B 887,223 * The Information File Subject Headings ARTES 1837 SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLURIBUS TUEBOR SI QUERIS PENINSULAM AMŒNAM CIRCUMSPICE A N 711 ‚N 532 Modern American Library Economy Series Edited by John Cotton Dana Volume I Registration Desk. (Out of print except in bound volumes.) Charging System, 50c. Administration of Lending Dept., 50c. Relations with Public in the Lending Dept., 50c. Booklists and Other Library Publications, 50c. Business Branch, $1.00 Advertising, 50c. School Dept. Room, 50c. Course of Study for Normal School Pupils on the Use of a Library (In bound volume only.) See Vol. 2, How to Use a Library. Picture Collection. (First edition out of print. Revised and enlarged edition now ready, See Vol. 2.) Work with Schools, School Libraries, 50c. Course of Study on Literature for Children, $1.00. Large Pictures, Educational and Decorative, $1.00. This volume, bound in pig-skin, $12. Volume II High School Branch of the Public Library, 50c. Maps, Atlases and Geographical Publications, 75c. The Vertical File, 50c. How to Use a Library. In paper, $1.00; bound, $1.30. Aids in High School Teaching; Pictures and Objects, $1.00. The Picture Collection, Revised. In paper, $1.; bound, $1.30. List of Subject Headings for Information File formerly called Vertical File; see pamphlet by that title above. $1.00. In press. Filing System by Colored Bands, $1.00. In press. Management of Branch Libraries, $1.00. In press. Several other pamphlets are in preparation. Order from Elm Tree Press, Newark Office, 14 Mt. Prospect Place, Newark, N. J.; or from H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. Modern American Library Economy As Illustrated by the Newark N. J. Free Public Library By John Cotton Dana List of Subject Headings for Information File With Introduction and a List which supplements the Infor- mation File, of 119 Important Reference Books containing Current Information. Compiled by Mabel E. Colegrove and Margaret A. McVety Published by The Elm Tree Press, Woodstock, Vermont 1917 8 Jan 20 EHW The Information File: Subject Headings PREFACE This is the list of subject headings under which material is arranged in our Information File. A description of the file itself, of our methods of using it and of the rules we worked out for treat- ment of material placed in it was published two years ago, 1915, under the title Vertical File. We have changed its name to In- formation File as conveying a better idea of its character and purpose. Few changes, and none of importance, have been made in the rules laid down in the pamphlet alluded to. In April, 1914, we printed for our own use, in a very small edition, a list of all the subject headings for the File which had been adopted up to that time. For this list we had many calls from librarians and others. Since it was printed it has been greatly modified in many ways. It now includes not more than 3,500 main entries. It is desirable that the number of entries be kept small. The list changes every day, of course. New sub- jects are added and old ones dropped or sub-divided. The steady stream of leaflets, pamphlets, clippings, notices and letters grows constantly in size and daily extends the range of the File. Requests continue to come in for this list of our headings, se- lected during four years of daily contact with the task of classify- ing, under appropriate subjects, the printed matter of every kind on the topics that are to-day most often in men's minds; a task made more difficult by the fact that these headings form the only index we have of a vast amount of information which is constantly called for. Partly to meet these requests and partly to aid us in our own work we have here printed the list, as of June 1, 1917. Thus printed it will very greatly shorten the labor of assigning to their proper places the many items in each day's flood of material. Other libraries will find it useful in several ways, so we conclude 6-358 INFORMATION FILE from letters and inquiries concerning it. Perhaps it is more truly a list of the things the world is now doing and saying and of the things of which it is now thinking than is any other now in print; though it includes, of course, many entries on local affairs which would not appear in a list of the works and thoughts of the world at large. Wherever conditions warrant, headings are selected from in- dexes already in print. Often, in this way, information of local interest is filed under certain forms of entry that are locally well known, through indexes of city and state manuals and indexes to laws and ordinances, though technically less desirable. Thus we make it easy to pass from these indexes to the Information File and vice versa. Much information, however, finds its way to the file almost as soon as it appears in print and therefore too soon for us to compare forms of headings with those of other indexes. This fact makes our list of interest to professional indexers and from them we receive frequent inquiries on points of selection of headings. Miss McVety, who has charge at the main library of all our work in the reference field, save that which has to do with "busi- ness,” technology, art and the sciences, makes the very definite claim that no book, no group of books, no group of indexes, and even no group of dictionaries and encyclopedias is more valuable as an aid in the library's daily task of answering inquiries than is the Information File. Our reasons for believing that this would be true of a library tool of this kind, once it were extended to fair proportions, were given in the pamphlet called The Vertical File, already mentioned. It is not necessary to restate them here. In outline they are, that the printing press now catches at once much of what is thought and said and done each day, and almost before each day reaches its close; that man is slowly learning, and par- ticularly is the man of affairs learning, that he chiefly needs, for guidance in his work, what was thought and said and done yes- terday; that this which he needs has rarely reached book form LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 359-7 by the time he wants it; and that the journals, pamphlets and clippings in which the printing press has placed it are more readily, quickly and cheaply put at his command by means of a device of the nature of the Information File than by any other we have yet discovered. Several thousand organizations have been established in recent years to investigate or to improve existing social conditions. They issue single sheets, booklets and pamphlets, individually and in series, and many of these find their place in our Information File. It seems that no complete list of these organizations is in existence. We compiled a list of several hundred with much labor a few years ago, and printed it for the N. J. Library Association under the title "Social Questions." We revised and enlarged this list, in 1914, and it was published by the H. W. Wilson Company in 1915. It included over 500 societies and was accompanied by a list of more than 400 topics on which these societies issued publi- cations. We refer to this subject here because the names of these societies are not included in our list of Subject Headings, and also because the Information File is supplemented in many ways by them. Our printed list has not been kept to date since the establishment of the Index of Public Affairs Information Service. With the continued improvement of this service, we hope for a cumulative list of societies in classified form as a natural outgrowth of its work. The main information file in the lending department, once be- gun, grew rapidly-it now occupies 60 trays, holding from 4,000 to 4,500 folders-and one department after another adopted a file of its own as a necessity, so that choice of subject headings and uniformity of headings soon became a burning question. The official list of headings accordingly was printed in 1914, and the revision of headings and assigning of new headings was then placed in the hands of Mrs. Colegrove, general adviser and super- visor of the ten information files in the system. No single file in a department of the library contains items under 8-360 INFORMATION FILE all the headings listed; as far as possible all technical and scientific subjects are limited to the file in the technical department; all art subjects are limited to the art department file; and other special subjects are limited to the files of the departments specializing in those subjects. Additional cross-references are constantly being made to facilitate the use of available material and thus to make the information in each department more easily accessible to the others. This work of harmonizing the ten files of ten different de- partments is still far from complete. With large files and pressure of other work it necessarily progresses slowly. One of the labor-saving devices adopted since the first printing of the official list, is the grouping of most biographical material under the heading: "Biography, A-Z." It is divided among so many folders that the alphabetic arrangement in each folder is easily maintained, and any required item is quickly found. This saves file space, waste of folders and time in making frequent changes in the list of headings. The same principle is applied to catalogs, price lists, programs and other constantly changing groups, with a chronological or numerical arrangement when preferable. A supplement to the Information File is a device called the "colored band filing method." This is based on the application to material to be filed of narrow strips of paper of different colors. These strips, by their colors and by their positions, are the guides by which pamphlets, maps, directories and other miscellaneous matter are kept in order. Keys to the arrangement are prepared, and by these the strips are applied, and by them any needed pamphlets are found. The kinds of material which may be so filed are (1) publi- cations which are so thick that the expense of providing vertical file drawers to hold them would be very great, and so ephemeral in their nature that the expense of classifying and marking them with classification numbers to make them available during their period of use is quite unwarranted; (2) those which are so large SUPPLEMENTARY PUBLICATIONS 361-9 or of such a shape that they will not go into vertical file drawers; (3) maps and broadsides that must hang on hooks, or stand on shelves with edges only exposed, to save storage space; and (4) all other material to which it is clearly not economical to give classification numbers. That is, this method classifies and ar- ranges automatically, by the use of a key and pieces of colored paper, a mass of information of temporary value, in odd sizes and shapes, with no expensive apparatus and with the minimum of labor. A pamphlet in this series about to be issued, "Filing Sys- tem by Colored Bands," illustrated with diagrams in color, ex- plains how to adapt this method to material of many kinds. Supplementary Publications J. C. D. A list of a few important sources of information on current topics constantly used prices are for latest available editions and are subject to change. Agricultural Index. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. Consult pub. for price. Subject index, on plan of Industrial Arts Index, to 200 agricultural serials. Cumulative; 5 times a year. Almanach Hachette. Hachette & Cie., Paris. 70c. Handbook of practical information for the French household. Annual. American Art Annual. American Federation of Arts, Wash., D. C. $5. Who's who in art, art dealers, art schools, museums, craftsmen, art sales, etc. American Exporter's Export Trade Directory. American Ex- porter, N. Y. $3. Foreign buying agencies, export commission houses and agents in principal U. S. ports with lists of foreign ex- change banks, marine insurance companies and shipping lines. American Jewish Year Book. Jewish Publication Society of America, Phila. $1. Activities of Jews throughout the world. American Labor Year Book. Rand School of Social Science, N. Y. $1. Paper, 50c. Chronicle of aims, struggles and achievements of labor throughout the world. Annual. American Library Annual. Bowker, N. Y. $5. Notes of library activities, bibliographies, statistics of book production, etc. 10-362 INFORMATION FILE A. L. A. Booklist. A. L. A., Chic. $1. Annotated lists of new books. Monthly except Aug. and Sept. American Prohibition Year Book. Prohibition Nat'l Committee, Chic. Selected articles and statistics. $4. Gen- Pt. 1, The American Statesman's Year Book. McBride, N. Y. eral and statistical information from official sources. U. S. as a whole and also by states. Pt. 2, Foreign countries. Pt. 3, Records and statistics. American Whitaker Almanac and Encyclopedia. Macm., N. Y. $1. General and statistical information about U. S. as a whole. and each state individually. Brief but comprehensive survey of every foreign country. American Year Book. Appleton, N. Y. $3. Well-indexed classified record of politics, government, economics, science, art, religion and education in U. S. Anglo-Canadian Year Book. Wm. Stevens, Lond. 5/. In- formation about Canada for residents of British Isles actively concerned with the Dominion. Annual Magazine Subject Index and Dramatic Index. Boston Book Co., Bost. $8.50. Includes less common American and English periodicals, society publications, theatrical and musical magazines not indexed elsewhere. Annual Register. Longmans, Lond. 21/. Review of public events in England and foreign countries. Anthology of Magazine Verse, ed. by W. S. Braithwaite. Gomme & Marshall, N. Y. $1.50. Poems by American poets. Annual. Anti-Prohibition Manual. Nat'l Wholesale Liquor Dealers' Assoc. of America, Cincinnati. Free. Summary of facts and figures dealing with prohibition. Annual. Anti-Saloon League Year Book. Anti-Saloon League of Amer- ica, Westerville, Ohio. 60c. Paper, 35c. Statistics of liquor traffic and temperance reform. Argentine Year Book. Robert Grant & Co., Buenos Aires. $5. Historical, geographical, commercial and financial; short chapters on republics of Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile. SUPPLEMENTARY PUBLICATIONS 363-11 Automobile Blue Book. Automobile Blue Book Pub. Co., N. Y. 8v. $3 ea. Road guide for motorists touring the U. S. Ayer & Sons American Newspaper Annual and Directory. Phila. $10. All periodicals in U. S. and its possessions, Can- ada, Cuba and the West Indies with information respecting trans- portation facilities, banks, industries, etc., of places of publication. Bankers' Register. Credit Co., Chic. $7. Directory of banks. and bank officers in U. S. and foreign countries with digest of federal and State banking laws. Book of the Camp Fire Girls. Nat'l Headquarters, N. Y. 25c. Member's handbook giving schedule of honors and council cere- monies. Brassey's Naval Annual. William Clowes & Sons, Lond. 10/. Authoritative articles on new methods of warfare, diplomatic rela- tions, official correspondence and navy statistics of all countries. Brooklyn Daily Eagle Almanac. Brooklyn Daily Eagle. $1. Information, general of the world, and special of N. Y. C. and Long Island. Bulletin of Bibliography and Dramatic Index. Boston Book Co., Bost. $2. Book lists, periodical news, and dramatic index to theatrical and musical magazines not indexed elsewhere. Quar- terly. Business Digest. Cumulative Digest Corporation, N. Y. $6. With quarterly cumulation $10. Weekly business cyclopedia, di- gest of news and progress from 42 magazines for business exec- utives. Canada Year Book. Canada Dept. of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa. Free. Well-indexed classified record of physical, polit- ical, social, economic and financial conditions. Canadian Almanac and Miscellaneous Directory. Copp, Clark Co., Toronto. $1. Canadian commerce and government. Annual. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Year Book. Car- negie Endowment for Internat. Peace, Wash., D. C. $1. Rec- ord of undertakings and accomplishments. Catholic Who's Who Year Book. Burns & Oates, Lond. 3/6. Notable living men and women of the British Empire with roll of honor of deceased soldiers. 12-364 INFORMATION FILE College Entrance Examination Board. Ginn, Bost. 60c. Questions set at examinations. Annual. China Year Book. Routledge & Sons, Lond. 10. More like an encyclopedia than the ordinary year book; historic and social information. Congressional Directory. Gov. Ptg. Office, Wash., D. C. 60c. Sketches of congressmen, cabinet officers and supreme court jus- tices, personnel of committees, directory of government officers with brief statements of their duties, also diplomatic and consular list. Dramatic Index. Boston Book Co., Bost. With Magazine Sub- ject Index, $8.50. Covers articles and illustrations in American and English stage journals, also lists of books on the drama. Electrical Supply Year Book, Western Electric Co., N. Y. Il- lustrated price list. Engineering Index. Engineering Magazine Co., N. Y. $3. Annual cumulation of index published monthly in Engineering Magazine. Englishwoman's Year Book and Directory. Macm., N. Y. $1.25. Encyclopedia of education, professions, public work, em- ployment, law and other matter of interest to women. Federal Council Year Book. Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. N. Y. 50c. Directory of its constituent bodies, with denominational societies and statistics. Financial Review. Wm. B. Dana, N. Y. $2.50. Month by month history of financial events of preceding year, statistical tables on finance, commerce and railroads. Annual. The Flying Book. Longmans, Lond. 2/6. Aviation world who's who and industrial directory. Garden and Farm Almanac. Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden City. 25c. Directory of state and national agricultural activities. Guide to South and East Africa. Sampson Low, Marston & Co., Lond. 1. Annual guide for tourists, sportsmen and settlers. Handbook of New England. P. E. Sargent, Bost. $2. An- nual historic and present-day guide to towns and villages of New England. SUPPLEMENTARY PUBLICATIONS 365-13 Hazell's Annual and Almanac. Oxford Univ. Press., Lond. 3/6. Authoritative information concerning British Empire and other nations; important current topics and astronomical matter. Heaton's Annual. Dominion Law Book Co., Toronto. $1.25. The commercial handbook of Canada and boards of trade register. Hendrick's Commercial Register of the U. S. S. E. Hendricks Co., N. Y. $10. Annual register for buyers and sellers in architectural, electrical, engineering, mining, railroad and allied industries. Hide and Leather Year Book and Directory. Jacobsen Pub. Co., Chic. $2. Includes statistics, trade organizations, etc., for U. S. and Canada. Hubbell's Legal Directory. Hubbell Pub. Co., N. Y. $7.35. Annual lists of lawyers, important state laws, court calendars and procedure, also synopsis of laws of Canada, England, Scotland, France; Germany, Holland and Mexico, with trademark laws of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Imperial Year Book for Dominion of Canada. Imperial Year Book, Montreal. $1.50. Paper, $1. Government, resources, commerce and activities of the Dominion as a whole and each province individually; briefer accounts of other countries in Brit- ish Empire. Implement Blue Book. Midland Pub. Co., St. Louis. With subscription to Farm Machinery, $2 per year. Implement and vehicle directory of U. S. Annual. Index of Mining Engineering Literature, by W. R. Crane, Wiley, N. Y. Vol. 1, 1909, $4; vol. 2, 1912, $3. Index of mining, metallurgical, mechanical, electrical and chemical engineering sub- jects, as related to mining engineering. Indian Year Book. Bennett, Coleman & Co., Bombay. Principal topics of the day with historical, commercial, industrial and educational statistics. Industrial Arts Index. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. $7. Cumulative index to select list of engineering and trade periodicals, few of which are covered by other indexes. Industrial Directory of N. J. Bureau of Industrial Statistics of N. J., Trenton, N. J. Triennial. 14-366 INFORMATION FILE Information. Bowker, N. Y. $4. Monthly digest of current events and world progress-cumulated quarterly and annually. Insurance Year Book. Spectator Co., N. Y. 2 vols., $6 ea. Summarized reports of all insurance companies in U. S. and Can- ada. One vol. on fire and marine insurance; another on life, casualty and miscellaneous. International Military Digest. Cumulative Digest Corporation, N. Y. $2. Monthly review of current literature of military science, cumulated annually. Jeweler's Blue Book. Norris, Allister-Ball Co., Chic. Annual price list of supplies for jewelers, watchmakers and op- ticians. Kelly's Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers of the World. Kelly's Directories, Lond. 36/. Annual. Living Church Annual and Churchman's Almanac. Young Churchman Co., Milwaukee. 75c. Paper, 50c. Directory of the Protestant Episcopal church. Lockwood's Directory of the Paper, Stationery and Allied Trades. Lockwood Trade Journal Co., N. Y. $3. Annual, for the U. S. and Canada. MacRae's Blue Book. MacRae's Blue Book Co., N. Y. $10. Consult publisher for special price. Annual buying guide for mechanical and engineering supplies. Magazine Subject-Index. Boston Book Co., Bost. With Dra- matic Index, $8.50. Indexes 156 periodicals, American and British, and collections and publications of State historical socie- ties. Annual. Metal Statistics. American Metal Market Co., N. Y. 50c. Includes buyer's directory. Annual. Mines Handbook. Stevens Copper Handbook Co., N. Y. $10. Manual of mining industry of North America. Monthly Catalog U. S. Public Documents. Supt. of Docu- ments, Wash., D. C. $1.10 per year. Free to many libraries. Descriptive classified price list. Moody's Analyses of Investments. Moody's Investors' Service, N. Y. 2 vols., $25; or $15 ea. Reports and comparative rat- ings of corporations in U. S. and Canada. One vol. on steam railroads; another on public utilities and industrials. SUPPLEMENTARY PUBLICATIONS 367-15 Municipal Index. Municipal Journal, N. Y. 50c. Index to current municipal literature reprinted from second issue each month of Municipal Journal. Musical Blue Book of America. Musical Blue Book Corp., N. Y. $5. Directory of musicians and musical societies listed by state and city. Navy Year Book. Supt. of Documents, Wash., D. C. 55c. Paper, 40c. Compilation of U. S. naval appropriation laws, register of U. S. naval strength, statistics of foreign navies and report of secretary of U. S. Navy. Negro Year Book. Negro Year Book Pub. Co., Tuskegee, Ala. 25c. Past development and present status of negro race in all fields of endeavor. New International Year Book. Dodd, Mead & Co., N. Y. $5. Encyclopedia reviewing current events and conditions in U. S. and foreign countries. N. J. Legislative Manual. T. F. Fitzgerald, Trenton, N. J. $1.50. Lists state officials, governing boards and institutions; records census and election returns and describes legislative pro- cedure. N. J. Lawyer's Diary and Bar Directory. Soney & Sage, New- ark, N. J. $1.50. Court rules and practice; important revisions and statutory enactments; official stenographers; alphabetic and classified lists of N. J. lawyers. N. J. State Federation of Women's Clubs, 29 Monticello Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Annual reports and directory. N. J. Sunday School Assoc. State Office, Newark, N. J. In- terdenominational county reports. Annual. N. Y. Charities Directory. Charity Organization Society, N. Y. $1. Descriptive list of agencies engaged in social, civic, religious or educational work in New York City. N. Y. Times Index. N. Y. Times. $8. "Master-key to all newspapers." Quarterly. New Zealand Official Year Book. Eyre & Spottiswood, Lond. Historical digest of laws, current public affairs and commercial statistics. 16-368 INFORMATION FILE Newark Common Council Manual, Newark, N. J. Lists city officials, governing boards and institutions; defines duties and power of Council and records election returns. Newark-Made Goods. Board of Trade, Newark, N. J. Direc- tory of Newark manufacturers and index of articles manufactured. In English, French and Spanish. Official American Textile Directory. Lord & Nagle Co., Bost. $3. Reports of all textile manufacturing establishments in U. S. and Canada with yarn trade index. Official Catholic Directory. P. J. Kenedy & Sons, N. Y. $5. Paper, $3.50. U. S. ed. paper, $2.50. Ecclesiastical statistics for U. S. and its possessions, Cuba, British Empire, Austria-Hun- gary, Germany and Mexico. Official Hotel Red Book and Directory. Official Hotel Red Book and Directory, N. Y. $3. Annual list with rates of best hotels in U. S., Canada and Latin America. Official Register and Directory of Women's Clubs in America with classified list of lecturers and entertainers for club programs. Winslow, Bost. $1. Official Register of U. S. U. S. Govt. Ptg. Office, Wash., D. C. $1.50. Directory of persons in civil, military and naval service, exclusive of postal service. Pan-American Commercial Guide. Nicoletti Bros., N. Y. Con- sult publisher for price. Industrial and administrative description in Spanish and English of American Republics and colonies. Penrose's Annual. Lund, Lond. 5/. Art processes; illus. Philanthropies of Newark, N. J. Bureau of Associated Chari- ties, Newark, N. J. Descriptive list of organizations endorsed by Bureau of Associated Charities. Poor's Manual of Public Utilities. Poor's Manual Co., N. Y. $10. Annual. Poor's Manual of the Railroads of the U. S. Poor's Railroad Manual Co., N. Y. $12. Annual. Port Directory of Canadian Ports. Govt. Ptg. Office, Ottawa, Dept. of Marine and Fisheries. Gives information regarding wharves, depth of water, facilities for loading, etc., for seaports and inland harbors. SUPPLEMENTARY PUBLICATIONS 369-17 Qui Êtes-Vous. Delagrave, Paris. 6 fr. 50. Biographical dic- tionary of French contemporaries. Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. Consult publisher for price. Author and subject index to selected list of periodicals. Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue. Scott Stamp and Coin Co., N. Y. Paper, bound $1; cloth, bound, $1.25. Date of issue, color, shape and value of every postage stamp that has ever been issued by any government in the world. Annual. "Shipping World" Year Book. Shipping World Offices, Lond. 8/6. Digest of merchant shipping acts; port directory of British colonial and foreign harbors; tariff schedules of many countries. Shoe and Leather Reporter Annual. Shoe and Leather Reporter Co., Bost. With subscription to Shoe and Leather Reporter, $5 Official annual directory of manufacturers and dealers in U. S. and Canada with principal houses in other parts of world. per year. South African Year Book. Routledge & Sons, Lond. His- torical, physical, political, commercial and biographical infor- mation. South American Year Book and Directory. Louis Cassier Co., Lond. 25. Commercial guide to So. America, Panama Canal, Falkland Islands and Trinidad. Statesman's Year Book. Macm., N. Y. $3.50. Statistical and historical annual of countries of the world. Statistical Abstract of U. S. Govt. Ptg. Office, Wash., D. C. Free. Covers population, finance, commerce, industries, agricul- tural and other products, immigration, education, etc. Suffrage Annual and Women's Who's Who. Stanley Paul & Co., Lond. 6/. International suffrage alliances and affiliated associations, biographical sketches and dictionary of dates. Sweet's Architectural Catalogue. Sweet's Catalogue Service, N. Y. With subscription to Architectural Record. $3 per year. Annual classified dictionary. Thomas' Register. Thomas Co., N. Y. $15. American man- ufacturers and first hands in all lines. The Times Annual Index. London Times, Lond. Consult pub- lisher for price. Date key to current events. 18-370 INFORMATION FILE Wer Ist's. H. A. Ludwig Degener, Leipzig. M 13.50. Bio- graphical dictionary of German contemporaries. Whitaker's Almanac. Joseph Whitaker, Lond. 3/6. Govern- ments, finances, population, commerce and general statistics of nations of the world with special reference to British Empire and U.S. Who's Who. Black, Lond. $2.50. Annual biographical dic- tionary of most prominent persons of England and America, in- cluding some other notable men and women. Who's Who in America. A. N. Marquis & Co., Chic. $5. Biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of U. S. Who's Who in Japan. Who's Who in Japan, Tokyo. 12/. Biographical dictionary of Japanese contemporaries, foreign resi- dents in Japan and others prominent in the Far East. Who's Who in New England. A. N. Marquis Co., Chic. Vol. 1, 1909; $5. Vol. 2, 1916; $12.50. Biographical dictionary of leading living men and women. Who's Who in the Theatre. Pitman, Lond. 6/. Biograph- ical record of the contemporary stage. Woman's Who's Who in America. American Commonwealth Co., N. Y. $5. Biographical dictionary of contemporary women of U. S. and Canada. Vol. 1, 1914. Who's Who in Music. Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Lond. $2.50. Biographical record of contemporary musicians with list of chief musical schools and societies in United Kingdom. Vol. 1, 1913. Who's Who in the Colored Race. Frank Lincoln Mather, Chic. $7.50. Biographical dictionary of men and women of African descent. Vol. 1, 1915. Who's Who Year Book. Macm., N. Y. 35c. Supplement to Who's Who in which names are classified by office. World Almanac. World Pub. Co., N. Y. 25c. Foreign and other statistics. The Year's Art. Hutchinson & Co., Lond. 5. Annual epitome of matters relating to sculpture, engraving, architecture and schools of design. Young Men's Christian Associations of N. A. Year Book. As- sociation Press, N. Y. $1.75; boards, $1.50. List of Subject Headings Abbey Ability tests See also Binet tests; Educational measurements Academic costume see Costume, Academic Academic freedom Acadia Accidents See also Railroads, Accidents; Safe- ty movement Accidents, Industrial See also Employers' liability; Labor and laboring classes, Bibliography; Safety devices; Workmen's pensation Accounting See also Cost accounting; Munici- pal accounting Accumulators see Storage batteries Acids Actors and actresses Adding machines see Calculating ma- chines Adjustment bureaus Adolescence Advertising See also Billboards; Municipal ad- vertising; Window dressing Aeronautics Aeronautics, Military .. Africa Agricultural credit See also Banks and banking, Co- operative Agricultural experiment stations Agricultural laws and legislation Agricultural schools Agricultural societies See also Patrons of husbandry 20-372 INFORMATION FILE Agriculture See also Vacant lot cultivation Agriculture, Study and teaching Ainos Air-brakes Air compressors Air-pollution See also Dust; Smoke Alabama Alaska Albania Alcohol Alcoholism See also Liquor problem; Saloons; Temperance Alfalfa Algeria Aliens See also Citizenship; Immigration; Naturalization Alloys Almanacs See also Calendars Alsace-Lorraine Alternators see Dynamos Aluminum America, Discovery and exploration Amer. Bible society Amer. lib. assoc. Amer. lib. assoc., Booklist American literature Amer. soc. for testing materials Americanization see Immigrants in the U. S., Education Ammonia Amusements see Entertainments; Games Anarchism and anarchists Andorra Anglo-Saxons Animal experimentation See also Vivisection LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 373-21 Animal industry see Domestic animals Animals See also Domestic animals; also names of animals Animals, Treatment See also Cruelty; Humane societies; Pavements; Vivisection Annapolis see U. S., Naval acad. Anniversaries See also Holidays; Hudson-Fulton celebration Annunciators Anthropology Appalachian mountains Apples and apple trees Apprentices April April Fools' day Aquariums Aquatints see Etchings Arbitration Arbitration, International See also Courts, International; In- ternational law and relations; Peace; War Arbitration and conciliation, Industrial Arbor day Archaeology Architectural drawing Architectural sculpture Architecture Architecture, Details Architecture, Domestic Architecture, English Architecture, Gothic Architecture, Mission Architecture, Renaissance Archives See also Manuscripts Arcola, Little drummer of Arctic regions see Polar regions Argentina 22-374 INFORMATION FILE Arithmetic, Study and teaching Arizona Arkansas Armenia Armies See also Military art and science; Navies; War Armor plate Army-worms Art Art, American Art, Bibliography Art, British Art, Canadian Art, Chinese Art, Danish Art, Egyptian Art, Exhibitions Art, Flemish Art, French Art, German Art, Grecian Art, Irish Art, Italian Art, Japanese Art, Mexican Art, Mohammedan Art, National Art, New Jersey Art, Private collections Art, Rennaissance Art, Roman Art, Russian Art, Scandinavian Art, South American Art, Spanish Art, Study and teaching Art, Western Art commissions Art galleries and museums See also names of galleries and mu- seums LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 375-23 Art importations Art in schools see School decoration Art sales Art schools Art societies Art thefts Artists Arts and crafts See also Manual training Ashes Asia Asphalt Assassination Assessment See also Taxation Associated press Astrology Astronomy Athletics See also Baseball; Physical educ. and training; Sports Australia Australian ballot Authors Authorship Autographs Automatic stop Automobile laws and regulations See also Garages, Jitney buses; Motor vehicles; Safety movement Automobile signals Automobile touring Automobiles See also Automobile laws and regu- lations; Motor vehicles Autumn Bacteria Badges Bahaism Bahama islands B Bakers and bakeries } 24-376 INFORMATION FILE Baking powder Balances Balkan states Ball bearings See also Bearings (machinery) Ballads Ballot See also Australian ballot; Elec- tions; Short ballot; Voting ma- chines Balsa wood Baltimore, Md. Baltimore & Ohio railroad Banking law Bankruptcy See also Adjustment bureaus; Swindlers and swindling Banks and banking See also Agricultural credit; Fi- nance; Money; Morris plan banks; Savings banks Banks and banking, Cooperative See also Agricultural credit Banks and banking, Government guar- anty of deposits Banquets Baraca class Baseball Basket-ball Basket-work Baths, Public Beads Bearings (machinery) See also Ball bearings Beer Bees Beets and beet sugar Belgium Bells See also Liberty bell Belting Beowulf LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS $377-25 Berlin, Germany Bermuda islands Bertillon system Bethlehem steel company Bible See also American Bible Society Bible in the schools Bible study See also Sunday schools; Bible in the schools Bibliography Big brother movement Big sister movement Billboards Bills of lading Binet test See also Ability tests Biography See also Artists; Authors; Scien- tists; also names of individuals Biology Birch trees Bird day Bird houses Birds Birds, Protection of Birth control Birth registration See also Vital statistics Birth stones see Precious stones Black Hand Blackboard drawing Blind See also Blindness; Handicapped, Occupations for Blind, Asylums and education Blind, Books for Blind, Music for Blindness See also Conjunctivitis; Eye Blockade Block-books 26-378 INFORMATION file Blowers Blue sky laws Boards of education see School boards Boards of trade Boats Bohemia Boilers Boilers, Laws and regulations Bolivia Bonds Book clubs Book-plates Book prices Book rarities Book selection Bookbinding Bookkeeping Books Books and reading See also Children's literature; Chil- dren's reading; School libraries Booksellers and bookselling Borstal system Boston, Mass. Boston post road Botany Bouillon cubes Boundaries Boy scouts See also World scouts Boycott See also Strikes Boyden, Seth Boys Boys' clubs See also Boy scouts Brazil Brewing industries Bricks Bridges Bronx borough, N. Y. Bronzes LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 379-27 1 Brooklyn, N. Y. See also N. Y. (city); Queensbor- ough, N. Y. Brooms and brushes Brussels, Belgium Bubonic plague see Plague Buddhism Budgets Buffalo, N. Y. Building Building and loan associations Building laws Building materials Bulgaria Bulk sales Bungalows Burgesses corps Burma Business Business, Bibliography Business correspondence see Commer- cial correspondence Business education Business management and organization Busy work see Seat work in schools Butter Butterflies Buttons Cables, Submarine Cacao C Calculating machines Calendars California See also Chinese in the U. S.; Jap- anese in the U. S.; Panama-Pacific exposition Cambridge, Mass. Cameos Cameragraph Camp fire girls Campaign funds 28-380 INFORMATION FILE Campaign songs Camping Cams Canada Canada, Population Canadian literature Canals See also Waterways; also names of canals Cancer Cannibalism Canning and preserving Canoes and canoeing Cape Cod canal Capital punishment Capons and caponizing Car cleaning Carbolic acid Cardboard construction See also Paper work Caricatures and cartoons Carnegie foundation for the advance- ment of teaching Carnegie hero fund Carnegie institute, Pittsburgh Carnegie institution of Washington Carnegie United Kingdom trust Cartridges Carving (art indus.) Castles Casts see Plaster casts Catalogs Catalpa Catalysis Catechisms Catholic church see Roman Catholic church Catlin, John See also Newark, Tablets Cats Cattle Cattle, Diseases LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 381-29 Celluloid Cement Cemeteries Central America Centrifugal machines Ceramics see Pottery Cerebrospinal meningitis see Menin- gitis Chain gear Chain stores Chains Chamber of commerce of the U. S. of A. Champlain, Lake Character Charities See also Outdoor relief; Philan- thropy; Social work Charity organization Charter oak chair Charts Chautauqua institution Chemicals Chemistry Chesapeake & Ohio railway Chestnut Chicago, Ill. Chicago & Northwestern railroad Child labor Child labor laws Child study See also Adolescence; Children; Kindergarten; Play; Psychology Child welfare see Children, Care and hygiene; Children, Charities, pro- tection, etc.; Prenatal influences Child welfare exhibits Children Children, Backward, defective, etc. See also Juvenile courts; Juvenile delinquency 30-382 INFORMATION FILE Children, Care and hygiene See also Children, Management; Day nurseries; Prenatal influences; School hygiene Children, Charities, protection, etc. See also Charities; Humane so- cieties Children, Exceptional Children, Management See also Child study; Moral edu- cation Children's bureau see U. S., Children's bureau Children's day Children's educational theatre Children's literature See also School libraries Children's literature, Boys Children's literature, Girls Children's literature, Graded lists Children's reading Children's safety crusade see Safety movement Chile China See also Chinese in the U. S.; Far East; Missions, China China, Education see Education, China China, History China painting Chinese in the U. S. Chiropractic Chivalry See also Feudalism; Middle ages Chlorine, Liquid Christian endeavor, Y. P. S. of Christian life Christian science Christianity Christmas See also Holidays Christmas, Bibliography LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 383-31 Christmas cards Christmas customs Christmas decorations Christmas entertainments Christmas gifts Christmas music Christmas plays Christmas poetry Christmas stories Christmas trees Church See also Christianity; also names of churches and sects Church and social problems See also Church and the working man; Forum, Open Church and state Church and the working man See also Church and social problems Church architecture Church unity Church work See also Church and social prob- lems; Church and the working man; Men's clubs; Social work Cigarettes Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati, Society of the Citizenship See also Expatriation; Naturaliza- tion Citizenship, Education for See also School city Citrus fruits City clubs see Civic organizations City government see Municipal gov- ernment City ordinances City planning See also Docks and harbors; Gar- den cities; Housing problem; Mu- 32-384 INFORMATION FILE nicipal improvements; also names of cities City planning, Bibliography City planning, Foreign countries City planning, U. S. Civic improvement see Municipal im- provement Civic organizations See also Commercial associations; Municipal leagues; also names of cities Civics see Citizenship, Education for; Municipal science government; Political Civil engineering Civil service Civil service, Bibliography Civil service, Examinations Civil service, Municipal Civil service, U. S. Civil war relics Class mottoes Classical education See also Latin language Classification Clay industries Clayton act see Trusts Cleaning Cleaning of cities See also Street cleaning Cleveland, Ohio Cliff-dwellers Climate Clippings Clocks see Time measurements Closed shop see Open and closed shop Cloth see Textile industry and fabrics Clothing Club programs Clubs See also Boys' clubs; Girls' clubs; LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 385-33 Men's clubs; Women's clubs; Work- ing women's clubs Coal Coal mines and mining Coal tar colors See also Dyes and dyeing Coal testing Coasts Coffee Coffee mills Coinage Coins See also Money Coke Coke ovens Cold (disease) Cold storage Collectors and collecting College architecture College fraternities College gowns see Costume, Aca- demic College graduates College settlements see Social settle- ments College women Colleges and universities See also Academic freedom; Junior colleges Colleges and universities, Entrance re- quirements Colleges and universities, Municipal See also Public service Colloids Colombia Colonial life and customs Colonies Color printing Colorado Columbia university Columbia university, Teachers' college 34-386 INFORMATION FILE see Teachers' College, Columbia uni- versity Columbus, Christopher Columbus, Ohio Columbus day Comets Commerce See also Salesmen and salesmanship Commercial associations. See also Boards of trade; Civic or- ganizations; Museums Commercial correspondence Commercial courts Commercial education see Business ed- ucation Commercial law Commercial statistics. Commission government Commission merchants Communism See also Individualism Community institutes. Competition Compressors see Air compressors Comptometer see Calculating machines Compulsory education See also School attendance Concrete construction Congregationalism Congresses and conventions Conjunctivitis Connecticut Conscription Conservation of resources Constitutions Constitutions, State Consumers' league Continuation schools see Evening and continuation schools Contraband of war Conversation Conveying machinery list of subject headings 387-35 Convict labor See also Prisons and prisoners Convict ships see Prison ships Cookery Cooperation See also Building & Loan Associa- tions; Profit sharing Cooperation, Bibliography Cooperation in housekeeping credit; Banks and banking, Co- operative Cooperative credit see Agricultural Cooperative stores Copper Copying processes Copyright Corcoran gallery of art, Washington Core ovens see Foundry practice Cork Corn day Coronations Coroners Corporal punishment Corporation law Corporation schools Corporations See also Federal trade commission; Interlocking utilities; Trusts directorates; Public Correspondence schools and courses Corrosion and anti-corrosives Cost accounting Cost of living See also Cooperation; Markets, Mu- nicipal; Postal express; Prices Costa Rica Costume, Academic Cotton Cotton-worm Cottonwood Country church Country life 36-388 INFORMATION FILE Country schools see Rural schools County government County libraries County planning see Interurban im- provements Courtis tests Courts See also Recall Courts, International See also Arbitration, International; International law and relations Courts, Municipal Courts, U. S. Crabs Cranberries Craps Crater lake national park Credit See also Agricultural credit; Morris plan banks Cremation Crime and criminals See also Bertillon system; Convict labor; Finger prints; Indeterminate sentence; Prisons and prisoners; Probation system Cripples See also Handicapped, Occupations for Crucibles Cruelty See also Animals, Treatment; Hu- mane societies Crusades See also Chivalry Cuba Cubism Curfew law Currants Currency see Money Curriculum Customs service LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 389-37 Cyclones Cyprus Ꭰ Dairying Dams Dana, J. C. Dance halls Dancing Dartmouth college Daughters of the American revolution Day nurseries Daylight saving Deaf and dumb See also Handicapped, Occupations for; Lip-reading Death Debating December Declaration of independence See also Mecklenburg declaration Decoration and ornament Decorations of honor Defectives See also Binet tests; Handicapped, Occupations for; Vineland (N. J.), Training school Degeneration Delaware & Raritan canal Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad Delaware Water Gap Democracy See also Referendum; Representa- tive government Democratic party See also Tammany Hall Demurrage Denmark Dentistry Denver, Col. Department stores Desertion 38-390 INFORMATION