.... HE 745 .A13 A 500609 1929 GENERAL LIBRARY N ARTES 1817 SCIENTIA VERITAS IVERSITY OF MICHIG THE SHIPPING ACT HE X M MERCHANT MARINE ACT, 1920 A13 AS AMENDED AND MERCHANT MARINE ACT, 1928 Suits in Admiralty Act, Emergency Shipping Legislation and Other Laws, Proclamations and Executive Orders Relating to the Shipping Board and Merchant Fleet Corporation UNIVERSITY OF MI WITHDRAWN BY THE Published by the United States Shipping Board SAN LIBRARY Revised to March 4, 1929 STATES UNITED J די J HIPPING BOA UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1929 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 30 CENTS PER COPY. Gift U.S. Yout HE 10-7-1929 CONTENTS SHIPPING ACT of 1916, as amended. • 745 4/3 1 9 2 9 Page 1 PROCLAMATION OF EMERGENCY IN WATER TRANSPORTATION, putting into effect the provision of section 9 of the shipping act, forbidding the trans- fer to foreign registry of any American vessels without the consent of the Shipping Board.. PROCLAMATION OF EMERGENCY IN WATER TRANSPORTATION, putting into effect the provision of section 37 of the shipping act, as provided by the act of July 15, 1918, forbidding the transfer to foreign registry of any American vessels without the consent of the board_ _ MERCHANT MARINE ACT, 1920.. MERCHANT MARINE ACT of 1928. SUITS IN ADMIRALTY ACT. HOME PORT BILL of 1925_ 1 1 1 26 27 30 63 75 79 DEATH ON HIGH SEAS ACT 81 I SALVAGE ACT of 1925__ 83 APPROPRIATIONS ACT of 1929- 85 BILL OF LADING ACT__. 88-90 ACT authorizing the seizure of German and other alien enemy vessels in- terned in American ports, approved May 12, 1917. 92 EXECUTIVE ORDER authorizing and directing the Shipping Board to seize and operate the German vessels. 92 ACT taking over German port facilities. 95 PROCLAMATION relating to taking title and possession of German port facili- ties, approved June 28, 1918_. 95 PROCLAMATION fixing compensation for the North German Lloyd and Ham- burg-American Docks approved December 3, 1918_ EXECUTIVE ORDER of November 2, 1921; Panama Railroad Steamship Co. given right to use Hoboken piers.. 96 EXECUTIVE ORDER dated November 3, 1923, transferring a portion of Army supply base, Charleston, S. C., from control of War Department to United States Shipping Board- EXECUTIVE ORDER of June 27, 1924, transferring a portion of Army supply base, at Norfolk, Va., from control of War Department to United States Shipping Board. PROCLAMATION further extending the period for the establishment of adequate shipping service with, and deferring extension of coastwise laws to, the Virgin Islands__ 103 105 107 112 ACT extending steamboat inspection laws to Shipping Board vessels of October 14, 1919.. 114 EMERGENCY SHIPPING ACT of June 15, 1917, as amended by the act taking over transportation facilities around shipyards, approved April 22, 1918, and the emergency shipping provision of the act of November 4, 1918__ Executive OrDER delegating to the Shipping Board and the Emergency Fleet Corporation the powers conferred upon the President by the emergency shipping act of June 15, 1917__. EXECUTIVE ORDER delegating to the Emergency Fleet Corporation the authority conferred on the President by the act taking over transporta- tion facilities around shipyards of April 22, 1918- 115 118 119 (III) IV Page EXECUTIVE ORDER delegating to the Shipping Board and the Emergency Fleet Corporation, respectively, powers granted to the President by the acts of Congress relative to the emergency shipping fund and approved on or prior to November 4, 1918_ AN ACT to confer on the President power to prescribe charter rates and freight rates and to requisition vessels and for other purposes- PROCLAMATION authorizing the Shipping Board to exercise powers con- ferred on the President by the act of July 18, 1918, relative to the charter of vessels. 119 120 124 EXECUTIVE ORDER delegating to the Shipping Board certain powers con- ferred on the President by the act of July 18, 1918, relating to ocean freight rates and terminal charges. 125 ACT authorizing the Emergency Fleet Corporation to provide houses for shipyard employees, approved March 1, 1918………. 126 ACT authorizing foreign vessels to engage in the coastwise trade, approved October 6, 1917... 128 ACT authorizing the War Risk Insurance Bureau, with the Shipping Board's approval, to insure foreign vessels of friendly flags while the vessels are controlled by the board or American citizens, approved July 11, 1918. 128 ACT authorizing the condemnation of timber and timber products by the War and Navy Departments and the Shipping Board and Emergency Fleet Corporation, approved July 11, 1918- EXECUTIVE ORDER suspending the eight-hour laws in connection with the operation of vessels, under authority of the act of March 4, 1917. EXECUTIVE ORDER directing United States Shipping Board and the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation to dispose of materials or plants in their discretion__ 130 130 131 EXECUTIVE ORDER turning Mississippi River barges and towboats over to War Department approved March 12, 1919__ 132 EXECUTIVE ORDER transferring authority to operate, manage, and dis- pose of Mississippi River barges and towboats to War Department………. 133 SHIPPING ACT, 1916 (39 U. S. Statutes at Large, 728) 64th Cong., 1st Chap. 451.-An Act to establish a United States Shipping Board Sept. 7, 1916. for the purpose of encouraging, developing, and creating a naval (H. R. 15455.) auxiliary and naval reserve and a merchant marine to meet the Public, No. 260, requirements of the commerce of the United States with its sess. Territories and possessions and with foreign countries; to regu- 1916. late carriers by water engaged in the foreign and interstate com- merce of the United States; and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That when used in this Act: Shipping Act, sec. 801. by water in for- The term "common carrier by water in foreign com- U. S. C. Title 46, merce" means a common carrier, except ferryboats run- Definitions: ning on regular routes, engaged in the transportation by "Common carrier water of passengers or property between the United eign commerce." States or any of its Districts, Territories, or possessions and a foreign country, whether in the import or export trade: Provided, That a cargo boat commonly called an Proviso. ocean tramp shall not be deemed such "common carrier cepted. by water in foreign commerce." Ocean tramps ex- "Common carrier by water in inter- The term "common carrier by water in interstate com- merce" means a common carrier engaged in the trans-state commerce." portation by water of passengers or property on the high seas or the Great Lakes on regular routes from port to port between one State, Territory, District, or possession of the United States and any other State, Territory, Dis- trict, or possession of the United States, or between places in the same Territory, District, or possession. by water." The term "common carrier by water" means a common "Common carrier carrier by water in foreign commerce or a common carrier by water in interstate commerce on the high seas or the Great Lakes on regular routes from port to port. The term "other person subject to this act" means any "Other person person not included in the term "common carrier by act." water," carrying on the business of forwarding or fur- nishing wharfage, dock, warehouse, or other terminal facilities in connection with a common carrier by water. subject to this The term "person" includes corporations, partner- "Person." ships, and associations, existing under or authorized by the laws of the United States, or any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, or of any foreign country. (1) 2 "Vessel." 39 Stat. 728. The term "vessel" includes all water craft and other U. S. C., Title 46, artificial contrivances of whatever description and at sec. 802. 39 Stat. 729. "Documented." Citizen of United States. Controlling inter- est in corpora- tion. whatever stage of construction, whether on the stocks or launched, which are used or are capable of being or are intended to be used as a means of transportation on water.¹ The term "documented under the laws of the United States," means "registered, enrolled, or licensed under the laws of the United States." " SEC. 2. (a) That within the meaning of this Act no corporation, partnership, or association shall be deemed a citizen of the United States unless the controlling interest therein is owned by citizens of the United States, and, in the case of a corporation, unless its president and managing directors are citizens of the United States and the corporation itself is organized under the laws of the United States or of a State, Territory, District, or pos- session thereof, but in the case of a corporation, associa- tion, or partnership operating any vessel in the coastwise. trade the amount of interest required to be owned by citizens of the United States shall be 75 per centum. (b) The controlling interest in a corporation shall not. be deemed to be owned by citizens of the United States. (a) if the title to a majority of the stock thereof is not vested in such citizens free from any trust or fiduciary obligation in favor of any person not a citizen of the United States; or (b) if the majority of the voting power in such corporation is not vested in citizens of the United States; or (c) if through any contract or understanding it is so arranged that the majority of the voting power may be exercised, directly or indirectly, in behalf of any person who is not a citizen of the United States; or (d) if by any other means whatsoever control of the cor- poration is conferred upon or permitted to be exercised by any person who is not a citizen of the United States. 75 per centum of (c) Seventy-five per centum of the interest in a cor- poration shall not be deemed to be owned by citizens of the United States (a) if the title to 75 per centum of its stock is not vested in such citizens free from any trust or fiduciary obligation in favor of any person not a citizen of the United States; or (b) if 75 per centum of the voting power in such corporation is not vested in citizens of the United States; or (c) if, through any contract or interest in corpor- ation. 1 These paragraphs were added by the act of July 15, 1918, 40 U. S. Stat. 900. (Public, No. 198, 65th Cong.) 3 understanding it is so arranged that more than 25 per centum of the voting power in such corporation may be exercised, directly or indirectly, in behalf of any person. who is not a citizen of the United States; or (d) if by any other means whatsoever control of any interest in the corporation in excess of 25 per centum is conferred upon or permitted to be exercised by any person who is not a citizen of the United States. sec. 803. (d) The provisions of this Act shall apply to receivers U. S. C., Title 46, and trustees of all persons to whom the Act applies, and 39 Stat. 729. to the successors or assignees of such persons.2 Receivers, trus- tees, successors, and assigns. sec. 804. Board increased sioners. appointed by President. SEC. 3. That a board is hereby created to be known as u. S. C., Title 46, the United States Shipping Board and hereinafter re- 39 Stat. 729. ferred to as the board. The board shall be composed of to seven commis- seven commissioners, to be appointed by the President, Commissioner by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; and the President shall designate the member to act as chair- Chairman. man of the board, and the board may elect one of its members as vice chairman. Such commissioners shall be Vice chairman. appointed as soon as practicable after the enactment of this Act and shall continue in office two for a term of one Terms of commis- year, and the remaining five for terms of two, three, four, five, and six years, respectively, from the date of their appointment, the term of each to be designated by the President, but their successors shall be appointed for 'Sec. 2 originally read as follows: SEC. 2. That within the meaning of this Act no corporation, partnership, or associa- tion shall be deemed a citizen of the United States unless the controlling interest therein is owned by citizens of the United States, and, in the case of a corporation, unless its president and managing directors are citizens of the United States and the corporation itself is organized under the laws of the United States or of a State, Territory, District, or possession thereof. The provisions of this Act shall apply to receivers and trustees of all persons to whom the Act applies, and to the successors or assignees of such persons. After the amendment to the Shipping Act of July 15, 1918, sec. 2 read as follows: SEC. 2. That within the meaning of this Act no corporation, partnership, or associa- tion shall be deemed a citizen of the United States unless the controlling interest therein is owned by citizens of the United States, and, in the case of a corporation, unless its president and managing directors are citizens of the United States and the corporation itself is organized under the laws of the United States or of a State, Territory, District, or possession thereof. The controlling interest in a corporation shall not be deemed to be owned by citizens of the United States (a) if the title to a majority of the stock thereof is not vested in such citizens free from any trust or fiduciary obligation in favor of any person not a citizen of the United States; or (b) if the majority of the voting power in such corporation is not vested in citizens of the United States; or (c) if through any contract or understanding it is so arranged that the majority of the voting power may be exercised, directly or indi- rectly, in behalf of any person who is not a citizen of the United States; or (d) if by any other means whatsoever control of the corporations is conferred upon or permitted to be exercised by any person who is not a citizen of the United States. The provisions of this Act shall apply to receivers and trustees of all persons to whom the Act applies, and to the successors or assignees of such persons. sioners. 4 Vacancies. Qualifications. terms of six years, except that any person chosen to fill a vacancy shall be appointed only for the unexpired term of the commissioner whom he succeeds. The commissioners shall be appointed with due regard to their fitness for the efficient discharge of the duties imposed on them by this Act, and two shall be appointed from the States touching the Pacific Ocean, two from the States touching the Atlantic Ocean, one from the States touching the Gulf of Mexico, one from the States touching the Great Lakes, and one from the interior, but not more than one shall be appointed from the same State. Not Board to be non- more than four of the commissioners shall be appointed from the same political party. A vacancy in the board shall be filled in the same manner as the original appoint- ments. No commissioner shall take any part in the con- matters in which sideration or decision of any claim or particular contro- versy in which he has a pecuniary interest. political. Vacancies. Commissioners not to handle personally inter- ested. Entire time to office. Commissioners to have no rela- tion to persons subject to act. Duties may be divided. Vacancies. Seal. Rules and regula- tions. Attorneys. Conduct of litiga- tion. Each commissioner shall devote his time to the duties of his office, and shall not be in the employ of or hold any official relation to any common carrier or other person subject to this Act, nor while holding such office acquire any stock or bonds thereof or become pecuniarily inter- ested in any such carrier. The duties of the board may be so divided that under its supervision the directorship of various activities may be assigned to one or more commissioners. Any com- missioner may be removed by the President for ineffi- ciency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office. A vacancy in the board shall not impair the right of the remaining members of the board to exercise all its powers. The board shall have an official seal, which shall be judicially noticed. The board may adopt rules and regulations in regard to its procedure and the conduct of its business. The board may employ within the limits of appropriations. made therefor by Congress such attorneys as it finds. necessary for proper legal service to the board in the conduct of its work, or for proper representation of the public interest in investigations made by it or proceed- ings pending before it whether at the board's own instance or upon complaint, or to appear for or represent the board in any case in court or other tribunal. The board shall conferred on new have such other rights and perform such other duties not inconsistent with the Merchant Marine Act, 1290, as Duties under Shipping Act board. 5 are conferred by existing law upon the board in existence at the time this section as amended takes effect. to hold over until The commissioners in office at the time this section as Commissioners amended takes effect shall hold office until all the com- new commission- ers appointed. missioners provided for in this section as amended are appointed and qualify.³ sec. 805. 39 Stat. 729. tion Act, 1929, Cong. 42 Stat. 1242, 43 SEC. 4. That each member of the board shall receive U. S. C., Title 46, a salary of $12,000 per annum. The board shall appoint Salaries. a secretary, at a salary of $5,000 per annum, and em- See Appropria- ploy and fix the compensation of such attorneys, officers, No. 778, 70th naval architects, special experts, examiners, clerks, and See 42 Stat. 648, other employees as it may find necessary for the proper Stat. 531, 43 Stat. performance of its duties and as may be appropriated for by the Congress. The President, upon the request of the board, may authorize the detail of officers of the Detail of military military, naval, or other services of the United States to board. for such duties as the board may deem necessary in con- nection with its business. 1209. and naval officers under civil serv- With the exception of the secretary, a clerk to each Employees to be commissioner, the attorneys, naval architects, and such ice. Exceptions. special experts and examiners as the board may from time to time find necessary to employ for the conduct of its work, all employees of the board shall be appointed from lists of eligibles to be supplied by the Civil Service Commission and in accordance with the civil-service law. 3 Sec. 3 of the Shipping Act before being amended by sec. 3 of the Merchant Marine Act of June 5, 1920, read as follows: SEC. 3. That a board is hereby created, to be known as the United States Shipping Board, and hereinafter referred to as the board. The board shall be composed of five commissioners, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; said board shall annually elect one of its members as chairman and one as vice chairman. The first commissioners appointed shall continue in office for terms of two, three, four, five, and six years, respectively, from the date of their appointment, the term of each to be designated by the President, but their successors shall be appointed for terms of six years, except that any person chosen to fill a vacancy shall be appointed only for the unexpired term of the commissioner whom he succeeds. The commissioners shall be appointed with due regard to their fitness for the efficient discharge of the duties imposed on them by this act, and to a fair representation of the geographical divisions of the country. Not more than three of the commissioners shall be appointed from the same political party. No commissioner shall be in the employ of or hold any official relation to any common carrier by water or other person subject to this act, or own any stocks or bonds thereof, or be pecuniarily interested therein. No commissioner shall actively engage in any other business, vocation, or employment. Any commissioner may be removed by the President for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office. A vacancy in the board shall not impair the right of the remaining members of the board to exercise all its powers. The board shall have an official seal, which shall be judicially noticed. The board may adopt rules and regulations in regard to its procedure and the conduct of its business. • See sec. 3 (b) of Merchant Marine Act of June 5, 1920. The first line of this section originally fixed the commissioners salaries at $7,500. 6 Expenses of board and its em- ployees to be paid. Rent of offices. Auditing accounts. U. 8. C., Title 46, sec. 806. 39 Stat. 73. to board. The expenses of the board, including necessary ex- penses for transportation, incurred by the members of the board or by its employees under its orders, in making any investigation, or upon official business in any other place than in the city of Washington, shall be allowed and paid on the presentation of itemized vouchers there- for approved by the chairman of the board. Until otherwise provided by law the board may rent suitable offices for its use. The Auditor for the State and Other Departments. shall receive and examine all accounts of expenditures of the board. Section 5 repealed (see sections 1 and 14 of the Mer- chant Marine Act). It read as follows: SEC. 5. That the board, with the approval of the President, is authorized to have constructed and equipped in American shipyards and navy yards or elsewhere, giving preference, other things being equal, to domestic yards, or to purchase, lease, or charter, vessels suitable, as far as the commercial requirements of the marine trade of the United States may permit, for use as naval auxiliaries or Army transports, or for other naval or military purposes, and to make necessary repairs on and alterations of such vessels: Provided, That neither the board nor any corporation formed under section eleven in which the United States is then a stockholder shall pur- chase, lease, or charter any vessel- (a) Which is then engaged in the foreign or domestic commerce of the United States, unless it is about to be withdrawn from such commerce without any intention on the part of the owner to return it thereto within a reasonable time; (b) Which is under the registry or flag of a foreign country which is then engaged in war; (c) Which is not adapted, or can not by reasonable alterations and repairs be adapted, to the purposes specified in this section; (d) Which, upon expert examination made under the direction of the board, a written report of such examination being filed as a public record, is not without alteration or repair found to be at least seventy-five per centum as efficient as at the time it was originally put in commission as a seaworthy vessel. SEC. 6. That the President may transfer either perma- Transfer of War nently or for limited periods to the board such vessels and Navy vessels belonging to the War or Navy Department as are suit- able for commercial uses and not required for military or naval use in time of peace, and cause to be transferred to the board vessels owned by the Panama Railroad Company and not required in its business. Section 7 repealed (see sections 1, 5, 6, and 12 of the Merchant Marine Act). Section 7 read as follows: 7 SEC. 7. That the board, upon terms and conditions prescribed by it and approved by the President, may charter, lease, or sell to any person, a citizen of the United States, any vessel so pur- chased, constructed, or transferred. Section 8 repealed (see sections 1, 5, and 6 of the Merchant Marine Act). It reads as follows: SEC. 8. That when any vessel purchased or constructed by or transferred to the board as herein provided, and owned by the United States, becomes, in the opinion of the board, unfit for the purposes of this act, it shall be appraised and sold at public or private competitive sale after due advertisement free from the conditions and restrictions of this act. sec. 808. Vessels acquired lowed American rollment. SEC. 9. That any vessel purchased, chartered, or leased U. 8. C., Title 46, from the board, by persons who are citizens of the United 39 Stat. 730. States, may be registered or enrolled and licensed, or from board al- both registered and enrolled and licensed, as a vessel of registry and en- the United States and entitled to the benefits and privi- leges appertaining thereto: Provided, That foreign-built vessels admitted to American registry or enrollment and vessels acquired license under this Act, and vessels owned by any corpora- may engage in tion in which the United States is a stockholder, and coastwise trade. vessels sold, leased, or chartered by the board to any person, a citizen of the United States, as provided in this Act, may engage in the coastwise trade of the United States while owned, leased, or chartered by such a person. by or from board ican documenta- tion. Subject to all Every vessel purchased, chartered, or leased from the May be operated board shall, unless otherwise authorized by the board, be only under Amer- operated only under such registry or enrollment and license. Such vessels while employed solely as merchant laws and liabili vessels shall be subject to all laws, regulations, and lia- bilities governing merchant vessels, whether the United States be interested therein as owner, in whole or in part, or hold any mortgage, lien, or other interest therein. ties as private vessels. It shall be unlawful to sell, transfer, or mortgage, or, Transfer of ves- except under regulations prescribed by the board, to sels. charter, any vessel purchased from the board or docu- mented under the laws of the United States to any person not a citizen of the United States, or to put the same under a foreign registry or flag, without first obtaining the board's approval. Any vessel chartered, sold, transferred, or mortgaged Penalty. to a person not a citizen of the United States or placed under a foreign registry or flag, or operated, in violation of any provision of this section shall be forfeited to the United States, and whoever violates any provision of this 8 section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not more than $5,000, or to imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.5 * See sec. 6 of the Merchant Marine Act (p. 34). By sec. 18 of the Merchant Marine Act of June 5, 1920, sec. 9 of the Shipping Act was supplanted by the present law. Sec. 9 of the original Shipping Act as amended by the Act of July 15, 1928, reads as follows: • SEC. 9. That any vessel purchased, chartered, or leased from the board may be registered or enrolled and licensed, or both registered and enrolled and licensed as a vessel of the United States and entitled to the benefits and privileges appertaining thereto: Provided, That foreign-built vessels admitted to American registry or enroll- ment and license under this Act, and vessels owned, chartered, or leased by any cor- poration in which the United States is a stockholder, and vessels sold, leased, or chartered to any person a citizen of the United States, as provided in this Act, may engage in the coast wise trade of the United States while owned, leased, or chartered by such a person. Every vessel purchased, chartered, or leased from the board, shall, unless otherwise authorized by the board, be operated only under such registry or enrollment and license. Such vessels while employed solely as merchant vessels shall be subject to all laws, regulations, and liabilities governing merchant vessels, whether the United States be interested therein as owner, in whole or in part, or hold any mortgage, lien, or other interest therein. No such vessel, without the approval of the board, shall be transferred to a foreign registry or flag, or sold; nor, except under regulations prescribed by the board, be chartered or leased. No vessel documented under the laws of the United States or owned by any person a citizen of the United States or by a corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, except one which the board is prohibited from purchasing, shall be sold to any person not a citizen of the United States or transferred to or placed under a foreign registry or flag, unless such vessel is first tendered to the board at the price in good faith offered by others, or, if no such offer, at a fair price to be determined in the manner provided in section 10. Any vessel sold, chartered, leased, transferred to or placed under a foreign registry or flag, or operated in violation of any provision of this section shall be forfeited to the United States, and whoever violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not more than $5,000 or to imprisonment for not more than five years, or both. By the Act of July 15, 1918, sec. 9 of the original Shipping Act was supplanted by the above section. (See sec. 37.) Sec. 9 of the original Act reads as follows: SEC. 9. That any vessel purchased, chartered, or leased from the board may be regis- tered or enrolled and licensed, or both registered or enrolled and licensed, as a vessel of the United States and entitled to the benefits and privileges appertaining thereto: Provided, That foreign-built vessels admitted to American registry or enrollment and license under this Act, and vessels owned, chartered, or leased by any corporation in which the United States is a stockholder, and vessels sold, leased, or chartered to any person a citizen of the United States, as provided in this Act, may engage in the coast- wise trade of the United States. Every vessel purchased, chartered, or leased from the board shall, unless otherwise authorized by the board, be operated only under such registry or enrollment and license. Such vessels while employed solely as merchant vessels shall be subject to all laws, regulations, and liabilities governing merchant vessels, whether the United States be interested therein as owner, in whole or in part, or hold any mortgage, lien, or other interest therein. No such vessel, without the approval of the board, shall be transferred to a foreign registry or flag, or sold; nor, except under regulations prescribed by the board, be chartered or leased. When the United States is at war, or during any national emergency the existence of which is declared by proclamation of the President [the proclamation by the Presi- dent of a national emergency as provided herein was made Feb. 5, 1917. The text of the proclamation is reprinted on p. 27], no vessel registered or enrolled and licensed under the laws of the United States shall, without the approval of the board, be sold, leased, or chartered to any person not a citizen of the United States, or transferred to a foreign registry or flag. No vessel registered or enrolled and licensed under the laws of the United States, or owned by any person a citizen of the United States, except one which the board is prohibited from purchasing, shall be sold to any person not a citizen of the United States or transferred to a foreign registry or flag, unless such vessel 9 sec. 809. Seizure of vessels military or naval Compensation SEC. 10. That the President, upon giving to the per- U. s. C., Title 46, son interested such reasonable notice in writing as in his 39 Stat. 731. judgment the circumstances permit, may take possession, by President for absolutely or temporarily, for any naval or military pur- use. pose, of any vessel purchased, leased, or chartered from the board: Provided, That if, in the judgment of the President, an emergency exists requiring such action he may take possession of any such vessel without notice. Thereafter, upon ascertainment by agreement or other- for vessels so wise, the United States shall pay the person interested seized. the fair actual value based upon normal conditions at the time of taking of the interest of such person in every ves- sel taken absolutely, or if taken for a limited period, the fair charter value under normal conditions for such period. In case of disagreement as to such fair value it shall be determined by appraisers, one to be appointed by the board, one by the person interested, and a third by the two so appointed. The finding of such appraisers. shall be final and binding upon both parties. 6 sec. 810. 731. board of $50,- thorized. SEC. 11. That the board, if in its judgment such action U.S. C., Title 46, is necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act, may 39 Station by form under the laws of the District of Columbia one or 000,000 shipping more corporations for the purchase, construction, equip- corporation au- ment, lease, charter, maintenance, and operation of mer- chant vessels in the commerce of the United States. The total capital stock thereof shall not exceed $50,000,000. The board may, for and on behalf of the United States, subscribe to, purchase, and vote not less than a majority of the capital stock of any such corporation, and do all other things in regard thereto necessary to protect the interests of the United States and to carry out the pur-ted States poses of this Act. The board, with the approval of the forbidden. President, may sell any or all of the stock of the United States in such corporation, but at no time shall it be a Proviso. minority stockholder therein: Provided, That no cor- ships unless un- poration in which the United States is a stockholder, or charter them formed under the authority of this section, shall engage porations. in the operation of any vessel constructed, purchased, is first tendered to the board at the price in good faith offered by others, or, if no such offer, at a fair price to be determined in the manner provided in section 10. Any vessel sold, chartered, leased, transferred, or operated in violation of this section shall be forfeited to the United States, and whoever violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not more than $5,000 or to imprisonment of not more than five years, or both such fine and imprisonment. • The United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, capitalized at $50,000,000, has been incorporated in accordance with this provision. All the stock, except qualifying shares of trustees, is owned by the Shipping Board. Sale of stock. Minority stock ownership by Not to operate able to sell, lease, to private cor- 10 Must offer its vessels to private competition. leased, chartered, or transferred under the authority of this Act unless the board shall be unable, after a bona fide effort, to contract with any person a citizen of the United States for the purchase, lease, or charter of such vessel under such terms and conditions as may be pre- scribed by the board. The board shall give public notice of the fact that ves- capital in public sels are offered and the terms and conditions upon which a contract will be made, and shall invite competitive offer- ings. In the event the board shall, after full compli- ance with the terms of this proviso, determine that it is unable to enter into a contract with such private parties for the purchase, lease, or charter of such vessel, it shall Consent of Presi- make a full report to the President, who shall examine of ships by such such report, and if he shall approve the same he shall make an order declaring that the conditions have been found to exist which justify the operation of such vessel. by a corporation formed under the provisions of this dent to operation corporation re- quired. Life of corpora- tions limited. Disposal of prop- tion. section. At the expiration of five years from the conclusion of the present European war the operation of vessels on the part of any such corporation in which the United States is then a stockholder shall cease and the said corporation stand dissolved." The date of the conclusion of the war shall be declared by proclamation of the President. The vessels and other property of any such corporation shall erty on dissolu- revert to the board. The board may sell, lease, or char- ter such vessels as provided in section seven and shall dispose of the property other than vessels on the best available terms and, after payment of all debts and obli- Board to take up gations, deposit the proceeds thereof in the Treasury to its credit. All stock in such corporations owned by others than the United States at the time of dissolution shall be taken over by the board at a fair and reasonable value and paid for with funds to the credit of the board. In case of disagreement, such value shall be determined in the manner provided in section ten. outstanding stock. Compensation for. Investigations by board. sec. 811. 39 Stat. 732. SEC. 12. That the board shall investigate the relative U. S. C., Title 46, COst of building merchant vessels in the United States and in foreign maritime countries, and the relative cost, advantages, and disadvantages of operating in the foreign trade vessels under United States registry and under for- eign registry. It shall examine the rules under which Cost of shipbuild- ing. 7 Sec. 12 of the Merchant Marine Act continues the life of the Emergency Fleet Corporation until all vessels are sold. (See p. 40.) 11 ''tion and classifi- Marine insur- Navigation laws. vessels are constructed abroad and in the United States, Rules of construc- and the methods of classifying and rating same, and it cation. shall examine into the subject of marine insurance, the number of companies in the United States, domestic and foreign, engaging in marine insurance, the extent of the insurance on hulls and cargoes placed or written in the United States, and the extent of reinsurance of Ameri- can maritime risks in foreign companies, and ascertain ance. what steps may be necessary to develop an ample marine insurance system as an aid in the development of an American merchant marine. It shall examine the navi- gation laws of the United States and the rules and regu- lations thereunder, and make such recommendations to the Congress as it deems proper for the amendment, im- provement, and revision of such laws, and for the devel- opment of the American merchant marine. It shall in- vestigate the legal status of mortgage loans on vessel property, with a view to means of improving the security of such loans and of encouraging investment in American shipping. Vessel mortgages. and recommen- gress. It shall, on or before the first day of December in each Annual report year, make a report to the Congress, which shall include dations to Con- its recommendations and the results of its investigations, a summary of its transactions, and a statement of all expenditures and receipts under this act, and of the oper- ations of any corporation in which the United States is a stockholder, and the names and compensation of all per- sons employed by the board. 000,000 of Panama authorized. 193, 1013. SEC. 13. That for the purpose of carrying out the pro- Issuance of $50,- visions of sections five and eleven no liability shall be Canal bonds incurred exceeding a total of $50,000,000 and the Secre- tary of the Treasury, upon the request of the board, approved by the President, shall from time to time issue and sell or use any of the bonds of the United States now 36 Stat. L., 117, available in the Treasury under the acts of August fifth, nineteen hundred and nine, February fourth, nineteen hundred and ten, and March second, nineteen hundred and eleven, relating to the issue of bonds for the construc- tion of the Panama Canal, to a total amount not to exceed $50,000,000: Provided, That any bonds issued and sold Proviso. or used under the provisions of this section may be made within 50 years. payable at such time within fifty years after issue as the Secretary of the Treasury may fix, instead of fifty years. after the date of issue, as prescribed in the act of August fifth, nineteen hundred and nine. To be payable 12 Funds of board permanently ap- propriated. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 812. 39 Stat. 733. No carrier by water. To give de- ferred rebates. To use "fighting ship." To retaliate against any shipper. To discriminate unjustly or un- fairly. The proceeds of such bonds and the net proceeds of all sales, charters, and leases of vessels and of sales of stock made by the board, and all other moneys received by it from any source, shall be covered into the Treasury to the credit of the board, and are hereby permanently appro- priated for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of sections five and eleven. SEC. 14. That no common carrier by water shall, directly or indirectly, in respect to the transportation by water of passengers or property between a port of a State, Territory, District, or possession of the United States and any other such port or a port of a foreign country- First. Pay, or allow, or enter into any combination, agreement, or understanding, express or implied, to pay or allow, a deferred rebate to any shipper. The term "deferred rebate" in this Act means a return of any por- tion of the freight money by a carrier to any shipper as a consideration for the giving of all or any portion of his shipments to the same or any other carrier, or for any other purpose, the payment of which is deferred beyond the completion of the service for which it is paid, and is made only if, during both the period for which computed and the period of deferment, the shipper has complied with the terms of the rebate agreement or arrangement. Second. Use a fighting ship either separately or in con- junction with any other carrier, through agreement or otherwise. The term "fighting ship" in this Act means a vessel used in a particular trade by a carrier or group of carriers for the purpose of excluding, preventing, or reducing competition by driving another carrier out of said trade. Third. Retaliate against any shipper by refusing, or threatening to refuse, space accommodations when such are available, or resort to other discriminating or unfair methods, because such shipper has patronized any other carrier or has filed a complaint charging unfair treatment, or for any other reason. Fourth. Make any unfair or unjustly discriminatory contract with any shipper based on the volume of freight offered, or unfairly treat or unjustly discriminate against any shipper in the matter of (a) cargo space accommoda- tions or other facilities, due regard being had for the proper loading of the vessel and the available tonnage; (b) the loading and landing of freight in proper condition; or (c) the adjustment and settlement of claims. 13 Any carrier who violates any provision of this section Penalty. shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $25,000 for each offense. sec. 813. ate proceedings SEC. 14a. The board upon its own initiative may, or U. S. C., Title 46, upon complaint shall, after due notice to all parties in Board may initi- interest and hearing, determine whether any person, not a regarding. citizen of the United States and engaged in transporta- tion by water of passengers or property- 41 Stat. 993. Rebates, fighting ships, retaliation, unfair contracts. or Rebates or un'air in pati ports. practices between foreign be- 39 Stat. 733. denied entry. (1) Has violated any provision of section 14, or (2) Is a party to any combination, agreement, understanding, express or implied, that involves respect to transportation of passengers or property tween foreign ports, deferred rebates or any other unfair practice designated in section 14, and that excludes from admission upon equal terms with all other parties thereto, a common carrier by water which is a citizen of the United States and which has applied for such admission. If the board determines that any such person has Vessels may be violated any such provision or is a party to any such combination, agreement, or understanding, the board shall thereupon certify such fact to the Secretary of Com- merce. The Secretary shall thereafter refuse such person. the right of entry for any ship owned or operated by him or by any carrier directly or indirectly controlled by him, into any port of the United States, or any Territory, Dis- trict, or possession thereof, until the board certifies that the violation has ceased or such combination, agreement, or understanding has been terminated.8 8 Sec. 14 of the original Shipping Act was supplanted by the above provision by sec. 20 of the Merchant Marine Act. It originally read as follows: SEC. 14. That no common carrier by water shall directly or indirectly- First. Pay, or allow, or enter into any combination, agreement, or understanding, express or implied, to pay or allow, a deferred rebate to any shipper. The term "de- ferred rebate" in this Act means a return of any portion of the freight money by a carrier to any shipper as a consideration for the giving of all or any portion of his shipment to the same or any other carrier, or for any other purpose, the payment of which is de- ferred beyond the completion of the service for which it is paid, and is made only if, during both the period for which computed and the period of deferment, the shipper has complied with the terms of the rebate agreement or arrangement. Second. Use a fighting ship either separately or in conjunction with any other carrier through agreement or otherwise. The term "fighting ship" in this Act means a vessel used in a particular trade by a carrier or group of carriers for the purpose of excluding, preventing, or reducing competition by driving another carrier out of said trade. Third. Retaliate against any shipper by refusing, or threatening to refuse, space ac- commodations when such are available, or resort to other discriminating or unfair meth- ods, because such shipper has patronized any other carrier or has filed a complaint charging unfair treatment, or for any other reason. Fourth. Make any unfair or unjustly discriminatory contract with any shipper based on the volume of freight offered, or unfairly treat or unjustly discriminate against any shipper in the matter of (a) cargo space accommodations or other facilities, due regard being had for the proper loading of the vessel and the avilable tonnage; (b) the loading and landing of freight in proper condition; or (c) the adjustment and settlement of claims. Any carrier who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $25,000 for each offense. 46209°-29-2 14 U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 814. 39 Stat. 733. Agreements. all to whom this act applies. SEC. 15. That every common carrier by water, or other person subject to this Act, shall file immediately with the board a true copy, or, if oral, a true and complete Must be filed by memorandum, of every agreement with another such carrier or other person subject to this Act, or modifica- tion or cancellation thereof, to which it may be a party or conform in whole or in part, fixing or regulating trans- portation rates or fares; giving or receiving special rates, accommodations, or other special privileges or advantages; controlling, regulating, preventing, or destroying com- petition; pooling or apportioning earnings, losses, or traffic; alloting ports or restricting or otherwise regulat- ing the number and character of sailings between ports; limiting or regulating in any way the volume or character of freight or passenger traffic to be carried; or in any Understandings, manner providing for an exclusive, preferential, or co- other arrange- operative working arrangement. The term "agree- in term "agreement" in this section includes understandings, confer- ences, and other arrangements. conferences, and ments included ment.' "" Board may dis- approve, cancel, of modify any agreement. The board may by order disapprove, cancel, or mod- ify any agreement, or any modification or cancellation thereof, whether or not previously approved by it, that it finds to be unjustly discriminatory or unfair as between carriers, shippers, exporters, importers, or ports, or between exporters from the United States and their foreign competitors, or to operate to the detriment of the commerce of the United States, or to be in violation of Must approve all this Act, and shall approve all other agreements, modi- fications, or cancellations. others. Existing agree- ments lawful. Ones approved by board to be lawful. Ones approved excepted from antitrust laws. 26 Stat. L. 209. 28 Stat. L. 570. Agreements existing at the time of the organization of the board shall be lawful until disapproved by the board. It shall be unlawful to carry out any agreement or any portion thereof disapproved by the board. All agreements, modifications, or cancellations made after the organization of the board shall be lawful only when and as long as approved by the board, and before approval or after disapproval it shall be unlawful to carry out in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, any such agreement, modification, or cancellation. Every agreement, modification, or cancellation lawful under this section shall be excepted from the provision of the Act approved July second, eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled "An Act to protect trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies," and amend- ments and acts supplementary thereto, and the pro- 15 37 Stat. L. 667. visions of sections seventy-three to seventy-seven, both inclusive, of the Act approved August twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, entitled "An Act to 38 Stat. L. 730. reduce taxation, to provide revenue for the Government, and for other purposes," and amendments and acts supplementary thereto. ure to file agree- Whoever violates any provision of this section shall Penalty for fail- be liable to a penalty of $1,000 for each day such viola- ments. tion continues, to be recovered by the United States in a civil action. 39 Stat. 734. SEC. 16. That it shall be unlawful for any common US. C., Title 46, carrier by water, or other person subject to this Act, No common car- either alone or in conjunction with any other person, rier by water. directly or indirectly- preference or ad- First. To make or give any undue or unreasonable To give undue preference or advantage to any particular person, lo- vantage. cality, or description of traffic in any respect whatsoever, or to subject any particular person, locality, or descrip- tion of traffic to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage in any respect whatsoever. To use unfair vices to obtain Second. To allow any person to obtain transportation means and de- for property at less than the regular rates then estab- lower rates, etc. lished and enforced on the line of such carrier, by means of false billing, false classification, false weighing, false report of weight, or by any other unjust or unfair device or means. To ma- criminate. Third. To induce, persuade, or otherwise influence any insurance marine insurance company or underwriter, or agent companies to dis- thereof, not to give a competing carrier by water as favorable a rate of insurance on vessel or cargo, having due regard to the class of vessel or cargo, as is granted to such carrier or other person subject to this Act. sec. 816. 39 Stat. 734. merce. SEC. 17. That no common carrier by water in foreign U. S. C., Title 46, commerce shall demand, charge, or collect any rate, common carriers fare, or charge which is unjustly discriminatory between in foreign com- shippers or ports, or unjustly prejudicial to exporters of the United States as compared with their foreign com- petitors. Whenever the board finds that any such rate, criminatory rates fare, or charge is demanded, charged, or collected it may cial to American alter the same to the extent necessary to correct such exporters. unjust discrimination or prejudice and make an order that the carrier shall discontinue demanding, charging, or collecting any such unjustly discriminatory or preju- dicial rate, fare, or charge. Not to charge dis- or rates 16 Must cbserve reasonable prac- tices connected with handling, etc., of freight. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 817. Common carriers merce: Must observe able classifica- tions, rates, fares, practices, etc. Every such carrier and every other person subject to this act shall establish, observe, and enforce just and reasonable regulations and practices relating to or con- nected with the receiving, handling, storing, or delivering of property. Whenever the board finds that any such regulation or practice is unjust or unreasonable it may determine, prescribe, and order enforced a just and reasonable regulation or practice. SEC. 18. That every common carrier by water in inter- 39 Stat. 735. state commerce shall establish, observe, and enforce in interstate com- just and reasonable rates, fares, charges, classifications, and tariffs, and just and reasonable regulations and prac- just and reason- tices relating thereto and to the issuance, form, and sub- stance of tickets, receipts, and bills of lading, the manner and method of presenting, marking, packing, and de- livering property for transportation, the carrying of personal, sample, and excess baggage, the facilities for transportation, and all other matters relating to or con- nected with the receiving, handling, transporting, storing, er delivering of property. Maximum rates, fares, etc., to be filed with board public. Every such carrier shall file with the board and keep and kept open to open to public inspection, in the form and manner and within the time prescribed by the board, the maximum rates, fares, and charges for or in connection with trans- portation between points on its own route; and if a through route has been established, the maximum rates, fares, and charges for or in connection with transporta- tion between points on its own route and points on the route of any other carrier by water. Not to charge higher rates than those filed. Board may pre- scribe reasonable etc. No such carrier shall demand, charge, or collect a greater compensation for such transportation than the rates, fares, and charges filed in compliance with this section, except with the approval of the board and after ten days' public notice in the form and manner pre- scribed by the board, stating the increase proposed to be made; but the board for good cause shown may waive such notice. Whenever the board finds that any rate, fare, charge, maximum rates, classification, tariff, regulation, or practice, demanded, charged, collected, or observed by such carrier is unjust or unreasonable, it may determine, prescribe, and order enforced a just and reasonable maximum rate, fare, or charge, or a just and reasonable classification, tariff, regulation, or practice. 17 sec. 818. Restriction on reduced to drive sec. 819. 39 Stat. 735. SEC. 19. That whenever a common carrier by water in U. S. C., Title 46, interstate commerce reduces its rates on the carriage of 39 Stat. 735. any species of freight to or from competitive points below increase of rates a fair and remunerative basis with the intent of driving out competitor. out or otherwise injuring a competitive carrier by water, it shall not increase such rates unless after hearing the board finds that such proposed increase rests upon changed conditions other than the elimination of said competition. SEC. 20. That it shall be unlawful for any common U. S. C., Title 46, carrier by water or other person subject to this Act, or any officer, receiver, trustee, lessee, agent, or employee of such carrier or person, or for any other person author- ized by such carrier or person to receive information, knowingly to disclose to or permit to be acquired by any person other than the shipper or consignee, without the consent of such shipper or consignee, any informa- Information tion concerning the nature, kind, quantity, destination, shipper or con- consignee, or routing of any property tendered or deliv-disclosed, solic- ered to such common carrier or other person subject to this act for transportation in interstate or foreign com- merce, which information may be used to the detriment or prejudice of such shipper or consignee, or which may improperly disclose his business transactions to a com- petitor, or which may be used to the detriment or preju- dice of any carrier; and it shall also be unlawful for any person to solicit or knowingly receive any such infor- mation which may be so used. detrimental to signee not to be ited, etc. mation on legal Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent the Giving of infor- giving of such information in response to any legal process, etc. process issued under the authority of any court, or to any officer or agent of the Government of the United States, or of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, in the exercise of his powers, or to any officer or other duly authorized person seeking such information for the prosecution of persons charged with or suspected of crime, or to another carrier, or its duly authorized agent, for the purpose of adjusting mutual traffic ac-traffic accounts, counts in the ordinary course of business of such carriers. etc. SEC. 21. That the board may require any common records, rates, carrier by water, or other person subject to this Act, or quired of any per- any officer, receiver, trustee, lessee, agent, or employee act. thereof, to file with it any periodical or special report, sec. $20. or any account, record, rate, or charge, or any memoran- dum of any facts and transactions appertaining to the business of such carrier or other person subject to this In adjusting Filing of reports, etc., may be re- son subject to the U. S. C., Title 46, 39 Stat. 736. 18 ure to file. Act. Such report, account, record, rate, charge, or memorandum shall be under oath whenever the board so requires, and shall be furnished in the form and Penalty for fail within the time prescribed by the board. Whoever fails to file any report, account, record, rate, charge, or memoran- dum as required by this section shall forfeit to the United States the sum of $100 for each day of such de- fault. Penalty for filing false reports, etc. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 821. violation may be filed by any person. 39 Stat. 736. Whoever willfully falsifies, destroys, mutilates, or alters any such report, account, record, rate, charge, or memorandum, or willfully files a false report, account, record, rate, charge, or memorandum shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject upon conviction to a fine of not more than $1,000, or imprisonment for not more than one year, or to both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 22. That any person may file with the board a Complaint of any sworn complaint setting forth any violation of this Act by a common carrier by water, or other person subject to this Act, and asking reparation for the injury, if any, caused thereby. The board shall furnish a copy of the complaint to such carrier or other person, who shall within a reasonable time specified by the board satisfy the complaint or answer it in writing. If the complaint is not satisfied the board shall, except as otherwise provided in this Act, investigate it in such manner and by such means, and make such order as it deems proper. The board, if the complaint is filed within two years after the cause of action accrued, may direct the pay- ment, on or before a day named, of full reparation to the complainant for the injury caused by such violation. Remedy for violations. Investigations by board on own motion. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 822. The board, upon its own motion, may in like manner and, except as to orders for the payment of money, with the same powers, investigate any violation of this Act. SEC. 23. Orders of the board relating to any violation Orders of board. of this Act shall be made only after full hearing, and upon a sworn complaint or in proceedings instituted of its own motion. 39 Stat. 736. All orders of the board other than for the payment of money made under this Act shall continue in force for such time, not exceeding two years, as shall be prescribed therein by the board, unless suspended, modified, or set aside by the board or any court of competent jurisdiction. 19 sec. 823. of hearings to be '39 Stat. 736. SEC. 24. That the board shall enter of record a written U. S. C., Title 46, report of every investigation made under this Act in Written reports which a hearing has been held, stating its conclusions, kept. decision, and order, and, if reparation is awarded, the findings of fact on which the award is made, and shall furnish a copy of such report to all parties to the in- vestigation. Such reports as The board may publish such reports in the form best evidence. adapted for public information and use, and such author- ized publications shall, without further proof or authen- tication, be competent evidence of such reports in all courts of the United States and of the States, Territories, Districts, and possessions thereof. U. S. C., Title 46, Board may re- etc., orders and grant rehearings. 39 Stat. 736. SEC. 25. That the board may reverse, suspend, or sec. 824. modify, upon such notice and in such manner as it verse, modify, deems proper, any order made by it. Upon application of any party to a decision or order it may grant a re- hearing of the same or any matter determined therein, but no such application for or allowance of a rehearing shall, except by special order of the board, operate as a stay of such order. U. S. C., Title 48, sec. 825. Investigation of discriminations ernments against SEC. 26. The board shall have power, and it shall be its duty whenever complaint shall be made to it, to investi- 39 Stat. 737. gate the action of any foreign Government with respect by foreign Gov- to the privileges afforded and burdens imposed upon American ves- vessels of the United States engaged in foreign trade sels. whenever it shall appear that the laws, regulations, or practices of any foreign Government operate in such a manner that vessels of the United States are not accorded equal privileges in foreign trade with vessels of such for- eign countries or vessels of other foreign countries, either in trade to or from the ports of such foreign country or in respect of the passage or transportation through such for- eign country of passengers or goods intended for shipment or transportation in such vessels of the United States, either to or from ports of such foreign country or to or from ports of other foreign countries. It shall be the duty of the board to report the results of its investigation Board to report to the President with its recommendations and the Presi- dent. dent is hereby authorized and empowered to secure by diplomatic action equal privileges for vessels of the United States engaged in such foreign trade. And if by such President to se- diplomatic action the President shall be unable to secure leges for Ameri- such equal privileges, then the President shall advise Congress as to the facts and his conclusions by a special on such to Presi- cure equal privi- can vessels. 20 U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 826. 39 Stat. 737. message, if deemed important in the public interest, in order that proper action may be taken thereon. SEC. 27. That for the purpose of investigating alleged violations of this Act, the board may by subpoena compel poena witnesses the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, Power to sub- etc. subpœnas. papers, documents, and other evidence from any place in the United States at any designated place of hearing. Subpoenas may be signed by any commissioner, and oaths or affirmations may be administered, witnesses examined, and evidence received by any commissioner or examiner, or, under the direction of the board, by any person authorized under the laws of the United States or of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof to admin- ister oaths. Persons so acting under the direction of the Fees of witnesses board and witnesses shall, unless employees of the board, Enforcement of be entitled to the same fees and mileage as in the courts of the United States. Obedience to any such subpoena shall, on application by the board, be enforced as are orders of the board other than for the payment of money. SEC. 28. That no person shall be excused on the ground that it may tend to incriminate him or subject him to a penalty or forfeiture, from attending and testifying, or producing books, papers, documents, and other evidence, in obedience to the subpoena of the board or of any court in any proceeding based upon or growing out of any But no witness to alleged violation of this Act; but no natural person shall be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter, or thing as to which, in obedience to a subpoena and under oath, he may so testify or produce evidence, except that no person shall be exempt from prosecution and punishment for perjury committed in so testifying. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 827. 39 Stat. 737. Giving of self- incriminating evidence by wit- nesses may be enforced. be prosecuted on such evidence. U. S. C., Title 46 sec. 829. 39 Stat. 737. orders. Where suits to be filed. SEC. 29. That in case of violation of any order of the Enforcement of board, other than an order for the payment of money, the board, or any party injured by such violation, or the Attorney General, may apply to a district court having for payment of jurisdiction of the parties; and if, after hearing, the court determines that the order was regularly made and duly issued, it shall enforce obedience thereto by a writ o in- junction or other proper process, mandatory or otherwise. (a) Other than money. (b) For payment of money. SEC. 30. That in case of violation of any order of the board for the payment of money the person to whom such award was made may file in the district court for the dis- trict in which such person resides, or in which is located any office of the carrier or other person to whom the order 21 was directed, or in which is located any point of call on a regular route operated by the carrier, or in any court of general jurisdiction of a State, Territory, District, or pos- session of the United States having jurisdiction of the parties, a petition or suit setting forth briefly the causes for which he claims damages and the order of the board in the premises. orders of board Costs and attor- In the district court the findings and order of the board Findings and shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated, as evidence. and the petitioner shall not be liable for costs, nor shall he be liable for costs at any subsequent stage of the pro-noises. ceedings unless they accrue upon his appeal. If a peti- tioner in a district court finally prevails, he shall be allowed a reasonable attorney's fee, to be taxed and collected as part of the costs of the suit. permitted. All parties in whose favor the board has made an award Joinder of parties of reparation by a single order may be joined as plaintiffs, and all other parties to such order may be joined as de- fendants, in a single suit in any district in which any one Service of process. such plaintiff could maintain a suit against any one such defendant. Service of process against any such defend- ant and not found in that district may be made in any district in which is located any office of, or point of call on a regular route operated by, such defendant. Judg- ment may be entered in favor of any plaintiff against the defendant liable to that plaintiff. suits. No petition or suit for the enforcement of an order for Time for filing of the payment of moneys shall be maintained unless filed within one year from the date of the order. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 830. Venue and pro- 39 Stat. 738. SEC. 31. That the venue and procedure in the courts of the United States in suits brought to enforce, suspend, cedure. or set aside, in whole or in part, any order of the board shall, except as herein otherwise provided, be the same as in similar suits in regard to orders of the Interstate Com- merce Commission, but such suits may also be maintained in any district court having jurisdiction of the parties. SEC. 32. That whoever violates any provision of this Act, except where a different penalty is provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by fine not to exceed provision. $5,000. • sec. 831. S., Title 46, General penalty U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 832. 39 Stat. 738. SEC. 33. That this Act shall not be construed to affect the power or jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Jurisdiction of Commission, nor to confer upon the board concurrent power or jurisdiction over any matter within the power encroached upon, Interstate Com- merce Commis- sion not to be 22 sec. 833. 39 Stat. 738. Effect of deci- tionality. or jurisdiction of such commission; nor shall this Act be construed to apply to intrastate commerce. U. S. C., Title 46, SEC. 34. That if any provision of this Act, or the ap- plication of such provision to certain circumstances, is sions on constitu- held unconstitutional, the remainder of the Act, and the application of such provision to circumstances other than those as to which it is held unconstitutional, shall not be affected thereby. Initial appropria- tion. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 834. 39 Stat. 738. Clearance may be denied vessel for refusal to take cargo offered by citizen of United States. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 835. 39 Stat. 728. During war or emergency. No vessel to be transferred to for- eign registry. SEC. 35. That for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, the sum of $100,000 is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the establishment and maintenance of the board, including the payment of salaries herein authorized. SEC. 36. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to refuse a clearance to any vessel or other vehicle laden with merchandise destined for a foreign or domestic port whenever he shall have satisfactory reason to believe that the master, owner, or other officer of such vessel or other vehicle refuses or declines to accept or receive freight or cargo in good condition tendered for such port. of destination or for some intermediate port of call, together with the proper freight or transportation charges therefor, by any citizen of the United States, unless the same is fully laden and has no space accommo- dations for the freight or cargo so tendered, due regard being had for the proper loading of such vessel or vehicle, or unless such freight or cargo consists of mer- chandise for which such vessel or vehicle is not adaptable. SEC. 37.9 That when the United States is at war or during any national emergency, the existence of which is declared by proclamation of the President, 10 it shall be unlawful, without first obtaining the approval of the board: (a) To transfer to or place under any foreign registry or flag any vessel owned in whole or in part by any per- son a citizen of the United States or by corporation organized under the laws of the United States, or of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof; or • Secs. 37 to 44, inclusive, were added by sec. 4 of the Act of July 15, 1918, 40 Stat. L. 900 (Public, No. 198, 65th Cong.), commencing as follows: "That said Act is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof eight sections as follows: ' 10 The proclamation by the President of a national emergency as provided herein was made Aug. 7, 1918. See p. 28. See, also, sec. 9 of the original Shipping Act and procla- mation thereunder, pp. 10, 27. 23 yard, etc., to be ' to foreigner. (b) To sell, mortgage, lease, charter, deliver, or in any No vessel, ship- manner transfer, or agree to sell, mortgage, lease, charter, sold, mortgaged, deliver, or in any manner transfer, to any person not a citizen of the United States, (1) any such vessel or any interest therein, or (2) any vessel documented under the laws of the United States, or any interest therein, or (3) any shipyard, dry dock, ship-building or ship-repairing plant or facilities, or any interest therein; or construct for for- (c) To enter into any contract, agreement, or under- No contract to standing to construct a vessel within the United States eign account. for or to be delivered to any person not a citizen of the United States, without expressly stipulating that such construction shall not begin until after the war or emer- gency proclaimed by the President has ended; or vest control in (d) To make any agreement or effect any understand- No agreement to ing whereby there is vested in or for the benefit of any foreigners. person not a citizen of the United States, the controlling interest or a majority of the voting power in a corporation. which is organized under the laws of the United States, or of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, and which owns any vessel, shipyard, dry dock, or ship- building or ship-repairing plant or facilities; or built vessels to umented. (e) To cause or procure any vessel constructed in No American- whole or in part within the United States, which has depart until doc- never cleared for any foreign port, to depart from a port of the United States before it has been documented under the laws of the United States. Whoever violates, or attempts or conspires to violate, Penalty. any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000 or by imprisonment for not more than five years, or both. Any vessel, shipyard, dry dock, ship-building or ship- repairing plant or facilities, or interest therein, sold, mortgaged, leased, chartered, delivered, transferred, or documented, or agreed to be sold, mortgaged, leased, chartered, delivered, transferred, or documented, in vio- lation of any of the provisions of this section, and any stocks, bonds, or other securities sold or transferred, or agreed to be sold or transferred, in violation of any of such provisions, or any vessel departing in violation of the provisions of subdivision (e), shall be forfeited to the United States. 24 U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 836. 39 Stat. 728. Forfeiture. Contracts and agreements in violation of sec- tion void. Consideration may be recov- ered. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 837. 39 Stat. 728. Prosecutions of forfeitures. Transferee must file declaration as to citizenship, etc., with collec- tor of customs. Penalty for false statement. Any such sale, mortgage, lease, charter, delivery, trans- fer, documentation, or agreement therefor shall be void, whether made within or without the United States, and any consideration paid therefor or deposited in connec- tion therewith shall be recoverable at the suit of the person who has paid or deposited the same, or of his successors. or assigns, after the tender of such vessel, shipyard, dry dock, ship-building or ship-repairing plant or facilities, or interest therein, or of such stocks, bonds, or other secur- ities, to the person entitled thereto, or after forfeiture thereof to the United States, unless the person to whom the consideration was paid, or in whose interest it was deposited, entered into the transaction in the honest belief that the person who paid or deposited such con- sideration was a citizen of the United States. SEC. 38. That all forfeitures incurred under the pro- visions of this Act may be prosecuted in the same court, and may be disposed of in the same manner, as forfeitures. incurred for offenses against the law relating to the col- lection of duties. SEC. 39. That in any action or proceeding under the provisions of this Act to enforce a forfeiture the convic- tion in a court of criminal jurisdiction of any person for a violation thereof with respect to the subject of the for- feiture shall constitute prima facie evidence of such viola- tion against the person so convicted. SEC. 40. That whenever any bill of sale, mortgage, hypothecation, or conveyance of any vessel, or part thereof, or interest therein, is presented to any collector of the customs to be recorded, the vendee, mortgagee, or transferee shall file therewith a written declaration in such form as the board may by regulation prescribe, setting forth the facts relating to his citizenship, and such other facts as the board requires, showing that the transaction does not involve a violation of any of the provisions of section nine or thirty-seven. Unless the board, before such presentation, has failed to prescribe such form, no such bill of sale, mortgage, hypotheca- tion, or conveyance shall be valid against any person whatsoever until such declaration has been filed. declaration filed by or in behalf of a corporation shall be signed by the president, secretary, or treasurer thereof. Whoever knowingly makes any false statement of a material fact in any such declaration shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not more than Any 25 $5,000, or to imprisonment for not more than five years, or both. sec. 839. Board may actions condi- SEC. 41. That whenever by said section nine or thirty- U. S. C., Title 46, seven the approval of the board is required to render any 39 Stat. 728. act or transaction lawful, such approval may be accorded approve trans- either absolutely or upon such conditions as the board tionally. prescribes. Whenever the approval of the board is accorded upon any condition a statement of such con- dition shall be entered upon its records and incorporated in the same document or paper which notifies the appli- cant of such approval. A violation of such condition so Penalty for incorporated shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be ditions. punishable by fine and imprisonment in the same manner, and shall subject the vessel, stocks, bonds, or other subject matter of the application conditionally approved to forfeiture in the same manner, as though the Act conditionally approved had been done without the approval of the board, but the offense shall be deemed to have been committed at the time of the violation of the condition. breach of con- Whenever by this Act the approval of the board is required to render any act or transaction lawful, whoever knowingly makes any false statement of a material fact to the board, or to any member thereof, or to any officer, attorney, or agent thereof, for the purpose of securing Penalty for mak- such approval, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and ment of fact to subject to a fine of not more than $5,000, or to imprison- approval. ment for not more than five years, or both. ing false state- secure board's Sec. 840. Vessels to be con- mented until ment, or license is SEC. 42. That any vessel registered, enrolled, or licensed U.S. C., Title 46, under the laws of the United States shall be deemed to 39 Stat. 728. continue to be documented under the laws of the United sidered docu- States within the meaning of subdivision (b) of section registry, enroll- thirty-seven, until such registry, enrollment, or license canceled by is surrendered with the approval of the board, the provi- sions of any other Act of Congress to the contrary not- withstanding. board. U.S. C., Title 46, by President to issue SEC. 43. That the fact that a war or emergency has ended shall, for the purposes of this Act, be evidenced a proclamation of the President. SEC. 44. That this Act may be cited as "Shipping Act, 1916." sec. 841. 39 Stat. 729. proclamation when emergency ends. "Title of Act." 26 [Emergency in Water Transportation of the United States] BY THE PREsident of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Whereas, Congress did by "An Act to establish a United States Shipping Board for the purpose of encour- aging, developing, and creating a naval auxiliary and naval reserve and a merchant marine to meet the re- quirements of the commerce of the United States with its Territories and possessions and with foreign countries; to regulate carriers by water engaged in the foreign and interstate commerce of the United States; and for other purposes, approved September 7, 1916, provide that "during any national emergency the existence of which is declared by proclamation of the President, no vessel registered or enrolled and licensed under the laws of the United States shall, without the approval of the board, be sold, leased, or chartered to any person not a citizen of the United States, or transferred to a foreign registry or flag"; "" 11 And whereas, many shipowners of the United States are permitting their ships to pass to alien registers and to foreign trades in which we do not participate, and from which they can not be bought back to serve the needs of our water-borne commerce without the permission of governments of foreign nations; Now, therefore, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the United States of America, acting under and by virtue of the authority conferred in me by said Act of Congress, do hereby declare and proclaim that I have found that there exists a national emergency arising from the insufficiency of maritime tonnage to carry the products of the farms, forests, mines and manufacturing industries of the United States to their consumers abroad and within the United States, and I do hereby admonish all citizens of the United States and every person to abstain from every violation of the provisions of said Act of Congress, and I do hereby warn them that all violations of such provisions will be vigorously prose- cuted, and I do hereby enjoin upon all officers of the United States, charged with the execution of the laws thereof, the utmost diligence in preventing violations of 11 This section of the Shipping Act was amended by the Act of July 15, 1918. See sec. 87 of Shipping Act and proclamation thereunder (pp. 22, 27). 27 said Act, and this my proclamation issued thereunder, and in bringing to trial and punishment any offenders against the same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 5th day of Febru- ary in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-first. WOODROW WILSON. [SEAL.] By the President: ROBERT LANSING, Secretary of State. [Terms of the Shipping Act as amended by Act of July 15, 1918, declared to be in force] BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Whereas, an Act of Congress, entitled "Shipping Act, 1916," approved September 7, 1916,12 as amended by an Act of Congress entitled "An Act to amend the Act ap- proved September seventh, nineteen hundred and sixteen, entitled, 'An Act to establish a United States Shipping Board for the purpose of encouraging, developing, and creating a naval auxiliary and naval reserve and a mer- chant marine to meet the requirements of the commerce of the United States with its Territories and possessions and with foreign countries; to regulate carriers by water in the foreign and interstate commerce of the United States; and for other purposes,' approved July 15, 1918, contains the following provisions: "SEC. 37. That when the United States is at war or during any national emergency, the existence of which is declared by proclamation of the President, it shall be unlawful, without first obtaining the approval of the board: "(a) To transfer or to place under any foreign registry or flag any vessel owned in whole or in part by any person a citizen of the United States or by a corporation organ- ized under the laws of the United States, or of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof; or 12 See sec. 9 of the Shipping Act and proclamation thereunder (pp. 7, 28). 28 "(b) To sell, mortgage, lease, charter, deliver, or in any manner transfer, or agree to sell, mortgage, lease, charter, deliver, or in any manner transfer, to any person not a citizen of the United States, (1) any such vessel or any interest therein, or (2) any vessel documented under the laws of the United States, or any interest therein, or (3) any shipyard, dry dock, shipbuilding or ship repairing plant or facilities, or any interest therein; or "(c) To enter into any contract, agreement, or under- standing to construct a vessel within the United States for or to be delivered to any person not a citizen of the United States, without expressly stipulating that such construction shall not begin until after the war or emer- gency proclaimed by the President has ended; or "(d) To make any agreement or effect any understand- ing whereby there is vested in or for the benefit of any person not a citizen of the United States, the controlling interest or a majority of the voting power in a corporation. which is organized under the laws of the United States, or of any State, Territory, District or possession thereof, and which owns any vessel, shipyard, dry dock, or ship- building or ship-repairing plant or facilities; or "(e) To cause or procure any vessel constructed in whole or in part within the United States, which has never cleared for any foreign port, to depart from a port of the United States before it has been documented under the laws of the United States." And whereas the destruction of maritime tonnage dur- ing the present war has rendered it imperative that the American merchant marine be retained under American control, and free from alien influence, Now, therefore, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the United States of America, acting under authority con- ferred in me by said Act, do hereby proclaim that a state of war and a national emergency within the meaning of said Act do now exist, and I do hereby enjoin all persons from doing any of the things in said Act declared to be unlawful. For the purposes of said Act of Congress, the national emergency herein proclaimed shall be deemed to continue until its termination has been evidenced by a proclama- tion of the President. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. 29 Done in the District of Columbia this 7th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hun- dred and eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-third. WOODROW WILSON. [SEAL. By the President: FRANK L. POLK, Acting Secretary of State. 46209°29-3 June 5, 1920. (H. R. 10378.) Public, No. 261, 66th Cong., 2d sess. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 861. 41 Stat. 988. Declaration of policy. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 862. Emergency ship ping legislation repealed. Emergency Ship- ping Act as amended. MERCHANT MARINE ACT, 1920 An Act To provide for the promotion and maintenance of the American merchant marine, to repeal certain emergency legisla- tion, and provide for the disposition, regulation, and use of property acquired thereunder, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That it is necessary for the national defense and for the proper growth of its foreign and domestic commerce that the United States shall have a merchant marine of the best equipped and most suitable types of vessels suffi- cient to carry the greater portion of its commerce and serve as a naval or military auxiliary in time of war or national emergency, ultimately to be owned and operated privately by citizens of the United States;¹ and it is hereby declared to be the policy of the United States to do what- ever may be necessary to develop and encourage the maintenance of such a merchant marine, and, in so far as may not be inconsistent with the express provi- sions of this Act, the United States Shipping Board shall, in the disposition of vessels and shipping property as hereinafter provided, in the making of rules and regu- lations, and in the administration of the shipping laws keep always in view this purpose and object as the pri- mary end to be obtained. SEC. 2. (a) That the following Acts and parts of Acts are hereby repealed, subject to the limitations and ex- ceptions hereinafter, in this Act, provided: (1) The emergency shipping fund provisions of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the Military and Naval Establishments on account of war expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917, and for other pur- poses," approved June 15, 1917, as amended by the Act entitled "An Act to amend the emergency shipping fund provisions of the Urgent Deficiency Appropriation Act, approved June 15, 1917, so as to empower the President and his designated agents to take over certain transpor- tation systems for the transportation of shipyard and plant employees, and for other purposes," approved April 22, 1918, and as further amended by the Act enti- tled "An Act making appropriation to supply deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1919, and prior fiscal years, on account of war expenses, and for other purposes," approved November 4, 1918; 1 This policy was confirmed and reaffirmed by the Merchant Marine Act of 1928, (30) 31 (2) Section 3 of such Act of April 22, 1918; (3) The paragraphs numbered 2 and 3 under the heading "Emergency shipping fund" in such Act of November 4, 1918; and Act. (4) The Act entitled "An Act to confer on the Presi- Rate Emergency dent power to prescribe charter rates and freight rates. and to requisition vessels, and for other purposes," approved July 18, 1918. (5) Sections 5, 7, and 8, Shipping Act, 1916. Secs. 5, 7, 8, Ship- ping Act. (b) The repeal of such Acts or parts of Acts is subject imitations. to the following limitations: fulfilled. (1) All contracts or agreements lawfully entered into Contracts to be before the passage of this Act under any such Act or part of Act shall be assumed and carried out by the United States Shipping Board, hereinafter called "the "Board." board." unaffected. (2) All rights, interests, or remedies accruing or to Vested rights accrue as a result of any such contract or agreement or of any action taken in pursuance of any such Act or parts of Acts shall be in all respects as valid, and may be exercised and enforced in like manner, subject to the provisions of subdivision (c) of this section, as if this Act had not been passed. extinguished. (3) The repeal shall not have the effect of extinguish- Penalties not ing any penalty incurred under such Acts or parts of Acts, but such Acts or parts of Acts shall remain in force for the purpose of sustaining a prosecution for enforce- ment of the penalty therein provided for the violation thereof. work may be (4) The board shall have full power and authority to Construction complete or conclude any construction work begun in completed. accordance with the provisions of such Acts or parts of Acts if, in the opinion of the board, the completion or conclusion thereof is for the best interests of the United States. claims. (c) As soon as practicable after the passage of this Settlement of Act the board shall adjust, settle, and liquidate all matters arising out of or incident to the exercise by or through the President of any of the powers or duties conferred or imposed upon the President by any such Act or parts of Acts; and for this purpose the board, instead of the President, shall have and exercise any of such powers and duties relating to the determination and payment of just Just compensa- compensation: Provided, That any person dissatisfied with any decision of the board shall have the same right to sue the United States as he would have had if the Right to sue decision had been made by the President of the United unaffected. States under the Acts hereby repealed. SEC. 3. (a) That section 3 of the "Shipping Act, 1916," is amended to read as follows: tion by board. United States sec. 842. "SEC. 3. That a board is hereby created to be known U. S. C., Title 46, as the United States Shipping Board and hereinafter Board increased referred to as the board. The board shall be composed to 7 commission- ers. • 32 appointed by President. Chairman. Vice chairman. Terms of com- missioners. Commissioners of seven commissioners, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; and the President shall designate the member to act as chair- man of the board, and the board may elect one of its members as vice chairman. Such commissioners shall be appointed as soon as practicable after the enactment of this Act and shall continue in office two for a term of one year, and the remaining five for terms of two, three, four, five, and six years, respectively, from the date of their appointment, the term of each to be designated by the President, but their successors shall be appointed for terms of six years, except that any person chosen to fill a vacancy shall be appointed only for the unexpired term of the commissioner whom he succeeds. Vacancies. Qualifications. Board to be non- political. Vacancies. Commissioners not to handle matters in which personally interested. Entire time to office. Commissioners to have no rela- tions with per- sons subject to act. Duties may be divided. Removal. Vacancies. Seal. Rules and regula- tions. Attorneys. "The commissioners shall be appointed with due re- gard to their fitness for the efficient discharge of the duties imposed on them by this Act, and two shall be appointed from the States touching the Pacific Ocean, two from the States touching the Atlantic Ocean, one from the States touching the Gulf of Mexico, one from the States touching the Great Lakes, and one from the interior, but not more than one shall be appointed from the same State. Not more than four of the commis- sioners shall be appointed from the same political party. A vacancy in the board shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments. No commissioner shall take any part in the consideration or decision of any claim or particular controversy in which he has a pecu- niary interest. 66 Each commissioner shall devote his time to the duties of his office, and shall not be in the employ of or hold any official relation to any common carrier or other person subject to this Act, nor while holding such office acquire any stock or bonds thereof or become pecuniarily inter- ested in any such carrier. "The duties of the board may be so divided that under its supervision the directorship of various activities may be assigned to one or more commissioners. Any com- missioner may be removed by the President for ineffi- ciency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office. A va- cancy in the board shall not impair the right of the remaining members of the board to exercise all its powers. The board shall have an official seal, which shall be judicially noticed. "The board may adopt rules and regulations in regard to its procedure and the conduct of its business. The board may employ within the limits of appropriations. made therefor by Congress such attorneys as it finds Conduct of litiga- necessary for proper legal service to the board in the con- duct of its work, or for proper representation of the public interest in investigations made by it or proceedings pend- ing before it whether at the board's own instance or upon complaint, or to appear for or represent the board in any tion. 33 - shipping act board. case in court or other tribunal. The board shall have Duties under such other rights and perform such other duties not in- conferred on new consistent with the merchant marine act, 1920, as are conferred by existing law upon the board in existence at the time this section as amended takes effect. to hold over until "The commissioners in office at the time this section Commissioners as amended takes effect shall hold office until all the com- new commission- missioners provided for in this section as amended are ers appointed. appointed and qualify." (b) The first sentence of section 4 of the "shipping act, 1916," is amended to read as follows: Salary of com- "SEC. 4. That each member of the board shall receive missioners. a salary of $12,000 per annum.' property acquired dent turned over to board. sec. 863. SEC. 4. That all vessels and other property or interests Vessels and other of whatsoever kind, including vessels or property in through Presi course of construction or contracted for, acquired by the President through any agencies whatsoever in pursuance U.S. C., Title 46, of authority conferred by the Acts or parts of Acts re- 41 Stat. 990. pealed by section 2 of this Act, or in pursuance of the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution authorizing the President to take over for the United States the pos- session and title of any vessel within its jurisdiction, which at the time of coming therein was owned in whole or in part by any corporation, citizen, or subject of any nation with which the United States may be at war, or was under register of any such nation, and for other pur- poses," approved May 12, 1917, with the exception of vessels and property the use of which is in the opinion of the President required by any other branch of the Government service of the United States, are hereby transferred to the board: Provided, That all vessels in service excepted. the military and naval service of the United States, in- vessels in mill- cluding the vessels assigned to river and harbor work, tary or naval inland waterways, or vessels for such needs in the course of construction or under contract by the War Department, sha I be exempt from the provisions of this Act. of vessels. SEC. 5. That in order to accomplish the declared pur-Sale Title 46, poses of this Act, and to carry out the policy declared in sec. 864. section 1 hereof, the board is authorized and directed to sell, as soon as practicable, consistent with good business methods and the objects and purposes to be attained by this Act, at public or private competitive sale after ap- praisement and due advertisement, to persons who are citizens of the United States except as provided in section 6 of this Act, all of the vessels referred to in section 4 of this Act or otherwise acquired by the board. Such sale shall be made at such prices and on such terms and con- Conditions. ditions as the board may prescribe, but the completion of the payment of the purchase price and interest shall not be deferred more than fifteen years after the making of the contract of sale. The board in fixing or accepting the sale price of such vessels shall take into consideration the prevailing domestic and foreign market price of, the available supply of, and the demand for vessels, existing 34 • freight rates and prospects of their maintenance, the cost of constructing vessels of similar types under prevailing conditions, as well as the cost of the construction or pur- chase price of the vessels to be sold, and any other facts or conditions that would influence a prudent, solvent business man in the sale of similar vessels or property which he is not forced to sell All sales made under the authority of this Act shall be subject to the limitations. tions applicable. and restrictions of section 9 of the "Shipping Act, 1916," as amended Transfer restric- Sale of vessels to foreigners. SEC. 6. That the board is authorized and empowered to sell to aliens, at such prices and on such terms and conditions as it may determine, not inconsistent with the U. S. C., Title provisions of section 5 (except that completion of the Conditions. 46, sec. 865. 41 Stat. 991. Establishment of routes. See Merchant sec. 414. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 866. 41 Stat. 992. payment of the purchase price and interest shall not be deferred more than ten years after the making of the con- tract of sale), such vessels as it shall, after careful inves- tigation, deem unnecessary to the promotion and main- tenance of an efficient American merchant marine; but no such sale shall be made unless the board, after diligent effort, has been unable to sell, in accordance with the terms and conditions of section 5, such vessels to persons citizens of the United States, and has, upon an affirmative vote of not less than five of its members, spread upon the minutes of the board, determined to make such sale; and it shall make as a part of its records a full statement of its reasons for making such sale. Deferred payments of purchase price of vessels under this section shall bear interest at the rate of not less than 52 per centum per annum, payable semiannually. SEC. 7. That the board is authorized and directed to investigate and determine as promptly as possible after Marine Act, 1928, the enactment of this Act and from time to time thereafter what steamship lines should be established and put in operation from ports in the United States or any Terri- tory, District, or possession thereof to such world and domestic markets as in its judgment are desirable for the promotion, development, expansion, and maintenance of the foreign and coastwise trade of the United States and an adequate postal service, and to determine the type, size, speed, and other requirements of the vessels to be employed upon such lines and the frequency and regularity of their sailings, with a view to furnishing adequate, regular, certain, and permanent service. Sale and charter The board is authorized to sell, and if a satisfactory sale can not be made, to charter such of the vessels referred to in section 4 of this Act or otherwise acquired by the board, as will meet these requirements to responsible persons who are citizens of the United States who agree to establish and maintain such lines upon such terms of payment and other conditions as the board may deem just and necessary to secure and maintain the service desired; and if any such steamship line is deemed desirable and necessary, and if no such citizen can be secured to of vessels on new routes. 35 Board may oper- United States supply such service by the purchase or charter of vessels on terms satisfactory to the board, the board shall operate ate vessels on new vessels on such line until the business is developed so that routes. such vessels may be sold on satisfactory terms and the service maintained, or unless it shall appear within a reasonable time that such line can not be made self- sustaining: 2 Provided, That preference in the sale or Citizens of assignment of vessels for operation on such steamship preferred on new lines shall be given to persons who are citizens of the routes. United States who have the support, financial and other- wise, of the domestic communities primarily interested in such lines if the board is satisfied of the ability of such persons to maintain the service desired and proposed to be maintained, or to persons who are citizens of the United States who may then be maintaining a service from the port of the United States to or in the general direction of the world market port to which the board has determined that such service should be established: Provided further, That where steamship lines and regular Present routes es- service have been established and are being maintained board main- by ships of the board at the time of the enactment of this Act, such lines and service shall be maintained by the board until, in the opinion of the board, the maintenance thereof is unbusinesslike and against the public interests: And provided further, That whenever the board shall determine, as provided in this Act, that trade conditions. warrant the establishment of a service or additional service under Government administration where a service Board to main- is already being given by persons, citizens of the United on new routes. States, the rates and charges for such Government service shall not be less than the cost thereof, including a proper interest and depreciation charge on the value of Government vessels and equipment employed therein. tablished by tained. tain private rates U. S. C., Title 46, Investigation of merce with re- tion. SEC. 8. That it shall be the duty of the board, in coop-sec. 867. eration with the Secretary of War, with the object of 41 Stat. 892. promoting, encouraging, and developing ports and trans-water-borne com- portation facilities in connection with water commerce spect to regions, over which it has jurisdiction, to investigate territorial zones, and: regions and zones tributary to such ports, taking into consideration the economies of transportation by rail, Rail transporta- water and highway and the natural direction of the flow of commerce; to investigate the causes of the congestion Natural flow of of commerce at ports and the remedies applicable thereto; Congestion of to investigate the subject of water terminals, including the necessary docks, warehouses, apparatus, equipment, Port facilities, and appliances in connection therewith, with a view to devising and suggesting the types most appropriate for different locations and for the most expeditious and eco- commerce. ports. etc. Contracts for • The following was stricken out by sec. 414 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1928: The Postmaster General is authorized, notwithstanding the Act entitled "An Act carrying mail on to provide for ocean mail service between the United States and foreign ports, and to new routes with- promote commerce," approved March 3, 1891, to contract for the carrying of the mails out competitive over such lines at such price as may be agreed upon by the board and the Postmaster bids. General. 36 passengers and freight. terminals. Improvement of commerce. Findings as to Interchange of nomical transfer or interchange of passengers or property between carriers by water and carriers by rail; to advise Location of water with communities regarding the appropriate location and plan of construction of wharves, piers, and water termi- nals; to investigate the practicability and advantages of rivers, ports, etc., harbor, river, and port improvements in connection with with respect to foreign and coastwise trade; and to investigate any other matter that may tend to promote and encourage the use by vessels of ports adequate to care for the freight which would naturally pass through such ports: Provided, That if after such investigation the board shall be of the opinion mon carriers by that rates, charges, rules, or regulations of common car- riers by rail subject to the jurisdiction of the Interstate Interstate Com- Commerce Commission are detrimental to the declared object of this section, or that new rates, charges, rules, or regulations, new or additional port terminal facilities, or affirmative action on the part of such common carriers.by rail is necessary to promote the objects of this section, the board may submit its findings to the Interstate Com- merce Commission for such action as such commission may consider proper under existing law. rates, etc., of com- rail, etc., to be submitted to. merce Commis- sion. Insurance on vessels sold. sec. 868. SEC. 9. That if the terms and conditions of any sale of U. S. C., Title 46, a vessel made under the provisions of this Act include deferred payments of the purchase price, the board shall require, as part of such terms and conditions, that the purchaser of the vessel shall keep the same insured (a) Marine and war against loss or damage by fire, and against marine risks risk. Protective and indemnity. Payable to board. sec. 501. See Merchant sec. 501. and disasters, and war and other risks if the board so specifies, with such insurance companies, associations or underwriters, and under such forms of policies, and to such an amount, as the board may prescribe or approve; and (b) by protection and indemnity insurance with such insurance companies, associations, or underwriters and under such forms of policies, and to such an amount as the board may prescribe or approve. The insurance required to be carried under this section shall be made payable to the board and/or to the parties as interest may appear. The board is authorized to enter into any agreement that it deems wise in respect to the payment and/or the guarantee of premiums of insurance. 66 3 U. S. C., Title 5, "SEC. 10. That the board may create out of insurance premiums, and revenue from operations and sales, and Marine Act, 1928, maintain and administer separate insurance funds which it may use to insure in whole or in part against all hazards commonly covered by insurance policies in such cases, any legal or equitable interest of the United States (1) in any vessel constructed or in process of construction; U. S. C., Title 46, Marine Act of 1928, read as follows: sec. 869. Insurance fund. To cover vessels. Plants, materials, etc. 3 Sec. 10 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 before being amended by the Merchant SEC. 10. That the board may create out of net revenue from operations and sales, and maintain and administer, a separate insurance fund, which it may use to insure in whole or in part, against all hazards commonly covered by insurance policies in such cases, any interest of the United States (1) in any vessel, either constructed or in process of construction, and (2) in any plants or materials heretofore or hereafter acquired by the board or hereby transferred to the board. 37 and (2) in any plants or property in the possession or under the authority of the board. The United States shall be held to have such an interest in any vessel toward the construction, reconditioning, remodeling, improving, or equipping of which a loan has been made under the authority of this Act, in any vessel upon which it holds a mortgage or lien of any character, or in any vessel which is obligated by contract with the owner to perform any service in behalf of the United States, to the extent of the Government's interest therein.' 4 وو 1451. Marine Act, 1928, "SEC. 11. (a) That the board may set aside, out of the 44 Stats., pt. 2, revenues from sales, including proceeds of securities con- U. S. C., Title 3, sisting of notes, letters of credit, or other evidences of sec. 301. debt, taken by it for deferred payments on purchase See Merchant money from sales by the board, whether such securities sec. 301. are to the order of the United States, the United States Shipping Board, the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, or the United States Ship- ping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation, either directly amount. loan fund. citizens to con- or by indorsement, until the amounts thus set aside from Aggregate time to time aggregate $125,000,000. The amount thus Construction set aside shall be known as the construction loan fund. The board may use such fund to the extent it thinks proper, upon such terms as the board may prescribe, in Aiding private making loans to aid persons citizens of the United States struct vessels. in the construction by them in private shipyards or navy Private ship- yards in the United States of vessels of the best and most Navy yards. efficient type for the establishment or maintenance of service on lines deemed desirable or necessary by the board, provided such vessels shall be fitted and equipped 4 Sec. 11 originally read before amendment as follows: yards. SEC. 11. That during a period of five years from the enactment of this Act the board Construction may annually set aside out of the revenues from sales and operations a sum not exceeding loan fund. $25,000,000, to be known as its construction loan fund, to be used in aid of the construction 41 Stat. 993. of vessels of the best and most efficient type for the establishment and maintenance of service on steamship lines deemed desirable and necessary by the board, and such vessels shall be equipped with the most modern, the most efficient, and the most economical machinery and commercial appliances. The board shall use such fund to the extent required upon such terms as the board may prescribe to aid persons, citizens of the United States, in the construction by them in private shipyards, in the United States of the foregoing class of vessels. No aid shall be for a greater sum than two-thirds of the cost of the vessel or vessels to be constructed, and the board shall require such secu- rity, including a first lien upon the entire interest in the vessel or vessels so constructed as it shall deem necessary to insure the repayment of such sum with interest thereon and the maintenance of the service for which such vessel or vessels are built. SEC. 11 was amended on June 6, 1924, to read as follows: "SEC. 11. (a) That during a period of five years from the enactment of this Act U. S. C., Title (Merchant Marine Act of 1920) the board may annually set aside out of the revenues 46, sec. 870. from sales and operations a sum not exceeding $25,000,000, to be known as its construction 43 Stat. 467. loan fund. The board may use such fund to the extent it thinks proper, upon such terms as the board may prescribe, in making loans to aid persons citizens of the United States in the construction by them in private shipyards or navy yards of the United States of vessels of the best and most efficient type for the establishment or maintenance of service on lines deemed desirable or necessary by the board, provided such vessels shall be fitted and equipped with the most modern, the most efficient, and the most economical engines, machinery, and commercial appliances or, in the outfitting and equipment by them in private shipyards or navy yards of the United States of vessels already built, with engines, machinery, and commercial appliances of the type and kind mentioned. "(b) The term 'vessel' or 'vessels,' where used in this section, shall be construed to mean a vessel or vessels to aid in whose construction or equipment a loan is made from the construction loan fund of the board. All such vessels shall be documented under the laws of the United States and shall remain documented under such laws for not less than five years from the date the loan is made; and, so long as there remains due the United States any principal or interest on account of such loan. "(c) No loan shall be made for a longer time than fifteen years. If it is not to be re- paid within two years from the date when the first advance on the loan is made by the 38 Meaning of word "vessel. " with the most modern, the most efficient, and the most economical engines, machinery, and commercial appli- ances; or in the outfitting and equipment by them in private shipyards or navy yards in the United States of vessels already built, with engines, machinery, and com- mercial appliances of the type and kind mentioned; or in the reconditioning, remodeling, or improvement by them in private shipyards or navy yards in the United States of vessels already built. "(b) The term 'vessel' or 'vessels,' where used in this section, shall be construed to mean a vessel or vessels to aid in whose construction, equipment, reconditioning, remodeling, or improvement, a loan is made from the construction loan fund of the board. All such vessels umented under shall be documented under the laws of the United States and shall remain documented under such laws for not less than twenty years from the date the loan is made, and so long as there remains due the United States any principal or interest on account of such loan. Must remain doc- United States laws for 20 years. Period of loan. interest. "(c) No loan shall be made for a longer time than twenty years. If it is not to be repaid within two years. from the date when the first advance on the loan is made by the board, the principal shall be payable in equal annual installments to be definitely prescribed in the instruments. The loan may be paid at any time, on thirty days' written notice to the board, with interest computed to date of payment. (d) All such loans shall bear interest at rates as fol- lows, payable not less frequently than annually: During any period in which the vessel is operated exclusively in coastwise trade, or is inactive, the rate of interest shall be as fixed by the board, but not less than 54 per centum per annum. During any period in which the vessel is board, the principal shall be payable in installments to be definitely prescribed in the instruments. Such installments shall be made payable at intervals not exceeding two years; and in amounts not less than 6 per centum of the original amount of the loan, if the installments are payable at intervals of one year or less; and in amounts not less than 12 per centum of the original amount of the loan, if the installments are at intervals exceeding one year in length. The loan may be paid at any time, on thirty days written notice to the board, with interest computed to date of payment. (d) All such loans shall bear interest at rates to be fixed by the board, payable not less frequently than annually. During any interest period in which the vessel is operated exclusively in coastwise trade, or is inactive, the rate of interest shall be not less than 54 per centum per annum. During any interest period in which the vessel is operated in foreign trade, the rate shall be not less than 44 per centum per annum. The board may prescribe rules for determining the amount of interest payable under the provisions of this paragraph. "(e) No loan shall be for a greater sum than one-half the cost of the vessel or vessels to be constructed; or, than one-half the cost of the equipment herein before authorized for a vessel already built: Provided, however, If security is furnished in addition to the mortgage on the vessel or vessels, the board may increase the amount loaned, but such additional amount shall not exceed one-half the market value of the additional security furnished, and in no case shall the total loan be for a greater sum than two-thirds of the cost of the vessel or vessels to be constructed; or, than two-thirds of the cost of the equipment, and its installation, for vessels already built. 64 (f) The board shall require such security as it shall deem necessary to insure the com- pletion of the construction or equipment of the vessel within a reasonable time and the repayment of the loan with interest; when the vessel is completed the security shall in- clude a preferred mortgage on the vessel, complying with the provisions of section 30 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, which mortgage shall contain appropriate covenants and provisions to insure the proper physical maintenance of the vessel, and its protection against liens for taxes, penalties, claims, or liabilities of any kind whatever, which might impair the security for the debt. It shall also contain any other covenants and provi- sions the board may prescribe, including a provision for the sumniary maturing of the entire debt, for causes to be enumerated in the mortgage. "(g) The board shall also require and the security furnished shall provide that the owner of the vessel shall keep the same insured against loss or damage by fire, and against 39 operated in foreign trade the rate shall be the lowest rate of yield (to the nearest one-eighth of 1 per centum) of any Government obligation bearing a date of issue sub- sequent to April 6, 1917 (except postal-savings bonds), and outstanding at the time the loan is made by the board, as certified by the Secretary of the Treasury to the board upon its request. The board may prescribe rules for determining the amount of interest payable under the provisions of this paragraph. "(e) No loan shall be for a greater sum than three- Amount of loan. fourths the cost of the vessel or vessels to be constructed or than three-fourths the cost of the reconditioning, remodeling, improving, or equipping herein before author- ized for a vessel already built. "(f) The board shall require such security as it shall Security. deem necessary to insure the completion of the construc- tion, reconditioning, remodeling, improving, or equipping of the vessel within a reasonable time and the repayment of the loan with interest; when the construction, recon- ditioning, remodeling, improving, or equipping of the vessel is completed the security shall include a preferred mortgage on the vessel, complying with the provisions of the Ship Mortgage Act, 1920 [U. S. C., Title 46, Chap. 25], which mortgage shall contain appropriate covenants and provisions to insure the proper physical maintenance of the vessel, and its protection against liens for taxes, penalties, claims, or liabilities of any kind whatever, which might impair the security for the debt. It shall also contain any other covenants and provisions the board may prescribe, including a provision for the summary maturing of the entire debt, for causes to be enumerated. in the mortgage. marine risks and disasters, and against any and all other insurable risks the board speci- files, with such insurance companies, associations or underwriters, and under such forms of policies, and to such an amount, as the board may prescribe or approve; such insurance shall be made payable to the board and/or to the parties, as interest may appear. The board is authorized to enter into any agreement that it deems wise in respect to the payment and for the guarantee of premiums of insurance. And was further amended on March 4, 1927, to read as follows: "SEC. 11. (a) That the board may set aside, out of the revenues from sales, including proceeds of securities consisting of notes, letters of credit, or other evidences of debt, taken by it for deferred payments on purchase money from sales by the board, whether such securities are to the order of the United States or the United States Shipping Board or the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, either directly or by indorsement, until the amounts thus set aside from time to time aggregate $125,000,000. The amount thus set aside shall be known as the construction loan fund. The board may use such fund to the extent it thinks proper, upon such terms as the board may prescribe, in making loans to aid persons citizens of the United States in the construction by them in private shipyards or navy yards in the United States of vessels of the best and most efficient type for the establishment or maintenance of service on lines deemed desir- able or necessary by the board, provided such vessels shall be fitted and equipped with the most modern, the most efficient, and the most economical engines, machinery, and commercial appliances; or in the outfitting and equipment by them in private shipyards or navy yards in the United States of vessels already built, with engines, machinery, and commercial appliances of the type and kind mentioned. SEC. 2. The construction loan fund shall be a revolving fund. All repayments on loans from the fund shall be credited to the fund; interest on such loans, however, shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. The proceeds of sales (including proceeds of evidences of debt for deferred payments on such sales) of any ves- sel or vessels in which since June 6, 1924, the board has had internal-combustion engines installed as the main propulsive power, shall be transferred and credited to the extent necessary to restore to the fund any and all amounts transferred therefrom under the provisions of section 12 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, as amended by the Act of June 6, 1924. 40 Insurance. 41 Stat. 993. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 871. Amendment ap- 1927. Reconditioning and repair of vessels. "(g) The board shall also require and the security fur- nished shall provide that the owner of the vessel shall keep the same insured against loss or damage by fire, and against marine risks and disasters, and against any and all other insurable risks the board specifies, with such insurance companies, associations, or underwriters, and under such forms of policies, and to such an amount, as the board may prescribe or approve; such insurance shall be made payable to the board and/or to the parties, as interest may appear. The board is authorized to enter into any agreement that it deems wise in respect to the payment and for the guaranty of premiums of insurance. (b) Section 11 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, as in force immediately prior to the enactment of this Act, shall remain in force in respect of all loans made before the enactment of this Act. SEC. 12. That all vessels may be reconditioned and kept in suitable repair and until sold shall be managed and proved Mar. 4, operated by the board or chartered or leased by it on such terms and conditions as the board shall deem wise for the promotion and maintenance of an efficient mer- chant marine, pursuant to the policy and purposes de- Operation, man-clared in sections 1 and 5 of this Act; and the United charter of vessels. States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation shall Emergency Fleet continue in existence and have authority to operate tinued until ves- vessels, unless otherwise directed by law, until all ves- agement and Corporation con- sels sold. 43 Stat. 468. "Reconditioned" defined. Transfer from construction lean fund. sels are sold in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the provision in section 11 of the "Shipping Act, 1916," to the contrary notwithstanding. The term "reconditioned" as used in this section in- cludes the substitution of the most modern, most efficient, and most economical types of internal-combustion engines as the main propulsive power of vessels. Should the board have any such engines built in the United States and installed, in private shipyards or navy yards of the United States, in one or more merchant vessels owned by the United States, and the cost to the board of such installation exceeds the amount of funds otherwise avail- able to it for that use, the board may transfer to its funds From which expenditures under this section may be paid, from its construction loan fund authorized by section 11 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, so much as in its judgment may be necessary to meet obligations under contracts for such installation; and the Treasurer of the United States shall, at the request of the board, make the transfer accordingly: Provided, That the total amount. to be expended. hereafter expended by the board for this purpose shall not in the aggregate exceed $25,000,000. Any such ves- sel hereafter so equipped by the board under the pro- visions of this section shall not be sold for a period of five years from the date the installation thereof is com- pleted, unless it is sold for a price not less than the cost of the installation thereof and of any other work of Proviso. Limited amount 41 weight ton. Depreciation. reconditioning done at the same time plus an amount not less than $10 for each dead-weight ton of the vessel $10 per dead- as computed before such reconditioning thereof is com- menced. The date of the completion of such installation and the amount of the dead-weight tonnage of the vessel shall be fixed by the board: Provided further, That in Proviso. fixing the minimum price at which the vessel may thus be sold the board may deduct from the aggregate amount above prescribed 5 per centum thereof per annum from the date of the installation to the date of sale as deprecia- tion: And provided further, That no part of such fund Proviso. shall be expended upon the reconditioning of any vessel unless the board shall have first made a binding contract for a satisfactory sale of such vessel in accordance with the provisions of this Act, or for the charter or lease of such vessels for a period of not less than five years by a capable, solvent operator; or unless the board is pre- pared and intends to directly put such vessel in operation immediately upon completion. Such vessel, in any of the enumerated instances, shall be documented under the laws of the United States and shall remain documented under such laws for a period of not less than five years from the date of the completion of the installation, and during such period it shall be operated only on voyages which are not exclusively coastwise. sec. 872. SEC. 13. That the board is further authorized to sell U. S. C., Title 46, all property other than vessels transferred to it under 41 Stat. 993. section 4 upon such terms and conditions as the board may determine and prescribe. Sale of property. sec. 873. Funds covered SEC. 14. That the net proceeds derived by the board U.SC., Title 46, prior to July 1, 1921, from any activities authorized by 41 Stat. 993. this Act, or by the "Shipping Act, 1916," or by the Acts into Treasury to specified in section 2 of this Act, except such an amount board's credit. as the board shall deem necessary to withhold as operat- ing capital, for the purposes of section 12 hereof, and for the insurance fund authorized in section 10 hereof, and for the construction loan fund authorized in section 11 hereof, shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the board and may be expended by it, within the limits of the amounts heretofore or here- after authorized, for the construction, requisitioning, or Funds covered purchasing of vessels. After July 1, 1921, such net pro- miscellaneous ceeds, less such an amount as may be authorized annually receipts. by Congress to be withheld as operating capital, and less such sums as may be needed for such insurance and con- struction loan funds, shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. The board shall, as rapidly as it deems advisable, withdraw Funds invested investment of Government funds made during the emer- gency under the authority conferred by the Acts or parts of Acts repealed by section 2 of this Act and cover the net proceeds thereof into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. into Treasury as to be withdrawn 42 41 Stat. 994. War Department SEC. 15. That the board shall not require payment not to pay charter from the War Department for the charter hire of vessels hire on Govern- ment vessels. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 874. 41 Stat. 994. Housing Act repealed. Limitations. owned by the United States Government furnished by the board from July 1, 1918, to June 30, 1919, inclusive, for the use of such department. SEC. 16. That all authorization to purchase, build, requisition, lease, exchange, or otherwise acquire houses, buildings or land under the Act entitled "An Act to authorize and empower the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation to purchase, lease, requisi- tion, or otherwise acquire, and to sell or otherwise dis- pose of improved or unimproved lands, houses, buildings, and for other purposes," approved March 1, 1918, is hereby terminated: Provided, however, That expendi- pletion of houses. tures may be made under said Act for the repair of houses and buildings already constructed, and the completion of such houses or buildings as have heretofore been con- tracted for or are under construction, if considered ad- visable, and the board is authorized and directed to dis- pose of all such properties or the interest of the United States in all such properties at as early a date as prac- ticable, consistent with good business and the best interests of the United States. Repair and com- Sale of houses, etc. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 875. 41 Stat. 994. German port facilities turned over to board. See proclamation and Executive ken, Charleston, orders re Hobo- and Norfolk piers. President may transfer War and Navy Depart- ment port facili- SEC. 17. That the board is authorized and directed to take over on January 1, 1921, the possession and control of, and to maintain and develop, all docks, piers, ware- houses, wharves and terminal equipment and facilities, including all leasehold easements, rights of way, riparian rights and other rights, estates and interests therein or appurtenant thereto, acquired by the President by or under the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, and prior fiscal years, on account of war expenses, and for other purposes, approved March 28, 1918. The possession and control of such other docks, piers, warehouses, wharves and terminal equipment and facili- ties over to board. ties or parts thereof, including all leasehold easements, rights of way, riparian rights and other rights, estates or interests therein or appurtenant thereto which were acquired by the War Department or the Navy Depart- ment for military or naval purposes during the war emergency may be transferred by the President to the board whenever the President deems such transfer to be for the best interests of the United States. President may transfer port fa- cilities to War ment. The President may at any time he deems it necessary, by order setting out the need therefor and fixing the or Navy Depart period of such need, permit or transfer the possession and control of. any part of the property taken over by or transferred to the board under this section to the War Department or the Navy Department for their needs, and when in the opinion of the President such need there- for ceases the possession and control of such property 43 shall revert to the board. None of such property shall Sale prohibited. be sold except as may be hereafter provided by law. SEC. 18. That section 9 of the "Shipping Act, 1916," is amended to read as follows: sec. 842. Vessels acquired registry and "SEC. 9. That any vessel purchased, chartered, or leased U. 3. C., Title 46, from the board, by persons who are citizens of the United 39 Stat. 728. States, may be registered or enrolled and licensed, or both from board al- registered and enrolled and licensed, as a vessel of the lowed American United States and entitled to the benefits and privileges enrollment. appertaining thereto: Provided, That foreign-built vessels Vessels acquired admitted to American registry or enrollment and license by or from board under this Act, and vessels owned by any corporation in coastwise trade. which the United States is a stockholder, and vessels sold, leased, or chartered by the board to any person a citizen of the United States, as provided in this Act, may engage in the coastwise trade of the United States while owned, leased, or chartered by such a person. may engage in only under Amer- Subject to all ties as private "Every vessel purchased, chartered, or leased from the May be operated board shall, unless otherwise authorized by the board, ican documenta- be operated only under such registry or enrollment and tion. license. Such vessels while employed solely as merchant laws and liabili- vessels shall be subject to all laws, regulations, and vessels. liabilities governing merchant vessels, whether the United States be interested therein as owner, in whole or in part, or hold any mortgage, lien, or other interest therein. sels. "It shall be unlawful to sell, transfer or mortgage, or, Transfer of ves- except under regulations prescribed by the board, to charter, any vessel purchased from the board or docu- mented under the laws of the United States to any person not a citizen of the United States, or to put the same under a foreign registry or flag, without first obtaining the board's approval. "Any vessel chartered, sold, transferred or mortgaged Penalty. to a person not a citizen of the United States or placed under a foreign registry or flag, or operated, in violation of any provision of this section shall be forfeited to the United States, and whoever violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject. to a fine of not more than $5,000, or to imprisonment for not more than five years, or both." develop mer- chant marine may: SEC. 19. (1) The board is authorized and directed in Board in order to aid of the accomplishment of the purposes of this Act: (a) To make all necessary rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this Act; Make rules and regulations gov- erning shipping U. S. C., title 46, (b) To make rules and regulations affecting shipping in foreign trade. in the foreign trade not in conflict with law in order to sec. 876. adjust or meet general or special conditions unfavorable 41 Stat. 995. to shipping in the foreign trade, whether in any partic- ular trade or upon any particular route or in commerce generally and which arise out of or result from foreign laws, rules, or regulations or from competitive methods or practices employed by owners, operators, agents, or masters of vessels of a foreign country; and 44 Request depart- ments to make, or annul rules ping. (c) To request the head of any department, board, suspend, modify, bureau, or agency of the Government to suspend, mod- and regulations ify, or annul rules or regulations which have been estab- affecting ship- lished by such department, board, bureau, or agency, or to make new rules or regulations affecting shipping in the foreign trade other than such rules or regulations re- lating to the Public Health Service, the Consular Service, and the Steamboat-Inspection Service. To approve rules and regulations ping. (2) No rule or regulation shall hereafter be established relating to ship- by any department, board, bureau, or agency of the Government which affect shipping in the foreign trade, except rules or regulations affecting the Public Health Service, the Consular Service, and the Steamboat-In- spection Service, until such rule or regulation has been submitted to the board for its approval and final action has been taken thereon by the board or the President. May refer rules and regulations ping to Presi- dent. (3) Whenever the head of any department, board, relating to ship- bureau, or agency of the Government refuses to suspend, modify, or annul any rule or regulation, or make a new rule or regulation upon request of the board, as provided in subdivision (c) of paragraph (1) of this section, or objects to the decision of the board in respect to the approval of any rule or regulation, as provided in para- graph (2) of this section, either the board or the head of the department, board, bureau, or agency which has established or is attempting to establish the rule or regulation in question may submit the facts to the President, who is hereby authorized to establish or suspend, modify, or annul such rule or regulation. Board vessels not to be given pref- vate vessels. (4) No rule or regulation shall be established which in erence over pri- any manner gives vessels owned by the United States any preference or favor over those vessels documented under the laws of the United States and owned by per- sons who are citizens of the United States. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 842. 39 Stat. 928. No carrier by water- To give deferred rebates. SEC. 20. (1) That section 14 of the Shipping Act, 1916, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 14. That no common carrier by water shall, directly or indirectly, in respect to the transportation by water of passengers or property between a port of a State, Territory, District, or possession of the United States and any other such port or a port of a foreign country, "First. Pay, or allow, or enter into any combination, agreement, or understanding, express or implied, to pay or allow, a deferred rebate to any shipper. The term 'deferred rebate' in this Act means a return of any portion of the freight money by a carrier to any shipper as a consideration for the giving of all or any portion of his shipments to the same or any other carrier, or for any other purpose, the payment of which is deferred beyond the completion of the service for which it is paid, and is made only if, during both the period for which computed and the period of deferment, the shipper has complied with the terms of the rebate agreement or arrangement. 45 ship." "Second. Use a fighting ship either separately or in To use "fighting conjunction with any other carrier through agreement or otherwise. The term 'fighting ship' in this Act means a vessel used in a particular trade by a carrier or group of carriers for the purpose of excluding, preventing, or reducing competition by driving another carrier out of said trade. against any "Third. Retaliate against any shipper by refusing, or To retaliate threatening to refuse, space accommodations when such shipper. are available, or resort to other discriminating or unfair methods, because such shipper has patronized any other carrier or has filed a complaint charging unfair treatment, or for any other reason. unjustly or "Fourth. Make any unfair or unjustly discriminatory To discriminate contract with any shipper based on the volume of freight unfairly. offered, or unfairly treat or unjustly discriminate against any shipper in the matter of (a) cargo space accommo- dations or other facilities, due regard being had for the proper loading of the vessel and the available tonnage; (b) the loading and landing of freight in proper condi- tion; or (c) the adjustment and settlement of claims. "Any carrier who violates any provision of this section Penalty. shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $25,000 for each offense." (2) The Shipping Act, 1916, as amended, is amended by inserting after section 14 a new section to read as follows: ate proceedings "SEC. 14 (a) The board upon its own its own initiative may, Board may initi or upon complaint shall, after due notice to all parties in regarding. interest and hearing, determine whether any person, not a citizen of the United States and engaged in transporta- tion by water of passengers or property- Rebates or unfair "(1) Has violated any provision of section 14, or practices between "(2) Is a party to any combination, agreement, or un- foreign ports. derstanding, express or implied, that involves in respect. to transportation of passengers or property between for- eign ports, deferred rebates or any other unfair practice designated in section 14, and that excludes from admis- sion upon equal terms with all other parties thereto, a common carrier by water which is a citizen of the United States and which has applied for such admission. denied entry. "If the board determines that any such person has Vessels may be violated any such provision or is a party to any such com- bination, agreement, or understanding, the board shall thereupon certify such fact to the Secretary of Com- merce. The Secretary shall thereafter refuse such person the right of entry for any ship owned or operated by him or by any carrier directly or indirectly controlled by him, into any port of the United States, or any Territory, Dis- trict, or possession thereof, until the board certifies that the violation has ceased or such combination, agreement, or understanding has been terminated." 46209°-294 46 U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 877. 41 Stat. 997. Extension of insular posses- sions. lish adequate in- service. President may extend period. Rules and regula- shipping in Philippines. 5 SEC. 21. That from and after February 1, 1922, the coastwise laws of the United States shall extend to the island Territories and possessions of the United States not coastwise laws to now covered thereby, and the board is directed prior to the expiration of such year to have established adequate Board to estab- steamship service at reasonable rates to accommodate the sular steamship commerce and the passenger travel of said islands and to maintain and operate such service until it can be taken over and operated and maintained upon satisfactory terms by private capital and enterprise: Provided, That tions governing if adequate shipping service is not established by Febru- ary 1, 1922, the President shall extend the period herein. allowed for the establishment of such service in the case of any island Territory or possession for such time as may be necessary for the establishment of adequate shipping facilities therefor: Provided further, That until Congress shall have authorized the registry as vessels of the United States of vessels owned in the Philippine Islands, the Government of the Philippine Islands is hereby author- ized to adopt, from time to time, and enforce regulations. governing the transportation of merchandise and passen- gers between ports or places in the Philippine Archipelago: Act authorizing And provided further, That the foregoing provisions of engage in coast- this section shall not take effect with reference to the Philippine Islands until the President of the United States after a full investigation of the local needs and conditions shall, by proclamation, declare that an adequate shipping service has been established as herein provided and fix a date for the going into effect of the same. Law not to take effect in Philip pines until pro- claimed by President. wise trade repealed. American-owned sels excepted. SEC. 22. That the Act entitled "An Act giving the United States Shipping Board power to suspend present provisions of law and permit vessels of foreign registry and foreign-built vessels admitted to American registry under the Act of August 18, 1914, to engage in the coast- wise trade during the present war and for a period of one foreign-built ves- hundred and twenty days thereafter, except the coast- wise trade with Alaska," approved October 6, 1917, is hereby repealed: Provided, That all foreign-built vessels admitted to American registry, owned on. February 1, 1920, by persons citizens of the United States, and all foreign-built vessels owned by the United States at the time of the enactment of this Act, when sold and owned by persons citizens of the United States, may engage in between United the coastwise trade so long as they continue in such Foreign vessels authorized to carry passengers States and Hawaii. ownership, subject to the rules and regulations of such trade: Provided, That the board is authorized to issue permits for the carrying of passengers in foreign ships if it deems it necessary so to do, operating between the Territory of Hawaii and the Pacific Coast up to February 1, 1922. The word "year" should be "time" or "period." The first line originally read "That from and after one year from the enactment of this act," etc. By an oversight when the period was extended to Feb. 1, 1922, Congress failed to use appropriate language to correspond with Feb. 1, 1922. 47 from war and ex- U. S. C., Title 46, vessels. be SEC. 23. That the owner of a vessel documented under Vessels exempted the laws of the United States and operated in foreign cess-profits tax. trade shall, for each of the ten taxable years while so sec. 878. operated, beginning with the first taxable year ending 41 Stat. 997. after the enactment of this Act, be allowed as a deduc- tion for the purpose of ascertaining his net income sub- ject to the war-profits and 'excess-profits taxes imposed by Title III of the Revenue Act of 1918 an amount equiv- alent to the net earnings of such vessel during such taxa- ble year, determined in accordance with rules and regu- Funds minston- lations to be made by the board: Provided, That such structing new owner shall not be entitled to such deduction unless during such taxable year he invested, or set aside under rules and regulations to be made by the board in a trust fund for investment in the building in shipyards in the United States of new vessels of a type and kind approved by the board, an amount, to be determined by the Sec- retary of the Treasury and certified by him to the board, equivalent to the war-profits and excess-profits taxes that would have been payable by such owner on account of the net earnings of such vessels but for the deduction allowed under the provisions of this section: Provided two-thirds of con- further, That at least two-thirds of the cost of any vessel struction cost. constructed under this paragraph shall be paid for out of the ordinary funds or capital of the person having such vessel constructed. Owner to furnish exempt from in- vessels. That during the period of ten years from the enact- Proceeds of sale ment of this Act any person a citizen of the United States come tax if rein- who may sell a vessel documented under the laws of the vested in new United States and built prior to January 1, 1914, shall be exempt from all income taxes that would be payable upon any of the proceeds of such sale under Title I, Title II, and Title III of the Revenue Act of 1918 if the entire proceeds thereof shall be invested in the building of new ships in American shipyards, such ships to be documented under the laws of the United States and to be of a type approved by the board. 6 IV, sec. 414. SEC. 24. That all mails of the United States shipped U.S. C., Title or carried on vessels shall, if practicable, be shipped or carried on American-built vessels documented under the SEC. 24 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 was amended by the Merchant Marine Act of 1928. It originally read as follows: U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 880. 41 Stat. 998. SEC. 24. That all mails of the United States shipped or carried on vessels shall, if Mails to be car- practicable, be shipped or carried on American-built vessels documented under the ried on American laws of the United States. No contract hereafter made with the Postmaster General vessels. for carrying mails on vessels so built and documented shall be assigned or sublet, and no mails covered by such contract shall be carried on any vessel not so built and docu- Contracts for mented. No money shall be paid out of the Treasury of the United States on or in carrying, not to relation to any such contract for carrying mails on vessels so built and documented when be assigned to such contract has been assigned or sublet or when mails covered by such contract are foreigners. in violation of the terms thereof carried on any vessel not so built and documented. The board and the Postmaster General, in aid of the development of a merchant marine Compensation adequate to provide for the maintenance and expansion of the foreign or coastwise for carrying mail. trade of the United States and of a satisfactory postal service in connection therewith, shall from time to time determine the just and reasonable rate of compensation to be Ocean mail con- paid for such service, and the Postmaster General is hereby authorized to enter into tracts authorized. contracts within the limits of appropriations made therefor by Congress to pay for the carrying of such mails in such vessels at such rate. Nothing herein shall be affected by Competitive bids the Act entitled "An Act to provide for ocean mail service between the United States not required. and foreign ports, and to promote commerce," approved March 3, 1891. 48 U. S. C., Title 46, Бес. 881. laws of the United States. No contract hereafter made with the Postmaster General for carrying mails on vessels so built and documented shall be assigned or sublet, and no mails covered by such contract shall be carried on any vessel not so built and documented. No money shall be paid out of the Treasury of the United States on or in relation to any such contract for carrying mails on vessels so built and documented when such contract has been assigned or sublet or when mails covered by such contract are in violation of the terms thereof carried on any vessel not so built and documented. This section shall not be applicable in the case of con- tracts made under Title IV of the Merchant Marine Act, 1928. SEC. 25. That for the classification of vessels owned by the United States, and for such other purposes in con- nection therewith as are the proper functions of a classi- American Bureau fication bureau, all departments, boards, bureaus, and 41 Stat. 998. Recognition of of Shipping. Government rep- resentatives on American Bureau of Shipping. commissions of the Government are hereby directed to recognize the American Bureau of Shipping as their agency so long as the American Bureau of Shipping con- tinues to be maintained as an organization which has no capital stock and pays no dividends: Provided, That the Secretary of Commerce and the chairman of the board shall each appoint one representative who shall represent the Government upon the executive committee of the American Bureau of Shipping, and the bureau shall agree that these representatives shall be accepted by them as active members of such committee. Such representatives of the Government shall serve without any compensation, except necessary traveling expenses: Provided further, to indicate ves- That the official list of merchant vessels published by the sels classified by Government shall hereafter contain a notation clearly indicating all vessels classed by the American Bureau of Shipping. List of merchants American of Shipping. Cargo vessels au- 16 passengers. sec. 882. 41 Stat. 998. "" SEC. 26. That cargo vessels documented under the laws thorized to carry of the United States may carry not to exceed sixteen per- U.S. C., Title 46, sons in addition to the crew between any ports or places in the United States or its Districts, Territories, or pos- sessions, or between any such port or place and any for- eign port, or from any foreign port to another foreign port, and such vessels shall not be held to be "passenger vessels" or "vessels carrying passengers within the meaning of the inspection laws and the rules and regula- tions thereunder: Provided, That nothing herein shall be ject to life-saving taken to exempt such vessels from the laws, rules, and Passengers to bee regulations respecting life-saving equipment: Provided further, That when any such vessel carries persons other than the crew as herein provided for, the owner, agent, or master of the vessel shall first notify such persons of the presence on board of any dangerous articles, as defined by law, or of any other condition or circumstance which would constitute a risk of safety for passenger or crew. Such vessels sub- equipment laws. notified of dangers. 49 may carry pas- lege extended tc The privilege bestowed by this section on vessels of the Foreign vessels United States shall be extended in so far as the foreign sengers if privi- trade is concerned to the cargo vessels of any nation United States which allows the like privilege to cargo vessels of the United States in trades not restricted to vessels under its own flag. Failure on the part of the owner, agent, or master of Penalty. the vessel to give such notice shall subject the vessel to penalty of $500, which may be mitigated or remitted by the Secretary of Commerce upon a proper representation of the facts. via foreign ports ican vessels. 41 Stat. 999. SEC. 27. That no merchandise shall be transported by Coastwise trade water, or by land and water, on penalty of forfeiture limited to Amer- thereof, between points in the United States, including U.S. C., Title 46, Districts, Territories, and possessions thereof embraced sec. 883. within the coastwise laws, either directly or via a foreign port, or for any part of the transportation, in any other vessel than a vessel built in and documented under the laws of the United States and owned by persons who are citizens of the United States, or vessels to which the privilege of engaging in the coastwise trade is extended by sections 18 or 22 of this Act: Provided, That this sec- Exceptions. tion shall not apply to merchandise transported between points within the continental United States, excluding Alaska, over through routes heretofore or hereafter recognized by the Interstate Commerce Commission for which routes rate tariffs have been or shall hereafter be filed with said commission when such routes are in part over Canadian rail lines and their own or other connect- Date for taking ing water facilities: Provided further, That this section River deferred. shall not become effective upon the Yukon River until the Alaska Railroad shall be completed and the Shipping Board shall find that proper facilities will be furnished for transportation by persons citizens of the United States for properly handling the traffic. effect on Yukon 'sec. 884. Through prefer- allowed only ried in American SEC. 28. That no common carrier shall charge, collect, U.S. C., Title 46. or receive, for transportation subject to the Interstate 41 Stat. 999. Commerce Act of persons or property, under any joint ential rates to be rate, fare, or charge, or under any export, import, or when property or other proportional rate, fare, or charge, which is based in passengers car- whole or in part on the fact that the persons or property vessels. affected thereby is to be transported to, or has been transported from any port in a possession or dependency of the United States, or in a foreign country, by a carrier by water in foreign commerce, any lower rate, fare, or charge than that charged, collected, or received by it for the transportation of persons, or of a like kind of property, for the same distance, in the same direction, and over the same route, in connection with commerce wholly within the United States, unless the vessel so transporting such persons or property is, or unless it was at the time of such transportation by water, documented under the laws of the United States. Whenever the board is of 50 merce Commis- Interstate Com- the opinion, however, that adequate shipping facilities sion may suspend to or from any port in a possession or dependency of the provision if ship- United States or a foreign country are not afforded by facilities inadequate. vessels so documented, it shall certify this fact to the Interstate Commerce Commission, and the commission may, by order, suspend the operation of the provisions of this section with respect to the rates, fares, and charges for the transportation by rail of persons and property transported from, or to be transported, to such ports, for such length of time and under such terms and conditions as it may prescribe in such order, or in any order sup- plemental thereto. Such suspension of operation of the provisions of this section may be terminated by order of the commission whenever the board is of the opinion U. S. C., Title 46, that adequate shipping facilities by such vessels to such ports are afforded and shall so certify to the commission. SEC. 29. (a) That whenever used in this section- sec. 885. 41 Stat. 1000. Definitions: "Association." 'Marine insur- ance companies." Marine insurance associations exempt from antitrust laws. (1) The term "association" means any association, exchange, pool, combination, or other arrangement for concerted action; and (2) The term "marine insurance companies means any persons, companies, or associations, authorized to write marine insurance or reinsurance under the laws of the United States or of a State, Territory, District, or possession thereof. (b) Nothing contained in the "antitrust laws" as designated in section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to supplement existing laws against unlawful restraints and monopolies, and for other purposes," approved October 15, 1914, shall be construed as declaring illegal an associ- ation entered into by marine insurance companies for the following purposes: To transact a marine insurance and reinsurance business in the United States and in foreign countries and to reinsure or otherwise apportion among its membership the risks undertaken by such U. S. C., Title 46, association or any of the component members. sec. 911. 41 Stat. 1000. Ship mortgage act, 1920. Definitions: "Document." "Documented." "Port of docu- mentation.' "Vessel." SEC. 30. Subsection A. That this section may be cited. as the "Ship Mortgage Act, 1920." DEFINITIONS Subsection B. When used in this section- (1) The term "document" includes registry and en- rollment and license: (2) The term "documented" means registered or en- rolled or licensed under the laws of the United States, whether permanently or temporarily; (3) The term "port of documentation" means the port at which the vessel is documented in accordance. with law; (4) The term "vessel of the United States" means any vessel documented under the laws of the United States and such vessel shall be held to continue to be so documented until its documents are surrendered with the approval of the board; and 51 (5) The term "mortgagee" in the case of a mortgage "Mortgagee.” involving a trust deed and a bond issue thereunder, means the trustee designated in such deed. RECORDING OF SALES, CONVEYANCES, AND MORTGAGES OF VESSELS OF THE UNITED STATES sec. 921. Subsection C. (a) No sale, conveyance, or mortgage Recording of which, at the time such sale, conveyance, or mortgage is mortgages. made, includes a vessel of the United States, or any u. S. C., Title 46, portion thereof, as the whole or any part of the property 41 Stat. 1000. sold, conveyed, or mortgaged shall be valid, in respect to such vessel, against any person other than the grantor or mortgagor, his heir or devisee, and a person having actual notice thereof, until such bill of sale, conveyance, or mortgage is recorded in the office of the collector of customs of the port of documentation of such vessel, as provided in subdivision (b) of this subsection. cording. (b) Such collector of customs shall record bills of sale, Method of re- conveyances, and mortgages, delivered to him, in the order of their reception, in books to be kept for that pur- pose and indexed to show- (1) The name of the vessel; (2) The names of the parties to the sale, conveyance, or mortgage; (3) The time and date of reception of the instrument; (4) The interest in the vessel so sold, conveyed, or mortgaged; and (5) The amount and date of maturity of the mortgage. Mortgage to have Subsection D. (a) A valid mortgage which, at the time it preferred status it is made includes the whole of any vessel of the United Title 46, States of 200 gross tons and upwards, shall in addition 41 Stat. 1000. have, in respect to such vessel and as of the date of the compliance with all the provisions of this subdivision, the preferred status given by the provisions of subsection M, if- if- dorsed on ship's (1) The mortgage is indorsed upon the vessel's docu- Mortgage is in- ments in accordance with the provisions of this section; documents. (2) The mortgage is recorded as provided in subsection C, together with the time and date when the mortgage is so indorsed: corded. (3) An affidavit is filed with the record of such mort- Mortgage is re- gage to the effect that the mortgage is made in good faith and without any design to hinder, delay, or defraud any existing or future creditor of the mortgagor or any lienor of the mortgaged vessel; (4) The mortgage does not stipulate that the mortgagee Mortgagee does waives the preferred status thereof; and not waive pre- ferred status. Citizen of United States. gage.' " (5) The mortgagee is a citizen of the United States. (b) Any mortgage which complies in respect to any "Preferred mort- vessel with the conditions enumerated in this subsection is hereafter in this section called a "preferred mortgage" as to such vessel. 52 Indorsements on documents of vessel. Collector of cus- toms to make indorsements. (c) There shall be indorsed upon the documents of a vessel covered by a preferred mortgage- (1) The names of the mortgagor and mortgagee; (2) The time and date the indorsement is made; (3) The amount and date of maturity of the mortgage; and (4) Any amount required to be indorsed by the pro- visions of subdivision (e) or (f) of this subsection. (d) Such indorsement shall be made (1) by the col- lector of customs of the port of documentation of the mortgaged vessel, or (2) by the collector of customs of any port in which the vessel is found, if such collector is directed to make the indorsement by the collector of customs of the port of documentation; and no clearance shall be issued to the vessel until such indorsement is Vessel not to clear made. The collector of customs of the port of docu- mentation shall give such direction by wire or letter at the request of the mortgagee and upon the tender of the cost of communication of such direction. Whenever any new document is issued for the vessel, such indorsement shall be transferred to and indorsed upon the new docu- ment by the collector of customs. until documents indorsed. Mortgage cover- ing other prop- (e) A mortgage which includes property other than a erty than vessel. vessel shall not be held a preferred mortgage unless the mortgage provides for the separate discharge of such property by the payment of a specified portion of the mortgage indebtedness. If a preferred mortgage so pro- vides for the separate discharge, the amount of the por- tion of such payment shall be indorsed upon the docu- ments of the vessel. Mortgage cover- ing more than one vessel. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 923. 41 Stat. 1001. gages to be posted and exhibited. (f) If a preferred mortgage includes more than one vessel and provides for the separate discharge of each vessel by the payment of a portion of the mortgage in- debtedness, the amount of such portion of such payment shall be indorsed upon the documents of the vessel. In case such mortgage does not provide for the separate discharge of a vessel and the vessel is to be sold upon the order of a district court of the United States in a suit in rem in admiralty, the court shall determine the portion of the mortgage indebtedness increased by 20 per centum (1) which, in the opinion of the court, the approximate value of the vessel bears to the approximate value of all the vessels covered by the mortgage, and (2) upon the payment of which the vessel shall be discharged from the mortgage. Subsection E. The collector of customs upon the re- cording of a preferred mortgage shall deliver two certi- Copies of mort-fied copies thereof to the mortgagor who shall place, and use due diligence to retain, one copy on board the mort- gaged vessel and cause such copy and the documents of the vessel to be exhibited by the master to any person having business with the vessel, which may give rise to a maritime lien upon the vessel or to the sale, conveyance, or mortgage thereof. The master of the vessel shall, 53 upon the request of any such person, exhibit to him the documents of the vessel and the copy of any preferred mortgage of the vessel placed on board thereof. sec. 924. close to dis- mortgages to be Exceptions. Subsection F. The mortgagor (1) shall, upon request U. s. C., Title 46, of the mortgagee, disclose in writing to him prior to the 41 Stat. 1002. execution of any preferred mortgage, the existence of any Mortgagor liens, maritime lien, prior mortgage, or other obligation or mortgages, etc. liability upon the vessel to be mortgaged, that is known No new liens or to the mortgagor, and (2), without the consent of the made until mort- mortgagee, shall not incur, after the execution of such gage recorded. mortgage and before the mortgagee has had a reasonable time in which to record the mortgage and have indorse- ments in respect thereto made upon the documents of the vessel, any contractual obligation creating a lien upon the vessel other than a lien for wages of stevedores when em- ployed directly by the owner, operator, master, ship's hus- band, or agent of the vessel, for wages of the crew of the vessel, for general average, or for salvage, including con- tract salvage, in respect to the vessel. sec. 925. claim of lien. Subsection G. (a) The collector of customs of the port U. S. C., Title 46, of documentation shall, upon the request of any person, 41 Stat. 1002. record notice of his claim of a lien upon a vessel covered Recording of by a preferred mortgage, together with the nature, date of Notice of dis- creation, and amount of the lien, and the name and charge. address of the person. Any person who has caused notice of his claim of lien to be so recorded shall, upon a discharge in whole or in part of the indebtedness, forth- with file with the collector of customs a certificate of such discharge. The collector of customs shall thereupon record the certificate. Such (b) The mortgagor, upon a discharge in whole or in part Discharge of of the mortgage indebtedness, shall forthwith file with mortgage. the collector of customs for the port of documentation of the vessel, a certificate of such discharge. collector of customs shall thereupon record the certificate. In case of a vessel covered by a preferred mortgage, the collector of customs at the port of documentation shall (1) indorse upon the documents of the vessel, or direct the collector of customs at any port in which the vessel is found, to so indorse, the fact of such discharge, and (2) shall deny clearance to the vessel until such indorsement is made. sec. 926. Subsection H. (a) No bill of sale, conveyance, or mort- U. S. C., Title 46, gage shall be recorded unless it states the interest of the 41 Stat. 1002. grantor or mortgagor in the vessel, and the interest so Bills of sale, sold, conveyed, or mortgaged. mortgages, etc., to show interest of parties. discharges, etc., (b) No bill of sale, conveyance, mortgage, notice of Bills of sale, claim of lien, or certificate of discharge thereof, shall be mortgages, liens, recorded unless previously acknowledged before a notary to be acknowl- public or other officer authorized by a law of the United edged. States, or of a State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, to take acknowledgment of deeds. 54 1 Requirements for recording mort- gages, bills of port of documen- tation. (c) In case of a change in the port of documentation of a vessel of the United States, no bill of sale, conveyance, sale, etc., at new or mortgage shall be recorded at the new port of docu- mentation unless there is furnished to the collector of customs of such port, together with the copy of the bill of sale, conveyance, or mortgage to be recorded, a certi- fied copy of the record of the vessel at the former port of documentation furnished by the collector of such port. The collector of customs at the new port of documenta- tion is authorized and directed to record such certified copy. Interest on pre- ferred mortgages. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 927. 41 Stat. 1002. Inspection of records. Copies of mort- gages, bills of sale, notice of liens, certificate of discharge, etc., to be furnished. Fees. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 941. License of master to exhibit mort- (d) A preferred mortgage may bear such rate of in- terest as is agreed by the parties thereto. Subsection I. Each collector of customs shall permit records made under the provisions of this section to be inspected during office hours, under such reasonable regulations as the collector may establish. Upon the request of any person the collector of customs shall furnish him from the records of the collector's office (1) a certificate setting forth the names of the owners of any vessel, the interest held by each owner, and the material facts as to any bill of sale or conveyance of, any mortgage covering, or any lien or other incumbrance upon, a specified vessel, (2) a certified copy of any bill of sale, conveyance, mortgage, notice of claim of lien, or certificate of discharge in respect to such vessel, or (3) a certified copy as required by subdivision (c) of subsection H. The collector of customs shall collect a fee for any bill of sale, conveyance, or mortgage recorded, or any certifi- cate or certified copy furnished, by him, in the amount of 20 cents a folio with a minimum charge of $1.00. All such fees shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. 9 PENALTIES Subsection J. (a) If the master of the vessel willfully 41 Stat. 1003. fails to exhibit the documents of the vessel or the copy may be sus- of any preferred mortgage thereof, as required by subsec- pended for failure tion E, the board of local inspectors of vessels having gage documents jurisdiction of the license of the master may suspend or cancel such license, subject to the provisions of "An Act to provide for appeals from decision of boards of local inspectors of vessels and for other purposes," approved June 10, 1918. of vessel, etc. Penalty for fail- ure to disclose mortgages, liens, obligations, etc., or create contrac- tual liabilities before mortgage is recorded. (b) A mortgagor who, with intent to defraud, violates any provision of subsection F, and if the mortgagor is a corporation or association, the president or other prin- cipal executive officer of the corporation or association, shall upon conviction thereof be held guilty of a mis- demeanor and shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both. The mort- gaged indebtedness shall thereupon become immediately due and payable at the election of the mortgagee. 55 of cus- to perform duties. ject to penalty. (c) If any person enters into any contract secured by, Collector or us or upon the credit of, a vessel of the United States covered penalty for failure by a preferred mortgage, and suffers pecuniary loss by reason of the failure of the collector of customs, or any officer, employee, or agent thereof, properly to perform any duty required of the collector under the provisions of this section, the collector of customs shall be liable to such person for damages in the amount of such loss. If any such person is caused any such loss by reason of the failure of the mortgagor, or master of the mortgaged Mortgagor sub- vessel, or any officer, employee, or agent thereof, to com- ply with any provision of subsection E or F or to file an affidavit as required by subdivision (a) of subsection D, correct in each particular thereof, the mortgagor shall be liable to such person for damages in the amount of such District and loss. The district courts of the United States are given have jurisdiction jurisdiction (but not to the exclusion of the courts of the of offenses. several States, Territories, Districts, or possessions) of suits for the recovery of such damages, irrespective of the amount involved in the suit or the citizenship of the parties thereto. Such suit shall be begun by personal Service. service upon the defendant within the limits of the dis- trict. Upon judgment for the plaintiff in any such suit, the court shall include in the judgment an additional Costs. amount for costs of the action and a reasonable counsel's fee, to be fixed by the court. FORECLOSURE OF PREFERRED MORTGAGES State courts to sec. 951. Preferred mort- liens. District courts to Subsection K. A preferred mortgage shall constitute U.S. C., Title 46, a lien upon the mortgaged vessel in the amount of the 41 Stat. 1003. outstanding mortgage indebtedness secured by such gages to consti- vessel. Upon the default of any term or condition of tute maritime the mortgage, such lien may be enforced by the mort- Enforceable by gagee by suit in rem in admiralty. Original jurisdiction suit in rem in of all such suits is granted to the district courts of the admiralty. United States exclusively. In addition to any notice by have jurisdiction. publication, actual notice of the commencement of any Notice of suit. such suit shall be given by the libellant, in such manner as the court shall direct, to (1) the master, other ranking officer, or caretaker of the vessel, and (2) any person who has recorded a notice of claim of an undischarged lien upon the vessel, as provided in subsection G, unless after search by the libellant satisfactory to the court, such mortgagor, master, other ranking officer, caretaker, or claimant is not found within the United States. Fail- Penalty for fail- ure to give ure to give notice to any such person, as required by this subsection, shall not constitute a jurisdictional defect; but the libellant shall be liable to such person for damages in the amount of his interest in the vessel terminated by the suit. Suit in personam for the recovery of such damages may be brought in accordance with the provi- sonam. sions of subdivision (c) of subsection J. notice. Suits in per- 56 Appointment of receiver may operate vessel. Marshal may take possession of vessel. "Preferred mari- time lien." Sale by foreclo- sure to give title clear of liens. Foreclosure pro- ceedings to settle Il liens. Iriorities. Suit in personam on default of mortgagor. Mortgage on property other than vessels not enforceable in rem. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 961. 41 Stat. 1004. surrender of doc- Subsection L. In any suit in rem in admiralty for the enforcement of the preferred mortgage lien, the court may appoint a receiver and, in its discretion, authorize the receiver to operate the mortgaged vessel. The mar- shal may be authorized and directed by the court to take possession of the mortgaged vessel notwithstanding the fact that the vessel is in the possession or under the con- trol of any person claiming a possessory common-law lien. Subsection M. (a) When used hereinafter in this sec- tion, the term "preferred maritime lien" means (1) a lien arising prior in time to the recording and indorsement of a preferred mortgage in accordance with the provisions. of this section; or (2) a lien for damages arising out of tort, for wages of a stevedore when employed directly by the owner, operator, master, ship's husband, or agent of the vessel, for wages of the crew of the vessel, for general average, and for salvage, including contract salvage. (b) Upon the sale of any mortgaged vessel by order of a district court of the United States in any suit in rem in admiralty for the enforcement of a preferred mortgage lien thereon, all preexisting claims in the vessel, includ- ing any possessory common-law lien of which a lienor is deprived under the provisions of subsection L shall be held terminated and shall thereafter attach, in like amount and in accordance with their respective priorities, to the proceeds of the sale; except that the preferred mortgage lien shall have priority over all claims against the vessel, except (1) preferred maritime liens, and (2) expenses and fees allowed and costs taxed by the court. Subsection N. (a) Upon the default of any term or condition of a preferred mortgage upon a vessel, the mortgagee may, in addition to all other remedies granted by this section, bring suit in personam in admiralty in a district court of the United States, against the mortgagor for the amount of the outstanding mortgage indebtedness secured by such vessel or any deficiency in the full pay- ment thereof. (b) This section shall not be construed, in the case of a mortgage covering, in addition to vessels, realty or per- sonalty other than vessels, or both, to authorize the en- forcement by suit in rem in admiralty of the rights of the mortgagee in respect to such realty or personalty other than vessels. TRANSFERS OF MORTGAGED VESSELS AND ASSIGNMENT OF VESSEL MORTGAGES Subsection O. (a) The documents of a vessel of the United States covered by a preferred mortgage may not Board to approve be surrendered (except in the case of the forfeiture of the vessel or its sale by the order of any court of the United States or any foreign country) without the approval of the board. The board shall refuse such approval unless the mortgagee consents to such surrender. uments of mort- gaged vessel. 57 fected by forfei- (b) The interest of the mortgagee in a vessel of the Mortgage una!- United States covered by a mortgage, shall not be ter- ture of vessel to minated by the forfeiture of the vessel for a violation of United States. any law of the United States, unless the mortgagee authorized, consented, or conspired to effect the illegal act, failure, or omission which constituted such violation. rem in admiralty of liens. quire new mort- (c) Upon the sale of any vessel of the United States Sale by suit in covered by a preferred mortgage, by order of a district to give title clear court of the United States in any suit in rem in admiralty for the enforcement of a maritime lien other than a pre- ferred maritime lien, the vessel shall be sold free from all preexisting claims thereon; but the court shall, upon the Court may re- request of the mortgagee, the libellant, or any intervenor, gage to be given. require the purchaser at such sale to give and the mort- gagee to accept a new mortgage of the vessel for the balance of the term of the original mortgage. The con- Conditions. ditions of such new mortgage shall be the same, so far as practicable, as those of the original mortgage and shall be subject to the approval of the court. If such new mortgage is given, the mortgagee shall not be paid from the proceeds of the sale and the amount payable as the purchase price shall be held diminished in the amount of the new mortgage indebtedness. mortgage not to foreigners. (d) No rights under a mortgage of a vessel of the Rights under United States shall be assigned to any person not a be assigned to citizen of the United States without the approval of the board. Any assignment in violation of any provision of this section shall be void. sold by court to (e) No vessel of the United States shall be sold by Vessels not to be order of a district court of the United States in any suit foreigners. in rem in admiralty to any person not a citizen of the United States. MARITIME LIENS FOR NECESSARIES sec. 971. Furnishing of supplies, Subsection P. Any person furnishing repairs, supplies, U. s. C., Title 46 towage, use of dry dock or marine railway, or other nec-41 Stat. 1005. essaries, to any vessel, whether foreign or domestic, upon Furpis, necessa- the order of the owner of such vessel, or of a person au- ries, etc., to con- thorized by the owner, shall have a maritime lien on the lien. vessel, which may be enforced by suit in rem, and it shall Not necessary to not be necessary to allege or prove that credit was given prove that credit to the vessel. stitute maritime be given to vessel. 41 Stat. 1005. necessaries and Subsection Q. The following persons shall be pre- u. S. C., Title 46, sumed to have authority from the owner to procure re-sec. 972. pairs, supplies, towage, use of dry dock or marine rail- Persons who may way, and other necessaries for the vessel: The managing create liens for owner, ship's husband, master, or any person to whom supplies. the management of the vessel at the port of supply is entrusted. No person tortiously or unlawfully in posses- sion or charge of a vessel shall have authority to bind the vessel. 58 U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 973. 41 Stat. 1005. Persons ap- Subsection R. The officers and agents of a vessel speci- fied in subsection Q shall be taken to include such officers pointed by char- and agents when appointed by a charterer, by an owner terers, owner pro pro hac vice, or by an agreed purchaser in possession of may create liens. the vessel; but nothing in this section shall be construed hac vice, etc., U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 974. 41 Stat. 1006. Lienors or mort- gagees may waive lien. Preferred mort- preferred status. gagee may waive Act not to affect to confer a lien when the furnisher knew, or by exercise of reasonable diligence could have ascertained, that be- cause of the terms of a charter party, agreement for sale of the vessel, or for any other reason, the person ordering the repairs, supplies, or other necessaries was without authority to bind the vessel therefor. Subsection S. Nothing in this section shall be con- strued to prevent the furnisher of repairs, supplies, tow- age, use of dry dock or marine railway, or other necessa- ries, or the mortgagee, from waiving his right to a lien, or in the case of a preferred mortgage lien, to the preferred status of such lien, at any time, by agreement or other- wise; and this section shall not be construed to affect the rules of law now existing in regard to (1) the right to proceed against the vessel for advances, (2) laches in the Right to proceed enforcement of liens upon vessels, (3) the right to proceed in personam, (4) the rank of preferred maritime liens Priority between among themselves, or (5) priorities between maritime maritime liens. liens and mortgages, other than preferred mortgages, upon vessels of the United States. law relating to advances. Laches. in personam. Rank between maritime liens. State statutes creating liens for necessaries, sup- plies, etc., super- seded. U. 8. C., Title 46, sec. 981. 41 Stat. 1006. Subsection T. This section shall supersede the provi- sions of all State statutes conferring liens on vessels, in so far as such statutes purport to create rights of action to be enforced by suits in rem in admiralty against vessels for repairs, supplies, towage, use of dry dock or marine railway, and other necessaries. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Subsection U. This section shall not apply (1) to any existing mortgage, or (2) to any mortgage hereafter gages unaffected. placed on any vessel now under an existing mortgage, so long as such existing mortgage remains undischarged. Existing mort- Secretary of nish books, rec- Subsection V. The Secretary of Commerce is author- Commerce to fur-ized and directed to furnish collectors of customs with ords, forms, etc., all necessary books and records, and with certificates of registry and of enrollment and license in such form as provides for the making of all indorsements thereon required by this section. under this section. Secretary of Commerce to make necessary Subsection W. The Secretary of Commerce is author- ized to make such regulations in respect to the recording rules and regula- and indorsing of mortgages covering vessels of the United States, as he deems necessary to the efficient execution of the provisions of this section. tions relating to recording of mortgages, etc. Maritime Lien Act, 1910, repealed. Subsection X. Sections 4192 to 4196, inclusive, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended, and the Act entitled "An Act relating to liens on vessels for repairs, supplies, or other necessaries," approved June 23, 1910, are repealed. This section, however, so far as 59 not inconsistent with any of the provisions of law so repealed, shall be held a reenactment of such repealed law, and any right or obligation based upon any provi- sion of such law and accruing prior to such repeal, may be prosecuted in the same manner and to the same effect as if this Act had not been passed. Seamen may only demand half of wages once in five same port. SEC. 31. That section 4530 of the Revised Statutes of the United States is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 4530. Every seaman on a vessel of the United days or once in States shall be entitled to receive on demand from the master of the vessel to which he belongs one-half part of the balance of his wages earned and remaining unpaid at the time when such demand is made at every port where such vessel, after the voyage has been commenced, shall load or deliver cargo before the voyage is ended, and all stipulations in the contract to the contrary shall be void: Provided, Such a demand shall not be made before the expiration of, nor oftener than once in, five days nor more than once in the same harbor on the same entry. Any failure on the part of the master to comply with this de- mand shall release the seaman from his contract and he shall be entitled to full payment of wages earned. And when the voyage is ended every such seaman shall be entitled to the remainder of the wages which shall be then due him, as provided in section 4529 of the Revised Statutes: Provided further, That notwithstanding any re- lease signed by any seaman under section 4552 of the Revised Statutes any court having jurisdiction may upon good cause shown set aside such release and take such action as justice shall require: And provided further, That this section shall apply to seamen on foreign ves- sels while in harbors of the United States, and the courts of the United States shall be open to such seamen for its enforcement." • wages in advance where same is SEC. 32. That paragraph (a) of section 10 of the act Payment of entitled "An Act to remove certain burdens on the Ameri- in countries can merchant marine and encourage the American for- legal made illegal. eign carrying trade, and for other purposes," approved June 26, 1884, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 10. (a) That it shall be, and is hereby, made un lawful in any case to pay any seaman wages in advance of the time when he has actually earned the same, or to pay such advance wages, or to make any order, or note, or other evidence of indebtedness therefor to any other per- son, or to pay any person, for the shipment of seamen when payment is deducted or to be deducted from a seaman's wages. Any person violating any of the fore- going provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100, and may also be imprisoned for a period of not exceeding six months, at the discretion of the court. The payment of such advance wages or allotment, whether made within 60 Seamen suffering personal injuries given right of trial by jury. Acts relating to personal injury of ees extended to Suit for death by railway employ- seamen. wrongful act at sea may be main- tained at law with right of trial by jury. or without the United States or territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof, shall in no case except as herein pro- vided absolve the vessel or the master or the owner thereof from the full payment of wages after the same shall have been actually earned, and shall be no defense to a libel suit or action for the recovery of such wages. If any person shall demand or receive, either directly or indirectly, from any seaman or other person seeking em- ployment, as seaman, or from any person on his behalf, any remuneration whatever for providing him with em- ployment, he shall for every such offense be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be imprisoned not more than six months or fined not more than $500." SEC. 33. That section 20 of such act of March 4, 1915, be, and is, amended to read as follows: "SEC. 20. That any seaman who shall suffer personal injury in the course of his employment may, at his elec- tion, maintain an action for damages at law, with the right of trial by jury, and in such action all statutes of the United States modifying or extending the common-law right or remedy in cases of personal injury to railway employees shall apply; and in case of the death of any Acts relating to seaman as a result of any such personal injury the personal representative of such seaman may maintain an action for damages at law with the right of trial by jury, and in such action all statutes of the United States conferring or regulating the right of action for death in the case of rail- way employees shall be applicable. Jurisdiction in such actions shall be under the court of the district in which the defendant employer resides or in which his principal office is located." death of railway employees ex- tended to seamen. Treaties restrict- ing right to impose discrim- inating customs nage dues to be duties and ton- terminated. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 886. 41 Stat. 1007. SEC. 34. That in the judgment of Congress, articles or provisions in treaties or conventions to which the United States is a party, which restrict the right of the United States to impose discriminating customs duties on im- ports entering the United States in foreign vessels and in vessels of the United States, and which also restrict the right of the United States to impose discriminatory ton- nage dues on foreign vessels and on vessels of the United States entering the United States should be terminated, and the President is hereby authorized and directed within ninety days after this Act becomes law to give notice to the several Governments, respectively, parties to such treaties or conventions, that so much thereof as imposes any such restriction on the United States will terminate on the expiration of such periods as may be required for the giving of such notice by the provisions of such treaties or conventions. SEC. 35. That the power and authority vested in the board by this Act, except as herein otherwise specifically Board may dele- provided, may be exercised directly by the board, or by it through the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation. gate under act to Emergency Fleet Corporation. 61 sec. 887. Unconstitution- SEC. 36. That if any provision of this Act is declared U. S. C., Title 46, unconstitutional or the application of any provision to 41 Stat. 1007, certain circumstances be held invalid, the remainder of ality of any pro- the Act and the application of such provisions to circum- visions not to stances other than those as to which it is held invalid of Act. shall not be affected thereby. affect remainder Definitions same U. S. C., Title 46, SEC. 37. That when used in this Act, unless the context as in Shipping otherwise requires, the terms "person," "vessel," "docu-Act. mented under the laws of the United States," and "citi- sec. 888. zen of the United States" shall have the meaning assigned 41 Stat. 1008. to them by sections 1 and 2 of the "Shipping Act, 1916," as amended by this Act; the term "board" means the United States Shipping Board; and the term "alien""Board" means any person not a citizen of the United States. SEC. 38. That section 2 of the Shipping Act, 1916, is amended to read as follows: States. sec. 842. "SEC. 2. (a) That within the meaning of this Act no Citizen of United corporation, partnership, or association shall be deemed u. S. C., Title 46, a citizen of the United States unless the controlling 39 Stat. 728. interest therein is owned by citizens of the United States, and, in the case of a corporation, unless its president and managing directors are citizens of the United States and the corporation itself is organized under the laws of the United States or of a State, Territory, District, or posses- sion thereof, but in the case of a corporation, association, or partnership operating any vessel in the coastwise trade the amount of interest required to be owned by citizens of the United States shall be 75 per centum. Controlling "(b) The controlling interest in a corporation shall interest in cor- not be deemed to be owned by citizens of the United poration. States (a) if the title to a majority of the stock thereof is not vested in such citizens free from any trust or fidu- ciary obligation in favor of any person not a citizen of the United States; or (b) if the majority of the voting power in such corporation is not vested in citizens of the United States; or (c) if through any contract or under- standing it is so arranged that the majority of the voting power may be exercised, directly or indirectly, in behalf of any person who is not a citizen of the United States; or (d) if by any other means whatsoever control of the corporation is conferred upon or permitted to be exer- cised by any person who is not a citizen of the United States. 75 per centum of '(c) Seventy-five per centum of the interest in a interest in cor- corporation shall not be deemed to be owned by citi-poration. zens of the United States (a) if the title to 75 per centum of its stock is not vested in such citizens free from any trust or fiduciary obligation in favor of any person not a citizen of the United States; or (b) if 75 per centum of the voting power in such corporation is not vested in citizens of the United States; or (c) if, through any contract or understanding it is so arranged that more than 25 per centum of the voting power in such corpora- 46209°29 -5 62 : Receivers, trus- tees, successors, or assignees. tion may be exercised, directly or indirectly, in behalf of any person who is not a citizen of the United States; or (d) if by any other means whatsoever control of any interest in the corporation in excess of 25 per centum is conferred upon or permitted to be exercised by any person who is not a citizen of the United States. 27 "(d) The provisions of this Act shall apply to receivers and trustees of all persons to whom the Act applies, and Merchant Marine to the successors or assignees of such persons. SEC. 39. That this Act may be cited as the Merchant U.S. C., Title 46, Marine Act, 1920. Act, 1920. sec. 889. 41 Stat. 1008. Approved, June 5, 1920. : MERCHANT MARINE ACT, 1928 An Act To further develop an American merchant marine, to assure May 22, 1928 (8. 744). its permanence in the transportation of the foreign trade of the Public, No. 463, United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, TITLE I-DECLARATION OF POLICY 70th Cong., 1st sess. sec. 1. SEC. 1. The policy and the primary purpose declared U. S. C., Title 1, in section 1 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920 [U. S. C., Title 46, § 861], are hereby confirmed. TITLE II-SHIPPING BOARD VESSELS SALES BY BOARD SEC. 201. The United States Shipping Board shall not sell any vessel or any line of vessels except when in its judgment the building up and maintenance of an adequate merchant marine can be best served thereby, and then Affirmative vote only upon the affirmative vote of five members of the of 5 members. board duly recorded. REMODELING AND IMPROVING tion in foreign SEC. 202. In addition to its power to recondition and repair vessels under section 12 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, as amended [U. S. C., Title 46, § 871], the board may remodel and improve vessels owned by the United States and in its possession or under its control, so as to equip them adequately for competition in the foreign Adequate equip trade of the United States. Any vessel so remodeled or ment for competi- improved shall be documented under the laws of the trade. United States and shall remain documented under such Must remain laws for not less than five years from the date of the five years. completion of the remodeling or improving and so long as there remains due the United States any money or interest on account of such vessel, and during such period it shall be operated only on voyages which are not exclu- sively coastwise. REPLACEMENTS documented for replacement SEC. 203. The necessity for the replacement of vessels Necessity for owned by the United States and in the possession or under recognized. the control of the board and the construction for the board of additional up-to-date cargo, combination cargo and passenger, and passenger ships, to give the United States an adequate merchant marine, is hereby recognized, (63) 64 to recommend new vessels required. Board authorized and the board is authorized and directed to present to Congress from time to time, recommendations setting forth what new vessels are required for permanent opera- tion under the United States flag in foreign trade, and the estimated cost thereof, to the end that Congress may, from time to time, make provision for replacements and additions. All vessels built for the board shall be built in the United States, and they shall be planned with reference to their possible usefulness as auxiliaries to the naval and military services of the United States. To be built in United States. Must be useful for naval auxiliaries. Aggregate amount. To be used in aiding private citizens to con- struct vessels. Must be in pri- vate U. S. ship- yards or navy yards. Most modern equipment. Meaning of word "vessel." TITLE III-CONSTRUCTION LOAN FUND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF LOANS SEC. 301. (a) Section 11 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, as amended [U. S. C., Title 46, § 870; 44 Statutes. at Large, pt. 2, 1451], is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 11. (a) That the board may set aside, out of the revenues from sales, including proceeds of securities con- sisting of notes, letters of credit, or other evidences of debt, taken by it for deferred payments on purchase money from sales by the board, whether such securities are to the order of the United States, the United States Shipping Board, the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, or the United States Ship- ping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation, either directly or by indorsement, until the amounts thus set aside from time to time aggregate $125,000,000. The amount thus. set aside shall be known as the construction loan fund. The board may use such fund to the extent it thinks proper, upon such terms as the board may prescribe, in making loans to aid persons citizens of the United States in the construction by them in private shipyards or navy yards in the United States of vessels of the best and most efficient type for the establishment or maintenance of service on lines deemed desirable or necessary by the board, provided such vessels shall be fitted and equipped with the most modern, the most efficient, and the most economical engines, machinery, and commercial appli- ances; or in the outfitting and equipment by them in private shipyards or navy yards in the United States of vessels already built, with engines, machinery, and com- mercial appliances of the type and kind mentioned; or in the reconditioning, remodeling, or improvement by them in private shipyards or navy yards in the United States of vessels already built. "(b) The term 'vessel' or 'vessels,' where used in this section, shall be construed to mean a vessel or vessels to aid in whose construction, equipment, reconditioning, re- modeling, or improvement, a loan is made from the con- struction loan fund of the board. All such vessels shall be documented under the laws of the United States and shall 65 than Must remain long under United documented remain documented under such laws for not less twenty years from the date the loan is made, and so as there remains due the United States any principal or 20 years. interest on account of such loan. States laws for "(c) No loan shall be made for a longer time than Period of loan. twenty years. If it is not to be repaid within two years from the date when the first advance on the loan is made by the board, the principal shall be payable in equal annual installments to be definitely prescribed in the instruments. The loan may be paid at any time, on thirty days' written notice to the board, with interest computed to date of notice. payment. 66 30 days' written (d) All such loans shall bear interest at rates as fol- Interest. lows, payable not less frequently than annually: During any period in which the vessel is operated exclusively in coastwise trade, or is inactive, the rate of interest shall be as fixed by the board, but not less than 54 per centum per annum. During any period in which the vessel is oper- ated in foreign trade the rate shall be the lowest rate of yield (to the nearest one-eighth of 1 per centum) of any Government obligation bearing a date of issue subsequent to April 6, 1917 (except postal-savings bonds), and out- standing at the time the loan is made by the board, as certified by the Secretary of the Treasury to the board upon its request. The board may prescribe rules for determining the amount of interest payable under the provisions of this paragraph. 