OB. 18. 52. 多 ​Sion coll: libe From 2 Statis co 6? + ܝ LAD ; 18117 Vuu SCIENTIA ARTES Dauninum VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MUM TIEDON Si QUERIS PENINSULAM AMONAAD CIRCUMSPICE VJV . Bunun llllllllll Allir NINH HunHIM DUNHO Ounce Τ Η Ε, Ε Ι Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ s L E N T S 0 F E U C L I D. C 1.PKIN -0.9 INI Euclidis Τ Η Ε E L E M Ε Ν Τ και N T S 1 OF E U C C L I C D. In which the Propoſitions are demonſtrated in a new and forter'Manner than in former Tranſlations, and the Arrangement of many of them altered, To which are annexed Plain and Spherical Trigonometry, Tables of Logaritlims from I to 10000, and Tables of Sines, Tangents, and Secants, both Natural and Artificial, BY GEORGE DOUGLAS, Teaciier of Mathematics in the Academy at dyr. L O N D ON: Printed for 1. MURRAY, No. 32. Fleetſtreet; and C. ELLIOT, Parlianient-ſquare, Edinburgh. M.DCC.LXXVI, : : } ut 5 > } SION COLLEGE LIBRARY 1 SOLD BY ORDER OF THL PRBSIDENT AND GOVERNORS 1938. + 1 Y } } Τ Ο MATTHEW STUART, D.D. Ꮪ , Τ Η Ε FOLLOWING EDITION } Ο F Τ Η Ε ELEMENTS OF EU O L ID A R E INSCR I B E D BY HIS MOST OBEDIENT 1 AND MOST HUMBLE SERVANT GEORGE DOUGL A S. ! lib.2071115 Hedger 2-5:39 37679 P R E F A C E. Р E F M OST authors, from a natural anxiety to render their ſub- jects as compleat as pollible, are in danger of being be- trayed into prolixity: An attention to minute circumſtances may be neceſſary in ſome kinds of compoſition, but prolixity is alto- gether inexcuſable in a ſcientific writer. His object is to explain the principles of ſcience in the moſt ſimple and perſpicuous manner. To accompliſh this end, every fuperfiuity of language and reaſoning ought to be ſtrictly guarded agairit. Whoever has attended to books of ſcience will readily allow, that moit of them are capable of abridgement; and that this abridgement, inſtead of obſcuring, or rendering the ſubject more difficult, will make it more clear and intelligible to the generality of itu- dents. Simplicity and conciſeneſs are peculiarly neceſſary in com- municating the Elements of ſcience, which are always leſs in- tereſting to the ſtudent than the practical parts. If the author be tedious in this article, the mind, being entirely unacquainted orn with the utility or application of elementary truths, is apt to re- volt and abandon the ſtudy. But fimplicity and conciſeneſs are more indiſpenſible in the elements of mathematics than any o- ther ſcience. Unfortunately, however, too little attention has hitherto been given to this circumſtance. Euclid, an author long and juftly admired for the excellency of his general method, has often gone ſo minutely to work in his demonſtrations, as to render many plain propofitions not only tedious, but difficult. His manner of demonſtrating is un- queſtionably the beſt that has yet appeared, and therefore ought to be followed : But it is by no means impoſlible to make his de monſtrations as plain in much fewer words, and even to arrange many of them in a different manner, without doing the leaſt injury to his principles. This taſk I have undertaken in the following ſheets. If I have ſucceeded, one capital objection to the fudy of mathe- matics is happily removed, as the Blements of Euclid may now be learned in one half of the uſual time, and with greater eale to the ſtudent. That the reader may be the better prepared for the alterations he may meet with, I have here mentioned a few, with the rea- fons which induced me to make them. Book viii PRE FACE. Book I. ax. 10.“Two right lines do not bound a fgure;” in ſtead of “ include a ſpace," the boundaries of ſpace, being diſ- puted by metaphyſical writers, become unfit for a mathematical axiom. Prop. 5. which is rather too tedious, I have proved from prop. 4. in very few words, and have not uſed more freedom tham is done in the demonſtration as it now ſtands. The ſecond part, viz. the angles below the baſe, I have left out till the 13th is pro- ved, from which it eaſily follows; and likewiſe in proving the bafes equal in the 4th, I have changed the indirect proof, and given a direct one, by which it is both ſhorter and eaſier com- prehended. The manner in which I have enunced the 7th prop. renders the ſecond part of the 5th unneceſſary; yet have luppoſed no more given than what muſt be ſuppoſed before a proof can be begun. But, thoſe who think it ought to be in more general terms, I have indulged in the 21ſt, from which it naturally follows. As ſome have thought axiom 12. not ſelf- evident, and therefore ought not to be an axiom, I have added a cor. to prop. 17. that convincingly proves it. The 35th and 37th are joined in one, as nothing can follow more naturally than, if the wholes are equal, their halfs are likewiſe ſo. The ſame may be ſaid of the 36th and 38th ; nor is it leſs natural to prove it from half the parallelogram than to double the triangle, and then take its half. I cannot agree with Mr Simpſon in leaving out the corollaries from prop. 32. nor can I find any reaſon for his fo doing. Book II. I have varied the enunciation of ſeveral of the pro- poſitions, and expreffed them in clearer terms. In the Sih pro- poſition, the equality of the ſquares is proved in a ſhorter but clearer manner than that preſently uſed. The 13th is retained much in the ſame manner as in Commandine's Euclid; for, though it be true of every ſide of a triangle ſubtending an acute angle; yet, as the demonftration is general, and the perpendi- cular falling within or without the triangle, makes no real alte- ration, proving it in different figures becomes unneceſſary. Book III. The first definition is challenged by Mr Simpſon, which, he ſays, ought to be proved; for this I can fee no reaſon, or any neceſſity of a proof, as the equality of coincident figures is admitted, ax. 3. Book I. I have taken another demonſtra- tion in place of that uſed in the ad propofition, which I thouglit as mathematical as that uſed either by Commandine or Simpſon, and much ſhorter. To the 8th prop. I have added, “ that only two equal lines can fall either upon the convex or concave part of " the circumference :" but the demonitration of the whole is ” ſhorter than that preſently uſed. In the 16th,“ the angle of a “ ſemicircle” is omitted, becauſe it follows more naturally as a corollary. The 18th and 19th are joined in one, for the rea- Lons already given. I have put a ſhort and natural demonſtra- tion ; 1 ; 2 6 P R E FACE. ix ܪ tion in place of the 2d part of prop. 21. and changed the figure. The 25th is ſhortened, and the 28th and 29th joined in one. In the 31ſt,“ the angle of a ſegment is left out, but reſumed in ” the cor. as it follows naturally from the propoſition. I have add- ed a cor. to prop 37. which is found neceſſary in practice. Book IV. is much ſhortened, the 12th, 13th, and 15th, are demonſtrated in a different manner. Book V. is ſhortened almoſt in every propoſition.. In Book VI. I have added a few words to the 5th def. which renders it compleat ; the lemma added to prop. 22. is therefore unneceſſary; as alſo def. A. inſerted aſter def. 11. book V. by Mr Simpſon. The 5th and 6th propoſitions are joined in one, as alſo the 14th and 15th; the demonſtrations are in ge- neral ſhorter. Book XI. Def. 10. is retained, as univerſally true, for the reaſons given in the note at the end of the preface. Prop. 7. As this propoſition has no dependence on any of the preceding propofitions of this book, I have put it in place of the 6th, and joined the 6th and 8th in one, by which the propoſition is made both ſhorter and plainer than when ſeparate. The greateſt part of the propoſitions of this book are conſiderably ſhortened. Book XII. Prop. 5.and 6. are joined in one, and much ſhorten- ed, and the demonſtrations in part new. The 8th and oth are demonſtrated in a much ſhorter and more familiar manner; the greateſt part of the roth and 11th being only a repetition of the 2d, that Prop. is oniy referred to, as it is not neceſſary to de- monſtrate a prop. twice over, nor has Euclid done ſo any where at fo great length as in this book. In PLAIN TRIGONOMETRY I have not inſerted any thiris that depends for illuſtration on infinite ſeries, that being a ſub- ject more proper for the higher parts of mathematics; but have rendered the elements ſhort and comprehenſive, ſo as fully to contain the principles of trigonometry, as well as to explain the nature and uſe of the logarithmic canon. In SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, the propofitions are de. monſtrated in a ſhort and eaſy method, from the principles of plain trigonometry. The obſervations made on them by Mr Cunn are left out, being wholly contained in the propoſitions, and what he intends by them eaſily diſcovered in practice. I have added a ſhort explanation, of the nature and uſe of Sines, Tangents, Secants, and verſed Sines, both natural and artificial ; and how to change Briggs's Logarithms to the Hyper- bolic, and vice verſa, will examples of the above. To which are annexed TABLES of the Logarithms of Numbers, of Sines, Tangents, and Secants, both natural and artificial, which will work to the fame exactneſs, of any extant, even to fecond and third ininutes, or farther, if thought necedury Upon ; x M Ꮲ A P R E F A CE. > : e Upon the whole, although the above alterations are intended to render the elements ealier and tooner acquired, yet are not intended to indulge the indolence of either maſter or ftu. dent. The Elements of Geometry being of ſuch extenſive ufe, that a thorough knowledge of them is abſolutely neceflar whether in the literary or mechanic profeſſion; the conciſeneſs of ; the reaſoning, and conclufiveneſs of the argun:ents, render that knowledge a neceſſary qualification for the pulpit or bar; and in proſecuting the ſciences, this knowledge becomes abſolutely neceffary : but the ſooner it can be acquired, a thorough know- ledge of it may more eaſily be attained : and what is reſerved of that time, which even an experienced Teacher would formerly have taken up in barely demonſtrating the propoſitions, may be employed in pointing out their particular beauties, the accura- cy of the reaſoning, their uſe in the affairs of life, and their ap. plication to the ſciences, which will be of great advantage to the ſtudent, as he is hereby let into the beauties of the ſcience by the time he formerly could have had but even a tolerable knowledge of the method of demonſtration. The author does not hereby mean to inſinuate, that this work is without exception; that notwithſtanding the pains he has ta- ken to render it as correct as poſſible, yet ſeveral inaccuracies, both in the language and demonſtrations, may have eſcaped his notice, which he hopes the learned will excufe, and lend their aſſiſtance to render it more uſeful, if they fhall think it worthy of another impreſſion, That Mr Simpſon has fallen into a miſtake, in the demon- ſtration he has given to prove the falfity of def. 10. Book XI. will appear from the following obſervations : He has proved that the triangles EAB, EBC, ECA, contain- ing the one folid, are equal and fimilar to the three triangles FAB, FBC, FCA, containing the other ſolid, and having the common baſe ABC; he does not deny the equality of theſe fo- Jids, but compares them with another ſolid contained by three triangles GAB, GBC, GCA, and common baſe ABC, which three triangles he neither proves equal nor ſimilar; but concludes, that the folid contained by the three triangles GAB, GDC, GCA, is not equal to the folid contained by the three triangles EAB, EBC, ECA, and common baſe ABC, becauſe the one contains the other. If he had proved, that the triangles GAB, GBC, GCA, were equal and Gimilar to the other three triangles EAB, EBC, ECA, and common baſe ABC, and then proved the folids not equal, he would then have gained his point; but as he has not even ſo much as attempted this, def. 10. muſt be held as univerſally true ; at leaſt till ſome better argument is produced againſt it. But P R E F A CE. xi But as he ſuppoſes it proved not univerſally true, he preſents us with prop. A, B, C, after prop. 23. Book XI. to ſupply its detect. prop. C. “ Solid figures contained by the ſame num- “ ber of equal and ſimilar planes alike ſituated, and having none “ of their folid angles contained by more than three plane angles, are equal and ſimilar to one another.” But this prop. C. will e- vidently appear inſufficient to ſupply this ſuppoſed defect, on ac- count of the limited ſenfe in which it is taken; for, if ſolid fi- gures, bounded by an equal number of equal and fimilar planes, are not equal and ſimilar, but under this limitation, then prop. 15. Book V. muſt not be univerſally true, which I ſuppoſe will not ealily be admitted ; and, if not admitted, then prop. C muſt ' . C be a very infufficient foundation for proof of the following pro- poſitions depending on it, viz. Prop. 25. 26. and 28. and con- fequently eight others, viz. 27th, 31ſt, 32d, 330, 34th, 36th, 37th, and 4cth. Book Xl. all which are by this author toſſed off their baſe, which is univerſally true, and placed upon this limit- ed one. ; Mr Simpſon farther objects, that though this definition be true, yet ought not to be a definition, but a propoſition, and the truth of it proved. The ſame objection might be made with equal propriety to ſeveral others; for example, why not prove the equality of theſe angles which determine the equal inclination of planes, Def. 7. Book XI. ar.d the equality of right lines equally diſtant from the center, both which we may conclude to be Euclid's, as Mr Simpſon does not object to them; for he would make us believe none are Euclid's that he does not affirm to be fo, and that fre- quently without any other reaſon given for it, but his own ipfe , dixit. If we conſider the nature of a definition, it is, if I mii. take not, diftinguiſhing bodies from one another, by ſuch pro- perties as cannot be applied to any other bodies, but thoſe it is intended to diſtinguish. In which ſenſe, if the properties given in this definition are ſuch as diſtinguiſh fimiiar and equal bo- dies from others that are not ſo in every inſtance, then it is cer. tainly a proper definition; but Euclid has ſometimes thought proper to prove his definitions ; for example, def. 4. Book I'll. which he has proved, prop. 14. of that book. This, it would ap- pear, he has not thought neceſſary to prove, probably, if we may be allowed to allign a reaſon in his name, that he has thought it ſo ſelf-evident, that none would ever call the truth of it in que- fion; but as the truth of it has been called in queſtion, the de- finition may be proved in the following manner from Mr Simp- fon's demonſtration to prove the contrary; for which obſerve his own figure and demonſtration. He has proved the three triangles EAB, EBC, ECA, containing the one folid, equal and ſimilar to the three triangles FAB, FBC, FCA, containing the other fo- lid i X18 PRE FACE. G E lid, having the common baſe, ABC ; then, if the ſolid EABC is not equal to the ſolid FABC, let it be equal to ſome ſolid as GA BC, either greater or leſs than EABC, which cannot be; for the one would contain the other; and if the ſolid angle is con- tained by more than three plane angles, e. qual and ſimilar to one another, then it can E be divided into angles which are contained by three equal and fi- milar plane angles, by Prop. 20. Book VI. DI and parts have the ſame proportion as B C their like multiples, by Prop. 15. Book V. wherefore univerſally, figures bounded by F an equal number of equal and ſimilar planes are equal and fimilar. N. B. In the references, when the propoſition referred to is in the fame book with the propofition to be proved, the book is not named, but only the number of the propoſition, but, if in other book, both are named. any c 1 . : ) :.:. Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S M EN N T S T OF E U C C L I D. воок І. Β DEFINITION S. A Book I. a I. Point is that which hath no parts or magnitude II. A line is length without breadth. III. The bounds of a line are points: IV. A right line is that which lieth evenly between its points. V. A ſuperficies is that which hath only length and breadth. VI. The bounds of a ſuperficies are lines. VII. A plain ſuperficies is that which lieth cvenly between its lines. VIII. A plain angle is the inclination of two lines to one another in the ſame plain, which touch each other, but do not lie in the ſame right line. IX. If the lines containing the angle be right ones, then the angle is called a right-lined angle. X. When one right line ſtanding on another right line makes the angles on each ſide thereof equal to one another, each of theſe angles is a right one, and that line which ſtands upon the O- ther is called a perpendicular to that whereon it ſtands. A XI. An So wie gry on 2!:? 2 THE ELEMENTS W a Book I. XI. An obtuſe angle is that which is greater than a right one. XII. An acute angle is that which is leſs than a right one. XIII. A term, or bound, is the extreme of any thing. XIV. A figure is that which is contained under one or more terms. XV. A circle is a plain figure hounded by one line, called the circum- ference, to which all right lines drawn from a certain point within the ſame are equal. XVI. That point is called the center of the circle. XVII. The diameter of a circle is a right line drawn through the cen- ter, and terminated on both ends by the circumfererice, and divides the circle into two equal parts. XVIIT. A ſemicircle is a figure contained under any diameter, and the circumference cut off by that diameter. XIX. A ſegment of a circle is a figure contained under a right line, and circumference cut off by that right line. XX. Right-lined figures are ſuch as are contained by right lines. XXI. Three ſided figures are ſuch as are contained by three lines. XXII. Four ſided figures are ſuch as are contained by four lines. XXIII. Many fided figures are ſuch as are contained by more than four lines. XXIV. An equilateral triangle is that which hath three cqual ſides. XXV. An iſoſceles triangle, that which hath two ſides equal. XXVI. A ſcalene triangle, that which hath all the three fides unequal. XXVII, A right angled triangle is that which hath ene right angle in it. XXVIII. An obtufe angled one, that which hath one obtufe angle in it. XXIX. An acute angled triangle is that which hath all the angles leſs than right ones. XXX. A OF EUCLI D. 3 اکره XXX. Book I. A ſquare is that which hath four equal fides, and its angles all right ones. XXXI. An oblong, or rectangle, is longer than broad, its oppoſite ſides are equal, and its angles all right ones. XXXII. A rhombus, that which hath four equal ſides, but not right angles. XXXIII. A rhomboides, whoſe oppoſite fides and angles are equal. XXXIV. All quadrilateral figures beſide theſe are called trapezia. XXXV. Parallel right lines are ſuch as, being produced both ways in the ſame plain, never meet. XXXVI. A parallelogram is a figure whoſe oppoſite fides are parallel. POS T U L A T E S. G : I. TRANT that a right line may be drawn from any one point to another : II. That a finite right line may be continued directly forwards: And, III. That a circle may be deſcribed about any center, with any diſtance. а A X I 0 MS. T I. HINGS equal to one and the ſame thing are equal to one another. II. If equal things are added to equal things, the wholes will be ea qual. III. If from equal things equal things be taken, the remainders will be equal . If to unequal things equal things are added, the whole will be unequal. V. If IV. 本 ​E THE ELEMENTS 1 Boox I T V. I fron unequal things equal parts are taken, the remainders will be une jual. VI. Things which are double one and the fame thing are equal be- tween themſelves. VII. Things which are half one and the ſame thing are equal between themſelves. VIII. Things which mutually agree together are equal to one another. IX. Any whole is greater than its part. . X. Two right lines do not bound a figure. XI. All right angles are equal to one another. XII. If a right line fall upon two right lines, making the inward angles on the ſame fide leſs than two right angles, theſe right lines continually produced will at laſt meet one another on that ſide where the angles are leſs than right ones. N. B. Any angle is expreſſed by three letters, of which . that at the vertex is named betwixt the other two. PR 0. I OF EUCLID. 5 Book I. PROPOSITION I. PROBLE M. T o deſcribe an equilateral triangle upon a given right line. a a 3. Let AB be the given right line, upon which it is required to deſcribe an equilateral triangle. About the center A, with the diſtance AB, deſcribe the circle BCD *; and about the center B, with the diſtance BA, deſcribe a Poftulate the circle ACE"; from the point C, where the two circles inter- ſect each other, draw the lines CA, CB 6. b Poft. I. Then, becauſe A is the center of the circle DBC,AC is equal to ABC, and becauſe B is the center of the circle ACE; BC c Definitie c is equal to BAC, but CA is proved equal to AB, and BC to AB; on 15. therefore BC is equal to AC d: Thereforethe three fides AB, BC, CA, are equal to one another: Therefore, upon the given right line AB, there is deſcribed an equilateral triangle ABC: Which was required. dAxiom I. PRO P. II. PROB. A righe T a given point to put a right line equal to a given right line. a 6 с I. Let A be the given point, and BC the given right line, it is required to put a right line at the point A, equal to the given right line BC. With the center C and diſtance BC, deſcribe the circle BGH”;a Poſt. 3. join AC", upon which deſcribe an equilateral triangle DAC, Poft. s. produce DC that paſſes through the center to G, in the circum- ference; and DA to any diſtance E d; with the center D, and d Poft. 2, diſtance DG, deſcribe the circle KGL. Then, becauſe C is the center of the circle BGH, BCis equal to CG °; and becauſe D is the center of the circle KGL, DG e Def. 15. is equal to DL º, but DC is equal to DAC: Therefore the re- mainders AL, and CG, are equalf ; but BC, AL, are each f Ax. z. proved equal to CG; and therefore equal to one anothers: 8 Ax. Ju Therefore, from the point A, there is drawn the right line AL, equal to the given right line BC: Which was required. e r PROP. 6 TH E E L E M E N T S Book I. PRO P. III. PROB. T" WO unequal right lines being given, to cut off from the greater a part equal to the lejler. > Required to cut off from the greater AB a part AE, equal to the lefſer C. From the point A draw a right line AD equal to Ca, about Polt. 3. the center A, with the diſtance AD, deſcribe a circle DEFb; . then, becauſe A is the center of the circle DEF, AE is equal to c Def. 15. ADC, but AD'is equal to C : Therefore AE is likewiſe equal Ax. . to Cd: Which was required. PRO P. IV. THE O R E M. F there be two triangles having two ſides of the one cqual to two ſides of the other, each to each ; and the angle contained by the two ſides of the one, equal to the angle contained by the cor- reſpondent ſides of the other; then the baſe of the one triangle will be equal to the baſe of the other; the two triangles will be equal, and the remaining angles of the one equal to the remaining angles of the other, each to each, which the equal ſides fubtend. Let the two triangles be ABC, DEF, having the two fides AB, AC, equal to the two ſides DE, DF, each to each ; that is, AB equal to DE, and AC equal to DF, and the angle BAC equal to EDF; then the baſes BC_and EF will be equal, the triangle ABC equal to the triangle DEF, the angle ABC equal to the angle DEF; and ACB equal to DFE, each to each, which the equal fides fubtend. For, let the triangle ABC be applied to the triangle DEF, ſo as the point A may coincide with the point D, the right line AB with DE, then the point B will coincide with the point E; for AB and DE are equal ; and, becauſe the angles BAC EDF are equal, the right line AC will coincide with DF, and the point C with F; for AC and DF are equal: Then, becauſe the point B coincides with the point E, and C with F, the right a Deffo lines BC and ET, will coincide“; and therefore equalb: There- Ax, . fore the triangles ABC, DEF, are equal, the angle ABC e- qual to the angle DET, and ACB to DFE, each to each, which the equal fides ſubtend. Wherefore, &c. 1 PROP. OF EUCLID. 了 ​PRO P. V. THE O R. Book I. T. H E angles above the baſe of every iſoſceles triangle are e- qual to one another. Let the triangle ABC be the iſoſceles triangle, having the ſide AB equal to the ſide AC, then the angle ABC will be equal to the angle ACB. For, let a triangle DEF be likewiſe given, having the ſides DE, DF, equal to the ſides AB, AC, each to each; and the angle BAC equal to the angle EDF, then the baſes LF, BC, are equal; and the angle ABC equal to the angle DEF, and ACB to DFE, each to each ; which the equal lides ſub- tenda ; but the fides AB, DF, are equal b; therefore the angles , ACB, DEF, are likewiſe equal; but the angles DEF, ABC, are equal b; therefore the angles ABC, ACB, are likewiſe equalb. Wherefore, &c. CORROLLARY. If any triangle is equilateral, it will likewiſe be equiangular. > b 2 4. L. AX, I, b PRO P. VI. THEO R. I F any triangle have two angles in it equal to one another, the fides ſubtending theſe angles will likewiſe be equal. و A Let the triangle ABC have the angles ABC, ACB, equal; then the ſides AB, AC, will likewiſe be equal to one another. For, if AB is not equal to AC, let one of them, as AB, be the 2 greater; from which cut off DB equal to AC“, and join DC; then, becauſe DB is equal to AC, the two ſides DB, BC, are equal to the two ſides AC, BC, and the angles ACB, DBC, e- qual ; therefore the baſe AB is equal to the baſe DC, and the triangles ABC, DBC, equal\; that is, a part equal to the whole; b fi which is abfurd : Wherefore the fides AB, AC, are equal ; that is, the triangle is iſoſceles. Wherefore, &c. COR. Hence every equiangular triangle is alſo equilateral. PRO P. VII. THEO R. Τ F from the extremity of any right line, io two different points on the ſame ſide, there be dracun two righi lines equal to cue another, the lines drau'n from the other extremity, io ile ſame points, cannot be equal to one another. I If from the extremity A, of the right line AB, to the points C,D, on the ſame fide, the two lines AD, AC, are drawn equal to 3 Τ Η Ε Ε Ι Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S 9 a a S. > Book. I. to one another, from the extremity B, to the fame points C, D, the lines BC, BD, are not equal to one another. Join LC; for, becauſe AC, AD, are equal, the angles ADE, ACD are equal a ; but the angle BDC is greater than ADCb, or b Ax. 9. ACD, and much greater than BCD ; but, if BD is equal to BC, the angles BCD, BDC, are equal, and likewiſe greater ; which is impollible: Therefore, BD is not equal to BC. IfBD is made equal to BC, it is proved in the fame manner that AC is not equal to AD. Wherefore, &c. . 9 1 TI PRO P. VIII. T H E O R. F two triangles have two ſides of the one, equal to two ſides of the other, and the baſe of the one equal to the baſe of the other, then the angles that theſe equal baſes ſubtend will be equal to one anoi her. Let the two triangles be ABC, DEF, having the two fides AB, AC, equal to the two ſides DE, DF, each to each ; and the bafes BC, EF, equal ; then the angles BAC, EDF, will be e- qual. For, let the triangle ABC be applied to the triangle DEF, ſo that the right line BC may coincide with EF; then the point B will coincide with the point E, and C with F; for the ſides BC, EF, are equal : And the ſides BA, AC, will coincide with ED, DF, and the point A with D. If not, let the point A fall in G; then EG, ED, are equal ; for each are equal to BA “; and FG, FD, will likewiſe be equal, which is impoſſible b. Wherefore the point A cannot fall in G, and, for the ſame reaſon, in 110 point but D; therefore the angle BAC is equal to the angle EDF. Wherefore, &c. a. a Ax. I. b go PRO P. IX. PROB. TO O cut a given right lined angle into two equal parts. a a 3 bi. > Let BAC be the given right lined angle required to be cut into two equal parts. Aſſume any point D, in the right line AB, and cut off AE e- qual to AD *; join DE, upon which deſcribe the equilateral triangle DEFb, and join AF; then the right line AF will biſect the given angle BAC; for, becauſe DA is equal to EA, and AF is common, and the baſe DF equal to EFb"; therefore the angle DAF is equal to the angle EAFC: Therefore the angle BAC is bifected by the right line AF. Which was re- quired. PROP ce OF EUCLI D. $ 9 BOOK I. PRO P. X, PRO B. TO O cut a given finite right line into two equal parts. a Let AB be a given right line, required to be cut into two e- qual parts ; upon it deſcribe an equilateral triangle ABC; bi- ſect the angle ACB by the right line CD a; then is the right 9. line AB biſected in D. For, becauſe AC is equal to CB, and CD common, and the angles ACD, BCD, equal", the bafes AD, BD, are equal b: b 4. Therefore the right line AB is bifected in D. Which was reo quired. 1 PRO P. XI. PROB. Toin given in the same O draw a line at right angles to a given right line from a point given in the ſame. a 3• Let AB be the given right line, and C the given point in it, from which it is required to draw a right line, at right angles to the given right line AB. Afſume any point D in AC, and make CE equal to CD ; upon DE deſcribe an equilateral triangle DEFD, and join FC, b 1. which will be at right angles to AB. For, becauſe DC, CE, are equal", and CF common, the two ſides DC, CF, are equal c. conſt, . to the two ſides EC, CF, and the baſes FD, FE, equal b, the angles FCD, FCE, are likewiſe equald: Therefore each of them d 8. is a right angle, and FC perpendicular to AB Which was e Def. 10 required. 1 € PRO P. XII. PRO B. T 10 draw a right line perpendicular to a given indefinite right line from a given point out of it. Let AB be the given right line, and C the point given out of it, from which its required to let fall a perpendicular upon the indefinite given right line AB. Afſume any point D, on the oppoſite ſide of the right line AB; about the center C, with the diſtance CD, deſcribe a circle EDG ; bifect EG in H, join CG, CH, CE; then CH is the perpendicular required. B For IO THE ELEMENTS ! > Book I. For GH, HC, are equal to EH, HC; and the baſes GC, WEC , equal: Therefore the angles GHC, EHC, are equal 6. a def. 15. Each of them are right angles, and HC perpendicular to AB. Which was required. 9 . b 8. c def. 1o. PRO P. XIII. THEO R. HEN a right line ſtands upon a right line, making angles with it, theſe angles are either two right angles, or, to- gether, equal to two right angles. WH, > a a def 10. 3 b II. Ca&. I. For, let a right line, AB, ſtand upon the right line CD, ma- king anglis CBA, ABD; theſe angles ſhall either be two right angles, or, together, equal to two right angles. For, if CBA, ABD, be equal, they are right angles a ; if not, from the point B draw BE, at right angles, to DCV: Therefore the two right angles CBE, EBD, are equal to the three angles ABC, ABE, EBD; but the two angles ABC, ABD, are equal to the fame three angles: Therefore the two angies ABC, ABD, are equal to the two angles CBE, EBD; that is, equal to two right anglesº. Wherefore, &c. Cor. If the two ſides of an iſoſceles triangle ADE, be pro- duced to B, C, the angles below the baſe will be equal to one a- nother ; for the angles ADE, EDB*, are equal to two right anglesd, and AED, DEC, are equal to two right anglesd, but the angles ADE, ALT), above the baſe, are proved equal e : Therefore the remaining angles LDL, DEC, are equal f: There- fore, in every iſoſceles triangie, the angles above the baſe are e- qual to one another; and, if the ſides be produced, the angles below the baſe are likewiſe equal to one another. * * Fig, to prop. 9. ; d 13 3 е e 5. fax. 3. : PRO P. XIV. THE O R. > F to any right line, and point therein, two right lines be drawn from oppoſite points, making the alljacent angles together e- qual to two right angles, theſe two right lines will make oile conti- nued right line. > For, if to any right line AB, and point B therein, be drawn B two right lines, CB, DB, from the oppoſite points, C, D, making the angles ABC, ABD, equal to two right angles; then DBC will be one right line. If not, let CBE be one right line; then the angles ABC, AßE, will be equal to two right angles a; but ABC, ABD, are equal to two right angles b; Therefore the a L. 13. k. hyp, two OF EUCLI D. / II 2 two angles ABC, ABD, are equal to the two angles ABC, Book I. ABE. Take ABC from both ; then the angle ABE will be qual to the angle ABD, a part to the whole; which cannot be. Wherefore, &c. COR. Hence two right lines CBD, CBE, cannot have a com- mon ſegment as CB; or BD, BE, cannot both be in a right line with CB. PRO P. XV. T H E O P. IF F two right lines mutually cut each other, the oppoſite angles are equal. a > Let the right lines AB, CD, mutually cut each other in the point E, the angles AEC, DEB, will be equal; and likewiſe the angles CEB, AED, equal to one another. For, becauſe the right line CE falls upon the right line AB, the angles ALC, CEB, are equal to two right anglesa. For the ſame reaſon the a 13. angles AED, AEC, are equal to two right anglesa : Therefore the two angles AEC, CEB, are equal to the two angles AEC, AEDO. Take the common angle AEC from both, the remain- Ax. fo. ing angles CEB, AED, are equal. Again, becauſe AEC, " AED, are equal to two right anglesa, and AED, DEB, equal to , two right angles, take the common angle AED from both, the remaining angles AEC, DEB, will be equal. Wherefore, &c. Cor. 1. Hence, two right lines cutting each other, the angles , at the ſection are equal to four right angles. 2. All the angles conſtitute about any point are equal to four right angles. Ć AX, 3- 2 PRO P. XVI. THEO R. Fone ſide of a triangle be produced, the outward angle will be greater than either of the inward oppoſite angles. a Let ABC be a triangle, and one of its fides BC be produced to D, the outward angle ACD will be greater than the angle CBA, or BAC. For, biſect AC in E a; join BE, which produce to F; make a 10, EF equal to EB, and join FC ; then the two fides AE, EB, are equal to the two fides FE,EC, and the angles AEB, FEC, e- qual b; Therefore the baſes FC, AB, are equal; and the angles base ECF, b 12 Τ Η Ε Ε Ε Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S € 4. Book. I. ECF, EAB, likewiſe equal : Therefore the angle ACD is greater than the angle BAC. In like manner, if the ſide BC is biſected in E, EF made equal to AE, and FC join- d 15. ed, the angle BCG, or ACD4, is greater than ABC; but ACD is likewiſe proved greater than BAC. Wherefore, &c. P R 0 P. XVII, T H E 0 R. T" WO angles of any triangle, however taken, are, together, leſs than two right angles. á 16. b 13 Let ABC be the triangle, any two angles in it are leſs than two right angles. For, produce BC both ways to D, E; then, becaufe the out- 'ward angle ACD is greater than ABC“, add ACB to both; then the angles ACD, ACB, are greater than ABC, ACB, or, BAC, ACB ; but ACD, ACB, are equal to two right angles b: Therefore ABC, ACB, or ACB, BAC, are leſs than two right angles. For the ſame reaſon, ABE, ABC, are greater than BAC, ABC. Whercfore, &c. Cor. Hence, if a right line fall- upon two right lines, making the inward angles on the ſame fidë leſs than two right angles, theſe lines will meet one another on that ſide where the angles are leſs than right ones. 14 PRO P. XVIII. THEO R. T HE greater ſide of every triangle ſubtends the greater angle. а 3. b 16. Let ABC be a triangle, and the ſide AC greater than AB ; then the angle ABC will he greater than the angle ACB. For, from the greater AC cut off. AD, equal to AB, join DB ; then, becauſe ADB is greater than ACB b, ABD is like- wiſe greater than ACB, and 4BC much greater. Wherefore, &c. و PRO P. XIX. THEO R. T greater fide. HE greater angle of every triangle is fubtended by the IN 1 OF EUCLID. 13 In the triangle ABC let the angle ABC be greater than the Book I. angle BCA ; the fide AC will be greater than AB. If not, let AC be either equal or leſs than AB. If equal, then the angle ABC is equal to ACB * ; but it is not b: Therefore AC is not a 5. .; s equal to AB. If AC is leſs than AB, the angle ABC is leſs than ACBC; but it is not : Therefore AC is not leſs than AB. C 18. It is therefore greater, ſince it has been proved neither equal nor leſs. Wherefore, &c. b Hyp. с PRO P. XX. T H E O R. T" W O fides of any triangle, however taken, are greater than the third. а a . In any triangle, ABC, two ſides of it, however taken, are greater than the third, viz. AB, AC, greater than BC; AC, BC, greater than AB; or BC, AB, greater than AC. For, produce any fide, as BA, to D; make AD equal to AC a; and a 3. join DC: Then, becauſe AD is equal to AC, the angles ADC, ACD, are equalb; but the angle BCD is greater than ACD, bs. that is, than ADC: Therefore the ſide BD is greater than BCC;C 19. but BD is equal to BA, AC: Therefore the ſides BA, AC, are greater than BC. Wherefore, &c. > с . PRO P. XXI. THEO R. 9 IR F two right lines be drawn from the extreme points of one ſide of a triangle, ito a point within the ſame, theſe two right lines will be leſs than the ſides of the triangle, but contain a greater angle. 3 From the extreme points of the right line BC, let the two right lines BD, CD, be drawn to the point D, within the ſame; theſe lines (hall be leſs than the ſides BA, AC; butthe angle BDC will be greater than'BAC. For, produce BD to E; then the two ſides BA, AE, are great- er than the third fide BE a; add EC to both ; then BA, AČ, are a 20. , greater than BE, EC6. For the ſame reaſon, BE, EC, are b. Ax. 4: greater than BD, DC; but BA, AC, are greater than BE, ĒC; therefore much greater than BD, DC. But the angle BDC is greater than BAC; for the angle BDC is greater than BEC“; and BEC is greater than BAČ C: Therefore BDC is cles much greater than BAC. Wherefore, &c. COR. 1 14 THE E L E M E N TS Book I. COR. Hence BD, DC, are not equal to BA, AC, each to each. Wherefore, if in any caſe it is thought neceſſary to prove that part of Prop. VII. when the one point falls within the triangle, it is evident from this. PRO P. XXII. PROB. T: O make a triangle, whoſe ſides are equal to three given right lines, if any two of theni, however taken, are greater than the third. Let A, B, C, be the three given right lines, any two of which are greater than the third. Take any right line bounded at D, but not bounded at E, from which cut off DF equal to A, FG equal to B, and make GH equal to C; then, with the center F, and diſtance DF, deſcribe the circle DKL; with the center G, and diſtance GH, deſcribe the circle KLH ; from the point K, where the circles cut each other, draw the right lines Def. 15. FK, KG; then FD is equal to FK -; but FD is equal to A; therefore FK is equal to A. For the ſame reaſon GK is equal to C, and FG is equal to B: Therefore the three ſides FK, FG, GK, of the triangle FKG, are equal to the three given right lines, A, B, C. Wherefore there is conſtitute, &c. 3 PRO P. XXIII. PRO B. r A Ta giton point, in any right line, to make an angle en qualto a given right lined angle. ! а Let A be the given point in the right line AB; it is required to make an angle equal to the right lined angle DCE. Afſume any points D, E, in the right lines CD, CE, and join DE. At the point A, in the line AB, make a triangle AFG, whoſe fides are equal to the three right lines CD, CE, DE; then, becauſe the two fides GA, AF, are equal to the two ſides CE, CD, each to each, and the baſes GF, ED, equal, the angles GAF, ECD, are equal b. Wherefore there is conftitute, &c. ز ho PRO P. XXIV. THE O R. I F two triangles have two ſides of the one cqual to two ſides of the cther, each to cach, and the angle contained by the two fides of the one greater than the angle contained by the correſpond- ent & OF EUCL Í D. > 15 ent ſides of the other ; then the baſe that fubtends the greater Book I. angle of the one triangle ſhall be greater than the baſe of the om n ther. 2 I b Axis Let ABC, DEF, be the two triangles, having the two ſides BA, AC, equal to the two fiies ED, DF, each to each, but the angle BAC greater than EDT; then the baſe BC will be greater than EF. For, make the angle EDG equal to BAC, and DG to AC; join EG ; then the baſes BC, EG, will be equal ?. Now, iſt, if a 4 the right line EF fall upon EG, then EG will be greater than EF b; and therefore, BC greater than EF. .2. If EF fall above EG, then F is a point within the triangle; therefore the ſides DF, FE, are leſs than DG, GE®; but DG, 21. DF, are equal d; therefore EG, or BC, is greater than EF, 3. If EF fall below EG, join FG; then DF, DG, are equald: Therefore the angles DGF, DFG, are equal; and the whole f 5- angle EFG greater than DFG, or GF, and much greater than EGF6; but the greater angle is fubtended by the greater fides : & 33 Therefore EG or BC is greater than EF. Wherefore, Sc. . d AXI. e AX. S. > f . P R 0 P. XXV. T H E 0 B. IF F two triangles have two ſides of the one equal to two ſides of the other, each to each, and the baſe of the one greater than the baſe of the other, the angle that the greater baſe ſubtends ſhall be greater than the other. Let the two triangles be ABC, DEF, having the fides AB, AC, equal to the two ſides DE, DF, each to each, and the baſe BC greater than the baſe EF; then the angle BAC will be greater than the angle EDF. If not, it will be equal or leſs. If equal, the baſes PC, EF, will be equala ; but they are not 0.74 If leſs, the bale BC will be leſs than EFC; but it is not Therefore, ſince the angle BAC is neither equal nor leſs than EDF, it muſt be greater. Wherefore, &c. b 6 Hype Element C PRO P. XXVI. THEOR IF F two triangles have two angles of the one equal to iwo angles of the other, each to each, and a ſide of the one equal to a ſide of the other, either the fide lying between the equal angles, or ſubtend- ing 1 16 T H E E L E M E N T S Book I. ing one of them, the remaining ſides of the one triangle will be equal to the remaining ſides of the other, each to each, and the remain- ing angle of the one equal to the remaining angle of the other. છે a 3. > b 4. b с Нур. с Let the two triangles be ABC, DEF, having the two angles ABC, ACB, of the one, equal to DEF, DFE, of the other, each to each, 1. Let the ſide BC be equal to EF, viz. the fides lying be- tween the equal angles; then the fides BA, AC, will be equal to the ſides ÉD, DF, each to each; and the angles BAC, EDF, equal. For, if the fide AB be not equal to DE, let one of them, as AB, be the greater; from which cut off GB equal to DE*, join GC; then, ſince GB, BC, are equal to DE, EF, and the angles GBC, DEF, equal, the baſes GC, DF, are equal; and the angles GCB, DFE, equal b; but the angle DFE is equal to ACổ C: Therefore GCB is equal to ACB, a part to the whole; which is impoſſible: Therefore GB is not equal to DE, ; nor is any fide but AB equal to DE: Therefore AB, BC, are equal to DE, EF; the angle ABC, to DEF; and the baſe AC to DF 2. Let the fides AB, DE, which ſubtend the equal angles, be equal; if any of the ſides, as BC, be not equal to EF, let BC be the greater ; cut off BH equal to EF a , join AH; then, be- cauſe AB, BH, are equal to DE, EF, and the angle ABH to DEF, the baſe AH equal to DF, and the angle AHB to DFE); but the angle ACB is equal to DFEC: Therefore the angle AHB is equal to ACB, and likewiſe greaterf; which is impoſſible. Wherefore, &c. t d4 > a b e Ax, 1. fio. 1 PRO P. XXVII. T H E O R. IF a right line fall upon two right lines, making the alternate angles equal, theſe right lines will be parallel. Let the right line EF fall upon the two right lines AB, CD, making the angles AEF, EFD, equal, the right lines AB, CD, will not meet one another, whether produced towards B, D, or A, C. Let them be produced; and, if poſſible, meet in the point G; then EGF is a triangle; the outward angle AEF is greater than EGF, or EFG*: but AEF, EFG, are equalb, and likewiſe greater ; which is impoſſible : Therefore AB, CD, will not meet, if produced toward B, D. For the ſame reaſon they will not meet, if produced toward A, C: Wherefore AB, CD, are parallel PROP 2 a 16. b Hyp. OF EUCLID17 D. .. Book I. PRO P. XXVIII. THE OR. F a right line fall upon two right lines, making the outward angle equal to the inwari and oppoſite, on the ſame ſide, or the inward angles on the ſame fide equal to two right angles; theſe two right lines Jhall be parallel. a Let the right line EF fall upon the two right lines AB, CD, making the outward angle EGB equal to the inward and oppo- fite GHD; or the inward angles BGH, GHD, together, equal to two right angles; then AB, CD, will be parallel. For, becauſe the angles EGB, GHD, are equal", AGH is a hyp. equal to EGBb; and therefore equal to GHDC: therefore A.B 15. is parallel to CD 4. Again, becauſe the angles BGH, GHD, are c Ax. I. equal to two right onese; but AGH,BGH, are equal to two right angles €; therefore AGH, BGH, are equal to BGH, GHD .e 13, Take the common angle BGH from both, the remainders AGH, GHD, are equalf; but theſe are alternate angles: Therefore { Ax. 3. f . AB is parallel to CD d. Wherefore, &c. d 27. e с PRO P. XXIX. THE OR. T . I F a right line fall upon two parallel lines, the alternate angles will be equal; the outward angle equal to the inward and op- poſite, on the ſame ſide ; and the two inward angles on the ſame fide equal to two right angles. 2 For, let EF fall upon the two parallel lines AB, CD, the al- ternate angles AGH, GHD, will be equal; the outward angle EGB equal to the inward GHD; and the two inward angles BGH, GHD, equal to two right angles. For, if the angle AGH is not equal to GHD, let one of them be greater, as AGH; then the right lines AB, CD, pro- duced toward B, D, will meet one another in ſome point; but they are parallel; therefore cannot meet 6 : Therefore AGH is b not greater than GHD. For the ſame reaſon it is not leſs; therefore it is equal. But EGB is equal to AGH ; therefore c 15. IGB is equal to GHD d. Add BGH to both; then EGB, d Ax. s. BGH, are equal to BGH, GHD ; but EGB, BGH, are equal e Ax, 2. to two right anglesf: Therefore BGH, GHD, are equal to two £ 13. right angles. Wherefore, &c. a Cor. 1g. b Def. 35. € e PROP. 18 Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S Book I. PRO P. XXX. THE O R. R IGHT lines parallel to one and the ſame right line, are pa rallel to one another. > 2 29° 9 Let AB, CD, be two right lines, each parallel to EF; AB will be para jel to CD. Let GK fall upon them ; then, becauſe GK falls upon the parallels AB, EF, the angles AGH, GHF, are equala. A- gain, becauſe GK falls upon the parallels EF, CD, the outward angle GHF is equal to the inward and oppoſite GKD; there- fore the angles AGK, GKD, are each equal to GHF; therefore equal to one another b: Therefore AB is parallel to CD Wherefore, &c. b AX, I. C 27. PRO P. XXXI. PRO B. . O araw a right line through a given point parallel to a given T right line. - r It is required, through the point A, to draw a right line pa. rallel to the right line BC. Aſſume any point D, in BC; join AD; and make the angle DAE equal to the angle ADCa; join EA, and produce it to F; then the alternate angles EAD, ADC, are equal to one a- nother 6: Therefore EF, BC, are parallel . Wherefore, &c. a 23 a b Conſt. C 27. PRO P R O P. XXXII. THE O R. 1 IF F one ſide of a triangle be produced, the outward angle is equal to both the inward oppoſite angles ; and the three inward angles are equal to two right angles. Let ABC be a triangle, CD a fide produced; the outward angle ACD is equal to the inward and oppoſite angles ABC, BAC; and the three angles ACB, ABC, and BAC, are toge- ther equal to two right angles. Through C draw CE parallel to AB; then the angle BAC is equal to ACE* ; and the angle ECD, to ABC^; therefore the whole angle ACD is equal to the two angles ABC, BAC. Add the angle ACB to both; then thetwo angles ACD, ACB, are equal to the thrce angles ABC, ACB, a a 29 ز a > > OF EUCLI 19 CLIDD. . . ACB, BACb; that is, equal to two right angles. Where- Book I. fore, &c. Cor. 1. Hence all the three angles of any one triangle are 5 Ax, I. equal to all the three angles of any other triangle, either ſepa. C 13. rately or taken together. 2. If two angles of one triangle be equal to two angles of a- nother triangle, either ſeparately or together, the remaining angle of the one is equal to the remaining angle of the o- ther. 3. If one angle of a triangle be a right one, the other two angles are together equal to a right angle. 4. If the angle included by the equal ſides of an iſoſceles triangle be a right one, each of the other angles will be half a right one. 5. Any angle in an equilateral triangle is one third of two right angles, or two thirds of one right angle. 6. If one angle of a triangle be equal to the other two, that angle is a right one ; for, if the ſide is produced, the adjacent angle is equal to the other two ; therefore each of them are right angles. 7. All the inward angles of any right lined figure make twice as many right angles, abating four, as the figure has fides. For any right lined figure can be divided into triangles, the in- ward angles of each equal to two right angles, and all the triangles together equal to the number of fides of the figure, a- bating two : Therefore all the inward angles will be equal to twice the number of fides, abating four. 8. All the outward angles of any right lined figure are equal to four right angles. For all the outward and inward angles together are equal to double the number of fides ; but the in- ward angles are equal to double the number of fides, abating four: Therefore the outward are equal to four right angles. ܪ PRO P. XXXIII. T H E O R. I Ftwo right lines join two equal and parallel right lines toward the ſame part, theſe lines will be equal and parallel. ܪ Let AB, CD, be two equal and parallel right lines ; join AC, BD; then will the right lines AC, BD, be equal and parallel. For, becauſe AB, CD, are parallel, and BC falls upon them, the angle ABC is equal to BCD ; but, becauſe AB is equal to a 29. CD, and BC common; and the angle ABC equal to BÇÕ, the baſe AC is equal to BD, and the angle ACB equal to CBD b; b 4. but 2 20 THE ELEMENTS Book I. but theſe are alternate angles : Therefore AC is parallel to BD', and likewife equal. Wherefore, &c. a , 29 PRO P. XXXIV. T H E O R. HE oppoſite ſides and oppoſite angles of every parallelo- gran are equal; and the diameter divides it into two equal parts. T TA 1 29 Let ABCD be a parallelogram, the oppoſite fides AB, , CD; AC, 3D, are equal ; the angle CAB equal to BDC, and ACD to ABD; and the diameter BC biſects it. For, becauſe AB is parallel to CD, and BC falls upon them, the angle ABC is equal to BCDa. For the ſame reaſon ACB is equal to CBD; therefore the two angles ABC, ACB, in the triangle ABC, are equal to the two angles CBD, BCD, in the triangle BCD; and the ſide BC common to both: Therefore the two ſides AC, AB, of the one triangle, are equal to the two fides BD, DC, of the other, each to each; and the angle BAC equal to BDC, and ACD to ABD b. Again, becauſe the two ſides AC, AB, are equal to the two fides BD, DC, each to each, and the angle CAB equal to BDC, the baſe BC common: Therefore the triangles are equal"; and BC biſects the parallelogram. Wherefore, &c. b 26. C4. C 4. C PRO P. XXXV. and XXXVII. THEO R. a 34, Arallelograms and triangles, conſtitute upon the ſame baſe, and between the ſame parallels, are equal between theni- felves, viz. parallelogram to parallelogram, and triangle to triangle. Let ADCD, EBCF, be two parallelograms (Fig. 2.) conſtitute , upon the ſame baſe BC, and between the ſame parallels BC, AF; the parallelograms ABCD, EBCF, are equal. For, becauſe AD), ET, are each equal to BC”, they are equal to one another 6. If the point E coincide with D. (Fig. 1.) each of the parallelograms are double the triangle DBC; therefore e- qual to one another. If AD is leſs than AE, add DE to c both ; then the whole AE is equal to DF, DC to AB, and the angle FDC to LABf: Therefore the triangles FDC, EAB, are equal 8. Take DGE from both; the trapeziums, ADGB, FEGC, are equal h. Add the triangle GBC to both; then the whole parallelogram ABCD is equal to the parallelogram > b Ax. I. CAX. 6. d d AX, 2. e 34. f 29. § 4. h EBCF. 11 Ax. 3. OF EUCLID. 21 EBCF d. If AD is greater than AE, take DE from both; then Book I. the remainder AE will be equal to DF5, the triangle AEB to DFC. Add EBCD to both, then the parallelograms ABCD, Ax. 2. EBCF, are equald: So, likewife, if the diameters AC, BF, bé h Ax. 3. drawn, then the triangle ABC will be equal to FBCi. Where- i 34. and fore, &c. Cor. Hence every parallelogram is equal to a right angled parallelogram, conſtitute upon the ſame baſe, and between the fame parallels; and every triangle conſtitute upon the ſame baſe, and betwixt the ſame parallels, is half the rectangle. AX. 7. PRO P. XXXVI. and XXXVIII. THE OR. P Arallelograms and triangles, conftitute upon equal baſes, and between the ſame parallels, are equal to one another, viz. parallelogram to parallelogram, and triangle to triangle. Let the parallelograms ABCD, EFGH, be conſtitute upon the equal baſes BC, FG, and between the fame parallels AH, BG ; the parallelogram ABCD will be equal to EFGH. For, join EB, CH, the parallelograms AC, LG *, are each equal to the parallelogram EC 4; therefore equal to one ano-a 35. therb. Join AC, FH; then the triangles ABC, HGF, are e- ) AX. 1. qual. Wherefore, &c. C 34. and AX. 7. PRO P. XXXIX. THE O R. QUAL triangles, conſtitute upon the ſame baſe, on the fanie fide, are between the fame parallels. > , Let the equal triangles ABC, DBC, be conſtitute upon the fame baſe, BC, on the ſame ſide ; the right line AD, that joins their vertex, will be parallel to BC. If not, draw AE, parallel to BC; join EC; then the triangles ABC, EBC, are equal a ; but DBC is equal to ABC"; a 35. therefore DBC, EBC, are equal, a part to the whole; which b Hype is impoflible. Therefore no line but AD is parallel to BC. Wherefore, &c. ز PROP * Parallelograms are expreſſed by the letters at the oppoſite angles, THE ELEMENTS Book I. PRO P. XL. THEO R. E QUAL triangles, conſtitute upon equal baſes, on the ſame fide, are between the ſame parallels. ; Let ABC, DGE, be equal triangles, conſtitute upon the e- qual baſes BC, GE, on the ſame lide; then AD is parallel to BE. If not, draw AF parallel to BE; join FE ; then the triangle ABC is equal to FGE; but DGE is equal to ABC b; a therefore DGE is equal to FGE, a part to the whole; which is impollible : Therefore AD is parallel to BE. Wherefore, &c. а 3б, b hyp. b و PRO P. XLI. THEO R. T Fa parallelogram and triangle be conſtitute upon the ſame baſe, and between the ſame parallels, the parallelogram will be double the triangle. Let the parallelogram be ABCD, and triangle EBC, having the ſame baſe BC, and be between the fame parallels AE, BC, the parallelogram ABCD is double the triangle EBC; join AC. Then the triangle ABC is equal to EBC?; but the paralle- logram ABCD is double the triangle ABC b; and therefore double EBC. Wherefore, &c. a 35. b 34. PRO P. XLII. PROB. T conſtitute a parallelogran equal to a given triangle, ha- ving an angle in it equal to a given right lined angle. a a 10, و by 23 C 31. d 36. Let the given triangle be ABC, and right lined angle D, it is required to conſtitute a parallelogram equal to the given triangle ABC, having an angle in it equal to D. Bilect BC in E, make an angle CEF equal to Db; through A draw AG parallel to CE; and through C draw CG parallel to EF'; join AE; then the triangles ABE, AEC, are equal d; and ABC is double AEC ; but the parallelogram EG is double the triangle EACe: Therefore the parallelogram EG is e- qual to the triangle ABCf, and the angle FEC equal to D. Wherefore, &c. C. 2 : € 41. AX6. PROP. OF EU CL I V. 23 Book I. P R O P. XLIII. THE O R. I. N every parallelogram, the complements that ſtand about the diameter are equal to one another. Let ABCD be a parallelogram ; BD its diameter; the parts of which BK, KD, the diameters of the parallelograms HKFD, EBGK; the remaining parallelograms AEKH, KGCF, its complements, are equal to one another. For, becauſe DB is the diameter of the parallelogram ABCD, the triangles ADB, DBC, are equal a. For the ſame reaſon, a 34. the triangle HKD is equal to DFK, and EBK to BKG; where- fore the triangles HKD and EKB are equal to DFK, BKG, 6.b.Ax. z. Take HKD, EKB, from ADB, and DFK, BKG, from DBC, Ax 3. there remains AEKH equal to KGCF. Wherefore, &c. > PRO P. XLIV. PRO B. 0 apply a parallelogram to a given right line equal to a given triangle, having an angle in it equal to a given right lined angle. 1 r a ܪ 3 It is required, upon the given right line AB, to make a paral. lelogram equal to a given triangle C, having an angle in it e- qual to a given angle D. Make the parallelogram FGBE equal to the triangle C, ha- ving the angle EBG equal to D ; put BE in a right line with a 42, AB; and produce FG to H ; through A draw AH parallel to GB, or FE ; join HB. Now, becauſe the angles EFH, FHA, are equal to two right angles, the angles EFH, FHB, are leſs than two right angles; then FE, HB, being produced, will meet in ſome point; which let be K; through which draw KL parallel to FH; and produce GB, HA, to M, L; wherefore FHLK is a parallelogram, whoſe diameter is HK ; and whoſe complements FGBE, BALM, are equal d; but FGBE, was d 43. made equal to C; and the angle EBG equal to D; therefore BALM is equal to C, and the angle ABM equal to D.C 15. Wherefore, &c. b 29. C ز ܪ C 17, Cord e PRO P. XLV. PROB. To o make a parallelogram equal to a given right lined figure, having arz angle in it equal to a giveir right lined angle. 24 Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S a 42 b 44. C 220 Book I. It is required to make a parallolegram equal to a given right lined figure ABCD, having an angle in it equal to the right lined angle E : Join DB, and make the parallelogram FH e- qual to the triangle ABD“; the angle FKH equal to E. Up- on the right line GH make GM equal to DCB, and the angle GHM equal to Eb; then FM is the parallelogram equal to ABCD. For, becauſe FH is a parallelogram, the angles FKH, GHK, are equal to two right angles"; but the angles GHM, FKH, are each equal to the angle E ; therefore equal to one another. Add GHK to both, then the angles GHM, GHK, are equal to FKH, GHK, that is, equal to two right angles; therefore KHM is a right lined. For the ſame reaſon FGL is a right lined; but FK, LM, are each parallel to GH; therefore pa- e 30. and rallel to one another. Wherefore FM is a parallelogram e- qual to the right lined figure ABCD, and an angle FK M equal to E. Wherefore, &c. Cor. Hence a parallelogram may be made equal to a given right lined figure of any number of ſides ; for a parallelogram can be made equal to any triangle upon any given right line. d 146 e conſtruct. ܪ PRO P. XLVI. PRO B. To a . O deſcribe a ſquare upon a given right line. II. ს 3• C 31. It is required to deſcribe a ſquare upon the given right line AB. From the point A, in the given right line AB, draw the per- pendicular AC? ; cut off AD equal to AB b; through D draw DE parallel to AB“, and BE parallel to AD, then ÅDEB is a parallelogram, the oppoſite ſides of which are equal d ; that is, e by conſtr. DE equal to AB, and BE to AD; but AD is equal to AB e; therefore the four ſides are equal to one another. But the angles ADE, BAD, are equal to two right anglese ; and BAD is a right angle; therefore ADE is likewiſe a right angle ; but the oppoſite angles of every parallelogram are equald & Def. 30. Therefore ADEB is a ſquare. Wherefore, &c. d 34 е و f 29. 2 P = 0 P, XLVII. T H F 0 P. IN Nevery right angled triangle the Square deſcribed upon the fide fubtending the righi angle is equal to the ſquares of the ſides con- taining the right angle. Let * enorme we - . 4 , Book I. Plate 1. Def. 10. Def. 11. Def. 15. Def/25 Def. 12. Byred ལོ་ Defin 20. Def. 30. Def. 37, Def. 32 Def 33. Dep.27 they K Ax. 12, Próp. 2. E Prop.3. Н D B E BA А. Prop). E B G E D А. А Prop. ल AARA A A A Prop 4, Prop. I B CE B А. 4 B . D G А. Prop 4 Prop. 8. 3 Prop 7 B A 1 DA B С Е, A D C E B c Prop 10. F с E А AL -В Prof. 12. Propil 14. . D AG E H B 1 D С B. D Prop.13. В E D- B Prop. 13. Prop. 16. E D с A B -D 1 A Prop. 17 D Prop. 18. G. E D F B B FIBB 1 ! Book I. Plate 2. " E Prop. 19 Prop 20 Prof. 21. i -o B С В B С В B A СК A (Prop.22. Prop.28 *** EA TAA B D EH H F G C F E D D o B 1 ; Α. Prop. 24. Prop.24 G E B4 B 'C I D A С A T D Prop. 23 G Prop. 26 34 F А. -B F } E B H CE E JE B G B A A- Prop. 27 G Prop.28,29 29- E Ä H C- C- F D H D Prop/30 F K E- F Prop. 131. A В B- -C. D Con D 忘 ​/ E Prop. 32 Fig... Fig./2. B B D A. B Fig. 4. Prop. 33 & 34 Fig.3. c D 7 . " و این 1 plan Book.' I. Plate 3. A ]) E F A 1 AE DF Fig . 2. 3. Propu. 35,437 B C B B + A D E H A E Prop. 36/4138 1 7 Prop. 39. 1 B B B } F A D А. D E Prop. 46. Prop. 40. 1 -B E B ལ་བས། ། Male G H 1 Prop. 42 Prop. 43. D Е, F ВХ B B to E G F E G Prop. 45. F/ K D Prop. 144. GI B B M H E K M H c A I ! Н. D Prop. 47 G K Prop. 48. Prop. 46 F D E B C. В. B D E TM ** white he OT EUCLI U. 23 a .ر، و a Let ABC be a right angled triangle, the ſquare of the fide BOOK I. BC ſubtending the right angle is equal to the ſquares of the fides BA, AC, containing the right angle. Upon BC deſcribe the ſquare BDEC *; upon BA, AC, the fquares LG, AK; a .16. a through A draw AL parallel to BD, or EC 5; juin AD, FC, b 31. BK, AE. Then, becauſe BAC, BAG, are each right angles", GAC is a righiline. For the ſame reaſon BAH is a right line; like- c !.!. wiſe the angles DBC, ABF, are right anglesa; adı ABC to both, then the whole angle FBC is equal to ADD); and AB, I dixo 2. BD, are equal to FB, BC; and the angle FBC 10 ABD ; therefore the triangles ABD, FBC, are equal; but the paral- e .. lelogram BL is double the triangic ABDf; anů BG is double f 41. TBC, or ABD; therefore the parallelograms GB, BL, are For the ſame reaſon LC is equal to CH; but BL, 8 Ax. 6. LC, are equal to the ſquare of BC; therefore the ſquares of BA, AC, are equal to the ſquare of BC. Wherefore, &c. equal PRO P. XLVIII. THE O R. . F the ſquare deſcribed upon one of the fides of a triangle be e- qual to the ſquares of the other two ſides, the angle coitaineil by theſe two ſides is a righi angle. If Let the ſquare of the fide BC of the triangle ABC be equal to the ſquares of the ſides BA, AC, the angle BAC is a right angle. For, let AD be drawn from the point A, at right anglesa, to a it. AC, and equal to AB; join DC. Then, becaule the angle DAC is a right one, the ſquare of DC is equal to the ſquares of DA, ACB. But DA is equal to AB, and AC is common; b 47. therefore ihe ſquares of D.1, AC, are equal to the ſquares of BA, AC; but the ſquare of BC is equal to the ſquares of BA, AC“, or of DA, AC: Therefore the ſquare of BC is equal to c Conſt. the ſquare of DCd; therefore BC is equal to DC ; but BA is d Ax, 1. equal to AD, and AC common; therefore BA, AC, are equal to DA, AC, and the bales BC, DC, equal; therefore the angle BAC is equal to the angle DAC But DAC is a right e 8. angle; therefore BAAC is a right angle. Wherefore, &c. a D Τ Η Ε THE Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S E L E M N S OF 1 E U C U L I D. Β Ο Ο Κ ΙΙ. DEFINITIONS. UE 1. BOOK II. VERY right angled parallelogram is ſaid to be contains ed by two right lines containing the right angle. II. In every parallelogram, either of the two parallelograms that are about the diameter, together with the complement, is called a gnomon. PRO P. I. T H E O R. IF F there be two right lines, and one of them divided into any number of parts, the rectangle contained by the whole, and di- vided line, is equal to all the rectangles contained by the whole line, and the ſeveral parts of the divided linc. a II. I IlI. b Let A, BC, be the two right lines, one of which, viz. BC, is divided into any number of parts, as D, E; the rectangle contained by A, BC, is equal to the rectangles contained by A, BD; A, DE; A, EC. For, from the point B draw BF, at right angles, to BC^; make BG equal to Ab; through G draw GH parallel to BC; and through the points D, E, C, draw DK, EL, CH, each pa- rallel to BGC. The rectangle BK is that contained by BD, BG; for BGd is equal to A; the rectangle DL is contained by A, DE; and EH 3. I. C 31. I. a Const. OF EUCLID. 27 ; EH by A, EC ; for DK, EL, CH, are each equal to BG, that Book II. is, equal to A; but the rectangle BH is equal to the rectangles BK, DL, EH; and BH is contained by A, BC; therefore the e 3t. 1. rectangle by A, and BC, is equal to the rectangles by A, BD; A, DE, and A, EC. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. II. THE O R. IF a right line be any how cut, the rectangles contained by the whole line, and each of the ſegments, are equal to the Square of the whole line. a 40. 1. Let the right line AB be any low cut in C, the rectangles contained by AB, BC, and AB, AC, together, are equal to the ſquare of AB. Upon AB deſcribe the ſquare ADEB a; a; thro' C draw CF parallel to ADb, or BE; then, becauſe AD is e-b 31. a. qual to ABC, the rectangle under AD, AC, is equal to the rec- tangle under AB, AC, and the rectangle under EB, BC, is e- qual to the rectangle under AB, BC; but the rectangle under AD, AC, that is, the rectangle AF, together with the rec- tangle under EB, BC, that is, CE, are equal to the ſquare of AB; that is, the ſquare AE. Wherefore, &c. > PRO'P. III. THE O R. OR Fa right line be any how cut, the rectangle under the whole line, and one of the parts, is equal to the rectangle under the two parts, together with the square of the firſt mentioned part. 9 Let the right line AB be any how cut in C, the rectangle under AB, BC, is equal to the rectangle under AC, CB, to- gether with the ſquare of BC. Upon BC deſcribe the ſquare BCDE a; produce ED to F, and draw AF parallel to CD or BE; the rectangle under AB, BC, that is, AE, is equal to the rectangles AC, CD; that is, the rectangle under AC, CB, and the ſquare of CB. Wherefore, &c. a a 46. I. PRO P. IV. THE O R. IT Fa right line be any how cut, the ſquare of the whole line is e- qual to the ſquares of the two parts, with twice the rectangle under theſe parts. Let > 28 THE ELEMENTS 9 a 5. I. d e Воок ІІ. Let the right line AB be any how cut in C, the ſquare of AB is equal to the ſquarcs of AC, CB, and twice the rectangle under AC, CB. For, upon AB defcribe the ſquare ADEB; through C draw CT parallel to AD, or BE; draw DB, cutting CF in G; through which point draw HGK paralld to AB, or DE. (Then the figure is faid to be conſtructed.) Now, becauſe AB is equal to AD, the angle ADB is equal 10 ABD"; and the angle CGB to ADB"; therefore the angle CDG is equal to CGBC; there- C Am. 1. 1. forc CG is equal to CB; therefore CGKB is equilateral €; but the angles BCG, CBK, are equal to two right angles, and CEK is a right anglef; therefore BCG is likewiſe a night angle; therefore all the angles are right ones; and CGK) is & Def. 30, a iquare 8. For the ſame reaſon HF is a ſquare. But the rec- tangles AG, GE, are equalb; and AG is the rectangle under 11 43. I. AC, CB; for CG is equal to CE; but the ſquares HF, CK, with the recargles AG, GE, make up the ſquare of AB: There- fore the ſquare of AB is equal to the ſquares of AC, CB, and twice the rectangle under AC, CB. Wherefore, &c. Cor. Hence every parallelogram about the diameter of a fquare is a ſquare. 1) 29 I. с Ax. d 6. I. € 3+ I. f 46.1. b • ୬ C . 1. PRO P. V. THE O R. 9 IF a right line be cut into two cuial parts, and into two unequal perts, the riangle under the two unequiil parts, together with the jaziare of the intermediate part, are equal io the jquare of half the line. Let the right line AB be cut equally in C, and unequally in D, the rectangle under AD, DB, tugether with the ſquare of CD, recqual to the ſquare of CB. For, upon CB deſcribe the fiziare CETB; conſtruct the fi- gure, and produce OL 10 K; and through A draw AK parallel to ; 7 to IC. a. a 30. I. 43. I. C. ix. 2,1 d Ax. l. I. I Cor, of The parailelogranis AL, CO, are' -'qual", ond CH is equal to HFb; add Do in lioth; thun CO is equal10 DF'; therefore coi AL is likewiſe equal to DH '; ad CH to both; then the rec- tangle AH is equal to the gnomo. LDF; aud LG, that is, the ſquare of CD, to loth ; tb.n the rectarigle AB, tisat is, the thin A5 rectangle under AD, DB, with LG, thai is, the iquare of CD, are equal to the gnomon IDF, and LG; that is, equal the squarcof CB. Wherefore, &c. e ģ PROP OF EU C L I D. 29 Book II. PRO P. VI. T H E O R. I Fa right line be divided into equal parts, and another line add- I cd to it, the refiangle contained by the whole and added linc as one ſide of the rectangle, and the added line for the other fidi, together with the ſquare of half the line, are equal to the ſquare of the half and added line, as one ſide of the ſquare. Let the right line AB be biſected in C, and BD added to it, the rectangle under AD, DB, together with the ſquare of BC, are equal to the ſquare of CD. Deicribe the ſquare (EFD; conſtruct the figure, and com- pleat the parallelogram under AC, CL. Then the parallelograms AL, CH, are equal"; but CH is e-a 36. 1. qual to HF b; add BM to both; then CM is equal to BF; add b 43. I. AL to both; then AM is cqual to the gnomon CMG. To each add LG, that is, the ſquare of CB "; then AM, LG, arec Cor. 4. equal to the gnomon CMG, and LG; that is, the rectangle un- der AD, DB, for DM is equal to DB, together with the ſquare CB, are equal to the ſquare of CD. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. VII. THEOR. F a right line be any how cut, the ſquare of the whole line, and one of the parts, is cqual to twice the rectangle contained by the whole line, and ſaid part, together with the ſquare of the e- ther part. a > b و Let the right line AB be any how cut in C, the ſquares of AB, BC, are equal to twice the rectangle under AB, BC, and the ſquare of AC. Upon AB deſcribe the ſquare ADEB", and conſtruct the fi- a 45. I. a gure; then, becauſe the rectangle AF is equal to CEV, and AF, 643. I. and CE, together, are equal to twice AF, that is, equal to the gno- mon AFK, together with the ſquare of CB, that is, CF'; add c Cor. 4, HK to both; then twice AF, and HK, are equal to the gnomon AFK, and the ſquares of AC, BC; that is, to the ſquares of AB, BC. Wherefore, &c. Ax.2.1 C. . 7 PROPE 30 THE E L E M E N T S Book II, PRO P. VIII. THEOR. 1 TE a right line be cut into two parts, four times the rectangle under the whole line, and one of the parts, together with the Square of the other part, are equal to the ſquare of the whole line, and the firſt part taken as the ſide of the ſquare. b a Cor. 4. b36, 1. с € 29. 1. d 34. J. and Let the right line AB be any how cut in C, four times the rectangle under AB, BC, together with the ſquare of AC, are equal to the ſquare of AD; that is, AB produced to D, ſo that BD equal BC. Upon AD deſcribe the ſquare AEFD, and conſtruct the double figure. Then, becauſe BN, GR, are ſquaresa, and CK, BN, are equal parallelograms b; but the ſides CB, BK, are equal, and CBK is a right angle, for it is equal to BDN°; therefore CK is a ſquared. For the ſame reaſon, KO def. 30.1. is a ſquare; therefore CK, BN, GR, KO, are each ſquares; but they are conſtitute upon equal right lines ; therefore equal to one another, and, together, quadruple KC. But the rec- tangle AG is equal to MP, and PL to RF; but MP is equal 43, 1. to PLf; therefore the four rectangles are quadruple AG; and the four ſquares and four rectangles quadruple the rec- tangle AK, that is, the rectangle under AB, BC; add the ſquare XH, that is, the ſquare of AC; then four times AK, that is, four times the rectangle under AB, BC, together with the ſquare of AC, are equal to the ſquare of AD. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. IX. THE OR. IFS a right line be cut into two equal parts, and into two uncqual parts, the ſquares of the two unequal parts are double the ſquare of the half line, and double the ſquare of the intermediate part. Let the right line AB be cut equally in C, and unequally in D, the ſquares of AD, BD, are double the ſquares of AC, CD. For, through C draw CE, at right angles, to AB, and equal to AC, or CB ; join EA, EB; through D draw DF parallel to 3 to CE, and FG through F, parallel to AB ; join AF. Then, becauſe AC is equal to CE, and the angle ACE a Cor. 32. right angle, the angles AEC, EAC are each half right angles a, and the ſquares of AC, CE double the ſquare of AC; but the b 47. 1: {quare of AE is equal to the ſquares of AC, CE 6; therefore, double 2 e . a b OF EUCLI D. 31 с a 0 . double the ſquare of AC. For the ſame reaſon, the angles CEB, Book II. EBC are each half right angles ; but the angle EGF is a right cor angle; therefore GFE is half a right angle a ; therefore the ſides c 29. 1. EG, GF are equal d; but the ſquare of EF is equal to the ſquares d 6. 1. of LG, GF, or double the ſquare of GF or CD '; but the ſquares e 34. 1. of AE, EF are equal to the ſquare of AF, for the angle AEF is a right angle ; but the ſquares of AE, EF are double the ſquares of AC, CD; therefore the ſquare of AF is double the ſquares of AC, CD; but the angle DFB is half a right angle ; for it is en qual to CEB °; therefore, DFB, DBF are each half right angles; therefore FD, DB are equal; but the ſquare of AF is equal to the ſquares of AD, Drb, or DB; therefore, the ſquares of AD, DB are double the ſquares of AC, CD. Wherefore, &c. و . PRO P. X. THE OR. T . IF F a right line be cut into two equal parts, and another right line added to it, the ſquare of the whole and added line taken as one line, and the ſquare of the added line, are double the Square of the half line, and double the ſquare of the half and added line, taken as one line. ܟ Let the right line AB be biſected in C, and BD added to it, the ſquares of AD, DB are double the ſquares of AC, CD. For, from the point C, draw CE perpendicular to AB, and equal to AC or CB ; join AE, EB ; through E, draw EF pa- rallel to AD, and through D, draw DF parallel to CE. Becauſe AC is equal to CE, and the angle ACE a rigat an- gle, each of the angles AEC, EAC are half right angles; and therefore the ſquare of AE is equal to the ſquares of AC, CE, or double the ſquare of ACX. For the ſame reaſon, CEB, CBE a 47. I. are each half right angles; therefore AEB is a right angle; but the angles FEC, ECD are equal to two right angles b, and ECD b 29. 19 is a right angle; therefore CEF is likewile a right angle; there- fore CF is a rectangle"; therefore, the angles DTE, FEC are equal to two right angles b; therefore, DEF, TEB are leſs than two right angles d; therefore, FD, EB will meet one another, which let be d. Cor. 17. in G. But CEF is a rightangle, and CEB half a rightangle; there- 1. fore, FEB is half a right angle, and IGFislikewilè half a right an- gle; therefore, EF is equal to FG, and the ſquare of EG equal e 6, 1. to the ſquares of EF, FG “, or double the ſquare of EF, or CD; therefore, the ſquares of AE, EG are double the ſquares of AC, CD; but the ſquare of AG is equal to the ſquares of AE, EG, and b с e c Def, I. 9 a 2 a 32 Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S Book II' and likewiſe equal to the ſquares of AD, DG ; for the angles AEG, and ADG are each right ones; therefore, the fquares of AD, DG, or DB its equal, are double the ſquares of AD, CD. Wherefore, &c. I PRO P. XI. PRO B. O cut a given right line ſo, that the rectangle contained un- der the whole line, and one of the parts, be equal to the Square of the other part. T' a 46. I. 9 b 6 و c Conſt. Upon any given right line, as AB, deſcribe the ſquare ABDC ; a; biſect AC in E;join EB, and produce EA to F; make EF equal to EB ; upon AF, deſcribe the ſquare FGHA, and produce GH to K; then AB is ſo cut in the point H, that the rectangle under AB, BH is equal to the ſquare of AH. For the rectangle under CF, FA, together with the ſquare of AE, is equal to the ſquare of EF b; but EF is equal to EB “, and the ſquare of EB is equal to the ſquares of BA, AE d; therefore, the rectangle under CF, FA, together with the ſquare of AE, are equal to the ſquares of BA, A E. Take the ſquare of AE from both, there remains the rectangle under CF, TA, that is, the rectangle under CF, FG, that is, FK, equal to the ſquare of AD. Take AK from both, there remains FH equal to HD; but FH is the ſquare of AH, and HD the rectangle under AB, BH, for BD is equal to AB. Wherefore, &c. و d 47. I. PRO P. XII. THE OR. TO Nevery obtufe angled triangle, the ſquare of the ſide ſubtending the obtufe angle, is greater than the Squares of the ſides con- taining the obtuſe angle, by twice a rzetangle under one of the fides containing the obtufe angle, and that part of the ſide produ- ced, lying betwixt the obtuſe angle, and perpendicular let fall from the oppoſite angle. a 12. I, Let BAC be the obtuſe angle of the triangle ABC; pro. duce the fide CA till it meet the peopendicular BD, let fall from the point B2. The ſquare of BC is greater than the ſquares of BA, AC, by twice the rectangle under CA, AD. For the ſquare of BC is equal to the ſquares of BD, DC6; but the ſquare of DC is equal to the ſquares of DA, AC, and twice } 47. I. 1 OF EUCLID, 33 twice the rectangle under AD, AC°; but the ſquare of AB Book II. is equal to the ſquares of BD, DA; therefore the ſquare of . BC is equal to the ſquares of BA, AC, and twice the rectangle 4. under DA, AC; therefore the ſquare of BC is greater than the ſquares of BA, AC, by twice the rectangle under DA, AC. Wherefore, &c. C4 b 77. 1. PRO P. XIII. THE O R. I Nevery acute angled triangle, the ſquare of the fide fubtending the acute angle, is leſs than the ſquares of the fide containing the acute angle, by twice a rectangle contained under one of the fides about the acute angle, and that part of the ſide lying between the acute angle and the perpendicular let fall from the oppoſite angle. a 9 b Ն b Let B be an acute angle in the triangle ABC ; from the angle A let fall the perpendicular AD, cutting BC in D ; a 12. 1. the ſquare of AC is leſs than the ſquares of AB, BC, by twice the rectangle under CB, BD. For the ſquare of AC is equal to the ſquares of AD, DCD; 47. I. and the ſquare of AB is equal to the ſquares of AD, DB b; but the ſquares of BC, BD, are equal to twice the rectangle under BC, BD, together with the ſquare of DC“; therefore the c 7. ſquares of AB, BC, are equal to the ſquares of AD, DC, and twice the rectangle under CB, BD; but the ſquare of AC is e- qual to the ſquares of AD, DC; therefore the ſquare of AC is leſs than the ſquares of AB, BC, by twice the rectangle under CB, BD. Therefore, &c. PRO P. XIV. PROB. T O make a ſqucre equal to a given right lined figurc. ز و Make the rectangle BCDE equal to a given right lined figure A"; If BE be equal to LD, then BCDE is a ſquare ; a 45. I. and what was required is done. If not, produce EE to F; make EF equal to ED, and biſect BF in Gb; with the center b 10. 1. G, and diſtance GB, deſcribe a ſemicirclu BHF; produce DE to H, and join GH. Then E a 1 34 1 THE ELEMENTS e CS. BOOK II. Then the rectangle under BE, EF, together with the ww'ſquare of GE, are equal to the ſquare of GFC, or GH d; but the ſquare of GH is equal to the ſquares of GE, EH; d Def. 15 therefore the rectangle under BE, EF, together with the ſquare of GE, are equal to the ſquares of HE, EG. Take the ſquare of GE from both, and the rectangle under BE, EF, that is, BD, is equal to the ſquare of EH. Where- , fore, &c. 1. © 47. I, ! 3 THE > 1 1 B. D E C: Al B A Prop. 1. Prop.2. Prop.3. G 1 Н K КІ A D4 E D E F B А. В А. BA Ar С Prop. t. G I H KL K O L H K! Prop.o M Prop.5 E F . EL UF G D E С B C A Prop.9. K N E Prop. 7 B G M Prop.8. F P X H B RHIFI ਹੈ । HEA GEN 174 C D D E E F K Η L B Prop. 10 E Prop. 12. F A H B А: B E Prop.. D А. Prop. 13. A К. Prip.14. А. B G E BL D M + 3 Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S OF E U C L L 1 D. I BOOK III. DEFINITIONS. EQUA QUAL circles are ſuch whoſe diameters are equal. 1. . Book III. II. A right line is ſaid to touch a circle, when drawn to the ſame, and being produced, does not cut the circle. III. Circles are ſaid to touch each other, which, meeting, do not cut one another. IV. Right lines in a circle are ſaid to be equally diſtant from the center, when perpendiculars drawn from the center to each of them are equal, and that line upon which the greateſt perpendicular falls is the leaſt line. V. Definition 19th, 1. VI. An angle of a feginent is the angle contained by the right line and circumference of the circle. VII. An angle is ſaid to be in a ſegment, when right lines are drawn from ſome point in the circumference to the ends of that line which is the baſe of the ſegment, which lines contain the angle. VIII. But 36 THE ELEMENTS 1 Book III. VIII. nu But, when the right lines containing the angle do receive any part of the circumference, then the angle is ſaid to ſtand upon that circuinference, IX. A fictor of a circle is that figure which is contained by two right lines, drawn from the center, and the circumference be- tween theni. 1 Similar ſegments of circles are thoſe which include equal angles or whcreof the angles in them are equal. PRO P. I. PROB. 1 T TA o find the centre of a circle. a IO. I. ს II. I. Required to find the centre of the giren circle ABC. Draw in it the line AB, which bilea in D, by the right line CD at right angles to AB), and produce CD to E ; biſect EC in F; which point is the centre of the circle ABC. If not, let G be the centre; join GB, GA, GD; then, be- cauſe AD is equal to DB, DG is common, the baſe AG is e- c deſ. 15. 1. qual to GB“, and the angle ADG to GDBd; therefore, each of them is a right angle; but I'DB is a right angle; therefore, GDB is equal to FDB, a part to the whole, which is impor. e Ax. 9. 1. fiblee; therefore, no point but F can be the centre. Where- fore, &c. Cor. Hence, if, in a circle, any right line cut another right line into two equal parts, the centre of the circle will be in that line which cuts the other into two equal parts. ds. ;. PRO P. II. THE O R. a TF any two points be al umed in the circumference of a circle, the right line joining theſe points will fall within the circle. a I. Let the circle be ABC, A and B the points in its circumfe- rence, the right line AB, joining theſe points, will fall within the circle. Find D the centre of the circle ; join DA, DB, and draw DF, cutting the right line AB in the point L; then b def. 15. 1. the right lines DA, DE, DF, are equalb. But DF is greater ¢ Ax. 9. 1. than DE®; therefore, DA, DB, are likewiſe greater than DE; but DB, DA, reach the circumference; therefore DE does not reach OF EUCLI D. 37 reach the circumference; therefore the right line AB is within Book III. the circle. Wherefore, &c. Cor. Hence, if a right line touches a circle, it will touch it only in one point. P R O P. III. T H E OR: > IF, in a circle, a right line be drawn through the centre, cutting another line not drawn through the centre, into two equal parts, it fall cut it at right angles ; and if it cut it at right anglis, it ball cut it into two equal parts. a 2 Let ABC be the given circle, CD the line paſſing through the centre, cutting the right line AB, not paſſing through the centre, into two equal parts, it will cut it at right angles; and if the angles AFE, EFB, be right anglos, AF will be equal to FB. For, find the centre Eạ; join EA, EB; for, becauſe AF is e- a so qual to FB, and FE is common, the two fides AF, FE, are equal to BF, FE, and the baſe A equal to EBO; therefore, the angle b def. 15.1. AFE is equal to EFB', and each is a right angled; therefore, à Nef. 1e. CD cuts the right line AB at right angles. If EFA, EFB, are right angles, AF is equal to FB; for, becauſe AE is equal to EB, and EF common, the two ſides AE, EF, are equal to BE, e Hyp. EF, and AFE, EFB, right angles®, and the angle EAB equal to f 5.1. EBAF; therefore, the remaining angle AEF is equal to FEB8; & Cor. 33. therefore the baſe AF is equal to FBh. Wherefore, &c. C 8. 