e Commission. l_Cé º > §-ſ (1) ČO r-+ •r-{ Civ Detroit, positions in it. f of Betro ication o if government Official class the mun .7 ipal ecule. eſ ic So-\av º volt els Sch |×:::::::: ***- × ****";!' **** *æ (Ģzz} ±sººſ*(?:. . . •¿•*yå Bureau of ſoverninent J S 3 #4 A 4 | ‘i ) O | — Official Classification of Positions in the Municipal Government of Detroit Prepared by the C IV IL SERV I C E CO M M I SS I O N 1 9 2 O . * * * 4ſ * Schedule of Salary Rates As A greed Upon Tentatively in January Conferences Between º cłsevt The Civil Service Commission g AND Heads of City Departments Detroit, Michigan January, 1920 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS JAS. D. MAY HENRY J. GUTHARD HOMER. C. CARR ARTHUR. J. LACY ; /assification of positions in Municipal Government here- in contained was prepared by the undersigned Commission, in ac- cordance with the provisions of the City Charter. The active co-operation of the reveral departments of the City, and the valuable assistance of the Board of Governmental Research in this work is hereby gladly and publicly acknowledged. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Jas. D. May, President | | | | | | || -- T. BUREAU OF GOVERNMENT UNT&##&TY OF MICHIGAN. Gover dº STS J & 4-4 A4 '' ('C' ºld) 3*. u of purºA Ismer'ſ LIST OF SERVICES AND GROUPS WITHIN SERVICES Symbol Symbol Clerical Service , , , C * G - . | || Investigational Service. . . . . . . . . . V Stenographer Group. . . . . . . . . . . . CS g º º Messenger Group . . . . . . . . . . . . C M Civil Service Group. . . . . . . . . . . . V C 3:..."?”.8. Managerialservice............M Clerk Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C Department Manager Group. . . . . M M Bookkeeper Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . C B Department Secretary Group. . . . MS - Accountant and Auditor Group. . . CA Professional Service. . . . . . . . . . . . O Custodial Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . K Bacteriologist-Chemist Group....Q B Animal Keeper Group . . . . . . . . . . K A Chemist-Physicist Group. . . . . . . . O C Bridge Tender Group. . . . . . . . . . . K B City Planner Group... . . . . . . . . . . O P Caretaker Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FC C Engineer Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E - Recreational Group . . . . . . . . . . . . K R Forester Group; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O F Manager Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. M. Horticulturist Group. . . . . . . . . . . O H Guard Group..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. G. Ichthyologist Group. . . . . . . . . . . O I Watchman Group. . . . . . . . . . . . ... , K W B.º. of Municipal Markets sº." TOlip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O M Educational Service . . . . . . *** Pharmacist Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . O G Curator Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ .*.c Veterinary Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O V Museum Instructor Group . . . . . . E M Sub-Professional Service B Publicity Specialist Group . . . . . . E P iſ . . . . . . . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' uplicity Specialis Oup Engineering Aid Group. . . . . . . . . . B E Inspectional Service. . . . . . . . . . . . I pectio tº gº ºf tº Social Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Inspector of Buildings Group. . . . I B & º - Electrical Inspector Group . . . . . . I E Social Service Worker Group. . . . . SW Fire Alarm Inspector Group. . . . . I F Probation Officer Group. . . . . . . . . S P Miscellaneous Inspector Group . . I M Recreation Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S R Inspector of Public Work. Group. I P * ſº - Inspector of Water Works Group. I W Supervisory Service . . . . . . . . . . . . Y Health Inspector Group. . . . . . . . . I H Supervisory Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S º *\ S. ^ * \ 4 * * v \ \ ALL DEPARTMENTS A * * * * CLERICAL SERVICE Stenographer Group Salary, Range Grade I. Stenographer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,200 to $1,560 Grade II. Stenographer (Senior). . . . . . . . 1,680 to 2,160 Grade III. Reporting Stenographer. . . . . . 2,340 to 3,500 Messenger Group Grade I. Messenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720 to 1,020 Telephone Operator Group Grade I. Telephone Operator . . . . . . . . . 1,020 to 1,440 Cashier Group Grade I. Ticket Seller and Refectory * Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200 to 1,620 Grade II. Cashier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,680 to 2,160 Grade III. Senior Cashier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,340 to 4,000 Clerk Group Grade I. Clerk, Timekeeper, Y Multigraph Operator, Tabulating Machine $1,020 to $1,620 Operator, Typist, }$4.50 to $5.00 per day Clerk with knowledge of Bookkeeping, Assis- tant Storekeeper d Grade II. Senior Clerk, Cost Clork, Y wº Property Clerk, Stores Clerk, Meter Reader, Permit Clerk, $1,680 to $2,160 Information Clerk, Weigh- master, Asst. JBuy, r, Chief Timekeeper, Senior Typist Grade III. Special Clerk, Chicf Clerk, Buyer, Traffic Clerk, Audit- ing Clerk, Chief of Bond $2,340 to $4,000 Dept., Meter Reader Fore- man, Assistant Assessor A Secretary (To Commissioner) Group Police Department only Bookkeeper Group * * * * * * * * e º e º 'º Salary Range . . . $1,800 to $2,520 Bookkeeper A Accountant} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,040 to $4,000 Auditor Physicians Group Grade I. Internes. . . . . . . . . . . . . Up to $50.00 per month Grade II. Medical School Inspectors, $2,500 to $3,600 Assistant Physicians, full time, pro rata Junior Police Surgeons, for part time, de- ducting $1,000 for maintenance when * provided. Grade III. Diagnostician $1,380 per annum, part time, based on call as unit. Grade IV. Surgeon Fire Department, $3,400 to $4,600, Chief Surgeon Police full time with de- Department, duction of $1,000 Senior Physician, for maintenance when provided. Pro rata for part time. Grade V. Chief Tuberculosis $3,600 to $5,000, Division, full time. Deduct District Medical $1,000 for main- Supervisor, tenance. Pro rata rate for part time. Grade IV. Superintendent Receiving $5,000 up, full Hospital, Director Medical Inspection Director Tuberculosis Sanitorium, Health Inspection Group Grade I. Grade II. Food Inspector. . . . . . . . . . Meat Inspector Housing Inspector Milk Inspector' Chief Food Inspector | Chief Milk Inspector Chief Meat Inspector time, deduct31,000 for maintenance. Pro rata for part time. . . . $1,560 to $2,160 . . . $1,560 to $2,340 . . . $2,340 to $2,760 B Salary:Range Supervising Housing Inspector.32,520 to $3,000 Grade III. Director of Bureau of Food Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 to $4,200 EDUCATIONAL Recreation Group g Salary Range Grade I. Play Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500–$1,860 Grade. II. Play Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,980— 2,520 Grade III. Play Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,640— 3,000 Grade IV. Assistant Superintendent. . . . . . 3,300— 4,000 Grade V. Superintendent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500—up Garden Instructors— Garden Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500–$1,740 Garden Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . 2,160— 2,760 Accompanist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 per day Investigator Billiard Halls. . . . . $1,800—$2,340 Curator (Arts) Group Assistant Curator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,440–$1,800 Senior Curator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,880— 2,520 Departmental Curator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,760— 4,000 Director of Institute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000 up Custodial Service Group Guard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,320–$1,560 Custodians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,620– 2,520 Art Museum Instructor Group Grade I. Junior Museum Instructor. . . . . $1,440–$1,800 Grade II. Museum Instructor. . . . . . . . . . . 1,980— 2,520 Grade III. Educational Director . . . . . . . . . 2,760— 3,900 City Planner Group Grade I. Assistant City Planner Draftsman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,320 to $1,680 Grade II. City Planner Draftsman. . . . . 1,800 to 2,340 Grade III. Asst. City Planner Designer . . 2,520 to 3,000 Grade IV. City Planner Designer. . . . . . . 3,300 to 3,900 Grade W. Chief City Planner. . . . . . . . . . 4,200 to 6,000 Forester Group Grade I. Inspector of Forestry. . . . . . . . $1,560 to $2,340 Grade II. Assistant Forester. . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 to 3,000 Grade III. Forester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,300 to 4,200 Jºš Director of Aquarium Group Salary Range Ichthyologist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,520 to $3,300 Horticulturist Group Grade I. Assistant Horticulturist. . . . . . $1,560 to $2,340 CAſade II. Horticulturist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,520 to 3,000 Sub-Professional Service Group Grade I. Rodman Stake Setter Tracer * = g º ºs e º ſº e º 'º º gº º Draftsman Grade II. Senior º s1,440 to sl,800 Plan Examiner Instrument man * * * * * * * * g e $1,980 to $2,520 Grade III, Chief Draftsman Chief of Party . . . $2,760 to $3,000 Computer and Estimator Professional Service Group Grade I. Engineering Assistant. . . . . . . . $1,440 to $1,800 Grade II. Junior Assistant Engineer . . . . 1,620 to 2,160 Grade III. Assistant Engineer . . . . . . . . . . 2,340 to 2,760 Grade IV. Senior Assistant Engineer . . . . 3,000 to 3,900 Grade V. Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,200 to 6,000 Grade IV. Chief Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,500 up Cº. INSPECTIONAL SERVICE Inspector Salary Range Requiring no specialized train- } ing, craftsmanship or profes- $5.00 to $7.00 per diem sional training. . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,560 to $2,160 per year Requiring knowledge of craft, $6.00 to $8.00 per diem specialized training or . . . . $1,800 to $2,520 annual rate Skilled Trades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Highest Prevailing Rates Labor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Highest Prevailing Rates / Foreman of Unskilled Labor . . . . $5.00 to $8.00 per diem, regu- f lated by size of crews under supervision $1,560 to $2,520 per annum * suPERVISORY SERVICE Jºe Salary Range Assistant Superintendent. . . . . . . Limits $2,520 to $5,000 Three general groups sug- gested graduated in respon- sibilities. $2,520 to $3,000 3,300 to 3,900 4,200 to 5,000 * PROFESSIONAL SERVICE . Bacteriologist-Chemist Salary Range Grade I. Laboratory Assistant . . . . . . . . $1,080 to $1,440 Grade II. Assistant Bacteriologist Milk Analyst. }. . . $1,560 to $2,160 Grade III. Bacteriologistl . * $2,340 to $3,000 Serologist ſ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 9 y Grade IV. Director of Laboratories. . . . . $3,600 to $6,000 Chemist-Physicist Grade I. Laboratory Assistant. . . . . . . . $1,080 to $1,440 Grade II. Assistant Chemist. . . . . . . . . . . 1,560 to 2,160 Grade III. Chemist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,340 to 3,000 Institutional Labor Highest prevailing with deductions for maintenance. Nurses Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,450 to $1,620 Head Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,680 to 1,740 Assistant Chief Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,920 to 1,980 Chief Nurse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,160 to 2,580 SOCIAL WORKER GROUP Student Social Workers . Salary Range Grade I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00 per month Social Workers Grade II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,440 to $1,800 Hospital Investigator Visiting Housekeepers Registrar Charities Régistration Bureau Assistant Social Worker $1,560 to $2,160 District Supervisor * Superintendent of Transportation Superintendent of Employment Superintendent of Application Bureau District Supervisor Grade III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; : . . . . . . . . . . $2,340 to $2,760 Director of Social Service Grade IV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 to $4,200 Pharmacist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,980 to $2,520 INDEX. OF POSITIONS Symbols Accountant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C A I Analyst, Milk. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * C B II Animal Keeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. A. I Aquarist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FC A II Aquarium Attendant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KA I Assistant Assessor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C III Auditor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C A. I Bacteriologist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. B III Bacteriologist, Assistant. . . . . . . a sº º e s = a, e s - a tº a tº º a w w w w is a º e º º º C B II Boiler Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I M I Bookkeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C B I Bridge Tender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K B I . Buyer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C III Buyer, Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C II Caretaker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EC C I Caretaker, Head. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K C II Caretaker of Costumes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. R. I Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C K II Cashier, Refectory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • e s e º 'º - * C K I Cashier, Senior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C K III Chemist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C III Chemist, Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O C II Chief of Party. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B E III City Plan Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O PIV City Plan Designer, Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O P III City Planner, Chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O P V Civil Service Investigator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V C I Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C I Clerk, Assistant Stores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C I Clerk, Auditing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C III Clerk, Chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C III Clerk, Cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C II Clerk, Senior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C II Clerk, Special. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C III Clerk, Stores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C II Clerk, Traffic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C III Clerk, with knowledge of bookkeeping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C I Computer and Estimator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B E III Curator, Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E C I Curator, Departmental. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E C III Curator, Junior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E C II Custodian (Art Museum). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FC C III Custodian (Municipal Court and City Service Building) . . . . . . R C IV Deputy City Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M M I Deputy City Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. M. I Deputy Commissioner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M M I Deputy Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M M I Director of Aquarium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KA III Director of Aquarium (Ichthyologist) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O II Director of Art Institute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E C IV Director of Bath House. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EC R II Director of the Bureau of Food Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I H III Director, Educational. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E M III Page 24 72 25 26 25 21 24 73 72 51 24 27 21 19 INDEX OF POSITIONS–CONTINUED ; : Symbol Page Director of Gardens. . . . . . . ... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > . . . . . . . * * * * * S R I Director of Laboratories. ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O B IV Director of Municipal Bureau of Markets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O M I Director of Markets, Assistant (Publicity Asst.). . . . . . . . . . . . . E P I Director, Play. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S R II Director of Social Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S W IV District Superintendent (Paving Bureau). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S III District Superintendent (Sidewalk Bureau) . . . . . . . . . . . . • e s it is a Y S III District Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S W III Draftsman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B E I Draftsman, Chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B E III Draftsman, City Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... O P III Draftsman, Assistant, City Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O P I Draftsman, Senior. . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B E II Electrical Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I E I Electrical Inspector, Chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I E II Electrical Inspector, Overhead Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I E L Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E V Engineer, Chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E VI Engineer, Consulting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E VI Engineer, Supervising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E VI Engineer, Chemical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E V Engineer, Electrical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E V Engineer, Civil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E V Engineer, Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E V Engineer, Sanitary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E V Engineer, Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E III Engineer, Assistant Chemical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E III Engineer, Assistant Civil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E III Engineer, Assistant Electrical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E III Engineer, Assistant Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E III Engineer, Assistant Sanitary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E-III Engineer, Senior Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E IV Engineer, Senior Assistant Chemical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E IV Engineer, Senior Assistant Civil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E IV Engineer, Senior Assistant Electrical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E IV Engineer, Senior Assistant Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E IV Engineer, Senior Assistant Sanitary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E IV Engineer, Junior Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E II Engineer, Junior Assistant Civil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E II Engineer, Junior Assistant Electrical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E II Engineer, Junior Assistant Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E II Engineer, Junior Assistant Sanitary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E II Engineering Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O E I Foreman, Asphalt Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S.I Foreman, Belle Isle Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Y S I Foreman, City Parks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S I Foreman, Construction (Water) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S I Foreman, Dump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V S I Foreman, Emergency (Water). . . . . . . . . “s e. g. s w = e º e º is a e s a s e s & s Y S I Foreman, Flushing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S I Foreman, Forestry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S I Foreman, Garage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Y S I Foreman, Garbage Collection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , s , , , Y S I 111 6 a 7. INDEX OF POSITIONS-CONTINUED Foreman, General (Sewers) . . . . . . ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S I Foreman, Hydrants (Water) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S I Foreman, Meter Reader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C III Foreman, Palmer Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * *, * * * * * Y S I Foreman, Parks and Boulebards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Y r Y * Foreman, Sewers (Lateral). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y Foreman, Sewers (Public) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y Foreman, Street Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y Foreman, Yard (Water). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y Foreman, Assistant (Water) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y Foreman, Yard (D. P. W.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y Forester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O * Forester, Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O Forester, Landscape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O I I I G 11 a. r d. K G Health Inspector, Food. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Health Inspector, Chief Food. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Health Inspector, Housing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Health Inspector, Live Stock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } I I I # # Health Inspector, Milk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . Health Inspector, Chief Milk. . . . . . . . . . . : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Health Inspector, Plumbing (Sanitary). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Health Inspector (Veterinary). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horticulturist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horticulturist, Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . ... • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hospital Investigator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Housekeeper, Visiting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Health Inspector, Supervising Housing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I : I I Inflammable Liquid Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Underground Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Conduits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector Department of Parks and Boulevards. . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Fire Alarm Boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Fire Alarm Instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Forest and Street Trees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Buildings. . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Inspector of Buildings, Assistant Chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Buildings, Chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Buildings, Elevator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Buildings, Interior Wiring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Heating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Buildings, Plumbing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Inspector of Buildings, Chief Plumbing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Inspector of Buildings, Superintendent of Plumbing and Heat- } I ; I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Inspector of Public Works, Cement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Public Works, Assistant Cement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector of Public Works, Gas Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Page 112 112 21 111 111 11 1 112 112 111 112 112 112 90 91 90 35 INDEx of Positions—continued - Symbol Inspector of Public Works, Paving. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... • * * * * * * * * * * I P I Inspector of Public Works, District Paving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I P II Inspector of Public Works, Permit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... * * * * * I P I Inspector of Public Works, Chief Permit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I PII Inspector of Public Works, Sand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I P I Inspector of Public Works, Sewer......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I PI Inspector of Public Works, Assistant Chief Sewer... . . . . . . . . . I P II Inspector of Public Works, Sidewalk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I P I Instrumentman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |B E II Janitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K C II Laboratory Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O B I Laboratory Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O C I Leak Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I W I Manager of Belle Isle Casino. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K M II Manager of Boat Livery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K M II Manager of Skating Pavilion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M M II Manager of Skating Pavilion, Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K M I Market Master. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K M II Market Master, Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |K M I Messenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C M I Meter Reader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C II Museum Instructor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * E M II Museum Instructor, Junior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E M I Multigraph Operator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C I Paymaster. . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C K III Pharmacist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O G. I Plan Examiner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B E II Play Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S R I Probation Officer, Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S P I Probation Officer, Chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... S P II Refrigeration Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I M I Registrar Charity Registration Bureau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S W II Rodeman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B E I Sealer of Weights and Measures, Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I M I Secretary and Business Manager (Board of Education). . . . . . . M S I Secretary and Chief Examiner (Civil Service). . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... M S I Secretary and General Superintendent (Parks). . . . . . . . . . . . . . M S I Secretary and Office Superintendent (Water). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M S I . Secretary and Purchasing Agent (Welfare). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M S I Secretary (Fire). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M S I Secretary (Health). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M S I Secretary (Purchases). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M S I Secretary º of Assessors). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M S I Secretary (City Plan). . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M S I Secretary (Street Railway Commission). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M S I Second and Third Deputy Commissioner of Police. . . . . . . . . . . M S I Secretary (Department Public Works). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M M I Serologist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O B III Shop Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IW I Sign Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I MI Smoke Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘.I. M. I. INDEX OF POSITIONS.–CONTINUED Symbol Stakesetter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B E I Student Social Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S W I Social Worker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S W II Social Worker, Medical... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S W II Stenographer..... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * C S I Stenographer, Reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C S III Stenographer, Secretarial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C S III Stenographer, Senior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C S II Superintendent, Asphalt Plant, Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S III Superintendent, halt Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * Y S IV Superintendent of Conduit Construction Public Lighting. . . . . Y S III Superintendent of Construction (Parks) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S III Superintendent of Construction (Sidewalk Bureau) . . . . . . . . . . Y S III Superintendent of Construction (Tuberculosis Hospital). . . . . . Y S III Superintendent of Construction (Water). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S III Superintendent of Construction, (Water) Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . Y S II Superintendent of Flushing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S II Superintendent Forestry and Landscape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O F III Superintendent of Garbage Bureau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S III Superintendent of Garbage Collection, Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S II Superintendent of Maintenance (Water). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S III Superintendent of Paving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S IV Superintendent of Permit Bureau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Y S III Superintendent of Public Buildings, Bridges and Railroad Crossings. . . . . . Q & e s is & w w w w w is s is e º s is a w is a s sº s ºr is is a r s is s e e s a Y S IV Superintendent of Public Service (Parks) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S III Superintendent of Recreation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Superintendent of Sewer Construction and Maintenance . . . . . Y S IV Superintendant, Sewer Bureau, Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S III Superintendent of Sidewalk Bureau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S III Superintendent, Storage Yard (Water) Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S II Superintendent of Street Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S IV Superintendent of Water (Fire). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S III Superintendent of Water (Fire, Assistant). . . . . • * * * * * * * * g o º º Y S II Superintendent of Yard (Paving Bureau)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S III Superintendent of Yards and Storekeeper (Water) Assistant... Y S III Supervisor of Application Bureau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S W II Supervisor of Gardens... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S R II Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tabulating Machine Operator... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C I †: Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I W I Telephone Operator.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C T I Ticket Seller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C E I Timekeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C I Timekeeper, Chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * C C II lfa Céſ . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B E I Traffic Man (Water). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y S I Typewriting Operator, Special. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C II ist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C I Typist, Senior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C II Veterinarian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... O V I Veterinarian, Chief, in charge of Meat Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . .I H II Watchman.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K W I Weighmaster... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C C II STENOGRAPHER GROUP (CS) The term “Stenographer Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Clerical Service whose incum- bents are required to perform duties dependent upon their ability to take dictation in shorthand or some other abbrevi- ated form of writing and to transcribe the notes on the type- writer. - GRADE I (C S I) * Title of Position: Stenographer - … -- ~ * Duties: * The duties of the incumbents of these positions are to take dictation and transcribe the notes on a typewriter, and may include the performance of the simpler forms of office work. ** Examples of Work: 1. Taking dictation in shorthand or on a Stenotype and transcribing the notes on a typewriter. 2. Typing reports, form letters, bills, purchase requisi- tions. - 3. Cutting stencils for duplicating machines. 4. Indexing and filing correspondence and documents. 5. Answering the telephone. - Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. A knowledge of shorthand or stenotyping and ability to operate a typewriter. - - 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. * Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1200 to $1500 with standard salary rate of $1200, $1320, $1440 and $1560. * GRADE II (C S II) Title of Position: Senior Stenographer Duties: The duties of the incumbents of these positions are to take 10 unusually difficult dictation and transcribe same; or, to take dictation and have supervision over other stenographers of lower grade, or to take dictation and do the more responsible kinds of office work, or all. Examples of Work: /* 1. Taking unusually difficult dictation in shorthand or on a Stenotype and transcribing the notes on a typewriter, such as verbatim statements, testimony before Common Council or committees thereof, or other special investigating committees. 2. Supervising other stenographers. 3. Performing secretarial work. ^4. Bookkeeping, compiling reports. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have : 1. At least one year of stenographic and office experience. 2. Such other qualifications as are required by the Civil Service Commission. . . * Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1680 to $2160 with standard salary rates of $1680, $1800, $1980 and $2160. GRADE III (C S III) Titles of Positions: Reporting Stenographer Secretarial Stenographer Duties: Reporting Stenographer—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to take testimony before Common Council, Special Investigating Committees or in Court, by shorthand or other abbreviated method, and to transcribe notes on type- writing machine. Secretarial Stenographer—The duties of incumbents of these positions consist of performing for a public officer work of a secretarial nature, handling correspondence, meeting the public, and in general relieving the officer of routine and minor executive matters. Examples of Work: 1. Receiving, referring and answering correspondence and inquiries from the public. 2. Meeting the public for the officer. 11 3. Supervising the routine matters of the office. 4. Arranging conferences, appointments, etc. 5. Performing such minor executive work as he can. Qualifications: * > r Persons holding these positions must have: Reporting Stenographer—1. Unusual speed and accuracy in taking shorthand or stenotype notes and in transcription of same. s 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is as follows: * wº Reporting Stenographer—$2340 to $3600 with standard salary rates of $2340, $2520, $2760, $3000, $3300 and $3600. Secretarial Stenographer—$1800 to $2520 with standard salary rates of $1800, $1980, $2160, $2340 and $2520. MEssBNGER GROUP (C M) The term “Messenger Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Clerical Service whose incum- bents are required principally to run errands and carry mes- Sages. GRADE I (C M I) Title of Position: Messenger Duties: The duties of the incumbents of these positions are to run errands, carry messages and do the simplest forms of office work. . A Examples of Work: 1. Carrying messages and documents. 2. Running errands. 3. Opening mail. 4. Addressing and stamping envelopes. 5. Filing correspondence and documents. 6. Operating duplicating and addressing machines. 7. Answering the telephone. - 12 r Qualifications: Persons holding these posit ons must have: 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $720 to $1020 with standard salary rates of $720, $840, $880, $920, $980 and $1020. TELEPHONE OPERATOR GROUP (c T) The term “Telephone Operator Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Clerical Service whose incumbents are required prin ipally to operate a telephone switchboard. . . - - GRADE I (C T I) Title of Position: Telephons Operator Duties: The duties of the incumber ts of these positions are chiefly to operate a telephone switchboard and to perform incidental routine work. Examples of Work: 1. Operating a telephone switchboard. 2. Keeping a record of calls. 3. Acting as information clerk. Qualifications: 1. Thorough familiarity with a telephone switchboard. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1020 to $1440 with starıdard salary rates of $1020, $1080, $1140, $1200, $1320 and $1440. - * - - 13 CASHIER GROUP (c K) . The term “Cashier Group” is used to identify those author- ized employments of the Clerical Service whose incumbents receive money for the City on any account, and are responsible for same until.transmitted to a responsible city officer, * GRADE I (C K I) Title of Position: Ticket Seller and Refectory Cashier Duties: - * - The duties of incumbents of these positions are to receive money on behalf of the City and to assume responsibility for Sa.111C. Examples of Work: - 1. Receiving money on behalf of the City. 2. Issuing a ticket or other receipt voucher for each pay- 1ment. 3. Operating a cash register or change vending machine. . Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have : 1. Such qualifications as are required by the Civil Service Commission. } Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1200 to $1620 with standard salary rates of $1200, $1320, $1440, $1560 and $1620. * Temporary compensation for work in this grade is from 50c to 75c per hour. - GRADE II (C K II) Title of Position: Cashier Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to receive money for the City and be responsible for same, and they may perform other incidental duties. Examples of Work: 1. Receiving money for the City. 2. Issuing a receipt voucher for each payment, as water bills, building permits, licenses, etc. 3. Keeping a cash receipts record. | 14 Y- Qualifications: 1. At least one year's experience as a cashier. ^ 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1680 to $2160 with standard salary rates of $1680, $1980 and $2160. - - GRADE III (C K III) Title of Positions: Senior Cashier Paymaster Duties: - - Senior Cashier—The duties of incumbents of these posi- tions are to receive large sums of money for the City and to assume responsibility for same, and to perform other inci- dental duties. - Examples of Work: 1. Receiving large sums of money for the City. 2. Having charge of other cashiers. 3. Issuing receipt voucher for each payment, as tax bill, etc. ' * 4. Keeping a cash receipts record. Paymaster—The duties of the incumbents of these posi- tions are to prepare pay envelopes, fill the same with the exact amount of money due the employe as prescribed by pay roll and to pay off city employes at Treasurer's Office or in the pay wagon either in money or by check as required by the City Treasurer. - Qualifications: Senior Cashier—Persons holding these positions must have : - + 1. At least two years’ experience as a cashier. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Paymaster—Persons holding these positions must have: 1. At least two years’ experience as a paymaster or cashier. 15 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - - Compensation: * - The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2340 to $4000 with standard salary rates of $2340, $2760, $3000, $3300, $3600 and $4000. Temporary compensation for work in this grade is from 75c to $1.00 per hour. - - CLERK GROUP (C C) The term “Clerk Group” is used to identify those author- ized employments of the Clerical Service whose incumbents are not included specifically in any other group of the Clerical Service and whose duties are the performance or supervision of routine office work or other related work not included in other group definitions. - GRADE I (C C I) Titles of Positions: Clerk Timekeeper Multigraph Operator Tabulating Machine Operator Typist Clerk With Knowledge of Bookkeeping Assistant Stores Clerk . . f } Duties: - - Clerk—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to perform the simpler forms of routine office work under super- vision and requiring some skill and experience. . Examples of Work: - 1, Indexing and filing cards, correspondence and docu- nnentS. * 2. Making out record cards. - 3. Answering telephone and giving information. 4. Meeting the public. 5. Handling the mail. Timekeeper—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to record the amount of time spent by others on City work and the performance of other work related thereto as directed by superiors. 16 Examples of Work: 1. Keeping time records of city employes on outside work. 2. Preparing payrolls. 3. Distributing pay checks. 4. Reporting progress of work done by gangs. 5. Keeping records of use of materials and movement of equipment. Multigraph Operator—The duties of incumbents of these positions consist of operating a multigraphing machine and doing other related work as directed. Tabulating Machine Operator—The duties of incumbents of these positions consist of punching and tabulating Holle- rith machine cards and doing other related work. Typist—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to operate a typewriting machine and perform the simpler forms of office work. Clerk with Knowledge of Bookkeeping—The duties of in- cumbents of these positions are to perform the duties of Clerk, Grade I, and in addition thereto to perform the simpler opera- tions in double-entry bookkeeping and to do other related work in bookkeeping and to assist in preparing financial records or in preparing financial statements. Examples of Work: 1. Posting to ledgers. 2. Preparing statements of accounts. Assistant Stores Clerk—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assist a stores clerk in the operation of a store-room or yard and in accounting for all supplies, mate- rials and equipment received or disbursed. Qualifications: Clerk Timekeeper Typist Clerk with knowledge of bookkeeping Assistant stores clerk Persons holding these positions must have: 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Multigraph Operator i. 17 Tabulating Machine Operator Persons holding these positions must have: 1. Ability to operate the special machine. 2. Such qualifications as are required by the Civil Service Commission. - Compensation: . The range of annual compensation for full time service in - this grade is from $1020 to $1620 with standard rates of $1020, $1080, $1140, $1200, $1320, $1440, $1500, $1560 and $1620. GRADE II (C C II) Titles of Positions: Senior Clerk Cost Clerk Stores Clerk Meter Reader Weighmaster Assistant Buyer Chief Timekeeper Senior Typist Special Typewriter Operator Duties: Senior Clerk—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to perform routine office work requiring familiarity with departmental practice and a training in office procedure relat- ing thereto and may include the supervision of employes in Grade I. Examples of Work: 1. Conducting correspondence. 2. Checking invoices, contracts, etc. 3. Preparing reports, requiring knowledge of the office. 4. Supervising clerks. - 5. Keeping records of property, for which the department head is responsible. * 6. Issuing permits, licenses. 7. Giving information to the public, requiring unusual knowledge of the operation of the department and tact in handling the public. 2 Cost Clerk—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to keep records and data on the time and material used in the construction of new work; the repair of old work and the 18 fabrication of new articles and the progress thereof in order that costs per unit of such work may be made and preserved for the information and guidance of the department doing Same. . . . - Stores Clerk—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assume responsible charge of a store-room or yard and to keep adequate records for all supplies, materials and equip- ment received and disbursed. Meter Reader—The duties of incumbents of these posi- tions are to read meters for the Board of Water Commission- ers or other public utilities; to deliver bills and to perform other related work as directed. Examples of Work: Reading water and other public utility meters. Entering readings on assessment records. Delivering current and delinquent bills. Making minor inspection of meters. Investigating cases of irregular consumption. : Weighmaster—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to operate scales for the use of the public and to perform incidental work as assigned. Assistant Buyer—The duties of incumbents of these posi- tions are to purchase, upon requisition and according to speci- fications, supplies, materials and equipment, at the lowest market price and to perform other related work as assigned. Chief Timekeeper—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to check the work of timekeepers and payroll clerks; to compute and record labor distribution and to per- form other incidental work. Examples of Work: Supervising the work of timekeepers. Checking the work of timekeepers. Checking payrolls. - Computing and recording labor distribution. Report progress on all jobs. : Senior Typist—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to operate a typewriting machine and to assume charge of a number of other typists or to perform the more responsi- ble kinds of office work, or both. 19 Examples of Work: 1. Directing work of typists. 2. Typing the most technical and important departmental reports. 3. Answering correspondence. Special Typewriter Operator—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to operate a billing or bookkeeping type- writing machine and to perform incidental or related office work. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I and at least one year’s experience in Grade I. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1680 to $2160 with standard salary rates of $1680, $1740, $1800, $1860, $1920, $1980, $2040, $2100 and $2160. * - - GRADE III (C C III) Title of Positions: Special Clerk ' ' ' ' " " Chief Clerk Buyer | Traffic Clerk - Auditing Clerk - Meter Reader Foreman Assistant Assessor JDuties: Special Clerk—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to perform highly specialized work in a department in- volving unusual responsibility and necessitating great per- sonal initiative in devising and installing the procedure to be followed and personally doing the work or directing others in the performance of such work. Chief Clerk—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assume responsibility for the proper performance of the routine and administrative work of an office and to have the direction of a large number of subordinates. 20. * Buyer—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to purchase in the open market, upon requisition and according to specifications, the supplies, materials and equipment with which the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies may be concerned; to supervise the work of subordinates and to per- form other related duties as assigned by the Commissioner of Purchases. Meter Reader Foreman—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to supervise the work of meter readers under assigned jurisdiction; to verify the meter readings taken; to investigate complaints and to perform other related duties as assigned by the Head of the Department. Traffic Clerk—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to receive reports from railroads or other common carriers on arrival of supplies, goods, wares or merchandise and to instruct the carrier as to placing of cars, boats, trucks, or such instrument of transportation as may be employed; to see that the City’s requirements for coal and other commodities are complied with as far as common carriers are concerned; to make claims against common carriers for shortages and to attend to other detailed incidentals, and the receiving, receipt- ing for all supplies shipped to the several city institutions; (to supervise and report sale of all waste material and equip- ment of City Departments). GRADE III (C C III) Duties: Auditing Clerk—The duties of incumbents of this position are to assume complete charge of the payment of all bills and the auditing of all accounts in the office of the Départment of Purchases and Supplies; to handle all correspondence refer- ring to accounts and to perform related work as may be as- signed by the Commissioner of Purchases, his assistant or the Chief Clerk of the Department. Assistant Assessor—The duties of incumbents of these positions which require a very high degree of judgment and integrity, are to make surveys of real estate and buildings in order to determine their value and appraise same for assess- . ment valuations, subject to the approval of the Board of Assessors; to compute values of fractional parts of lots by the recognized methods employed for such computation; to make observations and reduce same to fact reports; to make com- parisons of values of property in various parts of the City and 21. to defend same; and to do other work in the determination of values of real and personal property as may be assigned by the Assessor. 2- - Qualifications: A Special Clerk—Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade II. 2. At least two years’ experience in Grade II. 3. A thorough knowledge of the specialized work of the position. - tº - 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Chief Clerk—Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade II. 2. At least three years' experience in Grade II. 3. At least one year of which must have been in the office in question. 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. * , - Buyer—Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Assistant Buyer, Grade II. - ... • 2. If by promotion, then subject to such test as the Civil Service Commission may require, or if by original examina- tion. - t 3. —At least three years' experience as buyer in a manufac- turing or mercantile establishment, at least one of which must have been in the City of Detroit, performing work of Grade II character and standard. 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by - the Civil Service Commission. - - Meter Reader Foreman—Person holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade II, meter reader. 2. At least two years of experience as meter reader. 22 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Traffic Clerk–Persons holding this position must have: 1. At least two years of experience in traffic work either with a railroad or with some concern or institution re- quiring a knowledge of railroad tracks and storage places in and about Detroit, as well as an acquaintanceship with the coal traffic, knowledge of bookkeeping and experience in sell- 1ng. - * Auditing Clerk—Persons holding this position must have: 1. At least two years of experience as an auditor or in a position as clerk requiring knowledge of auditing. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Assistant Assessor—Persons holding this position must have : 1. At least a high School education, and, 2. At least three years in handling real estate or in es- timating building construction costs independently or three years as an assistant in such work. 3. A high grade of clerical ability. 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for work in this grade for full time service is as follows: Special Clerk—$2340 to $4000 with standard salary rates of $2340, $2520, $2760, $3000, $3300, $3600 and $4000. Chief Clerk Buyer Traffic Clerk Auditing Clerk Assistant Assessor—$2340 to $4000 with standard salary rates of $2340, $2520, $2760, $3000, $3300, $3600 and $4000. Meter Reader Foreman—$1980 to $2520 with standard sal- ary rates of $1980, $2160, $2340 and $2520. 23 BOOKKEEPER GROUP GRADE I (C B I) Title of Position: Bookkeeper Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions, which may include the direction of the work of clerks with experience in bookkeeping, are to keep controlling accounts of subsidiary records; to keep general ledgers, prepare balance sheets, and special reports; to make general entries and posting of con- trolling accounts; to take trial balances from general ledgers; to determine accounts to which orders and vouchers are to be charged (subject to the direction of heads of office or depart- ment where employed); to prepare special financial statements and reports for departmental heads. Qualifications: | | Persons holding this position must have: 1. A diploma or certificate granted upon completion of a commercial course at a business college or institution of rec- ognized standing or its equivalent, or, 2. At least three years of experience as a bookkeeper, or, 3. Three years of experience in work requiring the mini- mum qualifications of a clerk with knowledge of bookkeeping, Grade I. 4. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - g Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1680 to $2400 with standard salary rates of $1680, $1800, $1920, $2040, $2160, $2280 and $2400. - AccountanT AND AUDITOR GROUP GRADE I (C A I) * Titles of Positions: Accountant Auditor Duties: The duties of incumbents of positions in this grade con- sist of supervising the operation of the financial procedure of 24 offices; designing, revising, and installing accounting systems for offices; auditing, analyzing, and interpreting financial documents and records; compile reports of findings and rec- ommendations; and studying the organization and procedure of offices and reporting to the Controller upon results of opera- tion. - Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have : 1. The minimum qualifications for Bookkeeper Group. 