FILE ! Design Dialect Dialogues Dictionaries Dictograph Diesel engines Diplomacy Diplomatic and consular service Direct primaries see Primaries Directories Discount Disinfection and disinfectants Dispensaries Distillation District of Columbia Divorce See also Marriage Docks See also Harbors; Ports; Terminals Documents see Archives Dogs Dolls Domestic animals Domestic economy See also Cooperation in housekeep- ing; Cost of living Domestic efficiency see Efficiency, Do- mestic Domestic finance Dominican Republic Drainage See also Tiles Drama See also Pageants; Theatre Drama, Study and teaching Drawing Drawings Dressmaking Drills and marches Drinking cups Drug habit Drugs LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 391-39 Drums Dry farming Dry goods see Textile industry and fabrics Dry rot See also Wood preservation Ducks Dust See also Roads, Dust prevention Dwellings Dyes and dyeing See also Coal tar colors Dynamos Earthquakes Easter E See also Holidays Eastern question See also Balkan states Ebony Eclipses Economics Ecuador Education See also Classical education; Col- leges and universities; Industrial education; Manual training; Normal schools, etc. Education, Bibliography Education, China Education, Compulsory see Compulsory education Education, Directories Education, England Education, Germany Education, Japan Education, U. S. See also Gary (Ind.), Education; Public Schools; Southern states, Education; Special classes and spe- cial schools Education of children 40-392 INFORMATION FILE Education of women Educational day Educational measurements See also Ability tests; Courtis tests. Educational surveys Efficiency See also Scientific management Efficiency, Domestic Eggs Egypt Egyptian language Elections See also Ballot; Campaign funds; Politics, Corruption in; Voting ma- chines Electoral college Electric apparatus and appliances Electric batteries See also Storage batteries Electric bells See also Annunciators Electric circuit breakers Electric fans see Fans, Electric Electric lamps, Arc Electric lamps, Incandescent Electric lighting Electric locomotives Electric machinery Electric measurement Electric meters Electric motors Electric plants Electric power Electric railroads Electric signs Electric switches Electric testing Electric wire and wiring Electricity Electricity on the farm Electroplating Electrotyping LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 393-41 Elevated railroads Elevators Ellis Island Elocution See also Singing and voice culture Emancipation proclamation Embargo Embroidery See also Needlework Emergencies see Accidents; First aid in illness and injury Emmanuel movement Employees See also Welfare work (in indus- try); Working girls and women Employers' associations Employers' liability See also Accidents, Industrial; Fac- tory inspection; Labor laws; Occu- pations, Diseases and hygiene; Safe- ty devices; Workmen's compensation Employment agencies Enamel and enameling Encyclopedias Endowments Engineering Engineering, Mechanical see Mechani- cal engineering Engineering societies Engines See also Diesel engines; Gas and oil engines; Locomotives; Motors; Steam engines England England, Charters England, Colonies See also names of colonies England, History England, History, 16th century England, Politics and government English language, Composition English language, Study and teaching 42-394 INFORMATION FILE English literature English literature, Study and teaching Engraving See also Color printing; Etching; Lithography; Wood engraving Photo - engraving; Engraving, American Engraving, English Engraving, German Engraving, Italian Engraving, Japanese Entertainments See also Drills and marches; Holi- days; Lectures and lecturing; Play Entomology See also Insects Epigrams Epilepsy and epileptics Epitaphs Erie and Michigan canal Erie railroad Eskimos Esperanto Essays Essex Co. Essex Co., Charities Essex Co., Court house See also Essex Co., Hall of records Essex Co., Courts See also Essex Co., Juvenile court Essex Co., Elections See also N. J., Elections; Newark, Elections Essex Co., Finance See also Essex Co., Taxation Essex Co,, Freeholders Essex Co., Hall of records Essex Co., Hospitals 1 Essex Co., House of detention See also Essex Co., Juvenile court Essex Co., Jail LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 395-43 Essex Co., Juvenile court See also Essex Co., House of de- tention; Essex Co., Probation sys- tem Essex Co., Law library Essex Co., Mosquito extermination commission See also N. J., Mosquitoes Essex Co., Parental school Essex Co., Parks See also Newark, Parks; Newark, Playgrounds Essex Co., Penitentiary Essex Co., Politics and government Essex Co., Probation system Essex Co., Public welfare committee See also Essex Co., Social survey; Newark, Social work Essex Co., Roads Essex Co., Schools See also Essex Co., Vocational edu- cation Essex Co., Social survey Essex Co., Societies and clubs See also Newark, Societies and clubs Essex Co., Sunday schools. Essex Co., Taxation Essex Co., Teachers Essex Co., Vocational education Essex Co., Weights and measures Essex Co., Women's clubs see New- ark, Women's clubs Estates, Unclaimed Etching Ethical culture movement Ethics See also Moral education; Religion Etiquette Eucalyptus Eugenics See also Heredity; Marriage; Pre- 44-396 INFORMATION file natal influences; Sterilization of de- fectives, criminals, etc. Europe Europe, History European war, Aerial operations European war, Atrocities European war, Austria-Hungary European war, Belgium European war, Bibliography European war, Campaigns and battles European war, Causes See also European war, Diplomatic history European war, Commercial and finan- cial aspects See also War loans European war, Diplomatic history European war, England European war, France European war, Germany European war, Italy European war, Japan European war, Mail seizures European war, Maps European war, Naval operations See also Maritime law European war, Neutral powers See also International law and re- lations European war, Neutral powers, U. S. See also European war, U. S.; Mu- nitions of war; U. S., Foreign Re- lations European war, Peace and mediation European war, Press reports and cen- sorship European war, Relief work See also Red Cross European war, Russia European war, Servia European war, Statistics European war, Turkey LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 397-45 European war, U. S. European war and Christianity Evening and continuation schools Evolution Examinations See also Educational measurements Excess condemnation Exchange Exhibitions See also Museums Expansion see Imperialism Expatriation Experiment stations see Agricultural experiment stations Expert evidence Explorers See also Polar regions Explosives Export trade Exports see Commerce; Tariff Expositions See also Exhibitions; also names of expositions Express companies Eye See also Blindness; Conjunctivitis Eyes, Artificial Factory inspection F See also Building laws; Industrial commissions Factory management Factory sanitation Fairs See also Exhibitions Fairy tales See also Folk-lore Faith Family Famines Famous men see Great men Fans, Electric 46-398 INFORMATION FILE Far East Farm animals see Live stock Farm buildings Farm colonies See also Tramps Farm management Farm produce Farmers' bulletins Farmers' institutes Farms Fatigue Fawcett school of industrial art February Federal trade commission Fences Fenway court Ferns Ferrer colony Ferries and ferry boats Fertilizers Feudalism See also Chivalry; Middle ages Fiction See also Ghost stories; Short story Fiction, Bibliography Fiction, Historical Files and filing (documents) See also Library supplies Files and rasps Finance See also Banks and banking; Money Finger prints Finland Fir Fire-alarms Fire departments Fire extinction Fire protection See also Fourth of July, Safe and sane; Safety movement Fire protection, Laws Fire protection, Study and teaching LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 399-47 Firearms Fireplaces Fires First aid in illness and injury Fisheries See also Seals (animals); Whaling Fishes Fishing See also Sports Flag day Flags Flies Floods See also Mississippi river and valley Floors Floral decoration Florida Flower language Folk dances see Dancing Folk-lore Folk songs See also Songs Food See also Cold storage Food adulteration and inspection See also Meat; Milk Food supply See also Markets Football See also Athletics Foreign missions see Missions, Foreign Foreigners see Immigrants in the U. S. Forest planting See also Tree planting Forest products See also Lumber; Rubber; Timber Forest taxation Forests and forestry See also Arbor day; Conservation of resources Forgery 48-400 INFORMATION file Formosa Fortification Fortune-telling See also Astrology Forum, Open Foundry practice Four hour day Fourth of July See also Holidays Fourth of July, Safe and sane See also Fire protection; Pageants France France, History Franchises Fraunces' tavern Free thought Free trade and protection See also Tariff Freedom see Liberty Freemasons Freight handling Freight rates See also Railroads, Rates French literature Friends, Society of Frogs and toads Fruit culture Fuel Fungi Furnaces Furniture Future life See also Immortality Futurism G Galvanizing Galvanometers Gambling Game Game protection LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 401-49 Games See also Amusements; Athletics; Play; Sports; also names of games Garages Garbage see Refuse and refuse disposal Garden cities Garden furniture see Garden orna- ments and furniture Garden ornaments and furniture See also Bird houses Gardening See also Window gardening Gardening, Planting plans and tables Gardens See also School gardens Gary (Ind.), Education Gas Gas and oil engines See also Diesel engines Gas meters Gas producers Gasoline Gearing Geese Genealogists Genealogy General electric co. Geography, Study and teaching Geological survey see U. S., Geologi- cal survey Geology George junior republic Georgia Georgia club Geran bill see N. J., Election law German language, Study and teaching German literature Germans in the U. S. See also Aliens Germany Gettysburg, Battle of Ghost stories 50-402 INFORMATION FILE Gideons Girl scouts Girls See also Working girls and women Girls' camps Girls' clubs See also Camp fire girls; Girls' friendly society; Working women's clubs Girls' friendly society Glacier national park Glass Glass flowers Globes Gloves Glucose Gold Golf Government ownership See also Municipal ownership Government publications Governors' conference Grade crossings Grain Grain elevators Grammar, Study and teaching Grand army of the republic Grange see Patrons of Husbandry Grapes Graphic arts see Art; Drawing; En- graving; Painting Graphite Great lakes Great men Great northern railway Greece Greek drama Greenhouses Grinding machines Grocery trade Guam Guatemala LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 403-51 Guinea pigs Gum woods H Habitations, Human see Dwellings Hair Haiti Hall of fame Hallowe'en See also Ghost stories; Holidays Handicapped, Occupations for Handwriting see Penmanship Harbors See also Docks; Ports Hard woods Harriman park Hartford, Conn. Harvard university Hats Hawaiian islands. Hawthorn Hay fever Hazing Health See also Physical education and training; Physical Public health Health boards See also Public health Health officers Heating examinations; See also Boilers; Fireplaces; Fuel Hebrew literature Hebrides Hemp See also Linen Heraldry Herbs Heredity See also Eugenics; Prenatal influ- ences Heroes See also Carnegie hero fund 52-404 INFORMATION FILE Hetch-Hetchy valley see Yosemite national park Hickory trees High school fraternities High schools See also Junior high schools. High schools, Reading lists Highwaymen Hinges Historic houses Historic records Historical societies History History, Study and teaching Hoaxes Hogs Hoisting machinery See also Elevators Holidays See also Patriotism; Vacations; also names of holidays Holland see Netherlands Home Home and school the home Home defense see School and Home economics see Domestic econ- omy Home education Home missions see Missions, Home Homestead law Honduras Honor system see Self-government (in education) Hookworm disease Horology see Time measurements Horse Horse racing Hose Hospitals See also Charities; Sanatoriums LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 405-53 Hours of labor See also Child labor; Four hour day; Labor laws; Working girls and women House boats House decoration House organs Housing problem See also Garden cities; Lodging houses; Tenement houses Housing problem, Bibliography Housing problem, Foreign countries Housing problem, U. S. Hudson-Fulton celebration Hudson river Huguenots See also Immigrants in the U. S. Humane societies See also Animals, Cruelty; Vivisection Humor Hungarian literature Hungary Hunting See also Game protection Hydraulic engineering Hygiene Treatment; See also Children, Care and hy- giene; Food; Longevity; Occupa- tions, Diseases and hygiene; School hygiene; Water pollution Hymns Hypnotism See also Mental healing I I. W. W. see Industrial workers of the world Ice See also Refrigeration and refriger- ating machinery Ice houses Ice industry 54-406 INFORMATION FILE Icebergs see Safety at sea Iceland Ideals Illegitimacy Illinois Illiteracy Illumination see Lighting Illumination of books and manuscripts Illustration of books and periodicals, American Illustration of books and periodicals, French Imhoff tanks Immigrants in the U. S. See also Aliens; Chinese in the U. S.; Ellis Island; Germans in the U. S.; Japanese in the U. S.; Jews; Naturalization; Races of man; Syrians in the U. S. Immigrants in the U. S., Education Immigration See also Aliens Immigration, Bibliography Immigration, Restriction of (con) Immigration, Restriction of (pro) Immigration law Immigration stations Immoral literature and pictures Immortality See also Death; Future life Impeachment See also Recall Imperialism See also Philippine islands Impressionism Inaugurations Incinerators see Refuse destructors Income tax Incubators See also Poultry Indeterminate sentence See also Probation system LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 407-55 India Indiana Indians of North America Indians of North America, Bibliogra- phy Indians of North America, Education Indians of North America, Govern- mental relations Indians of North America, History Indians of North America, Missions Indians of North America, Music Indians of North America, Names See also Names, Geographical Indians of North America, Reserva- tions Indicators Individualism See also Communism; Socialism Industrial accidents see Industrial Accidents, Industrial arbitration see Arbitration and conciliation, Industrial Industrial arts Industrial betterment see Welfare work (in industry) Industrial commissions Industrial diseases see Occupations, Diseases and hygiene Industrial education See also Corporation schools; Eve- ning and continuation schools; Manual training; Schools and shops, Cooperation of; Technical educa- tion; Vocational education. Industrial education, Bibliography Industrial