1. I. I. 32. I. h 4. I. PRO P. IV. TH E O R. OR IF two right lines are drawn in a circle, neither of then paſſing through the centre, they will not mutually biſečt each other. و Let two right lines AC, BD, not paſſing through the center, be drawn in the circle ABCD, cutting each other in the point £, they will not mutually biſect each other ; for, if poſſible, let AE be equal to EC, and BE to ED; find the center F, and join TE; then, becauſe FE, paſſing thro' the center, cuts the right Jine AC, not paſſing through the center, into equal parts, the angics FEA, FEC, are right anglesa ; and, becauſe FE biſects BD, a 3. FEB is a right anglea; therefore, FEA is equal to FEB, a part to the whole, which is impoflible; therefore, AC, BD, do not mutually biſect each other. Wherefore, &c. a 9 PROP 38 THE ELEMENTS 1 Book III. PRO P. V. THE O R. IF If two circles cut each other, they cannot have the ſame center. Let the two circles ABC, CDG, cut each other, they cannot have the ſame center. if poſſible, let E be the center of both, draw CE to the point of fedtion C, and EFG through any other point; then, becauſe E is the center of the circle ABC, EC is equal to EF ; and, be- . caufe L is the center of the circle CDG, ÉC is equal to EG; h. Ax. 11. therefore, EF is equal to EG), a part to the whole, which is impoſſible; wherefore E is not the center of both. Wherefore, &c. a a Def. 15. PRO P. VI. Ꮲ VI. THE O R. O IF F two circles touch each other inwardly, they have not the fame center. Let the two circles ABC, CDE, touch each other inwardly in the point C, they have not the ſame center. If poſſible, let it be F; join FC, and draw FB through any other point. Then, becauſe F is the center of the circle ABC, CF is equal 3 def. 15.1. to FB; for the ſame reaſon CF is equal to FE; therefore FE is equal to FB, that is, a part to the whole, which is impoſſible. Wherefore, &c. b 37. I. PRO P. VII. THE O R. IF some point is taken in the diameter of a circle, which is not the center, from that point if ſeveral right lines are drawn to the circumference, the greateſt of theſe right lines is that part of the diameter in which the center is, and the remainder of the dia- meter is the leaſt ; of the other lines, the neareſt to that palling through the center is greater than that more remote ; and, on each ſide of the diameter, only two right lines can be drawn from that point to the circumference equal to one another. a Let F be a point in the diameter of the circle ABCD, which is not the center, and from it be drawn FA thro’ the center, and FB, FC, FG, any how to the circumference, FA is the great- eſt line, FA is greater than FB, FB greater than FC, FC great- Sen OF EUCLI D. 39 3 2 er than FG, and FD the leaſt. And from the point F only two Book III. right lines can be drawn equal to one another on each ſide of diameter; for, find the center E; join BE, CE, and GE. Then, becauſe E is the center of the circle, EA is equal to EB; add EF to both; then AF is equal to BE, EF; but BE, EF, are greater than BF4; therefore Al is greater than BF; but BE is a 20. I. equal to CE, and EF common; therefore BE, EF, are equal to CE, EF; but the angle BEF is greater than CEFb; therefore, the li Ax, S. baſe BF is greater than CFC. For the ſame reaſon CF is greater c 24. s. than GF; likewiſe the two fides GF, FE, of the triangle GEF, are greater than GE, that is, than ED; take EF from both, there remains GF greater than FDd; therefore, AF is the great- d Ax, 5. I. eſt right line, and FD the leaſt. Laſtly, on each fide of the diameter, from the point F, only two right lines can be drawn equal to one another; for, at the point E, with the right line EF, make the angle FEH equal to FEG, then the bale FH is cqual to GF. If any other right e 4. 1. line can he equal to FG, let it be FK, that is, a line nearer to that paſſing through the center, equal to one more remote, which cannot be. Wherefore, &c, ܙ PRO P. VIII. TH E O R. 9 Fa point be taken without the circle, and from it right lines be drawn, one of which paling through the center, and the other falling upon the concave part of the circumference, the greateſt of theſe lines is that paling through the center; and the line nearer to that, paſſing through the cenier, is greater than that more re- wote; of thoſe falling upon the convex part of the circumference, that which lies betwixt the point and the diameter is the lui!i lini, and that line nearer to that paſſing through the center, is ie's than that more remote ; and, on each ſide of the diimcters oily two lines can be drawn from that point, falling either on the COP!C17VC Or Coil- pex part of the circumference equal to one another, miot ر Let any pcint D be taken without the circle ABC; draw DA, DE, DF, DC, to the concave part of the circumference; of thefo lines DA, which paffes through the center, is the grenteſt; DE is greater than DF, and DF than DC. Of theſe that fall upon the convex part of the circunference, DG is the leaſt, DK is leſs than DL, and DL than DH; on each ſide of DG only two right lines can be drawn equal to each other, either on the con- vex or concave part of the circumference. For, find the center M; draw ME, MF, MC, MH, ML, MK. Now, becauſe MA is > 40 THE ELEMENTS a 20. 1. b 24. I, I. d Ax, 5. I. . e 21. I. с Book III. is equal to ME, add MD, which is common to both, then AD Vis equal to DM, ME; but DM, ME, are greater than DE-; there- fore DA is greater than DE; but DM, ME, are equal to DM; MF, and the angle DME greater than DMF; therefore DE is greater than DFO. For the fainc reaſon, DF is greater than DC; wherefore DA is the greateſt of the right lines. falling on the concave part of the circumference. Again, becauſe DK c Def . 15, KM are greater than DMa, take the equal lines KM, GM“, from both, there remains DG leſs than DK4; but K is a point taken within the triangle DLM; therefore DK, KM, are leſs than DL, LM; take MK, MLC from both, there remains DK leſs than DL. For the ſame reaſon, Lis leſs than DH; wherefore DG is the leaſt line, and DK leſs than DL, &c. Likewiſe, from the point D on each ſide of the leaſt line, only two right lines can be equal to each other, falling on the convex part of the circumference. For, make the angle DMB equal to the angle DMK, and join DB ; then, becauſe DM, MB, are equal to DM, MK, and the angle DMB to DMK, the bale DB f 4. I. is equal to DKF. If any other right line can be equal to DB, let it be DN; that, is a line nearer to the leaſt line equal to one more remote, which cannot be. Neither can more than two equal right lines fall upon the concave part of the circunference on each ſide of the diameter from the fame point. For, let the angle AMO be made equal to AME, join MO, $ 13. 1, DO; then theangles AMO, DMO, are equal totwo right angless, and AME, DME, likewiſe equal to two right angles; but AMO h Ax. 3. 1. is equal to AME; therefore, the angle DMO is equal to DME"; but DM, NE, are equal to DM, MO, and the angle DME to DMO; therefore, the baſe DO is equal to DEI. If any other right line can be equal to DO, let it be DP, that is, one nearer to that paſſing through the center, equal to one more remote. Wherefore, &c. ز i 4. In PRO P. IX. THEOR. IF F a point be aſſumed in a circle, and from it be drawn more than two right lines to the circumference equal to one another, that point is the center of the circle. Let the point D be affumed in the circle ABC, and from it be drawn, to the circumference, the right lines DB, DC, DA, equal to one another, D is the center of the circle. If not, let E be the center, join D, E, which produce to F and G; then is T FG the diameter, and D is ſome point in it, not the center; therefore > i OF EUCLI D. 41 therefore DG is greater than DC, DC than DB, and DB Book III than DA"; but DC, DB, DA, are equal b; and likewiſe not e- qual; which is impoſſible; therefore no point but D is the cen- a 7. ter of the circle. Wherefore, &c. b Hyp. PRO P. X. THE O R. O 0 N E circle cannot cut another in more than two points. For, if poſſible, let the circle ABC cut the circle DEF in the points B, G, F; let K be the center of the circle ABC; join BK, KG, KT. Now, becauſe K is a point within the circle DET, from which there is drawn to the circumference the right lines BK, KG, KF, equal to one another; therefore K is the center of both circles a; which is impoſſible b. . Wherefore, ; &c. a 9. b 5 PRO P. XI. T H E O R. I F two circles touch one another inwardly, a line joining their centers will fall on the point of contact. ܪ > Let the two circles ABC, ADE, touch each other inwardly in the point A ; let F and G be the centers of the circles ABC, ADE, then the line joining the centers F, G, will paſs through the point A. If not, let the right line joining the centers F, G, cut the circles in the points D, H; join GA; then, becauſe Fis the center of the circle ABC, FA is equal to FH 2. For the a def. 15. 1. ſame reaſon, GD is equal to GA; but GA, GF, are greater than AFb; therefore DF is greater than AF; therefore greater b 20. 1. than HF; and likewiſe leſs"; which is impoffible; therefore the c Ax. 9. J• ; line joining the centers will not paſs through any other point than A. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. XII. THEO R. I F two circles touch one another outwardly, a line joining their centers will paſs through the point of contact. Let the two circles ABC, ADE, touch one another outwardly in the point A; a right line, joining their centers, will paſs F through a 42 1 THE ELEMENTS Book IIT. through the point A. If not, let F, G, be the centers of the two circles, and the right line FG joining them; cut the circles in C, D ; join FA, AG. Becauſe F is the center of 3 def. 15.1. the circle ABC, FA is equal to FC a; and, becauſe G is the cen- ter of the circle ADE, GA is equal to GD"; add DC; then the whole FG is greater than FA, AG; and likewiſe leſs b; which is impoſſible. Wherefore, &c. a b 20. ,I PRO P. XIII. T H E O R. Τ Η Ε Ο O NE circle cannot touch another, either outwardly or inwardly, in more than one point. 0 a II, The circles ABC, DFD, cannot touch one another inwardly in more than one point : for, if poſſible, Ict them touch in B, Ꭰ ; ; Jet G be the center of the one circle, and H of the other ; then BG is equal to GD, and greatcr than HD; therefore BH is much greater than HD; but H is the center of the circle BDF a; therefore BH is equal to HD; and likewiſe greater; which is impoſlible: Therefore the circles ABC, BPD), cannot touch one another inwardly in the points B, D. Let the circle AKC touch the circle ABC outwardly in the points A, C, if poſſible; join AC; then is 2 within the one circle, and without the o- ther; which is impoſible. Wherefore two circles, &c. PRO P. XIV. THE O R. Nr number of equal right lines, drawn in a circle, are e- qually diſtant from the center ; and, if they are equally diſtant jroni tke center, they are equal to one another. A a I a 31 b 7. I. 1 Let AB, CD, be two equal right lines, drawn in the circle ABD; and E, the center of the circle, and from it let fail the perpendiculars ! F, EG, they will be equal to one another; for, join TA, EC ; then are the rightlit.SAB, CD, buitcted by the right lines EF, EGạ; the ſquare of AE is equal in the quares of AF, HE B; and the ſquare of 1.C equal to the ſquares cË CG, CU; therefore the iqures of AF, FE, are equal to the quares OF CG, GPS, but the ſquare of Al is equal to ile fquare of 15,6" the fo a the Square of 13 is equal to the ſquare of EG kinjvejre A:.,:'), are equally diſtant from the center. y 1/3?ticgu. ] to BG, th: 12 B will be equal to CD; 003 O AF, 13, are equal to the squares of CG C } I, 1 5. 9 9 $ 1 OF EUCLI D: 43 s į er GE; but the ſquare of EF is equal to the ſquare of EG ; there. Book III. fore the ſquare of AF is equal to the ſquare of CG“; but AB is double Ara, and CD double CG ; therefore AB is equal e Ax. s. to CD. Wherefore, &c. a 3 fax. 6. PRO P. XV. THE O R. OR T. HE diameter of a circle is the greateſt right line in ii, and the line neareſt to the diaincter is greater than that more remote; and on each ſide of the diameter only two right lines can be drawn equal to one another. a Let ABC be a circle, whoſe diameter is AD; let MN, FG, be drawn any how in the circle; then AD is the greateſt line; AD greater than MN, and MN greater than FG. Find the cen- ter E; draw EM, EN, EF, EG, then AE, ED, are equal to ME, EN; but ME, EN, are greater than MN a; therefore ADa 20. 1, is greater than MN; likewiſe ME, EN, are equal to FE, EG, and the angle MEN greater than FEG; therefore MN is greater thian FG b: So likewiſe on each ſide of AD only two right lines b 24. si can be drawn equal to one another, viz. upon which the equal perpendiculars fall. For, let fall a perpendicular EL upon' MN, and draw LH equal to it, and BC at right angles to EH ; then BC is equal to MNC. If any other right line can be equal toc 14. MN, or BC, let it be FG, a line nearer to the diameter equal to that more remote. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. XVI. THEOR. Line drawn from the extreme point of the diameter of a circle, at right angles to that diameter, Joall fall without the ſame ; and between that right line and the circumference no right line can be drawn. . A i Let ABC be a circle, whoſe diameter is AB; at the extre- mity of which, if a right line is drawn at right angles, it ſhall fall without the circle. If not, let it fall within the circle, as AC; find the center, and join CD. Then, becauſe DAC is a right angle, DCA will be a 44 THE ELEMENTS a a S. 1. b 17. I. . ز ܪ ; a Book III. be likewiſe à riglit angie, for DA is equal to DC“, that is, two angles in a triangle equal to two right angles; which cannot beb; neither can it fall upon the circle”; therefore it muſt fall with- c Dif. 4. 1. out the circle, which let be AE; and betwixt the right line AE, and circumference CHA, no right line can be drawn. If pof- fible, let TA be drawn; then DAF is leis than a right angle. From the point D, to the right line TA, a line can be drawn at right angles to FA, falling without the circle ; which let be DG; then, becauſe DGA is a right angle, and DAG leſs than din. I. a right angle, DA is greater than DG d; but DA is equal to DH; therefore DH is greater than DG, and likewiſe leſs which is impoffible : Therefore, betwixt the circumference and right line AE no other right line can be drawn. Where- fore, &c. Cor. I. Hence the angle between the right line and cir- cumference is the leaſt of all acute angles; and the angle be- twixt the diameter and circumference is the greateſt acute angle poffible. II. Hence, likewiſe, a right line, drawn at right angles, at the extreme point of the diameter of a circle, touches the circle only in one point ; for, if it meet it in two points, it would fall within the circle e. ز 2. PRO P. XVII. PROB. T. o draw a right line that will touch a given circle from a given point without the fame. 2 I. bil. I, > 9 Lct BCD be the circle, and A the point without it; it is re- quired to draw a right line from the point A, that will touch the circle BCD. Find E the center of the circle”; join AE, cutting the circle BCD in D. About the center E, with tlie diſtance EA, deſcribe the circle AFG 2: the point D; araw DF at right angļos to DE b, cutting the circle AFG in T; join IF; cutting DRC in B, and join AB; then is AB the tangent required. for, becauſe I is the center of both circles, the right lines AL, EB, are equal to FE, ED, and the angle E common ; therefore the triangle ABE is equal to FDE"; and the angle EBA to EDF; but EDF is a right angle; therefore ABE is likewiſe a right angle: Therefore AB is a tangent to the circle in the point Bd, and drawn from the point A. Which was re- quired. с 4. І. d cor. 16. PRO B. A OF EUCLI V. 45 Book III. PRO P. XVIII. and XIX. THE OR. O I F any right line touches a circle, and from the center to the point of contact a right line be drawn, that line will be at righi angles to the tangent; and if, from th? fcint of contact, a right line be drawn, palling through the circle, at right angles io the tangent, the center of the circle will be in that line. a a IX. I. с Let ABC be a circle, and DE a right line touching it in the point C; and if, from the center F, there be drawn a right line FC, that line will be perpendicular to the tangent. If not, let FG be drawn from the center F, at right angles to DE2. Now, becauſe FGC is a right angle, FCG will be leſs than a right angle b; therefore FC is gre..ter than FG*; that is, FB b 17. 1. greater than FG, a part greater than the whole ; which is impof-c 19. 1 lible. For the ſame reaſon, no right line but FC can be perpen- dicular to DE. 2diy, If, from the point of contact C, of the tangent DE, AC be drawn through the circle ABC, at right angles to DE, the center of the circle will be in AC. If not, let it be in H; join HC; then HCE is a right angled; but ACE is a right angle; d 15. therefore HCE is equal to ACE, a part to the whole; which is c Hyp: abſurd. Wherefore, &c. C 9 PRO P. XX. THE O R. THE HE angle at the center of the circle is double the angle at the circumference, when the ſame arc is the baſe of both. Let ABC be a circle, and E its center, the angle BEC, at the center, is double the angle BAC, at the circumference; the arc BC being the baſe of both. For, join AE, and produce it to F; then, becauſe EA is equal to LB, the angle EAB is equal to EBA“; but EAB, EBA, area s. r. double EAB ; and BEF is equal to EAB, EBAb, or double EAB. b 32. 5. For the ſame reaſon, FEC is double EAC; therefore the whole angle BEC is double BAC. Again, let there be another angle IDC; join EC, and produce DE to B; then the outward angle BEC is equal to EDC, ECD, or double EDCa. For the ſame reaſon, the angle BEF is double the angle BDF; but the whole angle BEC is double BDC, and a part BEF is double a part BDF; therefore the remainder FEC is double the remainder FDC. Wherefore, &c. PROP ៗ ) 96 THE ELEMENTS 2 Book III. PRO P. XXI. THEOR. A Ngles that are in the ſame figment of a circle are cqual to each other. a а a 20. b Def. 6. I. Let ABCDE be a circle, and BAD, BED angles in the fame ſegment BAED; theſe angles are equal. Let F be the center of the circle ABCDE; join BF FD; theri the angle BFD is double BAD", and likewiſe double BED; therefore BAD, BED are equal to one another b. If the ſegment ABDE is leſs than a ſemicircle, join AE, compleat the circle, and, to the center F, draw AF, FE ; then the angle AFE is double the angle ABE or ADE ~; but the angle AGB is equal a to EGD®; therefore the remaining angie BAD is equal to BED d. d Cor. 32, 1. Wherefore, &c. ; ܪ CIS. I. PRO P. XXII. T H E O R. THE TH 1 HE oppoſite angles of every quadrilateral figure inſcribed in a circle, are equal to two right angles. a a 21. و Let ABDC be a quadrilateral figure inſcribed in the circle ABDC, the oppoſite angles BAC, BDC are equal to two right angles; as alſo ABD, ACD; join DA, BC. Then in the ſegment DBAC, the angle DBC is equal to DAC 2; for the ſame reaſon the angle BAD is equal to BCD a; therefore the whole angle BAC is equal to the two angles DBC, DCB; adá BDC to both; then the two angles BAC, BDC are equal to the three angles in the triangle BDC, that is, equal to two right angles b: But all the inward angles of any quadrila- teral figure are equal to four right anglese; therefore the an- gles ABD, ACD are equal to two right angles. Wherefore, &c. b b 32. 1. c Cor. 32. 1. PRO P. XXIII. THEO R. TWO ſimilar and uncqual ſegments of circles cannot be placed upon the ſame right line, either on the ſame or oppoſite fides. For, if poſſible, let the fimilar ſegments ADB, ACB be pla- ced upon the ſame right line AB; if not on the ſame ſide, there can be drawn, on the fame fide, a ſegment equal to one of them; { OF EUCLID. 47 them; let this be ACB; then, becauſe they are ſimilar, the an- Book IIT, ; gle ACB is equal to ADB *; which cannot be b.. Wherefore, a &c. a Det. 11. b 16. I. PRO P. XXIV. THE OR. S Imilar ſegments of circles, being upon equal right lines, are e- qual to one another. Let AEB, CFD be fimilar fegments, conſtitute on the equal right lines AB, CD; they are equal to one another. For, let the ſegment ALB be applied to the ſegment CFD, ſo as the point A coincide with C, and B with D; then AB will coincide with CD, and the ſegment AEB with CFD: If not, they will cut one another, which let be in G; then the ſeg- ment CGD cuts the ſegment CFD in the points C, G, D; therefore a circle will cut another circle in more than two points, which cannot be a. Wherefore. &c. 2 10. PRO P. XXV. PRO B. A , Segment of a circle being given, to deſcribe the circle whereof it is the ſegment. > • Const, If required to deſcribe the circle, whereof ABC is a ſegment, bifect AC in D, draw DB at right angles to AC, and join AB; 3 then the angle BAD will be either equal, greater, or leſs than the angle ABD: Firſt, let them be equal; then the fide AD is equal to DB a, and DC to AD 5; therefore Dº is the center of a DC 6. the circle. 2dly, If the angle BAD is greater or leſs than ABD,C9 make the angle B.E equal to ABD, and join AE, EC ; then d g. i. the fide AE is equal to BE d; and becauſe AD is equal to DC, and DE common, the angles ADE, CDE are right ones; there- fore the ſide AE is equal to EC®; therefore the three lines EA, e 4.1. e EB, EC are equal; therefore E is the center of the circle if the center E is within the ſegment, then the ſegment is greater than a femicircle, if without, leſs; if upon the baſe of the ſeg- ment, then it is a femicircle. Wherefore, &c. $ . PROP. 1 98 T H E ELE M E N T S Book III. PRO P. XXVI. THEO R. Ꮲ N equal circles, the circumferences, upon which equal angles ſtand, ara equal to another, whether the angles are at the center or circumferences. In a Def. I, b 4. I. Let ABC, DEF, be equal circles, and BGC, EHF equal an- gles at the centers, and BAC, EDF at the circumferences; then the circumference BKC is equal to ELF; join BC, EF; then, ſince BG, GC are equal to EH, HF, and the angle BGC to EHF, the baſe BC is equal to EF b; and becauſe the angle BAC, is equal to EDF, and the right line BC to EF, the leg- ment BAC is ſimilar, and equal to EDFC; but the whole cir- cle BAC is equal to the circle EDF, and the circumference BAC to the circumference EDF; therefore the remainder BKC is equal to ELF. Wherefore, &c. € Def. 10. and Prop. 24 PROP. XXVII. THEOR, Ngles, that ſtand upon equal circumferences in equal circles, are equal to each other, whether they be at the centers or circumferences. > 9 Let the angles at the centers of the circles ABC, DEF be BGC, EHF, and the angles BAC, EDF, at their circumfe- rences, ſtanding on the equal circumferences BC, EF; then the angle BAC is equal to the angle EDF, and BGC to EHF. For, if the angle BGC be not equal to the angle EHF, let one of them be greater, as BGC, and make BGK equal to EHF; then the circumference BK is equal to EF?; but EF is e- þ Hypoth. qual to BCD; therefore, BK is equal to BC, a part to the whole, which is impoſſible; therefore, the angle BGK is not equal to EHF; therefore, no angle but EGC can be equal to EHF at the center, and BAC to EDF at the circumference. Where- fore, &c. a 26. 1 PROP OF EUCLID. 49 Book III. PRO P. XXVIII. and XXIX. THEO R. O IN ęqual circles, equal right lines cut off equal circumferences, the greater equal tot he greater, and the leffer to the leffer, and the right lines, in equal circles, which cut off equal circumfe- rences, are equal. I 7 с Let ABC, DEF be equal circles, in which are the equal right lines BC, EF, which will cut off the greater circumfcrence, viz. BAC cqual to EDF, and the leiſer 3GC to EHF. For, find the centers K and L of the two circles, and join BK, KC, EL, LF; then, becauſe the two circles are cqual, the two fides BK, KC are equal to the two ſides LL, LF ?, and a Def. s. the baſe BC equal to EF ); therefore the angle BKC is equal to 1 Hyp. ELF, and the circumference BGC equal to EUT; but the c 8. b. whole circumference BGCA is equal to the whole circumſe- rence EHFD; therefore the remaining circumſerence, BAC, is is equal to the remaining circumference EDF. Whercfore, &c. And, if the circumference BGC be equal to EHF, the right line BC will be equal to EF; for, the ſame conitruction remain- ing, becauſe BK is equal to KC; and EL to LF2, and the an- gle BKC to ELF 4, the bafe BC is equal to EF Whercforc, ứ 27. ů &c. d e I. 1. PRO P. XXX. PROB. Tout O cut a given circumference into two equal parts. It is required to cut the given circumference ADB into two e- qual parts. Join AB, which biſect in Ca; from which draw a the right line CD at right angles to ABų, and join AD, 311. I, DB. Now, becauſe AC is equal to CB, and CD common, the two fides AC, CD are equal to the two fides BC, CD, and the angle ACD to BCD b; therefore, the baſe AD is equal to DB, and ° 4.1 the circumference AD to DB4. Wherefore, &c. b 4 ds, G PROP 50 THE ELEMENTS Book III. P R O P. XXXI. T H E O R. THE HE ?ngle in a ſemicircle is a right angle, and the angle in a legment greater than a ſemicirile is leſs than a right angle, and the angle in a ſegment leſs than a ſemicircle, is greater than a right angle. a و a 5. I. 9 Let the angle BAC be an angle in a femicircle, ſtanding on the diameter BC ; find the center E, and join AE; the angle BAC will be a right angle: Let ADC be a ſegment cut off by the right line AC, join AD, DC; then the angle ADC is great- er than a right angle ; if the circle be compleated, the ſegment ADC is greater than a ſemicircle, and the angle ABC in it lets than a right angle. For, becauſe I is the center of the circle, the angle ABE is equal to BAE “, and the angle EAC to ACE a ; therefore, a the whole angle BAC is equal to the two angles ACB, ABC ; b Cor. 32. therefore, BẠC is a right angle", and the angle BAC is great- er than ABC; for BAE is equal to ABC. But the angles ABC, ADC are equal to two right angles, and ABC is leſs than a right angle; therefore ADC is greater than a right an- gle. Wherefore, &c. Cor. Hence the angle of a ſegment greater than a ſemicircle is greater than a right angle, and the angle of a fegment leſs than a femicircle, is leſs than a right angle. For the angle that the circumference BA makes with the right line AC is greater than a right angle; or it contins the right angle BAC. And the angle that the circumference AC makes with the right line AC, is leſs than a right angle; for, if BA be produced to F, the right angle FAC contains it. C22 ) 2 a PRO P. XXXII. THE OR. R. a IF a right line touch a circle, and from the point of contact a right line he drawn to the circle, the angles that right linc makes with the tangent are equal to the angles in the alternate Sega ments of the circle. Let the right line EF touch the circle ABCD in the point B; from any point D, in the circle, draw the right line DB; then the angle DBF is equal to the angle in the alternate ſegment DAB; and the angle DBE equal to DCB; for, from the point of OF EUCLID, 51 } 2 III. a 0 . 1 > of contact B, draw BA at right angles to EF'; take any roint Book III. C in the circumference, and join AD, DC, CB. Now, becauſe BA is drawn from B, atright angles, to EF, the 11.1. center of the circle is in A Bb; and, becauſe ADCB is a femicircle, b 19. the angle ADB is a right angle"; therefore ADB is equal to the c 31. two angles DBA, DAB d; but ABF is likewiſe a right angle; d cr.32.1 therefore the angle ABF is equal to the angles DB.4, D4B; but the angle ABF is likewife equal to the angles DBF, DKA; therefore the angles DBA, DBF, are equal to the angles DAD, DBA. Take the common angle DBA from both, there re- e as. 1. I. mains the angle DBF equal to DAB, the angle in the alternate fegment. Likewiſe the angle DCB is equal to the angle DBE ; for, DCB, DAB, are equal to two right angles", and DBF, DBE 6, equal to two right angles; but DAB is proved equal to DBF;: 13. I; therefore the remainder, DCB, is equal to DBE. Wherefore, &c. axI. I, 1 6 f 22. 9 PRO P. XXXIII. PROB. · PON a given right line to deferibe a ſegment of it. circle, that will contain an angle equal to a giver right lined angle. U? b 11. I. C IO. I. It is required, upon AB, to deſcribe a ſegment of a circle, that will contain an angle equal to a given angle, C. At the point A, with the right line AB, make the angle BAD equal to Cº; draw AE at right angles to AD b; bifect 123. I. LAB in F, and draw FG, at right angles, to AB, cutting AE in the point G; join GB ; with the center G, and diſtance GA, deſcribe the circle ABE, which will paſs through , the point B; for, becauſe A3 is bifected in F, and GF drawn, at right angles, to AB, the right lines AF, FG. are equal to BF, FG; and the angle AFG equal to BFG, therefore ; ; AG is equal to GB d. Now, becauſe AD is a tangent to the d 4. 5. circle', the angle BAD is equal to the angle in the alternate e 16. fegment BEA; but the angle DAB is equal to the angle C5; 33. Conft. therefore the angle AEB is equal to the angle C. Wherefore, &c. > e f f 32 و & PRO P. XXXIV. PROB. T O cut off a ſegment from a given circle that all contain an: angle cqual to a given right lined angle. 52 Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S 3 . BooklII. It is required to cut off a ſegment from the given circle ABC, boged that ſhall contain an angle equal to the given angle D. Draw the line EF, touching the circle in B*; from which b. I. draw BC, making an augle FBC cqual to the angle 1b; then the angle TBC will be equal to the angle in the alternate feg- ment, viz. BAC°; but FC is equal to the angle D; therefore BAC is cqual to the angle D. Wherefore, &c. C 32. PRO P. XXXV. THE O R. . IT F two right lines in a circle mutually cut each other, the rec- tangle contained under the ſegment of the one, is equal to the relagle contained under the ſogarents of the other. a def. 15. I. b b. and 3. are C47. J. d 5. o Let the two right lines AC, DB, in the circle ABCD, mu- tually cut each other in E; then the rectangle under AE, EC, is equal to the rectangle under DE, EB; if AC, DB, paſs cach through the center, then the rectangle under AE, EC, is cqual to the rectangle under DE, ED, for the lines are e- quala 2dly, if AC, palling through the center, cut DD, 110t paſſing through the center, at right angles, in the point E, find the center F, and join FD ; for, becauſe BE is equal to ED 0, the angle DEF is a right one, the ſquares of DE, EF, equal to the ſquare of FD"; but the rectangle under AE, EC, together with the ſquare of EF, is equal to the ſquare of FC 4, or TD. Take the ſquare of FE, which is common, from both, there remains the redangle under AE, EC, equal to the ſquare of ED, that is, the rectangle under BE, ED. If the right linc, AC, pafling through the center, cut BD, not paſling through the center, and not at right angles, draw FG at right couples to BD, and join FD; then BG is equal to GD"; Perectangle under BE, LD, iogeiher witi the ſquare of GE, I cooart ihe ſquare of God. Add the ſquare ci GF to both, equal then the rectangle under BL, ED, with the ſquares of EG, GF, or the ſquare of EF, are cqual to the quare of FD; but the roangic under AE, EC, tocker with the ſquare of EF, arc Idewilc count to the Equare of FD. Take the fquare of LF from botn, then the rectangle zoeer AF, EC, is cqual to the rectangle un DE, EL. h و 9 2 3y, If 4 O EUCLID. 53 r 3dly, If neither paſs through the center, draw GH, paſſing Book III, through the center F, and cutting AC, BD, in E; then the rectangle under AE, EC, is equal to the rectangle under BE, ED; for cach is equal to the rectangle under GE, EH. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. XXXVI. T H E O R. TH IF F some point be taken without a circle, and from that point two right lines be drawn, one of which touches the circle, and the other cuts it, the rectangle under the whole fecunt line, and the part between the point and convexity of the circle, is equal to the Square of the tangeni line. a a с و Let ABC be the circle, D the given point, and DCA, DB, the two given right lines, of which DB touches the circle, and DCA cuts it; the retangle under AD, DC, is equal to the ſquare of DB. Now, DCA either paſſes thro' the center, or not. Firſt, let it paſs thro' the center E, and join BE; then, becauſe AC is bi. ſected in E, and DC added, the rectangle under AD, DC, to- gether with the ſquare of CE, are equal to the ſquare of DE ; a 6.:. but the ſquare of DE is equal to the ſquares of DB, BED; for b 47.2. the angle DBE is a right angle ; therefore the rectangle under 18. AD, DC, together with the ſquare of CE, are equal to the ſquares of DB, BE. Take the equal ſquares of BE, CE, from both, there remains the rectangle AD, DC, equal to the ſquare of DB. 2dly, Let DA not paſs through the center of the circle ABC; find the center Ed, and join ED, EC, EB; draw EF, at right angles, to AC, cutting it in F°; then AF is equal to FCf; . therefore the rectangle under AD, DC, together with the ſquare of CF, are equal to the ſquare of FD. Add the iquare of FS to both; then the rectangle under AD, DC, with the iquares of CF, FE, are equal to the ſquares of DF, FE; but the fire of CE is equal to the ſquares of CF, Feb, and the fouard of DE equal to the ſquares of DF, FE b; therefore the ricingle under AD, DC, with the ſquare of CE, arc equal to the ſquare of DL; but the facare o DE is equal to the ſquares 0: DE, BE, therefore the rectangle de B, DC, with the ſquare ID of CE, are equal to the fourres ( DB, BE. Tare the caual ſquares of BE, CE, from botla, ad the reciendole under AD: : DC, is equal to 16 of of D6. Therefore, 2.C. PO?? di. с CIL. Ia ' * 54 ELEMENTS THE Book III. PRO P. XXXVII. T H E O R. j IF, from a point without a circle two right lines be draqun, one of which cuts the circle, and the other falls upon it ; and, if the rectangle under the whole ſecant line, and part betwixt the point and circle, be equal to the ſquare of the othưr line, this laſt line ſhall be a tangent to the circle. > Let ſome point D, be aſſumed without the circle ABC, and from it draw the lines DCA, DB, ſo that DCA cut the circle, and DB fall upon it; and, if the rectangle under AD, DC, be equal to the ſquare of DB, then DB will touch the circle in the point B. a 17: bl. C 18. C. d 36. d с Нур. e f 8. I. For, let DE be drawn a tangent to the circle in the point E a; find the center Fb, and join BF, FD, and DF. Then the angle DEF is a right angle "; therefore the rec- tangle under AD, DC, is equal to the ſquare of DE 4; but the rectangle under AD, DC, is equal to the ſquare of DB €; therefore the ſquare of DB is equal to the ſquare of DE, and DB equal to DË; therefore the right lines DE, EF, are equal to DB, BF; and FD common; therefore the angle DBF is equal to the angle DEFf; but DEF is a right angle; therefore DBF is likewiſe a right angle: Therefore DB is a tangent to the circles. Wherefore, &c. Cor. I. Hence, if any number of right lines, as DA, DG, be , drawn from the point A, cutting the circle in C and H, the rectangles under AD, DC, and GD, DH, are equal to one a- nother; for each of them is equal to the ſquare of BD. II. If, from any two points in the circumference of a circle, two tangents be drawn, ſo that, being produced, they will meet one another; then theſe tangents will be equal to one a- nother; for each of their ſquares, viz. of BD, DE, is equal to the rectangle contained under AD, DC. 6 16. a THE i 1 १ । 3 1 Book II. Platev. Def:3. Def. 4. Def. 6. : Def. } 1 Dof. 2. Prof. d. • С C 3 Prop.2. . 1 Def. D Def. 10. F A AY E A D E. F 1 Prop.A. Prop. 6. С G Prol.3. E ELB F F D E F F A Prop.5. D B B А A Prop.9. D Prop. 8. AKGBN K В B Prop.10 号 ​BK Prop. 7. H D E G F F M P D F AB E K. Prop. 10. i E A B a. ! Prop. E HT 12. $ 1 E F F Prop.13. B 1 G H Prop.14. B B Prop. 16. M-AB Prop. 116 T ; : GE 1 T Prop. 17 BACAO KELDI В AB D D Prop.io NDO F U 1 1 2 Prop. 18819 A Book film. Plate 2. А Prop 120 E D Prop 21 В. H FT Е. F F 13 B 1: TE E a D 1 F G Prop. 24. Prop.24. BC D Pero Propi 22 . Prop.23. A B B A B Pirp. 26. D D B H i A D Prop.25.B B E F К. L ID Prop.28,4291 D E D) Prop.. , К. L H G 19 B С EN E ) 1 B C K H ! Prop.33. E F D) A Prop 32. trop 30. D СА B F B B 1 E Prop. 31. E B F D D А. Prop 34 D / Prop.3 D E y А H D E F B D D BA Prop:35. B Prop. 30 35. B B B D 4 年 ​C + ! CHD NID 3 hic ܕܬܬܐ 2 i 1 Τ Η Ε 1 E L M N T S Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S T OF E U C L I L I D. во ок IV. D E FINITIONS. A 1. Right lined figure is ſaid to be inſcribed in a right lined Book IV, figure, when every one of the angles of the inſcribed fin gure touches every one of the ſides of the figure wherein it is inſcribed. II. A right lined figure is ſaid to be deſcribed about a right lined fie gure, when every one of the ſides of the circumſcribed figure touches each of the angles of the right lined figure. III. A right lined figure is inſcribed in a circle when each of the angles of the infcribed figure touches the circumference of the circle. IV. A right lined figure is deſcribed about a circle when each of the ſides of the circumſcribed figure touches the circumfe- rence of the circle. V. A circle is inſcribed in a right lined figure, when the circum- ference of the circle touches all the ſides of the figure in which it is inſcribed. VI. A circle is deſcribed about a right lined figure when the cir- cumference of the circle touches all the angles of the figure. VII. A 56 TH E E L E M E N T S BOOK IV. VII. n A right line is applied in a circle when its extremes are in the circumference of the circle. a PRO P. I. PROB. T' O apply a right line in a circle, equal to a given right line, not greater than the diameter of the circle. It is required to apply a right line in the circle ABC, equal to a given right line D, not greater than the diameter of the circle. Draw the diameter BC; if equal to D, what was required is done; if not, the diameter BC is greater than D; put CE equal to Da; about the center C, with the diſtance CE, deſcribe the circle AEF; then CA is equal to CE ; but CE is equal to D; therefore CA is equal to D. Wherefore, there is drawn, sic, 2 3. 1. PRO P. II. PRO B. IM Na given circle, to inſcribe a triangle equiangular to a given triangle. 2 37. 3 o . 9 It is required to infcribe a triangle, in a given circle ABC, equiangular to a given triangle DEF: Draw the right line GAH, touching the circle in the point A*; with the right line AH, at the point A, make the angle HAC equal to the angle B 23, I. DEFb, and the angle GAB equal to DFE ; join BC. Then the angle HAC is equal to the anglc ABC; but the angle HAC is equal to DEF; therefore, ABC is equal to DEF: And BAG is equal to ACB «; but BAG is equal to DFE; therefore ACB, is equal to DFE; therefore the remaining third d Cor. 32. angles BAC, EDF d are equal; therefore the triangle ABC, is inſcribed in the circle ABC, and equiangular to the triangle DEF, which was required. Wherefore, &c. , , 32. 34 C 1 PROP OF EUCLID. 57 Book IV. PRO P. III. PROB. A BOUT a given circle, to deſcribe a triangle equiangular to a triangle given. و Q b 16.30 It is required to deſcribe a triangle about the given circle ABC equiangular to the given triangle DEF ; produce the ſide IF both ways to G, H; find the center of the circle K, and draw KB any how; at the point K, with the right line KB, make, the angles BKA, BKC, equal to the angles DEG, DFH , & 23. 1. each to each ; at the points A, B, C, draw the right lines LAM, MBN, LCN, tangents to the circle, in the points A, B, C.. Then the angles that LM, MN, LN, make with the right lines KA, KB, KC, are right angles; therefore the angles AKB, AMB, are equal to two right angles", and equal to d 32. 1. DEF, DEG; but BKA was made equal to DEG, therefore e 13. I. the remainder DEF is equal to AMBf. For the ſame reaſon f Ax. 8. 31 DFE is equal to LNM, and the remaining angle MLN equal to EDF; wherefore the triangles LMN, DEF, are equiangular. Which was required. C 18. 3. d I, PRO P. IV. PROB. T. O inſcribe a circle in a given triangle. a а o a I b 12. I. > It is required to infcribe a circle in the given triangle ABC. Biſect the angles ABC, ACB, by the right lines BD, DC a, a 9. 13 meeting each other in the point D; from which let fall DF, DE, DG, perpendiculars, upon the right lines AB, BC, ACB. Then, becauſe the two angles DFB, DBF, in the triangle DBF, are equal to the two angles DEB, DBE, in the triangle DBE, and iħe fide DB common to both ; the remaining fides BE, ED, are equal to BF, FD, each to each For the fame c 26. j. reaſon DF is equal to DG; therefore D is the center, and with any of the diſtances the circle EFGd may be inſcribed in the giad 9. 3. ven triangle ABC: Which was required. C PRO P. V. PRO B. T O deſcribe a circle about a given triangle. HI 1: 3.0, 1 58 T H E ELEMENTS a a IO, I. Book IV. It is required to deſcribe a circle about the triangle ABC. Bifect the ſides AB, AC, in the points D, E a; from which draw DF, FE, at right angles to AB, AC, which will meet one another, either within the triangle, upon one of the ſides BC, or without the triangle, in the point F. In either cafe, becauſe AD is equal to DB, and DF common, the two ſides AD, DF, are equal to BD, DF; and the angle BDF to ADFb; therefore the baſe BF is equal to the baſe AFC. For the ſame reaſon AF is equal to FC: Therefore, if, with the center F, and either of the diſtances AF, FB, or FC, a circle is deſcribed, it will touch all the angles of the triangled. Which was required, 9 b II.1. C4. J. d Def. 6. PRO P. VI. PROB. T O infiribe a ſquare in a given circle. a 2. II. I. It is required to infcribe a ſquare in the given circle ABC. Draw the diameters BD and AC at right angles to, and bi- ſecting each other in E ; join BA, AD, DC, CB; then ADCE is a ſquare. For the two fides DE, LA, are equal to DE, EA, and the angle BEA to AED *; therefore the baſe B A is equal to AD b. For the ſame reaſon AD is equal to DC, and DC to CB ; therefore the four ſides are equal : But the angle BAD is a right angle"; therefore ADC, DCB, ABC, are each right angles"; therefore the figure is a ſquared: Which was requi- & def. 30. 1. red. a b 4. I. و C 31. 3. PRO P. VII. PRO B. To deſcribe a ſquare about a given circle. & 11. 1. It is required to deſcribe a ſquare about the circle ABCD. Draw the two diameters AC, BD, of the circle, cutting each other at right anglesa; and through the points A, B, C, D, draw FG, GH, HK, KF, tangents to the circle ABCD. For, becauſe the angles GAE, AEB, are right angles", GF is parallel to BD. For the ſame reaſon HK is parallel to BD; therefore GF is parallel to HK d. For the ſame reaſon, GH is paral- b 16. 3 C20. I, d 30. I. OF EUCLID. 59 parallel to FK; therefore GHKT is a parallelogram; but GF, Book IV: BD, are equal", and likewiſe BD equal to HK ; therefore GPU is equal to HK f. For the ſame reaſon, GH is equal to FK; fore 34. 1. each is equal to AC; but AC is equal to BD ; therefore GH is f Ax. 1. 1. equal to GF; therefore the four ſides are equal ; but the angles at G, F, are right ones; for each is equal to GAE, or FAE b; b 16. 3. therefore all the angles are right ones; therefore GHKF is a ſquare, deſcribed about the circle ABCD: Which was to be done. PRO F. VIII. PROB. T. O inſcribe a circle in a given ſquare. b I. ވެ It is required to infcribe a circle in the ſquare ABCD. Bifect the fides AB, AD, in the points E, F; through E a 10.1 draw EH parallel to AB), and through F draw FK parallel to b 31. 1. AD or BC b; then AE, FG, are equal to one another", and C 34. 1. likcwiſe ED, GK; but AE is equal to ED *; therefore FG is equal to GK; buť AF is equal to AE d; therefore EG is equal d Ax. 7. Io to FG, and FB to GH'; therefore GE, GF, GH, GK, are e. qual; therefore if, with the center G, and either of theſe dia ſtances, a circle is deſcribed, it will touch the ſquare in the points E, F, H, K; for, if not, let it cut the ſquare, then a right line drawn at right angles to the diameter of a circle will fall within the circle; which cannot be ; therefore the circlec 16. 3. EFHK is inſcribed in the ſquare ABCD: Which was re- quired. > 2 1 PRO P. IX. PRO B. To deſcribe a circle about a given fquare. a It is required to deſcribe a circle about the given ſquare ABCD. Join AC, BD, mutually cutting each other in the point E. For, becauſe AB is equal to AD, and AC common, ihe two fides BA, AC, are equal to the two ſides DA, AC, and the baſe BC equal to DC; therefore the angle BA is unio DAC^; therefore the angle BAD is bite ted by the righe line AÇ. For the ſame reaſon the angle ADC is biſected by : 7. . бо THE ELEMENTS .! . پ ن Book IV. right line DB; but the angles BAD, ADC, DCB, ABC bare equal, therefore their halfs are equal. Again, becauſe BA is equal to AD, and AE common, and the angle BAE to DAE, the baſe BE is equal to ED. For the ſame reaſon, AE is equal to EC: Therefore the right lines AC, BD, are bifect. ed in E; but the two ſides AD, DC, are equal to DC, CB b; and the angle ADC to DCB b; therefore the baſe AC is equal to BDC; therefore their halfs are equal : Therefore, if, with the center E, and diſtance AE, a circle is deſcribed, it will paſs through the points A, B, C, D,of the ſquare : Which was re- quired. Wherefore, &c. b 9 PRO P. X. PRO B. T o make an iſoſceles triangle, having each of the angles at the baſe double to the other angle. II. 26 bi: C 5 Cut any given right line AB in the point C, ſo that the rec- tangle under AB, BC, be equal to the ſquare of AC"; about the center A, and diſtance AB, deſcribe the circle BDE ; in which apply the right line BD equal to AC, and join DA, DC; then the triangle ADB is the iſoſceles triangle; having each of the angles at the baſe BD double the angle at A. For, deſcribe a circle ACD about the triangle ADC Then, becauſe the rectangle under AB, BC, is equal to the ſquare of AC, and BD is equal to AC, the rec- tangle under AB, BC, is equal to the ſquare of BD; therefore BD is a tangent to the circle ACD 4; therefore the angle CDB is equal to the angle in the alternate fegment CAD. To each add the angle CDA, then the whole angle ADB, or its f s. I. equal ABD f, is equal to the two angles CAD, CDA; but the angle BCD is likewiſe equal to the angles CDA, CADC; f Ax. I. 1. therefore the angle BCD is equal to CBD 8; therefore CD is h 6.1. equal to BD"; but BD is equal to CA; therefore CD, CA, ; are equal 8; therefore the angle CAD is equal to CDA, but CAD, CDA, are double CAD; therefore ABD or ADB are each double BAD; Which was required. d 37, 39 e 32. 3. ܪ h g A PRO P. XI. PROB. TO inſcribe an equilateral and equiangular pentagon in a given OF EUCLI D. 61 с су It is required to inſcribe an equilateral and equiangular pen- Book IV, tagon in the given circle ABCDE. Make an iſoſceles triangle FGH, having each of the angles at the baſe GH double the other angle Fa; inſcribe the triangle a 10. ADC in the circle ABCDE, equiangular to the triangle FGH); b 2. then each of the angles ACD, ADC, are double the angle at A; bifect the angles ACD, ADC, by the right lines CE, DB, 9. 3. join AB, BC, DE, EA ; then ABCDE is the equilateral and equiangular pentagon required. For, becauſe the angles ACD, ADC, are bifected by the right lines CE, DB, the five angles DAC, ADB, BDC, DCE, ECA, are equal; therefore the five circumferences AB, BC, CD, DE, AE, are equal d; and the right lines AB, BC, CD, d 26. 3. DE, AE, equal to one another ®; the figure is therefore equila- € 29. 3. teral; but it is alſo equiangular; for the circumference AB is equal to DE. Add the circumference BCD to both, then the whole circumference ABCD is equal to the whole circumfe. rence EDCB ; therefore the angle AED is equal to the angle BAEf. For the ſame reaſon, the other angles ABC, BCD, f 27. 3. CDE, are equal to BAE, or AED; wherefore the pentagen ABCDE is equilateral, and likewife equiangular. Which was fequired. d. و PRO P. XII. PROB. T O deſcribe an equilitcral and cquiangular pentagon about a given circle. It is required to deſcribe an equilateral and equiangular pen- tagon about the given circle ABCDE. Let the points A, B, C, D, E, be the angular points of an equilateral and equiangular pentagon inſcribed in the circle; then the circumferences AB, BC, CD, DE, EA, are equal; draw the right lines GH, HK, KL, LM, MG, tangents to the circle in the above points. From F, the center of thea a 17. 3. circle, draw to the ſame points the right lines FB, FC, FD, and join FK, FL ; then, becauſe FB, FC, FD, are at right angles to HK, KL, LM", the ſquares of FB, BK, are equal to the b 18. 3. ſquare of FK , and the ſquares of FC, CK, equal to the ſquare c 47. 1. of FK, and therefore equal to each other d; but the ſquares of d Ax. 1.80 BF, FC“, are equal; which being taken from both, the ſquare e def. 15. • of BK is equal to the ſquare of KC; that is, BK equal to KC. For the ſame reaſon, CL is equal to LD; and becaule BF, FK, are equal C 62 THE ELEMENTS f 8. I. g 27. 3 h . , Book IV. equal to CF, FK, and the baſe BK equal to KC, the angle mBFK is equal to CFK f. For the ſame reaſon, CFL is equal to , LFD; but the whole angle BFC is equal to the wholc angle h Ax: 2:1. CFD &; therefore the angle KFC is equal to the angle CFL", 8 i d. 1. and the baſe KC to CL ; but KC is equal to BK; therefore HK is equal to KL. For the ſame reaſon, KL is equal to LM; therefore the figure is equilatcral. It is likewiſe equiangular ; for the angles B and C are each right ones; and the two angles BFC, BKC, equal to two right anglesk. For the ſame reaſon, CFD, CLD, are equal to two right angles; but the angles CFD, CFB, are equal, therefore CLD, BKC, are likewiſe equal. For the ſame reaſon, the whole angle at L is equal to the angle at M; therefore the fi- gure is equiangular; and likewiſe proved equilateral. Where. fore, &c. k Cor. 7 32. 1. PRO P. XIII. P R O B. Tº inſcribe a circle in a given equilateral and equiangular pentagon. a 10, I. ) C47. I. 3 It is required to infcribe a circle in the equilateral and equis angular pentagon ABCDE, Biſeck the ſides BC, CD, DE, in the points H, K, L´; from which draw the right lines HF, KF, LF, at right angles Bil. 1. to BC, CD, DE b; from the point F, where the right lines HF, KF, interfect each other, draw FC, FD, FE ; then, be- cauſe the angles FHC, FKC, are right angles, the ſquare of FC is equal to the ſquares of FH, HC°, and likewiſe to the ſquares of FK, KC; therefore the ſquares of FH, HC, are e- d Ax. 1. 1. qual to the ſquares of FK, KC 4. Take the equal ſquare of HC, CK, from both, there remains the ſquare of HF equal to the ſquare of FK; that is, HF equal FK; therefore HF, FC, are eo qual to FC, FK, and the baſe HC to CK; therefore the angle HFC is equal to KFC"; but the angles FHC, FRC, are right ones; therefore the remaining angle HCF is equal to KCF; therefore the angle BCD is biſected by the right line FC. For the ſame reaſon, FK is equal to FL, and the angle CDE biſecto! by FD; therefore, becauſe FH, FK, FL, are equal, if, with the center F, and either of theſe diſtances, a circle is deſcribed, it will touch the ſides of the pentagon in the points G, H, K, L, M, wherefore the circle GHKLM is inſcribed in the equila- teral and equiangular pentagon ABCDE: Which was re* quired. COR a 6 8. 1. . 2 ܪ 1 OF É UCLID, 63 Cor. If two of the neareſt ſides of an equilateral and equian- Book IV, gular figure be biſected, and from the point where theſe lines cut each other, there be lines drawn to all the angles of the fi- gure, theſe lines will biſcct all the angles of the figure. PRO P. XIV. PRO B. Ꮲ Tº deſcribe a circle about a given equilateral and equiangular pentagon. a a b 9 It is required to deſcribe a circle about the equilateral and e- quiangular pentagon ABCDE. Bilect the right lines AB, BC , in the points Hand G;a 10. i. a from which draw the right lines HF, GF, interſecting each o- ther in the point F, and at right angles, to AB, BC b; from the b 11. I. point F draw the right lines BF, FA, FE, FD, FC, they will bifect the angles at A, B, C, D, EC Then, becauſe AB is e-c cor. 13, equal to AE, and Ar common, and the angle BAF equal to E AF, the baſe BF will be equal to EFd. For the ſame reaſon, d 4. I EF is equal to FC ; therefore, if, with the center F, and diſtance B, E, or C, a circle is deſcribed, it will paſs through the points A, B, C, D, E, of the equilateral and equiangular pentagon : Which was required. 1 a PRO P. XV. XV. P R O B. Tº in inſcrive an equilateral and equiangular hexagon iiz a given circlc. It is required to inſcribe the equilateral and equiangular her. agon in the given circle ABCDEF. Draw AD a diameter to the circle ABCDEF, whoſe center is G; with the point D as a center, and diſtance DG, deſcribe a circle EGCH ; join EG, GC; which produce to the points B, F; join AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, FA; then ABCDEF is an equilateral and equiangular hexagon. For, fince G is the center of the circle ABCDEF, GC is e- qual a to GD; and ſince D is the center of the circle CGEH, a def15.5e ĠD is equal to DC; therefore CGD is an equilateral triangle b; b 1. I. but it is likewiſe equiangular. For the ſame reaſon, GDE is c cor. so fy , se an equilateral and equiangular triangle, and equal to the triangle 2 # B THE E L E MENTS d 15. I. 2 و Book IV. triangle CGD; and, becauſe BG, GA, are equal to DG, GE, and the angle BGA to DGE 4, the baſe AB is equal to DE. For the ſame reaſon, AF is equal to CD; but CD is equal to DE; therefore AB is equal to AF. Again, becauſe CG falls e 13. I. upon BE, the angles CGB, CGE, are equal to two right anglesº; but CGD, DGE, are each one third of two right angles f; f cor. 32. i. therefore CGB is likewiſe one third of two right angles; therefore BG, GC, are equal to CG, GF, and the angle BGC equal to the angle CGD; therefore the baſe BC is equal to CD; but likewiſe BG, GC, are equal to FG, GE, and the angle BGC to FGE 4; therefore the baſe BC is equal to FE ; but BC is proved equal to CD, and CD to DE, therefore the Gx fides BC, CD, DE, EF, FA, AB, are equal; therefore the figure is equilateral; it is likewiſe equiangular; for the two angles GDC, GDE, are equal to the two angles GCD, GCB; for each is one third of two right anglesf; therefore the whole angle BCD, is equal to the whole CDE. For the fame reaſon, all the other angles are equal to one another; therefore the figure is likewiſe equiangular. Wherefore, &c. f 2 COR. Hence the fide of a hexagon is equal to the ſemi-dia- meter of the circle. And, if through the points A, B, C, D, E, F, tangents to the circle, be drawn, an equilateral and equiangu- lar hexagon will be deſcribed about the circle, as may be proved in the ſame manner as the pentagon: And fo likewiſe a circle may be inſcribed and deſcribed about a given hexagon. PRO P. XVI. PRO B. То O inſcribe an equilateral and equiangular quindecagon in a given circle. IS II. It is required to inſcribe an equilateral and equiangular quiri- decagon in the given circle ABCD. Let AC be the fide of an equilateral and equiangular triangle infcribed in the circle a, and AB the ſide of an equilateral and equiangular pentagon, drawn from the point A ; then, if the b; b circle is divided into fifteen parts, the fide of the triangle AC will ſubtend five of them, and the ſide of the pentagon AB will ſubtend three; therefore BC will be two of ſaid parts; therefore biſect BC in E; BE or CE will be one fifteenth part of the cir- 1 cons 0 } 1 Book. IV. 1 Prop A. Ch Def.12. B 0 Def.3.6) (Def.415. ܢܝܼܝ ? 1 D D A Prop 2.1 В. I D Propr3 G H E F Prob./4. E E G M4 IN B4 % 1 A 13 F F Prop. A 5, 6 O, A 5. A Prop. D E E B B F T B Prok: 7 Prop. 8. Prop.9. Prob. 10. G F A E D 1 F E BH D DF B H C K B H С Prop. 18. G F A. A G B E Prop14 Prop. 12, BK M A BH JHL C KY VI K Pirpa 14. Prop. 15. Propo A BA E D B H F F 1 1 be the laten home OF EUCLID. 65 { cumference; if BC, CE, &c. be joined, the equilateral and Book IV. equiangular quindecagon will be inſcribed : Which was requi- red. COR. If, from what has been ſaid of the pentagon, right lines be drawn through the diviſions of the circle, tangents to the ſame, an equilateral and equiangular quindecagon will be deſcribed about the circle ; or a circle may be inſcribed or des {cribed about the quindecagons ! THE is 1 7 } 1 THE Ε Ι Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ και È L E M N T E S 1 E U C U CL L I D. ! в оок V. DEFINITIONS. А a 1. Book V. PART is a magnitude of a magnitude; the leſs of the greater, when the leſs meaſures the greater. II. A multiple is a magnitude of a magnitude; the greater of the leſs, when the leſs meaſures the greater. III. Ratio is a certain mutual habitude of magnitudes of the fame kind, according to quantity. IV. Magnitudes have proportion to each other ; which, being multi- plied, can exceed one another. V. Magnitudes have the ſame ratio to each other, viz. the firſt to the ſecond, and third to the fourth, when there are taken any equimultiples of the firſt and third, and likewiſe any equi- multiples of the ſecond and fourth; if the multiple of the firſt be equal to the multiple of the ſecond, then the multiple of the third will be equal to the multiple of the fourth; ifgreater, greater; and, if leſs, leſs. VI. Magnitudes which have the ſame proportion are called Propor- tionals, VII: > OF EUCLI D. 69 a نو VII. Book V. When, of equimultiples, the multiple of the firſt exceeds the multiple of the ſecond, but the multiple of the third does not exceed the multiple of the fourth; the firſt to the ſecond is ; ſaid to have a greater ratio than the third to the fourth. VIII. Analogy is a fimilitude of proportions. IX. Analogy, at leaſt, conſiſts of three terms. X. When three magnitudes are proportionals, the firſt has to the third a duplicate ratio of what it has to the ſecond. XI. When four magnitudes are proportional, the firſt has to the fourth a triplicate ratio of what it has to the ſecond; and always one more in order as the proportionals ſhall be extend- ed. XII. Homologous magnitudes, or magnitudes of a like ratio, are ſuch a whoſe antecedents are to the antecedents and conſequents to the conſequents in the ſame ratio. XIII. Alternate ratio is the comparing the antecedent with the ante- cedent, and conſequent with the conſequent. XIV. Inverſe ratio is, when the conſequentis taken as the antecedent, and compared with the antecedent as a conſequent. XV. Compounded ratio is, when the antecedent and conſequent, ta- ken as one, are compared with the conſequent itſelf. XVI. Divided ratio is, when the exceſs, by which the antecedent ex- ceeds the conſequent, is compared with the conſequent. XVII. Converſe ratio is, when the antecedent is compared with the ex- ceſs by which the antecedent exceeds the conſequent. XVIII. Ratio of equality is when there are taken more than two mag- nitudes in one order, and a like number of magnitudes in ano- ther order, comparing two to two, being in the fame ratio ; it ſhall be in the firſt order of magnitudes, as the firſt is to the laſt; fo, in the ſecond order of magnitudes, is the firſt to the laſt. XIX. Ordinate proportion is, the ratio being, as in the laſt, as the an- tecedent is to the conſequent, in the firſt order of magnitudes; fo 68 Τ THE ELEMENTS * Book V. m fo is the antecedent to the conſequent in the ſecond order of magnitudes; and as the confequent is to any other, fo is the conſequent to any other. XX. Perturbate proportion is, when there are three or more magni- tudes, and others equal to them in number, taken two and two in the ſame ratio ; in the firſt order of magnitudes, as the antecedent is to the conlequent; fo, in the ſecond order of magnitudes, is the antecedent to the conſequent; and, as in the firſt order, the conſequent is to ſome other, fo, in the le- cond order, is ſome other to the antecedent. m C A X Χ Ι Ο M S. V > E. I. QUIMULTIPLES of the ſame, or of equal magni- tudes, are equal to each other. II. Theſe magnitudes that have the ſame equimultiples, or whoſe equimultiples are equal, are equal to each other, } PRO P. I. T H E O R. I F there be any number of magnitudes, equimultiples of a like nuniber of magnitudes, each of each, whatever multiple anije one of the former magnitudes is of its correſpondent one, the ſame multiple are all the former magnitudes of all the latter. 1 Let AB, CD, be magnitudes, equimultiples of E, F, whate- ver multiple AB is of E, and CD of F, the ſame multiple AB, CD, together, is of E, F, together. For, let the magnitudes in AB, equal to E, be AG, GB; and the magnitudes in CD, equal to F, be CH, HD; then AG, CH, are equal to E, F; and BG, HD, likewiſe equal to E, F; there- ; fore, as often as AB contains E, and CD, F, fo often AB, CD, contains E, F: Wherefore, if there are, &c. E, : PRO P. II. THE O R. F the firſt be the ſame multiple of the ſecond, as the third is of the fourth; and if the fifth be the ſame multiple of the ſecond, that the ſixth is of the fourth; then ſhall the firſt, added to the fifth, be the ſame multiple of the ſecond, that the third, added to the fixth, is of the fourth. Let I 1 OF EUCLID. 69 Let the firſt AB be the ſame multiple of the ſecond C, that Book V. the third DE is of the fourth F; and let the fifth BG be the fame multiple of the ſecond c, that the ſixth EH is of the fourth F; then AG will be the ſame multiple of C that DH is of F. For, becauſe AB is the fame multiple of C that DE is of F, there are as many magnitudes in AB equal to C, as in DE, e- qual to F. For the ſame reaſon, there are as many magnitudes in BG equal to C, as there are in EH, equal to F; therefore there are as many magnitudes in AG equal to C, as there are in DH equal to F.. Wherefore, &c. a. I. PRO P. III. THEOR. If the firſt be the ſame multiple of the ſecond, that the third is of the fourth, and there be taken equimultiples of the firſt and third, then will the magnitudes to taken be equimultiples of the fecond and fourth. Let the firſt A be the ſame multiple of the ſecond B that the third C is of the fourth D; and let EF, GH, be equimultiples of A, C then Er is the fame multiple of B, that GH is of D. For, let the magnitudes in EF, equal to A, be FK, KE ; and the magnitudes in GH, equal to C, be HL, LG; then there are as many magnitudes equal to B in FE, as there are magnitudes equal to D in GH"; wherefore FE is the fame multiple of B, that GH is of D. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. IV. TI E O R. If the firſt have the ſame ratio to the ſecond that the third has to the fourth, then shall alſo the equimultiples of the firjt have the ſame ratio to the equimultiple of the ſecond that the equinzultiple of the third has to that of the fourth. C Let there be four magnitudes, A, B, C, D, ſuch, that A is to B as C to D. Let E, F, be taken the ſame multiples of A, C; and G, H, the ſame multiples of B, D ; then E is to G as F is to H. For, take K, L, any equimultiples of E, F, and M, N, any equimultiples of G, H ; then K is the fame miul- tiple of A that L is of Ca. For the ſame reaſon, M is the a 3: ſame multiple of B that N is of Da; but, becauſe A is to B as ç iş to Do if K be equal to M, I will be equal to N; if great. . a 3 2 i els 70 Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S :) b def. s. Book V. er, greater, and, if leſs, leſs; but K, L, are equimultiples of E, F, and M, N, of G, H; wherefore E is to Gas F is to HD, but it is proved, that, if K be equal to M, L is equal to N; but, if K is equal to M, M is equal to K, and N to L; if ; greater, greater, and, if leſs, leſs; wherefore G is to E as H is to F. Wherefore, if four magnitudes be proportional, they will alſo be inverſely proportional. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. V. THE O R. IF one magnitude be the ſame multiple of another magnitude, that a part taken from the one is of a part taken from the other; then the reſidue of the one ſhall be the ſame multiple of the reſidue of the other that the whole is of the whole. Let AB be the ſame multiple of CD, that a part taken away AE is of a part taken away CF; then the reſidue EB ſhall be the ſame multiple of the reſidue FD, that the whole AB is of the whole CC. T'or, let BE be the ſame multiple of CG that AE is of CF; then, becauſe AE is the ſame multiple of CF that BE is of CG, 1 2 to AE will be the ſame multiple of CF that AB is of GF a; but AE is the ſame multiple of CF that AB is of CD, and AB is the ſame multiple of GF that it is of CD; therefore GF is e Ax. 2. qual to CD b; take CF, which is common, from both, there re- mains GC equal to FD; therefore AE is the ſame multiple of CF that EB is of FD. Wherefore, &c. b & PRO P. VI. THE O R. IF F two magnitudes be equimultiples of two magnitudes, and ſome magnitudes, equimultiples of the fame, be taken away, the reſidue , ſhall either be equal to theſe magnitudes or equimultiples of them. ܪ For, firſt, let GB be equal to E ; if HD is not equal to F, let KC be equal to F; then AB is the ſame multiple of E that KH. 如​: is of F a; but AB, CD, are put equimultiples of E, F; therefore HK is the ſame multiple of F that CD is of F; therefore KH is Ax, 2. equal to CD b. Take CH, which is common, from both, there remains KC equal to HD; but KC was put equal to F; there- . fore HD is equal to F; after the ſame manner it may be der monſtrated that, if GB is any equimultiple of E, HD will be the like equimultiple of F. Wherefore, &c. ป PROP 1 OF EUCLID. 71 1 PRO P. VII. THEOR. BOOK V. QUAL magnitudes have the ſame proportion to the ſame magnitude, and one and the ſame magnitude has the ſame proportion to equal magnitudes. E Let A, B, be two equal magnitudes, and C any third mag- nitude, then A, B, will have the ſame proportion to C. For, let D, E, be any equimultiples of A, B, and F any equimultiple of C; then, if D is equal to F, E is likewiſe equal to F; if greater, greater; and, if leſs, leſs; therefore A is to C as B is to Ca. Again, C is to A as C is to B; for, the ſame conſtruction re- a def. s. maining, if F is equal to D, it is likewiſe equal to E ; wherefore C is to B as C is to A. Wherefore, &c. ܪ . PRO P. VIII. THEO R. T. HE greater of two 2:nequcl magnitudes has a greater propor- tion to ſome third magnitude than the leſs bas, and that third magnitude has a greater proportion to the lefſer magnitude than it has to the greater. 2 a Let AB, C, be two unequal magnitudes, of which AB is the greater; and let D be any third magnitude ; then AB will have a greater proportion to D than C has to D; but D has a greater proportion to C than it has to AB. For, becauſe AB is greater than C, inake BE equal to C, then AB will exceed C by AE; if AE is not greater than D, let it be multiplied till it exceed D; and let this multiple be FG; let GH be the ſame multiple of EB that FG is of AE; then FH will be the ſame multiple of AB that GH is of EB?, and make a r. K the fame multiple of C that GH is of EB; but EB is equal to C; therefore K is equal to GHD; wherefore FH is the fame 5 ΑΣ; Το multiple of AB that K is of C. Now, of D let L be taken a double, M triple, and fo on, till a multiple of D is found next greater than K, which let be N; and let M be the next multiple of D, leſs than N; then M will not be greater than K, that is, K will not be leſs than M; but M and D are equal to N; and becauſe FG exceeds D, and GH is equal to K, FH will be greater than N; that is, FH, the multiple of AB, exceeds N, the multiple of D ; but K, the multiple of C, does not exceed N, the multiple of D; therefore AB has to D a greater proportion . Def. z. c . 7 than Chas to DC; but likewiſe D has to Ca greater proportion than it has to AB; for, the fame conſtruction remaining, N, the multiple of D, exceeds K, the multiple of C; but does not exceed FH, the multiple of AB. Wherefore, &c. PROT 172 THE ELEMENTS Book. V. PROP. IX. THEOR. a MAGNITUDE S which have the ſame proportion to one and the ſame magnitude arc equal to one another; and if magnitude has the ſame proportion to other magnitudes, theſe magnitudes arc cqual to one another. 38,1 Let the magnitudes A, B, have the ſame proportion to Cs then A is equal to B. If not, let A be greater or leſs than B; if greater, then A has a greater proportion to C than B has to Ca; but it has not; therefore A is not greater than B; if leſs, then B has a greater proportion to C than it has to C; but it has not“; therefore A is not leſs-than B ; and, ſince neither greater nor leſs, it muſt be equal. Again, if C have the ſame proportion to A that it has to B, A is equal to B; if not, C will have a greater proportion to the lefſer magnitude, than it has to the greater a; but it has not ; therefore A is not greater than B, or B is not greater than A; therefore A is equal to B. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. X. THE OR, O F magnitudes having proportion to the ſame magnitude, that which has the greater proportion to ſome third is the greater magnitude ; and that magnitude to which the ſame has a greater proportion is the lefjer magnitude. 37。 b 8. Of the magnitudes A, B, if A have a greater proportion to a third magnitude C, than B has to C, A is greater than B; for, if not, it will be either equal or leſs. If A is equal to B, then they would have the ſame proportion to C^; but they have not; therefore A is not equal to B; neither is it leſs; for then B would have a greater proportion to C than it has to Cb; but it has not: Therefore, ſince A is neither equal nor leſs than B, it muſt be greate Again, if C have a greater 'proportion to B than it has to A, then B is leſs than A; if not, let it be equal or greater; if e. qual, then C has the ſame proportion to B that it has to A 4 but it has not; therefore B is not equal to A. If greater, then C will have a greater proportion to A than it has to B; but it 3 has not; therefore, ſince B is not equal or greater than A, it muſt be lefs. Wherefore, & C PROP } 1 OF EUCLI D. 73 Воок у. PRO P. XI. TIIE ON. P ROPORTIONS that are the ſame to any third, are the ſame to one another. f L Let A be to B, as C is to D, and C to Das E to F; then A will be to B as E to F. For, let G, H, K, be any equimultiples of A, C, E; and L, M, N, any other equimultiples of B, D, F; now, becauſe 1 is to B as C is to D; and G, H are equimultiples of A, C; and L, M any other equimultiples of D, D; if G is equal to L, H will be equal to M“; if greater, greater; and, if leſs, Icſs: Like- a Def. 5. Ma . wiſe, becauſe C is to D as E is to l'; if H be equal to NI, K will be equal to Na; if greater, greiter; and, if lefs, lets. Where- fore, if G be equal to L, K will be equal to N; for they are e- qual to H, Mb; wherefore A is to B as E to f'. , forc, &c. ܪ ! 9 Where- b 4x. 1. I, 1 PRO P. XII. T H E O R. Fany number of magnitudes be proportional, as one of the an. tecedents is to one of the conſequents, ſo are all the antece- dents to all the conſequents. I ។ ny Let the magnitudes be A, B, C, D, E, F; and, as A is to B, ſo is C to D, and E to F; then as A is to B, fo are A, C, E, all the antecedents, to B, D, F, all the conſequents. For, let let G, H, K be equimultiples of A, C, E, and L, M, N be a- other equimultiples of B, D, F; then, becauſe A is to B as C is to D, and C to D as E to F, and G, H, K equimultiples of A, C, E, and L, M, N any other equimultiples of B, D, F; if G be equal to L, H will be equal to M, and K to Na; if a Def, si greater, greater ; and, if leſs, leſs; wherefore, if G be equal to L; G, H, K, will be equal to L, M, N; if greater, greater ; and, if leſs, leſs b; but G; G, H, K, are equimultiples of A; A, b 1. C, E, together; and L; L, M, N, equimultiples of B; B, D, F, togethcr ; ſuch, that, if G be equal to L; G, H, K will be equal to L, M, N, together; wherefore A, C, E, together, are to B, D, F, together, as A is to Ba. Wherefore, &c. K PROP, و j b > 74 THE ELEMENTS Book V. PRO P. XIII. THEO R. T F the firſt is in the same proportion to the ſecond, as the third to the fourth; and if the third has a greater proportion to the fourth, than the fifth to the ſixth; then Jhall alſo the first have a greater proportion to the ſecond, than the fifth to the ſixth. 3 و ܪ a Def. 7. Let the firſt A have the ſame proportion to the ſecond B, that the third C has to the fourth D; but let the third C have a greater proportion to the fourth D, than the fifth E to the ſixth F; then the firſt A will have a greater proportion to the ſecond B, than the fifth E has to the ſixth F. For, becauſe C has a greater proportion to D, then E to F; let G, H be equimultiples of C, £; and K, L equimultiples of D, F; ſuch, that, if G exceeds K, but H does not exceed La and let M be the ſame multiple of A that G is of C; and N the fame multiple of B that K is of D; then, becauſe G exceeds K, M will exceed Nb; but G exceeds K, and H does not exceed L; and M exceeds N, and H does not exceed L; and M, H are equimultiples of A, L; and N, L, of B, F; wherefore A has a greater proportion to B, than E has to F4. Wherefore, &.C. b Dei. 5. PRO P. XIV. TII E O R. I F the firſt has the ſame proportion to the ſecond, that the third has to the fourth; if the firſt be greater than the third, the fecond will be greater than the fourth; but, if the firſt be equal to the thiril, the ſecond will be equal to the fourth; if the firſt is leſs than the third, the ſecond will be leſs than the fourth. 28. Let the firſt A have the ſame proportion to the ſecond B, that the third C bas to the fourth D; if A is greater than C, then B is greater than D. For, if A is greater than C, and B any third magnitude, A has a greater proportion to B than C has io Ba; but A is to B as C is to D, therefore C has to D a greater proportion than C has to Bb; therefore D is leſs than B"; that is, B is greater than D. In the ſame manner it is proved, that, if A is equal to C, B is equal to D; and, if lets, lefs. Wherefore, &c. 2 b 13 с 10. OF EUCLI D. 75 Book V. PRO P. XV. THEO TN. P4 ARTS have the ſame proportior as their like multiples, if taken correſpondently. Let AB be the ſame multiple of C that DE is of F; then C will be to Fas AB is to DI. For, let AG, GH, HB be each equal to C; and DK, KL, LE, each equal to F; then AG, GH, HB are equal to one a• nothera ; and likewiſe DK, KL, LE cqual to one another ; a Ax. 1, I. therefore AG is to DK as GH is to KL, and as HB is to LEb; b 11. therefore AB is to DE as AG is to DK; that is, as C to c 12. F. Wherefore, &c. ܐ .a PRO P. XVI. T F L O R. I , F four magnitudes of the ſame kind are proportional, they ſball alſo be alternately proportional. ܪ Let the four magnitudes A, B, C, D, be proportional, viz. as A is to B, fo is C to D; they will likewiſe be proportional when taken alternately, that is, as A is to C, fo is B to D; for, take E, F equimultiples of A, B; and G, H any equimultiples of C and D; then, becauſe E is the fame multiple of A that T is of B, and G the ſame multiple of C that H is of D, A is to B as E is to Fa; but A is to B, as C is to D; therefore C is to a is. ' Das E is to Fb; and as C is to D, fo is G to Ha; therefore E is to F as G is to Hb; therefore, ſince E, F, G, H are four magnitudes proportional, equimultiples of other four, A, B, C, D, therefore, if E is equal to G, F is equal to H; if greater, ; greater; and, if leſs, leſs; wherefore A is to C as B is to D4; c 14. d Def. s. Wherefore, &c. b 11. ܪ . P B O P. XVII, T H E 0 B. IF magnitudes compounded are proportional, they ſhall alſo be proportional Let 76 THE ELEMENTS 2 BOOK. V. Let the compounded magnitudes AB, BE, CD, DF, be pro- portional; that is, let Aiš be to BE as CD is to DF; theſe magnitudes ſhall be proportional when divided; that is, AL ſhall be to EB as CF is tu F1). Tor, take GH, HK, LM, MN, equimultiples of AE, EB, CF, FD, and KX NP, any equimultiples of LB, FD ; now, be- cauſe GH is the ſame multiple of AE that HK is of Eb; and GH the fame multiple of AE that LM is of CF; and LM the fame multiple of CT that MN is of FD; therefore GK is the ſame multiple of AB that GH is of AE 4. But GH is the ſame multiple of AE that LN is of CF; therefore GK is the fame multiple of AB that LM is of CF.6 But LM is the ſame mul- tiple of CF, that MN is of FD; therefore LN is the ſame mul- tiple of CD, that LM is of CFa; therefore GK is the ſame multiple of AB, tht LN is of CDb. But HK, MN, are the fame multiples of UB, FD; and KN, NP any other p- KY quimultiples of EB, FD; wherefore HX is the fame multiple of El that MP is of FD d. But GK, IN are equimultiples of AB, CD; and XH, MP, any other equimultiples of EB, FD; if GK be equal to HX, LN will be equal to MP; take HK, MN, froin boch; then, if GH be equal to KX, LM will be equal to NP; if greater, greater; and, if leſs, leſs; wherefore AE is to c Def. 5. EB as CF is to FD.. Wherefore, &c. bil. 9 dze و PRO P. XVIII. T H E O R. IF F magnitudes divided be proportional, they ſhall alſo be propor- tional who isipoundeil. و 14 Let AE, EB, CF, FD, be the divided magnitudes, viz. as AE is to EB, ſo is CF to ID, they ſhall likewiſe be proporti- orial when compoundel, viz. as Ab is to 6 E, ſo is CD to DF; if not, let AB be to BE as CD is to tone magnitude, either grerter or lets than Fl); firſt, to a leſs, as DG, viz. AB to BE, as CD to :?; therefore AE is to EB as CG is to GDa; but AE is to EB as CF is a SD1; therefore CG is to GI) as CF is to FDC; but CG is greater than CF; therefore DG is great- er than I d; but it is alto leſs, which is impoflible; there- . furt AB is not lo BE as CD to DG. In the ſame manner it is proveri, that AB is not to BE 23 CD to one greater than DF; berture 43 is to BE as CD is to Dr. Wherefore, &c. b Hyp. ܪ с C II, ܪ d 14. PROP OF EUCLID. 77 Book V. PRO P. XIX. THE O R. F the whole be to the whole, as a part taken from the one is to a a part, taken from the other, then fall the reſidue of the one be to the reſidue of the other, as the whole is to the whole; and if four magnitudes be proportional, they ſhall be converſely proportional. و ; a 16. а Let the whole AB be to the whole CD, as a part taken away AE, is to the part taken away CF; then the reſidue EB is to the reſidue F! as the whole AB is to the whole CD; for alter- nately as AB is to AE, fo is CD to CF2; then BE is to AE as DF is to FCb; and BE is to DT, as AE to Cra; but as AE is b 17. to CF, ſo is AB to CDC; therefore EB is to the reſidue FD as с Нур. the whole AB is to the whole CD d: Again, if AB be to BE as d 11. CD to DF, then they ſhall be converſely proportional; for AE is to BE as CF is to FD €; and BE is to AE as DF is to CF f therefore as AB is to A E, fo is CD to DF8; therefore the firſt 5 18. AB is to AE, its exceſs above the fecond, as CD, the third, is to DF, its exceſs above the fourth h. Wherefore, &c. , e e 17 ; f Cor. 4. h Def. 17. PRO P. XX. THE OR. I TF there be three magnitudes, and others equal to them in num- ber, which being taken two and two in each order, are in the Jupne ratio ; anid if the firſi magnitude be equal to the thirit, their the fourth will be equal to the fixth; and, if the firſt be greater than the third, then the fourth will be greater than the ſixth; and, if the firſt be leſs than the third, then the fourth will be leſs than the ſixth. 3 Let A, B, C be three magnitudes, and D, E, F, others equal to them in number; which being two in two in each order, are in the ſame proportion, viz. A to B as D tol, and B to C as I to F; and if the firſt A be equal to the third C, then the fourth D ſhall be equal to the ſixth F; if greater, greater; and, if leſs, leſs; for if A is equal to C, and B ſome other magnitude, A has the ſame proportion to B that C hath to Ba; but A is to B a 7, 7 as D is to Eb; therefore D hath the ſame proportion to E that b Hyr, A has to B; but B is to C as E to F; and, inverſely, C is to B as F isto E; therefore T has to E the fame proportion that C has 2 . 78 Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S ܪ Book V. has to B; but A has the ſame proportion to B that C has to B; therefore D has the ſame proportion to E that F has to E, therefore D is equal to FC; if greater, greater ; and, if leſs, leſs. Wherefore, &c. су. PRO P. XXI. TH E'O R. If there be three magnitudes, and others equal to them in num- F ber, which, taken two and two in each order, are in the ſame ratio ; and, if the proportion be perturbate ; if the firſt magnitude he greater than the third, then the fourth will be greater than the ſixth ; and if the firſt be equal to the third, then the fourth will be equal to the ſixth ; if leſs, leſs. 1 3 ر > Let the three magnitudes A, B, C, and others D, E, F, equal to them in number, be taken two and two in the ſame ratio, and if their analogy be perturbate, viz. as A is to B, ſo is E to F, and B to C as D to E, and if the firſt A be greater than the third C, then the fourth D will be greater than the fixth F; if equal, equal; and, if leſs, leſs. For, if A is greater than C, A has a greater ratio to B than C has to Ba; but A is to B as E is to F; therefore E has to F a greater ratio than C hath to B; and inverſely as C is to B, ſo is E to D; therefore E has to F a greater ratio than E to D. But that magnitude to which the ſame has a greater ratio, is the lefſer magnitude; therefore F is leſs than D; that is, D is 6 greater than F; if equal, equal; and, if leſs, leſs. Wherefore, &c, 8, ܪ 102 و PRO P. XXII. THE O R. If there be any number of magnitudes, and others equal to them in number, which, taken two and two, are in the fame ratio; then they fall be in the ſame proportion by equality. Let there be any number of magnitudes A, B, C, and others, C D, E, F, equal to them in number, which, taken two and two in the ſame ratio, viz. A to B as D to E, and B to C as E to F; then they ſhall be in the ſame proportion by equality; that is, A to C, as D to F. For, let G, H be equimultiples A, D, and K, L any equi- multiples of B, E, and M, N any equimultiples of C, F; then, becauſe ز OFEU CLI D. 70 becauſe A is to B as D to E, G is to K as His to L 4; but B is Book V. to C as E is to F; therefore K is to M as L to N a; Na wherefore, if G is equal to M, H will be equal to N; if greater, greater; a t. 4 and, if leſs, leſs; but G, M are equimultiples cf A, C and H, N of D, F, wherefore A is to C as D to F. Wherefore, &c. e Def. s. ' b 20. PRO P. XXIII. T H E O R. . IFt there be three magnitudes, and others equal to them in number, which, tuken two and two, are in the ſame ratio; and if their analogy be perturbate, they fball be in the ſame proportion by equ- lity. Let there be three magnitudes A, B, C, and others D, E, F, equal to them in number, which, taken two and two, are in the fame ratio ; and if their analogy be perturbate, that is, as A is to B, ſo is E to F, and as B is to C, ſo is D to E; then they thall be in the ſame proportion by equality; that is, A is to Ć as D to F. For, let G, H, L be equimultiples of A, B, D; and K, M, N, any equimultiples of C, E, F; then as A is to B, ſo is G to ; and as E to F, fo is M to N; but A is to B as E is to F ; a 15, therefore G is to H as M to Nb; and, becauſe B is to Cas Db 11. 