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The Library Committee may allow members to take more than the allotted number of books upon a written applica. tion, and may also permit other persons than members to use the Library under such conditions as they may impose. No person shall detain any book longer than four weeks from the Library, if notified that the same is wanted by an- other member, under a penalty of five cents per day, and no volume shall be detained longer than three months at one time under the same penalty. The Librarian shall have power by order of the Library Committee to call in any volume after it has been retained by a member for ten days. On or before the first Wednesday in May, all books shall be returned to the Library, and a penalty of five cents per day shall be imposed for each volume detained. No book shall be allowed to circulate until one month after its receipt. 929.1-H21 OF MIC UNIVERS IGAN 1817. L.LIBRARIES.N GENEALOGICAL TABLES OF THE Deities, Princes, Heroes, and Remarkable Personages, OF THE HINDUS, EXTRACTED FROM THE SACRED WRITINGS OF THAT PEOPLE. WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND INDEX, BY FRANCIS HAMILTON, M.D. FELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETIES AND OF THE SOCIETIES OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH; AND OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF CALCUTTA. EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY WILLIAM AITKEN. 1819. . GRAD CS 1 ас 3 . Нах 1819 Этоолино Buhr BRC ретрпитой CE, зілзалт нь аnуtilf ертirit eating І торт и по гризтил и стаяла ант ХОИ КИА VOITOUGOATKI РИОТТИ АНИТА ЕЛЕГАТТрети Апо етаНо (ТИА ТИТОР О Р но от "тарт Тит GRAS. LB. / Buhr GIRL 4040 TO HIS GRACE JAMES DUKE OF MONTROSE, K.G. LORD LIEUTENANT OF STIRLINGSHIRE, &c. &c. &c. THIS WORK, AS A MARK OF THE AUTHOR'S HIGH RESPECT, IS MOST HUMBLY DEDICATED. B C 1 G H K Brahma 1 Brahma Dharma Satarupa R Swayambhuva Manu King of Brahmawar ta Basu Bishkarma Sons Daughters GENEALOGY of the DESCENDANTS of SWAYAMBHUWA KING of BRAHMAWARTA or VIT HORA from the SRI BHAGAWATA SHEET FIRST Barhish matí Privabrata Emg of Antar beda di wife name Unknown Suniti ☆ Uttamapada King of Bharatkhanda Surich * Ruchi Prajapati f Akutí RI Kardama Prajapati Dew ahuti Prasuti Daksha Pra japati See H page 2 Utam Tamasa manu Kawata manu . Vttama Kited by Rakshasa nanu Purbachatt Apsara the apsaras are the musicians and dancers of heaven Agnidhra King of Jambudsvipa Idhmajabha King of Plaksha diwipa Yag yabahu King of Salmalidwipa Hiranvartta King of Kurudwipa Ghritaprishtha King of Karang chadwipa Medhauthi Aung of Sakadupa Mahabir dedi Bitihoira king of Puskar aàwipa Kabi dedica ted to prayer Sawanua dedi cated to prayer cated to prayer b Sukra Acharya Urjaswati a Duaghter See B page 2 See C page 2 D Sve D page 2 See E page 2 see F page 2 see G page 2 Brahma Sons Merudevi Morichi muna Pratórupa * Vgradang shtri Lata R Kamya Syama Nari EK Bhadra jo may ( \ Bharatkharda imy myspindu Dysp indung 40 F Dewabin R Nabrita King of Nabritakhanda Haribarsha King of Horibarska khanda Dewavani - khanda Yayati Ramy aka King of Ramyakakhanda Kasyapa muni типу о ».ng of Hiramnava Thanda jo brny nimy Vuar Kuru Bhadraswa King of Bhadraswa khanda Ketumala King of Ketumala khanda Twashta For their issue see the family of the moon Jayanti Rishabha deva King of Bharat khanda Biswarupa Pang chajani Bharata King of Bharatkhanda go biny m.m.wany Kusavarta des Nawartta King of Ilan artta des Brahmawartta King of Brahmawar ita des Malaya King ssp piman to Ketu King of Letri des Bhadrasena Kiny of Bhadrasena des bray pudsvupu Siddha of Indrasprik des Bidarbha King of Bidarbha des Kikata King of Kikata des Kabi Tagasiddha Hari d Bridhasena King of Bha ratkhanda Suman Rashtrabhrit Sudarsana Abarama Dhumraketu Siddha is a man dedicated to prayer and these are immortal From A below Dewatajit King of Bharatkhanda Asuri Marichi King of Bharatkhanda Bindhumat Dewadyranna King of Bharatkhanda Dhermati Binduman king of Bharatkhanda * Saraya Purmeshthi King of Bharatkhanda Subarchala е Madhu King of Bharatkhanda Sumana, Pritiha King of Bharatkhanda * Subar chala Birabrata King of Bharatkhanda Bhoja Suti Pritiharta king of Bharatkhanda Prastola Udy ata Satya Manthu King of Bharatkhanda Pramanthu f Aja Bhuma king of Bharatkhanda Rishikulya f Bhaubana King of Bharatiehanda * Dushana Udgitha Kino of Bharatkhanda R Dew akulya Prastawa King of Bharatkhanda 18 Twashtha King of Bharatkhanda Niyuts a Bir achana Bibhu King of Bharatkhanda Rati Biraja King of Bharatkhanda R. Biruchi 9 9 Prathusena King of Bharatkhanda ER x "Akuti 100 sons name Unknown Nakta King of Bharatkhanda * Druti Gaya King of Bharatkhanda Jayanti h Barna Chutraratha King of Bharatkhanda h Sugati Awarudhana Samrata King of Bharatkhanda Itkala 1 B D E F G H I K Marichi King of Bhanatkhanda i ? Bindumati c s'ee d above } 1 1 十 ​ I 6 D E Brahma B Marichi mune Brahma GENEALOGY of the descendants of SWAYAMBHUWA KING of BRAHMAWARTA or BHAGAWATA. Sheet second. VITHORA from the SRI From Il page 1 Kasyapa manzi Sarumana from 1 page 1 Vitamapada King of Bharatkhanda Pawana a Idhmajabha King of Plakshadwipa Ila Bhrum Dhruwa King of Brahmawarta Swa Suvayasa Subhadra Santa kuhema Amrita Abbeya Vtkala I Vatsara King Kalpa of Brahmawarta * Swarbithi From C pagel Yagyabahu King of Salmalidwipa Tigmaketu Zicha Urja Baru Taya b Purparna Kino of Brahmawarta Dasha 7 Wiritha Pradesha Pushkarne Surachana Saumanas ya Ramanaka Prataha Byushta King of Brahmawarta Dewaharsha Sayam Paribhadra Madhyondcna Apvayana Abigyota Sarbatazar King of Brahmawarta Akuti From D page 1 Hiranyaretasa King of Kusadwipa Chakshusha King of Brahmawarta Nadirala c Brata Atiratra Ritu Pralumna Swi Agnishtoma Ulmuka King of Brahmawarta Puskarni c Punu Trita Kutsa Satyawan Dyunma Basu Basudana Driraruchi Nabhigupta Stutabrata Bibiktanama Denanama Brahma From E pagel Ghritapreshtha King of Kurang chadwipa Adharma La Mritiyu d Sunitha Angga King of Brahmawarta Surmana Krata Khyati of Gaya Anggira Ama Madhuruha Meghaprishta d fudhama Bhrafishtha Lohitama Banaspati Bena Adharmarata Kina of Brahmawar ta From 7 page 1 Archi Prithu King of Brahmawarta Medhatithi King of Jakadwipa Dhumrakesa King of the South Haryakshu King of the East Bijitaswa or Antardhyana King of Brahmawarta Dravira King of the North Brika King of the Wert Sihandini If Nabhaswati If Purajawa Manoyawa Pawamatna Dhumranika е e Chitraretha Bahurupa Biswarupa Pawaka Habirdhan Suchi Pawamana Habirdhana King of Brahmawarta 1 From 6 page Bitihotra King of Puskaradwipa Brahma Prajapati f Ramanaka Dhataki Barhaishata er Prachinkarhi King of Brahmawarta Sukla Krishna Pramolocha Apsara Kundu nun Gaya Satya Jitabrata Jetadruti Brahma Marisha Pracheta d other g brothers of the same name King of Brahmawar ta Prajapati Arikni DakshaPrajapati King of Bahmawarta Ten Daughters Thirteen Daughters 2 Daughters 2 Daughters 2 Daughters 27 Daughters 4 Daughters 9 Married to Dharma the son of Brahma a God 9 Married to Kasyapa mumi Married to Chandrama Married to Blata, Married to Anggara Married to Krichewa Married to Markshyo Virst he had l0000 sons all called Haryaswa who all died dedicated to God Then he had 1000 sons na med Sabalaswa who fied in the same Bhanu Lamba Kakubha Jami Biswa nipos Maruttwati Basu Muhurta Sang kalpa Adith Diti Dana Kashtha Arishta Surasa Ila Muni Kradhaharn Tamra Surabhi Sarama Tini Aswini Bharani Kritika Rohini Mrigasira Arodra Pronarbasu Pushaja Slesha Magha Purba Phalguni Utra Phalguni Harta Chitra Swati Birakha Anuradha Jayeshtha NB, these are the constellations of the Tunar zodiac [& obod oss Bedarihabha Bidyota Sangkata Biswadeva Susarga Y& abond ass Sadhya Pruta de many others narie known Muhaurta Te abod nas zin Jaganta Sangkalpa see page 31. Upandra h Indrasena Stameyit h Kikata bod or fortihed or strong places Nandi Artasiddhi Kama Ghara the ancestor of the sohid hoofed animals Gandhurva of whom are descended some musicians & dancers in heaven Rakshasa or Nüriti King the south west danccstor of many evil genü Briksha ancestor of Plants Apkshara ancestor of another kind of heavenly dancers di Singers Sarpa ancestor of Serpents Syona & Gridhra ancestor of vultures Bhaira ancestor of the cloven hoofed animals Singha ancestor of Lions trgers & Talajantu ancestor of all aquatic antmals ATEN Bedastra Dewata Manu Bayuna Aruna Garura Basuki Emany others Basu & many others Satabhi These 11 are called Rudra and are the chief persons of that name there are underlings innamerable H I K A 6 B D } 1 1 十 ​ 3 A B c D E F I K 3 L GENEALOGY OF THE DESCENDANTS or SWAYAMBHUWA KING or BRAHMAVARTA OR VITHORA Fri nI page 20 FROM THE SRI BHAGAWATA. SHEET THIRD, Bası: Drana Abhimati Prana ११ Urjaswati Dhruwa Dhuroni Arka Basana Agni Basudhara Dasa 1 1% Basove Xinggirasi Bil hubasu Usha * Harsha Soka Bhayu & Saha Avu many others Purajana Skanda & many Gramma dewatas Torshad many other's Dravina Siseara Biskurma others Rachisha Atapa ............... Pang chajana 6 b from page 2 Aditi mond Kusyapa 1 had four wives Sele obove Bibaswana or Surya Arjana X Pusa Twashta Savita Bhagaling Dhalta Bidhata Baruna king of the west Chhaya or Suvarna Sanggya was disgusted with her husband and