C 476,404 PERKINSS CATALOGUE Z 1022 P45 NAMED AND MCED. JJ WH TU 1266+ 191- WH I am s JO SSSS SSS s SJ SS IS J VISS SSSSS S D ISS SS SSSSSS Turan, jaysine, jokatu 4. Kroon IS V SNAA KOMUNAAKS SE- J M no na I mu a Imu ለ 1200 ARTES LIBRARY JALAN UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN indonoIREDEZTE NYESTERET SSSSSSS JU J VERITAS 1837 # WTMEHOIDISS THOMAS MEDI TUERO2 VERIS PENINSULAM-AMDENAME" IRCUMSPICE SCIENTIA OF THE OF TILEN MERITONE 107. Que M 10 JJJ J L 5 SSS U SSS L ISI Ill W ህዝ ገበ M AISS A LIST OF THE CHIEF BOOKS & MANUSCRIPTS OF THE PERKINS LIBRARY, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION IN THE MONTHS OF MAY AND JUNE, 1873, AT HANWORTH PARK, 12 miles from London. BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 Piccadilly, LONDON, will give every information concerning the books of the above Library, and will attend to Commissions. NOTICE. The late HENRY PERKINS, of Springfield, Surrey, and afterwards of Hanworth Park, was the son of Mr. John Perkins, well-known to the readers of Boswell's Johnson. He was educated by the famous Dr. Parr, under whose tuition he acquired his love for books; and, at his father's death, became a senior partner of the firm of Barclay, Perkins, & Co., the eminent Brewers. He made his grand collection of Books and Manuscripts in the period between the years 1820 and 1830. He obtained them chiefly from the great English and continental sales of Sir Mark Sykes, R. Hibbert, Mr. Dent, Prince Golovkin, and the La Valliere collection. J Mr. PERKINS was a liberal purchaser, never bargain- ing with his booksellers, Payne and Foss, in whose professional advice he trusted considerably, and thus succeeded in forming a splendid library, perhaps the finest of its kind that will have been dispersed in Eng- land during the present century. } After his death, which took place about 1855, the Library was inherited by his son, Mr. ALGERNON PERKINS. [See last page of wrapper. CATALOGUE OF THE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE HENRY PERKINS. HOLY SCRIPTURES. Manuscripts. 1 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA; Manuscript of the XIII Century, written in large characters upon vellum, consisting of 745 leaves, 18 inches by 13, containing 146 Miniature Paintings, forming one of the most mag- nificent MS. copies of the Latin Scriptures in existence, 2 vols. folio, blue morocco, rich blind tooling, joints, &c. by Hering Sec. XIII. 2 SAINTE BIBLE, a most beautiful French MS. of the XIII Century upon vellum, 2 vols. folio, containing 565 leaves 11 3/10 inches by 8 3/10, with 130 most exquisite Miniature Paintings, and many hundred illuminated Capitals in the richest gold and colours, red morocco, gilt leaves, from the Library of Prince Golowkin This beautiful and precious Manuscript is in the finest possible condition. The translation was done by Guyar des Moulins in 1295. Polyglott. 3 BIBLIA SACRA POLYGLOTTA, complectentia Textus Originales, Hebraicum (cum Pentateucho Samaritano), Chaldaicum, Græcum, Versionesque antiquas, Samaritanam, Græcam, Chaldaicam, Syriacam, Arabicam, Ethiopicam, Persicam, et Vulgatam Latinam, cum omnium translationibus Latinis et Apparatu, Appendicibus, tabulis, &c. edidit BRIANUS WALTONUS, 6 vols. folio Londini, 1657 4 CASTELLI Lexicon Heptaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syri- acum, Samaritanum, Ethiopicum, Arabicum, et Persicum, cum omnium Grammaticis, 2 vols. folio Londini, 1669 4* BIBLIA SACRA POLYGLOTTA à Lee, 2 vols. 4to. blue morocco, gilt edges, by Hering Bagster, 1830 B 2 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, Printed Bibles: Latin. 5 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, first printed edition of the Holy Scriptures and the first Book executed by the Inventors of Printing with metal Types, 2 vols. folio, bound in black morocco Supposed to have been printed by Gutenberg and Fust, at Mentz, between the years 1450 and 1455 Copies of this work on paper are of extreme rarity, and on vellum they are still more rare. It is generally known by the name of the Maza- rine Bible, on account of the first discovery of a copy of it in the Library of Cardinal Mazarine, belonging to the College des Quatres Nations. It is fully described by De Bure, Masch, Lambinet, Serna San- tander, Brunet, and Dibdin. Pettigrew in his Bib. Sussex. Vol. I, Part 2, page 288, calls it a most rare typographical curiosity, and states the number of copies known on paper as 14, and gives the names of the pos- The Memorandum of Cremer the Illuminator, in this copy, was copied for Sir M. M. Sykes, from another of the same edition in the Royal Library at Paris. sessors. 6 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, 2 vols. folio, printed upon vellum, iu the original binding Mentz, Gutenberg and Fust, between the years 1450 and 1455 This is another copy of the Mazarine Bible, printed on VELLUM. It is the rarest of all printed copies of the Sacred Text, and is particularly de- scribed by the principal Commentators and Bibliographers. This copy formerly belonged to Mr. G. Nicol, of Pall Mall. Dr. Dibdin in speaking of it in his "Library Companion," page 13, says, "that upon vellum in the possession of Mr. G. Nicol, bookseller to his late Majesty, is the ad- miration and envy of collectors." Also in his Bibliographical Decame- ron, Vol. I, page 339, he describes "the Illuminations, about the time of the printing, as a quiet and very pleasing style of composition and colouring." This magnificent copy formerly constituted the chief ornament of the Library of the University of Mentz, from whence it was obtained; it then wanted two leaves, which have since been supplied by a facsimile by Mr. Whittaker, so accurate as not to be distinguished without close examination. Copies upon vellum are in the libraries of the Hon. Thos. Grenville, the Royal Library at Berlin, and the King of France. This is unquestionably the most important and distinguished article in the whole annals of typography. The above was bought at the sale of Mr. Nicol's books, July 18, 1825, for £504. [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 3 7 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, without signature, place, or name of the printer, 2 vols. folio, red morocco (Argent. per Mentelinum,) s. a. This is the celebrated edition printed by Mentelin, and is one of the earliest and noblest productions of the press. Dr. Dibdin in de- scribing Lord Spencer's copy, says, "I consider this impression to be the rarest of all known editions of the Bible in the Latin Language,” not ex- cepting that of Pfister. Mr. Sams of Darlington, brought this copy from Spain, and it was sold to Mr. Henry Perkins, for £231. Jan. 14, 1825. 8 BIBLIA LATINA VULGATA, without printer's name, place, or date, folio, fine copy, in the original binding Dr. Dibdin, in describing Lord Spencer's copy of this rare edition, says, "it is difficult to determine the date, or name of the printer of those books, which are published in a manner like the one before us, but from Daunou I should apprehend this edition to have been printed by Mentelin." From the peculiar formation of the letter R, this Bible has been called the R Bible. 9 BIBLIA SAURA LATINA, 2 vols. folio, printed on vellum, bound in blue morocco, the first edition of the Latin Bible with a date Mogunt. Fust & Schoiffer, 1462 Dr. Dibdin in his description of this edition in Bib. Spen. Vol. I, p. 11, calls it the most celebrated of all known impressions among Bibliogra- phers, and the preface to the Bib. Sarazina, 1715, page 9, calls it "Fami- geratissima et Magnificentissima illa Biblia Latina," 1462." It is the first edition which bears the name of the printer. Pettigrew in his Bib. Sussex, Vol. I, Pt. 2, page 294, says, "this Bible, the first extant with a date, and with the name of a printer, has always been regarded as an object of rarity, curiosity, and interest." Also at page 296, he de- scribes this copy thus. "A very fine copy of this Bible, which has been successively in the collections of Gaignat and the Duke de la Valliere, was purchased at the Maccarthy sale by Messrs. Payne and Foss, for 4750 francs, (£197. 18s 4d,) it was afterwards the property of Mr. Wat- son Taylor, at whose sale Mr. Dent purchased it for £215. 5s. At the sale of Mr. Dent's library Mr. Perkins purchased it for £173. 5s." 10 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, 2 vols. folio, without date, place, or printer's name Argentina, typis Hen. Eggesteyn, 1469 or 1470 An extraordinarily large copy with many rough leaves in the old oak binding, printed by Bemler or Eggesteyn, but by which of the two, bibliographers are not agreed. Dr. Dibdin, who in his account of gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] • . 4 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, Lord Spencer's copy has taken much pains to elucidate the subject, sup- poses it was the latter. It is printed in double columns, the first volume contains 249 leaves, the second volume 244 leaves, with several orna- mental capitals. 11 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA VULGATA, 2 vols. folio Without date, place, or name of the printer, but supposed to have been printed at Cologne, by Ulric Zell in 1470 A fine copy in the original binding. This ancient edition of the Vul- gate is of very great rarity, the first volume contains 345 leaves, the second 334. 12 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, 2 vols. folio, without date, place, or name of the Printer, bound in green velvet, gilt leaves, with silver gilt clasps, and enclosed in blue morocco cases Colonia, typis Nic. Goltz, circa 1472 This Bible is divided into two volumes consisting of 700 leaves, including the Compendium of 43 leaves, which is wanting in Lord Spencer's copy. Mr. Pettigrew in the Bib. Sussex. Vol. I, Part 2, page 310, says Dr. Dibdin thinks its antiquity not lower than 1478, but as Nic. Goltz printed at Cologne about 1472, I am inclined to think this a production of that time, as most of the earlier printers made their first essay with a Bible. The productions of this press are few in number and rare. The Vita Christi, of 1474, and the present Bible, are the principal works. This Bible was unknown to Panzer, and it is not mentioned by Santander. 13 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, folio, fine copy, in the original binding Moguntiæ, Petrus Schoiffer, 1472 This Bible has generally been considered a reprint of the edition of 1462, but this is erroneous-many variations and some important correc- tions are introduced, the passage in Isaiah, chap. xxxix. v. 29, is cor- rected, naribus is substituted for auribus; it contains 481 leaves. This Bible is of greater rarity than the edition of 1462. 14 Biblia Sacra Latina, 2 vols. folio - Basel, by Bernhard Richel, 1475 15 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, printed upon vellum, 2 vols. folio, in blue morocco, by Lewis, lined inside with blue morocco Venice, Jenson, 1476 "The delicacy of the vellum, and the lustre of the ink, render this book a splendid acquisition to any collection."-Bib. Spencer, Vol. 1, page 33. At the sale of M. Paris, Mr. Willett purchased a copy on vel- [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 5 น lum for £59. 17s, which was afterwards bought by the Duke of Devon- shire for £168. Lord Spencer has a copy on vellum. The present was Sir Mark Sykes's copy. 16 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, folio, fine large copy Nurembergæ, Coburger, May 18, 1478 The initials of the first chapters of the several books are illuminated in gold and colours. In the present copy there are also two very large and curious woodcuts pasted on the inside of each cover. 17 CONCORDANTIE MAGNE Bibliorum, ex nova methodo et correc- tione Fratris Conradi (de Halberstat) de Allemania, first edition, folio, in the original binding Without date, place, or name of printer, Mentelin, circa 1470 18 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, 2 vols. 8vo. in old ornamental binding Lutetiæ, R. Stephanus, 1545 This is a very scarce and beautiful edition, printed in a very small but distinct character, in two columns, one containing the Vulgate version, printed from the most authentic copies, without any alteration; the other the Zurich version, according to the edition of 1543. 19 Biblia Sacra LATINA, Vulgatæ Editionis, Sixti V. jussu recog- nita atque edita, folio, large paper, fine copy in calf binding, with borders of gold, etc. very rare Romæ, ex Typographia Apostolica Vaticana, 1592 Large Paper copies are very rare; from the Cassano Library. This edition is valuable on account of the numerous and curious varia- tions from the edition of 1590, made by order of Pope Clement VIII.; the variations are so frequent and important with respect to the Text of Scripture, that James, Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury and Keeper of the Bodleian Library, published an account of them under the title of Bellum Papale. H 20 BIBLIORUM SACRORUM Vulgatæ Versionis Editio, 2 vols. 4to. Large Paper, red morocco Paris, Didot, 1785 21 BIBLIA HEBRAICA et Nov. Test. Gr. et Lat. Ariæ Montani, folio, Lips. 1657 vellum Icelandic. 22 BIBLIA ISLANDICA, translated from the version of Luther, folio, · fine copy Hoolum (in Iceland,) 1644 A curious specimen of printing, with singular woodcuts, and very uncommon. gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] 6 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, German. 23 BIBLIA GERMANICA, folio, fine copy, bound in blue morocco, gilt leaves, by C. Smith Without date, place, or printer's name The first edition of the Sacred Text in the German Language, supposed to have been printed about 1460 or 1462. English. 24 HOLY BIBLE. Biblia, the Bible, that is, the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testament, faithfully and truly translated out of Douche into English, by Miles Coverdale, folio, bound 1535 in morocco The first complete edition of the English Bible, a book of extraordinary rarity, woodcuts, in very fine preservation, first three leaves in facsimile. 25 THE BIBLE, which is all the Holy Scriptures, in whych are con- tayned the Olde and Newe Testament, truly and purely translated into Englysh by THOMAS MATTHEW, folio, extremely rare, fine copy, from Gulston's Library, woodcuts. This is the first edition of the English Bible printed in England, from Sir M. M. Sykes' Collection London, 1537 The name of Matthews is fictitious, as John Rogers, a learned Divine and the first Martyr in Queen Mary's reign, was the Editor; the initials of his name, in large flowery letters, are at the bottom of the exhortation to the people. 26 THE BIBLE IN ENGLYSHE (Cranmer's) folio, russia London, printed by Edward Whitchurch, finysshed in December 1540 27 HOLY BIBLE (First edition of King James', or the Author- ized Version), black letter, folio Barker, 1611 28 HOLY BIBLE, folio, Large Paper, bound in russia, border of gold Cambridge, Printed by John Baskerville, 1763 29 HOLY BIBLE, with Apocrypha, with Notes by Thomas Wilson, Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man, and various renderings by the Rev. Clement Crutwell, 6 vols. folio, Large Paper, extremely rare, fine copy, bound in blue morocco, joints, gilt leaves, by Walther, from Mr. Dent's Library Bath, 1785 Of this admirable edition of the English Bible only twelve copies were printed. The present copy has many of the leaves in a rough state. [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 7 1 30 HOLY BIBLE, with the Apocrypha, roy. 4to. printed upon vellum, 9 vols. bound in blue morocco, with joints, by C. Lewis Lond. Reeves, 1802 The only copy printed upon vellum. 31 HOLY BIBLE, 4to. bound in blue morocco, the sides and back tooled with Masonic emblems Oxford, 1808 This copy was used on occasion of the union of the Scotch and English Freemasons. 32 HOLY BIBLE, roy. 4to. illustrated with engravings by Charles Heath, from the designs of Richard Westall, printed entirely on India paper, on which only four copies were printed, 2 vols. bound in blue morocco, with morocco insides Printed at the Clarendon Press, Oxford, by Bensley, Cooke, and Collingwood, 1815 This copy was Mr. Bensley's, the Printer. The other copies are thus disposed of—2. John North, Esq. of East Acton; 3. Mr. Collingwood at Oxford; 4. The Bodleian Library. PRINTED MISSALS, HORÆ, ETC. 33 MISSALE ad usum Ecclesiæ Sarisburiensis, folio, printed upon vellum, woodcuts Paris, per Prevost impensit Francisce Byrckman, 1527 This is one of the most splendid specimens of printing upon vellum. Folios 73 and 155 are wanting in this copy. 34 MISSALE Secundnm Ritum AUGUSTENSIS Ecclesie diligenter emendatum et locupletatum ac in meliorem ordinem ubique antehac digestum, folio, printed upon vellum, bound in crimson silk velvet, gilt leaves, with large silver gilt clasps, enclosed in a russia case Dilingen, Sebaldi Mayer, 1555 This large and magnificent volume is printed upon the finest vellum, and is supposed to be the only book printed by Sebaldi Mayer upon vellum in this country. It has four cuts in wood of particular large sized blocks, being the full size of the page, beautifully illuminated in gold and colours, and is further enriched by 643 Illuminated Capital letters, many of which are of a large size, besides ten broad ornamental borders. Van Praet, in his Catalogue of Books printed on vellum, in the Royal Library at Paris, mentions but two books printed by Sebaldus Mayer. gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] 8 CO THE PERKINS LIBRARY, 35 HEURES a l'usiage de Rome, 8vo. printed upon vellum, red Paris, G. Hardouyn, 1520 This volume contains 36 miniatures, some of which are large, besides having the capitals illuminated. morocco, joints 36 HEURES a l'usaige de Romme, 8vo. printed upon vellum, en- riched with several small miniatures in colours Paris, Hardouyn, 1538 37 HEURES a l'usage de Romme, 8vo. printed upon vellum, with many curious cuts and borders Paris, Simon Vostre 38 HEURES Contenant l'Office de l'Eglise, 4to. plates, bound in mo- Metz, 1709 39 PSALTERIUM in nomine Dñi impressum, cum aliis correquisitis secundum consuetudinem ordinis Carthusiensis, upon vel- lum, in the original parchment binding Printed at one of their Monasteries in the 15th Century 1489 rocco B 40 PSALTERIUM cum Hymnis, 8vo. in original binding 41 PSALTERIUM Latinum, 4to. printed upon vellum, in the original wood binding 1518 42 LE PSAULTIER de la Vierge Marie, 12mo. curious cuts Paris, 1505 43 Book of COMMON PRAYER, engraved by JOHN STURT, 4to. large paper, fine copy, ruled with red lines, morocco London, 1717 44 L'OFFICE de la Semaine Saincte, 8vo. in rich ornamental red morocco, Louis XIII's copy, with the Fleur de Lis on the binding Paris, 1657 45 MISSALE MIXTUM secundum regulam beati Isidori dictum Mo- ZARABES, the initial letters in gold and colours Impressum in regali civitate Toleti jussu Card. Francisci Ximenes per Pet. Hagembach, 1500 BREVIARIUM Secundum regulam beati Ysidori dictum MOZARABES Toleti per Pet. Hagembach, 1502 2 vols. folio, in the finest condition, in old French red studio Alfonsi Ortiz morocco From the Libraries of Girardot de Prefond, Count McCarthy, and Mr. Hibbert. [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 9 " 48 MISSALE MONASTICUM secundum consuetudinem ordinis VALLI- SUMBROSE, folio, printed upon vellum in large gothic type, in red and black ink, bound in russia with joints, etc. from the libraries of Sir M. M. Sykes and Mr. Hibbert Lucas Antonius de Giunta Florentinus, Venetiis, 1503 This is the most splendid production of the Junta Press, and copies upon vellum are of the greatest rarity. Pas 49 VITA di San Giovanni GUALBERTO glorioso Confessore et Insti- tutore del ordine di Valembrosa, Venet. Giunta, 1510- COMPENDIO delli Abbati Generali di Valembrosa et di alcuni Monaci et conversi di esso ordine, Giunta, 1510-both printed upon vellum, bound in blue morocco, from Sir M. M. Sykes's library Gualberto was the Founder of the Monastery of Vallombrosa, and the composer of the celebrated Ritual known by the name of the Vallum- brosa Missal. 50 MISSALE Secundum consuetudinem Romanæ Curiæ, folio, printed upon vellum, the first page of the text most beautifully illu- minated with a border of exquisite taste, the present copy being the dedication copy to Pope Alexander 6th Romæ, per Magistrum Stephanum Planck Pataviensem, 1496 This book on vellum is not mentioned by Panzer or Van Pract. 51 HORE Beatæ Mariæ Virginis, 4to. printed upon vellum, with ornamental borders in compartments, the capital letters richly illuminated in gold and colours, ruled, in old gilt Anthoyne Verard, Paris, 1488 morocco ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS. 52 LECTIONARIUM. Manuscript of the 9th or 10th Cen- tury, 4to. upon vellum. This very ancient and curious Manuscript consists of 195 leaves 10 inches by 7 3/10, and is ornamented with representations of the four Evangelists writing their Gospels, and other illuminations to the number of thirteen. Several of the pages are written in gold on a crimson ground, the capitals are illuminated, and some of the pages have ornamental borders. gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] 10 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, 53 EVANGELIARIUM, Manuscript of the 13th Century, 4to. upon vellum, containing 202 leaves 9 210 inches by 6 7/10, ornamented with figures of the four Evangelists on a gold ground, the capitals illuminated 54 EPISTOLARIUM ET EVANGELIARIUM, very fine Manuscript upon vellum, folio, blue morocco, containing 107 leaves, 12 inches by 8 6/10 A.D. 1636 This volume has twenty very curious paintings, besides numerous capital letters illuminated in gold and colours, many of the pages or- namented with beautiful borders. 55 OFFICE de la VIERGE et de SAINTE ANNE, 48mo. blue morocco, with enamel clasps : This exquisite little volume is beautifully written upon vellum, by Jarry in 1660 it consists of 120 leaves 3 7/10 inches, and is ornamented with four very beautiful miniatures, each page surrounded with a gold border, and many of the capitals beautifully illuminated. 56 PSALTERIUM LATINUM, Manuscript upon vellum, 4to. bound in green silk velvet, with large gold clasps, by Lewis This very beautiful Manuscript consists of 245 leaves ornamented with 18 large exquisite paintings, surrounded with beautiful borders, in which 45 small miniatures are introduced, exccuted with great beauty and spirit, in the richest gold and colours, upwards of two hundred bor- ders of flowers, fruit, birds, grotesque figures, &c. and the capital letters richly illuminated 57 HORE, cum Calendario, Manuscript upon vellum, folio, 335 leaves, meas. 11 inches 7 8/10, red morocco This beautiful manuscript is ornamented with a great number of richly illuminated capitals, borders, &c. 58 HORE, Manuscript beautifully executed upon vellum, folio, in rich ornamental binding This volume consists of 137 leaves, and is illuminated with 10 beauti- ful paintings nearly the size of the page, and 24 others smaller, many of the pages richly ornamented with finely executed Arabesque borders, some of which contain miniatures, the capital letters being also illuminated. 59 PRECES PIE, cum Calendario, a Manuscript of the 15th Century upon vellum, 181 leaves, bound in morocco, or- namented with 16 highly finished paintings, five of which have several smaller miniatures round the large ones, the capitals illuminated, and each page surrounded by a border in gold and colours [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 11 60 PRECES PIE, cum Calendario, a Manuscript of 1518, 8vo. upon vellum, 190 leaves, bound in morocco, ornamented with 30 large miniatures and 24 small ones, each page having a rich Arabesque border, composed of Birds, Flowers, &c. 61 HEURES a l'USAGE de ROME, 8vo. Manuscript upon vel- lum, 194 leaves 6 9/10 inches by 4 6/10, in rich old red morocco This volume contains sixteen large and beautifully painted miniatures, each of which is surrounded by a rich border composed of Birds, Beasts, Flowers, &c. in gold and colours, besides several hundred capitals, &c. This volume is supposed to have belonged to Margaret of Valois, Grand - mother to Henry the Fourth of France. 62 HEURES a l'Usage de Rome, 4to. Manuscript of 156 leaves on vellum This volume contains 20 large miniatures, with borders, numerous capitals, &c. illuminated. 63 HEURES a l'Usage de Rome, Manuscript upon vellum, 8vo. in the original binding, with clasp This volume consists of 246 leaves, thin vellum, 5 4/10 inches by 4 1/10, 20 beautiful miniatures, 56 capital letters of a large size, richly illuminated, besides several hundred smaller capitals, each of the pages having miniatures and capitals being surrounded with delicate Arabesque borders. 64 HEURES de L'AN 1515, 8vo. in old binding, consisting of 36 leaves, 16 small miniatures and ornamental borders round each page 65 The Koran of MOHAMMED, written in the grandest and boldest of Oriental characters, enriched throughout with brilliant il- luminations A most splendid Manuscript in the highest preservation. It was a present from Maulowa to Mohammed Achmed to Nijd al Dowla, and subsequently from the Duke of Hamilton to Prince G. in rich oriental binding, with a blue morocco case. 66 LYDGATE'S SIEGE of TROY, A POEM: Here begynneth the Boke of the Sege of Troye, compiled by Daun John Lydgate, Monke of Bury, atte Excitation and Steryng of the Most Noble Worthie and Mighty Prince gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] 12 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, Kyng Henry the Fyfthe. First rehersyng the conquest of the Golden Flees, acheved by the Manley Prowesse of Jason A magnificent Manuscript upon vellum, beau- tifully bound in silk velvet, by C. Lewis, with clasp This splendid Manuscript contains 173 leaves, 18 inches by 13 2/10, and is enriched with seventy Miniatures, the whole of the capitals brilliantly illuminated in gold and colours; on the pages where the miniatures are painted the capitals are generally larger and more elabo- rately executed, with the ornamental devices encircling the page in combination with the miniatures. This has been supposed to be the identical manuscript presented by Lydgate to King Henry V, and one of the paintings represents the inci- dent. 67 GRATIANI COLLECTIO S. S. CANONUM et Decretorum cum Vete- ribus Glossis, folio, 346 leaves, 18 9/10 inches by 11 6/10 An exceedingly beautiful and large Manuscript of the XVth Century, upon vellum, beautifully written and ornamented with 38 very fine Miniature Paintings, and nearly 600 Capital letters, richly illuminated, bound in morocco, joints, &c. by Hering 69 CHRONIQUE de la BOUCACHARDINE (?): a Manuscript of the 15th Century, upon vellum Two large volumes, folio, splendidly bound in red morocco, with silk lining This beautiful and very curious Scriptural, Fabulous, and Historical Chronicle consists of 325 leaves, 16 9/10 inches by 12 4/10, and is richly illuminated. It is divided into five books, with an Index to each, and a fine miniature Painting; each of which is divided into four com- partments, representing twenty designs. At the commencement of the second volume there is a large miniature nearly twelve inches in height. Around these miniatures and in various other places, are very rich borders of fruit, flowers, &c. delicately executed in gold and colours. Besides these illuminations, there are upwards of 400 capitals, at the beginning of the chapters, as well as smaller capitals in the body of the text, all beautifully executed. 69 CHRISTINE DE PISAN : Cent Histoires de Troye, Autrement" Epitre que othea Deese de Prudence envoya zadis au Preu et tres vaillant Hector de Troye, fil du Roy Priumt, lors qu'il estoit en son fleurissant eage de quinze ans" A magnificent Manuscript of 57 leaves, 16 8/10 [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London. • TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 13 inches by 12 3/10, upon vellum, executed for PHILIP the HARDY, Duke of Burgundy, ornamented with 115 splendid Paintings of Sieges, Battles, Groups, Domestic Scenes, Reli- gious Ceremonies, Specimens of Architecture, &c. finished in the highest style of art and splendour of decoration, beauti- fully bound in velvet, by Lewis, with silver gilt clasps 70 PONTIFICALE ROMANUM, a most beautiful Manuscript of the 15th Century, upon vellum, from the Townley Collection, folio This Pontifical was composed by Ferri of Clugny, Bishop of Tournay, between 1471 and 1474. It contains four paintings nearly six inches square, and one hundred and thirteen others about two inches square. One hundred of the pages are cnriched with borders representing Animals, Grotesques, Flowers, &c. in gold and colours. The arms of the Author emblazoned and quartered with those of Tournay appear in various places. In the original binding. 71 MISSALE ROMANUM. A very splendid Missal of the 15th Century, upon vellum. The Calendar is richly illuminated, and contains several large Paintings executed with great spirit and fidelity, especially in the architectural details; among them is one in which Satan, with open mouth, is receiving Cardinals, Bishops, &c. into Hell; the margins contain an almost endless variety of amusing and grotesque figures 72 EUVRES diverses de MAITRE JEAN DE MEUN, folio. A Manu- script contenent 1. folio 1. Cy Commence le ROMMANT DE LA ROSE que feist maistre Jehan de Meun (et Guillaume de Lorris). On trouve a la fin du roman les 24 vers qui ne sont que rarement dans les manuscrits de ce poeme 2. folio 151. Le Testament de maistre Jehan de Meun 3. folio 178. Piece de 136 vers qu'on peut intituler le songe de maitre Jean de Meun, Il est tres rare 4. folio 180. Le codicile maistre Jehan de Meun. Cette piece, dans la plupart des manuscrits, porte le titre de Tresor 5. folio 200. Le codicile de Jehan de Meun This magnificent Manuscript volume upon vellum, of the 15th Century, consists of 202 leaves, 13 inches by 9, ornamented gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] 14 THE PERKINS LIARARY, with 72 large and beautifully executed Miniatures, also two very large ones; a great number of the pages contain rich Ara- besque borders, with numberless Capital letters illuminated in gold and colours. 73 LE ROMANT DE LA ROSE, 4to. red morocco, with joints, Manu- script upon vellum, of one hundred and eighty-three leaves, written in double columns, ornamented with seventy- two miniature paintings, the capitals illuminated - 74 PELERINAGE DE LA VIE HUMAINE, compose en vers par Guil- laume de Guilleville, religieux de l'abbaye de Chalis, pres Senlis, et traduit en prose pour obeir a la requeste de tres haulte et excellente princesse dame Jehanne de Laval, royne de Jerusalem et de Sicile, duchesse de Bar &c. 1460 Manuscript of the XVth Century, upon vel- lum, folio, red morocco This most beautiful Manuscript consists of 254 leaves, and is enriched with 5 large and 92 smaller Miniature paintings most beautifully executed in gold and colours. 75 ROMANCE OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST, the Virgin Mary, Joseph, &c. &c. all in Latin verse, a manuscript of English execution upon paper, and in the best state of preservation, of the XIIIth, or very early in the XIVth century, a thick small 4to. volume, bound in olive morocco, with joints, by Hering An English manuscript. This very curious volume is evidently of English production, the character bearing every resemblance to that found in our early Gothic Manuscripts. It consists of 352 pages, giving a metrical history of the Virgin and our Saviour, early amusements and adventures with his youthful companions, and minute and romantic details of their Lives, which are nowhere else to be found, and which render this a Collection of Metrical Romance Stories, quite unconnected (except in the leading particulars) with the Divine Life of our Saviour. We find here all his early Amusements and Adventures with his youthful companions. This volume is ornamented with above one hundred and fifty singularly curious drawings, all done and coloured at the same early period in which the volume was written. They represent and illustrate the Costumes, Armour, Children's Sports and Games, Punishments, &c. &c. of the XIIth and XIIIth Centuries. Though the work of two, if not of more artists, all these embellishments possess great merit, and are generally executed with much spirit. One, in which the [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 15 employment of the Virgin Mary and her companions is represented, would not disgrace an artist of centuries later. In it is shewn the manner of weaving cloth, and of embroidering and colouring coats of arms, and a shield in the frame is neatly finished. The text is accompanied also with marginal notes. 