10 E, H is to K as L to M; therefore, if G is equal to K, L is e- qual to N°; but G, K are equimultiples of A, C; and L, Neil, of D, F; therefore A is to Cas D to T. Wherefore, &c. ܪ ވާ с c Delfi PRO P. XXIV. THE OR, ر IE the first magnitude has the ſame proportion to the ſecond th.16 the third has to the fourth; and if the fifth has the ſme pro- portion to the ſecond that the ſixth has to the fourth; then the firſt, compounded with the fifth, ſhall have the ſame proportion to the li- cond, that the thiril, compounded with the ſixth, l.15 to the fourth. , Let the firſt magnitude AB, have the ſame proportion to the ſecond C, that the third DE has to the fourth F, and the fifth BG have the ſame proportion to the ſecond C, that the fixth EH has to the fourth F. For, becauſe BG is to C as LH is to F; inverſely, C is to BG, as F is to EH; but AB is to C as DE is to F; therefore AB is to BG”, as DE is to EH; and AG is to GB as DH is to a ::: HEb; but as GB is to C, fo is EH to F*; therefore AG is to be 11 C as DH is to Fa. Wherefore, dic. c Mbey PROP. C 86 THE ELEMENTS Τ Ε Book V. PRO P. XXV. THEO R. IF four magnitudes be proportional , the greateſt an.1 leaſt will be greater than the other two, ز Let four magnitudes AB, CD, E, F, be proportional, viz.. AB to CD as E to F; of which let AB be the greateſt, and F the leaft; then AB and F together, will be greater than CD and E; for, cut off AG equal to E, and CH to F; then AB is to CD as AG is to CH; therefore the remainder BG, will be to the re- mainder DH, as the whole AB is to the whole DC a; but AB is greater than CD; therefore GB is greater than HD; and, becauſe AG is equal to E, and CH to F, then AG and F are equal to CH and E; but BG is greater than HD; therefore AB and F are greater than DC and E. Wherefore, &c. a 12 THE 1 -- 1 } Jhook.V APA DI Propt Propi Pop HI BI AJ T G Prop.6 Prou 2 Impl.) ST KI IB Bt It KIAI GIM N 研 ​平 ​kt FİCD BI 由 ​3 HY 54 BI " - } G FABGCD F"\227 "Prop.o 7 trop 120. Prop. AL Igut H с บ -A -В K- E. . N УГ K BI BI Prep/2 G H K $ E ME A- B 1 o D M- 1 Prop f3 2 At C D- K- 1. B Pj Prop H- E I I Erop 18 AL N. KI AL 그 ​Propy Prout G+ K KT Propie R HU IH E A B IT G С D H ABCD BICIT HH T B Pred Free Prop Pipp. G H Prop 121 Prop 23 BI 22. Prep 4419 20 Brok 24 Рg (5 CODET 20 G+ HI 古 ​ABCD! DELFI AlBich ABIC ABI Ac GKMHLN GT KLI IN clad B DELEN DEF ACID 1 T Ε Τ Η HE E L E M E N T S 0 F E U C L I D. CL BOOK VI. D E F Ι Ν Ι Τ Ι Ο Ν S. D F IN I TIO 1. Similar right-lined figures are ſuch as have each of their fe. Book VI. veral angles equal to one another, and the ſides about the equal angles proportional to each other. II. Figures are reciprocally proportional to each other, when the antecedent and conſequent terms of the ratio are in each figure. III. A right line is cut into extreme and mean ratio, when the whole is to the greater ſegment as the greater ſegment is to the leffer. IV. The altitude of any figure, is a line drawn from the vertex perpendicular to the baſe. V. Ratio is ſaid to be compounded of ratios, when the ratio of the firſt term to the laſt is produced from the quantities of the ratios of the intermediate terms, either by multiplication, divi. fion, or both. 1 PROP. * 82 THE ELEMENTS 7 Book VI. PRO P. I. THEOR. TRUE 1 R1.4NGLES and parallclograms that have the ſame altitude, are to each other as their baſes. Let the triangles ABC, ACD, and the parallelograms EB, FD have the ſame altitude, they are to one another as their ba- ſes ; viz. as BC to CD; for, produce BC both ways to H, M; take BG, GH each equal to BC ; and DK, KL, LM each , equal to CD; and join AG, AH, AK, AL, AM; then the triangles ABC, ABG, AGH are equal to one a 38. r. another; and ACD, ADK, AKL, ALM equal to one a another a; then, becauſe HC is taken any multiple of BC, and CM any other multiple of CD, the triangle AHC is the ſame multiple of the triangle ABC that HC is of BC; and the triangle CAM the ſame multiple of CAD that CM is of CD: If HC be equal to CM, the triangle AHC will be equal to the triangle ACM; ifgreater, greater; and if leſs, leſs; therefore ABC Def. 5,5. is to ACD as BC is to CDb; but the parallelogram EB is double the triangle ABC”, and FD double ACD; therefore the paral- lelogram EB is to the parallelogram DF, as the triangle ABC is to the triangle ACD.; therefore the parallelograms EB, DF are to each other as their baſes BC, CD. Wherefore, &c. ܪ C41. I. C > d d 15. 5. e il. 5. PRO P. II. THEO R. I Fa right line be drawn parallel to one of the ſides of a triangle, it will cut the other hides proportionally; and if a line cut the two ſides of a triangle proportionally, that right line ſhall be pa- rallel to the other fide of the triangle. 4 a 237. I, by. S. © I. dil. S: Let DE be drawn parallel to BC, one ſide of the triangle ABC, then AD will be to DB as AE is to EC; for join DC, BE, then the triangles BDE, DEC are equal"; and ADE is fome other triangle; therefore BDE is to ADE as DEC is to ADEO: But BDE is to ADE as BD is to ADC; and DEC is to ADE as EC is to AEC; therefore BD is to DA as CE is to EAd; and if BD is to DA as CE is to EA, then DE is parallel to BC. For the ſame conſtruction remains : As BD is to DA, fo is BDE to ADE“; and CE is to EA as DEC is to ADE; there- fore the triangle BDE is to the triangle ADE as DEC is to ADE d; therefore the triangles BDE, CDE are equal®; there. foie DE is parallel to BCf. Wherefore, &c. C PRO P. 9. S. f 39. 1. OF EUCLID. 83 Book VI PRO P. III. T H E O R. [ F one angle of a triangle be biſeEted by a right line, which like- wiſe cuts the oppoſite ſide, then the ſegments of that ſide will hade the ſame proportion to one another that the other ſides of the triangle have: And if the ſegments of that ſide have the ſame proportion to one another that the other ſides of the triangle have, then a right line, drawn from the point of ſection to the vertex, will bifeat the oppoſite angle. т > و . C I. ; f. Let there be a triangle ABC, and let one of its angles, as BAC, be bifected by the right line AD; then, as BD is to DC, fo is BA to AC; for through C draw CE parallel to AD, a 31. s. and produce BA till it meet CE in the point E ; then, becauſe AC falls on the parallels DA, CE, the angle DAC is equal to the angle ACE6: But the angle BAD is equal to CAD; b 29. 1. therefore the angle BAD is equal to ACEd : But BAD is equal < Hyp. , c to AEC 6; therefore AEC is equal to ACE d; therefore AE is d Ax. 1. 1. equal to AC e: But BD is to DC as BA is to AEf; that is, to e 6. 1. , AC; and if BD is to DC as BA is to AC, then the right line DA biſects the angle BAC. For the ſame conſtruction remains; BD is to DC as BA is to ACC; and BD is to DC as BA is to AEf; therefore BA is to AC as BA is to AE 8; therefore AE is equal to ACh; there- $ 11. 5. fore the angles ACE, AEC are equal i : But ACE is equal to 9.5. DAC); therefore the angle AEC is equal to DAC :: But AEC is equal to BADb; therefore BAD is equal to DACd; therefore the angle BAC is biſected by the right line AD. Wherefore, &c. с ز h i S. s. ა d و PRO P. IV. T H E O R. HE fides about the equal angles of equiangular triangles are proportional; and the ſides fubtending the equal angles are homologous, or of like ratio. THE ز Let the two equiangular triangles be ABC, DCE, viz, the angle ACB equal to the angle DĚC; BAC to CDE; and ABC to DCE; then the ſides that are about the equal angles are pro- portional, and the ſides ſubtending the equal angles homolo- gous, or of like ratio. Let 84 THE ELEMENTS a 17. 1. b Cor. 17. b -ܛܼܲ C 28. I. Book VI. Let the fides BC, CE be placed in the ſame right line; then, w becauſe the two angles ABC, ACB are leſs than two right anglesa, and the angles ACB, DEC are equal, the angles ABC, DEC are leſs than two right ones: The right lines AB, DE being produced, will meet b in !ome point; which let be F; then, becauſe the angle DCE is equal to ABC, DC is parallel to ABC: But the angle BAC is equal to CDEL; and BAC to d Hyp. ACD; therefore the angles CDE, ACD are equal; therefore ED is parallel to ACf; therefore ACDF is a parallelogram, and FD is equal to AC, and AF to DC 6; and, becauſe AC is 5 parallel to FE, "A is to AF as BC is to CEh: Alter. BA is to BC as AF or CD is to CE. Again, becauſe " BC is to CE as FD or AC is to DE, alter. BC is to AC as CE to ED : But AB is to BC as CD to CE; and BC to AC as CE to ED; therefore AB is to AC as CD to DE I, Wherefore, &c. e e 29. 1. f:7. I. $ 34 I, si 2 h 1 12.5 PRO P. V. and VI. THE OR. R. If the ſides of two triangles are proportional, or if one angle of the one be equal to one angle of the other, and the ſides about the equal angles froportional, the triangles will be equiangular, and 'the angles' which the homologous fides ſubtend will be e- qual. E 9 > ܕ 1 2 Let there be two triangles ABC, DEF, having their fides pro- portional; viz. AB to BC as D to EF; and as BC is to CA, fa is ¿F to FD; and aş B A to AC, to is ED to DF; or, if the 10 angle BAC is equal to the angle ECF, and BA to AC as TD to DF; then the triangles ABC, EDF are equiangular, and the angle ABC equal to DEF; BCA to EFD, and BAC to 'EDF; that is, the angles which the homologous fides ſub- tend are equal. Tirít, Let the triangles ABC, DEF have their fides propor- tional (fig. 1.); at the points E, F, with the right line EF; make the angle FEG equal to the angle ABC ~; and EFG to ACB; then the remaining angles EGF, BAC will be equal b; and becauſe b Cor. 32. the tivo triangies ABC, EFG are equiangular, AB is to BC as GE to EFC: But as AB is to BC to is DE to EFd; therefore d Hyp. DE is to EF as GE is to EF €; therefore DE is equal to Guf; for the ſame reaſon FG is equal to FDf, and EF is commin; § 2. Sa therefore the triangles DEF, GEF are equal 6; and the re nain- ing ang!es of the one equal to the remaining angles of the other, each to cach: But the triangle EGF is equiangular to the tri- angle ABC; therefore DEF is likewiſe equiangular to i3C. Secondly, 223. 1. . @ II. 5. 6 و 8. I. 1 OF EUCLI D. 85 . , Secondly, Let the angle BAC be equal to the angle EDF, Book VI. (fig. 2.) and BA to AC as ED to DF; at the point D, with the right line DF, make the angle FDG equal to the angle EDF, or BAC; and the angle DFG equal to the angle ACB ; then the remaining angles at G, B, are equal h; becauſe BA is to AC as h cor, 32. 5, ED to DF ; and likewiſe, as GD is to DF; therefore DG is equal to DE f. For the ſame reaſon EF is equ»] to FG; and f 9. So the triangles DEF, DFG, equiangular ; but DFG is equiangu- lar to ABC; therefore DEF is likewiſe equiangular to ABC. Wherefore, &c, f PRO P. VII. THE O R. If there are two triangles, having one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, and the ſides out a ſecond angle of the one proportional to the ſides about the correſiondent angle of the other, and the remaining third angles, either both leſs, or both not leſs than right angles; then the triangles will be equiangular, and have theſe angles equal, about which the ſides are propor- tional, ) > i Let the two triangles ABC, DEF, have an angle BAC in in the one equal to the angle EDP in the other; and the ſides about the angles ABC, DEF, proportional, viz. AB to BC, as DE to EF; and the other angles at C, F, either both leſs, or both rot leſs than right angles, then the triangles ABC, DEF, are equiangular ; the angle ABC equal to DÉF, and ACB to DFE. For, if the angle ABC be not equal to the angle DEF, let one of them, as ABC, be the greater, and make the angle ABG equal to the angle DEF“; then the remaining angles a 23. 1. AGB, DFE), are equal, ani the ſides about the equal angles b cor 32.1, proportional“, viz. AB to BG as DE to EF; but AB is to BC C 4. aş DE to EF; therefore AB is to BG as AB is to BCd; there. d 11. s. fore BG is equal to BC, and the angle BCG to BGC f; there. e 9.5. fore BGC, BCG, are each leſs than a night angle; therefore i5.v. DTE is leſs than a right angle 6, but BGA, BGC, are e- & ryp. 8 qual to two right angles ", and BGC is proved leſs than a right h 13. so angle; therefore BGA is greater than a right angle ; therefore DIE is likewite greater than a right angle, and leſs; which is ini poſſible ; therefors ABG is not equal to DEF; nor can any ; angle but ABC be equal to DEF. Wherefore, &c. C . е f ܪ g PROP. el 86 THE ELEMENTS Book VI. PRO P. VIII. THE O R. IF F a perpendicular be drawn in a right angled triangle, from the right angle to the baſe, then the triangles on each Jide of the perpcruicular will be ſimilar to the whole, and to one another. 1. a و Let ABC be a right angled triangle ; and from the point A of the right angle BC, let fall the right line AD perpendicular to the baſe BC ; then the er angics ABD, ADC, are ſimilar to ABC, and to one another. For the right angles BAC, ADB, are equal; and the angle at B common to the two triangles ABC, ABD; therefore the a cor. 32. remaining third angles C and BAD are equal a; therefore BC is to BA as BA is to BD b. Again, becauſe the right angles BAC, ADC, are equal, and C common to both, the remain- ing third angles B, DAC, are equal“; therefore BC is to AC as AC is to DCB; they are likewiſe ſimilar to one another; for the angles ADC, ADB, are each right angles, and the angle C equal to BAD, and B to DAC; therefore BD is to AD as AD is to DC; therefore the triangles ADB, ADC, are fimi- & Def. 1. lar to the whole", and to one another. Wherefore, &c. COR. Hence, in a right angled triangle, if a perpendicular is let fall from the right angle to the baſe, that perpendicular is a mean proportional to the ſegments of the baſe; and each of the fides containing the right angle is a mean proportional to the whole baſe, and that ſegment next to the fide. PRO P. IX. PROB T. O cut off any part required from a given right line. > 2 B. I. D3i. I Let AB be a given right line, it is required to cut off any part of it, as one third. From the point A draw any right line AC, making any angle with the line AB; aſſume any point D in the line AC; and make DE, EC, each equal AD a join BC; and through D draw DF parallel to BC. Then, becauſe FD is parallel to BC, a fide of the triangle ABC, AF is to FB as AD is to DCC; but AD is one third part of AC; therefore AF is one third part of AB; which was re- quired. Wherefore, &c. PROP. OF EU C L I D. 87 Book VI, PRO P. X. PRO B. То T divide a given undivided right line, as another right line is O 5 Let the given undivided right line be AB, and the divided line AC, it is required to divide AB s AC is divided. Let AC be ariy how divided in the points D, E; and making any angle with AB; join BC, and through the points D, E, draw DF, EGʻ, parallel to BC ; and through D draw DHK a 31. Id parallel to AB. Then, becauſe FH, HB, are parallelograms, their oppoſite ſides are equal b; and, becauſe FD is parallel to GE, AT is to b 34. Je FG as AD is to DE. Again, becauſe HE is paralle! to BC, 2 DH is to HK as DE is to 10 °; but DH is equal to FG; and and HK to GB ; therefore DE is to EC as FG is to GB; but AD is to DE as AF is to FG; wherefore the given undivided line AB is cut in the ſame proportion as AC: Which was re- quired. PRO P. XI. PRO B. Two IVO right lines being given, to find a third proportional. Let AB, AC, be two given right lines, making any angle with each other, it is required to find a third proportional to them. Produce AB, AC, to the points D, E; make BD equal to AC a; join the points B, C; through D draw DE parallel to a 3. 1. BC b; then AB is to BD as AC is to CE"; but BD is equal to b 31. . AC; therefore AB is to AC as AC is to CE. Wherefore, &c. C 2. > 7 P R O P. XII. PRO B. HRE E right lines given, to find a fourth proportional. , Let A, B, C, be the three given right lines, it is required to find a fourth proportional to them. Let 88 THE ELEMENTS Book VI. Let DE, EF, be two right lines, making any angle EDF with each other; mahe DG equal to A“; GE equal to B; and DH equal to C. Join GH; and through E draw EF paral- lel to GHb; then DG is to GE as DH is to HF"; therefore HF is the fourth proportional required. a 3. I. b 31. 1 68. PRO P. XIII. PRO B. T o find a mean proportional to two given right lines. . Let the two given right lines AB, BC, be placed in one right line, as AC; upon which deſcribe a ſemicircle ADC; at the point B, draw BD at right angles to AC“; join AD, DC; then BD is the mean proportional required. For, becauſe the angle ADC is a right angleb, AB is to BD as BD is to BC“; therefore BD is a mean proportional to the given right lines AB, BC: Which was to be done. b 31. 3. @ 9. PRO P. XIV. and XV. THE O R. QUAL parallelograms and triangles, having one angle of E the one equal to one angle of the other, have the ſides about the equal angles reciprocally proportional; and theſe parallelograms and triangles that have one angle of the one equal to one angle of the other, and the ſides about the equal angles reciprocally propor- tional, are equal, viz. the parallelogram to the parallelogram, and triangle to the triangle. Let AB, BC, be equal parallelograms, and FBD, EBG, e- qual triangles, having the angles at B equal; and let the fides DB, BE, be in one right line, and FB, BG, in another; then the tides DB, BE, and GB, BF, that are about the equal angles at B, are reciprocally proportional, that is, DB is to BE as GB to BF. Let the equal parallelograms be AB, BC, and compleat the parallelogrami EF; then, as the parallelogram AB is to EF, ſo is BC to FE ~; but, as AB is to FE, fo is the baſe DB to BE b; and, as BC is to FE, fo is GB to BF a; therefore DB is to BE as BC is to FE And, if DB is to BE as BG is to BF; then the parallelogram AB is equal to BC; for, as DB is to BE, fo is AB to FED; and, as GB is to BF, ſo is BC to FE ; therefore AB is to FE as BC is to FE®; therefore AB is equal to BC 4. Ses 2 a 7. 5. bi, с CII, 5- و و و و OF EUCLI D. 89 > C 11. 5. Secondly, let TD, EG, be joined ; then FDB, EBG, are the e. Book VI. . qual triangles, and TBE is any third magnitude ; therefore FDB is to FBE as EBG is to FBE; but the triangle FDB is to FBE as DB is to BE 0; and EPG is to FBE as GB is to BFD; h 7. therefore DB is to BE as GB is to BFC And, if DB is to BE as GB is to BF, the triangle FDB is equal to EBG: For, as DB is to BE, ſo is the triangle TDB to FBE; and, as GB is to BF, ſo is the triangle EBG to FBE therefore FDB is to FBE as EBG is to FBE; therefore the triangle FDB is equal to EBGd; Wherćfore equal parallelo-d 9.5. grams and triangles, &c. PRO P. XVI. THEOR. IF F four right lines are proportional, the rectangle contained un- der the extremes is equal to th: rectangle under the means ; and, if the rectangle contained under the extremes be equal to the rcetangle contained under the means, then the four right lines are proportional. : 2 Lieț the four right lines AB, CD, E, F, be proportional, ſo that AB be to CD as E is to F; then the rectangle under AB, F, is equal to the rectangle under CD, E : For, draw AG e- qual to F, and at right angles to AB!, and CH equal to E, 211, . and at right angles to CD; and complet the rectangles GB, HD: Then, becauſe AB is to CD as CH is to AG b, the rec-h 7. 5. tangle BG is equal to HD, and if GB is equal to HD, AB is c 14. to CD as CH is 10 AG, that is, as E to F; for the angles at C, A, are equal, being each right ones. Wherefore, &c. . b с 2 PRO P. XVII. T H E O R. IF three right lines are proportionel, the retangle contained una der the extremes is equal to the ſquare of the mean ; and, if the rečtangle under the extremes be equal to the ſquare of the meani, then the three right lines are proportionai. Let the three right lines A, B, C, be proportional, viz. as A is to B ſo is B to C; then the rectangle under A, C, is equal to the ſquare of B: For, niake D equal to B, and compleat the rectangles under A, C, and B, D; then, becauſe AC, BD, are two rectangles, and A is to B as D is to ca, AC is a 4.5. equal to BD); and, becauſe AC is equal to BD, A is to B as b 1.4. M D a 90 THE ELEMENTS Book VI.D is to C; but B is equal to D; therefore the rectangle under WA, C, is equal to the ſquare of B. Wherefore, &c. ; PRO P. XVIII. PRO B. UP PCN a given right line to deſcribe a right lined figure fi- milar and ſimilarly ſituated to a right lined figure given. } a ) a a с • ; Let AB be the given right line, and CDEFG the right lined figure given; it is required upon AB to deſcribe a figure ſimilar and timilarly ſituated to CDEFG. Join DG, DF; and, at the points A, B, of the right line AB, make the angles BAH, a 23. 1. ABH, equal to the angles C and CDG ?, each to each; then 1) cor. 32.8. the remaining angles AHB, CGD, will be equal b, and the ſides about the equal angle proportional", that is, AB to BH as CD to DG; and AH to HB as CG to GD. Again, at the points H, B, with the right line BH, make the angles BHK, HBK, equal to DGF, GDF, each to each ; then the remaining third angles HKB, GFD, are equal”, and the triangles HKB, FDG, equiangular, and the ſides about the equal angles propor- tional. Again, make the angles BKL, KBL, equal to the angles DFE, FDE, each to each; then the remaining third angles at L, E, will be equal, and the ſides about the equal angles proportional '; but all the triangles in the figure ABLKH are proved ſimilar to all the triangles in the figure CDEFG; and, becauſe the angles AHB, BHK, are proved equal to the two angles CGD, DGF, each to each, the whole angle AHK is e- qual to the angle CGF, and the ſides about the equal angles proportional, for AH is to HB as CG to GD; and KH to HB as FG to GD; therefore, by equality, AH is to HK as CG is to GF. For the ſame reaſon, HK is to KL as GF to FE and KL to LB as FE is to ED ; therefore the figure ABLKH iş ſimilar to CDEFGd. Wherefore, &c. b d def. i, P R O P. XIX. TH E O R. SIMILAR triangles are to one another in the duplicate ratio of their homologous ſides. 1 Let ABC, DEF, be fimilar triangles having the angles at B and E equal; and AB, to BC, as DE to EF, and BC the fide homologous to EF, then the triangleſ ABC to the triangle DEF has a duplicate ratio that BC has to EF. For, OF EUCLI U. 91 2 > . 7 C For, take BG a third proportional to BC, EF”, that is, BC Book VI. to EF as EF to BG. Join AG; then, becauſe AB is to BC as DE to EF, alter. as AB is to DE ſo is BC to EF; but BC a 11. is to EF as EF is to BG; therefore AB is to DE as EF is to BGb; that is, the ſides about the equal angles B, E, of the tri- b 11. 5. angles DEF, ABG, are reciprocally proportional; therefore e- qual to one another; and, becauſe BC is to EF as EF is to c 14. BG, BC has to BG a duplicate ratio of what it has to EF d; d def. 10. 5. and, as BC is to BG fo is the triangle ABC to the triangle ABG+; therefore the triangle ABC has to the triangle ABG a e i. duplicate ratio of what BC has to EFb; but the triangle ABG is equal to DET; therefore ABC is to DEF in the duplicate ratio of BC to EF. Wherefore ſimilar triangles, &c. Cor. Hence, if three right lines be proportional, as the firſt is to the third, fo is a triangle deſcribed on the firſt, to a fimilar one deſcribed on the ſecond. ° ; PRO P. XX. THE O R. ر S? IM IL A R polygons can be divided into an equal number of ſimilar triangles, each homologous to the whole ; and polygon is to polygon in the duplicate ratio of one homologous fide to the o- ther. ވެ 4 b. + Let ABCDE, FGHKL, be fimilar polygons, and AB, FG, two homologous fides; join BE, EC, GL, LH; then the number of triangles in the polygon ABCDE, are equal to the number of triangles in the polygon FGHKL, fimilar to one a- nother, and homologous to the whole ; and the polygon ABCDE will be to the polygon FGHKL in the duplicate ra- tio of the ſide AB to FG. For, becauſe the polygon ABCDE is ſimilar to FGHKL, the angle BAE is equal to GFL; and BA is to AE as. GF to FL“; and the angle ABE equal to FGL b; and AB to BE as a 4. FG to GL ; but the whole angle ABC is equal to FGH, and a part ABE equal to FGL ; therefore the remainder EBC is equal to LGH, and EB to BC as LG is to GH; but the angle BCD is equal to GHK; and a part BCE to a part GHL b; therefore the remainder ECD is equal to LHK, and the ſides about the equal angles proportional. Now, becauſe the triangle ABE is equiangular to the triangle FGL, and the ſides about the equal angles proportional, the two triangles are ſimilar, and are to one another in the duplicate ratio a b 6. ; 92 THE ELEMENTS 3 C 19. و dil. 5 Book VI. ratio of AB to TG, or of EB to LG; but EBC is likewiſe fi- . milar to LGH, and are to one another in the duplicate ratio of EB to LG, or of EC to LH; and, for the ſame reaſon, ECD is to LHK in the duplicate ratio of CE to LH therefore the triangles in the polygon ABCDE are equal in number to the triangles in the polygon FGHKL, and ſimilar to one another; therefore, becauſe the triangle ABE is to the triangle FGL in the duplicate ratio of BE to GL; and the tri- angle EBC to the triangle LGH, in the duplicate ratio of BE to GL; therefore the triangles ABE, EBC, are to FGL, LGH, as EBC is to LGHd. For the ſame reaſon, EBC, ECD, are to LGH, LHK, as EBC is to LGH: Therefore all the an- tecedents ABE, EBC, ECD, are to all the confequents FGL, LHG, LHK, as ABE is to FGL '; that is, in the duplicate ra- tio of AB to FG“; and polygon to polygon in the duplicate ra- tio of one homologous fide to another. Wherefore, &c. Cor. Hence, if three right lines are proportional, the poly- gon deſcribed on the firſt is to the ſimilar polygon deſcribed on the ſecond as the firſt is to the third; for, if X be taken a third proportional to any two right lines, AB, FG ; then AB is to X ; in a duplicate ratio of AB to FG; that is, any fimilar figures deſcribed on AB, FG, are to one another in the duplicate ratio of AB to FC. © C 12. $. . PRO P. XXI. T H E O R. FO IGURES that are ſimilar to the ſame right lined figures are alſo ſimilar to one another. a def. 1. Let each of the right lined figures A, B, be fimilar to the right lined figure C; then the right lined figure A will be ſimi- lar to the right lined figure B. For, becauſe the right lined figure A is ſimilar to C, it is e- quiangular to ita; and the ſides about the equal angles propor- tional. For the ſame reaſon, B is equiangular to C, and the ſides about the equal angles proportional; therefore each of the figures A, B, are equiangular to C; and therefore equiangular to one anotherb, and the ſides about the equal angles proportion- al'; wherefore A is fimilar to B. Wherefore, &c. 9 bax. I. 1. 9 CII. S ។ PROP . OF EUCLID. 93 1 1 PRO P. XXII. THE O R. Book VI. IF F four right lines are proportional, the right lined figures fimi- lar, and ſimilarly deſcribed upon them, are proportional; and, if fimilar right lined figures ſimilarly deſcribed upon right lines be proportional, the right lines shall alſo be proportional. a a ) с Let four right lines AB, CD, EF, GH, be proportional, viz. as AB is to CD fo is EF to GH; on AB, CD, let the fi- milar figures KAB, LCD, be ſimilarly deſcribed“; and upon a 18. EF, GH, let MF, NH, be deſcribed ſimilar to one another; then KAB will be to LCD as MF is to NH. For, to AB, CD, take X a third proportional”, and O, a third b Ir. proportional to EF, GH. Now, becauſe AB is to CD as EF is , to GH, and CD is to X as GH is to O, then AB is to X as EF is to O'; but, as AB is to X, fo is the right lined figure KAB C 22. s. to the ſimilar figure LCD d; and, as EF is to O, fo is MF to'd cor. 200 NH 4; therefore, as the right lined figure KAB is to the ſimilar figure LCD, ſo is the right lined figure MF to the ſimilar figure NH"; and, if KAB is to LCD as MF is to NH, then e 11. s. AB is to CD as EF is to GH. For, if not, let AB be to CD as EF is to PR £; upon PR de- f 12. ſcribe a figure SR ſimilar to MF or NH; then KAB is to LCD as MF is to SR, and as MF is to NH ; therefore SR, NH, have the ſame proportion to MF; therefore SR is equal to NHS, and $ 9. 5. alſo ſimilar to it; therefore PR is equal to GH; therefore AB is to CD as EF is to GH. Wherefore, &c. f ز PRO P. XXIII. THEO R. E QUIANGULAR parallelograms have the proportion to one another that is compounded of their ſides. a 2 Let AC, CF, be equiangular parallelograms, having the angle BCD equal to the angle ECG; then the parallelogram AC, to the parallelogram CF, is in the proportion compounded of their ſides, viz. of BC to CG, and DC to CE; for, place BC in a right line with CG, and DC in a right line with CE“, and compleat the parallelogram DG; then, as BC is a 14. L. to CG, ſo let K be to L; and, as DC is to CE, fo let L be to Mb; but the ratio of K to M is compounded of the ra-b 12. tios of K to L, and L to MC; therefore the ratio of K to M is c def. So that compounded of BC to CG, and DC to CE ; but BC is to CG as AC is to DG d; and DC is to CE as DG is to CF4;d so but BC is to CG as K to L, and DC to CE as L to M; therefore AC 1 94 THE ELEMENTS Book VI. AC is to CF as K to M°; that is, as BC to CG, and DC to . CE. Wherefore, &c, . C 22. 5. PRO P. XXIV. THEO R. IN every parallelogram the parallelograms that are about the di- ameter are ſimilar to the whole, and alſo to one another. a 29. I. b 46 a In the parallelogram ABCD the parallelograms GE, KH, are ſimilar to the whole ABCD, and likewiſe to one another. For, in the triangles ADC, AGF, the angle AGF is equal to the angle ADC, and the angle AFG to ACD “; and the angle: GAF common to both; therefore the triangles AGF, ADC, are equiangular. For the ſame reaſon, the triangles AEF, ACB, are equiangular, and the ſides about the equiangles pro- portional b. Again, in the triangles AGF, FKC, the angle GAF is equal to the angle KFG*, and AGF equal to FKČ; for each are equal to the angle ADC , and AFG to FCK; a therefore the triangles AGF, FKC, are equiangular, and the fides about the equal angles proportional b. For the ſame rea- ſon, AEF is equiangular to FCH; and the ſides about the equal angles proportional. Then, becauſe the two angles KFC, HFC, are equal to the two angles GAF, EAF; that is, the whole angle KFH equal to the whole angle GAE, and the angle C common to both; and the angles at K, H, equal to the angles at D, B, each to each, the parallelogram KH is equiangular to DB; for the ſame reaſon GE is equiangular to DB; therefore KH is equiangular to GE; and the ſides about the equal angles proportional : For, becauſe the angles GAE, KFH, are equal, GA is to AE as KF is to FH; but KF is to FH as DA is to AB, for each are proportional to AF, FC°. For the ſame rea- ſon, the ſides about the other angles are likewiſe proportional; therefore the parallelogram DB is fimilar to KH; but GE is like- wiſe ſimilar to KH; therefore GE is ſimilar to DB. Where- fore, &c. C. II. S. PRO P. XXV. PRO B. Tdeſcribe a figure ſimilar to a given right lined figure, and e. qual to another given right lined figure. Let ABC and D, be two given right lined figures; it is required to deſcribe a right lined figure fimilar to ABC, and equal to D. On OF EUCLI D. 95 a b & 29. I. d 13 € On the ſide BC, of the given figure ABC, make a parallelo- Book VI, gram, BE, equal to it“; and on the ſide CE make the paralle- , a logram CM equal to the right lined figure D b; and the angle a 42.1. FČE equal to the angle CBLb; then BC, CF, as alſo LE, EM, 44. I. will be right lines. Find GH a mean ſproportional to BC, CFd; and on GH deſcribe the right lined figure KGH ſimilar © 14. 1. and alike ſituate to ABC'; then, becauſe BC is to GH as GH is to CF; and, as BC is to CF, ſo is the right lined figure ABC 18. to the right lined figure KGHf; but, as BC is to CF, ſo is the f parallelograin BE to EF 5; therefore, as the right lined figure f Cor. 20, ABC is to the right lined figure KGH, fo is the parallelogram & I. BE to the parallelogram EF h, altern. as ABC is to BE, ſo is KGH to EF: But the right lined figure ABC is equal to the parallelogram BE; therefore the right lined figure KGH is equal to the parallelogram FE'; but FE is equal to the right lined fi- gure D; therefore the right lined figure KGH is equal to D: Which was required. g h II. S. i 14. S. PRO P. XXVI. THE O R. IF, in a parallelogram, be conftitute another parallelogram Fimi- lar to the whole, and alike ſituate, and having an angle com- mion with it, they ſhall be about the ſame diameter. > Let the parallelogram AF be conſtitute in the parallelogram ABCD, ſimilar to it, and alike fituate, having the angle ĎAB common to both ; then the parallelograms ABCD and AF are a- bout the ſame diameter AC. For, if not, let AHC be the diameter of the parallelogram BD; and produce GF to H; draw HK parallel to AD or BC; then, becauſe the parallelograms ABCD, KG, are about the ſame diameter, they will be ſimilar to one another“; and DA to AB as GA to KAD; but, becauſe the parallelograms ABCD, Gf, are likewiſe fimilar, DA is to AB as GA is to AE с Нур. therefore, as GA is to AE ſo is GA' to AK 4; therefore AE is equal to AK®, the greater to the leſs, which is impoflible therefore the parallelograms AH, ABCD, are not about the fame diameter AHC; therefore no other but AF can be about the fame diameter with ABCD. Wherefore, &c. a b a 24. 3 d. d II. 5 ز e 9. 5 PROP 96 THE ELEMENTS Book VI. PRO P. XXVII. THE O R. O F all parallelograms applied to the ſame right line, and wani- ing in figure by parallelograms ſimilar and alike ſituate to that deſcribed on half the line, the greateſt is that which is applied to the half line, and ſimilar to the defect. Let AB be a right line bifected in the point C; and let the parallelogram AD be applied to the right line AB, wanting in figure by the parallelogram CE, ſimilar and alike fituate to that deſcribed on half the line AB; then AD is greater than a paralle- logram applied to any other part of the right line AB, wanting in figure by a parallelogram ſimilar and alike fituate to CE, For, let the parallelogram AF be applied to the right line AB, wanting in figure by the parallelogram HK, ſimilar and alike ſituate to ČE; then the parallelogram AD is greater than AF. For, becauſe the parallelogram CE is ſimilar to HK, they will ſtand about the ſame , diameter. Let DB, that diameter,' be drawn, and the figure a deſcribed ; then the parallelograms CF, FE, are equal b; add HK, which is common to both; then the whole CH is equal to the whole KE ; but CH is equal to GC°; add CF, which is common; then the whole AF is equal to the gnomon EKN ; but the parallelogram CE is greater than the gnomon EKN ; therefore CE, that is, AD, is greater than AF. Wherefore, Sic. a 26. b 43, 1. દ રૂ6, 1, PRO P. XXVIII. PROB. O U? T a PON a given right line to apply a parallelogram equal to a given right lined figure, and deficient by a parallelagram fimilar to a given parallelogram; but the right lined figure to, which the parallelogram is to be made equal, muſt not be greater than that deſcribed on half the line, as the defeet muſt be ſimilar. It is required, upon the given right line AB, to apply a paral- lelogram equal to the right lined figure C, and deficient by a parallelogram ſimilar to D; and the right lined figure C not greater than the parallelogram deſcribed on half the line AB, which is ſimilar to D. For, biſect AB in E, and on EB de- ſcribe a parallelogram EF fimilar and alike ſituate to Da, and compleat the parallelogram AG. Now, AG is either equal or greater than C; if equal, what was required is done. If not, make the parallelogram KLMN ſimilar R 18. OF EUCLID. 97 a ز timilar and alike ſituate to D, and equal to the exceſs by which Book VI. EF exceeds Cb; then EF is equal to C, and KLMN together; u therefore KLMN is leſs than EF; and, becauſe they are ſimilar, the a 18. ſide GF is greater than LM, and GE than LK; make GO equal b 25. to LM, and GX to LK; and compleat the parallelogram GP, which will be ſimilar to, and about the ſame diameter with EF“; let this diameter GB be drawn, and produce XP to R, and © 26. OP to S; then TS will be equal to C, and wanting in figure by SR, which is ſimilar to D4: Which was to be done. d 236 PRO P. XXIX. PRO B. То O apply a parallelogram upon a given right line, equal to a gi- ven right lined figure, exceeding by a parallelogram ſimilar to another given parallelogram. a Б b 25 2 Upon the given right line AB, it is required to apply a paral- lelogram equal to the given right lined figure C, exceeding by a parallelogram ſimilar to the given parallelogram D. Bifect AB in E; upon EB deſcribe the parallelogram EL, fi- . milar and alike ſituate to D *; and the parallelogram GH equal a 18. to C and EL together b, and ſimilar and alike ſituate to Da; let KH be a fide homologous to FL, and KG to FE; then, be- cauſe the parallelogram GH is greater than the parallelogram EL, the right line KH is greater than PL, and í G than FE: Produce FL and FE to M and N, ſo that FM be equal to KH, and FN to KG; compleat the parallelogram NM; then MN is equal and ſimilar to GH ; but GH is fimilar to ÉL; therefore MN is ſimilar to EL"; therefore EL is about the ſame diameter C 21. with MN d; let FX, their diameter, be drawn, and deſcribe the d 26. figure : Then, fince GH is equal to EL and C together, as alſo to MN; therefore MN is equal to EL and C together. Take KL, which is common, from both; then the gnomon MPE is equal to C; and, becauſe the parallelograms AN, NB, е are equal , AN is equal to LOf; and, if BX be added, AX is f 3. and equal to the gnomon MPE; therefore AX is equal to C. Where- Ax. 1. 1. fore, &c. C و ܪ > PRO P. XXX PRO B, Το ει O cut a given right line into extreme and mean ratio. } N N 1 98 THE ELEMENTS 1 a 46. I. - b 22. Book VI. It is required to cut the given right line AB into extreme and . pamband mean ratio. Upon AB deſcribe the ſquare BC, and to AC apply the pa- rallelogram CD, equal to the ſquare BC, exceeding by the fi- gure ADb, ſimilar to BC; but BC is a ſquare ; therefore AD is alſo a ſquare. From the equal parallelograms BC, CD, take a- way the common parallelogram CE; then the remainder BF will be equal to AD; but BF is equal to AD; therefore FE is to ED | ; as AE is to EB"; that is, AB is to AE as AE is to EB: Or, let AB be cut in E, ſo that the rectangle under AB, BE, be equal to the ſquare of AEd Wherefore, &c. C 14 II.2. . PRO P. XXXI. THEO R. IN every right angled triangle, any figure deſcribed upon the ſide ſubtending the right angle, is equal to the two ſimilar figures de- fcribed upon the ſides containing the right angle. . a a Let ABC be the right angled triangle, the figure deſcribed on BC, ſubtending the right angle, is equal to the two fimilar figures deſcribed on BA, AC; for, from the point A, let fall the perpendicular AD, then the triangle ABC is divided into ; the two fimilar triangles ADB, ADC, then, becauſe the tri- angle ABC is ſimilar to the triangle ABD, CB is to BA as BA is to BD a, and CB is to BD as the figure deſcribed on CB is to b Cor. 20, the ſimilar figure deſcribed on BA 6. For the ſame reaſon, as BC is to CD, fo is the figure deſcribed on BC to the ſimilar one deſcribed on AC: Wherefore, as BC is to BD, and DC toge- ther, fo is the figure deſcribed on BC to the two ſimilar figures 6 24. S. deſcribed on BA, ACS, together ; but BC is equal to BD, and DC together; therefore the figure deſcribed on BC is equal to the two ſimilar figures deſcribed on BA, AC. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. XXXII. THE O R. IF two triangles having two fides proportional to two ſides, be ſo compounded or ſet together at one angle, that their homolo- gous fides be parallel; then the other ſides of theſe triangles will be in one right line. If the triangles ABC, DCE be fo placed at the point C, that , the fide DE be parallel to AC, and ỘC to AB; then BCE will be a right line. For; OF EUCLI D. 99 a ០ For, becauſe the homologous fides AB, DC, are parallel, and Book VI. AC falls upon them, the alternate angles BAC, ACD, are e. qual'; for the ſame reaſon, CDE is equal to ACD; then, a 29. 1. ſince the two triangles BAC, CDE, have the angles at A and D equal, and the ſides about them proportional, viz. BA to AC as CD to DE, the triangles are equiangular, viz. theb 6. angle ABC equal to DCE, and ACB to DEC; but the angle ACD is proved equal to BAC; therefore, the whole angle ACE is equal to the two angles ABC, BAC. Add the common angle ACB to both, then the two angles ACE, ACB, are equal to the three angles ABC, ACB, BAC; that is, equal to two right angles"; therefore BCE is one right lined. Wherefore,c 32. I. &c. d 14. I. PRO P. XXXIII. T H E O R. IN N equal circles, the angles are in the ſamne proportion to one an- other as the circumferences on which they ftand, whether the angles be at the centres or the circumference; ſo likewiſe are foetors, as being at the centres. ر 2 Let ABC, DEF, be equal circles, and the angles BGC, EHF, at the centres G, H, and BAC, EDF, angles at their circumferences; then the angle BGC will be to the angle EHF as the circumference BC is to the circumference EF; and like- wiſe the angle BAC to the angle EDF, and the ſector BGC to the ſector EHF, as the circumference BC to EF. For, take any number of circumferences, as CK, KL, each equal to BC; and any number of circumferences, as FM, MN, each equal to EF; join GK, GL, HM, HN; then, becauſe the circum- ferences BC, CE, KL, are equal, the angles BGC, CGK, KGL, are likewiſe equal“; therefore, BL is the ſame multiple a 24. 3. a of BC, that the angle BGL is of the angle BGC; for the ſame reaſon, EN is the ſame multiple of EF, that EHN is of EHF '; therefore, if the circumference BL be equal to the circum- ference EN, the angle BGL is equal to the angle EHN, if greater greater, and if leſs leſs; therefore, as BC is to EF, fo is BGC to EHFb; and ſo is BAC to EDFC. Again, as the b def. 5. 5. ss circumference BC is to EF, fo is the ſector BGC to the ſector? 15. s.and EHF; for, join BC, CK, EF, FM, and aſſume the points X, 0, in the circumference BC, CK, and join BX, XC, CO, OK ; then, becauſe BG, GC, are equal to CG, GK, and contain equal angles, the baſe BC is equal to the baſe CK 4,0 4. I. d and the triangles equal ; and, becauſe the right line BC is és qual 20. 3. ܪ E- * 1 100 THE ELEMENTS с ez 8 3 Book VI. qual to the right line CK, the circumference BXC is equal to the circumference COK C: therefore the angle BXC is equal to the angle COK: Therefore, the ſegments BXC, COK, are equal f 24. 3. and and ſimilar f; but the triangles BGC, CGK, are equal; there- det. 11. 3. fore the whole ſector BGCX is equal to the whole ſector CGKO; in the ſame manner the ſectors EHF, FHM, are pro- ved equal; therefore BK is the ſame multiple of BC, that BGK is of BGCX; and EM the fame multiple of EF that the ſector EHMF is of the ſector EHF; therefore, if the circumference BK is equal to the circumference EM, the ſector BGK is equal to the ſector CHM, if greater, greater, and if leſs, leſs; there- b def. 5. 5. fore, as BC is to EF, ſo is the ſector BGCX to the ſector EHFb. Wherefore, &c. Cor. I. An angle at the centre of a circle is to four right angles, as the arch on which it ſtands is to the whole circum- ference; for, as the angle BAC is to a right angle, fo is the arch BC to a quadrant, the confequents quadrupled; then BAC is to four right angles as BC is to the whole circumference. COR. II. The arches IL, BC, of unequal circles, which ſub- tend equal angles, whether at the centres or circumferences, are ſimilar : For IL is to the whole circumference ILE as the angle IAL, or BAC, is to four right angles; and ſo is the arch BC to the whole circumference BCF; therefore the arches IL, BC, are ſimilar. COR. III. Two femidiameters AB, AC, cut off ſimilar arch- es IL, BC, from concentric circumferences. ܪ : " THE 1 & 1 Book VI Plate 1 ) Def. A Def 1 1 Def.2013 = . Arroy དམ་པ་བ། A F A. E F 1 Prop1 Prop. Prop.3 & 2 Prop. A А. D D E H. G B C DKIM B С B B4 С B D, व А D А. D 6 5 85 . میوه ها Fig.1 Lig. 2. B AC T А. D BA E A А. R А. A Prop. AM Propag F Prop. 10 Prop. B D G F 3 B CE HT D of 1 B A Prop 11 B C A B C B K. А E ܝܶܫܽܘ Prop. 12 E D H B D 它​, Prob.13 Prop A & to B F H Prop17 B De Prop. 16 Α' с DI E B I K A A B: с ! В A Prop18 F 1 NN ༡༧༽ E Prop 19 dlo A BE E. F N 1 1 1 1 ERRATA for the firſt fix Books. B. II. pr. 3. 1. 5. for AC, CD, r. AF, CE; pr. 10. I. 15. for DEF r. DFE. B. III. pr. 23. note, for def. 11. r. def. 10; pr. 28. for def.14.1 r. def. 4.1. pr. 37. cor. 1. 1 2. for point A. r. point.D. B IV. pr, 15 p. 64. 1. 8. for CG, GFr. CG, GD. B. V. pr. 9. 1. 5. for it has to C,r. A has to C; the ſame pr. 10. 1. 6. B. VI. pr. 12. p. 88. 1. 1. for EF r. DF. pr. 29. I. 17. for KL r. EL. na 1 ! + } t 1 1 K B C K! KY B A А, K D B I I 에서 ​А T I H G Prop. 26 frem Prip3) D MIE Prop. 28 H XP Prop. 29 D H K G I Proep 03.1 VI ML CA! Prop 20 K B H 正 ​B F E B N N T K. Prop.27 > А N I IT I'vrys. 24 Prox027 K M 0 o Pyrr T If Work VIPhutz 2. EB А. Prep.21 1 1 С DI I I A d 겨 ​B e V d D B A G E E VE A E Prep.33 K orto Preyn30 Prop. 28 E SBK N O I A I 0 Prop. 26 D K C 1 B M 出 ​D F E 月 ​F F B H. А. E B. P pl 헤 ​S N E K I E Propi30 С > L '1 M H R Ja H + 1 THE Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S 1 F EU CL I D. LID. BOOK XI. D E F 1 Ν Ι Τ Ι Ο Ν S. Book XI; A , , a I. Solid, is that which hath length, breadth, and thick- neſs. II. The term of a ſolid, is a ſuperficies. III. A right line is perpendicular to a plain, when it makes right angles with all the lines that touch it, and are drawn in the ſame plain. IV. A plain is perpendicular to a plain, when all the right lines in one plain, drawn at right angles to the common ſection of the two plains, are at right angles to the other plain. V. The inclination of a right line to a plain, is the acute angle contained under that line, and another right one drawn in the plain, from that end of the inclining line, which is in the plain, to the point where a right line falls from the other end of the inclining line, perpendicular to the plain. VI, το2 Τ Η Ε Ε Ι Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S Book XI. VI. The inclination of a plain to a plain, is the acute angle con- tained by the right lines drawn in both plains, to the fame point of their common ſection, and making right angles with it. VII. Plains are inclined ſimilarly, when their angles of inclination are equal. VIII. Parallel plains are ſuch, which being produced, never meet. IX. Similar ſolid figures are ſuch as are contained under an e- qual number of ſimilar plains. X. Equal and fimilar ſolid figures are ſuch as are contained by an equal number of ſimilar and equal plains. XI. A ſolid angle is the inclination of more than two right lines that meet in one point, but are not in the ſame ſuperficies. XII. A pyramid is a ſolid figure, contained by more than two plains ſet upon one plain, and meeting at one point in the vertex. XIII, A prifm is a folid figure contained by plains, whereof the two oppoſite are equal, ſimilar, and parallel ; and the other pa- rallelogranis. XIV. A fphere is a ſolid figure, deſcribed by a ſemicircle revolving about its diameter, which remains fixed in the ſame pofi- tion. XV. The axis of a ſphere is that fixed right line about which the femicircle revolves, XVI. The centre of a ſphere is the ſame with that of the ſemi- circle. XVH. The diameter of a ſphere is a right line drawn through the centre, and terminated on either lide by the ſuperficies of the ſphere. XVIII. A cone is a folid figure deſcribed by a right angled triangle revolving about one of the fides, containing the right angle, remaining fixed. If the fixed right line be equal to the o- ther fide containing the right angle, then it is a rectangular cone; 1 OF EUCLI U. IO3 ; a cone; if leſs, an obtufe angled cone; and if greater, an a- Book XI. cute angled cone: XIX, The axis of a cone is that fixed right line about which the tri- angle is moved. XX. The baſe of a cone is the circle deſcribed by the revolving line. XXI. A cylinder is, a figure deſcribed by a right angled parallelogram, revolving about one of the ſides, containing the right angle, remaining fixed. XXII. The axis of a cylinder is that fixed right line about which the parallelogram is moved. XXIII. The baſes of a cylinder are the circles deſcribed by the motion of the two oppoſite ſides of the parallelogram. XXIV. Similar cones and cylinders are ſuch, whoſe axes and diameters of their bafes are proportional. XXV A cube is a folid figure contained by fix equal ſquares. XXVI. A tetrahedron is a ſolid figure contained by four equal equilateral triangles. XXVII. An octahedron is a ſolid figure contained by eight equilateral triangles. XXVIII. A dodecahedron is a folid figure contained by twelve equal equi- lateral and equiangular pentagons. XXIX. An icoſahedron is a ſolid figure contained by twenty equal e- quilateral triangles. XXX. A parallelopipedon is a ſolid figure contained by fix quadrilate- ral figures, whereof thoſe that are oppoſite are parallel. a a PRO P. I. THE OR. O NE part of a right line cannot be in a plain fuperficies, and another part above it. For, 104 THE ELEMENTS a Book XI. For, if poflible, let the part AB of the right line ABC be in a plain ſuperficies, and the part BC above the ſame; there will be ſome right line in that plain which will make one right line with AB, which let be DB ; then the two right lines ABC, ABD, will have one common ſegment AB; which is impoſ- a Cor. 14.8. fiblea. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. II. T H E O R. IF two right lines cut each other, they are both in one plain, and every triangle is in one plain. Let the two right lines AB, CD, cut each other in the point I, they are both in one plain. For, take any points F, G, in the right lines AB, CD, and join CB; then the right lines AB, CD, are in one plain, and the triangle ECB is in one plain. For the parts DF, AG, cannot be in one plain, and FC, GB, above it a; therefore DC, AB, are in one plain ; and, becauſe the points B, C, are in one def, 4.11. plain b, therefore the triangle ECB is in one plain. Where- , fore, &c. 1 I. ) PRO P. III. THE O R. IF two plains cut each other, their common feflion will be a right line 3 Let the two plains be AB, BC, cutting each other; and let BD be their common ſection; then BD is a right line. For, if not, let the right line BED be drawn in the plain CB, and BFD in the plain BA; then two right lines bound a figure ; Ax. 10, I. which cannot be a. Wherefore, &c. a > PRO P. IV. THEO R. IF F a right line ſtand in the common ſection of two right lines, cutting one another, and at right angles to the ſame ; then it Shall be at right angles to the plain paſſing through theſe lines. ; Let ma OF EV CL I D. 105 a ܪ و a Let the right line EF ſtand in the common ſection at right Book XI, angles to the two right lines AB, CD; then EF is likewiſe at right angles to the plain paling through AB, CD. For, take the right lines AE, ED, EB, EC, equal to one another, and join AD, BC; through E draw GEH to the points G, H, in the right lines AD, BC ; join FD, FC, FA, FB, FG, FH; then, becauſe the two ſides AE, ED, are equal to the two ſides BE, EC ; and the angles AED, BEC, equal; the baſe AD a 15. 1. is equal to the baſe ŽC ; and the remaining angles EAD, EDA, equal to the angles EBC, ECB, each to each b; but the b 4. I, two angles AEG, EAG, in the triangle AGE, are equal to the two angles BEH, EBH, in the triangle HBE ; and a ſide AE in the one equal to a fide EB in the other; the remaining fides AG, GE, in the one are equal to BH, HE, in the other, each to each"; but, becauſe AE is equal to 'EB, and TE com-C 25. 1. mon, and at right angles to AB, the baſe AF is equal to the baſe FB. For the fame reaſon, FD is equal to TC; but FA, AD, are proved equal to FB, BC, each to each; and the baſe FD equal to FC; therefore the angle FAD is equal to the angle FBC4 Again, becauſe FA, AG, are proved equal to FB, d 8. I, . BH, each to each, and the angle FAG equal to FBH ; the baſe FG is equal to FH 6. Now, ſince FE, EH, are equal to FE, EG, and the baſe FH equal to FG; the angle FEH is equal to FEG; therefore each is a right angle"; therefore FE is at right e def. 10. 8. angles to all the lines paſſing through AB, BC; and therefore at right angles to the plain palling through AB, DCf. Where- f def. 3. fore, &ic. ز PRO P. V. THE O R. IF Fa right line ſtand in the common ſection of three right lines, and at right angles to them, theſe thrce right lines ſhall be in the ſame plain. 1 Let the right line AB ſtand at right angles to the three right lines BC, BD, BE, in the point of contact B; theſe three lines ſhall be in the ſame plain. For, if not, let BD, BE, be in the fame plain, and BC above it; and let the plain paflug through AB, BC, be produced, till it meet the plain paſſing through BD, BE; and let BF be their common ſection, then BF is a right line"; then the three right a 3. lines BE, BD, BF, are in one plain; but AB is at right angles to DD, BE; therefore at right angles to BF, meeting BD, BE, in B ; but the angle ABC is a right angle“; and the angles b 4. O ABC, c byp: a b a с 106 THE ELEMENTS Book XI. ABC, ABF, are in the fame plain d; therefore the angle ABC is equal to ABF, a part to the whole; which is impoſſible ; d def. 3. therefore BC is in the fame plain with BD, BE. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. VI. THE O R. á I there be two parallel lines, and a point taken in each of them; the right line joining theſe points fball be in the ſame plain with the parallel lines. W Let AB, CD, be two parallel lines, and E, F, points taken in them ; then the right line EF joining theſe points is in the ſame plain with the parallels; if not, let it be elevated above the plain, as EGF; through which let ſome plain be drawn, whoſe common ſection with the plain in which the parallels are, let be EF a; than the two right lines EGF and Ef bound a figure ; bax. 10. 1. which is impoſſible b; therefore the right line EF is not above, nor can it be below the plain, for the ſame reaſon; therefore it is in the ſame plain. Wherefore, &c. a 3. . و ܪ PRO P. VII. and VIII. T H E O R. 1 If two right lines be perpendicular to the ſame plain, theſe right lines are parallel; and, if two right lines are parallel, and one of them is perpendicular to ſome plain, then the other is perpendi- cular to the ſame plain. ; Let two right lines AB, CD, be perpendicular to the ſame plain, then AB is parallel to CD ; and, if AB be parallel to CD, and AB be perpendicular to ſome plain, then CD is per- pendicular to the ſame plain. Firſt, let AB, CD, be perpendicular to ſome plain, and let them meet it in the points B, D; join BD; and, in the point D, draw ED at right angles to BD, and equal to AB ; join BE, AE, AD; then, becauſe AB is perpendicular to the plain in which BDE is, it will be at right angles to all the lines drawn in it, and touching AB^; but AB touches BD, BE, in the ſame plain ; therefore each of the angles ABD, ABE, is a right angle. For the ſame reaſon, each of the angles CDB, CDE, is a right angle; then, becauſe AB is equal to DE, and BD com- mon, the two lines ED, DB, are equal to AB, BD; and the angle a det. 3. OF EUCLID. 107 > с 1 d. C 2. ܪ angle ABD equal to the angle EDB ; for each is a right one ; Boo XI. therefore the baſe EB is equal to the baſe AD b; therefore EB, BA, are equal to ED, DA; and the baſe AE common; there- b 4. 1. fore the angles ABE, EDA, are equal"; but EBA is a right c 8. 1. angle; therefore EDA is likewiſe a right angle; therefore D is perpendicular to AD, and likewiſe perpendicular to BD, DC; therefore BD, DA, DC, are in one plain d; but BD, DA, are ds. in the ſame plain with AB €; therefore AB, DC, are in one plain ; and the angles ABD, CDB, right ones; therefore AB, DC, are parallel Second, If AB and CD are parallel, and AB perpendicular to ſome plain, CD is perpendicular to the ſame plain. For, the , ſame conſtruction remaining, AB is proved at right angles to BD, BE ; and ED at right angles to DB, DA; and, becauſe AB is parallel to CD, and DB joins them, CD, AB, are in the fame plain with DB 6; but ED is proved at right angles to DB, 8 6. DA ; therefore at right angles to DCh; for DC is in the ſame h 4. plain with DB, DA ; therefore CD is at right angles to DE, DBi. Wherefore, &c. i def. 3. f 28, I. 9 a 8 ز PROP. IX. T H E O R. R IGHT lines that are parallel to the ſame right line, altho' not in the ſame plain with it, are parallel to one onother. Let the right lines AB, CD, be each parallel to the right line EF, but not in the ſame plain with it, then AB will be parallel to CD. For, in EF, affume any point G, and draw GH at right angles to EF, in the ſame plain paſſing through EF, AB; and likewiſe GK at right angles to EF, in the plain paſ- ſing through EF, CD; then, becauſe EF is at right angles to GÉ, GK, it is alſo at right angles to the plain paſſing through GH, GK“; but EF is parallel to AB ; therefore AB is alſo at right angles to the plain paſſing through GH, GKb. For the {ame reaſon, CD is perpendicular to the ſame plain ; therefore AB is parallel to CD.; for each is at right angles to the ſame plain. Wherefore, &c. a a 4 b) D PRO P. X. THE O R. IF F two right lines touching one another, be parallel to two other right lines touching one another, but not in the ſame plain; theſe right lines contain equal angles, Let 108 Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S Book XI. Let two right lines AB, BC, touching one another, be parąl. Jel to two right lines DE, EF, touching one another, but not in the ſame plain, the angle ABC is equal to the angle DEF. For, take BA, BC, ED, EF, equal to one another, and join AD, CF, EB, AC, DX; then, becauſe AB, DE, are equal and parallel, AD, BE, that join them, are likewiſe equal and parallela. For the ſame reaſon, CF, BE, are equal and parallel; then AD, CF, are equal and parallel b; therefore AC, DF, that join them, are equal and parallel ~; then, ſince AB, BC, are equal to DE, , EF, and the baſes AC, DT, are equal, the angle ABC is equal to DEFC, Wherefore, &c. a 33. I. be. a C 8. I. PRO P. XI. PRO B. T 10 let fall a perpendicular on a given plain from a given point above it. a I2. 1. b II. I. C 31. 1. Let BH be the given plain, and A the point above it; it is required from the point A to let fall a perpendicular upon the given plain BH. In the plain BH take any right line BC; and from the point A draw AD perpendicular to BC2. If AD is perpendicular to BH, what was required is done ; if not, draw DE in the plain at right angles to BC); and from A draw AF perpendicular to DE а, and through F draw GH parallel to BCS. Then, becauſe BC is perpendicular both to DA and DE, it is d def. 3. perpendicular to the plain paſſing through DA, DE d; but GH is parallel to BC; therefore GH is perpendicular to the plain palling through DA, DE ®; therefore AF is perpendicular to GHf; but AF is perpendicular to DE ; therefore at right angles to the plain paſſing through GH, ED 8; that is, to BH. Where- fore, &c. 3 d. C 7. f def. 3. & 4. PRO P. XII. PRO B. T: O erect a right line perpendicular to a given plain from a given point in it. ” و Q II b 31. 1. It is required to draw a perpendicular to the plain MN, from a given point A in it. From ſome point B, above the plain, let fall a perpendicular BC upon ita; and from the point A draw AD parallel to BC b. Then, becauſe AD, BC, are two paral- lel right lines, BC, one of them, is perpendicular to the plain MN, the other, AD, is perpendicular to the same plainº. Where- fore, &c. PROP. 676 OF EUCLI U. 109 PROP. XIII. THEOR. Book XI. TH WV O right lines cannot he drawn at right angles to a given plain, from a point given therein. a 30 For, if poſſible, let the right lines AB, AC, be drawn perpen- dicular to a given plain, from the given point A ; let a plain paſſing through AB, AC, cutting the given plain through A, in the right line DAE~; but the right line DAE being in the given plain touches it ; therefore AB, AC, DAE, are in one plain; then, becauſe AC is perpendicular to the given plain, the angle CAE is a right angle b; for the ſame reaſon BAÉ is a right angle; therefore the angle BAE is equal to the angle CAE, a part to the whole, which is abſurd." Wherefore, &c. a a b def. 3. PRO P. XIV. THEOR. T HOS E plains to which the ſame right line is perpendicu- lar, are parallel to each other. a а If the right line AB be perpendicular to each of the plains DC, EF; then theſe plains are parallel: For, if not, let them be produced till they meet each other; and let the right line GH be their common ſection; in which, take any point K, and join AK, BK'; then, becauſe AB is perpendicular to the plain EF, it is perpendicular to the right line BK, being in a def. 3, the ſame plain produced; therefore ABK is a right angle; for the fame reaſon BAK is a right angle; that is, two angles in a triangle equal to two right angles, which cannot beb; there- fore the plains CD, EF, being produced, will not meet each other; therefore parallel. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. XV. THE O R. . a b 17, I F two right lines, touching one another, be parallel to two o- ther right lines, touching one another, and not in the ſame plain with them, the plains drawn through theſe right lines are parallel to each other. Let AB, BC, two right lines touching one another, be pa- • rallel to two right lines DE, EF, touching one another, but not in the ſame plain with them; then the plains paſſing through AB, BC, DE, EF, being produced, will not meet each other: For, from the point B, draw the right line BG“, to the point a 11. a Gi LIO THE ELEMENTS c def. 3. C Book XI. G, in the plain paſſing through DE, EF, and perpendicular to mit. From the point G, draw GH parallel to DE, and GK pa- b 31. 1. rallel to EF); then, becauſe BG is perpendicular to the plain paſſing through DE, EF, it is perpendicular to all the right lines touching it in that plain; therefore BG is perpendicular to GH, GK; and, ſince BA is parallel to GH, the angles GBA, d 29.1. BGH, are equal to two right anglesd; but BGH is a right angle; therefore ABG is likewiſe a right angle: For the ſame reafon, GBC is a right angle; therefore BG is at right angles to the plain paffing through BA, BC; but it is likewiſe per- pendicular to the plain paſſing through DE, EF; therefore BG is perpendicular to the plains paſſing through BA, BC, and ED, EF f : Therefore theſe plains are parallel. Wherefore, &c. 4. 147. PRO P. XVI. THE O R. IF F two parallel plains are cut by another plain, their common ſections will be parallel. Let the two parallel plains AB, CD, be cut by any plain EFGH, whoſe common ſections are EF, GH; then EF is parallel to GH: For, if EF, GH, are not parallel, if produced, they will meet, either toward F, H, or E, G. Let them meet in K: Then, becauſe EFK is in the plain AB, all points taken in it are in the ſame plain"; therefore K is in the plain AB: For the ſame reaſon, K is in the plain CD; therefore the plains AB, CD, meet each other ; but they are parallel ; therefore they cannot meet ; for the ſame reaſon they cannot meet, if produced toward E, G; therefore the common ſections EF, GH, are parallel. Wherefore, &c. 2 7. ܪ PRO P. XVII. THE O R. F two right lines are cut by parallel plains, they will be cui in the ſame proportion, > Let the two right lines AB, CD, be cut by parallel plains GH, KL, MN, in the points A, E, B, C, F, D ; then AE will be to EB as CF is to FD: For, let AC, BD, AD, be joined; and let AD meet the plain KL, in the point X, join EX, XF; then, becauſe the plains KL, MN, are cut by the plain OF EUCLID. III 2 plain EBDX, their common ſections EX, BD, are parallel“;Book VI. for the ſame reaſon, the common ſections XF, AC, are paral- lel; then, fince EX is parallel to BD, AE is to EB as AX is a 16. to XDb; for the ſame reaſon AX is to XD as CF is to FD ; b 2. 6. therefore AE is to EB as CF is to FDC. Wherefore, &c. ܪ CII.5. PRO P. XVIII. THE O R. LE a right line is perpendicular, to fome plain, then all plains paling through that line will be perpendicular to the fanie plain. . Let the right line AB, be perpendicular to the plain CL ; then all plains paſſing through AB are perpendicular to the ſame plain. For, let a plain DE paſs through the right line AB, whoſe common ſection with the plain ÇL is the right line CE; from fome point F, in CE, draw FG in the plain DE, perpendicular to the right line CE ; then, becauſe AB is per- pendicular to the plain CL, it is perpendicular to the right line CE in ita; therefore the angle ABF is a right angle; but a def. 3. GFB is likewiſe a right angle; therefore AB is parallel to TGb; but AB is at right angles to the plain CL, therefore b 28. 1. FG is at right angles to the fame plain : For the fame reaſon, c 7. all other lines drawn perpendicular to the common ſection of any plain palling through AB, is perpendicular to CL: Then, becauſe AB, FG, are drawn in one plain, perpendicular to CE, the common ſection of the plains CH, CL, the plain CH is perpendicular to the plain CL. Wherefore, &c. d def. 45 ; C PRO P. XIX. TH E O R. I , F two plains cutting each other, be perpendicular to ſome plain, their common ſection will be perpendicular to that ſame plain. Let two plains AB, BC, cutting each other, be perpendicu. lar to ſome third plain, ADC; their common ſection BD is perpendicular to the plain ADC: For, if BD is not perpendi- cular to ADC, from the point D, draw DE in the plain AB, a def. 4, at right angles to AD a; and DF in the plain CB, at right angles to DC; then the two right lines DE, DF, are drawn from the ſame point, each at right angles to the ſame plain ADC a ; which is impoſſible b; therefore BD is perpendicular 6 13; b to ADC. Wherefore, &c. . PROP. a b ! | II2 Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S Book XI. PRO P. XX. T H E O R. F a ſolid angle be contained under three plain angles, any two , of them, however taken, are greater than the third. a 23. I. 2 Let the folid angle A, be contained under three plain angles BAC, CAD, BAD, any two of them, however taken, are greater than the third. If the three angles, or any two of them, are equal, then any two of them muſt be greater than the third ; but, if not equal, let one of them, as BAC, be the greater: At the point A, make the angle BAE, with the right line AB, in the plain paſſing through BA, AC, equal to the angle DAB?; make AE equal to AD; through E, draw BEC, cutting the right lines AB, AC, in the points B, C; and join DB, DC; then, becauſe DA is equal to AE, the two fides BA, AD, are equal to the two fides BA, AE ; and the angle BAD equal to the angle BAED; then the baſes BD, BE, are equal"; but the two ſides BD, DC, are greater than the third BCd; and BD is equal to BE; there- fore the remainder DC, is greater than EC; and the ſides CA, AD, are equal to the two fides CA, AE, and the baſe DC greater than CE; therefore the angle DAC is greater than EAC; but the angles BAE, EAC, are equal to BAC; there. ; fore the angles BAD, DAC, are greater than BAC. After the ſame manner, any other two angles may be proved greater than the third. Wherefore, &c. b conſtr. C4. I. d 20, I. е © 25. I. a PRO P. XXI. ELEN VERY ſolid angle is contained under plain angles, together leſs than four right angles. Let the angle A be a ſolid angle, contained under the plain angles BĄC, BAD, DAC; theſe angles are leſs than four right angles. For, in the lines, AB, AD, AC, take any points B, D, C, and join BD, DC, BC; then, becauſe the folid angle at B is contained under three plain angles, CBA, ABD, DBC, any two of which are greater than the third ; the two angles, a CBA, ABD, are greater than DBC; for (the ſame reaſon, the angles BCA, ACD, are greater than BCD; and CDA, ADB, are greater than BDC: Therefore the fix angles ABD, ABC, ACB, ACD, ADC, ADB, are greater than the three angles DBC, ވެ am OF EUCLID. 113 + с 9 3 C DBC, BDC, BCD, but theſe three argles are equal to two Book Xi. right angles; therefore the fix angles ABD, ABC, ACB, ACD, ADC, ADB, are greater than two right angles : But 32. 1. the three angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles; therefore the nine angles CBA, BCA, BAC, ACD, CAD, ADC, ADB, ABD, DAB, are equal to fix right angles : But fix of which are proved greater than two right angles; there- fore the remaining three angles BAC, DAC, BAD, which contain the ſolid angle A, are leſs than four right angles : 112 the ſame manner, it may be proved, if the angle is contained by more than three plain angles, that theſe are together leſs than four right angles. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. XXII. T H E O Pe. IF F there be three plain angles, whereof any two, however taken, are greater than the third, and the right lines that contain them be equal, then it is poſible to make a triangle of the right lines, joining the equal right lines, which form the angle. ܪ܂ 9 و 9 ز ) Let ABC, DEF, GHK, be three given plain angles, any two of which are greater than the third ; and let AE, BC, ED, EF, GH, HK, be the equal right lines that contain them; and join AC, 'DF, GK ; then, of, theſe three right lines, a triangle may be made. For, if the angles B, E, H, or any two of them, are equal, then any two of them muſt be greater than the third a, and a 4. 1. likewiſe their baſes ?; of which, let AC be greater than DF, or a GK; then DF and GK are greater than AC. For, make the angle ABL equal to the angle GHK b, and make BL equal to b 23. fi either AB, BC, DE, EF, GH, HK; and join AL, CL; then the two fides AB, BL, are equal to the two ſides GH, HK, each to each; and they contain equal angles; therefore the baſe AL will be equal to the baſe GK °; and, fince the angles at E and H are greater than the angle ABC, the angle GHK is equal to the angle ABL ; therefore the angle ar E is greater than LBC“; but the two fides LB, BC, are equal to c hyp. DE, EF, each to each; and the angle DEF greater than LBC; then the baſe DF is greater than LC4; but GK is proved equald 24. 1. to AL; therefore DF, CK, are greater than Al, LC; but AL, LC, are greater than AC °; therefore DF, GK, are much e 20.1. greater than AC; therefore any țwo of the right lines AC, DF, GK, are greater than the third: Therefore a triangle may be made, whoſe fides are equal to the three given right lines. Wherefore, &c. PROP. ; i } P 114 THE ELEMENTS Book XI. PRO P. XXIII. PRO B. Tº make a ſolid angle of three plain angles, any two of which are greater than the third ; but theſe three angles muſt, toge- ther, be leſs than four right angles. 2 22. d 22. I. C 5.4 ز d 8. I. s. 1. e. f hyp. It is required to make a ſolid angle of three plain angles ABC, DEF, GHK, any two of which are greater than the third ; and all the angles together leſs than four right angles. Let the right lines AB, BC, DE, EF, GH, HK, be made equal to one ano. ther; and join AC, DF, GK. Then a triangle may be made a of three right lines equal to AC, DF, GK; which let be LMN; make the fide LM equal to AC, MN to DF, and LN to GKb; deſcribe the circle LMN about the triangle"; its center, X, is either within the triangle, upon one of the fides, or with- out the triangle. Firſt, let it be within the triangle, and join LX, MX, NX; then, if AB be not greater than LX, it will be either equal or leſs. Firſt, let it be equal; then AB, BC, are equal to LX, XM, and the baſe LM equal to AC ; then the angle LXM is equal to the angle ABC d. For the ſame reaſon, the angle MXN is equal to DEF, and NXL to GHK; but the three angles LXM, MXN, NXL, are equal to four right angles €; therefore ABC, DEF, GHK, are equal to four right angles; but they are leſs f; which is abſurd; therefore LX, XM, are not equal to AB, BC; and they are not greater. For, if poſſible, let LX, XM, be greater than AB, BC, and cut off XO, XP, equal to AB, BC; join OP. Then, becauſe AB is e- qual to BC, and XO to XP, the remainders LO, MP, will be equal ; therefore OP is parallel to LM $; and the triangles LXM, OXP, are equiangular h; therefore XO is to OP as XL is to LMj; and, by altern. XO is to XL as OP is to LM. But LX is greater than X0; therefore LM is greater than OP. But LM is put equal to AC; therefore AC is greater than OP, therefore the angle ABC will be greater than the angle OXPk. For the ſame reaſon, DEF is greater than MXN, and GHK than NXL; but OXP, WXN, NXL, are equal to four right angles"; there- fore the angles ABC, DEF, GHK, are greater than four right angles, and likewiſe leſs f; which is impoſſible : Therefore LX, XM, are not greater than AB, BC; but they are proved not equal; therefore they are leſs; therefore, on the point X, raiſe XR perpendicular to the plain of the circle LMNI, and e- qual to the exceſs by which the ſquare of AB exceeds the ſquare of LX; and join RL, RM, RN. Then, becauſe RX is perpen- dicular to the plain LMN, it is at right angles to LX, MX, NX; therefore the ſquares of LX, XR, are equal to the ſquare of 8 2. 6. h 29. 1. i 4. 6. و . k 25. 1. 1 > I 12+ m def. Go OF EUCLID. IIS ; و , ز of LR". For the 'ſame reaſon, the ſquares of RX, XM, are e-Book VI. qual to the ſquare of RM; and the ſquares of RX, XN, equal to the ſquare of RN; but LX, MX, NX, are equal, and RX n 47. I. common; therefore LR, RM, RN, are equal; but the ſquare of AB is equal to the ſquares of LX, XR0; therefore LR is e. o conft. qual to AB. But BC, ED, EF, GH, HK, are each equal to AB; therefore RL, RM, RN, are each equal to AB or BC; and the baſe ML equal to AC; therefore the angle MRL is e- qual to the angle ABC; but MR, RN, are equal to DE, EF, and the baſe MN to DF, the angle MPN to DEF, and the angle LRN to GHK; therefore the ſolid angle at R is contained by the three plain angles LRM, MRN, LRN, equal to the three plain angles ABC, DEF, GHK. Now, let the center of the circle X be on one ſide of the tri- angle, viz. MN; join XL; then AB is greater than LX. For, if not, it will be either equal or leſs. Firſt, let AB be equal to LX; then MX, XL, are equal to AB, BC; that is, MX, XL, are equal to MN; but MN is equal to DF; therefore DE, EF, are equal to DF; which is abfurd P; much leſs can MX, XL, p 20. I. that is, MN, that is, DF, be greater than DE, EF; therefore AB is greater than LX; and, if XR is drawn perpendicular to the plain LMN, and equal to the exceſs by which the ſquare of AB exceeds the ſquare of LX, the figure can be conſtructed as before. Laſtly, let the center X of the circle be without the triangle LMN; join LX, MX, NX; then AB is greater than LX. If not, it is either equal or leſs. Firſt, let it be equal; then the two ſides AB, BC, are equal to the two fides MX, XL; and the baſe AC equal to ML ; therefore the angle ABC is equal to the angle MXL d. For the ſame reaſon, GHK is equal to d 8. 1. d LXN, but the whole angle MXN is equal to the angles MXL, NXL; therefore MXN is equal to ABC, GHK; that is, DEF is equal to ABC, GHK; but ABC, GHK, is greater than DEF", and likewiſe equal; which is abſurd ; therefore AB is 9 20. ; not equal to LX. Let AB be leſs than LX, and make OX, XP, equal to AB, BC, then the remainders OL, MP, will be equal; therefore OP is parallel to ML, and the triangles equi- : 2. G. angular ; therefore XO is to OP as XL is to LM ; by altern. as XO is to XL, fo is OP to LM; but XL is greater than XO; therefore LM is greater than OP; but LMis equal to AC;there- fore AC is greater than OP, and the angle ABC greater than OXPk. Draw XV equal to XO or XP ; and join OV; then thek 25. 1. angle GHK is greater than OXV. At the point X, with the right line LX, make the angle LXS equal to ABC; and the angle LXT to GHK"; and XS, XT, cach equal to XO; and join r 2 je 5. OS, OT, ST; then, becauſe the two ſides AB, BC, are equal ز ; a ܪ 1 to 116 T H E E L EM ENTS S. S S 4. I. t t 24. I. Book XI. to the two fides OX, XS, and the angle ABC to OXS; the baſe AC, that is, LM, will be equal to OS . For the ſame reaſon, LN is equal to OT; and, ſince the two fides ML, LN, are equal to the two fides OS, OT, and the angle MLN, or POV, greater than SOT, for it contains it, the baſe MN is greater than ST"; but MN is equal to DF; therefore LF is greater than ST; therefore the angle DEF is greater than SYTk; but the angle SXT is equal to the angles ABC, GHK; therefore the angle DEF is greater than ABC, GHK, and likewiſe lefs; which cannot be; therefore AB is not leſs than LY; but it has been proved not equal to it; therefore muſt be greater. Then, make XR equal to the exceſs by which the {quare ot" AB exceeds the ſquare of LX; and join RM, RN, RL; then, in the fame manner, it may be proved, that the ſo- lid angle R is the angle required. Wherefore, &c. k 25. I. . 1 9 PRO P. XXIV. T H E O R. berasal I F a ſolid be contained by ? x parallel plains, the optoſite plains thereof are equal parallelograms. a 16. > b 23. I. Let the folid CDGH be contained by the parallel plains AC, GF, BG, CE, FP, AE, the oppofte plains thereof are equal parallelograms. For, becauſe the parallel plains BG, CE, are cut by the plain AC, their common ſections AB, CD, are pa- raliela; and, becauſe the parallcl plains BF, AE, are cut by the plain AC, their common ſections AD, BC, are parallel ; there- fore AC is a parallelogram. In the ſame manner, it is proved that GF is a parallelogram. Then, becauſe BH, AG, CF, DE, join the parallel lines AD, GE, BC, HF, they are equal to one another h. For the ſame reaſon, AB, HG, CD), EF, are e- qual to one another ; therefore BG, CE, AC, GF, AE, BF, are parallelograms. Join AH, DF; then, becauſe AB, BH, are parallel to DC, CF, the angle ABH is equal to DCF; then, becauſe AB, BH, are equal 10 DC, CF, and the angles ADH, DCF, equal, the baſes AH, DF, are equal d; but the parallelogram BG is double the triangle ABH, and CE double CDF"; therefore the parallelograms BG, CE, are equal; in the fame manner, the parallelograms AC, GI, are proved equal; and AE equal to BF. Wherefore, &c. 2 CIO, d 4, I, . e 34. I. e -- PROP. L OF EUCLI V. 117 t Book XI. PRO P. XXV. THEO R. IE a ſolid parallelopipedon be cut by a plain parallel to oppoſite plains; then, as baſe is to baſe, jo is folid to folid. > و Let the folid ABCD be cut by a plain YE, parallel to the op- poſite plains RA, DH; then, as the baſe EFU A is to the baſe EHCF, fo is the ſolid ABFY to the folid EGCD. For, pro- duce AH both ways, and make AK, KL, each equal to AE ; and HM, MN, each equal to EH ; and compleat the parallelo- grams LO, KU, HX, MS, and the ſolids LP, KR, HQ, MT, then, becauſe the right lines LK, KA, AE, are equal, the parallelograms LO, KU, AF, are equal“; as alſo the pa. a 36. 1. rallelograms KV, KB, AG, and the parallelograms LW, KP, AR. For the ſame reafon, the parallelograms EC, HX, MS, are equal; as alſo, HG, HI, IN, and the parallelograms DH, MQ, NT. Then, becauſe LK, KA, AE, are equal, and like- mife HM, MN, each equal to HE; LE is the ſame multiple of AE that LF is of AF; and EN the ſame multiple of EH that ES is of EC ; and LG of AG; LR of AR; ET of HG; and ; EQ, of EY. Wherefore the three plains in the folid LP, and the three oppoſite ones, which are equal to them, are equal to the three plains in the folid KR, or AY, and the three op- ofite plains which are equal to them b; therefore the three ſolids b 24. LP, KR, AY, are equals, and the ſame multiple of AY that c def. 10. LF is of AF. For the ſame reaſon, the ſolids ED, HQ, MT, are equal; therefore ET is the ſame multiple of ED that ES is of EC: Wherefore, if LF be equal to ES, the ſolid LY will be equal to the folid NY, if greater, greater, and, if leis, leſs ; Wherefore, as AF is to FH, ſo is the folid AY LO ED d. Where. d def. 5. 5, fore, &c. с PRO P. XXVI. PROB. А. I a given point, in a given right line, to make a ſolid angla cqual to a ſolid angle given. It is required, at a given point A, in a given right line AB, to make a ſolid angle equal to the ſolid angle contained by the plain angles EDC, EDF, FDC. In the right line DF affume any point F; from which draw FG perpendicular to the plain pailing through ED, DC, meeting the plain in the point G; + j18 THE ELEMENTS a II. C 12. Book XI. G^; join DG; at the point A, with the right line AB, make w the angles BAL, BAK, equal to the angles EDC, EDG b; and make AK equal to DG; at the point K, in the plain BAL, h 23. I. raiſe a perpendicular HK C: which make equal to GF; and join HA; then the ſolid angle at A, which is contained by the plain angles BAL, BAH, HAL, is equal to the ſolid angle at D, contained by the plain angles EDC, LDF, FDC. For, take the right line AB, equal to DE; AL to DC; and join HB, KB, FE, GC, FC; then, becauſe GF is perpendicular def. 3. to the plain EDC 4, the angles FGD, FGE, FGC, are right angles; for the ſame reaſon, HKA, HKB, HKL, are right angles; and, becauſe the two ſides KA, AB, are equal to the two ſides GD, DE, and contain equal angles, the baſes BK, EG, are equal ; and, becauſe BK, KH, are equal to EG, GF, each to each, and contain equal angles, the bafes HB, FE, are equale. Again, becauſe AK, KH, are equal to DG, GF, each to each, and contain equal angles, the bale AH is equal to DF; but AB, AH, are equal to DE, DF, and the baſe BH equal to EF; 8, lo therefore the angle BAH is equal to EDF f; but the angle BAL is equal to EDC, and a part BAK equal to EDG; therefore the remainders KAL, GDC, are equal, and the baſe KL to GC“; and, becauſe HK, KL, are equal to FG, GC, each to each, and the angle HKL equal to FGC, the baſe HL is equal to FC ; but HA, AL, are equal to FD, DC, and the baſe HL equal to FC; the angle HAL is equal to FDC; therefore the plain angles BAL, BAH, HAL, containing the ſolid angle A, are equal to the plain angles EDC, EDF, FDC, containing the folid angle at D, each to each ; therefore the ſolid angle at def. 1o. A is made equal to the ſolid angle at Ds; which was to be done. 4. 1. 1 PRO P. XXVII. PRO B. T9 o deſcribe a parallelopipedon from a given right line, ſimilar and alike ſituate to a ſolid parallelopipedon given. It is required to deſcribe, from the right line AB, a ſolid pa- rallelopipedon, ſimilar and alike ſituate to the given ſolid paral- lelopipedon CD. At the point A, in the given right line AB, make a ſolid angle A, contained by the plain angles BAH, HAK, KAB, e- qual to the ſolid angle at Ca, ſo that the angle BAH be equal to ECF; BAK to ECG; and HAK to FCG; and make B A to AK 26. OF EU CLID. 119 AK as EC is to CG 6; and KA to AH as GC is to CF; then“, Book XL-. by equality, as BA is to AH, ſo is CE to CF. Compleat the parallelogram BH, and ſolid AL: Then, becauſe the three plain b 12. 6. angles, containing the ſolid angle at A, are equal to the three plain C 22. so angles containing the folid angle at C, and the ſides about the equal angles proportional, the parallelogram KB is fimilar to the parallelogram GE. For the ſame reaſon, KH is ſimilar to GF, and HB to FE ; therefore the three parallelograms of the folid AL are fimilar to the three parallelograms of the folid CD; but theſe three parallelograms are equal and ſimilar to the three oppoſite ones d; therefore the folid AL is ſimilar to the folid CD 4: Which was to be done. & 24. e def. De PRO P. XXVIII. T H E O R. IF a folid parallelopipedon be cut by a plain paſſing through the di- agonals of two oppoſite plains, that ſolid will be biſected by the plain. 