assumed the form of amare, He afterwards discovered her,& becoming a hird had his two younger sons' Matrika Rachana 1 parut Darsani The tivo brothers Barura & Mitarbeing rejected by aprostitute whom they lov led, imitated Onan, and put ting their issue in a pot, there proceeded from thence two sons. Rewati Sakra or Indra King of the east &of Swarga or heaven he killed Vis nephen & spiritual guide. the sin he divided into 4parts, I gave one to the trees, one to the earthone to the watendone to the women, which is therefon they have the catamenia Paulami Urukrama Savarni Sanichargraha God of the Mama planet Saturn Krishna Charsuni and many others Sanuivesa Purishya Agni Brihachhalaka Tupati a daughter Dharmaraja or Yamal King of the south tarybnop v nmur Aswin Kumar Aswini Kumar Biswarupa had3 heads, was Pritreasura Guru of Indra, by whom he Killed by Indra was killed, His heads became 3 birds, the Kapingjala or Samdyal, the Kalabingka or Sparrow,d the litiri or spurwinged Lapwing. Saubhaga many others See genealogy of Sradhadera Manu the family of the Sun King of Ayodhya d d From K page 2 Kasyapa Diti * Kasyapa Jambha e Kavadha Upadanawi N Hiranya Kasyapa King of heaven carth and hell, by usurping all his r.cighbours power - Hiranyaksha and other49 broth ere ill called Pawara on wind. He was King of the North west, bwas killed by Varaha Avatar --- Kriti Sanghrada Surmya Anuhrada A wife, name unknown Prahrada Dhamani Dhamani Arada x Sakuni Sambara Dhrashta Bhutsantapana Brike Kelarbha Mchanabha Warismo sre Uzkacha f Baskala Mahisasura f Darbi Pangchajana killed by Vishnu and changed into a large conch shell which had a numerous issue of the same form Nawala Biprachitti pon king of theDanas Birachana a great favourer of the Brahmans,d a great herd but was deceived of his life bvindra King of the Gods Singhika a daughter Batapi was in form of a goat,& was killed by his brother Nawala to make a feast for some poor saints (Rishis),by which they were poisoned; after which Batapi was restored to life, and the two brothers eat up the saints. They tried the same fraud on Agastya mut ni: but he digested Batapi with ease, having a great stomach as one day he drank the sea From L page 2 Dana Kasyapa Bindhyawati Bali King of Heaven earth d hell up Dana These are evil Geni Banaastra King of Sunitapur, and other 99 Brothers names unknown 19 g Singhika Biprachităi Barswanara end other 43 brothers names unknown Sarmishtha Suprabha a daughier Namchi killed by Indra Yavati Rahu keloo ketus who are gods of comets meteors & the like a daughter IN T Roja See family of the Moon 4 daughters 16 Hiranyaksha F ge Kratu Muni h Kasyapa,these ladies great grandfather h N Upadarani Hayasira Pulama Kalaka 3 A B K c D E G H I Laulama Kalakeya anð 60000 others names unknown all killed by Arjun 3 L i } 1 1 十 ​ а. a t d Sthawara 4. Pasu Pakshi Datta Sanaka Anusuya Sanandana Sanatana Druvasa Mumi Sanatkumar Atri Muni Dhi Chandrama * Many Dhriti Manu Usaria Nalakubara Mahis asa Jrabura Uma kuber King of the North B B Mahan Bisrawa Muni Manigruva Niyut Siva Sarpisha Maghanada Mandadari Kratudhawaja Narantaka and many others Ila Rawana King of Langka Ugrasata Kumbha C с bhu Kumbhukarna Ambika GENEALOGY of the DESCENDANTS of the GOD BRAHMA from SRI BHAGAWATA Nikumbha Bibhisana Kesimi Bhawa Erawati Kala Muni Ayuti Morkandeya Mrikanda Sumerparwat I Sudha { Dhata Vamadewa Diksha D D Bedasira Prayan Niyati Dhratabrata Biraja Kala Bidhati Kasyapa Muni Biswaga Purni Manu Marichi Muni Urjaswati Khyati Dewakulva a daughter see M below Anasuya O from above Sukra acharja Bhrigu Atri Muni Sri Lakshmi a daughter Sraddha Utathya Muni * * Brahaspati Anggira Rishi Vishnu AgastyaMuni Habirbhu seeNbelow Bisrawa Pulastya Brahma Karmasreshtha Gati Subha Bariya Sratha Sahishna Prasada Maiti Pulaha Kriya Abhaya Daya Balakhilva and other 6000 Munis all dwarfs who ac company the Sun Chitraketu F Sukha Santi Krata Surachi Tasha see 0 below Khyati Muda Tushti Biraja R Mitra Pratasha Bhrigu Pushtata Pushtu Viberia Urja Yogo Santasha Kriva Basubhridyana Dyuman Basishtha Darpa Umiihi Bhadra Sakti and many others names unkown Araudhati Artha Buddhi Santi Prasuti 十 ​Daksha Prajapati Dakshina Jraspati see P below G Smriti G Medha Narada Akuti Jdhama Keshema Titiksha Yagya Prasuti Ruchi Prajapati Dewahut Kabi see p below Frasraya P from above Arz Bibhu Kardama Prajapati Saraswatia daughter Sri Naranarayana Daksha prajapati Murti Brahma Swangga Yaksha 15 sons nane unknown Pawaka Sudeva Patri X 市 ​Rakshasa H H 15 sons name unknown Rachana Swaha Pawamana Prabha * Dewata * 来 ​Suchi 15 sons name unknown Agnidewa Sandhya X Asur Swadha 2 daughters name unknown but dedicated to God Jyotsua Fitrigana Gandharwa Sati Apsara a daughta Bhuta * Jrimbha Mahadewa or Siva the God I I Pisacha Sri Kapel Muni Sadhya Kala Antradhana Pitar Anasuyu Sradha Siddhya Tiradhana Sakti Bidhyadhara Chhya Habirbhu Kinara see First Genealogy Naga Sarpa Gati K Dewahuti Satarupa Kriya from above Swayambhuna Mhini Kardama prajapati Khyati Dharma Arundhati Adharma 4 g 7 Santi d e } 1 1 十 ​ 5 7 K 1 5 B A E о Atri mani, i Brahman crcated by Brahma Soma the God of the Moon a GENEALOGY of the FAMILY of the MOON from the SRI BHAGAWAT SHEET FIRST Budha the God of the planet Hercury lla daughter of Taivaswata Vanu l'ururava king of Pratish than ☆ Urvasi created by Brahma she ma common to all the tod. but her children were born when she was connected with Pururava . . Ayu King of Pratishthana Srutavu Satuan Rapa Vijaya b b onca Kshetrabriddha Nahus ce King of the Gods or Indra, but degraded & changed into a Serpent King of Kasi Rai Rambha Anena Barremau Srulangjaya Hatapuk Bhim Suhatra King of lari Kangchana 500 son Vrubhasa Suddha Ilotraka Yati a priest who lived in eelebaby Yavati King of Pratishthana Camihira Sarrati Riyati Kriti Karp King of ge Kasi mura Dewayani Daughter of Sukra Acharva a Brahman who presides ovor the Planet Grihatsa mada Jalnu 7 Sarmishtha daughter of Brishaparba Dartya Trithaku dharma Venur Sarathi Kasi Kire Prati Sunaka of tusi Balakaraa Santarava Saunaka Sangjava hashtra hing of Kasi Turbasu Druva Anu Yadu he and his des- -cendants crcluded from the succession by Yayati Puru King of Pratishthana djaka Dirghatama King of Kari Java Bahui Babhru ***** Janmijava King of Antarbeda Kuu Sabhanura Chaksha Pariksha Dhanwantra King of Kasi Krita Arabdha Bharga Sahasrajit Kroshta Nala Rupu Prachinwa King of Antarbeda Kalanara Ketumana King of Tiasi Hanyawana Gandhari Bhanuman Kusamba Murjaya Kuranabha d Brijinawan Satajit Srinjava Pravira ling of Antar beda Dharma Bhimarratha King of Kasi Sahadewa Tribhana Gadhi Swahi Janmejana Devadasa King of kari kar andhama Dhrita Ahina Rusheku Namasvu King Mahahaya Bénw haya Kaihaya Maharila of Antarbeda Desu'amitra tirita Raja then a Brahman Satyawati a daughter Dharmara or Durdama Richika * Dyumana King of Kasi Marutta Javarena Chitrar atha Pharma Maharana Prachitasa Charupada King of Antar beda Pratardan King ef Kasi Jatkriti Sasabindu 10000 wwes Dushyanta raja Yamadagni A Nitra In all 100,000000 sons Ritadhwaja Img oi Bari Jana larusrama Sudvu King of Antarbeda Kunti Dituara Brithurawa Prithukriti Prithuvasa Tikslu Alarka King Sahangi of Kari Maheshman Dharma Brihuelratha or tradı unha bahugann King wt Intar beda E Jantati King of Kasi Sibi Bana Sami Dalisha Bhadrascha Usana Sunitha 111 er Kui Taimo Ruchaka Brishadarbha Savira Bhadra Kaikeva Linkerbeda Suketana King of Kasi Sutapa ***** ...... Durmada Dhanaka Dharmakodu King of Kari Purujita Rukma Rukmcsw Prithu Jamagha Jhungpati King of whtarbeda Satake in King of Kasi Angga Bangga Kalingga Sahna l'unia Udra Bidarbha Kritabirya Kritagni kritaivu f Kritabrahma f Durish taket King of Bari Khanapana King of Angga Raudrasya King of intarbeda Sukamara King of Kari Kusa Kratha Arjuna or Sahasrabahu Romapada Dibiratha King of Angga Karusha killed by Krishna is called the descendant oi Pundra, and this l'undra is commonly supposed to be meant, but some l'undra descended of Karusha of the family of the Sun is more likely Bitihotra King of Lasi Kunti Babhru Dharmar a tha King of Angga Bharga King of Kasi Jayadhwaja Surasena Brishabha Madhu Urjita Triti Dhiihti Bhargabhumi King of Kari Kusika Romapada or Chitraratha King of' Angga friend of Dasa- -Tatha Nirbriti Talajang gha Brishni & other 99 brothers Chediraja Rete yu King of Antdrbeda Kuksheyu Stanlelepu Kritenu Jalegu Sannatou Dharmepw Satgeyu birateyu Balevu Da sarha 9 Bilipota & other Chaidya Chaturangga Santimara Iing of Antarbeda 99 brothors Byoma Sisupala Prithulaksha Sumati King of' An tarbeda Dhruva Pritiratha Jumata Brihadratha Brihatkur ma Brihad bhanu RI REPAIR Raibha King of Antarbeda Kanwa mani Bikriti Brihan mana Medhatithi muni Apat see B page 7 Bhimaratha h Dushyanta King of Antar- -beda Jakuntala Praskauwa h Navaratha Bharata King of Antarbeda & Dasaratha 5 5 Sakuni G H 1 c A B 6 of India see c page 7 page } 1 1 十 ​ F E A B 6 From A page Sakuni CE GENEALOGY of the FAMILY of the MOON Karambhi From the SRI BHAGAWAT Sheet Second, Dewwatha Dewakshatra Madhu Turubasu Anu Puruhotra Aru Satwata 7 h a Wife. name Wife name Bhajamana Bhaja Dibya Brichni Dewaridha Andhaka unkron unknown Mahabhaja Kukura Bhajama Suchi Kambalabanka Bha Bimlochi Hinglini