76 LA PASSION de N. S. Jesus Christ. A Manuscript of 53 leaves upon Vellum, 4to. containing 25 very curious paintings (en grisaille), calf, with gilt leaves 77 (EUVRES D'ALAIN CHARTIER. Manuscript of the XVth Century upon Vellum, 4to. ornamented with numerous borders, Capitals, &c. 78 DOCTRINAL MORAL, ou Recueil de Sentences et Maximes ex- traites des auteurs anciens, tant sacrés que profanes, avec les dicts des Anciens Philosophes, Aristote, Seneque, Boece, &c. Manuscript of 108 leaves upon Vellum, bound in red morocco 1427 1 This beautiful Manuscript is ornamented with nineteen large and finely executed Miniatures, the Capitals are illuminated, and many of the pages are enriched by borders. 79 LA VIE DE SAINT DENIS, Apostre de la France; faicte en vers francois, dediée a la Reine Mere du Roy, par Madame L'Abbesse de Montmartre, composée par M. P. Courtot, advocat en Parlement, L'anne 1629, 4to. Manuscript upon Vellum, in very curious embroidered cover, with the initials of Marie de Medicis, inclosed in a red morocco case This beautifully written volume consists of 34 leaves, and is orna- mented with the arms of Maric de Medicis. 80 CHEVALIERS DE L'ORDRE DE ST. MICHEL, etablis par Louis XI. en 1469; 4to. Manuscript of thirty-eight leaves upon Vellum, on the reverse of the 7th leaf a large and beautiful miniature painting of the King and Knights of the Order, in very curious binding in compartments 81 TRAITÉ DE L'HIDROGRAPHIE, ou Art de Naviguer, 4to. a Manu- script of 20 leaves upon vellum, illustrated with figures, Tables, &c. bound in red morocco gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] 心 ​10 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, PRINTED BOOKS. Horsemanship. 83 BERENGER'S History and Art of Horsemanship, 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1771 84 DE GRAY, The Complete Horseman and Expert Farrier, folio Lond. 1639 Amst. 1747 85 D'EISENBERG (Baron) Ménage, oblong 4to. 86 GAMBADO'S Academy for Grown Horsemen, 4to. Lond. 1796 87 PLUVINEL, Instruction du Roy en l'Exercice de Monter a Cheval, plates, folio Paris, 1627 88 ABRÉGÉ de l'Histoire des Vicontes et Ducz de Milan, 4to. Paris, 1552 89 ACOSTA's Natural and Moral History of the East and West Indies, 4to. Lond. 1604 90 ADDISON'S (Joseph) Works, 4 vols. 4to. russia Birmingham, by Baskerville, 1761 91 ANACREON, Odes, Inscriptions, Epitaphes, Epithalames, et Frag- mens, en Français, par Gail, 12mo. printed upon vel- lum, proof plates, before the Letters, with the original designs coloured Paris, Didot, 1794 92 ANTICHITA di Ercolano, Peintures, 5 tom. Bronzes, 2 tom. Can- delabres, 1 tom. Catalogue, 1 tom.-together 9 tom. folio Napoli, 1757-92 93 ARABIAN NIGHTS, translated by Forster, with engravings from pictures by Smirke, 5 vols. 4to. proof plates, bound in blue Lond. 1802 morocco 1 94 ARCHEOLOGIA, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, published by the Society of Antiquaries of London, vols. 1 to 22, 4to. Lond. 1770, &c. Archæologia; Liber Quotidianus Garderobæ, 4to. Archæologia; Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household, 4to. Lond. 1787 Lond. 1790 95 ARNOLD'S Chronicle, otherwise called the Customs of London, edited by F. Douce, 4to. calf extra Lond. 1811 [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 17 96 L'ART DE VERIFIER LES DATES des faits Historiques, des Chartes, des Chroniques, et autres anciens Monumens, depuis la naissance de notre Seigneur: pour un Religieux Benedictin de St. Maur, 3 tom. in 6, folio, large paper, splen- didly bound in hogskin, with joints, &c. Paris, 1783 97 KING ARTHUR, Story of the Most Noble and Worthy Kynge Arthur, the whiche was the first of the Worthyes Chrysten, and also of his Noble and Valyaunt Knyghtes of the Round Table, folio, very fine copy, the woodcuts on the title page illuminated, elegantly bound in olive morocco, by Lewis Imprynted by Copland, 1557 98 ASHMOLE's Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, folio, LARGE PAPER, plates by Hollar, &c. very fine copy, in blue morocco, with joints Lond. 1672 99 ASTLE'S Origin and Progress of Writing, as well Hieroglyphic as Elementary, illustrated by Engravings taken from Marbles, Manuscripts, and Charters, Ancient and Modern, LARGE PAPER, folio, fine copy, russia extra, gilt leaves Lond. 1803 100 ATHENS STUART and REVETT's Antiquities of Athens, 4 vols. in 2, folio, russia extra, by Hering Lond. 1762-1816 101 AUCTORES CLASSICI LATINI, in Usum Delphini :- Apuleii Opera, ed. Jul. Florido, 2 vol. 1 1688 1681 Auli Gellii noctes Atticæ, ed. Jac. Proust Aurelii Victoris Historiæ Romanæ Breviarium ed. A. T. Fabri filio 1681 1730 Ausonii Opera quæ extant, ed. J. B. Souchay Boetii de Consolatione Philosophiæ Libri V, ed. Pet. Calbys 1680 Cæsaris Commentarii ed. Joan. Goduino 1678 Callimachi Hymni, Epigrammatà, &c. ed. A. Fabri filiâ Catulli Tibulli, et Propertii Opera ed. Phil. Silvio, 2 vols. M. T. Ciceronis Libri Oratorii ed. J. Proust C 1675 1685 1687 M. T. Ciceronis Orationes ed. C. de Merouville 1684 M. T. Ciceronis Epistolæ ad Familiares ed. Phil. Quartus 1685 M. T. Ciceronis Opera Philosophica ed. Francisco l'Honore 1689 Claudiani Opera, ed. Guil. Pyrrhone 1677 gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] ¡ 1 18 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, AUCTORES CLASSICI LATINI—continued. Corneli Nepos, ed. Nic. Courtin 1675 1678 1680 1674 1683 1691 1677 1684 Quintus Curtius de rebus gestis Alexandri magni Dictys Cretensis et Dares Phrygius Flori Historia Romana ed. A. T. Fabri filia Eutropii Breviarium Historiæ Romanæ Horatii Flacci Opera, ed. Ludov. Desprez Justini Historia, ed. Pet. Jos. Cautel Juvenalis et Persii Flacci Satyræ, Desprez Livii Historiarum libri quæ extant, 5 tom. in 6 Lucretii de rerum Natura libri VI, Mich. Dufay Manilii Astronomicon libri, Mich. Dufay Martialis Epigrammata, Vinc. Collesson Ovidii Nasonis Opera, ed. Crispino, 4 tom. Panegyrici veteres, Jac. de la Baune Paterculi Historia Romana, Rob. Rignez Phædri Fabulæ, ed. Pet. Daneto 1679-1682 1680 1679 1680 1686-1689 1676 1675 1675 1679 Plauti Comoedia, Jac. Operatii, 2 tom. Plinii Secundi Historæ Naturalis libri XXXVII, ed. Joan. Har- duino, 5 tom. 1685 Pompeii Festi et Marci Verrii Flacci de Verborum significatione, libri ed. Daceria 1682 Prudentii Opera, Stephen Chamillard 1687 Sallustii Opera, Dan. Crispin 1674 1685 Statii Opera, ed. Claudio Beraldo, 2 tom. Suetonii Opera, Aug. Babelonic 1684 1682-87 Taciti Opera, Jul. Pichon, 4 tom. Terentii Comœdiæ, Nic. Camus 1675 Valerii Maximi exemplorum memorabilium libri IX, Pet. Jos. Cautel 1679 Virgilii Maronis Opera, Car. Ruæs 1682 Danetii Dictionarium Antiquitatum Romanarum et Græcarum 1698 1683 1691 Danetii Nouveau Dictionnaire, Francois et Latin. Danetii Magnum Dictionarium, Latinum et Gallicum A COMPLETE and VERY FINE SET, presentation copies to Louis XIV. and Louis XV. bound in 62 [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, + TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 19 AUCTORES CLASSICI LATINI—continued. volumes, 4to. red morocco, with the Royal Arms of France on most of the volumes, including not only Prudentius and Sta- tius, but the true edition of the Opera Philosophica of Cicero Bought of Payne and Foss, 1817. This splendid set of books is now worth above two hundred guineas. 102 BARCLAY'S Shyp of Folys of the World, translated into Eng- lish Verse from Brant, folio, first edition, extremely rare, cuts, red morocco, gilt leaves, Dr. Ratcliffe's copy Imprented by Pynson, 1509 103 BARCLAY'S Ship of Fooles, folio Imprinted by Iohn Cawood, 1570 101 BEAUMONT and Fletcher's Comedies and Tragedies, first edition, with the Wild Goose Chase, portrait by Marshall, folio, fine copy in russia, with joints, by Hering Lond. 1617-1652 105 BEAUTIES of ENGLAND and Wales, or Delineations Topogra- phical, Historical and Descriptive of each County, by Brit- ton, Brayley, Nightingale, Brewer, Evans, Hodgson, Laird, Shoberl, Bigland, and Rees, with an Introduction by Brewer, embellished with numerous engravings, 19 vols. in 26, royal 8vo. large paper, elegantly bound in russia, gilt leaves, &c. London, 1801, &c. A very fine set, in which will be found many of the plates upon India paper, together with the etchings where any were taken. 106 BEAUTIES of Wiltshire, by Britton, 3 vols. royal 8vo. large paper, proof impressions of the plates, with a duplicate set of etchings, elegantly bonnd in russia Lond. 1801-25 This is a more comprehensive account of Wiltshire than is contained in the Beauties of England and Wales. 107 BEMBO, Gli Asolani di Messer P. Bembo, 12mo. blue morocco, Venegia, Aldus, 1515 2 fine copy 108 BERKSHIRE: ASHMOLE'S (Elias) Antiquities of Berkshire, 3 vols. 8vo. largE PAPER, portrait and map, very fine copy in red morocco Lond. 1719 109 BIBLIOTHECA ELIOTE; Eliot's Latin-English Dictionary by Cooper, folio Berthelet, 1559 gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] C 2 *** 20 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, 110 BLOME'S (Richard) Gentleman's Recreations, in two parts, the first being an Encyclopedy of the Arts and Sciences; the second treats of Hawking, Hunting, Fowling, Horseman- ship, Fishing, Agriculture, &c. folio, large paper, plates, fine copy, ruled with red lines, bound in red morocco by Smith London, 1686 111 BOCCACCIO Genealogia Deorum, folio, Editio Princeps by Vindelin de Spira, Venice, 1472 112 BONAVENTURA, de Vitâ Christi 4to. no place or date 113 BONNEFONS, Le Catechisme Royal, ou les poincts de la Foy sont representez par Images et les Images Expliquees, 12mo. blue morocco Paris, 1647 114 BOOK OF ST. ALBANS, containing treatises of Hawking, Hunting, Fishing, &c. by Juliana Barnes, new edition by Hazlewood, sm. folio, russia, with joints Lond. 1810 115 BRAND'S (John) Observations on Popular Antiquities, by Ellis, 2 vols. 4to. large paper, russia Lond. 1813 116 BRIGITE REVELATIONES, folio, red morocco Nuremb. sumptibus Joannis Koberger, 1517 117 BRITISH GALLERY of Pictures, selected from the most admired productions of the Old Masters in Great Britain, by Tresham, Ottley, and Tomkins, atlas folio, plates coloured equal to drawings, sumptuously bound in morocco, borders of gold, joints, &c. by C. Lewis Lond. 1818 118 BRITISH THEATRE (Bell's) consisting of the most esteemed English Plays, 34 vols. 18mo. Lond. 1797 119 BRITTON'S (John) Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, 5 vols. royal 4to. large paper, proof impressions of the plates and Etchings to nearly the whole, half bound russia, uncut London, 1807-26 120 BRITTON'S (John) Account of Redcliff Church, Bristol, 4to. large paper, proof impressions on India paper, with etchings Lond. 1813 [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 21 121 BRITTON'S (John) Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Norwich, royal 4to. large paper, proof plates Lond. 1816 122 BRITTON'S (John) Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salis- bury, royal 4to. large paper, proof plates Lond. 1814 123 BRITTON's (John) Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Can- terbury, royal 4to. large paper, proof plates Lond. 1821 124 BRITTON'S (John) Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Lich- field, royal 4to. large paper, proof plates Lond. 1820 125 BRITTON'S (John) Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of York, royal 4to. large paper, proof plates Lond. 1819 126 BRITTON'S (John) Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Wells, royal 4to. large paper, proof plates Lond. 1824 127 BRITTON'S (John) Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Win- chester, royal 4to. large paper, proof plates Lond. 1817 128 BRITTON'S (John) Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Exeter, royal 4to. large paper, proof plates Lond. 1817 -The above set, splendidly bound in blue morocco, richly tooled sides, joints, &c. by Hering 129 BRITTON'S (J.) History and Antiquities of Peterborough, Bristol, Exeter, Gloucester, Worcester, and Hereford Cathe- drals, roy. 4to. large paper, proof plates Lond. 1835, &c. 130 BROCKEDON's Passes of the Alps v. European SCENERY 131 BRYAN'S Biographical and Critical DICTIONARY of PAINTERS and Engravers, from the revival of the Art to the present time, 2 vols. in 4, folio, inlaid in folio drawing paper, and illustrated with seven hundred and sixty por- traits, fine impressions, selected from the best works of the Lives of the Painters, &c. bound in morocco by C. Lewis London, 1816 A judicious print-collector would secure this splendid set; the Portraits include many of Van Dyck's Portraits by Van den Enden. 132 BUCK's Views of Remarkable Cities, Country Seats, Castles, &c. in England and Wales, 4 vols. oblong folio, original edi- tion, very fine impressions 1728 gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] . 22 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, 133 BULWER'S Chirologia, or the Natural Language of the Hand, and his Chironomia, or the Art of Manual Rhetorique, 8vo. Lond. 1644 134 BULWER'S Man Transformed, or the Artificial Changling, 4to. Lond. 1653 135 BURCKHARDT's (John Lewis) Travels in Nubia, 4to. plates, calf Lond. 1819 extra 136 BURCKHARDT's (J. L.) Notes on the Bedouins, and Wahabys, 4to. calf extra Lond. 1830 137 BURCKHARDT'S (John Lewis) Travels in Syria and the Holy Land, 4to. plates, calf extra Lond. 1822 138 BURCKHARDT'S (J. L.) Arabic Proverbs, or the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, 4to. Lond. 1830 139 BURNET'S (Bp.) History of his Own Time, with the suppressed passages of the first Volume, and Notes by the Earls of Dartmouth and Hardwicke, and Speaker Onslow, hitherto unpublished; to which are added the cursory Remarks of Swift, and other observations, 6 vols. roy. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, extremely rare, only 25 copies printed for sale, elegantly bound in blue morocco, by Lewis, and additions, sewed Oxford, 1823 : 140 BURTON'S Anatomy of Melancholy, folio, fine copy, russia, with joints Lond. 1676 141 CABINET DU ROY. A magnificent Collection of Engravings, executed by the best Artists, at the command and expense of Louis XIV, to pre- sent to Crowned Heads and Ambassadors, resident at his Court This superb Collection contains: 1. Tableaux du Roi avec le Supplement, 36 plates 2. Batailles d'Alexander gravees par Audran et Edelinck, with the name of Goyton at the bottom Gallerie de Versailles 3. Medailles Antiques. Romaines Medailles du Bas Empire, Medailles, Jettons et Anciennes Monnoyes de France 4. Plans du Louvre et Thuilleries, 40 plates [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, • TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 23 : } CABINET DU ROY-continued, 5. Plans, Elevations, et Vues de Versailles, 40 plates 6. Grotte, Labyrinthe, &c. de Versailles 7. Statues du Roi Antiques et Modernes 8. Termes, Bustes, Sphinxes et Vases du Roi 9. Tapisseries du Roi 10. Carousels, Courses de Tetes, et de Bagues 11. Fetes de Versailles 12. Plans, Elevations, &c. de l'Hotel des Invalides 12 bis. Description de l'Eglise des Invalides. 13, 14. Plans, Profils et Vues de differentes Maisons royales et de Lieux Remarquables 15, 16, 17. Plans et Profils ou Petites Conquetes du Roi par Beaulieu, 5 parts in 3 18, 19, 20. Vandermeulen Paysages, Vues de Camps, Marches, Entrés, et Glorieuses Conquetes du Roi 21. Memoire pour servir a l'Histoire des Plantes 22. Medailles sur les Principaux Evénemens du Regne de Louis le Grand The above are all original editions, and the first impressions of the plates, 26 vols. bound in 23, atlas folio, calf 142 CAMBRIDGE. Loggan's Cantabrigia Illustrata, LARGE PAPER, folio 143 CAMDEN'S Britannia, enlarged by Gough, 4 vols. folio, fine paper, maps, etc. russia Lond, 1806 144 CAMPBELL'S Vitruvius Britannicus, or the British Architect, with continuation by Woolfe and Gandon, 5 vols. in 2, roy. folio, LARGE PAPER, fine copy, in old and red morocco, borders of gold Lond. 1717-71 145 CAMPY, Traicte des Playes faites par les mosquetades, 8vo. in rich ornamented morocco binding, with the arms of Louis XIII. Paris, 1623 146 CANOVA, Recueil de Statues, Groupes, Bustes, Mausolees, Co- losses et Monumens de tout genre, executés par Canova, dessinés et gravés sous les yeux de l'Auteur à Rome, extra large folio, 70 plates gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] 24 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, 147 CARTER'S (John) Specimens of Ancient Sculpture and Painting now remaining in this Kingdom, 2 vols. fulio, calf extra Lond. 1780-87 148 CARTWRIGHT'S (Wm.) Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, and other Poems, 8vo. portrait by Lombart Lond. 1651 149 CHARTIER (Alain) Œuvres, 18mo. blue morocco, gilt edges, silk insides Galliot Dupré, 1529 150 CHESHIRE: ORMEROD'S History of the County Palatine and City of Chester, 3 vols. royal folio, LARGE PAPER, with three sets of Plates, Etchings, Proofs, and Proofs on India paper, only 6 copies taken with 3 sets of plates, bound in morocco, borders of gold, joints, etc. by Lewis Lond. 1819 A beautiful copy. 151 CHESHIRE: KING'S (Daniel) Vale Royal of England, or the County Palatine of Chester, folio, illustrated with additional plates, fine copy, green morocco Lond. 1656 152 CHRONICA CHRONICARUM, abregee et mise en figures descentes et rondeaulx, depuis la Creation du monde jusqua l'an 1520, folio Paris, par Jehan Petit, 1521 153 CHRONICLES of ENGLAND, &c. Arnold, Fabyan, Froissart, Grafton, Hall, Hardyng, Higden, Hollinshed, Peter Lang- toft, Robert of Gloucester, and William of Malmsbury, a fine set, royal 4to. calf extra 154 CHRONICON NUREMBERGENSE, cum Figures et Imaginibus ab initio Mundi, folio, the woodcuts by Wolgemuth, a pupil of Albert Durer, a very fine tall copy in the original wooden binding Nuremberg, Koberger, 1493 155 CHALMERS (Alex.) General Biographical Dictionary, 32 vols. 8vo. calf Lond. 1812 156 CICERONIS Somnium Scipionis, Macrobii Saturnalia, folio, blue morocco, gilt edges 1485 157 CLARENDON's History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in Eng- land, new edition, collated with the original Manuscripts, with all the suppressed passages and the unpublished notes [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, J TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 25 of Bp. Warburton, 8 vols. royal 8vo. LARGE PAPER, only 25 copies printed for sale, elegantly bound in red morocco by Hering Oxford, 1826 158 CLARENDON. Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, in which is included a Continuation of his History of the Rebellion, new edition collated with the original Manuscript, with all the suppressed passages, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. LARGE PAPER Oxford, 1827 159 CLARENDON's Religion and Policy, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. bound in russia, only 50 copies printed this size Oxford, 1811 160 CLARKE (Dr. E. D.) Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa, 6 vols. 4to. plates, bound in russia Lond. 1811-23 161 CONGREVE'S WORKS, 3 vols. royal 8vo. Birmingham, by J. Baskerville, 1761 Venet. 1478 162 DANTE, folio, vellum 163 DIBDIN'S (Dr. T. F.) BIBLIOTHECA SPENCERIANA, or a Descrip- tive Catalogue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century and of many Valuable First Editions, in the Library of Earl Spencer, 4 vols. royal folio, bound in red morocco, with joints, by Hering, portrait of Lord Spencer inserted Lond. 1814 164 DIBDIN'S Ædes Althorpianæ, or an account of the Mansion, Books, and Pictures at Althorp the Residence of Earl Spencer, to which is added a Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, 2 vols. royal 4to. large paper, red morocco, joints, by Hering Lond. 1822 165 DIBDIN'S Bibliotheca Spenceriana, containing part of the Library, Books added and a General Index, royal 8vo. red morocco, joints, by Hering Lond. 1823 These form one set. 166 DIBDIN'S Edition, AMES and HERBERT's Typographical Anti- quities, or the History of Printing in England, Scotland, and Ireland, 4 vols. 4to. LARGE PAPER, only 65 copies printed Lond. 1809-19 gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] 26 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, * 167 DIBDIN'S BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DECAMERON, or Ten Days' Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts and subjects con- nected with Early Engraving, Typography, and Bibliography, 3 vols. royal 8vo. red morocco, joints, &c. by Hering Lond. 1817 168 DIBDIN'S Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, red morocco, joints, &c. by Hering Lond. 1821 169 DIBDIN'S Library Companion, or the Young Man's Guide and Old Man's Comfort in the Choice of a Library, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, calf extra, gilt leaves Lond. 1824 170 DIBDIN'S Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. Lond. 1827 LARGE PAPER 171 DIBDIN'S Bibliomania, or Book Madness, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, (only 18 copies printed), very rare, with an additional portrait before the writing, and Rational Madness, a Bibliographical Song, roy. Svo. russia extra, gilt edges Lond. 1811 172 DIBDIN'S Reminiscences of a Literary Life, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait Lond. 1836 173 DICK (SIR WILLIAM) The Lamentable Estate and Distressed Case of the Deceased Sir Willm. Dick in Scotland, and his numerous Family, and Creditors for the Commonwealth, inlaid with the three rare prints by Vaughan, blue morocco 1656 This is one of the rarest works relating to the time of the English Commonwealth. 174 DIONYSIUs de Situ Orbis, 4to. Paris, Woolff & Kerver, 1499 175 Dodsley's Collection of Poems, 6 vols. 8vo. THICK PAPER, red morocco extra Lond. 1765 176 DODWELL'S Views in Greece, folio, coloured in imitation of Draw- ings, mounted on cardboard, and bound in russia Lond. 1821 177 DON QUIXOTE, translated from the Spanish, embellished with Engravings painted by Smirke, 4 vols. 4to. proof impressions [Bernard Quaritch, 15, Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 27 of the plates on India paper, bound in blue morocco, gilt leaves Lond. 1818 178 DORSET: HUTCHINS'S History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset, augmented and improved, by Gough and Nichols, 4 vols. folio, LARGE PAPER, very rare, maps, plates, &c. fine copy, elegantly bound in russia Lond. 1793 179 DOUGLAS'S Nenia Britannica, or a Sepulchral History of Great Britain, folio, LARGE PAPER, russia extra, by Hering Lond. 1723 180 DRAYTON'S Polyolbion, with the portrait of Prince Henry, maps, &c. both parts, folio, fine copy in morocco Lond. 1613 181 DRYDEN'S (John) Works, with Notes, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, and a Life of the Author by Sir Walter Scott, 18 vols. 8vo. calf Lond. 1824 182 DUGDALE'S Monasticon Anglicanum, new edition, with consi- derable Additions and Improvements by Caley, Ellis, and Bandinell, 8 vols. royal folio, LARGE PAPER, biue morocco Lond. 1817 183 DUGDALE'S Antiquities of WARWICKSHIRE, augmented and continued by Thomas, 2 vols. folio, LARGE PAPER, port. and plates, red morocco Lond. 1730 184 DUGDALE'S Baronage of England, 2 vols. folio, LARGE PAPER, bound in russia Lond. 1675 185 DUGDALE's History of Imbanking and Draining Fenns and Marshes, folio, original edition, maps inserted, russia, with joints Lond. 1662 186 DUGDALE's (Sir W.) History of ST. PAUL'S Cathedral, Lon- don, new Edition, with Additions by Cayley and Ellis, folio, LARGE PAPER, blue morocco, broad gold borders, joints, gilt edges Lond. 1828 187 DURHAM SURTEES, History of the County of Durham, 3 vols. folio, LARGE PAPER, pooof impressions of the plates London, 1816-23 188 DURHAM: The HERALDIC VISITATION of the Countye Palatyne of Durham, in the Yeare of our Lorde God 1575 Printed at Newcastle, 1820 gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] 28 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, ; Visitation of the County Palatine of Durham, taken by Richard St. George and Henry St. George, in the year of our Lord 1615, printed at Sunderland, folio, (only 30 copies printed), bound in 1 volume, calf extra, gilt leaves 189 DURHAM: Rev. J. RAINE's History and Antiquities of North Durham, LARGE PAPER, part 1, folio Lond. 1830 190 EGYPT: Description de l'Egypte, ou Recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites pendant l'expedition de l'armée Française, ouvrage publié par ordre du gouverne- ment, 10 vols. large folio, PLANCHES, bound in russia by Hering. Atlas: 25 vols. 8vo. of TEXT Paris, 1821 191 ENGLISH POETS: the Works of the English Poets, with Pre- faces, Biographical and Critical, by Saml. Johnson, 75 vols. 12mo. calf Lond. 1779 192 ERASME, L'Eloge de la Folie traduit par Gueudeville, plates, large paper, 4to. fine copy, red morocco, richly tooled sides 1751 193 EUROPEAN SCENERY: Provincial Antiquities and Picturesque Scenery of Scotland, from Drawings by Turner, &c. 1826 Italy, from Drawings made in 1816-17 by James Hakewill 1820 French, from Drawings made 1819 by Capt. Batty 1822 Sicily, from Drawings by P. Dewint, from the original Sketches by Major Light 1823 1823 Germany, from Drawings made in 1820 by Capt. Batty Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium, and Holland, from Drawings by Capt. Batty 1826 pg The above six articles are all on the LARGEST PAPER, with proof impressions of the plates on India paper, and a set of Etch- ings, also on India paper, 6 vols. impl. 4to. uniformly and splendidly bound in red morocco, broad borders of gold on the sides, joints, &c. by C. Lewis Lond. Hanoverian and Saxon Scenery, from Drawings by Capt. Batty, proofs and etchings, morocco uniform Batty's (Capt.) Views of the Principal Cities in Europe, large paper, proofs and etchings, uniform [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, 1 TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 29 1 EUROPEAN SCENERY-continued. Passes of the Alps, from Drawings by BROCKEDON, proofs and etchings, 2 vols. morocco elegant, joints, by Hering Southern Coast of England, from Drawings by TURNER, 2 vols, impl. 4to. large paper, hf. bd. morocco Lond. 1826 194 EUCLIDIS Elementa, Latine, folio, editio princeps, very rare Venetia, Erhardus Ratdolt, 1482 195 FABIAN'S Chronicle, which he nameth the Concordance of His- tories, newly perused and continued from the beginning of Henry the Seventh to the ende of Queen Mary folio, Lond. Kyngston, 1559 196 FENN'S Original Letters of the Paston Family, written during the reign of Henry VI, Edward IV, and Richard III, 5 vols. in 3, 4to. Lond. 1787-1823 197 Fox's Acts and Monuments of matters most special happen- ing in the Church, with an Universal History of the same, 3 vols. folio, large paper, portrait and woodcuts, fine copy Lond. 1641 Lond. 1817 198 Fox (Rt. Hon. C. J.) Speeches, 6 vols. 8vo. 199 FROYSSARTS (Syr Johan) Chronycles of Englande, Fraunce, and Spayne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretayne, Flaunders, and other places adioyninge, translated out of French into our maternal Englysshe Tonge by Johan Bourchier Knyght Lord Berners, 2 vols. folio, an extraordinary fine copy from Colonel Stanley and Sir M. Sykes's collection, bound in russia, by Roger Payne Vol. 1. imprinted at London, in Flete Streete, at the sygne of the George, by Wyllyan Myddylton. Vol. 2, imprinted at London, in Flete Streete, by Richarde Pynson, Printer to the Kynge's most noble grace, and ended the last day of August, in the yeare of our Lord God, MDXXV 200 FULLER'S (Thos.) Church History of Britain, and History of the University of Cambridge, and of Waltham Abbey, folio 1655 201 FULLER'S (Thos.) Worthies of England and Wales, folio, por- trait by Loggan Lond. 1662 gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions." 30 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, 202 FROISSART'S (Sir John) Chronicles of England and Wales, 4 vols. folio, LARGE PAPER, coloured plates Hafod, 1801 Very rare in this Large Paper state. 203 GELL (Sir W.) and T. P. GANDY'S Pompeiana, the Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii, 4to. large paper, proofs, and etchings upon India paper, bound in green morocco, with joints, by Hering, only 25 copies printed Lond. 1817-19 204 General DICTIONARY, Historical and Critical, (including a translation of the whole of Bayle's Dictionary,) containing the History of the most illustrious persons of all ages and nations, by Barnard, Birch, Lockman, and Sale, 10 vols. folio, calf gilt Lond. 1734-41 205 GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, from the commencement in 1731 to the present time, with the Indexes, fine set, in calf 206 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Transactions, 6 vols. 4to. plates Lond. 1811-24 207 GLOUCESTERSHIRE: ATKYN's Ancient and Present State of Glos- tershire, folio, original edition, portrait and plates, by Kip, and a few additional ones inserted, very fine copy, in blue mo- rocco, with joints Lond. 1712 208 GOUGH's (Richard) SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS in Great Britain, from the Norman Conquest to the Seventeenth Century, with introductory observations, 2 vols. in 5, folio, with some additional plates, half bound russia, fine unstained copy Lond. 1786-96 209 GOWER, CONFESSIO AMANTIS, folio, russia, fine copy from the Willet and Marlborough collections Emprynted at Westmestre, by me Willyam Caxton, and finyssed the 11 day of September, the fyrst yere of the regne of Kyng Richard the third, the yere of our Lord a thousand CCCCLXXXIII The preliminary leaves have been washed, and one of them is damaged. This process gives to those six leaves the appearance of facsimile, but they are genuine, [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadily, London, Þ TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 31 210 GROSE'S (Francis) Antiquities of England and Wales, with the Supplement, 6 vols. royal 4to. original edition, Large Paper, fine impressions of the plates, bound in russia Lond. 1773-87 211 GROSE'S (Francis) Antiquities of Scotland, 2 vols. roy. 4to. Large Paper, fine impressions of the plates, bound in russia Lond. 1789 212 GROSE'S (Francis) Antiquities of Ireland, 2 vols. roy. 4to. Large Paper, fine impressions of the plates, bound in russia Lond. 1791 213 GUILLIM'S Display of Heraldry, folio, LARGE PAPER, the Arms coloured Lond. 1679 214 GOULD'S (J.) Monograph of the Family of Trogons, in 3 parts, folio, plates, finely coloured Lond. 1835 215 GOULD'S (J.) Monograph of the Family of Ramphastidæ, or Toucans, in 2 parts, folio, fine coloured plates Lond. 1833 216 GOULD'S (J.) Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains, folio, plates, beautifully coloured, hf. bound morocco, gilt edges Lond. 1833 217 GOULD'S (J.) Birds of Europe, 5 vols. plates, beautifully coloured, Lond. 1832-35 green morocco morocco 218 GOULD'S Birds of Australia, 7 vols. folio, coloured plates, green 1848 219 GOULART's (J.) Admirable and Memorable Histories by Grime- ston, 4to. Lond. 1607 220 GOWER de Confesione Amantis, folio Imprinted at London in Flete Streete, by Thomas Berthelotte, 1582 221. GREECE: Wilson's Select Views in Greece, with Classical Illus- trations, impl. 8vo. hf. bound Lond. 1829 222 HAKLUYT'S Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, 3 vols. in 2, folio, with the Supplement published by R. H. Evans, dark calf extra Lond. 1599-1600-1812 gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] B.... THE PERKINS LIBRARY, 223 HAKLUYT'S Collection of the Early Voyages, Travels and Dis- coveries of the English Nation, 5 vols. impl. 4to. LARGE PAPER, calf extra, edges uncut Lond. 1809 32 224 HAMILTON's (Sir W.) Campi Phlegræi; Observations on the Volcanos of the two Sicilies, 3 parts in one vol. folio, plates coloured, bound in green morocco Naples, 1776 225 HERCULANENSIUM Voluminum, quæ supersunt, 2 tom. Naples, 1793-1809-Dissertationes Isagogicæ ad Herculanensium Voluminum Explanationem, pars prima, folio, plates, bound in one volume, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Hering Naples, 1797 226 HERODIANUS, Latine, folio, fine copy in morocco Printed by Plato de Benedictis, Bologna, 1493 227 HIGDEN'S POLYCHRONICON, folio, first edition, fine and perfect copy, elegantly bound in olive morocco, with joints, by Lewis Imprynted by Caxton, MCCCCLXXXII Perfect copies of this impression of the Polychronicon, says Mr. Dibdin, are of most extreme rarity. Lord Spencer could not complete his own fine copy without the acquisition of three imperfect ones. Sir M. Sykes's had a most important defect, it wanted the three first leaves. Mr. Dent, whose copy this was, was obliged to purchase a second copy in order to obtain one leaf to perfect it. 228 HIGDEN'S Polycronicon, folio, woodcuts, very fine copy in morocco, with joints, by Lewis Imprinted by my Peter Treveris, 1527 229 HOLME'S (Randle) Academy of Armory, or a Storehouse of Armory and Blazon, folio, fine copy in russia, by Lewis Chester, 1688 230 HORNE'S (T. H.) Introduction to the study of Bibliography, with Facsimiles, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER Lond. 1814 231 HORSLEY'S (T.) Britannia Romana, or Roman Antiquities of Britain, folio, LARGE PAPER, extremely rare, plates, fine copy in russia, from Mr. Dent's Collection Lond. 1732 232 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY TRANSACTIONS, 6 vols. 4to. numerous coloured plates, hf. bound russia Lond. 1815-20 233 HOWELL (Samuel) Perlustrations of the City of Lordon, folio, illustrated by rare Views and Prints by Hollar, and two por- traits by Howell, morocco, gilt leaves Lond. 1657 [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 33 234 HUMBOLDT et BONPLAND, Oeuvres de: Vues des Cordilleres, et Monumens des Peuples indigenes de l'Amerique, extra large folio, 60 plates, coloured Paris, 1810 Plantes Equinoxiales, 2 vols. atlas folio, 140 plates, not coloured Paris, 1808-9 Monographie des Melastomacees, Melastomes, atlas folio, 60 plates, coloured Paris, 1816 Monographie des Melastomacees, Rhexies, atlas folio, 60 plates, coloured Paris, 1823 Mimoses et Autres Plantes Legumineuses du nouveau Continent, atlas folio, 60 plates, coloured Paris, 1819 Nova Genera et Species Plantarum, 6 vols. atlas folio, 599 plates, coloured Paris, 1815-23 Essai Politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne, 2 tom. in 1, roy. 4to. Paris, 1811 Recueil d'Observations Astronomiques d'Operations Trigono- metriques et de Mesures Barometriques, 2 tom. roy. 4to. Paris, 1810 Equinoxiales du Paris, 1814-19 Relation Historique du Voyage aux Regions nouveau Continent, 2 tom. roy. 4to. together 17 vols. large folio and 4to. bound in russia, gilt leaves, &c. by Hering 235 HARDING'S (J. D.) Sketches at Home and Abroad, folio, half bound morocco 236 HALL'S (Bp.) Virgidemiæ, first three Bookes of Tooth-lesse Satyrs, 18mo. Lond. 1598 237 IMITATION of Christ, translated from the Latin, with Notes, &c. by Dr. T. F. Dibdin, roy. 8vo. LARGE PAPER Lond. 1828 238 JOHNSON. BOSWELL'S LIFE of Dr. Johnson, inlaid in folio, and bound in 8 vols. russia extra, joints, gilt leaves, &c. Illustrated gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] D ì 34 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, with 488 portraits, views, &c. The following Note is at the end of Vol. 1: Dear Sir-I return your beautiful work, and thank you for the in- spection of it. Mrs. Nichol is in Cheshire; she will be much mortified she had not the pleasure of seeing it: for it is out of all question the finest illustrated work I ever saw. I am, my dear Sir, Lond. 1811 Yours most sincerely, GEORGE NICHOL. To Mr. Carpenter (the illustrator). 239 BEN JONSON's Works, folio 240 BEN JONSON's Works, with Notes, critical and explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir by Gifford, 9 vols. 8vo. calf gilt Lond. 1816 241 JUSTINIANI Codex Novus, folio, a very fine copy in the original binding Mentz, Peter Schoyffer, 1475 242 JOHNSON (Ch.) History of the Lives and Adventures of the most famous Highwaymen, Murderers, &c. folio Lond. 1734 243 JARDIN DE SANTE. Traite des Betes, Oiseaux, Poissons, Pierres precieuses, et Urines du Jardin de Sante (traduit du Latin de Jean de Cuba,) premier Volume, folio, printed upon vellum, very fine copy, ornamented with coloured Miniatures, bound in yellow morocco, from Mr. Hibbert's library Paris, Antoyne Verard, sans date Lond. 1692 C 244 KENT. HASTED'S History and Antiquities of the County of Kent, 4 vols. folio, maps, plates, etc. bound in russia 1778 245 KENT. DART'S History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, large paper, folio Lond. 1726 246 KING (E.) Munimenta Antiqua; or, Observations on Ancient Castles, including remarks on the Progress of Architecture in Great Britain, 4 vols. folio, plates, russia Lond. 1799 2 247 LES SAISONS, Poeme par Saint Lambert, printed on vel- lum, 4to. with four original designs by Chaudet, bound in red morocco joints, &c. by Bozerian Paris, by Didot l'aine, 1796 [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, # TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 35 T 248 LATHAM'S Falconry; or, the Falcon's Lure and Cure, both parts, 4to. Lond. 1615-1618 249 LEICESTERSHIRE: NICHOLS (John) History and Antiquities of Leicestershire, 4 vols. in 8, folio, LARGE PAPER, vory fine set, maps, plates, &c. bound in russia Lond. 1795 The large paper of Nichols's Leicestershire is very rare, but it is ex- cessively rare indeed to find the original edition of Vol. 4, part 1, nearly all copies of which were destroyed, and it contains a leaf, which by some accident was omitted in the reprint, and is therefore not described in Mr. Upcott's British Topography. 250 LEICESTERSHIRE: BURTON'S (W.) Description of Leicester- shire, folio Lond. 1622 251 LINSCHOTEN (Huighen Van) Discours of Voyages into the Easte and Weste Indies, folio, russia Lond. 1598 252 LES ASOLAINS de P. BEMBO de la Nature d'Amour, 12mo. in curious old ornamental binding Paris, 1547 sans date 253 LES SOUHAITS des Dames (en vers), 8vo. Goth. "Petit Piece excessivement rare, dont M. Brunet ne parle point dans son Manuel du Libraire.” 254 LE TABLEAU de la Croix, 8vo. plates, red morocco Paris, 1651 255 LODGE'S (Edmund) Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, 4 vols. folio, fine impressions, bound in morocco Lond. 1821-28 256 LONDON: NEWCOURT'S (B.) Repertorium, an Ecclesiastical Pa- rochial History of the Diocese of London, 2 vols. folio, large paper, portrait, green morocco Lond. 1708 257 LONDON: WILKINSON'S (W.) Londina Illustrata, Graphic and Historic Memorials of Monasteries, Churches, Chapels, Schools, Palaces, Places of Early Amusement, and Modern and Present Theatres, &c. in the Cities and Suburbs of Lon- don and Westminster, extra large 4to. large paper, plates, Vol. 1, hf. bd. russia, uncut, Vol. 2, part I, all published Lond. 1819 gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] 36 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, 1 258 LONDON and WESTMINSTER: DART'S History and Antiquities of St. Peter's, Westminster, 2 vols. folio, large paper 259 LONG'S (E.) History of Jamaica; or, general Survey of the An- cient and Modern State of that Island, 3 vols. 4to. russia Lond. 1774 260 LONGUS, Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et Chloe, 4to. plates, green morocco, gilt leaves 1745 261 LAWES'S (H.) Treasury of Musick, containing Ayres and Dia- logues to sing to the Theorbo-Lute, or Bass Viol, 3 books, folio, morocco, gilt edges Lond. 1653 262 LAWES'S (H.) Ayres and Dialogues, for one, two, and three Voyces, folio, portrait by Faithorne, morocco Lond. 1643 263 LEVANT. Explication de Cent Estampes qui representent differentes Nations du Levant, folio, coloured plates, red morocco, with borders of gold Paris, 1715 264 LA BORDE (Alex. de) Voyage Pittoresque et Historique de l'Espagne, 4 vols. in 2, folio, VELLUM PAPER, green morocco, with joints, by Lewis Paris, 1807 265 LANDON (C. P.) Vies et Œuvres des Peintres les plus celebres Raphael, 8 tomes Michael Ange. avec choix de Danl. de Volterre et de Baccio Bandinello, 2 tom. Correge, 2 tom. Domeniquain et un choix d'Albane, 3 tom. Choix de Peintures Antiques, 2 tom. Poussin, 4 tom. Le Sueur, 2 tom. together 23 tomes bound in 11, folio, russia, uncut Paris, 1803-13 266 LARDNER'S (Dr. D.) Cabinet Cyclopædia, 53 vols. roy. 18mo. cloth Lond. [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 37 267 MAITTAIRE (Mich.) Annales Typographici ab Artis inventæ origine ad annum 1664, 9 vols. 4to. LARGE PAPER, beautiful copy, green morocco, ruled Hag. Com. 1719-41 268 MACROBIUS, folio, blue morocco by Bozérian : Brescia, Boninus de Boninis, 1485 269 MAGNA CARTA Regis Johannis, et Conventio inter Regem et Barones, anno 1215, printed on Vellum, in letters of gold, by John Whittaker This sumptuous volume consists of 16 leaves, including Title and Dedication, of a broad royal folio size, having the Text printed on Vellum in Gothic Characters, in Letters of Gold. Each page is sur- rounded with a richly emblazoned border, enclosing the arms of the Barons who signed the Great Charter. A large and beautifully executed portrait of King John fronts the title, which is surrounded with his arms, richly emblazoned; next follows a large and beautifully executed portrait of the Prince Regent, to whom the volume is dedicated. The dedication is richly ornamented with his arms as Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, Earl of Chester, &c. &c. most splendidly bound in green morocco, the sides completely covered with gold tooling, broad morocco joints, inside richly tooled, silk fly- leaves, &c., the whole enclosed in a morocco case with lock and key. 270 MILTON'S (John) Paradise Lost, with illustrations designed and engraved by John Martin, 2 vols. in 1, impl. folio, LARGEST PAPER, proof plates, superbly bound in blue morocco, gilt leaves, joints, &c. by Hering Lond. 1827 271 MOLIERE, Euvres de, avec remarques par Bret, 6 tomes, 8vo. plates Paris, 1788 272 MORGAN'S Sphere of Gentry, with the Genealogical folio plate of the Howard Family, and portrait of Camden, folio, blue morocco, with joints Lond. 1661 273 MOTTEVILLE (Mad. de) Memoirs d'Anne d'Autriche, 5 vols. 12mo. yellow morocco Amst. 1723 274 MUNICH GALLERY. A Collection of 160 beautifully executed lithographic prints gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] 38 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, after pictures by Murillo, Rubens, Wouvermans, Teniers, Van Dyk, &c. by Strixner, Piloty, Dahmen, &c. large folio Munich, 1821 The plates necessary to complete the work can be obtained from B. Q. 275 MUSIC: BURNEY'S General History of Music, 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1776 276 MUSIC: PURCELL'S Orpheus Britannicus, a Collection of all the Choicest Songs for one, two and three voices, 2 vols. folio, calf extra Lond. 1698-1711 277 MUSIC: RECUEIL d'Airs et de Danses, small folio, morocco Paris +2 278 MORE'S (Sir T.) Workes, folio, russia London, John Cawood, John Valpy, and R. Tottel, 1557 279 MONSTRELET (Enguerrand de) Translated by Thomas Johnes, Esq. 4 vols. folio, LARGE PAPER, with coloured plates Hafod, 1809 See ante: Froissart. 280 NALSON'S (John) Journal to the Tryal of King Charles the First, folio Lond. 1684 Natural History, Botany, etc. 281 AITON'S (W.) Hortus Kewensis, or Catalogue of Plants culti- vated in the Royal Garden at Kew, 5 vols. 8vo. illustrated with plates, calf extra Lond. 1810 extra 282 BAKEWELL'S (R.) Introduction to Mineralogy, 8vo. plates, calf Lond. 1819 283 CONYBEARE (W.) and Phillips (W.) Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales, 8vo. Lond. 1822 284 Donovan's Natural History of British Insects, illustrated with coloured figures designed from living specimens, 16 vols. in 8, royal 8vo. green morocco Lond. 1813 [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873, 39 NATURAL HISTORY, ETC.-continued. 285 OLIVIER, Entomologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des Insectes, 8 vols. 4to. coloured plates, half bound russia Paris, 1789-1808 286 SHAW'S (Geo.) General Zoology, or Systematic Natural His- tory, with plates by Heath and Griffiths, large paper, 14 vols. in 28, royal 8vo. bound in russia Lond. 1800 287 SOWERBY'S English Botany, or Coloured Figures of British Plants, 36 vols. systematically arranged and bound in 19 vols. with the Index, royal 8vo. Lond. 1790, &c. 288 SOWERBY'S British Mineralogy, or Coloured Figures intended to elucidate the Mineralogy of Great Britain, 5 vols. royal 8vo. half bound russia Lond. 1804-17 289 SOWERBY'S Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, or coloured Figures, with Descriptions of those remains of Testaceous Animals, or Shells which have been preserved at various times and depths in the Earth, 6 vols. royal 8vo. half bound russia Lond. 1812, &c. This wants the Supplement, which can be supplied for £3. 3s. 290 TRANSACTIONS of the Royal Society at 1807 to 1835, 25 vols. 4to. half bound sewed London for the year russia, and 10 parts Lond. 1807, &c. 291 TRANSACTIONS of the Linnean Society, 14 vols. 4to. plates, half bound russia Lond. 1791, &c. 292 TRANSACTIONS of the Horticultural Society of London, 6 vols. 4to. numerous coloured plates, half bound extra Lond. 1815-26 293 CUVIER'S (Baron) Animal Kingdom, with Additional descrip- tions by Griffiths, LARGE PAPER, coloured plates, with Sup- plement and Index, 16 vols. roy. 8vo. Lond. 1827-35 294 EDWARDS'S (Sydenham) Botanical Register, consisting of coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, 15 vols. roy. 8vo. half bound, the rest in nos. Lond. 1815-29, etc. gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] 40 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, 295 OLD PLAYS: DODSLEY'S Select Collection of Old Plays with notes by Isaac Reed, 12 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, fine copy in red morocco with joints Lond. 1780 Only 12 copies printed. 296 OTTLEY'S (W. Y.) Inquiry into the Origin and Early History of Engraving on Copper and Wood, 2 vols. impl. 4to. LARGE PAPER, splendidly bound in russia with joints, only 50 printed Lond. 1816 297 OXFORD. LOGGAN'S Oxonia Illustrata, folio, blue morocco Oxon. 1675 298 OXFORD. SKELTON'S (Joseph) Oxonia Antiqua Restaurata, containing upwards of one hundred and seventy Engravings of Buildings in Oxford, now either altered or demolished, 2 vols. royal 4to. Oxford, 1823 299 OXFORD. SKELTON'S (Joseph) Engraved Illustrations of the Antiquities of Oxfordshire, LARGE PAPER, proofs on India paper 300 OXFORD: SKELTON's Pietas Oxoniensis, or Records of Oxford Founders, roy. 4to. LARGE PAPER, portraits and plates, India proofs, half bound russia Lond. 1828 301 OVIDE Les Metamorphoses, traduites en Francoise, par Banier, plates by Picart, 2 vols. folio, calf extra, gilt leaves Amst. 1732 302 PANZER Annales Typographici ab artis inventæ origine ad annum 1536, 11 vols. 4to. calf Norimb. 1793-1803 303 IL PETRARCA con nuove spositioni, 2 tom. in 1, 18mo. in rich old red morocco Lyons, 1574 304 PETTIGREW (J. S.) Bibliotheca Sussexiana, a descriptive catalogue of the Manuscripts and printed Books in the Library of H.R.H.the Duke of Sussex, Vol. I. in 2 parts, LARGE PAPER, royal 4to. only 50 copies printed Lond. 1827 305 PICART, Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieuses de tous les Peuples du Monde, avec les Superstitions Anciennes et Modernes, 11 vols. in 9, folio, LARGE PAPER, first impressions of the plates, very fine copy in red morocco from the Library of Sir M. M. Sykes Amst. 1723-26 [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, i TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 41 } Venet. Aldus, 1533 306 PONTANI Opera, 8vo. red morocco 307 PTOLEMÆI Cosmographia latine, folio, with all the 27 maps, the first specimen of maps engraved on copper Romæ, per Arnoldus Buckinck, MCCCCLXXV. "Edition precieuse et tres rare.”—Brunet. A good sound copy. 308 PURCHAS his Pilgrimes and Pilgrimage, 5 vols. folio, fine set, with the rare frontispiece, bound in russia Lond. 1625-26 309 PALGRAVE'S (Sir F.) Rise and Progress of the English Common Wealth, 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1832 310 RABELAIS, Œuvres de, avec remarques, par Duchat, 3 vols. impl. 4to. LARGE PAPER, plates by Picart, gilt edges, fine copy Amst. 1741 311 RADERI Bavaria Sancta, 3 vols. Monaci, 1615-27-Raderi Ba- varii Fia, Monaci, 1628-in one vol. folio, red morocco 313 RODERICUS SANCTIUS Speculum Vita Humana, folio, very fine copy, red morocco Helys Helije, alias de Louffen Berona in Ergowia, 1472 314 LE ROMANT DE LA ROSE, 12mo. woodcuts, blue morocco ! Paris, 1538 315 RECORDS: COOPER'S (C. P.) Account of the most important Public Records of Great Britain, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832 316 ROSELLINI (I.) Monumenti dell' Egitto e della Nubia, 9 vols. Svo. and 3 vols. elephant folio, half morocco Pisa, 1832-4 317 ROGERS' (S.) Italy, a Poem, fine engravings, sm. 8vo. Lond. 1830 318 ROGERS' (S.) Poems, fine engravings, sm. 8vo. Lond. 1834 319 Scor's (Reginald) Discourse of Witchcraft, 4to. Lond. 1584 320 SHAKSPEARE'S Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, first edition, portrait, with the original verses of Ben Jonson prefixed, folio, very fine and perfect copy, elegantly bound in red morocco, by Lewis, with joints, and gilt leaves, from Mr. Dent's Library Lond. 1623 D givés every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] E 42 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, 321 SHAKSPEARE'S Plays, second edition, folio, fine copy, elegantly bound in red morocco by Lewis, with joints and gilt leaves Lond. 1632 322 SHAKSPEARE'S Plays, third edition, folio, remarkably tall fine copy, from Lord Morton's Library, calf Lond. 1664 323 SHAKSPEARE's Plays, fourth edition, folio, elegantly bound in red morocco by Lewis, with joints and gilt leaves Lond. 1685 324 SHAKSPEARE'S Plays, with Boydell's Graphic Illustrations in- serted, atlas folio, reprint of the first edition London 325 SHAKSPEARE's Plays edited by Theobald, 7 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, a most beautiful copy in fine old red morocco, which formerly belonged to Frederick Prince of Wales, father to George III. (Rev. Mr. Williams's copy) London, Tonson, 1733 326 SHELLEY'S (P. B.) Poetical Pieces, containing Prometheus Un- masked, Hellas, The Cenci, Rosaline and Helen, and Queen Mab, in one vol. 8vo. calf extra Lond. 1823, &c. 327 SPECTATOR, 2 vols. 1713-TATLER, 1710-and GUARDIAN, 1713, 4 vols. folio, the ORIGINAL EDITIONS Lond. 328 SPECTATOR, 8 vols.-Tatler, 4 vols.-and Guardian, 2 vols. together 14 vols. royal 8vo. LARGE PAPER, calf extra Lond. 1797 329 STRANGUAGE's History of the Life and Death of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, illustrated with nearly three hundred portraits, views, plates of coins, etc. folio, elegantly bound in red morocco, joints, silk linings, etc. in a case Lond. 1624 330 Strutt's (Joseph) Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits, etc. of the Inhabitants of England, 3 vols. 4to. russia Lond. 1775 331 STRUTT'S Chronicle of England, 2 vols. 4to. LARGE PAPER, russia Lond. 1777 332 STRUTT'S Dress and Habits of the People of England, 2 vols. russia Lond. 1796 333 STRUTT'S Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England, 4to. russia Lond. 1793 [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 43 I 334 STRUTT'S Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, 4to. coloured plates, russia Lond. 1810 335 STRYPE'S (John) Ecclesiastical Memorials, 6 vols. royal 8vo. LARGE PAPER, elegantly bound in red morocco, by Hering Oxford, 1822 336 STRYPE'S Annals of the Reformation, 7 vols. royal 8vo. LARGE PAPER, elegantly bound in red morocco, by Hering Oxf. 1824 337 STRYPE'S Life and Acts of Archbishop Whitgift, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, elegantly bound in red moroco, by Hering Oxford, 1822 338 STUKELEY's (W.) Itinerarium Curiosum, or an Account of the Antiquities and Remarkable Curiosities in Nature and Art, observed in Travels throngh Great Britain, 2 vols. folio, best edition, bound in russia Lond. 1776 339 STUKELEY's Stonehenge restored, 1740-Stukeley's Abury, 1743 —in one vol. folio, bound in russia Lond. 1740-43 340 STUTTGART Gallery, a Collection of beautifully executed Litho- graphic Prints after Hemskirk, Albert Durer, Hemmling, Schwartz, etc. by Strixner, mounted on coloured paper, extra large folio, morocco elegant 1822, etc. This is the BOISSERÉE GALLERY. 341 SUMMA COLLATIONUM, ad omne hominum Genus, 4to. bound in yellow morocco, without date or place, but printed by Ulric Zell circa 1466 342 SURREY: AUBREY'S (John) Natural History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, 5 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, port. and plates, with Hollar's prints of Albury inserted, fine copy in russia Lond. 1719 343 SURREY: MANNING and Bray's History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, 3 vols. folio, plates Lond. 1804-14 344 SWIFT'S (Jonathan) Works, arranged by T. Sheridan, corrected and revised by John Nicholls, 19 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1801 gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions.] 44 THE PERKINS LIBRARY, " 345 SHAW'S (H.) Illuminated Ornaments, selected from MSS. and early printed Books from the Sixth to the Seventeenth Centuries, with Descriptions by Sir F. Madden, folio, blue morocco elegant, by Hering Lond. 1833 346 THE SCROPE and GROSVENOR Controversy, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. morocco extra, joints, gilt edges Lond. 1832 347 TABLEAUX Historiques de la REVOLUTION FRANCAISE, 3 vols. folio, numerous plates, fine impressions, russia Paris, 1804 348 TALPIN, Institution d'un Prince Chrestien, 12mo. in rich old blue morocco, with the Initials of Louis XIII. and Anne of Austria on the sides Paris, 1567 349 VIEWS in England and Wales, from drawings by J. M. W. TURNER, impl. folio, 72 superb plates, INDIA PAPER PROOFS AND ETCHINGS, morocco extra, gilt edges 1827 350 VOLTAIRE Œuvres Completes, 66 torres, roy. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, plates, proofs before the letters, calf neat Paris, Renouard, 1819-25 351 VOLTAIRE, La Henriade, edition imprimee pour l'education du Dauphin, 4to. printed upon vellum, plates, proofs before the letters, red morocco joints, &c. by De Rome Paris, Didot l'Ainé, 1790 "Cet exemplaire est absolument l'unique imprimé sur velin.”—P. Didot aîné. 352 VITAS PATRUM, Renommed Lyues of Holy Faders, translated by Caxton, folio, a perfect and very fine copy, morocco, by Hering Emprynted by my Wykyn de Worde, 1495 Dr. Dibdin says, This is one of Wynkyn de Worde's most magnificent typographical productions. A 353 WALPOLE'S (H.) Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland and Ireland, enlarged by Park, 5 vols. 4to. LARGE PAPER, NU- merous plates, blue morocco, joints Lond. 1806 [Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, TO BE SOLD IN MAY, 1873. 45 351 WARWICKSHIRE. DUGDALE'S (Sir W.) Antiquities of Warwick- shire, augmented and continued by Thomas, 2 vols. folio, LARGE PAPER, plates, red morocco Lond. 1730 355 WATT'S (Robt.) Bibliotheca Britannica, or a General Index to British and Foreign Literature, arranged in the names of the Authors, and also according to subjects treated of, 4 vols. 4to. calf Edinb. 1820 356 WORCESTERSHIRE. NASH'S (T.) Collections for the History of Worcestershire, with the Supplement, 2 vols. folio, LARGE PAPER, plates, maps, &c. russia Lond. 1781 357 WALPOLE'S (H.) Anecdotes of Painting in England, with Anecdotes of the principal Artists, with additions by Rev. J. Dallaway, 5 vols. roy. Svo. LARGE PAPER, portraits, India proofs, red morocco, elegant, by Hering Lond. 1826 358 WILTSHIRE. HOARE'S (Sir R. C.) History of Ancient Wiltshire, 2 vols. folio, LARGE PAPER, russia extra Lond. 1821 359 WOOD'S (Anth.) Athenæ Oxonienses; also the Fasti, or Annals of the University, new edition by Bliss, 4 vols. 4to. calf gilt Lond. 1813-20 360 YORK. DRAKE'S (Francis) Eboracum, or the History and Antiquities of the City of York, folio, LARGE PAPER, plates, the plate of the East Window of the Cathedral is coloured ; portrait of Drake, a proof impression and a view of the West elevation of York Minster added, fine copy (Dr. Chauncey's), in russia Lond. 1736 361 YORK. WHITTAKER'S (T. D.) History of Richmondshire in the North Riding of Yorkshire, 2 vols. royal folio, LARGE PAPER, proof plates, bound in russia, gilt leaves, by C. Smith Lond. 1823 362 YORK. THORESBY'S Topography of the Town and Parish of Leeds by Whitaker, 2 vols. royal folio, LARGE PAPER, proof plates, bound in russia, gilt leaves, by C. Smith Lond. 1816 gives every information about these books & solicits Commissions. This gentleman had no literary tastes, and when he died in 1872, without leaving a son, the books became the property of his two nephews, by whose order the Library will now be sold by auction. The Books and Manuscripts are in exceptionally fine condition, and all the Amateurs of Europe and America will undoubtedly vie keenly for the honour of acquiring the most important items amongst them. BERNARD QUARITCH has seen the collection, and will vouch for the faithfulness and accuracy of the following List, which embraces the chief articles. It is made after Mr. Henry Perkins's own notes. Collectors should communicate immediately with Mr. QUARITCH on the subject of Commissions to be entrusted him for THIS Sale. He will charge upon all articles purchased, fetching under and up to £250, a fee of 5 %, and of 1% only on ALL articles fetching above £250, without any further Commission for incidental expenses. Terms: Cash. The Auction Catalogue will differ very little from the present one; a REFERENCE SHEET, giving the numbers of the Auction Catalogue, shall be sent as soon as that Catalogue is out. Any inquiries on the subject of the above Sale will be promptly answered by Mr. Quaritch. 28443 ео Z 1022 ,745 Perkins, Henryg THE PERKINS LIBRARY. A CATALOGUE OF THE VERY VALUABLE AND IMPORTANT LIBRARY FORMED BY THE LATE HENRY PERKINS, ESQ., At the Beginning of the Present Century, and comprising many Splendid__Elluminated Manuscripts OF THE HIGHEST CLASS, A Remarkable Collection of ANCIENT BIBLES, EXAMPLES OF PRINTING ON Of the greatest beauty and rarity, AND OTHER MOST CHOICE SPECIMENS OF EARLY TYPOGRAPHY THE FOUR FOLIO EDITIONS OF SHAKESPEARE, ܕ ܐܕܐ VELLUM NUMEROUS VALUABLE COUNTY HISTORIES, AND FINE BOOKS IN ALL CLASSES OF LITERATURE; Which will be sold by Auction by Messrs. GADSDEN, ELLIS & CO. IN THE Man pa ; GREAT LIBRARY AT HANWORTH PARK, On TUESDAY, June 3rd, and Three following Days. AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. by special appointment with the Auctioneers. the Principal Booksellers in London, Paris, Principal Cities of Europe and America; ELLIS & Co., 18, Old Broad Street, London. Catalogue only. May be viewed on the Friday, Saturday and Monday preceding the Sale, or previously Catalogues, price 2s. 6d. each, may be had of Berlin, Leipsic, New York, Boston, and other also of the Auctioneers, Messrs. GADSDEN Admission to the View and Sale will be by Start you – mata, al, 1 N.B.-Hanworth Park is Twelve miles from London, and a few minutes' walk from the Feltham Station, on the South-Western Railway (Loop Line). The 12 o'clock Train from the Loop Line Platform will, by special arrangement, proceed to Feltham on the days of sale, and the 5.30 Train from Windsor will call at Feltham at 5.53 for the convenience of those attending the sale. For other railway communication with Feltham, sce South-Western Railway time bills, Loop Line. @ 4-5-17 2/ Kelaweed §. 4-3, ELN CONDITIONS OF SALE. FIRST. The highest bidder, if in due time, to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so disputed shall, upon the decision of the auctioneer, be immediately put up again and re-sold, and which shall be a final settlement of any disputed lot. The auctioneer reserves to himself the right to refuse any bidding he pleases. Se SECOND.—No person to advance less than 1s.; above 2 pounds, 25., and so on in proportion. THIRD. The purchasers are to give in their names and places of abode, if required, and to pay down a deposit of 5s. in the pound, in part pay- ment of the purchase-money, such deposit not to be considered as a deposit on a single lot only, but to ride over all lots purchased by the same buyer, in default of which, the lot or lots so purchased to be put up again and re-sold, at any convenient opportunity during the sale or otherwise. FOURTH.—If any person purchase more than one lot, they shall be deemed one entire purchase between such person and the vendor, and no lot, or portion of a lot, shall be demanded for delivery by any purchaser before the purchase-money be paid for all his or her lots. FIFTH.-The lots are to be at the risk of the purchaser from the fall of the hammer, and are to be paid for, taken, and removed, with all faults, imperfections, and errors of description, at the expense of the purchaser, within two days after the last day of sale. ! LASTLY.—Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited to the vendor, the lots remaining uncleared shall be re-sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, together with all incidental expenses and charges, shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale, and recoverable by the auctioneer accordingly, 334666 Gubernatog ng pan ^ all chande Rowsell Do с LOT } CATALOGUE PERKINS LIBRARY. OF THE DAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1873. 2 FIRST Agricultural Society (Journal of the), from the com- mencement in 1839 to 1856, 18 vols. half calf gilt 1839-56 2 Agricultural Surveys of the Counties of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, 80 vols. half bound 1812, &c. OCTAVO ET INFRA. thell 3 Aikin's Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols. 1819; Aikin's Charles I. 2 vols. 1833, calf ex.; Marchmont Papers, 3 vols. 1831, calf ex.; Diary of Teonge, calf ex. 1825 8 vols. Howell 4 Alexander (Capt.) Travels in Russia and the Crimea, portraits and plates, 2 vols. half calf gilt, 1830; Greece in 1825, portrait, 2 vols. calf extra 1826 Да Se tr Rowsell 6 Almacks, 3 vols. 1827; De Vavasour, a Tale of the Fourteenth Century, 3 vols. 1826; Cloudesley, by the Author of "Caleb Williams," 3 vols. 1830; Hungarian Tales, 3 vols. 1829. Together 12 vols. half calf gilt, marbled edges 5 Alison's History of Europe, from 1789 to 1815, 10 vols. 0 10 1842; ALISON'S HISTORY OF EUROPE, from Fall of Napoleon, in 1815, to Accession of Louis Napoleon, in 1852, with Index, 9 vols. 1852-9; ATLAS OF MAPS AND PLANS to illustrate, oblong 4to, 1848. Together 19 vols. calf, marbled leaves کی 10 6 , ܀܂ 6 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. , CA Rahma, calet 200 rất vui trên yên ở trận động từ đ 18 pig a megmene le ponga qurt v 214 į : : ¡ LOT 7 Amours de Messaline (Les), cydevant Reine de l'Isle d'Albion, où sont découverts les secrets de l'imposture du c Prince de Galles. Seconde édition, corrigée sur l'original Anglais et augmentée. Manuscript, calf, 12mo Cologne, 1689 боль 8 Angling. Angler in Ireland, plates, 2 vols. half calf ex. Holt 1834. ; Fisher's Angler's Souvenir, plates, half morocco,1835; Shipley on Fly Fishing, &c. half morocco, 1838; Carroll's Angler's Vade Mecum, coloured plates, half morocco, Edin. 1818; Handbook of Angling, by Ephemera, woodcuts, half morocco, 1847 6 vols Bayes 9 Angling. On the Right of Angling in the Thames, Brn calf, n. d.; Schultes on Aquatic Rights, calf, 1811; Griffiths on the Conservancy and Fish of the Thames, calf extra, 1746; Jesse's Angler's Rambles, calf extra, 1836; Salter's Angler's Guide, plates, calf extra, 1825; Davy's Consolations in Travel, half morocco, 1830 6 vols. 10 Angling. Best's Art of Angling, 1804; Penn's Maxims for an Angler, and Miseries of Fishing, plates, 1839; Wheatley's Rod and the Line, coloured plates, 1849, half red 3 vols. morocco II Angling. Davy's Salmonia, woodcuts, 1828; Saunders's Compleat Fisherman, curious plate, 1724; Stoddart's An- gling in Scotland, 1836, half morocco; South's Fly- fisher's Text Book, half calf; Phillips' True Enjoyment of Angling, LARGE PAPER (100 only printed), half morocco, 1843 5 vols. Cash. 12 Angling. Hofland's British Angler's Manual, LARGE PAPER, theran INDIA PROOFS, half morocco, 1839; Boccius on the Manage- ment of Fresh-water Fish, half calf, 1841; Salter's Angler's Guide, woodcuts, half morocco, 1841 3 vols. 13 Angling Jolly Angler, 80 cuts, n. d.; Hansard's Trout Langdale in Wales, 1834; Stoddart's Angling Reminiscences, plates, 1837; Oliver's Scenes and Recol- lections of Fly-fishing, 1834, half morocco 4 vols. 14 Angling. Medwin's Angler in Wales, 2 vols. plates, Jowell half calf, extra, 1834; Ronald's Fly-fisher's Entomology, coloured plates, half morocco, 1839; Bainbridge's Fly-fisher's Guide, coloured plates, 1828 4 vols. First Day's Sale. 7 LOT Luaritch 15 Angling. Walton and Cotton's Angler, plates, calf extra, gilt edges, 1760; Taylor's Angling, half calf, 1800; Bowlker's Art of Angling, calf, 1792 3 vols. Cash с . 