1 > If the folid parallelopipedon AB be cut by the plain GAEF, paſling through the diagonals GF, AE, of two oppoſite plains, then the folid AB is bifected by the plain GAEF. For, becauſe the triangles CGF, GBF, are equal, and likewiſe the triangles ADE, A EH", and the parallelograms AC, BE , for they are a 34. I. oppoſite, and likewiſe GH equal to CE ; the priſm contained by the two triangles CGF, ADE; and the three parallelograms GE, AC, CE, is equal to the priſm contained by the triangles GFB, AEH, and the three parallelograms GË, BE, AB “. Wherefore, &c. b 외동​이 ​c def. Io, с PRO P. XXIX. THEO R. < с OLID parallelepipedons, conſtitute upon the ſame baſe, ha- ving the ſame altitude, and whoſe inſiſtent right lines are in the ſame right line, are equal to one another. S Let the ſolid parallelopipedons CM, BF, be conſtitute upon the ſame baſe AB, having the ſame altitude, and whoſe inſiſtent right lines AF, AG, LM, LN, CD, CE, BH, BK, are in the ſame right lines FN, DK ; then the ſolid CM is equal to the folid CŇ. For, becauſe CH, CK, are parallelograms, DH, EK, are each equal to CB ; therefore DH is equal to a 34. I. EK. Take EH from, or add to both, then there will remain. HK I20 THE ELEMENTS b 8. I. C 24. > Book XI. HK equal to DE, and the triangle DEC equal to HKB b, and Wthe parallelogram DG to HN; but the parallelogram CF is e- qual to BM', and CG to BN, for they are oppoſite; therefore the priſm contained by the two triangles AFG, DEC, and the three parallelograms CF, DG, CG, is equal to the priſm con- tained by the two triangles LMN, HKB, and the three paralle. d def. 10. lograms BM, HN, BNå; add, or take away the folid whoſe baſe is the parallelogram AB, oppoſite to the parallelogram GEHM; then the folid ČM is equal to the folid CN. Wherefore, &c. d i PRO P. XXX. T H E O R. OLID parallelopipedons, conſtitute upon the ſame baſe, ha- ving the ſame altitude, and whoſe infijtent right lines are not in the ſame right line, are equal to one another. S > 1 a 24 b 3 b 29. Let there be folid parallelopipedons CM, CN, having equal altitudes, ſtanding on the ſame baſe AB, and whoſe inſiſtent right lines AF, AG, LM, LN, CD, CE, BH, BK, are not in the ſame right lines; then the ſolid CM will be equal to the ſolid CN. For, produce NK, DH, till they meet in R; and draw GE, FM, meeting in X; likewiſe produce GE, FM, to the points 0, P; join AX, LO, CP, BR; then the folid CM, whoſe baſe is the parallelogram ACBL, oppoſite to the equal parallelogram FDHM“, is equal to the ſolid CO 6, whoſe baſe is the ſame parallelogram AB, oppoſite to the equal parallelo- gram XR; for they ſtand upon the ſame baſe AB, and the in- ; liſtent lines AF, AX, LM, LO, CD, CP, BH, BR, are in the ſame right lines FO, DR; but the ſolid CO is equal to the folid CN, for they have the fame baſe AB, oppoſite to the parallelograms XR, GK, each equal to AB, and their infift- ent right lines AG, AX, CE, CÔ, LN, LO, BK, BR, are in the ſame right lines GP, NR; therefore the folid CM is equal to the ſolid CN. Wherefore, &c. > PROP. XXXI. THEOR. · 1 } S OLID parallelopipedons, conſtitute upon equal baſes, and having the ſame altitudes, are equal. Let AE, CF, be folid parallelopipedons, conſtitute upon the e- qual baſes AB, CD; and having the ſame altitude the folid AE is equal 1 1 OF EU CLI D. I 21 ز ލް d , و d def. Io equal to the ſolid CF. Firſt, let the folids AE, CF, have the Book XI. , . infiftent lines AG, HK, LM, BE, OP, DF, CG, RS, at right angles to the baſes AB, CD; and let the angle ALB be equal to the angle CRD. Produce CR to T; and make RT e- qual to LB; compleat the parallelogram DT, equiangular to AB or CD; and the ſolid KI, having its inſiſtent right lines at right angles to DT, and of the fame altitude with AE or CF. Then, becauſe the right lines DF, RS, are at right angles to the plain OT, they are parallela and equal b; therefore the a 6. , b const. parallelogram DS is equal and parallel to CP, TÍ: Therefore the ſolid CF is to the folid Pil as the baſe OR is to the baſe DT ; C 250 but OR is equal to DT ; therefore the ſolid CF is equal to the folid RI. But the folid RI is equal to the folid AE; therefore the ſolid AE is equal to the folid CF: But, if the angle ALB is not equal to CRD, at the point R, with the right line RF, make the angle TRY equal to the angle ALB ; and make RY equal to AL ; and compleat the parallelogram RX, and folid YW. Produce DR, VI, XY, to the points Q and a ; and compleat the ſolid ae ; then the parallelograms RX, RQ, are equald; and, becauſe RX is equiangular to .:B, and the inſiſt- d 35. I. ent lines at right angles to the bale RX, and of the ſame alti- tude with the folid AL, the plains in the folid AE are equal and ſimilar to theſe in the ſolid YW; therefore the ſolid YW is en qual to the ſolid AEd. For the ſame reaſon, the folid aW, whoſe baſe is the parallelogram RW, and ae, that oppoſite to it, is equal to the ſolid YW, whoſe baſe is the parallelogram RW, and Yf, that oppoſite to it; for they ſtand upon the ſame bale RW, have the ſame altitude, and their inſiſtent lines Ra, RY, TX, TQ, SZ, SN, We, Wf, are in the ſame right lines aX, Zf; but the folid YW is equal to the ſolid CF; therefore the ſolid aW is equal to the ſolid CF. Now, let the inſiſtent lines ML, EB, GA, KH, NO, SD, PC, FR, not be at right angles to the baſes AB, CD, the ſolid AE will be equal to the folid CF. For, from the points G, K, E, M, P, F, S, N, let fall the right lines Mf, ET, GY, Kg, PX, FW, Na, SI, perpendicular to the plain of the baſes AB, CD, meeting them in the points f, Y, S, T, X, W, I, a ;e ir and join fY, Yg, gT, Tf, Xa, XW, WI, la ; then, becauſe GY, Kg, are at right angles to the fame plain, they are paral. lelf. For the ſame reaſon, Mf is parallel to ET. But MG isf 6. 6. . parallel to EK; therefore the plains MY, KT, of which the one pafſes through GY, Yf, and the other through Kg, gt, which are parallel to GY, YF, and not in the ſame plain with them, are parallel to one anothers, and equal and parallel to their oppoſite plains ; therefore fE is a parallelopipedon. It may be proved in the ſame manner, that aF is a parallelopipedon; but Q the a > > e . 8 IS > I 22 THE ELEMENTS Book XI. the ſolid GT is equal to the ſolid PI; for they are upon equal baſes, and of the ſame altitude, from what has been demonſtra- h 29. or 30. ted; and the ſolid GT is equal to the folid AEh; and the folid XF to the ſolid aS; therefore the ſolid AE is equal to the folid CF. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. XXXII. THEO R. SOLID parallelopipedons that have the fame altitude are to one another as their baſes. ; Let AB, CD, be ſolid parallelopipedons, having the fame al- titude as the baſe AE is to the baſe CF, ſo is the ſolid AB to the ſolid CD. For, to the right line FG, apply the parallelogram FH, equal to the parallelogram AË; upon the baſe FH, compleat the ſolid GK, of the ſame altitude as CD; then the ſolid AB is equal to the ſolid GK a; but the folid CK is cut by the plain DG, parallel to the oppoſite plain ; therefore the ſolid CD is to the ſolid GK, as CF is to FHb; that is, AB is to CD as AE is to CF. Wherefore, &c. a 31. b 25. PRO P. XXXIII. THE O R. SIMILAR ſolid parallelopipedons are to one' another in the triplicate ratio of their homologous ſides. Let AB, CD be ſimilar folid parallelopipedons, and let the fide AE be homologous to the ſide CF; then the ſolid AB has to i the ſolid CD a triplicate ratio of that which the ſide AE has to CF. For, produce AE, GE, HE, to K, L, M; make EK equal to CF, EL to FN, and EM to FR; and the angle KEL is e- qual to CFN; for AEG is equal to CFN; and compleat the parallelogram KL, and the ſolid KO; then the parallelogram KL is ſimilar and equal to the parallelogram CN. For the ſame reaſon, the parallelogram KM is equal and ſimilar to the parallelogram CR, and OE to FD; therefore the whole ſolid KO is equal and ſimilar to the folid CD. Likewiſe, compleat the parallelogram HL, and folids EX, LP, upon the baſes GK, KL, having the fame altitude as AB, for EH is an inſiſtent line to both; but the folid OK is proved ſimilar to CD, and AB is given á 24 ز OF EUCLI D. 123 . d. given ſimilar to CD; therefore AB is fimilar to OK b. Then, Book XI. becauſe AB is ſimilar to CD, and the baſe AG to CN, as AE is to CF, ſo is EG to FN; and fo is EH to FR ~; and, becauſe b 21. 6. ; FC is equal to EK, and FN to EL, and FR to EM, as AE is to and 12. s. EK, fo is EG to EL ; and ſo is the parallelogram AG to GK; but, as GE is to EL, ſo is the parallelogram GK to KL“; and, as HE is to EM, fo is the parallelogram PE to KM“; therefore, as AG is to GK, ſo is GK to KL ; and ſo is PE to KM; but, as AG is to GK, ſo is the folid AB to the ſolid EX d, for the d. 25. plain GH is parallel to the oppoſite plains; and, as GK is to KL, ſo is the folid EX to PL"; and, as PE is to KM, fo is the ſolid PL to the folid K'o. Then, becauſe the four folids AB, EX, P , KO, are proportionals, AB has to KO a triplicate proportion of what AB has to EX ®; but, as AB e def, 18. is to EX, ſo is the parallelogram AG to GK d; and ſo is the right line AE to the right line EK“; therefore the ſolid AB has to the ſolid KO a triplicate ratio of what AE has to EK ; but the ſolid KO is equal and ſimilar to the ſolid CD ; and the right line EK equal to CF : Therefore the ſolid AB has to the folid CD a triplicate ratio of what the homologous fide AE has to the homologous fide CF. Wherefore, &c. Cor. Hence, if four right lines be proportional, as the firſt is to the fourth, fo is a ſolid parallelopipedon deſcribed on the firſt, to a ſimilar one deſcribed on the ſecond, e : а. a PRO P. XXXIV. THE O R. O TH HE baſes and altitudes of equal ſolid parallelopipedons are reciprocally proportional ; and parallelopipedons, whoſe baſes and altitudes are reciprocally proportional, are equal. ; Let AB, CD, be equal ſolid parallelopipedons ; then the baſe EH is to the baſe NP, as the altitude of the folid CD is to the altitude of the ſolid AB. Firſt, let the inſiſtent right lines AG, EF, LB. HK, CM, NX, OD, PR, be at right angles to their baſes; then, as the baſe EH is to the baſe NP, ſo is CM to AG. For, if the baſe EH is equal to the baſe NP; then the altitudes CM, AG, are equal. For, if the baſes EH, NP, are equal, but the altitudes not equal, then the ſolids are not equal“; but the ſolid AB is a 31, put equal to the folid CD; therefore the altitudes CM, AG, are equal : Therefore, as the baſe EH is to the baſe NP, fo is CM to AG 6. Now, let the baſes be unequal, and let EH be the 32. greater, then the altitude CM will be greater than the altitude AG; - 2 I24 THE ELEMENTS C 7. 5. d 32. d 3%. و > 2 Book XI. G. for the folids are equa Make CT equal to AG; and up- on PN compleát the ſolid CV, whoſe altitude is CT. Then, be- cauſe the ſolids AB, CD, are equal, and CV is ſome other folid, AB is to CV as CD is to CVC; but AB is to CV as the baſe EH is to the baſe NP d; and, as the ſolid CD is to CV, ſo is the e 1. 6. and baſe MP to TP, and ſo is MC to TC ®; therefore the baſe EH is to NP as MC is to CT ; but CT is equal to AG; therefore EH is to NP as MC is to AG. And, if the baſes and altitudes are reciprocally proportional, then AB is equal to CD. For, a gain, let the inſiſtent right lines be at right angles to the baſes; then, if the baſes are equal, becauſe the altitudes are as their baſes, the altitudes are equal; therefore the folids AB, CD?, are equal. But, if the baſes are not equal, let EH be greater than NP, then the altitude of the folid CD is greater than the altitude of the ſolid A5 ; that is, CM is greater than AG. Put CT equal to AG, and compleat the ſolid CV; then, becauſe ; the baſe EH is to the baſe NP, as MC is to AG; and Clis e- I g. $ qual to AG; and, as EH is to NP, ſo is MC to CDf; but, as MC is to CT, ſo is MP to PT"; and, as EH is to NP, ſo is AB to CV d, but, as AB is to CV, fo is CD to CV; therefore AB is equal to CD f. Secondly, If the inſiſtent right lines FE, BL, GA, KH, XN, DO, MC, RP, are not at right angles to the baſes; from the points F, G,.B, K, X, M, D, R, Jet be drawn perpen- diculars meeting the plain of the baſes EH, NP, in the points S, T, V, Y, Q, Z, a, f, and compleat the ſolids FV, Xa. Then, if the ſolids be equal, their baies and altitudes are reciprocal- ly proportional, viz. as EH is to NP, fo is the altitude of CD to the altitude of AHF, For, becauſe the folids AB, CD, are equal, and the ſolid AB is equal to the colid BT, and the ſolid CD to the 29. OP 30. folid DZ ; therefore the folid BT is equal to the ſolid DZ; but the baſes and altitudes of equal folids, whoſe inſiſtent right lines are at right angles to their baſes, are proved to be reciprocally proportional. Therefore, as the baſe KF is to the baſe Rx, ſo is the altitude of the ſolid DZ to the altitude of the folid BT but the ſolids DZ, DC, have the ſame altitude; and the ſolids BT, BA, have the ſame altitude; therefore, the baſe EH is to the baſe NP, as the altitude of the ſolid DC is to the altitude of the folid AB; Again, let the baſes and altitudes of the folid parallelopipe- dons be reciprocally proportional, viz. as EH is to NP, ſo let the altitude of CD be to the altitude of AB ; then the ſolids AB, CD, are equal. For, the fame conſtruction remaining, as the baſe EH is to the baſe NP, ſo is the altitude of CD to the alti- tude of AB; but the altitudes of the ſolids AB, BT, are the fame, and likewiſe of the folids CD, DZ; therefore, as the baſe 9 > 8 + OF EUCLID. 125 7 • ز baſe FK is to the baſe XR, fo is the altitude of the folid DZ to Book XI. the altitude of the folid BT, therefore the baſe and altitudes of the folid parallelopipedons BT, DZ, are reciprocally propor- tional: But theſe folid parallelopipedons whoſe inſiſtent right lines are at right angles to their baſes, and their baſes and alti- tujes are reciprocally proportional, are equal to each other ; but the ſolid BT is equal to BA, for they ſtand upon the fame bate FK, and have the ſaine altitude. For the ſame reaſon, the ſolid DZ is equal to the folid DC; therefore the folid AB is equal to the ſolid CD: Wherefore, ſolid parallelopipedons, whoſe baſes and altitudes are reciprocally proportional, are equal. If the baſes are not equal, and the innitent right lines not at right angles to the baſes, the bales and altitudes may be proved reci- procally proportional, in the ſame manner as when the inſiſtent right lines are at right angles to their baſes; and in the ſame manner, if the bafes and altitudes are reciprocally proportional, the ſolids are equal. Wherefore, &c, PRO P. XXXV. THE OR IF F there be two plain angles equal, and from their vertices two , right lines be elevated above the plains in which the angles are, making equal angles with the lines containing the given angles ; and iſ, in the elevated lines, airy points be taken, from which per- pendiculars are let fall to the plains palling through the given right lines; then theſe elevated lines Mball be equally inclined to the gi- von plain. { و a Let BAC, EDF, be two right lined plain angles, from whoſe vertices A, D, let two right lines AG, DM, be elevated above the plains of the ſaid angles, making the angles MDE, MDF, equal to the angles GAB, GAC, each to each ; then the angle MDN will be equal to GAL. For, if AG is not equal to DM, take AH equal to DM ; and from H draw HK parallel to GL;but GL is perpendicular to the plain paſlirg thro’BAC; therefore HK is likewiſe perpendicular to the ſame plain a. From the points K, N, draw the right lines a 7. KB, KC, NE, NF, perpendicular to the right lines AB, AC, DE, DF. Join HC, CB, MF, EF, HB, EM; then the ſquare of HA is equal to the ſquares of HK, KAb, and the ſquare of b 47. . KA equal to the ſquares of KC, CA; therefore the ſquare of AH is equal to the ſquares of 'K, KC, CA; but the ſquares of HK, KC, are equal to the ſquare of HC; for the angle HKC is a right one: Therefore the ſquare of HA is equal to the ſquares of HC, CA; therefore the angles HCA, HBA, are right 6 a ones. 126 Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S 20. I. و a Book XI. ones. For the ſame reaſon, the angles DFM, DEM, are right angles : Therefore the angle AC# is equal to DFM; but C 48. 1. the angle HAC & is equal to MDF; therefore the two triangles d hyp. HAC, MDF, have two angles, HAC, HCA, in the one, equal to MFD, MDF, of the other, each to each, and HA, a fide of the one, equal to MD, a fide of the other; therefore, the re- maining fides MF, FD, are equal to HC, CA, each to each º. In the ſame manner, AB is proved equal to DE, and BH to EM: Therefore, the two fides CA, AB, are equal to the two fides FD, DE, and the angle BAC equal to FDE ; therefore the baſe BC is equal to EF, the angle ACB to DFE, and ABC to DEF, But the angles ACK, DFN, are equal ; for each is a right one; therefore the remaining angle BCK is equal to EFN. For the ſame reaſon, the angle CBK is equal to FEN. And, becauſe the two triangles BCK, EFN, have the two angles CBK, BCK, in the one, equal to the two angles FEN, EFN, each to each, and a fide BC equal to EF; therefore the fide FN is equal to CK ¢ But AC is equal to DF; therefore the two fides AC, CK, are equal to the two ſides DF, FN, and they contain right angles; therefore the baſe AK is equal to DN. And, ſince AH is equal to DM, their ſquares are equal; but the ſquares of AK, KH, are equal to the ſquare of AH, and the ſquares of DN, NM, equal to the ſquare of DM; for the angles AKH, DNM, are right angles; therefore the ſquares of AK, KH, are equal to the ſquares of DN, NM, and the ſquares of AK, DN, equal ; therefore the ſquares of KH, MN, are equal; that is, the right line HK equal to MN; therefore the angle 6.1. HAK is equal to MDNF, that is, GAL equal to MDN : Which was to be demonſtrated. Cor. Hence, if two right lined plain angles be equal, from whoſe point equal right lines are elevated on the plain of the angles containing equal angles with the given lines, each to each ; perpendiculars drawn from the extreme points of theſe elevated lines to the plain of the given angles, are equal to one another. ܪ > i PROP. XXXVI. THEOR. F If three right lines A, B, C, are proportional, the ſolid parallelo- pipedon made of them is equal to the ſolid parallelopipedon made of the middle line, it being equiangular to the former parallelo- pipedon. Let OF EU C 127 CL LIV. ލް a a Let the three proportional right lines be A, B, C, viz. A to Book XI: B as B is to C; then the ſolid made with A, B, C, is equal to the equiangular folid made from B. Let E be a ſolid angle contained under the plain angles DEF, GEF, GED; make ĞE, EF, DE, cach equal to B; and com- pleat the ſolid parallelopipedon EK. Again, put- LM equal to A; and at the point L, with the right line LM, make a ſolid angle contained under the three plain angles NLX, XLM, MLN, equal to the ſolid angle E a. a 24 Then, becauſe LM, LN, EF, EG, or ED, and LX, are e- qual to the three proportional lines A, B, C; therefcre, as LM is to EF, fo is GE to LX; therefore the ſides about the equal angles GEF, MLX are reciprocally proportional; and the pa- rallelograms MX, GF, equalb; and ſince the two plain angles b 14.6. GEF, XLM, are equal, and from the points N, D, are drawn the equal perpendiculars NL, DE, ar right angles to the plain palling through XLM, GEFC; therefore the folids LH, EK, have the ſame altitude; but their baſes MX, GF, are equal; therefore the ſolid HL is equal to the ſolid EK d; but HL is made d 33. of the three right lines A, B, C, and KE of the right line B. Wherefore, &c. ܪ ܪ at C 35 d. 1 PRO P. XXXVII. THEOR. IF F four right lines are proportional, the ſimilar ſolid parallelopi- pedons deſcribed from them fall be proportional ; and if the ſimilar folid parallelopipedons be proportional, then the right lines they are deſcribed from ſhall be proportional. Let the four right lines AB, CD, EF, GH, be proportional, viz. AB to CD, as EF is to GH; and let KA, LC, ME, NG, be the ſimilar parallelopipedons deſcribed from them; then KA ; is to LC as ME is to NG. For, becauſe the ſolid parallelopipedon KA is ſimilar to LC, KA is to LC in the triplicate proportion of AB to CDa. Fora 33. the ſame reaſon, the folid ME is to NG in the triplicate pro- portion of EF to GH; but AB is to CD as EF to GH ; there b 11. si fore AK is to LC as ME to NG 6. And, if AK be to LC as ME to NG, then AB is to CD as EF is to GH. For, becauſe AK has to LC a triplicate proportion of AB to CD, and ME to NG, a triplicate proportion of EF to GH ; therefore AB is to CD as EF to GH5, Wherefore, &c. PRO P 128 Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S Book XI. PRO P. XXXVIII. THEO R. T " IF F a plain be perpendicular to a plain, and a line be drawn from a point in one of the plains perpendicular to the other plain, that perpendicular ſhall fall in the common ſection of the plain. 3 def. 4. b def. 3. Let the plain CD be perpendicular to AB; and, in the plain CD, any point E be taken, from which let fall the perpendicu- lar EG ; then EG ſhall be perpendicular to the common ſection AD. For, if not, let it fall without the common fection, as EF, and draw FG in the plain EGF, perpendicular to AD“; then, be- cauſe FG is perpendicular to the plain CD, and the right line EG in the plain CD touches it, the angle FGE is a right angleb; but EF is alſo at right angles to the plain AB; therefore the angle EFG is a right angle: Therefore two angles in the triangle FGE are equal to the two right angles ; which cannot be €; therefore the right line drawn from the point E perpendicular to AB, does not fall without the line AD therefore muſt fall on it. Wherefore, &c. . CI7. I. و ވެ PRO P. XXXIX. THEOR. I , F the ſides of the oppoſite plains of a ſolid parallelopipedon be divided into two equal parts, and plains be drawn thro' their common Jeations, the common ſection of theſe plains, and the diameter of the ſolid parallelopipedon Mall biſect each other. > 22. I. Let the ſides of CF, AH, the oppoſite plains of the ſolid paral. lelopipedon AF, be each bitected in the points K, L, M, N, X, O,P, R; let the plains KN, XR, be drawn through the ſections ; and let YS be the common ſection of the plains, and DG the diameter of the ſolid ; then YS, DG, will bifect each other. For, join DY, YE, BS, SG ; then, becauſe DX is parallel to OE, the alternate angles DXY, YOE, are equal“; and, be- , cauſe DX is equal to OE, and YX to YO, and they contain ea qual angles, the bafe DY is equal to YE, and the triang DXY to YOE, the angles in the one equal to the angles of t other, each to each”, viz. the angle XYD equal to the ang. OYE, and OEY to XDY ; therefore DYE is a right line For the ſame reaſon, BSG is a right line, and BS equal to SG. T 54. I. b 14, I. 1 1 i BookXÍ. Platel. AN D Prope. } Hirp./. BA prth Prop. VE 2 2 F C F G F Prop. A D 4.. E A B E. Prop. 5. Prop. G al 6. Prop 38. F C F D D R H. B B D E 1 Prop.9.B 4 Prop. 11. А, ... -B Prop. B 10. E w G F A C С q D 1 K E D B. B D F D G KH G.K Prop. 12. •C B Prop.13. N : A F M. D- E Prop. 14 А. Prop. B 15. E K Prop. 10 'D G 1 E Prop. 17 GL H C in K SH F B Prop. 18. $ D G A H E 1 Tel F L E А. Bu C E 11 F B В Prop: 12 가 ​Pin. 20. A D B D Propos 21. I 1 D B. 1 N 1 Bookxi Phute y B E H B. H > Prop. 22. AM" Propo 22. al AL C D F G IK А. F G K R VCDL R L R R N Prop. 23 Prop. 2 L M N ! X $ M I R R Prop. 2.1. B H ३ Prop. 23. M N T T MA N X c X D 中 ​1 G Prop. 213.. I Α. D B P W R T Prop. 26 K L E H M N B Е, K F F Н M Prop. 21 22 G Prop. 28.B 1 D GO K B I A FE E KR 1 ܙܠܐ H K NO M WAN Prop.30. F Prop. 27. T BV ! AV 1 Vi 3 Ting. B1 Book XI plate:0. Prop. 52 1. 32 i i Trop31 K E B 4 K P G A M + 1 2 Z D y H off T B I R ZI ਨੂੰ 1714 'G G K P I В H M. E Trop 31 31 33 G RA E 1 IL X w R F V D Ji B T 0 a K B K B G B R MI K G M G F T Pro 3 84 34 HE L L H P F o T P А. N E 1 E А. A T 2 Prop.35 Prop.30 H K BA T E C IG hy N I M M C B A D + 1 G K Prop. 37 L M N c-Prog.38 C 1 E : B A D A D E T G C K 9 O B Prop. 40 ! M B ba D Prop 39 T 出 ​រ 1 H B M. H R P A S 'G K E 1 1 ** "} OF EUCLIV. 129 y e 2. f . Then, becauſe CA is equal and parallel to DB, and to EG4, DB Book XI. is parallel to EG, and DE to GB d; but D, E, G, B, Y, S, are points taken in each of them. Join DG, YS; then DG, d 34. 1. ᎠG; , YS, are in one plain f; and, ſince DE is parallel to GB, the angle EDT is equal to BGT «; but the angle DTY is equal to the a 29. s. angle GTS 8; therefore DTY, GTS, are two triangles, having & 15. 1. the angles YDT, DTY, equal to the two angles SGT, GTS, each to each, and the fide YD equal to GS; therefore DT is en qual to TG, and YT to TS. Wherefore, &c. h 26. 1. PRO P. XL. T H E O R. IF F two triangular priſms of equal altitudes, the baſe of one of which is a parallalelogram, and the other a triangle, and, if the paraiielog: um be double the triangle, the prifms are equal to each other. Let ABCDEF, GHKLMN, be two priſms of equal altitude; let the parallelogram AF be the baſe of the one, and the triangle GHK the baſe of the other; and, if AF be double GHK, the priſms are equal. For, compleat the folids AX, GO; then, becauſe AF is double GH, and the parallelogram HK double the triangle GHK"; the parallelograms AF, HK, are equal; therefore the a 41. I. folids AX, GO, are equal 0; but the half of equal things are b 31. equal; therefore the priſm GHKLMN is equal to the priſm ABCDEF; for each is half the folids GO, AXWherefore, C 28. &c. A R ge Τ Η Ε } Τ Η Ε E L E Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ 8 M E T S N . OF 1 E U U C L I D. BOOK XII. 1 P R O P. 1. THE O R. Book XII S IMILAR polygons inſcribed in circles, are to one another as the ſquares of the diameters of the circles. ; b Let ABCDE, FGHKL, be circles, in which are inſcribed the ſimilar polygons ABCDE, FGHKL ; let BM, GN, be the diameters of the circles ; then the polygon 'ABCDE is to “ FGHKL as BM ſquare is to GN ſquare. For, Join BE, AM, GL, FN ; then, becauſe the polygons. are ſimilar, the angles BAE, GFL, are equal; and BA is to AE as GF to FL; wherefore the triangles ABE, FGI., are e- a 6.6. quiangular“; that is, the angle AEB equal to FLG, and the fides about them proportional; but the angle AMB is equal to b 21. 3. A EBD, and FLG to FNG b: therefore the angle AMB is equal to FNG, the angle BAM to GFN“, and the remaining angle ABM to FGN: Therefore the triangles AMB, GFN, are equi. d 4. 6. angular, and BM is to GN as BA is to GFd; but the triangle ABM is to the triangle FGN in the duplicate ratio of AB to e 19. 6. GF, and the polygon ABCDE is to the polygon FGHKL in the duplicate ratio of AB to GFf; but the triangle ABM is to the triangle FGN in the duplicate ratio of BM to GN; there- fore the polygon ABCDE is to the polygon FGHKL in the dų. 8 22. 5. 6 plicate ratio of BM to GN.' Wherefore, &c. C 31. 3 с 3 I e f 20. 6. 8 } P R O P + } 2 OF EUCLI D. 131 Book XII PROP. I. BOOK X. L EMMA, IF F there be two unequal magnitudes, froin the greater be taken a part greater than its half, and from the remainder a part ta. ken greater than its half ; this may be done till the magnitude re- maining be leſs than any propoſed magnitude. m Let AB and C be two unequal magnitudes, of which AB is the greater ; from AB let a part BH be taken greater than the half, and from the remainder AH a part KH greater than its half; and ſo on, till the remaining magnitude, which let be AK, be leſs than the aſſigned magnitude C. Let C be multi- plied till it become greater than AB, which let be DE, and di- vide it into the parts DF, FG, GE, each equal to C. Then, becauſe DE is greater than AB, and the part EG taken from it leſs than the half thereof, and the part BH greater than the half of AB, there remains DG greater than AH. Again, be- caufe GD is greater than HA, and GF, half of GD, is taken from it; and if from HA be taken HK greater than the half of HA, there will remain FD greater than KA; but FD is equal to C; therefore KA is leſs than C. Which was required. PROP. II. THEO R. CH IRCLES are to each other as the ſquares of their diame. ters. Let ABCD, EFGH, be circles, whoſe diameters are BD, FH; then, as the ſquare of BD is to the ſquare of FH, ſo is the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH. If not, the circle ABCD will be to ſome figure either leſs or greater than the circle EFGH. Firſt, let it be to a figure S, leſs than the circle EFGH, in which inſcribe the fquare EFGH, which will be greater than half the circle. For, if tangents are drawn to the circle, thro' the points E, F, G, H, the ſquare EFGH will be half the ſquare defcribed about the circle, but the circle is leſs than the ſquare deſcribed about it; therefore the ſquare EFGH is greater than half the circle. Let the circumferences EF, FG, GH, HE, be biſected in the points K, L, M, N, and join EK, KF, FL, LG, GM, > 1 ! 132 T HE E LE M ENTS 2 41. I. 2 ; b Lem. C 1. d hyp. CII. 5. f 14. 5. Book XII GM, MH, HN, NE, and if tangents are drawn from the points K, L, M, N, and parallelograms compleated upon EF, FG, GH, and HE; then each of the triangies EKF, FLG, GMH, HNE, will be equal to half the parallelogram, and therefore greater than half the ſegment of the circle it ftands in ; if the rea maining ſegments are biſected, and triangles drawn, as before and this be continued till the ſegments are leſs than the exceſs by which the circle EFGH exceeds the figure Sb. Let theſe be . the ſegments cut off by the right lines EK, KF, FL, LG, GM, MH, HN, NE; then the remaining polygon EKFLGMHN will be greater than the figure S. Deſcribe the polygon AXBOCPDR, in the circle ABCD, fimilar to the polygon EKFLGMHN'; then, as the ſquare of BD is to the ſquare of FH, fo is the circle ABCD to the figure Sd, and, as the polygon AXBOCPDR to the polygon EKFLGMHN, ſo is the circle ABCD to the figure S'; but the circle ABCD is greater than the polygon in it; therefore the figure S is greater than the polygon EKFLGMHN f; but it is leſs ; which is abfurd; therefore the ſquare of BD to the ſquare of FH is not as the circle ABCD to fome figure leſs than the circle EFGH. In like manner, it is proved that the ſquare of FH to the ſquare of BD is not to the circle EFGH as ſome figure leſs than the circle ABCD. Laſtly, the ſquare of BD to the ſquare of FH, is not as the circle ABCD to ſome figure greater than the circle EFGH. For, if poſſible, let it be to the figure T, greater than the circle EFGH; then, inverſely, the ſquare of FH is to the ſquare of BD as the figure T is to the circle ABCD; but, becauſe T is greater than the circle EFGH, T will be to the circle ABCD as the circle EFGH is to ſome figure leſs than the circle ABCD, which is proved impoffible; therefore the ſquare of BD to the ſquare of FH is not as the circle ABCD to ſome figure leſs than the circle EFGH, nor to one greater; therefore, as the ſquare of BD is to the ſquare of FH, ſo is the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. III. THE O R. En VERY pyramid having a triangular baſe, may be divided into two pyramids, equal and ſimilar to one another, having triangular baſes, and ſimilar to the whole pyramid ; and into two equal priſms; which two priſms are greater than the half of the whole pyramid. Let 1 OF EUCLI D. 133 ! n 9 b 34. I. > C 29. 1. 3 Book XI Let there be a pyramid, whoſe baſe is the triangle ABC, and vertex the point M, then the pyramid ABCM may be divided in- to two pyramids, equal and ſimilar to one another, having tri- angular bafes, and fimilar to the whole; and into two equal priſms; which two priſms are greater than the half of the whole pyramid. For, biſect AB, BC, AC, MA, MB, MC, in the points E, N, G, H, K, L; join EH, EG, EK, EN, HG, HK, HL, KL, KN, NG ; then, becauſe AE is equal to EB, and AH to HM, EH is parallel to MB , and KH to AB b; but Al å 5. 6. is equal to KH; for each is equal to EB; therefore the two fides AE, AH, are equal to the two fides KH, HM, the angle MHK equal to HAE“; therefore the baſes EH, MK, are equal", an d *. 1. the triangle AEH equal and ſimilar to KHM. For the ſame reaſon, AHG is equal and ſimilar to MHL. And, becauſe AE, AG, are equal and parallel to HK, HL, each to each, the angle KHL is equal to EAG, and the baſe KL to EG"; therefore the c 10. 11. triangles KML, EHG, are equal and fimilar; therefore the py- ramid, whoſe baſe is the triangle AEG, and vertex the point H, is equal and Gimilar to the pyramid whoſe baſe is the triangle HKL, and vertex the point Mf; and, becauſe HK is parallel to def. 7o. AB, the ſide of the triangle AMB, the triangles AMB, 11. MHK, are ſimilars. For the ſame reaſon, the triangle MBC is 8 2. 6. . ſimilar to MKL, and the triangle AMC to MHL; but the angles KHL, BAC, are equal, and the triangles ſimilar e; therefore the pyramid ABCM is ſimilar to HKLM; but the pyramid AEHG is proved ſimilar to HKLM, therefore ſimilar to one . 28. 28. C. nother, and ſimilar to ABCM. Again, becauſe BN is equal to NC, the parallelogram BG is double the triangle GNC i ; therefore the priſm contained byi 41. [. the two triangles BKN, EHG, and the three parallelograms BG,BH, KG, is equal to the priſm contained by the two triangles NGC, KHL, and the three parallelograms KG, GL, NL, the one of which is conſtitute upon the parallelogram BG, and oppoſite to it the right line KH; the other upon the triangle GNC, and op- poſite to it the triangle KHL; and the parallelogram BG is double the triangle GNC, and have the ſame altitude; therefore they are equalk; but either of theſe priſms is greater than the k 40. II. pyramid AEGH, or HKLM; for the priſm EBNGHK is great- er than the pyramid EBNK, which is equal to the pyramid AEGHT, or HKLM; wherefore the priſm EBNGHK is greater than the pyramid AEGH, or HKLM; therefore the prifm GNCHKL, is likewiſe greater than the pyramid HKLM; but the prifms are equal; therefore, together, are greater than the two pyramids ; therefore the whole pyramid is divided into two equal pyramids fimilar to the whole, and to one another, and into 134 THE ELEMENTS Book XII into two equal priſms, which two priſms together are greater than half the pyramid. PROP. IV. THEOR. If there are two pyramids, of the ſame altitude, having trian. gular baſes, and each of them divided into two pyramids equal to one another, and ſimilar to the whole, and into two equal priſms; and, if each pyramid be divided in the ſame manner, and this be done continually; then, as the baſe of the one pyramid is to the baſe of the other, so are all the priſms in the one pyramid to all the priſms in the other, being equal in number. 1 a 4. 6. b 22. 6. Let there be two pyramids of the ſame altitude, having the triangular baſes ABC, DEF, and vertices the points M, H, and each of them divided into two pyramids, equal to one anothers and ſimilar to the whole, and into two equal priſms; and if, in like manner, each of the pyramids made by the former diviſion be ſuppoſed divided, and this be done continually; then, as the baſe ABC is to the baſe DEF, ſo are all the priſms in the pyra- mid ABCM to all the priſms in the pyramid DEFH, being equal in number. For, let the pyramid DEFH be conſtructed ſimilar to the py- ramid ABCM; then, all the triangles deſcribed in the baſe ABC being ſimilar to the whole, and to one another; and alſo thoſe in DEF, being equal in number to the triangles in ABC; then ABC will be ſimilar to NGC, and DEF to RQF; and, as BC is to NC, fo is EF to FQ; therefore ABC is to NGC as DEF is to ROFb. And, altern. as ABC is to DEF, ſo is NGC to RQF; but, as NGC is to RQF, ſo is the priſm GNCLHK to the priſm RQFYST°: But the two priſms in the pyramid ABCM are equal to one another d, as alſo the two priſms in the pyramid DEFH; wherefore the priſm, whoſe baſe is the pa- rallelogram EGNB, and oppoſite baſe the right line KH, is to the priſm, whoſe baſe is the triangle NGC, and oppofite baſe the triangle HKL, ſo is the priſm whoſe baſe is the paralle- gram EPRQ, and oppoſite bale the right line ST to the priſm whoſe baſe is the triangle RQF, and oppoſite to it the triangle STY , compound. as the priſms EBNGKH, GNCLHK, together, are to the priſm GNCLHK, ſo the priſms PEQRST, ROFSTY, together, are to RQFSTY; altern. as the priſms EBNGKH, GNCLHK, together, are to the priſms PEORST, RQFSTY, together, ſo the priſm GNCLHK to ROFSTY ; but the priſm GNCLHK is to the priſm ROFSTY C 32. and с 28. 11. & 3. C j as OF EU CLI D. 135 as the baſe GNC to the baſe RQF and fo is the baſe ABC to Book XII the baſe DEF; therefore, as the bafe ABC is to the baſe DEF, lo are the two priſms in the pyramid ABCM to the two priſms in the pyramid DEFH. For the ſame reaſon, the priſms in the py. ramids HKLM, STYH, or any other pyramids made by any of the former diviſions, are to each other as th:ir baſes; wherefore, all the priſms in the pyramid ABCM are to all the priſms in the pyramid DEFH as the baſe ABC to the DEF. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. V. and VI. THE O R. P YRAMIDS of the ſame altitude, having triangular or polygonous baſes, are to one another as their bafes. 24: Firſt, let ABCM, DEFH, be pyramids of the ſame altitude, having the triangular baſes ABC, DEF; then the pyramid ABCM is to the pyramid DEFH as the baſe ABC is to DEF; and ſo are any number of pyramids to their triangular baſes. If not, let the baſe ABC be to the baſe DEF as the pyramid ABCM is to ſome folid 2, leſs than the pyramid DEFH, which divide into two pyramids equal to each other, and into two friſms which are greater than half of the whole pyramid ; and, if the pyramids made by the former diviſion be divided in the ſame manner, till ſome pyramids in the pyramid DEFH is found leſs than the exceſs by which the pyramid DEFH exceeds Z. Let thefe pyramids bé DPRS, STYH. Let the pyramid ABCM be divided into the fame number of ſimilar parts, as the pyramid DEFH; then are the priſms in the pyramid ABCM to the priſms in the pyramid DEFH ?, as the baſe ABC is to a DEF; but the baſe ABC is to the baſe DEF as the pyramid ABCM to the ſolid Z b; therefore the pyramid ABCM is to the b hyp. folid Z as the priſms in ABCM to the priſms in DEFH; but ABCM is greater than the priiins in it; therefore the ſolid Z is greater than the priſms in DEFH°; and likewiſe leſs b; which c 14. s. is abſurd ; therefore the baſe ABC is not to the bale DEF as the pyramid ABCM to ſome ſolid leſs than DEFH. For the ſame reaſon, the baſe DEF is not to the baſe ABC as the pyramid DLFH to ſome folid leſs than ABCM ; but ABC is not to DEF as ABCM is to ſome folid I, greater than DEFH. For, if poſſibie, DEF is to ABC as I to ABCM d; but the folid lis d inverſ. greater than DEFH; then, as I is to ABCM, ſo is DEFH to ſome folid leſs than ABCM ; which is proved abſurd; therefore ABC to DEF is not as ABCM to Tome ſolid greater than DEFH; but it was alſo proved not to be to ſome ſolid leſs than DEFH; therefore ABC is to DEF as ABCM is to DEFH. For ز ز ز ز. 136 Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S Book XII For the ſame reaſon, in the pyramids ABCDEM, FGHKLN, fig. 1. the pyramid ABCM is to the pyramid ACDM as the bite ABC is to the baſe ACD ; and ACDM is to ADEM as ACD is to AED, therefore the whole ABCDEM is to ABCM as ABCDE to ABC d. For the ſame reaſon, as FGHKLN is to FGHKL as FGHN is to FGH; if ABCDE is equal to FGHKL, the pyramid ABCDEM is equal to FGHKLN; if greater, greater, and, if leſs, leſs; therefore, as the baſe ABCDE is to the baſe FGHKL, fo is the pyramid ABCDEM to the pyramid FGHKLNC; Wherefore, &c. d 12. 5. ز e def. s. PRO P. VIL. THE O R. VERY priſm, having a triangular baſe, may be divided into three pyramids, equal to one another, and having trian- gular baſes. F a 34. I. Let there be a priſm, whoſe baſe is the triangle ABC, and the oppoſite baſe to that the triangle DEF; then the priſni ABCDEF may be divided into three equal pyramids, having triangular baſes. For, join BD, EC, CD; then, becauſe ABCD is a paralle logram, whoſe diameter is BD, the pyramid whofe baſe is the b s. and o. triangle ABD, and vertex the point C, is equal to the pyramid whofe baſe is the triangle EBD, and vertex the point CD; but the pyramid whoſe baſe is the triangle EBD, and vertex the point C, is equal to the pyramid whoſe baſe is the triangle EBC, and vertex the point D ; for they are contained by the fame plains; therefore the pyramid whoſe baſe is the triangle ABD, and vertex the point C, is equal to the pyramid whoſe baſe is the triangle EBC, and vertex the point D. Again, becauſe FCBE is a parallelogram whoſe diameter is CE, the triangle ECF is equal to the triangle CBE “; therefore the pyramid whoſe baſe is the triangle BEC, and vertex the point D, is equal to the pyramid whoſe baſe is the triangle CEF, and vertex the point Db: But the pyramid whoſe baſe is the tri- angle BEC, and vertex the point D, has been proved equal to the pyramid whoſe baſe is the triangle ABD, and vertex the point C; therefore, alſo the pyramid whoſe baſe is the triangle CEF, and vertex the point D, is equal to the pyramid whoſe baſe is the triangle ABD, and vertex the point C; therefore the priſm ABCDEF is divided into three pyramids, equal to one another, and having triangular baſes. And, becauſe the pyra. mid whoſe baſe is the triangle ABD, and vertex the point , is the ſame with the pyramid whoſe baſe is the triangle ABC, and 1 OF EUCLI D. 137 1 and vertex the point D, for they are contained by the fame Book XII plains; and the pyramid whoſe baſe is the triangle ABD, and vertex the point C, has been proved to be a third part of the priſm, having the fame baſe, viz. the triangle ABC, and the oppoſite baſe the triangle DEF: Which was required. COR. I. Hence every pyramid is a third part of a priſm, ba. ving the ſame baſe, and an equal altitude; for, if the bale of a prifm be of any other figure, it can be divided into priſms, having triangular baſes. II. Priſms of the ſame altitude are to one another as their baſes. a 1 1 P = 0 P. VIII. THE OR. S triplicate ratio of IMILAR pyramids, having triangular baſes, are in the triplicate ratio of their homologous filles. > Let the two pyramids whoſe bafes are ABC, DEF, and ver- tices the points G, H, be ſimilar and alike ſituate, then the py- • ramids ABCG, DEFH, are to one another in the triplicate ra- tio of BC to EF. For, compleat the parallelopipedons BGML, EHPO, then each contain two equal priſms, having triangular baſes"; and a # 23. II. pyramid is one third of a priſm, having the ſame baſe and alti- tude b; but ſimilar folid parallalelopipedons are to one another b 7. in the triplicate ratio of their homologous fides, and parts have c 33. 11. the ſame proportion as their like multiples d; therefore the pyra-d 15. s. mids ABCG, DEFH, are to one another in the triplicate ratio of their homologous fides. Wherefore, &c. Cor. Hence ſimilar pyramids, having polygonous baſes, are to one another in the triplicate ratio of their homologous ides. C n PRO P. IX. THE O R. HE baſes and altitudes of equal pyramids, having triangu- lar baſes, are reciprocally proportional ; and thoſe pyrı- mids, having triangular baſes, whoc bafes and altitudes are reci. procally proportional, arc equal. THE S Let 138 Τ Η Ε Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S . and 7. b Book XII Let the pyramids whoſe triangular baſes are ABC, DEF, and vertices the points G, H, be equal; then the baſe ABG is to the baſe DEF, as the altitude of the pyramid DEFH is to the altitude of the pyramid ABCG. For, compleat the folids BGML, EHPO, then, becauſe the pyramids ABCG, DEFH, are equal, the folids ABGML, a 28. 11. EHPO, are equal; but equal folid parallelopipedons have their bafes and altitudes reciprocally proportional b; therefore the py- b 34. 11. ramids ABCG, DEFH, have their baſes and altitudes recipro- cally proportional '; and, if their bafes and altitudes are reci. procally proportional, they are equal. For, the ſame conſtruction remaining, the folid parallelopipedons, whoſe baſes and altitudes are reciprocally proportional, are equal; therefore pyramids of the ſame altitudes with the ſolids, having their baſes and alti- tudes reciprocally proportional, are likewiſe equal. Where- fore, &c. C 15. S ý PRO P. X. THE O R. OR 1 Е. VERY cone is the third part of a cylinder, having the ſame baſe, and an equal altitude. 9 a 2. Let there be a cone and cylinder, having the ſame baſe, viz. the circle ABCD, and their altitudes equal, then the cone is one third of the cylinder; that is, the cylinder is triple the cone. If not, it will be either greater or leſs than triple the cone. Firſt, let it be greater, and let a polygon AEBFCGDH be inſcribed in the circle ABCD, and let the ſmall ſegments AE, EB, BF, FC, CG, GD, DH, HA, the exceſs by which the circle ex- ceeds the polygon, be leſs than any aſſigned magnitude; and, up- on the circle and polygon let a cylinder and pyramid be deſcri- bed, of the ſame altitude with the cone ; and, upon the remain- ing ſegments, the remaining parts of the cylinder, which let be leſs than the exceſs by which the cylinder exceeds triple the cone; therefore the priſm whoſe baſe is the polygon AEBFCGDH, and altitude the ſame of the cone, is greater than triple the cone; but the priſm is triple the pyramid of the ſame baſe and altitude of the cone b; therefore the pyramid is greater than the cone, and likewiſe leſs, as included in it; which is abſurd ; therefore the cylinder is not greater than triple the cone, neither is it leſs for then, inverſely, the cone would be greater than one third of the cylinder ; for, the ſame conſtruction remaining, the pyramid, whoſe baſe is the polygon AEBFCGDH, and vertex the ſame of the cone, is greater than one third of the cylinder ; but the ز b 7. b ܪ pyramid : OF EUCLI D. 139 pyramid is one third of the priſm conſtitute on the ſame baſe, Book XII and having the ſame altitude; therefore the pyramid whoſe baſe is the polygon AEBFCGDH, and altitude the ſame of the cone, is greater than the cone whoſe baſe is the circle ABCD ; and likewiſe leſs, as contained in it; which cannot be; therefore the cylinder is not leſs than triple the cone. Therefore, ſince nei- ther greater nor leſs, it muſt be triple the cone. Wherefore, &c. و PROP. XI. THEO R. Cohen ONES and cylinders, of the ſame altitude, are to one ano- ther, as their baſes. Let there be cones and cylinders of the fame altitude, whoſe are the circles ABCD, EFGH, and axes KL, MN, and diameters of their baſes AC, EG; then, as the circle ABCD is to the circle EFGH, ſo is the cone AL to the cone EN, If not, the circle ABCD is to the circle EFGH, as the cone AL is to ſome ſolid greater or leſs than the cone EN. Firſt, let it be to a folid X leſs than the cone; and let the ſolid I be equal to the exceſs of the cone EN above the ſolid X; then the cone EN is equal to the ſolid I and X together. Let a polygon HOEPFRGS be inſcri- bed in the circle EFGH, of which the remaining circumferences HO, OE, EP, PF, FR, RG, GS, SH, are leſs than any aſſigned magnitudes. Upon the polygon HOEPFRGS ler a pyramid be deſcribed, of the fame altitude with the cone, and let the remaining fegments of the cone deſcribed upon the cir- cumferences HO, OE, EP, PF, FR, RG, GS, SH, and vertex the fame as the pyramid be leſs than the folid!; therefore the pyra- mid HOEPFRGS, and altitude the fame of the cone, will be greater than the folid X. Upon the circle ABCD let the polygon DTAYBQCV be deſcribed fimilar and alike fituate to HOFPFRGS, and let a pyramid EN be erected, of the ſame altitude as the cone AL; but the polygons DTAYBQCV, HOEPFRGS, are to one ano- ther as the ſquares of their diameters AC, EG“, and the circlesa I. a ABCD, EFGH, are to one another as the ſquares of their dia- meters AC, EGb; therefore, as the circle. ABCD is to theb 2. circle EFHG, ſo is the polygon DTAYBQCV to the polygon HOEPFRGS ; but, as the circle ABCD is to the circle EFGH, fo is the cone AL to the folid X ; therefore the poiygon DTAYBQCV is to the polygon HOEPFRCSC as the concc 13. $, AL is to the folid Xd; but the pyramid DTAYBOCVL is tod hyp. the > 140 THE ELEMENTS ܪ > Book XII the pyramid HOEPFRGSN as their bafes ®; therefore the pyram mid DTAYBQCVL is to the pyramid HOEPFRGSN as the e s. and 6. cone AL is to the folid X; but the pyramid is greater than the ſolid X, and the cone AL graeater than the pyramid in it; therefore, likewiſe the cone EN is greater than the pyramid in it; but the pyramid in the cone EN is greater than X; therefore the cone EN is much greater than X; but it was put lefs ; which is abfurd ; therefore the circle ABCD, to the circle EFGH, is not as the cone AL to a ſolid leſs than the cone EN: and it is proved, in the ſame manner, that the circle EFGH is not to the circle ABCD, as, the cone EN is to a ſolid leſs than the cone AL. Again, the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH, is not as the cone AL to a ſolid Z greater than the cone EN; then, inverſely, as the circle EFGH is to the circle ABCD, ſo is the ſolid Z to the cone AL; but the ſolid Z is greater than the cone EN. Then, as the ſolid Z is to the cone AL, ſo is the cone EN to ſome fo- lid leſs than the cone AL; therefore, as the circle EFGH is to the circle ABCD, ſo is the cone EN to ſome folid leſs than the cone AL; which is impoffible; therefore the circle ABCD to the circle EFGH is not as the cone AL to ſome ſolid greater or leſs than EN, therefore, to the cone EN; but, as cone is to cone, ſo is cylinder to cylinderf, Wherefore, &c. th W f Is. 5. : PRO P. XII. THE O R. SIMILAR cones and cylinders are to one another, in the tri- plicate ratio of the diameters of their baſes. Let there be ſimilar cones and cylinders, whoſe baſes are the circles ABCD, EFGH, their diameters BD, FH, and axes of the cones and cylinders KL, MN; then the cone whoſe baſe is the circle ABCD, and vertex the point L, to the cone whoſe baſe is the circle EFGH, and vertex the point N, hath a tripli- cate ratio of BD to FH. For, if the cone ABCDL be not to the cone EFGHN, in the èriplicate ratio of BD to FH, let it be in the triplicate ratio to ſome ſolid greater or leſs than the cone EFGHN. Firſt, let it be to a ſolid X, leſs than the cone EFGHN, and let the polygon EOFPGRHS be the greateſt polygon poſſible inſcribed in the circle EFGH; that is, that the exceſs of the circle above the in- fcribed polygon be leſs than any aſſigned magnitude; upon the Folygon LOFPGRHS let a pyramid be deſcribed, of the ſame altitude OF EUCLI D. 141 2 and is. 5. 'c 8. altitude of the cone, and the fegments of the cone deſcribed upon Book XIL the ſegment of the circle, greater than the polygon, be leſs than the exceſs by which the cone EFGHN exceeds the folid X; then the pyramid deſcribed on the polygon EOFPGRHS, of the ſame altitude as the cone, is greater than the ſolid X. Let the poly- gons ATBYCVDQ be inſcribed in the circle ABCD, ſimilar to the polygon EOFPGRHS, and upon it deſcribe a pyramid a 18. S. a 6, of the ſame altitude of the cone. For, upon the polygon EOFPGRHS, fuppofe prifms erected, of the fame altitude of the cone; then there poſms are to one another as their baſes b. b 32. 11. For the ſame reaſon, the priſms deſcribed on the polygon ATBYCVDQ; equiangular to thoſe on the polygon EOPGRHS, and of the fame altitude of the cone, are to one another as their baſe ; but the baſes are ſimilar to one another; therefore the equiangular priſms are likewiſe limilar, and likewiſe the pyra. mids; therefore the pyramids are to one another, in the tripli- cate ratio of their homologous fides"; that is, of BD to FH; but the cone ABCDL is to the ſolid X, in the triplicate ratio of BD to FH ; therefore, as the cone ABCDL is to the ſolid X, ſo is the pyramid ATBYCVDQL to the pyramid EOFPGRHSN; but the cone is greater than the pyramid EOFPGRHSN d; buid 14. So it is proved leſs; which is abſurd; therefore the cone ABCDL has not to a ſolid leſs than the cone EFGHN, a triplicate ratio of BD to FH. For the ſame reaſon, the cone EFGHN has not to ſome ſolid leſs than the cone ABCDL a triplicate ratio of FH to BD. Again, the cone ABCDL has not to a ſolid Z, greater than EFGHN, a triplicate ratio of BD to FH ; for, then, inverſely, the folid Z has to the cone ABCDL a triplicate ratio of FH to BD; but the ſolid Z is greater than EFGHN; therefore the folid Z, to the cone ABCDL, is as the cone EFGHN to ſome ſolid leſs than the cone ABCDL ; therefore the cone EFGHN, to ſome lolid leſs than the cone ABCDL, has a triplicate ratio of FH to BD; but it is proved that it has not; therefore the cone ABCDL, to ſolid greater or leſs than the cone EFGHN, has not a triplicate ratio of BD to FH ; therefore the cones ABCDL, EFGHN, bave to one another the triplicate ra- tio of their baies BD to FH; and, as cone is to cone, ſo is cy- linder to cylinder Wherefore, &c. 9 2 e 15. s: PRO P. 4 1 I 142 THE E L E M E N T S Book XII PRO P. XIII. THE OR. IE a cylinder be divided by a plain parallel to the oppoſite plains, then, as one cylinder is to the other cylinder, fo is the axis of the one to the axis of the other. > ܪ ; Let the cylinder AD be divided by the plain GH, parallel to the oppoſite plains AB, CD, and meeting the axis EF in the point K; then, as the cylinder BG is to the cylinder GD, fo is the axis EK to KF. For, let the axis EF be produced both ways to L and M; let EL be taken any multiple of EK; and FM any multiple of FK; through the points L, N, X, M, draw plains parallel to AB, CD, and with the centers L, N, X, M, draw the circles OP, RS, TY, VQ, each equal to AB; and compleat the cy- linders PR, RB, DT, TO; then, becauſe the axis LN, NE, EK, are equal, the cylinders PR, RB, BG, are equal a. For the ſame reaſon, the cylinders HC, DT, TQ, are equal ; therefore the cylinder PG is the ſame multiple of the cylinder BG, that the axis LK is of EK. For the ſame reaſon, the cylinder GQ is the ſame multiple of GD that KM is of KF; therefore, if KL is equal to KM, PG will be equal to GQ; if greater, greater, and, if leſs, leſs. Therefore, AH is b def. 5. 5. to GD as EK is to HF b. Wherefore, &c. a 11. a 2 PRO P. XIV. THE O R. C O'NES and cylinders, conſtituted upon equal baſes, are to one another as their altitudes. a 11 Let the cylinders EB, FD, ſtand upon equal baſes AB, CD, then the cylinder EB is to the cylinder FD, as the altitude GH is to the altitude KL. For, produce the axis KL to the point N, and put LN equal to GH, and let the cylinder CM be drawn about the axis LN; then the cylinders EB, CM, are to each other as their baſes a; but their baſes are equal; therefore the cylinders EB, CM, are equal; but the cylinders CM, FD, are as their axes LN, KL"; but the cylinders CM, EB, are equal; and their axes GH, LN, likewiſe equal; therefore the cylinder EB is to the cylinder I'D as the axis GH to the axis KL ; but, as the cylinder EB is to $15.5, and the cylinder FD, ſo is the cone ABG to the cone CDK“; there- fore, as the axis GH is to KL, ſo is the cone ABG to CDK and ſo the cylinder EB to FD. Wherefore, &c. PROP b 13. ; ܝ C 1. OF EUCLI D. 143 ܕܐ Book XII PRO P. XV. THE O R. T! HE baſes and altitudes of equal cones and cylinders are reci- procally proportional, and cones and cylinders whoſe baſe and altitudes are reciprocally proportional, are equal to one ano- ther A ز a > ܪ b 7. S. Let the circles ABCD, EFGH, be the baſes of the equal cones and cylinders, AC, EG, their diameters, and KL, MN, their axes; compleat the cylinders AX, EO; then, as ABCD is to EFGH, ſo is the altitude MN to KL. For the altitudes KL, MN, are either equal or not. If equal, the cylinders AX, EO, are likewiſe equal; then the baſes ABCD, EFGH, are equal“; therefore the baſes ABCD, EFGH, a iri are to one another as their altitudes; But, if the altitudes KL, MN, are not equal, let one of them, as MN, be the greater, and cut off PM equal to LK, and let the plain TYS, parallel to the oppoſite plains ; cut the cylinder EO in the point P, and com- pleat the cylinder ES ; then the cylinder AX is to the cylinder ES as the cylinder EO is to the cylinder ES b; but the cylinder AX is to the cylinder ES, as the baſe ABCD to the baſe EFGH ~; and, as the cylinder EO is to the cylinder ES, fo is the altitude MN to the altitude MP®; therefore the baſe ABCL C 13. is to the baſe EFGH as the altitude MN is to the altitude KL; therefore the baſes and altitudes of the cylinders AX, EO, are reciprocally proportional. And, if the baſes and altitudes of the cylinders AX, EO, are reciprocally proportional, then the cylinders are equal; for, the ſame conſtruction remaining, the baſe ABCD is to the baſe EFGH, as the altitude MN is to the altitude KL; and the al- titudes KL, MP, are equal; therefore the baſe ABCD is to the baſe EFGH as the cylinder AX is to the cylinder ES“, and the altitude MN is to the altitude MP as the cylinder EO is to ES"; therefore the cylinder AX is to ES as EO is to ES; there- fore the cylinder AX is equal to LO, and, becauſe cones are e g. s. one third of the cylinder of the ſame baſe f and altitude, and 10. parts have the ſame proportions as their like multiples 8; therea fore the baſe and altitudes of equal cones and cylinders are reci- procally proportional. And, &c. f 5 15. 5. PROP. 144 THE ELEMENTS 5 Book XII PRO P. XVI. PRO B. 1 TWO circles about the ſame center, to inſcribe in the greater a polygon of equal fides, even in number, that ſhall not touch the leſer circle. : a 16. 3. blem. Let ABCD, EFGH, be two given circles, about the ſame center K; it is required to inſcribe a polygon in the circle ABCD, of equal fides, even in number, that ſhall not touch the lefſer circle EFGH. Through the center K draw the right line BD, and through the point G draw AG at right angles to BD : produce AG to C; then AC is a tangent to the circle EFGH, in the point G *; bifect the circumference BAD, and, again, the half thereof, and doing this, till a circumference is found leſs than AD, which let be LD, draw LM perpendicular to BD, and produce it to N; join LD, ND, Now, becauſe LN is parallel to AC, the tangent of the circle EFGH, LN will not touch the circle EFGH, and, much leſs, the lines LD, ND; and, if right lines be applied in the circle, each equal to LD, there will be a po- lygon inſcribed in the circle ABCD, of equal fides, and even in number, that will not touch the leffer circle EFGH ; which was to be done. . € 29. 3. 7 PRO P. XVII. PRO B. T! o deſcribe a ſolid polyhedron in the greater of two ſpheres, ha- ving the ſame center, which ſhall not touch the ſuperficies of the lefſer ſphere. a 11. bis. 32 Let two ſpheres be ſuppoſed about the center A, it is required to deſcribe a ſolid polyhe iron in the greater ſphere, not touching the ſuperficies of the lefler ſphere. Let the tphere be cut by lome plain paſſing through the cen- a def. 14. ter, then the ſections will be circles a, and the circle deſcribed a by the half ſection will be a great circle b; which let be BEDC; and FGH that of the leſſer ; and BD, CE, two of their diame- ters, drawn at right angles to each other; let BD meet the leffer circle in the point G; and draw GL a tangent to the leffer circle in the point G; and join AL: In the greater circle BEDC ; inſcribe a polygon that will not touch the lefſer circle FGH C; let the ſides of the polygon, in the quadrant BE, be the right Cio lines ! OF EUCLI D. 145 a a i e و lines BK, KL, LM, ME, ſuch that each will ſubtend a lefs arch Book XII than a line equal to the tangent Gt, then the right lines BK, KL, pred LM, ME, will each be leſs than the tangent GL; and produce the lines joining the points K, A,' N; and from the point A raiſe AX perpendicular to the plain of the circle B.2DC, neering the ſuperficies of the ſphere in x diet plains be drawn through d 12. Ir. II AX, BD, and AX, KN, which wil makro circies in the fuperficies of the ſphere, and let 8X, CXN, be femicircies on the diameters BD, KN; then, becauſc XA is perpendicular to the plain of the circle BEDC, the femicircles BX, KIN, are perpendicular to the ſame plain"; but the ſemicircles 399, e 18. II. , BXD, KXN, are equal, for they ſtand upon equal diameters BD, KN, their quadrants BE, BX, KX, ali likwiſe be e. qual ; therefore, as many ſides of the polygon as are in the qua- drant BE, ſo many equal files y be v the quadrants BX, KX; let theſe fides be BO, OP, PR, RX, KS, ST, TY, ; and join SO, TP, YR; from the points :), 6, draw the pers pendiculars OV, SQ, which will fall on BD, KN, the com- mon fection f of the plain ; join VQ, then, tince the equil cir- f 33. 11. cumferences BO, SK, are taken in the caug lengvircles BXD, KXN; and, becauſe OV, SQ, are drawn perpendiculars from them, they are equal; as alſo, BV, KQ; but BA, KA, are equal; therefore AV is to VB as AQ is to OK; therefore VQ is parallel to BK %, and OV is parallel to SQ; but it is proved 2-5 2. 6. qual; therefore ZV, SO, are equal and paralleli; therefore OS, i 33. I. BK, are parallel k; but, becauſe BK is parallel to VQ, and AB k 9. 1. equal to AK, AB is to BK as AV is to VO 5; and altern. AB is to AV as BK is to Vk; but AB is greater than AV; therefore BK is greater than VK; but VK is equal to OS; therefore BK is greater than OS; join BO, KS, then OBKS is a quadrilateral figure in one plain'. For the ſame reaſon, each of the quadrila- teral figures SOPT, TPRY, and triangle YRS, are cach in one plain ; therefore, if from the points U, S, P, T, K, Y, th the point A, right lines are ſuppoled drawn), will conſtitute a poly- hedrous figure within the circumferences BX, KX, confiting of pyramids, whoſe baſes are KBOS, SOPT, TPRY, TRX, and vertex the point A ; and if, in the ſame manner, pyramids be conſtructed on the ſides KL, LM, ME, and on the other three quadrants and cppofite hemiſphere, there will be conſtructed a polyhedrous figure deſcribed in the fphere, compoſed of pyra- mids whoſe bafes are equal and ſimilar to the forefuid quadrila- teral figures, and triangle YRX, and vertex the point A. But the polyhedron does not touch the fuperficies of the ſpherc in which the circle IGH is. For, becauſe the quadrilateral figure KESO is in one plain, and from the point A be drawn a right line AZ perpendicular to tlie plain m, it will be at righe T angles h 6 SI. و 1 7: II. + > > . . 1 17. II. Id 146 THE ELEMENTS } n n def. > II, 077. I. ; Book XII angles to all the right lines drawn in that plain "; join BZ, ZK, then AZ will be perpendicular to BZ, ZK. But the 3. ſquares of AK, AB, are equal, and the ſquares of AZ, ZB, are equal to the ſquare of AB, and the ſquares of AZ, ZK, are equal to the ſquare of AK"; therefore the ſquares of. AZ, ZB, are equal to the ſquares of AZ, ZK. Take the common ſquare of AŹ from both, then the ſquares of EZ, ZK, are equal ; that is, BZ equal to ZK. In like manner, lines drawn from Z to the points o, S, inay be proved equal to BZ, ZK; therefore a circle deſcribed about the center Z, with either of theſe diſtances, will paſs through the points O, S, K, B; and, becauſe KBSO is a quadrilateral figure inſcribed in a circle, and OB, KK, KS, are equal, and OS leſs than BK, the angle BZK will be obtule therefore BK is greater than BZ; but ĞL is greater than KB, and therefore much greater than BZ ; and the ſquares of AG, GL, are equal to the ſquare of AL, AB, or AK ; therefore the fquares of BZ, ZA, are equal to the ſquare of AL; and the ſquares of AZ, ZB, are equal to the ſquares of AG, GL; but the ſquare of GL was proved greater than the ſquare of BZ; therefore the ſquare of AZ is greater than the ſquare of AG; that is, the right line AZ greater than AG; but AZ is perpen- dicular to one of the baſes of the polyhedron; and AG reaches the ſuperficies of the lefſer ſphere; therefore the polyhedron does not touch the ſuperficies of the leſſer ſphere. Wherefore, &c. Cor. If a ſolid polyhedron is inſcribed in another ſphere, fi- milar to that in BCDÉ, they ſhall be to one another in the tripli- cate ratio of the ſquares of their diameters; for, the folids being divided into pyramids, equal in number, and of the ſame order, they will be fimilar ; and therefore to one another in the tripli- cate ratio of their homologous fides P; that is, as AB drawn from the center of the ſphere BCDE, to the ſemidiameter of the other ſphere; but the ſemidiameters of ſpheres are as their dia- meters 9; and one of the antecedents is to one of the conſequents as all the antecedents to all the conſequents "; therefore, the polyhedron in the one ſphere is to the fimilar polyhedron in the other ſphere, in the triplicate ratio of their diameters. a و Б 12. PIs. 5. r 12. 5 1 A PRO P. XVIII. THEO R. SPHERES are to one another in the triplicate ratio of their Let -BookXL Plate 1 A. i Thirth, Prop. 2 1: SR K B 出 ​- > DF H MM 1 7K T P C } M HI Lemma D A. 《 T Us () Ak! ( Prop 3+ 8°C H K J T Y G I z G R B CE H 1 BCD N Q Prop.o M Ko L M 0 Prop.6 史 ​人​对 ​一​、 一 ​\ TY A4 TTY HT H H B B F 0 Py中​.7 Prp:9 Prop. 10 1 T (日 ​1 TD BK M H 1 A B T) E A' B } 山海 ​众位 ​Prep 11 N { 、 H T Z E G M. K 1 B 上 ​, - ERRATA for Book XI. and XII. P. XI. pr. 2. for def. 4.11. r. def. 4.1. pr. 21. for note àz r. a 20. pr. 24 for note, b 23.1 r. b 33. ' p. 123. l: 13. for P. r. PI, B. XII. pr. 7. 1. S.for ABCD, r. ABED. p. 145. I. 34. for note 6.12. r. 7.1 It -1, 25. for ZV r. QV. and 1.31. for note 7.15 1. 6.11. tem } ܗ to 씨 ​А ? } N F G--- E Prop.is N DI N . H Prop.12 Book XI Plate, 2016 K Prop. shy HU 넘 ​Hd IT B to LET 2 山 ​E E H B Prop.15 Prop. 14 1 E ta F thuhether & N M q G is A OF EUCLID. 147 t 1 > 4 2 . b с Let ABC, DEF, be two ſpheres, and BC, EF, their diameters, Book XII the ſphere ABC is to the ſphere DEF, in the triplicate ratio of BC to EF. If not, let the ſphere ABC be to a ſphere GHK leſs than the fphere DEF, in the triplicate ratio of BC to EF. Let this ſphere GHK be inſcribed within the ſphere DEF; likewiſe, in DEF, inſcribe a polyhedron, which ſhall not touch the ſuper- ficies of the leffer ſphere GHK? In the ſphere ABC inſcribe a a 17. polyhedron, ſimilar and alike fituate to that in DEF; then theſe ſimilar polyhedrons are to one another in the triplicate ratio of their dianieters BC, EF b; but the ſphere ABC, to the ſphere b cor. 17 GHK, hath a triplicate ratio of BC to EFC; therefore the ſphere c hyp. ABC is to the ſphere GHK, as the polyhedron ABC to the fi- milar polyhedron in DEF; but the ſphere AB is greater than the polyhedron in it; therefore the ſphere GHK is likewiſe greater than the polyhedron in DEF; but it is leſs, as contained in it; which is abſurd; therefore the ſphere ABC, to the ſphere leſs than DEF, has not a triplicate ratio of BC to EF. For the ſame reaſon, the ſphere DEF, to a ſphere leſs than ABC, has not a triplicate ratio of EF to BC. Again, the ſphere ABC, to a {phere of LMN, greater than DEF, has not a triplicate ratio of BC to EF. If it can, then, by inverf. the ſphere LMN, to the , ſphere ABC, ſhall have a triplicate ratio of the diameters EF to the diameter BC; but the ſphere LMN is to the ſphere ABC as the ſphere DEF to fome ſphere leſs than ABC, becauſe the ſphere LMN is greater than DEF; therefore the ſphere DEF, to a ſphere leſs than ABC, has a triplicate ratio of what EF has to BC ; which is proved abſurd; therefore the ſphere ABC, to a ſphere greater or leſs than DEF, has not a triplicate ratio of what BC has to EF. Therefore ABC has to the phere DEF a triplicate ratio of what BC has to EF : Which was to be demon- ſtrated. ܪ ز Τ Η Ε 1 * Τ Η Ε + 1 E L M Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S L M N T S 0 F P L AIN AND SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. *** PLAIN TRIGONOMETRY. Th HE buſineſs of trigonometry is to find the angles when the ſides are given, and the ſides, or ratio of the fides, when the angles are given ; an: to find fides and angles, when fides and angles are given. Tor which, it is neceffary, that, not only the periphery of the vircie, but likewiſe certain right lines in it, be ſuppoſed divided into ſome determinate number of parts. The ancient geometers have ſuppored the periphery divided into 300 parts or degrees, and every degree into 60 minutes, and eve- ry minute into 6o feconds, &c.; and every angle is laid to be of ſuch a number of degrees and minutes as there are in that part of the periphery meaſuring the argle. I. An arch is any part of the periphery or circumference, and is the meaſure of the angie at the center which it ſubtends. II. The quadrant of a circle is one fourth part of the circumference; the difference of an arch from a quadrant or go degrees, is called the complement of that arch. III. A chord or ſubtenſe, is a right line drawn from one part of an arch to another. IV. The PLAIN TRIGONOMETRY. 149 2 3. 3 bis, 4 IV. The right ſine, or ſine of any arch, is a right line drawn from the vertex of an arch perpendicular to the diameter of the circle, and is equal to half the chord of double that arch a. If the arch DB, (fig. for the def.) is an arch of 30 deg. DE is the fine of 30 deg. and twice DE, equal 10, is the ſubtenſe of 60 deg. The fine of 30 deg. is equal one half radius b. V. Every line, as DL, divides the radius into two parts, that part betwixt the center and line, as CE, is called the coane; and the part betwixt the line and arch, as EB, is the verſed line of the arch DB. For the ſame reaſon, AE is the verſed ane of the arch AD; therefore, the verſed fine may be equal, greater, or leſs than the radius. VI. The arch HD is the complement of BD to a quadrant; and FD, equal CE, is the fine of that arch or cofine of BD. VII. If a right line, BG, is drawn from the point B, at right angles to the diameter, and meeting the right line CG, pailing thro' the point D; then BG is the tangent of the arch BD, and CG is the ſecant of that arch, The right line HI, drawn from the point H, at right angles to CH, and meeting CG produced in I, is the tangent of the arch HD, or cotangent of BD; and CI is the fecant of HD, or coſecant of BD. The ſine totus, or greateſt fine, is the radius of the circle, which is the fine of go deg. C 15. 3 Characters ufeil. + Addition. - Subtraction. * Multipli- cation. = Equality. :: Proportion. ♡ Extraction of the ſquare-root. \\\ When a line is drawn over any number of quantities, theſe quantities are to be conſidered as one quantity. The marks · put overany numbers, are to be read degr. min. fecond third minutes, &c. as 230, 17, 18", 25', &c. Like- wiſe, R. fignifies Rad. S. Sine, CofCofine, T. Tang. Cot. Cotangent, Sec. Secant, and Cofec. Coſecant. S c H O L I U M. Becauſe the triangles CED, CBG, (fig. for the definitions,) are ſimilar, CE: ED :: CB : BG, by alter. CE : CB :: ED: BG, i. e. Col :R :: Sine: Tangent. Again, 150 PLAIN TRIGONOMETRY. d 34. I ܪ : Again, CE: CD :: CB: CG, i. e. Cof. : R.::R.: Secant. And, becauſe the triangles CDF, CED, CBG, and CHI, are fimi. lar, CE : ED :: CF : FD; but CE-FD ; therefore ED=CF d; therefore CE is the line of the angle CDE=DCF. Again, EC : ED :: CB : BG; altern. EC: CB:ED:BG; therefore, if EC be nearly equal to CB, ED will be nearly equal to BG ; therefore, if the arch DB be a very imall arch, the line and tangent are nearly to one another in the ratio of equa- lity. II. Becauſe the chord of any arch, and its ſupplement to a circle, is the ſame, ſo the fine, tangent, or ſccant, of any arch, and its ſupplement to a femicircle, is likewiſe the fame. Ill. If two ſides of a right angled triangle be given, the other can be found by 47. El. 1. . PRO P. I. IN N a right angled triangle, if the hypothenuſe be made radiuse then the ſides are the fines of their oppofito angles; and if ei- ther of the ſides about the right angle be mi de radinis, the other ſide is the tangent of its oppoſite angle, and the hypothenuſe is the fecant of that angle. > a def. 1. For, in the triangle ABC, if, with the center A, and diſtance AC, a circle be deſcribed, and B procuced till it cut that circle in D, (No 1.); then CB is the fine of the arch CD, or of the angle A9, and AB is the cofine of CD, or line of the angle C. Again, (No 2.) if AB is made radius, and the arch BD drawn, then BC is the tangent of the arch BD, or of the angle A; and AC is the fecant of that angle. Wherefore, &c. Cor. Hence, as AC, Rad. taken in any given meaſure, is to BC, taken in the ſame meaſure, are ſo any parts into which the radius is ſuppoſed to be divided, viz. 10.000000, to a number exprefſing the parts in proportion to the length of the fine of the angle, that is, AC being radius, AC:BC::R:S,A And AC:BA::R:S,C AB Rad. AB:BC ::R:T,A And AB: AC::R:Sec. A. BC Piad. BC:BA::R:T,C T And BC:AC::R:Sec. C. PROP PLAIN TRIGONOMETRY. 151 A PRO P. II. TH He ſides of plain triangles are to one another as the fines of their oppoſite angles. C8 I. 3 d I. Let ABC be the triangle, ahout which deſcribe a circle ABC^; from the center D let fall perpendiculars upon each of a S. 4o. the ſides AB, BC, AC, which wil be biſected in the points E, F, and Gb; but the angle BDE C is equal to the angle b 3. 3. CDE, and BE is the fine of the angle BDE d, or of the angle BAC' ;. For the fame reaſon, BF is the line of the angle ACB, e 21. 1. and GC the fine of the angle ABC: Therefore, BE is to BF as twice BE is to twice 5F ; that is, BC is to BA as the fine of the . angle A is to the one of the angle C. 2u. If the triingle is right angled, then BD, the Rad. is the fine of the right angle; the other two angles as before. 34. If the triangle is obtuſe angled, then, if a triangle is formed upon the ſame baſe, in the oppoſite ſegment in the point I, then that angle will be acute; and BE is the line of the angle f ſchol. I. BIC, or BACf. Wherefore, &c. ( PROP. III. I N any right lined triangle, the ſum of any two ſides, is to their 2:11 rence, as the tangent of half the f1.2 of the angles at the balı, is to the tangent o half their difference. Let ABC be the triangle, the ſum of any two of its fides, as AB, BC, is to the dillerence of theſe fides, as the tangent of half the ſum of the angics BAC, ACB, at the baſe, is to the tangent of half their difference. For, let AB be produced to H; make BH equal to BC ; and cut off BI equal to BA; then AH is equal to the ſum of the ſides, and HI to the difference of the fides, and the angle HBC equal to the ſum of the angles at the baſe?, viz. the angles BAC, a 32. I. ACB. Join HC; and, from B, let BE fall perpendicular upon HC b; then, becauſe HB is cqual to BC, the angle BHC is equalb 12. I. to BCHC, and the angles BEC, BEH, are equall; therefore the c s. 1. s angles HBE, EBC, are likewile equald; and, if BE be made rad 32. 1. dius, then EC is the tingent of half the ſum of the angles at the baſe. Draw BD parallel to AC, then the angle DBC is equal to the angle ACB Take HF equal to DC, and join FB;e 29. 1 . Ia then $ > > с + . 152 PLAIN TRIGONOMETRY. 1 2. 6. 8 14. 5. then FBD is the difference of the angles, and EBD half their difference: Through I draw IG parallel to BD or AC; then IB is to BA as GD is to DCf; but IB is equal to BA; therefore GD is equal to DC &; but AH is to HC as HI is to HGh; and, h 4. 6.- by altern. AH is to HI as HC is to HG, the conſequents being halved, as HA is to HI, ſo is Į HC to HG; but HF, GD, are each equal to DC, and therefore equal to one another. Add, or take away, GF to or from both, then HG is equal FD; but half FD'is ED; therefore AH is to HI as EC is to ED, Wherefore, &c. Z 2. 1 PRO P. IV. THE O R. N I N any triangle, the rectangle under half the ſum of the ſides, and exceſs of the ſame, above any of the ſides, taken as the baſe, is to the rectangle contained by the right lines, by which the haf of the Sum of the ſides exceeds the other two ſides, as the square of the rad. is to the ſquare of the tangent of half the angle oppoſite to the baſe. و 244 9 Let ABC be the triangle, BC the baſe ; in the triangle ABC let a circle be inſcribed a, of which let G be the center, and let fail GD, GE, GF, perpendiculars to the ſides AB, BC, AC; then AD is equal to AE, BD to BF, and CE to CF; and the angles at A and B biſected by the right lines AG, BG ; pro- duce AB, AC, to H, L; make BH equal to FC, and CL to BF; at the points H, L, raiſe the perpendiculars HK, LK, meeting the right line AG, produced in K; from the point K let fall KM perpendicular to BC; and join BK, KC ; then the rectangle HAD will be to the rectangle BFC as the ſquare of AD to the ſquare of DG. For, the triangles ADG, AEG, are equiangulara, and the angle ADG equal to the angle AHK, for each are right ones ; therefore DG is parallel to HKD; and, ſince the angles Alik, HAK, are equal to the angles KAL, ALK, for AK biſects them, AH is equal to AL“; but the angles ABC, CBH, are equal to two right angles d; and DGF, DBF, equal to two right angles C; forthe angles at D and F are right ones. Take the angle DBF from both, and there remains DGF equal to HBM ; but 1 HEM, HKM, are equal to two right angles, for the angles at H and M are right ones; thereforc ihe quadrilateral figures BDGF, BHKM, are equiangular, and DG bifeds the angles DBF, DGF ; therefore BK will likewiſe biſect the angles , HBM, b 28, I. b c 26. I d 33. I. C 23° J. с a PLAIN TRIGONOMETRY153 . . 3 > HBM, HKM ; therefore HB will be equal to BM, and the tri- angle DBG equiangular to BHK. For the ſame reaſon, MCL . . will be biſected by CK, and MC equal to CL. Now, becauſe BF, FC, are equal to BH, CL; AH, AL, are equal to the ſum of the ſides AB, BC, AC, and AH equal to half the ſum of the sides. And, becauſe the triangles DBG, BHK, are equiangular, GD is to DB as BH is to HK f; and f 4. 6. the rectangle under DG, HK, equal to the rectangle DBH, 6 16. 6. that is, to BFC; but the triangles ADG, AHK, are equian- gular ; therefore AD is to DG as AH is to HK, and the rec- tangle under DG, HK, equal to the rectangle HAD; there- fore the rectangle HAD is to the rectangle DBH, or BFC, as the ſquare of AD is to the ſquare of DG, but AD is the exceſs b 22. 6. of AH above the baſe BC, and BF, FC the right lines by which AH exceeds the fides AB, AC; and, if AD is taken rad. then DG is the tangent of half the angle BAC. Wherefore, &c. 6 PRO P. V. THE O R. IN.every plain triangle, the baſe is to the ſum of the ſides as the difference of the ſides is to the ſum or difference of the ſegments of the baſe, as the greater or leſer ſide of the triangle is taken for the baſe. ز greater fide. Let ABC he a triangle ; from the vertex A let fall the perpendicular AD, then the baſe is to the ſum of the fides as the difference of the ſides is to the ſum or difference of the ſegments CD, BD, according as the baſe BC is the lefſer or From the vertex A, let fall the perpendicular AD upon the baſe BC; with the center A, and diſtance AC, the greater of the other two fides, deſcribe the circle CEF, and produce AB both ways to F and E, and CB to G ; then, be- . cauſe the right lines FE, GC, cut one another in B, the rec- tangle FBE is equal to the rectangle GBC"; but CB is to BF asa 35. 3. BE is to GB 0; that is, when the baſe BC is the greateſt, theb 16. O. baſe to the ſum of the fides, as the difference of the fides to the difference of the ſegments of the baſe ; but, when BC is the leaſt, GB is the ſum of the ſegments of the baſe. Wherefore, Sic. ܪ PRO P. VI. THE fum and difference of any two quantities being given to find theſe quantities. U Let 154 PLAIN TRIGONOMETRY. * Let AB, BC, be the two quantities ; place them in the ſame right line, as AC ; and biſect AC in E ; and cut off AD equal to BC; then DB is the difference of the two quantities, and EB half their difference, therefore, if to AE, half their fum, EB, half their difference, be added, the ſum is equal to AB, the greater quantity; and if from AE, half the fum, ED, half their difference, be taken, gives AD equal to BC, the lefſer quantity, Wherefore, &co . THE 1 1 1 2 1 1 PLATN TRIGONOMETRY Fig for the Definition H I 1 F Prop. 1. B Az 2 _ А. B D A B Pnp. 2.9 Prop 2 А А. Α. $ 3 } E T G BE B C D D B ТЕ { 1 I Prop. ". J B A frops IT A D A A D B . T H. D Prop.it 1 By 1 1 1 Prop. F HE D 5 1 An Prop. 6 5 A D IC B C { I RWAKA RET $ H H E Ε L Ε Μ Ε Ν Τ S E L T S 1 OF S P H E R I C A L SP CA TRIGONOMETRY, 本​中 ​DEFINITIONS } a A I. TH T HE poles of a ſphere are two points in the fuperficies of the ſphere that are the extremes of the axis. II. The pole of a circle in a ſphere, is a point in the ſuperficies of the ſphere from which all right lines, drawn to the circum. ference of the circle, are equal to one another. III. A great circle in a ſphere is that whoſe plain paſſes through the center of the ſphere, and whoſe center is the ſame with that of the ſphere, or whoſe plain biſects the ſphere. IV: A ſpherical triangle, is a figure comprehended under the arches of three great circles of a ſphere. V. A ſpherical angle is that which is contained under two arches of greater circles in the ſuperficies of the ſphere: P R O P. I. GE RE AT circles in a sphere mutually bijeet each other. biſeft Let the two great circles be ACB, AFB, they will mutually bifect each other; for their common fection AB is the diameter of both circles. PROP: 156 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. PROP. II. IF from the pole of any circle, to its center, a right line be drawn, it will be perpendicular to the plain of that circle. 3 a Let the circle be AFB, and its pole C; from which draw CD to the center, then CD will be perpendicular to the plain of that circle. For, in it draw any diameters EF, GH, and join CG, CH, CE, CF; then, in the triangles CDF, CDE, the two fides CD, DE, are equal to the two fides CD, DF, and their bafes à def. 2. CF, CE, are equal“; therefore the angle CDF is equal to the angle CDE D; therefore CD is perpendicular to the plain of the circle AFB b. Wherefore, &c. COR. I. Hence, if this circle be a great circle, the diſtance upon the ſuperficies of the ſphere betwixt the pole and great' circle is a quadrant, for the plain of it biſects the ſphere. II. Great circles, that paſs through the pole of ſome other circle, make right angles with it ; for the right line CD is the d 19. II. common ſection of ſuch plains d. b 8. I. C4. II. . P R O P. III. IE F a great circle is deſcribed about the pole of a fahere, and from that pole two right lines 'be drawn to the circle, the arch of that circle contained by the two right lines is the meaſure of the angle at the pole. а a cor. * Let A be the pole of a ſphere, and ECF the great circle de. fcribed about it, and let the right lines AC, AF, be drawn to the great circle; then the arch CF is the meaſure of the angle at A. For, let D be the center of the ſphere, then the angles ADC, ADF, are right angles"; and the angle CDF is the inclination of the plains ACB, AFB, and equal to the ſpherical triangle b def. 6. CAF, or CBFb. COR. I. If the arches AC, AF, are quadrants, then A is the pole of the circle paſſing through the points C, F; for AD is at right angles to the plain FDC II. The vertical angles are equal, for each is equal to the in- clination of the circles; alſo, the adjacent angles are equal to two right angles. II. و C4. II. PROP, -- SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 157 1 PRO P. IV. 3 IF F two ſpherical triangles have two ſides of the one, equal to two fides of the other, and the angle contained by the two ſides of the one equal to the correſpondent angles of the other, the two tri- angles will be equal. 2 > For, if the two arches containing the angles are equal, their chords or ſubtenſes are likewiſe equal", and contain equal angles; a 29. 3 therefore their baſes are equal, and remaining angles of the one, equal to the remaining angles of the other, each to each; and the right lined triangles equal b; but equal right lines cut off equal b 4. 1. circumferences ; wherefore the ſpherical triangles are equal to © 28. 34:* one another. COR. I. Hence triangles will be equal and congruous, if two angles of the one be equal to two angles of the other, each to each, and a ſide of the one equal to a ſide of the other, either the ſide that lies betwixt the equal angles, or ſubtending one of them d. d 29. and II. Equilateral triangles are likewiſe equiangular.. 24. 3. and III. In iſoſceles triangles, the angles at the baſes are equal ; e 29. and and, if the angles at the baſes are equal, the triangles are ifol- 34, 3., and celes f. f 29 and IV. Any two fides of a triangle are greater than the third; for 24. 3. S. any two of their chords or ſubtenſes, are greater than the third 8. and 6, 1. 820, 1. 26. 1. I. I. a 1 PROP. V. Anr Nir ſide of a ſpherical triangle is leſs than a ſemicircle. Let AC, AB, the ſides of the triangle ABC, be produced till they meet in D, then the ſemicircle ACD is greater than the arch AC. P R O P. VI. * THE He three ſides of a spherical triangle are leſs than a whole circles For, 158 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. I cor. H For, BD, DC, two ſides of the triangle BCD, are greater than the third BC 4. Add BA, AC; then DBA, DCA, the two femicircles, are greater than the three ſides of the triangle BCD b. Wherefore, &c. P R O P. VII. 1 IN any triangle, the greater angle is ſubtended by the greater fide. Let ABC be the triangle, and A the greater angle, then BC will be the greater ſide. For, make the angle BAD equal to the a cor. 23. angle B; then AD will be equal to BD"; therefore the fide BDC is equal to AD and DC; but AD, DC, are greater than ACD; therefore BC is greater than AC. Wherefore, &c. 2. 4 PROP. VIII. 1 IN N any Jpherical triangle, if the ſum of two of its fides be great- er than a ſemicircle, then the internal angle at the baſe will be greater than the external and oppoſite angle ; and the ſum of the internal angles at the baſe will be greater than two right angles ; if equal, equal, and, if lefs, leſs. 3. Let ABC be the ſpherical triangle ; if the two ſides, AB, BC, be greater than a ſemicircle, the internal angle BAC, at the bafe, will be greater than the external and oppofite angle BCD; if equal, equal, and, if lefs, leſs; and the angles A and ACB will likewiſe be greater, equal, or leſs, than two right angles. Firſt, let the ſemicircles ACD, ABD, be compleated; then, if AB, BC, be equal to ABD, the angle BCD will be equal to BDC“, that is, to BAC. 2dly, If AB, BC, be great- er than ABD, then BC will be greater than BD, and the angle BDC, that is, the angle BAC, greater than BCD b; if AB, BC, are leſs than a ſemicircle ; then the angle A will be leſs ; than BCD. And, becauſe the angles BCD, BCA, are equal to two right angles, if the angle A be greater than the angle BCD, then the angles A and ACB will be greater than two right angles, and, if lefs, leſs. PROP. ) 7. SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY159 NOM . 