, 432 ii., 584, 652, 863, 1050, 1082, 1127, 1265, 1291 (p. 592), 1359, 1552, 1628 (2), 1689 (p. 774), 1937, 2014, 2041, 2079, 2081, 2101, 2128, 2229, 2265, 2267, 2278, 2307, 2875, 3004, 3009, 3174, 3240, 3252, 3294, 3331, 3364, 3369, 3376, 3424, 3430, 3439, 3445, 3450, 3479, 3493, 3545, 3565, 3578, 3599. GENERAL INDEX. 343 Paris-cont. letters &c. dated at, 399, 745, 1082, 1200, 1931, 1980, 2064, 2071, 2092, 2107, 2116, 2791, 2871-2, 2921 ii., 3004, 3039, 3191, 3269-70, 3286, 3292, 3323, 3411, 3423, 3424, 3427, 3430, 3434, 3437–8, 3441, 3446-7, 3449, 3452, 3461, 3472, 3477, 3486, 3531, 3540, 3569, 3576, 3580. clerks, echevins, prevost des marchands and receiver, 3411. Mary's reception in (narra- tive), 3417. Prévost, 3417 (p. 1437). vicomte, 3417 (p. 1437). Brethren of the Passion, 3417. Celestines church, 3269 (3, 5). Chastellet, 3417 (p. 1437). La Fontaine de Ponceau, 3417. Les Tournelles (Turnelles), 3269 (7), 3308, 3424 (p. 1442), 3469. Notre Dame, 3417 (p. 1439). Painters' Gate, 3417 (p. 1436). Palais Royal, 3417 (p. 1438). Parliament of, 658, 3287, 3331, 3418 :-g. 2684 president, 526, (107). 2681 ii. Port St. Denis, 3417. Rue St. Anthoine, 3308. St. Denis, 2116. St. Genevieve des Ardents, 3417 (p. 1439). Tournament (jousts) at, 3325, 3342, 3376, 3387, 3411 (p. 1433), 3424 (p. 1442), 3430, 3437, 3446, 3449, 3461. challenge and con- ditions, 3308. official 3469. account, University, 1082, 3478: g. 257 (26). Paris, treaty of (14 July 1508), g. 257 (13). Paris, bishop of. See Poncher, S. John, 1803 (2 m. 1):-p. Paris, Jasper. See Bytteyne. Jehan de, 3323. 1534 bis :—g. 132 (26), (26), 2772 (39). 632 (Parys), Rob., 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (4 m. 7):—g. 2222 (16 Camb.). Parisshe, Th., clk., g. 94 (57). Park, Adam, 2831. Robert, prior of Blythburgh, 438 (2 m. 32). Park Bury [in St. Stephen's], Herts, 438 (1 m. 22). Parker (Percar), p. 1519. soldier of Tournay, 3247. Mr., servant to the countess of Richmond, 20 (p. 13). Mrs., 20 (pp. 11, 13), 1446, 2656 (6). Chr., 1493 iii. David, 438 (2 m. 32). Henry, 438 (2 m. 16), 3554. Hugh, 735, 877 n.:-g. 1948 (49). (Perker), John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383), 2392 : -g. 2684 (92). John, abbot of Chertsey, 164, 438 (2 m. 15) :—g. 1494 (41). .., deed by, 164. John, chaplain to Princess Mary, 2656 (6). (Paker), Margaret, 438 (3 m. 34). (Perker), Ric., 20 (pp. 17, 19), 82 (pp. 39, 41), 438 (2 m. 27), 2656 (6), 2832 v., vi., 3185, 3377-g. 190 (3), 1948 (81). (Perker, Parkour, Parkor), Th., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 224 (2), 438 (4 m. 5), 707 (p. 383), 877n., 1803 (1 m. 2), 2054 (2):—p. 1518 :—g. 3499 (7). Sir Wm., g. 257 (53). Wm., 1803 (1 m. 2). Parkers (Parkars), Essex, 438 (3 m. 3). Parkhall (Parkehall), Staff., 438 (2 m. 12). Parkherst, Agnes and Walter, g. 1494 (47). Park Hill, Lanc. [in Colne], 438 (4 m. 14). Parks (Parkys), Ric., p. 1515. Parkyns, Henry, 707 :-g. 2684 (79). Parlaben, 596. Parleston. See Harleston. Parlethorp. See Perlethorpe. Parley (Perley), Hants, 438 (4 m. 8). Parliament (general references), 1 (p. 2), 98, 2024, 3033 :-g. 94 (68), 257 (87), 357 (46), 969 (74), 2617 (27), 2964 (55, 61). clerk of Parliaments, g. 218 (64). See Hatton, R. (died in 1509); Taylor, J. clerk of the House," g. 381 (5). Common See Hil- ton, T.; Underhill, W. (of 1510, met 21 Jan.), 205, 230, 327, 341-2, 371, 1235:-App. 4. 344 GENERAL INDEX. Parliament: of 1510-cont. an election riot, g. 357 (6). 341. journal, 371. list of acts passed, printing the statu- tes, g. 485 (4). summons to, 205: -g. 448 (2). (of 1512, met 4 Feb.), 963, 1045-7, 1055, 1065, 1121. acts passed, 1046. Lords' journals, • 1121. 1045. procession of peers, speaker. See Shef- field, Sir R. summons 1044 (9). to, g. (of 1512, met 4 Nov.), 1471- 4, 1512-13, 1564, 1591 :- g. 1494 (45). acts passed, 1471. (of 5 Hen. VIII. met 23 Jan. 1514), 2355, 2450, 2520, 2555, 2620, 2682, 2747, 3073, 3545:-g.2617 (18), 2684 (108). acts passed, 2590. wages of members, 3068. names of the lords, 2591. • a speech, 2592. (of 6 Hen. VIII., met 5 Feb. 1515), 3523n.:-g. 3499 (46). summons to, 3464. Parliament chamber, 327, 342, 1035. Parma, in Italy, 756, 759, 965, 1277 (pp. 585-7), 1301 (p. 596), 1699, 2428, 3014 ii., 3547. letter dated at, 753. Parmenter (or Parment), Th., clk., 438 (2 m. 21). Parmesan cheeses, 842. Parmoor (Permere), Bucks, 438 (3 m. 32). Parnell (Parnellis, Parenelle), Simon, 438 (1 m. 22). Parr or Parre, Constance wife of John, g. 2484 (34). • " John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383). Maud lady, wife of Sir Thomas, daughter of Sir Th. Grene, g. 218 (53-8), 449 (18), 632 (72), 1123 (15). (Apar, Pare, Aparre), Th., or Sir Th., esquire and knight for the Body, steward of Kendal, 20 (p. 13), 81, 82 (p. 42), 309, 438 (2 m. 20), 1696, Parr, Th., or Sir Th.-cont. 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 ii.), 2480 (34), 2838, 3313 (6) :—p. 1546 : :—g. 132 (41, 86), 218 (53-8), 257 (1, 49), 449 (18), 604 (14), 632 (26, 72), 750 (2, 5), 804 (29 iii.), 833 (45 ii.), 1123 (15), 1221 (6), 1365 (3), 1732 (1, 44), 2055 (50), 2684 (64), 3408 (37). pedigree of, 1696 :—g. 1732 (44). Wm., p. 1541 :-g. 709 (61). (Apparr), Wm., or Sir Wm., esquire for the Body, knighted at Tournay, one of the Spears, 20 (p. 12), 698, 1176 (1, 2), 2301, 2356, 2480, 2562, 2575 i., ii., 3310-App. 9:-g. 158 (83), 604 (14), 632 (26), 682 (10), 784 (2), 1123 (35), 1170 (4). signature, 698. Parracombe (Peracombe), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Parrok (Perok), John, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Parrowe, Rob., g. 3049 (39). Parryn. See Peryn. Parshore. See Pershore. Parsons, Peter, g. 1316 (5). Partney (Parteney), Linc., 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (3 m. 2). Partriche, Chr., g. 485 (39). John, 438 (4 m. 13). Nic., 438 (4 m. 25). Th., 1493 v. :-p. 1543 :-g. 289 (43). (Perteriche, Pertrich), Thomas, servant to Sir Ed- ward Poynings, 1576, 1745, 1918, 2009, 2850, 3457:-p. 1506. 2009. • his account for hoys, (Pertryche), Wm., 20 (p. 15). Parvyn, John, g. 1662 (47), 3226 (4). Pasford, John, prior of Black Friars, Sudbury, 438 (4 m. 12). Paslay. See Paisley. Paslew, Alex., 438 (4 m. 15). Paslowe, Ric., 1803 (1 m. 4). Pasqualigo, Alvise and Francesco, and brothers, 2750. .. letters to, 413 ii., 937, 1016, 1126, 1183, 1216, 1291, 1321, 1513, 1578, 1586, 1628 (2), 1702, 1970 iii., 2278, 2747, 2801, 2852, 3073, 3295. Lorenzo, Venetian consul in London, 240, 264, 319-20, 322, 402 ii., 413, 601. letters from, 287, 413 ii., 937, 1016, 1126, 1183, 1216, 1291, 1321, 1475, 1513, 1578, 1586, 1628 (2), 1702, 1970 iii., GENERAL INDEX. 345 Pasqualigo, Lorenzo, letters from- cont. 2278, 2747, 2801, 2852, 3073, 3295. Piero, Venetian ambassador to Hungary, 463, 571; to France, 3367, 3394, 3404, 3488, 3503, 3544. • letter from, 463. instructions for, 3544. Passage. See Renteria. Passarus, 305. Passau (Papaw), in Germany, 2600. Passayge. See Renteria. Passey, Hugh, 82 (p. 40). Passhe, Ric., 1803 (2 m. 4). Passy, John, sewer, 20 (p. 13). Pastne, Walter, purser, 3148. Paston, Norf., 438 (1 mm. 3, 5). Paston (Paaston, Pastun), Wm., 20 (p. 15), 438 (1 m. 3), 1176 (4):-g. 833 (58), 2055 (50), 2222 (16 Norf.). Pastrell, John, 82 (p. 43). Patching (Pacchyng, Poching), Suss., rector of, pp. 1524, 1527. Patching (Pacchyng, Patchynges), John, chaplain, 438 (2 m. 32). Pate, John, groom of the Beds, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 1015, 1803 (1 m. 2), 2509, 3554 :-g. 54 (72, 78), 257 (72), 682 (30), 1316 (34), 2617 (7), 3408 (5). Patengeham, Staff., g. 3226 (22). Patenham, Beds, 438 (1 m. 25). Pavenham or Putnoe? Patenson or Patyson, George, 1410. Wm., vicar of Allhallows, Barking, 1811. Paterson, Walter, of Leith, 585. Pateshale, John, g. 1221 (43). (Patsall, Patyshall), Ric., 438 (1 m. 21). Walter, auditor, 1505. Patmere (Patmare), Henry, 438 (3 m. 16), 438 (4 m. 21). William, 438 (3 m. 16). Patricksbourn (Patrikburn), Kent, 438 (1 m. 5). Patrimony of the Church. See Bologna. Patrington, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 4). Patsall or Patyshall. See Pateshale. Patteson (Patson, Pateson), Marma- duke, 438 (4 m. 25). Pattingham (Patengeham), Staff., 64 (65). g. Paulers Pury (Pawlespury, Palles- pury), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 6). rector of, 438 (3 m. 13). Paulet (Pawlet, Powlet), 22:—p. 1516. App. Paulet-cont. (Pollet, Pallette, Pawlet), Sir Amyas, 309, 1661 (3, 4):—pp. 1518, 1535, 1543 :—g. 11 (10), 158 (86), 3049 (20). (Poulet), George, 438 (2 m. 21). (Pollet), John, 438 (2 m. 25): p. 1537 :-g. 833 (58 ii.). (Poulet, Palet), Sir John, 438 (2 m. 9):-g. 2222 (16 Hants). Quintin, g. 190 (27). (Pawlet), Thomas, 2811, 3348 (3). (Pallet, Powlett), Wm., 2574 : —p. 1537 :—g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 969 (23), 1221 (6), 2861 (33), 3499 (12). Paul Holme (Payleholme, Paulen- holme), Yorks, 1493 vi. Pauncefote (Pawnesfote, Paunsfote), Henry, p. 1546-g. 1462 (34). John, 20 (p. 15), 251, 438 (3 m. 23):—pp. 1537-8, 1546. Pauntley (Pantteley), Glouc., 438 (2) mm. 5, 20). Pavia, in Italy, 816, 1246, 1301 (pp. 595, 597), 1877, 1988, 2029, 2486. letters dated at, 625, 1277, 2975. Pavia, cardinal of, legate of Bologna [Francesco Alidosi card. of St. Cecilia], 9, 111, 138, 354, 421, 456, 674, 747, 755n., 756, 779, 780 (p. 418), 785, 812 ii., 3063. letters from, 111, 138. Pavn. See Pawne. Pawe, Andrew, 438 (2 m. 9). Pawlet. See Paulet. > Pawne (Pavn), Wm., bailiff of Guisnes, avenor of the Stable, receiver of Berwick (23 Aug. 1511), collector of quit rents at Calais, master of ordnance at Berwick, 19, 20 (p. 19), 77, 82 (p. 40), 193 (p. 100), 215 iii., 589, 878, 893 (2), 918, 1004, 1450 (p. 661), 1463 ii., 1978, 2096, 2121, 2279, 2305 iii., 2386, 2708-9, 2713, 2740, 2834, 3313 (6), 3359:-pp. 1504, 1506-7:-g. 94 (72), 449 (2, 14 bis), 604 (5), 651 (4, 5), 751 (8), 857 (16), 3582 (16). Pawnesfote. See Pauncefote. Paxe, Mr. See Pace. Payleholme. See Paulholme. Paymound, John, g. 749 (16). Payn Castle. See Pain's Castle. Payne, Hugh, 438 (3 m. 9). (Payn), John, g. 969 (18 1 346 GENERAL INDEX. Payne-cont. Ric., 1803 (1 m. 6). (Payn), Ric., canon of Wind- sor, 438 (2 m. 5). Th., g. 1602 (16), 2055 (92), 2684 (97). (Payn), Wm., 438 (1 m. 12). Paynell (Panell), Geoffrey, pp. 1539- 40g. 190 (24), 257 (48), 651 (13), 709 (55), 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3408 (6), 3582 (14). • Hugh (temp. Hen. III.), g. 632 (40). (Panell, Paenell), Ric., 438 (2 m. 10):—p. 1540:-g. 257 (49). (Paganellus), Wm., temp. Ric. I. (?), g. 969 (57). Paynter (Peyntor), John, 862, 2305 i., ii., 3148 bis, 3513 :—g. 833 (13). John, alias Derby, q.v. (Peynter), Ric., 1803 (1 m. 4). (Peynter, Peyntore), Wm., B.C.L., 438 (3 m. 6). Paynthwyn or Peyntwhyn, LL.D., 438 (2 m. 26). Paynton. See Paignton. Payn Worthy. See Pyworthy. Hugh, Pays de Caulx, in France, 1081. Payton, Marg., 438 (1 m. 20), 438 (4 m. 1). Sir Rob., g. 2222 (16 Camb.). Paytrell, John, 853. Pazart, Geminiano de, LL.D., 1277 (p. 586). Peachy (Peche), Lady Elizabeth, wife of Sir John, 82 (pp. 38, 41):-g. 833 (43). (Petche, Peche, Pecche, Pecchy, Peyche, Peechee, Pechi), Sir John, lieutenant of Ruysbank, knight for the Body, 20 (p. 13), 34, 168, 193 (pp. 101-2), 438 (3 m. 7), 442, 620, 707, 855, 1004, 1424, 1463 xiii., 2053 (5, 6 iii.), 2285, 2480 (18), 2503, 2702, 3342, 3348 (3): pp. 1516, 1539: App. 26-g. 54 (17), 94 (23), 132 (77), 190 (34), 485 (5), 587 (2), 632 (70), 682 (39), 804 (10, 22), 833 (43), 1123 (51), 1805 (1), 1948 (18), 2055 (50, 95 iii.), 3107 (1), 3324 (35). signature of, g. 1805 (1), 1948 (18). (Pecchy), Wm., 438 (2 m. 27). Peak, the, Derb., pp. 1509, 1514. Peakeley. See Pencelly. Peasenhall (Pesnalle, Pesnale), Suff., 438 (2 m. 29). Pebmore. See Pedmore. Pebworth (Pedbeworth), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 12). Pecchy. See Peachy. Peche. See Peachy. Pecke. See Peke. Peckham (Pecham), Kent, 438 (3 m. 29). Peckham (Peccham), Surr., 438 (1 m. 6). Peckham, East- (Estpekham), Kent, g. 1836 (27). Peckham Rye, Surr., g. 1524 (15). Peckham (Pekham, Pekkam, Pec- ham), Reynold, 438 (3 m. 20): p. 1539:-g. 2222 (16 Kent). (Pekham), Th., 438 (3 m. 23). Peckleton (Pekulton), Leic., 438 (3 m. 8). Pecocke or Pecok, John, of Oxford- shire, g. 11 (10), 289 (35). John, 3135. Stephen, p. 1549. Wm., p. 1549. Pectumweyin. See Pittenweem. Pedbeworth. See Pebworth. Peddington (Pedington), Glouc., g. 1316 (34). Peddlington (Pedlington), Glouc., g. 682 (30). Pederton. See Petherton. Pedlars (pedders, pedelers), 438 (2 mm. 20, 25). Pedler (Peddeler), James, 438 (4 m. 26). Pedmore (Pebmore), Worc., 438 (4 m. 24). Pedrasche, servant to Count Palatine Frederic, 1743. Pedro, Don. See Ayala. Pedynghoo. See Piddinghoe. Peek. See Peke. Peers or Peerse, Edm., 438 (1 m. 21). Peerages (creations), 358, 2620. Peerson. See Pierson. Peeste or Peste, John, 438 (3 m. 14). Pegeon, John, g. 132 (122). Pegge, Reynold, justice of Assizes, 438 (2 m. 7):—p. 1541:-g. 132 (2, 48), 381 (39), 546 (1, 47). Pegion (Peion), Th., minstrel, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42). Pegot. See Pigot. Pegu, in East Indies, 1974. Peguineau (Beguyneau), Martin, Peion. French ambassador to Scot- land, 1467, 1501, 1504 (p. 693), 3349. See Pegion. Peke, Mrs., 20 (p. 17). Hugh, 438 (1 mm. 11, 15). GENERAL INDEX. 347 Peke-cont. (Pek), John, 438 (3 m. 34) :— g. 94 (104), 632 (74), 651 (23). (Peek), John, rector of War- sop, 438 (1 mm. 11, 15). (Peek, Pecke, Pek, Pekke), Ric., 438 (2 mm. 28-9):—g. 784 (54), 1948 (77), 2964 (31). Rob., g. 381 (15). Th., 82 (p. 42). Pekeryng. See Pickering. Pekesall. See Pexsall. Pekham or Pekkam. See Peckham. Pekke. See Peke. Pekulton. See Peckleton. Peldon, Essex, 438 (2 m. 20). Pelet. See Pellet. Pelham, Herts, g. 1524 (38). Pelham (Peleham), Th., 438 (3 m. 9). Wm., spear of Calais, 2049. Pellet or Pelett, Wm., 438 (3 m. 20), 559. Pelleter. See Pelter. Peloxa, in the Mediterranean, 610. Pelter (Pelleter), Roland, 438 (2 m. 32). Pemberton (Pemerton), Hugh, 20 (p. 15). Pembridge (Pemrige, Pembrich, Pen- bruge), Heref., 438 (2 m. 17) : —g. 357 (14), 519 (64), 3107 (48). rector presented, g. 218 (63). Pembroke (Pembrothe, Penbroke, Penbroche), co. Pemb., 438 (2 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 34) : g. 3499 (74). Pembroke, county and lordship, 1727 :—g. 54 (30), 94 (98), 158 (83), 804 (44), 1316 (13), 2684 (66). coroner and escheator, g. 190 (20). exchequer, g. 3324 (16). Pembroke, William Marshal earl of (temp. Hen. III.), charter of, g. 414 (51). Wm. de Valence earl of (temp. Edw. II.), and Joan his wife, charters of, g. 1732 (3). Laurence de Hastings earl of (temp. Edw. III.), charter of, g, 1732 (3). Mary countess of (temp. 15 Edw. III.), charter of, 485 (12). John Hastings earl of (1375- 1389), g. 94 (35). Pembroke Hall, Suff., g. 519 (62). Pembrokes (Penbrokes) Midd., g. 2055 (130). manor, Pembury (Pepyngbery), Kent, 438 (3 m. 9). Pemrige. yn See Pembridge. Pen. See Penne. T Penaran (Pennarton), co. Merioneth, 1803 (1 m. 3). Penbroche. See Pembroke. Penbroke. See Pembroke. Penbroke, in the marches of Wales, 438 (4 m. 8). Penbruge. See Pembridge. Pencelly (Pynkeley, Peakeley) [or Cantref Selyf], co. Brecon, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31). Pencombe, Heref., 1803 (2 m. 4). Pencriche. See Penkridge. Pend, Rob. See Penne. Pende, John, g. 857 (13). (Peynde), John, gentleman of the Chapel, 707-g. 1170 (2); see also Penne. Pendeley, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 32). Pendeley, Herts. See Pendley. Pendene or Pendyne, John and Ric., 438 (4 m. 18). Pendere. See Penne. Pendley (Pendeley), Herts, 438 (3 m. 32). Penes, a Burgundian captain of horsemen, to be retained, 2656. Pengerthyk, Cornw., g. 1415 (26). Peniston, Yorks, g. 54 (3). Penkridge (Pencriche), Kent, g. 357 (39). Penkridge (Penkriche, Penkeryche, Pencrich, Pentrige), Staff., 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (4 mm. 2, 15):—g. 1602 (33). college, p. 1523 (12), 1123 (29). g. 1003 Penllegh, co. Caern, 438 (1 m. 19). Penllyn, co. Merioneth, 438 (4 m. 27). Penlyn, Cornw., 438 (2 m. 8). Penmon, co. Anglesea, priory, 438 (3 m. 16). prior. See Ingram, R. Pennago (Pinago, Pynnago), Henry, sewer for the King, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 3561 (2):—g. 289 (9, 23), 632 (41), 3107 (21). Pennant, co. Caernarvon, 438 (1 m. 19). Pennard, co. Glamorgan, g. 3049 (20). Pennard, East-, Soms., vicar of, 438 (4 m. 24). Pennarton. See Penaran. Penne (Pen), John, gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (41) :- g. 1948 (65). See also Pende. Laur., g. 54 (43). (Pen, Pend, Pendere, Ponde), Rob., gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 210, 707, 904, 1143, 2426: g. 519 (18), 749 (4), 1044 (21), 1123 (63), 1948 (65). 348 GENERAL INDEX. Penne-cont. (Pen), Th., mayor of North- ampton, g. 3226 (4). Pennevyd. See Pen-y-bedw. Pennicot (Pynnecote), Devon [in Shobrook], 438 (3 m. 12). Pennington (Pynyngton, Penyng- ton), Lanc., 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (3 m. 6). Pennington or Penyngton, Adam, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14), 438 (4 m. 23), 1798 :-p. 1540. • • " Hugh, 2656 (6). Sir John, 438 (4 m. 21), 1493 :—p. 1535 : 1535:—g. 132 (34), 485 (42), 632 (26), 1804 (17). John, 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 23). Margaret, Queen's cham- berer, 908, 1218. Th., 1803 (2 m. 3). Sir Wm., App. 26. Wm., gentleman usher, 20 (p. 14), 438 (4 m. 27):-g. 132 (34), 449 (6), 485 (42), 1494 (55), 1804 (17), (60), 2617 (2). 1948 Penny, John, bp. of Carlisle, pre- viously abbot of Leicester, 20 (p. 14), 205, 438 (3 m. 7), 963, 1121, 1493 iv., 2276, 3464 :— p. 1535 :—g. 1123 (40). ? John, of Leicester, 438 (3 m. 7). Th., g. 632 (18). Pennycuyk (Pennycuyli), John, M.A., canon of Aberdeen, p. 1530. Pennythorp, Wm., g. 3408 (34). Penrhyn, co. Carnarvon, 438 (4 m. 18). Penrhyn (Penryn), Cornw., g. 1415 (26). Glaseneth college, provost. See Vryn, W. Penrie, Martin, App. 22. Penrith (Peryth), Cumb., g. 94 (2), 709 (14), 924 (11), 1804 (6), 1948 (31), 2137 (18), 3324 (19). Penrose (Penrosmethle), Cornw. [in Sithney], 438 (4 m. 16). Penrose, John, 438 (4 m. 2). (Penros), Richard, 438 (4 mm. 2, 16) :—p. 1535 :—g. 833 (58 iii.), 1221 (16), 3408 (4). Penryn, Cornw. See Penrhyn. Pensford, Soms., 1803 (2 m. 5). Penshurst (Pensherst), Kent, 438 (3 m. 18). Pension, the. See French pension. Pensions. See under Corrodies. Pentsart, Jacques, French prisoner, p. 928. Penton, John, prior of Hempton, 438 (4 m. 17). Pentrige. See Penkridge. Pentyrch (Pentirche), co. Glamorgan, 438 (2 m. 32). Penwith hundred, Cornw., g. 289 (50), 1804 (18), 2684 (95), 2772 (12). Peny, Giles, 438 (2 m. 12). Pen-y-bedw (Pennevyd), co. Car- narvon, [near Penmachno], 438 (3 m. 12). Penycok, John, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 16). Penyngton. See Pennington. Penys. See Piennes. Penysley. See Painsley. Penzance (Pensaunce), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 14), 1803 (2 m. 4) :—g. 2137 (4), 2772 (9). Peopleton (Pepulton), Worc., g. 3049 (8). Peper (Pepir), Joan relict of Richard, 438 (3 m. 16). , (Pepyr), John, 1803 (1 m. 4). Ric., of Calais, 1004 (1, 2). Th., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 39). Peperyng. See Poperinghe. Pepperharrow (Pepyrharowe), Surr., 438 (1 m. 20). Pepulton. See Peopleton. Pepyr. See Peper. Pepyngbery. See Pembury. Peracombe. See Parracombe. Percar. See Parker. Perchay. See Percy. Percheal (Percyvall), Arnold, servant of M. de Ligne, 2995. Perclesse, Henry, 1262 (p. 578). Percival (Parcyvale), Sir John, 438 (3 m. 33). (Parcivale), Ric., g. 1494 (54), 1524 (15). (Percyvale), Thomasina, 438 (2 m. 19). Percy (Peri), Alan, rector of Spof- forth, p. 1521:—g. 414 (44). (Piercey), Lady Anne, 20 (pp. 11, 16), 82 (pp. 38, 41). 2 Anne, grant by, g. 158 (32). Elizabeth, g. 632 (78). (Parcy), George, 438 (3 m. 27). Sir Henry, earl of Northum- berland, q.v. Joscelyn, king's cup-bearer, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 1129. (Perchay), Leo, 438 (2 m. 17). Stephen, 438 (3 m. 27). Th., 1803 (2 m. 2). Th., prior of Christchurch or Holy Trinity, London († 2 Aug. 1512), 20 (p. 15), 438 (1 m. 19), 1493: :-g. -g. 1365 (10), 1415 (5), 1462 (38), 1662 (21). (Parcye, Percey), Th., of Shaftesbury, 438 (2 mm. 16, 19). GENERAL INDEX. 349 Percy-cont. William, grant by, g. 158 (32). Wm. or Sir William, knight- ed after Flodden, 2239, 2246 (4 ii.) :—pp. 1541, 1547 bis :- g. 158 (91), 1365 (3), 1494 (9), 2484 (9). Percyvall, Arnold. See Percheal. Pere, John, alias Banbury, abbot of Bruern, 438 (3 m. 15). Pereson. See Pierson. Pergeter, Edmond, clk., 438 (3 m. 10). Perham. See Parham. Peri, Alan. See Percy. Periaunt. See Peryent. Periton. See Puriton. Perjury, act against, 341. Perker. See Parker. Perkyn (Perken), Henry, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Perkyns, Ant., g. 1003 (22). Henry, 1803 (1 m. 3). Th., chaplain, 1803 (2 m. 3). Perlcre. See Porlocke. Perlethorpe (Parlethorp), Notts, g. 1524 (18). Perley. See Parley. Permere. See Parmoor. Pero, a yeoman cook, 82 (p. 39). Perok. See Parrok. Peronne, in France, 1594. Perot or Perott. See Perrot. Perottus, senatus of Montpellier, letter to, 305. Perpignan, in Spain, 1656, 2523 ii., 2633. Perpoundysherst. See Hurst. Perpoynt (Pierpount), George, 438 (3 m. 16). • (Perpount), Henry, g. 1948 (94). (Pierpount), Joan, 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (3 m. 16). Roger, 2392. Th., letter from, 1891 (2). (Perpound, Pierpount, Pierre- poynt), Sir Wm., 20 (p. 15), 438 (1 m. m. 26), 2392:-p. 1542:-App. 26:-g. 158 (52), 546 (65), 632 (26), 804 (29 ii.), 1948 (23), 2861 (7). (Pierpount), Wm., g. 833 (50 ii.), 1494 (9), 1732 (49). Perpoynthurst. See Hurst. Perran (Perrowen, Porrowen, Porru- wen), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 33). Perres, Copyn, of Flushing, 3133. Perrot (Perott), Dr. John, precentor of York, 438 (3 m. 22):—p. 1531. (Perret, Perot), Owen or Sir Owen, knighted at Tournay, 438 (1 m. 17), 1493 iv., 2301, 2481 (3). Perrot-cont. Sir Wm., 438 (1 m. 17). Pers, Stephen, 2305 ii. Persall, Lady, 2537. Persell, Rob., g. 158 (91). Persey, Peter, alien, g. 1415 (13). Pershore (Parshore), Worc., g. 3049 (8). abbey, 438 (3 m. 18) :—g. 54 (27), 257 (18), 1221 (40), 2617 (43). 1546. John, abbot of, p. Wm. abbot of. See Compton, W. Persian Gulf, the, 766. Persone. See Pierson. Pert, John, 438 (1 m. 7). Thomas. See Spert. Pertenhall, Beds, 1803 (2 m. 3). Perteriche. See Partridge. Pertesell, Robert, g. 357 (41). Perth (St. John's Town, St. John- stone, St. Jehan de Ver, St. Janston in Angoux), in Scot- land, 2406, 2443, 2461, 3349 (pp. 1411-12). letters dated at, 2440, 3119- 23. Pertryche. See Partridge. Perwyte or Perwhite, Nic., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Pery, Rob., g. 2684 (83). Pery, François de, French prisoner, p. 928. Peryent, John, auditor, g. 485 (37), 784 (21), 2535 (12). • account by, 2962. (Periaunt), Th., g. 1524 (38). Pery John. See Bidoux, P. de. Peryn, Dominic, 1262. (Parryn), John, ship master, 1661 (4), 2764 :—p. 1503. Philip alias Munfrete, q.v. Wm., 438 (1 m. 19). Peryson, John, clk., g. 381 (3). Peryth. See Penrith. Peryton. See Puritan. Pesari (Pezari, Pexaro, Cha. de Pesaro), Venetian mercantile house, 508, 529, 566, 757, 3528. • letters to, 1512, 1762, 1949, 2060, 2265, 2493. Francesco de, letter to, 1371. Piero de, 3528. Pescara, Alfonso d'Avalos marquis of, 2127. Peschia, Baldassare da, letter from, 2816. Peschiera (Pisquina), in Italy, 83, 1277 (p. 587), 1455. Pesford, Wm., merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). Pesnale. See Peasenhall. 350 GENERAL INDEX. Pessall, John, 2392. Peste. See Peest. Pester, Th., 2305 i. (Pestar), Wm., purser, 3148: pp. 1500–1. Petche. See Peachy. Peter the almoner, of Katharine of Aragon. See Rodriguez. • Peter, • the armourer. See Fever, P. the one eyed. See Meghen. marshal of the King's trumpets, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42). Peter, Sir, a French priest at Calais, 2854. Peter, Mr., of the Closet. See Greves, P. Peter, Ric., 707 (p. 383). Simon, of Zierikzee, p. 1504. Peterborough (Burrowe), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 22), 2544. abbey, 438 (1 m. 8), 476 (3) :—g. 1123 (46), 2684 (59). abbot of. See Kirton, R. confirmations for, g. 485 (22), 969 (67). Peter's Pence, History of, 1235. Peterton. See Potterton. Petham (Petheham), Kent, 438 (2 m. 12). Petherton, North- (Northpeterton, Northpederton), Soms., 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (3 m. 10):-g. 587 (20), 2137 (1). Petherton (Pederton) park, Soms., g. 749 (15). Peti Juan, King Ferdinand's servant, 1933. Petit, Etienne, French councillor, 2079, 2242. (Pety), John, 438 (2 m. 7), 3135:—p. 1539. Nic., 438 (2 m. 7). Petman or Petteman, Th., 438 (1 m. 26). Peton, Mr. Edmond, French prisoner, p. 928. Petri, Aloysius. See Piero, Alvise de. Petrelwra. See Wreay. Petriadek, J., abbot of Deer, q.v. Petrucci, Alfonso, bp. of Soana, cardinal (10 March 1511), 714, 718. Pandolfo, governor of Sienna, 714, 718. Pette (Pyte), John, 438 (3 mm. 23, 25). Ric., g. 54 (88), 804 (6). Pettigrew, Wm., a Scot, 1478-9. Pettindreith (Petriadek), James, abbot of Deer, q.v. Petton, Salop, 438 (2 m. 30). Petworth, Suss., 438 (2 mm. 10, 17), 438 (3 mm. 16, 25), 1803 (2 m. 2). Petworth-cont. rector of, 438 (3 m. 2). Petwyn, John, gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707. Pety. See Petit. Pety, John, King's footman, 256, 775, 915, 1193. Pevensey (Pevensee), Suss., g. 11 (10), 132 (51), 709 (26), 2862 (7). Peverell, Wm., s. of Thomas, s. and h. of Wm., g. 1316 (12). Peveril (Peverell), honor of. See Boulogne, &c. Pevesham. See Pewsham. Pewen. See King's Pyon. Pewsham (Pevesham), Wilts, g. 94 (35). Pewterers, 438 (1 mm. 11, 19), 438 (2 mm. 7, 8 bis, 16, 27), 438 (3 m. 15), 438 (4 m. 17):-p. 1503. Pexall, Mr., chaplain of the countess of Richmond, 20 (p. 13). Edith, g. 3582 (20). • 7): pp. 1537, Ralph, one of the Six Clerks, 438 (3 m. 7): 1545:-g. 1316 (35), 3582 (20). Ric., abbot of St. Mary de Pratis, Leicester, 438 (3 m. 2):-g. 2222 (16 Leic.). (Pekesall), Th., 707 (p. 383). Pey, Jankyn, g. 54 (43). Peyche. See Peachy. Peympyne. See Pampyng. Peynde. See Pende. Peynton. See Paignton. Peyntor. See Paynter. Peyntwhyn. See Paynthwyn. Peyto, John and Margaret, g. 1662 (24). Peyton, Chr., 438 (3 m. 11). • Ric., 3529. Peyton, Sir Rob., 20 (p. 12), 438 (3 m. 11), 1661 (4):—p. 1534 :—g. 804 (49), 3499 (22). Thomas, 438 (3 m. 11). Pezari. See Pesari. Pezenas, in France, 3344. Pfintzing. See Phintzing. Phelup. See Philips. Philbertis (Fylberdis), Berks [near Marcham], g. 563 (8), 1083 (23), 2055 (50). Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, 545. Philip I, King of Castile, duke of Burgundy (died 25 Sept., 1506), 162 (pp. 85-6), 345 (p. 160), 365, (?" King Charles "), 576, 621, 965 ii., 1197, 1370, 1438, 1749, 1826, 1866, 2072, 2274, 2366 (22), 2753, 2908, 3586, GENERAL INDEX. 351 Philip I, King of Castile-cont. his corpse, 6 (p. 6). his sons. and Ferdinand. See Charles Philip, armourer, p. 1499. Philip (Philips), Sir David, g. 158 (88), 3226 (7). (Philips), David, King's foot- man, 20 (p. 13), 256, 623, 775, 915, 1193, 2817, 3448 (2). Edward, g. 2862 (7). (Phillipp), Francis, yeoman of Katharine of Aragon, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41). Reynold, clk., 438 (2 m. 25). (Phillipp, Philippe, Philippes), Ric., 20 (p. 13), 228, 3313 (6). Th., g. 3226 (12). (Philip), Wm., 438 (1 m. 6). Philippe, Mrs., silkwoman, p. 1503. Philips, David. See Philip. (Philippys), John, 438 (4 m. 22). (Philippes), Ric. See Philip. Roger, 438 (3 m. 28). (Phylyppys, Phelup), Ro- land, King's chaplain, rector of Crayford, g. 1494 (36), 2861 (8). (Phillips, Phelips, Phylyppes), Th., 438 (2 m. 19), 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2130 (6), 2414:-g. 190 (20). Sir Th., App. 26. (Phelippis), Walter, purser, 3148. Philipson, Rob., vicar of Braughing, g. 1948 (84). (Pheleypson), Wm., 2951. Philoll. See Filoll. Philpot (Filpot), Sir John, g. 546 (26). (Filpot), Peter, g. 546 (26), 833 (58 ii.), 3499 (12). Phintzing (Pfintzing), Melchior, 2173 (3). (Ghinzinge, Phinsinghe, Fynsynger), Ulrich, the Emperor's treasurer, 2205, 2272, 2334, 2362, 2521, 2528, 2749, 2894. signature of, 2205, 2272. Phippe, John, King's fisherman, g. 218 (42), 519 (37), 604 (33). Phypp, master of the King's fool, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 43). Physcus, in Asia Minor, 1604. Physicians, 115, 438 (2 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 3) :—g. 158 (43). Piacenza (Placentia, Plaisance, Plesaunce), in Italy, 1277 (pp. 585-6), 1301 (p. 596), 1699, 1868, 1917, 1988, 2038, 2428, 3014 ii., 3547. letters dated at, 755, 1877. Pianora (Plannere), in Italy, 1127 (p. 539). Picards, in Maximilian's pay, 1722 (p. 783). Picardy, 193, 406, 1081, 1243, 1265, 1301, 1370, 1559, 1601, 1647 (p. 743), 1657, 1665 (p. 765), 1750, 1884 (p. 858), 2006 (p. 908), 2092, 2160, 2265, 2377, 2392, 2532, 2605, 2647, 2673, 3024, 3084, 3191, 3331, 3486 : ―g. 2684 (90). Pichard, Th., g. 1316 (31). Pickenham, North- (Northpyken- ham), Norf., 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 mm. 11, 26). Pickenham (Pycknam) Wade, 438 (4 m. 11). Pickering (Pykeryng, Pykkyng), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (3 m. 2). Pickering Lythe, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 24), 438 (2 m. 15). Pickering or Pykeryng (Pekerynge), Chr. or Sir Chr., knighted after Flodden, 438 (1 m. 12), 2246 (4 ii.) :—pp. 1535, 1546 : -g.804 (29), 833 (45), 1365 (3). James, 438 (1 m. 12). Sir John, 438 (3 m. 13). (Pekeryng), John, p. 1547 :- g. 804 (29 v., x.), 833 (50 iv.), 1365 (3). John, canon of St. Stephen's, g. 1083 (1). (Pekeryng), Kath., 438 (3 m. 18). (Pykryng), Rob., 612. (Pekeryng, Pekerryng, &c.), Th., 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 13). Wm., s. and h. of Sir John, g. 1123 (28). Pickle (Pykehall), Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 6). Pickworth (Pykeworth), Linc., 438 (2 m. 5). Picotts (Pygottys), Essex [in Great Saling], g. 289 (12). Picton (Pykton), co. Pembroke, 438 (2 m. 19). Piddinghoe (Pedynghoo), Suss., g. 289 (13), 2863 (10). Piddle (Pydel), Dors., 438 (3 m. 2). Piéfort, Jean, French gunner sent to Scotland, 1467, 1501. Piennes (Piennez, Pieve, Pyenys, Penys, Pienes), Louis de Hallewin sieur de, lieutenant of Picardy, 1265, 1837 ( Sieur de P . . ."), 1961, 2014, 2038, 2083 (2), 2095 ii., 2168, 2170 ("Fiennes "), 2173 (3“Breniss "), 2237, 2875, 3240, 3252, 3348, 3364, 3424. 352 GENERAL INDEX. Pierce Bridge, Yorks, g. 731 (16). Piercey. See Percy. Pierducx, Joes, a spy, his reports, 1169, 1835. Pierekin. See Warbeck, Perkin. Pierin, Jacques, letter from, 2516. Piero (Petri), Alvise de, Venetian deputy to the Diet at Turgau, 1284. Venetian envoy to France, 1628, 1647, 1747. letter to, 1668. Pierpount. See Perpoynt. Pierson (Peerson), John, barber- surgeon, g. 1123 (32). Pieve. (Peerson, Pereson), Rob., g. 2772 (16). (Peerson, Pereson), Wm., 438 (1 mm. 9, 17). (Persone), Wm., ship cap- tain, 1189. See Piennes. Pigg (Pigge), Th., 438 (4 m. 21). Walter, 438 (4 m. 21). (Pig), Wm., chaplain, 438 (4 m. 21). Pightesley. See Pytchley. Pigot or Pigott, Eliz., 438 (1 m. 5). Francis, ship captain, 1661 (4), 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 4, 5). (Pegot, Pigotte), John, 438 (1 m. 1). Richard, King's serjeant at law, 438 (4 m. 5). Rob., g. 2484 (17). (Pycot, Pykott), Th., 438 (1 mm. 1, 5), 438 (4 mm. 12, 13, 22):—p. 1534:-g. 54 (47), 132 (26), 969 (47), 2222 (16 Bucks.). Th., serjeant at law, King's serjeant, 2787, 3464 (2):—g. 709 (61), 1948 (44). Pigrym, John, 20 (p. 19). Th., 42 (p. 43). Pikard, Joan, g. 519 (42). John, g. 519 (42). Pikeman (Pykman), Henry, p. 1514 : ―g. 1123 (57). Pikemonger, 438 (4 m. 5). Pikeswell (Pykkeswell), Alex., 438 (3 m. 24). Pikett, Ant., purser, 3148. Pikmere, Chesh., g. 132 (109). Pilcherd, Laurence, 438 (3 m. 18). Pileston. See Pilston. Pilgrim (Pylgryme), John, g. 3049 (12). > Pilham, Linc., rector of, p. 1528. Pilkington, Arthur, 438 (4 m. 5). Edm., g. 218 (59), 381 (108). Rob., 438 (4 m. 5). (Pilkenyngton), Wm., 1803 (1 m. 2). Pillith Forest, in Wales, g. 2684 (105). Pilmore, John, a Scot, 1262. Pilston (Apilston, Pylleston, Pyels- ton, Pileston), John, 20 (p. 16), 2480 (61), 2575 ii. :—g. 132 (67), 2484 (3). (Pylleston), Sir Roger, 2480 (61), 2575 ii. Pilton, Devon, 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (4 m. 7). Pilton, Ntht., rector of, g. 2964 (58). Pilton, John, prior of Barnstaple, 438 (3 m. 15) :—g. 1804 (52), 1836 (5). Pim, Mons. di. See Du Pin. Pinago. See Pennago. Pinchbeck, Linc., confirmation for landholders, g. 381 (65). ་ Pinchbeck (Pinchebek), Laurence, g. 804 (30). (Pynchebeke), Th., 438 (2 m. 8): g. 833 (54). See Notes and Errata. Pinchon, Joan and John, 438 (1 m. 14). Pinjon (Pingeon, Pingun), Guillaume, valet of the Emperor's chamber or wardrobe, 517, 545, 590, 646, 866. Pinkeney, Ntht., honour of, g. 1003 (9). Pinner (Pynnore), Midd., 1803 (m. 1). Pinner, John, 1493 iv. Pinners, 438 (3 m. 4):—g. 1221 (15). (Pynchon), Nic., 438 (4 m. 16). > Richard. See Pynson. Pinto, Gonsalvo son of Lancelot, ransom of his family from the Moors, 2760. Piombino, in Italy, 570. Piovers or Chiovers. See Tournay. Pipe, Staff., 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 6 bis), 438 (4 m. 16), 1493 vi., 1803 (2 m. 4). Pipe, Warw., g. 132 (7). Pipe Hall, Staff., 438 (4 mm. 15, 16). Pipe Minor alias Prees, prebend of, in Lichfield cathedral, 438 (2 m. 5). Pipe Park, Staff., 438 (4 m. 16). Pipers, 438 (3 m. 30), 438 (4 m. 19). Pipwell, Ntht. [near Great Oakley], abbey, 438 (1 m. 11). R. abbot. See Staunford, grant dated at, g. 857 (14), 969 (56). Piracy and pirates, 484, 1298, 1302, 1315 (pp. 604-5), 1523, 1672, 3400 :—App. 19a. Pirbright (Purbright), Surr., 438 (2 m. 29):-g. 94 (35 p. 50), 833 (60). Pirse, the King's French cook. See Le Doulx, P. GENERAL INDEX. 353 Pirton, Wm., 20 (p. 15), 438 (3 m. 32), 1493-g. 2222 (16 Essex). (Purton), Sir Wm., ship cap- tain, 1453 v., 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1869 iii., 2304 (3), 2305 (ii., iii.), 2686, 2842, 2912, 2938, 3513: pp. 1504, 1518. Pirwit (Pirwhit, Purwhit), Nic., g. 485 (19), 784 (9), 969 (79), 1221 (39). Pisa, in Italy, 734, 842, 917, 1005: g. 546 (24). General Council at (and subsequently at Milan), 777 (p. 415), 785, 794, 812, 816, 831-2, 884, 917, 919 (p. 472), 932-3, 964, 1007, 1039, 1082, 1100, 1127 (p. 539), 1204, 1229 ("Consiliable "), 1334 ("Conciliabulum "), 1557, 1575 (p. 722), 1657, 1738, 1750 (10), 2038, 2132, 2323 ii., 2744. first session, 932. merchants of, g. 1662 (15). Pisani, Almoro, of Venice, letter to, 1067. Alvise, banker, 413, 3488. Pisford (Pisforth), Wm., 438 (3 m. 5). Piso, James, letter from, 91. Pisquina. See Peschiera. Pitchcomb (Pychecombe), Glouc., 438 (2 m. 24). Pitfyn (Pittefeld), Th., 438 (3 m. 25). Pitigliano, count of, 434. Pitney (Putteney Lorcy), Soms., 438 (3 m. 19). Pittefeld. See Pitfyn. Pittenweem (Pectumweyin, Pittin- weme) priory, in Scotland, pp. 1527-8. prior. See Forman, A. Pitter or Pittour, Ric., serjeant of the Saucery and Pastry, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40):-g. 449 (14). Plague ("sickness," "epidemic "), 865, 890-1, 905, 917, 933, 964, 1286, 2223, 2229, 2260, 2278, 2412, 2417 ii., 2418, 2424, 2457, 2468, 2493, 2508, 2519, 2610, 2847-8, 2929 (2), 3041, 3050, 3160, 3296, 3418. Plaine (Pleine), Gerard de, Seigneur de La Roche, president of the Council of Flanders, 899, 919, 991, 1288, 1311, 1344, 1362, 1370, 1436, 1749-50, 2113, 2255, 2377, 2694, 2705, 2797, 2867, 2894-7, 2915, 2963, 2976, 2994, 3014, 3018, 3027, 3035, 3041, 3047, 3052, 3061, 3070, 3079, 3082, 3103-4, 3109, 3141, 3174, 3264, 3298, Wt. 11494. ! Plaine, Gerard de, Seigneur de La Roche-cont. • 3329, 3400, 3493, 3519:—p. 1516. 3041. letters from, 3018, letter to, 3141. Thomas de, chancellor to Philip of Castile, 2366 (2). Plainmeller (Pleynemellour, Blemel- ler, Plenemellour, Plenymel- lor), Nthld., g. 709 (14), 1662 (43), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). Plainsfield (Playnsfeld), Soms., 438 (1 m. 13). Plaisance. See Piacenza. Plaish (Pleisshe), Salop, 438 (3 m. 20). Plane, Wm., a Scot, g. 1948 (14). Plankney, Henry, mayor of Calais (1510–11), 791, 893 (2). Plannere. See Pianora. Plantagenet, Arthur, or Sir Arthur, esquire for the Body ("Mr. Arthur "), ship captain, 20 (p. 12), 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1786, 2053 (2), 2574, 2738, 2842, 2938 -P. 1537:-App. 9, 26:-g. 546 (67), 969 (38), 1662 (19), 2484 (9). Elizabeth his wife, widow of Edmond Dudley, g. 969 (38). Plasterers, 1003 (4). Plate ("wrought silver "), 238, 413, 550, 584. • unlicensed export of, 193. act against exporting, 341. Play or Plaw, Th., p. 1512. Playdon chapel, g. 485 (55 p. 298). Playford, Suff., g. 1524 (22). Playsterer, Edward, 438 (2 m. 27). Playstrete, Soms., 1803 (2 m. 6). Playter (Plaiter, Pleyter), Wm., p. 1544:-g. 969 (23). Plego. See Pliego. Pleine. See Plaine. Pleisshe. See Plaish. Plenemellour or Plenymellor. Plainmeller. Plenynte. See Plymouth. See Plessi, a French captain, killed, 2064. Plesaunce. See Piacenza. Plesyngton, Wm., p. 1516. Plewmewthe. See Plymouth. Pleynemellour. See Plainmeller. Pleyter. See Playter. Pliego (Plego), marquis of, 6 (p. 5). Ploich, in Flanders, 1565. Plome or Plomme, John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383). Plomeley. See Plymmeley. Plomer. See Plummer. Plompton. See Plumpton. H 23 354 GENERAL INDEX. Plompton and Wood Plompton, Lanc., 438 (4 m. 15). Plympton, priory-cont. m. 7). Plostede. See Polsted. Ploughwright, Rob., 438 (4 m. 15). Plownt. See Blount. Pluckley (Plukley), Kent, 438 (1 m. 7). Plumbers, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (4 mm. 9, 28). Plumbland (Plumlande), Cumb., 438 (4 m. 23). Plummer (Plommer, Plomer), Chr., Queen's and King's chaplain, 82 (p. 41):—g. 3499 (10). rector of Crewkern, g. 190 (8). • (Plomer), Rob., 438 (1 m. 10). Plumpton (Plompton), Cumb., g. 2684 (86). Plumpton (Plompton), Suss., g. 289 (13), 2863 (10). Plumpton (Plompton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (4 mm. 3, 18). Plumpton (Plompton), Sir Robert, 20 (p. 14), 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 18). (Plompton), Wm., 20 (p. 14), 438 (4 m. 18). Plumstead, Kent, 438 (2 m. 32), 1638. Plumstead (Plumsted), Norf., 438 (1 m. 13). Plumstead, Great- (Gretplompsted), Norf., 438 (3 m. 6). Plumstead Parva, Norf., 2830. Plumsted or Plumpsted, Henry, 438 (3 m. 4):—g. 1494 (57). Rob., 438 (3 m. 4). Plymmeley (Plomeley, Plemeyley), Alex., 438 (3 m. 20). Plymouth (Plymmouthe, Plenynte, Plewmew the), • Plumht, Devon, 162 (p. 88), 438 (2 mm. 11, 17), 438 (3 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 2), 730, 862, 874 (2), 1326 (p. 616), 1420, 1459, 1694, 1748, 1771, 1844 (p. 843), 1864, 1869, 1882, 1898- 9, 1944, 2059, 2305 ii., 3137 (16): pp. 1509, 1517-g. 2055 (25). confirmation of charters, g. 485 (20). customs and port of, g. 94 (3), 289 (19), 835 (56), 1044 (17), 1170 (9), 1266 (26–7). letters dated at, 1851–2, 1864, 1870, 1875, 1883, 1886, 1894, 1907 :p. 1520. • rector of, p. 1528. ships of, 1982 (4). Plympton (Plymton), Devon, 1471, 1474:-g. 1083 (2). constable, &c., of, g. 257 (38). priory, 438 (1 m. 7). John prior of, 438 (1 Stannary receipts at, 803. townsmen of, 438 (4 m. 15). Plympton St. Mary (St. Mary of Ylympton), Devon, 438 (2 m. 13). Plymtree, Devon, rector of, 438 (1 m. 11). Po, the Italian river, 1071, 1102, 1277 (pp. 586-8), 1301 (p. 597), 1432, 1488-9, 1984, 1988. Venetian armada in, 250, 267, 322, 383. Poaching, 677. Poching. See Patching. Pocklington (Poklyngton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 13):—g. 132 (32). guild of St. Nicholas, g. 2964 (70). Poderham. See Powderham. Poderugge. See Potheridge. Podyngton. See Puddington. Poianis, Valery de, M.D., g. 3582 (19). Poignyon. See Poynings. Pointes. See Poyntz. Pointington, Soms., 438 (4 m. 22). Pointmakers, 438 (3 m. 4):-g. 604 (28), 2055 (31). Poissonniere, Sieur de. See Bor- deaux, F. de. Poissy, in France, letter dated at, 3138. Poitou, Richard count of, and earl of Cornwall q.v. Pokeriche. See Puckridge. Poklyngton. See Pocklington. Poky, John, 438 (4 m. 27). Poland (Poyle, Poll, Poole) and the Poles, 1893, 2267, 3080, 3557. King of, 1277 (p. 588). Pole (Poole, Deapole, Appowell), Harbard or Herbert de, gun- maker, 2812, 2832 v., vi. :— pp. 1506, 1508-11, 1513. Pole, Chesh., g. 2137 (23). Pole, Derb., g. 1732 (49), 2861 (7). Pole, Dors. See Poole. Pole, in Wales. See Welshpool. Pole (Polle), Arthur, brother of Lord Montague, 3357. (De la Pole), German, 438 (4 m. 3):-g. 218 (59), 381 (108), 1948 (94). (Poole), Henry, or Sir Henry, knighted at Tournay, lord Montague, 82, 234, 609, 774, 877n., 957, 1192, 2301, 2480 (27), 3357:—g. 2137 (5). (Pooll), John, 20 (p. 14), 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (4 m. 21). GENERAL INDEX. 355 Pole-cont. • • > . John, chaplain, 438 (1 m. 11). Lady Margaret, widow of Sir Richard, sister of Edward earl of Warwick, 82 (pp. 38, 41), 1924:-g. 158 (19), 2422 (11); countess of Salisbury, 2590. grants annuity to Wolsey, 1987. pedigree of, 3604. Margaret, wife of Wm., relict of Sir Wm. Troutbek, g. 2137 (23). (Poole), Margery, g. 94 (4). Nic., 1663. Sir Oliver, 2575 ii. Oliver, rector of Shrawley, g. 1316 (43), 2684 (55). (Poole), Owen, rector of Mei- fod, g. 381 (9). Ralph, 438 (4 m. 3). Reginald, afterwards Car- dinal, g. 2055 (35). Sir Richard, K.G., dec., g. 158 (19), 257 (12), 2137 (5). Ric., 438 (1 m. 4) :—p. 1537. Rob., 2392 :—p. 1516. (Pull), Th., 438 (3 m. 9),1493 ii., 1803 (1 m. 6) :-g. 381 (15). (Pulle), Sir Th., 438 (3 m. 9). (Puolle), Ursula, 2453. (Poole), Wm. or Sir Wm., 2053 (1, 2, 3, 6 ii.), 2404, 2480 (66):-App. 26:-g. 132 (4), 1732 (49), 2861 (7). (Poole), Wm., serjeant at arms, 82 (p. 41):—g. 94 (70–1), 158 (10), 2137 (23). Wm., yeoman of the Bows, 20 (p. 13), 778, 877n., 1249, 3036. Polebrook, (Polbroke), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 27). Polen, Ant., 82 (p. 41). Poleplace, Berks, g. 357 (15), 1221 (23). Ufton Court? Polesworth. See Pollesworth. Polesyn, the. See Rovigo. Poley, John, p. 1533:-g. 381 (78), 924 (37). Polhamton manor, g. 1044 (24). Polidorus. See Vergil, P. Poling, Suss., preceptory of St. John, 438 (2 m. 6). Polkenhorn, Nic., 1493 ii. Poll. See Poland. Pollard, Ant., 1803 (1 m. 2). • Hugh, 1803 (1 m. 2). Louis, King's serjeant at law, justice of Assizes, justice of Common Pleas (29 May 1514), 82 (p. 39), 205 (p. 106), 963, 1803 (1 m. 2), 2787, Pollard, Louis-cont. • " 3464 (2):—pp. 1534-7, 1543, 1546:-g. 11 (9), 54 (8, 49), 94 (50), 132 (57), 519 (50), 804 (36), 833 (2, 58 iv.), 1083 (8), 1316 (3, 14), 1662 (1, 28), 2055 (114), 2157 (11), 2684 (50, 62), 2964 (78), 3049 (20), 3107 (34), 3324 (42). Martin, g. 2055 (109). Ric., 1803 (1 m. 2). Pollen, John, g. 1732 (9). Pollesene. See Rovigo. Pollesworth (Polesworth, Staff.), Warw., g. 158 (71), 2861 (14). nunnery, 438 (3 m. 19). election of abbess, g. 218 (40), 289 (30). Anne abbess of, 438 (3 m. 19). Pollesworth, Wm., prior of Coventry cathedral, 205, 438 (3 m. 13), 963, 3464 :-g. 2222 (16 Coventry). Pollet or Pollette. See Paulet. Pollrone (Pornere), co. Kilkenny, p. 1524. Polonus, John, Hungarian ambassa- dor at Rome, 1053. Polscoe (Polscoithe, P. Nothera), Cornw., 438 (1 m. 18). Polslow (Polslo) beside Exeter, g. 784 (47). C. nunnery, 438 (3 m. 12). prioress. See Milaton, Polsted (Plostede), Thos., 438 (2 m. 8) :—g. 2222 (12). Polton next Dover, St. Mary's chapel, 438 (3 m. 9). " Polveret, a Spaniard, 1607, 1612 1632, 1636, 1639. his master, 1607. See Ferdinand. Pomerania, duke of, letter to, 1731. Pomerey, Sir Edward, 1661 (4) :—pp. 1518, 1535:-g. 833 (58 iv.), 2484 (9), 3324 (42). Pomeroy, Samson de le, temp. Edw I. (?), g. 969 (57). Pomfret. See Pontefract. Pomfret, Wm., g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). Poncher, Stephen, bp. of Paris, keeper of the Seals of France (June 1512-Jan. 1514), 538, 708, 734, 753, 755-6, 758-9, 761, 870 (4), 1257, 1375, 1647 (p. 743), 2197 vii., 2322, 3004, 3269 (3), 3331, 3424, 3545: p. 1528 :-App. 10. letter from, 755. letters to, 756, 870 (4). Pond (Pondes), Suff., 438 (3 m. 10). Ponde, Rob., gentleman of the Chapel. See Penne. 356 GENERAL INDEX. Poninghe or Ponnicks or Ponninghe. See Poynings. Ponsbery. See Pontesbury. Ponsborn. See Punsbourne. Ponsford. See Poundsford. Ponstresulian. See Tresilian. Pont Avandyn. See Vendin. Pont de Remy (Pontremye), Anthoine de Crequy, Sieur de, captain- general in Terouenne, bailli of Amiens, 2027, 2110, 2186, 2391 (p. 1059), 2392, 2875, 2888, 2974, 3154, 3252, 3348. Ponte (Pount, Pounte), James de, merchant of Genoa, 438 (3 m. 27) :—g. 604 (26, 50), 651 (31– 2), 833 (13), 1123 (44). Nicolo da, Venetian mer- chant, 17, 287, 434, 455, 479. Pontefract (Pomfret, Pountfrett, Pontfrete, Pontfreit, Pounte- freit), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 19), 438 (4 m. 22), 979, 1450 (p. 661), 2505, 2651 : -pp. 1513, 1516. • college of Holy Trinity called Knolles Almshouse, 438 (1 m. 13). St. John's priory, 438 (2 m. 19) :—g. 2055 (124), 3107 (6). prior. See Hawe, R. confirmation for, g. 969 (14). Pontefract honour, Yorks, 438 (3 mm. 12, 15). Ponteland (Eland, Ponteeland, Pountlond), Nthld., 438 (4 m. 22):—g. 2422 (18). Pontesbury (Ponsbury), Salop, 1803 (1 m. 1):—g. 3324 (28). Pontesbury, George, s. and h. of Th., g. 3049 (3). Nic., 438 (3 m. 30). (Ponsbery), Ric., 438 (3 m. 30). Pontinere, Lord. See Bordeaux, F. de. Pont Orson (Pontarchon), in Nor- mandy, 1835. Ponynges. See Poynings. Pool (Pull), Chesh., 438 (3 m. 9). Poole (Pole), Dors., 309, 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (3 mm. 5, 10. 24), 438 (4 mm. 2, 11 ter), 874 (2), 1752, 1801, 1803 (2 m. 5), 1859, 1882, 1982 (4):—g. 11 (10), 132 (16, 47), 158 (38, 69), 357 (40), 587 (16), 632 (11), 1123 (26), 1415 (23). letter dated at, 3000. customer of, 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (2 m. 11), 2738. confirmation of charters, g. 804 (32). 、、、、、、, gauger of, g. 132 (16). Poole-cont. White's Lands, g. 682 (16). Poole near Otley, Yorks, g. 2484 (12). Poole. See Poland; also Pole. Poole, Wm. See Morice. Pooppe. See Pope. Poor • none. in Friuli. See Porde- Pooregold. See Puregold. Poorstock (Pourestok), Dors., g. 94 (35). Poortwood, John, brewer, g. 11 (10). POPE, THE, 1526. See Julius II.; Leo X. election of, 1670, 1676-7, 1697. Pope, Chr. de, trumpet, 3320. > (Pooppe), John, 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 17), 1803 (1 m. 2):-g. 1083 (39). John, alias Malverne, q.v. Th., 438 (2 m. 13). Wm., 438 (2 m. 34). Popenruyter (Propreter, Pope Rey- der, Pope Rutter, Poppen- reider), Hans, gunfounder, of Mechlin, 324–5, 355, 1463 vi., 1529, 2812, 2834, 3137 (16):- p. 1511. list of guns by, 1529. Poperinghe (Peperyng, Poperyng), in Flanders, 2404 bis. letter dated at, 3115. Popham, Hants, 1803 (1 m. 3). Popley, John, g. 485 (40). Poppenreider. See Popenruyter. Popyncourt, Mrs. Jane, 20 (pp. 11, 17), 877n., 3331, 3378. Porchemo. See Portsmouth. Porchester, Hants, 438 (3 m. 16), 1427, 1463 v.:-g. 94 (90), 969 (15). Pordenone (Poor. .), in Friuli, 1781. See Notes and Errata. Pore, John, p. 1517. Porlocke (Perlcre), Soms., rector of, p. 1521. Pornere. See Pollrone. Porreheste, Porrest or Purreheste, Cornw., 438 (3 m. 25). Portaleyn, Th., g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). Port Blanc, in Britanny, 3349, 3383. Portbury, Soms., g. 3582 (3). Portbury hundred, Soms., g. 833 (61). Portcullis (Portcules) pursuivant, 707, 1145. Porte (Porthe), John, King's solici- tor, 82 (p. 43), 214, 392, 438 (4 m. 20), 1803 (1 m. 4) :—p. 1535:-g. 94 (15, 36), 218 (4), 1083 (24), 1494 (14), 1948 (94), 2222 (16 Derb.), 2964 (42), 3499 (23). GENERAL INDEX. 357 Porte, John, King's solicitor-cont. signature of, g. 218 (4, 53-8), 257 (4, 5, 85), 709 (22). (Portt), Walter, p. 1518. Porter, Augustine, 438 (2 m. 6). Hugh, 438 (4 m. 18). • John, 20 (p. 16), 438 (3 m. 3): p. 1543:—g. 804 (52). John, rector of Earl's Crome, g. 158 (73). Ric., 438 (3 m. 6). Rob., a murderer, g. 11 (10). Roger, 438 (4 m. 18):-p. 1537 :-g. 924 (37), 1494 (18). Wm., 438 (2 m. 6) :—g. 1602 (31), 2617 (15). Wm., clerk of the Crown in Chancery, 20 (p. 16), 73 (2), 82 (p. 39), 579:-g. 54 (62). , Wm., serjeant at arms, g. 2055 (88). Wm., warden of New College Oxford, 438 (4 m. 14). Portesham, John, abbot of Abbots- bury, 438 (4 m. 7). Porthe (Porth), John, keeper of the King's books, and clerk of Wardrobes, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42):-g. 132 (19), 546 (25), 804 (1), 1044 (4), 1948 (66). John. See also Porte. Portibean. See Port Looe. Portinari, Francis de, son of Thomas, 3280, 3289. (Portinary, Portenary, Porti- nori), Guido, son of Thomas, merchant of Florence, 438 (3 m. 16), 1382, 1629, 1935, 2005, 2843, 2906, 2965, 3280, 3289:-g. 833 (33), 3408 (8). indenture with, 1382, > 1935. Jo. Battista, rector of Algar- kirk, 2906 :-g. 2964 (36). Portington, Ric., 438 (1 m. 3). Portishead (Porteshed), rector of, p. 1530. Soms., Portland, Dors., 1845 :-g. 94 (35). letter dated at, 3001. Portland or Portlond, Margaret and Rob., 438 (3 m. 16). Wm., chaplain, 438 (3 m. 16). Portledge (Portlynche), Devon, 438 (3 m. 7). Port Looe (Porthloo), alias Port Pig- han (Portibean), Cornw., g. 1083 (2). Portman, John, p. 1543:-g. 804 (52). Porto, bp. of. See St. Mark, cardi- nal of. Portocarrero (Porthocarriero), Pro- thonotary, son of the lord of P., 3082. Portorn. See Potterne. Portpighan. See Port Looe. Portsmouth (Porchemo, Porsmuht), Hants, 438 (4 m. 8), 1267, 1323, 1329, 1340, 1385, 1393 (p. 640), 1414, 1463 viii., 1517, 1613, 1864, 1870, 1898-9, 1900, 1976, 2260, 2305 ii., iii., 2574, 2669, 2722, 2738, 2759, 2763, 2785, 2809, 2865, 2939, 2947, 3133, 3318 (iv., v.): pp. 1496-7, 1504-5, 1507, 1519-g. 632 (45), 1524 (30), 2861 (33). • letters dated at, 1317, 1858– 9, 1971, 1978, 1992. grants dated at, g. 1365 (2, 3, 9), 1415 (22), 1462 (10). brewhouses at, 2011 (3): pp. 1504–5, 1507–8. confirmation of charters, g. 1003 (3). fortifications, 2680. hospital of St. Nicholas, master, 438 (3 m. 15). Portu, Maurice de, abp. of Tuam, p. 1531. PORTUGAL, and the Portuguese, 828, 1002, 1262, 1326 (p. 618), 1327, 2746, 2957. • King of. See Emanuel. Prester John's ambassador to, 2801. Scottish herald sent to, 504, 828. Portugal, Fadrique de, bp. of Se- govia, 6 (p. 5). Portugalet, in Spain, g. 546 (18). Portuguese (Portingals), in England, 20 (p. 20). • in Flanders, 188. in India, 191. Portyngale, Eliz., convert, 2587. Porzil or Porzia, Hieronymo count of, letters from, 268, 393, 432 ii., 554, 794, 873, 892, 965. Porzmoguer (Perys Mogher, Primoia, Promagier, Premongier, Poz- moger), Herwé de, French naval commander, killed at Brest, 1326 (p. 618), 1371, 1385, 1403, 1518. Potelles, in Waltham Forest, Essex, g. 1662 (58). Potenhithe. See Putney. Potheridge (Poderugge. Poderigge, Potherugge), Devon, 438 (2 m. 4), 438 (4 m. 26). Pothyn or Potkyn, John, rector of St. Mary's de Bothaw, London, pp. 1527, 1531. Poticaries, 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (3 m. 12). Potkyn, John, g. 804 (6). Peter, LL.D., g. 969 (4). Wm., 1732 (8). 358 GENERAL INDEX. Potkyn-cont. Wm., notary, 438 (3 m. 34). Potnall park (disparked), Surr., g. 54 (69). Potslip (Potyslyppe), Glouc. [near Sudeley], 438 (3 m. 32). Pott (Potte, Pot), George, 438 (1 m. 1). Pottell (Pottelle), John, 438 (4 m. 29). Potter, Henry, 2539 :-p. 1505 :—g. 709 (46). • John, g. 1732 (12). Ric., 438 (2 m. 25). (Pottere), Th., vicar of St. James's, Shaftesbury, p. 1531. Wm., 1803 (2 m. 5). Pottern (Portorn), Wilts, 438 (4 m. 12). vicar of, 438 (2 m. 25). Potters, 438 (2 m. 23). Potters Pury (Potterspery), Ntht., g. 54 (64), 257 (32, 92). Potterton (Peterton), Richard, abbot of Notley, 438 (3 m. 29). Pouch makers, 438 (3 mm. 4, 9, 26), 1803 (2 m. 6). Pouel, David de. See Ap Howell. Pouger, John (temp. Hen. VI.), g. 632 (40). Poulayn, Le, 3357. George Boleyn ? Poulet. See Paulet. Poullain, Wm., clk., g. 1602 (4). Poulle. See Pole. Poulter (pulter), 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (2 mm. 13, 15), 438 (3 mm. 12, 19). Poultney. See Pulteney. Pounde, Sir John, p. 1537. John, Somerset herald (30 Jan. 1511), 707, 1185, 1420, 1839, 2731, 2831:-pp. 1502, 1508, 1515:-g. 682 (41). (Pownde), Th., 20 (p. 15). (Pownde), Wm., son of Sir John, 438 (1 m. 25):—p. ( 1537:-g. 833 (58 ii.), 1494 (9), 2861 (33), 3582 (18). Poundsford (Ponsford), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Pounesborne. See Punsbourne. Pounser, Nic., of the Guard, 20 (p. 13), 228, 1015. Pount, a rebel to Henry VII., g. 257 (35). Pount or Pounte, James de. See Ponte. Pount Abovyn. See Haubourdin. Pountfret. See Pontefract. Pountingdon (Puntyngdon, Punt- yngton, Puntyngeon), Th., 438 (3 m. 12). Pountington (Puntyngton, Poyne- tyngton), Wm., 438 (3 m. 7). Hountlond. See Ponteland. Pounzes, Messire Christopher de, chevalier, 3349 (p. 1412). Poupet, Charles de, Sieur de Lachaux, q.v. Pourestok. See Poorstock. Pourfott. See Purfote. Pover. See Power. Powderham (Poderham, Powdram), Devon, 438 (4 m. 4) :—g. 924 (23). Powdiche, Rob., 438 (1 m. 20). Powell (Powhell), Ric., 2480 (18). Wm., 1803 (2 m. 3). Power, Chr., 184 (3), 874 (2 bis), 3313 (6) :—g. 2222 (12). (Pover), Henry, 438 (2 m. 9), 1803 (1 m. 6). (Powers), John, messenger, 20 (p. 16), 435 :-g. 3408 (31). John, ship captain, 1453 ii., 2669:-P. -P. 1500. Wm., 1262 (p. 578). V., Powerhays, Devon, 438 (4 m. 17). Powers manor, Essex, g. 833 (14), 1415 (3). Powers, John. See Power. Powle, Wm., g. 969 (13). Powlett. See Paulet. Powltney. See Pultney. Powlys. See under London, St. Paul's. Powys (Powes land), in Wales, 438 (3 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 18). Powys (Powes), George Grey lord, 3324 (28). • " g. John Grey lord, g. 2964 (47). Powys, Th., 1493 ii. Poxhale. See Yoxall. Poyle. See Poland. Poyle, Joan, widow of Thomas, 438 (3 m. 21). Poyle manor, Surr., 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (3 m. 27). Poynes. See Poyntz. Poynetyngton. See Pountington. Poynges. See Poyntz. Poynings (Ponyngs), Suss., 438 (3 m. 30), 559 (p. 327). Poynings (Ponynges, Poignyon, Pun- ingis, Ponyng, Pounyngne, Ponnicks, Ponyngis, Pon- inghe, Pouninghe, Punynges, Ponyngnes), Sir Edw., K.G., comptroller of the House- hold, warden of the Cinque Ports, captain of Tournay, 20 (pp. 13, 17, 20), 37, 62, 82 (p. 39), 153, 168, 205 (p. 106), 404, 406, 438 (4 mm. 11, 20), 442, 707, 793 (p. 428), 856, 877n., 919, 989, 1004, 1046, 1313, 1360, 1414, 1463 xii., 1514, 1549, 1566, 1576, 1590, 1594, 1648, 1676, 1745, 1749- 50, 1764, 1774, 1792, 1803 GENERAL INDEX. 359 Poynings, Sir Edw., K.G.-cont. • (1 m. 1), 1820-1, 1824, 1841, 1887, 1918, -1934 (2), 1961, 2014, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2070 (?), 2105, 2151, 2249, 2336, 2371, 2391 (p. 1060-1), 2414, 2435n., 2445, 2473, 2480 (22), 2520—1, 2590, 2767, 2779, 2811, 2819, 2834, 2854, 2943, 2994, 2995 (p. 1294), 3014, 3025-6, 3046, 3058, 3113, 3222, 3264, 3418, 3458, 3474, 3502, 3545: pp. 1505-7, 1516-7, 1531, 1539 :-App. 26:-g. 94 (33), 132 (33), 158 (77, 90), 289 (43), 632 (4, 22), 784 (36), 804 (8, 35), 833 (5), 924 (6), 1083 (41), 1170 (7), 1221 (6), 1365 (19), 1524 (39), 1804 (31 ii.), 1948 (70), 2055 (50, 132), 2422 (14), 2535 (3), 2617 (22, 38), 2862 (7), 3582 (11). letters from, 1630, 1745, 1764, 1774, 1820-1, 1824, 2657, 3025-6, 3057, 3247, 3258, 3428. letters to, 1660, 1848, 1961, 2888, 3004. • · " signature of, 168, 404, 555, 1176 (2):—g. 158 (90), 190 (19, 25), 448 (1), 731 (19), 2422 (14). his account, as com- missioner in Flanders, 1918. • • 5 mandate by, 1313. Poynter, Th., g. 1804 (18). Poynton (Puynton), Chesh., 438 (4 m. 15). Poyntz (Poynys, Poynes, Poynts, Poynges, Poyntis), Anthony, son of Sir Robert, ship cap- tain, 20 (p. 15), 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1698 (p. 778), 1728, 1869 iii., 1883, 2304 (3, 4, 5), 2305 (i., ii., iii.), 2686, 2738, 2842, 2938: pp. 1506–7. • • his account, 1728. (Pointes), Elizabeth, nurse to Prince Henry, g. 885 (8). (Poynt), Joan, 438 (4 mm. 4, 16):-g. 289 (18). Nic., 82 (p. 41). (Poynys, Poynes), Queen's vice-chamberlain, 20 (p. 14), 82 (pp. 38, 41), 438 (1 m. 20), 438 (2 m. 24), 1176 :— pp. 1507, 1537:―g. 1170 (7), 2055 (75), 2535 (23). (Poynt), Th., 20 (p. 16), 438 (4 mm. 4, 16): pp. 1537–8, 1543 :-g. 289 (18), 632 (26). Poyrisson, Odet, French prisoner, p. 928. Poys, Louis de, lieutenant of Dieppe, 1018. Pozmoger. See Porzmoguer. Praeneste, bp. of. See Senogallien- sis, Cardinal; also Venistrien. Praet, Jean de, bailli of Bruges, 2082. Prague, heresy of, 993. Prakley. See Sprakley. Prat, Anthoine du, president of the Parliament of Paris, to be chancellor of France, 1228. Pratte, Alice, 438 (3 m. 20). Ric., 438 (4 m. 27). (Prat), Wm., 438 (3 m. 20). Pré, Marquis de, 1301 (p. 598). Predeaux. See Prideaux. Pree, cardinal of. See Bayeux. Prees. See Pipe Minor. Prégent or Pregianni. Prégent de. See Bidoux, Prehest, Ric., abbot of St. Mary Grace's, p. 1530. Prejam, Mons. See Docwra, T. Prejan or Pre Jan. See Bidoux. Preluke, M., of the Council of Flan- ders, 1468. Premongier. See Porzmoguer. Premonstratene Order, government in England, g. 1365 (2). Prendergest, g. 357 (10). Prent, Nic., 438 (1 m. 17). Prentice (Prentise), Chr., p. 1520. (Prentisshe), Henry, gentle- man of the Chapel, 82 (p. 41), 707. • (Prentys), John, mercer, 438 (1 m. 22). Prenttend, Surr., 438 (2 m. 12). Prescot, Lanc., 438 (3 m. 6). Prescote, Devon. See Priestcot. Prescott, Oxon, 438 (2 m. 16). Presentations. See under names of the several benefices. President, the [in Flanders]. Plaine, G. de. President, the [of Rouen]. Selva. See See Presingher,- servant of the duke of Gueldres, 1822. Pressy (Presse, Pressey), Th., 1803 (1 m. 4). Prest. See Brest; also Priest. Prestall, Ellis, g. 1083 (39). Prestbury, Glouc., 438 (1 m. 1). Presteign (Prestende, Prestayne, Presteyn), in Wales, g. 1804 (1), 2772 (32), 3324 (45). Prester John (Preter John), 1735, 1769, 1974 (895), 2801. See also Bidoux, P. de. Prestgrave, Wm., 2480 (15, 65). Prestland, John, g. 357 (18). (Prestlond), Thurstan, 82 (p. 42). 360 GENERAL INDEX. Prittlewell-cont. Preston, Ntht., g. 2964 (66). Preston, Rutl., g. 132 (49). Preston Candover (Candeveresden, Chil[ton] C.), Hants, vicar of, 438 (4 m. 10). Preston in Craven, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 11). Preston under Salcey, Ntht., 438 (3 m. 24). Preston upon Stour, Warw., 1803 (2 m. 3). Preston, John, 1803 (1 m. 1). • 9 John, clk., master of St. Katharine's Hospital by the Tower of London, 438 (1 m. 19):—g. 94 (4), 969 (45). Rob., goldsmith, 2781 ii. Th., 2656 (6). Th., rector of Bisley, Surr., g. 158 (82). Wm., pp. 1512–13. Prestwich, Oliver, 20 (p. 16). Th., 438 (2 m. 18). Prestwodde ditch, in Bingwood chace, g. 1494 (34). Preyor. See Prior. Preys, John de, of Tournay, 2594. Prichard, Gl'm., g. 1732 (9). Prichit, Th., g. 1602 (17). Priddy (Prydy), Soms., 1803 (2 m. 5). Prideaux (Prydis, Predise), Ric., ship master, 2842 iii., 2938 ii. (Predeaux, Predys), Thomas, 438 (3 m. 25). Prie, Cardinal de. See Bayeux, bp. of. Priest (Prist, Prest), John, 438 (1 m. 19). Priestcot (Prescote), Devon, g. 682 (17). Primoia. See Porzmoguer. Prince, the. See Henry. Prince, the [of Castile]. See Charles. Prince, John, 20 (p. 13), 707, 2348. Prince fee, in cos. Ntht. and Bucks, g. 257 (32). Prince's Risborough (Pryncyn Ryse- borough), Bucks, 438 (1 m. 12). Princess, the [of Wales]. Katharine of Aragon. See Prince Thorpe (Prymethorp, Prince), Warw., 438 (3 m. 33), 438 (4 m. 12):-g. 1948 (24). Prior (Pryer, Preyor), Ric., 1803 (1 m. 6). Prior John. See Bidoux, P. de. Prisage. See Butlerage. Prisoners, release of, g. 289 (35). Prist. See Priest. Pritchit, Th., ranger of Purbeck, g. 381 (4). Prittlewell (Prytwell, Pruteswell, Prittewell), Essex, 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 mm. 1, 22):-g. 784 (56), 3582 (30). guild of Jesu, 438 (2 m. 25). See Fox, R. PRIVY SEAL, LORD. Proclamations, 711. (Army orders), 2219. (apparel), 937. (Englishmen at Calais), 713. (Gascon wine), g. 1524 (34). (Holy League), 1794. (invasion), g. 1602 (38), 1662 (27 ii.). (liveries and retainers), 3353:-g. 1316 (8). (musters), g. 257 (62). (statutes and the price of victuals), g. 833 (11). (Tournay), 2318. (transport), g. 1948 (70). (victuals), g. 1524 (30). (Wales), g. 1948 (61). Proctour (Proktour, Proctyr, &c.), Edmond, 438 (3 m. 22). Geoffrey, 438 (2 mm. 5, 10 bis):—g. 158 (91). (Procter), John, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 40). Ric., 438 (2 m. 10). Rob., 438 (2 m. 5). Prodeous. See St. Prideaux. Profote. See Purfote. Promagier. See Porzmoguer. Promoters, g. 11 (1). Propreter, Hance. See Popenruyter. Prospero, Signor. See Colonna. Protections, g. 158 (50), 218 (18), 357 (24), 414 (32), 604 (7, 10, 28, 34), 632 (10), 682 (14, 36), 709 (15, 20), 731 (32, 46), 784 (1), 804 (19, 24), 833 (4, 6, 33), 885 (6), 924 (1, 8), 1003 (7, 10), 1044 (15), 1083 (3, 9, 17, 38), 1170 (3), 1172 (6, 9), 1221 (14, 33, 45), 1316 (32), 1415 (8, 28), 1462 (36), 1494 (10, 22, 32), 1524 (8, 9, 42), 1602 (3, 16, 18, 22–3, 42), 1662 (3, 49), 1732 (48), 1804 (39), 1836 (8, 19), 1948 (24, 35), 2055 (6, 22, 31, 48, 81, 122), 2137 (9), 2222 (11), 2422 (12), 2535 (6), 2617 (6, 38), 2684 (66, 93, 97), 2772 (36-7, 42, 48, 63), 2862 (9–11), 2964 (69), 3049 (18, 21, 25), 3226 (26), 3324 (3, 7, 15, 23, 29), 3408 (1, 2, 15, 41), 3499 (11, 17, 26, 38, 45), 3582 (2, 4, 30). for the wars, g. 1172 (1, 18, 22-4), 1221 (2, 12, 24), 1266 (6, 7), 1662 (19, 25), 1732 (45), 1804 (7, 15, 23, 31, 34, 51), 1805 (1, 2), 1836 (12, 13, 22, 24), 1948 (8, 16–18, 23, 29, GENERAL INDEX. 361 Protections, for the wars-cont. 38, 55-9, 75, 82, 90), 2055 (1-4, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19– 21, 23–5, 28, 30, 32, 37–8, 52, 55, 58, 64-5, 68, 70-2, 76, 78, 82, 90, 92, 94, 99, 100, 105–7, 109–11, 115, 117, 121), 2137 (25), 2422 (1, 3, 8, 10), 2484 (16), 2535 (5), 2617 (16, 24, 42), 2684 (10, 11, 15, 16, 26, 43, 48, 49, 70, 74-6, 92, 111), 2772 (8, 19, 22, 31, 47, 52–3, 55), 2861 (5, 13, 24, 38), 2862 (1), 2863 (11, 15), 2964 (1–4, 14, 19, 24, 27, 43, 46, 50, 66, 76), 3049 (9, 15, 28, 33), 3107 (7-9, 13, 36, 47), 3226 (16). Prouce or Prous. See Prowse. Prout. See Prowde. Prouz. See Prowse. Provence, in France, 1301 (p. 596), 1354, 1443, 1647 (p. 743); 1659, 1722 (p. 783), 1750, 3245, 3404. · merchants of, g. 632 (3). Provett, Ph., French prisoner, p. 928. Prowar, Samuel, g. 11 (10). Prowde, John, 438 (3 m. 32), 1493 :— g. 682 (14), 1044 (15), 1602 (18). (Prout, Prudde, Prude), Th., mayor of Calais (1512-13), 193 (pp. 100, 104), 582, 1715, 2337, 2404, 2414, 2656 (2), 2834, 3135, 3222, 3317:—g. 447 (3), 2772 (60). Prowse (Prouz), Barth., justice of Assizes, g. 1083 (10). (Prous), John, prior of Taun- ton, 438 (4 m. 17). (Prowes), Ric., servant to John Stile, 1665 (p. 765), 1689, 2006, 2117, 2743 (p. 1196), 2966. (Prouce, Prouse), Rob., 1803 (2 m. 2). Prude or Prudde. See Prowde. Prusia. See Brussa. Prussia (Prwscye, Spruse), p. 1498. Great Master of, 3080. Prussia, Simon de, warden of the Observant Friars of Grönin- gen, commissary of the Order, 2090, 2599. Pruteswell. See Prittlewell. Prwscye. See Prussia. Pry, cardinal of. See Bayeux. Prydis. See Prideaux. Prykke, Ric., rector of Broughton, g. 190 (44). Prymethorp. See Prince Thorpe. Pryour, Wm., 2606. Publow, Soms., 1803 (2 m. 5). . Pucci, Laurence, cardinal of St. Quatuor (25 Sept. 1513), 2320n., 3298:—p. 1528. letter from, 3289. • Puchier, Baudec, of Bethune, de- position by, 2693. Puckridge (Bukrigge, (Bukrigge, Pokeriche, &c.), John, 1803 (2 m. 5). Puck Shipton (Pukshippon), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 13). Puddington (Podyngton), Chesh., g. 2137 (23). Pudlicot (Pudly Cote), Oxon, 438 (3 m. 27). Pudsey, Henry, 438 (4 m. 2) :—g. 833 (41). Ralph, g. 1083 (35), 2863 (14). Th., 438 (4 m. 2):—g. 833 (41). Puebla, Doctor de, 6 (p. 5), 112. his son. See Ferdi- nandus. Pugham, Devon, 438 (2 m. 23). Puglia. See Apulia. Puhit, Andrew, a Scot, p. 1521. Puissant, Piers [secretary of Maximi- lian, who was ambassador to Henry VII. in 1487], 3248, 3253. Pukshippon. See Puck Shipton. Pulbon, John, g. 2862 (7). Pulborough (Pulbergh), Suss., 438 (1 m. 19), 3038. rector presented, g. 414 (33). Pulham, Norf., 438 (4 m. 11). • rector of, 438 (2 m. 25). Pulham, East- (Estpulham, Est Pul- lam), Dors., 559 :—g. 969 (38). Pulham St. Mary, Norf., 1803 (2 m. 2). Pull or Pulle. See Pole or Pool. Pulley, Ric., 438 (2 m. 23). Pulleyn (Pullayn, Pullan, Pullen), John, 438 (1 m. 14), 2415: p. 1547:-g. 804 (29 v., vi., x.), 833 (50 iii., iv.), 1365 (3). Ric., 438 (1 m. 14). Pultney (Poultney, Powltney), John, groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 640, 1015, 3554. John, yeoman, 20 (p. 15), 2442, 2480 (15). (Pulteney), Sir Thomas, 438 (3 mm. 1, 6). (Pulteney), Th., esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 16), 438 (3 m. 1):—p. 1539 :-g. 3499 (12). Pulter, Ric., g. 1494 (55). Wm., p. 1538. Pulton, Giles, 438 (2 m. 7) :—g. 3226 (27). Pulver, Th., p. 1548. 362 GENERAL INDEX. Pulvertoft, Ralph, clk., 438 (1 m. 13). Pulworth, Ntht., 438 (2 m. 16), i.e. Culworth. Punikcal. See Purcell. Puningis. See Poynings. Punsbourne (Pounesborne, Pons- born), Herts [in Hatfield and Little Berkhampstead], 438 (3 m. 1). Puntyng. See Pounting. Punynges. See Poynings. Puplat, Th., 2054 (2). Purbeck (Purbeke) Island, Dors., g. 709 (47), 1123 (26). • " bailiff of, g. 158 (39). ranger of, g. 381 (4), 1602 (17). Purbright. See Pirbright. Purcell (Punikcal), Wm., clk., p. 1524. Purchas, Wm., alderman, 438 (3 m. 11). Purde, Th., g. 54 (52). Wm., clerk of the Privy Seal, 20 (p. 18):-g. 1415 (24), 1836 (17). Puregold (Pooregold, Pyrgold), John, notary, 438 (2 m. 21). Purfote, Pourfott or Profote, Th., 438 (4 m. 20). Wm., 438 (4 m. 20). Purgayny. See Abergavenny. Purgh. See Borough. Puriton (Peryton), Soms., g. 604 (42), 969 (70), 1083 (2). Purley, Essex, 438 (2 m. 18). Purley, John, g. 969 (52). Purrart, Nic., 1496 iii. 3004n. Purser or pursemaker, 438 (3 m. 26): ―g. 749 (28). Purser, Ralph, 1450 (p. 661). Pursse, John, g. 2684 (41). Purston, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 12). Purton (Pyrton), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 23). Purton (surname). See Pirton. Purwhit. See Pirwit. Purwich (Purvoche, Purweche, &c.), Th., 438 (1 m. 9). Pury, East- (Estpury), Ntht., g. 1083 (41). Pusey, Berks, 438 (3 m. 6). Pushing, John, pp. 1512–13. Puston, Heref., 438 (2 m. 29). Puteolanus, Ludovicus, the card. of St. Mark's secretary, letters to, 106, 588, 656. Putney (Potenhithe, Putteneth), Surr., 438 (3 m. 14), 1080, 1803 (2 m. 5). Putteney Lorcy. See Pitney. Puttenham, Surr., 438 (4 m. 23). Puttenham (Putnam), Sir George, 164, 2574:—g. 833 (58 ii.), 1221 (6). Puycener, M. de. See Bordeaux, F. de. Puynton. See Poynton. Pychecombe. See Pitchcomb. Pycot. See Pigot. Pye (Apye), Ric., 438 (2 m. 4). Wm., g. 924 (16). Pyere, Th., vicar of Barsted, p. 1527. Pygeon, —, of Yarmouth, g. 11 (10). Pygot. See Pigot. Pygottys. See Picotts. Pygtore, Derb. [in Fairfield], 438 (4 m. 26). Pykehall. See Pickle. Pykenham, Wm., vicar of Damer- ham, 853. Pykeworth. See Pickworth. Pykhaner, Th., alias Tickhill, q.v. Pykkyngton, Lanc., 438 (1 m. 12). Pykkyngton, Roger, 438 (1 m. 12). Pykman. See Pikeman. Pykott. See Pigot. Pykstok (Pycstok), John, 438 (1 m. 22). Pyme, Alex., g. 381 (30). (Pym), Reynold, 1493:-g. 381 (30). Pympe (Pynpe), Henry, 3057, 3174. Pymperne and Pymperne hundred, Dors., g. 94 (35). Pynago. See Penago. Pynde, Th., 438 (4 m. 7). Pyne (Pynne), Devon, 438 (2 m. 9). Pyne, Bramford-, Devon, 438 (2 m. 15). Pyne, Upton-, Devon, 438 (2 m. 15). Pyne, Henry, g. 709 (3). Nic., g. 709 (3). Th., g. 1662 (51). Pynkeley. See Pencelly. Pynkernell, John, Joan and Wm., g. 3226 (11). Pynketh, Rob., 2049. Pynkney, George, p. 1549. Pynnago. See Pennago. Pynnard, Peter, g. 1316 (5). Pynnot, John alias Augeoy, of Gwenne, g. 1462 (8). Pynnyng, John, g. 158 (91). Pynson (Pinson), Ric., King's printer, 2246 (5), 2457 :—g. 485 (4), 1266 (20). • • (31). denization of, g. 2137 Pynyngton. See Pennington. Pyon, King's. See under K. Pyrenees, the mountains, 1071 (p. 517), 1523. Pyrgold. See Puregold. Pyrk, Joan and Roger, g. 2772 (57). Pyrle, Th., g. 1494 (21 a.). Pyrton. See Purton. Pysseneir, M. de. See Bordeaux, F. de. Pytchley (Pightesley), Ntht., p. 1548. GENERAL INDEX. 