1 4 ' ai :7-i At Q° a W 4 K 4 7,iA 4 t44i J r VAk f y 4 J 4 4 9 ,{E ( 1py$a~, ' ' , :, ,4. I ." yr 'S . tL \, Lr 'J }F r E{ a 'li . ; 4 f 1F;x 44 :~ ;Il 4d$ A1923 sl 9 YH "5 Y 3 44 ,4' 1 {4, I4N Nb N 'P N "10 4, '' a x4 I 1 i I t b a Z 1 .,1it * {' 1 l:'i+ r S j + y _ I rA ;. ' yt' . 3 r {r + ' ,+4 % I+ " . ''!1. +" t 't'A n ' I e .t' '41. :x r 43 ""4t~'44 '~}~' '2  54TH CONGRESS, SENATE. DOCUmENT LIBRARY 1st Session. No. 5. SCIENCE '73 LL 57 IN THE SENATE OF THE UMTED STATES. DECEMBER 3, 1895.-Laid on the table and ordered to be printed. The VICE-PRESIDENT presented the following REPORT OF THOMAS LINCOLN CASEY, BRIGADIER-GENERAL, UNITED STATES ARMY, IN CHARGE OF CONSTRUCTION OF NEW LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. OFFICE OF BUILDING FOR LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, 145 EAST CAPITOL STREET, Washington, D. C., December 2, 1895. SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report upon the con struction of the building for the Library of Congress during the year ending December 1, 1895: When the last annual report was written the building had just been put entirely under roof, the windows glazed, all masonry work proper excepting the porch and approaches completed, and the interior brought to a condition which permitted the finish, already considerably advanced as to iron and marble work, to be continued in all parts uninterrupt- edly. This has been done by a force of workmen numbering some 350 to 400 in the building, besides those employed by contractors elsewhere in the manufactureof iron, marble, and wood work, etc., for the building. During the previous year the general plastering and stucco work had been commenced and some progress made. Since then this work has been continued as rapidly as the condition of the building permitted and the greater part of it is now finished, but there still remains some important work of this class to be done in the rotunda of the staircase hall and around the base of the main dome, as well as in the several small stair-wells, lavatories, octagon basement, etc. During the earlier part of the year the ornamental marble work of the interior, chiefly in the staircase hall, which was not yet completed at the date of the last annual report, was finished, but there are still a few minor pieces to be done during the present winter. Many of the floors throughout the building have been essentially completed and the tiling of the corridor floors is well under way, but several of the floors have yet to be dressed and those of the principal halls have not yet received their final covering of tiles, etc. The floors or decks of the three book stacks, which were unfinished at the date of the last report, have since been completed, and more than one-half of the 69,000 shelves required for them received from the manufacturers and put in place. The special arrangement of fixed iron shelving required for the two- storied alcoves surrounding the public reading room or rotunda, serv- ing also to divide these alcoves into subalcoves for the accommodation of special readers, is now being manufactured and is going into place. OV ERSjTY OF MICHIGAN UBIAARS 2 CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY BUILDING. Ubrary Scieu Last spring the general coloring and decorative painting of the build- 3 ing was begun and it is now considerably advanced. That of the main ,-,rotunda is practically finished excepting the alcoves and the mural Wy/paintings in the crowns of the dome and lantern. This decorative y 4.work and also that of the architectural ornamentation of all principal rotundas and balls has been going on actively throughout the year both within the building and in preparation therefor elsewhere, and such good progress has already been made that its completion simultaneously with that of all other work is confidently expected. For the two principal private reading rooms intended for Members of Congress, and also for the Librarian's office, appropriate finish for walls and floors has been provided and is now going into place, includ- ing three large fireplace mantels in the reading rooms and a commodious sate for the Librarian's