Brishni or Dhrisht Satajit Sahasrajito Sumitra Andarta Bahn Bidratha Biloma Yuihat Swa Korpotarama Bhajamana Sini Anamitra Anu Sui Andhaka Swayambhaja Dundubhi Hridika Minna Sint Brishni Harisyota Punarbaru Dewabalau Satadhania Kritabarma Dewamitha Satrujet Zarena Satyako Saphalka Chitraka Ahuka Kurudharu Satyaki Prithu Bidratha Biprithun Ugrasena hing of Mathura Dewata d d Japa Daughters Auri Sura Dewawana Sudewa Marusa Derruvardhana Upadewa Sons 1 Dhritadewa Santidewa Upadewa Sridewa Dewarakshita Sahadewa Dewaki Yhdadhana Dewamana Upaden: ********* Kangsa, dethroned his Father: Teiled to Krishna with his Brothers Sunana Kangkor Nyagrodha Sangku Kuhu or Suhu Rashdrapala Tushtimana Srishti Kangsa married to Dewabhaga Kangsawati Kangka Surabhuni Pashtrapalika Basudewa or Anakaduaduthi Dewabhaga Dewasraba Anaka Syamaka wav [buvs Kangka Samika Batsaka Brika е Daughters see below B see below c see below D see below E See below F. see below G see below H see below I see below see below K Karna adopted by Adkiratha of the Angga family was general of Duryadhana Rohini Parravi Madira Kausalva Rochana Tra Dhritadewa Santidewa Sridewa Upadewa Dewarakshita Sahadewa Dewali f Basudewa Inakadundubhi * SriBaladewa was 7 months in Dewalas womb t 2 months in Rohini's a daughter see L page 7 9 sons From Cpage 6 From D page From E page 6 From Fpage 6 From G page 6 From H page 69 From I page 6 From J.page 6 From K page 6 Derabhaga Kangsa Daugh ter of Ugrasena Misraksesi Dewasraba Anaka Rashtrapalika Kangswati Daughter of Ugrasena * Kangka Daughter of Ugrasena Syamaka Karnika Sangjaya Sudhamini Samika Kangka Brika Batsaka Surubhumi Se daughter of Ugrasena Durvilcshya * common to daughter of Ugrasena all the Gods 2 Chitraratha Durmarsana Puskarasala Brihadbala Swira Esumana Satwajit Purujita Brisa Harikesa Ksha Hiranyaksha Kratudhama Sumitra Jaya Arjunpala & many others Brika & many others £ many others & many other's 6 H I G B D E F } 1 1 十 ​ 6 I K A B c 7 GENEALOGY of the FAMILY of the MOON from the SRI BIAGAWAT Sheet third Rukmini daughter of Bhishma raja of Bidarbha des Sadwabhama daughter of Satrajit of the Yadubang.si Janwawati daughter of Jamwawan ybrimp mulubox ter of Nagnajú King of Arodhya Kalindi daughter of Surya Madri or Laksh: mana daughter of Madra Raja Mitrabinda daughter of Awanti rojo Bhadra dmughter of Dhrishtaketu raja of Kaikega From L page 6 Sri Krishna Chan: dra the God 哭 ​Pradumna Charuchandra Charudeha Charadeshna Bhadracharu Subhanu Bicharu Sarbhannu Chandra Sudeshna Prabhanu As as na Charugupta Chandrabhanu Chitragu Brihadbhanu Bhanumana Begawan Sucharu Haribhanu Briewa Sangku Oja Bhanu Phadra Santi Saurnamasa Dirsa Gatravana Bala Praghasa Sanoka Ama Charu Akala Sura Singha Anila Prabala Saha Mahasakti Urdhaga Gridhura Jaya Ayu Sanggramjit Satwaka Bardhana Kshaudhi Rama Balai Pawana Praharana Annada Mahasa Brihatsena Subhadra Argita 2 2 Anarudha & тату others At the Commentement of the Kaliyug a genral family meeting of the descendants of Yadu took place at Prabhasa near Dewarka. In making merry they took too much drink and a quarrel ensued in which almost the whole felt. Bala Rama the incarnation of Vishnu was so vexed that he burnt himself. His brother Krishna, another Avatar of Vishnu, retired in despair to the woods, where he was killed by accident, and the only survivor mentioned here is Bajra the son of Anarudha the son of Krishna. It must be observed that several of the descendants of Yadu were Kings, notwithstanding the imprecation of his father, yet nothing is more common with the Brakmans than to assert that none of the descendants of Yadu were Kings. Bajra King of Mathura From C page 5 Ang gira muni one of the 7 Rishis created by Brahma Pratibahu King of Mathura Bharata King of Antarbeda Subahu King of Mathura Brihaspati God of the planet Jupiter La Bitathu or Bhara: Aswasena or San- tasena King of Mathura dwaja muni King of Antarbeda äilopted Bhadrasena or Srutasena King of Mathura I ㅍ ​Mangu King of Antar beda from B page 6 Brihatkshetra King oi* Antarbeda Jaya Mahavirya Nara Garg Brihanmana Sangkriti Hasti. King of Hastinapur, built by hun Jayadratha d d Gargya Biyaya Guru Rantidena Dhriti Ajamirha King of Hastinapur Dhritabrata Dwimirha Prumirha Brihadesu Sarkarma Riksha King of Hastinapur Yawinara Nila King of Pang chala Sambarana King of Hastinapur Brihaddhana Adhiratha Kritima Kuru King of Hastinapur Santi King of Pang chala Brihatkaya Karna son by e adoption, in rea lity á bastard Susanti King of Pangóhala Satyadhriti Jayadrutha Parikshita of Surya by Sudhana King of Magadha II Suhatra King of Magadha Jahanu King of Hastinapur Nishadhaswa Puruja King of Pang chala Prửa ta Druhanimi Bisada daughter of Sura Suratha king of Hastinapur Arka King of Pangchala chyawana King of Magadha Senajit Piduratha King of Hastinapu Brishasena Kriti King of Magadla . Suparswa Bharmyaswa king of Pang chala Basu King of Magadha Sarbabhaimi King of Hastinapur F Javasena King of Hastinapur Sumati Ruchirtswa Drihahana Kasya Batsya A Wute name A Wite name unknown Brihadratha King of Nagalla Kusamba Mudgala king of Pangchala unknown Matsya Pratyagra Chedipa Radhika King of Hastinapur Yavinara Brihadesu f Kampilya Sangjaya afterwards a muni Gjitá King of Hastinapur Sannatíman Jara sandha king of Magadha Inulnerable Para Prithusa Kusagra Krodhana King of Hastinapur Sahadewa King of Magadha Gautama Dewadasa king of Pang chala Ahalya one of the five virgins Brishabha muni Kriti Samapi King of Magadha Dewatitla king of Hastinapur : Sukacharyn son of Vayasa mumi Srutastawa King of Magadha Vasishta muni Rishpa King of Hasturарт" Satanant Purohit Satyahita Mitrayu King of Pangchala of the Janakas after Yutayu King of Magadha Nipa one of the 7 Rishis created by Brahma Vanishta er his Kritivi or Niramitra King of Magadha Dilipa King of Hastirupur descendants were ciest Anuha * Kritimati Puspawana Chayawana King of Pang chala Sakti mini displaced 9 Sunakshatra King of ngha. Ugrayudha pamanggu Pratipa King of Hastinapur Sudasa King of Pang chala Satyadhriti a muni but very warlike 9 Brahmadatta Brihatsena King of lazada Karmajita King of Magàdha Kshemya Prasara Sahadewa King of Pang chala Sritanjaya King of' Magadha Dewapi now » at Kalapa Saradwan а типі Bishwaksena Mingandha daughter of a tishermun after wards queen suyawali mani Sumtuna um trucar. - natuon of the god of the sea tranyga the nymph of the Ganges Bahlika but very warlike Bipra King of Mayodha * Somaka King of Pang chala Suvira Suchi King of Hagadha Udakwa 2 n2 son Ambilda eldest son Bhisma Kshema King of Magadha Somadotta Payasamni Kripanacharya Jantu King of Pang chala Kripi Drana an Acharya Bichitrabirya Ambahka Chitrangga Killa hy Ripunyaya Subrata King of Magadha King of Bhallata but very warlike he instructed the 5 sons of Pandu Hastinapur Gandherba h A slave girl Dharmakshatra king of Jagua Prishata King of l'angchala & 99 brothers in war Bahuratha h Sama king of Magadha Dimatsena King of Magalha Aswathama a Sukiewa Dhritarashira Bidur Prishata King of Pang chala Sumati king of Magadha Pandu Rishi now alive mani born blind 80n of the Bhuri Bharastawa salo slave Subala king of Magadha Sunitha King of Magadha see 7 page 9 see F page 9 Drupada King of Pang chala B Satvagita King of Magadha D E I 7 K Biswajita king of Magadha Η Ripunjaya King of Magadha se D page } 1 1 十 ​ A B D F G 8 GENEALOGY of the FAMILY of the MOON 8 From D page 7 from the SRIBHAGAWAT Sheet Fourth. From F below Hroin E below From 6 below Ripunjaya last King of Sunaka killed his A Brisala or Sudra Krishna succeeded master and made Magadha of the race of of the Andhra nation Puspamitra was gene- ral of Brihadratha & deposed his master establishing the his son King Seven Rajas of his brother Balinika Brihadratha killed by his named Balihika killed Awabhrizi a chief minister Sunaka Susarma the last of the Sunggadynasta Pradyota King of Magada Kanwas and became Sri Santa Karna Raja King of Magadha Ten Gardubhi Rajas Balako Raja Agrimitra Raja Pournamasa Raja Bisakhayupa Raja Suiveshtha Raja Sixteen Kangka Rajas 5 Generations governed 138 years 1099 years Lanwadara Raja Rajaka Raja Basumitra Raja Eight Yavana Rajar These are said to have taken Chitaur that is were the Pathan dynasty 6 b Nandibardhana Raia Bhadrake Para Chibilaka Raja Fourteen Chatur Tala The late Shah alum by the Hindus is Rajas alleged to be the last of these 10 Generations 110 years Riling da Raja Ten Gurunda Pajas Meghaswati Raja These are supposed to be the English Kings now governing Sisunga Raja killed Nandibardhana and be Gosa Raja came King of Magadha Atamana Raja Eleven Mauna Rajas sumado0E . Kalabarna Raja Bajramantra Roja Siwaswati Raja Bhutanda the с c Kshemadharma Raja Bhagawata Roja Bahlika Raja King of Kilingkila puri Anisha karma Raja Kshetragya Raja Banagiri Raja Sisunanda Raja стət 09c pтиләлов илјтойә2 0 *** Bidhisara Piaza Dewabhati was a lascivious tyrant and (med mor women from Iner Pubands Zainya Raja Yas anandi Raja Ajatsatra Raja 10 6 years Talaka Raja 1 Praviraka Raja d Darbhako Raja Basudewa a Brahman d Purishabhoru Raja Ajaya Raja of the Kanwa family de- throned Dewabhati and became King of Magodha Other 13 Rajas of the Bahlika family names and duration of reigns unknown