16 Annals and Magazine of Natural History, plates, vols. 6 to 14, calf, 9 vols.; Loudon's Magazine of Natural His- tory, 1829-40, 13 vols. calf; Library of Useful Knowledge, 6 vols. half calf 28 vols. 14 Totheran 17 ANNUAL REGISTER from its commencement in 1758- 1858, with Index, from 1758-1819, 101 vols. in 103, half russia 1758-1858 write 18 ASHMOLE'S ANTIQUITIES of BERKSHIRE, plates, LARGE PAPER, 3 vols. morocco extra, gilt leaves, EXTREMELY RARE 23 on LARGE PAPER 1719 Totheran 19 Atlas of Ancient Geography, by G. Butler, coloured maps, 854; Pausanias's Greece, plates, 3 vols. calf, 1794; Virgil's Works, by Dryden, plates, 3 vols. half russia, 1709; and 6 others 13 vols. ANTIQUITIES OF の ​maritch 20 AUBREY'S NATURAL HISTORY AND Surrey, portrait and plates, with Hollar's prints of Albury inserted, 5 vols. LARGE PAPER, old russia, marbled leaves, VERY RARE 1719 Fine copy from the Townley and Dent Collections. BRobinson 21 Back's Voyage of the "Terror," plates, 1838; Fisher's Voyage to the Arctic Regions, 1821; Lyon's Attempt to reach Repulse Bay, plates, 1825; Lyon's Journal of an Arctic Voyage, plates, 1824; Scoresby's Voyage to Green- land, 1823. Together 5 vols. calf extra Howell 23 BAILLIERE'S SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY. Elks 22 Bacon (Lord). Works complete, 10 vols. half russia 4 1803 Weisbach (J.) Principles of Mechanics, 2 vols. Muller (J.) Principles of Physics Knapp (F.) Chemical Technology, 3 vols. Quekett (J.) Treatise on the Microscope Fau (J.) Anatomy of the External Forms of Folio Atlas in cloth) 1847 1847 1848-1851 1848 Man (with 1849 1850-58 1851 1854 Graham (T.) Elements of Chemistry 2 vols. Nichol (J. P.) Architecture of the Heavens Mitchell (J.) Manual of Assaying Together 12 vols. (illustrated with Woodcuts), calf gilt, marbled edges, and Folio Atlas in cloth. 3210 1 vo i 8 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. 15 Lot. VR. 13 LOT 24 Baretti (J.) Italian and English Dictionary, 2 vols. calf, Howell 1820; Henley's Complete Linguist, or Universal Grammar, old morocco, 1719; Matthia's Greek Grammar, translated by Blomfield, 2 vols. calf ex. 1824 5 vols. 25 Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, with Lives, 7 vols. calf 1711 26 BEAUTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES; or, Topographical descriptions of each County, by Britton, Brayley, &c., and Introduction by Brewer; LARGE PAPER; PROOFS AND ETCHINGS of most of the numerous Engravings, 26 vols. russia extra, gilt leaves. VERY FINE SET 1801, &c. 27 Beckford (W.) Italy, with Sketches of Spain and Portugal, 2 vols. half calf gilt, 1834; History of Italy, by G. Percival, 2 vols. calf extra, 1825; View of Society in Italy, by J. Moore, 2 vols. calf gilt, 1795 6 vols. Langdale Fayes 28 Beckington (Bishop), Journal of, by Sir H. Nicolas, Robinson Large Paper, morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, 1828; Excerpta Historica, or Illustrations of English History, calf extra, 1831 Bash 29 Beloe's Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, 6 Howell vols. half calf 1814 30 Beloe's Sexagenarian, 2 vols. 1818; Barry Cornwall's bunson Flood of Thessaly, 1823; Bowdler's Select Pieces, 2 vols. 1817; Pursuits of Literature, 2 vols. 1798; Clarke's History of Intemperance, 2 vols. 1819; 8 vols. calf gilt 31 Bembo. Gli Asolani, FINE COPY, morocco, by Bozerian,Quarital Aldus, Vinegia, 1515 32 Bembo. Les Azolains, de la Nature de l'Amour, behin Bar traduictz d'Italien en Françoys par Ian Martin. BEAUTIFUL COPY, ruled, in the original binding, sides painted in compartments, in the style of Maioli Paris, 1547 34 Béranger (J.-P. de.) Œuvres, 4 vols., numerous plates, INDIA PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS, calf extra, gilt edges Brux. 1828 33 Bentham (Jeremy.) Works, edited by Bowring, 11 vols. Robinson half calf gilt 1843 Bayes Halford 35 BIBLE (The), and Primer, in Chinese; translated into that Language by Dr. Morrison, and Printed in Chinese Characters, 22 vols. sewed (Printed at Canton) First Day's Sale. 9 LOT 80 Bachelin 36 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. Printed in double columns, one containing the Vulgate Version, the other the Zurich Version, 2 vols. Lutetiæ, R. Stéphanus, 1545 DIANE DE POICTIERS' COPY, in old ornamental binding, sides tooled in the Grolier style, with her emblem, three interlaced crescents, and Monogram, HD, on sides: the centres of the sides appear to have been cut out, and other letterings inserted. Howell 37 Bohn's Translations of the Classics. Livy, 4 vols. ; Horace, Ovid, Virgil. Together 8 vols. half calf gilt до morocco 1849-5 I 38 Bonnefons (Le Père). Le Catechisme Royal, où les Poincts de la Foy sont representez par les Images Fine Portrait and 100 plates (one leaf a little damaged) Paris, 1647 ow & Co. 39 Book of Gems (The). Poets and Artists of Great Britain, edited by S. C. Hall, fine plates, 3 vols. half morocco 1836-46 Howell 40 Book of Common Prayer, with a set of PROOF PLATES On INDIA PAPER, after Burney and Thurston, inserted, LARGE PAPER, morocco extra Oxford, 1815 Kolt 41 Borrow's Bible in Spain, 3 vols. ; Gipsies in Spain, 2 vols.; Lavengro, 3 vols.; Romany Rye, 2 vols. Together 10 vols. half calf extra on 2 1841-57 Bobinson 42 Boswell's Life of Johnson, 3 vols. calf gilt, 1793, 62 PRESENTATION COPY, "To Mr. Perkins, from the Author" 4 1831 Do.. 43 Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson, with Notes by J. W. Croker, BEST EDITION, 5 vols. calf extra, gilt leaves Howell 44 Brande (W. T.) Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Arts, calf extra, 1842; URE's Dictionary of Arts, Manu- factures, and Mines, 2 vols. calf marbled edges, 1853 3 vols. & horan 45 BRIDGEWATER TREATISES, by Bell, Buckland, Chalmers, Kidd, Kirby, Prout, Roget, Whewell, and Babbage's Ninth Treatise. Together 13 vols. calf, marbled edges 1833-36 Marits 46 British Drama, Ancient and Modern, edited by Sir. W. Scott, 8 vols. calf, marbled edges Mite holl 47 British Theatre, BELL'S EDITION, with plates, 34 vols. calf, marbled edges 1810-11 I 797 B } و واء 6 10 į 1 * { 3 می 131 4 : Cu کویر 1 : ¿ ! 2 IO Catalogue of the Perkins Library. LOT 48 Britton's Beauties of Wiltshire, vols. 2 and 3, plates, LARGE PAPER, russia extra, 1806; Le Sage's Gil Blas, plates Halford- by Smirke, vols. 2, 3, 4, russia extra, 1809 5 vols. 49 Brooke (Sir A. de Capell). Sketches in Spain and Robinson Morocco, plates, 2 vols. half calf extra, 1831; History of the War of Succession in Spain, by Lord Mahon, map, calf gilt, 1832; Lisbon in 1821 to 1823, by Marianne Baillie, 2 vols. half calf, 1824 5 vols. 50 Brooke (J. Rajah). Events in Borneo, plates, 2 vols. Howell half calf gilt, 1848; Ramasceana, or Vocabulary of the Language used by the Thugs, half calf, Calcutta, 1836; Narrative of the Burmese War, by Snodgrass, woodcuts, calf gilt, 1827 4 vols. 51 Bruce's Travels to the Source of the Nile, 7 vols. 8vo, russia, and 4to Atlas of Plates and Maps, half russia, 1805; Valentia's Travels in India, &c. 3 vols. russia, and ATLAS of Plates, 4to, half bound, 1811 52 Brunet. Manuel du Libraire avec Supplement, 6 vols. Schott half russia, 1820-34; Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Parr, calf extra, 1827; Desenfan's Catalogue of Pictures purchased for the King of Holland, 2 vols. in 1, 1802; and one other 9 vols. 53 Bryant's System of Ancient Mythology, plates, LARGE Howell. PAPER, 6 vols. half russia 1807 Да 54 Burke's Beauties of Nature, 3 vols. calf extra, 1837; Mylne's Astronomy, calf, 1816; Jean's Practical Astronomy, half morocco, 1841; Hutton's Mathematics, 3 vols. calf, 1815; Baker on the Microscope, plates, 2 vols. calf, 1785; Park- inson on Fossil Organics, calf extra, 1822 II vols. Do 55 Buffon, Daubenton et Lacépède. Histoire Naturelle, Sot heran redigée par Sonnini, with 2500 COLOURED PLATES, FINE PAPER, 127 vols. in 65, half calf Paris, 1799-1808 56 Buffon's Natural History, by Barr, 10 vols. 1792; Rham's Dictionary of the Farm, 1844; White on Veterinary Medicine, 3 vols. half russia, 1812 14 vols. 57 Bulwer. Chirologia, or Natural Language of the Hand, and Chironomia, calf, 1644; Bulwer's Man Transformed, or the Artificial Changeling, woodcuts, sm. 4to, old calf, 1653; Lilly's Christian Astrology, sm. 4to, calf, 1647 3 vols. Do 60 Plis First Day's Sale. I t ܛ LOT Robinson 58 Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, with Life by Southey,/4 LARGE PAPER, PROOF PLATES, calf, marbled leaves 1830 Bowell 59 Burke's Works and Speeches, 12 vols. calf You 1808-13 Johanson 60 Burke on the Sublime, calf, 1793; Kitto's Land of Promise, half calf, n. d.; Life of Cobbett, half calf gilt, 1835; Herbert's Remains, half calf extra, Pickering, 1848; Erasmus's Praise of Folly, Holbein's plates, calf, 1722; More on Female Education, 2 vols. calf, 1801; Tappen on Architecture, plates, calf, 1806 8 vols. с с El 61 BURNET (Bp.) HISTORY of his OWN TIME, with the suppressed Passages and Notes by Earls Dartmouth and Hardwicke, &c.; LARGE PAPER, 6 vols., bound by C. Lewis, from sheets, in morocco cxtra, gilt leaves Oxford, 1823 Very rare, as 25 copies only were printed on this size for sale. Totheran 62 Burns (R.) Works and Life, 4 vols., calf, 1803; Moore's Loves of the Angels, calf cxtra, 1823; Poetical Works of Lope de la Vega, vignettes on India paper, calf cxtra, 1823 6 vols. ... Nowell • 1 63 Butler on the Roman Catholics, 4 vols. calf, 1822; Butler's Reminiscences, 2 vols. calf, 1824; Milner on Popery, calf, n. d.; Song of Solomon, calf gilt, 1823; Horne's Commentary on the Psalms, 2 vols. calf gilt, Oxford, 1794; Common Prayer, 1851 II vols. Pol'heran 64 Butler's Hudibras, with Notes by Z. Grey, plates by Hogarth, BEST EDITION, 2 vols. Camb. 1744; Butler's Genuine Remains, with Notes by Thyer, 2 vols. 1759. Together 4 vols. russia extra, uniform I مر صة N we are on the ones were now the other for ོ༥ Robinson 65 Byron (Lord). Complete Works, edited by J. W. Lake, and ILLUSTRATED with numerous extra Engravings after Turner, Williams, Westall, and others, 7 vols. morocco ex. borders of gold on sides, gilt leaves Paris, 1825 marited 66 Calvin. Institution de la Religion Chrestienne, vellum / Lion, 1565 as 1848-50 Nowell 67 Campbell (Lord). Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 7 vols. 8 calf, marbled edges, SCARCE Baralin 68 Campy (Planis de). Traicté des Playes faites par les 20 Mousquetades Paris, 1623 DEDICATION COPY to LOUIS XIII. with his Arms im- pressed; back and sides covered with the crowned L. A beautiful specimen of binding, in perfect preservation. The new ist es wich in the base. The f ge Ì 2 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. } 413 44 28 می پر کی LOT 69 Carlyle's Frederick the Great, vols. 1, 2, calf extra, vol. 3, Howell cloth, 1858-62; The Quarter Deck, half calf gilt, 1847; Farrar's Eric, 1859 5 vols. 26 71 Catalogue of the Library of Sir Mark Sykes, 3 Parts, Luaritch LARGE PAPER, ruled, with Prices neatly inserted, half bound, 1824; Catalogue of the Library of G. Hibbert, Esq., roy. 8vo, LARGE AND THICK PAPER, with prices and names, and list of lots bought by Henry Perkins, Esq. calf 1829 Cavendish. Life of Cardinal Wolsey, with Notes by Singer, plates, LARGE PAPER, calf ex. gilt leaves 1825 73 Chalmers. General Biographical Dictionary, 32 vols. calfTowall gilt 72 Toovey Bacholin فيا مو 70 Cartwright's Comedies and other Poems, with Portrait, 1651; Foote's Dramatic Works, with Life, 2 vols. half russia, 1809 3 vols. Cash 1812 74 CHARTIER (ALAIN). SES EUVRES (Edition en lettres rondes), woodcuts, FINE COPY, morocco ex. joints and silk Paris, D. Dupré, 1529 linings by Lefebure, RARE Coste's copy sold for 325 fr., Cailhava 450 fr. 75 Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, plates, calf,Paris, 1762; Garson's Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting, calf, 1716; Howel's Familiar Letters, calf, 1688; Rollin's Method of Teaching the Belles Lettres, 4 vols. calf, 1758; and 1 other 8 vols. 76 Cicero's Orations, 2 vols. calf gilt, 1777; Cicero's Letters, 2 vols. half calf, 1825; Works of Tacitus, by Murphy, 8 vols. calf gilt, 1805 12 vols. 7 Clarendon's Rèligion and Policy, with a Survey of the Power of the Pope, 2 vols. imp. 8vo, LARGE PAPER, russia extra, joints, gilt edges Oxford, 1811 78 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, with all the sup- pressed Passages, 8 vols. roy. 8vo, LARGE PAPER (only 50 copies printed), red morocco extra, gilt edges, in the Harleian style, by Lewis Oxford, 1826 79 Clarendon (Life of), with Continuation of his History; 3 vols. royal 8vo, LARGE PAPER, red morocco extra, gilt edges, in the Harleian style, by Lewis (uniform) Phibbs bassed. Death Oxford, 1827 80 Cochrane's Travels in Columbia, plates, 2 vols. 1825; Lowell Account of Columbia, 2 vols. 1822; Hall's State of Colum- bia, 1824; 5 vols. calf extra 81 Congreve (W.) Works, Plays, and Poems, BASKERVILLE'Sangdale 3 old calf, yellow edges 1761 ? First Day's Sale. 13 LOT Fotheran 82 Cooper (C.P.) Account of the Public Records of Great Britain, 2 vols. calf extra, SCARCE, 1832; Nicolas' Obser- vations on Historical Literature, half calf, 1830 3 vols. Ellis 83 Cowley's Works, plates and portraits, 3 vols. calf, 1710; Waller's Poems, portraits, calf, 1711 Robinson 84 Cowper's Private Correspondence, 2 vols. 1824; Private Correspondence of John Pinkerton, 2 vols. 1830; calf extra 4 vols. 4 vols. Do Howell, 86 Crutwell's Gazetteer, 4 vols. calf, 1808; Stewart's Celtic Grammar, calf, 1801; Virgil's Georgics, translated, calf, 1800; Sydenham's Works, 2 vols. calf, 1788; Macirone's Fall of Murat, half calf, 1817; and 1 other IO vols. Do 85 Cruikshank's Sunday in London, woodcuts, half calf, 1833; Comic Latin Grammar, wood cuts, half morocco, 1840; Ingoldsby Legends, plates, vol. I, 1840; Sheridan's Dra- matic Works, half calf, 1848; Arabian Nights, 1844; and I other 6 vols. 87 Cumming's Hunter's Life in South Africa, plates, 2 vols. half calf gilt, 1850; Weddell's Voyage to the South Pole, calf extra, 1825; Clapperton's Expedition to Africa, 2 vols. calf gilt, 1830 5 vols. Curts 88 Curtis' Farm Insects: a History of Insects injurious to Agriculture, COLOURED PLATES, roy. 8vo, half calf, 1860; Sinclair, Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis, COLOURED PLATES, roy. 8vo, calf extra, 1825 2 vols. Guarita 89 CUVIER'S ANIMAL KINGDOM, translated by Griffith, Pidgeon, and others, LARGE PAPER, COLOURED PLATES, 16 vols. calf extra 1827-35 Do To да 90 Dampierre. Orationi Diversi: a neatly-written Manu- script on Paper. Dedicated "Al Reverendo Sigr. mio il Sigr. de Porces." Fine old morocco binding, the sides covered with the initials P.P. and M.M. alternated Curtis 91 Dante, translated by Cary, 3 vols. calf extra, marbled leaves 1819 92 D'Arblay (Madame). Diary and Letters, 7 vols. original edition, half calf 1843-46 93 Davis's Description of China, 2 vols. 1836; Gutzlaff's China Opened, 2 vols. 1838; Downing's The Fan-Qui in China, plates, 3 vols. 1838; 7 vols. half calf extra 1 5 مو ویرا 8 14 5 i4 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. في هوا 95 Dealtry's Sermons, 1848; Higgins's Horae Sabbaticae,obinson morocco, 1833; Trench's Notes on the Parables, 1853; Book of Common Prayer, calf, 1836; Sunday Afternoons at a Parish Church, 1866; Tregelles on the Prophecies in Daniel, 1852; God in History, by Cumming, 1849; Nelson's Practice of True Devotion, 1847; Consolation for the Afflicted, 1848; Jebb's Piety without Asceticism, calf, 1837; Hook's Holy Thoughts, 1848 II vols. 96 De Bure. Bibliographie Instructive, avec Catalogue des Livres du Cabinet de Gaignat, &c. 10 vols. calf gilt 8597 De Foe's Works, by Scott, 20 vols. half morocco Paris, 1763-93 13. ! QUARTO. 1898 Abel's Journey in the Interior of China, plates, calf ex. 1818; Davey's Account of Ceylon, plates, calf ex. 1821; Fraser's Journey into Khorassan, calf, 1825; Keppel's Journey from India, plates, calf, 1827 4 vols. کو کی Į LOT 94 Davidson's Poetical Rhapsody, by Nicolas, LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. half morocco extra, uncut, top edges gilt, 1826; Wyl Bucke, His Testament, privately printed, 1827; 3 vols. پی فی کی i 1 100 Ackermann's History of the University of COLOURED PLATES, 2 vols. half russia, uncut Beran Johnson- 1840 maritch 102 Acosta (J.). Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies: translated by E. G[rimston], calf (the old sides inlaid) 1604 67 99 Ackermann's History of the University of Cambridge,man COLOURED PLATES, 2 vols. half russia, uncut 1815 Oxford, 1814 101 Ackermann's History of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster, COLOURED PLATES, 2 vols. half russia 1812 Curtis Do Jo. Elles 103 Addison (J.) Works. Baskerville's Fine Edition, heran plates, 4 vols. old gilt russia, yellow edges Birm. 1761 104 Agriculture (Board of), Communications on Subjects Johnson relative to Improvement of Agriculture, 7 vols. half russia, 1804-11; Dictionary of Agriculture and Complete Farmer, 2 vols. 1807; and 6 others 15 vols. First Day's Sale. 15 Curtis Do Curtis Howell. Guarita 107 Anderson's History of Commerce, 4 vols. russia ex. 1801; Malthus on Population, 1803; Millar's View of the English Government, russia, 1790 6 vols. ċ [ LOT 105 Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary, calf, 1816; Boyer, Dic- tionnaire Français et Anglais, 2 vols. russia, 1796, Hede- rici Lexicon, 1810; Morelli Lexicon, cura Maltby, 1815; and 2 other dictionaries 7 vols. Robinson 108 Anderson's Constitutions of the Freemasons, 1784; Wanley's Wonders of the Little World, calf, 1774 2 vols. 109 Ariosto. Orlando Furioso, woodcuts, vellum, Venetia, 1585 IIO ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS, translated by Rev. E. Forster, LARGE PAPER, PROOF-IMPRESSIONS of the Plates, after Smirke, 5 vols. morocco extra, borders of gold on sides, gilt edges 1802 18 Sevens 106 Alexander's Travels from India, plates, calf, 1827; Hall's Voyage to Loo Choo, calf, 1818; Del Rio, De- scription of a Ruined City in America, calf, 1822; Wad- dington's Visit to Ethiopia, plates, calf, 1822 4 vols. III Archæologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, plates, 24 vols. 1770-1832; Liber Quotidianus Garderoba Edwardi I. and Orders and Regulations for Government of the Royal Household from Edward III. to William III. Together 26 vols. calf gilt Lucaritch 112 Astronomical Society of London (Memoirs of the), / from the commencement, 9 vols. half calf 1822-36 Да Да 113 Atlas Geographicus, or Systems of Geography (Maps, including some of America), 5 vols. calf, 1711-17; D'Anville, Memoires Geographiques, 4 vols. russia, Paris, 1753 9 vols. Though not exactly uniform as regards the tooling, all the volumes are in rich old red morocco, gilt leaves, most of them having the Royal Arms of France in gold on the sides. This set includes the rare volumes of Prudentius and Statius, and the true edition of Cicero's Opera Philosophica, and there are also added, Danet's Dictionarium Anti- quitatum Romanorum, and Danet's Dictionnaire Français- Latin (together 3 vols.), being in similar binding. So choice a series is very probably unique. و 240 114 Auctores Classici Latini, in usum Delphini, Paris, 1672, &c. An EXTRAORDINARILY FINE and COMPLETE Set, bound in 60 vols. : کی vo 15. 15. : ! ¡ 16 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. کا ہے 2 پروا 110. ولا مه تو من کی . 8 сь کی LOT 115 Barbut. Les Genres des Insectes de Linné, coloured plates, 1781; Darwin's Zoonomia, 2 vols. calf, 1796; Voet, Icones Insectorum Coleoptorum, illustravit G. Panzer, COLOURED plates, 3 vols. in 1, calf, Erlangæ, 1794 4 vols. any dab 116 Bayley. History of the Tower of London, plates, 2 vols. calf ex. gilt edges 1821-5 Curtis 117 Beechey (Captain) Voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Mitchell Strait, plates, 2 gilt, 1831; Brooke, Travels through Sweden, Norway and Lapland, plates, 2 vols. calf gilt, 1823-27 4 vols. 118 Belzoni. Narrative of Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia, Maritch calf, with the large folio ATLAS of PLATES (including the six additional ones), half bound 1820 119 Bentham. History and Antiquities of the Cathedral heran Church of Ely, with Supplement by Stevenson, plates, 2 vols. old russia Camb. 1771-1817 120 Berenger. The Art of Horsemanship, plates, 2 vols. calf, 1771; Freeman, Art of Horsemanship, plates, 1806; Observations on the Horse's Foot, coloured plates, 1796 4 vols. 121 Biblia Sacra Polyglotta (Vetus et Novum Testa- mentum), edidit S. Lee, 2 vols. Bagster, 1831; LITURGIA Anglicana Polyglotta, Bagster, 1821. Together 3 vols. morocco extra, gilt leaves Prgott Buthand 122 с Bibliorum Sacrorum Vulgata Versionis Editio, 2 vols. Guaritah LARGE PAPER, red morocco ex. gilt edges. Paris, Didot, 1785 123 Bible (Holy) and Apocrypha, rough calf, Oxford, 1800; Book of Common Prayer, folio, rough calf, Oxford, 1788 124 Bible (Holy) and Apocrypha, 9 vols, UNIQUE, being the only copy PRINTED UPON VELLUM, morocco ex. broad leather joints, tooled, by C. Lewis F. Reeves, 1802 ex. sides and bossed Forges 125 Bible (Holy) and Apocrypha, morocco back tooled with Masonic emblems, joints, gilt leaves VER MAT plugg Oxford, 1808 This copy was used on the occasion of the Union of the English and Scotch Freemasons. 126 Bible (Holy), PRINTED ENTIRELY UPON INDIA PAPER, and illustrated by Engravings by Charles Heath, from designs of R. Westall, INDIA PROOFS, 2 vols. morocco ex. doublé, gilt leaves Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1815 ONLY FOUR COPIES of this elegant edition were printed on INDIA PAPER; the present one formerly belonged to Bensley, the printer of it. ес theran First Day's Sale. 17 LOT 127 Bible (Holy), with Notes by Dr. D'Oyly and Bp. Mant. Plates, 3 vols. LARGE PAPER, morocco ex. gilt edges Oxford, 1817 128 Birch (T.) History of the Royal Society of London, 4 vols. calf 1756 Johnson 129 Bonaventura (Sancti) Liber Aureus de Vita Christi, Bohn Black Letter sine loco et anno Howell Pickering 130 Book of Common Prayer. Engraved throughout by 10 7. Sturt. LARGE PAPER, ruled with red lines. Old purple morocco, blind tooled. FINE COPY 1717 Johnson 131 Booth (D.), Analytical Dictionary of the English Language, half calf, 1835. Tomlin's Law Dictionary, 2 vols. calf, 1820 3 vols. Curtis 132 Bowdich. Mission to Ashantee, coloured plates, calf gilt, 1819; Lyon's Travels in North Africa, plates, calf gilt, 1821; Thompson's Travels in Southern Africa, calf, 1827 3 vols. 133 Brand. Observations on Popular Antiquities, with Additions by Sir H. Ellis. LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. russia extra 1813 134 British Museum. Ancient Marbles and Terra Cottas in the British Museum; a collection of fine Engravings, with Descriptions by Combe, Hawkins, and Cockerell. LARGE PAPER, Parts I. to VI. in 2 vols. calf extra, gilt leaves 1810-30 Witchell 135 BRITTON. Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, LARGE PAPER, PROOFS and SET of the ETCHINGS of the numerous fine plates. 5 vols. half russia, uncut, 1807-26 Extremely rare in this state, very few copies having been so taken. Curtis theran 136 BRITTON'S Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain, 5 vols. LARGE PAPER, fine plates, morocco super extra, gilt edges, fine original copy 137 Britton. 1814 Curtis Account of Redcliffe Church, Bristol, LARGE PAPER, INDIA PROOFS AND ETCHINGS, 1813; Darell's History of Dover Castle, edited by Grose, LARGE PAPER 1797 haran 138 Brongniart et Desmarest. Histoire des Crustacés Fossiles, calf ex. Paris, 1822; Lettsom, History of the Tea Tree, plates, calf, 1799; Roemer, Genera Insectorum, coloured plates, calf, 1789, and 2 others 5 vols. с L رو 10 5 کی پر 10 16 2 C 18 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. t میں کی ہے } 5 20 10. کی کو ور حق می { LOT 139 Buckingham (J. S.) Travels in Palestine, Arabia, Meso- potamia, and Assyria, plates, 4 vols. calf (but not uniform) 1821-9 140 Buckland. Reliquiæ Diluvianæ, plates, calf extra, 1823; Rowsell Mantell, Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex, plates, calf extra, 1822 2 vols. 141 Burchell. Travels in Southern Africa, plates, some Potherave 1822-24 coloured, 2 vols. calf extra, SCARCE →. Sotheran 142 Burckhardt's Travels in Nubia, 1819; Travels in Syria, Luariton 1822; Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys, 1830, SCARCE; Arabic Proverbs, 1830, VERY SCARCE, together, 4 vols. calf gilt, marbled edges 143 Burney. History of Music, plates, 4 vols. half russia Sothonan 1776-89 144 Butler (C.) Principles of Music in Singing and Ellis Setting, morocco extra 1636 Да 145 Butler (C.) Works. Principles of Musik; Feminin Monarchi, or Histori of Bees (the first work with Phonetic Spelling); Rhetoricae libri duo; Oratoriae libri duo, in one vol. calf V. Y. 146 Calderon de la Barca (Don Pedro); Autos Sacramen- Howell tales, Manuscript on paper, 2 vols. velvet Do Curtis 149 Catalogue of the choice Library of John Dent, Esq., Ellis calf extra. *** Only twenty copies were privately printed on writing-paper. 147 Camden Society Publications, from the commencement in 1840 to 1849, 36 vols. cloth 148 Carlisle (N.) Dictionary of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, 6 vols. calf, gilt 1808-13 150 Caxton (W.) The Ancient Historie of the Destruction Sothman of Troy, translated out of French into English by William Caxton, morocco, gilt leaves, RARE 1636 151 CERVANTES' DON QUIXOTE, translated from the Spanish, itch numerous engravings from paintings by Robert Smirke, LARGE PAPER, INDIA PROOFS, 4 vols, morocco extra, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis 1818 la First Day's Sale. 19 LOT Evaritch 152 CHARTIER (ALAIN). SES ŒUVRES. MANUSCRIPT of XV. CENT. on VELLUM, distinctly written, and embellished with numerous finely painted borders and initial letters, spaces being left for the insertion of miniatures, showing that the ornamentation was a work apart from that of the scribe, in old calf binding size 8 by 51 Johnson 153 Chauchard. Description of Germany, calf, 1800, with the LARGE ATLAS of 25 Maps, half bound; Rutland (Duke of), Tour through Belgium, plates, calf extra, 1822 3 vols. ** It is needless to remark on the extreme rarity of * manuscripts of the early French Poets. FOLIO. Howell 154 Aleman's Life of Guzman de Alfarache, calf 1634 Luxurite 155 Antichita di Ercolano, esposte da O. Bayardi, Pitture, 5 vols.; Bronzi, 2 vols.; Candelabri, I vol.; Cata- logo, I vol. many fine plates, together 9 vols. calf Napoli, 1757-92 Bain Ells 156 ART de VERIFIER les DATES des Faits Historiques, des Chartes, &c., depuis la Naissance de Jesus Christ, par Clé- mencet et Durand, LARGE PAPER, 6 vols. beautifully bound in pigskin, with joints, tooled and gilt leaves, by C. Lewis Paris, 1783-7 From Theodore Williams' and Drury's Libraries. most noble and worthy Kynge Arthur, and also of his Knyghtes of the Rounde Table, black letter, woodcuts. FINE COPY, com- plete, with the leaf of printer's device. (Title-page, three cuts, and some capitals illuminated in gold and colours.) Olive morocco extra, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis. EXTREMELY RARE Imprynted by W. Coplande, 1557 This fine copy was purchased at Dent's Sale. 157 ARTHUR (KING): Story of the The Romance of King Arthur contains a sort of abridgment of the most celebrated adventures of the Round Table, and being written in comparatively modern language, gives the general reader an excellent idea of what Romances of Chivalry actually were. It has also the merit of being written in pure old English; and many of the wild adventures which it contains are told with a simplicity bordering upon the sublime.-Sir Walter Scott's Note to "Marmion." 10 610 20 ¿ 20 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. 2410 66 1 29 į كوم قوم 2310 LOT 158 Ashmole (E.) Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Noble Order of the Garter, plates by Hollar, LARGE PAPER. Very fine copy in morocco, by Kalthoeber, joints and gilt leaves. EXTREMELY RARE 1672 159 Astle. On the Origin and Progress of Writing. Plates of Facsimiles, LARGE PAPER, morocco extra, gilt edges 18020 160 Athens (Ruins of), with Remains, and other Antiquities in Greece, LARGE PAPER, calf 1759 161 Atkyns (Sir R.) Ancient and Present State of Glouces- tershire, Views of Seats by Kip, and some additional plates in-arität serted. A REMARKABLY large and FINE COPY of the ORIGINAL, RARE EDITION. Old morocco extra, joints, and gilt leaves (from Dent's Library) 1712 Mitchelli 162 Atlases, Old, half bound, 5 vols. atlas folio 164 Bacon (Lord). Historie of Henry VII. Portrait by Marshall, 1641; Camden's History of Queen Elizabeth, Port. 1675; Nalson, Journal of the Trial of King Charles I. calf, 1684 3 vols. 165 Baker's Chronicle of Kings of England, calf, 1674; Burnet's History of his Own Time, 2 vols. 1724; Hooker's Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie, 1682; and I other 5 vols. 163 Atlases, Old, and Charts, 4 vols. folio, half bound and Do calf Curtis 166 Batty's Scenery in France, from Drawings made in 1819, LARGEST PAPER, INDIA PROOFS and ETCHINGS, morocco super ex. joints tooled, and gilt leaves, by C. Lewis 1822 167 Batty's Scenery in Germany, from Drawings made in 1820, LARGEST PAPER, INDIA PROOFS and ETCHINGS, morocco super ex. joints tooled, and gilt leaves, by C. Lewis 168 Batty's Views on the Rhine, Belgium, and Holland, LARGEST PAPER, INDIA PROOFS and ETCHINGS, morocco super ex. joints tooled, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis 1826 Toovey Young 169 Batty's Hanoverian, Saxon, and Danish Scenery, LARGEST PAPER, INDIA PROOFS and ETCHINGS, morocco super ex. joints tooled, and gilt leaves, by C. Lewis 1829 вичер 170 Batty's Views of the Principal Cities in Europe, LARGEST PAPER, INDIA PROOFS and ETCHINGS, morocco super ex. joints tooled, and gilt edges, by C. Lewis 1832 ! 1823 theran Do 0% 10% 0% 1000000 88 00 $38 JA 31/1 300 O 00 000 J. & R. Burt, litha. gooc 00 100% m Lodnon mo? ហោម KEY DD 00 800 nann Do BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. 17 00 80/ 00011000 10% 10/69 10%/100% 10% 88 ag 100% 100 W + First Day's Sale. 2 I C Harvey Witchell 172 Berners (Juliana). Book OF ST. ALBANS, containing Treatises of Hawking, Hunting, &c. Fac-simile Reprint of the rare Edition by Wynkyn de Worde, 1496, with Intro- duction by J. Haslewood, russia extra, joints, and gilt edgcs 1810 Ailen ** 150 copies only of this elegant reprint were taken. am theran 173 Besselii Chronicon Gotwicense, seu Annales Monas- terii Gotwicensis. Plates of fac-simile of ancient manu- scripts, seals, &c., 2 vols. in I, vellum Feath LOT 171 Beaumont and Fletcher's Comedies and Tragedies, FIRST EDITION, Portrait by Marshall, remarkably fine copy in russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves 1647-52 (Do گے چیر Marilah 177 Quiting Typ. Monast. Tegernscensis, 1732 ** Dibdin devotes two pages in his "Bibliographical Tour" to a description of this rare book. * 174 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM of the XIII. Century, in double columns, in a bold Gothic. character, and embellished with 146 miniature paintings, 2 very thick volumes, purple morocco extra These NOBLE VOLUMES, forming a most magnificent manu- script copy of the Latin Scriptures, consist of 745 leaves, measuring 17 by 13. On the margins of first leaf, as also on that of Genesis, are elaborately painted borders, repre- senting the Creation, the Expulsion from Paradise, and the Deity blessing the Church, as in fac-simile. These illu- minations, of the period of Giotto, are of very high order, and the rarity of Italian MSS. of this date is well known. 