363 Pyte. See Pett. Pyworthy (Paynworthy), Devon, g. 218 (52), 381 (18). Q Quadring (Quadryngton), Linc., 438 (1 m. 9). Quadring, Th., 438 (1 m. 24), 2009 :— p. 1540:—g. 2222 (16 Linc.), 2684 (20). Quantock (Cantok) and Quantocks- head, Soms., 438 (3 m. 4). Quarles, Francis, g. 2964 (52). George, auditor, 2054 (3) :— g. 257 (50), 885 (12), 2055 (66), 2964 (52). Quarleston, Dors. [in Winterborne Strickland], 438 (4 m. 19). Quarley (Qwarlay), Hants, rector of, p. 1528. Quarr (Quarre, Qwar), I. of Wight, 438 (3 m. 23). R. abbey, 438 (4 m. 24), 1992. abbot. See Tottenam, Quarrell, Wm., g. 924 (29). Quarrendon (Quaredon, Quarneden, Quarryngdon, Querndon), Bucks, 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (3 m. 3):-g. 381 (55), 1266 (35). grant dated at, g. 857 (9). Quarrington (Queryngton), Linc., rector of, p. 1527. Quatley, Rob., 438 (2 m. 5). Quedampton or Quedyngton, Alice, 438 (3 m. 22). Quedgley (Queddisley), Glouc., La Ree in, 438 (4 m. 16). Queenborough (Quenebourgh, Quyn- boro, Quynbrugh) Castle, Kent, g. 289 (10), 519 (23), 1123 (9). letter dated at, 1812. confirmation of charters, g. 969 (73). Queeniborough (Coneborowe, Quene- borough), Leic., 1803 (1 m. 1). Queen's Camel (Quene Camell), Soms., vicar of, 1803 (2 m. 2). Queen's College, letters dated. See Cambridge. Queen's Ferry, in Scotland, 1645 (p. 742). Quenby. See Quynby. Querndon. See Quarrendon. Quero (Cher), Juan de, gentleman of Katharine of Aragon, 20 (p. 15), 82, 127 (?). • his wife, 20 (pp. 11, 15). Rodrigo de, yeoman, 20 (p. 15). Queryngton. See Quarrington. Quhit or Quhyte. See White. Quiery, French prisoner, 2172. Quies, Hunts, g. 519 (61). Quintana (Qwynteyne, Kyntana), Pedro, Ferdinand's ambassa- dor to France (May-June 1513), 1902, 1916-7, 1933, 1953, 1999 (3), 2079, 2242 ; to Maximilian (Dec. 1513), 2523, 2554, 2561, 2583–5, 2588, 2597, 2601, 2633, 2646, 2654, 2665, 2670, 2678, 2694, 2697, 2705, 2725, 2736, 2743– 5, 2762, 2769, 2794, 2797, 2859, 2982, 3018. letters to, 1933, 2554, 2584, 2588, 2710, 2762, 2770. instructions for, 1916, 2523. Quinton, Ntht., g. 833 (70), 1083 (41). Quintucius, Paul, letter from, 1277 (p. 587). Quiros, Diego de, instructions for, 2131. Quoniam, John. See Conyam. See Quynboro or Quynbrugh. Queenborough. Quynby or Quenby, Henry, 438 (1 m. 20). Quynige. See Guinigi. Quyntyn, Nic., 2832 vi. Qwynteyne. See Quintana. R R., R., letters to or from, 2191, 2433. Raa, Joan alias Deve Raa, 438 (1 m. 21). Rabett, Wm., g. 2617 (35). Raby, Dham., g. 94 (67). Raby, Linc. See Raithby. Racche. See Roche. Racclyffe. See Ratcliff. Rache. See Neroche. Racheford. See Rochford. Racheford, Ralph, g. 1170 (16). Rackheath (Rakkey, Rakheyth), Great and Little, Norf., 1803 (1 m. 5) :—g. 2617 (37). Radbroke. See Redbrook. 364 GENERAL INDEX. 7 Radburn (Redboryn, Redburn), Derb., 438 (4 m. 3) :—g. 218 (59), 381 (108). Radcliffe, Lanc., 438 (1 m. 26). Radclyff. See Ratcliff. Raddeshole. See Radsole. Raddon, West- (Westraddon), Devon, g. 604 (42). Radford, Warw., 1803 (2 m. 6). Radiche, Rob., g. 1123 (41). Radley, John, 2137 (23). Wm., 438 (2 m. 9). Radmyll, Sir Wm., his widow, 438 (1 m. 7). Radnor Forest, in Wales, g. 924 (10). Radnor (Radnour, Radnarsland and New Radnor), lordship, 438 (3 m. 26):—g. 132 (52), 1316 (16). park and castle meadow, g. 2684 (102), 3049 (7). rector presented, g. 414 (73). Radnor, Old- (Oldradnor), marches of Wales, 438 (3 m. 19). rector presented, g. 1083 (42). Radrinla. See Rathclarin. Radsole (Raddeshole), Wm., 438 (3 m. 12). Radstock (Radistoke), Soms., 438 (4 m. 21). Radwell, Herts, g. 94 (35). Radwike. See Redwick. Radwinter (Radewynter), Essex, 438 (2 mm. 25, 28). Rafman," 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 4). Ragdale, Rob., 20 (p. 17). Raglan (Ragland, Raglonde), Monm., 438 (1 m. 26) :—g. 1836 (7). Raglande, Sir John, knighted at Tournay, 2301. Ragley (Ragleigh, Raggeley), Warw., 438 (4 m. 15). Ragnal (Ragnell), Notts, 438 (1 m. 22). Ragusa, 1489 (p. 679), 1615, 3404, 3451. letter from the city, 1190, 1224, 1271. merchants of, 610, 1475 :— g. 1365 (18). Rai. See Ray. Raif, Wm., 2413. Raikes House (Raykyshows), Lanc., 438 (4 m. 14). Rainham (Reyneham), Essex, 3526. Rainham (Reynham), Kent, 438 (1 mm. 6, 21). Rainham (Reynham), Norf., 438 (2 m. 8):-g. 447 (23). Rainow (Rayno), Chesh., 438 (1 m. 11). Rains. See Rheims. Rainsford (Raynsforth), Henry, 438 (3 m. 27). (Reynsford), Isabel, widow of John, 438 (3 m. 9). (Reynesford, Raynesforth, Raynford, Reynseford, Reyns- forth), Sir John, 20 (p. 13), 707, 1453, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 ii.), 2346, 2480 (17), 2912-p. 1536 :-App. 26 :- g. 132 (58), 1083 (24), 1804 (31 ii.), 2137 (27), 2422 (9). signature of, 2346, 2912. Raithby (Raby), Linc., 438 (4 m. 25). Rake, Ric., g. 132 (4). Rakheyth or Rakkey. See Rack- heath. Ralegh, Essex. See Rayleigh. Raleigh, Devon, 438 (4 m. 7). Raleigh (Rawley, Raley), Adam, 438 (4 m. 26). (Ralegh), Ant., g. 1804 (4). (Rawley, Rawelegh, &c.), Edmond, 438 (3 m. 26). (Rawley), Sir Edward, g. 2055 (26), 2484 (28). (Ralegh), Eliz., g. 1804 (4). (Rawley), George, g. 2484 (28). (Ralye), John, 2414. Ralynson. See Rawlinson. Rames, Anne, widow of Robert, 438 (3 m. 15). Ramesbury. See Ramsbury. Ramesclif, Staff., 438 (2 m. 24). Ramesey. See Ramsey. Ramme, James, p. 1502. Rammekens (Ramykyns), in Wal- cheren, 3133. Rammesbury or Rammysbury. See Ramsbury. Rampton, Notts, 438 (1 m. 1):—g. 1083 (46). Ramsay or Ramsey (Ransay), Alex., canon of Moray, p. 1522. Sir John, of Terrenzeane (Trarinzean), 1499, 1735 (pp. 791-3):-g. 833 (65), 1602 (27). Margaret, widow of Thomas, g. 750 (1). , Thomas son of Thomas, g. 750 (1). Th., of Edinburgh, 1295. Walter, chaplain of James V., 3589. Wm., 438 (3 m. 23). Ramsbury (Bishop's Rammysbury, Rammesbury, Remmesbury, Remesbury), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (3 m. 2), 438 (4 m. 24), 1803 (2 m. 6):—g. 1365 (17). GENERAL INDEX. 365 Ramsbury-cont. deeds dated at, g. 563 (5), 731 (6 ii.), 969 (5 iv.). letter dated at, 3409. Ramsbury (Rammysbery, Rames- bury), Wm., 438 (4 m. 29) :— g. 218 (19), 2055 (95 iii.). Ramsey, Essex, g. 289 (17). Ramsey (Ramesey) abbey, Hunts, 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (2 m. 26) :— g. 414 (55), 587 (1), 1602 (10), 1948 (66). • J. abbot of. See Wardeboys, confirmation for, g. 447 (29). grant to, g. 784 (36). Ramsholt (Rammyshold), Suff., 438 (4 m. 24). Ramussis, 614. Ramykyns. See Rammekens. Ramys, Rob., g. 969 (72). Ranald. See Modena, Raynaldus de. Rand or Rande, John, 438 (2 m. 10). Randall (Randell), John, 438 (3 m. 9), 1921 :—g. 1172 (5). Ric., prior of Canons Ashby, 1803 (1 m. 2). Ric., prior of Wroxton, 438 (4 m. 22). (Randolff), Th., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40):—g. 1123 (18). Wm., 438 (4 m. 1). Randollington. See Kirklinton. Ranger, Th., 436. Rangeworthy (Raungeworth), Glouc., 2537. Rangil, Wm., canon of Limerick, p. 1530. Rangone (Ranghonus, Ranghen, Rangonus), Count Guido, a captain of Italians, 1277, 1301 (p. 596), 2154, 2352 (2). letter to, 2154. Rankyn, Hugh, mayor of Cambridge, p. 1534:-g. 289 (31), 1221 (21). Rannysdale. See Ravensdale. Ransay. See Ramsay. Ranston (Randeleston), Dors. [in Iwerne Courteney], 438 (4 m. 21). Ranton (Raneton), Chr., p. 1512. Ranyscroft. See Ravenscroft. Raper, Henry, chaplain, 438 (3 m. 17). (Rapar), Wm., g. 2484 (22), 2861 (32). Raphoe diocese, in Ireland, p. 1525. bp. of, 2630 :-p. 1529. See MacCormac, M.; O'Cahan, C. Rasen (Reson), Market, Linc., 438 (4 m. 13). Rasen, West-, Linc., g. 632 (40). Raskelf (Raskell), Yorks, g. 563 (10). Rasour, Th., g. 3324 (23). Rasshe. See Rush. Rastell, John, 3539, 3555. Rastormall. See Restormel. Ratby (Roteby), Leic., g. 1123 (58). Ratcliff (Rettlyffe), Midd., 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (2 m. 13), 2546 :—p. 1502. Ratcliff upon Trent, Notts, 1803 (1 m. 4). Ratcliff or Radcliff, —, • • 157. • " Mrs., 20 (pp. 11, 13). Agnes, 438 (1 m. 15). Sir Alex., App. 26. Cuthbert, p. 1541 :—g. 2484 (17). Edward or Sir Edward, joint lieutenant of Middle Marches, sheriff of Northum- berland, 20 (p. 14), 157, 309, 984, 1342 (p. 624), 2840, 2913 (p. 1261), 3170: -pp. 1535, 1541:—g. 94 (63), 132 (38), 257 (49), 357 (21), 485 (26), 804 (29 vii.), 833 (50), 969 (26), 1365 (3), 1494 (9), 2863 (5). Edward. See also Hatcliff. Eleanor, g. 218 (19). Elizabeth, g. 218 (19). Geoffrey, g. 218 (19). Joan, g. 218 (19). Sir John, 2443:-g. 3499 (12). John, 438 (1 m. 26):-p. 1535:—g. 804 (29), 833 (45, 53), 1365 (3). Kath. wife of Roger, 438 (3 m. 8). (Raaclyff), Ric., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 43), 438 (1 m. 26), 707 (p. 383), 2480 (14). (Ratclyf), Sir Robert, g. 851 (34). Sir Rob., Lord Fitzwalter, q.v. (Radclyff, Racclyffe, Rad- clyve), Robert, rector of New- port Pond, 438 (2 m. 34). Roger, gentleman usher to the Queen, 20 (p. 13), 82 (pp. 38, 41), 438 (3 m. 8) :—p. 1539:-g. 257 (52), 381 (14, 47), 632 (46–7), 1123 (46–7), 2055 (73), 2684 (59). Thomas, rector of Fonthill Episcopi, 853. Wm., g. 218 (5), 1948 (19), 3226 (12). Ratenberg (Rotynbourgh), in Ger- many, 2694. Rathclarin (Radrinla), co. Cork, p. 1524. 366 GENERAL INDEX. Rathjordan (Raychsuredan), Limerick, p. 1530. Co. Rathkeale (Regell) priory, Co. Limerick, p. 1526. Rathwire (Rathwer), in Ireland, g. 1316 (29). Ratley (Rotley), Warw., 438 (4 m. 15). Rattery (Rattrewe), Devon, g. 1662 (16). Ratto, Giovanni, servant of the marquis of Mantua, 2757, 2908, 3024, 3034, 3040, 3078, 3267, 3281, 3298. letters from, 3024, 3034, 3040. Rattray (Aratre), John, a Scot, 3349 (p. 1412). Raudon, Th., 707 (p. 383). Raulins. See Rawlins. Raunds (Raundes), Ntht., p. 1548. Raungeworth. See Rangeworthy. Rawlins-cont. (Rowlyns), John, of Calais, 2786, 2834, 3222, 3338. (Rawlens), John, captain at Guisnes, 3135. Dr. Richard, King's chap- lain, 19 (p. 11), 20 (pp. 12, 14), 707. King's almoner, g. 3499 (51). (Rawelyns), Richard, warden of Merton College, Oxford, 438 (3 m. 11). (Rawlyn, Raulyns), Robert, 438 (3 m. 16) :—g. 1266 (4). (Rawelyns, Raulyns), Wm., 438 (2 m. 6). Rawlinson (Rawelynson, Ralynson, Raulynson), John, 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 10), 1803 (1 m. 4). Rob., g. 158 (5). Rawreth, Essex, g. 784 (56). Raunston priory. See Ravenstone. Ravasten, Mons. di. See Clèves, Ph. • de. Rawson, Ravenescreste or Ravinscrest, Ralph, 438 (4 m. 15). Raveningham, Norf., 438 (4 m. 23). Ravenna, in Italy, 773, 780 (p. 418), 785, 1224, 1699. > letters dated at, 714, 722, 776. battle of (11 April 1512), 1157, 1180, 1182, 1186, 1201, 1257, 1304, 1344, 1769 (p. 807), 2561, 2592, 2607, 3018. Ravenscroft (Ranyscroft), Nic., p. 1517. Ravenscrofte, Thomas (temp. Charles I.), 3464. Ravensdale park (Rannysdale), Derb. [in Mugginton], 392. Ravenspurg, count of, 1162. Ravenstein (Ravestain), M. de, 1566. Philip de Cleves Sieur de, 2182 2202, 2208, 3406. · Ravenstone his wife, 3406. (Raunston), priory, g. 54 (6). prior of. Bucks, See Wittil- sey, W. Ravensworth (Ravenshelm), Dham., 438 (1 m. 15). Ravenyng, John, 677. Ravon or Ravyn, John, purser, 2305 ii., 2478 ii., 2799, 3148 bis. Th., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Th., rector of Upton Lovell, g. 709 (5). Rawe. See Rowle. Rawkyn, Wm., 436. Rawley. See Raleigh. Rawling, John, 438 (4 m. 20). Rawlins, John, g. 2055 (55). Beches in, 438 (4 m. 11). 165. Avery, merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). Chr., pp. 1502, 1548. James, 1803 (1 m. 5). Sir John, a knight of Rhodes, 430. Nic., 1803 (1 m. 5). Ric., 1803 (1 m. 5). (Rauson), Dr. Richard, arch. of Essex, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 43), 341, 1046 :-P. 1524 :-g. 1804 (32). Richard, doctor of decrees, King's chaplain, King's clerk, master in Chancery, canon of St. Stephen's, g. 218 (50), 749 (9). Ray, parish church, in Ireland, pp. 1526-7. Ray, John. See Rey. Rayadour. See Rhayader. Raychsuredan. See Rathjordan. Raycol, in Ireland, rectory, p. 1525. Raydon (Roydon), Suff., g. 3049 (20). Raylegh, Marion, 559 (p. 327). Rayleigh (Raylys, Ralegh), Essex, 438 (4 m. 1), 803 (2 m. 3) :—g. 54 (14), 94 (96), 604 (48), 2422 (9), 2863 (12). Raymond, Th., 438 (2 m. 34), 3166 : -g. 833 (13), 3499 (18). Raynar, Hans. See Renner. Raynart, Jacob, captain of Germans, 2657. Rayner, Ric., 19 (p. 11). Raynford. See Rainsford. Rayno. See Rainow. Raynold. See Reynold. Raynpatrike, in Scotland, p. 1260. GENERAL INDEX. 367 Raynsford. See Rainsford. Rayny. See Reigny. Rede-cont. Rayralley or Rayrillei. See Caherel- ly. Rea. See La Rea. Reade. See Rede. 'Reading (Redyng), Berks, 438 (1 mm. 5, 10), 438 (3 mm. 5, 11, 18, 25), 438 (4 mm. 13, 26). • abbey, 438 (3 m. 15). 542. letters dated at, 540, grants dated at, g. 563 (6, 7, 12), 587 (18), 604 (15), 804 (43). John abbot of, 20 (pp. 15, 21), 205, 308, 438 (3 m. 15), 602, 963, 1046, 3464 :—g. 2222 (16 Berks). confirmation of charters, g. 563 (3). Guild Merchant of, 602. Reaper (?"ryppier "), 438 (3 m. 18), 1803 (1 m. 4). Rearsby (Reresby), Leic., 438 (3 m. 1). Reax. See Ruyaux. Rebchestre. See Ribchester. Recombe, Angelus, a Stradiot, 2383. Records, the King's, 46. delivery of, 592, 1066, 3095, 3185. Reculver, Rob., 438 (1 m. 25). Reculvers (Recollvareys), Kent, 1672. Redbourne (Redborn), Linc., 438 (2 m. 21):—g. 2863 (13). Redburn, Derb. See Radburn. Redbrook (Radbroke, Redbroke), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 13). Redd. See Rede. Reddeministra. See Kidderminster. Reddenhall (Redenhale, Rednale, Redenall), Norf., 438 (4 m. 16), 1803 (1 m. 3). Rede, Suff. See Reed. Rede (Reede), Sir Barth., alderman and goldsmith, master of the Mint (temp. Hen. VII.), 438 (1 m. 1). (Reed, Reade, Reid), Ed- mund, 438 (4 m. 25):—g. 2617 (37). Edw., of Norwich, 438 (2 m. 15). Eleanor, widow of Andrew, 438 (3 m. 14). (Reede), Eliz., 438 (1 m. 1). Geoffrey, p. 1513. Griffith, 438 (3 m. 34):-g. 54 (30), 158 (83), 190 (16, 20). Henry, 438 (3 m. 34). (Reed, Reyde), John, 438 (3) m. 1):—g. 1462 (4). John, purser, 2305 i., 2478 ii., 3148 bis. • • • (Reed), John, warden of St. Mary's College, Winchester, 438 (3 m. 12), 1803 (2 m. 3):-g. 257 (95), 414 (6). Kath., 438 (3 m. 34). Margaret, wife of Sir Robert, g. 3408 (29). (Reade), Richard, g. 546 (58), 1804 (50). (Redd), Sir Robert, chief justice of Common Pleas, 1 (p. 3), 20 (pp. 14, 21), 82 (p. 39), 205 (p. 106), 313, 315, 341, 438 (2 mm. 6, 15, 19), 963, 1046, 2260, 3464 (2): pp. 1533, 1534 bis, 1538 bis, 1541, 1544 bis, 1545 :—g. 11 (4), 54 (1), 132 (2, 48), 218 (1), 257 (85), 289 (43), 381 (39), 414 (4, 55), 448 (4), 546 (1, 17, 47), 587 (1), 604 (40), 709 (34, 62), 731 (27-8), 804 (41), 833 (22, 40), 924 (14), 969 (17), 1083 (13, 20), 1266 (41), 1316 (11, 28), 1462 (27), 1602 (10, 41), 1662 (28), 1732 (2, 16), 2137 (3, 11), 2222 (16 Kent), 2330 (4), 2484 (15), 2684 (62), 2964 (33), 3049 (35), 3107 (34), 3408 (29). signature of, 313, 2260-g. 257 (85), 448 (4), 651 (7), 731 (20), 784 (56), 804 (49), 1123 (45), 2684 (64). (Reede, Reed), Th., 438 (3 m. 8), 1661 (4), 1803 (1 m. 6). Th., D.D., rector of Beccles, g. 2772 (61). Sir Wm., 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 8), 1176 (1, 2, 3): pp. 1519, 1534, 1542 bis :-g. 2222 (16 Bucks). Wm., p. 1548:-g. 2772 (61). Wm., goldsmith, joint master of the Mint (till Aug. 1509), 185:-g. 1083 (24). Redeforthe, Lanc., 438 (4 m. 14). Redehede, Ric., 82 (p. 41). Redehode or Redewood. wood. See Red- Redeknap, Edward, 438 (3 m. 31). Redeley. See Ridley. Redelysden. See Riddlesden. Redeman. See Redmayn. Redenhale (Rydnale, Rydnall, Redennall), Th., 438 (1 m. 6):—g. 546 (17). Redford, John, 438 (3 m. 34). Redhew (Redho, Reho), Anne and John, 438 (4 m. 5). Redilsden. See Riddlesden. Reding, John, prior and abbot (1511) of St. Benet's, Hulme, 963, 368 GENERAL INDEX. Reding, John—cont. 3464:-g. 289 (27), 357 (27), 804 (16-7). Mary, mistress to the Princess Mary, 20 (pp. 11, 17), 82 :—g. 3324 (14). Redlay. See Ridley. Redlinch (Redleyche), Soms., 1803 (2 m. 6). Redmarley (Ridmerley), Worc., g. 1524 (47). Redmayn, Alan, searcher of Calais, • 193. (Redeman), 1662 (9). Edmund, g. (Redeman, Redman), Edw., 438 (1 m. 14):—p. 1535:—g. 2484 (12). Henry s. and h. of Edward, g. 2055 (108). (Redeman), Joan, g. 2055 (108), 2484 (12). John, 438 (3 m. 4). (Redman), Matthew, 438 (2 m. 24). Sir Wm., 438 (1 m. 14). Redmere, Walter, g. 2055 (28). Rednale. See Reddenhall. Red Sea, the, 191, 1974 (p. 895), 2801. Redvers, Baldwin de, and Richard and William, earls of Devon, charters of, g. 546 (53). Redwick (Radwike), Glouc., 1803 (2 m. 4). Redwood (Redehood, Redehode, Redewood), Th., merchant of the Staple, 438 (1 m. 19). Redy, John, purser, 3513. Ree. See La Rea. Ree, John, g. 1316 (31). Reed (Rede), Suff., g. 414 (30). Reedsdale (Ryddesdale, Riddesdale, Ridesdale), Nthld., 438 (1 mm. 1, 24), 438 (4 m. 4), 2390. (Rideseale), lord of, 438 (4 m. 4). Rees. See Rice. Regebowe, John, alien, g. 1415 (13). Regell. See Rathkeale. Regent, Wm., 2305 ii. Reggio, in Italy, 1277 (p. 586), 1699, 2292, 2329. Reggio (or Regino), Peter Isuali, car- dinal of († 22 Sept. 1511), 479, 917. Regino. letter from, 427. See Reggio. Regis, Th., scriptor apostolicus, p. 1526. Rehewe. See Redhew. Reid. See Rede. Reigate (Reygate), Surr., vicar of, 1803 (2 m. 1). Reigate, John de (temp. Edw. I.), g. 381 (92). Reignald or Reignold. See Reynold. Reigny, John, g. 969 (70). (Reygny, Reigne), Ric., 438 (2 m. 12):—p. 1536 :-g. 833 (58 iv.), 969 (70). Wm., clk., g. 969 (70). (Reyny, Reygne, Rayny), Wm., B.D., rector of Plym- tree, 438 (1 m. 11). Reinold. See Reynold. Reinteria. See Renteria. Reischach (Ryschach, Rysthach), Simon de, LL.D., a chancellor to George duke of Saxony, 729, 811, 3455, 3519-20, 3572 :-g. 804 (14). 3456. letters from, 2857, Reke (Rike, Ryke), Rob., 438 (3 m. 22). Rekwall, in Denbigh land, g. 485 (31). Relegh, Beds, 438 (1 m. 6) :—g. 709 (6). Riseley ? Reley, Worc. See Beoly. Rely (Relly), lord of, 1932. Remenham (Remnan), Berks, 438 (3 m. 32). Remenam or Rempnam, John, 438 (2 m. 29). Remerswale, in Zealand, 2451. Remesbury. See Ramsbury. Remingham, in Flanders, captain of. See Fretyte, Sir A. Remington, Th., merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). Wm., 438 (3 m. 11). Remmesbury. See Ramsbury. Renaldi, Lucas de, letter from, 1637. Rendre. See Renteria. Renée (Renuera, Genevre), younger daughter of Louis XII., 2596, 3191, 3240, 3270, 3411. to marry Archduke Charles, 724, 793 (p. 428), 1557, 1647 (p. 743), 2169, 2421, 2445, 2486, 3153, 3174, 3206. to marry Ferdinand of Austria ("the Infante "), 1916-7, 1919, 1933, 1937, 1953, 2393, 2445, 2475, 2486, 2523, 2665, 2670, 2694, 2703, 2710, 2758, 2791, 2794, 2797 (p. 1221), 2860, 2928, 3018 (p. 1302), 3093, 3145. Renfrew, in Scotland, prebend, p. 1524. Rengebourn, Katharine, d. and h. of Wm., g. 2055 (89). Renner (Raynar, Reynner), Hans, the Emperor's secretary, 1306, 1333, 1338, 2016, 2114, 2201- 2, 2339, 2362, 2446, 2646, GENERAL INDEX. 369 Renner, Hans-cont. 2790, 2794, 2945, 3014, 3027, 3150, 3248, 3253. letter from, 2362. Rens. See Rheims. Renteria (Reinteria, Rendre) and the Passage (Pasajes), in Bis- cay, 1239, 1326 (p. 617), 1422, 1495 (1 iii., v., 3), 1509, 1511 (p. 699), 1519. letters dated at, 1239, 1444. Renzo, Signor. See Cieri. Replumonde. See Rupelmonde. Repon, Charles, 2738. Repps, South- (Southroppis, South- trappys), Norf., 438 (2 m. 22), 1803 (2 m. 5). Repps (Ryppys, Ryppes, Reppys), Wm., 438 (1 m. 12). Repton (Repyngdon), Derb., 438 (2 m. 12). • priory, 1803 (1 m. 4). prior. See Young, J. Repton. See Ripton. Reresby, Leic. See Rearsby. Rerisby (Rerusby, Resby, Riresbye), Ralph, 438 (3 m. 19) :—g. 804 (29 vi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1365 (3). See Rice. Res. Res, Sir Griffith. See Ap Rice. Resather, Dr. Theodoric, of Bavaria, 2662. Resawen, Cornw., g. 1415 (26). Resby. See Rerisby. Rescareke, John, g. 833 (58 iii.). Reselich, Mons. de, a captain under the duke of Brunswick, 1591 (2). Reskladen, Cornw., g. 1415 (26). Reskymer, Kath, widow of John,438 (4 m. 6). Reson. See Rasen. Rest or Reste, John, alderman, 438 (3 m. 21) :—g. 651 (32). Restalrig (Clostahyg, Lestaurik, Lastalrig), in Scotland, col- lege and dean, 1136, 1348–9 : -pp. 1522, 1530. See Cov- yngtre, P. parish church and rector, 1136. Restan, Pierre, rhyming petition of, 706. Restaurak, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 9). Restawrake, Cornw., 1803 (2 m. 4). Restinot (Restenot) priory, in Scot- land, p. 1526. Restitutions of temporalities, g. 132 (10), 158 (13), 546 (63), 563 (5), 632 (83), 804 (16-7), 969 (5), 1123 (16, 23), 1221 (51–2), 1462 (1, 38), 1836 (6, 21), 2684 (22, 65), 2772 (13, 29), 3226 (25), 3408 (32), 3499 (8, 9). Wt. 11494. Restormel (Rostormell, Lastormall, Rastormall) park, Devon Cornw., g. 158 (67), 190 (10) 546 (25). chapel of Holy Trinity in, g. 132 (19), 546 (25). Restourek, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 9). Restryk, John, ship master, 3137 (6). Restwold, Ric., 1176 iii. Restwolde, Ralph de, temp. Edw. III., g. 485 (44). Retford, Notts, 438 (1 m. 1). • • " confirmation of charters, g 485 (56). Rethelin. See Rothelin. Retherfeld. See Rotherfield. Retire (Retyer), Cornw. [in Withiel], 438 (2 m. 21). Reton, Wm., g. 2222 (3). Rettlyffe. See Ratcliff. Reuchlin, Johann, the scholar, letter from, 2855. Reulx, bp. of. See Rieux. Reute (Rierty), in the Tyrol, letter dated at, 49. Reux. See Roeulx. Reveley, George, g. 1732 (33). John, 438 (2 m. 19). Revell, Hugh, 438 (3 m. 4). John, 438 (2 m. 13), 1803 (2 m. 6). Ric., 1803 (2 m. 6). Roland, 2392. Revels and masking, 378, 611, 1091, 1553, 2562, 3577. Revere, in Italy, 1102. Revers. See Rivers. Reversal of outlawry. See Pardon. Revesby (Reysby), Linc., abbey, 438 (4 m. 8). > abbot. See Scott, T. Revet, James, serjeant at arms, 40 (p. 17) :—g. 2055 (40). Revynrose. See Cefnrhos. Rewe, Andrew, a blind scholar, and Joan his wife, g. 1083 (28). Rewe, in Picardy. See Rue. Rewenhale. See Riven hall. Rewez. See Roeulx. Rewley (Roiallieu), Oxon, 438 (1 m. 8). > abbey, 438 (2 m. 23). H. abbot. See Ryton, Rewy, Guillaume de (Dorvey), French prisoner, 2172:—p. 928. Rey (Ray, Rai), John, ship captain, 438 (1 m. 9), 2478, 2938. Reyde. See Rede. Reyneham. See Rainham. Reynes, Reynus or Reynys, John, g. 519 (20). Reynesford. See Rainsford. H 24 370 GENERAL INDEX. Reynham. See Rainham. Reynner. See Renner. Reynold, Henry, g. 190 (28). • (Reygnold), Henry, clerk of the Signet, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42). (Reignold, Raynold), John, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42), 438 (1 m. 24), 1803 (2 m. 5). Miles, 20 (p. 14). (Reignold), Payce, gunner, 20 (p. 14), 311 :—g. 289 (41). Ric., 2008 (6). (Raynold), Ric., mayor of Leicester, g. 2684 (41), 3049 (26). Rob., 438 (3 m. 26): 26):-p. 1504. Th., 1803 (1 m. 1). (Raynold), Th., alias Gyllam, prior of Lenton, 438 (3 m. 6):—g. 2222 (16 Notts, Not- tingham). Wm., g. 3499 (52). (Reignald, Reinold), Wm., auditor, g. 414 (56), 485 (37), 784 (21). Reynolds, Eliz., g. 3107 (26). (Raynoldis), John, g. 546 (4). (Reynoldes), Rob., g. 1316 (38). (Reynold, Reynoldes, Ray- noldis), Wm., 438 (3 m. 3) :- p. 1539 :—g. 3107 (26). Reyns. See Rains. Reysby. See Revesby. Reyson, Wm., prior of Barnwell, 438 (1 m. 22):-g. 2222 (16 Camb.). Rhayader (Rayadour), in Wales, g. 2684 (103). Rheims (Rains, Rens, Reins), in France, 1265, 2106. abp. (and duke) of, 3417 (p. 1437). Rhine, the river, 1599. Rhodes, the island, 2234, 2263. • letters dated in, 191, 591, 766-7, 1604, 2447, 2511. RHODES, ORDER OF (i.e. of St. John of Jerusalem), 430, 767, 1224, 1422 (p. 651), 1604, 1720, 1747, 1765, 1902, 1964, 2645, 3451-g. 1836 (3). Grand Master. See Amboise, E. d'. († 1512); Blanchefort, G. de. († 1513); Caretto, F. di. letters from lieutenant and Council, 1604, 2447. • 2 prior in England, 1263. See Docwra, Sir T. Turcopolier, 1720. Rhodes archbishop of, g. 885 (7). Rhoigo. See Rovigo, Rhoscolyn (Ruscolyn, Roscolyn), co. Anglesey, 438 (2 m. 29). Riario, R., card. of S. George, q.v. Ribaupierre (Ribawpiere),, the Emperor's hofmeister, 1884 (p. 858), 3150. Ribbesford, Worc., 1556, 2537. Ribchester (Rebchestre), Lanc., 1803 (1 m. 1). Ribston (Rubston St. John's), Yorks, preceptory of St. John, 438 (4 m. 15). Riburgh. See Ryburgh. Ricasolis, Raynaldus de, pp. 1524, 1527. Simon de, pp. 1521, 1527. Rice, Sir Griffith. See Ap Rice. Henry, 1262 (p. 578). (Rees, Reese, Rise), John, 438 (2 m. 33):—g. 1266 (38), 1732 (9). (Ryse, Res), John, canon of Exeter, &c., 438 (3 m. 15). (Rise), Manuell, g. 2422 (10). (Rise), Simon, 438 (4 m. 9). (Ryse), Th., 438 (4 m. 9). Wm., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42). Richard I., grants of, g. 381 (42, 62, 65, 71, 79, 86, 92), 414 (37, 71, 75), 447 (29, 30), 449 (7), 485 (22–3, 25), 519 (3, 19, 35, 53), 546 (9, 13), 604 (3, 38), 632 (13, 27, 36), 709 (12), 731 (4), 750 (8, 10), 833 (7), 1003 (3), 1221 (13, 57), 2861 (1). Richard II., grants of, g. 54 (56), 381 (22, 27, 42, 62–3, 65, 67-8, 70-1, 79, 81, 85-7, 93, 98, 104- 5, 107), 414 (6, 8, 17–20, 23–4, 35-7, 40-2, 49, 50–1, 57, 63–6, 70-1, 75), 447 (7, 16, 22, 29, 30), 449 (7, 8, 16), 485 (11, 12, 17, 21, 24–5, 27-30, 36, 45–6, 49, 50, 54–6), 519 (3, 19, 28– 9, 35, 38, 40, 45, 53, 65), 546 (9–11, 14, 34–5, 46, 53), 563 (3), 587 (3, 20), 604 (3, 19, 37–8), 632 (13, 27, 29, 34, 36, 44, 59), 682 (15, 18, 28, 32, 43), 709 (4, 8, 11–2, 21, 28–9, 40, 47, 50), 731 (9), 749 (32, 34), 750 (8-10), 784 (15, 42–3), 833 (7, 38), 885 (2), 924 (24), 969 (57, 73), 1003 (3), 1083 (44), 1123 (33, 42), 1221 (13), 1226 (2, 11), 1316 (18), 1494 (26, 43–4, 50), 1732 (3), 1804 (24), 2617 (48), 3408 (30), 3499 (64). Richard III., g. 2484 (1). grants of, g. 158 (32), 414 (8, 23, 27, 45, 70–1), 447 (16, 32), 485 (28), 546 (45), 833 (23), 1415 (20), 1494 (26). GENERAL INDEX. 371 Richard III—cont. as duke of Gloucester and warden of the Marches, 2382, 2913. Richard, earl of Cornwall, King of Almain, or of the Romans, brother of Henry III., grants of, g. 346 (35), 381 (22), 546 (11), 1083 (44), 1494 (43). Richards, Griffith, the Queen's clerk of Signet, 82 (p. 41) :—g. 132 (60), 218 (9). (Richardes, Richardis, Ric- hard), John, 438 (4 mm. 11, 25), 1661 (4), 1661 (4), 2308:—pp. 1509, 1514. (Rychardes), Th., 2483. (Richardis), Thomasina, 438 (4 m. 11). (Richardys), Walter, 438 (3 m. 10). Wm., g. 2055 (99). Richardson, Edm., 438 (1 m. 6). · James, g. 3107 (47). John, LL.D., notary, 438 (2 m. 26). John, messenger, 20 (p. 16). Ric., master of St. Thomas's Southwark, Hospital, (2 m. 6). Robert, g. 3408 (34). 438 Wm., rector of Ogmeralton, p. 1527. Richer, Nic., notary, 538. Richmond (Richemount) (or Rich- mond manor), Surr., 1 (pp. 1, 2), 19, 20 (pp. 11, 16, 19, 20), 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (2 m. 21), 438 (3 mm. 1, 26), 611, 670–1, 707, 732, 798 (2), 2337, 2406, 2409, 2492, 2562, 2610, 2765, 2832 v., 3538:—g. 190 (27), 257 (26), 2535 (28), 2861 (23). grants dated at, g. 190 (35–6, 39, 41-4), 218 (3, 5–10, 13-18, 20-1, 24, 27-9, 31-41, 43-4, 46-8, 51, 63), 257 (1, 2, 7, 15, 41, 76, 96), 289 (50), 357 (2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 13-6, 18, 23, 34, 44- 5), 381 (41, 69), 449 (5), 604 (50), 632 (1, 6, 9, 17, 21, 30, 32, 39, 41-3, 48, 54–6, 60–1, 67, 70, 73-5, 78-80, 83-4), 651 passim, 682 passim, 709 passim, 731 (8, 11), 749 (28), 750 (6), 833 (68), 924 (12), 969 (5, 8, 9, 18–21, 26, 30, 32-5, 39, 41-2, 46-50, 59, 61-2, 66-8), 1003 (2, 9), 1316 (11), 1462 (35), 2137 (20, 30), 2222 (2, 8, 15), 2330 (4), 2617 (29, 38, 44, 46), 2684 (12, 22–3, 29, 55), 2964 (13). letters and warrants dated at, 186, 202, 288, 605, 609, Richmond, letters and warrants dated at-cont. 616, 620, 623, 626, 629, 635, 639-42, 647-8, 672-3, 678-9, 683, 717, 877, 886, 893 (2), 915, 921, 925, 944, 946-7, 950, 953-4, 956, 1032 (3), 2120–1, 2143, 2162, 2200, 2226, 2243, 2260, 2441, 3608 i. :-p. 1519: -App. 12, 13. > chapel, 2409. gardeners, 20 (p. 16). keeper of the "place." See Foster, W. > keeper of the Wardrobe at, g. 731 (33), 749 (40). Grey Friars, 670. Richmond, Yorks, 438 (3 mm. 15, 16), 438 (4 m. 27), 1149, 1418: > -g. 94 (55, 68), 158 (54), 289 (25), 447 (6), 563 (10), 1602 (20), 1804 (6). confirmation of charters, g. 1083 (48). abbey of St. Agatha, 438 (1 m. 14). • William abbot of, 438 (1 m. 14). St. Nicholas Hospital, rector presented, g. 804 (45). Richmond, honour of, alias Rich- mond fee, 438 (1 m. 3) :- "" g. 132 (56, 88), 158 (2, 54), 381 (74), 604 (31), 682 (4), 1602 (19). Richmond, archd. of, 438 (3 m. 7). See Dalby, T. Richmond (or Richmond Clarencieux king of arms), g. 158 (44). See Machado, R. Richmond herald, g. 709 (17). See Joyner, J. RICHMOND, MARGARET COUNTESS OF, mother of Henry VII., grand- mother of Henry VIII. (died 29 June 1509), 1 (p. 2), 19, 20 (pp. 11, 13), 82 (2), 145, 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 14), 1445-6, 1803 (1 m. 3), 3313 (6), 3604:-g. 54 (34), 94 (29, 70-1), 132 (13, 59, 60, 77, 83, 87, 99, 118), 158 (2, 4, 10, 22–5, 62, 89), 218 (52), 257 (32, 45), 289 (20), 357 (40), 381 (4, 14, 18, 102), 447 (18), 519 (30, 47), 587 (16), 632 (37), 651 (2, 28), 709 (14), 731 (13), 804 (10), 833 (25, 48), 857 (8, 20), 885 (12), 969 (67), 1123 (26), 1266 (38), 1415 (23), 1732 (4), 1948 (31), 2055 (43), 2137 (30−1), 2330 (4), 2772 (51), 2861 (34), 2964 (47), 3107 (50), 3226 (7). 372 GENERAL INDEX. Richmond, Margaret countess of- cont. her almoner and other officers, 20 (p. 13). bequest to Christ's College, Cambridge, 145. her chancellor and secretary. See Hornby, H. executors of, g. 158 (24-5). • • account by, 1446. signature of, 19, 58. her will, 1445–6. Richmond, earldom of, g. 709 (14), 1836 (4), 1948 (31), 3582 (6, 12). Richmond, John de Britannia earl of (temp. Edw. III.), charter of, g. 1123 (48). Richmond, Edmund Tudor earl of, father of Henry VII., 1853, 1904. Rickard (or Richardi), John, chap- lain, g. 2772 (53). Ricote. See Rycote. Ricroft. See Rycroft. Ridder. See Rither. Riddesdale. Riddlesden (Rydelsden, Rodelsden, See Reedsdale. Redelysden, Redilsden), Yorks, 438 (4 mm. 7, 15). Rider. See Rither. Rideseale. See Reedsdale. Ridge (Rigge), Edward, keeper of the Domus Dei at Southampton, 438 (4 m. 21). (Rigge), Edward, provost of Queen's Hall, Oxford, 438 (2 m. 19). (Rigge), Th., vicar of Burgh, p. 1529. Ridgeway (Ruggewey), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 23). Ridley (Redeley), Chesh., 438 (4 m. 26):—g. 94 (14), 2684 (45). Ridley (Redlay), Kent, rector of, p. 1529. Ridley, John, rector of Chilton Foliot, g. 381 (20) (Ridlay, Riddeley), Nicholas, 820, 2443:-g. 94 (63), 289 (2), 1524 (37). Ridlington (Rylyngton), Rutl., 438 (3 m. 13):—g. 158 (89). Ridmerley. See Redmarley. Ridon. See Rydon. Ridware, Mavesyn (Mavysynryd- were, Mamysynryd Were), Staff., 438 (1 m. 11). See Reute. Rierty. Rieux (Reulx), bishop of, French am- bassador to England (1512), 1113, 1126–7, 1138, 1157, 1169. Rievers. See Rivers. Rifehams, Essex [in Baddow], g. 1662 (58). Rigault, M. de, 113, 522 (p. 312), 674. Rigby, John alias Roys, alias Dag- nall alias Oxfenford, abbot of Tiltey, 438 (2 m. 23):-p. 1527. Rigeley. See Rigley. Rigg (Rigge), in Scotland, p. 1260. Rigge. See Ridge. Rigges, Ant., g. 218 (43). Th., g. 218 (43). Rightwys, John, mayor of Norwich, g. 2484 (20). Rigley or Rigeley, Wm., page of the Beds, 1015, 3554:-g. 924 (4), 1494 (24), 3324 (27). Rigmeydon, John, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Rike. See Reke. Rikeley. See Rockley. Rilei [co. Limerick], p. 1530. Riley (Ryle), Ric., 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41). Riltenayn. See Kiltenan. Rimini, in Italy, 783, 793 (p. 427). Rimuel. See Kinnoul. Rindown (Runduyn) priory, co. Roscommon, prior of, p. 1529. Ring. See Ryng. Ringhouses. See Dring Houses. Ringmere, Suss., 438 (4 m. 5). Ringshall (Ryngeshale), Suff., g. 519 (42). Ringstead (Ryngsted), Norf., 438 (3 m. 2). Ringwold (Ryngewold), Kent, g: 289 (17), 3049 (17). Ringwood (Ryngwod), Hants, 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 4):-g. 604 (43), 3408 (3). Ringwood hundred, &c., Hants, g. 546 (20). Ringwood, Charles, 438 (1 m. 12). (Ryngewood), John, 438 (1 m. 12):—g. 2684 (39). Riote, Wm., 707. Ripley (Ruple, Riple), Yorks, 438 (1 mm. 14, 22), 1803 (1 m. 6). Riplington, Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Ripon (Ryppon), Yorks, 438 (1 mm. 13, 17), 438 (2 mm. 18, 24 bis), 438 (3 mm. 11, 25), 438 (4 mm. 2, 9 bis, 21, 23), 1803 (2 m. 2): -g. 1221 (8), 3499 (61). Ripon (Rippon), Henry, p. 1520. Ric., monk, 2651. Ripple (Ryppull), Worc., 1803 (1 m. 4). Rippley (Ryppull), Worc., 438 (1 m. 11). Rippon. See Ripon. Ripton Regis (Kyng Ripton), Hunts, rector of, p. 1528 GENERAL İNDEX. 373 Ripton Regis cont. rector presented, g. 289 (26). Ripton (Repton), John, pp. 1509, 1511-13. Th., g. 3582 (4). Ripylmonde. See Rupelmonde. Riresbye. See Reresby. Risborough, Monken-, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 27). Risborough, Princes-, Bucks, 438 (2 m. 14). Risbridge (Risshebrigge) hundred, Suff., g. 2861 (25). Risbrigger, John, g. 1494 (47). Risby (Rysbe), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 18). " letter dated at, p. 1519. Risby, Th., 438 (4 m. 26). Wm., 438 (4 m. 26). Rischach. See Reischach. Rise. See Rice. Rise (Ryse), Yorks, g. 94 (102). Risebank pursuivant, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 42). Riseley, Beds, g. 357 (41). Rishangles, Suff., g. 682 (40). Rishton. See Rushton. Rishworth (Ryssheworth), Yorks [in Halifax parish], 438 (4 m. 13). Rising, Norf. See Castle Rising; also Wood Rising. Rising Chace, Norf., 3313 (6). Rising, John, monk, g. 357 (27). Riskyngton. See Ruskington. Risley (Ryseley, Rysle), Sir John, 20 (p. 14), 438 (1 m. 6), 1652 ii. : -p. 1539:-g. 94 (7), 1123 (50), 1662 (58), 2055 (130), 2772 (51). Wm., 438 (3 m. 25). Riston. See Rushton. Rither (Rider), Mr., 20 (p. 17). (Ridder), Chr., 1803 (2 m. 3). (Rider), George, 20 (p. 17), (Ryder), Sir Ralph, 438 (4 m. 24), 1363 :-p. 1547. Sir Robert, 438 (4 m. 24). (Rider), Th., 20 (p. 18), 82 (pp. 40, 42), 877n., 3179. (Rider), Th., mayor of Wind- sor, 1528. Sir Wm., 438 (4 m. 24). Rithwise, John, 1493. Riva (Ryve), on Lago de Garda, 1440. Rivenhall (Rewenhale), Essex, 438 (2 m. 33). Rivers, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9). Rivers (Rievers), Richard Widvile earl of (died in 1469), father of Earl Richard who died in 1491, g. 158 (49). Rivers (Revers), Agnes, prioress of Minster, 438 (1 m. 22). Rivers-cont. Augustine, prior of Wood- bridge, prior of Butley (1509), g. 289 (28). Rizo, Piero de. See Griffo. Roade (Roode), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 30). Roan. See Rouen. Roan, - di. See Selva. Roath (Rooth), co. Glamorgan, g. 749 (2). Robarth. See Roberth. Robbysley, Th., surgeon, 438 (4 m. 19). Robenet, the King's embroiderer, 239. Robert, 412. Robert, Giles, a Breton, g. 1462 (28). Ric., LL.B., rector of By- grave, p. 1528. Robertet (Rubertet, Robert Teet, Robert Thyete, Robert Tete, Rubbertet), Florimond, treasurer of France, 113, 274, 470, 526, 538, 674, 734, 793, 868, 1138, 1163, 1257, 1375, 1647 (p. 743), 1787, 1791, 1825, 1916, 3269 (3), 3328, 3331, 3342, 3387, 3411, 3416, 3424, 3430, 3449, 3518, 3544-6. letters to, 674, 734, 793, 1825. signature of, 113, 470, 522, 536, 802, 3098-3100. Roberth (Robarth, Robard, Roberd), Walter, 438 (1 m. 18):—p. 1539 :—g. 289 (43). Roberts (Robertes), George, g. 2862 (7). • (Robartes), John, 2480 (40). (Roberdes, Robartes), Nic., 3137 wheeler, 2321, 2831, (16) :—pp. 1520-App. 14. Reignold, p. 1511. 1512-15, (Robertz, Robertis, Rober- des), Th., 20 (p. 15), 438 (3 m. 14)-g. 54 (43), 2222 (16 Midd.). Roberdis, (Roberdes, Robertz), Th., auditor of wards' lands, &c., 1531:-g. 190 (43), 218 (34), 357 (15), 485 (37), 546 (43), 784 (21), 2535 (11). (Robartes), Wm., smith, p. 1513. Robertsbridge abbey, Suss., 438 (4 m. 4). abbot. See Goodwyn, J. Robertson, Rob. See Robinson. (Roberdson), Th., p. 1540:- g. 257 (48), 485 (10), 651 (13), 709 (55), 2222 (16 Linc.). 374 GENERAL INDEX. Robeston Wathen (Robbeston Wut- hen), S. Wales, 1803 (1 m. 1). Robins, John, 438 (4 m. 27), 1032 (2):-p. 1509. John, clerk of records of the Counting House, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Ric., 438 (4 m. 26). Rob., 438 (4 m. 27). Th., clerk of the Privy Seal, 20 (p. 18). Robinson, Eleanor, 438 (3 m. 14). (Robinsyn), James, 438 (4 m. 14). • • " John, 438 (2 m. 33), 704, 2054 :—p. 1540 :—g. 257 (48), 651 (13), 709 (55), 969 (52), 1003 (24), 1171 (3), 2222 (16 Linc.), 3408 (6), 3582 (14). (Robenson), John, alias Robertson, of Boston, 438 (3 m. 14), 577 (5), 874 (2), 1405 (2), 3313 (6):-g. 784 (13). (Robenson, Robertson), Rob., 1803 (2 m. 1):-g. 2055 (128). Simon, clk., 438 (3 m. 17). Simon, rector of Monkton Moor, g. 833 (42). Th., g. 804 (13). Roborough (Rowburgh), Devon, 438 (3 m. 28). Robson, Agnes, 3529. .. Cuthbert, g. 3049 (39). Edw., 438 (2 m. 17). John, 3529. Robert, 3522. Roby (Rooby), John, 1803 (1 m. 3). Roche abbey, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 12). Roche (Racche) Forest, Soms., g. 2137 (1). Roche, Brian, serjeant of the Acca- • try, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 1463 viii., 2540, 2833:-pp. 1506- 8: g. 449 (14), 833 (37), 1316 (30), 2772 (41). > George, bailiff of Cork, 1026. Joan and Eliz., daughters and heirs of Sir John, g. 924 (20). Th., g. 2862 (11). (Rooche), Wm., 438 (2 m. 24), 3608 i. :—p. 1503. provincial of the Friars Preachers in Ireland, 1026. Wm., Wilhelmina wife of Sir John, g. 924 (20). Rocheford. See Rochford. Rochefort, in France, 3344. Rochelle or La Rochelle, in France, 1081, 1886, 1894, 1936, 2557, 2574, 3344, 3349 (p. 1412), 3383. Rochester (Rouchestre), Kent, 438 (2 m. 7), 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 4), 855, 1493 vi., 2809, 2880, 2929 :-g. 709 (14), 833 (11), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). bridge repair, g. 2969 (10). confirmation of charters, g. 749 (32). Castle, g. 54 (25), 94 (35 p. 50). Cathedral priory, 438 (3 m. 24). 447 (30). • confirmation for, g. prior. See Frissell, W. Rochester, archd. of. See Edyall, H. Rochester, bp. of. See Fisher, John. confirmation of char- ters, g. 485 (47). Rochester, Laurence de S. Martino bp. of (1250-1274), g. 485 (47). Rochester, bpric. of, 438 (3 mm. 20, 22):~g. 682 (25). Rochester, or Rochestre, Chr., groom of the Privy Chamber, usher of the Parliament Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 500, 640, 772, 877n., 1015, 1035, 1105, 2504, 2555, 3336, 3554: -g. 94 (17), 257 (92), 357 (33), 749 (28), 1948 (99). • • his wife, 877n. (Rouchester), Griselda widow of John, 438 (4 m. 21). Rob., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39): -g. 257 (77), 449 (13), 1462 (22 a.). Rochestown (Rosestum), Limerick, p. 1530. co. Roche sur Yonne (R. Suryon), Louis de Bourbon prince of, 3269 (3), 3348. Rochford (Racheford), Essex, 438 (4 m. 1) :—g. 54 (14). Rochford (Racheford) hundred, Essex, 438 (4 m. 1):—g. 94 (96), 2863 (12). Rochford (Rocheford), Thomas Or- mond lord. See Ormond earl of. Rochford or Rocheford, Rob., 438 (3 m. 21). Wm., 438 (3 m. 21): -g. 1494 (18). Rock (Rokke), Glouc., 438 (4 m. 17). Rock (Rok), Heref., chantry in, g. 2055 (53). Rock (Aka, Rokke, Roke), Worc., 438 (2 m. 11). rector of, 1803 (1 m. 2). Rockborn (Rokeborne, Rokeburnia), Hants, 438 (3 m. 23 bis), 438 (4 m. 21):—g. 2964 (67). GENERAL INDEX. 375 Rockeby. See Rokeby. Rockingham (Rokingham), Ntht., g. 54 (45), 257 (32). Rockingham Forest, Ntht., 438 (3 m. 28):-g. 783 (2), 1123 (46–7, 60), 2684 (59). and laund of Morehay Horreshawes, g. 132 (66). Halkytgrove, &c., in, 1673. walks in, g. 158 (42). lieutenant of, 438 (3 m. 5). Rockingham (Rokynggam), John, 438 (1 m. 18). > Rockland (Rokelond), Norf., 438 (2 m. 25). Rockley (Rikeley), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 19). Rockley (Rokley), Yorks. See Rok- ley. Rocley. See Rokley. Roclyff (Roeclyffe), Rob., 438 (1 m. 10). Rodborne (Rodburne), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 23). Roddesley. See Rodsley. Roddryfte. See Rotherhithe. Rode. See Rowde. Rode Ayssheton. See Ashton. Rodelsden. See Riddlesden. Rodenay. See Rodney. Roderfos. See Ruthfos. Roderham. See Rotherham. Roderico, Peter, rector of Toft, g. 1123 (59). Rodery, Chr., g. 1494 (3). Roderyth. See Rotherhithe. Roding, White-, Essex, g. 289 (17). Rodmarton (Rodmerton), 438 (2 mm. 11, 24). Glouc., Rodney (Rodenay), Sir John, 20 (p. 16), 438 (2 m. 4) :-p. 1543 : App. 26-g. 2222 (16 Soms.), 3499 (66). (Rodeney), Sir Walter, spear, 2480 (33) :—g. 2772 (6). Walter, g. 969 (23), 2484 (9). Rodriguez (Rodrygus), Peter, Queen's chaplain and almoner, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41). Rodsley (Roddesley), Derb., g. 3499 (23). Rodyng, Thomas, S.T.P., friar, p. 1530. Roe. See Rowe. Roeclyffe. See Roclyff. Roehampton (Rokehampton), Surr., 438 (1 m. 25). Roeulx (Reux, Rewez, Royse, Reulx), Ferry de Croy, Sieur de, governor of Hédin, 2014, 2038, 2061, 2063, 2110, 2125, 2128, 2174, 2182, 2210. taken prisoner by the Venetians, 942. Roeulx, Ferry de Croy-cont. letters from, 2061, 2110, 2125, 2128, 2210. Rógendorf (Roquendorf), William de, the Emperor's ambassador to France, 266. letter from, 333. Roger (Rogier), Ric., butcher, 438 (1 m. 19). Walter, 2054 (2). Rogers, George, 438 (3 m. 18). • Sir Henry, 438 (4 m. 5). (Roger, Roggers, Rogerys), John, 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (3 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 5), 1414, 1882, 2842 iii., 2938 ii. :—p. 1536 :- g. 833 (70). " letter from, 1613. Katharine, 438 (3 m. 18). Th., 2480 (31). (Roggers), Th., serjeant at law, 438 (3 m. 18). Thomas, clerk of Henry VII.'s ships, 438 (4 m. 8). Th., rector of Thornton, g. 132 (121). (Rogiers), Wm., rector of Great Billing, g. 1602 (39). Rogerus, Servatius, prior of Steyn, letter to, 3063. Rogis, John, g. 1083 (39). Rohan (Roham), M. de, 2681 ii, 2782. his winning of Brest Castle, 1883. Pierre de, letter from, 1709. Roiallieu. See Rewley. Rojas or Roxas, Antonio de, bp. of Majorca, abp. of Granada (1507), 6 (p. 5). Rok or Roke. See Rock. Rokeborne ΟΥ Rokebourne. See Rockborn. Rokeby, Warw. See Rugby. Rokeby, Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 8, 18). Rokeby, Alex., g. 381 (15). · > Margery, 438 (2 mm. 8, 18). (Rukeby), Ralph, 438 (2 mm. 8, 18): p. 1547:-g. 804 (29 iv., ix.), 833 (45 iii.), 1123 (37), 1365 (3). Ric., 20 (p. 16), 438 (1 m. 17), 438 (3 m. 31):-p. 1547 : -g. 804 (29 iv., ix.), 833 (45 iii.), 1365 (3), 3408 (16). Sir Th., App. 26. Th., 2100. Wm., g. 3499 (41). (Rockeby), Wm., bp. of Meath, abp. of Dublin (1512), chancellor of Ireland (21 May 1512), 1037-8 :—g. 1221 (44). Rokehampton. See Roehampton. Rokeley, Th., g. 132 (32). Rokes, John, 2656 (6). 376 GENERAL INDEX. Rokes-cont. Ric., 1493 ii. Th., 1493 ii. :—g. 1003 (7). Rokesby. See Roxby. Rokesby, Ralph, 1493 vi. :—g. 2222 (16 Yorks), 3408 (37). Rokewode, Edmund, g. 2222 (16 Suff.). Rokingham. See Rockingham. Rokke. See Rock. Rokley, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 30). Rokley (Rokeley, Rocley), Th,, 438 (3 m. 30). Roland, Sir. See Velavyle. Rolant, Treasurer. See Lefevre. Roleider, Conrad, von Spier, captain of mercenaries, 2835. Rolf, Thomas, serjeant at law, 438 (4 m. 11). Rolffe, Lord Darcy's servant, 550. Rob., 2706 (2). Rolleston (Rolston), Staff., 438 (1 m. 15). Rolleston or Rolston (Rolluston), Edward, 438 (2 m. 17). . (Roweleston), James, 438 (2 mm. 8, 17). Ralph, 438 (3 m. 3). Roger, 2392 (p. 1063). Th., 2392 (p. 1063). Rollestone (Rolneston), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 33). Rolt, John, g. 1003 (18). (Rolte), Wm., g. 132 (8), 190 (18), 357 (35), 749 (20−1), 3324 (20). Roltson. See Rolleston. Rolvenden (Rowenden, Rolvynden, Rownedon), Kent, 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (4 m. 26):—g. 257 (68). Romagna (Romandiola, Romyan- dola), in Italy, 785, 1007, 1127 (p. 539), 1277, 3014 ii. Romanby (Romondby), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 18). Romania, Prince of, 3557. Romans, King of the. See Maxi- milian. Romans, in France, letter dated at, 802. Romany (Rowmeney, Romney) bowstaves of yew, 2308, 2831. ROME, 6 (p. 6), 51, 138, 165, 169, 173, 261, 325 (p. 147), 329 (p. 154), 336, 354, 421, 481, 515, 536, 568, 588, 685, 732, 734, 740, 745, 793 (p. 427), 823, 825, 858, 866, 880, 896, 936, 972-3, 1001, 1007, 1029, 1052, 1067, 1233-4, 1279, 1293, 1301 (pp. 597-8), 1307, 1321, 1344-5, 1352, 1424, 1468–9, 1489, 1519, 1557, 1566, 1575, 1594, 1658, 1668, 1675, 1699, Rome-cont. وه 1756, 1766, 1830, 1877, 1895, 1911, 1917, 1953, 2006 (p. 908), 2010, 2016, 2029, 2056, 2079, 2104, 2122 (5), 2123, 2127, 2241-2, 2247, 2278, 2389, 2434, 2435, 2448, 2462, 2493, 2516, 2597, 2672, 2747, 2749, 2770, 2845, 2864, 2869–70, 2979, 2985, 3009, 3041, 3053, 3063, 3088, 3102 ii., 3166, 3192, 3237, 3297-8, 3379, 3405-6, 3457, 3599. letters dated at, 9, 17, 55, 70, 100, 124, 137, 147, 207–8, 242, 250, 268, 283, 326, 338, 372-3, 393, 408, 413 iii., 417– 8, 426-7, 431-2, 541, 553-4, 637-8, 794, 812, 815-6, 829, 869-70, 873, 889, 892, 965, 977, 1014, 1020, 1037–8, 1040, 1065, 1094, 1119, 1191, 1204, 1223-4, 1230, 1244, 1250, 1271, 1305, 1354, 1361, 1429, 1449, 1486, 1488, 1677, 1687, 1701, 1746-7, 1759-60, 1782, 1827, 1846, 1854, 1857, 1872, 1878, 1937, 1984, 2007, 2017, 2029-32, 2036, 2041, 2048, 2077, 2087, 2108, 2126, 2144, 2155, 2159, 2197, 2216, 2236– 7, 2250, 2253, 2258–9, 2273, 2276-7, 2288, 2307, 2320, 2332, 2335, 2343, 2353–4, 2363, 2373, 2389, 2397, 2428, 2469, 2508, 2512–13, 2517–18, 2527, 2530, 2559-60, 2607, 2629–31, 2635-6, 2639-42, 2644-5, 2658-60, 2664, 2688, 2746, 2760-1, 2783, 2802, 2820–2, 2852, 2869, 2876, 2890–1, 2906, 2921, 2926-8, 2932, 2950, 2955, 2981, 2986-90, 3005-6, 3008, 3011, 3015, 3018-22, 3031, 3043, 3059, 3072, 3081, 3083-4, 3092, 3117, 3125, 3128, 3157–8, 3160, 3164-5, 3173, 3177, 3183-4, 3197, 3205-6, 3211, 3219-20, 3236, 3241-2, 3243 ii., 3249, 3254-6, 3260-1, 3265, 3275-80, 3289, 3291, 3300-1, 3303-4, 3311-12, 3322, 3362, 3395, 3401-3, 3460, 3462, 3470, 3475, 3487, 3490, 3504, 3508-12, 3514-6, 3532-3, 3547, 3560, 3562, 3574 :—g. 3499 (8 ii.). ambassadors at :- English, 450, 3495. See Bainbridge, C.; Giglis, S. de. See Bain- English agent at Rome, g. 190 (33). bridge, C. GENERAL INDEX. 377 Rome, ambassadors at-cont. Ferrarese, 417, 432. Florentine, 417, 432. • " French, 417, 432, 554, 1204, 2928, 3051, 3379, 3416. See Carpi, A. de; Mar- seilles, bp. of; Soliers, M. de; Dijon, bailly of. Hungarian. See Polonus, J. Imperial, 432, 590, 669, 681, 779-80, 2467, 3405. See Carpi, A. da. Milanese, 2124, 2250, 2595, 3547. See Caracciolo ; Morone. Polish, 2428. Spanish, 590, 1489, 1491, 2041. See Vich, H. de; Brizeño, C. Swiss, 3574. Venetian, 17, 90, 192, 268, 278, 330, 372, 415, 783, 1489, 1491, 2298. letters from, 242, 250, 326, 346, 373, 2568. letters to, 90, 192, 262, 267, 286, 350, 384, 1490. See also Capello, P.; Donado, H.; Fos- cari, F.; Lando, P. Venetian secretary, 965 ii. letter from, 923. letter to, 914. French party in, 268, 432, 3008. 9. gonfalonier of the Church, Lateran. See below St. John Lateran. Papal Court, 483, 593, 631, 654, 668, 1061, 1094, 1135, 1300, 1642, 1676, 1780, 1910, 1941, 2019, 2098, 2474, 2911, 3119, 3166, 3183, 3205, 3411, 3416, 3418, 3427, 3445 :—p. 1529-g. 833 (62), 2484 (2, 26), 3499 (50). Apostolic prothonotaries. See Saulis. auditor of the Chamber. See Monte. auditor of the sacred Palace, 1135. datary, 1625, 1857, 2084. See Argentino. See Papal chamberlain, 3560. See St. George, card. of. Papal couriers, 424. Papal vice-chancellor. Rovere, Card. de. protector of England, 421, 2639-40, 2644, 2653. See Pavia, card. of; also St. Peter ad Vincula, card. Rome, Papal Court: protector of England-cont. of; also Medici, Julius de. protector of the Emperor. See Corneto, Hadrian de. protector of France. See St. Severin, Card. protector of Scotland, 1706. Regesta, pp. 1521–32. Rota, the court, 212, 843. St. Angelo Castle ("the castle "), 1984, 3203, 3236. castellan of, 1677 (p. 770). See also Senogalliensis, Card. St. John Lateran, church, 794, 1204, 1677 (p. 770). St. Laurence's church, 794. Santa Maria del Populo, 892, 3220, 3236, 3302. Santa Maria trans Tiberim, 432. St. Peter's, 794, 1204. indulgences for build- ing, 600, 1063, 1542, 1756. tin for the roof, 842. St. Peter ad Vincula, 1204. Romford (Rumford), Essex, 438 (1 m. 1). Romney (Romene), Kent, g. 2862 (7). Romney Marsh, Kent, 438 (1 m. ―g. 2684 (8). 22): confirmation for, g. 414 (28). Romney (Rumpney), Old-, Kent, 438 (3 m. 11):—g. 289 (17). Romney (Rumney), Robert, 438 (3 m. 17). Romney bowstaves. See Romany. Romsey (Rumsey), Hants, 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (3 m. 26), 1803 (1 m. 1):-g. 833 (69). grants dated at, g. 563 (4, 10, 15). St. George's chantry, 438 (3 m. 17). Romsey (Rumsey), Ric., 3491. • Richard, abbot of Hyde, 205, 963, 3464 :—g. 257 (95). (Rumsey), Simon, g. 381 (11), 546 (64). (Romesey, Rumsey, Ryme- sey), Wm., 438 (3 m. 3). Ronald (Ronold, Ronell), Stephen, 438 (3 m. 22). Rondell. See Roundell. Ronsard, M. de, letter from, 2238. Roo. See Rowe. Rooby. See Roby. Rooche. See Roche. Roode. See Roade; also Rowde. Rooden, Hugh, 438 (3 m. 4). John, serjeant at arms, 438 (3 m. 4). 1 378 GENERAL INDEX. Roodes, John, 82 (p. 41). Wm., 20 (p. 13). Rookes, John, g. 94 (17). Rookes manor, Hants, in Upper Clat- ford, g. 709 (24). Rookwood (Rukwode), Edmund, g. 2617 (37). Roolande. See Rowland. Rooper. See Roper. Roos, Edmund lord (1485-1508), s. and h. of Thomas (attainted in 1461), g. 158 (71), 289 (32), 749 (44), 2137 (18). Roos (Roosse, Ros, Rose), Sir George Manners lord, 2053 (2, 3, 5, 6 ii.), 2480 (31):—g. 1494 (45), 1804 (15). See also Manners. signature, g. 1804 (15). Roos, Thomas lord († 1464), g. 289 (32). Roos, Lord, of Scotland. See Ross. Roose or Roos (surname). See Rose. Roote, Stephen, g. 546 (41). Rooth. See Roath. Roper (Rooper), Chr., 20 (p. 13), 707 :—g. 94 (92), 804 (26). George, g. 784 (49). · Henry, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 41), 438 (2 m. 30):-g. 381 (95), 1123 (25). (Rooper), Henry, yeoman of the Queen's Beds, 364, 683, 3332. (Rooper), John, g. 132 (33), 289 (43), 1123 (50), 1732 (13, 25, 42), 1803 (1 m. 1), 2684 (8):—p. 1539:—g. 2422 (5). John, a Carthusian friar, 492. Ropes and cables, 1598, 1675, 2011, 3420. See also Ordnance. Roquemaure, in France, 3344. Roquendorf. See Rogendorf. Rorarii, Ant. de, secretary of Ant. da Borgo, 1892, 1988 (?), 2020. Rosby. See Rousby. Roscolyn. See Rhoscolyn. Rose, Heref. See Ross. Rose (Rouse, Rowse) lordship, co. Pembroke, g. 158 (53), 731 (57), 2772 (54). Rose, Lord. See Roos. Rose (Roos, Rosse), Humphrey, 438 (1 m. 26). (Ros, Roose, Roos, Rosse), John, 438 (3 m. 24):-p. 1547:-g. 158 (91), 804 (29 iv., ix.), 833 (45 iii.), 1365 (3). Matilda, g. 546 (51). (Rosse, Roosse), Ric., 438 (4 m. 22). (Roosse), Roland, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). (Roose), Wm., 438 (4 m. 8). (Roose), Wm., chaplain, 438 (1 m. 14). Rosedale, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 19). Rosendale. See Rozendaal. Rose rents, 193 :—g. 257 (56), 519 (7), 749 (18), 924 (33), 2684 (82), 2772 (25), 3107 (29). Rosestum. See Rochestown. Roskarok, John, p. 1535. Röskilde (Roschild), in Denmark, bp. of [John Jacobson Ravens- burg], 285. Rosogan, John, g. 857 (22). Ross (Rose), Heref., 438 (4 m. 6). Ross, in Ireland, dean of, p. 1524. diocese of, p. 1524. Ross, in Scotland, bpric. and diocese, p. 1522. chancellor of, pp. 1524, 1526. Rosse herald, of Scotland, 1960, 2122, 2381, 2394. Ross (Roos, Ros), Lord, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313. Ninian lord, 2461. Rosse. See Rose; also Rush. Rossell. See Russell. Rossi (Rubeis), Count Filippo de, 1277 (p. 586). • his brother the bishop, [Bernard, bp. of Treviso ?], 1277 (p. 586). Filippo Maria dei, 154. Rossington (Rosyngton), Yorks, g. 784 (35). Rosso, in Italy, 1141. Roston. See Ruston. Roston, Linc. See Boston. Roston, Mr., of St. Laurence Poun- tney, 631. • Ric., alias Smith, Richard, canon of Lincoln, 438 (2 m. 6). Rostormell, Devon. See Restormel, Cornw. Roswarne (Riswarne, Rosewaren, Rysworthy, Reswory, Rid- wory, &c.), Cornw. [in Cam- borne], 438 (4 m. 11). Roswarne (Rosowaren, Ryswaren, Rosworn), John, 438 (4 m. 11). Rot, Anthony, captain of Germans, 2220. Rote, —, of the Guard, 1976. (Rotys), John, p. 1545. Th., 438 (2 m. 10). Wm., g. 1221 (14a). Wm., serjeant at arms, 2375. Roteby, Leic. See Ratby. Rotelin, Marquis de. Šee Longue- ville, duke of. Rotell, Rutl., 438 (4 m. 26). Rothbury (Rothebury), Nthld., rec- tor of, 438 (2 m. 25). Rothelin (Rethelin) and Neufchatel (Castro Novo), marquisate of, 1301. GENERAL INDEX. 379 Rothelin (Rotelyn, Ruttelyn), Louis marquis de, afterwards (Feb. 1513) duke of Longueville, 9, 1055. Rothelay, John, clk., p. 1528. Rothera, Alex., g. 1948 (41). Rotherey, Chr., g. 1494 (33). Rotherfield (Retherfeld), Suss., 438 (2 m. 30). Rotherfield (Retherfeld) Grey, Oxon, 438 (3 m. 32):—g. 3107 (29). Rotherham (Roderham), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 26), 1803 (1 m. 1). college, provost, 438 (1 m. 11). Rotherhithe (Roddryfte, Roderyth, Rodreth, Rodreyth), Surr., 1393: pp. 1512, 1515. Rothersthorpe (Ruddestrope), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 7). Rotherwas (Rotherows), Heref., 438 (1 m. 17), 1803 (2 m. 4). Rothes, earl of, killed at Flodden,- 2313. Rothewell, Roger, purser, 2304 (3), 3148:―pp. 1497, 1499, 1500– 2. Rothley (Rothlay), Leic., preceptory of, 438 (2 m. 6). Rothley, John, rector of Balingham, g. 731 (53). Rotholin, M. de. See Longueville, duke of. Rothwell, Ntht., 438 (2 m. 25). Rothwell, Wm., g. 1083 (3), 3499 (17). Rotley. See Ratley. Rotolin, marquis of. See Longue- ville, Duke. Rotterdam (Roterdam, Rotyrdame), in Holland, 2009, 2478 (2), 2809. Rotynbourgh. See Ratenberg. Rouarque (i.e. Rouergue), seneschal of. See Lierville, Sieur de. Rouce. See Rowce. Rouceby. See Roxby. Rouchestre. See Rochester. Rouclyff, Sir John, p. 1547. Roude. See Rowde. Roudham (Rowedham, Rowdham), Norf., 438 (1 m. 12). Roudon, John, g. 804 (39). Rouen (Roan, Roune), in Normandy, 1017, 1231, 1265, 1512, 1594, 1635, 1647 (p. 743), 1936, 2014, 2083 (2), 2605, 3092 : g. 749 (39), 1316 (36). letter dated at, 1237. Council of, 2083 (2). St. Audoen, g. 485 (61). Rouen, bpric. of, 554. Rouergue, seneschal of, 2027. Rougecrosse (Rugecross) pursuivant 20 (pp. 11, 13), 82 (p. 42), 342, 707 :-g. 158 (87). See Halley, T. Rougedragon (Rugedragone) pur- suivant, 20 (p. 13), 707, 2651. Roughborowe. See Rowborow. Rough cros. See Rougecrosse. Roughmore, Hants, 438 (4 m. 8). Roughswyre (Rugheswyre), in Scot- land, 2443. Roukeshawe, Wm., g. 381 (15). Rouland. See Rowland. Round, Hermann, of Dantzic, 1008. Roundell (Rondell, Rundall), John, 438 (1 m. 20). Roune. See Rouen. Rous. See Rowse. Rousby. See Roxby. Rousby (Rosby), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 24). Rouse lordship. See Rose. Rousham (Rowesham), West-, Oxon, 438 (2 m. 34). Rousse See Rush. Roussel, Ph. See Rouxel. Roussillon, 854. Roussy, comte de, 3348. Routh (Rowth), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 20). Routhall. See Ruthal, T. Rouvey. See Rovereto. Rouville, Louis de, grand veneur de France, 2275, 3348. Rouxel or Roussel, Philip, a Breton ship captain, 3349, 3383. .., depositions concerning, 3349. Rove, Wm., 2539. Rovere, in Italy, 413. Rovere, Antonello da, 2568. GIOVANNI and FRANCESCO > MARIA DELLA, dukes of URBINO, q.v. GIULIANO DELLA, POPE JULIUS II., q.v. Leonardo Grosso della, chief penitentiary, 949. (Ruvere), Sixtus de FRAN - CIOTTI DE, cardinal of St Peter ad Vincula, Papal vice- chancellor, nephew of Julius II., 949. letter to, 101. Rovereto or Roveredo (Roverette, Rouvey), near Trent, 83. > letter dated at, 222. Rovigo (Rhoigo, Rwigo, Roygo), in Italy, and the polesino, 267, 278, 570, 3392, 3396. Rowanger or Rowndangre, painter, 20, 707. Ric., Rowborow (Roughborowe) hundred, Dors., g. 94 (35). Rowburgh. See Roborough. 380 GENERAL INDEX. Rowcastell. See Ruecastle. Rowce (Rouce), Gerard, 438 (2 m. 31). Rowd Ashton. See Ashton. Rowde (Rode, Roode, Roude), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 25) :—g. 94 (35). Rowdon (Rowodaunce Downe), Wilts. [in Chippenham], 438, (2 m. 24). Rowdon (Rowdun), Ric., sheriff of Gloucester town (1508-9), 251, 3347. (Roudon), Ric., of Rowdon, Heref., 438 (3 m. 27). Walter, 2537 :-p. 1537 :- g. 604 (44), 1732 (36). Rowe (Roo), John, p. 1535 :—g. 833 (58 iv.), 2222 (16 Devon). (Roo, Roe), John, marshal of the Admiralty, 438 (2 m. 20). (Roo), John, serjeant at law, g. 3049 (20). Rowedham. See Roudham. Roweleston. See Rolleston. Rowenden. See Rolvenden. Rowes,-, of Devon, g. 11 (10). Rowesham. See Rousham. Rowghside, Nthld., 1803 (1 m. 1). Rowland (Roweland), Andrew, 438 (3 m. 23). .. (Roweland), Herbert, 438 (1 m. 19). (Rowlond), John, g. 485 (40). Thomas, abbot of Abingdon, p. 1533:-g. 1083 (40), 1123 (1, 18, 23). (Rouland), Th., last prior of Luffield, g. 1316 (15). (Roolande), Wm., 438 (2 m. 30). Rowlegh (Roweleigh, Rowelee), Wm., 438 (2 m. 6). Rowley (Roweley), Staff., 438 (3 m. 8), 438 (4 m. 2), 1803 (1 m. 6):—g. 94 (35). Rowley (Roweley, Rowle, Rawe, Rouley), John, 438 (2 mm. 15, 24), 1495 iii., 2831, 2968 :— pp. 1512-13, 1515. Rowlyns. See Rawlins. Rowmeney. See Romany. Rownall, James, of the Toils, 20 (p. 16). Rowndangre. See Rowanger. Rownedon. See Rolvenden. Rowodaunce, Wilts. See Rowdon. Rowse, co. Pembroke. See Rose. Rowse (Rouse), John or John Andrew Rowse, 438 (1 m. 16). (Rows, Rous), Thomas, 438 (3 m. 14), 438 (4 m. 15), 2480 (44):—g. 857 (8). (Rouse, Rous), Wm., 438 (4 m. 8), 1496 iii. 'Rowse-cont. (Rous, Rows), Sir Wm., knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.), 3348 (3). Rowseley, Eliz., p. 1505. Rowslenche. See Lench. Rowte, Henry, chaplain, g. 1602 (5, 33). Rowth. See Routh. Rowthale, Th. See Ruthal. Rowton, Chesh., g. 2684 (45). Roxas. See Rojas. Roxby (Rokesby, Rousby, Rukesby, Rouceby, Ruxby), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 8). Roy, John, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 12):—g. 257 (20), 1044 (11). Petie, groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 3567. Wm., 1059 :-g. 1083 (29). Royall. See Ryall. Roydon, Suff. See Raydon. Roydon, John, serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42):-g. 2484 (3). Th., 2912. Roygo. See Rovigo. Roys, John. See Rigby. Royse, John, bailiff of Chichester, 438 (2 m. 34). Royse, Lord. See Roeulx. Royston, Herts, 1798. priory, 438 (3 m. 13). confirmation for, g. 709 (12). m. 13). Robert prior of, 438 (3 Royt or Royte, Wm., 20 (p. 13), 510. Rozendaal (Rosendale, Rusondale), in Holland, 2451, 2478 (2), 3085. Ruan (Achramuliat), co. Clare, p. 1523. Rubbertet. See Robertet. Rubeis, P. de. See Rossi. Rubertet. See Robertet. Rubston. See Ribston. Ruckholt (Rukholde), Essex [in Low Leyton], g. 1662 (58). Rudberd, co. Pembroke, 543. Rudd, Rudde or Rude, Eliz., 438 (1 m. 3). Rudde, John, 438 (1 m. 3), 1803 (2 m. 1). Ruddall. See Rudhale. Ruddestrope. See Rothersthorpe. Rude. See Rudd. Rudehall or Rudell. See Rudhale. Rudfos. See Ruthfos. Rudge (Ruggebisshop), Devon [in Crediton], g. 969 (60). Rudge (Ruge), Staff., 438 (2 m. 9). Rudge (Ruge), Joan, daughter of Richard, 438 (2 m. 9). (Rugge), Michael, g. 257 (93). GENERAL INDEX. 381 Rudge-cont. (Rugge), Th., g. 381 (37). Rudham (Wrotham), East and West, Norf., g. 357 (31). Rudhale, John, g. 2222 (12). Ric., 1803 (1 m. 5). (Rudell, Rudham, Ruddall, Rudehall), Wm., the Queen's attorney, 82 (p. 43), 142 :—pp. 1537-8, 1543, 1546:—g. 414 (48). Rudley (Rudlowe), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 18). Rudnall, Worc. See Wribbenhall. Rudstone, Yorks, p. 1547. See also Constable, W., of Rudston. Rudstone, John, 438 (4 m. 22). Wm., g. 132 (32). Rudyng, Humphrey, letter from, 2102. John, 2480 (50). Rue or St. Esprit de Rue (Rewe), in Picardy, 1265, 1601. Ruecastle (Rowcastell), in Scotland, 2443. Ruerdean (Ruarden), Glouc., 1803 (2 m. 5). Ruevet. See Knyvett. Rufford, Lanc., 438 (4 m. 19). Rufford, Notts, 438 (1 m. 22). abbot of. See Balke, R. Rufford, Th., 438 (1 m. 18). Walter, g. 289 (9). Rugby (Rokeby, Rukby), Warw., 1803 (1 m. 6), 1803 (2 m. 4). Rugedragone. See Rougedragon. Rugeley (Rugley), Staff., 1803 (2 m. 4). Rugge. See Rudge. Ruggewey. See Ridgeway. Ruggebisshop. See Rudge. Rugeshale. See Rushall Ruislip (Rysly, Ryslyp, Ryslepe), Midd., 438 (3 m. 9), 1803 (1 m. 5):—g. 546 (30). Rukden, Hunts, 438 (4 m. 3). Rukeby. See Rokeby. Rukesby. See Roxby. Rukholde. See Ruckholt. Rukwode. See Rookwood. Rumford. See Romford. Rumney. See Romney. Rumpney. See Romney. Rumsey. See Romsey. Rundall. See Roundell. Runduyn. See Rindown. Runsery, Eliz., g. 2617 (36). Runwell, Essex, 438 (2 m. 28). Runyon (Ryneon, Rynon), Ric. alias Rob., 438 (1 m. 13). Rupelmonde (Ripylmonde, Replu- monde), in Brabant, 1241. letter dated at, 1242. Ruple. See Ripley. Ruremond, in Gueldres, 884. Ruscolyn. See Rhoscolyn. Rush, Anne, 1803 (2 m. 4). . (Rosse, Rousse, Rossh, Bosse), John, 438 (2 m. 26). Russe, (Rasshe, Russhe), Th., ser- jeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 1803 (2 m. 4), 2480 (11), 3348 (3). (Russhe), Th., tailor, 438 (4 m. 15). Rushall (Rugsshale), Staff., 438 (1 m. 2). Rushbury, Salop, g. 2684 (1). Rushden (Russheton), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 8). Rushe. See Rush. Rushe, in Ireland, App. 16. Rushmore (Bussheme) Dors., g. 94 (35). hundred, Rushock (Russhok), Worc., g. 1804 (25). Rushton, Ntht., 438 (4 m. 1). Rushton (Rishton), John, g. 1494 (53). (Ryssheton, Riston), Rob., yeoman of the Robes, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42) :—g. 54 (28, 32, 83), 257 (3), 857 (20), 1494 (53). Ruskington (Riskyngton), Linc., g. 158 (14), 604 (30), 682 (13), 2684 (2). Rusondale. See Rosendael. Russell, John, 20 (p. 12), 2049. John, chaplain, 438 (2 m. 30). Ric., 438 (2 m. 23):—pp. 1515, 1548. Rob., g. 1804 (15). Th., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383). (Rossell), Wm., 438 (2 m. 34), 438 (4 m. 24). Russham, Wm., 2333. Russheton. See Rushden. Russia and Russians, 2267. Great Duke of, 3080. Rüssler (Ryscher), Frederic, 2995. Rust, Ric., g. 3049 (34). Ruston (Roston), Norf., 438 (3 m. 2). Ruthal (Rowthale), Ric., g. 969 (1). (Routhall, Rowthale, Rowt- hall), Thomas, bp. of Durham, King's secretary, 1, 19, 20 (p. 12), 70, 82, 100, 118, 153, 157, 165 (?), 168, 170, 187, 205, 214, 290–1, 325, 342, 354, 406, 438 (1 m. 25), 442, 461, 463 ii., 468, 476, 478, 745-6, 843 (2), 880, 917, 926, 933, 936, 949, 960, 963, 1046, 1217, 1223, 1239, 1389, 1414, 1417 382 GENERAL INDEX. Rutland-cont. Ruthal, Thomas, bp. of Durham- cont. ("Durant "), 1446, 1775, 1970, 2053 (2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2270, 2276, 2457-8, 2468, 2480 (32), 2718, 2724, 2913, 2929, 3007, 3018, 3062, 3095, 3101, 3141, 3146, 3210, 3223, 3268, 3294, 3298, 3348 (3), 3354, 3464, 3549 (2):-p. 1541:-App. 5-g. 132 (11), 682 (11), 784 (16, 36), 804 (8), 969 (1), 1083 (41), 1316 (11, 41), 1365 (16, 19), 1804 (3), 2330 (5), 3049 (11, 20), 3324 (33). letters from, 291, 1147, 1323, 2111, 2279, 2279, 2283-4, 2394, 2423. letters to, 163, 165 (?), 170, 187, 1342, 1380, 1402, 1650, 2077, 2381-2, 2387, 2390, 2406, 2513, 2641:- p. 1530. tion, 70. bull for his confirma- commissions to, 461, 468 :—g. 485 (51). handwriting of, 325, 354-5, 1315, 1492, 1659, 1661 (7), 1690, 1722-4, 1834, 2207, 2378. restitution of tem- poralities to, g. 132 (10). • signature of, 19, 70, 118, 168, 214, 313, 555, 596, 716, 845, 1247 :-p. 1520: g. 94 (44), 158 (90), 190 (25, 34-5, 41), 218 (4, 33, 55), 257 (4, 5, 12, 37, 62), 414 (48, 52), 448 (4), 519 (51n.), 604 (18, 25), 651 (7), 731 (20), 749 (16, 24), 784 (15, 56), 804 (49), 1003 (15, 17), 1123 (45), 1221 (60), 2684 (64), 2862 (8). Ruthfos (Rudfos, Rutherfos, Roder- fos), Michael, 438 (4 m. 16). Ruthin alias Differencloid, co. Den- • bigh, 438 (3 m. 10):—g. 54 (21), 132 (67), 414 (48), 784 (34). constable, forester, &c., g. 54 (21), 519 (51). college, warden presented, g. 833 (57). Ruthven, Wm. lord, 2862 (8). 2461 :-g. Rutile, Edmund, p. 1530. See But- ler, E. Rutland, 205 (p. 106), 1409 (2), 3377:-g. 132 (26), 381 (74), 632 (26), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1494 (9, 55), 1804 (28 ii.), 2222 (16), 2330 (3), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). forest of. See Leighfield. Rutland, Clemence, g. 2772 (57). Nic., g. 2772 (57). Wm., 438 (4 m. 20). Rutt (Rutte), John, ship master, 1661 (1, 3, 4). Ruttelyn. See Rothelin. Rutter, John, 2832 v., vi. Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Ruvere. See Rovere. Ruxby. See Roxby. Ruyaux (Reax), Etienne de, French prisoner, 2193, 2391 (p. 1061), 2396-p. 928. Ruynon, Joan widow of Nic., 438 (3 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 11). Ruysbank. See under Calais. Rwigo. See Rovigo. Ryall (Royall), Worc., 1803 (1 m. 4). Ryber. See Theryber. Ryburgh (Riburgh) Magna, Norf., 3049 (34). g. Rycote (Ricote), Oxon, 438 (3 m. 2). Rycote (Ricote) Parva, Oxon [in Haseley], g. 3582 (10). Rycroft (Ricroft), John, serjeant of the Larder, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39), 2540, 2677, 2798, 2833, 2882, 2948, 3048:-pp. 1505– 6:—g. 449 (14), 1804 (22), 2772 (41). Rydal (Rydell), Westmld., 438 (4 m. 26). Rydall, Yorks. See Rye Dale. Ryddesdale. See Reedsdale. Ryder. See Rither. Rydford, Robert, 3313 (6). Rydler, Anthony, 1184. Rydnale. See Redenhale. Rydon (Ridon), Robert, clerk of the Council, 438 (4 m. 7), 2053 (2):—g. 132 (43), 1462 (26). Rydyng, Humphrey, 2392. Rye, Suss., 438 (1 m. 4), 438 (4 m. 21), 1150, 1982 (4), 2305 iii., 3319:―g. 1172 (19), 1804 (46), 2862 (7). > bailiff, 438 (1 m. 5):—g. 94 (40). Ryedale (Rydale), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 18):-g. 3499 (78). Ryelande, in Scotland, p. 1260. Ryen, John, gardener, 20 (p. 16). Rygynall, -, ship captain, 1661 (1, 3). Ryle. See Riley. Rylnasythy. See Killashee. Rylwynyn. See Kilwinning. Rylyngton. See Ridlington. Ryme (inward and outward), Dors., g. 587 (19), 751 (5). Rymesey. See Romsey. Ryneon or Rynon. See Runyon. GENERAL INDEX. 383 Ryng, Hermann, an Easterling, 309, 1440. (Ringe), John, King's skin- ner, 82 (p. 43):—p. 1517. Nic., gunner, 2883 :—g. 1003 (2), 2964 (29). Wm., p. 1549. Ryngeston, Suff., g. 1316 (20), 2055 (95 i., iii.). Ryngewyke, Suss., 559. Rynghous or Rynghouses. See Dring Houses. Ryngold, Th., Papal courier, 424. Rype, Suss., g. 709 (2). Ryppes or Ryppys See Repps. Ryppyng, Linc., 1803 (1 m. 3). Rypton. See Repton. Ryschach. See Reischach. Ryscher. See Rüssler. Ryse. See Rice. Ryse, Yorks. See Rise. Ryshebouroghe, M., French prisoner, p. 928. Ryslepe. See Ruislip. Rysly. See Ruislip. Ryso, John, 438 (3 m. 28). Ryssheton. See Rushton. Rytlyng, Hans, captain of Germans, 2657. Ryton, Salop, g. 2535 (10). Ryton, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 17). Ryton, Henry, alias Bramley, abbot of Rewley, 438 (2 m. 23). Wm., 20 (p. 16). Ryveley, Ralph, g. 2330 (1), 2422 (18). S Sa.. Garcia de, servant of the King of Navarre, 1495 ii. starton, 559. Saballo. See Saul. Sabay, from whom the Portuguese captured Goa, 1974 (p. 895). Sabello, Constantine, 83. Silvio, 83. Troilus, 1277 (p. 586). Sabinen', Julianus [J. de Ruvere, card. of Sabina 1479-83], 633. Sabisford. See Sawbridgeworth. Sabrigford or Sabrisford. See Saw- bridgeworth. Sabur, Yorks. See Sedbergh. Sabyn (Sabain), Ric., 2054. Sabyen, or Sabyan, Wm., ship captain, 1413 bis, 1453 ii., v., 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1705, 1772, Sabyn, Sabyen or Sabyan, Wm.