2. At least three years’ experience in Bookkeeper Group, if appointed by promotion and if appointed by original exami- nation at least three years of experience in a responsible posi- tion as bookkeeper doing work of the character and standard prescribed for the Bookkeeper Group. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2040 to $4000. CUSTODIAL SERVICE (K) The term “Custodial Service” is used to identify those authorized employments whose incumbents are placed in cus- tody of city property, who are charged with its maintenance and care, who are required to keep order and give informa- tion to visitors, and who are required to perform incidental and related work. ANIMAL KEEPER GROUP (KA) GRADE I (K A I) Titles of Positions: Animal Keeper - Aquarium Attendant Duties: Animal Keeper—The duties of incumbents of these posi- tions are to prepare food and feed, care for, guard and exhibit animals, birds and reptiles in the Zoo; to clean their living quarters and equipment. Aquarium Attendent—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to feed and care for fish; to clean tanks, pools and equipment, maintain and repair and to assist in collecting live fish for the aquarium. is tº e º ' * * * * 25 Qualifications: * - Animal Keeper—Persons holding these positions must have: - - - 1. Experience as animal keeper. - 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. * > * Aquarium Attendant—Persons holding these positions must have: - 1. Experience in fish culture. t 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: Animal Keeper—$1565. Aquarium Attendant—$1565. The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1080 to $1568 with standard salary rates of $1080, $1140, $1200, $1320, $1440 and $1560. ANIMAL KEEPER GROUP GRADE II (K. A II) - Title of Position: Aquarist Duties: - - The duties of incumbent of these positions are to super- vise the activities of subordinate employees in this group and laborers in the care and feeding of fish; to be responsible for the breeding and exhibition of all stock in the aquarium ; to supervise the cleaning of tanks, the filtration and circulation of water; to collect specimens and to do other related work under direction of the Director. - Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. Two years of experience in Grade I if appointed by promotion, or two years of work of Grade I character and standard. * 3. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. . . . - 26 Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1440 to $1800 with standard salary rates . of $1440, $1560, $1680, $1722 and $1800. . ANIMAL KEEPER GROUP GRADE III (KA III) Title of Position: Director of Aquarium Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions, which involve the supervision of employees in Grade I and II, are to exer- cise the highest degree of skill in the selection, care, breed- ing and exhibition of animals, birds, reptiles and fishes of the various classes; to assume complete responsibility for all of the functions mentoned and to arrange for their exchange, sale and purchase in accordance with the regulations of the Park Department. *~ Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. Experience and technical training in ichthyology and a working knowledge of zoology. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: - The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2520 to $3300 with standard salary rates of $2520, $2760, $3000 and $3300. BRIDGE TENDER GROUP (K B) The term “Bridge Tender Group” is applied to those em- ployments of the custodial service whose incumbents are re- quired to guard, maintain, clean and assist in the operation of bridges owned by the City. GRADE I (K B I) Title of Position: Bridge Tender Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to look out for boats, assist in the operation of the bridge and assist in the operation of the draw span. 27 Qualifications: Persons holding these positions rinust have: 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Compensation: $37.50 week. The range of annual compensation for full time service in this Grade is from $1140 to $1440 with standard salary rates of $1140, $1200, $1320 and $1440. • CARETAKER GROUP (K C) The term “Caretaker Group” is applied to those emplby- ments of the Custodial Service whose incumbents are re- quired to assume responsibility for the maintenance, heating, protection, cleaning and general care of buildings, and other structures owned or controlled by the City; to assist in keep- ing order among and giving information to persons visiting or passing through public places or buildings. GRADE I (K C I) Title of Position: Caretaker Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to main- tain, clean and assist in the heating of buildings owned or controlled by the City; to clean walks and lawns; to make repairs in or about baths, cottages, comfort stations and other similar structures owned or controlled by the City; and to keep order among persons visiting these places. Qualifications: - Persons holding these positions must have: 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - - Compensation—$2000. The range of annual compensation for full time service in this Grade is from $900 to $1320 with standard salary rates of $900, $960, $1020, $1080, $1140, $1200 and $1320. 28 CARETAKER GROUP (KG) GRADE II (K C II) Titles of Positions: Head Caretaker Janitor Duties: * The duties of incumbents of these positions are to super- vise, direct, and assist the authorized employees of Grade I in the maintenance, cleaning and operation of buildings, baths, comfort stations, fire houses and other similar structures owned or controlled by the City; and to make minor repairs on buildings, and to the heating, plumbing and other equip- ment where an engineman is employed. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have. 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. If appointed by promotion, at least one year's exper- ience in Grade I and if by original examination at least one year's experience in work of Grade I character and standard. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1440 to $1680 with standard salary rates of $1440, $1560 and $1680. CARETAKER GROUP (K C) GRADE III (K C III). - Title of Position: Custodian (Art Museum) Duties: The incumbents of these positions are to assume respon- sibility for the care and upkeep of the building and safeguard- ing of the collection; to supervise the receipt, unpacking and installation of exhibits; to repair and make frames; to have charge of storage of collections and exhibitions; to supervise and direct the work of caretakers, firemen, guards and labor- ers employed in the care and maintenance of the building and to do other incidental work as directed by the Curator of the Museum. - Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have : 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I1. 29 2. If appointed by promotion at least three years’ experi- ence in Grade II, or if by original exam., at least three years' experience in work of Grade II character and standard. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. • Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1800 to $2160 with standard salary rates of $1800, $1980 and $2160. - CARETAKER GROUP (KC) GRADE IV (K C IV) Title of Positions: Custodian (Municipal Court and City Ser- vice Building) f - - * = Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to super- vise enginemen and employees of the lower grades of the Cus- todial Service, in the heating, ventilation, maintenance, re- pair and cleaning of the Municipal Court and City Service Building and in the heating of other buildings connected with the heating system of the Municipal Courts Building and the Board of Health Building; to keep the time and report thereon and to supervise and receipt and issue all materials necessary in such work. * Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have : 1. Experience as Chief Janitor. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2340 to $3000 with standard salary rates of $2340, $2520, $2760 and $3000. 30 IRECREATIONAL GROUP (KR) GRADE I (K R I) Title of Position: Caretaker of Costumer Duties: The duties of incumbents of this position are to act as custodian of costumes for the Recreation Commission, to keep all costumes repaired and in order; to assist in making new costumes, also to assist in making arm bands, movie sheets, etc., for the use of the Recreation Commission. - Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have : 1. At least one year's experience in a similar capacity in the theatrical business, or commercial dress-making or cos- tuming or as a seamstress. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Compensation: The range of salary rates in this grade per diem are $3.50, $3.75 and $4.00. GRADE II (K R II) Title of Position:-Director of Bath House * Duties: The duties of incumbents of this position are to assume general supervision of bath house and to be in responsible charge of them; to assume responsibility for the proper main- tenance and upkeep of the building and of all equipment and be responsible for the proper discharge of duties of subordi- nates; keep reports and time of employees and of supplies purchased and disbursed, also reports of receipts and deposits made with the City Treasurer and take inventory and annual proper estimates for future use. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have : 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. 31 Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1560 to $2160 with standard salary rates of $1560, $1680, $1800, $1980 and $2160. MANAGER GROUP (K M) GRADE I (K M I) Title of Position:—Assistant Market Master Duties: The duties of the incumbents of these positions are to as- sist the Market Master in the enforcement of all Market Or- dinances; to assist in the supervision thereof, the collection and custody of stall rents and market fees; the care and cus- tody of City property in the markets; the preparation of re- ports and to perform other related duties as assigned by the Market Master. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. At least one year of marketing experience. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1200 to $1620 with annual salary rates of $1200, $1260, $1320, $1380, $1440, $1500, $1560 and $1620. MANAGER GROUP (KM) GRADE I (K M I) Title of Position: Assistant Manager Skating Pavilion Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assist in the supervision and management of the several refectories of the Park Department, as required, to assist in the direction and purchase of all supplies and materials used by them, and to direct them generally in their work toward the improve- ment of the service; to assist in the collection of all moneys 32 taken in at the refectories, deposit same with the City, Treas- urer, and to account for all money entrusted for miscellaneous use as necessities arise. Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have : 1. Two years of experience in a restaurant or store. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1320 to $1440. MANAGER GROUP (KM) GRADE II (K M II) Title of Position: Market Master Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assume supervisory, responsibility for the conduct of public markets, under the direction of the Director of the Bureau of Municipal Markets; to enforce market ordinances; to collect stall rents and market fees and be responsible for the deposit of same with the fiscal officer in the Bureau of Markets; to supervise the care and cleaning of market buildings and comfort sta- tions; to requisition supplies for comfort stations and the market; to make up daily reports and to perform other related duties as assigned by the Director of the Bureau. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions have have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade 1. 2. At least two years of experience in Grade I if ap- pointed by promotion or if appointed by original examination, 3. At least two years of experience of Grade I character and standard. 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. 33 Compensation: . The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1680 to $2160 with standard salary rates of $1680, $1800, $1980 and $2160. MANAGER GROUP (KM) GRADE I (K M II) Titles of Positions: Manager of Belle Isle Casino Manager of Boat Livery Manager of Skating Pavilion , ) Duties: Manager of Belle Isle Casino—The duties of the incum- bents of this position are to assume responsible charge of the building and the stock therein; to supervise the activities of all employees at the Casino; to requisition materials and sup- plies for the operation of the Casino; to assume responsibil- ity for the safe keeping of all cash receipts until deposited or collected by superior, and to perform related duties as directed by the Superintendent of Public Service. Manager of Boat Livery—The duties of the incumbents of this position are to assume responsibility for the condition of the boats rented to the public, to rent space for canoe stor- age, to check receipts from boat and canoe rentals; during the winter season to make repairs on those owned by the City of Detroit and to perform other related duties as assigned by the Superintendent of Public Service. Manager of the Skating Pavilion—The duties of the in- cumbent of this position are to assume responsibility for the safekeeping of the equipment, supplies and merchandise and cash receipts; to supervise the activities of subordinate em- ployees and to perform such work as may be necessary in helping out during rush periods or such related duties as may be assigned by the Superintendent of Public Service. Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. 34 Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1800 to $2340 with annual salary rates of $1800, $1980, $2160 and $2340. GUARD GROUP (K G) GRADE I (K G I) Title of Position: Guard Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to protect collections of pictures, articles of historic interest, etc., from fire hazards or molestation by the public; to direct visitors about such collections, and to perform such other related work as may be required. - Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1200 to $1560 with standard salary rates of $1200, $1320, $1440 and $1560. WATCHMAN GROUP (K W) The term “Watchman Group” is used to identify those employments of the custodial service whose incumbents are required to exercise care and vigilance in the protection of City property from theft, fire or other danger and to do other light work. GRADE I (K W I) Title of Position: Watchman Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions, which may include light cleaning or other labor, or very simple clerical work, are to exercise care and vigilance in the protection of property owned, controlled or in the custody of the City from theft, fire or other hazard or injury. 35 Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $960 to $1440 with standard salary rates of $960, $1020, $1080, $1140, $1200, $1320, $1440. EDUCATIONAL SERVICE (E) The term “Educational Service” is applied to those author- ized employments of the City of Detroit whose incumbents are required to give and supervise instruction designed to de- velop the mental and physical powers and to develop man- ual dexterity or skill. Note: This service does not include the teachers under the control of the Board of Education. CURATOR GROUP (E C) Definition: The term “Curator Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Educational Service whose incumbents are required to arrange, classify, catalogue and exhibit collections of pictures, ceramics, rugs, historical objects, etc., and to make recommendations re accessions to this department. & GRADE I (E C I) Title of Position: Assistant Curator Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assist in the installation of collections of pictures, furniture, rugs, articles of historic interest, ceramics, etc.; to arrange, classify, label and catalogue same; to prepare publicity matter and to do other related work in connection with the display and exhibit of such collections. Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have : 1. A degree, diploma or certificate granted on the com- pletion of a standard course of instruction in a college or uni- versity of recognized standing. 36 2. At least one year of special instruction in art, history, ceramics and other specialized training as may be required by the specific nature of a collection to be exhibited. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range"of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1440 to $1800 with standard salary rates of $1440, $1560, $1680 and $1800. CURATOR GROUP GRADE II (E C II) Title of Position: Junior Curator Duties: The duties of incumbents of this position, which may re- quire the supervision of employees of Grade I, are to install collections of pictures, furniture, rugs, articles of historical interest, ceramics, etc.; to arrange, classify, label and cata- logue same; to prepare publicity matter in connection with the display and exhibit of such collections and to do other re- lated work, - Qualifications: Persons holding this position shall have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. At least three years of service in Grade I if appointed by promotion, or if appointed otherwise than by promotion, at least three years’ experience of the character and standard of Grade I. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: . The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1980 to $2520 with standard salary rates as follows: $1980, $2160, $2340 and $2520. 37 CURATOR GROUP GRADE III (E C III) Title of Position: Departmental Curator Duties: \ t The duties of incumbents of these positions, requiring a high degree of specialized training, are to assume responsi– ble charge of a Division of an Art Institute or Museum, and to direct its activities, to give instruction in the specialized line, to prepare articles for publication and general dissemi- nation by the Director of the Institute or Museum. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have : | 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade II, if appointed by promotion at least two years of experience in Grade II; if appointed otherwise than by promotion at least three years of experience in work of Grade II character and standard. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this Grade is from $2760 to $4200. CURATOR GROUP GRADE IV (E C IV) Title of Position: Director of the Art Institute Duties: The duties of the incumbents of this position, which re- quires the highest specialized knowledge and training, are to assume complete supervisory responsibility for the acquisi- tion, arrangement, classification and exhibition of art, histori- cal and other collections; to supervise and direct all activities of the educational division; to prepare publicity matter and to give expert advice and to act as chief administrative officer of the Art Institute. Qualifications: Persons holding this position shall have : 1. The incumbents of this position must have had exper- ience in similar lines of work and have demonstrated execu- tive ability. Appointed by the Arts Commission. Y 38 Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $5100 and up. MUSEUM INSTRUCTOR GROUP (E M) The term “Museum Instructor Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Educational Service whose incumbents are required to give instruction in Art and the History of Art, to write on subjects pertaining thereto, and to do related work. ºf GRADE I (E M I) Title of Position: Junior Museum Instructor Duties: *~ The duties of incumbents of this position are to give in- struction in Art and the History of Art to groups of children and adults and to perform related work as directed. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. A degree, diploma or certificate granted on the com- pletion of a standard course of instruction in a college or university of recognized standing. 2. At least one year of special instruction in art, history, ceramics and other specialized training as may be required by the specific nature of a collection to be exhibited. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. * Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1440 to $1800 with standard salary rates of $1440, $1560, $1680 and $1800. f MUSEUM INSTRUCTOR GROUP GRADE II (E M II) Title of Position: Museum Instructor Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to conduct advanced classes in Art and the History of Art, to prepare 39 articles for publicity on subjects of interest in connection with the museum, and to perform other related duties as directed by the Educational Director. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. At least two years of experience in Grade I, if ap- pointed by promotion; if appointed by original examination at least two years of experience of Grade I character and standard. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1980 to $2520 with standard salary rates of $1980, $2160, $2340 and $2520, MUSEUM INSTRUCTOR GROUP GRADE III (E M III) Title of Position: Educational Director Duties: The duties of incumbents of this position are, under the direction of the Director of the Institute, to plan and lay out courses of instruction in Art and the History of Art; to super- vise and direct the Instructor in this work; to write on mat- ters of interest to artist and art collectors; to give advice and information and perform related duties as directed by the Director of the Institute. Qualifications: Persons holding this position shall have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade II. 2. At least two years in Grade II, if appointed by promo- tion; or if appointed otherwise than by promotion, at least two years of experience in work of Grade II character and standard. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. 40 Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2760 to $3600 with standard salary rates as follows: $2760, $3000, $3300 and $3600. PUBLICITY SPECIALIST GROUP (E P) The term “Publicity Specialist Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Educational Service whose incumbents are required to prepare or assist in the preparation of departmental literature and bulletin; to super- vise proof readings and editorial revision of same; to conduct publicity and educational campaigns when such work is not otherwise provided for, and to perform such other related duties as may be required. tºp GRADE I (E P I) Title of Position: Assistant to the Director of Markets (Publicity Specialist) Duties: The duties of incumbents of this position are to attend daily markets; to study market conditions and to secure sales prices; to prepare daily market reports, fair price reports and other “Daily Market Report”; direct the publication and mail- ing of these reports throughout Southern Michigan and con- tiguous territory; to give information and advice to growers and others interested in market prices and conditions. Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. At least three years of experience in a newspaper or other publicity work. 2. At least one year of experience in marketing and dis- tributing farm produce and food stuffs. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: . The range of annual compensation for full time service in * this grade is from $2340 to $3000 with annual Salary rates of $2340, $2520, $2760 and $3000. 41 INSPECTIONAL SERVICE (I) The term “Inspectional Service” is applied to those em- ployments of the City of Detroit whose incumbents are required to make observations and reports on facts and con- ditions and to supervise such observations and reporting and to inaugurate official action to the end that compliance with regulations, standards or specifications covering the public health and safety may be insured ; that the performance of work and the delivering of things purchased for the City may be carried out in compliance with plans, specifications, stand- ards, and contracts established by the City. - INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS GROUP (IB) The term “Inspector of Buildings Group” is used to iden- tify those employments of the Inspectional Service whose incumbents are required to inspect of and report on or to supervise and be responsible for the inspection of an report on construction, alteration, maintenance, and use of public and private buildings and other structures including plumb- ing, plastering, elevators, steel work, amusement devices, etc., in order to insure compliance with the provisions of the building code, the labor and housing laws and regulations governing public health and safety. - GRADE I (I B I) Title of Positions: Building Inspector Plumbing Inspector Elevator Inspector Inspector of Interior Wiring Duties: Building Inspector—The duties of incumbents of this posi- tion are to inspect and report on construction, alteration, repairs and maintenance work, of buildings and other struc- tures as to the proper authorization, quality of materials, compliance with the Building Code, and with regulations of public health and safety; to make surveys of buildings thought to be unsafe AND to determine the safety thereof; to make inspection on all buildings used as places of public assemblage and to make complaints in court for all violations of require- ments of the Building Code or existing ordinances and StatuteS. 42 Plumbing Inspector—The duties of persons holding these positions are to inspect the drains of all buildings being erected or altered; to inspect all sewer arms from the street or alley lateral to the buildings either in contracting or being altered and to make detailed reports thereon. Elevator Inspector—The duties of persons holding these positions are to inspect all cars and cables, and try out all safety appliances, catches and doors, etc., and to See all ma- chinery and parts are properly cared for, and that the eleva- tors are properly equipped with safety devices in compliance with those sections of the Building Code detailed to elevators; to make reports covering the work done daily. Inspector of Interior Wiring--The duties of persons hold- ing these positions are to inspect all interior wiring in new and old places while work is being done, that is before lath and plastering is done; to see that the work is done in accord- ance with the rules of the National Board of Fire Under- . writers, and the special regulation of the Building Code of the City of Detroit, and in case of violation of any of the rules mentioned above, should follow through and see that the work is stopped and the proper reports made to the Head of the Inspection Department. - Qualifications: Building Inspector—Persons holding these positions must have: 1. Not less than five years of experience as an architect, engineer, mason, carpenter, plumber or plasterer's foreman. 2. Such other additional qualifications as may be required by Civil Service Commission. Plumbing Inspector—Persons holding these positions must have: 1. At least five years as journeyman plumber. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Elevator Inspector—Persons holding these positions must have : - - 1. At least two years of practical experience in the con- struction of elevator machinery. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. . Inspector of Interior Wiring—Persons holding these posi- tions must have: - . 43 1. At least five years of experience in practical electrical work as wireman, electrician, electrical contractor, and elec- trical inspector. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by, the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in these positions is from $1800 to $2340 with standard salary rates of $1800, $1980, $2160 and $2340, INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS GROUP GRADE II (I B II) Title of Positions: Superintendent of Heating Chief Plumbing Inspector Assistant Chief Building Inspector Duties: Superintendent of Heating—The duties of incumbents of this position are to examine the plans submitted for the heat- ing plants in new buildings and to supervise the installation of all heating plants in the City of Detroit. Chief Plumbing Inspector—The duties of incumbents of this position are to assume general Supervision of the plumb- ing and to give out general information relative to require- ments of Plumbing Code; to pass upon reports and violations filed by inspectors of plumbing; to attend meetings of the Board of Examiners of Plumbers and to transact all other business relative to the Plumbing Code coming through the Building Commissioner's office. Assistant Chief Building Inspector—The duties of incum- bents of this position are to assume the duties of the Chief Inspector in his absence and to examine plans, specifications and appliances of these as to their compliance with the Build-- ing Code, state rules and code and the fire laws. Qualifications: Superintendent of Plumbing and Heating—Persons hold- ing this position must have : 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. At least five years of experience in Grade I, if the posi- 44 tion is filled by promotion; or if filled by original examination at least three years of experience in work of Grade I character and standard. - r 3. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Chief Plumbing Inspector—Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualification of Grade I. 2. If appointed by promotion at least three years' experi- ence in Grade I, and if appointed by other than promotion at least five years of work of Grade I character and standard. 3. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Assistant Chief Building Inspector—Persons holding this position must have : 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. If appointed by promotion at least three years' experi- ence in Grade I, and if appointed otherwise, at least five years' experience in work of Grade I character and standard. 3. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. • * Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2520 to $3300 with standard salary rates of $2520, $2760, $3000 and $3300. INSPECTOR OF BUILDING GROUP GRADE III (I B III) Title of Position: Chief Building. Inspector Duties: The duties of incumbents of this position are to exercise general superyision over the employes of the Bureau of Build- ings; to make assignments to the inspectors, engineers, plan examiners and clerks for daily performance; to supervise and assume responsibility for the approval or disapproval of all building plans presented to the department for the issuance of permits; to answer all questions of the public relative to the building code and the regulations pertaining thereto. -- * * = A is 45 Qualifications: - Persons holding this position shall have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade II. 2. At least three years of experience in Grade II, if ap- pointed by promotion. If appointed otherwise at least five years of experience in work of Grade Il character and standard. 3. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. * * Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this position is from $3600 to $4200 with standard salary rates of $3600, $3900 and $4200. - Special Regulation Covering Compensation: Advancement within this grade is conditional upon ap- praisal, which must indicate that the rate requested, does not exceed the value of the work to be performed. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR GROUP (IE) The term “Electrical Inspector Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Inspectional Service whose incumbents are requiréd to make inspection and report on the condition of new and old electric wiring; the installa- tion of apparatus and electrical devices and to see to it that all such work is done in accordance with the rules of the Na- tional Board of Fire Underwriters and the Building Code of the City of Detroit. GRADE I (I E I) Title of Positions: Electrical Inspector - Inspector of Overhead Lines Duties: Electrical Inspector—The duties of incumbents of this position are to make inspections and report on the installation of interior electrical wiring, knob and tube work, meters, gar- age wiring, electric conduits, equipment and apparatus and to perform other related work, as directed by the Chief Electri- cal Inspector. Inspector of Overhead Lines—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to inspect poles, cross arms, guy stubs, wires, cables and other equipment of all public utilities com- 46 panies of Detroit employing them, including lines of the Po- lice and Fire Alarm Telegraph; to note and report all de- fects; to recommend changes for the public good; to investi- gate and report all accidents and deaths due to defective poles or wires; to check all new construction, and to see that all work on overhead lines is done in strict compliance with the City Ordinance and the Underwriters' rules. Qualifications: Electrical Inspector—Persons holding this position must have : * - 1. At least two years of experience as an electrical wire- man, electrician or contractor. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Inspector of Overhead Lines—Persons holding this posi- tion must have : 1. At least three years of experience as foreman or su- perintendent of overhead lines. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: Electrical Inspector—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1800 to $2340 with standard salary rates of $1800, $1900, $2160 and $2340. Inspector of Overhead Lines—The range of annual com- pensation for full time service in this grade is from $2160 to $2760 with standard salary rates of $2160, $2340, $2520 and $2760. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR GROUP GRADE II (I E II) Title of Position: Chief Electrical Inspector Duties: The duties of the incumbent of this position are to assume supervisory responsibility over all electrical inspectors in the field; to keep records of work performed; to confer and ad- vise with architects, engineers, building and electrical con- tractors relative to the approved manner of installing elec- trical wiring and appliances; to pass upon plans for electric 47 installations; to supervise and examine for licenses contrac- tors and electricians, and to make investigations of accidents alleged to have been caused from defective electrical work. Qualifications: º Persons holding these positions must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. At least three years’ experience in Grade I if appointed by promotion, or if appointed by original examination at least three years’ work of Grade I character and standard. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. 4. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2520 to $4400 with standard salary rates of $2520, $2760, $3000 and $3300. f FIRE ALARM INSPECTOR GROUP (I F) The term “Fire Alarm Inspector Group” is used to identify those employments of the Inspectional Service whose incum- bents are required to inspect and pass upon the installation of Fire Alarm Telephone and Telegraph lines, cables, wires, boxes and instruments, to assure the Department that all work is installed according to plans and specifications prepared by the Bureau. GRADE I (I F I) Title of Positions: Inspector of Fire Alarm Boxes Inspector of Fire Alarm Instruments Duties: Inspector of Fire Alarm Boxes—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to inspect and repair Fire Alarm Boxes in the Game Well system, and to instruct officers in the cor- rect use of same. - Inspector of Fire Alarm Instruments—The duties of in- cumbents of these positions are to make tests both electrical and mechanical on fire boxes, registers, gongs, meters, tele- phones, lamps, etc., and to repair same when needed; to make up and install instruments and terminal boards for engine houses; to replace fire boxes when necessary and to perform other related work as occasion requires. 43 Qualifications: Inspector of Fire Alarm Boxes—Persons holding these po- sitions must have : 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade III of the Elec- trical Worker Group. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Board of Examiners of the Fire Department, and the Civil Service Commission. e - Inspector of Fire Alarm Instruments—Persons holding these positions must have : 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade III of the Elec- trical Worker Group. 2. Some experience in the operation of machine tools. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: Inspector of Fire Alarm Boxes. Inspector of Fire Alarm Instruments. The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1980 to $2340 with standard salary rates of $1980, $2160 and $2340. MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTOR GROUP (I M) The term “Miscellaneous Inspector Group” is used to identify these employments of the Inspectional Service whose incumbents are required to perform inspectional work of exceptional nature not included in other groups of the Inspec- tional Service. & GRADE I (I M I) Title of Positions: Boiler Inspector Inspector of Conduits Inflammable Liquid Inspector Sign Inspector Smoke Inspector Inspector of Supplies Assistant Sealer of Weights and Meas- UlreS. Inspector Department of Parks and Boulevards Refrigeration Inspector ! 49 Duties: Boiler Inspector—The duties of incumbents of this posi- tion are to make inspections both internal and external of steam boilers, both new and old installations, boiler acces- Sories, air tanks, rendering tanks and all kinds of pressure vessels; the calculation of stresses, sizes, allowable pressures, size of accessories, etc., report on all inspections and to ascer- tain that all engine men and boiler operators have the proper licenses to guarantee safe operation of boilers and equipment under their charge. Inspector of Conduits—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to inspect materials and workmanship entering into the construction of underground conduits for high ten- sion cables; to assure the City strict compliance with the plans, specifications and contracts covering such construction, and to report all construction or other superior authority. Inflammable Liquid Inspector—The duties of persons hold- ing this position are to inspect the installation of gasoline, fuel oils, and high pressure tanks; to inspect high pressure boilers at plants and in boiler shops; to inspect storage of all inflammable liquid at dry cleaning plants, garages, manufac- turing plants, retail stations, jobbing plants, grocery stores, paint and oil dealers and all other places; storage of films and to make reports on same; to investigate explosions and fires resulting from the use of storage of inflammable liquid; to make complaints and prosecute in court; to perform such other related duties as are required by the Commissioner of Safety. Sign Inspector—The duties of persons holding this position are to inspect signs to the end that the installation thereof shall conform to all the requirements of the building code and City ordinance relative to the safety of the public; to make report on all inspections; to serve owners with notice as to the condition of their signs; to make complaints against viola- tion of the building code relative to signs in the recorder's COurt. Smoke Inspector—The duties of persons holding this po- sition are to investigate all complaints relative to violation of the smoke ordinance; to confer with and instruct engine men and boiler operators on the proper methods of burning fuel; to make suggestions as to remedial measures that may be instituted; to insure the proper combustion of fuel; to make scientific tests on ſurnaces and stacks; to make complaints for violations of laws and ordinances relative to prevention of 50 § smoke in the City of Detroit; to serve notices, make reports and assist in the prosecution of violators of ordinance where such action is ordered by the Commissioner, and to do other work of like nature as directed. Inspector of Supplies—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to inspect supplies for the purpose of enforcing contract of open market order specification; to make report on the quantity, quality and condition of supplies and to ascertain quantities, proceed of manufacture, prices, customs and conditions; to follow up and expedite delivery of orders. Assistant Sealer of Weights and Measures—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to inspect and to seal or condemn and destroy scales, weights, measures and containers, to assist in the prosecution of violators of the weights and measures ordinance and to perform the related duties. Inspector—Department of Parks and Boulevards—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to inspect grading for driveways and sidewalks in the park and boulevard sys- tem; to inspect the mixing, placing and finishing of concrete and cement work; to assure compliance with the requirements of the T’ark Board for such construction work. Refrigeration Inspection—The duties of incumbents of this position are to examine plans for new and reconstructed refrig- eration and ice making plants, acetylene plants, and to make report thereon ; to assist in the examination of applicants for engineers’ and boiler operators’ licenses, and to do special in- spection work as directed by the Commissioner. Qualifications: • . Boiler Inspector—Persons holding this position must have: 1. At least five years of experience in the design, manu- facture or operation of steam boilers. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Inspector of Conduits—Persons holding this position must have: 1. At least two years of experience in construction work of a nature that will give a working knowledge of the ma- terials entering into conduit construction, and also familiarize the incumbent with the method of underground construction. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. 51. Inflammable Liquid Inspector—Persons holding this posi- tion must have: - 1. At least five years of experience in the design, manu- facture or operation of steam boilers and other high-pressure receptacles. tº * 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Sign Inspector—Persons holding this position must have: 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Smoke Inspector—Persons holding this position must have : - 1. At least five years of experience in the design or con- struction of furnaces, stacks, boilers and boiler settings. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - - Inspector of Suppliess—Persons holding this position must have : *s 1. Experience in the purchase, inspection and handling of supplies whose nature may be specified under the title of the specification of position to be filled. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Assistant Sealer of Weights and Measures—Persons hold- ing this position must have: 1. Training or experience recognized by the Civil Service Commission. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Inspector Department of Parks and Boulevards—Persons holding this position must have : --- 1. Experience in the construction of driveways and side- walks. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. . Refrigeration Inspector—Persons holding this position must have : & 1. At least five years of experience in the design, con- 52 struction or operation of refrigerating machinery, in addition to the usual experience in a qualified operating engine man. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is as follows: Boiler Inspector—$1800 to $2340 with standard salary rates of $1800, $1980, $2160 and $2340. Inspector of Conduits—$1560 to $2160 with standard sal- ary rates of $1500, $1680, $1980 and $2160. Inflammable Liquid Inspector—$1800 to $2340 with stand- ard salary rates of $1800, $1980, $2160 and $2340. Sign Inspector—$1440 to $1800 with standard salary rates of $1440, $1560, $1680 and $1800. Smoke Inspector—$1800 to $2340 with standard salary rates of $1800, $1980, $2160 and $2340. Inspector of Supplies—$1440 to $1980 with standard sal- ary rates of $1440, $1560, $1680, $1800 and $1980. Assistant Sealer of Weights and Measures—$1560 to $2160 with standard salary rates of $1560, $1680, $1800 and $2160. Inspector—Department of Parks and Boulevards—#1320 to $1680 with standard salary rates of $1320, $1440, $1560 and $1680. Refrigeration Inspector—$1800 to $2340 with standard salary rates of $1800, $1980, $2160 and $2340. PUBLIC WORKS GROUP (I P) The term “Public Works Group” is used to identify those employments of the Inspectional Service whose incumbents are required to inspect activities in construction work done under the direction and supervision of the Department of Public Works or of one of its Bureaus. GRADE I (I P I) Title of Positions:—Gas Meter Inspector * Sewer Inspector Permit Inspector Sidewalk Inspector & 53 Sand Inspector Paving Inspector - Inspector of Bituminous Pavements Asphalt Plant Inspector Assistant Cement Inspector Duties: Gas Meter Inspector—The duties of incumbents of this position are to inspect gas meters and to investigate all com- plaints of whatever sort received by the Department of Public Works pertaining to the supply or quality of gas. Sewer Inspector—The duties of incumbents of this position are to follow the work of sewer construction as assigned, to assume the performance of the contract in accord with plans, specifications, and to examine materials as delivered or as worked up; to check lines and grades; to be vigilant in the protection of the traveling public, and also in the protection of other sub-surface structures; to assure the proper restora- tion of the street and pavement; to keep records of progress of work, and to do other related work as directed by the Chief Inspector. Permit Inspector—The duties of incumbents of this posi- tion are to inspect all work done in the streets of the City of Detroit by plumbers, sewer contractors, public Service cor- porations and others, for which the issuance of a permit is required. The inspection covers all those matters in connec- tion with the construction of water and sewer connections and connections to the conduits, manholes or service boxes of other public service corporations, including the protection of other underground structures during the excavation; the proper backfilling of excavation; the replacement of pave- ments; the protection of the public and the Fire Department while the excavation is open and the cleaning up of the street after the job is finished. These inspectors also are to super- vise the moving of houses, steam shovels, cranes and other heavy portable machinery through the streets, and also to see that for all work undertaken in the streets or alleys of the City a proper permit is taken out. Sidewalk Inspector—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to make inspections of sidewalks, street intersec- tions, street and alley crosswalks, street signs and obstruc- tions, bad paving or other street, conditions; to prepare and mail notices to property owners giving notice of the necessity of repairs or new construction; to reinspect and measure walks after being built or repaired; to verify lot numbers in the City 54 Assessor's Office, and to do other related work in connection with sidewalk repair and construction. Sand Inspector—The duties of the incumbent of this posi- tion are to inspect all sand and gravel consigned to the De- partment of Public Works and used by contractors doing work for that Department. Paving Inspector—The duties of incumbents of these posi- tions are to inspect the quality of materials entering into the construction of pavement and curbing on streets, alleys and other public places; to pass upon the workmanship and on the conformity of the work to the lines and grades established by the City Engineer, and in general to assure the City of the strict compliance with plans and specifications of the contract (and to perform other related duties as may be assigned by the Superintendent of the Bureau). Inspector of Bituminous Pavements—The duties of incum- bents of these positions are to inspect all bituminous pave- ments laid under contract for the City of Detroit; to assure compliance with specifications prepared by the City Engineer; to make reports to the Superintendent of Asphalt Plant as to compliance with specifications and the amount of work done. - Asphalt Plant Inspector—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to inspect all materials received and used in the manufacture of bituminous paving; to obtain much com- position of materials; to insist upon the proper proportion of the elements; to take temperatures and samples of the finished product; to test the consistency of asphaltic cement and to submit samples of asphalts and oils to the Municipal Laboratory for analysis and examinations; to report the detail on the work of the contractors both as to compliance with specifications and amount of work completed. Assistant Cement Inspector—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to take samples from lots of cement arriv- ing in the City for the use of the Department of Public Works, or for the use of contractors on public work; to assist the cement inspector in testing cement, and to perform other related duties as required. Qualifications: Gas Meter Inspector—Persons holding this position must have : * . . 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. 55 Sewer Inspector—Persons holding this position must have: 1. Public school education. 2. At least two years of experience in public works con- struction (preferably sewers) or other similar work recognized as qualifying by the Civil Service Commission. - 3. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. f Permit Inspector—Persons holding this position must have : - 1. Experience in construction work. 2. Such other qualifications as are required by the Civil Service Commission. Sidewalk Inspector—Persons holding these positions must have : • ‘ 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Sand Inspector—Persons holding this position must have: 1. At least one year of experience in the inspection of sand and gravel and concrete aggregates. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Paving Inspector—Persons holding these positions must have : 1. At least two years of experience in construction work, preferably in street construction in a supervisory capacity or in work considered equivalent by the Civil Service Commis- Sion. - 2. The ability to read and interpret blueprints and speci- fications. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Inspector of Bituminous Pavements—Persons holding these positions must have : --- 1 At least two years of experience in the construction or inspection of pavements. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - 56 Asphalt Plant Inspector—Persons holding this position must have : 1. At least two years of experience in a supervisory ca- pacity in the manufacture of asphaltic or bituminous paving material or in its inspection. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Assistant Cement Inspector—Persons holding this posi- tion must have: 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range cº annual compensation for full time service in this grade is as follows: Gas Meter Inspector—$1980 to $2340 with standard sal- ary rates of $1980, $2160 and $2340. Sewer Inspector, Sand Inspector, Paving Inspector, . Asphalt Plant Inspector—$1560 to $1980 with standard salary rates of $1560, $1680, $1800 and $1980. Permit Inspector, Sidewalk Inspector—$1400 to $1800 with standard salary rates of $1440, $1560, $1680 and $1800. Assistant Cement Inspector—$1560 to $1800 with stand- ard salary rates of $1560, $1680 and $1800. Inspector of Bituminous Pavements—$1560 to $1800 with standard salary rates of $1560, $1680 and $1800. The daily rates for work in this grade are from $5.00 to $8.00 per diem. * * PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION GROUP GRADE II (I P II) Title of Positions: Assistant Chief Sewer Inspector * Chief Inspector of Permits District Inspector (Paving) Cement Inspector Duties: Assistant Chief Inspector—The duties of incumbents of 57 this position are to instruct and direct the work of groups of Inspectors, Grade I, or tos perform independently inspections requiring greater specialized knowledge and judgment under the direction of the Chief Inspector. Chief Inspector of Permits—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to supervise the inspection work of a group of permit inspectors; to report time of inspectors and to see that they are properly detailed to care for the work in progress, to keep records of the size and location of excava- tion in pavements, and to instruct new inspectors in duties of the position. District Inspector (Paving)—The duties of the incumbents of these positions are to supervise the work of paving inspec- tors in one of the paving districts into which the City is di- vided ; to supervise the assignment of inspectors in the dis- trict; to keep their time and report thereon; to inspect ma- terials and workmanship; to instruct and advise inspectors in the performance of their duties; to investigate complaints (and to perform such other related work as may be required by the Superintendent). -- Cement Inspector—The duties of incumbents of these po- sitions are to make building tests of all cement used by the City, or by contractors under contract to the City in the prose- cution of public work; to make reports on tests, and keep records of the locations in which various cenients are used. Qualifications: - Assistant Chief Sewer Inspector—Persons holding this po- sition must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. At least two years of experience in Grade I. 3. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Chief Inspector of Permits—Persons holding these posi- tions must have : - - 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. - 2. At least three years of experience in Grade I. 3. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. . . 58 District Inspector (Paving)—Persons holding these posi- tions must have : 1. At least two years of experience in the inspection of modern paving or in a supervisory capacity in the construc- tion of same. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Cement Inspector—Persons holding these positions must have : - 1. At least two years of experience in a capacity in which familiarity with cement is gained. -- 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: . Assistant Chief Sewer Inspector—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1,980 to $2340 with standard salary rates of $1980, $2160 and $2340. Chief Inspector of Permits—The range of annual compen- sation for full time service in this grade is from $1980 to $2340 with standard salary rates of $1980, $2160 and $234G. Daily rates of compensation are $6.50, $7.00 and $7.50. District Inspector (Paving)—The range of annual com- pensation for full time service in this grade is from $2160 to $2520 with standard salary rates of $2160, $2340 and $2520. Cement Inspector—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1980 to $2340 with standard salary rates of $1980, $2160 and $2340. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION GROUP GRADE III (I P III) Title of Position: Chief Inspector Duties: The duties of incumbents of this position are to supervise and direct the activities of all inspection work on sewer con- struction; to lay out and put into execution plans for the in- struction of all new inspectors under the direction of the engi- neer in charge of Sewer Construction; to make independent inspections as directed by the engineer in charge, and to per- form other related work as directed. ſº 59 Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade II. 2. Two years of experience in Grade II. 3. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. * - Compensation: • . The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2520 to $3000 with standard salary rates of $2520, $2760 and $3000. - WATER WORKS GROUP (I W) The term “Water Works Group” is used to identify those employments of the Inspectional Service whose incumbents are required to inspect work done by or for the Water De- partment and also to make routine inspections of lines and work in operation. - GRADE I (I W I) Title of Positions: Inspector of Underground Construction Shop Inspector - Leak Inspector Tap Inspector Duties: Inspector of Underground Construction—The duties of persons holding these positions are to be in the work of con- struction or maintenance of water mains; to inspect materials delivered for use in the work and workmanship as the mate- rials enter the work; to insure conformity with City plans and specifications; to exercise control over Street openings, location and construction of underground structures; to insure proper safeguards to the traveling public; to report on all matters to the Superintendent of Construction daily, (and to do other related work as directed by the Superintendent of Construction). Shop Inspector—The duties of persons holding these posi- tions are to inspect and test Gate Valves and special castings in process of manufacture and in storage yard; to determine conformity with plans, specifications, and contracts and to report thereon; to lay out and prepare drawings for special castings, etc., and to perform related duties as required, 60 Leak Inspector—The duties of persons holding this posi- tion are to inspect water mains, service connections, meters and fittings; to locate leaks and repair same; to shut off and turn on water; to investigate complaints as to water shortage (and to do other related work as directed). Tap Inspector—The duties of incumbents of this position are to inspect the work done by the tapper and plumber of the service connection at the time same is made ; to determine the location of stop boxes; to turn water off and on (and to do other related work as directed). Qualifications: Inspector of Underground Construction—Persons holding these positions must have: 1. Two years’ experience on Water Main Construction guarantee familiarity with construction practice. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. * Shop Inspector—Persons holding these positions must have: sº 1. At least three years’ experience as pattern maker and familiarity with foundry practice. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Leak Inspector—Persons holding this position must have: 1. Experience in water works construction or main- tenance. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Tap Inspector—Persons holding this position must have : 1. . At least two years of experience in water works con- struction or in the work of the department giving familiarity with these duties. * 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. * Compensation: Inspector of Underground Construction—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from § to $1560 with standard salary rates of $1440, $1500 and 1560. 61 Shop Inspector, Leak Inspector, Tap Inspector—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1560 to $1980 with standard salary rates of $1560, $1680, $1860 and $1980. -- GRADE II (I W II) Title of Position: Chief District Inspector Duties: The duties of incumbents of this position are to check read- ings of meter readers; to read and repair all difficult meters; to repair and check up work done by meter setters; to inves- tigate complaints relative to alleged incorrect readings, and to check up house, lot and meter numbers for the guidance of the record department, and to do other related work. Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. At least five years of experience as a meter reader. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. . Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1680 to $2340 with standard salary rates of $1680, $1800, $1980, $2160 and $2340. f HEALTH INSPECTOR GROUP (I H I) The term “Health Inspector Group” is used to identify employments of the Inspectional Service whose incumbents are required to inspect conditions of sanitation and hygiene for the public health, and in the prevention, correction and abatement of such conditions, methods or practices as may be a menace to public health or in violation of the laws of the State of Michigan, the ordinances of the City of Detroit, or the regulations of the Department of Health. GRADE I (I H I) Title of Positions: Food Inspector Milk Inspector Veterinary Inspector Live Stock Inspector Plumbing Inspector (Sanitary) Housing Inspector 62 Duties: Food Inspector—The duties of incumbents of these posi- tions are to make routine inspection of food manufacturing plants, wholesale and retail food establishments, restaurants, bakeries, meat markets, candy factories and all establishments handling food other than packing houses and milk depots and milk distribution and to perform such other related work as may be assigned by the Chief Food lnspector or the Director of the Bureau. Milk Inspector—The duties of incumbents of these posi- tions are to inspect farms on which milk is produced for the Detroit market and receiving stations through which milk is handled, to inspect creameries within the City, and their ap- paratus for handling milk and milk products; to take samples of milk from dealers' wagons for chemical and bacteriological analysis; to inspect milk at Detroit depots for high tempera- ture and unsanitary conditions; to investigate all complaints relative to milk supply and to perform other related duties under the direction of the Chief Milk Inspector and the Direc- tor of the Bureau. Veterinary Inspector—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to make inspections of slaughter houses, sausage factories, wholesale and retail establishments handling meat; to insure compliance with the Sanitary Code relative to sani- tation and proper equipment; to make ante and post mortem examinations of live stock sent to local markets for slaughter; to make inspections on complaints concerning unsound or diseased meats, including poultry, and to perform such other related work as may be directed by the Chief Veterinarian or the Director of the Bureau. Live Stock Inspector—The duties of incumbents of this position are to make ante mortem inspection of animals ship- ped into stock yards for slaughter; to inspect wholesale and retail stores and commission houses and poultry and slaughter houses and to perform such related duties as may be assigned by the Chief Veterinarian or the Director of the Bureau. Plumbing Inspector (Sanitary)—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to make inspection of alleys, sewers and plumbing; to report on the practicability of making plumbing and building alterations required under the maintenance sec- tion of the Housing Code; to make inspections of dwellings moved from one lot to another, and to investigate and report on housing violations referred to the Health Department by the Department of Buildings. 63 Housing Inspector—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to make inspections of dwellings and premises, apartments and tenements for the purpose of insuring com- pliance with the Sanitary Code; to investigate complaints; to make reports on conditions found with recommendations; to issue orders; to remedy conditions; to make re-inspections and to do other related work as required by the Supervising Housing Inspector or Sanitary Engineer. Qualifications: Food Inspector—Persons holding this position must have : 1. At least two years of experience in the production or sale of food or food supplies. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Health Commissioner. Milk Inspector—Persons holding this position must have: 1. At least one year of experience in dairying on an ap- proved dairy farm and the ability to pass an elementary examination in Chemistry and Bacteriology or, 2. Received a degree from a recognized school of agricul- ture or have pursued a satisfactory course in dairying at an approved agriculture college. 3. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Health Commissioner. Veterinary Inspector—Persons holding these positions must have : - 1. Completed a course in Veterinary Science, evidenced by a diploma from a recognized school or college or Veter- inary Science. 2. At least six months’ experience in post mortem meat examination. 3. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Health Commissioner. & Live Stock Inspector—Persons holding this position must have: - 1. At least five years of practical experience in judging stock and cattle on the hoof. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Health Commissioner. 64 Plumbing Inspector (Sanitary)—Persons holding this posi- tion must have: 4. 1. At least three years of practical experience as a plumber. - 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Health Commissioner. - Housing Inspector—Persons holding this position must have: - 1. Satisfactory experience in a building trade with a working knowledge of plumbing, heating and ventilating. 2. And the ability to make simple sketches or a degree in Civil Engineering or Architectural Engineering, evidenced by a diploma from a recognized institution granting such degrees. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Health Commissioner. - Compensation: Food Inspector, Live Stock Inspector—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1560 to $2160 with standard salary rates of $1560, $1680, $1800, $1920 and $2160. Milk Inspector, Veterinary Inspector, Plumbing Inspector (Sanitary), Housing Inspector—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1560 to $2340 with standard salary rates of $1560, $1680, $1980, $2160 and $2340. GRADE II (I H II) Title of Positions: Chief Food Inspector Chief Milk Inspector Chief Veterinarian (In Charge of Meat Inspection) Supervising Housing Inspector Duties: Chief Food Inspector—The duties of incumbent of this position are to assume supervisory responsibility of the inspec- tion of all places where food is manufactured, exposed for sale and sold ; to inspect restaurants, bakeries and candy factories; to supervise the medical inspection of food handlers as they are being examined, and to perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of the Bureau of Food Inspection. 65. Chief Milk Inspector—The duties of incumbent of this position are to assume responsible charge of all milk inspec- tion in the City of Detroit; to lay out and plan work for the milk, inspectors; to make special investigations of complaints, accompanying inspectors into the field on city work, and occa- sionally to go into the country with country inspectors; to answer all correspondence relative to milk and ice cream; to direct taking sediment tests; to confer and advise with inspec- tors at all times. - Chief Veterinarian (In Charge of Meat Inspection)—The duties of incumbent of this position are to supervise all in- spections of meat and meat products, slaughter houses and sausage factories, commission houses, retail markets and other establishments handling meat or food in order to insure com- pliance with the sanitary code of the City of Detroit; to lay out and plan work for inspectors, to advise and instruct them in their duties; to investigate complaints of infectious diseases in animals in the City and adjacent country; to supervise the animal tuberculin tests of Class A, raw milk, dairies, and to do other related work as directed by the Director of the Bureau of Food Inspection. Supervising Housing Inspector—The duties of incumbents of this position are to assume responsibility for the super- vision of all field work in the housing division; to plan work, issue orders to inspectors; to review complaints; to take action thereon subject to review by the Sanitary Engineer, and to do other related work. Qualifications: Chief Food Inspector—Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I of this group (Food Inspector). 2. At least two years of experience in Grade I (Food Inspector), or - - 3. A degree from an agricultural college or from a uni- versity giving equivalent training for such work. 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Health Commissioner. Chief Milk Inspector—Persons holding this position must have : 1. The minimum qualifications of Milk Inspector, Grade I. 66 2. At least two years of experience as Grade I Milk In- spector or * -- - - 3. A degree from an agricultural college recognized by the Health Commissioner or from a college of Veterinary Science with at least one year of practical experience in dairy work. Chief Veterinarian—Persons holding this position must have : - 1. Completed a course in Veterinary Science evidenced by a diploma from a recognized school or college of Veter- inary Science and who has been placed on an approved list of Veterinarians. - 2. Not less than two years of experience in Grade I (Vet- erinary Inspector). - 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Health Commissioner. - Supervising Housing Inspector—Persons holding this po- sition must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. At least two years of experience in Grade I. 3. Such qualifications as may be required by the Health Commissioner. - Compensation: Chief Food Inspector, Chief Milk Inspector, Chief Veterinarian—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2340 to $2760 with standard salary rates of $2340, $2520 and $2760. Supervising Housing Inspector—The range of annual com- pensation for full time service in this grade is from $2520 to $3000 with standard salary rates of $2520, $2760 and $3000. GRADE III (I H III) Title of Position: Director of the Bureau of Food Inspector Duties: . The duties of incumbents of these positions are to admin- ister the Bureau of Food Inspection; to plan and direct, all work in the inspection of milk, food and meat at slaughter 67 houses or establishments manufacturing meat products; to make special investigation and inspection of unusual condi- tions, and to direct, advise and instruct men in the field. Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have : 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. At least four years of experience as a Milk, Meat or Food Inspector or a degree from a recognized school or col- lege of Veterinary Science or Dairy Husbandry evidenced by a diploma and not less than two years of experience in the practice of veterinary medicine or dairy husbandry. Compensation: - The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $3000 to $4200 with standard salary rates of $3000, $3300, $3600, $3900 and $4200. INVESTIGATIONAL SERVICE (v) The term “Investigational Service” is applied to those employments of the City of Detroit whose incumbents are required to collect, assemble, analyze and report on data and other information obtained by the investigation and examina- tion of methods, persons or things, to be used as the basis for official action, or for the purpose of drawing general conclu- sions or for making constructive suggestions and recommen- dations, and to take such official action based upon the results thereof as may be legally delegated by responsible executives. CIVIL SERVICE GROUP (V C I) The term “Civil Service Group” is used to identify those employments of the Investigational Service whose incum- bents are required to make investigations into character and reputation of candidates for employment by the City of Detroit; to verify statement made on applications as to ex- perience, education, previous employment, social condition, and to make other investigations as may be directed by the Secretary and Chief Examiner in relation to the fitness of candidates for appointment; to make investigations relating to the improper assignment of appointees from eligible lists, and to gather such other information as may be necessary from time to time, when directed by the Secretary or the Commission. 68 GRADE I (V C I) Title of Position: Civil Service Investigator Duties: See above. . Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. Investigational experience with a governmental agency or other employment agencies, insurance companies in Social work or with other agencies that may be acceptable to the Civil Service Commission. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by th (Sivil Service Commission. - Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this position is from $2520 to $3300 with standard salary rates of $2520, $2760, $3000 and $3300. MANAGERIAL SERVICE (M) The term “Managerial Service” is used to identify those authorized employments of the City of Detroit whose incum- bents are required to perform work not covered in other Group Specifications, in the directing, control or in rendering assistance in the direction and control of the activities of a City Department, subject to the final approval of a higher official, Board or Commission. Note: Only non-technical positions of a managerial nature are included in this service. Those positions requiring tech- nical experience and training are included in appropriate groups of other services. DEPARTMENT MANAGER GROUP (M M) - The term “Department Manager Group” is used to identify those authorized employments whose incumbents are re- quired, subject to final approval of a higher authority to direct and control the activities of a Department, to advise in the determination of policies and to act as the highest represen. tative of the Department in the absence of the executive. 69 GRADE I (MM I) Titles: Deputy Controller Deputy Commissioner Deputy City Clerk - Deputy City Treasurer º First Deputy Commissioner (Police) Secretary Department Public Works Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions, which require a high degree of administrative ability, are to direct and con- trol the activities of a City Department, and to advise in the determination of policies, and to act as the highest depart- mental representative in the absence of the executive. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. Such qualifications as may be required by law and departmental executive. *. DEPARTMENTAL SECRETARY GROUP (M S) The term “Departmental Secretary Group” is used to identify , those authorized employments of the Managerial Service, whose incumbents are required, subject to the ap- proval of a higher authority, to direct and assume responsi- bility for the activities of a department, particularly those relating to the assignment and control of personnel, the prep- aration. and keeping of official records; the promulgation of orders and regulations, the conduct of correspondence, the preparation of reports and the supervision of official matters. GRADE I (M S I) Titles: Secretary and General Superintendent (Parks) Secretary and Purchasing Agent (Welfare) Secretary and Office Superintendent (Water) Secretary and Chief Examiner (Civil Service) Secretary and Business Manager (Board of Educa- tion) Secretary (Fire) Secretary (Health) Secretary (Purchases) Secretary Board of Assessors Secretary City Plan Secretary Street Railway Commission Second and Third Deputy Commissioner of Police 70 Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. Such qualifications as may be prescribed by law or required by departmental executive. Compensation: * The range of annual compensation for full time service in these grades shall be such as may be prescribed by law or determined by the departmental executive. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (O) The term “Professional Service” is used to identify those authorized employments of the City of Detroit whose incum- bents are required to direct, supervise or perform services which involve training and experience in the established pro- fessions. BACTERIOLOGIST-CHEMIST GROUP (OB) The term “Bacteriologist-Chemist Group” is used to iden- tify those employments of the professional service whose in- cumbents are required to conduct original research in bacte- riology and chemistry; to investigate processes of infection and immunity as they relate to the diagnosis, prevention or cure of disease; to make diagnosis by microscopic examina- tion or otherwise; to prepare antitoxins, serums and vaccines, and to perform other work as may be required in procure- ment, preparation, examination, diagnosis of bacteriological specimens, and to do such chemical work as is involved in such procedure; and attending court as may be required. GRADE I (O B I) Title of Position: Laboratory Assistant Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assist Superior employees of this group in the collection and exami- nation of specimens; to prepare media, toxins, anti-toxins, to make physical tests, and to do other related laboratory work. Examples: Cutting and staining sections, mixing solutions; taking specimens for tests, counting bacteria; recording findings; making reports. ** , 71 Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: At least two years of elementary chemistry or physics, in- cluding laboratory work in a secondary school or a higher in- stitution of recognized standing, or experience recognized as equivalent by the Civil Service Commission or the Health Commissioner. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission or the Health Commissioner. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1080 to $1440 with standard salary rates of $1080, $1140, $1200, $1320 and $1440. BACTERIOLOGIST-CHEMIST GROUP GRADE II (O B II) Titles of Positions: Assistant Bacteriologist - Milk Analyst Duties: Assistant Bacteriologist—The duties of incumbents of these positions, which may involve the supervision of em- ployees in Grade I and special laborers, are to exercise inde- pendent judgment in, and be responsible for bacteriological or serological examinations, and to conduct research work un- der supervision. Examples of Work: To mount cultures for microscopic examinations; checking and numbering diphtheria cultures, tests of water samples, reading plates, tubes and confirmative tests. Milk Analyst—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to determine the bacteriological content of milk and the bacteriological content of milk bottles; to register efficacy of the pasteurization in various creameries; to determine by chemical analysis butter fat, specific gravity, total solids, wa- tering, sediment and preservative content of milk, to make records and submit reports as required by the Chief Milk Inspector and Director of Laboratories. 72 Qualifications: * Persons holding these positions must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. Not less than two years of service in Grade I if ap- pointed by promotion, or if appointed by original examina- tion at least three years of experience in bacteriological or serological work of Grade II character and standard, in a laboratory of recognized standing, or, 3. Such training in bacteriology or serology and chem- istry as is evidenced by a degree in science, granted on the completion of a standard course of instruction from an insti- tution of recognized standing, including at least two years of bacteriological or serological and chemical laboratory work. 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission or the Health Commissioner. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1560 to $2160 with standard salary rates of $1560, $1680, $1800, $1980 and $2160. - ~ BACTERIOLOGIST-CHEMIST GROUP GRADE III (O B III) Titles of Positions: Bacteriologist Serologist Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions, which may include the Supervision of employees in Grade I and II, are to perform and supervise the bacteriological and serological work with related chemical processes, in an important labo- ratory; to perform independent experiments and to conduct original basteriological or serological research; performance of the Wasserman tests, directing the manufacture of Leef- fers blood serum media, the preparation of rabies vaccine ; ad- ministering treatment. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. The minimum qualifications prescribed for Grade II. 2. At least two years of service in Grade II, if appointed 73 by promotion, or if appointed by original examination, at least three years of experience in work of Grade II character and standard. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission or the Health Commissioner. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2160 to $3000 with standard salary rates of $2340, $2520, $2760 and $3000. - BACTERIOLOGIST-CHEMIST GROUP GRADE IV (O B IV) Title of Position: Director of Laboratories Duties: The duties of the incumbents of this position, which re- quire a very high order of special knowledge, are to supervise and be responsible for the entire work of the laboratories of the Health Department, Welfare and other departments of the City; to give independent advice in the study and practice of bacteriology and serology. - Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have : 1. The minimum qualifications prescribed for Grade III. 2. At least three years of experience in Grade III if ap- pointed by promotion, or if appointed by original examination, at least four years of experience in work of Grade III char- acter and standard. . 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission or the Health Commissioner. Compensation: - - The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $3600 to $6000. CHEMIST-PHYSICIST GROUP (O C) The term “Chemist-Physicist Group” is applied to those authorized employments of the professional service whose in- cumbents are required to perform routine or research work in 74 chemistry or physics, involving the making and recording of chemical or physic tests and analysis; to appear in court when called as a witness in cases regarding analysis of substances. GRADE I (O C I) Title of Position: Laboratory Assistant Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assist superior employees of this group in the collection and exami- nation of specimens; to prepare media, toxins, anti-toxins, toº make physical tests and to do related laboratory work. Examples: Cutting and staining sections, mixing solutions; taking specimens for tests, counting bacteria; recording findings; making reports. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. At least two years of elementary chemistry or physics; including laboratory work in a secondary school or a higher institution of recognized standing, or experience recognized as equivalent by the Civil Service Commission or the Health Commissioner. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission or the Health Commissioner. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1080 to $1440 with standard salary rates of $1080, $1140, $1200, $1320 and $1440. CHEMIST-PHYSICIST GROUP GRADE II (O C II) . Title of Position: Assistant Chemist Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to per- form, under Supervision, definite details of work in a chemical or physical laboratory, making analysis of asphalt, oil, coal, milk, paint, cement, food, etc.; to appear in court as witness as occasion requires. 75 Qualifications : - *s Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. At least two years of experience in Grade I, if ap- pointed by promotion or if appointed by original examination a degree in science granted on completion of a standard course of instruction, in which chemistry and physics were the ma- jor subject, in a recognized school or technical school, or, 3. Evidence of other training recognized by the Civil Service or the Health Commissioner as the equivalent thereto. 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission or the Health Commissioner. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1560 to $2160 with standard salary rates of $1560, $1680, $1800, $1980 and $2160. - CHEMIST-PHYSICIST GROUP GRADE III (O C III) Title of Position: Chemist. Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions, which require a very high degree of professional skill and juidgment, are to direct and be responsible for the work of a small laboratory, or of a primary division of a large laboratory; to initiate, con- duct and supervise chemical or physical research work. Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications prescribed for Grade II. 2. At least two years of service in Grade II or if ap- pointed by original examination at least three years of ex- perience in work of Grade II character and standard. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission or the Health Commissioner. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2340 to $3000 with standard salary rates of $2340, $2520, $2760 and $3000. 76 CITY PLANNER GROUP (O P) The term “City Planner Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Professional Service whose incumbents are required to perform work in which training and experience in the specialized branches of city planning and landscape architecture are essential. Such branches in- clude at least a general knowledge of the following groups: city plan design, landscape design, plant materials, soil and climatic conditions, civil engineering, landscape and general drafting. The activities of the “City Planner Group” include designs, estimates, specifications and contracts, investigations for study purposes or inspection of procedure, etc., on public works such as parks, playgrounds, playfields, boulevards, street openings, widening or extensions, city zoning, the lo- cation of public buildings or memorials and any other serv- ices for which a city planning or landscape architecture training and experience are determining qualifications. CITY PLANNER GROUP GRADE I (O P I) Title of Position: Assistant City Plan Draftsman Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to perform under supervision and instruction the elementary or appren- tice work either in field or office in one or more of the spe- cialized branches of city planning or landscape architecture. Examples : Collecting field information such as the location of trees, buildings, roads, etc., usually by paced or measured distances. Tracing maps on simple designs. Lettering plans, maps, charts, drawings, etc. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions shall have: 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Compensation: Up to $1680. CITY PLAN GROUP GRADE II Title of Position: City Plan Draftsman Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to pre- pare under Supervision and instruction, plans, estimates, speci- fications and general work either in field or office in the vari- ous Specialized branches of City Planning or landscape ar- chitecture. Examples: Preparnig, checking or estimating plans or designs, un- der Supervision and instruction, for parks, playgrounds, play- fields, zoning, etc. - Inspection of minor details of planting or construction work. Making computations and compiling data for reports, costs, estimates, etc. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have : A—As a basis for promotion: º 1. Not less than one year of service in Grade I. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. B—As a basis for original appointment: 1. Not less than two years' experience in work of Grade I character and standard provided that such training in city p'anning, landscape architecture, civil engineering, drafting or other allied branches as is evidenced by a degree granted on completion of a standard course of instruction in a School o: institution of recognized standing shall be accepted as the equivalent of three years of the experience requirement of this section. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for work in this grade is from $1800 to $2340 with standard salary rates of $1800, $2160 and $2340. 78 cITY PLANNER GROUP GRADE III (O P III) Title of Position: Assistant City Plan Designer Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assume responsibility for the execution of definite instructions in mak- ing general designs and plans; to direct undef Supervision, when necessary, the procedure of general work in the draft- ing office; to be familiar with all the plans and all work for the purpose of answering public inquiries; to direct under super- vision the preparation of estimates of quantities, costs, etc.; to check all plans prepared in the office. Examples: To prepare preliminary design, location or planting plans; to give out any authorized information on plans prepared in the office upon personal request for same; to check plans before they are issued, for the purpose of disclosing errors. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: A. As a basis for promotion: 1. Not less than one year of service in Grade II. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. B. As a basis for original appointment: 1. Not less than four years of experience, two of which must be in work of the character and standard of Grade II, in the particular branch of technical work covered in the posi- tion to be filled; provided that such training in city planning, landscape architecture, civil engineering, drafting or other allied branches as is evidenced by a degree granted on com- pletion of a standard course of instruction in a school or insti- tution of recognized standing, shall be accepted as the equiva- lent of two years of the experience requirement of this section. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. • Compensation: The range of annual compensation for work in this grade is from $2520 to $3000. 79 CITY PLANNER GROUP GRADE IV (O P IV) Title of Position: City Plan Designer Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions, which required executive ability and specialized technique, and which involve the making of decisions in design and plan work, are to super- vise and assume responsibility for all plan work; to make Special investigations in regard to any city planning or land- scape architecture; to assist when necessary in any matters pertaining to the executive or administrative duties of the office. Examples: To take charge of the drafting room, delegate all work therein and to make final checking of all plans. To make studies and recommendations for any design work done in the office. To assume responsibility in the execution of any specialized work such as zoning, city thoroughfare designs, etc.; to make recommendations for acquiring or dismissing subordinate employees; to write reports such as may be re- quired for street openings or extensions, zoning work, park or playground systems, etc.; to reply as authorized to letters or other information directed to the office. Qualifications: * - Persons holding this position must have: A. As a basis for promotion: 1. Not less than one year of service in Grade III. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - B. As a basis for original appointment. 1. Not less than three years’ experience in work of the character and standard of Grade III, together with specialized technical training in city planning landscape architecture, civil engineering, drafting or other allied branches as is evidenced by a degree granted on completion of a standard course of instruction in school or institution of recognized standing. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. 80 Compensation: . - The range of annual compensation for work in this grade from $3300 to $3900 with standard salary rates of $3300, $3600 and $3900. CITY PLANNER GROUP GRADE V (O P V) g Title of Position: Chief City Planner Duties: - - The duties of incumbents of these positions which require a high degree of executive ability and specialized technique in city planning and landscape architecture, and which involve the making of decisions in executive and administrative mat- ters, subject to the approval of the City Plan Commission and to statutory limitation, are to supervise and assume complete responsibility for all the work of a large, independent organ- ization; to make individual reports or to give expert and criti- Čal advice of the highest order as a basis for executive action relative to work within the scope of city planning and land- scape architecture; to authorize procedure of all work in the office; to represent the organization on all matters pertaining to publicity of work being done or contemplated; complete secretarial duties, etc. Examples: To assume final responsibility for the preparation of all reports, estimates, designs, specifications or other matters be- ing prepared in the office; to keep official records of all meet- ings and all work done by the Commission; to submit all plans to the members of the Commission for final approval; to make final decision on reports, designs, plans, etc.; to regulate all work of the office; to represent various phases of the work of the Commission before clubs and organizations on matters such as general city planning, zoning, etc.; to represent the City Plan Commission, when required, before the Common Council, attending to all correspondence of the Commission. Qualifications: - Persons holding these positions must have: A. As a basis for promotion: 1. Not less than one year of service in Grade IV. {º: 81 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. B. As a basis for original appointment: •) 1. Not less than six years of professional experience and recognized practice in the field of city planning or landscape architecture. * 2: Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for work in this grade is from $4200 to $6000. ENGINEER GROUP (O E) The term “Engineer Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Professional Service whose in- cumbents are required to perform work in which training and experience in civil, mechanical, electrical, sanitary, chemical, or other specialized branches of engineering are essential, These activities include the conduct of surveys, the prepara- tion, Supervision or investigation of plans, designs, estimates, specifications and contracts; the inspection, construction, operation and maintenance of public works such as highways, bridges, transportation and terminal facilities, buildings and all activities incidental to the production, distribution and use of light, heat and power; the impounding, purification and dis- tribution of water; the collection and disposal of sewage, garbage, Snow, and other municipal waste; to perform other services for which engineering training and experience are determining qualifications. cº- ENGINEER GROUP GRADE I (O E I) Title of Position: Engineering Assistant Duties: The duties of the incumbents of these positions are to perform under supervision and instruction the elementary or apprentice work either in field or office in one or more of the specialized branches of engineering. 82 Examples: Holding a rod. Making measurements with a steel tape. Tracing a simple design. Tabulating estimates. Inspecting minor details of engineering work. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. Not less than two years of training in an engineering school of recognized standing in a course leading to an engi- neering degree, or 2. Not less than one year of practical experience in engi- neering work, in the field or office. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation : The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1440 to $1800 with standard rates as fol- lows: $1440, $1560, $1680 and $1800. Special Regulation Governing the Initial Rates: Such training in civil, mechanical, electrical, sanitary or other engineering branches as is evidenced by a degree granted on completion of a standard course of instruction in an engineering school of recognized standing shall be accepted as the equivalent of the first three years of service in the Grade. Three years of practical experience in engineering appren- tice work, in addition to the minimum requirements of Civil Service Commission for appointment at the initial rate, shall be accepted as the equivalent for three years of service within this grade. Where allowance is made for technical training or practical experience under this special regulation, the Civil Service Commission shall add such tests to the competitive examination for this grade as are necessary to determine the compliance with the prescribed training or experience stand- ard. 83 ENGINEER GROUP GRADE II (O E II) Title of Positions: Junior Assistant Engineer Junior Assistant Engineer (Civil) Junior Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Junior Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) ~ * Junior Assistant Engineer (Sanitary) Duties: . The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assume responsibility for the execution of definite instruction in a minor section or division of an engineering project or activity in the field or office; to direct, under supervision, the opera- tion of minor engineering projects in the field or office, and to perform work of related character and standard. * Examples: Running a transit or level, preparing or examining plans, and designs under supervision for concrete construction, bridges, mechanical and electrical appliances; inspecting minor details of engineering work and materials; preparing general working drawings for engineering projects; making computations and compiling data for reports and cost records; operating of electrically driven machinery. * Qualifications: Persons holding these positions shall have: 1. The minimum qualifications prescribed for Grade I. 2. Not less than three years of service in Grade I, or if appointed otherwise than by promotion from Grade I, three years of experience in work of Grade I character and standard, provided that training in civil, mechanical, electrical, sani- tary or other engineering branches as is evidenced by a degree granted on the completion of a standard course of instruction in an engineering school of recognized standing shall be ac- cepted in lieu of three years of the service or experience requirement in this section. k 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. -. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1680 to $2160 inclusive, with standard sal- ary rates of $1680, $1800, $1980 and $2160. 84 ENGINEER GROUP GRADE III (O E III) Titles of Positions: Assistant Engineer - Assistant, Engineer (Chemical) * Assistant Engineer (Civil) - Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) . . Assistant Engineer (Sanitary) T]uties: - The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assume responsibility for the making of surveys or the preparation of plans, designs, specifications and contracts for a minor section of a large engineering project or the major section of a small engineering project; to operate a completed section of such project; to make investigation of and reports upon engineer- ing project, as a basis for executive action. Examples: Directing a field party on surveys, construction or repair work, supervising a squad or division in designing and pre- paring plans, estimates, and specifications; assuming responsi- bility for the construction, installation or operation of a minor division under a pumping, watershed, power production, puri- fication or sewage disposal project; or the installation of a 'heating, lighting, plumbing or electrical plant; preparing a highway layout and grades, making engineering investigations and reports relating to building encroachments, sewer con- struction, sewage disposal, traffic conditions, highway open- ing proceedings or applications for franchise. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions shall have: A. As a basis for promotion: - - 1. Not less than one year of service in Grade II. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. B. As a basis for original promotion: 1. Not less than six years of experience, two of which must be in work of the character and standard of Grade II in the particular branch of engineering work covering the posi- tion to be filled, provided that such training in chemical, civil, mechanical, electrical, Sanitary or other engineering branches 85 as is evidenced by a degree granted on completion of a stand- ard course of instruction in an engineering school of recog- nized standing shall be accepted as the equivalent of three years of the experience requirement of this section. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. e Compensation: The range of annual compensation in this grade is from $2340 to $2760. ENGINEER GROUP GRADE IV (O E IV) Titles of Positions: Senior Assistant Engineer * Senior Assistant Engineer (Chemical) Senior Assistant Engineer (Civil) . Senior Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Senior Assistant Engineer (Mechan- ical) Senior Assistant Engineer (Sanitary) Duties: * r The duties of the incumbents of these positions are to supervise and assume complete responsibility for the work of a main division of a small organization or a large subdi- vision of one of the main divisions of a large organization, involving surveying, designing or construction; or to main- tain or operate a major section of a large engineering project; or to make independent investigations of and reports upon engineering projects, as a basis for executive action. Examples of Work: Supervising a main division of a large bureau of design. Supervising the construction, installation or operation of a major division of a large power production, purification or disposal plant. Supervising the installation of a major division of a heat- ing, lighting or power plant. - Supervising the construction, operation, maintenance or repair of a major division of sewers, highways, bridges, aque- ducts, reservoirs, tunnels or public buildings. . - Supervising the engineering investigations, inspections, estimates and reports for municipal improvements. 86 Qualifications: Persons holding these positions shall have : A. As a basis for promotion : 1. Not less than two years of service in Grade III. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. B. As a basis for original appointment: 1. Not less than eight years of experience in engineering work, at least half of which shall have been in the particular branch of engineering work covered in the position to be filled, and three years of which shall have been in work of Grade III character and standard, one year of which must have been in responsible charge of work, provided that such training in chemical, civil, mechanical, electrical, sanitary or other engi- neering branches as is evidenced by a degree granted on com- pletion of a standard course of instruction in an engineering school of recognized standing, shall be accepted as an equiva- lent of three years of the experience requirement of this sec- tion. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Compensation: . The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $3000 to $3900, with standard salary rates of $3000, $3300, $3600, $3900. (Appraisal Grade.) ...” ENGINEER GROUP GRADE V (O EV) Titles of Positions: Engineer * º, Chemical Engineer Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Mechanical Engineer - Sanitary Engineer Duties: The duties of the incumbents of these positions, which require a high degree of executive ability and specialized engineering technique, and which involve the making of de- cisions in administrative and engineering matters, subject to 87 statutory limitation only, are to supervise and assume com- plete responsibility for work of a primary division of a large organization; or to make independent investigations of and reports upon engineering projects, as a basis for executive action. * Examples: Acting as chief engineer of a bureau of a large department. Conduct major lines of engineering research. Furnish critical advice on engineering works, projects or policies. -- Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: A—As a basis for promotion: 1. Not less than three years of service in Grade IV. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. B—As a basis for original appointment: 1. Not less than eleven years of experience in engineering work, at least half of which shall have been in the particular branch of engineering work covered in the position to be filled, and four years of which shall have been in work of Grade IV character and standard or its equivalent and three years in responsible charge of work, provided that such train- ing in chemical, civil, mechanical, electrical, sanitary or other engineering branches as is evidenced by a degree granted on completion of a standard course of instruction in an engineer- ing school of recognized standing shall be accepted as the equivalent of three years of the experience requirement of this section. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $4200 to $6000 inclusive, with standard sal- ary rates of $4200, $4500, $4800, $5100, $5400 and $6000, Ap- praisal Grade. 88 ENGINEER GROUP GRADE VI (O E VI) Titles of Positions: Chief Engineer Consulting Engineer * Supervising Engineer Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions, which require the highest order of executive or advisory ability, and which involve the making of final decisions in administrative and engineering matters, subject to statutory limitation only, are to supervise and assume complete responsibility for all the engineering work of a large independent organization; to supervise the construction of engineering projects or works of great magnitude and complexity; or to give independent expert or critical engineering advice of the highest order, as a basis for executive action relative to work of this scope. Example: - To assume final responsibility for the preparation of re- ports, estimates, designs and specifications for projects of construction, operation or maintenance; to have full charge of the collection of data and information for and conduct of proceedings in valuation. Qualifications: , Persons holding these positions shall have: A—As a basis for promotion: 1. Not less than three years of service in Grade V. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission or the appointing agency. B—As a basis for original appointment: Not less than fifteen years of experience in engineering work, at least half of which shall have been in the particular branch of engineering work covered in the position to be filled, and five years of which shall have been in a major ex- ecutive capacity, or in responsible charge of important engi- neering work or projects, provided that such training in chemical, civil, mechanical, electrical, sanitary, or other branches as is evidenced by a degree granted on completion of a standard course of instruction in an engineering school of recognized standing shall be accepted as the equivalent of three years of the experience requirement of this section. 89 W. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation of this Grade for full time service is $7500 up. FORESTER GROUP (O F) The term “Forester Group” is used to identify those au- thorized employments of the Professional Service whose incumbents are required to supervise the planting, cultivation and conservation of fungus growths or other diseases or hazards, and to do surveying and plotting for the protection of trees and reforestation. GRADE I (O F) Titles of Positions: Inspector of Forest and Street Trees Landscape Forester Duties: Inspector of Forest and Street Trees—The duties of the incumbents of these positions are to make inspection of trees and woodlands in Parks and in the streets of the City of Detroit in order to protect same from damage by individuals or corporations and also to protect from the ravages of fungi and insects; to make repairs to those found injured and do other tree surgery; to make surveys and record the size, con- dition and kind of trees; to supervise laborers and other em- ployes in the planting, trimming and treatment of trees; to give information to the public relative to the care and protec- tion of trees and to perform other related duties as assigned by the Forester. Landscape Forester—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to plan, design and lay out the Forestry work in connection with projects in landscaping and to supervise the work connected with its execution; to make inspections and reports on diseased trees and shrub life; to make studies, surveys and prepare specifications for the purpose of conserv- ing trees, shrub and plant life and to perform other related work as assigned by the Forester. Qualifications: - Persons holding these positions must have: 1. Such training in forestry as is evidenced by a degree 90 granted upon completion of a standard course of instruction in a recognized school of forestry or landscape designing, or proof of other training recognized as an equivalent thereto by the Civil Service Commission. & -- S 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1560 to $2160 with standard rates of $1560, $1680, $1800, $1980 and $2160. GRADE II (O F II) Title of Position: “ Assistant Forester Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assist in the supervision of the care, replacement and preservation of the trees, shrubs, forests, woodlands, nurseries and street trees on the highways and boulevards and parks of Detroit; to direct the activities of the Department in pruning, planting, spraying trees, and in making surveys and in taking the census of trees, and to supervise all work pertaining to the execution of designs and plans as to the planting of trees and shrubs: to supervise the care of nursery stock and the management of the municipal nursery; to direct the work connected with the eradication of insects and fungi affecting trees and shrubs and to do other related work as directed by the Forester. & Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. At least three years of experience in Grade I if ap- pointed by promotion, or if appointed by original examination, at least four years of experience in work of Grade 1 character and standard. te 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2340 to $2760 with standard salary rates of $2340, $2520 and $2760. 