1 PRO P. IX. IF F the poles of the ſides of any Spherical triangle be joined by great circles, they conſtitute another triangle, the ſides of which are ſupplements of the arches that meaſure the angles of the given triangles ; and the arches that are the meaſures of the angles of the ſupplementary triangle, are the ſupplements of the ſides of the given triangle. Ler G, H, D, be the angular points of the given triangle GHD; and let the points G, H, D, be the poles of the great circles XCAM, TMNO, XKBN; then XN will be the fup. plement of BK, XM of CA, and MN of OT. Likewiſe, the arches KT, OC, and BA, which are the meaſures of the angles M, X, N, are the ſupplements of HD, HG, and GD. For, becauſe G is the pole of the circle XCAM, GM is a quadranta ; and, becauſe H is the pole of the circle TMO, HM a cor. 1.2. is alſo a quadrant : Wherefore, M is the pole of the circle GHb. d cor. 1. 3 For the ſame reaſon, N is the pole of the circle HD, and X the pole of the circle GD. Now, becauſe NK, XB, are each qua- drants, XN is the ſupplement of KB. For the ſame reaſon, XM , is the ſupplement of AC, and MN of OT ; which are the mea- ſures of the angles G, H, D. Again, becauſe DK, HT, are each quadrants, KT is the ſupplement of HD. For the ſame reaſon, OC is the ſupple- ment of GH, and BA of GD; that is, the meaſures of the angles X, M, N, are the ſupplements of the ſides HD, GH, and GD. Wherefore, &c. PROP. X. 1 HE three angles of a ſpherical triangle are greater than two right angles, and leſs than fix. i a Let the triangle be GHD; then the three meaſures of it, with the three ſides of the triangle XMN, are equal to three ſemicircles a; but the three ſides of the triangle X MN are leſs a g. than two cemicircles b; therefore the meaſure of the three angles b 6. G, H, D, are greater than one; that is, greater than two right angles ; but the outward and inward angles of any triangle are together equal to fix right angles; therefore the inward angles are leſs than fix right angles. Wherefore, &c. PRO P. 160 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. P R O P XI. 1 IT, in any great circle , a point is taken, which is not the pole of it, and from that point ſeveral arches are drawn to its circum. ference, the greateſis of theſe arches is that which palles through the pole ; and the remainder of it is the leaſt; and the arch nearer to that, paling through the pole, is greater than that more remote; and they make obtufe angles with the great circle II. b 7. 3. Let AFBE be a great circle, and any point R taken, which is not the pole of it, and from that point the arches RA, RB, RG, RV, of great circles to the circumference of AFBE, the arch RCA, which paſſes through the pole, is the greateſt, and RB is the leaſt ; and the arch RCA is greater than RG, and RG greater than RV. For, becauſe C is the pole of the circle AFB, CD and RS, 2. and 7. that is parallel to CD, are perpendicular to the plain AFB, from the point S draw SA, SG, SV; then SA is the greateſt line, viz. greater than SG, and SG greater than SV b. For, in the right angled plain triangles RSA, RSG, RSV, the ſquares of RS, SA, that is, the ſquare of RA, is greater than the ſquares of RS, SG, that is, than the ſquare of RG, that is, RA is greater than RG. For the ſame reaſon, RG is greater than RV; therefore, the arch RA is greater than the arch RG, and RG greater than RV. Again, the angle RGA is greater than the angle CGA, which is a right angle"; and the angle RVA greater than CVA, a part of it ; therefore the angles RGA, RVA, are ob- & cor. 3. с tuſe angles. PRO P. XI. IF F the ſides containing the right angles of a ſpherical triangle be of the ſame affection with the oppoſite angles, that is, if the ſides are greater or leſs than quadrants, the oppoſite angles will be greater or leſs than right angles. Let AGR, AGX, be right angled ſpherical triangles, ha- ving the angles GÄR, GAX, right ones; then, if the ride AR be greater than a quadrant, the angle AGR will be greater than a right angle; and, if AX be leſs than a quadrant, the angle AGX is leſs than a right angle. For, SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 161 ! For, if AC is a quadrant, C is the pole of the circle AFB, and the angles AGC, AVC, are right ones; therefore the ſide AR fubtending the angle AGR, is greater than a right angle a; a 7. and; becauſe AX is leſs than a quadrant, the angle AGX is leſs than a right angle. a 1 P R O P. XIII. IF F the two ſides containing the angle of a ſpherical triangle be both leſs, or both greater than quadrants, then the hypothenuſe is leſs than a quadrant. In the triangle ARV, or BRV, let F be the pole of the circle AR; then RF is a quadrant, which is greater than RV. P R O P. XIV. IM F one of the ſides is greater, and the other leſs than a quadrant, then the hypothenuſe will be greater than a quadrant. For, in the triangle ARG, the hypothenuſe RG is greater than RF, that is, greater than a quadrant. For the ſame rea- fon, if the hypothen uſe is greater than a quadrant, then one of the legs is greater, and the other leſs, than a quadrant. P R OP. XV. IE F the angles at the baſe of a ſpherical triangle he both leſs, or both greater than quadrants, the perpendicular will fall with in the triangle ; but, if one be greater, and the other iefs, the per- pendicular will fall without the triangle. Let ABC be the triangle; from the point A let fall the per pendicular AP; in the firſt caſe, it will fall within the triangle; but, if not, it will fall without; then, in the triangle APB, the ſide AP, and angle B, are of the fame affection, and like-Fig. *. wiſe the ſide AP, and angle ACP: Therefore, ſince the angles ABC, and ACP, are of the ſame affection, the angles ACB and ABC are of different affections; but they are not. Where-By Hyp. fore, &c. x x in i 162 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. } Fig. I. In the ſecond cafe, if the perpendicular does not fall without, let it fall within. Then, in the triangle ABP, the angle B, and fide AP, are of the ſame affection, and likewiſe, in the triangle ACP, the angle C, and ſide AP, are of the ſame af- fection; therefore, the angles B and C are of the ſame affection which is impoffible?. Wherefore, &c. ܪ 2 а Нур, P R O P. XVI. IN N right angled ſpherical triangles, having the ſame or equal acute angles at the baſes the lines of the hypothenuſe are propor- tional to the fines of the perpendicular arches, and the fines of the baſes proportional to the tangents of the perpendicular arches. Let the triangles be BAC, BHE, right angled'at A and H, and the ſame acute angle B, at the baſe BA, the fines of the hy- pothenufes CP, CE, are to one another as the fines of the per- pendicular arches CD, EF; and the fines of the baſis AQ, HK, proportional to IA, GH, the tangents of the perpendicular arches. For, becauſe CD, EF, are perpendicular to the ſame plain, a 9. 11. 'they are parallela, as alſo, FR, DP; therefore the plains of the $ 18, 11. triangles EFR, CDP, are parallel b; and CP, ER, the common fections of theſe plains, with the plains paſſing through BE, EO, C 16.11. will be parallel “; therefore, the triangles CDP, EFR, are equi- angular; wherefore CP, the fine of the hypothenuſe BC, is to cü, the fine of the perpendicular arch CA, as ER, the fine of the hypothenuſe BE, is to EF, the fine of the perpendicular d ko 6. arch EH d. For the ſame reaſon, the triangles QAI, KHG, are equiangular. Wherefore QA is to AI, as KH is to HG 4, the tangents of the perpendicular arches. Wherefore, &c. b 9 с 1 PROP. XVII | I N any right angled Spherical triangle, the cofine of the angle at the baſe, is to the fine of the vertical angle, as the cofine of the perpendicular is to the radius. iſt, Let the triangle be ABC, right angled at A, the cofine of B is to the fine of the angle ACB, as the cofine of CA is to radius. For, let the fides AB, BC, CA, be produced, ſo that BE, BF, CI, CH, be quadrants ; from the poles B, C, draw the great circles EFDG, IHG; then the angles át E, F, I, H, و > are SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 163 a C C 16. are right angles ; therefore D is the pole of BAE', and G the a 2. cor. pole of IFCB ; AE the complement of the arch AB, and FE e- qual GD, the meaſure of the angle B, and DF their comple- ment; and likewiſe BC equal IF, the meaſure of the angle G, and CF their complement; and CA, one of the fides about the right angle, equal to HD, and DC their complement. 2d, In the triangles HIC, DCF, right angled at I and F, ha- . ving the ſame acute angle C. Since BA is leſs than a quadrant, DF is to DC as IH is to HC b; but HC is a quadrant; there- b 4. 6. fore, the line of DF is to the fine of DC, as the fine of HI is to the fine of HC, that is, to radius. Wherefore, &c. 3d, For the ſame reaſon, in the triangles AED, CFD, right- angled at E, F, and having the ſame acute angle D, as AE is leſs than a quadrant, the fine of EA is to the fine of CF, as the fine of LA is ſo the fine of DC, that is, the cofine of the baſe is to the cofine of the hypothenuſe, fo is radius to the cofiné of the perpendicular. 4th, Again, in the triangies BAC, BEF; right angled at A, E, and having the ſame acute angle B; as S. BA is to the S. BE, ſo is the T. AC to the T. EF; that is, the fine of the baſe is to the rad. as the tangent of the perpendicular to the tan gent of the angle at the baſe. sth. In the triangle GIF, GHD, right angled at I and H, and having the ſame acute angle G; S. GH is to the S. GI, as the T. HỒ to the T. IF; that is, the cofine of the vertical angle C is to rad. as the tangent of the perpendicular is to the tangent of the hypothenuſe. 6th. Again, in the ſame triangles S. IF is to S. GF, as S. HD to fine GD; that is, the S. of the hypothenuſe is to rad. as the fine of the perpendicular is to the fine of the angle at the baſe. 7th. In the triangles HIC, DFC, right-angled at 1, F, and the ſame acute angle C, as S. CI is to S. CF, ſo is T. HI to T. DF, that is, Rad. is to Coſ. BC, ſo is T. C to Cot. B and S. CH: S. HI. :: S. DC : S. DF ; that is, Rad. is to S. ACB in Cof. AC : Cof. B. C PROP P R O P. XVIII, THE coſines of the angles at the baſe are proportional to the fines of the vertical angles. Let BCD be the triangle, either obtuſe or acute angled ; let {all a perpendicular CA ; then, as the coline of B is to S. BCA, fo 164 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. fo is the cof. CA to radius; and as cof. CA is to radius, fo is car. D to the S. DCA a, therefore, by equality b, coſ. B is to S. BCA fo is cof. D to S. DCA. . bayi & 25. 3: b P R O P. XIX. IN Nevery Spherical triangle, the cofines of the ſides are propor- tional to the cojines of the baſes. 1 a 14 Let BCD be the triangle, the ſame things ſuppoſed as in the laſt, the cof. BC is to the cof. BA as coſ. CA is to rad.; and. cof CA is torad. as cof. DC is to coſ. DAX; wherefore the cor. j BC is to cof. DC as cof. BA is to the cof. of DAb. a D 23. 5. PROP XX. IN Noblique ſpherical triangles, the fines of the baſes are in the re- ciprocal proportion of the tangents of the angle at the baſe. . a 7 The ſame things ſuppoſed as before, S. BA is to rad. as T. AC is to the tangent of the angle at Ba; and, inverſely, radius is to S. BA as T. B is to T. AC; and S. DA is to rad as T. D is to. T. AC; wherefore, S. BA is to S. DA as T. D is to T. Bb. b 23. $. PRO P. XXI. I N oblique ſpherical triangles, the tangents of the ſides are in the reciprocal proportion of the cofines of the vertical angles. a 17 The ſame things ſuppoſed as before, R. is to the cof. ACB as T. BC to T. AC a, and R. is to cof. ACD as T. DC to T. AC a and cof. ACD XT. DC is equal to R. X T. AC; therefore cof. ACB x T. BC is equal to R. X T. AC 6, therefore cof. ACB X T. BC is equal to cof. ACD XT. DCC; therefore T.BC is to T. DC, as cof. ACD to cof. ACB d. b b 16.6. сах. І. І. d 14.6. P R O - P. XXII. INC N every oblique ſpherical triangle, the fines of the fides are pror portional to the fines of their oppoſite angles. For SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 165 } 2 For, the ſame things ſuppoſed as before, S. BC is to rad, as a 14. b 23. So S. CA is to S. Bà; and S. DC is to rad. as S. AC is to S.D; and, inverſely, R. is to S. BC as S. D is to S. AC; wherefore, S. BC is to S. DC as S. D is to S. Bb. PROP. XXIII. I N every Spherical triangle, the cotangent of half the ſum of the angles at the baſe, is to the tangent of half their difference, as the tangent of half the vertical angle to the tangent of the angle that the perpendicular makes with the line bifecting the vertical angle. Let BDC be the triangle, and let CF bifect the vertical angle C; then, as rad. : S. ACB :: cof. AC:cóf. of the angle B , a 176 and rad. : S. ACD :: cof. AC:cof. D; therefore, by eq. and per- mutation, cof. B : cof. D::S. ACB:S. ACD; therefore, cof. B + cof. D: coſ. B cof. D :: S. ACB + S. ACD: S. ACB S. ACD :: cot. B +D:T.B-D::T.BCF:T. ACF=T.BD. : 2 2 22 PRO P. XXIV. IN any Spherical triangle, the rectangle contained under the fines of two ſides, is to the ſquare of the radius, as the difference of the verſed fines of the baſe, and difference of the ſides, to the verſed fine of the angle oppoſite to the baſe. Let ABC be the triangle, and CF, AE, the fines of the fides AB and CB, or MB = CB; then CF = MF X AE: AO XON :: IL, the difference of the verfed fines of the baſe AC, and the difference of the ſides BC and BA, to the verſed ſine of the angle B. For, deſcribe a great circle PN about the pole B ; let BP, BN, be quadrants; then the arch PN is the meaſure of the angle B. From the ſame pole B deſcribe a leffer circle CFM through C; the plains of theſe circles will be perpendicular to the plain BON *; and, let PG, CH, be perpendicular to the ſame plain, they will fall on the common ſections ON, FM“, a 38. 11, ſuppoſe in G and H ; and through H draw HI perpendicular to AO; then the plain paſſing through CH, HI, will be perpen- dicular to the plain AOB; and AI, which is perpendicular to HI, is likewiſe perpendicular to CIb; and AI is the verſed fine b 4. II. of ; 166 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. hero C : ܪ of the arch AC, and AL the verſed fine of the arch AM, which is equal to BM - BA = BC - BA; and, becauſe MF, NO, - - --- € 16. 11. are parallel to CF, POC, the iſoſceles triangles are equiangu- lar ; therefore, if perpendiculars CH, PG, be drawn to the fidcs FM, ON, the triangles will be divided ſimilarly ; there- fore FM ON :: MH : GN ; and, becauſe the triangles AOE, DIH, DLM, are equiangular AE : A0 :: IL : MH ; for IL = ID, DL, and MH = MD, DH; but FM: ON :: MH : 1:3, 6. GN; therefore d, AE X FM, or CF :: AO X ON : ILX MH: MH X GN; the two laſt divide by MH, it will be AE X FM : AO X ON:: IL : GN ; that is, the rectangle under the fines of the legs is to the ſquare of the rad. as the difference of the ver- fed fine of the baſe, and the difference of the legs, is to the verſed ſine of the angle B. Wherefore, &c. ; d > P R O P. PROP XXV. IN any ſpherical triangle, the difference of the verſed fines of two arches, multiplied into half the radius, is equal to the réc- tangle contained by the fine of half the fum, and the fine of half the difference of theſe arche's. ܪ Let there be two arches AC, BA, whoſe difference BC let be bifected in D; then AD is half the ſum, and DB half the dif- ference of theſe arches; and BT = GH the difference of their verfed fines, and CE the fine of half their difference. Then, becauſe the triangles ODV, CBT, are equiangular, as DV: BT :: OD: CB :: DO : { CB ; wherefore DV XBC ; or, DV X CE = BT X DO = HG X DO. Wherefore, &c. 2 PRO P. XXVI. T HE verſed fine of any arch, multiplied by half the radius, is equal to the ſquare of the fine of half of that arch. Let the arch be DB, and C its center ; draw the right lines , DB, BC, and DE, perpendicular to BC ; then DE is the fine of that arch; which let be biſected by the right line CM; then ; are the triangles CMB, DEB, equiangular; for the angles at M and E are right ones; and the angle at B is common; there. fore EB : BD :: BM : BC; therefore EB X BC = BM BD, and EB X BC = BMX BD = BM ſquare. Wherefore, &c. 0 ܪ : . PROP O SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 167 - 1 PRO P. XXVII. T IN any ſpherical triangle, the rectangle contained under the fines of any two ſides, is to the ſquare of the radius, as the rectangle contained by the fines of theſe arches, which are the baſe and the dif. ference of the ſides and the fine of that arch, which is half the dif- ference of the ſame, to the ſquare of the fine of half the angle opo poſite to the baſe. Let the triangle be ABC, and BC, BA, the fides containing the angle B, and AC the bafe fubtending that angle; and lec ; the arch AM be taken equal to the difference of the legs; then, the rectangle under the fines of the ſides BC, BA, will be to the ſquare of the radius, as the rectangle under the line of the arch AC + AM; and the fine of the arch AC - AM is to the fine 2 2 of one half the angle B. For, becauſe the rectangle under the lines of the legs AB, BC, is to the ſquare of the radius, as IL is to the verſed fine of the angle B a; and, fince R XIL equal to the rectangle under the a 246 fines of the arches AC + AM, and AC - AM b; and half b 25. Z . 2 2 radius multiplied by the verfed fine of the angle B, is equal to the ſquare of the line of one half the angle B“; therefore the c 26. rectangle under the fine of the ſides, is to the ſquare of the rad. as the rectangle under the lines of the arches AC + AM and AC - AM is to the ſquare of the line of one half the angle B. Wherefore, &c. c 2 А : + ray R ( 168 ) A ſhort EXPLANATION of the TABLES of LOGARITHMS. and SINES and TANGENTS. S UPPOSING now the young geometrician ac- quainted with the Elements of Euclid, that he may like. wiſe be acquainted with the Practice, as well as the Elements of Trigonometry, for which the Tables of Logarithms of Numbers, of Sines, Tangents, &c. are neceſſary ; but, not being ſo far ad- ; vanced in mathematics as to underſtand the proper method of conſtructing theſe tables, that depending in a great meaſure on infinite ſeries ; although, at the ſame time, as much is contained in the Elements of Trigonometry as is ſufficient to explain the nature of theſe, I ſhall only here give a ſhort definition of Lo- garithms, and ſhow their different uſes in the practice of Trigo- nometry, &c. Logarithms, the invention of Lord Napier, publiſhed in the year 1614, improved by himſelf and Mr Brigs of Oxford Col- lege are ſuch an arrangement of artificial numbers, with natu. ral ones, that the addition of the artificial numbers anſwer to the multiplication of the natural ones, in ſuch a ſeries as is judged moſt convenient by the calculator. That ſeries which at preſent is judged moſt commodious is that which increaſes in a tenfold proportion, as 1; 10, 100, 1000, 10000, &c. the arti- ficial numbers anſwering to theſe, are, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. which are a ſeries of numbers, in arithmetical progreſſion, beginning with o, as above, which are the exponents or the indices of the former; the addition or ſubtraction of which indices anſwer to the multiplication or diviſion of the numbers, as 04=+1+3=2+2, &c. which are likewiſe the indices of IX10000=10X1000=100 X100, &c. any number of arithmetical means taken betwixt I and 10, 10 and 100, &c. anſwering to the intermediate na- tural numbers, in ſuch manner as the addition of the one an- ſwers to the multiplication of the other, taken to any number of places, conſtitute a Table of Logarithms, which, taken inſtead of their correſpondent numbers, many tedious operations are e- vited; e. g. if two numbers are to be multiplied together, add their log.; if to be divided, ſubtract the log. of the diviſor from the log of the dividend ; if a number is to be ſquared, double its log. ; if to be cubed, multiply its log. by 3; if the ſquare-root is to be extracted, half its log. ; if the cube root of any number is to be extracted, take of its log. the number anſwering to which is the root required; the fame of any other power. In finding the log, anſwering to any number, if the number con- Gift of one place, the exponent is o ; if of 2 places, is i; if of 3 places, 2, &c.; and, if the log, of any number have its expo. a ch SPECBICAL TRIGONOMETRY 1 } li 1 1 ERRATA for plane and ſpherical Trigonometry: Pl. Trig: pr. 4. 1. 18. for c. 23.1 r. c. 32. I. Spb. Trig. pr. 3. for triangle CAF r. angle CAF.-pr. 6. for 1 cor. 48. cor. 4.4.- pr. 7. note for a cor. 23. r. a cor. 3.4. for b 2.4. r. b cor. 4.fe pr. 8. for a 3. r. a cor. 3. 4pr. 11. for c. cor. 3. F. C. 7. p. 164., for a 23.5. r. b 22. 5; the ſame in pr. 19. and pr. 22. 1 1 1 i 1 1 $ { . 4 1 } 1 B 1 A W. i G L T H H X 팝 ​Prop I TV A D Prop.15.6.8. Prop B G F Rp 20 1.2 G Prop.//./2.13.14. स. E BA R + 1 B BA G Prop.17 NIEM V Prop. 13 D a BKR А. A T E А E Q I ! 27. Prop 24 B نع 20.21./22 Pirp./8.19 20 Bi 7 päe's K G B B Я B 16. 1 P N C G E D F E D 1 Prop.g. I H 10 1 TH FI Prop. 16. C CA А ܪ M 2 ין 소 ​HT T A P JB 1 more 1 4 ( 169 ) } I 1 exponent o, the number is from 1 to 10; if the exponent is 2, the number is from 10 to 100; if 3, from 100 to 1000, &c, But, as the following table conſiſts only, of 4 places, or from I to 10,000, which is for the moſt part ſufficient; but, if not, by the following eaſy proportion, it may be extended to any num- ber of places thought neceſſary. If of 5 places, find the firſt four places, three of which are in the column below N, anıt their log. in the column next, on the right hand, in the column below o; and the others below the fourth figure, which will be found a. long the top of the column, except ſuch figures as are in com- mon with thoſe in the firſt columns; but, if the fourth figure to the right hand is a cypher, its log. is the ſame as the three firſt figures, but the exponent 3 ; the ſame, if all the places to the right hand of the ſignificant figures are cyphers, only putting their exponent according the number of places, as before direc- ted; but, if the figures to the right hand are ſome fignificant fi- gures, the firſt four being found, find the log, of the next great- er; then, as that difference is to 1, and cyphers to the number of places, fo is the figure given to the log. of theſe figures. Example 1. What is the log. of 47675? The log. of 47670 is is 4.6782452, the next greater is 47080=4.6783362; then, as 10, the diff. of the numbers, is to 910, the diff. of their log. ſo is 5, the number wanted, to 455, the log. to be added to the 5 log. 4.6782452 = 4.6782907. Ex. 2. What is the log. of 47675178? The log. of 47670000 is 7.6782452, next greater, viz. 47680000, is 7.6783362; then; as 10000, the diff. of the number, is to 910, the diff. of the log. ſo is 5478 to 448, the log. to be added to 7.6782452 = 7.6782- 950. Any Logarithm being given, to find the number anſwering to it. ܪ Ex. What is the number anſwering to the log. of 7.5571689? which number, from the exponent, muſt conſiſt of 8 places. The neareſt log, in the table is .5571461, their difference is 228 ; the difference between the log. found and next greater, is 1204. Then, as 1204 is to 10000, the diff. in places from the number found in the table, and that wanted ; fo is 228 to 1893.6 ; which, placed to the right hand of the number already found, is the number anſwering to the given log. thus 360718. 93.6 ; and ſo of If the log. of a fraction is wanted, ſubtract the log. of the de. nominator from the log of the numerator ; the remainder is the log. fought ; but its exponent negative the ſame of a decimal fraction. Y ; any other. ( 190 ) If the log.of a mixed number is wanted, find the log of the whole number, and th: fraction, as above, whoſe log. add to the log. of the whole number, or reduce the mixed number to an impro- per fraction, and find its log. as above. If the log. of a whole number, and decimal fraction is wanted, find the log. as if all were whole numbers ; but prefix the exponents only for the whole numbers. If, at any time, the hyperbolic, or Neper's log. is wanted, the modulus betwixt which and Brigg's log is the decimal .434294481,03, &c. Suppole the hyperbolic log. 10 is wanted, divide Brigg's log. of 10=1,000ooco by the above modulus, gives 2,302585092994; the fame of any other. If the hyperbolic log. is given, being multiplied by the modulus, gives Brigg's log. Of SINES, TANGENTS, &c. ވާ THE radius of the circle being ſuppoſed divided into any rumber of parts, the fines of ſuch a number of theſe parts as the arches, of which they are the fines, are of a quadrant ; and, as the tangent of 45° is equal radius, the parts of the tangent a- bove 45° will be proporționally greater than radius : The ſame of ſecants, as they are always greater than radius; but the lines being given, the tangents and fecants can be found from the proportion given page 150 ; the verſed fine may be found thus, becauſe the cofine of any arch + the verſed fine, is equal to rad. Therefore, from rad, ſubtract the cofine, gives the verſed . fine required. The above are natural lines, tangents, &c. The log. ſines, tangents, &c. are only the log. of the natural fines, tangents, &c. ſo that from the log. tables of numbers, find the log. anſwering the number of the log. fine, tangent, fecants, verfed fines, gives the log. fine, tangent, &c. of the arch required Ex. If the log. Ene of 500 is required, its natural line is 7660,444, of ſuch parts as the rad. is 1.000,000, the log. of which fine is 9.8842540 ; and as many places as the natural fine wants of 1. ſo many units will the log. fine want of index 9; and as many places as the natural tangent or fecant exceeds units, ſo many units will the log, tangent, or ſecant, exceed in. dex 10 ; but the log. fine, tangent, &c. may be found without the log. tables, by an infinite feries, the rad. of the log. being 10.0000000 ; the ſame of any other ſine. If the tangent of any a fchol. I. arch, as of 50° is wanted, then, becauſe the tangent of any arch is pl. trig. a fourth proportional to the cof. fine, and rad., therefore adding the log One to rad. and, ſubtracting its coſine, gives the tángent. of that arch. Ex. I ( 171 ) ; Ex. Log S. of 50° + rad.-19.8842540_log. of 40 =9,8080. 675 = 10.0761865 = tang. 50°; and, becauſe the fecant is a third proportional to the cofine and rad. therefore, from twice rad. ſubtract the cofine of 50°, gives 10.1919325, 'the ſecant of 50°. If the verſed ſine is wanred, ſuppoſe of 50, ſubtract its cofine from rad. gives 3572.124, its natural fine; its log. fine, found, as before directed, is 9.5529265: The ſame thing of any other. But, becauſe the verſed line of an arch above 90° iş frequently wanted, the exceſs of the arch above rad. + rad. = the verſed fine above 90°, Suppoſe the verſed line of 130° is wanted, its exceſs above rad. is 40°, the natural fine of which is 6427.876 + R. =16.27.876, its log, is 10.2155814; or, with- out the natural fines, thus, the log. of 2 = 30103000 + twice the log. fine of half the arch, = 20.21558.4 --- rad. = 10.2155- . 814 = log. verſed fine of 130º. In the table of fines, tangents, &c. begin, as uſual, in all tables of the like nature with one minute, increaſing to 45°, the degrees below 45° are placed on the left ſide of the page; the minutes anſwering to them increaſe downwards; thoſe above 45° are placed on the right ſide of the page; the minutes anſwering to them increate from the bottom of the page upwards, as uſual. 3 To find the nat. or log. fine, tangent, &c. of ſecond and third Mi- nutes, for which a Table is calculated, for every ſecond ; and each 6" to 5 places, at the end of Table of fines, tangents, &c. 5 30" TO find which, find the degrees and minutes in the table of fines, tangents, &c. and take the difference betwixt that iound and - next greater; then, as i'is to that d fference, ſo is ſecond and d third minutes, required in the denon ination of a minute, which is done in decimals, in the table, at the end of the tables of ſines, &c. to a fourth proportional; which add to the line or tangent found in the table of fines, &c. Ex. If the nat. fine of 580, 19, 22", 361", is wanted, find the , ſine of 589.19', the difference betwixt which and 589.20', the next greater is 1,528; which, x the decimal of 22", 36", as found in the table, gives 576.056 +8509, 639 = 8510,215, the deci. mal.o56 being rejected. If the log. fine of 58° 19', 22', 36'", is wanted, find log. ſine 58° 19', the difference betwixt which and 58° 20'is 779 x 3:7, found, as before, is 293.683 + log. ſine of 58°19' = 9.9299112 = 9.9299405, the decimal 683 being rejected, as before : The fame of any other fine, tangent, fecant, whether above or below 45°, or of any verſed fine, whether above or bea > low 90° If ( 172 ) -- If ani arch is given, to find the degrees, minutes, fecordss and thirds anſwering to that arch. I ލް > Find in the table of fines, &c. the neareſt, and take the dif- ference betwixt that found and arch given ; divide that dif- ference by the difference betwixt that found and next greater, gives a quotient; which, in the table at the end of the fines, &c. ſhows the ſecond and third minutes anſwering to it. Ex. Let the arch given be a fine of 9.9876543, the neareſt leſs is 9.9876488, the line of 70°.24', the difference is 55; which divide by the difference betwixt the line of 76°, 24, and 76° 25' = 306, gives -17973, which look for in the table of fe- conds and thirds, gives 10", 45" Obſerve the ſame of any other arch, whether tangent, fecant, or verſed fine. a 1 7 i > 1 A T A B L E 0 F L O G A R I T H M OG A RI T Н M S For NUMBER s increaſing in their Natural Order, from an Unite to 10,000, With a Table of Artificial SINES, TANGENTS, and SECANTS, the Radius 10,0000000; and to every Degree and Minute of the Quadrant, Num. Log. Num. Log. Num. Log. І 34 35 2 36 37 38 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II I 2 13 589%不见​仍​件​仍 ​39 40 4. 67 68 69 70 7! 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 14 0.0000000 0.3010300 0.4771213 0.6020600 0.6989700 0.7781513 0.8450980 0.9030900 0.9542425 1.0000000 1.0413927 1.0791812 I.1139434 1.1461280 1.1760913 I.2041200 1.2304489 1.2552725 1.2787536 1.3010300 1.3222193 I.3424227 1.3617278 1.3802112 1.3979400 I 4149733 1.4313638 1.4471580 1.4623980 1.4771213 1.4913617 1.5051500 1.5185139 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 so SI 52 53 54 55 56 57 $8 59 60 61 62 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1.5314789 1.5440680 1.5563025 1.5682017 1.5797836 1.5910646 1.6020600 1.6127839 1.6232493 1.6334685 1.6434527 1.6532125 1.6627578 1.6720979 1,6812412 1.6901961 1.6989700 1.7075702 1.7160033 1.7242759 1.7323938 1.7403627 1.7481880 1.7558749 1.7634280 1.7708520 1.7781513 1.7853298 1.7923917 1.7993405 1.8061800 1.8129134 1.8195439 А O O O O OO O OO COV O WNHO 82 83 84 85 86 87 1.8260748 1.8325089 1.8388491 1.8450980 1.8'512583 1.8573325 1.8633229 1.8692317 1.8750613 1.8808136 1.8864907 1.8920946 1.8976271 1.9030900. 1.9084850 1.9138139 1.9190781 1.9242793 1.9294189 1.9344985 1.9395193 1.9444827 1 9493900 1.9542425 1.9590414 1.9637878 1.9684829 1.9731279 1.9777236 1.9822712 1.9867717 1.9912262 1.9956352 lo e na 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 63 64 65 66 Nm ? 9 I 8 2 7 3 6 4 S 100 IOI 000000004441 08677 1300917337 21661 25980 30295 | 34605 38912 0043214 47512 51805 56094 603806466068937 1 73210 7747881742 1020086002 | 90257945099875603000 107239 11474 15704 19931 | 24154 103 | 0128372 32587 36797 4100345205 49403 53598 5778861974 66155 1040170333 | 74507 178677 82843 | 87005 0116395317 i 9946703613 07755 105 0211893 16027 20157 24284 28406 32525 36639 | 4075044857 48960 1060253059 57154 | 61245 65333 69416 73496177572 $1644 8571389777 1070293838 9789501948 05997 10043 14085 1812322157 26188 36214 108 0334238-38257 42273 4628550293 54297 58298 62295 66289 70219 | | | 109 0374265 78248 | 82226 | 86202 90173 94141 98106 02066 06023 09977 110 0413927 | 1787321816 25755 29691 3362337551 | 41476 45398 | 49315 | III 0453230 57141 610486495268852 72749766428053284418 88301 112 04921809605699929 03798 07663 11525 15384 1923923091 26939 113 0530784 34626 38464 42299 46131 4995953783 57605 61423 65237 114 | 0569049 728567666180462 842608805591846 95634 99419 03200 | 115 0606978 10753 14525 18293 220582582029578 33334 / 37086 40834 ] | 1161 0644580 48322 52061 | 55797 59530 | 6325966986 70709 7442878145 | 117 1 0681859 85569 8927692980 966810037904073 07765 1145315138 118 0718820 22499 26175 29847 133517 37184 40847 445074816451819 119 0755470 5911862763 66404 70043 | 73679 177312 8094284568 88192 120079181295430 69045 02656 06265 0987013473 17073 20669 24263 1210827854 3144135026 | 38608 42187 | 45763 49336 52906 5647360037 122 | 0863598 6715770712 74265 77814 181361 84905 8844691984 95519 123 0899051 02581 06107 | 09631 13152 16670 20185 2369.71 27206 30713 124 0934217 37718 41216 44711 48204 $1694 55180 58665 ) 6214665624 125 0969100 72573 76043 79511 | 82975 | 864378989693353 96806 | 00257 | 126 1003705 07151 10594 14034 1747120905 | 24337 | 2776631193 34616 127 1038037414564487148284151694 55102 5850761909 65309 68705 128 1072100 75491 78880 82267 856508903192410 95785 99159 02529. | | 129 110589709262 12625 15985 19343 22698 26050 2940032747 36092 130 113943442773 46110 49444 52776 56105 59432 62756 7607769396 131 1172713 76027 79338 82647 859548925892559 9585899154 02448 132 1205739 09028 12315 1559818880 2215925435 2870931981 35250 133 1238516 41781 45042 48301 5155854813 58065613146456167806 134 1271048 74288 77525 80760 83993 1 87223 90451 93676 96899 00119 | 135 | 1303338 06553 09767 12978 16187 1939322597 25798 28998 32195 136 1335389 38581 41771 | 44959 48144 51327 54507 | 57685 60861 64034 137 136720670375 | 73541 76705 | 79867 | 83027 86184 89339 92492 | 95643 | 138 1398791 0193705080 0822211361 14498 17632 20765 23895 27022 139 1430148 3327136392 39511 42628 4574248854 51964 55072 58177 | 140 1461280 64381 67480 70577 | 73671 | 76763 79853 / 82941 | 86027 | 89110 141 14921919527098347 0142204494 07564 10633 13699 16762 | 19824 142 | 1522883 25941 2899632049 35100 38149 | 41195 4424047282 50322 143 1553360 $6396 594306246265492 168519 171544 74568 2758980608 144 1583625866408965392663 9567298678 01683 104685 07686 10684 | 145 1613680 16674 19666 2265625644 28630 | 31614 34596 37575 40553 | | | | 146 | 1643529 4650249474 52443 554115837661340 64301 6726170218 147 1673173 76127 79078 82027 84975 879209086493805 9674499682 148 1702617 05551 08482 | 1141214339 1726520188 23110 2602928947 149 1731863 3477637688 40598 43506 46412 49316 52218 55118 58016 | / 150 1760913 63807 66699 69590 72478 | 75365 78250 | 81133 84013 86892 ISI 1789769 | 92645 955182838901259 041260699209856 12718 15598 152 1818436 21292 24147 26999 298503269835545 38390 41234 44075 | | 153 1846914 497525258855422 58254 6108463912 66739 69563 | 72386 154 1875207 78026 80844 8365986473 89285 | 92095 94903 9771000514 155 1903317 061180891711715 14510 1730420096 22886 25675 28461 156| 1931246 34029 3681039590 42367 45143 47918 50690 53461 56229 157 195899761762 64525 67287 70047 | 72806 75562 78317 81070 83821 158 198657189319 92065 94809' 97552 00293 03032 05769 08505' 11239 , 159) 2013971 16702 | 19431 22158 24883127607 130329 33049 35768) 38485 | 4 NOD i O i 1 |- 2 7 5 3 4 6 160 2041200 43913 46625 / 49335 52044 54750 57455 | 60159 62860 65560 1612068259 70955 7365076344 79035 | 81725 84414 87100 89785 92468 | 162 2095150 9783000508 03185 05860 08534 11 205 1387616544 19211 163 2121876 24540 27202 29862 3252135178 37833 4048743139 45790 164 2148438 51086 53732 56376 5901861659 6429866936 69572 72207 165 2174839774718010082729 8539587980 90603 | 93225958.45 98464 166 2201081 036960631008922 11533 14942 16750 1935621960 24563 167 2227165 29764 32363 | 34959 | 37555 40148 42740 453314792050507 | / | 168 2253093 5567758260 60841 6342165999 68576 71151 73724 76296 169 227886781436 84004 86570 | 89134 91697942589681899377 01934 | 1702304489 07043 09596 12146 14696 17244 1979022335 24879 27421 | 1712329961 32500 350381 37574 40108 42641 45173 47703 50232 52759 172 2355284 5780960331 | 62853 65373 6789170408 72923 75437 77950 | 173 2380461 82971 85479 | 87986 90491 | 92995 95497 9799800498 02996 | 174 2405492 07988 10482 12974 15465 17954 | 20442 22929 | 2541427898 175 2430380 32861 35341 37819 40296 4277145245 47718 50189 52658 176 2455127 57594 60059 62523 64986 67447 69907 7236574823 77278 177 2479733 82186 | 84637 | 87087 8953691984 94430 96874 99318 01759 / / 178 250420006639 09077 11513 13949 16382 18815 21246 23675 26103 179 2528530 30956 33380 35803 3822440645 43063 45481 47897 50317 180 2552725 55137 57548 59957 62365 | 64772 67177 0958271984 74386 1812576786791858158283978 86373 88766 91158 93549 9593798327 182 | 2600714 03099 05484 07867 10248 12629 15008 17385 19762 22137 183 2624511 26883 29255 31625 33993 36361 38727 41092 43455 45817 | 184 2648178 50538 52896 55253 57609 59964623176466967020 69369 185 2671717 74064 76410 78754 / 81097 8343985780 88119 9045792794 186 2695129 97464 99797 0212904459 06788 09116 11443 13769 16093 187 2718416 2073823058 25378 27696 30013 32328 34643 3695639268 / 188274157843888 46196 48503 50809 53114 55417 57719 60020 62320 189 2764618 66915 69211 71506 73800 7609278383 80673 829621 85250 | 190278753689821 92105 94388 96669 9895001229 03507 05784 08059 191 2810334 12607 14879 17150 19419 21688 23955 262312848630750 192 283301235274 37534 39793 42051 4430746563 48817) 51070 53327 193 2855573 57823 6007102319 64565 66810 69054 71296 73538 75778 | 194 287801780255 | 82492 8472886963 89196 91428 93660 9589098118 | 195 290034602573 04798 0702209246 11468 13689 15908 18127 20344 196 2922561 24776 2699029203 31415 33626) 35835 38044 40251 42457 | 197 2944662 4686649069 51271 53471 5567157869 60067 6226364458 198 296665268845 71037 73227 75417| 77605 79792 81979 | 84164 86348 199 2988531 90713 9289395073 9725299429 0160503781 05955 08128 200 3010300 12471 14641 16809 18977 2114423309 25474 27637 29799 201 3031961 34121 3628038438|40595 4275144905 47059 49212 31363 202 3053514 55663 57812 5995962105 64250 6639468537 | 7068072820 203 307496077099 79237 81374 83509 85644 87778 89910 92042 94172 | | 204 3096302 | 98430 00557 02684 04809 06933 0905611178 13300 15420 205 3117539 19657 21774 23889 26004 28118 30231 | 32343 34454 36563 206 313867240780 42887 44992 47097 49201 51303 534055550557605 207 315970361801 63898 65993 68088 7018172273 | 74365 7645578545 208 3180633 8272184807 86893 8897791061 93143 95224 97305 99384 209 3201463 0354005617 07692 09767 11840 13913 15984 18055 20124 210 3222193 24261 26327 28393 30457 3252134584 36645 38706 40766 | ) 211 3242825 44882 46939 4899551050 5310455157 57209 59260 01310 | 212 3263359 65407 67454 6950071545 73589 | 75633 2767579716 81757 213 328379685834 87872 899099194493979 9601298045 00077 02108 214 3304138 00167 08195 10222 | 1224814273 1629718320 20343 22364 215 3324385 26404 28423 30440 32457 34473/ 36488 38501 40514 42526 216 334453846548 4855750565 52573 54579 56585 5858960593 62596 217 3364597 66598 68598 70597 72595 74593 7658978584 80579 82572 à 3384565 | 8655788547 9053792526 94514 9650 l '18301 | 20277 | 22252 | | 1 NH 9 O 8 I 7 소 ​6 3 4 220 3424227 | 26200 2817330145 32116 34086 36055 38023-39991 41957 2213443923 45887 47851 49814 5177653737 5569857657 59615 61573 222 3463530 65486 | 6744169395 71348 73300 75252 77202 7915281101 223 3483049 8499686942 888879083292775 94718 96660 98601 00541 224 3502480 04419 06356 | 08293 1022912163 1409816031 17963 19895 225 3521825 23755 25684 27612 2953931465 33391 35376 37239 39162 226 3541084 43006 4492646846 48764 5068252599 54515 56431 58345 227 3560259 6217164038 65994 67905169814 71723 73630 7553777443 228 3579348 81253 8315685059 86961 88862 90762 92662 94560 96458 229 3598355 00251 0214604041 0593407827 09719 11610 13500 15390 236 | 3617278 19166 21053 22939 24825 | 26709 28593 30476 32358 34239 231 3636120 37999 39878 41756 43633 7551047386 49260 51134 53007 232 3654880 56751 58622 60492 62361 64230 66097167964 69830171695 233 3673559 75423 77285 79147 8100882869 84728 8658788445 90302 234 3692759 940149586997723 9957001428 03280 081310698108830 235 3710679 12526 14373 16219 180651990921753 2359625438 27279 236 | 372912030960 32799 34637 36475 38311 4014741983 43817 45651 2373747483 49316 51147 52977 5480756636 58464 60292 6211863944 238 376577067594 694187124073062 74884 -767047852480343 82101 23937839798579687612 89427 91241 93055948689668098492 00302 240 3802112 03922 05730 07538 09345 1115112956 14761 16565 18368 241 3820176 21972 23773 25573 27373 29171 8309932766 34563 36359 242 383815439948 41741 43534 45326 47117 4890850698 52487 54275 243 3836063 578506963661421 63206 6499066773 68555 70337 72118 244 3873898 7567877457 79235 810128278984565 86340 88114 89888 245 | 3891661 93433 9520596975 98746 10051502284|04052 05819 07585 246 3909351 1111612880 14644 10407 18169| 1993121691 23452 2521F 247 392697028727 30485 32241 33997 35752 3750639260 41013 42765 248 3944517 46268 48018 49767 51516 5326455011 56758 58504 60249 349 3961993 6373765480 67223 68964 70705 724467418575924 77663 250 3979400 81137 | 82873 84608 86343 88077 8981191543 93275 95007 251 3996737 10846100196 01925 036530538010710608832 10557 12287 252 4014005 (15728 1745119173 20893 22614 24333 26052 27771 29488 253 4031205 32921 34637 36352 38066 3978041492 43205 44916 46627 254 4048337 50047 51755 53464 55171 5687858584 60289 61994 63698 253 4065402 67105 68807 70508 72209 73909 75608 77307 19005 80703 256 408240084096 8579187486 89180 90874925679425995950 97641 2574099331 01021 0271004398 06085 07772 09459 11144 | 12829 14513 258 4116197 1788019562 21244 22925 2460526285 27964 : 29643 31320 259 4132998 34674 36350 38025 39700 41374 4304744719 : 46391 48063 260 4149733 51404 53073 54742 5641058077 5974461410 63076 64741 261 4166405 68069 69732 71394 73056 74717 7637978037 } 79696 1 81355 2624183013 846708632787983 89638 9129392947 94601 96254 97906 263 | 4199557 01208 02859 04509 0615807806 | 09454 IIIOI12748 14394 264 4216039 17684 19328 20972 22614 24257 25898 27539 29180 30820 265 4232459 34097 35735 37372 ! 39009 40645 42281 43916 ; 45550 47183 2664248816 50449 52081 53712 5534256972 58601 6023061858|63486 267 4265113 66739 6836569990 71614 73238 74861 76484 78106 79727 268 4281348 82968 84588 86207 87825 89443 91060 92677 9429395908 269 4297523 99137 0075102363 039760558807199 08809 10419 12029 2704313638 15246 1685318460 20067 21673 23278 24883 2648728090 2914329693 31295 32897 34498 3609837698 39298 40896 42495 44092 272 4345689 47285 48881 50476 52071 53665 5525956851 58444 60035 293 4361626 63217 64807 66396 67985 695731 71161 72748 74334 75920 274 4377506 7909080675 | 822588384185423 87005885879016791747 2754393327 9490696484 9806299639 012160279204368 105943 07517 276 4409091 10664 12237 13809 15380 16951 1852220092 21661 23230 277 4424798 26365 127932 29499 31065 3263034195 35759 37322 38885 278 4440448 42010 ( 43571 45132 46692 4825249811 51370 52928 54485 2794456042 157598 1591541 60709 1 622646381865372166925 168477 70029 N i } 9 ,بر $ 280 4471580 73131 74681 7623177780 79329 80877 82424 8397185517 281 4487063 88608 90153 91697 93241 94784 9632797868 99410 00951 282 4502491 04031 05570 0710908647 10185 | 11722 13258 14794 16329 283 4517864 19399 20932 22466 23998 25531 27062 28593 30124 31054 | 284 4533183 34712 36241 377691 39296 40823 42349 43875 45400 46924 285 4548449 49972 51495 5301854540 56061 57582 5910260622 62142 286 456366065179 | 66696 68213 6973071246 7276274277 75791 77305 287 4578819 80332 81844 8335684868 86378 87889 8939990908 92417 288 4593925 95433 96940 984469995301458 02963 04468 05972 67475 289 4608978 10481 11983 13484 14985 16486 17986 19485 20984 22482 296 4623980 25477 | 26974 28470 29966 31461 32956 | 34450 35944 37437 291 4638930 40422 41914 43405 44895 4638647875 49364 50853 52341 292 4653829 55316 56802 5828859774 6125962743 | 6422765711 67194 293 4668676 20158 7164073121 74601 7608177561 79039 80518 81996 294 46834738495086427879038937890853 92327 93801 95275 | 96748 295 4698220 99692 01164 02634 04105 05575 07044 0851309982 11450 296 471291714384 15851 17317 18782 20247 2171123175 24639 26102 297 4727564 2902730488 31949 33410 34870 36329 37788 39247 40705 298 4742163 43620 45076 4653347988 / 49443 5089852352 53806 55259 299 4756712 5816459616 61067 | 62518 63968 05418 66867 | 68316 69765 300 4771213 72660 74107 75553 76999 78445 7989081334 82778 84222 3014785665 8910888550 8999191432 9287394313 957539719298631 302 4800069 0150702945 04381105818. 07254 0868910124 1155912993 303 4814426 15859 1729218724 20156 21587 23018 244482587827307 304 4828736 3016431592 33020 34446 35873 37299 38725 40150 41574 305 4842998 44422 45845 47268 48690' 50112 51533 52954 54375 55795 306 4857214 586336005261470 62888 643056572267138 68554 69969 307 4871384 72798 74212 75626 77039 78451 79863 812758268684091 308 4885507 86917 88326 89735911449255293959 95366 96773 98179 309 4899585 10099002395 03799 05203 066070801009412 10814 12216 310 4913617 15018 16418 | 17818 | 19217 20616 22015 23413 2481026201 311 4927604 29000 3039631791 331863458135974 37368 38761 40154 312 4941546 42938 44329 45720) 47110 48500 498901 51279 5266754056 313 4955443 56831 58218 59604 60990 623756376165145 6652967913 314 4969296 7067972062 73444 74825 76206 7758778967 80347 81727 315 498310684484 858628724088617899949137092746 9412195496 316 4996871 9824599619 00992 02365 03737 05109 06481 07852 09222 317 5010593 (11962 13332 14701 16069 17437 18805 2017221539 22905 318 502427125637 27002 283661 29731 31094 324581 33821 35183 36$45 319 5037907 39268 40629 41989 43349 44709 46068 47426 48785 50142 326 5051500 5285754213 5556956925 58280 59635 60990 62344 63697 321 506505066403 67755 69107 7045971810 731607451175860 77210 | | 322 15078559 7990781255 82603 8395085297 86644 87990 89335 90680 323 5092025 9337094714 960579740098743 00085 01427 | 02768 04109 324 510545006790 081300946910808 12147 13485 14823 16160 17497 325 i 5118834 2017021505 22841 2417525510 26844) 28178 29511 30844 $26 5132176 33508 3484036171 37502 38832 40162 41491 42820 44149 327 5145478 4680548133 4946050787 52113 53439 54764 56089 57414 328 51587386006261386 6270964031 65354 6667667997 69318 70639 329 5171959 7327974598 75917 77236 7855479872 81189 82507 183823 330 5185139 864558777189086'9040091715 93028 94343 9565596968 331 5198280 99592 0090302214 035250483500145 07455 08764 10073 332 5211381 12689 1399615303 16610 17916 19222 2052721833 23138 333 5224442 25746 27050 28353 296563095832260 33562 34863 36164 334 5237465 38765 40064 41364 42663 43961 45259 46557 47854 49150 335 5250448 51744 53040 54336 55631 56925 58220 59513 6080762100 336 5263393 64685 6597767269 6856069851 71141 72431 | 73721 75010 337 5276299 7758878876 80163 8145182738 84024 | 85311 8659687882 338 5289167 9045291736 93020 9430495587196870 981529943400716 339 5301997 10327804558 05839, 071180839809677 10955 12234 13512 l Nin 7. o 6 1 S 3 4 i 1 I $ 340 5314789 16066 17343 18619 ) 19896 21171 22446 23721 24996 2627® 341 5327544 28817 3009031363 32635 | 33907 35179 3645037721 38991 342 5340261 4153142800 44069 45338 : 466064787449141 / 50408 51675 3435352941 54207 55473 5673858003 | 59267 | 6053261795 6305964322 344 5365584 66847 68109 69370 70631 71892 73153 74413 75673 76932 345 5378191 794508070881966 83223 84481 85737 86994 8825089506 | 346 5390761 920169327124525 95779 97032 98286 99538 0079102043 347 5403295 0454625797 07048 08298 09548 1.0798 12047 13296 14544 348 5415792 17040 18288 19535 20781 22028 | 23274 24519 25765 27010 349 54282542949830742 31986 33229 3447235714 36956 38198 39439 350 5440680 41921 4316144401 45641 46880 48119 49358 50596 51834 3515453071 54308 55545 56781 | 58018 59253 60489 61724 62958 64193 352 346542766660 6789469126 70359 71591 72823 74055 75286 76517 | 3535477747 7897780207 81436 | 82665 83894 85123 86351 87578 88806 354 549003391259924869371294937 96162 9738798612 99836 01060 355 5502284 03507 0473005952 07174 08396 09618 1083912059 13280 356 5514500 15720 16939 18158 | 19377 | 20595 2181323031 24248 25465 357 1 5526682278992911530339 31545 3276033975 35189 36403 37617 358 5538830 4000341256 42468 43680 44892 46103 47314 48524 49735 359 5550944 52154 5336354572 55781 56989 58197 59404 60612 61818 360 556302564231 65437 66643 | 67848 69053 70257 71461 72665 73869 361 5575072 76275 77477 78680 79881 81083 8228483485 84686 85886 362 5587086 8828589484 90683 91882 93080 94278954769667397870 363 5599066 0026201458 02654 03849 05044 06239 07433 08627 09821 364 5611014 1220713399 14592 15784 16975 18167 19358 20548 | 21739 365 5622929 24118 25 308 26497 | 27685 28874 30062 31250 3243733624 | | 366 5634811 3599737183 38369' 39555 40740 41925 43109 44293 45477 367 5646661 47844 49027 50209 51392 52573 53755 54936 56117 57298 368 5658478 596586083862017 63196 64375 65553 66731 67909 69087 369 5670264 71440 1.726177379374969, 76144 7732078495 79669 80843 376 5682017 83191 84364 85537 | 8671087882 89054 9022691393 92568 371 569373994910 96080 9724998419 99588 | 00757 01926 03094 64262 372 5705429 06597 07764 08930 10097 11263 | 12429 13594 14759 15924 373 5717088 18252 19416 20580 21743 2290624069 25231 | 26393 27555 374 5728716 29877/3103832198 3335834518 35678 36837 37996 39154 375 5740313 41471 42628 43786 | 44943 46099 47256 48412 49568 50723 3765751878 53033 54188 55342 56496 57650 58803 59956 61109 62261 ) 377 5763414 6456565717 66868 68019 6917070320 71470 72620 73769 378 5774918 76067 77215 78363 79511 806598180682953 | 6410085246 379 5783692 875388868389828 9097392118 93262 94406 9555096693 386 5797836 989790012101263 0240503547 04688 05829 06969 08110 381 5809250 10389 11529 12668 13807 1494516084 17222 18359 19497 382 5820634 21770 22907 24043 25179 26314 2745028585 29719 30854 383 583198833122 34255 (35388 36521 376543878639918 41050 42181 384 5843312 44443 45574 46704 47834 48963 50093 51222 52351 53479 385 5854607 55735156863 57990 59117 60244 61370 62496 63622 64748 386586587366998168123 69247 70371 71495 72618 73742 74865 | 75987 387 5877110 78232 7935380475 81596/8271783838 84958 8607887198 388 5838317 894369055591674 92792 93910 950289614597263 98379 389 5899496 00612 0172802844 03959 0507506189 07304 0841809532 390 5910646 11760 12873 13986 15098 162.10 17322 18434 19546 | 20657 391 5921768 2287823988 25098 2620827318 28427 | 29536 30644 31753 | 392 5932861 3396835076 | 36183 37290 38397 39503 40609 41715 42820 393 5943926 / 45030 46135 47239 48344 49447 50551 51654 52757 53860 394 5954962 560645716658268 5936960470 61571 62671 63771 64871 395 596597167070 6816969268 70367 71465 72563 73661.74758 75855 396 597695278048 | 79145 80241 81336 | 82432 83527 84622 8571786811 | 397 5987905 8899990092 91186 9227993371 94464 955569664897739 398 5998831 | 99922 01013 02103 03193 04283 05373 06462 0755108640 399 16009729 | 10817 111905 / 12993 14081 | 151681 16255 17341 18428 | 19514 1 Nm ol I 8 9 2 ng 3 5 4 1 ܕ 400 602060021686:22771 23856/24941 26025 | 27109 28193 29277 30361 401 6031444 32527 33609 34692 35774) 36855 37937 3901840099 41180 / 402 604226143341 4442145500 46580 47659 | 4873849816 50895 51973 403 6053050 54128 55205 56282 5735958435 5951260587 61663 62739 404 6063814 64889 65963 0703768111169185 70259 71332 72405 / 73478 405 607455075622 76694 77766 78837| 79909 80979| 8205083120 84191 406 6085260 86330 87399 8846889537 20605 91674 92742 93809 94877 | 407 609594497011 98078 99144 00210 01276 02342 0340704472 | 05537 408 6106602 07666 08730 09794 10857 11921 12984 14046 15109 16171 409, 6117233 18295 1935620417 21478 22539 23599 24660257201 26779 | 410612783928898 2995731015 / 32074 33132 3418935247 36304 | 37361 | | 411 6138418 39475 40531 4158742643 43698 44754 45809 46363 47918 | | 412 6148972 50026 51080 52133 531877444240 55292 56345 5739758449 413 6159501 00552 61603 626546.370564755 65805 6685567905 68954 414 6170003 71052 72101 73149 741977524576293 77340 78387 79434 4156180481 81527 82573 83619 84665 85710 86755 878008884589889 | | 416) 6190933 91977 19302194064 95107961509719398235 99277 00319 417 6201361 02402 03443 0448405524 06565 07605 0864509684 10724 418 6211763 12802 13840 14879 15917 16955 17992 19030 20067 21104 | | 419) 6222140 23177 24213 25249 26284 27320 28355 | 2939030424 31459 420 6232493 33527 34560 35594 36627 37660 38693 39725 40757 41789 | 421 6242821 | 43852 44884 45915 46945 4797649006 50036 51066 52095 422 6253125 54154 55182 56211 5723958267 59295 60322 6135062377 423 6263404 64430 6545766483 67509168534 | 69560 70585 | 71610 72634 424 6273659 74683 75707 76730 77754 78777 | 798008082381845 82867 425 6283889 84911 85933 86954 87975 88996 | 9001691037 92057 93076 426 6294096 25115 9613497153 9817299190 0020901226102244 03262 427 6304279 05296 06312 07329 08345 09361 10377 11393 12408 13423 428 6314438 15452 16467 17481 18495 19508 20522 21535 22548 23560 4296324573 2558526597 27609 28620 | 29632 30643 31654 32664 33674 430 6334685 | 35694 36704 37713 38723 39732 40740 41749 42757 43765 431634477345780 46788 47795 48801 49808 50814 51820 52826 53832 4326354837 55843 56848 57852 58857 59861 6086561869 628731 63876 433 6364879 65882 66884 6788; 108889 69891 7089371894 | 72895 73897 434 6374897 75898 76898 77898 78898 79898808978189682895 83894 435 6384893 85891 18688987887 88884 8988290879 91876 92872 93869 4366394865 95861 96857 197852 9884799842 0083701832 02826 03820 437 6404814 05808 6802 07795 08788 09781 10773 11765 12758 13749 438 6414741 15733 16724 17715 18705 19696 206862,1676 22666 23656 439 6424645 25634 26623 27612 28601 29589 30577 31565 32553 33540 | 4406434527 35514 36500 37487 | 384733945940445 41431 42416 43401 | 441 6444386 45371 46355 47339 4832349307 50291 51274 52257 53240 442 6454223 55205156187 52169 1 58151 59133 0011461095 6207663057 443 6464037 6501865997 66977 67957 6893669915 70894 71873 72851 | 444 6473830 74808 75786 76763 77741 78718 | 79695 | 80671 181648 $2624 445 6483600 84576 85552 86527 87502 8847789452 9042691401 92375 | | | 446 6493349 94322 95296 96269 97242 98215 99187 | 00160 0113262104 447 6503075 04047 0501805989 06960 07930 08901 09871 1084111818 $486512780 13749 14719 15687 16656 17624 18593 19561 20528 21496 4496522463 | 23431 24397 25364 26331 27297 28263 2922930195 31160 | 4506532125 330903405535019 35984 36948' 37912 38876 3983940802 451654176542728 43691 44653 45616 46578 47539 48501 49462 50423 452 6551384 52345 53306 54266 55226 56186 57145 58105 5906460023 453 6560982 61941 6289963857 64815 6577366730 67688 168645 69602 | 4546570559 | 21515 72471 73427 74383 75339 | 76294 27250 78205 | 79159 455 6580114 81068 82023 82977 83939 184884 8583786790 87743 88696 | 456 6589648 90601 91553 92505 93456 9440895359 9631097261 98212 4596599162 60112 01062 02012 02962 103911 04860 05809 06758167706 458 6608655 09603 10551 11499 12446 13393; 14341 15287 16234 | 17181 -459 6618127 | 19073 120019 20964 | 21910 122855 | 23800|24745 125690 I 26634 1 גםN 9 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 S 1 460 6627578 28522 29466 30410 31353 / 3229633239 34182 35125 36067 461 6637009 (3795138893 39835 4077641717 42658 43599 44539 45480 4636646420 47360 48299 49239 5017851117 52056 5299553934 54872 463 6655810 56748 57686 58623 5956060497 61434 162371 6330764244 464 6665180 6611667051 67987 1689221 6985770792 21727 72661 73595 465 6674530 75463 7639777331 78264 79197 80130 81062 81995 82927 466 1668385984791 85723 8665487585 88516 89447 90378 91308 92239 464 | 6693169 94099 95028 95958968879781698745 99674 00602 01530 468 6702459 03386 043140524206169 07096 08023 089500987610802 469 6711728 12654 13580 14506154.31 16356 17281 18206 1913020054 470 6720979 21903) 22826 2375024673 25596 26519 27442 28365 29287 4711 6730209 3113132053 329743389634817 35738 36659 37579 38500 472 673942040340 41269 42179 43099 4401844937 45856 46775 47693 473 6748611 49529 50447 51365 52283 5320054117 55034 55951 56867 474 6757783 5870059615 605316144562362 63277 6419265107 66022 1 | 475 6766938 6785068764 69678 70592 715057241873332 74244 75159 476 6776070 76982 77894 78806 7971880629 81540 82452 8336284273 477 16785184 86094 8700487914 88824 189734 90643 91552 92461 93370 4786794279 9518796096 97004 97912988191 99727 00634 01541 02448 479 6803355 04262 05168 06074 06980 07886 08792 09697 10602 11507 480 6812412 1331714222 15116 16030 1693417838 1874119645 20548 481 6821451 22354 232567415925061 25963 2686527766 28668 29569 482 6830470 31371 32272 33173 34073 34973) 358733677337673 38572 483 683947140370 41269 | 42168 | 43000 43965 44863 4576146659 47556 4216843060 484 6848454 493515024851145 52041 52938 53834 547305562656522 485 685741758313 592080010360998 61892 627876368164575 05469 4866866363 67250 16815069043 6993670828 71721 72613 73506 74398 487 6875290 76181 77073 72964 7885579746 8063781528 82418 83308 | 488 6884198 8508885978 86867 87757 188646 8953590423 91312 92200 | 489 6893089 9397794864 9575296640 97527 98414 99301 | 0018808074 490 6901961 02847037330401905505 063900727508161 0904609930 4916910815 11699 12584 13468 14352 1523516119 17002 19885 18768 *92 691965120534 2141622298 23180 24062 24944 2582626707 27588 493 6928469 29350 3023131111 31991 32872 33751 34631 35511 36390 494 6937269 38149 39027 39906 40785 41663 42541 43419 44297 45175 495 694605,2 | 46929 47806 48683 4956050437 51313 52189 53065 53941 496 6954817 55692 s6568 57443 58318 59193 60067 6094261816 62690 4976963564 64438 6531166185 670586793168804696767054971421 498 6972293 73165 74037 74909 75780 766527752378394 7926480135 499 6981005 81876 82746 83616 8448585355 86224 89093 8796388831 | | 5006989700 90569 91437 92305 9317394041 94908 9577696643 97510 501 699837799244 OOIT 00977 01843 02709 | 03575 04441 05307 06172 ) 5027007037 07902 08767 09632 10496 11361 (12225 | 13089 13953 14816 503 7015680 16543 17406 18269 19132 |19995 208572172022582 23444 504 7024305 / 25167 26028 2689027751 28612 29472 30333 31193 32054 | . 505 7032914 33774/ 34633 3549336352 37212 3807138939 39788 40647 5067041505 | 42363 43221 44079 44937457944665247509 48366 | 49223 507 70500805093651792 52649 53505 543605521656072 $692757782 508 7058637 59492 00347 01101 162055 62910163764 64617 65477 66325 | 509 7067178 68031 68884 69737 705897144272294 7314673998 24859 510 7075702 70553 77405 78256 79107 79957 | 8080881659 82509 83359 511 7084209 85059859088675887607 8845689305 90154 groo31 91851 91003 512 709270093548 94396 95244 96091969399778698633 9948000327 513 7101174 0202002866 03713 04559 05404 06250 070960794108786 514 7109631 10476 11321 12165 13010 13854 14698 | 15542 16385 17229 $15 7118072 | 18915 | 19759 20601 21444 2228723129 23941 24813' 25655 516 7126497 1 27339 28180 2902129862 30703 31544 32385 33225. 34065 . 517 7134905 3574536585 37425 38264 39104 | 39943 40782 41620 42459 518 7143298 44136 44974 45812 46650 47488 48325 49162 Soooo 50837 | 51917151674 1 525101 53347 | 54183 55019 155856 1 56691 1 57527 158363 59198 NO 8 Y 7 3 5 4 I | ) 520 7760033 60869 61703 62538 63373 64207 05042 65876 66710 69544 | 521 9168397 169211 70044 708777171072543 73370 | 74203 75041 73873 522 7176705 77537 78369 79200 80032 80863 8169482525 83356 84186 | 523 71850178584786677 875078833789167 89991 9082091655 92484 | 524 7193313 94142 9497095799 96627 97455 98283 3911129938 60766 525 7201593 02420 03247 04074 0490105727 065541 07380 | 08206 09:32 5267209857 10683 11508 12334 13159 13984 14809|15633 16458 17282 5277218106 18930 19754 20578 21401 22225 23043 23871 24694 25517 528 1226339 27162 27984 28806 | 29628 30450 31272 32093 32914 33 36 529 7234557 35378 36198 37019 378393866039480 40300 41120 41939 5367242759 43578 44397 45216 , 4603546854 47672 18491 49309 50127 531 7250945 51763 52581 5339854216 5503355850 50667 57483 38300 532 7259116 59933 6074961565 6238063196 640126482765642 66457 533 1 7267272 68087 08901 69716 : 7053071344 7215872972 73786 74599 5347275413 76226 77039 77852 78664 79477 80290110281414 82726 535 7283538 84350 85161 85972 8678487595 884008921690027 90838 | 536 7291648 92458 93268 94078 9488895697 965071973161 98125 98934 537 7299743 00552 0136002168 0297703785045930540006208 07015 538 7307823 08630 09437 10244 11051 11857 12663 13470 14276 15087 | 539 7315888 16693 17499 18304 19109 1991420719 21524 22329 23133 | | 540 7323938 24742 25546 : 2635027153/27957 28760 29564 30367 31170. 541 7331973 3277533578, 34380 3518335985 36787 3758838390 39192 542 7339993 40794 41595' 42396 43197 43997 4479845598 46398 47198 543 73479984879849598 50397 51196 51995 52794 53593 | 54342 : 55191 5447355989 56789 57585.58383 59181 59979607700157462371 63168 545 7363965 04762 05558; 66355 67151 6794868744) 6954070335 71131 5467371926 72722 73517 : 74312 75107 75902 76696 7749178285 79079 | 547 7379873 80667 81461 82254 8304883841 84634 85427 36220.87013 | | 548 7387806 8859889390 : 90182 90974 9176692558193350 94141 94932 5497395723 96514 9730598096 98887 9967700467 01257 02047 02837 / 5507403627 104416 05206. 05995 06784 0757308362 09151 09939 10728 55! 741151612304 13092 : 13880 14668 15455 16243 1703017817 18604 5527419391 20177 | 20964, 2175022537/233232410924895 25680 26466 553 742725128037 28822 29607 30392 3117631961 32745 33530 34314 354 7435098 35882 36665 37449 38232 39016 39799 40582 41365 42147 7442930 43712 44495 | 45277 4605940841 47622 48404:49185 49967 | 5567450748 51529 52310 53091 53871 54652 55432 56212 56992 57772 557 7458552 59332 60111 6089001670 0244963228164006 64785 05564 558 7466342 671206789868676 : 69454 70232 7100971787 72564 73341 | 359! 7474118 74895 75672 76448 77225 78001 7877179553 80329 81105 360 7481880 82656 83431 84206 849818575686531 87306 88086 88854 | $61 : 7489629 90403 91177 91950 92724934989427195044 95817 96590 562 7497363 98136 98908 99681 00453 01225 01997 02769 03541 0431% 56375050840585506626 07398 08168 0893909710 10480 11251 12021 5647512791 13561 14331 15ICI 15870 16639 17409 18178 18947 | 19716 ; 565 7520484 21253 22022 22790 23558 24326 | 25094 25862 26629 27397 | 566 7528164 28932 29699 30466 31232319993276633532 34298 35065 567 7535831 | 36596 37362 38128 38893 39659 40424 41189 41954 42719 568 7543483 44248 4501245777 46541 47305 18069 48832 : 49596 50359 | 569 7551123 51886 52649 53412 54175 54937 55700 56162 : 57224 57987 57075587495951060272 61034 61795 | 625566331861079 6484005000 ; 5717566361 7712267882 68642 69402 70162 70922 71682 ; 72442 173201 | 5727573960 74719 75479 76237 | 76996 77755 78513 79272 80030 80188 5737581546 82304 83062 83819 84577 85334 | 86091 86848 87605 88362 | | 574 7589119 89875 90632 91388 92144 9290093656 94412 9516895923 575 7596678 97434 981891 98944 99699 00453 01208 01962 : 02717 03471 576 7604225 0497905733 06486 07240 0799308746 09500 | 10253 11005 577 7611758 12511 ! 13263 | 14016 14768 1552016272 17024 17775 18527 | 5787019278 2003• | 20781 2153222283 2303423784 24535 25285 26035 57917626786 127536 i 28286 1 29035 1 297851 30534 / 31284 132033 32782 33538 1 : ( P + 555 1 ! NH 의 ​I 6 R 4, 3 88022 675 I I 5807634280 35029 35777 36526 39274 3802238790 39518 40266 41014 581 7641761 42509 43256 44003 44750 45497 | 46244 46991 , 47737 | 48484 582 76492304997650722 5146852214 52959 53705 5 4450 55195 55941 583 '7656686 5743058175 58920 59664 60409 | 61153 61897 ! 62641 63385 58417664128 64872 105616 06352167102 67845 | 6858869331 i 7007470816 585 17671559 72301 73043 73785 74527 7526976011 26752 77494 78235 586 7678976 79717 80458 81199 81340 82080 83421 84161 84901 | 85641 8 587 766638137121 8786088600 8933990074 190818 2155792296 93035 588 76937739451235250 95988 96727 97465 9820398940 99678 00415 589 770115301890 02627 0336404101 04838 05595 06311 07048 07784 590 7708520 09:56 099921072811463 12199 12934 13670 14405 15140 591 17715873 115610 | 17314 | 18079 18813 19547 20282 21016 2175022483 592 7723217 | 23951 24684 25417 26150 2688327616 28349 29082 29814 593 / 7730547 3127:) 3201132743133475 34207 34939 35670 3640237133 594 | 7737964138596 39326 40057 1 40788 41519/42249 42979 | 43710 44440 | 595 1774517045839 | 46629 47359 : 48008 40318149547 15027651005 51734 5967752463 1 53191 53920 | 5464855376 50104 5083257560 58288 59016 597 | 7759743 | 60171 V1198 | 019255265263379 04106 64833 65552 66285 5981776701267738 68464691901 69916 70641 71367 72093 / 7281873543 5997774268 749.9375718 764431 77167| 7789278610 7934080065 80789 , 1 6307781572 82236 (296083683 | 844071 85130 8585386576 87299 61 7788745 8946; 9019090912 91634 92356 93078 93800 9452295243 60: 17795905 3668697407 | 98129 988501 29570 00291 0101201732 02453 1 603 7803173 03893 64613 05333 06053 0677307492 08212 0893109650 | 3 634 7810j69 | 11000 | !| 26 | | | 11807 125 532-15 13963 14681 15400 16118 16836 1017557 182,1 12989 1970720464 21141 21859 | 22576 23293 24009 i | 600 7824726 | 25443 2015 1 2687627592 2830829024 29740 3045631171 60; 17831384732002 33318 : 34033) 34743 35463 ; 36178 36692 3760738321 | 3474835463 6051393,036 | 39740 40964! 4110341892 42606 43319 44033 4474645460 6997846173 46626 4759945312 49024 | 49737 1 5045051162 51874 52586 1 | ) 6107853298 54010 54722 55434 5614550857.5756858279 5899059701 61117810412 3 | 01833 · 625441 63254 03905 64675 6538566095 60804 612 ; 867514 68224 68933 1 6964370352 71061 71770 72479 73188 73896 613 767-605 7531376021 ; 20730 77438 78146 78853 79501 80269 80976 614 7831634 82391 | 83098 83805 | 8451285219 8;926 86632 87339 88045 , 61% 7808751 62457901639086991575 | 92281 92986 93691 | 94397 | 95102 | 616 50951059631297217 : 97922 96626 99331 00035 00739 01444 02148 617 790285-10355504299 : 04963. 05666 06370 07073 0777608479 09182 618 7909885 10587 11290 · 11992; 12695 13597 . 14099 114801 15503 16205 | 619 791090617608 18309 1910 19712 20413 21114 2181522516 23216 620 79239172461725318, 26018! 16718 27418;28118 28817 29517 30217 621 7930916 31615 32314 33013 33712 34411 3511035809 36507 37206 ' 1 6227937904 32602 39300 39998 40696 41394 42091 4278543486 44183 623 17944880 45577 / 46274 , 4697147668 48365 49061 49752 50454 51150 624 | 7951846-52542 5323853933 | 54629 55324 56c20 56715 5741058105 625 795880059495 60190 60884 01579 (2273 62907 6366264356 165049 | 626 7965743 664376;131 6782108517 6921169904 705971 7129071983 I 627 7972675 7336874060 | 74753 75445 76137 76829 / 77521 78213 789 628 7979596 20288 80979 | 8167182362 83053 83744 84435 85125 85816 | 629 798650687197 89887 88577 89267 899579064701337 92027 92716 | 630 7993405 4095 | 94784 95473 96162 9685397540983,28 98917 99605 | 631 8000294 00982 01670, 02358 0304603733 04421 05109 05796 06484 632 8007177 07858 08545 09232 . 09919 10605 11292 11978 12665 13351 | 633 8014037 14723 | 1540916095 · 16781 17466 18152 18837 1952220207 | 634 8020893 / 21577 22262 22947: 23632 24316/ 25001 25685 26369 27053 635 8027737 28421 29105 29789. 30472 3115531839 32522 33205 33888 636 8034571 35254 / 35937 | 36619 37302 37984 38666 39348 40030 : 40712 637 | 8041394 42076 4275843439 44121 44802 45483 4616446845 ! 47526 636 8048207 | 48887 49568 50248. 50929 5160952289 52969 53649 1 54329 638 1 8055009 ! 55688 / 56368 / 57047,57726 5840559085 159763 | 60442 | 61121 6 3 I t - 1 Nm 7 O 8 I 2 5 6 3 ? 6 664 665 640 8061800 6247863157 63835 14513 ; 65191 6580966547' 67225 '67903 ' 641 8068580 69258 69935 70612 77290 71,967 72644 73.320 73997,74674 } 642 8075350 76027 7670377379 78055 78731 79407 80083 8075981434 / 643 808211082785 83460 | 84131 | 84811 85485 | 8616084635 87510188184 644 80828598953390207 9088191555 9222942903 93577 ; 94250 / 94924 645 8095597/ 9627096941 97617 93290 9896299635 00:03 00980 | 01653 1 6468102325 0299703669 04342 05013 0.5685 06357 0702907700 08371 647 | 8109043 0971410385 11056 11727 12398 13068 13739 | 14409 15080 1 648 8115750 16420 1700117760 18430 19100 | 19769 | 20439 21108 21778 | | 649 8122447 23116 23785 2-4454 | 25123 | | ) 25792 20460271292779728465 650 8129134 29802 30470 31137 | 31805 32473 3314133808 34475135143 651 8135810 36477 37144 37811 38477 398443981140477 41144 41810 652 8142476 431424380844474 45134 +5005 40471 47136 4780148467 | | 6538149132 49797 | 50462 511275170152456 53120 53785 54449 55113 1 654 8155777 5644157105 577695643332096 5976060423 6108761750 655 1 8162413 630766373764402 65064657276638907452 67714168376 656 8169038 | 6970070362 71024 71606 723+7 730097367074331 74993 657 8175654 763151 76975 77636! 7829778438 74618 80278 8033981599 | ) | 658 8182259 82919 8357204239 8409885558 862171 86877 87536 88195 659 8188854 89513 40172 90831 | 91489 922489280693465 24123 94781 666 8195439 | 96097196755 9741393071 98728 99386 00043 00700 01357 , 661 820201502672 63328 03985 04012 0529805955 06011 07268 07924 | 662 | 8208580 09236 09892 10548 11203 11859 12514 13170 13825 14480 663 8215135 15790116445 17100, 17755 10407 19064) 19718/ 20372 21027 8227681 223352298923642 24296 249502-603-6257 26910 27563 8228216 28869 29522 30175 30828 31481 32133 | 32786 33438 34090 666 8234742 35394 3604636698 37350380023065339305, 30956 40607 667 8241258 41909 42560 43211 | 43862 44513 | 45163 45814 46464 47114 668 824776548415 4906549715 50364 51014 51664 5231352963 53612 669 8254261 54910 55559 56208 56857 57506 58154 53803 5945160100 670 8260748 61396162044 02692 16334063988 64635 65283 65931 66578 691 826722567892168519 69166 | 69813 7046071107 71753 7240073046 | 6728273693 74339174985 75631 76277 76923 775697821470860179505 | 693 8280151 8079681441 82086 82731 83370 | 84021 84665 | 8531085955 674 8286599 87243 87887 | 8853289176 89820 | 40463 9110791757 92394 675 8293038 | 93681 943249496795611 96254 4689697539 38182 198824 676-8299467 00109 00752 01394 0203602678033200390104604 105245 677 1 8305887 0652807169 07811 08452 09093 / 09734 10375 11016 (11656 678 8312297 12937 13573 14218 14858 15499 16139 | 16778 1741818058 | 699 8318698 19337.19977 20616 | 2125521895 22534 23173 23812 24450 | 6868325089 25728 26366 27005 27643 28281 28919 29558 30195 30833 681 833147132109 32746 33384 34021 34659 35290 35933 3657037207 682 8337844 38480 39117 39754 40390 41027 41663 42299 42935 43571 683 8344207 44843 45479 46114 46750 47385 48021 4865049291 49926 684 8350561 51198 51831 52465 53100 53735 54369 55003 55633 56272 685 8356906 5754058174 5880759441 6007500708 02341 | 61975 102608 688363241 6387416450710514065773 66405 67038 6707068303. 68935 687 8369567 70199 70832 71463 72095 72727 73359 7399074622 75253 | | 688837588436516 77147 77778 78409 79039 79670 80301 80931 81567 689 8382192 82822 83453 | 84083 84713 8534385973 86602 872328786r 6908388491 8912089750 90379 9100891637 92266 92895 9352394152 691 8394780 9540996037 966661 97294 97922 9855099178 99506 00433 692 8401061 01688 02316 62943 03571 04198 04825 05452 35079 06706 693 84073320795910858609212 09838 10465 1109111717 12343 12969 094 8413595 1422014846 15472 16097 56723 17348 37973 13.598 19223 695 8419848 2047321098 21722 22347 2297123596 24220 24844 25468 696 8426092 26716 27340 27964 28588 | 2921129835 30458 3108131705 697 8422328 32951/ 33574 34197 34819 35442 36065 | 360871 37310 37932 698 8438554) 3917639798 40420 41042: 41664 42286 42907 43529 44150 699 8444772 4539546014 46635 4725647877 / 48498 49419 49779150360 2 2 NI 7 0 6 I 5 2 2 5 700 8450980 51601 52221 5284153461 54081 54701 553215594156561 901 8457180 57800 58419 59038 59658 6027760896 6151562134 62752 902 8463371 6399064608 65227 65845 66463 67081 6770068318 68935 703 / 8469553 70171 | 70789 71406 72024 7264173258 7387674493 75110 7048475727 17634376960 775777819378810 79426 80043 80659 81275 7058481891 82507 83123 83739 84355 8497085586 86201 86817 | 8743% | 706 8488047 88662 89277 89892 90507 91122 91736 92351 92965 93580 1 7078494194 94808 9542396037 96651 97264 97878 98492 99106 99719 7088500333 00946015590217202786 03399 04011 04624 08237 03850 7091 8306462 07075 07687 08 300 0891209524 10136 | 10748 1136011972 710 851258313195 13807 1441815030 15641 16252 16863 17474 18085 | 911851869619307 199.77 20528/ 21139 21749 22359 22970 23580 24190 7128524800 2541026020 266291 27239 27849 2845829068 29677 30286 7138530895 31504132113 32722 33331 33940 34548 35157 35765.1 36374 7148536982 3759038198 38807 39414 40022 4063041238 4184542453 215 8543000 43668 44275 44882 45489 46090 46703 47310 47917 | 48524 | 716 8549130 | 49737 50343 5095051556 52162 52768533741 5398094586 717 8555192 5579756403 59003 57614 58219 58824 59429 6003560640 7188561244 61849 624546305963663 6426864872 654766608166685 21918567289 1 67893 6849769101 69704 70308 70912 71515 72118 72722 720 8573323 7392874531 75134 7573776340 76943 77545 78148 78750 7218579353 | 80557 | 8115981761 | 82363 | 82965 83567 84169 84770 79955 722858537205973 | 86575 1 87176 | 87777 | 88379 | 88980 89581 90181 90782 | 723 8591383 91984 92584 93185 | 93785 94385 94986 95586 96186196786 724859738697985 198$85 99185 29784 00384 60983 01583 0218262981 725 8603380 03979 04578 05177 05776 06374 06973 07571 0817008768 726 8609366 09964 1056211160 11758 12356 12954 13552 14149 14747 727 8615344 1594116539 17136 17733 18330 18927 19524 20121 20717 728 8621314 21910 2250723103 23699 24296 24892 2548826084 26686 1 729 8627275 27871 28467 29062 29658 30253 30848 31443 32039 32634 730 8633229 33823 344.18350131 35608 36202 36797 37391 37985 38580 731 639174 139768 40362 40956 41550 42143 | 42737 43331 43924 44517 732 8645111 45704 46297 4689047483 48076 48669 49262 49855 50447 733 865104051632 52225 52817 53409 54001 54593 55185 55777 56369 734 8656961 57552 58144 58735 59327 59918 60509 61100 61691 162281 7358662873 1 63464 64055 646466523605827 66417 67008 6779868188 7361 8668778 09368 699587054871138717287231772907 73496 | 74086 7378674675 75264 7585376442 77031 77620 78209 78798 79387 79975 738 | 8680564 81152 81740 82329 82917 83505 84093 8468185269 85857 ; 7398686444 87032 87620 88207 | 88794 189382 89969 19055691143 91730 740 8692317 192904 93491 94077 9466495251 9583796423 97010 97596 741 8698182 9876899354 9994000526 0111201697 02283 02868 03454 742 8704039 04624 052100579406380 06965 07549 08134 08719 09304 743 8909888 1047311057 11641 12226 12810 13394 13978 14562 15146 | 744 8715729 16313 16897 17480 18064 18647 | 1923019814 20397 20980 745 8721563 22146 22728 23311 23804 24476 25059 25641 26224 26806 | 7468727388 27970 | 28552 29134 29796 30298 30880 31462 32043 32625 / 747 8733206 | 33787 34369 34950 35531 36112 36693 37274 37855 38435 7488739016 39597 40177 40757 41338 41918 42498 4307843658 44238 7498744818 45398 45978 46557 47137 47716 48296 48875 4945450034 | 750 875061351192 5177152349 52928 53507 54086 54664 55243 55821 751 | 8756399 5697857556 58134 58712 59290 59868 60446 6102361601 752 876217.8 62756 63333 / 63951 64488 6506565642 66219 66796 67373 753876795068526 69103696807025670833 71409 71985 72561 73137 754 8773713 74289 74865 1 75441 76017 76592 77168 77743 78319 78894 755 8779470 80045 8062081195 81770 82345 82919 83494 84069 84643 | 7568785218 85792 86367 86941 ' 87515 88089 88663 89237 89811 90385 757 8990959 91532 92106.92680 93253 93826 94400 94973 95546 96119 i 7588796692 97265 97338 98411 98988 99556 00128 00701 01273 01846 759 8892418 102990 103562 04134 04906 05278 05850 06422 06993 07564 I 1 NO 8 o 7 T 6 2 S 3 4 a 1 7608808136 '087071 09279 09850 10421 10992 11563 1213412705 13276 261 8813847 14417 1498815558 16129 16699 17269 17840 18410 18980 | 5628819550 | 201202068921259 21829 2239822968 23537 2110724676 763 882524525815 26384 26953 27522 28090 28159 29228 29797 30365 764 8830934 315023207032639 / 33207 33775 34 343 34911 35479 36047 765 8836614 37182 37750 38317 38885 39452 40019 4058641154 41721 76688.42288 42855 43421 43988 44555 45122 45688 40255 46821 47387 767 8847954 | 48520 4908649652 50218 50784 5135051915 52481 53047 768 8853612 54178 54743 55308:55874 56439 57004 57569 58134 58699 5 969 8859263 59828 60393 60957:6152262086 62651 63215 63779 64343 | 776 886490705471 66035 66399 : 67163 / 67726682906885469417 69980 971 8870544 71107 71670 72233 72796 73359 73922 74485 75048 75610 772 8876173 76736 172987786078423 78985 79547 | 80109 80671 81233 773 8881795 | 82357 82918 83480 84042 8460385165 85726 86287 86848 974 8887410 87931 88532 89093 89653 90214 907751336 91896 92457 775 8893017 93577 94138 94698 9525895818 9637896938 97498 98058 776 8898617 99177 99736 00296 00855 01415 01974162533 0309203651 7778964210 04769 05328 05887; 0644507004 07563 08121 08679 09238 9788909796 10354 10912 11470 12028 12586 13144 13702 14259 14817 779 8915375 15932 16489 17047 17604 18161 18718 19275 19832 20389 980 8920946 21503 22059 22616 2357323729242852484225398 25954 58189265102706627622 28178 28734 29290 29846 30401 30957 | 31512 782 8932068 32623 33178 33733 342883484335398 35953 36508 37063 983 8937618 38172 38727 / 39281 39830 40390 40944 41498 42053 42607 784 8943161 43715 44268 44822 4537645929 46483 47037 47590 48143 785 8948697 49250) 49803 50356 50909 51462 52015 52568 53120 53673 786 8954225 54778 5533055883 56435 56987 57539 58092 58644 59195 987 8959748 60299 60851 61403 61954 1 62506 6305716366864160 | 64711 | | 738896526265813) 6636466915 67466 68017 68568 69118 69669 | 70220 | 789 897077071320 71871 | 72421 72971 73521 74071 7462175171 75721 | | 790 897627176821 77370 2792078469 79019 79568 80117 80667 81216 191 8981765 82314 82863 83412 839608450985058 85606 8615586703 992 8987252 87800 88348 88897 89445 89993 90541 910899163692184 793 8992732 93279 93827 24375 24921 95469 9601796564 97111 97658 794 8998205 98752 99299 9984600392 00939 01486 02032 02579 03125 995 9003671 04218 04764 053100505606402 0694807494 08039 08585 796 9009131 0967610222 10767 11313 11858 12403 | 1294813493 14038 997 90145831512815673 16218 16762 17307 17851 18396 18940 19485 798 9020029 | 2057321117 21661 22205 22749 23293 23837 24381 24924 | 799 9025468 2601126555 27098 27041 28185 2872829271 29814 30357 800 9030900 31443 31985 32528 33071 33013 34156134698 3524135783 801 9036325 36867 37409 3795138493 | 39035 | 39577 40119 | 40661 4120% | 8029041744 42285 42827 43368 43909 44450 44992 45533 46074 46615 803 9047155 47696 48237 | 48778 49318 49859 5039950940 51480 52020 804 9052560 53101 53641 54181 54721 55260 5580056340 56880 57419 805 9057959 584981 59038 59577 60116 60655 161195 01734 02273 62812 1 % 806 906335063889 64428 64967 65505 06044 6658267121 67059 68197 807 19068735 69273 69812 7035070887 | 71425 71963 72501 73038 73576 808 9074114 74651175188 75726 | 70263 76800 177337 7787478411 78948 809 19099485 | 80022 80559 | 81095 816,38216982705 83241 8377884314 816 19084850 853861 85922 86458 8699487536 88066 | 88602 89137 89673 811 9090209 90744 91279 21815 9235092885 93420 93955 9449095025 812 9095560 96095 | 96630 97165 9709998234 9876899302 9983700371 13 9100905 01440 | 01974 02508 , 0304203576 104109 046431 05177 05710 814 9106244 06778107311 07844 0837808911 09444 09977) 1051011043 815 9111576 1210912642 13174! 13707 | 14240 114772 15305 15837 16369 8169116902 17434' 17966 18498 ! 19030 19562 20094 20626 21157 21689 817 9122221 22752 | 23284 : 23815 24346 24878 25409 25940 26471 27002 818 9127533 28064 28595 29126 29656, 30187 30717 31248 31778 32309 819 9132839 33369133899 34430 : 34960 ! 35490 | 36019136549 37079 1 37609 | ! t 1 No 6 1 2 I S 2 3 A na O t 8209138139 38668 | 39198 39727 40257 4078641315 41844 42373 42903 | 821 9143432 43961 44489 45018 45547 4607646604 4713347661 48190 822 9148718 49246 49775 50303 50831 51359 51887 5241552943 53471 823 9153998 5452655054 55581 56109 5663615716357691 58218 58745 824 9159272 59799 60326 60853 61380 61907 62433 629600348764013 825 9164539 0506665592 66118 66645 i 67171 676976822368749 | 69275 8269169800 | 70326 70852 71378 | 71903 | 72429 17295473479 74005 7.4530 1 827 9175055 75580176105 76630 771551 776807820578730 79254 | 79779 828 9180303 8082881352 | 81877 82401 | 8292583449 83973 84497 85021 829 9185545 1069 86593 871171 87640 : 88164 ; 836878921189734 90258 8711787640, 830 9190781 91304 91827 9235092873 1 9339693419 94442 94965 95488 831 9196010 19053397055 97578 98100 98623991 25 99667 00189 00711 832 9201233 01755 02277 02799 03321 03842 04364 0488605401 05929 833 920645006971 07493 08014 08535 0905609577 10098 1061911146 834 9211661 1218112702 13222 13743 14263 14784 15304 15824 16345 835 9216865 17385 17905 18425 18945 19465 19984 | 20504 21024 21543 836 9222063 22582 23102 23621 24140 2465925179 2569826217 26736 837 9227255 27773 28292 28811 29330 | 29848 30367 30885 31404 31922 838 9232440 32958 3349733995 34513 35031 (35549 36066 36584 37102 839 9237620 38137 38655 39172 39690 40207 40724 4124241759 42276 8409242793 43310 43827 44344 4486045377 45894 4641040927 47444 841 924796048476 | 48993 49509 50025 50541 5105751573 52089 52605 842 9253121 5363754152 54668 55184 55699 56215 56730 57245 57761 843 9258276 58791 59306 59821 60336 60851 01366 61880 62395 62910 844 9263424 63939 64453 6496865482 65997665116702567539 68053 8459268567 6908169595 70109 7062271136 7165072163 72671 73190 | 846 9273704 74217 74730 75243 75757 76270 26783 77296 77808 78321 847 9278834 79347 79859 80372 80885 81397 81909 82422 82934 83446 | | | 8489283959 84471 84983 85495 86007 86518 870308754288054 88565 | 849 9289077 89588 9010090611 91123 9103492145 92656 93167 93678 | 850 9294189 94700 9521195722 96233 96743 97254 9776498275 98785 851 9299296 99806 0031600826 01336 01847 02357 02866 163376 63886 337603886 8529304396 04906 0541505925 06434 06944 07453 07963 08472 08981 853930949009999 10508 11017 11526 12035 12544 1305313562 14070 | 854 9314579150871559616104 16612 57121 17629 18137 18645 19153 | 855 1 9319661 20169 20697 21185 21692 2220022708 2321523723 24230 856 9324738 25245 25752 26259 26767) 29274 27781 28288 28795 29301 857 9329898 30315 30822 31328 31835 32341 32848 3335433860 34367 $589334873 353793588536391 36897 37403 37909 38415 38920 39426 859 933993240437 40943 41448 41953 42459 42964 43469 43974 44479 860 9344985 45489 45994 46499 47004 47509 48013 48518 49023 49529 861 9350032 5053651040 51544 5204952553 5305753561 54065 54569 8629355073 555765608056584 57087 57591 58095 58598 59101 59605 863 9360108 6061161114 61617 62120 62623 6312663029 64132 64635 | 8649365137 65640 66143 66645 67148 07650 68152 08655169157 69659 865 9370161 70663 711657566772169 72671 73172 73674 7417674677 | 866 9375179 75680 76182 76683 77184 77686 178187 786887918979690 867 19380191 80692 81193 81693 82194 82695 83195 8369684196 84697 868 9385197 | 85698 86198 866988719887698 88198 88698 89198189698 8699390198 9069791197 | 91692 92196 | 92696 9,3195 93695 94194 04693 87019395193 95092 96191 966909718997688 9818798685 99184 99683 | 891 9400182 00680161179 0169717217002674 03172 03670 04169 04667 892 9405165 05663 06161 06659 0715707654 08152 08650 09147 09645 893 | 9410142 10640 11137 11635 12132 | 12629 13126 13623 14120 14617 874 9415114 15611 16108 | 16605 19101 17598 18095 18591 19088 19584 | 875 9420081 20577 21073 21569 22065 22562 23058 23553 24049 24545 896 94250412553726032 26528 27024 27519 28015 2851012900529501 | 847 9429996 30491 30986 31481 31976 32471 32966 33461 33956134450 / | 898 9434945 35440 3593436429 36923 37418 37912 | 38406 3890039395 879' 9439889 40383 1 40877141371 141865 ) 4235842852 433464384044333 | 1 No 1 8 i 6 13 14 15 7 1 | 1 I 880 9444827 | 45320 45814 46307 46800 47294 77787 48280 48773 49266 8819449759 50252 50745 51238 517305222552716 53208 53701 54193 882 945466655178 ! 