insurance see Insurance, In- dustrial Industrial relations See also Labor and capital Industrial research Industrial surveys Industrial workers of the world 56-408 INFORMATION FILE Infantile paralysis Infants See also Birth registration; Chil- dren; Day nurseries Inheritance tax Initiative see Referendum Injunctions Inland waterways, Atlantic coast Insanity See also Defectives; Mental hygiene Insecticides Insects Insurance Insurance, Fire Insurance, Health Insurance, Industrial See also Employers' liability; In- surance, State and compulsory; Workmen's compensation Insurance, Life Insurance, Marine Insurance, Social See also Old age Insurance, State and compulsory See also Employers' liability; In- surance, Industrial; Old age pen- sions Intemperance see Alcoholism; Liquor problem; Saloons; Temperance Interior decoration see Furniture; House decoration Interlocking directorates Internal combustion engines see Gas and oil engines Internal revenue See also Income tax; Inheritance tax International harvester company International law and relations See also Arbitration, International; Boundaries; Courts, International; Diplomacy; Maritime law; Mon- LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 409-57 roe doctrine; Neutrality; Peace; War Internationalism Interstate commerce See also Railroads, Rates Interurban improvements See also Passaic boulevard Inventions Inventories Investments See also Blue sky laws; Loans; Public utilities; Securities Iowa Ireland Ireland, Home rule Irish literature Iron Iron industry and trade Irrigation See also Reclamation service Isle of Pines Italian literature Italy See also Rome; Venice Ivory Jade Jamaica Jamaica bay Jamestown, Va. January Japan J Japan, Bibliography Japanese in the U. S. Japanning Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jewelry Jews See also Hebrew literature; Pales- tine; Yiddish literature; Zionism Jitney buses 58-410 INFORMATION FILE Journalism See also Newspapers Judges See also Recall June Junior colleges Junior high schools Jury Juvenile courts See also Juvenile delinquency; Pro- bation system Juvenile delinquency See also Defectives; Juvenile courts Kansas Kentucky Kindergarten K See also Child study; Story-telling Knappers Knights and knighthood See also Chivalry Knots and splices Korea Krupp company Labor and capital L See also Arbitration and conciliation, Industrial; Employers' liability; In- dustrial relations; Minimum wage; Profit sharing; Strikes; Welfare work (in industry) Labor and laboring classes See also Accidents, Industrial; Church and the working man; Hours of labor; Strikes; Trade unions; Unemployed; Workman's compen- sation Labor and laboring classes, Bibliogra- phy Labor camps Labor day See also Holidays LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 411-59 Labor laws See also Child labor laws; Em- ployers' liability; Factory inspec- tion; Hours of labor; Injunctions; Railroad law; Workmen's compen- sation Labrador Lace Lacquer Ladders Land tenure Land title Landscape Landscape painting Language See also Dialects Language, Universal Languages, Modern Languages, Modern, Study and teach- ing Lantern slides Lathes Latin America Latin America, Commerce Latin language See also Classical education Laundries, Public Laurel Law Law schools Lawyers Lead poisoning League of youth Leases Leather Lectures and lecturing Legal aid societies Legal ethics Legal reforms See also Crime and criminals Legislation Legislation, Uniform 60-412 INFORMATION FILE Legislative reference work See also Municipal reference work Lehigh Valley railroad Leipsic exposition Lenses Lent See also Easter Leprosy Letter writing Letters See also Commercial correspondence Lewis and Clark expedition Libel and slander See also Liberty of the press Liberia Liberty Liberty, Statue of Liberty bell Liberty of speech See also Academic freedom; Lib- erty of the press Liberty of the press See also European war, Press re- ports and censorship Librarians See also Library schools and train- ing Libraries Libraries, Children's Libraries, Foreign countries Libraries, Private Libraries, Special Libraries, Traveling see Traveling libraries Libraries and art Libraries and schools Library advertising Library and museum extension Library architecture Library commissions Library economy see Library science Library examinations LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 413-61 Library furniture See also Library supplies Library laws Library of Congress Library poems Library schools and training Library science Library statistics Library supplies See also Files and filing (docu- ments); Library furniture Liens See also Mortgages Life-boats Life saving service Lighthouses Lighting See also Electric lighting; Street lighting Lightning conductors Lime Limericks Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham, Bibliography Lincoln highway See also Lincoln memorials Lincoln memorials See also Lincoln highway Lincoln's birthday Linen See also Textile industry and fabrics Linotype Lip-reading Liquor problem See also Alcoholism; Prohibition; Raines law hotels; Saloons; Tem- perance Liquor traffic See also Liquor problem Literary curiosities Literary forgeries Lithium 62-414 INFORMATION FILE Lithographs Lithography Lithuania Live stock Loan associations see Building and loan associations Loans See also Morris plan banks Lobbying Locomotives See also Diesel engines; Steam en- gines Lodging houses Lohmann process London, England Long Island, N. Y. Longevity See also Old age; Public health; Vital statistics Lotteries Louisiana Louisiana purchase See also Lewis and Clark expedi- tion Louvre, Paris Loyalty See also Patriotism Lumber See also Forests and forestry; Tim- ber Luncheons Lying Lynching Lyric poetry Macaroni Machinery Madonnas M Magazines see Periodicals Magnets Mail order business Maine LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 415-63 Maine (battleship) Make up, Theatrical Malaria Mantles, Gas and electric Manual training See also Industrial education Manufactures Manuscripts See also Archives Maple sugar Maple trees Maps See also Charts March Marie Celeste (ship) Marine engines Maritime law See also International law and re- lations Markets See also Food supply Markets, Municipal Marking system Marriage See also Divorce; Eugenics Martial law See also Military law Maryland Marzipan Masonry Massachusetts Matches Mathematics, Study and teaching Mausoleums see Tombs May May day See also Holidays Meat See also Food adulteration and in- spection Mechanical drawing See also Architectural drawing 64-416 INFORMATION FILE Mechanical engineering Mecklenburg declaration Medals See also Decorations of honor Medical colleges Medical examinations see Physical ex- aminations Medical inspection in schools Schools, Medical inspection Medical laws and legislation Medical libraries see Medical missions see Missions, Medi- cal Medicine Medicine, Study and teaching Memorial day See also Holidays Memory Memory gems see Poetry; Proverbs; Quotations Men and religion forward movement Meningitis Men's clubs Mental healing See also Christian science; New thought Mental hygiene See also Insanity; Mental healing Merchant marine see Shipping Mesa Verde national park Metabolism Metal coloring Metal work See also Arts and crafts; Jewelry; Solder and soldering Metallurgy Meteorology Metric system Metropolitan museum of art, N. Y. Metropolitan opera company Mexico Mezzotints LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 417-65 Mica Michigan Micrometer Microscope Middle ages See also Chivalry; Crusades; Feu- dalism Militarism See also Armies; Navies; Peace; War Military art and science See also Aeronautics, Military; Armies Military education See also Military training Military law See also Martial law Military service, Compulsory Military training Military training camps Milk See also Dairying Millinery See also Hats Milling machines Millionaires Mine timbers Mineralogy Mines and mineral resources Miniature painting Minimum wage Mining engineering Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota Minorcans Minstrel shows Missionary education Missions Missions, Bibliography Missions, China See also Missions, Medical Missions, Foreign } 66-418 INFORMATION FILE Missions, Home Missions, Japan and Korea See also Missions, Medical Missions, Medical Missions, Mexico Missions, Philippines, Porto Rico, etc. Mississippi river and valley See also Floods Missouri Modeling See also Plaster casts; Sculpture Modern languages Modern Mohammedanism Molly Maguires Molly Pitcher Monasteries Money see Languages, See also Banks and banking; Coins; Finance Monopolies See also Government ownership; Municipal ownership; Trusts Monotype Monroe doctrine Montana Montenegro See also Balkan states Montessori method Montreal, Quebec Moral education See also Animals, Treatment; Child study; Cruelty; Lying; Religious education Morgan, J. P., Collection Mormonism Morocco Morris canal Morris plan banks Mortgages See also Investments; Securities Mosaics LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 419-67 Mosquitoes See also Malaria Mother Goose Mothers Mothers' clubs Mothers' day Mothers' pensions see Pensions for mothers Motor boats Motor cycles Motor trucks Motor vehicles See also Automobiles; Garages; Jitney buses; Motor cycles; Motor trucks; Safety movement Motors Mountaineers Mountains Moving picture plays Moving pictures Municipal accounting See also Municipal finance Municipal advertising Municipal art See also City planning; Municipal improvement; Public buildings Municipal budgets Municipal buildings see Public build- ings Municipal charters Municipal documents Municipal efficiency Municipal employees Municipal engineering Municipal exhibits Municipal finance See also Bonds; Municipal budgets; Municipal taxation Municipal government See also Municipal charters; Com- mission government 68-420 INFORMATION FILE Municipal government, Bibliography Municipal government, City manager plan Municipal improvement See also Village improvement Municipal improvement, Bibliography Municipal leagues See also Civic organizations Municipal music see Music, Municipal Municipal ownership Municipal ownership, Bibliography Municipal publications Municipal records Municipal reference library notes Municipal reference work See also Legislative reference work Municipal research Municipal taxation Municipal theatre see Theatre, Muni- cipal Municipal universities see Colleges and universities, Municipal Munitions of war Mural painting and decoration Museums See also Exhibitions Music See also Indians of N. A., Music; Opera; Songs Music, Bibliography Music, Community Music, Instruction and study Music, Municipal Music, U. S. Music printing Musical instruments See also names of instruments Musical libraries Musicians Mythology See also Fairy tales; Folk-lore LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 421-69 N Names Names, Geographical National characteristics National flowers National forests National guard, U. S. see N. J., Mili- tia; U. S., Militia National parks and reserves See also names of parks National songs National university Nationalism and nationality Nation's business, Index Naturalization See also Citizenship; Immigrants in the U. S., Education Nature study Navajo blankets Naval education See also U. S., Naval academy Naval tactics Navies See also Navy yards and naval sta- tions; U. S., Navy Navigation laws see Maritime law Navy league of the U. S. Navy yards and naval stations Nebraska Needlework See also Embroidery Negroes See also Slavery; Lynching Negroes, Bibliography Negroes in the U. S. Negroes in the U. S., Education Nerves Netherlands Netsukes Neutrality See also Contraband of war; In- ternational law and relations 70-422 INFORMATION FILE New England New Hampshire New Jersey N. J., Accountants N. J., Agriculture N. J., Agriculture, Study and teaching N. J., Animals N. J., Archaeology N. J., Architects N. J., Architecture N. J., Archives N. J., Authors See also Newark, Authors N. J., Automobiles See also N. J., Motor vehicle laws and regulations; N. J., Street traffic N. J., Banks and banking N. J., Bar see N. J., Lawyers N. J., Billboards N. J., Biography See also N. J., Authors; N. J., Law- yers; N. J., Teachers N. J., Birds N. J., Blind N. J., Bridges See also N. Y. (city), Bridges N. J., Building and loan associations N. J., Canals See also Delaware and Raritan canal; Inland waterways, Atlantic coast; Morris canal; N. J., Ship canal N. J., Census N. J., Chambers of commerce N. J., Charities See also N. J., Children, Charities, protection, etc.; N. J., Social work N. J., Child labor N. J., Children See also N. J., Child labor N. J., Children, Backward, defective, etc. LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 423-71 N. J., Children, Charities, protection, etc. See also N. J., Charities; N. J., Child labor N. J., Churches N. J., Cities N. J., Civics see N. J., Constitution and government N. J., Civil service N. J., Civil service examinations N. J., Coal N. J., Coast See also N. J., Harbors N. J., College for women N. J., Colleges and universities See also names of institutions N. J., Commerce board and navigation N. J., Commission government N. J., Conservation and development department N. J., Constitution and government See also N. J., N. J., Politics; also names of boards and commissions N. J., Convict labor See also N. J., Prisons and prisoners N. J., Corporation law N. J., Council of education N. J., Counties N. J., Courts See also N. J., Juvenile court N. J., Defectives See also N. J., "Pineys"; Vineland, N. J., Training school N. J., Economy and efficiency com- mission N. J., Education See also N. J., Industrial education; N. J., Schools; N. J., Teachers; N. J., Vocational education N. J., Education board 72-424 INFORMATION FILE N. J., Election law N. J., Elections See also N. J., Primaries N. J., Electric railroads See also N. J., Franchises; N. J., Public service corporation N. J., Employers' liability See also N. J., Workmen's compen- sation N. J., Entomology N. J., Epileptics N. J., Estates N. J., Eugenics. N. J., Factory inspection N. J., Finance See also N. J., Banks and banking N. J., Fire protection N. J., Fish and game laws N. J., Fish culture N. J., Food adulteration and inspec- tion N. J., Food supply N. J., Foreign population See also N. J., Jewish colonies N. J., Forest fires N. J., Forests and forestry N. J., Franchises N. J., Freight rates N. J., Game See also N. J., Fish and game laws N. J., Gas rates N. J., Geology See also N. J., Mines and mineral resources N. J., George junior republic N. J., Governors N. J., Governors, Messages N. J., Grade crossings N. J., Harbors See also N. Y. (city), Harbor; Newark, Harbor LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 425-73 N. J., High schools N. J., Historic houses See also N. J., Landmarks N. J., Historical society N. J., History See also N. J., Landmarks; N. J., Maps; N. J., Towns, History; New- ark, History N. J. History, Bibliography N. J., History, Colonial N. J., History, Revolution N. J., History, Civil war N. J., Hospitals N. J., Housing