175 BIBLIA SAcra Polyglotta, edidit Brianus Waltonus, 6 vols. CASTELLI, Lexicon Heptaglotton. 2 vols. uniform, in vellum 1657-69 176 Biblia Hebraica, cum Latina interpretatione X. Pagnini et N. Testamentum, Gr. et Lat. studio A. Montani, stamped pigskin binding Lipsia, 1657 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, 2 vols. PRINTED UPON VELLUM, with the Capitals Illuminated. Fine old morocco, by Derome, gilt leaves Mogunt. per Fust et Schoiffer, MCCCCLXII. THE FIRST EDITION OF THE LATIN BIBLE WITH A DATE, which even on Paper is a book of extraordinary rarity. The present MATCHLESS COPY, UPON VELLUM, formerly graced the celebrated libraries of M. Gaignat, the Duke, de la Valliere, Count Mac Carthy, Mr. Watson Taylor, and Mr. Dent. 23 15 و Vo 330 780 ف کوپر ¡ : 22 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. Kam 490. a } i 43 t ! } } } } } 1 1 1 I ! ! } ļ ! 1...... $ ; i ! ! } 4 LOT 178 BIBLE HISTORIÉE. A SUperb A SUPERB MANUSCRIPT of the XIV. CENTURY UPON FINE VELLUM, ornamented with 130 miniature paintings, in the highest style of this famous period of French Art, besides many hundred capitals, illumi- nated in the richest colours and gold, 2 vols. old red morocco, with a Cardinal's Arms in gold on sides 565 leaves; size, 12 in. by 81 ** This translation of the Bible was made by Guyars des * Moulins, and finished in 1295; this very magnificent MS. is, therefore, of a date nearly contemporary with the life of the translator. With the exception of two leaves in the 2nd volume being in a somewhat later hand, these volumes are in the finest possible condition, and were formerly in the choice library of Prince Golownin. 179 Biblia Sacra Latina. In the original Stamped Vellum Luaritch Binding, FINE COPY (sine ulla nota) ** Dibdin, in describing Earl Spencer's copy of this rare edition, says, "It is difficult to determine the date or name of the Printer of those books which are published in a manner like the one before us; but I should apprehend this edition to have been printed by Mentelin." From the peculiar formation of the letter R, this Bible has been known! as the R Bible. 180 Biblia Sacra Latina, in 2 vols. VERY FINE COPY, rich old red morocco, by Derome, g.e. Sine ulla nota (sed Argent. per Mentelinum, circa 1466). *** Printed by Mentelin, and justly considered by Mr. Dibdin as the rarest of all known editions of the Bible in the Latin language, not excepting that of Pfister. It contains 215 leaves, including the Prologue. It is printed in double columns, and a full column contains 49 lines. It has been carefully collated by me, and is perfect. MS. note, signed Henry Perkins These volumes cost Mr. Perkins £231. 181 Biblia Sacra Latina, without place, date, or printer's name, 2 vols. An extraordinarily large copy with rough leaves, in I į ¦ 1 the original stamped pigskin binding (Argentorati, Henr. Eggesteyn, circa 1469) | Dibdin, in his account of Lord Spencer's copy, supposes this edition to have been printed by Eggesteyn; it is in double Elles Do Ellis } J. & R. Burt, btho BIBLE HISTORIÉE. 回 ​飲 ​you 1 First Day's Sale. 23 Ellis { да : Luaritch 182 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, 2 vols. This edition, without 38 10 place, date, or Printer's name, is attributed by Panzer to the press of Ulric Zell. VERY FINE AND LARGE COPY, RU- BRICATED, in the original Oak and Stamped Binding. (Coloniæ, Ulric Zell, 1467) ** This ancient edition of the Vulgate is of very great rarity. It is printed in double columns, with 42 lines to a page. The first volume contains 345 printed leaves, and the second 334 leaves, besides the original blank leaves. ! LOT VANÍ VEŘEJNĚTE ZA P columns, the first volume containing 249 leaves, and the second 241 leaves, with several ornamental capitals. Lord Spencer's copy wants the 3rd and 4th Books of Kings, and the Chronicles begin on recto of the leaf, whereas the present has got the whole of Kings, and the Chronicles begin on the reverse. Fragments of a very early MS. will be found pasted on inside cover. 65 183 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, 2 vols. without date or place, but with mark of Nicolas Goltz at end of Apocalypse. BEAUTIFUL COPY. Bound in green velvet, gilt leaves, with silver gilt clasps, enclosed in morocco cases (Coloniæ, circa 1472) This Bible is divided into 2 volumes, consisting of 700 leaves, including the Compendium of 43 leaves, which is wanting in Lord Spencer's copy. Pettigrew, in "Bibliotheca Sussexiana," says, "As N. Goltz printed at Cologne about 1472, I am inclined to think this a production of that time, as most of the earlier printers made their first essay with a Bible. The productions of this press are few in number, and rare; the 'Vita Christi' of 1474 and the present Bible are the principal works." This Bible was unknown to Panzer, and is not mentioned by Santander. 184 Biblia Sacra Latina, beautiful, large, and clean copy, with capitals in colours, the original stamped binding on sides, brass bosses and clasps Moguntia per. 7 Schoiffer, MCCCCLXXII. ** A very general opinion prevails that this is simply a re- impression by Schoiffer of his edition of 1462, but this is erroneous; many variations and some important corrections are introduced. In the 37th chapter of Isaiah, the Bible of 1462 reads "ponam circulum in auribus tuis;" which is changed here to naribus tuis. al' وفي J 1 ! $ 24 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. ! 10 ! ¦ 90 1 ļ 1 1 I 1 ! ↑ ¦ } I Nga, depend : } ¦ 11 LOT 185 Biblia Sacra Latina, 2 vols. large copy with rough leaves, many of the capitals are painted in colours, half bound. (Basilea, Bernhard Richel, 1475) * An edition of very rare occurrence; not to be found in Earl Spencer's collection. 186 BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, 2 vols. PRINTED upon VELLUM, splendidly bound in morocco, by Lewis, doublé with morocco, elaborately tooled Ven. JENSON, MCCCCLXXVI. This is a noble specimen of Fenson's Gothic Types; copies upon vellum are excessively rare. The copies of La Valliere, Gaignat, and Crevenna were all upon paper. The vellum is remarkably delicate and fine, and the capitals are beauti- fully painted in gold and colours. The leaf on which Genesis begins is adorned with marginal illuminations (executed in compartments) representing the Creation. This copy has the leaf of "Registrum" in fac-simile, which is stated by Van Praet to be wanting in most of the few copies known of this edition on vellum. It is difficult to imagine a more beautiful example of vellum printing than these volumes afford us. 187 Biblia Sacra Latina, cum Canonibus Evangelistarumque Concordantiis, with the initials of the first chapters of the several books illuminated in gold and colours, FINE COPY, in the original oak boards Nurembergia, Coburger, 1478 ** Inside the covers are pasted TWO SPLENDID EXAMPLES of EARLY DOTTED PLATES, measuring 12 in. by 10 in.; one representing the "Death of the Virgin," the other "The Mass of St. Gregory." Beneath the latter are six Lines of an Indulgence, engraved in white on black ground. *** Engravings of this character are of extreme rarity. 188 Biblia Sacra Latina, Vulgatæ Editionis. Sixti V. jussu recognita. LARGE PAPER, fine old gilt calf binding, borders of gold on sides. (From the Cassano Library) Romæ, ex. Typog. Apostolica Vaticana, 1592 ** This edition is valuable on account of the numerous and * curious variations from the edition of 1590, made by order of Pope Clement VIII., and is considered the STANDARD TEXT OF THE VULGATE. Copies on large paper are very rare. 189 Biblia Islandica (translated from the German Version of Martin Luther), with singular woodcut capitals, half vellum Hoolum, 1644 CON Į Ellis Do да (Do Allen First Day's Sale. 25 : Ellis Do Luaritch In ins LOT 190 BIBLIA GERMANICA, without date, place, or printer's name, FINE COPY, morocco extra As the FIRST EDITION of the SACRED TEXT IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE, this volume must always hold a most import- ant place in a library. Dr. Dibdin, in the "Bibliotheca Spenceriana," devotes several pages to a description of it, and a consideration of the place where it was most probably printed. He assigns it to the press of Eggesteyn or Mentelin, at Strasburg, and thinks the date must be about 1466, though some bibliographers have considered it to be much earlier. Of its extreme rarity and importance there can be no doubt or question. 191 BIBLIA. THE BIBLE, that is, the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testament, faithfully and truly translated out of Douche into English, by Miles Coverdale. The FIRST COMPLETE EDITION of the ENGLISH BIBLE, a BOOK of EXTRAORDINARY RARITY, woodcuts, morocco, blind tooled on sides, joints and gilt leaves * MDXXXV. ONE of the FINEST and MOST PERFECT COPIES KNOWN, wanting only the title and two following leaves (which are supplied in admirable fac-simile), and the map. No PERFECT copy is known to exist, and with regard to condi- tion and size, the present copy will challenge comparison with any other, measuring 123 by 73 ** From Dent's Library. 195 192 BIBLE (THE), in whych are contayned the Olde and Newe Testament, truly and purely translated into Englysh by Thomas Matthew, woodcuts, in MARVELLOUS PRE- SERVATION, the title only being inlaid and the last leaf (of imprint) mended, old morocco, with Gulston's device on back 1537 **This has often been described as the first edition of the English Bible printed in England, but there is no doubt that it was really printed abroad, though the exact place is unknown. It is of extraordinary rarity, and hardly inferior in that respect to the first edition of Coverdale. The real name of the translator was John Rogers, who was the first martyr in Queen Mary's reign. A PERFECT COPY, like the present, is an invaluable treasure in an English Biblical Library. 193 BYBLE (THE), in ENGLYSHE, Archbishop Cranmer's ver- sion, black letter, russia Edward Whitchurch, Dec. 1540 Title mounted and little cut at head, else a sound copy. This is also an edition of great rarity. (matera makanations vakans LA PRO D :. ** 80 da de car de Ma مو : 1 26 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. 23 : : 1+ I : 615. 88 : į : L'OT 194 BIBLE (THE HOLY), Black Letter, engraved title by Boel, Stevens FINE COPY, rough calf, VERY RARE. QUITE PERFECT (with the exception of the letterpress title) Barker, 1611 * ** First edition of the authorized translation now in use; commonly called King James' Bible. It is important to notice that there are several issues of this edition, but this is the FIRST and most valuable. Harvey 196 Bible (Holy) and Apocrypha, with Notes by Bp. to Wilson, and various renderings by Rev. C. Crutwell, 6 vols. LARGE PAPER, morocco ex. joints, gilt leaves, by Walther Bath, 1785 195 Bible (Holy), beautifully printed by Baskerville, russia gilt, borders of gold on sides Camb. 1763 ** Of this admirable edition of the English Bible, only twelve copies were printed on large paper; the present sold for £31 10s. at Dent's sale, * 197 Bickham's British Monarchy, or Chorographical De-Beran scription of Great Britain, plates, russia gilt 1743 198 Blome. Gentleman's Recreation in Hawking, Hunting, Fowling, Horsemanship, Fishing, &c. FINE COPY, ruled with red lines, morocco ex. gilt leaves 1686 199 Boccatii. Genealogia Deorum, EDITIO PRINCEPS, capitals illuminated, FINE LARGE COPY, morocco back and russia sides Venetiis, Vind. de Spira, 1472 200 Books of Common Prayer of the Church of England. The fac-simile reprints of the six various editions from Edward VI. to Charles II. uniformly printed, by Whit- tingham, 6 vols. vellum Pickering, 1844 202 BOSWELL. LIFE OF DR. JOHNSON. The Edition in 4 vols. 8vo, inlaid to form 8 large volumes folio, and most EXTENSIVELY ILLUSTRATED, containing 488 portraits, views, &c. of persons and localities mentioned in the work, many of which are fine impressions and rare, russia extra, broad leather joints tooled, gilt leaves 1811 Title-pages were specially printed for this copy. ** 201 Borlase's Natural History of Cornwall, and Historical Well and Monumental Antiquities of Cornwall, plates, 2 vols. FINE COPY, old russia, gilt leaves Oxford, 1758-69 CONTE 20 PEDAL, Zlata p Ellis Howell Ellis First Day's Sale. 27 angdale variti. accaritch 204 Boyle (Hon. R.) Works, complete, with Life by Dr. Birch, 5 vols. LARGE PAPER, fine old gilt, russia, gilt leaves Do 1744 205 BRANT (Sebastian). SHYP of FOLYS of the Worlde, translated into English Verse by A. Barclay, Preste (with the original Latin opposite). FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. Black Letter, woodcuts, red morocco, gilt leaves (Ratcliffe's Copy) IMPRENTYD BY PYNSON, 1509 ** EXTREMELY RARE, with the leaf of Colophon and Printer's Device. Finell 206 Brant (Sebastian). Stultifera Navis, or the Ship of Fooles, translated by A. Barclay. Black Letter, woodcuts (title in manuscript, imprint laid down on last leaf), half bound F. Carwood, 1570 SECUNDUM REGULAM BEATI YSIDORI, DICTUM MOZARABES, studio Alfonsi Ortiz. : LOT 203 Boyer's History of Queen Anne, plates, calf, 1722; Fiddes' Life of Cardinal Wolsey, plates, calf, 1726; Sir W. Temple's Works, 2 vols. calf, 1731 4 vols. sold with 207 BREVIARIUM 1641 1 Toleti, jussu Card. Fr. Ximenes per Pet. Hagenbach, 1502 This volume is perhaps of greater rarity than the Missale of same use, for description of which, see post, under "Missale." They are uniformly bound in old French morocco, and were formerly in the Girardot de Préfond and Count MacCarthy Libraries. Halford 208 Brigita. Revelationes Sanctæ Birgitte. FINE COPY, morocco, by Derome, gilt leaves Burnell Nuremberg, sumptibus J. Koberger, 1517 209 Brockedon's Passes of the Alps, with Descriptions, LARGE PAPER, INDIA PROOFS and ETCHINGS, 2 vols. mo- rocco_extra, joints, gilt edges, by Lewis 1828 Robinson 210 Browne (Sir J.) Enquiries into Vulgar Errors, 1650; Mexia, Treasurie of Auncient and Moderne Times, trans- lated from the Spanish, old calf (the Townley copy), 1619; Hobbes' Leviathan, 1651 3 vols. Guaritch 211 BRYAN'S BIOGRAPHICAL 30 and CRITICAL 05 DICTIONARY of PAINTERS and ENGRAVERS, 2 vols. 4to, inlaid in drawing paper so as to form 4 vols. roj. folio, and ILLUS- TRATED WITH SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY FINE AND RARE PORTRAITS of persons mentioned in the work. Ele- gantly bound in morocco extra, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis (from Dent's Library) 1816 SPEARS AN į li T Cù : ¡ 28 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. 24 24 10 10 خوب : زمی 13 ļ می Į 2410 i ! LOT 212 BUCK (S. and N.) VIEWS of ANTIQUITIES of Remark- able Cities, Country Seats, Castles, Abbeys, &c. in England and Wales, FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS, 4 vols. oblong Folio, calf, VERY RARE 1728-45 213 Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy, frontispiece, russia Luar tik extra, joints, gilt edges 1676 214 Burton (W.) Description of Leicestershire, ORIGINAL Schott EDITION, Portrait and Map, calf 1622 • 215 Bury (Mrs.) Selection of Hexandrian Plants, COLOURED Howell PLATES, with descriptions, half morocco, gilt edges 1831-34 216 CABINET DU ROI. A magnificent collection of writich Engravings, executed at the expense of Louis XIV. Pre- sented to Crowned Heads, and to Ambassadors resident at his Court. Bound in 23 vols. atlas folio, calf, with Royal Arms on the sides. CONTENTS. Tableaux du Roi, avec le Supplement. Batailles d'Alexandre le Grand, gravées d'après Le Brun par Audran et Edelinck. Original impressions, signed by Goyton, the printer. Medaillons Antiques Romains.-Medailles du Bas Empire -Medailles de l'Histoire de France. Plans du Louvre et des Tuileries. Plans et Vues du Château de Versailles. Grottes, Labyrinthes, Fontaines &c. de Versailles. Statues Antiques et Modernes. Termes, Bustes, Vases de Versailles. Tapisseries du Roi. Carousels, Courses de Têtes et de Bagues. Fêtes données à Versailles. Plans &c. de l'Hotel des Invalides. Description de l'Eglise des Invalides. Plans de differentes Maisons Royales. Profils et Vues de quelques Lieux de Remarque. Plans et Profils appelés les Petites Conquêtes. Ellis Vues, Marches &c. servant à l'Histoire de Louis XIV. gravées d'après Vander Meulen. Vues de Camps, Sièges, Batailles &c.gravées d'après Beaulieu. Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire des Plantes. Medailles sur les principaux Evénemens du Règne de Louis XIV. ! 217 Calmet. Dictionary of the Bible, edited by D'Oyly Beet and Colson. Plates, 3 vols. calf gilt, 1732; Stackhouse, History of the Bible, plates, 2 vols. calf, 1762 5 vols. First Day's Sale. 29 Britannia, translated with additions by Gibson, 2 vols. portraits and maps, old calf 1722 LOT 218 Camden (W.) Sutton 4 Mitchell 219 Camden's Britannia, translated and enlarged by R. Gough. FINE PAPER, plates and coloured maps, BEST EDITION, 4 vols. old russia 1806 (Do theran 220 Campbell's Vitruvius Britannicus, with continuation by Wolfe and Gandon, containing plans, elevations, &c. of 8 buildings, public and private, in Great Britain. LARGE PAPER, 5 vols. in 2, fine old red morocco, borders of gold on sides, gilt leaves 1717-81 The first volume has been rebacked, and the title is that of vol. 2 altered to vol. I. 221 CANOVA (A.) EUVRES. Seventy plates of statues, groups, busts, mausoleums, &c. engraved under the eyes of the author. Elephant folio, half morocco, gilt edges Roma کی t پرسی 43 ¡ ! fot. 1 410. t 2 كوم { } ¡ 30 ¦ Catalogue of the Perkins Library. SECOND DAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4th, 1873. maken, thug, to 226 Dibdin (T. F.) 1824 Imp. size, 1821 Library Companion, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, calf extra, gilt edges 12. 227 Dibdin (T. F.) Introduction to Greek and Latin Classics, 2 vols. LARGE VELLUM PAPER, calf extra, gilt edges 312. 1827 228 Dibdin. Reminiscences of a Literary Life, with Index, plates, 2 vols. calf extra, gilt leaves 1836 229 Dickens (C.) Pickwick Papers, plates by Phiz, and EXTRA PLATES INSERTED, calf extra, 1837; Nicholas Nickleby, plates by Phiz, AND NUMEROUS EXTRA PLATES INSERTED, calf cxtra, 1839; Little Dorrit, 40 plates by Phiz, half morocco, 1837; ORIGINAL EDITIONS, 3 vols. OCTAVO ET INFRA. DARAJADA (GAME,2 LOT 222 DIBDIN'S BIBLIOMANIA, LARGE PAPER, the rarest of Dr. Dibdin's Works on large paper, 18 copies only having been taken. Two portraits of author inserted (one an India proof), and a song, "Rational Madness," for the lovers of curious and rare books, two leaves (of which only 50 copies were privately printed), loosely inserted, bound in 2 vols. russia extra, gilt leaves 1811 223 Dibdin (T. F.) BIBLIOTHECA SPENCERIANa, 4 vols. and the CASSANO CATALOGUE, together 5 vols. plates, morocco extra, tooled joints, gilt edges 1814-15 W ¡ : 1 ! Ellis 224 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliographical Decameron, or Ten Bowell Days' Discourse, on illuminated manuscripts, &c., numerous fine plates, 3 vols. red morocco extra, joints, gilt edges 1817 225 Dibdin (T. F.)_BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, ANTIQUARIAN, and PICTURESQUE TOUR in FRANCE and GERMANY. LARGE PAPER (only 100 printed), WITH LEWIS'S SET OF ETCHINGS INSERTED, 3 vols. morocco extra, joints, gilt edges Halford -5) arisons G Ellis Soffries Etheran and 32 Harvey JA ZA Second Day's Sale. 31 ه هم Hayes میم ← 231 Fot Keran 232 Mullen 233 Dobrizhoffer's Account of the Abipones, 3 vols. 1822; Robinson's Account of the Mexican Revolution, 2 vols. 1821; 5 vols. calf extra Toovey بہت LOT 6.10 6 vols. 230 Dickens (C.) Sketches by Boz, BOTH SERIES, plates by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, 3 vols. half calf extra, 1837; Oliver Twist, plates by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, 3 vols. half calf extra, 1838 Disraeli (B.) Novels. COMPLETE AUTHORIZED EDITION, 22 10 vols. half morocco, marbled edges 1858-59 Disraeli (I.) 12 Curiosities of Literature, BOTH SERIES, 6 vols. calf, marbled edges, 1817-23. Disraeli (I.), Commen- taries on the Life and Reign of Charles I., 5 vols. calf extra, marbled edges 1828-31, II vols. Luarited 235 Donovan (E.) Natural History of British Insects, COLOURED PLATES, 16 vols. in 8, green morocco, marbled edges 27 234 Dodsley (R.) Collection of Old Plays, with Notes by Reed, THICK PAPER (only 12 copies printed), 12 vols. old red morocco, joints, gilt edges, by Hering, fine copy, 1780. VERY RARE (from Dent's Library) Luaritiah 239 Dulaure (J. A.) Des Divinités Génératrices, red morocco extra, Paris, 1805; La Réforme en 1560, morocco extra, Paris, 1829; D'Anville, Mésures Itinéraires, russia, 1769; Works of Saint-Pierre, 2 vols. half calf extra, 1846 5 vols. Kuthand 240 Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, from its COMMENCE- MENT in 1819 to 1844, 52 vols., 15 vols. in half russia and 37 vols. half calf gilt 1819-44 241 Edinburgh Review, from April, 1805, to July, 1845, and July, 1856, to October, 1871 (wanting 80 Nos.) 142 Nos. 242 EDWARDS' BOTANICAL REGISTER, with continuation by Lindley. Many hundred beautifully coloured plates, COM- PLETE, WITH INDEX, 34 vols. half bound 1815-45 1 1792-1813 Rinnell 236 Drummond (Sir W.) Origines, 4 vols. calf extra, marbled edges 1824-6 Fowell. 237 Dryden (J.) Bachelling 238 Dubon (P.) Prière pour demander à Dieu le bon Works, with Life and Notes by Sir 15 Walter Scott, 18 vols. calf gilt 6.13. 1808 usage des Maladies. border of gold on sides, 18mo Manuscript, fine old green morocco, Sièc. xviii. Ashlee 8 { 13 بار کی مو 2 25t. : 32 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. į 1 4 8 14 LOT 243 Egypt, Scenes and Impressions in, half calf, 1824; Wilson's Travels in Egypt, plates, calf extra, 1823; Diary in Egypt, India, and Palestine, calf extra, 1823; Edmond- stone's Oases of Upper Egypt, plates, calf extra, 1822 4 vols. 244 Ellis (Sir H.) Original Letters illustrative of English otheran History. THE THREE SERIES COMPLETE, II vols. calf, marbled edges 1824, &c. 245 Eremundus (E.) Historia Belgicorum Tumultum.utland Plates, vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1619; Olaus Magnus, Historia de gentibus Septentrionalibus, woodcuts, vellum, Antverpia s.a.; Eikon Basilike, imperfect (said to have belonged to Col. Titus), with the initials C.R. surmounted with the crown on sides 246 Essayists. The Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian. Mitchell Variorum edition, LARGE PAPER, old tree marbled calf, yellow edges 1797 247 Exhibition Catalogues and Reports of the Juries of the Great Exhibition, woodcuts, 4 vols. 1851 249 Farmer's Almanack, from the commencement to 1850, in 4 vols. half calf; Forster's Perennial Calendar, calf extra, 1824; Domestic Gardener's Annual, calf cxtra, 1830; Wynter's Our Social Bees, 1872; Combrun on Brewing, calf, 1758; Berkenhout's Natural History, 2 vols. calf, 1795; Staunton's Chess-Player's Hand-book, half morocco, 1848; and one other 12 vols. Finson 250 Fielding (H.) Works, with Life, 8 vols. calf 1771 251 Francis I., Life and Times of, 2 vols. calf extra, 1829; Diary, Illustrative of the Times of George IV. 4 vols. half calf extra, 1838-39; Memoirs of George IV. by Huish, portraits, 2 vols. calf extra, 1830; The Genuine Book, an Inquiry into the Conduct of the Princess of Wales, morocco gilt, 1813; Early Years of the Prince Consort, portraits, 1867 IO vols. 248 Family Library (Murray's). A collection of popularetheran Histories, Biographies, &c. 79 vols. half morocco Walford ہے : 253 French Novels, by Dumas, Balzac, About, &c. 48 vols. Patton Buthand Theran 252 Freemasonry, Constitutions of the Fraternity of, byitchell White, half calf, 1841; Dermott's Constitution of Free- masonry, calf, 1800 2 vols. Latton Second Day's Sale. 33 LOT Rimell 254 Gardener's Magazine, Conducted by Loudon, from the Commencement, 19 vols. half russia (wants vol. 15) 1826-43 Day Fill Satheran 255 Gell (Sir W.) Topography of Rome and its Vicinity, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, calf gilt, marbled edges, with MAP mounted on linen, in a case 1834 TE sa at pang at k La 256 GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, from the Commencement in 1731 to 1859, 210 vols. calf gilt Parsons 258 Goodlake's Courser's Manual, half calf extra, 1828; Goodwin's New System of Horse-shoeing, plates, half calf, 1824; Thacker, On Coursing and Breeding, 2 vols. half calf, extra, 1834; Laurence, On the Horse, half calf, 1829; Tyndale, On Equitation, calf 6 vols. Do 257 Glanvil's Evidence concerning Witches and Appari- tions, 1726; Works of Sir George Wharton, 1683; Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, 1797; calf 3 vols. Puitton 259 Gregory's Economy of Nature, 3 vols. 1798; Godwin's Enquirer, 1797, 4 vols. calf gilt; Laurie's Interest Tables, half calf; and 5 others 13 vols. Mitchell, 260 Grote (G.) History of Greece, 12 vols. calf gilt, marbled edges ? 1846-47 Prime 261 Gwilt (C. P.), Notices relating to Thomas Smith of Camden, and of Henry Smith, Alderman of London, imp. size, half morocco, top edges gilt, PRIVATELY PRINTED, 1836; Gwilt (J.), Elements of Architectural Criticism, with Appendix, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, 1837; Gwilt's Project for a National Gallery in Trafalgar Square, PRIVATELY PRINTED, 1838. Together, 4 vols. in 2. angde/2262 262 Gwilt (J.) Encyclopædia of Architecture, with 1,000 woodcuts, calf extra, 1842; Loudon's Encyclopædia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture, woodcuts, calf ex. 1833 2 vols. • 263 Hajji Baba in England, 2 vols. half calf gilt, 1828; Brooke's History of the Hebrew Nation, half calf, 1841; Picture of Verdun, 2 vols. calf gilt, 1810; Adams's White Brunswickers, plates, 1865; Loudon's Gardening for Ladies, half morocco, 1843; Bubbles, by an Old Man, half calf extra, 1835; and 2 others. 10 vols. E 4 2 16 10 : į 34 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. ¡ I } ! + } j 2 } I 1 1 I 1 : LOT 264 Hales (W.). Analysis of Chronology and Geography, ther 4 vols. calf extra 1830 265 Haliburton (T. C.). The Clock Maker; or, Sayings and Doings of Sam Slick, the THREE SERIES COMPLETE, 3 vols. 1838-40; The Attaché, 2 vols. 1843; together, 5 vols. half calf 1838-43 # C Perharing 266 Hall (Bp.) Virgidemiarum on Toothlesse Satyrs, sixechn books (slightly imperfect); Statelie Tragedie of Guistard and Sismond (no title); The Northern Mother's Blessing, in I vol. old calf 1597-98 Fill i 272 Hayley's Triumphs of Temper, plates, morocco extra, 1796; Moore's Fables of the Holy Alliance, calf extra, 1823; Moore's Odes of Anacreon, 2 vols. morocco extra, 1805; Gray's Poems, morocco extra, 1799 5 vols.⚫ 10 267 Hardy's Travels in Mexico, plates, 1829; Bullock's Residence in Mexico, plates, 1824; Mawe's Travels in Brazil, plates, 1822; calf extra Wolford 3 vols. 268 Harmer's Observations on Scripture, 4 vols. 1816; Robinson Horne's Sermons, 3 vols. 1812; Taylor's Sermons, 2 vols. 1800; Robinson's Scripture Characters, 4 vols. 1815. Together, calf gilt 13 vols. 269 Harris's Highlands of Ethiopia, plates, 3 vols. half calf Langdale extra, to Egypt Bey of calf gilt, 1822 4 vols. 270 Hauy (Abbé). Traité de Minéralogie, 4 vols. 8vo Rowsell and 4to Atlas of Plates, calf extra, Paris, 1822-23; Jameson's Mineralogy, plates, 3 vols. calf gilt, 1820; Cleaveland's Mineralogy and Geology, 2 vols. in 1, calf, 1822 9 vols. 271 Haydn, Dictionary of Dates, half russia, 1857; Abber Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, by Hoole, 5 vols. calf gilt, 1799; Letters of the Countess of Suffolk, 2 vols. calf gilt 8 vols. Bash 273 Hearne (T.) HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of GLASTON-Mitchell BURY, plates, LARGE PAPER, old calf, RARE Oxford, 1782 274 Heath (C.) Book of Beauty, numerous portraits, Cash 1846-47 2 vols. morocco, royal 8vo. 275 Heath (C.) Picturesque Annual, Scotland, Russia, Langdale and the American 3 vols. LARGE PAPER, PROOFS, morocco, gilt edges 1835-36-43 Second Day's Sale. 35 ow & Co. Roberson 277 Herodotus, by Beloe, 4 vols. calf, 1791; Horne on the Scriptures, 4 vols. calf gilt, 1825; De Wette on the Old Testament, 2 vols. half calf extra, Boston, 1843 IO vols. Langdale mydale 278 theran LOT 276 Heath's Picturesque Annual, درسته LARGE PAPER, INDIA PROOFS, morocco, gilt edges, 1835; Bartlett's Walks about Jerusalem, plates, half morocco, n. d.; Howitt's Homes and Haunts of British Poets, woodcuts, 2 vols. half morocco extra, gilt edges, 1847 4 vols. Levens 14 Gril 280 Heures de Notre Dame. MANUSCRIPT on VELLUM, of French execution, XV. Century, containing 155 leaves, with 20 miniatures surrounded by floreated borders, illuminated in gold and colours, 8vo, old red morocco, gilt edges Herschel's Outlines of Astronomy, plates, half calf, 1849; Daniell's Meteorological Essays, plates, calf gilt, 1827; Blunt's Beauty of the Heavens, coloured plates, half morocco extra, gilt edges, 1842; Ferguson's Lectures on Scientific Subjects, plates, 3 vols. calf gilt, 1806; Liebig's Animal Chemistry, half calf, gilt, 1843 7 vols. 279 Hervey's Memoirs of George II. 2 vols. calf extra, 1848; Aikin's Memoirs of James I. 2 vols. calf gilt, 1822; Memoirs and Correspondence of T. Jefferson, by Randolph, 4 vols. calf extra, 1829 8 vols. 281 HEURES A L'USAGE DE ROME. MANUSCRIPT UPON VELLUM, of the XV. Century, a fine example of French Art, in the original binding, 18mo size, 53 by 4. The volume consists of 246 leaves of very fine thin vellum, and is deco- rated with 20 large miniatures (each alternate one being in GRISAILLE), also 16 smaller miniatures and 36 capitals of a large size, richly illuminated, besides several hundred smaller capitals. The pages bearing miniatures and capitals are surrounded by elegant Arabesque borders. ** This is a manuscript of high order for the delicacy and * finish of the paintings. 13 6465 282 Heures a l'usaige de Nantes. PRINTED UPON VELLUM, and decorated with woodcut borders round each page, in- cluding a Dance of Death, (uncoloured); the capitals illumi- nated in gold and colours, vellum Paris, P. Pigouchet, 1500 Livres d'Heures for local use are of rare occurrence, Luarite 283 Heures a l'usaige de Rome. PRINTED UPON VELLUM, with 36 miniatures, some of which are of large size, richly illuminated in gold and colours, morocco extra, joints and silk linings Paris, G. Hardouyn, 1520 From Prince Golownin's library. 20 2 13 pagkat har 36 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. # 8 13 ویز جوے 115 14 } LOT 284 Heures a l'usaige de Rome. PRINTED ON VELLUM, and enriched with 15 small miniatures, illuminated in colours and gold, in the old ornamented binding, gilt sides Paris, G. Hardouyn, 1538 285 Histoire du Lord Stenay et de Lady Clety, commencée en 1761, manuscript on paper, old red morocco, borders of gold on sides I i 286 Histoire du Palais Royal, ou les Amours du Roy et de Madame La Valliere, MANUSCRIPT, calf, 12m0, 1718 287 Hodgson's Tour in the United States and Canada, 2 vols. 1824; Excursion through the United States and Canada, 1824; Halkett's Notes on the Indians of North America, 1825; 4 vols. calf extra 294 HOUSEHOLD BOOKS- Bar Lak Regulations and Establishment of the Household of the Earl of Northumberland. Edited by Bp. Percy 1827 Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas 1830 Privy Purse Expenses of King Henry the Eighth, with Notes by Sir Ñ. H. Nicolas. 