53671 56163 5665557147 57639 58131 58623 59115 8839459607 60099 60591 61082 6157002060 62557 63049 635 40 6403 I | 8849464523 65014 165505 65996 6640766978 67469 07960 68451 68942 8859469433 69923 70414 70905 71395 71886 72376 72366 / 73357 1 73847 | 8809474337 7482715317 175807 76297 76787177277 77767 78257 178747 887 9479236 79726 80215 1 80705 81194 81684| 2173 82662 83151 | 83641 888 9481130 84619 85108 85597 86085 86574 87063 87552 88040 88529 889 9489018 89506 1 89995 90483 909719146091948 92436 9292493412 890949390094388 94876 195364 95852 9633) 96327 197315 97802 98290 8919498777 99264 99752 00239 : 00726 01213 01701 0218802675 03162 8929503649 04135 04622051091 05596106082 06569 07055 | 07542 08028 8939508515 0900109487 09973 | 10459 10946 11432 11918 12404 12889 894 | 9513375 13861 14347 14832 15318 15803 16289 16774 17260 17745 i 895 9518230 18716 19201 19686 201712065021141 21026; 22111 22595 896952308023565 24049 24534 25018 25503 25987 26472 26956 27440 | 2695627440 8979527924 28409 | 28893 29377 2986130345 30828 | 31312 31796 32280 898 9532763 33247 33731 3421434697! 35101 35664 36147 36631 37114 | | 8999537597 38080 38563 39046 39529 40012 40404 40.)771 41460 41943 9009542425 42908 43390 4387344355 i 44837 45319 4580246284 46766 901 9547248 47730 48212 40694 | 49176.47657 50133 50321 S1102 51584 902 9552065 5254753028 53510 53491 54472 54953 155434 55916 56397 903 9556878 57358 57839 58320' 5oeci 59282 59762 1602.? | 60723 61204 9049501684 62165 62645 63125 : 63606 64066 04506 65040 65526 66006 905 9566486 66966 67445 67925: 68405 688856.9304 by044 70323 | 70803 9069571282 71761 72241 72720 7319373'707415774636 75115 75594 907 957607376552 7703077509'77988: 78400 70745 | 79423 79902 180380 908 9580858 81337 81815 82273 8277183249 83727 2420534083 | 85161 909 9585639 86117 86594 87072 87549 88027 88505 106982 8945989937 910 9590414 90891 91368 91845 : 92332 92800 73-76 93753 94230 94707 911 9595184 95660 96137 196614 97090 97507 76043 98520 9899699472 912 9599948 00425 00901 | 01377 01853 0232y 32805 03281163756 04232 913 9004708 05183 03659 C-135 00610, 07086 09501 0003608512 08987 9149609462 09937 10412 10887 : 11362 11837) 12312 12707 13262 13736 915 9614211 14686 15160 1563516109 16503 17058 17532 18006 1848r 9169018955 19429 19903 20377: 20851 21325 21799 22272 22746 23220 917 9623693 24167 24640 25114 2558726061 26334 27007 | 27481 27954 9.189628427 28900 29373 29246 130319 | 30792 31204 31737/32210 32683 919 0633155 33628 34100 34573 | 35045 | 35517 3599030402 36934 37406 920 9637878 38350 38822 39294 39766 40238 40710 41181 41653 42125 921 9642596 43068 43539 44011 44482 44953 45425 4589646367 46838 9222647309 47780 48251 48722 49193 49064 50135 5060551076 151546 923 9652017 52488 52958 53428 53899 5436954839 5530955780 50250 924 96567205719057660 58130 58599 159069159539 0c009 6047860948 925 9661417 61887 62356 162826 63295 03764) 64233 647036517265641 926 966611066579 167048 6751767985 68454 6892369392 69860170329 927 9670797 71266 171734 72203 726717313973607-407674544 75012 928 967548075948 76416 76884 77351 77819, 782877475779222 79690 929 9680157 80625 81092 31559 82027 8247482961 33+28 83895 84362 930 | 9684829 85296 85763 86230 86697 187164 876278097 88504 39030 | 9319689497 89963 90430 90896 91302 91829 92295 0270103-2729193 932 9694159 94625 95091 95557 40023 96488 : 26954 97420 97805 90351 ! 933 9698816 9928299747 (00213 00678 01143 arcod 0207402539 03004 : 1934 9703469 03934 0439904803 05328 05793 002; 8 06722 0718; 07652 935 9708116 08581 09045 09509 09:14 10430 | 1090 11366 11830 12294 | o9y | 936 9712758 13222 · 13686 14156 14614 15078 15$42 16005 1646 16932 (: 937 9917396 17859 18333 18756 19249 19713 : 20176 20639 21102 21565 938 9922028 22491 22954 ; 2341723880-4343 : 244805 25268 25731 26193 939 1 9726656) 27118 27581 28043 28506 48968 |29430 | 29892 1 30354 30816 I Ι 1 No a 1 6 2 5 3 4 1 940 9731279 31741 32202 32664 33126 3358334050 34511 3497335435 941 9733896;6358 36819 37281377,42 3820838664/39126 39587 40048 942 974050410970 | 41431 41892 42353 428144327443735 44196 44656 | 943 9745117 +5577 46038 46498 4695947419 47879 48340 48800 49260 944 97497205018050640 51100 51500 52020 5247952939 5339953858 945 19754318 54778 55237 55697 5615656615 5707557534 5799358452 946 975891159370 59829 60288 60749 0120661665 02124 62582 163041 947 976350063958 64417 64875 653346579266251 66709 67167 16,625 : ; 9489768083 68541 69000 69458 69915 70373 17083171289 71747 72204 949 9772662 73120 73577 74035 7449274950 75407 75864 1 76322 76779 950 977723677693 78150 ( 78607 7906479521 79978 | 80435 1 8089281348 951 9781805 8226282718 83175 183631 84088 | 84544 8500185457 85913 | | 952 9786369 8682687282 87738 88194 38650 89106 89562 90017 90473 953 979092991385 2184022296 92751 93207 9366294118 94573 95028 1 954 9795484 95934 96394 9684997304 9775998214 98669 99124 99579 955 9800034 00483 00943 01398 01852 02307 0276103216 03670 04125 956 9804579 0503305487 05942 06396 | 0685007304 077580821208666 9579809119 09573 10027 1048r 10934 113881184112295 12748 13202 958 9813655 14108 14562 15015 15468 159211637416827 17280 17733 | | | 959 19818186 18639 19092 19544 19997 20450 20902 21355 2180722260 | 960 1982271223165 | 23617 24069 24522 249742542625878 26330 26782 961 9827234 27686 2813828589 29041 29493 29945 30396 30848 31299 | 962 9831751 32202 32654 33105 33556 34007 34459 3491035361 35812 963 983626336714 37165 37616 38066 38517 3896839419 39869 40320 964 9840770412214107142122 42572 4302243473 43923 44373 44823 965 198452734572346173 46623 47073 47523 47973 48422 48872 49322 966 9849771 502215067051120 51569 52019 52468 5291753366 53816 967 19854265 54714 55163 5561256061 56510 56959 57407 57856 58305 968 9858754 59202 5965116009960548 609966144561893 62341 62790 969 1986323863686 04134 64582 6503005498 6592606374 66822167270 970 9867717 68165 | 6861369060 6950869955 704037085071298 71745 | 971 19872192 726407308773534 73981 7442774877 75322 75769 76216 9720876663 77109 7755678003784507889079343 7978980236 80682 973 9881128 81575 82021 | 8246782913 83360 83806 8425284698 85144 74 988559086035 | 86481 86927 87373 8781688264 88710; 89155 89601 | 975 9890046 90492 90937 91382 91828 92273 2271893163 93608 94053 976 9894498 94943953889583396278967220716797612 98057 08501 977 9898946 99390 99835100279 00723 vol 1006120205602500 32944 978990338903833 0429704721 0516405608 06052 064960694007383 979 99078270827108714 0915809601 10044 10438 10931 11374 11818 | 980 9912261 12704 13147 13590 140331447014919 15362 15805 16247 | 981 9916690 17133 17575 180181846118903 19345 1978820230 20673 982992111521557 21999 2244122884 23326 23768 24210 24651 125093 ( 983 9925535 25977 26419 26860 27302 27744 28185 28627 29068 29510 984 9929951 30392 30834 31275 31716321573259833039 33480 33921 985 9934362 34803 / 35244 35685 | 36123 36566 3700737447 37888 38329 | 986 9938769 39209 39650 140090 40531 4097141411 41851 42291 +2731 987 19943171 43611 44051 44491 44931 4537145811 4625046690 47130 988 9947569 48009 4844848888 49327 49767502065064551085 51524 989 995196352402528415328053719 54158 5459755036 55474 55913 990 9956352 56791 57229 57668 58106 58545 58983 59422 59860 00298 991 9960736 61175 61613 62051 62489 6292763365 63803 6424144679 | 992 9965117 65554 65992 66430 6686767305 67743 68180 68618 69055 993 9969492 6493070367 170804 71242 716797211672553 72990 73427 994 19973864 743017473875174 75611 76048 7648.76921 77358 77794 | 995 9978231 78667 79104 79540 7997680413 8084981285 81721 82157 996 9982593 83029 83465 83901 84337 84773 8520585645 86080 86516 | 997 9986952 87387 / 8782388258 | 88694 89129 89564 90000 20435 90870 998 9991305 91740 92176 92611 93046 93481 93916 94350 94785 95220 999 9995655 96089 1 96524 196959 I 97393 | 9782898262 98697/ 99131 99566 1 I 米 ​冰块​水珠​: 米​米​米​米​米​米​米 ​水水​水水 ​以 ​了 ​T A B L E 0F Artificial SiNES, TANGENTS, and SECANTS.. YANY C { 18 A Table of Artificial Sines, M M Sine. o Degree. Tang. Secant. 60 I 2. ороль, но TI 1 #TAT I2 I 20 21 30 31 32 6.0000000 10.000000 0.0000000 Infinite. 10.0000000 Infinite. 637261 9.9999999 6.4637261 13.5362739 0000000 13.5362739 59 7647561 9999999 7647562 2352438 0000OOI 235243958 3 9408473 9999998 9408475 0591525 0000002 059152752 4 7.0657860 9999997 | 7.0657863 12.9342137 0000003 12.934214056 5 1626960 9999995 1626964 8373036 0000005 8373040 55 6 2418771 9999993 2418778 7581222 0000007 758122954 7 3088239 9999999 3088248 6911752 0000009 6911761 53 8 36681571 9999988 3668169 6331831 0000012 6331843 52 9 41796811 9999985 4179696 5820304 0000015 5820319 51 IO 4637255 9999982 4637273 5362727 0000018 5362745 50 5051181 9999978 5051203 4948797 0000022 4948819 49 5429065 9999974 5429091 4570909 0000026 4570935 48 13 5776684 9999969 5776715 4223285 0000031 422331647 14 6098530 9999964 6098566 3901434 0000036 3901470 46 IS 6398160 9999959 6398201 3601799 0000041 3601840 | 45 16 6678445 9999953 6678492 3321508 0000047 3321555 44 17 6941733 9999947 6941786 305 8214 0000053 3058267 43 18 189966 9999940 7190026 2809974 0000060 2810034 42 19 7424775 9999934 7424841 2575159 0000066 257522541 7647537 9999927 7647610 2352390 0000073 2352463 40 7859427 9999919 7859508 2140492 0000081 2140573 39 22 8061458 9999911 8061547 1938453 0000089 1938542 38 23 8254507 9999903 8254604 1745396 0000097 1745493 37 27 84393389999894 8439444 1560556 0000106 1560662 36 25 8616623 9999885 8616738 1383262 0000IIS 1383377 35 26 8786953 9999876 8787077 1212923 0000124 1213047 34 27 8950854 9999866 8950988 1049012 0000134 104914633 28 9108793 9999856 9108938 0891062 0000144 0891207 | 32 29 9261190 9999845 9261344 0738656 0000155 0738810 31 9408419 9999835 9408584 0591416 0000165 059158130 9550819 9999823 9550996 0449004 0000177 044918129 9688698 9999812 9688886 Ω3ΙΙΙΙ4 0000188 0311302 28 33 9822334 9999800 9822534 0177466 0000200 0177666 27 34 99519801 9999788 9952192 0047808 0000212 004802026 0077867 9999775 8.0078092 11.9921908 0000225 11.9922133 25 0200207 9999762 0200445 9799555 0000238 9799793 24 0319195 0319446 9680554 0000252 9680805 | 23 0435009 9999735 0435274 9564726 0000265 9564991 22 39 0547814 9999721 0548094 0000279 9452186 21 0657763 0658057 9.341943 0000294 934223720 0764997 9999691 0765306 9234694 0000309 923500319 0869646 9999674 0869970 9130030 0000324 9130354 18 43 0971832 9929660 0972172 9027828 0000340 902816817 44 1071669 9999644 1072025 8927975 0000356 8928331 16 45 1169262 9999628 1169634 8830366 0000372 883073815 1264710 9999611 1265099 8734901 0000389 873529014 47 1358104 9999594 1358510 8641490 0000406 8641896|13 48 1449532 9999577 1449956 8550044 0000423. 8550468 12 49 1539075 9999559 1539516 8460484 0000441 8460925 II 50 1626808 9999541 1627267 8372733 0000459 8373192 10 SI 1712804 9999522 1713282 82.86718 0000478 8287196 9 52 1797129 9999503 1797626 8202374 0000497 8202871 8 53 1879848 | 9999484 1880364 8119636 0000516 8120152 54 1961020 9999464 1961556 8038444 0000536 8038980 55 2040703 9999444 2041259 7958741 OC00556 7959297 5 2118949 9999424 2119526 7880474 0000576 7881051 4 57 2195811 9999403 2196408 7803592 0000597 7804189 3 58 2271335 9999382 2271953 7728047 0000618 7728665 59 2345568 9999360 2346208 7653792 0000640 7654432 60 2418553 9999338 2419215 7580785 0000662 7581447) 8. 35 36 37 38 9999748 945ICOS 9999706 40 41 42 46 WOW CCIO $6 2 T Tangents, and Secants. 19 I 9999316 2 736957657 916756654 IO 6729837 47 14 6611437 6612471| 45 6554957 44 6442165 | 42 19. 20 * 24 6068992 35 6018207 34 1 Degree. M Sine. Tang. Secant. 08.2418553 19.99993388.2419215 ( 11.7580785 10.0000662 [ 11.7581447 60 2490332 2491015 0000684 7508985 7509668 59 2560943 9999294 2561649 7438351 0000706 7439057 58 3 2630424 9999271 2631153 7368847 0000729 2698810 2699563 9999247 4 7300437 0000753 730119056 2766136 9999224 5 2766912 7233088 0000776 7233864 55 6 2832434 2833234 9999200 7166766 0000800 2897734 9999175 7 2898559 7101441 0000825 7102266 53 8 2962067 9999150 2962917 7037083 0000850 7037933 52 3025460 9999125 3026335 9 6973665 0000875 6974540 51 3087941 9999100 3088842 6911158 0000900 691205950 3149536 II 9999074 3150462 6849538 0000926 6850464 49 3210269 12 9999047 3211221 6788779 0000953 678973148 13 3270163 9999021 3271143 6728857 0000979 3329243 9998994 3330249 6669751 0001006 6670757 46 15 3389529 9998966 3388563 0001034 16 3445043 9998939 3446105 6553895 OCO1061 17 3501805 9998911 3502895 6497105 0001089 6498195 43 18 3557835 9998882 3558953 6441047 0001118 3613150 3614297 6385703 OOO1147 638685041 3667769 9998824 3668945 6331055 0001176 6332231 40 AI 9998794 3721710 3722915 0001206 6277085 6278290 39 3774988 224 9998764 3776223 6233777 OC01236 6225012 38 3827620 23 9998734 3828886 0001266 6171114 6172380 37 3879622 9998703 3880918 6119082 0001297 6120378 36 25 3931008 9998672 3932336 6067664 0001328 26 3981793 9998641 3983152 6016848 0001359 27 4031990 9998609 4033381 5966619 0001391 5968010 33 4081614 9998577 4083037 5916963 0001423 5918386 32 29 4130676 9998544 4132132 5867868 0001456 5869324 31 30 4179190 9999512 4180679 5819321 0001488 31 4227168 9998478 4228690 5771310 OOO1522 5792832 | 29 4274621 2998445 4276176 5723824 0001555 5725379 28 33 4321561 9998411 4323150 5676850 C001589 34 4367999 9998376 4369622 5630378 0001624 5632001 26 35 4413944 9998342 4415603 5584397 0001658 5586056 25 36 4459409 9998306 4461103 5538897 0001694 554059124 37 4504402 9998271 4506131 5493869 0001729 5495598 23 38 4548934 9998235 4556699 5449301 0001765 $45106622 39 4593013 9998199 4594814 0001801 54069871 21 40 4636649 9998162 4638486 5361514 0001838 $33335120 41 4679850 9998125 4681725 5318275 QO01875 532015019 42. 4722626 9998088 4724538 5275462 0001912 527737418 43 4764984 9998050 4766933 5233067 OO01950 523501017 44 4806932 9998012 4808920 5191080 0001988 $193068 16 45 4848479 9997974 4850505 5149495 0002026 5151521 15 46 4889632 9997935 4891696 5108304 0002065 SI1036814 47 4930398 4932502 5067498 0002104 506900213 4970784 4972928 5027072 COO2144 5029216 12 49 50r0798 9997817 5012982 4987018 0002183 4989202 II 50 5050447 9997776 5052671 4947329 0002224 4949553 IO 5089736 5092001 4987999 0002264 4910204 52 5128673 9997695 5130978 4869022 0002305 4871327 53 5167264 9997653 5169610 4830390 0002347 4832736 54 5205514 9997612 $ 207902 4792098 0002388 4794486 55 5243430 9997570 5245360 4754140 0002430 4756570 5281017 9997527 5283490 4716510 0002473 4718983 57 5318281 9997484 5320797 46792031 0002516 4681719 5355228 9997441 5357787 46422131 0002559 4644772 59 5391863 9997398 5394466 0002602 4608137 bo 5428192 9997354 5430838 4569162 0002646 4571808 28 5820810 30 32 5678439 | 27 5405186 9997896 9997856 48 51 9997730 56 ao routes les Ò 58 4605534 A Table of Artificial Sines, Secant. ooou aen te who II a to 20 2 2 Degrees. M Sine. Tang. 0 8.5428192 19.9997354. 8.5430838 111.456916210.0002646 11.4571808 60 5464:18 9997309 5466909 4533091 0002691 453573259 5499948 9997265 5502083 4497317 0002735 4500052 58 5535386 9997220 5538166 4461834 0002780 4464614 57 5570536 9997174 5573362 4426638 0032826 4429464 :56 5605404 9997128 5608276 4391724 0002872 439459655 5639994 9997082 5642912 4357088 0002918 436000654 $674310 9997036 5677275 4322725 0002964 4325690 53 5708357 9996989 5711368 4288632 000301I 4291643 52 5742129 9996942 5745197 4254803 0003058 425786151 IO 5775660 9996894 5778766 4221234 0003106 4224340 | 50 5808923 9996846 5812077 4187923 0003154 419107749 12 5841933 9996798 5845136 4154864 0003202 415806748 33 5874694 9996749 5877945 4122055 0003251 4125306 47 14 5907209 9996700 5910509 4089491 C003300 4092791 46 15 5939483 9996650 5942832 4057168 0003350 4060517 45 16 5971517 9996601 5974917 4025083 0003399 4028483 44 17 6003317 9996550 6006767 3993233 0003450 3996683 43 18 6034886 9996500 6038386 3961614 0003500 3965114) 42 19 6066226 9996449 6009777 3930223 0003551 393377441 6097341 9996398 6100943 3899057 0003602 390265940 21 6120235 9996346 6131889 386111 0003654 3871765 39 22 6158910 9996294 6102615 3837384 coo3706 3841090 38 23 6189369 9996242 6193127 3806873 0003758 3810631 | 37 24 6219616 9996189 6223427 3776573 0003811 3780384 36. 25 6249653 9996136 6253518 3746482 0003864 3750347 35 26 6279484 9996082 6283402 3716598 0003918 3720516 34. 27 6309111 9996028 6313083 3686917 0003972 3690889 33 28 0338537 999.5974 6342563 3657437 0004026 3661463 / 32 29 6367764 9995919 6371845 3628155 0004081 3632236 31 39 6395796 9995865 6400931 3599069 0004135 3603204 30 31 6423634 9995809 6429825 3570175 0004191 3574366 29 32 6454282 9995753 6458528 3541472 0004247 3545718 28 33 6402742 9995697 6487044 3512956 0004303 351725827 34 6511016 9995041 6515375 3484625 0004359 3488984 26 35 6539107 9995584 6543522 3456478 0004416 346089325 36 6567017 9995527 6571490 3428510 0004473 3432983 24 6594748 9995469 6599279 3400721 0004531 3405252 23 38 6622303 9995411 6626891 3373109 0004589 337769722 39 6649684 9995353 6654331 3345669 0004647 3350316 21. 6676893 9995295 3318402 0004705 3323107 20 6703932 9995236 6708697 3291303 0004764 3296068 19 42 6730804 9995176 6735628 3264372 0004824 3269196 18 43 6757510 6762393 3237607 0004884 3242490 17 44 6784052 6788996 3211004 0004944 3215948'16 45 6810433 9994996 3184563 0005004 3189567 15. 6836654 9994935 3158281 0005065 3163346 14 6862718 9994874 6867844 3132156 0005126 3137282 13 6868625 9994812 6893813 3106187 0005188 3111375 12 49 6914379 9994750 6919629 3080371 0005250 3085621 II 50 6939980 6945292 305*7708 0005312 3060020 10 SI 6965431 6970806 3029194 0005375 3034569 6990734 52 6996172 3003828 0005438 % 3009266 53 7015889 7021390 2978610 COO5502 2984111 7 54 7040899 9994435 7046465 2953535 0005565 2959101 6. 55 7065766 9994370 7071395 2928605 0005630 2934.234 5 7090490 7096185 2903815 0005694 2909510 4 7115075 9994241 7120834 2879166 0005 759 2884925 3 7139520 7145345 2854655 0005824 2860480 2 7163829 9994110 7169719 2830281 0005890 2836171 00 2188002 9994044 2193958 2806042 0005956 2811998 1 0 8 N N N دا ا دا کج کر دی بر ع کر دی پی در پی دی در 37 1 6681598 40 41 9995116 9995056 6815437 6841719 46 47 48 9994688 9994625 9994562 9994498 56 9994306 57 00 58 59 9994176 na trh I Tangents, and Secants. 21 3 Degrees. El I OOV Que No head o 9993776 9993703 Ιο II A 111 9992938 1 9992198 9992046 M Sine, Tang- Secant. 98.7188002, 9.9994044 87193958 11.2806042 10.0005956, 11.2811998 60 7.21 2040 9993978 7218063 2781937 coo6022 2787960 59 7235946 9993911 7242035 2757965 0906089 2764054.158 3 7259721 999384.4 7265877 2734123 СообI56 274027957 4 7283366 7289589 2710411 0006224 271663456 5 7306882 7313174 2686826 особ292 269311855 6 7330272 9993640 7336631 2663369 Oc06360 2669728 54 7 7353535 9993572 7359964 2046465 53 2640036 0006428 8 7376675 9993503 7383172 2616828 0006497 2623325 52 9 7399691 9993433 7406258 2593742 ooo6567 2609209 51 *7422586 9993364 7429222 2570778 0006636 257741450 7445360 9993293 7452067 2547933 0006707 2554640 49 I 2 7468015 9993223 7474792 2525208 0006777 2531925 48 13 7490553 9993152 7497400 2502600 0006848 2509447 47 14 7512973 9993081 7519892 2480108 0006919 248702746 15 7535278 9993009 7542269 2457731 0006991 2464722 | 45 16 7557469 7564531 2435469 0007062 2442531 43 17 7579546 9992865 7586681 2413319 0007135 2420454 43 18 7601512 9992793 7608719 2391281 0007207 2398488 42 19 7623366 9992720 7630647 2369353 0007280 2376634 41 20 7645III 9992646 7652465 2347535 0007354 2354889 40 21 7666747 9992572 7674175 2325825 CO07428 2333253 39 22 7688275 9992498 7695777 2304223 0007502 2311725 i 38 23 7709697 9992424 7717274 2282726 0007576 229030337 24 7731014 9992349 7738665. 2261335 c007631 2268986 36 25 7752226 9992274 17759952 2240048 0007726 2247774 35 26 7773334 7781130 2218864 0007802 2226666 34 27 7794340 9992122 7902218 2197782 0007878 2205660 33 28 7815244 7,823199 2176801 0007954 218475632 29 7836048 9991969 7844079 2155921 0008031 216395231 30 7856753 9991892 7864861 2135139 0008108 2143247 | 30 31 7877359 9991815 7885544 2114456 coo8185 32 7897867 9991737 7906130 2093870 0008263 2102133 28 33 7918278 9991659 7920620 2073380 0008341 34 7938594 7947014 2052986 9008420 2061406 26 35 7958814 9991501 7967313 2032687 0008499 36 7978941 9991422 7987519 2012481 0008578 202105924 37 7998974 9991342 8007632 1992368 0008653 200102623 38 8018915! 9991262 8027653 1972347 0008738 1981085 127 39 8038764 9991182 8047583 1952417 0008818 196123621 40 8058523 9991101 8067422 1932578 oco8899 1941477 20 8078192 9991020 1912828 0008980 1921808 19 42 8097772 8106834 1893166 co09062 1902228 18 43 8117264 9990356 8126407 1873593 0009144 44 8136668 9990774 8145294 1854106 0007226 186333216 45 8155985 9990691 8165294 1834706 0009309 46 8175217 9990608 8184608 1815392 0009392 1824.783 14 47 8194363 9990525 8203838 1796162 0009475 48 8213425 9990441 8222984 1777016 0009559 1786575 12 49 8232494 9990357 8242046 1757954 0009643 1767596 11 50 8251299 9990273 8261026 1738974 CC09727 174870110 8270112 9990188 8279924 1720076 0009812 1729888 52 8288844 9990103 8298741 1701259 0009897 1711156 53 8307495 9990017 8317478 1682522 0009983 1692505 54 8326066 9989931 8336134 1663866 0010069 16739346 SS 8344557 9989845 8354712 1645288 0010155 1655443 5. 56 8362969 9989758 8373211 1626789 0010242 1637031 57 8381304 9989671 8391633 1608367 OQ10329 1618696 5$ 8399561 9989584 8409977 159.0023 0010416 8417741 9989496 8428245 1571755 CO10504 15822591 60 8435845 9989498 8446437 . 3553563 OQ1059% 15.6419.5. 2122641 29 208172227 9991580 2041186 25. was 41 8087172 9990938 1882736 177 1844015 15. 1805637 18 SI axoo no nt man 3 160043911.%. 59 1) A Table of Artificial Sines, 2 4 Degrees. M Sine. Tang. Secant. Paloma 2 OoN ah A 14 9986888 ܐ o 8.84358451 9.9989408 8.8446437| 11.155356 10.0010592 ; II.1564155 60 8453874 9989319 8.464554 1535440 0010681 154632659 8471827 9989230 8482597 15174.03 OO10770 1528173 58 3 8489707 9989141 8500566 1499434 0010859 I51029357 8507512 9989052 8518461 1481539 0010948 149248856 5 8525245 9988962 8536283 1463717 0011038 147475555 6 8542905 9988871 8554034 1445966 OO11129 1457095 54 7 8560493 9988780 8571713 1428287 COI1220 1439507 53 8 8578010 9988689 8589321 1410679 OO11311 142199052 9 8595457 9988598 8606859 1393141 OOI1402 1.40454351 JO 8612833 9988506 8624327 1375673 0011494 138716750 II 8630139 ୨988414 8641725 1358275 0011586 136986149 I 2 8647376 9988321 8659055 1340945 0011679 1352624 48 13 8664545 9988228 8676317 1323683 0011772 133545547 8681646 9988135 8693511 1306489 0011865 131835446 15 8698680 9988041 8710638 1289362 0011959 1301320 | 45 16 8715646 9987947 8727699 1272301 O012053 1284354 44 17 8732546 9987853 8744694 1255306 2012147 126745443 18 874.9381 9987758 8761623 1238377 OOI 2242 1250619 42 19 8766150 9987663 8778487 1221513 0012337 123385041 20 8782854 9987567 8795286 1204714 0012433 1217146 | 40 21 8799493 9987471 8812022 1187978 QO12529 1200507 39 22 8816069 9987375 8828694 II71306 0012625 118393I38 23 8832581 9987278 8845303 1154697 0012722 1167419 37 24 8849031 9987181 8861850 1138150 0012819 115096936 25 8865418 9987084 8878334 1121666 0012916 113458235 26 8881743 9986986 8894757 II05243 0073014 I11825734 27 8898007 8911119 1088881 0013112 I10199333 28 8914209 9986790 8927420 1072580 0013210 108579132 29 8930351 9986691 8943660 1056340 0013309 1069649 31 30 8946433 9986591 8959842 1040158 0013402 1053567 30 31 8962455 9986492 8975962 1024037 0013508 103754529 32 8978418 9986392 8992026 1007974 0013608 1021582 28 33 8994322 9986292 9008030 0991970 0013708 100567827 34 9010168 9986191 9023977 0976023 0013809 0989832 26 35 9025955 99860901 9039866 0960134 0013910 0974045 25 9041685 9985988 9055697 0944303 OO14012 0958315 24 9057358 9985886 9071472 0928528 0014114 0942642 23 9072975 9985784 9087190 0912810 0014216 092702522 9088535 39 9985682 9102853 0097147 0014318 091146521 0881540 9985579 9118400 0014421 40 089596120 0865988 9985475 9134012 41 0014525 088051319 9134881 9985372 9149509 0850491 42 0014623 0865119 18 9150219 9985268 9164952 083504.8 0014732 43 0849781 17 9165504 9985163 0180340 0819000 0014837 44 083449616 9180734 9985058 0804325 99850589195675 45 0014942 0819206 15 46 9193911 9984953 9210957 0789043 0015047 0804089 14 9211034 9984848 47 9226186 0773814 0015152 0788966 13. 9226105 9984742 9241363 0758637 48 0015258 077389512 9241123 9984636 0743513 49 0015364 0758877 II 9256089 50 9984529 0728440 0015471 0743911 | 10 2271003 0713419 99844229286581 SI 0015578 0728997 9 9285866 9984315 9301552 o608448 52 0015685 0714134 8 9300678 99842079316471 0683529 0015793 53 0699322 7 9984099 0668060 9315439 9331340 54 0684561 0015401 6 9330150 9983990 9346160 0653840 55 0016010 0669850 S, 9983881 i 9360929 0639071 0016119 0655189 9359422 99837729375650 0624350 0016228 0640578 3 9390321 0609679 0016337 0626017 20 9388496 9983553 9404944 0595056 0016447 59 0611504 I 94029001 9983442' 9419518 0580482 0016558 0597040 36 37 38 as ba tw w ew O aathie 911993; 3985579 9256487 9271560 IO 1 9344811 A. 56 57 58 le ta ar 93739839983663 Tangents, and Secants. 23 M I 2 4 O Vaerew IO II 14 0367455 21 24 5 Degrees. M Sine. Tang- Secant. 08.9402960 19.99834428.9419518, 11.0580482 10.0016558 ! 11.05970406. 9417376 9983332 9434044 0565956 0016668 0582624 52 9431743 9983220 9448523 0551477 0016780 056825758 9446063 9983109 9462954 0537046 0016891 055393757 9460335 9982997 9477338 0522662 0017003 053966556 5 9474561 9982885 9491676 0508324 0017115 052543955 6 9488739 9982772 9505967 0494033 0017228 0511261 54 7 9502871 9982660 9520211 0479789 0017340 0497129153 8 9516957 9982546 9534410 0465590 0017454 0483043 52 9 9530996 9982433 9548564 0451436 0017567 046900451 9544991 9982318 9562672 0437328 0017682 045500950 9558940 9982204 9576735 0423265 0017796 044106049 I 2 9572843 9982089 9590754 0409246 0017911 04271571 48 13 9586703 9981974 9604728 0395272 0018026 0413297 47 9600517 9981859 9618659 0381341 0018141 0399483 46 15 2614288 9981743 9632545 0018257 038571245 16 9628014 9981626 9646388 0353612 0018374 0371986 44 17 9641697 9981510 9660188 0339812 C018490 0358303 43 18 9655337 9981393 9673944 0326056 0018607 034466342 19 9668934 9981275 9687658 0312342 0018725 0331066 41 20 9682487 9981158 9701330 0298670 0018842 0317513 40 9695999 9981040 9714959 0285041 0018960 0304001 39 22 9709468 9980921 9728547 0271453 0019079 0290532 38 23 9722895 9980802 9742092 0257908 0019198 027710537 9736280 9980683 9755597 0244403 0019317 026372036 25 9749624 9980563 9769060 0230940 0019437 0290376 35 26 9762926 9980443 9782483 0217517 0019557 0237074 34 27 9776188 9980323 9795865 0204135 0019677 0223812 33 28 9789408 9980202 9809206 0190794 0019798 0210592 32 29 9802589 9980081 9822507 0177493 0019919 0197411 31 30 9815729 9835769 0020040 0184271 30 9828829 9979838 9848991 OIS1009 0020162 0171171 29 32 9841889 9862173 0137827 0020284 QIS8111 28 0158111 33 9854910 9979593 9875317 0124683 0020407 0145090 27 34 9867891 9979470 9888421 OII1579 0020530 0132109 26 9880834 9979347 9901487 0098513 0020653 0119166: 25 36 989.3737 9979223 9914514 0085486 0020777 0066263' 24 37 9906602 9979099 9927503 0072497 0020901 0093398, 23 38 9919429 9978975 9940454 0059546 0021025 0080571 22 39 9932217 9978850 9953367 0046633 0021150 0067783 21 40 9944968 9978725 9966243 0033757 0021275 005503220 41 9957681 9978599 9979081 C020919 0021401 0042319 19 42 9970356 9978473 999188 0008117 0021527 0029644 18 43 9982994 9978347 9.0004647 10.9995353 CO21653 0017006 17 44 9995595 9978220 0017375 9982625 0021780 C004405 | 16 459.0008160 0030000 9969934 0021907 10.9991840 15 46 0020687 9977906 0042721 9957279 C022034 9979313/14 47 0033179 9977838 0055340 9944660 CO22162 9906821 13. 48 0045034 9977710 0067924 CO22290 9954366 12 49 0058053 9977582 0080471 9919522 0022418 9941947 II 50 0070436 9977453 0092984 9907016 0022547 992956410 0082784 9977323 0105461 9894539 0022677 9977216 9 52 0095096 9977194 O117903 988209% 0022806 9904904 53 0107374 0130310 9869690 0022936 9892626 7 54 0119616 ୨976933 0142682 9857318 0023067 988038416 55 0131823 9976803 0155021 9844979 0023197 9868177 5 56 0143996 9976672 0167325 9832675 0023328 9856004 4 57 0156135 9976540 0179594 9820406 0023460 98438653 58 0168239 0191831 9808169 0023592 9831761 2 59 0180309 9976276 0204033 9795967 0023724 9819691 60 0192346 9976143 0216202 97037981 0023857 9807654 9979960 0164231 31 9979716 35 > 9978093 9932076 SI 9977064 0 9976408 I 24 A Table of Artificial Sines, 6 Degrees. Tang. M Sine. Secant. lo 9975609 97,23448 9974660 12 9974386 9974248 9974110 9973971 9973833 9973693 9581866 18 20 9547164 21 9972850 9972708 9972566 9972423 9972280 9972137 9478561 9455926 9444651 09.019234619-99761439 0216202 10.9783798 10.0023857 / 10.9807654 60 I 0204348 9976011 0228338 9771662 0023989 979565259 2 0216318 9975877 0240441 9759559 0024123 9783682 38 3 0228254 9975 743 0252510 9747490 0024257 9791746 57 4 0240157 0264548 9735452 0024391 975984356 5 0252027 9975475 0276552 6 0024525 0263865 974797355 9975340 0288524 9711476 0024660 973613554 7 0275669 9975205 0300464 9699536 0024795 8 0287442 972433153 9975069 0312373 9687627 0024931 971255852 9 0299182 9974933 0324249 9675751 0025067 970081851 Το 0310890 9974797 0336093 9663907 0025203 968911050 II 0322567 0347906 9652094 0025340 9677433 49 0334212 9974523 0359688 9640312 0025477 966578848 13 0345825 0371439 9628561 0025614 9654175 47 14 0357407 0383159 9616841 0025752 9642593 46 I5 0368958 0394848 9605152 0025890 16 9631042 45 0380477 0406506 9593494 0026029 9619523 | 44 17 391966 0418134 C020167 9608034 43 0403424 0429731 9570269 0026307 959657642 19 0414852 9973554 0441299 9558701 0026446 9585148 41 0426249 9973414 0452836 0026586 957375140 0437617 9973273 0464343 9535657 0026727 9562383 39 22 0448954 9973132 0475821 9524179 0026868 23 9551046138 0460261 9972991 0487270 9512730 0027009 9539739 37 24 0471538 0498689 9501311 0027150 9528462 36 25 0482786 0510078 9489922 0027292 26 9517214 35 0494005 0521439 0027434 27 9505995 | 34 0505194 0532771 9467229 0027577 28 9494806 | 33 O$16354 0544074 0027720 948364632 29 0527485 0555349 0027863 30 9472515 31 0538588 9971993 0566595 9433405 0028007 9461412 30 31 0549661 0577813 9422187 0028151 32 9450339 29 0560706 9971704 0589002 0028296 9439294 28 33 0571723 9971559 0600164 9399836 0028441 9428277 27 34 0582711 9971414 0611297 9388703 0028586 9417289 26 35 0593672 0622403 9377597 0028732 9406328 25 36 0604604 0633482 9366518 0028878 9395396 24 37 0615509 0644533 9355467 0029024 9384491 23 38 0626386 0655556 9344444 0029171 9373614 | 22 39 0637235 0666553 9333447 0029318 9362765 21 40 0648057 9970535 0677522 0029465 9351943 | 20 41 0658852 0688465 9311535 0029613 9341148 19 42 0669619 9970239 0699381 9300619 0029761 9330381 18 43 0680360 0710270 9289730 0029910 931964017 44 0691074 9969941 0721133 0030059 9308926 16 45 0701761 9969792 0731969 9268031 0030208 46 9298239 15 0712421 9969642 Q42779 9257221 0030358 9287579 14 47 0723055 9969492 0753563 9246437 0030508 9276945 13 48 0733663 9969342 0764321 9235679 0030658 9266337 12 49 0744244 9969191 0775053 9224947 0030809 925575611 0754799 9969040 0785760 9214240 0030960 51 0765329 9245201 | 10 0796441 9203559 0031112 9234671 9 52 0775832 0807096 9.192904 0031264 9224168 8 53 0786310 0817726 9182274 0031416 9213690 7 54 0796762 996€431 0828331 9171669 0031569 55 0307189 0838911 9161089 0031722 9192811 5 56 0817590 9968125 0849466 9150534 0031875 9182410 4 57 0827966 9967971 0859996 9140004 0032029 58 9172034 | 3 0838317 9967817 0870501 9129499 0032183 91616833 2 59 0848643 0880981 9119019 0032338 60 9151357 I 0858945 / 996.7507 0891438 9108362 0032493 9141055 9991849 9410998 9971268 9971122 9970976 9970829 9970682 9322478 9970387 9970090 9278867 50 9968888 9968736 9968584 9968278 9203238 6 9967662 $ ) 25 Tangents, and Secants. ing Degrees. 1 2 00 acm A 095.3667 TO IC 12 13 20 21 22 8884492 82 Degrees. M Sine. Tang Secart. 09.0858945) 9.9967507 9.0891438 10.9108562 10 0032493 10.9141055, 60 I 08692219967353 0901869 9098131 00326431 9130779 52 0879473 9967196 0912271 9087723 0032804 9120527 158 3 0889700 9967040 0922660 9077340 0032960 9110300 57 0899903 9966884 0933020 9565980 0033116 9100097 56 0910092 9966727 0943355 9056645 0033273 9089918 55 6 0920237 9966579 9046333 0033430 9079763 54. 7 0932367 9966412 09h3955 9036045 0033588 906463353 8 0940474 9966254 0974219 9025781 0033740 9059526 52 ୨ 0950556 99660:6 0984460 9015540 0033904 9049144 51 0960515 9965937 0994678 9005322 C034063 9039335 150 0970651 9965778 1004872 8995128 0034222 9029.349 149 0980062 9965619 IOI5044 8983956 0034381 9059.335 to 0990651 9965459 10251)2 8974808 0034541 C.934947 14 1000616 9965299 1035317 8964683 0034701 8999384 46 IS 10105581 996;138 104.5 420 8954520 0034862 8901442 145 IÓ 1020477 9964977, : 1055500 8944500 0035023 8979523 44 17 103,373 9964816 1065557 8934443 0035184 8969627 4.3 18 10402461 9964655 1075591 8924409 0035345 8959754 / 42 19 1050096 9964493 1085604 8914396 C035507 8949904 41 1059924 9964330 1095504 8904406 0035670 8940076 40 1069729 9964167 1105562 8894438 0035833 803027139 1079512 9964004 ILIS508 0035996 892048838 23 10892729963841 II25431 8874569 0036159 8910728 31' 24 1099010 9963677 I135333 8864667 0036323 890099036 25 1108726 9963513 I145213 8854787 0036487 88,1274 35 26 1118420 9963348 I155072 8844928 0036652 8881580 34 27 I128092 9963183 1164909 8835091 0036817 8871908 33 28 I137742 9963018 1174724 8825276 0036982 8862258 | 32 29 II47370 9962852 1184518 8815482 9037148 8852630 31 30 1156977 9962686 1194291 0037314 8843023 30 '1166562 9962519 I 204043 8795957 C037481 883343829 32 1176125 9962352 I213773 8786227 0037648 8823875 28 33 1185667. 9962135 12234.82 8776518 0037815 881433327 34 9902017 1233171 8766829 0037983 880481226 12046881 9901849 1242839 8757161 0038151 879531225 1214167 9961681 1252486 8747514 0038319 878583324 37 1262112 12236241 9961512 8737868 0038488 8776376 23 1233061 9961343 1271718 8:28282 0038657 876693922 39 1242477 9,961174 1281 303 8718697 0038826 87575?321 40 1251872 746 1004 1290868 8709132 0038996 8748128 , 20 1261246 9310134 3C0113 8699587 0039166 8738754 19 42 1270600 9960063 1309937 86усов 3 0032337 8729400 I 4,3 1279234 9960-4) 21319442 8680558 0039508 87.0066 1.7 44 1289247 9950;21 1328926 8671074 0039675 8710753 16 45 12985,39 9960149 1338391 8061609 0039857 876146I 15 46 1307812 9959977 1347835 8652165 CO., 0023 8602188 1 47 1317064 9959804 1357260 CC40196 3682936 13 48 1326297 | 9959631 1366665 86333.35 0010369 86737c3 12 49 1335509 9959453 1316051 0040142 8064401 II 50 13-4702 9954284 1385417 8614583 2040716 805523 10 SI 1353875 9959111 1394761 E605236 cc4c889 Com«,125 52 1363028 9758936 1404092 8595908 CoSICH 8636672 53 13;2161 9950701 I413400 8;16600 C041239 7 1381275 S- 9958560 1422089 577,31I OCTAT Ó 3012725 55 1390370 143199 del8o41 CO?! 9 8609630 5 56 1399443 7958235 1441210 8556790 Cu41765 Eoço5551 1408501 9958359 1450442 859558 C.CHIVAS Y aj 03499 141 7537 9957882 1454055 8540345 C04?118 8502463 59 1426555 9.257705 1408849 8131191 C%20:5 85734-5 60 1435553 1470025 8521975 CC2472 85644471 B いい​NNN 8805709 31 1195.188 I 35 36 کن د 38 41 8642740 Só23949 8627839 9953.51 ܛ 3 ؟ 57 58 2 ت I 9957528 26 A Table of Artificial Sines, 8 Degrees. 81 Degrees. Tang. Secant. 1 M Sine. I 2 18 ) ว 9956993 9956456 IO 9955188 13 I4 15 9954822 18 9954087 20 1657737 21 22 23 30 31 019.1435553 9.9957528 9.1478025 10.8521975 10.0042472 ; 10.8564447 60 1444532 9957350 1487182 8512818 0042650 855546859 1453493 9957172 149632 1 8503679 0042828 8546507 58 3 1462435 1505441 8494559 0043007 8537565 57 4 1471358 9956815 IS14543 8485457 0043185 852864256 5 1480262 9956635 1523627 8476373 0043365 8519738 55 6 E489148 1532692 8467 308 0043544 8510852 54 7 1498015 9956276 1541739 8458261 0043724 8501985 53 8 1506864 9956095 1550769 8449231 0043905 849313652 9 1515694 9955915 1559780 8440220 0044085 848430651 1524507 9955734 1568773 8431227 0044266 847549350 11 1533301 9955552 1577748 8422252 0044448 8466699 | 42 I 2 1542076 9955370 1586706 8413294 0044630 8457924 48 1550834 1595646 8404354 0044812 8449166 | 47 1559574 9955005 1604569 8395431 0044995 8440426 46 1568296 IÓ13473 8386527 0045178 8431704 | 45 16 1577000 9954639 1622361 8377639 0045361 8423000 | 44 17 1585686 9954455 1631231 8368769 0045545 848431443 1594354 9954271 1640083 8359927 0045729 840564642 19 1603005 1648919 8351081 0045913 8396995 41 1611639 9953902 8342263. 0046098 8388361 40 1620254 9953717 1666538 8333462 0046283 837974639 1628853 9953531 167.5322 8324678 0046469 8371147 | 38 1637434 9953345 1684089 8315911 0046655 8362566 37 24 1645998 9953159 1692839 8307161 0046841 8354002 36 25 1654544 9952972 1701572 8298428 0047028 834545635 26 1663074 9952785 1710289 8289711 0047215 8336926 34 27 1671536 9952597 1718989 8281011 0047403 8328414 33 28 1680081 9952409 1727672 8272328 0047591 8319919 32 29 1688559 9952221 1736338 8263662 0047779 8311441 | 31 1697021 9952033 1744988 8255012 0047967 8302979 30 1705465 175 3:622 8246378 0048150 8294535 29 32 1713893 1762239 8237761 0048346 8286107 28 33 1722305 9951464 1770840 8229160 0048536 8277695 27 34 1730699 9951274 1779425 0048726 8269301 26 35 1739077 1787993 0048916 8260923 | 25 17474.39 9950893 1796546 0049107 8252561 24 1755784 9950702 1805082 8194918 0049298 8244216 23 2764112 9950510 1813602 8186398 0049490 8235888 22 39 177 2425 1822106 8177894 0049682 8227575 21 40 1780721 9950126 1830595 8169405 0049874 821.9279 20 41 1789001 9949933 1839068 8160932 0050067 8210999 19 42 1797265 9949740 1847525 0050260 8202735 18 43 180551-2 1855966 0050454 8194488 17 44 1813744 9949352 8135608 0050648 8186256 16 45 1821960 9949158 1872802 8127198 0050842 8178040 15 46 1830160 1881196 8118%24 0051036 816984014 47 1838344 9948769 1889575 8110425 0051231 816165613 48 1846512 9948573 1897939 8102061 0051427 855348812 49 1854665 9948377 1906287 8093713 005 r623 8145335 II 50 1862802 1914621 0051819 813719810 1870923 9947985 1922939 8077061 0052015 8129077 9 1879029 1931241 8068759 005221.2 8120971 8 53 1887120 9947591 1939529 8060471 0052409 8112880 7 54 1895195 9947393 8052198 0052607 8104805 6 55 1903254 9947195 1956059 8043941 0052805 8096746 5 1911299 9946997 1964302 8035698 0053003 8088701 1919328 9946798 1972530 8027470 0053202 8080672 3 1927342 9946599 1980743 0053401 8072658 59 193,5341 9946399 1988941 0053601 8064659 бо 1943324 9946199 1997125 80028751 0053801 805667610 9951844 9951654 a w co w w ew to w to 9951084 8220575 8212007 8203454 36 37 38 995031.8 8152475 8144034 9949546 1864392 9948964 99481&I 8085379 51 52 9.947788 1947802 aco Mongoleil 4 56 57 58 NOO 8019252 8011059 2 I Tangents, and Secants. 27 ✓ 9 Degrees. ୨ M Sine. 80 Degrees. Secant. Tang. 1 1899 I 4 an II 0056434 13 14 15 2061309 17 T 09.1943324 9 9946199 9.1997125, 10.8002875 10.0053801 10.805667660 1951293 9945999 2005294 7994706 OOS4001 8048707 59 2. 1959247 9945798 2013449 7986551 0054202 8040753 58 3 1967186 9945597 2021588 7978411 0054403 803281457 4 1975110 9945396 2029714 7970286 0054504 802489056 5 1983019 9945194 2037825 7962175 0054806 801698155 6 1990913 9944992 2045922 7954078 0055008 8009087 54 7 1998793 9944789 2054004 7945996 0055211 800120753 8 2006658 9944587 2062072 7937928 0055413 799334252 9 2014509 9944383 2070126 7929874 0055617 79854915E TO 2022345 9944180 2078165 7921835 0055820 7977655 50 2030167 9943975 2086191 7913809 0056025 7969833 49 I2 2037974 9943771 2094203 7905797 0056229 7962026 48 2045766. 9943566 2102200 7897800 7954231 | 47 2053545 9943361 2110184 7889816 0056639 7946455 | 46 9943156 2118153 7881347 0056844 7938691 45 16 2069059 9942950 2126109 7873891 0057050 793094144 2076795 9942743 213405 I 7865949 0057257 792320543 18 2084516 9942537 2141480 7858020 0057463 7913484 | 42 19 2092224 9942330 2149894 7850106 0057670 790777641 20 2099917 9942122 2157795 7842205 005 7878 79000831 40 21 2107597 9941914 2165683 7834317 0058086 789240339 22 2115263 9941706 2173556 7826444 0058294 7884737 38 23 2122914 9941498 2181417 7818583 0058502 7877086 37 24 2130552 9941289 2189264 7810736 0058711 7869448 36 25 2138176 9941079 2197097 7802903 0058921 7861824 | 35 26 2145787 9940870 2204917 7795083 0059130 7854213 / 34 27 2153384 9940659 2212724 7787276 0059341 7846616 33 28 2160967 9940449 2220518 7779482 0059551 7839033 32 29 2168536 9940238 2228298 7771702 0059762 7831464 31 30 2176092 9940027 2236065 7763935 0059973 7823908 30 31 2183635 9939815 2243819 7756181 0060185 7816365 | 29 32 2191164 9939603 2251561 7748439 0060397 780883628 33 2198680 9939.391 2259289 7740711 ooвoбo9 780132027 34 2206182 9939178 2267004 7732996 0060822 35 2213671 9938965 2274706 7725294 ообщо 35 7786329 | 25 2221147 9938752 2282395 7717605 0001218 777885324 37 2228609 9938538 2290071 7709929 0001462 777139123 38 2236059 9938324 2297735 7702265 0061676 776394122 39 2243495 9930109 2305386 7694614 0061891 77;650521 40 2250918 9937894 2313024 7686976 0062106 7749082 20 41 2258328 9937679 2320650 7679350 0062321 774507219 42 2265725 9937463 2328262 7671738 0062537 7734275 18 43 2273110 9937247 2335863 7664137 772689017 44 2280481 99370.30 2343451 7656549 0062970 45 2287839 9936813 235 1026 7648974 C063187 771216115 46 2295185 9936596 2358582 7641411 0063404 270481514 47 2302518 9936378 2366139 7633861 0063622 769748213 48 2309838 9936160 2373678 7626322 0063840 709016212 49 2317145 9935942 2381203 7618797 0064058 7682855 11 II 50 232444.0 9935723 2388717 761128 0064277 767556010 SI 2331722 9935504 2396218 7603782 0064496 7668278 9 52 2338992 9935285 2403708 7596293 0064715 7661008 8 53 2346249 9935065 2411185 7588815 0064935 7653751 7 54 2353494 9934844 2418650 7581350 0065156 7646506 6 55 2360726 9934624 2426103 7573897 0005376 7639274 5 56 2367946 99.34403 2433543 7566457 0065597 7632054 4 57 2375153 9934181 2440972 7559028 0065819 7624847 3 58 2382349 9933959 2448389 7551611 0066041 761765 1 59 2389532 9933737 2455794 7544206 0066263 7610468 60 2396702 9933515 2463188 7536812 0066485 7603298/ a 7793818 26 به س هی سی با 36 0062753 7719519 / 16 2 2 I A Table of Artificial Sines, I0 Degrees. M 79 Degrees. 2 758899358 7574736 56 9932396 9931946 7539305 SI 9931268 7518189 48 7511173 | 47 7504170 46 1 16 2615779 2630053 7434767 36 20 No 9927362 28 Sine. Tang. Secant. 09.2396;02 ,9.7933575 9.2463138 10.7536812 10 0066485 / 10.7603298, le : I 2403861 99332)2 2470569 7529431 oc66708 759613959 2411007 9933068 2477939 7522061 0066932 3 2418141 9932845 2485297 7514703 0067155 7581859 57 4 2425264 9932621 2492643 7507357 0067379 5 2432374 2499978 7500022 0067604 7567626 55 6 2439472 9932171 2507301 7492699 0067829 7560528 54 7 2440558 2514612 2485382 0068054 8 755344253 2453632 9931720 2521912 7478098 0068280 7540368 52 9 2460595 9931494 2529200 7470800 0068506 IC 2467746 2536472 7463523 0068732 753225450 II 2474784 9931041 *2543743 7456257 0068959 752521642 ID 2481811 9930814 2550997 7449003 0069186 I3 2488827 9930587 2558240 7441760 0069413 14 2495830 9930359 2565472 7434528 0069641 IS 2502822 9930131 2572692 7427308 006,869 7497178 45 2509803 9929902 2579901 7420099 0070098 17 2516772 7490197 44 9929673 2587099 7412901 0070327 7483228 43 I8 2523729 9929444 2594285 7405715 0070556 2539675 .747627142 19 9929214 2601461 7398539 0070786 746932541 20 2537609 9928984 2608625 7391375 0071016 7462391 49 21 2544532 9928753 7384221 0071247 7455468 39 22 2551444 9928522 2622921 7377079 0071478 7440556 38 23 25563.44 9928291 7369947 0071709 7441656/ 37 24 2565233 9928059 2637173 7362827 0071941 75 2572110 9927827 2644283 7355717 9072173 7427890 35 2578977 9927595 2651382 7348618 0072-405 742102334 27 2585832 2658470 7341530 0072638 741416833 2592676 99;129 2665547 7334453 0072871 7407324 32 2.9 2599509 9.60895 2072613 7327387 007310S 30 7400491 31. 2606330 9920661 2679669 7320331 0273339 739307030 31 2613141 9926427 2636714 7313286 0073573 7386859 29 32 2619941 9926192 219.3749 7300251 0073803 738005923 33 2626729 9925957 2700772 7299228 0074043 7373271 27 34 2633507 9925722 2707786 7292214 0074278 35 2640274 7714788 7285212 0074514 7359726 25 36 2647030 9925250 2721780 7278220 0074750 7.35297024 37 2653775 9925013 2728762 7271238 0074987 734622523 38 2060599 9924776 2735 733 7264267 0075224 7339491 22 39 2667232 9924539 2742694 325 7303 0075461 733276821 40 992.4301 2749644 7250356 0075699 7326055 20 2680647 2756584 7243416 0075937 7319353 12 2687338 9923824 2703514 7236485 0076176 731266213 43 2694019 27704.34 7229566 0076415. 730598117 44 2700689 2777343 7222657 0076654 4.5 2707348 2784242 7215758 0076894 7292652 15 #6 2713997 9972866 2791131 7208869 0077134 7286003 / 14 47 2920035 9922020 2798009 7201991 0077374 727936513 48 2727263 2804878 7195122 0077015 7272737 I 2. 49 2733880 9922144 2811736 7188264 0077856 7266120111 50 2740437 9921902 2818585 7101415 0078098 7259513 51 2747083 9921660 2825423 7174577 0078340 7252917 52 7753609 2.832251 7167749 0078582 7246331 53 9921175 2839070 7760930 0078825 7239755 7 54 2766811 9920932 2845878 7154122 0079068 7233189 55 2773366 9920089 2852677 7147323 0079311 722663; 5 277991 9920445 2859466 7140534 0079555 7220089 4 52 2786445 992020) 2866245 7133755 0079799 7213553 3 58 2792920 9919956 7126986 0080044 7207030 59 2799484 9919711 7120227! 0080289 7200516 be 2805988 99.19466 2886523 7113477 C080534 7194012 7366493 26 9925486 2673945 41 42 9224063 9923535 9923,346 2923106 7299311 16 9922385 II IO 9921418 2,700-45 2 so Nai 2 2873014 2879773 I t Tangents, and Secants. 29 Į i Degrees. 78 Degrees. Secant. M Sine. Tang 2812483 2 57 4 Ovog 10 0003009 0083259 0083506 I A 46 17 7072315 41 20 21 7053420 30 23 225 Yo 27 0087304 92805988 9.9919466 9:2886523 | 10.7113477 · 10.0030534 10.7194012 60 | I 9919220 2893263 7106737 C080780 7187517 59 2818967 9918974 2899923 7100007 0081026 7181033 58 3 2825441 9918727 2906713 7093287 0081273 7174559 2831905 9918480 2913424 7036576 0001520 716809556 5 2838352 9918233 2020126 7072874 0081767 7161641 , 55 6 28.44803 9917986 2926817 7073103 0082014 7155197 | 54 7 2851237 9917737 2933500 7066500 0082263 7148763 / 53 8 2857661 9917489 2940172 7059828 0022511 -7142339 | 52 9 2864076 9917240 2946836 7053164 0082760 713542451 2870480 9916991 2953489 7040511 7129520 jo II 2876875 9916741 2960134 7039666 7123125 | 49 I2 2883260 9916492 2966769 703.;231 7110740 | 48 13 2889636 9916241 2973395 7026605 0083759 7110364 | 47 2896001 9915990 2980011 7019989 0084010 7103999 15 2902357 9915739 2986618 7013382 0084261 7097643 | 45 16 2908704 9915408 2993216 7006784 0084512 7091296 4+ 2915040 9915236 2999804 7000196 0084764 7084900 43 18 2421367 9914984 3006383 6993617 0085016 707803342 19 2927685 9914731 3012954 6987046 0085269 2933993 9914478 3019514 6980486 0085522 7066007 40 2940291 | 9914225 3026066 6973934 0085775 7059709 39 22 2946580 9913971 3032609 6967391 0086029 2952859 9913717 3034143 6960057 0086283 7047141 | 31 24 2959129 9913462 3045667 6954333 0086538 904087136 2965390 9913207 3052183 6947817 0086793 703461035 26 29716 9912952 3058689 6941311 0087048 7028359 34 2977883 9912696 3065187 6934813 7022117 33 28 2984116 9912440 30716,5 6928325 0087560 7015884 / 32 ४ 29 2990339 2912184 3078155 6921845 0037816 7009661 | 31 30 2996553 9911927 3084626 6915374 0088073 7003447 zo 3002758 9911670 3091088 6908912 0088330 6997242 29 32 3008953 9911412 309 7541 6902459 0088588 Ty910.37 28 33 3015140 9911154 3103985 6896015 ००४४४46 698480027 34 3021317 9910896 3110421 oory104 6978683 26 35 3027485 9410637 3116848 0089363 6972515 125 36 3033644 9910378 3123266 Jo8y022 6966350 24 37 3039794 9910119 3129675 9089881 696020623 38 3045934 9909859 3136076 0090141 39 3052066 9909598 3142468 boy0402 by+7934 3058189 9909338 3148851 0090662 6941&1120 41 3004303 9909077 3155226 0040923 5935697 19 42 3070407 9908815 3161592 6838408 oc91185 6)29593 I 43. 3070503 9908553 3167950 6832050 0091447 6923497 44 3082590 9908291 3174299 6825701 0091709 6917410 16 45 3088668 9908029 3180640 6819360 co91971 6911332 15 46 3074737 9907766 3186972 6813028 0092234 690520314 47 3100778 9907502 3193295 6800705 oo92498 6899202 13 43 3100849 9907239 3199611 6800389 0092761 6893151 4) 3112842 9906974 3205918 6794082 0093026 6887108 11 50 3118926 9906710 6787786 0093290 6881074 110 3124951 9906445 3218506 6781494 0093555 6875049 9 52 3130908 9906180 3224788 6775212 0093820 6864032 8 1 53 3136976 9905914 3231001 6768939 0094086 7 $ 3142275 9905642 3237327 0094352 55 3148965 9905382 3243584 6756416 0094618 - 6851035 3154947 9905115 3249832 6750168 0094885 6845053 4 57 3160921 3250073 6743927 0095152 3 58 3166885 9904580 3262305 6737695 0095420 59 3172841 9904312 3268529 6731471 0095688 60 9904C44 3274745 6725255 0095956 6821211 31 6889579 6383152 6876734 6870325 6863924 6857532 6851149 6844774 0954066 22 21 40 . 17 I? II ΙΟ 3212216 SI 6762673 6863024 6857025 6 5 só 9904848 6839079 6833115 6827159 2 I 3128789 30 A Table of Artificial Sines, 77 Degrees. I 680934158 20 NO 56 6663537 6657409 6614733 21 22 6572434 12 Degrees. M Sine. Tang- Secant. 09.3178789 | 9.9904044 9.3274745 | 10.6725255 10.0095956 : 10.6821211 60 3184728 9903775 3280953 6719047 0096225 681527259 3190659 9903506 3287153 6712847 0096494 3 3196581 9903237 3293345 6706655 0096763 6803419 57 4 3202495 9902967 3299528 6700472 0097033 6797505 50 5 3208400 9902697 3305704 6694296 0097303 6791600 55 6 3214297 9902426 3311872 6688128 0097574 6785703 54 7 3220186 9902155 3318031 6681969 0097845 6779814 53 8 3226066 9901883 3324183 6675817 0098117 677393452 9 3231938 9901612 3330327 6669673 0098388 6768062 SI lo 3237802 9901339 3336463 0098661 6762198 50 I1 3243657 9901067 3342591 0098933 6756343 49 12 3249505 9900794 3348711 6651289 0099206 6750495 48 13 3255344 9900521 3354823 6645177 0099479 6744656 47 14 3261174 9900247 3360927 6639073 0099753 6738826 46 15 3266999 9899973 3367024 6632976 O100027 6733003 45 16 3272811 9899698 3373113 6626887 0100302 6727189 | 44 17 3278617 9899423 3379194 6620806 O100577 6721383 43 18 3284416 9899148 3385267 0100852 6715584 42 19 3290206 9898873 3391333 6608667 OIOI127 6709794 / 41 20 3295988 9898597 3397391 6602609 OIO1403 670401240 3301761 9898320 3403441 6596559 O101680 6698239 39 3307527 9898043 3409484 6590516 OI01957 6692473 38 23 3313285 9897766 3415519 6584481 0102234 6686715 37 24 3319035 9897489 3421546 6578454 0102511 6680965 36 25 3324777 9897211 3427566 0102789 6675223 35 26 3330511 9896932 3433578 6566422 0103068 6669489 34 27 3336237 9896654 3439583 6560417 0103346 6663763 33 28 3341955 9896374 3445580 6554420 0103626 6658045 132 3347665 9896095 3451570. 6548430 0103905 665233531 30 3353368 9895815 3457552 6542448 0104185 664663230 31 3359062 9895535 3463527 6536473 0104465 6640938 29 32 3364749 9895254 3469494 6530506 0104746 6635251 28 33 3370428 9894973 3475454 6524546 OI05027 662957227 34 3376099 9894692 3481407 6518593 or05308 6623901 26 35 3381762 9894410 3487352 6512648 O105590 661823825 36 3387418 9894128 3493290 6506710 0105872 661258224 37 3393065 9893845 3499220 6500780 OI06155 6606935 23 38 3398706 9893562 3505143 6494857 0106438 6601294 22 39 3404338 9893279 3511059 6488941 0106721 6595662 21 40 3401263 9892995 3516968 6483032 O107005 6590037 20 41 3415580 9892711 3522869 6477131 0107289 6584420 19 42 3421190 9892427 3528763 6471237 0107573 6578810 18 43 3426792 9892142 3534650 6465350 0107858 657320817 44 3432386 9891856 3540530 6459470 0108144 6567614 16 45 3437973 9891571 3546402 6453598 0108429 6562027 15 46 3443552 9891285 3552267 6447733 0108715 6556448 14 47 3449124 9890998 3558126 6441874 O109002 -6550876 13 48 3454688 9890711 3563977 6436023 0109289 6545312 12 49 3460245 : 9890424 3569821 6430179 0109576 6539755 II 50 3465794 9890137 3575658 6424342 0109863 6534206 10 SI 3471336 9839849 3581487 6413513 OIIOIGI 6528664 9 52 3476870 9889566 3587310 6412690 OI10440 6523130 53 3482397 9889271 6406874 OI10729 6517603 54 3487917 9888982 3598935 6401065 OIIIOI8 6512083 6 55 3493429 9838693 3604736 6395264 OII1307 65065715 56 3498934 9838403 3610531 6389469 O111597 65010664 57 3504432 9888113 3616319 6383681 0111887 64955683 3509922 9887822 3622100 6377900 ΟΙΙ2178 6490078 59 3515405 9887531 3627874 6372126 OI12469 6484595 60 3520880 9887239 3633641 6366352 0112761 6479120 29 1 3593126 7 58 2 1 0 Tangents, and Secants. 31 13 Degrees. M Sine. 76 Degrees. Secant. Tang: 1 2 4 CON and S N II 13 14 6286333 AAA 1 1 81 17 6263709 0118372 6252437 21 23 9880128 6218775 09.3520880 9.9887239 9.3633641 | 10.6366359 10.0112761 10.6479120 60 3526349 9886947; 3639401 6360599 OI13053 647365159 3531810 9886655 3645155 6354845 OI13345 646819058 3 3537264 9886363 3650901 6349099 0113637 6462736 57 3542710 9886070 3656641 63433.59 0113930 6457290 56 5 3548150 9885776 3662374 6337626 O114224 6451850 SS 6 3553582 9885482 3668100 6331900 O114518 6446418 54 7 3559007 9885188 3673819 63261&I O114812 6440993 53 8 3564426 9884894 3679532 6310468 OI15106 6435574 52 9 3569836 9884599 3685238 6314762 0115401 6430164 SI IO 35 752470 9884303 3690937 6309063 0115697 642476050 3580637 9884008 3696629 6303371 O115992 6419363 49 12 3586027 9883712 3702315 6297685 0116288 6413973 48 3591409 9883415 3707994 6292006 0116585 640859147 3596785 9883118 3713667 0116882 6403215 46 IS 3602154 9882821 3719333 6280667 ΟΙΙ1179 6397846 | 45 16 3607515 9882523 3724992 6275008 OI17477 6392485 44 3612870 9882225 3730645 6269355 0117775 638713043 18 361.8217 9881927 3736291 0118073 6381783 42 19 3623558 - 9881628 3741930 6258070 637644241 20 3628892 9881329 3747563 0118671 6371108 40 3634219 9881029 3753190 6246810 0118971 6365781 39 22 3639539 9880729 3758810 6241190 OI19271 636046138 3644852 9880429 3764423 6235577 0119571 635514837 24 3650158 3770030 6229970 0119872 6349842 36 25 3655458 9879827 3775631 6224369 0120173 63 4454235 26 3660750 9879525 3781225 O120475 6339250 | 34 27 3666036 9879223 3786813 6213187 OI20777 633396433 28 3671315 9878921 3792394 6207606 0121072 632868537 29 3676587 9878618 3797969 6202031 OI21382 6323413 31 30 3681853 9878315 3803537 6196463 0121685 631814730 31 3687111 9878012 3809100 6190900 0121988 631288929 32 3692363 9877708 3814655 6185345 0122292 6307637 28 3697608 9877404 3820205 OI 22596 6302392 | 27 3702847 9877099 3825748 0122901 6297153 26 35 3708079 9876794 3831285 6168715 0123206 629192125 36 3713304 9876488 3836816 6163184 0123512 628669624 37 3718523 9876183 3842340 6157660 0123817 6281477 23 38 3723735 9875876 3847858 6152142 0124124 6276265 22 32 3728940 9875570 3853370 6146630 0124430 627106021 40 3734139 9875263 3858876 6141124 0124737 6265861 20 41 3739331 9874955 3864376 6135624 0125045 6260669 19 42 3744517 9874648 3869869 6130131 0125352 6255483 | 18 3749696 9874339 3875356 6124644 0125661 625030417 3754868 9874031 3880837 (119163 0125969 3760034 9873722 3886312 6113688 0126278 6239966 15 46 3765194 9873413 3891781 6108219 0126587 623480614 47 3770347 9873103 3897244 6102756 0126897 6229653 13 48 3775493 9872793 3902700 6097300 0127207 6224507 49 3780633 9872482 3908151 6091849 0127518 6219367 11 50 3785767 9872171 3913595 6086405 0127829 6214233 10 SI 3790894 9871860 3919034 6080966 0128140 6209100 52 3796015 9871549 3924466 6075534 0123451 6203985 53 3801129 9871236 3929893 6070107 0128764 6198871 7 54 3806237 9870924 3935313 6064687 OI 29070 6193763 6 55 3811339 9870611 3940727 6059273 0129389 6188661 5 56 3856434 9870298 3946136 6053864 0129702 6183566 4 $ 7 3821523 9869984 3951538 6048462 0130016 58 3826605 9869670 3956935 6043005 0130330 3831632 9869356 3962326 6037674 0130644 6168318 60 3836752 9869041 3967711 6032289 0130959 6163243 33 34 6179795 6174252 43 44 45 6245132 16 5 12 6178477 63.73395 2 59 1 A A Table of Artificial Sines, 14 Degrees. M Sine 75 Degrees. Tang- Secant. w I 602152? 2 6000104 more 9865553 10 II I 2 13 ar f W 76 5931081 20 21 22 2 3951658 3956581 5894310 09.3836752 9.9869041 9.3967711 ; 10.6032289 10.0130959 ; 10.616;24860 ; 3841815 9868726 3973089 6026911 0131274 615218:52 3846873 9868410 3978463 OIMI590 6153127150 3 3851924 9868094 3983830 161 70 0131906 614807657 4 38569612 9867778 3989191 CO10839 0132222 6143031 ! 56 S 3862008 9867461 3994547 6005 t 0732539 6.537992 55 6 3867040 9867144 3999896 C132656 613296054 7 3872067 9866827 40052440 5994760 0133173 6127033 133 8 3877087 9866509 4010578 5989422 0131421 6122913 152 9 3882101 9866191 4015910 5984090 0133809 6117899 SI 3887109 9865872 4021237 5978763 0134128 6112891 159 3892111 4026558 5973442 0134447 6107879:49 3897106 9865233 4031873 5963137 0134767 6102894:48 3920096 9864913 4037182 5902818 0135087 6097904 +7 I4 3907079 9864593 4042486 5957514 0135407 6092921 , 46 I5 3212057 9864273 4047784 5952216 0135727 6087943 : 45 I 3917028 9863952 4053076 5946924 0136048 1082972 , 44 17 3921993 9863630 4058363 5941637 0136370 6078007 : 43 18 3926952 9863308 4063644 5936356 0136692 6073048 42 19 39,1905 9862986 4068919 0137014 606809.5 41 3936852 9862663 4074189 5025811 0137337 600314840 3941794 9862340 4079453 5920547 0137660 605820639 3946729 9862017 4084712 5915288 O137983 6053271 38 23 9861993 4089965 5910035 0138307 6C48342 / 37 24 9861369 4095212 5904788 0138631 6043419 / 36 25 3961499 9861045 4100454 5899546 01389.55 0038501 35 26 3966410 9860720 4105690 0139280 603359034 3971315 27 9860394 5889079 4110921 0139606 6028685133 28 3976215 9860069 4116146 5883854 0139931 60237873% 29 3981109 9859742 4121366 5878634 0140258 6018891 '31 3985996 30 9859416 4126581 5873419 0140584 6014004 | 30 31 3990878 9859089 4131789 5868211 0140911 600912229 3995754 9858762 4136993 5863007 0141238 6004246 : 28 4000625 9858434 4142191 5857809 0141566 5999375 27 9858106 4147383 5852617 0141894 4010348 9857777 4152570 5847430 O142223 5989652 25 4015201 9857449 4157752 5842248 0142551 5984799 24. 4020048 9857119 4160928 5837072 0142881 527995223 4024889 9856790 4168099 5831901 0143210 5975111 | 22 9856460 4.029724 39 4173265 5826735 0143540 5970276 121 4034554 9856129 4178425 5821575 0143871 5965446 20 4039378 9855798 4183580 5816420 O144202 5960622 19 40441911 0855467 4183729 5811271 0144533 5955204 18 4049009 9855135 43 419.3874 5806126 0144865 5950991 17 4053816 9854803 44 5800987 4199013 0145197 5946184 IÓ 4058617 9854471 4204146 5795854 0145529 5941383 | 15 4063413 9853138 4209275 5790725 0145862 59361587 1.4 4068293 9853805 4214398 5785602 0146195 $931747 13 4072987 9853471 4219515 5780485 0146529 5:2701312 $ 4077766 9853138 4224628 5775372 0146862 5922714 4082539 9852803 4229735 5770265 0147197 591746110 4087306 9852468 4234838 5765162 O147.5.12 5912694 4092068 9852133 5760065 4239935 52 0147867 5907934 4096824 9851798 53 4245026 5754974 0148202 5903176 9851462 4101575 4250113 5749887 0148538 54 5898425 4106320 9851125 4255194 0148875 58936805 4111059 9850789 4260271 5739729 0149211 $$80941 4 4115793 9850452 4265342 5734658 0149548 5882407 3 412.524 9850114 4270408 5729592 0149886 3870478 2 9849776 412.5245 4275469 $9 O150224 5724531 587475.5 60 4129962 9849438 4280525 5719475 0150562 1 58700381 0 32 4005489 5994511 , 26 33 34 35 36 37 38 I 40 41 42 45 46 I II 47 48 4) 50 SI 工​o9876 e la G 5744806 1 55 56 57 58 I Tangents, and Secants. 33 74 Degrees. 15 Degrees... M Sine. Tang: Secant. o 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 70 1 Хооло IC 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 75 26 27 28 29 30 31 32. 33 60 9.4129962 9.9849438) 9.4280525, 10.5719475 10.0150562 , 10.5870038 41346.74 9849099 4285575 5714425 0150901 5865326 59 4139381 9848760 4290621 5709379 0151240 5860619/ 58 4144082 9848420 4295661 5904339 0151580 5855913, 57 4148778 9842081 4300697 5099303 OIS1919 585122256 4153468 9847740 4305727 5694273 0152260 584653255 4158152 9847400 4310753 5689247 0152600 584184854 4162832 9847059 4315773 5684227 0152941 583716853 4167506 9346717 4320784 5079211 0153283 5832494 52 4172174 9846375 4325799 567-4201 0153625 5827826 51 4176837 9846033 4330804 5669196 0153967 582316350 4181495 9845690 4335805 5664195 0154310 5&18505 49 4186148 9045347 4340800 5652200 0154653 581385248 4190795 9845004 43745791 5654209 0154996 5809205 47 4195436 9844660 4.350776 5649224 01553-10 5804564 46 4200073 9844316 4355757 5644243 0155684 579992745 4204704 9843971 4360733 5639267 0456029 5795296 | 44 4209330 9843626 4365704 5634296 0156374 579067043 4213950 9843281 4370670 5624330 0156719 5786050 42 4218566 9842935 4375631 5624369 0157065 5781434 | 41 4223176 9842589 4380587 5619413 0157411 577682440 4227780 9842242 4345538 5614462 OI57758 5772220 39 4232380 9841895 4390485 5609515 0198105 5767620 38 4236974 9841548 4395420 5604574 0158452 5763026 37 4241563 9841200 4400363 5599637 0158800 5758437 / 36 4246147 9840852 4405295 5594705 0159148 5753853 35 4250726 9840503 4410222 5589778 0159497 5749274 / 34 4255299 9840154 4415145 5584855 0159846 5744701 33 4259867 9839805 4420062 5579938 0160.195 5740133 / 32 4264430 9839455 4424975 5575025 0160545 5735570 31 4268988 9839105 4429883 5570117 0160895 573101230 4273541 9838755 4134736 5565214 0161245 5726459 29 4278089 9838404 4439685 5560315 0161596 572191128 4282631 9838052 4444579 5555421 0161948 5717369 27 4287169 9837701 4449468 5550532 0162299 5712831 26 4291701 9837348 4454352 5545648 0162652 5708299 25 4296228 9836996 4459232 5540768 0163004 570377224 4300750 9836643 4464107 5535893 0163357 509925023 4305267 9836290 4468978 5531022 0163710 5694733 | 22 4309779 9835936 4473842 5526157 0164064 569022121 4314286 9835582 4478704 5521296 0164413 5635714 20 4318788 9835227 4483561 5516439 0164773 5681212 19 4323285 9834872 4488413 5511587 0165128 5676715 18 4327777 9834517 4493200 5506740 0165483 5672223 | 17 4332264 9834161 4498102 5501898 0165839 5667736 | 16 4336746 9833805 4502940 5497060 0166195 5663254 15 4341223 9833449 4507774 5492226 0166551 5658777 | 14 4345694 9833092 5487398 0166908 5654306 13 4350161 9832735 4517427 5482573 O167265 56498;9 | 12 4354623 4522246 5477754 0167623 5645377 II 4359080 4527061 5472939 0167981 5640920 10 4363532 9831661 4531872 5468128 0168339 5636468 4367380 9831302 45366;8 5463322 0168698 5632020 8 4372 122 9830942 4541479 5458521 0169058 5627578 7 4376859 9830583 4546276 5453724 0169417 5623141 6 4381292 9830223 4551069 5448931 0169777 (618708 S 4385719 9829862 4555857 5444143 0170138 5614281 4 4390142 9829501 4560641 5439359 0170499 5609858 4394560 9829140 4565420 5434580 01 70860 5605440 4398973 9828778 4570194 5429806 0171222 5601027 4403381 9828416 4574904 5425036 0171584 5596619 C 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 A3 44 45 46 47 4512602 9832377 9832019 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 nan Q 0.0 34 Å Table of. Artificial Sines, 73 Degrees. I 5587818 58 56 Ιο 4622423 5544096 48 5539750 47 5535409 46 16 11 5513773 | 41 20 21 22. 5500847 38 549225336 16 Degrees. . M Sine. Tang. Secant. 09.4403381 9.982841694574964) 10 5425036 10.0171584 10.5596619 60 4407784 9828054 4579730 5420270 C171946 5592216 59 4412182 9827691 4584491 5415509 01 72309 3 4416576 9827328 4589248 5410752 0172672 5583424 57 4 4420965 9826964 4594001 5405999 0173036 5579035 5 4425349 9826600 4598749 5401251 0173400 6 557465155 4420728 9826236 4603492 5396508 0173764 5570272 54 4434103 9825871 4608232 5391768 0174129 4438472 5565897 | 53 9825506 4612967 5387033 01744944 556152852 9 4442837 9825540 4617697 5382303 0174860 5557 163 | 51 4447197 9824774 5377577 0175226 5552803 / 50 II 4451553 9824408 4627145 5372855 0175592 554844749 I 2 4455904 9824041 4631863 5368137 0175959 13 4460250 9823674 4636576 5363424 0176326 14 4464591 9823306 4641285 5358715 0170694 IS 4468927 ( 9822938 4645990 5354010 0177062 5531073 45 4473259 9822569 4650690 5349310 0177431 5526741 44 4477586 9822201 4055336 5344614 0177792 18 4481909 9821831 5522414 43 4660078 5339922 0178169 551809142 19 4486227 9821462 4664765 533523,5 0178538 4490540 9821092 4669448 5330552 0178908 4494849 5509460| 40 9820721 4674127 5325873 0179279 5505151 | 39 4499153 9820351 4678802 5321198 0179649 23 4503452 9819979 4683473 5316527 01 80021 5496548 37 24 4507747 9819608 4688139 5311861 0180392 25 4512037 9819236 4692801 5307199 0180764 548796335 26 4516322 9818863 4697459 5302541 0181137 5483678 34 27 4520603 2 4702112 0181510 28 4524879 9818117 5479397 | 33 4706762 5293238 C181883 5475121 32 29 4529151 9817744 4711407 5288593 0182256 5470849 31 4533418 9817370 4716048 5283952 0182630 546658230 31 4537681 9816995 4720685 5279315 0183005 5462319 | 29 32 4541939 9816620 4725318 5274082 0183380 33 4546192 9816245 4729947 5270053 01837.55 545300827 34 4550441 9815870 4734572 5265428 0184130 26 5449559 35 4554686 9815494 4739192 5260808 0184506 544531425 36 4558926 9375117 5256192 0184883 5441074 37 4563161 9814740 4748421 5251579 0185260 5436839 | 23 38 4567392 9814393 4753029 5246971 0185637 5432608 | 22 39 4571618 9813986 4757633 5242307 0186014 40 4575840 9813608 47622 3.3 5237767 0186392 41 4580058 2813229 4766829 5233171 0136771 541994212 42 4584271 9812850 4771421 5228579 0187150 18 5415724 43 4588480 9812471 4776009 5223991 44 4592684 9812091 4780592 5210408 0187909 45 4596884 9811711 4785172 5214828 0188289 5403116 | 15 46 4601079 98113311 4789748 5210252 0188669 5392921 14 47 4605270 98109.50 4794319 5205681 0189050 48 4609456 5810569 5394730 13 4798887 5201113 0189431 12 5390544 49 4613638 9810187 4803451 5196549 0109813 5386362 II 50 4617816; 98c9805 480801 5191989 OI90195 538218410 51 4621989 98094231 4812566 5187434 OI90577 5378011 9 52 4626158 9809040 4817118 5182882 0190960 5373842 53 4630323 98086571 4821666 5170334 ol91343 5369677 7 54 4634483 0807273, 4826210 5173790 0191727 5365517 6 55 4638639 9607839 4830750 5109250 0192111 5361361 5 56 4642790 9807505 4835286 5104714 0192495 5357210 57 4646938 98071204839818 5160182 0192830 5353062 3 4651031 9866735: 4844346 5155654 0193265 5348919 59 4655219 BEC6349' 4848870 5151130 0193651 5344781 oo 40593531 9805963! 4853390 51466101 0194037 5340647 5297888 (w to ti N N IS IN N No ao lonely 30 5458061 28 4743808 24 5428382 | 21 5424100 20 0187529 541152017 5407316 16 O ano Nota K O 58 ath 2 Tangents, and Secants, 35 17 Degrees. A hand o 2 532415256 5320040 55 531593154 5307727 52 IO I 2 so 5295452 49 5291369 48 5283215 / 46 5279144 | 45 4444 I3 I4 $ 527101543 5262903 141 20 21 525076638 524269636 72 Degrees. M Sine. Tang. Secant. 60 09.4659353 19.9805963 9.4853390 10.5146610 10.0194037 . IO 5340647 I 4663483 9805577 4857907 5142093 0194423 533651759 4667609 9805190 4862419 5137581 0194810 5332391 58 3 4671730 9804803 4866928 5133072 0195197 5328270) 57 4675848 9404415 4871433 5128567 0195585 5 4679960 9804027 4875933 5124067 O195973 6 4684069 9803639 4880430 5119570 0196361 7 4688173 9873250 4884924 5115076 0196750 5311827153 8 4632273 9802860 4889413 5110587 0197140 9 4696369 9802471 489,3898 5106102 0197529 530363151 4700461 0802081 4898380 5101620 0197919 5299539 TI 4704548 9801690 4902858 5097142 0198310 4708631 9801299 4907332 5032568 0198701 4712710 9800908 491.1802 5038198 0199092 528729047 4716785 9800516 4916269 5083731 0199484 IS 4720856 9800124 4920731 5079269 0199276 16 4724922 9799732 4925190 5074810 0200268 52750784 I7 4728985 9799339 4929046 5070354 0200661 18 4733043 9798946 4934097 5065903 0201054 526695742 19 4737097 9798552 4938545 5061455 0201448 4741146 9798158 4942988 5057012 0201842 5258854 40 4745192 9797764 4947429 5052571 0202236 5254808 39 22 4749234 9797369 4951865 5048135 0202631 2 3 4753271 9796973 4956298 5043702 0203027 524672937 24 4757304 9796578 4960727 5039273 0203422 25 4761334 9790182 4965152 5034848 0203818 523866635 26 4765359 9795785 4969574 5030426 0204215 5234641 | 34 27 4769380 9795388 4973991 5026009 0204612 5230620 13,3 28 47733969794991 4978406 5021594 0205009 522660432 29 4777409 9794593 4982816 5017184 0205407 5222591 30 4781418 9794195 4987223 5012777 0205805 521858230 4785423 9793796 4991626 5008374 0206204 5214577 28 32 4789423 ४ 9793398 4996026 0206602 5003974 5210577 33 4793420 9792998 S000422 4999578 0207002 520658027 34 4797412 9792592 5004814 0207401 35 4801401 9792198 5009203 4990797 0207802 519859925 36 4805385 9791798 5013588 4986412 0208202 5194615 1 24 37 4809366 2721397 5017969 4982031 0208603 5190634 23 38 4813342 9790996 5022347 4977653 0209004 518665822 39 9790594 5026721 4973279 0209406 5182685 21 40 4821283 9790142 5031092 4968908 0204808 AL 4825248 9789709 5035459 4964541 0210211 517475219 42 4829208 9789,386 5039822 4900178 0210614 43 4833105 9788983 5044182 4955818 O2I1017 5166335 17 44 4837117 9788579 5048538 4951462 0211421 45 4841066 9708175 5052891 4947104 0211825 9158934 15 46 4845010 9787770 5057240 4942700 0212230 47 4848951 9787365 So61586 493871. 0212.635 SI51049 13 48 4852889 9786960 5065928 4934072 I2 0213040 5147112 4856820 9786554 5070207 4929733 02134-26 4860749 9786148 5074602 4975398 0213352 9785741 5078933 4921067 021.259 5135326 52 97053,34 5083201 8 4916739 021-3666 5131105 53 4872512 9784927 5087586 4912414 0215073 54 4870426 6 9784519 5091907 4908093 0215481 5523574 55 4880335 9784111 5096224 4903776 0215889 -SI1yros 5 9783702 SI00539 4899461 0216298 4 57 4888142 9783293 5104849 ASI 0216707 5111358 3 4892040 9782883 SIOGICO 4d4c844 2. 5107960 0217117 59 4895934 9782474 5113460 4886510 0217526 5104006 60 4879824 9782063 5117760 4882240 0217937 5100176 31 to as 29 31 4995186 5202588 26 4817315 5178717 20 5170792 18 $16288316 515499014 49 5143180 1.1 5139251 10 go 51 4864674 4868595 5127488 Q 0.00 Nowego had 56 4884240 5115760 58 I 36 A Table of Artificial Sines, 18 Degrees. Sine. M 71 Degrees. Secant. Tang. o I .2 0218752 5092408 58 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HO II I 2 9779180 14 4822394 15 16 4813.899 17 I8 19 3 9775026 2I 2.2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 9.4899824 1 9 9782063 9.5117700 10 4882240 10.0217937, 10.5100176 60 4903710 9781053 | 5122057 4877943 0218347 509629059 4907592 9781241 5126351 4873649 491171 9780830 5130641 486359 0219170 5088529 57 4915345 97780418 5134927 4865073 0219582 5084655 56 4919216 9780006 5132210 4460790 O219994 5080784 55 4923083 9779593 5143490 4056510 0220407 507691754 4926946 5147766 4852234 0220820 5073054 53 4930806 9778766 5152032 4847961 022123-1 5069194 52 4934661 9778353 5156309 4843691 0221647 5065339 51 4938513 9777938 5160575 4839425 0222062 506148750 4942361 9777523 5164838 4835162 0222477 5057639 | 49. 4946205 9777108 5169097 4830903 0222892 50537954& 4950046 9776593 5173353 4826647 0223307 504995447 4953.883 9776277 5177606 0223723 5040117 / 46 4957716 9775860 5131855 4818145 0224140 5042284 45 4961545 9775444 5136101 0224556 5038455 | 44 4965370 5190347 4609656 0224974 5034630 43 4969192 9774609 5194.583 4805417 0225391 5030808 142 4973010 9774191 5198819 4801181 0225909 5026990 | 41 4976824 9773772 5,203052 47969.48 0226220 5023176 40 4980635 9773354 5207282 4792712 0226646 5019365 | 39 4984442 2772934 5211503 4788492 0227066 5015558 38 4988245 9772515 5215730 4789270 0227485 5011755 37 4992045 9772095 5219950 4780050 0227905 500795536 49958.40 9771674 5224166 4775834 0228326 5004.160 35 4999633 9771253 5228379 4771621 0228747 5000367 34 5003421 9770832 5232584 4767411 0229163 4996579 | 33. 5007206 9770410 5236795 47632001 0229590 4992794 32 5010987 9769988 5240999 4759001 0290012 4989013 31 5014764 9769566 5245199 4754801 0230434 49852,36 30 5018538 9769143 5249395 4750605 0230857 4981462 i 29 5022308 9768720 5253589 4746411 0231280 4977692 28 5026075 9768296 5257779 4742221 0231704 4973925 | 27 5029838 9767872 5261966 4738034 0232128 4970162 26. 5033597 9767447 5266150 4733850 0232553 4906403 25 503.7353 5270331 4729669 0232978 4962647 24 5041105 9706597 5274508 4725492 0233403 4958895 | 23 5044853 9766171 5278682 4721318 0233829 49.55147 5048598 9765745 5282853 4717147 0234255 4951402 21 5052334 9765,313 5287021 4712979 C254682 4947661 20 5056077 9764841 5291186 4708314 0235109 4943923 19 5059811 9764464 5295347 -3.704633 0235536 4940189 | 18 5003542 9764036 5299505 4700495 0235964 49,645317 5067269 9703608 5303661 4696339 C230392 49.32731 16 5070992 9763179 5307813 4692187 02;6821 4929003 15 5074712 9762750 5311961 4638039 0237350 4925288 | 14 5078428 9762321 5310107 4683893 0237679 4921572 13 5082141 9761891 5320250 4679750 0238109 4917859 12 5085890 9761461 5324389 4675611 0238539 4914150 IT II 5089556 9701030 5328526 4671474 0238970 4910444 10 IO 5093258 9760599 5332659 4667341 0239401 4906742 9 5096956 9760367 5336789 4663211 0239833 4903044 8 510065I 9759736 5340916 4659084 0240264 4899349 7 5104343 9759303 5345040 4654960 0240697 4895057 6 5108031 9758570 5349161 4650839 0241130 4891969 5 5111716 9758437 5353278 4646722 0241563 4888284 4 5115397 9758004 3357393 4642607 0241996 4884603 3 S119074 975 75 70 5361505 4638495 0242430 4880926 5122749 2757135 5365613 4634387 0242865 4877251 5126419 9756701/ 5369719 4630281 0243299 4873581 30 w us on tw 67022 جو 37 38 22 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 $8 49 50 SI 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 2 I 60 O. Tangents, and Secants. 37 19 Degrees. 70 Degrees. Secant. M Sine. Tang: 18 I 2 بر ط 4 0246354 0246792 0248549 17 9743804 20 9747918 21 22 23 09.5126419 9.9756701 9.5369719, 10.4630281 10.0243299 5130086 9756265 5373821 4626179 0243735 5133750 9755830 5377920 4622080 0244170 3 5137410 9755394 5382017 4617983 0244606 4 5141067 9754957 5386110 4613890 0245043 5 5144721 9754521 5390200 4609800 0245479 6 5148371 9754083 5394287 4605713 0245917 7 5152017 9753646 5398371 4601629 8 5155660 9753208 5402453 4597547 9 5159300 9752769 : 5406531 4593469 0247231 Σο 5162936 9752330 5410506 4589394 0247670 II 5166569 9751891: 5414678 4585322 0218109 12 5170198 9751451 5418747 4581253 13 517382,4 975 10LT 5422813 4577107 8 0248989 14 5177447 9750570 5426877 4573123 0249430 15 5181066 9750129 5430937 4569063 0249871 16 5184682 9749688 5434994 4565006 0250312 5188295 9749246 5439048 4560952 0250754 18 5191904 5443100 4556900 0251196 19 5195510 9748361 5447148 4552852 0251639 5199112 5451193 4548807 0252082 5202711 9777475 5455236 4544764 0252525 5206307 9747031 5459276 4540724 0252969 5209899 9746587 5463312 4536688 0253413 24 5213488 9740142 5467346 4532654 0253858 25 5217074 9745697 5471377 4528623 0254303 26 5220656 9745252 5475 405 4524595 0254748 27 5224235 9744806 5479430 4520570 0255194 28 5227811 9744359: 5483452 4516548 0255641 29 5231383 9743913 5487471 4512529 0256087 30 5 234953 9743466 : 5491487 4508513 0256534 31 5238518 9743018: 5495500 4504500 0256982 32 5242081 9742570 5499511 4500489 0257430 33 5245640 9742122 5503519 4496481 0257878 34 5249196 9741673 5507523 4492477 0258327 35 5252749 9741224 S5I1525 4488475 0258776 36 5256298 9740774 5515524 4484476 C259226 37 5259844 9740324 5519521 4480479 0259676 38 5263387 9739373 5523514 4476486 0260127 39 5200927 9739422 55%7504 4472496 0260578 40 5270463 9738971 5531492 4468508 0261029 41 5273997 9738519: 5535477 4464523 0261481 42 5277526 9738067 5539459 4460541 0261933 5281053 9737615 5543438 4456562 0262385 5284572 9737162 5547415 4452585 0262838 45 5288097 9736709 5551388 0263291 46 5291614 9736255 5555359 4444641 0263745 47 9735801 5559327 4470673 0264199 48 5298638 9735346 5563292 4436708 0264054 49 5302146 9734891 5567255 4432745 0265109 50 5305650 9734435 5571214 4428786 0265565 51 5309ISI 9733980 5575171 4424829 0266020 52 5312649 9733523 5579125 4420875 026677 53 5316143 9733067 5583077 4416923 0260933 54 5319635 9732610 5587025 4412975 0267390 55 5323123 97321521 3590971 4409029 0267848 50 5320608 9731694 5594914 4105086 0268306 57 5330090 9731236 5540354 4401146 0268764 58 5333569 9730777 5602792 43972081 0269223 59 5337044 9730318 5606727 439 3273 0269632 60 5340517 9729858 Sb10659 4389341 0270143 IO 487358160 4869914 59 486625058 486259057 4858933 56 4855279 55 4851629 54 484798353 484434052 484070051 483706450 48.33431 49 4829802 48 4826176147 4822553 46 4818934 45 481531844 481170543 480809642 4804490 45 4800888 40 4797289 39 4793693 38 479010I 37 4786512 36 4782926 1 35 4779344 34 477576533 4772189 32 4768617 31 4765047 30 4761482 29 4757919'28 4754360 27 4750804 26 4747251 25 4743702 24 4740156 23 473661322 4733073 4729537 4720003 19 4722474 18 4718947 17 4715423 16 471120315 4708;86 14 4704872 13 4701362 12 4697854 IL 4694350 lo 4690849 4687351 8 4083857 7 4680365 6 4676877 5 46733924 4669910 3 4666431 4662956 4059483 کر دی کی 21 20 } 43 44 4448612 1 5295128 a ning selle mani ct honey o ano pa ni 2 they w 83 A Table of Artificial Sines, 20 Degrees. Sine 69 Degrees. Secant. MI Tang. 183 I 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 JO II I 2 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 4594097 41 21 9.5340517 i 9.9729858 9.5610659 10.4389341 : 10.0270142 | 10.46594 60 5343986 9729398 5614588 4385412 0270602 465601459 5347452 9728938 5618515 4381485 0271062 4652548 58 5350915 9728477 5622439 43775611 0271523 4649080 57 $354375 9728916 5626360 4373640 0271984 464562556 5357832 9727554 5630278 4369722 0272446 464216855 5361286 9727092 5634194 4365806 0272908 4638714 54 5364737 9726629 5638107 4361893 0273371 4635263 53 5368184 9726166 5642018 4357982 0273834 463181652 5371629 9725703 5645925 4354075 0274297 4628371 SI 5375070 9725239 5649831 4350169 0274761 462493050 5378508 9724775 5653733 4346267 0275225 4621492 49 5381943 9724310 5657633 4342367 0275690 4614057 48 5385375 972;845 5661530 4338470 0276155 4614625 47 5388804 9723380 5665424 4334576 0276620 461119646 5392230 9722914 5669316 4330684 0277086 460777045 5395653 9722448 5673205 4326795 0277552 4604347 44 5399073 9721981 5677091 4322909 0275019 4600927 43 5402489 9721514 5680975 4319025 0278486 459751142 5405903 9721047 5684856 4315144 0278953 5409314 9720579 5688735 4311265 0279421 4590686 40 5412721 9720110 5692611 4307399 0279890 4587279 39 5416126 9719642 5696484 4303516 0280358 458387438 5419527 9719172 5700355 4299645 0280828 4580473 37 5422926 9718703 5704223 4295777 0281297 4577074 / 36 5426321 9718233 5708088 4291912 0281767 4573679 | 35 5429713 9717762 5711951 4288049 0282238 457028734 5433103 9717291 5715811 4284189 0282709 4566897 33 5436489 9716820 5719669 4280331 0283180 4563511 32 5439873 9716348 5723524 4276476 0283652 4560127 31 5443253 9715876 5727377 4272623 0284124 4556747 30 5446630 9715404 5731227 4268773 0284596 455337029 5450005 9714931 5735074 4264926 0285069 4549995 28 5453376 9714457 5738919 4261081 0285543 4546624 | 27 5456745 9713984 5742761 4257239 0286016 4543255 26 546οΙΙο 9713509 5746601 4253399 0286491 453989025 5463472 9713035 5750438 4249562 0286965 4536528 24 5466832 9712560 5754272 4245728 0287440 4533168 / 23 5470189 9712084 5758104 4241096 0287916 4529311 22 5473.542 9711608 5761934 4238066 0288392 4526458 21 5476893 9711132 5765761 4234239 02868áv 4523107 20 5480240 9710055 5769585 4230415 0289.345 4519760 19 5483585 9710178 5773407 4226593 0289822 451641518 5486927 9709701 5777226 4222774 0290299 4513073 17 5490266 9709223 5781043 4218957 0290777 4509734 / 16 5493602 9703744 5784858 4215142 0291256 450639815 54969,35 2708265 5788669 4211331 0291735 450306514 5500265 9707786 5792479 4207521 0292214 4499735 | 13 5503592 9707306 5796286 4203714 0292694 449640 12 5506916 9706826 5800090 4199910 0293174 449308411 5510237 9706346 5803892 4196108 0293654 4489763 10 5513556 9705865 5807691 4197309 0294.135 4486444 9 5510871 9705383 5811488 4188512 0294617 4483129 8 5520184 9704902 5815282 4184710 0295098 4479816 7 5523494 9704419 5819074 4180926 0295581 4476506 6 5526801 9703937 5822864 4177136 0296063 4473199 5 5530105 970,3454 5826651 4173349 0296546 4469895 4 5533406 9702970 5830435 4169565 0297030 4466594 3 5536704 9702486 5834217 4165783 0297514 4763296 5539999 0702002 5837997 4162003 0297998 4460001 $543292 9701517 5841774 4158226 0296483 44567080 بی بی بی بی سی در 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 06 N ah A UJ N IO + 1 л л л 2 I Tangents, and Secants. 39 21 Degrees. Sine. 68 Degrees. Secant. M Tang. 0 o I 189 4453419 | 59 2 56 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 4437013154 443374153 443047152 II 48 41 5611779 4064577 36 ب ي د د د د د د 9.5543292 | 9.9701517 9.5841774, 10 4158226 10.0298483 ; 10.4456708 60 5546581 9701032 5845549 4154451, 0298968 5549868 9700547 5849321 4150679 0299453 445013258 5553152 9700061 5853091 4146909 0299939 4446848 57 5556433 2699574 5856859 4143141 0300426 4443567 5559711 9699087 5860624 4139376 0300913 4440289 55 5562987 9698600 5864386 4135014 0301400 5566259 9698112 5868147 4131853 0301883 5569529 9697624 5871904 4128096 0302376 5572796 9697136 5875660 4124340 0302364 4427204 51 5576000 9696647 5879413 4120587 0303353 4423940 50 5579321 9696158 $883163 4116837 0303842 4420679 49 5582579 9695668 5886912 4113088 0304332 4417421 5585835 9695177 5890657 4109343 0304823 4414165 47 5589088 9694687 5894401 4105599 0305313 4410912 46 5592338 9694196 5898142 4101858 0305804 4407662 45 5595585 9693704 5901881 4098119 0306296 4404415 44 5598829 9693212 5905617 4094383 0306788 4401171 43 5602071 9692720 5909351 4090549 0307289 4397929 42 5605310 9692227 5913082 4086918 0307773 4394690 5608546 9691734 5916812 4083188 0308266 4391454 40 9691241 5920539 4079461 0308759 4388221 39 5615010 9690746 5924263 4075737 0309254 438-1990 38 5618237 9690252 5927985 4072015 0309748 4381763 37 5621462 9689757 5931705 4068295 0310243 4378538 5624635 9689262 5935423 0310738 4375315 35 5627904 9688766 5939138 4060862 0311 234 4372036 34 5631121 9688270 5942851 4057149 OZI1730 4368879 33 5634335 9687773 5946561 4053439 0312227 4365665 5637546 9587276 5950269 4049731 0312724 4362454 5640754 9686779 5953975 4046025 031322 I 4359246 5643960 9686281 5957679 4042321 0313719 4356040 29 5647163 9685783 5961380 4038620 0314217 4352837 28 5650363 9685284 5965079 4034921 0314716 4349637 27 5653561 96154785 5968776 4031224 0315215 4346439 26 5656756 9684286 5972470 4027530 0315714 5659948 9683786 5976162 4023838 0316214 4340052 24 9683285 5979852 4020149 0316715 5666324 9682784 5983540 4016460 0317216 4333676 22 5669508 9682283 5987225 4012775 0317717 433049221 5672639 9681781 5990908 4009092 0318212 432731120 5675868 9681279 4005412 0318721 4324132 19 5679044 9680777 5998267 4001733 0319223 432095618 5682217 9680274 6001943 3998057 0319726 5635337 9679771 6005617 3994383 0320229 4314613 1 16 5638555 9679267 6009289 3990711 0320733 5691721 9678763 6012958 3987042 0321237 4308279 14 5694833 9678258 6016625 3983375 0321742 4305117 13 5698073 9077753 6020290 3979710 0322247 5701 200 9677247 6023953 3976047 0322753 4298800 II 570-13.55 9676741 6027613 3972387 0323259 4295645 5707506 9676235 6031271 3968729 0323765 4292494 5710656 9675728 6034927 3965073 0324272 4289344 5713.02 9675221 60385 81 3961419 0324779 4286198 7 5716946 9674713 60112233 3957767 0325287 4283054 6 5720087 9674205 6045882 3954118 0325795 4279913 5 5723226 2673697 3950471 0326303 4276774 4 5726362 9673188 6053174 3946826 0326812 4273638 3 5729495 9672679 6056817 3943183 0327321 4270505 20 5732626 9672169 6060457 3939543 0327831 5735754 9671659 16064096 3935904 0328341 4264248 I2 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 41 4.5 40 47 48 49 50 SI 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 32 31 30 434324425 5663137 4336863 23 5994588 200 N 431778317 4311445 15 4301957 12 10 6049529 4267374 I 60 4 A Table of Artificial Sines, . 22 Degrees. 