6.6 three-fourths of '(e) No loan shall be for a greater sum than three- Not more than fourths the cost of the vessel or vessels to be constructed cost of vessel. or than three-fourths the cost of the reconditioning, remodeling, improving, or equipping herein before author- ized for a vessel already built. (f) The board shall require such security as it shall Security. deem necessary to insure the completion of the construc- tion, reconditioning, remodeling, improving, or equipping of the vessel within a reasonable time and the repayment of the loan with interest; when the construction, recondi- tioning, remodeling, improving, or equipping of the vessel is completed the security shall include a preferred mortgage on the vessel, complying with the provisions of the Ship Ship Mortgage Mortgage Act, 1920 (U. S. C., Title 46, Chap. 25], which Act of 1920. mortgage shall contain appropriate covenants and pro- visions to insure the proper physical maintenance of the vessel, and its protection against liens for taxes, penalties, claims, or liabilities of any kind whatever, which might impair the security for the debt. It shall also contain any other covenants and provisions the board may pre- scribe, including a provision for the summary maturing of the entire debt, for causes to be enumerated in the mortgage. (g) The board shall also require and the security Insurance. furnished shall provide that the owner of the vessel shall keep the same insured against loss or damage by fire, and against marine risks and disasters, and against any and 66 Sec. 11, Merchant Marine Act, 1920. Increase. Continues as revolving fund. all other insurable risks the board specifies, with such insurance companies, associations, or underwriters, and under such forms of policies, and to such an amount, as the board may prescribe or approve; such insurance shall be made payable to the board and/or to the parties, as interest may appear. The board is authorized to enter into any agreement that it deems wise in respect to the payment and for the guaranty of premiums of insurance." (b) Section 11 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, as in force immediately prior to the enactment of this Act, shall remain in force in respect of all loans made before the enactment of this Act. INCREASE OF CONSTRUCTION LOAN FUND SEC. 302. (a) There is authorized to be appropriated, to be credited to and for the purposes of the construction loan fund created by section 11 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, as amended, such amounts as will, when added to the amounts credited to such fund by the United States Shipping Board under authority of law (exclusive of re- payments on loans from the fund), make the aggregate of the amounts credited to such fund (exclusive of such repayments) equal to $250,000,000. (b) When $250,000,000 has been credited to such fund (whether by the board under authority of law or from appropriations authorized by this section, but exclusive of repayments on loans from the fund) then no further sums (except such repayments) shall be credited by the board to such fund. (c) The construction loan fund shall continue to be a revolving fund. Repayments on loans from the fund Interest covered shall be credited to the fund, but interest on such loans shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. into Treasury. What mails carried. Postmaster Gen- eral to certify routes. TITLE IV.-OCEAN MAIL SERVICE SCOPE OF TITLE SEC. 401. All mails of the United States carried on vessels between ports (exclusive of ports in the Dominion of Canada other than ports in Nova Scotia) between which it is lawful under the navigation laws for a vessel not documented under the laws of the United States to carry merchandise shall, if practicable, be carried on vessels in respect of which a contract is made under this title. REQUIREMENTS OF POSTAL SERVICE SEC. 402. As soon as practicable after the enactment of this Act, and from time to time thereafter, it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to certify to the United States Shipping Board what ocean mail routes, in his opinion, should be established and/or operated for the 67 carrying of mails of the United States between ports (exclusive of ports in the Dominion of Canada other than ports in Nova Scotia) between which it is lawful under the navigation laws for a vessel not documented under the laws of the United States to carry merchandise, dis- tributed so as equitably to serve the Atlantic, Mexican Gulf, and Pacific coast ports, the volume of mail then For adequate moving over such routes and the estimated volume thereof postal service. during the next five years, the times deemed by him advisable for the departure of the vessels carrying such mails, and other requirements necessary to provide an adequate postal service between such ports. RECOMMENDATIONS BY SHIPPING BOARD General. SEC. 403. The board shall, as soon as practicable after Board to certify receipt of such certification from the Postmaster General, to Postmaster determine and certify to him the type, size, speed, and other characteristics of the vessels which should be em- ployed on each such route, the frequency and regularity of their sailings, and all other facts which bear upon the capacity of the vessels to meet the requirements of the service stated by the Postmaster General. The board in making its determination shall take into consideration the desirability of having the mail service performed by vessels constructed in accordance with the latest and most approved types, with modern improvements and appliances. AUTHORITY TO MAKE CONTRACTS make contracts. SEC. 404. The Postmaster General is authorized to Postmaster Gen- enter into contracts with citizens of the United States eral authorized to whose bids are accepted, for the carrying of mails between ports (exclusive of ports in the Dominion of Canada other than ports in Nova Scotia) between which it is lawful under the navigation laws for a vessel not documented under the laws of the United States to carry merchandise. He shall include in such contracts such requirements and conditions as in his best judgment will insure the full and efficient performance thereof and the protection of the interests of the Government. Performance under any such contract shall begin not more than three years after the contract is let, and the term of the contract shall not exceed ten years. VESSELS SEC. 405. (a) The vessels employed in ocean-mail Vessels must be steel; other service under a contract made under this title shall be qualifications. steel vessels, shall be steam or motor vessels, and shall be either (1) American-built and registered under the laws of the United States during the entire time of such em- ployment, or (2) registered under the laws of the United States not later than February 1, 1928, and so registered during the entire time of such employment, or (3) actu- 68 naval auxiliary All licensed offi- cers must be American clti- zens. ally ordered and under construction for the account of citizens of the United States prior to February 1, 1928, and registered under the laws of the United States during the entire time of such employment. (b) A vessel for the services of which a contract is entered into under authority of this title, and the con- struction of which is hereafter begun, shall be either (1) Must be useful as a vessel constructed, according to plans and specifica- tions approved by the Secretary of the Navy, with par- ticular reference to economical conversion into an aux- iliary naval vessel, or (2) a vessel which will be otherwise useful to the United States in time of national emergency. (c) From and after the enactment of this Act, all licensed officers of vessels documented under the laws of the United States, as now required by law, shall be citi- zens of the United States; from and after the enactment of this Act and for a period of four years, upon cach de- parture from the United States of a vessel employed in ocean-mail service under this title, one-half of the crew (crew including all employees of the ship other than offi- cers) shall be citizens of the United States and, thereafter, two-thirds of the crew as above defined shall be citizens of the United States. Qualifications of crew. Postmaster Gen- eral must adver- tise. Lowest bidder. ADVERTISING FOR BIDS SEC. 406. Before making any contract for carrying ocean mails under this title the Postmaster General shall give public notice by advertisement once a week for three weeks in such daily newspapers as he shall select in each of the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Balti- more, New Orleans, Charleston, Norfolk, Savannah, Jacksonville, Galveston, Houston, and Mobile, calling for bids for carrying of such ocean mails; or when the proposed service is to be on the Pacific Ocean then in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Tacoma, and Seattle. Such notice shall describe the proposed route, the time when such contract will be made, the number of trips a year, the schedule required, the time when the service shall commence, the character of the vessels re- quired, and all other information deemed by the Post- master General to be necessary to inform prospective bidders as to the character of the service to be required. AWARDING CONTRACTS SEC. 407. Each contract for the carrying of ocean mails under this title shall be awarded to the lowest bidder who, in the judgment of the Postmaster General, possesses such qualifications as to insure proper performance of the mail service under the contract. 1 69 CLASSIFICATION OF VESSELS SEC. 408. (a) The vessels employed in ocean-mail ser- vice under this title shall be divided into classes as follows: Class 7. Vessels capable of maintaining a speed of 10 knots at sea in ordinary weather, and of a gross registered tonnage of not less than 2,500 tons. Class 6. Vessels capable of maintaining a speed of 10 knots at sea in ordinary weather, and of a gross registered tonnage of not less than 4,000 tons. Class 5. Vessels capable of maintaining a speed of 13 knots at sea in ordinary weather, and of a gross registered tonnage of not less than 8,000 tons. Class 4. Vessels capable of maintaining a speed of 16 knots at sea in ordinary weather, and of a gross registered tonnage of not less than 10,000 tons. Class 3. Vessels capable of maintaining a speed of 18 knots at sea in ordinary weather, and of a gross registered tonnage of not less than 12,000 tons. Class 2. Vessels capable of maintaining a speed of 20 knots at sea in ordinary weather, and of a gross registered tonnage of not less than 16,000 tons. Class 1. Vessels capable of maintaining a speed of 24. knots at sea in ordinary weather, and of a gross registered tonnage of not less than 20,000 tons. (b) The classification of a vessel may be based upon its speed without regard to its tonnage if the Postmaster General is of opinion that speed is especially important on the particular route on which the vessel is to be em- ployed, and that a suitable vessel documented under the laws of the United States of a higher classification is not available on reasonable terms and conditions, or, on account of the character of the ports served or for other reasons, can not be safely or economically employed on such route. COMPENSATION UNDER CONTRACTS SEC. 409. (a) The rate of compensation to be paid Rate of compen- under this title for ocean-mail service shall be fixed in sation. the contract. Such rate shall not exceed: For vessels of Class 7, $1.50 per nautical mile; for vessels of Class 6, $2.50 per nautical mile; for vessels of Class 5, $4 per nautical mile; for vessels of Class 4, $6 per nautical mile; for vessels of Class 3, $8 per nautical mile; for vessels of Class 2, $10 per nautical mile; and for vessels of Class 1, $12 per nautical mile. As used in this section the term "nautical mile" means 6,080 feet. pensation. (b) When the Postmaster General is of opinion that Increase in com the interests of the postal service will be served thereby, he may, in the case of a vessel of class 1 capable of main- taining a speed in excess of 24 knots at sea in ordinary weather, contract for the payment of compensation in 70 Airplanes and airships. Nautical miles. tions. excess of the maximum compensation authorized in sub- section (a), but the compensation per nautical mile authorized by this subsection shall not be greater than an amount which bears the same ratio to $12 as the speed which such vessel is capable of maintaining at sea in ordinary weather bears to 24 knots. (c) If the Postmaster General is of opinion that to expedite and maintain satisfactory service under a con- tract made under this title, airplanes or airships are required to be used in conjunction with vessels, he may allow additional compensation, in amounts to be deter- mined by him, on account of the use of such airplanes or airships. Such airplanes or airships shall be American- built and owned, officered, and manned by citizens of the United States. (d) The Postmaster General shall determine the number of nautical miles by the shortest practicable route between the ports involved and payments under any contract made under this title shall be made for such number of miles on each outward voyage regardless. of the actual mileage traveled. VIOLATION OF CONTRACT SEC. 410. In the case of failure of a vessel from any cause to perform any regular voyage required by a con- Pro rata deduc- tract made under this title, a pro rata deduction shall be made from the contract price on account of such omit- ted voyage; and suitable deductions, to be determined by the Postmaster General, may be made from the com- pensation payable under the contract for delays, failures to properly safeguard the mails, or other irregularities in the performance of the contract. Deductions so determined upon shall be deducted by the Postmaster General from the payments otherwise due and payable under the terms of the contract. The Postmaster Substitution of General may, in case of emergency, permit the substitu- tion for a particular voyage of a vessel not within the provisions of the contract, even though not conforming to the requirements of section 405. vessel. May volunteer on half pay. PASSENGERS, FREIGHT, AND EXPRESS SEC. 411. Any vessel operating under a contract made under this title may carry passengers and their baggage, and freight and express, and may do all ordinary busi- ness done by similar vessels. NAVAL OFFICERS SEC. 412. Naval officers of the United States on the active list may volunteer for service on any vessel em- ployed in mail service under a contract made under the provisions of this title, and when accepted by the owner or master thereof may be assigned to such duty by the 71 Secretary of the Navy. While in such employment such officers shall receive from the Government half pay, exclusive of allowances, and such other compensation from the owner or master as may be agreed upon by the parties; but such officers while in such employment shall be required to perform only such duties as appertain to the merchant marine. MAIL MESSENGERS SEC. 413. Upon each vessel employed in ocean mail service under à contract made under this title, the Post- master General shall be entitled to have transported such mail messengers as he may require, for whom shall be provided subsistence, suitable staterooms, and working quarters, all free of charge. AMENDMENTS AND REPEALS SEC. 414. (a) Section 24 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920 [U. S. C., Title 46, § 880], is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 24. That all mails of the United States shipped Sec. 24. or carried on vessels shall, if practicable, be shipped or carried on American-built vessels documented under the laws of the United States. No contract hereafter made with the Postmaster General for carrying mails on vessels so built and documented shall be assigned or sublet, and no mails covered by such contract shall be carried on any vessel not so built and documented. No money shall be paid out of the Treasury of the United States on or in relation to any such contract for carrying mails on vessels. so built and documented when such contract has been assigned or sublet or when mails covered by such contract are in violation of the terms thereof carried on any vessel not so built and documented. This section shall not be applicable in the case of contracts made under Title IV of the Merchant Marine Act, 1928." (b) Section 7 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920 [U. S. Sec. 7. C., Title 46, § 866], is amended by striking out so much thereof as reads as follows: "The Postmaster General is authorized, notwithstanding the Act entitled 'An Act to provide for ocean mail service between the United States and foreign ports, and to promote commerce,' approved March 3, 1891, to contract for the carrying of the mails over such lines at such price as may be agreed upon by the board and the Postmaster General." (c) The Act entitled "An Act to provide for ocean mail service between the United States and foreign ports, and to promote commerce," approved March 3, 1891 [U. Ś. C., Title 39, §§ 657-665], is repealed. (d) So much of the Act entitled "An Act making appro- priations for the service of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, and for other 72 Contracts made prior to enact- ment. Extension of contracts. chant Marine Act, 1920. purposes," approved March 3, 1917, as provides for con- tracts for the carrying of mails between the United States and Great Britain (U. S. C., Title 39, § 666], is repealed. (e) Subdivision (b) of section 4009 of the Revised Stat- utes, as amended [44 Statutes at Large, pt. 2, 900], is amended to read as follows: "(b) The provisions of subdivision (a) of this section shall not limit the compensation for transportation of mail which the Postmaster General may pay under con- tracts entered into in accordance with the provisions of section 4007 of the Revised Statutes [U. S. C., Title 39, § 652], section 24 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920 [U. S. C., Title 46, § 880], or Title IV of the Merchant Marine Act, 1928.' (f) Any contract made prior to the enactment of this Act shall remain in force and effect in the same manner and to the same extent as though this Act had not been enacted. Any such contract which expires on June 30, 1928, may be extended for a period of not more than one year from such date. TITLE V-INSURANCE FUND SEC. 501. Section 10 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920 [U. S. C., Title 46, § 869], is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 10. That the board may create out of insurance See sec. 10, Mer- premiums, and revenue from operations and sales, and maintain and administer separate insurance funds which it may use to insure in whole or in part against all hazards commonly covered by insurance policies in such cases, any legal or equitable interest of the United States (1) in any vessel constructed or in process of construction; and (2) in any plants or property in the possession or under the authority of the board. The United States shall be held to have such an interest in any vessel toward the construction, reconditioning, remodeling, improving, or equipping of which a loan has been made under the authority of this Act, in any vessel upon which it holds a mortgage or lien of any character, or in any vessel which is obligated by contract with the owner to perform any service in behalf of the United States, to the extent of the Government's interest therein." TITLE VI-TRANSPORTATION OF GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS SEC. 601. Any officer or employee of the United States traveling on official business overseas to foreign countries, or to any of the possessions of the United States, shall travel and transport his personal effects on ships registered Must use United under the laws of the United States when such ships are States ships. Proviso. available, unless the necessity of his mission requires the use of a ship under a foreign flag: Provided, That the Comptroller General of the United States shall not credit any allowance for travel or shipping expenses incurred on a foreign ship in the absence of satisfactory proof of the necessity therefor. 73 TITLE VII-MISCELLANEOUS AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS SEC. 701. The appropriations necessary to carry out the provisions and accomplish the purposes of this Act are hereby authorized. REQUISITION OF VESSELS SEC. 702. (a) The following vessels may be taken and purchased or used by the United States for national defense or during any national emergency declared by By proclamation. proclamation of the President: (1) Any vessel in respect of which, under a contract hereafter entered into, a loan is made from the construc- tion loan fund created by section 11 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, as amended-at any time until the principal and interest of the loan has been paid; and (2) Any vessel in respect of which an ocean mail con- tract is made under Title IV of this Act-at any time during the period for which the contract is made. (b) In such event the owner shall be paid the fair actual value of the vessel at the time of taking, or paid the fair compensation for her use based upon such fair actual value; but in neither case shall such fair actual value be enhanced by the causes necessitating the taking. In the case of a vessel taken and used, but not purchased, the vessel shall be restored to the owner in a condition at least as good as when taken, less reasonable wear and tear, or the owner shall be paid an amount for recondi- tioning sufficient to place the vessel in such condition. The owner shall not be paid for any consequential damages arising from such taking and purchase or use. (c) The President shall ascertain the fair compensation for such taking and purchase or use and shall certify to Congress the amount so found by him to be due, for appropriation and payment to the person entitled thereto. If the amount found by the President to be due is unsatis- factory to the person entitled thereto, such person shall be entitled to sue the United States for the amount of such fair compensation and such suit shall be brought in the manner provided by paragraph 20 of section 24 or by section 145 of the Judicial Code, as amended [U. S. C., Title 28, §§ 41, 250]. DEFINITIONS SEC. 703. (a) When used in this Act, and for the pur- poses of this Act only, the words "foreign trade" mean trade between the United States, its Territories or pos- sessions, or the District of Columbia and a foreign country: Provided, however, That the loading or the unloading of cargo, mail, or passengers at any port in any What vessels may be. 74 "Foreign trade." "Citizen of territory or possession of the United States shall be con- strued to be foreign trade if the stop at such territory or possession is an intermediate stop on what would other- wise be a voyage in foreign trade. (b) When used in this Act the term "citizen of the United States" includes a corporation, partnership, or United States." association only if it is a citizen of the United States within the meaning of section 2 of the Shipping Act, 1916, as amended [U. S. C., Title 46, § 802]. REAFFIRMATION OF POLICY SEC. 704. The policy and the primary purpose declared in section 7 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920 [U. S. C., Title 46, § 866], are hereby reaffirmed. SHIP OPERATIONS SEC. 705. In the allocations of the operations of the ships, the Shipping Board shall distribute them as far as possible and without detriment to the service among the various ports of the country. SHORT TITLE SEC. 706. This Act may be cited as the "Merchant Marine Act, 1928." Approved, May 22, 1928. SUITS IN ADMIRALTY ACT [PUBLIC NO. 156-66тH CONGRESS] [S. 3076] An Act Authorizing suits against the United States in admiralty, suits for salvage services, and providing for the release of mer- chant vessels belonging to the United States from arrest and attachment in foreign jurisdictions, and for other purposes. sec. 741. Public vessels or Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives U. S. C., Title 46, of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 41 Stat. 525. That no vessel owned by the United States or by any and cargo im- corporation in which the United States or its representa-mune from tives shall own the entire outstanding capital stock, or seizure. in the possession of the United States or of such corpora- tion or operated by or for the United States or such corporation, and no cargo owned or possessed by the United States or by such corporation, shall hereafter, in view of the provision herein made for a libel in personam, be subject to arrest or seizure by judicial process in the United States or its possessions: Provided, That this Panama Railroad Act shall not apply to the Panama Railroad Company. Co. excepted. sec. 742. Admiralty suit in authorized. SEC. 2. That in cases where if such vessel were pri- U.SC., Title 46, vately owned or operated, or if such cargo were privately 41 Stat. 525. owned and possessed, a proceeding in admiralty could personam against be maintained at the time of the commencement of the United States action herein provided for, a libel in personam may be brought against the United States or against such cor- poration, as the case may be, provided that such vessel is employed as a merchant vessel or is a tug boat operated by such corporation. Such suits shall be brought in the District courts district court of the United States for the district in diction. which the parties so suing, or any of them, reside or have their principal place of business in the United States, or in which the vessel or cargo charged with liability is found. The libelant shall forthwith serve a copy of his Service. libel on the United States attorney for such district and mail a copy thereof by registered mail to the Attorney General of the United States, and shall file a sworn return of such service and mailing. Such service and mailing shall constitute valid service on the United States and such corporation. In case the United States or such corporation shall file a libel in rem or in per- Cross libels. sonam in any district, a cross-libel in personam may be filed or a set-off claimed against the United States or such corporation with the same force and effect as if the libel had been filed by a private party. Upon applica-mctiva. tion of either party the cause may, in the discretion of the court, be transferred to any other district court of the United States. Removal of cause of (75) 76 U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 743. 41 Stat. 526. SEC. 3. That such suits shall proceed and shall be heard and determined according to the principles of law Law and proce- and to the rules of practice obtaining in like cases be- dure same as in private cases. Costs, interest, etc. Appeals. Libelant may elect to proceed tween private parties. A decree against the United States or such corporation may include costs of suit, and when the decree is for a money judgment, interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum until satisfied, or at any higher rate which shall be stipulated in any contract upon which such decree shall be based. In- terest shall run as ordered by the court. Decrees shall be subject to appeal and revision as now provided in other cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction. If the libelant so elects in his libel the suit may proceed in as in rem action. accordance with the principles of libels in rem wherever it shall appear that had the vessel or cargo been privately owned and possessed a libel in rem might have been maintained. Election so to proceed shall not preclude the libelant in any proper case from seeking relief in personam in the same suit. Neither the United States nor such corporation shall be required to give any bond or admiralty stipulation on any proceeding brought hereunder. Any such bond or stipulation heretofore given in admiralty causes by the United States, the United States Shipping Board, or the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, shall become void and be surrendered and canceled upon the filing of a suggestion by the Attorney General or other duly authorized law officer that the United States is interested in such cause, and assumes liability to satisfy any decree included within said bond or stipulation, and thereafter any such decree shall be paid as provided in section 8 of this Act. Stipulations and bonds. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 744. 41 Stat. 526. Private vessel libeled for acts done while in Government from arrest or seizure. SEC. 4. That if a privately owned vessel not in the possession of the United States or of such corporation is arrested or attached upon any cause of action arising or alleged to have arisen from previous possession, owner- service immune ship, or operation of such vessel by the United States or by such corporation, such vessel shall be released with- out bond or stipulation therefor upon the suggestion by the United States, through its Attorney General or other duly authorized law officer, that it is interested in such cause, desires such release, and assumes the liability for the satisfaction of any decree obtained by the libelant in such cause, and thereafter such cause shall proceed against the United States in accordance with the pro- visions of this Act. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 745. 41 Stat. 527. tations. SEC. 5. That suits as herein authorized may be brought only on causes of action arising since April 6, 1917, pro- Statute of limi- vided that suits based on causes of action arising prior to the taking effect of this Act shall be brought within one year after this Act goes into effect; and all other suits hereunder shall be brought within two years after the cause of action arises. 77 sec. 746. SEC. 6. That the United States or such corporation U.S. C., Title 48, shall be entitled to the benefits of all exemptions and of Entitled to limi- all limitations of liability accorded by law to the owners, and exemptions charterers, operators, or agents of vessels. tations of liability as private vessels. sec. 747. immune from SEC. 7. That if any vessel or cargo within the purview u. S. C., Title 46, of sections 1 and 4 of this Act is arrested, attached, or 41 Stat. 527. otherwise seized by process of any court in any country Vessels and cargo other than the United States, or if any suit is brought suit in foreign therein against the master of any such vessel for any countries. cause of action arising from, or in connection with, the possession, operation, or ownership of any such vessel, or the possession, carriage, or ownership of any such cargo, the Secretary of State of the United States in his discretion, upon the request of the Attorney General of the United States, or any other officer duly author- ized by him, may direct the United States consul residing at or nearest the place at which such action may have been commenced to claim such vessel or cargo as immune from such arrest, attachment, or other seizure, and to execute an agreement, undertaking, bond, or stipulation Stipulations and for and on behalf of the United States, or the United bonds. States Shipping Board, or such corporation as by said court required, for the release of such vessel or cargo, and for the prosecution of any appeal; or may, in the Appeals. event of such suits against the master of any such vessel, direct said United States consul to enter the appearance of the United States, or of the United States Shipping Board, or of such corporation, and to pledge the credit thereof to the payment of any judgment and cost that may be entered in such suit. The Attorney General is Attorney General hereby vested with power and authority to arrange with any bank, surety company, person, firm, or corporation bonds. in the United States, its Territories and possessions, or in any foreign country, to execute any such aforesaid bond or stipulation as surety or stipulator thereon, and to pledge the credit of the United States to the indem- nification of such surety or stipulator as may be re- quired to secure the execution of such bond or stipula- tion. The presentation of a copy of the judgment roll Evidence for pay- in any such suit, certified by the clerk of the court and authenticated by the certificate and seal of the United States consul claiming such vessel or cargo, or his suc- cessor, and by the certificate of the Secretary of State as to the official capacity of such consul, shall be sufficient evidence to the proper accounting officers of the United States, or of the United States Shipping Board, or of such corporation, for the allowance and payment of such judgments: Provided, however, That nothing in this sec- Not precluded tion shall be held to prejudice or preclude a claim of the from claiming immunity of such vessel or cargo from foreign jurisdiction in a proper case. may arrange stipulations and ing judgments. immunity. sec. 748. SEC. 8. That any final judgment rendered in any suit U. S. C., Title 46, herein authorized, and any final judgment within the 41 Stat. 527. purview of sections 4 and 7 of this Act, and any arbi- Payment of judg- tration award or settlement had and agreed to under awards. ments and 46209°-296 78 U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 749. 41 Stat. 527. Arbitration, com- promise and settlement of claims. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 750. 41 Stat. 528. Salvage. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 751. 41 Stat. 528. Disposition of funds recovered. Report of suits, awards and claims settled. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 752. 41 Stat. 528. 41 Stat. 528. Inconsistent Acts repealed. the provisions of section 9 of this Act, shall, upon the presentation of a duly authenticated copy thereof, be paid by the proper accounting officers of the United States out of any appropriation or insurance fund or other fund especially available therefor; otherwise there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, a sum suf- ficient to pay any such judgment or award or settlement. SEC. 9. That the Secretary of any department of the Government of the United States, or the United States Shipping Board, or the board of trustees of such corpora- tion, having control of the possession or operation of any merchant vessel are, and each hereby is, authorized to arbitrate, compromise, or settle any claim in which suit will lie under the provisions of sections 2, 4, 7, and 10 of this Act. SEC. 10. That the United States, and the crew of any merchant vessel owned or operated by the United States, or such corporation, shall have the right to collect and sue for salvage services rendered by such vessel and crew, and any moneys recovered therefrom by the United States for its own benefit, and not for the benefit of the crew, shall be covered into the United States Treasury to the credit. of the department of the Government of the United States, or of the United States Shipping Board, or of such corporation, having control of the possession or operation of such vessel. SEC. 11. That all moneys recovered in any suit brought by the United States on any cause of action arising from, or in connection with, the possession, operation, or owner- ship of any merchant vessel, or the possession, carriage or ownership of any cargo, shall be covered into the United States Treasury to the credit of the department of the Government of the United States, or of the United States Shipping Board, or of such aforesaid corporation, having control of the vessel or cargo with respect to which such cause of action arises, for reimbursement of the appropriation, or insurance fund, or other funds, from which the loss, damage, or compensation for which said judgment was recovered has been or will be paid. SEC. 12. That the Attorney General shall report to the Congress at each session thereof the suits under this Act in which final judgment shall have been rendered for or against the United States and such aforesaid corporation and the Secretary of any department of the Government of the United States, and the United States Shipping Board, and the board of trustees of any such aforesaid corporation, shall likewise report the arbitration awards. or settlements of claims which shall have been agreed to since the previous session, and in which the time to appeal shall have expired or have been waived. SEC. 13. That the provisions of all other Acts incon- sistent herewith are hereby repealed Approved, March 9, 1920. HOME PORT BILL (PUBLIC-No. 420-68тH Congress) [S. 4162] An Act To establish home ports of vessels of the United States, to validate documents relating to such vessels, and for other purposes. sec. 1011. Every vessel of in United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives U.S. C., Title 46, of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 43 Stat. 948. That for the purposes of the navigation laws of the United United States to States and of the Ship Mortgage Act, 1920, otherwise have home port known as section 30 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, every vessel of the United States shall have a "home port" in the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico, which port of the owner of such vessel, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Naviga- tion of the Department of Commerce, shall specifically fix and determine, and subject to such approval may from time to time change. Such home port shall be shown in the register, enrollment and license, or license To be shown in of such vessel, which documents, respectively, are here- register. inafter referred to as the vessel's document. The home port shown in the document of any vessel of the United States in force at the time of the approval of this Act shall be deemed to have been fixed and determined in accordance with the provisions hereof. Section 4141 of the Revised Statutes is hereby amended to conform herewith. sec. 1012. veyance, mort- SEC. 2. No bill of sale, conveyance, mortgage, assign- U. S. C., Title 46, ment of mortgage, or hypothecation (except bottomry), 43 Stat. 948. which includes a vessel of the United States or any por- Bills of salo, con- tion thereof, shall be valid in respect to such vessel gage, etc. against any person other than the grantor or mortgagor, his heirs or devisees, and any person having actual notice thereof, until such bill of sale, conveyance, mort- gage, assignment of mortgage, or hypothecation is re- corded in the office of the collector of customs at the Must be recorded home port of such vessel. Any bill of sale or conveyance tor of customs at of the whole or any part of a vessel shall be recorded home port. at the home port of such vessel as shown in her new document. in office of collec- sec. 1013. Prior convey- SEC. 3. All conveyances and mortgages of any vessel U.S. C., Title 46, or any part thereof, and all documentations, recordations, 43 Stat. 948. indorsements, and indexing thereof, and proceedings inci- ances, etc., de- dental thereto heretofore made or done, are hereby clared valid. declared valid to the extent they would have been valid if the port or ports at which said vessel has in fact been documented from time to time had been the port or (79) 80 Meaning of "Port of docu- mentation." U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 1014. 43 Stat. 948. Amendments. ports at which it should have been documented in accord- ance with law; and this section is hereby declared retro- active so as to accomplish such validation: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to deprive any person of any vested right. SEC. 4. Wherever in the Ship Mortgage Act, 1920, otherwise known as section 30 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, the words "port of documentation" are used they shall be deemed to mean the "home port" of the vessel, except that the words "port of documentation" shall not include a port in which a temporary document is issued. SEC. 5. All such provisions of the Navigation Laws of the United States and of the Ship Mortgage Act, 1920, otherwise known as section 30 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, as are in conflict with this Act are hereby amended to conform herewith. Approved, February 16, 1925. (PUBLIC-No. 165-66TH CONGRESS] [S. 2085] U. 8. C., Title 46, sec. 761. 41 Stat. 537. An Act Relating to the maintenance of actions for death on the Chap. III, par. 1, high seas and other navigable waters. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 41 Stat. 537. of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Death by wrong- That whenever the death of a person shall be caused by ful act or default wrongful act, neglect, or default occurring on the high on high seas. seas beyond a marine league from the shore of any State, or the District of Columbia, or the Territories or depend- encies of the United States, the personal representative of the decedent may maintain a suit for damages in the by personal district courts of the United States, in admiralty, for the representative. exclusive benefit of the decedent's wife, husband, parent, child, or dependent relative against the vessel, person, or corporation which would have been liable if death had not ensued. Suit in admiralty covery. 41 Stat. 537. SEC. 2. That the recovery in such suit shall be a fair Measure of re- and just compensation for the pecuniary loss sustained U. s. C., Title 46, by the persons for whose benefit the suit is brought and sec. 762. shall be apportioned among them by the court in pro- portion to the loss they may severally have suffered by reason of the death of the person by whose representative the suit is brought. years. 41 Stat. 537. SEC. 3. That such suit shall be begun within two years Limitation of 2 from the date of such wrongful act, neglect, or default, C., Title 46, unless during that period there has not been reasonable sec. 763. opportunity for securing jurisdiction of the vessel, person, or corporation sought to be charged; but after the expira- tion of such period of two years the right of action hereby given shall not be deemed to have lapsed until ninety days after a reasonable opportunity to secure jurisdiction has offered given by laws of sec. 764. SEC. 4. That whenever a right of action is granted by Rights of action the law of any foreign State on account of death by foreign countries. wrongful act, neglect, or default occurring upon the high U. S. C., Title 46, seas, such right may be maintained in an appropriate 41 Stat. 537. action in admiralty in the courts of the United States without abatement in respect to the amount for which recovery is authorized, any statute of the United States to the contrary notwithstanding. Death during sec. 765. SEC. 5. That if a person die as the result of such wrong- suit for personal ful act, neglect, or default as is mentioned in section 1 injuries. during the pendency in a court of admiralty of the United U. S. C., Title 46, States of a suit to recover damages for personal injuries 41 Stat. 537. in respect of such act, neglect, or default, the personal representative of the decedent may be substituted as a party and the suit may proceed as a suit under this Act for the recovery of the compensation provided in section 2. (81) 82 Contributory SEC. 6. That in suits under this Act the fact that the negligence not a decedent has been guilty of contributory negligence shall U.S. C., Title 46, not bar recovery, but the court shall take into considera- tion the degree of negligence attributable to the decedent and reduce the recovery accordingly. sec. 766. 41 Stat. 537. SEC. 7. That the provisions of any State statute giving or regulating rights of action or remedies for death shall not be affected by this Act. Nor shall this Act apply to the Great Lakes or to any waters within the territorial limits of any State, or to any navigable waters in the Panama Canal Zone. SEC. 8. That this Act shall not affect any pending suit, action, or proceeding. Approved, March 30, 1920. [PUBLIC-No. 546-68TH CONGRESS] [H. R. 9535] March 3, 1925. (H. R. 9535) Public No. 546. Admiralty causes. United States An Act Authorizing suits against the United States in admiralty for damage caused by and salvage services rendered to public vessels belonging to the United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives Libel in per- of the United States of America in Congress assembled, sonam against That a libel in personam in admiralty may be brought authorized for against the United States, or a petition impleading the public vessel. United States, for damages caused by a public vessel of U.S. C., Title 46, the United States, and for compensation for towage and 43 Stat. 1112. salvage services, including contract salvage, rendered to Time limitation. a public vessel of the United States: Provided, That the cause of action arose after the 6th day of April, 1920. damages by a sec. 781. Proviso. sec. 782. Procedure. Vol. 41, p. 526. Interest restric- tion. SEC. 2. That such suit shall be brought in the district venue of action., court of the United States for the district in which the U.S. C., Title 46, vessel or cargo charged with creating the liability is found 43 Stat. 1112. within the United States, or if such vessel or cargo be outside the territorial waters of the United States, then in the district court of the United States for the district in which the parties so suing, or any of them, reside or have an office for the transaction of business in the United States; or in case none of such parties reside or have an office for the transaction of business in the United States, and such vessel or cargo be outside the territorial waters of the United States, then in any district court of the United States. Such suits shall be subject to and pro- ceed in accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act authorizing suits against the United States in admiralty, suits for salvage services, and providing for the release of merchant vessels belonging to the United States from arrest and attachment in foreign jurisdictions, and for other purposes," approved March 9, 1920, or any amendment thereof, in so far as the same are not incon- sistent herewith, except that no interest shall be allowed on any claim up to the time of the rendition of judgment unless upon a contract expressly stipulating for the pay- ment of interest. cross bill by owners of vessel United States. sec. 783. 43 Stat. SEC. 3. That in the event of the United States filing Admission of a libel in rem or in personam in admiralty for damages caused by a privately owned vessel, the owner of such in actions by the vessel, or his successors in interest, may file a cross libel u. S. C., Title 46, in personam or claim a set-off or counterclaim against st. 1112. the United States in such suit for and on account of Proviso. any Security required damages arising out of the same subject matter or cause of respondent. of action: Provided, That whenever a cross libel is filed for any cause of action for which the original libel is filed by authority of this Act, the respondent in the cross libel shall give security in the usual amount and form to respond to the claim set forth in said cross libel unless (83) 84 Subpoena of offi- cers and crew. sec. 784. the court, for cause shown, shall otherwise direct; and all proceedings on the original libel shall be stayed until such security shall be given. SEC. 4. That no officer or member of the crew of any U.S. C., Title 46 public vessel of the United States may be subpoenaed in connection with any suit authorized under this Act with- out the consent of the secretary of the department or the head of any independent establishment of the Govern- ment having control of the vessel at the time the cause of action arose, or of the master or commanding officer of such vessel at the time of the issuance of such subpoena. Reciprocity. U. S. C., Title 46, sec. 785. 43 Stat. 1113. Attorney General may arbitrate. sec. 786. SEC. 5. That no suit may be brought under this Act by a national of any foreign government unless it shall appear to the satisfaction of the court in which suit is brought that said government, under similar circum- stances, allows nationals of the United States to sue in its courts. SEC. 6. That the Attorney General of the United States U.S. C., Title 46, is hereby authorized to arbitrate, compron. se, or settle any claim on which a libel or cross libel would lie under the provisions of this Act, and for which a libel or cross libel has actually been filed. 43 Stat. 1113. Payment of judgments. sec. 787. 43 Stat. 1113. SEC. 7. That any final judgment rendered on any libel U. §. C., Title 46, or cross libel herein authorized, and any settlement had and agreed to under the provisions of section 6 of this Act, shall, upon presentation of a duly authenticated copy thereof, be paid by the proper accounting officer of the United States out of any moneys in the Treasury of the United States appropriated therefor by Congress. Liens. SEC. 8. Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed U.S788., Title 46, to recognize the existence of or as creating a lien against any public vessel of the United States. sec. 43 Stat. 1113. Reports. SEC. 9. The United States shall be entitled to the benefits of all exemptions and of all limitations of liability accorded by law to the owners, charterers, operators or agents of vessels. SEC. 10. That the Attorney General of the United States shall report to the Congress at each session thereof all suits in which final judgment shall have been rendered. and all claims which shall have been settled under this Act. Approved, March 3, 1925. APPROPRIATIONS ACT OF FEBRUARY 20, 1929 1 UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD For seven commissioners at $12,000 each per annum, Commissioners. $84,000. For all other expenditures authorized by law, including Other expenses. the compensation of a secretary to the board, attorneys, officers, naval architects, special experts, examiners, and clerks, including one admiralty counsel at $10,000 per annum, one technical expert in connection with construc- tion loan fund, at $10,000 per annum, and other employ- ees in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; and for all other expenses of the board, including the rental of quar- ters outside the District of Columbia, law books, books of reference, periodicals, and traveling expenses of members of the board, its special experts, and other employees, while upon official business away from their designated posts of duty, and for the employment by contract or other- wise of expert stenographic reporters for its official report- ing work and including the investigation of foreign dis- crimination against vessels and shipppers of the United States and for the investigation of transportation of immigrants in vessels of the United States Shipping Board, $265,750, of which amount not to exceed $240,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia: Provided, That the annual estimates of the Shipping Board for the fiscal year 1931 shall be accom- panied by a statement showing the number and compen- sation of employees of the Fleet Corporation assigned to the Shipping Board. For all printing and binding for the United States Ship- Printing and ping Board, including all of its bureaus, offices, institu- binding. tions, and services located in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $10,000. UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD SHIPPING FUND operation. For expenses of the United States Shipping Board Mer- chant Fleet Corporation during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930, for administrative purposes, miscellaneous adjustments, losses due to the maintenance and operation Maintenance and of ships, for the repair of ships, for the purchase, exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor vehicles for official purposes only; for the payment of premiums for liability, fire, theft, property damage and collision insur- ance and for other forms of insurance, including schedule and fidelity bonds, commonly carried by commercial cor- 1 The last paragraph of the Appropriations Act of 1928 read as follows: "Hereafter the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation shall be known as the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation." (85) 86 Proviso. Ships returned by operators. Proviso. Attorneys. porations engaged in the same or a similar business, and for carrying out the provisions of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, and amendments thereto, (a) the amount on hand July 1, 1929, not to exceed $50,000,000, including such sums as the Shipping Board may have reserved or committed from the fiscal year 1927 for the recondition- ing of vessels; (b) $11,134,250, including the salaries of employees of the Fleet Corporation assigned to the Ship- ping Board, of which $1,500,000 may be used for recondi- tioning and operating ships for carrying coal to foreign ports, together with the unexpended balance of the $1,000,000 authorized for this purpose for the fiscal year 1929, and $500,000 shall be available only for research and experimental development in ship and machinery design, construction, and operation; (c) all amounts re- ceived during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930, other than the proceeds of sales of ships and surplus property; (d) so much of the total proceeds of sales of ships and sur- plus property received during the fiscal year 1930, but not exceeding $2,100,000, as is necessary to meet the ex- penses of liquidation, including the cost of maintaining the laid-up fleet and the salaries and expenses of the per- sonnel engaged in liquidation: Provided, That no part of these sums, (a), (b), (c), and (d) shall be used for the payment of claims arising out of the construction and requisitioning of vessels; (e) all interest earned on the funds, excepting the construction loan fund, of the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation is to accrue to these funds and is made available for the pur- poses herein before set forth subject to the limitations herein established. That portion of the special claims appropriation, con- tained in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1923, committed prior to July 1, 1923, and remaining unexpended on June 30, 1929, shall continue available until June 30, 1930, for the same purposes and under the same conditions. To enable the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation to operate ships or lines of ships which have been or may be taken back from purchasers by reason of competition or other methods employed by foreign ship owners or operators, there is hereby reap- propriated the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $10,000,000 made for similar purposes in the Inde- pendent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1927: Provided, That no expenditure shall be made for the purposes of this paragraph from this sum without the prior approval of the President of the United States. No part of the sums appropriated in this Act shall be used to pay the compensation of any attorney, regular or special, for the United States Shipping Board or the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corpora- tion unless the contract of employment has been approved by the Attorney General of the United States. 87 } salaries No officer or employee of the United States Shipping Maximum Board or the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation shall be paid a salary or compensation at a rate per annum in excess of $10,000 except the following: One at not to exceed $18,000, three at not to exceed $15,000 each, and one at not to exceed $12,000. No part of the funds of the United States Shipping Rent. Board Merchant Fleet Corporation shall be available for the rent of buildings in the District of Columbia during the fiscal year 1930 if suitable space is provided for said corporation by the Public Buildings Commission. Total, United States Shipping Board, $11,494,000: Total amount Provided, That of the sums herein made available under the United States Shipping Board, not to exceed an aggregate of $300,000 shall be expended for compensa- tion of regular attorneys employed on a yearly salary basis and for fees and expenses of attorneys employed in special cases. appropriated. U. S. C., Title 49, sec. 20, subdivi- 41 Stat. 494. Issue of bill of lading. Liability to holder. No exemption. EXTRACT FROM INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT OF FEBRUARY 28, 1920 Any common carrier, railroad, or transportation com- sion 11, p. 1670. pany subject to the provisions of this Act receiving prop- erty for transportation from a point in one State or Terri- tory or the District of Columbia to a point in another State, Territory, District of Columbia, or from any point in the United States to a point in an adjacent foreign country shall issue a receipt or bill of lading therefor, and shall be liable to the lawful holder thereof for any loss, damage, or injury to such property, caused by it or by any common carrier, railroad, or transportation company to which such property may be delivered or over whose line or lines such property may pass within the United States or within an adjacent foreign country when trans- ported on a through bill of lading, and no contract, re- ceipt, rule, regulation, or other limitation of any char- acter whatsoever, shall exempt such common carrier, railroad, or transportation company from the liability hereby imposed; and any such common carrier, railroad, or transportation company so receiving property for transportation from a point in one State, Territory, or the District of Columbia to a point in another State or Territory, or from a point in a State or Territory to a point in the District of Columbia, or from any point in the United States to a point in an adjacent foreign country, or for transportation wholly within a Territory shall be liable to the lawful holder of said receipt, or bill of lading or to any party entitled to recover thereon, whether such receipt or bill of lading has been issued or not, for the full actual loss, damage, or injury to such property caused by it or by any such common carrier, railroad, or transportation company to which such prop- erty may be delivered or over whose line or lines such property may pass within the United States or within an adjacent foreign country when transported on a through bill of lading notwithstanding any limitation of liability No limitation of or limitation of the amount of recovery or representation or agreement as to value in any such receipt or bill of lading, or in any contract, rule, regulation, or in any tariff filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission: and any such limitation, without respect to the manner or form in which it is sought to be made is hereby de- clared to be unlawful and void: Provided, That if the loss, damage, or injury occurs while the property is in the custody of a carrier by water the liability of such carrier shall be determined by and under the laws and regula- tions applicable to transportation by water, and the lia- bility of the initial carrier shall be the same as that of Full loss. liability. Proviso. (88) 89 Proviso. such carrier by water: Provided, however, That the pro- visions hereof respecting liability for full actual loss, damage, or injury, notwithstanding any limitation of liability or recovery or representation or agreement or release as to value, and declaring any such limitation to be unlawful and void, shall not apply, first, to baggage carried on passenger trains or boats, or trains or boats carrying passengers; second, to property, except ordinary livestock, received for transportation concerning which the carrier shall have been or shall hereafter be expressly authorized or required by order of the Interstate Com- merce Commission to establish and maintain rates de- pendent upon the value declared in writing by the shipper or agreed upon in writing as the released value of the property, in which case such declaration or agree- ment shall have no other effect than to limit liability and recovery to an amount not exceeding the value so de- clared or released, and shall not, so far as relates to values, be held to a violation of section 10 of this Act to regulate commerce, as amended; and any tariff schedule which may be filed with the commission pursuant to such order shall contain specific reference thereto and may establish rates varying with the value so declared or agreed upon; and the commission is hereby empowered to make such order in cases where rates dependent upon and varying with declared or agreed values would, in its opinion, be just and reasonable under the circumstances and conditions surrounding the transportation. The term "ordinary livestock" shall include all cattle, swine, sheep, goats, horses, and mules, except such as are chiefly valuable for breeding, racing, show purposes, or other special uses: Provided further, That nothing in this sec- Proviso. tion shall deprive any holder of such receipt or bill of lading of any remedy or right of action which he has under the existing law: Provided further, That it shall be Proviso. unlawful for any such common carrier to provide by rule, contract, regulation, or otherwise a shorter period for giving notice of claims than ninety days, for the filing of claims than four months, and for the institution of suits than two years, such period for institution of suits to be computed from the day when notice in writing is given by the carrier to the claimant that the carrier has disallowed the claim or any part or parts thereof speci- fied in the notice; Provided, however, That if the loss, Proviso. damage, or injury complained of was due to delay or damage while being loaded or unloaded, or damaged in transit by carelessness or negligence, then no notice of claim nor filing of claim shall be required as a condition precedent to recovery. (Feb. 4, 1887, c. 104, sec. 20, 24 Stat. 386, amended June 29, 1906, c. 3591, sec. 7, 34 Stat. 595; Mar. 4, 1915, c. 176, sec. 1, 38 Stat. 1196; Aug. 9, 1916, c. 301, 39 Stat. 441; and Feb. 28, 1920, c. 91, secs. 436-438, 41 Stat. 494.) U. S. C., Title 49, Sec. 25. 41 Stat. 497. SECTION 25 OF INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT OF FEBRUARY 28, 1920 Schedules to be filed by carriers by water in foreign com- merce owning registered vessels; contents.-Every com- mon carrier by water in foreign commerce, whose vessels are registered under the laws of the United States, shall file with the Commission, within thirty days after this section becomes effective and regularly thereafter as changes are made, a schedule or schedules showing for each of its steam vessels intended to load general cargo at ports in the United States for foreign destinations (a) the ports of loading, (b) the dates upon which such vessels will commence to receive freight and dates of sailing, (c) the route and itinerary such vessels will follow and the ports of call for which cargo will be carried. Schedules of vessel rates; making specific rate.-Upon application of any shipper a carrier by railroad shall make request for, and the carrier by water shall upon receipt of such request name a specific rate applying for such sailing, and upon such commodity as shall be embraced in the inquiry, and shall name in connection with such rate, port charges, if any, which accrue in addition to the vessel's rates and are not otherwise published by the railway as in addition to or absorbed in the railway rate. Vessel rates, if conditioned upon quantity of shipment, must be so stated and separate rates may be provided for carload and less than carload shipments. The carrier by water, upon advices from a carrier by railroad, stating that the quoted rate is firmly accepted as applying upon a specifi- cally named quantity of any commodity, shall, subject to such conditions as the Commission by regulation may prescribe, make firm reservation from unsold space in such steam vessel as shall be required for its transporta- tion and shall so advise the carrier by railroad, in which advices shall be included the latest available information as to prospective sailing date of such vessel. Same; changes and modifications; publication. As the matters so required to be stated in such schedule or schedules are changed or modified from time to time, the carrier shall file with the Commission such changes or modifications as early as practicable after such modifica- tion is ascertained. The Commission is authorized to make and publish regulations not inconsistent herewith governing the manner and form in which such carriers. are to comply with the foregoing provisions. The Com- mission shall cause to be published in compact form, for the information of shippers of commodities throughout. the country, the substance of such schedules, and furnish such publications to all railway carriers subject to this (90) 91 Act, in such quantities that railway carriers may supply to each of their agents who receive commodities for ship- ment in such cities and towns as may be specified by the Commission, a copy of said publication; the intent being that each shipping community sufficiently important, from the standpoint of the export trade, to be so specified by the Commission shall have opportunity to know the sailings and routes, and to ascertain the transportation charges of such vessels engaged in foreign commerce. Each railway carrier to which such publication is furnished by the Commission is hereby required to distribute the same as aforesaid and to maintain such publication as it is issued from time to time, in the hands of its agents. The Commission is authorized to make such rules and regulations not inconsistent herewith respecting the dis- tribution and maintenance of such publications in the several communities so specified as will further the intent of this section. Bills of lading.-When any consignor delivers a ship- ment of property to any of the places so specified by the Commission, to be delivered by a railway carrier to one of the vessels upon which space has been reserved at a specified rate previously ascertained, as provided herein, for the transportation by water from and for a port named in the aforesaid schedule, the railway carrier shall issue a through bill of lading to the point of destination. Such bill of lading shall name separately the charge to be paid for the railway transportation, water transportation, and port charges, if any, not included in the rail or water transportation charge; but the carrier by railroad shall not be liable to the consignor, consignee, or other person interested in the shipment after its delivery to the vessel. The Commission shall, in such manner as will preserve for the carrier by water the protection of limited liability provided by law, make such rules and regulations not inconsistent herewith as will prescribe the form of such through bill of lading. In all such cases it shall be the duty of the carrier by railroad to deliver such shipment to the vessel as a part of its undertaking as a common carrier. Through bills of lading.-The issuance of a through bill of lading covering shipments provided for herein shall not be held to constitute "an arrangement for continuous carriage or shipment" within the meaning of this Act. (Feb. 4, 1887, c. 104, sec. 25, added, Feb. 28, 1920, c. 91, sec. 441, 41 Stat. 497.) May 12, 1917. (S. J. Res. 42.) (Pub., Res. No. 2.) and possession of alien enemy vessels. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SEIZURE OF THE GERMAN SHIPS [40 Statutes at Large 75] CHAP. 13.-Joint resolution authorizing the President to take over for the United States the possession and title of any vessel within its jurisdiction, which at the time of coming therein was owned in whole or in part by any corporation, citizen, or subject of any nation with which the United States may be at war, or was under register of any such nation, and for other purposes. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, President author- That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to ized to take title take over to the United States the immediate posses- sion and title of any vessel within the jurisdiction there- of, including the Canal Zone and all territories and in- sular possessions of the United States except the Ameri- can Virgin Islands, which at the time of coming into Vessels in Virgin such jurisdiction was owned in whole or in part by any Islands excepted. corporation, citizen, or subject of any nation with which the United States may be at war when such vessel shall be taken, or was flying the flag of or was under register of any such nation or any political subdivision or munici- pality thereof; and, through the United States Shipping Board, or any department or agency of the Government, to operate, lease, charter, and equip such vessel in any service of the United States, or in any commerce, foreign or coastwise. Operation and equipment. Valuation. SEC. 2. That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to appoint, subject to the approval of the President, a board of survey, whose duty it shall be to ascertain the actual value of the vessel, its equipment, appurtenances, and all property contained therein, at the time of its taking, and to make a written report of their findings to the Secretary of the Navy, who shall preserve such report with the records of his department. These findings shall be considered as competent evidence in all proceedings on any claim for compensation. Approved, May 12, 1917. NOTE.-By Executive orders dated June 30 and July 3, 1917, the President authorized and directed the Shipping Board to take over for the United States the title and possession of 88 enumerated German vessels. Text of the first of the two orders follows: EXECUTIVE ORDER Whereas the following joint resolution adopted by Congress was approved by the President May 12, 1917: "Joint resolution authorizing the President to take over for the United States the possession and title of any vessel within its jurisdiction, which at the time of coming therein was owned in whole or in part by any corporation, citizen, or subject of any nation with which the United States may be at war, or was under register of any such nation, and for other purposes: "Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and ! (92) 93 he is hereby, authorized to take over to the United States the im- mediate possession and title of any vessel within the jurisdiction thereof, including the Canal Zone and all territories and insular possessions of the United States except the American Virgin Is- lands, which at the time of coming into such jurisdiction was owned in whole or in part by any corporation, citizen, or subject of any nation with which the United States may be at war when such vessel shall be taken, or was flying the flag of or was under register of any such nation or any political subdivision or municipality thereof; and, through the United States Shipping Board, or any department or agency of the Government, to operate, lease, charter, and equip such vessel in any service of the United States, or in any commerce, foreign or coastwise. . "SEC. 2. That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to appoint, subject to the approval of the President, a board of survey, whose duty it shall be to ascertain the actual value of the vessel, its equipment, appurtenances, and all property contained therein, at the time of its taking, and to make a written report of their findings to the Secretary of the Navy, who shall preserve such report with the records of his department. These findings shall be considered as competent evidence in all proceed- ings on any claim for compensation." And whereas the following vessels were, at the time of coming into the jurisdiction of the United States owned in whole or part by a corporation, citizen, or subject of the Empire of Germany, a nation with which the United States is now at war, or were flying the flag of or under the register of the Empire of Germany, or of a political subdivision or municipality thereof: Vaterland. Amerika. Kaiser Wilhelm II. Prinzess Irene. Governeur Jaeschke. Darvel. Princess Alice. Carl Diederichsen. Wiegand. Bochum. Coblenz. Esslingen. Lyeemoon. President Lincoln. Cincinnati. Grosser Kurfurst. Barbarossa. Friedrich der Grosse. Rhein. President Grant. Pennsylvania. Bulgaria. Hamburg. Neckar. Bohemia. Rhaetia. Pongtong. Sachsen. Wittekind. Suevia. Armenia. Steinbeck. Adamsturm. Elsass. Willehad. Indra. Serapis. Allemannia. Nassovia. Maia. Sachsenwald. Arnoldus Vinnen. Ottawa. Grunewald. Koenig Wilhelm II. Prinz Oskar. Ockenfels. Arcadia. Pisa. Prinz Joachim. Harburg. Portonia. Clara Menning. Setos. Holsatia. Koln. Pommern. Neptun. Staatssekretar Solf. Staatssekretar Kraetke. O. J. D. Ahlers. Aroa (lighter). Borneo. Prinz Waldemar. Loongmoon. Andalusia. George Washington. Marudu. Kronprinzessin Cecile. Tsintau. Rajah. Kurt. Camilla Rickmers. Sambia. Andromeda. Clara Jebsen. Tubingen. Elmshorn. Johanne. Dalbek. Magdeburg. Mark. Matador. Prinz Sigismund. Savoia. Arni (lighter). Argus (lighter). It is therefore ordered that through the United States Shipping Board there be taken over to the United States the possession and title of the aforementioned vessels. The United States Shipping Board is further hereby authorized to repair, equip, and man the said vessels; to operate, lease, or charter the same in any service of the United States, or in any commerce, foreign or coastwise; and to 46209°—29– 7 94 do and perform any and all things that may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of the joint resolution above set forth. WOODROW WILSON. THE WHITE HOUSE, 30 June, 1917. NOTE. By subsequent Executive orders the following German vessels were turned over to the board: Prinz Eitel Freidrich, July 3, 1917; steam tug Pollux, November 2, 1917. By Executive orders the following German vessels were taken over by the Navy: German motor vessel Hermes, lying in Honolulu, September 27, 1917; Staatssekretar Solf, lying in Samoa, June 12, 1917; Kronprinz Wil- helm, Prinz Eitel Freidrich, Liebenfels, Gier, and Locksen (later lying in Hawaii), May 22, 1917; Odenwald and Praesident (lying in Porto Rico), May 14, 1917. By Executive orders the following German vessels were turned over to the Navy Department: Sixteen vessels, including Vaterland, Kronprinzessin Cecile, Kaiser Wilhelm II, George Washington, Amerika, Hamburg, Grosser Kur- furst, Koenig Wilhelm II, Neckar, Princess Irene, President Grant, Cincinnati, President Lincoln, Freidrich der Grosse, and Barbarossa, July 12, 1917 (informal order); Hohenfelde, Frieda Leonhardt, Nicaria, Kiel, Rudolf Blumberg, Vogesen, Breslau, and Sazonia, May 22, 1917; Andromeda and Staatssekretar Solf, August 3, 1917; Atlas, May 16, 1917; Martha Washington, an Austrian vessel, May 11, 1918; Rhein, July 12, 1917. GERMAN PORT FACILITIES [PUBLIC-NO. 109-65TH CONG.] [H. R. 9867] An Act Making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, and prior fiscal years, on account of war expenses, and for other purposes EXTRACT The President is authorized to acquire the title to the docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminal equip- ment and facilities on the Hudson River now owned by the North German Lloyd Dock Company and the Ham- burg-American Line Terminal and Navigation Company, two corporations of the State of New Jersey, if he shall deem it necessary for the national security and defense: Provided, That if such property can not be procured by purchase, then the President is authorized and empowered to take over for the United States the immediate posses- sion and title thereof. If any such property shall be taken over as aforesaid, the United States shall make just compensation therefor to be determined by the President. Upon the taking over of said property by the President, as aforesaid, the title to all such property so taken over shall immediately vest in the United States: Provided further, That section three hundred and fifty-five of the Revised Statutes of the United States shall not apply to any expenditures herein or hereafter authorized in connection with the property acquired. Approved, March 28, 1918. [TITLE TO AND POSSESSION OF PROPERTY ON THE HUDSON RIVER OWNED BY THE NORTH GERMAN LLOYD DOCK COMPANY AND THE HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE TERMINAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY] • BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Whereas the Act of Congress making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, and prior fiscal years, on account of war expenses and for other purposes, approved March 28, 1918 (Public-No. 109-65th Congress), con- tains the following provisions: "The President is authorized to acquire the title to the docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminal equip- (95) 96 ment and facilities on the Hudson River now owned by the North German Lloyd Dock Company and the Ham- burg-American Line Terminal and Navigation Company, two corporations of the State of New Jersey, if he shall deem it necessary for the national security and defense: Provided, That if such property can not be procured by purchase, then the President is authorized and em- powered to take over for the United States the immedi- ate possession and title thereof. If any such property shall be taken over as aforesaid, the United States shall make just compensation therefor to be determined by the President. Upon the taking over of said property by the President, as aforesaid, the title to all such prop- erty so taken over shall immediately vest in the United States: Provided further, That section three hundred and fifty-five of the Revised Statutes of the United States shall not apply to any expenditures herein or hereafter authorized in connection with the property acquired." Now, Therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, pursuant to the authority vested in me by the said Act of Congress approved March 28, 1918, do hereby determine and declare that the acquisition of title to the foregoing docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminal equipment and facilities, is necessary for the national security and defense, and I do hereby take over for the United States of America the immediate possession and title thereof, including all leaseholds, easements, rights of way, riparian rights and other rights, estates and interests therein or appurtenant thereto. Just compensation for the property hereby taken over will be hereafter determined and paid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be fixed. Done in the District of Columbia this twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States, one hundred and forty-two. [SEAL.] By the President: ROBERT LANSING, Secretary of State. WOODROW WILSON. [FIXING COMPENSATION FOR THE NORTH GERMAN LLOYD AND HAMBURG-AMERICAN DOCKS] BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Whereas, the Act of Congress making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, and prior fiscal years, on account of war expenses and for other purposes, ap- 97 proved March 28, 1918 (Public-No. 109-65th Congress), contains the following provisions: "The President is authorized to acquire the title to the docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminals equip- ment and facilities on the Hudson River now owned by the North German Lloyd Dock Company and the Ham- burg-American Line Terminal and Navigation Company, two corporations of the State of New Jersey, if he shall deem it necessary for the national security and defense: Provided, That if such property can not be procured by purchase, then the President is authorized and em- powered to take over for the United States the immediate possession and title thereof. If any such property shall be taken over as aforesaid, the United States shall make just compensation therefor to be determined by the President. Upon the taking over of said property by the President as aforesaid, the title to all such property so taken over shall immediately vest in the United States: Provided further, That section three hundred and fifty- five of the Revised Statutes of the United States shall not apply to any expenditures herein or hereafter authorized in connection with the property acquired"; And whereas, pursuant to the authority vested in the President by said Act of Congress, approved March 28, 1918, the President by a proclamation duly made on the 28th day of June, 1918, determined and declared that the acquisition of title to the foregoing docks, piers, ware- houses, wharves, and terminal equipment and facilities was necessary for the national security and defense, and did thereby take over for the United States of America the immediate possession and title thereof, including all leaseholds, easements, rights of way, riparian rights and other rights, estates and interests therein or appurtenant thereto; a more particular description of which said property is set forth in the schedule marked A hereto annexed; And whereas, pursuant to the authority vested in the President by said Act of Congress, approved March 28, 1918, it was in and by said proclamation of June 28, 1918, expressed and declared that just compensation for the property thereby taken over would be thereafter deter- mined and paid; Now, therefore, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the United States of America, pursuant to the authority vest- ed in me by the said Act of Congress, approved March 28, 1918, do hereby determine and declare that the just com- pensation for the property in and by said proclamation of June 28, 1918, expropriated for the United States of America is the sum of seven million one hundred and forty-six thousand five hundred eighty-three dollars ($7,146,583); and I do hereby order and direct that com- pensation for the same, aggregating said amount of $7,146,583, be made out of the money appropriated by the act approved December 15, 1917, entitled "An Act 98 making appropriations to supply deficiencies in appropria- tions for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, and for other purposes," continu- ing and making available until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, the appropriation of $100,000,000 "for the national security and defense, and for each and every purpose connected therewith, to be expended at the discretion of the President," contained in the general deficiency appropriation Act approved April seventeenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, to the parties and in the amounts set forth in the schedule marked A, hereto annexed; any part of the sum to be paid for which that appropriation does not suffice to be paid out of the similar appropriation for the fiscal year 1919. And I do hereby further order, direct, and require, under the authority delegated to me by section 6, subsection c, of the trading with the enemy Act, approved October 6, 1917, that the sum of money specified in said schedule which I determined to be payable to the North German Lloyd, a corporation of the Free and Hanseatic City of Bremen in the German Empire, be paid over to the Alien Property Custodian appointed under the provisions of said trading with the enemy Act, the same to be held by him subject to the provisions of said Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done in the District of Columbia, this third day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-third. [SEAL.] By the President, ROBERT LANSING, Secretary of State. WOODROW WILSON. SCHEDULE A Schedule of compensation for the docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminal equipment and facilities expro- priated by the proclamation of the President on June 28, 1918, pursuant to the act of Congress, approved March 28, 1918. I. In respect of the following property: All those certain pieces, parcels or tracts of land and premises, part of which lie under water and part of which have been filled in and reclaimed, together with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate, lying, and being in the city of Hoboken, county of Hudson, and State of New Jersey, and bounded and described as follows: 99 Beginning at a point in the northerly line of Newark Street 100 feet easterly from the northeasterly corner of Newark and River Streets, and running thence- Northerly and parallel with River Street 150 feet; thence- Westerly and parallel with Newark Street 100 feet to the easterly line of River Street; thence- Northerly along the easterly line or side of River Street 475 feet to a jog in said easterly line; thence- Westerly and at right angles 5 feet to the easterly line or side of River Street continued; thence- Northerly and along the said easterly line or side of River Street 100 feet to the southerly line of property of the North German Lloyd; thence- Easterly parallel with Newark Street as the same would be if extended and along the southerly line of property of the North German Lloyd 522.92 feet more or less to the exterior line for solid filling established by the commissioners appointed under the authority of an act of the legislature of the State of New Jersey, en- titled "An Act to ascertain the rights of the State and of the riparian owners in the lands lying under the waters of the Bay of New York and elsewhere in this State," ap- proved April 11, A. D. 1864, and the supplements thereto; thence- Northeasterly along said exterior line for solid filling about 25.40 feet to a line distant 75.40 feet northerly at right angles from the northerly line of Second Street as the same would be if extended and to the southerly line of property conveyed by the party of the first part to the North German Lloyd by deed bearing date the 28th day of September, 1900, and recorded in the office of the register of Hudson County; thence- Southwesterly along said exterior line for solid filling about 779.55 feet more or less to a line parallel with and distant at right angles 25 feet southerly from the north- erly line of Newark Street extended; thence- Westerly and parallel with Newark Street extended about 168.38 feet more or less to a point 348.20 feet easterly at right angles from the westerly line of River Street; thence- Northerly and parallel with River Street 25 feet to the northerly line or side of Newark Street and thence- Westerly along the northerly line or side of Newark Street 173.20 feet more or less to the point or place of beginning. With the right, liberty, privilege, and franchise to exclude the tidewater from so much of the lands above described as lies under tidewater, by filling in or other- wise improving the same, and to appropriate the lands above described to exclusive use. Also all the lands under water lying between the present exterior line for solid filling aforesaid and the exterior line for piers established by the authority of the State of New } 1 100 Jersey and bounded on the south by the southerly line of the above-described tract extended easterly to said exterior line for piers and on the north by a line 75.40 feet or thereabouts northerly of and parallel with the northerly line of Second Street extended easterly to said exterior line of piers, which northerly line is also the southerly line of lands conveyed to the North German Lloyd by deed dated September 28, 1900, recorded in the register's office in the county of Hudson. v With the right, liberty, privilege, and franchise of build- ing piers only on so much of the land above described as lies between the exterior line for solid filling and the ex- terior line for piers as established by the authority of the State of New Jersey. And if and when said exterior lines shall be fixed, or if said exterior lines have been heretofore fixed at any other points or places farther out into the Hudson River, also any and all lands under water lying between the present exterior line or lines above described and the new exterior line or lines that may be hereafter fixed, or that have been heretofore fixed, the same to be used for solid filling and for piers respectively agreeably to the terms of such extension. To the Hamburg-American Line Terminal & Naviga- tion Company, a corporation of the State of New Jersey, the sum of two million three hundred fourteen thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven dollars ($2,314,877), to be paid to said Hamburg-American Line Terminal & Navigation Company upon the satisfaction of record of all liens by way of mortgage, judgment, or otherwise existing on, and all taxes and assessments due and eligible upon the foregoing premises, or any part thereof, on the 28th day of June, 1918. II. In respect of the following properties: All those certain pieces, parcels, or tracts of land and premises, together with the buildings and improvements thereon, part of which lie under water and part of which have been filled in and reclaimed, situate, lying, and being in the city of Hoboken, county of Hudson, and State of New Jersey, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly line of River Street distant 50 feet northerly from the northerly line of Second Street extended, which point is the northwesterly corner of the property now owned or formerly belonging to the Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt Actien Gesellschaft, and running thence- Northerly along the easterly line of River Street 850.44 feet to the southerly line of Fourth Street; thence- Easterly along the southerly line of Fourth Street 136 feet to a point; thence running— Northerly at right angles to Fourth Street extended about 6 feet to the face of a stone retaining wall; thence- Easterly and northeasterly along the face of said stone retaining wall about 130 feet to a point in the northerly 101. line of Fourth Street extended about 230.75 feet easterly from the easterly line of River Street; thence- Easterly along the northerly line of Fourth Street if the same were extended to the exterior line for piers established February 17, 1913, by the commissioners or board thereunto authorized by the State of New Jersey; thence- Southerly along said exterior line for piers 876.54 feet and more to a line parallel to and distant 75.40 feet northerly from the northerly line of Second Street if the same were extended; thence- Westerly and parallel to Second Street if the same were extended to the exterior line for solid filling established by the commissioners appointed under the authority of an act of the legislature of the State of New Jersey, approved April 11, 1864, and the several supplements thereto and amendments thereof; thence— Southwesterly along said exterior line for solid filling, about 25.40 feet to a point distant 50 feet northerly at right angles from the northerly line of Second Street extended; thence- Westerly and parallel to the northerly line of Second Street extended 522.92 feet, more or less, to the point or place of beginning. With the right, liberty, privilege, and franchise to exclude the tidewater from so much of the lands above described as lies under tidewater, by filling in, or other- wise improving the same, and to appropriate the land above described to exclusive use except as hereinafter stated and With the right, liberty, privilege, and franchise of building piers only on so much of the land above described as lies between the exterior line for solid filling and the exterior line for piers as established by the authority of the State of New Jersey. And if and when said exterior lines shall be fixed, or if said exterior lines have been heretofore fixed, at any other points or places farther out into the Hudson River, also any and all lands under water lying between the pres- ent exterior lines above described and the new exterior line or lines that may hereafter be fixed, or that have been heretofore fixed, the same to be used for solid filling and for piers respectively agreeably to the terms of such extension. All the rights, title, claims, privileges, and interest of North German Lloyd Dock Company and North German Lloyd in and to a parcel of land and land under waters of Hudson River, in the City of Hoboken, County of Hudson, and State of New Jersey, particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of Fourth Street if the same were extended 259.55 feet easterly 102 from the easterly line of River Street and running thence- Northerly and parallel to River Street extended 100 feet; thence- Easterly and parallel to Fourth Street extended 988.37 feet, more or less, to the exterior line for piers established by the Riparian Commissioners of New Jersey on Octo- ber 28, 1897; thence- Southerly along said exterior line for piers 100.17 feet. to the northerly line of Fourth Street if the same were extended; thence- Westerly along the northerly line of Fourth Street if the same were extended 982.55 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning: With the rights and privileges and subject to the limi- tations and restrictions incident to and affecting the said premises, as conveyed, transferred, and assigned to said North German Lloyd Dock Company by deed dated March 1, 1901, recorded April 22, 1901, in Book 775, page 404, Conveyance Records of Hudson County, New Jersey; and Also the rights, title, privileges, franchises, claims, and interest in and to the premises as above described, as conveyed to North German Lloyd Dock Company by deed and agreement of the Mayor and City Council of Hoboken, dated May 23, 1901, recorded June 11, 1901, in Liber 784, page 156, Conveyance Records of Hudson County, New Jersey. All the rights, title, claims, privileges, and interest of the North German Lloyd Dock Company in and to the parcel of land and land under waters of Hudson River, in the City of Hoboken, County of Hudson, and State of New Jersey, particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the original high-water line of the westerly shore of the Hudson River as said high-water line existed according to the Loss Map in 1804, where the same is intersected by a line 100 feet to the north at right angles from the northerly line of Fourth Street, and from thence running Easterly parallel with the northerly line of Fourth Street if the same were extended and distant 100 feet northerly at right angles therefrom, 1,141.25 feet, more or less, to the exterior line for piers adopted October 28, 1897, by the commissioners appointed under an act of New Jersey approved April 11, 1864, and supplements, thereto; thence- Northerly along said exterior line for piers as adopted 50 feet, more or less, to a point 150 feet northerly at right angles to the northerly line of Fourth Street if the same were extended; thence- Westerly parallel with northerly line of Fourth Street if the same were extended and distant 150 feet northerly at right angles therefrom 1,125.66 feet, more or less, to the high-water line of the westerly shore of the Hudson River 103 as the same existed according to the Loss Map in 1804; thence- Southerly along said high-water line to the place of beginning: With the rights and privileges and subject to the lim- itations and restrictions incident to and affecting the said premises, as conveyed, transferred, and assigned to said North German Lloyd Dock Company by deed dated November 11, 1908, recorded November 12, 1908, in Liber 1022, page 243, Conveyance Records of Hudson County, New Jersey; and Rights, title, privileges, franchises, claims, and interest in and to a portion of the premises as conveyed to North German Lloyd Dock Company by deed dated February 1, 1909, recorded February 3, 1909, Liber 1030, page 174, Conveyance Records of Hudson County, New Jersey. To the North German Lloyd Dock Company, a corpo- ration of the State of New Jersey, in respect of its reversion, the sum of one dollar ($1.00). To the North German Lloyd, a corporation of the Free and Hanseatic City of Bremen in the German Empire, $4,831,705 less $47,500, interest paid to the said Pru- dential Life Insurance Company of America on account of the obligation of said North German Lloyd, namely, four million seven hundred eighty-four thousand, two hundred five dollars ($4,784,205), to be paid to A. Mitchell Palmer, Alien Property Custodian, appointed under the provisions of the Trading with the Enemy Act, the same to be held by him subject to the provisions of said Act, as directed in the foregoing and annexed proclamation, said sum of $4,784,205 to be chargeable with the payment and satisfaction of all liens, by way of mortgage, judgment, or otherwise, existing on, and all taxes and assessments due and exigible on, the foregoing premises or any part thereof on the 28th day of June, 1918. EXECUTIVE ORDER 1921. Whereas under the provisions of section 17 of the Act No. 3573, Nov. 2, approved June 5, 1920, entitled "An Act to provide for the promotion and maintenance of the American Mer- chant Marine, etc.," the Shipping Board "is authorized and directed to take over on January 1, 1921, the pos- session and control of, and to maintain and develop, all docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminal equip- ment and facilities, including all leasehold easements, rights of way, riparian rights and other rights, estates and interests therein or appurtenant thereto, acquired by the President by or under the Act entitled 'An Act making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in appropria- tions for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, etc.'"; and 104 Hoboken piers. Hoboken piers revert to Ship- ping Board. Whereas by a further provision of said section 17, "the President may at any time he deems it necessary by order setting out the need therefor and fixing the period of such need, permit or transfer the possession and con- trol of any part of the property taken over by or trans- ferred to the Shipping Board under this section to the War Department or the Navy Department for their needs"; and Whereas the piers known as the Hoboken piers, formerly the property of the North German Lloyd and Hamburg American Steamship Companies were acquired by the President under the Act referred to in paragraph 1 of section 17 of the Act of June 5, 1920, herein before recited, and are therefore subject to the provisions of said section 17; and Whereas by Executive Order No. 3350 it was deter- mined that the War Department retain of such property, Piers 1, 4, 5, and 6, together with the north half of the slip lying between Piers 1 and 2, south half of slip lying between Piers 3 and 4, and all of slips lying between Piers 4, 5, and 6; also bulkhead opposite Pier 1, bulkhead opposite slip between Piers 1 and 2, south half of bulk-. head opposite slip between Piers 2 and 3, and bulk- heads opposite Piers 3, 4, 5, and 6, and the slips lying be- tween the last-mentioned piers; also the second floor of bulkhead opposite Pier 1, bulkhead opposite slip between Piers 1 and 2, south half of bulkhead between Piers 2 and 3, and bulkheads opposite Piers 3, 4, and 5, and the slips lying between the last-named piers; also the offices on third floor of bulkhead Piers 1 to 3, inclusive, and the yard space opposite Piers 1 to 6, inclusive, together with all buildings located thereon; and Whereas by Executive Order No. 3549, dated Sep- tember 19, 1921, it was determined that it was unneces- sary for the War Department to retain Piers 5 and 6 and it was directed that possession and control of same revert to the United States Shipping Board; and Whereas the possession and control by the War De- partment of the remaining portions of the property de- scribed in Executive Order No. 3350 are no longer necessary; now Therefore, I do hereby determine that the possession. Panama Railroad and control, by the War Department, of the property re- tained by Executive Order No. 3350 and not heretofore transferred to the United States Shipping Board, is un- Steamship Co. 105 necessary and direct that such property revert to the United States Shipping Board in its present condition; subject, however, to the use by the Panama Railroad Steamship Line of berthing space at Pier 1 for not ex- ceeding two vessels at any one time for its regular service to, Panama, the Panama Railroad Steamship Line to pay the usual commercial rates for such berthing: Provided, however, That the transfer of Pier 4 and the bulkhead opposite Pier 4 shall be effected on or about November 15th, 1921. THE WHITE HOUSE, November 2, 1921. WARREN G. HARDING. [No. 3573] The Hoboken piers were turned over piecemeal by 5 previous proclamations, the War Department claiming need for them. This Executive Order completes the exchange, the only reservation of space being that for the Panama Railroad Steamship Line. EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 3920, Nov. 3, An Executive order transferring a portion of the Army.1923. supply base, at Charleston, S. C., from the control of the War Department to the control of the United States Shipping Board. Whereas the property described below comes within the terms of section 17 of an Act of Congress, approved June 5th, 1920 (41 Stat. 994), entitled: "An Act to provide for the promotion and maintenance of the Amer- ican Merchant Marine, to repeal certain emergency legislation and provide for the disposition, regulation, and use of property acquired thereunder, and for other purposes," known as the Merchant Marine Act, 1920; and, as I deem the transfer thereof, as below provided, to be for the best interests of the United States; Now then, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by section 17 of the above described Act, it is ordered: The possession and control of all that portion of the Charleston Quartermaster Intermediate Depot, U. S. A., located near Charleston, South Carolina, designated as tracts Nos. 1 and 2 on the map on file in the Office of the Quartermaster General of the Army, entitled: "Charles- 106 Proviso. Proviso. ton Port Terminals, S. C., Boundary Survey of part of Quartermaster Terminal, Plan No. 6243-107," dated May 10th, 1923; together with all improvements thereon, consisting of docks, piers, warehouses, wharves and ter- minal equipment and facilities or parts thereof, including all leasehold easements, rights of way, riparian rights, and other rights, estates or interests therein or appurte- nant thereto, owned by the United States, are hereby transferred, in their present condition, from the War Department to the United States Shipping Board. Provided, however, there are hereby reserved to the War Department, the following rights, privileges and easements in the property thus transferred: (1) A right of way over railroad tracks on tract No. 1, referred to above, for the purpose of ingress and egress, with cars and locomotives, to adjoining property remain- ing under the control of the War Department. So long as such tracks are maintained by the United States Ship- ping Board for its own purposes, the War Department shall not be required to contribute to the expense of their maintenance; but the United States Shipping Board shall not be under obligation to maintain them for the use of the War Department, if the board elects to abandon them; in that event, the War Department shall have an appropriate right of way through tract No. 1 for such connecting track or tracks as it may build and maintain. (2) There is also reserved to the War Department the right to enter in and upon tract No. 2, referred to above, for the purpose, at the cost of the War Department, of maintaining and repairing the sewer at present thereon, extending from tract No. 4, as shown on the map referred to above, to the Cooper River; and the United States Shipping Board, its agents or lessees, shall in no way interfere with such maintenance and upkeep. And it is hereby further provided: (a) This transfer is subject to the rights of the Charles- ton Port Terminal, lessee of the property hereby trans- ferred, under a certain lease heretofore duly entered into by the War Department, dated June 15, 1923, which lease is subject to cancellation, at the instance of the United States, on thirty days notice, and it shall be the duty of the War Department to serve such notice, at the request of the United States Shipping Board. The original, or a duly authenticated copy of such lease shall be filed with the Secretary of the United States Shipping Board within 107 twenty days of the date of this order. The transfer is also subject to any commitments of space made in the fifth warehouse, counting from the southern end of the terminal, which warehouse is marked on the map as number 5, with respect to commodities in storage in said warehouse number 5, under certificates issued pursuant to the license held by the lessee from the Department of Agriculture, dated on or about August 17th, 1923. (b) As equipment for transmitting and distributing electric current and water supply, and also a part of the sewer system, serves jointly the property hereby trans- ferred to the United States Shipping Board, and property adjacent thereto, retained in the possession and control of the War Department, such equipment shall be main- tained and operated, and compensation shall be made for the electric current and water supply used by the War Department, under an agreement between the Secretary of War and the United States Shipping Board, or as may be hereafter ordered. 15, 1923. This order shall take effect on the 15th day of Decem- Effective Dec. ber, 1923, at noon; and until that time the possession, control and protection of the property shall remain with the War Department. amended. All Executive orders heretofore made are hereby Previous orders amended and modified with relation to the property hereby transferred so far as may be necessary to conform with the provisions of this order. THE WHITE HOUSE, November 3, 1923. [No. 3920] CALVIN COOLIDGE. EXECUTIVE ORDER An Executive order transferring a portion of the Army supply base, at Norfolk, Virginia, from the control of the War Department to the control of the United States Shipping Board. June 27, 1924. 1, 1924. Whereas the property described below comes within No. 4038. the terms of section 17 of an Act of Congress, approved Effective Sept. June 5, 1920 (41 Stat. 994), entitled "An Act to provide for the promotion and maintenance of the American Merchant Marine, to repeal certain emergency legislation 108 and provide for the disposition, regulation, and use of property acquired thereunder, and for other purposes," known as the Merchant Marine Act, 1920; and, as I deem the transfer thereof, as below provided, to be for the best interests of the United States; Now then, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by section 17 of the above-described Act, it is ordered that the following property be transferred from the War Department to the United States Shipping Board, viz: The possession and control of the property owned by the United States in or near the city of Norfolk, Virginia, and known as the Quartermaster Intermediate Depot, U. S. A., as shown on a map on file in the War Depart- ment, Quartermaster Corps, and entitled "War Depart- ment, Quartermaster Corps, Construction Service- Army Supply Base, Norfolk, Virginia-Boundary Sur- vey," dated March 1, 1923, and marked: "Plan No. 6238-236"; excepting, however, from the property shown on the plan mentioned, that area east of Maryland Avenue, and north of the railroad tracks, marked "Area- 273.57 acres." The property thus transferred is the area shown on the above-mentioned map as marked "Area 561.57 acres," hereinafter called tract No. 1; and also the railroad right of way connecting this property with the Virginian Rail- way right of way, marked "Area 78.06 acres," herein- after called tract No. 2; including all improvements on both tracts, consisting of docks, piers, warehouses, wharves and terminal equipment and facilities, or parts. thereof, including all leasehold easements, rights of way, riparian rights and other rights, estates or interests there- in, or pertaining thereto, owned by the United States. Provided, however, That the property hereby trans- ferred is subject to the reservations set forth in Exhibit A hereto annexed, all of which reservations, however, expire and become null and void not longer than five years from the date of this order, with the exception of the reserva- tion pertaining to lands reserved for the storage of Ger- man War Relics, the removal of which can not be effected until funds for such purpose become available through appropriate legislation. There are also hereby transferred from the War De- partment to the United States Shipping Board, the possession, control and use of all equipment and supplies as shown by an inventory to be filed in the office of the 109 Quartermaster General of the Army on the day and date the transfer herein provided for shall become effective, and entitled "Inventory of Equipment and Supplies, at the Norfolk Quartermaster Intermediate Depot (as distinguished from real estate, buildings and other im- provements and fixtures attached thereto), transferred to the United States Shipping Board by Executive Order." Provided, however, That there are hereby reserved to Proviso. the War Department, the following rights, privileges and easements in the property thus transferred: (1) A right-of-way for all purposes, by rail, by road, or by sidewalk, over track No. 2, referred to above, for the purpose of ingress and egress, to and from adjoining property remaining under the control of the War Depart- ment, is hereby reserved to that department. The exercise of this privilege shall be as may be agreed upon; or, in the absence of agreement, then as hereafter directed, by Executive order. (2) The right to enter in and upon the tracks hereby transferred is hereby reserved to the War Department for the purpose of installing and maintaining any lighting, water or sewerage system the War Department may reasonably require in its use of the property it retains. And it is hereby further provided: (a) This transfer is subject to the rights of any lessees of the property hereby transferred, under leases heretofore duly entered into by the War Department, provided any and all such leases are subject to cancellation, at the instance of the United States, on notice not exceeding sixty days. If the terms of any such lease provide such notice shall be given by the War Department, it shall be the duty of the War Department to serve such notice, at the request of the United States Shipping Board. Orig- inals, or duly authenticated copies of any such lease or leases shall be filed with the Secretary of the United States Shipping Board within twenty days of the date. of this order. (b) Should any part of the electric power transmission line or the water and sewer systems, located on the prop- erty hereby transferred, jointly serve the United States Shipping Board and adjacent property retained in the possession and control of the War Department, such facilities shall be maintained and operated by the United States Shipping Board, and compensation for such serv- 46209°—29- -8 Proviso 110 Previous orders amended. ices shall be paid by the War Department to the United States Shipping Board under an agreement between the Secretary of War and the United States Shipping Board, or as may be hereafter ordered. The transfer hereby ordered shall be made effective on the first day of September, 1924, at noon; and until that time the possession, control and protection of the property shall remain with the War Department. All Executive orders heretofore made are hereby amended and modified so far as may be necessary to conform with the provisions of this order. THE WHITE HOUSE, CALVIN COOLIDGE. June 27, 1924. [No. 4038] EXHIBIT A REAL ESTATE RESERVATIONS (1) It is understood that any commercial telegraph or telephone equipment or material comprising the present telegraph and telephone systems at the Norfolk Quarter- master Intermediate Depot, located upon land to be transferred, and not owned by the Government, are not included in this transfer. (2) The War Department reserves from immediate delivery the following land and improvements, for a period of five (5) years: 5.79 acres of land, more or less, located on the west tract of the base proper. (More accurately defined on "Map No. 6238-236, dated March 1, 1923, and revised May 1, 1923, entitled 'Army Supply Base, Norfolk, Virginia, Boundary Survey,'" filed in the Office of the Quartermaster General of the Army); warehouse building No. 10, with installed fixtures, fenc- ing, trackage, etc. This property will be used by the War Department in connection with storage of material pertaining to the coast defenses of Chesapeake Bay, and the War Depart- ment will be responsible for all maintenance and repairs to the warehouse, tracks and other facilities thereon during the period of occupancy and usage by the War Department, except that, in the case of switches, the War Department will make only such repairs as are directly caused by the negligence of employees or agents of the 111 War Department, or of employees of such agents, and will not at any time be responsible for the filling, trim- ming or lighting of lamps located at these switches, etc. (3) The War Department will reserve the right to utilize all natural and artificial drainage systems, sewers, water mains and electric lines, now in place for the purpose of serving such contiguous government-owned lands and improvements as are not included in the transfer, pro- viding that in the event the War Department disposes of these lands the expense of disconnecting the aforesaid systems will be borne by the Shipping Board. (4) The War Department will reserve, for a period of 90 days from date of transfer: (a) Officers' and warrant officers' quarters; building No. 98. (b) Tank houses 29 and 30, and outhouses connected therewith, Nos. 99, 124, 137, 140, and 141. (c) 1,220 sq. ft. section C, warehouse No. 4. (5) In connection with the land and warehouse reserved by par. 2 above, the War Department will authorize the Shipping Board to use a right of way for maintenance of that part of the main feeder electric pole line which passes through the land and warehouse so reserved. (6) The War Department will retain possession of two open storage spaces 67 x 300 ft., and 50 x 106 ft., respec- tively, located in the western part of the lands transferred (as shown by map), for storage of German war relics, until such time as their removal can be accomplished. (7) The War Department will reserve possession for a period not exceeding one hundred twenty (120) days, of sections B, C, and D, of warehouse No. 4; and part of the shop section in warehouse No. 11, in order to give time to remove property therein stored, and which property is not hereby transferred. (8) The War Department will retain the right of ingress and egress to any necessary portion of the prop- erty transferred, for the purpose of properly utilizing the property reserved to the War Department. J 112 No. 1845. Aug. 2, 1928. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Whereas an Act of Congress, entitled the "Merchant Effective Sept. Marine Act, 1920," approved June 5, 1920, contains the following provisions: 30, 1928. Adequate ship- ping to Virgin Islands not established. Period extended to Sept. 30, 1929. "SEC. 21. That from and after February 1, 1922, the coastwise laws of the United States shall extend to the island territories and possessions of the United States not now covered thereby, and the board is directed prior to the expiration of such year to have established adequate steamship service at reasonable rates to accommodate the commerce and the passenger travel of said islands and to maintain and operate such service until it can be taken over and operated and maintained upon satis- factory terms by private capital and enterprise: Pro- vided, That if adequate shipping service is not established by February 1, 1922, the President shall extend the period herein allowed for the establishment of such service in the case of any island territory or possession for such time as may be necessary for the establishment of adequate shipping facilities therefor." And whereas an adequate shipping service to ac- commodate the commerce and the passenger travel of the Virgin Islands has not been established as provided by section 21 of the "Merchant Marine Act, 1920"; And whereas the President of the United States in accordance with the authority vested in him by section 21 of the "Merchant Marine Act, 1920," has from time to time, to wit, on February 1, 1922, on May 18, 1922, on October 28, 1922, on October 25, 1923, on April 7, 1924, on October 23, 1924, on April 25, 1925, on No- vember 24, 1925, on August 14, 1926, and on August 9, 1927, issued proclamations extending the time for the establishment of such service, and deferring the applica- tion of the coastwise laws to the Virgin Islands until September 30, 1928. Now, therefore, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States of America, acting under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by section 21 of the above-mentioned Act, do hereby declare and proclaim that the period for the establishment of an adequate shipping service with the aforesaid Virgin Islands be further extended from September 30, 1928, to September 30, 1929; 113 coastwise laws And inasmuch as the extension of the coastwise laws Extension of of the United States to the Virgin Islands, as provided deferred. to Virgin Islands in section 21 of the "Merchant Marine Act, 1920," is dependent upon the establishment of an adequate shipping service to such island possession, I do hereby further proclaim and declare that the extension of the coastwise laws of the United States to the Virgin Islands is deferred from September 30, 1928, to September 30, 1929. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this 2nd day of August, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the One hundred and Fifty- third. [SEAL] By the President: FRANK B. KELLOGG Secretary of State. [No. 1845] CALVIN COOLIDGE. ACT EXTENDING STEAMBOAT INSPECTION LAWS TO SHIPPING BOARD VESSELS [PUBLIC-No. 65-66TH CONG.] [S. 633] An Act Extending the provisions for the regulation of steam vessels to vessels owned or operated by the United States Shipping Board, and for other purposes Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all steam vessels owned or operated by the United States Shipping Board, or any corporation organized or controlled by it, shall be subject to all the provisions of title 52 of the Revised Statutes of the United States for the regulation of steam vessels and acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Received by the President, October 14, 1919. [NOTE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE.-The foregoing Act having been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the House of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become a law without his approval.] (114) APPENDIX EMERGENCY SHIPPING LEGISLATION EMERGENCY SHIPPING ACT [Repealed June 5, 1920. See section 1 of Merchant Marine Act] The emergency shipping fund provision of the urgent deficiencies appropriations act Chap. 29, 40 Stat approved June 15, 1917, as amended by "An Act to amend the emergency shipping L. 182; June 15, fund provisions of the urgent deficiency appropriation Act approved June fifteenth, 1917 (H. R. 3971). nineteen hundred and seventeen, so as to empower the President and his designated (Public, No. 23, agents to take over certain transportation systems for the transportation of shipyard 65th Cong.). and plant employees, and for other purposes," approved April 22, 1918; and amend- Chap. 62, 40 Stat. ments of "An Act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in appropriations L. 535; Apr. 22, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1919, and prior fiscal years on account of war expenses, 1918 (S. 3388). and for other purposes," approved November 4, 1918.1 EMERGENCY SHIPPING FUND (Public, No. 138, 65th Cong.). Chap. 201, 40 Stat. L. 1022 (H. R. 13086). 1. The President is hereby authorized and empowered, within (Public, No. 233, the limits of the amounts herein authorized 2- 65th Cong.). Power conferred on the President. (a) To place an order with any person for such ships or material as the necessities of the Government, to be determined by the To order ships President, may require during the period of the war and which are and materials. of the nature, kind and quantity usually produced or capable of being produced by such person. contract for ships (b) To modify, suspend, cancel, or requisition any existing or To cancel, requi- future contract for the building, production, or purchase of ships or sition, etc., any material or take possession, lease or assume control of any street and materials. railroad, interurban railroad, or part thereof, cars and other equip- To take posses- ment necessary to operation. sion of street railroads, etc. (c) To require the owner or occupier of any plant in which ships To take the or materials are built or produced to place at the disposal of the product of ship- United States the whole or any part of the output of such plant, to building plants, deliver such output or part thereof in such quantities and at such times as may be specified in the order. etc. tion, etc., any (d) To acquire, construct, establish, or extend any plant, and in To acquire, con- pursuance thereof, to purchase, requisition, or otherwise acquire struct, requisi- title to or use of land improved or unimproved or interest therein; industrial plant. and to requisition and take over for use or operation by the United States any plant, or any part thereof without taking possession of the entire plant, whether the United States has or has not any con- tract or agreement with the owner or occupier of such plant. (e) To purchase, requisition, or take over the title to, or the possession of, for use or operation by the United States any ship now constructed or in the process of construction or hereafter con- structed, or any part thereof, or charter of such ship. charters. To take posses- (f) To take possession of, lease or assume control of, or to extend, To purchase, improve, or increase, or cause to be extended, improved, or increased requisition, etc., any street railroad, interurban railroad, or part thereof wherever ships and operated, and all cars, appurtenances, and franchises or parts thereof commonly used in connection with the operation thereof necessary for the transfer and transportation of employees of ship- sion of street yards or plants engaged or that may hereafter be engaged in the railroads, etc. construction of ships or equipment therefor for the United States. To make loans (g) In pursuance of the foregoing powers, or any of them, to and advances. make advance payments or loans of such amounts and upon such terms as the President may deem necessary and proper. 1 For the full text of these amending acts, see pp. 117, 118. ? The President delegated this authority to the board and Emergency Fleet Corpora- tion by Executive orders of July 11, 1917, June 18, 1918, and Dec. 3, 1918. (See pp. 119, 120.) (115) 116 Compliance with orders com- pulsory. President may take possession. Just compensa- erty taken. 2. Compliance with all orders issued hereunder shall be obliga- tory on any person to whom such order is given, and such order shall take precedence over all other orders and contracts placed with such person. If any person owning any ship, charter, or material, or owning, leasing, or operating any plant equipped for the building or production of ships or material shall refuse or fail to comply therewith or to give to the United States such preference in the execution of such order, or shall refuse to build, supply, furnish, or manufacture the kind, quantities or qualities of the ships or materials so ordered, at such reasonable price as shall be determined by the President, the President may take immediate possession of any ship, charter, material, or plant of such person or any part thereof without taking possession of the entire plant and may use the same at such times and in such manner as he may consider necessary or expedient. 3. Whenever the United States shall cancel, modify, suspend, or tion for all prop- requisition any contract, make use of, assume, occupy, requisition, acquire, or take over any plant or part thereof, or any ship, charter, or material, in accordance with the provisions hereof, it shall make just compensation therefor, to be determined by the President; and if the amount thereof, so determined by the President unsat- isfactory to the person entitled to receive the same, such person shall be paid seventy-five per centum of the amount so determined by the President and shall be entitled to sue the United States to recover such further sum as, added to said seventy-five per centum, will make up such amount as will be just compensation therefor, Vol. 36, pp. 1093, in the manner provided for by section twenty-four, paragraph twenty, and section one hundred and forty-five of the Judicial Code. 4. The President may exercise the power and authority hereby delegate powers vested in him, and expend the money herein and hereafter appro- priated through such agency or agencies as he shall determine from time to time.³ 1136. President may under this act. Proviso. the Emergency Fleet Corpora- tion. Provided, That all money turned over to the United States Expenditures of Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation may be expended as other moneys of said corporation are now expended. All ships constructed, purchased, or requisitioned under authority herein, or heretofore or hereafter acquired by the United States, shall be managed, operated, and disposed of as the President may direct. 5. The word "person" as used herein, shall include any individ- ual, trustee, firm, association, company, corporation, or contractor. 6. The word "ship" shall include any boat, vessel, or submarine and the parts thereof. Management, operation, and disposition of ships. Terms defined. Person." "Ship." "Material." "Plant." "United States." Termination of authority. Appropriations.' Acquisition of ships, plants, materials, and charters. 7. The word "material" shall include stores, supplies, and equipment for ships, and everything required for or in connection with the production thereof. 8. The word “plant" shall include any factory, workshop, ware- house engine works; buildings used for manufacture, assembling, construction, or any process; any shipyard, dry dock, marine rail- way, pier, or dockyard and discharging terminal and any facilities or improvements connected with any of the foregoing descriptions of property. 9. The words "United States" shall include all lands and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States of America. 10. All authority granted to the President herein, or by him delegated, shall cease six months after a final treaty of peace is proclaimed between this Government and the German Empire. 11. The cost of purchasing, requisitioning, or otherwise acquiring plants, material, charters, or ships now constructed or in the course of construction and the expediting of construction of ships thus under construction shall not exceed the sum of $250,000,000, exclusive of the cost of ships turned over to the Army and Navy, the expenditure of which is hereby authorized, and in executing the authority granted by this Act for such purpose the President shall not expend 'By Executive order of July 11, 1917, the President designated the Shipping Board and the Emergency Fleet Corporation to exercise the powers conferred herein. See p. 48. For further emergency shipping fund appropriations see the acts of Oct. 6, 1917, July 1, 1918, and Nov. 4, 1918. 117 · or obligate the United States to expend more than the said sum; and there is hereby appropriated for said purpose, $150,000,000: Pro- vided, That this appropriation shall be reimbursed from available funds under the War and Navy Departments for vessels turned over for the exclusive use of those departments or either of them. 12. The cost of construction of ships authorized herein shall not Construction of exceed the sum of $500,000,000, the expenditure of which is hereby ships. authorized, and in executing the authority granted herein for such purpose the President shall not expend or obligate the United States to expend more than said sum; and there is hereby appropriated for said purpose, $250,000,000. 13. For the operation of the ships herein authorized or in any Operation of way acquired by the United States, except those acquired for the ships. Army or Navy, and for every expenditure incident thereto, $5,000,000. METHOD OF COMPENSATION FOR TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES TAKEN OVER, AROUND SHIPYARDS, AS PROVIDED BY ACT OF APRIL 22, 1918 Just compensa- SEC. 3. That upon taking possession of such property, or leasing or assuming control thereof, just compensation shall be made there- tion. for, to be determined by the President, and if the amount thereof so determined by the President is unsatisfactory to the person entitled to receive the same, such person shall be paid seventy-five per centum of the amount so determined by the President and shall be entitled to sue the United States of America to recover such further sums as added to seventy-five per centum will make up such amount Vol. 36, pp. 1093, as will be just compensation therefor, in the manner provided for by section twenty-four, paragraph twenty, and section one hundred and forty-five of the Judicial Code. 1136. The President may exercise the power and authority hereby vested in him through the several departments of the Government President may and through such agency or agencies as he shall determine from time to time.5 Approved, April 22, 1918.º [PUBLIC NO. 138-65TH CONG.] [S. 3388] An Act To amend the emergency shipping fund provisions of the urgent deficiency appropriation act approved June fifteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, so as to empower the President and his designated agents to take over certain transporta- tion systems for the transportation of shipyard and plant employees, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section one of the emergency shipping fund provisions of the urgent deficiency appropriation act of June fifteenth, nineteen hundred and seven- teen, is hereby amended by adding a new provision reading as follows: "(f) To take possession of, lease or assume control of, any street railroad, interurban railroad, or part thereof wherever operated, and all cars, appurtenances, and franchises or parts thereof commonly used in connection with the operation thereof necessary for the transfer and transportation of employees of shipyards or plants engaged or that may hereafter be engaged in the construction of ships or equipment therefor for the United States." SEC. 2. That paragraph (b) of section one of said act is hereby amended by adding, after the word "material," in the third line of said paragraph, the following words, "or take possession, lease or assume control of, any street railroad, interurban railroad, or part thereof, cars and other equipment necessary to operation." SEC. 3. That upon taking possession of such property, or leasing or assuming control thereof, just compensation shall be made therefor, to be determined by the President, and if the amount thereof so determined by the President is unsatisfactory to the person entitled to receive the same, such person shall be paid seventy-five per centum of the amount so determined by the President and shall be entitled to sue the United States of America to recover such further suins as added to seventy-five per centum will make up such amount as will be just compensation therefor, in the manner provided for by section twenty-four, paragraph twenty, and section one hundred and forty-five of the Judicial Code. The President may exercise the power and authority hereby vested in him through the several departments of the Government, and through such agency or agencies as he shall determine from time to time. Approved, April 22, 1918. All power under this act was delegated by the President to the Emergency Fleet Corporation by Executive orders of June 18, 1918, and December 3, 1918. (See pp. 119, 120.) The President delegated this authority to the Emergency Fleet Corporation by Executive orders of June 18, 1918, and Dec. 3, 1918. (See pp. 119, 120.) • Entire text of the shipyard transportation facilities act. (For amended act, see the emergency shipping act.) delegate powers. 118 Amount author- plants, etc., Increased. See emergency shipping fund of Oct. 6, 1917. Proviso. SECTIONS 2 AND 3 OF "AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS TO SUPPLY DEFICIENCIES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1919, AND PRIOR FISCAL YEARS, ON ACCOUNT OF WAR EX- PENSES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES," APPROVED NOVEMBER 4, 19187 [Repealed June 5, 1920. See section 1 of Merchant Marine Act] 2. For the acquisition or establishment of plants, suitable for ship ized for acquiring building or ship maintenance or repair, or of materials essential thereto, and for the enlargement or extension of such plants as are now or may be hereafter acquired or established, authority is granted to enter into contracts or otherwise to incur obligations for not to exceed $34,662,500 in addition to the amounts heretofore appropriated: Provided, That obligations incurred hereunder may be met from appropriations made or to be made for the construction of ships. Use of ship con- struction fund therefor. [PUBLIC NO. 233--65TH CONGRESS] [H. R. 13086] An Act Making appropriations to supply deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1919, and prior fiscal years, on account of war expenses, and for other purposes. Board not to charge War De- partment charter hire for United States vessels. See p. 915 of Statutes for 65th Cong., 2d sess. SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY SHIPPING FUND 1. The emergency shipping fund provision of the urgent deficiency appropriation Act of June 15, 1917, as amended by the Act of April 22, 1918 (Public Act No. 138 of the Sixty-fifth Congress), is hereby amended as follows: (1) In subdivision (d) of paragraph one, to begin said subdivision and to precede the words "to requisition," are now inserted the words: "To acquire, construct, establish, or extend any plant, and in pursuance thereof, to purchase, requisition, or otherwise acquire title to or use of land improved or unimproved or interest therein; and" (II) In subdivision (f) of said paragraph one, after the words, "or assume control of," are now inserted the words "or to extend, improve, or increase, or cause to be extended, improved, or increased." (III) After said subdivision (f) in said paragraph one, a new subdivision is now inserted as follows: "(g) In pursuance of the foregoing powers, or any of them, to make advance pay- ments or loans of such amounts and upon such terms as the President may deem neces- sary and proper. (IV) In paragraph eight of said provisions, after the word "shipyard," are now inserted the words "dry-dock, marine railway, pier." In sald paragraph the words "or other facilities connected therewith" are stricken out and there are now inserted after the word "terminal," the following words: "and any facilities or improvements connected with any of the foregoing descriptions of property." 2. For the acquisition or establishment of plants suitable for shipbuilding or ship maintenance or repair, or of materials essential thereto, and for the enlargement or extension of such plants as are now or may be hereafter acquired or established, author- ity is granted to enter into contracts or otherwise to incur obligations for not to exceed $34,662,500 in addition to the amounts heretofore appropriated: Provided, That obliga- tions incurred hereunder may be met from appropriations made or to be made for the construction of ships. 3. The United States Shipping Board shall not require payment from the War Depart- mert for the charter hire of vessels furnished or to be furnished from July 1, 1918, to June 30, 1919, inclusive, for the use of that department when such vessels are owned by the United States Government. All authority under this Act was delegated to the Emergency Fleet Corporation by Executive order of December 3, 1918. (See p. 39.) 