- cont. 1786, 1828, 1844, 1851, 1883, 1936, 2304 (3), 2652, 2842 ii., 2938, 3000–1, 3000-1, 3137 (16), 3513. letter from, 1828. signature of, 1705. Sacheverell, Grace, 438 (3 m. 7). Henry or Sir Henry, 81, 438 (4 m. 27), 2392 :-p. 1535 :- App. 26:-g. 632 (26), 1948 (40). Ralph, p. 1539. (Sawcheverell, Saucheverell), Ric., 438 (3 m. 3):—g. 651 (7), 969 (23). (Saucheverelle, Secheverell, Sauncheverell), Ric., or Sir Ric., treasurer of the Van- guard, knighted at Tournay, 2052, 2301, 2392, 2481, 2540, 2542 (3), 2543, 3091 (p. 1323): pp. 1534, 1539, 1542:-App. 26:-g. 1804 (30), 2684 (90). Th., g. 651 (7). Sackville or Sakvyle (Sakfeld, Sake- feld), Edward, 438 (2 m. 30). (Sakfeld, Sakyfeld), John, 438 (2 m. 30):—p. 1537. (Sakefeld, Sakevyle), Ric., p. 1545-g. 1083 (39), 1494 (9), 2222 (16 Suss.). (Sakfeld), Rob., 1463 vi. Sacramor, Sieur. See Visconti. Sadaguil. See Saddell. Sadberge wapentake, Dham., 438 (3 m. 30). Sadbery and Over Sadbery, Yorks. See Sedbergh. Saddell (Sagadul, Sadaguil) monas- tery, in Scotland, 1151-2. Saddlers, 438 (3 mm. 25, 28), 1803 (m. 4). Sadolet, James, Papal secretary, signature of, 2517, 2636, 2761, 2916, 2986, 3083, 3092, 3125, 3158, 3255, 3300, 3475. Safe conducts, g. 448 (1), 833 (65), 1415 (10), 1462 (16, 17), 1662 (53), 2484 (10), 2535 (28), 2617 (5, 13). See also Licences, to trade. Saffee (Sophie), in Morocco, g. 731 (18). Safford. See Stafford. Sagadul. See Saddell. Sage, Cecilia, sister of Robert, 438 Saham (2 m. 9). Isabel, daughter of Robert, 438 (2 m. 9). John, 1262. (Sahamtony, Sametony), Norf., 438 (2 mm. 7, 31 bis), 384 GENERAL INDEX. Saham-cont. 438 (4 m. 5), 3137 (16), 3313 (6):—g. 1836 (4), 2861 (16), 2964 (63). Sains, Jean de, Sieur de Marigny, q.v. St. Alban's (Sante Albons), Herts, 438 (1 mm. 11, 22, 25), 438 (2 mm. 15, 24), 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 10):—p. 1512 : g. 11 (10), 2684 (41). abbey, 438 (2 m. 19), 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 mm. 2, 6), 1176 (3), 3023:-g. 94 (35), 132 (3). abbot of, 20 (pp. 15, 21), 205, 308, 963, 1661 (4), 3464:-g. 2222 (16 Herts). confirmation of char- ters, g. 132 (3), 546 (9). St. Alban's, archd. of, 438 (4 m. 2). St. Allen (St. Aluin), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 11). St. Amand, Sir Richard Beauchamp lord (†1508), g. 924 (20). St. Ambrose. See under Milan. St. Anastasius, Cardinal. Nantes, bp. of. St. Austell, Cornw., 438 (4 mm. 4, 16). S. Balbino, Jeronimus de [J. Bassus de Ruvere card. 1477-79], 633. St. Barbe, John, 438 (4 m. 10). (Sayntbarbe), Ric., 438 (4 m. 10). St. Bartholomew in Soca (St. B. near Bridam), near Hyde, Hants, 438 (3 m. 2). St. Bartholomew's beside Smith- field. See under London. St. Benet's abbey. See Hulme. St. Bertin's abbey. See under St. Omer. St. Breock (St. Broagus), Cornw., rector of, p. 1524. St. Briavel (Brevells), Glouc., g. 632 (74), 651 (23), 1316 (47). Brieuc (Briake), in Britanny, 1936. St. St. Burian (St. Veryan, St. Beriane, St. Boryan), Cornw., See St. St. Andrew, money of (i.e. of the Bourg St. André beside Avig- non), 3344. St. Andrew's, in Scotland, 1731. letter dated at, 549. castle, 3468, 3481. priory, John Hepburn prior of, 212, 1294, 2461, 3468, 3481. St. Mary de Rupe, pp. 1522– 3, 1526. St. Andrew's, abp. of. See Stewart, Cibo, Innocent; Alex. ; Forman, A. St. Andrew's, abpric. and diocese of, 92, 105, 212, 656, 2355, 2373, 2420, 2443, 2633, 2802, 3051, 3119, 3122, 3407, 3468, 3532 :—pp. 1521-6, 1529, 1532. St. Andrew's, Gavin Dunbar arch- deacon of, master of the Rolls in Scotland, 124, 212, 657-8, 1287, 1294, 1380, 2461. his son, 1380. St. Andrew's Farm. See Anger's Farm. St. Asaph, archd. of. See Conway, P. See bp. of, 2391 (p. 1060). Owen, D.; Birkhead, E. St. Aubyn (Seyntabyn), Peter, g. 833 (58 iii). (Sentabyn), Thomas, letter to, 514. St. Augustine, constitutions of the Order of, 207. (2 m. 34), 438 (4 m. 8). 438 college, dean, 438 (3 m. 15). Cecilia, cardinal of. See Pavia, cardinal of. S. Cecilia, Johannes de [J. Bapt. Cybo card. 1474–84], 633. St. Cher, in France, 758n. St. Chrysogon, Card. See Corneto. St. Clair. See Sinclair. St. Clement, cardinal of. St. Argentino. See Clere (Seyntclere), John, p. 1536-g. 1494 (9), 2484 (9). St. Columb (Seynt Colombe le Over, St. Columba Major), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 34), 438 (4 m. 9) :— g. 2964 (64). rector of, 438 (4 m. 12). St. Columba, captain of, in the French service, 1071 (p. 518). St. Columb Yone. See Iona. St. Constantine's. See Constantine's. St. Cross, Hants,.1976. St. Cross (Santa Croce), Bernard Carvajal (Carvael) cardinal of, bp. of Sabina, 625, 667, 785, 932-3, 964, 1224, 1740, 1902, 1916, 1919, 2029-32, 2123, 2127, 2258, 3236. letter from, 733. signature of, 625, 732. St. Cuthbert's banner, at Flodden, 2283. > St. David's, bp. of. See Vaughan, E. . ., bpric. of, g. 132 (12), 158 (13). St. Denis, in France, 2647, 2681 ii., 3411 (p. 1433), 3424, 3430. letter dated at, 3416. St. Denis (Dyonisius), Mons. de, 1359. GENERAL INDEX. 385 St. Donat's (Saynt Donet), in Wales, 438 (3 m. 25). St. Edmund Hassell. See Athassel. St. Elvan (St. Elvyn), Cornw., g. 1415 (26). St. Espert de Ruee. See Rue. St. Ethe, Cornw. See St. Teath. St. Etienne (Santy Stevan, St. Stephen's), count of, 1326 (p. 615), 1327. St. Euphemia, near Brescia, 1071. St. Eusebius, cardinal of [Peter de Accoltis, bp. of Ancona, audi- tor of the Rota], 1347–9, 1621 ii. p. 1532. 1621 ii. : letters to, 1347, 1349, St. Francis, a brother of the third rule of the Order of, 438 (1 m. 6). St. Gall, in Switzerland, 1051. St. Genois, Nicholas de, of Tournay, 3004, 3025., letter from, 3004 (?). St. George, co. Denbigh. See Kegi- dock. St. George, Raphael Riario cardinal of, Papal chamberlain, bp. of Porto and of Ostia (1511), Apostolic prothonotary, 283, 286, 423-4, 426, 479, 637, 843 (?), 880, 1076–8 (?), 1230, 1621, 1670, 1676-7, 1735, 2029, 2631, 2989, 3016, 3063. letters from, 426, 1230, 1753, 3509-10. 1621. letters to, 1076-8 (?), St. George, Feast of, at Windsor, 497. St. George, Mons., 2383. St. Germain en Laye, in France, 3146, 3152, 3486, 3531, 3569. letters dated at, 2934, 3066, 3098-3100, 3124, 3134, 3217. grant dated, g. 3226 (21n.). St. German (Seyntgerman), Chr., g. 381 (16). St. Germano, in Savoy, 2072. St. German's, Cornw., 438 (2 m. 14). St. Giles, Devon, Wynscote, 438 (2 m. 5). St. Girens. See Gerrans. St. Goron's. See Gorran. St. Gothard pass, in the Alps, 1307. St. Hourance. See St. Orance. St. Iltuti de Neth. See Llantwit. St. Ives (Seynt Ies), Cornw., 438 (4 mm. 10, 11), 1803 (2 m. 4) : -g. 1602 (8). St. Ives, Hunts, 438 (1 m. 25). fair at, g. 784 (36). St. Jago, Stephen de, 1463 vi. St. James de Aurigie. See Tan- dridge. Wt. 11494. St. James in Galicia, or of Compos- tella. See Santiago. St. Janston in Angoux. See Perth. St. Jean d'Angely, in France, 3344. St. Jean de Luz (Sant John de Luce), 1326 (p. 617). St. Jean Pied de Port (San John Pe del Pwerto), in Navarre, 1320, 1326 (p. 617), 1327, 1422, 1469, 1519 (p. 703), 1575, 2006 (p. 908). St. Jehan de Ver. See Perth. St. Jermayns, in Jersey, g. 2772 (6). S. Johanne et Paulo, Philibertus de [P. Hugonet card. 1477-84], 633. St. John, Cornw., rector presented, g. 632 (48). St. John, lord of, of Scotland. See Torphichen. St. John, Eliz. wife of Oliver, 438 (2 m. 34). Elizabeth, wife of Gerald earl of Kildare, q.v. Joan, d. and h. of Edward, 438 (4 m. 15). (Seynt John), Sir John, 43 ¦ (3 m. 6), 1661 (p. 752), 1446 : -pp. 1518, 1533:-g. 158 (24), 2222 (16 Beds). (Seynt John, Sen John), John, 438 (2 m. 34) :—g. 3226 (7). John, rector of Edingdon, 438 (3 m. 27). Maurice, 438 (3 m. 25). Oliver, 438 (2 m. 34). St. John of Jerusalem, Order of (of Rhodes). See Rhodes. priory of (at Clerkenwell), and the Order in England, 438 (2 m. 4), 438 (4 m. 15), 1720. 485 (49). (25). confirmation for, g. grant dated at, g. 190 prior of ("lord o St. John's "). See Docwra, T. • treasurer, 438 (2 mm. 6, 19), 1263, 1720. See also Sheffield, Sir T. priory in Scotland. Torphichen. St. John's, Cumb., 1803 (1 m. 6). St. John's in Bedwardyn. See under Clerkenwell. See See under Worcester. St. John's Hospital near London. St. John's Road [off the coast be- tween Calais and Boulogne], 2593, 2946, 2959 St. John's Town. See Perth. H 25 386 GENERAL INDEX. St. Julian's mansion, next St. Alban's, 438 (1 m. 22). St. Keverne (St. Keverayne, St. Kyveran), Cornw., 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (2 m. 15). St. Kew (St. Kue), Cornw., 438 (2 mm. 22, 26). St. Leger or Seyntleger (Selenger), Mr., 2912. Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas, 438 (2 m. 15). (Saintliger), Anthony, 3348 (3). Barth., 438 (3 m. 23), 1803 (1 m. 3). George or Sir George, 1803 (1 m. 3), 2053 (2, 6 ii., 7), 2414, 2723-App. 26:-g. 2055 (64), 2535 (5). signature of, g. 2055 (64), 2535 (5). (Salenger), Ralph, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 16), 1803 (1 m. 3):—p. 1539 :—g. 2055 (120), 3499 (55). St. Mark, Domenigo Grimani car- dinal of-cont. his secretary. Puteolanus. See St. Marther. See Merther. St. Martin, abbot of, in France, 2144. St. Martin, Anthoine de, 3004n. John de, envoy from Jeru- salem, 3586. St. St. Martin (Seyntmarten), Th., 20 (p. 15):—g. 54 (71). Martin des Champs priory, near Paris, g. 1836 (5). St. Martin's next Bergevenny. See Cwmyoy. St. Martin's haven, Isle of Re, 3383. St. Mary Cray, Kent, 438 (1 m. 22). St. Mary de Claro Fonte. See Macosquin. Mary de Lege Dei. St. See Abbey- leix. St. Mary de Magio. See Monas- teranenagh. St. St. Leonard's by Exeter, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Mary in Porticu, cardinal of. See Bibiena. St. Mary of Guadalupe priory, in St. Leonard's, Suss., g. 857 (7), 1044 (6). Toledo diocese, 2944. St. Mary Otter, Camb. See Over. St. Low (Sayntlo, Seyntlo), Eleanor widow of Nicholas, 438 (4 m. 21). (Seyntloo), Isabella widow of Sir John, 438 (3 m. 10). (Saintlowe), Nic., g. 218 (27). St. Mabyn, Cornw., 2537. St. Mahe, in Britanny, 3349 (p. 1411). St. Malo, in Brittanny, 1694, 1771, 2791, 3349, 3383. St. Malo, Wm. Briçonnet bp. of, cardinal, 932, 2791. S. Marcello, Johannes de [J. de Michaelis ? card. 1484-91], 633. St. Marcellus, cardinal of. See Amboise, Louis d'. St. Margaret's Hall, Kent, g. 1836 (27). S. Maria Transtiberim, Stephanus [S. Nardini, card. 1476–84], 633. St. Mark, Domenigo Grimani car- dinal of, protector of Scot- land in the Roman Court, bp. of Porto, 92, 106, 376, 422, 431, 503, 548, 588, 656, 1433n., 1535-8, 1621 ii., 1757, 3063. • letters from, 3514-5. letters to, 93 (?), 282, 295, 300, 503, 548, 599, 655, 701, 1084, 1111, 1137, 1152, 1535-8, 1621 ii., 1708, 3121–3, 3391 St. Mary Overy. See under South- wark. St. Mary's, Hoo, Kent, rector pre- sented, g. 731 (25). Mary's Isle priory, in Scotland [beside Kirkcudbright], 1084. John prior of, 1084. St. St. Mary de Voto. See Tintern. Mathieu, in Brittanny, 1771, 1825. St. letter dated at, 1786. St. Maugan. See Mawgan. St. Mellion (St. Melan), Cornw., g. 2861 (37). St. Menehould, in France, 3344. Michael (Michellis Bourgh), Soms., g. 804 (52). St. St. St. Michael Archangels, college of. See under London. Minver (Menefrede), Cornw., vicar of, 438 (1 m. 11). St. Morwen. See Morwinstow. St. Neots (Ernulfiberia), Hunts, 438 (3 m. 6), 1803 (2 m. 5). priory of, 438 (4 m. 10). John prior of, 438 St. (4 m. 10). Nicholas by Guildford, Surr., 438 (3 m. 28). S. Nicholao inter Imagines, Petrus de [P. Foscari, card. 1477- 85], 633. St. Nicholas Island, at Plymouth, 1883. St. Nicholas, Roger, 438 (4 m. 29). St. Ninian's. See Whithorn, GENERAL INDEX. 387 St. Olave's priory. See Herring- fleet. St. Omer (St. Thomas, St. Othmer, Sent Thomars, Seint Umbris, Sent Homer, St. Umbres, Sent Umbers), in Flemish Ar- tois, 1237, 1383, 1601, 1865, 2063, 2089, 2092, 2147, 2171, 2173 (2), 2179, 2209, 2223, 2227, 2249, 2391 (p. 1059), 2392, 2413, 2478 (2), 2483, 2534, 2542, 2833, 2854, 2970, 2995, 3017 (2), 3091, 3240. letters dated at, 2061, 2125, • 2201-2, 2210, 2875. St. Bertin's abbey, 2201, 2818. [Ant. de Berghes], abbot of, 2223, 2457, 2516, 2724, 2818, 3115. letter from, 3115. Saintonge, in France, 3344. St. Sebastian (St. Sevastian's), in Spain, 1326 (p. 616), 1459, 1509, 1511 (p. 699), 1519, 1650, 1665 (p. 763), 1689, 1751. letters dated at, 1326, 1422, 1441 ii. St. Severin (San Severino), Christo- fero Galeazzo of, knighted by James IV, 29. Frederic de, cardinal, pro- tector of France at Rome, 625, 667, 732, 965, 1127 (p. 539), 1224, 1628, 1902, 2029- 32, 2041, 2087, 2123, 2127, 2258, 2276, 2926, 2969, 2981, 3051, 3081, 3160, 3236. signature of, 625, 732. Galeazzo de, grand escuyer of France, 2237, 2392 iii., 3292, 3348, 3364, 3387. his standard bearer. See Spinelli, F. Lord Robert of, 2392 iii. letter to, 1050, 2724. St. Orance (Sainthourance), Ant. de, French prisoner, 2172-p. 928. St. Severina, abp. of [Jo. Matt. St. Osith's or Chich, Essex, 438 (4 m. 2). St. abbey, 438 (1 m. 17), 438 Sertori], 1277 (pp. 585-6). Stephens, Earl of. See St. Etienne. (2 m. 32). St. abbot. See Vintner, J. • 3408 (30). confirmation for, g. St. Oswald's priory. See Nostell. St. Owen (Seynton), in Jersey, 438 (4 m. 13). St. Paul, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 8). St. Peter ad Vincula, cardinal of, [Leonardo della Rovere Grosso], 421. St. Peter's. See under Calais. St. Peter's, in Asia Minor, 1604. St. Pol (Sempol), Charles de, 2445. Comte de, 3348, 3424. St. Pol de Leon (Seint Poul de Lion), in Britanny, 1917. bp. of, 3407n., 3449 (St. Paul's). St. Poll (Seyntpole, Seyntpolle), John, p. 1540:-g. 924 (13), 2222 (16 Linc.). S. Praxede, Johannes de [J. Arcim- boldus, card., 1476–88], 633. St. Prideaux (Prodeous), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 25). St. Py (Sainctpy), Seigneur de, 3113. St. Quatuor, cardinal of. Pucci, L. See St. Quentin, in France, 1594, 1925, 2307, 2389, 2681, 2169, 3028. St. Quentin (Seyntquyntyn), John, 438 (3 m. 4). St. Radegund. See under Dover, Teath (St. Ethe, St. Teche), Cornw., g. 519 (21). college, p. 1524. St. Thomas. See St. Omer. St. Triduana chapel, near Restalrig, in Scotland, 1136. St. Umbres. See St. Omer. St. Veryan. See St. Burian. St. Vitalis, Cardinal. See Monte, A. M. da. St. Walric. See under Wallingford. St. Wilfred, banner bearer before, g. 3499 (61). Sakefeld or Sakfeld. Sakson. See Saxony. See Sackville. Sakvyle. See Sackville. Salamarian. See Slamanan. Salans (Sallans), Jean Bontemps, Sieur de, treasurer of Bur- gundy, 2370, 3018 (p. 1302), 3150. Salarola, in Italy, near Faenza, 9 (p. 7). Salay, John, p. 1526. Salazar, Tristan de, abp. of Sens, q.v. Salcey (Salbecy, Sawcey) Forest, Ntht., 438 (3 m. 24):—g. 158 (49). Salcey Lodge, Ntht., g. 158 (49). Salden, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 32). Sale, alias Salla, in Italy, 1277 (p. 586). Sale (Sawle, Saulle), Peter, 438 (3 m. 11). Saleinas. See Salinas. Salenger, See St. Leger, 388 GENERAL INDEX. Salesbury. See Salisbury. Salford, serjeant of the Poultry, 707 (p. 383). Wm., 438 (3 mm. 32, 34). Wm., clerk of the Signet, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42). Salinas (Salyns, Saleinas), Doña Maria de, servant to the Queen, 20 (pp. 11, 15), 82, 3524. Salisbury (Salysbury), Wilts, 438 (1 mm. 3, 12, 13, 22, 25), 438 (2 mm. 5, 6, 26, 29, 33), 438 (3 mm. 5, 6, 12, 15, 24, 28 ter, 31), 438 (4 mm. 1 bis, 10, 12), 1176 (3), 1661 (p. 752), 1803 (2 m. 4), 1875-p. 1518:— g. 218 (12), 604 (24), 969 (9), 1221 (38), 1602 (16), 2684 (97), 2772 (21). Bishop's Mills, 1663. Cathedral, 438 (1 mm. 3, 11), 438 (4 mm. 21-2), 2395, 3142:—p. 1526. dean of, p. 1531. treasurer of, 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (3 m. 14). Gaol. See Fisherton An- ger. Old Sarum castle, g. 3582 (29). St. Edmund's College, pro- vost of, 438 (3 m. 3). Salisbury, archd. of, 438 (3 m. 28). bp. of, 438 (1 m. 7). Audeley, E. See bpric. of, confirmation for, g. 519 (38). CC Salisbury, earldom of, Salisbury's lands," 1418:-g. 158 (62), 257 (50), 381 (74–5), 485 (58), 857 (2), 1123 (26), 1804 (6), 2055 (66). See also Warwick and Salisbury. CC Salisbury, Alice countess of († 1462), mother of the King Maker," g. 2422 (11). countess of. See Pole, M. Richard earl of. See Warwick and Salisbury. Salisbury or Salesbury,, Ì176 iii. Mr., King's chaplain, 20 (p. 15). > Henry, g. 132 (108). Humph., 82 (p. 42). John, sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 12):—g. 132 (75), 2055 (83). (Salusbury), Roger, g. 54 (58), 414 (48), 485 (6), 546 (73), 1172 (4), 1602 (29). Sir Th., g. 54 (58), 132 (75), 485 (31). Salkeld (Saulkyll), John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Salkeld-cont. • (Salked), Lancelot, 438 (4 m. 26). Margaret, 438 (4 m. 26). (Salkyll), Th., 707 (p. 383) :— g. 2484 (17). Sall, John, 78. - Salla, Mr., knight of Katherine of Aragon, 20 (p. 15). Sallake (Seylake), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Sallans. See Salans. Salley. See Sawley: Salley, Miles, bp. of Llandaff, and abbot of Ensham, 20 (pp. 15, 20), 205, 438 (1 m. 24), 963, 1402, 3464: p. 1542: -g. 2222 (16 Oxon.). Salman. See Selman. Salmon, J., Ysselstein's servant, 2835. (Samon), Th., 1803 (2 m. 3): -g. 2684 (27). Salo, in Italy, 1043. Salop, archdeacon of, 1803 (1 m. 2). Salop. See also Shrewsbury; and Shropshire. Salt, g. 1307 (12). Saltash (Salthashe, Essa), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 28), 2305 ii., 1801. confirmation of charters for, g. 414 (16). Salter, John, p. 1543. Ric., clk., precentor of Lich- field, etc., 1803 (1 m. 1):— g. 2055 (54). Th., 707 (p. 383), 2480 44-6, 66), 2824:-g. 485 (31), 709 (32), 924 (33), 2861 (34). Salters, 438 (1 mm. 5, 10), 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 29): g. 749 (3), 1415 (7), 3499 (45). Saltfleet [Kent], 2305 ii. Saltfleet, Linc., 2544. Saltfleet Haven (Saltfletehaven), Linc., 438 (1 m. 2):—g. 969 (54). guild of, g. 632 (43). Salthouse (Solhous), Norf., 438 (4 m. 2). Saltland, Surr., g. 709 (32). Saltmersh, John, g. 132 (32). Saltpetre, 1004 (2), 1380, 1508. See also Ordnance ; War pay ments. Saltwood, Kent, grants dated at, g. 885 (11, 12). Saluart. See Stewart. Salubria, bp. of. See Solubria. Salusbury. See Salisbury. Saluzzo (Salucio), in Italy, 2074. marquis of, 3544. Salvago (Salvage), Francesco, mer- chant of Genoa, 438 (2 m. 32). GENERAL INDEX. 389 Salvago-cont. (Salvage), Francis, son of Ambrose, g. 2055 (85). Salvaterra. See Sauvaterre. Salvayn (Salwayne), Sir Ralph, knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.). Salviati, Bart., merchant of Florence, p. 1509-g. 3226 (18). Giacomo, brother-in-law of Leo X., papal ambassador at Florence, 2069. Salwarp, Worc., 438 (4 m. 3):—g. 257 (86), 1462 (35), 1602 (32). Salwey, Th., g. 2863 (8). Salyns. See Šalinas. Salzburg (Salsburg), bishop of, 777. Sam, Th., abbot of Cerne († 3 Dec. 1509), g. 289 (47), 357 (28), 563 (5). Samaye. See Chimay. Sambourne (Samburne), Warw., 438 (1 m. 12). Sametony. See Saham Tony. Samford or Samforth. ford. See Sand- Samhersta, Hants, g. 2964 (67). Samon. See Salmon. Samora. See Zamora. Samper. See Semper. Sampford (Samford), Soms., 2537. Sampford Bret, Soms., 438 (1 m. 12). Sampford (Samford) Courteney, • Devon, g. 1083 (2). rector of, 438 (3 m. 15). Sampford (Samford) Magna, Essex, 438 (4 m. 19), 1803 (2 m. 6). Sampford (Samford) Parva, Essex, 438 (2 m. 29). Sampford (Samford) Peverill, Devon, 438 (2 m. 23). Sampford or Sampforde. ford. Sampforth. See Sandford. Sampier. See Semper. See Sand- Sampson (Samson), Edm., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). (Samson), John, 438 (3 m. 21), 2831:—p. 1512. Richard, priest, Wolsey's Chancellor of Tournay, 2765, 3231, 3247, 3329, 3378, 3493. letters from, 3071, 3246, 3283, 3285, 3287, 3296, 3299, 3418, 3439, 3445, 3450, 3545. letter to, 3546. (Saunsoun, Samson), Robert, clerk of the Council and Privy Seal, 20 (p. 18), 438 (3 m. 24). Simon, s. and h. of Thomas, g. 731 (26). Sir Thomas, 438 (4 m. 10) :– g. 1524 (22). Samson. See Sampson. Samwell (Samuell), Roger, 438 (1 m. 6). Sancerre, Comte de, 3348. Sanchar or Sancher. See Sanquhar. Sancheo of the wardrobe of Kathe- rine of Aragon, 20 (p. 15). Sanchio, ship master, 1661 (4). Sancti Cleri, Dominus. See Sinclair. Sancti Spiritus, prior, beside the port of St. Adrian, 1327 [St. Esprit by Bayonne ?]. Sancton (Saunton), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 25). Sandall (Sandehall), Yorks, 438 (3 mm. 5, 10, 30):—g. 94 (55, 68), 563 (10), 1494 (53), 1804 (6). Sandall Castle, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 26) : —g. 54 (32). Sandall, Kirk (Kirsandall), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 4). Sandall (Sendall), Wm., prior of New- ark in Sherwood, 438 (1 m. 1). Sandbeck (Sandbeke), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 12). Sanders. See Saunders. Sandes (Sondes), Alice, 438 (4 m. 2). (Saundes), George, g. 132 (78). John, g. 546 (74). (Sandys), Margery, wife of Wm., 438 (3 m. 31). (Sondes), Reynold, hench- man, 438 (4 m. 2), 1225. Sir Ric., 2480 (46). (Saundes), Ric., 20 (p. 14), 2574. (Sondes), Rob., 438 (4 m. 2): -g. 969 (23). Th., g. 132 (97). (Saundes, Sandis, Sandys, Sands), Sir Wm., of the Vine, knight for the Body, treasurer of the Guienne expedition, 20 (p. 13), 37, 438 (2 m. 21), 442, 559 (p. 327), 1176 (1, 2, 4), 1286, 1326 (p. 617), 1422, 1441, 1444, 1461, 1463 ix., 1484, 1495 i., iii., 1496 i., iv., 1511 (p. 699), 1596, 1869 v., vi., 2008, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.). 2480 (46), 2574, 2575 ii., 2838, 3348 (3), 3483: -P. 1506, 1513, 1517, 1537 :— App. 22:-g. 158 (77), 218 (26), 357 (9), 381 (32), 448 (6), 519 (22), 604 (42–3), 632 (26), 731 (52), 784 (30), 1170 (10), 1221 (6, 24), 1602 (38), 1662 (27), 1732 (24), 2055 (50), 2861 (33), 3049 (20). signature of, 1444. payments by, 1441. > his account, 1495. (Sondis, Sonddis), Wm., 438 (3 m. 31). 390 GENERAL INDEX. Sandford (Sanford, Sandfordhith), Oxon, 438 (2 m. 34). ferry, g. 3499 (44). Sandford (Sandforth, Sampforth). Edmund, p. 1546:-g. 1494 (9), 1662 (9), 2484 (9). (Samford), John, 1803 (2 m. 6):—g. 1662 (42–3), 3324 (9). (Sampforth, Sanford), Nic., 20 (p. 15), 2480 (60). (Sampford, Samford), Ran- dolph, 438 (3 m. 4). Ranulph, 1803 (2 m. 6). (Sandofort), Roger, rector of Stalbridge, p. 1521. Sand Hall (Sandehall) next Howden, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 22). Sandhurst (Sandherst), near Glou- cester, g. 2055 (14). Sandhurst (Sandeherst), Kent, 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (3 m. 9). Sandiacre, Derb., 438 (2 m. 12). Sandilands (Sandelandis), Walter, clk., a Scot, p. 1522. Sandon, Essex, 438 (1 m. 10). Sandon, Herts, 438 (2 m. 5). Sandrin, Andrew, of Dieppe, 2693. Sandringham (Saneryngham), Norf., 438 (4 m. 24). Sandwarth, Richard, 438 (4 m. 26). Sandwich, Kent, 187, 855, 874 (2), • 1413, 1493 vi., 1748, 1752, 1768, 1801, 1803 (1 m. 3), 1899, 1912, 1982, 2054 (2), 2179, 2185, 2274, 2305 ii., iii., 2478 (2), 2480 (1. 38, II.), 2491, 2546, 2575 ii., 2937, 2746, 3313 (6), 3513:-p. 1508:―g. 94 (34), 289 (34), 357 (8), 546 (24), 604 (2), 651 (30), 682 (5), 784 (46), 969 (22), 1172 (2, 19), 1221 (38), 1266 (25, 40), 1462 (7, 20), 1804 (28-30), 2055 (33), 2422 (4), 2862 (7), 2964 (82), 3049 (1), 3107 (4), 3499 (3). bailiff of, 438 (1 m. 23). customer of, g. 158 (7). St. Clement's, vicar pre- sented, g. 289 (2). Sandwich, Ralph de, g. 519 (42). Sandwyche, Ric., 2357. Sandy (Sondey), Beds., 438 (4 m. 21). Sandys. See Sandes. Saneryngham. See Sandringham. Sanford, Notts, 438 (2 m. 12). Sanford (surname). See Sandford. San Germano, in Savoy, 2029. Sanglier, Gilles, French prisoner, 2172, 2238:-p. 928. Sankey (Sanky), Ralph, 438 (2 m. 25). Sanley. See Stanley. San Praxeida, near Rome, 147. Sanpullucalayg. See Templecalley. Sanquhar (Sanchare, Sancher, Schan- car), John, Scottish notary, chancellor of Ross, 153, 255: -pp. 1524, 1527, 1529. (Sancquhar), Robert lord, 2461. San Rasmo, in Italy, 1013. Sansaux, Pierkyn, provost of the Archduke's ordnance, 2414. San Severino. See St. Severin. Sanson or Sansonis, Adam, p. 1521. Santa Maria de Irun (S. M. Uron), near Fontarabia, 1509, 1511 (p. 699). Santa Sabina [Fagio Santori], car- dinal of, his death, 408. Santa Sabina, provostry of, 417, 754. Santforth, John, g. 632 (5). Santiago di Compostella (St. James in Galicia), 1542-3, 3366, 3524 iii. Santy Stevan. See St. Etienne. Sanz, John, Spanish ship owner, 2304. San Zuanne, Mons. di. See Docwra, T. Saona. See Savona. Sapcote (Sapcott), Mrs., 20. Alice, 438 (4 m. 19). Mrs. Anne, 20 (p. 17). (Sapcotys), Edward, 438 (2 m. 13):-g. 632 (26). Sir John, 438 (4 m. 19). (Sapcottes), Ric., 438 (4 m. 19):—g. 519 (2). Sapford. See Sawbridgeworth. Sapiston (Sapton), Suff., 438 (3 m. 17). Sapley, Hunts. See Weybridge and Sapley. Sapperton (Saperton), Linc., g. 2684 (2). Saracens (Sarsyns), the, 191, 345 (p. 159), 724, 1974 (p. 895), 2907, 3586:-g. 632 (3), 1083 (19). See also Barbary. Saragossa or Zaragoza, in Spain, 477, 483. Saragossa, abp. of. See Aragon, A. de. Sarcus (Sargus), Sieur de, 2027, 2227. Sare, John, g. 2617 (7). Sargiant. See Sergiant. Sark (Serke), Isle of, 386:-g. 54 (71). Sarmatia (Sauromates), 1677. Sarna, a ship of, g. 1462 (9). Sarnesfield (Cerneffeld), Heref., 438 (3 m. 22). Sarran, François de. See Ferren. Sarrat (Sarat), Herts, 438 (3 m. 13). Sarrinalle, countess of. See Lastar- rinea. GENERAL INDEX. 391 3. Sarsyns. See Saracens. Sassari (olim Torres), abp. of. Sec Tivoli. Satalia, in Cilicia, 766. Adalia ? Saten, John, g. 218 (48). Saucheverell. See Sacheverell. Saul (Savalle, Saballo) priory, co. Down, pp. 1526–7. Sauli, Genoese bankers, 3261. Saulis, Bandinellus de, Apostolic prothonotary, bp. of Malta, cardinal (10 March 1511), 714. Saulkyll. See Salkeld. Saulle. See Sale. Saunder, Eliz. widow of John, 438 (3 m. 7). Henry, p. 1545:—g. 1948 (10), 2222 (16 Surr.), 2684 (99). Saunders (Sawnders), Edward, 438 (3 m. 5). • (Sandres, Saunders), Hum- phrey, 1803 (2 m. 3). John, clk., g. 2772 (30). (Saunderres), Rob., 438 (3 m. 5):—p. 1548. (Saundurs), Th., rector of Seaton, p. 1521. Wm., g. 2772 (58), 3226 (27). Saundes. See Sandes. Saundham, Wm., 3038. Saunsoun. See Sampson. Saunton. See Sancton. Sauntyne, John de, the King's deser maister," 533. Saureby. See Sowerby. Sauston. See Sawston. Sauvage. See Le Sauvage. Sauveterre (Salvaterra), in Bearn, 2006 (p. 907). Savage, Christina, d. and h. of Richard, 1803 (2 m. 2). Christopher, 438 (4 m. 20): -g. 2684 (84). Sir Edward, p. 1547: g. 804 (29 vi., xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1123 (37), 1365 (3). Edward, g. 546 (61), 1732 (43). Eliz., 438 (4 m. 4), 1803 (2 m. 1). Sir Humphrey, attainted, g. 632 (54), 1494 (40). Humphrey, g. 632 (54). James, 1803 (2 m. 1): p. 1542:—g. 709 (19), 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.), 969 (39). Sir John, sheriff of Worces- tershire, 20 (p. 14), 1176, 1493, 2053 (6 ii.), 3348, 3483-g. 604 (41), 969 (23), 1524 (47), 3049 (20), 3499 (12). John or Sir John, knighted at Tournay, 2301. Savage cont. (Savade), John, 438 (2 m. 14), 2130 (5), 2414:-g. 546 (61), 1524 (47). Peter, 438 (2 m. 28). Peter, rector of Whittington, g. 1221 (54). Ralph, 438 (1 m. 1). Ric., 438 (4 m. 4), 2392 : p. 1542:—g. 132 (26), 3049 (23). (Sayvage), Wm., 438 (3 m. 5): p. 1548. Savalle. See Saul. Savan, Peter, [English] merchant at Fontarabia, 1495 (3). Savell. See Savile. Savello, Silvio, 3270, 3341, 3396. Savernak Forest, Wilts, 3409: g. 94 (35). Savile (Savell, Savayll), Lady, 82 (pp. 38, 41). Henry, s. and h. of Sir John, g. 632 (9). (Savill), Sir John, 309: g. 54 (32), 1494 (53). (Savyll), John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40):—g. 3499 (33). Savona (Saona, Soana), in Italy, 113, 1277, 1594, 1831, 2154, 2770:-g. 2484 (10). Savorgnano, Hieronymo, 2784. SAVOY, DUCHY OF, 432 ii., 554, 568, 965 ii., 1566, 1988, 2029, 2056, 2132, 2328, 2577, 2791: —g. 3499 (65). Savoy, Charles duke of, 325, 691, 858, 1301 (p. 595), 1491, 1972, 1988, 2014, 2577, 2633, 3519, 3544, 3547. · letters to, 691, 1972. to marry a daughter of Ferdinand, late King of Naples, 325. his brother, Philip [afterwards duke of Nemours], App. 10. 11. See Savoy, Margaret of, widow of Duke Philibert (1497-1504). Margaret. Savoy, Philiberte of, sister of Duke Charles, to marry Julian de Medicis, 2038, 3547, 3581. Savoy, the Bastard of, sister of Mar- garet [i.e. Claudia, bastard sister of Duke Philibert], 446. Savoy, the. See under London. Saward, Th., purser, 3148, 3513. Sawbridge (Sawebrige, Sawebrigge), John, 438 (1 m. 11). Sawbridgeworth (Sabrichewortys, Sabricheworth, Sabrigford, Sapford), Herts, 438 (2 m. 7), 438 (4 mm. 2, 5, 18). 392 GENERAL INDEX. 3 Sawbridgeworth (Sabrisford, Sabis- ford), John, abbot of Walden, 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 8) :— g. 94 (46). Sawcy or De Sawsse, Th., 20 (p. 13), 84 (p. 42). Sawell, Wm., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 43). Sawle. See Sale. Sawles, Th., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Sawley (Salley), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 13). Sawnders. See Saunders. Sawsby. See Saxby. Sawsey. See Salcey. Sawsse, Th. de. See Sawcy. Sawston (Sauston), Camb., 1803 (2 m. 1). Sawtebemis, Hunts, 438 (4 m. 1). Sawtrey (Sawtre), Hunts, 438 (3 m. 23), 438 (4 m. 1). abbey, 438 (2 m. 25). R. abbot. See Walton, Sawyer, Stephen, 3343. Sawyers, 438 (3 m. 16), 438 (4 mm. 8, 25). Sawyse, Th., 438 (3 m. 2). Sax, Henry, 438 (2 m. 11). Saxby, Eliz., 438 (3 m. 29):— g. 3324 (8). John, g. 833 (2), 1494 (4), 1662 (47), 3226 (4). Th., 438 (3 m. 29). (Sawsby), Wm., 438 (3 m. 29). Saxelby (Baxulby), Leic., 438 (2 m. 27). Saxelby (Saxulby, Saxilby), Wm., 20 (p. 17), 1576. Saxeta, Reynerus de, 1277 (p. 586). Saxey, John, auditor, 20 (p. 19). Saxham Magna, Suff., 438 (4 m. 22). Saxham (Saxdam) Parva, Suff., 438 (1 m. 6). Saxlingham, Norf., g. 731 (11), 1804 (27), 2055 (95 iii.). Saxmundham, Suff., g. 682 (40). Saxony (Sax, Sakson), George duke [Albertinian] of, governor of Friesland, 1311, 2083, 2857, 3153, 3264, 3456, 3519–20 :· p. 1516. 3572. • 7 letter from, 3455. letters to, 811, 3365, his marshal or steward, 2633, 3153. his chancellor. Reischach, S. de. > See his lieutenant of West Friesland, 3456. treaty with, 729, 789: g. 804 (14). Saxony (Saxe), Frederic duke of, Elector, 2028, 2448. Saxthorpe, Norf., 1803 (1 m. 2). Saxton (Saxston), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 23):-g. 885 (7). Say, Lord. See Clinton and Say. Say, Hugh, 2781 ii. (Sey), Sir Wm., 1453, 1803 (1 m. 6), 1849:-p. 1538: g. 1524 (38), 2222 (16 Herts). letter to, 1849. • Wm., s. and h. of Thomas, 438 (4 m. 14). Saye, Edward Fiennes lord, g. 218 (30). Richard Fiennes lord (died 1501), g, 218 (30). Sayes, Agnes, p. 1516. Sayesbury manor, in Edmonton, Midd., g. 485 (5), 833 (43). Sayles, in Colton, Lanc., 1803 (2 m. 3). Saymer or Saymere. See Seymour. Sayntmaure. See Seymour, Sayntpolle. See St. Poll. Saysargh. See Sizergh. Sayvage. See Savage. Sazes, Baron de, of Switzerland, 1972, 2014. Sbarra, Francis, merchant of Lucca, g. 1462 (20), 1804 (38), 1836 (23). Scagglethorpe (Skagelthorpe), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 16). Scakeby. See Scawsby. Scalby, Yorks, 1803 (2 m. 2). Scaldwell (Scaldewell), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 7). Scales (Scalys), Lord, 438 (3 m. 1), 1905. Scalez, Edward, convert, 2587. Scalis Cliffs, near Calais, 2946. Scanceby, Th., Th., vicar of Broad Chalk, p. 1528. Scanderona or Scandaleon Bay, near Tyre, 191. Scarborough (Scardeburgh), Yorks, 205 (p. 106), 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (3 m. 30), 1262 (p. 578), 1803 (2 mm. 3, 6):-g. 833 (11), 1494 (2), 2222 (16). confirmation of charters, g. 709 (8). Scardevyle, Anne, 438 (1 m. 7). Peter, 438 (1 m. 12). Wm., 438 (1 mm. 7, 12):— p. 1545-g. 1083 (39). Scarella (Skerell, Scharella), Andrea, of Savona, owner of the Santa Maria de Loretto, 1072, 1594n., 1660, 1768, 1831:-g. 2484 (10). • petition of, 1831. Scargill or Skargill, Sir James, his son, 3264. 1493. GENERAL INDEX. 393 Scargill-cont. (Scargell, Scorgill), Sir Wm., 438 (3 m. 12), 1363-p. 1547:-g. 833 (34), 2222 (16 Yorks). Scarlet (Skarlett), John, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 43), 438 (3 m. 21), 2053 (7). (Skarlet), Th., abbot of Bee- leigh, 438 (3 m. 19). Wm., g. 2863 (11, 15). Scarrington (Scaryngton), Notts, 438 (2 m. 25). Scarthingwell (Skarthington), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 23). Scattergate (Sketergate), Westmld., g. 833 (41). Scawceby, Th., chaplain, 2480 (29). Scawsby (Scakeby), Yorks, g. 651 (25). Scawton (Skawton), Yorks, 1803 (2 m. 4). Sccabo. See Straboe. Scefild. See Sheffield. Sceliczon. See Seliczon. Schaa, Schae or Schawe. See Shaw. Schalde. See Scheldt. Scharant. See Sharon. Scharella. See Scarella. Schaubeke, Sieur de. See Le Sau- vage. Schawdon. See Shawdon. Scheldt (Schalde, Escault), the river of Tournay, 1311 iv., 2391 (p. 1061):—g. 2684 (109). Schelle (Skelle) by Rupelmonde, near Antwerp, 1241. Scheltenham. See Cheltenham. Scherer. See Shearer. Scherhotton. See Sheriffhutton. Scherley. See Shirley. Scherman, Roger, vicar of Ply- mouth, p. 1528. Schiedam (Skedam), in Holland, 2009. Schipwith, Wm., 438 (3 m. 8). Schire. See Shiere. Schrofenstein, C. von, bp. of Brixen, q.v. Schurborne. See Sherborne. Schursbury. See Shrewsbury. Schwartzwald (Swartyswald), in Ger- many, 1884 (p. 859). Scilly (Silla) islands, captain of, 438 (3 m. 25). Scio (Syoo) or Chios, in the Levant, 610, 1072, 1216, 1513, 1768, 3108-g. 1462 (9). consul at, g. 1804 (12). Sciton. See Seaton. Sclater Ford, in Scotland, 2443. Sclater or Sclatter. See Slater. Sclavonia. See Slavonia. Scobtorre, in Widecombe, Devon, 438 (1 m. 17), Scobo. See Stobo. Scole alias Osmundeston, Norf., g. 784 (22). Scoll. See Skull. Scolt, Henry, of Lubeck, 1730. Scopwick (Scopey), Linc., g. 1316 (4), 2772 (11). Scorbrough or Scorborough (Sor- brugh), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 8), 438 (4 m. 21). Scorer, Edmond, g. 749 (16). (Skorer), Rob., gunstone maker, 1463 vi., 2668, 2832 v.: pp. 1509, 1511 :—g. 587 (17), 2617 (32), 2964 (41). Scorgill. See Scargill. Scot. See Scott. Scoter. See Scotter. Scotforth (Scotford), Lanc., g. 1732 (1). Scotham, Linc., g. 2222 (16 Linc.). Scotists, the, 863, 920. SCOTLAND and the Scots, 83, 88, 147, 178, 253, 275, 292-306, 360, 373, 383 (p. 181), 384, 401, 413, 431, 434, 539, 579, 593, ; 654-66, 720, 783, 828, 880, 923, 974, 984, 992, 1146-7, 1155, 1183, 1201, 1261-4, 1317, 1323, 1329, 1342, 1363, 1377, 1380, 1385, 1391, 1412, 1417, 1424 (p. -652), 1450–1, 1461, 1467, 1475, 1501, 1504, 1555, 1564, 1566, 1584, 1586, 1591, 1628, 1645, 1647, 1659, 1690, 1694, 1701, 1735, 1751, 1769, 1775, 1786, 1791, 1822, 1856, 1914- › 15, 1917, 1936, 2014, 2026, 2029, 2090, 2096, 2111, 2116, 2157, 2162, 2173 iv., 2178, 2190, 2192, 2198, 2226, 2229, 2233, 2246, 2254 ii., iii., 2260, 2265, 2270, 2273, 2276, 2279, 2282-3, 2286-8, 2299, 2307, 2322, 2324, 2341, 2352, 2354- 5, 2381, 2386, 2390, 2391 (p. 1060), 2394, 2396, 2398, 2406, 2410, 2423, 2428, 2436, 2444-5, 2448, 2455-6, 2473, 2475, 2490, 2496, 2519, 2523 ii., 2526, 2554, 2561, 2568, 2572, 2574, 2576, 2578, 2580, 2583-4, 2595, 2599, 2605, 2613-6, 2633, 2642-3, 2647, 2651-2, 2681, 2694, 2713, 2725, 2736, 2738, 2740, 2744, 2762 (2), 2770, 2791, 2793-4, 2802, 2815, 2823, 2854, 2860, 2884, 2913, 2928, 2957, 2973– 4. 3004, 3009, 3051, 3063, 3072, 3119-23, 3139, 3143, 3154, 3170, 3173, 3188-9, 3215-6, 3227, 3349, 3390, 3399, 3400, 3407, 3449, 3468, 394 GENERAL INDEX. Scotland and the Scots-cont. 3470, 3472, 3481, 3485, 3519- 20, 3532, 3588-90: -p. 1516: -g. 563 (8), 969 (2, 7), 1003 (17), 1083 (23), 1221 (1), 1365 (3), 1732 (39), 2330 (3), 2535 (28), 2617 (32), 2684 (1), 2772 (16, 30, 48, 62), 3107 (38). ambassadors and commis- sioners sent to:- English, 1158, 1214, 1268, 1417-g. 158 (80, 90), 519 (1), 804 (34), 969 (2), 1083 (25), 1170 (14-5), 1662 (2). See West; Dacre. Flemish herald to be sent, 2083. French, 657, 1153, 1155, 1775, 2461, 3349, 3485, 3540. See Cordier, P.; La Motte; Peguineau; Sellat. Imperial secretary, 3051. Papal nuncio, 2973. See Õlarius, O.; Stewart, B. Portuguese envoy. Fernandez, E. Spanish. See Lopez, L. army against, 1317. See birth and death of a prince (Dec. 1512), 1523. bishops, 2355. cardinal protector. See St. Mark. chancellor of. See Stewart, A.; Beaton, J. (1513). Chapel Royal of. See under Stirling. of. constable. See Erroll, earl commissioners for ecclesias- tical nominations, 124. Council or Lords, 1297, 1299, 1302, 1504 (p. 693), 1735 (pp. 792-3), 1775 (p. 810), 1776, 2406, 2423, 2443, 2445, 2461, 2613-4, 2714, 2793, 2913, 2973, 3051, 3216, 3390, 3399, 3481. . " letter to, 3532. English commissioners to, 1499, 1504, 1645, 1735, 1775, 2122. Frenchmen in, 2286. Friars in, 835. ! Scotland-cont. Isles of, 2323. justice clerk. See Wishard, J. King of. See James IV. list of depredations by Scots on the sea, 1262. Marches of, "the Borders " and Borderers, 114, 129, 131, 157, 161, 180, 450, 817, 1297, 1329 (p. 620), 1340, 1380, 1499, 1504, 1690, 2026, 2143, 2246, 2283, 2576, 2651, 2913, 3188, 3216, 3468, 3505. Scottish commissioners and wardens, 824, 1262, 1302, 1314, 1499, 1735 (p. 793), 3188, 3216:-g. 448 (1), 519 (1), 804 (34), 857 (19), 1602 (27). thefts redressed, 817. Marches: East, 438 (3 m. 1), 984, 1504, 2382, 2386-7, 2394, 2423, 2740, 2793, 2913: ―g. 857 (19). English warden, g. 94 (65), 924 (22), 1003 (17, 23). See Darcy, Lord; Dacre, Lord. Scottish commis- sioners (named), g. 448 (1). Middle, 438 (3 m. 1), 984, 1504, 2382, 2386, 2406, 2443, 2717-8, 2913:- g. 857 (19). joint lieutenants and warden of, 984, 2840:-g. 132 (38), 485 (26), 924 (22), 1003 (17, 23), 2863 (5). See Dacre, Darcy, Ratcliff and Fenwick. Scottish commis- sioners (named), g. 448 (1), 833 (65). West, 1504, 2382, 2386, 2390, 2443, 2913. warden, 96:—g. 132 (5). See Dacre, Lord. Scottish commis- sioners (named), g. 448 (1). master of Artillery. See Sinclair, H. lord. master of the Rolls. See St. Andrews, archd. of. merchants of, 1330. musters in, 1302, 1329. Friars Minors and Obser- vants, 1756, 2090. Great Admiral. See Arran. Henry VIII.'s pardon of Scottish depredators, g. 969 (7), 1221 (1). Islanders, 1009. Order of St. John of Jeru- salem, 1720. Queen. See Margaret. GENERAL INDEX. 395 Scotland-cont. • Parliament. 1039, 1100, 2714, 2793, 3119, 3121, 3216, 3468. President of, 7. Apparently a reference to James IV., the other person intended being Richard De la Pole. Royal palaces, 836. scarcity of grain, 583-4, 782. P. secretary of. See Paniter, treasurer of. See Hepburn, G. (1509-10); Stewart, An- drew (1510-12); Baillie, C. (1512-14). treaty with (31 Oct., 1502), 88, 153, 161, 230, 242, 252. confirmed, 88, 153. oath of Henry VIII., 153. oath of James IV., 161, 252, 255. treaties with France, 657. (of 1512), 1089, 1206, 1287, 1504, 1564 (p. 718), 1566. Scotover. See Shotover. Scots in England, 1914, 2207, 2438, 2467:-g. 2617 (13, 14). commission touching, g. 2222 (16). Scots, individual :— a prisoner at Durham, 290. a priest, formerly ambas- sador to England, 434, 493. taken in the Downs, 855. Scott (Scot), George, 438 (4 m. 26). (Scot), Sir John, 2912, 3513 (2). (Skott), John, 438 (1 m. 6), 3242-p. 1545. John, chief baron of Ex- chequer, g. 731 (28), 1083 (24), 1602 (7), 1948 (10), 2222 (16 Surr.), 2484 (27), 2684 (8, 99). Nicholas, at Milan, 3462. Ric., g. 2964 (60). Thomas, alias Stikney, abbot of Revesby, 438 (4 m. 8):— g. 257 (48), 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14). (Scotte), Thomas, player, 20 (p. 16). Tom, 3181. (Scot, Scotte), Sir William, of Balwearie (Balvery, Balver- ley), made prisoner at Flod- den, 1499, 1504 (p. 693), 2246 (4), 2283, 2313, 3170 :—g. 448 (1), 833 (65), 1602 (27). Scott-cont. (Scotte, Scot), Sir Wm. [of Kent], 438 (2 m. 10), 1661 (3):—pp. 1539, 1548 :—g. 132 (33), 190 (34), 257 (49), 632 (26), 1494 (9), 1732 (25), 2222 (16 Kent). signature of, 2912. (Scot), Wm., 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 26). Scotter (Scoter), Linc., 438 (2 m. 31). Scottish prisoners, See also Flodden. 2341, 2386. Scottish spy (a priest), 1329 (p. 620). Scottyng or Scotyng, Ric., 438 (2 m. 28). Scotya, John de. Scraduale. See Ascoitia. See Castle Connell. Scratby (Scroteby),Norf., g.3049 (11). Scray. See Stray. Scrayingham (Skrayenham), Yorks, rector presented, g. 3408 (12), 3499 (62). Scremby (Skremby), Linc., 438 (1 m. 11). Screpton. See Scropton. Screven. See Scriven. Screveton (Skreton), Notts, 1803 (1 m. 1). Screvilby. See Scrivelsby. Scrinananaya. See Skreen. Scrivelsby (Screvilby, Skrebyllesby), Linc., 438 (2 m. 13) :—g. 804 (49). Scriven (Screven), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 15). Scriven, John, g. 2862 (4). (Screven, Schrevyn, Scryvyn, Skryven), Th., 438 (2 m. 31) —p. 1543:—g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 969 (23). Scriveners, 438 (2 m. 31), 438 (3 m. 22), 438 (4 m. 17):-g. 784 (18). Scroop. See Scrope. Scrope, Alice lady, wife of Henry lord Scrope of Bolton and d. of Thomas lord Scrope of Upsall, 82 (pp. 38, 41), 438 (2 m. 7). · Eliz., widow, g. 1221 (43). Henry lord († 1506), of Bolton, 438 (2 m. 7). (Scroop), Henry lord, of Bolton and Upsall, 20 (p. 14), 81, 110, 205, 438 (2 m. 7), 963, 2239, 3464 :—p. 1547 :— g. 804 (29 ix.-xi.), 833 (17, 45 iii., 50 iii., iv.), 1365 (3). knighted, 81. John lord († 1498), g. 2055 (95). Sir John, 438 (3 m. 22):— p. 1546-g. 257 (49), 1732 (46), 2222 (16 Wilts), 2484 (9). 396 GENERAL INDEX. Scrope-cont. John, 438 (3 m. 28):— g, 3499 (12). (Scroope), Sir Ralph lord, of Upsall, knighted after Flod- den, 2239, 2246 (4 ii.), 3464. (Scrop), Ralph, 438 (1 m. 9). Stephen, 438 (3 m. 22). Thomas lord, of Masham and Upsall, 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (2 m. 7). Scropton (Screpton), Derb., 438 (1 m. 15). Scroteby. See Scratby. Scudamore or Skydmore (Skydde- more), Edward, 438 (3 m. 16). Isabel, 438 (3 m. 16). (Scudenour, &c.), Jane, 1803 (2 m. 5). Scuysshe. See Skewes. Scwell. See Sewell. Scyanus, Prince, of Turkey, 3557. Scyertall. See Shortall. Scypby. See Skidby. Seaford (Seford), Suss., 1803 (1 m. 2). Seagry (Segre), Wilts, 1803 (2 m. 4). Seal (Sele), Kent, g. 1732 (12). Seamer (Semar), Yorks, 1803 (2 m. 2). Searde, John, g. 1494 (6). Seaton (Sciton), Rutl., rector of, p. 1521. Seaton (Seton), Yorks, g. 357 (18). Seaton (Seton) Delavale, Nthld., 438 (3 m. 16). Sebronde, Ric., alias Kent, prior of Horton, 438 (2 m. 9). Secheverell. See Sacheverell. Seckford (Sekforde), Suff., g. 731 (26). Seclin (Seclyng), in Hainault, 2392. Sedan (Esdeyne), castle of, 1813. Sieur de. See Fleuranges. Sedbergh (Sadbery, Sedberre, Sed- bery, Ceddebargh, Cedbar, Sabur), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (3 mm. 4, 25), 438 (4 m. 22), 1803 (2 m. 2). Sedelegh (Sydeley, Sedeley), Jane, 1803 (2 m. 1). Sedgeford (Segeford), Norf., g. 1316 (20), 2055 (95 i.. iii.). Sedgley (Sygesley), Staff., p. 1515. Sedley, John, auditor, 2451 ii. Wm., g. 3499 (19). Sedunen, Card. See Sion. Sedyngborne. See Sittingbourne. See, Wm., g. 2862 (7). Seele or Sele, John, 438 (2 m. 30). (Syle), Roland, 438 (3 m. 14). Seelth. See Selth. Seeryssey. See Zierikzee. Seford. See Seaford. Sefton, Lanc., 438 (2 m. 9). Segeford. See Sedgeford. Segemore, Wm., 438 (2 m. 34). Segesmond or Segysmond, John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Segewyke, John, page, 20 (p. 15). Seghill (Sighill), Nthld. [in Ears- don], 438 (2 m. 28). Segni (Segna), in Italy, 432. Segovia, bp. of. See Portugal, F. de. Segrave, Nic. de (temp. Edw. II.), g. 94 (35). Segre. See Seagry. Segré (Segret), Madame de, 2905. M. de, 2719. Segtour, John, g. 257 (93). Segwence. See Siguenza. Seightford (Seyghtforth, Suff.), Staff., 438 (3 m. 18). Seill (Sill), Ric., 438 (1 m. 21). Seillier, John, of Tournay, 3545. Seine, the French river, 1081. Seirell. See Sewell. Seissell, Claude de, LL.D., bp. of Marseilles, 7.v. Seizincote (Sesoncote, Sesyn Coote), inc Glouc., 388. Seland. See Zealand. Selby, Yorks, 438 (3 mm. 11, 25). abbey, 438 (2 m. 31): g. 381 (101). R. abbot. See Depyng, Selby, John, 2853, 3251: p. 1514. Selcotes. See Silcocks. Sele. See Seal; also Seele. Seleth. See Selth. Seliczon (Sceliczon, Declissen), Michel de, Sieur de Karalio, 3349, 3383. Selim Sach or Selinchat, the Great Turk, second son of Bajazet II. See Turks. hun- Selismershe, Dors., 438 (2 m. 30). Selkley (Selkesey, Selkeley) dred, Wilts, g. 94 (35). Sellat, John, French ambassador to Scotland (in 1508–9), 657. Selling, Kent, g. 3499 (5). Selman (Shelman, Salman), Ric., pp. 1543-4:—g. 289 (43). Selneston. See Snelston. Selth (Seleth, Seelth,, Sellyth), Th., 438 (2 m. 32). Selva, Jean de, president of the Parliament of Rouen, 2729, 3097-3100, 3102n., 3129–31, 3146, 3188-9, 3200, 3240, 3252, 3269, 3298:-g. 3226 (24). letters to, 3188, 3216. Selwood, Soms., 438 (1 m. 23). Selwoode, John, alias Tanner, monk of Glastonbury, p. 1531. (Selwode), Wm., 438 (1 m. 21). Selwyn, Rob., g. 1732 (6). Selysden or Selisdane. See Silsden GENERAL INDEX. 397 Seman, Peter, a pilot, 1661 (9), 1698, 2479 viii. Semar. See See Seamer; also Sey- mour. Semay. See Chimay. Semer, Lambert, p. 1512. See also Seymour. Semper, 2479 (2). (Sampyer), John, g. 2684 (93), 2861 (13). Sempi, Michael de Croy lord of, 2366 (2). Sempill, Lord, slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313. Semplyngham. See Sempringham. Sempol. See St. Pol. Sempringham (Semplyngham), Order of, confirmation of charters, g. 604 (45). list of priories, 438 (3 m. 15). Sempringham (Sempyngham, Sem- plyngham), Linc., priory of, 438 (2 m. 34). master of. See Hurtsky, T. mysley, R. prior. See Hem- Sena, Pandolfo di, 714. See Petrucci. Senawgh (Seneawgh, Symough, Syniough, Symouth), Th., customer of Bridgewater, 874 (2), 3313 (6):—g. 2055 (125), 2137 (17). Sencler. (Senagh, Synaugh), Wm., 438 (3 m. 5). See Sinclair. Sendall. See Sandall. Sendell, 2220. Seneawgh. See Senawgh. Senesco, George, 3343. Seneth. See Sneth. Sengylton. See Singleton. Sen John. See St. John. Senlis, bailli of. See Marigny. Senogalliensis (Sinogalensis, Sine- gal) [Marco Vigerio], Car- dinal, bp. of Praeneste, cas- tellan of St. Angelo, 2029, 2258, 2276, 2363, 2518. letters from, 2363, 2518. Senok. See Sevenoaks. Senoke (Seynoke), Th., 438 (1 m. 21). Senos (Cenos, Cenose, Senus), Simon, prior of Carlisle, 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (3 m. 16):— g. 132 (50). Sens, Tristan de Salazar abp. of, 538. Sent, W. See Seynt. Sentabyn. See St. Aubyn. Sent Gonans, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 16). Sent Homers. See St. Omer. Senton, Hilary, bailly of Jersey, 1829. Sentpoll. See St. Poll. Sent Thomars. See St. Omer. Seperton. See Sheperdine. Seppeo, Peter, of Poland, 1893. Sepulveda, John de, envoy from Ferdinand of Aragon, 1369, 1461. Seqwence. See Siguenza. Seratton. See Stratton. Serffe. See Cerf. Sergiant (Serjeant), Hugh, lodes- man, p. 1497. (Sargeant, Sergiant), John, 438 (3 m. 14). Th., 20 (p. 16). (Sergent), Wm., purser, 3148. Sergo, Nicolas de Lucas (sic) de, g. 1365 (18). Serizee. See Zierikzee. Serke. See Sark. Serlbye, Hugh, g. 2484 (12). Serle, — > p. 1505. John, g. 546 (23). (Seryll, Serull), Wm., 1803 (2 m. 4). Sern. See Cerne. Sernecote. See Sharncott. Sernteiner (Serenteyner), the emperor's chief treasurer, 3150. Seroit, James, clk., a Scot, p. 1526. Seron, Anton, servant of King Ferdinand, 2292, 2860. Serra, James, Card. Arborensis, q.v. Serrard, Margery, d. and h. of John, 438 (3 m. 31). Serred (Sered), John, 438 (3 m. 30). Serristori (Serrestory), Julian, mer- chant of Florence, 438 (3 m. 16), 1003 (24):-g. 804 (19), 1316 (32). Servatius, Servians, 766. letter to, 652. Servites, vicar general of the, de- posed, 1204. Serychze. See Zierikzee. Sesoncote. See Seizincote. Sessay (Seysey), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22). Setel. Seton. See Settle. See Seaton. Setoun (Setton), Sir Alex., slain at Flodden, 2246 (4), 2313. (Seyton), David, canon of Aberdeen, g. 2862 (8). (Seytoun), George lord, of Scotland, 658, 2973. Settle (Setel), Yorks, g. 833 (23). Settrington (Setteryngton), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 26). Seutherne. See Southern. Seve. See Sewe. Sevenhampton, Wilts, 438 (1`m. 14):—g. 94 (35). Sevenoaks (Senok), Kent, g. 804 (6), 398 GENERAL INDEX. Severobi or Severolus, Africanus, p. 1524. Severn, the river, g. 2964 (40), 3582 (3). Severnstoke, Worc., 438 (4 m. 20). Seville (Civile), in Spain, 6 (p. 5). letters dated at, 742, 797. Seville, straits of. See Morocco. Sewe or Seve, Th., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Sewell (Scwell, Seirell), Th., prb. of Hoxton, in St. Paul's, pp. 1526, 1528. (Sewale), Wm., g. 132 (26), 1662 (1). Sewerd (Seward), —, App. 22. Henry, 1176 (1, 4). Sexton (Sexston, Sexten, Sexteyn), John, 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (4 m. 29). (Sexten, Sexteyn), 438 (3 m. 32). (Sextan), (1 m. 11). Rob., Rob., clk., 438 (Syxtyn, Sextyn), Th., gen- tleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707, 1092. Sextus IV., Pope, bull of, g. 485 (2). Sey. See Say. Seylake. See Sallake. Seyman, Wm., 436. Seynt (Sent), Wm., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 40), 1493 ii. Seynt Awtry. See Ottery St. Mary. Seyntmary. See Seymour. Seyntmary Wyke. See Week St. Mary. Seyntmaur. See Seymour. Seynton. See St. Owen. Seysey. See Sessay. Seyssel, Claude de, bp. of Marseilles, q.v. Seyton, John, 438 (1 m. 7). See also Setoun. Sfoglat. See Frost. Sforza, Francesco Maria, duke of Bari, q.v. Ludovico, duke of Milan, died a prisoner at Loches (A.D. 1510 ?), 264, 1902, 3586. Maximilian, duke of Milan, son of the preceding, 867, 1277 (pp. 585, 587), 1301 passim, 1309, 1311, 1321-2, 1354, 1386, 1417, 1440, 1469, 1486, 1568, 1594, 1647, 1668, 1697, 1781, 1809, 1868, 1877, 1884, 1888, 1892, 1895, 1897, 1902, 1917, 1972, 1984, 1988, 1993, 2006 (p. 908), 2014, 2029, 2056, 2074, Seymour (Semer), Christiana, 438 (3 m. 29). 2124, 2154, 2183, 2237, 2245, 2261, 2267, 2292, 2428, 2452, Edward, son of Sir John, 3357. (Seymore, Semer, Seynt- maur, Saymere, Semour, Saymer), Sir John, 20 (p. 12), 438 (4 m. 13), 707, 1453, 1869 v., 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 ii.), 2480 (47), 2537, 2575 ii., 3409:—p. 1546 : App. 26: -g. 158 (64), 218 (12), 1462 (34), 1662 (27), 1804 (51), 1836 (13). . (Semer), John, 438 (3 m. 29), 2480 (39). (Semar), Katharine, g. 2772 (57). (Seyntmary), Margaret, 438 (4 mm. 6, 13). (Semar), Margery, g. 2772 (57). (Seymer, Semer, Semar), Nic., 438 (3 m. 27 bis) :— g. 2772 (57). (Seymer, Semar), Th., 438 (4 m. 12), 2480 (37):-pp. 1513-14 :—g. 2772 (57). (Semer, Seymer), Th., mer- chant of the Staple, 438 (3 m. 29), 1032 (2):—g. 289 (34). (Sayntmaure), Sir Wm., 438 (4 m. 6). Seynoke. See Senoke, 2456, 2462, 2475, 2495, 2532, 2572 (p. 1127), 2633, 2743, 2755, 2762 (2), 2770, 2797, 2860, 2869, 2891, 2925, 3014 ii., 3018, 3024, 3043, 3139, 3150, 3235, 3264, 3274, 3400, 3405, 3407, 3496-7, 3525, 3527, 3547, 3556, 3581. letters from, 2183, 2352, 2452, 2464, 2619, 2758, 2864, 2975, 3069, 3537. letter to, 2233, 2245, 2261, 2270-1, 2281-2, 2296, 2309, 2351, 2372, 2411, 3008, 3022, 3037, 3084, 3096, 3165, 3211, 3256, 3462 :—p. 1532. his maître d'hotel, 1311. Spanish ambassadors to, 3106. Shaa. See Shaw. Shackerstone (Shakston), Leic., 438 (3 m. 18). (Shakullwell, Shacklewell (Shakullwell, Shakel- well), Midd. [in Hackney], g. 447 (17), 682 (19). Shafham. See Swaffham. Shaftesbury (Shaston, Sheftesbury, Shatonia), Dors., 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (2 mm. 5, 16), 438 (3 m. 28), 438 (4 mm. 17, 26), 1803 (1 m. 6):—p. 1531. fee farm of, g. 94 (35), GENERAL INDEX. 399 Shaftesbury-cont. ..., nunnery, 438 (1 m. 7): g. 94 (35). ford, E. abbess. See Shel- rector of St. Peter's, p. 1521. See Notes and Errata. vicar of St. James's, p. 1531. Shagham. See Slaugham. Shah. See Sophi. Shakston. See Shackerstone. Shalbourne, Wilts, 438 (1 m. 13). Shalfleet (Sholdflett, Shaldflette), I. of Wight, 438 (3 m. 26). Shalford (Shaldeforde), Essex, g. 289 (12). Shalford, Th., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 1803 (1 m. 4 bis). Shaller, Walter, 1262. Shalstone (Chaldeston), Bucks, g. 1316 (15). Shank or Shanke, Rudolf, lord of Sttottinbergh, a captain of Almains, 2073, 2220. Shapp, Westmld., 438 (2 m. 16). abbey, 438 (2 mm. 12, 29). abbot. See Johnson, R. Shapwick (Shepwike), Dors., 438 (3 m. 23). Share, John, purser, 3148 iii. Sharland. See Shirland. Sharnebroke, Edward, clk., 438 (3 m. 11). (Shernebroke), John, abbot of Waltham Holy Cross, 20 (p. 15), 205, 308, 438 (2 m. 6), 963, 1493, 3464 :-g. 449 (7), 1221 (36), 2863 (1), 2964 (26). Sharncott (Sernecote), Wilts, g. 132 (96). Sharon (Scharant, Scherant, Char- ran, Sharante), John de (Des- cane), a Spanish ship captain, 1495, 1657 (4), 1661 (7, 8), 1828, 1844, 2479 viii. (4). instructions for, 1657 Sharp or Sharpe (Scharp), Mr., 2765. Brian, 979-p. 1520. (Sherp), Edmund, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40):—g. 784 (8). Edward, 1803 (1 m. 6): g. 132 (71), 257 (50), 381 (90). Edward, auditor, g. 2055 (66). Isabel, 1803 (1 m. 6). Joan, d. of Nicholas, 438 (1 m. 5). (Sherp), John or Sir John, groom of the Chamber, knighted at Tournay, 20 (p. 13), 59, 82 (p. 42), 228, 640, 1015, 1495, 2301, 3554 : g. 257 (6, 7, 36), 381 (41), Sharp, John or Sir John-cont. 447 (9), 485 (5), 632 (52, 65), 833 (43), 885 (1), 1083 (35), 1123 (38), 1221 (21, 27), 1266 (5, 32), 1804 (21, 44–5), 1836 (20), 2055 (5, 43, 102), 2684 (95), 2772 (12), 2964 (6, 20, 28, 50, 52, 75), 3049 (24), 3499 (48). to, 59. (50). Henry VII.'s legacy signature of, g. 2964 (Sherpe), John, 707 (p. 383), 2404-g. 1415 (2). John, groom cart taker, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). (Sharpp), John, of the Mint, 876 (4), 1408. Wm., 438 (3 mm. 3, 7). Sharparowe (Sharpearowe), John, 438 (4 m. 22). Shaston. See Shaftesbury. Shatford, Ric., g. 3408 (2). Shaw, Etienne. See Chaueew. Shaw or Shawe (Schaw), Sir James, of Sauchy, 2461. (Shaa), Sir John, mayor of London (A.D. 1501-2), 438 (1 m. 20):—g. 257 (56). John, 438 (4 m. 17). (Schaw, Schaa, Schae), John, of York, 438 (1 m. 13):- g. 784 (12). (Shaa), Margaret widow of Thomas, g. 3499 (23). (Shaa), Rob., g. 3499 (23). Robert, abbot of Paisley, q.v. (Shaa, Sha), Th., 438 (4 m. 21). Wm., 438 (4 m. 26). Shawdon (Schawden), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Shawe (Shawo) [in Old Windsor], Berks, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31, 63), 2137 (18). Shawe, Wilts [in West Overton], 436. Shawowerk, i.e. Shawe and Wark. Shayll or Shayle, Edmund, son of John, 438 (2 m. 5). Shearer (Scherer), John, canon of Glasgow, p. 1522. Shearmen, 438 (1 mm. 18, 21, 24), 438 (2 mm. 22, 28), 438 (3 mm. 6, 9, 13, 17, 26), 1803 (mm. 1, 4, 6), 1803 (2 mm. 1, 3):—g. 11 (10), 749 (3), 1494 (33), 1602 (23), 2684 (93). Sheen (Shene), Surr., 438 (2 m. 21). Charterhouse of, 438 (3 m. 23), 2315 :-g. 1123 (11), 1316 (32). prior. See Jobourn, J. 400 GENERAL INDEX. Sheen, Charterhouse of-cont. confirmation for, g. 381 (59). Sheep, 633. Sheepshead (Shepished). Leic. g. 289 (13). Sheepwash (Shepewasshe), Devon, 438 (4 m. 17). Sheering (Sheryng), Essex, 438 (1 m. 20). Sheffield, Suss., 559 :-g. 709 (26). Sheffield (Sheffeld, Sheffyld), Yorks. 438 (3 m. 10), 2832 iv. Sheffield, Ellen, wife of Sir Robert, 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 18). Ric., g. 1462 (15). (Scheffielde), Sir Robert, speaker of the Commons, recorder of London, constable of Lincoln, 20 (p. 12), 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 18), 1046, 1176 (3), 1493 iv., 1661 (4) : pp. 1540, 1542:-g. 132 (70), 257 (48), 448 (8), 804 (13), 969 (52, 54). 1083 (24), 1123 ´(37), 1171 (3), 2222 (16 Linc.), 3582 (14). signature of, g. 448 (8). Rob., 438 (3 m. 18): p. 1540 bis :—g. 2222 (16 Linc.). (Scefild), Sir Thomas, knight of St. John, preceptor of Shingay, treasurer for Eng- land, 2234, 2254, 2263, 2447, 2511 :-g. 1836 (3). Shefford, Beds, 438 (2 m. 27). Shefford (Shyfford), East-, Berks, 438 (3 m. 31). Shefford, West- (Westsheword), Berks, 438 (4 m. 11). Shefford, Rob., g. 833 (2), 1494 (4). Sheftesbury. See Shaftesbury. Sheldon (Shelden), Ric., p. 1538. Wm., 438 (1 m. 1). Sheldrake, Th., g. 2964 (33). Sheldwick (Sheldwych), Kent. g. 3499 (5). Shelfhanger (Shelfanger), Norf., 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (3 mm. 22, 24 ter), 1803 (2 m. 5). Shelford, Notts, g. 485 (43). Shelford, Little-, Camb., 1803 (2 m. 3). Shelford, Little-, Essex, 1803 (2 m. 5). Shelford, Eliz., abbess of Shaftes- bury, 438 (1 m. 7). Shelingthorp. See Shillingthorpe. Shelley, John, p. 1545:-g. 632 (26), 1083 (39). Th.. rector of Pulborough, g. 414 (33). Wm., p. 1545 bis :-g. 1083 (39). Shelman. See Selman. Shelond. See Skelland. Shelston. See Shilston. Sheltenham. See Cheltenham. Sheltham. See Chilton. Shelton, Norf., 438 (3 m. 12). Shelton, —; g. 381 (2). · John or Sir John, esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 16), 81, 438 (3 m. 23), 1176 (3, 4), 1453, 1812, 2575 ii. :-P 1541-g. 833 (58), 2222. (16 Norf.). (Skelton), Nic., merchant of the Staple, 438 (1 m. 16), 1803 (1 m. 3):—g. 1003 (24), 2964 (21). Sir Ralph, and Margaret his wife, 438 (3 m. 23). (Shilton), Th.. 438 (1 m. 15). Shelvyng. Matth., 438 (3 m. 12). Shemmyng, of Kent, g. 11 (10). Shene, Surr. See Sheen. Shene, Rob., p. 1520. Shenfield, Essex, g. 1662 (46). Shenington (Shenyngdon), Glouc., g. 632 (7). Shenley, Herts, 438 (3 m. 1). Shenley, Over and Nether, Bucks, g. 54 (47). Shenstone, Staff., g. 54 (85), 3499 (50). (85),3499 Shepard. See Sheppard. Shepardine (Seperton, Shipwarden), Glouc. [in Lockhampton], 438 (1 m. 4), 1803 (1 m. 6). Shepherds, 438 (2 mm. 6, 31), 1803 (m. 6). Shepished. See Sheepshead. Shepley (Shepeley), Suss., 438 (2 m. 30). Sheppard or Shepard, John, 438 (2 m. 13):-p. 1548. Ric., g. 2535 (16). (Shopard, Shepper), Rob., 438 (3 m. 6), 2054-g. 1662 (36). 1948 (8). (Shipard), Win., m. 23). 438 (1 Sheppey (Shepey), Isle of, Kent, 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 16). Shepreth (Shepryght), Camb.. 438 (4 m. 19), 1803 (1 m. 6). Shepton Malet, Soms., 438 (1 m. 13). Shepwike. See Shapwick. Sherborne (Shurbourn, Shyrburne, Shirborn), Dors., 438 (4 m. 24). abbey, 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 4). ? abbot of, See Mere, J. Sherborne (Sherburne), Hants, g. 885 (13), 3107 (35). Sherborne (Shyrborne) St. John, Hants, 438 (1 m. 20) g. 218 (26). GENERAL INDEX. 401 Sherburn (Shirbourne in Herforth Lyth), Yorks, by the river Hertford, g. 1083 (34). See Sherburn (Shurborne) College, beside Durham, master of. Withers, J. Sherburn (Shyrborn) in Elmet, Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 4). Sherborne (Shurborne, Schurborne, Shernbourne, Shirborne, Sherburn), Henry or Sir Henry, ship captain, 1176 (3), 1453 ii., v., 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1844, 1851, 2304 (3), 2478 i., ii., 2652, 2686, 2842, 2938, 2946, 3513:-p. 1506 :-App. 26. (Sherburn), Robert, bp. of Chichester, 20 (p. 12), 205, 438 (3 m. 26), 963, 1803 (m. 1), 3464 :-g. 158 (13). Shereard. See Sherrard. Sherescote. See Sirescote. Sherfield (Sherveld, Shyrfeld) upon Lodon, Hants, 438 (4 m. 9. See Errata), 1803 (2 m. 5). Sherford. See Shirford. Sherhalfe park, Staff., 2537. Sheriff, Th., chaplain, 438 (3 m. 22). (Shiryff), Wm., 1803 (2 m. 4). Sheriff Hales (Shriefhales), Salop, g. 2535 (22). Sheriffhutton (Scherhotton, Sheryve- hoton, Sherifhoton, Shiref- hutton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 19), 1149, 1418, 1803 (1 m. 3):- g. 54 (53), 94 (55, 57, 68, 103), 563 (10), 1494 (23), 1804 (6), 2055 (44), 2535 (18). constable, &c., of, g. 94 (103). wardrobe at, g. 158 (46). Scorby fields, g. 2861 (10). Sheriffs, appointment of, g. 11 (1, 3), 257 (49), 289 (2, 3), 632 (26), 969 (23), 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 3499 (12, 13). Sheriffs Lench. See Lench. Sherland (Shyrlond), Ric., 438 (4 m. 13). Sherle. See Shurley. Sherley. See Shirley. Sherman, Robert, 438 (4 m. 10). Shermanbury (Sheremanbury), Suss., 438 (3 m. 3). Shernbourne (Shernburn), Norf., 438 (1 m. 7):—g. 3049 (34). Shernbourne (Sharnburn), Th., of Shernbourne, Norf., 438 (4 m. 12). Shernebroke. See Sharnbrook. Sherrard (Shereard), Th., 438 (2 m. 16):—g. 3499 (12). Sherrington (Sheryngton), Bucks., 438 (1 m. 14). Wt. 11494. Shersden or Sheresden, Oxon, 438 (4 m. 10). Sherston, Wilts, g. 587 (6). Sherwill (Shirwill), Devon, 438 (4 m. 7). Sherwood (Shirwcde, Shirewcd), and Sherwood Forest, Notts, 438 (1 m. 1):—g. 132 (115), 289 (5), 924 (16). Sherwood (Shirwode), Ralph, g. 546 (64). Shery, Ric., rector of Monkton Moor, g. 833 (42). Sheryng. See Sheering. Sheryngton. See Sherrington. Sheryvehoton. See Sheriffhutton. Shetford, Rob., g. 2684 (48). Shetlyngton. See Shitlington. Shevall, , groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13). > Shevenyng. See Chevening. Sheviock (Sheveok), Cornw., g. 218 (8), 749 (29), 1083 (2). Shields (Shelds, Cheles), North-, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 28). Shiere (Shire, Schire), Surr., 438 (2 m. 26), 438 (3 m. 34): g. 94 (35 p. 50), 709 (32). Leybrokes in, g. 924 (33). Shierve. See Chievres. Shiffnal (Shusnall, Shuffenhall), Salop, 438 (2 mm. 26, 32). Shilham. See Chilham. Shillingford, Devon, 438 (3 m. 18). Shillingheld (Shilyngeld) [in Chil- ham], Kent, g. 94 (35 p. 50). Shillingthorpe (Shelingthorp), Linc. [near Greatford], g. 132 (49). Shilston, Sir John, 2480 (56, 58):— g. 2684 (21). (Shelston), Rob., 438 (2 m. 11):—p. 1536. Shilton. See Shelton. Shilvington, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 17). Shingay (Synghai) or Shengy, Camb., preceptory of St. John, pre- ceptor. See Sheffield, Sir T. Shingels or Shingellys, John, 438 (2 m. 28). Shinglesborough, Bucks, g. 381 (55). Shipard. See Sheppard. Shipman, John, 2305 ii. :-g. 2222 (15). Ships, named: Admiralda, of France, 1403. Admiral's (E. of Surrey's) Barque, 2938. Alys, 2901. Alis Galion, 3148. Anne of Fowey (Anne Af- fouye), 1413, 1661, 3318: -pp. 1496-8, 1503. Anne Gallant (Galonte. Golant), 1661 (4, 5), 1852, 2305 (i., ii. ter, iii.), 2686 H 26 402 GENERAL INDEX. Ships, named: Anne Gallant—cont. (1, 2), 2687, 2842, 2851, 2938, 3137 (14, 16), 3148 ii., vii., 3318 (i., iv., vi.): p. 1504. Anne of Greenwich, 1132, 1453 ii., V., 1698 : App. 24. Anne of London, pp. 1497-9, 1500-2. Annunciation. See Leonard Frescobald's Ship. Anthony of Brykilsey, 2842 iv. Anthony of Bristol, 1577. Anthony Cradok, 1727, 2217, 2304 (2). Anthony of Fowey, 2901 (2). Antony de Montrigo, or Antony Montrego, or Antony of Motrya, 1661 (3, 4, 5 ii.), 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 2305 (i. bis, ii. bis), 3318-p. 1520. Baptist. See John Baptist. Barbara or Barbara of Brightlingsea (Brykelsey), 1262, 2686, 2842:―g. 2684 (43). Barbara of Bristol, 1577. Barbara of Dyttysham or Barbara Gibbes. See Gibbes Ship. Barbara Isham, 1661 (1, 3), 1940. Barbara or Barbara of Greenwich or Great Bar- bara, 1132, 1413, 1453 ii., v., 1463 viii., xii., 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 1704 (3), 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 i., ii., 2478 i., ii.. 2652, 2686-7, 2702, 2764, 2842, 2938 bis, 3137 (5, 6, 15), 3148 bis, 3318 (i., iv. bis):— pp. 1499, 1500-1, 1503, 1519-20. Barke of Boulogne, 1567. Barques or galleys (three) to the Katherine Forteleza, Mary Rose, and Trinity Sovereign, 1661 (4 p. 753, 5), 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 ii. Barke of Sandwich, 2605. Barke of Scherborne, 3318 iv. Barke of Tréport, 3148. Bertillamew, 1262. Black Bark, 2686 (1, 2), 2687, 2842, 2938, 3148 ii., vii., 3318 vi. :-p. 1517. Bon Aventure of Dieppe, 1262 (p. 578), 2605. Breton Carrack. Carrack. See La Reine. Ships, named-cont. Carrack, the, or Carrack of Genoa. See Santa Maria de Loretto. Carrack of Hampton, 1694. Carrack of Savona (Savoie). See Santa Maria de Loretto. Charity (Charite, Cheryte), 16, 1413-14, 2686 (1, 2), 2687, 2738, 2842 ii., 2938, 3148. Christ (Cryst) of Greenwich, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 1698, 2304 (3 i., ii., 5), 2305 ii., 2686 (1, 2), 2687, 2842, 2938, 3137 (6, 12, 15, 16), 3148 ii., vi., 3318 iv. :- p. 1520. Christ (Cryst) of Lynn, 1775, 2305 i., iii., 3318 i., iv. Christopher of Dartmouth, 1661 (4, 5 ii.), 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 2842 iii., 2938 ii. Christopher Davy, 1132, 1413 bis, 1453 ii., v., 1661 (1 bis, 3, 4, 5 ii.), 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 2305 iii. ter, 2686-7, 2702, 2764, 2842 ii., 2938, 3148 ii., vii. :—p. 1520. Christopher George, 3148 iii. Compton's Ship, 1844. Dragon or Dragon of Green- wich, 1132, 1413, 1453 ii., v., 1661 (1, 3), 2842 iv., 2938, 3148, 3318 (i., iv.): -pp. 1499, 1500, 1503. purser's account, 1600. Draper's ship, 1413. Edward, of Bristol, 1577. Elizabeth of Bristol, 1577, 1982 (4), 2842 iii., 2938 i. Elizabeth of Newcastle, 1413 ter, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5 ii.), 1851, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2686-7, 2722, 2842 ii., 2923, 3148, 3318. Erasmus (Rosamus, Erasy- mus) of London, 1661 (3, 4, 5 ii.), 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 iii., 3318. Erasmus Sebastian or Erass- mus Shype, 1661 (3, 4, 5 ii.), 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5). Erasmus (Rosamus) of Somangay, 3318. Espagnol, of St. Malo, 3349. Fortune of Dover, 2686-7, 2796, 2842 ii., 2938, 3148. GENERAL INDEX. 403 Ships, named-cont. Fortune of Rosyndall, 3555. Foye, 2687. Frances Gonson, 2938, 3148 iii., vi. Fryscombald's or Fryska- balles Ship. See Leonard. Gabriel Royal, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8-9), 2304 (3 i., ii., 5 bis), 2305 (i. ter, ii. bis, iii. quater), 2686–7, 2738, 2799, 2842, 2938, 3137 (5, 9, 15), 3148, 3318 i., iv. :—pp. 1504, 1520. Gabriel of Topsham, 1413- 14, 1982 (4), 2686-7, 2842 ii., 2938, 3148. Galion, 3148 vi. Genet. See Jenet. George of Brightlingsea, 1262. George of Bristol, 1577. George Caws. 1982 (4). George of Falmouth, 1132, 1413, 1453 ii., iv., v., 1661 (1, 3). George or Little George of Fowey, 2669, 3137 (16), 3148 ii., iii. bis. George (Jorge) of Hampton, 2842 iii., 2938 ii. George Hopton, 1940. George of Hull, 1940. George (Jorge) of London, 2938 ii. George Maynard, (3). 1982 George of Winchelsea, 3137 (16). George Wyndesore, 2738. Germyn (Jermayne, Jermyn) of Toppesham, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5 ii.), 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 2305. Gibbes' (Gybbis) Ship (Gybs- chip) or Barbara of Dyt- tysham, 1661 (4, 5 ii.), 2304 (3 i., ii., 5), 2686–7, 2842 ii., 2938, 3148, 3318. Godd • of Newcastle, 1262 (p. 578). Gonson's Barke, 2686-7, 2842 ii., 2938, 3148 ii., vi. Gonson's (Gonston's) Ship. See Mary Howard. Grande Louise, 3349. Grant Nef de Dieppe, 2693. Grant Nef d'Escoce. See Michael. Great Barbara. See Bar- bara. Ships, named-cont. Great Barke or Harry of Greenwich, 1413 bis, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 i., ii., 2478, 2652, 2686–7, 2702, 2842, 2938, 3148 ii., ix., 3318 (i., iv., vii.), 3513. Great Carrack [of Brest]. See La Reine. Great Carrick [of England]. See Henry Imperial. Great Elizabeth or Lubeck Ship or Salvator of Lu- beck, 2842, 2865, 2938-9, 3133, 3137 (5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16), 3148, 3318 vii., 3338, 3513 (1, 2):— p. 1516. Great Galley or Great New Galley, 2968, 3513: p. 1519. Great [New] Spaniard, 1661 (4, 5 ii., 6), 1704 (2), 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 2652. Great Nicholas, 1704, 1812, 2304 (5), 2305 (ii., iii.), 2687, 2842, 2938, 3137 (5, 6, 15), 3318 iv. :- p. 1520. 1669. repairs account, Gregory of Brightlingsea, 1262. Harry Cateryn. See Katharine Galey. Henry Grace à Dieu or Great Harry, New Ship," g. 1805 (1), 2055 (12), 2305 (i.), 2686-7, 2799, 2807, 2842 i.. ii., 2883, 2929 (2), 2959, 2967, 2999, 3003, 3012, 3018, 3035, 3137 (6, 15, 16 bis), 3282n., 3513: pp. 1507-8, 1519. building accounts, 3060. Henry or Harry of Green- wich, 3318 iv., vi. Henry, Harry (Hare) or Henry of Hampton, 1413, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 1698, 1704, 2304 (3 i., ii., 5). 