1827 Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary, afterwards 1831 Queen Mary, with Notes by Sir F. Madden Together 4 vols. LARGE PAPER, uniformly bound, morocco extra, gilt tops uncut да 288 Holman's Travels in Africa, Asia, Australasia, America, &c. 4 vols. plates, calf extra 1834 289 Hone (W.) Every Day Book, Year Book, and anydale Table Book, woodcuts, 4 vols. calf, marbled edges 1826-32 290 Hook's Sayings and Doings, 6 vols. half calf, 1824-25; Cyril Thornton, 3 vols. half calf, 1827; Alla Giornata, 3 vols. 1826 12 vols. Palang Johnson 13 vols. 291 Horace. ŒŒuvres Latin et Français, 10 vols. calf, Paris, 1709; Virgilii Opera, 3 vols. calf, 1745 292 Horne's Introduction to the Study of Bibliography, ber LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. calf, marbled edges roy. 8vo. 1814 A FINE SET OF BOOKS, of which but very few copies were taken on large paper. + 293 Horsley's Sermons, 3 vols. 1816; Horsley's Biblicalhnson Criticism, 4 vols. 1820; Horsley on the Psalms, 2 vols. 1816; Wardlaw on Ecclesiastes, 2 vols. 1821. Together II vols. calf gilt 1816-21 Ellis ↑ } Cartah Garsons C Etherum- Becherung Алма Second Day's Sale. سے 37 LOT theran 295 Howitt's Student Life and Rural and Domestic Life in Germany, plates, 2 vols. calf extra, 1841-42; Johnson's Highlands and Lowlands, half calf, 1834; Johnson's Pil- grimages to the Spas, half calf, 1841; Curzon's Monasteries of the Levant, plates, half morocco, 1851; Worsaae's Danes and Norwegians, half calf, 1852 6 vols. TH T Halford 296 Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, woodcuts, 2 vols. calf extra, 1840; Lindley's Ladies' Botany, coloured plates, 2 vols. half morocco extra, n. d.; Young's Portugal, calf extra, 1828 5 vols. CENTER Bain Remeth 300 Irving's Life and Voyages of Columbus, 4 vols, calf gilt, 1828 297 Humboldt's Aspects of Nature, 2 vols. half morocco, 1849; Botanical Dictionary, half calf, gilt, 1840; Strata- gems of Chess, half calf, 1826; Reid's Medical Botany, half calf, gilt, 1839; Rogers's Vegetable Cultivator, half calf, gilt, 1839; Conversations on Botany, coloured plates, calf, 1817; Gent's Epitome of Husbandry, half bound, 1685; South's Household Surgery, half morocco, 1847; Howitt's Boys' Country Book, calf extra, 1839 10 vols. 298 Humboldt's Cosmos, translated by Mrs. Sabine, 4 vols. half calf 1847-48 299 Irving (Washington). Conquest of Granada, 2 vols: calf extra, 1829; Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, by Alex. de Humboldt, 5 vols. half russia, 1811 7 vols. amareth 301 JARRY (N.) OFFICE de la SAINTE VIERGE et de Sainte Anne. N. JARRY, PARISINUS, SCRIBEBAT, 1660. 181 Exquisite specimen of the work of this celebrated cali- grapher, written upon vellum, within fillets of gold, and enriched with four highly-finished miniatures and numerous floriated head-pieces in colours, size 34 by 21. In the original blue morocco, with arms on the sides, and book- plate in the cover of Abp. Le Tellier. The clasps are formed of clasped hands in white enamel. This very choice speci- men of Jarry's art is mentioned by Brunet as having belonged to Courtanvaux, Prince Galitzin, &c. hnson 302 Jenyn's Observations in Natural History, half calf cxtra, 1846; Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation and Sequel, 2 vols. half morocco, 1844-46; Newnham's Human Magnetism, half calf, 1845; Dialogues on Entomology, coloured plates, calf extra, 1819 5 vols, 12. ego į ! ļ ! PAI BALAA VAAN, MA PA PR 38 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. 4 16 13 مي LOT 303 Jesse's Gleanings in Natural History, 3 vols. calf extra, 1832; Howitt's Rural Life of England, 2 vols. calf extra, 1838; Ansted's Ancient World, half calf gilt, 1847; Bertrand's Revolutions of the Globe, calf extra, 1835; Translation of the Saxon Chronicle, calf extra, 1819 8 vols. Rutland 304 Johnson (Dr. S.) Works, with Life by Murphy, 12 Buthands vols. calf 1796 305 Jones (Sir W.) Works, with Life by Lord Teign- Campin half russia 1807 mouth, 13 306 Jonson (Ben). Works, with Notes by Gifford, 9 vols. Laritah calf gilt, SCARCE 1806 Bayes 307 Jordan (Mrs.) Life, by Boaden, 2 vols. calf extra, 1831; Life of Garrick, by Murphy, 2 vols. calf gilt, 1801; Life of Petrarch, 2 vols. calf extra, 1799; Hunt's Liberal, 2 vols. calf ex. 1822 8 vols. 308 Journal of Science and the Arts, edited by Brande, from commencement in 1816 to 1830 28 vols. half calf 309 Junius's Letters, 3 vols. half russia, 1812; Collection of Pamphlets on Reform, half calf, 1832, &c.; Smollett's History of England, 5 vols. calf gilt, 1800 9 vols. 311 KEMPIS (THOMAS A). IMITATION OF CHRIST, with Notes by Dr. Dibdin, plates, LARGE PAPER, calf ex. marbled edges, RARE 1828 310 Kemble (J. P.) Life, with a History of the Stage Halfort by Boaden, 2 vols. calf extra, 1825; Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, by J. Boaden, 2 vols. calf extra, 1827; Memoirs of Michael Kelly, Comedian, 2 vols. calf extra, 1826; Life and Times of Frederick Reynolds (Comedian), 2 vols. calf extra, 1826 8 vols. 312 Keppel's Journey across the Balkan, plates, 2 vols. calf extra, 1831; Journey into the Caucasus, Georgia and Persia, plates, calf extra, 1833 3 vols. 313 King's Survey of the Coasts of Australia, plates, 2 vols. 1827; Field's Memoirs of New South Wales, plates, 1825; Kotzebue's Voyage to the South Sea and Behring's Straits, plates, 3 vols. 1821, calf extra 6 vols. I Langsale ite Kč za mazanit Jakk AS TRANSPOR all Young angdale ..... Mitchell Second Day's Sale. 39 LOT QUARTO. Mitchell 314 CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND, by ARNOLD, FABYAN, GRAFTON, HALL, HOLINSHED, HARDING, P. Langtoft, RASTELL, ROBERT of GLOUCESTER, and WILLIAM of MALMESBURY, edited (from the old editions) by Douce, Ellis, Dibdin, and others, together 18 vols. calf extra, uniform V. Y. ** Peter Langtoft and Robert of Gloucester's Chronicles are on the LARGEST PAPER, without which it is impossible to make up a uniform set of the Chronicles Mite Sept Totheran 315 Clapperton's Expedition into Africa, calf, 1829; Den- ham and Clapperton, Travels in Africa, calf, 1826; Dupuis, A Residence in Ashantee, calf gilt, 1824 Robinson ་་ с Johnson 317 Clarke's Travels in various countries of Europe, plates, 6 vols.; Life of Dr. E. Clarke, by Bishop Otter. Together 7 vols. russia, marbled leaves, uniform 1811-24 Newman 318 Coates' History and Antiquities of Reading, with 17.6 2 Supplement, LARGE PAPER (only 25 copies so taken), half russia, uncut, RARE 1802-9 4.4. 3 vols. 316 Clarendon. Correspondence of the Earl of Clarendon and of his brother, Lawrence Hyde, Earl of Rochester, with Diary of Clarendon from 1687 to 1690, 2 vols. portraits, plates and autographs, calf gilt, 1828; Hallam's Consti- tutional History of England, 2 vols. calf gilt, 1827 4 vols. 319 Cook (Captain James). Three Voyages Round the World, maps and plates, 8 vols. calf, uniform, and folio Atlas of Plates and Charts, half russia 1773-84 Sotheran 320 Cosmo III. Travels through England, time of Charles II., calf extra, 1821; Croker's Researches in South of Ireland, calf, 1824; Hibbert's Description of the Shetland Islands, calf extra, 1822 3 vols. 321 Coxe. Memoirs of the Pelham Administration, portraits, 2 vols. calf extra, 1829; Correspondence of the Duke of Shrewsbury, calf gilt, 1821 Langdale 3 vols. Halford 322 Coxe. Historical Tour in Monmouthshire, plates, I 8 LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. red morocco extra, joints and gilt leaves 1801 Fille { 323 Craven's Tour through Naples, plates, calf, 1821; Gilly's Excursions to the Mountains of Piedmont, plates, calf extra, 1824; Smyth's Memoir of Sicily, plates, calf extra, and folio Atlas of Maps, half bound 4 vols. م پر 15 ⭑ 40 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. i قويم 44 : يوم 315. 17. کی را حق į LOT 324 Crawfurd. Journal of an Embassy to the Courts of inson Siam and Ava, plates, 2 vols. calf, marbled leaves, 1828-9; Heber (Bishop), Journey through India, plates, 2 vols, calf extra, 1828 4 vols. 325 Cruden (A.) Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, morocco extra, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis (from Theodore Williams' Library) 1769 ! 326 Culloden Papers, with Letters from Lord Lovat, 1625 to 1748, calf ex., 1815; Waldegrave (Earl), Memoirs, from 1754 to 1758, calf ex. 1821 2 vols. 327 Cuvier. plates, 6 vols. calf ex. marbled leaves Paris, 1821-4 328 Denon's Travels in Egypt, 2 vols. 1803; Griffith (Mrs.), Travels in Europe and Asia Minor, calf gilt, 1805; Price's History of Arabia, calf gilt, 1824 4 vols. Récherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles, Halford anglale 329 DIBDIN (T. F.) TYPOGRAPHICAL ANTIQUITIES, or History utland of Printing, 4 vols. LARGE PAPER (only 65 copies printed), vellum, uncut, top edges gilt 1810-19 330 Dibdin's (T. F.) ÆDES ALTHORPIANE, with a Supple- ment to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER (only 55 copies printed), FINE PLATES, morocco extra, joints, gilt edges 1822 Galloway Ellis 333 Du Bartas. His Divine Weekes and Works, translated by J. Sylvester, calf (the old sides with Crown and Tudor Rose inlaid), 1608; Heylyn, Historie of St. George of Cappadocia, original calf binding, 1633 2 vols. 331 Dionysius de Situ Orbis, Latine, ex versione A. Halford Bacchariæ, morocco J. Petit, Paris, 1499 332 Dodwell. Classical Tour through Greece, plates, 2 vols, morocco, ex. joints, gilt edges Jobbee 1821 Bishop Carsons 335 Elmes' Memoirs of Sir Christopher Wren, port. and plates, calf gilt, 1823; Moore's Life of Sheridan, calf gilt, 1825; Anecdotes of Life of Bp. Watson, calf gilt, 1817 3 vols. 334 Ekin's Naval Battles from 1744 to 1814, plates, calf maritch 1824 extra, marbled leaves ENCYCLOPÆDIA 336 Encyclopædia BRITANNICA, or Dictionary of Arts, with Parsons Preliminary Dissertations, plates, EIGHTH EDITION, 21 vols. tree marbled calf, by Rivierę 1869 Second Day's Sale. 41 Johkee LOT + 337 Epicurus' Morals, collected out of Diogenes Laertius, faithfully Englished (with Autograph of Walter Charleton, the translator), LARGE PAPER, old morocco 1656 A suvitch 338 Erasmus. L'Eloge de la Folie, traduit par Gueudeville, plates printed in red, LARGE PAPER, fine old red morocco, dentelle borders on sides, by Derome, gilt leaves Paris, 1751 339 Evelyn's Memoirs and Diary, edited by Bray and Upcott, 2 vols. calf gilt, 1818; Evelyn's Miscellaneous Works, with Notes by Upcott, calf gilt, 1825; Pepys' Memoirs, edited by Lord Braybrooke, 2 vols. calf 1825 Do 5 vols. ! Wolford Elles Mitchell 340 Falconer's Marine Dictionary, by Burney, calf, 1815; Hutton's Mathematical Dictionary, 2 vols. russia, 1796 3 vols. Garsons 341 Fasciculus Temporum, woodcuts, stamped calf binding Paris, Petit, 1512 342 Fauna Boreali Americana, or Zoology of British America; Quadrupeds by Richardson, and Birds by Swainson, COLOURED PLATES, 2 vols. calf ex., marbled edges 1829-31 Hayes Halford 343 Fenn (Sir J.).. Original Letters of the Paston Family during the reigns of Henry VI. Edward IV. and Richard III. plates, 5 vols. in 3 1787-1823 heran 344 Flinder's Voyage to Terra Australis during the years 1801-3, 2 vols. russia ex. marbled leaves, and LARGE ATLAS of Maps and Charts, half bound 1814: Ashlee 345 Fosbrooke's British Monachism, or Manners and Cus- toms of the Monks and Nuns of England, plates, LARGE PAPER, calf ex. 1817 otheran 346 Franklin. Two Expeditions to the Polar Sea, plates, 2 vols. calf ex. 1823-28. Manley's Voyage to Greenland, calf ex. 1822 3 vols. Bain. Cabana & quarterker Pad 347 Fragmens d'une Histoire des Principaux Evénemens de la Vie de Louis XVIII. par D***, Manuscrit Auto- graphe et inedit, 1815, 4to, red morocco, arms on sides في 7 می پور 16 10 : 348 Freycinet, Voyage round the World, by Arago, calf gilt, 1823; Byron's Voyage to the Sandwich Islands, calf gilt, 1826; Oxley's Expeditions into New South Wales, plates, calf gilt, 1820 3 vols. do 349 Gaelic. Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, published 310 by the Highland Society, 2 vols. russia ex. marbled edges. Edin. 1828 F ! ! 42 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. Į 19 www.Com.. ? 10 4 13 پھر LOT. 350 Garrick's Private Correspondence, portrait, 2 vols. half calf gilt 351 Gell and Gandy. 1831 Langdale Totheran Pompeiana, BOTH SERIES, LARGE PAPER, INDIA PROOFS AND ETCHINGS, 3 vols. in 2, morocco super ex. joints and gilt leaves 1817-32 * TWENTY-FIVE COPIES only were taken in this choice state. 352 Gems of European Art, 46 plates, edited by S. C. Hall, cloth; Young, Catalogue of the Pictures of J. Anger- stein, plates, half bound, 1823 2 vols. 353 Geological Society. Transactions from 1807 to 1824. Rowsell Plates, 6 vols. half russia 354 Gibbon. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 6te bell vols. russia 1789 6 vols. 355 Gillie's History of Greece, 2 vols. calf, 1786; Hooke's Roman History, 4 vols. calf 356 Gough. Account of the fac-similes of the illuminations Bedford Missal, plates,utch 357 Graham (Mrs.), Voyage to Brazil, plates, calf gilt,uiter. 1824; Henderson's History of Brazil, calf, 1821; Lian- court's Travels in North America, 2 vols. calf, 1799 4 vols. 358 Gray (T. de), Compleat Horseman, small folio, old calf, 1639; Pembroke (Earl of), Military Equitation, calf, 1793 359 GROSE. ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND, numerous plates, ORIGINAL EDITION, 10 vols. russia ex. marbled edges 1773-91 360 Guicciardini. Historie of the Wars of Italie, by Fenton, 1599 1794 Wasbee Towary Bain Pumpkin. 361 HAKLUYT'S COLLECTION OF VOYAGES, with additions selected and arranged by Woodfall and Evans, LARGE PAPER, arti imp. size, 5 vols. calf, uncut, gilt tops, RARE 1809-12 Of this size 75 copies only were printed. 362 Henderson. History of Ancient and Modern Wines, plates Rutland on INDIA PAPER, calf ex. 1824 363 Henning's Sculptures in the Parthenon, a FINE SERIES OF PLASTER CASTS of the bas-reliefs, &c. preserved (under glass in frames), enclosed in 6 book-shaped cases, covered in morocco 1819 em ở phương và vật man (publikaator and pat Second Day's Sale. 43 Bain Ellis Ma LOT 364 Herbert of Cherbury, Life of (edited by Horace Walpole), portrait and genealogical table, russia cx. Dodsley, 1792 65 Heures de l'An 1515. MANUSCRIPT UPON VELLUM, con- sisting of 36 leaves, ornamented with 13 large miniatures and borders surrounding each page, old stamped binding, sm. 4to 14 HEURES DE VERARD. Quaritch 366 HEures de verarD. HORE SECUNDUM USUM PARISIENSUM. A la Louenge de Dieu, de sa tres Saincte et glorieuse mere, et a ledification de tous bons catholiques furent commencees ces presentes heures par le commande- ment du roy nostre sire pour Anthoine Verard [Paris, 1488], PRINTED ON FINE VELLUM, old blue morocco extra. A MATCHLESS COPY of the Grandes Heures de Verard. The volume consists of 168 leaves (Brunet quotes only 162), with 29 lines to a full page (Brunet says 20), on the last of which is Verard's mark. The almanac on reverse of A 4 commences with the year 1488, after which follows the calendar on three leaves. The large borders surrounding each page have subjects in four compartments, three on the outer margin, and one at the bottom margin, with text beneath explaining the cut, and which, together with the large and smaller woodcuts, are un- defaced by colour. The capitals are exquisitely finished in gold and colours. This is unquestionably the finest of the numerous editions of Livres d'Heures, whilst the general condition of the copy, whether for purity of the vellum or brilliancy of the cuts, leaves nothing to be desired. FOLIO. 367 Carter's Specimens of Ancient Sculpture and Painting in England, from the earliest period to reign of Henry VIII. plates, 2 vols. calf, marbled edges 1786 Harvey Newman 368 Catalogue of the Maps, Prints and Drawings pre- sented by George IV. to the British Museum, PRIVATELY PRINTED, calf, gilt leaves 1829 Mitchell 369 Chambers (Sir W.) Treatise on Civil Architecture, with Notes by Gwilt, LARGE PAPER, INDIA Proof Plates (only 25 copies so printed), 2 vols. crimson morocco ex. gilt leaves 1825 ¡ 225 Le : i 1 4 4 į ¡ X 650 T 4 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. Illustrations of the Natural Order of Powell Camelliæ, LARGE PAPER, BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED PLATES, calf ex. gilt leaves 1831 44 LOT 370 Chandler and BOOTH. 371 Chaucer (G.) Workes, with Life and Glossary by Bain Speght, black letter, calf 372 Chaucer (G.) Workes, edited by Urry, portraits and Asther plates, calf 1602 1721 373 Chinese Drawings of Ships, six in number, ON RICE Muller PAPER, half morocco 374 CHRISTINE de PISAN. LES CENT HISTOIRES DE TROVE, roy. folio, bound in velvet, with silver gilt clasps, 57 leaves; size, 16 by 12. MAGNIFICENT MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, WITH ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN MINIATURES; EXECUTED FOR PHILIP THE BOLD, DUKE OF BURGUNDY AND EARL OF FLANDERS, SON OF JOHN, KING OF FRANCE. * ** The work is a mixed composition in prose and verse, the scope of which is to afford a young prince such instruction for the conduct of life as may render him the honour of knighthood. The Text is written in verses of four feet, and contains a brief moral deduction from each of the one hundred events, or traits of fabulous and heroic history; and this Text is accompanied by a Gloss, or Commentary, which explains and moralizes the stories. It is remarkable that, in all other known copies, Christine of Pisa has dedicated this work to the Duke of Burgundy's nephew, Louis, Duke of Orleans, second son of Charles V. King of France, a great patron of letters, to whom she had also addressed one or two other works. This is the more singular, as there was so much rivalry between the Dukes of Burgundy and Orleans: and the present richly -ornamented volume acquires additional interest from that circumstance, as we may hence conclude that it is the earliest copy. It is said that Christine did not begin to write until after the death of her husband in 1389, and Philip the Bold died in 1404, so that this manu- script must have been executed at the close of the Four- teenth Century. Her son accompanied the Earl of Salis- bury to England; but when that nobleman was beheaded, our Henry the Fourth took him into his service, and, having seen some of the works of Christine, was most anxious to have her in his Court. The invitation he sent her, first by his heralds, and then by her own son, was, however, refused. She is universally allowed to have been the most learned 1 ! Suoritin の ​ E Jay Ju **? J&R.Burt, litho ♦ رقم ES ∙J||||| S BRUA LIU CHRISTINE DE PISAN, CENT HISTOIRES. Am " " dj "it's Second Day's Sale. 45 ¡ Bachelin LOT woman of her age, and there are not less than thirteen different known works from her pen, among which may be enumerated “The Fayte of Armes and Chivalry," printed by Caxton. The first miniature contains a Portrait of Christine presenting her book to Philip, Duke of Burgundy; and this noble manuscript cannot but be considered highly interesting, as exemplifying at once the state of the Arts and of Letters at the close of the XIV. Century. At the conclusion of the "Cent Histoires de Troye" are the SEVEN SACRAMENTS, represented in fourteen Miniatures, seven being taken from the Old Testament, as typical of the Institution of the Sacraments, and the other seven represent- ing the then mode of administering them. This part of the work is also in verse, and is not accompanied by a Gloss like the former, but by passages taken from Holy Writ. At the end of the volume we have the signature of Philip, Duke of Cleves (circa 1480), a former possessor of the volume, who appears to have obtained it by the intermarriage of his ancestor, Adolph, Duke of Cleves, in 1443, with Maria of Burgundy. ** & 375 CHRONIQUE DE LA BOUCACHARDINE. MANUSCRIPT OF THE XV. CENTURY UPON VELLUM, consisting of 325 leaves, double columns, richly illuminated, 2 vols. old red morocco, joints and gilt leaves, folio, 167 by 12 This very curious Scriptural, fabulous, and historical chronicle, which appears by the prologue to have been compiled by "Fehan de Coucy, Chevalier Normant, in 1416," is richly illuminated. It is divided into six books, with an index to each, prefaced by six fine miniature paintings, five of which are divided into four compartments, representing twenty designs. At the commencement of the second volume is a large miniature, nearly 12 inches in height; around this, and in various other places, are very rich borders of fruits, flowers, &c. delicately executed in gold and colours. Besides these illuminations, there are upwards of 400 capitals at the beginning of each chapter, and some thousands of smaller capitals in the body of the text. These noble volumes came from the collection of M. Claude Durfé. Parsons 376 Chronica CHRONICARUM, abrégée et mise en figures, depuis la création du monde jusqua l'an 1521, wood- cuts coloured Paris, J. Petit, 1521 180 ! GO BAYƏT I --- i 46 Catalogue of the Perkins LibrarySANDR . 1010 من پر مو 10 * خوب 3 LOT 377 CHRONICON NUREMBERGENSE sive Liber Chronica- rum (per Hartman Schedel). FIRST EDITION, with upwards of 2,000 woodcuts by Wohlgemuth, the master of Albert Durer; FINE COPY, with the unpaged leaves, in the original oak and stamped binding Nuremb. A. Koberger, 1493 378 Ciceronis Somnium Scipionis-Macrobii Expositio et Luaritch Saturnalia. (A little wormed) else FINE COPY, morocco ex. gilt leaves and silk linings by Bozerian Brixiæ, 1485 379 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 3 vols. calfohnson Oxford, 1702 Elles 380 Concordantiæ Magna Bibliorum, ex nova methodo Fratris Conradi (de Halberstadt) de Allemania. FIRST EDITION [sine ulla nota], consisting of 415 leaves of 3 columns, a full column 66 lines; FINE COPY, in the original oak boards (Argentorati, Mentelin, circa 1470) Two leaves of a XII. Century Manuscript are pasted on the inside of the cover. Young 381 Coney (J.) Engravings of Ancient Cathedrals, Hôtels de Ville, and other Public Buildings of France, Holland, and Italy, 32 plates, India proofs, atlas size, half morocco, gilt edges 1832 382 Cooke (E. W.) Views of Old and New London Ashbee Bridges, 12 fine plates, INDIA PROOFS, half morocco, gilt leaves 1832 383 Costumes du Royaume de Naples, 16 coloured drawings of female costume, mounted on tinted paper, half bound 384 Cotman. Architectural Antiquities of Normandy, with Descriptions by Dawson Turner, plates, LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. in I, half russia 1822 385 Dante, con l'espositioni di Landino, woodcuts, vellum Venetia, 1578 386 Dart, History and Antiquities of St. Peter's, West- minster, fine plates, LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. russia ex. 1723-24 387 Dart, History and Antiquities of the Cathedral of Canterbury, fine plates, LARGE PAPER, calf 1726 388 Dodwell. Views in Greece, mounted on cardboard and COLOURED IN IMITATION OF DRAWINGS, russia extra 1821 heron eran well Caritel Bain Do Pangsale 389 DOMESDAY BOOK, with Indices, as published by theron Record Commission, 4 vols. half russia Volumes 3 and 4 are stilted to match. No title-pages. Second Day's Sale. 47 Ellis (Do Ellis 230 Luaritel 391 Doctrinal Morale (Le), ou Sentences et Maximes extraites des Auteurs anciens, tant Sacrés que profanes, avec les Dits des Philosophes, Aristote, Seneque, Boece &c. (zata at ALSO A MIN LOT 22 390 DICK (SIR WILLIAM). The lamentable Estate and distressed Case of the Deceased Sir W. Dick, in Scotland, and his numerous Family and Creditors for the Common- wealth. INLAID, EXCESSIVELY RARE, WITH THE THREE RARE PRINTS BY VAUGHAN. Morocco ex. joints, gilt leaves 1644 The case of Sir W. Dick was truly lamentable. He was an eminent merchant, and Lord Provost of Edinburgh. Zealous in the cause of liberty, he assisted the public with his purse, and advanced £64,934 for the public service in Scotland and England, for the payment of which he received Government warrants. None of these were paid! After sixteen years' solicitation, he received only £1000 in part of payment! The consequence was, he was involved in inextricable difficulties, was arrested by his creditors, and died in prison. The first print represents him in his pros- perity, mounted on horseback; the second, as arrested; and the third, dead in prison. THIS IS ONE OF THE RAREST WORKS RELATING TO TO THE TIME OF THE ENGLISH } COMMONWEALTH. Note by Mr. Evans at the sale of this copy in Dent's Library. Ceste Translacon est composée a Bruges en Flandres par cellui qui dessus est nomme ou Prologue-Tiers jour de Septembre, 1427. Fine old morocco, by Derome, folio, size, 11 by 8. I This fine manuscript, on 108 leaves of pure vellum, is embellished with 19 large miniatures of high artistic merit, many of which exhibit admirable examples of the costume of the period. The capitals are illuminated in gold and colours, and many of the pages are further decorated with borders. From the Gaignat and Prince Golownin libraries. 392 Douglas. NENIA BRITANNICA; or, Sepulchral History of Great Britain, plates, LARGE PAPER, russia ex. gilt edges, 1793 RARE 25 393 DRAKE'S EBORACUM; or, History and Antiquities of the City of York. LARGE PAPER. Plates, that of the East window of the Cathedral coloured; a proof Portrait of Drake, and View of West Elevation of the Minster being added. FINE COPY, from Dr. Chauncy's collection. Russia extra, gilt leaves, VERY RARE 1736 CURSIONED PROMOTION, KRIZONE DELLE PICKAR 7 g ! ¡ ! 48 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. هوه 3210 CA 84 4 2. مك 13 : LOT 394 DRAYTON'S POLY-OLBION, a Chorographical Description (in verse) of the Isle of Great Britain. Frontispiece, maps, portrait of Prince Henry by Hole, and printed titles to both parts. RARE, morocco ex. gilt leaves 1613-22 395 DUGDALE'S BARONAGE OF ENGLAND, 3 vols. in 2. LARGE PAPER, EXTREMELY RARE, russia ex. gilt edges 1675-6 This copy contains the rare leaf, "Review of the Errata in the First Volume," bound in vol. 2. 397 DUGDALE'S HISTORY OF ST. PAUL'S, with Continuation and Additions by Sir H. Ellis. Proof plates, LARGE PAPER, uniformly bound 1818 396 DUGDALE'S MONASTICON ANGLICANUM.thand History of the Abbeys, Monasteries, &c. in England and Wales, enlarged by Caley, Ellis, and Bandinel. Proof plates, LARGE PAPER (50 copies only printed), 8 vols. richly bound in purple morocco extra, broad leather joints, tooled sides elaborately ornamented, gilt edges, by Herring 1817-30 Do- 398 DUGDALE'S ANTIQUITIES of WARWICKSHIRE, E augmented by Thomas, BEST EDITION, plates by Hollar, LARGE PAPER, EXTREMELY RARE, 2 vols. fine old red morocco, by Derome, gilt edges 1730 theran Some of the Maps are mounted and damaged, and corner of last leaf is mended. Ellis 399 Dugdale's History of Imbanking and Draining,itchell ORIGINAL EDITION, maps, russia ex. joints and gilt edges 1662 400 Du Halde. مام j Description de la Chine et de la Tartarie, maps and plates, 4 vols. old calf, arms on the sides, from a anys. ale Sir M. Sykes' library 1735 403 Eliote's Dictionarie, Latin and English, enlarged by Cooper, Black Letter, calf, Berthelet, 1559; Mexia, Treasurie of Auncient and Moderne Times, calf, 1613 2 vols, 401 EGYPT. DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE, Recherches faites cotheran pendant l'Expédition de l'Armée Française. Published by order of Napoleon, 10 Atlas Folio volumes of Engravings of Antiquities, Natural History, &c., SUPERBLY BOUND in russia ex. joints, gilt edges, back and sides appropriately gilt with Hieroglyphic Tools, and LETTERPRESS DESCRIPTION, 26 vols. 8vo, uniformly half bound Paris, 1821 402 Eisenberg. L'Art de monter a Cheval, plates, oblong Fasvery folio Parsons SAN D »» ། ,,、 ۱۱۰ J. & R. Burt, litho. " 888 THE STATE ge ་་་་་་་་་ ը ն դ })} ہی کا EVANGELISTARIUM SÆC.X. }}}}}} ( A }}}}. Bulll >>> (((((( !(((( """ ((((( Morris " ((((( (11 ་ ་་ )). ))) ({}}}}}} 少 ​J. & R. Burt, liho. S I E SUZ 2 いつ ​Vee Zap & EVANGELISTARIUM SÆC.X. IN ܢ ܗܒܝܢ /C Second Day's Save. 49 LOT Langdale 1816 120 le 404 Englefield (Sir H.) Description of the Isle of Wight, 15 LARGE PAPER, PROOF PLATES, calf ex. gilt edges Quarteh 405 EPISTRES (Les) et les EVANGILES de tout l'An selon l'Ordonnance du Missel a l'usage de Paris, translatés de Latin en François, par Frère Iehan de Vignay´de l'ordre du hault pas, a la requeste de madame la Royne Iehanne de Bourgoigne jadis femme de Phélipe de Valois Roy de France où temps qu'il vivoit. Ĉe fut l'an de grace MCCCXXXVI. (1336) Do Ellis Quartil cas ፡ MANUSCRIPT on VELLUM, 107 leaves, blue morocco, by Derome size 12 by 81 This FINE MANUSCRIPT, in double columns, is decorated with twenty large and delicately-painted miniatures, besides numerous capitals, illuminated in gold and colours. Many of the pages are likewise ornamented with beautiful borders. It is rarely that manuscripts tell their own history; when they do, as in this instance, it adds greatly to their interest and importance. 406 EVANGELISTARIUM. MANUSCRIPT OF THE IX. OR X. 565 CENTURY, ON VELLUM Small folio: size, 10 in. by 7 This splendid early manuscript consists of 195 leaves, and is ornamented with Representations of the Four Evangelists writing their Gospels, and other illuminations, including many pages of capital letters of highly-wrought interlaced patterns, resplendent in gold and colours. Several of the pages are written in GOLD UNCIAL CHARACTERS, and others on PURPLE GROUND. No Liturgical MS. of so early a date, so splendidly illuminated, and in such perfect preservation, has occurred for sale during the present generation. The fac-similes which we give, admirably executed as they are, can give but a faint idea of the beauty of this manuscript. 407 EVANGELIA IV. TURY, ON VELLUM Small folio: size, 9 by 6 ** This superb early manuscript, consisting of 202 leaves, is in a perfect state of preservation. The beginning of each Gospel is written in GOLD LETTERS ON PURPLE GROUND, facing which is a full-length figure of each Evangelist, in colours, with gold background. The first 16 pages are occupied by the Eusebian Canons within an architectural frame-work, illuminated in gold and colours. MANUSCRIPT OF THE XII. CEN-185. 408 Euclidis Opera Latine, EDITIO capitals and diagrams, vellum PRINCEPS, Woodcut Venetiis, Ratdolt, 1482 G 4 : ہے L. 1 50 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. С می شود في 13 4 96 ورسی 2 415. 25 من 2010 + LOT 409 Fabyan's Chronicle of England, from the beginnyng of King Henry the seventh to The ende of Queene Mary. Black Letter, old calf Ihon Kyngston, 1559 410 Farmer's Journal. Vols. 7, 8, and 10 to 24. Johnson Durham in 1575, Sotheran edited by Philipson, calf ex. gilt leaves (very few copies printed) Newcastle, 1820 411 Flower's Heraldic Visitation of 17 vols. half russia 412 Foxe. Book of Martyrs. Portrait and cuts. LARGE PAPER, calf (from Sir Mark Sykes' Library) 1641 3 vols. Ellis 413 FROYSSART'S CHRONICLES of ENGLANDE, Sarsons FRAUNCE, SPAYNE, &c. Translated by Lorde Berners. Black Letter. AN EXTRAORDINARILY FINE COPY, with rough leaves, 2 vols. bound in russia by Roger Payne (from Col. Stanley's and Sir Mark Sykes' collections) MYDDYLTON and PYNSON, 1525 414 FROISSART'S CHRONICLES, and MONSTRELET'S CHRON- ICLES. Translated and edited by Col. Iohnes. LARGE PAPER (on which very few copies were printed), WITH the PLATES ILLUMINATED in GOLD and COLOURS, 8 vols. half morocco, uncut, gilt tops Hafod Press, 1803-9 415 Fuller's Church History of Britain, with History of Cambridge University and Waltham Abbey, plates by Hollar, calf 1655 416 Fuller. History of the Worthies of England and Wales, portrait by Loggan, and Index, calf 1662 Poovey 417 Gallery. The BRITISH GALLERY OF PICTURES, selected from the Old Masters, with Descriptions by Tresham, Ottley, and Tomkins. TWENTY-FIVE PLATES, BEAUTI- FULLY COLOURED in imitation of the Originals, and mounted on drawing-paper. Atlas folio, russia super ex. ⠀ joints, broad borders of gold on sides, gilt edges **These plates were artistically coloured by miniature painters. Very few copies were executed, and the original cost 250 guineas. 1818 418 GALLERY of the DuKE of LEUCHTENBERG at Munich. 28 large and fine engravings, elephant size, half morocco 419 GALLERY of the OLD GERMAN MASTERS, in the possession of the Brothers Boisserée, at Munich. An ex- tensive collection of very large engravings in the finest style of tinted lithography, 2 vols. elephant size, half morocco, gilt leaves Stuttgart, 1821 Wheran Да do Hayes Johnson Parsons Second Day's Sule. 51 с LOT 420 Gallery. Pinakothek Gemälde Gallerie, elephant size, half 8 russia Paley otheran 421 General DICTIONARY, historical and critical, including that of Bayle, by Bernard, Birch, and others, 10 vols. calf 1734-41 MONUMENTS in GREAT BRITAIN, from the Norman Conquest to the XVII Century, with Introductory Observations, plates (some additional ones inserted), 3 vols. in 5, half russia uncut, 1786-96 да 422 GOUGH. SEPULCHRAL 32 Po Johnson 424 Да 425 Do 426 Potheran 427 Boin VERY RARE 423 GOULD. The BIRDS OF EUROPE, 449 beautifully coloured 100 plates, with descriptions, 5 vols. half morocco 1837 Luarate L 428 Do 410 Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains, 80 beautifully coloured plates, with descriptions, half morocco 1832 Monograph of the Family of Toucans, 33 beautifully coloured plates, with descriptions, half russia 1834 Monograph of the Family of Trogons, 36 18 beautifully coloured plates, with descriptions, half morocco 1838 The BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA, 600 beautifully coloured plates, with descriptions, 7 vols. half morocco 1848 **Out of print and scarce, the original cost was upwards of £120. Monograph of Odontophorinæ, or Partridges of America, 32 beautifully coloured plates, with descriptions, half morocco 1850 429 GOWER (J.) CONFESSIO AMANTIS, that is to say in Englyshe, the Confession of a Lover. PRINTED BY CAXTON. Colophon. Emprynted at Westmestre, by me, Willyam Caxton, and fynyshed the 11 day of Septembre, the fyrst yere of the regne of Kyng Richard the thyrd, the yere of our Lord a thousand CCCCLXXXXIII. (but really printed in 1483). Table in fac- simile, else a FINE and SOUND COPY, bound in russia ex., broad leather joints, tooled A T و Си 245. 430 Gower de Confessione Amantis (in English) black letter, 3 a little wormed, morocco ex. old style, RARE T. Berthelet, 1532 i DADES VOLEM ME* KALAU DEZEM ; 52 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. 阜 ​1 می ویر کیک 10. 13 : ; } ↑ 8 کی Y Di I ( T THIRD DAY. THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1873. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 431 King, Fitzroy, and Darwin's Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle, plates, 4 vols. half calf extra 1839 432 Kinsey's Portugal Illustrated, plates, calf ex. gilt leaves Boma 1828 Mitchells 433 Kirby's Apum Angliae, plates, 2 vols. calf gilt, 1802; Natural History of Insects, calf, Perth, 1792; Dumeril sur les Insectes, coloured plates, calf extra, Paris, 1823; Thomp- son's Passions of Animals, half morocco, 1851 5 vols. 434 Kirby and Spence. Introduction to Entomology, 4 vols. calf ex. 1816-26 435 Kirwan's Elements of Mineralogy, 2 vols. russia gilt, 1810; Bakewell's Mineralogy, plates, calf extra, 1819; Phil- lips' Mineralogy, plates, russia gilt, 1823; Conversations on Mineralogy, coloured plates, 2 vols. calf gilt, 1822; Phil- lips' Outlines of Mineralogy and Geology, plates, calf, 1816; and one other 8 vols. 436 Knowles' English Pronouncing Dictionary, calf ex. 1837 437 Knowles' (Sheridan) Plays (twelve). ; { nine are FIRST EDITIONS :- Wit, Love, Old Maids, Maid of Mariendorft, The Daughter, Love Chase, Caius Gracchius, Alfred the Great, The Wife, bound in 3 vols. half calf extra 1838, &c. 438 Koran, Selections from the, written in Arabic, within gold lines. In the oriental binding, 18m0. Laborde's Journey in Arabia, plates, calf extra, 1836; Roberts' Oriental Illustrations, half calf, 1835; The Gulis- tan, by Sady, calf gilt, 1822; Roy's Translation of the Veds, calf gilt, 1832; Howitt's Pilgrimage of Pantika, 2 vols. in I, calf extra, 1835 5 vols, да Do Candbach The following Mitchell lipung Third Day's Sale. 53 Low 86 LOT 440 Laing's Notes in France, Prussia, Switzerland, and Italy, half calf extra, 1842; Adams's Roman Antiquities, calf, 1819; Travels in Persia, Russia, Turkey, Spain, &c. calf gilt, 1825 3 vols. Butlands 441 Laing's Travels in Western Africa, plates, calf extra, 1825; Gray's Travels in Western Africa, plates, calf extra, 1825; Park's Travels in Africa, 2 vols. russia gilt, 1816 4 vols. Do 442 Laird and Oldfield's Expedition to Africa, plates, 2 vols. 1837; Bowdich's Discoveries in Mozambique, 1824; Le Grand's Voyage to Abyssinia, 1735 Ellis 4 vols. calf gilt 443 Landor's Imaginary Conversations, 2 vols. 1824; Irving's Tales of a Traveller, 2 vols. 1824, 4 vols. calf extra Johnson 444 Lane's Modern Egyptians, plates, 2 vols. half calf gilt, 1836; Duncan's Travels in Western Africa, plates, 2 vols. half morocco, 1847 4 vols. Lardner's CABINET CYCLOPÆDIA of History, Biography, Literature, &c. 132 vols. (complete), half morocco Etheran 445 Walford 446 Lawrence's Adventures in the Punjaub, 2 vols. 1846; Eyre's Military Operations in Cabul, 1843; Adventures in the Moon, and other Worlds, 1846; and 5 others, half calf 9 vols. C Pohinson 447 Layard (A. H.) Nineveh and its Remains, 2 vols. plates, 1849; Layard's Nineveh and Babylon, maps, plates, 1853, 3 vols. calf extra 1849-53 Beath 448 Le Gros et Hamilton, Dictionnaire Français-Anglais, half morocco, Paris, 1865; Riddle's Latin Dictionary, 1852; Jones's Greek Lexicon, calf gilt, 1823; Ash's English Dic- tionary, 2 vols. calf, 1775; Baretti's Italian Dictionary, 2 vols. calf, 1807; Levi, Lingua Sacra, or Hebrew Grammar and Dictionary, 3 vols. calf, 1785 IO vols. ! Mitchell 449 Le Sage's Gil Blas, plates, 4 vols. calf gilt, 1792; Cer- vantes' Don Quixote, plates, 4 vols. calf, 1766 8 vols. ady Brook 450 Le Vaillant's Travels in Africa, plates, 2 vols. calf, 1790; Madoe's Holy Land, Egypt, Nubia, &c. plates, 2 vols. half calf gilt, 1834 4 vols. Mitehall 451 Lévy (A.), Description d'une Collection de Minéraux, 3 vols. 8vo, and a 4to Atlas of Plates, 4 vols. calf extra, 1837; Tableau des Espèces Minérales, par Lucas, 2 vols. calf extra, Paris, 1813 6 vols. SSMA 15 14 12 18 ¦ 15 mg 25% - ONE PALLATED IZZER 12 54 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. 1 : ¡ 8 4 LOT 452 Lewis' Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton. (125 copies theran only printed.) Calf ex. gilt edges, by Lewis 1737 Do 2456 Linnæus' System of Nature, plates, 7 vols. calf gilt, 1806; son- Withering's Botany, plates, 4 vols. calf, 1812 II vols. Aiton's Butlands 20.457 Linnæus' Correspondence, 2 vols. 1821; Hortus Kewensis, 5 vols. THICK PAPER, coloured plates, 1810- 13; Steuart's Planter's Guide, plates, 1828; Lee's Botany, 1810; 9 vols. calf extra 12 453 Lewis. Tales of Wonder. LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. half calf, 1801; Marryat's Pirate and the Three Cutters, plates, half morocco, gilt leaves, 1836 454 Lewis and Clark's Travels up the Missouri, maps, 3 Mite hell vols. calf, 1817; Proctor's Travels across the Andes and Peru, calf extra, 1825; Edward's History of the West Indies, plates, 3 vols. calf, 1801; Robinson's Tour up the Orinoco, plates, calf extra, 1822 8 vols. 455 Liebig's Chemistry of Agriculture, half calf, 1843; Evans's Sugar Planter's Manual, half calf, 1847; Moseley on Sugar, calf gilt, 1800; Martyn's Language of Botany, calf gilt, 1807; Donn's Hortus Cantabrigiensis, calf gilt, 1819; Phillip's Astronomy, calf, 1820; Drew's Manual of Astro- nomy, half calf gilt, n. d. 7 vols. Do 458 Loudon's ARBORETUM, or the Trees and Shrubs oftheran Britain pictorially delineated, COLOURED COPY, 8 vols. half morocco, uncut 1838 459 Lucanus de Bello Civili, old calf Antv. 1576 Bacholin "This copy belonged to Henry IV. of France, having his Arms and crowned H impressed in gold on the sides." 460 Luther's Commentary on Galatians, 1854; Wordsworth benson on the Apocalypse, 1852; Caird's Sermons, 1858; Achilli's Dealings with the Inquisition, 1851; Mission to the Jews, 1849; Tayler's Thankfulness, 1852; White on the Second Advent, 1840; Hamilton's Life in Earnest, 1858 9 vols. 461 Lyell's Principles of Geology, plates, 3 vols., 1830; Mitchell Fairholme's Geology of Scripture, 1833; Toulmin's Anti- quity of the World, 1783; Penn's Mineral and Mosaical Geologies, with Supplement, 2 vols. 1822-23, 7 vols. calf extra Third Day's Sale. 55 Beet II vols. Halford 463 Macaulay. History of England from Accession of James 1 to 4, edges C 1849-58 otheran 464 Macculloch. Description of Western Islands of Scot- land, 2 vols. and 4to Atlas of plates, calf, 1819; High- lands and Western Isles of Scotland, 4 vols. calf, 1824 7 vols. Thorpe Mitchell 465 McCulloch. Statistical Account of British Empire, 2 vols. 1839; Dictionary of Commerce, with Supp. 1840; Geographical Dictionary of the World, 2 vols. 1841. Together 5 vols. calf ¿ # LOT 462 Lytton (Lord). Pelham, 3 vols. half calf gilt, 1828; Ward's Tremaine, 3 vols. calf gilt, 1825; Smith (Horace), Brambletye House, 3 vols. half calf, 1826; Matilda, 2 vols. half calf, 1825 چھ Curtis 467 Madden's Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine, plates, 2 vols. 1829; De Comyn's Philippine Islands, 1821; Mignan's Travels in Chaldea, plates, 1829; 4 vols. calf extra Ellis 468 Maillardi Sermones, J. Petit, Paris, 1504, with Sermo de Purificatione, Manuscript on 24 leaves, in contem- porary hand, bound at the end. FRANCISCUS de MARONIS Decalogi, seu decem preceptorum domini explanatio. Lettres Gothiques i Do 466 Mackay's Thames and its Tributaries, woodcuts, 2 vols. half calf extra, 1840; Crisp's Richmond and its Inhabitants, plates, 1866; Rush's Residence at the Court of London, half calf extra, 1833 4 vols. Rowsell 469 Malcolm (J.), Political History of India, 2 vols. 1826; Malcolm's Memoir of Central India, 2 vols. 1823. Together 4 vols. calf extra 1823-26 Curtis 470 Mantell's Geology of the South East of England, plates, 1833; Bakewell's Introduction to Geology, plates, 1833; Cuvier's Essay on the Theory of the Earth, plates, 1822; 3 vols. calf extra Johnson 471 Maps of London, Atlas, Bible, &c. 15 vols. Curtis 472 Marryat (Capt.), Diary in America, with Remarks on its Institutions, BOTH SERIES COMPLETE, 6 vols. 1839 ; Olla Podrida, 3 vols. 1840. Together 9 vols. half calf gilt, marbled edges 473 Marryat's Borneo, and the Indian Archipelago, plates, half morocco, and 3 others 4 vols. 16 2 16 4 10 15 ! ! : 56 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. 112. حق 7:1 F } } ļ Cu 10 312 6 478 Mechanics' Magazine, from the commencement in 1825 69 vols. half calf to 1858 IC f 14 10 ¦ | 2:3 } $ 16. 212. LOT 474 Martin's Catalogue of Privately Printed Books, second! edition, calf gilt, 1854; Moule, Bibliotheca Heraldica, calf extra, 1822 C 2 vols. 475 Mary Queen of Scots' Love Letters, calf extra, n. d.; Life of Ali Pacha, calf extra, 1822; Hope's Anastasius, 3 vols. calf extra, 1820; Metamorphosis of Apuleius, by Head, half calf extra, 1851 Massanello. The Rebellion of Naples, or the Tragedys hoſ of Massanello. Front. by Marshall 6 vols. 1602 Pribining Į 476 477 Mazot. Le Tableau de la Croix, représenté dans les Cérémonies de la Sainte Messe, fine old morocco, sides covered with gold tooling The whole of this work is engraved, including the text, upon copper plates. Paris, 1651 : 479 Micylli. Icones Imperatorum et breves vitæ, woodcut portraits, vellum, Argentorati, 1544; Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, ruled vellum, Paris, S. Colinæus, 1529; Petrarcha Venetia, 1542 (damaged by damp); Botero, Della Republica : Venetiana, vellum, Ven. 1608 4 vols. 480 Miers's Travels in Chili and La Plata, plates, 2 vols. 1826; Bradbury's Travels in America, 1817; Hall's Journal on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, 2 vols. 1824; 5 vols. calf extra 481 Mill's History of Chivalry, 2 vols. calf extra, 1825; Irving's Alhambra, 2 vols. half calf extra, 1832; Caldcleugh's Travels in S. America, plates, 2 vols. calf extra, 1825; Millingen's Curiosities of Medical Experience, 2 vols. half calf extra, 1837; Prichard's History of Mankind, plates, 2 vols. calf extra, 1826 IO vols. 482 Mitchell's Fall of Napoleon, 3 vols. 1845; Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, 2 vols. 1851; 5 vols. half calf extra 483 Modern Poets. Poetical Works of Wordsworth, Rogers, Campbell, Montgomery, Milman, Bowles, Crabbe, Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats, in 5 vols. russia extra, gilt edges Paris, 1828-29 Moore, Scott, Southey, Byron, and Moore's Life of Byron, in 5 vols. russia extra, gilt edges (uniform with the preceding lot) Paris, 1827-30 483* ! } otheran Curtis ** theran ohnson Curtis Do Ellis Do ! Third Day's Sale. 57 LOT f Wall 16. 484 Molière. Œuvres, avec des Remarques par Bret, plates 318 by Moreau, 6 vols. old French calf, gilt edges Paris, 1788 alford 485 Montaigne's Essays, by Cotton, 3 vols. calf, 1703; 4 in 2, calf, 1842-43 Surtis 486 Moore. Memoirs of Thomas Moore, by Lord J. Russell, 8 vols. half calf, marbled edges 1853-54 2 Heath 487 Morgan (Lady). Italy, 3 vols. morocco, gilt edges, 1821; Vestiges of Ancient Manners and Customs in Modern Italy, by Blunt, calf gilt, 1823; Travels through Sicily and the Lipari Isles, plates, calf extra, 1827 4 vols. 1855 Howsell 488 Morton. Cyclopædia of Agriculture, 2 vols. half russia Toovey 489 Motteville (Madame de). Mémoires d'Anne d'Autriche, 5 vols. fine old yellow morocco, borders of gold on sides, gilt edges Amst. 1723 Farver تصبيح Young пор の ​схиад Robinson 490 Mudie's Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, the Earth, Sea, Air, and the Heavens, plates, 8 vols. calf extra 1835-7 Mason 491 Keppel's Borneo, plates, 2 vols. half calf extra, 1846; Mundy's Tour in India, plates, 2 vols. half calf extra, 1858; Carne's Letters from the East, calf gilt, 1826; Murray (H.), Encyclopædia of Geography, woodcuts, calf ex. 1834 6 vols. car teh. 1 | 1 1 } 1 493 NAPOLEON MEMOIRS. Antommarchi's Last Days of Napoleon, 2 vols. 1825; Fouché Memoirs, translated from the French, 2 vols. 1825; Napoleon in the other World, 1827; O'Meara, Napoleon in Exile, 2 vols. 1822 Together 7 vols. morocco extra Bourrienne, Memoirs of Napoleon, 4 vols. gilt leaves, 1830; Hazlitt, Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, 4 vols. 1828 8 vols. morocco extra 494 495 496 497 498 ¡ 492 Napier's History of the War in the Peninsula, large 412. edition, 6 vols. calf ex. 1829-40 Gourgaud and Montholon. Memoirs of Napoleon, 7 vols. 1823; Bonaparte, Ses Œuvres, 6 vols. in 3, Paris, 1822; Napoleon, Les Six Codes, Paris, 1828 Together II vols. morocco extra Las Cases. Life and Conversations of Napoleon, 4 vols. 1823; Rovigo (Duke), Memoirs of Napo- leon, 4 vols. 1828 Together 8 vols. morocco extra H F TUTAT 1 فه **RETA LOPLAYAN 13 16 110 46 1 { { : ! I H:. PARA A LA P 58 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. ang p ! Hiện nay nam nên kỳ và quảng thời năm tr : 13 $ i 4 tö LOT 497 Napoleon Memoirs. Scott (Sir W.), Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 9 vols. 1827; Josephine (Empress), Memoirs of, 3 vols. 1828 Together 12 vols. morocco ex. gilt leaves 498 I Segur, Memoirs and Recollections, 2 vols. 1825; Segur's History of Napoleon's Expedition to Russia, 2 vols. 1825; Segur's History of Russia, 1829; Gourgaud, Examination of Count Segur's Work, 1825 Together 6 vols. morocco ex. gilt leaves 499 Nautical Almanac, from its commencement in 1767 witch to 1854, 84 vols. calf gilt (except 1852, which is sewed) ** Scarce as a complete series. Fü * 500 NAVIGATION. Coleman's Lunar and Nautical Tables, half calf, 1846; Lynn's Nautical and Astronomical Tables, calf extra, 1825; Lax's Tables of Latitude and Longitude at Sea, calf extra, 1821; Ferguson's Astronomy, 2 vols. and 4to Atlas of Plates; Gower's Seamanship, half russia, 1808; Maritime Flags of All Nations, coloured plates, half calf, 1819; Moore's Practical Navigator, calf, 1814; Norie's Practical Navigation, calf, 1819; Saxe's Reveries, 4to; Literary Memoirs of Germany, 4to 12 vols. 501 Robertson's Navigation, plates, 2 vols. in 1, calf, 1805; Nautical Tables, half calf, 1802; Blunt's American Coast Pilot, plates, calf, 1822; Bain on the Compass, 8vo.calf, 1817; Elements of Seamanship, plates, 3 vols. calf, 1821; Schults on Aquatic Rights, calf, 1811; Glascock's Naval Officer's Manual, half calf extra, 1848; Ports, Arsenals, and Dock- yards of France, half morocco, 1841; Raper's Navigation, half calf II vols. 503 Odd Vols. Curtis 502 Norton (Mrs.), Child of the Islands, half morocco extra, umstead 1815; Arabían Nights' Entertainments, half calf gilt, n. d.; Sterne's Works, half calf extra, 1843; Shakespeare's Plays, half calf extra, 1823; Clark's Madrigals and Glees, half calf extra, 1814; Citation and Examination of Shakespeare, half calf extra, 1834 6 vols. Do Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, vol. Mason- 2, calf extra; Shelley's Poems, vols. 1-3, calf extra, and 29 others 32 vols. 504 Office de la Semaine Saincte, plates, richly ornamented Paris, 1657 red morocco ** This volume belonged to Louis XIII. and has the back * and sides covered with the Fleur-de-Lys, and crowned L., impressed in gold: in perfect preservation. Ellis Third Day's Sale. 59 LOT. write 505 Ovide. Trois Livres de la Metamorphoses, traduictz par Marot et Aneau, woodcuts, vellum Lyon, 1556 Robinson 506 Parker on Religion, 1846; Blots on the Escutcheon of Rome, 1851; Moore on the Power of the Soul, 1846; Genius of Judaism, 1833; 4 vols. half calf gilt Да کے Eli 507 Parker SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS, 28 vols. demy and 90 vols. royal 8vo, half calf gilt - સે 508 PARLIAMENTARY SPEECHES. Burke's Speeches, 4 vols. calf, 1816; Erskine's Speeches, 4 vols. calf, 1813; Phillip's Speeches, calf, 1817; Windham's Speeches, with Life by Amyot, 3 vols. calf, 1812 Together 12 vols. Bath 510 Parr (Dr. S.). Works, with Life by Johnstone, LARGE PAPER, 8 vols. red morocco, ex. Harleian paned sides, gilt edges marilah 511. Pascal. 1828 Les Provinciales, Bozerian 509 Fox (C. J.), Speeches, 6 vols. calf gilt, SCARCE, 1815; Pitt's Speeches, 3 vols. calf gilt, 1817; Curran's Speeches, with Life, calf gilt IO Vols. Дня ustic 512 Paxton. MAGAZINE OF BOTANY and Flowering Plants. Several hundred beautifully coloured plates, 16 vols. complete, half morocco, gilt edges 1834-49 Chanh 513 Pepys' Life and Journals, 2 vols. half calf extra, 1841; Barruel's Memoirs of Jacobinism, 3 vols. calf, 1797 5 vols. Pickerings 可 ​Luarie 515 Petrarcha. Sonetti, Canzoni e Trionfi, old red morocco, back and sides tooled by Le Gascon Lyon, 1574 چگاه Purple morocco ex. by Cologne, Elzevir, 1657 eran 514 PERCY SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS, consisting of Reprints of 2410 rare old English Songs, Ballads, Garlands, and Poems, bound in 30 vols. calf ex. marbled edges, RARE V. Y ering 516 Philosophie Morale, composée en 1643. Manuscript on paper. Old red morocco, with clasps and monogram D.M. on sides 18mo Curtis 517 Plutarch's Lives, translated by Langhorne, LARGE PAPER, 6 vols. calf gilt 1792 Clark 518 Poets. 518 Poets. Works of the English Poets, with Prefaces by Johnson, 75 vols. (wanting vols. 57 to 64), and Index and Prefaces, 10 vols. bound separately; together 77 vols. calf gilt 1777 ! 1 ..... 60 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. 10 18. 16. i 1 کانه 12. 6 19. 1 LOT 519 Pontani Opera. Old red morocco. Venetiis, Aldus, 1533 520 Pope's Works, edited by Warburton, with Transla- tions of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, 20 vols. calf gilt 1766 521 Pope's Works, plates, 9 vols. calf gilt, 1770; Milton's Paradise Lost, plates, 2 vols. calf gilt, 1790 II vols. 522 Portfolio (The), or a Collection of State Papers illus- trative of the History of Our Times, 6 vols. calf extra, 1836-7 523 PRÆCES PIÆ, cum CALENDARIO. MANUSCRIPT UPON Totheran VELLUM, executed in the year 1518, morocco binding 8vo, size, 6½ by 41 The Calendar in this choice volume is richly illuminated, giving the signs of the Zodiac and representations of the occupa- tions of the months; besides 30 large miniatures and 24 smaller ones, all beautifully painted in colours and gold, and extending to 190 leaves. Every page is likewise orna- mented with Arabesque borders, composed of birds, flowers, fruit, &c. Prikering Curtis This manuscript formerly belonged to Prince Golownin.itch. 524 Prichard's Egyptian Mythology, plates, calf, 1819; Priaulx's Questiones Mosaicae, half calf, 1854, and another edition of the same, calf extra, 1842; List of the Editions of the Bible, 1821; Keith's Evidence of Prophecy, plates, half calf, 1834; End to Religious Controversy, calf gilt, 1819 6 vols. Maritah 525 Pritchard's History of Infusoria, coloured plates, 1841; Fowell, Pritchard's Microscopic Illustrations, coloured plates, 1845, 2 vols. half morocco, extra, uncut, top edges gilt ex. 1817 528 Quarterly Review, 18 Parts, 1857-71, and 7 other Parts 526 Pseaumes de David, par Le Jeune, oblong 8vo, Vellum, lis with the Monograms of Louis XIII. and Henry IV. (within a wreath), on sides, Paris, 1601; Psaultier de la Vièrge Marie, curious Engravings, Vellum, Paris, 1605 2 vols. 527 Puckle's Club, in a Dialogue between Father and Son, heran Woodcuts, large paper (200 copies only printed), morocco Rowsell QUARTO. contenant l'Office de l'Eglise, avec des Prieres et des Instructions, LARGE PAPER, fine plates, ruled, rich old morocco, broad borders of gold on sides, doublé with mo- rocco and gilt inside, gold paper fly leaves Metz, 1709 529 Heures, C ہے - Farsey Third Day's Sale. 61 LOT Curtis 530 Hobhouse, Journey through Albania, coloured plates, 2 vols. calf ex. 1813; Lyall's Character of the Russians, plates, calf, 1823 3 vols. Young 212 1808 Ellis 400 531 Hogarth's Genuine Works, with Anecdotes by Nichols 2 and Steevens, plates by Cooke, 2 vols. calf Robinson 532 Horace, Latin and English, translated by Francis, LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. calf, 1749; Seneca's Epistles, trans- lated by Morell, 2 in 1, russia, 1786; Polybius, translated by Hampton, LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. calf 5 vols. Curtis 533 Horticultural Society's Transactions, BOTH SERIES, complete, FINELY COLOURED PLATES, IO vols. half russia 1815-47 534 HORÆ AD USUM ROMANUM. A SPLENDID MANUSCRIPT of FRENCH EXECUTION on VELLUM, XV. Century, in the style of the celebrated Bedford Missal, old red morocco 4to, size, 8 by 61 The Calendar in this superb Service Book is very richly illu- minated, and it contains several large Miniatures executed. with great spirit and fidelity, especially in the Archi- tectural details. But in two points this volume is far superior to the generality of those written in the same period; in the endless variety of amusing and grotesque figures in the margin of every page, and in the curious representation of that which, in the old mysteries, is generally known by the name of Hell Mouth, where Satan With ougly mouth and griesley jawes doth gape." As an apt illustration, in a Book of the Church Service, Bishops, Cardinals, and Friars are almost the only victims selected for punishment. # # Curtis 535 Hoste, Karvay Ellis 537 535 Hoste, Naval Evolutions, 1854; Lever's Seamanship, 1808; and II others on Navigation, printed and manuscript 13 vols. 536 Hume's History of England, FIRST EDITION, 6 vols. fine old gilt russia 1762 Hydrographie (Livre de), ou l'art de Naviger. MANU- SCRIPT on VELLUM, 20 leaves, illustrated with figures, tables, &c., in gold and colours, old red morocco, emblematically tooled Sièc. XVII. Caly Gayes Johnom 538 Hylls, Of the Perfite Ordering of Bees, 1574; Mascall, Arte how to Plant and Graffe Trees, 1582; in 1 vol. calf. Johnson 539 HYLton (W.) SCALA PERFECTIONIS, the Ladder of Perfeccyon. Black Letter, morocco ex. Wynkyn de Worde, 1533 **Head lines cut into at end, last leaf defective, and corners mended. : 3 10 i 8 13 3 } 62 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. Vo 4 کو 12 BETARE ANDERS IN THE WIRE 10. 415 Vo : ! ! LOT Harvey 540 Jamieson. Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, with Supplement, 4 vols. calf gilt, SCARCE Edin. 1808-25 541 Johnson (R.). History of the Seven Champions of Parsons Christendome, two Parts, Black Letter, calf, RARE 1675 542 Johnson's English Dictionary, enlarged by Todd, 4 vols. Sandback calf gilt 1818 543 King (Lord). Life of Locke, calf ex. 1829; Paris, Bobenison Life of Sir Humphry Davy, 1831; Thackeray's Life of William Pitt, 2 vols. calf ex. 1827 4 vols. Да 545 Latham's Falconry, or the Falcon's Lure and Cure, arvey woodcuts, both Parts (with the rare second title to Part II.), half bound Ellis 1615-18 546 Leoniceni: Liber de Octo Partibus Orationis. In the original binding, with clasp and bosses Patavii, Alb. de Stendal, 1474 547 Lewis. Topographical Dictionary of England and Wales, 1840 Да 6 vols. I 548 Lilly (W.) Propheticall Merline (with Portrait by Quaritch Marshall), 1644, and 10 other Astrological Tracts by Lilly, a List of which in Autograph of Mr. Perkins is inserted, bound in I volume, russia extra, with joints by Roger Payne, together with his BILL for binding the volume 544 Koran (The), translated by Sale, calf, 1734; Milton on Christian Doctrine, translated by Sumner, calf, 1825 2 vols. 549 Lilly (W.) Christian Astrology. Portrait by Marshall, inlaid, russia, with joints and broad borders of gold, by ROGER PAYNE, with his curious BILL for Binding enclosed 1659 550 Linnæan Society's Transactions from 1791 to 1825, plates, 14 vols., half russia Do Ellis Robinson 552 Lockhart. Ancient Spanish Ballads, woodcuts and coloured Mitchell 551 Locke's Works, with Life, BEST EDITION, 4 vols. bright old calf 1768 borders, cloth, Les Cent et un Robert Macaire, plates, calf ex., Paris, 1840. 2 vols. Ellis 553 Londonderry's Peninsular War, and War in France and Germany, 2 vols. calf ex., 1828-30; Wilson's Campaigns in Egypt, &c. LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. half russia, 1803 4 vols. 554 Long's History of Jamaica, 3 vols. russia, marbled edges writch 1775 Third Day's Sale. 63 LOT "} Quearitch 555 Longus. Les Amours de Daphnis et Chloe, plates by the Regent of Orleans, including that of "les petits pieds, LARGE PAPER, morocco extra Paris, 1745 Do Burtis 556 Maittaire. ANNALES TYPOGRAPHICI ab artis inventæ origine ad annum 1664, RULED, LARGE PAPER, 9 vols. Beautiful copy in old green morocco, gilt leaves ir ar worth Hag. Com. 1719-1741 From Hibbert's sale. Purchased by Mr. Perkins for £32 557 Martyn. English Entomologist, and Natural History of Spiders, COLOURED PLATES, 2 vols. beautifully bound in yellow morocco, joints, silk linings, and borders of gold on sides 1792-3 Fisher 558 Milner's History of Winchester, plates, 2 vols. calf Winchester, 1809 Poetical Works, with notes by Bp. Newton, Tarphin 559 Milton. plates by Hayman, 3 vols. bright old gilt calf 1775 560 Milton. Ellis Paradise Lost, FIRST EDITION, but with the re-issue title,and printer's address to reader in 5 lines, calf 1668 Curtis 561 Moore's Life of Byron, plates, 2 vols. calf ex. 1830; Medwin Journals of the Conversations of Lord Byron, calf ex. 1824; Hunt's Lord Byron and his Contemporaries, calf ex. 1828 4 vols. 562 Morier's Two Journies through Persia, plates, 2 vols. calf ex. theran 563 Nares. Memoirs of Lord Burghley, 3 vols. calf extra, 1828 Rutland 563* Nares. Glossary of Words, Phrases, &c., used by Do 1812-18 Shakspere, russia, marbled edges 1822 Collis 564 Nicolai de Clamengiis de lapsu et Reparatione Justicia libellus, woodcut border to title, old morocco, gilt edges Vienna, 1521 Halney 565 Nicolas' Roll of Arms of Reigns of Henry III. and Edward III. LARGE PAPER, hf. mor. uncut 1829 (Do 566 ** Fifty copies only printed of this size * Roll of Arms of the Reign of Edward II. LARGE PAPER, hf. mor. uncut Fifty copies only printed of this size 1829 567 Olivier. Entomologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des Insectes, COLOURED PLATES, 8 vols. half russia 1789-1808 35 موم Сь : 2 4.6. 4 پرو ** 23 4 مة F -3 C 569 Ovidii Metamorphoses, cum comment. Stamped binding 570 Palgrave. Rise and Progress of the English Common- 6176570 wealth, 2 vols. calf ex. SCARCE 1832 1015. 571 Panzer. Annales Typographici, ab artis inventæ origine ad annum 1536, 11 vols. calf gilt 仏 ​14. 16# 4 15. 15 } 64 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. LOT 568 Ordonnances des Chevaliers de l'Ordre de St. Michel, établis par Louis XI. en 1469, with a beautiful miniature of Bachelion the King and Knights of the Order, in Council. MANU- SCRIPT of 38 leaves UPON VELLUM, fine old binding, inlaid in colours, in compartments, in the style of Grolier size, 10 by 7 * In this volume will be found a fly-leaf of French Manu- script Rondeaux of early date. Ascensii. Ellis Lugd. 1504 - Norimb. 1793-1803 572 Paulus Iovius. Histoire des Vicontes et Ducz de Bachelin Milan, woodcut portraits by Geoffry Tory, calf Paris, 1552 573 Piers Plowman (The Vision of), edited, with Glossary bytheran T. D. Whitaker, REPRINT IN BLACK LETTER, morocco extra, joints and gilt edges 1813 574 Pettigrew. History of Egyptian Mummies, plates, LARGE PAPER, half morocco 1834 575 Pettigrew. Bibliotheca Sussexiana. Descriptive Catalogue of the Library of the Duke of Sussex. Plates of fac-similes, LARGE PAPER, 3 vols. calf ex. gilt leaves 1827 577 Plato's Works, translated by Sydenham and Taylor, 5 vols. calf ex. 1804 578 Polybius. Historiarum libri VI. Græce. Calf wariten Да 576 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society from 1807oritch to 1839, 34 vols. half russia Paris, 1539 Twenty-three leaves of a MS. copy of Longus in a contem- porary hand will be found at the end of the volume. 579 Parkinson. Robinson Ellis C otheran Cash Organic Remains of a Former World,itchell plates, ORIGINAL EDITION, 3 vols. calf extra, marbled edges 1820 580 Parry's Four Voyages towards the North Pole, with the Sotheran North Georgia Gazette, 4 vols. calf, marbled edges 1821-28 Third Day's Sale. 65 T LOT Luwilih 581 PASSION (LA) de N. S. JESUS CHRIST. MANUSCRIPT UPON VELLUM, XIV. Century, of French execution, written upon 53 leaves (on one side only), ornamented with 25 VERY REMARKABLE PAINTINGS, calf, gilt edges, size 91 by 61 Elles * The miniatures are placed above the text, in the style afterwards adopted in the block books. FOLIO. Bacheln 582 GRATIANI COLLECTIO SS. CANONUM ET 26. DECRETORUM cum veteribus glossis, morocco extra, joints, size 18 by 12. A truly splendid Italian MS. of the XVth century, ornamented with 38 grand miniature paintings and the pages richly illu- minated throughout with 600 heads, introduced at the beginning of the chapters. The whole occupies 346 leaves, and on the last leaf we find the name of the scribe, "Frater Adigherius da Ugolino de Castaglio scripsit," who might well be proud of the work he had accomplished, which is equally valuable as a marvel of caligraphy, and as a monument of Italian art. Harvey 585 Guillim. Display of Heraldry, LARGE EMBLAZONED, russia Bain Trowery 583 Great Seals of England, Engraved Facsimiles of, with descriptions by half morocco, 1837; Wedgwood, Description of the Portland Vase and Elucidation by Windus, plates, 2 parts, 1845 3 vols. 584 Gueriniere (M. de la). Ecole de Cavalerie, plates, LARGE PAPER, calf gilt Paris, 1751 PAPER, ARMS 1679 6 586 Hakewill's Picturesque Tour of Italy, LARGE PAPER, INDIA PROOFS and ETCHINGS, morocco super extra, broad borders on sides, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis 1820 7 587 HAKLUYT'S VOYAGES, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Black Letter, FINE COPY (the "Voyage to Cadiz," supplied by the reprint), together with the SUP- PLEMENT published by Evans, 4 vols. in 3, calf رو 1599, 1600, 1812 Harvey 588 Hamilton's Campi Phlegræi. Observations on the Vol- canoes of the Sicilies (with SUPPLEMENT), BEAUTI- FULLY COLOURED PLATES, original edition, morocco extra, borders of gold on sides, gilt leaves Naples, 1776-9 Feath + گی : BANAN д گ 589 HASTED. HISTORY of the COUNTY of KENT, maps and 28 10 blates, 4 vols. FINE COPY, russia extra, RARE 1778-99 I } ! 66 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. 