problem N. J., Immigrants see N. J., Foreign population N. J., Indians N. J., Industrial education See also N. J., Vocational education N. J., Industries N. J., Insane See also N. J., Hospitals; N. J., Defectives N. J., Insurance N. J., Inventions N. J., Jewish colonies N. J., Juries N. J., Juvenile court See also Essex Co., Juvenile court N. J., Labor N. J., Labor laws. See also N. J., Child labor; N. J., Factory inspection N. J., Lakes N. J., Landmarks See also N. J., Historic houses N. J., Law school N. J., Laws See also under subjects N. J., Lawyers N. J., Legal aid society 1 74-426 INFORMATION FILE N. J., Legislative bureau N. J., Legislature N. J., Libraries N. J., Libraries, Public N. J., Library association N. J., Library laws. N. J., Liquor traffic See also N. J., Local option N. J., Literature See also N. J., Authors N. J., Literature, Bibliography N. J., Literature, Poems N. J., Local option See also N. J., Liquor traffic N. J., Maps N. J., Marriage N. J., Meadows See also Newark, Meadows N. J., Medical societies N. J., Military training N. J., Militia See also Newark, National guard N. J., Mines and mineral See also N. J., Geology N. J., Mosquitoes resources See also Essex Co., Mosquito ex- termination commission N. J., Motor vehicle laws and regu- lations N. J., Moving pictures N. J., Municipal finance N. J., Municipal government See also N. J., Commission govern- ment N. J., Museums N. J., Musicians N. J., Names, Geographical N. J., Normal schools N. J., Nurses and nursing N. J., Pageants N. J., Parks See also Hudson river LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 427-75 N. J., Pensions See also N. J., Pensions for mothers N. J., Pensions for mothers N. J., "Pineys" See also N. J., Defectives N. J., Plank road N. J., Plants N. J., Police N. J., Politics See also N. J., Constitution and government; N. J., Elections N. J., Poor N. J., Population See also N. J., Foreign population N. J., Ports See also Newark, Port N. J., Primaries See also N. J., Elections; N. J., Politics N. J., Printing N. J., Prisons and prisoners See also N. J., Convict labor; N. J., Reformatories N. J., Probation system N. J., Public buildings N. J., Public health See also N. J., Food adulteration and inspection; N. J., Vital statis- tics N. J., Public service corporation N. J., Public utilities See also N. J., Public service cor- poration; N. J., Railroads; N. J., Telephones N. J., Railroads See also N. J., Electric railroads N. J., Recall N. J., Reformatories N. J., Religious education N. J., Riparian lands 76-428 INFORMATION FILE N. J., Roads See also N. J., Plank road N. J., Rural schools N. J., Saloons see N. J., Liquor traffic N. J., School boards N. J., School-houses N. J., School-houses as social centres N. J., School hygiene N. J., School laws N. J., Schools See also N. J., Colleges and un- iversities; N. J., Education; N. J., High schools; N. J., Normal schools; N. J., Rural schools N. J., Schools, Medical inspection N. J., Schools, Physical education and training N. J., Scientists N. J., Seal N. J., "Seven Sisters" see N. J., Cor- poration law N. J., Sewage See also Passaic valley sewer N. J., Sex instruction N. J., Ship canal See also Inland waterways, Atlan- tic coast N. J., Social work See also N. J., Charities N. J., Societies and clubs See also N. J., Medical societies; N. J., Women's clubs N. J., State examinations, Academic N. J., State examinations, Elementary N. J., State examinations, Professional N. J., State publications N. J., Street traffic See also N. J., Automobiles; N. J., Motor vehicle laws and regula- tions N. J., Sunday schools N. J., Taxation LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 429-77 N. J., Teachers N. J., Teachers, Pensions N. J., Teachers' certificates N. J., Telephones N. J., Tenements see N. J., Housing problem N. J., Towns N. J., Towns, History N. J., Transportation See also N. J., Canals; N. J., Rail- roads; Newark, Harbor N. J., Trees See also N. J., Forests and forestry N. J., Tuberculosis N. J., Vital statistics N. J., Vocational education See also N. J., Industrial education N. J., Wages N. J., Water pollution N. J., Water-supply N. J., Waterways See also N. J., Canals; Newark, Harbor; Passaic river N. J., Weather N. J., Weights and measures N. J., Widows' pensions see N. J., Pensions for mothers N. J., Woman suffrage N. J., Women's clubs N. J., Working girls and women N. J., Workmen's compensation See also N. J., Employers' liability New Jersey and the war New Jersey day New Mexico New Orleans, La. New thought New year See also Holidays New York (city) N. Y. (city), Amusements See also N. Y. (city), Theatres 78-430 INFORMATION FILE N. Y. (city), Architecture N. Y. (city), Art societies N. Y. (city), Bridges See also N. J., Bridges N. Y. (city), Charities N. Y. (city), Charter N. Y. (city), Churches N. Y. (city), Courts N. Y. (city), Crime and criminals N. Y. (city), Education See also N. Y. (city), Lectures; N. Y. (city), Museums N. Y. (city), Finance N. Y. (city), Geology N. Y. (city), Guide books N. Y. (city), Harbor See also Newark, Harbor N. Y. (city), History N. Y. (city), Hospitals N. Y. (city), Lectures N. Y. (city), Libraries N. Y. (city), Maps See also N. Y. (city), Guide books N. Y. (city), Museums N. Y. (city), Ordinances N. Y. (city), Parks and playgrounds N. Y. (city), Police N. Y. (city), Politics and government See also Tammany Hall N. Y. (city), Port See also N. Y. (city), Harbor; Newark, Port N. Y. (city), Public health N. Y. (city), Railroads N. Y. (city), Real estate N. Y. (city), Recreations See also N. Y. (city), Amusements; N. Y. (city), Lectures; N. Y. (city), Museums; N. Y. (city), Parks and playgrounds; N, Y. (city), Theatres LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 431-79 N. Y. (city), Refuse and refuse dis- posal N. Y. (city), Schools (city), Education N. Y. (city), Sewage see N. Y. N. Y. (city), Social work N. Y. (city), Societies and clubs See also N. Y. (city), Art so- cieties N. Y. (city), Streets N. Y. (city), Subways N. Y. (city), Theatres N. Y. (city), Transportation See also N. Y. (city), Subways; Tunnels N. Y. (city), Water-supply N. Y. (city), Zoning N. Y. (state), Charities N. Y. (state), Education N. Y. (state), Elections N. Y. (state), History N. Y. (state), Law N. Y. (state), Library N. Y. (state), Library, Best books N. Y. (state), Politics and govern- ment N. Y. (state), Regents' examinations New York Central and Hudson river railroad New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad New Zealand Newark Newark (cruiser) Newark, Academy Newark, Almshouse Newark, Amusements see Newark, Recreation Newark, Architecture See also Newark, Buildings; New- ark, Churches Newark, Art % 80-432 INFORMATION FILE Newark, Assessment See also Newark, Taxation Newark, Athletics Newark, Authors See also Newark, Biography Newark, Automobiles Newark, Banks and banking Newark, Baths, Public Newark, Bay see Newark, Harbor Newark, Billboards see Newark, Signs Newark, Biography See also Boyden, Seth; Newark, Authors; Newark, Inventors; New- ark, Lawyers; Newark, Ministers; Newark, Physicians; Newark, Teachers; Treat, Robert Newark, Board of trade Newark, Board of works See also Newark, Streets; Newark, Water-supply Newark, Boy scouts Newark, Boys See also Newark, Boy scouts Newark, Bridges Newark, Budget See also Newark, Finance; Newark, Taxation Newark, Building Newark, Building and loan associa- tions Newark, Building code Newark, Buildings See also Newark, Architecture; Newark, Public buildings Newark, Business conditions Newark, Camp Frelinghuysen Newark, Census Newark, Charities See also Newark, City camp; New- ark, Hospitals; Newark, Social work Newark, Charter LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 433-81 1 Newark, Child labor See also N. J., Child labor Newark, Children See also Newark, Boys; Newark, Charities; Newark, City camp; Newark, Parental home Newark, Children, Care and hygiene Newark, Churches See also Newark, Architecture; Newark, Ministers Newark, City camp Newark, City hall Newark, City home see Newark, Pa- rental home Newark, City plan commission Newark, City planning See also Interurban improvements; Newark, Development, Area; New- ark, Streets Newark, City planning, Charts Newark, Civil service Newark, Clubs see Newark, Societies and clubs Newark, Commission government Newark, Common council Newark, Contemporary Newark, Conventions Newark, Cost of living Newark, Courts Newark, Crime and Criminals Newark, Customs service Newark, Dance halls See also Newark, School dances Newark, Defenses See also Newark, Police; Newark and the war Newark, Dental hygiene Newark, Department stores Newark, Development, Area See also Newark, Meadows; New- ark, Port Newark, Development, Industrial 82-434 INFORMATION FILE Newark, Development schemes See also Newark, Harbor Newark, Dispensary see Health board Newark, Docks Newark, Domestic animals Newark, Education board Newark, Newark, Education board, Circulars Newark, Education of women See also Newark, Private schools; Newark, Schools, Girls' Vocational; Newark, Y. W. C. A. Newark, Election districts Newark, Elections See also Essex Co., Elections; N. J., Elections Newark, Employment agencies Newark, Evening and continuation schools Newark, Excess condemnation Newark, Exhibitions See also Newark, Industrial expo- sition; Newark, Museum, Exhibi- tions; Newark, Public Library, Ex- hibitions Newark, Finance See also Newark, Budget; Newark, Taxation Newark, Fire department Newark, Fire protection Newark, Flag Newark, Food adulteration and in- spection Newark, Foreign population See also Newark, Population Newark, Founders' day Newark, Four corners See also Newark, Traffic Newark, Fourth of July Newark, Franchises Newark, Freight rates See also Newark, Transportation LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 435-83 Newark, Geography Newark, Grade crossings Newark, Guide books Newark, Harbor See also Newark, Docks; Newark, Meadows; Newark, Ship canal; Passaic river Newark, Health board Newark, High schools Newark, High schools, Commencement programs Newark, High schools, Curriculum Newark, High schools, Examinations Newark, Historic houses. Newark, History Newark, History, Colonial Newark, History, Revolution Newark, History, 1800-1850 Newark, History, 1850-1900 Newark, History, Recent See also Newark, 1916 Newark, Hospitals Newark, Hotels Newark, Housing problem Newark, Industrial education See also Newark, Schools, Boys' Vocational; Newark, Schools, Girls' Vocational; Newark, Schools, Man- ual training; Newark, Y. M. C. A.; Newark, Y. W. C. A. Newark, Industrial exposition Newark, Industries Newark, Infant mortality See also Newark, Vital statistics Newark, Institute of arts and sciences Newark, Insurance See also Prudential insurance com- pany Newark, Inventors See also Boyden, Seth Newark, "Ironbound" district Newark, Jail see Essex Co., Jail 84-436 INFORMATION FILE Newark, Jitney buses Newark, Junior museum See also Collectors and collecting Newark, Juvenile court see Essex Co., Juvenile court Newark, Labor and laboring classes. Newark, Landmarks Newark, Law school see New Jersey, Law school Newark, Lawyers Newark, Lectures See also Newark, Institute of arts and sciences Newark, Legal aid See N. J., Legal aid society Newark, Legislation Newark, Libraries See also Newark, Municipal library; Newark, Public library Newark, Lighting Newark, Liquor traffic See also Newark, Saloons Newark, Maps Newark, Market Newark, Mayors Newark, Mayors, Messages Newark, Meadows See also Newark, Development schemes Newark, Milk supply See also Newark, Food adulteration and inspection Newark, Ministers Newark, Monuments See also Newark, Statues Newark, Moving pictures Newark, Municipal library Newark, Museum Newark, Museum, Collections Newark, Museum, Exhibitions Newark, Music Newark, National guard LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 437-85 Newark, Newspapers Newark, 1916 Newark, 1916, Competitions Newark, 1916, Finance Newark, 1916, Memorial Newark, 1916, Pageant Newark, 1916, Posters Newark, 1916, Schools Newark, 1916, Street decorations Newark, Nurses and nursing Newark, Ordinances Newark, Pageants See also Newark, 1916, Pageant Newark, Parental home Newark, Parks See also Essex Co., Parks; Newark, Playgrounds Newark, Pavements Newark, Physicians Newark, Playgrounds See also Newark, Recreation Newark, Poems about Newark, Police department Newark, Politics and government See also Newark, Charter; Newark, Commission government Newark, Population See also Newark, Foreign population Newark, Port See also Newark, Development schemes; Newark, Docks; Newark, Harbor; Newark, Meadows; New- ark, Ship canal Newark, Post-office Newark, Printers Newark, Private schools See also names of schools Newark, Probation system see Essex Co., Probation system Newark, Prostitution { 86-438 INFORMATION FILE Newark, Public buildings See also Newark, Architecture; Newark, Buildings Newark, Public comfort stations Newark, Public library Public library, Business Newark, Public branch Newark, Public library, Classification Newark, Public library, Examinations Newark, Public library, Exhibitions Newark, Public library, Graded lists. Newark, Public library, Leaflets Newark, Public library, Poems Newark, Public service corporation see N. J., Public service corporation Newark, Public service terminal Newark, Publishers and publishing See also Newark, Printers Newark, Railroads Newark, Real estate Newark, Recreation See also Essex Co., Parks; New- ark, Athletics; Newark, Dance halls; Newark, Playgrounds; New- ark, Theatres Newark, Rufuse and refuse disposal Newark, Religious education Newark, Safety movement Newark, Saloons See also Newark, Liquor traffic Newark, School census Newark, School dances See also Newark, Dance halls Newark, School gardens See also Newark, Vacant lot culti- vation Newark, School-houses Newark, School-houses as social cen- ters See also Newark, School dances LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 439-87 Newark, School hygiene See also Newark, Schools, Medical inspection Newark, School libraries Newark, School papers Newark, School year Newark, Schoolmen's club See also Newark, Tablets Newark, Schools See also Newark, Education board; Newark, Evening and continuation schools; Newark, High schools; Newark, Private schools; Newark, School year; Newark, Summer schools; also names of schools Newark, Schools, Athletics See also Newark, Schools, Physical education and training Newark, Schools, Boys' vocational Newark, Schools, Commencement pro- grams Newark, Schools, Curriculum Newark, Schools, Examinations, Ele- mentary See also Newark, High schools, Ex- aminations Newark, Schools, Exhibitions Newark, Schools, Gary system Newark, Schools, Girls' vocational Newark, Schools, History Newark, Schools, Manual training Newark, Schools, Medical inspection See also Newark, School hygiene Newark, Schools, Parochial Newark, Schools, Physical education and training See also Newark, Schools, Athletics Newark, Schools, Text-books Newark, Schools and the war Newark, Sculpture Newark, Seal 88-440 INFORMATION