2305 (ii., iii. quater), 2842 iv., 2938 ii. :—pp. 1504, 1520. Henry Imperial (Gryt Herry Imperyall, Gret Carrik), 1661 (1-4), 2305 ii., 2510. Henry Katharine of Hamp- ton, 1453 vii. Herte of Gengh, 3555. James of Antwerp, 2304 (2), 2479 vi. 404 GENERAL INDEX. Ships, named-cont. James of Dartmouth, 1661 (3, 4), 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 3318. James of Founterabia, 2909. James of London, victualler, 1414. James of Saltash, 2842 iii., 2938 ii. James, of Scotland, 1329, 1645. James of the Tower, 3318 vi. Jenet or Jenny Pirwyn (Jenett Piryn, Jenet of Perwyne, Jenett of Pur- wyn, Genet of Pyerwyn, Jenet Peryn, Gannet Per- wyn), 855n., 1132, 1413 ter, 1453 ii., iv., v., 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 1704, 1771, 1851, 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 (i., ii. bis), 2686 (1, 2), 2687, 2702, 2842, 2938, 3148, 3318 i., iv. Jermyn. See Germyn. Jesus of Asshe, 2304 (2). Jesus of La Renteria, 2304. Jesus of Rouen, 1982 (4). John Baptist or Great John Baptist, 1704 (1, 2), 1913, 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii., 5), 2305 (i., iii. passim), 2686-7, 2842, 2938, 3137 (6, 15), 3318 i., iv. :— p. 1520. [John] Baptist of Calais, 1424, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5 ii.), 2304 (3 i., ii. bis, 4, 5), 2305 i. bis, ii., iii., 2337, 2605. [John] Baptist of Harwich, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5 ii.), 1771, 2304 (3 i., ii., 4), 2686-7, 2842 ii., 2938, 3148 ii., ix. [John] Baptist Harper or John Baptist of Harwich, 3318-p. 1517. John Baptist Hopton or John Hopton's Ship,1132, 1413, 1453 ii., v., 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 2305 ii., 3148, 3513. John of Tottehyll, 3318 iv. John Evangelist of Harwich, p. 1517. John à Goston, 1453 ii., v. Julian of Dartmouth, 1661 (3, 4, 5 ii.), 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 iii. bis, 2478, 2652, 3318. Julian of Denmark, 2546. Julian Pirwyn, g. 2684 (26). Katharine of Dundee, 1730. Ships, named—cont. Katerne Fortene, 3318 iv. Katharine Forteleza or For- tileza (Caryke or Less Carrack), 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5, 9), 1698, 1710, 1748, 1992, 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii., 5), 2305 (i., ii., iii. bis), 2686-7, 2842, 2938, 3137 (5, 9, 15), 3148, 3318:— p. 1540. Katharine (Catteryn) Galey (Harry Cateryn), 2304 (5), 2305 ii., iii. quater, 2686 (1, 2), 2687, 2842, 2938, 3137 (6, 9, 15), 3148, 3318 i., iv., vii.), 3513. See also Barques. Katharine Pleasaunce, p. 1521. Katharine Pomegarnett, a row-barge, 1453 ii., v., 1661. Katharine (Katome) Prowe, 1698, 2881, 2936, 3148 iii., ix.:—g. 1662 (37). La Dieppaise, great ship of Dieppe, 1936, 3349˚ (p. 1411). La Levriere, 3349 (p. 1411). La Pourrye, of St. Malo, 3349. La Reine (La Royne), the Great Carrack of Brest, or Bret n Carrack (burnt at Brest in August 1512), 1356, 1371, 1377, 1385, 1403, 1518, 1586, 1591n. La Rochellaise, of St. Malo, 3349, 3383. Leonard of Calais, 3506. Leonard of Dartmouth or of Torre, 1698, 2304 (4, 5), 2305 (i., ii., iii.), 2842 iii., 2938 ii. Leonard Frescobald's Ship (The Annunciation), 1661 (4 p. 753, 5 ii.), 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 2305 iii. bis, 3372. Le Sacre, 3349 (p. 1411). Lesse Barbara, 2687, 3148 vi., 3318 vi. Less Barke (Les Bark, Les- sear Barke), 1413, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 1844n., 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 i., ii., iii., 2478 i., ii., 2652, 2686 (1, 2), 2687, 2702, 2842, 2938, 2959, 3148 ii., ix., 3318 (i., iv., vii.), 3513-p. 1520. Less Carrek. See Katha- rine Forteleza. Lewys of Newcastle, 2217, GENERAL INDEX. 405 Ships, named-cont. Ships, named-cont. Libbeke. See Lubeck. Lion or Lion of Greenwich, 1132, 1453 ii., v., vii., 1661 (1, 3), 2842 ii., 2938, 3148 (ii., vi., ix.):—pp. 1498-9, 1500:- :-g. g. 1172 (14), 1266 (29). Lion of Scotland, 855n., 1881 (?). Lion, of Scotland, Robert Barton's new ship, 2199. Little Christopher, ¯1577. Little Jesus, 1577. Lizard (Lezard, Lyssard), 1413 bis, 1480, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 1698, 1771, 2217, 2304 (3 i.. ii., 5), 2305 (i., ii.), 2686–7, 2842, 2938, 2968 (5), 3137 (16), 3148 ii., ix., 3318 (i., iv., vii.), 3513 (1, 2):—p. 1520. Louis (Lowys), of France, 1936. Lubeck (Libbeke, Lubyke) or Salvator of Lubeck. See Great Elizabeth. Magdalen or Mawdelyne, 1413, 1453 ii., vi., vii. Magdalen Gelyan, 1577. Magdalen (Mawdelyn), sub- sequently called Great Barbara, 3137 (5). Magdalen (Mawdelyn) of Dover, 2304 (5) :—p.1520. of Hamyll, 2738, 2842 iii., 2866, 2938 ii. of Founteravia,2909, 3513 (2). of Hull, 2211. of Poole, 1900, 2097, 2686-7, 2842 ii., 2938, 3148 ii., vii. of Penmarch (Plem- marke), Breton, g. 381 (91). of St. Sebastian, 2304. Maria of Bilbow or Mary of Bilboa, 2304, 2305 ii., 3372. Maria de Loreta or Doloreta. See Santa Maria de Lo- retto. of Marlyon or Merlyon London, 2652, 2938. Margaret Bonaventure, 1661 (3, 4, 5 ii.), 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5):--p. 1520. Margaret of Bristol (Mar- gett of Byrstow), 1577, 1982 (4), 2842 iii., 2938 ii. of Dartmouth, 2686 bis, 2687 bis, 2738, 2842 ii. bis, 2938, 3148 bis. Margaret Hert of Dart- mouth, 2938. Margaret of Lymington, 2304 (2), 2842 iii., 2938 ii. Margaret, of Scotland, 285, 1302, 1329, 1504, 1645, 1775. Margaret (Marchyt) of Top- sham, 1413, 1453 v., 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5 ii.), 1982 (4), 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 2305: -p. 1520. Martenet or Martynet, 1132, 1453 ii., v., vii. Mary 2304 (3 ii.). Mary Alynson, 1453 ii. Mary Berking (Barkyn), 1463 (viii., xii.), 2686-7, 2702, 2842 ii., 2937-8, 3148. Mary of Brixham (Bryex- ham), 1661 (3, 4, 5 ii.), 1894, 2304 (3), 2305 iii., 3318: pp. 1519-20. Mary Buttokes, 1262 (p.578). Mary Byrde, 1414. Mary Christopher,of Bristol, 1577, 1728, 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 2305 i., ii., 2542 (2). Mary Cradok, 1727, 2217, 2686 (1, 2), 2687, 2842 ii., 2938, 3148. Mary de la Rotta. See Santa Maria de Loretto. Mary of Falmouth, 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 ii., 2652, 2686-7, 2738, 2842 ii., 2938, 3148 ii., vii. Mary Fortune, 1698. Mary George (Mary Gorge), 1132, 1453 ii., v., 1480, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5, 11), 1698, 1704, 1992, 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii., 5), 2478 i., ii., 2652 bis, 2686-7, 2842, 2938, 3148 ii., vi., 3318: -pp. 1500-1, 1517, 1520. Mary Grase, of London, 2738. Mary Howard (Gonson's Ship), 2686–7, 2702, 2842 ii.,´3148 (ii., vi.):—p. 1516. Mary Imperiall, 2305 iii. bis, 2686 (2), 2789, 2842 iv., 2938 ii., 3148 ix., 3318 iv. Mary James, 1414 bis, 1480, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 1704, 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 (i., ii. bis, iii.). 2686 (1, 2), 2687, 2722, 2738. 2805, 2842, 2938, 3148, 3318 i., vi. :—pp. 1519–20. 406 GENERAL INDEX. Ships, named-cont. Mary James of Bristol, 1775. Mary James of Dartmouth. 2686, 2842 ii., 2938, 3148 ii., vii. Mary James of Greenwich, 3318 iv. Mary James of Hamyl!, 2304 (2). Mary Jessey, 2738. Mary and John, 1132, 1413, 1453 ii., v., 1463 iii., viii., 1661 (1, 3), 1942, 2217, 2304 (3), 2478 i., ii., 2652, 2686 (1, 2), 2687, 2842, 2938, 3148 ii., vi., 3318 (i., ii., vi.) :—pp. 1496-9, 1500-3, 1520:-g. 604 (12). Mary Katharine, 1577,2217, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 ii., iii., 2652, 2846. Mary Loret. See Santa Maria de Loretto. Mary Oswyn, 1262 (p. 578). Mary Penrice, 1577. Mary Radcliff, 1577. Mary of Roken, 1262. Mary Rose, 1132, 1393, 1413, 1453 ii, v., ix., 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5, 11), 1698, 1704, 1851, 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 (i., ii. quater, iii. bis), 2478, 2652, 2686-7, 2702, 2764, 2842, 2865, 2938, 3137 (5, 6, 11, 15), 3148, 3318 (i., iv.) :—pp. 1496 -9, 1500-3, 1520. letters dated in, 1688, 1698, 1748, 1851-2, 1870, 1875, 1883, 1886, 1894, 1992, 2946, 2959. 3000-1. Mary Someray, 2686. Mary Synay, 2687. Mary of Walsingham, 1189, 1416, 1661 (3, 4, 5 ii.), 2304 (3 i., ii., 4), 2909, 3318, 3513 (2) :—p. 1513. Matthew of Bristol, 1728, 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 2305 ii. Matthew Cradoke, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5 ii.), 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 2686 (2) :—p. 1520. Matthew Cradock's Barque, 1661 (3). Mawdelyn. See Magdalen. Maynard's Ship, 2842 iii. Merlyon. See Marlyon. Michael (Mitchell) of Scot- land, the great new ship,” 1329, 1380, 1504, 1645, 1690, 1694, 1735 (p. 793), 1775, 2096, 66 Ships, named: Michael of Scotland -cont. 2107, 2116, 2398, 2443, 2693, 3349. Michael Yonge (Myhell Younge), 2686–7, 2842 ii., 2874, 2938, 2968 (5), 3148, 3513. Michell Compton, 2738. Mighell or Michael of Ply- mouth, 2304 (3 i., ii., 4), 2305 ii., iii. Mighell Ratt (Mychell Rote), 2738-g. 2055 (25, 30). New Barke, 1413-14, 1480. New barques (two), 1393, 1480:-App. 24. New Matthew, 1577. New row barges 1383. barges (two), New Ship of Bristol,2686 (2). Nicholas of Asshe, 2304 (2). Nicholas Beulay or Bailly, 2479 iv., 2881, 2936, 3148 iii., ix. Nicholas Draper, 1413, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5 ii.), 2304 (3 i., ii., 4), 2686-7, 2842 ii., 2938, 3148-p. 1520. Nicholas Gonston, 1661. Nicholas of Hampton, 1132, 1413 bis, 1453 ii., iv., v., 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5 ii.), 1698, 2305 iii., 2738. Nicholas Montrygo. See below Sanches de Garra. Nicholas Nevill, 1414. Nicholas Rede or Great Nicholas Rede, 1132, 1413, 1453 ii., v., 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 1710, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 (ii., iii.), 2686, 3148: —pp. 1507-8. See also, above, Great Nicholas. Patrick of Bristol, 1262 (p. 578). Pemberton's Ship, 1413. Peter of Fowey (Foya), 1132, 1413, 1453 ii., iv., V., 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 1894, 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii., iii., 4, 5 bis), 2305 (p. 1035), 2669. Peter (Peto) of Lee (Lye), 2686-7, 2842 ii., 2874, 2938, 3148, 3513. Peter or Peter Pomegranet (Petur Garnarde, P. Poundegarnade, Pomgar- natha, Poungarnett, Pon- garnath), 1132, 1393, 1413, 1453 ii., v., ix., 1463 vi., 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 1704, 1883, 2304 (3 i., ii., 5), 2305 (ii., iii.), 2686–7, GENERAL INDEX. 407 Ships, named: Peter or Peter Pome- granet-cont. 2842, 2938, 3137 (6, 7, 13, 15), 3148, 3318 (i., iv.):- pp. 1496–9, 1500–1, 1503, 1520. Petite Louise, 1467, 3349. Regent (Regyon), burnt at Brest (in August 1512), 16, 1132, 1260, 1356, 1371, 1377, 1385, 1393, 1403, 1453 (ii. p. 663 ix.), 1454, 1463 viii., 1512, 1518, 1591n., 2305 iii., 2738 :- pp. 1497-8, 1500-2: g. 132 (91), 1266 (8). victualling account, 1454. Regent (built to replace the Regent lost in 1512), 1586, 1591 (2). Rosamus. See Erasmus. Rose (Rosse) Galley, 2217, 2305 iii., 2686–7, 2842, 2938, 3137 (6, 9, 15), 3148, 3318 (i. bis, iv., vii.), 3513. See also Barques. Rose Henry, a row-barge, 1453 ii., v., 1661, 3318. row barges, 1413, 2478 ii., 2643, 2652. See also Rose Henry and Katharine Pomegarnet. Sabyen (Sabyn), 1132, 1413 ter, 1453 ii., v., 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5 ii.), 1705, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2652, 2686–7, 2842 ii., 2938, 3137 (16), 3148 ii., ix. wages bill, 1705. Salvator of Lubeck. See Great Elizabeth. Sancho de Gara, Sancho Agerra (Sanchyor or San- chior de Garra), alias Nicholas Montrygo, 1661 (3, 4, 5 ii.), 1698 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 3318:- p. 1520. Sancta Anna, 2304. Sancta Crux, g. 546 (18). St. James of Alicante, 1423. Sancta Maria de Gardelopa, 2304. Sancta Maria de La Groyn, 2304. St. Mary, of Italy, g. 2055 (91). Santa Maria, of Italy, laden with alum, 3092. Sancta Maria de Lakeyton (or La Cayton or Alky- ten), 1661 (4, 5 ii.), 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 3318. Ships, named—cont. Santa Maria de Loretto, Mary Loret, Mary de la Rotta, Maria Doloreta, Maria de Larota, Mary de la Rottae (a carrick of Genoa or Savona), 1072, 1416, 1513, 1594, 1598, 1660, 1661 (3, 4, 5), 1675, 1688, 1698, 1704, 1768, 1831, 1860, 1992, 2023, 2038, 2106, 2113, 2208 -9, 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii., 5 bis), 2305 ii. quater, iii. bis, 2593, 2947, 3113, 3264, 3318 (i., iv.):- pp. 1507-8:-g. 2484 (10). inventory and valuation, 1831. Santa Maria Somaya, 3318. Saraguse, 1413. See also Ships not named (Ragu- san). Second New Spaniard or Sancta Maria Semago, 1661 (4, 5, 6), 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 iii., 2478. Ship of Loboyle, French, 1936. or Ship of Sarna (Savona ?), g. 1462 (9). See also Santa Maria de Loretto. Ships of Bristol, 1661 (4 p. 753, 5 ii.), 1698 (p. 778), 1728, 2738. See also Trinity. Sovereign (Suffrayn) Trinity Sovereign, 1321, 1393, 1413, 1414 bis, 1463 viii., 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5, 6), 1698, 1704, 1883, 1975, 2304 (3, 5 bis), 2305 (ii. bis, iii. quater), 2479 vii., 2686-7, 2738, 2842, 2938, 2968 (5), 3137 (5, 6, 9, 15), 3148, 3318 (i., iv.): pp. 1497-9, 1500 -2, 1504, 1519-20. Spaniard. See above, Great New Spaniard. Spanish barque with oars, 1661 (3). Spanish Carrack, 1704. Spanish Ship, 2937. Swallow, a row-barge, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 1698, 1704, 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 (i., ii. ter, iii.), 2686 (1, 2), 2687, 2842, 2938, 3148, 3318 (i., iv., vii.), 3513. Swallow of Winchelsea, 3148 ii., iii. Sweepstake (Swipestake, Swopstake), a row-barge, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5), 1704, 408 GENERAL INDEX. Ships, named: Sweepstake-cont. 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2305 (i., ii., iii. bis), 2686-7, 2702, 2842, 2938, 3148, 3318 (iv. bis, vii.), 3513. The Ragosey's Ship, 1414. Thomas of Hull, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 5 ii.), 1786, 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii.), 2652. Thomas of Walberswick, g. 1662 (37). Treasurer or Thesaurar, of Scotland, 212n., 306. Trinity, victualler, 1414. Trinity of Alburgh, g. 804 (5). Trinity, of Bristol, 1577, 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1728, 1982 (4), 2217, 2304 (3 i., ii., 4, 5), 2305 ii. :-P. 1520. Trinity Caws, 1982 (4). Trinity Grace, of Bristol, 1577. Trinity of Bylbow or Bilboa, 1664, 3318. Trinity of Dartmouth, 2842 iii., 2938 ii. Trinity of Erith, 2304 (5). Trinity of Fontarabia, 1495 v. Trinity of Hampton, 2217, 2304 (2, 3 ii.), 2305 iii., 2738, 2842 iii., 2938 ii. Trinity or Trinity Sovereign. See Sovereign. Trinity of Wight, 2304 (2). Vincent of Fowey, 2304 (3 iii., 4, 5). Walter Campion's (or Cham- pion's) Ship, 1413, 1661. Ships not named :— Biscayan, 610, 734, 1321, 1957-8. Breton (Queen of France's ships), 1128, 1182-3, 1672, 1694, 1697, 1709, 1844 (p. 843), 2006 (p. 908), 2297, 2669, 2693, 2977:-p. 1516:—g. 381 (91). Danish, 1564 (p. 718), 1584, 1635, 1936, 1971, 1978, 1992, 2398, 2546. Dantzic, 2085, 2652. Egyptian fleets, 191. English RoyalNavy (Army), • 264, 287, 880, 998, 1128, 1147, 1182–3, 1186, 1201, 1216, 1237, 1268, 1291, 1311 (p. 602), 1321, 1336, 1344, 1354, 1368, 1371, 1385, 1416, 1475, 1512–13, 1532, 1578, 1586, 1591, 1613, 1628 1628 (2), 1634, Ships not named: English Royal Navy (Army)-cont. 1656-7, 1659-60, 1688, 1690, 1692–3, 1734-5, 1747-8. 1760, 1762, 1766, 1769, 1771, 1786, 1792, 1801, 1808, 1812, 1824–5, 1840, 1844-6, 1851-2, 1854, 1858–9, 1864, 1866, 1869-70, 1873, 1875, 1878, 1881-2, 1885-6, 1898-1900, 1907, 1911– 15, 1928, 1942-4, 1960, 1970, 1975–6, 1978, 1982, 2007, 2043, 2096, 2111, 2154, 2167 2167 (2), 2260, 2275, 2278, 2478-9, 2508, 2574, 2632, 2643, 2669, 2747, 2789, 2805, 2875, 2888, 2946, 3000–1, 3003, 3051, 3318, 3608 passim, 3610 :—g. 1662 (31), 1732 (21, 32, 39), 2617 (12), 3499 (36). clerk controller, 1978 (p. 897). See Hop- ton, J. · 3137. general survey, hiring of, 1982. in English ports, 577, 1577. payments, 1189, 1267, 1393, 1414, 1453, 1463 viii., x., xi., 1531, 1704-5, 1710, 1727-8, 2097, 2304, 2842. lists, 1413, 1453, 1661, 2217, 2686, 2842, 2938. treasurer. Wyndham, Sir T. 66 See a remembrance for trading voyages, 1005. things to be ઃઃ done," 1080. • " victualling, g. 1316 (25), 1524 (30), 1662 (31, 35, 37, 54), 1732 (6, 8, 14, 23, 27, 31), 1804 (8, 14). “rate of victuals," and other charges, 1260. victualling ac- counts, 3148: Flemish, 1302, 1495 (3), 1594, 1797, 1886, 1943, 2532, 2534. Flemish and other hoys, for transport, 1569, 1630, 1694, 1744, 1768, 1812, 1826, 1871, 1876, 1891 (2), 1899, 1913, 2009, 2451, 2478 (2), 2479 (2), 2850, 2937, 3013, 3018 GENERAL INDEX. 409 Ships not named: Flemish and other hoys, for transport-cont. (p. 1302), 3085, 3318 iii., 3506, 3539. payments to, 3085. Florentine, 3349. French, 1182, 1201, 1216, 1291, 1326 (p. 618), 1354, 1371, 1475, 1504, 1566, 1628, 1635, 1647, 1808, 1883, 2006 (p. 908), 2014, 2229, 2240, 2351, 2736, 2973, 3093 :—g. 1948 (1). French fleets (Ärmata) in the Channel and North Sea, 264, 413, 434, 1081, 1237, 1243, 1265, 1273, 1321, 1329, 1344, 1356, 1368, 1371, 1385, 1416, 1422 (p. 651), 1461, 1480, 1518, 1564, 1594, 1596, 1628 (2), 1647, 1659, 1665 (p. 761), 1694, 1697, 1699, 1709, 1711, 1737, 1742, 1748, 1771, 1786, 1792, 1835, 1840, 1844, 1851, 1866, 1869-71, 1873, 1891 (2), 1894,1907, 1911, 1942, 1965, 1971, 2014, 2072, 2156, 2240, Ships not named-cont. Provençal corsairs, 1291, 1321. Ragusan, 1354, 2738: p. 1504. Scottish, 233, 292, 547, 854, 880, 1056, 1070, 1116-7, 1147 (p. 544), 1295, 1298, 1302, 1311 (p. 602), 1311 iv., 1314–5, 1329, 1380, 1499, 1523, 1594, 1645, 1647, 1682, 1690, 1729-31, 1735 (p. 792), 1775, 1835, 1936, 1965, 1971, 1978, 2096, 2107, 2116, 2156, 2169, 2199, 2204, 2260, 2275, 2297, 2305 iii., 2351, 2398, 2443, 2479 x., 2616, 2693– 4, 2908, 3087, 3349 (p. 1412), 3400, 3481. Spanish, 1183, 1291, 1326 (pp. 616, 618), 1377, 1385, 1422 (p. 651), 1441, 1461, 1484, 1495 (1 v., 3), 1504, 1506, 1509 (p. 696), 1511 (p. 699), 1513, 1594, 1628 (2), 1656–7, 1659, 1661 (3), 1665 (pp. 761–2), 1694, 1748, 1768, 1771, 1786, 1812, 1844 (p. 843), 1845, 1854, 1859, 1866, 1870, 1882, 1886, 1898, 2260, 2275, 2443, 2493, 2508, 2574, 2632, 2643, 2681, 2693, 2908, 3009, 3087, 3298, 3349, 3540 : 1928, 1942-3, 1965, 1976, -g. 1602 (38). 2002, 2131, 2242, 2393, vice-admiral, 1273. 2459, 2478-9, 2574, 2669, See Clermont, R. letter from the admiral, 1742. French galleys and galleas- ses, 113, 1422 (p. 651), 1475, 1512, 1709, 1769, 1771, 1786, 1808, 1828, 1835, 1844, 1851–2, 1878, 1907, 1922, 1992, 2508, 2693, 2854, 2959. admiral of. See Bidoux, P. de. French fleets in Mediter- ranean, 147, 264, 434, 610, 965, 2006 (p. 908), 2029. Frieslander, 1844 (p. 843). Genoese, 1647 (p. 743), 2006 (p. 908). Hollanders, 1599. Irish, 1613. Lubeck, 1730-1, 2973. See also ships named. Moorish at Denia, 2982. Norman, 1344, 2297. Papal, 529, 570, 842, 1354, 1647 (p. 743), 3404. Portuguese, 12-14, 171, 504, 828, 1291, 1321, 1344, 1768, 2801. 2977, 3093, 3349, 3524: -pp. 1504, 1516. Spanish in the Mediter- ranean, 610, 3014: App. 6. Turkish, 1604, 1765. capture an English ship off Leghorn, 2991. Venetian, 1475, 1512, 1522, 2567. Venetian fleets for Flanders and England ("the galleys"), 5, 7, 17, 140, 189, 221, 240, 253, 385, 413, 529, 570, 601, 613, 615, 960, 1072, 1074, 1276, 2902. Venetians in the Mediter- ranean, 147, 529, 570, 783, 1074, 1354, 1443. See Shepardine. Shipwarden. Shipton on Cherwell, Oxon, g. 682 (8), 3582 (10). Shipton mill (alias Pole mill), Oxon, g. 546 (33). Shirborne. See Sherborne. Shirbourne, Yorks. See Sherburn. Shirburn (Shirbourn), Oxon, 438 (4 m. 22). 410 GENERAL INDEX. Shirclyff, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22). Shire, Surr. See Shiere. Shire, John, purser, 2881. Shireffeslenche. See Lench. Shirefhutton. See Sheriffhutton. Shiresfeslenche. See Lench. Shirewod, priory of St. Mary de Novo Loco. See Newark. Shirford (Sherford), Warw., 438 (3 m. 4):—g. 2535 (29). Shirland (Sharland), Derb., 438 (2 mm. 13, 30). Shirley, Derb., 438 (1 m. 9). Shirley, Sherley or Shurley, Hugh, 1463 xii. 952. (Scherley), John, cofferer of the Household, master clerk of the Kitchen, 20 (p. 17 bis), 82 (p. 39), 404, 438 (1 m. 5), 457, 497, 703, 707 ("William Cofferer"), 1416, 1752, 2404, 2492, 2540, 2546, 3144, 3313 (6):—p. 1506:—g. 94 (40), 132 (54), 190 (45), 857 (3), 1003 (13, 19), 1123 (31), 1316 (30), 1836 (20), 2055 (98), 2484 (22, 31), 2535 (15), 2617 (3), 2772 (27), 2861 (32), 3049 (6, 22, 29), 3324 (38). • signature of, 404, 1150. Nic., p. 1545. (Shirle, Shirlowe), Ralph, 438 (1 m. 7). Sir Ralph, 438 (1 m. 9), 1176 (1, 2):—pp. 1535, 1539: -g. 969 (23), 2222 (16 Leic.). Ric., 2912-p. 1545: g. 132 (40), 447 (18), 519 (15). 651 (28), 1083 (39), 2484 (9). Richard, rector of Pem- bridge, g. 218 (63). > Th., 20 (p. 17):—g. 519 (15). 546 (51), 632 (84). Shirlowe. See Shirley. Shirwode. See Sherwood. Shirwill, Devon. See Sherwill. Shirwyll, Hants, 438 (1 m. 12). Shiryff. See Shereff. Shitlanger. See Shuttle Changer. Shitlington (Shetlyngton), Beds, 438 (4 m. 18). chantry in, g. 2617 (40). Shkally, Worc. See Shrawley. Shmurzemborg, lord of, 2113. Shobrook (Shobroke, Shodbroke), Devon, 438 (2 m. 16), 438 (3 m. 12). Shoby or Shouldby (Sywoldby), Leic., 438 (2 mm. 4 bis, 27). Shodbroke. See Shobrook. Shoemakers or cordwainers, or cor- voysers, 438 (1 mm. 12, 22), 438 (2 mm. 15, 17, 25, 26), 438 (3 mm. 17 bis, 22), 438 (4 mm. 6, 16, 23, 27), 1803 Shoemakers-cont. (m. 6), 1803 (2 mm. 3, 5) g. 1266 (38), 3049 (28). Shoklege or Shokelege (Shoclege), Ric., gunfounder, 2668, 2832 v.: pp. 1509-11, 1514. Sholdflett. See Shalfleet. Sholdham, John, 438 (4 m. 13). Sholdon, Kent, 438 (2 m. 10). Shomaker, John, 438 (4 m. 16). Shopard. See Sheppard. Shopstone or Shotton, Roger, prior of Malton, 438 (1 m. 18). Shordiche. See under London. Shore, Ric., alderman, 438 (1 m. 19): —g. 749 (16). Shoreham, Kent, 438 (3 m. 26). Shorne, Kent, vicar of, g. 1462 (25). Shortall (Scyertall), James, prior of Kilkenny, p. 1524. Shorthoos, Ant., 1355. Shortewode, Ntht., g. 158 (42). Shorwell (Forwell), I. of Wight, 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 15). Shotland (qu. Shetland), 1262 (p. 578). Shotley, Warw. See Shottery. Shoton, Ralph, g. 3499 (16). Shotover (Shottore, Scotover) Forest, Oxon, 438 (3 m. 6) :—g. 2684 (69). ranger or warden, 438 (3 m. 8):-g. 381 (36), 3226. .,metes and bounds (described), g. 2684 (69). Shottery (Shotley, Shoterey), Warw., 438 (1 m. 14). Shottesbrook (Shotesbroke), Berks, 164. Shottesham (Shotsham), Norf., g. 3324 (30). Shotton, Salop, 438 (2 m. 31). Shotton, Roger. See Shopstone. Shottore. See Shotover. Shotwick (Shotewike), Chesh., g. 1365 (25). Shouldby. See Shoby. Shouldham (Shuldham), priory, 438 (3 m. 15). Norf., Shrawardine (Schrawerden), Salop, 438 (2 m. 31). Shrawfielde (Shroffolde, Shrofolde), Kent, 1120-g. 1123 (51, 58), 1172 (12). Shrawley (Shkally), Worc., g. 257 (86), 289 (9). rector presented, g. 1316 (43). Shrenham. See Shrivenham. Shrevenham. See Shrivenham. Shrewsbury (Salop, Shrewrisbery, Schursbury), 438 (2 m. 31 bis), 438 (3 mm. 6, 12, 18, 28, 30), 438 (4 m. 9):—g. 381 (46), 833 (11), 3324 (28). GENERAL INDEX. 411 Shrewsbury-cont. abbey, 438 (4 m. 4), 1406 : —g. 132 (43), 257 (21), 1266 (3). abbot, 205, 963. Lee, R.; Baker, R. See dispute with the town, g. 132 (43). election of abbot, g. 1123 (55), 1172 (13), 1221 (51-2). college of St. Chadd, p. 1525. college of St. Mary, dean of, 438 (1 m. 3):—g. 2055 (29). See Grafton, A.; Higgyns, E. farm of, g. 94 (35). pardon to the town, 1803 (1 m. 5). St. John's chapel or priory, near the Welsh Gate, g. 924 (21). Shrewsbury, countess of, 82 (p. 41). SHREWSBURY (Shrosbere, Shros- berry), GEORGE TALBOT EARL of, K.G., STEWARD OF THE HOUSEHOLD, Captain Tal- bot,' "" Lord Talbot,' Talle- bot," 1, 20 (pp. 13, 17, 20—1), 37, 82 (pp. 38–9, 43), 157, 205, 214, 341, 392, 399, 438 (3 m. 1), 442, 559 (p. 327), 707, 880, 945, 963, 1046, 1128, 1176, 1216, 1264, 1310, 1391, 1410, 1420, 1427, 1589, 1766, 1834, 1848, 1853, 1903, 1949, 2027, 2037, 2051-2, 2057, 2077, 2089, 2170, 2186, 2189, 2227, 2391 passim, 2392, 2934, 3146, 3362, 3364, 3464, 3483: -pp. 1507, 1515, 1535, 1539, 1542 bis, 1543, 1546, 1547 bis :-App. 14:—g. 54 (10), 94 (35 p. 50, 43), 132 (13), 731 (27-8), 784 (36), 804 (8, 49), 833 (5), 969 (29, 51), 1083 (11,24, 41), 1170 (7), 1266 (10), 1316 (40-1), 1365 (19), 1415 (27), 1462 (3), 1494 (15); 1662 (18, 57), 1804 (28, 30), 2055 (60), 2684 (90), 2861 (6), 2863 (9), 3049 (11). 3238. (62). • " letter from, 2057. letters to, 399, 2089, commission to, g. 1948 signature of, 214, 265, 404, 710, 716, 845, 2308: pp. 1510, 1515, 1519 :-g. 54 (33), 132 (65), 218 (4, 55–6), 257 (4, 5, 12, 37, 85), 414 (48, 52), 448 (1, 4, 8), 651 (7), 731 (20), 1003 (17), 1123 (45), 1948 (23, 40). 38, 41). his daughter, 82 (pp. Shriefhales. Shrivenham See Sheriff Hales. (Shrevenham, Shren- ham, Shryham, Shreveham), Berks, 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (2 m. 29), 1803 (1 mm. 2, 3). Shroffolde. See Shrawfield. Shroggis (Shruggis, Shroges), Wm., 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 19). Shropham, Norf., 438 (1 m. 25). Shropshire or Salop, 205 (p. 106), 309, 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 mm. 23, 28), 1004 (4), 2392, 2628: —g. 132 (52), 381 (46, 74, 90), 414 (52), 632 (26), 833 (11), 857 (11), 969 (23, 47), 1221 (11), 1316 (9, 41), 1494 (9, 18), 1662 (57), 2055 (42), 2222 (12), 2484 (9, 17), 2681 (6), 3408 (18, 20), 3499 (12). commission of the peace, pp. 1542-3. Shrosbere. See Shrewsbury. Shrule (Sthanari), co. Mayo, p. 1525. Shryham. See Shrivenham. Shuffenhall. See Shiffnal. Shukbrugh or Shukborowe, Th., p. 1546-g. 218 (12). Shuldham. See Shouldham. Shurborne or Shurbourn. borne. See Sher- Shurborne House. See Sherburn College. Shurley (Sherle), Hants, 1803 (1 m. 6). Shurley. See Shirley. Shurlowe, Suff., 438 (3 m. 24). Shusnall. See Shiffnal. Shustock (Justoke), Warw., 1803 (1 m. 3). Shute (Chute), Devon, g. 289 (44), 632 (70). Shuttle Changer (Shitlanger), Ntht., g. 1083 (41). Shvagger, Wm., letter from, 3512. Shyar, Edmond, alias Forest, q.v. Shyfford. See Shefford. Shyngill, Th., g. 1836 (10). Shynneshed. See Swineshead. Shyre. See Shiere. Shyrfeld upon Lodon. See Sher- field. Shyrlond. See Shirland. Siam, King of, 1974. Sibill (Sybbyll), Isaac, s. and h. of Abraham, g. 924 (13). (Sibull, Sybell), Th., 438 (1 m. 5), 438 (3 m. 24). Sibsey (Cibsey), Linc., 438 (4 m. 26). Sibsey, George, ship captain, 1189, 1496. Sibthorpe, Wm., 20 (p. 18). Sibton, Suff., 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (3 m. 1). abbey, 438 (1 m. 12). • • abbot. See Clifton, J. 412 GENERAL INDEX. Sicambri. See Gueldres. Sicily (Cycile, Cycelia, Cecylya), 147, 329 (p. 150), 345, 556, 816, 1186, 1191, 1326 (p. 615), 1665 (p. 765), 3586. viceroy of, 610, 1604. Sidborough, John, gentleman of the Chapel, 707. Sidburgh, Th., player, 20 (p. 16). Sidbury (Sydebury, Sudbury), Devon, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (4 m. 20). Siddington (Sydynton), Nether-, Glouc., 438 (3 m. 16). Siddlesham (Sydelesham), Suss., 438 (1 m. 12). Sidenham, Ric., 2542. Sidestrand (Sidestorn), Norf., 438 (2 m. 13). Sidnall (Sydenhall), Salop, 2537. Sidnall, John, 1493 v. Sidnam. See Sydenham. Sidney, Rob., spear of Calais, 2049. (Syddeney, Sidnaye), Wm. or Sir Wm., esquire for the Body, 1176 (3), 1453 ii., v., 2488, 2654, 2924, 2940, 2941 (pp. 1270, 1272):-App. 26:- g. 1172 (2), 2137 (21), 2772 (56), 3324 (34). as ship captain, 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1844, 1851, 2304 (3), 2305 ii., 2652. Sidnor, Richard, M.A., canon of Exeter, 438 (3 m. 22). SIENNA and the Siennese. 268, 481, 483, 816, 2242 (2), 2428, 3089. Sieno, Th. See Cheyny. Sigesmonde, John, g. 519 (8). Sigewyke, John, page of the Cham- ber, 218, 640, 3554 :—g. 257 (19), 1494 (40), 2055 (56), 3107 (31). Sigglesthorne (Siglistorn), 1803 (1 m. 6). Sighill. See Seghill. Yorks, Sigismond, archduke of Austria (1439-1494), 1051. Signory, the. See Venice. Sigston (Syggeston), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 32). Siguenza (Segwence, Seqwence, Se- quensa), bp. of, 1239, 1326 (p. 617), 1441, 1461, 1484, 1495 v. letter to, 1270 (?). Silam, Suff. See Syleham. Silcocks (Selcotes), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 23). Sileham. See Syleham. Silivri (Solubria) [in the province of Constantinople], Thomas bp. of, prior of Carswell, 2109 :— p. 1531. Silke, Ŵm., clk., g. 357 (10). Silks, licence to import, g. 784 (51), 1170 (11), 1494 (13), 3107 (2), 3226 (14). Silkwoman, p. 1503. Silkyll, John, 707. Sill. See Seill. Silla. See Scilly. Sillon, Sieur de. See Chillou. Silly. See Cilly. Silsden (Selysden, Selisdane), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 17). Silsworth (Syllysworth), Ntht. [near West Haddon], 201. Silva, Peter de, 1429. ville ? P. Wood- Silverstone (Sylbeston), Ntht., g. 1316 (15). Silverton, Rob., ship master, 1661 (4), 2842 iv. Silvester, Gabriel, S.T.P., master of Clare Hall, Cambridge, 1803 (1 m. 3):—g. 3226 (7). Silvington (Silbington), Salop, 438 (4 m. 17). Simeon, Geoffrey, canon of York, g. 190 (5), 804 (50). Simeonis. See Simpson. Simmons, Rob., g. 2222 (4). Simon, gunfounder. See Giles, S. Symon, M., surgeon, p. 1520. Simon or Simond, John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39). Ralph, 1262 (p. 578). (Symon), Ric., p. 1548. Th., 2537. Walter, chaplain, 438 (2 m. 32). Symondes or Symonds, John, cus- tomer of Exeter, 874 (2), 1864 (p. 850), 3313 (6):-p. 1518. (Symonis), John, a ship builder in James IV.'s service, 233. Rob., g. 969 (66). (Symons), Wm., 1855, 2574. Wm., groom of the Chamber, g. 682 (17), 2535 (18). (Symons), Wm., ship captain, 2304 (3, 4, 5), 2305, 2542 (2), 2686, 2842 ii., 2938:—p. 1518. Simpson, sherman, g. 11 (10). (Simson, Simeonis), Adam, clk., canon of Moray; p. 1523 bis, 1524-5, 1527. • Alex., canon of Aberdeen, g. 2862 (8). (Symson), John, 1803 m. 5):-g. 1732 (29). (Symson), Ric., 248, 626, 947, 1205, 1806, 2449, 2467, 3491. (Symson), Rob., surgeon, p. 1520. Wm., g. 1172 (16). GENERAL INDEX. 413 Sims (Symms, Symmys), Simon, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383). Sinclair (Sincler, Sinkler, Sancti Cleri), Henry lord, master of the Artillery of Scotland, 1262 (p. 578), 1302, 1983. (Sencler), Sir John, 1775 (p. 810). (Sincler), Th., 1262 (p. 578). Wm., earl of Caithness, q.v. Sinegal. See Senogalliensis. Singelston, Edmond, g. 1524 (6). Wm., g. 1524 (6). Singer, Ric., prior of Wenlock, 438 (1 m. 14). Simon, rector of Shrawley, g. 1316 (43). Singing men, 163, 438 (3 m. 2). Singleton (Sengylton), Suss., 438 (3 m. 23). Singleton, John, 248, 626, 947, 1205, 1806, 2449. Sinningthwaite (Senyngthwayt) nunnery, Yorks [in Bilton parish], 438 (4 m. 25). Sinnington (Synelyngton, Synyng- ton), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 21). Sinogalensis. See Senogalliensis. Sinton, Worc., 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 8). Sinus, James, p. 1524. Sinus Magnus, or Gulf of Siam, 1974. Sion nunnery, Midd., confirmation for, g. 1221 (55). Sion (Sedunensis, Sedonencis), Matthew Schinner bp. of, cardinal (10 March 1511), legate with the Swiss in the Pope's service, 714, 718, 838, 914, 1020, 1029, 1194, 1277 passim, 1301 passim, 1311-12, 1339, 1345, 1386, 1568, 1677, 2029, 2127, 2752, 2790, 2879, 2926, 3088. .., letters from, 2752, 2879. Sipontin [in Manfredonia], bp. of. See Monte, A. M. da. Sirescote (Sherescote), Staff. [near Tamworth], 1803 (2 m. 4) :— g. 1524 (21). Sirynensis episcopus. See Thornton, J. Sissetour. See Cirencester. Siston (Ciston), Glouc., 438 (2 m. 32). Sittingbourne (Cetyngborn, Sedyng- borne, Sydyngbourn, Syth- yngbourne), Kent, 438 (2 mm. 10, 32), 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 mm. 10, 16), 2729, 3331 :—g. 3107 (23), 3499 (5). Sixhill priory, Linc., 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 15). > prior. See Gayton, W. Sixtin, John, 972-3, 1122 (3), 2223, 2457, 2818. Sixtin, John-cont. letters from, 911, 952. Sixtus IV., Pope (A.D. 1471–84), 293. bull of, g. 682 (25). Sizergh (Sysar, Saysargh, Cisar), Westmld., 438 (3 m. 10): g. 132 (34), 485 (42), 2684 (64). Skagelthorpe. See Scagglethorpe. Skalder or Skaldar, John, 1803 (1 m. 2). Wm., 1803 (1 m. 2). Skan, James, g. 2862 (7). Skar. See Scar. Skatea, John de. See Ascoitia. Skayton. See Skeyton. Skedam. See Schiedam. Skeffington (Skevyngton), Leic., 438 (1 m. 19). Skeffington (Skevyngton), -, App. 22. (Skevyngton), Th., 1493 ii. Thomas, bp. of Bangor, 205, 963, 3464: pp. 1537, 1542, 1545. (Skevington), Wm. or Sir Wm., 438 (1 m. 19), 1495 (1 ii., 3), 1496 iii. :—pp. 1511, 1539. Skegby, Notts, 438 (1 m. 4). Skegness (Skegneys), Linc., 1803 (1 m. 3). Skelland (Skelond), Suff., g. 414 (30). Skelle. See Schelle. Skelling. See Skilling. Skellingthorpe (Sleldinghope), Linc., 438 (4 m. 4). Skelsmergh (Skelmeser), Westmld. [in Kendal], 438 (4 m. 8), 1803 (1 m. 3). Skelton, Cumb., 438 (3 m. 30). Skelton in Galtres, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 5). Skelton, Clement, 438 (3 m. 32), 3137 (16). Edward, g. 632 (41), 3107 (21). George, 2443. James, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). John, of Armathwaite, 1471 : ―g. 132 (50), 257 (49), 632 (26), 969 (23). John, attainted, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). John, poet laureate, rector of Diss, 438 (2 m. 31). Nic. See Shelton. Ric., g. 3226 (7). Robert, slain on the Borders (temp. Henry VII.), 131, 309. Th., 707 (p. 383). Wm., treasurer of Lincoln Cathedral, 438 (1 m. 10). Skelyng. See Skilling. 414 GENERAL INDEX. Skenfrith, co. Monmouth, 438 (1 m. 16). Skerell. See Scarella. Skerne or Skern, Anne widow of Henry, 438 (3 m. 2). Edmond, 438 (4 m. 23). Edw., 82 (p. 41). Henry, 438 (4 m. 23). John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39): -g. 1123 (17), 2684 (87). Percival, g. 1123 (11). Rob., g. 1123 (11). Wm., 707 (p. 383). Sketergate. See Scattergate. Skevyngton. See Skeffington. Skewys (Scuysshe), John, of Skewys, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 6) :- p. 1535:-g. 190 (22), 632 (70), 833 (58 iii.), 2964 (61, 64). 3324 (24), 3408 (4). Kath., 438 (4 m. 6). Skeyte, Th., 2054 (2). Skeyton (Skayton), Norf., 438 (4 m. 15). Skidbrook (Skytbroke), Linc., g. 519 (2), 632 (43). guild of, 1505. Skidby (Scypby) next Beverley, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9). Skilling (Skelling, Skelyng), John, 436, 438 (2 m. 33) :—p. 1546-g. 218 (12), 2222 (16 Wilts). Michael, 438 (2 m. 33). Skinner, of Devonshire, g. 11 (10). Eliz., 438 (4 m. 27). " John, p. 1545:—g. 731 (28), 1948 (10), 2222 (16 Surr.). Wm., rector of Burton upon Dunsmore and Cheriton, p. 1523. Skinners, 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (3 mm. 8, 11, 23), 438 (4 mm. 8, 21, 23, 24). Skipton, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 3). Skipton in Craven (Carven), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 33), 438 (4 mm. 21, 23). Skipton, Robt., 2623. Skipwith, Edward, 1803 (m. 1). George, 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (2 m. 29). · Joan, prioress of Greenfield, 438 (4 m. 12). Sir John, p. 1540:-g. 257 (48), 357 (6), 651 (13, 34), 709 (55), 804 (13), 969 (52, 54), 1171 (3), 2535 (25), 3408 (6), 3582 (14). Ric., LL.B., g. 414 (62). Seward, 2375. Wm., 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (2 m. 19):—g. 833 (58 i.). Skircoat (Skirkote), Yorks [in Hali-' fax], 438 (3 m. 9). Skirmot, Rob., g. 1732 (27). Skirpenbeck (Skirtenbek), Yorks, g. 3226 (19). Skirwith, Cumb., 438 (2 mm. 16, 19). Skitby, Cumb. (Squyterby, Cornw.) [in Kirklinton], 1803 (1 m. 2). Skite, Andrew, g. 3049 (25). Skoclege. See Shoklege. Skorer. See Scorer. Skoser, Henry, 438 (3 m. 2). Skrayenham. See Scrayingham. Skrebyllesby. See Scrivelsby. Skreen Adamnani (Scrinananaya), co. Sligo, p. 1523. Skremby. See Scremby. Skrene, Eliz. widow of Sir John, g. 604 (36). Skreton. See Screveton. Skull (Scoll), co. Cork, p. 1523. Skydmore. See Scudamore. Skylman, Henry, g. 587 (2). Skynke, Rowtelow, captain of Al- mains, p. 1517. Skyrwyn, John, 3529. Skytbroke. See Skidbrook. Skytte, John, 2671. Slacok. See Slakok. Sladbourne. See Slaidburn. Slade, Devon, g. 2222 (16 Devon). Slade, the, off Essex, 2865. Slade, Edward, justice of Assize, g. 2684 (62). • • (Slayde), m. 4). Henry, 1803 (1 Rob., g. 218 (12). Th., p. 1546. Slagham. See Slaugham. Slaidburn (Sladbourne), Yorks, rec- tor presented, g. 190 (38). Slake, Henry, g. 132 (31). Slakesby, Hants, 1803 (1 m. 3). Slakok, Slacok or Cok, John, 438 (2 m. 29). Slamanan (Salamarian), in Scotland, rectory of, p. 1522. Slapthorne. See Glapthorne. Slapton, Devon, 438 (2 m. 30). college, p. 1529. • Slater (Sclatter), Ric., g. 11 (10). (Sclater), Ric., vicar of Car- narvon, 438 (4 m. 4). Wm., g. 257 (2). Slaugham (Shagham, Suss., 438 (2 m. 28). Slagham), Slaughter, Nether- (Nethersloughter), Glouc., 438 (4 m. 16). Slavonia (Sclavonia), 83, 766. Slayde. See Slade. Sleaford (Sleford), Linc., 438 (1 mm. 5, 10), 438 (3 m. 8), 438 (4 m. 9). Sleaford, Old- (Old Lafford, Old- slefforde), Linc., 438 (4 m. 14). GENERAL INDEX. 415 Sleddall (Sleddell), Ric., 1803 (1 m. 3). Sleford. See Sleaford. Slehurst, Surr., g. 709 (32). Sleke, Wm., 1803 (2 m. 5). Sleldinghope. See Skellingthorpe. Sleswick (Slesuig), duchy of, 247. Slewe. See Sluys. Sliig, James, a Scot, 247. Slingesby, John, 438 (1 mm. 15, 18). Sloo, Wm., monk, p. 1529. Slurry (Slury), Anne widow of Richard, 438 (3 m. 7). Wm., 438 (3 m. 7). Sluys (Sluce, Sluse, Slewe, Escluse), in Flanders, 828, 1891 (2), 2179, 2274, 2510, 2809, 3041. Sly (Slie), Rob., 438 (4 m. 6). Th., g. 381 (84). Slyke, Wm., 1803 (2 m. 5). Slythurst, Ric., g. 1172 (3). Smalbroke, John, 438 (2 m. 10). Smalehanger, Devon, g. 3499 (73). Small, John, abbot of Bourne, g. 857 (15). Smallbridge (Smalbregge), Suff., 438 (3 m. 1). Smallburgh (Smalbergh), Norf., 1803 (2 m. 1). Smalworth, Roger, 438 (1 m. 19). Smardale (Smertdale), Westmld., 438 (3 m. 17). Smart (Smarte), John, clk., 1803 (1 m. 4). Rob., petty captain at Guisnes, 3135. (Smert), Wm., 1803 (1 m. 6). Smere (Smyre, Smyer, Smeere), John, 438 (1 m. 18):-p. 1549. Smertdale. See Smardale. Smethcote (Smythcote), Salop, g. 2684 (1). Smethe. See Smith. Smiechen (Smuchan), in Germany, letter dated at, 1867. Smith or Smythe, Dr., 2765. 2053. Agnes, 438 (3 m. 11). Alice, daughter of John S., of Cavendish, 438 (2 m. 21). Edw., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40), 438 (2 m. 27). Eliz., g. 1083 (49). Henry, 438 (4 m. 21), 1463 xiii., 1493 ii., 1505, 2537 : pp. 1539, 1545:-g. 449 (15), 2535 (29). Henry, clerk overseer of Works, 19, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 43), 2023, 2221, 2540, 2675: —g. 94 (45), 218 (45), 2772 (5). Isabel, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (2 m. 31):—g. 1805 (3). Joan widow of Henry, g. 2535 (29). Smith-cont. · (Smethe), John, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (2 mm. 5, 30), 438 (3 mm. 15, 25), 707 (p. 383), 1451, 1803 (1 m. 3), 1803 (2 m. 6), 2480 (11), 2668, 2738-p. 1511 :-g. 1170 (9), 1602 (13), 1805 (3). John, almoner, 82 (p. 43), 707 (p. 383). John, carpenter, 1803 (2 m. 5):—g. 11 (10). John, clk., 438 (3 m. 3). John, gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41). John, rector of Conisholme, g. 190 (42). • • " John, servant of Erasmus, 2223, 2417–19. Katharine widow of Wm., 438 (3 m. 8). Margaret, 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (3 m. 15). Nic., 438 (2 m. 10):-p. 1505-g. 2617 (13). Peter, 438 (4 m. 16). Ric., 20 (p. 14), 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (2 m. 16), 438 (3 mm. 11, 19), 1803 (2 m. 4) :—p. 1512 : —g. 1662 (56). Ric., clk., 438 (2 m. 5). Ric., clk., alias Roston, q.v. Ric., yeoman of the Robes, customer of Calais, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 42), 193 (pp. 99, 100), 409, 1107, 1424, 2179, 2344, 2562, 3530:-g. 54 (74-5),94 (79, 94), 218 (46), 519 (56), 924 (5), 1804 (44-5), 2964 (79). bill of, 2179. Rob., 438 (2 m. 33), 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 mm. 2, 15), 2417, 2419 2419-g. 485 485 (39), 1662 (56). Rob., bailey of Cambridge, 1526. Rob., mayor of Bedford, g. 381 (78). Rob., surgeon, p. 1520. Roger. See Dorchester, abbot of. Simon, p. 1512. Th., 438 (2 mm. 8, 33), 438 (3 m. 26), 1803 (1 m. 2). Th., alias Farmer, rector of Holy Trinity in Worcester, 438 (2 m. 24). Walter, 631 :—g. 2535 (29). Sir Wm., 2480 (67):- App. 26. William, bp. of Lincoln, 1 (p. 2), 20 (pp. 14, 21), 205, 308, 438 (3 m. 3), 963, 1176 (3), 1642, 1661 (4), 1753, 416 GENERAL INDEX. Smith, William, bp. of Lincoln- cont. 2019, 2629 :-PP. -pp. 1533-4, 1537-8, 1538 bis, 1539 bis, 1540 bis, 1541, 1542 ter, 1543, 1546-g. 257 (48), 414 (48, 52), 804 (13), 833 (5), 1044 (12), 1123 (19, 20), 1316 (11), 1462 (1), 1494 (16), 1836 (15n.), 1948 (22), 2222 (16 Lincoln), 2772 (29), 3226 (12). Wm., abbot of Great Missen- den, 438 (3 m. 21). Wm., archd. of Lincoln, 438 (1 m. 15). Wm., clerk of the Hanaper (temp. Henry VII.), g. 132 (113), 3324 (44). Wm., rector of Exhall, 438 (1 m. 14). Wm., 438 (2 mm. 29, 31), 438 (3 mm. 6, 19, 20, 29), 438 (4 mm. 15, 26), 631, 877, 1493 i., vi. :—pp. 1512, 1515, 1549 :—g. 11 (10), 54 (85–6), 94 (14, 16), 158 (77), 257 (65, 70), 289 (35), 381 (28, 84), 447 (8), 632 (17), 1123 (37), 2055 (12, 115), 2862 (9). mandate to prepare soldiers, g. 1221 (60). (28). pardon for, g. 381 Smith holders, 438 (1 m. 24). Smiths, 438 (2 mm. 12, 13, 23, 27), 438 (3 mm. 26, 30), 438 (4 mm. 10, 22), 1803 (mm. 4, 6), 1803 (2 mm. 4, 5):—p. 1502 : -g. 1083 (32), 2964 (33), 3499 (36). See also Daunce, Sir J. (payments). Smucham. See Smiechen. Smyer or Smyre. See Smere. Snailwell, Camb., 438 (1 m. 3). Snaith, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22). Snape, Suff., 438 (1 m. 24). priory, g. 519 (63). • prior. See Bettes, R. Snape, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (4 m. 21). Snape (Snappe, Snap), Rob., 438 (3 m. 23) :—p. 1549. Snaterfeld. See Snitterfield. Snave (Snawe), Kent, 438 (1 m. 22). · • rector of, p. 1528. Snawdon. See Snowdon. Snawe, Kent. See Snave. Snawe, John, 1262 (p. 578). Snawsell or Snawesell, Seth, son of William, 438 (2 m. 15). Snaythe (Sneith), Wm., g. 784 (54), 1365 (21), 1948 (77). Sneaton (Sneton), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 24), 1803 (2 m. 6):—g. 1003 (9). Sneed (Snede), Glouc. [in West- bury], 438 (3 m. 32). Sneith, Wm. See Snaythe. Snelston (Suleston, Selneston), Derby, 438 (3 m. 23), 438 (4 m. 25). Snep (Snepe), Ric., 1803 (1 m. 4). Sneterton. See Snitterton. Snethe, John, g. 2862 (4). (Seneth), Th., 438 (4 m. 23). Sneton. See Sneaton. Snettisham (Snetysham, Snetsham), Norf., 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (3 mm. 20, 27). Sneyd (Snede), Staff., 438 (2 m. 6). Snitterfield (Snetterfeld, Snaterfeld, Snyterfeld), Warw., 438 (3 m. 25), 438 (4 mm. 2, 3): g. 218 (7), 709 (41). Snitterton (Sneterton), Derb. [in Darley], 438 (4 mm. 26-7). Snodhill (Snodehill), Hereford, 438 (2 m. 29). chaplain presented, g. 3499 (4). Snodland (Snowdelond), Kent, 438 (4 mm: 2, 15). Snoring Magna, Norf., 438 (3 m. 23):—g. 94 (35 p. 50). Snoring, John, 438 (2 m. 13). Snowdelond. See Snodland. Snowdon (Snawdon), Wm., 2832 ii. :—p. 1549. Snyg or Snyge, Th., 438 (3 m. 11). Soana. See Savona. Sobbury. See Sodbury. Soberton (Sobton, Sobberton), Hants, 438 (2 m. 27). Sochenours. See Swiss. Sockbridge (Soykbreyd, Cumb.), Westmld., g. 132 (50). Sodbury (Sodbery, Sudbury, Sob- bury), or Chipping Sodbury, Glouc., 438 (1 m. 21), 438 (4 m. 16):-g. 1602 (24). Sodbury, Little-, Glouc., g. 833 (5). Soderini, Francis, cardinal of Vol- terra, q.v. Scdyngton, Hants, 438 (4 m. 23). Soe, Wm., g. 2862 (7). Soffiani. See Sophi. Soffy. See Sophi. Sofham. See Swaffham. Sogenhowe Chapel, Suff. [in Ufford], 438 (3 m. 25). Soham (Sohome, Some, Soome), Camb., 438 (3 mm. 4, 17 bis, 19), 438 (4 m. 5). See also Monk Soham. Soham (Soome), Cecilia widow of Edmond, 438 (3 m. 22). (Soome), John, wounded in Britanny, 2305 ii. (Some, Sohom), Rob., of Lynn, 438 (1 m. 25):—p. 1540. Soldan, the. See Egypt. GENERAL INDEX. 417 Sole, Edward, g. 2772 (24). John, armourer, 2810. Solent, the, 1600. Solhous. See Salthouse. Solidoort or Soulydore Castle, in the harbour of St. Malo, 3349 (p. 1411). Soliers (Solerys, Loret), Louis de Forbin, Seigneur de, French ambassador at Rome, 2077, 2144, 2159, 2241, 2259, 2276, 2307, 2399 (2), 3081. letter to, 2241. Solihull (Sullihull), Warw., 438 (1 mm. 14, 15):—g. 709 (41), 2684 (1). St. Alphege's chantry, 1803 (2 m. 3). Solla, John. See Colla. Solms (Somme), count of, 2101. Solubria and Salubria, bps. of, p. 1531. See also Silivri. Solygny, Jean de, French prisoner, p. 928. Sombourn, King's- (Kyngis Sun- borne), Hants, 438 (2 m. 34). Some. See Soham. Somentius, A., the duke of Milan's secretary, 3537. Somenza, Augustino, 2154. Somerbury, Surr., g. 709 (32). Somerby, Linc., 438 (1 m. m. 24), 438 (3 mm. 3, 6, 10). Somerby, Agnes widow of John, 438 (2 m. 15). Somerford Keynes (S. Caynes), Wilts, g. 94 (35). Somerleyton (Somerleton), Soms., 438 (1 m. 12), 1803 (2 m. 1). Somersale. See Somershall. Somerset or Somersetshire, 205 (p. 106), 2759:-g. 158 (62), 218 (52), 381 (18, 74–5), 632 (26), 784 (21), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1123 (26), 1365 (24), 1494 (9, 18), 1602 (38), 1662 (27, 45), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (18, 53), 2964 (24), 3324 (36), 3408 (18), 3499 (12, 33), 3582 (15). commission of the peace, p. 1543. Somerset herald, g. 682 (41). See Young, J.; also Pounde, J. 381 "Somerset lands," or duchy of Somerset, g. 158 (2), 158 (2), (18), 1123 (26), 2964 (47). Somerset, Margaret duchess of (A.D. 1444), 3100, 3130n. Eleanor duchess of (died 1468), wife of Edmund duke of S. (died in 1485), daughter and co-heiress of Richard Beauchamp earl of Warwick Wt. 11494. Somerset, cont. Eleanor Eleanor duchess of-- (died 1439), g. 132 (96), 158 (71), 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (4), 2772 (9), 2861 (14). Somerset, Arthur, master of Ord- nance at Calais, 193 (p. 101), 589 (pp. 338-9), 2049:—g. 218 (62), 682 (6). SIR CHARLES, LORD HERBERT AND GOWER, K.G., LORD CHAMBERLAIN OF THE HOUSE- HOLD, 1, 20 (pp. 12, 20), 37, 58-9, 82 (pp. 38, 43), 205, 214, 341-2, 438 (1 m. 26), 442, 474, 674, 707, 734, 880, 963, 1046, 1402, 1420, 1446, 1453, 1589, 1661 (1, 3), 1848, 1949, 2037, 2051, 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2057, 2077, 2092, 2249, 2388, 2392 (p. 1063), 2414, 3091 (p. 1323):-pp. 1507, 1509:-App. 26:—g. 54 (9, 87), 94 (35 p. 50), 158 (24, 55), 218 (55–6), 257 (12), 485 (53), 519 (51), 587 (13), 784 (36), 804 (8), 833 (5), 969 (10), 1083 (41), 1123 (15), 1170 (7), 1316 (4, 11), 1365 (19), 1732 (2), 1836 (7, 18), 2684 (3, 4), 3049 (11, 20). App. 19. • • " letters from, 1402 :- letter to, 2289. his offices, g. 54 (21–4), 519 (51). signature of, 19, 58-9, 214, 265, 596, 602, 716, 820, 1247, 2308, 2441:—pp. 1510, 1515:—g. 54 (33), 94 (43–4), 218 (4), 257 (4, 5, 26, 62), 448 (1, 4, 8), 519 (5), 604 (26), 632 (35), 651 (7), 731 (19, 20), 784 (56), 804 (49), 1948 (16), 2055 (13, 24). Elizabeth his wife, g. 1836 (7). created earl of Wor- cester, 2620:-g. 2684 (3). as earl of Worcester, 2838, 2929, 3018, 3101, 3146, 3167, 3180, 3186–7, 3193 (2), 3221, 3240, 3256, 3268, 3269 (5), 3294–5, 3298, 3348, 3381, 3411, 3437-8, 3440-1, 3449, 3464, 3502, 3513 (2):-g. 1805 (1), 2964 (12), 3226 (21), 3324 (26, 33), 3499 (75). 1805 (1). signature, g. letters from, 3252, 3331, 3361, 3416, 3424, 3427. 9. letters to, 3378– H 27 418 GENERAL INDEX. Somerset-cont. · Henry, son of Charles, g. 519 (51), 924 (11), 2964 (12), 3049 (20), 3324 (26), 3499 (75). as Lord Herbert, 3348: −g. 2964 (12). his marriage, p. 1530. Somershall (Somersale), Derb., g. 3499 (23). Somershall on the Hill, Derb., 438 (3 m. 20). Somerson, Ric., a Scot, g. 1948 (14). Somerton, Oxon, g. 1044 (10), 2684 (82). Somerton, Soms., g. 158 (62), 1123 (26). Somerton, Suff., g. 414 (30). Somerton, Wm., 1803 (1 m. 2). Somme, the French river, 1594, 1925. Somme, count of. See Solms. Sommerce, Barth., haberdasher, 438 (1 m. 10). Somterope. See Southearp. Sonderburg (Sunderborg), in Den- mark, letter dated at, 247. Sondey. See Sandy. Sondis. See Sandys. Sonman, John, 707 (p. 383). Sonning (Sunnyng), Berks, 438 (2 m. 29). Sonnyng or Sunnyng, Wm., 2539: g. 1044 (19). Soome. See Soham. Soper, Rob., p. 1548. Thos., 438 (2 m. 8). Wm., clk., g. 1948 (32). Sophi (King Soffy, Shah Ismail), the [of Persia], and the Soffiani, 724, 766, 1190, 1604, 3334, 3404, 3451, 3557, 3586, 3591. Sophia, John Baptist, of Genoa, 2008. Sopheham. See Swaffham. Sophie, in Barbary. See Saffee. Sopley (Sople), Hants, 1803 (1 m. 6). Sopwell priory, Herts, 438 (1 m. 23). prioress. See Vernon, M. Sorbrugh. See Scorbrough. Sorrento or Sorentinus. See Sur- rentinus. Sotby (Sotteby), Linc., g. 1494 (16). Sote, John, alias Sote Johnson, 438 (3 m. 17). Sotehill or Sothill (Soteyll), Barbara d. of John, 438 (4 m. 16). (Southill), Eliz., 438 (2 m. 21) :—g. 158 (52), 546 (65). Gerard, g. 2863 (13). Henry, g. 15§ (52). • Joan, g. 158 (52), 546 (65), 2863 (13). (Sutthill), Rob., 1493. So therey. See Southrey. Sothowe. See Jethou. Sotteby. See Sotby. Sotton. See Sutton. Souce. See Zouche. Souche. See Zouche. Souchet, Julian, g. 1602 (4). Soulbury (Sulbery), Bucks, (4 m. 20). Soulby. See Sulby. 438 Sounde, Th., g. 2055 (49). Souneman. See Summan. Southacre. See Acre. Southampton (Hampton, Anton), Hants, 16, 184, 205 (p. 106), 287, 438 (1 mm. 1, 5, 9, 10), 438 (3 mm. 12 bis, 17, 20, 27, 29), 438 (4 m. 22), 577, 610, 874 (2), 1093, 1126, 1128, 1132, 1147, 1182-3, 1186, 1223, 1226, 1268, 1371, 1385, 1387, 1405, 1413, 1453 ix., 1480, 1484, 1495 (1 iii., v., 3), 1613, 1628 (2), 1659, 1661 (10), 1694, 1748, 1762, 1801, 1803 (1 mm. 1, 2), 1818, 1858, 1864, 1869-70, 1874-5, 1883, 1886, 1894, 1904, 1943-4, 1958, 1976, 1992, 2059, 2062, 2304 (5), 2305 ii., iii., 2314, 2542 (2), 2544, 2546, 2575, 2603, 2738, 3148 ix., 3313 (2, 6), 3513: pp. 1504-5, 1516-7:-g. 11 (10), 94 (34, 60, 74, 82), 132 (16, 36, 91), 289 (34), 357 (8, 13, 19, 24, 26), 546 (24, 67), 604 (2), 651 (30), 682 (5), 833 (11, 59), 969 (22), 1172 (2), 1221 (6, 38), 1266 (25, 40), 1462 (7, 20), 1524 (30), 1732 (45), 2055 (33), 2222 (16), 2772 (52), 2964 (82), 3049 (1), 3107 (4), 3499 (24). letters dated at, 7, 1844, 1881-2, 1885, 1898-1900, 1912-3, 1928, 1960, 1965, 1976. grants, &c., dated at, g. 563 (14), 1221 (24), 2055 (20). grant to the town, g. 709 (16). confirmation of charters, g. 604 (3), 3499 (57). customs of, 438 (1 m. 18):- g. 158 (12), 587 (11), 604 (29), 632 (71), 651 (27), 969 (8), 1170 (10), 1534 (44), 2684 (85). fee farm of, g. 94 (35). ., gauger of, g. 132 (16). mayor of, p. 1504. ulnager of, 438 (1 m. 12). weigher of, g. 94 (60). castle, g. 357 (9), 1170 (10), 2684 (85). chapel of St. George in, g. 158 (12), 1524 (44). GENERAL INDEX. 419 Southampton, castle-cont. constable of, g. 357 (9). See Thomas, T.; Sandys, Sir W. Godshouse (Domus Dei) or hospital of St. Julian, 438 (4 m. 21), 1495 (3):—g. 682 (28). Observant Friars, 2599. St. Denis priory, g. 218 (47). confirmation for, g. 750 (8). W. prior. See May, Southbere. See Bere. South Brome beside Devizes, Wilts, 438 (4 m. 7). South Cave, Yorks, 438 (3 mm. 4, 11). Southchurch (Southchirche), Essex, 438 (4 m. 1). rector of, p. 1529. Southcombe. See Combe. Southdean (Sowdon), in Scotland, 2443. Southdufeld. See Duffield. Southearp (Somterope), Bucks, g. 632 (72). Southease (Souteus), Suss., 438 (2 m. 25). See Notes and Er- rata. Southelmham, Suff., St. James's, 438 (2 m. 32). Southend, Oxon, g. 257 (23), 2055 (95 ii.). Southern (Seutherne, Sow therne, Southeron), Lewis (Loyes), ship captain, of Newcastle, 1413 bis, 1661 (3, 4), 1851, 2304 (3), 2686, 2722, 2842 ii., 2923, 3501. Southfleet, Kent, rector of, 438 (3 m. 2). Southfrith. See Frith. Southill, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 23). Southill (surname). See Sotehill. Southlyn. See Lynn. South Malling, Suss., 438 (3 m. 12): -p. 1528-g. 731 (53). South Molton, Devon, 438 (3 m. 15). Southornesby. See Ormesby. Southorp or Sowthorp, Oxon, g. 257 (23), 2055 (95 ii.). · Southorpe (Suthorp), Linc. [near Edenham], g. 289 (13). South Petherton (Southpederton), Devon, 438 (2 m. 8). Southrey (Sowthrey, Sotherey), Norf., 438 (1 mm. 1, 15). Southroppis. See Repps. Southstoke. See Stoke. Southtrappys. See Repps, South. Southwark (Southwerk), Surr., 20 (p. 16), 438 (1 mm. 1, 8, 16, 23, 25 bis), 438 (2 mm. 4, 6, Southwark-cont. 12, 21, 32), 438 (3 mm. 11, 16, 19, 25, 27, 29), 438 (4 m. 26 bis), 3343-p. 1512 :- g. 2055 (72), 2484 (27). guild of St. George, g. 833 (54). indulgence for, 633. St. George's, 1 (p. 2), 20 (p. 20). St. George's Bar, 19. St. Mary Overy priory, 438 (4 m. 25). R. prior. See Michell, St. Thomas of Acon, hos- pital, 438 (2 m. 6), 891, 917, 949 ("monastery"): -pp. 1528-9. master. See Rich- ardson, R.; Young, J. Smythes Alley, g. 289 (12). South Water, Suss., 1803 (2 m. 5). Southwell (Sutwell, Suthwell), Notts, 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (4 mm. 2, 27). college of, 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (2 m. 25), 1803 (1 m. 2):— p. 1528. Southwell, Lady Elizabeth, wife of Sir Robert, 2765:-g. 2964 (64, 81). (Sothwell, Suthwell), Sir Rob., knight for the Body, chief butler of England, general surveyor, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 43), 184, 193 (p. 104), 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 5), 559, 577, 707, 874 (2), 1046–7, 1471, 1531, 1661 (3, 4), 1802, 2054 (1–3), 2243, 2314–5, 2349, 2431, (2479, 2538, 2540, 2651, 2765-6, (3313 (6-8): pp. 1536, 1541, 1544:-g. 158 (71), 257 (80), 381 (34, 43), 546 (66), 632 (66), 709 (14), 731 (14), 1316 (26), 1534 (22), 1804 (2), 1836 (2, 4), 1948 (31), 2055 (95 i., iii.), (2137 (18, 19), 2330 (4), 2861 (14, 26), 2964 (64, 81), 3499 (49). 2765. household accounts, his offices, g. 2964 (81). pardon for, g. 546 (66). recognizance made to, g. 257 (80). signature of, 2243 :- g. 2330 (3). Ric., 438 (4 m. 5). (Sowthwell, Suthwell), Rob., 438 (1 m. 4): pp. 1537, 1544:—g. 1462 (14), 1494 (54), 2617 (35), 2964 (33, 81). 420 GENERAL INDEX. Southwell-cont. Spain-cont. (Sowthwell), Th., clk., 438 (2 m. 25). Southwick (Southwykke, Suthwyke), Hants, g. 3582 (18). fair, g. 2617 (28). priory, 438 (3 m. 24): g. 94 (83), 2617 (28), 3499 (7). 833 (29). confirmation for, g. prior. See Kent, T. Southwick (Suthwik, Sutwyk), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 33), 438 (3 m. 28), 1803 (1 m. 3). vicar of, 438 (2 m. 20). Southwold, Suff., 438 (2 m. 21), 1982 (2, 4):-g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). confirmation of charters for, g. 414 (7). Southwood, Devon, 1803 (2 m. 2). Southwood (Sowthewode, Suth- wood), Rob., 1803 (2 m. 2). Wm., 438 (3 m. 24). Southworth (Suthworth), Henry, bowyer in the Tower, g. 604 (25), 1123 (57). (Suthworth), Wm., M.A., rector of Flanstead, g. 1662 (52). Southyll. See Sotehill. Sowch. See Zouche. Sowchyvers. See Swiss. Sowcote, Wm., g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). Sowdeley, Th., 438 (3 m. 28). Sowder. See Lowther. Sowdon. See Southdean. Sowe, Bucks. See Stowe. Sowerby, Cumb., g. 2684 (86). Sowerby (Saureby), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (4 m. 5), 1803 (1 m. 2). Sowket, Sir John, an Almain, App. 26. Sowth. See South. Soykbreyd. See Sockbridge. Soysbury, Ellen widow of Roger, 438 (2 m. 31). Spaffolde (Spaffald), John, 438 (3 m. 13). SPAIN, 40, 90, 230, 278, 329 (p. 152), 385, 472, 483, 541, 613, 718, 724, 780 (p. 419), 793 (p. 427), 842, 958, 965 ii., 1093, 1250, 1277, 1311 iii., 1356, 1368, 1376, 1399, 1400, 1447, 1471, 1495-6, 1509, 1511-12, 1519 (p. 703), 1542, 1557, 1559, 1564, 1575, 1591, 1604, 1647, 1665, 1737, 1815, 1866, 1895, 1899, 1933, 1937, 1937, 1952–3, 2059, 2159-60, 2393, 2408, 2421, 2473, 2495, 2576, 2602, 2647, 2657, 2670, 2678, 2681, 2694, 2736, 2868, 2908, 2914, 2928 (p. 1266), 3018, 3063, 3082, 3109, 3243 ii., 3428, 3476-7, 3524:-pp. 1502, 1510, 1516. See also Ferdi- nand. > clergy of, 993. constable of. See Balisquis, D. de. edict against exporting horses, 1010. English expedition to. See Guienne. genealogy of the Kings, 650. Hieronymite monastery in, 2177. Inquisition in, 2887. King of. See Ferdinand. provincial of the Grey Friars. See Aragon. Spain, appointment of " (a treaty at Blois, 12 Dec. 1509, be- tween Maximilian and Ferdi- nand as to Prince Charles's inheritance), 274. Spain, viceroy of." See Cardona, R. de. Spalding, Linc., 438 (3 m. 22):— g. 3049 (39). confirmation of charters to landholders, g. 381 (65). priory, 438 (1 m. 19):- g. 132 (84). confirmations for, g. 381 (42, 65). > Robert prior of, 438 (1 m. 19):—g. 257 (48), 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14). Spaldington (Spalding), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 17). chantry, g. 519 (39). Spaldyng, John, alias Belrynger, 3523. Spanby (Spannesby), (3 m. 9). Spanby (Spannesby, Linc., 438 Spannysby, Spansby), Arthur and Joan, 438 (3 m. 9). Spangen, Philip lord of (Hispanus), 2818. Spaniards in England, 20 (p. 20), 1956, 2947. Spanish merchants, 1009, 1968, 2832 iii., vi. :—g. 604 (45). Spanish soldiers in English service, 2995. Spanyard, Alonus. See Alonso. Sparcoke, Rob., g. 2862 (7). Sparham, Norf., 1803 (2 m. 6):— g. 3049 (20). Sparowe, John, canon of St. Stephen's, g. 749 (9). Wm., 1313, GENERAL INDEX. 421 Sparsholt (Speresalt), Robert, vicar of St. Paul's, Canterbury, 438 (3 m. 33). Specott or Speccote, Nic., 1493, 2537: -g. 833 (58 iv.). Spectishale or Spettishale. Spexhall. See Speen (Spene), Berks, p. 1505. Speight (Speght), Th., 1803 (2 m. 6), 3373 (3), 3426 :—g. 2617 (15). Speke, Lanc., 438 (2 m. 18). Speke, Sir John, 438 (3 m. 31), 1176 (3), 1661 (p. 752), 2759:—p. 1543:-g. 632 (26), 969 (23), 2222 (16 Soms.), 3049 (20). John, g. 969 (70). Wm., 438 (3 m. 2). Spellesbury. See Spilsbury. Spelman. See Spilman. Spence. See Spens. Spencer or Spenser, John, 438 (4 m. 2), 438 (3 m. 4), 1396 :-p. 1545:-g. 449 (15), 969 (23); 1494 (28), 2484 (9). Leonard, 438 (4 m. 2). (Spensar), Miles, clk., dis- pensation for, 2236. (Spenser), Margaret widow of William, 438 (4 m. 21). Sir Robert, g. 2137 (13). Rob., 1803 (1 m. 6):-g. 804 (48), 969 (38). Rob., clk., 438 (4 m. 21). (Spence), Th., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42), 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 m. 4). (Spenser), Thomas, prior of St. John's, Bridgewater, 438 (2 m. 27). Wm., 438 (2 m. 32), 3529. Spencer's lands," g. 257 (50), 381 (74-5), 857 (2), 2055 (66). Spene. See Speen. Spenell. See Spinelly. Spenke or Spenky. See Spink. Spennithorne (Spenythorn, Spynne- thorn), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 24), 1803 (1 m. 6). Spens, David, rector of Flisk, 638. • Eliz. widow of 1803 (2 m. 3). Thomas, (Spence), Th. See Spencer. (or Spence), Wm., 1803 (2 m. 3). (Spence), Wm., chaplain, 438 (3 m. 16). Speresalt. See Sparsholt. Sperling (Spirling), Wm., 438 (1 m. 13). Spert (Pert), Thomas, ship master, yeoman of the Crown, 1453 ix., 1661 (1, 3 bis, 4 bis, 11), 2478, 2799, 3137 (6):-pp. 1498-9, 1500-2, 1506:―g. 1044 (14), 1805 (1), 3499 (25). Spert, Thomas-cont. (1). • signature of, g. 1805 Spettisbury (Spettisbeen), Dors., rector of, p. 1526. Spexhall (Spectishale, Spettishale, Spexsale), Suff., 438 (2 mm. 9, 32). Spice, Philippa d. and h. of Clement, 438 (3 m. 1). Spicer, 438 (4 m. 28). Spicer, John, 438 (2 m. 25). Maud widow of Thomas, 438 (3 m. 15). Th., 438 (3 m. 15):—g. 857 (2). Spier, Conrad von. See Roleider. Spiers. See Spires. Spilman, John, p. 1541:-g. 132 (26), 2484 (20). Wm., g. 833 (58 i.), 2055 (95 iii.). Spilsbury (Spellesbury), Oxon, g. 682 (8). Spilsby (Spillesby), Linc., 438 (2 m. 10). Spinelli (Spynully), the bank of, 3340. Spinelli, John Baptist, count of Cariati, q.v. Leonard, brother of Thomas, ambassador from Leo X., 1676, 1895, 2530, 2612, 2664, 2688, 2929-30, 3003, 3273 : g. 3049 (38). speech by, 2929. (Spinelly, Spinell, Spynolle), Thomas, English ambassador or agent in Flanders, letters from, 83, 325, 568, 893 (2), 1101, 1309, 1311, 1334, 1344, 1469, 1554, 1566, 1594, 1670, 1676, 1683, 1697, 1699, 1792, 1895, 2014, 2022, 2038, 2063, 2068-9, 2074, 2083, 2093, 2106, 2113, 2123, 2203, 2225, 2230, 2286, 2445, 2462, 2633, 2665, 2672, 2694, 2736, 2777, 2782, 2797, 2800, 2815, 2867, 2894, 2908, 2985, 3014, 3051- 2, 3082, 3109, 3113, 3116, 3153, 3174, 3208-9, 3235, 3245, 3263-4, 3339, 3400, 3444, 3473, 3493, 3519-20. letters and instructions to, 355, 1311 ii., 1555, 2609, 2678, 3455-6. 1972-3. astic. • 3444. handwriting of, 1677, his brother the ecclesi- See above, Leonard. his brother at Lyons, his clerk's handwriting, 1988, 3154. 422 GENERAL INDEX. Spinelli, Thomas-cont. sq. as Sir Thomas, 2643 other references, 89, 324, 390, 594, 780, 785, 1213, 1229, 1241, 1245, 1258, 1279, 1285, 1288, 1293, 1300 A., 1303, 1306, 1308, 1322, 1338, 1343, 1350, 1362, 1370, 1378, 1394, 1399, 1421, 1424, 1434, 1448, 1456, 1463 vi., 1529, 1551, 1587, 1750, 1789, 1813, 1887, 1960, 1962, 1993, 2028, 2040, 2140-1, 2147, 2149, 2158, 2209, 2220, 2276 (p. 1019), 2332n., 2364, 2375, 2383 (2), 2530, 2532, 2612, 2643, 2647 (p. 1156), 2655, 2661, 2673 (2), 2756, 2776, 2779, 2809, 2849, 2877, 2972, 2994, 3041, 3210, 3340, 3457, 3572: -p. 1517:-App. 12: -g. 2684 (88). Spink (Spenke), Th., chaplain, g. 2964 (62). (Spyenk, Spenky), Wm., 438 (3 m. 31):—p. 1549. Spinola (Spinula, Spynella, Spinolle, Spynell), Antonio, merchant of Genoa, 354, 438 (1 m. 12), 1938, 1959:-p. 1516 :-g. 651 (32). (Spynula), Agostino, 438 (3 m. 27). (Espinouli), François, stan- dard bearer to the Grand Ecuyer of France, 2170, 2172 (2), 2173 (3), 2237, 2392 iii. :— p. 928. (Spynula, Spynel), John, merchant of Genoa, g. 1221 (32), 1266 (5), 2684 (60). John Luke, 1099. (Spynella, Spynula), Luke, merchant of Genoa, p. 1516: -g. 1221 (32), 2684 (60). (Spinulis), Pantales de, g. 2055 (87). Spires (Spiers), in Germany, 83, 1670, 1676, 1697, 2010. Spirling. See Sperling. Spixworth (Spykesworth), Norf., g. 632 (50). Spodell. See Spotill. Spofforth (Spofford), Yorks, g. 833 (23). rector of, p. 1521. Spokesman, John, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 40). Spoleto, in Italy, 3203, 3213. Sporyer, John, 438 (4 m. 3). Spotill or Spodell, Rob., ship master, 1661 (1, 3, 4, 11):—p. 1517. Sprakeling, Th., prisoner of the Moors, g. 731 (18). Sprakley (Prakley), Th., 1803 (2 m. 5). Spreyton (Sprayton), Devon, 438 (2 m. 24). Sprig, John, g. 1083 (46). Spring (Sprynge), John, 438 (2 m. 29). (Spryng), Th., 438 (3 m. 9). Springfeld (Sprengfeld), Guy, 438 (4 m. 14). Sproatley (Sprotley), Yorks, rector of, p. 1521. Sproughton (Sproweton), Suff., 438 (4 m. 21). Sprowston (Sproxston), Norf., g. 2617 (37). Spruse. See Prussia. Spurnell, Rob., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383). Spurs, Battle of. See Guinegate. Spurstowe, Ranulph, g. 2684 (99). Spycepyttes, Essex, 438 (3 m. 3). Spykesworth. See Spixworth. Spynella. See Spinelli; also Spinola. Spynie (Spyne), in Scotland, pp. 1522, 1527. Squarciafigo (Squarscfigo, Squarsi- figo), Raphael, merchant of Genoa, 438 (3 m. 22). Squire (Squyar, Squyer), Wm., 438 (3 m. 7). Squyer, Humphrey, 2054 (2, 4). Squyterby, Cornw. See Skitby. Sralabaly. See Stradbally. Srosberry, duke of. See Shrews- bury, earl of. Stabilton. See Stapleton. Stable, Barth., clk., g. 2137 (7). Stabler, Rob., g. 2964 (35). Stabulgorton. See Staplegordon. Stafferton or Staverton, Wm., g. 833 (13), 1836 (9), 2964 (69). Stafford, 438 (4 m. 27), 1803 (2 m. 4) :—g. 289 (43), 1266 (41). burgesses of, 438 (2 m. 6). confirmation of charter, g. 682 (31). St. Leonard's nunnery. See Stratford atte Bowe. St. Thomas's priory, 438 (2 m. 21). ham, J. prior. See Messing- Stafford, earl of, 438 (3 mm. 10, 29). Stafford, Lady Anne, 82 (p. 41). Edward, duke of Bucking- ham, q.v. Edward, earl of Wiltshire, q.v. Lady Elizabeth, 82 (pp. 38 bis, 41). Lord Henry, of Shute, brother of the duke of Buck- ingham, 20 (p. 12), 342, 351 : −g. 289 (44), 632 (70). For GENERAL INDEX. 423 Stafford, Lord Henry-cont. later references see Wiltshire, earl of. created earl of Wilt- shire, 351-g. 357 (37). narrative account . • • of the creation, 358. Humphrey, son of Humph- rey S. (who was attainteď in 1 Henry VII.), 438 (3 m. 19), 2590. Humphrey, of Grafton, at- tainted, g. 257 (56), 682 (38), 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18), 2684 (46), 2964 (50). Joan, nullity of her marriage with Sir W. Beaumont, g. 682 (25). Margaret d. and h. of Wm., 438 (4 m. 29). (Safford), Roland, p. 1543 : g. 924 (4), 1494 (24), 2055 (129). Th., esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 16), 438 (3 m. 19): g. 1662 (23), 2222 (16 Bucks). Wm., gentleman usher, keeper of the Change in the Tower, warden of the Mint, 20 (p. 15), 185, 876, 1408, 1424, 2316, 2337, 2781 ii., iv., 2788, 3316, 3338:-g. 257 (54), 1804 (16). his accounts, 185, 876, 2316, 3316. STAFFORDSHIRE, 205 (p. 106), 438 (2 m. 10), 2392 :—g. 132 (103), 381 (74), 632 (26), 833 (11), 969 (23, 47), 1221 (26), 1316 (41), 1494 (9, 55), 1662 (57), 2222 (12, 16), 2330 (3), 2484 (9, 17), 2861 (6), 3408 (18, 20), 3499 (12, 68). commission of the peace, p. 1543. Stag-hunting. See Hunting. Stainbrough (Stanburgh), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 24). Staindrop (Stanethorp), Dham., col- lege of, provost appointed, g. 357 (30). Stainer, 1803 (2 m. 5). Staines (Stanes, Stanys), Midd., 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 28), 1080, 1495 (3). bridge (Act), 341. Stainsby (Stanesby), Derb., 438 (2 m. 28). Stainsby (Stanesby), Linc., 438 (4 m. 23). Stainswick (Stanyswyke), Berks, 1803 (1 m. 2). Stakehughe, in Scotland, 2406:— p. 1260. Stakhouse, John, g. 158 (6), 1948 (41). Stalbridge, Dors., rector of, p. 1521. Staley. See Staveley. Stallingborough (Stalyngburgh), Linc., 438 (3 m. 8):-g. 2535 (25). Stalworth, John, p. 1548. Simon, King's counsellor and chaplain, canon of St. Stephen's, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 3) :—g. 969 (50). Walter, 438 (4 m. 19). Stalworthyman, Richard, 438 (2 m. 25). Stamerham, Suss., 1803 (2 m. 5). Stamford (Staunford, Stanfford, Staunforth), Linc. and Ntht., 438 (2 mm. 8, 16), 438 (3 m. 14), 438 (4 mm. 3, 16, 17, 21), 1032 (2), 1798, 2544 :— p. 1518-g. 94 (35), 1948 (19), 2964 (58), 3226 (12). confirmation of charters, g. 546 (52). Stamford (Stamforth) in Embleton, Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Stamford, Rob., 20 (p. 18). Wm., g. 749 (28). Stamfordham (Stanforthdame), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Stammere. See Stanmore. Stampa, Peter Martyr, 1277 (p. 587). Stanage (Stanag), co. Radnor, 438 (2 m. 22). Stanap. See Stanhope. Stanbank (Steynbank), clk., g. 3049 (20). (Staynbank), rector of Win- voe, g. 485 (18). Edmund, Edward, g. 2137 (30). John, harbinger, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 1795, 2058. (Staynbanke), Ric., rector of Wenvoe, g. 485 (18), 885 (4). Stanbourne, Essex, court rolls, 544. Stanbridge Parva, Essex, 438 (4 m. 1). Stanburgh. See Stainbrough. Stanchowe, John, g. 1732 (24). Stancliff, Ric., 3598. Stancombe, John, 438 (1 m. 18). Standish, Joan wife of James, g. 1836 (11). Standlake (Stanlake), Oxon, rector of, 1803 (1 m. 1). Standlynch (Stanlynche), 438 (3 m. 27). Standon. See Stondon. Stanes, Midd. See Staines. Stanes, Wm., 438 (4 m. 23). Stanesby. See Stainsby. Stanesflate, Cornw. See Flats, Cumb. W lts, Stone Stanethorp. See Staindrop. Stanfeld, Hugh, g. 2772 (47). Stanfford, Ntht. See Stamford. 424 GENERAL INDEX. Stanley cont. Stanford, Berks, g. 381 (55). Stanford (Stonford), Notts, 438 (3 m. 7). • Stanford, Kings- (Kyngstonforde). Hereford, g. 1316 (31). Stanford Rivers, Essex, 438 (1 m. 6). rector of, 438 (2 m. 25). Stanforthdame. See Stamfordham. Stangate (Stanget, Styngate, Sten- gait), John, 1463 v., 2668 :— pp. 1509-12, 1514. Stangreve. See Stonegrave. Stanhope (Stanap), Mrs., 20 (pp. 11, 13), 82 (pp. 38, 41). (Stannop), Alice widow of Edmond, g. 632 (2), 833 (46). Sir Edward, 309:-g. 1083 (46), 2684 (27). (Stanhop), Eliz. widow of Henry, 438 (2 m. 21):-g. 2684 (27). John, s. and h. of Edmund, g. 632 (2). Ric., p. 1542. Stanhowe, Henry de, charter of, g. 381 (79). Stanland (Standland), John, 438 (2 m. 20), 438 (3 m. 20). Stanley, Glouc., g. 651 (8). Stanley, Hunts. See Stoneley. Stanley, Wilts, 438 (2 m. 27), 438 (3 m. 33), 1803 (1 m. 4). abbey, 438 (4 m. 18):-g. 3324 (11). Thomas abbot of, 438 (4 m. 18):—g. 2222 (16 Wilts). Stanley (Sanley), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 10). Stanley Park. See Dale. Stanley St. Leonard's (Lenard Stan- ley), Glouc., 438 (4 m. 13 bis). Stanley of Lathom, Lord, 438 (3 m. 14). Stanley, Agnes, g. 3107 (40). Sir Edward, knight for the Body, Lord Monteagle (21 May 1514), 20 (pp. 12, 19), 37, 388 (2), 438 (4 m. 3), 442, 2239, 2246, 2283-4, 2651, 2838, 2929 (2), 3295, 3348 (3), 3464: pp. 1546-7:-g. 257 (15), 804 (29 xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1365 (3), 2055 (50). created Lord Mont- eagle, 2929 (2), 2931. his wife, 3348 (3). Eliz. widow of John, 438 (2 m. 30). Sir George, s. of Thomas earl of Derby (1486-1504), 438 (3 m. 10). George, p. 1542. (Standeley), Sir Humphrey. 