67 Degrees. Secants. Tang. Sines. M O I 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 I 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 O on an f W Co w w w cs ta ta ta 65 W 19 W D N N N N Van die w 9.5735754 | 9.2671659 9.6064096 | 10.3935904 10:0328341 10.426424660 5738880 9671148 6067732 3932268 0328852 4261120 52 5 742003 9670637 6071366 3928634 0329363 4257997 | 58 5745123 9670125 6074997 3925003 0329875 425487757 5748240 96696,14 6078627 3921373 0330386 425176056 5751356 9669101 6082254 3917746 0330899 4248644 55 5754468 9668588 6085880 3914120 0331412 4245532 54 5757578 9668075 6089503 3910497 0331925 424242253 5760685 9667562 6093124 3906876 0332438 423931552 5763790 9667048 6096742 3903258 0332952 4236210 51 5766892 9666533 6100359 3899641 0333467 423310850 5769991 9666018 6103973 3896027 0333982 423000949 5773088 9665503 6107586 3892414 0334497 422691248 5776183 9664987 6111196 3888804 0335013 422381747 5779275 9664471 6114804 3885196 0335529 4220725 46 5782364 9663954 6118409 3881591 0336046 4217636 | 45 5785450 9663437 6122013 3877987 0336563 4214550 44 5788535 9662920 6125615 3874385 0337080 4211465 43 5791616 9662402 6129214 3870786 0337598 4208384 | 42 5794695 9661884 6132812 3867188 0338116 42053054I 9661365 6136407 5797772 3863593 0338635 4202228 40 5800845 9660846 6140000 3860000 0339154 419915539 5803917 9660326 61.43591 3956409 0339674 4196083 38 5806986 9659806 6147180 3852820 0340194 4193014 37 5810052 9659285 6150766 3849234 0340715 4189948 36 5813116 9658764 6154351 3845649 0341236 4186884 35 5816177 9658243 6157934 3842066 0341757 4183823 34 5819236 9687721 6161514 3838486 0342279 4180764 33 5822292 9657199 6165093 3834907 0342801 4177708 32 5825345 2656677 6168669 3831331 0343323 4174655 31 5828397 9656153 6172243 3827757 0343847 4171603 30 5831445 9655630 6175815 3824185 0344370 416855529 5834491 9655106 6179385 3820615 0344894 4165509 28 5837535 2654582 6182953 3817047 0345418 4162465 27 5840576 9654057 6186519 3813481 0345943 4159424 26 5843615 9653532 6190083 3809917 0346468 4156385 | 25 5846651 9653006 6193645 3806355 0346994 4153349 24 5849685 9052480 6197205 3802795 0347520 4150315 23 5852776 9651953 6200762 3799238 0348047 22 4147284 5855745 9651426 6204318 21 0348574 4144255 5858771 9650899 6207852 3792128 0349101 4141229 5861795 9650371 6211423 3788577 0349629 413820519 5864816 9649343 3785027 0350157 4135184 18 5867835 9649314 0218520 3781480 0350686 4132165 17 5870851 9648785 6222066 3777934 0351215 412914916 5873865 9648256 6225609 3774391 0351744 412613515 9647726 6229150 5876876 3770850 0352274 4123124 14 5879885 9647195 6232690 3767310 0352805 4120115 13 5832892 9646665 6236227 3763773 0353335 411710812 5835896 9646133 6239763 3760237 4114104 0353867 5888897 9645602 6243296 3756704 4III103 0354398 5891897 9645069 6246827 3753173 0354931 4108103 9 9644537 6250356 58:14893 3749644 4105107 0355463 8 6253884 3746116 5897938 9544004 0355996 4102II2 7 6257409 3742591 0356530 4099120 5900880 9645470 6 6210932 5903569 964.2437 3739068 0357063 4096131 5 6264454 3735546 5906356: 9642402 0357598 4093144 4 3732027 0358132 4090159 3 5909841: 9641868 9641332 5912323 6271491 4087177 3728509 3724994 9640797 6275006 0359203 4084197 3721481 5918780: 96402611 6278519 0359739 4081220 38 3795682 20 6214973 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 II IO 51 52 53 54 95 56 57 58 59 oo 6267973 0358658 2 I 5915803 Tangents and Secants. 41 23 Degrees. 66 Degrees. M 6 2 1 0 8 38 3 4 5 ( ე 8 ვნ)3444 4 9 IO I II 6317037 I2 I 3 14 IS 403978446 I 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 23 23 25 26 N 1 / N Sine. Tang. Secant. 9.59187730 9.9640261 9.6278519, 10.3721481 100359737 10.408122060 , 5921755 2639724 6282031 37 (79) o369276 4078245 52 5924728 9639187 62855410 3714460 0360813 4075272 5927698 938650 6289048 3710952 0361350 4072302 57 5930666 9638II2 6292553 3707447 0361883 4069334 / 56 5933631 96375 74 6296057 370394,3 0,2426 4066369 | 55 5936594 937036 6299558 3700442 0362964 406340654 5939555 9636496 6303058 3696942 o3(3504 406244s | 5 3 5942ა 9635957 6306556 0,4043 405 748752 5945464 9635457 6310052 3589918 0364583 425 45 34 | 5I 5940422 9634877 6 313545 3686455 0,652 4051578 | 50 5951373 9634336 3032963 03:55664 48627 | 42 5954322 96 337:25 6320527 3079473 (364)205 404567843 5957268 963.3253 6324ors 3675985 0366747 40427,3247 5960212 96327 II 632750I 3672494 035722) 5963654 96 32 16გ 6330985 3,5751 5 0367832 403634645 5966993 963 1625 633446 2665532 0368375 4033207 44 5969030 9531082 6337948 3602052 cკზ918 403027043 5);1965 950 38 6341426 3658574 0369402 4c28635 | 42 5974897 90 29)24 6344903 365 5097 0370006 4025Icy | -4I 5777027 962 $24) 6348378 ვი; 1622 0370551 40221731 40 598e7c4 9628904 6351955 304815 c3/10) 401924639 598379 9628358 6355321 3644679 c371642 4016;21.38 5986602 9627812 6358790 3641210 0372103 40I 3398 6 37 595)523 2627266 6362257 3637743 0372734 43I_457] 36 5992441 9626719 6365722 3634278 03:23 40075591,35 5995357 96-6172 63631s 3636815 0,37,3828 40046-43 34 5998270 902 (24 6372646 3627354 0374376 4OIT კბ33 GOOIII 962507 63761,06 3623894 0374924 399881932 6004690 9624527 6379563 3620437 0375473 3)3) Iბ ; 34 (6806997 962,3978 (ვაკე-9 3616931 03;&022 39) კcos { კბ 6009901 ყ623428 (18647 3 361 3527 0376572 3990y2 1 24) 6012003 9622878 კა9925 36xo07 $ 0377122 3907197 23 6515703 9622328 0393375 3006625 O37: 57 2 3984277 27 (or8200 9621777 (32623 კ653477 0378223 39840 4 26 604I49.5 9621226 64dc209 3592 31 c3777 1 3978:05 1 25 692438 9620074 640 37 I4 355)28ა 0379320 3:)7561221 6027278 9)2012 : 6.4 1 56 3592844 0379078 392722 23 6ozorno ყ 961956) 3580403 ბზი+3I 39c2834 | 2 2 (23.30; 2 961:3o16 } 64140,36- 3585964 350934 390674821 63.5 936 : 913.63: 64 I7473 ( 3502527 038 15 37 396.64 | 2ა საკია171 91 7909; 64 20)ბა 2O 357)ი)2 0კა 2001 3)(I183 | 19 ნე;10.) ; 961; 3ა 5: 6.424 3.4 ? 3575 (332645 595 8304 | 18 6:424573 : $16520 6-2173 3572227 0333200 2953427 I7 6047448; YO 16245 6431 203 3368797 03:37 5 S ko50320. სს 1 (18) yóiguee 0434631 3565 კმ 84311 39496d0 | 15 (jQ: 31:00 965 I 33; 6.4 38057 35 1943 0384867 3y468101 (0;6cs 7 94I45 78 6441481 355&sI) o385 4 24 34943943 | 13 [c58:23 961403 6144903 355 $297 03859) 394 I077 სის ( 961 34 2 6448324 3s 5 16 76 5 03865 38 39.8214 | (06-3047 9612).} 6451743 3548257 0387996 393 35 3 (750 912 34 6455100 3,5443.10 0387654 3932494 9 სი; }(52 9611787 67,8575 3541425 03:8213 392) 38 8 6073216 JÓ11223 6-01:28 3,538012 0388772 3926784 7 (0) Coc68 912/63 6405400 3534600 0389332 3923932 6 (9:3 9(101) 64.68810 3531190 0389892 32-1082 S 60017659 9609548: 6472217 3.527783 C39245 24 3918235 4 (084614 9089*7 647562- 352437 O:9Ion 3 3). 3) 3 (oზ7 454 9600426 6479028 3520972 039 [y 74 391254 6 6c0294 907364 (18243I 3517569 0392136 3909706 I (0)32 33 9607 302 } 648583I I 35 I:414) e392c58 3კისას): 0 ( 28 29 30 SI 32 33 34 35 ვ) 37 38 39 სა და 6410577 4I ) 4 2 } 43 { 4.; I 395255216 45 4: A, ga I 2 * 45) 1786 II Io { 2 } 30 3 1 3 2 I 53 54 5 S 56 57 s 59 (c 2 4 4 +4 = = = = => 42 A Table of Artificial Sines, 24 Degrees. 65 Degrees. MI Sine. Tang. Secant. o 180 I 2 3904031 159 58 3 4 5 6 7 8 8895535 ' 56 38.72707 55 3 6516359 9 10 11 12 13 I 4 IS 16 17 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 9527676 3449888 9594821 3844976/ 38 3839401 36 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i Q CS P A 9591380 9.6.09313319.9607302 60,5969 9601739 60-18803 9606176 6101635 9605612 6104465 9605048 6107293 9604484 6ΙΙοΙ18 9603919 6112241 9603354 6115762 9602788 6118580 9602222 6121397 9601655 6124211 9601088 6127023 96005 20 6129833 9599952 613264.1 9.599334 6135440 9598815 61382501 9598246 6141051 61438501 9597106 6146647 9596535 6149441 9595964 6152234 9595393 6155024 6157812 9594248 6160599 9593675 61633821 9593102 6166164 9592528 6168944 9591954 6171721 6174496 9590805 6177270 9590229 6180041 9589053 6182809 9509077 61855701 0588500 61%8341 9587923 6191103 9587,345 619.864 | 9586761 6196622 6199378 9585609 6202132 9545030 6204664 9504450 6207634 958366y 6210382 9583283 6213127 9582707 6215871 9582125 6216612 9581543 6221351 5580961 6224088 9560378 62,26824 9579704 6229557 95 79210 62322871 9578626 6235010 9578041 6237743 9577456 6240460 9576870 6243100 9576284 6245911 9575697 6248629 9575110 6251346 9574522 6254060 9573934 6250772 9573346 62.594831 9572757 60 26485831, 10.3514169 . 10.0392698 10.3906867 ? 6489230 3510770 0393261 6492628 3507372 0393824 3901197 6496023 3503977 0394388 3898365 1 57 6492417 3500583 0324952 6502809 3497191 0395516 ) 6506199 3493801 0396081 388y88254 6509587 3490413 0396646 3387059 53 6512974 3487026 0327212 3884238; 52 3483641 0397778 3381420 51 6519742 3480258 0398345 3878603! 50 6523123 3476877 0398912 3875789 49 6526503 3473497 0399480 3872973 48 6529831 3470119 0400043 387016747 6533257 3466743 0400616 3867359 46 6536631 3463369 0401185 3864554 45 6540004 3459996 0401754 3861750 44 6543375 3456625 0402324 3858949 | 43 6546744 3453256 0402894 3856150 42 6550112 0403165 3853353 | 41 6553477 3446523 0404036 385055940 6556841 3443159 0404607 3847766 32 6560204 3439796; 0405179 6563564 3436436 0405 752 3842188/ 37 6566923 3433077! 0406325 6570280 3429720 0406898 383601835 6573636 3426364 0407472 3833836 | 34 6576989 3423011 0408046 3831056 33 6580341 3419659 0408620 3828279 32 6583692 3416308 0409195 3825504 31 6587041 34129591 0409771 3822730 30 6590387 3409613 0410347 391995929 6593733 3406267 0410923 3817191 6597076 3402924 0411500 3 3814424 27 6600413 3399582 0412077 3311659 26 6603758 3390242 0412655 3308897 1 25 6607097 3392903 0413233 3806136 24 66107.34 3389566 0413712 38033781 23 6613763 3381231 0414391 3800622 | 22 6617103 3382897 0414270 6620434 3379506 0415550 6623765 3376235 0416131 3792366 19 6627093 0416712 3372907 18 3789618 6630420 3369580 0417293 3786873 17 3366255 0417875 6637069 3362931 0418457 37813118 | 15 335900y 0419039 377864914 6643711 04.19622 6647030 3352970 0:20206 6650346 3349654 0420790 3770413 6653662 3346338 0421374 3767713 10 6656975 3343025 0421959 37649824 6660288 3339712 0.122544 3762252 8 6663598 3336402 0423130 3759532 7 6560907 33,3309,3 0423716 3750310 6 6670214 3329786 0424303 3754089 5 3326481 042-1890 3751371 4 6676823 3323177 0425478 3748654 3 6660126 3319874 3745940 2. 6683426 3316574 042665-4 3743222 6686725 3313275 04272431 3740517 28 33 II 34 35 & w w w w w w w ca a 361 37 9586188 38 379766821 3795116 20 39 40 41 42 43 6033745 3784129 16 IG 6640391 44 4.5 46 47 48 49 SO 51 33,5628, 3775912 13 3773176 12 II 52 53 54 55 6 57 58 $9 60 a la la la 6673519 0421066 I Tangents, and Secants. 43 1 25 Degrees. 64 Degrees. M Sine. Tang. Secant. O I 3737809 59 2 3729697/ 56 3718910 52 1 371352350 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II I 13 14 IS 16 IT 18 19 20 21 22 3705471 47 370278946 37001IO | 45 3 24 25 26 27 2 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 9.6259483, 9.9572757 9.6686725 F10 3313275 10.0127243 10.3740517 60 6262191 9572168 6690023 3309977 0427832 6264897 9571578 6693319 3306681 0428422 3735103 58 6267601 9570988 6696613 3303387 0429012 3732399 57 6270303 95 70397 6699906 3300094 0429603 6273003 9569806 6703197 3296803 0430194 3726997 55 6275701 95692151 6706486 3293514 0:430785 54 3724299 6278397 9568623 6709774 3290226 0131377 3721603 | 53 6281090 9568030 6713060 3286940 04.;1970 6283782 9567437 6716345 3233655 0432563 3716218 51 6286472 9566814 6719628 3280372 0433156 6289160 9566250 6722910 3277090 0433750 3710840| 49 6291845 9565656 6726190 3273810 0434344 370815548 6294529 9565061 6729468 3270532 0434939 6297211 9564466 6732745 3267255 0435534 6299390 9563870 6736020 3263980 0.136130 6302568 9563274 6739294 3260706 0436726 3697432 44 6305243 9562678 6742566 3257434 0437322 359475743 6307917 9562081 6745836 3254164 0437919 3692083 42 6310589 9561483 6749105 3250895 0.138527 3639411 41 6313258 9560886 6752372 3247628 032514 3686742 | 40 6315926 9560287 6755638 3241.362 0.139713 3081074 39 6318591 9559689 6758903 3241097 0440311 3631403 38 6321255 9559089 676.165 3237835 0440.)II 3678745 | 37 6323916 95584.90 6765426 3234574 0441510 3676084 36 6326576 9557890 6768686 3231314 0142110 3673424 35 6329233 9557289 6771944 3228056 0442711 3670767 / 34 6331889 9556688 6775201 3224797 0443312 3668111 33 6334542 9556087 6778456 3221544 0443913 3665458 32 6337194 9555485 6781709 3218291 0444515 3662806 31 6339844 9554882 6784961 3215039 0445118 3660156 / 30 6342491 9554280 6788211 3211789 0445720 3657509 29 6345137 9553676 6791460 3208540 0446324 3654863 28 6347780 9553073 6794708 32052)2 0110927 3652220 127 6350422 9.552409 6797953 26 3202047 • 04147531 3649578 6353062 6801198 3198802 0448136 36469.38 25 6355699 9551239 6804440 3195560 0448741 3644301' 24 6358335 9550653 6807682 3192318 0742,347 3641665 23 6360969 9550047 6810921 3189079 0449953 6363001 9549441 6814160 3185840 0450559 6366231 9548834 6817396 3182604 0451166 3633769 6303859 9548227 6820632 3179368 0451773 3031141 19 6371484 9547619 6823865 3176135 0452381 6374108 95-7011 6827098 3172902 0452989 3625892 17 6376731 9.546402 6830328 IÓ 3869672 0453598 3623269 6379351 9545793 6833557 3166443 0454.207 3620649 15 6381969 9545184 6836785 3163215 0454815 3618031 14 6384585 954-574 6840011 3159989 0455426 3615415. 13 6397199 9543963 6843236 315676_1 0450037 3612801 12 6389812 9543352 63,6459 3153541 0456648 6392422 9542741 6847601 3150319 0457259 6395030 9542129 6852901 3117099 0457871 3604970 6397637 9.541917 6856120 8 3143880 0458483 3602363 6400241 9.540904 6859338 3140662 0459096 3599759 7 6402844 9540291 6 6802553 3137447 0459709 3597156 6405445 9539677 6865768 3134232 0460323 3594555 5 6408044 9539063 6868981 3131019 0.460937 357 1956 4 6410640 95,38448 6872192 3127808 0461552 589360 3 6413235 95.378,33 3124598 0462167 3586765 2. 6415828 9537218 6878611 3121389 0462782 3504172 6418420 9536602 6881818 3118182 0463398 9551864 38 3639031 27 363639921 20 3628576 18 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4.7 48 49 50 3610188 Ir 360757810 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6875402 I 3581580 44 A Table of Artificial Sines, 26 Degrees. 63 Degrees. Sine, Tang. Secanit. M 1 2 6421009 04-3596 6420132 6431347 6-43.3426 6436504 0439080 6441054 2 I 22 9.6418420, 9.9536602 9.6881818 10.3118142 10.0463398. 10.3581380 60 9535985 6085023 3114977 0464015 357899159 9535369 0888227 3111773 0464631 357640458 3 9534751 0891430 3108570 0465242 357381857 4 0428765 9534134 6894031 3105,369 0465867 35712355 5 9533515 6897831 6 3102169 0466489 356865355 9532897 6901030 3098970 0467103 356007454 7 8 9532278 6904226 3045774 0467722 3563496 | 53 9531658 6907422 3092578 0468342 356092052 9 9531038 6710616 3089,384 046sy02 IO 355834651 6444226 9530418 6913809 3086191 II 0409582 3555774 JO 6446796 9527797 6917000 3083000 I2 0470203 355320449 0449365 9529175 13 6920189 3079811 0470825 355063548 6451931 9528553 6923378 3076622 04714 17 354806747 14 6454496 95279.31 6920505 3073435 0472009 15 354550440 6457058 9527308 6929750 16 3070250 0472692 354294245 6459619 952668 6932934 3067066 0473315 354038144 17 6462173 9520001 6936117 18 3063883 0473939 353782243 6464735 9525437 6939208 3000702 0474563 353526542 19 6407290 9524813 6942478 3057522 0475187 353271041 20 6469844 9524188 6945656 3054344 0475812 353015640 6472395 9523562 6448833 3051107 0476438 352760$ 32 6474945 9522936 6952009 3047991 0477064 3525055 38 23 6477492 9522310 6955183 3044817 0477690 3522508 37 24 6480038 9521683 6958355 3041645 0478317 3519962 36 25 6482582 9521055 6961527 3038473 0478945 3517418 35 26 6485124 9520428 6964697 3035303 0479572 351487634 27 6487665 9519799 6967865 3032135 0480201 28 3512335 33 6490203 9519171 6971032 3028968 0480829 3509797 32 29 6492740 9518541 6974198 3025002 0481459 350726031 30 6495274 9517912 6977363 3022637 0482c88 3504726 / 30 31 6497807 9517282 6980526 3019474 0482718 3502193 | 29 32 6500338 95116GI 6983687 3016313 0483349 3499662 / 28 33 6502868 9516030 6986847 3013153 0483980 3497132 27 34 6505395 9515389 6990006 3009994 0484011 349400526 35 6507920 9514757 6993164 3000836 0485243 349208025 36 6510444 9514124 6990320 3003600 0485876 348955624 37 6512966 9513492 6999474 3000526 0400508 348703423 38 6515486 9512858 ४ 7002628 2997372 0487172 3484514 22 39 6518004 9.512224 7005780 2994220 0487776 3481996 | 21 652052T 9511590 7000930 2991070 0485410 3479479 20 0523035 9510956 7012080 2907920 04840914 3476965. 19 6 52554% 9510320 7015227 2987773 0489680 347445219 6527059 9509685 7018374 2981626 0490315 3471941 ! 1530568 9500049 7021519 2478481 04909.51 346243210 6533075 9508412 7024063 2975337 0491588 3461,925 19 IS 0535581 9507775 7027805 2972195 04422451 3464419 114 6538084 9507138 7030946 2409054 0092862 3461916 13 6540586 9506500 7034086 2465914 0493500 3459114 12 6543086 9505861 7037225 2962779 0494139 34561114 II 6545584 9505 223 7040362 2959038 0494777 3454416:10 6548081 9504583 7043497 2956503 0425417 34519.19 12 6550575 9503944 7046632 205336€ 0496096 3147425 0559068 9503303 7049765 295025 0446677 3446932 6555559 9502663 7052897 29-7103 0497337 3444441 6 6558048 9502022 7036027 24;43273 0497973 3141952 5 6560536 7059756 2040044 C498020 3439.04 4 6563021 9500738 7002284 2937716 0499262 3436979 } 6565505 9500095 7065410 29,34590 0499905 3434495 6507987 9499452 7068535 2031165 I C00548 3432013 bu 65704160 9-11.0009 7075654 292821 05501IO 3429532 1 در لحد کا ما 30 I 42 I 43 44 4.S qú 47 8 49 o 5I 52 53 54 55 51 9501380 57 58 و کمر 1 Tangents, and Secants. 45 27 Degrees. Sine. 62 Degrees. M Tang. Secant. | 9 ១១ 2 O OCard UJ NM O 58 342210257 3419629 56 6 52 SI IO II IZ $8 ! 3397450 | 47 46 45 17 7124562 Ig 867237 20 21 22 2859949 3375414 / 38 23 2844492 3). 6570408 9.9498809 9.7071659,10.2928341 10.0501191, 10.3429532 6572946 1 9498165 7074781 2225219 0501835 3427054 59 6575423 9497521 7077902 2922098 0502479 3424577 3 6577898 9496876 7081022 2918978 OGO3124 4 6580371 9496230 7084141 2915852 0503770 5 6582842 9495585 1087258 2912742 0504415 341715855 6 6585312 9494938 7090374 2909626 0505062 341468854 6587780 9494292 7093483 2906512 0505708 341 2220 53 8 6590246 9493645 7096601 2903392 0506355 3409754 9 6592710 9492997 7099713 2900287 0507003 3407290 6595173 9492349 7102824 2897176. 050765 I 340482750 6597633 9491700 7105933 2894067 0508300 3402367 49 6600093 9491051 7109041 2840959 0508949 3399907 13 6602550 9490402 7112148 2887852 0509598 14 6605005 9489752 7115254 2884746 0510248 3394995 IS 6607459 9489101 7118358 2881642 OS10892 3392541 16 6609911 9488450 7121461 2878539 0511550 3390089 44 6612361 9487799 2875438 0512201 -338763943 18 6614810 -9487147 7127662 2872338 0912853 338519042 6617257 94.86495 7130761 0513505 338274341 6619702 9485842 7133859 2856141 0514158 3380298 40 6622145 9485139 7136956 2863044 0514811 3377855 39 6624586 9484535 7140051 Og15465 6627026 9483881 7143145 2856855 0516119 3372974 37 24 6629464 9483227 7146237 2853763 0516773 3370536 36 25 6631900 9482572 7149329 2850671 0517428 336810035 1 26 6634335 9481916 7152419 2847581 0518084 3365665 / 34 27 6636768 9481260 7155508 0518740 336323233 28 6639199 9480604 7158595 2841405 0519396 3360801 32 29 6641628 947997 7161682 2.838318 0520053 335837231 30 6644056 9479289 7164767 2835233 0520711 3355944 | 30 31 6646482 9478631 7167851 2832149 0521369 335351829 32 6648906 9477973 7170933 2829067 0522027 3351094 28 33 6651329 9477314 7174014 2825986 0522686 334857127 34 6653749 9476655 7177094 2822906 0523345 35 6650108 9475995 7180173 2819827 0524005 334383225 36 6658586 9475335 7183251 0524665 3341414 24 37 66610OI 9474674 7186327 2813673 0525326 3338999 / 23 38 6663415 9474013 7189402 2810598 0525987 3336585 | 22 39 6665328 1473352 7192476 2807524 0526648 3334172 40 6663238 9472689 7195549 2804451 0527311 3331762 20 41 6670647 9472027 7198620 2801380 0527973 42 6673054 3329353 19 7201690 2798310 0528636 43 6675459 9470700 7204759 2795241 0529300 332454117 6677863 7207827 2792173 0529964 3322137 16 45 6680265 9469372 7210892 2789107 0530628 3319735 15 46 6682665 9468707 7213958 2786042 0531293 3317335 | 14 47 6685064 9468042 7217022 2782978 0531958 331493613 48 6687461 9467376 7220085 2779915 0532024 3312539 12 49 668,856 9460710 7223147 2776853 0533790 331014411 50 6672250 9466043 7226207 2773793 0533957 SI 6694942 9465376 7229266 2770734 0534624 3305358 52 6677032 9464708 7232324 2767676 0535292 3302968 8 53 669420 9461040 7235381 2764619 0535900 3300580 7 54 6701307 9463371 77238436 2761564 0536629 3298193 6 55 6704192 9462702 7241490 2758510 0537298 3295808 S 6706576 9462032 7244543 2755457 0537968 3293424 4 57 6708958 9461362 7247595 275 2405 0538638 3291042 3 58 6711338 9460692 7250616 2749354 0539308 3288662 6713716 9460021 9253695 2746305 0539979 3286284 00 6716093 9459342 7256744 2743256 054065 3283907 334625126 28:6749 21 9471364 3326946 18 9470036 II 3307730 / 10 a NO 56 2 و I I 46 A Table of Artificial Sines, 28 Degrees. M Sines. 61 Degrees. Tang: Secants. I 2 9453960 9 13 14 9447182 9445821 2673473 2670453 7341616 0 9.6716093,9'94593499 7256744 | 10.2743256 10.0540651,01.3283907 60 6718468 9458677 7259701 2740209 0541323 328153252 6720841 9458005 7262837 2737163 0541995 327915958 3 6723213 9457332 7265881 2734119 0542668 327678757 4 6725533 9456659 7268925 2731075 0543341 3274417 56 6727952 9455985 7271967 2728033 5 0544015 3272048 55 6 6730319 9455310 7275008 2724992 0544690 3269681 54 6732684 945 4636 7278048 2721952 0545364 7 326731653 6735047 7281087 2718913 0546040 3264953 52 6737409 9453285 7284124 2715876 0546715 3262.59151 10 6739769 9452609 7287161 2712839 0547391 326023150 6742128 II 9451932 7290196 2709804 0548068 325787249 I 2 6744485 9451255 7293230 2706770 0548745 3255515 48 6746840 9450577 7296263 2703737 0549423 3253160 | 47 6749194 9449899 7299295 2700705 OS SOIOI 3250806 | 46 15 6751546 9449220 7302325 2697675 0550780 3248454 45 I6 6753896 9448541 7305354 2694646 0551459 3246104 | 44 6750245 17 9447862 7308383 2691617 0552138 3243755 43 18 6758592 7311410 2688590 0552818 3241408 42 6760937 19 9446501 7314436 2685564 0553499 323906341 6763281 7317460 2682540 20 0554179 3236719 40 6765623 9445139 21 7320484 2679516 0554861 3234377 39 6767963 9444457 22 7323506 2676494 0555543 3232037 / 38 6770302 7326527 9443775 0556225 3229648 37 23 6772640 9443092 7329547 0556908 24 3227360 36 6774975 9442409 25 7332566 2667434 0557591 3225025 35 26 6777309 9441725 7335584 26644.16 0558275 3222691 34 6779642 9441041 7338601 2661399 0558959 27 3220358 33 28 6781972 9440356 2658384 0559644 3218028 | 32. 6784301 9439671 7344631 2655369 0560329 29 3215699 31 6786629 9438905 7347644 2652356 0561015 3213371 | 30 30 6788955 9438299 7350656 0561701 3211045 | 29 6791279 7353667 2646333 0562388 32 320872128 6793602 9436925 7356677 2643323 0563075 320639827 33 6795923 9436238 7359685 2640315 0563762 34 6798243 9435549 7362693 26,37307 0564451 35 3201757 25 6800560 9434861 7305699 2634301 0565139 3199440 24 6802877 9434172 7368705 0565828 3197123 | 23 37 68051.91 9433482 7371709 2628291 0566558 3194809 | 22 6807504 9432792 7374712 2625288 0567208 39 3192496 | 21 6809816 9432102 7377714 2622286 0567898 3190184 20 40 6812126 9431411 7380715 2619285 0568589 3187874 | 19 6814434 9430720 7383714 26.06286 0569280 318556618 42 6810741 9430028 7386713 2613287 0569972 3183259 17 43 6819046 9429335 7389710 2610290 05 70665 3180954 16 44 6821349 9428643 7392707 260729 0571357 317865115 45 6823651 9427949 7395702 2604298 0572051 317634914 6825952: 9427255 7398696 2001304 0572745 3174048 13 47 6828250 9426561 2598311 0573439 317175012 6830548 7404681 2595319 0574134 3169452 | 11 49 6832843 9425171 7407672 2592328 0574829 3167157 | 10 SO 6335137 9424476 7410462 2589338 0575524 3164863 6837430 9423779 7413650 2586350 0576221 3162570 8 6839720 9423083 7416638 258,3362 05769171 3160280 7 53 6842010 9422386 7419624 2580370 0577014 3157990 6 54 6844297 9421688 9422609 2577391 0578312 3155703 5 55 6846583 9420990 7425594 2574406 0579010 3153417 4 6848868 9420291 7428577 2571423 0579709 3151132 3 57 6851151 9419592 7431559 2508441 0580408 58 24 3148849 6853432 9413893 7434540 2565460 0581107 59 6855712 9418193 60 7437520 2562480 03 81807 2649344 31 9437612 3204077 26 36 2631295 38 41 46 7401689 48 9425806 SI 52 56 I 2 3146568 3144288 Tangents, and Secants. 47 29 Degrees. 60 Degrees. M Sine. Tang. Secant. N H 1 23 1. apo 9415388 6869359 TO II I 2 6882949 6885209 13 6889723 17 100 TAIN 9404001 } 6714445 01 1 , 19.6855712 9 9418193 9.7437520 10.2562480 10.0581807, 10.3144288 60 6857991 9417492 7440499 2559501 05 82508 314200959 6360267 9416791 7443476 2556524 0583209 313973358 6862542 9416090 7446453 2553547 0583910 313745857 4 686.816 7449428 2550572 0584012 3135184 | 56 5 6867088 9414685 7452403 2547597 0535315 3132912 55 6 9413982 7455376 2544624 og 86018 3130641 | 54 ,7 6871028 9413279 7458349 2541651 0586721 3128372 53 8 6873895 9412575 7461320 2538680 0587425 312610552 19 6876161 9411871 7464290 2535710 0588129 312383951 6878425 9411166 7467259 2532741 0588834 3121575 50 6880688 9410461 7470227 2529773 0589539 3119312 49 9409755 7473194 2526800 0590245 311705148 9409048 7476160 2523840 0590952 3114791 47 14 6887467 9408342 7479125 2520875 0591658 3112533 46 IS 9407634 7482089 2517911 0592366 3110277 45 16 6891978 9406927 7485052 2514948 0593073 3108022 44 6844232 9406219 7488013 2511987 0593781 3105768 43 18 6896484 9405510 7490974 2509026 0594490 3103516 42 19 6898734 7493934 2506066 0595199 3101266 41 20 6900983 9404091 7496892 2503108 0595909 3099017 | 40 21 6903231 9403381 7499850 2500150 0590619 309676939 22 6yo5 476 9402670 7502806 2497194 0597330 3094524 38 23 6707721 9401959 7505762 2494238 0598041 3092279 | 37 24 6909964 9401248 7508716 2491284 0598752 3090036 | 36 25 6912205 9400535 7511669 2488331 0599465 3087795 35 26 93978 23 7514622 2485378 0600177 3085555 34 27 6910683 9399119 7517573 2482427 0600890 308331733 28 6918919 9398396 7520523 2479477 ob0r604 3081081 32 29 6921155 9397682 7523472 2476528 0602318 3078845 31 30 6923388 9396968 7526420 2473580 0603032 3076612 30 6925020 9396253 7529368 24470632 06037+7 30743029 6927851 9395537 7532314 2467666 0604163 307214928 33 6930080 9394321 7535259 2464741 0605179 306992027 34 6932308 9394105 7538203 2461797 0605895 300769236 35 6934534 9393388 7541146 2458854 0600612 306546625 36 6936758 9392671 754408४ 2455912 обс7322 3063242 24 37 6738981 9301953 7547029 2452971 0608047 3061019 23 6941203 9.391234 7549969 2450031 0608;66 305879722 39 6943423 9390515 7552908 2147092 0609485 3056577 21 40 6945642 9389796 7555846 244154 0610204 3054358 20 41 6947859 9389076 7558783 2441217 0010)24 305214119 42 6950074 9333356 2438282 NÁ11644 3049926 18 43 6952263 9337635 7564653 2735347 0612365 3047712 17 44 6')54501 9386914 7567587 243241 0613386 3045499 | 16 AS 6956712 9386192 7570520 2429480 0613308 3043288 | IS 46 9.385470 7573452 2426548 0614520 3041078 14 47 6961130 9384747 7576383 2423617 0615253 303887013 48 0903336 9384024 7579313 2420637 0015976 3036654 12 49 6705541 9383300 7582242 2457758 0616700 3034459 II 50 6367745 9.382576 7585170 24114830 0617424 3032255 IO 51 6969947 9381851 7588096 2411704 ObI3149 3030053 69721118 9381126 7591022 2.2009;8 O 16874 3027852 8 53 6.774347 9380400 7593947 2:06033 0617600 3025653 7 5+ 6,76545 9379674 7596871 2410;129 0620326 3023455 6 55 6978741 9370947 7599794 2400200 0621053 3021259 5 50 by+0930 9373:20 7002710 2327284 0621780 3019064 4 6493129 9377402 7605637 234363 0022508 3010871 3 58 6965321 9376764 239 1993 0623236 301.679 59 638751.16 9376035 7611470 2388524 C623905 3012489 00 6,89700 9375305 7614394 2385006 06246;t 3010300 31 32 us as w 38 CO 0 22 ( د ور) 52 20 Nm 57 7608557 2. I ! 48 A Table of Artificial Sines, 30 Degrees. 59 Degrees. M Sine. Tang Secant. O I 58 2 0628347 4 5 6 7 8 3003742 57 56 299937055 2997198 54 299.501933 299204352 299060051 9 10 II I 2 13 29798.10 10 14 15 16 2975477 / 44 2973313 43 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 0641599 0642340 9357660 26 27 28 2.6989700 9.9375 306 9. 7614394 6941387 9374577 7617311 6994073 9373847 7620227 6996258 9373116 7023142 6998441 9372385 7626056 7000622 9371653 7628469 7002802 9370921 7631381 7004981 9370189 7634792 7007158 9369456 763770: 7009334 9363722 7640612 7011508 9367988 7643520 7013681 9367254 7640427 7015852 9366519 7649334 7018022 9365733 7652232 7020190 9365047 7655143 7022357 9364311 7658047 7024523 9363574 7660949 7026687 9362836 7663851 7028842 9362098 7660751 70310II 9361300 7669651 7033170 9360621 7672550 7035329 9359881 7675440 7037486 9359141 7678344 7039641 9358401 76812410 7041795 7684135 7043947 9356918 7687024 7046099 9356177 7689922 7048248 9355434 7692814 7050397 9354691 7695705 7052543 9.353948 7598596 7054689 9353204 7701485 7056833 9352459 7704373 7053975 9351715 770,261 7061116 9350969 7710147 7003256 9350223 7713033 7065394 9349477 7715917 2067531 9348730 7718801 7009667 9347983 7721084 7071801 9347235 7724566 7073933 9346486 7727447 7076064 9345738 7730327 7078194 9344988 7733206 7080323 9344238 7736084 7002450 9343488 7738961 7084575 9342737 7741838 7086092 9341986 7744713 7060022 9341234 7747588 7090943 9340402 10 2385606 10.0624694 10 3010300 00 2382689 0625423 300611359 2379773 0620153 3005927 2376858 062688+ 2373944 0627615 3001554 2371031 2368119 0623079 2365208 0629811 2362298 0630544 2359388 0631278 2350480 0632012 298849250 2353573 0632746 2986319 49 2350666 0033481 2984148 48 2347761 0634217 2481978 47 2344857 0634953 2341953 0635689 2y77643 | 45 2339051 0636426 2336149 0637164 2333249 0637902 29711SI 474 2330347 0638040 296898941 2327450 0639379 2960830 140 2324552 0640119 296467139 2321056 0640859 2462514 38 2318760 2960359 37 2315865 2958205 / 36 2312971 0643082 295605335 2310078 0643823 2953901 344 2307186 0644566 295175233 2304295 064530) 294960332 2301404 0646052 2947457 31 2298515 0646796 294531130 2295027 0647541 2943167 29 2292739 0648285 2941025 28 2289853 0649031 293878427 2286967 0649777 2936744 2284083 0650523 2934606 25 2281199 0651270 29.32467 24 2278316 0652017 293031323 2275434 0652765 24126199 22 2272553 0953514 2426007 | 21 2269673 0654262 27239;6 | 20 0655012 22100619 2263916 0655762 2y1967718 2261039 0050512 2717550117 2258102 0657263 2015 42,5 16 225.5287 0658014 20130T 15 2252412 0650766 201117814 2249538 0659518 2909057 113 22.46066 0660271 2906,37 12 2243794 0661024 2404818 2240923 0661778 2002701 2238053 06625,33 2900585 9 223510 0663287 2046471 8 2232315 0664043 28963.5817 2229448 0664709 28974247 6 2226582 0665555 5 2892137 5 2223716 0666312 2840028 4 2220851 0607069 28837920 3 2217988 0667827 2885014 2215125 0668585 2003710 2212263 *0669344 2881607 go 31 32 3.3 34 35 36 37 26 2266794 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ΙΟ 7750462 7093063 9339720 7753334 7095182 9330976 2756200 7047299 9338222 7752077 7029415 9337467 7761!)47 7101529 9336713 7764816 “103642 1335957 7767685 7105753 9335201 7770552 7107303 9334445 7773418 7109972 2333688 176284 7112080 9332931 7779149 9332173 7782012 7116290 9331415 7784875 7118393 9330656 7707737 47 48 49 50 SI 52 53 54 IS 36 57 58 59 60 7114186 2 I Tangents and Secants. 49 w 31 Degrees. Sine. 58 Degrees. 3 NI Tang Secant. M 0 I 2 9327616 9326092 0679254 0681553 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3.3 34 35 36 37 30 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 50 SI 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 9.7113393 | 993300569 7787737 | 10.2212263 | 10.066)344 10.2881607 60 : 7120495 9329897 7790599 2209401 0670103 2879505 59 7122596 9329137 7793459 2206541 0670863 2877404 58 7124645 9328376 7796318 2203682 0671624 2875305 57 7126792 7799177 2200023 0672384 2873208 56 7128889 9320854 7802034 2197966 0573146 287111155 7130983 7804891 2195109 0673908 286901754 7133077 9325330 7007747 2142253 0674670 28669231 53 7135169 9324567 7810602 210)398 0675433 2864831 52 7137260 2323804 7813456 2186544 0676196 2862740151 7139349 9323040 7816309 2103691 0676960 2860651 | 50 7141437 9322276 7819162 2130638 0677724 2858563/ 49 7143.524 9321511 7822013 2177287 0678489 2856476 1 48 714560) 9320746 7824867 2175136 285439147 7147693 9319980 7827713 2172287 0680020 2852307 | 46 7149776 9359213 7330562 2109438 0680787 2850224 45 7151857 9318447 7833410 2106590 2848143 | 44 7153937 9317679 7836258 2163742 0682321 2846063 43 7156015 9316911 I 7839104 2160896 0683089 284398542 7158092 9316143 7841949 2158051 0683857 2841908141 7100168 9315374 78447')4 2155206 0604026 2839832 40 7162243 9.314005 78.476,38 2152362 0685395 283775739 7164336 9313835 78504I 2149519 0636165 2835684 38 7166387 9313065 7853323 2146677 0636935 283361337 7168458 9312294 7856164 2113836 0687706 2831542 | 36 7170526 9311522 7859004 2140996 0688478 2829474 | 35 7172594 9310750 7861844 2138156 0689250 2827406 34 7174660 9309278 7864682 2135318 0690022 282534033 7176725 9309205 7867520 2132480 0630795 2323275 | 32 7178709 9303132 7870357 2129643 0691368 2821211 31 7180351 93076;3 7873193 2126807 0692342 2819149 30 7782912 9306833 7876028 212.3972 0693117 281708829 7194371 9.306109 7878363 0693.91 2815029 | 28 7187030 9305333 7881696 2118304 0694667 281297027 7189086 9304557 7884529 211; 471 o695 4-43 2810914 26 7191142 930376 7837361 23 2139 0690219 2808858 25 719,3196 I 932300- 78.99192 2109808 0696996 2806804 | 24 71952-19 9.;02226 790231 2100977 0697774 280475123 719 7300 9013 789;8/21 2104148 0698552 280270022 7129350 9.200610 7898631 0693330 2800050 21 7201392 7901508 2098792. 07CC109 279810120 7 20341+7 9229112 7904,335 2095615 0700383 279655319 7 205493 9298332 7907IỚI 2092839 0701668 2794507 | 18 7207538 9297551 770947 2090013 070241-19 279216217 7209581 9296770 7912011 2007189 0703230 2790419 1 16 7211623 9295959 791,56,35 2004365 0704011 278837715 7213664 9295207 7918.458 2081542 0704793 2786336 | 14 7215704 9294424 7921200 2078720 0705576 278422613 7217742 9293041 7924101 2075899 0706359 278225812 7269779 9292857 7926921 2073979 0707143 2780121 II 7221314 9242073 7929741 2070259 0707927 277818610 7223848 9241289 7932560 2007-740 0708711 2776152 7225881 9290504 7935378 2004622 0709406 277119 7227913 9289714 79105 2001:05 0710282 2772087 7 7229443 9288,32 79110TI 20;8989 0711068 2770057 6 7231472 9289145 7943027 2056173 0711855 27680.SI 5 723-7000 9287358 7940641 2053359 0712642 2;00000 4 7235026 9.86571 7949455 2050545 0713129 2763974 3 7238051 9285783 79522603 2047732 0714217 2761949 7240075 728499. 7955081 2044919 0715006 2759925 72.12097' 9281205 7957092 20.12108 0715795 2757903 E 2121137 2101312 , I (5 بره (926 Q O IO on a faced o ano NO in tem a found o 2 I 50 A Table of Artificial Sines, 32 Degrees. M Sines. 57 Degrees. Tang. Secants. M I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II I 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8013957 21 0732486 22 23 241 25 28 2.7 28 29 go 9.7242097 : 9.9234205 19.7957892 | 10 2042108 10.0715795 10.2757903 60 7 244118 9283415 7960703 2039297 0716585 2755880 i 59 7246138 9282625 7063513 2033487 0717375 275386258 7248156 9281834 7966322 2033078 0718166 275184457 7250174 9281043 7969130 2030870 0718957 2749826 56 7252189 9280251 7971938 2028062 0719749 274781155 72.54204 9279459 7974745 2025255 0720541 2745736 54 7256217 9278666 7977551 2022449 0721334 274378353 7258229 9277873 7980356 2019644 0722127 2741771 | 52 7260210 9277079 7283160 2016840 0722921 273976051 72,62249 9276295 7985964 2014036 0723715 273775150 7264257 9275490 7938767 2011233 0724510 2735743 49 7266264 9274695 7991569 2008431 0725305 273373648 7268269 9273899 7994370 2005630 0726101 273173147 7270273 9273103 7997170 2002830 0726397 2729727 1 46 7272276 9272306 7999:970 2000030 0727694 2727724 | 45 7274278 9271509 8022769 1997231 0728491 2725722 44 7276278 9270711 8005567 1994433 0729289 272372243 7278277 9269913 8008365 1991635 0730087 2721723 42 7280275 9269114 8οΙΙΙ6Ι 1988339 0730886 271972541 7282271 9268314 1936043 0731686 271772940 7284167 9267514 8016752 1983248 2715733 | 39 7286260 9266714 8019546 1980-454 0733286 2713740 38 7288253 9265913 8022340 1977650 0734087 2711747 | 37 7290244 9265112 8025133 1974867 0734888 2709756 | 36 7292234 9264310 8027925 1972075 0735690 2707766 35 7294223 9263507 8030716 1969284 0736493 270577734 7296211 2262704 8033506 1966494 0737296 2703789 33 7298197 9261901 8036290 1963704 0738099 2701803 | 32 7300382 9261096 2039085 1960915 0738904 2699818 31 7302165 9260292 8041873 1958127 0739708 2697835 30 7304148 2250487 80-14661 1955334 0740513 2695852 29 7306129 9258081 80474.17 1952553 0741319 2093871 28 7308109 2257875 E05023) 1949717 0742125 269189127 7310087 9-5706 8053019 1946981 0742931 2689913 26 7312064 2256261 8055803 1944197 0743739 2687936 | 25 731 4040 2255454 8038507 1941413 0744546 2085960 24 7315CIS 9254646 8061370 1938630 0745354 2683985 | 23 7317989 9253837 8064152 1935848 0746163 2682011 7319961 9253023 8056933 1933067 0746972 2680039 | 21 7321932 0252218 8059714 0747732 267806820 7323902 9251408 8072494 1927506 0748592 2676098 | 19 7325870 9230597 8075273 1924,727 072403 267413018 7327837 9249786 8078052 1921943 0750214 2672163 17 7329803 92-18974 8080829 1919171 0751026 2670197 16 7331768 9248161 8083606 1916.294 0751839 266823215 7333731 924739 8086383 1913617 0752651 2666269 14 7335693 9246535 Coo4158 I910842 0753465 2664307 13 7337654 9245721 80419.33 1908067 0754279 2662346 12 7339011 9244907 8092707 1905293 0755093 2660386 II 7341572 9244092 8097480 1:902520 0755908 2658428 10 7343529 9243277 8100253 169.9747 0756723 2656471 9 7345465 9242461 8103025 1096975 0757539 2654515 8 7347440 9241644 8105706 18942,04 0750356 2652560 7 7349393 9240827 8108560 12914344 ४ 0759173 2650607 6 7351345 9240010 8111336 1888664 0759990 2648655 7353296 9239191 8ΙΙΑΙΟ5 1885895 0760809 2646704 4 7355246 9238373 8116873 1883127 0761627 2644754 3 7357195 9237554 8119641 1880359 0762446 2642805 7359142 9236734 8122403 1877592 0763266 2640858 7361088 9235914 8125174 18748201 0764086 2638912 31 در دی در 32 33 34 35 36 37 22 38 39 40 1930286 41 42 43 44 45 46 6 47 48 49 50 SI 52 53 54 ។ ao Noing a homel O 55 56 57 58 5 59 2 I GO Tangents, and Secants. 51 33 Degrees. 56 Degrees. M Sine. Tang- Secant. M I 8127939 ( 6 ) O O O vaen 52 51 49 I4 20 7399748 26 01 9.736108819.9235914 9.81251741 10 1874826 10.0764086 , 10.2638912 60 7363032 9235093 1872061 0-964907 2636968 59 2 7364976 9234272 8130704 1869296 0765728 2635024 58 3 7366918 9233450 8133468 1866532 0766556 2633082 57 4 7368859 9232528 8136231 1863769 0767372 263114156 5 7370799 9231805 8138993 1861007 0768195 2629201 55 6 7372737 9230482 8141755 1858245 0769018 2627263 54 7 7374675 9230158 8144516 1855484 0769842 2625325 53 8 7376611 9229334 8147277 1852723 0770566 2623389 9 7378546 9228509 8150036 1849964 0771491 2621454 IO 7380479 9227684 8152795 1847205 0772316 261952150 II 7382412 9226858 8155554 1844446 0773142 2617588 12 738-343 9226032 8158311 1841689 0773968 2615657 48 13 7386273 9225205 8161068 1838932 0774795 2613727 47 7388201 9224377 8163824 1836176 0775623 2611799 46 IS 7390129 9223549 8166580 1833420 0776451 260987145 16 7392035 9222721 8169335 1830665 0777279 260794544 17 7393980 9221891 8172089 182791) 0778109 260602043 *I8 7395904 9221062 8174842 1825158 0778938 260409642 19 7397827 9220232 8177595 1822405 0779768 260217341 9219401 8180347 1819653 0780599 260025240 21 7401668 9218570 8183098 1816902 0781430 259833239 22 7403587 9217738 8185849 1814151 0702202 2526413 38 23 7405505 9216906 8188599 1811401 0783094 259449537 24 7407421 9216073 8191348 1808652 0783427 2592579 36 2.5 *409337 9215240 8194096 1805904 0704760 2590663 35 7411251 9214406 8146844 1803156 0785594 2588749 34 27 7413164 9213572 8199592 I 800408 0786428 2586836 33 28 7415075 9212737 8202338 1797662 0787263 2584925 32 29 7416986 9211902 8205084 1794916 0788098 2583014 31 7418895 9211066 8207829 1792171 0788934 2581105 | 30 7420803 9210229 1789426 0789771 2579197 29 7422710 9209393 8213317 1780683 0790007 257729028 33 7424616 9208555 8216060 1703940 0791445 2575384 27 34 7426520 9207717 8218803 1781197 0792283 2573480 26 35 7428423 9206878 8221545 1778455 0793122 25715 77 1 25 7430325 9206039 8224286 1775714 0793961 2569675 24 37 7432226 9205200 8227026 1772974 0794800 2567774 | 23 7434126 9204360 8229766 1770234 0795640 2365874 | 22 ४ 39 7436024 9203519 8232505 1767495 0790481 2563976 21 40 7437921 9202678 82352414 1764756 0797322 2562079 1 20 41 7439817 9201336 8237981 1762019 0720164 2560183 : 19 42 7441712 9200994 175928: 0799006 2558288 43 7443609 92001SI 1750545 0739849 2556394 17 44 7445408 9199308 8240191 1753809 0700692 2554502 | 16 45 7447390 9198404 8248926 1751074 0801336 2552610 15 7449280 8251660 1748340 0802381 2550-2014 14.5169 9196775 8254394 0803225 254883113 74.53056 9195929 8257127 1752873 0804071 2546944 12 I 49 7454943 9195083 8259860 1740140 0804917 2545057 1 II 50 7456828 9191237 8262592 1737403 0805703 2543172 10 51 7458712 9193390 8265323 1734677 OS06610 ୨ 7460595 919?542 8268053 1731947 0807458 2539405 8 53 7462477 9191694 8270783 1729217 0808306 2537523 7 54 746.4358 9190845 8273513 1726487 0809155 2535042 6 55 7466237 9189996 8270241 1723759 0810004 25,33763 7468115 9189146 8278969 1721031 OU10854 2531885 4 7469992 9188296 82816y6 171830.1 0811704 2530008 3 7471808 9187445 82.4423 1715577 OS12555 2528132 59 7473743 9186594 8287149 1712851 0813400 2526257 7475617 9185742 828987+ 1710126 0814258 2524283 30 31 32 8210574 36 38 I I 8240719 8243455 9197619 46 47 48 1745600 2541288 52 . 5 56 57 58 I 2 其 ​60 52 A Table of Artificial Sines, I 2 Qend w Nhanel IL 9175478 I3 IS I! ao 7516538 27 34 Degrees. 55 Degrees. M Sine. Tang. Secant. M O 9.7475617 19.9185742 9.8289874 10.1710126 10 0814258 | 10:2524383 60 7477489 9184890 8292599 1707401 0815110 252251152 7479360 9184037 8295323 1704677 0815963 2520640 58 3 7481230 9183183 8298047 17019.53 0816817 251877057 7483099 9182329 8300769 1699231 0817671 2516901 56. 5 7484907 9181475 8303492 1696508 0818525 251503355 6 7486833 9180620 8306213 1693787 0819380 2513167 54 7488698 9179764 8308934 1691006 0820:36 251130253 8 7490562 9178908 8311654 1680346 0821092 2509438 52 ୨ 7492425 9178051 8314374 1685626 0821149 25075 7551 IO 7494287 9177194 8317093 1682907 0822800 2505713 | 50 7496148 9176336 8319811 IÓno 189 0823664 2503852 +9 12 7498007 8322529 1677471 0824522 2501993 48 7499800 9174619 8325246 1674754 0825381 250013447 14 7501723 9173700 8327963 1672037 0320240 249827746 7503579 9172900 8330679 166.)3 2 1 0227100 2496421 | 45 16 7505434 9172040 8333394 1660606 0827960 249456644 17 7507287 9171179 8336109 16638)1 0828821 2492713 43 7509140 9170317 8330823 1001177 0829683 2490260 42 19 7510991 9169455 8341536 1653464 0830545 2489009 41 20 75128.12 9108593 8344219 Ị655751 0831407 2487158 40 21 7514691 9167730 8346901 1053032 0832270 2485309 39 22 9160866 8349673 1650327 0833134 2483462 38 23 7518385 9166002 8352384 1647616 0833998 2448101537 24 7520231 9165137 8355094 1644906 0834,863 2479769 36 5 7522075 9164272 8357804 1642196 0835728 2477925 | 35 26 7523919 9163400 8360513 1632187 0836594 24760%I 34 7525761 9162539 8363221 1636779 0837461 247423933 28 7527602 9161673 8365929 1634071 0838327 2472398 32 29 7529442 9160805 8368636 1631364 0839195 247055831 30 7531280 91599 7 8371313 1628057 084.0003 246372039 7533118 9159069 3374042 1625951 0840931 2466882 29 7534954 9158200 8376755 1623245 0841800 246504628 33 7536790 9157330 8379460 1620510 0342670 246321027 34 7538624 8302164 1617836 0843540 2461376 | 26 35 7540457 8384867 0344411 2459543 25 7542288 9154718 8387571 0845282 245771224 7544119 9153840 8390273 1002727 0846154 2445588123 7545949 9152474 8342975 1607025 09.17026 2454051 22 7547777 9152101 8395676 J604324 0747899 2452223 49 7549604 8390377 1001023 245039620 7551431 2150354 8.401077 1593923 0849646 2448509 19 755,3256 9119479 810.3776 159022.4 0%50521 2446744 | 18 43 914860H 8400475 159.3525 0851396 244492017 44 7556902 9147729 8404174 0852271 2443018 16 45 7558724 9140852 8411871 1988129 095.148 2441276 15 7560544 9145976 8414569 1585-131 0054024 2439456 14 47 756 2364 9145099 8457265 1582735 0854201 2437636 13 48 914-1221 2419961 1580039 0855779 243581812 49 7565999 914.3342 8422657 IS 77.343 0856658 2434001 50 7567815 9142404 8425351 1574042 0857536 2432185 10 51 7569630 9141581 8428046 157.1954 0856416 2430370 9 7571444 9140701 8430732 156926Ị i 0359296 2428556 7573256 6 -4 84334.32 Ig60563 0800176 2426744 7 ñ 4 7575063 913294,3 8436125 156,3875 0861057 2424932 6 7376878 8458817 TS 2423122 5 7578687 9137179 8441508 15504921 0862821 2421313 4. 57 7580495 9136296 8444192 1555801 0803704 2419505 3 50 47582302 9135419 8146889 1553111 0204587 2417698 20 7534 Iof 91345.30 8419579 1550421 0865410 2.415892 60 7585913 9133645 8952208 1547734 2414087 31 32 9150460 9155589 161:133 161 2429 36 37 38 39 21 9151228 0878772 41 42 7555080 15y3320 40 7.564182 II . 52 5.3 97398- 213601 I 153 ذن) 35 56 0363939 3 ๆ ๆ ๆ " O O Cc an fan 99 I 0866355 Tangents, and Secants. 53 35 Degrees. MI Sines. 54 Degrees. Tang. Secant. M I 1 2 4 va Ιο II I 2 8484.492 8437174 If I TH 4 13 IA 15 ame 17 20 21 22 23 0 2.7585913 9.9133645 9 8452263 10.1547732 7587717 0132760 84549561 'I545044 7589519: 9131875 8457644 1542356 3 7591321 9130989 8400332 1539603 7593121 9130102 8463018 1536982 5 7594920 9129215 8405705 1534295 6 7596718 9128328 8468390 1531610 7 7593515 9127440 8471075 1528925 8 7600311 9126551 7473760 1526240 9 7602106 9125662 8476444 1523556 9603892 9124772 8479127 1520873 7605692 9123882 8181810 1518190 7607483 9122991 1515508 7609274 9122099 1512826 7611063 9121207 8489855 1510145 7612851 9120315 8492536 1507464 16 7614638 9119422 8495216 1504784 7616424 9118528 8497896 1502104 18 7018208 9117634 8500575 1499425 19 7619992 9116739 8503253 1496747 7621775 9115844 8505931 1424069 7623556 9114948 8508608 1121392 7625337 Q114051 8511285 1488715 7627116 9113155 8513961 1436032 21 7628894 9112257 8516637 1483363 25 7030671 9III352 8519312 1480688 26 7632447 9110400 8521987 1478013 27 7034222 9109561 8524661 1475339 28 7635996 9108661 8527335 1472665 22 7637769 9107761 8530008 1469992 7639540 9106860 8532680 1467320 31 76413II 9105959 8535352 1464648 32 7643080 9105057 8538023 1461977 33 7044849 2104155 8540094 1459306 3- 7646016 9103251 854.3365 1450635 35 7648382 DI02348 8546034 145,3966 7650147 QI014+4 8548704 1451296 37 765I9II 9120539 8551372 1448628 7653674 9099634 8554041 1445959 39 5655436 2098728 8556708 I443292 40 7657197 9097821 8559376 1440624 41 7650957 9096915 8562042 1437958 7660715 9096007 8564705 1435292 43 7662473 Doyog9 8567574 1432626 44. 7664229 9094190 8570039 1429961 4,5 7665985 9093281 8572704 1.427296 7667739 9092371 8575368 1421632 7061492 9011461 8578031 1121969 48 7671244 90905.50 8530694 ILI9306 A) 7672996 90890039 8583357 14 Τύ643 7674746 9088727 8586019 1413981 7676494 9087814 8588080 1411,20 7678242 9086901 8501341 1408659 53 7679989 9085988 4594002 1405998 54 7681735 9085073 8596061 1402,339 55 7683480 908.1159 8599321 1400679 56 7685223 9083743 8601980 1398020 57 7636966 9082327 8604638 1395.362 7688707 9081411 8607296 1392704 59 7690418 9080494 8609954 1390046 76921871 9079576 8012010 1387390 30 10.0866355 , 10.241408760 0867240 241228359 0868125 241048158 0869011 24,08679 57 0869898 240687956 0870785 240508055 0871672 2403282 54 0872560 2401 485 153 0873449 2399689 ( 52 0874338 2397894 i 51 0875228 239610150 0876118 3394308 49 0877009 2392517 48 0877901 2390726 47 0878793 2388937 46 0879685 2387149 45 0880578 2385362 44 0881472 2383576 43 0882366 2381792 42 0883261 2380008 41 0884156 2378225 40 0885052 2376444 39 0885949 2374663 38 0886845 2372884 37 0887743 2371106 36 0888641 236932935 0889540 2367553 34 0890439 236577833 0891339 2364004 / 32 0892239 236223131 0893140 236046030 0894041 2358689 29 0894943 23569201.28 0895845 235515I 27 0896749 235338,426 0897652 2351618 25 0698556 237985324 0899461 234808923 0900360 2346326 22 0901272 2344564 21 0902179 231280320 OYO3085 2341043 | 19 0903993 2339285 18 O90.1901 2337527 | 17 0905010 2335771 | 16 0906719 2331015 15 0907629 23.32261 14 0908539 2330508 13 0909 450 2328756 12 0910361 2317001 II 0911273 2325254 10 0912186 2323500 9 0913099 2321758 8 0911012 2320011 7 0917927 2318205 6 0915841 2316$20 5 OY16757 2314777 나 ​0917673 2351037 3 0918589 2311273 QyI9506 2309.552 09 20424 2307813 36 3.8 42 46 47 IO 50 SI 52 58 2 I ܘܹ 54 A Table of Artificial Sines, 36 Degrees. M Sine. 53 Degrees. Tang. Secant. M I 8617923 4 II دي دي 17 1339650 III H 22 я оло 23 0 9.7692187 19.9079576 9.86 12610 , 10.1387390 10.0920424 , 10.2307813 60 7693925 9078058 8615267 1384733 0921342 230607559 7695662 9077740 1332077 0922260 2304338 58 3 7597398 9076820 8620578 1379422 0923180 2302602 57 7699134 9075901 8623233 1376767 0924099 2300866 56 5 7700868 9074980 8625887 1374113 0925020 229913255 6 7702601 9074059 8628541 1371459 0925941 229739954 7 7704332 9073138 8631195 1368805 0926862 229506853 8 7706063 9072216 8633898 1306152 0927784 229393752 9 7707793 9071293 8636:00 1363500 0928707 229220751 Το 7709522 9070370 8639152 136084.8 0929630 229047850 7711249 9069446 8641803 1358197 0930554 228875142 I 2 7712976 9008522 8644454 1355546 0931478 2287024 48 13 7714702 9067597 8647105 1352895 0932403 2285298 47 14 7716426 9066671 8649755 1350245 0933329 228357446 15 7718150 9065745 8652404 1347596 0934255 228185045 16 7719872 9064819 8655053 1344947 0935181 2280128 | 44 7721593 2063892 8657702 1342298 0936108 2278407 43 18 7723314 9062964 8660350 0937036 2276686 42 19 7725033 9062036 866297 1337003 0937964 2274967 41 20 7726751 9061107 8665644 1334356 0938893 2273249 40. 21 7728468 9060177 8663291 1331709 0939823 2271532 32 22 7730185 9059247 8670937 1329063 0940753 2269815 | 38 7731900 9058317 8673583 1326417 0941683 2268100 | 37 24 7733614 9057386 8676228 1323772 0942614 2266386 36 25 7735327 9056454 8678873 1321127 0943546 2264673 | 35 26 7737039 9055522 8681517 1318483 0944478 226296134 27 7738749 9054589 8684160 1315840 0945411 226125133 28 7740459 9053656 8686804 1313196 0946344 2259541 32 29 7742168 9052722 8689446 1310554 0947278 225783231 30 9051787 8692089 1307911 0948213 2256124 30 31 7745583 9050852 86947 3 1305269 0949148 2254417 29 7747283 9049916 8697372 1302628 0950084 225271228 33 7748993 9048980 8700013 1299987 2251007 27 34 7750697 9048043 8702653 1297347 0951957 2249303 1 26 35 7752399 9047100 8705293 I294707 0952894 2247601 i 25 36 775 4101 9046168 8707933 1292067 0953832 2245899 24 37 9045230 8710572 1209428 0954770 2244199 23 38 7757501 9044291 8713210 1286790 0955709 2242499 22 7759199 39 9043351 8715848 1284152 0956649 2240801 21 40 7700897 9042411 8718486 0957589 2239103 20 7762593 9041470 8721123 1278877 41 0958530 2237407 19 7764289 9040529 8723760 42 1276240 0959471 2235711 18 7765983 9039587 8726396 1273604 43 09.04.13 2224017 17 7767676 9038644 3729032 1 270968 0961350 2232324 16 44 7709369 9037701 8731008 0962299 45 2230631 15 7771060 9036757 46 8734302 1265698 0963243 2228940 14 7772750 9035813 8730937 1263063 0964187 4.7 2227250 13 7774439 48 9034808 8739571 I 260429 0905132 2225561.12 7776128 9033923 8742204 1257790 0966077 2223872'11 49 7777815 9032977 8744838 125,5162 0967023 2222185 10 7779501 9032031 8747470 1252530 0467969 51 2220499 7781180 9031684 8750102 1 249898 0908916 2218814 8 52 7782870 9030136 8752734 1247266 0969864 2217130 7 53 7784553 9029188 87:5305 1244635 0970812 2215447 6 7786235 9028239 8757996 1242004 2213765 5 55 7787916 8760627 9027289 1239373 0972711 56 7212084 4 7784596 9026339 8763257 1236743 2210404 3 7791275 9025389 8765866 1234114 2208725 7792953 9024438 8700515 1231405 2207047 59 60 77946301 9023486 87711644 1220056 09765241 2205370 7743876 www 32 0951020 7755801 1281514 } 1268332 so 54 0971701 I 0973661 0974611 0.)75562 57 58 2 I Tangents, and Secants. 55 37 Degrees. Sine. 52 Degrees. Secant. M M Tang. O I 9021581 9013938 218865650 II 2180336 | 45 2177016 43 2175357 42 8821007 21 7831268 2168732 | 38 2165425 36 216377335 27 28 2160472 33 در دم دری بی بی بی 30 31 32 9.7794630, 9. 90234869.8771144 , 10.1228856 / 10.0970514 : 10.2205370 60 7796306 9022534 8773772 I 226226 0977466 220369459 7797981 8770400 1223000 0978419 2202019 58 3 7799055 9020628 8779027 I 220973 0979372 2200345 57 4 7801328 9019674 8781054 1218346 0980326 2198672 56 S 7803000 9018719 8784281 1215719 0981281 219700055 61 7804671 9017764 8786907 1213093 0982236 2195329 54 7800341 9016808 8789533 I210407 0983192 219365953 8 7808010 9015852 87)2158 1207842 0984148 219199052 9 7809677 9014095 8744732 1205218 0985105 219032351 10 7811 344 8797407 1202593 0986062 7813010 9012980 8600031 1199969 0987020 218699049 I2 7514675 9012021 8802654 1197346 0987979 218532548 13 7816339 2011062 8805277 I194723 0988938 2183661 47 14 7818002 2010102 8807900 IIY2100 0989898 2181998 46 15 7819664 9009142 8810522 1189478 0990858 16 7821324 9006181 8813144 1180856 091819 2178676 44 I7 7822984 9007219 8815765 1184235 0992781 18 7824643 9006257 8818386 II81614 0993743 19 7826301 9005294 1178993 0994706 217309941 20 7827958 9004331 8823627 1176373 0495669 2172042 40 7829014 9003367 8820246 1173754 0996633 2170386 39 22 9002403 8623866 1171134 0997597 23 7832922 9001430 8331484 1168516 0998562 2167078 37 24 7834575 9000472 8834103 1165897 0999528 25 7836227 8999506 8836721 1163279 1000494 26 7837878 8998539 8839338 I160602 1001461 2162122 34 7839528 8997572 8841956 1158044 1002428 7841177 8996604 8844572 1155428 1003396 2158823 3. 29 7842824 8995636 8847189 1152011 1004364 2157176 3I 7844471 8994607 8849805 IIS0195 I005333 7846117 8993697 3852420 I 147560 1006303 2153883 29 7847762 8992727 8855035 1144905 1007271 2152238 28 33 7849406 8998755 8857650 1112350 1008244 34 7851049 8990784 8860264 1139736 1009216 21.7895126 35 7852691 8989812 8862878 1137122 IOIOIS 7854332 8938840 8865492 11.44503 IOI1160 37 7855972 8987867 886310S IIgIv95 101213,3 2144028 38 7857611 8986893 8870718 1129282 IOI3107 2142389 39 7859249 8985919 8873330 1120070 IOI4081 2140751 40 7860886 8984944 8875942 1124053 1015056 2139114 7862522 8983968 8878554 II21446 1016932 2137478 19 42 7864.157 8982992 8281165 IT10835 101;008 43 7865791 8982015 8803775 ITI0225 1017985 4 7867424 8981038 8886386 1113614 1018,62 45 7869056 8960060 8868996 I111001 1019940 IS 78,0687 8979082 8891005 I100395 1020918 2129313 47 7872317 8978103 8894214 II0j700 1021897 2127683 48 7873946 8977123 8896823 1103177 3022877 2126054 49 7875574 8y76143 8899432 I100508 1023857 2124426 so 7877202 895162 8902420 IC97460 1024833 SI 7878828 8974181 8904647 1045353 1025Òrg 2121172 7880453 8973199 8907254 109% 740 I020801 2119547 8 53 7882077 8972216 8909861 IO40139 1027584 54 7 7883701 8971233 891204108 1007532 1023767 2116299 6 S5 7885323 8970249 8415074 Io&x420 1029751 2114677 788:59:44 836,265 8917079 1030735 2113056 4 57 7888565 8958290 8920285 1079715 1031720 7890184 3 8922890 1077110 1032706 2109816 59 78918021 8966308 8925494 1074506 1033692 2108198 60 78934201 8y653211 8928098 1071902 1034679 2106580 2155529 30 215059427 36 2147309 25 2145668 24 23 22 21 20 41 2133843 18 2134209 11.7 2132576 16 2130944 15 主 ​a 46 14 13 I2 ΙΣ 2122798 10 Ho aos Non for a bh o Goo Do in t en a to 52 2117923 56 1002;21 2I11435 58 Ey67294 56 A Table of Artificial Sines, 38 Degrees. M Sine. 51 Degrees. Tang. Secant. M 1 I 2. Ovaan 7917566 7912168 7920769 7922362 0 17.7893420 | 9.8965321 9.8928098 10.1071902 10.1034679, 10 2106580 60 7895036 8964334 8930702 1069248 1035666 2104964 52 7896652 8963346 8933306 1066694 1036654 2103348 58 3 7898266 8962358 8735709 1064091 1037642 2101734 57 4 7899880 8961369 8938511 J061409 1038631 2100120 56 5 7901493 8960379 8940114 1058886 1039621 2098507:55 6 7903104 8959389 8943715 1056285 1040611 209689654 7 7904715 8958398 8946317 1053683 10410OZ 2095285:53 8 7906325 8957406 8948918 1051082 10.12594 2093675 152 9 79079.3.3 8956414 8951519 1048481 1043586 209205751 IO 7909541 8955422 8954119 1075881 1044578 209045950 II 7911148 8954422 8956719 1043281 1045571 2088852 49 I 2 7012754 8953435 8959:319 1040681 1040505 2087246 48 I3 7914359 8952440 8901913 1038082 1047560 2085641 | 47 14 7915963 89951445 8964517 1035483 1048555 2084037 | 46 IS 8950450 8967116 1032884 1049550 2082434 | 45 16 8919453 8969714 1030286 IOSOS 47 2030332 44 I7 8948457 8972312 1027688 1051543 207923143 18 8947459 8974910 1025090 I052541 2077631 42 19 7923968 8946461 8977507 1022.193 1053539 2076032 41 20 7925566 8945463 8980104 1019896 1054537 2074434 40 21 7927163 8944463 8982700 I017300 IO55537 2072837 39 22 7928760 8943464 8985296 I014701 1056536 2071240 38 7930355 8942463 23 8987892 IOI2108 1057537 2069645 37 24 7931949 8941462 8990487 1009513 1058538 20680511 36 25 7933543 8940461 8993082 1006918 1059539 206645735 26 7935135 8939458 8995677 I004323 1060542 20h4865 34 7936727 27 8938456 8998271 I001729 1061544 2063273 33 28 7938317 8937452 9000865 0999135 1062548 2061683 32 7939907 29 8936448 9003459 1063552 0926541 2060093 31 7941496 30 8935444 9006052 0993948 1064556 205850430 7943083 89.344.39 9003654 0991355 I065561 205691729 7944670 8933433 9011237 0988763 1006567 2055330 28 8932426 9013830 0986170 1007574 2053744 27 8931419 9016422 0483578 1068581 2052159 26 7949425 25 8930412 goly013 0980987 1069588 2050$ 7525 892940.4 9021604 0978396 1070596 2048992 24 7952520 8928375 9024195 0975805 1071605 2047410 23 7954171 8927385 9026786 1072615 0973214 2045829 22 7955751 8926375 9029376 0970624 39 1073625 2044249 7957330 8925365 9031966 0968034 1074635 2042670 20 8924354 7958909 9034555 0965445 1075646 2041091 19 106.7 8923342 9037144 0902856 1076658 2039,514 18 7962062 8922329 9039733 0960267 43 1077671 2037938 17 7963638 8921316 44 9042321 0957679 1078684 2036362 16 7965212 45 8920303 9044910 0955090 1074697 203478315 7966786 8919289 9047497 0952503 IOC0711 2033214 14 7968359 8918274 9050085 47 0949915 1081726 2031641 13 7909930 48 8917258 9052672 094/328 1082742 I 2030070 | 12 49 7971501 8916242 9055259 1083758 044741 2028499 II 8915226 7973071 9057845 0942155 108774 2020)29 10 7974640 8914208 9060431 0939569 1095792 51 2025300 9 8913191 9063017 0930983 1086809 2023792 8 52 8912172 9065603 7977775 1087828 0934397 2022225 53 7 8911153 9068188 0931812 1088847 7979341 2020659 6 54 8910133 7980906 9070773 0929227 1089067 2019094 55 5 7982470 8909113 9073357 0926643 1090887 2017530 4 7984034 8908092 9075941 0924059 1091908 2015906 3 7985590 8907071 9078525 0921475 1092929 2014404 8996049 7087158 9081109 0918891 1093951 2012842 59 60 89030261 9083692 0916308 1094974 20112820 w NP 31 32 33 34 7946256 7947841 7951008 36 37 33 21 49 41 42 46 50 7976208 are la la 56 57 58 2 I 7988718 Tangents, and Secants. 57 39. Degrees. M Sirie. 50 Degrees. Tang. Secant. M 1 2 CON ah ah w 8897850 9101966 JO II 0887913 0885334 0882755 11 Aimini A Vaatw 0877597 0875019 18 I11555 28 0844104 0 9.7938718, 9.8905026 9 908361.92 , 10.0916308 10-1094974 10.2011282) 60 7990278 8904003 9086277 0913725 1095997 2009722 59 7991336 8902479 9088858 091114 1097021 20091641 58 3 7993394 8901.354 200660657 2091440 0908560 1098046 4 7994951 8900929 9094022 0905978 1099071 200504756 5 7990507 3891903 9096603 0903397 I100097 2003493 55 6 7998062 8898877 9099135 0900815 ΙΙοΙΙ23 2001938 54 7 7999610 0898234 II02150 2000,384 53 8 8001169 8896822 9104347 0895653 I103178 1998831 52 9 8002721 8895794 9106927 0893073 1104206 1997279 SI 8004272 8894765 9109504 0890493 I105235 199572850 8005823 8895736 9112087 ΙΙο6264 199417749 I 2 8007372 8892706 9114666 I107294 19926281 18 13 800892.1 8891675 9117245 1108325 1991079 47 14 8010468 8890644 9119824 0980176 1109356 1989532 46 15 8012015 8889612 9122403 II10388 1987985145 16 8013561 8838580 9124981 II11420 1986-394 17 8015106 8837547 9127:59 0872441 III 2,453 1984894 63 8016649 8886513 9130137 0869263 I113487 1983351 42 HD 8018192 8885475 913273.4 0867286 I114521 1981808 I 20 E01973.5 8384444 9f 3.༤༡91 0864709 1980265 40 21 8021276 8283408 9137868 0862132 II1659 1978724 32 22 8022816 8882372 9140444 08595.56 1117628 1977184 38 23 8024355 8881335 9143020 0856980 1118665 197564537 24 8025894 8880298 9145596 0854404 I119702 1974106 36 25 8027431 8879260 9148171 0851829 1120740 1972569 3,5 26 8028968 8878221 9150747 0849253 II21779 1971032 344 27 8030504 887.182 9153322 0846678 1122918 196949623 8032038 8876142 915,5896 1123358 196796262 29 803.3572 8875102 9158471 0841529 1124898 1966428 31 30 8035 105 8874061 916104.5 0838955 II25939 1964895 39 8036617 8873019 9163618 0836382 1126981 196330312) ' 8038168 8871977 91-66192 0833809 112802 1961332123 33 8039692 887093-4 9168765 0831235 1129066 II2 196030127 1 34. 8001218 8859890 9171338 0828162 IIZO110 1958772 26 35 8042757 8968040 9173911 0826089 II;1154 1952 243 25 36 8044224 8967001 9176483 0823517 IIZ?199 1955716 24 37 80945811 8866755 9179055 0820945 I[33214 1954189 23 38 80473,36 8865710 9188627 0818373 1134290 195206222 39 8048861 8861663 9181198 0815807 I135337 19511321 8050325 E863616: 5186769 1136314 194961520 45 8051908 8862568 91893-10 0910660 1137132 194000219 8053430 8261519 9191911 0808089 I138731 1940570 18 43 8054951 8960470 9194481 0805519 I139330 1945049 17 44 8056492 9197071 c8c2949 II40580 8057901 8558370 9199621 0800379 IIII630 1942009:15 80$ 2510 8857319 9202191 07978057 114268I 1940490, 17 8061027 8856267 9204760 0795220 1113733 1932973, 13 8062544 8855215 9207322 0792671 1144785 193745612 시 ​85640610 8854162 9209898 079010? ILA5838 193590 II SO 2065575 9212460 0727574 1140891 1931425 8067089 8952055 92150.14 078456€ 1147945! 1932211 9 52 8068602 8851000 9217602 0782398 II 49000 19373;8 8 53 8070114 92201 70 0779830 II50055 16;29886 7 54 2071626 8848889 9222737 0777262 IIIIII 1928377 ó 55 8073136 8847832 9225,304 0774696 1152168 Iyzés 5 8074646 9227871 072124 1153225 192535- 4 57 8076154 9230431 ortioso: 1154283 1923826 3 8077662 9233004 0766994 1155,34I Iy_23.38 59 8079169 9235570 07621.30 1156401 1920831 00 9230135 0761865 1157460 I919325 F 31 32 wa 23 76 در ره دی د ر م. م 40 0812-31 42 IS 8859420 1943528 1 15 45 40 47 18 8553109 10 51 83499-15 1 56 58 8846775 8845717 88444659 8843599 8842540 za 8080675 I 58 A Table of Artificial Sines, 40 Degrees. 49 Degrees. I و بسط م کی 2 1910316 58 8339.357 88382). 1953310156 6 8089 192 1 25 8534037 II 8825499 17 8106141 22 8115009 8817992 M Sines. Tang. Secant M 9 8080675 9.8342546 2.9238135 110.0761805 10 1157460 : 10.1919325 60 8082180 83414113 ,240701 0759299 1158521 191782059 8083684 8840416 9243266 0756734 1159582 3 1 8085108 9245831 0754169 1160643 191481257 41 8086640 9248396 0751604 I101706 51 8088192 8837272 2250960 0749040 II62768 IDI1808 ; 55 883010 0746476 1103232 I910300 54 8091192, 883510} 0256088 0743712 IL148.96 1908808153 80)2621 9258652 0741348 I105961 1907309 52 9 8094189; 8332974 2261215 0733785 110;020 190581151 Ιο 809-686 8731903 9263778 07.36222 I168092 1904314150 800); 182 8830041 9205341 0733659 1169159 190221849 12 8098678 8324774 9268904 0731096 1170226 1901322 48 13 8100172 8828706 9271466 0728534 1171294 1899828 | 47 14 8101666 8827638 9274028 0725972 1172302 1898334 | 45 IS 8103159 8826568 9276590 0723410 1173432 1840841 | 45 16 8104650 9279152 07208.18 117450I 189535044 8824428 9281713 0718287 II"5572 1893859 43 18 2107631 8823357 0284274 0,715726 1176643 1842369 42 19 8109121 8822285 9286835 0713165 1177715 1890879 41 20 EIT0009 8821213 928)396 0710604 1178787 1839391 40 있고 ​8112095 8820140 9291256 0708044 1179860 1887904 39 8113503 8819067 9294516 0705484 1180933 1886417 1 38 23 9297076 0702924 1182008 1884931 37 24 8110554 8816918 9209636 0700364 1183082 1883446 36 25 8118033 8815842 9302195 0697805 1184158 1881962 35 26 8119521 8814766 9304755 0695245 1185234 1880479 34 27 8121003 8813689 9307314 0692686 1186311 1878997 33 28 8122484 8812612 9309872 0690128 1187388 187751632 29 8123965 8811534 9312431 0687569 187603531 30 8810455 9314989 0685011 1189545 1874550130 31 8126923 8809376 9317547 0632453 1190624 187307729 8128401 8808296 9320105 0679895 II91704 1871599 28 33 8129878 8807215 9322662 c677338 1192785 1870122 27 34 8131354 8806134 932.5220 0674780 1868646 26 35 8132829 8805052 9327777 0672223 1194248 186717125 8134303 8803970 93.303.34 0659666 1196030 1865697 24 37 8802887 9332890 0667110 1127113 186422323 38 8137250 8801803 9335446 0664554 1198197 186275022 39 8138721 8800719 9338003 0661997 186127921 40 8140192 879,9637 930559 0659941 1859808/20 8141662 8798548 2343114 0656886 I 201452 1858338/19 8143131 8797402 9345670 0654330 1202538 1856869 18 43 8144600 8796375 9348225 0651775 1203625 185540017 44 8140067 8795237 9350780 0649220 1204713 1853933 16 45 8794199 9353335 064,6665 1205801 185246615 46 8148999 8793110 9355889 0644111 1206890 1851001 14 47 8150464 8792021 9.358444 0641556 1207979 1849536 13 48 8151928 8790930 9360998 0639002 1209070 1848072 12 8153391 8789840 49 9363552 0636448 1210.160 1840609 II 8154854 8788748 50 9.366105 0633895 1211252 1845140 TO SI 8156315 8787656 9368659 1212344 1843685 9 8157776 8786363 52 9371212 0628788 1213437 1842224 8 8159235 9373765 0626235 53 I 2145 30 1840765 7 8160694 8784376 9376313 0623682 54 1215624 18393066 8162152 8783281 9378871 0621129 1216719 18378485 55 56 8163609 8782186 9381423 0618577 1217814 1836391 4 8165066 8781090 9383975 0616025 1218910 1834934 3 8166521 8779994 9386527 1220006 1833479 8167975 8778896 9389079 0610921 59 1221104 I 32025 60 8169429 8777799 9391631 0608369 1222201 1830571 1188466 8125444 32 1193866 36 8135777 1199281 I-200366 41 42 8147534 0631341 8785470 57 58 0613473 2 I Tangents and Secants. 59 41 Degrees. 48 Degrees. Secant. M M M Sine. Tang. I 8774501 9409486 9412036 о 8185364 I2 tmt #11 1 20 9445166 27 QON 30 0 9.8169429 9.8777799 0.9391631 , 10 0608369 10.1222201 10.1830571 60 8170882 8776700 9394182 0605818 1223300 1829118 59 8172334' 8775601 9396733 0603267 1224399 1827666 58 3 8173785 9399284 0600716 1225499 182621557 4 8175235 8773401 9401835 0598165 1226599 1824765 56 5 8176685 8772300 9404385 0595615 1227700 182331555 6 8178135 8771508 9406936 0593004 1228802 1821867 | 54 8179581 6 8770940 0590514 1229904 1820419 53 8 8181028 8708993 0587964 I231007 1818172 52 9 8182474 8767889 9414585 0585415 123211I 1817526 51 8183919 8766785 9417135 og 82865 I233215 181608150 II 8765680 9419684 0580316 I234320 1814636 49 8186897 8764574 94222 33 0577767 1235426 1813193 48 13 8188250 8763468 9424782 0575218 1236532 I811750 47 I4 8189692 8762361 9427331 0572669 1237639 181030846 15 8191133 8761253 9424879 0570121 12387471 1808867 | 45 16 8192573 8760145 9432428 0567572 1239855 1807427 44 17 8194012 8759036 9434976 0565024 I 240964 180598843 18 8195450 8757927 9437524 0562476 1242013 18945501 42 19 8196888 8756616 9440072 0559928 1243184 180311241 019-325 8755706 9142619 0557381 I 2442941 180167540 21 8199761 8754594 0554834 I 245406 1800239 39 22 8201196 8753482 9447714 0552286 I271518 179880438 23 8202630 8752369 9450261 0549739 1247631 1797370 37 24 8204063 8751256 9452807 0547193 1248744 179593736 25 8205496 8750142 9455354 0544646 1249958 1794504 35 26 8206927 8749027 245 7900 0542100 I 250973 1793073 34 8208358 8747912 9400447 0539553 1252088 1791642 33 28 8209788 8746 795 9462993 OS 37007 1253205 179021232 29 8211217 8745679 9495539 0534461 I254321 1788783 31 8212646 8744561 9468084 0531910 125.5439 178735430 8214073 8743443 9470630 0524370 1236557 1.8592729 8215500 8742325 9473175 0520825 1257675 178450028 8216926 8741205 9475720 1258795 1783074 27 8218351 8740085 0521735 1985 1781649 26 8219775 87.38965 9480810 0519190 1201035 1730225 25 8221198 8737844 9483355 0510045 12:2156 177880224 8222621 8736722 9-8;899 og 14101 120327 177737923 8224042 8735599 9488443 0511557 1264401 1770750 22 6 8734476 9.490987 ojoy013 1265524! 1774537 21 8226883 8733352 9793531 0500469 1206643 177311720 8228302 8732227 9490075 O503925 1207773 1771698 19 822972 I 8731102 9498619 0501;81 1268878 1770279 18 8231138 8729976 9501102 0498838 I 270024 1708362 17 8232555 8728649 9503705 0490245 127115I 176;4+5 16 8233971 8727722 9506248 0.193752 1272278 176002415 8235386 8726594 950879 1 0491207 1273406 1764014 8236000 8725466 9511334 0488660 1274134 176320013 8238213 8720337 0.186124 1761707 112 49 8239626 8723207 OSI: 419 C483581 I2;6793 1760374 11 8241032 8722076 9512961 0.01034 1277934 1758903 10 8242448 8720945 951I5C3 0478491 1279055 1757552 8243858 8719813 952;025 04752.55 1280187 1736142 8 824.5267 8718081 9520587 047.3113 1291319 1734733 6 8246676 8717543 9529128 0470872 1202452 173324 7 8248083 8716414 0108330 1283580 17.1917 S 82-94.40 8715279 0765709 I 28.1721 17SOSIO 4 8250896 8714147 9:30752 0163263 1281056 179 404 3 5 8252301 8713008 9539193 0.16070; 1220992 1747694 5918253705 8711872 9541834 0458106 1.80128 17;(2ys 60 8255109 8710735 954437 4! 0455020 1234265 17448911 31 32 O H I o at 0524280 33 34 9478265 35 36 37 38 8225403 39 40 41 42 43 4+ 45 } 14 47 48 9513376 3 ) دت12 go SI 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Ho anco o N y to 9531670 0534211 I 60 A Table of Artificial Sines, 42 Degrees. 47 Degrees. M Sine. Tang. Secant. M 1 I ہما کم تر ھ 2 I 8266307 12 ! 16 HI FIT T1 2 2 4 I 8687851 I 20 I เ 26 .27 28 8679779 + 098255109 7.8710735 1 9.9544374 10.0455026 10.1289205 { 10.1744891 vo 8256512 8709597 95+6915 045 3085 1290403 174348859 8257913 8708458 9549455 0450545 I291542 1742087 58 3 8259314 87073 9 9551995 0448005 1 242681 740636 57 4 8260715 8706179 9554535 0445465 1293821 1739285 56 5 8 62114 8705039 9557075 0442925 1294961 1737886 55 6 8263512 8703898 9559615 0440385 1296102 1736188 54 8264910 8702756 9502154 0437846 1207244 1735690 53 8 8701613 9564694 0435306 1293387 1733093 52 9 8267703 8700470 9567233 0432767 129530 173229751 IO 8269098 8699326 9509772 0430228 1300674 173090250 II 8270493 8698182 9572311 0427689 I301818 1749507 1 49 827188/ 8697037 9574850 0425150 1302963 1728113 : 43 13 8273279 8695891 9577389 0422611 1304109 1726721 42 It 8274671 8694744 9579927 0420073 1305256 1725329:46 IS 8276063 8693597 9502465 0417535 1300403 1723937 | 45 8277453 8692442 9585004 0414996 14307551 172254744 17 82;8843 8631301 9587542 0412458 1308699 1721157 43 18 8280231 8690152 95400oo 0409920 1309848 1719769 42 19 828161) 8689002 9592618 0407.382 1310998 1718381 41 6283006 9575155 0404845 1312149 1716494 40 8284393 8636700 9507693 0402307 1313300 1715697 39 22 8285778 ४ 8685548 9600230 0399770 1314452 171422238 8287163 23 8684396 9602767 0397233 1315604 1712837 37 24 8288577 868 242 9605305 0393905 1310758 1711453 36 25 8289930 8682088 9607842 0392158 1317912 1710070 35 8291322 8680934 2610378 0389622 1319066 1708688 34 8292024 9612915 0387085 1320221 1707306 33 8294075 8678023 9015452 0384548 1321377 170592532 22 8295454 8677466 9617988 0382612 1322534 " 170454031 8296833 8676309 0620525 30 0379475 1323691 170316730 8298212 8675151 9623061 0376939 1324849 1701788 29 8299589 8673992 9625597 0374403 1326008 1700411 28 8300gbo 8672833 9628133 0371867 1327167 169903427 8322342 8671073 9630669 0369331 1328327 1697658 26 8303717 8670512 9633204 0366796 1329488 35 1646283 25 8305091 8662351 2635740 0364200 13300449 169490424 8306164 8668189 9634275 0361725 13318II 1093536 23 8301837 8667021 9640811 0359189 1332974 1692103 22 8;29209 8665863 9643.346 0356054 39 1334137 1690791/21 8310580 8601699 9645381 0354119 1335301 168942020 8311950 8663534 9648416 0.35158.1 1336.06 108805019 8313320 3662369 y050951 0349049 1337631 1680680 18 8314658 8661203 2053486 03465524 13,8797 43 1685312 17 8316CSC 8600036 9056020 0343480 1339904 44 1683944 ( 16 3317-3 8658868 9058535 0341445 1341132 1602577 | 15 8313769 8657700 yibiosy 0338911 13 2300 1681211 14 8320155 650531 9663623 47 0336577 1343469 1677845 I3 021S E651352 9666157 0353843 1344633 1670481 12 (1322883 865a 142 36686)2 0331,06 1345008 49 1677117 II 932.,230 8053021 9672225 0328775 5o 1340979 167575410 8325609 8651849 2673759 0;20241 1348151 1674391 9 8326470 8050077 9676293 52 0323707 1393-3 1673030 8 8328331 53 8049504 0678827 032 1173 1350.196 1671669 7 832460 I 8648331 9061300 0313610 1351669 1670309 6 54 8331050 56756 9003:33 0316 107 1352844 1608950 5 55 8332408 8645431 9650427 OjI3573 13.4019 31 32 33 34 پ ن در به در بر at mano 36 37 38 1 47 41 42 45 40 43 SI I I 1667592 4 83,33766 8644806 9638960 0311040 1355124 160623.4 3 8.335 122 8643929 9691493 0308507 1350371 1664873 i 2 2, 8536478 864-4,52 969-70261 0305974 1357548 1663522 60 8337833 0641275 9696559 303441 1398725 1662,167 56 5.7 58 59 1 J Tangents, and Secants. 61 43 Degrees. M Sine. 46 Degrees. Secant. M Tang. I 2 3 4 3636557 Obrand no ao 5 6 863-194 7 8 I 368172 862)400 9 12 IC I 2 13 8625902 I 4 IS IÓ 17 18 19 20 21 22 8615IYO 8613997 23 24 9757318 1 25 26 7.8337633, 1.391275 9.76)0559,10 0323411 10.1353725 10.1002167 160 ) 833918, 86400,16 9699091 0330903 1359904 166081259 8340541 8036917 9601024 0293376 1301083 1659459 58 "3+1024 8637737 9704157 02958.13 1362263 1658106 57 8343210 970663) 0293311 1363443 1656754 ! 56 8344597 8635 376 9709221 02.077) 1364624 1655403 55 15345248 9711754 0288246 1365806 1654052 54 834727 8633011 9714236 028571 1366989 1652703 53 8348646 8631823 2716818 0283182 1651354 52 83+2294 8130644 9719350 0230650 136:9356 165000651 8351341 9721832 0278118 1370540 164865950 8352688 8626274 9724413 0275507 1371726 1647312 49 *354033 8627033 9726945 0273055 1372912 164596748 8355378 9729477 0270523 1374098 1644622 47. 8350722 8924714 9732008 0267992 1375286 164327846 8358066 8623526 9734534 0265461 1376474 1641934 45 8359408 8622333 9737071 0262924 1377662 1640522 | 44 6360750 8621140 9739602 Q260398 1378852 1639250 43 8362091 861.9958 9742133 0257867 1380042 1637909 142 8363431 8618767 9744664 0255336 1381233 1636569 / 41 8354771 8617576 2747195 0252805 13321244 1035229 40 3366107 8016383 9749726 0250274 1383017 1633891 39 8367447 9752257 0247743 1384810 1632553138 8368784 9754787 0245213 1386003 1631216 37 8370121 8612803 0212682 1387197 1629879 36 837145 8611608 9759879 0240ISI 1388392 1628544 35 8372791 8610412 9762379 0237621 1389588 1627209 34 8374125 8609215 9764909 0235091 1390785 1625875 33 8375458 8608018 9767440 0232500 1391982 1624542 32 $376790 8606821 9769970 0230030 1393179 1623210 31 8378122 8605622 9772500 0227500 1344378 1621878 30 8379453 8604423 9775030 0224970 1395577 1620547 | 29 83807831 8603223 9777500 0222110 1396777 1619217 28 8382112! 8602022 9780090 0219210 1327978 161788827 8383441' 8600821 9762620 0217330 139)172 16165591 26 $38.4769 8599619 9785149 0214851 1400381 161523125 8386096 8593416 9787079 0212321 1401584 I61390424 83674221 8597213 9790209 0209791 1402787 10125732; 83807471 8546oy 9792738 0207202 1403991 I61125322 8390072 8594804 0204732 1405196 16099284 21 6391396: 8593599 9797797 0202203 1406401 1608604 20 8372710 8592393 9000326 0197674 1407007 160728119 8394041: 8590136 9802856 0191144 1408814 160595918 63425263 8587978 9805345 0194015 1410022 160463717 320084 8538770 9807414 0192080 III 230 160331016 8375004 8,87501 90107431 0109557 1712439 1601990 15 831):23, 8:86351 9312:) : 2 OIS:028 1413649 1600677 14 8409012 853;171 9815501; 1414859 159935813 0401159 85 034291 0180301 01919; 1410071 159)804112 94232,6" 8;82710 98205591 C179741 1417282 159672411 8.104593: 3581505 9823087! 0170413 1418.195 154570; TO IO 8405708, E580292 9825616 0174384 1419708 1594092 9 8.j!)7223! 8579u;8 9828145! 0171895 14.20922 1992777 8 853785371 8977 sing & 9330673; 016932; 1422137 I541403 7 8.608: 08;70018 1833232 or 0798 1423352 159015C 8410102 0575432 9035730 OIÓ+2; 1424568 1588838 8412471 3574215 9838259 0101741 1425785 1587526 8413755 8372998 79.70787) 0153213 1427002 1500215 3 5747:) 98.+3315 0150635 20231 1584905 8410404 8,70501 96456-Y 0154156 1.129439 1583596 8569341 98483721 OISI628 1+30654 1582287 io 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 L کر دی 33 را در دی دا 9795263 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 40 49 7 OI 34199 50 SI Saj ; 52 53 5.4 55 56 $7 58 59 60 8415095 24 I 817713 62 A Table of Artificial Sines, ان . &c. 44 Degrees. 45 Degrees. M, Sine, Tang. Secant. M I 2 13 14 21 22 0090965 0 9.84177139.85693419 9848372. 10.0151028 10 1430659, 10.158228760 8419021 8568121 9850900 0149100 1431879 158097952 8420328 8566900 9853428 0146572 1433100 1579072 58 3 8421634 8565678 9855956 0144044 1434322 1571306:57 4 8422939 8564455 9858484 0141516 1435545 1577061156 5 8424244 8563232 9861012 0138988 1436768 1375756 55 ó 8423548 8562008 9863540 0136460 1437992 157445254 7 8426851 8560784 9866068 0133932 1439216 I573149 53 8428154 8559558 9868596 0131404 1440442 1571846.52 9 8429456 8558332 9871123 0128877 1441668 1570544 51 Ιο 8430757 8557106 9873651 0126349 1442894 1509243 50 II 8432057 8555878 9876179 0123821 1444122 1567943' 49 12 8433356 8554650 9878706 0121294 1445350 1566644 48 8434655 8553421 9881234 0118766 1446579 1565345 47 8435953 8552192 9883761 0116239 1447808 1564047 | 46 IS 8437250 8550961 9886289 0113711 1449039 1562750 | 45 16 8438547 8549730 9888816 ΟΙΙΙ184 1450270 1561453 44 17 8439842 8548499 9891344 0108656 1451501 1560158'43 18 8441137 8547266 9893871 0106129 1452734 155886342 19 8442432 8546033 9896399 0103601 1453967 155756841 20 8443725 8544799 9898926 OIO1074 1455201 1556275 40 8445018 8543564 9901453 0098547 1456436 1554982 39 8446310 8542329 9903981 0096019 1457671 1553690 38 23 8447601 8541093 9900508 0093492 1458907 1552399 37 24 8448891 8539856 9909035 1460144 1551109 / 36 8450181 25 8538619 9911562 0088438 1461381 154981935 26 8451470 8537381 9914089 0085911 1462619 154853034 27 8452758 8536142 9916616 0083384 1463858 1547242 33 28 8454045 8534902 9919143 0080857 1465098 154595532 29 8455332 8533662 9921670 0078330 1466338 1544668 31 8456018 30 8532421 9924197 0075803 1543382 30 31 8457903 8531179 9926724 0073276 1468821 1542097 29 84.59188 32 8529936 9920251 0070749 1470064 1540812 28 8460471 33 8528693 9931778 0068222 1471307 153952927 8461754 8627449 34 9934305 0065695 1472551 1538246 | 26 8463036 8526204 35 9936832 0063163 1473796 1536964 | 25 8464318 8524959 9939359 0060641 1475041 1535682 | 24 37 8465599 6523713 9941886 0058114 1476287 1534401 23 38 8466879 0522466 9944413 0055587 1477534 1533121 22 8468158 8521218 9946940 0053060 39 1478782 1531842 21 8469436 8519970 40 9949406 0050534 1480030 1530564 | 20 8470714 8518721 0048007 9951993 41 1481279 1529286 19 8471991 8517471 42 9954520 0045480 1482529 1528002 | 13 8473267 8516220 43 995 7047 004295-3 1483780 1526733 17 8474543 8514969 9959573 0040427 1485031 1525457 16 8475817 8513717 9962100 0037900 1486283 4 152418315 8-477091 8512465 9964627 40 0025373 1487535 152290914 8478365 8 SII211 9967154 0032346 1488789 1521635 13 47 8479637 8509957 9969630 0030320 I 490043 1520363 12 8480909 8508702 9972 207 0027793 1491298 IS19091 11 II 8482180 8507416 99747.34 0025266 1492554 50 1517820 10 8483450 8506190 0022740 9477260 1493810 51 1516550 8484720 8504933 9979787 0020213 1495067 15152801 8 8485989 8503675 9982314 2017680 1496325 1514011 7 53 8487257 8502417 9944340 0015160 1497583 151274.3 6 54 8488524 8501157 9987367 0012633 1498843 IS114765 55 8489791 %494897 9989093 OOICIO7 I5C0103 1510209 4 1467579 دي ديه به 36 48 49 IO 52 wa COO 56 8491057 8448637 9992420 0007520 I501363 1508943 57 3 8492322 8497375 58 0005053 9994947 1502625 1507678 8490113 2907473 COO2527 1503887 1506414 59 84940501 84948501 OCCOOCO 60 1 0000000 1505 150 Q 1505150 1 8-93536 - 1 G ASQsa A T A B T B L E OF NATURAL SIN E S. ප්‍රද ** : : 64 A Table of Natural Sines. . 0.000 م) ور I Oliy om 2 5818 8727 10 II 29 089 12 34 906 37 815 13 52 360 55 268 OO 21 22 63 995 66 9n4 75 630 M o Deg. 89 Deg. i Deg. 83 Deg. 2 Deg. 87 Deg: 3 Deg. 86 Deg. M 10300 000 , 174.524 9998 477 348.995 } 9993.908 523.360, 9960295 || 2 909 9999 996 177 432 E 426 351 902 93 806 526 264 $ 86 143 59 998 180 341 8 374 3544 809 93 704 529 169) 85 yio 58 3 9y5 183 249 8 321 357 716 93 600 572 074 85 83.5 57 4 II 636 993 16158 207 360 623 93 495534979 85 60 56 $ 14 544 989 189066 8213 1 353 530 93 390 537 : 85524 55. 6 17 453 984 191 974 8 1571 366 437 93 284 5-10779 85 367 54 7 20 362 979 194385 8101 369 344 9,3 177 | 543 693 85 209 53 8 23 271 973 197 791 8 044 372 251 93 069 5465) 8; 050 52 9 26 180 960 200 699 7986 | 375 158 92 960 549 502 84 8,1 51 958 203 608 7 927 378065 92851 552 400 84731 50 31998 949 206 516 7867 380971 92 740 555 31 1 84 570 49 939 209 424 78073 83 873 92 629 558215 87 408 48 928 | 212 332 7 745 386 785 92517 561 119 84 245 47 14 40 724 917 215 241 7 683 389 692 92 404 564024 84021 46 43 633 15 905 218 149 7620 392 598 92 290 560928 8.3 917 45 16 46 542 892 221 057 7 556 395 505 92176 569832 83 751 17 49 451 878 223965 7 491 398 411 92060 572 7,36 83 585 43 18 863 226873 7 4261 401 318 91 944 575 640 83 418.4% 19 847 229 781 7 360 404 224 91 827 578544 83250 41 20 58177 831 232 690 7 242407 13 I 91 7091 501 448 83 082 40 61 086 813 235 598 7 224 410037 91590 584 352 82 912 | 39 795 238 506 7156412 944 91 470587256 82 742 / 38 776 241 414 7086 415850 23 91 350590160 8.2 57037 24 69 813 756 244 322 7015 418757 91 228 593 064 83 398 36 72 721 736 247 230 6 943 421663 25 91 106 595 967 82 225 35 26 713250138 6871424569 90 983598871 82 052 34 78539 691 253 046 6 798 427 475 27 90 859 601 7,5 8187733 28 81 448 668 255 954 6 724 | 430 382 3 90 734 604 678 81 701 | 3% 32 84 357 644 258862 6 649 433 288 29 90 609 607 582 8152531 87 265 619 261 769 6 573 | 436 194 90 482 610 485 30 81 348 30 90 174 6 497 439 100 31 90 355 613 379 81 17029 566 267 585 6 419 442 006 90 227 616 292 86 991 28 32 6 341 444 912 5391 270493 80 8II 90 098 619 196 33 95 992 27 98 900 SI1273 401 6 252 477818 34 89 468 | 622 099 80631 26 IOI 809 482 276 309 35 89 837 625 002 80450 35 104 718 36 452 279 216 6101453630 89 706 627 905 80 267 114 107 627 421 282 124 5020 | 456536 89 573 630 808 37 80084 / 23 38 IIO 535 389 235 032 S 937 459 442 89 440 633 711 79900 113 444 357 287 949 5854467347 89 306 | 636 614 39 79716 21 323 290 847 5770 465253 89 171 639.517 40 79.530 | 20 289 293 755 5684 | 468159 89035 | 642 420 41 79 343 | 19 I 22 170 42 $ 599471 C6 88 899 645 323 218 299 570 125 079 5 512 473970 80761 648226 78 808/17 43 127 987 181 302 478 5424476876 88 623 1651 129 44 78779116 130 896 143 395 385 5336479 781 45 88 484 | 654031 78587115 104 308 293 46 133 805 5247422687 88 344 656 734 14 136 713 065 / 311 200 5157 | 485592 88 203 659836 47 77 207 13 48 025 | 314 108 5036 488498 88 061 662 739 78 015 12 142 530 9998924 317 015 4 974 491 403 49 87919 665 6,11 77821 II 8 145 439 4831 494 308 942 | 319 922 87775 068544 77627.10) 148 348 8 899 322 830 4788 497 214 87631 078 170 I 77433 51 8255 325 737 ISÍ 256 4693 500119 87 486674249 8 77237 52 8 %11328 644 4 598503024 87 34.0 6977.251 770497 7 53 8 766 331 552 4502505929 157 073 87194) 680153 76 843 ó 54 8720 334 459 4405 1508835 87046 633 055 70 645 5 55 162 890 8 673 337 306 4.308 511 740 858981 685957 8 625 | 340 273 4209 | 514645 86 748 688859 3 8577 343 181 4110517550 86.598 691761 70045 8527 346 088 4009 520 455 86 447 | 694 663 75 843 59 2 3 O 593 264673 93 083 61182 450724 w to 22 116 353 119 261 254 296 662 7915618 78399 139 622 50 9 154 165 159 982 56 57 76 445 76245 165 799 168 707 다 ​58 I 8 4771 348 995 39081523 360 86 295697 565 60 174 524 171 616 75 641 A Table of Natural Sines. 65 75 028 880 251 24 751 158 24 394 57 56 23 679 55 74 822 74 615 74 408 888 943 73780 73569 51 50 48 47 46 915016 19 682 42 41 18 574 18 204 22761 390 38 17086 16 712 36 د د د د پي a NO 16 337 26772991 15 961 34 15584 28 1778 791 DI 4 Deg. 85 Deg. 5 Deg. 84 Deg. 6 Deg. 83 Deg. 7 Deg. 82 Deg. M 01697.5:65 / 9975.641 877 55719961.947 1045.285 9945.219 1218.693 9925.462 60 I 700467 75 437 874 455 61 693 | 1048178 59 44 914 | 1221581! 25 107 2 703 368 75 233 877 353 61438 1051 070 44 609 1224 468 31 706 270 61183 1053 963 44 303 1227355 4:709 171 883 148 60 926 1056856 43 996 | 1235241 24 037 5 712073 886 046 60069 1059 748 43 688 | 1233 128 6 714 974 60 411 1062 641 54 43 379 | 1236015 23 319 7717876 74 199 891 840 60 1521005533 53 43070 1238 gor 22 959 8 720 777 73990 894 739 59 892 1068 425 52 42 760 1241788 22 599 9 723 678 897635 59 631 1071 318 42448 1244 674 22 237 10726 580 900 532 59 370 1074 210 42136 1247 560 21 874 II 729 481 73357 49 903 429 59 107 1077 102 41 823 1250 446 2I SII 12 732 382 73 145 ос6 326 58 844 | 1079 994 41 510 1253 332 2 I 147 13735 283 72231 909 223 58 580 1082 885 5 41 195 1256218 20 782 14 738 184 72 717 912 119 58 315 1085 777 40 880 1259 104 20 416 15 | 741 085 72. 