FILE Newark, Sewerage See also Passaic valley sewer Newark, Shade tree commission Newark, Ship canal See also Newark, Harbor; Newark, Meadows Newark, Signs Newark, Smoke Newark, Social settlements Newark, Social survey See also Essex Co., Social survey Newark, Social work See also Newark, Charities; New- ark, Social settlements Newark, Societies and clubs See also Newark, Contemporary; Newark, School men's club; New- ark, Women's clubs Newark, Songs Newark, State normal school Newark, Statistics See also Newark, Vital statistics. Newark, Statues Newark, Street cleaning Newark, Street lighting Newark, Street railroads See also N. J., Public service cor- poration; Newark, Franchises Newark, Street traffic See also Newark, City planning; Newark, Streets Newark, Streets See also Interurban improvements; Newark, Pavements; Newark, Ref- use and refuse disposal Newark, Strikes Newark, Study Newark, Suburbs See also also Newark, Development schemes Newark, Subways LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 441-89 Newark, Summer schools Newark, Sunday Newark, Sunday schools Newark, Tablets See also Newark, Schoolmen's club Newark, Taxation See also Newark, Assessment; New- ark, Budget; Newark, Finance Newark, Teachers Newark, Teachers' examinations Newark, Technical school Newark, Telephone system Newark, Theatres Newark, Trade unions Newark, Transportation See also Newark, Jitney buses; Newark, Railroads; Newark, Street railroads Newark, Trees See also Newark, Shade tree com- mission Newark, Tuberculosis Newark, University Newark, University extension See also Newark, Institute of arts and sciences Newark, Vacant lot cultivation Newark, Vital statistics See also Newark, Infant mortality Newark, Vocational education See also Newark, Industrial educa- tion; also names of schools Newark, Wards Newark, Water-supply Newark, Waterways Newark, Weather Newark, Weights and measures Newark, Welfare work (in industry) Newark, Woman Newark, Woman suffrage Newark, Women's clubs See also Newark, Contemporary 90-442 INFORMATION FILE Newark, Working girls and women Newark, Y. M. C. A. Newark, Y. W. C. A. Newark, Zoning Newark and the war Newark day Newarker Newsboys Newspapers See also Journalism; Liberty of the press Niagara (ship) Niagara Falls Nibelungenlied Nicaragua Nineteen hundred and sixteen Nineteen hundred and seventeen Nineteenth century Nitrogen Nobel prizes Noise Non-resistance Normal schools North Carolina Northern Pacific railway Northfield, Mass. Northwest Norway Novels see Fiction November Nurses and nursing Nuts Oaths Occupations, Diseases and hygiene October Office supplies Ohio Oil see Petroleum Oil filters Oil painting see Painting Oil testing LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 443-91 Oklahoma Old age See also Longevity Old age pensions Old South work Olympic games Omnibuses See also Electric motors Open and closed shop See also Trade unions Open-air schools Opera See also Metropolitan opera com- pany Opium Optimism Ordnance Oregon Organ Orient Osteopathy Outdoor life Outdoor relief See also Charities Oxidation Oysters Ozonators P Packing for shipment Pageants Pain Painting Painting, Industrial and practical Palestine Palisades of the Hudson see Harri- man park; Hudson river Pan-American conferences Pan-American union Pan-Americanism Panama Panama canal Panama canal, Bibliography 92-444 INFORMATion file Panama canal, Fortification Panama canal, Tolls Panama canal zone Panama-Pacific exposition Panama railroad Paper Paper flowers Paper-hanging See also Mural painting and deco- ration; Painting, Industrial and practical Paper work Paraguay Parasites Parcel post See also Postal service, Laws and regulations Parents Parents' associations See also School and the home Paris, France Parks See also Landscape gardening; Na- tional parks and reserves; Play- grounds; also names of cities Parliamentary practice Passaic boulevard Passaic river See also Newark, Harbor Passaic river bridges Passaic valley sewer Passion plays Passports Pastels Patent laws Patent medicine Patents Patriotic societies See also names of societies Patriotism See also Citizenship; Loyalty Patrons of husbandry LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 445-93 Pauperism see Poor Pavements See also Roads; Streets Paving see Pavements Pawnbroking Peace See also Arbitration, International; International law and relations; Mil- itarism; Non-resistance; War Peace, Bibliography Peace day Peace societies Peach Pearl fisheries Pecans Peccavi pun Pellagra Penmanship Pennsylvania Penn, academy of fine arts. Pennsylvania railroad Pens Pensions See also Old age pensions; Teach- ers, Pensions Pensions, U. S. Pensions for mothers Perfumery Periodicals See also Journalism; Newspapers Persia Peru Petroleum Pheasants Philadelphia, Pa. Philanthropy See also Charities; Social settle- ments; Social work Philathea class Philippine islands Philology Phonetics See also Speech 94-446 INFORMATION file Phonograph Photo-engraving Photo-mechanical processes Photographs Photography See also Moving pictures; Photo- stat Photometry Photostat Physical education and training See also Athletics; Sports Physical examinations Physical measurements Physics Physiognomy Piano Pickpockets Picture books Picture collection Picture frames and framing Pictures, Bibliography Pictures, Catalogs Pictures, Study of Piers Pine "Pineys" see N. J., Defectives Pipes Pirates Pitcairn island Pittsburgh, Pa. Place names see Names, Geographical Plague Planing machines Planting tables see Gardening, Plant- ing tables Plants See also names of plants Plaster and plastering Plaster casts Plate See also Silverware Platforms, Political Platinum LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 447-95 Play See also Games; Playgrounds; Rec- reation; Sports Playgrounds See also Parks, Recreation Plays See also Drama Poems Poetry See also Ballads; Songs; War poetry Poisons See also Drugs Poland Polar regions Police Police signals Policewomen Poliomyelitis see Infantile paralysis Polish literature Political parties Political platforms see Platforms, Po- litical Political science Politicians Politics See also Elections; Lobbying; Plat- forms, Political; Primaries; Suf- frage; also names of cities and coun- tries, subhead Politics and govern- ment Politics, Corruption in See also Campaign funds; Lobby- ing; Tammany Hall Pontifex maximus Poor See also Charities; Old age pen- sions; Philanthropy; Thrift; Tramps; Unemployed Popes Population Portable buildings Porto Rico 96-448 INFORMATION FILE Portraits See also Photographs Ports See also Docks; Harbors; Termi- nals Portugal Postage-stamps Postal cards Postal express Postal rates Postal savings banks Postal service Postal service, Laws and regulations See also U. S., Postal guide Poster stamps Posters See also Billboards; Poster stamps Potatoes Potentiometers Poultry Poverty see Poor Power plants Power transmission Prayer Precious stones Preferential voting Prenatal influences See also Eugenics Presidential compaigns. See also Campaign funds; Plat- forms, Political Presidents, U. S. See also names of presidents Presidents, U. S., Messages Presidents, U. S., Term Prices See also Cost of living Primaries Frimaries, Presidential Princeton, Battle of Princeton university Print collections in libraries LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 449-97 Printing Printing, Costs Printing machinery Prints Prints, American Prison labor see Convict labor Prison ships Prisons and prisoners See also Borstal system; Convict labor; Indeterminate sentence; Le- gal reforms; Probation system Private schools Probation system See also Indeterminate sentence; Ju- venile courts Professions Profit Profit sharing See also Labor and capital Progressive party Prohibition 1 See also Alcoholism; Liquor prob- lem; Temperance Projectiles Projection apparatus Prophecies See also Fortune-telling Proportional representation. Prostitution See also Sex hygiene; Social prob- lems; White slavery Protestant Episcopal church Proverbs See also Folk-lore; Quotations Prudential insurance company Pruning See also Fruit culture Pseudonyms Psychical research Psychology See also Child study Psychotherapy see Mental healing 98-450 INFORMATION FILE Public affairs information service Public baths see Baths, public Public buildings See also Library architecture; School- houses; U. S. Public buildings Public comfort stations Public defenders Public health See also Drinking cups; Food adul- teration and inspection; Health boards; Housing problem; School hygiene Public health, Statistics Public lands See also Indians of N. A., Reserva- tions; National parks and reserves Public libraries see Libraries Public officers See also Municipal employees; Pub- lic service Public records see Archives Public schools See also Education; Open-air schools; Rural schools Public service See also Colleges and universities, Municipal; Public officers Public service commissions See also Public utilities Public service corporations See Public utilities Public speaking See also Debating; Toasts Public utilities See also Franchises; Municipal own- ership Public utilities, Regulation Public utilities, Valuation Public vehicles See also Automobile laws and regu- lations; Jitney buses Public welfare LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 451-99 Public works See also Municipal engineering; Public buildings Publishers and publishing Pulmotor Punching machinery Pure food law, see Food adulteration. and inspection Puritans Puzzles Pyrometers Q Quakers see Friends, Society of Quarantine See also Public health Queensborough See also Brooklyn, N. Y. Quotations See also Proverbs R Race decadence see Degeneration Race problems See also Immigration; Indians of N. A.; Japanese in the U. S.; Jews; Negroes Races of man Radium Raffia Railroad law Railroads See also Government ownership; Grade crossings; Safety devices; Subways; Transportation; Tunnels; also names of railroads Railroads, Accidents Railroads, Employees Railroads, Equipment and supplies Railroads, Finance Railroads, Passes Railroads, Rates Railroads, Signals Railroads, Statistics 100-452 INFORMATION FILE Railroads, Valuation Railroads in war Railway mail service Rain Raines law hotels Rapid transit See also Electric railroads; Sub- ways Rasps see Files and rasps. Rat proofing Rats Reading See also Books and reading; Chil- dren's literature Reading, Study and teaching Real estate Recall See also Courts, U. S.; Democracy; Referendum Reclamation service Reconstruction Recreation See also Games; Play; Play- grounds; Social centers; Sports Recreation surveys Red cross See also European war, Relief work Reference books See also Dictionaries; Encyclopedias Reference work Referendum See also Democracy; Recall Reflectoscope Reformation Reformers Refrigeration and refrigerating machin- ery Refuse and refuse disposal See also Sewage; Street cleaning; Water pollution Refuse destructors LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 453-101 Regents' examinations see N. Y. (state), Regents' examinations Religion See also Christianity; Ethics; Re- ligious education; Totemism Religion, Psychology of Religious education See also Bible in the schools; Child study; Moral education Renaissance See also Middle ages Representative government See also Democracy; Proportional representation Republican party Resistance boxes Rest Resurrection Retail trade See also Department stores Retardation See also Children, Backward, de- fective, etc.; School grading and promotions Revenue cutter service Rhode Island Rhodes scholarships Rhythm Rice Rifle practice See also Trap shooting Riots Riparian rights Rivers See also Floods; Harbors; Water power; also names of rivers Roads See also Pavements; Streets Roads, Dust prevention Robin Robinson Crusoe Rockefeller foundation 102-454 INFORMATION FILE Rockefeller institute for medical re- search Roman Catholic church Roman Catholic church, Education Roman Catholic literature Rome Roofing Rope Royal academy of arts Rubber Rugs Rumania Rural credit see Agricultural credit Rural schools Russell Sage foundation Russia See also Siberia; Ukraine Russia, Commerce Rustic woodwork See also Garden ornaments and furniture Rutgers college Sabotage S Safety at sea See also Life-boats; Maritime law Safety devices See also Employers' liability; Rail- roads, Signals Safety movement Sagas St. Louis, Mo. St. Patrick's day Salaries See also Teachers, Salaries; Wages Salesmen and salesmanship See also Advertising; Retail trade Saloons See also Alcoholism; Liquor prob- lem; Liquor traffic; Prohibition; Temperance Salt list of subjeCT HEADINGS 455-103 Salvador Salvation army Samoa Samplers San Diego exposition San Francisco, Cal. Sanatoriums See also Hospitals Sand Sand blast Sanitation See also Public health; Refuse and refuse disposal; Sewage; Smoke prevention; Water pollution Santa Fé railway Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Sashes Satinwood Saving See also Thrift Savings banks See also Postal savings banks; School savings banks Scales Scandinavia See also Denmark; Norway; Swe- den School administration and organization School age School and the home See also Parents' associations School athletics School attendance See also Compulsory education School boards School books see Text-books School city School credits School day School decoration School discipline School finance 104-456 INFORMATION FILE School gardens See also Vacant lot cultivation School grading and promotions See also Ability tests; Marking system; Retardation School grounds School-houses School-houses as social centres See also Social centres School hygiene See also Open-air schools; Physical education and training; Medical inspection School laws School libraries See also Children's literature School lunches School management Schools, See also School city; Self govern- ment (in education) School nurses School programs School reports and records School savings banks School supervision and supervisors School supplies School year Schools See also Agricultural schools; Col- leges and universities; Evening and continuation schools; High schools; Kindergartens; Manual training; Normal schools; Open-air schools; Rural schools Schools, Fire protection See also Fire protection Schools, Medical inspection See also School hygiene Schools and shops, Cooperation of Science, Study and teaching LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 457-105 Scientific management See also Cost accounting; Effi- ciency; Factory management Scientists Scotland Screw machines Sculpture Sculpture, American Sculpture, Ancient Sculpture, Architectural see Architect- ural sculpture Seafaring life Seals Seals (animals) Seasickness Seat work in schools See also Cardboard construction; Paper work Seattle, Wash. Secret societies Secretaries Securities See also Blue sky laws; Invest- ments; Public utilities; Stocks Seeds Self control Self-government (in education) See also School city Self master colony Self-sacrifice Senators See also U. S., Senate September Sermons Serum Servants See also Employment agencies "Seven sisters" see N. J., .Corporation law Sewage See also Refuse and refuse disposal; Water pollution 106-458 INFORMATION FILE Sewing see Needlework Sewing machines Sex hygiene See also Sex instruction Sex hygiene, Bibliography Sex instruction See also Sex hygiene Shakers Shakespeare, William Shakespeare-Bacon controversy Shapers Sharks Sheep Sheffield plate see Plate Sherardizing see Galvanizing Ship subsidies Shipbuilding See also Steamships and steamboats; Submarine boats Shipping See also Maritime law; Shipbuild- ing; Transportation Ships See also Prison ships; Yachts and yachting Shock absorbers Shoes Short ballot Short story Shorthand Show windows Shuttles Siam Siberia See also Russia Sicily and Calabria Sign language See also Deaf and dumb Signals See also Fire-alarms; Submarine signals LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 459-107 Signs See also Billboards; Signals Silhouettes Silk, Manufacture and trade Silkworms Silos Silver Silverware See also Plate Simple life See also Country life Singing and voice culture Single tax Sisal hemp Skis and ski-running Sky-scrapers Slag Slavs See also Balkan states Sleeping, Outdoor Slogans Smoke Smoke prevention Smuts Soap Social centres See also School-houses as social cen- tres; Social settlements Social evil see Prostitution Social problems See also Charities; Child labor; Church and social problems; De- fectives; Divorce; Labor and labor- ing classes; Liquor problems; Mini- mum wage; Prostitution; Public health; Race problems; Unem- ployed Social service see Social work Social settlements Social surveys See also Educational surveys; In- dustrial surveys; Recreation surveys 108-460 INFORMATION FILE Social work See also Charities; Social problems; Welfare work (in industry); Y. M. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. Social work, Study and teaching Socialism See also Anarchism and anarchists; Four hour day; day; Individualism; Trade-unions; Wealth Socialism, Bibliography Sociology See also Social problems Soils Solder and soldering See also Alloys; Welding Songs See also Folk songs; Indians of N. A., Music; National songs Sons of the American revolution South America South America, Commerce South Carolina Southern railway Southern states Southern states, Education Soy-bean Spain Spanish language Spark plugs Special classes and special schools Spectra Speech See also Deaf and dumb; Lip- reading; Stammering; Voice cul- ture Speeches see Public speaking Spelling Spoils system see Civil service Sports See also Athletics; Fishing; Hunt- ing; Skis and ski-running; Tennis; Yachts and yachting LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 461-109 Spotted fever Spraying Spring Sprocket wheels Spruce Stained glass see Glass painting and staining Stair building Stammering Standard oil company State documents State governments See also Constitutions, state State histories State institutions State insurance see Insurance, State and compulsory State rights Staten island Statesmen Statistics See also U. S., Census; Population; Vital statistics; also under subjects Statues See also Plaster casts; Sculpture Steam Steam boilers see Boilers; Steam en- gines Steam engines See also Locomotives Steamship lines Steamships and steamboats Steel Steel piling Stenotype Stereograph Sterilization of defectives, criminals, etc. Stevens institute Stock exchange See also Wall street 110-462 INFORMATION FILE Stocks See also Bonds; Securities Storage batteries See also Electric batteries Stores See also Cooperative stores; De- partment stores; Retail trade; Show windows Storms Story-telling See also Children's literature; Short story Stoves Street cars see Street railroads Street cleaning See also Cleaning of cities; Refuse and refuse disposal Street lighting Street railroads See also Electric railroads Street traffic Streets See also City planning; Municipal art; Pavements; Roads Strikes See also Anarchism and anarchists; Arbitration and conciliation, Indus- trial; Boycott; Trade-unions Structural materials see Building ma- terials Student periodicals Study, Method of Subject headings Submarine boats Submarine signals Subways See also N. Y. (city), Subways; Tunnels Success See also Business; Thrift List of subjECT HEADINGS 463-111 Suffrage See also Ballot; Citizenship; Elec- tions; Woman suffrage Sugar See also Beets and beet sugar; Glucose; Maple sugar Suicide Summer resorts Summer schools Sun dials Sunday Sunday schools See also Baraca class; Philathea class; Religious education Superstition Surveying Sweating system Sweden Swimming pools Swindlers and swindling See also Bulk sales Switchboards Switzerland Symbolism Syrians in the U. S. Tableaux T Tablets Tabulating machines Tammany Hall Tapestry Tariff See also Free trade and protection; Taxation Taxation See also Assessment; Forest taxa- tion; Income tax; Inheritance tax; Internal revenue; Municipal finance; Single tax; Tariff Tea Teachers Teachers, Interchange of 112-464 INFORMATION FILE Teachers, Pensions Teachers, Salaries Teachers, Tenure of office Teachers, Training Teachers' certificates Teachers' unions ! Teachers' college, Columbia university Teaching See also Child study; Education; Montessori method; School grading and promotions; Seat work in schools; Story-telling Technical education See also Industrial education; Man- ual training; Schools and shops, Co- operation of; Vocational education. Technical libraries Teeth See also Dentistry Telegraph See also Cables, Submarine; Wire- less telegraphy Telephone Telepost Telescope Temperance See also Alcoholism; Drug habit; Liquor problem; Opium; Prohibi- tion; Raines law hotels; Saloons; Tobacco Tenement houses See also Housing problem; Lodg- ing houses Tennessee Tennis Terminals Testing see U. S., Standards bureau Tetanus Texas Text-books Textile industry and fabrics See also Cotton; Dyes and dyeing; LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 465-113 Linen; Silk, Manufacture and trade; Wool Thanksgiving day See also Holidays Theatre See also Drama; Moving pictures; Pageants; Passion plays Theatre, Municipal Theosophy See also Vedanta Thermit Thermometers Thermostat Thrift See also Cost of living; Morris plan banks; Old age pensions; Saving Thyroid gland Tides Tiles See also Clay industries Timber See also Forests and forestry; Lum- ber; Trees; Wood preservation Time measurements See also Sun dials Tipping Toasts See also Public speaking Tobacco See also Cigarettes Tombs Tools See also Files and rasps; Lathes; Machinery; Vises Totems Towns Toys See also Dolls; Paper work Trachoma see Conjunctivitis Trade-marks Trade schools see Industrial education; Manual training 114-466 INFORMATION FILE Trade-unions See also Arbitration and concilia- tion, Industrial; Labor and capital; Open and closed shop; Strikes Trading stamps Tramps See also Farm colonies; Unem- ployed Transformers Translation Transmission of power see Power transmission Transportation See also Aeronautics; Automobiles; Canals; Express companies; Parcel post; Railroads; Roads; Steamships and steamboats; Waterways Trap-shooting Travel See also Automobile touring; Pass- ports; Steamship lines; Summer re- sorts; Tipping; Vacations; Winter resorts Treat, Robert Treaties See also International law and re- lations Tree planting See also Arbor day; Forest plant- ing; Fruit culture; Trees Trees See also Arbor day; Tree planting; also names of trees Trees (in cities) Tripoli Truancy see School attendance Trust companies Trusts See also Corporations; Standard oil company; United States steel cor- poration LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 467-115 Tuberculosis See also Open-air schools. Tubes Tungsten Tunnels Turbo-alternators see Dynamos Turkey Turkeys Turpentine Twelfth night see Holidays Type-setting machines See also Linotype; Monotype Type-writing Typhoid fever Typography see Printing Udo Ukraine U Umbrellas Unemployed See also Employment agencies; Poor; Tramps Uniforms Unitarianism United States U. S., Agriculture department U. S., Appropriations and expendi- tures U. S., Army See also Conscription; Pensions; Uniforms; U. S., Defenses; U. S., Military academy; U. S., Militia U. S., Census U. S., Children's bureau U. S., Coast and geodetic survey See also U. S., Commerce depart- ment U. S., Commerce department U. S., Congress See also U. S., Senate U. S., Constitution 116-468 INFORMATION FILE U. S., Defenses See also U. S., Army; U. S., Navy U. S., Documents See also Archives U. S., Documents, Price lists U. S., Economic conditions U. S., Engraving and printing bureau U. S., Finance See also U. S., Appropriations and expenditures U. S., Foreign relations See also Arbitration, International; European war, U. S.; Monroe doc- trine U. S., Foreign relations, Germany U. S., Foreign relations, Japan See also Japanese in the U. S. U. S., Foreign relations, Mexico U. S., Foreign relations, Russia U. S., Foreign relations, South Amer- ica U. S., Geological survey U. S. Government see U. S., Politics and government U. S., History See also America, Discovery and exploration U. S., History, Bibliography U. S., History, Colonial U. S., History, Revolution See also Valley Forge, Pa. U. S., History, Civil war See also Gettysburg, Battle of U. S., Industries and resources See also names of industries U. S., Labor department U. S., Marine corps U. S., Military academy U. S., Militia U. S., Mint U. S., Naval academy LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 469-117 U. S., Navy See also Aeronautics, Military; Mil- itia; Navies; Navy yard and naval stations; Submarine boats; Uni- forms; U. S., Marine corps U. S., Politics and government U. S., Postal guide (official) See also Postal service, Laws and regulations U. S., Printing office U. S., Public buildings U. S., Public lands see Public lands U. S., Senate See also Senators U. S., Standards bureau U. S., State department U. S., Treasury department U. S., War department See also U. S. Army U. S., Weather bureau United States steel corporation Universal language see Language, Un- iversal Universalism University extension Uruguay Utah V Vacant lot cultivation See also School gardens Vacations See also Summer resorts Vaccination See also Typhoid fever Vacuum cleaning Vacuum pumps Valentine's day See also Holidays Valley Forge, Pa. Valuation See also Public utilities, Valuation; Railroads, Valuation 118-470 INFORMATION FILE Valves and valve gears Vaults Vedanta Vegetables Venezuela Venice, Italy Verdigris Vermont Veto Vice-presidents Village improvement Vinegar Vineland (N. J.) training school See also Defectives Virginia Vises Visual instruction Vital statistics See also Birth registration Vivisection See also Animal experimentation Vocational education See also Corporation schools; Eve- ning and continuation schools; In- dustrial education; Schools Schools and shops, Cooperation of Vocational education, Bibliography Vocational guidance Vocational guidance, Bibliography Vocations for men Vocations for women See also Intercollegiate bureau of occupations; Woman, Occupations Voice culture see Singing and voice culture Volcanoes Voltage regulation Voltite Voting-machines LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 471-119 Wages W See also Hours of labor; Minimum wage; Profit sharing; Sweating sys- tem; Tipping; Trade unions Wales Wall street See also Stock exchange Walnut War See also Arbitration, International; Armies; Contraband of war; Inter- national laws and relations; Militar- ism; Military art and science; Navies; Neutrality; Non-resistance; Peace; Red cross War finance See also European war, Commercial and financial aspects; War loans War loans War poetry Warehouses Washington, George Washington (D. C.) Washington (State) Washington's birthday See also Holidays Waste, Disposal of see Refuse and refuse disposal; Sewage; Waste products Waste products Water Water-color painting Water-colors Water-coolers Water distillation see Distillation Water-meters Water pollution See also Sewage Water-power Water-supply 120-472 INFORMATION FILE Waterways See also Canals; Rivers Wealth Weather forecasts Weaving Weeds Weights and measures See also Metric system; Scales Weirs Welding See also Solder and soldering Welfare work (in industry) See also Hours of labor; Housing problem; Industrial education; In- surance, Social; Labor laws; Pen- sions; Profit sharing; Safety de- vices; Social settlements; Y. M. C. A.; Y. W. C. A. West West Indies West Point see U. S., Military acad- emy West Virginia Western electric company Whaling Wheatstone bridge Wheels Whetstones Whist White slavery See also Prostitution Whooping cough Widows' pensions see Pensions for mothers Willows Wills Wilson, H. W. company Wilson, Woodrow Wilson administration Window dressing see Show windows Window gardening Wings LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 473-121 Winter Winter resorts Wire See also Electric wires and wiring Wire cloth Wire rope Wireless stations Wireless telegraphy Wireless telephony Wisconsin Wit and humor see Humor Woman See also College women; Marriage; Pensions for mothers; Vocations for women; Working girls and women Woman, Biography Woman, Law Woman, Occupations See also Vocations for women; also names of occupations Woman and war Woman suffrage See also Women in politics Woman suffrage, Abroad Woman suffrage, Anti Woman suffrage, Bibliography Woman suffrage, Pro Woman suffrage, Pro, U. S. Women in factories See also Hours of labor; Woman, Law Women in politics Women's clubs See also Working women's clubs Women's exchanges Women's hotels Wonders Wood carving See also Arts and crafts; Furniture; Woodwork Wood engraving 122-474 INFORMATION FILE Wood finishing See also Painting, Industrial and practical Wood oil Woodstock, Vt. Woodwork See also Manual training; Wood carving; Wood finishing Woodworking machinery See also Lathes; Planing machines Wood preservation Wool See also Dyes and dyeing; Sheep; Textile industry and trade Woolworth building Worcester (Mass.) Working girls and women See also Hours of labor; Minimum wage; Women in factories Working girls and women, Homes for See also Women's hotels Working women's clubs Workmen's compensation See also Employers' liability; Labor laws; Occupations, Diseases and hygiene; Welfare work (in indus- try) World centre city World scouts Wrenches Wyoming Y Yachts and yachting Yankee Doodle Yellowstone national park Yiddish literature Yoga Yosemite national park Young men's Christian association Young women's Christian association LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS 475-123 Z Zabern incident see Alsace-Lorraine Zetetic philosophy Zincography Zionism Zoning Zoroaster MAR 13 1816 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY AUG 19 1977 DATE DUE E UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 03062 1240 A [TYPE] BOOK CARD DO NOT REMOVE A Charge will be made if this card is mutilated or not returned with the book GRADUATE LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN KK,N AUTHOR SH GL : DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD BRC PRINTED IN U S. 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