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 15). James, bp. of Ely, 20 (p. 14), 205, 309, 438 (2 m. 34), 963, 2651, 2671, 3464:-p. 1534 : −g. 1732 (37). Jane, g. 3107 (40). Joan, Lady Le Straunge, q.v. (Standley, Staneley), John or Sir John, knighted after Flodden, 20 (p. 15), 438 (2 m. 6), 1493 vi., 2246 (4 ii.) : App. 26. Lionel, 707. Thomas, earl of Derby, q.v. Thomas, bastard son of Sir William, 2934. Thos., g. 11 (10), 3107 (40). (Standeley), Sir William, 438 (3 m. 24)-App. 26. Sir Wm., attainted, g. 94 (14), 132 (109), 218 (29), 546 (27), 632 (64), 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2684 (45). Stanlynche. See Standlynch. Stanmer, Suss., g. 731 (53). Stanmore (Stanmere), Midd., 438 (4 m. 14). Stannard, Agnes, 1803 (2 m. 1). Henry, 1803 (2 m. 1):- g. 969 (65), 1494 (54). Stannaries, the [in Cornwall and Devon], 1474. See also Tin. charters of, g. 381 (64), 414 (24), 969 (64). warden of, g. 54 (26). See Marney, Sir H. Stanney (Staney), Chesh., g. 2137 (23). Stanney, John, p.1545 :—g.1083 (39). Stanshawe, John, g. 2617 (29). Ric., g. 1804 (18). Rob., g. 2617 (29), 3324 (45), 3499 (58). Stanstead (Stansted), Suff., 438 (1 m. 12). Stanstead Mountfichet, Essex, 438 (1 m. 20). Stanstead Thele (Isten hinsted Theyne), Herts, rector of, p. 1528. Stanter (Stantor), Alexander and Peter, 438 (1 m. 13). Stanton, Derb., g. 218 (59), 381 (108), 2684 (78). Stanton, Leic. See Staunton Harold. Stanton (Staunton), Oxon, 438 (1 m. 26). Stanton, Suff., 438 (1 m. 19). Stanton Drew (Staunton Dryw), Soms., 438 (4 m. 13). Stanton (Staunton) Fitzhugh, Wilts, 1803 (1 m. 4). Stanton Harcourt (Staunton Hare- court), Oxon, 438 (1 m. 8) :- g. 2055 (95 ii.). GENERAL INDEX. 425 Stanton (Staunton), Long-, Camb., g. 2964 (28). Stanton St. Quintin (Staunton Quyn- ten), Wilts, 1803 (1 m. 4). Stanton, John. See Staunton. Stanway (Stanwey), Essex, 438 (2 m. 33). Stanwell, Midd., 438 (2 m. 16), 1528. Stanwix (Stanwikes), Cumb., 438 (1 m. 21). Stanyng, Edward, 2759. Stanys. See Staines. Stapleford (Stapuleford), Camb., 1803 (2 m. 3). Stapleford Tawney (S. Tany), Essex, 438 (1 m. 6). Staplegordon (Stabulgorton), in Scotland [in Langholm], p. 1260. Staples, Robert, p. 1512. Stapleton (Stapulton), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 23). Stapleton (Stapilton), in Scotland, p. 1260. Stapleton (Stapulton, Stabilton), Sir Brian, 144, 438 (4 m. 14): p. 1518-g. 257 (49), 804 (29), 833 (50 ii.). Sir Brian, of Wighill, knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.). Brian, p. 1547:-g. 2222 (16 Notts). (Stapilton), Eliz. d. and h. of Sir Miles, 438 (3 m. 21). (Stapilton), Th., g. 1948 (98). STAR CHAMBER, 131, 514. Starkey, Geoffrey, 438 (2 m. 9). Joan, 438 (2 m. 9). (Sterkey), Hugh, serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 2480 (67):—g. 54 (54), 2617 (8). (Starkye), John, p. 1512. (Sterkey, Starky), John, serjeant of the Scullery, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40):—g. 449 (14). (Starky), Laurence, 438 (3 m. 9). (Starky, Sterke), Ric., 438 (2 m. 9). Starkyd, Th., p. 1512. Starton, Ric., abbot of Hagnaby, 438 (3 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 18). Staughton (Stowghton) Magna, Hunts, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 5). Staundon. See Stondon. Staunesby. See Stonesby. Staunford or Staunforth. See Stam- ford. Staunford, Rob., abbot of Pipwell, 438 (1 m. 11). Staunton, Camb. See Stanton. Staunton (Stawnden), Heref., 438 (4 m. 17). Staunton, Leic., 438 (4 m. 8). Staunton, Notts, 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (3 m. 23). Staunton, Oxon. See Stanton. Staunton Dryw. See Stanton Drew. Staunton Harecourt. See Stanton. Staunton Harold (Stanton H.), Leic., 438 (1 m. 9). Staunton Lacy, Salop, g. 132 (85), 519 (57). Staunton, White. See White Staun- ton. Staunton, Harold, merchant of the Staple, 438 (3 m. 2), 559 : g. 784 (3). (Stanton), John, 20 (p. 15) :— g. 731 (33), 749 (40), 2964 (1). Ralph, 438 (3 m. 2). (Stanton), Th., 438 (1 mm. 9, 11):—g. :-g. 804 (29 ii.), (50 ii.). Wm., clk., 438 (3 m. 23). 833 Staveley (Staley), Derb., 438 (2 m. 22). Staveley, Alex., groom of the Cham- ber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), D • 228, 640, 1015. Alice. 438 (4 m. 1). George, 438 (4 m. 1). John, justice of Assizes, g. 519 (50). Wm., 438 (4 m. 1). Staverton, Devon, vicar of, p. 1530. Staverton. See Stafferton. Stawey. See Stowey. Stawnden. See Staunton. Staynbanke. See Stanbank. Stayneford or Steyneford, Rob., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Stayner, John, g. 1221 (4). Staynyng. See Steyning. Stebbing (Stebyng), Essex, 1803 (222). Stecheforde. See Stretchworth. Stedam, Th., 438 (4 m. 27). Stede, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 25). Stede, John, 20 (p. 17). Wm., 438 (3 m. 29). Steel (Stele), Salop, 438 (2 m. 26). Steelyard, merchants of the. See Hanse merchants. See also under London, Steelyard. Steenbergen, in Zealand, 2451. Steenhoue, Peter, 1655. Steeple (Stuple), Dors., g. 94 (35). Steeple Hall (Stepulhall), Essex, 438 (3 m. 19). Steke (Steike, Steyke), John, 438 (4 mm. 4, 18):—g. 1662 (46). Stekys. See Stokes. Stele, Salop. See Steel. Stele, Chr., rector of La Marsh, g. 1044 (16). 426 GENERAL INDEX. Stele-cont. Wm., 3343. Stella, Joan Petro, Venetian envoy to the Swiss, 1668. letter to, 1809. Stengait. See Stangate. Stengell, in Hainault, 2376. Stenyng. See Steyning. Stephen, King, grants of, g. 381 (42, 71, 73, 79, 81, 86, 92, 99), 414 (17, 37), 447 (30), 485 (55), 546 (9, 15, 34–5), 604 (38), 632 (36), 682 (12), 750 (8), 784 (32), 1804 (24), 3408 (30). Stephen the King's tailor. See Jas- per, S. Stephen (Stephyn), George, 2054 (2). Philip, 2054 (2). Stephens (Stephen), John, marshal of the Hall, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). (Stevense, Stevyns, Stephans), Wm., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383):-g. 731 (49). Stephenson or Stevenson (Stephyn- son), Edw., canon of Bosham, p. 1530. Eliz., prioress of Bungay, 438 (2 m. 32). (Stevinson), Guy, g. 3049 (37). Henry, gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707 :-g. 1170 (13). John, 82 (p. 42). Ric., a Scot, g. 1948 (14). (Stevynson), Th., g. 3049 (39). Wm., 82 (p. 41):-g. 1662 (22), 2772 (62). Stepill tower, in Scotland, p. 1260. Stepney (Stepynghith, Stopenheth, Stepneth, Stepenhith), Midd., 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (3 mm. 1, 3, 10, 15), 438 (4 mm. 11, 26 bis, 27):-g. 218 (42), 414 (44), 604 (33). Bishop's Wood (Bochipis- wod) manor, 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 11). Stepney (Stepeneth, Stepneth), John, 438 (3 m. 6). Stepull. See Steeple. Stepull, Salop, 438 (3 m. 28). Sterke or Sterky. See Starkey. Sterley. See Strelley. Stertzing (Stercin), in the Tyrol, 818. Steuecle. See Stukeley. Stevenage (Stevenache), Herts, 438 (1 m. 9). • rector of, 1803 (1 m. 2). Stevens or Stevyns. See Stephens. Stevington (Stevynton), Beds, 438 (2 m. 20). Steward, my lord. See Shrewsbury, earl of. Steward (Styward), Edm., 438 (1 m. 17). (Stuarde), Joan, g. 709 (44). (Styward), John, 438 (1 m. 18). Stewart (Steward), • • the Tower, 1960. prisoner in (Steuard, Stuort, Extuart), Alexander, abp. of St. An- drew's, chancellor of Scot- land (1510-13), natural son of James IV., killed at Flodden, 92-3, 105-6, 207, 212, 299, 306, 338, 411-12, 549, 1077–9, 1287, 1735 (p. 793), 2246 (4), 2313, 2355, 2373, 2550, 2552, 2911: pp. 1521, 1523, 1526– 7, 1529, 1532. > 12. letters from, 212, 411- letters to, 207, 306. Alex., to be abbot of Incha- ffray, 2549, 3119:-pp. 1527, 1532. " Andrew, bp. of Caithness, abbot commendatory of Kel- so, treasurer of Scotland (1510–12), 661, 1504 (p. 693), 1342, 2246 (4), 2313n., 2420, 2443, 2461, 3119, 3123. Andrew, postulate of Caith- ness, brother of the earl of Atholl, 2443, 2461. (Saluart), Andrew, archd. of Galloway, p. 1522. (Stuart, Stuerd, Stuerdus, Tuerd), Balthasar, Papal notary, nuncio to Scotland (1513), 1622, 2288, 2343, 2389, 2526, 2586, 2633, 2740, 2793, 2864, 2884, 2890, 3119, 3390 -p. 1529. : letter to, 1622. Bernard, Sieur d'Aubigny (died in 1508), 657. Edward, bp. of Orkney, q.v. James, to be abbot of Cul- ross, 1536, 1538. James, abbot of Aber- brothock, p. 1532. James, canon of Glasgow, p. 1524. John, earl of Lennox, q.v. John, chancellor of Ross, 1524, 1526. John, 42, 203, 211. Matthew, earl of Lennox, q.v. Sir Robert, 2461. See also Aubigny, Sieur d'. Wm., canon of Glasgow, p. 1524. Stewekley. See Stukeley. GENERAL INDEX. 427 T Stewey. See Stowey. Stewton (Stuton), Linc., 144 :-g. 519 (10). rector presented, g. 1732 (15). rental of, 1505. Steyke. See Steke. Steyn priory, near Gouda, prior. See Rogerus, S. Steyneford. See Stayneford. Steyning (Staynyng, Stenyng), Suss., 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 m. 20), 559. Steynton, Th., g. 1805 (1), 2055 (4), 2422 (8). Steynbank. See Stanbank. Steyremarke. See Styria. Sthanari. See Shrule. Stibbington (Styvyngton), 438 (2 m. 22). Ntht.. Sticklepath (Stikelpath), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Stidolff or Stydolff, Thomas, 436, 1450 (p. 661):—p. 1545. Stifford (Stifforth), Essex, 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 14). Stikney, Th., alias Scott, q.v. Stilbarn (Stylbarnd), Ric., 20 (p. 18), 82 (40). Stile, Eliz., widow of John S., mercer, 438 (3 m. 32). John, grocer or scrivener, g. 784 (18). John, mercer of London, 438 (3 mm. 27, 32). (Style, Astil), John, gentle- man usher, draper, ambassa- dor with Ferdinand, letters from, 6, 162, 329, 345, 1326, 1509, 1511, 1515, 1519, 1570, 1575, 1650, 1665, 1689, 2006, 2743. 88), 1650. letter to, 1659. his children, 162 (p. Elizabeth his wife, 162 (p. 88), 1650:—g. 1044 (17). • " (p. 651). > his son-in-law, 1422 other references, 23, 30, 119, 260, 438 (4 mm. 10 bis, 16), 476, 730, 1028, 1147, 1286, 1292, 1327, 1356, 1441, 1461, 1484, 1495 (1 i., iii., v., 3), 1656, 1737, 1902, 1999 (3), 2002-3, 2037, 2072, 2398, 2678, 2697, 2707, 2744, 2944, 2966, 3018, 3591:—g. 833 (56), 1044 (17), 1524 (25), 1836 (32). Wm., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Stileman (Stylman), Ant., 438 (4 m. 18), 2292:-p. 1546 :— g. 132 (15), 218 (12), 1462 (34). Stillingfleet (alias Stokyngflete), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 13), 1493 vi. :-g. 709 (14), 1172 (7), 1415 (11), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). Stillington, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 15). prebend, in York cathedral, 438 (2 m. 32). Stilman. See Stileman. Stinsford (Styfford, Stryfford), Dors. 438 (1 m. 12). Stirling (Striveling) castle, in Scot- land, 836, 1379, 1735, 1775, 2443, 2793, 2973, 3481. • letters, &c., dated at, 29, 108, 547, 1008, 1706–8, 1718– 20, 1735, 3468. Chapel Royal, or college of St. Michael, 105–6, 108, 374-5, 422, 656, 836, 1030, 1041, 1063, 1077-9, 1100, 1135, 1348-9. dean or bp. of, 422. See Arnot, D.; Abercrombie, D. Observant or Grey Friars, 1735 (pp. 791–3). Stittenham (Stytnam, Stitlum, Stite- lom), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9). Stixwold, Linc., nunnery, 438 (4 m. 23). A. abbess. See Clifton, Stobill, John, 2049. Stobo (Scobo), in Scotland, rectory and vicarage of, 539:-pp. 1521-2, 1524. Stoborough (Stoweborowe) in Pur- beck, Dors., 438 (1 m. 3). Stock (Stokke), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 23). Stockall (Stokhawll, Stokhale, Stok- hole), Roland, 438 (1 m. 17), 438 (3 m. 21). (Stokeale, Stokeveale, Sto- veale), Th., 438 (2 m. 4). Stockart. See Stuttgart. Stockbury (Stokbury), Kent, 438 (2 m. 30). Stocker (Stokker), John, 438 (3 m. 5). Stockerston (Stookefaston), Leic., 438 (1 m. 26). Stockfishmongers, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (3 mm. 19 bis, 25, 29), 1803 (2 m. 3). Stocking (Stokkyng), John, 2832 v., V1. Stockland (Stockelande), Dors., fair of, g. 1494 (31). Stockland Lovell (Stokelanlovell), Soms., g. 357 (12). Stockton (Stokton), Norf., 520:- g. 546 (27), 632 (64). Stockton cum Soca (Stokton Sokon), Suff., g. 257 (24). 428 GENERAL INDEX. Stockton (Stokton), Beatrice, 438 (2 m. 13). John. See Stoughton. (Stoketon), Henry and Rob., alias Borough, q.v. Th., King's joiner, &c., 1954-pp. 1514, 1519-20: g. 485 (57), 682 (37), 3107 (52). Stockwell (Stokwell), Surr., 438 (3 m. 32). Stockwith (Stokwith), Notts, 438 (3 m. 4). Stodart, Barth., 438 (4 m. 29). Stodeley. See Studley. Stogumber (Stoke Gommer), Soms., 1803 (2 m. 5). Stok, Ric., M.A., g. 587 (14). Stoka. See under Winchester. Stokdale, Wm., abbot of Kirkstall, 438 (3 m. 3). Stoke, Derb., 438 (1 m. 15). Stoke, Devon, 438 (3 m. 23). Stoke, Dors., g. 2684 (32), 2964 (54). Stoke, Linc., g. 1170 (16). Stoke, Staff., 438 (4 m. 3). Stoke, Suff., college of, g. 3107 (37). Stoke, Surr., 438 (2 m. 29). Stoke Abbas (Stone Abbatis), Dors., rector of, p. 1526. Stoke Albany (S. Dawbeney), Ntht., p. 1548. Stoke (Stokys) in Althorn, Essex, 438 (2 m. 26). Stoke Bardolph (Stokebardold), Norf., g. 969 (39). Stoke or Stoke Bardolf, Notts, g. 485 (43). Stoke Bruern, Ntht., g. 1083 (41). Stoke Canon, Devon, 438 (3 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 1). Stoke Charity (Oldestoke), Hants, 438 (1 m. 7). Stoke by Clare, Suff., college, dean of, 438 (3 m. 29). court rolls, 544. Stoke Climsland (Stokeklymlond, Stokyllynglond, S. Clymmys- londe), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 25) : —g. 3582 (17). Stoke D'Abernon (Stokedauburnon), Surr., 438 (2 mm. 23, 26). Stoke Damerell, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Stoke Dry, Rutl., 438 (3 m. 7). Stoke Edith, Heref., 438 (1 m. 16). Stoke Gifford, Soms., 438 (2 m. 4). Stoke Gommer. See Stogumber. Stoke by Guildford, Surr., 438 (2 m. 5), 1803 (1 m. 6). Stoke under Hamdon, East and West, Soms., g. 587 (19), 751 (5), 2684 (18). Stoke Hammond, Bucks, 438 (1 m. 26). Stoke Holy Cross, Norf., g. 3324 (30). Stoke Mandeville (Stokemaunder- fell), Bucks, 438 (3 mm. 13, 27). Stoke Millborough (S. Mylburn, St. Milburia), Salop, 438 (4 mm. 12, 27). Stoke Nayland (Stokeneylond), Suff., 438 (2 m. 26). Stoke or S. Newington, Midd., 438 (2 m. 16). Stoke Park, Glouc., 438 (3 m. 9). Stoke Poges, Bucks, g. 2684 (90). Stoke Rodney (Rodneystoke), Soms., 438 (2 m. 4):—g. 3499 (66). Stoke, South-, Suss., 438 (1 m. 19). Stoke Turberville (Stokke), Dors., 438 (3 m. 28). Stoke (surname). See Stokes. Stokebrige, Bucks, 438 (1 m. 17). Stokedon or Stoketon, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 17). Stokelanlovell. Lovell. See Stockland Stokenham (Stokyngham), Devon, g. 218 (52), 381 (18), 969 (20). Stokes, in Scotland, p. 1260. Stokes, Anne, 438 (1 m. 22). • • • (Stoke), Clemencia, abbess of De la Pray, Northampton, 438 (1 m. 24). Henry, merchant of the Staple, g. 924 (7), 2222 (11). (Stoke, Stokx, Stekys, Stokys), John, 1803 (1 m. 4), 2054 (4). (Stokis), John, canon of Windsor, 438 (2 m. 5). (Stoke), Juliana, 438 (2 m. 4). (Stokkes, Stoke), Ric., 1803 (1 m. 3). (Stoke), Rob., 438 (2 m. 4). (Stoke), Th., 438 (2 m. 4) : g. 1836 (2), 2861 (26). Stokeveale. See Stockall. Stokhale, Stokhawll or Stokhole. See Stockall. Stokker. See Stocker. Stokton. See Stockton. Stokwith, Ric., g. 1804 (19). Stokyngflete. See Stillingfleet. Stoltz, John, Swiss envoy to Eng- land, 2808. Stomer. See Stow. Ston. See Stone. Stondon (Staundon), Herts, 438 (2 m. 27)-g. 94 (35 p. 50). Stondon (Staundon) Hall, Essex, g. 289 (17). Stondon (Standon, Standun), Wm., yeoman of the Household, 438 (2 m. 24), 640, 707, 1015: —g. 1948 (97). Stone, Bucks, 438 (3 mm. 27, 32) :— g. 632 (72). Stone, Herts, g. 833 (30). GENERAL INDEX. 429 Stone, Kent, 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (3 m. 24). vicar of, p. 1528. Stone Abbatis. See Stoke Abbas. Stone Gamage, Heref., 438 (3 m. 17). Stone, Agnes, 438 (4 m. 12). John, 438 (3 m. 12):—g. 1804 (34). Walter, clk., 438 (2 m. 22). (Ston), Wm., 2221 (3). Stone Flats, Cumb. (Stanesflate, Cornw.) [in Kirklinton], 1803 (1 m. 2). Stonegrave (Stangreve), Yorks, p. 1525. Stoneham, North-, Hants, 438 (4 m. 27). Stonehouse, Devon, 438 (3 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 16):—g. 357 (10). Stoneleith (Stonley) in Arden, Warw:, abbey, 438 (4 m. 17). R. abbot. See Sutton, Stoneley (Stanley) priory, Hunts, prior of, 438 (2 m. 11). Stonemasons, 438 (2 m. 5). Stoner. See Stonor. Stonesby (Staunesby), John, 438 (3 m. 3). Stonesfield (Stonfeld), Oxon, g. 381 (24). Stoneton, Derb., g. 2772 (2). Stoneton (Stonton, Stouton), Warw. [near Priors Hardwick], 438 (3 m. 5):—p. 1548. Stonewell (Stonywell), John, prior of Tynemouth, 438 (4 m. 2), 1493 ii., 2714 :-g. 2222 (16 Newcastle). Stonford, Notts. See Stanford. Stonley Abbey. See Stoneleigh. Stonor, Oxon, 438 (1 m. 4), 438 (3 m. 7). Stonor or Stoner, Anne, 438 (3 m. 7). • James, 3148. John, s. and h. of Sir Wm., 438 (3 m. 7). (Stonore, Stonour), Th., 20 (p. 12), 438 (1 m. 4). (Stonner), Walter or Sir Walter, knighted after Flod- den, 1493 ii., 2246 (4 ii.), 3483-p. 1542:-App. 26. (Stonour), Sir Wm., g. 833 (69). Stonton, Warw. See Stoneton. Stonydelff, near Tamworth, Staff. or Warw., g. 158 (71), 2861 (14). Stony Stratford (Stonystretford), Bucks, 1410:—g. 1316 (15). grant dated at, g. 833 (65). Stookefaston. See Stockerston. Stopenheth. See Stepney. Stoques. See Touques. | Storges. See Sturges. Stork, John, 438 (3 m. 11). Stormarn (Stormaria), duchy of, 247. Storton. See Stourton. Storuge, Robert, attainted, g. 447 (9). Stotevyle, Th., g. 2484 (32). Stoughton, Surr., 438 (3 m. 2). Stoughton, Gilbert, 438 (3 m. 2) p. 1545 :—g. 1948 (10). Henry, fishmonger, g. 11 (10). (Stokton), John, 1803 (1 m. 6). Th., 438 (3 m. 2). Stourfield (Sturfeld, Styrfeld), Hants, g. 289 (11), 604 (43). Stourfield (Burfyld) Chace, Hants, 438 (2 m. 22). Stourton (Storton, Sturton), Staff. [near Kinfare], g. 94 (35), 381 (74). Stourton, Wilts, 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (4 mm. 22, 24). Stourton, Edward, p. 1536. Francis, 438 (3 m. 5). John lord, 438 (3 m. 5). Margaret, wife of William lord Stourton (1462-1478) and of Sir John Cheyney, 438 (3 m. 5). Rob., vicar of Dunmow, 438 (1 m. 20). (Sturton), William lord, 20 (p. 16), 205, 438 (3 m. 5), 963, 1176 (3), 1453, 1661 (3, 4), 3464 pp. 1518, 1536, 1543, 1546-g. 1732 (46). (Sturton), Wm., gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707. Stouton [Ntht. ?]. Warw. See Stoneton, Stoveale. See Stockall. Stow (Stowe), Camb., 1803 (1 m. 2). Stow (Stomer), Glouc., rector of, p. 1523. Stow (Stowe), Linc., g. 651 (25), 2535 (25). Stowpark, 438 (3 m. 14). Stow (Stowe), Norf., 438 (3 m. 13). Stow Bardolf (Stowe or Stoke Bor- dall), Norf., 438 (2 m. 28) :- g. 3049 (11). Stow Langtoft, Suff., 438 (1 m. 19). Stow (Stewe) St. James. See Jacobstow. Stowe (Sowe), Bucks, 438 (3 mm. 10, 32):—g. 2055 (95 ii.). Stowe, Linc. See Corringham cum Stowe. Stoweborowe. See Stoborough. Stowell, 2305 (p. 1035). John, son of Robert, g. 257 (16) 430 GENERAL INDEX. Stowey (Stewey, Stawey), Soms., 438 (3 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 10) :- g. 257 (16), 357 (12). Stowghton. See Staughton. Stow Market, Suff., g. 749 (27). vicar of, 438 (2 m. 32), 1803 (2 m. 6). Stow Wood (Stowode Forest), Oxon, 438 (3 mm. 6, 8):-g. 381 (36), 3226 (1). Straboe (Sccabo, Syan), in Queen's county, p. 1526. Strachan (Strawhyne, Stratauchin, Stratthauclin), Gilbert, M.A., James IV.'s chaplain, 275, 300-pp. 1522, 1527. Strachy, Alice, g. 2772 (57). · Edw., 2333. Joan, g. 2772 (57). John, g. 2772 (57). Th., g. 2772 (57). Stracton. See Stranton. Stradbally (Sralabaly), co. Clare, p. 1523. Stradbally (Straduali), alias Castle- connell alias Clonmarean, co. Limerick, p. 1530. Stradbrook (Stratbroke), Suff., 520 : -g. 257 (36), 546 (27), 632 (52, 64–5), 2964 (33). Straddishall (Straddeshyle), Suff., 544. Stradiots (Estradiots), 413, 942, 1071 (p. 517), 2249, 2285, 2391 (p. 1059), 2532, 2534, 2567, 2736, 2875 (? Mam- melukes "), 3173, 3229, 3400. Stradling, Anne daughter of John, 438 (2 m. 16). Edward or Sir Edw., knighted at Tournay, 438 (3 m. 25), 2301:—g. 3049 (20). (Stradelyng), John, 438 (2 m. 16), 1383: -p. -p. 1518. Th., 438 (3 m. 25). Wm., clk., g. 132 (116). Stradsett (Stradesett, Straget), Norf., 438 (1 mm. 1, 17). Stralen (Stralle), near Venloo, 1469. Stralle, John, canon, p. 1525. Stralley. See Strelley. Stralsund (Trasende), in Germany, 586. Stram Scutier, 1301 (p. 598). Strange or Straunge, Lord, 438 (3 m. 1). Strange or Straunge. See Le Strange. Strangman, John, 2480 (17). Strangways, Agnes, 1803 (1 m. 4). (Strangweys), Edward, p. 1536. q.v. Eleanor, alias Twynyho, (Strangwyssh, Strangwyse, Strangwyche), Giles, esquire Strangways, Giles—cont. D • • for the Body, 438 (2 m. 33), 438 (4 m. 11), 3348 (3) :— pp. 1536, 1543:-g. 1494 (9), 2222 (16 Dors.). (24). signature of, g. 2964 Henry, 438 (2 m. 33). (Strangewishe), Sir James, porter of Berwick, 2713: p. 1547:-g. 804 (29 v.), 833 (50 iv.), 1365 (3), 2222 (16 Yorks), 3499 (12). (Strangwyssh, Strangweyes), James, 1176 (1, 4), 1493 iii., 1496 ii., 1803 (1 mm. 4, 6) :— pp. 1513, 1534:-g. 804 (29 x.), 1083 (23), 1172 (24). Sir Katharine his wife. See Gordon, Lady Katharine. (Stranghyshe, Strangwysshe, Strangeweys), Th. or Thomas, 20 (p. 17), 438 (1 m. 12), 2239, 2246 (4 ii.) p. 1536-g. 94 (63), 804 (29 vii.), 833 (50), 1003 (9), 1365 (3), 1524 (1), 2055 (41). letter from, 2096. Stranton (Stracton, Straunton), Dham., 1803 (2 m. 5). vicar of, p. 1526. Strasburg, in Germany, 1307, 2516. Strata Marcella Abbey, near Welsh- pool, co. Montgomery, 438 (3 m. 11). abbot. See Winchcombe, D. Stratauchin. See Strachan. Stratbroke. See Stradbrook. Stratfield Mortimer, Berks, 438 (1 m. 13):—g. 54 (70), 94 (35). Stratford upon Avon (Stretford upon Aven), Warw., 438 (2 m.˜6), 438 (4 m. 8), 653. Stratford atte Bowe (Stafford), Midd., 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (3 m. 29), 438 (4 m. 28), 1803 (1 m. 6) : p. 1512:—g. 969 (45). 1804 (39). priory of St. Leonard, 438 (2 m. 31). 604 (38). confirmation for, g. Elizabeth prioress of, 438 (2 m. 31). Stratford, Fenny. See Fenny Strat- ford. Stratford or S. Langthorne, Essex, 438 (2 mm. 8, 16). Abbey or "Grey Abbey," 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (3 m. 9). abbot of. See Hicheman, W. confirmation for, g. 519 (35). Stratford (Stradford), New-, Warw 438 (4 m. 8). GENERAL INDEX. 431 Stratford (Stretford) or S. St. Mary, Suff., g. 94 (35 p. 50), 2772 (63). Stratford, Wm., Wm., abbot of Vale Royal, 438 (1 m. 18). Stratthauclin. See Strachan. Stratton, Beds, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 12). Stratton (Seratton), Cornw., vicar of, p. 1524. Stratton, Dors., prebendary of, 438 (2 m. 12). Stratton, East-, Hants, 1803 (1 m. 3). Stratton, St. Margaret-, Wilts, g. 3049 (29). Stratton, John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383):-g. 2684 (54), 3324 (1). Straunge. See Le Strange. Strawhyne. See Strachan. Stray. See Strey. Straynesham. See Streynsham. Straynge. See Strange. Streatham (Stretham, Streteham), Surr., 643, 786-g. (30). 3107 Streatlam (Stretlam), Dham., 438 (2 m. 13). Streatley (Stretley, Streteley), Berks, g. 3499 (58). Bromewode and Keyding- ton, g. 2617 (29). Strelley, Eliz. widow of John, 1803 (2 m. 1). Strelley (Sterley, Stralley), Nic., 20 (p. 15), 438 (1 m. 6). Stremys, the [in the Channel ?], 1262. Stretchworth (Stecheford), Camb., 438 (4 m. 22). Strete (Streyte), Henry, 228, 438 (3 m. 7) :--g. 94 (37), 257 (10), 749 (19), 969 (20), 1948 (48, 72). Ric., clk., g. 2055 (54). Streteham. See Streatham. Stretehaye, John, g. 2484 (17). Streteley. See Streatley. Stretford. See Stratford. Stretham (Strotham), Camb., 438 (4 m. 12). Stretham, Surr. See Streatham. Stretley. See Streatley. Strett. See Strutt. Stretton (Sturton), Chesh., 438 (2 mm. 8, 9), 438 (3 m. 24). Stretton, Heref., g. 833 (38). Strey (Stray, Seray), Th., justice of gaol delivery, 597, 1057 :— p. 1547:-g. 94 (50), 132 (48) 357 (38), 519 (60), 546 (1), 709 (34), 833 (2), 1083 (16), 1123 (37), 1266 (34, 41), 1602 (41), 1662 (5), 2055 (93, 114), 2684 (68), 3049 (35), 3107 (55). Streynsham (Straynesham), John, clk., 438 (4 m. 25). (Treynsham), John, vicar of Lyme Regis, 438 (3 m. 21). Lawrence, armourer, 2810. Streyte. See Strete. Strickland Kettle, Westmld., g. 1732 (1). Strickland (Strykland), Eliz., g. 132 (34), 449 (6), 485 (42). (Stritoland), Th., rector of Lowther, p. 1525. (Strikeland), Sir Walter, 309. Walter, s. and h. of Sir Walter, g. 449 (6), 2684 (64). Strigonia, in Hungary, letter dated at, 463. Strigonia [Thomas Bakocs] cardinal of, chancellor of Hungary, 463, 965, 1204, 1490, 2397, 3089. Stringer, Edmond, 438 (3 m. 17). Robert, prior of Trentham, 1803 (1 m. 4). Wm., g. 2863 (3). Stringers, 438 (4 m. 19). Stritoland. See Strickland. Striveling. See Stirling. Strocy. See Strozzi. Strode [in Ermington], Devon, 438 (2 m. 13). Strode, John, p. 1536. Ric., M.P. for Plympton, 1471, 1474: :—p. p. 1536. Act for, 1471. Th., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Wm., 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (3 m. 2):—g. 833 (15). Strodewater. See Stroudwater. Strodewyke. See Strudwyke. Stroke, Wm., 438 (2 m. 30). Strond or Stronde. See under Lon- don, Strand. Stronge or Storng, Robert, attainted, g. 3499 (48). Strotham. See Stretham. Stroudwater (Strodewater), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 21), 1803 (2 m. 2). Strozzi (Strocy), Marco, merchant of Florence, g. 1003 (24). Strudwyke (Strcdewyke, Strcdwyk), John, 438 (3 m. 31). Strumpshaw (Strumpshaugh), Norf., g. 3049 (11). Strutt (Strett), John, trumpet, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 43). Stryfford. See Stinsford. Strykland. See Strickland. Stuarde or Stuart. See Stewart. Stubbe or Stubbes, Edmund, S.T.P., master of Gonville Hall, Cam- bridge, 438 (3 m. 16). Edward, 579 :—g. 1462 (27). (Stubbys), Th., 82 (p. 42). 432 GENERAL INDEX. Stubbe-cont. (Stubbys), Walter, 438 (3 m. 26), 1493-p. 1541. Wm., g. 414 (4). Stubbs Walden (Stubbyswaldyng), Yorks, g. 1316 (45). Stubton (Stupton), Linc., g. 709 (1), 2684 (2). Stucley, Th., p. 1519. Studde, John, 438 (2 m. 8): -g. 2055 (1), 2222 (14). Studdesbury, John, g. 709 (22). Studdon, Wm., 237, 707, 1015, 3554 :-g. 969 (66), 2222 (4). Studley (Stodeley, Studdeley), Warw., 438 (3 m. 11), 438 (4 m. 11). priory, 438 (4 m. 17). confirmation for, g. 381 (66). T. prior of. See Wood, Studley (Studeley), Yorks, 1803 (2 m. 2). Studley (Stodeley) Barlet, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 15). Studley, North- (Northstodeley), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (4 m. 12). Studley, Rob., p. 1505 :—g. 289 (36). Stuerd or Stuerdus. See Stewart. Stukeley,, 1661 (p. 752). (Stewekley), John, 2054 (2, 4):—g. 257 (49). (Stukelegh, Stuteley), Th., 438 (2 m. 31), 1176 (3):—p. 1536-g. 132 (57), 833 (58 iv.), 1805 (1). (Steuecle), Wm., s. and h. of Gerard, g. 1494 (35). Stuort. See Stewart. Stuple. See Steeple. Stupton. See Stubton. Sturfeld. See Stourfield. Sturgeon, Ric., g. 654 (62). Sturges (Storges), John, 438 (1 m. 25), 874 (2) :—g. 1494 (55). Sturminster Marshall (Sturmyster or Styrmister Marchall), Dors., 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (3 m. 28), 438 (4 mm. 5, 12). Sturminster Newton, Dors., vicar of, 438 (4 m. 14). Sturrey, Kent, 480. Sturt, John, 1160. Sturton, Chesh. See Stretton. Sturton. See Stourton. Stuston, Suff., g. 784 (22). Stuton. See Stewton. Stuttecombe, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Stuttgart (Stockart), in Germany, letter dated at, 1996. Stydd (Styde), Derb. [in Shirley],392. Stydde, Derb. [in Yeaveley], 438 (4 m. 2). Styfford, Dors. See Stinsford. Styford, Nthld., 438 (3 m. 25). Style. See Stile. Styllard. See under London, Steel- yard. Styllyngstrete, —, a Fleming, 2383. Styngate. See Stengate. , Stynt, Rob., clk., g. 1462 (10). Wm., rector of Havant, 637. Styrfeld. See Stourfield. Styria (Styreremark, Steyremarke), 2889, 3080. Styrmister. See Sturminster. Styvyngton. See Stibbington. Styward. See Steward. Suabia (Swave, Swabia), in Germany, 2448, 2790. diet of, 1884. league of, 1431, 2755. Suadenham, Th., brewer, p. 1505. Subsidy (of 1512), 1046, 1471, 2733. Subsidy (of 1514), 2090 (9), 2733, 2736, 2747, 3038:—g. 2862 (7). Subsidy, clerical, "taxations of the archdeaconries of York, Cleveland, East Riding, Nor- wich and Norfolk, 310. Subsidy of tonnage and poundage granted, 341. the Sudburgh (Sydburgh, Sudborow), John, gentleman of Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41): -g. 749 (14). Sudbury, Derb., g. 3499 (23). Sudbury, Devon. See Sidbury. Sudbury, Glouc. See Sodbury. Sudbury, Suff., 438 (1 mm. 12, 14, • 18), 438 (3 m. 30), 438 (4 mm. 17, 22), 1803 (1 m. 2), 1803 (2 m. 1), 2333 :—g. 54 (14), 94 (35 pp. 50, 96). court rolls, 544. Black Friars, 438 (4 m. 12), 1905. • prior. See Pasford, J. College, 1905. 709 (28). confirmation for, g. Sudbury, Th., prior of Folkestone, 438 (2 m. 12). Th., vicar of Louth, 438 (1 m. 2). Sudeley (Studeley), Glouc., 438 (2 m. 14), 438 (3 m. 9) :—g. 257 (64), 519 (26), 632 (33, 70), 651 (1, 8, 19), 784 (29), 3107 (18). Sudeley, Ralph Boteler lord († 1473), g. 2772 (4). Suerey. See Surrea. Suester, Dr. See West. Suffolk, 205 (p. 106), 313, 438 (4 m. 5), 559, 580, 1409 (2), 1416, 2054 (3, 4), 3377 : GENERAL INDEX. 433 Suffolk-cont. g. 132 (26), 158 (71), 218 (31, 37), 381 (74), 447 (23), 546 (28), 632 (41, 66), 651 (10), 682 (4), 731 (14), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1316 (26), 1365 (24), 1494 (9, 55), 1602 (19, 38), 1804 (9, 22, 37), 2055 (95), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 13, 17), 2617 (37), 2684 (1, 5, 12, 87), 2964 (33, 81), 3107 (21), 3408 (18, 20), 3499 (12). commission of the peace, p. 1544. Richmond fee in, 438 (1 m. 3). Suffolk, Elizabeth duchess of, sister of Edw. IV., and mother of Edmund de la Pole, 438 (4 m. 5) :—g. 158 (71), 218 (34), 546 (27), 632 (64). Suffolk, John De la Pole duke of (1463–1491), g. 546 (43), 651 (10). duke of. See Brandon, Charles. Suffolk, Edmund de la Pole earl of, prisoner in the Tower (at- tainted in 1504, executed in 1513), 438 (1 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 5), 877n., 886, 1911 ii., 2072, 2083 (2), 3340 :—g. 11 (10), 94 (51, 56), 132 (6), 158 (34, 40, 71), 190 (4, 9, 28), 218 (34), 257 (7, 23, 90), 519 (63), 546 (27, 43), 604 (6, 8, 35), 632 (63-6), 651 (10), 682 (8, 33, 40), 709 (14), 731 (11), 924 (9), 1123 (49), 1316 (20), 1804 (27), 1836 (6), 1948 (31), 2055 (50, 95, 103), 2617 (33), 2722 (25, 56), 3324 (40). execution of, 1911 ii. inquisition on his lands, g. 2055 (95). Suffolk, Michael de la Pole earl of (in 1415), g. 94 (35). Sufforth. See Suffolk. Sugden, Wm., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 41). Sugwas (Sugwis), Heref., 438 (2 m. 27), 438 (3 m. 2). Sukyrke, in Artois, 2404. Sulbery. See Soulbury. Sulby (Soulby, Suleby), Ntht., abbey, 438 (3 mm. 8, 31, 34). abbot. See Goodale, R. 546 (49). confirmation for, g. Suleston. See Snelston. Suley Farms, Ntht., [in Yarwell.] g. 158 (42). Sulgrave, Ntht., 1803 (2 m. 3). Sullihull. See Solihull. Sullington, Suss., 438 (2 m. 28). Wt. 11494. Sultan, the. See Egypt, Sultan of. Sulyard, Andrew, p. 1541 :—g. 2617 (37). Edward, p. 1536:- (51), 1462 (14). g. 381 (Suliard), John, p. 1544 :— g. 651 (10), 969 (13). Sumatra, in the East Indies, 1974. Summan or Souneman, John, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Sumnore, John, rector of Mellis, g. 833 (49). Sunca, Francisco de, a Spaniard, g. 357 (4). Sunderborg. See Sonderburg. Sunderland, Dham., 1262 (p. 578). Sunninghill, Berks, grants dated at, g. 158 (1, 18, 29, 30, 38, 64), 190 (32). Sunnyff, Th., g. 731 (20). Sunnyng. See Sonning. Surgeons, 438 (3 mm. 3, 7), 438 (4 m. 19). privileges (Act), 2590 (16). Surgyon, Alice, 1803 (2 m. 2). Surland (Surlond), Richard, canon of Windsor, chaplain of the Tower, rector of Crewkerne (died in 1509), 82 (p. 40) :—g. 190 (8, 21, 37), 257 (46). Surlingham, Norf., 438 (4 m. 26). Surrea, Suerey or Surrey, Martin, pilot, 2305 ii. bis, iii. Surrentinus (Sorrento, Sorentinus) [Franciscus Rimolinus], car- dinal, 2250, 2276, 2292, 2389, 3183-4, 3220, 3236, 3261. letters from, 3183-4, 3260, 3403. Surrey, 205 (p. 106), 559, 1409 (2), 2054 (2, 4):-g. 218 (65), 632 (26), 731 (28), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1365 (16), 1494 (9, 55), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (2, 79, 99), 3408 (18), 3499 (12). commission of the peace, pp. 1544-5. Surrey, archdeacon of, 1803 (2 m. 5). archdeaconry of, 1803 (2 m. 1). Surrey, Thomas Howard earl of, K.G., Lord Treasurer, trea- surer of the Exchequer, letter from, 2239, 2546 iii. letters to, 325 (2). 1363, 1992, 2026. • signature of, 19, 58–9, 118, 168, 214, 265, 313, 555, 602, 710, 716, 820, 845, 1247, 1750 (4), 1940, 2441:—g. 11 (12), 54 (33, 50), 94 (44), 132 (65), 158 (90), 190 (19, 25, 34-5, 41), 218 (4, 33, 53–8), H 28 434 GENERAL INDEX. Surrey, Thomas Howard earl of, | Surrey, Thomas Howard earl of, signature of—cont. 257 (4, 5, 12, 26, 37, 62, 85), 289 (35), 414 (48, 52), 448 (1, 4, 8), 519 (5), 604 (18, 25–6, 44), 651 (7), 731 (7, 19, 20, 52), 749 (3, 16, 24), 784 (15, 56), 804 (49), 857 (7), 1003 (15, 17), 1123 (45), 1221 (53), 1316 (7, 22, 31), 1462 (5), 1494 (18, 36–7, 55, 60), 1524 (18), 1836 (30), 1948 (60, 63). marshal of England for the coronation, g. 94 (88). his lands, accounts, 580. his expedition to the North (in 1512), payments, 1450-1. created duke of Nor- folk, 2590, 2618, 2620:- g. 2684 (1). other references, 1, 20 (pp. 12, 20-1), 37, 81-2, 153, 157, 205, 325, 341–2, 355, 406, 438 (3 m. 1), 438 (4 m. 10), 442, 476, 568, 579, 734, 880, 945, 960, 963, 1046 bis, 1176, 1317, 1323, 1342, 1377, 1391, 1418, 1450, 1471, 1475, 1591, 1700, 1748, 1750 (3, 4), 1770, 1907 (p. 868), 1922, 1940, 2008 (2), 2035, 2067n., 2096, 2211, 2246, 2260, 2265, 2268, 2270, 2276, 2283-4, 2286, 2287 ii., 2313, 2324, 2355, 2386-7, 2651, 2834, 2836 pp. 1513, 1541 bis, 1544 bis, 1545:—g. 94 (35 p. 50, 43, 88), 132 (98), 257 (40), 546 (42), 731 (27–8), 784 (16, 36), 804 (8), 833 (5), 969 (17, 29), 1044 (6), 1083 (11, 39, 41), 1170 (7), 1316 (11), 1365 (3, 19), 1494 (15), 1524 (5), 1602 (12), 1662 (26), 1732 (2), 1804 (57), 1836 (32), 2330 (3). as duke of Norfolk, 2463, 2590, 2651, 2714, 2718, 2838, 2913 (pp. 1260–1), 2929, 3018, 3101, 3111, 3146, 3210, 3268-9, 3294-5, 3348 (3), 3354-6, 3361, 3370, 3376, 3464, 3502:—pp. 1505, 1516, 1541, 1544 bis, 1545: 2. 2617 (32), 2684 (2), 2772 (4), 2964 (80), 3049 (11), 3107 (38), 3226 (6, 24), 3324 (33). signature, 2829: —g. 2484 (17), 2617 (17), 2684 (39, 53, 63-4, 96), 2862 (8), 3049 (29), 3107 (39, 52), 3324 (30), 3499 (16, 19, 28–9, 33, 56, 68). as duke of Norfolk-cont. 3342. 2959. letter from, letters to, 2782, Surrey, Agnes countess of [d. of Sir Ph. Tilney], wife of the preceding, 82 (p. 41), 670, 673:g. 857 (7), 1044 (6); duchess of Norfolk, 3268, 3348 (3). Surrey, Thomas earl of, son of the Lord Treasurer. See Howard, T. Surtees (Surteys, Surtes), Th., 438 (3 m. 30). Suryke. See Zurich. Susa, in Barbary, 610. Susa (Sussa), in Savoy, 1988, 2154, 3519. Susieres (in Britanny ?), 1835. Sussex, 205 (p. 106), 559, 1450 (p. 661), 2054 (3, 4), 2759, 3377-g. 11 (10), 132 (26), 731 (18), 833 (11), 969 (23), 1365 (16, 24), 1494 (9, 55), 1524 (30), 1602 (38), 1732 (21), 1804 (28 ii.), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (2), 3408 (18), 3499 (12). commission of array, g. 1083 (39). commission of the peace, p. 1545. Suth. See South. Suthorp. See Southorpe. Suthtudworthe. See Tidworth. Sutludbroke. See Ludbrook. Suton. See Sutton. Sutthyll. See Sotehill. Sutton, Chesh., 438 (4 m. 2). Sutton, Derb., 438 (1 m. 4), 438 (3 m. 8 Berks "), 1803 (2 m. 4). Sutton, Hants, g. 218 (35). Sutton, Ntht., p. 1548. Sutton, Notts, 520. Sutton, Soms., 438 (3 m. 23). Sutton, Surr., 438 (2 m. 26). Sutton, Suss., vicar of, 438 (2 m. 6). Sutton, Warw., 438 (2 m. 14):— g. 709 (41). Sutton, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 15):— g. 563 (10). Sutton in Ashfield, Notts, g. 751 (3), 833 (55), 2684 (1). Sutton Chace, Warw., g. 1524 (3). Sutton Coldfield (S. in Colfeld), Warw. and Staff., g. 604 (21), 1044 (5), 1123 (62), 1524 (3). Sutton Courteney, Berks, g. 1083 (2). Sutton in le Dale (Tale), Derb., 438 (2 mm. 5, 12). GENERAL INDEX. 435 Sutton upon Derwent, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 4):—g. 158 (32), 190 (15), 1083 (49), 3499 (31). Elewisa lady of, grant by, g. 158 (32). Sutton, East-, Kent, g. 3499 (55). Sutton Frene [in Marden], Heref., 438 (1 m. 16). Sutton in Galtres Forest, Yorks, g. 190 (11), 1044 (7). Sutton Knighton (Kynges Sutton), Soms. [in Stowey], 438 (4 m. 21). Sutton Parva, Wilts, g. 885 (13), 3107 (35). Sutton Scarsdale (S. in le Dale), Derb., 438 (3 m. 5). Sutton Valence (S. Valance), Kent, 438 (1 mm. 8, 22). Edm. Gorges' claim to, 315. Sutton Waldron, Dors., 438 (4 m. 5). Sutton, Alan, 1803 (2 m. 3). • Edward lord Dudley, q.v. George, groom of the Cham- ber, 20 (p. 13), 707 (p. 383). Janet, g. 54 (33). (Sotton, Suton), 1803 (2 m. 5). Jenkin, John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383), 1355. John, s. and h. of Edward lord Dudley, 2414. John, monk of Abingdon, g. 1044 (22). , Lewis, g. 54 (33). Nic., g. 2862 (7). Ric., g. 1044 (12). Ric., alias Baker, minister of Modenden, 438 (2 m. 11). Rob., 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 42), 1176 (4), 1661 (p. 752): p. 1540-g. 2222 (16 Linc.). Robert, abbot of Stoneleigh, 438 (4 m. 17). Sir Thomas, 438 (1 m. 10), 2392-p. 1542:-g. 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.), 3499 (12). Th., 438 (3 m. 20), 1580. (Suton), Wm., abbot of Tiastrina, p. 1525. (Suton), Wm., archd. of Ferns, p. 1525. Sutwell. See Southwell. Swabia. See Suabia. Swafeld, John, g. 3107 (16). Swaffham or Swaffham Market (Sopheham, Sofham, Shaf- ham), Norf., 438 (3 m. 17), 1803 (2 m. 1), 3313 (6) :- g. 381 (74), 709 (14), 1170 (5, 12), 1948 (31), 2055 (94). Swafield, Norf., 438 (2 m. 15). Swalcliffe, Midd., g. 485 (5), 833 (43). Swalcliffe, Oxon, 3385, ! Swaledale (Swaldale), Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 5). Swallowcliff, Wilts, 1803 (1 m. 6). Swallowfield (Swalowfeld), Berks, g. 54 (74), 94 (35). Swalowe, Chr., rector of Heydon. 1803 (2 m. 5). Swan or Swanne, Chr., 438 (3 m. 20). Henry, prior of Hastings, 438 (2 m. 25). • " James, g. 2862 (7). John, clerk of the Queen's closet, 20 (p. 15 "Sir John "), 82 (p. 41), 1505. Rob., p. 1549. Wm., p. 1549:-g. 1836 (27). Swanborne or Swanburn, Gilbert, 1803 (1 m. 1). • • " John, 438 (3 m. 25). Swane, Th., 438 (3 m. 17). Swanne. See Swan. Swannes, Suff., [in Saxmundham,] g. 2055 (95). Swannesey. See Swansea. Swannington (Swanyngton), Leic., g. 1123 (58). Swans, g. 54 (73), 132 (59). Swanscombe (Swanyscombe, Swan- nescombe), Kent, 438 (1 m. 12):—g. 94 (35 p. 50). Swansea (Swaynessey, Swannesey), in Wales, 438 (2 m. 27):—g. 3049 (20). Swanton Abbot, Norf., 438 (2 m. 30). Swarford. See Swerford. Swartyswalde. See Schwarzwald. Swave. See Suabia. Swayn, Wm., p. 1534. Swaynessey. See Swansea. SWEDEN, 247, 665, 1211. Sweeney (Sweney), Salop, 438 (3 m. 31). Swenerton. See Swinnerton. Sweney. See Sweeney. Swepston (Swepeston), Wm., prior of Ulvescroft, 438 (4 m. 6). Swerford (Swarford), Oxon, 438 (1 m. 16):—g. 257 (23), 2055 (95 ii.). Sweteman, John, chaplain (temp. Edw. III.), g. 357 (39), 1602 (33). Swetyng, Humph., 82 (p. 41). Swift, Th., 20 (p. 16). Swillington, Eliz., 438 (2 m. 23). Swillington (Swilyngton), Ralph, 438 (2 m. 23):—pp. 1528, 1539 g. 218 (12), 1221 (41), 2222 (16 Leic.), 2684 (41), 3049 (26). Swinbourne (Swynborn), George, 438 (2 m. 13):-g. 357 (21). Wm., g. 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). 436 GENERAL INDEX. Swinbrook (Swynbroke), Oxon, 438❘ Switzerland, ambassadors to: Mil- (3 m. 29). Swincombe (Swynecom), Oxon, 438 (1 m. 12). Swinden, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 13). Swineshead (Shynneshed, Swynnes- heved), Linc., 438 (4 m. 9), 1803 (1 m. 1). abbey, 438 (1 m. 20). ham, J. abbot. See Adding- Swinford, Leic., 438 (3 m. 32). Swinford, Margaret, 438 (3 m. 28). Sir Thomas, 438 (3 m. 28). Th., 438 (3 m. 28). Swinnerton, Staff., 438 (4 m. 3). Swinnerton (Swenerton), Edw., sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 12). (Swynnarton), Th., 438 (4 m. 3). Switzerland ("High Almayne ") and the Swiss, Swyseners, 333, 366, 402, 526, 562, 572, 714, 754, 977, 982, 1013, 1055, 1101, 1127, 1138, 1141, 1147, 1301 passim, 1309, 1311-12, 1334, 1338-9, 1351– 2, 1364, 1383, 1400, 1434, 1436-7, 1469, 1491, 1566, 1568, 1647, 1668, 1670, 1677 (p. 770), 1697, 1722, 1779, 1781, 1867-8, 1877, 1884 (p. 859), 1892 (p. 862), 1895, 1897, 1902, 1952-3, 1977, 1980, 1993, 1996, 2016, 2022, 2029, 2056, 2069, 2076, 2079, 2086, 2095, 2124, 2144, 2166, 2242 (2), 2309, 2378, 2445, 2448 (p. 1083), 2456, 2462, 2473-5, 2496, 2496, 2561, 2577, 2584, 2597, 2602, 2665–6, 2694, 2703, 2736, 2743, 2745– 6, 2752, 2755, 2768, 2771, 2782, 2790, 2794, 2797, 2800, 2845, 2849, 2879, 2891, 2926, 2928, 2950, 2952, 2979, 2981, 2996-7, 3004, 3014 ii., 3018, 3039, 3043, 3084, 3088, 3106, 3127, 3132, 3150, 3160, 3192, 3235, 3245, 3264, 3274, 3392, 3400, 3405-7, 3519, 3525, 3527, 3533-4, 3556, 3569, 3574, 3581. 539), ambassadors to:- English, 1127 (p. 2996-7, 3008, 3051, 3084, 3106, 3127, 3150, 3154. See Knight, W.; Wood- house, R. French, 914, 1055, 1127 (p. 539), 2311. Imperial, 1127 (p. 539), 1334, 2597, 3150. Milanese, 3127. anese-cont. Swiss letter from, 2996. Venetian, 1127 (p. 539). cardinal of. See Sion. diet of (at Zurch, Zen, Zeen or Zurich), 1138, 1141, 1301 (pp. 596–7), 2996, 3051, 3533. letter from, 2808. treaty with England, 2997. treaty with Maximilian, 695, 1051, 1566. treaty with Leo X., 3534. mercenaries (Sowchyvers, Sochenours, Swcheners, Swys- ters) :- in English service, 1900, 2738-p. 1504 :—g. 289 (42). See also German soldiers. in French service, 83, 266, 1265, 1931, 1937, 2307. in service of Henry VIII. and Maximilian, 1569, 2038, 2040, 2063, 2070, 2083, 2086, 2101, 2113, 2115, 2147, 2198, 2204, 2214, 2225, 2259, 2273, 2287, 2296, 2299, 2307, 2311, 2328, 2332, 2379, 2410-11, 2473, 2633. in Julius II.'s service, 526, 529, 562, 568, 570, 590, 783, 982, 1071 (p. 518), 1147, 1194, 1220, 1223, 1312, 1344-5. Swocall, Derb., 438 (2 m. 28). Swyfentys. See Cifuentes. Swyseners or Swysters. See Swiss. Syan. See Straboe. Syche, John, 438 (2 m. 26). Sydburgh. See Sudburgh. Sydelesham. See Siddlesham. Sydeley. See Sedelegh. Sydenham, Mr., King's chaplain, 20 (p. 15). Alex., g. 804 (52). (Sidnam), John, of Bruton, p. 1543. Sydling Parva, Dors., 438 (1 m. 3). Sydyngbourn. See Sittingbourne. Sydynton. See Siddington. Syfwentes. See Cifuentes. Sygar, John, g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). Sygewyke, John, page of the Cham- ber, 1015. Syke (Cyke), Ric., chaplain, g. 2964 (62). Sykerlyng or Sykerlynde, Ralph, 438 (3 m. 30). Sylbeston. See Silverstone. Syle. See Seele. Syleham (Sileham, Silam), Suff., 520:-g. 257 (77), 449 (13), 546 (27), 632 (64), 750 (6). GENERAL INDEX. 437 Sylkested, Th., prior of St. Swithins, Winchester, 438 (3 m. 8) g. 257 (95), 2222 (16 Hants). Sylkokes, Ric., 3343. Syllyworth. See Silworth. Sylston, —, App. 22. Symon. See Simon. Symonds Hyde (Symondhyde), Herts, 438 (1 m. 10). Symough or Symouth. See Sy- naugh. Symson. See Simpson. Synaugh. See Senaugh. Synghai. See Shingay. Syniough. See Senaugh. Syo or Syoo. See Scio. Syreksey. See Zierikzee. Syria, 191, 766, 1002, 2801, 3586. Syriscote. See Sirescote. Syrkezee or Syrryk See. See Zierikzee. Sysar. See Sizergh. Sythyngbourne. See Sittingbourne. Sywoldby. See Shoby. Syxtyn. See Sexton. T T., J., esquire, g. 2137 (20). Tabley, Chesh. and Lanc., 438 (2 m. 4). Tachbrook, Warw., 438 (4 m. 10). Tachbuathra. See Taughboy. Tackley (Tackeley, Takkeley, Take- ley), Oxon, 438 (2 m. 33), 1803 (1 m. 2):—g. 3582 (10). Tadcaster, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 5), 1803 (1 m. 4):—g. 833 (23). Tailboys (Tailbus), Sir George, lord of Kyme and Reedsdale, and earl of Angus, 131, 438 (4 m. 4), 1661 (3) :—g. 1494 (16), 2535 (25). Rob., 438 (4 m. 4). Taillefer, Laurence, M.A., vicar of Kirkpatrick, 1759:-p. 1527. Taillor or Taillour. See Taylor. Tailors, 438 (1 mm. 6, 22, 26), 438 (2 mm. 12, 15, 16 bis, 19, 25, 33), 438 (3 mm. 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19 bis, 21, 27, 28, 29, 33), 438 (4 mm. 1, 2, 6, 12, 13, 15 bis, 22, 27), 1803 (mm. 2 bis, 3, 4 bis), 1803 (2 mm. 1, 2, 5 bis) :—pp. 1499, 1503 : —g. 1494 (2), 2055 (20, 22), 2964 (33). Tait, George, 817. Take, Christinus, g. 1123 (21). Takeham. See Thakeham. Takeley. See Tackley. Takke. See Toke. Talaton (Taleton), Devon, 438 (1 m. 12). Talbot, Lord, 438 (3 m. 1). Shrewsbury, earl of. See also Talbot, Edmund, 438 (4 m. 13):- g. 2684 (27). Geoffrey, p. 1519. George, earl of Shrewsbury, q.v. (Thalabet), Sir Gilbert, deputy of Calais, 104, 175, 193 (p. 102), 406, 416, 438 (4 mm. 8, 10), 568, 723, 791, 878 ii., 981, 1216, 1280, 1291, 1322, 1424, 1556, 1590, 1643, 1648, 1691-2, 1715, 1744-5, 1768, 1815, 1853, 1865, 1890– 1, 1901, 1908, 1918, 1932, 1995, 1997, 2013, 2025, 2092, 2328, 2445, 2480 (2), 2537, 2656 (3), 2829 (p. 1266), 2935, 3317 : pp. 1506, 1537- 8, 1542-3, 1545-6:-g. g. 11 (12), 132 (95), 190 (34, 39), 218 (18), 257 (13), 357 (24), 414 (32), 447 (1), 449 (19), 604 (7, 10, 28, 34), 632 (10), 651 (18), 682 (14, 36), 709 (15, 20), 731 (32, 46), 749 (38), 751 (2), 804 (19, 24), 833 (4, 6, 33), 885 (6), 924 (1, 7, 8, 34), 1003 (7), 1044 (3, 15, 19), 1083 (3, 9, 17, 38), 1170 (3), 1172 (6, 9), 1221 (14, 33, 45), 1316 (32), 1415 (8, 28), 1462 (36), 1494 (10, 22, 32), 1524 (8, 9, 42), 1602 (3, 16, 18, 22–3, 42), 1662 (3, 11, 49), 1732 (48), 1804 (39, 54), 1836 (9, 19), 1948 (24, 35), 2055 (6, 22, 31, 81, 117, 122), 2137 (9), 2222 (7), 2422 (12). letters from, 1692, 1853, 1865, 1890–1, 1901, 1908, 2470. 1815, letters to, 104, 416, 568, 1648, 1691, 1714, 1744, 1891 (2), 2013, 2025, 2152, 2181. 1853. (39). signature of, 1643. his son, 1692, 1815, deputy of Calais, g. 190 pardon for, 2935. Gilbert or Sir Gilbert, the younger, knighted at Lille, 2392 (p. 1063), 3112-pp. 1506, 1546:-App. 25. Giles, g. 2684 (44). Hugh, spear of Calais, 2049. 438 GENERAL INDEX. Talbot-cont. (Talbotte), Lady Joan, (†1505), widow of Sir Hum- phrey, 438 (2 m. 30): (40), 1524 (5), 1602 (12), 1804 (57). Sir John, App. 26. John, g. 1221 (11). g. 257 John, customer of Hull, 2324, 2805. Margaret, d. of John earl of Shrewsbury († 1460), g. 969 (51), 1662 (18). ,Margaret, wife of John, g. 1221 (11). (Talbotte), Rob., 438 (4 m. 11):—g. 54 (46). Talchna neas bugh. Taleton. See Talaton. See Tulla. Talfern. See Talverne. Talgarth (Walshetalgarth), in the 438 (1 Welsh marches, m. 19), 438 (4 m. 21):-g. 3324 (26), 3499 (75). Talgragen or Talgragan, John, of Talgragen, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 18). Tallebot, Count. See Shrewsbury, earl of. Talley or Talley Lluche, co. Car- marthen, abbey of, 438 (2 m. 9). (2 m. 9). David abbot of, 438 Tallies, 457, 579. Tallow chandlers, 438 (1 m. 5), 438 (2 mm. 8, 29), 438 (4 m. 22), 1803 (2 m. 1). Talmage, 1493 iv. Talmage (Talmache, Talnage), Lionel, p. 1544:-g. 132 (26), 651 (10), 1494 (9), 2617 (35), 2684 (12). Rob., g. 1804 (9), 2684 (12). Talmond (Talmon), Prince de. La Tremouille, F. de. See Talmor (i.e. Delmenhorst), 2107. See Denmark. Talowe, Th., g. 1662 (1). Talverne (Talfern, Talvren), Cornw. [in Philleigh], 438 (4 m. 12):—g. 257 (49). See also Arundel, of Talverne. Talworth, Surr. [in Long Ditton], 1482, 1502 :—g. 132 (115), 289 (5). Cokkes Lane, 420. Talyllyn (Talillen, Tallyn) or Llan- avaur Talyllyn, co. Merioneth, 438 (4 m. 25). Talyna (Talen), Michael, a Floren- tine dancer, p. 1517. Tame, Edmund, p. 1537 :-g. 2484 (9). Tame-cont. Henry, g. 1123 (13). Tamhorn (Tamen horne), Staff. [in Whittington], 1803 (2 m. 4). See Lefevre. Tamise, Sieur de. Tamworth (Tomworth, Tamuore), Warw. and Staff., 438 (2 mm. 4, 14, 27), 1493 v. :— g. 94 (35). college, p. 1526:—g. 1524 (21), 3408 (38). ܕ܂ dean of. See Lichfeld, W.; Wystowe, H.; Hone, W. > steward of, g. 158 (71), 632 (73), 2861 (14). Tamworth, John de, clerk of the Crown (temp. Edw. III.), g. 54 (62). John, 2842 iii.: (45). -g. 2964 Th., 20 (p. 19):-g. 2964 (45), 3107 (20). (Tomworthe, Thomworthe), Thomas, auditor of the Ex- chequer, 704, 723, 2349, 2575 ii., 2900, 3137:—p. 1517. letter to, 723. signature of, 2349. Tancard, Ric., 1355. Tancret (Tancrette, Taunecret), Wm., 438 (2 m. 28). Tandridge (St. James de Aurigie), Surr., priory, p. 1525. Taner, 559. Tanfeld, Lady Elizabeth, 438 (1 m. 23). • Eliz., g. 357 (36), 2617 (19). Rob., 438 (1 m. 23):- -g. 357 (36), 2617 (19). Thomas, prior of Thorne- holme, g. 519 (39). Wm., 438 (1 m. 23):-p. 1538:-g. 357 (36), 2484 (9), 2716 (19), 3499 (12). Tangermunde (Tangerund) on the Elbe, in Germany, letter dated at, 179. Tankardstown (Balte Tanckarid), co. Limerick, p. 1524. Tanne, Edmund, g. 2964 (22). Tanner, John, alias Selwoode, q.v. Rob., g. 1494 (60). Tanners, 438 ( Tanners, 438 (1 mm. 5, 12, 25), 438 (2 mm. 4, 25), 438 (3 mm. 6, 30), 438 (4 mm. 2, 5), 1803 (2 mm. 5, 6):—g. 1266 (38), 3408 (41). Tannington (Tanyngton), Suff., 438 (4 m. 3). Tanworth (Tonworth, Tonneworth, Tomworth), Warw., 438 (1 m. 10), 1803 (2 m. 3):—g. 709 (41), 924 (12), 1804 (26). Taplow, Bucks, g. 2330 (2). GENERAL INDEX. 439 Tapster, 438 (2 m. 26). Tardiff (Gardif), Robenet, French prisoner, 2227:-p. 928. Tarent. See Tarrant. Tarlatino, M., 1301 (p. 598). Tarlton (Torleton), Glouc., prebend in Salisbury cathedral, 438 (1 m. 11). Tarnock (Tornoke), Soms. [in Badg- worth], 2537. Taronhull. See Tettenhall. Tarrant Gunville (Tarent Gondevile), Dors., 438 (2 m. 4):—g. 94 (35). Tarrant (Terrant) Monachorum, Dors., 1803 (2 m. 6). Tarrant (Terraunt), Th., 436. (2 m. 6). (Terrant), Th., clk., 1803 Tarret, Jacques, a French ship- wright, 1645. Tarring (Terring), Suss., 1803 (1 m. 3). Tarset (Terset) Hall, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 32). Tartars invade Poland, 1277 (p. 588), 2267. Tash, Abel, goldsmith, 2781 iv., v. Tassell, Wm., 438 (2 m. 9). Tassis. See Taxis. Tastariis. See Carstairs. Tate (Tatte), Lady, 1811. (Tatte), Mr., 2167. Barth., spear of Calais, 1424, 2337, 3338:-g. 2861 (15). Sir John, alderman, justi- ciary for the Hanse merchants in London, 903. John, 438 (2 m. 30):- p. 1534. Margaret, 438 (2 m. 30). Robert, alderman, 438 (2 m. 30). Wm., LL.D., 1355. Tateshale or Tateshall. See Tatters- hall. Tatnall. See Tattenhall. Tattenhall (Tatnall, Tottenhall), Chesh., g. 94 (14), 132 (103). Tattershall (Tateshale, Tateshall), Linc., g. 132 (100), 190 (24), 969 (34).. • college of, 438 (1 m. 3). Tattershall, John, prior of Thur- garton, 438 (1 m. 1). (Tattersawll), Th., 1118. Tattunhyll. See Tettenhall. Taughboy (Tachbuathra), co. Done- gal, p. 1525. Taunecret. See Tancret. Taunell, Francis, merchant of Flor- ence, p. 1514. Taunton, Soms., 438 (3 m. 16, 21–2, 30, 34), 438 (4 m. 17 quater). priory, 438 (4 m. 17). Taunton, priory-cont. prior. See Prous, J. Taunton, archɗ. of, 438 (3 m. 29). Taverner, John, 438 (2 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 6). Taverners, 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 13). Tavistock (Tavestok, Tavystoke), Devon, 438 (2 mm. 22, 28), 438 (3 m. 11):—g. 1172 (8). abbey, g. 3408 (11). abbot, g. 2617 (27). See Banham, R. Stannery receipts at, 803. Tawley, Rob., chaplain, g. 1524 (44), 2684 (85). Tawton, Devon, 438 (3 m. 23). Tawton, North- (Northtawton, Northaunton), Devon, 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 28), 438 (4 m. 13). Tawton, South-(Southtawton, South- tauton), Devon, 438 (2 m. 14):—g. 833 (20). Taxis (Tassis), Baptist de, master of the Emperor's ports, 83, 1278, 1280, 1285, 1311 iii., 1334, 1469, 1594, 1676, 1895, 1977, 1993, 2014, 2022, 2028, 2039-40, 2070, 2074, 2145, 2168, 2196, 2220, 2908, 3014, 3235, 3457. letter from, 2168. letter to, 2039. signature of, 2196. his nephew Baptiste at Verona, 83, 1594, 1676. Francis de, 1424, 1551, 2040, 2337, 3338. letter from, 1551. letter to, 2040. his brother, 2040. Simon de, 1311-12, 1469. letter from, 1311 ii. Taxstede. See Thaxted. Tay. See Tey. 438 Tayllard. See Taylor. Taylor (Taillour), Geoffrey, (2 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 19). (Teylour), Henry, 82 (p. 42). (Tailloure), Isabella, g. 1221 (4). • (Teylour, Taillour, Tailour), John, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42), 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (3 m. 14). (Tayllard, Tailard), John, p. 1538 g. 414 (55), 587 (1), 1602 (10), 2222 (16 Hants), 2484 (17). (Teylour, Tailer), John, King's chaplain, clerk of the Parliaments, 20 (p. 14), 341, 371, 579, 1046, 1121, 1604, 2391, 2590, 2592, 3033 : g. 218 (64), 257 (58). 440 GENERAL INDEX. : Taylor, John, King's chaplain— cont. handwriting of, 1604, 3050. D • signature of, 1046, 2391, 2590. speech by, 3033. made a master in Chancery, g. 257 (58). 2391. his diary of the war, (Tayler), John, canon of Lichfield, p. 1524. (Taillour), John, King's chap- lain, rector of All Hallows le More, g. 632 (75). (Tailloure), John, King's chaplain, rector Higham, g. 749 (5). of Cold (Taillor), John, prisoner in the Tower, g. 11 (10). Nic., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13). (Teylour, Taillour, Tayloure), Philip, 20 (p. 18) :—g. 587 (8), 833 (27), 1123 (31), 1732 (27): 2772 (43). Ric., grocer, g. 682 (36). (Taylior, Taillour), Th., 985, 3598-g. 1266 (12), 1732 (27). (Tayllyor, Tayllar, Taillier, Tailar), Wm., 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (4 m. 11). (Tayllour), Wm., merchant of the Staple, 438 (1 m. 2): 2):- g. 1221 (4). Wm., rector of Quarrington, p. 1527. Taylowe or Teylowe, Th., 438 (4 m. 5), 2402 :-g. 2055 (14). Tealby (Tevilby), Linc., g. 519 (10). Teamse. See Thames. Tebbe or Tebbs, Wm., serjeant of the Vestry [of the Chapel], 352, 403, 707, 930, 1236, 3397. Tebold, John, g. 1732 (12). Techemarche or Tochemarche, Norf. [near Lynn ?], 438 (2 m. 25). Tedd, John, g. 1732 (23), 1804 (14). Tedder, bailiff of Towcester, g. 257 (71). Tees, the Yorkshire river, g. 731 (16). Teesdale (Teisdale) Forest, Dham., g. 1266 (19). Teet, Robert. See Robertet. Teffont (Tevent), Wilts, 853. Tegeant servant, John, 438 (2 m. 6). Tego, Wm., g. 1662 (35). Tehidy (Tehedy), Cornw. [in Illo- gan], 438 (1 m. 4). Teisdale. See Teesdale. Telay, marquis of. See Atella. Teleglase. See Glasbury. Telscombe (Titlescomb), Suss., rector of, 438 (3 m. 2). Temmysmouthe. See Thames. Temock. See Timahoe. Tempest, Agnes, d. and h. of John, g. 604 (17). Anne, g. 2055 (112). Eliz., wife of Thomas, 438 (2 m. 19). John, g. 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 2055 (112), 3582 (14). Margaret, g. 158 (66), 1494 (30). (Tempast), Ric., or Sir Ric., knighted at Tournay, 20 (p. 16), 157, 698, 2053 (2), 2301, 2480 (28): pp. 1518, 1547: g. 804 (29 vi., xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1365 (3), 1494 (30), 1804 (23), 1836 (12), 2055 (78), 2964 (31), 3582 (15). signature of, 698 :- g. 1804 (23). Roland. 438 (2 m. 19). Sir Th., g. 158 (66). Th., 438 (2 m. 19):-p. 1547:-g. 257 (88), 804 (21, 29 v., x.), 833 (50 iv.), 1365 (3), 3499 (41). Temple (Tempull), Leic., 438 (2 m. 32). Temple (Tempull, Tempell), Roger, 438 (2 m. 32):—g. 709 (22). (Tempyll), Wm., 438 (1 m. 16). Temple Brewer, Linc., preceptory of St. John, 438 (2 m. 6). Templecalley (Sanpullucalayg), co. Tipperary, p. 1524. Temple Hurst, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 26). letters dated at, 1482, 2576, 2740, 2914. Temple Newsom, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 26), 3359. letters dated at, 1593, 1914- 5, 3030. Tempe. See Etampes Tempull Thornton. See Thornton. Tenbury (Tunbery), Worc., 438 (4 m. 20). Tenby (Tynby), co. Pembroke, g. 519 (43), 1316 (13), 3324 (16). confirmation of charters, g. 1732 (3). Tendale. See Tyndale. Tendilla, count of. See Mendoza. Tendryng, John, 82 (p. 42). Tenen. See Thiennes. Tenensis, episcopus. See Cornish, T. Tenenth, John, priest, 20 (p. 16). Tent. See Thanet. Tenremonde. See Dendermond... GENERAL INDEX. 441 Tenterden (Denturden, Tonturden, Enterden, Enturden), Kent, 438 (2 mm. 8, 24). 438 (3 mm. 9 24), 752:-g. 2862 (7). Tenths and fifteenths, 1409. Tenwinter, Andrew, 438 (3 m. 13). Terbona. See Terouenne. Terell. See Tyrrell. Tergoos or Tergowe. See Goes. Terling, Essex, 438 (2 m. 33), 438 (3 m. 6) :—g. 1462 (22a). letter dated at, g. 289 (28). Termini (Terme, Termeni), duke of, 627, 965, 977. Termonamungan alias Cyllcairill, co. Tyrone, p. 1530. Termonde. See Dendermonde. Termonde or Termond le View, cap- tain of Mercenaries, 2835. Termonfeckan (Termountfeken), in Ireland, letter dated at, 2907, 2977. Termont, master of Ordnance to the prince of Castile, 1745. Termyns. See Tormings. Tern Hill, Salop, 438 (4 m. 12). Terni, on the Trent, in Italy, letter dated at, 1488. Terouenne (Terevan, Tiroan, Tur- • • • wayne, Tyrwyn, Therouane, Torraana, Therouenne, Tir- wayne, Terbona, Turvyn, Tir- wn), 1601, 1837, 1890, 1961, 2037, 2053 (6 ii.), 2060-1, 2064, 2068, 2071, 2074, 2081, 2089, 2092, 2095 ii., 2101-2, 2104, 2107, 2110, 2116, 2119, 2122 (3, 4), 2123, 2125-7, 2144, 2157, 2160, 2162, 2164, 2169– 70 2173-4, 2176, 2178, 2180, 2186-90, 2198, 2201-2, 2204, 2208–9, 2213–4, 2220 (p. 994), 2227, 2229, 2233, 2237, 2245, 2249, 2254 ii., iii., 2265, 2267, 2270, 2273, 2276, 2278, 2290, 2294 (2), 2295, 2299, 2379, 2391, 2392 (p. 1063), 2404, 2445, 2452, 2466, 2503, 2518- 9, 2532, 2562, 2707, 2834, 2854, 3024, 3028, 3039 :— g. 2684 (107). > letter, &c., dated at, 1424, 2057, 2141, 2145, 2171, 2161, 2166, 2184, 2189, 2235, 2244. 2151 -2, 2181-2, 2194-6, 2215, grants dated at, g. 2222 (9, 13), 2330 (1), 2535 (21). capitulation of, 2186. description of Henry VIII.'s tents at, 2173, 2188. French leaders in, 2027 ii. narrative of the siege, 2102. plan of, 2187. summons to, 2027. ! ! Terouenne-cont. abbey beside, 2050 (2), 2173, (p. 979), 2184, 2188-9, 2195, 2202. cathedral (Great Church) of, 2189, 2201, 2227, 2290, 2391 (pp. 1060, 1062). gate of St. Esprit, 2176, 2209. Terra Nova, duke of. See Cordova. Terrant. See Tarrant. Terring. See Tarring. Terrrington (Tyryngton, Teryngton), Norf., 438 (2 m. 27), 438 (3 m. 34). Terry, Rob., 853. Simon, p. 1520. Tervere. See Veere. Teryngton. See Terrington; also Thorington. Teseby, John, g. 731 (20). Tesedell, Wm., clk., g. 1732 (17). Tesh (Tessh), Robert, minister of St. Robert's by Knares- borough, 1803 (2 m. 6). Testeville, Sieur de, a French noble- man, 3348. Tetbury, Glouc., 438 (3 m. 17). Tetchbury (Toichebury), Hants, 438 (3 m. 3). Tete, Robert, See Robertet, F. Tetney (Teteney), Linc., g. 3049 (37). Tettenhall (Tattunhyll, Taronhull), Staff., rector presented, p. 1525-g. 563 (4). Tettessey. See Titsey. Tevell, Th., g. 1804 (37). Tevent. See Teffont. Teversall, Notts, 438 (1 m. 11). Teverton. See Tiverton. Tevilby. See Tealby. Teviot, the Scottish river, p. 1260. Teviotdale (Tevydale, Tymdele, Tyuidale), in Scotland, 2382, 2390, 2455. archd. of, pp. 1522, 1525, 1528. sheriff of, 2443. Tewe, Th., g. 1732 (9). Tewington. See Trewinton. Tewkesbury, Glouc., 438 (1 mm. 7. 13), 438 (2 mm. 5, 11), 438 (3 m. 22):—g. 857 (2), 1524 (47), 2964 (17). confirmation of charters, g. 1494 (61). abbey, g. 3226 (5). 381 (99). confirmation for, g. election of abbot, g. 218 (36), 257 (47). abbot's admission to Parliament, g. 1044 (9). abbot of. See Chet- tenham, R.; Beley, H. 442 GENERAL INDEX. Tewkesbury hundred, Glouc., g. 1524 (47). Tewneo. See Twynyho. Texea, Michel, notary, 3383. Tey Magna, Essex, 438 (2 m. 33). Tey, Sir Henry, 438 (2 m. 6). (Tay), Philip, g. 1804 (14). Sir Thomas, p. 1536. Th., p. 1536 :—g. 1462 (14), 2222 (16 Essex). Wm., 1803 (1 m. 6), 1803 (2 m. 3). Teylour. See Taylor. Teylowe. See Taylowe. Thacher, Thacker, or Thakker. See Thatcher. Thakeham (Takeham), Suss., 438 (2 m. 23). Thalabet. See Talbot. Thaleus, 952. Thalnmorek. See Llanmerewig. Thame, Oxon, 438 (3 m. 7). abbot of, p. 1529. prebendary and rector of, 438 (1 m. 16). Thames (Tamys, Temmys, Teamse, Themmes), the • Themyse, river, 945, 1134, 1262, 1291, 1413, 1657, 1664, 1669, 1748, 1768, 1786, 1812, 1858, 1899, 1942, 1943, 1976, 1978, 1982, 2305 iii., 2401, 2680, 2702, 2865, 2959, 3003, 3137, 3148 ix., 3318 iv. :-pp. 1496–9, 1500, 1503, 1507-8:-g. 357 (43), 969 (45), 1316 (11), 2684 (8). fishing in, g. 218 (42), 519 (37), 604 (33). swans in, g. 54 (73), 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). Thames Ditton (Temmys Ditton), Surr., 438 (4 m. 24). Thanet (Tenet), Isle of, g. 731 (18), 749 (38). Tharfield. See Therfield. Tharold. See Thorold. Thaydon. See Theydon. Thatcher (Theccher, Thekar), John, p. 1545:-g. 1083 (39, 46), 1494 (55). (Thekker, Thykker), Leonard, 438 (3 m. 2). (Theccher, Thacher, Theccer), Thomas, 872, 3567:-p. 1545: -g. 132 (26, 51), 1083 (39), 2222 (16 Suss.). Thatchers, 438 (3 mm. 19, 22): g. 833 (21). Thaxted (Thaxstead, Thaxstede, Taxstede, Thakstede), Essex, 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (2 mm. 6, 8), 438 (3 m. 26 bis), 438 (4 mm. 4, 18):-g. 54 (14), 94 (35, 96), 1662 (46). Thaxted-cont. court rolls, 544. Thaxted (Thaxstede), John, abbot of Walden, g. 94 (100). Th., g. 94 (46). Theacmolin [St. Mullin's, co. Car- low?], p. 1525. Theberton (Cheberton), Suff., 438 (3 m. 27). Theccer or Theccher. See Thatcher. Thedwestry (Thedwardstrete), hun- dred. Suff., g. 2861 (25). Thekar or Thekker. See Thatcher. Thelbridge, Devon, 438 (3 m. 28). Theligny (Thylyny), F. de, Sieur de Lierville, q.v. Thelsfold (Thellysford), Warw., near Hampton Lucy, house of, 438 (4 m. 8). minister of. See Brockden, J. Thelwell, Nic., g. 2964 (47). Themsick, George de, provost of Cassel, 1322, 1336, 3153, 3174. Themyse. See Thames. Theodore, Mons. See Trivulci. Theodorici, John, clk., Papal col- lector in Ireland, 2216- pp. 1526–7. Theodorisme, John, merchant of Lucca, 1493 vi. Therfield or Tharfield, Herts, 438 (1 m. 19). Therkell. See Thirkell. Therouane or Therouenne. See Terouenne. Thersby, Th., g. 1494 (37). Theryber, Thirber or Ryber, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 19). These, Cornw., 438 (2 m. St. Teath? 23). Thetford, Norf., 438 (1 mm. 2, 12), 438 (2 m. 14):—g. 3499 (39). priory of monks, 438 (1 m. 16). prior. See Barning- ham, R. Thetford, John, canon of Butley, g. 132 (76). Thewell, Th., 438 (2 m. 4). Theydon (Thoydon), Essex, g. 1221 (36), 2055 (117), 3049 (18). Theydon Mount (Thaydon at Mount), Essex, 438 (1 m. 6). rector of, p. 1529. Thickepeny, Th., g. 1266 (26-7). Thiennes (Tenen), in Artois, 1565. Thiennes, Jacques de, Sieur de Castres, q.v. Thikepeny, Wm., 559. Thiknesse, Thiknes or Thiknese, John, 438 (2 m. 20). Thimbleby (Tymbleby, Thymelby), Sir John, App. 26-p. 1540. GENERAL INDEX. 443 Thimbleby-cont. (Thymelby, Thimulby), Ric., 438 (1 m. 2). Thinghill (Thyngehill), Little-, Heref., 438 (1 m. 22). Thingoe (Thinghowe) hundred, Suff., g. 2861 (25). Thionville, in Flanders, 3103. Thirber. See Theryber. Thirkell (Therkell, Thurcull), Ric., 1768, 1812, 2779. letter from, 1860. Thirlond. See Thurland. Thirlwall, Roland, 2480 (57). Thirmaston. See Thurmaston. Thirsbe, Yorks, 1803 (2 m. 2). Thirsk ? Thiuates. See Thwaites. Thoby, Essex, priory of St. Leonard, 176. • prior of. See Walden, W. See Todenham. Thodenham. Thoison. See Toison. Thoker. See Tucker. Tholen (Tollen), in Zealand, 2451. Thomas, the groom porter to Lady Mary, 20 (p. 17). Thomas, Adam, g. 54 (44). Adam son of, charter of, g. 485 (25). John, 707: -g. 731 (17), 1948 (42). Llyson, abbot of Neath, 438 (2 m. 27) :—g. 1836 (18). Thos., of Southampton, 16, 438 (1 m. 18), 2738 :-g. 11 (10), 54 (89), 357 (9, 26), 1170 (10). Wm., 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 28):-g. 1462 (27), 1602 (34). Wm. or Sir Wm., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 2480 (36) :— App. 26-g. 54 (18–9), 447 (21). Thomasson. See Thompson. Thomists, the, 863. Thomlyn, Th., justice of Assize, g. 1316 (3, 6). Thomlynson, John, g. 190 (11), 1044 (7). Thompson (Tompston), Norf., col- lege, 438 (1 m. 18). J. master of. See Wyatt, Thompson or Thomson, Dr., 559 (p. 327). (Tomson), Dr., master of Christ's College, Cambridge, indenture with, 145. (Thomasson), Edw., 438 (1 m. 23). Gib, a Scot, 817. Thompson-cont. (Tomson), Henry, 438 (2 mm. 24, 26). .., Henry, Lyon king of Arms, q.v. • • " (Tomson, Tompson), John, 1505:—g. 587 (6), 731 (33), 751 (3), 833 (55). (Tomson), Nic., 438 (2 m. 16). (Tomson), Ralph, 82 (p. 41):—g. 731 (7), 1804 (19). (Tomasson), Ric., 438 (2 m. 7). (Tounson), Ric., a Scot, p. 1522. Rob., 82 (p. 43). Stephen, 182. (Tomson), Th., 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 21):—g. 749 (28). (Tomson), Th., clk., p. 1534. Th., a Scot, g. 1948 (36). Wm., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383). Wm., chaplain, 853. (Thonson), Wm., canon, 178. Thomworthe. See Tamworth. Thomys. See Tomyowe. Thonon (Tunon), in Savoy, 2014. Thonson. See Thompson. Thonys. See Toneys. Thoorne. See Thorne. Thoresby (Thursby), Linc., 438 (3 m. 30):-g. 519 (10). Thoresby, Rob., g. 1172 (6). (Thurresby, Thorisby, Thur- esby, Thursby), Th., 438 (3 m. 6) :—g. 132 (110), 632 (26), 969 (23), 1494 (9), 2484 (9). Thoresway (Fureswey), Linc., rector presented, g. 1316 (2). Thorington (Teryngton), Robert, 438 (3 m. 13). Thorlebury, Oxon, 438 (4 m. 6). Thorley, Ric., 438 (2 m. 28). Thorlond. See Thurland. Thornborough (Torneburgh, Thorn- brogh), Bucks, g. 485 (55 p. 298), 1316 (15). Thornborough, Alice wife of Robert, 1803 (1 m. 1). (Thornburgh), John, 438 (1 m. 17). (Thornborowe), Rob., 1803 (1 m. 1). Thornbury (Thournebury), Glouc., g. 546 (38). college of, g. 3226 (3). Thorncombe, Soms., g. 2055 (3). Thorndon, Suff., g. 682 (40), 2055 (95). Thorne, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Thorne (Thoorne), Yorks, g. 54 (61), 546 (61), 1732 (43), 1804 (6). Thorne, Edward, g. 1266 (16). 