Sunandana Raja Nandibardhara Raja In the commentary it is said that there were many princes of this family, although 3 only are men- timed by name governed 3 45years SipaA9GH prudɔaob soyqUWAPUF DE Bhumitra Raja Chakara Raia Puspanitra Mahanandi Raja 1 slave girl of a low tribe Narayan e Durmitra Gomatiputra Raja Mahapadma or Nanda King of Magadha des: troved many Kshatriyar ser F'above The empire will then be divided into four Shares among who were rebellious on Purimana Raja s.mək 001 pruidnob suoqWADUI G 6 account of his illegit- imate birth ... Medasira Raja Sumalya and 7 others I Suva Raja f A Brahman having killed Nanda and his Skanda Raja 8 sons the Kingdom was given to Dasaratha of the Maurya family Biswasphurja descended of the Kings of Magadha, Ling of Padmawatipuri Yagyasri Raja between Haridwar and Chandragupta Raja Prayag will establish 3 Basisara Raja Bijaya Raja new casts Bulinda Yadu& 9. Madra like infidels & will be as powerful asPurunjaya Aswakabardhana Rajā Chandrabigya Raja Suvasa Raja The country will then be divided among several 10 Generations governed 13 7 years princes who will follow the Cusloms of infidel barbarians Sanggata Raja Salamadhi Raja . *** Satisuka Raja and other 6 Rajas Somasarma Raja names unknown h see G above Satadhanwa Raja Thenkalki Avatar will be born in the house of Vishnuvasa a Brahman at Sambal gram and destroy all the wicked Rajas Brihadratha Raja deposed by his general Bespamitra 8 G H А. see E above B C с } 1 1 十 ​ H 9 E A G 2 9 A B Surya the God A wite name unknown see 3B. of the sum from the SRI BHAGAWAT. Sheet fifth From A below Thurba I ming of Kaurambi GENEALOGY of the FAMILY of the MOON Froin F' page 7 Kunti daughter of Sura grandfather of Krishna * had 3 sons by 3 Gods R Madri daughter of Madra, Raja of Falya or Bhotan Two young princer named Aswini Kumar kept Madri in common they are physicians to the Gods Pandu 2d son of Vyara by his brothers widow' was King of Hastinapur his elder brother being born blind had ursue but his wives chalren are called his a From E page 7 Timi King of Kaurami a T Gandhari daughter of the Gandhar Raja ♡ Dhriturashtha eldest son of Vayas by his brothers wife was born blind on whaich account he was not King Brihadratha King of Kaur amb Sudara King of Kaurambi Durjadhan King of Hastinapur Duswasana & other 98 sons names rinknown B Satanika King of Kauamli b Sahadewa R Karenamati Nakut Subadra sister of Krishna Bijaya X Arjun son of Indra Kati x Bhim son of Pawan * Hiramba Paurawi 果 ​Ihupi daughter of the Devil allop ted by the Raza of Mampur Durdamana King of Kawambi Tudishthira son of Dharma King of India removed the seat of Drapadi daughter of Drapad King of Pang chala one of the 5 virgins had a son by each of the twe sons of Pandur wives as below the line descending from this government to Indra- prastha or Drilli Suhatra Ntramitra Uttara daughter of Virat King of Matsya Bahinara King of Karrambi Babhrubahan King of Manipur Abhimanyu Ghatotkacha Saryag ata Dewaka Dandapani King of Kansambe c Srutakarma Satanika Srutakirti frutasena Pratibindhya Nimi King of Kau rambi Kshemaka King of Kaur ambi Parikshita King of Indraprastha frutasena Bhimsena Jamanijaya King of Indhraprastha Ugrasena d d Satanika King of Indraprastha Sahasranika King of Indraprastha Aswamedhaja King of Indraprastha Asimakrishna King of Indraprastha Nema King of Hastinapur P Chakra Hastinapur being carried away by the river built Kais ambipira Ukata King of Kausabi f Chitr aratha King of Kau sambi Kabiratha King of Zul ambi Brishnemana King of Kawambi Susena King of Kaus ambi Mahipati King of Kaur ambi 9 Sunithi King of Kaus ambi Sukhinala King of Kaur ambu Pariplawa King of Kais ambi Sunaya king of Kaus ambi h h Medhahi King of Kaus ambi Nripanjaya King of Kaus ambi B D F G H Н I K 9 Durba King of Kaus ambi 9 See A of this page } 1 1 十 ​ K I H G с D B A 10 Marichi Muni GENEALOGICAL TABLE of the DESCENDANTS of MARICHI especially of the FAMILY of the SUN EXTRACTED from the SRI BHAGAWATA FIRST SHEET Karyapa Mura Bibaswaria or Vaman a God Surya a God Sradhadeva or Babasiala manu kuna of Aved hva b Ila born a woman married Budha of the family of the moon see page 5.afterwards la became a man named Sadyumana and had issue Jo buy?yom[821 Nriga Raja Duhia Saryati Raja олироль Dhrishta Karusha Narielyanta Prishadhra Kabi Nabhaga Utkala kung Gaya King Bimala King Bikukshi or Sasada Nimi King of Anarta King of Anar- Dandaka raja of Dandakaranya Sumali Uttanab arhi Bhurishena Nabhaga Dharshta Karusha Chitrasena Nabhag a of the South of the South Mithila King of Ayodhya of the South tader built Dwaraka Puranjaya orIndravaha or Kakustha King of Avodhva Revata raja of Janaka or Baideha built Janakapur King of Mithila Ambarisha Bhalan dana Bhutajvoti Daksha Dwaraka с. с Anenas King of Ayodhya Udbasu King of Kakudmi King of In the 10" book it is mentioned that Karusha proprictor of Karushadesa was killed by krishna He was descended of a Pundra and there is a Pundra of the famih of the moon but none of his descendants are mentioned, and it is probable that he was des: cended of this Karusha Basu Batsaprile Midhwan Mithila Dwaraka Birupa Kehuman Prithu King of Ayodhya Sambhui Nandibardinana King Pratika of Mithila Prangsu Biswagandi King of Ayodhya Kurcha Prishadaswa Susch King of Oghawan or Pramiti or Chandra King of Ayodhya Mithila Pramati Oghawat Indrasena Rathira Dewarata king of Yibunaswa King of Khanitra King of Ayodhya Mithila Besala Brihadratha King of Bitihotra Swasaba King of Ayodhya d Mithila d Chakshusha King of Besala Subasta King of Apodlwa Mahabuya King of Satyasrava Mithila Bibing sali King of Brihadaswa King of Ayodhya Besala Sudhritä King of Mithila Urasrava Kubalayaswa or Dhendunuia King of Ayodhya Rambha King of Berala Dhrishtaketu King of Mithila Dewadatta I Drirhaswa king of Ayodhya Khanineira King of Kapilaswa Bhadraswa Besala Haryaswa King of Mithila e Agnibesya Haryaswa king of Ayodhya Maru King of Dharmika King of Besala Mithila Nikumbha King of Avodhya Karandhama King Barhanaswa King of Ayodhya Pratipaka King of Mithila of Besala Kritiratha King of Mithila A dikshita King of Krisaswa King of Avodha Besala Senajú king of Ayodhya Dewamirha Küng of Mithila Maruta or Marutta f King of Besala f Visruta King of Yubanaswa king of Ayodhya Mithila Dama king of Besala Mandhata king of Avodhya Mahadhriti King of Mithila Rajyabarodhana King of Besala . Dhritiratu or Kritiratha King of Mithila Purukutsa king Ambarisa of fodhwa Muchalcunda Sudhriti king of Besala Maharoma King of Mithila Trasadasyu King of Ayodhya Harita Nara King of Besala Swarnaroma Kina of 9 g Mithila Anarama king of yvodhva Kebala King of Besale Haraswaroma King of Mithila Haryaswa kiny Dhundhumana or Bandhuman King of thodhva Siradhajo king of Mithila of Besala drmna hing or dvodhra Begawan King of Besala Kusadhaja king of Mithila Sita a daughter $ Ramchandra Tribandhana king he of Avodhya Dharmadhwaja hing of Mithila Budha King of Besala h Sec Table Trinabindhu raja kritadhavaja king of Mithila King of Besala Mitadhwaja 10 A keridhwaja king of Mithila Khandikya c E 110 F See F Table 11 1 K B See E Table 11 } 1 1 十 ​ 11 B В D H 1 K n GENEALOGICAL TABLE of the DESCENDANTS of MARICHI especially of FAMILY of the SUN extracted from the SRI BHAGAWATA SECOND SHEET, A from sheet 10 B from below c from below D from below E from sheet 10 F from sheet te Tribundhana King of Ayodhya a Raja Biswasaha King of Ayodhya Fighra hing of Ayodhya Keeidhwazja Kong of lithia Prinabinaharaja kiny or Bewala Brahma Brihadraw or Brihadbiraa or Brihadbharu king of Ayodhya Rakshana Pulastya Satyabrata or Trisangku King of Ayodhya Khalwangga King of Ayodhya Maru King of Ayodhva Bhanuman King of Mithala Walavaren King of Langka Barni Eino of Ayodhya Dirghabahu king of Ayodhya Jataderma king Dhuraketu or Birwavrama Raja Harischandra King of Avodhwa & India Suva bandhi Besabiraia King of Berala Prasusra King of Ayodhya Dhamaketu Kritanjaya king or Ayodhya Brabra a daughter Mikatha er kem Raghu King of Ayodhya Rohitaswa King of Ayodhya Sardhi King of Ayodhya Juchi King of Mithila Kemachandra King of Bevala B Baranjava king xf Ayodhya Prittasrawa King of Ayodhya b of Harita King Ayodhya View Aja King of Ayodhya Amarshana King of Ayodhya Kumbakar Kuber a God Sanava king of of Ayodhya Sanadhwaja King of Nithia Ravana King of Langka Dhumvakska King of Bevala King of Langka Champa King of Ayodhya build Champaperi Dasaratha King of Ayodhya Sahas wanking of Ayodhya Jakna Fara at Urdhakoti King of Mithala many wenu all killed Jangyamu king lyodhya Sudewa king of Ayodhya Biswasaha king Ramachandra the God Bharata Lahshmana S'atrughana Ayu Rauf Mithila of Ayodhwo Suddhoda king of Ayodhya fahadewa king or Bedala Bijaya King of Ayodhya Bhanuka King of Apodhva I'rasenaju King of Ayodhya Purajit ling of Mitbit Krirana i iny of Berata Lanagala King of Ayodhya Kusa king of Avodhwa Laba Puchkala Tak ha Anggada Chitraketu Subahu Chitrasena Brika King of Ayodhya trishtanemi King of Mithila Somuduta liing of Berdia Takshaka King of Ayodhya, other Copies have Chitraka Prasenajit King of Ayodhra Baluka King of Ayodhya Srutavu king of lithila Authi King of Ayodhya fumati ling of Beraia Brihadbala King of Ayodhya Killed by Abhinawu