3. The United States Shipping Board shall not require payment from the War Department for the charter hire of vessels furnished or to be furnished from July 1, 1918, to June 30, 1919, inclusive, for the use of that department when such vessels are owned by the United States Government. Approved, November 4, 1918. EXECUTIVE ORDER [Repealed June 5, 1920. See section 1, Merchant Marine Act] Delegating to the Shipping Board and the Emergency Fleet Cor- poration the powers granted the President by the emergency ship- ping legislation. 7 Entire text of the emergency shipping act of Nov. 4, 1918. (For the amended Act, see the Emergency Shipping Act.) 119 By virtue of authority vested in me in the section entitled "Emer- gency shipping fund" of an Act of Congress entitled "An Act making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the Military and Naval Establishments on account of war expenses for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and for other purposes," approved June 15, 1917, I hereby direct that the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation shall have and exercise all power and authority vested in me in said section of said Act, in so far as applicable to and in furtherance of the construction of vessels, the purchase or requisitioning of vessels in process of construction, whether on the ways or already launched, or of contracts for the construction of such vessels, and the completion thereof, and all power and authority applicable to and in furtherance of the production, purchase, and requisitioning of materials for ship construction. And I do further direct that the United States Shipping Board shall have and exercise all power and authority vested in me in said section of said Act, in so far as applicable to and in furtherance of the taking over of title or possession, by purchase or requisition, of constructed vessels, or parts thereof, or charters therein; and the operation, management, and disposition of such vessels, and of all other vessels heretofore or hereafter acquired by the United States. The powers herein delegated to the United States Shipping Board may, in the discretion of said board, be exercised directly by the said board or by it through the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, or through any other corporation organized by it for such purpose. THE WHITE HOUSE, WOODROW WILSON. 11 July, 1917. EXECUTIVE ORDER [Repealed June 5, 1920. See section 1, Merchant Marine Act] Delegating to the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation the powers granted to the President by the Act of Congress amendatory of the emergency shipping legislation, and approved April 22, 1918. By virtue of authority vested in me by the Act of Congress, entitled "An Act to amend the emergency shipping fund provisions of the urgent deficiency appropriation act, approved June fifteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, so as to empower the President and his designated agents to take over certain transportation systems for the transportation of shipyard and plant employees, and for other purposes," approved April 22, 1918,8 I hereby direct that the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation shall have and exercise all power and authority vested in me by said Act. WOODROW WILSON. THE WHITE HOUSE, 18 June, 1918. EXECUTIVE ORDER [Repealed, June 5, 1920. See section 1, Merchant Marine Act] Delegating to the United States Shipping Board and to the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, re- spectively, powers granted to the President by Acts of Congress relative to the emergency shipping fund and approved on or prior to November 4, 1918. Whereas, by Executive Order No. 2664, dated July 11, 1917, I delegated to the United States Shipping Board and to the United See Executive order of Dec. 3, 1918 (p. 120). 120 States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, respectively, certain powers vested in me under the section entitled "Emergency shipping fund" of the urgent deficiency appropriation act approved June 15, 1917; and Whereas, since the issuance of said Executive order, the said powers granted in said Act have been variously affected or extended by the section entitled "Emergency shipping fund" of the urgent deficiency appropriation Act approved October 6, 1917, by Public Act No. 138, Sixty-fifth Congress, approved April 22, 1918, amend- ing said section of said Act of June 15, 1917, and by the sections entitled "Emergency shipping fund" in the sundry civil appro- priation act approved July 1, 1918, and in the first deficiency appropriation act, 1919, approved November 4, 1918, respectively: Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by said laws, supplementing said order No. 2664, but in no way limiting or restricting the effect thereof, or of Acts heretofore done in pur- suance thereof, I do hereby delegate all the power and authority so vested in me, and do direct that- 1. The United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Cor- poration shall have and exercise all power and authority now vested in me by said laws with reference to any and all activities which may be directly or indirectly applicable to ship or plant construction; and 2. The United States Shipping Board shall have and exercise, subject to its discretion in turn to delegate such exercise as provided in said Executive Order No. 2664, all power and authority now vested in me by said laws with reference to constructed dry docks, marine railways and piers, and to constructed vessels or parts thereof or charters therein; to the operation, management, and disposition of such dry docks, marine railways, piers, and vessels; and to such other matters as are not herein mentioned. 3. All Acts heretofore done by said corporation or by said board, with reference, respectively, to the kinds of power or authority herein delegated to each, and which could have been properly done by me under such statutes or any of them, be, and they are hereby, ratified and confirmed. THE WHITE HOUSE, 3 December, 1918. WOODROW WILSON. 40 U. S. Stat. L. 913. July 18, 1918 (H. R. 12099). (Public, No. 202.) Terms defined. "United States." "Person.' 46 Charter." the President [Repealed, June 5, 1920. See section 1, Merchant Marine Act] CHAP. 157.-An Act to confer on the President power to prescribe charter rates and freight rates and to requisition vessels, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That when used in this Act- (a) The term “United States" includes any State, Territory, or District of the United States, the insular possessions, the Canal Zone, and all lands or waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. "" (b) The term "person' includes corporations, partnerships, associations, and States, municipalities, and other subdivisions thereof. Powers vested in (c) The term "charter" means any agreement, contract, lease, or commitment by which the possession or services of a vessel are secured for a period of time, or for one or more voyages, whether or not a demise of the vessel. may be delegated. SEC. 2. That the President may exercise the power and authority, hereby vested in him through such agency or agencies as he shall determine from time to time. • See Executive order of June 18, 1918 (p. 119). 121 war. Proviso. SEC. 3. That all power and authority hereby vested in the Presi- Authority to dent or by him delegated and all restrictions imposed in this Act cease at end of shall cease upon the proclamation of the final treaty of peace be- tween the United States and the Imperial German Government: Provided, That if, in the judgment of the President, the tonnage shortage at such time is so severe that national interests of the United States are jeopardized, he may, by proclamation, extend tended 9 months the provisions of this Act for a further period of not exceeding nine after the war. months. Act may be ex- Powers to be SEC. 4. That the powers herein conferred shall be without prej- without preju- udice to any power heretofore conferred on the President, or by dice to previous him delegated. acts. SEC. 5. That the President may, by proclamation,10 require that Charters to be approved by vessels of the United States of any specified class or description or President. in any specified trade or trades shall not be chartered unless the instrument in which such charter is embodied, and the rates, terms, and conditions thereof are first approved by him. Whenever any vessel is comprised in any such proclamation, it shall be unlawful to make any charter thereof, or comply with or perform any of the rates, terms, or conditions of any charter thereof, or to operate such vessel under any charter, without first obtaining the approval thereof by the President. ters must be rates. Whenever any charter of such vessels is approved, it shall be Changes in char- unlawful, without the approval of the President first obtained, to approved. make any alterations in such charter, or additions thereto or dele- tions therefrom, or to make or receive any payment or do any act with respect to such vessel, except in accordance with such charter. SEC. 6. That the President 11 shall have power to determine, pre- President may scribe, and enforce reasonable freight rates and the terms and con- prescribe freight ditions of affreightment which shall govern the transportation of Freight rates goods on vessels of the United States, which shall be filed with the must be filed United States Shipping Board and open to public inspection. It with the board. shall be unlawful to charge or collect any compensation for the transportation of goods on any such vessel, or to enforce or attempt to enforce any terms or conditions of affreightment, or to make or receive any payment or do any act with respect to such transpor- tation, not in accordance with the rates, terms, and conditions so prescribed, anything in contract, whether heretofore or hereafter made, to the contrary notwithstanding. portation and vessels. SEC. 7. That the President shall have power to prescribe the Priority in trans- order of priority in which goods shall be carried or other services service. performed by any vessel of the United States and to specify goods Voyage or em- which shall be carried or to direct the voyage or employment of plo, ment of any such vessel and to make such rules, regulations, and orders, Handling of with respect to any such vessel, relating to the loading, discharging, freight, lighter- lighterage, or storage of goods, or the procurement of bunker fuel, age, storage, bunkering, etc. or any other matter relating to the receiving, handling, transport- ing, storing, or delivering of goods, as may in his judgment be necessary and proper for the efficient utilization of transportation facilities and the effective conduct of the war. SEC. 8. That the President may by proclamation 12 extend the Extension to for- provisions of sections five, six, and seven, or any of them, to any eign vessels char- vessel of foreign nationality under charter to a citizen of the United of United States. tered by citizens States or other person subject to the jurisdiction thereof. SEC. 9. That the President shall have power to make such rules, Protection regulations, and orders regarding voyages, courses, the use of against war protective devices, and any other matters affecting the navigation, Exclusion of ves- perils. equipment, fueling, painting, or arming of vessels of the United sels from danger States as may, in his judgment, be conducive to the protection of zone. such vessels from submarines, mines, or other war perils, any expense so incurred to be allowed for in determining freight and charter rates under this Act. If in his judgment any vessel or class of vessels on account of size, speed, structure, method of 10 This authority was delegated to the Shipping Board by proclamation of July 29, 1918. (See p. 124.) This authority was delegated to the Shipping Board by Executive order of Dec. 3, 1918. (See p. 120.) 122 Orders may be confidential. propulsion, or for any other reason is unfit for service in any waters which he may declare to be a danger zone, he may, by order, exclude such vessel or vessels from such danger zone. It shall be unlawful to violate any order, rule, or regulation made under this section. Rules, regulations, or orders issued under this section may, in the discretion of the President, be issued confidentially, in which event they shall be binding only on such persons as have notice thereof. Approval of for- eign vessels char- SEC. 10. That the President may by proclamation 12 require that tered to citizens no citizen of the United States, or other person subject to the juris- of United States. diction thereof, shall charter any vessel of foreign nationality unless the instrument in which such charter is embodied and the rates, terms, and conditions thereof are first approved by the Charters and con- President. After the making of such proclamation it shall be ditions not so ap- unlawful for any such citizen or person to make any charter of any such vessel, or comply with or perform any of the rates, terms, or conditions, of any charter thereof, or to operate any such vessel under any charter, without first obtaining the approval thereof by the President. proved unlawful. Unauthorized changes, etc., prohibited. or services of vessels. Requisition charter to be submitted, Compensation if charters not accepted. Whenever any such charter is approved it shall be unlawful, without the approval of the President first obtained, to make any alterations in such charter or additions thereto or deletions there- from, or to make or receive any payment or do any act with respect to such vessel, except in accordance with such charter. President may SEC. 11. That the President shall have power to requisition for requisition tem- porary possession military purposes, or for any other national purpose connected with or arising out of the present war, temporary possession of any vessel, or, without taking actual possession, to requisition the services of any vessel and to require the person entitled to the possession thereof to issue to the master such instructions as may be necessary to place the vessel at the service of the United States. Upon requisitioning such possession or services, or as soon there- after as the exigencies of the situation may permit, the President shall transmit to the person entitled to the possession of such ves- sel a charter setting forth the terms which, in his judgment, should govern the relations between the United States and such persons and a statement of the rental or rate of hire which, in his judgment, will be just compensation for the use of such vessel and for the services required under the terms of such charter. If such person does not execute and deliver such charter and accept such rental or rate of hire, the President shall pay to such person a sum equal to seventy-five per centum of such rental or rate of hire as the same may from time to time be due under the terms of the charter, and such person shall be entitled to sue the United States to recover such further sum as added to such seventy-five per centum will make up such amount as will be just compensation for the use of the vessel and for the services required. In the event of loss of or damage to such vessel, due to the operation of a risk assumed by the United States under the terms of such charter (in the event that no valuation of such vessel or mode of a compensa- tion has been agreed to), the United States shall pay just compensa- tion for such loss or damage, to be determined by the President; and if the amount so determined is not satisfactory to the person entitled to receive just compensation, the President shall pay to such person seventy-five per centum of the amount so determined, and such person shall be entitled to sue the United States to recover such further sum as added to such seventy-five per centum will make up such amount as will be just compensation. Compensation for loss of vessel. Priority in use of dry docks, wharves, termi- nal facilities, lighterage, ware houses, etc. SEC. 12. That the President 13 shall have power to prescribe the order of priority in which persons in possession of dry docks, wharves, lighterage systems, or loading or discharging terminal facilities in any port of the United States, or warehouses, equip- ment, or terminal railways connected therewith, shall serve vessels and shippers, and to determine, prescribe, and enforce the rates, 12 The President issued this proclamation July 29, 1918. (See p. 124.) 13 This authority was delegated to the Shipping Board by Executive order of Dec. 3, 1918. (See p. 120.) 123 terms, and conditions charged or required for the furnishing of Regulation of such services, including stevedoring and handling of cargo, and the rates for use of dry docks, light- handling, dispatching, and bunkering of vessels, and to make such erage, ware- rules and regulations with respect to the conduct of any such houses, terminal business as may be necessary and proper. It shall be unlawful facilities, etc. to charge, collect, or claim any compensation, or to enforce or attempt to enforce any terms or conditions, or to make or receive any payment or do any act, with respect to any such service not in accordance with the rates, terms, and conditions so prescribed, Dry docks, termi- any thing in any contract, whether heretofore or hereafter made, may be leased or to the contrary notwithstanding. SEC. 13. That the President shall have power to lease or requisi- tion the use or temporary possession of, or to assume temporary control of, any dry docks, wharves, or loading or discharging ter- minal facilities, in any port of the United States, or warehouses, equipment, or terminal railways connected therewith. nal facilities, etc., requisitioned. Suit if amount Whenever the President requisitions or assumes control of any Just compensa- such property, the United States shall pay just compensation tion. therefor, to be determined by the President. If the amount so unsatisfactory. determined is not satisfactory to the person entitled to receive just compensation, the President shall pay to such person seventy- five per centum of the amount so determined, and such person shall be entitled to sue the United States to recover such further sum as added to such seventy-five per centum will make up such amount as will be just compensation. Whenever the President acquires by purchase, lease, or requisi- Immediate pos- tion, or assumes control of any such property immediate possession session may be taken of property may be taken thereof to the extent of the interest acquired therein, requisitioned, and such property may be immediately occupied and used without purchased, or regard to the provisions of section three hundred and fifty-five of leased. R. S., sec. 355, p. 60. ipal property exempt from requisition. the Revised Statutes. Nothing in this section shall authorize the President to requisi- State and munic- tion the title to any such property owned by any State, municipal- ity, or subdivision thereof. SEC. 14. That whenever by this Act permission is given to sue the Suits to be United States such suit shall be brought in the manner provided in brought in the section twenty-four, paragraph twenty, and section one hundred and forty-five of the Judicial Code. Court of Claims. SEC. 15. That all vessels of which the possession or services are Operation of ves- requisitioned under this Act, and all dry docks, wharves, loading or sels, docks, etc. discharging terminal facilities, warehouses, equipment, or terminal railways, of which the President may acquire the title or possession or of which he may assume control under this Act, may be operated and managed as the President may from time to time direct. The Proceeds to be ex- net proceeds derived from any activity authorized in this Act or the pended in carry- joint resolution of May twelfth, nineteen hundred and seventeen of shipping acts. ing out purpose (Public Numbered Two), or the division entitled "Emergency ship- ping fund" of the Act of June fifteenth, nineteen hundred and seven- teen (Public Numbered Twenty-three), shall be deposited in the Treasury in a separate and distinct fund and may be expended by the President in carrying out the purposes of this Act, and within the limits of the amounts heretofore or hereafter authorized for the construction, requisitioning, or purchasing of vessels: Provided, Proviso. That none of the provisions of this Act shall apply to vessels tion not included. Inland naviga- plying exclusively on the inland rivers and canals of the United States. SEC. 16. That whoever does or attempts to do anything in this Penalties. Act declared to be unlawful, or willfully violates any rule, regula- tion, or order issued under authority conferred herein, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000, or by imprisonment for not more than two years, or both: Provided, That the district Proviso. court of the Canal Zone shall have jurisdiction of offenses committed Canal Zone of- against the provisions of this Act within the Canal Zone. fenses. 124 Invalidity of any affect remainder SEC. 17. That if any provision of this Act, or the application of provision not to such provisions to certain circumstances, is held unconstitutional, the remainder of the Act, and the application of such provision to circumstances other than those as to which it is held unconstitu- tional, shall not be affected thereby. of Act. Approved, July 18, 1918. AUTHORIZING THE UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD TO EXERCISE POWERS CONFERRED ON THE PRESIDENT BY CONGRESS RELATIVE TO THE CHARTER OF VESSELS [Repealed June 5, 1920. See section 1, Merchant Marine Act] BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Whereas an Act of Congress approved July 18, 1918, entitled "An act to confer on the President power to prescribe charter rates and freight rates and to requisition vessels, and for other purposes," con- tains, among others, the following sections conferring authority upon the President: "SEC. 5. That the President may, by proclamation, require that vessels of the United States of any specified class or description, or in any specified trade or trades, shall not be chartered unless the instrument in which such charter is embodied, and the rates, terms, and conditions thereof are first approved by him. Whenever any vessel is comprised in any such proclamation, it shall be unlawful to make any charter thereof, or comply with or perform any of the rates, terms, or conditions of any charter thereof, or to operate such vessel under any charter without first obtaining the approval thereof by the President. 'Whenever any charter of such vessel is approved, it shall be unlawful, without the approval of the President first obtained, to make any alterations in such charter, or additions thereto or dele- tions therefrom, or to make or receive any payment or do any act with respect to such vessel except in accordance with such charter.' "SEC. 8. That the President may by proclamation extend the provisions of sections five, six, and seven, or any of them, to any vessel of foreign nationality under charter to a citizen of the United States or other person subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” "SEC. 10. That the President may by proclamation require that no citizen of the United States, or other person subject to the juris- diction thereof, shall charter any vessel of foreign nationality unless the instrument in which such charter is embodied and the rates, terms, and conditions thereof are first approved by the President. After the making of such proclamation it shall be unlawful for any such citizen or person to make any charter of any such vessel, or comply with or perform any of the rates, terms, or conditions of any charter thereof, or to operate any such vessel under any charter, without first obtaining the approval thereof by the President. "Whenever any such charter is approved it shall be unlawful, without the approval of the President first obtained, to make any alterations in such charter or additions thereto or deletions there- from, or to make or receive any payment or do any act with respect to such vessel, except in accordance with such charter." And whereas, section 2 of said Act provides as follows: "SEC. 2. That the President may exercise the power and authority hereby vested in him through such agency or agencies as he shall determine from time to time." And whereas, the necessities of the war require that the control now exercised over shipping by the United States Shipping Board be made more effective; Now, therefore, 1, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, acting under authority conferred in section 5 of said Act, do proclaim that hereafter vessels of the United States, being full power driven vessels of 250 tons gross burden, or over, 125 or sailing vessels with or without auxiliary power of 50 tons gross burden, or over, excepting vessels plying exclusively on the inland rivers and canals of the United States, vessels operating in the Great Lakes or other inland waters, and vessels operating exclusively in the coastwise trade of the United States, shall not hereafter be chartered unless the instrument in which such charter is embodied, and the rates, terms, and conditions thereof are first approved by the President. Under authority conferred in section 8 of said Act, I do further proclaim that the provisions of said section 5, and of this proclama- tion, shall be and they are hereby extended to any vessel of foreign nationality under charter to a citizen of the United States or other person subject to the jurisdiction thereof. Under authority conferred in section 10 of said Act, I do further proclaim that hereafter no citizen of the United States or other person subject to the jurisdiction thereof, shall charter any vessel of foreign nationality unless the instrument in which such charter is embodied and the rates, terms, and conditions thereof are first approved by the President. I do hereby designate the United States Shipping Board as the agency through which shall be exercised all power and authority conferred upon the President in sections 5, 8, and 10 of said Act with respect to the classes or descriptions of vessels and the trades specified in this proclamation. Such power and authority may be exercised by said United States Shipping Board through such agents or agencies as it may create or designate. Nothing contained in this proclamation shall be deemed to with- draw from the United States Shipping Board or the War Trade Board any authority now exercised, directly or indirectly, over foreign or American vessels, by virtue of powers conferred under Title VII of an Act entitled "An Act to punish acts of interference with the foreign relations, the neutrality, and the foreign commerce of the United States, to punish espionage, and better to enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and for other purposes, approved June 15, 1917. În witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done in the District of Columbia this 29th day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighteen and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-third. [SEAL.] By the President: FRANK L. POLK, Acting Secretary of State. EXECUTIVE ORDER WOODROW WILSON. [Repealed June 5, 1920. See section 1, Merchant Marine Act] Delegating to the United States Shipping Board certain powers relating to ocean freight rates and terminal charges. Whereas sections 6 and 12 of an Act of Congress approved July 18, 1918, entitled "An Act to confer on the President power to prescribe charter rates and freight rates and to requisition vessels, and for other purposes," provide as follows: "SEC. 6. That the President shall have power to determine, pre- scribe, and enforce reasonable freight rates and the terms and condi- tions of affreightment which shall govern the transportation of goods on vessels of the United States, which shall be filed with the United States Shipping Board and open to public inspection. It shall be unlawful to charge or collect any compensation for the transportation of goods on any such vessel, or to enforce or attempt to enforce any terms or conditions of affreightment, or to make or receive any payment or do any act with respect to such trans- portation, not in accordance with the rates, terms, and conditions so prescribed, anything in any contract, whether heretofore or hereafter made, to the contrary notwithstanding.” 46209°—29- -9 126 "SEC. 12. That the President shall have power to prescribe the order of priority in which persons in possession of dry docks, wharves, lighterage systems, or loading or discharging terminal facilities in any port of the United States, or warehouses, equipment, or terminal railways connected therewith, shall serve vessels and shippers, and to determine, prescribe, and enforce the rates, terms, and conditions charged or required for the furnishing of such services, including stevedoring and handling of cargo, and the handling, dispatching, and bunkering of vessels, and to make such rules and regulations with respect to the conduct of any such busi- ness as may be necessary and proper. It shall be unlawful to charge, collect, or claim any compensation, or to enforce or attempt to enforce any terms or conditions, or to make or receive any pay- ment or do any act with respect to any such service not in accord- ance with the rates, terms, and conditions so prescribed, anything in any contract, whether heretofore or hereafter made, to the con- trary notwithstanding.' "" And whereas in section 2 of said Act it is provided- "That the President may exercise the power and authority hereby vested in him through such agency or agencies as he shall determine from time to time. Now, therefore, it is. ordered as follows: 1. All power conferred on the President in section 6 of said Act to determine, prescribe, and enforce reasonable freight rates and the terms and conditions of affreightment which shall govern the trans- portation of goods on private merchant vessels of the United States, shall be exercised through the United States Shipping Board. 2. All power conferred on the President in section 12 of said. Act to determine, prescribe, and enforce the rates, terms, and conditions charged or required for services furnished by persons in possession of dry docks, wharves, lighterage systems, or loading or discharging terminal facilities, or warehouses, equipment, or terminal railways connected therewith, and for stevedoring or handling cargo, and the handling, dispatching, or bunkering of vessels, and all power con- ferred on the President to make rules and regulations with respect to the conduct of any such business, shall be exercised by the United States Shipping Board; but the power delegated in this paragraph shall not extend to any dry docks, wharves, lighterage systems, or loading or discharging terminal facilities, or warehouses, equipment, or terminal railways, which are now or may hereafter be placed under the jurisdiction and control of the Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Navy or the Director General of Railroads. 3. Nothing contained in this Executive order shall be deemed to withdraw any power or authority heretofore granted to or now exer- cised by the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, the War Trade Board, the Interstate Commerce Commission, or the Director General of Railroads. THE WHITE HOUSE, WOODROW WILSON. 3 December, 1918. 40 U. S. Stat. L., 438; Mar. 1, 1918 (S. 3389). (Public, No. 102, 65th Cong.) Emergency Fleet Corporation authorized. To purchase, requisition, or lease land. HOUSING LAW [Repealed June 5, 1920. See section 16, Merchant Marine Act] CHAP. 19.-An Act To authorize and empower the United States Shipping Board Emer- gency Fleet Corporation to purchase, lease, requisition, or otherwise acquire, and to sell or otherwise dispose of improved or unimproved land, houses, buildings, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation is hereby authorized and empowered within the limits of the amounts herein authorized- (a) To purchase, lease, requisition, including the requisition of the temporary use of, or acquire by condemnation or otherwise any improved or unimproved land or any interest therein suitable for the construction thereon of houses for the use of employees and the 127 families of employees of shipyards in which ships are being con- structed for the United States. (b) To construct on such land for the use of such employees and To construct their families houses and all other necessary or convenient facilities houses. upon such conditions and at such price as may be determined by it, and to sell, lease, or exchange such houses, land, and facilities upon such terms and conditions as it may determine. houses. (c) To purchase, lease, requisition, including the requisition of To acquire the temporary use of, or acquire, by condemnation or otherwise any houses or other buildings for the use of such employees and their families, together with the land on which the same are erected, or any interest therein, all necessary and proper fixtures and furnish- ings therefor, and all necessary and convenient facilities incidental thereto; to manage, repair, sell, lease, or exchange such lands, houses, Management, buildings, fixtures, furnishings, and facilities upon such terms and disposition, etc. conditions as it may determine to carry out the purposes of this Act. To make loans to (d) To make loans to persons, firms, or corporations in such persons, firms, manner, upon such terms and security, and for such time not and corporations exceeding ten years, as it may determine, to provide houses and providing facilities for the employees and the families of employees of such shipyards. houses. Whenever said United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Just compensa- Corporation shall acquire by requisition or condemnation such tion. property or any interest therein, it shall determine and make com- pensation therefor, and if the amount thereof so determined is unsatisfactory to the person entitled to receive the same, such person shall be paid seventy-five per centum of the amount so determined, and shall be entitled to sue the United States to re- cover such further sum as added to such seventy-five per centum. will make such an amount as will be just compensation for the property or interest therein so taken, in the manner provided by Vol. 36, pp. 1093, section twenty-four, paragraph twenty, and section one hundred 1136. and forty-five of the Judicial Code. That whenever the said United States Shipping Board Emer- May take imme- gency Fleet Corporation shall requisition any property or rights, diate possession. R. S., sec. 355, or upon the filing of a petition for condemnation hereunder, im- p. 60. mediate possession may be taken by it of such land, houses, or Law requiring other property, rights, and facilities to the extent of the interests opinion of Attor- ney General as to be acquired therein, and the same may be immediately occupied to title of land and used, and the provisions of section three hundred and fifty-five suspended. of the Revised Statutes, providing that no public money shall be Law requiring expended upon such land until the written opinion of the Attorney legislature to General shall be had in favor of the validity of the title nor until purchase land the consent of the legislature of the State in which the land is suspended. located has been given, shall be and the same are hereby, suspended as to all land acquired hereunder. consent of State The power to acquire property by purchase, lease, requisition, or Powers under condemnation, or to construct houses or other buildings, and to this Act to cease make loans, or otherwise extend aid as herein granted shall cease of peace. on proclamation with the termination of the present war with Germany. The date of the conclusion of the war shall be declared by proclamation of the President. “. "Shipyard." The word "person" used herein shall include a trustee, firm, or Terms defined. corporation. The word The word "shipyard" shall include any factory, Person.' workshop, warehouse, engine works, buildings, or grounds used for manufacturing, assembling, construction, or other process in ship- yards and dockyards and discharging terminals, and other facilities connected therewith, now or hereafter used in connection with shipbuilding. sundry civil act That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act the Expenditure au- expenditure of $50,000,000 is hereby authorized, and in executing thorized. See the authority granted by this Act, the said United States Shipping of July 1, 1918. Board Emergency Fleet Corporation shall not expend or obligate the United States to expend more than the said sum, nor shall any contract for construction be entered into which provides that the compensation of the contractor shall be the cost of construction 128 "Cost-plus" con- plus a percentage thereof for profit, unless such contract shall also tracts prohibited fix the reasonable cost of such construction as determined by the except under cer- tain conditions. United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation and Provisos. must approve contracts. Premiums and provide that upon any increase in cost above the reasonable cost so fixed by such board, the percentage of profit shall decrease as the cost increases in accordance with a rate to be fixed by said board and expressed in the contract. No contract shall be let without the approval of the United States Shipping Board Emer- gency Fleet Corporation: Provided, however, That nothing herein Emergency Fleet contained shall be construed to prevent said board from con- tracting for the payment of premiums or bonuses for the speedy completion of the work contracted for: Provided further, That the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation shall report to Congress on the first Monday in December of each year the names of all persons or corporations with whom it has made contracts and of such subcontractors as may be employed in furtherance of this Act, including a statement of the purposes and amounts thereof, together with a detailed statement of all ex- penditures by contract or otherwise for land, buildings, material, labor, salaries, commissions, demurrage, or other charges in excess of $10,000. bonuses author- ized. Report to be made to Congress of contracts let and expendi- tures. Approved, March 1, 1918. October 6, 1917 (H. R. 6175). (Public, No. 73, 65th Cong.). Board may per- mit foreign ves- sels to engage in coastwise trade during the war. 37 Stat. L. 562. 38 Stat. L. 698. Provisos. Preference to vessels operated by citizens of United States. ACT AUTHORIZING FOREIGN VESSELS TO ENGAGE IN THE COASTWISE TRADE [40 U. S. Stat. L. 392] [Partially repealed June 5, 1920. See section 22, Merchant Marine Act] An Act giving the United States Shipping Board power to suspend present provisions of law and permit vessels of foreign registry and foreign-built vessels admitted to American registry under the Act of August eighteenth, nineteen hundred and four teen, to engage in the coastwise trade during the present war and for a period of one hundred and twenty days thereafter, except the coastwise trade with Alaska. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That during the present war with Germany and for a period of one hundred and twenty days thereafter the United States Shipping Board may, if in its judgment the interests of the United States require, suspend the present provisions of law and permit vessels of foreign registry, Permits required. and foreign-built vessels admitted to American registry under the Act of August eighteenth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, to engage in the coastwise trade of the United States: Provided, That no such vessel shall engage in the coastwise trade except Aet not to apply upon a permit issued by the United States Shipping Board, which permit shall limit or define the scope of the trade and the time of such employment: Provided further, That in issuing permits the board shall give preference to vessels of foreign registry owned, leased, or chartered by citizens of the United States or corporations thereof: And provided further, That the provisions of this Act shall not apply to the coastwise trade with Alaska or between Alaskan ports. to Alaskan trade. 40 U. S. Stat. L. 897; July 11, 1918 (II. R. 11048). (Public, No. 195.) War risk insur- ance laws. See compilation of war risk Acts by War Risk Insur- ance Bureau. War Risk Insur- ance Bureau to insure foreign vessels under control of the board or United States citizens. Approved, October 6, 1917. CHAP. 145.-An Act to amend the war-risk insurance Act Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the war-risk insurance Act is hereby amended by adding to such Act a new section, to be known as section 2b, to read as follows: "SEC. 2b. That when it appears to the Secretary of the Treasury, that vessels of foreign friendly flags, or their masters, officers, or crews, or shippers or importers in such vessels, are unable in any trade to secure adequate war-risk insurance on reasonable terms, the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, with the approval of the Secre- tary, is hereby authorized to make provisions for the insurance by the United States of (1) such vessels of foreign friendly flags, their freight and passage moneys, and personal effects of the masters. 129 officers, and crews thereof against the risks of war when such vessels are chartered or operated by the United States Shipping Board or its agent, or chartered by any person a citizen of the United States, and (2) the cargoes to be shipped in such vessels of foreign friendly flags, whether or not they are so chartered. Such insurance on the vessel, however, is authorized only when the United States Shipping Board or its agent operates the vessel or the charterers are, by the terms of the charter party or contract with the vessel owners, required to assume the war risk or provide insurance protecting the vessel owners against war risk during the term of the charter or hire of the vessel. etc., of seamen. "The Bureau of War Risk Insurance, with the approval of the Insurance against Secretary of the Treasury, is also hereby authorized to insure the loss of life, injury, masters, officers, and crews of vessels operated or chartered as aforesaid against the loss of life or personal injury by the risk of war and for compensation during the detention following capture Compensation by enemies of the United States, whenever it appears to the Sec- during capture. retary that the owners, operators, or charterers of such vessels are unable, in any trade, to secure such insurance on reasonable terms.' • SEC. 2. That section five of the war-risk insurance Act is hereby amended to read as follows: Duties. "SEC. 5. That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to Advisory board establish an advisory board, to consist of three members skilled established. in the practices of war-risk insurance, for the purpose of assisting the Bureau of War Risk Insurance in fixing rates of premium and in adjustment of claims for losses, and generally in carrying out the purposes of this Act; the compensation of the members of said Compensation. board to be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, but not to exceed $20 a day each while actually employed. He is likewise Additional mem- authorized to appoint two persons skilled in the practice of acci-bers for death, dent insurance for the purpose of assisting the Bureau of War Risk etc., claims. Insurance in the adjustment of claims for death, personal injury, or detention; the compensation of persons so appointed to be de- termined by the Secretary of the Treasury, but not to exceed $20 a day each while actually employed. In the event of disagreement as to the claim for losses, or amount thereof, between the said bureau and the parties to such contract of insurance, an action on the claim may be brought against the United States in the district Determination of court of the United States, sitting in admiralty, in the district in disagreements by which the claimant or his agents may reside. The Secretary of admiralty courts. the Treasury is, in his judgment, authorized to compromise the Compromises claim either before or after the institution of an action therein." allowed. SEC. 3. That section nine of the war-risk insurance Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ceases. "SEC. 9. That the President is authorized whenever in his judg- ment the necessity of further war insurance by the United States shall have ceased to exist to suspend the operation of this Act, in Suspension of Act so far as the division of marine and seamen's insurance is concerned, when necessity which suspension shall be made in any event within six months after the end of the war, but shall not affect any insurance outstanding at the time or any claims pending adjustment. For the purpose Outstanding of the final adjustment of any such outstanding insurance or claims not claims, the division of marine and seamen's insurance may, in the discretion of the President, be continued in existence for a period Continuance of not exceeding three years after such suspension. affected. division. "The words 'end of the war' as used herein shall be deemed to Date of "end of mean the date of proclamation of exchange of ratification of the the war" con- strued. treaty of peace, unless the President shall, by proclamation, declare a prior date, in which case the date so proclaimed shall be deemed to be the 'end of the war' within the meaning of this Act." Approved, July 11, 1918. 130 40 U. S. Stat. L. CONDEMNATION OF TIMBER 887; July 11, 1918 CHAP. 143.-An Act Making appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal (H. R. 12281). year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen (Public, No. 193, 65th Cong.) "State" and "States" to in- clude District of Columbia. Act relating to condemnation of sawmills, etc. [Extract] SEC. 8. That the terms "State" and "States," as used in this chapter, shall be held to include the District of Columbia. That the Act entitled "An Act to authorize condemnation pro- lands for military ceedings of lands for military purposes," approved July second, purposes ex- nineteen hundred and seventeen, as amended by an Act approved tended to timber, April eleventh, nineteen hundred and eighteen, be, and the same See Public Laws, is hereby, amended, and its provisions in all respects together with Nos. 126 and 127, all its privileges and benefits are hereby extended to the right of 65th Cong. condemnation of standing or fallen timber, sawmills, camps, machinery, logging roads, rights of way, equipment, materials, sup- plies, and any works, property, or appliances suitable for the ef- fectual production of such lumber and timber products, for the Army, Navy, United States Shipping Board, or the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation. That the right to institute such condemnation proceedings is hereby conferred upon the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, and the chairman of the United States Shipping Board and the United States Ship- ping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, individually or col- lectively. Such right of condemnation shall be exercised by such officials only for the purpose of obtaining such property when needed for the production, manufacture, or building aircraft, dry docks, or vessels, their apparel or furniture, for housing of Govern- ment employees in connectin with the Army, Navy, or the United States Shipping Board and the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, and for the procurement of mate- rials and equipment for aircraft, dry docks and vessels. The juris- diction of such condemnation proceedings is hereby vested in the District Courts of the United States, where the property which is sought to be condemned or any part thereof is located or situated, regardless of the value of the same. Jurisdiction of district courts. Disposal of lands, logs, etc. And the President is hereby authorized through any department or the United States Shipping Board or said Fleet Corporation to sell and dispose of any lands or interests in real estate acquired for the production of lumber and timber products, and to sell any logs, manufactured or partly manufactured or otherwise procured for the Army, Navy, or United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, or resulting from such manufacture or procure- ment, either to individuals, corporations, or foreign states or governments, at such price as he shall determine acting through the above representatives selling or disposing of the same, and the proceeds of such sale shall be returned to the appropriations which Reappropriation bore the expense of such procurement. of proceeds. · EXECUTIVE ORDER Under authority contained in the naval appropriation act approved March 4, 1917 (Public No. 391, 64th Congress), whereby it is provided: That in case of national emergency the President is authorized to suspend provisions of law prohibiting more than eight hours' labor in any one day of persons engaged upon work covered by contracts with the United States: Provided further, That the wages of persons employed upon such contracts shall be computed upon a basic day rate of eight hours' work with overtime rates to be paid at not less than time and one-half for all hours' work in excess of eight hours;' "" It is hereby declared that the present conditions constitute a "national emergency" within the meaning of that term as used in the said Act, and 131 It is hereby ordered that the provisions of law prohibiting more than eight hours of labor in any one day of persons engaged upon work covered by contracts with the United States be, and the same hereby are, suspended with respect to all contracts for the repair of vessels owned, chartered, or operated by or for account of the United States Shipping Board, and for loading, discharging, bunkering, and similar operations whenever necessary to prevent. undue delay to such vessels, all subject to the proviso contained in said Act. This order shall take effect from and after this date and shall be operative until further order. WOODROW WILSON. THE WHITE HOUSE, 2 December, 1918. EXECUTIVE ORDER DIRECTING THE UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD AND THE United STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION TO DISPOSE OF MATERIAL OR PLANTS IN THEIR DISCRETION Whereas "An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, and for other purposes," approved July 19, 1919, provides: 66 Any material or plant, as defined under the emergency ship- ping fund provision of the Deficiency Appropriation Act approved June 15, 1917, acquired by the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, may be disposed of as the President may direct." And whereas said Deficiency Appropriation Act, approved June 15, 1917, as amended by "An Act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1919, and prior fiscal years, on account of war expenses, and for other purposes" approved November 4, 1918, defines the words "material" and "plant" as follows: "The word 'material' shall include stores, supplies, and equip- ment for ships, and everything required for or in connection with the production thereof." "The word 'plant' shall include any factory, workshop, ware- house, engine works; buildings used for manufacture, assembling, construction, or any process; any shipyard, drydock, marine rail- way, pier, or dockyard and discharging terminal and any facilities or improvements connected with any of the foregoing descriptions or property." Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by said laws, but in no way limiting or restricting the effect of previous Executive orders and proclamations delegating powers and author- ity to the United States Shipping Board or the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, 1. I hereby direct the United States Shipping Board to exercise all powers and authority now vested in me in reference to the disposition of materials or plants as above defined. I hereby direct said board, in its discretion, to sell, lease, or otherwise dis- pose of such materials and plants or any portions or parts thereof, by public or private sale or contract, with or without notice, in such lots, at such times and places, upon such credit, security and other terms or conditions, and in such manner generally as said board, from time to time, shall deem to the best advantage of the United States. 2. I hereby direct that such sales, leases, or other dispositions shall be made directly by the said board or by it, in its discretion, through the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Cor- poration, or through any other corporation organized by it for such purpose. 3. I hereby direct that all acts heretofore done by said corpora- tion or by said board, with reference to such sales, leases, or other 132 disposition and which could have been properly done by me under any statutes heretofore enacted, covering this subject matter, be, and they hereby are ratified and confirmed. THE WHITE HOUSE, WOODROW WILSON. 11 August, 1919. MISSISSIPPI RIVER BARGES AND TOWBOATS TURNED OVER TO WAR DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE ORDER WITHDRAWING FROM THE UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMER- GENCY FLEET CORPORATION CERTAIN POWERS WITH REFERENCE ΤΟ THE EMERGENCY SHIPPING FUND AND DELEGATING SUCH POWERS TO THE SECRETARY OF WAR Whereas, heretofore, by two Executive orders respectively numbered 2664, dated July 11, 1917, and numbered 3018, dated December 3, 1918, I delegated to the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation all the power and authority vested in me under certain laws establishing, enlarging and main- taining the emergency shipping fund, in so far as such power and authority had reference to activities which might be directly or indirectly applicable to ship or plant construction, and Whereas, said Fleet Corporation in pursuance of such power and authority, so delegated, and at my request, has entered into certain contracts for the construction of nineteen river barges and is now planning the construction of certain river towboats all of said vessels being intended for use on the Mississippi River or its tribu- taries, and has further, at my request, in planning and in carrying out such construction, engaged the assistance of the Chief of Engineers United States Army, and has heretofore transferred to him from its funds held under such delegated power and authority the sum of $3,860,000, which sum has already been deposited by the Chief of Engineers in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the War Department; Now, in order to confirm the informal withdrawal from said Fleet Corporation and the informal delegation to the War Depart- ment, as effected by the acts above recited, of such part of my said power and authority as relates to such barges and towboats; (1) I hereby withdraw from the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation such part of said power and author- ity, vested in me by said laws with reference to activities which may be directly or indirectly applicable to ship or plant construction as relates to the construction of such nineteen river barges and such towboats and as relates to the sum of $3,860,000 out of the funds heretofore appropriated under said laws for the construction of ships; and do hereby delegate the power and authority so withdrawn to the Secretary of War, to be by him executed through contract or otherwise as in his judgment may be most economical and advan- tageous to the United States. (2) I hereby ratify said payment by said Fleet Corporation to said Chief of Engineers of the sum of $3,860,000 from said emer- gency shipping fund out of the appropriations heretofore made by the Congress for the construction of ships. (3) I do hereby direct that the said Fleet Corporation shall forth- with transfer and assign to the Secretary of War any and all con- tracts heretofore entered into by the said Fleet Corporation for or on account of the construction of such barges or towboats, and shall perform such other acts in pursuance of such transfer and assign- ment as will effectuate the intent of this order. WOODROW WILSON. THE WHITE HOUSE, 12 March, 1919. 133 POWER TO OPERATE AND DISPOSE OF MISSISSIPPI RIVER BARGES AND TOWBOATS TURNED OVER TO WAR DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE ORDER WITHDRAWING FROM THE UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD CERTAIN POWERS WITH REFERENCE TO THE EMERGENCY SHIPPING FUND AND DELEGATING SUCH POWERS TO THE SECRETARY OF WAR Whereas, heretofore, by two Executive orders respectively numbered 2664, dated July 11, 1917, and numbered 3018, dated December 3, 1918, I delegated to the United States Shipping Board all the power and authority vested in me under certain laws estab- lishing, enlarging, and maintaining the emrgency shipping fund, in so far as such power and authority have reference to constructed dry docks, marine railways, and piers, and to constructed vessels or parts thereof or charters therein, and to the operation, management, and disposition of such dry docks, marine railways, piers, and ves- sels; and Whereas, by Executive order of this date, I have withdrawn from the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation such part of the power and authority vested in me under said laws with reference to activities which may be directly or indirectly applicable to ship or plant construction and as relates to the con- struction of certain nineteen river barges and certain towboats intended for use on the Mississippi River or its tributaries, and did by said order redelegate such power and authority to the Secretary of War; and Whereas, I now deem it desirable that the power and authority vested in me with reference to the operation, management, and dis- position of such vessels shall also be vested in the Secretary of War; NOW, THEREFORE, I do hereby withdraw from the United States Shipping Board such part of the said power and authority so vested in me under said laws, with reference to the operation, inanagement, and disposition of vessels as relates to such river barges and tow- boats, and do hereby delegate to the Secretary of War the power and authority so withdrawn from the United States Shipping Board, to be by the Secretary of War executed through contract or otherwise, as in his judgment may be most economical and advan- tageous to the United States. THE WHITE HOUSE, WOODROW WILSON. 12 March, 1919. A INDEX Section Page Accommodation, special agreement relative to- Accounts: Of board to be audited. Board may require filing of Admission of vessels to American registry. For coastwise trade___ Adjustment: Of claims, discrimination in Of traffic accounts__ Admiralty (see Suit in admiralty): - 1 Į 1 1 1 1 1 Suits in personam against United States authorized___ Foreclosure of mortgage maritime liens by admiralty suits in rem, authorized 15 14, 15 4 21 9 9 220 14 20 5777 1277 17 2 75 30 K 55 To have exclusive jurisdiction of suits to foreclose mortgage maritime liens. 30 K 555 Court may provide for discharge of mortgage vessel on judicial sale_ 30 D 51 In preferred lien foreclosure proceeding, court may ap- point receiver to operate vessel, etc.- 30 L 56 Action in personam in, authorized on default of mort- gage 30 N 56 New mortgage to be given when sold by.. 30 O 56 Not to sell vessels of United States to foreigners with- out board consent_ 30 O 56 Vessel sold by, to give title free of liens 30 O 56 Advance payments authorized to be made to shipyards. Advantage, giving of undue or unreasonable unlawful_ 1 115 16 15 Penalty for.. 32 Agencies, President may execute powers through such agency as he choose. Agency of Government, rules and regulations of, relating to shipping must be approved by board. Agreements: 21 4 116 19 43 Arrangements, oral, included in term Conference included in term.. 15 14 Understandings included in term Existing agreements lawful__ Filing of, required _ _ _ If approved, excepted from antitrust laws. If disapproved, to be unlawful.. Lawful only when approved by board. Modifications of, must be filed- Relative to accommodations_ Allotting of ports- Pooling- Rates and fares I } 11 1 I 1 1 1 1 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 1 I 15 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 Restricted traffic and sailings – 15 14 Entered into under emergency shipping legislation, to be carried out____ 2 30 Rights accruing under, under emergency shipping legislation valid_. Airplanes, may be used in ocean mail service Airships, may be used in ocean mail service.. Alaska: Foreign vessels not to engage in coastwise trade of ____ Coastwise trade with, via foreign port limited to Ameri- 409 C 409 C 1 8220 30 70 70 128 can vessels. 27 49 (135) 136 Section Page Alaska Railroad; act prohibiting merchandise being trans- ported in coastwise trade via foreign port in foreign vessels not to go into effect on Yukon until Alaska Rail- road finished__ Alien enemies; vessels of, turned over to board... Aliens: Proclamation regulating transfer of vessels to- Deprived in merchant marine act.. Sale of vessels to, authorized__ Altering reports, records, memoranda, etc. American-built vessels: Not to depart until documented. Coastwise trade via foreign port limited to. Ocean mail service to be carried on_ American Bureau of Shipping: Government agencies directed to recognize_ J 1 1 I I T I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 Shipping Board vessels to be classified and surveyed by... 27 66 49 92 27, 28, 29 I 37 6 21 61 25 34 17 322 37 22 27 49 24 47 25 48 25 48 List of merchant vessels to indicate vessels classified by.... Secretary of Commerce and chairman of board to appoint representatives on executive committee of__ To serve without compensation_ Traveling expenses- 25 25 25 LO LO LO 48 HA 48 48 25 48 American registry: Vessels acquired from board to be operated only under_.. 9 Admission of foreign-built vessels to 9 77 Vessels of, not to be transferred without approval of board_ 37 22 American shipyards: Preference to be given to--- 5 6 Controlling interest in, not to be transferred to foreign interest without approval... 37 22 American vessels: Discrimination against--- 26 19 Not to be transferred to foreign interest without ap- proval__ 37 22 27 275 49 27 49 Coastwise trade via foreign ports limited to Merchandise transported from continental United States on through routes excepted__. Common carriers not to give through reduced rates with common carriers by water in foreign commerce unless property or passengers are carried in Ameri- can vessels. Antitrust laws (see also Sherman Act and Wilson tariff law): Agreements approved excepted from operation of……… Marine Insurance Association exempt from_ Appeals: From decrees under suits in admiralty act-- Authorized in suits in foreign countries against public vessels under suits in admiralty act__ Appointment: Of Shipping Board.. Of secretary to board_ Of other employees - - Appraisers: Appointment of __ Finding of, to be final_ 1 Board of survey for German vessels……. 1 1 } 1 1 1 1 1 } 1 I 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 28 49 12 15 14 29 50 3 76 7 77 3 3 3 333 10 9 10 9 92 137 Section Page Appropriations: For United States Shipping Board as approved Febru- ary 20, 1929_. (See separate compilation of appropriations acts for others.) For purchase, charter, etc., of vessels. For initial expenses of board_ For acquiring plants, material, charters, etc. For constructing ships- For operating ships- - For carrying out housing law. 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 Proceeds derived from various shipping acts perma- nently appropriated_ _ Proceeds from sale of timber and lands reappropriated_ Net proceeds from operation and sale of vessels to be covered into Treasury to be used within appropria- tions for construction requisitioning or purchasing vessels. 85 13 11 35 22 11 116 13 117 13 117 126 15 123 130 14 41 Funds may be expended for repairing or completing-- Funds for paying decrees, judgments, awards, etc., in foreign countries__ 16 42 8 77 Approval of agreements. (See Agreements.) Arbitration: Of claims coming within the suits in admiralty act, authorized... 9 78 Payment of awards in foreign cases_ 8 77 Arming of vessels, President may prescribe rules and regu- lations for……. 9 121 Army supply base: At Charleston, S. C., control of, United States Ship- ping Board. 1 105 107 56 5 6 6 6 12 75 Nã 2 7 34 112 112 At Norfolk, Va., control of, United States Shipping Board Army transports: Vessels of board to be available as Transfer of, to board... Arrangements. (See Agreements.) Arrest, Shipping Board vessels immune from Assignees, subject to the act___ 1 1 1 | 1 Assignment of vessels, preference to be given in, to citi- zens of United States on new routes. Associations (see Corporations and Partners): Included in term "person" To which act applies.. When deemed citizen_. 1 When controlling interest of corporation by citizen of United States__ Defined in relation to marine insurance_ Attachment, public vessels immune from_ 1 J 1 1 Attorney General, opinion as to title to land not required. May arrange stipulations in foreign litigation___ Report of suits, etc., under suits in admiralty act………. Attorneys: Excepted from civil service_ Appointment of To conduct litigation-- To handle cases before board. To conduct investigations-- Salaries__. Employment authorized__ Auditing accounts of Shipping Board. Austrian vessels, act authorizing seizure of. Turned over to board_ Board authorized to sell.. 11 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I 2 2 29 50 1 75 127 7 77 12 78 LO ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 43∞∞ D H M + 5 3 3 3 3 586 3 31 4 5 92 33 33 T45 1 } 1 I I I I 138 B Section Page 18 18 ∞∞ 1 I 16 16 1 I CO 16 18 J 133 132 15 1 1 1 16 88 88, 89 88 91 91 89 88 88 91 91 91 1 1 I 1 1 } 40 24 3 31 37 61 3 31 92 13 13 13 www == 11 11 11 37 76 77 126 4 33 Baggage: Practice connected with carrying, etc., must be reasonable.__. Personal, sample and excess- Barges: Power to operate and dispose of Mississippi River barges and towboats turned over to War Depart- ment_ On Mississippi River turned over to War Department. Billing, false, to obtain lower rates unlawful_ _ Bills of lading: Practice connected with issuance of, must be reason- able_ Under interstate commerce act. Loss under_. No limitation of liability Through bills of lading.. Not continuous carriage or shipment. Holder not deprived of remedy or right- Liability for full loss.. No exemption to carrier issuing- Form and contents.. Liability of initial carrier.. I Arrangement for continuous carriage 1 1 1 1 Bills of sale (see Sale of vessels and recording of bills of sale): Transferee must file declarations as to citizenship, etc., with collector of customs.. Board (see Shipping Board): Authority conferred on, under shipping act trans- ferred to board under merchant marine act____ Means United States Shipping Board in merchant marine act_ Creation_ Board of survey, Secretary of Navy to appoint, for Ger- man vessels. Bonds, Panama Canal: Issuance of $50,000,000 authorized_ Time of payment of. Use of proceeds of Bonds: I 1 1 Not required under suits in admiralty act_ In suits against public vessels in foreign countries- Bonuses, authorized in construction of houses.. 