444 GENERAL INDEX. Thorne-cont. • 9 (Thoorne), Florence, g. 2772 (57). (Thoorne), George, g. 2772 (57). Henry, g. 1266 (16). (Thoorne), Joan, g. 2772 (57). John, p. 1548. Rob., g. 485 (40). (Thoorne), Th., g. 2772 (57). Wm., 438 (3 m. 10). Thornebury, Wm., g. 2861 (17). Thornehawe Wood. See Thorn- haugh. Thorneholme priory, Linc., prior. See Tanfeld, T. Thornes, Ellen widow of Robert, 438 (2 m. 31). Roger, g. 381 (46). Thorneton. See Thornton. Thorney, Camb., abbey, 438 (2 m. 8). abbot of. See Hol- bech, R.; Moulton, R. election of abbot, g. 1662 (30), 1732 (34, 37), 1836 (21). (15). confirmation for, g. 546 Thorney, Notts, 438 (2 m. 4) -g. 1083 (46). Thorney (Thornhey), Rob., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40) :—g. 1524 (11), 2484 (24). Roger, 307 (p. 142). Thornham, Suff., 438 (4 m. 29). Thornhaugh (Thornehaw), Ntht., g. 1123 (46), 2684 (59). Thornhill, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 26). Thornhill (Thornehell), Th., g. 3582 (15). Thornton, Bucks, 438 (4 m. 12). • rector, g. 132 (121). Thornton (Thorneton), Dors., 438 (4 m. 7). Thornton (Thorneton), Yorks, g. 750 • • (5), 1732 (1). rector presented, g. 751 (7). Thornton [Curtis] Abbey, Linc., abbot of, g. 2222 (16 Linc.). confirmation for, g. 632 (27). Thornton, in Ripon, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 19). • Thornton Temple (Tempull Thorn- ton), Nthld., 438 (2 m. 32). Thornton Wood, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 21). Thornton or Thorneton, Henry, 1803 (2 m. 6):-g. 158 (29), 1948 (52). John, prior of St. Martin's, Dover, bp. Sirynensis, 1803 (1 m. 2), 2424. Ric., clk., g. 94 (57). Th., 1803 (1 m. 4). Thornton-cont. Th., priest, g. 2535 (16). Thorold (Tharold, Thurrold), Rob., 438 (3 m. 30). Thorowgood, Rob., p. 1549. Thorpe (Thorp), Linc., g. 1316 (4), 2772 (11). Thorpe, Ntht., g. 1083 (41). Thorpe Abbots (Abbatys Thorp), Norf., 438 (4 m. 11). Thorpe Achurch alias Thorpe Water- field, Ntht., g. 158 (89). Thorpe Arnold (Thorparnald), Leic., 438 (4 m. 13). Thorpe next Haddiscoe, Norf., 438 (1 m. 12). Thorpe Mandeville (Thrope Mounde- vyle), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 34), 1803 (2 m. 3). Thorpe next Melton, Leic., 438 (4 m. 1). Thorpe next Ripon, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 4). Thorpe Salvin (Thorpyssalven), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 4). Thorpe Stapleton (Thorpestapulton), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 12). Thorpe Underwood, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 15). Thorpe Waterfield (Turpwaterfeld), Ntht., g. 158 (22), 257 (32). Thorpe, Agnes, 438 (3 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 24). Rob., 438 (3 m. 18), 438 ( m. 24). (Thorp), Th., 438 (2 m. 28), 1803 (1 m. 1). Thorpland (Thorplond), Norf., 438 (2 m. 26). Thorston. See Thurston. Thoryngton (Teryngton), Suff., 438 (3 m. 13). Thowe. See Howe. Thoydon. See Theydon. Thrandeston (Thraundeston), Suff., g. 784 (22). Threlkeld, Lancelot, g. 651 (25). Threshfield (Thresshefeld), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 20). Threxton, Norf., 438 (2 m. 30). Throcking (Throkyng), Herts, 438 (1 m. 19). Throckmorton (Throkmerton),Worc., 438 (1 m. 2). Throgmerton (Throkmarton), Chr., 20 (p. 15), 438 (1 m. 24), 1176 (4), 1493 ii., 1803 (2 m. 1): g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 924 (37), 3582 (11). Eliz., abbess of Denney, g. 1266 (22). (Throkmerton), George, esquire for the Body, one of the Spears, p. 1545:-g. 924 (12), 1083 (4), 2137 (10). GENERAL INDEX. 445 Throgmerton-cont. (Throkmerton, Frogmerton), George, ship captain, 1661 (3, 4), 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 4, 5). (Throkmerton), Mary widow of Chr., g. 2964 (17). (Throkmarton, Frogmarton), Ric., 1803 (1 m. 6). (Throkmerton, Throkmarton, Frogmerton), Sir Robert, 20 (p. 15), 438 (1 m. 2), 1453, 1661 (3), 1803 (1 m. 1):-p. 1545:-g. 414 (46), 449 (15), 632 (70), 969 (38), 1732 (49), 2861 (7), 3582 (11). Wm., g. 1662 (24), 3499 (33). (Throkmarton), Wm., LL.D., prothonotary of Chancery, 2315-g. 632 (55). Thrognall. See Frognall. Throkmerton. See Throckmorton ; and Throgmerton. Thropton (Tropton), Nthld., g. 3863 (5). lands called Schirlandes, g. 485 (26). Throwester, p. 1503. Throwley (Throwle, Throw legh), Staff., 438 (3 m. 30), 438 (4 m. 2):—g. 1083 (2). Thrupp (Throp) near Daventry, Ntht., g. 969 (24). Thruxton (Thrucleston, Thruk- keston), Hants, 438 (1 mm. 9, 17), 438 (4 m. 19). Thundersley, Essex, 438 (4 m. 1) g. 54 (14), 94 (96), 546 (16), 2863 (12). Thurcull. See Thirkell. Thuresbury, Th., g. 2617 (21). Thuresby or Thurresby. See Thores- by. Thurgarton priory, Notts, 438 (1 m. 1). prior. See Tattershall, J. Thurland, Lanc., g. 3226 (2). Thurland (Thorlond, Tharlond, Thur- lund, Thurlaynd, Thirlond), Th., 438 (1 m. 14), 1496 ii. :- g. 54 (41), 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.), 3499 (68). Thurlby (Thyrleby), Linc., 438 (3 m. 14). Thurleigh (Thyrly), Beds, 438 (1 m. 6):-g. 709 (6 "Thurley, Bucks"). Thurmarston (Thirmaston), Leic., 438 (4 m. 13). Thurrock, Grays- (Graysthoroke), Essex, g. 969 (46). Thurrock, West-(Westhurrok), Essex, 438 (3 m. 26):—g. 158 (57), 257 (64), 381 (74), 632 (51), 709 (14). Thurrold. See Thorold. Thursby. See Thoresby. Thursford (Thurford), Norf., g. 94 (35 p. 50). Thurstaston (Thursteston), Chesh., g. 2137 (23). Thursthorp. See Trusthorpe. Thurston, Hugh, 438 (3 m. 17). (Thorston, Turston), John, 20 (p. 16), 438 (4 m. 22), 3343. John, master of the King's barge, 2034, 3413-g. 257 (76). Ric., 3343. Thurston Hay, by Sandall, Yorks, g. 1494 (53). Thwaite, Edward, clerk of the Council at Tournay, 2767. John, of Thwaite, Cumb., 438 (4 m. 14). (Twayte), Wm. son of Thomas, 438 (2 m. 15). Thwaites, Agnes widow of John, 438 (4 m. 18). Ant., ship captain, 2686. (Twattes), Chr., ship captain, 2842, 2938-p. 1517. (Thwaytis), Edward, 438 (3 m. 4). (Thiuates), Sir Henry, knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.). (Thwattys), John, g. 158 (31), 784 (12), 1316 (45). (Thwaytys), Th., g. 784 (12). (Thwayttes), Thos., spear of Calais, 2049, 3338:-g. 833 (66–7), 2684 (40). Thyddeley. See Tytherley. Thyete, Robert. See Robertet, F. Thykker. See Thatcher. Thymberland. See Timberland. Thymoik. See Ballintubbert. Thynden. See Finedon. Thyrleby. See Thurlby. Thyrly. See Thurleigh. Thyssilworth. See Isleworth. Thystylthwayte, John, 438 (3 m. 19). Tiastrina. See Tintern. Tichebourne, Nic., p. 1537 :—g. 587 (15), 833 (58 ii.). Ticino, the Italian river, 1246. Ticiono (Tition, Titionus), Bart., count of Clarasci, 1301 (pp. 596, 598), 2411. letter from, 2411. Tickford, Bucks, house or priory of, 438 (2 m. 6). Tickhill, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 26). chapel, g. 485 (55 p. 298). Tickhill (Tikhill), Th., alias Pyk- haner, prior of Monkbretton, 438 (4 m. 16). Ticknall (Tykenhall), Derb., 438 (4 m. 11). 446 GENERAL INDEX. Ticknall (Tykenale, Tykenald, Tyk- nall), Rob., clk., 438 (2 m. 26). Tidburst, Herts, g. 2330 (4). Tidderley. See Tytherley. Tiddeswall, John, clk., g. 1083 (36). Tidenham (Tudenham), Glouc., g. 1836 (7). Tideswell (Tiddeswell, Tyddeswall), Derb., 438 (3 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 2 bis), 1803 (2 m. 3). Tidworth, South- (Suthtudworthe), Hants, 438 (4 m. 17). Tikhill. See Tickhill. Tilbury (Tilberi) Hope, Essex, g. 94 (35). Tiler. See Tyler. Tilers, 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (4 mm. 11, 19):—g. 731 (8). Till, the Northumberland river, 2246 (4). 438 (4 mm. Tillingham, Essex, 438 20, 26). Tillmouth (Tylmouth), Nthld., 438 (4 m. 20), 1803 (2 m. 6). Tilly, Th., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 438 (2 m. 16). Tilne, Notts, 438 (1 m. 1). Tilney, Norf., 438 (4 m. 3). Tilney, Edmund, ship captain, 2304 • (3 i., iii., 4, 5), 2305 (p. 1035). Frederic, 438 (3 m. 1). John, 3551 :—g. 1948 (60). (Tylny), Sir Philip, 20 (p. 16), 1176 (3), 1803 (1 m. 2), 2651, 3306, 3348 (3): pp. 1505, 1540-1, 1544:—g. 257 (29, 48), 804 (13), 833 (58), 857 (7), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3107 (38), 3582 (14). his account, 2651. Ph., g. 784 (22). Tilston, Chesh., rector of, 438 (3 m. 14). Tiltey, Essex, abbey, 438 (2 m. 23). abbot. See Rigby, J. Tilting. See Jousts. Tilton, Leic., 438 (3 m. 7). Timahoe (Temock), alias Fossy, in Queen's county, p. 1526. Timberland (Thymberland), Linc., g. 1316 (4), 2772 (11). Timperley (Tympurley), Chesh., 1803 (2 m. 6). Tin, 287, 325, 876, 1074. (See also Ordnance, lists.) • • • " Stannary accounts, 803, 881, 2044. price raised, 287. export of, g. 94 (58), 132 (91), 563 (13), 604 (12), 632 (68), 1170 (11), 1415 (17), 1494 (13), 1602 (31), 1662 (22), 3107 (2, 14, 53). tolls of, g. 190 (22). Tinkers, 438 (2 m. 10). Tin merchants, 438 (1 mm. 5, 16), 438 (2 mm. 6, 8, 27), 438 (3 m. 22), 438 (4 mm. 14, 18, 21). Tinners, 438 (1 m. 17 bis), 438 (2 mm. 4, 5, 6, 8 bis), 438 (3 mm. 2, 19), 438 (4 mm. 8, 9), 1803 (2 m. 4 bis). Tintagel (Tyntagil) Castle, Cornw., g. 158 (81), 1524 (20), 2684 (37). Tintern (Tiastrina) abbey alias St. Mary de Voto, co. Wexford, p. 1525. Tinwell, Rutl., rector of, p. 1531. Tioli. See Tivoli. Tipping,, 157. Tiptoft, Sir John (temp. Hen. VI.), g. 833 (70). q.v. John, earl of Worcester, Tiptree (Typtre), Essex, prior of. See Barlow, W. Tirley (Trilley) or Turley, Glouc., 1803 (2 m. 1) :—g. 2964 (17), 3499 (70). Tiroan. See Terouenne. Tirrell or Tirrill. See Tyrrell. Tirwayne. See Terouenne. Tirwhit or Tirwit. See Tyrwhit. Tirwn. See Terouenne. Tiscott (Tyscotte), Herts and Bucks, 438 (2 m. 25). Tiseherste, Wm., abbot of Lessness, g. 1732 (51). Tison, John, 1599. Tissington, Derb., 392. Tisted, East-, Hants, 438 (3 m. 16). Tistede, Wm., customer of London, g. 132 (14), 218 (35). Titionus. See Ticiono. Titlescomb. See Telscombe. Titsey (Tyttesey, Tettessey), Surr., 438 (1 m. 23). Tittleshall (Tyttelsale, Titteshall, Tyesale), Norf., 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 mm. 1, 6). Tiverton (Teverton, Tiwerton), Devon, 438 (2 m. 27), 438 (3 m. 7), 1803 (2 m. 2):— g. 1083 (2). Tivoli (Tioli), Angelo Leonino bishop of, nuncio in France, abp. of Sassari (olim Torres), 333, 346, 425, 526, 840, 867, 870, 1194. · letter from, 526. Toborowgh or Toborow, John, ship master, 1661 (1, 3). Tobry, Nic., 3529. Tobylfyd. See Turbervyle. Toche. See Tosso. Tochemarche. See Techemarche. Tockenham (Tokenham), Wilts, g. 94 (35). GENERAL INDEX. 447 Tockington (Tokynton), Glouc., 438 (2 m. 10). Tocoste. See Totofte. Tocotes, Wm., g. 1083 (34). Todd, George, gaoler, 20 (p. 14). (Todde), John, 438 (3 m. 22). Todenham (Todnam), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 3). Todenham (Thodenham), rector of, p. 1529. Suff., Toddington (Todyngton), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 5):—g. 651 (8). Todmarton (Todmerton), Oxon, 438 (2 m. 13). Todnam. See Todenham. Todyngton. See Toddington. Toft, Camb., rector presented, g. 1123 (59). Toft, Warw., g. 632 (7). Toft, Henry, g. 11 (10), 289 (35). (Tofft), Henry, keeper of the Foreign Exchange under Henry VII., g. 1003 (6). Wm., priest, of the Chapel Royal, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 :—g. 1123 (29), 2684 (113). Toggesden. See Togstone. Togood (Togode), John, rector of Cotgrave, 438 (1 m. 6). Togstone (Toggesden), Nthld., 485 (26), 2863 (5). g. Toichebury. See Tetchbury. Toison d'Or, Order of the, 1793, 2908. 1793. a Flemish knight, Toison d'Or, (Thoison, Tousaynt Dor), king of Arms, 325 (2), 377, 515, 517, 1660, 2038. Toke or Takke, Tosander or Alex., of the Steelyard, 2765. Tokenham. See Tockenham. Toker. See Tucker. Tokerman, Alice widow of John, 438 (3 m. 24). Tokwelheye, Ntht., g. 587 (10). Tokynton. See Tockington. Tole, Roger, 213. Toledo, cardinal of. See Ximenes. Toledo, Luys de, prior of St. Mary of Guadalupe, 2944. Tolel, Ric., canon, p. 1524. Toley. See Tooley. Tollas, John, g. 1602 (23). Tolle, Stephen, g. 3107 (33). Tollen. See Tholen. Toller, John, g. 1723 (6). Tollet, Ric., canon of Exeter, p. 1531. Tolley. See Tooley. Tolthorpe (Colthorp), Rutl. [in Little Casterton], 438 (3 m. 14). Tolton. See Towton. Tomasson, See Thomasson, Tomfinlough (Tomenlach), co. Clare, p. 1525. Tommby. See Tumby. Tommys (Tummys), John, 438 (1 m. 24). Tomsett, Chr., g. 3499 (70). Tomson. See Thompson. Tomworth. See Tamworth ; also Tanworth. Tomyowe (Tymyowe, Thomyo), Th., archd. of Bath, &c., 438 (4 m. 12). Tona or Touna, John, vicar of Towyn, 1803 (1 m. 1). Tonbrygge, Rob., 438 (4 m. 17). Tone (Ton), James, 438 (2 m. 12). Toneys, John, S.T.D., prior of Austin Friars, London, and provincial of the Order in England, 1803 (1 m. 4). Ric., clk., notary, 3101. (Thonys, Tonyes), Rob., LL.B., notary, 3142, 3146, 3176. Robert, clk., 438 (1 m. 16). Tong (Tonge), Kent, g. 94 (35 p. 50), 3107 (23). Tong, Salop, college, keeper of, 438 (2 m. 8). Tong, John, g. 2862 (7). (Tonge), Th., York herald, g. 1836 (29). Tongland abbey, in Scotland, 297 :— p. 1525. abbot of. See Falcutiis, D. de. Tonley. See Townley. Tonnage and poundage (Act), 341, 344. Tonner, p. 1513. Tonneworth. See Tanworth. Tonsoun. See Thomson. Tonstall. See Tunstall. Tonturden. See Tenterden. Tonworth. See Tanworth. Tony, Wm., rector of St. Helen's, Worcester, p. 1532. Tooker. See Tucker. Tooley, Toley or Tolley, John, audi- tor, 1418:—g. 485 (58), 1804 (6). 1149. misdemeanours of, Wm., ship captain, 1661 (3, 4), 1851, 2304 (3), 2305 ii., iii. bis. 1851. his brother Sir Robert, Toomer (Tomer), Soms., 438 (4 m. 7). Toote, Stephen. See Tosso. Tooting (Totynge), Surr., 438 (3 m. 14). Tooting Beck (Totyngbeke), Surr., g. 3107 (30). 448 GENERAL INDEX. Topcliff, Yorks, g. 833 (23). Topcliff (Copoliffe, Topolyff, Tope- lyff, Toppliff), John, s. and h. of Richard, 438 (3 m. 10) :— pp. 1540, 1547:-g. 804 (29 vi., xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1365 (3), 3408 (6). John, chief justice of Ire- land, g. 731 (19). (Topeliff), Marg., 438 (3 m. 10). Topcroft, Norf., 438 (3 m. 25). Topelyff or Topolyff. See Topcliff. Topsham (Toppesham, Opsham, Op- sam), Devon, 438 (1 m. 21). 1801. 1803 (1 m. 2), 1864 :- g. 158 (58), 357 (35), 749 (21), 1083 (2). Tor (Torre) abbey, Devon, 438 (2 m. 6). Thomas abbot of, 438 (2 m. 6). Torbay (Torr), Devon, 1801. Torbervyle. See Turbervyle. Tor Bryan, Devon, 438 (3 m. 16). Tordesillas (Tordeselyas, Twrdesel- yas), in Spain. 6 (p. 6), 119, 345 (p. 160), 1519 (p. 703). Tordoff, in Scotland, p. 1260. Torell. See Tyrrell. Toreseus, tailor of Katharine of Aragon, 20 (p. 15). Torfigen. See Torphichen. Torhechene. See Torphichen. Torksey (Torkesey). Linc., 438 (3 m. 14). Torlarbreghe or Tolarbreghe. Tullabracky. Torleton. See Tarlton. See Tormarton (Tormerton), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 10). Tormings (Termyns), Essex [in Hat- field Peveril], 438 (2 m. 34). Tornaham. See Tournehem. Torneburgh. See Thornborough. Torney. See Tournay. Tornoke. See Tarnock. Torpell (Torphill, Torpull, Turphill), Ntht, [in Ufford], g. 132 (82), 158 (22), 257 (32), 833 (25), 969 (67). Torpenhow (Turpenho), Cumb., 438 (2 m. 16). vicar of, 438 (4 m. 8), Torphichen (Torhechene, Torsiken, Torfigen), in Scotland, com- mandry of St. John of Jeru- salem, 668, 843, 1077-8, 1230, 1263-4, 1347, 1566 (p. 719), 1621 ii., 1720, 2911:-pp. 1524, 1526-7. commander (provost) of, or "lord of St. John's, 124. See Knollis, W.; Dun- das, Sir G. Cortesius, J. Torpike, Devon, g. 3499 (73). Torr. See Torbay. Torraana. See Terouenne. Torrent, a Scot, 1262 (p. 578). Torres, in Sardinia, abp. of. See Tivoli, bp. of. Torrington (Toryngton, Toryton, Turryngton), Devon, 438 (4 m. 26):—g. 132 (80). • mayor and burgesses of, 438 (3 m. 17). rector presented, g. 632 (60, 80), 2861 (9). Torrington (Torynton) Parva, Devon, rectory of, p. 1531. Torsiken. See Torphichen. Tortington, Suss., 559 :—g. 969 (38). Tortona, in Italy, 1301 (p. 595). Tortworth, Glouc., 438 (4 m. 21). Toryngton, Torynton or Toryton. See Torrington. Tosso (Toche, Toote), Stephen, foot- man, the King's tumbler, 2817, 3448 (2) :—g. 2535 (27).- Tost, Wm., rector of Meifod, g. 381 (9). Totboth. See Tottoft. Totehill, Henry, 1463 viii. Totenhoo. See Tottenhoe. Totham, Essex, 438 (3 m. 14). Tothe or Toth, Ric., 438 (3 m. 18). Totheby, Th., 2638. Tothoth. See Tottoft. Totilde, Wm., rector of King's Rip- ton, p. 1528:―g. 289 (26). Totnam. See Tottenham. Totness (Totnes, Totneys, Totnys, Tottnes) or Great Totness, Devon, 438 (3 mm. 12, 24), 438 (4 m. 17 ter), 1801:-g. 94 (35), 414 (29). confirmation for, g. 448 (9). Toton, John, abbot of Combe, 438 (4 m. 8):—p. 1529. Tottenam, Ric., abbot of Quarr, 438 (4 m. 24). Tottenhall. See Tattenhall. Tottenham (Totnam, Totenham), Midd., 438 (2 m. 30) :—g. 289 (13), 2055 (130). Tottenhoe (Totenhoo), Bucks, 438 (3 m. 19). Tottoft (Tocoste, Totboth, Tothoth, Tutoft, &c.), Th., 20 (p. 16), 438 (2 m. 20):-p. 1540 : g. 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14). Totyngbeke. See Tooting Beck. Totynge. See Tooting. Toucestre. See Towcester. Toucetur. See Towcester. Touchet (Twechet), Edw., 2049. James, Lord Audeley, q.v. (Tychet), John. See Aude- ley. GENERAL INDEX. 449 Tournay, English garrison of—cont. treasurer. See Dym- Touchetre. See Towcester. Touker. See Tucker. Toul diocese, p. 1526. Toulouse, in France, g. 1415 (17), 2137 (28). parliament of, 470. president of [the parliament of], 2079, 2242. Toulouse woad, 1493 vi. :- g. 546 (18), 1365 (9), 1415 (17), 1662 (6, 15), 1732 (18), 1804 (38), 1948 (43, 47), 2137 (28), 2222 (15), 2684 (89, 106), 2772 (34), 3107 (22). Toulouse, count 1437). Touna. See Tona. of, 3417 (p. Tounesend. See Towneshend. Tounley. See Townley. Tounshend. See Towneshend. Touques (Stoques), in Normandy, 1835. Tournay (Turney, Torney) and the Tournesis, 1837, 2047, 2053 (6 ii., iii.), 2173, 2188, 2249, 2255, 2261, 2265-6, 2270-1, 2273 (? Piovers "), 2278, 2281, 2286-7, 2290, 2295-6, 2300-3, 2307, 2309, 2335, 2347, 2355, 2359, 2372-3, 2375-6, 2379, 2380, 2386, 2389, 2391 (pp. 1060-2), 2392, 2396, 2405, 2413, 2427 ii., 2435, 2442, 2445, 2452, 2464, 2490 (15, 22, 38), 2483, 2486, 2519, 2523, 2532, 2542, 2562, 2590, 2594, 2609, 2705, 2707, 2768 (2), 2779, 2797, 2812 (3), 2815, 2834, 2894, 2941, 2947, 2957, 2981, 2983-4, 2992, 3003-4, 3039, 3073, 3075, 3096, 3114, 3137 (16), 3154, 3163, 3222, 3246, 3264, 3296, 3373, 3447, 3545, 3591:—pp. 1511, 1516-g. 2617 (22), 2772 (14, 35, 44), 2862 (2), 2964 (36). letters dated at, 2270, 2287 ii., 2290, 2296, 2300, 2309-10, 2318, 2331, 2338-9, 2355-6, 2312, 2351, 2359, 2365, 2657, 3025-6, 3057-8, 3247, 3258, 3418, 3428. grants dated at, g. 2422 (4, 10, 12), 2484 (3, 11, 30), 2772 (56). grants to, g. 2684 (107–9). captain of, 2278. English garrison of, 2366, 2435, 2445, 2480 (23), 3428:- g. 2422 (14). captain of. Poynings, Sir E. Sir A. See marshal. See Ughtred, • " moke, Sir R. Henry VIII.'s conditions to. 2294. Henry VIII.'s entry, 2302. Henry VIII.'s seal of, 2799. list of knights dubbed at, 2301:-App. 26. mint at, 2788. plot against the English, 3247, 3258. provost of, 2657. submission of the town, 2294. other records, 2294, 2303, 2318-9, 2331, 2336, 2338, 2345, 2350, 2358, 2385, 2450, 2520, 2590, 2676, 2699, 2728, 2735, 2767, 2819, 3231, 3458 : ―g. 2862 (2). treaty of, 2255. places in :— Cathedral, 2391 (p. 1061), 2978, 3450. dean of. Crequy, C. de. Helsyng, 3058. See St. Martin's abbey, 2594. John du Bos, abbot of, 2294, 2594. St. Nicholas des Pretz abbey, Philip abbot of, 2294. Wesse, 3058. Tournay, bp. of. See Hautbois, C. de. • bp. elect. See Guillart, L. bishopric and diocese, 1655, 3011, 3075, 3231, 3284-5, 3296, 3299, 3329, 3331, 3378–9, 3388, 3411 (p.. 1433), 3416, 3418, 3445, 3450, 3493, 3496, 3545-6. vicar general, 3283, 3285, 3287, 3418, 3545. Tournehem (Tornaham, Dornham), in Artois, 2089, 2391–2. See Turner. Tourner. · Tourney, John. See Turney. Tournon (Turnor), M. de, governor of Lyons, letter from, 2241. Tours, in France, 3540 :—g. 1316 (5). letter dated at, 572. Tours, Bazoges, prévost de, 734. Tousaynt Dor. See Toison d'Or. Tove, Th., g. 1804 (33). Towcester (Toucetur, Toucestre, Touchetre, Towcetre), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (2 m. 30 bis), 438 (3 mm. 21, 24), 1803 (1 m. 4):-p. 1548:-App. 2:- :-g. 257 (71), 519 (61), 587 (10), 833 (71), 1083 (41), 1316 (15). fair at, g. 1083 (41). Wt. 11494. + H 29 450 GENERAL INDEX. Towcester-cont. second chaplaincy, p. 1529. Sponnes chantry, 722. Towen, Cornw., now New Quay, 438 (4 m. 4? Towington "). Tower (Toure, Towre), Lanc., 438 1 m. 26). Towers (Towres), Guy, g. 3049 (37). (Towris), John, 3385. (Towres), Th., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 43). (Towres, Towris), Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 3385 : g. 1602 (20). Towington. See Towen. Towker. See Tucker. Townend. See Towneshend. Towneshend (Townend), Alice, 438 (4 m. 13). · • • • Eleanor widow of Sir Robert, 438 (4 m. 5). (Touneshend), John, s. and h. of Roger, 1123 (1). (Townesend, Townend), Rob., 438 (4 m. 13) :—g. 1123 (1). (Tounesende), Sir Roger, p. 1541:—g. 1123 (1). (Townesende, Tounesend), Roger, 20 (p. 14), 1176 (3), 1453, 1661 (p. 752) :—p. 1541: —g. 94 (99), 447 (23), 682 (3), 969 (23), 1123 (1), 2222 (16 Norf.). (Townesende), Th., g. 2772 (2). Townley (Tounley), Lanc., 438 (2) m. 11). Townley (Towneley), Hugh, bailiff of Guisnes, surveyor of Works at Guisnes and Hammes, 193 (p. 100), 589 (p. 339). (Tonley), Laur., 438 (2 m. 11). Townyng or Towenyng, John, 438 (2 m. 31). Towres or Towris. See Towers. Towton (Tolton), Yorks, chapel of St. James, g. 885 (7). Towyn (Cowen), co. Merioneth, vicar of, 1803 (1 m. 1). Toyson Dore. See Toison d'Or. Trace, Th., g. 2964 (35). Tracy, Henry, 438 (1 m. 5). Wm., 438 (1 m. 5), 438 (2 m. 24):-p. 1537:-g. 1662 (24), 2484 (9). Trade (Treade), the, off the Breton coast, 945, 1239, 1480, 1657, 1771, 1828, 1844 (pp. 842-3), 1845, 1851-2, 1858, 2305 iii. Trafford, Lanc., 438 (3 m. 11). Trafford (Traford), Sir Edmond, 438 (3 m. 11). Margaret, 438 (3 m. 11). Trakenthorp. See Crackenthorpe. Transylvania, 3172. Trarinzeane. See Ramsey of Terren- zeane. Trasende. See Stralsund. Trasse, in Italy. See Trezzo. Trati [co. Clare ?], p. 1525. Traton. See Trotton. Travylyon. See Trevanyon. Trayne. See Derllys. Treaberak. See Trevarrick. Treade. See Trade. Treasurer, Lord. See Surrey, earl of. Mr. [of the Navy]. See Wyndham, Sir T. Treasury, the King's, 592, 1066. Trebizonde, in Asia, battle of, 3557. Trecarell (Tregarell), Henry, p. 1535 : -g. 833 (58 iii.), 1123 (6), 3324 (24), 3408 (4). Tredenek (Tredynex, Tredneke, Trethyneke, Tretheneke), Ralph, 438 (3 m. 19), 438 (4 m. 7): p. 1535 :-g. 833 (58 iii.), 2222 (16 Cornw.). Tredinick (Trevethenek, Trethenek), Cornw. [in St. Breock], 438 (3 m. 19). Tredunnock, co. Monmouth, rector presented, g. 2684 (36). Treffry. See Trefry. Trefrannick (Trefronek, Trevronek), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 11 bis). Trefrannick (Trevronek, Trefronek), Ric., 438 (4 m. 11). Trefry, Sir John, 438 (4 m. 12). John, g. 2137 (18). (Treffry), Wm., g. 94 (27), 682 (30), 1316 (34). Trefyns. See Trevince. Tregamure, Cornw., g. 1083 (2). Tregarell. See Trecarell. Tregarthen, Joan, g. 1221 (58), 1415 (6). John, g. 1221 (58), 2684 (42). Margaret, g. 1221 (58), 1415 (6), 2684 (42). Th., 438 (3 m. 21):—g. 1221 (58), 2684 (42). Tregasowe, John, 438 (4 m. 8). Stephen, 438 (4 m. 8). Tregean (Triggean, Trigen, Trorean, Trurue), Th., 438 (3 m. 20). Tregenowe, Cornw., 1803 (2 m. 4). Tregensebys, Cornw., 438 (1 m. 16). Tregewen, Cornw., 1803 (2 m. 4). Tregian, John, g. 1662 (33), 2772 (49), 3324 (24). Tregirthik Crabbe, Cornw., g. 969 (18). Tregonwell (Tregounall), John, clk., of Exeter, 438 (1 m. 11). Tregony (Tregeny), Cornw. [in Cuby], 438 (3 m. 21), 1803 (2 m. 4):-g. 969 (18). Tregoose, Cornw., g. 1415 (26). Tregos, Benedict, clk., 438 (4 m. 14). GENERAL INDEX. 451 Tregoydesisild, co. Caern., 438 (1 m. 19). Tregrigog (Tregruke), co. Monm., g. 54 (31). Tréguier (Lantriguer), in Britanny, 3349. bishop of, 3349. Treguram, John, clk., p. 1534. Treharak or Treharall. See Tre- varrick. Treis, John, of the Jewel House, 20 (p. 18)-g. 749 (10). Trelawny, Blanche, 438 (4 m. 8). • John, 438 (4 m. 8). . letter to, 514. (Trelauny), Walter, p. 1535: —g. 257 (38), 604 (32), 833 (58 iii.). Trelewyste. See Trevase. Trellech (Trelek, Trilleg, Trillek) lordship, co. Monmouth, 438 (2 m. 10):—g. 54 (31, 35–6), 381 (1), 924 (11), 1804 (42), 2964 (12). Trelowya, Cornw., g. 1083 (2). Trelugan, Cornw., g. 1083 (2). Tremaine (Tremene), Cornw., rector of, 438 (2 m. 21). Treman, John, clk., dean of St. Mary's in the Fields, Norwich, 438 (1 m. 2). Tremayle (Tremayll, Tremewle), John, or Sir John, spear of Calais, 193 (p. 100), 1086, 2049, 2786:-App. 26:-g. 257 (79), 709 (42), 1524 (9), 2861 (2). Philip, 1803 (2 m. 3). Tremayne, 20 (p. 17). Trembraze (Trembras), Wm., of Trembraze, 438 (2 m. 15). Tremere (Tremer), Cornw., 438 (4 m. 14). Tremerell, Henry, 438 (4 m. 25). Tremodret (Tremethart), Cornw. [in Roche], 438 (2 mm. 16, 20). Tremouille. See La Tremouille. Tremoyle, Lord. See La Tremouille. Trenchard, Sir Th., 20 (pp. 14, 20), 438 (3 m. 5) :—p. 1536 :—g. 257 (49), 2222 (16 Dors.). Th., 1176 (1 iv., 4). Trende or Trynde, John, g. 3226 (16). Trendell (Tryndyll), Henry, 438 (4 m. 25). (Trendill), Th., 438 (2 m. 31). Trenegat, Yvon de, 3349 (p. 1412). Trenegloss, Cornw., vicar of, 438 (2 m. 30). Trent, the English river, 157, 438 (3 m. 1):-g. 94 (12, 67), 381 (19), 485 (58), 1123 (37). Trent (Trento), in the Tyrol, 83, 240, 365, 1281, 1301 (p. 597), 1352, 1469, 2577, 2602. letter dated at, 135. Trentham, Staff., priory, 1803 (1 m. 4):—g. 969 (79). • > prior. See Stringer, R. Trentham, Th., 2392 (p. 1063). Trenwith (Treunwith), Thomas, of Trenwith [near St. Ives], Cornw., 438 (4 m. 10). (Treunwith), Wm., 438 (4 m. 10). Tréport, burning of, 3298 (“ deserted villages "). Trerice (Treryse), Cornw. [in New- lyn], 438 (4 mm. 11, 15), 1803 (2 m. 4). Treryse, Jenkyn, 1803 (2 m. 4). Trery. See Treves. Tresawell, John, merchant tailor, g. 682 (18). Tresawnowe, John, g. 969 (18). Tresby, 438 (2 m. 10). See Eresby. Tresham, Hugh, p. 1548. John, pp. 1541, 1548:-g. 969 (23), 1123 (12), 2222 (16 Ntht.). Tresilian Bridge (Ponstresulian), Cornw., g. 969 (18). Trestram. See Tristram. Treswell. See Cresswell. Trethenek. See Tredinick. Tretherff, Eliz. widow of John, 676. John and Mary, 438 (3 m. 7), 676. Th., 438 (3 m. 7), 676. Tretherth, Edw., 190 (18), 749 (20). Trethurfe (Tretref), Cornw. [in Ladock], 438 (3 m. 7). Tretio. See Trezzo. Treunwith. See Trenwith. Trevanyon. See Trevelyan. Trevarrick (Treaberak, Treharall, Trewarrek, Treverak, Tre- verek, Treharak, Creverrek), Cornw., 438 (2 mm. 22, 26). Trevase (Trewyse, Trelewyste), Heref., 438 (2 m. 16). Trevelyan or Trevanyon (Trevilian), George, 1493. (Trevylyon), George, clk., 3483-p. 1518. Sir Hugh, letter to, 514. (Trevenyan), Sir John, 81, 1661 (p. 752), 1803 (2 m. 3) :- g. 11 (1, Notes and Errata): pp. 1518, 1543. (Trevethen, Trevechen, Tre- villian), John, 438 (4 m. 11): -g. 289 (19). (Trevynyon), Sir Wm., knight for the Body, g. 158 (18), 190 (41), 924 (32), 1221 (58), 3582 (31). 452 GENERAL INDEX. Trevelyan-cont. (Trevenyan, Trevillian, Tre- veynon, Travylyon), Sir Wm., ship captain, 1453 ii., v., 1661 (1, 3, 4, 7), 1786, 1869 iii., 2304 (3 i., iii., 4, 5 bis), 2305 i., ii., iii., 2669, 2686, 2842, 2938, 3137 (16):—p. 1535:-App. 9, 22. letter from, 2669. Wm., of Caryhas, 199. Trevenzuolo. See Truonzolo. Treverbyn Courteney, Cornw., g. 1083 (2). Treves (Trery. Trever), in Germany, 1101, 2083. letters dated at, 1095, 1162, 1813. Treves, Hamlet, g. 2137 (23). Treveswethen, Treviswythen or Tres- wethen, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 10). Trevethenek. See Tredinick. Treveven, Cornw., 438 (4 m. 16). Trevi (Trewy), in the Cremonese, 9 (pp. 6, 7). Trevince (Trefyns), Cornw. [in Gwennap ?], 438 (3 m. 19). Trevince, Alan, 438 (3 m. 19). (Trefens, Trevyns), Henry, 438 (3 m. 19). Trevisano (Trivisano), Domenico, Venetian envoy to Egypt, 1002, 1522. instructions for, 1002. Lorenzo, letter from, 977. letter to, 982. Treviso, in Italy, 529, 780 (p. 418), 1102, 1469, 1489, 2106, 2389, 2889, 2928, 2945, 3547, 3574. bishop of. See Rossi. Trevisquite, Cornw., 2537. Trevorvowmer or Trevorvowemne, Cornw., g. 969 (18). Trevou or Trevoulx. See Trivulci. Trevysa (Trevysall), Amicia, Henry, John and Mary widow of John, 438 (3 m. 7). Trewarrek. See Trevarrick. Trewarveneth, Cornw. [in St. Paul], 438 (4 m. 10). Trewe; Rob., 438 (1 m. 20). Th., g. 1836 (10). Wm., of Lynn, 438 (1 mm. 19, 20). Trewe. See also Drewe. Trewick (Trewyk), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Trewinton (Tewington), Cornw. [in St. Austell], g. 190 (22). Trewman (Treweman), John, rector of Warndon, 438 (2 m. 27). Trewrew. See Truro. Trewyk, Richard, 1803 (2 m. 4). Trewyse. See Trevase. Treynsham. See Streynsham. Trezzo (Trasse, Tretio), in Italy, 1277 (p. 587), 1568. Tricarico (Tritnicha), Louis Canossa bp. of, nuncio to France and England (May-July 1514), 2918-20, 2927, 2952, 2998, 3004, 3009, 3018, 3020-1, 3024 (?), 3031, 3096, 3102 ii., 3105, 3298-p. 1516. letter to, 3021. Trice (Tryse, or Tryce, Tryes), Ric., 19, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42). Trieste, 430, 977, 1354. Trigge, Nic., g. 3226 (12). Triggean. See Tregean. Trill, Devon, g. 1083 (2). Trilleg or Trillek. See Trelleck. Trilley. See Tirley. Trimolia or Trimouille. See La Tremouille. Trimpynton. See Trumpington. Trinach. See Drinach. Trinity House. See Deptford. Trinopoli, bp. of. See Mesa, B. de. Tripoli, in Africa, 556, 590, 610. Tripoli [i.e. Trinopolis], bp. of. See Mesa, B. de. Trismyll, Cornw., 438 (2 m. 8). Tristram (Trestram), Th., King's footman, 20 (p. 19), 256, 623, 775, 915, 1193, 2817, 3448 (2). See Tricarico. Tritnicha. Trivisano. See Trevisano. Trivulci, Count Alexander, 1277 (p. 586). · Anthony, bp. of Asti, French ambassador at Venice, 3053, 3479, 3527. 3364. letters to, 3171, 3352, (Trevoulx, Trevoulse, Try- voulse, Triulci, Trevou, Tri- ulzi, Trowis), John James, Maréchal de France, 113, 536, 779-80, 965, 1071, 1265, 1277 (pp. 585, 587), 1301 (pp. 594, 596), 1647, 1854, 1902, 1973, 1984, 1993, 2020, 2022, 2028- 9, 2095, 2198, 2259, 2462, 2791, 3435. 1984. letter from, 2095. his son Camillo, 780, (Triulzi), Theodore, French ambassador to Venice, 1301 (p. 598), 1884 (p. 858), 2695, 3039, 3199. • " letter from, 2080. letter to, 3039. Trobelfyld or Trobevile. bervile. Trobrige. See Trowbridge. Trollogrono. See Logroño. See Tur- Trollop (Trolop), David, g. 1083 (34). GENERAL INDEX. 453 Trollop cont. Trussell-cont. (Trolley), Philip, 438 (2 m. John, 438 (2 m. 31):—g. 414 23). Tromon, canonry, in Ireland, p. 1526. Troppenell, Anne widow of Chr., 438 (2 m. 21). Tropton. See Thropton. Trorean. See Tregean. Trott, Peter, rector of Cutcombe, p. 1528. Trotter (Troter), Henry, prior of Leighs, 438 (1 m. 9), 1493 iii. Trotton (Traton), Suss., 438 (4 m. 7). Trottyswell, Th., clk., 1803 (2 m. 6). Troughton (Troghton), John, knight of St. John's, 438 (4 m.15) :— g. 1948 (11). Rob., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13). Troutbeck, Westmld., g. 158 (89), 1732 (1). Troutbeck (Troutebeke), Adam, g. 1221 (11). (Troutebeke), Sir Wm., g. 1221 (11), 2137 (23). Trovell. See Trowell. Trowbridge (Trobrige), Wilts, 438 (3 mm. 15, 30). Trowell (Trovell), Notts, 438 (2 mm. 5, 22). Trowis. See Trivulci. Trowmer or Trowemer. See Cromer. Troy, Monm., 438 (2 mm. 10, 11). See also Herbert, W. Troyes (Troye), bailly of, sent to the Swiss, 266. Troys, Th., 1947:-g. 257 (34). Troyse, John, g. 546 (17). Troy weight, 2781 v. Truchses, Sir William, of Walt- purges, in Germany, g. 804 (14). Trudderoxhill (Truttokeshyll), Soms., 438 (4 m. 26). Truley. See Turvey. Trumbill. See Turnbull. Trumble, William, rector of Annan, 1030. Trumpington (Trimpynton), Eleanor daughter of Sir Walter, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 5). Trun, Piero, of Venice, letter to, 2212. Truonzolo (Trevenzuolo), in Italy, letter dated at, 1043. Truro (Truru, Truribugh, Trurwe, Turuburgh, Trewrew), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 21), 438 (4 mm. 4 bis, 8, 16 bis, 18), 881, 1803 (2 m. 4), 2044. Trurue, Thomas. See Tregean. Trussell, Edward, 380, 438 (2 m. 31) : —g. 414 (31), 563 (14). Eliz., 380, 438 (2 m. 31): g. 414 (31), 563 (14). (31). Margaret, 380:—g. 2617 (19). Th., sheriff of Warw. and Leic. (A.D. 1507-8), 438 (2 m. 11). Sir Wm., 380, 438 (2 m. 31), 2480 (50):-g. 414 (31), 563 (14, 15 see Notes and Errata). Trusthorpe (Thursthorp), Linc., g. 158 (63). Truttokeshyll. See Trudderoxhill. Trybavile. See Turberville. Trye, Th., 2062, 2480 (49):—p. 1517. (Trie), Wm., 1803 (2 m. 4). Tryes. See Trice. Trynde. See Trende. Tryndyll. See Trendell. Trzeke (Yersyke), in 2451. Zealand, Tuam, in Ireland, p. 1523. diocese, p. 1523–5. Tuam and Annaghdown, abp. of [Thomas O'Mullaly], 3016 :— p. 1531. Tuchett or Twichet, James, Lord Audeley, q.v. Tucker or Toker (Tooker), John, 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (4 m. 8). (Thoker, Thokeer, Touker, Towker), Ric., 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (2 m. 21). Roger, 2669. Stephen, 438 (2 m. 22). (Toweker, Towker, Touker), Wm., 438 (4 m. 6). Tuckers (toukers), 438 (2 mm. 5, 34), 438 (4 mm. 17, 18, 23), 1803 (1 m. 4), 1803 (2 m. 2):—g. 546 (56). Tudball (Tudbull, Tutbald, Tydboll, Totbold), Wm., purser, 1803 (2 m. 5), 2304 (5), 2305 ii. bis, iii., 3148, 3513. Tuddenham, East-, Norf., g. 2617 (37). Tudela (Tudelle), in Navarre, 1375. Tudenham. See Tidenham. Tuderley. See Tytherley. Tuelston [Cornw. ?], rector of, p. 1526. Tuerd, Balthasar. See Stewart. Tuke, Brian, clerk of the Signet, master of the Posts, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42), 893 (2), 1334, 1463 ii., 1532, 1551, 1587, 1594, 1817, 1885, 1912, 2053 (2), 2246 (2), 2290, 2718, 2776-7, 2993, 3113, 3113, 3245, 3340-pp. 1506, 1539:—g. 94 (60), 132 (119), 604 (47), 885 (15), 1415 (25), 1662 (6), 2684 (60). 454 GENERAL INDEX. Tuke, Brian—cont. • 2290. 1176, letters from, 1587, handwriting of, 354, 1314, 1944, 1969: g. 519 (5ln). Tulla (Tulac, Talchna neas bugh), co. Clare, pp. 1525, 1530. Tullabracky (Torlarbreghe, Tolar- breghe), Co. Limerick, 1529. p. Tullibardine. See Murray, W. Tulman, Herman, canon of Utrecht, rector of Ivechurch, 3473. Tumby (Tommby), Linc. [in Kirkby on Bain], 438 (3 m. 2). Tummys. See Tommys. Tunbery. See Tenbury. Tunbridge (Tunbregge, Tunbrigge), Kent, 438 (1 mm. 21–2), 438 (3 mm. 8, 18, 26), 438 (4 m. 8):—g. 357 (41). Tunbusehmech. neth. See Cambusken- Tunis, in Barbary, 610. Tunon. See Thonon. Tunstall, Salop, 438 (3 m. 20). Tunstall (Dunstall), Kent, 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 2) :—g. 257 (68). Tunstall (Tonstall), Staff., g. 257 (65). Tunstall, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 6). Tunstall next Hornby, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 7). Tunstall, Brian, g. 750 (5). Cuthbert, LL.D., rector of Aldridge, 2929 :-g. 448 (7), 546 (27), 3226 (2). Isabel widow of Brian, g. 3226 (2). Marmaduke, s. and h. of Brian, 3226 (2). Turbervyle (Trobelfyld), Henry, ship captain, 2738. • Hugh, 438 (1 m. 22). (Trobeville), Sir John, trea- surer of Calais (temp. Hen. VII.), marshal of the House- hold (till 1509), 193 (p. 104): -g. 158 (79), 218 (15), 1462 (31), 1804 (10), 2964 (54). John, 438 (3 m. 28). (Trybavile), Piers, 578. (Torbervyle, Tobylfyd), Rob., pp. 1536, 1538: :-g. 2484 (17), 2684 (41). (Turbrevyle), Th., pp. 1539, 1548:-g. 11 (10), 2964 (54). released from the Counter, g. 158 (74). Turbey. See Turvey. Turgan, diet at, 1284. Turges, Newell, g. 1524 (29). Turges-cont. Rob., 20 (p. 14): p. 1536 : -g. 2222 (16 Dors.), 2964 (72). Turgoes or Turgowe. See Goes. Turin, in Italy, 983, 1301, 1988, 2072. Turke, Rob., clerk of the Avenery (of the Stable), 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40):—g. 1836 (27). TURKS, Turkey and the Turk [Bajazet II.], 5, 6 (p. 6), 138, 191, 220, 345 (p. 159), 354, 408, 724, 739, 748, 766, 831, 943, 965, 1002, 1190, 1224, 2565-p. 1549. his four sons, 766. [Selim I., second son of Bajazet II.], 1190, 1242, 1271, 1475, 1489 (p. 679), 1534, 1540, 1564, 1575, 1604, 1641, 1735 (p. 794), 1765, 1787, 1827, 1902, 2036, 2048, 2159, 2288, 2353-4, 2379, 2508, 2511, 2565, 2567, 2595, 2647, 2665, 2681, 2773, 2794, 2852, 2889, 2945, 3089, 3334, 3404, 3407, 3451, 3527, 3557, 3585- 6, 3591. deposes his father (24 April 1512), 1190. his elder brother Achmet, 1190, 1534, 1604. Christian prisoners of, g. 357 (23), 632 (3), 750 (4), 1083 (19). Turks. See also Crusade. Turley, Beds. See Turvey. Turley, Glouc. See Tirley. Turnant, Richard, g. 2055 (130). (Turnaunt), Th., clk., g. 357 (39). Thomasina, d. and h. of Richard, wife of Sir John Rysley, g. 2055 (130). Turnbull (Turnemull), John, 438 (1 m. 16). (Trumbill), Mark, 2443. Th., 1262. Turnditch (Turnedyche), Derb., 438 (2 mm. 30, 32), 1803 (2 m. 2). Turnemull. See Turnbull. Turner or Turnour, Henry, 438 (3 m. 24). (Turnor), John, 1493 ii. :— p. 1549-g. 2137 (4). (Tourner), John, auditor, g. 257 (50), 381 (90), 2055 (66), 2684 (72), 2772 (9), 2964 (16, 50, 52), 3324 (24). (Turnor, Turnoirr), Oliver, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 4), 978, 1493 vi. :—g. 132 (16). (Turnor, Tourner), Th., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 43), 3343. GENERAL INDEX. 455 Turner-cont. • · Th., chaplain, 20 (p. 17). Th., rector of St. Margaret Moyses, g. 651 (29). Turney. See Tournay. Turney (Tourney), John, 438 (2 m. 25):—g. 3499 (60). Philip, g. 3499 (60). Turnhout, in the Low Countries, letter dated at, 1253. Turnor. See Turner. Turnor, M. de. See Tournon. Turnour. See Turner. Turnours, Oxon, g. 2055 (50). Turpenho. See Torpenhow. Turphill. See Torpell. Turpwaterfeld. See Thorpe W. Turpyn, John, 438 (3 m. 1). Nic., 874 (2), 3313 (6): g. 158 (37), 969 (72). (Turpyne), Vincent, ship master, 1661 (4). Wm., 438 (3 m. 1):-p. 1539-g. 1494 (9). Turryngton. See Torrington. Turstain, Count de, 1301 (p. 596). Turston. See Thurston. Turuburgh. See Truro. Turvey (Turley, Truley, Turber, Turbey), Beds, 1803 (1 m. 6), 1803 (2 m. 1). rector of, 438 (2 m. 25). Turvill, Hugh (temp. Edw. III.), g. 414 (27). Wm., 438 (3 m. 3) :—p. 1539. (27). ► confirmation for, g. 414 Turvyn. See Terouenne. Turwayne. See Terouenne. Turwytt. See Tyrwhit. Tuscan. See Florentine. Tusculanen, Jacobus [J. Amanati card. of Tusculum 1477–79], 633. Tutbald, Wm., purser. See Tudball. Tutbury (Tuttonbury, Tutbery), Staff., 438 (1 m. 5), 438 (2 m. 14), 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 mm. 8, 15). grants dated at, g. 924 (2), 1123 (3, 4). Tutbury, honor of, receiver. Wells, J.; Agard, J. Tuttoft. See Totoft. Tuttonbury. See Tutbury. Tuverton. See Tiverton. Tuvy, Stephen, g. 1494 (2). See Tuxford (Tuxforth), Notts, 438 (1 m. 1):—g. 1083 (46). Twattes. Twechet. See Thwaites. See Touchet. Twedy, Wm., 2738. Tweed, the Border river, 2740. Twesell (Twysyll), George, 1803 (1 m. 2). 1 Twety (Twyte), Edw., of Essex, g. 218 (33). (Twete, Twytty), Ric., yeo- man harbinger, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 1795, 2058. Twigbear (Twyckebeare), Devon [in Peter's Marland], g. 1083 (2). Twigge, Wm., 1803 (2 m. 5). Twineham (Twynam, Twyneam), Suss., 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (3 m. 27). Twizel (Twyssell) Bridge, Nthld., 2246. Twizel Haugh (Twesilhauch), Nthld., James IV. at, 2192. Twrdeselyas. See Tordesillas. Twyckebeare. See Twigbear. Twyford, Heref., [in Eardisland], 438 (3 m. 17). Twyford (Twyfard), Nic., 438 (1 m. 24). Th., 1496 ii., 2392 (p. 1063) : -p. 1513. Twynam. See Twineham. Twynbarow, Walter, p. 1518. Twynes, Wm., g. 1494 (9). Twynyho (Twynyowe), Chr., archd. of Berkshire, 438 (3 m. 3). (Twyneo, Tewneo), Eleanor, alias Strangways, 438 (2 m. 33). (Twynytho), George, 438 (4 m. 17). Twysaday (Twyseaday, Twysdey), Th., serjeant at Arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 19). Twysyll. See Twesell. Twyte or Twytty. See Twety. Tyak, John, sub-dean of Exeter, g. 1948 (2). Tybetot, Guille de, French prisoner, 2172. Tyburst. See Tydburst. Tychet. See Touchet. Tydboll. See Tudball. Tydburst (Tyburst), Herts, g. 158 (3). Tydd Gut, Linc., g. 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14). Tydd St. Mary's, Linc., 438 (1 m. 1). Tyde, Ric., p. 1512. Tydeman, Jacob, 3137 (16) :—p. 1516. Tyensa. See Atienza. Tyes, Philip, ship master, 3137 (6). Tyesale. See Tittleshall. Tyeys, Franco le, temp. Hen. III., g. 833 (34). Tyght, John, g. 3226 (7). Tyk. See Tick. Tykenhall. See Ticknall. Tylaghe, John, ship owner, 2304. Tyler, Simon, 438 (2 m. 17). 456 GENERAL INDEX. Tyler-cont. (Tiler), Thomas, master of Gaunt's Hospital, Bristol, 438 (4 m. 16). Sir Wm., captain of Berwick (under Henry VII.), 438 (2 m. 10):-g. 94 (66, 69), 2964 (52). (Tylour), Wm. or Sir Wm., gentleman usher, groom of the Chamber, knighted at Tour- nay, 20 (p. 13), 59, 82 (p. 42), 228, 640, 1015, 1255, 2301, 3554 :—g. 54 (38–9), 94 (51), 190 (29), 357 (7), 604 (17), 632 (42), 1266 (19), 1316 (15), 1462 (37), 1732 (22), 2055 (112), 2684 (58). 59. Henry VII.'s legacy to, Tylles, Rob., p. 1540. Tylman, Jacob, 3133. John, brewer, p. 1505. Wm., g. 2684 (83). Tymbleby. See Thimbleby. Tymdale or Tymdele. See Teviot- dale. Tymperle, Agnes, 438 (3 m. 10). Tymperley, Joan widow of Robert, 438 (2 m. 6). John, 438 (2 m. 14), 438 (3 m. 32). Sir John, 438 (2 m. 14): g. 833 (58). Tymyowe. See Tomyowe. Tynby. See Tenby. Tyndale, Sir John, 1176 iii. (Tendale, Tyndalle), John, s. and h. of Sir Wm., g. 709 (18), 833 (58 i.). (Tendale), Mary wife of Sir Wm., g. 709 (18). Philip, g. 969 (34). Tyne, the river, g. 257 (88), 289 (24). Tynedale (Tyndale), Nthld., g. 1316 (46). Tynemouth (Tynmouth), Nthld., g. 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (2 m. 17), 2386, 2390, 3137:-g. 357 (21). priory, 1262 (p. 578). 731 (4). J. confirmation for, g. prior. See Stonewell, Tyngilden or Tyngelden, Henry, p. 1545:-g. 709 (26). Tynnlle, co. Caern., 438 (1 m. 19). Tynnyng, Thos., clk., g. 11 (10). Tyrell. See Tyrrell. Tyrgow. See Tergowe. Tyringham, Th., g. 132 (18). Tyrley. See Turley. Tyrol, the, 562, 777, 780, 2010, 2039, 2694. Tyrol, the-cont. Tyrrell, M. chancellor. See Lang, governor, 2010. See Lichtenstein, P. (Tirell, Tyrell, Terell), Edward, 438 (2 m. 27), 438 (4 m. 11):-p. 1537 :-g. 632 (26), 784 (56), 969 (23), 1462 (14), 1494 (9). (Torell, Terell), Humphrey, p. 1536. (Tyrell), Hugh, g. 94 (35). Sir James, 309. (Tirell), James, g. 749 (27). (Tirrill, Tirrell, Tirell), John, 82 (p. 40), 2404 :-g. 94 (35). Sir Thomas, the Queen's master of Horse, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 41), 438 (4 m. 19) p. 1536 :—g. 257 (49), 2484 (14). Thomas or Sir Thomas, esquire for the Body, knighted at Tournay, 20 (p. 12), 2301. (Tirrell, Tyrell), Th. or Sir Thomas, of Heron, knighted at Tournay, 2301, 2480 (40): p. 1536. (Tyrell), Thomas, of Gipping, s. and h. of James, 309, 438 (1 m. 4):—g. 749 (27), 1804 (9). signature, 698:- g. 1805 (1), 2055 (10), 2684 (70), 2772 (22), 3049 (15). Wm., 2483. Tyrry, g. 11 (10). Tyrwhit (Tirwhit), Sir John, p. 1540. (Turwhite), Robert or Sir Robert, knighted at Tournay, 2301 :-p. 1540:—g. 1494 (16), 2535 (25). (Tirwit, Turwhit, Turwhatt, Turwhite, Turwhett, Tur- wytt), Sir Wm., 20 (p. 15), 438 (2 m. 7), 1176 (1, 2) :—p. 1540-g. 190 (12-4), 257 (48, 90), 357 (6), 651 (13, 25), 709 (55), 804 (13), 969 (52, 54) 1171 (3), 1494 (16), 2222 (16 Linc.), 2535 (25), 3408 (6, 37), 3582 (14). Tyrwyn. See Terouenne. Tyryngton, Beds, 438. (2 m. 10). Toddington ? Tyryngton, Norf. See Terrington. Tyson, Th., g. 2964 (1). Tytherley (Tuderley), East-, Hants, 438 (1 m. 16). Tytherley (Tidderley, Thyddeley), West-, Hants, 1803 (1 m. 1). Tywardreth, Cornw., priory, g. 1044 (4). GENERAL INDEX. 457 Tywarnhaile (Tywarnayle), Cornw. [in Perran Zabulo], 438 (4 m. 4):—g. 190 (22). Tzekely. See Zekel. Ulnagers, 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 13):—g. 1221 (34), 1462 (5), 1804 (41), 2684 (53), 2772 (32–3), 3499 (16, 29). Ulnale. See Ullenhall. Ulster, Anne countess March, countess of. of. See Ulster (Ulcester), earldom of, g. 749 (23). Ulston. See Ouston. U Uckfield (Ukfeld), Suss., g. 709 (26). Udale, Rob., g. 651 (31). Uddelston. See Huddlestone. Uden, Th., g. 2862 (7). Udine (Uden), in Friuli, 3274. Uerehawen. See Veere. Ufculm, Devon, 438 (4 m. 14). Ufdale or Uffedale. See Uvedale. Uffcott (Uscote, Ufcote), Wilts [in Broad Hinton], g. 357 (15), 1221 (23). Uffington, Linc., 438 (3 m. 7). Ufford, Ntht., g. 969 (67). rector presented, g. 1123 (39). Ufford (Ufforth), Suff., rector of, p. 1529. Ufford, Th., g. 1494 (57). Ufton Pole, Berks, g. 563 (12). Ugborough (Uggeborough), Devon, 438 (3 m. 17):—g. 414 (29), 1123 (22). Ughtred (Utrect, Utryght, Owtred, Oughtred, Owthryd), Sir Anthony, marshal of Tournay, 1385, 1414, 2053 (3, 5), 2480, 3418-App. 9, 26 bis :— g. 1524 (20), 1805 (2), 2055 (108), 2684 (37), 3324 (6). (Owghtred, Ughterede), Ant., 1493 ii. :-g. 3499 (78). (Owghtred, Owettred, Oweghtred, Utred), Chr., 438 (3 m. 6). (Owtrede, Owghtred, Ough- tred), Henry, 81, 438 (4 m. 1). Robert, 438 (4 m. 1). Ugochini, Carlos, brother of John Baptista, 1197. Uherste. See Ewhurst. Ulcester. See Ulster. Ulcombe, Kent, 438 (3 m. 23) -g. 2055 (120). Ullenhall (Ulnale), Warw., g. 632 (7). Ullesthorpe (Ulstorp) [in Clay- brook], Leic., 438 (3 m. 12). Ulm, in Germany, 1697, 2095 ii., 2445. › letters dated at, 1352, 1679– 80. 1977. Ulms. See Olms. Ulston, John. See Ulveston. Ulstorp. See Ullesthorpe. Ulting, Essex, 438 (4 m. 20). Ulverston, Wm., g. 3049 (22). Ulvescroft, Leic., priory, 438 (4 m. 6). W. prior. See Swepston, Ulveston (Hulston, Ulston), John, 438 (1 m. 2). Umbell, John, 20 (p. 17). Umberleigh (Womberlegh, Winber- legh, Umberley), Devon, 438 (1 m. 4), 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 26):-g. 3582 (11). Umfravill, Gilbert de (temp. Hen. III. ?), g. 632 (82). Umfrey, Th., 438 (1 m. 23). Unatarac. See Kilcronan. Uncle, John, g. 2684 (20). Underbiensis. See Innerwick. Underhill (Underhyhyll), 438 (4 m. 27). John, John, clk., master of Northill College, Beds, prb. of St. Paul's, &c., 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (3 m. 13). John, bachelor of canon law, dean of Wallingford, g. 447 (11). Th., 438 (3 m. 31). William, clerk of the House of Commons, g. 381 (5). Underton [in Morville], Salop, pre- bend in Bridgenorth, g. 2422 (16). Underwode, Th., 438 (2 m. 13). Wm., chaplain to Prince Henry, 707 (p. 383). Wm., chief smith of Calais, g. 381 (10). Ungley, Wilts, 438 (4 m. 17). Ungothorp, Lady Anchoreta, prioress of Higham, g. 2964 (71). Unicorn pursuivant, of Scotland, 1499, 1504 (pp. 692–3), 1735, 2613, 2694. Unton, Th., pp. 1534, 1542 :-g. 749 (36). 2964 (72). Upavon (Uphaven), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 20). Upclatford. See Clatford. Upcot, Th., 438 (3 m. 24). Uphaven. See Upavon. Uplambourne. See Lambourn, 458 GENERAL INDEX. Urea, Don Pedro de-cont. signature of, 2377. Uppingham (Upyngham), Rutl., 438 (3 m. 13):—g. 132 (49), 632 (47). Uppington, Salop, g. 2684 (1). Upsall (Upsale), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 28). lord of. See Scrope. Upton, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 29). Upton, Dors., g. 587 (16), 1415 (23). Upton, Hants, 438 (2 m. 10). Upton, Heref., g. 749 (12). Upton, Leic., 438 (4 m. 2). Upton, Ntht., g. 94 (35). Upton, Yorks, g. 709 (14), 1172 (7), 1415 (11), 1948 (31). Upton near Bache, Chesh., g. 2684 (45). Upton [under Hamdon], g. 2137 (18). Soms., Upton Helions (Uptonhillyngis), Devon, 438 (3 m. 12). Upton Lovell (Updon Lovell, Lonel- leypton, Lovelsupton), Wilts, g. 2684 (1). • rector of, p. 1529. ., rector presented, g. 682 (35), 709 (5), 2535 (19). Upton Moyles, Berks, 438 (4 m. 3). Upton upon Severn, Worc., 438 (4 m. 24):—g. 969 (33), 1524 (47). Upton Snodsbury, Worc., g. 3049 (8). Upton, Nic., p. 1540 g. 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 3582 (14). Urance. See Yrancy. Urant, Mons. di. See Ruthal, T. Urbino, duchess of, 165, 1250. Francesco Maria della Rovere duke of, 9, 37, 165, 275, 432 ii., 442, 541, 765, 785, 1127 (p. 539), 1141, 1277 (pp. 586–8), 1301 (pp. 596-7), 2292. Guidubaldo de Montefeltro duke of (elected K.G. in 1504), 9, 2928 (p. 1266), 3040. Urde. See Ord. Urea (Durea, Urreas, D'Orea, Vier), Don Pedro de, ambassador or nuncio of Ferdinand of Aragon to Maximilian, 1301 (pp. 595-8), 1339, 1376, 1557, 1559, 1575, 1637, 1641, 1676, 1740, 1884, 1895, 1933, 1952– 3, 2003, 2006 (p. 909), 2070, 2123, 2132, 2242, 2292, 2309, 2375 (3), 2377-8, 2408, 2473, 2496-2501, 2523-4, 2564, 2583, 2597, 2601, 2633, 2770, 2794, 2797 (p. 1221), 2867, 2889, 2945, 3080, 3172, 3218. letters to, 1557, 1740, 2475, 2498, 2500, 2524, 2745, 3106, 3405. Urkysley. See Horksley. Urmesby. See Ormesby. Urmestofte. See Armestorff. Urney (Furnaydh), cos. Donegal and Tyrone, p. 1530. Urreas. See Urea. Ursini. See Orsini. Urswick (Urswyk, Ursewyke), Chr., Henry VII.'s almoner, dean of York, archdeacon of Ox- ford, &c., 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 7) :—g. 2137 (6), 2330 (4), 2964 (81), 3049 (20). Ursyns. See Orsini. Urtobia, Mons. d', 1239. Urton. See Orton. Urtubia (Hurtubia) Castle, in Ur- rugne, near St. Jean de Luz, 1736. Uscote. See Uffcott. Usher, Stephen, g. 731 (50). Uske, co. Monmouth, 438 (3 m. 7) g. 54 (31, 35-6, 43), 190 (6), 381 (1), 485 (37), 784 (21), 924 (11), 1804 (42), 2964 (12). Ussé, in France, letter dated at, 2719. Usselby next Castor, Linc., 438 (1 m. 6). Ustarits (Awstarys) in Guienne, near Bayonne, 1509, 1511 (p. 698). Usthwayt, John, mayor of Wells, 438 (1 m. 25). Utkinton, Chesh., g. 2137 (23). Utley in Craven, Yorks, g. 218 (24), 2772 (11). Utrech, Mons. d'. See Lautrec. Utrecht (Uttrecht), in Holland, 1162, 2809, 3473. Treaty of (A.D. 1474), g. 381 (68). Utrect, Utred, or Utright, Sir A. See Ughtred. Utterby, Linc., 438 (1 m. 14). Uttmgahan. See Cottingham. Uvedale (Ovedale), Eliz., d. and h. of Thomas, 438 (4 m. 5). (Uffedale, Ufdale, Vedale, Wodall, Wodale), Henry, gen- tleman usher, 20 (p. 14), 82 (p. 42), 309, 438 (1 m. 8), 1661 (3, 4):—pp. 1518, 1536: --g. 132 (47), 158 (39, 69), 709 (47), 2222 (16 Dors.), 2772 (21), 3499 (35). (Ewdale, Wodall), John, yeo- man cart taker, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 1893 ii. :-g. 1123 (38), 3324 (38), 3582 (28). Rob., goldsmith, p. 1518. (Yewdale, Hewdale, Wodall), Th., 438 (4 m. 18), 2574. GENERAL INDEX. 459 Uvedale-cont. (Wodale), Th., ship captain, 2842 ii., 2938. (Uvedall), Sir Wm., knight for the Body, of the Council of Wales, 142, 438 (4 m. 14), 1174:—pp. 1537 bis, 1538, 1542, 1546 :-g. 257 (86), 414 (48, 52), 833 (58 ii.), 1123 (20), 1221 (50), 1316 (9), 1494 (34), 2055 (42). signature of, 1174. (Wodewale), Wm., 1803 (1 m. 6), 1849. Uxbridge (Woxbrigge), Midd., g. 485 (5), 833 (43), 1948 (34). V Vachan. See Vaughan. Vachell, Eliz., 1525. Vaches (Vache), Bucks [in Aston Clinton], 1803 (1 m. 3) see Notes and Errata, No. 519 (13). Vaches, Bucks [in Shenley], g. 54 (47). Vadelyo, servant of Katharine of Aragon, sent in post from Spain, 162 (p. 86). Vadencourt, M., 2225. Vadydyn, Ric., g. 54 (6). Vaghan. See Vaughan. Vagladolyt. See Valladolid. Vaillant Desire, 671. See Nevill, Sir E. Vairenter. See Wayrenter. Valadalyd. See Valladolid. Valantius. See Walhain. Valbuena (Valbona), in Spain, 2398. letter dated at, 2393. Vale, Edmund, g. 2137 (27). Valecross (Vale Seynt Croyse) abbey, co. Denbigh, near Llangollen, John abbot of, 1493 ii. Valeggio (Valleige), in Italy, near Verona, 522. Valence, in France, letters dated at, 809, 823, 840. Valencia, in Spain, 329 (p. 153). Valenciennes, in Flanders, 1925. provost of, 2656 (2). Vale Royal abbey, Chesh., 438 (1 m. 18). abbot. See Stratford, W. Valeys, Bernard de, gunner, g. 3499 (1). Valladolid (Valadalyd, Vagladolyt), in Spain, 6, 162 (p. 87), 254, 345, 610, 1509 (p. 696), 1511 (p. 699), 1519 (p. 703), 1650, 1689, 2038, 2242n., 3093, 3250, 3570. letters, &c., dated at, 6, 24, 26, 40, 162, 166-7, 321, 329, 345, 830, 945, 1575, 1689, 1866, 1902, 1917, 1919, 1933, 1952, 1999-2003, 2006, 2072, 2127, 2177, 2267, 2291-2, 2299, 2340, 2379, 2398, 2456, 2595, 2697, 2707, 2982, 3089, 3334, 3435, 3451, 3482. Valladolid (Ballado late), Alvarez de, g. 1948 (47). Valleige. See Valeggio. Valle Torta, Reginald de, charter of, g. 414 (16). Valois, Francis duke of. Francis. See Valon, Charles de, French prisoner, P. 928. Valtellina, in Italy, 1277 (p. 587), 1301. Vampage, Rob., p. 1546. Van Sir Wm., first sewer, 20 (pp. 12, 19, 20), 82, 2480 (66), 3032-g. 2684 (98). 2856. Adrian, of Bois-le-duc, Van Accon, Peter, g. 2617 (47). Van Boson, John, merchant of the Hanse, 1493 vi. Van Bouchout, Giles, officer of Ant- werp, 907. Vance (Vaunce), John, 1451 :—pp. 1511, 1513-14. Van Colen, Hans. See Wolf. Van Cutseghem, George, of Bruges, 2274. Vandayma. See Vendôme. Van den Berghe, Wonter [notary ?], 1721. Vanden Dame, E., notary (?), 1831 (3). Vander Walle, Thomas, 1634. Van de Strete (Vanderscrete), Cor- nelius, the King's arras maker, 3272 --p. 1517:-g. 218 (16). Vandevyle. See Vendeville. Vane or Fane, Henry, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 15), 438 (3 m. 18):-p. 1539. Vanegas (Venegas), Dame Agnes ("Dona Agnes "), wife of Lord Mountjoy, 20 (pp. 11, 15), 82 (pp. 38, 41), 128, 1549, 1849. (Vargas, Vargus), Isabel de, 20 (pp. 11, 15), 908, 3448. Vanello. See Venloo. Van Elsik, Coort, an Easterling, 309. Van Esyll, John, 2136. 460 GENERAL INDEX. Van Fountaine, John, armourer, g. 2055 (86). Vangel. See Cormangel. Van Ghoez, Herman, captain of mercenaries, 2835. Vanhorn, George, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39):-g. 190 (17). Van Kempen, Egar, of the Steelyard, 2668, 2832 iii.-v., vi. :—pp. 1509-10. Vannasso. See Nassau. Vannek (Van Ek), Margaret widow of Gerard, 438 (3 m. 9). Vannell, Ric., 2480 (19). Vannes, Peter, handwriting of, 3132. Vansight, Courte, an Easterling, App. 14. Van Vrelant, Paul, harness gilder, 2648, 3055. Varambon (Varembon, Waronbones), lord of, of Burgundy, 2113, 3457. Varax, M., 2195. Varbilton. See Warbleton. Varese, in Italy, 570. Varennes (Warenne), in France, 1837. Vargas or Vargus, Eliz. See Vane- gas, Isabel. Vargy. See Vergy. Vasse, John, prior of St. Helier's, Jersey, g. 1365 (20). Th., chaplain, of Southamp- ton, a French spy, g. 158 (12), 2684 (85). Vaudois heresy, 993. Vaughan or Vaghan, · 2519. Mr., King's chaplain, 20 (p. 14). David, 438 (1 m. 19):— g. 54 (43). David, clk., g. 563 (6). Edward, LL.D., bp. of St. David's, 205, 438 (2 m. 26), 963, 3464 :—g. 158 (13), 1524 (46). Henry, 438 (3 m. 15). Sir Hugh, captain of Jersey, 20 (p. 12), 199, 396, 438 (4 m. 18), 707, 1829, 2873: p. 1540:—g. 190 (41), 563 (16). letter from, 1829. grant of arms to, (17), 2873. ..,Hugh, groom of the Chamber, 2480 (53):-g. 2535 2617 (45), 2862 (6). (Waughan), Jenkin or John, groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 475, 640, 877n., 1015. John, 438 (3 m. 15):— g. 485 (42), 1804 (41), 2484 (19), 2772 (1). Vaughan-cont. Meredith, g. 2684 (102). Rice, g. 2684 (103). Sir Ric., App. 26. Ric., 438 (3 m. 15):—g. 1732 (9). Roger, 438 (1 m. 19), 438 (4 m. 21), 1493:-g. 3324 (26, 37). Th., g. 1732 (9). Thomas, bailiff of Dover, 438 (3 m. 16), 2834, 3222 : g. 94 (109), 1172 (19), 2055 (127). Thomas, ship captain, 1480, 1942, 2686 (1, 2), 2796, 2842 ii., 2938, 2946. Th. ap David, 438 (4 m. 28). Watkin, g. 2772 (1). (Vachan), Wm., 20 (p. 13): -g. 54 (79), 969 (21), 1804 (44). Wm., customer of Calais, g. 94 (94). Vaulchier (Vauchier), Pierre, ser- vant of d'Aymeries, 2995. Vaulter, Th., g. 2055 (113). Vaultier, Guillo, 3349 (p. 1411). Vaunce. See Vance. Vaus. See Vaux; also Waugh. Vaux, 579 (3). • • Alice d. of Sir Nicholas, 438 (4 m. 19). Ann lady, wife of Sir Nicho- las, daughter of Sir Thomas Grene, 438 (3 m. 5), 3240, 3268-g. 218 (53-8), 449 (18), 1123 (15). (Vawce, Vaus), Edw., 707: g. 132 (118), 485 (35), 1170 (12). (Vaus), John, p. 1514. (Vaus, Vaws, Vause), Sir Nicholas, of Harrowdon, lieutenant of Guisnes, 37, 193 (pp. 100, 103), 194–5, 214–6, 225, 231, 309, 438 (3 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 19), 442, 1424, 1608, 1678, 1838, 1848, 1853, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 ii.), 2480 (2, 44), 2522, 2673, 2786, 2834, 2838, 3135, 3154, 3222, 3240, 3268, 3348 (3): pp. 1505, 1541:-g. 158 (77), 218 (4, 53-8), 257 (32, 39), 357 (45), 449 (18), 709 (61), 1123 (12, 15). • 214-6. indentures with, 194-5, letter from, 2480 (44). signature of, 1608, 1678, 2480 (2), 2522, 3137 (16). his wife. See above, Anne. (Faux), Ric., 1493 ii. GENERAL INDEX. 461 Vavasour (Vavisour), Edward, g. 158 (23), 857 (8). Eliz., g. 519 (39). (Vavisor), Henry, 438 (4 m. 5), 1363. Sir Henry, 438 (4 m. 5). John, 20 (p. 14):—p. 1547: ―g. 519 (39), 969 (38). (Vavasoir, Vaveser), Peter or Sir Peter, 164, 438 (1 mm. 3, 17):—App. 26:-g. 132 (32), 519 (39). Vaws. See Vaux. Vazacreley or Vazakerley. Fazakerley. " See Ve Sieur de. See Veyre. Veals (Velez, Veeles, Velis), Suff. [in Syleham], 520:—g. 257 (77), 449 (13), 546 (27), 632 (64), 750 (6). Vear, Lord, 442. Vechiano (Wetheano), Francis de, merchant of Pisa, g. 546 (24), 1662 (15). Vecy. See Vesy. Vedale. See Uvedale. Vedalle, John, Spanish ship owner, 2304. Veeles. See Veals. Veer. See Vere. Veere or Campvere (Veir, Vere, Cam- fer, Canferre, La Veare, Cam- fera, Tervere, Kanfer, Uere- hawen), in Flanders, 13, 14, 325 (p. 147), 1169, 1311 (p. 602), 1322, 1466, 1566 (p. 719), 1694, 1835, 2014, 2123, 2451, 2643, 2694, 2809, 2963, 3133, 3137 (16) :—p. 1516. bailiff of. See Borsselen, H. de. Veere, Adolphus of Burgundy lord of Beures and Veere, son of Bastard Philip, letter to, 1546. Veere (Vere), Anne lady of [d. and h. of Wolfart de Borsselen, lord of Veere, and wife of Philip de Bourgoyne Seigneur de Beures], letter to, 188. Vega, Fernando di, 6 (p. 5), 162 (p. 87). Veilvyle. See Vielleville. Veir. See Veere. Velasco (Balisquis). Dominic de, con- stable of Castile, letter to. 1543. Velavyle. See Vielleville. Veld, Tybo, of Gravelines, 1871. Velevile. See Vielleville. Velez. See Veals. Velez de Guevara (Velis or Belis de Gyvarra), Don Pedro, 1866, 2633. Velle, Jean, letter from, 2557. Velyarde. See Villiard. Venables (Venabels), Th., 438 (4 m. 15):—g. 1462 (19). Wm., 438 (4 m. 15). Vendeville (Vandevyle), M. de, 2187. Vendin (Old Vendome) and Pont à Vendin, in France, 2391 (p. 1060), 2392. Vendôme (Vandayme), Bastard of, killed at Guinegate, 2173 (3), 2204, 2237, 2392 iii. Charles count of, 1064, 3348, 3364, 3406, 3424. Venegas. See Vanegas. Venetians in England, 20 (p. 20), 83, 264, 434, 438 (1 m. 4), 438 (2 m. 28), 601, 1005, 2747, 2831:—p. 1510 :—g. 132 (95), 651 (31). consuls in London. See Pasqualigo; Morosini. VENICE and the Venetians (“the Signory"), 5, 9, 83, 98, 135, 162 (pp. 83, 86), 167, 220-2, 230, 253, 262, 264, 266, 268, 278, 320, 329 (pp. 149-50, 154), 333, 345–6, 354, 360, 365–7, 372, 373 (1, 2), 382, 385, 408, 425, 476, 481, 483, 508, 526, 531, 562, 564, 566, 568, 590, 610, 615, 617, 627, 669, 705, 714, 718, 720, 724, 755, 773, 777, 780 (p. 418), 783, 788, 793 (p. 427), 812 ii., 819, 831-2, 866, 871, 884, 889, 895-6, 902, 916, 933, 942-3, 958-9, 965, 977, 1001-2, 1013-4, 1020, 1039, 1064-5, 1071, 1095, 1101, 1104, 1119, 1126-7, 1126–7, 1141, 1178, 1198, 1209, 1216, 1224, 1250, 1277 passim, 1279, 1301 passim. 1304, 1309, 1352, 1364, 1368, 1384, 1438, 1449, 1461, 1468-9, 1486 (2), 1488, 1491, 1519, 1521, 1555, 1557-9, 1568, 1574-5, 1586, 1594, 1628, 1637, 1647, 1658– 9, 1665 (pp. 764-5), 1670, 1676, 1699, 1722 (p. 783), 1723-4, 1737, 1740-1, 1747, 1760, 1769, 1779, 1781, 1787, 1824, 1854, 1866 (p. 851), 1868, 1884, 1892, 1899, 1916– 7, 1952-3, 1960, 1970, 2002– 3, 2010, 2022, 2038-41, 2056, 2063, 2067, 2069, 2070, 2079, 2083, 2086, 2113, 2116, 2122 (4), 2132, 2159-60, 2173 v., 2177, 2204, 2212, 2242, 2250, 2258-9, 2265. 2291-2, 2307, 2329, 2352, 2373. 2393, 2448, 2456, 2462, 2473-7, 2493, 2495–6, 2528, 2532, 2564, 2568, 462 GENERAL INDEX. Venice and the Venetians ("the Sig- nory")-cont. 2572, 2577, 2584, 2588, 2596– 7, 2602, 2609, 2611, 2632-3, 2645, 2647, 2650, 2665, 2672, 2673 (2), 2694, 2736, 2743, 2745, 2748-9, 2755, 2770, 2773, 2784, 2794, 2800, 2823, 2852, 2859-60, 2891, 2915, 2921, 2928 (pp. 1265–6), 2932, 2945, 2957, 2982, 2998, 3003, 3009, 3014 i., ii., 3018 (p. 1302), 3051, 3080-1, 3097, 3106, 3109, 3145, 3150-1, 3173, 3199, 3214, 3236, 3243, 3245, 3253, 3264, 3270 ii., 3274, 3298, 3369, 3405, 3407, 3462, 3525, 3531, 3541-2, 3544, 3547, 3556-7, 3559 : App. 3, 6, 7:—g. 969 (40), 1662 (44). ambassadors to :- Ferrarese, 3479. French. See Trivulci, T.; Trivulci, A. Papal nuncio, 1101, 1682, 1911. See Bibiena, P. de. Spanish, 1281, 1301 (p. 598). See Cariati, Count. Council of Ten, 2921 ii., 3178, 3488, 3518. letters from, 2142, 2178, 2190, 3190, 3250, 3337, 3404, 3527, 3548. letters from Doge and Senate, 53, 90, 140, 140, 154, 169, 192, 240, 262, 267, 278, 280, 286, 319, 322, 328, 330, 334-5, 350, 383-4, 387, 398, 401-2, 407, 425, 433, 441, 456, 479, 525, 529-30, 558, 567, 570, 613, 624, 630, 712, 739, 754, 761, 838, 844, 851, 867, 895, 900, 914, 960, 982, 1029, 1179, 1194, 1232, 1345, 1374, 1386, 1432, 1483, 1489– 90, 1641, 1668, 1790-1, 1809, 1964, 2263-4, 2434, 2565–7, 2689-90, 2695-6, 2845, 2952, 2979-80, 2998, 3198, 3341, 3396, 3558. letter to Doge and Senate, 1443, 2582. motions and decrees of the Senate, &c., 33, 571, 613 (2), 757, 909, 1074, 1425, 3528, 3579. excommunication or inter- dict, and subsequent absolu- tion of, 67, 242, 250, 253, 325 (1, 2), 360, 367, 372-3, 408, 413, 417, 421, 434, 446, 1307. ' a friend" in England, 322, • • 1216. Venice-cont. treaty with France. See France. VENICE, the city, 83, 130, 675 ii., 1007, 1067, 1223, 1281, 1301 (p. 598), 1307, 1552, 2010, 2313. letter dated at, 2212. great fire at the Rialto, 2597. proclamation at, 1198. Venice, Gulf of, 268, 286. Venier, Pelegrin, a Venetian, letter from, 610. Piero, letter to, 965 ii. Venistrien', Marcus [M. Barbus card. of Præneste 1478-91], 633. Venloo (Vanello, Vennelo), in Guel- dres, 884, 919, 966. Venollys, Guyllam, p. 1517. Venters (Ventrys, Ventres), Rob., 438 (3 m. 5). Ventimiglia, near Genoa, 1354. Venturi, Venturo, g. 2861 (20). Venyngton, Devon, 438 (2 m. 23). Venton [in Dartington]? Venzone, in Friuli, 1386. Vera, Diego de, captain of Ferdi- nand's artillery, 1575. Martin de, 1444, 1495 v. Vercelli, in Piedmont, 1988, 2014, 2072. letter from the governor, 1972. Verdenbergh. See Werdenberg. Verderne. See La Verderne. Verde Rue, Charles de la, 1939. Verdon, Lord, 438 (3 m. 1). Verdon, Edmond, 438 (4 m. 5). John, g. 682 (16). Verdons [in Shenley], Bucks, g. 54 (47). Verdun, in Barrois, 1837. Vere, in Flanders. See Veere. Vere or Veer, Aubrey de (A.D. 1155– 1194), g. 54 (12, 56). • • Elizabeth wife of John, g. 563 (14). Hugh de (temp. Edw. I.), g. 94 (35). John, earl of Oxford, q.v. (Veere, Bere), John or Sir John, esquire for the Body, knighted at Tournay, 20 (p. 12), 380, 438 (2 m. 31), 1905, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 2301, 2480 (23): pp. 1536, 1544:—g. 414 (31), 563 (14). (23). letter from, 2480 (Veere), Lady Margaret, widow, 438 (4 m. 29). Th. de, earl of Oxford, and Robert his son (temp. Ric. II.), g. 54 (56). GENERAL INDEX. 463 Vere-cont. (Ver), Walter de, charter of, g. 381 (81). Vergil (Virgil), alias Castellensis, Polydore, archdeacon of Wells, 275, 438 (4 m. 16), 941, 1235, 2029, 2674, 2932, 2988- 9, 3504, 3509-10, 3514-6, 3560, 3562. 2932. letters from, 275, 941, denization, g. 604 (39). his brother Jerome, 2932. Vergy (Verge, Vargy), M. de, mar- shal of Burgundy, 1311, 1639, 2038, 2063, 2101, 2113, 2115. his son, 2115. Verney, Lady, 20 (pp. 11, 16), 82 (p. 41). • • " Dorothy, g. 3324(18),3499 (20). Sir Henry, 37. Sir John, 309, 438 (3 m. 32):-g. 3408 (23). John, sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 12), 82 (pp. 38, 41): g. 1662 (41). Margaret widow of John, 438 (3 mm. 23, 32). Michael, g. 2964 (76). Sir Ralph, alderman (temp. Edw. IV.), g. 969 (70). (Veyney), Sir Ralph, cham- berlain of the Princess Mary, 20 (p. 17), 438 (3 m. 5), 2480 (24), 3101:-App. 26:-g. 257 (23), 1662 (41), 3324 (39), 3408 (23). Ralph, 438 (3 m. 32): p. 1534-g. 54 (47), 632 (26), 969 (23), 1804 (49), 2055 (95 ii.). (Verne), Ric., 438 (1 m. 1), 2315 (2) :—p. 1545. Vernon, Sir Henry, knight for the Body, 1493 iv.: pp. 1535, 1543 bis :—g. 190 (25). letters to, 1217 (2), 1571. • Margaret, widow, g. 969 (51), 1662 (18). Margaret, prioress of Sop- well, 438 (1 m. 23). Wm., spear of Calais, 2049, 2392 (p. 1063). Verona, in Italy, 83, 413, 432 ii., 508, 522, 570, 627, 942, 977, 1020, 1102, 1425, 1432, 1469, 1489 (p. 679), 1594, 1637, 1884 (pp. 857-8). 1892, 1984, 2020, 2028, 2029 (p. 918), 2032, 2074, 2106, 2127, 2177, 2264, 2373 ii., 2389, 2448, 2982, 3009, 3014, 3126, 3245, 3392, 3396, 3527, 3547, 3556. Verona-cont. letter dated at, 1071. Verquin (Verkamen), in France, 2391 (p. 1060). Verrey. See Veyre. Versyn or Verson, John, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 41). Vertain, M. de, 2184. Vertenbergh, Count. See Werden- berg. Vertue, Rob., mason, 307 (p. 142). Wm., master mason in the Tower, g. 546 (72). Vescy, Lord, 438 (3 m. 33). Vesey. See Veysey. Vesy (Vessy, Vecy), Richard, 438 (2 m. 34). Veteri Ponte, John de, charter of, g. 485 (25). Vetery (Vetterry), Otho, 438 (2 m. 34). Vevian. See Vivian. Veyme. See Weem. Veyne, Geoffrey, 438 (4 m. 12). Veyney. See Verney. Veyre (Verrey), Mons. de, ambas- sador in Spain for Philip I., 162 (p. 86), 446 (?) his secretary and ser- vant, 162 (p. 86). Veyrye or Veyrery (Veyrier), John, King's surgeon, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 42), 288, 2404:—g. 414 (61), 2055 (118). Veysy. See Voysey. Vi, Martin de, messenger of King Ferdinand, 2710. Vialis, Benedict, scriptor apostolicus, pp. 1521, 1523-6. See Fitz. Vice. Vice-Chancellor, Mr. See Young, Dr. Vicenza (Vysaunce, Vyncenso), in Italy, and the Vicentino, 154, 240, 250, 264, 278, 413, 430, 455, 470, 508, 568, 1020, 1489 (p. 679), 1519, 2434, 2448, 2572, 2645, 2755, 3396: -P. 1528. letter dated at, 1102. battle of (7 Oct. 1513, at Olmo), 2352, 2373, 2448, 2472, 2474-5. Vicenza [Francis da Rovere] bp. of, 2568. Viceroy [of Naples]. See Cardona. Vich (Vyce, Vyke, Wyk), Hieronymo de, Spanish ambassador at Rome, 383 (p. 181), 393, 408, 417, 432, 481, 590, 669, 674, 681, 754, 776, 780 (p. 418), 793, 844, 866, 889, 902, 914, 982, 1020, 1119, 1179, 1191, 1204, 1301 (p. 598), 1432, 1557, 1559, 1575, 1741, 1854, 464 GENERAL INDEX. Vich, Hieronymo de, Spanish am- bassador at Rome-cont. 1916–7, 1952, 2010, 2029, 2124, 2250, 2276, 2292, 2329, 2332, 2373, 2389, 2397, 2477, 2524, 2584, 2860, 2926, 2928, 3220, 3236, 3291, 3407. letters to, 1741, 1917, 1952, 2477, 2860. instructions for, 1953. Vicquemare, Hector de, 2083 (1, 2). deposition by, 2083 (2). letter from, 1265. Victuals, 2778, 2833, 3611 :—g. 1524 (30), 1732 (21). See Beef, Beer, Biscuit, Fish, &c.; also Commissions (for purvey- ance); Daunce, Sir J. (pay- ments); Dawtrey, J. Vielleville (Veilvyle, Vilevyle, Vela- vyle, Velevile), Sir Roland, 20 (p. 12), 707, 2480 (30), 2834, 3222 :—g. 158 (9), 1524 (7). signature of, 698, 2480 (30). Vielston or Vyelleston, Devon, g. 969 (70), 1083 (2). Vienna, in Austria, 2736, 2945, 3009. letters dated at, 2889, 2895– 7, 2915, 2925. Vier. See Urea. Vierlyng, Pasquier, secretary of the count of Nassau, 2995. Vigars. See Bigars. Vigell, Francis alias John, 1803 (1 m. 1). Vigerio, Marco, cardinal Senogal- liensis, q.v. Vigevano (Viglevarium, Viglum), in Italy, 1277 (pp. 586-7). letters dated at, 2752, 2879. Vilacho [in Styria ?], 2969. Vilevyle. See Vielleville. Villach, in Carinthia, 1001. Villa Fontis. See Ballintubbert. Villain, John, Wolsey's receiver at Tournay, 3545. Villa Nova, in Italy, 1277 (p. 587-8). Villanova, -, 2554. Villa Nova, Ant., g. 1415 (17). John de, p. 1504. Peter Lopez de, g. 1415 (17). Villeermerii or Villiermeerii, Arnold, rector of St. George's, Exeter, g. 289 (33). Villena, Marquis de, 6 (p. 5). Villeneuve lès Avignon, in France, 3344. Villeroy, Nicholas de Neufville Sieur de, audiencier of France, 3239, 3244, 3266, 3270 ii., 3298. Villers, 1176 (1 iv., 4). ! Villers--cont. Charles, of Calais, 2786, 3135. Chr., sewer of the Chamber, 20 (p. 12), 2480 (51). (Villiers), Edward, g. 1123 (12). (Villiers), John, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 23):—p. 1539: g. 1494 (9), 2684 (27). Wm., p. 1519. Wm., warden of the Fleet, 2804, 3389. Villiard (Vilyard, Velyarde, Vyl- iarde), Massy, page of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 218, 1015, 3554. Villiers. See Villers. Vilvorden (Villeford) Castle, near Brussels, 2633, 3051. Vilyard. See Villiard. Vinacciesi, Nicoluccio, 2280. Vincennes or Bois de Vincennes, in France, 2107, 2116, 2128. Vincent, the marquis of Dorset's servant, 1286. Vincent, Chr., marshal of the Hall, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 707 (p. 383):—g. 519 (52). John, purser, 3148:-g. 2055 (92). Robert, 438 (2 m. 13). Robert, scholar of Cam- bridge, g. 132 (11). Vine, the, Hants, g. 158 (77). grant dated at, g. 563 (9). Vines, Rob., 20 (p. 16). Vingfeld. See Wingfield. Vintner (Vyntener), John, abbot of St. Osithe, 438 (1 m. 17). Vintners, 438 (1 mm. 3, 22, 25), 438 (2 m. 31), 438 (3 mm. 4, 12), 438 (4 mm. 6 bis, 13, 17, 25), 1803 (1 m. 1):—g. 357 (24), 833 (6), 924 (8), 2055 (21). See Fardell. Virdell. Virgil. See Vergil. Virles (Virleys, Virlays), Suff., g. 2055 (50, 95, 103). Viscadia. See Biscay. Visconti, Ludovico, 1277 (p. 587). Sagramoro, 1993. > 1988. his two brothers, Vitelli, the Italian family, 1301 (p. 596). Chapin de, an Italian cap- tain, 456. (Witellys), Vitello de, taken prisoner by the French, 9. Viterbo, 432 ii., 3560. letters dated at, 173, 178, 3358. Vittoria (Vyctorya), in Spain, 1326 (p. 613). GENERAL INDEX. 