shudraky kung of Avodova Sagara King of Ayodhya had 10000 Sons of whom Nishadha King of Ayodhya Suparswaka King of Mithila Januejava king or Besata Brihadrana 9999 Sunaka king of King of Ayodhya were redu@ed to Avodhwa Chitrarudha liing of Mithila ashes by kapila Anabha King of Ayodhya d mani Urukriya king of Ayodhya Suratha King of Ayodhya Kshemadhi King of Mühila Pundarika King Aramanjasa the only survivor was not King of Ayodhya Batsabruddha King of Ayodhya Sumitra King of Ayodhya Samur'atha King of Mithila Ang suman King of Ayodhya Kshemadhanwa King of Ayodhwa Pratibyoma King of Ayodhya Satyaratha King of Mithila Dilipa King of Ayodhya Dewanika King of Ayodhya Bhanu King of Ayodhya e Upaguru King of Mithila Bhagiratha King of' Ayodhya brought the Ganges from heaven Hina King of Ayodhya Devaka King of Ayodhya Upagupta King of Mithila Sruta king of Ayodhya Pariputra King of Ayodhya Sahudewa King of Ayodhya Nabhaga King of Ayodhya Brihadaswa King of Ayodhya Barwanan ta King of Mithia Bala King of Ayodhya Sindhudwipa King of Avodhya Biranuman King of Ayodhya Yuyuthana King of Mithala Sthala King of Ayodhya Ayutayw King of Ayodhya Pratikaswa King of Myodhwa Subharana Kang of Mithila Bajranabha King of Ayodhya Ritaparrua King of Ayodhya Supratika king of Ayodhya Srula king of Mithila Swagana King of Ayodhya Sudnou King of Avodhwa Marudewa king of Ayodhya Bidhriti King of Ayodhya Jaya King of Mihita Sumakshatra King of Ayodhya Mitrasaha or Saudasa Iranyanabha King of Ayodhya Biyaga King of Mithila Kalamarhapada King of Ayodhya Pushkara king of Ayodhya g Pushya King of Ayodhya Ritu Kiny of Mithila Asmaka King of Ayodhya Antariks ha King of Ayodhya Dhruwasandhi King of Ayodhya Mulaka King of Avodhya Franaka King of Mithila Satupa King of Ayodhya Sudarsana King of Ayodhya Dasaratha King of Ayodhya Bahaha King of Mithila Amitrajit King of Ayodhya Agnibarna King of Ayodhya h Erabira King of Ayodhya Dhriti hing of Mithila h Brihadraia or Brihadbhraja or Brihadhranu King of Hyodhya Sighra King of Bahulasma Raja Biswasaha Ayodhya King of Muthila King of Ayodhya see D to the right see to the right Kriti King of Mithila 11 A see B to the right D E G H T K K 11 Matahari King of Mithila } 1 1 十 ​ a H 7 12 B o E D 12 Marihi muni GENEALOGY of the descendants of MARICHI especially of the FAMILY of the SUN from the Sheet first, BANGSA LATA. Kasyapu mini a furya a lod J'radhadeva muni Ikshwaka Nriga Saryati Dishta Dhurishti vymysamy Narishyan Prishaddhrata Nabhaga Kabi la born a gol but at the inters cessun of her far -ther was changed map for voru med Sudyumna no mention here of has being mar- ried to Pindha while a sroman 7 7 Bikukshika Nimi or Janaka or Mithila betleha King of Mithila Sumuti Nabhaga King Chitrasena Nabhaya bava Bemala of Besala Puranjava or Indrabuhu Vdabasu King of Mithila Ambarisha Blautaſ yati Riksha Bhalandana King of Besuta Anaka Nandivrshana King of Mithila Mirha Baru Batshapriti King of Besala Birupa Ketuma Angrabhu Prithu Suketu King of Mithila Kurcha Pritika Prangsu King of Praranaswa C с C Berala Biswagandhi Indrasena Dewrata King of Mithila Rathatara Og hawan Pramati King of Chandra Besala Bitihotra Brihadtratha Kina of Mithila Yubaraswa Khanitra King of Besala Satyastava Sudhrityaka King of Mithila Sabasti built Sabartipuri Bibing sati king of Besata Urusrava Dhrishtaketu King of Mithila Brihadaswa Dewudata Rambha King of' Bes ala a d Haryaswa King of Mithala Kubatayaswaka Agnibesya Maru King of Mithira Karandhama King of Besala Drirhaswa Kapilarwa Bhadraswa Pritipaka King of Mithila Abikshata king of Besala Haryaswa A from below B from below Cfrom below Sataratha King of Mithila D from below E from below Maruta King of Besala Nikumbha Ambamia Aghamitra Hitha Brihastrana Chiraratha King of Mithila Dewamirha King of Mithila Darahana.cwa Maru Kung of Berala Ritaparna Nishatha Urukriva e Tag.su Samaratha King of Mithila e Krisaswa Brsruta king of Mitlula Nabha Batsabriddha Sudhriti King of Berala Artuparni Byushitaswa Satyaratha King of Mithala Kubanarwa Kritiratu King of Mithila Pundar ka Pratibyoma Sudara Kausalya Mandhata King of the universe or Saptadwipa Liahalakhya King of Besala Sruta Kiny of Mithila Kshemadhanwa Bhanu Maharoma King of Mithila Muchakunda Sanlasa Kakasandhi Devanika Sahadewa Sunaka King of Mithala Bandhaka King of Besala Swar naroma Kino of Mithila Harita Sarwakarma Sudarsana Anha Brihadaswa Haryaswa f Bttahabya King of Mithala Iraswaroma King of Muhita Besala King of Besala built Besalapuri Paripatra Bhanuman Agnibarna Anar anva Aruna f Siradhwaja King of Mithila Bala or sthala Pritikaswa Tribandhana Hemachandra Nighna Maruia King of Berala Bajranabha Supratika Satyabrata Susambhi Kusadhwaja King of Mithila Anamitra Swaguna Sahadewa Dumraksha Tris angku Dharmadhwaja King of Mithila King of Berala Sahaswan Bidhrit Dutduha Sunakshatra Raja Haschandra sprano from the earth white a servant of the kings was ploughing; but as the King brought her up she was called las daughter Acoording to the Brahmanda puran however she is said to have been a daughter of Rawana by whom she was exposed and found as above menti med Biurutawan Huranwanabha Pushkara Sangyama King of Berala Kritadhwaja King of Mithila Asmaka Rohituswa Minudhwaja Aina of Mithila Birighra Pushpa Anturiksha Kesidhwaja King of Mithila Kriraswa king of Berala Pulaka Dhruba randhi Brihadbharu 9 9 Khandikya Dirghabahu Changchu Satar athu Sudata Ranang jaya Bhanumana King of Mithila Byaya Samadatta king of Besala Dilipa Agmbarna Langjaya thilabila Charuruka Jatadyumna king of Mithila Raghu Jakva Sunati King of Besala Sighra stil living at Kalapa gram Priku Brzildhu sarma Suchi King of Mithila Judihoda I ㄷ ​itja Buha Dala I I Pritisruta Langgala Sanadhwaja King e Mithila Dasaratha Jagara Sandhi Prarenajit Urdhaketu King of Mithila l'angchajana 7 Amarchana Sudraka h Tktha Angruman Purajit King of Mithila Mahaswan Brunaka Biswakarma Aristunemi King of Mithila Lamaxhundra Bhar ata Lakshmana Satrughana Biswas ahawa Suratha Bhagiratha Brihadbala Srutayu King of Aahamitta Sumitray Brihadrana see B to the right Nabhaga kusa Laba Taksha Chitraratha King H H Purkkala 12 Ang gada Chatraketu Subahu Chitrasena 7 D see D to the right B 22 H see E to the right Atithi Seed to the right J'eel lo the right } 1 1 十 ​ F B G 1 2 E 13 13 Brahma Hur manni GENEALOGY of the FAMILY of the MOON from the BANGSA LATA SHEET FIRST a A wife name unkiuown Soma A wife name unknown Budha Purwrasa b Srutayu Satyayu Rayu Bijaya b Basumana Srutangjaya Agmbarna Xhina Kanchana Nahuis Kshatrabridaha Rayi Rambha Ananasa Hotraka Suhatra Jahru Pai Yavati Sarvati Avati Bivati Kriti Purwritu Balakiwa Yadu Turbasu Druga Anu Puru Kasya Kuca Gritsamada Т. Rusa Kari Jaumejaya Prasriti Sunaka Sahasrajit Kroshta Nala Sabhanara Ripu Khu Ku amwa Puraksha Dirgha tama Sangjaya Prachinwan Sunaka muni Dhanwantari Brijinawan Kalanara Jaya Kusambha Judvu S atajit | | Ketuanana Krita Swahi Sringjaya Kusambuja Bahagawa Bhimaratha Haryaw ana Rus ekw Janmejaya badhi Dewadawa Mahahaya Sahadewa Benuhaya Sanjati Hahava d Ouitraratha Hahamana d Ahangyati Dyumana Jayaxena Bisw amitra Dharma l'ratardana Sang kriti Sasabidu Raudra 10000 wives names Unknown Usinara Sohang ñ Titikshow Bhrigu Alarka Riteyu Bhadrasena Pritusrawa Jamadagni Sibi Sami Datia Usadratha Bana Santati Dharma Kuksheva Durmada Parusärama Sunitha Bali Ruchaka Sthandileyu Dhanaka Brishadarbha Subira Madra Kaikeva Suketana & other 3 brothers names unknown Kritevu Kukmesu Angga Bangga Prithu Suhma Dharmaken Kalingga Pundra Rukma Kritaswi Kritabarma Purujita Kritibirja Jayamagham Kritauja Saibya Janeyu e Satyakety Khanapana Anjuna Bidarbha Santretenu Dhrishtaketu Dihiratha Medharithi Surasena Brishabha Madhusudana Jayadhwaja Kusa Kratha Romapada Dhammaratha Duvanta Talajanggha Bitihotra Kunti Babhru Chitratha Bitatha Brishni Kriti Romapada 1 Brishni and other 99 brothers f Nirbriti Usika Dasarha 很 ​A Brihadratha Brihadharma Brihadbhana Mannu Brihat Chhatra Jaya Garga Songkriti Bv oma Budha Briharomana Hasti King of Hastinapur Guru Rannidewa Jimuta Jawadratha Bikriti Bimaratha Bijaya Ajamirha Dewimirha Purumirha Nawaratha Sood page 14 9 Jawinana Brihatkaya Niza Riksha Dasaratha 9 see: Page 14 Brishui Jayadratha Santi Sambarana see B page 14 see ( page 14 see D page 14 Sumatra Saphalka Chitraratha Judhajit Sini Dharmabrid darura Asangga Sarameya Mridura Mridubit Sukarma Kshetra pekshi Arimardana Satrugha Gandhamada Pritbahu Prithe ma Bidaratha Kukuta Bharjaomana Suchi Kambalabarhasa namirra Nimna h Dewawana Upadewa fura Bahni Satrait Satyaka see F page 16 see G page 15 Praxena Pudhana Satyaki 13 13 H I 6 K E р B Jaya } 1 1 十 ​ راز A B c D H Н 7 14 14 GENEALOGY of the FAMILY of the MOON from the BANGSA LATA. Second Sheet. From A Page 13 Frem D Page 13 From C Page 13 From D. below. Sambarana . Bijaya Santi Swena a Kurn Dhriti' Susanti Sunitha Puruja Nrichak shu Dhritabratha Parikshita Suuthanu Jahnu Nadhaswa スイス ​Arka Sukhinala Chyawana Suratha Adhiratha Biduratha Bharmyaswa Basu Paripala Brishasena Brihadruttha Sarbabkuma Nripanjaya b 1 Karna Mudgala Yawinara Brihadaswa Kampilya Sangjaya Jayasena Durba Kusagra Tarasindha Babhru 'imi Rishabha Sahadera Dewadasa Ahalya I Krodhana Setu Brihadratha Puspawan Somapi or Marjare Mitrayu Dewatithi Satananda Satanika Arabdha Srutusrawa Chyawana Satyadhriti Rusya From E. Page 13 Ayutayu C с Gandhara Sudasa Saradwan Jawmara Niramitra Dilipa Soma Sahadewa kiritimana Sunakshetra Kripa Kripi a Daughter Pritip a So maka Dhrita Brinatzena Satyadhriti Prisata & other 99 Brothers, Jantu Drihanemi Durmada Dewapi Parasara Satyawati Daughter of aSerrant Drapada Santanu Gangga Bahlika Muni Suponswa d Prachetasą a Sumati Dhrishta Dyumna & Drapadi a Daughter many others Bhisma Somadata Tyasa Chitranggada Sannuatimana Dhrushtaketu From B Page 13. Sukacharya Ambika Bhurusrawa Jala Prachya Sanggnita Ugraudha Nipa Kshema it Suvira TOTT Bichitrabirja Jayadratha Ambalika Puranjaya A Slave Girl Bisada Bahuratha e Dhritarashtra Pandu Gandhari Bidur R Kunti Maitira Senajita Ruchiraswa & other 99 Brothers Nakul Duryadhan Sahadewa Yutishthira Bhima mame unknown. Arjun Hanukasya Pratib indhya Dewaka Srutarena Ghatotkacha Srutakirti Babhrubahan Para Uttara Abhimanyu Satanika Srutakarma F Prithunena Parikshita Janmejaya Satanika Sahasranika Aswamedhaja 9 g Asimakrishna Nemchakra Chitraratha Kaburatha Brishtimana h Suena Seed of this Page 14 B K D E H П с I F G } 1 1 十 ​ b e a 15 15 h 9 Pradumna Dewabahu Bajra Anarudalba Charudesna fatadhana From F Bhadrabaha Vasudewa Sudesna fura Hridika Swayambhaja fini Sura Kritibarma Bhajamana Dewawan cəbod Charudeha Durmada Suchara * Dewamirha Panrani Rukmini A Bhaira Charugupta R Marisa Upadewa Bhadracharu Bhuta d other 7 brother's Charubínda Sri Baladewa Bicharu Grada Sudewa Chama Sarana Bhanu Rahun B Subhanu Durmada Dewabardhana B farbhanu Bipula Prabharu Dhruba Bhadra Satwahhamu GENEALOGY of the of Madira Dhritadeira / Bhanumana Kriti& mang others Dewaka Rachar Chandrabhanu Santidewa Wla Brihadbhanu Surhena Upadewa Atib hans Bhadrasena Srbhana Sridewe Riju Pratibhamu Santardana Dewarakshita FAMILY of the MOON Demaki Bhadra Daughters Kabi Sri Sang kara sena Sahadewa Brisha See A Skrzrhnachandra below Dewaki Subahu D Subadra a daughter Bhadra Kalindi D Dewab haga Akało Chitraketu l'anti Brihadbaia Kangsa Dar sa Swira Purnama Dewarrawa from the BANGSA LATA, Third sheet. trhuman f'amba Kangsa Sumitra RH Kanyswati Parujita E Sataita Sahasrajita 33 Sunama Anaka Jambawaii Satyajit Biaya Ahuka Punarbaru Divata Dumihubhi Andhaka Anu Kapatarama Bilama Bahri From G page 13 Chitraketu Barumana Purujit Nyagrodha Dravira Kangka Sons Sons Kratu Briena Sanjava Kang ku chantra fri krishna From d below Durmar'sana & many other palika Rarhtra Sanggramajita Sangku Bripatrena Harikera Svamoka Sura mum impelt Suhu Arijita G Jaya - ok Surubhuma Bhatra pala Rashtra G Subhadra Ama Satadhanwa Kangka ok Taya Jruti Sattvaka Virchandra Ugrasena Kurnika Aswasena Chitragu Sumitra Tushtimana Samika H Begwan Brurha Arjunpala H Ama Kangsa Suhamim Sangku Satya Kang rawati Batsuka Basu Brika & many other ok Sriman Kunti Micraken Praghaxa Surubha Dmiqhtera Taksha Brika Uomong ge Rashtrapalika Singha Puskararala & many Hhmer Bala shya Durbik Prabala * के Prithu Urdhaya Mitrabunda frutadewa Brika frutakirti K Harshwa frutasrawa Sinpala Amita -ghas Daughton Gridhra Lakshmana Rajadhidewi 25 h 19 b f 15 d } 1 1 十 ​ 16 A B c D H K 16 GENEALOGY of the FAMILY of the MOON from the BANGSA LATA. Fourth sheet. A Agnimitra King of Bharatkhanda when Krishna shall have gone to heaven Pradyota svill be King of Bharatkhanda. Sri Santakarma King of Bharatkhanda Family of the Kangkas Kings of Bharatkhanda 16 princes Balaka King of Bluratkhanda Basumitra King ol Bharatkhanda Purnamas King of Bharatkhanda Family of Pradvota 5 generations governed 128 years Family of the Yawaas Kings of Bharatkhanda 8 princes Bisakhavupa King of Bhirr uthhanda Madraka King of Bharatkhanda Lamwodara King of Bharatkhanda logg years suborme au jo kaum Nanlihardhana King of Bhairaikhanda 10 generations governed no years Putind King of Bharatkhanda 7 Chibilaka King of Bharatkhunda Family of the Chaturkal Kings of Bharatkhanda 14 princes B Bharajaka King of Bharatkhanda & other ú Rajas names unknown Meghaswati King of Bharatkhanda Family of the Gurunda Kings of Bharatkhanda 10 princes Dewabhuti King of Bharatkhanda Sisunag King of Bharatkhanda Atamana King of Bharatkhanda Kalararo King of Family of the Mam Kings of Bharatkhanda Il princes Aneshtakarma King Bharatkhanda of Bharatkhanda Darudewa King of Bharatkhanda 300 years Kshumadharma King of Bharatkhanda Bhumitra King of Bharatkhanda Kaleyu King of Pharatkrunda Bhutnanda the Bahalika raja King of Kiling kila puri Kshetragya King of Bharathhanda Family of the Kanwar 345 years Talaka King of Narayan King of Bharatkhanda Bharatkhanda Bidhisara King of Bharatkhanda Family of fisunag 10 generations governed 300 year's Purisabhasa King of Bharatkhanda Ajatsatru King of Bharatkhanda & many others names unknown Banggira King of Bharatkanda Sisunandi King of Bharatkhandla d Dankhaka King of Sunandana King of Bharatkhanda Bharatkhanda Yasaraniti King af Bharatkhanda Chakra King of Bharatkhanda simas Ajaya King of Bharatkhanda Family of the Brishalas 30 generations governed 456 years 106 Pravíraka King of Bharatkhanda Siwaswati King of Bharatkhanda Nandibardhana King of Bharatkhanda Gomatiputra King of Bharatkhanda & other 73 princes of the Bahatika family names & duration of reign unknown e Mahanandi King of Bharatkhanda Ж A Slave girl of a low tribe е e Purimanu King of Bharatkhanda Puspamitra King of Bharatkhanda Mahapadma or Nanda King of Bharatkhanda Family of Mahapadma 9 generations Sumalaya and 7 others Kings of Bhuratkhanda Midsra King of Bharatkhanda Durmitra King of Bharatkhanda Dasaratha King of Bharaikhanda Siwa King of Bharatkhanda ***** Chandragupta King of Bharatkhanda f f Skunda King of Bharatkhanda Basisara King of Bharatkhanda Yagyasri King Aswakubardhana King of Bharatkhanda 3 of Bharathhanda Sayasa King of Bharatkhunda Bijaya lling of Bharatkhanda Family of the Mauryas p.mek let pouco sob suom.muab or 9 Sanggata King of Bharatkhanda Chandrabiggya King of Bharatkhanda 19 Salisuka King of Bharatkhunda Salamadha King of Bharatkhanda Semasarma King of Bharatkhanda & other & names unknown Jatahanwa King of Bharatkhanda Brihadratha King of Bharatkhanda h 16 B E ין G H I K 16 } 1 1 十 ​ 0 а. a 17 27 Vishnu Sanghikoya Suchi Rahu Jay anta A Prangsa Sakra king of Heaven Salya Ang ama Dhata muu Kaspapa Vala Marichi rishi Twashta Batapi Pusha Singhika Wamachi B В B name unknown a Wife Salubha Maru Savarni Sons Biprochiti King of the Danas Durbasa Aditi Sasrima Bumarcha graha Sanaischar Bibuswana From the HARIBANGSA.first Sheet. Apika Salumni GENEALOGY of the FAMILIES, CREATED at the will of BRAHMA. Sradhadera 07 Atri tishi Datta Baibaswata Manu Naraka Sangkusira Tuna ритуту био Dharma riga or Yamo Tung of the South c Kalanabha Gawoshthi Yamuna a daughter Dhritarashtra had he's bro Younger sonst- ened her. #becoming a horse Mare. he afterwards discos assumed the form of a * with her husband and Sangya was disgusted Dundubha Chandrama Sarmana Ayomukha krishna Sambara Surakalpa Savita Budha a Daughter Kopila Mitra paims Anggira rishi Aswini kumar Baruna Vamana Angsa Aswini Kumar D Marichi D Bhaga Maghawan Chandrama Tra Anuhrada Garbhasira Chandratap ana Vali King of Hell Hemen, Earth & Birachana Prahrada Bikshobhana Sanghrada Ketu Hranyakasupa Ling of Heaven Earth & Hell lille by Nrisingha Hrada Ketuburyo Kembhanada Jharjhar Satahrada Hiranyaksha succeeded his Brot -ther & was Tuilled many others Meghanada ! Rawana Sakuni Indrajita Kasyapa Dana wife of B from above by Varaha * 米 ​Diti Brahma Pulasta rishi Bhutsantapana Sarbajita Mahanabha Pawana God of the Wuds had 4.9 Brothers of the names unknown and other 93 Brothers Gardabhaksha or Kukshi Bajranabha e many others Kahınabha Kunbha Kumbhukarna same name Mahabhaga Kalanabha Andhaka keiltd by Mahadeva Pulaha rishi F Akachakra Daughter Putama a Bibasana Taraka Paulama and Kratarishi 60000 sonskill ed by Arjun See B below Dana Baiswanara Basishtharishi kaspapa Muni Naga Sesha Gandharwa Arishta Kalakeya Basuki Rudra & Unta Takshaka Ghora Gadha Sarpa& Serpents Dauyhter Kataka a Su'ils a Arravati Sanatkumar Upapadna Surabhi Karya 을 ​Kaki see C Page 18 Pulama Kambala Aruna, Charioteer of the Sun Daughter Suchi a Aswatara Tinata Jayanta Budrawana Baj Syeni Garura King of the West.the Bud on which Vishnu rides Elapatra Indra Mahasura see D below Tamira Sangkha Daughter Bhas Swarbhanu Bhasi Prabha a Kasyapa Tamra wife of D from above Karlata Sungha or Bragha se Kradhuvaso Satarupa Nahusat many others Dhananjaya See & Paye 28 Briksha or Lata Swayambhuwa, Talapaisha Ayu Mahanila Ira Sugriri Swayamblova Muni king of Bramawarta Wahakarna Upadanawi Dushyanta many others Dhritarashtra Kadru Jalapakshi Suchi Daksha prajapati Balahuka І I Sughoraraja Brishaparwa I Kuhaka 3 daughters Kardama Suhunda Pushpadanta prajapati Apasara 考 ​Muni Sukshama Hayasira Durmukha Bichandra Ruchi prajapati Urnanabha Sumilcha Sarmishtha Yaksha Swosa Druhya Mahagiri Rakshasa Sang khapala Asiloma Sukesi Kapila Yayatiraja K Satha Batmana Gaganamurdha Kumbhanada Nahusha Gada Sanghrama pion 27 h b Muni Kupakhaga Hayagriwa P } 1 1 十 ​ 78 А B c D F G П І 78 A From page17 Siravambhuva a GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILIES CREATED AT THE WILL OF BRAHMA Kamva Sambrat Bira King of Brahmawarta Kukshi Birata FROM THE Prabha HARIBANGSA. STEET SECOND Pruabrata 00 Utanapada Ling of Brahmawarta Sundriti Drwa King of Brahinawarta Kirtimana Hva shman Mahaduti b b Sishti King of Brahmawarta Bhaliva Suchhaya Prachin or Barli Kug of Brahmawarta Bikrita Brikulu Brikateja Suwita ### Udaradhi King of Brahmawarta Bhadra d Dewanjava King of Brahmawarta d Rupu King of Brahmawari Ripanjava Brikana C From page 27 Brindt Kasyapa by his wife Surabhi Chakshusha King of Brahmawarta е e Pushkarni Manuking of Brahmawarta K Biswarupa Nadwala f f 9 9 Bena King of Bralimawarta Prithu King of Brahmawarta Antardhyana King of Brahmawarta Padi h Sikhandini h Habirdhana King of Brahmawarta 78 A B C D E See E page 19 F G Н I 18 } 1 1 十 ​ A B с F H 7 K 19 19 GENEALOGY. of the FAMILIES CREATED at the WILL of BRAHMA, from the HARIBANGSA. Third Sheet. E From Page 2 Dhishana Ж Habirdhana king of Brahmawarta Prachinbarhi King of Brahmawarta Sukra Gaya Krishna Dhaja Ajina Sabarna b 3 Pracheta & 9 brothers named Pracheta Marisha Daksha prajapati X Asilni с 10 Daughters married to Dharma 27 Daughters married to Chandrama. Jons 5000 Sons of the same 1000. Sons of the same name Harayaswa. name Sabalaswa Sadhya Biswa Aswini Bharani Kritika Rohini musuh.in Arora Punarbasu Pushya Slesha d d Dhruva Soma Dhara Amla Ahala Apa Pratyusha Prabha Babhrya Kala Barcha Dravina Mangawa Kumar Dewalarushi Biswa karma on Supa acharya Srama Huta Abigyatagati Sranta Sakha Bvåkha Habyavaha e Muni Sutra Prana Rawana f 19 29 H І K B A c D E G } 1 1 十 ​ H 1 K D 20 A B Atri mami a Brahman created by Brahma Soma God of the Moon King of the Brahmans proceded from the eve of Itri a GENEALOGY of the FAMILY of the MOON from the HARIBANGSA of the MAHABHARATA First sheet. Budha Gord of the Ila daughter of Tawarwata of the family of the Sun planet Mercury ge Pururawa King of Pratishthana Urvasi created by Brahma she was common to all the gods but her children were born when she was connected with Pururawa. 6 Rahu the God b of a planet Prabha * Ayu King of Pratishthana A mabasu Biswagu Satuvu Drirhayu Bana yu Srutayu Petri God of ancestors Bhima Bridutha Kshetra Biraja Nahus King of Pratishthana Rambha Rayi had 500 sons he seized the throne of Indra ie. his brother Nahus and became an Infidel Ananasa King of Kasi Kangchana prabha Prilikshetra Yat Dewayani daughter of Sukracharya a Brahman who presides over the planet Venus Sarmistha daugh- Eter of Brashaparwa Suhatra Yayati King YR of Pratishthana Sangjati Kesini Ayati Panchi ka a Danu Sanjaya Jahnu Jaya * Kaveri Ladu excluded with her des= Ecendants from the succession Turbasu Druva Anu Puru King of Pratishthana It must be observed that in mother part 29 Ho of this table a tooth litterent extraction ir given to Jahnu the husband of limeri who is there made to be descended of Brihata king of Anturbeda a much more medern prince the mothers of both it must be observed are named Kesim Bijaya Sunuha see C page 2 see E page 22 see F page 22 See G page 22 Kriti Sahasrada Hjaka Payada Gandhari d Kroshta Madri 米 ​Nila Angrika d Haryadwata Balakaswa Haihava Haya Biswahaya Anamitra Iudhajit Brijanawan Brishni Andhaka Jahadewa Kusa Dharmanetra Swahi Nighna Sini T Karti Nadina Ushadgu Saphat Gandini daugh -ter of Bibhu King of Kasi Chitraka Kusika Kusanabha Kusarwa Sahangja buito Sahangjanipuri see B page 2 Prasena Murtimana Satrajit Seineya Satyaka Bhrigu one of the 7 Rishis created by Brahma Chitraratha Jayatrena Maherman King of Mahesmatium е e Sasabinda Gadhi Sons Daughters Sangkriti е e Sukra God of the planet Venu Yuyudhana Satyaki Bhadrasrenya King of Mahesmatipuri Bhang gabara Batapati Pratusrawa Tapasyawan Satyabhama Brattni Praswaptra Kshatradhar- first a wus Suyagya Durdama King of Mahesmatipuri Richika Viswamitra Raja & then a Brahmım & muni taught Rara Chandra the art of Drisadwati BRE Satyawati a daughter muni Dewavami married Yayati Raja of Pratishthana .. Prasena Upadewa Married to Krishna Ushata War Kanaka King of Mahermatipuri Saneyu Marulta Madhu Chan= Gala muni Jamadayni Ashtaka Raja f =dra muni Kritathanwa Kritabirya King of Mahermatipuri Kritdiya muni Kritagni d many others f Kamhalar -barhash Parusrama the Incarnation of Sataprasuti Lahi Raja Vishnu Arjun King of Saptadwipi or 7 Islands that is the world called ale Sahasraha hat er 100 arms Rukmakawa =cha Parajit Surarena King of Mahesmatipuri Sure Dhrishta Krishna Jayadhwaja King of Awanti & other 95 brothers 9 9 Rakmedu Pritharukma Jawamagha bult Suktimati puri San ibna Palita Hari Bhanujanggha Bidarbha Talajanggha Kratha Kairika Bhima h h Kunti Brisha Ayantya Dasarha Brishahara B H 1 20 20 E B yama see A page 2 } 1 1 十 ​ B В G K 27 2Z from B page 20 GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY or THE MOON FROM THE HARIBANG SA OF THE MAHABHARATA. SECOND SHEET. Chitraka se Asmaki S Sura Prithu Subahu Bahubahu Bhaja Biprithu Aswabahu Sudharma Arishta & many others Aswagriwa Aswa Suparsaka Dharma Dhrik Gaweshena From A page 20 Dheere Byoma Santilewa Sahadewa INS Bhadra Baisakhi Dhara Bitatha Madira Rohini Jimuta se Briðhasarma King of Karusdeau Pantu king of Hastinapur Srutadewa Srutasriwa Damly King of Chirdi Raja dhidem als go ge ge go do te of Brikabhi k * NB Bidarbha is near the Nagpur of: the Maharashtras Bhishma King of Bidarbhades Bhimaratha b Rukmini Sri Krishna od 7 others Bhoj Bijaya Brikadewa Sudewa Navaratha Dantabakra King of Karusa Yudhisthira son Bhimsena of Puatha by Dharma by Pawana Sisupala King of Chedi bu Indra Bulurumu Rawau Akalaby crposet when an infint, Swallowed by a sh, and educated by a fisherman, Dasaratha Pradumna (k other 9) King of Bajranabhapuri He and his grandson were the only survivors of the descendants of Yadu after the mutual slaughter among these Princes, great warrior Sakuni Karambha Nisutha Anirudha Dewarata Bajra King of Mathura From ( page 20 Dewakshetra Turbasu Madhu Bahni Purudwana Gobhanu Satwata Traisanu Karandhama Dewabridha Parmsa a river Andhaka R Brishni d Bhajan Bhajamana Marutta Dharmamitra Babhru Sringjaya Sammata a Dushanto an adop- - ted son. King of Antarbeða de Sambarta a Muni ' daughter no issue Krimi Zhrishta Sura Kramana Puranjaya Kukura Bhajamana Sama . Kambalabarhasa Dhrishna Biduratha е e Kapalarama Sura Titira Bharat King of Karuthama India and succeeded to Marut tas possessions Datta 4tidatta Sonaswa Swetahmhana Antarbeda Sami Punar basu Dandsarma Abhyit Satry it Pratikshatra Akrira Swayambhoja Ahuka King of Mathura Hridiki f Pandya King of Kerala King of Kola King of Chola King of Dewaka Ugrasena King of Mathura Kritarburma Pandyadesa Salmahanwa Keratadesa Dewanta & many others Koladesa Choladesa daughters SONS daughters Dewana Upadewa Sandewa Dewarakshita Married to Basudewa 9 These 5 ladies married Dewabhaga & lus 4 brothers, but the particulars are not mentioned. h 2 27 B В c D G H I K } 1 1 十 ​ H 1 h A B c 22 GENEALOGY of the FAMILY of the MOON from the HARIBANGSA of the MAIIABHARATA THIRD SHEET From G page 20 FromDpage 20 From E page 20 Puruling of Pratishthana Briddhakshetra Druva King of Kasi Babhrusetu Janmejaya Ping of Pratishthana Suhotra hig of Kasi Prachanwan ling of Pratishthana Anggarsetua great Kaja killed by Mandhata of Ayodhia Kasva king of Laci Sala Gritsantada Pravira hiring of Pratishthana Arsirena Sunaka Manasva king of Pratishthana Gandhara King af Gandhar 7, Kasi liing of Kasi Abimonda King of Pratishihana Kasvaka Saimaka mund H From F' page 20 Sudhanwa King of Prahshthana Dirghatapa King of Kasi Dhanwa Anu Surahu king of Pratishthana Charma Dharwantri King of liasi Rardraswa king or Ghrita Pratishthana Ketumana king of Kasi Duduha Prachata Bhimaratha King of Kasi Suprachata Richepu bing of Pratishthana Thalana Sthaler Talenre Baneru Dhanera Dasarnevu Krikaner Kakshevu Sthandilevu Saurateru Dewadasa King Drishailwau of hari Matinara king of Antarbeda Sabhanera Czakshusha Pratardana Saramanvu King of Kasi Kalanala d Tang sarasa king of Antarbeda Prithiratha Subahu d Batsa liny of Kasi Sring java Bharga Dharmanetraking of Antarbeda Puranjava Alarka King O Kasi Jaftmejaya Sakuntala Dushanta King of Antarbeda Sushmanta Frarira Anagha Mahasala Sannati King of Kasi Mahamana Bharata King of Antarbeda Sunipa king of Kari Bharadwaja Muni an adopted son This Bharadwaja is evidently the same with or a descendant of Briddhakshetra the son of Ayu King of Pratishthana as the descendants of both nearl of the same names are Kings of kasi seeba Usinara Kina 01 Tüzikshu Kshemny King of Kasi Usinara desa Bitatha Zradratha Ketunanaking of Kasi sibi Subrati Vawa Krimi Nriaa Phena Sutapa Suhotra hing of Kasi Suhota Gaya Garbha Kapila Suketu hing of Kasi Bali Brishadarbha Surira Kaikeya Madraka Dharmaketu King of Kasi Anggakmg of Anggadesa Vangga king Sahma King of Tanggadest of Sahmadesa, Pundraking of Pundradesa Kalingga king oſ Kalinggadesa Kasi King of Kasi Brihata Kung of Antarbeda f Satvaketuhing of Kasi Dadhibahona King of Anaca Kasva king of kasi Bibhu king of Kasi Dirghutapa. Kung of Kasi DibírathaKing of Angga . Nilini Kesun Dhurini Dhanwantari King of Kasi Dharmaratha King of Angga Armirha King of Antarbeda Dwinnirha Purumirha Sukumara king of Kasi Chitraratha hing of Angga Ketumaa hing of Kari Susanti King of Pangchala Kaveri Riksha King of Pratishthana Tahnu one dav drankup the Ganges but an. other raja of the same name performed the sama feat Dhrishtaketu King of kasi Jawinara Bhimaratha King of Kasi Romapada or Dasaratha King of Angga Birivati hino of Pangchala Sambarnakmg of Pratishthana Dhrizurana Suhotra King of 1282 Chaturonggaking of Angga Dcwadasaling of Kaci Bahwaswahing Araka of Pangchala Hune king of Satwadhrili Průtardano hing Balakaswa Pratishthana Batsaling Prithulakshe King of Angga or hasi See J page Kusika see L page 23 seck page 23 Champo King of Angga built Champapuri Gadhi Batsa kind of basi Bharga Bałsabhumi Kino of basi Te h Harvanigallio of Angga 1 1 Alorko ling of Hari Bisw.miri Muni Drisadwati Satwati a daughter Richika Muni Bharatha Kina of Angga Kshema hug af hasi Madhu Ashtaka Raia ChandraMund Galamun and many others Jamadagni Ketrimona hino Brihatkarma ling of Anaga of Kasi 22 Sali Raja -22 R Pururamua an un: G Н. 7 K see Il page 23 see ipage 23 carnation of Vishnu } 1 1 十 ​ B D 23 GENEALOGY of the FAMILY of the MOON from the HARIBANGSA of the MAHABHARATA Fourth Sheet From L page 22 From H page 22 From I page 22 From J page 22 From K page 22 Sativadhriti а a Brihat Karma Ketumana Kuru King of Bahyaswa King of Pang chala King of Angga King of Kasz Kiuru chhatra Dridhannwa Brihaddarbha Barsha Ketu King of Kari Brikshetra Arimelana King of Angga Judhana Mudgala King of Pangchala afterwards a muni Sringiava Brihadesu Yabinara Hrimela swa Suthatua Img of LÀMagadha / Saahanna Brihannana King of Angga Bilepu King of Kasi Janmej apa Suhotra lívng of lagadha. Sarbabhumi Anarta King Devada King of Pana chala Ahalya a daughter Gautama Jayadratha b Chayawan king of Madadha Mahata of Kari Saratha King of Angga Srutasna . Ugrasena Bhimasena Mitravu King of Pang chald Kritavaara ling or lag ada Sukumara King Rukmaratha Satananda Muni of Kasi Drirharatha King · Disruta king of lagu Piderathe Bijaya Suparewa of Angga Sringjaya King of Pang chala Satya King of Kasi Saty adhriti Baru hing of Mogacho Biswajita King Riksha Dhriti Sumar Pang chawana King of Angga of Pang chala Batsa King Phimse21 of Kasi Karna King Kripi a Brihadratha Iling of Magadha Yadu Kusa Saiva Bramwati Marutta Satya oraha Kripa acharya immortal Dhiatadrata Drana acharya of Angga Daughter с c Somadatta King of Pang chala Matsya kuti a daughter Batsabhumi Pilipa Karta Bikarna King Satya Karma King of Kasi Sahadewa King of Pang chala Aswatha an immortal líusagruha king of May adha of Angga Ugraudha 100 sons names Risata hing of Magalha Adhiratha Somaka King of Pangchala Gangga Santan 70 Dewapı Bahlika unknown Kshema Satwahita king of lag cha Jantu King of Pang chala Dewabrata Suvira Sata Bichitrabirja or Bhisma d Nripanjava Prasata King of Pang chala and other 99 brothers Karna king of Mathura Urja King of Nagadha Gandhari Dhritarastra Pandu Bidura Drapada King of Pang chala Jarasindha king of Brishasena Tag Cuda Dhrishtadumna King of Pangchala Durjadhan ling of Dhanenjaya Subadra Sahadewa hing of Megadha Although in the genealogy Pandu Dhritarastra and Bidura / are put down as sons of Bichitrabirja & Kali and Dhanenjara Brisha Hastinapur and other 99 Brothers names unknown as the father of Abhimanyu itis mentioned in other parts of Dhrishta King of Udápi king of Abhimanyu the Mahabharata that Kali is the same with Salyawati or Mingandha and that Dhritarastra Pandu and Bidura were in Pang chala Mlagddha fact sons of Vyasa and that Dhanenjaya is the same with Arhun Parikshell Srut asarma hing of Llay alua B с E F G I 23 } 1 1 十 ​ A B D. E G 24. H 1 GENEALO GY of the DESCENDANTS of MARICHI especially of the TAMILY Marichi Muni of the SUN from the HARIBANGSA а a Kasyapa Muni Bibaswan or Vamana u God Surya a God . Sraddhadewa or Baibaswata manu Liña of Ayodhya b Ila a daughter married to Budha, see family of the moon; after his death became a man called Sudyrumna and was first King of Pratisthan Ikshwaka King b páupoki jo v bryn Dhrishta Saryati Narishyanta nsbuond Nabhaga Karusha Prishadhara Two sons Utkala King Binataswaking Dharshta a Gaya King Bikukshi or Sasada Rishya a Vaisya Karusha Prajapati Anarta King of Anartades built Dwarakapuri or Kusathali Dama Brahmans of Utkalades of Gaya of the West King of Ayodhya or Merchant Kshatriya Kakus tha King of Ayodhya Rewa Liing of Dwaraka had 100 sons Anenas King of Ayodhya с c Prithu King of Rewata or Kakudumi Ayodhya King of Dwaraka Rewati a daughter married to Balarama brother of Irishna Bishtaraswa King of TE Ayodhya Ardra King of A from below B. From below Ayodhya C.From below D. From below E from below Sambhuia King of d Sataratha King of Pangchajana or Asamang jasa Yabanaswa King of Ayodhya Nishadha King of Ayodhya Ayodhya Byushawa King of Ayodhya d Ayodhya Ang sumana King af Sabasta King of Ayodhya built Sabastapuri Anaranya King of Ayodhya Nala King of Ayodhya Elabila King of Ayodhya Sudhanva Ayodhya Subhasandhiking of Ayodhya Nabha King of Ayodhya Udaswa King of Ayodhya Brihadaswa King of Ayodhya Brishna bridhi . EYE Dilipa or Khaiwangga King of Ayodhya BriddhasarmaKing of Ayodhya Sudarsana king of Ayodhya Pundarika Kina of Ayodhya Kubalaswa lor Haryaswa King of Ayodhya Dala King of Dhundumara King of Ayodhya Bhagiratha Kshemadhanwa Agnibarna King of Ayodhya Ayodhya King of Ayodhya Sumanasa King of Avodhya Sruta King of Ulka King of Ayodhya Sighra King of Dewanika King of Ayodhya Ayodhva Ayodhya Drirhaswa kuing of Sudhanwa King of Ayodhya Kapilaswa Chandraswa Sarwakarma King of Ayodhya Ayodhya Ahinag u King of Ayodhya Tabhaga King of Avodhva Maruta King of Ayodhya built Kalapa grama Tridhanwa King of Ayodhya Harydswa King of Anarany King of Ayodhva Sudhanwa King of Avodhva Avodhya Ambaris a King of Ayodhya Tragajaruna King of Ayodhya Prasrita Kiny of Ayodhya Nighna King of Paripatra King of Ayodhya Mikumbha King of Ayodhya Sindhudwipa king of Ayodhya Ayodhya Satyabrata or Tri sangka King of Ayodhya Dala King of Ayodhya Suwantri King of Ayodhya Ayuitajita Küng of Sanghataswa Tiing of Ayodhya f Ayodhya Raja Harischandra King of Ayodhya Barsha King of Ayodhya Anamitra King of Ayodhya Sala King of Ayodhya Ritaparna King of Raghu Ayodhya Sahasra King of Akrisaswa King of Rohitas Kind of Ayodhya built Rohitaspur Utkala King of Ayodhya Krisaswa Ayodhya Ayodhya Duliduha King of Ayodhya Artaparni King of Ayodhya Bishrutawan King Harita hing of Ayodhya Prasenajitling of Ayodhya Bafranabha King of Ayodhya Dilipa King of Ayodhya of Ayodhya Sudasa King of Ayodhya Changchu King of Ayodhya Khangkhana King of Ayodhya 9 Raghu King of Ayodhya Brihadbala King Yubanaswaling or Ayodhya g SaudasaKing of Ayodhya of Ayodhya Mandhata king of Ayodhya Biſaya ling of Avodhya Aja King of Ayodhya Byushitaswa King of Ayodhya Sudewa ArmakaKing of Ayodhya 1 Ruruka King of Ayodhya Dasaratha King of Ayodhya Biswasaha King of Ayodhya Prakutsa luing of Modhya Muchakunda Muluka King of Ayodhya Brika King of Avedhva Sri Ramchandra King of Ayodhya Hiranyanabha King of Ayodhya Sataratha King of Trasadasyu king of Ayodhwa h h Bahi King of Ayodhya Kusa King of Ayodhya Kausulya King of Ayodhya Ayodhya see C to the right Sambluuta king of Ayodha Atithi King of Ayodhya Brahmeshtha King of Ayodhya Savara King of yodhya sued to the right NishadhaKing of Ayodhya Byushawa King of Ayodhya Panochajana or Asanngjasa see D to the right see E to the right 27 see Bto the right 24 A B D F 6 H I K } 1 1 十 ​ 25. E G H П 2.5 Marichi muni GENE ALOGY of the FAMILY of the SUN from the RAMAYANA of VALMIKI . Kasyapa muni a Vaibaswata king of Ayodhya Ileshwalen King of Ayodhya A from below. Kushi King 04 Ayodhya Nimi King of Srighraga King of Ayodhya Mithila Mahi King of Bikukshi King of' Avodhya Marut King of 2 Nithila Avodhya b Sri Janaka King Bana King of Ayodhya of Mithila Prasustuka King of Ayodhya Anaranya King of Ayodhya Udabasu King of Mithala Ambarisha King of Ayodhya Nandibarddhana King Pritha King of Ayodhya of Mithila Nahasha King of Ayodhya c This angku King of Ayodhya Suketu King of Mithila Yayati King of Ayodhva Dundhumara king of lyodhya Dewarata King of Mithila Nabhaga King of Avodhya Brihadratha King Yubanaswa King of Ayodhya of Mithila dja King of Ayodhya Mandhata King of Ayodhya Mahabira King of Mithila Dasaratha King of Ayodhya d d Dhritiman King Susandhi King of Ayodhya of Mithila Sri Ram Chandra King of Ayodhya Drishtaketu King Dhrubasandhi King of Ayodhva of Mithila . Haryaswa King Bharata King of Ayodhya of Mithila Maru King of Asita King of Ayodhya е e Mithila Prabiraka King ngara King of Ayodhya of Mithila Asamungjasa King of Ayodhya Kritiratha King of Mithila Ang suman King of Ayodhya Dewamirha King of Mithila f Vibuddha King Dilipa King of Ayodhya of Mithala Mahidhruva King Bhagiratha King of Ayodhwa of Mithila . Kirtirata King of Kakastha King of Ayodhya Mithila 9 g Maharoma king Raghu king of Avodhra of Mithila Kalmashupada ling of Ayodhya Swarnaroma King of Mithila **22713 ... - ..... Sangh hana King of Avodhva Thraswaroma King of Muhila Sudarsana king of Avodha h Sriraja Siradhwaj a Kng h of Mithila Agnibarna Kiny of Avodhva Sita adopted daughter found in ploughing a field Srighraga King of Ayodhya 25 see A to the right 2.5 H F } 1 1 十 ​UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02886 8969 A