office. The public reading room, occupying, as before stated, the main rotunda, is being provided with a complete system of fixed reading tables, catalogue counter and desks, and a high central desk, all com- bined with the warming and ventilating apparatus and that for pneu- matic transmission of messages, mechanical automatic conveyance of books, and for telephone communication between the central desk of the reading room, the book stacks, and the Capitol. This work is already under way and parts of the apparatus in place. The carrying apparatus is necessarily of new and original design, as nothing adapted to the peculiar requirements of this Library exists elsewhere. There will be in the building some 400 doors, many of which are double. Most of them are of oak and mahogany. Nearly all have been made and delivered and more than one-half of them are now hung. There will also be 14 lavatories besides several scattered wash basins and sinks, for all of which the fixtures, marble work, and floor tiling are under contract, and many of the fixtures received. The installation of the plumbing work is now in progress. There will be 9 elevators and lifts of all kinds, including those for the public and those for the book stacks and reading room, the ash lift for the boiler room, and a large area lift. All of these are in an advanced state of construction. During the year the apparatus and wiring for electric lighting and - small power for ventilating fans and book carriers has kept pace in con- struction with the rest of the building and is now near completion. The four courtyards of the building have been cleared out, curbed, soiled, and graded ready to be sown for grass and thus completed. Outside of the building the masonry of the porch at the main en- trance and of the series of stairs, platforms, and parapets leading thereto on the west front has been very nearly completed. In the month of October the temporary fence inclosing the grounds was removed, together with all temporary buildings and much of the refuse material, surplus engines, derricks, tools, and implements, all of which were sold at public auction. The two old residences near the northeast corner of the grounds occupied by the office of construction are retained for this use until next spring, when it is the purpose to dispose of them and all other old materials, tools, furniture, etc., not likely to be of service in the occupation and care of the building. The piping for water, gas, and electric lighting conduits in the ground is practically finished, and so are the dwarf walls surrounding the grounds, and all curbing of walks and drives, including the street sike- walks of the Library site. About one-half of the walks are finished with granolithic pavement, and the two driveways of the west and east CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY BUILDING. 3 entrances have received their pavement foundations soon to be coated with sheet asphalt. In the months of August and September the tunnel, authorized in the appropriation act approved March 2, 1895, was constructed between the Library building and the Capitol, and the necessary arrangements made in the masonry of the Capitol for its connection with and termi- nation in the room designated therefor in the said act. The park and pavements cut through by this work have been restored to their origi- nal condition. The tunnel is 6 feet in height by 4 feet in width in the clear and is ready to receive the book-carrying apparatus, pneumatic message tube, and the telephone wires for communication between the Library and the cloak rooms of the Senate and House and the tunnel- terminal room in the Capitol. Accompanying this report are two photographs showing the present condition of the approaches on the west front of the building. The formal contracts that have been in force during any part of the year are enumerated in the following table: Date. 1892. Dec. 29 29 1893. Mar. 20 June 8 24 1894. Feb. 1 Apr. 27 May 12 June 19 19 July 2 14 Sept. 1 Oct. 1 16 Nov. 9 Dec. 1 1 15 15 20 1895. Jan. 9 21 26 29 Feb. 9 16 27 Mar. 6 5 15 Apr. 3 3 3 3 3 May 7 7 8 9 11 Apr. 15 June 12 18 18 18 July 1 3 8 Name of contractor. Subject of contract. W. H. Evans & Son........ Marble work .................... Vermont Marble Co...-............do ........................... Pneumatic and Electric Tool Co. Washington Brick Machine Co. John B. Lord-....-......... Snead & Co. Iron Works..... Evans Marble Co ............. Phoenix Iron Co ............. Church & Stephenson ........ Jas. H. McGill ................ Frank M. Lee................. Simplex Electrical Co ........ Builders' Iron Foundry....... Norcross Bros ................ Chas. werner................. Mather Electric Co ........... Expanded Metal and Fire- proofing Co. Van Dorn Iron Works Co..... Jas. H1. McGill................ M. J. Foley..... ......... Batterson, See & Eisele....... McNeil Bros.................. Bartlett, Hayward & Co...... Miles Pneumatic Tube Co... Geo. Mann.................... Crook, Horner & Co.......... Jackson & Conradson........ Stokes & Parrish Elevator Co. Wm. S. White................ Guilford & Waltersville Gran- ite Co. Matthews Bros. Mfg. Co ..... Brandywine Granite Co....... Manning & Parsons ........... Acker & Co...................- Chas. E. Hall & Co............ Snead & Co. Iron Works...... John B. Lord................. Chas. G. Smith & Son.......... Snead & Co. Iron works...... Mosler Safe Co................ Jas. H. McGill................ Atlas Cement Co............. D. S. Hess & Co.............. M. J. Foley... ......... Yale & Towne Mfg. Co....... Pickel Marble and Granite Co. Vulcanite Tile and Mosaic Co. Chamblin, Delaney & Scott... J. L. Mott Iron Works....... Hire of tools and machinery..-.. Bricks, per M ................... Sand, per cubic yard ........... Book shelves .................... Marble work.................... Iron roofs, skylights, etc........ Lumber, etc.------------- Plaster and hair (estimated).._.. Lime, per barrel ................. Electric wire................... Iron and marble stairways....... Cut granite for approaches......' Coal............................. Dynamos ....................... Iron lathing, etc................. Gratings and tile lights........ Paints, brushes, etc.............. Excavation, etc., per cubic yard.. Marble work..................... Woodwork-...................... Registers...... ............. Pneumatic apparatus............ Red sandstone tiles.............. Engines ........................ Dy namoters ..................... Elevators..................... Red granite tiles.... .......... Blue granite tiles................ Doors and hand rails-.......... Cut granite...................... Potomac bluestone ............ North River bluestone.......... Marble work .................... Iron lathing. etc............ Sand, per cubic yard............. Broken stone, per cubic yard .. . Iron shelving, etc................ Burglar - proof vault.............. Cement, per barrel............. Portland cement, per barrel.... Wood, marble, and metal work.. Excavation, etc., per cubic yard. Bronze hardware ................ Marble tiling.................... Granito floors, per square foot... Ironwork...................... Plumbing materials.............. Price or amount. $325, 700.00 17, 828. 00 2,162. 33 6.23 1.00 67, 214.00 38, 965. 00 13, 281.88 7,422.16 1,873.00 . 48 3,045.73 9, 000.00 47, 260. 00 4,353. 28 6, 400.00 9,700.00 2, 597.25 1, 389.47 .25 23, 000. 00 15, 230.00 4, 148. 00 7,921.00 8, 181. 50 4, 637.00 2, 100. 00 17, 900.00 3,750.00 2,497.00 7,723.00 23, 000. 00 3. 977.00 5, 245. 00 2, 457. 50 11, 861. 00 1.00 1.72 .25, 308.00 1, 500. 00 .77 2.06# 6, 600.00 .22 3,106. 35 14, 290.00 .26J 3,394.35 4,163.98 Present condition. Completed. Do. Do. Do. Do. In force. Completed. Do. Do. In force. Do. Completed. Do. Do. Do. In force. Completed Do. Do. Do. -In force. Do. Completed. In force. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Completed. Do. In force. Completed. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. In force. Completed. Do. In force. Do. Completed. In firce. Do. Do. Do. Do. 4 CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY BUILDING. Date. Name of contractor. subject of contract. Priee orc- Present amount. condition. 1895. July 13 J. A. Machado................ Electric switches, etc............