91 GRADE III (O F III) Title of Position: Supt. of Forestry and Landscape Duties: The duties of the incumbent of this position are to, assume full responsibility for the care, maintenance, preservation and replacement of the trees, shrubs, plantations, forests, wood- land, nurseries and street trees on the highways, boulevards and parks of the City of Detroit; to plan and lay out work and formulate and execute the policies of Bureau of Forestry; to instruct and advise the public and private agencies or institu- tions on subjects of tree conservation; to direct, the methods of eradicating and controlling insects and fungus growths affecting trees and shrubs and to transact the business of the Forestry Bureau. *- ; Qualifications: * Persons holding this position must have : 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade II. 2. At least three years of experience in Grade II, if ap- pointed by promotion, or if appointed by original examina- tion, at least four years of experience in work of Grade II character and standard. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The annual rate of compensation for full time service in this position is from $3000 to $4200 with standard salary rates of $3000, $3300, $3600, $3900 and $4200. HORTICULTURIST GROUP (O H) The term “Horticulturist Group” is used to identify the authorized positions of the Professional Service whose incum- bents are required to conduct experiments and investigations in the culture of fruit, vegetables, flowers and plants and the propagation and cultivation of same. GRADE I (O H I) Title of Position: Assistant Horticulturist Duties: The duties of incumbents of this position are to conduct experiments and investigations in the study of the culture 92 and propagations of fruits, vegetables and flowers; to super- vise culture work on a large scale; to prepare records and reports on same and to give advise on this and related sub- jects. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. Such training in Horticulture as is evidenced by a degree, diploma or certificate granted on the completion of a standard course of instruction in a college of agriculture of recognized standing; at least one year of experience in inspec- tion, care and study of fruits, vegetables and plants or related work. - 2. A certificate of graduation from a high school and training evidenced by a certificate granted upon completion of one or more courses of Horticulture in a college of recog- nized standing, specializing in this art, and in addition thereto, not less than two years’ experience in a supervisory capacity in the growing of fruits and plants. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1560 to $2160. HORTICULTURIST GROUP GRADE II (O H II) Title of Position: Horticulturist Duties: The duties of the incumbents of this position, which re- quires high executive ability and technical training, are to assume independent responsibility for the activities of the Horticultural Bureau; in the conduct of experimentation and investigation in the culture of fruits, vegetables, flowers and plants; to supervise the propagation and growing of same; to prepare reports and furnish expert advice on Horticulture and related subjects. Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 93 2. At least three years of experience in Grade I if ap- pointed by promotion; if appointed by original examination, at least five years' experience of Grade I character and stand- ard. - 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by Civil Service. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2340 to $3000. ICHTHYOLOGIST GROUP (O I) The term “Ichthyologist Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Professional Service whose incumbents are required to assume responsibility for the col- \ection, care, propagation and exhibition of fish and reptiles. GRADE I (O II) • Title of Position: Director of Aquarium (Ichthyologist) Duties: - - The duties of incumbent of this position are to assume supervisory responsibility for the collection and maintenance of large collections of fish and reptiles. This includes the feeding, breeding, observation, treatment and exhibition and their sale, exchange and purchase in accordance with pre- scribed regulations. t Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have : 1. A degree of Ichthyologist or its equivalent from a rec- ognized institution of learning and at least five years of expe- rience in aquarium work, or - 2. If not a college graduate at least eight years of expe- rience in a large aquarium or in governmental work considered the equivalent of the experience and training in the first para- graph, at least two years of which must have been in a posi- tion of supervisory responsibility. - 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2760 to $3600 with standard salary rates of $2760, $3000, $3300 and $3600. 94 DIRECTOR of MUNICIPAL MARKETs GROUP (o M) GRADE I (O M I) Title of Position: Director of Municipal Bureau of Markets Duties: The duties of the incumbents of this position are to super- vise and direct the Bureau of Markets, including the active administration of the East and West Markets, and the St. Jean Street curb market, and all markets maintained and operated by the City of Detroit; to develop plans for the improvement of wholesale and retail markets and to put same into execution ; to supervise the publicity of market reports, both through the press and other market bulletins to that end ; that the consuming public may be advised of current prices and also that the producers may be advised as to the ruling prices; exercise general supervision over the operation and maintenance of market places and to administer business of the Bureau. * Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. Completed a course in agriculture, including horticul- ture, in a recognized institution giving such a course. 2. At least three years' experience in a supervisory capac- ity in the marketing and distribution of vegetables, cereals and other food stuffs. - 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time se, vice in this grade is from $4200 to $6000 with annual salary rates of $4200, $4500, $4800, $5400, $5700 and $6000. sº PHARMACIST GROUP (O G) The term “Pharmacist Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Professional and Scientific Service, whose incumbents are required to preserve, com- pound and dispense drugs and medicines, according to pre- scriptions of practitioners Ór according to standard formula. 95 GRADE I (O GI) Title of Position: Pharmacist Duties: The duties of incumbents of this position, which may in- volve the supervision of assigned employes, are to preserve, compound and dispense drugs; to manufacture standard phar- maceutical preparations; to keep the records prescribed by statute or ordinance and to perform other related duties as required. Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. Pharmacists' diploma and certificate of State Regis- tration. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. & Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1980 to $2520 with standard salary rates of $1980, $2160, $2340 and $2520. VETERINARY GROUP The term “Veterinary Group” is applied to those employ- ments of the Professional Service, whose incumbents are required to perform such duties in investigating, reporting, preventing and treating the diseases of animals, and in the preparation of serums, antitoxins and vaccines, as are law- fully performed by veterinarians only. GRADE I (O V I) Title of Position: Veterinarian Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to diagnose, prevent and treat all diseases of animals; to perform opera: tions on them; to investigate and report the ante mortem and post mortem conditions, both physical and pathological in domestic animals, and to inspect and report upon Sanitary conditions affecting the public health. ^ 96 Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. A diploma from a recognized college of Veterinary Science. 2. Certificate of registration. 3. At least two years’ practice as a Veterinary-Surgeon. 4. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission, or the Health Commissioner. Compensation: * The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2160 to $4000. SUB-PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (B) The term “Sub-Professional Service” is used to identify those authorized employments whose incumbents are re- quired to perform technical work subordinate to work out- lined in the various groups of the Professional Service but not requiring professional training or experience. ^ ENGINEERING AID GROUP (B E) The term “Engineering Aid Group” is used to identify those employments of the Sub-Professional Service whose incumbents are required to perform, under instruction and supervision, elementary or apprentice work in field or office, of one of the specialized branches of engineering and to do drafting work incident or subordinate to engineering practice but not requiring professional training or experience. - ENGINEERING AID GROUP GRADE I (B E I) Titles of Positions: Stakesetter Rodman) Tracer ) Junior Engineering Aid Draftsman Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to perform 97 under supervision or instruction, elementary engineering work in office or field in one of the engineering branches, but not requiring technical or professional education or training. Examples : Holding a rod. Measuring with a chain or tape. Tracing plans, maps, charts or sketches. Making computations Lettering plans, maps, charts or drawings Qualifications: \ Persons holding these positions must have: 1. Such qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1440 to $1800 with standard salary rates of $1440, $1560, $1680 and $1800. - ENGINEERING AID GROUP GRADE II (B E II) - Titles of Positions: Senior Draftsman Plan Examiner Instrumentman Engineering Aid Duties: - Senior Draftsman—The duties of the incumbents of these positions, which require a high degree of technical skill and the ability to lay out and plan work, are to supervise and assume responsibility for a group of employes in Grade I, or to perform highly specialized drafting work not requiring professional training or experience. t Examples: Preparing maps and working drawings. Computing and compiling data. Plan Examiner—The duties of incumbents of these posi- tions, which require a knowledge of the building, sanitary, plumbing and housing codes, and experience in building con- ; - ſ\ - 3. 98 struction, but which do not require professional engineering or architectural experience, are to examine and check build- ing plans for the purpose of discovering violations of the codes, laws, rules, regulations and ordinances governing build- ing projects. * -- Instrumentman—The duties of incumbents of this posi- tion are to perform routine work requiring the use of survey- ing and other engineering instruments, mathematical tables, formulae, etc., but which do not require professional training or experience. Examples: Running level or transit. Adjusting instruments. Keeping level and survey notes. Inspecting minor engineering works. Supervising plotting notes. Qualifications: Senior Draftsman, Plan Examiner—Persons holding these positions must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I (Draftsman). 2. Not less than two years of experience in Grade I, if appointed by promotion; if appointed by original examina- tion, at least two years of experience in work of Grade I char- acter and standard. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Instrumentman—Persons holding these positions must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I (Rodman). 2. At least two years of experience in Grade I as Rod- man if appointed by promotion ; if appointed by original ex- amination, at least one year of experience as Instrumentman. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1980 to $2520 with standard salary rates of $1980, $2160, $2340 and $2520. - 99. ENGINEERING AID GROUP GRADE III (B E III) Titles of Positions: Chief Draftsman Chief of Party Computer and Estimater Senior Engineering Aid Duties: * Chief Draftsman, Computer and Estimater—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assume complete charge of a drafting room, and to do drafting work requiring the highest technical skill, but not requiring professional training or to direct the work of computing Squads. & § Chief of Party—The duties of the incumbents of this posi- tion are to direct the work of a field party on surveys and construction, to direct minor construction and repair projects, to direct the computation of surveys and minor computation. Qualifications : Chief Draftsman, Computer and Estimater—Persons holding these positions shall have : 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade II (Senior Draftsman). 2. At least two years of experience in Grade II. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Chief of Party—Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade II (Instrument- man). *: 2. At least two years of experience in Grade II (Instru- mentman). 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: - The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2760 to $3300 with annual rates of $2760, $3000 and $3300. r - 100 SOCIAL SERVICE (S) The term “Social Service” is used to identify those author- ized employments of the City of Detroit whose incumbents are required to investigate and pass upon the advisability of giving relief to sick or indigent individuals or families, and to see that such relief, either medical, physical or financial, is provided ; to visit and control destitute or neglected families with a view to furthering the welfare of the children therein; to secure employment for unemployed and to locate younger persons, engaged in unsuitable occupations, in proper voca- tions; to plan, supervise and direct the spare time activities of the community; to investigate and report on cases paroled and placed on probation by police judges and to supervise the activities of such paroled persons and probationers and to per- form other functions having as an end the preservation of the integrity of the family unit, if this is desirable, or making such changes as will best help the individuals in the family unit to become self-respecting and self-supporting, and to devise and inaugurate other means of promoting good citizenship among those now living under misapprehensions as to its meaning. social workeR GROUP (Sw) * The term “Social Worker Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Social Service whose incum- bents are required to investigate and pass upon questions relative to the relief of sick, indigent or aged individuals or families; to devise and supervise methods for best accomplish- ing those ends; to undertake the solution of problems of un- employment and the proper employment of young persons engaged in unsuitable occupations; to assume the obligations incident to the furtherance of child welfare in destitute or neglected families and to establish proper sanitary and hy- gienic environments therein; to lay out courses of instruction and to direct the instruction of new groups entering the field; to direct and advise field workers; to investigate and report upon conditions and the conduct of private charitable insti- tutions receiving funds from the City and to perform other functions relative to the welfare work of the community. GRADE I (S W I) Title of Position: Student Social Worker Duties: i - \ The duties of incumbents in this position are to perform 101 elementary investigations and make reports under instruction and direction of superiors and to perform other related work as directed. Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have : 1. A diploma from a high school. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The compensation for full time service in this grade shall be $75 per month for the first year and $100 per month for the second year. GRADE II (S W II) Titles of Positions: Social Service Worker Hospital Investigator Visiting Housekeeper y Registrar Charities Registration Bureau Medical Social Service Worker Supervisor of Application Bureau Duties: Social Service Worker—The duties of incumbents of this position are to interview applicants for relief, their parents, relatives and friends; to interview or correspond with former employers and other agencies, in and out of Detroit; to prepare records of such investigations; to inspect records of courts, jails, clinics, physicians and other agencies; to accompany ap- plicants to hospital or medical, when hospital or medical aid are required, and to perform other related duties as directed. Hospital Investigator—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to visit public patients in various hospitals for the purpose of determining their financial and social status and their ability to pay for services rendered and to make arrangements for collecting such funds; to ascertain the ex- tent of the sickness or injury, if the latter by accident, to ascer- tain the details thereto; to ascertain the insurance or sick benefits carried and to make reports of all such investigations to the Department. Visiting Housekeeper—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to visit families receiving public aid; to give in- struction and advice in cooking, garment making, house clean- ing, food values and general household management; to pre- 102 pare budgets of family expenditures; to collect data on cur- rent food prices; to make reports and perform other related duties. - Registrar Charities Registration Bureau—The duties of incumbents of this position are to receive from Social Agencies names, addresses and such other identifying information as will enable the Bureau to make complete records that will be available for all agencies or individuals interested in social work; to develop the work as affecting any agencies that might at any time be not using the Registration Bureau and to stimu- late interest in the work of the Bureau; to supervise the activi- ties of other employes of the Bureau; to prepare reports for all agencies using the exchange, special reports required by the Department and to perform other related work as assigned by the Director of Social Service. - Medical Social Service Worker—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to work with the physicians in the clinic of the Receiving Hospital and with the patients in the home; to direct and assist in the home care of the patients under treatment; to collect data and to prepare statistical reports in connection with the medical service. . Supervisor of the Application Bureau—The duties of in- cumbents of this position are to interview applicants for aid, admission to Eloise, hospitals or other institutions, arrange transportation, etc.; to interview representatives from other charitable organizations. Seeking aid for families or desiring information from records of the Welfare Commission; answer- ing telephone calls covering complaints concerning families who need or are receiving aid; to take care of the correspond- ence of the office, in all of which duties a high degree of spe- cialized knowledge on Social Service matters is required, in passing upon the advisability of giving the requested aid. The incumbent is further required to prepare statistical reports of the Bureau and to supervise the records of the Office. Qualifications: Social Service Worker—Persons holding these positions must have : 1. Completed the course for student workers, Grade I if appointed by promotion. 2. If appointed original examination at least one year of experience in related Settlement, social or charitable work recognized by the Civil Service Commission as qualifying or 103 a four-year college course in which special work has been done in economics, sociology or related subjects approved by the Civil Service Commission. - * 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Hospital Investigator—Persons holding this position must have : 1. The minimum qualifications for entrance to Grade I Social Worker. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commissien. Visiting Housekeeper—Persons holding this position nuSt have : f; 1. A diploma issued upon graduation from a High School. 2. A diploma or certificate granted upon completion of at least a two-year course in Domestic Science and Domestic Art from an accredited school, including the methods of teach- ing, psychology, history of education and related subjects. 3. At least one year of experience in visiting housekeep- ers’ work. 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civiſ Service Commission." Registrar Charities Registration Bureau—Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications for entrance to the grade of Social Worker, Grade I. 2. At least two years of experience as a Social Worker. 3. The minimum qualifications of Grade II, Clerk. 4. Such additional quailfications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Medical Social Service Worker—Persons holding this po- sition must have: - 1. The minimum qualifications for entrance to Grade II, Social Worker. 2. Certificates of registration as a trained nurse. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Supervisor of Application Bureau—Persons holding this position must have: 104 1. The minimum qualifications for entrance to Grade II. Social Worker. - 2. At least two years of experience in Grade II, if ap- pointed by promotion. wº - 3. The minimum qualifications of Grade II Clerk. 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: Social Service Worker: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1440 to $1800 with annual salary rates of $1440, $1680 and $1800. Hospital Investigator, Visiting Housekeeper—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1560 to $2160 with standard salary rates of $1560, $1680, $1800, $1980 and $2160. Registrar of Charities Registration Bureau, Medical Social Service Worker, Supervisor of Application Bureau—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1560 to $2160 with standard, salary rates of $1560, $1680, $1800, $1980 and $2160. - GRADE III (S W III) Title of Position: District Supervisor Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to direct and supervise the activities of Social Workers, Grade II; lay out and plan reconstruction work with families or indi- viduals; to make studies of social conditions as developed by investigations, and make reports thereon; to determine the amount and kind of material relief needed to bring about the desired ends and to perform other related work as assigned. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade II, Social Worker. 2. At least two years of experience as a Social Worker, Grade II, if appointed by promotion. 105 3. If appointed by original examination, at least three years of experience in work of the character and standard of Social Worker, Grade II. - 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service 111 this position is from $1980 to $2520 with standard salary rates of $1980, $2160, $2340 and $2520. - GRADE IV (S.W IV) Title of Position: Director of Social Service Duties: The duties of incumbents of this position are to supervise the activities of the Social Worker Group in accordance with the suggestions of the Superintendent of the Welfare Commis- sion; to plan and lay out work for field workers; to confer and advise with and direct as to the treatment of individual cases; to plan a course of instruction and direct the training of students in Grade I; to represent the Welfare Department in all matters pertaining to Social and Welfare work; to ad- dress public and private organizations interested in the work; to prepare reports on the work of the Social Service Bureau; to develop policies for the development and extension of its work. Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade II. 2. At least three years of experience in Grade II, if appointed by promotion, or if appointed otherwise than by promotion. - - 3. At least three years’ experience in work of the charac- ter and standard of Grade II in a charitable or philanthropic organization recognized by the Civil Service Commission, or 4. Graduation from a recognized institution of learning after specializing in sociology with two years of Supervisory experience in work of character and standard of Grade II. 5. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. • • . 106 Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $3000, $3300, $3600, $3900 and $4200. PROBATION OFFICER GROUP (SP) The term “Social Service Probation Officer Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Social Serv- ice whose incumbents are required to investigate and pass judgment upon social and other conditions of offenders who are paroled or placed on probation by police judges; to keep necessary records and perform other related work. GRADE I (S P I) Title of Position: Assistant Probation Officer Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to investi- gate all matters relative to the social conditions of those offenders paroled or placed on probation by Police Court judges; to investigate complaints relative to misdemeanors; to pass upon the issuance of warrants; to issue warrants and to supervise the activities of probationers during their periods of probation; to keep the necessary records and statistics; to conduct correspondence concerning probationers and to perform such follow-up work and other related duties as may be necessary or incidental to the supervision of their welfare. Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have : - 1. Certificate of graduation from a high school or proof of other training recognized as the equivalent thereto by the Civil Service Commission, and 2. Not less than one year of experience in probation work, settlement work or other social activities recognized by the Civil Service Commission as the equivalent. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1440 to $1980 with standard salary rates of $1440, $1560, $1680, $1800 and $1980. 107 GRADE II (S P II) Title of Position: Chief Probation Officer Duties: The duties of incumbents of this position are to assume Supervisory responsibility for all cases placed on probation or paroled by the judges of the Police Courts; to render final decision in all cases in question; to make investigations and reports on the disposition of cases; to advise and confer with probation officers and perform other related duties as may be necessary to the supervision of paroled offenders and pro- bationers and the enforcement of statutory or other regula- tions relating thereto. Qualifications: Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. Such other qualifications as may be required by the Senior Police Judge. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $3600 to $4800 with standard salary rates of $3600, $3900, $4200, $4500 and $4800. RECREATION GROUP (SR) The term “Recreation Group” is used to identify those authorized employments of the Social Service whose incum- bents are required to plan, direct and supervise, give instruc- tion in and lead the spare time activities of the City at Com- munity Centers, play grounds, community gardens and other centers of such activities as may be developed. GRADE I (S R I) Titles of Positions: Play Leader Director of Gardens Duties: Play Leader—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to direct and give instruction in games, folk dances, rug making, basketry and crocheting, etc.; to arrange community | * 108 programs; to supervise athletic games; to do neighborhood visiting; to supervise the adult activities in a community, in- cluding mothers’ clubs, sewing clubs, and to perform related work under supervision. Director of Gardens—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to organize garden clubs in connection with back- yard and vacant lot activities; to give systematic instruction to these clubs in the proper operation of planning, care and cultivation of garden plots; to give instruction in Čanning, and to perform other related duties, under supervision. Qualifications: Play Leader—Persons holding these positions must have: . 