465 Vivaldi, Antonio de, Genoese mer- • chant, 2008, 3166-g. 784 (51), 2055 (5, 7). letter from, 3297. Augustino de, 38, 52. (Vyvaldes), Balthasar, p. 1514. (Vivallis), Lukyn de, Genoese merchant, g. 448 (3), 833 (13). Vivian, Joan, 438 (1 m. 11). (Vivean, Vevian, Vivan, &c.), Ric., 1803 (2 m. 4):-p. 1535:—g. 833 (58 iii.). Rob., p. 1535. Thomas, prior of Bodmin, 438 (4 m. 16). Vize. See Devizes. Vöcklabruck (Fykkylbourke), Upper Austria, 3218. letter dated at, 2172. Voell. See Vowell. in Volpe (Vulp, Fox), Vincent, painter, 2799 (5), 2967. Volta, in Mantuan territory, 1071. Volterra (Volaterra), Francis Soder- ini cardinal of, 1677, 2069. his brother, 1677. letter from, 338. , Vorrat, Jacques, French prisoner, p. 928. Vorwardt, Hans, 3133. Voura. See Vueren. Vousdouc. See Bois le Duc. Vowell (Voyell), Mr., 1905. . (Fouhell, Fowhell, Fowell), John, 438 (3 m. 17). (Fouhell, Wowell). Richard, 438 (2 m. 7) :-g. 833 (58 iv.). (Voell, Voyell, Voyll), Th., 20 (p. 13):-g. 3408 (3). (Wowell, Wolff), Th., ship captain, 1661 (4), 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 4, 5), 2686, 2842, 2938. Vowelles Comme. See Fowels- combe. Voyell or Voull. See Vowell. Voysey (Veysy), John, dean of the Chapel, g. 3499 (42, 53). • (Veysy, Vesey), John, purser, 2305 iii., 3148 bis. Vryn or Vron, Wm., clk., provost of Penrhyn, 438 (2 m. 19). Vueren (Voura), in Flanders, 2123. Vulp, Vincent. See Volpe. Vulveston, John, g. 2055 (52). Vyalle, John, 438 (4 m. 3). Vyce. See Vich. Vyctorya. See Vittoria. Vyell, George, 438 (2 m. 9). Vyes. See Devizes. Vyke. See Vich. Vyliarde. See Villiard. Vyncenso. See Vicenza, Wt. 11494. Vyne, Ralph, p. 1542 :-g. 2222 (16 Oxon). Vynter, Simon, p. 1548. Vynyng (Vyvyng), Ancreta widow of John, 438 (4 m. 17). Vysaunce. See Vicenza. W Waade. See Wade. Wabridge. See Weybridge. Wadde. See Wade. Waddesdon (Wodeston, Wottesdon, Odeston), Bucks, 438 (2 m. 25):-g. 1083 (2). Waddington (Wadyngton), Rob., 438 (4 m. 23). Waddon or Waddona. See Whad- don. Wade, Devon. See Wood. Wade (Wad, Waade), John, 438 (1 m. 24), 1803 (2 m. 6). John, rector of Michaelstow, g. 2684 (38). (Waade), Ric., 438 (4 m. 19). (Wadde, Waade), Wm., 438 (4 m. 18). Waderffelde. See Wethersfield. Wadesley, Salop, 438 (3 m. 16). Wadham, Sir Edward, 2480 (32):- App. 26. Edward, 20 (p. 14), 438 (3 m. 10), 1176 (1, 4):—p. 1537 :-g. 731 (11), 2055 (95 iii.). Isabella, 438 (3 m. 10). Laurence, g. 2684 (32). (Woddam), Sir Nic., captain of the Isle of Wight, 20 (p. 17), 396, 1414, 1493 ii., 1799, 1882, 1912, 2538, 2834, 3222, 3483-pp. 1537, 1543:-g. 54 (57, 80), 833 (58 ii.), 1221 (6), 2222 (16 Hants), 2861 (33), 3499 (12). Th., esquire for the Bcdy, 20 (p. 15). Wm., p. 1536 :—g. 132 (57), 632 (70). Wadharowe. See Woodberrow. Wadhurst, Suss., 438 (2 m. 25). Wadley (Waddeley), Berks, g. 2964 (72). Wafner, Monsr. de, 2101. Wageningen (Waghemmigen, Wagen- yng), in the Low Countries, 966: g. 519 (20). Waghen (Wawne), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 20). H 30 466 GENERAL INDEX. P Wainfleet, Linc., 438 (2 m. 21). Wainflett, Th., g. 587 (5), 2422 (5). Waithe. See Wath. Wake, App. 22. Baldwin, charter of, g. 381 (79). John lord (temp. Edw. 1.), 3604. Th., g. 1221 (8). Wakefield, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (2 mm. 8 bis, 23), 438 (3 mm. 3, 5, 9, 10, 34), 438 (4 m. 5), 1803 (1 m. 4), 1803 (2 m. 2) :· g. 94 (55, 68), 563 (10), 749 (12), 784 (54), 1365 (21), 1804 (6), 1836 (12), 1948 (77), 2964 (31, 62). • ,meadows named, g. 2964 (31). Old Park, g. 289 (4). Wakefield, Henry, 1355. John, g. 3582 (25). Wakeman, Ric., 438 (3 m. 28). Wakerfyld, John, clk., g. 1732 (17 Wakering (Wakyng, Woking), Essex, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31). Wakering, Great-(Moche Waryng) Essex, 438 (2 m. 29). Wakes Colme. See Colne. Walbeef, James, auditor, g. 158 (65) Walberswick, Suff., 1982 (4): g. 1662 (37). Walby. See Wilby. Walcott (Walcote), Linc., g. 1316 (4), 1836 (11), 2772 (11). Walcote, Norf., g. 2964 (52). Walcote, John, p. 1536. Th., 438 (3 m. 12). Walcotes, Oliver, 82 (p. 41). Waldegrave, Ant., g. 1524 (27). Waldegrave (Walgrove), Mr., servant • • > to the Earl of Oxford, 1905. Edward, 438 (4 m. 21):- g. 289 (16). Eliz., g. 1524 (27). Griselda, 438 (4 m. 21): g. 289 (16). (Walgrave), John, rector of Charlton Mackerell, p. 1529. (Walgrave, Walgrove), Sir Wm., 20 (p. 15), 438 (3 m. 1), 1453, 1661 (3):—p. 1544 :— g. 94 (99), 449 (17), 651 (10), 682 (3), 2222 (16 Suff.), 3049 (20). Waldegrue. See Walgrave. Walden (Waldon), Essex, 438 (3 mm. 27, 29), 438 (4 m. 1). abbey, 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 8). abbot. See Sawbridge- worth, J. 381 (80). confirmation for, g. election of abbot, g. 94 (46, 100). 1 ! Walden, Abbots-, Herts, 438 (4 m. 10). Walden, Chipping-(Chepyngwalden), Essex, 438 (2 m. 8) :—g. 2772 (57). fair at, g. 2772 (57). Trinity guild, g. 2772 (57). Walden, Hugh, sewer of the Cham- ber, 20 (p. 12). Sir Ric., App. 26. Ric., 438 (1 m. 12). (Waldern, Walderen), Th., 438 (2 m. 24). Wm., prior of St. Leonard's, Thoby, 176. Waldencourt, Sir Louis de, App. 26. Waldham. See Woldham. Waldingfield Hall, Suff., 438 (1 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 10). Walditch (Waldyche), Dors., 438 (3 m. 21). Waldnewton. See Woldnewton. Waldram, Th., justice of Assizes, g. 1266 (36, 41), 1662 (8). Waldringfield (Waldynfeld) Parva, Essex, 438 (1 m. 20). Waldron (Walron, Walrond, War- lond), Humphrey, 438 (4 m. 14). (Waldern, Walron), Mar- garet, heir of Richard, 438 (1 m. 19). (Warlond), Th., 438 (2 mm. 5, 17). (Waleron), Wm., 438 (4 m. 26), 1451. Waldrypont. See Waudripont. Wale, Barth., King's capper, 3373 (4), 3426. Margaret widow of Simon, 438 (2 m. 9). Walen, Seigneur de. See Walhain. Wales, principality of, 2392 (p. 1063):g. 381 (90), 709 (14), 857 (11), 1221 (11), 1732 (40), 1948 (31), 2055 (42), 2222 (12). • • • " Commissioners or Council for, g. 414 (52), 1123 (19, 20), 1316 (9), 1948 (61), 2055 (42), 2222 (9). clerk, g. 857 (11). See Knight, H. letter from, 1174. attorney of the principality, g. 709 (30). pensioners of the Marches, 1174. North, 1802 :—-g. 414 (52), 1948 (61). m. 23). auditor of, 438 (4 chamberlain of, 438 (4 m. 8):—g. 257 (78), 1948 (61). See Brandon, C, GENERAL INDEX. 467 Wales-cont. South, g. 414 (52, 56), 485 (37), 784 (21), 2535 (12). (17). R. chamberlain of, g. 749 See Ap Thomas, Sir justice of, g. 257 (28). See Ap Thomas, Sir R. Wales, Ric. See Walsh. Walesse or Waleys. See Walsh. Walford, Salop, 438 (3 m. 28). Walghopp or Walghope. See Wau- chope. Walgrave (Waldegrue), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 5). Walgrave or Walgrove. See Walde- grave. Walhain (Walem, Walayn, Valan- tius, Walin, Walleyn, Wal- ham, Walwyn, Walwen, Walen, Wallen), Peter lord of, son of Lord Berghes, 1101, 1459, 1567, 1792, 1909, 1918, 1934 (2), 1961, 2050, 2057, 2063, 2083, 2089, 2113, 2128, 2139, 2153, 2176, 2203, 2230, 2249, 2383, 2391 (pp. 1059– 61), 2392 (p. 1063), 2753, 2797. Walin, Sieur de. See Walhain. Walington. See Wallington. Waliston, John, 707 (p. 383). Walkefare. See Walkesare. Walker, George, abbot of Louth, 438 (2 m. 21). (Wallcar), Humphrey, gunner and brass founder, 20 (p. 14), 78, 307, 311, 1004, 1463 vi., 1803 (2 m. 5), 2821, 2832 (v., vi.), 3607-pp. 1501, 1506, 1508-10, 1512-15, 1519: g. 132 (74). (Walcar), John, 1254:- 54 (30). signature of, 1254. Ric., 438 (4 m. 8). Rob., 438 (4 m. 13):—g. 257 (17). Th., g. 857 (14). Walkers, 438 (3 m. 13), 1803 (1 m. 1). Walkesare or Walkefare manor, Essex, g. 833 (14), 1415 (3). Wall (Walle), Chr. and Eliz., 1355. (Awall, Walle), Th., 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (4 m. 29). Thomas, Guisnes pursuivant, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42) :-g. 447 (2). Lancaster herald (3 April 1510), 707, 711, 1128, 1148, 1157, 1163, 1169, 1178, 1220, 1576, 1670, 1745, 1848, 1918, 1934 (2), 2052, 3457 :- pp. 1513, 1516. Wall, Thomas-cont. • his message to Louis XII., 1169. his son Thomas W., Rougercoix (1520–24), 1169. servant of Albany, Wallace, 2793. James, a Scot, 1262 (p. 578). Wallachians, the, 766. Wallbottle (Botell), (3 m. 27). Wallcar. See Walker. Walleden, 2053. Wallen. See Walhain. Nthld., 438 Waller, John, g. 833 (58 ii.), 1221 (6). Ric., 438 (2 m. 21). • (Wallare), Wm., 438 (4 m. 24), 874 (2), 3313 (6) : g. 731 (26). Wallespole. See Welshpool. Wallewyn. See Walwyn. Walley. See Whaley. Wall Grange, Staff., 438 (2 m. 24). Wallingford (Walyngford), Berks, 438 (3 mm. 6, 27). • • • 3 castle, g. 804 (33). · college in, g. 447 (11). dean. See Ber- worth, S.; Underhill, J. (2 m. 14). lieutenant of, 438 priory, prior of, 308. Wallingford (and St. Walric), honour of, g. 132 (119), 158 (15), 682 (22). Wallingford pursuivant, g. 218 (14). Wallington (Walyngton), Herts, 438 (1 m. 10). Wallington (Walington), Norf., 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (2 m. 26). Wallop (Walop), Hants, 438 (4 m. 24). Wallop, John, ship captain, 438 (2 m. 21), 1496 iii., 1661 (3, 4), 1844, 1851, 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 4, 5), 2574, 2686 (1, 2), 2842, 2938, 2946, 3000-1, 3348 (3 "Sir J."), 3513. (Walop), Robert, g. 257 (49), 833 (58 ii.), 2222 (16 Hants). (Walop), Stephen, g. 833 (58 ii.). Walls (Walys), in Shetland, 1262 (p. 578). Wallys. See Walsh. Wallweyn. See Walwyn. Walmerhampton. hampton. See Wolver. Walpole, Norf., 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (3 m. 10). vicar of, 438 (3 m. 16). Walron. See Waldron. Walsall (Walsale, Walshall), Staff., 1493 v., 1803 (2 m. 4). ... lordship and park, g. 54 (28). 468 GENERAL INDEX. Walsall (Walsale) Foren, Staff., g. 257 (3), 709 (22), 857 (20). Walsh or Walshe, Alex., p. 1549. (Wallys), Chr., messenger, 2651. Edw., g. 218 (12). Edward, rector of Ashwell, g. 784 (23). Gilbert, 2842 iii. (Waleys), John, 20 (p. 15), 438 (1 m. 20), 438 (4 m. 18) :- g. 485 (15). 632 (70), 833 (5), 2222 (12), 2684 (17). (Walys, Walysch), Nic., 438 (4 m. 8). (Waleys, Wales), Ric., 438 (2 m. 24). Roger, 438 (2 m. 21). Th., 2738-g. 2222 (12). Th., clk., App. 16. Thomas, prior of Braden- stock. 438 (4 m. 21). Walter, g. 2535 (8). (Walesse), Wm., 82 (p. 41): -g. 2684 (89). Walsham, Camb. See Balsham. Walsham, North-, Norf., 438 (2 m. 28). 438 (4 m. 2), 1803 (2 m. 1). Walsheman (Welsheman), David, 438 (3 m. 11), 1262. John, 438 (1 m. 24). Maurice, 438 (3 m. 5). See also Griffith, M. Walshtalgarght. See Talgarth. Walsingham, Great-, Norf., 438 (3 m. 25):-g. 94 (35 p. 50). Walsingham, Little-, Norf., 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (3 m. 31), 438 (4 m. 18):—g. 94 (35 p. 50). Walsingham, New-, Norf., 438 (4 m. 18). • 5 grant dated at, g. 2422 (2). pilgrimages to, 1188, 1786, 2268. priory, g. 94 (35 p. 50), 3408 (28). prior. See Farewell, J.; Lowth, W. Walsingham, Edmund or Sir Ed- mund, a demi-lance, 1450 (p. 661) :—p. 1545:-App. 26. James, p. 1539:-g. 289 (16), 2684 (8). 289 (16). Eleanor his wife, g. Walsoken, Norf., guild of Holy Trinity next Stathedyche, 438 (2 m. 32). Walter, Alice, 438 (3 m. 17). Henry, 2049. Hugh, 438 (3 m. 17). Jane, 20 (pp. 11, 13). Richard, 438 (3 mm. 17, 23), Walterston, Heref., 1803 (2 m. 4). Walterstone, Dors., 438 (2 m. 11). Waltham, Berks, 164. Waltham (Leic. ?), letter dated at, 2455. Waltham, Linc., 438 (3 mm. 21), 438 (4 m. 23). 18, Waltham, Bishop's-, Hants, 438 (1 m. 11), 1350, 1450 (p. 661), 1960. • letter dated at, 1332. grants dated at, g. 587 (11, 14, 16-7), 604 (27), 1365 (6, 10, 13-15, 18, 20, 22), 1415 (4, 12), 1494 (6), 2684 (57). Waltham Forest, Essex, "the forest of Essex," g. 1221 (36), 1662 (58), 2422 (9), 2964 (80). Waltham, Great-, Essex, 438 (2 m. 27). Waltham or W. Holy Cross, abbey, Essex, 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (3 mm. 14, 30), 438 (4 m. 26), 3315 :-g. 1221 (36), 1836 (1), 2422 (9). > abbot. See Sharn·· broke, J.; Malyn, J. 449 (7). > confirmation for, g. election of abbot, g. 2863 (1), 2964 (26). grants dated at, g. 190 (15, 17, 20-1, 23), 257 (90), 2772 (55). Waltham, Little-, Essex, g. 833 (14), 1415 (3). Waltham, White-, Berks, 164, 438 (2 m. 15). Waltham upon the Wold, Leic., 1803 (1 m. 1). Waltier, Dr. William, pardon for, g. 54 (33). Walton, Derb., 438 (1 mm. 4 bis, 19). Walton, Linc. See Welton. Walton, Nthld. See Whalton. Walton, co. Radnor, 438 (3 m. 19). Walton, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (4 mm. 13, 24), 1803 (2 m. 2). Walton D'Eiville (W. Devyle), Warw., 438 (4 m. 24). Walton on the Hill (Wauton), Surr., g. 94 (35). Walton upon Trent, Derb., 438 (4 m. 15). Walton, Rob., abbot of Sawtry, 438 (2 m. 25). Walveton. See Wolveton. Walworth (Wallyworthe), John, 438 (1 m. 19). Walwyn, Lord. See Walhain. Walwyn (Wallewyn, Walwen), Fulk, 438 (3 m. 2). GENERAL INDEX. 469 Walwyn-cont. (Wawyn), Ric., 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 8):—g. 1494 (8). Roger, 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 8). (Wallweyn), Wm., g. 357 (41). (Walweyn), Wm., auditor, claims by, 1802. Walynger, John, 2054 (6). Wamborowe. See Wanborough. Wamerfeld. See Warmfield. Wam Jeryn, co. Carmarthen, 438 (1 m. 14). Wanay, Wm., chancellor of Ross, p. 1526. Wanborough (Wamborowe), Surr., fair at, g. 1044 (2). Wanborough, Wilts, g. 833 (12), 1365 (19). Wanborough (Wanburgh) Lovell, Wilts, g. 357 (15). Wandergose. See Goes. Wandesworth, Th., g. 833 (41). Wandom, in Flanders, 2404. Wandangrene. See Wendon Green. Wandsworth, Surr., 1080. Wanford or Wandeford. See Warne- ford. Wangford (Wayneford) hundred, Suff., g. 546 (70). Wanlesse, John, painter, 20, 707. Wanlip (Onelipp, Onlep), Leic., 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (3 mm. 1, 2). Wannam, Roger, p. 1514. Wansay, Monsieur de, 3348. Wansford (Wandesford), Yorks, g. 833 (23). Wanstead, Essex, 3101 :-g. 709 (14), 1123 (65), 1948 (31), 3226 (22). grants dated at, 168:- g. 190 (26, 34), 289 (35), 357 (4, 8, 11), 3226 (10). Wanstrow, Soms., 438 (4 m. 5). Wansworth, Suff., 438 (2 m. 24). Wantage (Wantyng), Berks, 438 (1 m. 23), 3351. Wantongrene. See Wendon Green. Wapley, Glouc., 438 (4 m. 26). Waplot, Nic., g. 2964 (51). Wappenham (Wapenham), Ntht., 438 (4 m. 9):—g. 1083 (41). War, Diary of the campaign in France (from 30 June to 11 Sept. 1513), 2053 (6 iii.). payments (see also Ordnance, Ships, King's navy), 1267, 1420, 1450-1, 1453-4, 1463, 1495, 1497, 1506, 1517, 1664, 1918, 1995, 2009, 2121, 2135, 2220-1, 2388, 2404, 2414, 2483, 2540–1. 2809, 2995, 3085:—g. 1316 (25). War-cont. estimates, 1725-6. See also Daunce, Sir John (payments by); Naval expenses. scientific plan of conducting, 1946. Warbeck, Perkin, the Perkin, the Pretender, 1793:-g. 2422 (7). Warbesdon. See Worplesdon. Warbledon (Warbulton, Varbilton), Suss., 438 (2 mm. 25, 30). priory. See Hastings. rector of, p. 1525. Warbleton, Sir John. See War- burton. Warblington (Werberlington), Hants, g. 218 (25), 587 (18), 709 (60). Warboys. See Wardeboys. Warburton (Werburton), Chesh., 438 (4 m. 2). Warburton, Geoffrey, rector of Bal- ingham, g. 731 (53). Warburton (Werberton, Werburton, Warbleton, Worbleton), Sir John, 20 (p. 15), 438 (4 m. 2), 2053 (6 ii.), 2414:—App. 26. Peter, 438 (4 m. 2). Warcop, Westmld., 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (2 m. 16), 1803 (2 m. 1): g. 546 (62), 1732 (49), 2861 (7). Warcop, Edw., 1493 ii. (Worcop), Eleanor widow of Robert, 438 (2 m. 16). George, g. 1662 (4). (Wercop), Leonard, messen- ger, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 42): g. 190 (34). Robert, slain at Flodden, 438 (1 m. 6), 2246 (3):—p. 1546:-g. 132 (73). 546 (62), 1662 (4, 9), 1732 (49), 2137 (26), 2222 (12), 2861 (7). Th., g. 804 (29 iii.), 833 (45 ii.), 1365 (3). Ward. See Warde. Wardall. See Weardale. Warde, Sir Chr., 438 (3 m. 4). Hugh, g. 94 (29). · (Ward), John, 438 (3 m. 15), 2413, 2415, 2451, 2540, 2706, 2951 :-pp. 1506–8:—g. 2055 (68), 3499 (61). his account, 2413. John, alderman, 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (2 m. 19). Nic., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40): g. 357 (32), 604 (15), 1948 (100). Robert, prior of Worksop, 438 (4 m. 7). Roger, 438 (2 m. 25). Stephen, 20 (p. 17). Th., 438 (2 m. 19). Th., harness maker, p. 1514. 470 GENERAL INDEX. Warde-cont. Th., yeoman harbinger, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40), 1734, 1795, 2058:-g. 731 (2), 804 (33), 3499 (2). Wm., 438 (3 m. 18):—g. 2684 (15). Wardeboys (Warboys), John, abbot of Ramsey, 205, 308, 438 (1 m. 15), 963, 3464:-g. 2222 (16 Hants). Wardelham or Wardleham. Worldham. Wardell. See Weardale. See 1 Wardon (Warden), Beds, 438 (3 m. 20). abbey, 438 (2 m. 31):— g. 749 (14). A. abbot. See London, Wardon, Chipping-, Ntht., 438 (4 m. 12). Wardon, John, 707. Wardrobe. See under Henry VIII. Wardroper, John, canon of Lich- field, p. 1523. Wardships, g. 54 (88), 132 (58, 73), 158 (31, 41, 52), 218 (17, 19, 27, 30, 37, 43), 257 (16, 75), 289 (7, 22), 357 (18, 34), 381 (25, 54, 88), 414 (12, 76), 449 (5, 6, 9, 17), 519 (21), 546 (37, 44, 51, 57, 60, 65, 68), 563 (23), 604 (17), 632 (2, 9, 12, 61), 651 (6), 682 (17, 34), 709 (3, 63), 731 (26, 30), 749 (36), 750 (1), 784 (7, 17), 833 (31-2), 857 (6), 924 (13, 32), 969 (1, 41, 51, 68, 72), 1083 (36), 1123 (10), 1170 (8, 16, 18), 1221 (27, 56, 58), 1266 (16), 1316 (12), 1365 (7, 23), 1415 (15), 1494 (6, 17, 30, 35), 1524 (1, 5, 22, 31, 40), 1602 (35), 1662 (18, 39, 40), 1732 (10), 1804 (57), 2055 (80, 89, 108, 112), 2137 (26), 2330 (5), 2422 (19), 2484 (28), 2535 (29), 2617 (44), 2772 (50, 58), 2863 (4, 8, 9, 13), 2964 (25, 42, 45), 3049 (19, 36), 3107 (45, 51), 3226 (2), 3408 (35), 3499 (22–3, 60). Wards' lands, g. 709 (14), 2222 (12). auditor of, g. 190 (43). See Robertes, Th. receiver of, g. 257 (22). See Daunce, J. Ware, Herts, 438 (4 mm. 4, 16), 1798. 2962, 3604:-g. 132 (35, 40). 447 (18), 651 (28). Ware, John. See Warre. Wareham (Warham), Dors., 438 (2 m. 6):—g. 94 (35). Wareham, Wm., archdeacon of Canterbury, g. 289 (2). Warehorn (Werehorne), Kent, 438 (1 m. 8). Waren. See Warren. Warenne. See Varennes. Warham, Dors. See Wareham. Warham (Warrham), Norf., 438 (1 m. 19). wife of George, Warham, Anne Anne wife of · g. 3582 (20). George, g. 563 (23). (Warram, Warraham), Hugh, 438 (3 m. 11). Ric., tailor, 438 (2 m. 7). William, abp. of Canter- bury, chancellor, the "Me- cœnas of Erasmus, letters from, 50, 514, 725, 752 ii., 935, 1780, 1941, 2046, 2163, 2405, 2626. letters to, 418, 596, 1167, 1642, 2019, 2312, 2513, 2625, 3044. signature of, 2121, 2243, 2260, 2441 :-g. 11 (12), 54 (50), 94 (44). 1905. his apparitor-general, obit in St. Stephen's, Westminster, 397. • other references, 1, 7, 20 (pp. 14, 21), 51, 82, 109, 205, 217, 219, 315, 341–2, 406, 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (3 mm. 6, 9, 24), 579, 595, 670, 853, 861, 875, 920, 936, 949, 963, 972-3, 1046, 1050, 1052- 3, 1094, 1132, 1176 (3), 1235, 1286, 1484, 1546, 1549, 1552, 1661 (4), 1803 (1 mm. 2, 3), 1905, 2065, 2067n., 2098, 2269, 2305 iii., 2590, 2610, 2724, 2929, 3062-3, 3146, 3268, 3295, 3298, 3374, 3385, ; 3464 :-PP: 1518, 1537-8, 1540, 1542, 1544-5:—g. 11 (1, 2, 10), 54 (2, 4-5, 33, 63, 66, 89), 94 (35 p. 50, 78), 132 (43), 257 (93), 289 (2), 546 (36), 731 (40), 784 (16, 36), 804 (8), 833 (5), 969 (75), 1083 (41), 1172 (17), 1221 (15), 1365 (19), 1494 (13, 33), 1524 (17), 1662 (25, 36, 50), 1732 (45), 1804 (15, 23), 1805 (1), 1836 (7, 8), 2055 (80), 2535 (23), 2617 (5), 2772 (28), 3049 (11), 3107 (26, 40, 49). Warier," 438 (3 m. 17). Waring, Nicholas, collector of sub- sidies in London, 438 (1 mm. 5, 10), 1864 :-p. 1506: —g. 94 (73). letter from, 1864. GENERAL INDEX. 471 Waring-cont. Nich., proctor of the Observant Friars, 58. Wark (Werke), Nthld., 438 (2 m. 7), 817-g. 94 (77), 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). Warkworth, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 13), 2913-g. 784 (48). Warley, Little-, Essex, 176. Warley, Nic., 2781 ii., 3336. Warlond. See Waldron. Warmfield (Wamerfeld, Warnefeld, Warmofeld), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 1), 438 (2 m. 8). Warminster (Warmester, Warmys- tur), Wilts, 1803 (2 mm. 2, 6) ―g. 885 (13), 3107 (35). Warmouth. See Wearmouth. Warmyngton. See Warndon. Warndon (Warmyngton), Worc., rector of, 438 (2 m. 27). Warnefeld. See Warmfield. Warneford (Wanford, Wandeford), Thos., 438 (1 m. 14). Warner, Alice and Anne daughters • • • and heirs of Humphrey, g. 1524 (31), 1662 (40). Edw., g. 381 (16), 2484 (34). (Warener), George, 2886. George, rector of Pilton, g. 2964 (58). Henry, g. 2055 (95 iii.). Hilary, g. 632 (28). John, 1493 ii. :—g. (39). 519 Rob., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 39). (Warrenarr, Warrener), Th., 438 (1 m. 16), 438 (3 m. 34) :· g. 1494 (40). Warnet, John, customer of London, 312:―g. 94 (95), 885 (16). Warnham, Suss., 438 (4 m. 27). Waronbones, Lord. See Varambon. Warplesdon. See Worplesdon. Warr or Warre (Ware), John, 438 (2 m. 28):-g. 2222 (15). (Ware), Sir Richard, 438 (1 m. 25):--p. 1543 :-g. 804 (52), 969 (23). Wm., 1803 (1 m. 2). Warraham or Warram. See War- ham. Warren or Waren, cery, g. 11 (10). of the Chan- Mr., broderer, 559 (p. 327). (Waryn, Wareyn), Francis, 438 (2 m. 13). Sir John, 438 (4 m. 15). (Wareyn), John, 438 (2 m. 6), 2834, 3222, 3343: g. 731 (57), 2862 (7). Laurence, 438 (4 m. 15). (Waryn), Nic., g. 749 (3). Ralph, 438 (3 m. 27):- g. 749 (28). 1 Warren-cont. Ric., minstrel, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42). Th., 438 (3 m. 27) :—p. 1514. (Zuaren), Th., canon of St. Stephen's, 1046:--pp. 1521, 1523. Th., rector of St. Nichasius, Calais, g. 804 (37). Warrener. See Warner. Warrington (Weryngton), Lanc., 438 (3 m. 33). Warsop, Notts, rector of, 438 (1 mm. 11, 15). Wartesley. See Wrottesley. Warthyke. See Warwick. Warton (Watford), Lanc., g. 1732 (1). Warton, John, g. 1948 (89). (Barthone), John, rector of St. Peter's, Shaftesbury, p. 1521. Peter, g. 1602 (32), 2684 (56). Philip, 438 (3 m. 22). Th., 3343. See also Wharton. Wartre, Yorks, priory, 438 (4 m. 22). T. prior. See Newesom, Warwhome. See Wragholme. Warwick (Warwyke), Cumb., 438 (1 m. 22). Warwick, 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (2 m. 6), 438 (3 mm. 4, 14), 438 (4 m. 24), 2671:—g. 218 (12), 604 (13), 2055 (129). • letters dated at, 859 :- App. 19. grants dated at, g. 885 (6, 9, 10-12), 924 (10, 18). bailiff of, 438 (3 m. 25): g. 218 (7). constable, steward, &c., of, g. 158 (26), 604 (13), 709 (41). castle, Guy of Warwick's sword, 79:-g. 94 (78). college of St. Mary, 438 (4 m. 17). dean, g. 563 (7). See Collingwood, R. ...prebendaries appointed, g. 414 (62), 563 (6), 3049 (42). High Cross, g. 604 (13). pastures (named), g. 218 (7). Warwick, Anne countess of, wife of Richard Nevill earl of Warwick († 1471) and heiress to her niece Anne († 1449), d. and h. of Henry Beauchamp earl and duke of Warwick († 1445), g. 381 (48, 99), 709 14), 857 (20). 1948 (31), 2422 (11). 472 GENERAL INDEX. Warwick, Isabella countess of (temp. Hen. VI.), g. 381 (99). • " Warwick, Henry Beauchamp earl and duke of († 1445), g. 94 (35), 1524 (36), 2422 (11). patent of, g. 381 (99). Warwick, Richard Beauchamp earl of (1401-143 ), g. 158 (71), 381 (74), 1524 (36), 1804 (2), 2055 (26). Warwick, Edward Plantagenet earl of († 1499), s. and h. of George duke of Clarence, 1924, 3604: -g. 709 (14), 833 (19), 1662 (58), 1948 (31), 2422 (11). Warwick, earldom of, lands of ("Warwick's lands"), 438 (1 m. 13), 1418:—g. 158 (71), 257 (50), 381 (74–5), 485 (58), 857 (2), 969 (49), 1804 (6), 2055 (66). Warwick and Salisbury, Richard Neville earl of (died 1471), 3604:―g. 94 (57), 381 (99), 2422 (11). Anne his wife. See above, Anne [Beauchamp]. Warwick (Warwyk), John, purser, 3137 (6), 3148. (Wyrwyke, Werwyke, Wart- hyke), Lancelot, 438 (1 m. 22), 1493 ii. Rɔb., p. 1548. Warwickshire, 205 (p. 106), 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (2 m. 10), 1004 (4), 1409 (2), 2054 (4), 2537, 3057:-g. 218 (55), 381 (74), 632 (26), 833 (11, 19), 969 (23), 1123 (15), 1494 (9, 55), 1804 (2, 28 ii.), 1948 (68). 2055 (26), 2222 (12), 2330 (3), 2484 (9, 17), 3408 (18), 3499 (12, 66, 68). • " commission of the peace, pp. 1545-6. ulnage, g. 1462 (5). Waryngis, Walter, 438 (2 mm. 5, 17). Wase, Reynold, g. 731 (20). Washborne (Wassheborne), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Washbourne Water, Devon [in Har- berton], 438 (3 m. 25). Washborne (Wasshebourn), John, p. 1546-g. 1221 (53). Washingbrough (Wasshynburgh), Linc., rector presented, g. 1266 (31). Washington, Anne, g. 1123 (49), 2055 (95), 2772 (25). Ric., 438 (4 m. 11). (Whashyngton, Wesshyng- ton), Rob., serjeant at arms, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 707, 2480 (39):-g. 54 (91), 1123 (49), 2055 (95), 2772 (25). Wasperton, Warw., 438 (1 m. 3). Wassenaer (Wassene, Wassenaw), Seigneur de, 1101, 2203. Wast, Robert, 3357. Wastnesse (Wastenes, Wastnes), George, 438 (1 m. 4):-g. 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.). Water, John, butcher, 438 (1 m. 19). John, prior of Montacute, 438 (4 m. 17). • " Michael, 1803 (2 m. 5). Ric., p. 1509. Watercombe, Dors., 438 (1 m. 3). Waterdown, Suss., 438 (2 m. 30). Water Eton. See Eaton Hastings. Waterford, in Ireland, confirmation of charters, g. 519 (5), 587 (3). pardon to, 1803 (1 m. 2). Waterford, Rob., 2304 (5):—p.1520. Waterhall, Ntht., g. 1083 (41). Waterhouse, John, 438 (3 m. 9). Watering (Wetering), Ntht., 438 (1 m. 12). Waterlagger, 1803 (2 m. 4). Waterlambyth. Marsh. See Lambeth Watermen, 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (4 m. 14):-g. 3324 (29). Waterson, John, g. 2964 (35). Waterton, Muriel, wife of Sir Robert, 438 (1 m. 25). (Watterton), Sir Robert, 438 (1 m. 25): pp. 1540, 1547:-g. 833 (51). Watford, Herts, 438 (1 m. 25), 1803 (1 m. 1). Watford, Lanc. See Warton. Wath upon Dearn (Waithe), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 26). Wathan, John, 438 (2 m. 16). Watkyn, Jenkyn, 438 (2 m. 10). John, ship master, 2842, 2938. Watkyns, of I. of Ely, g. 11 (10). John, miller, 1663. Ric., 438 (2 m. 6). , Watling Street, Salop, 438 (3 m. 23). Watman, Ric., 182. Watmor, Alex., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 42). Watno, Watnoo, or Wateno, Rob., auditor, 20 (p. 19), 1453 ix., 2480 (29). Waton. See Witton. Watphilip (Watfilip, Whatphilip), John, 1803 (2 m. 4). Watrevliet, Sieur de, 2366 (2). Watson, friend of Erasmus, 2417 ii., 2847. (Wateson), George, 1803 (1 m. 6). John, 438 (4 m. 23):-g. 2964 (35). Peter, 1493 ii. Rob., 438 (3 m. 12), 438 (4 m. 18). GENERAL INDEX. 473 Watson-cont. Th., 1803 (1 mm. 1, 4). Wm., 20 (p. 16). Watt or Watte, Copyn. See De Watt. Wattisfield (Wattelesfeld), Suff., g. 682 (40), 2055 (95). • Watton Abbey, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 22). prior of. See Hurtsky, T. Watton at Stone, Herts; 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (3 m. 16) :—g. 289 (13), 833 (30). Watton, George, 1803 (2 m. 3). Watts (Wattys). Agnes, 438 (3 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 10), 1803 (1 m. 6) :—pp. 1541, 1548:- g. 632 (5), 1123 (12), 1804 (8), 2222 (16 Ntht.), 3226 (27). (Wattes), Ric., 2401-g. 357 (1). (Wattys), Rob., draper, g. 651 (32). (Wattis, Wattes), Th., 438 (3 m. 32) :—g. 357 (1). Wm., g. 11 (10). Watwang. See Wytwombe. Wauchope (Walghopp), Wauchope Tower, and Wauchopedale, in Scotland, p. 1260. Wauchope (Walghope), laird of, 2443. Waudripont (Waldrypont), Ant. de, the Emperor's secretary, 1378, 2129. Waugh (Vaus), Alan, chaplain, a Scot, g. 857 (12). (Wauugh), Michael, rector of Harbledown, p. 1528. See Vaughan. Waughan. Wauton. See Walton. Wavendon (Wavyngdon), Bucks, g. 1083 (2). Waverley, Surr., 438 (4 m. 12), 1803 (1 m. 3). abbey, 1803 (1 m. 1). Wm. abbot of, 1803 (1 m. 1):—p. 1529 :-g. 1044 (2). (92). charter to, g. 1044 (2). confirmation for, g. 381 Waverton, Chesh., g. 2684 (45). Wavre or Waveren (Wavyrs), in Brabant, 1813. letter dated at, 1789. Wawne. See Waghen. Wawyn. See Walwyn. Wax, or Poland wax, 20, 707. Wax chandlers, 20 (p. 17), 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (4 mm. 21, 25), 1803 (m. 3):—p. 1503. Way or Wayhill. See Weyhill. Waybrige. See Weybridge. Wayland (Waylond) hundred, Norf.. g. 1836 (4), 2861 (16), 2964 (63). Waymouth. See Weymouth. Wayne, John, 2035. Wayneford. See Wangford. Wayprowe, John, g. 3049 (34). Wayrenter (Flayrenter, Fayrenter. Vairenter), John, 1803 (2 m. 2). Ways, John, 2383. Wayte, John, g. 833 (58 ii.). Waytt, John, M.A., rector of New- bury, p. 1529. Weald (Weld). Essex, g. 289 (16). Weald (Weold) in Harrow, Midd., 438 (4 m. 14). Weald, North- (Northweld), Essex, g. 289 (16). Weardale (Wardall, Wardell), Dham., 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 19 bis). + forest, 291. Wear Giffard (Were), Devon, 438 (3 m. 7). Wearmouth (Wermouth, Warmouth), Dham., 438 (2 m. 16), 1803 (2 m. 1). Weavers, 438 (1 mm. 21, 25, 26), 438 (2 mm. 10, 17), 438 (3 mm. 3, 5, 10, 21, 22, 24 bis, 27, 28), 438 (4 mm. 5 bis, 12, 13, 14 bis, 17 bis, 21, 26, 27), 1803 (1 mm. 1, 2, 6), 1803 (2 mm. 2, 5):—g. 1123 (42), 2861 (11), 2964 (4). Webbe, Edw., 438 (3 m. 3). Henry, 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40), 3348 (3)—g. 1221 (39). (Webe, Webee), Hugh, 438 (3 mm. 3, 6). (Weeb, Webe, Webbes), John, 438 (3 mm. 19, 20), 438 (4 m. 8):—g. 158 (7). Rawlin, cook, 438 (1 m. 25). Ric., g. 381 (26). (Webe), Th., 438 (4 m. 27), 2671. Th., mayor of Winchester, g. 1221 (30). Th., vicar of Treneglos, 438 (2 m. 30). Wm., 348 (3 mm. 11 bis, 12). Wm., archdeacon of Salop, 1803 (1 m. 2). Wm., sacrist of Lichfield, p. 1528. Webley. See Weobley. Webster, g. 2861 (11). Wederby. See Wetherby. Wederesfeld, Wederffeld, or Weder- ysfeld. See Wethersfield. Wederhyrd or Wederell, John, 1803 (2 m. 3). Wedgnock (Wegenok) park, Warw., g. 158 (36), 709 (41), 1221 (20). Wedgwood (Wegewode), Staff., 438 (2 mm. 15, 24). 474 GENERAL INDEX. Wedir. See Wether. Welles, Wedmore, Soms., 438 (2 m. 22). Wednesbury (Wednesberie), Staff., 438 (2 m. 8):—g. 357 (46). Weeb. See Webbe. Weedon Lois (Loyes Wedon), Ntht., p. 1548. Week St. Mary (Seyntmary Wyke), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 30), 438 (4 m. 8). chantry of Thomasina Per- cival, 438 (2 m. 19). Weekley (Wykelee), Ntht., 438 (4 m. 12). Weem (Veyme), in Scotland, rector of, p. 1524. Weeryng. See Weryng. Wegan. See Wigan. Wegenok. See Wedgnock. Wegewode. See Wedgwood. Weight, Isle of. See Wight. Weissemburg (Wizembourg) in El- sass, letters dated at, 1491, 1520, 1607, 1612. Weke. See Wick. Wekelsworth. See Wigglesworth. Welbeck Abbey, Notts, 633. • " abbot. See Wilkinson, T. Welbourn (Welborn), Linc., g. 2684 (2). Welce. See Wels. Weld. See Weald. Welden. See Weldon. Weldhall, Herts, 438 (1 m. 22). Weldon, Ntht., g. 1316 (35). Weldon (Welden), Little Ntht., g. 257 (32). Hunter's manor, g. 3582 (20). Weldon or Welden, Edw., clerk of the cofferer of the Counting House, 82 (p. 39), 404, 457, 2257:-g. 2055 (98). • signature of, 404. Ric., esquire for the Body, 20 (p. 14). Simon, King's chaplain, 20 (p. 15), 798 (2), 853, 877n., 2409, 3538. Simon, rector of Chilton Foliot, g. 381 (20). Simon, rector of Withern, g. 682 (27). Weldyng. See Wilding. Weldysshe, Th., 438 (3 m. 15). Welenton. See Willington. Weles. See Welles. Welf. See Wolf. Welford, Ntht., 438 (3 m. 5). Welkynson. See Wilkinson. Well (Welles), Linc., 438 (3 m. 2). Well, Yorks, hospital of, 1803 (2 m. 1). Well priory. See Mirmound. Welles, Linc. See Well. ! Welles Cecilia viscountess, 3rd daughter of Edw. IV., and wife of John viscount Welles, lands of, 3313 (6):—g. 158 (63), 709 (14), 1948 (31), 3408 (21). of (Wellys), John viscount (1487-1498), second son Leo de Welles, lands of, g. 158 (63), 563 (2). Welles (Wellys), Richard Hastings lord of, 438 (4 m. 5). Welles (surname). See Wells. Wellingore, Linc., 438 (1 m. 18). Wellington (Wyllyngton), Heref. [near Ledbury], g. 3049 (20). Wellington (Welyngton), or W. under Wrekin, Salop, 438 (3 m. 23):—g. 2055 (36), 3324 (32). Wellington, John, alias Collins, q.v. Wellow, Hants, 438 (2 m. 23). Wellow (Welley), Notts, 438 (1 mm. 3, 11). Wellow, Soms., 438 (3 m. 15). Wells (Wellys), Kent, g. 3499 (19). Wells (Wellys), Soms., 438 (1 mm. 1, 13), 438 (3 m. 23), 438 (4 mm. 12, 24), 1803 (2 m. 4) :- g. 833 (11). • " cathedral, 438 (1 m. 21), 438 (3 mm. 22, 34), 438 (4 mm. 12, 17, 21), 3305:-p. 1523 :—g. 2484 (26). W. · dean of. See Cousyn, mayor and burgesses, 438 (1 m. 25). Hospital of St. John Baptist, 438 (4 m. 7). • prior of. See Marler, J. Wells, archdeacon of. See Vergil, P. Wells or Welles, Alan, g. 804 (25). (Wellis), Andrew, 1947. Edm., gentleman usher, 20 (p. 15). (Wellys), Henry, monk of Abingdon, g. 1044 (22). (Weles), James, g. 3408 (41). (Wellys, Welles, At Welle), John, 392, 438 (2 m. 23), 438 (4 m. 15), 707, 1165, 1803 (2 m. 4):—p. 1544:—g. 1494 (55), 1524 (14), 2222 (12, 16 Staff.). letter to, 392. (Wellys), John, mayor of Northampton, g. 833 (2). John, monk and abbot of Croyland, g. 1365 (13), 1415 (14), 1462 (1), 3582 (14). (Wellys), Th., clk., 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 15), 1803 (1 m. 3):—g. 833 (58 ii.). (Wellys), Wm., clk., g. 381 (15). GENERAL INDEX. 475 Wellsborough (Whellesboroo), Leic., 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (3 m. 18). Wellyngdon. See Willingdon. Wellynges, the, in Zealand, 3133. Wellys. See Wells. Wellysine, Wm., 438 (3 m. 15). Wels (Welce), in Austria, 3218. letter dated at, 3080. Welsborne (Wellysburn), Ardewin, Arthur, Humphrey and Mar- garet, 438 (3 m. 27). Welsheman. See Walsheman. Welshpool (Pole, Wallespole), in Wales, 438 (4 m. 18):— -g. 2684 (23). Welsh soldiers (Welchemen), 1412, 2068, 2481. Welsshe. See Walshe. Welton (Walton), Linc., 438 (3 mm. 14, 28). Welton, Ntht., g. 969 (24). Welton in the Marsh, Linc., 438 (3 m. 2). Welysme, Rob., 2305. Welzers (Belzers), the bankers, 2010, 2572. German Wem (Weme), Salop, lord of. See Greystoke. Wemys, Pate, a Scot, 1262 (p. 578). Wenaundermer. See Windermere. Wenbussh. See Wimbish. Wendale. See Windle. Wendham. See Wyndham. • Wendlebury (Wentilbery, Wendyl- burg), Oxon, 1803 (1 m. 2). rector of, p. 1528. Wendon Green (Wantongrene, Wan- dangrene), Midd., [in Fulham], 438 (2 m. 22), 3351. Wendon Lofts (Wendonlowes), Essex, 438 (1 m. 10). Wendover, Bucks, 438 (3 m. 13):— g. 94 (35 p. 50), 158 (59). Wendover Foreign, Bucks, g. 94 (35 p. 50). Wendron (Northrown), rector of, p. 1526. Cornw., Wendy, Camb., 438 (4 m. 18). Wenham, Little-, Suff., 1803 (2 m. 1). Wenkreke, Oxon, 1803 (1 m. 2). Wenlock, Salop, priory, 438 (1 m. 14), 438 (4 m. 12):-g. 709 (51), 1170 (17), 1462 (2). prior. See Singer, R. late prior, 438 (2 m. 12). Wenluve, Henri, envoy from Mar- garet of Savoy, 200. Wennysley, Derb. See Winsley. Wenryche. See Windrush. Wensley (Wenslay, Wenslowe), John, 438 (4 m. 25). (Wennesley, Wenysley, Wen- ley, &c.), Thomas, 438 (2 m. 29). Wensleydale (Wynslodale), Yorks, g. 1462 (29). Went, the Yorkshire river, g. 1123 (37). Went Bridge (Wentbrigge), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 9). Went, Henry, 2539. Thomas, abbot of Leiston, 438 (3 m. 27). Wentford, Roger, 2417, 2419. schoolmaster, letters to, 968, 2419. Wentfordton. See Winforton. Wentilbery. See Wendlebury. Wentllog (Wentloke) lordship, co. Monmouth, 438 (3 m. 24). Wentsland (Netherwent), co. Monm. [in Llanhileth], 438 (1 m. 22). Wentworth, Anne wife of Sir Roger, 438 (4 m. 11). · • • (Wenworthe), Chr., 82 (p. 43), 438 (4 m. 9), 2938. Henry, gentleman usher, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42). Joan widow of Henry, 438 (2 m. 6). John, 438 (2 m. 24). ; Margery d. of Sir Henry, 438 (4 m. 13). Matthew, 438 (2 m. 11). (Wentforthe), Richard or Sir Richard, 20 (p. 14), 81, 438 (2 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 10), 1453, 2053 (6 ii.), 2414 :-p. 1544 :-App. 26:-g. 257 (49), 651 (10), 731 (14), 857 (7), 1316 (26), 1804 (9), 2055 (13), 3499 (12). Rob., merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2). Sir Roger, 20 (p. 15), 438 (4 m. 11): p. 1536:—g. :—p. 257 (49), 2222 (16 Essex). Roger, g. 1494 (9). Sir Th., App. 26. (Wyntworth), Th., 438 (2 mm. 11, 24), 438 (4 m. 26). Sir Wm., 1803 (1 m. 2). Wm., 438 (4 m. 26):-g. 2964 (15). Wenvoe (Winwoo), co. Glamorgan, rector presented, g. 485 (18), 885 (4), 1266 (39), 2222 (8). Weobley (Webley), Heref., 438 (3 m. 22). Werbelington, Hants. See See War- blington. Werberton or Werburton. See War- burton. Wercop. See Warcop. Werdenburg (Verdenbergh, Verten- bergh), Count Felix of, 2849, 2867, 2894, 2972, 3027 : p. 1516. Werdon, Edmund, 3313 (6). 476 GENERAL INDEX. Were. See Wear. Werehorne. See Warehorn. Weresdale, Th., g. 2137 (7). Werisdall, Rob., g. 1365 (10). Werke. See Wark. Werkesworthe. See Wirksworth. Wermouth.. See Wearmouth. Werpesden. See Worplesdon. Werrington (Weryngton), Devon, 438 (2 m. 23). Wertenberch. See Wirtemberg. Werwyke. See Warwick. Weryng or Weeryng, John, 438 (3 m. 23). Weryngton. See Warrington. Wescote. See Westcot. Wesel, in Germany, 1440:- • 5 (37). -g. 1221 letter dated at, 1438 (?). Wesshyngton. See Washington. West, Mr., King's chaplain, brother to Lord Delaware, 20 (p. 14). • " Mr., 2888. Edmond s. and h. of Thomas, g. 449 (17). Griselda widow of Thomas, 438 (4 m. 21). Henry, rector of Grimsby, g. 731 (54). John, 438 (3 mm. 10, 30), 1032 (2), 3529 :-p. 1546: g. 632 (18), 804 (51), 1462 (34), 2684 (6). John, prior of Michelham, 438 (3 m. 10):—g. 132 (51). Nic., 2765-g. 1316 (4). (Wyest, Suester), Dr. Nic., dean of Windsor, King's counsellor and chaplain, am- bassador to France (June 1510 and Aug. 1514), to Scotland (May 1512 and March 1513), 20 (p. 14), 508, 529, 538, 880, 1046, 1147, 1158, 1261-2, 1297-8, 1299, 1300, 1314–15, 1340, 1391, 1645, 1690, 1735, 1767, 1769, 1775-6, 1960, 2121-2, 2599, 3186, 3221, 3240, 3256, 3294, 3348, 3411, 3416, 3427, 3449:-App. 10, 11:-g. 257 (11), 519 (47), 804 (14), 969 (1, 68), 1083 (25), 1170 (14-5), 1662 (32), 3226 (21), 3324 (33). letters from, 1735, 1775, 3252, 3361, 3424. letter to, 1690. iv. • " signature of, 2121. payment to, 1261. Ric., 1803 (1 m. 4). Simon, 438 (1 m. 25), 1493 Sir Thomas, Lord Delaware, q.v. West-cont. Sir Th., second carver, son of Lord Delaware, 20 (p. 13), 82, 438 (2 m. 14), 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2414, 2946 :—p. 1545 : App. 26:-g. 218 (35), 1083 (39), 2964 (43). (43). signature of, g. 2964 Th., husbandman, 438 (2 m. 25). Wm., 20 (p. 14), 438 (2 m. 25), 568 :-p. 1542. Wm., ship captain, 1661 (4), 1869 iii., 2304 (3, 5), 2305 iii., 2686, 2842, 2938 :-p. 1518:-g. 2684 (43). Westacre (Westaker), Norf., 1803 (2 m. 5). Westanton. See Anthony. Westbecheworth. See Betchworth. West Bere. See Bere. Westbernyn, Surr., 438 (3 m. 20). Westborough (Westburght), Linc., g. 709 (1), 2684 (2). rector presented, g. 2617 (26). Westbremyche. See Bromwich. Westbroke (Westebroke), John, 1803 (1 m. 2):—p. 1545:—g. 857 (7). Wm., a demi-lance, 1450 (p. 661). West Brook (Westebrok), Berks, g. 94 (35). Westbroughton. See Broughton. Westbrumyge. See Bromwich. Westbury, Bucks, g. 1316 (15). Westbury (Wesbury), Glouc., 438 (1 m. 24):-g. 2964 (17). Westbury, Soms., 438 (2 mm. 4, 32). Westbury under the Plain, Wilts, 438 (2 mm. 13, 18), 438 (4 m. 3). Westbury (Westbery), John, 438 (3 m. 4). (Westebery), Robert, abbot of Cerne, g. 357 (28), 447 (22), 449 (1), 563 (5), 1804 (11), 2222 (16 Dors.). (Westbery), Th., 438 (2 m. 22):—g. 289 (11). Westby, Barth., second baron of Exchequer, surveyor of Crown lands, 82 (p. 39), 1046-7, 1802, 2766-pp. 1538, 1540 : -g. 11 (8), 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (12, 18, 19), 2222 (16 Herts), 2684 (41), 2964 (7, 64), 3499 (49). Westcheyham. See Cheam. Westclyve, John, g. 2862 (7). Westcot (Wescote), Wilts, g. 885 (13). GENERAL INDEX. 477 Westcot (Westcotte, Wescot), Ed- mund, 20 (p. 17) :—p. 1519. West Donyland (W. Delelond), Essex, 438 (2 m. 13). Weste. See West. Westebery. See Westbury. Westebery or Westebury (i.e. West Bere) Forest. See Bere. Westeblie, Noel de, servant to the Sieur de Ligne, 2388, 2414. Westebroke. See Westbroke. Westell, Chr., 438 (3 m. 17). Wm., 438 (2 m. 31). Westerham (Westram), Kent, 438 (2 m. 31):-g. 1732 (12), 1948 (11). Western Circuit (name not used in the original, which simply names the counties, viz., Southampton, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Corn- wall, or else the gaols), g. 54 (49), 94 (50), 519 (50), 804 (36), 833 (2), 1083 (8), 1316 (3, 14), 1662 (1, 28), 2055 (114), 2137 (11), 2684 (62), 3107 (34). Westfield, Suss., 438 (2 m. 25). Westfield (Westufelde, Westofelde, Westafelde), Th., 1803 (1 m. 4). West Firle (Westfryllys), Sussex, 438 (1 m. 20). West Gate, Dham., 291. Westgate, John, g. 1003 (16). Westhach [in Chigwell], Essex, g. 289 (16). West Hall (Westhale), Yorks., 438 (4 m. 5). West Ham, Essex, 1803 (1 m. 6) :— g. 94 (35 p. 50). Westhamptenet. See Hampnet. Westhanney, Berks, g. 381 (55). Westhaverford. See Haverford- west. Westhill, in Scotland, p. 1260. Westhorlegh. See Horley. Westhorpe, Ntht. [in Marston St. Lawrence], 438 (4 m. 10). Westhorpe (Westhrop, Westrop). Suff., 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (2 m. 29):—g. 1123 (49), 2055 (95), 2772 (25). Westhurrok. See Thurrock. Westlenn. See Lynn. Westley (Westle), Suff., g. 519 (62). Westley (Westlee), George, 438 (4 m. 29). (Westeley), John, 438 (2) m. 32). (Westlee), Ric.. 438 (4 m. 29). West Malling. See Malling. Westmeston (Westneston), Suss., g. 218 (35). WESTMINSTER (minor references · גי omitted), 5, 156, 707, 2671:- g. 289 (13), 546 (23), 804 (18, 23), 1003 (22), 1123 (15), 1221 (43), 1494 (11). letters &c. dated at, 84, 148, 379, 386, 1068, 1073, 1086, 1092, 1097, 1105, 1197, 1115, 1653, 2649, 2655, 2661, 2674, 2701, 2903, 3302. abbey of St. Peter, 1, 19, 20 (pp. 11, 19, 20-1), 46, 84, 438 (3 m. 11), 559 (p. 327), 1176 (3):-g. 218 (13), 357 (43), 448 (5), 519 (31), 749 (23), 1316 (15). 1. abbot. See Islip, J. beadmen, 20 (p. 16). Henry VII.'s chapel, liberty of bailey, 438 (4 m. 18). • pardon for escape of a prisoner, g. 519 (31). chapel of St. Mary le Pewe, 1012. Exchequer, g. 784 (50). Gate House prison, g. 1494 (11). Grenelates tower, g. 784 (50), 3107 (3). Hell, 438 (1 m. 7):-g. 784 (50), 3107 (3). Palace, 20 (pp. 20–1), 378 : g. 784 (50), 2617 (18), 3107 (3). • keeper of the Royal Household, g. 218 (22), 1602 (14). See Holden, T. (81). wardrobe in, g. 257 works at, g. 158 (11). - dining chamber, g. 357 (40). White Hall, 81. Paradise, g. 784 (50), 3107 (3). Potans House, under the Exchequer, g. 784 (50), 3107 (3). Prince's Council Chamber [in Westminster Palace], g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 3107 (20), 3499 (49). usher of, g. 1836 (2), 2861 (26). Purgatory, g. 784 (50), 3107 (3). St. Margaret's, guild of St. Cornelius, g. 2964 (56). St. Stephen's Chapel (within Westminster Palace), 397, 438 (1 m. 8), 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (3 m. 3), 438 (4 mm. 14, 23), 3142, 3433 :—p. 1523 :- 478 GENERAL INDEX. Westminster, St. Stephen's Chapel ! -cont. g. 2055 (75), 2535 (23), 2617 (15), 2772 (40), 2862 (5), 2964 (21), 3499 (53), 3582 (26). • canons appointed, g. 54 (84), 749 (9), 969 (50), 1083 (1), 1123 (34), 1524 (12), 2137 (6), 3499 (42, 53). • 414 (50). confirmation for, g. dean of, 2629 (8, 9), 2644:-g. 1462 (3). See Foster, J.; Wolsey, T.; Chamber, J. Staple of, election of mayor and constables, g. 132 (30). mayor, 438 (3 m. 20): -g. 449 (15). m. 13). merchants of, 438 (2 Star Chamber, g. 1662 (55). Council in, g. 257 (93). clerk of. See • Meautys, J.; Edon, R. Westminster Hall, 579, 935 : -g. 784 (50). Westmoreland, 205 (p. 106), 438 (4 m. 20):-g. 218 (55), 257 (49), 289 (25), 381 (15), 804 (29 iii.), 833 (11, 45 ii.), 1365 (3, 24), 1462 (32), 1494 (55), 1662 (9), 2222 (12), 2484 (17), 3408 (18, 37), 3499 (12, 68), 3582 (15). commission of the peace, p. 1546. sheriff of. See Clifford, Lord. Westmoreland, Ralph earl of (temp. Ric. II.), g. 784 (42). • Ralph Nevill earl of († 6 Feb. 1499), g. 1524 (16). Ralph Nevill earl of, а minor, 182 :-g. 94 (67), 158 (51), 357 (30), 546 (37), 1524 (16), 3499 (61 "Lord Nevell"). Westmoreland, Lord, 438 (3 m. 33). Weston, Hants, 1803 (1 m. 3). Weston, Norf., g. 1221 (28). Weston, Ntht., p. 1548. Weston, Rutl., 1803 (1 m. 6). Weston, Warw., g. 449 (15), 1948 (85). Weston by Baldock (Weston Bal- doke), Herts, g. 709 (14), 1083 (35), 1948 (31). Weston Coyney (Westoncuny, West- ocuny Uncarmond), Staff. [in Caverswall], 438 (3 m. 3). Weston under Lizard (Lesyerd), Staff., 1803 (2 m. 4). Weston, North-(Northweston), Oxon, 438 (3 m. 2), 438 (4 m. 22). Weston Turvile. See Notes and Errata, 519 (13). Weston Underwood (W. under Woode), Bucks, 1803 (1 m. 6). Weston under Weethley (Wetheley), Warw., 438 (3 m. 14). Weston, Mrs., 20 (pp. 11, 17), 82 (pp. 38, 41). • • • " Anne, the Queen's gentlewo- woman, g. 381 (25). Edmond, g. 54 (71). (Westun), John, 438 (2 m. 28), 438 (3 m. 17), 763, 1783. Richard, or Sir Richard, esquire for the Body, captain of Guernsey, 20 (p. 12), 82 (p. 42), 1605–6, 1907 (p. 868), 1936, 3348 (3):-p. 1533 :- g. 54 (69-71), 94 (104), 158 (41), 357 (34), 448 (6), 563 (12, 13), 804 (3), 2772 (32). Ric., clk., p. 1529. Sir William, knight of St. John, 591-g. 1836 (3). Wm., 20 (p. 16), 438 (2 m. 13). Westonhanger (Ostrynghanger, Os- tynghanger, Westyngammer), Kent, 438 (4 m. 11), 1803 (2 m. 2):-g. 158 (77), 1836 (24). Westoning, Beds, 438 (4 m. 15). Westonskowe, in Holland, 2809. Westourn, Wm., 633. Westowe, John, master gunner, 2480 (21), 2575 ii. :-g. 190 (2), 1602 (15). Westphalia, in Germany, 2448. Westrasne. See Rasen. Westsheword. See Shefford. Westwood, Linc. [in Haxey], 520 :- g. 132 (7), 632 (64). Westwoode, Rob., g. 381 (23). Westwrotham. See Rudham. Wetehill. See Whethill. Wetenhale, Wm., g. 1415 (7), 2617 (7). Weteley, Henry, 251. Weteryng. See Watering. Wetewode. See Wetwode. Wetheano. See Vecheano. Wether (Wedir), John, 20 (p. 19); 82 (p. 43), 1803 (2 m. 3). Wetheral (Woderhall), Cumb., 438 (3 m. 30 bis), 438 (4 m. 14). Wetherby, John, 438 (4 m. 18). (Wedurby, Weddurby), Th., 438 (4 m. 27). Wetherden (Whederden), Suff., 438 (1 m. 23). Wethers. See Withers. Wethersfield (Wederysfeld, Wader- ffelde, &c.), Essex, 438 (1 m. 13), 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 11). Wetill or Wettell. See Whethill. Wetwang, John, g. 1494 (62). GENERAL INDEX. 479 Wetward. See Wetwode.' Wetwombe. See Wytwombe. Wetwode or Wetewode (Wytwode, Wetward), John, of the Chapel Royal, rector of Badsworth and of Bouquehault, 707: g. 1602 (6), 2861 (4). John, rector of Alvescot, g. 784 (44). John, rector of Looe, g. 731 (35). (Wetward), Rob., clk., minis- ter of the Chapel Royal, 707 : ―g. 381 (8). Robert, rector of Crudwell, g. 682 (44). Wetyngam. See Whittingham. Wevenhoo. See Wivenhoe. Wever, Benet, g. 132 (9). • " (Weyver), John, gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707. Ric., 438 (3 m. 27). Th., clk., 853, 1803 (2 m. 6). Wm., 438 (1 m. 16). Wewe, John, g. 2862 (7). Weybread (Wheybrede), Suff., g. 1602 (43). Weybred, Ric., clk., master of Met- tingham College, 438 (1 m. 9). Weybridge (Waybrige, Wabridge) and Sapley, forest of, Hunts, 152:—g. 158 (88), 3582 (8). Weycroft (Wykecraulht, Wycrouht), Devon, 438 (3 m. 24). Weyhill (Wayhill, Way, Weye), Hants, rector presented, g. 381 (12), 604 (16), 2617 (4). Weyghthill. See Wighthill. Weyle, Thomas, vicar of Nuneaton, bp. of Panados in Thrace, 438 (3 m. 22). deed by, 28. Weyman (Wyman, Wymman, Wy- mane), Th., 438 (2 m. 32). Weymouth (Waymouth), Dors., 874 (2), 1803 (2 m. 5), 3313 (6) :— g. 94 (35). Weynman, Richard, grant of arms to, 172. Weysbery (Weyesbury), John, 438 (4 m. 8). Weyth, Th., alias Williams, q.v. Weyver. See Wever. Whaddon (Waddon, Waddona). Bucks, 438 (1 m. 5):—g. 94 (35 p. 50), 1221 (28). Whaddon, Camb., 438 (4 m. 7). Whaddon, Glouc., 2537. Whaite, Ntht.. 438 (1 m. 26). Whaley, Chesh., 438 (2 m. Whitley? 9). Whaley (Walley), Derb., 438 (1 m. 26). Whalton (Walton), Nthld., 438 (1 m. 9) :—g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Whalysbech, Suss., 438 (3 m. 1). Whaplode (Whatlcde), Linc., 438 (1 m. 23). Whaplode or Whaplod, Wm., p. 1549-g. 1804 (19). Wharram (Wharom) le Street, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 20). Wharton, Michael, 1493 ii. (Warton, Worthon), Thomas, 1450 (p. 661):—p. 1529 :- g. 3499 (68). Whashyngton. See Washington. Whates, John, g. 2484 (12). Whatlode. See Whaplode. Whatnall. See Whetnall. Whatphilip. See Watphilip. Whawe. See Whita. Wheatacre (Wheteacreborough), Norf., 438 (4 m. 23). Wheathampstead (Whethamsted), Herts, 438 (1 mm. 10, 11). Wheathill (Whethill), Salop, 2537. Whebley, Ric., 707 (p. 383). Whedde, John, ship master, 3137 (16). Whederden. See Wetherden. Wheeler, Wheelwright or Wheel- maker, 438 (4 m. 27), 1803 (1 m. 4), 1803 (2 m. 6). Wheldrake (Wheldryk), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 13). Whele Crag, Westmld., 438 (4 m. 26). Wheler, John, g. 1602 (26). Wm., p. 1512. Whellesboroo. See Wellsborough. Whepstead, Suff., g, 414 (30). Wheret. See Whirret. Wherstead, Suff., Bornehall manor, g. 2684 (65). Wherton, Derb.. 438 (4 m. 21). Wheston ? Wherwell, Hants, 438 (1 m. 7). nunnery, confirmation for. g. 519 (53). Whestones. See Whitstons. Whetcroft, Ric., lieutenant of the Staple, 634. Wheteacreborough. See Wheatacre. Whetehill. See Whethill. Wheteley or Whetley, Th., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42). Whetewell, Camb., g. 2617 (21). Whethill, Salop. See Wheathill. Whethill, Adrian, 193, 438 (4 m. 29). Eliz., 438 (4 m. 29). (Whettehill, Whitell), John, 438 (4 m. 22). Margaret, 193. (Whetehill, Wetehill, Wetill, Wettell, Whettell, Whitehill), Ric., or Sir Ric., spear of Calais, 20 (p. 12), 193, 438 (4 m. 29), 2049, 2673, 2974, 480 GENERAL INDEX. Whethill, Ric., or Sir Ric.-cont. 3090 (p. 1322), 3135, 3338 :- App. 26:—g. 3408 (9), 3499 (77). Whetnall (Whatnall), John, 3135. Wm., p. 1539 :—g. 257 (49), 632 (26). Whetston. See Whitstons. Whetyng. See Whiting. Whetyngton. See Whittington. Wheybrede. See Weybread. Whichenore. See Wichnor. Whichwoode. See Wychwood. Whiddon down (Whittondon, Wit- ton Down), Higher, Little, Lower and Old, Devon [in Ashburton], g. 447 (9), 709 (14), 1948 (31); 3499 (48). Whigmore. See Wignore. Whildone. See Wildon. Whimple (Whympell), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Whinbergh (Whynburgh, Whyn- borough), Norf., g. 289 (13), 1266 (33). Whirret (Whiret, Wheret), Wm., 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (2 m. 29). Whistons. See Whitstons. Whita (Whawe), Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 5). Whitaans. See Whitstans. Whitby or Whitby Strand, Yorks, 438 (1 m. 20), 1803 (2 m. 6), 1262 (p. 578). abbey, 438 (3 m. 21), 3315. abbot of. See Ben- • " stede, J.; Bednell, T. election of abbot, g. 2684 (25), 2861 (28, 35), 3408 (32). Whitchurch, Bucks, 1397. Whitclyf. See Whitecleeve. Whitcoke. See Withcote. Whitcom (Wytcombe), Soms., 438 (3 m. 3). Whitcombe (Wytcombe), Dors., 438 (3 m. 3). White, Agnes, 438 (4 m. 15). • Edward, 1955:—g. 3324 (30). Henry, g. 3049 (17). Joan, 438 (1 m. 6). (Quhyte), John, 438 (1 m. 6), 438 (2 mm. 7, 26), 1330 :- g. 833 (70). John, student at Paris, g. 257 (26). Nic., p. 1549. Nic., or Nicholas Roland, 438 (4 m. 11). Ralph, 438 (3 m. 19). Richard, 1803 (1 m. 6):— g. 604 (48). Robert, g. 632 (26), 833 (58 ii.), 969 (23), 1494 (14), 2422 (13). White-cont. • • Roger, p. 1502. (Wyte), Th., 438 (3 m. 18), 438 (4 m. 11). Thomas, abbot of Buckland, 438 (4 m. 17). (Whitt, Whight), Walter, 1803 (2 m. 5). Wm., 1262-g. 682 (16). (Whyt), Wm., mayor of London, 438 (4 mm. 7, 15). (Quhit), Wm., a Scot, 661. "Whitebaker," 438 (3 m. 12). Whitebrook (Whitebroke), co. Mon- mouth, 438 (2 m. 10). Whitechurch, Dors., 438 (2 m. 14). Whitecleeve (Whitclyf), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 32). White Cliff, Dors., 438 (1 m. 3). Whitefeld, Nic., g. 784 (50), 3107 (3). Whiteford, Devon [in Colyton], g. 1083 (2). Whitehaven (Whityngham), Cumb., 438 (2 m. 28). Whitehaye, Cornw., 438 (2 m. 21). White Hayne, Devon, 438 (2 m. 23). Whitehede, Th., of Stoke College, g. 3107 (37). Wm., 1505. Whitehill. See Whethill. White Lackington (Whitlakyngton, Wightlakyngton), Soms., 438 (3 m. 31). Whitell. See Whethill. Whitelok, Chr., 20 (p. 17). White Parish (Whitparisshe), Wilts, 438 (1 m. 12). White Rose. See Dela Pole, R. White Staunton, Soms., g. 2055 (3). White Waltham, Berks, 438 (4 m. 20). Whitewell or Whitewill. See Whit- well. Whitfeld, John, 1493 ii. Whitfield (Whitfyld), Devon, 438 (3 m. 12). Whitfield (Wyttefeld), Ntht., 438 (3 mm. 10, 16):-g. 2861 (3). Tadenham meadow, 438 (3 m. 10). Whitfield, John, of Whitfield, Nthld., g. 1524 (37). Whitham, Berks. See Wytham. Whithorn (St. Ninian's), in Scotland, 2455. Whitilsham, Suff. See Witnesham. Whiting, Henry, g. 784 (46). (Whitingez, Whetyng), John, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 14), 707: -p. 1509:-g. 94 (38–9), 2055 (95 ii.), 2137 (10). (Whetyng), Walter, 438 (4 m. 6). GENERAL INDEX. 481 Whiting-cont. Wm., 20 (pp. 11, 16), 438 (4 m. 10). Whitington. See Whittington. Whitle, Surr. See Witley. Whitleg, John and Robert, rectors of Bedhampton, g. 731 (10). Whitley, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 30):—g. 54 (3), 2055 (121), 2772 (24). Whitlok, Rob., 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Whitmore, John, g. 2137 (23). • John, abbot of Dunkes- well, 438 (2 m. 6). Whitnash, Warw., 438 (4 m. 10). Whitnes, Berks, 438 (2 m. 29). Whitokesmede or Whyttokysmede, Henry, 438 (3 m. 15). [in Whitrig (Whyterige), Cumb. Bowness], 438 (3 m. 32). Whitsand, near Calais. See Wis- sant. Whitsand (Whitson) Bay, beside Conquet, 1844, 2305 iii. Whitstable, Kent, 438 (1 m. 23). Whitston, Owen, 20 (p. 17). (Whitaans, Whitstons, Whet- ston, Whestones, Whitstones), James, canon of St. Stephen's, dean of St. Mary's, Leicester, 341, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (4 m. 14), 1046:-g. 1524 (12, 19, 32), 3226 (7). Whittingham (Whityngeham), Nthld., 438 (2 m. 29). Whittingham (Wetyngam), 1803 (2 m. 1). Suff., Whittington (Whytyngton), Derb., 438 (2 m. 28), 1803 (1 m. 4). rector of, 438 (2 m. 5). Whittington (Wittyngton), Glouc., g. 1524 (47). Whittington (Whityngton, Whetyng- ton), Lanc., 438 (1 m. 19):- g. 750 (5), 1732 (1). Whittington (Whitington), Leic. [in Ratby], g. 1123 (58). Whittington, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 32, Witlyngton ") :—g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Whittington, Worc., rector pre- sented, g. 1221 (54). Whittington or Whitington, Edward, g. 54 (78). (Wyttyngton, Wityngton), John, 20 (p. 14), 438 (2 mm. 5, 13, 20), 1118:—p. 1537 : g. 132 (17), 924 (37), 1172 (4), 1602 (29). Th., 438 (2 m. 11), 1803 (1 m. 1). Wm., 438 (2 m. 20). Whittlebury (Wyttelbury), Ntht., g. 1316 (15). Whittlesea mere (Wittelesmere), Camb., g. 804 (38). Wt. 11494. Whittlesea (Wittylsey), Ric., g. 1732 (34). Th., subprior of Raven- stone, g. 54 (6). Wm., prior of Ravenstone, g. 54 (6). Whittlewood (Wyttlewod) Forest, Ntht., 438 (3 m. 14):—g. 2861 (3). Whittondon. See Whiddon. Whitwell (Whitewell), Derb., 438 (3 m. 4). Whitwell (Whitewill), Devon [in Colyton], g. 1083 (2). Whitwell, Westmld., 438 (1 m. 16). Whitwell or Whitewell (Whytwell, Whytwhell), John, 438 (1 m. 15):—g. 381 (40), 885 (14). Ric., 438 (1 m. 15). Whitwick (Witwike, Whitewyke), Leic., g. 218 (2), 1123 (58). Whitwombe. See Wytwombe. Whitworth (Witworth), Th., pp. 1513, 1517. Whityngeham. See Whittingham. Whityngham, Cumb. See White- haven. Whityngham, John, 1473. Sir Rob. (temp. Henry VI.), 1473. Whixley, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 24). Whord. See Horde. Whorecrosse. See Hoarcross. Whyatt. See Wyatt. Whygmore. See Wigmore. Whynbergh or Wynbergh, Rob., 438 (2 m. 16). Whyng, Th., g. 289 (47). Wm., 438 (2 m. 14). Whythyll, Hants, 2531. Whytley, John, monk, p. 1530. Whytt Schott, Hants, 2531. Wicham Merket. See Wickham. Wiche. See Droitwich. Wiche, Wm., g. 132 (109). Wichenford (Wyke church), Worc., rector presented, g. 632 (21). Wichford. See Wishford. Wichnor (Whichenore), Staff., 438 (2 m. 4). Wichwod. See Wychwood. Wichyngham. See Witchingham. Wick (Berdiwike, Wike, Weke), Glouc., 1803 (1 m. 6), 2537 :— g. 682 (30), 1316 (34). Wick (Wike), Midd., g. 1662 (58). Wick (Wike), Worc., 438 (4 m. 3). Wick Burnell (Wykeburnell), Worc., g. 3049 (8). Wicken (Wyken), Camb., 438 (3 m. 11). Wickenby (Wykyngeby), Linc., g. 1494 (12). Wickham (Wykam), Hants, 438 (4 m. 14). H 31 482 GENERAL INDEX. Wickham (Wykham), Kent, 438 (4 m. 24). Wickham (Wykham), Suff., vicar of, p. 1530. Wickham, Childs (Childeswykwan), Glouc., g. 3107 (9). Wickham, East (Estwikham), Kent, g. 804 (10), 2684 (1). Wickham Market (Wicham Merket), Suff., 438 (1 m. 19). Wickmere (Wykmer), Norf., g. 1415 (4). Wiclif. See Wycliffe. Wicombe. See Wycombe. Wicrofte. See Wycroft. rector of, 1803 (1 m. 3). Widdington (Wydynton), Widdrington (Wyderynton), Henry, g. 357 (21). Essex, Sir Widecombe (Wycomb), Devon, 438 (1 mm. 3, 5, 17). Wideslade. See Winslade. Widicote. See Wildicote. Widvile, Ric., earl of Rivers, q.v. Wie. See Wye. Wieslingen (Geslyng), in Germany, 2445. Wiett. See Wyatt. Wigan (Wegan), Lanc., 438 (1 m. 24), 438 (2 m. 19), 438 (4 m. 8). • " confirmation of charters, g. 709 (50). Wigan, Ric., 438 (4 m. 11):—g. 11 • • (10), 289 (1). (Wigen, Wm., 438 (3 m. 3). Wigborough (Wygbarowe), Essex, 438 (1 m. 5). Wigfelde. See Wingfield. Wiggenhall (Wygnall, Wygnale), Norf., 438 (3 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 9). Wigglesworth (Wyggylsworth, Wekelsworth), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 11). Wiggonholt (Wymynholl, Wygen- holte), Suss., 559-g. 709 (59). Wighell, John, groom of the Cham- ber, 2480 II. :-g. 563 (18). Wight (Wygth, Wyt, Wyte, Weight), Isle of, 438 (1 m. 20), 438 (4 m. 18), 559, 1133, 1216, 1239, 1480, 1870, 1944, 1970, 2305 iii., 2574, 2738, 2834, 2959, 3222-pp. 1504, 1508:-g. 709 (14), 1948 (31). Captain, &c., of, g. 54 (57, 80), 3107 (20). See Wadham, Sir N. • " a murder in, g. 587 (15). ranger of the Forest, g. 94 (30), 3408 (36). 682 (23). Old Park, g. 94 (52), Wighthill (Weyghthill), Rob., g. 381 (24), 749 (7). Wighton, Norf., g. 94 (35 p. 50). Wighton, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 20). Wigley, Hants, 438 (2 m. 23). Wigmore (Whigmore) lordship, or Wigmoresland, Heref. and Salop, 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 20), 438 (4 mm. 12, 25, 27):-g. 132 (52), 784 (8), 969 (77), 1221 (50), 1494 (34), 3049 (14). • abbey, 438 (2 m. 21). abbot. See Hopton, W. 804 (4). confirmation for, g. exchequer of, g. 3049 (14). Wigston or Wygeston, Roger, g. 2137 (16), 3499 (27). • Th., clk., g. 784 (27), 2137 16), 3499 (27). (Wyggeston), Wm., 438 (2 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 28), 440 : g. 784 (27), 1221 (41), 2137 (16), 2684 (41), 3049 (26), 3499 (27). signature, 440. Wm., clk., g. 2137 (16). (Wiggestun), Wm., junior, g. 1221 (41). Wigton, Cumb., 438 (4 m. 22). Wigwold (Wiggeswald), Glouc. [in Cirencester], g. 2964 (67). Wike. See Week; Wick; Wyke. Wikesworth. See Wirksworth. Wikes or Wikis. See Wykes. Wilberfoss, Yorks., g. 158 (32). nunnery, g. 158 (72). charter for, g. 158 (32). prioress. See Easing- wold, M. Wilbraham (Wilberham, Wilbram), Wm., 438 (3 m. 20). Wilby (Walby), Ntht., 438 (2 m. 25) : p. 1548. Wilby (Wylleby), Th., 438 (3 m. 32):-g. 1494 (40). Wilchier. See Wiltshire. Wilcock, Wm., g. 2055 (83). Wilcoke, Peter, ship master, 2901 (2). Wilcotis, Wm., heirs of, g. 94 (35). Wilcox or Wylcokkys, Henry, clk., prb. of Salisbury, 438 (1 m. 11). Th., 438 (1 m. 11), 438 (3 m. 13). Wild. See Wilde. Wildanck, Peter, his account, 2809. Wilde (Wylede), Humphrey, yeoman harbinger, 20 (p. 18). John, g. 2137 (23), 2535 (14). (Wild), Ralph, 2831:—pp. 1512, 1520-App. 14. • • " bill of, 2321. GENERAL INDEX. 483 Wilde-cont. (Wild), Thomas, clerk of the change in the Tower, g. 546 (74). Wildecote, Wildicote or Widicote, Th., 438 (2 m. 8):-g. 969 (47). Wilden (Wildon), Beds, 438 (1 m. 1). court of frankpledge, 1396. Wilding (Weldyng), Th., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707-g. 447 (6), 682 (16). Wildon (Whildone), Philip, rector of Aldridge, g. 448 (7). Wm., of Wildon, 438 (2 m. 19). Wileby. See Willoughby. Wiles (Wylis, Willis), Wm., 438 (2 m. 9). Wilford, Notts, 438 (4 m. 2). Wilford (Wyllyford), Edmond, pro- vost of Oriel College, Oxford, 438 (4 m. 6). James, alderman, 1262. Wm., g. 1171 (1). Wilimontswike (Wylmondeswyke), Nthld., g. 1524 (37). Wilkins, Henry, gentleman of the Chapel, 20 (p. 18). Wilkinson (Wilkenson), Brian, 2834, 3222. John, g. 1462 (30), 3408 (40). Rob., 20 (p. 18). Th., abbot of Welbeck, 438 (1 m. 8):—g. 924 (37), 1365 (2). (Welkynson), Th., rector of St. Nicholas, Colchester, p. 1531. Wm., g. 2772 (19). Wilkys, George, g. 3499 (68). Willaton. See Wollaton. Willenhall (Wyllynghale, Wylne- hale), Staff., 438 (2 m. 8), 438 (3 m. 34):— g. 804 (23). Willesborough (Wyndesborough), Kent, 438 (1 m. 1). Willesdon, Midd., 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (4 m. 14), 595. Willesford, Wm., g. 1948 (2). Willesthorp, Guy, g. 1662 (9), 3499 (78). Willet (Wyllot, Wellot), John, 438 (2 m. 22). Willey, Salop, 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (4 m. 14). Willey or Willy (Willyes), Hugh, 2425, 2786, 3135:—g. 1804 (1), 3324 (45). Wm., g. 1494 (23). William I., grants of, g. 381 (93), 414 (17, 37), 447 (7, 29, 30), 485 (55), 519 (3), 632 (36), 682 (43), 709 (4), 750 (9). William II., grants of, g. 381 (93), 414 (63), 447 (7, 30), 519 (28), 546 (14), 632 (38), 1494 (50). William, Colet's servant, 2424. the King's esquire, 2747. the sackbut. See Borrow, Guillaume. William, Barth. Jenkyn, 438 (2 m. 21). Henry son of, charter of, g. 381 (107). Williams, Isabella, widow of Sir John, 438 (1 m. 13):—g. 218 (17). • • • " Sir John, 438 (1 m. 13): g. 158 (60), 218 (17), 257 (34), 804 (3), 1732 (24). John, 20 (pp. 14, 16, 19), 82 (p. 40), 438 (3 mm. 13, 33): -p. 1509:—g. 357 (14), 381 (2), 546 (29), 924 (29), 969 (21), 2964 (73). John, King's footman, 256, 623, 775, 877n., 915, 1193, 2817, 3448 (2). John, of the Chapel, 20 (p. 15), 82 (p. 41). John, of the Leish, 248, 626, 947, 1205, 1806, 2449, 3491. John, chaplain or school- master, 438 (1 m. 21). John, priest, 2304 (5). Morgan, g. 2684 (6). Piers, purser, 3148 iii. Reginald, g. 218 (17). Rob., clk., g. 969 (70). Th., 20 (p. 16), 438 (4 mm. 12, 21). Th., parson of St. Andrew's [in the Wardrobe], 20 (p. 17). Th., alias Weyth, rector of Lansoy, g. 1316 (42). Walter, 438 (2 m. 5). Wm., 438 (4 m. 26). Williamson, Adam, a Scot, 3468:- • p. 1516. Eliz., 438 (1 m. 9). (or Williams), John, 438 (3 m. 11). Peronallus, 438 (4 m. 5). Reynold, 1493 ii. Ric., 438 (1 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 5). Th., 2483. Wm., p. 1512. Willing, Th., g. 1805 (2). Willingdon (Wellyngdon), Suss., g. 132 (51). Willinger (Villinger, Fellinge), James, the Emperor's treasurer-gen- eral, 2749, 2992, 3192. letter from, 2749. Willinghall. See Willenhall. Willingham (Wyfflingham), Linc., 438 (4 m. 7). 484 GENERAL INDEX. Willington (Welenton, Wolynton), Wm., merchant of the Staple, 438 (3 m. 3). Willisme, Rob., purser, 3148. Willis. See Wiles. Williton (Willington), Soms. [in St. Decuman's], 438 (2 m. 13). Willmecote, Staff. See Wilnecote, Warw. Willons, Agnes, prioress of Nunburn- holme, 438 (4 m. 26). Willoughby, Linc., 438 (3 m. 28), 438 (4 m. 9). Willoughby, Notts, 438 (4 m. 8). Willoughby, Richard Hastings lord († 1503), 438 (4 m. 5). Willoughby, Lady, 20 (pp. 11, 13). Alianor, g. 1172 (18). Ant., App. 22. • Chr., or Sir Chr., knighted at Tournay, 20 (p. 15), 698, 2301, 2480 (53): pp. 1539, 1540 bis :-App. 9:-g. 2684 (49). signature, 698. Edward, 707 (p. 383):- pp. 1519, 1534-5:—g. 1602 (38), 2484 (9). Edward, clk., canon of Windsor (died in 1509), g. 54 (37). Sir Henry, Lord Willoughby and Eresby, 438 (2 m. 10). (Wileby, Willyby), Sir Henry, knight for the Body, 20 (pp. 12, 19, 20), 37, 309, 1161, 1176 (1, 4), 1286, 1326 (p. 617), 1422 (p. 651), 1435, 1493, 1495 (1 ii., iii., 3), 1496 iii., iv., 1509 (p. 697), 1511 (p. 699), 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2414, 2738, 3483:—pp. 1513, 1519, 1542, 1545:—g. 257 (48), 709 (55), 1123 (62), 1221 (6). (Wyleby), John, 438 (3 m. 14):-p. 1542:-g. 1172 (18), 2222 (16 Notts), 3049 (23). (Wyliyby), John, knighted after Flodden, 2246 (4 ii.). Matilda, g. 1083 (31), 1316 (1). Ric., g. 804 (28). Ric., chaplain, 438 (3 m. 22). Sir Robert, Lord Broke (Brooke), 20 (pp. 14, 20), 81, 110, 438 (3 m. 1), 963, 1176 (1, 4), 1286, 1422, 1451, 1495 (1 ii., 3), 1496 ii., iv., 1869 v., vi., 1870, 1883, 2053 (7), 2130 (2), 2392 (p. 1063), 2414, 2575 ii., 2738-pp. 1513, 1534–6, 1546 :—App. 22 :—g. 54 (26), Willoughby, Sir Robert-cont. 731 (44), 749 (26), 1221 (2), 1602 (38), 3049 (20). knighted, 81. signature of, 2130 (2). Th., p. 1539:-g. 3408 (6). Sir William, 20 (p. 15):— pp. 1536, 1543:-g. 969 (54). (Huyloby), Sir William, lord of Willoughby and Eresby, 20 (pp. 12, 19, 20), 110, 205, 438 (4 m. 27), 963, 1176 (1, 4), 1189, 1286, 1441, 1484, 1493, 1496, 1869 v., vi., 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 ii.), 2391, 2480 (54), 2575 ii., 3464, 3483: 3483:―pp. 1513, 1539, 1540 bis, 1541, 1544:-App. 22 :—g. 132 (6), 257 (48), 587 (22), 651 (13), 709 (55), 731 (21), 804 (13), 969 (52), 1171 (3), 1221 (6), 1662 (45), 2055 (55, 95), 3408 (6), 3582 (14). signature of, 1441, 3137 (16):—g. 2055 (55). Willoughbyes, in Edmonton and Tottenham, Midd., g. 289 (13). Willouse, Thomas, abbot of St. Radegund's, 438 (3 m. 9). Wills, probate of, dispute, 1780, 1941, 2405 (2). Wills (Willys, Willeys), Richard, clk., warden of Higham Ferrers, 438 (3 m. 7). Willy. See Willey. Wilmington (Wylmyngden), Kent, 520: g. 546 (27), 632 (64). Wilnecote (Wilmecote), Staff., g. 2861 (14). Staff.), Wilnecote (Willmecote, Warw., g. 158 (71). Wilsford, Linc., rector of, 1803 (1 m. 2). Wilsford, Dr., confessor to the countess of Richmond, 1446. Wilshire (Wylshir, Wilsher, Wilchier, Wiltshire), Sir John, comp- troller of Calais, 193 (pp. 99, 100), 438 (3 m. 24), 589 (3), 791, 893 (2), 1424 (3), 1576, 1610 (?), 1691, 1694, 1744, 1768, 1860, 1913, 2009, 2337 · (3), 2451, 2541, 2593, 2854, 2875, 2888, 2924 :- -pp. 1506, 1539:-g. 11 (12), 190 (34), 257 (13), 449 (19), 751 (2), 924 (34). letters from, 1694, 1768, 2593, 2854. letter to, 2875. his accounts, 193 (3), 589 (3), 893 (2), 1424 (3), 2337 (3), 3338 (2). John, fletcher, 1451. GENERAL INDEX. 485 Wilson, D · 1397. Eliz., g. 1083 (49). James, 2467:—p. 1512. Nic., 20 (p. 18). Ric., prior of Drax, 438 (2 m. 4). Roland, 438 (2 m. 24), 438 (4 m. 9). Th., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40). Wm., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40), 438 (4 m. 23). Wilsthorpe, Linc., 438 (4 m. 25). Wilsthorpe (Wylesthorpp), George, App. 9. Wilton, Wilts, 438 (3 m. 28). Wilton, Yorks, 1803 1803 (1 mm. 1, 5). Wilton or Wilton upon Wey, lord of. See Grey, Edmond. Wilton, Wm., clk., D.D., treasurer of Salisbury, 438 (1 m. 13). Wm., 853. Wiltshire or Wilts, 205 (p. 106), 559, 1596:-g. 381 (74-5), 632 (26), 833 (11), 969 (5 § 2), 1221 (11), 1494 (9), 1524 (30), 1602 (38), 1662 (18, 27), 1732 (21, 46), 2055 (100), 2222 (12, 16), 2484 (9), 2684 (39), 3408 (20), 3499 (12). commission of the peace, p. 1546. Wiltshire, archd. of, 438 (1 m. 13). Wiltshire, Edward Stafford earl of († 1499), 438 (4 m. 5). Sir Henry Stafford, earl of (28 Jan. 1510), K.G., 351, 358, 442, 698, 707, 963, 1453, 2051, 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2392 (p. 1063), 2414, 2727, 3464, 3483: -pp. 1534-5, 1536 bis, 1538, 1543, 1546 :-App. -App. 9:—g. 357 (37), 381 (18), 651 (34), 3049 (20), 3324 (42). For earlier references, see Stafford, H. signature, 698. Wimbish (Wymbysshe), Essex, 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 29). Wimbish (Wymbushe), John, 438 (3 m. 13): p. 1540. (Wynbussh, Wenbussh, &c.), Wm., 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 1803 (2 m. 4). Wimbledon (Wymbeldon), Surr., 438 (4 m. 5). Wimborne (Wynborn, Wymburne) Minster, Dors., 438 (2 mm. 19, 21), 1446. collegiate church of, g. 158 (25). Wimborne St. Andrew, Dors., 1803 (1 m. 6). Wimborne St. Giles, Dors., 438 (1 m. 12), 1803 (1 m. 6). 