$2, 932. 91 In force. 17 General Electric Co........... Dynamo and egine----........... 1, 847.00 Do. Sept. 12 H. L. Cranford.................Asphalt driveways..............8,690.00 Do. 26 North American Iron Works. Ironwork.. 3,825.00 Do. 26 Harlan & Hollingsworth Co .. Woodwork . --.. -............. 11, 600.00 Do. 26 Davidson & Sons...-........... Marble work......-........--- ..... 13, 640. 00 Do. 26 Batterson & Eisele............ Marble tiling..-.................. 10, 000.00 Do. 26-....do ........................ Marble and granito floors.---.... 4, 400.00 Do. Oct. 1 Lewis Jefferson............... Manure. per cubic yard.......... .60 Completed. 1 Vulcanite Tile and Mosaic Co. Mosaic floors ----.-------........ 3, 210.40 In force. 7 E. C. Gatchell...............Excavation, etc., per cubic yard. . 23 Do. 9 H. L. Cranford ................ Granolithic work.............. 24, 394.00 Do. PROBABLE OPERATIONS DURING THE NEXT YEAR, 1896. The operations of the next year will be those of completion, in the nature of interior finish and apparatus, those of construction being already essentially ended. They will consist chiefly of plumbing; sky- lights and rotunda ornamental windows; mosaic the floors in the stair- case hall, corridors, rotunda and museum halls; mosaic vaulting for the lower story of the staircase hall; plastering and stuccowork; decora- tive and plain painting; placing of architectural ornamentations; electric and gas lighting fixtures in the building and grounds; book- carrying apparatus and pneumatic service within the building and between it and the Capitol through the now existing tunnel; interior finish of the special reading rooms, Librarian's office, and cloakroom; elevators and grilles; alcove shelving, reading tables, desks, and cata- logue counter in the public reading room; testing of ventilation and warming apparatus, electric lighting and power apparatus, pneumatic and carrying apparatus, and elevators; the removal and disposition of the large standing scaffolds in the main halls and the high traveling scaffold in the dome, and the completion of the base of the dome and gallery within the upper entablature now occupied by the traveling scaffold. By the close of the next year the building will probably be quite completed, so that it may be turned over for occupation within the time estimated for its construction. STATEMENT OF FUNDS. Amount appropriated since October 2, 1888.......................$5, 450, 000.00 Balance of appropriation of April 15, 1886.................... .... ....215, 567. 94 5, 695, 567.94 Amount expended prior to last report-.......-.........$4, 337, 438.34 Amount expended since last report .................... 860, 082.93 Total expended since October 2, 1888 .......................... 5, 197, 521.27 Unexpended (December 1, 1895).---------------------.. .......... 498, 046. 67 Estimate of appropriation required to complete the building......... 500, 000.00 RECOMMENDATION FOR PROTECTION FROM DEFACEMENT. To protect the building, its approaches, and surrounding grounds from defacement, it is respectfully recommended that some provision of law be enacted at this session for that purpose. Very respectfully, THOs. LINCOLN CASEY, Brigadier-General, United States Army. The PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. 0 T Li m it w z ,r w i z G Li. G } m Q c: c J L" fl LL 'Ll, z J  I .k ' _ _'-°- a°^+^xr. 1 !77{1i'T" ,::.. _ fJF"M 'ff :.w ' r - II d y t r . r _ y. , k, ry ti r . r ., BUILDING FOR LBRARY OF CONGRESS, NOVEMBER 27, 1395.  UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 03379 4143 Library Science Library 233 737 ew PO " _Ile -: in- w- - _: , , _: <- - - _ g - a.«~ .mom ' arc"' : r" , _ y, - _ T c " arrow"' - gip; r, .-. .., ._ - " - -Niz 006 IM 42 Owl' Rill - XC - Veto,, a y T " 3 Vl -~n CAC :'C tea' "- ... "J -{ :. .: .a+- T N' .,.~, r" .' -. mac- ear -z .r. .-.' WS : '. ~ _ FI+ e . ;.tea-. a S g3 ePd ". " d ' '. " :t got 401* 47, °' x-. i "-- ' 'fir _ _.r". " ^"'- . .. - ° 4 OW - ,. :..: - - ;F_. ... .,r'-' ,.: - ~g ". _ ,.. tea- s r "'P^a. -ter"'- -+- f ??= r 3'^-,t _, _ ..: .. T. "... s'' _: -- _ _ , '+R' Ail t F - w 47 p. pi Mil t 1