502 58 049 1088 669 45 40 563 1261 990 20 049 16 44 743 986 72 2861 917913 57 783 1091 566 40 246 1264 875 43 17 746 887 72069 920809 57 515 1094 452 39 928 | 1267 761 19 314 18 749 787 71851 923 706 57 247 1097 3431 39610 1270646' 18 944 19752688 71 633 926 602 569781100 234 39 290 1273 531 20755589 40 71413 929 499 56 708 1103 126 38969 1276 416 21 758 489 71193 932 395 56 437 11C6017 38648 1279 302 i 39 17 832 70972 935 291 56 165 1108 908 38 326 | 1282 186; 17 459 23 764 290 70750 938187 55 893 | 1111 799 IIII 37 38003 1285071 24 767 790 70528 941083 55 620 1114 689 37679 1287 956 | 25 770 091 70 304 943979 55 345 1117 580 35 37355 | 1290 841 70080046875 55 070 II 20471 37029 1293 725 27 775 891 69854 949 771 54 795 1123 361 36 703 1296 609 33 69 628 54 518 1126 252 36375 | 1299 494 32 29 781 691 69 401 54 240 1129 142 36047 | 1302 378 31 30784591 53 962 | 1132032 30 14 449 35 719 | 1305 262 31787 491 961 353 53 683 1134 922 35 389 1308 146 29 28 32 790 391 964248 53 403 | 1137812 35058 | 1311030 : 33 793 290 267 144 27 53 122 1 140 702 34 727 13139131 34 796190 26 970039 52801143592 34 395 1316 797 12923 35 799 090 ) 25 972934 52 557 1 11.16 482 34 0621319 681 I 2 540 36 | SOI 989 67 789 52 274 1 1149 372 33728 1322 564, I2 ISS 37 804889 67555 978724 23 51 990 1152 261 33 393 | 1325 447! II 770 38 807 788 67 321 981619 SI 705 '1155151 33057 | 1328 330 II 384 39 1810 687 67 085984514 SI 419 , 1158040 ४ 32 721 1331 213 i 401813587 66 849 | 987 408 51 132 1160 929 32 384 1334 096 10 610 41 816 486 66 612 990 303 50844 1163818 32 045 1336979 IO 221 19 42 819 385 18 993 197 50556 1166 707 31 706 1339862 09832 | 43 822 284 996072 50 266 1169 596 31 367 | 1342 744 IY Og 442 16 44 825 183 65895 998906 49 975 1172585 31026 1345627 09 OSI 45 828 08 2 65 655 | 1001 881 49 085 1175 374 30685 1348 509 46 830 981 65414 1004 775 49393'1178 263 30 3-1-1351 392 08 266 47 833 880 65 172 1007 669 49 IOI | 1181 151 299991354 274 13 48 836 778 64929 1010 563 46 80711184 040 296551357156 49 839 677 646851013457 48513 1146928 2) 310 1360 038 07 083 50 1 842 576 64 440 016351 48 217 1189816 2005 1362919 51'845 474 64195 | 1019245 47 921 1192 704 28613 | 1365 801 52 848 373 63948 1022 138 47 625 1195 593 28 271 1368 683 05 833 53 851271 63 701 1025 032 47 327 1198 481 279?2 1371564 05 494 54,854169 63 453 1027 925 47028 1201 368 275731374145 Osay5 55 : 857067 63 204 1030819 46 729 1204256 27 224 1377 327 01094 56:859 966 62954 1033 712 46428 1207 144 2687312300 208 04 29.3 57 862 864 62 704 1036 605 46 127 1210 03:1 26521133308) 952 666 955 562 958458 15 206 14 828 69 173 3 68945 68 715 COO 14 069 13 688 13 306 68485 63 254 68022 24 975 829 22 10 997 21 20 by OOO NO (6 374 66135 08652 IS It 07 873 07 478 I2 1 II 06 637 IO 06 290 et ta ei saa 0 aos NO in the era o 4 03 891 3 58.865 762 62 452 1039 499 45 825 1212 919 26 109 11385070 03 489 59 868 660 62200 1042 3072 3.2 45523 1215 806 25 8101388850 03 085 61 947' 10:15 285 45219 '1218 693 25 40% | 1371 731 G 60 871 557 02 681 66 A Table of Natural Sines. M o 123 4 5 50 1 SI IO II 12 48 I + 15 46 15 1.7 28 42 20 40 21 22 23 24 M18 Deg. 81 Deg. , Deg. 8. Deg. 10 Deg. 79 Deg. Ji Deg. 78 Deg 1391.731, 9902.631 1564.345 9876.883 1736 48219848 078 1908 ogo, 9816.272 60 1394 612 9902 275 1567 213 9876 428 1739 346 1847.572 19109451 9815 716 59 13974929901 869 1570 091 9875972 1742 2113847066 1913 801 4815160 58 3 1400 372 9901 462 1572 963 9875 514 1745 075 08:45 558. 1916 656 9014603 57 1403252 9901055. 1575 83698750571747 939 1846 050 1919 510 98140.45 1400 132 9900 646 1578 708 9874598 1750 803 9845 542 1,223615 9313 43655 6 14090129900237 | 1501 581 ; 9874 138 1753667 9845 032 | 19252201 9812927 54 7 1411 892 9899 826 1584 453 98736781756 531 9844 521 1928074 9312 366 53 8 1414 772 9899415 1587 325 9873210 1759 395 9844 010 1930 928 9811 855 52 9 1417651 0899003 1590 197 9872 754 1762 258 9843 498 1933 782 0911 243 1420 531 9898590 1593069 : 9872 291 1765 121 9812935 1936 636 6810 6c So 1423 410 9898 177 1595940 98718271767984 9842 471 19394909810 116 49 1420 289 9897762 1598 812 9871 363 1770 847 9841956 1942 344 0809552 T3 I429 168 0897347 1601 683 98708971773710 9841 441 1945 197 | 9808 985 47 1432 047 9896931 1604 555 9870 431 1776.57.19840924 1948030 9808 420 1434 926 9890 514 1607 426 9869 964 177943. 1340 407 | 1950 903 9807853 45 1437 805 98960901610 297 9369 4961782278 1839 889 1953 750 9807 285 44 1140 684 9895 677 1613 167 9309027 1785 150 1839 370 1956 609 980671643 1443 562 9895 256 16 16 033 5800 5571788 0222838 850 1959 401 9806 147 19 1446 440 98948381 1618 90.) 9808089 17908841883.30 | 1962 314 9505 576 41 14:49 319 9894 4161 1621779 9867615 1793 740 9937 008 1965 166 9805005 1452 197 19875 9:41 1624650 9867 143 1196 607 9837 285 | 19630139804 433 39 1455 075 9893572 1627 520 9866 670 1799 469 47836763 1970870 9863 86038 1457 953 9893 148 1630399 9806 176 1802 3300336 237 | 1973722 9303 286 317 1460 830 9892 723 163.3 260 9865722 1805 191 9835 715 1976573 9302 712 36 25 1463 708 9892 298 1636 129 9865 246 1308 052 9835 189 1979 425 9802 136 35 26 1466585 9891872 1630999 1 98647701310913 9834663 1982 2769801 560 / 34 27 1469 463 9891445 1641 868 9864293 1813774 19834136 1985 127 | 9800 983 33 28 1472 340 98910171644 738 9863815 1816 635 9833 608 1987973 9800405 32 29 1475 217 9890588 1647607 9863 336 1819 495 2833079 1990824 2799 827 31 30 1478094 9890 159 16504769862 856 1822 355 19832 544 1993679 2799 247 30 1480971 9889728 1653 345 9862 375 182521598,3201) 19205309798667 39 32 14838489889297 1656 2,14 0861894 18280755331 487 1999 380 9798086 28 33 1486 724 9888 8651659 082 9861412 1830 935 9830955 2002 230 9797 50427 34 1489601 9888 432 166195119860929 1833 795 19830422 2005 080 9796921 26 35 1492477 9887 998 1664 819 9860445 1836 654 1829 888 2007 930 2796337 | 25 36 14953.53 9887 564 1667657 1 935996018395143829353 2010 779 | 2795 752 | 24 37 1498230 9887 128 | 1670 5569959475 1042 373 9828 818 2013 620 9795 167 23 1501 106 9886 692 1673 423 0358 9381845 232 4828 282 2010 478 9794501 : 22 39 1503981 19886 255 11676 291 1 9358501|1848 oyl 0827 744 20193279793994 : 21 4015068570885817 1679 159 1 9858013 1850 949 1827 206 2022 176 | 9793 406 20 41 1509 733 9885 378168202097575241053 8081826 668 2025 024 0792 818 19 42 2608 9884 939 1684 894 9357035 1836 6669326 128 2027 373 9792 228 18 43 | 1515 484 9884 498 1689 761 9856544 1859 524182.5587 2030 721 9791638 17 1518 359 9284057 1090 628 6050053 1862 382 9825046 2033 569 16 1521 234 9833615 1523 495 0355561 1865 240 2824 504 2036 418 9790455 46 1524109 9883 172 1696 362 9855068 1868 098 9823961 2039 265 | 9789862 14 47 1526984 9882723 1699 2289854 574 1870 950 9823417 | 2042 113 9789 268 13 48 1527858 9882 284 1702095 9854079 18738132822873 2044 901 9788674 12 49 1532 733 19881 638 1704 901 9853583 1876 67012822 327 | 2047 808 9788079 II 1535 607 9841 342 1707 828 98530871879 528 9821 783 1 2050655 9787 403 10 51 1538 432 9880 945 | 1710 694 08525901882 385 10821 234 20533029736 806 1541 356 9880 497 1713 500 9852092 1885 241 1820 686 2056 349 9286 288 & :53 1544 230 9880 048 171642 5 9851593 1880 09819820 137 2059 195 0785689 6 54 1547 104 9879'599 1719 291 9851093 1893 954 9819587 2062 0429785 090 55 | 154: 973 9876 148 1722 1569850593 1896 811 9819037 2064 888 9784490 56 9878-697 1725022 9850091 1898:66719818485 2067 734 9783889 57 | 1555 725 9878 245 1727 887 9849.569 1889 5239917933 | 2070 580 0783 287 3 53 1558598.9877 792 1730 752 9849086 | 1902 379 9817380 2073 426 0782 684 59 1561 472 9877 338 1733617 9848982 1905 234 9816 826 2076 272 2782080 bo? 13 04 345 3836 503 1736 485 lý 48278 19c& cg019816 272 2079 117 19781 476 31 b. W w to w is wrw ON ah w 38 I 44 45 I5 50 52 abonnent part o A Table of Natural Sines. 67 0 4 52 II 2 15 8 2 1 2 M 12 Deg. 77 Deg. 13 Deg. 76 Deg. 14 Deg. 75 Deg. 15 Deg. 74 Deg. M 60 2079.117 19781.476 2249.511 9743.701 | 2419'219 1 9702.957/2583.190 9659.258 , I 2081 962 9780871 2252 345 9743046 2422041 9702 253 2591000 9658505 59 2 20848079780265 2255 179 9742 390 2424 863 58 9701 548 2593 8109057751 3- 20876529779658 2258013 9741734 24246859760342 2596 619 9656996 | 57 4 2090 497 / 9779050 2260 848 9741077 2430 507 9700 136 2592 428 9656240 56 52093 341 | 9778442 2263 680 9740 419 2433 329 099 428 2602 237 9055 484 55 6 2096 1869777832 2266513 9739 766 2436 150 1 9698720 2605 045 9654726' 54 ? 2099 0309777 222 2269 3469739 100 2438971 969011/ 2607853 9653968 53 i 8 2101 874 9776 611 2272 179 | 9738 439 2441 792 9697 301 2610 662 9653209 9 2104 718 9775 999 22750129737 778 24446139696 591 2513 469 9652 449 51 10 / 2107 561 9775 387 2277844 9737116 | 2447 4339095 879 2610 277 9651689,50 | 2110 405 9774 773 22806779736 453 2450254 9695 169 2619 085 9650927 49 12 2113 248 9774 159 2283 509 9735 789 2453074 9694453 2621 892 9650 165 48 13 2116 091 9773 544 2286 341 9735 124 2455 874 9693 740 2624 699 9649 402 47 14 2118934 9772928 2289 172 9734 459 2458713 9093 025 2627 566 9648638 46 2121 777 9772 311 2292 004 9733 793 24615339692 309 2630 312 9647 873 45 16 2124 6199771693 2294 835 2733 125 2464 352 9691593 2633 118 9647 108 44 | 1 17 2127 462 9771075 2297 666 9732 458 2467171 9690875 26;5 925 3646 341 43 18 2130 304 9770456 2300 497 | 9731789 | 24699909690157 2638 730 0545 574 42 1 19 21331469769 836 | 2303 328 9731 119 24728099689 438 2641536 9644 806 41 202135 988 2769215 2306 1599730 449 24756279688 719 2644 342 9644 037 40 | 21 2138 829 19768 593 2308 9oy : 9729 777 2478 445 9687998 2647 147 9643 268 | 39 / 22 2141 6711 9767970 2311 819 9729 105 2481 263 1 9687277 2649952 15642 497 38 23 ' 2144 512 9767 347 23346439728 432 2484081 1 9686 555 2652757 9041726 37 2147353 9766723 2317 479 9727759 24868999685832 2655 561 5640954 36 252150 1949766 098 2320 309 9727084 2489 716 9085 108 2658366 9640181 35 26 2153035 9765 472 2323 138 9726 409 249253319689 383 26611709639 407 / 34 | 27 2155 876 97648452325 967 9725 733 2495 350 1 9683658 2663 9732038 633 33 | 28 | 2158716 9764218 2328 796 9725050 2498 167 19682 931 2666 777 9637 858 32 | | 29 2161 556 9763589 2331625 9724 378 2500984 9682 204 26695319637081 31 5 302164 396 19762 960 2334 454 9723699 2503800 9601 476 2672 384 9636 305 30 311 2167 236 9762 3302337 282 9723 020 2506 616 9680748 2675 187 963552729 | 3221700761976.1699 2340 110 9722339 2509 432 96800IS 2077989 1 9534748 28 33 | 2172 915 9761 068 23-429389721658 2512 248 9679 288 26607929633 969 27 34 2175 754 9760 435 2345766 9720 976 25150639676 557 26335949633 189 26 | 35 2178 5939759 002 2348 394 9720 294 12517879 9677825 2686 3969632 408 25 36 2181 432 9754 168 2351 421 9719610 2520694 9677092 | 2689 198 9631 626 24 | | | | 37 2184 271 9758533 2354 248 9918 926 2523508 9676358 2692 oco 9630843 23 | 38 2187 110 9757897 2357 075 9718240 2526 3231 9675 624 2694 801 9630 060 22 I | 39 | 2189 948 9757 260 2359 902 9717554 | 2529 137 9674.888 2697 602 9629 275 40 | 2192 7869756623 2362 729 9716 367 253.1952 9674 152 2700 403 9628 490 20 219.5 6241 9755985 2365 555 9716 1802534706 9673 415 2703 204 9627 704 19 42 2198 462 9755 3452368381 ( 9715 491 | 2537579 0672 670 2706 004 9625 917 18 43 2201 300 9754 706 2371 2072714 802 2540 393 9671939 | 2708 805 0626 130 17 | | 4+ | 2204137 9754.65 2374 033 | 9714 112 2543 2060671 200 2311 605 9625 342 16 45 2206974 2753 423 | 2376 859 0713421 2546019 19670459 2714 404 9624 552 | 15 9752781 2379 684 9712729 2548 832 9669718 2777204 9623 762 14 2212 6482752138238251097120,30 | 2551 6459668977 27200039622 97213 2215 4856751 494 2385 335 | 9711243255-4458 9668234 2922E02 9622 180 49 : 2218 321 9750849 | 23881599710049 2557 2709667490 2725 601 9621 387 II | 50 2221158 9750 203 2390 981 97099532560082 901167462728 400 9620 594 51 : 2223 994 19749556 2343 808 9709 258 2562 894 9666001 273119815619800 9 52 2220-1019743909 2390 633 9708 501 2505705 9665 255 27339979619005 8 5.3! 2229 066 1 9748261 2399 457 1 9707863 2508567 19664508273679410618 210 . 7 54' 2232501 9747612 24022801 9707165 1 2571320 9663761 6 9017413 27395929677 413 55, 2235337 0746962 2405 104 9700 466 25741399663012 274.2 390 9616 616 56 2238 1729746 311 2407927 1 97057C6 2576 950 9662 203 | 2745 187 9615 818 | 57 | 2241007 2745060 2410751, 97050652579760 966151 274798.96 is org 58: 2243 822 | 9745 008 24135741 9704363 2562570 9660 762 2750;81 9614219 52 : 57 2-46 65019744 355' 2416 3969703661 2585381, COCCII 2753577 0013418 2249511 1 9743701 241921919;629571 2538 iyo ; 56542581 2750374 1,612 614 S / I I 21 41 40 2209 811 I 47 48 IZ ΙΟ 8 រ 1 5 4 3 2 1 ។ 00 1 68 A Table of Natural Sines. S 6 9443 764 764 / 48 I ! 2 1 M16 Deg. 73 Deg. 17 Deg. 72 Deg. 18 Deg. 71 Deg. 19 Deg. 70 Deg. M 19 02756.374 9612.617 2923.717 0563.048 3090.190: 9510.565 3255.6821 9455.180 60 I 2759 170 9611 815 | 2926 499 9562.197 301)2 936 i 9509 666 3258 432 2454 238 59 22761965. 9611012 2929 280 9561 345 3095 7021 9508766 3261 182 9453 250 | 58 3 2764 761 9610 208 2932061 : 9560 492 3098 468 9507865 3263 932 2452 341 57 | | 4 27675569609 403 29348422559639 3001 234 9506963 3266687 9451351 56 5 512770 352 9608 598 | 2937 623 9558 785 9103 999 95060613269 430 9450 441 55 | 6 2773 147 9607 792 29404039557 930310676495051571 3272179 9449 489 54 | 7 2775941 9606 984 2943 1839557074 3109 529 950,4253 3274 928 9448537 53 812778736 9606177 2945 963 9556 218 9503348 3277676 9447584 52 92781530 9605 368 2948 743 9555 361 3115 058 95024143 3280 424 9446 63051 3112 290 | 10 2784 324 9604 558 2951522 9554 502 3117 822 9501 536 3283 172 9445 675 50 II 2787 118 9603 748 2954 302 9553 0-13 3120 586 9500629 3285919 9444 720 49 | 12 2789911 9602937 2957081 9552 784 3123 349 9499 721 3288666 | 132792 704 9602 125 2959859 9551 923 3126 112 9498812 3291 413 9442 807 47 | 14 2795 497 1 9601 312 2962638 9551 062 | 3128875 2497 902 3294 160 9441 84946 15 2798 290 9600 499 2965 416 9550 199 3131638 9496991 3206 906 9440890 | 45 16 2801 083 9599 684 2968 1949549 336 | 3134 400 9496 080 3299 653 9439 931 44 17 2003 875 9598 869 2970971 9548 473 3137 163 9495 168 3302 398 2438 971 43 18 2806 667 9598051 2973749 9547 608 3139 925 | 9494 255 3305 144 9438010 42 05.3 19 2809 459 9597 236 29765269546 743 314 2 686 9493 341 3307 8899437 048 41 20 2812251 9596 418 2979 303 9545 876 3145 448 9492 426 3310 634 2436 085 40 21 2815042 9595 000 29820799545 009 3148 209 9491511 3313379 9435 122 | 39 22 2817833 9594 781 2984856 9544 141 31509691 2190595 3316 123 9434 157 38 2312820 624 9593 961 2987632 9543 273 31537301 9489 678 3318 867 9433 142 / 37 24 2823415 9593 140 2990408 9542 403 3156 490 94007603321611 9432 227 36 | 25 2826 205 9592 318 2993 184 9541 533 3159250 94878423324 355 2431 260 35 2612828995 9591 496 2995 959 9540 662 3162 010 94869223327098 | 9430 293 34 27 2831785 9590 672 2998734 9539 799 3164770 9486002 33298419429 324 33 | 28 2334 575 9589 848 3001 509 9538917 31675291 9485081 3332 584 9428 355 32 29 2837 364 9589 023 3004 284 9538044 3170288 9484 159 3335 326 9427 386 31 30 28401539588 197 3007 058 9537 170 3173 047 9483237 3338 069 9426 415 | 30 31 2842 942 9587 371 3009 832 9536 294 3175805 9482313 3340 810 9425 444 29 32 2845731 9586 543 3012 606 2535 418 3178 363 9481389 3343 552 9424471 28 33 2848 520 9585 715 3015 380 9534 542 3181 321 9480464 3346 293 9+2349827 3181321 | 34 2851 308 9584 866 3018153 0533 664 3184 0799479538 3349 034 9422 525 | 26 35 2854 096 9584056 3020 926 9532 786 3186 836 9478 612 3351 775 9421550 25 ! 3628568849583 226 30236929531907 3189 5931 9477684 3354516 9420575 24 37 2859671 9582 394 3026 471 9531 027 3192 350 94767563357256 9419598 | 23 38 2862 458 19581 562 3029 244 9530 146 3195 106 9475 3273359 996 10418 621 | 22 39 2865 246 9530 729 3032016 9529 264 3197 8539474897 3362 735 9417644 21 | 40 2868032 9579 895 3034 788 9528 382 3200 61019473 460 3365 475 9416005 20 (| 41 2870819 : 9579 060 3037 559 95274993203 374 6473035 3368 214 9415 686 19 42 28736059578 225 3040 331 9526 615 3206 130 0472 103 | 33709539414 70518 432876391.9577 389 3943 1029525 730 3208 8851947:17013373 691 9413724 17 44 2379 177 9576552 3045 872 9524 844 3211 6401 9470236 3376 429 9412 743 ; 16 45 2881963 9575 714 30486439523 958 3214 395 19469301 3.379 165 9411 76015 462884 748 95748753051413 9523071 32171499468 366 3361 905 941077714 47 2887533 9574 035 30541839522 183 | 3219 903 9467 430 3384 642 9409 793 13 48 2890 318 9573195 3056953 9521 294 32226579466 493 / 3387 379 12408 308 ! 12 4912893 491 2893 103 9572 354 3059 723 9520 404 3225 411 9465 555 3330116 9.407822 | 11 502895 887 9571512 30624929519514 3228 164 9464616 3.592 852 9400 835 10 512898671 9570 6693065 261 3 30 917 9463677 3395 589 9405 818 9513 623 9 52 2901 455 : 9569 825 36680309517 731 3233 670 9462 736 3398 325 | 9404860 532904 239 : 9568981 3070 7989516838 3236 422 9461795 3401 060 9403 871 54 2407022 : 9568 136 3073566 9515 944 3239 174 9460854.403796 9402 881 | 881! 6 552909 805 9567 2903076 3349515050 3241 926 9459911 34065319401 891 5 56129125889566 445 3079102 9514154 3244 678 9458905 3409 2651940089914 ! 572915371 9565 595 39818699513258 3247 4299458023) 34520009399907 ! 5812,18 153 0564 747 30846369512 361 3250160 94570781 341473412398914 Ini?;20935 9563898 3087403 9511 464 3252 931 9456132 3417 468 9397421 9 II I ! 1 8 7 1 ४ 3 2 I 93964261 2,37171 0563 0481 30901709510565 3255 682 19455 1861 3420 201 1 A Table of Natural Sines. 69 O I 9202 774 58 10 II 12 21 M 20 Deg. 69 Deg. 21 Deg. 68 Deg. 22 Deg. 67 Deg. 23 Deg. 66 Deg. M 60 3420.201 | 9396.926 3583.679 9335.804 3746.066 9271.839 3907.311 | 9205.049 | 3422 935 9395 9313586 395 9334 761 3748 763 9270 748 3909 989 9203 912 59 2 3425 668 9394 935 3589 110 9333 718 3751.459 9269 658 3912 | 666 3 3428 400 9393 9383591 825 9332 673 3754 1569268 566 3915 343 9201 635 57 43431 133 9392 940 3594 540 9331 628 3756852 9267 474 3918 019 9200 496 56 5 3433 865 9391942 3597 254 9330 582 3759 547 9266 380 3920 695 9199 356 55 63436 597 | 9390 943 3599 968 9329 535 3762 243 9265 286 3923 371 9198 215 54 ? 3439 329 9389 942 3602 682 9328 488 3764 938 9264 192 2926 047 9197073 53 8 3442060 9388 942 3605 395 9327439 37676329263 096 3928 722 9195 931 52 93444 791 9337940 3608 108 9326 390 3770 327 9262 000 3931 397 9194788) SI 3447 521 93869383610 821 9325 340 3773 021 9260 902 3934 071 9193 644 50 3450 252 9385 934 3613534 9324 2903775 714 9259 805 3936 745 9192 499 49 3452 982 9384 930 3616 246 9323 238 3778 408 9258 706 3939 419 9191353 48 13 3455 2129383925 3618958 9322 186 3781 101 | 9257 606 3942093 9190 207 47 14 3458 441 9382920 3621 669 9321 1333783 794 9256 506 3944 766 9189 06046 обо 153461171 9331913 3624 380 9320 079 3786 486 9255 405 3947 439 9187912 45 | 163463 909 9380 906 3627 091 9319 024 3789 178 | 9254 303 3950 III 0186 763 44 111 17 3466628 | 9379 898 3629 802 9317 969 3791 370 9253 201 3952 783 9185 614 43 18 3469 357 1 9378 889 3632 5 12 9316 912 3794 562 9252 097 3955 4559184 464 42 19 3472085 9377880 3635222 93158553797 253 2250 993 3958 1271 9183 313 | 41 | 20 3474 812 9376 869 3637932 19314 797 3799 944 9249 888 3960 798 9182 161 | 40 1 3477 5409375 858 3640 641 9313 739 3802 634 9248 782 3963 468 9181 009 39 22 3480 267 9374 840 3643 351 9312 679 3805 324 9247 676 3966 139 9179855 38 23 3482 994 9373 833 3646 052 9311 619 3808 014 9246 568 3968 809 9178 701 37 24 34857209372 820 3648 768 9310 558 3810 704 0245 460 3971 479 91775461 36 25 | 3488 4470371 806 3651 476 9309 496 3813393 9244 351 3974148 9176 391 35 26 3491173 9370 7903654 184 9308 4343816 082 9243 242 3976818 2175 234 34 27 3493 898 9369 774 3656 891 9307 370 38187709242 131 3979 486 9174077 33 | 28 3496 624 9368758 3559 599 9306 306 3821 459 9241 020 3982 155 9172919 32 29 3499 349 9367 740 3662 306 19305 241 3824 147 9239 908 3984 823 9171760 31 30 3502074 9366 722 3665 012 9304 17613826 834 9238 795 3987491 9170601 30 3135047989365 703 3667719 9303 109 3829 522 9237682 3990 158 9169 440 29 32 3507 523 9364 683 3670 425 9302 042 3832 209 9236 567 3992 825 9168 279 28 | 33 3510 246 9363 662 3673 130 9300 974 3834895 | 9235 452 3995 492 9167 118 27 34 3512 970 93626413575 836 9299 905 3837 582 0234 336 3998158 9165 955 | 26 | | 35 3515093 9361618 3678 541 9298 835 3840 268 9233 220 4000 825 0164 791 25 36 3518 416 9360595 3681 246 9207 765 3842 953 9232 102 4003 490 9163 627 24 37 3521 139 9359571 3683 950 9296 694 3845 639 9230 984 4006 1569162 462 2; | 38 3523 862 9358 547 3686654 9295 622 38183241 9220 865 4008 821 9161 297 22 39 3526 584 93575213689 358 9294 549 3851 008 9228 745 4011 4869160 130 21 40 3529 306 93564953692061 9293 475 38536931 9227624 40141509158903 | 20 413532027 9355 468 3694 765 9292 401 3856377 6226 503 40168149157 195 19 42 3534 748 9354 440 3697 468 9201 326 3859060 9225381 4019 478 9156626 18 43 3537 469 9353 412 3700 170 9290 250 3861744 92242584022 141 9155 456 17 44 | 3540 190 9352 382 3702 872 9289 173 3864 427 1 9223 134 4024 804 9154 286 16 45 3542 910 9351 352 3705 574 9288 0961 38671109222 010 4027 4679153 115! 15 463545630 | 9350321 3708 276 92870173869 792 9220 884 4030 129 9151 943 : 14 47 3548 350 | 9349 289 3710977 9285 938 3872 474 9219 758 4032 791 9750 770: 13 | 48 3551070 934825737136789284 858 3875 1561 9218 632 4030 4539149 597 | 12 49 3553789 23-47 223 / 3716 379 92837783877 837 9217 504 4038114 9148422 11 50 3556 508 9346189 3719079 9282 696138805189216 375 4040 775 9147247 51 3559 226 9345 15+ 3721 780 1 9281 614 3883199 | 9215 246 404343610146 072 52 3561944 9344 119 3724 479 9280531 3085 890 9214 116 / 4046 096 : 9144895 53 : 3564 662 9343 082 3727 179.9279447 3883 360 9212 986 40.18756 9143718 54 i 3567 380 9342 045 3729 878 9278 3633891 240: 9211854 4051 416 9742 540 6 55 3570 0979343 007 37325779277 277 3893919 9210 722 4054075 9141 361 56 3572 814 9339 9583735 275 3735 275 '9276 191 3796598 3209589 4056 734 9140181 57 3575 531 9338928 | 3737 973 9275 1043299279 0208 455 4059 393 913y Cor 58 3573 248 93378883710671 9274.016 3901955 9207 320: 4062051 9137 219 ४ 59 3530964 9336845 3743 309 9272920 3904633 0206 185 1064 709 0136 637 60 3583679 9335 8041 3746066 92716341 3907311 9205 049 4207 306 9135455 20 2 t I 10 7 I ! OM NO GOOOL 5 4 2. 1 70 A Table of Natural Sines. I 2 4072 681 3 4 56 4091 269 so IO II I 2 14 I 1 4109 841 20 21 4123096 22 1 234128395 24 4133693 M| 24 Deg. 65 Deg. 25 Deg. 64 Deg. 26 Deg. 63 Deg. 27 Deg.62 Deg. M 0 4067.366, 9135.455 4226 183 , 9063.078 4383.711 8987.940 4539.905, 8910.065 65 60 4070 024 34 271 4228 819 9061848 4386 326 89866654542 4971 6908 744 59 33087 4231 455 9060 618 4388940 8985389 4545 0881 8607 42358 4075 337 31 902 42 34 0900059 386 4391553 8984112 4547 679 8906 10057 4077993 30716 4236 725 90581544394 166 8982 834 4550 269 8904 777 $ 4080 649 29.529 | 4239 360 9056922 4396 779 8981555 4552 857 8903 453 55 | 6 4083305 28 3424241994 9055 688 4399 392 8980 2704555 449 8902 128 54 74085960 27 154 4244628 9054454 4402 004 8978 996 4558 038 8900 803 53 8 4088615 259654247 202 2053 219 4404 615 8977 715 4560 627 8899476 52 9 24 775 | 4249 895 9051983 4407 227 8976 433 4563 216 8898 149 SI 4093923 23 584 4252 528 9050 746 4409 838 8995 151 14565 804 8896 322 50 4096 577 22 393 4255 161 9049 509 4412 448.8973 868/45'78 392 8895 493 49 4099 230 21 201 4257 793 9048 271 4415 059 8972 584 4570 919 1924 164 48 13 4101 883 20 008 4260 425 9047032 4417668.8971 299 4573 566 889283447 4104536 18 815 4263 0569045 792 4420 278, 8970 014 4576153 8841 503 46 | 15 4107189 17620 4265 687 9044 551 4422 887 8968 727 4578 739 8890175 45 , : 16 IÓ 425 4268 318 9043 310 4425 496 : 8967 440 4581 325 8888 837 44 17 4112 492 15229 42709499042 068 4428 104 : 8966153 4583000 8887 506 43 18 4115 144 14033 427.3 579 2040 825 4430 712 8964 864 4586 490 8880 172 42 194117 795 12 835 4276 2089039582 4433 319 : 8963 575 4589 0808884 838 41 4120445 11637 | 4278 838 9038 338 4435 927 1 8962 285 4591 665 8883503 40 | 10 438 | 4281 467 9037093; 4438 534 : 8960 994 / 4594218 8882 166 | 39 4125 745 92038 42810059035 8.271 44411401 8959 703 / 4596 832 898083038 08038 4286 723 9034600 4443 746 i 8958 411 4599 415 8879 492 37 4131 044 06837 4289351 | 9033 353, 4446 352 1 8957 118 4601 498 8878154 36 1 25 05 635 4291979 | 9032 105 4448957: 8955824 4604 580 8876815 135 | ' 26 4136 342 04 432 4294 606 9030856 4451 562 1 8954 529 4607 162 3875 475 34 27 4138990 03 228 4297 233 9029606 4454 167: 8953 234 4009 744 8874 134 133 28 02 024 42998599028356 445677189519384612 325 8872 793 32 29 00 819 4302 485 9027105 | 4459 375 8950 641 46149068871 451 31 | 30 4146 932 9099613 4305 111 90258534461978 | 8949 344 4617486 8870 108 1 30 III | 31 4149 579 98 406 4307 730 9024600I 4464581 1 8948 045 4620 0668868 765 | 27 | 23 32 97 199 4310 361 9023 347 4407184 6946 746 4022 646 886742028 33 4154872 95 990 4312 986 9022092, 4469786 8945 446 4625 225 8866075 | 27 34 4157517 94 781 4315 610 2020 838, 4472388 8944 146 4627834 8364 730 | 26 1 35 4160 163 93 572 4318 234 9019 582 4474 990 8942844 3630342 8863383 | 25 36 4162808 92 361 4320 857 2018 325 44775911 8941 542 | 4632 460 8862038 24 37 4165 453 91150 4323 461 2017068 4480 192 1 8940 240 4635538 2.260 07823 , 38 4168097 89933 | 4326 103 9015810 4482 792 8938 9361 4638115 8359 339 22 ४9933 | 39 4170 741 83 725 4328 7269014551 4485 392 8937632 | 4640 6.72 835798921 40 4173 385 87 511 4331 348 9013 292448; 992 8936 326 4643 25918856639 20 41 4176 028 86 297 4333 970 9012031| 4490 591 8935 021 4645 845 885528819 42 4178671 85 032 43365919010770 4493 I90 8933 714 4648 420 885395618 434181 313 83 866 4339212 9009503 4495789 18932 406 46509961 2852584 17 44 4183 956 82 649 4341 832 9008 246 4498 3878931098 4053571835 1 230 16 | 45 4186 597 81432 4344453 9006 982 4500 984 8929 789 46150145 8849 870 15 464189 239 80214 43470729005718 45035828928 480 4058719 8848522 14 | ' 78995 4349 092 6004 453 4500179 8927 162 4661 293 88.47 166: 13 | 48 4194 521 77775 4352 311 9003 188 4508 775 8925 858 46638668845 8101 76554 4354930 | 901921 4511 372 89245464600439 8844453. II ) 75333 | 435 7548 9000 654 45139078923 234 4669 0128843095 10 51.} 4202 441 74 111 4360166 8999 380 4516563 8ý21920 4171584 8841736 III 72 883 4362784 | 8998 117| 4519 158 802060614674 1 5 8340 377 1501 3 53 4207 719 91 665 | 4305 401 8996 848 4521753 89192914656727 7239 017 54 4210 358 70 440 436801 8995 578 4524 347891727514579298: 837.656 6 ४ 554212996 67215 4370 634 8994 307 4526 941 89166.591 1691669 8436 295 Só 4215 634 67.989 | 4373251 0993035 4529 535 15 3424694 434 8034 4:23 $ 574218 272 66 702 4375 860 8991 763 4532 1281 8914024 467604 8633 sug; 3 58 4220 909 65 535 | 43784828990489 45.34 7211 8912705 40819578188,32 206 594223.546 64 307 4381097 899 215 4537 313 891139574592 147 8730 841 60 4226 183 63 018 | 43837111 8987940453) yogi öy.ccús: 4694?IÓ 8:29 476. o 4141 638 4144 285 4152 226 I I I 47 4191 880 1 49410; 161 50 4199 801 ; 52 4205 060 71 7 + 5 4 SO 2 I A Table of Natural Sines. M 28 Deg. 61 Deg. 29 Deg. 60 Deg. 30 Deg. 59 Deg. 31 Deg. 58 Deg., M I 2 , 2699 852 6 62 671 54 4712 685 I TO 4720 380 I +740 882 0.4694.71418829,470 4848 096 ,8745.197 5000.000 8660.2545150 381 8571.673 60 1.4697 234 28 110 4850 640 | 8744 786 5002 519 58 799 15152874 70174159 26 743 | 4853 184 ! 8743 375 5005037 57 344 | 5155 367 68 675 58 3 4702 452 25 375 | 4855 727 8741 063 5007 556 558875157 859 67 1751 57 4 :4704986 240074858 2708740 550 SOIO 073 54 430 5160 351 65 674 56 5, 4707 553 22 638 4360812 8739 137 5012 591 52 973 5162 842 64 17355 4710 110 21 269 4863 354 8737 722 5015 107 51514 5165 333 7 19 8984465 895 8736 307 5017 624 50055 5167 824 61 168 53 8 4715 250 1852? 4868 436 8734 891 5020 140 48 595 5170 314 59 66452 9:4717 815 17155 4870 977 8733 475 5022 655 47 1345172 804 58 160 SI 15 782 4873517 8732 058 5025 170 45 673 5175 293 5065550 II 4722 944 14 409 4876 057 1 8730 640 5027685 442115177 782 55 14949 1 2 14725 508 13035 4878 597 8729 221 5030 199 43 748 5180 270 536431 48 13 4728071 II 06048811368727 801 5032 713 41284 5182758 52 135 47 14 4730 634 ro 284 | 4883 674 8726 38 | so35 227 IO 398205185240 5062746 154733 197 08 907 4886 212 | 8724 960 5037 740 38 355 1 5187733 49 1191 45 IÓ 4735 759 07 530 4888 750 8723 538 5040 252 30 889 5190 219 47 609 44 174738 321 06 152 4891 288 8722 110 5042 765 35 423 5192 705 46 099 43 18 04 774 4893 825 8720 693 5045 276 339565195 191 44 588 42 19474.3 443 03 394 4896 361 4896 3618719 269 5047788 32 488 5197076 430771 41 20 4746 00 02014 489889787178445050 298 31 019 5200 161 41 564 40 214748564 00 633 4901 4338716 419 5052 809 29 549 5202 646 40 OSI 39 22 4751 124 8729 251 4903 963 9714 993 5055 319 28 0795205 130 38 5381 38 234753 683 97869 49005033713 566 5057828 26 608 5207613 37 0231 37 24 4756 2.42 96 486 4909 038 8712 138 5060 338 25 137 5210096 35 508) 36 25 4758 801 95 102 4911572 8710 7105062 846 23 664 5212 579 33 992 35 26 4701 359 93 717 4914 105 | 8709 281 5065 355 22 191 5115 061 32 475 34 274.703 917 92.332 4916638 8707 851 5067863 20 717 5217 543 3095833 28 4766 474 90 946 49191718706 4205070 370 IG 243 5220024 29 440 32 294769 031 89 559 4921 7048704 989 5072 877 17 768 5222 505 27 921 31 3014771 588 88171 4924 236 | 8703 557 5075 384 16 292 5224 986 26 402 30 314774 144 815783 4926 707 8702 124 5077890 14815 5227466 24 881 29 37 4776 700 85 394 4929 298 8700691 5080 396 13 337 5229945 23 36028 334779 255 84 004 4931 829 8699 256 5082 901 | II 8595232424 21 8391 27 34 4781 810 82 613 4934 359 8697 821 5085 406 10 380 5234 903 20 316 26 35 | 4784 364 81 222 4936 889 8696386 5087 910 od 2015237321 324780 919 79 830 4939 419 8694949 5090414 07 420 5239059 17 269 24 371 4789472 78437 | 4941 948 8693512 5092918 05 939 5242 336 15 745 23 3°/4792 026 77043 4944 4708692074 5095 42 I 04 457 15244813 14 219 22 394794579 75 649 4947 005 | 8690 6305097 924 02 975 5247290 12 693 21 404797 131 74 254 4949532 8689196 S100 426 OI 471 5249766 SI 1671 20 41 4799 683 72858 4952 060 8687 756 5102 928 OO 007 5252241 09 63919 424802 23.5 71 4.62 4954 587 8686 315 5105 429 8598 523 5254717 08 III 18 434804 780 70064 4957 113 | 8684874/5107 930 97 037 5257 191 5 444307 337 08 666 4959639 8683 431 SITO 43I 95 551 | 5259665 05 053 16 4.514809888 67 268 4962 105/86810885112 931 94 064 5262 13.9 03 52215 46 4812438 65 863 4964690 8680 544 5115 431 92 576 5264613 OI 99114 4714814987 644684907 215 8679 100 5117 930 I 21088 5267085 CO 459 13 4814517537 63007 | 4969 740 | 86776555120 429 89 599 526955818498 927 12 49 4820086 OI665 4972 264 8676 2095122 027 88 109 5272030 97 394 II 504822634 60 263 | 4974 787 8674 7625125 425 86 619 5274 502 95 86010 514825 182 58059 4977 310 8073 314 5127 923 85 127 5276973 94 325 9 524827730 57 455 4979 833 8671866 5130 420 83 635 5279443 92 790 8 534830277 50051 | 4982 355 86704175132 916 4982355 82 143 5281914 91 254 7 54 4532824 54 645 4984877 8668 067 5135 413 80 640 5284 383 89717 6 551423.5 370 532374987 399 | 80675175137 208 79 155 3286853 5 5514037910 51832 4989020 8666006 5140 404 776005289322 4 574840462 50 425 4992 441 8664 614 5142 899 70 1645291790 85 102 3 584343007 49016 4994 901 8663 161 5145 393 / 74 668 5294258 83 562 5914845552 47 607 4997 481 | 8661 708 5147 887 73171 5296 726 60146478096 46 197 ! 5000 000 '806025415150 381 71 673'5299 193 80 481 18 793 25 58 574 2 25 606 390II SI 087 71560 04 266 06 424 43 461 45685 45 465 31 808 82516 + 1 11 39 838 86 895 17206 19 361 14 61 240 02 181 93 458 95 645 97831 23668 25 821 00 225 53948 24 802 10721 60 300 22919 04 386 06570 08 754 64 532 66 647 17 268 88475 86515 84553 82592 81 199 ! 17 482 97 262 75 IOI 61 748 34 19 662 49466 51612 M 40 Deg. 49 Deg. 41 Deg. 48 Deg. 42 Deg. 47 Deg. 43 Deg. 46 Deg. IM . 06427.876 ; 7660.444 6560 5907547.096 6691.306 7431.448 6819.984 ; 7313.537 , 60 I 30 104 62 785 45 187 6693 468 29 502 22 III 7311 553 59 32 332 56 704 64 980 43 2786695 628 27554 24 2377309 568 158 3 34 559 54832 67 174 41 368 6697 789 26 363 7307 583 57 4 36785 52960 69 367 39 457 6699 948 23658 28 489 7305 597 56 5 375466702108 21708 30 613 730361055 6 41 236 49 214 73 752 35 634 19758 32 738 7301 623 54 7 47 340 75 944 33 721 17808 34 861 | 7299 635 53 78135 08 582 15857 36 984 97 646 52 9 47 909 43 590 80 326 29894 IO 739 13905 39 107 95 657 51 IO SOT32 41 714 27980 12 895 II 953 41 229 93 668 50 IT 52 355 84 706 26065 15 051 10 000 43 350 91 677 149 I 2 54 577 37960 24 149 08046 45 471 89 686 48 13 56 798 36 082 89 083 22 233 06092 47 591 87 695 47 59019 34 204 91271 20 316 2I515 04137 49 711 85 703 46 IS 32 325 18 398 51830 83 710 45 16 63 460 30 445 16 480 81 716 44 17 65 679 28 564 14.561 27 973 | 7398268 56 066 79 722 43 18 67 898 26 683 6600 017 12 641 30 125 96311 58184 77 728 42 19 70116 02 202 32 276 94353 75 732 41 20 72 334 08 800 34427 92 394 62 416 73 736 40 21 745ŞI 21 036 06879 36577 90435 71 740 39 22 76 767 19 152 04957 38727 69 743 38 23 7,8984 10 936 03034 40876 68 761 67 745 37 204 15 383 13119 OI III 43 024 70875 65 747 36 25 83414 13 497 15300 7499 187 45 172 72 988 63 748 35 26 85 628 II 611 47 319 80629 27 87842 09 724 95 337 78666 77 213 59 748 133 28 90056 07 837 21 842 93 411 76703 79 325 57747 132 29 05 949 24022 53 757 74738 55 746 31. 30 26 200 89 557 55 902 72 773 83540 53 744 30 31 26692 02 170 87 629 58046 70808 85 655 51 741 29 32 98903 30557 85 701 68 842 87705 49 738 28 33 6501 114 7598 389 32 734 66 875 89 873 47 734 27 34 03 324 96498 34 910 81 842 64476 64.908 91981 45 729 26 35 05533 79 912 66 618 43 724 25 36 07 742 92 713 68760 41 719 24 37 09 951 41 437 70 901 59002 9@ 302 39 712 23 12 156 88 926 74117 73041 57032 | 6900407 37 705 224 39 14 366 87031 02 512 35 698 21 40 16 572 85136 47959 70251 77320 53 090 04617 33 69020 41 83 240 50131 79459 31 681 19 42 20 984 52 304 o: 824 2967118 43 23 189 54 475 64 446 83 734 47 173 I0927 27661 17 44 25 324 77548 56646 5 85871 45 199 I3029 25651 16 45 27 598 58817 88007 43 225 IS IZI 23 64,0 115 46 73 751 60987 58636 90143 41 250 17 232 21 628 14 47 32 004 71851 63156 56 699 92278 39 275 19 332 19615 13 69 951 65 325 94 413 37 299 21 432 17602 | 12 49 36 4053 96547 35 322 23 531 15589 1 38 609 66 148 so 33 345 13574 ΤΟ 64246 48941 6800813 31367 9 73994 02 946 09 544 8 53 45 209 45058 27 409 31922 07528 7 47 408 58535 78 326 43 115 07 209 25 429 OS SII 6 55 1 56 630 41 173 09339 23 449 36 114 03 494 56: SI 804 54 724. 82655 39229 II 469 21 467 ·38 209 01 476 4 54 002 84 818 37 285 13599 40304 7199 457 3 56 198 50 911 86981 35 340 15728 17503 42 398 7197 438 591 58 395 49 004 89 144 33 394 17856 15 521 44491 7195 418 601 60 590 47 0961 91306 31448 19 984 13537 465847193 398 92268 94480 91 484 81 435 04060 28 379 00 280 60190 62 333 83 772 94606 37087 62940 60971 94089 Nau 39 262 77981 96195 90 820 76 049 38 43 612 45785 72 184 75181 S5 061 18778 06721 68 317 66 382 81 343 81597 51118 49146 79446 62 510 60 574 75 650 29 801 48 34 206 68050 67 493 54 760 52321 II 881 98681 so 51 52 69 661 71 828 25630 27 728 29 825 40810 43 CIO II 959 62 343 60 439 4699? 29 388 76160 05 078 54 34 018 49 607 80 490 cah in a O am Common av 52 818 19 486 57 58 2 A Table of Natural Sincs. 75 5 M 44 Deg. 45 Deg. M 50767 52 858 60 O 6946.584 7193.398 I 48 676 2. 89 355 3 41 54 949 51.57 039 81 263 154 7 61 217 8 63 305 9 65 39% 67 479 69 565 91 377 59 58 87 333 57 65 310 56 83 287 15 59 128 ... 65 049 46 82 071 1884 153 *19 86 234 88315 20 2/ 22 1 98.711 79 238 53 77 213 52 75 187 51 IO 73161 50 II 71 134 149 I2 71 651 69 106 48 13 73 736 67 078 47 14 75 821 15 77 905 16 63 019 45 79 988 60989 44 IZ 58959 43 56927 42 54 895 41 52 863 40 90°396 5083039 92.476 48 796/38 23 1 94 555 46 762 37 24 i 96 633 44 727 / 36 25 26170001789 : 42 бух | 35 40055 34 27 02'866 38618 33 36581/32 29 34 543 35 31 30 09093 32 504 30 31 II 167 30465 129 32 13241 28 426 28 33 IS 314 26 385 27 34 17 387 35 19 459 3. 20 260 24 37 18218 23 38 3 27 741 14 130 12086 20 41 31 879 10 041 19 33 947 18 OS 948 | 17 05 38081 16 40 147 01 854 15 42 213 7099 806 14 28 : 04 942 1 07 018 د د د د در 24 344 22 303 26 25 1 21 531 23601 25672 22 16 174 24 39 20 29 817 IO 07995 42 ! 43 36014 03 901 .. | 45 $0 47 48 50 52 53 54 55 44 278 7097 757 13 I 46 342 7095 707 II 49 48 406 7093 637 50 469 | 7091 607 10 9 51 52 532 7089 556 8 545947087 504 5665: 57085 451 7 6 58716 7083398 60 7767081 345 S 62 835 7079 291 4 64 894 7077 230 3 66953 7075 180 69 011 7073114 -71 0681 7071.008 CON ah p co 50 57 2 58 I mer 3 1 * { 4 + 1 1 ។ 1 1 4 30* SSCH 1 T B L E ii 0 F 1 LOGARITHMIC VERSED SINES 1 ! f 3 2 To every Minute of the Quadrant, 1 1 26 1 I !! ANI, 'w ܝܟ ܂ erwerp { t A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sincs. 77 M M o Deg.: i Deg. 2 Deg. 3 Deg. 4 Deg. 5.Deg. M 0 I I 2 2 II 4494578 I 6.1827137 6.7847406, 7.1360000 7.3866083 | 7.5803891 2.62642221 1970705 7919481 1416791 3902785 5832778 23 2284822 2111938 7990963 1464636 3939736 5861568 3 35806647 2250912 8061861 I512219 3974539 5890263 3 4 38305422 2387696 8132185 1559542 4010196 5918864 4 S 40243622 2522360 8201944 1606609 4045706 5947370 5 641827246 2654968 8271147 1653422 4081071 5975783 6 743166182 2785581 8339803 1699984 4116293 6004103 7 84 43.26020 2914259 . 8407920 -1746297 4151372 6032331 8 9 4 5349070 3041058 8475507 1792365 4186311 6060468 9 10 4 6264219 3166033 8542572 1838189 4221109 6088513 IO 4 7092072 3289235 8609123 1883773 4255767 6116468 | 11 12 | 47847843 3410714 8675167 1929118 4290288 6144333 12 1348543084 3530516 8740714 1974228 4324673 617210913 14 49186777 3648089 8805768 2019104 4358921 6199796 14 1549786041 3765275 8870340 2063750 4393035 6227395 | 15 165 0346614 3880317 8934434 2108167 4427015 6254906 16 17 1 50873192 3993855 8998059 2152358 4400862 628233017 1851369663 4105928 9061221 2196326 6309668 | 18 19 5 1839283 4216573 9123927 2240071 4528163 6336920 19 2015 2284810 4325826 91861831 2283597 4561619 636408620 21 52708595 4433722 9247996 2326906 4594946 639116721 2253112661 4540294 9309372 2370000 4628146 641816422 23 5 3498763 4645573 9370317 2412881 4061219 6445078 23 24 5 3868430 4749592 9430837 245 5551 4694166 6471908 24 25 54223003 4852380 9490939 2498013 4726989 6498655 25 26 5 4563669 4953965 9550627 2540267 4759688 6525320 26 275 4891475 5054376 9609907 2582317 4792264 6551903 27 285 5207359 5153639 9668786 2624164 4824719 657840428 29 15 5512157 5251780 9727268 2665810 4837052 6004825 29 3055806620 5348825 9785359 2707258 4889265 6631166 30 315 6091427 5444797 9843063 2748508 4921359 6057427 31 3256367191 5539720 9900387 2789563 4953335 6683008 32 33 56634468 5633616 9957334 2830425 4985193 670971133 34 S 6893765 5726509 7.0013911 2871095 5016934 6735735 34 35 57145546 5818418 0070121 2911576 5048560 6761682 35 365 7390233 5909365 0125969 2951869 5080071 678755036 5 7628215 5999369 0181461 2991975 5111468 6813342 37 38 57859950 6088450 0236600 3031897 5142751 6839058 38 39 58085468 6176626 0291391 3071636 5173923 6864697 | 39 40 58305373 6263916 0345838 3111194 5204982 689026040 41585 19848 6350337 0399946 3150572 5235931 | 6915749 41 425 8729154 64359071 0453719 3189773 5266769 6941162 42 435 8933535 6520642 0507161 3228797 5297498 696650243 44 59133217 6604558 0560276 3267646 5328119 0991767 44 4559328411 66876711 0613068 3306322 5358632 7016959 45 | 46159519314 6769996 0665540 3344827 5389038 704207846 4759706112 68515471 0717698 3383161 5419338 7067124 47 485 9888977 6932340: 0769544 3421327 5449532 709209848 49 60068070 7012389 0821082 3459326 5479621 711700149 50 60243546 7091706 0872316 3497159 5509607 714183250 5160415546 7170305 0923249 3534828 5539489 7160592 51 5260584206 7248199 0973885 3572334 5569268 719128152 5360749654 7325400 1024228 3609678 5598946 7215900 53 54 60912008 7401921: 1074280 3646863 5628522 724045054 S5 6 1071384 7477774 II24045 3683888 5657998 726493055 506 1227887 7552970 1173527 3720757 5687373 7289341 56 $761381620 7627520 1222728 3757469 5716650 731368357 5861532679 7701436 1271652 3794027 5745828 733795858 5961681156 7774728 1320302 3830431 5774908 7362164 59 60 ! 6 18271371 7847406 : 1368680 3866683 $8038911 7386303 1 60 37 78 A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sines. M 6 Deg 7 Deg. 8 Deg. 9 Deg. 10 Deg. II Deg. M . O I 2 I 2 @ we 2746082 IZ 20 21 22 29 0 17.7386303 7.6723806 7.9881990 18.0903166 8.1816220 18.2641757 7410375 8744436 | 7 9900038 0919203 1830648 2654867 1 7434380 8705017 79918047 0935210 1845051 2667957 3 7458319 8785550 79936020 0951188 1859431 2681028 3 7482192 88060,33 79953955 0907136 1873786 269407814 5 7505999 8826469 79971853 0983055 1888118 2707109! S 7529742 884685679989713 0998944 1902426 2720119! 6 7 7553419 8867196 | 8.00C7537 IOI4804 1916710 2733111 7 8 7577031 8887487 0025325 Io30635 1930971 9 7000580 8907732 0043076 1046437 1945208 2759935 9 Іо 7024064 8927928 0060790 1062211 1959421 2771967, 10 II 7647485 8948078 0078468 1077955 1973611 2784880 II 7670843 8968181 0096110 1093671 1987778 2797774 12 13 7694138 8988238 0113716 1109358 2001921 2810649 13 14 7717371 9008248 0131287 1125017 2016042 2823504 14 15 7740341 9028212 0148822 1140647 2030139 2836341 15 16 7763649 9048130 0166321 1156249 2044213 2849158 16 17 77866901 9068002 0183785 1171823 2058264 2861956 17 18 7809682 9087829 0201213 1187369 2072293 2874735 18 19 7832607 2107610 0218607 I202887 2086298 2887495 19 7855472 9127346 0235965 1218377 2100281 2900236 20 7878276 9147038 0253289 1233840 2114241 2912958 21 7901020 2166684 0270578 I 249274 2128179 2925661 22 23 7923705 9186286 0287833 1264681 2142094 2938346 23 24 7940331 9205844 0305053 1280061 2155987 2951012 24 25 7968897 9225358 0322239 1295413 2169857 296366025 26 7991405 9244827 0339391 1310738 2183705 2976289 26 27 8013855 9264253 0350508 1326036 2197531 2988899 27 28 8036246 9283636 0373592 1341307 2211334 3001491 28 8058580 9302975 0390643 1356551 2225116 3014064 29 30 8080856 9322271 0407659 1371768 2238875 3020619 30 31 8103075 9341523 0424642 1386958 2252613 303915631 32 8125237 9360734 0441592 I 402121 3051675 32 8147343 9379901 C458509 1417258 2280023 3064175 33 8169392 9399027 0495393 1432368 2293695 307665734 8191386 9418110 0492243 1447452 2307345 308912235 8213323 9437151 0509061 1402510 2320974 3101568 36 8235205 9456150 0525846 1477541 2334581 3113996 37 8257032 9475107 0542599 1492540 2348167 3126406 38 8278804 9494023 0559319 1507525 2361732 3138798 39 8300522 9512898 0576007 1522478 2375275 315117240 8322185 9531732 0592663 1537405 2388797 316352941 8343794 9550525 0609286 1552307 2402297 3175868 42 8365349 95692761 0625878 1567182 2415777 3188189 43 44 8386851 9587988 0642438 1582032 2429235 3200493 44 8408299 9606659 0658966 1596857 2442673 3212779 | 45 8429695 1 9625290 0675463 1611656 2456089 3225047 | 46 84510371 9643880 0691928 1026430 2409485 3237298 47 48 8472327 9662431 0708362 1641178 2482860 324953248 8493565 9680942 0724764 1055902 2496214 3261748 49 50 8514758 9699414 0741136 1670600 2509547 3273947 50 8535885 9717846 0757470 1685273 2266329 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 49 2522860 328612851 8556968 9736239 0773786 1699921 25361521 3298292 52 8577999 9754593 0700065 1714545 2549424: 331043953 85989801 9772908 08c6313 1729144 2562675 3322569 54 8619910 9791184 c822531 1743718 2575906 3334682 55 8640749 9809422 0838718 1758267 2589117' 334677856 57 8661618 0827021 0854875 1772792 2602307 335885757 $8 9845782 0871002 1787292 2615477 3370918 58 59 8703126 9863905 0887099 1801768 2628627 3382963 59 60 8723806' 98819901 0903166 18162201 2641757 3394991 160 SI 52 93 $4 55 56 8682397 A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sines. 79 M, 12 Deg. 13 Deg. 14 Deg. 15 Deg. 16 Deg. 17 Deg. M 1 I 2 3454880 6454909 II IS 4317216 م تي of 8 3394991 / 8.4087475 8.4728189 8 53242531 8.5881406 8.6404342 3407002 4098556 4738472 5333844 5890390 6412791 3418997 4109622 4748742 5343423 5899365 6421231 2 3 3430975 4120675 4759000 5353992 5908330 6429663 3 4 3442936 4131713 4769246 5362551 5917286 6478087 4 5 4142736 4779480 5372098 5926233 6446502s 6 2466808 4153746 4789701 5381635 5935170 7 7 3478719 4164741 4799910 5391161 $ 944097 6463308 6 8 3490614 4175723 4810107 5400677 5953016 | 6471698 8 9 3502492 4180690 4820291 5410182 5961925 6480080 9 IO 3514354 4197644 4830404 5419676 5970824 | 6488454 10 3526200 4208583 4840025 5429160 5979715 6496820 11 12 3538029 4219508 4850773 5438633 5988596 6505177 | 12 13 3549842 4230420 4860910 5448096 5997468 6513526 13 14 3561639 4241318 4071034 5457548 6006330 6521807 14 3573419 4252201 4881147 5966990 6015164 653020015 16 3585184 4263092 4891246 5470422 6024028 6538524 16 17 3506932 4273928 4901336 5485843 6032863 6546841 17 18 3608664 4284770 4921412 549,5253 6041684 05551918 19 3620381 4295599 497.1477 55046541 60505c6 6563449 19 20 3632081 4306414 4931530 5514044 6059313 657174120 21 3643765 4941572 5523423 6068112 658002521 22 3655434 4328004 4951601 5532793 6076901 6583301 | 22 23 3667086 4338778 4961619 5542152 6085681 6596569 / 23 24 3678723 4349539 4971625 5551500 6094453 6604829 | 24 25 3690344 4350286 4981619 5,560839 6103215 6613081 25 26 3701950 4371020 4991001 5570167 6011968/ 0621324 25 27 3713539 4381740 5001573 5579485 6120752 662956027 28 3725114 4392447 5011532 5588703 6129448 6637788 28 29 3736672 4403141 5021480 5598041 6138174 6646008 29 30 3748215 5031416 5607379 6146891 6454220 30 31 3759743 4424488 5041341 5616650 6155600 6662424 31 32 3771255 4435142 SO51254 5625924 6164299 667062032 33 3782751 4445783 SO61156 5635181 6172990 607&808 33 34 3794232 44.56410 5071046 5644429 6181672 6686988 34 35 3805698 4467024 5080925 5653666 6190345 6695100 35 3817149 4477625 5090792 5662894 61990091 6703324 | 36 37 3828584 4488213 5100048 5672111 6207664 (711481 37 3840004 44.98788 SI10493 5681318 6216311 6719630 38 39 3851499 4509350 S520326 5090516 Wao 4413821 36 38 6224948 672777139 40 3862799 4519898 5130148 5699704 6735904 40 41 3874174 4530434 5139959 5708881 6242197 6744029 41 42 3885533 4540957 5149758 5718049 6250809 6753147 | 42 43 3896878 4551467 5159540 5727207 6259412 070025643 44 3908207 4561964 5169324 5736355 6268000 676835844 45 3919522 4572448 5179089 5745494 67,6453 45 46 3930822 4582920 5188844 5734622 6285168 6784539 46 47 3942107 4593378 5198588 5703741 6293736 6792613 | 47 48 3953377 460382004 5208320 5772850 6301205 očoc08948 49 3964632 4614257 521802 5781950 6710046 50 3975873 4624677 5227752 5791039 6319388! 6810409 50 51 3987098 4635085 5237451 5900119 6327922 1 6224057 SI 52 3998310 4045480 5247140 5809189 6336447 663289752 53 4009506 4655863 5250817 5918250 634446 684043053 54 4666233 526684 5027301 6353472 6348956 54 55 4031855 4076590 5276139 5636342 6361971 56 4043008 : 4680435 5285784 5825.74 6370402 6804984 56 57 405 4147 4007267 $295417 $854396 6376945 687298657 58 4065270 4707587 5305079 5863409 6387419 688048158 59 4076380 4717894 587 412 6395681 688896y59 60 4087475 4728189 5324253: 5881106 5381.jpg 6896949160 6233577 6276591 68c6753 49 بده 4020688 (&$6973 55 652ܝ1ܪܢ 5 6404342 80 A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sines. O I I 2. 2 OOOOert w O ! 8263759 7422564 10 II IE 14 20 22 24 M 18 Deg., 19 Deg, 20 Deg. 21 Deg. 22 Deg. 23 Deg: M 018.0&96949 8.7362485 8.7803705 8,8222901 8.8622277 18.9003406 | 6904921 7370030 7830866 8229774 8628774 9009613 6912886 7377570 7818022 8236582 8633265 9015816 3 6920844 7335102 7825171 8243385 8641752 9022013 3 4 6y=8794 7392628 7832314 8250182 8648233 9028207 4 5 oy36736 7400147 7839452 8256973 8654710 | 9034395 5 6 6944672 7407659 7846583 8661181 90405 79 6 6952599 7415165 7853708 8270539 8667648 2046759 7 8 6900520 7860827 8277314 8674109 9052934 8 9 6908232 7430156 78679101 8284083 8680566 9059104 9 6976338 7437642 7873047 8290848 8687018 906527010 0984236 744.5121 7882149 8297606 8693464 9071431 | LE I2 6992127 7452593 7889244 8304360 8699906 9077588 12 13 7000010 7460059 7896333 8311107 8706342 9083.940 13 7007886 7467518 7903416 8317850 8712774 9089887 14 15 7015755 7474971 7910494 8324587 8719201 909603015 16 7023617 7482417 7917565 8331318 8725623 9102169 16 17 7C31471 7489857 7924630 8338044 8732040 910830317 18 7039318 7497290 7931690 8344765 8738452 9114432 | 18 19 7047158 7504716 7938743 8351480 8744859 612055719 7054990 7512136 7945721 8358190 | 8751201 912667820 21 7062815 7519.549 7952833 8364895 8757658 913279421 7070633 7526950 7959869 8371594 8764051 9138905 22 23 7078444 7334357 7966899 8378288 8770438 9145012 | 23 7086247 7541751 7973923 8384976 8776821 915IIIS 24 25 7094044 7549138 7980941 8391660 8783198 9157213 25 26 7101833 1556519 7987953 8398337 8769571 916330626 27 7109615 7503894 7994960 8405010 9169396 27 28 7117390 7571262 8001961 8411677 8802303 917548028 29 7125157 7578623 80089568418339 8808661 918156129 30 7132918 7585979 8015945 | 8424996 8815014 9187636 30 31 7140071 7593327 8022926 1 8431647 8821363 919370831 32 7148418 7600670 P029906; 8438294 8827707 9199775 32 33 7156157 7603006 8.36877 8444934 8834046 9205 837 33 | 34 7163839 7615336 8043843 8451570 8640380 921189534 35 7171014 7622659 8050803 84582_o 8846710 9217949 35 7179332 7629976 8057758 8464826 8853034 9223999 36 37 7187044 7037286 8064707 8471445 8859354 9230043 / 37 38 2194748 7644591 80716498478000 8805069 923608438 39 7202445 7655889 8078587 8484670 8271980 9242120 39 40 7210135 7659186 8085518 8491274 8795939 35 بی بی سی بی I 8878285 9248152 40 41 7217818 7606466 80924441 8497873 8884586 925417941 42 7225494 7673745 8092364 ; 8504467 8890882 926020242 43 7233163 7081018 8106278, 8511055 8897173 9266221 43 44 7240825 76%8284 8113187 8517639 8903400 9272235 44 45 7248480 7695544 8120090 8524217 8909742 9273245 | 45 46 7256129 7702718 8126988 8530790 8916019 9284251 46 47 7263770 7710046 8133879 8537358 8922291 929025247 48 7271404 7717288 8140765 8543921 8928559 924624,948 49 7279032 7724523 81476461 8550479 8934822 9302242 49 7286653 7731752 8154521 8557032 8941080 9308231 50 7294207 7738975 8101390 8563579 8947334 931421551 7301874 52 7746192 8168253! 857072 I 8953583 932019+52 53 7309474 7753403 8175111 8576659 8959827 54 7317067 7760607 8181964 | 8563191 8966066 933214154 7324054 7767805 8188810 55 8589718 8972301 9538108 55 56 7.332233 7774997 8195652 8596240 8778532 234407056 7339806 57 7782183 8202487 8602757 8984757 2350029 57 :58 7347373 7789203 82093171 8609268 Eg60978 9355983 58 7579.32 7 7,50537 59 82161421 8615775 8997194 93619,33 52 60 7362485 7803705 8222961. 8622277 9003400 9367878160 50 SI 170,53 هو A Table of Logarithmic Verſed' Sines. 81 1 1 2 2 CON ah a W N O 4 9391618 II 13 9444785 نمک OI60179 23 9526320 M 24 Dég. 25 Deg. 26 Deg. 27 Deg. 28 Deg. 29 Deg. M 089367878/8:97170352.00520619.0374005 9.0683803 9.0932293 | O 9373819 9727731 0057531 0678767 0379265 0987176 I 9379756 972 3424 0062997 0384522 0693931 0992057 3 9385689 2734113 0068460 coyoyyo 0389776 09969347 3 9739797 C073920 0395026 0704040 ICCI8094 Ą 5 9397542 9745478 0072375 0.100273 0701049 10060,81 5 6 9403462 9751855 0084827 0105517 071.140 6 1011549 9409378 9756828 0090276 0110757 0719195 10164157 . 9415290 9762492 0095 721 0415994 072-1238 1021278 8 9 9421197 9768163 OIOI162 0.12 1 228 0724279 10261389 IO 9773824 9727101 OIC6600 0426-458 0734310 1030925 10 9433000 9779432 OII 2034 0431635 0739350 1035850 11 I 2 9436895 9785135 0117408 0436908 074+j1 104070112 9790785 0122092 0442122 0749409 104555013 14 9450672 9796431 0123315 04473-15 0;54434 1050395 14 IS 9450554 9802073 0133735 0-452559 0759455 105523815 16 9462433 9807711 0139151 0457769 0704474 106007816 17 $ 9468307 9813346 0144564 0162976 0769490 1064915! 17 18 -9474177 9810976 0149973 04081.o 0774502 1069749 18 12 94800.12 9824603 0155378 0.173300 0779511 10745EO 19 & 20 9485904 9830226 0160781 0478578 07643 i 8 1079408 20 21 9491761 98.35845 0483771 0709521 1081-37 21 22 9497015 9641460 017157-1 0.439902 0794521 1089056, 22 9503464 9847072 0176965 0.94119 0799513 109387023 24 9504304 9852679 0182353 0499333 OÓU.1512 1098693 24 25 9858283 :9515150 0187738 0809503 0504514 I103507 | 25 26 9520987 9813883 0193112 0509691 0817191 1108318) 26 27 9869480 0198496 0514865 0814470 111312627 28 9532648 9875072 0203670 0520036 0824458 I11793228 29 9536173 8 9880661 0209240 0525204 0829437. II22735 29 30 9544294 9886246 0214607 0530368 06 34413 1127534 | 30 31 95j0rio 9891827 0219970 0839380 0535523 I1;233131 32 2555922 9097404 0225330 0540687 0844356 113712632 33 9561731 9202973 0230087 0545842 0849322 I14I917 33 3+ 9507535 9908548 0236039 0550993 0834286 114070534 35 9573335 991411. 0241384 0556141 0059247 1151491 35 36 9574131 999167ú 0246735 o561226 O004204 1136274 35 37 9524923 9925235 025207? 0566422 O069159 ΙΙ6Ι054 37 33 9520711 9930790 0257416 05715ου 0874111 II6583138 39 9576495 9936341 0576701 0877054 117060639 40 JÚ02275 9941818 0208084 0581833 0004005 I175377110 AI 9656051 9947432 0273412 0536902 Οοο8948 1180146141 42 2613823 9952472 0270738 0592008 009.087 118491247 90577591 9258508 0284059 0597210 08,8824 110967543 44 9625355 9,264041 0289378 обс23 29 0903753 1194436144 45 9631114 9969509 0294672 0607415 Oyod008 1199193145 9636870 9975095 OZCCO04 OjI2558 0923016 I203758145 47 9042022 9960616 0305312 Ov17663 Oy18571 12C57001 +7 9048370 9936134 0310610 0622774 OY-3402 121344.) 48 Atij 9054614 9991648 Oj15917 0027871 0920331 121819649 50 9559057 999,7158 0321215 C733.97 122303950 90'155909.0002665 ပင် 0326509 0030074 Cy30210 I227680 51 9672322 of08168 0331&co 0643168 093120 123241952 53 9677050 09r3667 oo 0337088 cl;9258 0.10027 123715453 54 9652,774 0019163 0342372 0653346 0452931 124188754 559683494 0024655 0347652 COS04,30 C95032 J246017155 9614101COZI44 0352930 C603511 Oy62730 1251311 jo 57 90.1942.2 1.0035628 0358204 0668589 oyu7025 1250068 57 -970;6301 01109 036.3474 0673663 0:72517 126079038 5) 9711335 0046587 0368741 0678735 0:77400 1205501159 60.1 9707035 00520611 037 C05 0083803 oy2.93 / 127022 co Co to co 1 0262752 43 46 43 CÓ32977 SO 52 56 se C 4 82. A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sines. O I I 2 2 3 2345518 IO II 1 22 M M 30 Deg. 31 Deg. 32 Deg. 33 Deg. 34 Deg. 35 Deg M 9.1270225 9.1548276 9,1817061 9.2077136 9.2329007 9.2573136 1274938 1552831 1821466 2081400 2333139 12577142 1279649 1557382 1825868 2085661 2337267 2581145 3 1284356 1561931 1830268 2089920 2341393 2585147 4 1289062 1566477 1834065 2094177 2589147 4 5 S 1293764 1571021 1839060 2098432 2349640 2593144 5 1296464 1575562 1843452 2102684 2353761 259714016 2 1303161 1580101 1847842 2106934 2357879 2601133 8 1907855 1584637 1852230 2ΙΙΙΙ82 2361995 26051258 9 6312547 1589171 1856615 2115428 2366109 26091141 9 1317235 1593702 1860998 2119671 2370221 2613102 10 1321921 1598230 1865378 2123912 2374330 2617087 II 12 1326605 1602756 1869756 2128151 2378438 262107112 13 1331286 1607280 1874132 2132388 2382543 2625052 13 14 1335964 1611800 1878505 2136622 2386647 2629032 14 IS 1340639 1616319 1882876 2140854 2390748 2633009 15 16 1345311 1620835 1887245 2145084 2394847 2636085 10 I7 1349981 1625348 1891611 2149311 2398944 2640958117 18 1354648 1629859 1895974 2153537 2403038 2644929 18 19 1359313 1634367 1900336 2157760 2407131 2648899 19 20 1363975 1 1638873 1904695 2161981 2411222 265286620 21 1368634 1643376 1909051 2166199 2415310 2656832 21 1373290 1647876 1913406 2170416 2419306 2660795 22 - 23 1377944 1652374 1917758 2174.630 2423481 266475723 24 1382595 1656870 1922107 2178842 2427563 2668716 24 25 1387244 1661363 1926454 2183052 2431643 2672674 25 26 1391889 1665854 1930799 2187259 2435721 2676629 26 27 1396532 1670342 1935142 2191464 2439797 2680583127 1401173 1674828 1939482 2195668 2443871 2684534 28 29 1405811 1679311 1943819 2199868 2447942 30 1410446 1683791 1948155 2204067 2452012 269243130 31 1415078 5688269 3208263 2456079 2696377/31 1419708 1692745 1956819 2212458 24601.25 270032132 33 14.24335 1697218 1961147 2216650 2464208 270426233 34 1428960 1701689 1965473 2220839 2468269 2710202 34 35 1433581 1700157 1969797 2225027 2472328 271214035 36 1438201 1710623 1974118 2229212 2476385 2716075 36 37 1442817 1715086 1970437 2233396 2480440 372000937 1147431 1719547 1982754 2237577 2484493 2723941 38 39 1452042 1724005 1987068 2241755 2488544 2727871 39 40 1456651 1728461 2245932 2492593 273179940 1461257 1732914 1995090 2250106 2490640 273572541 1465861 1737365 1999997 2254279 2500684 273964942 43 1470461 1741813 2004302 2258449 2504727 274357143 44 1475060 1746259 2000605 2202617 2508767 2747491 44 45 1479655 I 750703 2012906 2266782 2512806 275140945 1434248 1755144 2017204 2270946 2516842 2755325 46 1488833 1759582 2021499 2275107 2520876 275923947 43 1493426 1764018 2025793 2279266 2524909 2763151 48 49 1498011 1768452 2030084 2283423 2528939 276706249 I 502594 1772883 2034373 2287578 2532967 277097050 SI 1507174 1777312 2038660 2291731 2536993 2774876 51 52 IS11751 1781738 2042944 2541017 277878152 53 1516326 1786162 2047226 2300029 2545039 278268353 54 1520898 179058 2051506 2304175 2549059 2786584154 55 1525467 1795003 2055783 2308319 2553077 279048355 56 1530034 1799419 2060058 2312461 2557093 279433056 57 1534599 1803833 2064331 2316601 2561107 279827457 1539161 1808245 2068602 2320738 2565119 280216758 591 1543720 1812655 2072870 2324874 2569128 28060581 59 60: 1548276 1817061 2077136 2329007 2573136 2809947160 28 268848429 1952488 32 38 1991320 41 42 46 47 so 2295881 58 A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sines. 83 0 I I 2 2 3051148 4 IO II 12 > 2883475 20 21 22 M 36 Deg. 37 Dcg. 38 Deg. 39 Deg. 40 Deg. 41 Deg. M 019.2809747 9.3039829 (9.3263138 9.3480205 19:3691334 19.3896806 2813834 3043604 3266806 3483772 3694804 3900184 2817720 3047376 3270473 3487337 3698272 3903561 3 2821603 3274137 3490200 3701739 3906936 | 3 4 2825484 3054917 3277800 3494462 3705205 3910309 5 2829364 3058684 3281461 3498022 3708669 3913682 5 6 2833241 3062450 3285,121 3501580 3712131 3917052 6 7 2837117 3066214 3288778 3505137 3715592 3920421 7 8 2.840990 3069976 3292434 3508692 3719051 3923789 8 9 2844862 3073736 3296089 3512246 3722508 3927155 9 2848732 3077494 3299741 3515798 3725965 3930520 10 2852600 3081251 3303392 3519348 3729419 3933883 II 2856466 3085006 3397041 3522897 3732872 3937245 12 13 2860330 3088759 3310688 3526444 3736323 3940605 13 14 2864192 3092510 3314334 3529989 3739773 3943964 14 15 2868053 3096252 3327978 3533533 3743221 3947321 IS 16 2871911 3100007 3321620 3537075 3746668 3950677 16 17 1375768 3103752 3325261, 3540615 3750113 3954031 17 18 2879622 3107496 3328900 3544154 3753357 395738+18 I9 3111238 3332537 3547691 3756999 3960735 19 2887326 3114979 3336172 3551227 3760440 3964085 20 2891175 3118717 3339806 3554761 3763879 3967434 21 2895022 3122454 3343438 3558293 3767316 3970781 22 23 2893867 3126189 3347008 3561824 3770752 3974126 23 24 2902711 3129922 3350697 3565353 3774186 397747024 25 2906552 3133054 3354323 3568880 3777619 3980813 25 26 2910392 3137383 3357949 3572406 3781050 3984154 26 29.14229 314IIII 3361572 3575930 3784480 3987493 27 28 2918065 3144837 3365194 3579453 3787908 3990831 /28 29 _2921899 3148561 3368814 3582974 3791335 3994168 29 30 2925731 3152284 3372432 3586494 3794700 3997503 30 31 12929561 3156005 3376049 359001I 3798184 4000837 131 2933390 3159724 3379664 3593528 3801606 4004169 32 33 2937216 3163441 3383278 3597042 3805026 400750033 34 2941C41 3167156 3386889 3600555 3808445 4010829 34 2944863 3170870 3390499 3604067 3811863 4014157 35 2948684 3174582 3394107 36075 76 3815279 4017484 36 2952503 3178292 3397714 3611084 3818693 4020809 37 2956920 3182000 3401319 3014591 3822106 4024132 138 39 2960136 3185706 3404922 3618036 3825517 402745439 2963949 3189411 3408524 3621599 3828927 403077540 2967760 3193114 3412124 3625101 3832335 4034094 41 2971570 3196815 3415722 3628001 3835742 403741242 43 2975378 3200515 3419319 3632100 3839147 4040728 43 44 2979184 3204213 3422913 3635597 3842551 4044043 44 45 2982988 3207909 3426507 3639012 3845953 4047356 45 46 2986700 3211603 3430098 3642586 3849354 4050068 46 47 2990591 3215295 343.3688 3640079 3852753 4053978 47 1.2994389 3218986 3437276 3649569 3856151 4057287 48 49 2998186 3222675 3440863 3653058 3859547 4060595 49 $9:3001981 3226362 3444448 3050546 3862942 4063901 50 3005774 3230048 3448031 3660032 3866335 4067206 SI 3009565 -3233731 3451612 3663516 3869727 4070509 52 53 3013355 3237413 3+55192 3666999 3873117 4073811 53 54 1 3017142 - 3241094 3458770 3670480 3876506 407711I 54 55 3020928 3244772 3462347 3673959 3879893 4080410 55. 3074712 3248449 3465922 3677437 3883278 4083708 56 57 3028494 3252124 3469495 308091. 3886662 4087004 57 58; 3932274 3255797 3473067 3684389 3890045 4090298 58 593036052: 325946 3470637 3087862 3893426 4093591 59 60: 30 39829 3263138 3480205 3691334 3896800 4096883 62 27 ► 32 در کر دیا د ت تر 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 | + 48 51, 52.4 A 56 84 A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sines. M, 42 Deg. 43 Deg. 44 Deg. 45 Deg. 46 Deg. 47 Deg. M ŽIO I 46701421 4673190 2. 00V auto heed O } 4682327 4685370 с сочети бы ўно 5030806 II 4333306 16 17 18 HHHH.K. W 4349316 4724816 . 20 21 22 1 27 08.4091383 9.42918399.44818086.4667093 -9.4847860 9.50242994 4100174 4295015 4484934 4350836 5027198 4103462 4.290220 4488059 4853810 50301021 2 3 4106750 4301424 4491183 4676237 4856783 5033005 3 4 4110030 4304026 4494305 4679233 4859755 5035906 4 5 4113321 4307827 4497426 4862726 5 6 411660 4311027 4500546 4865696 GO4 1705 4119885 4314225 4503664 4688412 4860604 5044603 7 8 4123160 4317422 4506781 4691452 4871631 5047500 8 ୨ 4126445 4320617 4509897 4694492 4874507 5050396 9 IO 4129722 4323811 4513011 4397530 4877562 5053240 IO II 4132998 4327004 4516124 4700566 5830525 5050483 12 4136273 4330196 4519236 4703602 4883488 5059076 12 I3 4139546 4522346 4706636 4886449 5061967 13 14 4142818 4336574 4525456 | 4709669 4889409 5064857 14. 15 4146088 4339762 4528564 4712701 4892368 5067745 15 4149357 434294 8 4531670 4715732 4895326 5070633 16 4152625 4340135 4534776 4713761 4898282 5073519 17 4155891 45378801 4721789 4901237 5076.05 18 19 4159156 4352498 | 4540982 4004191 5079289 19 4162419 4355678 4554084 4727841 49071.14 5082172 20 4165081 4358858 4547184 4730866 49100y6 5085054 21 4168942 4362036 4550283 4733889 4913046 5087934 22 23 4172201 4:65212 : 4553380 4730211 4915996 5090314 23 a 4 4175459 4308387 4556477 4739932 4.)18944 5093693 24 25 4178715 4371561 4559572 4742951 4921891 j096570 25 26 4181970 43747741 4562665 4562665 1 4745969 4984836 5099446 26 4185223 4377905 4565758: 4748986 4927731 5102321 27 28 4188475 4381075 4568649 475 2002 4930724 SIO¢195 28 29 4191726 4384243 4571939 4755016 4933667 SIC8008 29 4194975 4387411 4575027 4758030 4936608 ST10940 30 31 4198223 4390576 45781154761042 49,39547 5113810 31 32 4201470 4.3937414581201 į 4764052 4942486 5116679 32 33 4204715 4396904 4584286 4767062 1945-24 5119548 33 34 4207959 440CCOO 4537369 4770070 4948360 5122415,34 35 4211201 4403227 4590451 4773078 4951295 512528: . 35 4214442 4400366 459,3532 4776083 4954229 5128146, 36 4217681 4405544 4590612 4779088 4957162 513100937 4220920 4412700 4599690 4782092 4960093 5133872 i 38 32 42241561 4415855 4602767 4785994 4963024 5136734 39 4 4227392 4419099 4605843 4-83095 4965953 513952440 4230626 44-27021 4608918 4791095 4968881 42 $14245341 4233858 4425,31.3 1 4611991 47941093 4971803 5145311 42 4,3 4237039 4428463 4615063 4797091 4974734, 514810843 44 4240310 4431311 610134 4800087 4977658 5151024 441 45 4243548 i 44,34753 4621203 4803082 4980; 8% 5157879 1 45 46 4240775 4437904 4624271 4806,075 4983504, 515673,346 47 42500CO 44-1049 4627338 4809068 4986425 5159535 47 425,3225 4444102 4630404 4812059 516243648 4.) 4256447 4447334 4633468 4815049 4992264 5165287 49 4259669 4450-75 4070531 4816033 5108136 50 SI 4202889 4453614 4039593 4821026 4998098 51704; 8.15! 5? 4266108 4456752 4642654 4824012 5001013 5173831.52 53 4269325 | 4459889 4645713 4826997 5003927 51766771.53 54 427254! | 4463024 4648771 4829981 5006040 5179521 54 55 4275756 4466158 4051828 4832964 5009752 $182365155 4278969 | 446929! 4654884 4835946 5012663 5183207156 4282181 4472422 4657938 4838926 5015572 51880495? 4285392 4475.552 4660991 48.11905 5018480 5 I9o888 38 39 428800I 4478681| 4661043 4844883 5021388 5193728' 59 60 42913094471808' 4657093 4847860 5024294 $196566 : 00 30 36 37 38 6४४४ 41 42 1 48 -4979345 50 4995182 { 56 ( 57 En 58 1 A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sines. 85 0 I II ان کی I 2 2 1 Іо II I I 3 14 IS 17 21 22 5914162 M 48 Deg. 49 Deg. 50 Deg. 51 Deg. 52 Deg. 53 Deg. M 9:5196566, 9.5364839 9.5529265 9.5689987 9 5847139 9.6000849 5194403 5531974 5692635 5849729 6003382 5202739 5370321 5534681 5695282 5852318 6005914 3 5205073 5373151 5537388 5697928 5854905 6008446 3 4 5207907 5375919 5540094 5700573 5857492 6010977 4 5 5210739 5378686 5542798 5703218 5800078 6013506 5 6 5213571 5361452 5545502 5705861 5862663 6016035 6 7 5210401 5304218 5548204 -5708503 5865247 6018563 7 8 5212930 5386982 5550906 5711144 5817830 6021090 8 9 5222058 53*2745 5553606 5713784 5890412 6023616 9 5224835 5392507 5556306 5716423 5872993 602614110 5227711 5395263 5559004 5719062 $875573 6028665 II 5230536 5398027 5561701 5721699 5878153 6031188 12 5233379 5400786 5564398 5724335 5830731 603371013 5236182 5403544 5567093 5726970 5883308 603623214 $239003 5406301 5569787 5729605 5845885 6038752 15 16 5241823 5409056 5572481 5732238 5388460 604127216 5244043 5411811 5575173 5734870 5891034 6043791 17 18 5247461 5414564 5577864 5737502 5893608 6046308 18 19 5250278 5417317 5580555 5740132 5896181 6048825 19 20 5253094 5420068 5583244 5742761 5848752 605134120 5255900 5422818 5585932 5745390 5901323 605385021 5258722 5425568 5538619 5748017 5903893 6056370 22 23 5261535 5428316 5591305 5750643 5906461 6058883 23 24 5264346 5431003 5593991 5753269 5909029 6061396 24 25 52671571 5433809 5596675 5755893 5911596 6063907125 26 5269900 5436554 5599358 5758517 606641726 27 5272774 5-439298 5602040 5761139 5016727 6068927 27 28 5275582 54-2041 5604721 5763701 5919291 6071436 28 29 5278388 5444783 5607401 5766382 5921854 607394329 30 5281193 5447524 5610080 5769001 5024417 607645030 5283997! 5450264 5612759 5771620 59269781 6078950 31 5286799 5453002 5615436 5774237 5929538 6081401 32 5289601 $455740 56181125776954 5932098 6083965 33 34 5292402 5458477 5620987 5779470 5934656 605040834 35 5461212 56234611 5782085 5937214 6088971 35 5298000 5463947 5626134 5794698 5939770 60y1472 36 37 5300797 5406681 5628806 5787311 5942320 6093972 37 5303594 5469413 5631477 5789923 5944881 6090472 38 39 5306,389 54,72145 5034147 5792534 5947437 609897139 40 5309183 5474875 56.36861 5795144 5949907 6101469 149 41 53119701 5477604 5639484 5797753 59525.39 6103965 / 41 42 53147681 5480333 5642151 5 800361 SU55090 6IC646142 43 5317559 5493000 5644817 5802968 5957640 6108956:43 44 5320344 5485786 5647482 5805574 5960189 611145 I44 45 5323137 5488511 5650146 5808179 5962737 6113944'45 46 5325929 549126 5652809 5810783 5965285 (116436 46 47 5328712 5423959 5655471 5813380 5967831 6118928 47 48 5331497 5490081 5658132 5815988 5970376 6121418 48 42 53.34281 5499402 566079% $818589 5972921 6123908.49 5337065 5502122 5663451 5821190 5975464 6126397 : 50 51 5339847 5504841 5666109 5823789 5978007 6128885151 52 5507559 5668766: 5826387 5980549 613137252 53 5345468 5510276 5671423 5826985 5983089 54 5348137 5512992 5674078 5831581 5985029 6136343 1 54 55 5350965 5515706 5676732 5834176 5989168 613882755 5353742 5518420 5679385 5836771 5990706 6141311 56 57 5521133 5682037 $839364 5993243 6143793 57 58 5359293 5523845 5684688 5841957 5995779 6146275 58 59 53020671 5526555 5687338 5844549 5998314 6148755 159 63 5304839 5529265 5689987. 5847139 6000849 6151235 60 31 32 33 5295201 در در در در دره دی در 36 38 1 50 5342628 6133858 53 56 535010 86 A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sines. M; 54 Deg. 55 Deg. 56 Deg. 57 Deg. 58 Deg. 59 Deg. M I 2 cov, an AW NO II 6480394 I 9 6919302 / 28 0 9.6151235 9.62984121.6442486..6583558 9.6721725 9.6857076 6153714 6300838 6444861 6585884 6724003 6859309 6156192 6303264 6447236 6588210 6726281 6861541 3 6158669 6305688 6449610 6590535! 6728558 6863772 4 6161146 6308112 6451933 6592858 6730835 6866002 5 6163621 6310535 6454355 6595182 6733110 6868231 6 6166096 6312957 6456726 6597504 673.5385 6870460 7 6168569 6315378 6459097 6599825 6737659 6872688 8 6171042 6317799 6461407 6602146 6739932 6874915 6173514 6320218 6463836 9 6604466 6742205 6877142 9 6175985 10 6322637 6466204 6606785 6744476 687936810 6178455 6325055 6468571 6009103 6746747 6881593 11 6180924 12 6327472 6470937 6611421 6749017 6883817 | 12 13 6183392 6329888 6473303 6613737 6751287 68860413 6185860 6332303 14 6475667 6616053 6753555 6888263 | 14 6188326 15 6334717 6478031 6618368 6755823 6890485 | 15 16 6190792 633?131 6620083 6758090 6892706/16, 6193256 6339543 6482757 6622996 6760356 6394926 17 18 6195720 6341955 6485118 6625309 6762622 689714618 0198183 6344366 6487479 6627621 19 6764886 689936519 6200645 63467766489839 6629932 20 6767150 0901583 / 20 6203107 6349105 21 6492197 6632242 6769413 6903801 21 6205567 6351594 6994556 6634552 22 6771676 6906017 22 6208026! 6354001 6496913 6636860 6773937 23 6908233 23 6210485 6 6356408; 6499269 24 6639168 6770198 6910449 24 6212943 6358814 25 6501625 6641475 6778458 6912663 25 26 6215400 6361219 6503980 6643781 6780717 6914877 26 6217855 6363623 6506334 6246087 27 6782976 6917090 27 28 6220311 6366026 6508687 6648392 6785234 6222765 6368429 29 6511039 6650696 6787491 692151-3 29 6225218 6370830 30 6513391 6652999 6789742 16923724 | 30 6227670 6373231 6515741 6655301 6792002 6925934-3,1 6230122 6375631 : 6318092 6657603 6794257 6928143 32 6232573 6378030 ; 6520441 6659903 6796511 6930352 33 6235022 6380428 6522789 6662203 6798764 6932559 34 6237471 6382825 6525136 6664502 6801016 6934766 35 6239919 6385222: 0527483 6666801 6803268 6936973 36 6242367 6387618: 6529829 6669098 6805519 6939178 37 6244813 6390012 6532174 6671395 6807769 6941383 38 6247258 6392406 6534518 6673691 6810018 9943587 39 6249703 6594800 6536861 6675986 6812266 694579040 6252147 6397192 6539204 6678281 6814514 6947993 41 6254589 6399583 6541546 6680574 6816761 6950194 42 6257031 6401974 6543887 43 6682867 6952396' 43 6259473 6404364 6546227 44 66851596821253 6954596 ; 44 6261913 6406753 6548566 6687450 6823498 6956795 : 45 6264352 6409141 6550904 6689741 6825741 6958994 46 6266791 0711528 47 6553243 6692030 6827985 6961192' 47 6269228 6413914 6555579 6694319 6830227 6963399 48 6271665 6416300 6557915 0696607 6832469 6965,586 49 6274101 6418685 6500250 6698895 6834710 6967782.50 6276536 6421068 6562585 6701181 6836950 6969977-51 6278970 6423452 52 6564918 6403467 6839189 6972177:52 6281403 6425834 6567251 6705752 6841428 6974365 53 6283836 0428215 6869583 6708036 6843665 6976558-54 6286.67 6430596 6571914 6710319 6845902 6978750-55 6288098 6432975 6574245 6712602 6848139 6980942'56 6291128 6435354 0576574 6714884 6850374 6983132 57 6293557 6437732 9578903 6717165 6852609 6985322458 6295985 6440109 6581231 6719445 59 6854843 698751-2; 59 60 6298412). 6442486 65835581 6721725 68570761. 6989700 - 60 ON 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ب با دا 39 40 41 42 681-9007 45 46 48 49 50 51 11 53 54 55 56 57 الدم 58 5 A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sines. 87 I 2 IO II 12 > 13 21 22 7421286 9662040 24 M 60 Deg. 61 Deg., 62 Deg. 63 Deg. 64 Deg. 65 Deg. M . i 9.6989700 9.7119677 9 7247087, 9.7372002 9.7494494 / 7.76146300 6991888 7121822 7249189 7374063 7496516 7616613 I 6994075 7123965 7251290 7370124 7498536 7618595% 3 6996271 7120108 7253391 7378184 7500556 7620577 | 3 4 6998447 7128250 7255491 7,380243 7502576 7622557 4 S. 7000631 7130392 7257591 7382301 7504595 76245375 6 7002816 7132533 7259689 7384359 7506613 -76265176 7 7004999 7134673 7261787 7386416 7508630 7628496 7 8 7007182 7136812 7263885 7388473 7510647 76304748 9 7009363 7138951 7265981 7390529 7512663 76324529 7011545 7141089 7268077 7392584 7514679 7634429 10 7013725 7143226 7270172 7394638 7516694 7636405 II 7015905 7145362 7272267 7396692 7518708 763838112 7018084 7147498 7274361 7398745 7520721 7640356 13 I4 7020262 7149633 7276434 7400798 7522734 764233014 15 7022439 151768 7278546 7402850 7524746 764430415 16 7024616 7153901 7280638 7404901 7526758 7646277 16 17 7026792 7156034 7282729 7406951 7528769 7648250 17 18 7028967 7158166 7284820 7409001 7530779 765022218 19 7031142 7160298 7286910 7411050 7532789 7652193 19 20 7033316 71624.29 2288999 7413099 7534798 765416420 7035489 7164559 7291087 7415146 7536806 765613421 7037661 7166688 7293175 7417193 7538814 7658103 22 23- 7039833 7168817 7295262 7419240 7540821 7060072 23 24 7042004 7170945 7297348 7542828 25 7044174 7173072 7299434 7423331 7544833 766400725 26 7046344 7175199 7301519 7425375 7546839 7665974 26 27 7048513 7177325 7303603 7427419 7548843 766794027 28 7050681 7179450 7305686 7429462 7550847 766990628 29 7052848 7181975 7307769 7431505 7552850 7671871 29 30 7055015" 7183698, 7309852 7433547 7554853 31 7057180 7185821 7311933 7435588 7550855 767.5799 7059346 7187944 7314014 7437628 7553856 7677762 32 33 7061510 7316094 7439068 7560856 767972533 34 7063674 7192186 7318174 7441707 7560850 35 7065837 7194307 7320252 7443746 7564856 908364835 36 7067999 7196426 7322331 7445704 7566854 1685608 36 7070160 7198545 7324408 7447821 7568852 1687568 38 7072321 7200603 7326485 7449857 7570850 368952838 39 7074481 7202781 7328561 7451893 7572847 1691486 39 40 7076641 7204898 7330636 7453928 7574843 41 7078799 7207014 7332711 7455963 7576838 7695402 40 42 7080957 7209129 73.34785 7457997 7578833 7697359 42 43 7083115 7211244 7336858 7460030 758c827 7699315| 43 44 7085271 7213358 7338931 7462063 7582821 770127144 45 7087427 7215471 7341CO3 7464095 7584814 7703225 45 7089582 7217584 7343074 7466126 7586806 770518046 47 7091736 7219695 7345145 7468156 7588798 7707134 47 48 7093890 7221807 7347215 7470186 7590789 7709087 48 49 7096043 7223917 7.349284 7472216 7592779 7711039 49 50 7098195 7226027 7351355 7474244 7594769 7702991/50 51 7100346 7228136 7353421 7476272 7596758 771494250 52 7102497 7230244 7355488 7478299 7598746 771689352 53 7o4647 7232352 73575.55 7780326 7600734 7718843 53 54 7106797 7234459 7359621 7482352 7602721 7720792 54 55 7108945 7236565 7361086 7484377 7604707 7722741 55 56 7111093 7238671 7363750 7486402 7606693 7724689 56 57 7113240 7240776 7365814 7488426 7608679 7726,636 57 58 7115387 7242880 7207878 7490449 2110663 7728583 58 7117532 7244984 7369940 7492472 7632647 7730530.59 60, 7119677 71196771 7247087 7372002 7494494 2014630 ī 1324751 60 7673835 30 31 32 7100C66 768168734 37 En Go w Was 37 7693444 40 46 59 88 A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sines. M 66 Deg. ,67 Deg. 68 Deg. 69 Deg., 70 Deg. 71 Deg. M I 00 am a Nord O AN CNC - M = 0 IO II 12 16 7703521 8102197 7765457 7993288 Q 19 20 Sr0y52) 21 22 23 I 8223475 25 8003173 81204459 A A N N N A 09.7732475).7848090 9,7461533 1 9 8072860981821269.8289341 7734420 7819998 7963406 8074698 8183230 8291152 7736305 7851906 7965273 8076536 8183733 8:92922 3 7738302 7853813 7467149 8078372 8187536 8294692 3 4 7740252 7855720 7069020 8080208 8189533 8246461 4 S 7742 194 7857626 7970890 8082044 8191140 {zy8229 5 6 7744136 7859531 7972760 8083879 8192941 8299997 6 7 7746077 7361436 7974629 8085713 8194742 8301765 7 8 7748-18 7863340 7976-198 8087547 $196542 8303532 8 9 7749958 7865243 7978366 8089380 8198311 8305229 9 7751098 7807140 7,80233 8091213 8200110 830700410 7753536 78690.19 7082100 8093045 8201938 8308830, 11 7755775 7870950 7933966 8094877 820.37.36 8310595 ( 12 13 7757712 7872852 7485832 8096708 82055.33 8312359 13 i 14 7759649 7874752 7987697 8098538 82073,30 831412314 15 7761586 7876652 7989561 8100362 8209120 831588615 6 7878551 791425 8210922 5317649 16 17 7880450 8104020 8212717 831141117 18 7707341 7882348 7995151 C105854 821.511 8321172 18 7769325 7881246 7797013 8107632 8216305 8322).33 19 : 7771258 7880143 7998873 8213519 8324024 20 7773191 7088037 80007.35 CL11335 8219391 83264541 21 7775123 7889935 8002546 8113101 8221084 8328213122 7777055 7891830 8004456 8117986 8329972 23 24 7778985 7893725 8006315 8116211 8225266 8331731 24 7780916 7895618 8118035 8227057 833348825 26 7782345 7897512 80500;I 8:20847 833524026 27 7784774 7099405 801183) 8122202 82-30636 8337002 / 27 28 7786703 7901297 8013746 8124104 8232425 8338759 28 29 7788630 7903188 8013602 8125926 8234214 8340514 29 30 7905079 8017453 8127748 8236002 8342269 30 31 7792484 7906970 8017313 8129569 8137789 8344024 31 7794410 7708859 8021167 8131389 8230576 8.345778 32 33 7796335 7910749 8023021 8133200 821362 8317532 33 7796260 7012673 8024875 34 8243147 83499285 34 35 7800184 7914525 8026728 81;63.0 8241,321 8351037 / 35 7802108 7910413 8028580 8138664 83527836 37 7804031 7918300 80,30432 8140481 824.750I 835454037 7305953 7920186 8032283 81.32208 8250284 835629138 39 7807875 7922071 8034133 81.4411 822,3067 835304139 40 7809796 7923956 8035933 825,36491 835979130 7811716 7925841 8037332 82.55631 8361540 41 7813636 7927725 &039631 8149560 8257412; 8363289 42 43 7815555 7424608 8041529 8259193 i 8305037 43 7817474 793171 80443377 8153187 41 8260y7,3 8305785 44 19392 7233373 8045224 815.5000 45 126127.53 9368532 45 7821,09 7935254 8047070 8350812 8261532 83;027346 7823220 7937135 8048976 8158024 8266312 8372024! 41 7825143 7939015 8050762 8160435 8:60038 837:770 48 7827058 7940895 49 8052606 2160246 8269866 8375515 1 49 7828973 50 7942714 8054451 821, 1622 0377259 30 7830883 7944653 8056294 8165866 8273412 8372003 51 7232301 7446531 8058137 8275-594 838.9746! 52 7034713 7948408 8059980 8169-173 8-76970 4382489 , 53 7836627 7950285 8061821 82-87-4-1 8.384231 : 54 7838832 2952161 8063663 8172053 82vi13 830597355 56 7840450 7254037 8274905 8252292 836771450 7872701 7955912 8176711 820405 8389455 157 7844271 7957786 8069183 8178516 8265837 8395195 153 7954060 59 8071022 8130322 Uz6:10) 837293515) 60 7961533 8072860 81321201 823) I 8304674 to 7790558 32 1 8135027 30 8246717 38 8145930 81.7745 41 42 815137-+ 46 47 48 SI6wf? fogó SI 52 menemu 816; -75 53 SL 5171291 551 1.065503 8067344 57 53 ، 7840101 فروت اور در A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sines. 89 M 72 Deg. 33 Deg. 74 Deg. 75 Deg. 76 Deg. 77 Deg. ,M 1 2 lomam ex bono age сло IO IO II II 8417233 14 Qas FI IIIIII 19 25 I 20 21 22 22 4741881 29 30 دي کي کي د کم و در دره ن د ن در دره ده 09.8394674 , 9.8498052 9.85995609.8699243 9.8797140 | 9.8893291 8396412 | 8499759 8601237 8700889 8798756 8894879 8398150 8501465 8602912 8702534 8800372 8896467 8399838 8503771 8604588 8704179 3 8801988 8898054 8401625 8504877 606262 8705824 4 8803604 8899640 8403361 5 8506582, 8607936 8707468 8805218 8901226 6 8905097 8508280 8609610 8709112 8906833 8902812 8405832 7 8509990 8611283 8710755 8608446 8904397 8 8408567 8511693 8612956 8810060 8712398 8905982 8410301 8513306 8614628 8714040 8811673 9 8907566 8515022 8412035 8616300 8715632 8813285 8909150 8516800 8413768 8617971 8717323 8814897 8910733 8518502 I 2 8415501 8610642 8718963 8816508 891231612 8520203 13 8621312 8720004 8818119 8413898 13 8418965 8521903 8622981 8722243 8819730 8,1548014 15 8523603 8420696 8624651 8821340 8723883 8917061 | 15 16 8525302 8422427 8626319 8725521 8822949 891864216 8527001 17 8627987 8824558 8424157 8727159 8920222 17 18 8528692 8425886 8629655 8728797 8826167 8921802 18 85303.) 8427615 8631322 8730434 8827775 892338219 8532094 8429344 8632989 8732071 8829382 8924961 8533720 8431072 8634655 873.3707 8830989 8326539 85.3$486 8432799 8636320 8735343 8832596 8928117 23 8537182 8434526 3637985 8834202 8736978 8929695 23 8538877 2.4 8436252 8639650 8738613 8835807 893127224 8540572 8740248 8641314 8837413 25 8932849 8437978 25 26 8542266 8439703 86412978 8839017 8934425 26 27 8441428 8543959 8644641 88.40621 893600027 8743515 28 8545653 8646303 8745147 8443152 8842225 8937576 28 8547345 8444876 8647966 8746780 8843828 8939150 29 8549037 8446599 8649627 8748412 88.45431 8940725 30 8150729 448322 8651288 8750043 8847033 8942299 31 32 8552420 8450044 8652949 8848635 8751674 894387232 33 8554110 8451766 8654602 8850236 8753304 894544533 34 8555800 84534.87 8656262 8851837 8754934 8947017 | 34 8557490 35 84.55207 8657923 8756563 8853438 8948589 | 35 36 8559179 8456927 8052586 8355038 8750192 8950161 36 E560567 8754821 8856637 8458647 8951732 37 8562555 8.60366 8662902 8761.449 8858236 8953302 38 85632-42 8,63076 8859834 39 8462004 8954872 39 8565922 8463802 8666216 8764703 89614132 8956442 +2 8567616 8465520 8667872 8760329 8863030 895801141 8569302 8407237 8669,527 8767955 386.1527 895958042 43 8570987 8468953 867182 8866223 8769581 8961148 43 8572072 44 8470609 8672837 8771206 8867219 896271647 8574356 45 8472334 867-621 8772830 8969415 896428315 46 8576040 8676115 8,72454 8474099 88.ICIO 896585046 47 8577723 875013 8677-98 07 ४४:2605 ;;60:3 8967416 47 8579406 8477527 8679450 072770I 237199 896898248 49 6479240 8581089 8681102 8970547 49 8779374 8582770 8480953 8082754 878046 cili; 306 897411250 8544452 868 dec 5 SI 8762567 1879978 482605 8973677 51 8586132 52 E6 8boju 4995 I 8474377 8,54188 I 897524152 53 E567813 8186088 8687706 COD:162 8785809 897680453 $4 8509492 8407799 86819355 883,3754 $787429 897836754 55 8591172 09509 8691004 8985344 87 Syosh 897993055 56 8592851 8.391219 8790668 888935 8981492 56 8594529 8492928 8694301 8792266 8:88525 8983054 | 57 SOI14 58 8494636 85960068697949 3793905 898401558 8496344 8597884 8697596 $795582 ES91703 59 83861761 59 8498052 8599560! 8699243 8797140*8893291 8987736 66 K 31 8661244 37 38 8664559 42 40 41 42 I 切 ​4& to ho ho 6,975742 50 809653 57 60 90 A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sines. I 2 cov.an to ww.no ! II II I3 고 ​· 11; if 1 I5 med to No 8284799 18 20 21 2I 22 M 78 Deg. 79 Deg. 80 Deg: 81 Deg. 82 Deg. 83 Deg. M 698987736 12.9080510 9.9171650 098987736 9.9080510 9.9171650 9.9:61188 6.93491581 99435591 8989296 9082043 9173155 9262667 9350611 8990855 9083575 9437012 9174660 0264646 9352064 9438446 3 8992314 2085106 9176165 9265624 9353516 9439873 4 8993973 9086637 9177669 926710r: 9354968 9441300 5 8995531 9088167 9179172 9268379 9356419 9442726 8997088 2089697 9180675 8270055 9357870 9444151 8998645 9091237 9182178 9271532 9354321 9445577 8 8990202 9092756 6183680 9273008 9360774 9447001 9 9001758 9094285 9185182 9274483 9362220 9448426 IO 9003313 9095813 9186683 9275958 9303670 9449850 10 9004869 9097341 9188184 9277433 9365119 9451273 I 2 2006423 9098868 9189685 9278907 9306567 9452696 | 12 9007978 9100395 2191185 9280380 9368015 9454119 13 14 9009531 9101921 9192684 9281854 2369462 2455541 14 9011085 2103447 9194183 9283327 9370909 9436963 | 15 16 2012638 9104973 9195682 9372356 9458385 16 17 9014190 9106498 9197180 9286271 9373002 945980617 9015742 9108022 9198678 9287743 9375248 9461226 | 18 19 9017294 9109547 9200175 9289214 9376694 9462646 19 9018845 QI11010 9201672 9290684 9378139 9364066 20 9020395 9112593 9203169 9292155 9279583 9405486 9021945 Q114116 9204665 9293624 9381027 9406904 | 22 23 9023495 9115632 9206160 9295094 9382471 946832323 24 9025044 9117161 9207656 9296563 9383914 9469741 | 24 25 9026593 9118682 9209150 9298031 9305357 9471159 | 25 26 9028141 9120203 9210644 9299492 9386800 947257626 27 9029689 9121723 9212138 9300967 9388242 9473993 27 28 0031236 91232441 9213632 9302434 9389683 9475409 | 28 29 9032783 9124763 9215125 9303901 9391124 947682529 30 9034330 9126282 9216617 9305367 9392565 947824130 31 1 9035876 9127801 9218109 9306833 9394005 9479656 31 37 9037421 9129319 9219601 9308299 9395445 9481071 32 33 9038966 9130837 9221092 9309764 9396885 9482486 1 33 34 9010511 9132355 9222583 9398324 9483899 | 34 35 9042055 9133872 9224073 9312693 9399762 9485313 35 36 9043599 9135388 9225563 9314156 9401201 9486726 36 37 9045142 9136904 9227052 9315620 9402638 9488139 37 38 9046685 9138470 9228541 9317083 9404076 948955138 39 9048227) 9739935 9230030 9318545 9405513 9490963 39 40 9049369 9141450 9231518 9320007 9400949 9492375 40 41 9051310 5142964 9233006 9321469 9408385 949378641 4.2 9052851 9144478 9234493 9322930 9409821 949519642 43 9054392 9145991 9235980 9324391 9411256 44 9055932 9147504 9237466 9325851 9412691 949801644 45 9057471 9149016 9238952 9327311 9414126 94994.26 45 46 9059011 9150528 9240437 9328771 9415560 950083546 47 9060349 999 2040 924 1922 9330230 9416993 9502243 47 9062087 2153551 9243407 9418426 950365248 49 9063625 9155062 9244891 9419459 950505949 50 9065163 9156572 9246375 9421293 9506467 50 9066692 9156082 9247858 9422723 9507874 | 5! 52 9068236 9159591 9249341 9424155 950928052 53 9069772 9161100 9240824 9338975 9425586 951068653 54 9071307 9162609 9252306 9340431 9427016 951209254 55 9072842 9164119 925378 9341887 9428447 951349755 9074377 9165624 9255268 9343342 9429876 9514902 56 57 9075911 9167131 9256749 9344797 9431306 9516307 57 9077445 9168638 9258229 9340251 9432735 951771158 59 9078978 9170144 9259709 9347705 9434163 951911552 'రం, 1080, 10 9261188 9435591 9520518 60 دن کا کا م درا به در no a 9311228 No a 9496607 43 48 9331688 9333146 9334604 9336062 9337518 SI 56 Слля 58 9171650 93491581 1 { . A Table of Logarithmic Verſed Sines. 92 London LOW O-H A na No a 678 1 1 9933808 IO II 1 14 1 20 21 22 23 M 84 Deg. 85 Deg. 86 Deg. 87 Deg. 88 Deg. 89 Deg. 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