1 Wimbotsham (Wymbottesham), Norf., 438 (2 m. 28). Wimpole (Wynpole), Camb., 438 (4 m. 18). Winberlegh. See Umberleigh. Winchcombe • • " (Wynchecombe), Glouc., g. 833 (71). letter dated at, 3195. abbey, 3195:—g. 414 (15), 632 (33), 651 (8, 19). abbot. See Kidder- minster, R. grant to, g. 651 (8). Winchcombe, David, abbot of Strata Marcella, 438 (3 m. 11). Winchelsea (Wynchelse), Suss., 438 (3 m. 9), 1692, 2825, 3041, 3564:-g. 257 (73), 709 (14), 1172 (19), 1948 (31), 2862 (7). letter dated at, 187. Winchelsea (Winchelse), John, prior of Castleacre, 438 (1 m. 9), 574. Winchester, Hants, 438 (1 m. 7), 438 (3 mm. 5, 15, 22), 438 (4 mm. 10, 14, 17, 25), 531, 1875, 2574, 2671:-g. 833 (11), 1221 (30), 2964 (43). confirmation for, g. 3049 (32). St. letter dated at, 1971. cathedral priory of Swithin, 438 (3 m. 8):-—g. 1732 (28). 709 (4). confirmation for, g. prior of. See Syl- kested, T. College or New College of St. Mary, 438 (3 m. 12). (6). J. . • " confirmation for, g. 414 warden. See Rede, St. Bartholomew's in Hyde, vicar of, 438 (4 m. 1). St. Mary's nunnery, abbess of. See Legh, J. Soke and Hyde (Dyda), 438 (4 m. 10), 1803 (1 m. 3). Winchester, bp. of. See Fox, R confirmation for, g. 682 (43). bpric. of, 438 (3 m. 20). Winchester, Henry [Beaufort] bp. of (temp. Hen. VI.), g. 485 (61). Windermere (Wynnandermer, Wyn- andermere, Wynundermere, Wenaundermer, Wynnerder- mer), Westmld., g. 158 (89), 731 (36), 1732 (1). • 3 Old Park Forest, g. 132 (78). rectory of, g. 414 (9). St. Mary's Holme Chapel, g. 563 (17), 731 (13, 36). 486 GENERAL INDEX, Winderwath (Wynonderwath, Wyn- underwath), Westmld. Tin Brougham], 438 (2 m. 16), 438 (3 m. 19). Windeyate, Ric., 438 (1 mm. 3, 17). Rob., 438 (1 mm. 5, 17), 1493. Windle (Wyndell, Wendale), Norf. [with Gillingham], 438 (4 m. 18). Windlesham (Wynsham), Surr., g. 3499 (35). Windrush (Wenryche), Glouc., 438 (3 m. 4). Windsor or New Windsor, Berks, .. 1 (p. 2), 438 (2 m. 21), 438 (3 mm. 11, 34), 497, 602, 1080, 1528, 1898, 2440, 2462, 2651, 2765, 2913:-App. 26: —g. 709 (14), 1948 (31, 63), 2863 (3). grants dated at, g. 546 (27, 31, 33, 36-8, 43, 51, 57-9, 62-3, 73), 563 (2), 587 (10), 604 (8, 25-6, 28-9, 35-6, 39, 44, 46, 48), 632 (5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 31, 63-4, 66, 81), 709 (52), 833 (47-8, 52-3, 55, 57, 63, 66, 69), 857 (20), 885 (16), 924 (1, 3-8, 17, 19-21, 26), 969 (6, 15), 1083 (23), 1415 (1, 5, 7, 14, 15, 17, 19, 24-5), 1462 (16–7), 2422 (13, 16), 2484 (5, 10, 13, 19, 24, 32), 2535 (1-4, 6-8, 10, 13, 19, 20, 24-6, 28), 2617 (1, 2, 4–8, 11, 12, 19, 23, 40, 43). letters dated at, 236, 528, 594, 596, 879, 880, 887-8, 894, 897-8, 901, 904, 908, 912-13, 1032 (4), 1390, 1424, 2138, 2409, 2426, 2429, 2432, 2437, 2442, 2449-50, 2453-4, 2463, 2465-6, 2480 (22), 2487-8, 2504, 2506, 2510, 2555, 3293, 3608-p. 1518. stewardship of the borough, 1528. castle, 438 (3 m. 29):-g. 54 (69), 1662 (10), 3107 (20). clerk constable, g. 218 (61). See Wodeward, G. • (45). • • clerk of Works, g. 218 constable of, g. 857 (5). keeper of the Great Garden, g. 381 (40). verger at feast of St. George, g. 1662 (10). wardrobe of beds and armour, g. 218 (5). college or chapel of St. George [in the castle], 1 (p. 2), 258, 438 (3 m. 25), 781 :-- App. 18:- g. 2055 (57, 75, Windsor, college or chapel of St. George-cont. 123), 2330 (4), 2484 (1), 2617 (15), 2862 (5), 2964 (21), 3582 (26). canonries, 438 (2 m. 5):—g. 54 (37, 51), 158 (43), 190 (37), 709 (48), 1462 (33), 2772 (15), 3408 (27). confirmation of liber- ties, 258:-g. 519 (4). alms knights, 2964 (7):—g. 519 (8), 3324 (10). dean of, 438 (3 m. 7). See Hobbes, Th. (until 1509); West, Nic. (3 Nov., 1509). Great Park, 438 (3 m. 4) :- g. 804 (39). Guild of Holy Trinity, 1803 (2 m. 4). Little Park, g. 804 (39). Windsor, Old-, Berks, g. 1948 (63). Windsor Forest, Berks and Surrey, 438 (1 m. 2):-g. 94 (35), 158 (60), 709 (13), 804 (3), 1732 (24), 2964 (73). Windsor Herald, 20 (p. 13), 707: g. 632 (79). See Benolt, T.; Dyes, F. Windsor, Andrews, or Sir Andrews, keeper or master of the Great Wardrobe, his accounts, 877. knighted, 81. warrants to, 19, 81, 82 (pp. 38-9), 186, 202, 210, 224, 228, 232, 234, 236–7, 248–9, 256, 263, 265, 269, 273, 288, 327, 337, 352, 364, 370 379, 394, 403, 409-10, 428, 435, 439, 453, 459, 464, 471, 475, 494-5, 500, 505-6, 510-2, 528, 533, 540, 542, 605, 609, 616, 623, 626, 629, 639-42, 647, 672, 678–9, 700, 717, 719, 726, 735, 768, 772, 774-5, 778, 792, 796, 798, 805-6, 879, 886-8, 894, 897, 901, 904, 908, 912-13, 915, 921, 925, 930, 938, 946-7, 950, 953-4, 956-7, 970-1, 975-6, 978, 985-8, 990, 994, 1012, 1021-3, 1025, 1027-8, 1033, 1035, 1068, 1086, 1092, 1097, 1105, 1107, 1115, 1125, 1129, 1143-5, 1159-61, 1165, 1168, 1177, 1181, 1184–5, 1187, 1192-3, 1195, 1199, 1205, 1218, 1225, 1227, 1236, 1248-9, 1251, 1255-6, 1259, 1283, 1290, 1317, 1332, 1390, 1401, 1778, 2243, 2409, 2426, 2429, 2432, 2449, 2453-4, 2465, 2487, 2504, 2506, 2509, 2555, 2606, 2622, 2624, 2638, 2679, 2692, 2803, 2813-4, GENERAL INDEX. 487 Windsor, Andrews, or Sir Andrews, warrants to-cont. • 2817, 2949, 2971, 3036, 3149, 3159, 3168, 3179, 3330, 3332- 3, 3335, 3350, 3397, 3413, 3425, 3436, 3443, 3448, 3453- 4, 3471, 3484, 3491, 3494, 3530, 3538, 3550, 3554, 3561, 3575:-App. 13, 15:—g. 381 (95). other references, 20 (p. 13), 164, 193 (p. 103), 438 (2 mm. 16, 18), 559, 707 (p. 383), 1176 (1, 2), 1528, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2148, 2442, 2480 (14), 3137, 3137, 3348 (3), 3360 (2):—pp. 1533-4, 1537, 1540:-App. 26 :—g. 158 (57), 709 (26), 731 (27–8), 969 (17, 38), 2964 (79), 3324 (22). (Wyndesore), Anthony, 164, 438 (2 m. 18), 559 :—g. 1662 (26). Elizabeth, wife of Sir Andrew, 438 (2 m. 16). (Wyndesore), Henry, g. 158 (8). (Wyndesore), Henry, con- vert, 2587. (Wyndesore), Henry, godson of Henry VII., g. 632 (78). Th., father of Sir Andrew, 438 (2 m. 16). Wine (see also Butlerage), 184, 193, 577, 863, 865, 874, 917, 952, 1060, 1495 (1 v., 3), 1501, 1504, 1886, 1901, 2539, 2605. Beaune, 2302. Burgundy, g. 257 (15). Canadian and Greek, 757, 848, 922, 933, 936, 949, 1005, 1321. Cretan, 2457. Foreign, g. 2484 (19), 2617 (45), 2684 (44, 106). French, g. 2484 (32). Gascon, 1886, 2643:-g. 94 (44), 158 (21, 84), 289 (23), 381 (56, 91), 519 (58), 546 (8, 18, 21), 563 (9), 604 (45), 632 (25). 709 (54), 749 (39), 857 (9, 17), 924 (3, 28), 969 (19), 1044 (13), 1316 (33). 1415 (17), 1524 (34), 1662 (15), 1732 (18), 2222 (15), 2330 (6), 2422 (13), 2484 (14, 32), 2535 (1, 17), 2684 (89), 2772 (1, 34, 64), 2861 (20), 3107 (12, 17, 22), 3324 (43). Malvesey or Malmesey, 1005, 1495 V., 2008-g. 132 (91), 709 (14), 1170 (11), 1494 (13), 1645, Wine, Malvesey or cont. Malmesey- 1948 (31), 2055 (5, 101), 2137 (18), 2964 (49), 3226 (14). prisage, g. 924 (28). Rhenish, 1645. Rochelle, 1326 (p. 614), 1886, 3338, 3349. white wine of St. Martyns in Spain, 2006 (p. 908). Winestead (Wisted), in Holderness, 438 (4 m. 4). Winfarthing (Wynferthyng), Norf., 438 (3 m. 24), 1803 (1 m. 6). Winflet, Benedict, of Holstein, 1324- 5, 1331. Winforton (Wynsorton, Wentford- ton) lordship, Heref., g. 2055 (69), 2484 (30), 2772 (3). Wing, Bucks, g. 1221 (33). Wing, Rutl., 438 (2 m. 4). Winger (Wynggar), Agnes, 438 (1 m. 20). John, mayor of London (1504-5), 438 (1 m. 20). Wingfield (Wynfeld), Derb., 438 (2 m. 32). Wingfield (Wyngfeld, Wyngefeld, Wynkfeld), Suff., 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (4 m. 29), 520 :—g. 190 (4), 257 (7, 54), 546 (27), 632 (52, 64-5), 651 (10), 3499 (69). Wingfield, North-, Derb., rector of, 438 (2 m. 25). Wingfield, Anne widow of Sir John, 438 (2 m. 21). Anne wife of Humphrey, g. 1221 (56). (Wynkfeld, Wyngfeld), Ant., or Sir Anthony, esquire for the Body, knighted at Tour- nay, 20 (p. 12), 438 (4 m. 1), 1453, 1493 iv., 2301, 2480 (36): —p. 1544 :—App. 9 :-g. 2484 (9, 13), 3499 (12). (Wynkefeld), Edmund, 1496 iii. :—App. 22:—p. 1519. Sir Humphrey, g. 2222 (16 Suff.). (Wyngfeld), Humphrey, pp. 1537, 1544:-g. 132 (26), 651 (10), 1221 (56), 1494 (54), 2617 (35). (Wynkfelde), Sir John, 438 (4 m. 1). Lewis, g. 1948 (17), 2055 (72). (Wintfilde, Winkefeld), Sir Richard, son-in-law of Sir John Wilshire, marshal of Calais (14 Nov. 1511), deputy of Calais (6 Aug. 1513), 1196, 1424, 1430, 1567, 1576, 1630, 1648, 1745, 1750, 1764, 1792, 488 GENERAL INDEX. Wingfield, Sir Richard-cont. • • 1841, 1848, 1887, 1918, 1934 (2), 1939, 1950, 1962-3, 1995, 2014, 2053 (3), 2070 (?), 2249, 2414, 2470, 2556, 2593, 2654– 5, 2693, 2753, 3091 (p. 1323), 3317, 3340:—p. 1505-g 969(48), 1524 (39), 2055 (132), 2222 (6, 7), 2535 (6), 2617 (6), 2684 (66, 88, 93, 97), 2772 (37, 42, 63), 2862 (9–11), 2964 (69), 3049 (18, 21, 25), 3226 (16, 26), 3324 (3, 7, 23, 29), 3408 (1, 2, 15, 37, 41), 3499 (11, 17, 26, 38, 45), 3582 (4, 30). ambassador in Flan- ders (19 Feb. 1514, till 21 Nov. 1514), 2736, 2748, 2756, 2768, 2777, 2849, 2854, 2877, 2972, 2994, 3041, 3087, 3154, 3228, 3245-6, 3283, 3444, 3457: pp. 1516-7. his accounts, as com- missioner in Flanders, 1918, 3457. • letters from, 1567, 1630, 1745, 1764, 1887, 1962- 3, 2556, 2643, 2673, 2776, 2782, 2797, 2800, 2815, 2867, 2894, 2908, 2924, 2940, 2985, 3014, 3035, 3052, 3082, 3113, 3116, 3153, 3174, 3208-9, 3235, 3264, 3329, 3400. letters to, 1848, 1867, 2557, 2941, 3257. handwriting of, 3217. signature of, 1934 (2). his wife, 1887. (Wigfelde, Wyngefeld, Ving- feld, Blinsoeld), Sir Robert, ambassador with the Emperor, marshal of Calais (6 Aug. 1513), letters from, 773, 777, 779–80, 785, 1213, 1226, 1229, 1241, 1245, 1252, 1258, 1279, 1285, 1293, 1303, 1306, 1308, 1322, 1333, 1335, 1338, 1343, 1350, 1353, 1357, 1362, 1370, 1378, 1384, 1389, 1394, 1399, 1404, 1421, 1743, 1749, 1789, 1813, 1884, 1892, 1993, 2010, 2016, 2020, 2028, 2086, 2101, 2114, 2124, 2147, 2448, 2571, 2577, 2593, 2597, 2600-1, 2650, 2753, 2755, 2790, 2889, 2915, 2925, 2945, 3080, 3126, 3150, 3172, 3218, 3248, 3253, 3274, 3340, 3392, 3525, 3541, 3556. letter to, 2690. other references to, 438 (3 m. 22), 438 (4 m. 29), 450, 455, 464, 476, 478, 508, 515, 517, 545, 568, 570, 576, 590, 601, 627, 674, 773, 777, 779– Wingfield, Sir Robert, other refer- ences to cont. 80, 785, 818, 831, 880, 1101, 1186, 1196 (?), 1288–9, 1430, 1434, 1437, 1455, 1470, 1487, 1498, 1724, 1764, 1792, 1863, 1867, 1888, 1897, 1925, 1977, 2021-2, 2038, 2103, 2106, 2123, 2184, 2203, 2271, 2309, 2361, 2383, 2391 (p. 1060), 2408, 2462, 2473, 2611, 2633, 2672, 2678, 2694-6, 2736, 2794, 2797, 2867, 2877, 2894, 2908, 2985, 2992-3, 2994, 3041, 3116, 3154, 3270 ii. :-g. 132 (6), 190 (9), 449 (13), 709 (27), 1170 (1), 2055 (95), 2222 (6). Wingham, Kent, college, provost of, 438 (3 m. 2). Wingrave, Bucks, 438 (4 m. 12). Winkburn, Notts, 438 (1 m. 22). preceptory of St. John, 438 (2 m. 6). Winkleigh (Wynkelegh) honour, Devon, alias Gloucester Fee, g. 218 (52), 381 (18). Winkton (Wynketon), Hants, 438 (2 m. 22). Winnington (Wynyngton), Hum- phrey, g. 1948 (81). Winsbury, Wm., g. 2684 (84). Winsford or Wennisford (Wynny. fford), Soms., vicar of, p. 1528. Winslade (Wideslade), Devon, 2763 (2). Winslade (Wideslade, Widerlade), Wm., 438 (4 m. 17), 2763 (2). Winsley (Wennysley), Derb., 438 (2 m. 29). Winslow or Winslo, Henry, g. 257 (35). Joan, g. 257 (35). (Wyndslow), Wm., groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 707 (p. 383). Winstanley, Piers, 1262 (p. 578). Winston, Glouc., 438 (1 m. 18):— g. 94 (35). Winston, Th., 1493 iv. Winter, Henry, 438 (2 m. 17). John, g. 969 (38). • Robert, 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 23). Roger, 438 (4 m. 23):—p. 1546. Th., 438 (4 m. 23):-g. 749 (11). Winterborne Five Ash, Dors., 438 (1 m. 22). Winterbourne, Glouc., 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (4 m. 14). rector of, 1803 (2 m. 1). Winterbourne, Wilts, g. 94 (35). GENERAL INDEX. 489 Wintershull (Wintersell, Wintres- hull), John, p. 1545:-g. 132 (26), 969 (3). (Wintreshull), Juliana, g. 969 (3). Rob., p. 1545. Winterton, Linc., 438 (1 m. 3), 438 (2 m. 25):—g. 519 (10), 2684 (2). Winterton, Norf., 438 (3 m. 33). Wintfilde. See Wingfield. Wintreshull. See Wintershull. Wintringham, Wm., 182. Winwick (Wynwyk), Ntht., 438 (3 m. 32). Winwoo. See Wenvoe. Wiot. See Wyatt. Wippach in Carniola. See Vilacho? Wirden, John, g. 190 (30). Wiredrawer, 438 (3 m. 9):-p. 1503. Wirksop. See Worksop. Wirksworth (Worsworth, Wikes- worthe, Worsewoth, Wurkys- worth, Wurworth, Workes- worth, Wrexkesworth, Wyr- kysworth), Derb., 438 (3 mm. 20, 26), 438 (4 m. 8), 1803 (1 mm. 5, 6), 1803 (2 mm. 4, 5, 25, 30 bis):-g. 257 (45), 924 (18). vicar of, 438 (2 m. 5). Wirksworth (Werkesworth), Ric., 1803 (1 m. 6). Wirkyngton. See Workington. Wirral (Wirhale), Chesh., g. 784 (15). Wirrall (Wirall), Bartholomew, ship master, 1661 (4), 2478 ii. Wirtemberg (Wertenberch), duke of, 646, 1895, 2101, 2214. Wirtsbourg (Visbourg), letter dated at, 564. Wisbeach (Wisbiche, Wysbeche), Camb., 438 (2 mm. 10, 28, 33), 438 (4 m. 19), 2544:-p. 1505:-g. 833 (22). Guild of Holy Trinity, 438 (4 m. 20). Wisborough (Wysburgh), Suss., 438 (3 m. 28). Wisborough Green (Wysebergh, Wyseborowe, Wysbourgh), Suss., 438 (2 m. 15), 438 (3 m. 31). Wise, Rob., g. 132 (33). Thos., B.A., 137. Wm., groom of the Cham- ber, 679, 877n., 950, 3454. Wiseman, Alice, 438 (3 m. 1). (Wisman), Edmund, ship captain, 1413, 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1851, 1869 iii., 1883, 1971, 2304 (3, 4, 5), 2478 (2), 2686, 2842, 2938, 2946:—p. 1518. Sir John, App. 26. I Wiseman-cont. John, 438 (4 m. 29), 1493 iv.: p. 1544. Simon, g. 2055 (95). Wishard, James, of Pettarrow, jus- tice clerk of Scotland, 2461. Wishford (Wichford), Wilts, 438 (2 m. 13):—g. 2964 (67). Wissant (Whitsand, Whitsonde), near Calais, 1890, 2391, 2544, 2593. Wissingsett, Norf., 438 (2 m. 12). Wisted, Yorks. See Winestead. Wiston (Wystneston, Wytston), Suss., 438 (1 m. 7). Wistow, Yorks, 438 (2 m. 34), 438 (4 m. 2). Wistowe, Humphrey, D.D., dean of Tamworth, g. 1524 (21), 3408 (38). John, 20 (p. 14), 311. Rob., esquire of the House- hold, 20 (p. 16). Wm., p. 1538-9. Witchampton (Wychampton, Wychy- hampton, Withampton), St. Dors., 1803 (1 m. 6). Witchingham (Wichyngham) Mary, or Great W., Norf., 438 (1 m. 24):—g. 1221 (28). Witell, Rob., 20 (p. 15). Witellys. See Vitelli. Witham, Soms., Charterhouse of, 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (4 m. 26). Richard prior of, 438 (1 m. 23). Witham, George, 20 (p. 17). Rob., p. 1519. Withcall, Linc., rector of, p. 1528. Withcote (Wythecoke, Whitcoke, Whythcoke), Leic., 438 (3 m. 8):-g. 632 (46), 2055 (73). Withern (Wythurne), Linc., rector presented, g. 682 (27). Withers (Wethers), John, chancellor of Durham, 438 (4 m. 22), •1653, 3166, 3261 :-p. 1547: —g. 1462 (22a). Withersfield. See Wethersfield. Withgill, Yorks, 438 (4 m. 16). Withiel (Wythyell), Cornw., 438 (2 m. 21). Withipoll (Wythepoll), John, 438 (4 m. 8). Paul, merchant tailor, 763. Withybrook (Wythebroke), Warw., 438 (4 m. 10). Withycombe (Withecomb), Soms., 438 (2 m. 13), 438 (3 m. 6). Withyford, Th., g. 1221 (20). Wm., g. 1221 (20). Withyham (Withiam), Suss., 438 (2 m. 30 bis). Witlesham. See Witnesham. 490 GENERAL INDEX. Witley (Witeley, Whitle, Witele), Surr., g. 414 (10), 804 (43), 1044 (8), 3324 (25), 3408 (22). Witlyngton, Nthld. See Whitting- ton. Witnesham (Witlesham, Whitilsham, Wyttelsham), Suff., 438 ( m. 4), 1803 (2 m. 1):—g. 1524 (15), 2055 (94). Witney, Oxon, 172. Witnick, Mons., 3268. Wittelesmere. See Whittlesea. Witte, John de, bp. of Salubria, p. 1531. Wittenham, Long-, Berks, g. 563 (8), 1083 (23). Wittilsey. See Whittlesea. Witton, Chesh., g. 132 (109). Witton (Waton), Dham., 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (2 m. 15). Witton, Norf., 438 (2 m. 26), 2830. Witton, Yorks, g. 132 (115). Witton Down or Wittondon. Whiddon. See Witton by the Water, Nthld., 438 (2 m. 24). >> Witton, West-, Yorks, g. 289 (5). Wittylsey. See Whittlesea. Wittyngton. See Whittington. Witwang. See Wytwombe. Witwike. See Whitwick. Witworth. See Whitworth. Wityngton. See Whittington. Wivenhoe (Wybenhoo, Wyvenhoo, Wevenhoo), Essex, 438 (2 m. 31 bis), 438 (3 m. 20), 1803 (2 m. 1). Wiverton, Notts, 438 (3 m. 32). Wizembourg. See Weissemburg. Woad, g. 924 (3), 1044 (13), 1170 (11), 1365 (9), 1365 (9), 1415 (17), 1494 (13, 21), 1662 (6), 1804 (38), 1948 (43, 47), 2137 (28), 2222 (15), 2535 (17), 2617 (45), 2684 (44, 89, 106), 2772 (1, 34), 2862 (6), 3107 (2, 22), 3226 (14). Wobaston. See Wolbaston. Woburn (Woborne), Beds, letters dated at, 2268-9. R. abbey of, 438 (1 m. 22). abbot. See Hokkes, Woburn (Wooburn, Wobourn) D'Eyncourt alias Bishops W.. Bucks, 438 (1 m. 6) :—g. 1662 (58). Wocking. See Woking. Wod. See Wood. Wodall. See Uvedale. Wodallyng. See Dalling. Woddam. See Wadham. Wodde. See Wood. Woddell or Wodell. See Odell. Woddey. See Woodhay. Woddishill, in Scotland, p. 1260. Wode. See Wood; also Leawood. Wodecourt. See Wood. Wode Horne. See under Arlington. Wodehouse, Devon. See Wood. Wodeleff, Rob., sub prior of Wal- tham Holy Cross, g. 2964 (26). Woderhall. See Wetheral. Woderowe, Bucks, g. 381 (55). Wodeston. See Waddesdon. · Wodhall, John, clerk, g. 1948 (86). John, of the Exchequer, 46. Wodlas (Wodlesse, Woodles, or Wod- delesse), John, pilot, 2305: p. 1499:-g. 1602 (21), 3499 (25). • petition of, 2865. Wodmancy, Anne daughter of Thomas, 438 (2 m. 15). Wodows. See Woodhouse. Wodshawe (Wodsha), Th., customer of Southampton (temp. Henry VII.), 438 (3 m. 27):—g. 94 (82), 587 (11). Th., petty captain at Guisnes, 3135. Wodwall. See Uvedale. Wodyll. See Odell. Wodyngton, Th., canon of London, p. 1529. Wodynhill, in Chesham, Bucks, 438 (1 m. 7). Woesbroke, John de. See Dows- brocke. Wogan, John, 2480 (37). Wokefield, Berks, g. 94 (35). Wokendon. See Ockendon. Woking [Essex]. See Wakering. Woking (Wokking, Oking, Wocking), Surrey, 438 (4 m. 21):-g. 54 (34), 357 (15), 969 (10), 2055 (129). grants dated at, g. 158 (32, 35, 39-54, 56, 59, 63, 65-6, 69, 70, 72-9, 81-2, 85-7), 190 (2-4, 30, 37), 218 (19, 45, 61), 257 (86), 381 (2), 587 (21-2), 604 (7, 12, 16), 1415 (2, 9). letter dated at, 143. keeper of the Great Park, g. 158 (5). Wolaston, Wm., p. 1548. Wolbaston (Wolbarston), John, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 39), 707 (p. 383). (Wobaston), Th., page of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 228, 640, 1015:—g. 54 (65), 1044 (5), 3226 (22), 3324 (27). Wolbey. See Wolvey. Wolderton. See Woolerton. Woldham (Waldham), Kent, 438 (3 m. 1). GENERAL INDEX. 491 Woldham-cont. rector of All Saints, 438 (3 m. 22). Wold Newton. See Newton. Wolfage (Wolfhege), Ntht. [in Brix- worth], 438 (3 m. 30). Wolferlow (Wulferlowe), Heref., g. 519 (15). Wolff (Woulff, Wulf, Welf), Hans, alias Hans van Colen, gun- powder maker, 2308, 2831, 2832 (iii., iv., v., vi.), 2839, 3372 (2):—pp. 1506, 1509-10. his accounts, 2667-8. John, painter, 20 (pp. 11, 16). • " Th. See Vowell, Th. (Wolffe), Wm., g. 969 (3). Wolfferiston. See Woolverston. Wolfhall (Wulfall), Wilts, 438 (4 m. 13). Wolkenstede. See Godstone. Wollaton (Wollarton, Willaton), Notts, 438 (2 m. 22), 438 (3 m. 14), 438 (4 m. 18). Wollerhampton. See Wolverhamp- ton. Wollerhaughe. See Wooler. Wolles Park, beside Barnard Castle, g. 132 (110). Wolley. See Wooley; also Woolley. Wolmer. See Woolmer. Wolmer, George, g. 519 (31). Walter, clk., pardon for, g. 519 (41). Wolpyt. See Woolpit. Wolryge, Ric., g. 2861 (17). Wolsey (Wolsye), Robert and Joan, parents of Thomas, g. 381 (69). (Wulsey, Wulcy, Wolcy, Wolsy), Thomas, dean of Lin- coln and Hereford, King's chaplain and almoner, regis- trar of the Garter, bp. of Lincoln (6 Feb. 1514), abp. of York (5 Aug. 1514), 20 (p. 14), 95, 438 (3 mm. 8, 16), 442, 644, 707, 725 (? him he writes of "), 880, 1046, 1260, 1329, 1414, 1463 viii., 1493, 1572, 1587, 1698, 1801 (2), 1851 (p. 846), 1876, 1898, 1924, 1954, 1987, 2053 (2, 3, 5, 6 i., ii.), 2066, 2073, 2141, 2202, 2225, 2305 i., iii. bis, 2367, 2375, 2383, 2404, 2445, 2544, 2557, 2572, 2610, 2629, 2635-6, 2642, 2653–4, 2658, 2669, 2718, 2765, 2774, 2822, 2856, 2913 (p. 1261), 2929, 2947, 2993, 3007, 3014, 3018-9, 3041, 3062-3, 3075, 3101, 3111, 3142, 3146, 3200, 3210, 3223-4, 3231, 3256, Wolsey, Thomas-cont. 3268-9, 3300-1, 3355, 3374, 3447, 3457, 3464, 3483, 3496, 3502, 3511, 3522, 3597 :- pp. 1504, 1514, 1516, 1519, 1527, 1531, 1539 bis, 1540 ter, 1541, 1542 bis, 1547 ter:- App. 23:-g. 218 (13), 257 (31), 357 (43), 381 (69), 448 (8), 632 (80), 651 (11), 709 (48), 784 (44), 1494 (13, 16), 1732 (4), 1805 (1), 2617 (15), 2684 (69), 2772 (13, 15, 29, 57), 2861 (9), 3049 (20, 27), 3226 (6, 8, 9, 12, 24), 3499 (8, 40, 54), 3582 (14). letters from, 880, 1261, 1356, 1532, 1605, 1653, 1944, 1969, 2013, 2136, 2181, 2289, 2611, 2942 ii., 3141, 3266, 3378-9, 3381, 3388, 3440, 3497, 3546, 3584. letters to, 1239, 1286, 1323, 1327, 1422, 1480, 1567, 1630, 1668, 1692, 1748–9, 1772, 1812, 1815, 1820, 1828- 9, 1844, 1852-3, 1857-9, 1865, 1874–5, 1881–3, 1885–6, 1887, 1890, 1899-1901, 1904, 1906-8, 1912–3, 1915, 1928, 1945, 1960, 1963, 1965, 1971, 1976, 1992, 2120, 2162, 2200, 2226, 2249, 2269, 2277, 2279, 2283-4, 2394, 2455, 2556, 2558, 2560, 2576, 2634, 2643– 4, 2650, 2657, 2660, 2673, 2693, 2729, 2776-7, 2782-3, 2811, 2854, 2906-7, 2918, 2928, 2932, 2779, 2868, 2942, 2956, 2959, 2974, 2977, 2983, 3006, 3010-11, 3026, 3035, 3057–8, 3064, 3071, 3087-8, 3115, 3124, 3132, 3177, 3184, 3195, 3197, 3201, 3219-20, 3225, 3232, 3239, 3241, 3244, 3246-7, 3249, 3260-1, 3265, 3280, 3280, 3283– 5, 3287, 3289, 3296-7, 3299, 3302, 3312, 3323, 3328- 9, 3331, 3339, 3342, 3356, 3362, 3376, 3399, 3407, 3409, 3411, 3416, 3418, 3427, 3430, 3433-4, 3438–9, 3444–5, 3449– 50, 3460–1, 3472, 3490, 3493, 3498, 3504, 3510, 3512, 3515- 6, 3520, 3545, 3557, 3560, 3562, 3573: pp. 1529-31. handwriting of, 1080, 1134, 1314, 1329, 1412, 1464, 1492, 1643, 1661 (3, 8), 1750 (10), 1818, 1869, 1943, 2053, 3129 (3). signature of, and signed orders by, 555, 845, 1247, 1382, 1506, 1517, 1795, 1798, 492 GENERAL INDEX. Wolsey, Thomas, signature of, and signed orders by-cont. 2035, 2042, 2049-50, 2059 (2), 2066, 2073, 2105, 2139, 2151, 2152, 2176, 2255, 2285, 2305 i., 2441, 2480 (§ 2), 2490, 2492, 2542 (3), 2543, 2675 (2), 2706, 2727, 2734, 2759, 2763, 2766, 2785 (2), 2804, 2850, 2865, 2880, 2882, 2900, 2904, 2909, 2923, 2933, 2947, 2949, 2961, 3133, 3166 (2), 3221, 3273, 3389, 3398, 3421, 3480: pp. 1506–8, 1511, 1516–20: -g. 257 (62), 448 (8), 1003 (15, 17), 1316 (36-7), 1805 (1), 2862 (8). panegyric upon, 3605. nominated bp. of Lincoln, 2558. bulls for bpric. of Lincoln, 2629, 2635. his pallium and bulls as archbishop, 3166, 3261, 3265, 3275-9, 3297. to be cardinal and legate, 2932, 3132, 3140, 3300, 3302, 3304, 3495-7. as cardinal and chan- cellor, g. 257 (22). Wolsferton. See Woolverston. Wolshawe (Wolsha), Ric., 1803 (2 m. 4). Wolsingham, Dham., 438 (3 m. 19 bis). Wolstanton. See Woolstaston. Wolston, John, g. 833 (58 iv.). Th. See Olveston. Wm., 438 (1 m. 6). Wolton, Th., g. 2055 (131). Wolvaston, Th., g. 54 (47). Wolvedon, John, 676. Reynold, g. 604 (23), 1662 (33). Wolveley, Yorks. See Wooley. Wolverhampton (Wolvernehampton, Wollerhampton, Walmer- hampton), Staff., 438 (3 mm. 18, 27, 34), 438 (4 m. 27): p. 1526:—g. 1266 (12), 1804 (25), 2484 (5), 2684 (1). grammar school, g. 1415 (19). Wolverton, Bucks, 438 (4 m. 5):- g. 414 (46, "W. Ntht."). Wolverton, Soms. See Woolverton. Wolveton (Walveton), Dors. [in Charminster], 438 (3 m. 5). Wolvey (Wolbey, Wolway), Warw., prebend of, 438 (4 m. 6). Wolvyn (Wulvyn, Wulfyn), Th., 438 (4 m. 25). Wolwarston. See Woolston. Wolynton. See Willington. Womberlegh. See Umberleigh. Wombersley (Wymbersley, Wym- bersla), John, prior of Haltem- price, 438 (4 m. 8):-g. 3107 (50). (Womersley), Rob., 438 (3 m. 12). Wombridge, Salop, priory, 438 (4 m. 14). prior. See Foster, T. Wombwell (Womwell), Yorks, 438 (1 m. 9). Wombwell (Womwell), Hugh, 438 (3 m. 25). m. (Womwell), Roger, 438 (1 9): p. 1547:-g. 804 (29 vi., xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1365 (3). Womersley. See Wombersley. Womondham. See Wymondham. Womwell. See Wombwell. Wonersh (Onershe), Surr., 559. Medersshe, &c., g. 731 (55). Wonersh, Suss., 438 (2 m. 10). Wonford (Woneford) Devon, g. 1083 (2). Wooburn. See Woburn. hundred, Wood (Wade, Woode, Wodehouse, Wodecourt), Devon, 438 (2 mm. 9, 12, 13, 16):—g. 1083 (2). Wood, Woode or Wode, Alex. See • • " Atwood. Arnulf, 438 (2 m. 29). Chr., grocer, 438 (1 m. 4). Edmund, merchant of the Staple, g. 1316 (39). Edward, 20 (p. 17), 438 (3 m. 19). (Wod, Wodd), Giles, 438 (4 m. 13). Henry, 438 (4 m. 17). (Wret, Wod), Henry, James IV.'s chaplain, 279, 356, 462. James, 438 (4 m. 12). James, Scottish ship cap- tain, 3481. (Wod), John, 309, 438 (1 m. 23), 438 (2 mm. 23, 29), 1004 (3): (3):—pp. 1534 bis, 1538:―g. 289 (31), 414 (55), 587 (1), 833 (22), 1221 (21), 1602 (10), 2222 (16 Camb.), 2772 (39). Katherine, 438 (3 m. 25). Oliver, 438 (2 m. 25). Ralph, g. 414 (67). (Awode), Ric., 82 (p. 41), 438 (1 m. 2), 438 (3 mm. 16, 25):-g. 885 (5), 1003 (1), 3107 (40). Ric., monk, 2651. Ric., vicarof Brackley, p.1527. (Wodd, Wodde), Rob., 438 (1 mm. 18, 23), 438 (2 m. 19): -p. 1517. GENERAL INDEX. 493 Wood-cont. (At Wode), Th., 492-p. 1539-g. 381 (100), 587 (5), 804 (15), 1732 (25), 1948 (14), 2422 (5), 3049 (40). Thomas, chief justice of Common Pleas (A.D. 1501-7), 438 (2 m. 31). Th., goldsmith, 438 (3 m. 4). Th., priest, 3168. (At Wode), Thomas, prior of Studley, 438 (4 m. 17). (Awood, Wodde), Wm., 20 (p. 19), 82 (p. 40):-g. 449 (9), 969 (79). Wm., rector of Heaton, g. 731 (24). Woodbastwick (Wodbastwyk), Norf., 438 (2 m. 31). Woodberrow (Wadharowe), Worc., 438 (1 m. 1). Wood Bevington [near Weethley], Warw., 438 (1 m. 12). Woodborough (Wodeborgh, Wod- borowe), Wilts, g. 3107 (39). rector presented, g. 731 > (6). Woodbridge (Wodebrige), Norf., prior of. See Rivers, A. Woodbridge, Suff., 1982 (2). Woodbridge (Woddebridge, Wode- brige), Wm., prior of Butley, g. 132 (76), 289 (28). Woodbury (Wodbury), Devon, 438 (2 m. 5). Woodbury, East- (Estwodbury), Essex, g. 94 (96). Woodchurch (Wodechurch), Kent, 438 (3 m. 18). Woodcock (Wodecok), Henry, 438 (4 m. 1):—pp. 1519-20. Woodcroft (Wodecroft), Ntht., 1803 (1 m. 5):—g. 969 (67). Wood End (Wodende), Beds, 438 (2 m. 22). Woodend, Ntht., g. 1083 (41). Woodford (Wodefarde), Essex, g. 2422 (9). Woodford, Ntht., p. 1548. Woodford (Wodford), Wilts, vicar of, 438 (3 m. 28). Woodford (Wodeford, Wodford), Henry, 589 (p. 339), 2049 : g. 449 (10). See (Wodforde), John, g. 257 (8). (Wodeford), Robert. Notes and Errata, 2137. Woodgate (Wodgate), John, 361. Woodhall (Wodhall), in Scotland, p. 1260. Woodhall (Wodehall), Suff. [in Clare], g. 94 (35 p. 50). Woodhall (Wodhall), Yorks, 438 (4 m. 5). | Woodham Ferrers (Woddam Ferres), Essex, 438 (3 m. 31). Woodham (Wodham) Mortimer, Essex, 438 (2 m. 9). Woodhaugh (Wodehaw), Ntht., g. 1123 (46), 2684 (59). Woodhay (Woddey), Chesh., 438 (3 m. 20). Woodhay, East- (Estwodhay), Hants, 438 (3 m. 22). Woodhead (Wodhede), Rutl. [in Great Casterton], 438 (3 m. 8). Woodherd (Woderd, Wodeherd), Th., 438 (4 m. 24). Woodhorn (Wodhorne), Nthld., g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Woodhouse (Wodhowse), 438 (4 mm. 7, 26). Yorks, Woodhouse, prebend in Chichester Cathedral, 438 (3 m. 2). Woodhouse (Wodehouse), John, g. 3324 (29). (Wodehouse, Hodchowse), Ric., spear of Calais, 589 (p. 339), 2049:-g. 447 (14). ambassador to Switzer- • land, 2997. (Wodows, Wodehouse, Wode- husse), Sir Th., 20 (p. 17), 438 (1 m. 1):-p. 1519:- g. 833 (58). Woodland, Dors., 438 (2 m. 15). Woodland (Wodlonde), Chr., master smith in the Tower, 20 (p. 14), 2831: pp. 1514–15:- g. 257 (96), 2684 (71). Woodleigh (Wodelegh), Devon, g. 1083 (2). Woodlows (Wocdelowis), Warw., 438 (3 m. 4) :—g. 3499 (66). Woodmongers, 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (3 mm. 6, 16, 32). Woodnet (Wodenette, Wodnet), Th., clk., 438 (3 m. 26). Wood Rising (Wodrysyng), Norf., 438 (1 m. 25), 438 (4 mm. 5 bis, 10). Woodroff (Wodrufe), Henry, 1262 (p. 578). (Woderof, Woderove), John, parson of Rock, 1803 (1 m. 2). (Wederove, Wedrof, Woderof, Woderove), Sir Ric., 438 (2 m. 18), 1363 :—g. 54 (3), 632 (26), 731 (42), 969 (23). (Woderoff, Wodrofe), Th., 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 41):—g. 709 (52). (Woderove), Wm., rector of Fulbourn, p. 1525. Woodstock (Wodestok, Wodstoke), Oxon, 438 (3 mm. 18, 30), 438 (4 mm. 9, 16):-g. 885 (14). 494 GENERAL INDEX. Woodstock--cont. • • • " grants dated at, g. 885 (14), 969 (43). comptroller, &c., g. 381 (24). wardrobe at, g. 158 (46). Woodstock (Wodestoke), the friar of, 1511 (p. 699), 1515. Woodville (? de Silva), Peter, 1429. Woodward or Wodeward, George, • clerk constable of Windsor Castle, p. 1534:-g. 218 (61). (Wodward), John, g. 632 (18). Nic., 1493 v. Ric., p. 1505 :-g. 1804 (14), 2684 (17), 2772 (43). his account, 3431. (Wodwarde), Rob., 438 (3 m. 7), 1803 (2 m. 5). (Wodewale), Wm., 438 (3 m. 7). Wool, 193, 589, 876, 1074, 1752, • • 1940. Calais dues on, 1921:-g. 604 (26). See also Calais, Treasurer's accounts. export of, g. 132 (30), 381 (26), 604 (26), 1172 (2), 1221 (38), 1415 (17), 1602 (31), 1662 (22), 2055 (33, 126), 2684 (52), 2861 (27), 3107 (53). export from Newcastle. See Newcastle. exports to the Mediterranean, 1005:-g. 54 (82), 94 (34), 132 (91), 289 (34), 357 (1, 8, 13, 19), 546 (24), 563 (13), 604 (2, 12), 651 (30), 682 (5), 709 (16), 969 (22), 1172 (2), 1221 (38), 1266 (25, 40), 1462 (7, 20), 1662 (13), 2055 (33, 126), 2684 (28), 2861 (21), 2964 (5, 82), 3049 (1), 3107 (4, 5). brokers (wolbregger'), 438 (2 m. 7), 1803 (1 m. 3). buyers, 438 (4 m. 24 bis). fleets (Zeland fleet), the, 1812, 2211-g. 94 (59). forfeit of, g. 381 (47). gatherer, 438 (2 m. 28). men, 438 (1 mm. 9, 19, 21), 438 (3 mm. 3, 13, 16, 29, 32), 1803 (2 m. 6). packers, 438 (1 mm. 19, 21). Wooler and Wooler Haugh (Woller- haughe), Nthld., 2246 (4). letter dated at, 2239. Woolerton (Wolderton), Salop, 438 (2 m. 6). Wooley (Wolley, Wolveley), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 18):—g. 54 (3). Woolgar (Wulgar), Th., 1803 (2 m. 1). Woollen cloth (Act), 341. Woolley (Wolley), Berks, 438 (2 m. 30). | Woolley (Wolley), Yorks, g. 731 (42). Woolmer (Wolmer) Forest, Hants, 438 (3 m. 30):—g. 447 (26). Woolpit (Wolpyt), Suff., 438 (3 m. 23). Woolse, Ralph, priest, p. 1528. Woolstaston (Wolstanton), Salop, g. 2684 (1). Woolston (Wolwarston), Soms. [in Bicknoller], g. 357 (12). Woolverston (Wolverston), Suff., 438 (3 m. 28). Woolverston (Wolverston, Wolffer- iston, Wolsferton), Th., 438 (3 m. 28). Woolverton (Wolverton), Soms., 438 (2 m. 25):-g. 3499 (60). Woolwich (Wulwych, Wolwych, Wollwyche), Kent, 438 (4 m. 7), 1638, 1669, 1704 (2), 1803 (1 m. 2), 2305 ii., 2546, 3012, 3137 (1, 15):—pp. 1507– 8. Woore. See Oare. Wooton (Wutton), Hants, 438 (3 m. 5). Wooton (Wotton) Glamvile, Dors., 438 (2 m. 4). Wooton, North- (Northwotton), Norf., 438 (1 m. 1). Wootton (Wotton, Hotton), Beds, 1410. Wootton (Wotton), Ntht., g. 833 (70), 1083 (41). Wootton (Wotton), Oxon, g. 381 (24). Wootton (Wotton), I. of Wight, 438 (1 m. 17). Wootton (Wotton) Basset, Wilts, 438 (2 m. 15):-g. 94 (35). Wootton (Wotton), Old-, Wilts, g. 94 (35). Wootton (Wotton) Wawen, Warw., 438 (1 m. 14). Worbleton. See Warburton. Worcester, 438 (1 mm. 7, 11), 438 (2 mm. 6, 11, 27), 438 (3 mm. 5, 12, 17, 20), 438 (4 mm. 27 bis, 28), 1661 (4): p. 1518:—g. 132 (96), 604 (49), 833 (11), 969 (49), 1266 (41). cathedral priory, g. 2222 (3). confirmation for, g. • 750 (9). prior of, 2102. Holy Trinity church and guild, rector of, 438 (2 m. 24). St. Helen's, rector of, p. 1532. St. John of Bedwardyn, 438 (2 m. 9), 438 (3 m. 5), 438 (4 m. 8). St. Swithin's, rector of, 1803 (2 m. 3). GENERAL INDEX. 495 Worcester, bishop of. See Giglis, S. de. bpric. and diocese of, 438 (3 m. 10), 3005, 3011:—g. 857 (18). Worcester, Elizabeth countess of, wife 1st of Sir Roger Corbet, and 2nd of John de Tiptoft earl of Worcester (A.D. 1449- 70), 438 (4 m. 1). Worcester, John Tiptofte earl of († 1470), 438 (3 m. 7) :- g. 2772 (4). Worcestershire, 205 (p. 106), 1004 (4), 1409 (2), 2054 (4), 2392, 3057:-g. 11 (10), 257 (49), 381 (74), 414 (52), 833 (11), 857 (11), 1221 (53), 1316 (9, 60), 1804 (2, 41), 2055 (26, 42), 2222 (12), 2484 (17), 2684 (3), 3408 (18), 3499 (12, 68). commission of the peace, p. 1546. sheriff of, g. 604 (41), 969 (23), 1524 (47). Worcop. See Warcop. Word, Rob., g. 357 (21). Worfton. See Wroughton. Workington (Wyrkington, Wrykyn- ton), Cumb., g. 132 (34), 257 (63), 485 (42), 519 (26), 651 (1), 784 (29), 1524 (37), 3107 (18). Worksop (Worsop, Wirksop), Notts, free school, g. 1415 (27). priory, 438 (4 m. 7):-g. 1415 (27). R. prior. See Warde, Worldham (Wardelham, Wardle- ham), Hants, 1357:-g. 447 (26). grants dated at, g. 587 (13, 15), 604 (1, 2, 11, 21), 632 (10), 1365 (21, 25), 1415 (16). Worley, Thomas, clerk, of Edward IV.'s chapel, g. 519 (7). Worlingham (Wyrlyngham), Great-, Suff., 438 (1 m. 7). Wormegay (Wormegey), Norf., g. 2964 (6), 3049 (24). Wormelow hundred, Heref., 438 (2 m. 16 bis). Wormleighton (Worneleighton, Wor- mecleghton, Wormetbeghton), Warw., 438 (4 m. 2):-g. 709 (14), 1494 (28), 1948 (31). Worms, in Germany, 1743, 2010. letters dated at, 2010, 2016, 2020-1, 2028. Diet of (in 1509), 83. Worplesdon (Warbesdon, Warbes- downe, Wyrpesden, Werpes- den, Wurplesdon), Surr., 438 Worplesdon--cont. (2 mm. 5, 30), 438 (3 m. 28): -g. 414 (10), 804 (43), 1836 (30), 2055 (129). Worsborough (Wyrkesburgh, Wors- borowe), Yorks, 438 (3 m. 30), 438 (4 m. 10). Worsley, Edward, 193 (p. 100):- g. 257 (51). Hugh, 20 (p. 13). (Woursley, Worseley), James, of the wardrobe of Robes, groom of the Chamber, 20 (p. 13), 82 (pp. 38, 42), 228, 640, 894, 1015, 1549, 3575 :- g. 357 (40), 414 (9), 447 (8), 632 (11), 969 (8), 1044 (13), 1221 (34), 1804 (13), 2055 (63), 3408 (36). Jordan, rector of Hotham, g. 1123 (53). Margaret, 438 (1 m. 20), 438 (4 m. 1). (Worseley, Worsle), Miles, 438 (1 m. 20), 438 (4 m. 1): p. 1548-g. 132 (80). (Worselley), Ralph, 20 (p. 15), 438 (2 m. 19). Robert, 438 (2 m. 8): g. 709 (43). Wm., 438 (4 m. 6). Worsop. See Worksop. Worssop, Eliz., silkwoman, 3343. John, 3343. Worstead (Woursted, Wusted), Norf., 438 (3 m. 21). Worsted. See Northstead. Worsted, making of (Act), 2590. dyer, g. 1013 (16). • • shearmen, 438 (2 m. 15). weavers, 438 (3 mm. 21, 24). Worsworth. See Wirksworth. Worteley. See Wortley. Worth (Worthe), Suss., 438 (1 m. 21). Worthing (Wortyng), Norf., 438 (4 m. 19). Worthington, Leic., 438 (2 m. 17). Worthon. See Wharton. • Worthy Abbots, Hants, 1803 (1 m. 3). Worthy Mortimer, Hants, g. 94 (35). rector of, p. 1529. Worthy, John, 438 (2 m. 16). Wm., 273, 438 (2 m. 16). Wortley, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 3). Wortley or Worteley, Edmund, 20 (p. 16). · • . Elizabeth widow of Sir Thomas, g. 1083 (31). John, 640-p. 1513:—g. 54 (91). (Wortelay), Percival, 3030. (Wortelaie), Sir Thomas, 438 (3 m. 3), 3030-p. 1547 : g. 485 (33), 804 (29 vi., xi.), 833 (50 iii.), 1365 (3). 496 GENERAL INDEX. Wottesdon. See Waddesdon. Wotton. See Wootton. Wotton, Bucks. See Notes and Er- rata 519 (13). Wotton Glamvile. See Wooton. Wotton under Edge, Glouc., 438 (1 m. 26), 438 (3 m. 9), 438 (4 m. 26). Wotton, Mistress, attendant on the French Queen, 3348 (3). Edmund, 438 (3 m. 31):— g. 604 (2, 50). Edmund, prior of Ewenny, g. 604 (49). Richard, 438 (3 m. 33). Rob., 1804 (1 m. 6). Robert, master porter of Calais, 791, 981, ¯ 1744: g. 11 (12), 257 (13), 447 (12), 449 (19), 751 (2), 924 (34). (Wutton), Wm., p. 1541: g. 414 (4), 833 (58 i.), 2964 (81). Woursley. See Worsley. Woursted. See Worstead. Wover. See Church Over. Wowell. See Vowell. Woxbrigge. See Uxbridge. Wrabness (Wrabnasse), Essex, g. 289 (17). Wrackford (Wrakelford), Dors., pre- bendary of, 438 (2 m. 12). Wragholme (Warwhome), Linc., g. 857 (4). Wrandike (Wranthedyk), alias Bren- hedon, hundred, Rutl., g. 833 (19). Wrangle (Wrangyll), Linc., 438 (1 m. 24), 438 (3 m. 14). Wrastelyngworth ΟΤ Wrastryng- worth. See Wrestlingworth. Wrattesley. See Wrottesley. Wratting or Talworth Wratting, Suff., g. 94 (35). Wraxhale. See Wroxall. Wraysbury (Wrathisbury, Wyrardes- bury), Bucks, 438 (3 m. 31): —g. 94 (35). Wreay or Petterill Wreay (Petrel- wra), Cumb., 438 (3 m. 32). Wree, Rob., trumpet, 3320. Wreght. See Wright. Wreight. See Wright. Wren or Wrenne, Mr. Geoffrey, clerk of the Closet, canon of York, 20 (p. 13), 263, 388 (4), 877n., 901, 944, 1803 (2 m. 3), 3443 : -p. 1525:—g. 54 (20), 94 (54), 190 (5), 709 (36), 3324 (4). (Wrenne), John, auditor, g. 132 (117), 381 (90), 414 (48), 749 (8). Nic., 438 (1 m. 7). Wrenthorpe, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 10). Wressle (Wressill, Wresyll), Yorks, 438 (2 m. 13), 1803 (2 m. 2). Wrestlingworth (Wrastelyngworth), Beds, g. 632 (37). Wrestlingworth (Wrastryngworth), Camb., g. 2330 (4). Wret. See Wood. Wrethe. See Wrey. Wretill. See Writtle. Wrexham (Wrixham), co. Denbigh, 438 (4 mm. 4, 16):-g. 784 (37). Wrexham, Th., g. 587 (9). Wrexkesworthe. See Wirksworth. Wrey, George, 20 (p. 17), 82 (p. 41). John, serjeant of the Ewery, 20 (p. 17). (Wrethe), Rob., trumpet, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 43), 1778, 2803: -p. 1519. (Wrethe), Th., trumpet, 20 (p. 16), 82 (p. 43). Wribbenhall (Rudnall), Worc., 438 (1 m. 22). Wright, 2054 (4). • • Edward, g. 3107 (47). Geoffrey, groom of the vestry of the Chapel Royal, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 41), 707. Henry, 2052. letter from, 723. John, 82 (p. 41), 438 (4 m. 13):-p. 1548:-g. 682 (18), 749 (28). John, master of the college in Cambridge of Holy Trinity, Norwich (ie. Trinity Hall), 438 (2 m. 17), 438 (3 m. 20). Ric., g. 1123 (37). Th., 438 (2 m. 10), 438 (4 m. 26), 1505. Th., ship master, 2304 (5), 2738. Th., clk., of Lincoln, 438 (1 m. 10). (Wreight, Wrigh), Wm., 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 mm. 2, 13, 22), 3598 :—p. 1505 :-g. 1602 (33). (Wyght, Wreght, Wrigh), Wm., clk., 438 (2 m. 16) :— g. 357 (39), 1602 (5). Wrightington (Wrighton), Lanc., 438 (1 m. 18). Wrights, 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 7). Wrinehill (Wrymhyll, Wrythenhull, Wrynehall), Staff., 438 (3 m. 17), 438 (4 m. 3). Wrington, Soms., 438 (4 m. 27). Wriothesley, John, Garter King of Arms, father of Thomas, g. 218 (14). GENERAL INDEX. 497 Wriothesley-cont. (or Wrythe), Thomas, Garter King at Arms, 20 (pp. 12, 19, 20), 82 (p. 42), 172, 342, 442, 707, 710, 723, 1442, 2033, 2053 (6 ii., iii.), 2078, 2347, 2480 (6), 2873, 3308-9, 3348 (3), 3354 :—g. 218 (14). Writhe. See Wriothesley. Writtle (Wretill, Wrythill, Writtyll), Essex, 438 (2 m. 29), 438 (4 m. 16):—g. 2055 (117), 3949 (18). Writtle or Writtell, Eleanor, g. 289 > (16). Etheldreda, g. 289 (12, 16-7). Griselda, 438 (4 m. 21):— g. 289 (16). (Wretyll), John, 438 (1 m. 19):-g. 289 (12, 16, 17). (Wretyll), Juliana, 438 () m. 19):-g. 289 (12, 16–7). Walter, g. 289 (16). Wrixham. See Wrexham. Wrocheshale. See Wroxall. Wrotham (Wroteham), Kent, 438 (3 mm. 20, 23):—g. 1836 (27). Wrothe, John, 438 (4 m. 11):-g. 651 (20), 1662 (45). (Wrothee), Wm., 1803 (2 m. 4). Wrottesley (Wrattesley, Wartesley), Ric., 20 (p. 15):—p. 1543 :— g. 2222 (16 Staff.). (Wrattesley), Wm., 20 (p. 15). Wroughton (Worfton), Sir Christo- pher, 438 (4 m. 17):—g. 969 (23). Chr., g. 257 (49), 632 (26), 1494 (9). Wm., App. 9. Wroxall (Wrocheshale, Wraxhale, Werexale), Warw., nunnery of, 438 (1 m. 6):—g. 1221 (20). prioress. See Brome, J. Wroxall, John, heirs of, g. 94 (35). Wroxham, Norf., 438 (3 m. 6). Wroxton, Oxon, priory, 438 (4 m. 22). prior. See Randall, R. Wrykynton. See Workington. Wrythe. See Wriothesley. Wrythenhull. See Wrinehill. Wulcy. See Wolsey. Wulf. See Wolff. Wulfall. See Wolfall. Wulferlowe. See Wolferlow. Wulfyn. See Wolvyn. Wulgar. See Woolgar. Wulvysworth, Devon, 438 (4 m. 17). Wulwych. See Woolwich. Wt. 11494. I Wurkysworth. See Wirksworth. Wurplesdon. See Worplesdon. Wurworth. See Wirksworth. Wusted. See Worstead. Wutton. See Wotton. Wutton, Hants. See Wooton. Wyatt (Wyotte, Wiot, Wiett), Henry or Sir Henry, controller and campsor of the Mint, master of the Jewels, esquire for the Body, 19, 20 (p. 12), 81–2, 153, 185, 313, 438 (3 m. 10), 612, 876, 1453, 1503, 2053 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 ii.), 2073, 2316, 2480 (27), 2765, 2781 ii., 3137, 3336, 3343, 3348 (3), 3360, · 3571: pp. 1540, 1545:- App. 26-g. 54 (59-61), 94 (58), 132 (91), 218 (53–4, 58), 257 (37), 289 (44), 731 (27-8), 784 (20), 833 (70), 969 (45), 1003 (11), 1083 (26), 1123 (7, 15), 1221 (6), 1316 (4), 1732 (2), 1948 (85, 92), 2484 (27), 2684 (52), 2861 (27), 3499 (12). recognizances made to, g. 449 (18), 804 (6), 3499 (41). signature of, 185, 313, 1176 (2), 3336 :-g. 257 (37), 2684 (74, 92). deed by, 1503. knighted, 81. (Wyott), Richard, rector of Wigan, g. 709 (50). Wybenhoo. See Wivenhoe. Wyberton, Linc., rector presented, g. 1462 (11). Wyboston (Wyboldeston), Beds, 438 (4 m. 2). Wyche, John, monk of Evesham, g. 2535 (24). Wychwood (Wechewod, Which- woode, Whichewode, Wich- wod) Forest, Oxon, 438 (4 m. 6):-g. 682 (8), 749 (7), 1365 (17). Wychyhampton. ton. See Witchamp- Wycliffe, Yorks, 438 (3 m. 16). (Wyclyffe, Wiclif), Ralph, 438 (3 m. 16). Robert, 438 (3 m. 16). Wycomb, Devon. See Widecombe. Wycombe, Linc. See Wykeham. Wycombe (Wicombe, Chepyng- wicombe), Chipping, Bucks, 438 (1 m. 12), 438 (3 mm. 13, 20, 25, 27), 438 (4 m. 9). Wycombe, East- (Estwicombe), Bucks, 438 (3 m. 25), 438 (4 m. 9). Wycombe (Wycam, Wycum), Ric., 438 (2 m. 34). H 32 498 GENERAL INDEX. Wycroft (Wicrofte), Devon, 438 (2 m. 8). Wycrouht. See Weycroft. Wyderynton. See Widdrington. Wye, Ric., p. 1537. (Wie), Rob., 437 (2 m. 11) :— p. 1537:-g. 924 (37), 3499 (12). Wm., 438 (2 m. 11). Wyest. See West. Wygges, Francis, g. 1172 (21). Wyght, Wm., clk. See Wright. Wygnale or Wygnall. See Wiggen- hall. Wyk, Jerome. See Vich. Wykam. See Wickham. Wyke (Wike), Dors., g. 94 (35). Wyke, Soms. See Milborne Week. Wyke, Worc. See Wickenford. Wyke. See Wick; also Week. Wykecraulht. See Weycroft. Wykeham (Wycombe), Linc., 438 (1 m. 10). Wyke Hammond, Ntht., g. 1494 (28). Wykelee. See Weekley. Wykemershe, in Leominster, Suss., g. 969 (38). Wyken. See Wicken. Wykersley, John, 2392. Wykes, Linc., g. 132 (88). Wykes (Wykeys, Wykys, Wikys, Wikis), Edmund, 438 (2 m. 34), 438 (4 mm. 13, 20) :— p. 1537:-g. 3499 (67). (Wikes), Henry, 438 (2 m. 19). John, 438 (2 m. 34). Nic., 707 (p. 383). Wyksoll, Chr., 2759. Wyldancke, Peter, 2694. Wyleby. See Willoughby. Wylede. See Wilde. Wyliyby. See Willoughby. Wyllasham, Robert de, and Lucy his wife, g. 519 (42). Wyllycote, Glouc., 438 (1 m. 11). Wyllyngton. See Wellington. Wyllynson, John, p. 1549. Wylnehall. See Willenhall. Wyly, Wilts, rector of, p. 1526. Wyman or Wymman. See Weyman. Wymbersley. See Womersley. Wymbeswold. See Wymondeswold. Wymmeston, Hants, g. 833 (69). Wymond, Joan widow of Richard, 438 (3 m. 17). Wymondeswold (Wymsold, Wy- mondesfold, Wymondfeld, Wymbesold), Wm., 438 (4 m. 2): p. 1542 : :-g. 132 (26), 804 (29 ii.), 833 (50 ii.), 2222 (12), 3049 (23). Wymondham (Wymundham, Wo- mondham), Leic., 438 (2 m. 26):—g. 632 (26), 969 (23). Wymondham (Wyndam), Norf., 438 (4 m. 18). abbey, 438 (1 m. 25). abbot of. See Chandler, T. Wymondham (surname). See Wynd- ham. Wymondley, Herts, priory, 438 (1 m. 10). W. prior. See Howys, Wymouth, Rob., 853. Wymsold. See Wymondeswold. Wymynholl. See Wiggonholt. Wynandermere. See Windermere. Wynbergh. See Whynbergh. Wyndam. See Wymondham. Wynde, John, 438 (2 m. 26):—p. 1538. Wyndebank, Ric., petty captain at Guisnes, 3135. Wyndesborough. borough. See Willes- Wyndham (Wyndeham), Sir John, 1453 ii. :—g. 2055 (95). (Wyndeham, Wendham, Wymondham), Thomas or Sir Thomas, treasurer of of the Fleet (in 1513-4) and vice- admiral, 1453 ii. (?), v., 1471, 1661 (1, 3, 4), 1705, 1727, 1772, 1869 iii., 1928, 1978 (p. 897), 2217, 2260, 2304 (2, 3, 5 bis), 2403, 2479, 2540, 2686, 2722, 2799, 2842 bis, 2938, 2946, 2968 (5), 3001, 3137, 3148, 3251:—pp. 1503– 4, 1506, 1519, 1536, 1541, 1544: —g. 158 (18), 190 (4), 604 (35), 833 (58), 1732 (45), 1805 (1), 2772 (19), 2861 (33), 2964 (32), 3582 (27). (§ 34). " accounts of, 2479. letter from, p. 1517. letters to, 2260, 2668 signature of, 2702, 2785-g. 1732 (45), 1805 (1), 2772 (19). warrants by or to, 2305, 2763 (3), 2764, 2851, 2866, 2874, 2901, 3077: pp. 1518-19. restoration in blood (Act), 1471. Th., g. 2055 (95). (Wymondham, Wyndam), Thomas son of Sir John, 438 (1 m. 26). Wyndowte, Th., 438 (3 m. 27). Wynell. See Wyvell. Wynkfeld. See Wingfield. Wynkyn, 2539. Wynnall, Wm., g. 2964 (43). Wynnandermer. See Windermere, GENERAL INDEX. 499 Wynne, Chr., rector of Fincham, 438 (2 m. 23). Jevan (or Evan), 1803 (1 m. 3). Wynnyfford. See Winsford. Wynonder. See Winder. Wynsham. See Windlesham. Wynshefeld, Suff., 438 (4 m. 3). Wynslade. See Wideslade. Wynslodale. See Wensleydale. Wynsorton. See Winforton. Wynthorp, Linc., 438 (2 m. 20). Wynundermere. See Windermere. Wynvoo. See Wenvoe. Wynyattes, John, p. 1549. Wyon, John, vicar of Oakley, p. 1529. Wyot. See Wyatt. Wyrall, John, 438 (2 m. 14). Wyrardesbury. See Wraysbury. Wyre Piddle (Wyerpedill), Worc., g. 1524 (47). Wyresdale, Nether-, Lanc., g. 1732 (1). Wyrkesburgh. See Worsborough. Wyrkington. See Workington. Wyrlyngham. See Worlingham. Wyrpesden. See Worplesdon. Wyrwyke. See Warwick. Wyscott, John, 2392 (p. 1063). Wyseham, Th., 2480 (50). Wyskard, Th., notary, 438 (4 m. 19). Wytcombe. See Whitcombe or Whitcom. Wytcombe, Wm., g. 1524 (11). Wyte. See White. Wytewode. See Wetewode. Wyth, Th., 438 (4 m. 19):—p. 1540. Wytham (Whitham), Berks, 438 (4 m. 17). Wythe, Joan, 438 (4 m. 19). John, 438 (4 m. 19). Wytherne, Linc., g. 563 (2). Wythestyr, Glouc., 438 (4 m. 26). Wythyam. See Withyham. Wyton in Holderness, 438 (3 m. 12). Wytston. See Wiston. Wyttefeld. See Whitfield. Wyttelbury. See Whittlebury. Wyttelsham. See Witnesham. Wyttlewod. See Whittlewood. Wyttyngton. See Whittington. Wytwombe (Wetwombe, Whit- wombe, Witwang), George, ship captain, 1661 (4), 1869 iii., 2304 (3), 2478, 2652, 2686 (1, 2), 2842 ii., 2938:—p. 1518. W.... (Watwang), John, g. 1221 (4). ..yvell (Wynell), Rob., p. 1547- g. 804 (29 v., x.), 833 (50 iv.), 1365 (3). Wyverston, Suff., g. 2055 (95), 3324 (40). X Ximenes, Francis [de Cisneros], abp. of Toledo, cardinal of Spain, 6 (pp. 4, 6), 408, 3105. letter to, 3105. (Ximaines), Peter, secretary, 650. Y Yafforth (Yafford, Zaffurth, Yaff- urth), Yorks, 438 (2 mm. 8, 18), 1803 (1 m. 4). Yakysly. See Yaxley. Yale lordship, co. Denbigh, 3313 (6): —g. 54 (77), 257 (74), 357 (29), 833 (8), 1804 (55–6). Yale, David, LL.B., warden of Ruthyn College, g. 833 (57). Yalhampton, Yalmeton, Yalmpton or Yalumpton. See Yealmp- ton. Yan, John, g. 1836 (8). Yarborough (Zarborugh), Linc., rec- tor of, 1803 (1 m. 2). Yard, Anne d. and h. of Thomas, 438 (3 mm. 12, 14). (Yerd), Ric., 438 (3 m. 9). Yardley (Yardey, Yardeley, Yerd- ley), Worc., 438 (1 m. 15), 438 (2 m. 10):-g. 132 (7), 357 (42), 804 (15), 1083 (4). Yardley Gobion (Yardeley, Yerde- ley), Ntht., g. 357 (3, 45). Yardley (Yerdeley), John, serjeant at arms, g. 2861 (30). Yaresthorp. See Gaysthorpe. Yarford (Yerford), James, alderman, merchant of the Staple, 1032 (2), 1493:—g. 2684 (8). Yarmouth (Yaremouthe, Jerne- mouth) or Great Yarmouth, Norf., 438 (1 mm. 14, 26), 438 (2 m. 32), 438 (3 mm. 4, 6 bis, 26, 33), 438 (4 m. 15), 874 (2), 1262, 1803 (2 m. 5), 1982 (2, 4), 2327, 2478 iii., 3137 (16), 3313 (4, 6):—g. 11 (10), 132 (122), 257 (83), 1266 (13), 1494 (57), 2055 (12). • " • grant to the town, g. 1494 (57). guns for defence, g. 1494 (57). King's bailiff, 438 (1 m. 26). Kyrkelerode, g. 1494 (57). 500 GENERAL INDEX. Yarmouth (Jernemouth), Little-, Suff., Augustinian Friars, 438 (4 m. 13). H. prior. See Chapelyn, Yarwell, Ntht., 438 (2 m. 33):-g. 94 (35). Yate, Glouc., 438 (1 m. 26). Yate (Yeate), Wm., 438 (2 m. 25), 438 (3 m. 24). Yates (Yatis), John, 438 (3 m. 23). (Yatis), Simon, B.D., notary, 438 (3 m. 23). • • Yattendon (Yatenden, Yatynden), Berks, 438 (2 mm. 5, 17, 24), 438 (4 m. 11):-g. 1948 (6). Yavyngdon. See Avington. Yaxley (Zakkisley), Hunts, 2671. Yaxley, John, serjeant at law, 438 (1 m. 10):-g. 2055 (95). (Yakysly), Wm., g. 1732 (34). Yealmpton (Yalumpton, Yalhamp- ton, Yalmeton), Devon, 438 (1 mm. 12, 25), 438 (2 m. 12): -g. 218 (52), 381 (18), 414 (15). Yearsley (Yeresley), Yorks, 1803 (2) m. 2). Yeate. See Yate. Yeddesley, Devon. See Iddesleigh. Yeldirton. See Yelverton. Yelington. See Yetlington. Yelshawe, Th., chaplain, 1803 (2 m. 3). Yelton. See Ilton. Yelvertoft, Ntht., 438 (1 m. 14). rector presented, g. 731 (39). Yelverton, Edward, ship captain, 2304 (3), 2652. Margery, 1803 (1 m. 5). Nicholas, ship captain, 2304 (5). (Yeldirton, Yelderton), Rob., ship captain, 1453, 1661 (3, 4), 2304 (4), 2686 (2). Wm., 1803 (1 m. 5). Yenneth. See Eifionydd. Yeo, John, 1803 (1 m. 2). (Yoo), Nic., g. 1266 (13). (Yoo), Rob., 438 (2 m. 9):- p. 1535:—g. 632 (26), 833 (58 iv.), 1804 (20), 2222 (16 Devon), 3499 (12). (Yoo), Wm., g. 969 (70). Yeomen, passim. Yeovil (Yevyll, Yevell), Soms., 438 (2 m. 12), 438 (3 m. 6), 438 (4 m. 7). Yerd. See Yard. Yerdesley. See Eardisley. Yerdington. See Eardington. Yerdley or Yerdeley. See Yardley. Yeresley. See Yearsley. Yerford. See Yarford. Yersyke. See Trzeke. Yetlington (Yelington), Nthld., 438 (4 m. 20):-g. 485 (26), 2863 (5). Yevell. See Yeovil. Yewdale. See Ewdale. Ygarme Lagaydh, Magonius, p. 1530. Yin. See Ine. Yle, John, chaplain, g. 924 (26). Ylympton. See Plympton. Ymbar, Laurence, wood carver, 307. Ymbercourt. See Humbercourt. Ymberley, John, monk, p. 1529. Ymeber, Robert, mercer, g. 749 (28). Ynan, in Italy [Zenon, near Bassano ?], letter dated at, 130. Yng, Mr., 880. Ynglesfeld. See Englefield. Ynglyssh. See English. Yolgreve or Yologreve. See Youl- greave. Yolston. See Youlstone. Yolton, Wm., 438 (2 m. 19). Yoman, John, p. 1517. Yongolde, John, 3529. Yoo. See Yeo. YORK, 205 (p. 106), 438 (1 m. 22 bis), 438 (2 mm. 32, 34), 438 (3 mm. 11, 22), 438 (4 mm. 12, 15, 19, 22, 27 bis), 1262, 1414, 1803 (2 m. 2), 2283, 2390, 2546, 2651, 2740, 3227: g. 94 (25), 132 (26), 709 (14), 784 (12), 833 (11), 1602 (41), 1948 (31), 2137 (18), 2222 (16), 3408 (37), 3499 (78). • • aldermen of, 438 (1 mm. 13, 15). mayor of, 438 (1 m. 15). weavers of, g. 924 (35). confirmation of char- ters, g. 784 (53). places in:- Castle, g. 132 (31). clerk of, 438 (3 m. 22). Cathedral of St. Peter, 438 (2 mm. 25, 32):—g. 190 (5), 969 (76), 2772 (28). college of St. William (vicars choral), p. 1531. • confirmation for, g. 546 (45). dean of, 438 (3 m. 7):-p. 1531. See Harrington, J. deanery, 1653. precentor of, 438 (3 m. 22). treasurer of. See Colyns, L. Danyhall, g. 784 (12). GENERAL INDEX. 501 York, places in—cont. hospital to be founded by Henry VII., 1 (p. 2). Mint in, 438 (4 m. 22). St. Andrew's priory, 438 (3 m. 15). St. Leonard's Hospital, 438 (2 m. 14). confirmation for, g. 381 (107). master of. See Constable, J. St. Mary's abbey, g. 924 (19), 1948 (86). Edmund abbot of, 205, 308, 963, 1450, 2546, 2651, 3464, 3505: P. 1506:―g. 1123 (37), 2222 (16 Yorks, York). confirmation for, g. 381 (27). St. Peter's Hospital, 438 (2 m. 14). York, Walter [Gray?] abp. of, grant by, g. 158 (32). Thomas abp. of (temp. Henry VII.), 438 (3 m. 22). YORK, ABP. OF. See Bainbridge, C. York, abpric. of, 438 (4 m. 22), 3015, 3088, 3195, 3197, 3275-9, 3284, 3300-1, 3379, 3545 : p. 1531:-g. 190 (5), 3226 (9), 3499 (8). 414 (17). confirmation for, g. Consistorial court, 438 (2 m. 32). York, archdeaconry of, 310, 438 (2 m. 32). York, duchy of, 1149, 1418:—g. 54 (70), 94(76), 485 (58), 709 (14), 1804 (6), 1948 (31), 2964 (81). York, Cicely duchess of (died in 1495), wife of Richard duke of York (who died in 1460), g. 54 (14), 94 (23). Richard duke of (1415-1460), father of Edward IV., 520: g. 519 (57), 749 (23). grant by, g. 804 (4). York (Jorco), cardinal of. See Bainbridge, C. York herald, g. 158 (87), 1836 (29). See Lago, R.; Tonge, T. Yorkshire-cont. • • 651 (25), 804 (29 iv.-vi., ix.- xi.), 833 (11, 45 iii., 50 iii., iv.), 969 (23), 1123 (15, 37), 1365 (3, 24), 1494 (9, 55), 1524 (30), 2222 (16), 2484 (9, 17), 2684 (17), 2772 (24), 3408 (18, 37), 3499 (12, 33), 3582 (15). commissions of the peace, p. 1547. ulnage of, g. 709 (14), 1948 (31), 2137 (18). Yotton, John, clk., g. 485 (32). (Yottun), John, S.T.P., dean of Lichfield, 438 (2 m. 25): g. 2055 (54). Youche, Margaret, prioress of Grace- dieu, Leic., 438 (1 m. 11). Youghal (Foghille), co. Cork, New College, p. 1524. Youlgreave (Yolgreve, Yologreve), Derb., 438 (2 m. 29). Youlstone (Yolston), Devon, 438 (4 m. 7). Young or Yong, Adriana, wife of Somerset herald, g. 604 (18). Andrew, rector of Wyber- ton, g. 1462 (11). • > Baldwin, 438 (1 m. 23). (Yonge), Francis, 438 (4 m. 5):—g. 1494 (9), 2484 (9), 3499 (12). George, a Scot, 817. John, 20 (p. 14):-g. 54 (27, 83), 94 (21). John, clk., g. 3582 (26). John, dean of Chichester, g. 132 (51). John, master of the hospital of St. Thomas of Acon, bp. of Gallipoli, 1782, 3549: pp. 1526, 1528-9:-g. 969 (45), 3324 (22). (Zong), John, LL.D., master of the Rolls (vice-chancellor), dean of Leicester, ambassador to France and Flanders, con- firmation of patents, g. 94 (44). letters from, 1213, 1226, 1229, 1245, 1252, 1258, 1279, 1285, 1288-9, 1293, 1303, 1306, 1308, 1322, 1333, 1335, 1338, 1343, 1350, 1353, York or Yorke, John, p. 1546. John, prior of St. Peter's, Ipswich († 1497), g. 2684 (65). Sir Ric., 20 (p. 14), 1363. Th., prior of St. Andrew's, Northampton, 438 (2 m. 6) : g. 414 (1). Yorkshire, 205 (p. 106), 1329 (p. 620), 2246, 2426, 2540, 2740 : -p. 1516-g. 132 (10), 218 (55), 381 (15), 632 (20, 26), 1357, 1362, 1370, 1378, 1384, 1389, 1394, 1399, 1404, 1421, 1430, 1434, 1436, 1448, 1456, 1468, 1476, 1481, 1485, 1764, 1871. letters to, 1492, 1550. signature of, 19, 2697, 2728: :-g. -g. 190 (25), 448 (4), 651 (7), 731 (7, 52), 749 (3, 16, 24), 784 (36, 56), 804 (49), 2055 (109). 502 GENERAL INDEX. い ​Young, John, LL.D., master of the Rolls, etc.-cont. • • " > warrants to, g. 54 (3, 41, 82), 94 (99), 132 (18, 34, 50, 65, 69), 158 (26, 77), 190 (41), 218 (4, 24, 32, 35, 59), 257 (12, 34, 63, 68, 80, 84), 289 (6, 44), 357 (10, 41), 414 (26, 46), 448 (3, 4, 6), 485 (42), 519 (26), 587 (21–2), 604 (26, 44, 50), 632 (70), 651 (1, 7, 20, 31-2, 34), 682 (3), 709 (22), 731 (7, 20, 52), 749 (3, 16, 24, 26–7), 784 (29, 30, 56), 804 (6, 49), 833 (13), 1003 (15, 24), 1123 (44–5), 1170 (4, 5), 1172 (11), 1462 (19), 1524 (38), 1732 (49), 1836 (27), 1948 (2, 32), 2055 (120), 2137 (20), 2535 (25–6), 2684 (20, 31, 52 ii., 64, 83), 2861 (7), 2964 (54, 64), 3107 (18), 3408 (28), 3499 (14, 41, 47), 3582 (11). other references to, 1, 19, 20 (pp. 14, 21), 82, 109, 229, 341-2 438 (1 m. 19), 559, 592, 633, 850, 854, 858, 860, 880, 942, 1046, 1066, 1196, 1213, 1226, 1241, 1437, 1470, 1587, 1750, 1841, 2223, 2366 (2), 2391 (pp. 1058, 1060), 2587, 3018, 3095:—g. 257 (4, 26), 709 (54), 1316 (11), 1524 (32, 39), 2055 (109, 132), 2535 (1). John, prior of Repton, 1803 (1 m. 4). John, Somerset herald, Norrey king of arms (24 Jan. 1511), 20 (p. 13), 82 (p. 42), 559, 707, 877n. :- -g. 604 (18), 632 (10), 682 (20). Nic., 438 (3 m. 6). Peter, ship master, 2304 (5), 2686, 2842 ii., 2938, 2968 (5). Rawlyn, and Joan his wife, g. 158 (15). > (Yonge), Ric., 438 (1 m. 23), 1803 (2 m. 4):—g. 749 (28). Mr. Robert, confessor of the Household, 20 (p. 18), 82 (p. 40). Th., 438 (3 m. 28). (Yonge), Th., ship master or purser, 2866, 3513. (Yonge), Sir Wm., 438 (4 m. 5). (Yonge), Wm., p. 1534: g. 2222 (12), 2484 (17), 3499 (71). Wm., fitz Roger, of Calais, petition of, 3595. Yowarde, John, of the Ewery, g. 448 (8). Yoxall (Yoxsall, Yoxhall, Yoxale, Poxhale), Staff., 438 (2 m. 14 bis), 438 (3 m. 8), 438 (4 m. 15):-g. 709 (14 bis), 1948 (31 bis), 2055 (131), 2137 (18). Ypres (Iper, Ipre, Ypern, Ipur), in Flanders, 2375-6, 2392, 2404, 2613, 3340. St. Benedict's monastery, 2391 (p. 1061). Yrancy (Urance), near Fontarabia, 1509, 1511 (p. 699). Ysabeau. See Isabella. Ysame. See Iseham. Ysham. See Iseham. Yspruk. See Innsbrück. Yspurch. See Innsbrück. Yssbrokk. See Innsbrück. Ysselstein (Iselsten, Dysselston, Ilsestin, Dysylstein, Disel- stain, Isselstein, Dissilsteyne, Elcisten, Hesylstein), Floris d'Egmond lord of, 325 (p. 147), 919, 1101, 1566, 1599, 1745, 2063, 2083, 2106, 2113, 2123, 2176, 2182, 2203, 2225, 2383, 2391 (p. 1061), 2392 (p. 1063), 2421, 2451, 2656, 2705, 2835, 2995, 3046, 3052, 3082. 3046. letters from, 1599, signature of, 2995. Ysselstein (Yselstain) pursuivant, 1599, 2681. Yvyndon. See Avington. Yvysleyys. See Ibbesley. Yysprouc. See Innsbrück. Z Zaffurth. See Yafforth. Zakkisley. See Yaxley. Zamora (Samora), bishop of [Anton d'Acunha], 1509. Zaragoza. See Saragossa. Zarborugh. See Yarborough. Zax, marshal of, captain of mer- cenaries, 2521. Zealand (Seland, Zeland, Celand), 14, 438 (1 m. 10), 1311 (p. 602), 1311 iv., 1336, 1353, 1362, 1463 vii., 1480, 1594, 1694, 1697, 1721, 1768, 1812, 1831, 1871, 2220, 2445, 2534, 2643, 2908, 2946, 3052, 3174, 3400: -pp. 1498-9, 1503:-g. 804 (5), 1462 (13), 1494 (21). GENERAL INDEX. 503 Zealand-cont. rent master of, 2694. Zekel or Tzekely, George, the Hun- garian leader, 3172, 3218. Zeland. See Zealand. Zerisee. See Zierikzee. Zevenberghe (Zevomberg, Zevem- berghe), Seigneur de, 1101, 3113. Ziegler, Paul, bp. of Coire, q.v. Zierikzee (Serizee, Serychze, Syrryk See, Zerisee, Seeryssey, Seryk- see, Syryksee, Syrkezee, Syr- eksey), in Holland, 1566, 1594, 1670, 2014, 2451, 2478 (2), 2797, 2809, 3085:-p. 1504. brothers Hobertys or Des Huberts of, 1697, 2014, 2694. Zigli. See Giglis. Zong. See Young. Zose, Henry, 438 (2 m. 11). Zouche (Sowch), David, 2392 (p. 1063). (Souche), Eliz. See Kildare, countess of. Zouche-cont. (Souche, Sowch), John lord, of Codnor, 20 (p. 16), 205, 963, 2053 (7), 3464. his son and heir, Sir John, knighted at Lille, 2051, 2053 (6 ii., 7), 2392 (p. 1063): -App. 26. (Souche), John or Sir John, esquire for the Body, 20 (pp. 14, 16), 2414:-App. 26:-p. 1535. (Souce), Sir Wm., 1176 (3) g. 94 (35). (Souche), Wm., 438 (2 m. 4) : ―g. 632 (26), 2684 (27). Zuaren. See Warren. Zulpe, in Germany, 1162. Zurich (Suryke), in Switzerland, 1051, 2736, 2996-7, 3051. letters, &c., dated at, 2808, 2996, 3534. Zutphen, in Gueldres, letter dated at, 279, 389. Zutz, in Switzerland, 1301 (p. 596). (504) NOTES AND ERRATA. (In the numbering of the lines headings are not here computed.) No. 11 (1 ii.), footnote. Add One, issued to Sir John Trevelyan, is printed in full in Trevelyan Papers, pp. 103-19 (Camden Soc., I., 67).” 11 (5). The appointments of Botyller and Sir John Fisher as justices of Common Pleas are also enrolled on membrane 1, together with the appoint- ment (dated 28 April) of Botyller and John More as justices of assizes for the Home Circuit. ' 20, p. 18, l. 9. For yeoman read yeomen." 54 (5). (21). (44). Printed in full in Trevelyan Papers, p. 103 (Camden Soc., I., 67). Add reference "Pat. 1 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 25.” (84). The mandate to the dean and chapter is dated 29 May. 94 (5). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 5." (18), last line. For m. 25 (24). read m. 1." Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 26." (66), last line. For Add reference "" "" (70). (72). "" "" (82). (91). (95). "" (101). 13" read." 14." Pat. p. 1, m. 5.” "Pat. p. 2, m. 3." "Pat. p. 1, m. 23." "Pat. p. 1, m. 26.” Pat. p. 1, m. 23." "Pat. p. 1, m. 27.” "read" (108), last line. For p. 2, m. 11 "" p. 1, m. 27.” 132 (2) ii. For "Home Circuit read Norfolk Circuit." (4). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 7." “Pat. p. 1, m. 27.” Pat. p. 1, m. 7." "Pat. p. 2, m. 28." "Pat. p. 2, m. 11. "Pat. p. 1, m. 26.” (13). (25). (39). "" "" (44). "" "" (54). 99 (74). 21 "Pat. p. 1, m. 13." 158 (32). (33), l. 1. For "Pat. p. 2, m. 31." "" '' Honstone read Houstone." 165, last line. Add "Headed in a later hand, before the mutilation: Bacano, Ch'ri Fischer." 190 (38). The mandate to the dean and chapter is dated 25 Sept. 220, l. 11. Read Retains Ferdinand's messenger until the new ambassador arrives." 251, margin. For "K.R." read "T.R." 252, margin. Insert "Scotch Docts. 99 (82)." 257 (7). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 6." (14). "" (34), l. 7. For "Craybroke" read"" Braybroke." (36). Add reference "Pat. p. 1, m. 6." (81). (90). 320, last line. For 30 357 (16). Add reference (25). (29). "" "" "" 6." “also p. 2, m. 6. read 29." CC Pat. p. 1, m. 2.” "Pat. p. 1, m. 26." Pat. p. 1, m. 26." (37). The patent roll entry is marked as vacated because on the Charter (45). Add reference 381 (31). "" Roll. "Pat. p. 1, m. 2." Pat. p. 1, m. 27." (32), last line. For " 29" read 28.' (33). Add reference “Pat. p. 1, m. 27.” "" (89). “Pat. p. 2, m. 10.” 414 (62), end." Add"" [967]." "" (76). Add reference "Pat. 2 (sic) Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 9." This wardship is exceptional, granting the value of the marriage if Anne refuses NOTES AND ERRATA. 505 No. to marry at Guldeford's request, and also the custody, etc., of any heir, male or female, who may yet be born to Sir John of the said Margaret "modo private ut creditur pregnantis." The note of delivery runs: 29 March anno subscripto.' 438 (1 m. 24), l. 15. For "Lathorensis C read Lachorensis." (2 m. 25), last line but one. After Suss." add alias of Souteus, in co. Suss." (3 m. 5), last line but six. For "John late lord S." read "John (sic) late lord S." (4 m. 9), l. 20. For Brome " read "Brome or Broune." "" (4 m. 9), l. 21. Dele "and Sherfeld ; and, after esq." add "alias Elizabeth Broune of Sherfeld." '' 447 (27). Add reference Pat. 2 (sic) Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 5." 449 (14). "" Pat. 2 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 12." (19), last line. For "210 by Rymer. '' read "280." Only § i. of this entry is printed 484, margin. Dele Adv. MS. 286.” 485 (58), end. Add "[1060].” 488, margin. Supply S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 11.” 516, margin. For 519 (5), end. "" 71" read read "76." Add "[1068]." (8). Add reference Pat. p. 1, m. 19.” (13). A licence to Colet to give the Mercer's Company in full satisfaction of this grant the manors of Vache, Wotton, Ham and Weston Turvyle, Bucks, with lands thereabouts (specified) is dated 20 Aug. and enrolled in Pat. Roll 2 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 8, but has, unfortunately, been overlooked. ઃઃ (19), p. 306, l. 13. Before III." insert "Hen." CC 66 546 (15), c. For Ch." read Pat." and the reference CC (25), end. Add [1146].' (75), end. 549, l. 1. For 563 (15), l. 2. 604 (19), l. 3. 66 Add [1194].' "Archibald read Alexander.' After " ** "" p. 1, m. 25." lands" insert "late of Sir William Trussell, of which the said Humphrey died seised." After "Edw. IV." insert (Exch. K.R. Memoranda Roll, 12 Edw. IV., Record. Hillar. rot. 13)." 632 (1). Add reference Pat. p. 1, m. 14 and (with date 3 Oct.), m. 18.” (26), end. Add [1316]." * (72). Add reference Pat. p. 1, m. 14. 634, heading. Supply "[1365] after the number. 644, margin. Supply "S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 18.” 682 (23), l. 6. For m. 20” read m. 3." CC 688, margin. Supply B.M." 707, p. 382, 1. 9 from bottom. For "William Cofferer" read "William (sic) Cofferer, because John Shirley was then cofferer (unless indeed William Hatcliff represented him on the occasion). CC 709 (26), last line. Read m. 12 and m. 13." (36). Add reference Pat. p. 1, m. 11.” 731 (3). CC also Pat. 3 Hen. VIII., p. 3, m. 8.” 749 (15), end. Add" [1623]." 751 (2), last line. Add "Rymer XIII., 298." 754, l. 7. For Ceira read Cura." CC "" <6 760, heading. Supply "[1643]" after the number. 825, l. 6. 784. A pardon of Thomas à Bery of Bukstede, Suss., butcher, for killing Thomas Grevyn of Bukstede, surgeon, in self defence, dated 22 May, has been overlooked. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 4. Queen widow." Sanuto's "reina Va" have been expanded in the printed edition reina vechia"; but Rawdon Brown's "reina Vedova" seems more plausible, although there was no person in Eng- land to whom the words could apply. Possibly they are due to a misunderstood report of lord Grey of Wilton's death on May 11th. Badoer would write the colloquial “lord Grey Wilton as signor Greia Vidona," and explain his relationship to Cecily duchess of York (great grandson of her sister); and Sanuto, reading the name signora reina vedova," might easily do the rest. Supply MS. not found. 826, margin. 827, l. 4. For 1. as CC "> Henry VIII." read 'Henry VII." The transcript is from Originalia Roll 253 (3 Henry VII.), rot. 41, and should not have been calendared here. Wt. 11494. H 33 506 NOTES AND ERRATA. No. 833 (54). The names of the deputies appear on the Roll, namely John Dysley, Wm. Chaderton, Nic. Horner and Thomas Pynchebek, literati. 889, margin. Supply Supply "Rymer XIII. 305.” 924 (22). Appendix No. 19A should follow this entry. 964, margin. For "493" read read "247.” CC 969 (40), l. 4. After Laurence insert "(sic)." 1123 (23). Also enrolled, wrongly, in Pat. 4 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 6. (34). The mandate of the dean and chapter is dated 15 March. A privilege for the lordship or manor of Breston alias Broughton, Hants, an ancient demesne of the Crown, dated 11 March, has been over- looked. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 24. Add "[3179]." 1221 (12), end. (49), end. Add “[3219].” 1226 (2), margin. CC Supply "B.M." ' 185." 1235, l. 15. For Medgate " read Medford." 1310, last line. For .. 18" read 1342, margin. For 3" " read "2." 1453 (3), margin. 1471 (2), margin. Read "F. XIV. 75.” Supply "S.P. Hen. VIII., 3, f. 66.” 1529 (2), l. 1. After 2" supply supply "[5780].' << >> 1530, margin. For 15[151] read 5[151].' 1565, margin. For “1023 ร read 1466.' 1602 (35). Add reference “Pat. p. 2, m. 6 (dated 18 Jan.)." tr 1661 (6), margin. For 62 read 61." 66 1750 (3). To § 3 add [3861(2)]"; and to § 5 add [3861(3)]." 1781. This letter is of the year 1514. 1801 (1 m. 3), l. 16. For Instoke read " Justoke." 1805 (2). This cannot be earlier than 1 June 1515, when Ughtred was appointed to Berwick. 84a" 1830, margin. For 1879, margin. 1901, margin. 1948 (15), l. 5. CC read "74b." Supply "S.P. Hen. VIII., 7, f. 85." The document is a copy of No. 2684 (5); not, as here stated, of 1948 (68). For "E. XIII." read read "F. XIII.' re For " m. 11 " read m. 10; also m. 11." (23). For " Pardons read Protections." For "2' read 3." 1955, margin. 2006 (2), l. 1. '' CC After "2" supply supply "[4267(2)].” 2040, l. 3. The words are very faded, but seem to read parler au duc de Hesse electure;" although the Landgrave was not an Elector. For "Cahors read Oulx. 2095, l. 2. 2131, last line. 2137 (22). For "22 read 122." >> The mandate to the dean and chapter is dated 21 July. A licence, dated 9 July, to Wm. Hampden, son of Sir Edmund H., dec., to alienate the manor and advowson of Dodyngton alias Donyngton alias Dunton, Bucks, to Richard Hampden, Robert Wodeford, Robert Eggerley and Robert Belson in trust for the said Win. and Etheldreda his wife and their heirs, has been overlooked. 5 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 7. 66 For Cahors " read Oulx." 2198, l. 15. 2222 (16), end. 2282, last line. Add [4423].' 6 C For " 657 read 659." ' 2318, margin. For 114" read " 144." 2377. Printed by Pribram, Osterreichische Staatsverträge, I., p. 96. 2404 iii., l. 15. For Lovere read "Loven." 2422 (16). The mandate to the dean and chapter is dated 25 Oct. Pat. 2424, p. 1076, l. 5. For he read "it,' the Matthew in question being 2484 (3), l. 6. 2519, margin. apparently the Gospel. Add "(entered twice).” ' For Ev." read '' Er." 2586, margin. For XVI." read "XVII." 2684 (59). Add reference Pat. p. 2, m. 12 (dated 11 Feb.).” 2713, margin. Supply Halliwell's Royal Letters, I., 220." 2772 (15). The mandate to the dean and chapter is dated 6 March. '' (18), end. Add [4860]." . 3278, margin. Supply Rymer XIII. 455.” 3355, margin. Supply "Galt's Life of Wolsey, App., p. 11.” 3417, l. 1. For " Grigore read Gringore. 3616, p. 1521, l. 14 from bottom. "Harci Mamensis " CC reading of Bathoniensis.” appears to be a mis- Printed under the authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office By THE HEREFORD TIMES LIMITED, MAYLORD STREET, HEREFORD. APR 20 1921 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 00836 0029 4 : 1