1 I t Branches of Government, vessels required by other, not turned over to board- Building of ships (see Construction of ships): 1 1 1 t Board may complete work begun under emergency shipping act 2 30 Buildings, law providing houses for shipyard employees. repealed.. 16 42 Bunkering of vessels: May prescribe rates, terms, and conditions for use of, during war Priority of use in during war. President may make rules and regulations regarding-- Suspension of 8-hour laws in connection with, during war. 222 122 122 122 130 139 Section Page C Canal Zone, courts of, to have jurisdiction of offenses under rate emergency act_ Canals, rate emergency act not to apply to inland. Cancellation of agreements. (See Agreements.) Cancellation of contracts, President authorized to--- Cargo: Duty of carrier to accept.. - Discrimination based on volume offered unlawful. Refusal to accept_-- May prescribe rates, terms, and conditions for han- dling during war. War-risk insurance extended to, of foreign vessels under United States control. On board Shipping Board vessels, immune from arrest. Owned or in possession of Government immune from arrest in foreign countries_ Cargo vessels: 1 16 123 15 123 1 115 36 14 36 222 12 12 123 128 } 1 1 75 7 77 May carry 16 passengers- 26 48 Not exempted from laws relating to life-saving equip- ment__ 26 Passengers to be notified of dangers. 26 00000096 48 48 Privilege extended to vessels of foreign nations which reciprocates.. Penalty Cargo-space accommodations: Discriminations in matter of, unlawful_ Refusal of, when available.. Carrier, common. (See Common carrier; Bills of lading.) Chairman of Shipping Board, President to designate___ Charges (see also Rates): Agreements relative to, to be filed. Discriminatory, forbidden_ 1 26 26 48 26 48 14 12 36 222 3 3 15 14 1 1 1 1 1 17 16 Maximum, must be filed with board. 18 16 1 1 May be prescribed by board.. 18 16 Must be just and reasonable_ 18 16 Prejudicial to American exporters forbidden_ 17 16 Board to investigate effect of rates of common carriers by rail on improvements of port facilities. 8 35 Charleston, Army supply base_ Charter, definition of Charter hire: Board not to charge to War Department. War Department not to pay, for Government vessels during fiscal year ending June 30, 1919.. Charter rates: Act conferring authority to prescribe Emergency act, repeal of. Chartering of vessels: By and from the board, repealed- By and from corporation formed by board. Competitive offerings to be invited_ Public notice to be given__. Proceeds of, to be covered into Treasury Proceeds of, permanently appropriated. Restrictions upon, repealed. To foreigners, during emergency, must be approved... Must be approved by board during emergency, re- pealed Of foreign vessels, must be approved by board. Enemy vessels_ German vessels. Austrian vessels. 105 1 120 1 118 15 42 1 T 1 52 121 1 30 1 } 1 J 1 T 5,7 11 11 I 11 13 1 13 37 11B357 6, 7 9, 10 9, 10 9, 10 11 11 6 22 LO 5 121 I 124 f 1 } 1 + } I 1 1 I 1 J f 1 I 1 1 | 1 J 92 J 1 1 1 1 92 1 92 140 Chartering of Vessels-Continued. Proclamation delegating authority to board to regulate_ For operation on new routes, authorized. To foreigners must be approved by board.. Charterer: May create lien on vessel. Agents of, may create lien_ Exceptions.. Charters: 1 1 1 I To be approved by board during emergency, repealed_ Of foreign vessels, must be approved by board. Not to be changed unless approved by board. Changes in, must be approved, repealed----- Of_foreign_vessels to be approved when chartered to United States citizens. Board to submit to owners of requisitioned vessels.. Authority delegated to board to take over. May delegate to its corporations___ Proclamation delegating to board, authority relative to__ Cities, property of, exempt from requisitioning title.. Citizens of the United States: Defined, by shipping act, 1916_ By merchant marine act, 1928- Corporations, associations, partnerships, when deemed_ Under merchant marine act, 1928. When controlling interest of corporation deemed, owned by- Act prohibiting merchandise being transported in coastwise trade via foreign port in foreign vessels not to take effect on Yukon until citizens of United States establish adequate shipping facilities_ - - Admiralty courts not to sell vessels of, to foreigners__ Coastwise trade via foreign port limited to vessels owned by- 1 Charter of vessels to, for operation on new routes. Companies discriminating against, between foreign ports to be denied entrance into United States ports- Construction loan to__ Section Page 124 7 34 9 7,8 30 R 58 30 R 58 30 R 58 LO 5 121 124 10 122 LO 5 121 10 122 11 122 119 119 1 1 124 13 123 2 2 703 B 74 2 2,3 703 B 74 2 2 27 49 30 O 56, 57 27 49 7 34 15 11 == 14 137 Declaring policy of having merchant marine owned and operated by- 1 30 Defined in merchant marine act…. 37 61 Foreign-built vessels owned by, authorized to engage in coastwise trade_ 22 46 Not to transfer rights under ship mortgage to for- eigners without board's consent.. 30 O 56 Preference in sale and operation of vessels on new routes__ Preferred mortgagee, required to be- Proceeds of vessels sold by, exempt from war and excess-profits tax if reinvested in ships-- Sale of vessels to__ Sale of vessels to, for operation on new routes. Sale of vessels, preference must be given to--- Seventy-five per cent of interest of corporations own- ing vessels in coastwise trade must be owned by... Transfer of vessels to foreigners must be approved by board_ When 75 per cent of corporation deemed owned by--- Civil service: Employees of board to be under.. Exceptions. 1 Note. 1 7 34 30 D 51 23 47 5 33 1 6 ww 34 34 2 2 9 72 76 4 4 5 er cr 5 141 Claims: Board of survey to place valuation on German vessels_ Arbitration, compromise, settlement, etc., under suits in admiralty authorized.. • Board to settle, arising under emergency shipping legislation___ Commissioners not to take part in consideration of, in which interested - - Attorney General may arbitrate. Classification societies: American Bureau of Shipping- Government agencies to recognize. Shipping Board vessels to be classified and sur- veyed by Section Page 1 92 9 78 2 30 ∞ co 3 31 6 84 25 48 25 48 Secretary of Commerce and chairman of board to appoint representatives on executive commit- tee of To serve without compensation_ Traveling expenses_ - LO LO LO 222 25 48 25 25 ALA 48 48 List of merchant vessels to indicate vessels classi- fied and surveyed by- 25 48 Clerks to commissioners excepted from civil service__ Coast Guard, detail of officers of, to board___ Classifications: Just and reasonable, may be prescribed by board.. Use of false ones to obtain lower rates unlawful.. For ocean mail service__ _ Clearance: Refusal of, to vessels.. Secretary of Treasury authorized to refuse. Clearance of vessels, shall be denied until discharge of mortgage is indorsed on documents_ Coastwise laws: Extended to island territories and possessions of United States.. Not to extend to Philippines until adequate shipping service declared to exist by President_ Extension of, to Virgin Islands deferred__ Coastwise trade: Admission of vessels to---- Foreign vessels admitted to... 1 18 16 16 15 408 A 69 36 1 36 22 22 22 22 30 G 53 4 4 3 LO LO 5 21 46 21 46 112 9 7 128 I Board to investigate and establish new routes for devel- opment of__ 7 34 Foreign vessels, repeal of act authorizing, to engage in 22 46 Domestic owned foreign-built vessels authorized to engage in.. Virgin Islands. Investigation of ports, rivers, and terminal facilities in respect to.. Seventy-five per cent of interest of corporations owning vessels engaged in, must be owned by citizens of United States. Via foreign ports limited to American vessels_ Merchandise transported from continental United States on through routes, excepted. - Coastwise vessels, 75 per cent of interest of corporations owning vessels engaged in, must be owned by citizens of United States__ Foreign-built vessels, repeal of act authorizing, to engage in..-. 22 46 22 46 1 112 1 8 35 27 27 2 49 27 49 2 2 46209°-29-10 142 Collector of customs: Mortgages, bills of sale, liens, conveyances, etc., to be Section Page recorded by- 30 C 51 Method for recording. 30 C 51 Requirements for recording 30 D 51 Indorsements of liens, mortgages, conveyances, etc., on ship's documents.. 30 D 51 To furnish copies of preferred mortgages to mortgagor. To record notice of maritime liens 30 E 52 30 G 53 To cancel notice of liens___. 30 G 53 To record notice of discharge of mortgage. 30 G 53 To deny clearance of vessel until indorsement is made on documents___ Not to record mortgage bill of sale, conveyance, etc., at new port of documentation until receipt of record at previous port of documentation__ To permit inspection of recorded mortgages, liens, bills of sale, etc- 30 G 53 30 H 53 30 I 54 To furnish certificate of encumbrances on vessels, etc_- To furnish copies of bills of sales, mortgages, liens, conveyances, etc.. 30 I 54 30 I Fees... 30 I FFS 54 54 Penalties for failure to perform duties under ship mortgage act_ 30 J 54 Commerce Department to furnish blank books, records, etc., to 30 V 58 Combination: 14 12 1 1 1 14 12 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 14 12 222 To give deferred rebate unlawful. To use a "fighting ship" unlawful.. To retaliate or discriminate unlawful_ Commandeering of vessels (see also Requisitioning and sei- zure): Compensation for vessels taken. Upon notice. Without notice.. Vessels which may be taken.. 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Commerce (see Foreign commerce; Domestic commerce; and Coastwise trade): Merchant marine sufficient to carry- Investigation of water-borne commerce with respect to regions and zones with object of developing- Rules and regulations to govern shipping in Commerce Department: 10 9 10 9 10 9 10 9 1 1 30 со 8 35 19 43 To investigate with respect to natural outlet to ports_ 8 35 Books, records, etc., to be furnished to collector of cus- toms by.. 30 W 58 Companies discriminating against American vessels between foreign ports to be denied entrance to United States ports by---- 15 14 Representative from, on executive committee of American Bureau of Shipping --- 25 48 Common carrier by water in interstate commerce: Defined__ 1 1 (See also Interstate commerce act.) Coastwise trade via foreign ports limited to American vessels_ 27 49 Merchandise transported from continental United States excepted.. 27 49 Compensation: Of employees. - 4 1 1 For vessels commandeered 10 9 United States to make just, for ships, contracts, etc., requisitioned.. లు 3 116 143 Section Page Compensation-Continued. United States to make, for dry docks, wharves, ter- minal facilities, etc., requisitioned_. 13 117 United States to make, for houses and land taken for shipyard employees.. 126 President to make, for vessels requisitioned_ 11 116 Must pay just compensation for dry docks, wharves, terminal facilities, etc., leased or requisitioned_ (See Just compensation) Competition: 13 32 117 30 · Complaints: Agreements as to controlling, preventing, etc., to be filed.. 15 14 Reducing rates below remunerative basis to drive out_ Use of fighting ship to drive out…. 19 17 14 12 Board to make rules and regulations to meet. 19 43 22 22 1 4226 C 26 22 122 23 18 14 12 22 18 18 19 ∞∞ Copy of, to be furnished to the carrier Discrimination against a shipper on account of, filing a-- Enforcement of, satisfaction on…… Of violation of act, must be under oath_ Of discrimination by foreign government_ Who may file___ Compliance with orders. (See Orders.) 1 Compromises of claims coming within suits in admiralty act, authorized___ Condemnation: Houses for shipyard employees.. Timber and timber products- Lands for housing shipyard employees. | 1 1 1 1 Consent of State legislature not required (shipyard employees' houses) Powers to cease on proclamation of peace.. Conditions: Board may approve transactions under sections 9 and 37 conditionally- Of charters of foreign vessels must be approved. Conferences (see Agreements) included in term "Agree- ment" 1 1 I I 1 1 18 9 78 126 130 126 1 1 126 127 41 25 124 15 14 Congestion of ports, investigation to determine causes__ Congress: 8 35 Board to make annual report to- 12 10 Report on discriminations by foreign Governments. Report on investigation of foreign navigation and ship- ping laws, etc_- 26 19 12 10 Reports of expenditures under housing law. Consignee may consent to disclosure of information con- cerning shipments_ 127 20 17 Constitution: If a part of rate emergency act held invalid, not to affect remainder. 17 124 If a part of shipping act declared unconstitutional, not to affect remainder__. 34 22 If part of merchant marine act declared unconstitu- tional, not to affect remainder. 36 61 Rules and regulations regarding recording, indorsing, etc., of mortgages.. 30 W 58 Commissioners: Members of Shipping Board to be called_ Appointment of Compensation of Under appropriation act 1929- Expenses of, to be allowed. Not to engage in other business. Number of. 1 } + 3 3, 4 3 3, 4 4 I 1 I 1 85 4 I 1 1 1 } • J 1 1 1 1 3, 4 3, 4 544 144 Section Page Commissioners-Continued. Qualifications. Removal of __ Appointment of 1 1 } 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 Not to handle matters in which personally interested.. Removal of ____ Shall devote time to duties. Not to have connections with common carriers……. I 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 Not to be pecuniarily interested in shipping company- Supervision of divisions may be assigned to. Salaries__ To have no relation with persons subject to act. To be appointed with regard to efficiency. Terms of. 1 1 1 1 1 To hold over until successors are appointed under mer- chant marine act_ To be selected according to geographical location. Vacancies _ _ Common carriers by rail: 1 Board to investigate effect of rates of, on improvement of rivers, ports, and terminal facilities. Not to give through joint rates at reduced prices un- less persons or property are carried on American vessels_ Interstate Commerce Commission may suspend this provision__. Common carrier by water: Defined__ Duty to accept cargo. Ferryboat not a - 1 Filing of agreements. (See Agreements.) Filing of rates, records, memoranda, etc., by- Not to discriminate I រ J 1 1 1 1 1 Not to influence marine insurance company to dis- criminate__ Not to give deferred rebates- I 1 3 3 3 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ Cɔ + ∞∞∞ 3 3, 4 3 3, 4 3 31 4 31 31 31 3 31 3 31 4 33 3 4 3 31 3 1 3 444 8 35 28 49 28 49 1 1 36 22 1 1 1 21 21 14 1727 16 15 14 12 Not to give undue or unjust advantage or preference_- Not to retaliate against shipper_ 16 15 14 12 Defined_ Not to disclose information detrimental to shipper, etc_ Not to allow lower rates to be obtained by use of unfair devices Not to use a "fighting ship "" Not to subject to unjust prejudice or disadvantage. Ocean tramp not a- Common carrier by water in foreign commerce: Ferryboat not a - Included in term "Common carrier by water" Ocean tramp not a.. (See also Foreign commerce, common carrier by water in.) Common carriers not to give reduced through rates with, unless property or passengers are carried on American vessels__ 20 17 42527 16 15 14 14 1 16 15 1 1 1 To observe reasonable practice in handling, etc., of property-- 17 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28 49 Interstate Commerce Commission may suspend this provision__ 28 49 Construction loan fund (see Merchant marine act 1928, increase of): Created_ Duration of. I 1 Funds for__ INote. 1 1 1 11 37 11 137 11 137 145 Section Page Construction loan fund-Continued. Amount... Terms and conditions. In discretion of board. Security for loans.. I I Principal not covered into Treasury Interest covered into Treasury. Construction of ships: By board, repealed-- By corporation formed by board_ I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 For use as naval auxiliaries, Army transports, repealed_ In navy yards, repealed.. Preference to be given American yards, repealed. Rules to be investigated... President authorized to place orders for- Delegating authority to Emergency Fleet to requisi- tion while under.. May condemn timber for... Contracts for foreign account must be approved. Vessels under construction turned over to board. I 1 1 1 1 Board may complete work begun under emergency shipping act_. Must be in United States. Construction of vessels: Construction loan fund__ 1 Net proceeds covered into Treasury may be used for.. Vessels engaged in foreign commerce exempt from war and excess-profits taxes if reinvested in new tonnage_ Consular Service: Authorized to execute stipulations in suits in foreign countries.. Authorized to enter appearance of United States- Authorized to prosecute appeals, etc.- May claim immunity of public vessels in foreign coun- tries_ May release vessels in foreign countries- 11 1 37 11- 138 11 138 11 138 11 138 11 138 5 6 11 5 6 LO 6 12 10 1 115 119 1 1 130 I 1 F 1 1 13 37 22 4 33 2 30 11 37 == 11 137 14 41 23 47 777 77 222 77 77 77 77 77 Rules and regulations relating to shipping need not be approved by board_ _ _ 19 43 Contracts: Discriminatory, forbidden_ 14 12 May be modified, canceled, suspended, or requisi- tioned__ Compensation to be made for.. 13 115 1 Requisition of, of vessels under construction – For constructing vessels for foreign account during national emergency must be approved.. "Cost-plus" contracts prohibited under housing law Emergency Fleet Corporation must approve housing contracts.. Report to be made to Congress on contracts let under housing law_- 116 119 } 37 22 123 123 1 1 1 123 Entered into under emergency shipping legislation, to be carried out.__ 2 30 Ships and shipping property contracted for turned over to board_ Rights accruing under, under emergency shipping legislation, valid.. 2 30 4 33 Contracts of sale. (See Sale of vessels.) Controlling interest of corporations, agreements to vest in foreigners must be approved.. 37 23 1 Note. 146 Section Page Conveyances. (See Mortgages; Bills of sale; Sale of ves- sels; Recording of mortgages; etc.) Prior declared valid. Conveyances of ships: Recording of._ To be recorded in order of reception_ Indexing requirements. Corporations: Included in term "person" 1 រ J Included in term "citizen of United States" 1 1 1 1 } 1 1 1 一 ​When controlling interest deemed in United States citizens When not deemed citizen of United States. Acquisition of vessels by.. Acquisition of vessels by, repealed. I 1 Assigns, receivers, and trustees of, subject to act_ Capital... Dissolution Disposal of assets, stock, etc., of. Operation of vessels by- Organization of, by board. Powers. Restrictions upon. Restrictions upon, repealed. Stock... 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 } 1 f 1 1 Not to transfer vessels to foreign flag without ap- proval 1 3, 414 79, 72 30 C 51 30 C 30 C O LO 51 51 1 11 11 9 1 1 2296 22 11 5 2 I 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 11 9 5 6 11 T 10 37 Agreements to vest controlling interest in foreigners unlawful_ 37 Not to transfer American documented vessels without approval__ 37 Not to transfer controlling interest to foreigners- Not to transfer controlling interest in vessels, ship- yards, dry docks, terminal facilities, etc., without approval - 37 37 37 37 727 222 223 2222 222 2 2 22 123 2888888 12 30 30 2220 10 Forfeiture for violation. Penalty. Controlling interest of owning vessels engaged in for- eign commerce must be owned by citizens of United States. Seventy-five per cent of interest of, owning vessels in coastwise trade, must be owned by American citizens. When 75 per cent deemed in United States citizens. Cost-plus contracts prohibited under housing law.. Costs: Of shipbuilding, to be investigated... Awarding of, in suits brought under this act_ Petitioner not to be liable for-- 1 1 1 T Costs of construction, to be taken into consideration in sale of vessels__ Sale of vessels, to be taken into consideration in. Under suits in admiralty act_ Vessels not to be sold at less than at time of sale. Counsel: Appointment of_. Employment authorized__ Salaries_ To conduct litigation. To handle cases before board- To conduct investigations - Under appropriation act, 1929- Court of Claims: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 22 LO LO DO LO I I 1 T 1 1 1 Suits under emergency shipping act to be brought in.. Suits under rate emergency act to be brought in.. 5 ww 33 33 3 76 5 76 3 3 3 со сосона сосо 3 31 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 85 3 116 14 123 147 Section Page Court of Claims-Continued. Suits under housing law to be brought in. Persons not satisfied with just compensation awards may bring suit in.. Court procedure, under suits in admiralty act, same as in private suits Court proceedings, board may employ attorneys to conduct_ Crews: On Government vessels authorized to collect salvage__ Suits for 126 1 1 2 30 33 76 31 10 10 2223 78 78 Of foreign vessels under United States control, war risk insurance extended to 128 1 In ocean mail service, one-half to be American citizens. In ocean mail service, after four years two-thirds to be American citizens_. Cross libels, authorized in suits in admiralty act. Customs duties, treaties restricting right to impose dis- criminating, to be terminated__ 405 67 405 67 2 75 . 34 60 D Dangers, cargo vessels carrying passengers shall notify them of 26 48 Death by wrongful act: Seamen given right of action at law with right of trial by jury. 33 60 Acts relating to death of railway employees extended to seamen_ Suits to be in district where defendant resides. On high seas_ 33 ww 333 33 1 888 60 60 81 Decrees: Funds from, to be covered into Treasury to depart- ment's credit__. 11 78 Payment in foreign suits. 8 77 Under suits in admiralty act, may be appealed_ 3 76 6 5 } ww 34 33 +3 14 12 1 14 12 14 12 Deferred payments: Sale of vessels to foreigners, limited to 10 years. Provided for in sale of vessels.. Deferred rebate: Defined__ Giving of, prohibited_ Agreement or understanding to allow, prohibited_ Definitions: In shipping act— "Agreement" "Citizen of the United States" "Common carrier by water" 1 1 "Common carrier by water in foreign commerce "Common carrier by water in interstate com- merce" "Deferred rebate "Documented" “Fighting ship "" 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 } 1 "Other persons subject to this act" "Ocean tramp" "Person" "Vessel" In emergency shipping act- "Material," repealed. Person," repealed. 66 "" repealed_ "Plant," 'Ship "United States" 1 I I 1 1 } 1 I 1 1 T 1 1 I ! 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 15 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 12 1 1 14 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7566 8 116 116 116 116 116 148 } i Section 1 1 1 I . I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 120 120 120 126 126 I 37 61 37 61 37 61 37 37 37 229 61 61 61 703 B 703 A 73 23 74 29 29 29 550 50 50 30 B 50 30 B 50 30 B 50 30 B 50 30 B 50 30 D 51 30 M 56 4 116 118 1 I 1 1 92 120 1 35 60 131 95 1 17 15 Definitions-Continued. In rate emergency act- "Charter" "Person" "United States" In housing act- "Person" 'Shipyard" I } 1 In merchant marine act- "Person" "Vessel" I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 } 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 "Documented under laws of the United States" "Citizen of the United States" "Board" "Alien In merchant marine act 1928- "Citizen of United States' "Foreign Trade" In marine insurance act- "Association" "" "Marine insurance companies" In ship mortgage act- "Document" "Documented"_ "Port of documentation" "Vessel of the United States Mortgagee". "Preferred mortgage" "Preferred maritime lien" Delegation of power: Under emergency shipping act. - 1 1 T 1 I 1 I [ I F I ו ו ו י ן זיו 1 1 } } 1 1 1 Under act taking over transportation facilities around shipyards.. Under act seizing German vessels Under rate emergency act__ Board may delegate authority under merchant marine act to Emergency Fleet Corporation_ Under act authorizing sale of plants and materials. Under act taking over German port facilities_ Delivering of property, practices connected with, to be just and reasonable Department of Commerce, Secretary of, authorized to mitigate or remit fines for failure to notify passengers of dangers aboard cargo vessels. Department of Justice. (See Attorney General.) Departments (see Government departments; Government agencies; name of executive departments): Rules and regulations relating to shipping must be approved by board... Depreciation, allowed on vessels sold at usual rates__ Destroying reports, records, rates, memoranda, etc_ Penalty for Detail of naval, military, and other officers to board_ Disadvantage, subjecting to undue or unreasonable_ Penalty for Discharging of vessels: 1 1 1 President may make rules and regulations regarding, repealed... Eight-hour laws suspended in connection with. Disclosure of information about shipments forbidden. T I 1 1 I I ,:, 1 26 48 19 43 5 33, 34 21 17 21 17 4 5 16 15 32 21 7 121 130 20 17 149 Section Page Discriminations: As to cargo space accommodations.. Based on volume of freight offered- By false billing, etc. By foreign governments. By giving undue advantage, etc_ By marine insurance companies In adjustment of claims.- In handling of freight.- 14 14 12 1 16 15 } 223 12 26 19 I 1 16 15 1 1 16 15 1 1 1 14 12 14 12 1 Of every kind prohibited_ 1 I 14 12 Discriminatory contracts with shippers forbidden.. 14 12 Discrimination, methods by way of retaliation prohibited_ 14 12 Dispatching of vessels, may prescribe rates, terms, and con- ditions for, during war. 12 120 Disposition of houses, acquired under housing law, author- ized 16 42 Disposition of ships, board to develop merchant marine in__ Dissolution: Of corporations organized by board. Disposal of stock and assets at time of District attorneys, service on, under suits in admiralty act_ District courts: Enforcement of orders of board in. Timber condemnation proceeding to be brought in.. To have jurisdiction of offenses under ship mortgage act To have jurisdiction of suits under suits in admiralty act__ To have exclusive jurisdiction of foreclosure of mort- gage maritime liens. Divisions of board, supervision of, may be assigned to com- missioners_ Dock facilities (see also Dry docks), furnishers of, included in term "Other persons subject to this act" Docks: German port facilities turned over to board. Sale of, prohibited German, seizure of__ Hoboken piers - - At Charleston, S. C.. At Norfolk, Va__ Insurance of.. Investigation of, necessity for…_ Under War or Navy Department may be turned over to board by President. Sale of, prohibited__. Dock yard included in term "Plant," repealed- Dock yards, sale of, authorized__ Document, term in ship mortgage act to include registry, enrollment, and license.. Documentation, port of, in ship mortgage act means port at which vessel is documented, etc. Port of, means home port_ 1 30 11 9 11 9 2 75 29 20 130 1 30 J 54 2 75 30 K 55 3 31 1 1 17 42 111 I I !! 17 42 95 104 105 t 107 I 10 1 I J 1 1000 136 8 35 17 17 77∞ 42 42 8 116 1 13 41 30 B 50 30 B 50 4 80 Documented: Definition of term.. 1 1 No American-built vessel to depart until.. 37 22 Vessels to be considered, until registry, enrollment, or license is canceled__ 42 25 Vessels to be considered, until registry, enrollment, or license is canceled with approval of board under ship mortgage act__ 30 B 50 Term in ship mortgage act means registered enrolled or licensed, etc.. 30 B 50 I Note. 150 Documented under laws of United States, defined in mer- chant marine act__. Remodeled vessels must remain, for at least 5 years-- Documented vessels: Termed "vessels of the United States" in ship mort- gage act. Transfer of, to foreigners must be approved by board.. Common carriers not to give through reduced rates with common carriers by water in foreign commerce unless property or passengers are carried in Ameri- can documented vessels- Coastwise trade via foreign ports limited to- American mails to be carried on. American exempt from war and excess-profits tax when engaged in foreign commerce. - Proceeds from sales of, exempt.. Cargo vessels may carry 16 passengers. Documents: Indorsements to be made on in order to acquire status of preferred mortgage- 1 Section Page 37 61 202 63 30 B 50 9 7 222 28 27 24 874 336 23 26 222 23 49 49 47 47 47 48 30 D 51 Mortgages to be indorsed on, by collector of customs Indorsements to be made at port of documentation__ May be made at any port on instructions from port 30 D 51 30 D 51 of documentation__. 30 D Vessel not to clear until indorsements are made. New document to receive like indorsement. Covered by preferred mortgage not to be surrendered 30 D 30 D 555 51 51 51 without approval of board... 30 O 56 Board to refuse surrender unless mortgagee consents-- Commerce Department to furnish blank copies of, to collectors of customs.. 30 O 56 30 O 56 Preferred mortgages to be indorsed on 30 D 51 Domestic commerce: Board to establish new routes for development of _ Merchant marine necessary for... Domestic markets, board to establish new routes to--- Domestic prices, to be taken into consideration in sale of vessels 717 ** 34 30 34 сл 5 33 Domestic vessels: Furnishing of supplies, necessaries, etc., to, to con- stitute maritime lien___ 30 P 57 Persons authorized to create_ 30 P 57 Dry docks (see Docks): Included in term "plant," repealed- 8 116 must be approved.. May requisition or lease during war. Transfer of, to foreigners during national emergency To be operated as President may direct during war Executive order delegating authority to board. May prescribe rates, terms, and conditions for use dur- ing war- Priority in use of, during war. Condemnation of timber to build. 8-hour laws, Executive order suspending, in operating vessels during war. Insurance of _ - - - Lien for use of, may be waived. Sale of, authorized. Use of, constitute maritime lien_ Persons who may create lien... 1 Note. 1 37 22 13 123 15 123 119, 120 [ 12 122 [ 1 F 12 122 1 1 130 1 1 130 10 136 1 30 S 58 I 13 41 1 30 P 57 1 1 30 P 57 151 Section Page E Electrically propelled vessels, charter of, of 250 tons or over, must be approved during war. Emergency: Existence of, to be proclaimed by President__ Transfer of vessels during___ 1 1 J Proclamations declaring, in water transportation.. President to issue proclamation when emergency ends. Emergency Fleet Corporation (see also Corporations): Authorizing creation of.. Expenditure of money turned over to Executive order delegating authority to, under original emergency shipping act_ Executive orders delegating authority to, under act taking over transportation facilities around ship- yards... Authorizing, to provide houses for shipyard employees. Authorizing, to condemn or purchase timber. Authorized to arbitrate, compromise, settle, etc., claims under suits in admiralty act__. Board may delegate authority under merchant ma- rine act to-- Continued in existence until vessels are sold. Operating capital not covered into Treasury. 1 Private vessels immune from arrest or seizure for acts committed in service of Suits in personam in admiralty authorized.. Public vessels and cargo owned or possessed by, im- mune from arrest or seizure.. 124 CU CU 37 22 37 22 26, 27 43 25 11 9 4 116 119 119 f 1 J 1 1 1 1 f , 1 126 130 9 78 35 12 14 554 60 40 41 · 42 76 75 75 Name changed (see footnote to appropriations act, 1929) 85 Emergency fleet housing law (see Housing law): Repeal of.. 16 42 Funds may be expended for repairs, completion, etc., notwithstanding repeal. 16 Sale of, authorized.. 16 42 225 42 Emergency rate act: Repeal of 1 | Penalties under, not affected by repeal.. Emergency shipping act: Board to settle claims arising under.. Board may complete construction work begun under. Contracts and rights under, to be carried out.. Penalties under, not affected by repeal.. Repeal of Ships and shipping property acquired under, turned over to board. Emergency shipping funds (see Compilation of appropria- tion acts, printed separately), Executive order dele- gating authority to spend various funds appro- priated Net proceeds to be covered into Treasury for con- structing, requisitioning, or building vessels__ Emergency shipping legislation: Board to settle claims arising under.. Contracts and rights under, to be carried out. Penalties under, not affected by repeal_ Repeal of.. Repeal of housing law. 1 I 1 Vessels and property acquired under, turned over to board.. Enemy port facilities: Turned over to board. Sale of, prohibited…. 1 1 22 30 30 1 1 J NNNNN 2 30 2 30 30 2 30 2 4 30 T 33 222NO 1 } } 119 14 41 30 30 30 30 16 42 4 33 17 17 223 42 42 152 Section Page 1 Enemy vessels: Seizure of Turned over to board. Turned over to board_ Enforcement: Of subpoena Of orders of board.. 1 1 T 1 T 1. 1 I I 1 1 1 Findings of board as evidence in suits for. Of orders for payment of money.. Of orders other than for payment of money Suits for.. Use of injunctions in, of orders__ Enrolled (see Documented): · 1 1 1 1 I | I 1 1 T 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 J Term "documented" to include in ship mortgage act.. Enrolled vessels: Included in documented. 27 29, 30 29 30 29 29 29 2233 92 92 2222222 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 B 50 1 1 Proclamation regulating transfer of, to foreign fag.. Enrollment, vessels to be considered documented until en- rollment is canceled by board___. 26, 27 42 25 Enrollment, term "document” to include in ship mortgage act 30 B 50 Equal privileges for American vessels. 26 19 92 7 } == 34 Evidence: Findings of board as. 30 2 22202080 77 7 77 4 1 រ 1 4 LO LO 1 22 23 23 ww 47 47 Equipment of vessels, board authorized to equip and repair German vessels.. Established lines, preference to, on new routes____ Report of board of survey to be competent. Requirements for paying judgments under suits in admiralty act__ Examiners: Excepted from civil service. - Salaries__ Excess-profits tax: Vessels engaged in foreign commerce exempt from_.. Proceeds from sale exempt from___. Executive departments. departments.) Executive orders: (See Departments; Government Delegating to Shipping Board and Emergency Fleet Corporation authority under original emergency shipping act_ Transferring German vessels to Shipping Board. Delegating authority to board and Emergency Fleet various appropriation acts-- Delegating to board powers relating to ocean freight rates and terminal charges__ Delegating authority under act taking over transpor- tation facilities around shipyards_- Suspending eight-hour laws in connection with opera- tion of vessels. 119 1 92 1 I 119, 120 125 1 1 1 119 f 130 To be issued extending period when coastwise laws shall extend over insular possessions. 21 46 Transferring portion of Army supply base at Charles- ton, S. C Transferring portion of Army supply base at Nor- folk, Va.. Existing amendments. (See Agreements.) Giving Panama Railroad Steamship Co. right to use Hoboken piers- 103 1 1 105 107 1 1 153 Section Page Expediting construction: Taking over plants for, authorized__ Appropriation for……. May pay bonuses under housing law. I 1 1 Į | 1 F Expenses (see Separate compilation of appropriation acts): Traveling, of board.. Appropriation for. Of employees _ _ Expenditures: Board to report to Congress_ 1 To make report on, under housing law. For repairing or completing houses, authorized. 1 J Net proceeds, after paying, to be covered into Treas- ury to board's credit.. Experts, excepted from civil service.. Export rates, common carriers not to give reduced through export rates with common carriers by water unless prop- erty or passengers are carried on American vessels.. False: Billing- Classification_ Weighing.. T Report of weight_ 1 1 F Obtaining lower rates by use of. Penalty- Reports, rates, memoranda, etc__ 1 1 1 1 1 Fares, common carriers not to give reduced through rates with common carriers by water unless property or pas- sengers are carried on American vessels Fares must be just and reasonable (see Rates) Fees: Of witnesses before board. Of persons acting under direction of board.. Ferryboats, not subject to shipping act... Fighting ship: Defined - Agreements for use of, unlawful_ Use of, forbidden.. 1 1 1 1 Companies discriminating against American vessels by use of fighting ships between foreign ports to be denied entrance into United States ports.. Finances, funds may be expended for repairing or com- pleting houses_. Findings of board, to be prima facie evidence. Fire insurance on vessels purchased from board_ Foreign ports: 1 Coastwise trade via, limited to American vessels-- Merchandise transported from continental United States on through routes excepted_ Foreign registry (see also Foreign interest): Transfer of vessels to-- 1 1 1 1 T ן t 1 115 11 116 126 35 A CA 4 22 4 or Nor 5 5 12 10 126 16 42 16 42 4 5 28 49 16 15 16 15 16 15 16 15 16 15 32 21 21 21 17 28 18 со со 22 27 27 771 99999 49 16 22 20 20 14 12 14 12 14 12 222 15 14 16 42 30 9 280 20 36 27 49 27 49 9, 37 7, 22 I 23, 27 1 1 128 22 46 Vessels sold by board subject to restrictions of sec. 9 of shipping act.. 5 33 Foreign rules and regulations, board shall make rules and regulations to meet unfavorable conditions created by--- Foreign suits: Procedure for handling- Payment of judgments and awards... 19 43 1 со со 8 8 2223 77 77 Proclamations regulating transfer of vessels to.. Vessels of, to engage in United States coastwise trade. Repeal of act authorizing vessels of, to engage in coast- wise trade.. 154 Section Page Foreign trade: Board to establish new routes for development of---- Foreign cargo vessels engaged in, authorized to carry 16 passengers- Investigation of ports, rivers, and terminal facilities in respect to_. 7 34 26 48 8 35 Net earnings of vessels engaged in, exempt from in- come tax 23 Proceeds from sale exempt from.. 23 ww 47 47 Rules and regulations to govern shipping in- 19 43 Foreign vessels: Admission to American registry- Authorizing to engage in coastwise trade_ _ United States citizens not to charter, unless terms are approved.. Charter and rates of, must be approved To be insured by War Risk Insurance Bureau when under United States control_. Board authorized to issue permits to carry passengers from Hawaii to United States__ Cargo vessels authorized to carry 16 passengers if same privilege is extended to American vessels_ Coastwise trade, repeal of act authorizing, to engage in__. Foreign-built vessels, repeal of act authorizing, to engage in coastwise trade___ 9 7 128 1 10 122 124 President may extend provisions of rate law to, re- pealed__ Co 8 121 128 22 46 26 .48 22 46 22 46 Foreign-built domestic-owned vessels may continue to engage in coastwise trade_ 22 46 Furnishing of supplies, necessaries, etc., to constitute maritime lien_ 30 P 57 Persons authorized to create_. 30 P 57 Rules and regulations to meet unfavorable conditions created by 19 43 Foreigners: Vessels sold or mortgaged to, must be approved.. Proclamations regulating transfer of vessels to- Board to approve transfer of rights under vessels mortgaged to--- Admiralty courts not to sell vessels of United States to, without approval of board.. 37 22 26, 27 30 O 56 30 O 56 Rules and regulations to meet unfavorable shipping conditions created by- 19 43 Sale of vessels to, authorized. May bring suit_ Forfeitures: To be prosecuted in same court as custom forfeitures__ Conviction in criminal court to constitute prima facie evidence in forfeiture proceedings.. Forfeiture of vessels, mortgage maritime lien given priority over forfeiture proceeding under the customs or naviga- tion laws. 6 34 1 1 5 84 38 24 39 24 30 O 56 Forwarding, persons engaged in, included in term "other persons subject to this act" 1 1 Franchises, to acquire street-railroad_ 1 119 Freight: Investigation of facilities for handling at water termi- nals. Sale of vessels, to be taken into consideration in Vessels may carry in ocean mail service 8 35 5 33 411 70 155 Section Page Freight rates (see also Rates): Act conferring authority to prescribe, during war- Executive order delegating powers relating to- Emergency act, repeal of 6 121 1 125 2 30 1 Freight traffic, agreements limiting or regulating, must be filed_ 14 Construction loan fund___ Funds: May be expended for repairing or completing houses-- Moneys collected from judgments to be covered into Treasury to department's credit. Net proceeds to be covered into Treasury for con- structing, requisitioning, or purchasing of vessels___ General average: G 11 37 16 42 1 11 78 14 41 Maritime lien for, made preferred maritiine lien. Maritime lien for, may be created after execution of mortgage but before same is recorded_. 30 M 56 30 F 53 German port facilities: Turned over to board. 17 42 Sale of, prohibited__. 17 42 President may transfer back to War or Navy Depart- ment_ 17 42 Sale of prohibited_. 17 42 I 95 1 1 95 t I 1 1 1 T 1 1 95 95 95 95 1 1 * 92 I T T 92 Act taking over- President authorized to take title to- Just compensation for.. Title to vest in United States. Proclamation taking over. Proclamation fixing just compensation_ German vessels: Seizure of. Turned over to board. Miscellaneous orders transferring to board.. In Virgin Islands excepted__ Operating and equipping- Board of survey to be appointed for. 1 Report of, to be considered as competent legal evidence.. Valuation_ Turned over to board. Sale of, authorized. 1 T 1 1 1 1 I I I J Government agents, disclosure of information to.. Government departments (see Government agencies): American Bureau of Shipping to be recognized by- Authorized to arbitrate, compromise, settle, etc., claims under suits in admiralty act_-- Reports of arbitration, settlement, etc., of claims under suits in admiralty act, to be made by- 1 I 92, 93 92 1 1 12 2245 1 1 92 92 92 92 33 T 4, 5 33 20 17 25 48 9 78 12 78 Rules and regulations relating to shipping must be ap- proved by board.. 19 43 Vessels required for use of, not turned over to board.. 4 33 Government funds: Board may withdraw invested funds.. To be covered into Treasury as miscellaneous re- ceipts_ Government officials, transportation of.. Government vessels: American Bureau of Shipping to classify and survey.. Authorized to collect salvage_ Suits for salvage_ 14 41 601 1 799 14 41 72 25 10 ~A 48 78 10 78 156 Section Page I Government vessels-Continued. Awards to be covered into Treasury to department's credit_ War Department not to pay charter hire for, during fiscal year ending June 30, 1919. Steamboat-inspection laws extended to. Suits against.__ I 1 Great Lakes, common carriers on, subject to act. H Hamburg-American Line Terminal & Navigation Co.: Port facilities of, turned over to board. Sale of, prohibited. Act taking over port facilities of Proclamation taking title to…. Proclamation fixing just compensation for Handling of property: Hearing, necessity of full__ 111 111 I 1 1 1 1 1 } 111 1 10 78 15 42 114 75 1 1 17 17 23 42 42 95 1 t 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 រ 95 95 23 18 Rules and practices connected with, to be reasonable.- Harbor facilities, investigation of necessity for improve- ment_ 17 15 00 LO 8 35 Harbors, vessels engaged in improving exempt from mer- chant marine act, 1920- 4 33 Harter Act, public vessels entitled to benefits of 6 7'7 Hawaii, board authorized to issue permits to foreign vessels to carry passengers from, to United States. 22 High seas, what included in__. Highway transportation, investigation to coordinate water and rail transportation with_ Hoboken Piers.. Home port: Furnishing of supplies, necessaries, etc., to vessel in, to constitute maritime lien.. Persons authorized to create. In United States, to be fixed by owner of vessels. Vessels' documents to show Home port bill. Hours-of-service acts, Executive order suspending in con- nection with operating vessels during war_ Houses, to construct for shipyard employees_ Housing law: Authorizing Emergency Fleet Corporation to provide houses for shipyard workers__ Purchase, requisition, or lease land.. Build houses and sell same. Purchase or requisition houses. Make loans to persons providing houses. May take immediate possession of property taken Powers under act to cease on proclamation of peace- Premiums and bonuses authorized. Must make just compensation for property Terms defined Cost-plus contracts prohibited_ Expenditures authorized_ Report to be made to Congress- May condemn timber for building. Repeal of } 1 taken. I Expenditures may be made for repairs, completion, etc., notwithstanding repeal of act__ Sale of houses, etc., authorized__ Hypothecation, transferee must file declaration as to citizenship, etc., with collector of customs. 27 46 1 8 35 103 1 30 P 57 1 T 30 P 57 79 · } 1 1 1 1 1 1 I t 1 } 1 1 1 1 [ Sec. 1, 79 79 1 130 126 } 126 126, 127 1 1 1111111 1 } 1 1 126, 127 126, 127 126, 127 11 1 1 1 1 Į I I. I [ 126, 127 128 I 127 128 1 130 T 16 42 16 42 16 42 225 40 24 126, 127 126, 127 128 126, 127 157 Section Page I Immunity from suit (see Suits in admiralty): Shipping Board vessels not immune_ 9 Shipping Board vessels immune from arrest or seizure_ Private vessels immune from arrest for acts committed in Government service_ 1 जैन 75 4 76 Public vessels immune from arrest or seizure in foreign countries. 7 77 Not precluded from claiming in foreign countries by suit in admiralty act___ Import rates, common carriers not given reduced through import rates with common carriers by water, property or passengers are carried on American vessels.. Importers, war-risk insurance extended to property of on foreign vessels under United States control__. Income taxes: Vessels engaged in foreign commerce exempt from for 10 years-- Proceeds from sale exempt from.. Indorsements: On ships' documents of mortgages, etc. Vessel not to clear until made... Information: Detrimental to shipper, etc., not to be disclosed.. May be given to Government agents... May be given under legal process_ Injunction, may be used by courts in enforcing orders of board_ Inland navigation, rate emergency act not to apply to. Inland waterways, vessels engaged in improving, exempt from merchant marine act, 1920. Insular possessions: Coastwise laws extended to after Feb. 1, 1922. President may extend time for taking effect. Board directed to establish adequate steamship serv- ice with__. Coastwise laws not to extend to Philippines until President declares there is adequate steamship service __ Philippines authorized to make rules and regulations governing shipping until vessels are admitted to American registry- 7 77 28 49 128 2233 47 47 30 D 51 30 D 51 1 1 T 1 2220 17 17 17 29 20 15 123 4 30 22 21 46 21 46 1 21 46 21 46 21 46 Common carriers not to give reduced through rates with common carriers plying to or from insular pos- sessions unless property of passengers are carried on American vessels. 28 49 Insurance: Influencing companies to discriminate. Penalty for.. Investigation of.. War risk, extended to foreign vessels under United States control__ Funds from, to be covered into Treasury to credit of…._ Board authorized to create fund and insure its vessels. One vessel sold by board protective and indemnity Marine associations, exempt from antitrust laws__ By United States Shipping Board... Insurance fund: Board authorized to establish. Not covered into Treasury. All hazards covered by policies.--. I Note. 46209°—29————11 16 15 1 1 32 21 រ 12 10 128 | 1 11 78 10 36 9 36 29 1 220 50 10 36, 137 10 1 1 14 1 36 41 1 9, 11 36, 37 158 Section Page Interest: Rate to be charged on purchase price of vessels sold to aliens... On purchase price of vessels_ On preferred mortgages__ May be included in judgments under suits in admiralty act___ Interstate commerce: Voyages on Great Lakes included in Common carriers by water in, defined.. 1 1 1 Board may prescribe just and reasonable rates, classi- fications, regulation, etc.. Disclosing information about shipment by. Duty to accept cargo- Included in term " common carrier by water" Increase of rates, fares, etc., by. Issuance of tickets, bills of lading, etc., by. Filing of maximum rates, fares, and charges by 1 1 1 1 Not to allow lower rates to be obtained by use of unfair devices, etc._. Not to discriminate between shippers_ Not to give deferred rebates.. Not to give undue preference or advantage. 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 Not to influence marine insurance companies to dis- criminate.. Not to retaliate against any shipper- 1 6 34 5 33 30 H 53 3 76 1 1 1 1 18 20 1 J 1 16 17 1 18 16 18 16 18 16 16 15 14 12 14 12 I 16 15 16 15 14 12 16 15 14 12 18 16 18 16 Rates reduced to drive out competitor_ Sections with application to, Nos. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 19 17 To establish just and reasonable rates, classifications, etc. 18 16 Not to subject to undue prejudice or disadvantage__ Not to use "fighting ships" Practices connected with carrying of baggage Practices connected with receiving, handling, etc., of property Interstate commerce act: Common carriers subject to, not to give through re- duced rates with common carriers by water unless property or passengers are carried on American vessels Interstate Commerce Commission may suspend this provision- Schedules to be filed by carriers_ Schedules of vessel rates. Publications of changes- Notice of and filing of claim under. (See Bills of lading.) Interstate Commerce Commission: דין 1 I 1 Venue and procedure for enforcement of orders of board to be same as- Jurisdiction of, not to be encroached upon…. Executive order not to withdraw power from. I 1 1 1 1 Board to report effect of rates of common carriers by rail on improvement of rivers, ports, and terminal facilities to__ Common carriers not to give through reduced rates with common carriers by water engaged in foreign commerce unless property or passengers are carried on American vessels. Commission may suspend this provision.. Board to investigate effect of rates of common carriers subject to on improvement of port facilities__. E I 1 28 49 28 49 90 I T 1 1 1 1 90 1 1 339 90 89 31 33 21 21 125 1 8 35 22 28 28 8888 49 49 8 35 159 Interstate Commerce Commission-Continued. Merchandise, transported between points in continen- tal United States over Canadian rail lines, tariffs of which are filed with Interstate Commerce Commis- sion may be transported by foreign vessels ____ Interurban railroads: Authorized to take over around shipyards-- Proclamation delegating authority to take from. Sale of, authorized- Intrastate commerce, act not to apply to- Invalidity of acts: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 រ Section Page 27 49 1 120 117 13 41 33 21 If part of shipping act declared únconstitutional, not to affect remainder. _ 17 124 If part of merchant marine act declared invalid, not to affect remainder of act 36 61 Investigations: Cost of shipbuilding- 12 10 Discriminations by foreign governments Marine insurance. 26 19 I Mortgage loans_ Power to subpoena in conducting. 1111 I I I 1 12 10 12 10 1 27 20 Results of, to be reported to Congress- 12 10 Reports of, to be published_ 24 19 Violations of act.. 22 18 Board to conduct investigation of water-borne com- merce with respect to territorial regions and zones_. Appointment of attorneys for conducting-- Routes, investigations regarding establishment of May employ attorneys for.. ∞373 8 35 3 34 31 Investments: Board may withdraw_ 14 To be covered into Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. Board may withdraw and cover into Treasury. Island possessions. (See Insular possessions; Philippine Islands, etc.) 14 14 444 41 41 41 Island territories, coastwise laws extended to--- 21 46 J Joinder of parties, in suits to enforce orders_ 30 20 Joint rates, common carriers by rail not to make joint re- duced rates with common carriers by water unless prop- erty carried in American vessels- 28 49 Judgments: In suits for enforcement of orders.... 30 20 May be entered against a particular defendant__ 30 20 Funds from, to be covered into Treasury to depart- ment's credit__ 11 Interest may be included in, rendered under suits in admiralty act.. Payment in foreign suits_ ∞∞ 3 8 22 0 of 78 76 77 Jurisdiction of board, not to conflict with Interstate Com- merce Commission_ 33 21 Just compensation (see Compensation): For German port facilities. Proclamation fixing for German port facilities_ To make in settling matters under emergency ship- ping legislation. - Jury trials: Seaman given right in personal injury cases.. Seaman given right to, in death by wrongful act... Suits to be in district where defendant resides.. 95 1 1 95 1 2 30 1 www 33 33 33 8880 60 60 60 160 Section Page Land: L Condemnation of, for timber. Sale of, after timber cut.-- T 1 I To purchase or requisition for housing shipyard em- ployees. To acquire for plants- Sale of, authorized_ Landing of freight, discrimination in matter of, unlawful_ - Lawyers: Appointment of__ Employment authorized. Salaries__ To conduct litigation_ 1 Salaries, under appropriation act 1929. To handle cases before board. To conduct investigations__ Leasing: - 11 Lands for housing for shipyard employees- Houses for shipyard employees.. T 1 Dry docks, wharves, terminal facilities, etc., during war Immediate possession may be taken of property. Power to cease on proclamation of peace.. Leasing of vessels: Admission to American registry. By the board, repealed. By corporation formed by board. Competitive offering for, required_ From the board, repealed__ From corporation formed by board_ Liability of vessels leased.. 1 1 1 I Public notice to be given by board of. Proceeds of, to be covered into Treasury. Proceeds of, permanently appropriated_ Registry of vessels leased.. Restriction upon, repealed……. I ! 1 1 1 1 1 [ I Subject to laws governing merchant vessels_ . I I I I 1 Taking for military or naval purpose vessels leased___ Vessels leased from board may engage in coastwise trade__ Enemy vessels from board__ German vessels_ Austrian vessels_. 1 1 1 T To foreign interest, during emergency, must be approved ___ Board to develop merchant marine, by Of vessels authorized___. Legal process, disclosure of information on_. Legal service, employment authorized____ Liability: 1 | 1 1 Limit that may be incurred under sections 5 and 11 Shipping Board vessels subject to all liabilities of private vessels.. To holder of bill of lading- Of carrier issuing bill of lading Limitation of_ For full loss. Licensed vessels: [ 111 1 1 1 | I [ 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 [ 1 [ { } To be considered documented until licenses is can- celed__ Included in "documented” Proclamation regulating transfer to foreign flag. 1 I I I 1 1 11.34 13 14 130 131 126 120 41 12 3 3 31 4 ∞ BH B 3 100 00 1 ကာ 85 3 3 1.26 1 1 126 13 123 13 123 126 9 7 5 6 11 9 11 10 11 9 9 11 9 13 11 13 11 9 7 5 9 10 9 CocoBEE I 37 2-22~ 12 1 T 679 92 92 92 7222 2892 = 11 30 40 20 17 3 31 + · 13 9 88 88 88 89 1 78 42 25 1 1 26, 27 161 Section Page License (see Documented): Term "document" to include in ship mortgage act_ - - Term "documented" to include in ship mortgage act__ Liens (see Maritime liens), to secure construction loan funds Liens, common law: Marshal may take mortgaged vessel out of possession of holder of.. Mortgages given priority over. Preferred maritime liens given priority over To be liquidated on sale of vessel. Against public vessels____ } Life-saving equipment, cargo vessels carrying passengers not exempt from laws relating to--- 30 B 50 30 B 50 11 37 30 B 50 30 M 56 30 M 56 30 M 56 8 84 26 48 Lighterage facilities: Priority in use of, during war. 12 122 May prescribe rates, terms, and conditions for use of, during war. 12 122 President may make rules and regulations regarding, during war, repealed___ 7 121 Limitations of liability act, public vessels entitled to bene- fits of__ Lines, board to establish_ List of merchant vessels, American Bureau of Shipping, vessels classified by, to be indicated in_ Litigation: Board authorized to conduct_ Board may conduct.. Loading freight, discriminations between shippers in matter of, prohibited. - Loading of vessels: President may make rules and regulations regarding, repealed__ Eight-hour laws suspended in connection with. Loans: Authorized to be made to those constructing ships, etc____ To person providing houses for shipyard employees___ Time limit_ - Under merchant marine act, 1920, as amended. Payment of, installment intervals. Interest rate__ Coastwise trade- Foreign trade_ Condition of Under merchant marine act, 1920, as amended.. Condemnation of Logs: Sale Purchase_- Lumber: Purchase of.. Condemnations. Sale of --- I 1 1 1 I I I 1 T I 1 I 1 I } 1 67 77 34 25 48 3 31 3 31 1 14 12 7 121 130 === I 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 T 1 1 1 I } I 1 1 1 1 115 126, 127 11 138 11 138 11 138 11 138 11 139 11 40 130 130 130 I 130 130 1 1 130 1 M Mails: To be carried on American vessels. Contract not to be sublet to foreigners_ Board and Postmaster General to fix compensation for carrying-- Postmaster General authorized to make contracts for carrying on American vessels _ _ (See Ocean mail service; Airplanes; Airships). 1 Note. 24 24 ++ 47 47 24 47 24 47 409 (c) 70 162 Section Page Management of vessels: Authority delegated to board to manage. May redelegate to its corporations_ By board... By charterers authorized_ Managing owner may create maritime lien on vessel. Manning of German vessels - - . Marine insurance (see also War-risk insurance): Purchaser of vessels to provide.. Associations engaged in, defined.. Marine insurance companies engaged in, defined. Exempt from antitrust laws_ Marine insurance companies, defined_. Marine railways: Included within term "plant" Order delegating authority to board to regulate_ Sale of, authorized_ Use of, constitute maritime lien- Person authorized to create__. 1 i 1 } 119 119 ! 12 40 1 1 1 1 12 40 30 P 57 1 I 92 1 9 } 1 1 1 1 29 29 29 1 1 29 I *88*6 36 50 50 50 50 | 1 8 116 120 13 41 30 P 57 30 P 57 Lien for use of, may be waived- 30 S 58 Maritime liens: General average lien may be created after execution of mortgage, but before same is recorded. 30 F 53 Mortgage maritime liens given priority over forfeiture proceedings. 30 M 56 Preferred to include- Liens prior to mortgage. Tort liens Stevedores' liens. Seamen's liens_ General average. Salvage_ Salvage liens may be created after execution of mort- gage, but before same is recorded.. 1 1 1 I 11 I 1 30 M 56 30 M 56 30 M 56 30 M 56 30 M 56 1 30 M 56 30 F 53 Seamen's liens may be created after execution of mort- gage, but before same is recorded. 30 F 53 Stevedores' liens may be created after execution of mortgage, but before same is recorded_ 30 F 53 Lien act 30 P 57 Repairs Supplies- Towage Dry docks.. Marine railway- For necessaries, supplies, etc., in home port. Not necessary to prove credit given to vessel. Person authorized to create__ Charterer's agent may create_ - Owner pro hac vice may create_ Agreed purchaser in possession of vessel may create__ Parties not authorized to bind vessel not to create___ I 1 I 1 } 1 30 P 57 30 P 57 30 P 57 30 P 57 30 P 57 30 P 57 30 P 57 30 P 57 30 O 56 30 R 58 30 R 58 30 R 58 Preferred status of, may be waived. 30 S 58 Priorities between unaffected _ _ 30 S 58 State statutes conferring liens for repairs, necessaries, etc., superseded_ 30 T Mortgagor to disclose liens on vessels_ 30 F 8893393 58 53 Liens not to be created after execution of mortgage, but before same is recorded. 30 F 53 1 Exceptions Recording of liens.. Certificate of discharge. Acknowledgment before recording- 30 F 53 1 30 G 53 1 1 30 G 53 I 30 G 53 163 Section Page Maritine liens-Continued. Collector of customs to furnish copies of certificate of recorded liens- Fees for Documents of vessel to be exhibited to parties who may acquire liens against vessel. Penalties Preferred mortgage to constitute maritime lien.. Mortgage maritime liens to be enforced in admiralty__ Foreclosure of preferred mortgages_ Preferred maritime lien created, Defined_ 1 Liens and encumbrances to be liquidated on sale of vessel by admiralty court_. Preferred mortgages. 1 Action in personam against preferred mortgagor. Sale of vessel by suit enforce maritime lien to pass title clear of all claims_ - Commerce Department to furnish blanks, etc., for re- cording, etc... 1 1 30 M 30 I 30 I 54 54 30 E 30 K 30 K 30 K 30 K 30 M LO LO LO LO LO LO LO 52 55 55 55 55 56 CO CO 56 30 M 56 30 M 56 30 N 56 30 O 56 30 U 58 Commerce Department to make rule and regulations for recording, etc---- 30 W 58 Prior Federal lien act repealed.. 30 X 58 Lien act to be construed as reenactment of prior acts_ Markets, board to establish new route to- 30 X 58 7 34 Market prices, present, to be taken into consideration in sale of vessels.. 5 33 Marking property, practices connected with, must be just and reasonable_. 18 16 Marshal, may take possession of mortgaged vessel while in hands of common-law lienor__ Masters of vessels: War-risk insurance extended to those of foreign vessels under United States control_ May create maritime lien on vessel 30 L 56 128 1 30 P 57 1 Penalty for failure to exhibit vessel's documents, etc. - Required to exhibit documents of vessel. 30 J 54 30 E 52 Materials: Definition of term Requisition of, authorized. Placing of orders for, authorized. Delegating authority to Emergency Fleet to requisi- tion__ Board and fleet authorized to dispose of __ Insurance of__ Sale of, authorized Maximum rates, board may prescribe_-- Memoranda: Board may require filing of Falsifying, altering, etc., of those filed.. Members of board. (See Commissioners and Shipping Board.) Merchandise: Carriage of, in coastwise trade via foreign port limited to vessels. 7 116 1 1 1 1 1 115 1 I 115 119 1 I 1 1 1 J 131 I T 10 136 13 41 1 I 1 18 16 1 1 1 223 21 17 21 17 27 49 Merchandise transported from continental United States on through rates excepted.. 27 49 Merchant marine: - Declaring policy of doing whatever necessary to de- velop 1 Declaring policy of having it owned by private citizens Vessels not necessary for development of, may be sold to aliens.. 1 3383 30 30 6 34 Note. 164 Section Page 39 62 35 60 36 61 1 63 201 63 202 63 203 63 11 37 402 66 408 69 409 69 601 72 701 73 702 73 705 74 301 64 401 66 403 67 404 67 405 67 406 68 410 70 411 70 411 70 411 70 412 70, 71 413 71 414 71 10 36 703 73, 74 704 74 25 48 4 5 4 5 27 20 14 1 30 4 10 4 33 11 9 Merchant marine act, 1920: Act to be cited as-- Board may delegate authority under, to Emergency Fleet Corporation _ _ If part declared unconstitutional not to affect re- mainder... Merchant marine act, 1928: Declaration of policy Sales by board.. 1 1 1 1 Remodeling and improving- Replacements__ | I Increase of construction loan. Requirements of Postal Service. Classification of versels___ Compensation under contract_ 1 I I T 1 Transportation of Government officials. Authorization of appropriation. Requisition of vessels. Ship operation_ Construction loan fund. Ocean mail service. Recommendations by board- Authority to make contracts Vessels.. Advertising for bids. Violation of contracts. Passengers Freight.. Express } Naval officers- Mail messengers- 11 1 Amendments and repeals. Insurance fund. Definitions__ Reaffirmation of policy 1 I 1 1 I } } 1 រ 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 │· │ I I 1 I I I 1 I [ 1 1 F ! 1 I Merchant vessels, list of, to indicate vessels classified by American Bureau of Shipping-- Mileage: Of commissioners to be paid_ Of employees to be allowed. Of witnesses before board__ 1 1 T 1 -1 1 1 Military auxiliary, declaring policy of having a merchant marine to serve as- Military officers, detail of, to duties under board. Military purposes, taking of vessels for. 1 Military service, vessels in, exempt from merchant marine act, 1920 ! I 1 Minority stock, by United States in corporations, forbidden_ Miscellaneous receipts: Fees for copies of mortgages, bills of sale, liens, records of vessels, etc., to be covered into Treasury as- Net proceeds to be covered into Treasury as. Mississippi River barges and towboats: Turned over to War Department. Power to operate and dispose of, turned over to War Department - - Modifications: Of agreements must be filled.. Of order by board.. Modifications of contract. (See Contracts.) Mortgagee, defined in ship mortgage act__ 1 1 1 T 30 I 54 14 41 133 1 1 1 1 1 133 I 15 14 25 19 30 B 50 1 165 Section Page (( Mortgagee" Mortgages (see Recording of mortgages): Investigation of___. Vessels not to be mortgaged to foreigners without ap- proval. - Transferee must file declaration as to citizenship, etc., collector of customs.. Of vessels to foreigners must be approved by board... Ship mortgage act, 1920.. Definition of terms- "Document" "Documented" "Port of documentation' "Vessels of the United States" Recording of ship sales, conveyances, etc. I 1 1 1 12 10, 11 37 22 40 24 9 8 30 50 30 B 50 30 B 50 30 B 50 30 B 50 30 B 50 30 C 51 Recording of ship mortgages…. 30 C 51 Method of recording- 30 C 51 Preferred mortgages_ 30 C 51 Preferred mortgage not to include other than ship mortgages 30 C 51 Requirements of mortgage to give preferred status 30 D 51 Mortgage is indorsed on ship's documents_ 30 D 51 Mortgage is recorded___. Mortgagee does not waive preferred status Citizen of United States_ Preferred mortgage__ Indorsements on documents of vessel Collector of customs to make indorsements. Vessel not to clear until documents indorsed Mortgage covering other property than vessel. Mortgages covering more than one vessel Copies of mortgages to be posted and exhibited. Notice of mortgages, liens, etc. Collector of customs to record liens._ Mortgagor to disclose prior liens, mortgages, etc No new liens or mortgages to be made until mortgages recorded. Exceptions I I | 1 30 D 51 30 D 51 30 D 51 30 D € 51 30 D 51 30 D 51 30 D 51 30 D I 51 30 D I 51 30 E I F 52 1 1 1 30 F 1 53 1 1 1 I 30 G 53 30 F 1 53 30 F Discharge of lien.. 1 1 30 F I 30 G Discharge of mortgage. - 30 G Interest in vessel sold, mortgaged, conveyed, etc., to be recorded.. www cr cr or ot 53 53 53 53 30 H 53 Acknowledgement of sales, mortgages, etc. Record of vessel at new port documentation_ Interest of preferred mortgages - - -- Collector of customs to keep open to inspection and furnish copies of records, etc.. Fees Penalties Foreclosure of preferred mortgages Preferred mortgage to constitute maritime lien_ Enforceable by suit in rem in admiralty- District courts to have jurisdiction_. Notice of suit. Penalty for failure to give notice_ Suits in personam_ Appointment of receivers and operation of vessels by- Marshal may take possession of vessel.. Preferred maritime lien defined. Liens to be liquidated in foreclosure proceedings Sale by foreclosure to give title clear of liens. Preferred mortgages to rank maritime liens except Action in personam to enforce mortgages _ _ 30 H 1 1 53 30 H 53 30 H 53 1 30 I 54 30 L I I 1 I 1 56 30 J 1 1 54 30 K 55 c30 K 30 K 30 K 1 LO LO LO 55 55 55 } 30 K 55 30 K 55 1 I 30 K 55 30 L 1 56 30 L 1 1 1 56 30 M 1 56 1 I I 30 M ! 56 30 M 56 30 M 56 30 N 56 166 Mortgages-Continued. Mortgage on property other than vessels not enforce- Section Page able in rem. 30 N Transfer of mortgaged vessel.. 30 O LO LO 56 56 Board to approve surrender of documents of mort- gaged vessel. 30 O 57 Assignment of vessel mortgages_ 30 O 57 Mortgages to rank forfeiture proceedings by United States. 30 O 57 Sale by suit in rem in admiralty to give title clear of liens 30 O 57 New mortgage on sale of vessel. 30 O 57 Rights under mortgage not to be assigned to foreigners- 30 O 57 Courts not to sell vessels to foreigners.. 30 O 57 Maritime liens for necessaries_____ 30 P 57 Not necessary that credit be given to vessel. Persons authorized to create_. 30 P 57 1 30 Q 57 Charterer's agents may create_ Preferred status of mortgages, liens, etc., may be waived__ Act not to affect law relating to advances Laches__ Right to proceed in personam Priorities between maritime liens unaffected. 