1. A certificate from a normal school in the Play Leaders' course or from a teacher's course including Play Leader prep- aration, or such training as may be considered an equivalent by the Civil Service Commission. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Director of Gardens—Persons holding these positions must have: - - 1. A diploma from a normal school, or 2. Special training in garden and other agricultural work. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: Play Leader—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1500 to $1860 with standard salary rates of $1500, $1620, $1740 and $1860. Director of Gardens—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1500 to $1740 with standard salary rates as follows: $1500, $1620 and $1740. GRADE II (S R II) Titles of Positions: Play Director Supervisor of Gardens Duties: Play Director—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to plan, work and Supervise employes of Grade I, to as- Sume responsibility for a large play-ground or recreation cen- ter, or to have control of the activities of smaller units, subject to instructions from the head of the Department. 109 Supervisor of Gardens—The duties of incumbents of this position are, under the direction of the Superintendent of Recreation, to plan all the activities of the year and to super- vise and direct the work of the directors of gardens. Qualifications: Play Director—Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I. 2. At least one year of experience in Grade I if appointed by promotion, or - 3. If appointed by original appointment, a degree from a recognized institution of learning in a course including so- ciology and play direction. 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Supervisor of Gardens—Persons holding this position must have : 1. The minimum qualifications of Director of Gardens, Grade I. 2. At least three seasons of experience in Grade I or in work of Grade I character and standard. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - -- Compensation: Play Director—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1980 to $2520 with stand- ard salary rates of $1980, $2160, $2340 and $2520. & Supervisor of Gardens—The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $1980 to $2760 with standard salary rates of $1980, $2160, $2340, $2520 and $2760. (Appraisal Grade.) Title of Position: Supervisor The duties of the incumbents of these positions include the supervising of the work of play directors and the responsi- bility for execution of the detail of work as laid out by the Superintendent of Recreation; the keeping of records of the time of subordinates in the Recreation Commission and of the attendance at play centers, etc., and such other duties as the Superintendent of Recreation may assign. Compensation: Salary at the rate of $2400 per year. 110 e - .. SOCIAL SERVICE RECREATIONAL GROUP GRADE No. 3 Title of Position: Superintendent of Recreation Duties: (a) The duties of incumbents of these positions include the planning, laying out, directing and supervising of activi- ties of the Recreation Commission under the direction' and ap- proval of the Board of Recreation Commissioners. (b) To have care, authority and responsibility and disci- pline of the department and subordinates, and to be respon- sible to the Recreation Commission for the proper function- ing of said department. Compensation: f Salary, $4500 to $6000 per year. suPERVIsory SERVICE (Y) The term “Supervisory Service” is used to identify those authorized employments of the City of Detroit whose incum- bents are required to assume responsibility for the activities of groups of laborers and other employes; the operation, repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment and the han- dling and storing and distribution of materials and supplies in the performance of the work of the department or bureau or division thereof, and, which may or may not require pro- fessional training or knowledge of a craft or trade. SUPERVISORY GROUP (Y sy GRADE I (Y S I) Titles of Positions: Foreman (Flushing) Foreman (Garbage Collecting) Foreman (Street Cleaning) Foreman (Dump) Foreman (Paving) Foreman (Asphalt Plant) Foreman (Parks and Boulevards) Foreman (Forestry) Foreman (City Parks) Foreman (Palmer Park) Foreman (Belle Isle Park) 111 Foreman (Sewers—Lateral) Foreman (Sewers—Public) Foreman (Construction—Water) Foreman (Hydrant Repair—Water) Foreman Assistant (Water) - Foreman Emergency (Water) Traffic Man (Water) Foreman Yard (Water) Foreman Yard (D. P. W.) Foreman (Garage) Duties: The duties of incumbents of these positions are to super- vise and direct the work of gangs of laborers and other em- ployes in functions related to the work of the several depart- ments indicated. They are required to plan work ahead, arrange for the distribution of material and supplies and, above all, possess the ability to direct and handle men efficiently. They should be able to account for tools and materials used on a job and may be required to keep time records. All are under orders of Assistant Superintendents, Superintendents and other superior officers, and may be required to do related work at any time. Qualifications: Persons holding these positions must have : 1. At least two years of experience in work similar or analogous to that done by the department indicated by the title and proven ability in handling men and work. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of daily compensation for full time service in this grade is from $5.00 to $8.00. If on annual, basis, the sal- aries range from $1560 to $2400 with rates as follows: $1560, $1680, $1800, $1980, $2160, $2340 and $2400. Special Regulation Governing Salary. Rates: The entrance and other salary rates in this grade are con- ditional upon appraisal under the rules of the Civil Service Commission, indicating that the rate designed does not exceed the value of the work. #12 GRADE II (Y S II) & Titles of Positions: Assistant Superintendent of Construc- tion (Water) Assistant Superintendent of Storage Yard (Water) Assistant Superintendent of Water (Fire) Assistant Superintendent (Garbage Col- lection) Superintendent of Flushing Duties: Assistant Superintendent of Construction—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to assume responsibility for the construction of water mains, and the repair thereof, and the performance of other related duties as directed by the Superintendent of Construction. Assistant Superintendent of Storage Yard (Water)—The duties of incumbents of this position are to assist the Super- intendent as directed in the supervision of testing, setting and repairing materials; delivering supplies to construction jobs; to direct the work of tapping and leak crews, and in keeping proper records of materials used in the work done, and to per- form other related duties as may be assigned by the Superin- tendent of the Storage Yard. Assistant Superintendent of Water (Fire)—The duties of incumbents of this position are to supervise the construction of high pressure water mains; to locate tees and gates for fire purposes in water mains as they are allowed by the Water Department; to keep time and cost records of work done and to perform other related duties as may be assigned by the Superintendent of Water (Fire Department). Assistant Superintendent (Garbage Collection)—The du- ties of incumbents of this position are to supervise the activi- ties of the foreman in the distribution of wagons and trucks for the collection of garbage and route them to the loading stations; to supervise the maintenance and repair of equip- ment; to expedite the loading and moving of cars at the load- ing station and to perform other related work as directed by the Superintendent of Garbage Collection. Superintendent of Flushing—The duties of incumbent of this position are to assume responsibility for the flushing of 113 streets; the distribution of supplies and the maintenance and repair of machines used in the work, and to perform related duties as directed by the Superintendent of Street Cleaning. Qualifications: Assistant Superintendent of Construction (Water), Assistant Superintendent of Water (Fire)—Persons hold- ing these positions must have : 1. The minimum qualifications of foremen of water work construction, Grade I. 2. At least three years of experience in Grade I if ap- pointed by promotion, or, 3. If appointed by original examination at least four years of experience in a supervisory capacity as foreman or assistant superintendent of construction on water works projects. 4. A degree in Civil Engineering granted by a recog- nized institution authorized to grant that degree and at least three years of experience in water works construction and design. • 5. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - - Assistant Superintendent of Storage Yard (Water)— Persons holding this position must have: - 1. Minimum qualifications of foremen of storage yard, Grade I. 2. At least three years' experience as foreman, Grade I, storage yard. - 3. A thorough knowledge of water works stores and methods of storing and keeping. 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Assistant Superintendent of Garbage Collection—Persons holding this position must have : 1. Minimum qualifications of foreman, Grade I. 2. At least three years' experience therein if appointed by promotion, or if appointed by original examination at least three years of supervisory work of a nature to prove execu- tive ability or a degree in Civil Engineering granted upon 114 the completion of a standard course at an institution author- ized to grant that degree and three years' experience in municipal garbage collection and disposal work. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Superintendent of Flushing—Persons holding this posi- tion must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of Grade I, as foreman of flushing. 2. At least two years of experience in Grade I, if ap- pointed by promotion; if appointed by original examination, at least three years of experience in a supervisory capacity of the standard and character of Grade I. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $2340 to $2760 with standard salary rates of $2340, $2520 and $2760. - GRADE III (I S III) Titles of Positions: Assistant Superintendent Asphalt Plant Superintendent of Construction (Parks) Superintendent of Construction (Tuber- culosis Hospital) Superintendent of Maintenance (Water) Superintendent of Construction (Wa- ter) Superintendent of Water (Fire) Superintendent of Garbage Bureau Superintendent of Sidewalk Bureau Superintendent of Permit Bureau Assistant Superintendent—Sewer Bureau Assistant Superintendent of Yards and Storekeeper (Water) & Superintendent of Yards—Paving Bureau 115 District Superintendent—Sidewalk Bureau - District Superintendent—Paving Bureau Superintendent of Conduit Construction (Public Lighting) Superintendent of Construction (Side- walk Bureau) Superintendent of Public Service (Parks) Duties: Assistant Superintendent Asphalt Plant—The duties of incumbents of this position are to assume direct responsibility for the operation of the asphalt plant, its maintenance and repair; to supervise the manufacture of bituminous and as- phaltic mixtures used in the construction of asphalt pave- ments and to perform related work as directed by the Super- intendent. Superintendent of Construction (Parks)—The duties of incumbents of this position are to assume responsibility for the construction of buildings, docks, bridges and other struc- tures as required by the Department of Parks and Boule- vards; to prepare estimates of the cost of labor and materials, and to inspect construction work of all kinds; to be responsi- ble for the proper distribution of materials and supplies for work and to prepare time and other records of costs. Superintendent of Construction (Tuberculosis Hospital)— The duties of incumbents of this position are to assume super- visory responsibility for the proper construction of the Mu- nicipal Tuberculosis Hospital together with like responsibili- ties in connection with the maintenance, alteration and repair of other buildings of the Health Department. Superintendent of Maintenance (Water)—The duties of incumbents of this position are to assume Supervisory respon- sibility for the repair of water mains throughout the City and also for the repair and maintenance of gate valves and renewal of mains and fittings. * * Superintendent of Water (Fire)—The duties of incum- bents of this position are to assume full responsibility for the activities of the Fire Department for the Operation of all fire 116 # hydrants and to lay out and plan the location of work for the water system used by the Fire Department and to supervise the details of the business of the Bureau. Superintendent of the Garbage Bureau—The duties of in- cumbents of this position are to assume complete responsibil- ity for all activities pertaining to the collection and disposal of garbage; to lay out and plan the work of the Bureau; to assume all responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the mechanical equipment of the Bureau and to assume general responsibility for the proper disposition of the business details thereof. * Superintendent of the Sidewalk Bureau—The duties of incumbent of this position are to assume supervisory respon- sibility for the inspection of sidewalk and cross-walk con- struction, emergency repairs to , defective sidewalks and the inspection of old walks and ordering their replacement; to administer the office work in connection with such activities and to perform such other duties as may logically fall within the jurisdiction of the Superintendent of the Sidewalk Bureau. Superintendent of Permit Bureau—The duties of incum- bent of this position are to supervise the work of all inspectors sent out on permits for excavations in streets or alleys; for house moving and other matters within the jurisdiction of the bureau; to administer the business affairs of the Permit Bureau; to collect deposits and make refunds on permits and supervise the sale of tickets for the collection of community rubbish. Assistant Superintendent Sewer Bureau—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to supervise the construc- tion, cleaning and repair of drains, public sewers and basins; to investigate leaks, floods, stoppages and breaks in same and to perform other related work under the direction of and in the districts prescribed by the Superintendent of Sewers. Superintendent of Yards and Storekeeper (Water)—The duties of incumbents of this position are to assume complete responsibility for the activities of the meter testing, meter repairing and meter setting crews of the tap and leak crews and of the carpenter and blacksmith shops; the preparation and custody of records of all sorts of stock on hand and all records of automobile and power machines at the yard. Superintendent of Yards (Paving Bureau)—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to supervise the storage and delivery of all materials used by the City paving gangs; to 117 supervise the yard foreman, blacksmiths, carpenters, engi- neers, and other employes at the yard, and to perform related duties as directed by the Superintendent of the Paving Bureau. District Superintendent Street Cleaning Bureau—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to supervise and direct the activities of groups of foremen and other gangs in connection with cleaning paved streets and alleys of rubbish, Snow, ashes, etc.; in grading, ditching, placing culverts and other related work as the seasons and occasions demand; to regulate distribution, loading and care of teams; to investi- gate complaints and to rectify causes leading thereto, and to perform such other related duties as may be assigned by the Superintendent of the Street Cleaning Bureau. District Superintendent Paving Bureau—The duties of incumbents of these positions are to supervise the construc- tion of streets and alleys in the districts assigned by the Superintendent; to allocate inspectors on the several jobs under their jurisdiction, and to instruct and advise them in the performance of their duties; to investigate complaints and rectify conditions causing same; to prepare cost data on the work done under their jurisdiction and to perform other related duties as assigned to them by the Superintendent of the Paving Bureau. Superintendent of Conduit Construction—The duties of incumbents of this position are to plan and lay out all under- ground conduit construction for the Public Lighting Com- mission; to supervise the inspection, measurement and check- ing of all such work; to direct all repairs on underground conduit systems and to perform related work as directed by the Superintendent of the Public Lighting Commission. Superintendent of Construction Sidewalk Bureau—The duties of incumbents of this position are to supervise the con- struction and repair of cement sidewalk and intersections; to supervise the distribution of materials from the storage yards to the several jobs; to keep cost records and to perform other related work as directed by the Superintendent of the Side- walk Bureau. Superintendent of Public Service (Parks)—The duties of incumbents of this position are to direct the purchases of all supplies used by the refectories, and pavilions in the jurisdic- tion of the Department of Parks and Boulevards; to direct and advise the managers of the Several units and to Supervise the collection and disposal of all moneys received at these units. 118 Qualifications: Assistant Superintendent of Asphalt Plant—Persons hold- ing this position must have : 1. At least eight years of experience in the manufacture and laying of bituminous and asphaltic pavernent and at least four years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity. 2. A degree in Civil Engineering, degree having been granted upon completion of a standard course from a recog- nized institution, and at least five years of experience in the manufacture and construction of bituminous or asphaltic pave- ments, half of which time must have been in a supervisory capacity. - 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Superintendent of Construction (Parks), Superintendent of Construction (Tuberculosis Hospital)— Persons holding these positions must have: 1. At least eight years of experience in the construction of framed structures and gencral building operations, four years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity, or 2. A degree in Civil Engineering or Architecture, degree having been granted upon completion of a standard course from a recognized institution, and at least five years of con- struction experience, half of which time must have been in a supervisory capacity. * 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Superintendent of Maintenance (Water), Superintendent of Construction (Water)—Persons hold- ing these positions must have : - 1. At least eight years of experience in water works con- struction, employing power machines for trenching, pipe lay- ing and back filling, all of which time shall have been in a supervisory capacity, either as foreman or assistant superin- tendent. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Superintendent of Water (Fire)—Persons holding this position must have : 1. At least eight years of experience in the construction 119 of water mains including fire hydrants, four years of which must have been in a Supervisory capacity as foreman or as- Sistant superintendent, or { - 2. A degree in Civil Engineering, degree having been granted upon completion of a standard course from a recog- nized institution, with five years of experience in water works construction and design, half of which time must have been in a Supervisory capacity. Superintendent of Garbage—Persons holding this position must have : 1. The minimum qualifications of a foreman of garbage, Grade I, or assistant superintendent of garbage, Grade II. 2. At least eight years of experience in Grade I or Grade II of this group, if appointed by promotion; if appointed otherwise than by promotion, 3. At least eight years of experience as foreman or assis- tant superintendent of garbage in a department elsewhere in which the work of these grades is known to be comparable to these grades as established above, or 4. A degree in Civil Engineering, degree having been granted upon completion of a standard course from a recog- nized institution, and five years of experience in municipal garbage collection and disposal work. 5. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. * Superintendent of Yards and Storekeeper (Water)—Per- sons holding this position must have: * 1. The minimum qualifications of stores clerk, clerical service, Grade II. - 2. Minimum qualifications of foreman, Grade I, or as- sistant superintendent, Grade II, in water, works construction. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Superintendent of Yards (Paving Bureau)—Persons hold- ing this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of a foreman or assistant superintendent of yards in paving capacities. \ 2. At least eight years' experience as foreman or super- intendent. - 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. 120 District Superintendent Sidewalk Bureau—Persons hold- ing this position must have : 1. The minimum qualifications, Grade I, Supervisory Service. 2. At least eight years of experience in Grade I or in work of Grade I character and standard. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. District Superintendent of Paving—Persons holding this position must have : * 1. The minimum qualifications of inspector of paving, Grade I. 2. At least eight years of experience as an inspector, Grade I, if appointed by promotion, or if appointed by original examination, 3. At least eight years of experience in work of Grade I, Paving Inspector character and standard. 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Superintendent of Conduit Construction—Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of foreman, Grade I, Con- duit Construction. 2. At least eight years of experience as foreman of con- duit construction, Grade I, if appointed by promotion, or if appointed by original examination, & ^ 3. At least five years of experience as foreman of conduit construction, doing work of Grade I character and standard. 4. A degree in Civil Engineering, degree having been granted upon completion of a standard course from a recog- nized institution, and five years of experience in the design and construction of high tension conduits. 5. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Superintendent of Construction Sidewalk Bureau—Persons holding this position must have: 1. The minimum qualifications of foreman, Grade I, in COncrete ConStruction. 2. At least eight years of experience as foreman, Grade I, concrete construction, if appointed by promotion, or if ap- pointed by original examination, 121 3. At least five years of experience in concrete work in a Supervisory capacity of Grade I character and standard. 4. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Superintendent of Public Service (Parks)—Persons hold- ing this position must have : 1. At least five years of experience in responsible charge of purchases for restaurants or refectories and in charge of. the service thereof. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. - Compensation: The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $3000 to $3900 with standard salary rates of $3000, $3300, $3600 and $3900. GRADE IV (I S IV) Titles of Positions: Superintendent Public Buildings, Bridges and Railroad Crossings Superintendent Asphalt Construction Superintendent Sewer Construction and Maintenance Superintendent Paving Superintendent Street Cleaning Duties: Superintendent Public Buildings, Bridges and Railroad Crossings—The duties of incumbent of this position are to assume supervisory responsibility for the inspection, main- tenance, repair and painting of all bridges within the City and the inspection of the installation and repair of railroad grade crossings, spur tracks, and sidings across public high- ways. - Superintendent Asphalt Construction—The duties of the incumbent of this position are to assume supervisory respon- sibility for the making and loading of all bituminous paving material on work done by the City or by contract for the City; to direct and supervise the office and laboratory of the Bureau where complete analyses, examinations and tests with records thereof are prepared and kept, and also to Supervise the laying of asphalt on streets prepared to receive the same. 122 Superintendent Sewer Construction and Maintenance— The duties of the incumbent of this position are to assume supervisory responsibility for the construction of such new sewers as are built by City forces and the repair and cleaning of public and lateral sewers and catch basins; the installation of storm sewers and catch basins in connection with new paving projects and the cleaning of drains and ditches. Superintendent of Paving—The duties of the incumbent of this position are to assume supervisory responsibility for all new paving and all repaving and repairing to streets. Superintendent of Street Cleaning—The duties of the in- cumbent of this position are to assume entire responsibility for all of the activities incident to cleaning, paving streets and alleys; the collection and disposal of rubbish and ashes; the removal of snow and the grading and care of unpaved streets. Qualifications: Superintendent Public Buildings, Bridges and Railroad Crossings—Persons holding this position must have : 1. At least five years of experience in the maintenance and operation of buildings or in paving and railroad work. 2. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Superintendent Asphalt Construction—Persons holding this position must have : 1. At least twelve years of experience in the manufacture and laying of asphaltic pavements, four of which must have been in a supervisory capacity, or 2. A degree in Civil Engineering granted by an institu- tion of learning authorized to grant such a degree, and at least eight years of experience in the manufacture and laying of asphaltic pavements, at least half of which must have been in a supervisory capacity. 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. Superintendent Sewer Construction and Maintenance— Persons holding this position must have : 1. At least twelve years of experience in sewer construc- tión, at least four of which must have been in a supervisory capacity, or 123 2. A degree in Civil Engineering granted from a recog- nized institution authorized to give such degrees, and at least eight years of experience in sewer construction and design, at least half of which must have been in an executive or super- visory capacity on construction work, 3. Such additional qualifications as may be required by the Civil Service Commission. º Compensation: tº § The range of annual compensation for full time service in this grade is from $4200 to $6000. 124 }-H E | T NA AN-G A RAN ſ.) CO FR i NTERS § 2 W E S T LA RNED ST RE tº 1 C. Frºo iT, N.M. 1 C 4 | | ſ | ſ | | | DATE DUE