拿 ​کی کالی 49 درمی ک A 10 { A 1 LOT 590 Hawkins. Memoirs of Ichthyosauri and Plesiosauri, Mita Bell 1834 India Proof plates 591 Herculaniensium Voluminum quæ Supersunt, plates of Robinson Antiquities, 3 vols. in 1, calf ex. gilt leaves Napoli, 1790-1809 592 Herodiani Historia Latine, fine old yellow morocco, edges marbled and gilt P. de Benedictis Bononiæ, 1493 Ellis - 593 HIGDEN. POLYCRONICON. THE POLYCRONICON, Luaritch conteyning the Berynges and Dedes of many Tymes, IM- PRINTED BY WILLIAM CAXTON, very fine and perfect copy in morocco, with joints by Lewis (from Dent's Library) (Colophon.) Ended the second day of Iulye the XXII. yere of the regne of Kynge Edward the Fourth, and of the Incarnacion of oure Lord, a thousand four hundred four score and tweyne MCCCCLXXXII. *This Chronicle was compiled in Latin by Ranulph Higden, a Benedictine of St. Werberg's Monastery, who died about the year 1360. It is one of the most inter- esting and desirable specimens of Caxton's Press. Perfect copies of this impression of the Polycronicon, says Dibdin, are of MOST EXTREME RARITY. Lord Spencer could not complete his own fine copy without the acqui- sition of three imperfect ones. Sir M. M. Sykes had a most important defect; it wanted the three first leaves. Mr. Dent was obliged to purchase a second copy to obtain one leaf to perfect this beautiful copy of one of the most ancient of our Chronicles. Lord Charlemont's copy, though wanting two leaves, sold for £477 IOS. 594 HIGDEN'S POLYCRONICON, Black Letter, woodcuts, VERY FINE LARGE COPY, morocco extra, joints, gilt leaves by C. Lewis, VERY RARE Southwerke, Peter Treveris, 1527 HISTORY of ANCIENT WILTSHIRE, atlas size, russia ex. gilt leaves, VERY 1812 595 HOARE (Sir R. C.) plates, LARGE PAPER, SCARCE : Ellis } Cash 596 Holmes (Randle). ACADEMY of ARMORY, or a Store-Sothern house of Armory and Blazon, with the two rare plates of hieroglyphics, and Triphook's Index, russia ex. by Lewis Chester, 1688 ** Title inlaid, and deficient of the engraved frontispiece. 597 Holyoake's Large Dictionary, Latin and English, 1677; Scapulæ Lexicon Græco-Latinum, russia ex. Oxon. 1820 2 vols. Johnson #- M.. Massi J. & P. Burt, litho. JO 72 Sele C IN C རྒྱ༠ مام کارت Loft +37 or H *** Ville Claude. :~ 1,90 yal HORÆ BEATE MARIE VIRGINIS. ос V& Third Day's Sale. 67 INVIEW a venda 2-data tota Tooney 1715-20 Bachelin 599 HORÆ ad usum FRATRUM MINORUM. MANU- SCRIPT of the XV. CENTURY, ON VELLUM, bound in green velvet, with massive gilt clasps Sm. folio, size 91 by 61 ** This CHARMING MANUSCRIPT, of 245 leaves, commences with a richly-illuminated Calendar, and is ornamented with 18 large and exquisite paintings, surrounded by elaborate borders, in which are introduced 45 small miniatures, exe- cuted in colours and gold with great beauty and spirit. It contains likewise upwards of 200 borders, formed of flowers, fruit, birds, grotesque figures, &c., also a coat of arms and motto, as represented in the fac-simile. The capital letters also enclose minute miniatures, all richly illuminated. ¦ * wenye vip" The V LOT 598 Homer's Iliad, translated by A. Pope, FIRST EDITION, with Pope's autograph receipt for two guineas as subscription to this copy, 6 vols. calf ! The preservation of this volume is as perfect as the execution is splendid, and it may vie in comparison with the celebrated "Heures de la Dame de Saluce," the gem of the Yemeniz sale. Sothran 600 HUMBOLDT ET 600 HUMBOLDT ET BONPLAND. VOYAGES AUX VOYAGES AUX 63 REGIONS EQUINOXIALES DU NOUVEAU CONTINENT, 1799-1804 Paris, 1810, &c I. Relation Historique du Voyage 2. Observations Astronomiques, &c. 3. Essai Politique sur le Royaume Espagne, 2 vols. in 1, roy. 4to 2 vols. roy. 4to 2 vols. roy. 4to la Nouvelle de 4. Vues des Cordillères et Monumens des Peuples de l'Amerique, 60 coloured plates Impl. folio! 5. Plantes Equinoxiales, 140 plates 2 vols. impl. folio 6. Monographie des Melastomes et des Rhexies, 120 coloured plates 2 vols. impl. folio. 7. Mimoses et autres Plantes Légumineuses, 60 coloured plates impl. folio 8. Nova Genera et Species Plantarum, 700 coloured plates, 7 vols. impl. folio Together 5 vols. roy. 4to and 13 vols. impl. folio, ON LARGE VELLUM PAPER, beautifully bound in russia, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis. I * ** This is the most expensive, and perhaps the most magnificent, work which has ever issued from the press. The PLATES are SPLENDIDLY EXECUTED ON A VERY EXTENSIVE SCALE, and form a grand and brilliant illustra- tion of the scenery, buildings, zoology and botany of New Spain. f ; : DR GLEDAMO TA } 68 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. i ورو 7310. : ; 19 vo 145 LOT 601 HORÆ B. M. VIRGINIS. MANUSCRIPT of FRENCH ART, XVI. Century, UPON VELLUM, fine old morocco binding, Size 10 by 61 sides covered with the monogram X * ** This BEAUTIFULLY-EXECUTED MANUSCRIPT contains 12 miniatures the size of the page, besides various others. The first miniature represents an interior, with portrait of the person for whom the volume was executed kneeling before his patron saint, St. Roch, with coat of arms beneath, of which we give a fac-simile, as it is probable it may assist in identifying the original possessor of the volume. Many of the pages are also richly ornamented with Arabesque borders, some of which contain miniatures; and the capital letters are illuminated. *Both the interior and exterior of this charming volume are in perfect condition. 602 HORSLEY. BRITANNIA ROMANA, or Roman Anti- Ellis quities of Britain, plates, LARGE PAPER, FINE COPY, russia ex. gilt leaves, EXTREMELY RARE 1732 603 Howell's Londinopolis, or Discourse of the City of London, ILLUSTRATED with an Additional Portrait of the Author, and other EXTRA PLATES, by HOLLAR, morocco extra 1657 Quaritch Farvay 1660 604 Howell's English, French, Italian, Spanish Dictionary, itch with proverbs, frontispiece by Faithorne, calf gilt 605 HUTCHINS' HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of DORSETSHIRE, augmented and improved by Gough and Nichols, plates (some additional ones inserted), LARGE PAPER, 4 vols. russia, ex. gilt leaves RARE 1796-1815 This beautiful volume was sold in Hibbert's sale, as being the first of the work, but it is really the second, of which Van Praet says ONLY ONE OTHER ON VELLUM IS KNOWN, Boin ८ 606 Illustrated London News, containing many hundred Robinson Illustrations of the Great Exhibition, 8 vols. 1851-54 607 Ireland. Reports of Commissioners respecting the Johnson 1800-20 Public Records of Ireland, 4 vols. hf. russia 608 JARDIN DE SANTE. Traité des Betes, Oiseaux, Zaretin Poissons, Pierres Precieuses, et Urines du Jardin de Santé (traduit du Latin de Jean Cuba, en François), PRINTED UPON VELLUM, with 538 miniatures, richly painted in colours and gold, fine old yellow morocco Paris, Anthoyne Verard, sans date. 5 کیسے ر DOO کھو گئے کھنے بجے دورہ میره بھجو رود 000 XX At Wa دودج S TE 1 FF 1 222 ms SVZZVZ Third Day's Sale. 69 LOT 5 Luaritch 609 Johnson. Lives of the most famous Highwaymen, 10 Robbers, Pirates, &c. plates, ORIGINAL EDITION, calf, VERY RARE 1734 Cumpkin 610 Johnson's English Dictionary, 2 vols. russia 1784 Cash 611 Jonson (Ben). Dramatic Works, portrait, calf, rea edges 24 1692 Mitchell 612 Josephus' Works, translated by Whiston, with History of the Jews, by Basnage, LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. morocco extra, gilt leaves 1708-37 Luaritch 613 Justiniani Institutiones, cum Glossis, FINE COPY in the original stamped oak binding Moguntiæ, P. Schoiffer, 1476 614 King. VALE ROYAL OF ENGLAND, or the County Palatine of Chester, plates by Hollar, also 2 additional ones inserted, morocco ex. gilt edges Do 1656 Howell 615 King. MUNIMENTA ANTIQUA, or Observations on Ancient Castles, plates, 4 vols. FINE COPY, russia ex. gilt leaves, bottom edges uncut 1799-1805 **ORIGINAL COPY, purchased by Mr. Perkins at Sir Mark Sykes' sale for £25 45. Parsons 616 Knolles. History of the Turks, portraits, 3 vols. calf 1687-1700 muaritch 617 KORAN OF MOHAMMED, with COMMENTARY. ARABIC MANUSCRIPT, in the boldest of Oriental characters, written within fillets of gold, and with magnificently de- signed Anwams illuminated in gold and colours, and every page adorned with richly coloured Eastern ornament. morocco case * In the original gorgeously gilt binding, enclosed in a blue Folio, size 16 by II ** This splendid manuscript was a present from Mau- lowa Mohammed Achmed to Nijul al Dowlah, and subse- quently from the Duke of Hamilton to Prince Golownin, at whose sale it was bought by Mr. Perkins for £72 18s. Bain Ellis 619 Landon. VIES et OEUVRES des PEINTRES, numerous plates in outline of the most celebrated pictures, LARGE PAPER, 23 vols. in 11, half russia, uncut, gilt tops Paris, 1813-20 Marita 620 Lawes. Ayres and Dialogues for One, Two and Three Voyces, portrait by Faithorne, morocco ex. gilt leaves by C. Lewis, RARE 1653-55-58 i Co 618 Laborde. VOYAGE PITTORESQUE DE L'ESPAGNE, fine // plates, 4 vols. in 2, atlas size, morocco ex. joints, borders of gold on sides, gilt leaves Paris, 1806-20 پر فی 13 7. ¦ f 70 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. : i 210 كوم وگئے 40 16. 15 می +6 Kā - aş-- کرو ¡ Cu LOT 621 Lawes (H.) The Treasury of Music, containing Ayres and Dialogues to sing to the Theorbo-Lute or Basse Viol, caritch with the music, 3 parts in I, morocco ex. gilt leaves, by C. Lewis 1669 622 Lewis. Sketches of Spain. 26 lithographic plates. 26 lithographic plates. Half otheran 1836 bound 623 Light's Views in Sicily from Drawings by Dewint. LARGEST PAPER. INDIA PROOFS and ETCHINGS. Morocco, super ex. joints tooled, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis 1823 Garvey 624 Lindley. SERTUM ORCHIDACEUM. Beautifully coloured urich plates. Half morocco, gilt edges. SCARCE Ellis €25 Linschoten. Discours of Voyages into the Easte and West Indies. Black letter, plates. (At page 173 the second view of St. Helena has been inserted from the Dutch edition. At page 175 the Island of Ascension is also the Dutch map; in other respects complete.) FINE COPY of a RARE BOOK. Russia 1598 626 Livy. Roman History: translated by Holland. Calf 1686 627 Lodge's PORTRAITS of ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES of Gamell GREAT BRITAIN, with Memoirs. The ORIGINAL LARGE EDITION. 4 vols. morocco extra, gilt edges by C. Lewis, 1821-34 628 Loggan. Cantabrigia Illustrata. 30 Fine Views of the Camplin Colleges, &c. 1688 Эт Barvay Calf Do Да 629 Loggan. Oxonia Illustrata. 40 Fine Views of the Col- leges, &c. Rich old purple morocco, gilt edges 1675 630 London Evening Post Newspaper for 1746, calf, curious and rare; Newspapers-Country Journal or Crafts- man, Mists Journal, Fog's Journal and others for 1728, calf 2 vols. 631 Louis XV. Sacre du Roi Louis XV. a Reims. Fine Poovey plates, atlas size. Rich old morocco, elaborate borders of gold on sides, Royal arms in centre Paris, 1722 632 Maitland's History of London. Plates, 2 633 Manning and Bray. HISTORY OF SURREY. vols. half russia vols. calf Mitte hell 1756 Plates, 3 1804-14 Parkering Ow Imm M gün J&R. Burt, bitho. ww 5mm With outen eny mane mterrupeyoun the faughte infere alßeno menopoim y maade ther of ne write in special Of no persone but m general Who that/enc/9ide enelor Wel 200 pollidamast m ne Per pirrug Jimm That plate foroth//noz mayle myght hĩ lepe But the harpnesse of the speces here was of his blode in partie dyed w✯ The whiche stoke // whan grekes side efpie ffdr aſtouyed// loude goue to aire तरी ww LYDGATE'S SIEGE OF TROY. DOGO 170, O # " D Sam Third Day's Sale. LOT Quaritch 634 LYDGATE (JOHN) The Siege of Troy, A Poem. ! 71 HERE BEGYNNETH THE BOKE OF THE SEGE OF TROYE, COMPILED BY DANN JOHN LYDGATE, MONKE OF BURY, ATTE THE EXCITATION- AND STERYNG OF THE MOST NOBLE AND MIGHTY PRINCE KYNG HENRY THE FYFTHE. First rehersyng the Conquest of the Golden Flees acheved by the manly prowesse of Jason. Folio, bound in velvet, by Lewis. A truly magnificent MS. upon vellum, and ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT MONUMENTS OF ANCIENT ENGLISH SECULAR ART IN EXISTENCE. Above the title, which we have transcribed, is a large miniature painting which represents the author presenting his book to the King, affording us what may be, with good reason, considered as authentic portraits of that famous English Monarch and of the author of the book. For the extent, character, and value of the paintings throughout the work (being no less than seventy in number), the volume is probably unique, and can hardly be over- estimated for the illustration it affords of the costumes, architecture, armour, &c. in use in England in the first years of the XVth century. The miniatures are not of the ordinary character and form, introduced into set spaces, but they occupy frequently the whole margin of the page. It is ascertained from some manuscript entries on the vellum fly-leaves that this volume was long in the posses- sion of the Mundy family. One of these reads "I John Mundy, Knight, have gevyn to my welbelovyd son Vyncent Mundy this prentbooke of the Seig of Troy, the xxvth day of May Aa. xxv. notri Regis Henry viii., and delyvered it to him wh myne owne hands wh Godss Blessyng and myne." Another entry proves it remained in the family of Mundy, Sept. 18, 1615. otheran 635 MAGNA CHARTA REGIS JOHANNIS anno MCCXV. PRINTED ON VELLUM, in LETTERS OF GOLD, by John Whitaker. Atlas size. Splendidly bound in green morocco, the sides covered with gold tooling (enclosed in a case). This SUMPTUOUS VOLUME, consisting of 16 leaves, has the text printed on vellum, in Gothic type, in letters of gold. Each page is surrounded by a richly emblazoned border, en- closing the arms of the Barons who signed the Great Charter. A large portrait of King John, beautifully painted, fronts the title, which is surrounded by his arms, finely emblazoned. Next follows a painting of the Prince Regent (George IV.), to whom the volume is dedicated, which dedication is orna- mented with his arms as Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, Earl of Chester, &c. | 1 320. : 1910 : .. ****** Avram Pak Ja ATP 1 72 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. 14631 690 63 : ! ... ¦ } LOT 636 MARY QUEEN OF QUEEN OF SCOTLAND, Historie of, by W: Stranguage. UNIQUE COPY. ILLUSTRATED WITH NEARLY THREE HUNDRED PORTRAITS, VIEWS, PLATES OF COINS, &c. Elegantly bound in old red morocco ex. joints and silk linings, enclosed in a case. This interesting volume was purchased at Dent's sale. 637 MEUN (Jean de). SES CEUVRES DIVERSES. A SPLENDID MANUSCRIPT of the fifteenth century UPON VELLUM, written in "Caractères Batardes," ornamented with 74 large and beautifully executed Miniature Paintings. Many of the pages are decorated with rich borders, and numberless capital letters, illuminated in gold and colours, are scattered throughout the volume. 638 202 leaves, with metal ornaments on the covers, and an ancient Silver Plaque on side, engraved "Roman de la Rosc." Folio, size 13 by 9 The following are the titles of the Pieces contained in the volume :— 1. Le Rommant de la Rose, que feist Maistre Jehan de Meun et Guillaume de Lorris (at the end are 24 verscs which are rarely found in manuscripts of this Poem). 2. Le Testament de Maistre Jehan de Meun. 3. Le Songe de Maistre Jehan de Meun (a Piece con- sisting of 136 verses, very rare). 4. Le Codicille de Maistre Jehan de Meun. A superb MS. of this celebrated author, so popular in the Middle Ages. ROMMANT de la ROSE. VELLUM, of the XIV. Century, written in double columns on 183 leaves, with 72 Miniatures in colours, heightened with gold, and many illuminated capitals. Old red morocco. Folio, size 9 by 7 So early a MS. would doubtless offer important readings. "Ce MS. a appartenu a Claude Durfé et vient de la Bibliotheque de l'Archevesque de Sens;" it afterwards passed into the fine collection of Prince Golownin. 639 MISSALE ROMANUM. A BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN MANUSCRIPT, on 352 leaves of pure vellum. Three pages are surrounded with elegant Arabesque borders, and subjects in small circular compartments; the first page containing the arms of a Bishop, for whom the volume was doubtless executed. Very numerous initial letters, with short borders, are likewise richly illuminated in gold and colours. Throughout the volume are pen ornamentations, of varied design, in different coloured inks, sometimes as many as four Farvey 6. MANUSCRIPT ONaritch Eles Do ल J. & R. Burt, Litho. 00 Inco Oc.. Q P7 ŒUVRES DIVERSES DE JEAN DE MEUN. má च ই تھا۔ : Third Day's Sale. 73 Elles I i A upon a page. This choice manuscript belonged to the La Valliere collection, and afterwards to Prince Golownin, at whose sale in 1825 it was purchased by Mr. Perkins. Old red morocco, gilt leaves. Size 11 in. by 83 Sec. XV. 640 MISSALE SECUNDUM RITUM AUGUSTENSIS\/8 ECCLESIÆ: mandate et impensis Reverendissimi ac illustrissimi Principis, ac Domini Othonis titule S. Sabine presbyter, Cardinalis et Episcopus Augusten. pre- positus et dominus in Elvvangen. SUPERBLY PRINTED in a BOLD RED and BLACK GOTHIC TYPE on the FINEST VELLUM, bound in crimson velvet, with massive silver gilt clasps, enclosed in a russia casc Dilinga, Sebaldus Mayer, 1555 This most magnificent volume, consisting of 499 leaves (size 14 by 9) was wholly unknown to Van Praet; and Brunet, in his last edition of the "Manuel," mentions only a single copy, in the Royal Library at Munich. A LOT If Dr. Dibdin could speak in such glowing terms of the Missale Vallisumbrosa" (for description of which see Lot 647), what would he not have said had he beheld this most gorgeous volume, a marvel of printing and illumination! (( It was the DEDICATION COPY, and contains the arms of the owner as Bishop and Cardinal, introduced into the very elaborately illuminated border surrounding the first page. It further contains four wood engravings of the full size of the page, bearing the monogram G.M., which, together with two borders, and 643 capital letters (many of large size), are illuminated in such a superior manner as to lead to the belief of their being by the hand of the designer himself. The volume throughout is in all its pristine freshness, and exhibits such a combination of typography and embel- lishment as to warrant the assertion of its being a match- less volume. Luarita 641 MISSALE MIXTUM SECUNDUM REGULAM 295. 220y BEATI ISIDORI DICTUM MOZARABES, IMPRES- SUM JUSSU CARDINALIS FRANCISCI XIMENES: with the initial letters in gold and colours. Impressum in civitate Toleti per P. Hagenbach, M.D. MAGNIFICENT COPY in old red morocco, from the libra- ries of Girardot de Prefond and Count MacCarthy. *** The history of the Mozarabic Missal is curious and interesting. The people of Toledo, by submission to the Moors in their conquest of Spain, obtained from them the exercise of their own religion, and the enjoyment of all K { : ! *་ ¦ 375 14 i 74 LOT Catalogue of the Perkins Library. their privileges; but living under the dominion of the Moors, they were called Mozarabes, or Half Arabs, and the office of their Church, "Missale Mozarabicum." This Ritual was revised in the 7th century by St. Isidore, Arch- bishop of Seville, and was ordered by the Council of Toledo to be generally used. Alphonso VIII. having recovered Toledo from the Moors in the 11th century, wished to introduce the Roman in the place of the Moza- rabic Missal. This was successfully resisted by the people, aided by the following miracle: “On fait allumer un grand feu, on y jette un Missel Romain, et un Mozarabe, on rapporte que le Romain fut brulé, et que le Mozarabe demeura dans le feu sans recevoir aucun dommage." At length, with the collation of the ancient MSS. and the assistance of the learned men of the period, these splendid volumes (the Breviarium and Missale) were published at the expense, and under the revision, of Cardinal Ximenes. With respect to its EXTREME RARITY, it may be sufficient to state that the Mozarabic Missal was considered "the scarcest book in the whole Harleian collection." Note by Mr. Evans 642 MISSALE secundum consuetudinem Romanæ curiæ, PRINTED UPON SPOTLESS VELLUM, in red and black Gothic letter. DEDICATION COPY to POPE ALEXANDER VI., with his Arms introduced into the elaborately illumi- nated border surrounding the first page, old red morocco, in Roma, S. Planck, 1496 a case This Edition is unmentioned by Panzer or Van Pract. The volume consists of 12 preliminary leaves, Folios I to 228. (size 131 by 9§). The Crucifixion, preceding the Canon, is not, as might be expected, a woodcut coloured, but a splendid miniature of the full size of the page, surrounded by a border with emblems of the Passion, and the Entombment, worthy of the hand of the best illuminator of the period, if, indeed, it be not the work of Giulio Clovio. For brilliancy of the typography, purity of the vellum, and amplitude of margin, this volume cannot be surpassed. 643 More (Sir Thomas). WORKES, Black Letter (with the un- paged leaf at 1139), russia extra, joints 1557 644 MORGAN. SPHERE OF GENTRY, plates, including the Howard Pedigree, LARGE PAPER, EXTREMELY RARE, fine old purple morocco, joints and gilt leaves 1661 Boone arp Lovey Third Day's Sale. 75 LOT Sotheran 645 Milton's Paradise Lost, LARGEST PAPER, PROOFS of the 8 ILLUSTRATIONS after MARTIN, 2 vols. in 1, morocco extra, joints, gilt leaves 1827 Ellis Do } ! 646 MISSALE AD USUM ECCLESIÆ SARISBU- RIENSIS. PRINTED IN RED AND BLACK, GOTHIC. LETTER, ON FINE PURE VELLUM; woodcuts, ornamented capitals, and some borders, morocco extra, antique style Parisjjs, per Prevost, 1527 This is undoubtedly the most sumptuous edition of the Salisbury Missal ever produced, but folios 73 and 155 are wanting, and the fore edge margins of some few leaves have been cut off, though without affecting the text. G 647 MISSALE SECUNDUM CONSUETUDINEM ORDINIS Vallisumbrose, in large Gothic Type, red and black, NUMEROUS WOODCUTS, PRINTED UPON VEL- LUM, russia. Fer nobilem et egregium virum dominum Lucam Antonium de Giunta Florentinum, summa diligentia Venetiis, MCCCCCIII. ** THIS IS THE MOST SPLENDID PRODUCTION OF THE JUNTA PRESS, AND IS OF THE GREATEST RARITY, WHEN PRINTED UPON VELLUM. Even the existence of it was unknown to Bandini, the historian of the Junta Press. The title-page is ornamented with a whole-length Portrait of Gualberti, the founder of the Monastery of Valembrosa, and compiler of this Ritual. The Missal is accompanied with Musical Notes, and enriched with a series of beautiful Dr. Dibdin thus describes the Engravings on wood. volume in his "Bibliographical Decameron,” p. 38:—“It is printed quite at the commencement of the XVI. cent. The amplitude of the page, the size and variety of the types, the lustre of the inks, the tone and substance of the vellum, but above all, the pure Arabesque taste of the Decorations, to say nothing of the rarity and curiosity of the impression, all combine to render this volume an acquisition extremely precious to the collector. If ever the magical art of Printing was calculated to produce enthusiastic sensations, such sensations cannot fail to be felt on a careful examination of this book." For a Life of Gualberto, Founder of the Monastery of Valembrosa, see post, under Vita (Lot 767), where will be found a copy printed by Giunta, on vellum, 481 240 i : ال 76 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. Lovol A series of nearly 200 beautifully-executed Lithographic Plates by Strixner, Piloty, &c. after pictures by the Great Masters, elephant size, morocco ex. borders of gold on sides Munchen, 1821 LOT 648 MUNICH GALLERY OF PICTURES. Barges ay ހ 649 Miller's Gardener's Dictionary, plates, 4 vols, calf, 1807; Bohn Figures of Plants described in the Gardener's Dictionary, COLOURED PLATES, 2 vols. half bd. 1771 6 vols. Fourth Day's Sale. 77 ہیے theran སྐབ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ FOURTH DAY, FRIDAY, JUNE 6th, 1873. Ellis Bain Kakinada yg di maka LOT Powell 650 Rabelais (F.) Works, 2 vols. 1849; Guizot's History of Civilization, 2 vols. 1846; half calf extra SOLAT SZAKS Bagshaw 651 Revue des Deux Mondes, 69 Nos. (in 2 parcels) 1863-71 Mitchell 652 Richardson (R.) Travels along the Mediterranean with OCTAVO ET INFRA. 8 Low &C. 653 Rogers. Italy and Poems. Vignettes after Turner, Stothard, &c. PROOFS, 2 vols. morocco ex. gilt leaves, RARE 1830-34 654 Romilly (Sir S.) Life, with Correspondence, portrait, 3 vols. calf extra, 1840; Narrative of John Ashburnham of his Attendance on Charles I. 2 vols. calf extra, 1830; The Ellis Correspondence, or Letters during 1686, 1687, and 1688, 2 vols. calf extra, 1829 7 vols. the Earl of Belmore, 2 vols. calf extra, 1822; Diary in Portugal, Italy, France, and Switzerland, by H. Matthews, calf extra, 1820; Account of Corsica, by J. Boswell, half russia, 1769 4 vols. 655 Romant de la Rose. Lettres Gothiques, Woodcuts, FINE/8 COPY, morocco ex. by Thouvenin, RARE Paris, 1538 656 Ruskin's Works. Stones of Venice, plates, vols. 2, 3, 1853; Seven Lamps of Architecture, plates, 1855; Lectures on Architecture and Painting, 1855; The Two Paths, 1859; Elements of Perspective, 1859; Political Economy of Art, 1857 7 vols. Ashhoes 657 Russell's Modern Europe, 7 vols. calf gilt, 1818; Rollin's Ancient History, 8 vols. calf gilt, 1800 15 vols. ? 18 12 зз 3 ور 13 V CENTRAL AR AZ paten 78 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. " by Vis mer ' ... ! ¡ } 12.12 15 Vo کل ہو۔ } } : : i LOT 658 Samouelle's Entomologist's Compendium, coloured plates, calf extra, 1812; Nutt on Honey Bees, half calf extra, 1835; Fabricii Nomenclator Entomologicus, calf, 1795; Wakefield's Natural History of Insects, calf, 1816; Huber's Natural History of Bees, half russia, 1808; Stanley's History of Birds, plates, 2 vols. half morocco, 1835 7 vols. zīvi 659 Sarratt. Treatise on Chess, calf extra, 1822; Gianutionel and Selenus on Chess, 2 vols. in I, calf extra, 1817; Philli- dor on Chess, calf, 1790; Lewis on Chess, half calf, 1832. 4 vols. 660 Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, 3 vols. calf, Edin. 1803; Murray's European Languages, 2 vols. calf extra, 1823; Conservateur de la Vue, calf extra, Paris, 1820; Thomson's Works, 3 vols. calf, 1788; Gay's Beg- gars' Opera, with the Music, morocco, 1754 IO Vols. 661 Scott (Sir W.). Novels and Tales, ORIGINAL EDITIONS, 70 vols. calf gilt Edin. V. Y. 663 Selby's Forest Trees, woodcuts, 1842; The Flower Gar- den, coloured plates, half morocco, 1828; Redding on Wines, half calf, 1836; Youatt on the Dog, half calf; Beauties of the Country; and I other 6 vols 662 SCROPE and GROSVENOR ROLL. Proceedings in the Cause Mitchell between Richard, Lord Scrope, and Sir Robert Grosvenor, as to their Right to Arms, 1383-1389, edited by Sir Harris Nicolas, PRIVATELY PRINTED, 150 copies only taken, 2 vols. impl. size, morocco extra, joints, tooled sides, gilt edges 1832 664 Shaftesbury (Earl of). Characteristicks of Men, Man- ners, &c. 3 vols. calf 1711 665 Shakespeare's Dramatic Works, edited by Theobald, LARGE PAPER, 7 vols. fine old red morocco, broad borders of gold on sides 1733 From the library of Frederick, Prince of Wales, father to George the Third, with his initials and coronet impressed on the backs. Lodge, 667 Shakespeare's Dramatic Works, "Variorum edition, edited by Johnson, Steevens, and Reed, 21 vols. green morocco extra, gilt edges 1803 Beck >> 5666 Shakespeare's Dramatic Works and Poems, Notes by Ma- owall lone, portraits, views, and cuttings inserted, II vols. calf gilt 1790 Halford Toovey Jobbee Fourth Day's Sale. 79 LOT Howell 668 Shakespeare's Dramatic Works, PICKERING'S DIAMOND EDITION, plates, 9 vols. 48mo, calf, gilt edges 1825 C Ellis ANNA BE TRANG WANSON of we will Ethonan 670 Shee (M. A.), Alasco, a Tragedy, calf gilt, 1824; Shelley's Poetical Works, 1823; Mrs. Norton's Poems, half calf gilt, 1841; Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, plates, half morocco, 1853; Songs of Béranger, translated, half calf, 1837; Montgomery's World Before the Flood, calf cxtra, 1823 6 vols. Now & C. 671 Siddons' (Mrs.) Life, by Campbell, 2 vols. calf extra, 1834; Life and Correspondence of Admiral Lord Rodney, by Mundy, 2 vols. calf extra, 1830; Life and Adventures of Col. Maceroni, 2 vols. half calf extra, 1838; Spirit of the Age, or Contemporary Portraits, calf extra, 1825 7 vols. Beet 672 Simond (L.), Journal of a Tour and Residence in Switzer- land, 2 vols. calf gilt, 1822; View of Society in France, Switzerland, and Germany, 2 vols. old tree calf gilt, yellow cdges, 1792 4 vols. Vol 673 Sismondi on the Literature of Southern Europe, 4 vols. calf extra, 1823; Brydges' Recollections of Foreign Travel, 2 vols. calf extra, 1825; Gosse's Assyria, woodcuts, half morocco, extra, 1852 Boot Ashlee 674 Smith's Wealth of Nations, 3 vols. calf gilt, 1796; Code of Gentoo Laws, calf, 1777; Moseley on Tropical Diseases, calf gilt, 1803; Johnson's Economy of Health, half calf, 1838; Parke's Chemical Catechism, calf, 1822 7 vols. 675 Smith (Sydney), Memoir, by. Lady Holland, 2 vols. half calf extra, 1855; Nollekens and His Times, by T. J. Smith, 2 vols. calf extra, 1828; Life of W. Roscoe, 2 vols. calf extra, 1833; Memoir of Augustine Vincent, Windsor Herald (by Sir H. Nicolas), LARGE PAPER, half morocco, top edges gilt, Pickering, 1827 7 vols. Do w of the 669 Shaw's General Zoology, or Systematic Natural History, numerous fine plates, LARGE PAPER, 28 vols. russia ex. marbled /05 edges 1800-26 1 į : کی کو 1 1 18 ? 110 7 Halford 676 Smollett's Miscellaneous Works, 12 vols. calf gilt, 1824; //0 Smollett's History of England, 5 vols., calf, 1800 17 vols. 677 Smyth's Celestial Cycle, woodcuts, 2 vols. calf extra, 1844 44 16 12 112. ¦ : 80 Catalogue of the Perkins Library. مو kob 4 C 18. من خو 15+ LOT 678 Southey's Book of the Church, 2 vols. 1824; Blair's Ser- mons, 3 vols. 1819; Blair's Lectures, 3 vols. 1796; Her- vey's Meditations, 1791; Gray on the Old Testament, 1811; Swedenborg on Heaven and Hell, 1784. Together II vols. calf gilt 679 Southey's Poetical Works, 15 vols. calf gilt BRobinson V. Y. 680 SOWERBY'S ENGLISH BOTANY, or Coloured Beet- Figures of British Plants, with Descriptions by Sir J. E. Smith, with Index, 2592 COLOURED PLATES, 37 vols. SUPPLEMENT, with Descriptions by Sir W. J. Hooker, 4 vols. Together 41 vols. calf ex. marbled edges, 1790-1849 Rare when found complete with the Supplement. 681 Sowerby's MINERAL CONCHOLOGY OF GREAT BRITAIN, Howsell, coloured plates, 6 vols. half russia, marbled edges, RARE 1812-29 682 Sowerby's BRITISH MINERALOGY, coloured plates, 5 vols. Sethiran half russia, marbled edges 1804-17 683 Stanhope (Lady), Memoirs, plates, 3 vols. half morocco quaritch gilt, 1845; Memoirs of the Margravine of Anspach, 2 vols. calf extra 1826 684 Statistical Society of London (Journal of the) from the hall commencement in 1839 to 1850 13 vols. calf Да 1798 685 Sterne's Works, 10 vols. calf gilt 686 Stevenson's Translation of the Sanhita, half calf extra,maritch 1842; Wilson's Rig-Veda-Sanhita, half calf, 1850 2 vols. 687 Stewart's Sketches of the Highlanders, 2 vols. calf extra, Halford 1822; Byron's Last Journey to calf extra, 1825; Birkbeck's Journey in America, calf, 1818; Head's Journeys Across the Pampas, calf extra, 1826; Buckley's Council of Trent, half calf, 1851; Knapp's Journal of a Naturalist, plates, calf gilt, 1829; Waterton's South America, and Essays on Natural History, 3 vols. calf extra, 1838 IO vols. 688 Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, 40 plates, half calf gilt, Lord 1852; Crabbe's Tales of the Hall, 2 vols. calf gilt, 1819; Portfolio of Literary Curiosities, calf, 1821 4 vols. 689 Strauss, Vie de Jésus, 2 vols. calf extra, Paris, 1839; Bobinson Hone's Apocryphal New Testament and Ancient Mysteries, plates, 2 vols. calf extra, 1821-23; Josephus' Works, by Whiston, 4 vols. calf gilt, 1818 8 vols. Fourth Day's Sale. 81 LOT Pothenan 690 Strype's ECCLESIASTICAL MEMORIALS and ANNALS of the REFORMATION, 13 vols. LARGE PAPER, red morocco ex. Harleian style, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 23 Oxford, 1822 691 Strype's Life and Acts of John Whitgift, LARGE PAPER, morocco ex. uniform with the above Oxford, 1822 692 Surrey and Wyatt's Poetical Works, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, half morocco extra, uncut, top cdges gilt, 1831; Ritson's Fairy Tales, half calf, 1831 3 vols. 1801 Robinson 693 Swift's Works, edited by Nichols, 19 vols. calf Luaritch 694 Tablettes Sacréez. Proverbes ou Dictz notables de Salomon traduicts par Quatrains. Original Vellum Wrapper, oblong size, RARE Rouen, 1613 C гдо Do Parvis Zonlame 695 Talpin. Institution d'un Prince Chrestien. Examen et Resolution de la Vérité et de la vraye Eglise. Ruled. Fine old red morocco, sides elaborately gilt, edges marbled and gilt Paris, 1567 **This copy belonged to Anne of Austria, Consort of Louis XIII., and has the Initials of herself and the king, sur- mounted by a Crown, impressed on the Binding, which is in a perfect state of preservation. Robinson 696 Taylor (Jeremy). 696 Taylor (Jeremy). Works, 15 vols. calf gilt