30 R 58 1 30 S 58 1 I I } 30 S 58 30 S 58 1 30 S 58 30 S 58 State statutes conferring liens for repairs necessary, superseded. 30 T Existing mortgages unaffected_ 30 U 88888 58 58 Commerce Department to furnish blank books, rec- ords, etc... 30 V 58 Commerce Department to make rules and regulations for enforcement_. 30 W 58. Prior Federal lien act repealed _ _ 30 X 58 Lien act to be construed as reenactment of prior acts where not inconsistent_ _ 30 X 59 Motor vessels, charter of, over 250 tons must be approved during war. 124 Mutilating reports, memoranda, etc., filed with board, penalty for 21 17, 18 Municipalities, property of, exempt from requisitioning title. 13 123 N National defense, merchant marine necessary for National emergency: Proclamation declaring, in water transportation_ Declaring policy of having Naval Auxiliary during. Naval architects, exempt from civil service__ Naval Auxiliary: Providing merchant marine to serve as. Vessels of board to be…____ 1 30 1 J 1 26, 27, 28 1 +4 1 30 5 1 30 5 6 Declaring policy of having a merchant marine to serve as_ 1 30 Vessels constructed under merchant marine act 1928 must be classed for use as_ 405 67, 68 Naval officers, detail of, to duties under board.. May volunteer for service in merchant marine. 4 5 410 70 Naval purposes, taking of vessels for. 10 9 Naval service, vessels in, exempt from merchant marine act, 1920__. 4 33 Navigation laws: Board to recommend to Congress changes in. To be investigated.. Shipping Board vessels subject to.. 12 " 1 1 10, 11 12 10, 11 9 81 167 Section Page Navy Department: Secretary to appoint board of survey for German ves- sels__ Board not to requisition terminal facilities of Docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminal facil- ities over to board by President_ Sale of prohibited.. President may transfer docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminal facilities from board to_. Sale prohibited. Vessels under, exempt from merchant marine act, 1920_ Necessaries, lien for, may be waived.. Net income: Vessels engaged in foreign commerce exempt from paying war excess-profits tax on Proceeds from sale exempt from.. New proceeds to be covered into Treasury for construction, requisitioning, or purchasing of vessels- Net revenue, board may create insurance fund from. Norfolk Army Supply Base_. North German Lloyd Dock Co.: Port facilities of, turned over to board. 1 92 125 17 42 17 42 17 17 4 30 S 4435 42 42 33 58 223∞ 23 47 23 47 14 41 10 36 107 17 42 17 42 95 t J 95 I 95 10 9 Public notice to be given if vessels offered for sale, etc___ 11 9 Sale of prohibited_ Act taking over port facilities of Proclamation taking title to--- Proclamation fixing just compensation_ Notice: Taking of vessels with and without_ 1 1 I 1 F 1 1 Oaths, board to have power to administer. 27 20 Ocean freight rates, Executive order delegating powers relating to... 125 Ocean mail service: Board to establish new rates adequate for Postal Mail Service_ 7 34 Mails to be carried on American-built and documented vessels__ Contracts for carrying, not to be sublet to foreigners__ Board and Postmaster General authorized to fix com- pensation___ 22 24 47 24 47 24 47 Postmaster General authorized to contract for carry- ing on American vessels___ 24 47 Postmaster Gencral may contract for carrying mail on new routes.. 7 34 Postmaster General to certify to board the necessary route for 403 67 - Board to certify to Postmaster General type of vessels to be used in. 403 67 Authority to make contract for. 404 67 Qualification of vessels for_-_ 405 I I 67, 68 Officers of vessels in, to be American citizens. One-half of crew in, must be American citizens. Advertising for bids on contracts in. Awarding contracts for Classification of vessels in__ Compensation under contracts for Violation of contracts for... Passengers on vessels in Freight on vessels in Express on vessels in. 405 67, 68 405 67, 68 406 68 407 68 408 1 69 409 69 410 70 1 411 70 1 I I 411 1 1 I 1 411 2222 70 70 168 Section Page Ocean mail service-Continued. Naval officers may volunteer to serve in. Mail messengers on vessels in Scope of title_ Ocean tramp: Defined Not a common carrier by water. 1 I } 1 I I I 1 1 Offering of vessels for sale, public notice to be given of___ Officers, war-risk insurance extended to, of foreign vessels under United States control.. Operating capital: Funds for, not covered into the Treasury Board may set aside construction loan fund from…… Operation of vessels: Under shipping act- Board not empowered to- Board not empowered to, repealed. By corporation formed by board. Only on failure of private capital_ Report on, to be made to Congress- To cease five years after close of war_ Under emergency shipping act and other— 1 I J J T 1 Of ships, plants, etc., by United States, authorized. Authority delegated to board_. May redelegate to its corporation_ German vessels. Austrian vessels. Enemy --- 1 f 1 I T 1 1 Vessels acquired under rate emergency law to be operated as President may direct.. Under merchant marine act- Declaring policy of having ships operated by private citizens.. By board authorized__ By board on new rates, authorized_ By charterers, authorized.. Į 1 Emergency Fleet Corporation authorized to Island possessions authorized_ Philippines, authorized__. 1 Net proceeds from, to be covered into Treasury Preference, to be given to citizens of United States on new rates___ Orders of board: As evidence in suits for their enforcement. Enforcement of_ For payment of money For enforcement of reasonable rates_ How long in force.. Modification of_. 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 412 70, 71 413 71 401 66 1 1 1 1 1 11 9 128 14 41 11 137 11 9 7 7 11 9 11 9 12 10 11 10 1 115 1 1 119 119 1 93 93 93 15 123 1272222 30 41 35 40 40 46 46 to be used for constructing, requisitioning, or purchasing of vessels... 14 41 7 35 20 17 29, 30 20, 21 30 20, 21 18 16 23 18 25 19 25 19 25 19 23 19 29, 30 20, 21 25 19 Time limit for bringing suits for 30 20, 21 President empowered to place, for ships or materials_ Compliance with, obligatory-- 1 115 2 116 Priority to be given to, placed under authority of this act. 2 116 Note. Reversal of.. Suspension of 1 1 To be made only after full hearing- Violations of.. Stay of order, rehearing to operate as. T 1 I 1 F 1 + 169 Section Page Owner pro hac vice: May create liens on vessels Agents of, may create liens…. Exceptions.. Р 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 Packing property for transportation, practice connected with, to be just and reasonable.. Panama Canal bonds: Amount of, authorized_. Date of payment of Issuance of, authorized I | I Proceeds of, permanently appropriated. Proceeds to be covered into Treasury_ 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 30 R 30 R 30 R 58 ∞ ∞ ∞ 58 LO LO LO 58 18 16 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 13 ww 11 11 • Panama Canal Zone, courts in, to have jurisdiction of offenses under rate emergency act_ 16 122 1 6 6 1 75 Panama Railroad Co., transfer of vessels of, to board. Not subject to suits in admiralty act_. Panama Railroad Steamship Co. given right to ken piers- Partnerships: Included in term "person" To which act applies enumerated. When deemed citizen_ 1 1 1 use Hobo- Passage money, war-risk insurance authorized to pay + 1 1 1 Passenger traffic, agreements limiting or regulating must be filed Passengers: Board authorized to issue permits to foreign vessels for carrying from Hawaii to United States. I 1 103 112 1 1 2 128 15 14 22 46 Cargo vessels may carry 16……. 26 48 Not exempted from laws relating to life-saving equip- ment__ 26 48 Passengers to be notified of dangers 26 48 Privilege extended to vessels of foreign nations which reciprocate 26 48 Penalty- 26 48 Common carriers not to give through reduced rates with common carriers by water in foreign commerce unless property or passengers are carried on Amer- ican vessels__ Investigation of facilities for transfer of, at water ter- minals Payments. (See Sale of vessels.) Payments on mortgages: 28 49 8 35 Covering other property than vessels to be indorsed on Payments on mortgages covering other vessels to be indorsed on. 30 D 51 30 D 51 Discharge of preferred mortgage to be indorsed on.. Vessel to be denied clearance until such discharge is indorsed 30 D 51 30 D 51 Penalties: Under shipping act― For transferring of vessels in violation of section 9- For charging higher rates than those prescribed by board 9 8 32 21 For charging rates prejudicial to American ex- porter_ For destroying reports, memoranda, etc. 32 32 21 21 17 For discriminating... 14 12 For discriminating by carrier in foreign commerce_ For failure to file agreements.- 32 21 15 14 170 1 Section Page Penalties Continued. Under shipping act-Continued. For failure to file reports, memoranda, rates, etc., when required by board.. For giving deferred rebates - For giving undue preferences or advantages_ For influencing marine insurance companies to discriminate For mutilating a report, memorandum, etc. For permitting lower rates to be obtained by un- fair devices_. For refusal to accept cargo_ I For subjecting to undue prejudice or disadvan- tage_ For retaliating- For use of "fighting ship' General penalty section_ I 1 1 1 1 I 2223 21 14 32 222 17 12 21 22222 32 21 21 32 20 36 21 29 22 17 32 21 14 I 14 32 21 For transferring vessels, yards, etc., to foreign control under section 37.. 37 2222 2 12 12 22 For making false statement to secure board's ap- proval. 41 25 For violating condition when board approves transactions conditionally-- 41 25 For making false statement in declaration with bills of sale, mortgages, hypothecations, etc____ For violating rate-emergency act_ 40 24 16 123 Under merchant marine act- Emergency shipping legislation, penalties under, not affected by repeal___ 2 30 For failure to notify passengers of danger aboard cargo vessels.. 26 48 Under emergency shipping legislation, not extin- guished by repeal.. Under ship mortgage act. 30 28 NOO 2 8820 30 50 20 Perjury, prosecution for, committed in testifying- Permits: Board authorized to issue to foreign vessels for carry- ing passengers from Hawaii to United States___ Authorizing foreign vessels to engage in coastwise trade Preference to be given vessels owned by United States citizens... "Person": Definition of term in shipping act_ Associations, etc., included in term. 1 I Definition of term in emergency shipping act, repealed_ Definition of term in rate emergency act.. Definition of term in housing law. I } 1 Į 22 46 128 128 1 1 1 1 5 115 1 120 126 37 61 703 73, 74 1 1 Defined in merchant marine act_ I I Defined in merchant marine act, 1928__ "Persons subject to act" enumerated. Personal injuries: Seamen given right of action at law with trial by jury for... 33 60 Acts relating to personal injury of railway employees extended to seamen. 33 60 Suits to be in district where defendant resides. Personam, suits in, against the United States authorized _ . Philippine Islands: 33 60 2 75 Coastwise laws extended to___ 21 46 Not to take effect until President declares adequate shipping service to exist. 21 46 Government of, authorized to make rules and regula- tions governing shipping---- 21 46 171 Piers: 1 I Included within term "plant" Executive order delegating authority to board to regu- late rate, priority, etc.. Regulation of rates, priority, in use of, etc. German port facilities turned over to board. German, seizure of. Investigation of necessity for improvement_ Sale of, authorized.. י . Under War or Navy Department may be turned over to board by President.. Sale of, prohibited_ Hoboken Piers_ _ _ _ Plant: Definition of term in emergency shipping act_ Requisition of, authorized_ May acquire, construct, establish, etc. Sale of, authorized_ Insurance of.. Board and fleet authorized to dispose of. ! Policy, declaration of, to have adequate merchant marine_ Reaffirmation of.. Pooling agreements: To be filed with the board__ May be approved or disapproved--- Port and harbor facilities (see German port facilities): May lease or requisition during emergency- May prescribe rates, terms, and conditions for use of, during emergency Priority in use of, during emergency- 1 1 Under War or Navy Department may be turned over to board by President_ Sale of, prohibited. President may transfer docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminal facilities from board to War or Navy Department_. Sale of, prohibited__ German, turned over to board_ Sale of, prohibited.. Port of documentation: 1 រ I I I I Bills of sale, mortgages, conveyances, etc., to be re- corded in Maritime liens may be recorded at Mortgages, bills of sale, liens, etc., not to be recorded at new port of documentation unless record of former port is furnished___ Mortgages to be indorsed on ship's documents in Notice of discharge of mortgage to be filed in 1 1 1 I t Section Page 1 1 8 116 125 12 122 17 42 95 8 35 13 ∞ 41 17 42 17 42 2235 104 8 116 1 115 1 115 13 41 10 1 36 131 1 30 704 74 15 15 == LO LO 14 14 13 123 12 12 22 77 122 122 17 42 17 42 17 17 77 17 17 **** 42 42 42 42 30 C 51 I 30 G 53 30 H 30 D 30 G 3583 53 51 53 Term in ship mortgage act means port at which vessel is documented, etc.. 30 B 51 Ports: Investigation of improvements in respect to foreign and coastwise trade__ Investigation of water-borne commerce with respect to territorial region and zones with object of de- veloping.. - Investigation to determine causes of congestion_ Home port.. Possession: Executive order delegating to board authority to take over vessels.. May redelegate to its corporations. Of German and other enemy vessels_ 1 I May requisition temporary possession of vessels- Possessions of United States, coastwise laws extended to. 1 Note. -- 8 35 ∞∞ 8 8 I 337 35 35 79 1 1 1 I 1 119 119 1 | T 1 119 11 122 21 46 172 Postal Service (see Ocean mail service): Board to establish new routes for... Postmaster General may contract for carrying mail on new routes__ Post Office Department (see Ocean mail service): Mails to be carried on American documented and built vessels- Postmaster General and board to fix compensation for Postmaster General authorized to enter into contracts for.... Preamble, merchant marine act, 1920- Practice of common carriers must be just and reasonable_- Preferences, giving of undue or unreasonable, unlawful. Penalty for Preferential rates: Common carriers prohibited giving reduced joint through rates with common carriers by water unless property or passengers are carried in American vessels Interstate Commerce Commission may suspend this provision__ Preferred maritime liens (see Maritime liens) defined. Preferred mortgage (see Mortgages): Defined_ Requirements for.. Prejudice, subjecting to undue or unreasonable Penalty for.. 1 1 1 | Premiums and bonuses authorized in construction of house for shipyard employees. - President (see also Executive orders and proclamations): Approval of, necessary to sell stock of corporation_. Existence of national emergency to be proclaimed by-- Report to Congress failure to secure equal privileges for American vessels. Shipping Board to be appointed by. Taking of vessels by.. To approve acquisition of vessels, repealed. To approve disposal of vessels, repealed. To secure equal privileges for American vessels. When United States at war to be proclaimed by. 11 1 I I I Board to exercise authority previously conferred on President in settling matters under emergency ship- ping legislation_. Authorized to take over German port facilities. May extend period when coastwise laws shall extend to island possessions and Philippines- May transfer docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminal under War or Navy Department to board__ Sale of prohibited- - - Rules and regulations of Government departments re- lating to shipping may be submitted to for approval May annul or suspend--- To give notice of termination of treaties restricting right to import discriminating custom duties or ton- nage taxes Section Page 7 34 7 34 22 24 24 44 47 47 24 47 1 30 18 16 16 15 32 21 28 49 28 30 M 399 49 56 30 D 51 30 D · 51 16 15 32 21 130 11 9 9, 37 8, 22 26 19 2 2 10 9 5 6 7 7 26 19 37 22 2 30 95 21 46 17 42 17 19 19 22 ** 42 43 43 34 60 Ships and shipping property acquired through, turned over to board_ 4 33 Vessels required by other department in opinion of, not turned over to board.. 4 33 Presenting property for transportation, practice connected with, to be just and reasonable. 18 16 Price of vessels. (See Sale of vessels.) 173 Section Page Priority: To be given to orders placed under emergency fleet shipping act__. In transportation and service during emergency, repealed... In use of dry docks, wharves, lighterage, warehouses, terminal facilities, etc.. Priority between maritime liens: Preferred mortgages created. Preferred maritime lien created Preferred maritime liens to rank preferred mortgages-- Mortgages to take precedence over forfeiture proceed- ings__ 2 93 7 85 12 121 30 D 51 30 M 56 30 M 56 30 O Priority between preferred maritime liens unaffected_. Priority between other maritime liens, etc., unaffected_ Priorities may be waived__ 30 O 30 S 30 S LO LO LO LO 56 56 58 58 Private vessels: Board vessels not to be given preference over, by rules and regulations. 19 43, 44 Immune from seizure or arrest for acts committed in Government service. 4 76 Suits in personam against United States for acts com- mitted in Government service authorized___ Procedure: Board may prescribe rules of.. In suits to enforce orders__ 4 76 3 3 1 29, 30, 31 20, 21 In United States courts to be same as that prescribed for Interstate Commerce Commission_ 31 21 On complaint of violation of act……. 22, 23 18 18-21 ww 3 3 76 22 76 Sections relative to, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Under suits in admiralty act, same as in case of private suits_ Proceedings, board may employ attorneys for…. Proceeds (see also Compilation of appropriation laws): To be covered into Treasury of United States- Of bonds__ Of charters- Of leases_ Of sales of vessels_ Of shares of stock_ Permanently appropriated_ T 1 } I 1 I I 1 I 1 } t 1 1 Permanently appropriated to carry out purposes of various shipping acts... From sale of timber and lands reappropriated_ For constructing, requisitioning, or purchasing of vessels Process, legal, disclosure of information on.. Proclamations (see also Executive orders): Declaring an emergency to exist in water transporta- tion under section 9__ Declaring an emergency to exist in water transporta- tion under section 37... Authorizing board to exercise powers relative to the charter of vessels. President to issue when emergency ends. To be issued extending coastwise laws to Philippines__ Property: Board authorized to sell all property turned over to it_ Common carriers not to give through reduced rates with common carriers by water in foreign commerce unless property or passengers are carried on Ameri- can vessels.. 46209°-29——12 1 រ } 13 13 ww 11 11 13 11 13 11 13 11 13 11 15 123 130 14 41 20 17 26 1 27 1 124 43 25 21 46 13 41 28 49, 50 174 Property-Continued. Investigation of facilities for handling at water terminals___ Net proceeds from sale of, to be covered into Treasury for constructing, requisitioning, or purchasing of vessels Proportional rates, common carriers not to give reduced through proportional rates with common carriers by water unless property or passengers are carried on American vessels. Prosecutions: On evidence given in obedience to subpoena.. For perjury committed in testifying.. Protective and indemnity insurance on vessels purchased from board…. Public Health Service, rules and regulations relating to shipping need not be approved by board. Public notice to be given of offering of vessels for sale, charter, etc. - - Publication of reports of investigations, hearings, etc. Public vessels (see Suits in admiralty act): 1 Section Page 8 35, 36 14 12 28 49, 50 28 28 20 20 20 9 36 19 43 11 9 24 19 Arbitration, compromise settlement, etc., of claims against... Authorized to collect salvage. Suits for... I Awards to be covered into Treasury to board's credit_ Foreign-built, authorized to engage in coastwise trade_ Immune from arrest or seizure_ - Not to be given preference over private vessels by rules and regulations.. Steamboat-inspection laws extended to. Vessels acquired by or from board may engage in coast- wise trade via foreign port____ War Department not to pay charter hire for, during fiscal year ended June 30, 1919_ Purchase agreement. (See Sale of vessels.) Purchase (see also Vessels and Compilation of appropria- tion acts): Vessels, repealed. - Of ships, charters, etc.- Order delegating to Emergency Fleet authority to pur- chase vessels. Order delegating authority to board to purchase ves- sels_ Board may redelegate authority to Emergency Fleet_ Lands for housing shipyard employees- Purchase price: Deferred payments limited to 10 years in sale of ves- sels to foreigners_ Interest charged to foreigners on vessels.. Sale of vessels to be taken into consideration in 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 10 10 10 -2002- 9 78 78 78 78 46 75 19 43 114 27 49 15 42 51 I 6 115 119 119 119 126 6 34 6 LO 5 ww 34 33 (Sec Sale of vessels) 5 33 By aliens, authorized_ 6 34 Net proceeds covered into Treasury may be used for.. 14 41 Purchase of vessels: Qualifications of commissioners. Of vessels._. R 1 1 1 1 Railroad Administration, Executive order not to draw powers from.. 3 3 405 67 125 175 Railroads: Terminal- May prescribe rates, terms, and conditions for use of during war - Priority in use of during war. May lease by requisition during war. To be operated as President may direct during war. Investigation to coordinate water and rail trans- portation__ Section Page 223 122 122 122 15 123 8 35 Not to give through reduced rates with common carriers by water engaged in foreign commerce unless property or passengers are carried on American vessels.. 28 49, 50 Interstate Commerce Commission may suspend this provision- 28 49, 50 Railway employees, laws relating to damages for death or personal injury of, extended to seamen_ 33 60 Railways, street, sale of, authorized_ 13 41 Rank. (See Priority of maritime liens.) Rate emergency act: Rates: Contracts and rights under, to be carried out Repeal of.. 22 380 30 30 Under shipping act— Agreements relative to, to be filed with board___ Filing of, may be required of all subject to act__ Of carriers in foreign commerce- 21 22 15 14 17, 18 Must not be unjustly discriminatory. 17 15, 16 Nor prejudicial to American exporter- 17 15, 16 Of carriers in interstate commerce- Must be filed with board.. 18 16 Must not be increased without consent of board_ 18 Maximum, may be established by board_ Must be just and reasonable_ 18 18 Must be kept open to public inspection Obtaining reduced, by unfair device unlawful_ 18 16 ∞∞∞∞∞ 16 16 16 16 16 Reduced to drive out competitior may not be increased _ _ 19 17 Unjust or unreasonable, may be ordered dis- continued.. 18 16 Under rate emergency act— Charter rates must be approved during war, re- pealed LO 5 121 Order authorizing board to approve 124 President to approve before foreign vessel can be chartered_- 10 122 President may prescribe for use of dry docks, wharves, lighterage, terminal facilities, etc. 12 122 Under merchant marine act- Executive order delegating powers relating to ocean freight rates. Board to investigate effect of rates of common carriers by rail on improvement of port facilities. Common carriers prohibited from giving reduced through rates with common carriers by water unless property or passenger are carried on American vessels_ 125 8 35 28 To be reasonable with island possessions and Philippines - - 49, 50 21 Under interstate commerce act. Schedule of (see Schedules) - I 8855 46 90 90 176 Section 1 1 1 1 1 Page 130 1 1 130 13 41 14 14 1227 44 [ Real estate: May be condemned for timber_ Sale of, after timber cut___ Sale of, authorized _ _ _ Rebates: Defined Giving of, prohibited_ 1 1 Į I } 1 1 1 1 I 1 } 1 I T 1 1 1 1 1 Companies discriminating against American vessels by use of rebates between foreign ports to be denied entry into United States ports__ Receiving property, practices connected with to be just and reasonable. 15 14 17 15, 16 Receivers, when subject to act. 1 1 Receipts: Issuance of, by carriers, etc. From sale, charter, etc., of vessels to be covered into Treasury 13 11, 12 18 16 To be reported by board to Congress. 12 10, 11 Receiving information relative to shipments forbidden_ Recommendations of board: Relative to discriminations by foreign governments-- Relative to amending navigation laws……- Relative to means of developing American merchant marine-- Reconditioning of vessels, authorized Recording of bills of sale: Required. To be recorded in order of their reception_ Indexing requirements _ _ Recording of mortgages: Required... To be recorded in order of their reception_ Requirements for preferred mortgage— Indexing._ Indorsement on vessels documents. 20 17 26 19 12 10, 11 122 10, 11 40 30 C I 1 1 1 1 1 30 C 30 C t 1 30 C 1 [ 1 1 I 1 1 1 $ .1 1 30 C DDD DO 51 51 51 51 51 30 C 51 J 30 D 51 1 1 1 Time and date.. 30 D T 51 Affidavits that no intent to defraud creditors, etc. 30 D 51 Mortgage does not state that mortgagee waives preferred status_ _ Mortgagee is a citizen of United States. Indorsements on documents_ Time and date of indorsement. Amount and date of maturity Other property covered by mortgage. Other vessels covered by mortgage. Collector of customs to make indorsements__ 30 D 51 30 D 51 . E I 1 30 D 51 I 30 D 51 30 D 51 រ 1 30 D 51 30 D 51 30 D 51 Payments on mortgages covering other property to be indorsed__ 30 D 51 Payments on mortgages covering other vessels to be indorsed 30 D 51 Collector of customs to deliver certified copies of pre- ferred mortgages to mortgagor- 30 E 52 Discharge of liens to be recorded_ Copy to be placed aboard vessel. Exhibition of, by master_ . Mortgagor not to create any maritime liens after execution of mortgage but before recording Exceptions-- Collector of customs to record liens on mortgaged vessels ___ Discharge of mortgages to be indorsed and recorded__ On discharge of mortgage indebtedness, vessel not to clear until documents are indorsed__ រ J 1 1 1 30 E 30 E 52 NNN 52 30 F 30 F LO LO 53 53 80 G 53 30 G 53 30 G 53 30 G 53 177 Section Page Recording of mortgages-Continued. Copies of mortgages, liens, bills of sale, etc., to be fur- nished by collector of customs. Fees for copies of records.. Penalties__ Repeals of prior ship mortgage recording acts- Records, reasons for sale of vessels to aliens to be spread on records of board... Refusal: Mortgages not to be recorded unless interest of parties stated 30 H 53 Must be acknowledged_ 30 H 53 Recording at new port of documentation 30 H 53 Inspection of __ 30 I 54 Certificate of encumbrances to be furnished by collec- tor of customs. 30 I 54 30 I 54 30⚫ I 1 54 30 J 1 1 54 30 X 58 6 34 14 1 12 36 22 36 22 2 116 30 B 50 1 1 1 1 1 8 9 1 8 1 1 9, 37 8, 22 26, 27 42 25 30 B 50 Of space accommodations by way of retaliation_ Of clearance. To accept cargo, penalty for.. To comply with orders, plants, etc., may be seized for. Registered (see Documented), term "documented" to in- clude in ship mortgage act__ Registered vessels included in documented. Registry: Admission of foreign-built vessels to American_ Of vessels acquired from board_- Transfer of vessels to foreign___ Proclamation declaring an emergency in transfer of vessels to foreign__ Vessels to be considered documented until registry is canceled by board_ Term "document" to include in ship mortgage act…. Registry of vessels, Philippine government authorized to make rules and regulations governing shipping until ad- mitted to United States registry. Regulations: Board may prescribe just and reasonable_ Connected with receiving, etc., of property- Regarding chartering of vessel. See Rules and regulations. I 1 1 I 1 1 1 Board to make, for carrying out purposes of merchant marine act_ Regular rates, obtaining less than, by unfair devices_ Penalty for __ Regulatory powers, emergency, repeal of.. Rehearing: May be allowed by board.. To operate as suspension of order I 1 1 1 Reimbursement by War and Navy Departments for ves- sels turned over to them.. 21 46 18 16 17 15, 16 9 8 19 43 16 15 32 21 2 30 22 25 25 Οι ο 19 19 11 116 For injuries caused by violation of the act…. For injuries caused by violation of an order. On order for payment of money- 30 Removal of causes, action of, under suits in admiralty act.- Repair of houses, funds may be expended for, notwith- 228° 18 29 20 20, 21 2 75 standing repeal of act___ 16 42 Remedies: Repair of vessels: Board authorized to repair German and other enemy vessels Eight-hour laws suspended in connection with. Authorized__ Under merchant marine act, 1928- 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 92 130 12 40 202 63 178 Repairs: Section Page 30 S 58 30 P 58 30 P 57 3223 30 20, 21 18 16 2 203 2883 42 30 63 22222 12 78 21 17, 18 24 19 21 17, 18 21 17, 18 21 17, 18 12 10, 11 11 9 12 10, 11 26 19 12 10, 11 127 127 1 Furnisher of, may waive lien__ Furnishing of, to constitute maritime lien on vessels-- Persons who may create lien___ Reparation: Award of, joinder of parties in suit to enforce- Of injuries caused by violation of act--- Repeal of acts, law providing for housing shipyard em- ployees. Repeal of emergency shipping legislation__ Replacement of vessels. Reports: 1 Board to make, of arbitration awards, settlement of claims, etc., under suits in admiralty act_ Altering of.... As evidence. Destruction of report filed. Falsifying of__ Filing of, may be required by board. Of expenditures_ Of failure to lease or charter vessels. Of receipts.. On discrimination by foreign governments. On status of vessel mortgage loans. 11 1 !! } 1 I t I 1 To be made to Congress on expenditures under housing law.. To be made to Congress on contracts let under housing law__ Emergency Fleet Corporation to make, of arbitration awards, settlements, etc., under suits in admiralty act_ Requisitioning (see also Commandeering and Seizure): Under emergency shipping act- Of ships.-- Of contracts for ships and material. Of manufacturing plants, etc………. 1. (See separate compilation of appropriation acts.) Order delegating authority to board to requisition ships... 1 1 1 I May redelegate authority to its corporations_ Order delegating authority to requisition vessels in course of construction___ Under rate emergency act~ Temporary use of vessels may be requisitioned___ Immediate possession may be taken of property May requisition dry docks, wharves, terminals facilities, etc., during war__ Just compensation to be made for dry docks, ter- minal facilities, etc., taken over. Powers to cease on proclamation of peace. Under housing law- Houses for shipyard employees.. Lands for houses__ Consent of State legislature not necessary Immediate possession may be taken of houses and land for shipyard employees-- Under merchant marine act, 1920- 1 1 1 12 78 1 115 1 115 1 115 119 119 L 1 1 119 11 122 13 123 13 123 13 123 127 [ I 1 126 1 126 ! F 1 127 127 Board authorized to, under merchant marine act._. Net proceeds covered into Treasury may be used for.. 14 41 14 Repeal of.. Under merchant marine act, 1928- President authorized to, by proclamation___ 42 41 30 702 73 179 Retaliation, companies discriminating against American vessels by, to be denied entrance into United States ports. Retaliation against shippers, unlawful. Revenue, board may create insurance fund from.. Revenue act: Vessels engaged in foreign commerce exempt from war and excess-profits tax.. Proceeds from sale exempt from.. Reversal of orders... Risks of war. (See War-risk insurance.) Rivers: Shipping act not to apply to navigation on- Rate emergency act not to apply to navigation on.. Investigation of improvements in respect to foreign and coastwise trade. Rivers and harbors, vessels engaged in improving, exempt from merchant marine act, 1920. Routes: Board to establish new. Preference to be given established lines on new.. Rules and regulations to govern on, in foreign trade_ Rules of procedure, board may adopt.- Rules and regulations: 1 1 President may prescribe, in operation of vessels, re- pealed... Section Page 15 14 127 10 36, 37 222 23 23 25 or ww +4 47 47 18 15 15 1 123 8 35 4 33 77 193 19 34 34 43 3, 4 May be prescribed for use of terminal facilities. Board to make, in regard to exemption of war and excess-profits taxes. 12 72 121 122 23 47 For chartering vessels to foreigners. 9 8 Board to make for carrying out purposes of merchant marine act_ 19 43, 44 Affecting shipping in foreign trade. 19 43, 44 To meet unfavorable conditions in foreign trade__ Board may request departments to suspend, modify, or annul, when affecting shipping--- Board or President to approve those made by other departments relating to shipping-- Public Health, Consular, and Steamboat-Inspec- tion Services excepted_ 19 43, 44 19 43, 44 19 43, 44 19 43, 44 On disagreement between board and department over, shall be referred to President. 19 43, 44 President authorized to make, suspend, or annul.. Board vessels not to be given preference in, over private vessels _ _ 19 43, 44 19 43, 44 S Safety of passengers; cargo vessels carrying passengers shall notify them of dangerous conditions about vessel... Sailing vessels (see also Vessels and Ships), charter of, of 50 tons or over, must be approved---- 26 48, 49 124 15 14 7 Sailings: Agreements restricting or regulating- Frequency and regularity on new routes. Salaries: Of commissioners... Of other employees.. Of secretary. 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 Representatives on American Bureau of Shipping not allowed. Sale, bills of, recorded at home port of new document_. Sale of houses, acquired under housing law, authorized_ Sale of materials, authorized.. Sale of plants, authorized.. I 1 1 444 www ww 7 33 33 33 25 48 2 79 16 42 131 1 > 131 180 Section Page Sale of property: Board authorized to sell all property turned over to it-- Net proceeds to be covered into Treasury for construct- ing, requisitioning, or purchasing of vessels_ Sale of stock: In corporations organized by board.. Proceeds of, permanently appropriated_ Proceeds of, to be covered into Treasury Sale of vessels (see Recording of bills of sale): Approval of board necessary to- By the board, repealed-- Competitive offering required! During war or national emergency. 1 1 1 Proceeds of sale to, to be covered into Treasury. Proceeds of sale of, permanently appropriated - Public notice to be given of intended- To foreigners restricted___ Unfit for service, repealed. To foreigners to be approved by board Board to develop merchant marine by Board directed to sell all vessels. German vessels, authorized. Austrian vessels, authorized…. I 1 1 I } T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 41 14 41, 42 11 9, 10 13 11, 12 13 11, 12 9, 37, 11 27, 8, 22 7 7 11 9, 10 37 22 13 11, 12 13 11, 12 11 9, 10 9, 37 8, 22 8 238 5 1 LO LO LO I 37 22 30 33 33 33 7203 I | 1 1 1 1 1 Net proceeds from, to be covered into Treasury to be used for constructing, requisitioning, or purchase of vessels. Affirmative vote of five members of board necessary for. Preference to be given to citizens of United States on new routes _ Conditions Construction loan fund- 1 Cost of construction of similar types to be taken into consideration _ _ Cost to be taken into consideration in. Cost, not to be sold at less than, at time of sale Purchase price to be taken into consideration_ Deferred payments. - Depreciation allowed on, at usual rates- 1 1 1 } 1 Domestic and foreign market price to be taken into consideration _ _ Supply and demand to be taken into consideration Terms- Vessels sold subject to restrictions of section 9 of shipping act_ Freight to be taken into consideration. Emergency Fleet Corporation continued in existence 1 1 1 1 1 14 41 201 63 7 EG 5 34 33, 34 11 37 note. 33, 34 5 33, 34 33, 34 LO LO LO LO LO LO 1 33, 34 5 33, 34 33, 34 LOLO LO 33, 34 5 33, 34 33, 34 10 10 5 5 33, 34 33, 34 until vessels are sold. Board may create insurance fund from_ 2013 12 10 Insurance on fire, protective and indemnity 9 40 36, 137 36 New mortgage to be given when vessel sold by Admiralty Court___ 30 O 56, 57 Proceeds from, engaged in foreign commerce from war and excess profits taxes_ Routes, to citizens for operation on. To aliens, authorized_ To foreigners, must be approved by board__ exempt Sale by Admiralty Court to pass title free of liens- Salvage: Government vessels authorized to collect_. Suits for 23 47 I I 1 ! 1 1 } 1 } 1 } T 7 34 I 34 9 8 1 1 30 O I 56, 57 10 78 10 78 Award to be covered into Treasury to department's credit__ 10 78 1 Note. 181 Section Page Salvage maritime lien, made preferred lien. 30 M 56 Salvage, maritime liens for, may be created after execution of mortgage but before same 30 F 53 Sawmills, condemnation of... 130 Schedules and rates of water carriers in foreign commerce_ 90 Quotations of rates - Reservation of space. Modification of - Publication of. 90 1 !! 1 90 i Distribution of Rules 1 1 1 1 1 90, 91 90, 91 90, 91 90 Seal (See Bills of lading.) Shall be judicially noticed. Seamen: War-risk insurance extended to those of foreign vessels under United States control _ _ _ Maritime lien of, may be created after execution of mortgage, but before same is recorded.. May demand wages only once in same port- May demand only half of balance of wages. T On Government vessels authorized to collect salvage_ Suits for.. 1 1 Payment of advance wages to, in American or foreign ports prohibited. Right of action at law for damages for personal injuries- Right of trial by jury in personal injury cases. Acts relating to personal injury of railway employees extended to seamen - Right of action at law for damages for death of seamen Right to trial by jury for death of seamen Acts relating to death of railway employces extended to seamen Suits to be in district where defendant resides. Citizenship of Seamen's Maritime Line, made preferred lien. Secretary of board: Chosen by board. Excepted from civil service_ Salary. Secretary of Treasury: 1 } May issue bonds on request of board. May fix date of payment of bonds.. May refuse clearance to vessels - Į I ז 1 1 1 } 1 Security, liens as, for construction loan funds. Seizure (see also Requisitioning and Commandeering): Of German and other enemy vessels. - } 1 1 J 1 F Mortgage maritime liens given priority over forfeiture proceedings under revenue or navigation laws. 1 33 31, 32 31, 32 128, 129 30 F 53 31 59 31 59 10 78 10 78 33 C3 C3 Co w w w www 32 33 33 233 8885 59 60 60 33 33 8880 60 60 60 33 33 405 C 30 M 8838 60 60 68 56 4 +4 ся сл сл 5 13 11, 12 13 11, 12 36 22 11 137 92 30 O 56 Private vessels immune from, for acts committed in Government service.. 4 76 Shipping Board vessels immune from_ J 1 1 75 Service, under suits in admiralty act-- 2 75 Service of process, in suits for enforcement of orders. Settlement of claims, discriminations in, prohibited. Seventy-five per cent of corporation, when deemed owned by United States citizens-- 30 20, 21 14 12 2 2 Owning vessels engaged in coastwise trade must be owned by United States citizens--- 2 2 1 Note. 182 Sherman Antitrust Act: Agreements approved by board excepted from opera- tion of. Marine insurance associations exempt from_. Shipbuilding: Relative cost of, to be investigated by board. Report on, to Congress Section Page T Corporations of board authorized to build Board authorized to have ships built.-. 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 Executive order delegating authority to Emergency Fleet Corporation. - Construction loan fund. Shipbuilding plants: 1 f Transfer of, to foreigners during emergency forbidden_ Insurance of __ Sale of, authorized 1 15 14 29 20 11 2213 10, 11 10, 11 9, 10 5 6 119 1 11 137 37 22, 23 10 1 37 13 37 131 1 Sale of, authorized_ Shipments, common carriers not to give through reduced rates with common carriers by water in foreign commerce unless property of passengers are carried on American vessels __ Ship mortgage act, 1920 (see Mortgages) Ship-repairing plants, transfer of, to foreigners during emergency forbidden... 2888888 30 49, 50 50 37 22, 23 Shipper: Disclosure of information about shipments without consent of 14 21 21 14 17, 18 12, 13 Retaliation against, forbidden War-risk insurance extended to property of, on foreign vessels under United States control_ Shipping, rules and regulations to govern, in foreign trade_ Shipping act: To be cited as "Shipping act, 1916” Authority under transferred to board created under merchant marine act.. 128 1 19 43, 44 44 25 3 31 Shipping Board (see Commissioners): Appointment of commissioners. Chairman, selection of__. } Chartering of vessels by, repealed. Creation of_ 1 1 111 1 1 I } Referred to as "board DO GO LO CI 3 3, 4 3 3, 4 5 3, 4 3 31 1 30 May delegate authority under merchant marine act to Emergency Fleet Corporation_ 35 May divide duties among commissioners_ Duties under shipping act conferred on new board under merchant marine act- 103 60 - 3, 4 3 3, 4 Commissioners to be appointed according to geo- graphical location _ _. Salary of commissioner. 33 3, 4 4 33 1 Affirmative vote of not less than five commissioners in sale of vessels to foreigners _ _ 6 34 Commissioner shall hold over until appointed under merchant marine act.. 3 31, 32 Authority conferred on board under shipping act transferred to board created under merchant marine act_ Seal 33 3 31, 32 31, 32 Vacancy not to affect transaction of business by re- maining members.. Commissioners, removal of 31, 32 31, 32 Supervision of division may be assigned to commis- sioner__ 3 31, 32 I Note. 183 Section Page Shipping Board-Continued. Duties of, may be divided among commissioners_ Vacancies_ Commissioner- Appointment of_. Term of To elect vice chairman_ I 1 1 1 1 To be appointed by President_ To consist of seven commissioners. 1 } 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 T | To exercise authority previously conferred on Presi- dent in settling matters under emergency shipping legislation_ Authorized to arbitrate, compromise, settle, etc., claims under suits in admiralty act_ Created__ Employees of Effect of vacancy on. Expenses of_ Į I Findings of, as evidence_ 1 Formation of corporations by. Investigations by (see Investigations) Leasing of vessels by, repealed___ Maximum rates, etc., to be filed with_ 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 } 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 I 1 1 May require filing of reports, rates, memoranda, etc__ Members of, not to engage in other business_ Orders (see Orders) - Operations of ships by (see Ships and Operation). Purchase of vessels by: Purchase of vessels by, repealed. Qualifications of commissioners_ Reports to be made by Sale of vessels__ Sale of vessels by, repealed__. Secretary, appointment and salary Salaries of Terms of offices of commissioners. To be nonpartisan__: Vice chairman_. I 1 I 111 Not to charge War Department charter hire 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 J 1 Order delegating authority to, under original emer- gency shipping act___ Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation, continued in existence until vessels are sold__ Shipping Board vessels: Steamboat-inspection laws extended to Vessels acquired by or from board may engage in coast- wise trade via foreign port- - - - 1 I ww 31, 32 3 31, 32 31, 32 31, 32 3 31, 32 31, 32 3 31, 32 2 30 78 3 3, 4 5, 6 3 3, 4 4 5, 6 30 30, 31 11 9, 10 5 12, 22, 26 10, 18, 19 6 18 16 21 17, 18 23 23 23 23 11 \9, 10 11 9, 10 LO M 5 6 3 3 11, 12, 26 12, 15 10, 11, 19 11, 14 7,8 7 4 5, 6 5, 6 3 3, 4 3 3, 4 3 3, 4 118 118 12 40 •114 American Bureau of Shipping to classify and survey Foreign-built authorized to engage in coastwise trade_ Not to be given preference over private vessels by rules and regulations... 222 27 25 22 752 AAA 49 48 46 19 43, 44 Immune from arrest or seizure. 1 75 Shipping property acquired by United States turned over to board_ 4 33 Shipping service, board directed to establish adequate with island possessions, including Philippines----- 21 46 Ships (see Vessels): Definition of term. 6 1 6 Requisition of, authorized } Definition of term "vessel" Fighting ships defined.. Use of fighting ships forbidden Board may complete construction work begun under emergency shipping act 1 11 I 1 | 1 1 14 14 H44 1 1 12 1º 2 30 184 Section Page 415 33 30 33 4 33 14 12 14 12 22 30 C 30 C 30 C 555 51 51 51 30 P 57 16 42 ∞1 8 116 1 115 37 22, 23 126 1 126 J I Ships Continued. Acquired under emergency shipping legislation turned over to board. Board to develop merchant marine by disposition of Sale of board directed to sell all ships Required by other department not turned over to board... Ships, fighting: Defined Use of, forbidden_ Ship sales: Recording of ___ 1 1 1 1 [ I To be recorded in order of their reception_. Indexing requirements_ I I 1 1 (See Sale of vessels; and Recording of bills of sale.) Ship's husband, may create maritime lien on vessels Shipyard employees, law providing houses for repealed___ Shipyards: Included in term "plant" Requisition of, authorized Not to be sold, mortgaged, etc., to foreigner without approval of board_ Term defined in housing law- To provide houses for employees of.. To take over transportation facilities around. T 1 1 Executive orders delegating authority to take over transportation facilities around.. Just compensation to be paid for transportation facili- ties taken over around_ Insurance__ Sale of, authorized. Shipyard transportation act: Repeal of 1 Contracts and rights to be carried out- Penalties under, not affected by repeal. Not affected by repeal.. 1 I 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 F 1 [ រ } 1 1 Size of vessels, to be determined for operation on new routes. Space accommodations: Clearance may be withheld for refusal of_ Discriminations in matter of Refusal of, by way of retaliation _ _ 1 1 1 1 10 18 · 115 119, 120 117 36, 137 41 22227 30 30 30 30 34, 35 36 22 14 12 14 12 222 Speed of vessels, to be determined for operation on new routes _ _ _ 7 34 State courts, to have concurrent jurisdiction over offenses under ship mortgage act. 30 J 54 State Department, may direct consuls to claim immunity of public vessels in foreign countries_ 7 77 States: Property of, exempt from requisition title of.. Consent of legislature of, not required to condemn land for houses within_. 13 123 126, 127 Status of vessels (see Suits in admiralty): Shipping Board vessels subject to suits. 9 Shipping Board vessels immune from arrest or seizure. 1 75 Status of vessels acquired from board__. 9 8 Statutes of limitation, suit for payment of money. 30 30, 31 Statutes of limitations, for filing suits under suits in ad- miralty act_ _ 5 76 Steamboat inspection laws: Shipping Board vessels subject to Extended to Shipping Board vessels. I Note. 9 8 I 1 114 1 1 1 185 Section Page Steamboat Inspection Service: May suspend, etc., master for failure to exhibit vessel's documents, etc... 30 J 54, 55 Rules and regulations relating to shipping need not be approved by board__ 19 43, 44 Detail of officers of, to board_ 4 5, 6 Steamship lines, board to investigate new routes and es- tablish 7 34, 35 Steam vessels (see Vessels and ships) charters of, over 250 tons must be approved during emergency. 124, 125 Stevedores: Maritime line of, may be created after execution of mortgage, but before same is recorded__ Maritime line of, made preferred lien_. Stevedoring: 30 F 30 M LOLO 53 56 May prescribe rates, terms, and conditions for use of service of, during emergency- 1222 122, 123 122, 123 77 73 76 17, 18 17, 18 12 13 723 121, 122 122, 123 41 1 115 119 1 1 I 117 13 41 9 121, 122 9 121, 122 77742 222 27 20 27 27 20 20 20 84 2 1 1 Priority in use of service of, during war. Stipulations: In suits against public vessels in foreign countries authorized Not required in suits in admiralty act_ Storing of property: Practices connected with, must be reasonable_ - President may make rules and regulations regarding, during emergency, repealed___ Priority in use of storage houses during emergency Street-car systems, sale of, authorized... Street railroads: To take over. Executive order delegating authority to take over- Just compensation to be paid for.. Street-railway systems, sale of, authorized_ Submarine regulations, President may prescribe_ 1 I 1 1 Submarine zone, President may exclude vessels from dan- ger zone__. Subpœna: Board to have power to-- May be signed by any commissioner. 1 Obedience to, may be enforced in courts_ Restriction of, under salvage act__ Successors subject to the act_- Suits: For enforcement of orders of board— I F 1 I I I 1 1 For payment of money must be brought within one year.. May be maintained where_ Other than for payment of money Venue and procedure in- Condemnation proceedings for land__ 11 1 Under rate emergency law to be brought in Court of Claims Against Shipping Board vessels authorized. Under salvage act__ Board may employ attorneys to conduct.. 1 For personal injuries or death of seamen to be in district where defendant resides_ F 1 1 1 I 30 20, 21 31 21 29 20 31 21 130 I 14 123 .9 8 83 3 31, 32, 33 33 60 Persons not satisfied with just compensation awards may bring. Suits in admiralty act Public vessels and cargo immune from arrests or seizure. Moneys collected from judgments, etc., to be covered into Treasury to department credit. 11 78 2 3813 30 75 1 1 75 186 Section Page 1 75 22222∞∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 3 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 3 76 3 76 76 216 45 67777 I 76 76 223 77 77 77 77 77 7 77 8 77, 78 9 • · 78 11 2023 10 78 12 13 777 78 78 78 ∞∞∞ 30 N 56 Suits in admiralty act-Continued. Panama Railroad Co. excepted. Admiralty suits in personam against United States authorized………. District courts to have jurisdiction. Service Cross libels. Removal of cause of action. Law and procedure same as in private actions. Costs, interest, etc. Appeals. Libellant may elect to proceed as in rem action.. Stipulations and bond. t 11 1 I T I Private vessels libeled for acts done while in Govern- ment service immune. Statute of limitations_ - Entitled to limitations of liability and exemptions as private vessels___ Vessels and cargo immune in foreign countries. Stipulations and bonds. Appeals --- } 1 1 Attorney General may arrange stipulations and bonds- Evidence for paying judgments- Payments of judgments and awards. Arbitration, compromise, and settlement of claims. Salvage_ Disposition of funds recovered. Report of suits, awards, and claims settled_ Inconsistent acts repealed... } 1 I I Suits in personam, mortgagee may bring in admiralty on default of mortgage. Suits in rem: Foreclosure of mortgage maritime liens, by admiralty suits in rem authorized_. Libellants may elect under suits in admiralty act.. Vessels immune from seizure or arrest in stipulations not required……. Sale of vessels by admiralty court by, to pass title free of lines... Vessels not to be sold in, to foreigners.. Supplies: Sale of, authorized__ 1 1 1 Furnishing of, to constitute maritime liens on vessels__ Persons who may create lien_-_ Supply and demand, to be taken into consideration in sale of vessels.__. Suspension of contracts: Authorized.. Compensation to be made for……. Suspension of orders___ T. I 1 1 1 J 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 Taking of vessels (see Commandeering; Requisitioning; and Seizure). Tariffs: Board may prescribe just and reasonable.. Must be just and reasonable……. Tariff act of 1894, agreements approved by board excepted from I I 1 30 K 55 3 76 3 76 30 O 56, 57 30 O 56, 57 13 41 30 P 57 30 P 57 LO 5 13 I f 25 33, 34 115 3, 4, 5 19 10 9 18 16 18 16 15 14, 15 187 Section Page Taxes: Exemption conditioned on reinvestment of such tax in new tonnage. Owner must furnish two-thirds of construction fund…. Vessels engaged in foreign commerce exempt from pay- ing war and excess-profit taxes on net income for 10 years Proceeds from sale exempt from Tender of cargo, duty to accept. Tender of vessels to board, required. Terminal facilities: Furnishers of, subject to shipping,act_ - 1 1 1 May lease or requisition during emergency. | 1 May prescribe rates, terms, and conditions for use of, during emergency - . 22 23 47 23 47 *** 23 47 23 42 36 9 7287 1 1 13 123 To be operated as President may direct during emer- gency-- Priority in use of, during emergency- 121 22 123 15 123 12 123 (See German port facilities.) German, turned over to board_ 17 42 Sale of, prohibited... 17 42 President may transfer docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminal facilities from board to War or Navy Department_ Sale of, prohibited 177 17 42 17 42 22 Under War or Navy Department may be turned over to board by President_ Sale of, prohibited. Terminal railroads, priority in use of, during emergency. Terminals, water, to investigate subject of Termination of authority: In emergency shipping act. Rate emergency act_. Of corporations organized under board. In housing law. Terms: Of charters of forcign vessels must be approved- May be prescribed for use of dry docks, wharves, lighterage, terminal facilities, etc., during emergency- Territorial regions, investigation of water-borne commerce with respect to territorial regions and zones. Through rates, common carriers not to give through re- duced rates with common carriers by water in foreign commerce unless property or passengers are carried in American vessels. Tickets, practices connected with issuance, etc., to be just and reasonable__. Timber, condemnation of, for housing purposes- Title: 1 To take, to German and other enemy vessels.. Executive order authorizing board to take, to vessels. May redelegate to its corporations I President authorized to take, to German port facilities. Tonnage, proclamations declaring an emergency to exist in maritime Tonnage dues, treaties restricting right to impose discrim- inating, to be terminated__ Tort maritime liens, made preferred lien_ Towboats: On Mississippi River turned over to War Department. Power to operate and dispose of Mississippi River barges and towboats turned over to War Depart- ment_ 1 ! 1726 42 42 123 1 35, 36 10 1 116 3 1 I | 1 T 121 1 I I 11 9, 10 126 124 12 123 8 35, 36 1 1 28 49, 50 18 16 124 I 92 I 1 119 1 119 1 95 26, 27 34 60 30 M 56 132 132 188 Section Page Towage: Lien for, may be waived.. To constitute maritime lien Persons who may create lien__. 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I [ 1 1 Traffic accounts, disclosure of information in connection with adjustment of __ Tramp, ocean: Defined__ Not a common carrier. Transfer of vessels: Acquired from board.. During war or national emergency T F Of War or Navy Departments to board. To foreign flag or interest. I I I } 1 I Admiralty courts not to sell vessels to foreigners Chartering vessels to foreigners - - 1 1 1 1 I 1 30 S 30. P LO LO 58 57 30 P 57 20 17 1 1 1 1 9 9, 37 8, 22 6 6 9, 37 8, 22 30 O 56, 57 9 8 Documents of vessels covered by preferred mortgages not to be surrendered without approval of board___ Board to refuse approval unless mortgagee consents. Mortgage to foreigners- 30 O 56, 57 30 O 56, 57 9 8 30 O 56, 57 LO 5 33, 34 8 35, 36 601 72 1 115 119 117 1 Rights under mortgage not to be assigned to foreigners without board's consent. Vessels sold by board subject to restrictions of sec. 9 of shipping act__ Transportation, to investigate with respect to natural out- let to ports.. Of Government officials. Transportation facilities: Authorized to take over around shipyards_ Executive order delegating authority to take over. Just compensation to be paid for. Investigation of water-borne commerce with respect to territorial regions and zones with object of de- veloping Sale of, authorized_ Transportation by railroad, investigation to coordinate with water transportation_ Transportation shipyards act: Penalties under not affected by repeal. Contracts and rights to be carried out. Repeal of T Coastwise trade via foreign ports limited to American vessels 13 ão co 35, 36 41 8 35, 36 } 222 30 30 30 27 49 27 49 with to be 18 16 44 5 5 27 20 1 25 48 Merchandise transported from continental United States excepted-- Transporting property, practices connected just and reasonable__ Traveling expenses: Of members of board_ Of employees of board_ Of witnesses before board_ I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 Representatives on American Bureau of Shipping al- lowed.. Treasury Department: Exemption of vessels engaged in foreign commerce from war and excess-profits taxes. Proceeds from sale of, exempted. Treasury of United States (see Treasury Department): Fees for copies of mortgages, bills of sale, liens, record of vessels, etc., to be covered into__. Net proceeds to be covered into, for construction, req- uisitioning or purchasing of vessels__ 2228 23 47 23 47 30 I 54 14 41 189 Section Page Treaties: Customs duties, treaties restricting right to impose dis- criminating, to be terminated- President to give notice of termination_ Tonnage dues, treaties restricting right to impose, to be terminated___ Trials by jury: Seamen given right in personal injury cases.- Seamen given right to, in death by wrongful act_ Suits to be in district where defendant resides.__ Trust fund, exempted war and excess-profit taxes to be placed in, for constructing new vessels. Trust laws (see Antitrust laws), marine insurance associa- tions exempt from__ Trustees subject to the act_ Type of vessels, to be determined for operation on new routes. 34 34 租​租 ​680 60 60 34 60 33 33 33 8880 60 60 60 23 47 29 22 7 50 2 34, 35 U Unconstitutionality: If part of shipping act held invalid, not to affect re- mainder... 34* 22 If part of rate emergency law declared invalid, not to affect remainder__. 17 124 If part of merchant marine act declared unconstitu- tional not to affect remainder. 36 61 Understandings, included in term "agreement" (see Agreements) - Undue: Preferences or advantages, giving of, unlawful. Prejudice or disadvantage, giving of, unlawful. Penalty-. Unfair practices: Board to make rules and regulations to meet. Companies discriminating against American vessels by, to be denied entrance into United States ports.. Unfair or unjust device or means, use of, to obtain lower rates forbidden___. United States: Definition of term in rate emergency act_ 15 14 16 15 t 16 15 32 21 19 43, 44 15 14 16 15 1 120 1 Court of Claims to have jurisdiction of claims against, under rate emergency act. 14 123 Court of Claims to have jurisdiction of claims against, under emergency shipping act______ 3 116 Court of Claims to have jurisdiction of claims against, under housing law. 126 Suits against in Court of Claims.. 12 2 30 United States citizen (see Citizen; Citizens of United States), declaring policy of having merchant marine owned and operated by --. 1 30 3 31 1 J United States Shipping Board (see Shipping Board), crea- tion of.. United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corpora- tion (see Emergency Fleet Corporation and Corpora- tions), continued in existence until vessels are sold_. Unreasonable: Preference or advantage, giving of, unlawful_ Prejudice or disadvantage, giving of, unlawful. Penalty for._ Rates, fares, classifications, etc., forbidden.__ 46209°-29-13 I រ I 1 12 40 16 15 16 15 32 21 18 16 190 V Section Page Vacancy: Effect on board of___ How filled.. Venue and procedure- Vessel of United States: 1 1 1 } 1 1 I Į 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 Documents of, not to be surrendered without approval of board. ww 3 3 3 3 31 21 30 O 56 Interest of mortgagee in, to take priority over forfei- ture proceedings.. 30 O 56 Not to be sold by suits in rem to foreigners_ Rights under mortgage on, not to be assigned to for- eigners without board's consent. 30 O 56 30 O 56 Sale of, by admiralty court to pass title free of mari- time lines.. 30 O 56 30 B 50 Term in ship mortgage act, means any vessel docu- mented under the laws of the United States__. Vessel's documents. Vessels (see also Ships): Under shipping act- (See Documents.) Construction of authorized, repealed. In American shipyards, repealed_ In foreign shipyards, repealed... J 1 1 } In United States navy yards, repealed. Chartering of. Chartering of, repealed. Commandeering of.. 1 1 1 1 J 1 or fr 5,7 5, 10 ŁO LO LO LOTTO 6 6 6 6, 7 7 6, 7 10 9 1 1 Discrimination against, by foreign Govern- 26 19 9 8 Compensation for, taken for military and naval purposes- Definition of term ment_ Enrollment of. Foreign vessels (see Foreign vessels) Admission to American registry. Admission to coastwise trade_ Licensing as American vessels Leasing of Leasing of, repealed. Operation of By corporation formed by board. Only under American flag- - 1 Proceeds of sale, lease, and charter of__. Purchase of- By board, repealed.. By corporation formed by board. Limitations upon, repealed. Refusal of clearance to.. Registration as American vessels Sale of (see also Sale of vessels)—– By board, repealed- During war or national emergency. To board, repealed_ Unfit for service, repealed... 1 1 Taking of, for naval or military purposes- Transfer of, acquired from board_ During war or national emergency. Which may not be purchased by board.. Under emergency shipping act- 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I } 1 T I [ t 1 } ་ 1 1 1 1 1 9 5,7 cr cr 977 5, 7 6, తత 6, 7 ∞∞∞77 11 9 9 8 13 11 5 11 9 5 6 36 22 9 7 9, 37 8, 22 5 7207 6 10 9 9 8 9, 37 8, 22 5 6 Authorized to- Order ships or materials__ 1 115 Requisition, etc., contracts for ships, etc. 1 115 Purchase, requisition, etc., ships and charters_ 115 191 Section Page Vessels-Continued. Under emergency shipping act—Continued. 'Vessel" included in term "ship Executive orders delegating authority to board to operate___ Executive orders delegating authority to Emer- gency Fleet Corporation to build. Under rate emergency act 6 6 119 1 119 Board may requisition temporary use of. 11 122 Requisitioned under rate emergency act to be oper- ated as President may direct. 15 123 May require master to place at service of United States__ 11 122 President to pay just compensation for- 11 122 Under merchant marine act- Definition of, in merchant marine act. Board directed to sell all vessels. Board may complete construction work begun under emergency shipping act.. Best equipped and most suitable types necessary. Required by other departments not turned over to board.. Acquired under emergency shipping legislation turned over to the board. Board vessels not to be given preference over private vessels by rules and regulations_ Reconditioning-- Sale to aliens, authorized_ 37 7. LO 61 5 33 21 30 30 4 33 4 33 1 Insurance on_ I 1 1 5255 19 43 12 40, 41 34 10 36 Cargo, authorized to carry 16 passengers. 26 48 Shipping Board, American Bureau of Shipping to classify and survey- 25 48 Shipping Board vessels foreign built may engage in coastwise trade.. Ship-construction loan fund, created. 21 22 46 11 39, 140 Tax foreign trade, vessels engaged in, exempt from war and excess-profits tax_ Proceeds from sale exempt from. 8833 23 47. 23 47 Under merchant-marine act, 1928- 405 1 67, 68 702 1 I 1 I 1 73 705 I I 74 203 63, 64 In ocean mail service__ Requisition of _ Operations Replacement of Vested rights, unaffected by repeal of emergency shipping legislation. Vice chairman of board, board to elect_ Violation of orders: For payment of money, remedy for. Other than for payment of money. Penalties for. (See Penalties.) Suits for, where brought__ I 1 1 1 J } Virgin Islands, enemy vessels in, excepted from act taking over_ Adequate shipping service with. Extension of coastwise laws to- Voyages: Of vessels may be directed during emergency, repealed_ President may regulate in submarine zone_ Not exclusively coastwise required... Note. T 1 1 13 30 32, 33 30 29 20, 21 20 30 20, 21 92 1 112 T 112 7 9 121 121, 122 ī 121 192 Section Page Wages: War: W Seamen may demand only once in same port.. May demand only half of balance of wages.. Payment of advance wages in American or foreign ports prohibited__-. 1 Conclusion of European, to be proclaimed by President. Existence of, to be proclaimed by President. Transfer of vessels during. Declaring policy of having Naval Auxiliary during... War Department: Vessels of, may be transferred to board_ Board not to charge charter hire to រ 1 Board not to requisition terminal facilities of Vessels under, exempt from merchant marine act, 1920- Mississippi River barges and towboats turned over to- President may transfer docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminal facilities from board to. Sale of prohibited. 31 59 31 59 32 59 11 9 9, 37 8, 22 9, 37 8, 22 1 30 6 6 118 126 1 4 33 132 17 17 Docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminal facilities under, may be turned over to board by President. 223 42 42 17 Sale of prohibited. 17 22 42 42 Not to pay charter hire for use of Government vessels during fiscal year ending June 30, 1919.. Investigation of water-borne commerce with respect to territorial regions and zones_ 15 42 8 35 23 47 23 47 9 36 War-profit tax: Vessels engaged in foreign commerce exempt from……- Proceeds from sale exempt from... War-risk insurance, purchasers of vessels to provide.. War Risk Insurance Bureau (see Compilation of war-risk insurance laws): To insure foreign vessels under control of United States___. Suspension of act. War Trade Board, not to withdraw powers from. Warehouse facilities, furnishers of, subject to this act_ Warehouses: May lease or requisition during war. To be operated as President may direct during war. May prescribe rates, terms, and conditions for use of during war- Priority in use of during war. Investigation of necessity for. Sale of, authorized.. German port facilities turned over to board. Sale of prohibited_ I 1 I I Under War or Navy Department may be turned over to board by President_ Sale of prohibited. - German, seizure of.. 1 Water commerce, investigation of, with respect to terri- torial regions and zones_ Water craft, included in term "vessel” 1 128 1 1 128 111 11 I 1 1 126 1 1 13 123 15 123 -- 12 12 228 122, 123 122, 123 8 35 13 41 17 17 17 17 1 3722 222 42 42 42 42 92 I Water terminals, to investigate subject of__ Water transportation, proclamations declaring an emer- gency in... ∞∞ 8 1 8 சுடசு 35 35 26 Waterways, inland, vessels engaged in improving, exempt from merchant marine act, 1920... 4 Weighing, false, to obtain lower, unlawful. 16 333333 15 Wharfage, persons engaged in furnishing, subject to shipping act__ 1 1 193 Wharves: Section Page 1223 I | 1 13 123 15 123 122, 123 122, 123 8 35 13 40 17 17 77 42 42 17 42 17 42 15 14, 15 27 28 27 28 28 787∞∞7 2220 20 20 20 34 I May lease or requisition during emergency- To be operated as President may direct during emergency- May prescribe rates, terms, and conditions for use of during emergency. Priority in use of during emergency. Investigation of necessity for. Sale of, authorized_. German port facilities turned over to board. Sale of prohibited. Under War or Navy Department may be turned over to board by President.. Sale of prohibited Wilson tariff law (tariff act of 1894), agreements approved by board excepted from antitrust provisions of Witnesses: Entitled to fees and mileage- Exemption from prosecution May be summoned by subpœna-- Not excused on ground of incrimination_ Perjury of, may be punished.. World markets, board to establish new routes to Y Yukon River, act prohibiting merchandise being trans- ported in coastwise trade via foreign port not to take effect on Yukon until Alaska Railroad finished_ Z I Zones, investigation of water-borne commerce with respect to territorial regions and zones.. O 27 49 8 35 F BOUND J 13 1942 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 03458 6787 UNIV. OF MICK. LIBRARY Filmed by Preservation NEH 199 WITHDRAWA UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARY