THE arietan ^ottetp. ESTABLISHED A.D. MDCCCLXIX. Volume l'OK THE YEAR MJDCCOCII. l.tncoin0fnre ^eutgrees- EDITED BY THE REV. CANON A. R. MADDISON, M.A., E.S.A. LONDON: 1902, preface. + It is necessary to give some account of these Pedigrees, which I was asked to edit for the Harleian Society. They are the lifelong work of Mr. Arthur Staunton Larken, Eichmond Herald, who died 1 April 1889. Genealogy had always had a strong fascination for him, and his taste was shared by his brother-in-law William John, 6th Lord Monson, who in 1828 had married his sister. Both visited many parishes in Lincolnshire and made extracts from the parish registers; in fact the nucleus of these Pedigrees is in the library of Burton Hall. Lord Monson had the useful gift of being able, after reading a will over a few times, to reproduce the chief substance in writing—a most useful gift in days when the slightest attempt to make notes of a will at Doctors' Commons was at once detected by vigilant officials, and when no Department of Literary Inquiry existed. After the death of Lord Monson in 1863, Mr. Larken added largely to the list of pedigrees. He regulai-ly "visited" Lincolnshire, making his headquarters at the larger country towns, and searching the parish registers in the neighbourhood. The result is a large number of note-books filled with extracts of births, deaths, and marriages. He also, on the establishment of the Literary Inquiry Department at Somerset House, made copious abstracts of an immense number of wills. On his appointment as Portcullis Pursuivant in 1878 he had, of course, enlarged facilities of search in the rich stores of the College of Arms. His previous labours now bore fruit. He was able to clothe, so to speak, the skeleton pedigrees with flesh by means of his parish register extracts and abstracts of wills. These Pedigrees are the result. The originals are now the property of the College of Arms, having been bought at Mr. Larken's death. vi PREFACE. Some time previously, however, he had entertained the idea of printing them, and in 1874 a serious attempt was made. A large number of subscribers promised subscriptions to the amount, so far as I remember, of nearly £800. In writing to me about that time he mentions his reluctance to give to the world what he did not consider was quite as perfect as he wished, but he was persuaded to publish what, after all, would be a most valuable genealogical work, even, to use his own phrase, "with all its imperfections on its head." He writes that his children are busy copying out the pedigrees for the printer. The whole of letter A and nearly all B was printed, and then the undertaking collapsed for reasons which I need not enter into. It was a great disappointment to him and his friends, but the remaining years of his life were devoted to making the pedigrees more perfect. This copy, made for publication, came at last into the possession of Dr. George William Marshall, Rouge Croix, who has most kindly allowed the Harleian Society to publish it. I must now, as Editor, say a few words about this copy which I undertook to edit. As I have said, letters A and B were in type, and copies of the pedigrees were sold to people who had a personal interest in them. The rest of the collection remained in manuscript, copied out in various hands. In dealing with A and B I found it necessary to condense a good deal. Pedigrees had been drawn out to an inordinate length b}^ giving the descents from heiresses, even when they had passed into other counties. A good deal of some of the pedigrees was simply what could be read in the "Peerage" and "Landed Gentry," and I struck it out, since the object of the Harleian Society is to print and publish what has hitherto been in manuscript. It would be a waste of time and money to print what could be found in books of reference within every one's reach. But a far greater difficulty lay in the handwriting. Mr. Larken wrote a beautiful hand, and those pedigrees which he wrote out himself needed no correction. Not so with those copied by his children. There are four or five different kinds of writing, and it would puzzle any one to say which is the worst. The evil becomes a very serious one when dates are in question, and I found very soon that it was a constant matter of perplexity to decide whether a figure was 8, or 3, or 5. The names of places in Lincolnshire I could, with the aid of a gazetteer and my own local knowledge, generally guess pretty accurately, but the names of places in other counties were continually stumbling- blocks. I have spent hours poring over maps to see if I could possibly •tit9qq jo souiii[OA OMq p9qtttjd 9Av.ii i '0008 umR &*om jo sqoiuqsqta 9pT3in OA13q put? ^[[t^ O^qOJJ UJOOUTrj 9qq Siinjojt?es jo S9tqttmqaoddo O^THl? ptn{ 9Al?q J SJT39iC qqSp-XqTOMq JO llJOOnirj tit 90U9ptS9J v Suun(j •qtnod TIT OOTTIiqSTU XIV. SV. OOjSipod X9U9TJQ 9Tjq 9q0llb £v.m J '91T0 0AtqSTVm|X9 TIT? qOU S1?A\ qstf SJT9>[JT;rj \tj\[ pill? c/S99jSip9j; 9JtqSUJO0TTtrj „ si 9turqoA 9tW .T° °TW 9tTlX ,A>ttSS009UTm Siqq ^Utqq qott ]|TAV Xq9t00g U'EtOlJ'tfJ-J 9T{q qstuq J •UOt'109J{09 S^t^JJTirj \rpj tit qOU 0J9A\ qOtqAV S99J§tp9d 9UT0S §111 -Diipoaqut jo 'Stnae^fe pui? Sutsttopuoo S9pts9q fyCqj9qtf 9qq U95|i3q qavi\ j •qOT3J sitjq .I9qra9tu9a: oq qq-Sno 'qno qq.otio.tq tt99q swq 91x1^0^ qsat^j stqq qotqA\ qqtAV ss9uavo[s oqq jo uriqdmoo oq posodstp U99q qav.x\ Aviu otjaa Xqotoog imopujj 9qq jo s.i9qni9]^ -99jqq.-Xq.ttqq ii9qqtJA\9J jCpq9jdmoo 9Amj j S99.t.oip9d U9A9S-Xq.iiqq jo quo c. J9q.utad 9qq oq £) J9qq9[ Sntptras qsnC rap, j •9tnii{0^ 9qq jo ttoiqi39t[qnd 9qq poXnpp pin? 9ttt p9p9drat XjsnoTJ9S s^q; stqq qng -sjojj9 moaj mop99Jj 9Jtisti9 oq p9qsTAV j jt pu9 oq Stttuttt.o9q ntojj seoaStpgd u9qqtJA\-qsaoA\ 9qq 9quA\9J oq 9m aoj p9UtT?TO9a A\uo qt fa9qq ^{snoiAqQ •suotqooaaoo Xjvss909u jo J9qmntt 9Satq v. sva\ qjns9a 9t[q put? 'umo A\n jo suotq.i?pu9ut9 qqiM S99j.rfrp9d p9Tdoo 9qq jo 9uo Sutpu9S jo qii9uitJ9dx9 9qq p9uq j 'Xqinoujtp 9q;q Suiajos jo Avaa ouo A\uo s'bm 9*l0TlX 'Tiotq^OTjqnd jo qsoo 9qq 9SH9J0tn jCpnotaos pjnoM spttnoq utqqtAv qd9^| qoTi jt pin? faoj pind 9q oq ptiq X9qq S13 ^sjooad 9qq in gjqtssod stiotqoajjoo M9j sv. 9q qsnui 9.i9qq qmjq 910 uodn p9SS9adrat XjSuoaqs stsav qj •XqjnotuTp J9qqoni3 ut 9crr p9ptnq .^uiqTjMpn^q 9qq jo ss9ttp^q 9t[q qng *qo9JJO0 9qtab XjtnrBj XgustQ; 9qq oq Sutqa3{9J sqoi3jqx9 sjt95[ji^rj Mpj osrv ptttioj sv,x\ iCqaopuTMg 9qq mojj sqot?aqx9 snotdoo 9pt5ra suq oqM cuoq£)iuppo(j jo Joqo9,g ^9[0Q 'g; ^93 9qjJ •9>[T3qstut 9jSuts v Xjpjiiq pttTj oq p^].8 si3A\ j tn9qq t[qtA\ sqo"Bjqx9 9q;q jo 9tnos Sutat?diuoo tio pttT3 fqutjd ut 9JT3 o\qst30ttjojj ptr*3 Xqstniaf) qt39a^) jo sa9qstS9a 9TLL •oq'B.tnoot? X[Ji^ti.8uts 9J9ay sj9qsi.89a tiiojj sqoiuqx9 sfti92[Ji3T[ qT3qq sooa^qstn 99aqq nt Sntptttj tto rJ9A9M0T{ fp9qaojr.uoo S'BM j •.8ntqtJA\puT3q potnaojtm 'qsipijqo jo stt9uit99ds snOLiiiA qnq ^Ltodn qaoM oq qdtaosu'Baq jti3j ou pt3q j cS99J.§tp9c[ 9S9qq. nt peqooqep 9q Xa?ut sjojj9 sooa9umit qSnoqq qt3qq p^9jd oq 9aojoa9t{q 9Ai3q j •Xqpotijtp Xjoa9 m utoqq oq p9jT39ddt? j pt^q 9ttop 9At3q oq oaisij p{noqs j sv, 'ss9upup[ atoqq tto X|pijt0J9tnttn sst^dsajq oq 9jqissodtnt st3Av qt 6%\ qqSnos j tt9qAA tiotqt3Utaojut Stiy^ddns tti pup[ qsora 9a9A\ tiooa-Q paisaoAg; 'a]^[ put? [t'oqsa'B]^ j(j t{3noi[qp? put? ^ttotqs9nb 9qq jo qno s^m osanoo jo stqq ptre ^opu^mop 9J9A\ Xo^jnoo^ 9qnjosq,B jt Xafess909tt 9q pytiOM Xqunoo 9qq ut J9qstS9J qsta^d Xa9A9 oq qtsiA j'cuosaod v, qi?qq punoj uoos Ia9A j •utoiqojd qooja9d v, svm SuiquAApu^q 9.8in3jqs 9qq ut qotqA\ 90^^ v Xjiqu9pt TTA oaoqq <£ A\iqu9-£) popnr-rj „ eiq put? i( oS^ouoj'pg pin? oSuieoj; „ sto:»[.ing[ jo 9ST30 oqq. m qng *qT quudoi oq aoqqoqM jnjqqnop sum j •suoiqoo|joo s(uo3[ji}rj Xq poijddris XjoSjiq SCtitiitjj o}touta*(t oqq. jo ooaSipod ittij V, SUI^qtlOO TIOTqTpO piTOOOS SqT TIT a XqSTOAUOg JO X.TOqSIJ-J „ ^O.oporj •tnoqq. (lULido.i oq joqqoq oq ^ou pjnoM qi .ToqqoqM 'uoqq. '9so.n3 iiOTqsonb gqj, -uoTcpqnojio po^taiii jo uoqjo o.iom pimoj oq oq 0J9M iCoqq. tjotttm tn s^yooq oqq qol 'poqupd uooq poopui pmj otuos q.onoqq 'muSti 'uoqj, 'quad oq. .xoqqgq qj q.qSnoqq j osoqj, -s.i0qsT.oO.i qsmul TJLTOJJ SqOUiqXO S4U93[JT3rj Xq pOAO.lduiT A^OilS TT99q pt?q qO/C 'poquud quo^xo oSaiq v. oq. U99q ptuj Xoqq qSnoqq fqoiqM puoAOS o.tom o.Toqq. qnq t 2[jom s^tio^pnrj *ij\[ poq^jodjootn Xjp?OTqoiud Xoqq. si? 'poqupxloi oq qou po9u ^ 13OTp[03J9JI ^9 T30tSO{T39U9^ TIOTT^pOST]^?? 9Tjq. pil'C a qSl£oTT?OUO jf) „ Oqq ITT poquud 9J9AV qoTqA\ 899jST.p9d osoq^i q^qq poppop j (} TTAviup oq oq ouTj oqq st?a\ oioq^ •quoqsisTioo X[qooj.iod 9q oq cqtiOTnip a\toa sum qx qiiq 'quud TIT iCpT?9J|«B sum q/ETTAV. jo juop ^9jS u poqqnuo oatuj j quqq. pTT?S OAtiq J •poAJosqo /[pTSu U99q u s9TjTuit3j uoTq^qTST^ „ q.nq ouou Sinqquup'R jo otii.t oqq piiq poprqoxo oq oq puq 9At?q pjnoM 'iCmquoo qquooquoAOS oqq tit soquqso popiriq Suiss9ssod \[B 'sgTjTui'cj joqqo pun 'unuq(iO]/\[ ^poqqno.i*) 'oou*) 'sMo.ipuy oqj, •oo.iSjpod oqq oatS oq. out pojqmio (liiqq ootjio s,jlo£mv,\ t? tit (i s.iod'nd ssojosn „ jo qsoqo pjo iiu SuuOAOOSTp jo oDTrtfqsTiino.Tp oqimnq..ioj oqq sum pun 'qsi[ sfu93[.n?rj m^j- ut 90i?[d ou punoj un?qStTu.iOQ jo souAvojg; otj^ 'Xjquo.8 Sumioooq qciU99qq.8[9 9qq in a"|[T!itti i iCjnqu90 qquooquoAOS oqq. ui puu[OJj ut qq.^9]^ Xq.utiOQ ut qouuiq m .oUTquiqd i soqST.i^d quoo^Cpn joao .oiap^o-xds TTO X^V,\ -0091 UT tTTOOUFJ Oq JOXl3]/\[ 13 SiITAtS: U91U09X Op-Oq-|[OAV JO 7[UV,X oqq OAoqx? Sutstj ^9A9it—i[9MSTn9jj pu^ |[9A\sdai3jj—Xqunoo 9qq jo qqjou 9qq m 9pTS Xq 9pTS soqsu'od OA\q tit Sutat[ ojoav soiuiq X[.it39 tit sjoqt?q.soq 9qq ^qT3TJt3AUT qsourp^ Aioq spera oq SmcisojoquT gy qT \)iiv, e^\\i^ JToqq. jo joqinnu snoxiuouo ui3 p9uxuii3X9 9At3q j *Xttuit3j ppoQ oqq oouT?qsuT joj o^jq -Xqunoo 9q(i tit Sutpu^s qsgpp oqq jo 9joav S9tjttitt?j uoi^qTSTA-uou 9qq jo 9UTOS qisqq qoi^j 9qci uo n8MP ^ou V^u I d qqnooqq.^TO oqq ui u stioJoSnnax? „ put* u o^quoS „ oaTi?ooq oqA\ pgpnpxo oq Xanquoo qquooquoAOS oqq jo qjred aoqqi3^ oqq jo sottuti'bj tTr,mooI pjnoqs cuoqq cXqA\ t Xinquoo Suxp909jd oqq ut Aaui?TnooyC oqq jo s^tt^j oqq ut moqq jo Hiiv.m ojoaa f£$i jo uoTq^qTST^ oqq ni p9JT39ddi3 oqM sgqrai^j 9qq 'iyu .Toqjy •poq.dui9(iq^ si3A\ Xq.tmoo scq^i jo uoTq.uqTST^ 9qq u9qA\ '9991 JH9A" 9qq <\v. doqs qou S90p XSOI139U9S X[9Jns ^aq t siTOTq.i3qTST^L 0Tp[«.T9fi oqq ut oanSg qou op Xoqc^ qx^qq po^uiuS oq q.x ^or[ -dov.\d jo qno 9S9qq ^mqq qouu^o j 'mn^uo-Q mnjLomjft miiwMtf \\v,o ftiM j fpjOA\ joqqoq v. jo qut3A\ joj cqoTqA\ ^soeaSiped axtt?ut j9qq9Soq q.nd 0^ Q\qv. U99q 9Ai3q j ^[TJTjgqijra J9qqo pun Xaq.siSo'a fsdoqsTg 9qq uj sqdT.rosuuijj oqq. puT3 SJoqsiSo.T qsuud jo prt? oqq q^A\ (osoq(i jo <\t\q PREFACE. ix could be no doubt, as these books are within the reach of every one who wishes to consult them. The Disney pedigree is very fully given in Volume II. of the "Visitations of Essex/' printed by the Harleian Society, but Mr. Larken had greatly improved it by his copious extracts from the Swinderby and other registers, so I did not omit it. On the other hand, the Oust pedigree has been so elaborately worked out by Lady Elizabeth Oust in her "Kecords of the Cust Family " that it seemed useless to rewrite it. I may now briefly state the principal sources from which these pedigrees were compiled. Of course, the framework of most of them is to be found in the great Lincolnshire Visitation of 1634 in the College of Arms, MS. C. 23. Two previous Visitations in 1562 and 1592 had been held, and these were published in the "Genealogist" many years ago, and reprinted under the editorship of Mr. C. Metcalfe in 1881 and 1882. The last Visitation of Lincolnshire was held in 1666. This also is in the College of Arms, MS. D. 23. Mr. Larken, having access to all four Visitations, had a splendid groundwork ready to hand, but this alone would have been insufficient. Every genealogist knows how untrustworthy Visitation pedigrees often are; how frequently it is discovered that a man in producing his pedigree for the inspection of the Heralds forgot his near kindred, and even in some cases misnamed them. Mr. Larken, with his ample stores of abstracts of wills, post-mortem inquisitions, and extracts from parish registers, was enabled to correct mistakes and fill up what had before been a meagre outline. The changes through which the leading Lincolnshire families passed between 1562 and 1666 are very great. The fifteenth century, with its terrible civil war, had indeed broken up the old feudal nobility, and the merchants of the Staple, under the patronage of Edward IV. and Henry VII., had come to the front when the sixteenth century began; but the reign of Elizabeth was peculiarly favourable to the development of trade and commerce, and it is impossible not to note the rise of families hitherto unknown into the ranks of country gentry. A glance at the Visitation of 1562 and another -at that of 1634 will illustrate my meaning. The number of gentlemen who came forward to shew their pedigrees in 1634 is enormously in excess of those in 1562. Other causes contributed. The suppression of the monasteries had thrown a vast amount of land into the market, and there were plenty of gentlemen ready to purchase on easy terms, and plenty of yeomen and merchants who had grown rich and were anxious to place their money in the only available investment—land. b X PREFACE. Had the Visitation of 1666 been cordially welcomed, it would have been extremely interesting to have marked the influx of new families, for the convulsion of the Civil War had wrought almost as great a change as the Wnrs of the Roses and the Suppression of the Monasteries had done. Parliamentarian families, who had bought up the estates of their impoverished Royalist neighbours and then made agreement with their adversaries by joining with them in restoring the Monarchy, came out of the struggle with increased rent-rolls and a corresponding increase of social status. But a Heraldic Visitation was felt to be an anachronism after the Commonwealth. Knight service and other relics of feudalism had been abolished. Comparatively few families attended at the summons of Bysshe, Clarencieux King-at-Arms, and very few of these represented old historic names. The Visitation was a failure. From 1666 to the end of the eighteenth century is, of course, a blank as regards genealogy, but the Lists of Sheriffs for the county to some extent reveal the steady rise of new families. Thus the Brownes of Saltfleetby, who had been simply yeomen in the early part of the seventeenth century, had a Sheriff in their family in 1670, and another in 1698. Henry Andrews, who was Sheriff in 1728, belonged to a family that had hardly emerged from the yeomanry. Coney Tunnard, Sheriff in 1737, was a solicitor. St. John Wells, Sheriff in 1738, was a prosperous tanner. These are sufficient indications that the old order was changing. These newer families are surely not uninteresting. I have already said that I have introduced some of them into this Volume, and I can only hope they will not be looked upon as unauthorized intruders. At the risk of being tedious, I should like to say something about Lincolnshire and the leading families that played some part in its history. Few counties are richer in genealogical materials, and few have received so little attention till within the last twenty years. The Record Office has a rich mine of genealogical wealth which has been but little worked. Lincolnshire, almost more than any other county, was subjected to sub- infeudation. This becomes very apparent when the immense number of small manors is taken into account. No one would be surprised to find large parishes containing more than one manor, but it is remarkable how often a comparatively small one is sub-divided. Take for instance Great Steeping. The parish only contains 1685 acres—nothing wonderful beside the great parishes of Gedney, Spalding, and others—but there are no less than three distinct manors: the manor of Great Steeping, the manor of Kelsey Hall, and the manor of Monksthorpe. PREFACE. xi Lincolnshire is considered the largest county in England next to Yorkshire, but it is remarkable how few families still survive in the male line that can be found possessed of landed estates in the time of Henry VII. It was said that the estates in the Home Counties changed hands more rapidly than those in remoter parts owing to the propinquity of London, where wealthy merchants were ready to buy land as an investment; but in Lincolnshire, which in days before railroads was extremely remote, estates have been so often sold or transmitted through heiresses, that very few families now exist who can shew their descent unbroken in the male line from possessors of their estates in the reign of Henry VII. They are these :— The Langtons, who undoubtedly possessed Langton in the thirteenth century; the Heneages, who were living at Ham ton in the fourteenth; the Dymokes, who held Scrivelsby by Grand Serjeanty in the reign of Richard II.; the Thorolds, who acquired Marston by marriage in the fourteenth century; the Smyths, who had property in Elkington early in the following one; and, most remarkable of all, the Ousts, who, although not an "armigerous" family (for their first grant of arms was made in the seventeenth century), yet undoubtedly have possessed land in Pinchbeck from the thirteenth century down to the present day, as may be read in Lady Elizabeth's record of the race. Of the families which still continue in the male line, although their early estates have passed away by sale or marriage, there are the Monsons, who parted with property that had come down to them from the fifteenth century in 1834; the Massingberds, possessed of land in Lincolnshire as early as the reign of Edward I., but now represented in the male line by the Rev. William Oswald Massingberd, Hector of South Ormsby, whose "History of Ormsby" is a model of what such a book should be, while the branches at Ormsby and Gunby have only female descent; the Whichcotes of Aswarby, dating from the time of Henry VI., when they acquired Harpswell by marriage with a Tyrwhit heiress, but before then seated in Shropshire (Harpswell still belongs to them, but they only gained it by marriage with the heiress of the elder line in the eighteenth century); the Maddisons, who in the seventeenth century parted with property they had acquired by marriage and purchase in the fifteenth and sixteenth; the Cracrofts, who held the manor of Cracroft Hall in Hogsthorpe as early as the fourteenth century, though their present estates only came to them in the early part of the seventeenth. These families still survive in the unbroken male line in Lincolnshire, the sole remnants of the knightly and gentle proprietors of the fifteenth century. xii PREFACE. It would take too long to recount the names of those families that have become extinct, or have left the county, or have dwindled down into insignificance. A few may be mentioned: The great race of Bussy, whose glory culminated in the reign of Richard II. and then decayed; the Tyrwhits, once so powerful in the county, but now, though still surviving in the direct male line, no longer in it, and possessing none of the ancient property; the Copledikes, who quarrelled with them in the reign of Henry VIII.; the Billesbys of Billesby (now spelt Bilsby); the Meres of Kirton in Holland, in all probability a branch of the great Ros or Roos house, bearing arms which are clearly an adaptation of the arms of that Baronial family; the Skipwiths of South Ormsby, whose history may be found in Mr. Massingberd's book already referred to; the Newcomens, as old a family as any in Lincolnshire, spreading into numerous branches, including a Baronetcy in Ireland, but now all gone to extinction or at least oblivion; the Angevines, who came in with the race of Plantagenet of Anjou; the Bleasbys of Bleasby, the Asfordbys of Asfordby, the Towthbys of Towthby, the Moignes of North Willingham, and last, but not least, the great Ayscough family, representing the Talboys of Stallingborough and the Hansards of South Kelsey; and the Husseys, who received a fatal blow in the execution and attainder of Lord Hussey in the rising, which was the prelude to the Pilgrimage of Grace, in 1536. These and many others must be sought, to use Lord Chief Justice Crewe's eloquent words, "in the urns and sepulchres of mortality." Vicars' Court, Lincoln. A. R. MADDISON. PAGE Adams of Tydd St. Mary - - 1 Alington op Swinhope - - 4 Allen of Grantham, Hundleby, and skillington 9 Allot of Great Lymber - -12 Almery of Spilsby - - - 12 Ambler of Kirton and Spalding 13 Amootts of Aisthorpe, etc. - 14 Anderson of Broughton, etc. - 19 Anderson of Dunholme, etc. - 25 Andrews of Osgodby - - - 27 Andrews of Tupholme - - 28 Angevine of Theddlethorpe - 29 Anton of Lincoln - - - 31 Appleyard of East Halton, co. Lincoln, and Burstwick Garth, co. York - - - - - 32 Appleyard of Ulceby - - 35 Armine of Osgodby - - - 37 Armstrong of Corby - - - 42 ASFORDBY OF BlLSBY - - - 45 Ashe of Wyberton - - - 47 Ashfield of Claythorpe - - 47 Ashton of Burgh - - - 48 Ashton of Minting - - - 49 Asterby of East Halton - - 49 Audley of Hough and Wel- bourn 50 Aylmer of Revesby, etc. - - 53 Ayscough of Blyborough - - 55 Ayscough of Stallingborough and South Kelsey - - - 58 Ayscough of Louth - - - 08 Baldwer of Sutton - - - 70 Baldwin of Winterton - - 71 Balguy of Stamford - - - 72 PAG 13 Ballett of Woodthorpe - - 73 Banister of Epworth - - 7G Barber of Ruskington - - 77 Bard, Viscount Bellamont - - 77 Bard of North Kelsey - - 79 Bardsey of Gonerby - - - 82 Barker of Great Steeping - 82 Barker of Tealby - - - 83 Barkham of Wainfleet and soutjiacre - 84 Barnard of Caistor - - - 87 Barnard of Spilsby - - - 88 Barnardiston of Great Cotes, Lincoln; Kedington or Ket- ton, Suffolk; and of Ryes Lodge, Essex - - - - 89 Barnardiston of Ketton and Brightwell, co. Suffolk - - 98 Barne of Grimsby - - - 101 Barnewell of Stamford - - 103 Baron of Boston - - - 103 Bassett of East Keal - - 10G Bawde of Somerby - - - 108 Bawtree of Boston - - - no Bayly of Louth - - - - 110 Bayly of Cawthorpe - - - 112 Becke of Lincoln and Cherry Willingham - - - - 112 Beeston of Holton-le-Moor - no Bellingham of Manton and Bromby - - - - - 117 Bennett of Boston - - - 119 Benson of North Kelsey - - 119 Beresford of Leadenham - - 121 Beresford of Sudbrooke Holme 123 Beridge of Algarkirk - - 124 xiv LIST OE PEDIGREES. PAGE Berkeley of Helpringham, co. Lincoln - - - - - 127 Bertie of Low Layton - - 129 Bertie of Lound - - - 130 Bertie of Evedon - - - 131 Betts of Barlings - - - 131 Beverley of Reepham - - 131 BlLCLIFFE OF NORMANBY - - 132 BlLLESBY OF BlLLESBY (hodie Bilsby) 134 Bingham of Stainton - - - 137 Bird of Pinchbeck - - - 137 BlRKHILL OF GrARTHORPE - - 138 Bishop of Hemswell - - - 139 Brsiiop of Lincoln - - - 139 Blanchard of Louth - - - 140 Blawe of Wickenby - - - 142 Blaxton of Horncastle - - 142 Bleasby of Bleasby - - - 143 Blewet of Harlaxton - - 144 Blundeston of West Keal - 145 Blyth of Stroxton - - - 146 bogg of sutterton - - - 147 BOHUN OF Driby - 148 BOLLE OF HaUGH - - - - 149 Booth of Killingholme - - 153 Booth of Goxhill - - - 158 Booth of Stainton-by-Langworth 161 Bosvvell of South Thoresby - 161 BOUCHERETT OF NORTH WlLLING- HAM AND STALLINGBOROUGH - 163 BOULTON OF BARDNEY - - - 164 BOUNTAYNE OF HAGWORTHINGHAM - 165 BOWYER OF BOTTESFORD - - 166 BOZON OF BARROWBY - - - 167 Brackenbury of Spilsby - - 168 Bradley of Louth - - - 169 Brampton of South Reston - 171 Brand of Leadenham - - - 172 Bransby of Heapham - - - 173 Branston of Gainsborough - 221 Brecknock of Lincoln - - 221 Brecknock of Holbeach and Wes- ton ----- - 221 Briggs of Scremby - - ■ 174 PAGE Brighouse of Colby - - - 175 Brocklesby of Glentworth and Helpringham - - - - 176 Brograve of Kirkby-cum-Osgodby 178 Bromfield of Bolingbroke - 179 Brookbank of Alford - - 179 Browne of Croft - - - 180 Browne of Addlethorpe - - 182 Browne of Haltham - - - 182 Browne of Pinchbeck - - 183 Browne of Saltfleetby - - 184 Browne of Yawthorpe - - 186 Brownlow of Belton-in-Axholme 189 Brownlow of Belton by G-ran- THAM 189 Broxholme of Grimsby - -192 Broxholme of Owersby and Os- GODBY 192 Broxholme of Yawthorpe - - 194 Bryan of Bolingbroke - - 196 Bucke of Hamby Grange - - 199 Buckworth of Wisbech and Spalding - - - * - - 201 Bullingham of Lincoln - - 204 Bunworth of Barkston - - 205 Burdett of Brandon - - - 206 Burgh of Kirton in Lindsey - 207 Burgh of Saltfleetby - - 208 Burgh of Skidbrook - - - 209 Burgh of Stow - 209 burnaby of barholme - - 210 Burton of Lincoln - - - 211 Burton of Surfleet - - - 211 Raynor {now Burton), late of Somersby 222 Bury of Grantham - - - 213 Bussy of and Haydor 215 Butler of Coates - - - 219 Caborne of Saltfleetby - - 223 Caborne of Boston and Tetney- 224 Caldecot of Barlings - - 225 Caldwell of Thorganby - - 226 Callis of G-reat Hale - - 227 Calverley of Gosberton - - 228 Carr of Sleaford - - - 228 LIST OF PEDIGREES. XV PAGE Carsey of Revesby - 230 Carter of Coningsby - - -231 Cartwright of Normanby - - 232 Cater of Langton-by-Wragby - 232 Cawdron of Hbckington and Great Hale - - - - 233 Chaplin of Tathwell - - 236 Chapman of Louth - - - 237 Chapman of Skegness- - - 239 Cheales of Hagworthingham - 240 Cheney of Boston - - - 242 Childe of Harmston - - - 244 Chippendale of Heighington - 245 Christopher of Alford - - 246 Christopher of Heckington - 246 Clarke of Creeton - - - 247 Clarke of Leadenham - - 248 Clarke of Welbourn - - - 249 Claymond of Frampton and Wy- BERTON 250 Claypole of West Deeping - 251 Clifford of Brakenborough - 252 Clipsham of Cadeby - - - 253 Codd (noiv Walls) of Hems- well 255 cogdall of flixborough - - 257 Colston of Brant Broughton - 257 colthurst of aunsby - - - 258 coltman of hagnaby - - - 258 Cony of Bassingthorpe - - 259 Cony of Sutton - - - - 263 Conyers of Carlton - - - 264 copeland of skellingthorpe - 265 copledike of harrington - - 266 corbett of wlnthorpe - - 269 cordwyne of normanby - - 270 cornwallis of lincoln - - 270 coughton of burgh-le-marsh - 271 Cracroft of Cracroft Hall in hogsthorpe - - - - 271 Cressy of Blyborough - - 283 Cressy of Ravendale - - - 284 Culver well of Scotter - - 285 Dackham of Coleby - - - 285 Dalison of Laughton- - - 286 PAGE Danby of Great Grimsby and Thorganby - 288 Darnell of Thornholm - - 289 Darrell of Horkstow - - 290 Davy of Leake - - - - 291 Dawson of Roughton and Marsh Chapel - - - - - 291 Dawson of Sutterby - - - 292 De la Launde of Ashby - - 293 De Ligne of Harlaxton - - 293 Dene of Barrowby - - - 294 Denton of Denton - 295 Derby of Leake - - - - 295 Dickenson of Claypole - - 297 Dickenson of Gainsborough - 297 Dighton of Lincoln and Great Sturton - - - - - 298 Disney of Norton Disney - - 303 dobbs of bucknall - - - 314 Dobson of Gainsborough - - 314 Dobson of Ludborough - - 315 Dolman of Bottesford - - 315 Doughty of Louth and Tot- hill 316 dowman of newnham, herts, and Uffington, co. Lincoln - - 318 Dymoke of Haltham - - - 319 Dyon of Tathwell - - - 319 Earle of Stragglethorpe - - 320 Ellis of Swineshead - - - 321 Ellis of Wellingore - - - 322 Ellis of Wyham - 324 Elmes of Long Sutton - - 327 Elmes of Stamford - - - 328 Elwes of Worlaby - - - 328 Ely of Great Carlton and Ut- terby 329 Emerson of Searby, Glamford- Brigg, etc. - 330 Empson of Boston - - - 331 Enderby of Metheringham and Lincoln ----- 333 Ersby of Somercotes - - - 334 estoft of estoft, co. york - 335 Etton of Firsby - 337 xvi LIST OF PEDIGREES. PAGE EURE OR EVERS OF BELTON IN ISLE OF AXIIOLME AND WASHING- BOROUGH 337 EVERINGHAM OF BARTON-ON-KUM- BER and Grantham - - - 338 Ewerby (or Iwardby) - - - 339 Fairclougii alias Featley of Lin- coln - 340 Fairfax of Swarby - - - 341 Fane of Fulbeck - - - 343 Farmer of Holbeach - 345 Farmery of Oaistor - - - 345 Farmery of Heapham and Spring- THORPE ----- 346 Farmery of Northorpe - - 347 Fawne of Skendleby - - - 348 Ferne of Temple Belwood - 349 Ferrers of Skellingthorpe - 351 Filkin of Langton-by-Partney - 352 Fisher of Threckingiiam and Bourn 352 Fitche of Market Rasen - - 354 Fitzwilliam of Olixby - - 355 PAGE Fitzwilliam of Mablethorpe and Withern - - - - - 357 foljambe of walton, co. derby, and Riby, co. Lincoln - - 361 Folkingham of Sleaford - - 364 fordham of barholme - - 365 FORSETT OF BlLSBY - - - 365 Forster of Lincoln - - - 366 fotherby of burton-on-stather 367 Fowler of Boothby Hall in Welton - - - - - 369 Fowler of Skendleby Thorpe - 369 Fowler of Wispington - - 370 Francis of Lincoln - - - 371 Francis of Sibsey - - - 373 FRANKE OF GrRIMSBY - - - 374 Freeston of Thimbleby - - 374 Friskney of Friskney and Ben- INGTON 376 FULNETBY OF FULNETBY - - 377 Fulstow of High Toynton - 379 Fynes (or Fiennes) of Little Sturton 380 4 3toams of Cptitr &t Jflarp* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.— Vert, a pale argent between two griffins segreant or. Crest.—On a torse argent and vert a demi-gr?ffin displayed or. Granted to William Adams of Tydd St. Marie's by Laurence Dal ton, Norroy, A0 1559. Geffry, son of William, of Tydd St. Giles, Cambridge,=f= died temp. Edward IV. 1 1 1. Thomas 2. William Adam of= Adam. Tydd St. Giles, Cam- =f= bridge, died 1518. f=Agnes, dau. of Robert John Robert Adam, Wright of Sutton in Adam, a monk at Holderness, York. died s.p. Ely. i John Adam=f=Isabel, dau. of Robert Clarke of Newton. i 1 1 Elizabeth, dau. of= Robert Adamr Robert Clarke of of Newton, Flete; died s.p. son and heir. 1st wife. T=Katherine, dau. of Robert John Thomas Adam of Leverington. Adam, Adam, 2nd wife. died s.p. died s.p. William Adam, s.p. i i Katherine, Symon Adam of^ mar. to John Tydd St. Giles, Charles of son and heir. Ely. Jane, dau. of Robert Margaret, Anne, mar. Hunston of Tydd St. mar. to to Lawrence Mary. Thomas Rands. Monkes. Elizabeth, dau.=William Adams=j of John Styk- of Tydd St. ney; died s.p. Mary, bur. there 1st wife. 28 May 1566. =Mary, dau. of Henry=Margaret, dau. of James Topp (or Toft) of TyleofElmingham,Nor- Tydd St. Mary, folk, the widow of Tho- 2nd wife. mas Craneham of Down- ham, Kent. 3rd wife, b B A VOL. I, LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Agnes, bur. at Tydd St. Mary 27 Sept. 15(52. Sarah, bur. at Tydd St. Mary 19 Feb. 1551-2. Anne, died s.p. Margaret. Henry A dams- of Tydd St. Mary, seised of lands there 18 Elizabeth, 1575-6; liv- ing 22 Nov. 32 Elizabeth, 1589. :Mary, dau. of Ad lard Welby of Gedney; mar. there 9 Sept. 1569 ; bur. at Tydd St. Mary 13 Feb. 1588-9. John Adams, bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 29 Jan. 1551-2. Thomas: Adams, bur. at Tydd St. Mary 19 May 1611.' :Barbara, dau. of mar. at Tydd St. Mary 11 Nov. 1594. Cassandra, bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 9 Sept. 1571; mar. to Clement Martin, Clerk. Ellen, bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 4 Oct. 1581; mar. to Richard Welby; bur. there 7 March 1613-14. Jane, bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 16 Jan. 1574-5; mar. to William Hurst. Anne, mar. at Sut- ton St. James, 29 Oct. 1612, to Richard Ran ton. William Adams, bur. at Sutton St. James 5 April 1574. Henry Adams, bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 23 Jan. 1578-9; bur. there 10 Nov. 1579. Richard Adams, bur. at Tydd St. Mary 15 June 1576. of Tydd St. Mary, bapt. 2" there 1576 Dec. Mary, dau. of . . . .=j=Roiert Adams Colville, grand dau. of John Colville of Newton, Isle of Ely, by Ann, dau. and heir of Nicho- las Pinchbeck of Pinchbeck. 1st wife. =Mary,dau. of John Butcher of Wisbech; bur. at Tydd St. Mary 16 March 1653-4. 2nd wife. 8. Philip Adams, bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 15 Feb. 1617-18. I. Rachel, bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 30 Sept. 1599; living 14 July .1607. 2. Dorothy,bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 1 Nov. 1608. 3. Jane, bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 15 Jan. 1610-11; bur. there 9 April 1640. 4. Mary, bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 8 June 1615; mar. to William Hans- ford. 5. Sophia. i 9. Christopher Adams, 1634; bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 21 Feb. 1626-7. 10. Pinchbeck Adams, youngest son, bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 16 Dec 1627; bur. there 21 Jan. 1631-2. I. William Adams of=pMary, Tydd St. Mary, bapt. there 9 March 1600-1; ast. 30 in 1634. dau. of William Adams, Sarah, bapt. bapt. at Tydd at Tydd St. St. Mary 16 Mary 5 Oct. April 1651. 1652, 2. Henry Adams, bapt. at 'Tydd St. Mary 4 July 1602. 3. Robert Adams. 4. John Adams, bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 11 June 1606, I I I 5. Richard Adams, bapt. at Tydd St, Mary 16 June 1607. 6. Francis Adams, bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 1 March 1611-12; bur. there 13 1612. 7. John Adams, bapt. at Tydd St. Mary 23 Sept. 1613. b LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 3 2. John Adam of Ely=pMargarefc, dau. of William Rudston of Ely. William Adam- of the Isle of Ely, son and heir. ^Barbara, sister of Roger Tor- rell of Essex. 2. Rowland Adam of London. Cecily, mar. to Robert Berenger. Alice, mar. to Roger Ton-ell of Essex. .... mar. to Chris- topher Fulston. 1. Philip Adam. 2. Eve Adam. 3. William Adam. Margaret. Ann. Katherine, mar. at Skellingthorpe 12 Sept. 1609 to Henry Randes of Nettlehain. 4. Henry Adam of Skel- lingthorpe, grantee of the Rectory of that place 20 April 2 Jas. L, 1604. Will dated 2 Oct. 1615; proved 29 Nov. 1615. =Elizabeth, dau. of Tho- mas Randes of Lincoln, and Master of Spittal Hospital; bapt. at St. Margaret, Lincoln, 21 Sept. 1570; bar. at Skellingthorpe 1 June 1614. 1. Mary, bapt. at St. Margaret's in the close of Lin- coln 21 Dec. 1590; mar. to Thomas Fulbeck. 2. Susan, bapt. at St. Margaret's in the close of Lincoln 2 elan. 1593-4. 3. Dorothy, bapt. at Skel- lingthorpe 4 Nov. 1599. 4. Elizabeth, bapt. at Skel- lingthorpe 1 Aug. 1596; bur. at St. Margaret's in the close of Lincoln 7 Feb. 1611-12. i 5. Anne, bapt. at Skelling- thorpe 23 April 1598. Ton-ell Adam of Skel-= lingthorpe, son and heir, proved his father's will 29 Nov. 1615. =Anne, dau. of Edward Barnes of Soham, Cam- bridge; mar. before 15 June 1615. 2. Henry Adam, bapt. at Skel- lingthorpe 6 April 1603. 1. Thomas Adam, bapt. at Skelling- thorpe 3 June 1616. 2. Terrell Adam, bapt. at Skellin3 March 1658, Ellen. Everard Dighton,Vicar of Croft, Rector of Bucknall. Ann,- mar. in 1601. ^William Martin- dale of Kir ton in Holland. Will dated 10 May 1649; proved 1619. Henry Andrews, Gent., of=f= Alice, dau. of . . Tupholme, aet. 33 in 1666. '" * " 11 Will dated 20 May 1673; proved 3 Feb. 1673-4. Rea of Moulton; mar. lie. 19 June 1666, set. 21. William Martindale of= Bardney. =Jane I I I Rea Andrews. Jane. Juliana. William Martindale, bapt. at Bardney 8 Jan. 1700-1. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 29 [Harl. MS. 1550. Lincoln Wills and Post-Mortem Inquisitions.] Arms.—Argent, tivo bars gules, on a chief vert three bezants. Crest.—A vine proper. William Angevine of Boston, goldsmith/ claimant along with Lawrence Moigne of Theddlethorpe of the patronage of Theddlethorpe Church 1380. =Elizabeth William Angevyne of West .... Ashby, a juror in a Post- mortem Inquisition 5 Ed- ward III. William Angeviue of=pElizabefch or Katherine, dau. and heir of Theddlethorpe. I Sir Andrew Leeke, Knt., of Boston. Eichard Ange-=f=Margaret, dau. of John John Angevine of=p. . . . dau. of. . vine. Bradstone. Theddlethorpe. Langholme. f Eoger=Alice. Celey.* John Angevine of Theddle-=p. . . . dau. of John Lang- thorpe. | holme. Bernard Angevine of Theddle-=f Margaret, dau. of Patrick Skipwith of thorpe. Utterby. I Michael Angevine of Theddle-=p Joan, dau. of Thomas J_"l_ 1 TTT i TT 1 T IS ~r 1 v m thorpe and West Keal p.m. 14 Henry VIII Inq. (or John) Towthby of Towthby. Jane, of Great Sturton. Will dated 23 May 1552; proved 13 Feb. 1553. Bernard Angevine, died v.p.= [? mar. 2ndly Joan, widow of John Travers of St. Mary Magdalen, Lincoln, 23 July 1498.] :Ann, dau. of Sir Gilbert Hussey,Knt. Charles Angevine. Agnes, mar. Gilby. Jane, mar. 1st John Williamson, 2ndly William Woodford. Margaret. John Angevine of Theddle-n=Dorothy, dau. of thorpe, set. 20 in 1522. Will dated 4 Aug. 1572; proved 24 July 1574. William Holbecke of Yorkshire. Jane, mar. .... Bow- ett. BernardAngevine,f bur. at East Keal 11 July 1605. William Ange-= vine, executor to his father's will 1574. :Cicely, dau. of Sir Christopher Hildyard,Knt., of Winestead. i i Mary, mar. Christopher Scupholme of Somercotes. Jane,mar. Robert Bullen. Ann, mar. 1st Wil- liam Meres of Great Carlton, 2ndly Ro- bert Jennison of co. Norfolk. * See Harl. Soc, Vol. XLIII., p. 57. t Bernard Angevine mav possibly have been a son of Charles Angevine, younger brother of Bernard, 30 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. I Christopher An-=pEllen, gevme of Salt- fleetby All Saints. Will dated 20 Oct.1591; proved 4 April 1592. dau. of Michael Ange- vine of Salfc- fleetby All Saints. Will dated 1 May 1616; proved 27 June 1617. : Agnes, dau. of Leonard, widow of Bartholo- mew Ellis. Margaret. Mary, mar. .... Ely. Dorothy. Jane, bur. at West Theddle- thorpe 2 Feb. 1563-4. i Frances, bapt. at East Halton 11 July 1584. John Ange- Joan, bapt. at Saitfleetby vine. 8 Nov. 1612. I Charles An-=p Alice, dau. and heir of Nicholas Dymoke, son of Sir Thomas Dymoke, gevme. | Knt., of Scrivelsby, by Elizabeth,' dau. and coheir of Sir Nicholas Hebden, Knt. Nicholas William Angevine of West Ashby, co.=pMargaret Ange- Lincoln, and Hebden, co. York; died vine. 10 Sept. 1500. Inq. p.m. 23 March 15 Henry VII., and again 17 May. i Margaret, mar. William Towthby of Towthby. Charles Angevine of West^pMargaret . . . ., died John An- Ashby, son and heir, set. 16 in 1500 (otherwise 20); died before 1516. 25 Feb. 1516. Inq. p.m. 7 Henry VIII. i i Dorothy. gevine, 2nd son. Robert Angevine, 3rd son. Joan. John Angevine of Ashby=pMargaret by Horncasble, heir to his mother. Will dated 10 Oct. 1540; proved 29 March 1541. executrix in 1541. Will dated 1 Sept. 1546; proved 11 May 1549. s.p. Robert Angevine of= Langton by Horn- castle. Will dated 20 April 1545; proved 10 Oct. 1545. Inq. p.m. 3 May 1546. ^Margaret Charles Angevine, set. 16 in 1546 ;=Anne sold Hebden in Yorkshire to Sir .... John Tempest in 1555-6. William Angevine, had laud in Hammeringham, co. Lincoln. Sir Henry Rochford, Knt., of Walpole,=f=Elizabeth, dau. of Nicholas Reresby. Norfolk, 7 Henry VI. | 2nd wife. Mary=Thomas Angevine. Margaret= Henry Bellingham. [Blomfield's "Norfolk."] [Note.—The above pedigree I have completely rewritten, as T found much additional matter beyond what was in Mr. Larken's MS. The descent of the Angevines of West Ashby from Charles Angevine and Alice Dymoke is taken from Mr. Larken's MS., but is doubtful.—A. R. M.] LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 31 [Harl. MS. 1550. Cole's " History of Doddington."] Arms.—Azure, a /esse or, a I or dure ermine. Crest.—A Mori's head argent issuant from a mural crown or. John Anton, or Aunton,=pEleanor, dau. of ... . Medhox of Houghton, Yorks. j of Medhox, co Thomas Anton, Chamberlain to Queen Katherine (of Arragon),=f Jane, dau. of bur. at Strathfieldsay, Hants. | Cowdry. Thomas Anton, son and heir. This=pKatherine, dau. of James Chamberlayne of man was Clerk of the Court of Wards Sparsholte, Berks; remar. to Thomas Harri- and Liveries. Died at Strathfieldsay son of Finchampsted, Berks; died at Strath- 1 Eliz., 1558-9. fieldsay, Hants, 20 Sept. 1590. Thomas=pElizabeth, Anton, slain in Ireland. dau.of.. White. Mark Anton. Isabel, mar. to Edmund Normanville. Elizabeth, mar. 1st to Richard Harrison of Berks, 2ndly to Robert Marsh of London. Alice, mar. to John Weaver of London, and Presteign, Rad- norshire. Mary, mar. to Henry Randall of London. Dorothy. Joane. Joan, dau. of Thomas Taylor=pGeorge Anton, Recorder of Lincoln,= of Doddington and Lincoln City; mar. at St. Martin's, Lincoln, 8 Jan. 1589-90; died in childbed of her son Thomas 11 March 1591-2; bur. at St. Martin's. 1st wife. elected 22 Aug. 1587; made free of the City 14 Sept. following; removed from the Recordership 29 Feb. 9 James 1., 1612-13, on account of his having left the city and county. :Bridget, dau. of William Fitzwilliam of Mable- thorpe. 2nd wife. i Thomas Anton, bapt. at St. Martin's, Lincoln, 12 Dec. 1591; died young; bur. with his mother. Elizabeth, bapt. at St. Martin's in Lin- coln 15 Jan. 1590-91; mar. to Sir Ed- ward Hussey of Honington. George Anton of Stam-= ford, had lands in Far- forth; bur. at St. George's, Stamford, 11 Jan. 1653-4. Will dated 7 Jan. 1653-4; proved 25 Feb. follow- ing. =Anne, dau. of .... Humphrey; proved her husband's will 25 Feb. 1653-4; remarried (last publication 22 Jan. 1654-5) to James Margetson of St. Giles- in-the-Fields, D.D., then de- scribed of St. Andrew's, Hol- born, London. i Frances, mar. to William Knight; living 1653-4. Bridget, mar. to Charles Dye of Messing- ham, clerk, at St. Swithin's 1627. 32 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. $ppitpart> of Cast Walton, to. Lincoln, anD Bumtotcfc #art|n to. gorlt. [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College. Glover's "Visitation of Yorkshire, 1584-5." Poulson's " Holdernessvol. ii., pp. 364, 365.] Arms.—Azure, on a chevron or, oetioeen three owls argent, a mullet. William Appleyard of Norwich.=j= f Nioholas=pMary, dau. and Emma.=Henry, son of ^Catherine, sister of Thomas, Apple- | heir of Thomas 1st Thomas Grey 6th Baron Mowbray and Thornbury of wife. of Heton, Knt. 1st Duke of Norfolk, K.G. yard. London, Esq. 2nd wife. William Appleyard,=Elizabeth, dau. John Apple-=p son and heir. of ... . Parker, yard. I William Apple- yard. Eliza- beth. Edmund Appleyard of San toft, Isle of Axholme,^=Dionisia, dau. of Peter Esq., temp. Henry VI. | Luddington. John Appleyard=p. i dau. of. Bilton. John Appleyard of=pMargaret, dau. of Sir Robert Sheffield, Knt. (and Helen, dau. Bnttenvick in the Isle of Axholme, co. Lincoln; living temp. Henry VIII. and heir of Sir Robert Delves, Knt.), who held a command in the Royal Army, at the Battle of Stoke, and afterwards became Speaker of the House of Commons, Recorder of London, and was ancestor of the Dukes of Buckingham. Robert Appleyard, liv- ing 25 Oct. 1496. George Appleyard. Thomas Apple- yard, the Lord Abbot of Thornton. John Appleyard^Grace, dau. of of Heslington, near York. Pembroke of Grims- by, co. Lincoln.* 1. Ursula, wife to John Bellew of co. Lincoln; living 1572. 2. Anne, wife to John Lewes of York, citizen and draper, and Lord Mayor 1550; (? mar. also to John Hildyard of Ottringham ;) living 1572. 3. Jane, mar. to John Goldwell of Burstwick; her will proved 4 March 1562, to be bur. in All Hal- lowes, Skeckling (now Burstwick). 4. Elizabeth, wife of, 1st, ... . Montford, Yorks, and 2ndly of Ralph Headlam; living 1572. 5. Glare, wife of Henry Thurs- cross, Alderman and Mayor of Hull. Barbara, died unmarried. * Harl. MS. 1052, fol. 44, gives this wife as Margaret, dau. of ... . Fortham of Grimsby. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 33 2. Thomas Appleyard of York, merchant, Sheriffs of York 1542; Lord Mayor 1551 and 1563. He purchased Heslingfcon of his nephew John. His will proved 1580. ^Isabel, dau. of John Sotheby of Pockling- ton, Yorks. i 3. Silvester, living 1562. Thomas Apple- yard of York, merchant, Sheriff 1575; Lord Mayor 1584; died in 1600. ^Margaret, dau. of George Jackson of Bedale. Peter Ap- pleyard, heir to his brother; living 1591. Anne, mar. to Uriah Duncalfe of Ottring- ham. "William Blades of Sutton-in-=pMargaret, dau. and heir, mar Holderness,bur. at Sculcoates 3March 1591-2. lsthusband. 2ndly, 12 Feb. 1592-3, William Barber, Esq. to Philippa, mar. to ....Reed of Hull; living 1572. Ellen and both mar. Margaret. Jane, John Appleyard of Heslington, Gent. Thomas Appleyard, son and heir, admitted to Gray's Inn 7 Feb. 1630, o.s.p. Nicholas Appleyard of North Frodingham- in Holderness, and lord of the manor. Will dated 13 Aug. 1545. -Ann, dau. of William Meynell of Hes- lington. [Harl. MS. states her to be a dau. of... . Holdenby.] Katherine,= dau. of Sir William Flower of Rutland, Knt., o.s.p. 1st wife. :John Appleyard of= BurstwickGarth,Esq., J.P., entered his pedi- gree at the Yisitation of Yorkshire 1585. Will dated 27 April 1579. Catherine, dau. to John Norton of Acclom, Yorks, and nephew and heir to Sir Samp- son Norton. 2nd wife. 2. Henry Apple- yard of London, Turkey mer- chant. 3. Robert. 4. Bar- bara, died unmar. 2. John, ob. in- fant. 3. Willoughby, born after 1584; bur. at Barton St. Mary's, Lincolnshire, 19 June 1627. 1. Jane, mar. to Richard Fether- stonhangh of Stan- hope, co. Durham. Anne, dau. of Christopher=Thomas Appleyard of Burstwick^ Legard of Barton and East Garth, Yorks, and of East Hal- ton, co. Lincoln, j.u., which latter property was sequestered by the Council of Parliament 30 July 1644; born 12 Jan. 1580-81; set. 4 in 1584; a J.P. for Yorks. Hal ton by his 3rd wife Anne, dau. of Robert Carr and sister of Sir Edward Carr of Sleaford, co. Lin- coln, Bart. 1st wife. B 2. Katherine, mar. to Christopher Par- kinson of Slening- ford, Yorks. :. . . ., dau. of ... . Monkton*; widow, 1st of ... . Booth, and 2ndly of John Turner of Barton - on-Humber. 2nd wife. * Elizabeth, dau. of Marmaduke Monketon of Oavell, mar. to George Booth of Killing-holme. See Booth Pedigree. VOL. I. F 34 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 1. JohnAp- pleyard of Burstwick Garth, M.P. for Hedou 1661, o.s.p. 2. Chris-^Griseld,dau.of topher Apple- yard of Burst- wick Garth. Johan, dau, and- heir. John Overton of Easington Hall; mar. 2ndly to Tho- mas William- son. 3. Thomas Appleyard, Captain of Foot, lived 1658; died in the wars in Germany, s.p. 4. Robert Appleyard, died young in London. 5. Willoughby Appleyard, Quartermaster in the Army, died in the wars in Ger- many. . . . . Salmon, Esq., Lieut.-Col. of the Parliament and Deputy- Governor of Hull. Appleyard Salmon, son and heir 6. Sir Mathew Apple-= yard, knighted by Charles I. in the field, and for his services and loyalty made Governor of Leicester; M.P.; died 20 Feb. 1669-70, set. 63. M.I. Frances, dau. of the 3rd Sir William Pel- ham of Brook- lesby, co. Lin- coln ; died 29 Dec.l683,aet. 66. M.I. Jane, a legatee under her father's will; wife, 1st of James Ranson of Fitling, a Captain under Lord Widdring- ton, 2ndly of Mark Flinton of Garton. He died 1658. I I Mar- garet. Anne. Elizabeth, mar. to .... Nor- tham, Esq. Katherine. Anne, had a legacy of £1800=f=Bryan Sunderland of Aikton, Yorks, 2nd son of under her father's will, wife. 1st Langdale Sunderland, Esq., and his wife Elizabeth Thornhill, and set. 12 in 1665. 1. Christopher Appleyard, M.D., of Burstwick Garth, died in London; bur. at Burstwick. 2. Thomas, bur. at Trinity Church, Hull, 7 July 1663, the day of his bap- tism. 3. Matthew=pJane, dau. of William Ramsden Appleyard, died in Lon- don ; bur. at Burstwick. of Hull, merchant, by Anne, dau. of Thomas Boynton of Rawcliffe, parish of Snaith; mar. at Hat- field 30 May 1682; bur. at Burstwick. Matthew Apple- yard, bapt. at Burstwick 20 July 1684; died there, aet. 30. Christopher Ap- pleyard, bapt. at St. Mary's, Bev- erley, 28 June 1686. Christopher Apple- yard, bapt. at St. Mary's, Beverley, 1 Dec. 1687; bur. at St. John's 15 Jan. 1693. I William Appleyard, bapt. at St. John's, Beverley, 16 Oct. 1693, and bur. there 17 Oct. 1694. Francis Apple- yard^ Captain, died at Bever- ley; bur. at Burstwick 18 Dec. 1751. c :Ann, dau. of William Taylor of Norwood in Beverley; mar. at St. Mary's, Beverley, 14 Jan. 1719-20. Jane, bapt. at St. John's 23 Oct. 1692. Ann, mar. at= Lund 31 Dec. 1713; bur. at Leven26 April 1739. =John Lambert, A.M., of Fox- holes 1713-26, and Rector of Leven 1726-37. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 35 Matthew Appleyard, bapt. at St. John's 27 March 1721. Francis Appleyard, Esq., bapt. at St. John's 20 Oct. 1724; died at Wit- ham, Essex .; bur. at Burstwick, s.p. William Appleyard, bapt. 20 Oct. 1725. Thoinas Appleyard, bapt. at St. John's, Beverley, 26 Feb. 1730. Christopher Apple- yard, bapt. at St. John's, Beverley, 30 Dec. 1736 ; died at Beverley; bur. at Burstwick. i i Ramsden Appleyard, Anne, bapt. Gent., bapt. 13 March at St. John's 1737-8; bur. at St. 6, and bur. 8 John's, Beverley, 9 Nov. 1722. May 1764, set. 27. I I Jane Appleyard, bapt. at St. Margaret, John's, Beverley, 31 Oct. 1723; bapt. at mar. to George Lawrence, and died St. John's 1793. M.I. Newark. He died 17 March 1802; will dated 5 Dec. 1797. 1728-9. ^pplepartr of Wilttty* [MSS. C. 23, D. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Azure, a chevron or between three owls argent. Crest.—An oivl argent. William Appleyard of Ulceby, bur. there in 1567. Thomas Appleyard of Ulceby,=j=Dorothy, dau. churchwarden of that place 1568 and 1572; bur. at Ulceby 12 Oct. 1580. of ... . Parke of Boston. Isabella, mar. at Ulceby 28 Jan. 1579-80 to Sil- vester Bell owe. James Appleyard of Ulceby, mar. lie. 29 Aug. 1625, aet. 44, to marry Anne Smith of the Castle of Lincoln, widow, get. 44. Thomas Appleyard, bapt. at Ulceby 5 April 1572; bur. there 13 March 1605-6. =j= Edward Apple- yard, bapt. 24 Aug., bur. 11 Dec. 1578 at Ulceby. I Richard Appleyard, bur. at Ulceby 27 Jan. 1598-9. Ellen, dau.=William Appleyard of= of ,bur. Ulceby, churchwarden at Ulceby of that place 1591 and 21 March 1598; bur. at Ulceby 1582-3. 12 Dec. 1631. =Alice, dau. of Gil- bert Warter of Hutton Cranswick, Yorks. Elizabeth, bapt. at Ulceby 16 April 1575. Helen, bapt. at Ulceby 18 Nov. 1579. Thomasine, bapt. at Ulceby: 16 Dec. 1592; mar. there 22 Nov. 1608 to Stephen Smales; bur. 21 Oct. 1609 at Ulceby. 3. Elizabeth, bapt. at Ulceby 12 Nov. 1598; mar. there (mar. lie. 27 June 1620) 18 July 1620 to Nicolas Smith of Elsham, and bur. there 5 May 1635. 36 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. John Appleyard of Ulceby, bapt.=f=Sarah, dau. of Thomas Appleyard, bapt. afc there 18 April 1595. | Gilbert Finey. Ulceby 19 June 1603. Anne, bapt. at Ulceby 13 March Elizabeth, bapt. at Jane, bapt. 30 Dec. 1635, 1619-20; bur. there 16 March Ulceby 19 Sept. and bur. 12 Jan. 1635-6 1621-2. 1626. at Ulceby. William Appleyard, bapt. Thomas Appleyard, bapt. at=f=Mary, dau. of Thomas 6, bur. 7 April 1625 at Ulceby 21 Dec. 1621; set. Boynton of Rawcliffe, Ulceby. 45 in 1666. co. Ebor. Ill II I I I I Thomas Appleyard. Charles Apple- Elizabeth, mar. to Sir Richard Frances. — yard. Blackham of London, Bart., — William Appleyard. — Turkey merchant. He died 29 Mary. — Stephen Apple- June 1728. =p — Mathew Appleyard. yard. zj\ Anne. =John Appleyard, set. le^Susanne, dau. of. . . . Jollance of Lincolnshire. 1666. I I William Apple- yard. Thomas Apple- yard. Alexander Apple- yard, mar. and died s.p. Frances, mar. to (? Moses) Skepper and left issue. A son, died young. Boynton Appleyard of Ulceby, co. Lin- coln, heir to his great-uncle Matthew Boy}] ton; assumed the surname and arms of Boynton by Privy Seal, dated 23 April J701, in compliance with the will of his uncle Matthew Boynton, and died 10 April 1725, aefc. 52; bur. at Snaith 13 April. M.L ^Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Strangeways of Pickering by Jane, dau. of Luke Robinson of Thornton Riseborough, Esq., by his 1st wife Frances, dau. of Phineas Hodgson, D.D., Chancellor of York; mar. in York Minster 27 July 1699; died 29 Jan. 1729-30, aefc. 70; bur. at Snaith 3 Feb. M.I. 1. Matthew Boynton, bapt. 5 Oct. 1705; bur. at Snaith 24 Feb. 1705-6. 1. Judith, dau. and coheir, bapt.=John Twisleton of Bar- 10 June 1701; mar. 5 May ley and of Rawcliffe in 1726; died 9 July and was 1745; died s.p. in April bur. at Drax 15 July 1779. 1757, aet. 61. Elizabeth Boynton, younger dau. and: coheir, bapt. 19 Aug. 1704; mar. at Rawcliffe 10 Nov. 1724; died in. 17G0, having had fourteen children, all of whom except three were bapt. at St. Martin's, Coney Street, York. ^Richard Hutchinson of Wykeham Abbey, who assumed the name of Langley on suc- ceeding to the estates of Nether Grimston by device of his uncle Thomas Langley of Nether Grimston, Esq.; died Dec. 1735, aefc. 67. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 37 &rmme of <®8&oKty. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Ermine, a saltier engrailed gules, on a chief of the last a lion passant- guardant or. Crest.—On a mount vert an ermine 'passant argent. Motto.—Malim mori quam fcedarj. Gilbert Armine, Lord of Newland-upon-Aire, York, 1164z.=r i John Armine, 1184yAnne, dau. of Thomas Newbald. Gilbert Armine,=pAnne, dau. of Sir Thomas Jocelyne = . . . . dau. of Robert 1200. Pollington, Knt. Armine. Saltmarsh. Sir William Armine,=pCatherine, dau. of Sir William Skelton. Jane=Sir Robert Knt., 1224. L Grindall. . . . . dau. of . . . .^Christopher Armine,=pAnne, dau. of Sir John Anvill. 2nd wife. 1st wife. 1253. | 1. Sir John Armine,=f=Ursula, dau. of John Anne, Prioress of Nun Keeling. 1263. J Luddington. I I Margaret=f=Gerard Usfleet. Ursula=f=Sir John Portington. 2. Sir William Armine,= 1285, had lands in Snaith. :. . . . dau. Elizabeth, mar. Dorothy,mar. Jane, mar. of Nicholas to Edward to John to Thos. Mauley. Gower. Waldly. Ferriby. Thomas, also called Sevall Armine, 1299=j=Eva, dau. of Hamel de Carleton. Adam Armine, Lord=p dau. Christopher=Anne, dau. William=Anne, dau. of Scarth, Yorks, 56 Henry III., 1271-2. of ... . Armine. of Robert Armine. of Jordan Soland. Mountney Metham. of Howley. i ill Richard Armine, Chancellor of Adam Armine, Robert Joclyne=f=. . . . dau. Salisbury, living 10 Edw. III., Archdeacon of Armine. Armine. of ... . 1336, and 13 Edw. HI., Norwich, liv- Swyner- 1339-40. ing 1331. ton. A . . . dau. and heir=Ralph FitzRalph, 38 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. U John de Ar-- mine, son of Adam, son of Sevall de Ar- mine; dead 2 Edw. III., 1328. r Joane, dau. of William Armine, Bishop of Norwich 13 Dec. .... Deyviil; 18 Edward II., 1325; Rector of Wearmouth living a widow 10 Edward II., 1316-17; Lord Treasurer of 1337, when her England; taken prisoner by the Scots 1319, son granted her at the battle called the "White Battle;" had lands for life in a charter of free warren in North Willoughby the Soke of Drax, and Silkby 5 Edward III., 1331, which manors Yorks. he purchased from Roger de Morteyn the pre- vious year; died at Charing, near London, 17 March 1336; bur. at Norwich. William Armine, Lord of Scarth, Yorks, had confirmation of his lands^F.. . . dau. in fee in the town of Ayrmyn and elsewhere 2 Edward III., 1328; guardian of the lands of his cousin William Deyviil 10 Edward III., 1336 ; died 12 Edward III., 1338. of Harring- ton. 3. James (or^P. . . . dau Richard) Ar- mine, said to be a clerk. i of Robert Picker- ing. 4. John Armine, Parson of Newbald and Preben- dary of York, Rector of Willoughby 49 Edw.IIL, 1375-6. I I 5. Thomas Armine, living 22 Edward III., 1348; died s.p. Robert Armine, a monk at Watton. William Armine, Rector of Castle Ashby, co. Northampton, temp. Richard II. Sir William Armine of Osgodby, Knt., did homage to^=Joane,dau. Sir John Bussy of Hougham, Knt., for a fourth of a and heir of knight's fee in North Willoughby 6 Oct. 12 Ed- Nicholas ward III., 1338; had livery of the lands of Joane his St. Mark wife 22 Edward III., 1348; knighted before Mich, of Osgod- 23 Edward III., 1349; Commander of the ships by, 41 Ed- assembled at Boston. ward III. i 2. Roger Ar- mine, Rector of Harthill, Yorks, 28 Ed- ward III., 1354. Sir William Armine of Osgodby, Knt.,: 1384, was in the expedition to Spain with John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancas- ter, 1 Richard II., 1376; Treasurer of Calais and Guynes Mich. 9 Rich- ard II., 1385; living 11 Henry IV., 1409. =Joane, dau. of Sir Hugh Wil- loughby (some say of John Harrington); a legatee of her son Wil- liam 1400. I I I 2. Richard Armine, living 36 Edward III. Margaret, mar. to John Neville. Mary, mar. to Thos. Sle- ford of Kirkby Lathorpe 36 Edward III. John Armine, Henry William Armine, "son of Sir William Margaret, a legatee of his Armine. Armyne, Knt., will dated 1400, called mar. to. . . . brother William junior in the M.I. at Willoughby ;M Harrington 1400. died 16 Oct. 1415; buried at Silk ofPaunton, Willoughby, styled " dominus de North Willoughby/' LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 39 ;the=Sir William Armine of=j=Margaret, dau. of Sir Adam Everingham of heiress of Osgodby, Knt., 1415; Brifctaine a legatee of his brother and Bur- William 1400 ; willdated miston." 4 Henry V., 1416-17; died that year. Birkin, Yorks; remar. before 3 Hen. VI. 1424-5 to Geoffry Paynell of Fish toft, and before 17 April 16 Henry VI., 1438, to Tho- mas Meeres; lastly a nun at Sempringham 9 Edward IV., 1469-70. Margaret, mar. to Robert Wood- ville; her marriage granted to Geoffrey Paynell 30 Sept. 5 Henry V., 1418. Jane, mar. to John Trusdale. Anne, mar. to William Burnswell. nr Margaret, a post- humous child, 5 Henry V., 1418. I Sir William Armine of Osgodby, Knt.,= his marriage granted to Geoffrey Pay- nell 30 Sept. 5 Henry V., 1418; died at Boothby 26 Henry VI., 1447-8; will dated 22 Henry VI., 1443-4. =Isabel, dau. of Sir Hugh Wriothesley by Thomasine, dau. of Sir John Gresley, Knt.; mar. before 16 Henry VI., 1437-8 ; remar. to Thomas Meeres, "junior living 29 Henry VI., 1450, and 7 Edward IV., 1467-8. 1. William Ar-: mine of Osgod- by, son and heir, 22 Henry VI., 1443-4. Will dated 4 Jan. 1487-8. -Margaret, dau. of John,sister of William Langholme of Conis- holme, 11 Edward IV., 1471-2; mar. about 9 Edward IV., 1469-70 ; living 4 Jan. 1487-8; remar. to John Stanlow of Silkby; died 20 Sept. 1506; bur. at Silk Willoughby. 2. Thomas Armyne, 22 Henry VI., 1443-4; living 9 Edward IV., 1469-70, and4Jan. 1487-8. Catherine, mar. to John Bra- toft. Isabell, mar. to James Dacres. John Armine of Luddington. Richard Armine of Walton. Margaret, mar. 1st, after 4 Jan. 1487-8, to James Dene of Barrowby; 2ndly, before 21 Henry VIL, 1505-6, to Sir John Markham of Sedgebrook, Knt.; died 19 Jan. 1508-9; bur. at Bar- rowby. "i Anne, a nun at Sem- pringham 4 Jan. 1487-8, and after- wards Prioress of Choudham 14 Henry VIII., 1522. 1. Thomas Armyne of Osgodby, son and heir 1487-8; died 2 Oct. 14 Henry VII., 1498; bur. at North Wil- loughby, s.p. 2. William Armine of Osgodby,=pElizabeth, dau. of Hugh heir of his brother 27 April 14 Henry VII., 1499; died 23 Sept. 24 Henry VIII., 1532; bur. at Silk Willoughby. Bussey of Hougham; marriage settlement or indenture dated 16 Oct. 18 Henry VII., 1502. Katherine, dau. of=pWilliam Armine of = Dorothy, dau. of George Sir John Thimelby of Irnham, Knt.; mar. 17 Henry VIII., 1525-6; bur. at Lavington. 1st wife. c Osgodby, son and heir, died 25 Dec. 1 Eliz.,1558; bur. at Lavington, set. 53. Will dated 18 Dec. 155- Maokworfch of Mack- worth and Empringham, Rutland; mar. settle- ment dated 5 May 4 Ed- ward VI., 1550; living 31 May 1 Eliz., 1558. 2nd wife. i i i i 2. Richard Ar- myne, died s.p. 1. Anne. 2. Margaret. 3. Jane. 40 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 1. William Ar- mine, died young. 2. John, and 3. Anthony, both died of the sweating sickness. 1. Margaret, mar. 1st to Francis Armstrong of Corby; 2ndly, at Corby 9 Oct. 1568, to John Merridale; bur. at Corby 26 July 1585. I I I 2. Elizabeth, mar. to William Smith. 3. Katheriue, mar. to William Tullis. 4. Dorothy, mar. to .... Littleton. i i 5. Jane, mar. to Robert Brian. 6. Thomasine, mar. to John Wenslow. Mary, eldest= dau, of Henry Sutton of Burton-by- Lincoln; widow, 1st, of George Carr of As war by; 2ndly, of Ed- ward Lang- ford. 1st wife. ^Bartholomew Armine= of Osgodby, 4th son, but heir; Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1586; died aud bur. at Lavington 11 Sept. 1598,set. 57. Adm'on (C.P.C.) 27 Sept. 1598. = Catherine, dau.= of George Cha- worth of Crop- hill Butler, Notts, widow of Thos. Flower; bur. at Laving- ton 5 May 1591, s.p. 2nd wife. :Anne, dau. of William Dy- moke of Friskney, and heir of her brother Robert; widowr of Charles Bolles of Haugh; died 18 Aug. 1616, s.p. Will dated 23 May 13 James I., 1615; proved at Lincoln 14 Sept. 1616, then of the Close of Lincoln, widow, to be bur. in Lincoln Cathedral. 3rd wife. Sir John Armine, died v.p., unmar., at Lincoln's Inn. Catherine, died unmar.; bur. at Lavington 28 April 1605. I Magdalen, mar. at Lavington, as 1st wife, to John Cave of Pickwell, co. Leicester, and dead before 1619 (said to have mar. 2ndly to Richard Cave, but query). Martha, dau. of William, Lord= Eure, by Margaret dau. of Sir Edward Dymock (sister of Ralph, 3rd Lord Eure, Presi- dent of Wales); mar. at Ingleby, Yorks, 26 April 1590; died and bur. at Lavington 11 March 1601-2, *et. 32. 1st wife. :Sir William Armine of= Osgodby, Knt., adm'or of his father 27 Sept. 1598; Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1602-3; died 22 Jan. 1621, set. 59 years and 8 months; bur. at Lavington. Adm'on (C.P.C.) 2 March 1621-2. :Anne, dau. of ... . Pretty- man, sister of Sir John Prettyman, widow of Chris- topher Wase of London; mar. at St. Augustine's, London, 9 March 1606-7; bur. at Lavington 2 May 1619. 2nd wife. 1. Margaret, born at Os- godby 15 Feb.; bapt. at Lavington 4 March 1590-1; mar. there 29 April 1622 to Thomas Lister of Rippingale. 2. Martha, born at Os- godby 3 April, bapt. at Lavington 12 April 1592; bur. there 15 June fol- lowing. 3. Anne, born at Osgodby 4 April, bapt. at Laving- ton 13 April 1593; mar. to Norris Cave of Grantham. 4. Mary, born at Silk Willoughby 14 Sept. 1597; died young. 5. Martha, born at Willoughby 12 Oct., bapt. at Lavington 14 Oct. 1598; died 9 Oct. and bur. at Lavington 10 Oct. 1600. 6. Elizabeth, born at Osgodby 12 Jan., bapt. at Lavington 18 Jan. 1600-1; a legatee of her nephew Sir Michael 30 March 1668 ; died in London 17 April, bur. at Lavington 30 April 1686. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 41 2. Bartholomew Armine, born and bapt. at North Willoughby 10 June 1596 ; died 1600. 3. Evers Armine of Osgodby, born at: Willoughby 19 Dec. 1599 (also of Ketton, co. Rutland); J.P.; trustee of his nephew Sir William 19 Dec. 1657; proved his nephew Sir Michael's will 4 Dec. 1668. Will dated 19 Oct. 1677; adm'on (C.P.C.) 5 July 1680; proved 14 March 1689-90. ^Cecilia, dau. of John Tredway of Easton, Rutland; bapt. there 2 Oct. 1603; living 19 Oct. 1677; bur. atLavington20 Nov. 1677. I I I 1. Mary, 2. Elizabeth, living 3. Evers bapt. at dau. and coheir, Armine, Ketton, bapt. at Ketton, bapt. at Rutland, Rutland, 24 April Ketton 27 Aug. 1639; mar. to John 25 May 1637. Bullingham of Ket- 1640. ton. 4. Cecily, living dau. and coheir, bapt. at Ketton 12 April 1643; a legatee of ber cousin Sir Michael 30 March 1668 ; mar. to Samuel Saunders of Ireton, co. Derby. i 5. Margaret, bapt. at Ket- ton, Rutland, 9 Jan. 1644-5. Elizabeth, dau.= of Sir Michael Hicks, Kiit., Secretary to Lord Burleigh; mar. 14 Dec. 1619; bur. at Lavington 27 Sept. 1626. 1st wife. :1. Sir William Armine of= Osgodby, son and heir, born at Osgodby 11 Dec, bapt. at Lavington 13 Dec. 1593; Knt. and Bart., so created during his father's life 28 Nov. 1619; M.P. for Grantham 1620-25; adm'or of his father 2 March 1621-2; Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1630; died on or about 10 April 1651; bur. at Lavington. Adm'on (C.P.C.) 10 Dec. 1651. :Mary, dau. and heir of Henry Talbot, 4th son of George, 6 th Earl of Shrews- bury, widow of Thomas Holcroft; mar. 28 Aug. 1628; administratrix of her husband 10 Dec. 1651; died at her house in St. Martin's Lane, Middlesex, 6 March 1674-5, ast. above 80; bur. at Orton, Longueville, Hunts. Will dated 12 Aug. 1662, codicils 20 June 1674, 3 Aug. 1674, and proved (C.P.C.) 26 March 1675. 2nd wife. 1. Elizabeth, born in or near London 3 March 1620-1; mar. to Sir Thomas Style of Wateringbury, Kent, Bart.; died 10 Dec. 1679, ast. 58; bur. at Wateringbury. 2. Anne, born at Osgodby 6 Aug., bapt. at Lavington 8 Aug. 1624; mar. to Sir Thomas Barnardiston of Great Cotes, Bart. ; bur. at Ketton, Suffolk, 25 Aug. 1671. Talbot Armine, born 13 April 1630; died un- mar.; bur. at Orton, Longue- ville, Hunts. Sir Michael Armine of Osgodby, 3rd Bart., heir of his brother, born at Osgodby 21 Sept. 1625; entered at Gray's Inn 18 Nov. 1639; proved his brother's will 16 Feb. 1657-8; Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1666 ; mar. Mary, dau. of John, Lord Viscount Chaworth, of Armagh, Ireland. She died 1667; he died 1668, s.p. Will dated 30 March 1668, codicil 21 June; proved (C.P.C.) 4 Dec. 1668, (to be) bur. at Lavington. VOL. I. 2. Theophilus Ar- mine, born at Os- godby 25 June, bapt. at Lavington 15 July 1623; Colonel in the Par- liament's Army; slain atPontefract, Yorks, 1644. 42 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Sir William Armine of Osgodby, 2nd Barb., born at= Roekholt, Essex, 14- July "1622, eldest son and heir; entered at Gray's Inn 18 Nov. 1689; a Com- missioner from Parliament July 1643 to invite the Scots into England; M.P. for Grantham 1648; died in London 2 Jan., bur. at Lavington 17 Jan. 1657-8, set. 35. Will dated in Lincoln's Inn Fields 19 Dec. 1657; proved (C.P.C.) 16 Feb. 1657-8. Sir Henry Belasyse, son and heir of John, Lord= Belasyse, M.P. for Yorkshire, K.B. at the Coronation of King Charles II.; mar. at Kensington, Middlesex, 20 Oct. 1662; killed in a duel by his friend Thomas Porter at Covent Garden 1 (567, o.v.p.; bur. at St. Giles- in-the-Fields 16 Aug. Will dated 6 Aug. 1667, and proved (C.P.C.) 16 Oct. following. 1st husband. Anne, dau. and coheir of Sir Robert Crane of Chilton, Suf- folk, Bart.; mar. at Chilton 28 Aug. 1649; died 11 Aug. 1662; bur. at St. Giles'-in- the-East, London, having mar. 2ndly, as 2nd wife, to John, Lord Belasyse, of Wor- laby. His Lordship died 10 Sept. 1689. :Susan, elder dau.= and coheir, cre- ated for life Baro- ness Belasyse of Osgodby 26 March 26 Charles II.; died 6 March 1712-13. :James For- trey of Chequers, co , died before 1712-13. 2nd hus- band. Sir Thomas Wodehouse: of Kimberley, Norfolk, knighted by Charles II. at Whitehall 18 Nov. 1666; o.v.p. 1671. 1st husband. :Anne,younger=j=Thomas, Lord=Arthur 3. Elizabeth, dau. and co- Crewe, of Stene, Her- born 7 Nov., heir, was 2nd Northants,mar. bert, 1st bapt. 14 Nov. wife to her 2nd 1674 and died Earl of 1653; bur. and 3rd hus- 30 Nov. 1697, Torring- 30April 1654 bands. set. 73. 2nd ton. 3rd atLavington. husband. husband. Earls of Kimberley. Daughters. $rmstrmt£ of €oxhy> [Harl. MSS. 1436, 1550, 6829. MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Gules, three dexter arms, armed, embowed, couped at the shoulders or. Crest.—A cubit arm, armed, embowed as in the arms proper. Robert Armesfcronge=pJane, dau. of John Burton of Burton. William Arme-=p. . . . dau. and coheir of Thomas Ricard of Harlaxton, Notts. s troupe. She is not mentioned in the will of Thomas Rioard, 1438. Thomas Armstrong^. . . . dau. of... . Eldred. A I LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 43 r John Armstrong of Corby, Merchant: of the Staple of Calais; died 30 July 1515; bur. at Corby. =Jane, dau. and coheir of Robert Stonesby. "Jane Armstrong of Corby, ' vowys';" bur. at Corby. Will dated 28 Aug., proved 20 Oct. 1529. Thomas Armstrong of Corby, residuary^pElizabeth, dau. legatee of his mother 1529; a legatee of his brother-in-law, John Bawde, 19 Dec. 1543. of John Bawde of Somerby. William Armstrong, re- siduary legatee of his mother 1529. Anthony Beaumont of Glenfield, co. Leicester, 3rd son of=rAnne, dau. of Tho- William Beaumont of Cole Orton (ancestor of the Vis- counts Beaumont of Swords). mas. Armstrong Corby. of Sir Francis Beau-=Cassandra, dau. of Thomas Ogle of Pinchbeck, widow of montjKnt., bur. at Robert Lacy, bapt. at Pinchbeck 7 Jan. 1564-5; died at Washingborough Washingborough 23, and bur. there 25 Dec. 1632, set. 68. 11 Aug. 1625. Audrey, dau.= of William Sanders, Esq., of Harrington, co. North- ampton. 1st wife. -Sir George Vil-~ liersof Brokes- by, co. Leices- ter, Knt., Sheriff of the county in 1591; died 4 Jan. 1605. :Mary, created Countess=Sir Wil-=Sir Thomas of Buckingham 1 July Ham Compton, 16.18; died 19 April Rayner. Knt.,bro. of 1632; bur. in St. Ed- 2nd William, 1st mund's Chapel, West- hus- Earl of minster Abbey, set. 72 band. Northamp- years, 11 months and ton. 3rd 19 days. 2nd wife. husband. 1. William Villiers of Brokesby, co. Leicester, created a Baronet 19 July 1619; extinct 27 Feb. 1711. 2. Edward Vil- liers, ancester of the Earl of Jersey. 1. Elizabeth, mar. to John, Lord Butler, of Bramfield. 2. Anne, mar. to Sir William Washington of Packing ton, co. Leicester, Knt. 3. Frances. 3. Sir John Vil- liers, created Viscount Pur- beck, co. Dor- set, 19 July 1619; extinct 1657. 4. George Villiers, born at Brokesby 28 Aug. 1592; created Duke of Buckingham 18 May 1623 ; extinct 16 April 1687; assassinated 23 Aug. 1628.: B i i 5. Christopher Villiers, 4. Susan, created Baron Villiers mar. to of Daventry,co. North- William ampton, and Earl of Fielding, Anglesey 18 April Earl of 1623; died in 1630. Denbigh. Title extinct in 1657, 44 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGJiEES. Francis Arm-=f=Margarefc, dau. of William Armine of Osgodby; remar strong of Cor- at Corby, 9 Oct. 1568, to John Meridale; bur. at by 1563. Corby 26 July 1585. I Michael Arm- strong. 2. William Arui-=j=Isabel, dau. of strong of Corby, bur. there 28 April 1582. bar. at Corby 25 Aug. 1576. 3. Thomas Robert Armstrong. Arm- — strong. I I Elizabeth. John Armstrong. Jane. Margaret, mar. 24 Aug. 1575 to Richard Jane, mar. to Thomas Danby of Bil- Elam of Corby, parson; bur. there 26 lesby; bur. at Thorganby, Yorks, 25 Dec. 1592. Nov. 1616. Catherine, dau. of John = l. Bartholomew=pAnne, dau. of John Bnssev, born at Cholmley of Chedingley, Armstrong of etc., bur. at Corby 8 Corby, bur. there Aug. 1580. 29 May 1592. Haydor 20, bapt. there 26 Sept. 1563; mar. at Haydor 1 June 1581; remar. to ... . Middleton; living 26 Dec. 1593. I I I I Elizabeth, bapt. Agnes, bapt. at Martha, bapt. Ursula, bapt. at Corby 15 Aug. at Haydor 13 Haydor 26 Feb. at Corby 3 1591; mar. there, 28 Oct. Dec. 1582; mar. 1583-4; mar. or 13 June 1616, to John Gregge of to Sir Edward to .... Castle- 1590. Harmston beside Lincoln; Bagshawe. den. 2ndly, .... Columbine. Bartholomew Arm- strong, bapt. 5 Feb. 1585-6; bur. at Corby 22 Nov. 1588. John Arm- Francis* Armstrong of= strong, Corby, son and heir, bapt. at bapt. there 25 Feb. Corby 9 1588-9; bur. there 31 May 1587. Jan. 1621-2. ^Frances, dau. and heir of William Becke of Mar bury, co. Leicester. Elizabeth, born 17 Mary, bapt. at 2. Anne, bapt. at Corby Frances, bapt. at Jan. 1612-13; Corby 12 May 29 July 1616; mar. Corby 30 Sept., bapt. at Corby. 1614; unmar. there, 3 Nov. 1642, to bur. there 1 Oct. 1634. Lionel Lamb, clerk. 1622. Edward Armstrong of Corby, son=f=Mary, dan. of ... . Snel- and heir, bapt. 1 March 1611-12; ret. 22 in 1634; bur. at Corby 9 Oct. 1654. ling, relict of Sir Thomas Coney of Bassingthorpe, Knt.; mar. at Corby 18 Jan. 1637-8. John Armstrong, bapt. at Corby 11 Jan. 1620-21; bur. 26 Oct. 1623. * In his will, dated 24 July 1(521, proved 12 March 1621-2, he mentions his fafchcr-in-law Edward Sturton of Narborough, gent., his mother Sturton, his brother Erasmus Sturton, and his sister Elizabeth Sturton. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 45 Francis Gregory of Barnby-: on-Don, Yorks, living 1666, eldest son of Gilbert Gre- gory of Barn by by his 2nd wife Elizabeth, 2nd dan. of Sir John Molyneux of Teversall, Bart.; bur. 11 Aug. 1671. M.I. See Pedigree of Gregory of Stockwith. 1st husband. ^Frances, dau. and: heir, bapfc. 3 July 1641; mar. to her 1st husband at Corby 1 Jan. 1657-8; bur. at Barnby-on-Don 4 July 1704. =Horatio Kaye, only son of Rev. William Kaye of Stokesley, Yorks, by Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Horatio Eure of Gray's Inn, and sister to the 6 th and 7th Lord Eure; born 29 Jan. 1641 and bapt. 20 Feb. following; mar. 16 March 1673. He was Vicar of Barnby-on-Don, which he subse- quently resigned. 2nd husband. &sfortrty of Msbp* [Harl. MSS. 1436, 1550, 6289; MS. C. 23, Heralds' College; Lincoln Wills.] Arms.—Or, a saltier engrailed sable. Crest.—A horse's head erased at the neck sable, bridled or. Elizabeth, dau. of John=John Asfordby of Bilsby.=^Cicely, dau. of John Billesby Heneage 1st wife. of Hainton. Will dated 14 Nov., proved 21 Dec. 1527. of Billesby; executrix in 1527. 2nd wife. Andrew Asfordby of Bilsby,: set. 13 in 1527; died before Dec. 1558. Will dated 30 May 1556; proved 26 Jan. 1561. :Jaue, dau. of Alex- ander Langton of Langton. Will dated 15 Dec. 1558; proved 6 April 1559. John Asfordby, living in 1556. George Asfordby. Margaret, mar Skelton. Edward Asfordby^Katharine, dau. of Bilsby. Will dated 2 June 1590; proved 23 Dec. 1591. of William San- don of Ash by-by- Par tney ; execu- trix in 1591. i i i Thomas Asfordby, living in 1590. Andrew Asfordby. Francis Asfordby. Jane. John i\.sfordby, liv- Cicely. iii£ in 1590. Alice, mar. Thomas Landover. John Asfordby. I Mary, mar. lie.: 13 Aug. 1614; executrix in 1627. =Rev. Christopher Mihill of Conisholm and Tot- hill. Will dated 16 July, proved 11 Oct. 1627. I I I Jane, mar. Elizabeth .... Jen- — Susan. nison. Peregrine Asfordby- of Alford and Newark-on-Trent, dead in 1617. =Anne, dau. of Charles Newcomen of Salt- fleetby; mar. 2ndly Christopher Porrell of Halton Holgate; mar. lie. 8 July 1617. Edward George xisfordby, wool- Asfordby. len-draper at Spilsby, bapt. 1 May 1585. Will dated 18 Dec. 1616; proved 11 Jan. 1616-17. 46 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Edward Asfordby, bapfc. at Charles Asfordby, bapt. at Cicely, bapt. at Alford Allord 18 Sept. 1608 ; liv- Newark 5 April 1616; 20 March 1611-12; inS 163°- living 1637. living 1637. William Asfordby of Saltfleetby^ All Saints and Newark-on-Trent, bur. at Saltfleetby May 1623. =Eleanor, dau. of John Newcomen of Saltfleetby All Saints; bapt. 10 Nov. 1576; mar. 20 April 1597; bur. at Saltfleetby 9 June 1634. Alice, dead== Rev. John Shep- Cicely, mar. Susan, of Salt- Katharine, mar. m 1631. herd of Pan toil. Luke Brown fleetby All Marmaduke Will dated 12 of Saltfleetby. Saints. Will Moore of St. Feb. 1630-1; dated 29March Martin-in-the proved 6 Dec. 1631; proved Fields, Middle- 1631. 1631; unmar. sex. John Asfordby=j=Alice, dau. of William Mary, bapt. Mary, bapt. Dorothy, mar. „e c.i^^.t... « Wolley of Cumber- at Saltfleet- at Bilsby Oct. 1631 worth, mar. at Cum- by 2 Feb. 23 Jan. Christopher berworth 14 Oct. 1597-8; 1611-12. Newcomen of 1634; bur. at Salt- bur. 7 April Saltfleetby. fleetby 16 June 1658. 1598. of Saltfleetby, signs the pedi- gree 1634; liv- ing 11 Nov. 1657. William Asfordby=pMartha,daii of Staine-in-the- Marsh, bapt. at Saltfleetby 29 March 1638. of William Burton of Burgh-i li- the-Marsh; living 18 March 1667-8. John bapt. 1639. Asfordby, 13 Sept. Charles Asfordby, bapt. 14 Jan. 1640-1; bur. 28 June 1649. i Thomas=pMildrcd Emer- Asfordby, son of Kir- bapt. 28 mond, spin- June sber, set. 21; 1642. mar. lie. 28 Jan. 1676. Charles Asfordby, bapt. at Mablethorpe 29 Oct. .1668. Susanna, bapt. at Mablethorpe 3, bur. 4 Nov. 1669. Martha, legatee of her grand- mother 18March 1667-8. Alexander As- fordby, bapt. at Saltfleetby 20 May 1681. Edward Asfordby, bapt. 4 April 1644; bur. 2 Dec. 1675. Simeon Asfordby and Ben- jamin Asfordby, twins, bapt. 10 July 1649 ; bur. 8 Aug. 1619. Marmaduke Asfordby, bapt. 16, bur. 17 April 1655. Elizabeth, bapfc. 21 Jan. 1635-6; bur. 28 March 1646. Mary, bapt. 20 April 1646 ; mar. 19 Nov. 1673 Tho- mas Cooper. Anne, bapt. 12 Dec. 1647; bur. 4 Aug. 1649. . Eleanor, bapt. 8 Feb. 1651-2. [Note.—This pedigree I have entirely re-written, correcting the mistake in the spelling of the name. The long " s " was taken for an "f," and the name appears as " Affordby," instead of « Asfordby."—A. ft. M.] LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 47 Mb* of m^bttton. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, two chevrons sable, in chief two crescents of the last. Crest.—Two greyhounds sable, collared or, erect against a tree proper. . . . . dau.=pHenry Ashe of Wyber-: of ... . | ton and Boston, bur. at Boston 23 March 1595-6. Christian, dau. of ... . Watford; mar. at Boston 29 June 1592; remar. to Baruch Whittingham of Sutterton; living 26 Nov. 1599. . . . . dau., Ellen, mar. to Alexander mar. to .... Chapman; living a Huminge. widow 26 Nov. 1599. I Margaret, mar. to Goddard Meeres of Kirton in Holland. Henry Ashe, under 14, 26 Nov. 1599. Barbara, dau. of" Thomas Doughty, Mayor of Boston 1569; bur. there 13 Sept. 1598. 1st wife. :Edward Ashe, cus- tomer of Boston. Will dated 26 Nov. 1599; proved (C.P.C.) 4 Jan. 1599-1600. ^Margaret, dau. of John Smith of Boston; liv- ing 26 Nov. 1599. 2nd wife. i Margaret, mar. 1st to John Fawne of Skendleby; 2ndly, before 10 Oct. 1589, to Richard Coney of Kirton; dead before 26 Nov. 1599. Henry Ashe of Wy-~ berton, 1634; only child and under age 4 Jan. 1599-1600. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Adam Robin- son of Long- thorpein Peter- borough. i John Ashe, only child, under age 26 Nov. 1599; bapt. at Boston 24 Dec. 1598. Edward Ashe, a posthumous son, bapt. at Boston 4 May 1600. Edward Ashe, son and heir, set. 28 in 1633-4; bapt. at Boston 2 Nov. 1606. &spelti of Claptfjorpe* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, a trefoil between three mullets gules. Crest.—A wolf courant ermine. Robert Ashfield of Hathrop, Oxon. =Jane, dau. of... . Moore of . . . ., co. Worcester. Robert Ashfield of Thorneston, co. Gloucester, son and heir. i 2. Humphrey = Ashfield of Hars- combe, co. Glou- cester. -Elizabeth, dau. of John Trye Margaret, of Hardwicke, co. Gloucester, — and of Claythorpe, co. Lincoln, Eleanor. 13 Sept. 14 Eliz., 1572. I John Ashfield of Claythorpe, co. Lincoln,=Abigail, dau. of John Johnson of Lud- son and heir. dington, Isle of Axholme. 48 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. &sj)tmi of Spatting an* #rantj)am. [An excellent pedigree of this family has been printed by Everard Green, Esq., Rouge Dragon, in the "Genealogist," vol. ii., pp. 327—331. As it was compiled partly from Mr. Darken's collections, T have not thought it needful to reprint it— A. R. M.] $sl)tmt of Burst), [Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Argent, a mullet sable, a crescent in dexter point gules. Crest.—A boars head couped argent. Sir John Ash ton of Ash ton, Lancashire.=p 1. Thomas Ash ton of Ash ton. 2. Edmund Ash ton of=p Joan, dau. and coheir of Richard Oldham, Lancashire. James Ash ton of Oldham. 2. Miles Ashton* of Ashton, co. Lancaster. Radcliffe by the dau. and heir of .... Chadderton. dau. of... . I-Iend (? Herod) of Lancashire. Morris Ashton of Ashton= . dau. and heir of Ralph Botherheme. Miles Ashton of=pElizabeth, dau. of ... . Smith of Stopworth, Cheshire. (Called Ashton also Dorothy Eidler in Harl. MS. 1550, fol. 24.) Morris=pAnne, dau. John Ash-=f Mary, dau. of Robert Wors- Ashton. of John Hyde of Langley, co. Derby. ton of Ash- ton, Gent. Nicholas Ashton, ley of the Boothes, co. Lan- mar. Anne, dau. caster, by . . . ., dau. of Sir of Alexander Thomas Gerard of Bryn. Norton. A quo Ashton of Ashton and Preston, co. Lancaster. Anne, mar. Tho- mas Cocker. Protasia, dau. of= Thomas Quad- ring of Irby and widow of Robert Cracroft of Burgh. 1st wife. :Miles Ashton, bur.=Alice at Burgh 13 Dec , 1612. Will dated 6 ex'trix Dec. 1609 ; proved inl612. 19 Dec. 1612. 2nd wife. 2. Edward Ashton. 3. John Ashton. 4. James Ashton. 5. Nicholas Ashton. Elizabeth. Charles Ashton. Mary. Ruth. * The descent of Miles Ashton from Sir John Ashton above mentioned should not be accepted without proof. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 49 $sf)txm of Minting [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] George Ashton of Minting, descended from Ashton of- Lever, co. Lancaster. Richard Ashton of Minting, son and heir, held lands=p Cecily, dau. of of the Duchy of Lancaster in Minting 1576—79. I Salford of ... . George Ashton of Minting 2 Dec. 1614 and 18 March 1624-5, son and heir, J.P. 1634. Will dated 11 Feb., proved 25 Feb. 1638. No issue. 1. Sarah, mar. to Clement Cooke; bur. at Minting 5 Aug. 1612, then a widow. Mary, mar. at St. Judith, Andrew's, Hoi- mar. to born, London, 22 Thomas Oct. 1605, Ed- Gentle, mund Dighton of Sturton. Edward Ashton of Gainsborough^. . . . dau. of. . . ., bur. at Gains- 30 Oct. 1622. borough 15 March 1647-8. IN M M William Ashton, bapt. 21 Dec. 1601. Brook Ashton, bapt. Bridget, bapt. 17, — 22 July 1608. and bur. 22 Jan. George Ashton, bapt. 27 Oct. 1605. — 1609-10. — Charles Ashton, bapt. — Robert Ashton, bapt. 27 May 1607. 26 April 1612. Barbara, bapt. 7 March 1616-17. All at Gainsborough. gsterty of Cast f^altom Arms.—Sable, a lend oetiveen three estoiies or. Roger Asterby of Halton, co. Lincoln.=p Roger Asterby.r Leonard Asterby, East Halfcon=f=Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Hornby of Wath. Edward Asterby of Willingham. Thomas Asterby. Mathew Asterby of Tetney. All living 20 June 1616. VOL. i< Peter Aster-=Isabel, dau. of by of Clee, living 20 June 1616; bur. at Clee 4 Dec. 1616. Kettle- well, mar. at Clee 27 April 1613; bur. at Waltham 17 March 1637-8. Roger Asterby, living 20 June 1616; mar. at Lace- by, 26 Oct. 1609, Margaret, dau. of... . Grantham. Mary, mar. to . shopp; living 1616. . . . Win- 20 June 50 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Katherine, dau. of Wil-= liam Mussenden of Healing, widow of Tho- mas Pulvertoftof Whap- lode; mar. after 1 May 1590; bur. at Alford 22 May 1607, s.p. 1st wife. =George Asterby of- East Halton, de- scribed of Healing 1589-90 and of the City of Lon- don. Will dated 20 June, proved 11 July 1616. A| =Tabitha, dau. of John=Ellen, dau. of Touthby of Tonthby, bapt. at Alford 28 June 1587; mar. at Alford 19 Feb. 1609-10; bur. there 9t July 1611. 2nd wife. ., proved her hus- band's will 11 July 1616. 3rd wife. j Bethia, dau. and sole heir, bapt. at Alford 11 Nov. 1610; living 20 June 1616. [Harl. MS. 1550. Lincoln Wills.] Arms.—Quarterly: 1 and 4, Ermine, a chevron gules, Touchett; 2 and 3, Gules, a fret or, Audley; all within a h or dure golony argent and gules. Crest.—A Saracen's head in profile, couped at the neck proper, crowned with a circlet or. Thomas Audley of Ashbourne in the Peak, Derby, an: illegitimate son of Lord Audley. William Audley of Welborne=f=. . . . dau. of. I Clarke of Welborne. i Thomas Audley of Hough, supervisor^Elizabeth, dau. of of the will of his "cousin" Richard Warren of N of the will of his "cousin" Richard Abbot of Welbourne 15 April 1537. Will proved (C.P.C.) 1561-2. Warren of Notts. Will proved (C.P.C.) 1564-5. Margaret=Thomas Brand of Lead- enham. 1. William Aud-=pEllen, dau, ley of Hough- on-the-Hill,died 22 Nov. 4 Eliz., 1561. and heir of Alexander Hough of Hough-on- the-Hill. 2. Christopher Audley= of Boston 1562 and of Grantham, died 5 June 17 Eliz., 1575; bur. at Boston 5 June 1575; escheatl8Eliz., 1575-6. =Katherine, dau. of John Lane of Orlingbury, North ants; widow of Francis Touthby of Touthby; mar. after 20 Oct. 1560. 1. Eleanor, dau. and co- heir, mar. to Sir Edmund Thorold of Hough, Knfc., whose will she proved 28 Jan. 1604-5. 2. Agnes, dau. and coheir, mar. 1st to Robert Thorold of Low Hall in Hough, 2ndly to Augustine Earle of Straglethorpe. Jane, dau. of: Richard Bolles of Haugh by Louth; a lega- tee of her nephew Sir Charles Bolles 30 Oct. 1606; bur. at Gran- tham 5 June 1608. lstwife. A i =Thomas Audley= of Houghton, near Grantham, 1620, 1639, son and heir, bapt. at Alford 5 May 1561; bur. at Grantham 1 June 1642. Will proved 21 June 1642. ^Judith, dau. of Gabriel Arm- strong of Remp- ston, Notts. Will dated 30 July 1655, and codicil 12 Feb. 1655-6; proved (C.P.C.) 1 Nov. 1658, then of Houghton. 2nd wife. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 51 Christopher Audley, bapt. afc Grantham 9 Feb. 1591-2; bur. there 17 May 1592. Arthur Audley, died young; bur. at Grantham 17 June 1613. 3. Thomas Aud- ley of London 1564-5. 4. George Margaret, mar. 1st to Robert (called Audley, a Christopher in Elizabeth's will 1564-5) priest Webster of Welbourne, 2ndly to Rich- 1564-5. ard Worthington of Branston. Ellen, mar. to John Middleton of Swaton. Thomas Audley, sometime of Gray's Inn, bur. at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 3 March 1634-5. =f= Thomas Audley of Houghton (son and heir of Tho- mas Audley of London, who died before 26 March 1639), styled " captain " in 1655; heir of his cousin Thomas Audley of Houghton; proved his cousin Judith Audley's will 1 Nor. 1658; bur. at Gran- tham 30 Jan. 1685-6, then styled senior. =Jane, dau. of Peter Ashton of Grantham; bapfc. 14 Nov. 1622, and mar. 26 Jan. 1638-9 at Grantham; a legatee of her cousin Judith Audley 30 July 1655. Margaret, bapt. at William Audley, Grantham 5 Feb. bapt. at Gran- 1653-4. tham 30 March 1655. James Audley, Peter Audley, bapt. bapt. at Gran- at Grantham 9, bur. tham 22 Dec. there 15 Sept. 1661. 1658. Thomas Audley of= Houghton, bur. at Grantham 1 Feb. 1709-10. :Mary, dau. of . . . ., bur. at Grantham 26 Nov. 1728. Jane, bapt. at Grantham 27 Jan. 1639-40 ; a lega- tee of her cousin Judith 30 July 1655. I Abigail, bapt. at Grantham 26 Feb. 1640-41. Charles Audley, bapt. Thomas Aud- 1 Feb. 1680-81; bur. ley, bur. at 4 Oct. 1686 at Gran- Grantham 12 tham. Dec. 1686. Thomas Audley, bapt. at Grantham 27 March 1688; bur. there 29 Oct. 1719. Charles Audley, bapt. at Gran- tham 18 Jan. 1690-91. Peregrine Audley, bapt. at Grantham 23 Nov. 1G93 (? bur. at St. George's, Bloomsbury, 14 March 1738-9). Mary, bapt. at Grantham 9 April 1684. Jane, bapt. at Grantham 3 Jan. 1686-7. Susanna, bapt. at Grantham 3 Jan. 1686-7. 5. Walter Audley of Grantham, Alderman of Grantham- 1580, afterwards of London. Will dated 13 Dec. 1613; proved (C.P.C.) 4 April 1614. o Judith, dau. of ... . Wallis; mar. at Gran- tham 30 Oct, 1569. 52 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Thomas Aud- ley, bapt. at Grantham 6 Dec. 1582; living 13 Dec. 1613. Christopher Audley, bapt. 20 July, bur. 18 Oct. 1589 at Grantham. William Audley, Ser- jeant-at-Mace 30 Dec. 1616; mar. Rose, dau. of ... . She was liv- ing 30 Dec. 1616. I John Audley, young- est son, bapt. at Hough am 2 April 1592; proved his father's will 4 April 1614. i Elizabeth, bapt. at Grantham 29 Sept. 1570; mar. 1st to Thomas Denham, 2ndly to Humphrey Smyth of Hack- ney, Middlesex, yeoman, living 18 Nov. 1616.' Ellen, bapt. at Grantham 3 Feb. 1580-81; mar. to .... Garthwaite. Judith, bapt. at Grantham 19 March 1584-5; bur. at Welbourn 31 May 1609. I Katherine, bapt. at Grantham 24 Sept. 1587 ; bur. at Hougham 6 Nov. 1592. 6. Anthony Audley of Welbourn 1565; settled Letton=pEllen, dau. John Audley, Farm in Welbourn on "Robert Audley and Jane his of Thomas ex'or to his wife" 2 Sept. 28 Eliz., 1586; supervisor of the will Kirton of mother's will of his nephew William Middleton 17 Nov. 1599; bur. Leadenham. 1564-5. at Welbourn 4 Nov. 1607. Robert Audley, named in his= grandmother Elizabeth Aud- ley's will 1564-5 as u son of Anthony Audley"; of Gray's Inn 1581; bur. at Welbourn 24 Feb. 1591-2. iau. :Jane, of .... living 2 Sept. 1586. I Thomas Audley, living at Welbourn 1612,1631. Elizabeth= = Nicholas Rowe of Welbourn, called uncle in Robert Aud- ley's will 1628. Anne, dau. of ... .: Dow man of Uffing- ton; mar. lie. 24 Sept. 1622, a)t. 22. 1st wife. -Robert Audley, clerk, of Wei-: bourn 1622; aet. 30 in 1622; of Caythorpe 1628. Will dated 3 Nov. 1628; proved 24 March 1628-9. :Mary, dau. of Humphrey Fish'. 2nd wife. William Aud- ley, in Robert Audley's will 1628. Jane. Robert Audley, 1st son, bapt. at= Welbourn 1624; bur. there 20 Feb. 1702-3, set. 78. M.I. William Aud- ley, 2nd 1628. son, Mary, mar. at Welbourn 29 July=William Rudd of Biggleswade, co. Bedford, bur. 1703; bur. 18 Dec. 1729. at Welbourn 23 June 1720. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 53 gpimer of l&etoesbp, etc. Arms.—Argent, a cross sable between four Cornish choughs proper. Crest.—On a cap of maintenance azure, double ermine, two eagles" wings issuant from a ducal coronet. John Aylmer of Aylmer Hall, Tilney, Norfolk.=p Sir Ro- bert Aylmer of Ayl- mer Hall, Knt. 1st wife. John Aylmer, D.D., tutor to Lady= Jane Grey; Bishop of London 1576; Lord Almoner, elected 12 March 1557; was Archdeacon of Lincoln 27 Oct. 1565; purchased the manor of Revesby about 8 May 32 Eliz., 1590; died 5 June 1594, aet. 73; bur. at St. Paul's next day; funeral cere- mony 26 June. ^Judith, dau. of William King of Audley End, Essex; widow of Nathaniel Treherne; died 17 Dec. 1618, set. 77; bur. at Much Hadham, Herts. Will dated 20 June 1618; proved 4 Feb. 1618-19, de- scribed of Much Hadham. 2nd wife. . . . . dau., mar. to Adam Squire, D.D.,Mas- ter of Bal- liol College, Oxon. Hastings Leicester bey, o.s.p. wife. of Ab- lst Dorothy, dau.= l. Samuel Aylmer of= of Edward Akenham Hall, Suf- folk, and Moglynton Hall in Ulting, Es- sex; living 20 June 1618; High Sheriff of Suffolk 1626. Will dated 24 Sept. 1632 (to be bur. at Clay- don) ; proved 10 Feb. 1635-6. Died 12 Jan. 1635; bur. at Clay- don. Anne, eldest dau. of Ed- ward, 1st Lord Brabazon, of Tanner's Court, near Dublin; living 20 June 1618; proved her hus- band'swilllOFeb.1635-6. She mar. 2ndly to Sir Ed- mund Fowler of Ash, near Wrotham, Kent, Knt.,who died 28 Dec. 1645. She died 30 Jan. 1645; both bur. at Ash. M.I. 2nd wife. 3. Anthony Aylmer, living 24 Sept. 1632, and 1655; Counsel- lor-at-Law of the Middle Tem- ple; mar. Anne, dau. of Sir Edmund Fowler of Ash, Kent, Knt. =?= I Elizabeth, wife of John Whitgift24Sept. 1632. She is also said to have been the wife of Tho- mas Cooe of Boreham, Essex. Alice, living unmar. 24 Sept. 1632; mar. to Nicholas Fowler, Esq., only son and heir of Sir Edmund Fowler aforesaid. Brabazon Aylmer, a bookseller in London, published in 1701 Strype's " Life of his Grandfather" 1. John Aylmer, son and heir, had Mugdon or Moglynton Hall in Essex; living 1632; mar. Lucretia, dau. of Sir Henry Clovyle of West Han- ndngfield, Essex, Knt. i 2. Edward Aylmer, D.D., heir of= his father 24 Sept. 1632; had the Suffolk estates; owner of Clay don Hall, Suffolk.; espoused the Royal cause, and eventually compounded for his estates; sold Akenham Hall; died 1655. :Anne, dau. of John Hills, D.D., Master of Catherine Hall, Cam- bridge. 54 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Anne, bapt. Brabazon Ayliner of Mugdon Hall, Ulting,= at Nettle- Essex, J.P.; bapt. at Nettlestead 15 March stead 6 Dec. 1635-6; admitted of Jesus College, Cambridge, 1632. 10 July 1655; of Grays 12 Feb. 1655-6. :Mary, dau. of John, Gideford of Top- pingbro' Hall, Es- sex. 1. Samuel Ayl- rner of Grays 1683. 2. Join Aylrner. 3. Anthony^Catlierine, dau. of Aylrner. Both died young. Robert Beale of Hillingdon, Mid- dlesex, son and heir of Sir Tho- mas Beale, Knt. Anne, mar. to John Godbold of Ferling Hall, Essex, Esq. 2. Lucretia, died uninar. Brabazon Aylrner, son=. . . . dau. and heir, Bencher of of Robert the Middle Temple, Brage of Clerk of the Peace for Hatfield Essex; died 25 Aug. Peverell, 1754. Esq. I 2. Robert Aylmeiy in Holy Orders, Vicar of Camber- well, Surrey, in 1727; died 1769. 3. An- thony I 4. Tho- masAyl- Aylmer. mer. Both died young. Robert Aylrner. 2. Theophilus Aylrner, D.D., bapt. at St. Margaret's,=j=Mary, dau. of William Lincoln, 14 April 1565; Rector of Much Hadham, Herts, 28 April .1589; Archdeacon of London 1591; proved his mother's will 4 Feb. 1618-19; died Jan. 1625-6; bur. at Hadham. NeweseorNewce of Much Hadham, Herts; living 20 June 1618 and 29 July 1627, then a widow. John Aylrner, living 1627, mar Theophilus Ayl- rner, living 1627, mar TTI I I Amhill, Edward, and Jus- Jane, tinian Aylrner, legatees of — their uncle Zachary. Cecily. Eliza- beth. All living 20 June 1618. 3. Sir John Ayl-: mer of Revesby, Knt., 1592; bapt. at St. Margaret's, Lincoln, 11 July 1568; living 9 Feb.l611-12,and 1 July 8 Car. I., 1632. ^Susan, 4. Zachariah Aylrner, LL.B., Samuel Aylrner dau. of official to his brother the Arch- of Edmonds- George deacon; bapt. at St. Margaret's, bury, Suffolk, Sampson Lincoln, 26 Oct. 1572; entered M.D. and Pro- of Hork- at New College, Oxon, 21 Jan. fessor of Physic, ston,Suf- 1591-2, then aet. 19; bur. at 1 Aug.8Chas.I., folk. Shoreditch 9 Aug. 1627. Will 1632; nephew dated 29 July and proved Aug. of Samuel, 1627, then of St. Leonard's, Shore- "cousin" of di toh; mentions his cousin Mary, Zachary. wife of William Booth. John Aylrner of Revesby, mar. Eliza- Edward Mary, mar. to William Booth beth, dau. of Gostwick; died 4 Aylrner, of Goxhill; legatee of her Sept. 1632. =f 1627. cousin Zachary. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 55 John Aylmer, set. 4 years 11 months and-pJane, eldest dan. of Robert Thornhill 8 days at his father's death; living 26 June 1653 of Mareham-le-Fen 19 July 1649. Elizabeth, living 26 June 1653, and then under 16. 5. Nathaniel Ayl- 6. Tolel Aylmer of London,=f=Mary, dau. of 7. Edmund mer, entered at citizen and draper, and f Q~ ^ Exeter College, of Writtle, Essex. Will Oxon, 28 April dated 26 July 1657, and 1592, set. 16. proved (C.P.C.) 1 Dec. 1663. John Sammes Aylmer, died of Toppingbro' 25 July 1627; Hall in Hat- bur. at Shore- field Peverell, ditch 29 July. Essex. Rev. John Ayl- mer, Rector of BletsoandMelch- burn, Beds, liv- ing 1657. Tobel Aylmer of London, Gent.,mar. Margaret, dau. of John Cossinghurst of Leatherhead, Surrey. Margaret, mar. to John Grigg, and was living 1657. Mary, mar. John Acton, son of John Acton, goldsmith to the King. 1. Mary. I 2. Margaret. Catherine, died 1 Aug. 1627, s.p. Judith, mar. 1st, before 20 June 1618, to William Lynch of Staple, Kent; 2ndly to John Mordaunt. Elizabeth, bapt. at St. Margaret's, Lincoln, 30 July 1570; living 20 June 1618; mar. to Sir John Foliott of Pirton, Worcester. &pscoua!) of Mvbovo\it$> [Harl. MS. 1550.] Aems.—Argent, a fesse between three asses passant sable, a crescent difference of the last Crests.—1. An ass passant sable. 2. An ass's head erased argent, a crescent difference gules. Mathew Ayscough of Lacra, parish of Millom, Cumberland.=p Richard Ayscough of Lacra.^ Jolin Ayscough of Lacra.=f= 1. John Ayscough of Lacra,=f 2. Christopher Ayscough of Blyborongh,= Cumberland. Lincolnshire. A B 56 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Anthony Ayscough of Lacra. Hugh Ayscough of Lacra, Cumberland,heir in remainder to Mafchew, son of Christopher Ayscough, 1561. 1. Mathew Ayscough of Staining Stone, parish of Milium, elder brother of Sir Hugh. 3. Henry Ayscough of Seaton, parish of Bootle, Cumberland. 1. Augus- tine Ays- cough. =p 2. Chris-= topher Ayscough ofSuffolk. Joan, heir of her great-uncle Sir Hugh; mar. to .... Hardie, and died s.p. 12 July 1565. :Margery, dau. and heir of Simon Battayle of Den- ham, Essex. Some say William Robin- son. 3. Edmund=pEleonora,=Thomas Wygan. 2nd hus- band. Ayscough, heir in re- mainder to his cousin Walter Ayscough 1561; liv- ing 1571. 1st hus- band. dau. and heir of Henry Ayscough. Anna. Maria. Frances. Susan. Edmund Ayscough. 1. Henry Ayscough of Horn- 2. Simon 3. Mathew castle 1592; heir in remain- Ayscough, Ayscough, der to his uncle Edmund 1561; heir in re- heir in re- heir to his cousin Joan Hardie mainder to mainder to 1565; set. 26, 23 Aug. 1571, hisbrother his brother s.p., of Moorby. Will dated Henry Simon 16 Nov. 1601; proved 25 Jan. 1561. 1561. 1601-2. =F III 1. Margaret, mar. to Peter Cooper of Diss, Norfolk. 2. Elizabeth, executrix to her brother Henry 1601. 3. Mary. Henry Ayscough, bapt. at Gainsborough 14 Sept. 1593. Sir Hugh Ayscough of= Blyborough, Lincoln (1561), and of Seaton, Cumberland, youngest son, knight-banneret, afcMusselboronghl547, after the Battle of Pinkney; o.s.p. 1-2 March 1562-3. Will dated 1 Sept. 1561, and bequeathed Seaton Priory and lands in Cumberland to Dame Bridget for life. Inq. p.m. taken at Carlisle 23 Aug. 1571. 1st husband. =Bridget, dau. of Sir John Hudle- ston by his 3rd wife Joyce, dau. and heir of John Prickley of Prickley, Wor- cester; mar. to William Pen- nington in 1563; living a widow 1597. 2nd wife. M.I. =Willi am Pennington,jun., son and heir of Sir William Pennington of Mun- caster, Cumberland; seised in fee tail of the manors of Preston-Richard and Parva Langton, etc.; ast. 14 years and 9 months at his father's death 20 April 1532. He and all his tried horsemen were called out upon service of the Borders 1543; Sheriff of Cumberland 6 Edward VI. and 1 and 8 Eliz.; died 14 March 15 Eliz., 1573. Inq. p.m. at Cockermouth 19 March 1573-4. Seised of the manor of Preston-Richard, etc. M.I. Lords Muncaster. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 57 2. Walter Ayscough of Blyborough and North^Elizabcth, dau. and Carlton, farmed Blyborough of bis brother heir of John Gur- C(' TTT T T T , tVi ^ 1 . T ^ T7I1- 1 TT ,1 Sir Hugh; died at Blyborough 4 June 2 Eliz., 1560, seised of the manors of Turn by, North Carlton, Revesby, jure ux.,; adm'on 18 June 1560. ney by Katherine, cousin and coheir of CI) arles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. Bj I .... dau., mar. to Robert Tun- stall of Ket- wigs, Kendall. 2. Hugh Aysoough: of Revesby, first heir in remainder to Bridget, widow of Sir Hugh As- kough 1561; bur. at Louth 23 Feb. 1625-6. =EJizabeth,dau. of Sir John Nevill of Leversedge, Yorks, Knt<, by his 1st wife Doro- thy, dau. of Chris- topher Danby of Mash am, Yorks. Bridget, dau.- of Henry Skipwith of Keythorpe, Leicester; living26Feb. 1598-9. 1st wife. =3. Walter Ays- cough of Wash- ingborough, the elder, gent., 1583; heir in remainder toh is brother Hugh 1561 ; living 19 Oct. 1611. =Eliza- beth, dau. of John Carsey. 2nd wife. Elizabeth, dau. and heir, mar. to William Har- rison of Martin, Lincoln. Edward Ayscough, Jane, bapt. bapt. 6 June, 1596; at Washing- bun 1 Feb. 1696-7 borough 17 atWashingborough. June 1599. 1. Clinton Ayscough. 2. Henry Aj'scough. Elizabeth, living 19 Oct. 1611. Elizabeth,dau. of- Sir Edward Dy- moke of Scrivels- by ; living 1 April 34 Eliz., 1592; bur. at Bly- borough. 1st wife. rSir Henry Ayscough of Blyborough, Knt., 1562 ;=Margaret, dau. get. 26 and more 2 Eliz., 4 June 1560; heir of. . . . South- of his father and mother; adm'or of his father well; mar. at 18 June 1560; knighted at Whitehall 23 July Islington, 1603; died 22 Oct. 9 Jac. L, 1611. Will dated Middlesex, 9 19 Oct., proved 6 Dec 1611 ; (to be) bur. at Feb. 1608-9. Blyborough; will declared null and void 14 2nd wife. July 1614, adm'on that date. Sir Walter Ayscough/ the younger, Esq., 1583; knighted at Whitehall 23 July 1603, eldest son, o.v.p.; bur. at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 24 June 1609. -Katherine, dau. of Henry Skipwith of Keythorpe, Leicester. 2. Clinton Ayscough, adm'or of his father 14 July 1614; mar. and had a son Henry Ays- cough 1601. 3. Leonard Ayscough. Henry Aj'scough, apparently dead before 19 Oct. 1611. Silvester coup'h. Ays- 1. Henry Ayscough- of Blyborough, heir of his grandfather, whose will heproved 6 Dec. 1611; executorship re- voked 14 Julv 1614; living 1 Feb. 1614-15; "adm'on 9 June 1633. c VOL. I. =Theodosia, dau. of Sir James Har- rington of Rid- lington, Rutland; mar. at St. Mar- garet's-in-the- Close, Lincoln, 26 Dec. 1611; administratrix of her husband 9 June 1633, 2. Edward Ays- cough, proved his grandfather's wilf'6 Dec. 1611; executorship re- voked 14 July 1614; adm'or of his brother Wal- ter 22 Nov. 1622. 3. Walter Ayscough, living 19 Oct. 1611; died unmar. in parts beyond sea; adm'on 22 Nov. 1622. Elizabeth. 58 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Mildred, bapt. at Stix-=Nicholas would 12 Dec. 1620; Newcomen bur. at Theddlethorpe of Theddlc- 22 March 1660-61. thorpe. Ann, mar.=Fnlke Hunckes at Mable- of Balwick, co. thorpe 27 Northampton. Dec. 1635. Edward 'Ayscough of Lon- don, draper. Edward Ays-=Hester, dau. of cough of Lon- Richard Evans don, 1664. of London. i Frances, mar. at M able thorpe == Charles New- 18 Feb. 1635-6; bur. at Salt- comen of fleetby All Saints 27 June 1676. Saltfleetby. 4. Cbarles= Ayscough, living at Tumby 19 Oct. 1611. I 1. Henry Ayscongh, living 19 Oct. 1611. Catherine, dan. of Sir Richard Skip with of South Ormesby. Elizabeth, mar. as 1st wife to Henry Fitzwil- liam of Scamp- ton; living 19 Oct. 1611. Anne. Mary. Katherine. Susan, mar. to Stephen Bowyer; living 19 Oct. 1611. Frances,mar. to Nicho- las Cressey of Fulsby. Willi a m Ay sco u gh, bapfc. 9 Dec, bur. 19 Jan. 1607 at South Ormesby. Edward Ays- cough, bapt. at Legsby 15 Sept. 1613. Walter Ays- cough, bapt. 29Junel615 at South Ormesby. William Ay scon gh, bapt. at South Ormesby 10 Aug. 1617. [Note,—The marriage of Mildred Ayscough with. Nicholas Newcomen is not absolutely certain, though most probable.—A.R.M.] [Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Quarterly: Sable, a /esse or between three asses passant, argent, maned and unguled of the second, Ayscough. Chests.—1. An ass passant argent. 2. An ass's head erased argent, crined or. ?). A. lion's paw erased argent, encircled by a ducal coronet or. 4. A lion's paw erased argent. Motto.—Pour le miyeux. John Ayscough=p. . . . clau. of Thomas Birdvill. Robert Ayscough=j=Jane, dan. of John Oonyers of Sockburn, Durham. _ j- -( dau. and coheir^Richard Ays-=p. . • • dau. of John Thomas James of Robert Aske of cough. Neville of Sutton Ayscough. Ayscough. Aske. A (PScotton), Lincoln, LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. A| 59 Richard Ayscough=p. . . . dau. of Sir Richard Tunstall, Knfc. Richard Ayscough of Pott Grange,- which he bought. . . . . daa. of Thomas Burgh of Christopher Hackforth. Ayscough. Richard^FElizabeth, Ayscough dau. of Fitz- hugh. 2. William Ayscough, Bishop of Salisbury and Confessor to King Henry VI. "Many of his tenants intending to joyne with Jack Cade, came to Edendon, took him from masse, and drew him to yc top of a hill, where they cleft his head as he kneeled and prayed, not farre fro' Edendon, and spoyl'd him to ye skin, June ye 29, 1450." ticla 3. Peter Aj'scough, a Priest. Richard Ayscough, bur. afc= Bedale. . . . dau. of Sir John Robert Ayscough, Dean of Bassingburne. Lincoln. John Ayscough of Cowling in the- parish of Bedale-cum-Ayscough 9 Richard II., Lord of Bedale; died 8 Jan. 3 Henry VI., 1425-6. :. . . . dau. of Sir John Arncliffe of Arncliffe, Knt. William Ayscough, o.s.p. Robert Ays- cough of Pott Grange. T 2. Robert Ayscough, Doctor 3. Simon of Civil Law, Archdeacon of Ayscough. Colchester 1465. =f Richard Ays-= cough of Pott Grange. :Mary, dau. of Tho- mas Lascelles of Bracken bergh. Simon (? Thomas) Ayscough. Robert Ays-=f=Isabel, dau. of Tho- cough. mas Strang ways. "i i Thomas Ayscough. John Ayscough. William Ayscough of Pott Grange, Esq. See Dugdale's "Visitation of Yorkshire," p. 153. 1. Sir William Ayscough, Knt.,=pElizabeth, dau. and coheir of John Caythorpe of Chief Justice of Common Picas, died 34 Henry VI.; bur. at Bedale. Argum, or Ergham, by Alice, dau. of William Hungate, also heir to her cousin William Hun- gate of Yorks. 2. William Ays-^ cough of Cow- ling, Yorks, Esq., died circa 35 Henry VIII., 1544. :. . . . one of the dans, and heirs of a younger son of .... Fulthorpe of Fulthorpe, Dur- ham, and Hips- well, Yorks. Edward Ayscough, a Priest. Sir James Ayscough, Knt., of Rhodes. Catherine, mar. to Thomas Norton. Agnes, Bozom. mar. to Thomas Elizabeth (? mar. to Thomas Rokeby of Mortham, Yorks). 60 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. G eorge Ayscough of Cow-; lino;, Yorks, died circa 3 Mary 1556. ■ Alice, sister to Sir Christopher Wray of Glentworth, Lincoln, Chief Justice of the King's Bench temp. Eliz.; bur. in Richmond Church, Yorks, 22 Oct. 1559. Christopher Ayscough of= Richmond, York, died circa 2G June 1626, 2 Car. I.; executor of his cousin James Ayscough of Nuthall 7 March 1625-6. :. . . . dau. and heir of . . . . Ak- rigg of Richmond, Yorks. Three other children, living 12 Nov. 1562, the date of their grandmother's will, Joan Wycliffe, widow of Tho- mas Wray, and dau. of Robert Jack- son of G-atenby, Yorks. Allan Ayscough of- Skewsby, Yorks, yet. 70, 11 Aug. 1666. Anne, youngest dau. of Tho- mas Brathwaite of Burneshead, Westmoreland. See Surtees Society's Dugdale's " Visitation of Yorkshire," p. 343. Margaret, dau. and heir of John Tailboys=pJohn Ays- of Stallingborough, Lincoln. I cough. "i i 1. Jane, wife of Richard Burgh of Hawks well, a younger son of Burgh of Burgh, Yorks. 2. Alice, wife of JohnCon- yers of Dinsdale, Yorks. =Elinor, dau. of Sir Richard Tunstall, Knt. Edward Elizabeth, mar. to Ayscough. Thomas (? Wil- ■■=f= liam) Booth of Killingholmc. Sir Christopher Ayscough of^Elizabeth, sister Ashby, near Great Grimsby, of Sir John Knt., 7 March 1533-4; Allen; living 7 Mayor of Grimsby 1533. March 1533-4. Robert Ayscough, living 28 June 1540; a legatee of his brother- in-law Thomas Portington. Anne, mar. 1st to Thomas Portington of Roxby, whose will she proved 20 Aug. 1540; and 2ndly to William Burgh of Kirton in Lindsay. Sir Chris-^-Erances, dan. of tophcr (otherwise William) Ayscough of Ashby. ISir John Mou- se >n (otherwise Morrison) of South Carlton, Knt. Robert Ayscough, Vicar of Stallingborough, had a son Richard, bur. at Great Grimsby 10 March 1575-6. John xAyscough. Richard Ayscough, mar. Elizabeth, dau. of Au- gustine Porter of Bel- ton; died s.p. Elizabeth, mar. to ITugh Euller of Roydon, Essex. John Ayscough of Ashby and of the=Grisell, dau. of Sir Bryan Tukes, Knt.; Isle of Wioht. allegation Eac. OIL 18 Dec. 1545. Margery, dau. of\Sir=f=Sir William Ayscough ^ of StaUingborougl Robert ilildyard of Winestcad, Yorks, Knt. L) Lincoln, Knt.," Sheriff of Lincoln 1500, 1505, 1508; died 26 March 1 Henry VIII., 1509. M.I. at Stallingborough. E =Alice, dau. of Richard Cop- pingdale of I Yorks. LINCOLNSHIKE PEDIGREES. 61 Edward Ayscough. Robert Ayscough. Jane, mar. to William Manley of Man ley and Worlaby. Robert Ayscough=pMargaret, dau. of Bromby, Lin- coln. of Edward Skerne. William Ayscough of Bromby, Lincoln, Rector of East Raven- dale, co. Lincoln. Nuncu- pative will proved 25 June 1633. Christopher Ayscough of Langton John Ays- by Wragby. Had a dau. Mary, cough, mar. to William Forman of Lang- — ton. Her will dated 12 June Elizabeth. 1637; proved 6 March 1638. Elizabeth^Sir William Ayscough=. dau. of Thomas Wrottesley ofWrottes- ley, Staf- ford. 1st wife. of Stallingborough, knighted in 1513; 931. 24 in 2 Henry VIII.; Sheriff of Lincoln 1521. Will dated 6 Aug. 1540 and proved 28 May 1541; (to be) bur. in our lady's quire. dau. of . . . .- Struxley or Streich- ley of Nottingham- shire; s.p. 2nd wife. Arms: Argent, a double-headed eagle displayed sable, charged ivith a tre- foil or. ^Elizabeth, dau. of John Hutton of Tudhoe, co. Durham, and widow of Sir William Hansard; ex'trix of her said hus- band 28 May 1541; bur. at St. Martin's, Lincoln, 12May 1550. Willdated 10 May and proved 29 June 1550. 3rd wife. Martha, elder dau., betrothed to Thomas Kyme, but died before marriage. Jane, mar. 1st to George St. Paul of Snarford, 2ndly to Richard Disney of Norton Disney, and bur. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 27 Dec. 1590. Anne, mar. to Thomas Kyme. For her religious principles, which she persistently and openly declared, she was com- mitted to the Tower, subjected to the rack, and burnt at Smith- field 16 July 1546. I I Christopher Ayscough, living 6 Aug. 1540". Thomas Ays- cough, not mentioned 1540. George Skip-= with, son of Sir William Skipwith of South Orms- by. 1st hus- band. :Margaret, dau. of Thomas= Gibson of Gotham; liv- ing at Nun Cotham 27 Oct. 4 and 5 Philip and Mary; died at Kingston- upon-Hull9Nov.35 Eliz., seised of land in Brock - lesby; bur. at Keleby 11 Nov. 1593. :Edward Ayscough, Cup-bearer to King Henry VIII., was of the household to Archbishop Cranmer, and one of the band of Gentlemen Pensioners at the Battle of Musselborough 10 Sept. 1547; a legatee of his father 6 Aug. 1540; died 4 and 5 Philip and Mary, April 1558 ; bur. at Keleby. i Edward Ayscough of Cotham, born- there 1550; set. 9 years and 2 months 27 Oct. 1558; a3t. 39 and more at his mother's death. He was the author of "A Historic of the Warres between England and Scotland," 1607. Will dated 31 Aug. 1616, then of Lincoln; proved F (C.P.C.) 17 Marcli following. a =Ursula, dau. of Henry Skip- with (sister of Sir William Skipwith) of Cotes ; bur. at Kelebv21 Sept. 1611.v 2. Francis Ayscough, living 31 Aug. 1616; mar. Jane, dau. of Thomas Welby of Moulton. She was bapt. there 26 May 1561, and bur. there 15 March 1630, then a widow. h LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Gj H 1. Henry Ayscough, 2. William Ayscough, Gentle- 3. Edward Ayscough. beyond seas in 1616, man of Privy Chamber to — and proved his Charles I. He and his wife 4. John Ayscough. father's will 17 March are mentioned in his father's — 1616-17. will 31 Aug. 1616. 1. Janet. =P All living 1616. Sir George Ayscough, Admiral of England temp. Charles I. Mary, mar. and II.; knighted at Whitehall 9 Aug. 1641 ; lived at Ham, to Thomas parish of Chertsey, Surrey; "returned from a severe restraint Latton of in Holland, and kissed the King's hand 12 Nov. 1667;" mar. Kingston Mary, dau. of Martin Fotherby, Lord Bishop of Salisbury, Bagpuze, and widow of John Boys. They had a son George, bapt. at Berks. St. Giles-in-the-Fields 20 Jan. 1644-5. Margaret, dau.: of... . Morley; bur. at Fulstow 17 Dec. 1593. 1st wife. Thomas Ays- =p Jane, dau. of John Copland Dorcas, mar. to cough of Ful- of Skellingthorpe; bur. at John Touthby stow, bur. there Fulstow 23 Oct. 1641. of Touthby; 6 April 1607. Will dated 10 Sept., proved bur. at Boston 1 Nov. 1641 at Lincoln. 4 Nov. 1610. I I I John Ayscough, 19 Dec. 1587; 10 Jan. 1597-8. bapt. bur. Edward Ayscough, bapt. 13 July 1589; bur. 26 Dec. 1590. Thomas Ayscough, bapt. 15 Oct. 1590. Francis Ayscough, bapt. 26 July 1593; bur. 6 April 1594. Dorcas, bapt. 20 Jan. 1591-2; bur. 22 April 1595. Peregrine, bur. at Ful- stow 11 June 1611. Jane, living 1641 and 1642-3; mar. to.... Browne. All at Fulstow. Ursula, legatee of her step- mother 1641, and of her half- brother 1642-3; mar. 1st at Ful- stow, 26 May 1604, to John Simson, and 2ndly to ... . Goodspeed. John Ayscough of Ful-: stow, son and heir, set. 34 in 1634; ex'or of his mother 1641; bur. at Fulstow 6 May 1643. Will dated 1 March 1642-3; proved at Lincoln 30 May 1643. =Sarah, dau. of .... Newton; ex'trix of her 1st husband; remar. at Ful- stow, 12 Oct. 1648, to T. Bowres. 2. William Ayscough, bapt. 10 Oct. 1596; bur. at Fulstow 3 July 1597. 3. Thomas: Ayscough, bapt. at Fulstow 20 June 1602; of Towes 1634. =Mabel, dau. of William Skipwith of Utterby; bur. at Ful- stow 7 Jan. 1639-40. 1st wife. 1. William Ayscough, 2. John Ayscough, bapt. Dorcas, bapt. 7 July under ao-e 1612-3. 5 June 1642; bur. 14 164.0; bur. 23 May Jan. 1643-4. 1644. All at Fulstow. i J LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 63 II J 111 ii r~ iii 1. William Ayscough, son 4. William Ayscough, Elizabeth, bapt. 17 June and heir, set. 7 in 1634. bapt. 30 July 1635. 1631; living 1641. 2. Thomas Ayscough, John Ayscough, bur. Anne, bapt. 25 Sept. 1632. bapt. 6 Feb. 1627-8. 2 Dec. 1638. — — — Jane, bapt. 14 Nov. 1633; 3. Edward Ayscough, Susan, bapt. 3 Aug. living 1641. bapt. 28 May 1629. 1625; living 1641. >. , . ^ All at Fulstow. 4. Edward Ayscough, Clerk,= bapt. at Fulstow 12 March 1604-5; instituted to the Rectory of Hatcliffe 3 Feb. 1638- 9, and of North Thoresby 28 April 1642. =Jane, dau. of ... . Prigeon; mar. at St. Margaret's, Lincoln, 10 Aug. 1635. 1. Dorcas, bap. at Fulstow 23 July 1599 ; mar. to Philip Hal- ton ; living 1642-3. Mary, bur. at Yarborough 15 Oct. 1624. Dorothy, bur. at Fulstow 6 Dec. 1603. Robert Ays-- cough, son and heir, bapt. at Ful- stow 5 July 1636. :Jane . . . bur. at St. Margaret's in the Close of Lincoln 4 Dec. 1662. 2. Edward Ayscough. 3. Christopher Ays- cough, bapt. at North Thoresby 1 Feb. 1643-4. I I 4. John Ayscough, bapt. at North Thoresby 13 Jan. 1645-6. 5. Thomas Ayscough,bapt. at North Thoresby 11 April 1648. He had issue Ed- ward, John, and William. i i i Edward Ayscough. Christopher Ayscough. John Ayscough. i Jane, bapt. at Grainsby 24 May 1660; bur. at St. Margaret's in the Close of Lincoln 12 Nov. 1662. Dorcas, bapt. at Grainsby 9 June 1661; bur. at St. Margaret's in the Close of Lincoln 5 Aug. 1662. Jane, a legatee of her grandmother 10 Sept. 1641. Elizabeth, bapt. at North Thoresby 12 Sept. 1642. I Alice, bapt. at North Thoresby 1 Feb. 1643-4. Mary, bapt. at North Thoresby 12 April 1650; bur. there 20 March 1650-51. Elizabeth, dau. and heir of= William Hansard of South Kelsey; born 11 Henry VIII.; died 29 Sept. 1558; bur. at South Kelsey. The escheat says died 10 Oct. 1 Eliz. 1st wife. I :Sir Francis Ayscough, Knt., born=pElizabeth, dau. of in 1508—18; knighted at the win- ning of Boulogne 37 Henry VIII.; Sheriff of Lincoln 1545, 1549, 1554; proved his father's will 28 May 1541 ; died 19 Oct. 1564; bur. at St. Mary's, South Kelsev, 21 Oct. 1564. Sir Roger Ayscough of^Dorothy, dau. of William Fitz- Robert Dighton ofSturton; widow of William Dalli- son; mar. 2 Eliz.; died 6 Dec. 1570; bur. at Clerken- well. 2nd wife. Nuthall, Notts, J.P, living 26 May 1607. K L william of Mablethorpe,Lincoln; 1653-4. living 7 Jan Frances, bur. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 4 May 1563. 64 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Edward Ayscough of Hempsall and Nuthall, Notts, of Gray's Inn, and a legatee of his cousin James Ays- cough of Nuthall 11 Sept. 1618; mar dau. of Sir Francis Ro- berts of Willesden, Middlesex. William Ayscough, Registrar in the Court of Audience in the Archbishop- ric of Canterbury 1626; mar. Eliz., dau. of Roger Cole of St. Saviour's, Surrey, and widow of William Owland, or Oland, Proctor of Civil Law, and had a dan. Dorothy. i i i John Ayscough, student of Cray's Inn 11 Sept. 1618. Roger Ayscough, bapt. at Skelling- thorpe 8 Oct. 1593. James Ayscough, bapt. at St. Peter ad Vincula in the Tower of London 22 April 1610. James Ayscough, entered at Balliol College, Oxon, 15 Nov. 1639, set. 17, " non subscripsit;" a legatee of his cousin and godfather James Ayscough of Nuthall 11 Sept. 1618; o.s.p. i i i Elizabeth, bapt. at Thornton Curtis 17 Jan. 1584-5; mar. to Sir Wil- liam Howson of Wig to ft., Lincoln, and died in child- bed 24 April 1610. Dorothy, bapt. at Thornton Curtis 25 Sept., and bur. there 5 Oct. 1586. Jane, mar. to Ger- vas Rosell (Thoro- tori). 1. Faith, mar. to Edward Maddi- son of Fonaby. 2. Catherine, mar. to Francis Mus- senden of Healing. 3. Anne, mar. to Fran- cis Manby of Elsham. 4. Judith, mar. to Thomas Hatcliffe of Hatcliffe; living 2 April 38 Eliz., 1596. 5. Eleanor, mar. 1st at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 20 Oct. 1569, to Vincent Grantham of Goltho; living a widow 9 Nov. 1581 ; mar. 2ndly'to George Hatcliffe of Hatcliffe; died about 2 May 1583; bur. at Hat- cliffe. 1. William Ays-= cough, set. 22 in 6 Eliz., 1564; died 22 Aug. 27 Eliz., s.p. ; bur. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 24 Aug. 1585. Adm'on 28 Aug. 1585. = Ann, dau. of Edward Fynes, Earl of Lincoln; bur. 11 May 1585, s.p. Sir Edward Ayscough= of South Kelsey, Lin- coln, Knt., heir and administrator of his brother William 28 Aug. 1585; Sheriff of Lincoln 1587; knighted 1 Jac. I.; died 9, bur. at Stal- lingborough 11 March 1611-12. Inq. 24 April 10 Jac. I. :Hester, dau. of Thomas Gran- tham of Goltho and St. Cathe- rine's, near Lin- coln; mar. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 27" Sept. 1563; bur. there 1-5 Oct. 1590. I 3. Francis Ayscough, mar. Eliza- beth, dau. of Thomas Ellis of Wvham. i i 2. Margaret, mar. at St. Gregory's by St. Paul's, 24 Dec. 1595, to John (after Sir John) Hatcher of Careby. 3. Jane, mar. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 30 Aug, 1593, to Francis (after Sir Francis) Metcalfe of Louth Park. 4. Hester, mar. at Stallingborough, 18 Jan. 1601-2, to Henry Savile of Wath, Yorks. She died 12 May 1633 ; bur. at Wath ; her will dated same day. His will dated 13 June and proved 17 Sept. 1641. 5. Faith, mar. at St. Gregory's by St. Paul's, London, 5 Dec. 1605, to Robert Williamson of Markham, Notts. M 6. Lucy, mar. 1st to John Welcome of Market Stain- ton, and 2ndly to William Bingham of Market Stain- ton 1634. 7. Anne, bur. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 10 Oct. 1590. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 65 5. Vincent 7. Edward Ayscough 1. Elizabeth, mar. 1st, at South Kelsey. St. Ayscough, of Lincoln's Inn, bapt. Mary, 25 Oct. 1591,to George Savile of Wake- o.s.p. at South Kelsey 3-5 field, and 2ndly, as 2nd wife, to Sir George — July 1589 ; a legatee Savile of Thornhill, Yorks, and Barrowby, 6. Robert of his cousin James co. Lincoln, Knt. and Bart. He died 19 Nov. Ayscough. Ayscough 1618; ex'or 1622; bur. at Thornhill. M.L Her will of his brother Thomas dated 4 Oct. 1625, in which year she was bur. 12 Jan. 1645-6. at Horbury, Yorks. 2. Francis= Ayscough of Thorn- ton -oh- the-Moor, died circa 1612. :Elizabeth, dau. 3. George 4. Thomas Ayscough of=r=Mary, dau. of Thomas Ayscough, South Thoresby, bapt. at and heir of Hatcher of mar. Mar- South Kelsey, St. Mary, Gawin Careby, Lin- tha, dau. 14 May 1587; living Skipwithof coin, Doctor of and heir of 1634, and described as Stayne-in- Physic; bapt Hig- of Stallingborough in the-Marsh. 2 July 1575; ham, and his dau.'s monument at (?bur. at St. died s.p. Louth. Will dated 10 Mary, Wigford, - March 1643-4 ; proved Lincoln, 20 at Lincoln 12 Jan. July 1605). 1645-6. ^ See p. 68 John Ayscough of York City, 831. 54, 12 Sept. 1665; mar. Elizabeth, dau. of John Sherwood of Cambridge, and had issue Francis, John, Elizabeth, Katharine, Jane, Elizabeth, and Sarah, all died infants before 1666. (See Dugdale's "Visitation," ed. Surtees Society.) Elizabeth, dau. ofThomas= Taylor of Lincoln; bapt. 4 July 1568; mar. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 27 Sept. 1590, and bur. 8 Nov. following. Some say she died 6 Nov. 1591. : William Ayscough^ of South Kelsey, died 4 Feb. 1610-11, o.v.p.; bur. at Stalling- borough next day. Adm'on 7 Aug. 1611. Catherine, dau. of William Heneage of Hainton; administratrix of her husband 7 Aug. 1611; mar. 2ndly at Stallingborough, 19 April 1612, to Sir John Hatcher of Careby, Lincoln; bur. at Careby 13 Aug. 1637. 1. William Ays- cough, bapt. at Stalling- borough 3 Nov. 1594; bur. there 14 Dec. following. 3. William Ays- cough, bapt. at Stalling- borough 15 Dec. 1601 ; died in- fant. vol. I, 2. Sir Edward Ayscough: of South Kelsey, Knt., bapt. at Stallingborough 24 Aug. 1596 ; purchased the franchise of Lincoln City4Jan. 1621-2; Sheriff of Lincoln 1632; M.P. for Lincoln 1628, and for Lincolnshire 1640; in- dicted at Grantham for high treason 1643. Will dated 9 Nov. 1648, and proved 1 July 1654. N :Frauces,dau.and heir of Sir Nicho- las Clifford, Knt,; mar. after 29 Sept. 1606 ; bur. at Stalling- borough 3 or 4 Nov. 1658. Will dated 2 Nov. 1658, then a widow; proved 18 Feb. 1658-9. Hester, died young; bur. at Stalling- borough 12 June 1614. Katharine, bapt. at Stallingborough 18 March 15(.)7-8, mar. there 14 Oct. 1617 to Thomas Hatcher of Careby, and bur. 15 Dec. 1651. 66 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. I! 1. Anne, mar. to Edward King of Ashby-de-la Laund, and was living 2 Nov. 1658. 2. Frances, bur. at Stalling- borough 10 Nov. 1019. 3. Katherine, bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 1-11 June 1G26; proved her father's will 1 July 1654; mar. at Grantham, 27 May 1657, to William Ballet of Woodthorpe. She was bur. at Grantham 14 Aug. 1688. I 4. Elizabeth, bapt. at Haws ted, Suf- folk, 15 Nov. 1627; mar. to James Ash- ton of Grantham; proved her father's will 1 July 1654, and was bur. at Grantham 28 Oct. 1695. 5. Diana, bapt. 28 May 1631, and bur. at South Kelsey, St.Mary, 5 July 1634. 6. Diana, bur. at Stallingborough 6 July 1635. I I 5. Charles Ayseough, bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 4-6 Jan. 1 624-5. 6. William Ayseough, bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 5 Aug. 1629; bur. at Stal- lingborough 5 Jan. 1647-8, o.s.p. 7. Christopher Ayseough= of the Close of Lincoln, bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 23 Jan. 1631-2. Will dated 3 Feb. 1686-7, and at end 16 Feb. 1690-91, and proved (C.P.C.) 4 May 1691. =Sarah, dau. of Bryan Cooke, and sister of Sir George Cooke of Wheatlcy, Yorks, Bart., and widow, 1st, of John Copley of Batley, Yorks, 2ndly of George Neville of Thorney, Notts; bapt. at Doncaster 7 May 1621; mar. 3rdly at Stowe, Lincoln, 18 Feb. 1665-6; proved her 3rd husband's will. 2. Cecil Ayseough, bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 20-22 Feb. 1619-20; entered at Gray's Inn 14 May 1639. 3. Clifford Ayseough, bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 1-6 April 1621, and bur. at Stallingborough 9 April. 4. Francis Ayseough,.- bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 13-30 Sept. 1623; a legatee of his brother Christopher 3 Feb. 1686-7; bur. at Stallingborough 27 Dec. 1693. Catherine, dau. of John Went- worthof Guelder- land (? Yorks); bur. at Si ailing- borough 29 June 1669/ John Ays- Isabella, bapt. at Stal- cough. lingborough 13 Feb. 1667-8. Sarah Frances, bapt. at Stallingborough 13 Feb. 1667-8; bur. there 21 July 1672. Sir Edward Ayseough, bapt. at: South Kelsey, St. Mary, 29 Sept. 1618; J.P. 1657; proved his mother's will 18 Feb. 1658-9; knighted at Whitehall 2 June 1660; Sheriff of Lincoln 1665; died 13 Aug. 1668 ; bur. at Stallingborough next day. Will dated 11 Aug. 1668, and proved at Lincoln 8 Oct. following. ^Isabel, dau. of John Bolle of Scampton, Knt. and Bart.; mar. 11 Sept. 1645; was a legatee of her brother Sir Robert Bolle 8 July 1663, and was described of St. Giles-in-the-Fields 11 Aug. 1668. Will dated 25 Dec. 1682, and proved (C.P.C.) 6 Feb. 1682-3, (to be) bur. in St. Swithin's, London; confirmed on 6 Feb. 1682-3. She was "carried away" from St. Giles-in-thc-Fields to be bur. elsewhere 22 Jan. 1682-3. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 67 3. Isabel, bapb. at Stalling- borough 4 Oct. 1649; liv- ing 11 Aug. 1668. 4. Diana, bapfc. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 30 Oct. 1654; bur. at Stalling- borough 21 Feb. 1657-8. 5. Anne, bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 13 July 1656; mar. there, 28 Aug. 1677, to William Beresford; died 24 Aug. 1678; bur. at Sud- brooke Holme. 6. Mary, bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 17 July 1661. 7. Elizabeth, bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 11 Nov. 1664; living 11 Aug. 1668. 2. William Ayscough, bapt. at Stallingborough 15 July 1652; Lieut. Lincolnshire Militia 1680; bur. at Stal- lingborough 2 Oct. 1700, unmar. i 3. John Ays- cough, bapt. at South Kel- sey, St. Mary, 11 March 1658-9. 1. Frances, bapt. at Stallingborough 10 Sept. 1646; living 11 Aug. 1668. 2. Katharine, bapt. at Stal- lingborough 14 Dec. 1647; living 11 Aug. 1668. Joyce and another, twins, daus. (by Joyce, widow of. 14 and bur. 18 April 1695 at Stallingborough. Mundy), both bapt. Bridget, dau.= of Edward Skinner of Thornton College ; bur. at Stalling- borough 10 Aug. 1684. 1st wife. =Sir Edward Ayscough, bapt. at Stal- lingborough 19 Nov. 1650; knighted at Whitehall 17 Jan. 1671; entered at Gray's Inn 28 June 1671; Captain of Horse 1680; Commissioner of Prize Office, D.L. for co. Lincoln 1680-81; High Sheriff co. Lincoln 1.683-4; High Steward of Grimsby 1686; died at Grasby 2 Oct. 1699, bur. at Stallingborough 20 Oct. Will dated 20 Feb. 1690-91. :Mary, dau. and heir of Wil- liam Harbord of Grafton, Northampton, Paymaster of the Forces, Ambassador to the Grand Seignor at Bel- grade, P.C.; lived in Bow Street, Covent Garden; mar. at Grasby 1 Aug. 1685; died there 22 May, and bur. at Stallingborough 28 Mav 1715. 2nd wife. Edward Ayscough, bapt. at South Kel- sey, St. Mary, 21 Jan. 1679-80; bur. at Stallingborough 28 May 1681. i Charles Ayscough, "the only heir," died at Grasby 1, bur. at Stalling- borough 5 Feb. 1706-7. 1. Anne, eldest dan. and coheir, bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 13 Oct. 1674; mar. to John Digby of Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts (mar. settlement dated 24 June 1696), and died 17 Oct. 1696, oet. 22; bur. at Mansfield Wood- house, Notts. 2. Bridget, 2nd dau. and coheir, mar. in 1703, as 2nd wife, to John IIan- bury of Pontypool, Mon- mouth, and died 1741. He died 13 June 1734. 1. Letitia, dau. and coheir, mar. to St. Andrew Thorn hag h of Osberton and Fenton, Notts, before 1718-19. i 2. Isabella, dau. and coheirs-Matthew bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Boucherett Mary, 13 June 1691; mar. of North before 1718-19; bur. at Stal- Williug- lingborough 23 Oct. 1748. ham. See Botjoherett Pedigree. 6S LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 3. Grace, bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 10 Jan., bur. atStallingborough 20 Jan. 1693-4. Katherine, died young. Mary, died young; bur. at Stallingborough 20 Oct. 1G99. Martha, died young; bur. in the same grave with her father. Margaret, bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 3 July 1692; mar., as 1st wife, to William Frankland (Treasurer of the Stamp Office), 2nd son of Sir Thomas Frankland of Thirkelby, Yorks, and died under age in 1710, having had a son and dau., who both died in infancy. Thomas Ayscough of South Thoresby, 4th son of Sir: Edward Ayscough of South Kelsey and Hester Gran- tham (see preceding Pedigree), described as of Stai- lingborough in his dau.'s monument at Louth; bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 14 May 1587. Will dated 10 March 1643-4; proved at Lincoln 12 Jan. 1645-6. :Mary, dau. and heir of G-awin Skipwith of Stayne- in-the- Marsh. 5. John Ays- cough, 1634; of Lincoln 10 Nov. 1688. I 6. Robert Ayscough, 1634. 1. Jane, bapt. at Stal-—George lingborough 28 March 1621-2; set. 12 in 1634; died 22 Dec. 1715, yet. 93; bur. there. Will dated 24 Aug. 1714; proved (C.P.C.) 17 Feb. 1715-16. Brad- ley of Lou tli. 2. Mary, 1634; bapt. at Sballing- borough 7 May 1623/ 3. Frances, 1634. 4. Alice, 1634. John Ays- Francis Ays- Jane. cough. cough. Mary. Anne, was legatee of her cousin George Bradley 10 Nov. 1688. 4. William Ayscough: of Kingston-upon- T ham os. Rad ley Ays- cough, bapt. 6 July 1653; bur. 25 Feb. following at Yarborough. Thomas Ays- cough, bur. at Louth 30 Nov. 1665. Catherine, 3rd dau. of Sir Henry Radley of Yarborough, Knt., bapt. at Yarborough 14 Sept. 1626; mar. before 20 July 1652. William Ayscough, bapt. at Yarborough 7 May 1657. Charles Ayscough, bapt. at Grains by 8-15 July 1658. Skipworth Ayscough, bapt. at Grainsby 18 Aug. 1660. Paine, bapt. at Yar- borough 1 Aug. 1651-; lie. (Vicar- General), 14 July 1684, to marry Oliver Horsey, Rec- tor of Wimborne All Saints, and of St. Giles, Dorset, 1684—1712. Katharine, bapt. at Yarborough 22 Jan., bur. 20 Feb. 1655-6. Katharine, bapt. at Grainsby 2 Jan. 1662-3. Frances, bur. at Louth 23 Jan. 1665-6. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 69 La 1. Thomas Ayscough, set. 3. Francis Ayscough, 1634, of Horncastle, apothecary, 10 in 1634, o.s.p. bapt. at Immingham 24 July 1630; bur. at Horncastle — 31 Dec. 1696. Will dated 9 .... 7 William III., 2. Edward Ayscough, set. 1695; proved at Lincoln 7 April 1697. 9 in 1634, o.s.p. =j= I Edward Ayscough of Louth, and of Gray's Inn: and Barnard's Inn, London, ex'or of his father; a legatee of his cousin George Bradley 10 Nov. 1688; nephew and heir of Jane Bradley in 1714 (then of Barnard's Inn), whose will he proved 17 Feb. 1715-16, under which he had all her lands in Louth, the three Saltfleetbys, Skidbrooke, Theddlethorpe, and elsewhere in Lincoln, together with " the residue of all iny lands and the manor of Bilsby Fee in Louth, and all personal"; died 17 Sept. 1720, set. 55; bur. at Louth, set., according to the monument, 52. Will dated 15 Sept., proved at Lincoln 11 Oct. 1720. ^Elizabeth, dau. of ... . Brad- ley; cousin and heir of George Bradley of Louth; died 3 Sept. 1720, set. 45, according to the monu- ment; bur. at Louth. Anne, legatee of her father 1695; mar. to William Hodgson of Spridlington. Their dau. Jane legatee of great-aunt godmother Bradley was her and Jane 1714 Frances, living unmar. 1695. Edward Ayscough^ of Louth, executor of his father 15 Sept. 1720; died 20 Oct. 1739, set. 36; bur. at Louth. =Elizabeth,dau. of Por- ter Chaplin of Tath- well; remar., 7 June 1740, to the Rev. John Sid well, Rector of Welton; bur. there 30 April 1750. 1. Margaret, under age and unmar. 15 Sept. 1720; mar. to the Rev. William Oates, Rector of Benni- worth, Lincoln. 2. Mary, under age and unmar. 15 Sept. 1720; mar. to Christopher Wilier- ton of Louth, apothecary; bur. there 17 Oct. 1744. 1. Elizabeth, bapt. at Louth 29 Aug. 1728; mar. 1st in 1746 to John Barber, and 2ndly in 1752 to Nicholas Wrigglesworth of Louth, apothecary; died 3, bur. 7 May 1798, set. 70, s.p. 2. Martha, bapt. at Louth 24 April 1730; mar. in 1749 to Bentley Bennett of Keddington, near Louth. 3. Anne,bapt. at Louth 25 July 1731; died an infant. 4. Frances, bapt. at Louth 26 Oct. 1732. 5. Anne, bapt. at Louth: 8 June 1735; mar. in 1751; died 14 Dec. 1778; bur. at Darton. =Thomas Beaumont of the Oaks in Darton, Yorks; born at Whitley, Yorks, 18 Feb. 1723; died 6 Feb. 1785. i 6. Frances, bapt. at Louth 29 June 1737; mar. to William Floyer of Louth, a Captain in the Army. 70 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Bacon of 3&etrarabe, etc* [The Pedigree as given in Mr. Larken's MS. is substantially the same as that given in published works, and is therefore not reprinted.] 3Baltrton* of button. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Or, a pile azure charged tvith a griffin's head erased or. Crest.—A griffin's head, as in the arms. Jeffry Baldwer of Sut- Richard Baldwer of Gedney Fen. Will dated ton St. Edmunds, temp. 30 March, and proved at Lincoln 9 June 1534 Heury VIII. by Johane his wife, executrix. James Baldwer of Sutton St. Edmunds.^ Richard Baldwer of Sutton St. Mary's, living=j=Ellen, dau. of Robert Hill of Sut- 30 Sept. 26 Eliz., 1584; supervisor of the will of his son Richard 14 Feb. 1619-20. Will dated 25 Jan. 1622-3 ; proved (C.P.C.) 20 May 1623; (to be) bur. at Sutton. ton; a legatee under the will of her cousin Anthony Edmond of Lutton 30 Nov. 1604; living 25 Jan. 1622-3. Robert James Baldwer of Sutton 1634, son and heiiy Baldwer, proved his father's will 20 May 1623. Will 25 Jan. dated 9 Nov. 1645; proved (C.P.C.) 6 May 1622-3. 1646; (to be) bur. at Sutton St. Mary's. :Elizabeth, dau. of Peter Palmer of Southwell, Notts; living 25 Jan. 1622-3. 1. Richard Bald-=pMargaret, wer, get. 22 in 1634; proved his father's will 6 May 1646. dau. of Gil- bert Arm- strong of Thorpe, Notts. 2. William Bald- wer, living 9 Nov. 1645. 3. Adlard Bald- wer. i 4. Anthony Baldwer,liv- ing 9 Nov. 1645. 5. Peter Bald- wer, living 9 Nov. 1645; mar. Anne, dau. of... . James Bald- wer, a lega- tee of his greatgrand- father 25 Jan. 1622-3. =Jane, dau. of Mingay, sister of John Robert Mingay. Will dated 11 March 1685; proved (C.P.C.) 18 Nov. 1687. Eliza- beth, mar. to Robert Twells of Wis- bech. Henry Bald- James Baldwer, bapt. wer, bapt. 31 25 Aug. 1669. Aug. 1665. — — Peter Baldwer, bur. 2 James Bald- Jan. 1670-71. wer, bapt. 14 — and bur. 16 Richard Baldwer, bur. Feb. 1667-8. 16 July 1674. All at Gedney. 1. Richard Baldwer of Long Sutton, died in the Inner Temple, a bachelor. Adm'on to John Twells, Esq., guardian to his brother James Baldwer, then a minor. 2. James Baldwer. Two ciaus. All under age 11 March 1685-6. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 71 Ricliard Baldwer of Sufcton=pFrances, dau. of Ro- St. James, living 23 Oct. 1618. Will dated 14 Feb. 1619-20; proved (C.P.O.) 16 Feb. 1620-21; (to be) bur. at Sutton St. James 17 Feb. 1619-20. 1. William Baldwer, bapt. at Sutton St. James 8 Jan. 1614-15; a legatee of his grandfather 25 Jan. 1622-3; living 9 Nov. 1645; mar. Elizabeth bertStukeley of Hol- beach, bapt. at Gcd- ney 17 May 1590; living 23 Nov. 1618; proved her hus- band's will 16 Feb. 1620-21. .'. .. dau., mar. to .. living 9 Nov. 1645. Mary, mar. to John living 25 Jan. 1622-3, .... dau., mar. to . . . or Yorke; living 1645. Eigden; Proctor; a widow. . . Cooke T 2. Richard Baldwer, bapt. at Sut- ton St. James 1 Feb. 1618-19; bur. there 17 Feb. 1619-20. 3. Richard Baldwer, bapt. at Sut- ton St. James 17 Feb. 1619-20; a legatee of his grandfather 25 Jan. 1622-3; living 9 Nov. 1645. 1. Elizabeth, bapt. at Sutton St. James Feb. 1613-14; living 14 Feb. 1619-20. 2. Ellen, bapt. at Sutton St. James 19 Jan. 1616-17; a legatee of her grandfather 25 Jan. 1622-3. William Baldwer, bapt. at Sutton St. James Frances, bapt. at Sutton St. James 9 June 1642. 4 Feb. 1646-7. ISaltrtout of WltixUxton. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Or, a lion rampant sable, guttee d'or between three leaves vert, all within a lor dure engrailed of the second. Crest.—A demi-lion as in the arms, croivned with a cap of maintenance, and holding a branch vert. John Baldwin^Katharine, dau. of Thomas Athall. i Christopher Baldwin of Winterton, described as^Isabella, dau. of Sir Christopher yeoman in his will, dated 10 Feb. 1556-7; proved at Lincoln 9 April 1557; (to be) bur. at Winterton. Hildyard of Winestead, Yorks, Knt.; proved her husband's will 9 April 1557.* I III III 1 Nicholas^ Joane, dau. of Tho- 2. Christopher Bald- 1. Dyonis, under age Baldwin of mas Hoe. Will win, 10 Feb. 1556-7. 1556-7. Winterton dated 5 Nov. 1617; — — 1556; proved proved (C.P.C.) 6 3. John Baldwin,un- 2. Maude, under age 10 his father's May 1618, then of der age 1556. Feb. 1556-7. will 9 April Winterton, widow; — — 1557 (to be) bur. there. 4. Robert Baldwin, Isabella, youngest dau., 10 Feb. 1556-7. underage 10 Feb.1556-7. * This match is doubtful; if correct, possibly the widow of Robert Constable of Carethorpe. 72 LINCOLN SHIRE PEDIGREES, Peter Baldwin of- Winterton 1 034; a legatee of his mother 5 Nov. 1617. :Margaret, dau. of Henry Ashwyn. Henry Baldwin=j= of Winterton, proved his mother's will 6 May 1618. I I Susan, mar. to .... Cooke; living 5 Nov. 1017. Elizabeth, mar. to . . . . Place; living 5 Nov. KM7. 1. Henry= Baldwin ofWinter- ton,living 1652. =Cassandra, dan. of Nicholas or Robert Lownde. 2. John Baldwin. 1 1 1 1. Hester. 3. Miriam. 2. Rebecca. 4. Ruth. William Baldwin, living 5 Nov. 1617. Other issue, living 1617. Christopher Baldwin. Elizabeth. Ellen. 3Salcrttp of i?>tamfortr* [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Non prolavit arma. John Balguy of Lon- don, merchant, de- scended from Bal- guy of the Peak, Derby. Joane, dau. of John Lucas of Essex; bur. at St. George's, Stamford, 9 May 1604. Nuncupative will.made 9 March 1603-4, then of Stamford, widow; proved (C.P.C.) 18 May 1604. Daniel Balguy of London, citizen and mer-=Margaret, dau. of Elizabeth, mar. cer, overseer of his brother's will 30 April . . . ., proved her to John Mon- 1607; died s.p. Will dated 10 Dec. 4 Jac. I., husband's will 3 ger of Kent. 1607; proved (C.P.C.) 3 Jan. 1608-9. Jan. 1608-9. Thomas Balguy of Stamford, chosen Recorder^Alice, dau. of Francis Harrington of that town 29 Sept. 1594 and M.P. 1597— of South Witham; born at Holly- 1601; proved his mother's will 18 May 1604; well; set. 29 in 13 Eliz.; proved bur. at St. George's, Stamford, 3 Nov. 1607. her husband's will 5 Dec. 1607; Will dated 30 April 1607; proved (C.P.C.) was dead before 16 Sept. 1657, 5 Dec. 1607. having left a will. 1 1. Frideswide, un- der 24 and unmar. 30 April 1606; mar. to Philip Cap- per of Wan stead, Essex. 2. Anne, under 24 on 30 April 1606; bur. at St. George's, Stamford, 22 Jan. 1608-9. 3, Elizabeth, bur. at St. George's, Stamford, 19 0ct.l632. 1 4. Margaret, bapt. at St. George's, Stamford, 27 Dec. 1607; bur. there 6 Sept. 1653. Sence, living 1657"; dead before 1662. A LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 73 s Balguy, under 24 on 30=pMary .... 3. Harrington Balguy, bapt. 3; Eector of Stoke Doyle, living 1653. at St. George's, Stamford, 2. Thomas April 1606 Norfchants, 30 Oet.; died 16, bur. there 17 May 1653, set. 57. 8 May 160£ 3 Dec. 1607. bur. there Thomas Balguy, Rector of Stoke Albany, Norfchants, Adolphus Eliza- Mary. 22 June 1651 ; bur. there 18 Nov. 1657. Balguy. beth. All living 16 Sept. 1657. Frances, dau. of Fran- cis Morice, Clerk of the Ordnance; bur. at St. George's, Stamford, 10 April 1640. 1st wife. =1. John Balguy of St. George's, Stamford, = born at Castle Bytham; was under 24 on 30 April 1606; Recorder of Stamford 29 Aug. 1649 to 7 March 1660-61. Will dated 16 Sept. 1657; proved (C.P.C.) 4 Nov. 1662; mentions his daus. Bassano and King. . (? sis- ter of An- drew Bas- sano); liv- ing 1657. 2nd wife. John Balguy, only son, bapt. at St. George's, Stamford, 15 Aug. 1637; admitted to the freedom of Stamford 23 March 1660-61. 1. Frances, set. circa 11 in 1634. 2. Alice, bapt. at St. Martin's in Stamford Baron, Northampton, 27 April 1626. I I 3. Elizabeth. 4. Theodosia, bapt. at St. George's, Stam- ford, 4 July 1629; dead in 1657. 5. Agnes. 6 Susanna, bapt. at St. 7. Mary, bapt. at St. George's, Stamford, 28 George's, Stamford, April 1632; proved her 15 April 1636; bur. father's will 4 Nov. 1662. there May 1638. i 8. Anne, bapt. at St. George's, Stamford, 10 April 1640. [Note.—Paul Balgaye, Rector of Swaby. Will dated 4 June, proved 27 Sept. 1624.] Ballett of »ooDtf)orpe* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College. Lincoln Wills.] Arms (Union of Honour).—Argent, a lion rampant sable, on a chief gules three cinguefoils of the first Thomas Ballett of=f=Alice, dau. of ... . Jay of Suffolk; John Ballett of London, Ufford, Suffolk. ] bur. at Ufford 1 Dec. 1588. merchant. Edward Ballett of Ufford, son and heir=pUrsula, dau. of Richard Saunders. YOL, I, I, 74 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Joan, dan. ofeWiiliam Ballett of Woodfchorpe, Lincoln shire,=FSusan, eldest dau. of Francis Gar ton of Billing- hurst, Sussex. 1st wife. son and heir, Alderman of London, fined for Sheriff, Queen's Saddler; set. 85 in 1634; died 9 and bur. 10 May 1648, a3t. 99, at Strubby, Lincolnshire. Patrick Dethick of Westminster. 2nd wife. John Ballett, set. 50 in 1634, and then unmar.; bur. at Sfcrubby 8 April 1669, s.p. William Ballett, o.s.p. Elizabeth, o.s.p. 1. William Ballett of Wood-"- thorpe, proved his brother Edward's will 21 Feb. 1656-7; bur. at Sfcrubby 16 Nov. 1676. Will dated 6 Nov. 1676; proved 31 May 1677. :Mary, dau. and coheir of Rich- ard Hornby of Tothill; bur. at Sfcrubby 29 May 1676. I 1. William Ballefcfc of Woodfchorpe, living 1658 and 1666; mar. at Grantham, 6 Feb. .1657-8, KafcheriiKi, dau. of Sir Ed w a I'd Ayseough of South Kelsey. She was there 11 June }(>2ti, mentioned in her aunt- in-iaw's (Anne Touth- by) will 1666, and bur. there 14 Aug. 1688. 2. Richard Ballett, living 1666; mar. Anne, dau. of . . . .; mar. lie. 7 May 1663," Richard Bal- lett of Woodthorpe, gent., and Anne Oonyngsby of Part- ney, wid." I I John Ballett, bur. at Strub- by 3 Feb. 1644-5. Charles Bal- lett, bur. at Strubby 21 March 1645-6. Susan, bur. 9 April 1652 at Strubby. Anne, living 1666; had land in Croft left her for life by her aunt Anne Touth by; executrix to her father in 1677; bur. at Grantham 17 Oct. 1678. William Ballefcfc, devisee of grandfather in 1676. Mary, bur. at Strubby 9 June 1670. 2. George Ballett, bapfc. at Sfcrubby 8 March .1606-7 ;= proved his brother Edward's will 21 Feb. 1656-7; bur. at Strubby 14 Ocfc. 1670. =Ellcn, dau. of William Thorie of Thurlby; living 20 Ocfc. 1656. , I "II 1. William Bal- 2. Charles 3. George Ballefcfc, mar. Susan, bapfc. at 3. Anne, lett, bapfc. at Ballett, Prances, dau. of....; Sfcrubby 7 July bapfc. afc Sfcrubby 7 June bapfc. afc mar. bond 25 July 1631. Driby 1632; mar. Driby 1671,George Ballefcfc — 28 Sepfc. Susan, dau. of 5 June of Bilsby, genfc., and 2. Mary, bapfc. 1637. .... lie was 1634. Frances Marshall of afc Driby 8 — bur. afc Strubby Louth, spr." Will Sepfc. 1636; Frances. 25 Sepfc. 1705. dated 20 Nov. 1676; bur. at Strubby =f proved .19 Jan. 1676-7. 29 May 1699. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 75 1\ George Ballett, bapt. at Strubby 7 Oct., bur. 9 Oct. 1656. Anne, bapt. at Strubby 25 Nov. 1658. °1 George Ballett,=p Elizabeth, bapt. at Strubby dau. of 10 July 1672; ;bur. bur. there 6 Feb. at Strubby 1715-16. 14 Jan. 1722-3. D Bryan Ballett, bapt. at Strubby 4, bur. there 20 Aug. 1673. Anne, bapt. at Strubby March, bur. 18 Nov. 1676. Charles Ballett, bapt. at Strubby 30 Jan. 1706-7; bur. 27 Aug. 1707. Samuel Ballett, bapt. at Strubby 2 July 1710. Mary, bapt. at Strubby 5 Nov. 1700. Elizabeth, bur. at Strubby 12 April 1713. 3. Charles Ballett of Alford,=pSarah, dau. of Thomas Newcomen of Withern; draper, bapt. at Strubby 16 Sept. 1610; bur. at Alford 2 April 1641. bapt. at Saltfleetby All Saints 20 April 1618; mar. at Withern in 1634. 2. Samuel Ballett, bapt. at Alford 3 Nov. 1636. I Sarah, bapt. at Alford 15 April 1638; bur. at Driby 3 Sept. fol- lowing. Mary, bapt. at Alford 16 Jan. 1639-40; mar. at Saleby, 19 Oct. 1662, to William Mason, jun. r Edward Ballett, bapt. 24 May 1666 ; bur. at Saleby 5 March 1682-3. Elizabeth,^ dau. of John Wells of Kent. 1st wife. "i =1. Charles Ballett of Clement's=Anne, dau. of . . . ., widow of Wil- liam Tingle of Easton Neston, North ants; mar. lie. dated 5 April 1672, then aged about 35, to be married at St. Clement Danes. 2nd wife. Inn, Middlesex, bapt. at Wit- hern 10 Sept. 1635; died 27 Jan. 1703-4; bur. at Strubby 4 April 1704, set. 68. 1. Charles Bal- lett of St. Cle- ment Danes, bachelor. Adm'on to his father 29 Jan. 1694-5. I I 2. Thomas Ballett. 1. Eliza- beth. 2. Sarah, eventually only living dau.=Barnard and heir-at-law, born 1669; died Halfpenny 1 Sept. 1746, xt. 77; bur. at Tot- of Enfield, teridge, Herts, then a widow. Her Middlesex, grandson John Ballett, son of John Ballett, died 9 Feb. 1755, set. 21; bur. at Totteridge. L Jsdwa 4. Edward Ballett of Strubby, bapt. there 6 Jan. 1612; bur.=pJane, dau. of , there 29 Oct. .1 (556. Will dated 20 Oct. 1656; proved (C.P.C.) 21 Feb. 1656-7. I bur. 25 Aug. 1656 at Strubby. John Ballett, living 20 Oct. 1656, Susan, bapt. at Strubby 30 Oct. 1652 under age. there 17 Aug. 1665. bur. 76 LINCOLNSHIRE PfrDlGEEES. 5. Richard Ballefcfc, bapt. at Strubby- 16 March 1623-3; living 20 Oct. 1656. =Audrey, dau. of . . . .; bur. at Strubby 2 Nov. 1661. Rose, bapt. at Strubby 15 Dec. 1605; bur. there 12 Dec. 1606. Elizabeth, bapt. at Mablebhorpe 16 Jan. 1650-51. Audrey, bapt. at Mablethorpe 6 May 1652. Audrey, born 21, bapt. at Mablethorpe 29 Dec. 1654; bur. at Strub- by 1 Aug. 1658. Anne, born 3 Aug., bapt. at Mablethorpe 4 Sept. 1656; bur. at Strubby 6 Feb. 1657. Susan, born 8, bapt. at Strubby 11 May 1660; bur. same day. Mary, born 8, bapt. at Strubby 17 May 1660; bur. 10 June 1670. Dorothy, born 7, bapt. at Strubby 24 Oct. 1661. [Note.—John Ballett Fletcher, Esq., of Woodthorpe, Lincolnshire, and Pagham, Sussex, married, 2 Oct. 1844, Sarah Vere, youngest dau. of John Holland, Esq., of Skendleby Thorpe. "Gent. Mag."] Banister of €ptoort|)* [Harl. MS. 1550. "Visitation of London, 1633-4."] .... Banister of the Bank, Lancashire.=p 1. r Banis- Alexander Banister* of=p Anne, dau. of William Standish of Stan- ter of the Bank, Epworth in the Isle of Lancashire. Axholme, 9th son. dish Hall, Lancashire; bur. at Belton in the Tsle of Axholme 24 Sept. 1546. 1 4. George Bannister of Colham, Middlesex. Dorothy, mar. 1st to Thomas Monson Anne, mar. of Belton, 2ndly at Belton, 21 Sept. to Anthony 1589, to Thomas Sleford of Belton; Wilson of bur. there 12 March 1596-7. Beckingham. I Margery, bapt. at Bel- ton 23 June 1543. 1. John=Elizabeth, dau. 2. Henry Banister of Becking- 3. Edmund Banister, Banister of William Ash- ham, bapt. at Belton 12 April bapt. at Belton 28 of Lea, ley of Yarm, 1544; of Stow, co. Lincoln; June 1545; a Captain son and Yorks. mar. Anne, dau. of ... . in Holland; drowned heir. T at Woolwich. John Banister of London, grocer, 1634yEllen, dau. of Robert Cox of London. Mary. I Anne. Elizabeth. Sarah. Margaret. * 1 If son of Henry Banester of the Banke, Lancashire, by his 2nd wife Cicely Worthington. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 77 Mxbtx of ^mkimton, [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] Robert Barber of Hanbeck, parish of Wilsford,=rAnn or Agnes yeoman, descended from Derbyshire. Win dated 17 Sept. 1618 ; proved 8 May 1619; (to be) bur. at Wilsford. proved her husband's will 8 May 1619. 3. Robert Bar- ber, 17 Sept. 1617. Anne, mar. to ... . Thornton; living 17 Sept. 1618. I Margaret, mar. to .... mar. to ... . Taylor; living Fisher; living 17 17 Sept. 1618. Sept. 1618. 1. Christopher Bar- ber of Hanbeck, yeoman, 23 1627. Aug. =Alioe, dau. of Andrew Eastwood of 2. Thomas Barber, 17 Roughton, yeoman; living 1 Feb. Sept. 1618. 1602-3; apparently his only child =r and heir. /R 1. Christo- pher Bar- ber, under age 1 Feb. 1602-3. I 2. Robert Bar- ber of Rusking- ton 1634; un- der age 1 Feb. 1602-3. =Katherine, dau. of 3. John Daniel Hardeby Barber, of Evedon; bapt. unmar. there 13 April 1 Feb. 1594. 1602-3. Anne, under= Peter age and un- Loyes. mar. 1 Feb. 1602-3. 1. Robert Barber, set. 2 in 1634. 2. Mathew Barber. 1. Anne. 2. Elianor. 3Bartit discount Bellanumt [Lincoln Wills, etc.] Arms.—Quarterly: 1 and 4, Sable, on a chevron betiveeu ten martlets argent five pellets; 2 and 3, Gules, a chevron per chevron or and argent between three crescents of the last, Damperes. Crest.— A bear's jamb coupecl or, holding a horse's foot erased sable. Robert Bard of Tevel-= by, Tealby. Will dated 10 Feb. 1536-7; proved 24 April 1537. :Agnes, dau. of Thomas Bard, supervisor of his= Alison, .. . .; proved her brother's will 10 Feb. 1536-7. dau. of husband's will 24 Will dated 23 May, proved 28 .... April 1537. July 1544 (see ©, p. 78). John Bard of Tevelby and Ludford, only son; ex'or of his father; under age 24 April 1537; died 18 Oct. 7 Eliz., 1565, s.p. 1. Joan, under=Richard age 10 Feb. Osney of Willing- 1536-7; coheir of her brother, set. 36, 18 Oct. 7 Eliz., 1565. ham. 2. Isabella, under= age 10 Feb. 1536-7; coheir of her brother, set. 34, on 7 Oct. 7 Eliz., 1565. Joland. 78 LINCOLNSHIRE [PEDIGREES. Thomas Bard of Tealby. Will dated 23 May,==Alison, dau. of; proved 28 July 1544 (see ©, p. 77). ex'trix in 1544. i i Thomas Bard. William Bard. Mary. Agnes. i Helen. Margaret. Christopher Bard of Tealby Grange, some-- time parcel of the Priory of Sixhills, which he settled on his son Richard, etc., 2 March 28 Eliz., 1585-6. Will dated 13 March 1585-6; proved 6 May 1586. =Adrian, dau. of ex'trix in!586. George Bard,: Vicar of Staines, Mid- dlesex, 2 March 28 Eliz., 1585-6. Will dated 16 Oct. 1615; proved 24 Aug. 1616. Susan, 2. Christopher Bard, 2 dau. of March 1585-6; living 16 John Oct. 1615; mar. Mrs. Anne Dudley; Gregg of Sotby (mar. lie. proved 30 June 1625); s.p. Will her hus- dated 4 Aug. 1627; proved band's 13 March 1627-8. Her will 24 will dated 19 May, proved Aug. 4 June 1630. 1616. — 3. Simon Bard, 2 March 28 Eliz., 1585-6. I I 4. Richard Bard, on whom his father settled Tealby Grange 2 March 28 Eliz., 1585-6; get. 40 in 1621; mar. Mar- garet Lee of Walesby (mar. lie. 5 June 1621); had issue Francis and Christopher in 1627. Elizabeth, mar Clarke; living 16 Oct. 1615. 1. William Bard, an apprentice 16 Oct. 1615. Mary, dau.^ of .... Strange; mar. at Hackney 10 Sept. 1632. 1st wife. i -2. Maximilian Bard of London, = citizen and girdler, worth £40,000, was also of Caversfield, Bucks, and Pallonswick,Fulham, Middlesex; his house and shop in Cheapside held of the Goldsmiths' Company and called the "Three Blackburds"; died 16 Feb. 1690-91, set. 85; bur. at Cavers- field. Will dated 26 March 1687; codicil 30 March 1689; proved (C.P.C.) 8 Oct. 1691. : Sarah .... had lands in Muswell Hill, parish of Bores tall, Bucks (in lieu of dower) for life, and also in Caversfield, Bucks; proved her husband's will 8 Oct. 1691. 2nd wife. Thomas Bard^ of Hammer- smith, Mid- dlesex, and of Foxcote Manor House and Cavers- field, Bucks, xt. 8 in 1644. .Mary, dau. of.... 1st wife. William Bard: of St. John's, Hackney, citi- zen and girdler of London, aet. 4 in 1644. Will dated 17 Dec. 1694; pr()ved(C.P.C.) 24 April 1695. =Rebecca .... sole ex'trix, proved her hus- band's will 24 April 1695. Rebecca, only child. Joseph Bard, bapt. 9 Oct. 1646 at St. Peter's, Cheap- side, London. Christopher Bard (? young- est son). Elizabeth,bapt. 30 March 1649 at St. Peter's, Cheap- side, London; mar. lie. Fac. Off. 7 May 1670, "Neville Poole of Oakesey, Wilts, bach., 24." LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 79 Samuel Bard, bapt. at Ham- mersmith 29 Oct. 1668; bur. there 19 April 1669. George Bard, living 1687 and 1704 (? if by the 2nd wife). Maximilian Bard, eldest son, bapt. at St. Peter's, Cheapside, London, 12 Dec. 1663; living 1687; to have the lands in Caversfield after his grandmother's death. O Thomas Bard. Mary. Sarah. All living 1687 and under age. 3. George Bard, 16 Oct. 1615. 1 Margaret, Oct. 1615. Elizabeth,* Oct. 1615. 16 16 4. Sir Henry Bard, Knt. and Bart., 8 Oct. ■ 1644 ; Colonel in King Charles's Army; distinguished himself at the battle of Cheri- ton Down; created Baron Bard of Drom- boy, co. Meath, and Viscount Bellamont, co. Dublin, 18 July 1645; Ambassador from Charles II. to the Emperor of Persia; died on his journey thither in 1660. :Anne, dau. of Wil- liam Gardiner of Peck ham, Surrey; mar. about 1645; adm'on 30 July 1668, then of St. Martin-in-the- Fields, Middlesex. Charles Rupert Bard, 2nd Viscount Bella- mont, born 1 Jan. 1647-8; slain in the Island of St. Christo- pher's 1665, s.p. 1. Anne. i 2. Frances (privately mar., so it is alleged, to Prince Rupert, Count Palatine of the Rhine and Duke of Cumberland, who died 29 Nov. 1682). In his will, dated two days before his death, mentions his "natural son" Dudley Bard, who was killed at Buda 13 July 1686, set. about 20. I I Persiana.=FNathaniel Will dated 23 June and proved 30 Nov. 1739. Bard of Cavers- field. William Henry Harcourt of Pendley in Albury, Herts,- Bard, eldest son of Simon Harcourt (bur. 30 March bapt. at 1724 at Albury), Clerk of the Crown and of Cavers- Pendley in right of his 1st wife Elizabeth, only field dau. and heir of Sir Richard Anderson of 1692; Pendley, Bart., by Elizabeth his wife, sister of died s.p. George, Viscount Hewet of Ireland; bur. at Albury 9 Nov. 1743. Sarah Frances, bur. at Albury 7 Nov. 1764. In the mortuary at Albury she is called "daughter of Sir John Bard, bart., and Lady Persian a, daughter of Henry, earl of Bellamont." Barti of fioxtl) lulse^ [Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Sable, on a chevron between ten martlets argent five pellets. Edmund Bard of Barforth.^p Alexander Bard=f dau. of John Brigfield of Yaworth or Yawford. A| * Elizabeth Bard, spinster, of Market Rasen, aged 20, her parents dead, and Francis Smyth of Market Rasen, gent. (mar. lie. 4 Nov. 1623). 80 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Aj John Bard of Barforbb=j=. . . . dau. of Sir John Brough, Knfc. Goslyng Bard of Barforth=p. . . . dau. of Thomas Denby. Adam Bard of North Kel-=j= . . . clan, and heir of.... Dampear (Richard Dauin- sey, in right of his wife. pere held a freehold in North Kelsey 20 Edward I.). Adam Bard=f=. . . . dau. of John Darby. Thomas Bard=f=Margaret, dau. of Richard Yarborough, Jcllin Bard=f=Elizabeth, dan. of William Dallison. i r John Bard=[=Alice, dau. of John Heneagc of Towes. Thomas (or Henry) Bard=pEleanor (or Edith), dau. of Sir Rich- Alice=John Trues- of North Kelsey. ard Hansard of South Kelsey, Knt. dale. Ralph Bard=f=ElIen, dau. of John Mus- Richard Bard,=Elizabeth, dau. of John of North Kelsey senden of Healing (unmar. living 12 Aug. Mnssenden of Healing .12 Aug. 1504). 1504. lining 12 Aug. 1504. Ellen, dau. of Tho-=pWilliam Bard of North Kelsey 1562; died 23=Joane, dau. of mas Middletori of Wintringham; mar. before 81 Aug. 1541. 1st wife. Aug. 24 .Eliz., 1582, seised of the manor of .... Bay lea; East Hall in North Kelsey, which he purchased living 22 Nov. from Sir Francis Ayscough, Knt., and Elizabeth 25 Eliz., 1583. his wife in 1558. Will dated 23 May 23 Eliz., 2nd wife. 1581; proved at Lincoln 10 Oct. 1582. Ralph Bard of North Kelsey, son and: heir, set. 40 at his father's death; died 25 Jan. 40 Eliz., 1597-8. Will dated 20 Jan. 1597-8; proved 17 Feb. follow- ing; (to be) bur. at North Kelsey. :Margaret, dau. Frances, mar.=William of John Gilby at North Roche of of Stainton-in- Thoresby 2 Beesby. the-Hole. June 1562. Elizabeth, mar. 1st to Susan, mar. to Anne, mar. to Magdalen, living 20 William Marris, liv- Richard. Ben- Richard Bate- Jan. 1597-8; mar. lie. ing 20 Jan. 1597-8; son of North manofBarnet- .10 Feb. 1599 to marry 2nd, Thomas Oodd of Kelsey; living by; living 20 Edward Conycrs of Oaister. 20 Jan. 1597-8. Jan. 1597-8. North Willingham. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 81 1. Thomas Bard of North: Kelsey, son and heir, set. 24 and more at his father's death; entered at Gray's Inn 11 Oct. 1591; proved his father's will 17 Feb. 1597-8. :Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Rossi ter of Somerby. 2. John Bard, 20 Jan. 1597-8. 3. George Bard,entered at Gray's Inn 29 June 1592; unknown if liv- ing 20 Jan. 1597-8. 4. William Bard. 5. Edward Bard. Both living 20 Jan. 1597-8. 1. Bridget, 1634. 2. Margaret, 1634. 3. Anne, 1634. 4. Elizabeth, 1634. Mary, mar. lie.=James Pennell 23 Aug. 1625, of Killingholme, aet. 19. Gent. I 1. Richard Bard, son and heir, died 8 Nov. 1624, being killed in Fleet Street, London; bur. u out of Few ter Lane " at St. Dim- stan's-in-the-West, Lon- don, 9 Nov. 1624. 2. William Bard of East Hall in=p Isabella, dau. of North Kelsey, heir of his brother, born 28 Sept. 1615; died 5 Feb. 1639-40. Will dated 1 Feb. 1639-40; proved (C.P.C.) 12 June 1640, then described of Hawkeswell, Warwick. . . . .; niece of Grace, wife of Thomas Lane of Bentley; living 1 Feb. 1639-40. William Bard of North: Kelsey 1673, son and heir, fefc. 3 on 20 Oct. 1639; died intestate May 1674. rSusannah, dau. of George Pudsey of L an g-=Richard Nel- ley, Warwick; post-nuptial settlement thorpe of dated 23 Oct. 1673. Will dated 1 March Scawby. 2nd 1687-8; proved (C.P.C.) 6 Nov. 1689. husband. Henry Bard, son and heir, died Susan, died^pWilliam 2. Anne^Michael unmar. Willdated 10April,proved before her Mussendine living 1 | Emer- at Lincoln 13 Sept. 1684 by his mother and of North mother Susannah Bard, widow. brother. Kelsey. 2. William Bard, o.v.m., s.p. living March 1687-8. William Mussendine. Emer- son of Caistor. VOL. I, M 82 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. BSarlmp of &tmvbj>> [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, two oars gules, on a canton of the second a maunche of the first Crest.—A fox sejant gules holding a ring or. Christopher Bardsey of Bardsey, Lancaster.^ i 1. William Bardsey. 2. Robert Bardsey. 3. Edward Bardsey. 4. James=pCatherine, dau. of Bardsey of Scalford, Leicester. Nicholas Beau- mont of Cole Or- ton, Leicester. 5. Christopher Bard- sey. Jane, mar. to Sir Tho- mas Lee. Neville Bardsey of Scalford, Leicester. :Margery, dau. of John Mills of Warmfield, Yorks. 1. James Bard- sey of Little Gonerby 1634; bur. at Gran- tham 4 May 1640. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Clip- sham of Man- thorpe; mar. at Grantham 3 Au£. 1612. 2. Anthony Bard- sey. 3. Edward Bard- sey, D.D. I I 4. George Bard- sey, B.D. 5. Christopher Bardsey. I I I 1. Mary. 2. Eliza- beth. 3. Susan. James Bardsey, aet. 18 in 1634; bapt. at Grantham 12 Jan. 1615-16. 1. Dorothy, bapt. at Grantham 18 July 1613; mar. there, 8 May 1634, to John Mills, Alderman of Grantham. 2. Margery, bapt. at Gran- tham Dec. 1614; mar. there, 19 Nov. 1635, to John Proctor of Grantham. I I I 3. Elizabeth, bapt. 4. Hannah, twin with 5. Anna, twin with Hannah, bapt. at Grantham 4 Anna, bapt. at Grantham 25 Feb. 1621-2; bur. 24 Sept. April 1619. 25 Feb. 1621-2. 1624 at Grantham. Barfor of #teat Steeping* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Per chevron engrailed or and sable, a lion rampant counterchanged; on a canton azure a fleur-de-lis or, a crescent for difference. Thomas Barker of Stowe, descended out of Derbyshire/ i Katharine, mar. at St. Mar- garet's in the Close of Lin- coln, 2 April 1597, to Tho- mas Butler, Vicar of Bicker. Richard Barker of Stowe. =Anne, dau. of Henry Sheriff of Lincoln (by Margery, dau. of .... Angevine of Theddlethorpe, and heir of her uncle William). LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 83 Thomas Barker of Great: Steeping, son and heir, living 1634, described as of Stowe 18 Oct. 1627; bur. there 14 April 1659. =Susan, dau. of Robert Stone of Burgh-in-the Marsh, under age and unmar. 10 Aug. 1614. 2. William Barker. 3. Richard Barker. Katherine, mar. at St. Margaret's in the Close of Lincoln, 14 July 1624, Thomas Mot- tram of Winthorpe. Thomas Barker. Two other children, died unchristened. Barker oi [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] Hugh Barker of Grantham=pElizabeth, dau. of Thomas Audley of Lincolnshire. Anthony Barker of Long Ledenham=pEllen, dau. of John Whittington of Louth. Edward Barker of Tealby 1634=f=Dorothy, dau. and heir of John Farmer of Epworth. I Edward Barker,=pMargaret, dau. and heir 2. Anthony 3. Henry^pRebecca, son and heir 1634. of Solomon Heton of Barker. Coekerington. Barker. dau. of Anthony Barker, set. half Elizabeth, ast. 3 in Rachael, bapt. at Walesby a year in 1634. 1634. 5 Aug. 1639. 1. Eliza-n=Alexander Caster 2. Ellen. 3. Abi-=pWilliam Tongue 4. Doro- beth. of Belton, Isle of Axholme. gail. of Epworth. thy. Robert Thomas Edward William Caster. Caster. Caster. Caster. Robert Tongue. 84 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Barfcjmm of OTamfleet antj i^utftacre* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Paly of six pieces argent and gules, over all a chevron or. Crest.—Two arms armed, couped at the elboiv, holding a sheaf of arrows. Robert Barkham.=p Edward Barkham of Southaore, Norfolk bur. there 18 Feb. 1599. ^Elizabeth, dau. of... . Rolfe of Norfolk. 2nd wife. Robert Barkham of Southacre, Norfolk, yeoman, born 15 54; proved the will of his brother-in-law Edmund Hudson of Castle Acre, draper, 26 Aug. 1606; died 14 March 1629-30, set. 75; bur. at Soufchacre. Sir Edward Barkham of= Wainfleet 1617; Alderman and free of the Drapers' Company; Lord Mayor of London 1621; created bart. 28 June 1623; called "The Pedlar"; sold hobby-horses, etc., in London; died 15 Jan. 1633-4, set. 82. Will dated 14 and proved 17 Jan. 1633-4; to be bur. in his chapel of Southacre, Nor- folk. :Jane, dau. Mary, died= of John 18 Aug. Crouch of 1608; bur. Conny- at Castle berry or Acre, Nor- Combery, folk. Herts; liv- ing 1652; proved her husband's will. :Edmund Hudson, draper. Will proved 26 Aug. 1606 by Robert Bark- ham. Elizabeth, mar. at St. Mary Alder- mary, London, 6 May 1611, to Sir John Garrard of Whethampsted, Herts, Bart.; died 17 April 1632, aet. 39; bur. at Whet- hampsted. Susan, bapt. at St. Lawrence Jewry, London, 18 Jan. 1595-6; mar. to Robert Walpole of Houghton, Nor- folk; bur. there 9 Nov. 1622. He was born 23 Sept. 1593; died 1 May 1663. M.L Jane, bapt. at St. Lawrence Jewry 16 May 1602; mar., 1626, to Sir Charles Caesar of Bennington, Herts, Knt., Mas- ter of the Rolls; died 16 June 1661 at Great Haddam, set. 60 ;. bur. at Bennington 27 June. Margaret, bapt. at St. Lawrence Jewry 16 May 1602; bur. at Tottenham 15 June 1603. Margaret, bapt. at Tottenham 18 Dec. 1603; mar. (as 3rd wife) to Sir Anthony Irby of Boston; died 28 Nov. 1640, s.p. Sir Edward Barkham of=j=Franees, dau. of Sir Thomas Southacre, Norfolk, 2nd Bart.; proved his father's will; bur. there 1667. Aug. Berney of Redham, Norfolk; mar. at Tottenham 31 July 1622; bur. at Southacre 25 July 1667. John Barkham, bapt. at St. Lawrence Jewry, London, 28 Oct., bur. at Tottenham 16 Nov. 1597. Grace, daii. of Lewis,=Sir Edward Barkham,: Lord Rockingham; Bart., son and heir, of bur. at Southacre 30 Southacre, Norfolk; March 1658, s.p. 1st adm'or to 1st wife's wife. will 18 June 1661; died 1687. b =Frances, 2nd dau. of Sir John Napier of Luton Hoo, Bed- ford; re-mar. to Henry, Lord Richardson ; bur. at Southacre 19 Nov. 1706. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 85 A. B| C Penelope, died 11 June Ellen, dau. and Susanna, mar. to Anthony Smith- 1678; bur. at South- heir, mar. to son of Aniline, West Riding Yorks, acre. Charles Yallop and of Tottenham, Middlesex, son — of Beauthorp, of Sir Hugh Smithson, Bart. Mary, bur. at Southacre Norfolk ; living =P 22 March 1671. 1696. zjx Sir William Barkham,= Bart., bapt. at Totten- ham, Middlesex, 26 Feb. 1638-9; bur. at Southacre, Norfolk, 28 Dec. 1695. Judith, 4th dau. of Sir John Halsey of Gaddesden, Herts; re-mar. to ... . Holworthy, son of ... . Holworthy of London, merchant; bur. at Woolwich 19 March 1723-4. John Barkham, bapt. at St. Mary, Alder- manbury, 11 Dec. 1643; bur. at South- acre 29 July 1670. I I Edward Barkham, born 2, bapt. at St. Andrew's, Hol- born, 9 Nov. 1692; bur. at Southacre, Norfolk, 28 Dec. 1695 on the same day as his father. Jane, bapt. at All Hallows, Honey Lane, 12 Feb. 1682-3; bur. at Totten- ham 26 Oct. 1684. Mary, bapt. at All Hallows, Honey Lane, 23 March 1685- 6; carried away from St. Giles-in-the-Fields to be bur. 28 Dec. 1724. Theodosia, bapt. at All Hal- lows, Honey Lane, 21 March 1686- 7; carried away from St. Giles-in-the-Fields to be bur. 2 July 1711. Anne, bapt. at All Hallows, Honey Lane, 25 Dec. 1688. Elizabeth, posthu- mous child, bapt. at St. Andrew's, Holborn, 21 April 1696; bur. there 23 of same month. I I Frances, bapt. at Tot- tenham 16 Sept. 1624. Jane, bapt. at Totten- ham 8 Sept. 1630; mar. at St. Mary, Alderman- bury Within, 22 Feb. 1648-9, to Anthony,son of Sir Drew Deane. Lucy, bapt. at Tottenham 20 Feb. 1639-40; mar. to Francis Wall; died 30 June 1681; bur. at Gey- ton Thorpe, Norfolk. Julian, bapt. at Tottenham 22 Feb. 1641-2 (?); mar. at St. Bride's, London, 23 Feb. 1679-80, to Leonard Sowersby. Joanna, bapt. at St. Mary, Aldermanbury, 3 Nov.1644; bur. there 13 Feb. 1644-5. Mary, mar. at Tottenham, 24 June 1656, to Noton Curtise of Gatton, Surrey. Penelope, died 11, bur. at Southacre 13 July 1675, set. 8. Sir Robert Barkham, Knt.,=pMary, dau. of Rich- of Tottenham High Cross | ard Wilcox of Lon- and of Wainfleet, bapt. at don and Tottenham; St. Lawrence Jewry, Lon- mar. at Tottenham don, 18 March 1598-9. Will dated 27 Feb. 1660-61; proved 18 July 1661; to be bur. in Tottenham Church. D 24 Nov. 1625; died 7, bur. there JL6 Dec. 1644, 83fc. 76. I John Bark- ham, bapt. at Totten- ham 7 Dec. 1604, I I Thomas Barkham, bapt. 2 June, bur. 29 Nov. 1600 at Tottenham. Hugh Barkham, bur. at Southacre 20 Oct. 1628. 86 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. D| I I I Margaret, bapt. at St. Bartho- lomew the Great, London, 15 Nov. 1629; bur. at Tottenham 20 Jan. 1652-3. Jane, bapt. at St. Bartholomew the Great 31 Oct. 1632. Alice, bapt. at St. Bartholomew the Great 5 May 1634; mar. (mar. bond dated April 1655) to Robert Coney of Walpole, Nor- folk; died 3 Oct. 1676, set. 41. Dorcas, bapt. at Totten- ham 29 Sept. 1636; mar. 1st to Sir William De- laune, merchant, of Shar- sted, Kent, and 2ndly at Camberwell, Surrey, 2 Sept. 1669, to Sir Ed- ward Dering of Gray's Inn, London, Knt., com- monly called " Bed Ned "; died 31 Oct. 1720, set. 84; bur. at Sharsted, Kent. I I Susan, bur. at Totten- ham 20 Sept. 1649. Mary, mar. at St. An- drew's, Holborn, 12 July 1654, to Rich- ard Nelthorpe of Scawby and had issue a dau., mar. to James Huxley, who was liv- ing 27 Feb. 1660-61; bur. at Scawby 30 Oct. 1662. 2. Robert Barkham, bapt. at Tottenham 10 Sept. 1643; entered at Gray's Inn 5 Feb. 1660-61; mar. at Burwell, 29 Jan. 1666-7, Frances, 2nd dau. of Sir Martin Lister of Burwell, Knt.; died 19 May 1691, 931. 47; bur. at Burwell (described then of Lincoln) 22 May. John Barkham, bur. at Tot- tenham 10 Jan. 1637-8. Robert Barkham, bur. at Tot- tenham 3 April 1641. Robert Edward Barkham, bapt. at Bark- Kelstern 6 Nov. 1673; died ham, 4 Mar. 1732-3, set. 59 ; bur. eldest at Wainfleet, St. Mary's; son. left the Wainfleet estates to Bethlehem Hospital. Frances, bapt. at Burwell 8 Oct., bur. 6 Dec. 1667. I I Susanna, bapt. at Bur- well 15 Dec. 1668. Mary, bapt. well 7, bur. 1670. at Bur- May 3. Michael Bark-=pJane,dau.of Nathaniel Thorold of=Daniel Leighton (son of Sir ham, described as Captain. 1st hus- band. Lincoln City; born on Tuesday, 1 Nov., bapt. at St. Peter's in Eastgate 8 Nov. 1687; Bed- chamber-Woman to Princess of Wales 1741; died in London. Edward Leighton of Wat- tlesboro', Salop, Bart.), Lieut.-Col. of General Evans' Horse 1741. 2nd husband. Michael Barkham, bapt. 8 Nov. 1710; bur. at St. Margaret's, Lincoln, 9 Feb. 1710-11. Sir Edward Barkham of Wainfleet^ born 20, bapt. at St. Bartholomew the Great, London, 24 March 1630-31; mar. at Tottenham Sept. 1656; created bart. 21 July 1661; Sheriff of Lincoln 1664; died 14 Sept. 1669; bur. at Wainfleet. :Anne, dau. and heir of Sir Robert Lee of Billcsley, Warwick; re-mar. to John Hodges of the Inner Temple, Recorder of Ipswich (licence of re-mar. dated 21 Dec. 1671, de- scribed as Mrs. Barkham of Sharsted, Kent, aat. about 28, widow, to be mar. at Newnham, Kent); living 1682. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 87 Edward Sir Robert Barkbam, Bart., Bark- of Wainfleefc, mar. Esther, ham, dan. and sole heir of Tho- bapt. at mas Jeffrey of Earlscombe, Boston Worcester, or as some say, 29 May of Wigtoft, Lincoln; died 1664. about 1701. Margaret, mar. at St. Bar- tholomew the Great, Lon- don, to Sir Edmund Jen- nings of Ripon, Yorks, Knt. He was set. 38 in 1665. Anne, mar. to Sir Jonathan Jennings of Ri- pon, a brother to Sir Edmund. Sir Edward Bark-= ham, Bart., of Wainfleet, died in London 13, bur. at Tottenham 15 Feb. 1710-11, s.p. =Mary, dau. and coheir of Robert John Wolley of Alford by Bark- Ann, dau. and coheir of John ham, Boswell of South Thoresby; ob. s.p. mar. at Louth 11 March 1704-5; bur. at South Thoresby 19 Dec. 1708. Mary,mar. Samuel New- comen of Bag Enderby, s.p. Hester, mar. James Smallpiece. Sisters and coheirs of Sir Edward Barkham, Bart. Barnartr of Caister* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, a bear rampant sable within a bordure engrailed of the last William Barnard of Bigby=j=Isabella . . . Thomas Barnard of Bigby,=pElizabefch, dau. of son and heir. I Cragg of Bigby. 2. Gilbert 3. John Barnard. Barnard. Catharine, mar. to Anne, mar. Jane, mar. to Elizabeth, mar. Isabell, un- Thomas Berry. to Robert Thomas to William Wat- mar. 1634. Sawyer. Lawrance. son. John Barnard of Caister 1634 and of Laceby,=plsabell, dau. of James Wright of J.P. for co. Lincoln; an attorney 28 May 1639; died 24 and bur. at Laceby 26 April 1663. Bradley, bapt. at Great Grimsby 6 Jan. 1604-5; living a widow at Laceby 16 Oct. 1670. 1. Elizabeth, bapt. at Caister 6 June 1630; set. 4 in 1634; mar. at Laceby, 14 Aug. 1655, to Henry Cressey of Hibald- stow. 2. Anne, bapt. at Caister 9 June 1634 ; mar. at Laceby, 6 Feb. 1654-5, to William Wetherall of the Bail of Lincoln. 3. Frances, bapt. at Caister 8 April 1638; mar. at Laceby, 26 Sept. 1654, to Lawrence Stanford. 4. Judith, bapt. at Caister 5 April 1642 and bur. there 6 April 1643. Isabella, bapt. at Caister 19 Nov. 1645. 88 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 1. William Barnard, set. about 12, 1634; mar. at Caister, 17 Dec. 1647, Elizabeth, 2nd dau. of Alexander Emerson of Caister. 3. Thomas Barnard of Laceby, mar. there, 19 April 1654, Elizabeth, dan. of . . . ., widow of ... . Stokes of Ludford. 4. James Barnard, bapt. at Caister 16 April 1633. 2. John Barnard of Caister, bapt,. there 10 Nov. 1628; Fellow^ of Lincoln College 29 Sept. 1648; Rector of Waddington, Pre- bendary of Asgarby, D.D. 1669 ; died at Newark 17 Aug. 1683; bur. at Waddington, aet. 55. 5. Charles Bar- nard, bapt. at Caister 30 Oct. and bur. there 7 Nov. 1639. =Lettice, dau. of Dr. Peter Hey- lyn. John Barnard, entered at Brasenose College 17 Nov. 1676, set. 15; Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxon, 1682; became a Roman Catholic, and took the name of John Augustine; Reader of Moral Philosophy 28 March 1687, resigned it and his Fellowship 1689; went into Ireland with King James, returned, and was reconciled to the Church of England 1690; Rector of Ludford 1701; Vicar of Kelstern 1702. BantarU oi ^ptls% [Had. MS. 1550.] Aems.—Argent, a bend lozengy purpure between six fleurs-de-lis azure. Crest.—A griffin's head erased argent, collared gules, chained or, charged with three barrulets of the second; on the collar three bezants. A confirmation of the arms and gift of the crest to Archibald Barnard, a Gascoigne born, and a free denison, and Lord of the Manor of Hagnaby, Lincoln, 24 November 1580, by Gilbert Dethick. Archibald Barnard of Spilsby,-=pKatharine, dau. of William Quadring called bailiff; bur. there 31 of Irby, Lincolnshire; bur. at Spilsby Jan. 1595. 1 April 1602. I 1. Frances, mar. to Lyon Kirk- man of Keal, co. Line, and had issue John and Dorothy. 2. Margaret, mar. to Robert Town- ley of Boston. 3. Bridget, mar. to .... Avery, and had issue Anne and Castia. Some say mar. to John Quad- ring of Hagnaby. 4. Thomasine, mar. to George Skarde of Risby, and had issue Rachel and Bird. Catharine, mar. to Richard Tur- pin of Friskney, and had issue Dorothy and John. Agnes, bur. at Spilsby 13 Oct. 1657. Dorothy, mar. Wil- liam Kirkman of Keal; a widow 9 June 1610, then of "Eas- ter Kele." Another authority makes her dau., not sister, of Richard of Hagnaby. She had issue Anne and Cicely. A LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 89 Li. I Thomas Bar-=pWinifred, dan. of nardofSpils- John Sewster of by, son and Steeple Morden, heir, 1592. Cambridgeshire; living 2 March 29 Eliz., 1586-7. 2. Richard Barnard of Hagnaby, 3. Henry bapt. at Spilsby 10 Nov. 1562; Barnard, mar. at Eagle, 23 Oct. 1588, Mar- bapt. at garet (called Mary in the register), Spilsby dau. of Robert Townley or William 18 Aug. Townley of Boston. 1565. Lyon Barnard,- son and heir, 1592 at Spilsby 1611. living ^Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Fuller of Holbeach; bur. at Spilsby 20 Jan. 1657-8, then a widow. Richard Barnard, died s.p. Zobathena, died s.p. Jane, bur. at Spilsby 23 Feb. 1577-8. Isabell, mar. at Spilsby, 22 Aug. 1594, to Robert Robinson. 1. Robert Barnard. 2. Thomas=pFrances? Barnard. dau. of 3. Jonathan Barnard, bapt. at Spilsby 17 June 1617. Anne, bapt. at Spilsby 15 Sept. 1613; bur. there 24 June 1627. Charles Barnard, bapt. at Spilsby 1 Aug. 1638. Barnartitstott of #reat Cotes, £mculit; 3^eX»tncyton ov luttcm, Suffolk; antr of [Harl. MSS. 1083, 1550.] Arms.—Azure, a /esse indented ermine between six cross-crosslcis argent. Crest.—A stork or, among rushes proper. . . . . de Barnardiston, temp. Richard I., 1189.=^ l i i William de Barnardiston, temp. Henry IIT.=p Simon de Barnardiston,=f= j temp. Henry III. i Walter de Barnardiston, temp. Edward I., 1295, 1302.=p I I I Alexander "de Walpole," son and heir of Walter Roger de Bar- A de Barnardiston. nardiston. YOL. i, N 90 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Geoffrey de Bar- nardiston, temp. Edward I., had Kedington with his wife. :. . . . dau. and heir of .... Novo Mercato, or New march. Peter de Barnardiston,=Margaret, heir of the Knight of the Shire family of Hodebovile, for Suffolk 28 Ed- living a widow in ward I., ward II. 5 and 6 Ed- 4 Edward III., 1330. Thomas de Barnardiston of Great Cotes,=pMargaret, dau. of Amicia de Bar- co. Lincoln, j.u., died before his wife. I RobertWilloughby. nardiston. i ''" ii Sir Thomas de Barnardiston of Ketton, Suffolk, Barnard-=f Lucy, dau. John (de isfcon, Suffolk, and Great Cotes, Lincoln, had a grant of and heir Keditone), free warren in Kediton and Barnardiston 21 Edward III., of Robert supposed 1347; a Knight of the Shire for Lincoln 1357; in the wars Havering o.v.m. of Edward HI.; summoned to attend the King at Rox- of Norfolk. — burgh, by writ dated from thence 1 Feb. 9 Edward HI.; Kathcrine. had Letters of Protection 30 Edward III., as " Thomas de Barnardiston, chevalier;" bur. at Kedington. Walter Barnardiston, son and heir, temp. Richard II.=pFrances, dau. of Thomas I Kingsman. John Barnardiston, temp. Margery, sister=William Ingham, who presented Richard II., died s.p. 1st of Sir John Bus- to the Rectory of Barnardiston husband. sey, Knfc. in 1401. 2nd husband. Sir Thomas=pIoanna, dau. and coheir of Sir Barnard- William Frank of Grimsby, is ton. Knt., by a dau. and heir of Sir Marmaduke Tunstall, Knt. John Barnardiston, Francis said to have been Barnard- Rector of Great isfcon. Cotes, died 1406. r Roger Barnardiston of Grimsby, paid aid for the marriage of= Blanche the King's daughter of half a knight's fee in Great Cotes, Michaelmas 5 Henry IV., 1403; presented to Bar- nardiston next after William Ingham 1415; described of Kedington in 1415, when lie presented to that living 1420, 1422, 1426; died circa 20 Henry VI., 1441-2; said to have been buried at Great Cotes. Isabella, dau. of Wil- liam Kelke of Bar- netby, near to Great Cotes and Grimsby. Brass to her memory at Great Cotes. 2. William Bar-=f Margery nardiston,proved j Dary. his brother's will 4 Dec. 1461. 3. Richard 4. Walter Barnardiston, Rector of Barnard- Ketton, presented 21 Henry VI. iston. Will dated 2 June 1467 ; proved at Norwich 2 July following. Edward Barnardiston of Kedington, legatee of his brother Henry. Will dated 24 Aug. 1480; mentions his wife Isabella, Henry Barnardiston of Keding- ton, bur. at St. Edmund's Bury 1.6 Feb. 1469-70. Will dated 6 Nov. 1463, Agnes. B LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 91 Alice, dau. of Sir- Henry Vavasour of Haslewood, Yorkshire, by Margery, dau. of Sir William Skip- wifch of Ormesby, Lincoln, Knt., Chief Justice of England. 1st wife. =Thomas Barnardisfcon of Great: Cotes, son and heir, presented his brother Walter to the Rectory of Ketton 21 Henry VI.; died 25 Sept. 1461. Will dated Feast of St. Matthew the Apostle, 21 Sept. 1461; proved at Lincoln 4 Dec. 1461; (to be) bur. in the choir of St. Nicholas at Great Cotes. =Joane, dau. of Sir Thomas Water- ton of....; died 21 Edward IV., 1481-2, seised of the manor and advowson of Great Cotes, then a widow; stated in the Lincoln Visitation to be the wife of Thomas Barnardiston, son of Thomas Barnardiston and Alice Vavasour, and mother of Sir Thomas, who married Elizabeth Newport. ?2nd wife. Sir Thomas Barnardiston, had a- grant from the Crown of a messu- age, etc., in Watling Street, Lon- don, and of the manor of Dollon, etc., in Beds and Suffolk; died 29 June 1503; bur. at Great Cotes, where is a brass of Sir Thomas and his wife, with eight sons and seven daughters, kneeling, etc. ^Elizabeth, dau. of George Newport of Brent Pel ham, Herts; bur. at Keding- ton. Will dated 6 Sept. 1526, (to be) bur. in the Church of the Priory of Our Lady at Walsingham; proved (C.P.C.) 26 Sept. following. Christopher Bar- nardiston, ex'or of his father's will 21 Sept. 1461. John Barnardis- ton, Rector of Kedington 1480. Elizabeth, mar. to Sir George Fitzwilliani of Mablethorpe, Lincoln. (? Margaret), mar. to Thomas, Lord Audley, of Walden, son of Geoffrey Audley of Earl's Colne, Essex; died s.p. Elizabeth, mar. to Wil- liam Eyre of Great Cressingham, Norfolk, Justice of the Common Pleas. He died 24 Oct. 1507; bur. at Great Cressingham. i i . . . ., dau., mar. to ... . Jeromy or Jermy. to dau., mar. . . Style. 3. John Barnardiston, Rector of Ketton 1506 and of Great Cotes 1549; supervisor to the will of John Bar- nardiston of Great Cotes 1549. 4. Edmund Barnardis- ton of Kedington. John Barnardiston, had a granfc= from the Crown "for ever" of the Rectory of Riby, Lincoln, 36 Henry Vlll. Will dated 9 Aug. 1549, then of Great Cotes, a to be bur. in the middle aisle there;" proved at Lincoln 29 Aug. 1549, and (C.P.C) 28 June 1550. :" Jenyt," widow of . . . . Lacon (sister of Sir G eorge Cooke, Priest), 1549. Will dated at Bolton Percy, York, 10 Nov. 1573, called "Johan;" proved (C.P.C.) 28 April 1575. Margaret, under age at her father's death ; mar. to Lyon Skipwith, and had Katherine, Margaret, and Ursula, 1573. Elizabeth, dau. and heir of=p2. George Barnardisfcon=. . . . dau. of Thomas Norfolk. Burley of 1st wife. Lynn, of Northill, Beds. frey and widow of Hatcliffe. 2nd wife. God- 92 LINCOLNSHIRE PJSMGHlEES. John Barnardiston, had a grant from the Crown= of the manor of Iokwell, Beds, 35 Henry VIII., 1543-4 ; Sheriff of that county 18 Eliz.; bur. at Northill 27 March 1587. Joan, dau. of Thomas Other Mellor of Lynn; bur. issue, at Northill Parish Church 27 Nov. 1568. 5. Sigismund Barnardiston of Over Cal- decott, Beds, mar. at North- ill, 15 June 1582, Mary Wynch; liv- ing 1605. 6. Edward Barnard- iston of Beeston, parish of Sandy, Beds. Will dated 16 Jan. 1604-5, (to be) bur. in the Parish Church of Northill; proved (C.P.C.) 27 Feb. 1605-6 ; s.p. Margaret, mar. at Northill, 23 March 1573-4, to William Fysshe of Biggles- wade. Susan, mar. at St. Helen's, London, 10 Sept. 1576, to Henry Skeggs of Eynesbury, Hunts. Sarah, mar. at Northill, 11 June 1582, to John Stukeley. A dau. (? Eliza- beth), mar. to .... Beckett, and had three daus., 1604. George Barnardiston, living 1604; of Gray's 10 Feb. 1608-9; mar. Margery, dau. of William Scott of Conghurst, Kent. John Barnardiston. Elizabeth. Martha. All living 1604. George Bar- nardiston of Northill and Ickwellbury, Beds, died 1575. r =Mary, dau. of Sir George Perient of Digswell, Herts, Knt.; bur. at Northill 15 Oct. 1577. 2. Christopher Barnardiston, bur. at North- ill 17 Feb. 1592-3, s.p. I I 3. Thomas Barnardiston, died before 1604, s.p. 4. John Barnardiston, bur. at Northill 1 Oct. 1593, s.p. Robert Barnardiston of- Northill, only son. ^Catherine, dau. of George Mordaunt, 3rd son of John, 1st Lord Mordaunt ; bur. at Northill 24 Sept. 1594. IC E 3. John Barnard- iston of Yielding, Beds, bapt. at Northill 11 Dec. 1597; mar. Mary, dau. of Thomas Wynn of Warden; died before 1660. 4. Richard Barnardiston, 1604; of Gray's 7 Aug. 1620 ; died s.p. 5. Robert Barnardiston, 1604, "to whom his great uncle left his chambers at GraieVInnand£50." He was bapt. at Northill 19 Sept. 1596; died s.p. Catherine, mar. to the Rev. William Chantrel of Walking- ton, Yorks. He was bur. at Holy Trinity, Hull, 30 Sept. 1643. Elizabeth, mar. to John, son of William Wynch. Mary, mar. to Thomas Bolton of Tottenham High Cross. Catherine. Margaret. Mary. Living 1660. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 93 0 jjE Mary, dau.= and coheir of Robert Hawes of Bedford. 1st wife. =Heniy Barnardis- ton, eldest son and heir, of Northill; of Gray's 1—10 Nov. 1608; liv- ing 1634and1638, but dead before 1660. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Anlaby of Etton, Yorks, by Sarah Oressy of Birkin, his 2nd wife, mar. at Etton 9 June 1635. 2nd wife. 2. George Barnardiston of London, Girdler, bapt. at Northill; mar. at St. Anne's, Blaekfriars, 14 Dec. 1637, Alice, dau. of Robert Ers- well of London; died s.p. Will dated 12 Nov. 1660; proved 10 March 1662-3 by his widow. 2. Judith, mar. at St. Mary Abchurch, Lon- don, 5 May 1647, to Gabriel Brister. Anlaby Bar- Henry Barnardiston, Captain of Foot, nardiston. Colonel in Sir Walter Vane's Regimen t. Catherine, ast. 1J in 1638. Robert Bar- nardiston of Ickwellbury, 1638; born about 1621. =Anne, dau. of Sir Wil- liam Vaug- han of Ter- racoed,Car- marthen. ■ i ii 2. Thomas Barnardiston. 4. Benjamin Barnardiston. 3. George Barnardiston. Both legatees of their uncle George, 1660. 1. Margaret, mar. to Philip Clarke of Edmonton,Mid- dlesex. George Barnardiston, living 1676; mar. Cathe- rine, dau. of Francis Tyler of London. Robert Bar- = . . . . dau. of nardiston. (? John) Dell. Sir Thomas Barnardiston, Sheriff of Suffolk^ and Norfolk 1511, and of Lincoln 1513. Will dated 6 Nov. 1542, then describes him- self as "Sir Thos. Barnardiston, Knt., the elder, (to be) bur. in the Church of Ketton," etc.; proved (C.P.C.) 8 Nov. =Ann, dau. of Thomas Lucas of Little Saxmundham, Suffolk, Solicitor- General to Henry VII.; she presented to Ketton Rectory 1555. Will dated 26 Dec. 1559; proved 3 May 1560; (to be) bur. with her husband. Agnes, mar. to William Ayloffe ofBraxted, Esq., High Sheriff of Essex and Herts 6 Eiiz. Elizabeth, mar. 1st to Bar- tholomew Brokesby, Esq., and 2ndly, as 4th wife, before Dec. 1559, to Fran- cis Clopton of Kedington, Esq. Mary, mar. to William Strang- man of Had ley Castle, Essex, Esq. Margaret, 1542,1560. Anne, 1560. Sir Thomas Barnardiston of Great: Cotes, set. 32 in 1541; had a grant from the King of the manors of Wratting, Suffolk, etc., 35 Henry VIII. Will dated 10 Sept., proved (C.P.C.) 2 Oct. 1551 ; leaves his lands to his son "Thomas, in remainder to Tho- mas, son of one John Barnard- iston of Northill, Beds, with re- mainder to George Barnardiston," etc. f =Mary, dau. of Sir EdwardWalsing- ham of Scad- bury, Kent, Knt., Lieutenant of the Tower ; mar. 2ndly, as 3rd wife, to Francis Clopton of Ked- ington, Suffolk. 2. Leonard Bar- nardiston of Mai- den, Essex, Rec- tor of Beaumont, Essex, 1543. 3. William Bar- nardiston, Rec- tor of Langham, Essex, 1543, and of Ketton until 1555. 4. John Barnardis- ton, under 21 in 1542, 1560. Elizabeth 1560. &4 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGUEtlS. Elizabeth, mar. 1st to John Everard of . . . ., and 2ndly to Sir Charles Framlingharn of Crowshall, Knt. Anne, mar. to William Clopton Hannah, of Liston Hall, Essex. He died died un- 25 Oct. 1612, set. 73. Elizabeth, dau.= of Thomas Han- dle t of Hamells in Braughing, Herts; died 26 Sept. 1584, set. 39 ; bur. at Ket- ton. 1st wife. :Sir Thomas Barnardiston of G-reat Cotes, Patron- of the Rectory 1614, son and heir; under age at his father's death; a ward of the King under Sir John Cheeke 1553 to 1557, and after that of Lady Cheeke; knighted at Bury 1578; aet. 42 in 1585; was included in the list of Baronets to be first created 1611, and the Patent was "sealed," but it was " stayed," not given out; died 23 Dec. 1619; bur. at Ketton, Norfolk. Will dated 28 Sept. 16 James I., 1618; proved 2 Feb. 1619-20, then described of Clare, Suffolk. mar. :Anne, dau. of .... Bygrave of. ..., Beds, yeoman; mar. lie. Bishop of London 3 Feb. 1587-8; proved her husband's will 2 Feb. 1619-20. 2nd wife. Giles Barnardiston of Clare, Suffolk, under age 28 Sept. 1618; one of the Assessors for the county during the Protectorate, 1657; mar. Philippa, dau. of Sir William Waldegrave of Smallbridge, Suf- folk, Knt. Samuel Bar- nardiston, died young. Grisel, bapt. at Totten- ham 1 April 1593; died unmar. 27 June 1609. Monument and effigy at Ketton. Hannah, bapt. at Clare 7 Nov. 1605; mar. at St.Olave's, Hart Street, London, 24 May 1623, to John Brograve of Hamels in Braughing, Herts. He was bapt. at Braughing 24 April 1597, and bur. there 21 Feb. 1670-71. Ann, mar. (as 1st wife) at Clare, 1 Jan. 1610-11, to Sir William Clopton, Knt., of Kentwell Hall in Melford, Suffolk. She died 4 Feb. 1614-15, set. 20; he died March 1618, aefc. 27; both bur. at Melford. 1. Thomas 2. Giles Bar- 3. Giles Barnardiston, supposed to be he who signed Barnardis- nardiston, the articles for the surrender of Colchester Castle, ton, bapt. bapt. at Clare which took place 27 Aug. 1648 at the King's at Clare 9 1 May 1622; Head Inn ; bapt. at Clare 26 Jan. 1624-5 ; died at April 16215 died infant. Chelmsford, Essex, 11 of 11 th month 1680, having died s.p. become a Quaker. Will dated 5 June 1679. 4. William Barnardis- ton, bapt. at Clare 3 Sept. 1637; bur. at Steaddishall 29 Oct. s.p. 5. Philip Barnardis- ton, bapt. at Clare 2 6 Jan. 1631-2. 1. Elizabeth, bapt. at Clare 17 March 1619-20; mar. to .... Plumbe of Es- sex. i i 2. Jemima, died s.p. 3. Anne, bapt. at Clare 27 Nov. 1634; mar. to .... Johnson of Lon- don, merchant. i Edmund Barnardiston. William Barnardiston. Both appear to have died young. Mary, mar. 1st to Richard Colvile of Newton, Isle of Ely, and 2ndly to Thomas Golding, Esq., of Hinck- worth, Herts, Elizabeth, mar. (as 1st wife) to Sir Anthony Everard of Great Waltham, Essex, Knt. He died 1614. Monument and effigy. =r LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 95 Mary, dau. of- Sir Richard Knightley of Fawsley, Norfchants; died 3 March 1594. 1st wife. =Sir Thomas Barnardisfcon of Witham,= Essex, 1610; High Sheriff of Suffolk 22 Eliz., 1580; knighted at White- hall 23 July 1603; bur. at Ketton. Nuncupative will made on the day of his death, v.p., 29 July 8 Jac. I., 1610; proved (C.P.C.) 1 Nov. follow- ing. =Katherine, dau, of Thomas Banks of London, Serjeant- at-law, and widow of Bar- tholomew Soame of London; proved her husband's will 1 Nov. 1610; mar. 3rdly to William Towse, Serjeant- at-law, and died 3 March 1632-3, s.p. Will proved (C.P.C). 2nd wife. Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston of Great Cotes 1618: (? knighted at Theobalds 21 Dec. 1618), knighted at Newmarket 15 Dec. 1618; High Sheriff of Suffolk 1623, and represented the county in three Parliaments in the reign of Charles I., and for Sudbury in 1625. He was imprisoned for re- fusing the "ship money, coat and conduct money, and the loan," in the Gate House, etc.; he sat in the Long Parliament from 1643; died at Hackney 25 July 1653, set. 65; bur, at Ketton 26 Aug. following. :Jane, dau. of Sir Stephen Soame, Knt., Lord Mayor of London, of Little Thurlow Hall,Suffolk; liv- ing 2 March 1618-19 ; died 17 Aug. 1669; bur. at Ketton 15 Sept. following. 1. Thomas Barnard- iston, died infant. 4. Thomas Barnard- iston, died infant. See Barnardiston of Brightwell. i 3. Arthur Barnardiston of the Inner Temple, and one of Cromwell's Masters in Chancery, mar. Ann, widow of Sir Eoger Thornton of Snailwell, Knt., and dau. of James Harvey of Dagenham, Essex; bur. at Ketton 18 Nov. 1677. =p 5. Thomas Barnardiston of= Bury, Suffolk, Comptroller of the Mint for 11 years and more; he is not men- tioned in the will either of his father or grandfather ; mar. (as his 1st wife) Ann, dau. of Henry Austin of London, merchant; died 14 March 1681-2, set. 88; buried at Ketton. M.I. :Ann, dau. of Henry Pol- stead of Lon- don, mer- chant; mar. at St. Anne's, Blackfriars, 20 May 1635. 2nd wife. 1. Elizabeth, mar. to Sir William Fish of Carlton, Beds, Knt. 2. Mary, died infant. Arthur Barnardiston, called Long Arthur, died s.p.; buried at Ketton 13 Aug. 1711. Thomas Barnardis- ton, bapt. at Snail- well, Cambs, 2 Aug. 1635. Ann, mar. to the Rt. Rev. Ed- ward Fowler, Bishop of Glou- cester, who died 26 Aug. 1714; she died 19 Dec. 1696; both bur. at Hendon, Middlesex. M.I. Mary, baptized at Snailwell 21 March 163-. All supposed to have died s.p. INN Cleare, died an infant. Margaret, mar. to Richard Poulter, Esq. Ann. Elizabeth. Catherine. 96 LINCOLNSHIRE PUDIGJIEES. Mary. Elizabeth. Sarah. Ann. Lydia. i Susan, mar. at All Hal- lows, Staining, Lon- don, 18 Feb. 1668-0, to Thomas Morin. H Abigail, mar. at All Hal- lows, Staining, London, 18 Feb. 1668-9, to Jo- siah Gierke. Thomas Barnard- is ton, eldest son, of London, a Tur- key merchant; died 21 (.31) Oct. 1704, set. 67 ; bur. at Ketton. ^Elizabeth, dau. of John Clarke, M.P. for Bury St. Edmunds in 1640, and sister of Sir Samuel Clarke of Snailwell, Bart. She was bur. at Ketton May 1700. 2. Nathaniel Barnardiston of Dublin in 1678, when he made his will; mentions his brother. 3. Samuel Barnardiston, Smyrna. 4. John Barnardiston. then in Thomas Barnardiston of Wyvers- ton, Suffolk, and Bury St. Ed- munds; of Gray's 14 June 1701; born and bapt. at Hackney, M iddle- sex, 18 Aug. 1677. -Mary, dau. of Sir George Downing, Bart., by Frances, dau. of Sir William Howard of Naworth Castle,Cumberland, and sister to the first Earl of Carlisle; mar. at Melford, Suffolk, 28 June 1705; died 1728, set. 57; bur. at Ketton. Thomas Barnardiston, bapt. at St. James's, Bury St. Edmunds, .... 1706; admitted to Middle Temple 29 January 1723-4; Ser- jeant-at-law; called to the bar of the Common Pleas, Westminster, 5 June 1736; heir in remainder to the Downing estates, which were ultimately devoted to the foun- dation and endowment of Downing College, according to the will of the above-named Sir George Downing; died 14, bur. 20 Oct. 1.752, at Chelsea, Middlesex. George Bar- nardiston. Ann. Lucy. All died unmar. Ii Mary, mar. to Edward Goate, Esq., of B rente - leigh, Suffolk. Elizabeth, mar. at St. Anne's, Soho, 1.4 Sept. 1743, to Dr. John Ewer, Bishop of 1 jlan- datf 1761. and of Ban- gor 1768. 2. John Barnard- iston, bapt. at Hackney 18 Nov. 1680; died unmar. 14 Jan. 1700-1. 3. Samuel Barnardiston, bapt. at Hackney 8 May 1684. 5. Benjamin Barnardiston. 4. Nathaniel Bar- nard is ton of Lon- don, merchant, bapt. at St. James's, Bury, 23 Dec. 1681. =Bcthia, dau. of Timothy Fowler. All died unmar. Timothy Barnard- iston, Barrister-at- law, admitted to Middle Temple 10 May 1728; died unmar. 1743. Nathaniel Barnardis- ton (? of London, stockbroker, died 6 Jan. 1771). G eo rge 1 $ ar n a rd is ton, died s.p. John Bar-r nardiston of Lincoln's Inn, solici- tor. =Ann, dau. of Edward Leeds of Croxton, Cam- bridge, Serjean t-at-lawj sister to Henrietta, wife of John Howard the philanthropist; mar. 31 May 1754, LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 97 Edward Barnard- is ton, died an infant. Mary, only child= of Richard Cooke, Esq., of Cheshunt, Herts, mar. at St. Olave's, Hart St., London, 30 Nov. 1778; died s.p. 178.1. 1st wife. L) ^Nathaniel Barnardiston=f of Fenchurch Street, London, and of the Eyes Lodge, Essex, born 28 Sept. 1755; died 23 Dec. 1837, set. 83; bur. at Ketton. =Elizabeth Joanna,only child of John Stack- house Styles, Esq., of Kingston,Surrey j mar. 25 Feb. 1783 ; died 13 March 1843; bur. at Ketton. 2nd wife. See Burke's " Landed Gentry." 6. Clarke Bar-=f=Anne, nardiston of | dau. of London, linen- draper, bur. at Ste- Ketton 7 Aug. phens 1731. of Lon- don. Elizabeth, mar. at St. James's, Bury St. Edmunds, 28 April 1704, to John Ibbott. Margaret, bapt. at Hackney 15 May 1679; bur. at St. James's, Bury St. Edmunds, 25 Oct. 1680. I I I Anne, bapt. at Hackney 23 Feb. 1682-3; bur. at St. James's, Bury St. Ed- munds, 2 May 1714,u nmar. Mary or Margaret. Sarah. I I Clarke Barnardiston, born 12 July 1721 ; in Mer- John Bar- chant Taylors' School ; bur. at Hackney 20 June nardiston. 1774. Both died s.p. Thomas Barnard- iston, Merchant Taylor, bapt. at St. Peter's, Corn- hill, 4 May 1719. George Barnardiston, son and heir: of John Barnardiston of London, Vintner; born in Doctors' Com- mons circa 1699; one of the eight City attorneys; clerk of the Vint- ners' Company; admitted to the Middle Temple 11 April 1713; died in Jamaica. =Martha, dau. and coheir of George Wilcox, High Bailiff of Westminster and Duchy of Lancaster; mar. at St. Mildred's 8 Oct. 1717; bur. in St. Andrew's, Holborn, 7 March 1746. Grace. Elizabeth. Anne. 1. Martha, mar. at St. Olave's, Jewry, London, 15 Aug. 1758, to Hickman Young of Lon- don. 2. Grace, died un- mar. 3. Elizabeth, born in Vintners' Hall; mar. at St. James's, Westminster, 31 March 1751, to Thomas Constable, Esq., of Chertsey, Surrey. 2. John Barnardiston, master of: Benet College, Cambridge, 1764, Prebendary of Lincoln 1769; B.D.; Rector of Fulmerstone and Thurning, Norfolk; born 30 May 1719; died 17 June 1778; bur. in the College Chapel. Monument in Chelsea Church. K VQL. I, :Hester, dau. of .... Powell; niece to the widow of Dr. Conyers Middleton; mar. 17 April (? 18 May) 1760. J, 1 1 1. George Barnardiston, young. 3. George Barnardiston, young. died died 4. Thomas Barnardiston,born in the Poultry; died young. 98 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. I Hester, only dau. and heir,- born 30 May . . . .; mar. before 6 Aug. 1783. =Rev. Richard William Yates, M.A. of Queen's College, Oxon, Rector of Solihull, Warwickshire, only son of the Rev. Richard Sutton Yates, D.D.; died there 26 Jan. 1805. Two sons and two daus. Barnartitettin of luttxm antr Bri$)ttoell, to, Suffolk* Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston of Ketton, Suffolk, and of=f= Jane, dau. of Sir Great Cotes 1618; knighted at Newmarket 15 Dec. 1618; High Sheriff of Suffolk 1625; represented the county in three Parliaments; in the reign of Charles I. he was imprisoned for refusing the "ship money, coat and conduct money, and the loan" in the Gate House, etc.; he sat in the Long Parliament from 1643; died at Hackney 25 July 1653; bur. at Ketton 26 Aug. following. (See preceding Pedigree.) Stephen Soame of Little Thur- low Hall, Ket- ton, Knt., Lord Mayor of Lon- don; living 2 March 1618-19. Sir Thomas Barnardiston, eldest son and heir, of Gray's= 1 May 1635; knighted by King Charles I. 4 July 1641; assessor for Suffolk 1643 and other years; a noted Parliamentarian; M.P. for Bury St. Edmunds 1640; M.P. for Suffolk 1654, 1656, 1658-9; created a bart. 7 April 1663; ex'or of his brother Sir W. Armyne, Bart., 30 March 1668; bur. at Ketton 14 Oct. 1669. =Anne, dau. and coheir of Sir William Armine of Osgodby, Lincoln, Bart.; born there 6, bapt. at Lavington 8 Aug. 1624; bur. at Ketton 25 Aug. 1671. 1. Joan, bapt. at St. Andrew's Under- shaft, London, 10 July 1643; bur. at Ketton 29 June 1664. 2. Mary, 1668, mar., after that date, to Sir Joseph Brand of Ed- wardston, Suffolk, Knt. 3. Anne, 1668, bapt. at Ketton 10 Dec. 1655; mar. to Sir Philip Skippon of Wrentham, Suffolk, Knt., son of the cele- brated Parliamentary general; died 11 Oct. 1683. He died 8 Aug. 1691. Both bur. at Ketton, 4. Elizabeth, 1668, bapt. at Ketton 30 May 1659; mar. to Tho- mas Williams of Tendring Hall in Stoke Nayland, Suf- folk, 5. Armine, 1668, bapt. at Coleby 22 Dec. 1664; bur. at Ket- ton 10 April 1677. 6. Martha, 1668. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. B 3. William Barnard- iston, o.s.p. 4. Nathaniel Barnard- is ton. 5. Samuel Barnard- iston, bapt. at Ketton 20 May 1654, o.s.p. 6. Michael Bar- 7. John Barnardiston, merchant, nardiston, mer- bapt. at Ketton 11 June 1658; chant, bapt. at styled 4th son 30 March 1668; mar. Stallingboro' 19 Margaret, dau. of Sir Robert Cordell July 1666; died of Long Meiford, Suffolk, Bart.; at Smyrna un- died s.p. She died at sea (? bur. at mar.; bur. at Ketton 30 Nov. 1687); adm'on 19 Ketton 7 June Jan. 1690-91 to Samuel Blackerby, 1679. attorney for her husband. 1. Nath a- 2. Sir Thomas Barnardiston, succeeded^ niel Bar- as 2nd Bart.; of Gray's 19 June 1667; nardiston, inherited Silk Willoughby, Lincoln, bur. at from his uncle Sir W. Armine 30 Ketton March 1668; M.P. for Suffolk and 25 March Sudbury temp. Charles II. and Wil- 1678, s.p. Ham and Mary, and for Grimsby 1685 and 1688; died 7 Oct. 1698; bur. at Ketton, Suffolk, 15 Oct., aet. 52. Elizabeth, dau. and sole sur- viving issue of Sir Robert King of the Boyle in Ireland and Sophia Zouch (dau. of Sir Edward Zouch of Woking, Knt), his wife, relict of Ed- ward Cecil, Viscount Wim- bledon; bur. at Ketton 21 Nov. 1707, 93t. 55. Sir Samuel Barnardiston, suc- ceeded as 5th Bart., of Lyston Hall, Essex, and of Ketton, bapt. there 20 Jan. 1680-81 ; mar. in Aug. 1730 Catherine, dau. of Sir Rowland Wynn of Nostel, Yorks; died at Ketton Hall, Suffolk, 4 Feb. 1735-6, s.p.; bur. there 13 Feb. She was bur. there 3 Dec. 1757. John Barnardiston, mar. Sophia, dau. of .... Rich of Scotland, relict of William Grey, brother of Lord Grey; living in 1714, but died before his brother Sir Samuel; bur. at Ket- ton 11 Dec. 1731. T Sophia, bur. at Ketton 15 March 1678-9. Elizabeth, bapt. at Ketton 2 June 1683. Armine, a dau. All died in infancy- Sir John Barnardiston, succeeded his uncle Sir Samuel as 6 th Bart., died at Meiford; bur. at Ketton 29 Sept. 1745. I Sir Thomas Barnard- iston, succeeded as 3rd Bart., born 7 Aug. 1674; M.P. for Suf- folk; died 12, bur. 21 Nov. 1700, in great state, at Kediton. =Anne, dau. and coheir of Sir Richard Roth- well of Staple- ford, Lincoln, Bart.; died 21 Feb. 1701-2. Sir Robert Barnard- iston, succeeded as 4th Bart., of Ketton; bur. there 24 July 1728. His widow was bur. at Long Meiford 20 Feb. 1737-8. Nathaniel Bar- nardiston, bapt. at Ketton 20 May 1679; died in the East Indies, unmar. Elizabeth, eldest dau. and coheir, born 23 Jan. 1694-5; died unmar.; bur. at Ketton 7 May 1711. Anna Maria, 2nd dau.= and coheir, bapt. at Ketton 1 July 1697; mar. 27 Sept. 1716; died 3, bur. at Eltham 12 Feb. 1750-51. :Sir John Shaw of El- tham, Kent, Bart., died 4 March 1739. Charlotte, 3rd= dau. and co- heir, mar. 1729; died 19 Feb. 1731-2. 2nd wife. See Burke's " Peerage and Baronetage." :Sir Anthony Thomas Ab- dy of Felix Hall, Essex, 3rd Bart.; died 11 June 1733, s.p.m. 100 LINCOLNSHIRE £EL>IGitEE!S. Nathaniel Barnardiston of Hackney, mar., 24 May 1648, Eliza- beth, dau. of Nathaniel Bacon of Fris- ton, Suffolk. Thoma-= sine, dau. of Joseph Brand of Edward- ston,Suf- folk; died 1654. 1st wife. =Sir Samuel Barnardiston of Brightwell,=Mary, dau. . Suffolk, born 23 June 1620; created a bart. of Sir Abra- 11 May 1663, remainder to his brothers ham Rey- Nathaniel and Pelatiah. It is remarkable nardson, that this individual gave the title of Knt., Lord "Roundhead" to the whole political party Mayor of which he and his family supported. M.P. London for Ipswich temp. Charles II.; Deputy- 1649. 2nd Governor of the East India Company; wife, of Gray's 10 March 1673-4; imprisoned by Judge Jeffreys; died s.p. 8, bur. at Brightwell 28 Nov. 1707, set. 88. 1. Sir Samuel Barnardiston of Brightwell, Suffolk, 2nd Bart., heir of his uncle Sir Samuel; of Gray's 10 Feb. 1679-80; mar., 13 Aug. 1709, Martha, dau. and co- heir of Thomas Richmond of London, apothecary (she remar. at Gray's Inn to Charles Edwin); died s.p. 3 Jan. following; bur. at Ketton 11. I I 2. Sir Pelatiah Bar- nardiston, succeeded his brother as 3rd Bart, in 1709-10; died unmar. 4, bur. at Ketton 13 May 1712. 3. Nathaniel Bar- nardiston, died un- mar. ; bur. at Ketton 10 Sept. 1668. I I 1. Jane,mar. to Robert Mann, son and heir of Mr. Alderman Mann of Nor- wich. 2. Elizabeth, mar. to Samuel Blackerby of Gray's Inn, Mid- dlesex. i i Anne, died infant; bur. at Ket- ton 13 Dec. 1651. Martha, bur. at Ket- ton 24 Dec. 1667. I Pelatiah Barnardiston of Hack- ney, merchant, to whom the baronetcy of Brightwell was limited on failure of heirs male from his 3rd brother Sir Samuel and from Nathaniel his 2nd brother; bur. at Ketton 23 July 1679. -Martha,dau. of Rich- ard Turner of Totte- ridge, Herts, and sis- ter to Sir William Turner of Bromley, Middlesex, Knt.; bur. at Ketton 29 June 1687. 5. Stephen Barnardiston. 6. John Barnardiston. 7. William Barnardiston, a Turkey merchant. All died unmar. Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston of Brightwell, Suffolk, Martha, bur. only son, succeeded as 4th Bart.; heir of his at Ketton 7 cousins; died s.p. at Brightwell 21 Sept., bur. July 1671. there 3 Oct. 1712. I Jane, bur. at Ketton 24 April 1673. Mary, dau. of- Sir Richard Lloyd of Hal- lom, Notts, Knt.; mar. in Westmin- ster Abbey 2 Jan. 1671-2; bur. at Ket- ton 19 May 1687. 1st wife. c =8. Arthur^ Barnardis- ton of Hox- ton, Middle- sex, bur. at Ketton 7 Jan. 1691-2. Adm'on, York, to Sa- muel Bar- nardiston 24 July 1700. =Mary, dau. of Samuel Luke of Woodend,Beds. Her 1st hus- band was Simon Middleton, her 2nd Ellis , and she mar. 4thly to Samuel Blackerby, Esq. 2nd wife. 1. Ann, mar. to Sir John Rolt of Mil- ton Ernest, Beds, Knt. 2. Jane, mar. 1st to John, son and heir of Sir Robert Brooke of Cockfield Hall, Yox- ford, Suffolk. He died s.p. 1652, and she remar. as 2nd wife to Sir William Blois, Knt., of Grund- isburgh. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. ioi o| I 1. Samuel Barnardiston of Lon- don, merchant, mar. Anne, dau. of Samuel Blackerby of Gray's Inn, Esq.; died 7 Oct. 1725, set. 50. She died 6 June 1727, set. 43. Both bur. at Brightwell. I I 2. Nathaniel Bar- nardiston, died young. Jane, died unmar.; bur. at Ketton 16 June 1704. Mary, mar. to Sir Robert Clarke of Snailwell, M.P. for Cambs, Bart.; died Jan. 1732-3. He died 18 Nov. 1746. Samuel Barnardiston, only son, died 15 Feb. 1743. Anne, dau. and: coheir of John Morrice of New- man's Hall, Es- sex, Esq. ; mar. 1728;diedl731. 1st wife. =r=3. ArtL :3. Arthur Barnard- iston, a merchant at Smyrna, and after- wards of Brightwell Hall, died at Staines 3, bur. at Brightwell 11 April 1737, set. 52. =Mary, dau. of Richard Jennens of Prince- thorpe, Warwick, and of Thorp Mandeville and Weston-by-Weedon, Nor than ts, Esq.; sister and coheir of Richard Jennens; bapt. 13 Oct. 1709; mar. at St. James's, Picca- dilly, 20 July 1732; died at Hayes, Middle- sex, 7, bur. at Brightwell 18 May 1788, aet. 79. 2nd wife. Anne, mar., 8 Aug. 1752, to Thomas Whetham of Wybos- ton, Beds, Esq., and of Stagenhoe Park, Herts; bur. at Bright- well 5 Feb. 1763. He died at Beach wood, Herts, 27 Nov. 1806 (see "Gent. Mag.," 1807, p. 84). Mary, mar. to ... . Jefferys; died ccel. 29 July 1760. I I Arthur Barnard- iston, posthu- mous son, born 15 April 1737; died 15, bur. at Brightwell 23 Feb. 1742-3, aet. 6. Jane, died un- mar.; bur. at Brightwell 8 July 1737. Elizabeth ,- dau.andco- heir of her mother; mar. at St. George's, Queen's Square, London, 25 Nov. 1756; died 18 March 1803. :Richard Heberof Marton, Esq., Lord of the Manors of East and West Mar- ton and a moiety of the Manor of Hartlington, and Patron of the Rec- tory of Marton, all in Yorkshire; also Lord of the Manor and Patron of the Rectory of Hodnet, Salop; died at Marton 22 July 1766, aet. 39; bur. there. See Burke's " Landed Gentry." Bant* of #rims% [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Azure, three leopards* heads cabossed or. Sir George Barne of London,^Alice, dau. of ... . Knt., Lord Mayor 1552. Brooke of Salop. 2. John=y= Jane, dau, of 1. Anne, mar. to Alexan- 2. Elizabeth, mar. to Sir John Barne. Thomas der Oarhill or Carlyell Rivers, Alderman of London, Langton of of London, gent., and Knt., Lord Mayor in 1574. Yorkshire, 2ndly to Sir Francis She died 27 Feb. 1583; bur. Esq, Walsingham, at Hadlow, Kent. A B 102 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 1. Mary, dau. and coheir, mar. to Francis Roberts of Willesden, Middlesex. 2. Elizabeth, dau. and coheir, mar. to Ed- ward, 2nd son of Sir James Altham of Markes Hall, Essex. Sir George Barne, Knt., citizen and= haberdasher of London, Sheriff 1576, Lord Mayor 1586, and was then knighted; died 1592. :Anne, dau. of Sir William Garrard of London, Knt. (who was Lord Mayor 1555), and Dorney, Bucks. Adm'on 8 Jan. 1611-12, then of St. Edmund's in Lombard Street, London, widow. i i 2. George Barne. 3. Francis Barne, adm'or of his mother 8 Jan. 1611-12; o.s.p. I I 4. Thomas Barne, s.p. 5. John Barne. i i 6. Mark Barne, mar. and had two sons, George and Richard. 7. Peter Barne. Anne, mar. to Walter Mar- ley (? Master). I Richard Barne=Elizabeth, dau. of Sir of Tangley, Francis Aungier, Surrey, died s.p. afterwards Lord Aun- 6 Oct. 1620. gier, Master of the Rolls in Ireland. i Sir William Barne of- Woolwich, Kent, Knt., adm'or of his mother 8 Jan. 1611-12; died at Woolwich 7 May 1619. Anne, dau. of Ed- win Sandys, D.D., Archbishop of York; born 21 June 1570. 3. Thomas Barne, 3 Aug. 1610. 4. Miles Barne,: Rector of Bishopsbourne, died 1 Sept. 1670, set. 70; bur. at Barham. :Jane, dau. of... . Travis or Travers of Chipping Nor- ton, Oxon; died Oct. 1689, set. 84; bur. at Barham. i i 5. John Barne, 3 Aug. 1610. 6. George Barne, 3 Aug. 1610. Anne, only dau., mar. after 3 Aug. 1610 to Sir William Love- lace of Lovelace, Kent. Barne of Dunwich and Sotterley Park, Suffolk. 1. Sir Wil-^Dorothy, dau. liam Barne of Wool- wich, Knt., 3 Aug. 1610. of Sir Peter Manwood of St. Stephen's, Canterbury, Knt. and Bart. William Barne, o.s.p., only son. 2. Robert Barne, godson and adopted^ son of Sir Robert Remington of Sax- by, Lines., President of Munster in Ireland, who bequeathed him his lands in England and Ireland on con- dition of his taking his name; under age 13 March 1610-11; proved Sir Robert Remington's will 14 Aug. 1612. :Elizabeth,dau. of Thomas Twysden of Wye, Kent; bur. at Great Grimsby 27 July 1637. Ill I I 2. Frances, set. 10 in 1634. 5. Elizabeth, bapt. at Great 6. Elizabeth, bapfc. — Grimsby 28 Oct. 1632; at Great Grimsby 3. Mary, set. 5 in 1634. bur. there 17 Nov. follow- 14 Sept. 1634. — ing. 4. Anne, set. 3 in 1634. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 103 1. Robert Barne, son and heir, set. 8 in 1634, o.s.p. 2. William Barne, bapt. at Great Grimsby 24 Sept. 1633; bur. there next day. 1. Carola, aet. 11 in=pSir Roger Harsnett, 1634; bur. in West- minster Abbey clois- ters 17 May 1676. Serjeant-at-Arms, bur. in Westminster Abbey cloisters 27 Oct. 1692. Elizabeth Harsnett, bur. in Westmm-=pWilliam Lowndes, Secretary of the Treasury, ster Abbey cloisters 8 Nov. 1680. I bur. at Winslow, Bucks, 29 Jan. 1723-4. 1st wife. z]\ Selby-Lowndes of Whaddon, Bucks. Barnetoell of i^tamfortr* [MS. D. 23, Heralds' College.] .... Barnewell.=j= i 1. Francis Barnewell. well of Tixover, Rutland. John_Barne-=f=Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Fitzwilliam of Scampton, co. Lincoln; bapt. there 30 Oct. 1583; widow of, or remar. to, Christopher Blunstone (? Blome) of Dene, Nor than ts. Francis Barnewell of: Stamford 1666. :Sarah, dau. and coheir of William Palmer of Dalby, Leicester. Eliza-=Francis Calde- beth. cott. 1. Francis Barnewell, aet. 21 in 1666. 2. John Barnewell. 3. Fitzwilliam Barnewell. 4. Daniel Barnewell. i i 5. Charles Barnewell, bapt. at St. Mary's, Stamford; bur. there 21 Oct. 1654. 6. Michael Barnewell, bapt. at St. Mary's, Stamford, 6 Oct. 1660. I I 7. David Barne- well. 8. Robert Barne- well, bapt. at St. Mary's, Stam- ford, 30 June, bur.l5Julyl660. I I Elizabeth. Sarah, bapt. at St. Mary's, Stamford, 7 Dec. 1662; bur. there 5 Aug. 1663. Baron of Boston. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, a mullet or, in chief a crescent and decrescent en face argent. Crest.—On a torse argent and azure a bird of the first, holding in its clatvs a snake proper. Stephen Baron, a Frenchman, living=f Philippe, dau. of at Orleans 1 June 1564, .... Petit. 104 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. John Baron Peter Baron, D.D., Licentiate in Civil Law= (see Baron and Professor of Divinity, Cambridge; de- Pedigree in scendedof a French family; bornatEstampes; the uVisita- Bachelor of Civil Law at the University of tion of Lon- Bourges 9 April 1556, being then between don, 1568," 22 and 23 years old; ordained at Geneva HarleianSo- 1560; came to Cambridge and incorporated ciety's Edi- there, 3 Feb. 1574-5, Lady Margaret Professor; tion, p. 94). died in Crutched Friars, London, bur. at St. Olave's. He was set. 64 at the making of his will, 1 March 1598-9; proved 27 April 1599. :(xuillamette, dau. of So- phen Bour- gouin, a Frenchman, merchant; mar. at Gien in France in May or June 1563. Florent Baron. i 1. Martha, born= at Orleans 1 Junel564;bapt. the same day; proved her hus- band's will 27 June 1606. II =Robert 2. Mary, born at Sancerre on Breart, Friday 26 May. born at — Rouen; 3. Elizabeth, born at Cam- living in bridge 24 Aug. 1577 at nine in London the morning; mar. to John 13 June Locton of Boston (mar. lie. 28 1606. May 1600) ; bur. 29 Dec. 1634 at Boston. 4. Catherine, mar. to Peter Vandeleur of Boston, mer- chant; bur. at Boston 22 March 1664-5. 2. Stephen Barron, born at Orleans 4 Nov. 1567-8; bapt. the same day; died at Orleans 4 Feb. 1568-9, set. 3 months. 3. Stephen Bar- ron, born at Sancerre 10 Oct. 1568 ; died next day; bur. at Sancerre. 4. Andrew Barron of Bos-=pHester, dau. ton 1634; born at Cam- bridge 8 June 1574; bapt. the Sunday following; bur. at Boston 25 May 1658. Adm'on 29 Nov. 1658 to George Slee. of Houbiton of London; bur. at Bos- ton 1 April 1639. 1. Mary, bapt. at Boston 7 June 1606; bur. there 21 June 1608. I 2. Hester, bapt. at Boston 10 Jan. 1607-8; mar. there 23 Sept. 1628 to George Slee of Barnstaple, Devon; bur. at Boston 17 Aug. 1637; her husband styled "comptroller." 3. Mary, bapt. at Boston 19 March 1608-9; bur. there 7 March 1637-8. I I Margaret, at Boston 1610-11. bur. Jan. Judith, bapt. at Boston 20 March 1612-13. 1. Peter Barron of Boston, Doctor of= Physic, J.P. for co. Lincoln; born at Orleans 15 Jan. 1566-7 about nine in the evening; bapt. the next day; bur. at Boston 7 Sept. 1630. Will dated 31 May 1626; proved 22 Feb. 1630-31. -Mary, dau. of Nicholas de la Fontaine by Michele, sister of Erasmus de la Fontaine alias Wicart, of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London; mar. before 22 May 1612; heir of her brother Nicholas Fontaine, merchan t, 24 Sept. 1617; bur. at Boston 26 April 1628. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 105 Martha, dau. of Miles Forest of= Morborne, Hunts, and of Peter- borough, North ants; bapt. at Morborne, Hunts, 3 Sept. 1592; mar. lie. 22 Aug. 1617, he aet. 22, she 22; bur. at Boston 7 Aug. 1632. I I I 1, Peter Barron, bapt. at Boston 7 July 1622; aet. 13, 1634; bur. there 19 Sept. 1651. Stephen Baron. Peter Baron, bapt. at Bos- ton 28 Feb. 1618-19. :Peter Barron of Boston, son and: heir, Commissioner of Sewers; proved his father's will 22 Feb. 1630-31; bur. at Boston 31 Aug. 1657. Nuncupative will dated 15 July 1657; proved 25 Sept. 1659. =Joane . . . ., sole legatee of her hus- band and adm'ix 1659. 2nd wife. 1. Mary, bapt. at Boston 9 April 1620. 2. Frances. 3. Elizabeth, bapt. at Boston 11 Dec. 1623. II II Philip Baron, Frances, bur. bur. at Boston at Boston 27 19 Nov. 1651. Dec. 1653. Edward Baron, Catherine, born 9 Jan., bur. at Bos- bur, at Bos- ton 12 Oct. ton 4 Feb. 1657. 1654-5. Samuel Barron of Lynn, Norfolk, M.D., Fellow of=f Frances, only daiL ofJThomas Peterhouse, Cambridge, younger son 31 May 1628; "admor. de bonis non" of his father 29 Dec. 1664; died 12, bur. Tuesday, 15 April 1673, at 4 P.M. at All Saints' Church, South Lynn, Norfolk. Goddard, Stanhow, Norfolk; mar. 15 Feb. 1630-31; died 19, bur. 21 June 1667 at All Saints', South Lynn, Norfolk. 1. Samuel Baron, born 10 Dec. 1633. 2. Peter Baron, born 1 Jan. 1636-7. 3. Thomas Baron, born 1 Feb. 1641-2. 4. Andrew Baron of Lynn, Nor- folk, M.A., Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge, entered 2 May 1661; B.A. 20 Jan. 1664-5; Fellow 24 May 1666; M.A. 20 March 1667-8; born 18 June 1645; died 14 Aug. 1719, aet. 73 $ bur. at All Saints', South Lynn, Norfolk. 5. Samuel Baron, born 16 July 1646. 6. Henry Baron, born on Lammas Day, 1 Aug. 1651. 1. Mary, born 1 Aug. 1632; mar. at All Saints', South Lynn,24Mayl660, to Simon Taylor. 2. Frances, born 15 Oct. 1635; mar. to Peter Pretyman; died 24 Dec. 1666; bur. in St. Nicho- las, South Lynn, Norfolk. 3. Esther, born 26 July 1640. 4. Elizabeth, born 7 Oct. 1641. 5. Bridget, born 24 Dec. 1643. 6. Martha, bom 4 Jan. 1647-8. Mr. Maurice Barron of London mar., 24 Aug. 1728 (at All Saints', South Lynn ?), Mary Taylor of Lynn. YOL, I, P 106 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Bassett oi east iual Arms.—Or, three piles gules, a canton harry, ivavy of six pieces argent and of the second. Crest.—A boar's head erect and erased gules, gorged with a ducal coronet or. Thomas Bassett of North Luffenham, Rutland.=p i John Bassett of North Luffen-=f Anne, dau. of ... . Rouse of ham, Rutland. | Rouselench, Worcester. John Bassett of North Luffenham, Rut- land, living 9 June 1610; proved his father-in-law's will 3 June 1603, and that of his mother-in-law 11 July 1615. :Elizabeth, dau. of George Lyon of Rock- ingham, Northants, yeoman; living 20 April 1603; ex'trix of her mother Eliza- beth Lyon of North Luffenham 11 July 1615. I I 4. George Bas- sett, under age 1 June 1615. 5. Nicholas Bassett, under age 1 June 1615. Thomas Bas- sett, living 2( April 1603 died s.p. James Bas- sett, living 20 April 1603; died s.p. Barbara, living un- mar. 20 April 1603 and 1 June 1615. Elizabeth, under age 1 June 1615. Sarah, under age 1 June 1615. Wibura, mar. to Edmund Hunt of North Luffenham, co. Rutland, after 20 April 1603; living 26 May 1654. 4. Anne, mar. to Thomas Herenden of Barkwith, co. Lincoln, before 20 April 1603. Anne, dan. and- coheir of John Kirkman of Keal; mar. at Spilsby 1 Jan. 1612-13. =1. John Bassett of= East Keal 1618, also of Scremby. Will dated 26 May 1654; proved 6 July 1658. =Elizabeth, dau. of; liv- ing 26 May 1654. I 2. Francis Bassett, under age 1 June 1615. 3. Edward I sett, under June 1615; legatee of brother John May 1654. his 26 I Kirk ham Bassett, set. 2 in 1618. William Bas- sett, set. 14 in 1634; proved his father's will 6 July 1658. 1. Cathe- rine, 3Bt. 2 in 1618. Anne or Amy, living 1618; mar. to .... Mark ham, liv- ing 26 May 1654. Elizabeth, mar. at Spilsby, 27 Feb. 1639-40, to James Daye; living 26 May 1654. Mary, a legatee of John Bassett 26 May 1654. William Bassett, Curate of=f=Lydia, dau. of ... . Adderley Harpswell 1696; Vicar of of Chesterfield; mar. 28 Oct. Glentworth 1696; died 10 1697; died 13 May 1729, May 1729, set. 66. set. 54. A LINCOLNSHIRE 2EDI&REES. 107 3. John Basset, born 30 1. Elizabeth, born 20 Sept. 3. Anne, born 7 Sept. Sept. 1708. 1698. 1710. 4. Charles Basset, born 24 July 1712. 2. Lydia, born 19 July 1705. 4. Katherine, born 14 July 1715. 1. Ralph Bassett, born 14 Oct. 1700; Curate of Toft-by-Newton 1722; Vicar of Great Corringham 1724; bur. there 17 Nov. 1740. 2. William Bassett, Arch- deacon of Stow; born 7 June 1703; Vicar of Glentworth 1725; Curate of Toft-by-Newton 1727; bur. at Glentworth 13 July 1765, set. 63. ^Elizabeth, dau. of George Whichcott of Harpswell, bapt. there 20 March 1705-6; mar. 19 Feb. 1729-30; bur. at Glentworth 19 Feb. 1774, aet. 71, according to the monu- ment. 4. Thomas Bassett, born 22 Jan. 1746-7. 5. John Bassett, born 22 Feb. 1747-8. 6. Charles Bassett, born 21 July 1749 ; had a wife liv- ing at Glentworth in 1811. 1. Frances, born 22 Feb. 1730-31. 2. Katherine, born 14 Jan. 1731-2. 3. Elizabeth, born 14 April 1734; bur. 30 May 1736. I I 4. Harriet, born 4 Nov. 1736 ; bur. 1737. 5. Anne. I I 1. Wil- 2. George Bassett, born 27 Sept. Ham 1740; Vicar of Glentworth 1765; Bas- Rector of Toft-by-Newton 1768, sett, resigned about Easter 1779 ; Vicar born 18 of Gainsborough and Willoughton; Nov. died at Bath 16 Dec. 1796, yet. 57; 1738. bur. at Glentworth. 3. Richard Bassett, in= the Army, afterwards of Glentworth; born 15 Sept. 1744; bapt. 17 Oct. following; died at Glentworth 12 July 1805; bur. there. 6. Lydia, born 17 Feb. 1741-2. 7. Charlotte, born 20 Sept. 1743. =Martha, dau. of Joseph Armitage of High Royd, Huddersfield; mar. 1 July 1774. Henry Bassett, Rec-= tor and Patron of North Thoresby, Vicar of Glentworth andSaxby,B.A.; born at Glentworth 12 April 1778; died at Lincoln 1 May 1852. :Catherine, dau. of John 1. Mar-= Fardell of Lincoln, tha,born Deputy-Registrar of the 27 Sept. Diocese, etc.; mar. at 1776; St. Margaret's in the died 18 Close of Lincoln 1 Oct. Feb. 1811; died at Lincoln 1867. 6 June 1859. John Wilson of Seacroft Hall and Cliffe Hall, both in York- shire,Esq.;died 12 Nov. 1836; bur. at Whit- kirk, Yorks. Harriet, born 24 April 1781; died 23 Nov. 1796. 4. John Fardell Bassett, Vicar of Normanby andGlentham 1864; B.A.; born24March 1827; mar. 1st at Aberystwyth, 29 July 1862, Ann Palmer, dau. of the Rev. Charles Moffat of Minster Yard, Lincoln (she died s.p. 25 Sept. 1867), and 2ndlyat Fillingham, 28 July 1870, Egiinton Mary, dau. of Rev. Joah Bates Wakefield, Vicar of South Shore, Lancashire. Catherine Mary, only dau., born at Glentworth 5 Oct. 1825; mar. there, 4 June 1850, to Rev. John Gilbert-Day of Pitsford, Northants (M.A. of St. John's Coll., Cambridge; late Vicar of Naseby, Northants; born at Ril- lington, near Malton, 15 Aug. 1819). 108 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 1. Henry John Bassett, born 29 Sept. 1812; died at Glentworth 18 Sept. 1815. 2. Richard Edward Bas- sett of Lincoln College, Oxon, B.A.; born 2 July 1815; Rector and Patron of North Thoresby 1875; living unmar. 1875. 3. Henry Bassett of Ingham, Lincoln, born 18 Jan. 1817; mar. at St. Pancras, 3 Jan. 1856, Emily Mary, dau. of Henry Wood, Esq., of London. Henry John Bassett, Isabel Katharine born 17 Jan. 1859. Emily. Phoebe. T [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Gules, three chevronells argent Cricst.—A head in profile, couped at the neclc and ivinged sable, on a wreath argent and gules. Robert Bawde of Somerby, Lincoln, J.P.,^Katherine, dau. and heir of John died 5 Feb. 1509-10; bur. at Somerby. Bluett of Somerby; living in 1464. I John Bawde of Somerby^Jane, dau. of Gilbert Hussey. Elizabeth, living in 1464. | j , Elizabeth, mar. to Mary, mar. 1st to William Berkc- Bridget, mar. to Anthony Thomas Arm- ley of Wymondham, Leicester, Gray of Halliwell in strong of Corby and 2ndly to Everard Ashby of parish of Deane, Lanca- (see that Pedigree). Loseby. shire. Jane, dau. of Hugh- Edwards of Maxcy Castle, Norbhants (sister of John Ed- wards). 1st wife. John Bawde of Somerby, died 8 Jan.=Anne, dau. of John 35 Henry VIIL, 1543-4. Will dated Meercs of Kirton and 19 Dec. 35 Henry VIII., 1543; proved 7 May 1545, and another will proved Feb. 1546-7; (to be) bur. at Somerby. widow of John Tarn- worth of Leake; liv- ing 19 Dec. 1543. 2nd wife. Frances, under age 19 Dec. 1543 (? mar. as 1st wife to Francis Trappes of London. His will proved 21 March 1576-7). Anne, under age and unmar. 19 Dec. 1543; mar. 1st to Henry Hornby, 2ndly to Henry Stevenson, and 3rdly to ... . Stubbs. Elizabeth, mar. to William Par- ker of Cumber- worth, Lincoln. Mary, mar. to Sadler of Willoughby- in-the-Marsh. Charles Bawde of Somerby,=pKathcrine, dau near Grantham, 1562; out. 12 in 36 Henry VIII., 1544; died 10 April 37 Eliz., 1595. A of Edward Bussy of Hather; liv- ing 1559 and then mar. 2. Hugh Bawde, mar. Edward Jane, dau. of .... G old- Bawde, smith, and had three had a daus., viz., Mary, Pru- son Ed- dence, and Elizabeth, ward. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 109 I I Elizabeth, mar. to William Margaret, mar. to Thomas Bridget, mar. to John Berry of Willougbby. Lawrence of Bedfordshire. Staveley. Barbara, mar. to . Noone. Mary, mar. to William Dorothy, died unmar. Goodyon. Maurice Bawde,=j=Dorothy, 5th dau. of son and heir, 1592; a3t.33in37 Eliz., 1595; of Somerby, senior, 24 May 1619. Thomas Cotton of Con- ington, Hunts; mar. between 20 April 1558 and May 1592 ; living 3 Nov. 1606. I I John Bawde, died s.p. John Bawde, mar. Joane, 3rd dau. of Thomas Cotton of Conington. Arthur or An- thony Bawde, mar. Jane, dau. of ... . Hunger- ford of Glouces- tershire. Elizabeth, young. died Lucy, died young. . I Elizabeth, mar. to LyonWalden of Buck worth, Hunts. Frances, mar. to ... . Lox- den of Hunt- ingdon, o.s.p. Katherinc, mar.=William at St. Peter's-at- Hone of Arches. Lincoln, Fornham, 11 Aug. 1635. Suffolk. Maurice Bawde of Somer-- by 22 July 1626; called junior 24 May 1619; Colonel in the King's Army; killed at Naseby 14 June 1645. =Mary, dau. of Sir Richard Coney of Whissendine, Rutland; living 1659-60; a lega- tee of Thimelby. George i i 2. Edward Bawde, died s.p. 4. Robert Bawde, died s.p. i i i Thomas Bawde. John Bawde. Robert Bawde. i i Charles Bawde, died youug. 2. Thomas Bawde, mer- chant. Charles Bawde- of Somerby, Captain in the Royal Army; »fc.40inl666. =Mary, dau. of Peregrine Brad- shaw of London and Wymond- ham (Page to Queen Anne of Denmark, Esquire to the body of King Charles I., youngest son of Anthony Bradshaw of Duffield, Derby). 4. William Bawde, merchant. 5. Maurice Bawde, merchant; B.A. Lincoln College, Oxon, 15 April 1648. 1. Charles Bawde, a3t.; 12 in 1666. 2. Maurice Bawde, 3. Peregrine Anne. Susan, born 1656. Bawde. Thomas Bawde, born 1679; died 23 July 1705,=. . set. 26; bur. at Oundle, Northants. iio LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. JSatotm oi Boston* Arms.—Argent, on a chevron sable, between three lions' heads erased gules, three fleurs-de-lis of the first. Crest.—A lion's head, as in the arms. William Bawtree of Boston, mer-= chant of the staple of Calais; bur. at Boston. Will dated 4 May 1504; adm'on (C.P.C.) 12 May 1509. Joan, dau. of William Quadring of Thomas Quadring; ex'trix of her husband Bawtree, 4 May 1504; bur. at Boston. Will living dated 1 Jan. 1508-9; proved (C.P.C.) 1504. 11 May 1509. Edward Bawtree of Boston, mer-=p.. . . dau. chant of the staple of Calais; was of Martin under age 6 Jan. 1508-9; proved Newco- his father's and mother's will. Will men of dated 6 Feb. 1531-2; proved 9 Saltfletby. April 1533 ; (to be) bur. at Boston. I I I Agnes, mar. to Hum- Margaret, phrey Bate of Bos- — ton, merchant of the Elizabeth, staple of Calais; lega- Both tee of her father and under age mother. in 1508_9# William Bawtree, 1. Jane, under 2. Mary, under 18 on 6 Feb. 3. Margaret, only son, under 18 on 6 Feb. 1531-2; mar. to Thompes under 18 on 6 age 6 Feb. 1531-2. 1531-2. alias Thompson of St. Ives, Feb. 1531-2. Hunts. Leonard Bawtrie and Agnes Chester, mar. at Boston 25 Jan. 1579-80. Leonard Bawtrie of Boston, Serjeant-at-law 21 May 1618.=Mary, dau. of ....; Adm'on granted 17 Feb. 1625-6 to Richard Hooper, a living 17 Feb. 1625-6. creditor, then described of Carlby. Hammond Bawtree, Vicar of Friskney 1610-47, aet. 17, 8 March 1604-5. 3SapIp of iLdutft. [Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Or, a /esse gules, in chief three hearts of the second. Crest.—A talbofs head argent issuant from an earl's coronet or. [Note in MS.—" This is written under ye arras in ye visitation in ye office by ye hand of Clarencieux Lee: '1 never saw any authority for this coate and crest, and therefore I never allowed thereof.' "] Geoffrey Bay ley, clerk, Vicar of Louth. Ad- m'or 19 Nov. 1561 to William Bayley his nephew. Robert Bayly: of Louth, co. Line, bur. there 27 March 1545. =Anne, dau. and sole heir of Stephen Parkhouse of Somercotes (son of Thomas Parkhouse by dau. and heir of Thomas Beverley). She died 18 July 1558. Will dated 3 April 1558. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Ill A | 2. John Bayly, 3. Thomas Bayly of Louth,=p. . . « dau mar. twice. living 3 April 1558, and of... . bur. there 17 Nov. 1588. I South. John Bayly, bapt. at Louth 1 Dec. 1566. 4. Robert Bayley, living 3 April 1558. Frances, bapt. at Louth 1 June 1577. Mary, dau. of John- Topcliffe of Somerby, widow of ... . West; mar. at Louth 24 Nov. 1545; bur. there 22 April 1549. 1st wife. =William Bayly of Louth, son and= heir of his mother, aet. 33 and more 2 Aug. 1 Eliz., 1559; died 2 Oct. 3 Eliz., 1561. Adm'on 25 Oct. 1561; 2nd adm'on "de bonis non " 13 July 1591. :Jane, dau. of Clarke of Market Rasen; adm'ix of her 1st husband 25 Oct. 1561; remar. at Louth, 14 Dec. 1562, to William Simcotts. Anne, bur. at Louth 22 Aug. 1548. Robert Bayly, bapt. at Louth 20 April 1552. William Bayly, bapt. at Louth 30 Oct. 1560. 2. John Bayly of Louth, = adm'or "de bonis non" of his father 13 July 1591; living 7 Dec. 1602; also described of Stewton. Adm'on (C.P.O.) 19 Nov. 1603. =Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Roger Death of G-os- berton; living 7 Dec. 1602; mar. at Whap- lode, 15 March 1603-4, to Edward Skipwith of Benniworth, whose will she proved 14 Feb. 1619-20. Edward Bayly of Stewton, bapt.z at Louth 7 July 1562; one of the six assistants of Louth in 1611; proved his father-in- law's will 12 July 1603; adm'or of his brother John 19 Nov. 1603. Will dated 7 and 12 Jan. 1618-19; proved 28 April 1619; (to be) bur. in the choir of Stewton. :Dorothy, dau. of Oliver Keinthorp or Kenny- thorpe of Louth, yeo- man; mar. at Louth 12 Aug. 1600; proved her husband's will 28 April 1619; mar. 2ndly Isaac Wright of Stewton, clerk; mar. lie. 7 Feb. 1623-4. Mary,' mar. at St. Mar- garet's in the Close of Lincoln, 21 Oct. 1546, to Richard Smith of Lincoln, Attorney to the Corporation there. Anne, bapt. at Louth 22 July 1553. Joan, bapt. at Louth 8 June 1561. 1. William Bayly. 1. Anne. 2. Edward Bayly. 2. Elizabeth. All under 18 years of age 7 Jan. 1618-19. John Bayly, bur. at Louth 30 Dec. 1605. Henry Bayly, bur. at Louth 21 Feb. 1611-12. I George Bayly, living 19 Jan. 1611-12. 112 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Rose, dau. of. . . ,=f=Martin Bayly of Cawthorpe. Will= Beech of Welton; dated 1 Sepfc. 1625; proved 9 June mar. afc Louth 26 1626 ; mentions his dau. Smythe, July 1574; dead in his son-in-law Mr Robert Smythe, 1606. 1st wife. his dau. Frances Austen, and his "unthrifty son Hunston Bayly." =Elizabeth Hodg- son, mar. lie. dated 11 July 1606; probably dead in 1625. 2nd wife. William Bayly, bapt. at Louth 20 March 1576-7; bur. 1 June 1577. Stephen Bayly, bapt. at Louth 23 Jan. 1578-9; supervisor to his father's will. William Bayly, second surviv-=pAnne, dau. '" - of Stain ton; mar. at Louth 2 Oct. 1611. ing son, bapt. at Louth 19 March 1580-81; ex'or to father's will. Will dated 24 Feb. 1628-9 ; proved 22 Oct. 1629. Martin Bayly, legatee in Rose, bapt. at Louth Elizabeth, bapt. 1625 of his grandfather. 10 Jan. 1612-13. at Louth 2 Feb. — — 1615-16. William Bayly. Frances. Ann, bapt. at Louth 10 May 1618. Hunston Bayly, mar. lie. dated 18 Jan. 1614-15, set. 31. Mary Pellet t of Ley bourn, tridow, aet. 50. i John Bayley,=pKatherine Richard mar. lie. dated 4 Nov. 1623, set. 30. Hodgson Bayly, of Beesby, young- widow, est son. set. 27. I I Rose, bapt. at Louth Feb. 1574-5. Anne, bapt. at Louth 26 Nov. 1575. John Bayly, legatee of grandfather in 1625. [Note—This addition to the Bayly Pedigree is from wills, etc., at Lincoln.—A. E. M.] Mtzkt of fctneoto atttr Cfierrp »tllm$)am* [MS. D. 23, Heralds' College.] Akms.—-Or, two bars dancetty sable, on a chief azure three annulets argent. . . . Becke.=p i i." William Becke of Saxby, Gent. Will dated 13 April, proved 13 May 1622; appoints his nephew William Becke of Grasby ex'or; men- tions nephew Robert Becke of Selby. I _ Becke. William Becke, pur- chased lands in Scaw- by and Sturton about 2 Sept. 31 Eliz., 1589. John Bekke of Lincoln City, purchased his freedom Mon- day next after Michaelmas, 1514. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 113 Robert Becke of Sel- by, de- visee in 1622. William Becke: of Saxby, mar. lie. 9 Dec. 1623, aefc. 21; ex'or to uncle William Becke of Saxby; died 3 Dec. I. 3 Ca 1627. AJ ^Bridget, dau. of Robert Kelke of Barnetby; marriage settlement dated 20 Oct. 21 Jac. I., 1623; set. 23 in 1623; living 2 Oct. 5 Car. I., 1629 ; remar. to William Smith of Audleby before 11 Dec. 1638. John Becke of Lincoln, bur. at St. Michael's- on-the- Mount 10 July 1577. John Becke, M.A., Rector of Kettle- thorpe, held lands in Lin- coln ; died 14 May 1597; bur. at Ket- tlethorpe. William Becke, John Becke of Lincoln, apprent son and heir, to John Green of Lincoln, draper, aet. 2 years and 1 Aug. 7 Eliz., 1565; freeman 15 10 months "or Sept. 1572, at his appointment thereabouts" styled late of Halton by Burton 3 Dec. 3 Car.I.; Stather; Chamberlain of West bur. at Caister Ward 1580; Sheriff 1582; Alder- 20 Sept. 1655. man 21 March 1587-8; Mayor of Lincoln 1593 and 1602; J.P. 2 Jan, 1603-4; died 23 March 1620-21; bur. at St. Benedict's Church, Lin- coln. Will dated 20 Jan. 1617-18; proved 1 June 1621. =pMary, dau. Elizabeth, of ....; mar. at St. died 9 Dec. Michael's- 1617; bur. on-the- in St. Bene- Mount, dict's. 18 Jan. 1574-5, to Tho- mas Tay- lor. I I I 7. George Becke, took up=Rosa Bar- Mary, his freedom 16 Sept. 1606; tilmew, — Chamberlain North Ward mar. at St. Mary, mar. to Michaelmas 1616; living Martin's George Kent; 1617; had a lease of Water 27 Jan. apparently Close, late J. Becke's, 17 1617. dead in 1617. Sept. 1618; Sheriff 1622. Martha, mar. to Am- brose Rycroft of Lin- coln, mercer (mar. lie. 10 July 1605), Alder- man 1626; Mayor 1628. I I I 2. John 3. Tho- 4. Edward Becke, took up Becke, mas his freedom 11 May 1612; dead in Becke. of Lincoln, draper, 15 Jan. 1617. 1614-15; living 30 March 1621; Sheriff of Lincoln 1624; Coroner 16 March 1632-3; diedl0,bur.llMay 1663 at St. Benedict's. 5. Roger Becke, took up his free- dom 11 May 1612; Sheriff 1616; living 20 Jan. 1617-18. 6. Augus- tine Becke. Thomas Becke, living 1617 under age. 1 Martha, living 1617 under age and unmar. Mary, a legatee of her uncle Robert Becke 28 April 1654. Robert Becke of the city of Lincoln, took up his freedom 2 April= 2 Jac. I., 1604; Chamberlain of South Ward 4 Oct. 1604; Sheriff 1610; Coroner Michaelmas 1612, 1615; a draper 27 Jan. 9 Jac. I., 1612-13; living 1617; chosen Alderman 29 Nov. 1624; Mayor 1625 and 1640. Will dated 25 April 1654; proved 22 Jan. 1655-6; (to be) bur. at St, Bennet's. B VOL. i, :Frances, dau. of Thomas Hutch- inson of Thed- dlethorpe; mar. before 1609; liv- ing 1615. 114 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 2. George Becke, 1617,= of St. Benedict's, Lin- coln; styled clerk 25 April 1654; bur. at St. Martin's 12 Oct. 1668. ^Prudence Walker, mar. at St. Peter Vat- Arches 15 Jan. 1631-2, then de- scribed of that parish; bur. at St. Martin's 27 March 1666. 3. Thomas Becke, liv- ing20 Jan. 1617-18. 4. Robert Becke, living 20 Jan. 1617-18; died before 15 June 1670. Samuel George^ Becke, Becke, under age of Lin- 25 April coin. 1654. =Jane, dau. of. . . . Smith; mar. at St. Peter's in East- gate, Lincoln, 11 Feb. 1667-8; bur. at St. Mar- tin's 30 Jan. 1672-3. John Becke of Lincoln, chosen Common Councillor 7 Nov. 1668; had a lease, late his father's, renewed 15 June 1670. Prudence, bapt. at St. Martin's 29 April 1669. "I John Becke, took up his freedom 15 Sept. 1628; Common Councilman 19: Jan. 1632-3; Sheriff 1633; Coroner 25 Feb. 1636-7; Chamberlain 1638; Mayor of Lincoln 1641 and 1656; proved his father's will 22 Jan. 1655-6; ait. 60 in 1666; died 24, bur. 26 Oct. 1670 at St. Bennet's («t. 66, accord- ing to his epitaph). =Grace, dau. of John Allott. Robert Becke of St.: Benedict's, Lincoln City, Chamberlain South Ward Michael- mas 1658; woollen- draper, Sheriff, 1660; died 4, bur. 5 Aug. 1667 at St. Mary's. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Wetherell; mar. at St. Mary,Wigford, 28 Mar. 1658; bur. there 10 Aug. 1667. 2. John Becke, under age 25 April 1654; bur. at St. Benedict's 26 Oct. 1656. 3. George Beck, under age 25 April 1654; mar dau. of... . Bayton. Frances, under age and un- mar. 25 April 1654 ; mar. to George Skel- ton, Sheriff of Lincoln, 1658. John Becke, born=pSarah, dau. of John 1 July 1666; chosen Common Councilman 8 Aug. 1689; Sheriff 1690; bur. 25 Aug. 1695. Treese of Boston widow of Robert Peart; mar. at St. Peter-at-Arches 15 Sept. 1687; living 1703-4. Elizabeth, bapt. at St. Benedict's, Lincoln, 20 Oct. 1660. Grace, born 22 Nov., bapt. 9 Dec. 1662 at St. Benedict's. Frances, born 7, bapt. 17 May 1664 at St. Bene- dict's. Joan. John Becke, an apothecary, born 14, bapt. 30=pElizabeth, May 1695 at St. Benedict's; Chamberlain of | dau. of West Ward 12 Jan. 1720-21; Sheriff 1722; Alderman 7 June 1727; Mayor 1727; died 19, bur. 21 Oct. 1733 at St. Benedict's. Ellin or, bapt. at St. Benedict's 18 May 1693; bur. there 14 March 1694-5. Thomas Becke, died John Becke, bur. young; bur. at St. at St. Benedict's 8 Benedict's, Lincoln. Jan. 1727-8. Elizabeth, bapt. Anne, bapt. at St. at'St. Benedict's Benedict's 17 July 7 Jan. 1720-21. 1721. LlttOOLNSfilltE PEDIGREES. 115 Robert Becke, bapt. 19 July 1688; bur. at St. Benedict's 19 June 1689. I I 2. Thomas Becke of Lincoln, attorney, born^Alice, John Becke, 29 March 1690; bapt. at St. Benedict's, dau. of bapt. at St. Lincoln, same day..; had licence to practise .... Benedict's in Lincoln 11 April 1711; Sheriff's Clerk 21 April 1720; Chamberlain of South Ward 1720; 1691. died 19 Oct. 1757; bur. at Cherry Willing- ham, aet. 67. John Becke, only son, bapt. at Grantham 13 JNTov.- 1710; Receiver-General for the parts of Lindsey; Sheriff, Clerk of Lincoln 6 Oct. 1740; Sheriff 1752; Mayor 1759; died 17 Dec. 1763, set. 51, according to the register. Thomas Kellefcfc Becke, only son, bapt. 20 Aug. 1745; died 7, bur. 10 April 1780 at Cherry Willingham, set. 35. -Judith, dau. of .... Kellefct; sister and coheir of Colonel John Kellett of Sherwood Hall; died 30 Jan. 1791, 83t. 75. I Mary, only dau., bapt.=p Joseph Dell of the city of 17 Feb. 1740-41; mar. 1 Jan. 1767; died at East Place, Lambeth, Surrey. Lincoln, surgeon; died 16 Sept. 1795, aet. 55; bur. at Cherry Willingham, near Lin- coln. Judith=f=Henry Hutton. Rossiter, bapt. Sarah, bapt. at Grantham 21 Katharine, at St. Bene- June 1706; mar. 1st Charles bapt. at diet's 13 Jan. Newcomenof Lincoln who died St. Bene- 1712-13; bur. 176 7, and had a dau. Mary, who diet's 21 there 21 May mar. John Poxon; mar. 2ndly Dec. 1714. 1713. George Otter of Lincoln; bur. at Cherry Willingham 1775. Ellen, bapt. at St. Benedict's 9 July 1720; mar., 22 Aug. 1737, to Gervase Gib- son of Lin col n, apo th e- cary, Mayor 1749; bur. March 1799. 1. Edward Becke, died=p.. . . dau. before 18 Dec. 1646. I of i 2. Richard Becke, died before=p.. . 18 Dec. 1646. I of , dau. Robert Becke of- Whittonl8Dec. 1646; proved his uncle's will 22 May 1647. :. . . . Bartholomew Becke, liv- dau. of ing 18 Dec. 1646. Katherine, mar. to ... . Simpson; living 18 Dec. 1646. Edward Becke of Whitton, living 18 Dec. 1646. Robert Becke= of Winterton 18 Dec. 1646; proved his uncle's will 22 May 1647. A 116 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. A | i i j 1 Robert Becke of Ashby in=. . . . Thomas Beoke,=. . . . William Becke,=j= Bottesford,yeoman,dieds.p. dau. of died before 18 dau. of died before 18 Will dated 18 Dec. 1646; Dec. 1646. Dec. 1646 proved 22 May 1647. Martin Becke of Winterton Dorothy, only child, 18 Dec. 1646. 18 Dec. 1646. I [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, a bend between three bees volant sable. Crest.—A crescent or. Robert Beeston of the house of=j=. . . ., dau. of ... . Beeston in Cheshire. I Brown. i Richard Beeston of . . . near to Derby. ^Elizabeth, dau. of George Hare of Norfolk. Attwell Beeston of London, merchant, and: of Holton-le-Moor, Lincoln; died 11 Aug. 32 Eliz., 1590. :Ann, dau. of Laurence Norton, some say Richard Morton of South Cave, Yorks. Mary, dau. of= . . . ., widow of .... Hooke. wife. ^Nicholas Beeston of Hol-=f=Anne, dau. of George Lynn 1st ton-in-le-Moor 1634, bar. in the chapel of Holton 18 Sept. 1653. Will dated 5 Dec. 1652; proved 29 Sept. 1653. of Southwark, Northamp- ton; remar. to Sir Thomas Caesar, a Baron of the Ex- chequer, the brother of Sir Julius. 2nd wife. Ellen, mar. to John Wood- ward of London, William Bceston,^Elizabeth, a student in Lin- , dau. of coin's Inn 1622; Richard set. 30 in 1634. | Bishop of Hems well. Thomas Beeston, living 1652. John Beeston, liv- ing 1652; died 10 Oct. 1653. Robert Charles Beeston of Beeston. Holton-le-Moor, — living 1652. Will Nicholas dated .10 Oct. Beeston. 1653; proved 5 May 1654. Richard Beeston, living 1653. Anne, living 10 Oct. 1652; mar. at Oais- ter, 9 Oct. 1660, to Joseph North, draper. i Douglas, mar. at the chapel of Holton-le-Moor, 15 July 1658, to Edmund Wright of Market Rasen, tanner. Frances, mar. at Holton-le-Moor, 22 Nov. 1659, to Francis Rock- clifife. A LINCOLNSHIRE fEDIGHEES. 117 j | I I Afcwell Beeston, or rather=pElizabeth, 2nd Mary. Martha. Ottowell or OfchowelJ, of Great Grimsby; proved his brother's will May 1654; bur. at Great Grimsby 11 Feb. 1667-8. William Beeston, living 10 Oct. 1653. dau. of William Brighouse of G reat Grimsby, bapt. there 26 Sept. 1629. Frances. 1. Elizabeth, eldest dau., 10 Oct. 1653. Anne, bapt. at Great Grimsby 26 Nov. 1667. Elizabeth, mar. to Ralph Power of Caister ; bur. there 28 Dec. 1647. Mary, bur. at Great Grimsby 27 May 1668. Judith, dau. of ... . Bird ; = mar. at Boston 13 Dec. 1698; died 4 May 1706; bur. at Boston. 1st wife. =William Beeston of=f=Lucy, only dau. of John Tooley Boston, born 1673; died 10 May 1743, aet. 70; bur. at Boston. and Isabella Maria his wife, born 1689; died 18 June 1762, set. 73 ; bur. at Boston. 2nd wife. i Richard Bee-=Elizabeth, dau. of ston, M.B., Thomas Burton, Town Clerk of Bos ton,born 1725; died at Buxton 19 July 1766, aet. 41. died 7 April 1792, set. 75, s.p. Lucy, eldest, dau., mar. to Edward Parish, Alderman of Boston; died 13 Aug. 1783, aet. 73, s.p. I 2. Isabella Maria, mar. 1st to Joseph Smith,Clerk, Master of the Grammar School, Boston; 2ndly, to Thomas Beaumont, Rector of Saus- thorpe; died 20 May 1746, aet. 30. Belltnfljwm of jtatton an* Brombp* [Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Argent, three bugle-horns sable, stringed gules, garnished or. Crest.—A buck's head couped. Sir Robert Bellingham, Bart., of=j=Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Richard Burnishead in Westmoreland temp. Henry V. and VI. Tunstall, Knt., of Thurland Castle, co. Lancaster. Sir Henry Bellingham. Richard Belling-=pJane, dau. of John Ex quo the Burnishead and Levens families. ham, 2nd son, of M an ton, co. Lin- coln, bur. 12 Jan. 1490-91. H arbor t, widow of Robert Morley of Holme; bur. at Bottesford, co. Lincoln. Thomas Belling- ham. =p Ex quo the Sussex family. .... dau. and heiress of John Wacelyn of=pThomas Bellingham=. . . . Hotham. Bromby. | 2nd wife. 118 LINCOLNSHIRE PlBI&RfcflS. Richard Bellingham, died 5 Ocfc.= 1558; bur. at Manfcon. Inq. p.m. 4 Nov. 1558. Will dated 22 March 1557-8; proved 17 Oct. 1558 in Archdeaconry of Stow. =Jane, dan. of Robert Evers or Eure of Belton in Isle of Axholme; executrix in 1558. I I I Robert Bellingham. Thomas Bellingham, 1558. Alice, mar. Robert Oliver. ii ii Christopher Edmund Tristram Jane. Bellingham. Bellingham. Bellingham. All living 1558. I I I Judith. Katharine, mar. — Nicholas Bar- Maud, naby. John Bellingham of=j=Alice, dau. of Bromby, set. 22 in 1558; died 2G Jan. 1615-16. Inq. p.m. 11 Nov. 1616. Stephen Lod- ington of Scot- ton; living 1557. I I Henry Bellingham. Richard Bellingham. Robert Bellingham. Thomas Bellingham. All living 1558. I William Belling- ham of Man ton and Bromby, set. 60 in 1615. Adm'on 11 June 1620. ^Frances, dau. of Alexander Amcotts of Aisfchorpc and Amcotts. John Bellingham of Bromby. Will dated 27 Aug., proved 14 Sept. 1608 in Archdea- conry of Stow. Thomas Belling- ham, s.p. Troth, mar. of Santon. Thomas Santon Katharine, mar. Gannock of Sibsey. William Isabella, mar. Jerome Mark- ham of Kirkby Moorside, co. York. Elizabeth, dau. of- Samuel Backhouse of Swallowncld, co. Berks, M.P. for Windsor. 1st wife. Jiichard Bellingham. Adminis- trator of his father in 1620; Recorder of Boston in New England; Governor of Massa- chusetts; died 7 Dec. 1672. :Penelope, sister of Herbert Pel ham; mar. in New Eng- land 1641; died 28 May 1702. 2nd wife. John Bellingham of Harvard College, 1661. James Bellingham, born 3, bapt. 10 May 1646. Hannah, bapt. 14 Aug. 1642. Grace, died 3 Sept. 1654. Lucia, dau. of=pSamuol Bellingham, born in Now=Elizabeth Savage, widow, mar. John Goldes- borough. 1st wife. England; of Harvard College 1642; M.D. of Leyden; living in London 1700. April 1695; lost in shipwreck on coast of Ireland 3 Feb. 1698-9. 2nd wife. "I Samuel Bellingham, living 1666. Elizabeth, living 1700. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 119 Mmmtt of Mo&ton> [Karl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Gules, a bezant between three demi-lions rampant or. In Earl. MS. 1550, 176b, the coat is: Gules, on a bend argent three towers triple- towered argent. Thomas Bennefcfc=p. . . . dau. and heir of John Bollas of Wigtoft. Jane, dau. of=f=William Bennett of Algarkirk, died= Anthony Irby of Gosberton. 1st wife. 1 March 2 and 3 Philip and Mary, 1555-6. Will dated 16 Feb. 1555-6 (to be) bur. at Algarkirk. =Agnes, dau. of ....; mar. before 20 Oct. 6 Edward VI., 1552 ; living 16 Feb. 1555-6. John Bennett, son and heir, set. 18, 26 Oct. 3 and 4 Philip and Mary, 1556. John Bennett of Hale, a legatee of his cousin Wil- liam 3 Jan. 1622-3. Jane, dau. of =2. Thomas Bennett/ .... Cater; Customer of Boston mar. at Bos- 16 Feb. 1555-6; ton 7 June bur. there 19 Nov. 1584. 1600. =Katherine, dau. of Thomas Dalli- son of Cransley, North ants. Henry Bennett, 16 Feb. 1555-6. 1. William Bennett of Boston,=Anne, dau. of Tho- living 21 Sept. 1613; bur. mas Hatcher of Care- there 6 April 1624, s.p. Will dated 3 Jan. 1622-3; codicil 5 April 1624; proved 18 June following. by; bapt. there 31 July 1577; proved her husband's will 18 June 1624. 2. Edward Bennett, bur. at Boston 17 Aug. 1603. Benson of $oxt\j Helsep/ [Lansdowne MS. 20 P., A.P. 284. MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Gules, on a chevron or three cross-crosslets sable. Crest.—A sun in Ms splendour or, within a rainboiv gules, issuant from clouds sable. Richard Benson of North Kelsey ,=j= Clement Benson of North Kelsey.=f=Anne, dau. of ... . Nele of Wilts; administra- Adm'on 26 April 1588. trix of her husband 26 April 1588. Richard Benson of North Kelsey, livii\g=pSusanna, dau. of Ralph Bard 1597; administrator of his father 26 April 1588. A of North Kelsey; living 20 Jan. 1597-8. * This pedigree was taken by William Chillon, Chester, Thomas Thompson, Rouge Dragon, in co. Lincoln, 1635, 120 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Clement Benson*=pBridget, dau. of Sir Ralph of North Kelsey I Maddison of Fonaby, 1635. I Knt. ; living 1635; bapt. at Caisfcor 10 Nov. 1595. Ralph Benson, living 20 Jan. 1597-8. Clement Benson, died s.p. i Zachary Benson, living 20 Jan. 1597-8. Willoughby Benson, Christopher Charles Benson, Mary, died s.p. Benson, 3rd 3rd son. — or 4th son. Susan. Benson oi 0oxfy luteep- Susan, dau. of J ames=Clement Benson= Wright, late of Great of Cabourn and Grimsby, dec., spr., set. 18; mar. lie. 28 Oct. 1612 (if mar.); dead in 1614. 1st wife. North Kelsey, set. 24 in 1612. = Bridget, dau. of Sir Ralph Maddi- son, Knt., of Fonaby, bapt. at Caistor 10 Nov. 1595 ; mar. lie. 4 Nov. 1614; living in 1635; bur. at Bardney 17 Feb. 1656-7, then "of Tupholme." 2nd wife. Clement Benson, died s.p. WiHough by Benson, bur. at North Kelsey 25 Oct. 1648, s.p. Christopher Ben-^Fran- son, bur. at North ] ces Kelsey 18 Dec. 1709. Richard Benson. Gervase Benson. Charles Benson. i i i Thomas Benson. Mary. Susan. r Christopher Benson, bapt. at North Kelsey 1 Jan. 1673-4; bur. 18 April 1679. Will of Richard Benson, gent., of Brigg, dated 11 July 1740. Leaves a mort- gage on lands in North Kelsey to trustees; mentions nephew Bartholomew Benson and nephew Richard Benson. Will proved 16 Oct. 1740. Mar. lie. Faculty Office, 21 Dec. 1689: "Richard Benson of Brocklesby, co. Line, Bach., aged 34, and Elizabeth Settle of d°, spr., aged 25." [Note.—I subjoin this addition to the Benson Pedigree, compiled from Lincoln Transcripts, etc.—A. R. M.] * Mollis says of this Clement Benson: "Vir animi fortis et virilis et summae Probitatis." LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 121 [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Quarterly: 1 and 4, Argent, a hear salient sable, collared and chained or; 2, Per chevron argent and or, three pheons sable, Hassal; 3, , . a sallire Crest.—A griffin's head erased azure, an arrow thrust through his beak or. Christopher Beresford of Leadenham, died 11 Oct. 32 Eliz. =pBridgett, dau. of 1590, some say 12 Oct. 1590; bur. at Leadenham. .... Needham. 4. John Beresford, Rector of Scop-- wick, called Gent, in the inscription to his wife, and described as of Gray's Inn, Middlesex, 14 Sept. 1590; adm'or of his brother Wil- liam 7 Feb. 1603-4; some time a servant of Thomas, 3rd Earl of Lincoln. :Lady Elizabeth Clinton, dau. of Thomas, Earl of Lincoln, Lord Clinton and Saye; died and bur. at Leadenham 20 July 1624, set. 32; dis- inherited on account of her marriage by her father 11 Jan. 1618-19. 5. Edward Beresford. i i 1. Thomas Beresford. 2. Fynes Beresford. 1. Mary. 2. Francis Beres-=y=Prudence, dau. of ... . Thornhill ford of Rowston. I of Owston in Isle of Axholme. 3. George Beresford, of Gray'8 26 May 15$2. William Beresford of Minting Park 12 Aug. 1626, mar. Catherine, dau. and coheir of Thomas Riggs. Christopher Beresford of Fulbeck=pJane, dau. 1626, entered at Gray's Inn 23 and coheir Feb. 1626-7; proved the will of his of Thomas cousin Winifred Yaughan 30 Nov. Riggs. 1638. I Christopher Beresford of Ful- beck, co. Line, set. 9 in 1634; mar. Mary, dau. of Thomas Morgan of Skendleby (mar. lie. Fac. Off. 5 Oct. 1647). Jane, Elizabeth, mar. to living William Skipwith 30 Jan. of Ketsby; bur. 1636-7. at South Ormesby 13 Sept. 1663. Mary, mar. to John Holland of Swines- head,widower (mar. lie. 7 Oct. 1648). William Beresford of Leaden-- ham ; of Gray's 15 Oct. 1585; died 20 July 39 Eliz. Adm'on (C.P.C.) 7 Feb. 1603-4. -Winifred, dau. of Sir Bryan Lascelles; sister of Digby Lascelles; remar. at Leadenham, 3 Sept. 1604, to Henry Vaughan of St. Albans, Herts; bur. at Leadenham 23 April 1638. Will dated 30 Jan. 1636-7; proved 30 Nov. 1638. 2nd wife. I Bryan Beresford: of Boothby, clerk, living Jan. 1636-7. YQL. I, 30 :Frances, dau. of .... ; liv- ing 30 Jan. 1636-7. I Mary, mar. at Leadenham, 5 Oct. 1620, to Anthony Holland of Swineshead. Isabella, mar. to Nicholas Rowel of Broughton in Osgarby before 30 Jan. 1636-7. 122 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 1. William Beresford. 2. Bryan Beresford. 3. Edward 1. Beresford. Alice. i 2. Frances. All living 7 Jan. 1636-7. Elizabeth, dau. of William=f=l. Christopher= Cartwright of Ossington; Beresford of died 24 Dec. 1635, xt. 42; Leadenham 30 bur. at Leadenham the Jan. 1636-7; same day. 1st wife. Patron of the Rectory 1616. Winifred, bapt. 9 May 1019; mar. at Leadenham, 1 Feb. 1640-41, to Dove Williamson, Clerk, Parson of Fulbeck. =Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William Wel- by of Gedney, K.B.; widow of Bevill Wimberley of Pinchbeck. Will dated 12 June 1655; proved 15 June 1657, then of Stamford,widow. 2nd wife. Christian, born 23 May, bapt. at Leadenham 1 June 1619; mar. to George Cartwright, a Colonel; un- mar. 30 Jan. 1636-7, but before 12 June 1655. 11 Mary, bapt. 1628; bur. 1649-50. 22 April 27 Jan. Elizabeth, bapt. 24 Leadenham. Au£. 1626 at Frances, bapt. 3 July 1634; a legatee of her stepmother 12 June 1655. G eorge Beresford, bapt. 10 Dec. 1621; bur. 19 Feb. 1653-4. Christopher Beresford, bapt. 29 Jan. 1623-4. Christopher Beresford, bapt. 6 Feb. 1629-30; a legatee of his stepmother 12 June 1655. Edmund Beres- ford, bapt. 8 Feb. 1629-30; bur. 7 Dec. 1657. Francis Beresford, bapt. 8 April 1631. Brian Beresford, bapt. 12 July 1631. Christopher Beresford, bapt. 5 July 1658. William Beresford of=pMargaret, 2nd dau. of Sir Leadenham, died 27 March 1659; bur. the same day at Leadenham. William Thorold of Mars- ton ; died 20 Nov. 1655, set. 37; bur. ab Leaden- ham on the same day. Peregrine Beres- ford, twin, bapt. 30 March 1618; bur. 27 March 1618-19 at Lea- denham. Christopher Beresford, twin, bapt. 30 March 1618. Jane, el desk dau. of Charles Halford of Edith Wes- ton, Rut- land. 1st wife. c =Christopher Beresford= of Leadenham, born 8 June 1652; Sheriff 1700, and J.P. of Lincoln; died 16 Jan. 1716-17, ast. 65. = Isabel, youngest dau. of Sir Fran- cis Molyneux of Kiveton, Notts, Bart.; died 12 April 1708; bur. at Leaden- ham, William Beres- ford, born 29 Nov. 1653. Anne, born April 1649. 16 Elizabeth, born 12 May 1651; living nil mar. 22 May 1682, LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 123 0 William Beres-- ford of Leaden - ham, died 15, bur. 19 Nov. 1729, set. 53. =Jane, only dau. and heir of John Tyring- ham of Nether Winchenden, Bucks; died 1771; bur. in Lincoln Cathedral. Will dated 20 July 1762, leaving her estates in Bucks to her cousin-german Sir Francis Bernard, Bart. Christopher Beresford, died 4, bur. 17 Aug. 1738, set. 61. Jane, bapt. 1683. 26 April Christopher Beresford, only son, bapt. at St. Peter at Gowts, Lincoln, 17 Feb. 1724-5; died 23 March 1740-41, set. 16 ; bur. at Leadenham, unmar. William Beresford, died 1659=f=Margaret Thorold. I William Beresford of Sudbrooke=pAnne, dau. of Sir Edward Ayscough, Knt., of South Kelsey; died 24 Aug. 1678; bur. at Sudbrooke. Holme, born 29 Nov. 1653. Edward Beresford, bur. at Sudbrooke: 12 Feb. 1735-6. Isabella died 16, bur. 20 Dec. 1729 at Sudbrooke. Edward Beresford of Lin-- Roger Beres- Isabella, of Lincoln, bur. at Sud- coln. Will dated 26 Jan. ford, living in brooke 28 May 1774. Will dated 1764; probate 10 Aug. 1764. 9 July 1773; probate 13 July 1778. 1774. Margery, proved=Valentine Catherine, mar. lic.^Rev. John Russell, Ann. her brother's will Pyne, dead 24 March 1729-30, in 1778. in 1778. set. 26. Rector of Fiskerton, set. 30 in 1729. Mary=Rev. Baptist Proby, D.D., Dean of Lichfield ex'or to will of Isabella Beresford 1774. [Note.—I add this branch of the Beresford family.—A. R. M.] 124 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Bmtrae oi aifiatWrfc, Arms.—Argent, a saltire engrailed letiveen four escallops sable. Crest.—Out of a ducal coronet a wolfs head. John Beveridge alias Beridge,- S.T.P., chanter of Lincoln 21 Dec. 1621; Rector and Patron of Kibworth Beauchamp, Leic., 1602; signs Vicar of Barrow-on-Soar, Leic, 1617; Prebendary of Thorngate 1 Sep. 1622; a legatee of his aunt- in-law 2 Feb. 1619-20; died in London 12 May 1632, aefc. 60; bur. at Kibworth 14 May. Dorothea, dau. of Ferdinand Feilding (bro- ther of Sir William Feild- ing of Newn- ham Paddox), a legatee of her aunt Mary Ag- lionby 2 Feb. 1619-20. 2. Williara= Beveridge, D.D,,presented to Barrow in 1620 and to Kibworth in 1639-40; died at Barrow; bur. at Kib- worth 29 Oct. 1640. :Eliza- 3. An- beth thony . . . ., Beridge, bur. at succeeded Bar- to Bar- row20 row. Oct. 1640. John Beveridge, D.D. Christ Coll., Cambridge, 1684, Vicar of Barrow; bapt.l2Feb.l631-2. Thomas Beveridge, bapt.l Mar. 1631-2. William Beveridge, D.D. St. John's College, Camb., 1679; bapt. at Barrow 11 Feb. 1636-7; Bishop of St. Asaph 1704; mar. . . . ., sister of William Stanley of Hinckley, Leic.; died s.p. 1708. Lucy, born 1629; mar. to William Stanley of Hinckley, Esq. I I I I Helen, born 1622-3. Elizabeth, 1624. born Ann, born 1626. Eleanor, born 1634. William Stanley, D.D., A.B. St. John's Coll. 1666,: A.M. 1670; Fellow of Benet or Corpus Christi Coll., and Master 1693 to 1698; Dean of St. Asaph; nephew and legatee of the Bishop. :Mary, dau. of Sir Francis Pemberton, Knt., Lord Chief Justice of the Com- mon Pleas 1681 to 1683. William Stanley of Benet Coll.,LL.B. 1717; official of the Archdeaconry of London. I | Francis Stanley, Vicar of Thomas Stanley of Benet St. Leonard's,Shoreditch, Coll., Cambridge, A.B. and in 1723 Rector of 1717; A.M. 1719; Fellow Hadham. =j= and M.A. 1719. I Richard Stanley, Esq., M.A. Benet Francis Stanley, M.A. Benet Coll., Cam- Coll., Camb., 1764; Barrister-at- bridge, 1763; Vicar of North Weald, Essex, Law; Recorder of Hereford in 1780. and Rector of Eastwick, Herts, in 1781. 6. Michael Beridge, bapt. 24 June 1614; living 1619-20; o.v.j). 7. James Beridge, bapt. 25 July 1615. 8. Jonathan Beridge, bapt. 26 April 1617. 9. Samuel Beridge, bapt. 6 May 1620. 10. John Beridge, Rector of Massingham, A.B. Christ Coll., Cambridge, 1646; bapt. 28 May 1624; mar. 1st Dorothy Hewett, and 2ndly Ann Miller; died in ,1690. Mary,'o.v.p. ante 2 Feb. 1619-20. Festina, o.v.p. Gooditha, bapt. at Kib- worth 30 March 1606; living 2 Feb. 1619-20; o.v.p. LlNCOLNSfilRE PEDIGREES. 125 A 4. George Beridge, bapt. 25 Aug. 1611. Gooditha, dau.: of Sir Thomas Brooke, died 25 Nov. 1681. 1st wife. ~\ --5. Basil Beridge of Algarkirk, Rector=Anne . . . . and Patron of that church; instituted living 21 to the Rectory 27 Feb. 1636-7, on the Nov. 1693. presentation of Roger Feilding, Esq.; 2nd wife, bapt. 25 April 1613; died 2 Nov. 1678, set. 65; bur. at Algarkirk. Two sons, both of whom died young. 1. Basil Beridge, bapt. 5 April 1607; o.v.p. Anne,= dau. of Booth. 1st wife. 2. William Beveridge or Beridge, held the manor and: advowson of Kibworth Beauchamp; bapt. 24 April 1608; succeeded his father at Kibworth in 1632; bur. at Kibworth Beauchamp 30 Jan. 1639-40, and was succeeded by his uncle William. ^Dorothy, dau. of Rev Sache- verell, Vicar of OverTodmorton, Oxford. =John Be- ridge, Vicar of Barrow, bapt. at Kibworth 12 June 1633. ^Elizabeth Wileman, widow of Barkly of Leicester. 2nd wife. 2. William, Count Beveridge, born at Kibworth 24 May 1635; was a Col. to William III.; mar. in Scotland, and was killed by Col. Campbell in 1690. I I I 1. Dorothy, bapt. 22 Jan. 1636-7. Margaret, bapt. at Kib- worth 26 March 1638. Mary, bapt. at Kibworth 6 Jan. 1639-40. John Beridge, ob. inf. Eliza- beth. John Beridge, Vicar of Barrow 1689 to 1695. I I I Elizabeth. Anne, mar. to John — Richardson of Stret- Frances. ton, Warwick, Esq. 3. Ferdinand Beridge, Rector of Great Paxton, co. Hunts, bapt. 26 Aug. 1609=pAnne Charles Beridge of Algarkirk, M.A.= St. John's Coll., Cambridge, 1678; Rector and Patron of that church; died 2 Dec. 1693, aefc. 38; bur. at Algarkirk. Will dated 26 Nov. 1693; proved (C.P.C.) 2 Jan. 1693-4; his father and mother, though not named, were both living 1693. =Barbara, dau. of ... . Nay- lour, sister of William Nay- lour of Offord, Hunts, and of Richard Naylour of London, grocer; proved her hus- band's will 2 Jan. 1693-4. Will dated 28 Dec. 1693; proved (C.P.C.) 10 Feb. 1693-4. Basil Beridge, clerk, M.A. St. John's College, Cambridge, 1686; died 28 Dec. 1686; bur. at Algarkirk. Basil Beridge of- Algarkirk, Rector and Patron of that church, under age 21 Nov. 1693; died 13 Oct. 1739, set. 53; bur. at Algarkirk. B :Mary,* dau. of John Williamson of Saltfleetby by Frances, dau. of John Gonville of Ketsby; mar. at St. Peter's, Saltfleetby, 25 Nov. 1708; died 10 Jan. 1752, set. 65; bur. at Algar- kirk. I I Anne, died 27 April 1693, set. 4; bur. at Algarkirk. Barbara, under age 21 Nov. 1693 son. mar. to Mary, wife to . 21 Nov. 1693. Wat- Ranby * Her mother Frances Williamson, in her will dated 26 Nov. 1737, mentions her grandsons Basil, John, and Charles Beridge. 126 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. B| 1. Basil Beridge of Pinchbeck, died unmar. 27 Feb. 1752, set. 44; bur. at Algarkirk. 2. Charles Beridge, LL.D., of Trinity: Hall, Cambridge, 1749, Rector of Al- garkirk; Prebendary of Wei ton Brink- hall 1762; died at his house in Trinity Lane, Cambridge, 12 June 1782. :Lettice, dau. of .... Fox; died 6 Nov. 1778, set. 63; bur. at Al- garkirk. Charles Williamson Beridge, died young 7 Oct. 1744; bur. at Algarkirk. Ruth, dau. of Leonard1 Bury of Sewston, co. Leic.; died 22 June 1739, set. 35; bur. at Buekminster, co. Leic. 1st wife. :3. John Beridge of Trinity^ Hall, Cambridge, and of Buekminster, Leic, clerk; B.A. Catherine Hall, Cam- bridge, 1734; died 17 Oct. 1744, 83t. 32; bur. at Al- garkirk. :Susan, dau. of Ro-= bert Butler of Spal- ding, merchant; died 10 Nov. 1749, set. 28; bur. at Moulton. 2nd wife. =Henry Boulton of Moul- ton. 2nd hus- band. i i John Beridge=Martha, dau. of = Rev. Thomas Fran- Frances, mar., 30 March of Derby,M.B. the Rev. Ger- cis Twigge, Vicar of 1772, to Col. Henry Trinity Hall, man Buckstone Tickhill, co. York; Gladwin of Stubbing Camb., 1769; of Bradbourne; mar. 28 April 1792; Court,Derby,afterwards died 17 Oct. Derby; died died 1821, s.p. 2nd Major-General in the 1788, set. 45, s.p. husband. Army. =p s.p. ^ Dorothy, dau.= of Henry Gladwin of Stubbing, co. Derby; died 4 June 1792, set.- 58. 1st wife. = Basil Bury Be- ridge of Algar- kirk, Rector and Patron of that church; Prebendary of Sleaford; died 22 Feb. 1808, set. 71; bur. at Algarkirk. Bettina Mary Elizabeth, = only dau. of William Chaplain of Thorpe Hall, co. Louth, by his 1st wife Isabella Frances, dau. of Sir Richard Sut- ton of Norwood Park, Notts, Bart.; mar, at Tathwell 30 Oct. 1823; died at Clifton 6 July 1824, set. 19. 1st wife. ^Dorothy, dau. and co- heir of John Tanfield of Carthorpe, Yorks, by Catherine, dau. and coheir of William Beck- with of Lamb Hill, by Catherine, dau. of Charles Lister, Alder- man of Ripon; mar. 29 June 1793; died at Algarkirk 5 Nov. 1840. I I Leonard Beridge, S.T.P., of Trinity Coll., Camb., 1775, Vicar of Sutterton; Fellow of Jesus Coll., Camb.; died at Matlock Bath 4 April 1791,96t. 53. 3. Charles Beridge, died unmar.; bur. at Buek- minster, co. Leicester. =1. Basil Beridge, in: Holy Orders, Rec- tor and Patron of Algarkirk, to which he was instituted in 1822; Prebendary and Canon of Lin- coln; born 10 Jan. 1797; living 1876; died 21 July 1881. =Judith, dau. of John Palteney (formerly Fawcett) of Norther- wood, Hants, Esq., and his wife Elizabeth Evelyn, dau. of Sir Richard Sutton of Norwood Park, Notts, Bart.; mar. at St. George's, Hanover Square, 21 Aug. 1828; died at Scar- borough 10 Aug. 1860, s.p. 2nd wife. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 127 2. Tanfield Be- ridge, died in South America, unmar., circa 1819. 1. Dorothy, mar. (as 2nd wife) at=pJames Goodeve Sparrow the house of the British Consul, Marseilles, 18 Dec. 1817; died 12 Feb. 1833. of Grosfield Place, Essex, born 29 Jan. 1770 ; died 30 Oct. 1838. See Burke's " Landed Gentry." 2. Frances, died at Cleve Dale, near Bristol, 10 Oct. 1808, set. 13; bur. at Ab- bots Leigh, co. Somerset. Marianna Ca-=f:Charles Boothy, 3rd son of Sir William Boothby, therine, born Bart., formerly Captain K.E.; lost a leg at the Dec. 1800; Battle of Talavera; and subsequently in Holy mar. 24 Oct. Orders; Prebendary of Southwell; Vicar of 1820; living Sutterton and Kector of Barnoldby-le-Beck, 1876. both in co. Lincoln; born at Dublin 20 Feb. 1786; died 19 Aug. 1846. Berkeley of Wpmtmtiljam* to. Leicester, anU )elprttt($am, to, lantoln* Arms.—Gules, a chevron between ten cinque/oils argent. Crest.—A hoar's head couped argent, collared and muzzled gules, studded or. Thomas, Lord= Berkeley, died 24 July 1321. -Joan, dau. of William de Ferrers, 7th Earl of Derby, by Margaret, one of the daus. and coheirs of Eoger de Quincy, Earl of Win- chester; died 23 July 1321. Maurice de Berkeley, 2nd1 Baron Berkeley, died 3 May 1326. :Eva, dau. of Eudo le Zouch. i Sir Thomas Berke- ley of Leicester- shire. Barons Berkeley. Sir John de Berkeley of Wymondham, Knight= Banneret, 34 Edward I. =Isabel, dau. and heir of Sir John Hame- lin, Lord of Wy- mondham, Leicester- shire. =Joan . 1368. . living i Sir John Berkeley of Wymondham, died 1374=f:Elizabeth .... Sir John Berkeley of=p Leicestershire 1403. Thomas Berkeley/ Sir Lawrence Berkeley of Wy-=pJoane, dau. of . mondham, co. Leicester, slain in France 36 Henry VI., 1458. A sister of Sir Robert Woodford, Knt. Lawrence Berkeley, living 1374. Elizabeth,=Richard, 4th dau. and Earl of War- heir, wick. 128 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Sir Thomas- Berkeley of Wymond- ham, died 3 Henry VII., 1488. :Petronell (or Emma),dau. of William Brokesby. _Al Elizabeth, mar. to Sir John Bussey of Hougham; died 5 Aug. 1494. Alice, mar. to Thomas Wood- ford. Jane, mar. to Sir Nicho- las Bowet, Knt.; died on the Feast of the Con- version of St. Paul 1471; bur. at Rypengale. Edith, mar. to Mauncer Marmion of Ringsdon; living 1503; died 23 Oct. 1538; bur. at Ry- pengale. Elizabeth, mar. to Sir William Hussey, Lord Chief Justice of England; bur. at Sem- pringham. Will dated Aug. 1503; proved 21 Dec. 1504. .... mar mar. to .... to .... Parler;liv- Gaton; liv- ing Aug. ing Aug. 1503. 1503. Sir Maurice Berkeley of=j=Margaret, dau. of Sir John Byron Lawrence Berkeley Wyrnondham, died 14 of Over Oolwich, widow of Sir Wil- (Leicestershire Visi- Henry VIII., 1522. Ham Atherton of Atherton. tation, 1619). Margaret, dau. and coheir of Thomas De la Laund by= Catherine, dau. and coheir of Lionel, Lord Welles, by Jane, dau. and coheir of Sir Robert Water ton; sister and coheir of Sir Thomas De la Laund of North Wytham. =Sir Thomas=f=Petronilla, Berkeley of Wyrnond- ham, o.v.p. dau. wife. of 2nd Maurice Berkeley= of Wyrnondham and of Helpring- ham, cousin and coheir of Sir Tho- mas De la Laund; died 20 Nov. 14 Henry VIII., 1522. :Margaret, dau. of Sir John Harring- ton, Knt. Adm'on 11 Dec. 1573 to Robert Pakenham, then described of Buckminster, Lei- cestershire, widow. 2. William Berkeley of= Wyrnondham, heir of his nephew John; had lands in Iwardby and Owsthorpe by will of his uncle Sir Thomas De la Laund 1508; died 26 Henry VIII., 1536. ^Margaret, dau. of John Bawde of Somerby; re- mar, to Eve- rard Ashby of Loseby. John Berke- ley, son and heir, set. 1,14 Henry VIII., 1522-3; died s.p. = Anne, dau. of Sir John Hussey, Knt., Lord Hussey; re-mar. to Sir Humphry Browne, Justice of Common Pleas. Elizabeth, sister and heir, mar. 1st to Robert Pakenham, Clerk of the Green Cloth, 2ndly to Robert Livesey, and had issue by both; died 24 Oct. 14 Eliz., leaving Robert Pakenham of Helpring- ham, Ewerby, etc., her son and heir. Edward Maurice Berkeley of Wyrnondham, died= Berkeley, 1600, set. 70. Will dated 20 April, died s.p. proved (C.P.C.) 2 June 1600; (to be) bur. at Wyrnondham, Leicestershire. :Mary, dau. of Francis Hall of Grantham, Comptroller of Calais; not mentioned in her husband's will. Katherine, dau. of=l. Sir Henry Berkeley of Wymondham,=Elizabeth, dau. Nicholas Beaumont born 1566; proved his father's will 2 of Sir William of Cole Orton ; widow of Anthony Byron. June 1600 ; ^created a bart. 29 June Myn of Epsom. 1611; living 1622; died s.p. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 129 2. Nicholas Berkeley, 20 April 3. John Berkeley, 20 April Elizabeth, unmar. 20 1600, had the manor of Coston, 1600, had then the manor April 1600. Leicestershire, by his father's of Whissendine, Rutland, — will (ex'or of it); renounced by his father's will (ex'or Eleanor, born 1563; ex'orship 2 June 1600. of it); renounced ex'orship mar. to ... . Wing- 2 June 1600. field. Peregrine Bertie, Lord Willoughby^pMary, sister and heir of Edward, de Eresby,/.m. (see p. 130). 17th Earl of Oxford. Robert Bertie, succeeded as 12 th Lord Willoughby de Eresby, and created Earl of Lindsey. =p A quo Dukes of Ancaster. 2. Sir Peregrine Bertie, K.B.,= 2 June 1610, described as of Belton (in Axholme) 16 March 1613-14; bur. in St. Giles-in- the-Fields, Middlesex, 13 Nov. 1639. Margaret, dau. of Nicholas Saunder- son, Viscount Castle- ton; bur. at St. Giles-in-the-Fields 31 May 1642. I I Robert Ber- tie. Peregrine Bertie. Nicholas Bertie- of St. Martin- in-the-Fields, diedJan.1671-2, 93t. 50. =Mary, dau. of Edward Raybone of Chard, Somerset. I Mildred, mar. to Robert Levins. Sophia, bapt. Elizabeth, at Bag En- mar. to derby 12 Oct. Francis 1627. Barnard. Peregrine Bertie of Long Sutton, Lincoln, born= 14 Jan. 1655-6; died 1721, aet. 67; bur. at St. Margaret's, Westminster. :Rachel, dau. of Sir John Sophia. Ernie of Wheatham, — Wilts. Mary. Ernie Bertie of the Middle Temple, Lon- don, Recorder of Northamp- ton; died 8 March 1756. Peregrine Ber~ tie of Low Lay- ton, Essex; of the Middle Temple 1720; died 9 Dec. 1743, set. 55. ^Elizabeth, dau. of John Hun- gerford of Doctors' Commons; widow of John Fisher of Lon- don, merchant; mar. at St. Paul's Cathedral, London, 8 Nov. 1720, then described as of Low Lay ton, Essex; died 10 Oct. 1731, set. 43. I I Robert Bertie. i i i Susan. — Mary. Charles Bertie. Brid- get. Catherine, dau. of= Richard Backwell of Billing, North- ampton; mar. 17 Oct. 1753; died 2 July 1770, set. 36. 1st wife. A VOL. I, ^Peregrine Bertie of Low= Lay ton, had lands in Gedney, Long Sutton, Kirton, etc., co. Lincoln; M.P. for Westbury; died 28 Dec.l786,set.63. Will dated 18 March 1786. =Elizabeth, dau.= of Joshua Peart of Lincoln; sis- ter to Lady George Sutton; mar. 16 Sept. 1771. =Ferdinando Pigott of Abington Pig- otts, Cambridge, mar. at Bath 2 Jan. 1794. 2nd hus- band. 130 LINOOLNSHIEE PEDIGBEES. Peregrine Catherine Dorothy,=Thomas Hoar, Captain R.N., who took the Bertie. mar. at Marylebone name of Bertie and became Sir Thomas Bertie, — 20 May 1788; died Vice-Admiral of the Blue, Knight Commander Richard at the Polygon, South- of the Swedish Order of the Swan; died at Bertie. ampton,23 Jan.1823. Twyford Lodge, Hants, 13 June 1823. Elizabeth, dau. and coheir, mar. at Mary- Mary, mar., 27 June 1772, to Frances, lebone, 21 June 1788, to Ralph Hoar of Samuel Lichigarry. A last died Bath, Lieut. 52nd Regiment, brother of sole heir of this branch took young. Thomas. the name of Bertie. Charles Henry Bertie of East Moulsey, Surrey and Long Sutton, co. Lincoln. Peregrine Edward Bertie, mar. at Wimbledon=Mary Gray, dau. of George Clarke 28 Jan. 1884. of Sutton Marsh. Bertie of %ouuto. Peregrine, 11th Lord Willoughby de Eresbyn=Lady Mary Vere. Henry Bertie, 3rd son, liv-=pDorothy, dau. of Arthur Robert, 12th Lord Wil- ing 1601; died 21 Nov. 1655; bur. at Edenham. Corbet "of Clipston, co. loughby de Eresby. (See Rutland. ©, p. 131.) I" Jerome Bertie of Lound,: co. Lincoln. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Launcelot Henry Cope of co. York. Bertie. Robert Bertie. Henry Bertie of= Lound, bur. at Edenham 29 March 1696-7. -Mary, dau. of Thomas Sumner. Richard Bertie, bur. at Eden- ham 26 Sept. 1719. 1 Jerome Robert Bertie, bur. at Bertie. Witham-on-the-Hill 31 March 1701. Mary, dau.=^Jerome=Ruth, dau. of Elizabeth of Averett of Bourne. 1st wife. Bertie of Lound. she was bur. at Edenham 24 Nov. 1725. 2nd wife. John Pell of Eden- ham. Mary, bapt.=John at Eden- Watts. ham 20 March 1692-3. i Catharine, bapt. at Edenham 5 Dec. 1694 ; liv- ing 1738. Jerome Bertie. Mary. Catharine. ^LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 131 Bertie oi etoetixm. Robert, 12th Lord Willoughby=f Hon. Elizabeth de Eresby. (See ©, p. 130.) | Montagu. Sir Peregrine Bertie, Knt., 3rd son,= of Evedon, j.u., bur. at Evedon 13 Oct. 1652. =Anne, widow of Edward Irby; dau. and coheir of Daniel Iiardby of Evedon; bur. at Eve- don 15 Nov. 1655. Robert Bertie, bapt. at St. Martin-in-the- Fieids 10 Nov. 1631 ; died s.p. 1698. Lawley Bertie, bapt. at St. Martin- in-the-Fields 21 Sept. 1634. [Note.—The above pedigrees of the Bertie family I considered worth printing, as containing matter not already in print, but I have excluded an enormous pedigree of the Dukes of Ancaster, which can be found in Collins' Peerage.—A. R. M.] 3Setts of Barlings* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] William Betts of Betts Hall, Hants.=j= William Betts of Betts Hall, son and heir, came into Lincolnshire— and lived at Barlings. Thomas Betts of Barlings.=p Thomas Betts of Barlings, son and heir 1634. 2. Henry Betts. Beberlep oi ^eepfiam. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College. Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—. . . . a chevron between three bulls1 heads cabossed .... William Beverley of Worlaby, to whom his cousin William Man by bequeathed the advowson of Blkington 4 Oct. 1540. Richard Beverley of Fiskerton= 1588; bur. at Fiskerton 19 Sept. 1615. Will dated 13 March 12 Jac. L, 1614-15; proved (C.P.C.) 10 May 1617. : Anne, dau. and heir of John Sturdivant of Fiskerton; bapt. 2 May 1548; bur. at Fiskerton 9 Jan. 1577-8. Christopher: Beverley of Beverley, Yorks. Thomas Beverley of Selby, Yorks, 5 Sept. 1588. 132 LINCOLNSHIEE PEDIGREES. I I 1. Tho- 2. Robert Beverley of Reephanv mas living 23 Jan. 1617-18, and 19 Bever- Oct. 1620; heir of his kinsman ley of Richard Beverley of Fiskerton, Bever- whose will he proved 10 May ley. 1617; described of Fiskerton 13 Jan. 1609-10. ^Frances, dau. of Henry Fairfax of Bilbrough, Yorks (? of Street- houses, Yorks); bur. at Fiskerton 6 Dec. 1611. Bridget,=. . . . living Tath- 1637. well. 1. Edward Beverley of Cherry Willingham, bur. in Fiskerton Church. Will dated 16 Nov., proved 16 Dec. 1637. 2. Charles Beverley of Lincoln, bur. at Fiskerton 26 March 1673; ex'or to his brother Edward 1637. I I Anne, bapt. at Fiskerton 7 Feb. 1607-8; mar Mason; living 1637. Elizabeth, bapt. at Fisker- ton 25 Sept. 1610; bur. there 4 April 1648. Dorothy, bapt. at Fiskerton 6 Dec. 1611. [MSS. C. 23, D. 23, Heralds' College.] "Respited" in 1634, and in 1666 the following arms were allowed :— Arms.—Azure, a bend nebulee or between six fleurs-de-lis argent Crest.—An arm erect, couped at the elbow, holding a battle-axe, all proper. Elizabeth, dau. of ... . Bilcliffe of Yorks; mar. to George Gibbon of Market Rasen and Walesby. Thurstan Bilcliffe, Rector^ of Walesby 1553; bur. there 14 Nov. 1579. Elizabeth, bur.=pEdward Bilcliffe of Walesby and^pAnne, dau. of William Bleasby at Norman by 24 Feb. 1581-2. 1st wife. Normanby-on-the-Hill, Church- warden of Normanby 1569 ; bur. there 16 Jan. 1607-8. of Bleasby; mar. at Legsby 1 Jan. 1583-4; bur. at Normanby 26 Nov. 1586. 2nd wife. I Thomas Broxholme of North=Ursula, bapt. at=John Morris of North Kelsey, Kelsey, mar. at Normanby Normanby 30 mar. at Owresby 26 April 1615. 8 Aug. 1603. July 1585. 2nd husband. 1. Anne, bapt. at Walesby 7 Nov. 1563. 2. Faith, bapt. at Walesby 9 Oct. 1569 ; mar. at Normanby, 25 Feb. 1589-90, to George Bilcliffe, Clerk. 3. Audrey, bapt. at Walesby 7 Oct. 1576; mar. at Nor- manby, 23 Nov. 1596, to Thomas Cordwine of Cokes- wold. i i 4. Alice, mar. at Nor- manby, 17 Aug. 1590, to Robert Chapman. 5. Frances, bur. at Walesby 29 May 1579. A LINCOLNSHIRE 2EDIGR.EES. 133 1. John Bilcliffe, bapt. at Walesby 13 May 1565. 2. John Bilcliffe, bapfc. and bur. at Walesby 25 Sepfc. 1567. 3. John Bilcliffe, bur. afc Walesby 2 Jan. 1570-71. 4. Thomas Bilcliffe,: Rector of Normanby - on-fche-Hill in 1582, and instituted to the vicarage of Barton- on-Humber 1 Nov. 1625; bur. afc Nor- manby2 Feb. 1637-8. ^Elizabeth, dau. of ... . John- son; mar. afc Normanby 12 Feb. 1583-4 bur. there Nov. 1638. 5. Edward Bilcliffe, bapt. afc Walesby 13 June 1574. Faith, bapfc. at Normanby 25 Dec. 1586, and mar. there, 5 Feb. 1608-9, to Thomas Mussendine of Waltham; living 2 Sepfc. 1651; bur. afc Waltham 4 March 1664-5, then a widow. Jane, bapt. at Nor- manby 14 April 1589; mar. there, June 1610, to Edward Greathed, Clerk; living 2 Sept. 1651. Anne, bapt. at Nor- manby 5 April 1599; mar. there, 17 July 1622, to John East- land of Upton (mar. lie. 28 June 1622); living 2 Sept. 1651. I 7. Fran- ces, bapt. at Nor- manby 2 May 1610. 4. Thomas Bil- cliffe, bapt. at Normanby 4 Nov. 1604; bur. there 6 July 1625. 5. Edward Bilcliffe of Nor- manby in 1651; bapfc. there 30 Aug. 1607; mar. at Beelsby, 23 May 1630, Mary, dau. of Edward Makerness of that place. 1. Katherine, bapt. at Normanby 21 Nov. 1584. Elizabeth, bur. at Normanby 18 Dec. 1593. Elizabeth, mar. at Normanby, 2 July 1624, to John Leake, Clerk. John Bilcliffe, bapt. at Normanby 23 Dec. 1634. Thomas Bilcliffe, bur. at Normanby 1 Feb. 1635-6. i Elizabeth, bapfc. at Normanby 30 Jan. 1636-7. i Anne, bapt. at Nor- manby 10 May 1641; living 2 Sept. 1651. 1. John Bilcliffe, bapt. at Nor- manbv 1 March 1591-2; bur. there "19 Feb. 1592-3. 2. Samuel Bilcliffe, bapt. at Normanby 8 Oct. 1596; bur. there 12 Feb. 1614-15. I 3. Joseph Bilcliffe of Normanby,: bapt. there 12 Mar. 1601-2 ; mar. lie. 17 Jan. 1625-6, he ast. 24, she 18 ; bur. there 13 Oct. 1651. His will, in which he describes himself as of Normanby-super-Montem, is dated 2 Sept., and was proved 9 Dec. 1651. ^Margaret, dau. of Edmund Clipsham of Otteley; mar. at Walesby 19 Jan. 1626-7; bur, at Norman- by 5 Aug. 1683. Thomas Bilcliffe of Thor-^ gamby, son and heir, get. 39 in 1666; bapt. at Walesby 23 Nov. 1627. :Anne, only dau. of William Thornton of Grantham; ost. 6 in 1634; bur. at Tath- well 4 June 1676. I Edward Bilcliffe of Kingerby in 1651; bapt. at Usselby 12 Jan. 1631-2; bur. at Normanby 5 Sept. 1672. Thomas Bilcliffe, bapt. at Bishop's Norton 13 Oct. 1660; set. 6 in 1666. 134 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Joseph Bilcliffe, bapt. afc Usselby 19 March 1633-4; living, under age, 1651. John Bilcliffe of Walesby,: bapt. afc Usselby 13 Sept. 1638; living 1651; bur. afc Normanby 11 Oct. 1680. =Anne, Richard Bilcliffe, a dau. of twin wifch Dorothy; .... bapt. at Normanby 12 Dec. 1644. 1. Joseph Bilcliffe, bapt. 27 Dec. 1675. 2. Richard Bilcliffe, bapt. 11, bur. 14 March 1677-8. 3. Thomas Bilcliffe, bapt. 20 March 1678-9. All at Walesby. Margaret, bapt. afc Walesby 9 Jan. 1674-5; mar. there, 5 Sept. 1710, to William Clipsham of G-ay ton. Margaret, bapt. at Usselby 4 Nov. 1629. Margaret, bapt. at Usselby 19 Feb. 1636-7. Frances, bapt. afc Normanby 3 May 1642; living 1651; mar. at Walesby, 14 Feb. 1666-7, to George Middle- more. Dorothy, bapt. at Normanby 12 Dec. 1644; a twin with Richard; living 1651. Mary, living 1651, then unmar. and under age; mar. to Richard Knight of Normanby. "John Wentworth of Brigsley, gent., aged 24, and Faith Bilcliffe of Brigsley, spr., aged 26 " (mar. lie. 11 Aug. 1626). [Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Argent, a chevron between three steel gads or Mil-heads sable. Crests.—1. A panther's head erased. 2. A panther's head erased affrontee. John de Billesby. J Robert Billesby of Billesby.= Eudo de Billesby.= Richard Billesby of Billesby.1 John de Billesby.= i Muriel, dau. and heir, mar. William Asfordby of Asfordby. John Billesby of= Billesby, died 17 Richard II., 1393. A =Joan, dau. and heir of Thomas Malherbe. John Gregory of Asfordby,- Leicestershire, Esq., King's Escheator in Dorset. =Joan, sister of Sir William Billesby of Lincolnshire. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 136 Thomas Billesby of Billesby ,=pAgnes, dau.and son and heir, aet. 17, 17 Richard II., 1393; inq. p.m. 8 Henry VI., 1429-30. heir of John Kenermond, i.e., Kirmond. Thomas=pEleanor, dau. of Rich- Gregory, I ard Billesby of Lin- Esq. I colnshire, Esq. r Richard Billesby of Billesby, son proved his age 19 Henry VI., 1440 38 Henry VI., 1459. and heir ;=pElizabeth, dau. of John Sheffield mq. p.m. of Butterwick. John Billesby of Billesby, son^Elizabeth, dau. of Joan, mar. to Sir William Frisk- and heir, aet. 19 in 38 Henry VI., 1459. John Eland. ney of Benington, Knt. Sir Andrew Billesby of Billesby, Knt.,^Elizabeth, dau. and Sheriff of Lincoln 1523—30; died 13 July 31 Henry VIII., 1539. Will dated 8 Sept. 29 Henry VIII., 1537; proved 11 Nov. 1539. heir of Thomas Sutton of Sutton. Will dated 15 Oct. 1539; proved 20 Sept. 1541. I Cecily, mar. 1st to Alexander Lang- ton of Langton, 2ndly to John Asfordby of As- fordby. 2. Thomas Bil- 3. George Billesby, 4. Anthony Billesby, proved: lesby, 18 Sept. 18 Sept. 1537; his father's will 11 Nov. 1537; living 15 proved his mother's 1539, and his mother's 20 Oct. 1539. will 20 Sept. 1541. Sept. 1541. =Joane, dau. of ;liv- ing 1539. Sir William Billesby of London,= and of Fulham, Middlesex, Knt. Will dated 24 Dec. 1607; proved 7 April 1608. =Anne, dau. of William Brograve of Wappen- ham, Northants; proved her husband's will 7 April 1608. Will dated 12, proved 30 May 1608, then of Westminster. Frances, dau. and coheir, mar. Thomas . . . ., dau. and Walker of Warfield, Berks ; proved her coheir, mar. mother's will 30 May 1608. Parlor. . . . ., dau. and coheir, mar Maddock. I Roger Bil- lesby, a Priest. John Billesby of Billesby, and of Langton-^Tylb (Nylle in Visitation "Kit "P^t,^^ -1x7:11 .1 _ j. _ -1 ^ ^ f ^^ xV - . by-Partney, died v.p. Will dated 23 June, proved 3 Sept. 1539; (to be) bur. in St. Peter's Church, Langton. Ursula, under 23 on 18 Sept. 1537; mar. 1st at Haburg, 4 Sept. 1541, Thomas Skipwith of Haburgh; 2ndly Eus- tace Booth. Anne, under 23 on 18 Sept. 1537; unmar. 1539; mar. Simon Dan- by of Hull, Yorks. 1562), dau. and coheir of Sir Robert Lovell, Knt.; surviving 1539. Elizabeth, dau. of Edward=Thomas Skipwith of Haburgh; Billes- mar. there 13 Nov. 1546; by. remar. at Sixhill, 11 Aug. 1561, Robert Spaldyng. 136 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. c Frances, base: dan. of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. Andrew Billesby of Billesby^Margaret, dau. of Robert Heneage set. 12 in 31 Henry VIII 1539 ; living 11 July 1556 bur. at Billesby 5 Nov. 1599 George Billesby. of Lincoln, Auditor of the Duchy of Lancaster; alleg. Fac. Off. 20 Feb. 1546-7 ; living 11 July 1556. .1 I Elizabeth, bur. at Billesby 6 Oct. 1562. Lucy. Maudlin, mar. John Thimelby of Irnhani; a legatee of her cousin Sir William Billesby 24 Dec. 1607. Margaret, mar Parry; a legatee of her cousin Sir William Billesby 24 Dec. 1607. Mary, a legatee of her cousin 24 Dec. 1607. 1. Edward Billesby of Billesby, son and heir,=p. . . .,dau. of ., a legatee of his cousin Sir W. Billesby 24 Dec. 1604; proved the will of his kinsman Sir John Bolle of Haugh 21 Sept. 1607. aunt of Bolle Oct. 1606 Sir living John 30 Elynore, bapt. at Billesby 23 Aug. 1561. John Billesby of Billesby, bapt. at Billesby 5 Aug.=p Alice, dau. of 1575; cousin and trustee of Sir John Bolle 1606; Roger Boswell a legatee of his cousin Sir William Billesby 24 Dec. of Torksey; 1607; Patron of the Vicarage of Billesby 1614; bur. at Billes- described of Calceby 26 June 1616, and 8 Oct. by 20 June 1622; living 9 Oct. 1628; bur. at Billesby 18 July 1631. 1651, aet. 75. Anne, mar. Edward Forsett of Billesby. Henry Billesby, bur. Magdalen, bapt. at Billesby Catherine, bapt. at Billesby at St. Dunstan's-in- 29 Dec. 1603. 4 Sept. 1610. the-West, London, — — 3 April 1615. Dorothy, bapt. at Billesby Judith, bapt. at Billesby 21 Jan. 1604-5. 1 Jan. 1611-12. Thomas Billesby of Calceby, bapt.=pMargaret, at Billesby 30 Sept. 1599; son and heir apparent 9 Oct. 1628. dau. of Richard Billesby, bapt. at Billesby 26 Nov. 1600; bur. 26 March 1601. Charles Billes- by, bapt. at Billesby 14 Aug. 1614. Robert Billesby, bapt. Billesby 13 Oct. 1625. at Thomas Billesby, bapt. 13 July 1635; bur. at Calce- by Aug. 1637. Edmund Billesby, bapt. at Calceby 2 April 1640. Anne, bapt. at Calceby 20 July 1631; bur. at Bil- lesby 24 July 1631. Mary, bapt. at Calceby 4 May, and bur. 4 June 1634. Dorothy, bapt. in Feb. 1637-8; bur. at Calceby 25 Feb. 1637-8. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 137 Bmjjfmm at Stainton* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Or, on a /esse gules three water-bougeis argent William Bingham of Dan-=pElizabeth, dau. of Edmund Bendish bury, Essex. j of Girfcon, co. Cambridge. 1. William Bing-=Lucy, dau. of Sir Edward 2. Robert Bingham. Anne, mar. ham of Market Ayscough of South Kelsey, — to ... . Stainton 1634. Knt.; widow of John Wei- 3. ChristopherBing- Nixon, come of Market Stainton. ham. William Bingham of Tattershall, died s.p. Will dated 17 Jan. 1656-7 ;=Elizabeth proved 16 June 1657; (to be) bur. at Tattershall. .... 3Strtr of pncpedu [Harl. MSS. 1436, f. 18, and 1550, f. 69.] Arms.—Or, on a chevron engrailed gules, between three lions rampant sable, as many fleurs-de-lis or, a crescent for difference. Crest.—A demi-lion rampant sable, guttee de sang, charged ivith a crescent. William Bird of Pireth (? Penrith) =f=Emma, dau. of Sir .... Cumberland, living 1295. Gospatrick, Knt. Adam Bird=p Isabella, dau. of Sir John Kirkbride, Knt. ! John Bird=f=Joan, dau. of William Thirkeld. William Bird=p. . . . dau. of Thomas Martindale. i Roger Bird=f=. . . . dau. of John Crakenthorpe. James Bird, a priest, died s.p. 2. John Bird.=f 3. Hugh Bird of Pireth,=p Cumberland. Cuddy Bird of=f= Christopher Bird of Pinchbeck^ Pireth, Cum- in Holland, bur. at Pinchbeck berland. 9 Aug. 1580. A B VOI,. I, :Margaret, dau. of Thomas Peirson of Kirton-in- Holland. 138 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. A| Bj I I I 1 Bird, 2 Bird, Richard Bird of=pLucy, dan. and heir of Ro- a son. a son. Pinchbeck. I berfc, son of Thomas Gull. Arth ur Bird=p John Bird. Ranold Bird, bapt. at Pinchbeck 29 May 1583. of Pinchbeck. William Bird, bapt. at Pinchbeck 29 July 1612. Robert Bird, bur. at Pinchbeck 8 Sept. 1675. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] John Birkhill of Garthorpe in Luddington,^=Ellen, dau. of Isle of Axholme. Will dated 1 March 1542-3; proved 4 April 1543. . . . ., ex'trix in 1543. I Robert Birkhill of Garthorpe, ex'or 1543.: Robert Birkhill of Garthorpe.- i Christopher Birkhill of 6arthorpe=f=. . . . dau. of ... . Farmery. I I I hill of Garthorpe 1634. Shuttleworth of Lin- Birkhill. coin, bapt. at St. Peter- — at-Arches, Lincoln, 23 Frances. June 1610. I John Birk-=j=Bridget, dau. of Edward Joseph Rebecca. Cassandra. Matthew William Bilton of Betton of Amcotts. Cottlehall in Amcotts. Eliza- beth. Charles Newell. i i i i i John Birkhill, set. 3, 1634. Bridget. Elizabeth. Hester. Anne. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 139 [Harl. MS. 1550. MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Aems.—Argent, on a lend cottised gules three plates, a crescent for difference. Thomas Bishop of Hemswell=j=Mary, dau. of... . Johnson. I Rio! ictiard =f. John Bishop. Bishop of Hems- well. :Agnes (or Eliza- beth), dau. of John Johnson of Kettleby. Robert Bishop of Stur- ton. Simon Bishop= of Hemswell, aefc. 26 in 1619. =Margaret, dau. of .... Francis of Willoughfcon; mar. lie. 6 Dee. 1619, aefc. 21. Roger Bishop. John Bishop. Thomas Bishop. Robert Bishop. Richard Bishop^Elizabeth, Nicholas Bishop. Christopher Bishop. of Hemswell, at- torney in Court of King's Bench 1592. dau. of Richard Skendleby of Stow. Dorothy, dau. of . . . .; widow of Austin Gallicus (? Gabbitus). I John Bishop.^ Richard Bishop. i Elizabeth, mar. lie. June 1625, asfc. 25. 10=William Bestoe (or Bee- ston), set. 25, 1625. I I Francis Bishop. John Bishop. Bridget, dau. of Augustine, Earle ot- Sfcragglethorpe; died 25 July 1627, bur. at Grantham same day; called "Prudence " in the Reg. 1st wife. =Thomas Bishop of= Hemswell 1634, knighted at White- hall 9 Aug. 1641. =Ellen, dau. of Sir Tho- mas Darnall, Knt., of Stickford; living 1638. 2nd wife. Richard Bishop, bapt. at Grantham 24 July, died 31 July, bur. 1 Aug. 1627. Charles Bishop, aefc. 3, 1634; of Gray's Inn 26 May 1646; bur. at Hemswell 25 April 1684. John Bishop of Stick- ford Jure matris. Will dated. . . .; proved 1 May 1696. Helen, born 1664 ;= died 7 Jan. 1702-3. =Peter Short of Sarah, mar. at Authorpe=Benjamin East Keal. 24 Aug. 1693. Smith. Thomas Bishop, mercer, of=i=Elinor, dau. of Thomas Lang- Lincoln, Sheriff 1614. | worth; mar. 12 June 1598. William Bishop, bapt. ■ 25 Sept. 1602; Mayor of Lincoln 1639; Royalist sufferer. A =Sarah, Thomas Bishop, born 1612; B.A. St. John's, Six dau. of Cambridge; in Holy Orders; died 1636; daus. . . . . bur. in St. Peter-at-Arches Church. Will proved at Lincoln 7 March 1636-7. 140 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. dau.=Thomas Bishop, bom 1630 ;=p.. . . dau.=pMartha, dau. of Mac- Two of ... . Mayor of Lincoln 1669; died 1st wife. 26 March 1682, set. 52. of 2nd wife. cabeus Hollis of Hull. daus. 3rd wife. William Bishop, bapt. 18 Sept. 1664. Thomas Bishop, D.D., of Sidney- Sussex College, Cambridge, bapt. 19 Aug. 1681; Minister of St. Mary's, Ipswich; died 29 June 1737. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. John Fowle, Rector of Greeting St. Peter, Suffolk. Thomas Bishop, born 1713; succeeded his father as Minister of St. Mary's, Ipswich; died 1778. [Note.—The above pedigree has been compiled by Dr. Day of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.—A. R. M.] Blatujjaitr of ^outf). "Respited" 1634. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Gilbert Blanchard of Louth 21 Sept. 5 Edward VI., 1551. Thomas Blanchard of Louth 21 Sept. 5 Edward VI., 1551. Gilbert Blanchard of Louth/ Richard William Blanchard, Blan- died before 13 May chard, 1615. dead be- — fore 13 Samuel Blanchard, May living 13 May 1615, 1615. and 24 Dec. 1619. John Blan -=Margaret, dau. chard of of ... . Buck; Louth, "the elder." Will dated 13 May, proved 19 Aug. 1615; s.p. sister of John Buck; living 13 May 1615 and 24 Dec. 1619. .... mar. to .... Lowes, and liv- ing 13 May 1615. .... mar. to Ralph Stubbs, and living 13 May 1615. Jane, mar. at Louth, 7 Nov. 1607, to Tho- mas Chapman of Louth, farmer; liv- ing 24 Dec. 1619. Rachel, bapt. at Boston 18 Jan. 1601-2. Gilbert Blanchard of Louth, living 1 Oct. 1573; mar. Anne, dau. of John Westlid of Bray toft. Her will dated 15 Sept. 1602, and proved 9 Feb. following, then a widow; (to be) bur. at Louth. =j= 1. Thomas Blan- chard. 2. Roger Blan- chard. i 2. Agnes. 3. Frances. i 1. Mary, mar. to John Hutchin- son. All under age 15 Sept. 1602. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 141 Judith, dau. of . . . .=f Abraham Blanchard of Louth,^Frances, dau. of Robert Chapman; sister and coheir of Sir Peter Chapman of London, Knt., and of Tinwell, Rutland. living 8 March 1609-10; proved his brother John's will 13 May 1615. Will dated 24 Dec. 1619; proved 7 July 1620 ; (to be) bur. at Louth; codicil 9 May 1620. Cammocke of Maiden, Essex; proved her hus- band's will 7 July 1620; living 19 Dec. 1654. George Blanchard, bapt. at Louth 3 Sept. 1591. John Blanchard, bapt. at Louth 5 Nov. 1592. Judith,mar. to Dyson (mar. lie. 7 Nov. 1618, "Henry Dy- son of Boston, merchant, aged 21, and Judith Blanchard of Hallington, spr., aged 18 "); living 1619 and 1622. Elizabeth, mar. to Whelp- dale; living 21 April 1622. 1. William Blanchard of Tetford, bapt. at South Ormsby 13 June 1608; living 24 Dec. 1619 and 17 Feb. 1623-4 ; mar. Mary, dau. of Ed. Skip- with of Ketsby. =f= 2. Martin Blan- chard, living 24 Dec. 1619. 3. Abraham Blanchard, living 24 Dec. 1619; a legatee of his uncle Sir Peter Chapman 21 April 1622. Skipwith Blanchard, aet. 8 in 1634, T Sarah Blanchard, bapt. at Boston 26 July 1663. 1. George Blanchard, under age 24 Dec. 1619; mar. Kathe- rine, dau. of . . . .; living 19 Dec. 1654. i 2. Samuel Blanchard, under age 24 Dec. 1619; mar. Frances, dau. of . . . .; living 19 Dec. 1654. =f 3. John Blanchard of Greenfield, under age 24 Dec. 1619. Will dated 19 Dec. 1654; proved 29 May 1655; a legatee of his uncle John 13 May 1615. I II. Francis Blanchard, Abraham Blan- Martha, living Faith, liv- Frances, living 19 Dec. 1654, chard, under age 19 Dec. 1654, ing 19 Dec. living 19 underage. 19 Dec. 1654. underage. 1654. Dec.1654. Faith, mar. at Louth, 11 Jan. 1626-7, to Eustace White; living 24 Dec. 1619, then under age, and also 19 Dec. 1654. 2. Frances, unmar. 24 Dec. 1619, under age; mar. to Richard Mad- dison ; living 19 Dec. 1654. I 3. Anne, 24 Dec. 1619, under age; mar. to Thomas Lawes, son and heir of James Lawes of Lincoln," plumoner ; " liv- ing 4 Nov. 1639. H2 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. William Blawe of Wiokenby,= died 22 March 1567-8. Will dated 20 Dec. 1565. =Hannah (or Joanna), dau. of ... . Bab- thorpe of Wickenby. John Blawe,=p son and heir o.v.p. I Jane, mar. at Wick- Elizabeth, mar. at Wickenby, Dorothy enby,25^July 1567, 22 June 1564, to Giles Han- — ~sard; bur. there 1 Oct. 1625. Frances. to John Sheffield. i Anthony Blawe, son and heir, set. 20 in 1567. Edward Blawe, Alderman of Lincoln, of St. Peter in Eastgate. Will dated 19 Feb. 1632-3; proved 7 June 1633; mentions his son Edward Blawe and his brother Mr. John Blawe of Alford, Blajton of Jforncastle. Arms.—Argent, tivo bars sable, in chief three codes gules. Richard Biaxton (? Blackiston) of Blaxton Hall, Yorks T 1. Richard- Blaxton. John Blaxton: of Blaxton Hall. 2. William Blax-^ ton of Sixhills, Lincolnshire. =. . . . dau. of... . and sister of Sir George Bones. =Ellen,dau. of Wil- liamBlesby; widow of John Leake. Thomas Blaxton, Rector of Cuxwold, Lincolnshire, 7 March 1533-4. Richard Blaxton of- Horncastle, bur. there 6 April 1610. =Muriel, dau. of Henry Clark of Nostel, Yorks; bur. at Horncastle 16 Feb. 1609-10. John Blaxton of Blaxton 1592, or by some called William. Blax- ton. i i John Blaxton=f=Anne, dau. of ... . Susan, mar. to of Horncastle. | Hawley of Tymber- William Butler land; bur. at Horn- of Mansfield- castle 8 Dec. 1602, Woodhouse, there called Agnes. Notts. John Blaxton, bapt. at Horncastle 14 July 1594; bur. there 2 March 1622-3. William Blaxton, bapt. at Horncastle 5 March .1595-6. George Blaxton of Horncastle, mar. Isa- bella Megson, spr., of Langton by Horn- castle; mar. lie. 9 Aug. 1623, he then aet. 22; bur. at Horncastle 4 Feb. 1623-4. Frances, bapt. at Horncastle 30 Nov. 1592; mar. there, 8 July 1610, George Staines. Anne, bapt. at Horncastle 20 May 1597. Muriall, bapt. at Horncastle 5 Oct. 1599; bur. there 2 July 1605. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 143 Bleasfop of 3SUas% Arms.—Argent, a /esse engrailed between three mullets sable. John Bleasby of Bleasby, joins in a deed 1448 and in 1456.=f Thomas Bleasby, son and heir, 1456.: William Bleasby of Bleasby, had a licence to alienate the: manor of Calcethorpe to John Maddison 1532; living 2 March 1540-41. dau. of . . living 2 1540-41. March Philip Bleasby= of Bleasby; died 2 Nov. 1558. Jane=John Meres John Leeke.=Ellen =William Blaxton of Kir ton- 1st husband. of Sixhills. 2nd in-Holland. husband. Anthony Bleasby, legatee in his brother William's will 1584. George Bleasby of=Anne, dau. of Isabel, Bleasby,Gent.; s.p. Humphrey living 2 Will dated 4 Feb. Littleburyof March 1581-2 ; proved 26 Hagworth- 1540-41. March 1582. ingham. Elizabeth. George Por- montof Ked- dington. i dau. of=p William Bleasby=Dorothy, dau. of Robert Skerne of Waltham; widow of Fran- cis Purley of Farlesthorpe. Will dated 16 March 1589-90; proved 12 Oct. 1591. 2nd wife. Leonard Cra- croft of Cra- croft Hall in Hogsthorpe. 1st wife. of Bleasby, t»t. 24, 30 May 1559. Will dated 15 Oct., proved 4 Dec. 1584. Philip Bleasby, legatee in his brother Wil- liam's will 1584; bur. at Wootton 1 June 1587. George Bleasby= of Bleasby, ex'or to his father's will. Will dated 20 May, proved 6 June 1588. =Mary, dau. and coheir of Edmund Ustwayte; mar. at Legsby 25 July 1580; remar. there, 18 Aug. 1589, William Smyth of Honington. i Philip Bleas- by of Bleasby, legatee of his father in 1584. :Anne, dau. and coheir of John ITeneage of Kirkby, 2nd son of John Heneage of Towes. William Bleasby, bapt. 22 April 1582; bur. 12 Nov. 1584 at Legsby. George Bleasby, son and heir, bapt. 26 Nov. 1583 at Legs- by; died 20 April 1598, s.p.; inq. p.m. 17 May 1598. Hester, bapt.=William 14 April 1587 Dalyson at Legsby; of Greet- found heir to well, her brother George 1598. Anne. Jane, bur. at Louth 20 Feb. 1586-7. Elizabeth, bur. at Louth 3 May 1593. 1U LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. William Bleasby, bapt. 1, bur. 22 Doc 1588 at Legsby. Nicholas Bleasby, bapt. at Market Rasen 11 April 1592. William Bleas- by, bapt. at East Torring- ton Aug., bur. at Legsby 28 1(502. I I Anne, bur. Aug. 1593 Legsby. 14 at Anne, bapt. at Las(/LV)rrington 7 June 1599. I 1 Mary, bapt. at East Tor- rington 15 June 1603. Frances, bapt. at Bast Torringtonii Oct. 1{)()5; bur. at Legsby 22 Feb. 1606-7. [Note.—The Hleasby family', though one of the oldest in Lincolnshire, does not appear in any Visitation. The above pedigree U compiled from parish registers and willa.—A. li. M.J [Karl. MS. 1550.] A rms.—Argent, a /esse sable, in chief three lozenges gules. John Blewet.^ lohn Blewet of I:Tarlaxfcon=pMargaret, dau. and coheir in right of his wife; called 4< my servant" in his father-in-law's will, which lie proved 1434, and of Grantham. 1. Thomas Blewet, 143a. Thomas liyoard of llarlax- ton; unmar. 1433. Will dated 10 Sept., proved 1 Dec. 1404, then of (jrantham; (to be) bur. at Harlaxton. Thomas Blewet, living 1464. John Rlewet,=p Joane, dau. of . living 1464. I ley or Stonesley. Stone- Kalherine, mar. Robert Bawde of Somerby; living 146*4. Alice, living 1433. John Blewet^p Dorothy, dau. of. . . . Payne! 1 of Boothby PaynelL 1. William Blewet, son and heir, but disin- herited 1562. . . . dau. of .... Brooksby of Lincolnshire^John Blewet=pBridget, dau. of John I Havers!)all. John Blewett of Harlax-^pAlice, dau. ton, heir to the land by and heir conveyance of the law; of Peter died 29 Nov. 30 Bliss., Blaxter. 1587. A Dorothy, mar. to Dunstan Clarke, yeoman. Katherine, mar. to Richard Berkes, yeoman. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 145 o(vn"" John Blewet t: of Harlaxfcon and of Gran- tham 17 Juno 1628 and 14 June 1625. =Susan, dau. of Adlard Welby of Gedney, sister of Sir William Welby, K.B.; bapfc. at Gedney 24 June 1567 ; bur. at Gran- tham 24 Oct. 1686, then a widow. _AJ Mary, mar. to William God dard of Lincoln- shire. \ Dunstan Blewett- of Cawthorpe, had licence (with John Blewett) to alienate land in Denton 1 March 87 Eliz., ] 504-5. =Alice, dau. of Martin Hol- lingworth of Lincoln City; mar. at St. Peter-at- Ainches in Lincoln 14 April 1590. John Blewet, son and heir, Student of Gray's Inn 1622 ; a lega- tee of his aunt Dame Jane Skipwith 20 Oct. 1629. Cassandra, mar. to Tho- rn as Sk i j) wi th, a C ap ta i n, 3rd son of Sir William Skipwith of Cotes, Lei- cestershire. Bridget, mar. to Henry I v es o f C u c k fi el d, S u sse x; a legatee of her aunt 20 Oct. 1629. I Isabel 1, mar. to Gor- sett (rather "Garsyde") of Lancashire; mar. lie. 17 Nov. 1619, "James Garside of Skerrode in co. Lancaster, gent., aged 30, and Isabel Blewet of Barkston,spr., aged 21, dau. of John Blewet of llarlaxton, Esq. a legatee of her aunt 20 Oct. 1629. I I I Katherine, liv- ing 20 Oct. 1629. Susan, living 20 Oct. 1629. Jane, living 20 Oct. 1629. Bluntiestcm of Wit%t %ml [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, three cross-crosshts Jitchee, three, two, and one, sable, a chief vair. Crest.—A fox passant argent, charged with a crescent Nicholas Blundeston.^ Paul Blundeston^pAnne, bapt. at North Thoresby 19 April 1564; dau. of William of North Thores- Roche of A wdeby, and of Boesby, or (wrongly), according to by, bur. there 15 some, dau. and coheir of Edward Roche who died 2 July 20 Eliz.; June 1591. remar. at North Thoresby, 17 Jan. .1591-2, to Tristram Smith; died 31 Jan. 12 Jac, 1614-15. I Nicholas Blun- deston, bapt. at Laceby 6 Feb. 1582-3; bur. at Caistor 28 May 1602. Y0h. I, William Blundeston of= Wester Kele, bapt. at North Thoresby 11 Dec. 1585; only son and heir of his mother; oat. 24 and more at her death. Will dated 1 Jan. 1654-5; proved 1 Feb. 1655-6. A ^Margaret, dan. of Thomas Seyton of As ford by ; mar. at North Thoresby 23 Aug. 1610; living 1654; called in the regis- ter Margaret Se- ton, which is correct. Thomas B1 u n deston, bapt. 18 May 1588; bur. at North Thores- by 10 July 1597. Law ran co Blundes- ton, bapt. 17 Oct. 1589; bur. at North Thoresby 25 March 1590. U 146 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Paul Blundeston,: living 4 Nov. 1613; dead 1 Jan. 1654-5. A] Roche Blundeston of Wester Kele, by=j= his father's will, living 1 Feb. 1655-6, when he proved it. Will dated 29 Oct. 1670; proved -18 Jan. 1670-71. Thomas Blun- deston. i i i Elizabeth, under 18, Elizabeth, livings Robert Deborah, ex'trix=p Jonathan 1 Jan. 1654-5 ; mar. Birch of Skir- beck. 1 Jan. 1654-5, and 1670. Roth- well. in 1670. Brown. William Blundeston of North Thoresby,-p by his father's will; living 5 Jan. 1654-5. Anne. Margaret, living=. . . . — unmar. 1 Jan. North- Amy. 1654-5; mar. in end. 1670. Benjamin Blundeston, 1670. 3Slptj) of fetrojrtom [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College. Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Or, a chevron between three lions rampant sable. Another coat (1550, fol. 117b), Quarterly: 1 and 4, Or, a chevron between three lions passant sable; 2 and 3, Or, an eagle displayed azure. Crests.—1. On a totoer a lion passant argent (per Clarencieux Cooke). Another coat is given in Harl. MS. 1550, viz., Quarterly: 1 and 4, Sable, a chief dancette or; 2 and 3, Or, an eagle displayed azure, beaked and membered gules. 2. A stag at gaze or, gorged with a coronet argent. John Blythe=j=Christiana, dau. of. Holcot of Northampton. William Blythe of Stroxton= -Alice, dau. of Thomas Charnocke of Charnocke, Lancashire. John Blythe of Den-=j=Margaret, dau. of Robert ton and Stroxton, died 8 Nov. 1602; bur. at Denton. Will dated . . . .; proved (C.P.C.) 31 Jan. 1602-3. Thoroldof Hough; remar. John Wingfield of Tieken- cote, Rutland; proved her 1st husband's will 31 Jan. 1602-3; bur. at Ticken- cote 3 Sept. 1618. William=. . . . Blythe of dau. of Stroxton, supervi- sor of his brother's will. 2nd wife. Alice, mar. Charles Wilson of Navenby. Elizabeth, lst=f=l. William Blythe of Stroxton 1634,=pMary, dau. of Anthony dau. of John T red way of Hough ; under 18 and unmar. 11 May 1610. 1st wife. A son and heir; ex'or named of his father, but under age at the making of his will. Will dated 28 Jan. 1644-5; proved 24 Oct. 1649; mentions son William Blythe, ex'or, son Edward Blythe, dau. Ann, b Eyre of Ramps ton, Notts ; mar. at Ramps- ton 6 June 1633 ; re- mar, to ... . Harring- ton. 2nd wife. LINCOLNSHIRE fEDIftREES. 147 I 1. Elizabeth, set. 10,1634; legatee of her father's uncle William Blythe. 2. Mary, set. 9,1634 ; not named in her father's will. William (?> Blyth. B Jane, a legatee of William Salt- marsh of Strubby 5 Sept. 1657; mar. at Langton-by-Wragby, 20 Oct. 1666, to Anthony Salt- marsh of Strubby. Edward Blyth, a legatee of his uncle Anthony Saltmarsh of Strubby 5 June 1675 ; of Gray's Inn 1 April 1678. 2. John Blythe, bapt. at Grantham 6 May 1598; of Gray's Inn 24 Oct. 1620. 3. Robert Blythe, under age at the date of his father's will. 1. Anne, under 18, mar. at Tieken- cote,170ct. 1616, to SirWilliamThor- oid of Marston. Will dated 22 May 1682; proved (O.P.O.)20Feb. 1682-3. 2. Katherine, under 18, bapt. at Grantham 16 Oct. 1597 ; mar. at Tickencote,30 May 1618,to Tho- mas Mitchell of South Witham; bur. at South Witham. Mary, youngest dan., under 18; bapt. at Grantham 25 Mar. 1600; mar. to John Oldfield of Spalding; bur. at Spalding 2 Sept. 1658. William. Daus. John. All under age. Bogs oi sutterton. Anus.—Quarterly: 1 and 4, Or, on a /esse sable three water-bougets argent; 2 and 3, Azure, three ears of barley or, stalked vert, Grandorge. Crest —A bat displayed argent, attired or. A patent of these arms and crest granted to Humphry Bogg, dated 12 March 1602 (per Olarencieux Camden). Thomas Bogg of Comber wash=p Jane, dau. of ... . William^Agnes, dau. of Bogg of Sutter- ton. Hewyt; called in the Register of Sutterton "Agnes Shallock "; mar. at Sutterton 24 April 1540. Thomas Bogg of Sutter ton. =^ William Bogg, bapt. at Sutterton 4 Sept. 1539. Katherine, bapt. at Sutterton 19 May 1542. Gyles Bogg of Sutter— ton, bapt. at Sutter- ton 31 Aug. 1541; died 29 May 1602; bur. at Sutterton 30 May 1602. Will dated 20 May, proved 3 June 1602. A Alice, dau. and even- tually heir of Hum- phry Gran- dorge of Doning- ton. II Margaret, mar. 1st to . .\ . Selby,2ndly to... . Raude; liv- ing 20 May 1602. Elizabeth, bapt. at Sutterton 7 Sept. 1544. Mary, dau. of ... . Marsh; sister of John Marsh of the Middle Temple, London; marriage settlement dated Baugh 28 Eliz., 1586; living 20 May 1602. U8 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Humphry Bogg of Sut-- terton 1608; proved his father's will 8 June 1(502. Will dated 6 and 18 July 1607; proved (O.P.O.) 12 May 1(508, then described of Donington, and (to be) bur. there. -Isabel, dan. of Francis Quarles of Ufford, Northampton, and sis- ter to Sir James; living 20 May 1602 ; Sir William Bodenham of Ryhall, Rutland, Knt. Adm'on(C.P.C) 12 Feb. 1618-14, then of Boston, widow. Joshua Bogg, unmar. 9, living 20 May 1602 and 18 July 1607. Mary, mar. before 20 May 1602 to Richard Quincy of Donington; living 18 July 1607. .... mar. to ... . Tunnard; living 20 May.1602. Sir James Bogg, set. 15 in 1608;: knighted at Whitehall 9 March 1608-9; of Lincoln Oifcy 80 Jan. 1612-18. Adm'or of his mother 12 Feb. 1618-14, then described of Peterborough, Northants. =Oafcherine, eldest dau. of Oharles 1. . . . Metham of Bullington ; mar. before a dau. 1607; remar. at Walesby, 23 Aug. — 1682, FrancisWhetstoneof Oaister; 2. . . . bur. at Oaister 81 Aug. 1640, then a dau. styled " Dame Catherine Bog." I Anne, dau. and heir, unmar. 9 July 1613; mar. to John Wetherall of Spridlington, Clerk, instituted Vicar of that parish 29 Dec. 1626 (mar. lie. 22 Jan. 1626-7, " John Wetherall of East Rasen, elk., 25, and Anne Bogg of East Rasen, spr., 17." 3Sol)tm of Mxibp* Aums.—Azure, on a bend argent, cotiised or, between six lions ram/pant of the last, three escallops gules. Guest.—Out of a ducal coronet gules a cap argent between two elephants'' tus/cs or. Henry Bohun of ^Beatrix, dau. and heir of Henry Moigne Wragby. of Willinghatn. John Bohun of^-Margaret, dau. of John Heneage; remar Kyme. Will Willingham. dated 24 Jan. J 559-60; proved at Lincoln 25 July 1562. 1. George—. . . . dau. of 2. Robert Bo-=f=Jano, dau. Margaret—Richard Cra- Bohun,son . . . ., and hun of Driby and heir, relict of 1562, ex'or to died s.p Sache- mother's will. verell. of John croft of Ora- Prestland croft Hall in of . . . ., Hogsthorpe. Chester. William Bohun of Driby. George Bohun. Margaret. Charles Yarborough and Frances Bougham, i.e., Bohun (mar. lie. 27 Sept. 1605). LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 149 Bolle of feauat), [Harl. MS. 1550. MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Azure, three cups or,jessant boars' heads argent. Crest.—A demi-boar salient argent, pierced with broken, spear of the last. Support jars.—Dexter, a boar argent, armed or; sinister, a mastiff dog sable, collared gules, spiked argent, vested with a jacket azure, bordered and laced or. Motto.—Foy sans fyne. The supporters and motto are given in the marshalling of the arms of Bolle by Camden Clarencieux at the funeral of Anne, daughter of Edward, Earl of Lincoln, 11 May 1585. Alan of Swinshed, Lord of Swinshed, and of thrce=f= several manors within the same called Bole Hall. Thomas Bolle of Bolle.: John Bolle of Bolle in Swinshed.- William Bolle of Swinshead, escheator of Lin-=f= colnshire; his lands taken into the King's hands 20 Edward II., 1326-7. Godfrey Bolle of- Swineshead, heir of his brother. Cicely, only dau. and heir, seized of lands in Swities- head, Coningsby, and Wigtoft, which were taken into the King's hands anno supradicto; died unmar. 3 Ed- ward III., 1330. John=yzJoan, dau. and Bolle. I heir of Walter (jjoddard of Moulton. I Ranulph Bolle of=pKatharine, dau. and heir of John Swineshead. Pulvertoft of Algarkirk. John Bolle=fMary, dau. and heir of William Angevine by Eleanor, j dau. and heir of .... Dalderby. William Bolle-^Amy, dau. of John Kyme of Friskney. John Bolle, Sheriff of Lincolnshire^Katherine, dau. and coheir of Richard 16 Edward IV.; bur. at Markby. I Haugh of Haugh. Richard Bolle=pIsabel, sister and heir of Sir Rich- Robert John of Haugh, in right of his mother; bur. at Haugh. A Joan, mar, ard Nanfant of Cornwall, and Bolle. Bolle Bon- dan, of John Nanfant by Joan, — — nettofBen- dau. and heir of Sir Richard William Thomas ington. Ooleshill. Bolle. Bolle. 150 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. William Bolle, living 4 Jan. 1532-3; in- tended for an appren- tice in London. Lyon Bolle, living! Jan. 1532-3. I George Bolle, under age 4 Jan. 1532-3; intended to be a Canon at the Abbey of Markby. i Catherine, under age and unmar. 4 Jan. 1532-3. Richard Bolle= of Haugh, proved the will of his brother John 21 Feb. 1532-3; bur. at Louth 26 Jan. 1548-1). -Marian, dau. and heir of John Filzwil- liams of Mable- thorpe. Anne, dan. of= John Fitz Wil- liam, 1st son of Sir Thomas of Mablcthorpe; niece of Sir George Fitz Wil- li am, Knt. John Bolle ofMoulton and=Julian, of Stratford-at-Bowe, Mid- dau. of dlesex, and of Kelvedon William Hall, Essex. Will dated 4 Roche, Jan., proved (C.P.C.) 21 surviving Feb. 1532-3; (to be) bur. 4 Jan. at Brymby . . . .; s.p. 1532-3. 1. John Bolle, mar. Katherine, dau. of Sir William Tirwhitt of Kettleby, Knt,, and o.s.p. Gcorge=Katherine, dau. of Brian Newcomen of Bolle of Saltfleetby ; mar. 21 July 1559 ; bur. at Haugh. Saltfleetby All Saints 23 Nov. 1583. Jane, dau. of • Sir William Skipwith of South Orms- by, Knt.; mar. before 28 July 1535. ^Richard Bolle of Haugh,=Anne, dau.- bornl507; Sheriff of Lin- of ... . colnshire 4 Edward VI. Rigeby, and 11 Eliz.; died 6 or died s.p. 7 Feb., bur. at Boston 8 Feb. 1591-2, wb. 85. =Margaret, dau. of Hut- ton, living a widow 1 March 37 Eliz., 1594-5. Will dated 11 Aug. 1608, then of Houghton; appoints her son-in-iaw Thomas Audley ex'or; proved 26 July 1615. 2. Richard Bolle of Thorpe Hall in the parish of South Elkington,- sold it to his nephew Sir John Bolle before 3 Oct. 1606. . . . dau. of Elizabeth, bapt. at Stenigot 8 Dec. 1599. Katherine, = 3. John Bolle, liv-=pMargaret, 1st dau. of Rich dau. of William Mctham of Bui ling ton. 1st wife. mg 1 March 37 Eliz., 1594-5; a legatee of his nephew Sir John 3 Nov. 1606. ard Mussenden of Bees by; mar. before 1 March 1594-5; bur. at Minting 9 July 1626, then a widow. 2nd wife. Jane, mar. to Tho- mas Audley of Houghton in Grantham; Grantham 5 June 1608. 1. Richard Bolle of Theddlethorpe,: under age 25 April 1606; Colonel in the Royal army; slain at Alton, Hants, 1613; bur. in Winchester Cathedral. =. . . . dau. of... . bur. at Theddle- thorpe, Si. Helen's, 14 Feb. 1654-5. I I 2. John Bolle, under age 25 April 1 (506. Anne, under age 25 April 1606. Susan, bapt. at Theddlcthorpc, Mary, bapt. at Theddlethorpe, St. Helen's, 3 Dec. St. Helen's, 13 March 1627-8. 1629; mar. to William Chapman, of Skegness. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 151 1. Mary, mar. 1st to Anthony Tourney of Cavenby, 2ndly to Henry El toft of the same. Will dated 20 Feb. 1017-18 and 10 Nov. 1019; proved (C.P.C.) 28 Jan. 1019-20. 2. Anne, mar. be- fore 1508 Leonard Cracroft of Cra- croft If all; bur. at Hoggathorpe 0 Jan. 1578-9. 3. Gertrude, mar. Leonard Kirk man of EastKeal; liv- ing 20 Feb. 1017-18. 4. Ursula. Kirkman mar. to John of East Keal; living 30 Oct. 1000. Katherine,= dau. of Sir Edward Dymoke of Scrivelby, Knt.; died s.p. 1st wife. : Bridget^ dau. of George Fane of Baddes- hill, Kent. =Mary, dau." of Thomas Powtrell of Derby- shire. 3rd wife. -Charles Bolle" of Haugh, died v.p. 3 Feb. 1590-91; bur. at Haugh. =Anne, dau. of Thomas Dymoke of Friskney; remar. at Boston, 12 Oct. 1595, to Bartholomew Armyne of Osgodby; died 18 Aug. 1010; bur. in Lincoln Cathedral. Will dated 23 May 1015; proved at Lincoln 14 Sept. 1010. I Anne. Catherine, mar. to Sir Edward Carr of Aswarby, Knt. and Bart.; post-nuptial settlement dated 5 May 31 Eliz., 1589; living 4 Sept. 1004 ; died s.p. before 1000. Elizabeth, mar. at Louth, 10 April 1590, to Thomas Gilby of Stainton- in-the-Hole; bur. at Louth 10 March 1032-3. Sir John Bolle of Haugh, Knt., 1590, only= son and heir of his grandfather; born 1500; served at Cadiz 1590; a Com- mander in Ireland; died 3 Nov. 1000, xt. 40; bur. at Haugh. Will dated 3 Oct. 1000; proved at Lincoln 10 March 1000-7, then described of Thorpe Hall. -Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Edward Waters of King's Lynn, Norfolk; a3t. 7 at her father's death 27 July 14 Eliz., 1572; mar. 1st to Nicholas Killingtree (from whom she was divorced), 2ndly to Ed- ward Bacon; bur. at Haugh 14 Aug. 1047. Will dated 10 Jan. 1039-40; proved (C.P.C.) 22 Nov. 1047. 3. Martha, 1034; bapt. at Louth 8 Dec. 1597; un- mar. 19 Oct. 1019; mar. to Edward Doughty of Worlaby. I 4. Catherine, 1034; bapt. at Louth 10 Dec. 1002; mar. to Christopher Pal- mer of Burgh-in- the-Marsh; bur. there 14 Aug. 1040. I I 5. Bridget, 1034; died uninar. at Utterby. Will dated 0 Dec. 1051 ; proved (C.P.C.) 4 June 1052. Bridget, bur. at Louth 28 Feb. 1003-4. Elizabeth, bur. at Louth 4 Feb. 1599-1000. Anne, bapt. at Louth 29 Dec. 1598. 2. John Bolle of Bis- cathorpe 1034 and of Louth; bapt. at Louth25Sept.l000; bur. there 19 Jan. 1053-4. Will dated 14 Jan. 1053-4; proved (C.P.C.) 29 March 1054. 0 D :Jane, dau. of John Bradley of Louth; bapt.30 April 1009; mar. 25 Aug. 1029; bur. at Louth 15 March 1049-50. 3. Edward Bolle of London, born 1003, said to be abroad 10 Jan. 1039; died Nov. 1080,a3t.77. Will dated 11 Nov., proved (C.P.C.) 11 Dec. 1080. 1. Elizabeth, 1034; mar. to George Cracroft of Fulnetby; bur. at Louth 19 April 1009. 2. Mary, bapt. at Louth 8 Jan. 1592-3; mar. be- fore 13 Aug. 1021 to Nathaniel Hunt of .. . Novthants. 152 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGKEES. 1. John Bolle, set. 3 in 1(534, a legatee of his uncle Sir Charles 29 May 1660; living 1688. 2. Charles Bolle, 14 Jan. 1G53-4; living 1088. 3. Edward Bolle, bapt. 23 July 1649; bur. at Louth 2 March 1649-50. 1. Jane, set. 1 in 1634; mar. before 18 Sept. 1662 to James Harriman of Stenigot; died before 11 Nov. 1680. 2. Elizabeth, 14 3. Bridget, 14 Jan. Jan. 1653-4; 1653-4; mar. to mar. to Newcombe; Keene; living living 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 1680. 1680." Anne, bur. at Louth 1 Feb. 1644-5. Elizabeth,1 rlau. and heir of Humphry Stafford of Blather- wick, North ants; bur. at Louth 23 Sept. 1643. 1st wife. ■1. Sir Charles Bolle of= Haugh and Thorpe Hall 1634, son and heir, under age 30 Oct. 1606; born 1592; knighted at Theobalds 12 Nov. 1616; proved his mother's will 22 Nov. 1647; bur. at Louth 14 Feb. 1660-61. Will dated 29 May 1660; proved (C.P.C.) 1 June 1661. :Anne, dau.=Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Anthony of....Ste- Chester of Chicheley, Bucks, phens; sis- Bart.; bapt. 11 July 1596; ter of Lt.- widow 1st of G-ervase Cressey, Colonel 2ndly of.... Wingate of Hart- Stephens; ington, Beds, 3rdly of .... bur. at Duncombe of Claydon, Bucks; Louth 7 mar. at St. Giles-in-the- July 1654. Fields, Middlesex, 16 Sept.l 655; 2nd wife. remar. to Francis Layre of Han- ningham, Norfolk (mar. lie. dated 18 Dec. 1661, then said to be "set. 50," to be married at St. Mary-le-Strand). 3rd wife. Edward Bolle, bapt. 7 July, bur. at Louth 15 Dec. 1653. Anne, bapt. at Louth 20 Sept. 1650. Will dated 1705, then mi- ni ar. Elizabeth, born at Louth 2 July 1654; living unmar. 11 Nov. 1680. Martha, bur. at Louth 6 May 1656. 1. Elizabeth, 1634; mar. before 16 Jan. 1639-40 to Thomas Ely of Utterby; living 11 Nov. 1680. Anne, 1634; at Louth 2 1620. bapt. May ii ii 3. Mary, 1634; bapt. at Louth 12 Aug. Katherine, bur. 1621 ; mar. 1st to ... . Ely, 2ndly, at at Louth 14 Stenigot, 16 June 1659, to Edward March 1624-5. Hutchinson, clerk ; living 29 May 1660. — — Jane, younger 4. Catherine, 1634; bapt. at Louth 6 dau., mar. be- April 1625; mar. 1st, before 29 May fore 29 May 1660, to John Ellis, clerk; remar. at 1660 to Wil- Wispington,2 March 1665-6, to Eichard liam Eadley of Brocklesby, clerk ; living 1699 (7 July). Yarborough. Ursula, dau. of George^ Bradley of Louth; mar. 22 Sept. 1652; bur. at Louth 17 July 1663. E =1. John Bolle of=f. . . . dau. Thorpe Hall, i of . son and heir, set. 3 in 1634; bur. at Louth 10 Sept. 1679. F 2. Charles Bolle, 1 year old in 1634; bur. at Louth 20 Jan. 1641-2. Rutland Bolle, bapt. 4 June, bur, at Louth 31 Oct. 1624. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 153 B| Edward Bolle, under age 11 Nov. 1680; not mentioned in his half- brother's will 2 April 1699. 1. Elizabeth, sister and co- heir, under age 11 Nov. 1680; mar. at South Elk- ington, 7 March 1708-9, to Thomas Bosville, clerk. See Yorkshire Pedigrees. i 2. Sarah, dau. and coheir, under age 11 Nov. 1680; mar. at St. John's, Laugh ton, 24 Feb. 1690, Henry Eyre of Bramley in the parish of Braith- well, Yorks; bur. at Braithwell 21 June 1709. He was bur. there 2 April 1727. =f= 1. Charles Bolle 2. John Bolle of Thorpe Hall, born at of Thorpe Hall Louth 7 July 1657; heir of his and Haugh, brother, whose will he proved 7 July bapt. at Louth 1699; he had the manor of Mel- 11 July 1656; bourn, Yorks, by devise of his grand- died unmar. mother Jane Bradley (her will dated Will dated 2 24 Aug. 1714, and proved 17 Feb. April, proved 1715-16); died 12, bur. at Louth 15 (O.P.C.) 7 July March 1732-3. 1699, John Bolle, bapt. 20 July 1653; bur. at Louth 26 Feb. 1653-4. Elizabeth, bapt. 12 Feb. 1654-5; bur. at Louth 11 Jan. 1655-6. Margaret, dau. of . . . ., died 7 Feb. 1728-9, set. 84. [MS. C. 23 Heralds' College. Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Argent, three boars' heads erect and erased salle. Adam de Booth.=p William, son of= Adam de Booth. =Sibell, dau. of Gilbert de Brereton, younger brother of William de Brereton, with whom he had the lands in Withershaw. Thomas de Bo.oth.=f= i John de Booth=pAgnes, dau. and heir of Gilbert de Barton, Lord of Barton, Lancashire. Thomalyn Booth of Barton, Lancashire^fEllen, dau. of Robert Worsley. Jane, dau. of Sir=f=l. John Booth of=f=. . . . dau. Alia, mar. 1st to William Leigh of Henry Trafford, Knt. 1st wife. A VOL. I, Barton, Lanca> shire, son and heir. b of ... . Bagulegh, Cest.; 2ndly to Thomas 2nd wife. Duncalf .... 154 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES, Robert Booth- of Dunham, Cost. :Dowse, dan. and coheir of Sir Wil- liam Variables of Bollcw, Sir Roger Booth= of Dunham, Knfc. I Booth of Dunham, Cest. -Catherine, dan. and heir of Ralph Halton of Moi- ling ton, Cheshire. Booth of Dunham. Laurence Booth, Bishop of Dur- ham, Archbishop of York; Lord Chancellor 20 Sept. 12 Edward IV.; died 1480. William Booth, Archbishop of York 4 Edward IV. Sir Thomas: Booth of Barton, Lan- cashire, Knt., 24 July 22 Edward IV., 1482. =Isabell, dau. of Sir Wil- liam Car- ring ton of Carrington, and widow of Wever. i i i i Anne, mar. to Sir Edward Wever. .... mar. to ... . Atherton. Catherine, mar. to Thomas Radcliffe of Wimersley. Joane, mar. to Tho- mas Southworth. argery, mar. to John Byron of Clayton, Lancashire. Alice, mar. to Robert Clifton. Joane, mar. to Thomas Shir- borne ofAugh- ton. Thomas Booth of Barton, Lan- cashire, son and heir. Booth of Barton, Lancashire. Hcnry^p Elizabeth, dau. and heir of William Booth of Middle Soyle in the parish of Killing- holme, j.u., Admiral. Gascaryk, Lord of Middle Soyle in Killingholme, by Johana (younger sister and coheir of her brother James de Key gate), dau. of William de Roy gate, Lord of Steeton, by his wife Theophania, dau. and heir of William de Fountayne of Killing- holme, Lincolnshire, by his wife Theophania, dau. and coheir of Sir William Ingham of Ingham, Lin- colnshire, Knt. Nicholas Booth, died s.p. Richard Booth of Shrublan, Suffolk, mar .... mar. to .... Duncalfe. .... mar. to .... Saxon den ham. William Booth of=j=Margaret (? Eliza- Middle Soyle Killingholme. both), dau. of John Ayscough. Thomas Booth. Robert Booth, a Priest. John Booth. Anne, a nun. John Booth of= Middle Soyle in Killing- holme. -Anne, dau. of Richard Thimelby of Irnhain. Michael Booth, died s.p. i Anne. Margaret. Died s.p. Thomas .... dau.=William- Booth, of Eustace Booth, died s.p. Booth, .... Warcop of Kent. ^Ursula, dau. of John Billesby of Billesby; widow of Thomas Skipwith of Habrough. Isabell, mar. Eleanor, to William mar. to Bos vile. Robert Eowlit. Anne, mar. to William White. Eustace Booth, Ellen. Eleanor, mar. to Edward IT. an by of Brocklcsby. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 155 Isabell, dau. of Wil- li am Dalii son of Laugh ton. 1st wife. =John Booth of Middle Soyle,= bur. at Killingholme 8 July 1566. Will dated 1 July 1566; proved (O.P.O.) last Feb. 1566-7. 4. Francis Booth, unmar. 1 July 1566. I 5. William Booth, unmar. 1 July 1566. -Eleanor, dau.: of... . Fitz- wiiliams of Yorks. 2nd wife. =Mary, dau. of Thomas Ellis of Paunton; living 1 July 1566. 3rd wife. Winifred, unmar. 1 July 1566; mar. to John Os- borne of Grantham. I I I 2. George Booth=pJane, dau. 3. PhilipBooth,un- of Middlesex and of Sleaford, un- mar. 1 July 1566. of Edmund mar. 1 July 1566. Radclilfe of — Langley, Elizabeth Eleanor, Lancashire, mar. 1 July 1566. Bridget, mar. to Philip Gardner of Bishop Norton. Anne, mar. to Christopher Clayton of Lea. Dorothy, mar. 1st to Richard Newell of the Isle of Wight, 2ndly to Tho- mas Sha of Aldingham, Lancashire. Elizabeth, mar. to Edward Fenn of London, merchant. Seven other daus. 2. Holcroft: Booth of Sleaford, ast. 54 in 1634. Catherine, dau. of . . . .; widow of David Armstrong of Sleaford. (" Katherine Dickenson" and "David Armstrong" are mentioned as "servants of my son Robert" in the will of Ro- bert Cammock of Sleaford, mercer, 19 Jan. 1604-5.) 1. Joseph Booth, son and heir, set. 10 in 1634. Gerard Booth=Jeromina, Gerard of Gray's Inn dau. of Booth, and Harrow- John Boyle — on-the-Hill, of the city Edward Middlesex, of Here- Booth, living 7 June ford. 1607; 1 son 1627. Frances. Thomas Booth of Swincshead, a Captain, bur. at Sleaford 5 Jan. 1664-5. Elizabeth, - dau. of John Ays- couffh. =Thomas Booth of Killingholme, son aud = Cecily, dau. and heir of Wil- heir, proved his father's will ill to. Feb. liam Gardner of Bishop 1566-7 1581. bur. at Killingholme 22 June Norton 1590. bur. there 28 April Anthony Booth, bur. at Killingholme 5 Feb. 1616-17. Adin'on to relict Mary. Robert Booth. William Booth. Frances. Margaret, mar. to Robert Mo nek ton of Wharam Grange. Elizabeth, mar. at Killing- holme, 4 Nov. 1 577, to George Boo tli of G ox- hill. Catherine, mar. at Killing- holme, 1 Oct. 1578, to Wil- liam Savage. Faith, bapt. at Killingholme 25 May 1602; bur. there 18 April 1605 156 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. D I 1. John= Booth of Killing- holme, son and heir, bur. there 23 Jan. 1597-8. ^Martha, dan. of . . . . Butler of Bedham, Beds; bur. at Killing- holme 15 Jan. 1616-17. Elizabeth, dau. of John= Cooke of Thornton Cur- tis; widow of Edward Booth of the same ; mar. 26 Oct. 1598; bur. 29 Jan. 1609-10 at Thorn- ton. 1st wife. :Roger Booth= of Thornton Curtis, bur. there 1 Dec. 1627. = Alice, dau. of .... Harbin; mar. 12 June 1610; bur. 6 Oct. 1626 at Thornton Curtis. 2nd wife. Anne, bapt. at Thornton Curtis 17 Sept. 1601. 1. William Booth of Killing-=Mary, dau. of William Willoughby, 1st son of holme, son and heir, bapt. at Charles, 2nd Baron Willoughby, of Parham; "~ mar^ at (jajnsborougn 5 MarcD 1601-2; living at Bishops Norton, a widow, 24 May 1622; remar. there, 16 April 1624, to Thomas Fox of Matherby, Yorks. Killingholme 4 Oct. 1580; died 30 Jan., bur. at Killing- holme 2 Feb. 1616-17, s.p. I 2. George Booth of Killingholme, bapt.' there 29 Aug. 1582; heir of his brother William; died 1 April 15 Jac. I.; bur. at Killingholme 3 April 1617. Will dated 29 March 1.617; proved (C.P.C.) 9 June 1618, then described of Cavill, Yorks. 2. John Booth, 29 March 1617. 3. George Booth, 1634; a posthu- mous son, bapt. at Killingholme 14 Sept. 1617. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Marmaduke Monckton of Cavill, Yorks; proved her hus- band's will 9 June 1618. 3. Charles Booth, bapt. at Killingholme 20 Oct. 1585. Margaret, bapt. at Kil- lingholme 12 Oct. 1583; bur. there 1604. 1. Mary, 29 March 1617; bapt. at Killingholme 19 July 1607; mar. to Ed- ward Middlemore of Bar- ton-on-II umber. 2. Martha, 29 March 1617; mar. to Wil- liam Scrope of Little Cotes. Will dated 18 Feb. 1660-61. 1. William Booth of Killingholme 1634, son and heir born 20, bapt. at Killingholme 24 Nov. 1608; set. 8 at his father's death; Captain in the Train Bands 1642; of Great Grimsby 1651; bur. at Killingholme 26 Dec. 1657. Adm'on (C.P.C.) 19 July 1660, then described of East Rasen. =Elizabcth, dau. of John Wright of Market Rasen; mar. there 13 June 1631 ; bur. at Kil- lingholme 26 Dec. 1659. Anne, bapt. 9, Mary, bapt. at Killingholme 2 April bur. 11 Aug. (born 26 March) 1633; mar. at 1640 at Kil- East Rasen, 27 Jan. 1652-3, to Wil- lingholme. liarn Fennet. Elizabeth, set. 1, 1634; born and bapt. 6, bur. 13 Feb. 1633-4 at Kil- lingholme. 3. William Booth, born 17 July,bapt. 26 July 1636; bur. 28 Nov. 1652 at Killingholme. 4. Thomas Booth, born 3, bapt. at Killingholme 4 Oct. 1637; mar. lie. 23 Nov. 1670, "Thomas Booth of East Rasen, gent., and Elizabeth Middlemore, widow, of Lusby." 5. Marmaduke Booth, bapt. 23 May 1639; bur. 2 Mar. 1640-41 at Killing- holme. 6. Edmund Booth, bapt. at Killing- holme 12 Nov. 1637. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 157 1. G-eorge Booth, son and heir, born 8 and bapt. at Killingholme 15 March 1631-2; set. 2, 1634. Anne, dau.- and coheir of Anthony Penyston of London; bur. at Kil- lingholme May 1668. 1st wife. i 2. John Booth of Harpswell,= born 23 Feb., bapt. at Kil- lingholme 3 March 1634-5; Gentleman Commoner of Lin- coln College, Oxon, 1650; adm'or of his father 19 July 1660, then called "son and heir;" J.P. for Lindsey 1678, also of Market Rasen, and bur. there. i William Booth, died s.p. i i Elizabeth, died s.p. Anne, died s.p. I Mary, mar. to William Osgodby of Osgodby. Martha, bapt. at East Rasen 3Nov. 1665 ; mar. to George Fitzwilliam of Withern; bur. at Withern 24 April 1722. =Mary, dau. of John Lodington of Ful- netby, and his co- heir; born 1650; remar. to Edward Dymoke of Wad- dingworth; died 22, bur. at Market Rasen 25 June 1740, set. 90. Will dated 13 May 1731, then of the Close of Lincoln, widow; proved (at Lincoln) 16 April 1741. 2nd wife. Elizabeth, Anne, mar. to Edward bapt. at Tournay of Caenby; East Rasen ex'trix of her mother 13 (after Oct.) May 1731, then a widow. 1674. Will dated 22 Jan. 1743-4; proved 21 Jan. 1745-6. Mary, born 1675 ; mar. 1st, at St. Mar- garet's in the Close of Lincoln, 28 Jan. 1700-1, to Charles Newcomen of Lincoln, woollen draper; 2ndly, before 13 May 1731, to ... . Halkshaw; died 17 Jan. 1732-3, set. 58; bur. at St. Peter-at- Arches. William Booth John Booth of Market Rasen, 1st sur-=f=Anne, dau. Thomas Booth of the Close of viving son, bapt. at East Rasen 12 Lincoln, bur. Feb. 1673-4; sold Killingholme and at East Rasen East Halton between 1704 and 1710 18 Oct. 1707. (he lived afterwards at Spittal); died intestate; bur. 26 May 1719, set. 45, at East Rasen. of Henry of London and Andrews Blackwell of Os- Hall, factor, godby. 1. Henry Booth, born 1709; entered at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1 April 1727, set. 18; a legatee of his grand- mother 13 May 1731, then under age; a Major in the Army. He lived chiefly at Utterby, and left no legitimate issue. 2. John Booth of Hull,= born 1710; a legatee of his grandmother 13 May 1731, then under age; Alderman of Hull. , dau. of . Benjamin Haworth of eldest surviving son of Tho-=f=Anne, only surviving mas Haworth of.... by his wife Mary, dau. and coheir of Benjamin Blaydes, Esq., of . . . ., and great-grandniece of Andrew Marvell, M.P. (See Yorkshire Pedigrees.) child and sole heir, mar. 1756; died March 1784, set. 48. 158 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. ! 3. Thomas Booth, born 1712; a legatee of his grand- mother 13 May 1731, under age; Rector of Thornton- le-Moor May 1741, and of East Easen April 1742; died 4, bur. at East Rasen 6 Dec. 1764, set. 52. :Anna Maria, dau. of John Andrews of Alford; born 1713; died 6, bur. at Market Rasen 9 Sept. 1779, xt. 66. Henry Booth, only son, bapt. at Alford 15 July 1742. 1. Anna Maria, bapt. 20 Aug. 1743; bur. 5 Feb. 1743-4. 2. Anne, bapt. 19 Sept. and bur. 9 Oct. 1744 at East Rasen. 3. Anna Maria, bapt. at East Rasen 11 Mar. 1745-6. 4. Mary, bapt. 9 Aug. and bur. 19 Nov. 1747 at East Rasen. Mootf) of #^j)tll [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College. Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Argent, three boars' heads erased, erected sable, armed or, with a mascle for difference gules. Gilbert Booth, 2nd son of... . Booth of Barton, was the=p first that came into Lincolnshire, and lived at Goxhill. Christopher Booth of East Halton, son and heir.: Thomas Booth of= Goxhill. John Booth of^ East Halton. Henry Booth of Goxhill, died=pMary, dau. of John Hop- 14Jan.30HenryVIIL,1538-9. I kinson of Lincoln. r Christopher =pElizabeth, dau. of Ro- Nicholas Booth of Gox-=j=Alice, dau. of Booth of Wootton. bert (or William) Neele of Halton. hill, son and heir, set. 16 and more 20 Oct. 31 Henry VIII. John Poysall (or Pisall) of Killingholme. Elizabeth, dau. of: Thomas Booth of Killingholme; mar, at Killingholme 4 Nov. .1577; bur. at Goxhill 21 Dec. 1580. 1st wife. I = George = Booth of Goxhill, bur. at Goxhill 17 Dec. 1630. Ursula, only dau. and heir to her mother. ^Catherine, dau. of Richard Wel- by of Gedney; bapt. at Gedney 28 Nov. 1563; mar. at Washing- borough 24 Oct. 1586; bur. at Goxhill 21 April 1599. 2nd wife. Bartholomew Booth of Gox- hill, mar. at St. Peter-at- Arches, Lin- coln, 14 May 1599, Alice Elward of Spalding. William Booth. Mary, mar. to John Butler of Goxhill, "cousin to ... . Butler of Ooates," at Goxhill 14 May 1584. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 159 I 1. Henry=j=Eliza- Booth of beth, Goxhill dau. of 1634, son Robert and heir, Daven- bur. at port of Goxhill Manby. 4 July 1650. b| 2. Edward Booth, bapt. at Goxhill 2 April 1597; of Barfcon-on-Hu ru- ber 3 May 1622, and of Ferriby 23 April 1624. Alice, mar. at Gox- hill, 16 Aug. 1606, to Henry Smyth. J i i Jane, bur. at Goxhill 19 Nov. 1593. Agnes, bapt. at Goxhill 29 Sept. 1594. Mary, mar. to WilliamThomp- son of Barton- on-Humber. i i Margaret, mar. lie. 20 May 1617, John Edgerley of Woot- ton. Elizabeth, mar. lie. 14 Sept. 1616, "Wil- liam Somerfield of Kingston-on-Hull, gent., 36, and Eliza- beth Booth, spr., 21." 1. George Booth of Goxhill, son and heir, bapt. at Gox- hill 24 June 1617; a3t. 17, 1634; mar. Alice, dau. of ... . 2. Thomas Booth of Gox- hill 1634; mar. Elizabeth, dau. of I I 3. Francis Booth, 1634. 4. William Booth, bapt. at Goxhill 10 Sept. 1626. I I Cathe- 1 rine. 2. Magda- len. 3. Eliza- beth. 4. Brid- get. 5. Anne. i i i Robert 1. Lockhart Booth, 2. William Booth, bapt. 25 Oct. 1649; Booth, bapt. at bur. at Goxhill 10 bapt. 24 Goxhill Feb. 1682-3. Will .... 1651; 14 Oct. dated 8 Feb., proved bur.atGox- 1639. 6 March 1682-3 at hill20Nov. Lincoln. 1652. Elizabeth, bapt. at Goxhill 23 Dec. 1650; lega- tee 1682-3. Frances, bapt. at Goxhill (born) 8 Jan. 1655-6. Penelope, legatee in her brother Lock- hart's will 1682-3. I 1. William Booth of Wootton, mar. at Thed- dlethorpe, 13 Jan. 1580-81, Anne, dau. of George Pormont of Great Grimsby and Theddlethorpe. She was bur. at Wootton 25 March 1639. (Mar. lie. 17 July 1627, "Roger Booth of Thornton Curtis, aged 50, and Anne Booth of Wootton, widow.") I Edward= Booth of Thorn- ton Cur- tis, dead 1634. I 1. John Booth of Wootton 1634, son and heir; bapt. at Wootton 4 Aug. 1594; of Gray's Inn 24 May 1614; mar. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Mas- singberd of Louth and Gunby (mar. lie. 19 Dec. 1618, he a3t. 24, she 19). She was bur. at Wootton 28 Sept. 1663. =j= ^Elizabeth, dau. of John Cooke of Thornton Cur- tis; mar. at Wootton 10 July 1582; remar. at Thornton, 26 Oct. 1598, Roger Booth of Thornton; bur. there 29 Jan. 1609-10. I II 2. Wil- Huther, bapt. at Ham Wootton 7 Aug. Booth. 1581; mar. to Robert Hal ton. Elizabeth, bapt. at Wootton 21 Sept. 1582. Margaret, bapt. at Wootton 11 April 1584. 160 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. II I William Booth, bapfc. at Wootton 12 Dec. 1619; bur. there 22 Dec. 1630. John Booth, bapt. at Wootton 14 Oct. 1621. Thomas Booth, bapt. at Wootton 8 July 1623. Edward Booth, bapt. at Wootton 31 Aug. 1624. Henry Booth, bapt. at Wootton 1 April 1627. Christopher Booth, bapt. at Wootton 4 Aug. 1629. William Booth, bapt. at Wootton 21 Oct. 1633; a Captain in the Lin- coln Militia 1680; bur. at Wootton 6 April 1694. I I Anne, bapt. at Wootton 29 Septa 631; mar. there, 1 Jan. 1655-6, to William Dobson. Jane,mar. atWoot- Elizabeth, ton, 20 July 1653, bapt. at to Thomas Stow, Wootton 6 Rector of Fullaby. Oct. 1636. Jane, dan. of Bennet Serjeat; widow=pJohn Booth=pAnne, dau. of Thomas Thom- of Henry Markham; mar. 29 April } ofEastllal- 1589; bur. at Wootton 10 June | ton 1634. 1593. 1st wife. son of Thonock; mar. 4 Nov. 1593; bur. at Wootton 29 Sept. 1627. 2nd wife. 1. William Booth of Great=pMary, dau. Grimsby and of Wootton and Croxton 1634; bapt. at Wootton 21 Nov. 1590; Mayor of Grimsby 1635 and 1639; farmer of the Parson- age of Wootton; bur. at Great Grimsby 17 Jan. 1658-9. of Daniel Aylmer, sister of Sir John. 2. Thomas Booth, had a son John, bapt. at Wootton 26 July 1632. 3. John Booth. Mary, bapt. at Wootton 23 May 1596; mar. at Thornton Curtis, 16 Dec. 1617, to Thomas Lovell of Skelton, Yorks. 1. Aylmer Booth of Great Grimsby, set. 18, 1634; Mayor of Grimsby 1667; mar. Eliza- beth, dau. of....; bur. at Great Grimsby 10 Nov. 1680. She was bur. at Great Grimsby 2 Aug. 1678. Join Booth, bur. at Wootton 2 April 1621. Mary, bapt. 16 Nov. 1638; bur. at G reat Grims- by 3 June 1639. I Judith, bur. at Great Grimsby 14 June 1663. Mary, bapt. at Great Grimsby 5 July 1644. Theophilus Booth=j=Grace, dau. of . Aylmer Booth, bapt. at Great Grimsby 12 April (born 27 March) 1660. LINOOLNSHIEB PEDIGREES. 161 William Booth of Newbell in parish of Stainton. Will dated 2 Feb/ 1701-2; codicil 29 Dec. 1702; proved 23 Jan. 1702-3. Richard Booth of Wyham. Will dated=Mildred John Booth=pHannah, dau. 24 Dec. 1714; proved 30 April 1715; of Isling- of ....; liv- mentions kinsman Thomas Booth of ton, living ing in 1753. East Torrington. in 1714. John Booth, William Booth of Grebby, under age=Sarah, Mary. Ann, born after in 1702; s.p. Willdated2 Jan. 1753-4; dau. of living 1702; living proved 13 April 1754; mentions his .... unmar. in 1753. brother John Booth, his cousin 1753. Robert Booth, and his sister Ann — Booth. Hannah. William Booth of Stainby in parish of Ashby Puerorum,=f Ann=r6eorge Story, living in 1714. I William Booth: of Aswardly. ^Isabella, dau. of Thomas Brackenbury of Spilsby Hannah, by Elizabeth Rogers; bapt. at Spilsby 22 June legatee in 1698. Will dated 29 May (then "of Spilsby, grand- widow "); proved 11 Nov. 1732. father's will. Isalella, heiress, ex'trix to her mother in 1732; legatee=j=Carr Brackenbury, bapt. at of her uncle Carr Brackenbury in 1741 (see p. 168). | Spilsby 3 Dec. 1717. [Note.—The above pedigree is compiled solely from wills at Lincoln, The family may have been an offshoot of the Booths of GoxhilL—A. R. M.] Arms.—Argent, five fusils in /esse gules, in chief three dears1 heads erased, muzzled sable, Roger Boswell of=f Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Thorpe of Torksey, dead in 1580. Minting; remar. 1st ... . Jackson, 2ndly John Reade of Wrangle. Robert Boswell of Bilsby=p dau. of and South Thoresby, legatee of his uncle Rich- ard Johnson of Claxby 15 Sept. 1607 ; living at Boston 1615. a VOL. I, lit Judith "uxor Roberti Boswell;" bur. at South Thoresby 20 May 1640. =Robert Wolby ofBils- bv. Alice=John Bil- lesby of Billesby. 162 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Judith, bapt. at Bilsby=Reginald Maoris of Alice, bur. at Katharine, bapt. at 14 April 1604; mar. Donington, set. 24 Bilsby 19 Bilsby 15 Sept., lie. 28 Dec. 1623. in 1623. Aug/ltfll. bur. 10 Oct. 1011. Roger; Bos well, bapt. at Bilsby 8 Nov. 1012. =T)orothy, dan. of Rev. Hugh Maple toft, Rector of North Thores- by; bapt. 14 June 1607. Frances,= dan. of John Day of Saus- thorpe; dead in 1661. 1st wife. :John Boswell of Soutl\= Thoresby, bur. there 20 May 1680; ex'or of his cousin Thomas Johnson of Claxby 29 Ancr. 1668. =Mary, dan. of Ro- bert Newcomen of Rcvesby; mar. lie. 1661; bur. at South Thoresby 22 July 1687. 2nd wife. Robert Boswell, living 5 Feb. .1(557-8. John Boswell, bapt. at Afford 12 March 1040-41; bur. there 24 March 1044-5. Alice,—Dymoke Thomas Lodington=Eliza-= s.p. Wal- of East Kirkby, beth. pole of died 1673, s.p. 1st Louth. husband. Overton. 2nd hus- band. Mary, bapt. at A1 ford 19 July 1639: mi mar. 1657-8. living Frances, heir to hcr = mother and her aunt Alice Wal pole. =William Smithson,M'.I)., of St. George's, Blooms- bury, London. i i i i Robert Boswell, Vere Boswell, bur. John Boswell, s.p. Mary, bur. at South bur. at South at South Thoresby Will dated 6 Feb. Thoresby 10 July Thoresby 25 5 March 1693-4, 1693-4; proved 3 1666. Feb. 1703-4, s.p. s.p. Aug. 1694. John Wolley= of Alford. Will dated 10 May, proved 5 Sept. 1687. 1st husband. =Anne, bapt. = Henry at South Ncale. Thoresby28 2nd Feb.l 662-3. hus- band. Noah Mot-: tram of Cawthorpe. 1st hus- band. =Mary, bapt. at: South Thoresby 2 Jan. 1670-71. Willdated9May 1727; proved 11 July .1728. :William Mar- wood of Lang- ton-by-Wrag- by. 2nd hus- band. [Note.—The above pedigree is partly Mr. Larken's compilation from wills and registers. I printed it with large additions in Gibbons' "Notes on the Visitation of 1034," Parts 9, 10, 11, 12.—A. R. M.J LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 163 3fouc&ewtt oi J^rtj) WtUmj$am an* Arms.—Azure, a cock or. Cuest.—A cockatrice or. Mathew Boucherett of London, apothe- cary, and of North Willingham, a native of France; naturalized 1044. -Anne, dan. and heir of Floren- tine Tainturier of North Wil- li n^ham. Rev. Mafchew Bou-= cherefct, Clerk, of Willing! 1 am; died 1702. :Sarah, dau. of Matthew llungerford of Ohis- bury, co. Wilts. David Boucherett. William Boucherett. Pru- dence. Jane. Mary. Mathew Boucherett of Wil- lingham, Sheriff of Lincoln 1700; bur. at Stalling- borough 2 Feb. 1748-9. Isabella, dau. and coheir of Sir Edward Ays- Sarah, cough of South Kelsey and Stallingborough; — bapt. at South Kelsey, St. Mary, 13 , June Mary. 1G01; bur. at Stallingborough 23 Oct. 1748. Ayscough Boucherett of: Willingham and Stal- lingborough, only son; Sherifl'of "Lincoln 1754; died 31 Aug. 1789. :Mary, dau. of .... White; died in King Street, St. James's Square, 20 Aug. 1788. Letitia, bapt. at North Willing- ham 15 Aug. 1711; bur. at Stallingborough 25 June 1747. I Isabella, bapt. at North Willing- ham 27 Sept. 1715; bur. at Stallingborough 2 Dee/l710." Ayscough Boucherett of Wil- li ngham and Stallingborough, born 16 April 1755; Colonel of the Lincolnshire Yeomanry; Sheriff of Lincoln 1795; twice M.P. for Great Grimsby 1790; died 15, bur. 23 Sept. .1815 at North Willingham. :Emilia, dau. of Charles Crokett of Luxborough Hall, Essex; mar. at St. George's, Hanover Sq., London, 17-18 March 1789 ; died at Harcheld Place, Middlesex, 9, bur. 14 Oct. 1837 at North Willingham, tet. 75. Mary, bapt. at Stalling- borough 1(1 Dec. 17() 1; "dau. of Ayscough Bou- cherett, Esq., and Mary White"; mar., 20 Oct. 1798, to Michael Bame of Sotterly and Dunwich, Lieut.-Col.7th Dragoons, M.P. for Dunwich. Ayscough Boucherett of Willing-=p Louisa, youngest dau. of Frederick John Pigou ham, born 23 or 24 Sept. 1791; of Dartford, Kent; mar. at St. George's, Han- bapt. at Lancaster; Sherilf of ! over Square, London, 11 May (3 or 11 June) Lincolnshire 1819. j 1816; died at Brighton 5 Feb. 1873, ixst. 78. 1. Ayscough Bou- cherett, born 22 June 1817 ;• died (> Aug. 1832; bur. at North Willing- ham. 2. Henry Robert Bou- cherett of Willingham, Chairman of Spilsby Quarter Sessions; born 23 Aug. 1818; iu the 17th Lancers; died unmar. 8 June 1877. 3. Hugo Boucherett, born 31 Dec. 1819; died, i\)t. 20. 1. Louisa,born 2 Jan. 1821; died unmar. 21 Dec. 1895. 2. Emilia Jessie, born 25 Nov. 1825; living unmar. 1901. A 164 Lincolnshire pedigrees. 1. Emilia Mary, born 7 Aug. 1790; bapt. at St. James's, London; died uumar. at Ar- bury, near Nuneaton, Warwick, 29 Nov. 1870. 2. Maria, born 30 Oct. 1795; bapt. at North Willingham; mar., 15 Aug. 1815, to Charles Newdegate of Harefield, Middle- sex, and Arbury, Warwick, s.p. i 3. Juliana, bapt. at North Wil- lingham 27 April 1798; died un- mar. .... Boulton.=p Henry Boulton^ of Bardney, dead in 1638. =Ann .... Will dated 8, proved 26 Oct. 1638, of Young- Lyon wood in parish of Bardney; mentions her brother-in-law Boul- Lyon Boulton, sister Helen Brown, " brother Mr. Thomas ton. Pinchbeck and my sister Mrs. Cassandra his wife." Anthony Boulton. George Boulton. Luke Boulton, cx'or 1638. Henry Boulton, of Lang- bo n-by-Wrag by, younger son, 1638 ; bur. at Lang- ton 18 June 1680. Will dated 6 Oct. 1679; proved 22 July 1680. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Anthony Gib- bon of Langton and Stixwold, by Helen, dau. of JohnCafcer of Langton. Frances,^ 1638. =Thomas Pinch- beck of Budgett in parish of Bard- ney. Anne, mar.= 1685;died23 Feb. 1693-4, aet. 32. =Thomas Elm- hirst of Boston, died 2 Feb. 1696-7, set. 47. Frances, bapt. at Langton 17 April 1666. Abigail, bapt. at Langton 11 Jan. 1669-70; mar. William Wright. Grace, bapt. at Langton 12 May 16 74; mar. .... Blow. Helen, bapt. at Langton 6 Nov. 1653; mar. Rev. William Digh- ton, Rector of Bucknall; s.p. Will dated 8 May 1734, then of Horn- castle; proved 1734. His will dated 22 May, proved 1 Aug. 1702. Elizabeth, bapt.= at Langton 19 Dec. 1655; mar. there 31 July 1677. :Langley Gace of Pa u ton. Mary, bapt. at Langton 25 Feb. 1660-61 (?);bur. 23 Feb. 1674-5. Henry- Boul- ton of Stix- wold. i i ^Elizabeth, only child Anthony Boulton,^ Frances, MichaelBoul- of Norton Bryan of bapt. at Langton bur. at ton of Thim- Bolingbroke by 1st 6 Sept. 1664. Will Wisp- bleby. Will wife. Will dated 24 dated2 May 1710; ington dated25June June 1738, then of the proved 25 June 7 June 1737; proved cityofLincoln; proved 1711 (Line). 1694. 13 Oct. 1738. 21 Jan. 1742-3. =Mary Henry Boulton, bapt. at Wisp- ington 14 Feb. 1692-3; living 1710; ex'or to his father's will. Anthony Boulton, bapt. at Wragby 10 June 1691; living 1710, Francis Boul- ton, living 1710. Michael Boulton. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 165 Robert Boulton of Horncastle. Will Elizabeth, mar. Robert Mary, mar. John dated 6 Oct. 1748; proved 10 Oct. Clarke. Dobbs of Buek- 1750; ex'orin 1734 of Helen Dighton. nail. I Henry Boulton^ of Stixwold. Will dated 28 Sept. 1733; proved 17 Dec. 1737. =Alice, dau. and coheir of James Bolton of Moulton; bapt. there 12 Aug. 1698; mar. there 17 Jan. 1716-17. I I Anthony George Boulton of=. . . . Boulton, Lincoln Close, M.D.; dau. trustee s.p. Will dated 14 of to his June 1746; proved nephew 9 Jan. 1747-8; ex'or Henry. in 1734 of Helen Dighton. Susannah, dau. of= Robert Butler of Spalding; widow of JohnBeridgeof Algarkirk; died 10 Nov. 1749, aet. 28; bur. at Moul- ton. 1st wife. =Henry Boul- ton of Moul- ton, a minor in 1733; mem- ber of the Board of Green Cloth; died 10 Dec. 1788. :Sarah, dau. ofz Thomas Buck- worth of Spald- ing; died 17 Jan. 1754, aet. 18; bur. at Moulton. 2nd wife. :Mary,dau. of Darcy Preston of Askham Bryan, co. York; died Feb. 1779. 3rd wife. Alice,bornlSept. 1722; died 6 Dec. 1783. Will dated 4 April 1781; proved 13 Dec. 1783. Elizabeth, mar. Rev. John Linton. Elizabeth=7=Rev. Charles Knight- Henry Boulton, Darcy Boul- George Boulton, "ley of Preston Capes, died 11 March ton, Judge died 16 Aug. co. Northampton. 1828, aet. 71. in Canada. 1843, set. 82. Sir Rainald Knightley, Bart. T Mar. lie. 19 Oct. 1619, " George Boulton of Bardney, yeom., aged 35, and Alice Creswell of Lincoln, spr., aged 34." [NOTE.—I have entirely rewritten this pedigree, with considerable additions.—A. R. M.] [Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Argent, a demi-eagle displayed (the dexter side) sable, beaked and membered gules. John Bountayne of Hawford, Hereford.=p i Henry Bountayne of Hawford^Margaret, dau. and coheir of Thomas Hereford, vide "Scales and Descent;' fol. 48(?) Blount; sister and coheir of Robert Blount of Hagworthingham. 166 Lincolnshire Pedigrees* dau.=pFrancis Bountayne of Boston and: of ... . Hagworthingham, died 15 Dec. 15 Girlington. Eliz. Will dated 13 Eliz., 1571. I Mary, mar. to Richard Per- kins of Battes- worth. =Mary, dau. of Rich- Anne, ard Wimbishe of to . . . Blankney. Polle. mar. Thomas Bountayne of=j=Katherine, clau. of Hagworthingham, son and heir; get. 7, 15 Eliz., 1572-3. William Yaxley of Boston 5 Sept. 1566; bapt. there. i Anne, mar. to Wil- liam Bradley of Naseby, Rector of that place 1585-6. Thomas Bountayne, a legatee of his uncle Sir Robert Yaxley 29 May 1628. Edward Bountayne, bapt. at Horncastle 29 Nov. 1602; bur. there 15 Jan. 1602-3. Katharine, bapt. at Horncastle 4 Sept. 1604. I Mary, a legatee of her uncle Sir Ro- bert Yaxley 29 May 1628. lotoper of Bottesforti, [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, a lion rampant betiveen three cross-crosslets fitchee gules. Chest.—On a torse argent and azure, issuant out of a tower gules, a demi-dragon or, armed and Jang tied azure of the second. (Granted 9 April 18 Eliz. by Sir Gilbert Dethick, Garter, to Ralph Bowyer, Esq.) .... Bowyer of the ancient house of William Bowyer of=p Knypersley in the county of Stafford. | 1. John Bow-^pBeatrix, yer of Hit- chin, Herts, Sergeant-at- ArmstoQueen Elizabeth. dau. of Stephen Tose of Hitchin. 2. Ralph Bowyer, Sergeant-at-= Arms, Lord of ye manor of Botfcesford 5 Eliz., 1563; had a crest from Dethick, Garter, 9 April 18 Eliz., 1576; purchased lands at Bottesford 23 April 18 Eliz., 1576; died about 1589. :Margaret, dau. of Lionel Reresby of Thribergh, Yorks; living a widow and lady of the manor of Bottesford 1590. Adm'on 6 Feb. 1593-4 to Eleanor Tyrwhitt her sister. Stephen Bowyer of Easthorpe^Susan, dau. of 26 Nov. 1619; joined in ye sale of Brothcrhed House and supervisor of his father-in- law's will 19 Oct. 1611; living 1641; a near kinsman of Robert Lillingston. Sir Henry Ays- cough of Bly- borough,Knt.j mar. before 19 Oct. 1611. Henry Bowyer, son and heir. Henry Bowyer: of Bottesford, sold the Bro- therhed House in Hitchin, Herts, to Ed- ward Dockwra before 1 March 1609-10. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Bul- lingham of Lin- coln City; re- mar, at Bottes- ford, 2 March 1621-2, to Ed- mund Morleyof Holme. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 167 1. Francis Bowyer of Bottes- fordl634; bapt. there 31 Dec. 1611. 2. Thomas Bowyer, bapfc. at Bottes- John Bow- Mary, bapt. at ford 13 Jan. 1612-13; mentioned yer, bapt. Bottesford 26 in his aunt .... Lillingston's will, at Bottes- Dec.1608; bur. to which he is witness, 21 Aug. ford 7 Feb. there 29 May 1635. (Thomas Bowyer of North 1609-10; 1663. Willingham, Clerk. Will dated 12 died s.p. — May, proved 1 June 1641, his Beatrix, bapt. brothers John and James Bowyer at Bottesford ex'ors.) 10 Aug. 1614. I I Susanna, bapt. at Bottesford 3 Feb., bur. there 6 March 1616-17. Elizabeth, bapt. at Bottes- ford 7 March 1617-18 ; bur. there 2 June 1618. 3. Jane, bapt. at Bot- tesford 25 Dec. 1618. Mary, bapt. at St. Mar- garet's, Lincoln, 11 April 1619. 4. Philippa, mar. at Bot- tesford, 4 July 1639, to Henry Lillingston of Bot- tesford; bur. there 27 April 1649. Katherine. Philippa, mar. to Edmund Morley of Holme; bur. at Bottesford 13 Jan. 1621-2. Mary, mar. to Thomas Lillingston of Garthorpe. Will dated 21 Aug. 1635, then descendeth of Manton, Milow; proved at Lincoln 3 Oct. 1638. Anne, mar. to Mcutrie; mentioned in her sister's will 21 Aug. 1635, to which she is a witness. [Harl. MS. 1550. Thoroton's " Notts," vol. i., p. 246.] Arms.—Argent, three bird-bolts gules. Bishop Sanderson has a note: "Forasmuche as the Pedigrees which I have seen of Dene and Bozon are untrue, I have sat down so much thereof as may certainly be proved out of authentic writings." Thomas Bozon =p Anne, dau. and heir ofGerard TJfflete; one of the sisters aud 1 Henry VII. coheirs of Sir Gerard Ufflete; great-grandchild and heir of Lora, or Loretha, dau. and heir of Gerard de Fumival. Sir Henry Bozon, Knt., of Syreston,=j=Katharine, dau. of Sir Robert Mark ham Notts. of Cotham. Sir Richard Bozon=pDorothy, dau. and heir of James of Long Clawton, Leicestershire, and ofBarrowby. Will dated 26 March 1524; proved 4 Aug. 1524. A Dene of Barrowby; reinar. to William Vernon of Barrowby 12 Jan. 1525-6 in the chapel of the Castle of Sheffield, and had a dau. Jane, mar. to Henry Saville of Lupsett, co. York. i 2. Thomas Bozon, legatee in his bro- ther's will 1524. t I Anne, men- tioned in will 1524. Alice, called "Dame Alice" in will 1524. 168 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 1. Mary, dau. and coheir, had lands in Sutton Bcekingham, part of Dene's manor, the mes- suage in Boothby Paynell; set. 14 at her father's death; mar. to John Worsley of Helpston, Northants. 3. Margaret, dau. and coheir, set. 13 at her father's death; had part of Dene's manor, Market Deeping, and St. James, Deeping, and some lands in Pan ton; mar. to Richard Olopton of Ford Hall, Melford; her only dau. and heir Mary mar. to Sir William Cordoll of Melford, Suffolk, Knt., Master of the Rolls to Queen Elizabeth. 2. Elizabeth, dau. and coheir, living 1 . . .; had lands princi- pally in ....; aat. 13 at her father's death ; mar. to Richard Paynell of Boothby Paynell. 4. Alice, dau. and coheir, set. 11 at her father's death; had the East manor in Barrowby; mar. to Thomas Lew is of Thepperton, Mid- dlesex. One au- thority says mar. to George Poole. 5. Agnes, dau. and co- heir, set. 5 at her father's death ; had the manor of Walton-by-Grantham; mar. 1st to Henry Bald- ington, son of Sir Row- land Babington of Nor- man ton, near Derby, Knt.; 2ndly to Francis More of Trickley, Yorks. [Aem.s.—Those borne by this family are the arms of Brackcnbury of Selaby, co. Durham, from which there is not the slightest proof of descent.—A. R. M.] =r=Tliomas Brackcnbury of Spilsby=f Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of= and Great Steeping, attorney died 1G June 1702, rot. G5. Will dated 13 June, proved G Oct. 1702. M.I. at Steeping. H William Boddington; bur at Spilsby 24 Oct. 1727. Will dated G June, proved 26 Dec. 1727. -Charles Rogers of Great Steeping. Thomas=j=Eliza- beth, living 1712. Brack- cnbury, living 1712. Ann, dau.: of Langley G ace of Pan ton. 1st wife. =0arr Bracken-=j=Ann, dau. bury. Will dated 31 Oct., proved 2 Dec. 1741 atO.P.C. of Sir John Tyrwhit, Bart., of Stainfield. 2nd wife. James Brackenbury. Anne. Will dated 10 Feb. 1708-9; proved 1710. Mary. Will dated 23 Oct. 1712; proved 9 June 1713. Thomas Brackenbury, bapt. 27 July 1703; bur. 18 April 1704. Thomas Brackenbury, bapt. 29 Nov. 1712; bur. 19 Feb. 1714-15. Elizabeth, bapt. 7 March 1G94-5. Ann,bapt. 10 Dec. 1G9G. Susanna. Isabella, bapt. 22= June 1698; lega- tee in will of her grandmother 1727. ^William Booth of As- wardby, living 1727. Isabella, heiress; legatec=f=Oarr Brackenbury. "Carr Brackenbury, Esq., to Miss in will of her great-grand mother 1727. Booth, with £1500 per annum and £40,000," 19 March 1743.—" Gent. Mag." vol. xiii., p. 1G2, See Burke's "Landed Gentry." LINCOLNSHIRE .PEDIGREES. 169 Benjamin Bracken- bury. Thomas Fowler, husband. 1st ^Esther= =John Hutton. husband, 2nd Children mentioned in will of Carr Bracken- bury 174.1. Elizabeth. Esther.. i i i John Hutton. Sarah. Ellen. Legatees in will of their step- grandmother 1727. [Note.—Mr, Foster has printed a voluminous pedigree of this family, but I have contented myself with printing just so much as is not to be found in printed works, and correcting an important error at the beginning.—A. R. M.] SBratrtep oi &*jutf)* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Or, a chevron gules behveen three crosses patee fitchee salle, Robert Bradley of Louth.=p i Nicholas Bradley of Louth andSaltfleetby, 1st son, died 20 Nov. 13 Henry VIII., 1521. Thomas Bradley of Louth, merchant.=p J Thomas Bradley of Louth, mer- chant of the Staple of Calais, 2nd son, and heir of his brother; a3t. 19, 1 Nov. 14 Henry VIII., 1522. :Alice, dau. and coheir of Nicholas Etton of Firsby; widow of Richard Good- ricke of Bolingbroke. John Bradley of Louth, one of the= Assistants of that town; bur. at Louth 6 Dec. 1590. :Frances, dau. of John Fairfax of Swarby ; died 15 April 1608, aat. 84; bur. at Louth. Anne, mar. to Mathew Sutcliffc, Dean of Exe- ter, whose will she proved 24 Nov. 1629. Elizabeth, mar. Diggory Nicholls, D.D., of Pen- ross, co. Cornwall, Mas- ter of Magdalen College, Cambridge. \"\ Mary, bapt. at Louth 17 Sept. 1542. Elizabeth, mar. Solomon Sut- cliffe of Milron, co. York, brother of Mathew. John Bradley of Louth, Doctor of Physic^ of Magdalen College, Cambridge; bur. at Louth 14 May 1591. Will dated 5 May 1591; proved 9 July following. =Anne, dau. of John Freeman of Hag- naby and his coheir; widow of Nicho- las Ogle of Bolingbroke; remar. Jer- vase Neville; living 30 Oct. 1606. 2. Henry: Bradley. vol; i. Thomas Bradley, bapt. at Louth 30 Aug. 1583. Matthew Bradley, bapt. 19 Jan. Frances, bapt. 1588-9; bur. at Louth 17 9 Jan. 1585-6. Dec. 1600. 170 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. John Bradley of Wokingham, co. Berks. =p 2. Thomas Bradley ,=f=Franccs, dau. of Tho D.D Henry Brad- ley. mas Savile of co. Sussex. John Brad- ley. Thomas Bradley. Isabella. Savile Bradley. Thomas Bradley of Louth, died= . . . . ; bur. at Louth. Anne, bapt. 4, bur. 18 March 1581-2 at Louth. =Anne, dau. of ... . Chapman; sister and coheir of Sir Peter Chapman of London and Tinwell, co. Rutland, Knt. Elizabeth, bapt. at Louth 29 April 1584; mar. there, 23 Sept. 1602, George Bayley of the Pipe Office ; living 1632. Audrey, bapt. at Louth 8 Aug. 1590; mar Filiol of London, mercer; living 1632. Anne, bapt. at Louth 3 Dec. 1592; mar. .... Downey of Devonshire; living 22 April 1622. Diggory Bradley, bapt. 25 Jan. 1580-81. Thomas Bradley, bapt. 14 April 1583. Edward Bradley, in Belgium,bapt. at Louth 6 Jan. 1585-6; living 22 April 1622. William Bradley, bapt. 23 March 1588-9; bur. at Louth 20 Dec. 1594. Thomas Bradley, bur. at Louth 24 Dec. 1581. Richard Bradley, bur. at Louth 23 May 1584. Francis Bradley, living 22 April 1622. I John Bradley of Louth, 1st son, bapt. there 2 Sept. 1576; also=j=Jane, dau. of Rich- of Gray's Inn and Cambridge, and Captain of Pikemen under Sir Francis Vere in the Low Countries ; admitted to Gray's Inn 22 Oct. 1595; heir of his uncle Sir Peter Chapman 17 May 1622; one of the six Assistants of Louth; bur. at Louth by night 12 Nov. 1643, a3t. 67. Will dated 14 Jan. 1642-3. ard Fairfax of Aunsby; died 21, bur. at Louth 23 Sept. 1643, set. 63. Isabell, dau. of= Sir John Read of Wrangle, Knt.; bur. at Louth 3 June 1639. =George Bradley ofz Louth, admitted to Gray's Inn 19 Nov. 1623; set.28,1634; Warden of Louth; bur. there 21 April 1663. =Jane, dau. of Thomas Ayscough of South Thoresby and Stallingborough; bapt. at Stallingborough 28 Mar. 1622 ; proved her son's will 5 Feb. 1688-9. Will dated 24... Aug. 1714, 44 to be buried in the Ch. of Louth near my son George Bradley"; proved 17 Feb. 1715-16. George Bradley of Louth, born 4 Aug. 1661; Warden of Louth; died unmar. 28 Dec. 1688; bur. at .Louth. Will dated 10 Nov. 1688; proved 5 Feb. 1688-9; left the manor of Melbourne-cum-Skorthington, co. York, to his nephew Charles Bolle. Ursula, mar. at Louth, 22 Sept. 1652, John Bolle of Thorpe Hall; bur. at Louth 17 July 1663. (See that Pedigree, p. 152.) o LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Ill Peter Bradley of Louth, bapt.=r Elizabeth, dau. at Louth 24 Jan. 1612-13 . set. 9,1622; entered at Gray's Inn 11 May 1632. Will dated 16 Jan., proved 17 March 1655-6. of . ...; proved her husband's will 17 March 1655-6. Graye Bradley, son, deadl7Mar.l655-6. Will dated John Bradley, bapt. 23 July 1620. Thomas Bradley, bapt. at Louth 15 Dec. 1622. . .'. . Bradley, son and heir, under age 16 Jan. 1655-6. Anne, bur. at Louth 14 Oct. 1641. Anne, mar. at Louth, May 1621, Francis Locton, 3rd son of Sir John Locton of Swineshead, Knt. (mar. lie. 21 April 1621, "Ann Bradley of Louth, aged 21 "); bur. at Louth 4 March 1640-41. Jane, bapt. 30 Aprill609;mar., 25 Aug. 1629, John Bolle of Louth, 2nd son of Sir John Bolle of Haugh, Knt.; bur. at Louth 4 March 1640-41. Elizabeth, bapt. at Louth 3 Feb. 1610-11; mar. there, 25 Feb. 1635-6, Richard Robinson; liv- ing 14 Jan. 1653-4. Catherine, set. 15, 1622; mar. at Louth, 29 Dec. 1627, Roger How- son of Wigtoft; bur. at Wigtoft 20 Oct. 1654. Mar. lie. 12 April 1615, "William Huitson of Brantingham, co. York, gent., 28, and Alice Bradley of Ulceby, spr., 22. Her parents dead." Matthew Bradley of Louth. Will dated 18 April=f=Magdalen 1610; proved 18 April 1611; mentions cosen George Bradley and brother John Waring. ex'trix. Daniel Bradley. Jonathan Bradley. Mathy Bradley. David Bradley. Phoebe. Brampton of ^outl) Weston. [Harl. MS. 1550.] Robert Brampton of Brampton, co.=f=Jane, dau. of Jeffry Cobb of Norfolk, bur. there in 1547. I Sandringham, co. Norfolk. James Brampton, 5th son or 3rd, guardian^=Mary, dau. and coheir of Sir Edward of his nephew Edward in 1558. I Bullen of Blickling, co. Norfolk. A 172 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. II I I Anthony Brampton. John Brampton. Jeffry Brampton. Edward Brampton. James Brampton of=pAlice, dau. Eleanor. South Res ton, co. Lincoln, High Sheriff of Lincoln 4 Oar. I.; described as of Legbourn 28 Sept. 1612. of. Meyre of Alice. Meyre, co. Lincoln. Amy, mar. to Thomas Sterne. Dorothy, mar. to Zachary Locke of London; bur. at Greenwich. Thomas Feme of Bel-=Anne. dau. tbn, mar. at Belton and sole 31 Jan. 1618-19. 1st heir, husband. John Legard of Brantingham, co. York, son of Robert Legard of Aniaby; slain at Brigg in 1643; bur. at Gainsborough. 2nd husband. [Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Argent, on a chevron between three sinister hands sable, coup gules, as many spearheads or. Thomas Brand of=f=Margaret, dau. of William Cludley Leadenham. I of Welbourn. Jerome Brand of Staunton, co.= Notts,, which he bought 6. Ed-, ward VI.; living at Westhall or Staunton Grange. OBridget, dau. of Antony Staunton of Staunton, co. Notts. Thomas Brand of Leadenham. Christopher Brand of Staple ford. Robart Brand of Branstoiv near Lincoln, sold his estate in Staunton, Notts, to his cousin William Staunton about 28 Eliz.; assessed to a subsidy in Branston 20 April 1594. :Anne, dau. of John Rigges ofFul- beck. William=Jane, eldest Brand of dau. of John Brans- Rigges of ton. Fulbeck. i Jane. Isabel 1. Elizabeth. Anne. Mary. Katherine. Anne, mar. to Jervase Hard ley of Wiiford,co. Notts. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 173 Bransftp of Sfeapimm* [Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Argent, three bars sable, on a canton gules a sallire of the field. John Bransby of Heapham^. . . . dau. of Bryan Sandford of ,' | Thorpe Salvin, co. York. .1 Richard Bransby of Heapham, yeoman, bur.=pArme (or Agnes), dau. of ... . at Heapharn 27 July 1567. July, proved 5 Aug. 1567. Will dated 23 Nowell of Heapham; bur. at Heapham 6 March 1582. Christopher=j=Anne, dau. Bransby of Upton and Bransby, dead before 1567. of Richard Kilbeck of Corring- ham. Humphrey^ Bransby of Bransby 1567. Richard Bransby of Upton 1567. Robert Bransby of Heapham and Springthorpe. Eliza- beth. Alice. — — Jane. Anne. Margaret. Katherine. J i i Richard Christopher Jane, liv- Bransby, Bransby, ing 1567. living living 1567. 1567. Humphrey Bransby- of Heapham, bur. 28 Jan. 1612-13. =Faith, dau. of Henry Gardiner of Wadding- ham; mar. at Heap- ham 22 May 1570. Robert Bransby, 1st son, bapt. at Heapham 10 March 1570-71. Henrys Bransby, 2nd son, bapt. at Heapham 30 Sept. 1573. rFrances, dau. of ....; bur. atConis- holme 15 Sept. 1646. Charles Bransby, 3rd son, bapt. at Heapham 21 March 1575-6. Bridget, bapt. at Heapham 16 Nov. 1574. Faith, bapt. at Heapham 20 Sept. 1577. Faith, bapt. at Heap- ham 26 Feb. 1578-9; bur. 18 Sept. 1625. Mary, bapt. at Heap- ham 2 April 1581; bur. 24 Nov. 1611. I Thomas Bransby, 1st son, bapt. 1 June 1601; bur. at Conisholme 22 Jan. 1669-70. Mary, dau. of ... . Cuttriss of co. Suf- folk; mar. at Conis- holme 14 Dec. 1610." Humphrey Brans- by, 2nd son, bur. at Conisholme 8 Aug. 1604. Richard Bransby, 3rd son, bur. at Conisholme 28 April 1606. Adrian= Bransby of Conis- holme, 4th son, bur. at Conis- holme 4 Feb. 1678-9. :Anne, John Bransby, 5th son, dau.of bapt. 26 Dec. 1616. Faith, bur. at Conis- holme 1 June 1608. Magdalen, bapt. at Conisholme 14 Aug. 1614; bur. 11 Nov. 1622. I Francis Bransby of=f=Cassan- Conisholme,lstson, dra, bapt. at Conisholme | dau. of 25 Nov. 1636 ; bur. 28 July 1665, set. 28 years and 9 months. i i Robert Bransby, 2nd son, bapt. at Conisholme 13 Nov. 1642. Adrian Bransby, 3rd son, bapt. 11 Dec. 1649 ; bur. at Conisholme 20 Feb. 1650-51. Adrian Bransby, 4th son, bapt. at Conis- holme 28 Dec. 1651. Charles Bransby, bapt. at Conisholme 10 Dec. 1655; bur. 7 Feb. 1656-7. Sarah, bapt. at Conisholme 13 Dec. 1663. A 174 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Mary, bapfc. at Conis- Elizabeth, bapt. at Conisholme 10 Faith, bapt. at Conis- holme 2 June 1638. Dec. 1646. holme 28 Nov. 1657. Jane, bapt. at Conis- Faith, bapt. at Conisholme 31 May Anne, bur. at Conis- holme 16 Aug. 1640.. 1654; bur. 30 Jan. 1654-5. holme 13 Feb. 1664-5. Mar. lie. 28 Feb. 1617-18, " Francis Tayler of East Keal, yeo., 35, and Frances Bransby, widow, of Markby, 35." Mvi%$8 of ftcwmfcp* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College. Had. MS. 4135.] Thomas Briggs of=p. . . . eldest dau. and coheir of William Sausthorpe. I Bouchier of Willoughby. Edward Briggs of^. . . . dau. Scremby, 1st son. of ... . John Briggs of Sausthorpe, 2nd=pAnne, dau. of son; died 23 May 1554. Thomas Briggs of=f=Margaret, dau. of Scremby. John Croft of Nor- folk. Thomas Briggs of Sausthorpe, set.: 36 at his father's death 1554; died 19 Jan. 1565-6. Richard=f=Katherine, dau. of .... Robert Briggs of Scremby. Overy of Toynton-by- Briggs, Spilsby. 2nd son. Thomas Briggs of Sausthorpe, held ith part of a knight's fee there 1576-7. Sarah, dau. and heir of=Thomas Briggs^ Thomas Bracebridge of of Scremby East Sheen. 1st wife. 1634.* ^Bridget, dau. of John Green of Market Overton, co. Rutland; widow of Tho- mas Derby of Leake; living 1647. 2nd wife. Edward Constantine Briggs=Mary, dau. of ... . Kathe-=Edward Briggs, 1st of Harrington, 2nd Ellis of Boston; rine. Pigott son, get. 11, son, 1656. mar. there 29 Aug. of Orby. 1634. 1650. Sarah. * Mar. lie. 23 July 1617, "Thomas Overy of Grainthorpe, yeoman, aged 28, and Marie Briggs, late of Skirbeck, now of Fishtoft, widow, aged 40. Application by Thomas Briggs of Scremby, gent."—(Lincoln Marriage Licences.) LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 175 ISxi^omt of £olty> [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Sadie, on a /esse between three lions rampant or as many crescents of the first. Crest.—Out of a mural coronet or a tiger's head argent. John Brighouse of Brighouse.=j= Richard Brighouse=pAnne, dau. of... . Wilson of York. RicLard Brighouse=j=Isabel, dau. of Richard Bradley of Hipperholme, co. York. Martin Brighouse of Brighouse- and Colby in West Halton, J.P. for co. Lincoln; bur. at St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, London, 18 Dec. 1597. Adm'on 9 Jan. 1597-8, and 2nd adm'on "de bonis non" 30 June 1598. :Margaret, natural dau. of John Leeds of Colby (some call her dan. and heir of Edward Leeds of Colby); adm'ix of her husband 9 Jan. 1597-8; died before 30 June 1598. Robert Brighouse, adm'or "de bonis non" of his brother 30 June 1598; bur. at Gainsborough 14 April 1616. I I I Anne, 1st dau., under Sarah, 2nd dau., under age Ursula, 3rd dau., mar. at age 30 June 1598; 30 June 1598; mar. at St. Margaret's, Westmin- mar. Robert Popple- Gainsborough, 29 Dec. ster, 15 Oct. 1619, Ed- well of Misne, Notts. 1613, Gregory Wadeson of ward Norgate, Windsor London. Herald. Jane, 2nd dau. of Sir= Edward Marbury of Louth, Knt.; under age 2 July 1605; died s.p.; bur. at Great Grimsby 29 Jan. 1623-4. =William Brighouse of Colby, ast. 4,: 1592; son and heir 40 Eliz., 1598; mar. lie. 19 Jan. 1612-13, he set. 24, she 21; of Great Grimsby 24 Nov. 1619; of Humberston 1634 and 1651 ; died in London; bur. at All Hallows, Barking, 17 Dec. 1664. William Brighouse, 1st son, aet. 2,1634; died s.p. Martin Brighouse, 2nd son, set. \ year 1634; living 1 March 1638-9; died s.p. Michael= Brighouse of George- ham, co. Devon,3rd son. -Elizabeth, dau. of William Richards of Kentsbury, co. Devon. :Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Michael Spen- cer of Great Grimsby; bapt. 2 Oct. 1608; mar. at Great Grims- by 10 Aug. 1625; living 1651. Edward Brighouse, 4th son, died s.p. John Brighouse, 5th son, bapt. at Great Grimsby 15 Sept. 1642; died s.p. Philip Brighouse, 1st son, set. 2, Jan. 1676-7. i Mathew Brighouse, 2nd son, 2 months old 1676. Elizabeth, 1st dau., set. 5, June 1676. Jane, 2nd dau., set. 1, June 1676. 176 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. . A_.| Anne, 1st dau., bapt. Elizabeth, 2nd dan., Ursula, 3rd dau., Sarah, 4th dau., at Great Grimsby 20 bapt. at Great Grims- bapt. 27 Aug. 1646; bapt. at Great April 1627; set. 7, by 26 Sept. 1629; died young, un- Grimsby 14 Jan. 1634; mar. William set. 6, 1634; mar. mar.; Great 1647-8; died Bradshaw of G rimsby. Othowell Beestoe of Grimsby 7 Dec. young and un- Grimsby. 1646. mar. [Harl. MS. 1550.] A rms.—Gules, three birds or, on a chief of the second three cross-crosslets of the field. Crest.—A broclc proper. and heir of OllS- forth. 1st wife. dau.'^pRobcrt Brocklesby of Glent-- worth, inquirend. 27 Jan. 1553-4. :Anne, dau. of Matthew: Wentworth of Bretton, co. York. 2nd wife. Eleanor, mar Winne. -Jane, dau. of I Tamo Sutton of Washing- borough. 3rd wife. Thomas= Brock- lesby, living 1565. :Anne, dau. and coheir of Thomas Moigne of North Wil- lingham. John Brocklesby, son and heir by 3rd wife ; a)t. 23 years and 3 weeks 27 Jan. 1553-4. Christopher= Thornton of Laugh ton. 1st hus- band. = Isa-: bel. = Roger Gregory ofStoek- with. 2nd hus- band. Mary, mar. John Gray of Louth. See Pedigree % p. 177. "Richard Brook-^, lesby of Ileck- ington, 2nd son, heir of his nephew Edward Brocklesby; «ot. 46, 1565. -.-Bridget, dau. of William (> aw dron of Heck- ington. Edward Brock- lesby, 3rd son. Robert Brock-- lesby of Glent- worth, died 3 April 1557. :Anne, dau. of Nicholas GiIs- lington of Normanby. Edward Brocklesby of Glent worth and Normanby, set, 10 in 1557; died 4 May 1565. Anne, mar. Thomas Baron or Barne of Aldboro' Hatch in parish of Barking. Edward Brocklesby of- Ileckington, eldest son, died at Ileckington 2 Oct. 1593; bur. there 27 Oct. 1593. Will dated 31 July 1593. 1st husband. A :Mary, dau. of Thomas= Tirrington of Gosber- ton; widow of Wil- liam Oawdron of Great Hale; mar. at Ileck- ington 27 Sept. 1581. = Henry Jenkinson of Richard East Wykeham, mar. Brock- at Ileckington 2 May lesby, 1594. Will dated 10 living Oct. 1604; proved 1593, 19 March 1609-10. 2nd husband. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 177 John Brock- lesby, bapt. at Heck in g- ton 26 May, bur. 30 June 1582. Anne. dau.=pEdwardBrocklesby,=. . . . dau. of Rich- Of Carlell; mar.afc Bos- ton 2 Feb. 1606-7. 1st wife. bapt. at Helpring- ham 16 Aug. 1584; aet. 10 in 1593; bur. at Kirkby Lay- thorpe 9 Aug. 1615. ard Bolles of Bole, co. Notts; set. 17, and then of'Dunsby; mar. lie. 20 March 1614-15. 2nd wife. John Brockles- by, bur. at Heck- ington 25 Aug. 1585. John Brocklesby, bapt. at Boston 25 Oct. 1607. Anne, bapt. at Boston 12 March 1608-9. Robert Brock-= lesby of Heck- ington, bapt. at Helpring- ham 12 Dec. 1587. Will dated 17 July, proved 4 Nov. 1634. -Anne, dau. of ex'trix in 1634. Henry Brock- lesby, bapt. at Heckington 26 May, bur. at Helpring- ham 7 Nov. 1590. I I Jane, bapt. at Helpringham 28 July 1583. Bridget,bapt. at Hecking- ton 23 Feb. 1588-9. Katherine, bapt. at Heck- ington 4 Sept. 1591. Margaret, bapt. at Heck- ington 22 Dec. 1592; mar. lie. to mar. Richard Blawe, Gent., of St. Peter's in Eastgate, Lincoln, 6 Sept. 1614. Robert Brocklesby, bapt. at Heckington 4 Nov. 1617. Thomas Brocklesby, bapt. at Helpring- ham 20 Sept. 1619. Edward Brocklesby, bapt. 30 July, bur. 13 March 1620-21 at Heckington. Robert Brocklesby, Helpringham 3 Feb. 1621-2 ; bur. there 7 Nov. 1622. John Brocklesby, bapt. at Heck- ington 16 Jan. 1622-3. Richard Brockles- by, bapt. at Heck- ington 15 April 1628. I I Edward Brock- lesby, bapt. at Heckington 27 July 1631. Charles Brock- lesby, bapt. at Heckington 23 Jan. 1633-4. I I Bridget, bapt. at Hel- pringham 2 A ug. 1612. Mary, bapt. at Hel- pringham 3 Oct. 1613. Elizabeth, bapt. at Hel- pringham 2 Oct. 1615. Frances, bapt. at Hel- pringham 14 Dec. 1618. Susanna, bapt. at Helpring- ham 19 Oct. 1623. I Mary, bapt. at Heck- ington 15 April 1625; the only dau. men- tioned in father's will 1634. Pedigree %. (See p. 176.) Robert Brock-=pJane Thomas Moigne of North=f=Bridc:et, dau. of lesby. '~" w'- "- - Sutton. Willingham, executed for high treason 1536. Sir William Han- sard, Knt. I Thomas Brocklesby, said^=Ann Moigne, Elizaleth Moigne =pThomas Moryson to die s.p. | coheir. coheir. | of Oadeby. Robert Brocklesby of London, Jane Moryson=f=George Alington of Swinhope. cousin of George Alington 1613. vol. i, A A 178 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Brocklesby.= Robert Brocklesby of Lon-=j=Jane, sister don, goldsmith of St. Ye- dast's, Foster Lane. Will dated 2 Sept. 1611; proved 22 April 1613 by his cousin George Alington of Swinhope, co. Lincoln. of Thomas Hall of Mymms,co. Herts; liv- ing 5 Feb. 1613-14. Margaret,: 2nd dau., of Hun- dleby 1613, 30. in =Rev. Lau- rence Free- man of Upper Toynton; mar. lie. 19 April 1613. Mary, mar Rollinson; living 5 Feb. 1613-14. Jane, a widow, 5 Feb. 1613-14. Anne, coheir, under age 5 Feb. 1613-14. Sarah, coheir, Martha, coheir, under age 5 Feb. 1613-14; a under age 5 legatee of her cousin George Alington of Feb. 1613-14. Swinhope 2 Aug. 1632. Arms (in Berry).—u Argent, three lions passant guardant, in pale gulesP William Brograve of Wapen-^Margaret, dau. of John Gooderidge of ham, co. Northampton. I Cheltenham, co. Gloucester. Anne. Will dated 12, proved=Sir William Billes- Eliza-=William Browne 30 May 1608, "of Westmin- by, Knt., of Lon- beth. of co. Lincoln, ster, widow." don. Nicholas Brograve of=j=Jane, dau, of John Barker of co. Wapenham. Salop. Reginald=p Brograve. See Harl. Soc, Vol.XXII.,p.l31. Hierome Brograve of=pChristian, Kirkby-cum-Osgodby, co. Lincoln, 2nd son; living 1608. dau. of John Den- ham. Jane=Myles Gray of Louth. Jane,=Sir Vincent Ful- s.p. netby, Knt., of Fulnetby, co. Lincoln. Pauncefort Brograve of London, bapt. at Kirkby-n= Eleanor, dau. of John Reeve cum-Osgodby 25 June 1598. I of Bucks. Isaac Brograve, s.p. i Mary, s.p. [Note. The above pedigree was in Mr. Larken's collection, but the connection with Lincoln- shire was very slight. I have given enough to indicate it without printing the remainder, which may be found in books of reference.—A. R. M.] LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 179 3SromMtT of Molinxbvokt* [Harl. MS. 1550. Rawlinson MS., f. 149.] Arms (in Berry).—"Gules, three lions passant guardant argent" John Bromfield of=f=Jane, dau. of ... . Metcalfe co. Norfolk. of co. York. William Bromfield=rJane, dau. Robert Brom- John Brom- Joan=William of Wendling (?), co. Norfolk. of John field, 2nd son. field, 3rd Lawrance Beverley. son. of Norwich. Robert Bromfield, Thomas Bromfield of=p dau. of Frances=William retainer of Lord Bolingbroke; bur. Lumley. there 22 July 1580. Bateman of co. Whitton York. of London. i i i William Bromfield. Mary. Marian. Eleanor. Brorikijanfc of &lfortr< [Harl. MS. 1550.] John Brookbank.=f= John Brookbank of Alford,=pBridget, dau. of. . . . Rich- draper, bur. 21 Dec. 1592. ardson; mar. at Alford 2 July 1564. Lancelot Brookbank, bur. at Alford 20 Sept. 1590. Christopher Brookbank, bapt. Francis Brookbank, bapt. at=p. . . . dau. of . at Alford 17 June 1565; bur. Alford 20 Aug. 1570 ; bur. 16 Aug. 1566. at Newark 9 Nov. 1614. Asterby of As- terby. Elizabeth, heiress, bapt. at Alford 2 June 1594; mar. at=Thomas Jennison of Newark 21 May 1616. (Called "Jane" in the Newark Newark. Register.) Elizabeth, dau. of=f=Williani Brookbank, 2nd son, bapt. at Alford=p. . . . 2nd Francis Forsett of Trusthorpe; bur. at Alford 26 Sept. 1611. 1st wife. 21 March 1571-2; bur. 28 Oct. 1616. wife. I Thomasine, bapt. at Alford Dorothy, bapt. at Alford 24 Dec. 1613. 3 Nov. 1615. B 180 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. John Brookbank, bapt. at Spiisby 22 Feb. 1593-4. William Brookbank, bapt. at Alford 19 Dec. 1596. Bartholomew Brook- bank, bapt. at Alford 22 March 1600-1. Launcelot Brook- bank, bapt. at Alford 8 Nov. 1608. Edward Brook- bank, bapt. at Alford 23 and bur. 24 Oct. 1609. Elizabeth, bapt. Elena, bapt. at at Alford 5 Jan. Alford 14 Aug. 1594-5. 1604. Anne, bapt. at Bridget, bapt. at Alford 25 Nov. Alford 17 June 1598. 1607. Alice, bapt. at Mary, bapt. at Alford 25 April Alford 11 Sept. 1603. 1611; bur. 6 April 1626. John Brook- bank, 3rd son, bapt. at Alford 16 May 1576. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas For- sett and sister of Edward For- sett of Bilsby. Elizabeth, bapt. at Alford 19 July 1578. Anne, mar. at Al- ford, 9 Nov. 1583. Paul Cooke. Eleanor,bapt. at Alford 7 July 1566; mar., 9 Nov. 1583, Tho- mas Maddison of Trusthorpe. Bridget, mar. at Alford, 25 July 1599, William Smith. George=Susan, dau. of Simon Candler of Wal- Edward Brook- singham, co. Norfolk; widow 1st of Brook- bank. Richard Richdale, 2ndly of Anthony bank. Crewe. Humphrey Brookbank. John Brookbank. Brntone of Croft. [MS. O. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, three martlets in pale between two /launches sable, thereon as many lions passant of the first. Sir Valentine Browne, Knt., of Croft; died 8 Feb. 1567-8,=p of Hoggesden, co. Middlesex. Alice or Eliza-=p Sir Valentine Browne, Knt., of Croft, and of=Thomasine, dau. of both, dau. of Totteridge, co. Herts; treasurer and victualler Robert Bacon; Robert Alex- of Berwick; bur. in St. Katherine's Church, proved husband's ander of Lon- Dublin, 19 Feb. 1588-9. Will dated 30 June will 27 March 1589. don. 1st wife. 1588; proved 27 March 1589. 2nd wife. A LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 181 Sir Valentine Browne, Knt., of Croft, High ^Elizabeth, dau.jrf Sir John Monson, Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1593; bur. in Croft Church 9 April 1606. Adm'on 4 May 1606. Knt., of South Carlton; born 28 Sept. 1563; bur. at Croft 28 Feb. 1634-5. Sir Valen-= tineBrowne, Knt., of Croft knighted at Bel voir 23 April 1603; bur. at Croft 29 April 1626, s.p. :Amy, dau. of Richard Ful- stow of Eresby; mar. at New- ington 19 Feb. 1610-11; bur. at Croft 3 May 1632. Will dated 11 Feb. 1627-8; proved 2 Aug. 1632. Cicely, dau.= and coheir of William Kirkman of East Keal; mar. lie. 5 Mar. 1613-14, then set. 20; bur. at Croft 19 July 1614, s.p. 1st wife. =Sir John Browne,= Knt., 2nd son, of East Kirkby; Gent.of the Privy Chamber to James I. ; set. 28 in 1614; ex'or of Dame Jane Mon- son in 1622. Will dated 16 April 1639. :Frances, dau. of Richard Herbert of Montgomery Castle, Wales; sister of Lord Herbert of Chirbury and Rev. George Herbert. 2nd wife. Valentine Browne, eldest=Mar- son, set. 16,1634; entered garet at Gray's Inn 13 Aug 1639; bur. at Croft 10 July 1649. Will dated 9 July, proved 8 Oct. 1649. Thomas Browne, bapt. at East Kirkby 18 Feb. 1633-4; of St. Giles-in-Fields, Middlesex, 1651. John Browne, 3rd son, ex'or of his father 1639; living 1651. William Browne, 4th son, 1649. Edward Browne, dead before 1651. Cicely, born 19 Sept., bapt. at East Kirkby 23 Aug. 1631. Magdalen, mar. Sir Tho- mas Estcourt, Knt., Mas- ter in Chancery. Frances, mar. John Mil- ner of Gray's Inn and of Lillingston Green, Marylebone. Hamon Upton,= mar. at St. Mar- tin's-in-the Fields 25 June 1635. Will proved 11 June 1645 by wife. 1st husband. =Lucy = =George Dacres, 3rd son of George Dacres of Cheshunt. 2nd hus- band. i i Thomas Browne, 3rd son, 10 May 1593 * William Browne of East Kirkby, 4th son, 1636. Henry Browne, 5 th son, died young. Edmund Browne, 6th son, bapt. at St. Margaret's, Lin- coln, 5 Aug. 1594. Anthony Browne, 7th son, bapt. at Croft 16 Nov. 1596. Robert Browne of East Kirkby and Northolme, 8th son, legatee of his grand- mother Dame Jane Monson in 1622; bur. at Croft 19 Jan. 1652-3. i ii i Eliza- Mary. Anne, legatee of her grand- beth. — mother Dame Jane Monson Jane, in 1622; bur. at St. Pancras, London, over 80 years of age. i Isabel, legatee of Dame Jane Monson in 1622; diedS Jan. 1680-81; bur. at St. Pancras, London. Katherine Margaret. * Possibly the Thomas Browne of Addlethorpe who had lands in East Kirkby in 1640 (See p. 182.) v 182 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Brotone oi &trtrUt|)cirpe+ Thomas Browne, Gent., of Addlethorpe, admitted to^Ann, dau. of bur. at Dorothy, heirs of Peregrine Fulstow, 28 April 1615; on the Grave Roll of Ingoldmells manor for lands in East Kirkby 1640. Addlethorpe 21 Dec. 1659. Thomas Browne of Addlethorpe, bur. at Addlethorpe=f=EUen, dau. of 9 May 1688. I Fell. Mary, heiress, bapt. at AddIe-=Nicholas Newcomen of Theddlethorpe, bapt. at thorpe 4 March 1662-3; mar. Mablethorpe 5 Aug. 1650; died 12 Aug. 1712, s.p.; 2ndly Hon. Charles Bertie; died bur. at Theddlethorpe. Will dated 18 Dec. 1703; 4 Nov. 1725; bur. at Theddle- proved 23 Feb. 1712-13. 1st husband, thorpe. [Note.—I have added this part of the pedigree from my own collections.—A. R. M.] [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College. Harl. MS. 759.] John Browne of Lynn, co. Norfolk^ dau. of Vincent Grantham. J Thomas Browne of Branston-=f Jane, dau. and heir of Thomas Forster of Louth; by-Lincoln. set. 28 at her brother William's death 15 Jan. 1558-9; died 10 June 1611. Anne,= dau. of Kyi- beck. 1st wife. Nicholas Browne of Hal-- 11)am-ou-Bain, inheri ted property at Ooningsby at his motlier's death; bur. at Boston 11 Nov. 1641. -Grace, dau. of Ro- bert Wilson of Wainfleet; bur. at Boston 28 July 1630. 2nd wife. Priscilla. Francis^ Browne of Hal- tham-on- Bain, yeo- man, set. 40, 1616. =Katharine, dau. of John Dy- moke of Con- iugsby, Gent.; mar. lie. 13 Aug. 1616, set. 30. Nicholas Browne, bapt. at Croft 10 Feb. 1600-1. Robert Browne, set. 30, 1634. Anne, LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 183 3Brfltone of ^mcpecfc* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms (granted 1632).—a Argent, on a /esse wavy, between three lions'' gambs erased bendivays sable, armed gules, as many sivans1 heads erased proper, beaked of the third" Leonard Browne of Pinchbeck,^Anne, dau. of Thomas Ogle of bapt. at Saltfleetby 12 March 1590-91; mar. lie. 1 Oct. 1618, set. 24; signs the pedigree 1634; bur. at Pinchbeck 24 Oct. 1660. ~T1 Thomas Browne, bapt. at Pinchbeck 27 Oct. 1636; bur. there 9 June 1659. Anthony Browne, bapt. at Pinchbeck 5 May 1641 ; bur. there 3 April 1663. Pinchbeck by his 2nd wife Frances, dau. of ... . Black- burne; mar. at Pinchbeck 5 Oct. 1618; aet. 20 in 1618; bur. at Pinchbeck 16 Nov. 1657. Elizabeth, bapt. at Pinchbeck 17 July 1620; mar. Robert Robinson of Branston ; died 1683. I I Jane, bapt. at Pinch- beck 1 Sept. 1624; mar. there, 23 Feb. 1657-8, Andrew Grasby (?). Frances, bapt. at Pinchbeck Anne, bapt. at Pinch- 10 Jan. 1621-2; bur. there beck 15 June 1626; bur. 3 March 1639-40. there 27 Aug. 1634. Sir John Browne, Knt., of- Pinchbeck, bapt. there 6 June 1630; knighted at Whitehall 15 July 1664; bur. at Pinchbeck 1 Feb. 1666-7. =Katharine, dau. of Roger Howson of Wigtof t by Cathe- rine, dau. of John Bradley of Louth. Robert Browne,=p bapt. at Pinch- beck 24 May 1632; aet. 2 in 1634. Leonard Browne of Pinch-= beck, only child, bapt. there 2 May 1662; bur. there 12 Feb. 1692-3. Roger Browne, bur. at Pinchbeck 28 Sept. 1632. =Anne, dau. of ....; remar. to Christopher Fairfax of Pinch- beck. Will dated 15 Feb. 1716-17; proved 4 May 1717. John Browne, bapt. at Pinch- beck 31 Jan. 1661-2. John Browne, Edward Browne of Pinch- bur. at Pinch- beck, bapt. there 6 April beck 28 May 1692; died 28 Nov. 1724, 1691. set. 32 ; bur. at Pinchbeck. =Jane, dau. of Robert Mary, ex'trix Cawdron of Great to her mother Hale; mar. at Fleet 1717. 7 Aug. 1713. Leonard Browne, bapt. at: Washingborough 27 June 1714; legatee of Lewis Dy- moke of Scrivelsby 1747. I Robert Browne, bapt. at Jane, bapt. at Wash- Washingborough 28 ingborough 29 March Aug. 1718; bur. there 1716; living 1730. 5 March 1718-19. n™™d^1™™ ?!^PinCllbe?k; hV\ 17^;^Elizal^ of Thomas Otis of "™ ~ L 1 1' died 15 April Captain in Eoyal Independent Invalids; died 21 June 1821 ; bur. at Pinchbeck. r Boston, U.S.A. 1839, set. 82. Leonard Browne of Pinchbeck, J.P. and D.L. for=Anne, dau. of .... Green ■ died co. Lincoln; died 18 June 1848, at. 71. 17 Sept. 1851, »t. 63, s.p. 184 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Martin Browne of Saltfleetby: All Saints, bur. there 13 Oct. 1563. =Joan, dan. of ... . Willes; remar. Thomas Newcomen at Saltfleetby 30 April 1564. John Browne, sold lands in Salt-=pElena, dau. of . fleetby to John Newcomen before bur. at Saltfleetby 21 20 April 1588; bur. at Saltfleetby Aug. 1591. 20 Dec. 1592. William Browne,=j= mentioned Richard's 1633. in will T Edward Browne, bapt. at Saltfleetby Sept. 1590. Susan, bapt. at Salt- fleetby 21 Jan. 1582-3. John Browne, nephew^ of Richard Browne, 1633. William Browne, 1633. John Browne, 1633. Matthew Browne, 1633. Ellen, dau.= Stephen = Ann, dau. of of William Browne, . . . .Gough Simcofcts of Gent., of of Haug- Louth;mar. Loath, ham; mar. lie. 3 Feb. set. 30 lie. 12 Jan. 1622-3, set. in 1623. 1626-7. 20. 1st wife. 2nd wife. Richard Browne of Salt— fleetby. Will dated 19 May, proved 28 June 1633; names his nephew Bryan Browne; William, John, and Matthew Browne, sons of his nephew John Browne. =Margaret, dau. of Wil- liam Thorold of North Thoresby; bapt. there 15 Oct. 1570. I Bridget, mar. Valentine Ogle of Pinchbeck 28 April 1625. Elizabeth, bapt. 30 Oct. 1603; bur. at Salt- fleetby 27 Aug. 1605. Ann, legatee in father's will 1633. Prudence,- eet. 22 in 1620, then ofLincoln. :George Yarbrough of Saltfleetby, yeo- man; mar. lie. 5 Aug. 1620, 93b. 22. Ann, legatee in grandfather's will 1633. Leonard Browne. (See Browne of Pinchbeck, p. 183.) Charles Browne, bapt. 2 May, bur. 21 Nov. 1596 at Saltfleetby. William Browne, youngest son, mentioned in father's will 1633. Cicely, dau. of William Asfordby o^ Bilsby; bur. at Saltfleetby 14 July 1641. 1st wife. B =Luke Browne, bapt. afc Saltfleetby 18 Oct. 1606. o i George Browne, mentioned in father's will 1633. :Hester, dau. of .... 2nd wife. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 185 I I Cornelius Browne, bapt. at Saltfleetby 5 April 1634. Marmaduke Browne, bapfc. 18 Nov. 1635, bur. 24 Jan. 1639-40 afc Saltfleetby. lL i i Ti Charles Browne, bapfc. 3 May, bur. 1 July 1638 afc Saltfleetby. Ellen, bapfc. afc Salfcfleet- by 3 Jan. 1636-7. Herbert Browne, Alice, bapfc. bapt.2 July 1641, afc Saltfleet- bur. 3 Jan. 1648-9 bv 11 June afc Saltfleetby. 1640. John Browne, bapt. at Saltfleetby 2 Aug. 1645. Joseph Browne, bapt. at Saltfleetby 25 Jan. 1651-2. Mary, bapt. at Salt- fleetby 10 Jan. 1647-8. Elizabeth, dan. of Thomas Mad-=pMartin Browne, eldest son,=Mary, dau. of. . dison of Trusthorpe; bur. at residuary legatee and ex'or, surviving 1662. Saltfleetby 23 Feb. 1639-40. bapt. at Saltfleetby 12 March 2nd wife. 1st wife. 1590-91. Thomas Browne of Saltfleetby, eldest son, bapt. at Saltfleetby 23 July 1623; High Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1670; living 1681, s.p. Stephen Browne, 2nd son, bapt. 1626; living 1662. Richard Browne,=j=Mary, 3rd son, bapt. at | dan. of Saltfleetby 7 Nov. 1633; bur. there 21 Feb. 1667-8. Mary, bapt. at Saltfleetby 25 Jan. 1655-6 ; bur. at=rThomas Pownall of St. Martin's, Lincoln. I Lincoln. Humphrey Browne, 4th son, bapt.=pAbigail, dau. of George Caborne of Boston; at Saltfleetby 23 Aug. 1636. Will ex'trix in 1681; remar. John Micklethwaite. dated 2 March 1680-81 ; proved Will dated 16 April 1700 ; proved 4 Feb. 15 Oct. 1681. 1701-2. George Martin Browne, eldest^ Browne, son, High Sheriff of bapt. at co. Lincoln 1698; Saltfleetby ex'or to mother 1700; All Saints died 2 Jan. 1715-16. 28 Dec. Will proved 5 May 1664. 1717. :Anne, dau. of George Saun- derson of Louth. Will dated 14 Nov. 1745; proved 3 Sept. 1747. Stephen Browne,- 2nd son, bapt. at Saltfleetby All Saints 19 Aus*. 1669 1745 living in :Mary, dau. of . . . ., living 1700. Martin Browne, born 1697; died s.p.; bur. in Louth Church. Will dated 1 Nov. 1723; proved 27 May 1725. Mary, mar. at Wold Newton, 8 Oct. 1713, Marmaduke Tomline of Riby; bur. at Riby 28 Nov. 1716, s.p. VOL. I, I I I Naomi, mar. Joseph Gace of Brackenborough; died 1745, aet. 40, s.p. Abigail, living 1723. Anne, mar. Robert Cra- croffc of Hackthorn; bur. at Louth 9 July 1738, set. 24. Thomas Browne, legatee in his aunt Mrs. Browne's will 1745, and ex'or to his aunt Mrs. White in 1745. B B 186 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Thomas Browne, 3rd son, bapt. at Saltfleetby All Saints 27 Sept. 1674. John Browne,4th son, liv- ing 1680-81 ; in mother's will mentioned as "beyond the sea" 1700. Elizabeth, mar. Richard White, Clerk, of Salt- fleetby. Will dated 13 Nov. 1743; proved 17 Dec. 1745. I I Hannah, bapt. at Salt- fleetby Uan. 1624-5; bur. 8 Jan. 1634-5. Elizabeth, bapt. 7 Nov. 1627; bur. at Saltfleetby 28 Sept. 1628. Dorothy, bapt. 12 Feb. 1628-9 ; bur. 15 Aug. 1641. Justina, bapt. at Saltfleetby 8 April 1630; mar. there, 8 Oct. 1650, John Wolley. I Abigail, mar. 1st Robert Osney, gent.; a widow in 1700; mar. 2ndly, before 1715, John Manby. Elizabeth, mar. at Willoughby, 2 Feb. 1653-4, Rich- ard Toller of Bil- lingborough. Anne, bap Salt- fleetby 23 Feb. 1634-5; bur. 16 April 1635. D | E n ~ Mary, bapt. at Saltfleetby All Saints 12 Nov. 1667; mar. at Louth, 5 March 1690-91,Richard Walpole, gent.; living 1700. Amy, bapt. at Salt- fleetby All Saints 23 Feb. 1639-40; mar. Broxholme Browne of Osgod- by; ex'trix to her husband 1678; living 1681, Brotom of i^atotftorpe* John Browne of Skinnand and Yawthorpe, inq. p.m. 1547.= dau.= of. :IIumphrey Browne of Yawthorpe- in parish of Corringham, bur. at Great Corringham. Will dated .10 Dec. 1610; proved 2 June 1612, called "senior." i ^Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Brox- holme of Corringham; eventually coheir. Will dated 18 Sept. 1634"; proved 23 Jan. 1634-5. 2nd wife. i Humphrey Browne, called- "junior," unmar. in 1599. :Anne, dau. of Thomas Broxholme of Corringham; sister of his stepmother; eventually coheir; not mar. in 1599. Thomas Browne of Yawthorpe, assigned his=pEllen, dau. of John rights in Yawthorpe to Thomas Browne, 2nd son of William Browne of Kirkby-cum- Osgodby, and Broxholme Browne, eldest son of said William, 6 June 1654. Will dated 4 Oct., proved 10 Dec. 1666. A Broxholmeof Nether Toynton, his cousin; mar. soon after 18 Dec. 1634; ex'trix with son Thomas in 1666, Mary, mar. Henry Smith lega- tee of Henry Broxholme 1638. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 187 Thomas Browne= of Yawthorpe, inherited manor of Yawfchorpe by father's will in 1666 ; marriage settlement dated 10 April 1672. Will dated 23 Sept. 1687; proved 6 Feb. 1687-8. Susanna, dan. of John Farmery of Upper Burnham in Isle of Ax- holme ; inventory of her goods taken 15 Sept. 1693. Will dated 12 Aug. 1693; proved 27 April 1694. John Browne, had lands in Heapham and Spring thorpe by father's will 1666. Henry Browne, called youngest son in father's will 1666; legatee of his brother Thomas in 1687. Sarah, mar. Wil- liam Gon- ville. Anne, released her brother Thomas Browne from £100duetoher by her father Thomas Browne's will 1671. Ellen. Broxholme Browne, under age in 1687. Will proved 1707, but mis- sing from the Lincoln Regis- try. John Browne, under age in 1687. Thomas Browne, underage in 1687; of Yawthorpe 6 March 1707-8; cut off the entail; bur. at Cor ring- ham 9 Aug. 1718. Hezekiah Browne, under age in 1687. (See Pedi- gree a, p. 188.) Isaac Browne of Yawthorpe, late of the city of Lin- coln, under age in 1687. Will dated 12 June 1762; proved 30 May 1770. William Hunfcing-=Elizabeth, ex'trix=Francis Fret- ton of West Stock- to mother's will well of Bicker- with, co. Notts; 1694. Will dated ton, co. York, dead in 1718, s.p. 11 Aug. 1741; s.p. 2nd hus- Isfc husband. proved-2May 1761. band. Susanna, mar. Vincent Browne, son of Heze- kiah Browne of Haxey, 1693; remar Foster (?) William Browne, under=pElizabeth, dau. of age in 1610; ex'or to will of Henry Brox- holme 1638. Will dated 19 Sept. 1656 ; proved 3 Dec. 1657. Rev. William Far- mery, Rector of Heapham; mar. at Heapham 29 April 1630. I Anne, mar. Thomas Cowper of Yaw- thorpe; marriage settlement 20 Aug. 1615; remar. Rich- ard Francis. Dorothy, mar. William Thorn- hill of Alesby. Elizabeth. Broxholme Browne, bapt. at Heapham 10 April 1631 ; proved his: father's will 3 Dec. 1657; bur. at Kirkby-cum-Osgodby. Will dated 2 June 1677; proved 8 March 1678-9; leaves lands to his son, and failing his heirs, to Broxholme, son of his brother Thomas Browne; leaves lands in Olee, Ulceby, Faldingworth, and Lis- sington to Henry Browne. :Amy, dau. of Martin Browne of Saltfleetby; ex'trix in 1677. Broxholme Browne, under age in 1677 ; apparently s.p. Thomas Browne, named" in his brother Brox- holme's will 1677. Henry Browne, devisee of his great-uncle Mary, Henry Broxholme 1638; devisee of his under age brother Broxholme in 1677. in 1656. Broxholme Browne, on whom his uncle Broxholme Browne entailed lands in 1677, failing issue of his son. 188 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Pedigree (See p. 187.) Hezekiah Browne of Lincoln, mercer, 4th son,= under age in 1687; Alderman of Lincoln; Mayor 1712, 172G. Will dated 25 April, proved 6 July 1730; names his sisters Foster, Fretwell, and Elizabeth Becke. :Justina, dan. of Tho- mas Nicholson; mar. at St. Pcter-at- Arches, Lincoln, 20 March 1706. Thomas John Browne, s.p.,=Ann, Broxholme= Browne wedding settlement dau. of Browne of of Yaw- 27 April 1759; John Lincoln, thorpe, Mayor of Lincoln Hooton. apothecary, legatee 1756, 1762; a part- Mayor of of his ner with Abel Smith Lincoln sister and Richard Elli- 1757,1773. Justina son in the Lincoln Browne Bank 25 March in 1785. 1775. =Jane, dau. and coheir ofGervase Raines; mar. at Burton- by-Lin- coln 3 Dec, 1751. Hezekiah Browne of Cammer- ingham, grazier, legatee of his sister Justina Browne 1785. Hezekiah Browne of the Close of Lincoln,= heir to his uncle John Browne in 1800; residuary legatee of his brother Broxholme Browne in 1809, and ex'or. Will dated 4 Aug. .1820; proved 27 March 1826 ; leaves £4000 to each of his daughters; personalty sworn under £30,000. =Fanny, Rev. Broxholme Browne, dau. of Rector of Scotton; matric. . . . . Lincoln College, Oxon, 17 May 1779, a3t. 18; s.p. Will dated 19 Aug. 1808; proved 17 Aug. 1809; personalty sworn under £5000. Hezekiah Browne, ex'or to father's will. Rev. Thomas Browne, ex'or to father's will; devisee of the advowson of Leadenham. Jane, coheirr :Rev. John Cracroft. Frances Anne,=Charles White, Esq., coheir. of Brans ton. Justina, coheirnrRev. Bernard Smith. Amy, mar. at St. —John Peter-at-Arches, Lincoln, 29 April ] 742 (marriage bond 26 April 1742). Davies. Susanna=Rev. Gil- bert Benet of Lincoln. Justina. Will dated 16 Feb., proved 26 Aug.1785, Elizabeth, mar. John Haw of South Carl- ton, and had a dau. Elizabeth, mar. to Captain Thomas Money of 79 th Regi- ment. [Note.—I compiled this pedigree mainly from title-deeds and wills in the Browne family. —A. II. M.] LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 189 35rritotttoto of 55eltdn4n^rtolme. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] John Brownlow of Beris-=f=Anne, dau. of John Bols- ford, co. Derby. j worth of Berisford. Henry Brownlow of=f=Anne, dau. of John Sutton Richard Brown- John Brown- Berisford, 1st son. of Deane Hall, co. Notts. low, 2nd son. low, 3rd son. I I II Nathaniel Brownlow=pAlice, dau. of Robert James Brownlow, 2nd Theodosia. of Belton in ye Isle of Axholme 1634, 1st son. Parkinson of Foston; son. bur. at Belton 23 Aug. — Anne. 1644, then a widow. Luke Brownlow, 3rd son. Vincent Brownlow, Richard Brownlow, bapt. at Cassandra, bapt. at Belton son and heir. Belton 1 Nov. 1629. 28 Dec. 1625. William Brownlow of Belfcon-=Margery .... of Dowgood, mar. at in-Axholme, bur. there 9 Belton 3 Feb. 1602-3; bur. there March 1615-16. 26 Aug. 1617. Vincent Brownlow of Belton-in-Axeholme 1610,=pAlice, dau. died and bur. at Belton 16 June 1623, seised of lands in Epworth. of I I William Brownlow, 1st son and heir, born John Brownlow, bur. at 1615; «et. 8 at his father's death. Belton 5 Sept. 1625. Brotonloto of 3Selton tip terant&am* Arms.—Or, an inescutcheon within an orle of martlets sable. Christopher Brownlow of=p. . . . dau. and heir of ... . Lee of co. Derby. I Aughton Castle, co. Derby. John Brownlow of High=f Jane, dau. of ... . Bothway by his 2nd wife, dau. Holborn, co. Middlesex. | of Sir John Zouch- of Staughton Grange. Richard Brownlow of Kirkby Underwood, protho-=f=Katherine, dau. of John Page notary of the Court of Common Pleas temp. Eliz. and Charles I.; died 1638. of Wembly, co. Middlesex, Mas- ter in Chancery. Mary, mar. William Elizabeth, mar. John Sherard Awdrey, mar. John Wors- Sanders of Welford, of Lobthorpe; died 6 Feb. ley of Deeping Gate, co. co. Northampton. 1658-9; bur. at North Witham. Northampton. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. A I Sir John Brownlow of Rings ton in= Rippingale 16 March 1629-30, and of Kirkby Underwood and Bel ton, 1st son, born 1590; Sheriff of Lin- colnshire 1640; created Bart. 26 July 1641; indicted at Grantham for high treason April 1643; died 23 Nov. 1679; bur. at Belton, sot. 89. Will proved 28 June 1680. =Alice, dau. of Sir John Poultney of Mister- ton, co. Bucks; died 27 June J 676, 831. 70; bur. 7 July following. Sir William Brown— low of Great Humby, 2nd son, born 1596; created Barb. 27 July 1641 ; M.P. for Lin- colnshire 1653; died 1666, set. 70; bur. at Belton. Will proved 16 June 1668. ^Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Sir Wil- liam Dun- combe of Ivinghoe, co. Bucks, died 1666; bur. at . Belton. Sir Richard Brownlow of Ringston,- 2nd Bart., 1st son and heir,born 1628; died 3 Aug., bur. 5 Sept. 1668 at Rippingale, set. 40. Adm'on. ^Elizabeth, dau. of John Frekc of Stretton, co. Dorset; born 1634; adm'ix of her husband; died 2 Feb. 1683-4, set. 50; bur. at Somerby. Elizabeth, dau. = of Sir Erasmus dela Fontaine; mar. at St. James's, Clerk- en well, 28 July 1664. 1st wife. =William Brown-: low of Snarford, 2nd son, born 1638; of St. Andrew's, Hol- born, 7 July 1668. Adm'on April 1675. ^Margaret, dau. and coheir of George Brydges, Lord Chandos; born 1651 ; mar. lie. dated 7 July 1668 (at St. Margaret's, Westmin- ster); adm'ix of her husband April 1675; remar. Sir Thomas Skipwith of Methering- ham, Bart.; died 1, bur. 8 Jan. 1741-2 in the Duke of Ormond's vault in Westminster Abbey, " set. 94," according to the Funeral Book. 2nd wife. I Elizabeth, only dau. and heir, mar. Philip Doughty of Westminster, co. Middlesex. Elizabeth, 1st dau., born 9 Aug. 1630; mar. 1st Sir Charles Hussey of Cay- thorpe, Bart. ; died 25 Dec. 1688; bur. at Caythorpe. Anne, bur. at St. Andrew's, Holborn, Aug. 1647. Audry, 3rd dau., mar. William. Thursby of the Middle Temple and of Abington, co. North'ton; mar. lie. dated 30 April 1663, then set. about 21. Anne, 19th child, born 1652 or 1648 : died 6 Aug. 1720; bur. at Caythorpe, aet. 68 or 72. Alice, mar. Walter Hawkes- worth of Hawkesworth, co. York; died 14 March 1674-5; bur. at Guiseley, co. York. ii i ii Elizabeth, born 6 Sept. 1655; Elizabeth, born Dorothy, born 28 April 1661. died 8, bur. 9 March .1655-6. 27 Feb. 1657-8; — — died 17 Dec. Elizabeth,bapt. 5 March 1661-2; Mary, born 22 Sept. 1656; 1659. died 25 March, bur. 25 April died 15, bur. 17 Feb. 1659-60. .1669. All at Rippingale. B LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 191 Richard Brown- Richard Brown- Richard Jane, 1st dau., bom Anne, died low, bur. at Rip- low, born 5, died Brown- 1054; died 1 June young, pingale 24 Aug. 29 Oct. 1004. low,died 1070, aet. JO; bur. 1004. young. afc Somerby. Dorothy, dan. and coheir=pSir William Brown- of Sir Richard Mason of Bishop's Castle, co. Salop, and Sutton, co. Surrey, Clerk of the Green Cloth to Oh as. II. and James II.; died 13 Jan. 1099-1700, aet. 33; bur. at Sutton, co. Surrey. 1st wife. low of Bel ton, 4th Bart., born 5, bapt. at Rippingale 10 Nov. 1005; died in Arlington Street, London, 0 March 1700-1701; bur. at Sutton, co. Surrey. = Henrietta, dau. of Henry Brett of Oowley, co. Gloucester ; mar. by name of "Lady Henrietta Brett" at St. Martins-in-ye- Fields, co. Middlesex, 21 Dec. 1700; remar. Henry Morgan of Bristol; died 19 Aug. 1718, aet. 36. 2nd wife. Richard Brownlow, 1st son, bapt. at St. Martins-in-the- Fields, co. Middle- sex, 12 June 1089; died v.p. William Brownlow, born 1098; died of fever 28 July 1720, aet. 28; bur. at Bel ton, unmar. Anne, only sister and heir, born 1094; mar. Sir Richard Oust of Stamford, Bart., 1717; died at Grantham 29 Dec. 1779, and bur. at St. George's, Stamford, 11 Jan. 1780, set. 85. Sir John Brownlow of Belton, 3rd Bart., heir of his great-- uncle Sir John Brownlow; born 20 June 1059; bapt. at Rippingale 0 July 1059; Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1088; died 10 July 1097, aet. 38; bur. at Belton. Will proved 2 Sept. 1097. =Alicia, eldest dau. of Richard Sherard of Lobthorpe; born 1059; died 29 June 1721, aet. 62. Eleanor, 5th dan.=Sir John Brownlow of Belton, 5th Bart.,=Elizabeth, dau. and coheir, born 2nd son and heir,born 1091; created Baron of William Oart- Brownlow and Viscount Tyrconncll in wright of Mam- Ireland 14 May 5 Geo. I., 3 718; K.B. 25 ham, co. Notts; May 1725; M.P. for Grantham 25 May mar. 24 Jan. 1722, 1727, 1734; died 27 Feb. 1754, 1731-2. 2nd aet. 04, s.p. wife. 1091; died 11 Sept. 1730, aet. 39, s.p. 1st wife. Elizabeth, 1st dau. and coheir, born 1080; mar. John, filth Earl of Exeter; died 28 Nov. 1723, aet. 43. Alice, 2nd dau. and co- heir, born 1084; mar. Francis, 2nd Lord Guildford; diedin Lon- don 22 Aug., bur. at Wroxton, co. Oxford, 0 Sept. 1727, aet. 43. Jane, 3rd dau., mar., June 1711, Peregrine, 2nd Duke of An- caster; died at Grimsthorpe 20 Aug. 1730. Margaret,4th dan. and coheir, born 1087; died of the small-pox; bur. at Belton 9 Aug. 1710, aet. 23. 192 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Bro$olnw of #rtms% [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, a chevron between fhree brocks'' heads erased azure. Richard Broxholme of Owersby and Walesby.=y= William Broxholme of Norbh- Kelscy 12 March 1605-6, and of Walesby. -Rose, dau. and heir of Anne, mar. Daniel Wiekham Robert Gibson kittle Lymber. of of Oaistor; bur. there 3 Jane 1655. Thomas Broxhohne- of North Kelsey, bapt. at Walesby 1 Jan. 1576-7. Will dated 0 April, proved (O.P.O.) 15 June 1616. Richard Broxhohne- of Great Grimsby, son and heir 1634; proved his father's will 15 June 1616. ^Ursula, only dan. of Edward Bilclilfe of Normanby-on-the Hill, and of Walesby, by his 2nd wife; bapt. 30 July 1585; mar. at Norm an by 8 Aug. 1603; remar. at Owersby, 26 April 1616, John Harris of North Kelsey. Richard Broxholme, bapt. at Walesby 7 Oct. 1581. Anne, bapt. at Walesby 3 Sept. 1577; mar. Francis Harris of North Kelsey; living <) April 1616. ^Frances, dau. of Bartholo- mew Law- ran ce of Keale. William Broxholme, 2nd son, under age 9 April 1616. Anne, 1st dau., under age 9 April 161.6. Elizabeth, 2nd dau., under age 9 April 1616; mar. at Great Grimsby, 27 July 1635, Thomas Gar- diner. William Broxholme, 1st son, a)t. 4, 1634; bur. at Grimsby 10 May 1644. Thomas Brox- holme, 2nd son, bapt. at G reat Grimsby 20 May .1633. Francis Broxholme, 3rd son, bapt. 21 July 1636; bur. at Great Grimsby 25 March 1661. Richard Brox- holme, 4th son, bapt. at Great Grimsby 11 Feb. 1641-2. William Broxholme, 5th Martha, bapt. at Susanna, bapt. 19 Elizabeth, bur,) son, bapr,. 13 Feb. 1644-5; Great Grimsby Feb. 1651-2; bur. at GreatGrims-? bur. at Great Grimsby 1 25 April 1639. at Great Grimsby by 7 March Sept. 1660. 6 Jan. 1653-4. 1.654-5. [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College. Harl. MS. 1550.] John Broxh()lrne=rGrisill, dau. of Thomas Yarborough of Yarborough. Robert Broxholme of Owersby^Annc, dau. of Anthony Morley of co. York, LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 193 I John Broxholme^Margaret, dan. of Ro- William Broxholme of Osgodby: of Owersbyl547; living 1568. berfc Wickham of Os- godby; cousin of Bishop of Lincoln. (or Robert), 2nd son, bar. at Kirkby-cum-Osgodby 16 Aug. 1567, dau. of John Brox-=Elizabcth, holme of dau. of Middle William Temple. Rawlins. Robert Broxholme=j=Ohnsfcian, dau. of William Brox-- Henry Hansard of holme of Os- Cuxwold; surviv- godby, bur. 16 ing 1590. July 1579. of Claxby, 2nd son, bur. at Claxby 19 June 1578. Elizabeth, mar.=Christo- at01axby9Feb. pher 1578-9. Anlatt. I Frances, mar.= at Claxby 14 Sept. 1579. =Robert Clarke. Henry=j=Alice, dau. of Brox- holme. Oliver With- ernwicke. Richard= Brox- holme of Grims- by, bur. there 1 June 1602. Catherine, dau. of Thomas King of Barnetby; bur. at Grimsby 3 Oct. 1607. Thomas Broxholme=Anne, dau. of .... of Lincoln and Laugh ton; sister Janc,=Richard bur. at Metcalfe Louth, Counsellor- at-Law. Will dated 6 March, proved 4 May 1591. of Godfrey Laugh- ton; died 28 Mar. 1600, get. 55; bur. at Louth. Ked- cling- ton 24 Aug. 1584. of Louth Park. Edward Broxholme of=r Sarah, dau. of Chris- Lincoln 1634; signs pedigree 1634. Adm'on 5 July 1658. topher Copley of Sprotborough (called also Susan). i Godfrey Broxholme of Lincoln,^ 2nd son, bapt. at Grimsby 16 June 1588; St. Peter-at-Arches, Lincoln, 9 April 1630. I Susan,=Thorn as heiress, ITatcli lie bur. at of Hat- Grimsby cliffe, dead 1679. 1653. Thomas Broxholme, bapt. at St. Peter- William Brox- at-Arches 1 Jan. 1616-17. holme, bapt. at — St. Peter-at- Hundleby Broxholme, bapt. at St. Arches27Sept. Peter-at-Arches 8 March 1621-2. 1625. Mary, ba,pt. at St. Peter's 21 Oct. 1613. Jane, bapt. at St. Peter's 24 Jan. 1614-15 ; bur. 18 Sept. 1615. Elizabeth, bapt. at St. Peter's 24 Jan. 1614-15; bur. 28 Feb. 1614-15. Faith, bapt. at St. Peter's 2 July 1623, Dorothy, bapt. at St. Peter's 3 May 1627; bur. 9 June 1629. VOL. I, 0 O 194 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. William Broxholme of Owersby. Will dated=p Alyson, dau. 20 Ocfc. 1530; proved 17 March 1530-31. | of William Broxholme of Owersby.=pJenytfc, Will dated 22 April, proved 1 | dau. of July 1555. Robert Broxholme, supervisor in= father's will 1530; named ex'or in his son Robert's will 1562. Christopher Broxholme, ex'or, under age,=f=Margaret, dau. in 1555; bur. at Kirkby-cum-Osgodby. I of Robert Mal- Will dated 30 Dec. 1579; proved 12 | ton. Feb. 1579-80. Margery, mar. Ro- bert Danatt. Anne. William Broxholme. Dorothy. Thomas Broxholme, called eldest William Brox-= brother in Robert Broxholme's holme of Os- will 1562. godby. Will — dated 30 Nov. Robert Broxholme of Owersby, 1557; proved "junior," s.p. Will dated 5 15Feb.l557-8. May, proved 25 June 1562. =Ellen, Thomas Broxholme, dau. called youngest bro- of ther in Robert Brox- holme's will 1562. Elizabeth, named in 1562. Thomas Broxholme of Yawthorpe in parish of Corring-= ham and of Kirkby-cum-Osgodby; bur. at Corringham. Will dated 3 Sept., proved (C.P.O.) 24 Oct. 1599; proved at Lincoln 25 Feb. ] 599-1600. :Anne (or Mary), dau. of Robert Williamson of Walkeringham, co. Notts. I I William Broxholme, eldest son, but died unmar. Robert Broxholme of Great Corringham, eldest surviving son, ex'or. Will dated 16 Feb. 1628-9; proved 30May 1629; codicil 10 April 1629. Henry Broxholme of Osgodby in Kirkby, 2nd sur- viving son; bur. at Corringham. Will dated 3 Oct. 1638; proved 11 Nov. 1642; settles es- tates on William, son of Humphrey Browne. Thomas Broxholme, living in 1599, but dead, unmar., before 1631. Mary, of Corring- ham. Will dated 24 Dec. 1632; (to be) bur. at Corring- ham. Elizabeth, mar. Humphrey Browne, senior, of Yawthorpe. Anne, unmar. in 1599; mar. Humphrey Browne, junior, of Yawthorpe. Henry Broxholme of Osgodby, bur.: at Kirkby-cum-Osgodby 20 March 1579-80. Will dated 2 Jan. 1579-80; proved 8 April 1580; named his brother Thomas Broxholme super- visor. 1st husband. =Alice, dau. of Oliver With-=Thomas Byr- ernwick of Claxby; coheir cotts, mar. at of her brother John With- Kirkby-cum - ernwick; ex'trix to her Osgodby 7 husband in 1580. Feb. 1581-2. 2nd husband. IjNCOLNSHIBE PEDIGREES. 196 id Margaret, bapt. Katherine, bapfc. Dorothy, bapt. Jane, bapt. Mary, bapt. at Usselby 9 at Usselby 12 at Osgodby at Usselby at Osgodby June 1566. June 1567. 18 March 25 July 17 July 1569-70. 1571. 1572. John Broxholme of Nether Toynfcon,= 2nd sou, bapt. at Kirkby-cum-Osgodby 7 Sept. 1575. Will dated 14 Dec. 1640; proved(0.P.O.) 11 Feb. 1640-41. :Anne, dau. of Robert Freeston of Thimbleby; bapt. at Horncastle 22 Feb. 1589-90; mar. at Thimbleby 27 Jan. 1606-7; living 14 Dec. 1640. Charles Broxholme, bapt. at Horncastle 8 April 1621; set. 13, 1634; legatee of his sister Anne Gounvill in 1681. Ellen, bapt. at Horncastle 27 Oct. 1611; mar. her cousin Tho- mas Browne of Yawthorpe. Frances, bapt. at Horncastle 19 Oct. 1615; mar Fox. Anne, bapt. at Horn- castle 6 Dec. 1618; mar Gounvill. Will dated 12 March 1680-81; proved 18 July 1681, then of Salmonby, widow. Matthew Broxholme of Scamblesby,= eldest son. Will dated 20 May 1596; proved (O.P.O.) 25 June 1597. ^Mary, dau. and heir of John Cooke of Scamblesby. Will dated 28 Feb. 1605-6; proved (C.P.C.) 14 Nov. 1606. John Broxholme: of Scamblesby, eldest son, un- der age 28 Feb. 1605-6; died be- fore 1631. Thomas=pMary, dau. of Broxholme of Stix- wold, un- der age in 1606. Erasmus Cooper of Canons Ash- by, co. North- ampton. Frances, under age in 1606; mar. John Vicars of Ludford. Frances, bur. at Horncastle 8 Dec. 1631. Mary, 1st dau. Anne, 2nd dau. Grace, mar. at Horncastle, 2 Feb. 1613-14, John Hamer- ton of Horn- castle. Elizabeth, 3rd dau. Robert Broxholme: of Barlings Abbey, 3rd son. Adm'on (C.P.C.) 10 Nov. 1592; adm'on"de bonis non" 14Mav 1599. =Jane, dau. of ... . Stow of Newton; mar. at Kirkby-cum- Osgodby 22 Nov. 1568; adm'ix of her husband in 1592; dead before 1599. John Brox-- holme, ex'or to his bro- ther Robert Broxholme of Barlings 1592. 1 Ellen, mar. at Kirkby- cum-Osgodby, 19 June 1564, Francis Thomp- son of Boothby. Johan, named in Robert Broxholme's will 1562. Isabel,_dau. of Rich-=pWilliam Brox-^Anne, dau. of James Mussenden of Great Limber; bapt. there 23 Nov. 1567. 2nd wife. ard Whorwood of Ludlow, co. Salop. 1st wife. O holme of Reep- harn, eldest son, bur. there 29 April 1633. D Anne, Frances, living living 1599. 1599. 196 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Robert Broxholrae=f=Marfcha, dau. of Reeph am, eldest son, get. 23,1634; entered at Gray's Inn 13 Aug. 1639; died 20 Jan. 1640-41. of Elias Kent of Scambles- by; mar. at Stenigot 16 Jan. 1639-40. I William Brox- holme,2ndson, M.A. at Cam- bridge 1634. Six sons, one dau. All died s.p. Martha, born posthumous; oat. 3 months 3 days, 12 May 1641. Mrs. Anne Broxholme, widow, bur. at Reepham 14 Feb. 1670-71. Joseph Brox- holme. Deborah. [Harl. MS. 1550. MS. O. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—O, three piles azure, a border engrailed ermine. William Bryan of Bolingbroke.^ Thomas (or William) Bryan of=j=Jennefct, dau. of ... . Cony of Bolingbroke. I Basingthorpe. Thomas Bryan of Bolingbroke, mer- chant of the Staple of Calais, bur. at Bolingbroke. Will dated 9 Oct., proved 5 Nov. 1521. :Margaret, dau. of .... Rede; re mar. .... Mathew; died 24 July 1555. John Bryan of Boling- broke, merchant of the Staple, living 1521. Robert Bryan of Boling-=Anne, dau. of ....; Jane, broke, merchant of the bur. at Bolingbroke 1521. Staple. 7 May 1562. York. Alice (or Agnes), mar. George Fairfax of co. i Jane, dau. of=William Bryan of Bolingbroke,= John Good- Chief Warrener of the manor ricke of East of Bolingbroke, died 9 Nov. Kirkby. 1st 1573. Will dated 18 Dec. wife. 1569. =Thomasine, dau. of John Fincham of Fincham, co. Norfolk; remar. Thomas Bendish of Bumpstead, co. Essex; living 1573. 2nd wife. Audry, bapt. at Bolingbroke 1568; bur. 5 June 1569. Thomasine, mar. Thomas Smith of Haverell, co. Suffolk. Robert Bendish, = B.D., mar. at Bolingbroke 8 Feb. 1579-80. 1st husband. =Anne, bur. at= Pinchbeck 26 Jan. 1597-8. =Thomas Ogle ofPinchbeck. 2ndhusband. LINCOLNSHIRE tBDlGRBES. 197 John Bryan, bapfc. Robert Bryan of=f=Eleaaor, dau. Kafcherine, bapt. at Boling- at Bolingbroke Bolingbroke, bapt. of Thomas broke April 1570. 1565; bur. 19Nov. there Feb. 1567-8; Bendish of — 1566. bur. there 8 Nov. Bumpstead, Thomasine, bur. at Boling- 1627. co. Essex. broke 5 Nov. 1566. Tristram Tooley= Eleanor, bapt.=Thomas of Dowood, mar. at Bolingbroke Bristow of May 1596; living 1636. at Bolingbroke 23 Feb. 1619-20; dead before 1636. 1st husband. Scremby, Clerk. 2nd hus- band. Dorothy, bapt. at Bolingbroke 1 Oct. 1598; mar., 19 Nov. 1618, John Dixon of Scrivelsby. i Judith, bapt. at Boling- broke 18 May 1600; bur. 20 Nov. 1604. William Bryan, Richard Bryan,=Anne, dau. of Rich- Anne, bapt. at Boling- bapt. at Boling- bapt. at Boling- ard Carleton of broke Jan. 1594-5; broke 2 Jan. broke 26 July Frampton in Hoi- mar. Samuel Mott of 1602-3; s.p. 1604. land. Colchester. Andrew Bryan, bapt. Robert Bryan of Fulletby, bapt.^Esther, dau. of Edward at Bolingbroke July at Bolingbroke Jan. 1595-6. Browne of Horbling; 1592; bur. 19 Jan. Will dated 4 May, proved 5 bur. at Boston 29 Aug. 1596-7. July 1636. 1646. John Bryan of Boston,=pMartha, dau. merchant, bapt. at Hareby 27 Oct. 1626; ddt. 8 in 1634. Will dated 17 Oct. 1657; proved 19 Jan. 1657-8. of ex'trixl657. Robert Bryan, 2nd son, 93t. 2 in 1634. Thomas Bryan, 3rd son, not mentioned in 1634. Elizabeth, under age 1636. Esther, in 1662. unmar. Richard Bryan, bapt. 13 Aug. 1653; Martha, coheir, bapt. at Elizabeth, bur. at Boston 18 April 1654. Boston 23 Aug. 1655. coheir 1657. I Thomas Bryan of Bolingbroke,=pSarah, dau. of John son and heir 1592; bur. at Bolingbroke 12 April 1616. Norton of Cotter- stock, co. Northamp- ton; living 1621. William Bryan, bur. at Boling- broke 17 Jan. 1596-7. John Bryan. Robert Bryan of=pMartha, dau. of Leonard John Bryan, bur. Martha, mar. at Bolingbroke, bapt. Camock of Boston; bapt. at Bolingbroke 28 Bolingbroke, 2 there 26 Aug. at Boston 5 April 1612; April 1614. May 1631, Tho- 1610; bur. 9 March mar. there 4 Dec. 1628. — mas Welcome of 1635-6. b | William Bryan. Sausthorpe. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 198 B Elizabeth, dau. of Edward= Middlemore of Barton, brother of George Middle- more; bur. at Bolingbroke 8 Nov. 1658. 1st wife. ^Norton Bryan of Boling- broke, son and heir, bapt. at Bolingbroke 29 July 1634. Will dated 31 Jan. 1672-3; proved 3 April 1673. -Anne, dau. Of....; surviving 1673. 2nd wife. Martha, bapt. at Bolingbroke 9 Oct. 1632 ; mar. William Middle- ton of Wandes- ley, co. Notts. Elizabeth,=Henry bapt. at Boulton Boling- of Stix- broke 5 would. Nov.1658; unrnar. 1672. Dorothy, dau.= of. . . .; bur. at Boling- broke 2 April 1700. 1st wife. =John Bryan, bapt. at= Bolingbroke 2 Feb. 1664; bur. there 13 April 1725. Will dated 21 Jan. 1724-5; proved 30 April 1725. =Mary, dau. of Lyon Clipsham of Gran- tham; bapt. at Grantham 28 May 1667; bur. at Bo- lingbroke 30 Jan. 1732-3. 2nd wife. Frances, bapt. at Bolingbroke 24 Sept. 1689; mar. William Chapman. Dorothy, bapt. at Bolingbroke 16 Sept. 1690; mar. William West. Martha, bapt. at Bolingbroke 27 Feb. 1695-6; mar. William Ward; living 1753. Anne, bapt. at Bolingbroke 26 Oct. 1698 ; bur. there 27 May 1789, unrnar. Esther, bapt. 31 March, bur. 2 April 1700 at Bolingbroke. Henry Bryan, bapt. at Boling- broke 30 May 1708; Rector of Bolingbroke and Hareby 9 Aug. 1739, of Hamering- ham alias Dunstrop Grange; bur. at Bolingbroke 12 Sept. 1757, s.p. Will dated 22 Dec. 1753; proved 17 Sept. 1757. John Bryan, bapt. at Boling- broke 22 Oct. 1691; died from a fall from his horse 19 May, bur. 21 May 1726 at Bolingbroke. Will dated 29 Jan. 1725-6; proved 23 June 1726. I Norton Bryan, bapt. at Boling- broke 8 Aug. 1727. Norton Bryan^=Susan- of Boling- I nah, broke, bapt. | dau. of there 3 March 1692-3; heir of his brother John Bryan. John Bryan, bapt.= at Bolingbroke 10 July 1732. =Anne, dau. of .... Dixon; mar. at Boling- broke 6 Feb. 1759. Robert Bryan, bapt. 7 May, bur. 12 May 1694 at Boling- broke. Thomas Bryan, bapt June 1697; bur broke 4 Jan. 1725-6 29 at Boling- Anne, bapt. at Bolingbroke 16 June 1729. Frances, bapt. at broke 31 Aug. 1736 Boling- John Bryan, bapt. at Bolingbroke 13 May 1762. Henry Bryan, bapt. at Bolingbroke 5 Feb. 1764. Anne, bapt. at Bolingbroke 10 Nov. 1759. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 199 %utkz of i&amftp xm%t. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Lozengy bendy of eight or and azure, a canton ermine, . . . . Bucke=pAnne, dau. of... . Coxsonne; living 23 March 1595-6. Sir John Bucke, Knt., of: HambyGrange,which he purchased of Thomas Sid- ney about 2 Sept. 1590; Provost-Marshal in the expedition, to Cadiz; knighted there 27 June 1596; died 20 Nov., bur. at St. Giles, Cripplegate, 21 or 26 Nov. 1596. Will dated 23 March 1595-6; proved 2 .Dec. 1596. ^Eleanor, dau. and heir of John Wy in ark of Gretford; proved her husband's will 2 Dec. 1596 ; Patroness of Vicarage of'Osbournby; re- mar., before 7 April 1600, Sir William Rigdon, Knt., of Dowsby; adm'ix of her father 13 April 1600. Will dated 23 Sept. 1612; (to be) bur. at Gretford. Adm'on 3 Feb. 1615-16. Thomas=Anne, Bucke, living 23 Mar. 1595-6. dau. of . . . .; living 23 Mar. 1595-6. Robert Bucke, living 23 Mar. 1595-6. Mary, dau. of= Miles Oxins of Warmington, co. North- ampton. 1st wife. :Peregrine Bucke of Sys-=pFrances, dau ton, 3rd son, 1634; adm'or of his mother 3 Feb. 1615-16; dead in 1648-9. of John Porter of Syston; remar. William Pell. 2nd wife. Anne,=Gervase living 6 Reresby March 1619-20. of Hun- dlebv. Martha, of Barkston, unmar. Will dated 5 Feb. 1648-9 ;• proved 6 March 1650-51. I I I I I John Thomas Margaret. Frances. Katha- Bucke. Bucke. rine. All living 1648-9. Peregrine Bucke,=Mary, dau. of 1st son, set. 10, . . . . ; died 7 1634; ex'or to May 1704; his sister Martha bur. at Barks- Bucke 1648-9. ton. Mary, ex'trix=f=John Welby Elizabeth. to her hus- band 1646. of Barkston. Pigbt, dead 1648. I Sir John Bucke, Knt.,=pElizabeth, Edward or Edmund Bucke=rElizabeth, dan. of Hamby Grange, under age 1600; knighted at Whitehall 23 July 1603; High Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1619 ; died in 1648. dau. and heir of William Green of Filey, co. York. of Aslackby 18 July 1619, 2nd son. of John Clay- don of London. .... living 6 March 1619-20. I Elizabeth, bapt. at Aslackby 6 Sept. 1618 ; living 6 March 1619-20. 200 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Robert Bucke=f=Mary, dan. of Ed- of Flotmanby, co. York, and Gray's Inn, aet.34,3lAug. 16G4. ward Skipwith of Grantham; bapt. there 10 June 1634; marriage published in Newgate Market June 1655. William Wy-=Eliza- villof Osgod- beth. by, co. York, who died 1663,s.p. 1st husband. =Matthew Beckwith of Tanfield, co. York, Captain in the Parliamentary Army; bur. at Tan- field 4 Sept. 1674. 2nd husband. i i i i i i John Bucke. William Bucke. Elizabeth. Faith. Anne. Mary. 1665. Anne, dau. of= •Sir Thomas Style, Bart., of Watering- bury, co. Kent. 1st wife. =Sir John Bucke of Hamby= Grange,created a Bart. 22 Dec. 1660; High Sheriff of co. Lin- coln 1663. Will dated 31 July 1668; proved (O.P.O.) 21 June 1669; (to be) bur. in chancel of OsboimibyChurch. :Mary, dau. and heir of William Ash- ton of Tingrith, co. Bedford, by Mary, dau. and heir of Henry Ewer of South Mymms, co. Herts; born 1630; marriage settlement dated 21 Aug. 1652; remar. Lord Chief Baron Turner. 2nd wife. Henry Bucke, 3rd son, born " near= Leaden Porch, Holborn," Oct., bapt. at St. Andrew's, Holborn, Nov. 1662; Storekeeper to Com- missioners of Excise; died 9 Oct. 1737; bur. at St. DunstanVin-the- East, London. :T)eborah, dau. of Thomas Sal- ter of London, draper; died 20 March 1725-6, set. 51. Mary,=James died 12 Vernon, Oct. 1715. Secretary of State to Wil- liam III. Eliza- beth, 1668. Henry Bucke, died 21 Jan. 1730-31, set. 38; bur. at St. Dunstan's-in-the-East. William Bucke. Daus. Sir William Bucke, Bart., of=pFrances, dau. of Daniel Hamby Grange, High Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1689; died 15 Aug. 1717 ; bur. at Watford, co. Herts. Skinner of London, merchant; bur. at Os- bournby 5 Nov. 1711, set. 71. John Bucke, 2nd son, born Oct. 1661 "near Hand Yard, High Hol- born"; bapt. at St. An- drew's, Holborn, 1661. r John Bucke, bapt. at Lav- ingtonl4 Oct. 1686; bur. at Osbournby 2 Feb. 1687-8. William Bucke, bapt. at Osbourn- by^ Oct. 1689. Sir Charles Bucke, Bart., of Hamby=f=Anne, dau. of Grange, born 1692; educated at Treves; entered Fellow Com. at Trinity College, Cambridge, 29 March 1712, set. 20; died 20 June 1729, set. 37. Sir Edward Sebright, Bart., of Bes- ford, co. Wor- cester. I Sir Charles Bucke, Bart., of Hamby Grange, born=Mary, dau. of George Carfc- 31 Jan. 1731-2; High Sheriff of co. Lincoln wright of Ossington, co. 1780; died in London 7 June 1782, set. 51; Notts; mar. 20 April 1758; bur. at Osbournby, s.p. died at Bath 21 July 1764. b LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 201 Anne, eoheir,=Ambrose Isted Catherine, co-=Sir Henry Engle- Harriet, born 4 Sept. of Ecfcon, co. heir, died in field, Knt., of died 1721; mar. Nor than fcs, born London 31 White Knights, young. 16 Sept. 1746; 6 Mar. 1717-18; May 1805, set. co. Berks, died 25 died at Bath died 6 May 1781. 80. May 1780. 21 Nov. 1800. Mary, bapt. at St. Olave's,^Charles Frances, bapt. at St. Anne, bur. at Hart Street, 21 Aug. Hoare of Olave's, Hart Street, Osbournby 5 1679; mar. lie. 3 June Risford, London, 23 Aug. 1682; Dec. 1684. 1697. co. Devon. died unmar., set. 27. r i i Anne, bapt. at Laving- Alice, bapt. at Osbournby Elizabeth,=. . . . Pusey or ton 25 Sept., bur. at Os- 17 Jan. 1687-8; living living 2 Pasey of Lon- bournby 28 Sept. 1685. unmar. 2 Mav 1726. May 1726. don, merchant. 3Bucfttoort& of Wtsfocj) atttr J^paltuwj* Arms.—Sable, a chevron between three cross-crosslets fitchee argent. Richard Buck-^pGrace, dau. of Bartholomew Everard of Ipswich; worth. I heiress of her brother Richard. i Richard Buckworth, liv-=pRose, dau. and coheir of Thomas Skegness of Skendleby ins: 33 Eliz. mar. at Boston 17 Aug. 1593. I I I William Buckworfch=. . . . dau. of Anne=Thomas Drury Mildred=John of Pickenham, co Nun of Lynn, Nor- Noone of Norfolk, s.p. of Norfolk. folk. Norfolk Sarah, dau. of... . Ber-=pAnthony Buckworth of Dromore=p. . . . dau of mi chain of Ireland. 1st wife. in Ireland and Burringham, co. Norfolk, 5th son. Nokes. 2nd wife. Theophilus Buckworth=p=Alice, dau. of Charles John Buck-=. . . dan of Wisbech, ast. 51 in 1684. Henry Ferrour Buck- worth of of Le of Wisbech. worth. Ireland. Hunte. Theophilus Buckworth, asfc. 19, 1684; dicd= 8 Oct. 1694; bur. at Wisbech. I Sarah, died 3 Jan. 1687-8. Alicia, bur. infant at Wisbech 1698. Anthony Buckworth, s.p. Richard Buckworth Rose==Thomas Lea of Wisbech A of Barbadoes 1684. vol. i. B D 202 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Thomas Buck worth of= Knapton, co. Norfolk, 2nd son. Thomas Buck- worth. Thomas Buckworth= of. =. ...dan. Henry Theophilus Buckworth,: of ... . Buck- 4th son, Bishop of Dro- wortl), more; died at W isbech. 3rd son. Will, dated 15 Aug. . . . dau. 1652; proved 21 May 1653. sister of Arch- bishop "Usher. = Anne, Rose,=Toby Poyntz of Bren- coheir. coheir, nock, co. Armagh. Sar ah,=Nicholas coheir. Ward. Everard or Theophilus Buckworth of=pAnne, dau. of Thomas Oxburgh of Lynn, Wisbech, 1st son. I co. Norfolk. Barbara, dau. of Sir Francis Soufch,= Knt., of Kelstern; bapt. there 15 Feb. 1602-3; mar. 13 Oct. 1628. 1st wife. -Everard Buckworth: of Whitehall in Wis- bech, 1st son, died 1658, a3t. 50. =Thcodosia, dau. of Edward Thursby of Havelcss, co. Norfolk. 2nd wife. Anne, dau. of=f=Anthony Buck- William Fisher worth of Wis- of Wisbech; bech ; died June relict of James 1676, set. 36. Edwards of Will dated 10 Wisbech. 1st June, proved 9 wife. Dec. 1676. ^Frances, dau. of Gerard Cater of Pap- worth, co. Huntingdon. 2nd wife. Thcodosia, mar. Ger- ard Cater of Pap- worth, co. Hunting- don. Susanna, mar. 1st Soames, 2ndly .... Send all, Srdly .... Lay wood. Everard Buckworth, unmar. 1676; 831. 22 in. 1684. Anthony Buck- worth, xt. 21 in 1684. Anthony Buck- worth. John Buck- Anne, worth, 1676. 1676. Thomas Buckworth,= 2nd son, of Wisbech, Barrister; dead by 1660. =Jane, dau. and coheir of An- thony Thompson, D.D., of Sutton, co. Lincoln, Vicar of Long Sutton, Rector of West Rasen. Edward Buck- worth, 3rd son, s.p. Richard=f=. Buck- worth, 4th son. dau. of Emma. Thomas Buckworth, lsfc= son, act. 28, 1684. =Eliza, dau. of Thomas PI en is of Sutton, Clerk. I Anthony Buckworth, 2nd son. Thcophihi8=j=Elizabcth, dau. of John Bur- Buck- worth. 3rd son. ton of Surflcet; mar. at Pinch- beck 14 Feb. 1688-9; died 21 Feb. 1705-6, set. 35. Em ma, m ar. Joh n Mosse of Q n adr i n g; bur. at Quadring 13 April 1685. Grace, mar Pell of co. Lincoln. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 203 Anthony Buckwortb, 7th son,s.p. Katherine. Emma. Mary. Grace, mar. at Greetwell, 8 Feb. 1728-9, James Francis of Lin- coln. John Back- worth, 5 th son, s.p. Thomas Back worth of-pElizabeth, dau. and coheir of Lot Mael Spalding, 6th son, died 6 July 1740, set. 36 bur. at Spalding. of Spalding; mar. there 6 Jan. 1728-9 died 10 Jan. 1771, set. 63; bur. at Spalding. Theophilus=pElizabeth, dau. of .... Clay of Anne, died 6 Nov. 1747, set. 16. Buck worth of Spalding, died 3 Feb. 1802. Bourne; mar. at St. Bennett's, Paul's Wharf, London, 14 April 1751 ; died 3 Jan. 1793. Sarah, mar. Henry Boulton of Moulton. Thomas Buckworth of Totten-=pMary Mag- dalen, of. dau. ham, died in Finsbury Square, London, 25 April 1803; bur. in St. Olave's, Old Jewry, 3 May, set. 49. Buckworth of Oockley Cley, Norfolk. Anne Elizabeth, = born 12 Feb. 1752; mar. at Spalding 22 July 1779 ; died 3 Jan. 1827. :Maurice Johnson, D.D., of Ayscoghe- fee Hall, Spalding. Theophilus Buckworth, 1st son,bur. at Pinch- beck 17 Mar. 1690-91. Everard Buck worth - of Spalding, 2nd son, bapt. at Pinch- beck 16 April 1693; died 1751 ; bur. at Surfleet. =Jane, dau. and coheir of Hen- ry PellofDem- bleby; died 2 April 1770. John Buckworth, 3rd son, bapt. 11, bur. 12 Mar. 1698-9. Theophilus Buckworth, 4th son, bapt. 20 July 1700; bur. 10 Dec. 1709. Everard Buckworth, LL.D.,= Rector of Washingborough; Rector of Harrington ; Pre- bendary of Canterbury and Lincoln; died 3 Oct. 1792,s.p. - Frances, dau. and co- heir of Vincent Ain- cotts of Harrington; sister of Charles Am- cotts; died 21 April 1810, set. 83. I Theophilus^ Buckworth of Spalding and Gray's Inn, attor- ney. = Anne, dau. of John Nor- th am of Hol- beach, died 10 Dec. 1801, ^t. 35. Sir John Buckworth, Knt., 5th son,=f= Alderman of London; ex'or of his nephew Anthony Buckworth in 1676; knighted at Windsor 18 June 1681; Deputy-Governor of the Turkey Merchants; died 1687. Ill II 1. Emma. 4. Mildred, mar. Samuel Nevv- ■— comen of Bag Enderby; bur. 2. Rose. there 25 Feb. 1658-9. 3. Mary. 5. Grace, mar. Ralph Astry. Sir John Buckworth of Sheen,=p Elizabeth, dau. of Margaret,: knighted 2 Dec. 1693; created .... Hall of Yar- died 14 Bart. 1 April 1697; Sheriff of mouth, merchant; Aug. London 1704; died June 1709. died 20 May 1737. 1731. =Sir Peter Van- deput, Knt., Sheriff of Lon- don 1684; died April 1708. e 204 LINCOLNSHIRE PEBlGIlEES. Sir John Buckworth, 2nd Bart., mar. Mary Jane, dan. of ....; died 1775. lie died 30 Dec. 1758. Sir Everard Buck-=f Mary, dau. of Wil- Elizabeth. worth, 3rd Bart., died 2 Feb. 1779, a3b. 77. Sir John Buck- worth, 4th Bart., died at Brussels 10 June 1801. liam Hippie or Do- bell, eo Worcester; died 29 Oct. 17 6-. Anne, natural dau. of Pas-=pSir Everard Buck-= ton Heme of Haverland,co. Norfolk; great-granddau. of William Paston, 2nd Earl of Yarmouth. 1st wife. . . dau. worth, 5th Bart., of ... . assumed the name 2nd wife, of Heme. Vide Burke's " Peerage and Baronetage." Elizabeth, mar. Clayton. General Mary, mar. Benjamin Walkerly. Charlotte, died 5 Dec. 1773. Hester, died 1813. Elizabeth, mar. Thomas Martopp, Alderman of London, 3rd son of Sir Thomas liar topp, Knt. Mary, mar. lie. 21 = Aug. 1682,a)t.22; died 1731; bur. in Chapter House, Westminster. =Sir William Hussey, Knt., merchant; knighted at Whitehall 17 April .1690; Ambassador to the Porte from William in.; died at Adrianople 14 Sept. 1691, xt. 52; bur. at Honington, co. Lincoln, 16 Oct. 1695, s.p* 3Sulltitij{)am oi Lincoln, Arms.—Azure, an eagle displayed argent, in his beak a sprig vert; on a chief or arose between two cross-cross lets gules. Margaret, dau. of . . . .; bur. at Buckden,co. II imtingdou, 28 Oct. 1566. 1st wife. Rt. Rev. Nicholas Bullingham, Bishop of Lin- coln 21 June 1559; translated to Worcester. Archdeacon of Lincoln; deprived .... Died 18 April 1576. Adin'on granted 8 Aug. fol- lowing. ^Elizabeth, dau. of . . . .; adm'ix of her husband 8 Aug. 1576. 2nd wife. Joseph Bullingham, bapt. 30 Nov. 1570. "Francis 'Bullingham of Lincoln City,- bapt. at St. Margaret's, Lincoln, .19 March 1553-4; purchased his free- dom 21 Oct. 1600, then "a suter to be a burgess"; a legatee of his cousin M r. Sam broke of London 18 J uly 1 605. -Mary, dau. of George Fitzwilliain of Mablethorpe; widow 1st of Richard Ililtoft of Boston, 2ndly of Anthony Nevile; her 3rd mar. took place at Boston 11 Feb. 1590-91; died 27 Nov. 1607; bur. in Lincoln Cathe- dral. Nicholas Bulling- ham, bur. at St. Margaret's, Lin- coln, 3 1 May 1583. Elizabeth, mar. 1st to Henry Bow- yer of Bottesford; 2ndly, at Bottes- lord, 2 March 1(521-2, to Edmund Morley of Holme. Margaret, bapt. at St. Margaret's in the Close of Lincoln 17 Feb. 1610-11. A Sec " History of Doddiugton," by Rev. R. E. Oolc, p. 100. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 205 Nicholas Bullingham of Ketton, co.^p Rutland; bapt. 80 Sept. 1566 living 4 Car. L, 1628. Susan, bapt. 24 Aug., bur. 23 Dec. 1561. Susan, bapt. 10 Oct. 1563; bur. 15 May 1564. ..... Bullingham, Richard Bulling-- a son, dead be- ham of Ketton, fore 15 Jan. co. Rutland, 17 1689-90. Car. I., 1641. -Jane, dau. of Thomas Bru- denell of Lon- don ; mar. 17 April 1618. Jane, mar., 17 April 1628, to Thomas Bru- denell of Lon- don. Bridget, mar. to Thomas Tamper; died 5 Oct. 1662. John Bullingham of Ket-: ton, co. Rutland, 1673 and 1685; bapt. at St. Mary's, Stamford, 7 Jan. 1621-2 ; adm'or of Evers Armine 5 July 1680; Sheriff of co. Rutland 1685. Will dated 15 Jan., proved 14 March 1689-90. =Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Evers Armyne of Ketton, co. Rutland; a lega- tee of her cousin Jo. Michael Ar- myne 30 March 1668. Nicholas Bulling- ham of Ketton; living 15 elan. 1689-90; Sheriff of co. Rutland 1703. Sarah, mar. to . Smelt; living Jan. 1689-90. 15 Martha, bapt. at St. Mary's, Stam- ford, 24 May 1619; living unmar. 15 Jan. 1689-90. Elizabeth, mar. to .... Smith; living 15 Jan. 1689-90. Armyne Bullingham of Ketton, under age 5 July 1680; heir of Nicholas Bulling- his ('? grandfather), whose will he proved 14 March 1689-90; ham, Sheriff of (? proved his father's will 14 March 1689-90); Sheriff of co. Rutland 1703. Rutland 1695. Buntoorti) of Barfcston* [MS. D. 23, Heralds' College. Harl. MS. 759.] Arms.—Ermine, on a bend cotised sable three church-bells argent. William Bun worth of Marston. Wili= dated 25 Jan. 1534-5; proved 19 April 1535; (to be) bur. in ye church yard of Marston. :Jenett, dau. of ....; surviving 25 Jan. 1534-5; ex'trix of her husband. Thomas Bon worth, 1st son and heir, ex'or of his father 25 Jan. 1534-5. William Bonworth, 2nd son, had A dau., dead in lands in Gonerby by his father's 1534-5, leaving will 25 Jan. 1534-5. issue. Edmund Bunw'orth^ Isabella, dau. of .... Porter of Barkston; of Barkston. mar. there 28 June 1573. A I 206 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. A| Eleanor, dan. of=f=William Buuworth of= Thomas Jackson of Bicker; dead before 1614. 1st wife. Barkeston, 1st son, bapt. at Barkston 20 May 1576; set. 37 in 1014. ^Elizabeth, dan. of .... Russell of Threcking- ham; mar. lie. 3 April 1614, wife. set. 29. 2nd Mathew Bun- worth, 2nd son, bapt. at Barkston 24 Feb. 1589-90. William Buu- worth of Barkeston, died 21 April 1631. :Dorothy, dau. of Thomas Ash-= ton of Stanton, Notts, by his wife Elizabeth, sister of Sir Henry Disney; living a widow 10 July 1663. =Rev. Ephraim Garthwaite, Rec- tor of Barkstone, Grantham, son of the Rev. Miles Garth- waite, Rector of Fulbeck. 2nd husband. Helena,dau.of Abraham Markham of Tombe^Thomas Bunworth=pAbigail, dau. co. Lincoln; widow of .... Izodd; mar. lie. dated 19 May 1662, then of Lincoln, set. about 35, (to be) mar. at Hertingfordbury, co. Herts. 1st wife. Hester. of Barkston, set. 4 at his father's death; set. 40, 1666. and coheir of RichardWin- cope of Sut- terton. 2nd wife. i i i i Abigail, 1st dau. Deborah, 2nd dau. Elizabeth, 3rd dau. Dorothy, 4th dau. Mathew Bun worth of Stam- ford, set. 26 in 1622-3, then of North Witham; Town Clerk 1634; Clerk of the Peace 1653; bur. at St. George's, Stamford, 25 April 1667. =Atme, dau. of . . . . Titley of Ufford, co. Northamp- ton; mar. lie. 12 March 1622-3. Jane, bapt. 4, bur. 5 Dec. 1579 at Barkston. Mary, bapt. at Barks- ton 6 Dec. 1583; bur. there 23 Jan. 1585-6. Anne, bapt. at Barkston 25 Aug. 1587 ;"bur. there 7 Sept. 1588. Ruth, bapt. at St. George's, Frances, bapt. at St. Elizabeth, bapt. at St. George's Stamford, 7 Sept. 1634. George's, Stamford, Stamford, 10 Feb. 1637-8. 13 Sept. 1635. Mar. lie. 28 Sept. 1601, "Thomas Wyles of Ewerby, yeo., and Jane Buuworth of Marston, spr." fSurtett'tf Sratfton, [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Edmond Burdett of Brandon.=F Hugh Burdett of Brandon. Will dated 7 July, proved 6 Aug. 1613 ;= appoints Ralph Burdett supervisor. A LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 207 John Burdett of Bran-=pJoan, dau. of don, son and heir. Nuncupative will 8 Sept. 1623; proved 30 Aug. 1624. Robert Stowe of Soutli Clif- ton, co. Notts. John Burdett of Brandon, son and heir 1634; living 1613. William Bur- dett, 2nd son, mar. in 1613, with two chil- dren . Aj Alexander Burdett, 3rd= son. of Long Benning- ton, yeoman. Will dated I July, proved 30 Aug. 1624. Robert Burdett. Hugh Burdett. Katharine. Burflft of Mvtoxt in Santisey- [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] John Burgh, temp. Edward IV.=p=Anne, sister of Christopher Urswick, of Kirton. I Dean of Windsor. Thomas Burgh, 9 Henry VIII.: I William Burgh of Kirton,=pAnne, dau. of Edward Ayscough (brother of Sir William Ayscough of Stallingborough) and widow of Thomas Portington. died 16 1559-60. Jan. 2 Eliz. I Mary, dau. of Adam=Silvester Burgh= Darnall of Thorn- of Kirton, bur. holm. 1st wife. there 1588. Katharine, dau. of Anthony Tour- A dau., nay of Caenby; remar. Michael bur. at 2nd wife. Kirton 1559. Reniger of Kirton Mary, dau. of=j=Willi am Burgh= William (?) Angevine of Theddle- thorpe; bur. at Kirton 1615. 1st wife. of Kirton 2 Oct. 1611; of Grims- by 1634; sold Kirton; died at Berwick from taking opium. =Winifred, dau. of George Francis Hust- Burgh, wayte, Serjeant bur. at of the Hawkes to Kirton James I.; bur. at 1588. Grimsby 7 Nov. 1665. 2nd wife. I I Henry Burgh, killed by Edward Wright; dead before 1619; s.p. Mary, bur ton 1605. at Kir- Mary, mar. lie. 31 March 1620, aefc. 17. Anthony Erminge (or Earninge) of Bisca- thorpe, set. 30, 1620. Ellen, under age 21 Feb. 1616-17. Peregrine Burgh, 1st son, bur. at Grimsby 22 Feb. 1619-20. John Burgh of Grimsby, set. 10, 1634. I 11 Frances, 1619,1st dau. Troth, 2nd dau., bapt. at Grimsby 2 July 1620. Winifred, 3rd dau. 208 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 3Burc$ of i£altfleet% [Haul. MS. 1550.] Atimr.—Argent, on a saltire sable five swans of ihe field, member ed gules, a mullet of the last for difference. Richard Burgh (Thomas)^Isabel, dan. and heir of Michael from Yorkshire (?) Roos of Saltfleetby. i Thomas Burgh. Robert=j=Mary, dau. of Martin Newcomen of Saltfleetby. Richard Burgh. Will dated 23 Jan. 1579-80; proved 6 Oct. 1584. Burgh. Richard Burgh=f=Dorothy, dau. William Burgh==pKatharine, dau. of Robert of Waltham, 1st son. of William Littlebury. of Saltfleetby, 2nd son. Haldenby of Haldenby, co. York. Richard Burgl of Waltham. . .. dan. Eliza-=Anthony Hansard of .... beth. of Waltham. Robert=pSusan, dau. Susan, bapfc. at Waltham 11 March 1586-7. Burgh of Salt- fleetby. of William Leigh of Ingoldsby. i i i Thomas Martin Burgh, in Ire-=. . . . John Burgh, 1st land, 2nd son, 1689, dau. of Burgh, son, s.p. no issue then. .... 3rd son. Dorothy=Francis Caborne of Saltfleetby. Agnes, mar. 1st George Poll an field, 2ndly Tho- mas Smith, Brdly Samuel Churchman. i i Rebeoca= Humphrey Eliza- Sheriffe of beth, London. mar. thrice. Priscilla=John Lene of Ireland, Minister. John Burgh of Saltfleetby- St. Peter's. Will dated 9 Dec. 1584 ; proved 11 Feb. 1584-5. =A.nne, dau. of Christopher Yarborough; mar. at Salt- fleetby All Saints 22 May 1577. I Agnes=John Gilby of Raven- dale. Elizabeth, bapfc. at Saltfleetby 14 Dec. 1577; mar. at Morton=John Thorold of 24 Oct. 1592; bur. there 12 March 1605-6. Morton. Mary (called Mary Stanehouse=. . . . Han- in her mother's will 1579-80). field. Elizabeth, a nun. Agatha=. . . . West- morland. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 209 [Lincoln Wills.] Burgh of Skidbrook =f= William Burgh of Skidbrook, husbandman Will dated 31 March 1584; proved 25 Sept. 1585; mentions his kinsman John Burgh of Saltfleetby, to whom, failing his son's heirs, he leaves his lands, except those which came by inheritance from his father, which he leaves to his brethren Robert and Nicholas. Roberfc=f=(?) Nicholas^?) Burerh. Burgh. Robert Burgh, called3 nephew in William Burgh's will. Henry Burgh, ex'or in 1585. William Burgh, legatee of his great- uncle William Burgh of Skidbrook; called "son of my nephew Robert Burgh." [Note.—This is evidently a branch of the Burghs of Saltfleetby, but the connecting- link is missing.—A. R. M.] Bridget, left to the guardian- ship of Robert Burgh of Saltfleetby. Arms.—Azure, three fleurs-de-lis ermine. Henry Burgh of Stow, younger brother of Thomas, Lord Burgh, of Gains- bur, at Stow 22 April 1557. borough =Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Constantine of Bewdley, co. Salop, by Beatrix, dau. and heir of Griffith Hynton of co. Salop. Richard Burgh of Stow, aet. 1 year and: more 5 Oct. 1558; petitioned for the Barony of Burgh as heir male 24 Jan. 1606-7 ; bur. at Stow 19 Oct. 1616. :Amy, dau. of Anthony Dillington of Knighton, Isle of Wight; bur. at Stow 5 Oct. 1632. Mary, mar. Rich- ard Newman of the Isle of Wight. Sir John Burgh,Knt., eldest son,Col.-General of the Forces at the Isle of Rhe; Governor of Franken- dale in the Palatinate 1623; slain at the Siege of Rochelle 11 Aug. 1627; bur. in St. Michael's Chapel, Westminster Abbey, 23 Oct. 1627. I I Thomas Burgh, slain in the Isle of Rhe 1627. Richard Burgh, slain in the Isle of Rhe 1627. Aquila,= dau. of Martyn Basill of Colches- ter. 1st wife. A :Edward Burgh of=Frances, Stow and the Ex- chequer, bapt. at Stow 5 Dec. 1590; bur. there. Will dated 15 Oct. 1641; proved 6 May 1642. dau. of Heme. 2nd wife. Mary, bapt. at Stow 5 Dec. 1590. Martha, bapt. at Stow 6 June 1593. Dillington, bapt. at Scow 2 June 1596. VOL. I, II Jane, bapt. at Stow 1597. Anne, bapt. at Stow 5 July 1599 ; mar. Roger Holbeche of Stow; living 15 Oct. 1641. e J3 210 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES, John Burgh of Stow, eldest son, bur. at Stow 22 July 1644. Adm'on 5 Nov. 1650. Edward Burgh, heir of his brother John; Frankendale set. 11 years 11 months and 13 days Burgh, dead 22 July 1644; died unmar.; bur. at Stow before 1641. (or Gainsborough) 12 Aug. 1659. Amy, coheir, mar. 1st William Tom- linson of Upton, 2ndly Francis Eastland of Stow. Maria, coheir, living 27 Dec. 1660. Aquila, coheir,: adm'ix of her brother John Burgh 1650. :Rev. John Lillie, Rector of Willing- ham-by-Stow. Will proved 22 June 1659. I Martha, coheir, mar. John Tath- well of Stow. John Lillie of Sleaford=pMary John Lillie of William Catherine. Anne. Elizabeth. Mary=John Marris of London, wool- Lillie. Newark, wool- len-draper, ien-draper. [I am indebted to the Rev. R. E. Cole, Rector of Doddington, for this Pedigree.—A. R. M.] [MSS. C. 23 and D. 23, Heralds' College.] Thomas Burnaby of Manton, co. Rutland.=p i William Burnaby of Barholme, ser-=pSusan, vant to Thomas Cecil, Earl of Exeter. Will dated 18 April 15 Jac. I., 1617; adm'on 3 Feb. 1617-18; proved 13 May 1623. dau. of William Ellis. Jasper Burnaby, adm'or of his brother 3 Feb. 1617-18. I I mar. Spicer. mar. Burbage. ieliard Thomas Burnaby of Bar- Richard Burnaby of=pBridget, dau. holme, eldest son, under Barholme, 2nd son, age 18 April 1617; proved under age 18 April his father's will 13 May 1617; heir of his 1623; died 2 Dec. 22 brother; set. 18 and Jac. L, 1624, s.p. more2 Dec. 22 Jac.L, 1624. of Christo- pher Cooper of Colly Weston, co. Northamp- ton. Elizabeth, under age 18 April 1617, only dau. then mentioned. Susanna. William Burnaby: of Barholme, set. 5, 1634. ^Elizabeth, daqjof Robert Methara of Bulling- Elizabeth, aet. ton Abbey; mar. at Empingham, co. Rutland, 3, 1634. 24 June 1652. Edmund Burnaby, son and Elizabeth, heir, xt. 12, 1666. 1st dau, Hannah, 2nd dau. LiNCOLNSftlRIS PEDIGREES. An excellent Pedigree of this family has been printed by Lady Elizabeth Oust in the " Records of the Oust Family," Part I., pp. 178, 179.—A. R. M. Burton xif &tntoIn* Thomas Burton, Alderman and Mayor of Lincoln,=j=Joan,dau.of living 1530; dead in 1532; bur. at St. Peter-at- Arches, Lincoln. 1532. ,; living Thomas Burton of=f=Grace, dau. and heir of Robert Fishborne by Jane, dau. and Cotes-by-Stow; died 5 Jan. 1558-9. heir of Henry Hansard; living 1560, and ex'trix of her niece Dorothy Whichcot of Lincoln. Edward Burton, living 1560. Anthony Burton, living 1560. Thomas Burton, living 1560. Anne, mar. Ed- Katharine, ward Sapcotts living 1560. of Lincoln. Button of Surfleet [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College. Harl. MSS. 1912, 4138.] Robert Burton of Surfleet temp.=pElizabeth, dau. and heir of Richard Buckminster Edward IV., youngest son of Sir Thomas Burton of Kinsley, co. York. of Buckminster Hall in Billingborough, co. Lin- coln; widow of ... . Cole of Surfleet; mar. circa 1454. Robert Burton of Buck- Richard Burton of Surfleet=pJane, dau. and heir of John minster. Stockley. Burtons of Billing- borough. (See u Lin- colnshire Notes and 1576-7. Adm'on 24 Queries," vol. v., p. 146.) Jan. 1583-4. John Burton ofSur-=pChristian, dau. of Richard ~ . . . .; bur. at Burton. Spalding 25 July 1580. fleet, died 19 Eliz., Lancelot Burton, adm'or of his father 24 Jan. 1583-4. Thomas Burton of Surfleet. Will dated 8 March 1566-7 ;=pLucy, dau. and heir of proved 18 March following. | William Vassell. 21% LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Zachariah Burton=pSusan, dau. of Arthur Walpole of Pinch- of Surfleet, son beck; widow of ... . Quincy of Surfleet; and heir, set. 14 in mar. ab Sb. Peter-at- Arches, Lincoln, 1566-7. 8 May 1588; bur. at Surfleet 10 Feb. 1603-4. I William Burton, living 1556. Thomas Burton. Beatrice. Elizabeth, dau. of=f=John Burton=pMargaret, dau. Edward Burton,bapt. Mary, John Roote of Market Deeping; bur. at Surfleet 17 July 1625. 1st wife. of Boston and Surfleet, 1634. of Richard 11 June 1591. bapt. 29 Read of Pinch- — March beck; living Leonard Burton,bur. 1590. 1633.2nd wife. 17 Oct. 1603. I John Burton,- lst son, en- tered Gray's Inn 11 May 1630 ; set. 20, 1634. I I I :. . . . Zachary Elizabeth, mar. to John dau. of Burton, Foster of Dowsby and . . . . 2nd son, Wellingore. bapt. 25 — May Susannah, bapt. 17 July 1621. 1617. I I Bridget, bapt. 3 Jan. 1618-19. Ann, bapt. 7 Dec. 1623. James Burton, bur. at Spalding 8 Sept. 1648. Samuel Burton, bapt. at Boston 20 June 1633. Matthew Burton, 1634. I I Susannah, bapt. 14 Dec. Mary, 1628; bur. 2 June 1630. 1634. John Burton of Spalding, apothecary, called^pElizabeth, dau. of....; "senior" 6 April 1681; \lead before 1688-9. | living 1688-9. i i i n John Burton,=y=Mary, Anthony Burton, Elizabeth, Sarah, bapt. at Spalding born 30 June, dau. of bapt. 18 June bapt. at 26 Dec. 1667. bapt. 18 July .... 1663; bur. at Spalding — 1059 at Spald- Spalding 30 Mar. 15 Sept. Mary, bapt. 10 Feb., bur. ing. 1665. 1665. 12 Feb. 1668-9 at Spald- ing. John Burton, bur. at Spalding Elizabeth, bapt. at Spalding 13 May 1683. 20 April 1682. Thomas Burton, Vicar of Sibsey, bur. there 12 Aug. 1682=p. . . . dau. of ... . J Zachariah "Barton, infant, Daniel Burton, bur. at Zachariah Burton, bur. at bur. at Sibsey. Sibsey 2 Feb. 1682-3. Sibsey 30 May 1710. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 3Surp of <&rantf)anu [MSS. C. 23 and D. 23, Heralds' College.] Nicholas Bury of Ash well (some call: him William), co. Rutland, "who came out of ye house of Berie of Collyton, co. Devon"; described as of Tichmarsh in 1600 and in his adm'on 8 July 1603. =Edith, only dau. and heir of James (? John) Pickering of Titchmarsh, co. North ants; called Elizabeth in the adm'on to her husband in 1603; dead 14 July 1604. Robert Berle [sic'] of Grant-=pAnne, dau. of. ...; Grace, mar. at Grantham, 27 ham, Alderman 1587 and 1596; bur. there8 June 1618. bur. at Grantham March 1600, to Robert Haw- 12 Nov. 1587. ford, Parson of Haceby. Bathsua, bapt. at Grantham 29 Oct., bur. there 4 Dec. 1587. Jane, dau. of John Smyth of=Gilbert Bury of Easton,= Withcock, co. Leicester, by co. Leicester, and of Alison, dau. of Plugh Dennes Woolsthorpe in Colster- of Pucklechurch, co. Glouces- worth, which he pur- ter. 1st wife. chased of John Thimel- by temp. Eliz. :Rose, dau. of Fran- cis Sherard of Staple- ford, co. Leicester. 2nd wife. 1. John Bury of Easton, co. Rut- land; mar. Brid- get, dau. of Sir Thomas Cave of Bagrave, co. Leicester. 2. George Bury of Whissendine, co. Rutland; mar. Dorothy, dau. of JohnDigbyofWel- by, co. Leicester. i 3. Henry Bury, mar. Elizabeth, dau. of .... Higate of Hays, co. Middlesex. i i Elizabeth, mar. to Ed- ward Hoi ling worth of Lincoln city, draper. Mary, mar. to Francis Goodman of .... co. Leicester. i 1. George Bury. 2. Gilbert Bury, o.s.p. Jane. i i Elizabeth. Susan. i William Bury of Grantham, heir of his=pEmma, dau. of John Dryden of Canons grandfather John (? James) Pickering (who died 23 Sept. 44 Eliz., 1602), then a3t. 24 years; bur. at Grantham 29 March 1617. Ash by, co. Northampton; under age at her father's death in 1584; mar. at Al- ford 5 Oct. 1599; living in 1644. Jane, dau. of Sir William= Plomer of Hill, Beds; mar. at Grantham 28 April 1629 (according to the register 13 April); bur. at Boston 29 May 1643. 1st wife. A :Sir William Bury of Ernwood and^pJane,eldest dau. Grantham, Knt.,bapt. 3 June 1604 and coheir of (according to the register bapt. at George Ellis of Grantham 3 June 1605) ; entered Wyham. 2nd at Gray's Inn 18 May 1631; wife. M.P. for Grantham 1654; a3t. 61 J in 1666. b | < 214 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 7. Gilbert Bury, trustee of his cousin Samuel Hutchinson 3 Feb. 1695-6. 8. Sir Thomas Bury, Knt., bapt. at Grantham 29 Feb. 1651-2 ; named Counsel for the city of Lincoln 25 Aug. 1681; had the franchise conferred on him 25 Feb. 1698-9; elected Recorder 7 Sept. 1700, and resigned 1 March 1700-1; Baron of the Exchequer 22 Jan. 1700-1; knighted at Kensington 16 Feb. 1700-1; Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer 11 June 1716; died suddenly 4 May, bur. at Grantham 18 May 1722. .... Bury of Linwood Grange. T William Bury of Linwood Grange, also of Irby-in-the-Marsh, heir of his great-uncle Sir Thomas Bury, Knt., 1722. Bridget, bapt. at Grantham 1 Aug. 1602 ; mar. at Little Ponton, 5 Oct. 1626, to John Huchinson of Alford, wool- len-draper ; bur. at Alford 1.4 March 1688-9. Will dated 26 July 1671; proved at Lin- coln 10 Oct. 1689. ElizaL Elizabeth, bapt.=pThomas Rokeby of at Grantham 25 Sept. 1603; bur. at Coney Street, York, 2 Feb. 1679-80. Woodhouse Hay- ton, near Hotham, co. York, Colonel in the army; slain at Dunbar in 1650. Will dated 6 July 1650. Emma, bapt. at Grantham 6 Nov. 1600. I I Anne, bapt. 3, bur. 8 Oct. 1639 at Grantham. Elizabeth, bapt. at Grantham 10 Jan. 1641-2. Emma, bapt. at Grantham- 2 Dec. 1636; mar. at Hav- ton 9 Nov. 1653; died 24 Jan. 1703-4, aefc. 66; bur. at Tunbridge Wells. M.I. :William Rokeby of Ackworth Park and Burnby, co. York; bur. at Owston in the said county 12 Oct. 1700, set. 70. Other issue. 4. Godfrey Bury, bapt. 1 Sept. 1635; bur. at Grant- ham 26 Jan. 1635-6. 5. Robert Bury, bapt. 24 Nov. 1640; bur. at Grant- ham 10 Jan. 1640-41. I John Bury, 2nd surviving son, mar. Frances, dau. of Sir Eras- mus Burrowes, Bart. =f Jane, bapt. at Grant- ham 6 April 1634. Mary, bapt. at Grantham 21 Oct. 1638; mar. to John Ascham; died 8 June 1704; bur. at Fyn- ington. Her husband died 3 May 1675, and was bur. there. i William Bury. Jane. I I ]. Thomas 2. William Bury of Cistarcius Place: Bury,bapt. in the Grange in Grantham, son 12, bar. 16 and heir; bapt. at Grantham Feb. March 1630-31 ; entered at Gray's Inn 16 1629-30 March 1647-8; bur. at Grantham at Grant- 4 July 1678. ham. d =J)orothy, dau. of Peri am Dockwra, some say Thomas of Putteridge, co. Herts; bur. at Grantham 25 March 1680. I 3. Thomas Bury, bapt. 24 Jan. 1631-2;bur. at Grant- ham 26 Dec. 1633. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 215 William Bury of= Grantham, eldest surviving son, died 17 April 1684; bur. at Grantham 18 April, set. 25. =Mary, 2nd dau. of Sir George War- burton of Arley, co. Cesfc., Bart.; bur. at Pantwan 13 Jan. 1713-14. P| Thomas Bury, bur. at Grant- ham 11 Jan. 1657. Docwra Bury, bapt. 16 March 1659-60; bur. at Grantham 28 April 1660. William Bury, bapt. 20 March 1681-2; bur. at Grantham 2 April 1683. I William Bury, bapt. at Grantham 17 July 1683; bur. there 26 March 1706-7. Dorothy. 1. Diana, bapt. 5 Aug. 1679; bur. at Grantham 3 Aug. 1680. 2. Mary, bapt. at Grantham 24 Oct. 1680. Gilbert Bury of Lin wood Grange=pElizabeth, died 31 July (? brother of William, p. 214). 1768, then a widow. Jane, died 26 May 1746, set. 24. W . . . . H . . . . Bury of Linwood Grange and of Glocester Crescent, Chelten- ham, died 26 April 1867, sat. 74. Bussp of S^U]$am antr Raptor. [Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Argent, three bars sable. Sir Lambard=f=Lucy, dau. of Sir Gilbert Beningworth, Knt., Bussy. | who gave her all his land in Asterby. T Sir Hugh Bussy, died 13 Nov. 1278, SirLambert^Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William Dive; sister and co- Hugh de Bussy Bussy, son heir of John Dive; remar. John D'Albini; died 2nd son and heir. | 22 Edward I., 1296. Sir Hugh Bussy of: Hougham, died 34 Edward I., 1306. =Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Colepepper Agnes, mar. Sir Nicho- of Hartshull; died 11 Feb. 10 Ed- ward II., 1316-17. las Tamworth. i, dau. of . . . .; died=fSir John Bussy, son and heir, 93t.=Agnes dau of Edward II., 1320. 24, 34 Edward L, 1306; died 29 2nd wife Sept. 1349. Joan, dau. of. 14 1st wife, 216 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Sir John Bussy, died v.p. 17 Sept. 1347. :Agnes, dau. of Thomas de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk; died 1337. Sir William Bussy of Hough am, Sheriff of co.^ Lincoln 1373; died 24 Oct. 1380. =Isabell, dau. of Sir John Paynell of Booth by, Knfc. Sir John Bussy of Hougham, son- and heir, Sheriff of Lincoln 1384, 1386, 1391 ; beheaded at Bristol 30 July 1399; attainted. :Matilda, dau. and heir of Sir Philip Neville of Scotton, Malmeton, and Grimsthorpe; died (her obit. 3 March) 1381. William Bussy, 4 Richard II., 1380-81. I Sir John Bussy of Hougham, restored1 10 Henry IV., 1408-9; died at Hougham 4 March 1458-9. =Margaret, dau. of Sir John Cumberworth of Hnndon, Knt. (sometimes called Kathe- rine); died 21 Jan. 1460-61. Sir Join Bussy of Hougham,=FElizabeth, dau. of 1st son and heir, born 21 Oct. 1422; Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1480; died at Hougham 7 March 1497-8. Sir Lawrence Berke- ly of Wymondham, co. Leicester, Knt.; died 5 Aug. 1494. Joan, mar. Wil- liam Stanlow of Silkby. Cicely, mar. Tho- mas Burton. I Elizabeth, mar. 1st Tho- mas Folking- ham, 2ndly William Ar- mine. Hugh Bussy, 1 st- son, born on the Feast of St. Chry- sogonus Martyr 24 Nov. 1453; died v.p. 1473; bur. at Hougham. =Jane, dau. of John Whichcot of Harps- well; a widow and vowesse 16 Oct. 18 Henry VII., 1502; died 25 July 1508. I Edward Bussy, en- feoffed in a messu- age at Lincoln by his father 8 March 3 Henry VII., 1487-8; living 29 March 1525. William Bussy, Rector of Houg- ham and of Win- field, co. Derby; died 15 March 1493-4. Sir Miles Bussy of Hougham, Knt., heir=pMargaret, dau »i • if ii T' inTT TTTT ~£ TJT^,.™ of his grandfather; living 17 Henry VII., 1501-2; Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1506; died 27 May 15 . .; bur. at Hougham. Will dated 29 March 1505; proved (C.P.C.) 12 Feb. 1525-6. of Henry Fol- jambe of Wal- ton, co. Derby; died 1513. Elizabeth, mar. Wil- liam Armine of Os- godby (marriage set- tlement dated 16 Oct. 18 Henry VII., 1502). John Bussy of Hougham,=f Anne, T son and heir, died 31 Jan. 1541-2. Adm'on granted to Thomas Brudenell, Esq., 15 June 1570. dau. of Thomas, Lord Burgh. Henry (or Jane, unmar. 29 March 1525; Hugh) mar. 1st Thomas Meres (died Bussy, un- before 1 Oct. 1535), son and der age 29 heir of John Meres of Kir ton, March and had issue; 2ndly Wil- 1525. liam Radcliffe. Anne, dau. and sole heir, mar. Sir Edmund Brudenell of Dene, co. Northampton, Knt. B LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 217 B| John Bus- sy, died at Scot ton 26 Jan. 1487-8. Joane, sister: and coheir of Sir John Hercy of Grove, co. Notts, Knt. 1st wife. Edmund Bussy of Hay-^Thomasine, dor, proved the will of dan.of; his nephew Sir Miles surviving 12 Feb. 1525-6; died 10 Feb. 81 10 Feb. 31 Henry VIII., Hen. VIII., 1539-40. 1539-40. I I Elizabeth, mar. Robert Southill. Katherine, mar. John Whichcot of Harpswell. Anne, mar. Nicholas Byron, bro- ther and heir of Sir John. =Edmund (or Edward) Bussy of Hay-^Katherine, dau. of dor, born on Saint Al ban's Day 22' ~ June 8 Henry VIII., 1511; held the manor of East Hall in Hay dor; died at Haydor 15 Jan. I Eliz., 1558-9. Will dated 4 Dec. 1558; proved (O.P.C.) 24 April 1559. William Bassett of Muskham, co. Notts; widow of Guy Fairfax. 2nd wife. Margaret, mar. Rich- ard Moly- neux of Ha ugh ton, co. Notts. Edmund=Elizabeth, Bussy, died at Willough- by27Nov. 1570. dau. of John Has- tings of Moden- dyne, co. Suffolk. Francis Bussy of Grantham, living 4 Dec. 1558; super- visor of his brother John's will 26 Dec. 1593 ; bur. at Hay- dor 4 Nov. 1594. I Katherine, mar. Charles Bawde of Somerby; living 4 Dec. 1558. Elizabeth, mar. 1st John Porter of Bel- ton, living 4 Dec. 1558; 2ndly, Sir John Dawnay, liv- ing 26 Dec. 1593. I John Bussy of Haydor 1562,- lst son and heir; set. 26 at his father's death 15 Jan. 1558-9 ; died at Haydor 27, bur. there . . Dec. 1593. Will dated 26 Dec. 1593; proved (O.P.C.) 12 Feb. 1593-4. =Elizabeth, base dau. of Henry Poole of Langley, co. Leicester (sis- ter of Henry Poole of Wythcok, co. Leicester), surviv- ing 26 Dec. 1593. George Bussy, liv- ing 4 Dec. 1558. Edward Bussy, born at Haydor 24 Dec. 1552; living 4 Dec. 1558 and 26 Dec. 1593. Bridget, un- mar. 4 Dec. 1558; mar. Henry Allen of Wilsford; living26 Dec. 1593. John Bussy, 1st son, born 29r Dec. 1559; bapt. at Haydor 1 Jan. 1559-60; disinherited and the estates settled on his brother Edmund; died v.p. :Jane, dau. and sole heir of Thomas Poule or Pole of .... co. Middlesex; remar. Sir Thomas Mansell of Margam, co. Glamorgan, Knt. and Bart.; proved her son's will 16 Feb. 1623-4. Nuncupative will made 24 Feb. 1623-4; adm'on to her husband 1 Oct. 1624. I Sir Raleigh or Rawlyn Bussy of Haydor, Knt., only sonn=0ecily, dau. of Anthony and heir; born 15 April 28 Eliz., 1586 ; a legatee of his grandfather 26 Dec. 1593; knighted at Bromham 1 Aug. 1618; afterwards of Margam, co. Glamorgan. Will dated 16 June 1620, codicil 6 Oct. 1623; proved (C.P.C.) 16 Feb. 1623-4. Mansell of Llanthrithen, co. Glamorgan; living 16 June 1620, but died before 6 Oct. 1623. Thomas Bussy, 1st son, 16 June 1620; under 24, 24 Feb. 1623-4. you if I Paule Bussy, 2nd son, 16 June 1620; un- der 24,24 Feb. 1623-4. I Anthony Bussy, 3rd son, born after 16 June 1620; living 6 Oct. 1623, Kathe- rine, 1st dau., 16 J une 1620. Mary, 2nd dau., 16 June 1620. Jane, 3rd dau., 16 June 1620. F F 218 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Sir Edmund Bussy of Haydor, Knt., 2nd son ;= born and bapt, at Haydor 15 March 1560-61; ex'or of his father 12 Feb. 1593-4; knighted at Bel voir 23 April 1603; enclosed and depopulated the town of Haydor; bur. there 16 June 1616. Adm'on (O.P.C.) 18 Feb. 1617-18, then de- scribed of St. Peter's in Eastgate, Lincoln. :Anne, dau. of Roger Cave of Stanford, co. North- ampton; liv- ing 16 Jan. 1602-3. Brulenell Bus- sy, bapt. 2 July 1562; died 10, bur. 18 May 1577 at Hay- dor. Edward Bus- Sir Miles Bussy of Haydor, Knt., 2nd (but lst=f=Grace, sy, born at Hampton, co. Notts, 4 Nov. 1590. surviving) son; born at Haydor .19, bapt. 29 Aug. 1592 (or according to the register, 1590); described of Haydor 24 Dec. 1613^ and 10 Feb. 1617-18, and of Oseby 12 Oct. 1619; adm'or of his father 18 Feb. 1617-18; sold Haydor to Halford about 1620. dau. of William Halford of Wei- ll am, co. Leicester. Elizabeth, 1st dau., born at Hay- dor 20 March 1609-10; bapt. there 29 March 1610. I Frances, bapt. at Haydor 26 Nov. 1611. Bridget, bapt. at Haydor 21 Jan. 1612-13. Elizabeth, born and bapt. at Haydor 11 Aug. 1593. I Elizabeth, born at Haydor 24 July 1594; mar. William Halford of Welham, co. Leicester. Frances, born and bapt. at Haydor 29 April 1595 (or 1596); bur. there 4 July 1596. Bridget, bapt. at Haydor 15 May 1596; bur. at Newark, Notts, 8 June 1601. set. 4. Jane, born and bapt. at Haydor 12 July 1597. Francis Bussy of Roxholme, 3rd son, born- at Haydor 20, bapt. there 28 April 1567; had licence to alienate the manor of Rox- holrae 1 March 37 Eliz., 1594-5; after- wards of North Clifton, Notts, 4 April 1614. :.. . . dau. Christopher Bussy, 4th of . . . .; son, born 4, bapt. 11 living April 1568 at Haydor; 16 Jan. a legatee of his mother 1602-3. 26 Dec. 1593; of Corby 4 April 1614. Edmund Bussy of North: Clifton, Notts, 1st son, born at Ramp ton, Notts, 3 Aug. 1597. Christopher Bussy of North^p... . dau. of dau. of Clifton, Notts. Will dated . . . .; sur- 28 Nov. 1657; proved 7 Feb. viving 28 1658-9. Nov. 1657. Mary, mar. Francis Bussy of the Close of= Bridget, dau. Michael Lincoln, 1st son, proved his of Molineux Metcalf of father's will 7 Feb. 1658-9, and Revesby. that of his aunt Mary Heneage 28 Feb. 1658-9; a Captain in the Army; slain in Flanders. Disney of Norton Dis- ney. I I Charles Bussy, living 6 Oct. 1658. Elizabeth, liv- ing 6 Oct. 1658. kltfCOLtfSHIRE PEDIGREES. c Charles Bussy of Rampton, Notts, 5th Miles Bussy, bapt. Andrew Lossy, bfc.i son, born at Hay dor 11, bapt. there 2 Feb. 1573-4; son, bapt. at Hay dor . . May 1572; adm'or of his brother- bur. at Haydor 28 4 Oct. 1580; living in-law Henry Pate 18 March 1602-3. May 1574. 26 Dec. 1593. Elizabeth, 1st dau., born at With- cok, co. Leicester, 26 Oct. 1558; mar. at Haydor, 17 Nov. 1577, John Babington of Rampton, Notts (by whom she had but one child John, born at Haydor Jan. 1587-8, and died there April 1588); bur. at Haydor 26 Feb. 1588-9. Anne, born 20, bapt. 26 Sept. 1563 at Hay- dor 3 mar. 1st at Haydor, 1 June 1580, Bartho- lemew Armstrong of Corby; 2ndly, .... Middleton, living 26 Dec. 1593. I Bridget, born and bapt. at Haydor 8 Jan. 1565-6; mar. there, 9 May 1589, Henry Pate of East Kettleby, co. Leices- ter; surviving 19 Jan. 1602-3. Mary, born 2, bapt. at Haydor 20 Aug. 1570; unmar. and under 23, 26 Dec. 1593; mar. Sir George Heneage of Towes, Knt.; bur. at Sainton 27 Oct. 1658. Will dated 6 Oct. 1658; proved (C.P.C.) 28 Feb. 1658-9, then of the Close of Lincoln, widow. Jane, bapt. at Haydor 8 Jan. 1576-7; unmar. and under 23, 26 Dec. 1593; mar. 1st, 4 May 1595, Richard Wald- ram of Eston, co (afterwards Sir Richard of . . . ., co. Cavan); 2ndly, .... Harris, one of the Justices of Ire- land. ButUr of Crates* [MS. C. 23.] Arms.—Or, on a chevron sable between three demi-lions passanl-guanhmt gules, crowned of the first, three covered cups or. Humphry Butler^. , . . dau. of ... . Fitzwilliam of Mablethorpe. Anthony Butler of Coates near=f=Margarefc, dau. and heir of Morris Wogan. of Blox- Stow, adm'or of his cousin ham, co. Oxon ; rernar. Charles Dymoke (son and George Fitzwilliam 28 Jan. heir of Sir Edward) before 10 Feb. 1583-4 ; proved 1559-60; died 5 Sept. 1578; her son Anthony's will 16 May 1609 ; died before bur. at Coates. 3 March 1610-11. T John Bu tier of Bough ton: in the parish of Asgarby 25 Sept. 1616, 4trTson; proved his brother An- thony's will 16 May 1609. Henry Butler, 5th son, died 11 Aug. 1601; bur. at Boston the same day. Katherine, mar. Thomas Littlebury of Stainsby; 2ndly (before 26 July 1608) Sir John Langton of Langton, Knt.; our. at Louth 2 Nov. 1635. a Charles Butler, 1st son, died 17 May 1603, aet. 7; bur. at Asgarby. 220 LINCOLNSHIRE JPEBiGfeEE^. Charles But- ler of Coates, 1st son, died 17 April 1602, set. 42; bur. at Coates. z Douglas, dau. of Mar ma- duke Tir- whitt of Scotter. William Butler,=f=Blizabeth, dau. of 2nd son, died 28 * April 1590, set. 26 ; bur. at Coates by Stow. Anthony Butler, George Yorke of 3rd son, of Coates Ashby in Kest- 25 June 1590 and even; remar of Howell; born at Dymocke; living Coates; died s.p. 26 July 1608. Will dated26 July 1608; proved 16 Priscilla, only child, died an infant. May 1609. John Butler, 1st son, died s.p. William Butler, 2nd son, but heir, living 3 March 1610-11. Charles Butler, 3rd son, died v.p. Anthony: Butler of Coates, 4th son. -Jane, dau. of William Couper of Thurger- ton, co. Notts. Thomas Butler, 5th son, bur. at Coates 31 May 1661. I I I Ellen, died young. Martha, Crane. mar. John Eleanor, mar. John Wrayof Spridlington. Charles But-: ler of Coates by Stow, set. 10, 1634; died at Gran- tham 22 Jan. 1669-70. rSusan, dau. of Brian Cooke of Doncaster, co. York; sister of Sir Henry; bapt. 19 Oct. 1618; mar. 6 Sept. 1648. Christo- pher Butler. Burgh Butler. Anthony But- ler, died 9 April, bur. at Coates 13 April 1673, being the last heir male of the family. Diana, mar. at Coates, 29 Aug. 1659, as 1st wife of Sir Henry Cooke of Wheat- ley, co. York ; died 6 Jan. 1668-9; bur. at Old St. George's Church, Don- caster. =p Cooke of Wheatley. Sir John Kamsden of Longley Hall and Iiyrom, co.^ York, son and heir, born April and bapt. at Almond- bury May 1648; had a charter 1 Nov. 23 Car. II. (1671) to hold a market at Huddersfield; Sheriff of co. York 1672; created Bart, by patent 30 Nov. 1689; died 11 June 1690, a3t. 41 ; bur. at Brother- ton. Will dated 26 Dec. 1687; proved at York 19 Aug. 1690. -Sarah, dau. and heir; settle- ment before marriage dated 22 Jan. 1670-71; mar. at Armthorpe, co. York, 7 Mar. following, then ast. 21 (regis- tered at Doncaster); died 14 Jan. 1683-4, bur. at Brother- ton the next day. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 221 APPENDIX. [Lincoln Wills. Nelthorpe Papers.] Rev. Richard Branston of Gains-^pMary, dau. of Edward Nelthorpe of Scawby. Will borough, dead in 1737. dated 26 Jan. 1749-50; proved 13 Nov. 1752. J . I Rev. Richard MainwaringBransfcon of=Susanna, Bransfcon of Barton-on-Humber, dau. of Redbourn. Mercer; s.p. Will dated . . . .; 16 May 1781; proved 3 ex'trix Nov. 1785. 1785. William Branston=Leah, of B leas by; s.p. dau. of Will dated 22 May; 1775; proved 23 ex'trix Nov. 1778. 1778. Edward Magdalen, Arabella, Joseph Wool-: Bran- mar ex'trix to mer of Barton, ston. Thorold. mother dead in 1740. 1752. 1st husband. -Elizabeth^pSir Henry Nelthorpe, Bart.; indentures of marriage 7 Nov. 1740. 2nd husband. William Bran ston of Blyborough, Clerk. Will dated 18 Feb. 1670-71. Daus. Susanna and Catherine; sons William, Joseph, Charles, George, John; grandson William; wife (not named) ex'trix. Will proved 22 March 1671-2. [I compiled this pedigree from papers in the possession of R. N. iSutton-Nelthorpe, Esq.. of Scawby.—A. R. M.] Brecknock of Lincoln* [Lincoln Wills.] Timothy Brecknock of Eye, co. Northampton. Timothy Camelia or Cor-=Charles Carter Elizabeth. Wilidated=Thomas Wills Breck- nelia, mar. 22 of St. George's, 27 Aug., proved 29 of Leaden- nock. Aug. 1739; a Hanover Nov. 1782, a widow ham, co. Lin- =f= widow in 1782. Square, Lon- in the Close of Lin- coin; dead in j don. coin. 1782. Edward Wills Brecknock, residuary legatee of Mrs. Wills in 1782, under 21. Brecknock of Jlolijeaci) anti Weston* [Macdonald's " Historic Notices of Holbeaeb."] William Brecknock of Diddlebury, co. Salop, bur. 20 Dec. 1574.=r Roger Brecknock of Hucknall Torkard, co. Notts, died 1639 = A LINCOLftSHtltE PEDIGREES. James Brecknock, Vicar of Spondon, co. Derby,=pAnne, dau. of ....; bur. at Wes- 4th son, born 1602; died 1674. I ton, co. Lincoln, 4 Jan. 1689-90. James Brecknock, Vicar of Weston,=fMary, dau. of John Fleming; mar. at West born 12 Oct. 1641; died 1 April 1691. Lynn, co. Norfolk, 8 June 1676; bur. at St. Stephen's, Ipswich, 26 Sept. 1716. I I I I Anne, dau. of John=p James Brecknock=Margaret, dau, of William Mary. Lillie of Sleaford by Mary, dau. of John Green of Dunsby. 1st wife. of Holbeach, M.D., AdlardStukeley; Breck- born 31 Aug. 1681; widow of Jacob nock, died 23 Dec. 1746. Davey of Hol- beach. 2nd wife. Elizabeth i i I i i Anne, died ll^Samuel Palmer of Holbeach Mary=John Bullen Four children. Sept. 1781. and Whaplode. of Spalding. [I ;idd these two pedigrees of Brecknock as being connected with Lincolnshire in the eighteenth century.—A. K. M.] i\ajmor (note Button), late of i&omersfo£* [Lincoln Wills.] Arms.—Sable, on a chevron engrailed argent, between three owls ermine membered* and dunally croioned or, as many estoiles of the field. Robert Burton of=f=Katheriue, sister and heiress of William Langhorne London. | of Somersby; mar. 1705. Langhorne Burton,=Mary, dau. of .... Walker of Great William=Kathe- dead in 1789, s.p. Hale; remar., 1789, Thomas Ooltman Burton, rine. of Hagnaby; died 1821, rot. 77. s.p. Robert Burton of the Close of Lincoln, Coun-=Susanna, dau. of seller. Will dated 23 Feb. 1814; proved 4 William Tomline Feb. 1815; s.p. of Riby. I =f. .. .Ray- nor of Lin- coln. James Burton Raynor of the 70th Regiment 1780, after wards=j=Anne, dau. of . . . in H.O.; dead in 1814. .... Bel- lamy. William Burton Raynor, 2nd=f::Arine, dau. of son, devisee of Robert Bur- ton in 1814 of estates in Somersby and Bag Fnderby. Andrew Ton- gue of Grant- ham. I i Samuel Tatlock Letitia Burton Raynor, 3rd son. Vide Burke's " Landed Gentry," 1898. Robert Bellamy. Samuel Bellamy. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 223 Catornt of ftaitfleetbp. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Sable, law chevrons argent between three lozenges of the second, each charged with a martlet sable. Crest.—Out of a ducal coronet or a lozenge argent, charged with a martlet sable. .... Caborne of Salfcfleetby St. Peter's.=p Christopher Caborne of JohnCaborne=p. . . . Thomas Caborne of Salfcfleetby, Salfcfleetby St. Peter's, of Salfcfleetby. | dau.of yeoman, died 6 Dec. 1621. yeoman. Will dated 6 Dec. 1621; proved 21 March 1622-3. I Susan. John Caborne, lega-=pMargarefc, dau. Robert Caborne, legatee=pElizabeth, dau. tee in 1621; living in 1635. J I John Caborne. Thomas Caborne. of.:..Wilby in 1621. Will dated of Kefcsby. 20 May, proved 9 June 1634. of... 1634. livins i i Frances. Anne. i Jo Henry Ca- John Caborne, borne, liv- living 1622. ing 1622; ^— executor in Bridget, living 1634. 1634. Mary, bapt. at Saltfleefcby 7 Jan. 1609-10; dead in 1634. Elizabeth, living 1657. Kafcherine, bapt. at Salt- — fleetby St. Peter's 2 Jan. Dorothy, living 1614-15; mar 1634. Willie. Christopher Caborne.=f=Grace, dau. Will dated 15 April 1632; proved 28 June 1632. of . ex'trix in 1632. Thomas Caborne of Salfc- fleetby, gent. Will dated 13 July 1635; proved 8 April 1636. . . . . dau. of ... . Chester; mar. at Salfcfleetby in 1609-10 dead in 1635. I I I C hris topher E1 izabe th. Caborne. — Jane. ^ s Under age in 1621. i i John Caborne, eldest son. Thomas Caborne, bapfc. 24 Nov. 1611 ; bur. at Salfc- fleetby St. Peter's 21 July 1612. Christopher Caborne, ex'or to his father in 1635-6. Susan,legatee in 1635. Martha, dau. of= Richard Caborne, set. 26 in=pRachel, dau. of William Georffe Barkworth; 1616; bar. at Saltfleefcby mar. lie. 29 June St. Peter's 3 Nov. 1657. 1616, set. 26. Will dated 5 Oct. 1657; 1st wife. proved 11 Feb. 1657-8. '~ o Thorold, gent., of North Caborne, Thoresby; mar. lie. 26 legatee Oct. 1620, set. 26. 2nd in 1621. wife. 224 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Richard Ca-^Frances, dan. of Charles Susan,dau. of ;=pSamuel Ca- borne, eldest son, livin< 1657. Newcomen of Saltfleetby All Saints; mar. at Salt- .fleetby 24 Aug. 1659. bur. at Saltfleetby St. Peter's 12 Sept. 1661. 1st wife. Richard Ca- borne, bapt. at Saltfleetby St. Clement 18 June 1661. Richard Ca- borne, bapt. at Saltfleetby St. Peter's 4 Sept. 1660. borne, 2nd son,proved his father's will 1657-8. :Rebecca, dau. of 2nd wife. Thomas Caborne, bapt. at Saltfleetby St. Peter's 5 April 1672. Mildred, born at Saltfleetby 2 Dec. 1668. i i i Rebecca, bapt. at Saltfleetby 7 June 1670; bur. 29 June 1674. Rebecca, bapt. at Saltfleetby . 10 June 1675. Eleanor^ bapt. at Saltfleetby 17 May, bur. 17 Nov. 1678. Catorne of 3Soston an* Cetnep- .... Caborne of Tetney.^ George Caborne, gent., of=p dau.of John Caborne, Thomas Caborne, lega- ~~ ' (men- legatee in 1667. tee in 1667. tioned as — — "my wife" William Caborne, .... dau., legatee in only). legatee in 1667. 1667 ; mar Pin- der. Boston, born at Tetney; get. 64 and upwards in 1667. Will dated 20 May 1667; proved 26 March 1668. Daniel Caborne, ex'or and residuary ^Bridget, dau. of legatee in 1668. Elizabeth, had land in Skirbeck. George Caborne. i Lydia. Humphrey Browne of Salt-^Abigail. Will dated 16=John Micklethwaite of Wy- fleetby 1st husband. (See April 1700; proved 4 ham. Will dated 3 Aug. Pedigree of Browne of Salt- Feb. 1701-2. 1701; proved 23 March fleetby.) 1708-9. 2nd husband. "I Martin Browne, on whom his grandfather entailed Elizabeth, legatee in grand- lands in Boston, Butterwick, and Frieston, 1667. father's will 1667. [Note. This pedigree I compiled from wills at Lincoln.—A. R. M.] LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 225 Caltrecot oi 3Sarlm#s- [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Parly per pale or and azure, on a chief of the second three leopards' heads of the first. Henry Caldecot of Bassing-^Elizabeth, dau. of John Lord of field, Notts. | Boyleston, co. Derby. Henry Caldecot. Will dated 11 May,=^Anne, dau. of ... . Adm'on granted to proved 6 Sept. 1652. | her dau. Mrs. Greathed 3 Oct. 1662. Lund Caldecot, proved his father's will in 1652. Pierrepoint, mar. Joseph Greathed of Stickney; liv- ing 1662. Margaret, mar. Ed- Anne, mar. at Wick- ward Henslaw, clerk, enby, 28 March 1654, of Marton; living John Blacker. 1660. Charles Cal- decot of Barlings Grange, dead before 1619. .-=pFrances, dau. of Robert Broxholme of Barlings. Will dated 15 Oct., proved 14 Dec. 1638. George Caldecot of Holton Beckering, mar Will dated 16 Jan. 1643-4; proved 13 Feb. 1645-6. Elizabeth, mar. Bennett. Grace, mar Sills. .... dau.^ of 1st wife. 1. Winifred, mar. Champion. ^Robert Caldecot of Barlings, ex'or to his=p Anne, dau. of Robert Mar- uncle George Caldecot of Holton Becker- ing 1645-6. Will dated 21 Nov. 1659 proved 4 April 1661. shall of Fiskerton; mar. 2ndly Edward Briggs ; liv- ing 1666. 2nd wife. Charles Caldecot- of city of Lin- coln. Will dated 6 April 1677; proved 1677. :. . . . dau. of Laurence Stamford of Lincoln. Robert Caldecot, legatee1 in Robert Marshall's will 1666; heir to his brother Charles in lands in 1677. Hester. Deborah. Elizabeth. Charles Caldecot of Holton: Beckering, mar. 16 April 1696. Legatees in Robert Marshall's will 1666. ^Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Hum- phrey Browne of the Close of Lincoln. Stamford Coningsby Caldecot, bapt. at St. Mary Magdalene, Lincoln, 15 March 1696-7; bur. at St. Paul's, Lincoln, 18 March 1696-7. Philip Calde- cot. I Gilbert Cal-=pSarah, dau. of Tho- decotof Hoi ton Becker- mas buncombe of Duncombe York. See Burke's " Landed Gentry." Mary, died unmar. Will proved 11 May 1738. VOL, I, I Isabella, mar. Richard Pilkington of Skendleby. Theophania (See Pilkington pedigree.) 226 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Azure, a cross formee fitchee argent within an orle of csloiles or. Thomas Caldwell of Rollestoii, Staffs=f=Alice, dan. of. . . . Tomlinson. ! Lawrence Caldwell of Lon-=pMary, dau. of William Caldwell of Rolleston, don, citizen and vintner, also of Battersea and the Middle Temple. .. Mounsey Staffs, and some time of London, of co. Cam- grocer. Will dated 2 Aug. 1607; bridge. proved 6 Jan. 1610-11. William Caldwell of Thorganby, bur. there 10= June 1646. Will dated 18 and 31 May 1646; proved 14 May 1651. =Anne, dau. of .... Gale of London; bur. at Thorganby 30 July 1643. Bridget, dau. of William^ Shephard; bur. at Thor- ganby 18 April 1644. 1st wife. :Lawrence Caldwell of Thorganby,=Elizabeth, a only son, bur. there 1651. Will widow, liv- dated 12 May, proved (C.P.C.) 19 ing 1651. June 1651. 2nd wife. Lawrence Caldwell. Richard Caldwell, living 1646 and 1651. William Cald- well of Thor- ganby, ex'or of his father; set. 5, 1634; living 1646 and 1651. Robert Caldwell, bapt. at Thorganby 11 May 1635. Thomas Caldwell, bapt. at Thorganby 16 Jan. 1636-7; liv- ing 1646. 1. Willoughby, bur. at Thor- ganby 14 Sept. 1645. 2. Anne, living 1651 ; mar. to .... Ely. 3. Brid- get, bapt. at Thor- ganby May 1638;liv- ingl651. Elizabeth, dau.=pMary, dau. of=Daniel Caldwell of Hornden-on-=== Alice, dau. of of ....Tolders- ley or Tolder- vy of London. 1st wife. George Dun- combe of Al- bury, Surrey. 2nd wife. the-Hill, Essex; of.... College, Oxon,and of the Middle Temple; died 13 Nov. 1634; bur. at Dunton, Essex. John Moyne or Mayne of Herts. i Mary, aet. 10 in 1634. Two other daus., o.v.p. wo sons, o.v.p. i i i Mary. Elizabeth. Anne. Mary, dau. of=j=Florence Caldwell of London, mer-= Ottowell Wilde ; bur. at St. Martin's, Ludgate, Lon- don. 1st wife. chant; of St. Martin's, Ludgate _ citizen and haberdasher 1607. Will dated 25 Oct. 8 Jac. I., 1610; codi- cils 11 July and 12 Sept. 1612; proved 11 Nov. 1612; (to be) bur. at St. Martin's, Ludgate. =Sibell, dau. of....; born at Charlton, Staffs; widow of ... . Will dated 5 Sept., proved 5 Dec. 1615, then of St. Martin's, Lud- gate. 2nd wife. Mary, only dau. and heir, proved her father's will 11 Nov. 1612; mar. to Tho- mas (afterwards Sir Thomas) Gourney, Knt., of Slifford, co. Essex, A LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 227 Thomas Oald-=f Joane, mar. to Allott of Fos- . . . . mar. to Shep- well. | ton, Derbyshire ; living 1610. pard; living 1610. Eichard Oald- William Caldwell, haber- Lawrence 2. Margery. Alice, eldest well, heir of his dasher, living 25 Oct. Caldwell. — dau., mar. uncle William, 1610. — 3. Frances. to Eichard whose will he =p Daniel — Watson; proved 6 Jan. | Caldwell. 4. Elizabeth, living 2 1610-11. Florence, a son, living — Aug. 1607. 25 Oct. 1610. 5. Dorothy. All living 2 Aug. 1607. Thomas Caldwell, living in 1634, when he attested the pedigree in the Essex Visitation. William Caldwell, living 2 Aug. 1607. Callts of #reat i^ale. Arms.—Quarterly argent and gules, a bend pu?*pure. Robert Callis of Little Hale. Will proved 2 March 1533.=f= i i i Henry Callis, died seised of land in Little=p Thomas Callis, Alison. Hale and Aslackby 14 Oct. 1557. 2nd son. I Robert Callis, aet. 30, 1557. Robert Callis of Great Hale.^ i Robert Callis of Gray's Inn, Serjeant-at- Law 12 April 1627; admitted to Gray's Inn 13 Aug. 1596; of Dalderby. Will dated 30 Dec. 1641; proved 16 May 1642. :Esther, dau. of William Fitz- william of Mablethorpe. William Cal- lis of Lin- coln, living 1616. dau. of . . . living 1641. Mary, bapt. at Claxby 1608 ; bur. at Walesby 18 Dec. 1608. Elizabeth, 1st dau. and coheir, mar. John Doughty, son and heir of Henry Doughty of Thorn- ley, co. Lancaster; a widow lAug, 1650. i Susan, 2nd dau. and coheir, proved her father's will 1642. William Callis, bapt. at St. Michael-on-the- Mount, Lincoln, 17 July 1614; legatee of his uncle 1641. Robert Cal- lis, admitted to Gray's Inn 12Aug.l622; Counsel for Lincoln 11 Sept. 1624. 228 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. William Callis of Little Hale, yeoman, died 25=rThomasine, dau. of.... Gibbon; mar, April 1603; bur. at Great Hale, proved 30 May 1603. Will at St. Martin's, Lincoln, 3 Aug. 1592; proved her husband's will 1603. i William Callis, set. 6 in 1603. Susan, under age in 1603. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Nicholas Calverley of=f Margery, dau. of Guy Fairfax of Calverley, co. York, j Gilling Castle, co. York. John Calverley of Gosberton,=Ellen, dau. of 1st son, s.p. Will dated 24 Richard Hun- May, proved 7 Oct. 1639 ston of Wal- (Lincoln) [mentions Samuel soken, co. Calverley, son of my cosen Dr. Norfolk; Calverley of Outwell, and dead in 1639; kinsman William Calverley of bur. in Doncaster]. i William Calver- ley, 2nd son. Laurence Cal- verley of Ferry- bridge, co. York, 3rd son, dead in 1639. I I Mary. Anne. Gosberton Church. i William Calverley, devisee of his uncle John Calverley in 1639; ex'or to his will. Ralph Calverley, Parson, of Harlaxton. Will dated 26 July, proved 30 Aug. 1611 (Lincoln). Edward Calverley of Boston. Nuncupative will 13 Sept. 1595 (Lincoln). William Calverley of Boston. Will dated 15 May, proved 19 Sept. 1595 (Lincoln). [Note.—The first generation seems very doubtful, and is not borne out by the Yorkshire Visitations—A. R. M.] Carr oi g5>Uaforti* Arms.—Gules, on a chevron or three estoiles sable. (See " Genealogist," vol. iii., pp. 193—206, for the early Carr pedigree.) i James Carr, 1st son. George Carr of Sleaford, merchant of the Staple, bur.^pAnne, dau. of at Sleaford 10 July 1521. 8 Henry VIII., 1517. Will dated 27 March Flower. John Carr, 1st son and heir, died s.p., seised of lands in Kirkby, Lathorpe, Evedon, Holding- ham, etc.; inq.p.m. taken 12 June 21 Henry VI11., 1529. Elizabeth; dau. of William Cawdron of Hock- ing ton. 1st wife. ^Robert Carr of Sleaford,=Anne, heir of his brother and of Sir flet. 18 at his death; George purchased the castle and Talboys of manor of Sleaford, and Kyme; the manors of Aswarby widow of and Asgarby, etc.; died Sir Edward 11 Sept. 32 Eliz., 1590; Dymoke of bur. at Sleaford. Scriveisby. dau.=Anne,dau.of Charles Kne- vett; widow of Nicholas Robinson of Boston; 2 ndly of Leo- nard Irby of the same. * Mar. lie. 10 June 1(524, "Edward Newlove of Helpringham, gent., rot. 23, and Susan Oallis of Long Sutton, spinster, aged 21.'' tlNCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 229 George Carr of Sleaford, lst: son, died v.p. before 6 June 30 Eliz., 1588. =Mary, dau. of Henry Button of Burton-by-Lincoln; remar. Bartholomew Armyne of Osgodby. Adm'on 3 July 1593. Robert Carr of Sleaford, An wick, Quarrington, Ranceby, Holding- ham, etc., sued out his livery 10 Feb. 33 Eliz., 1590-91 ; died 24 Feb. 35 Eliz., 1592-3, s.p. Elizabeth, sister and heir (disinherited on account of her marriage), aet. 30, 17 April 35 Eliz., 1593; mar. Edward Sisson; adm'ix of her mother 3 July 1593; living 4 Sept. 1604, with male issue, and 30 Sept. 1618. Cassandra, dau. of William Apreece= of Washingby, co. Hunts; widow 1st of John Roberts of Wollaton, co. North'ton, 2ndly of Peter Ash ton of Chatterton, co. Lane, 3rdly of Adlard Welby of Gedney; mar. 10 May 1574; died 22 Feb., bur. at Gedney 1 March 1590-91, aet. 60. = Robert Carr of Aswarby, 2nd=Mary, dau. son, founder of the Grammar of Charles School in Sleaford 1604; Somerset, heir of his nephew Robert; 1st Earl of Treasurer of the Army of the Worcester; North; died 1606, s.p. Will widow of dated 4 Sept. 1604; proved William, 26 June 1606. Lord Grey of Wilton. Sir William Carr of Sleaford, Aswarby, etc.,=Bridget, dau. of Sir George Cha- 3rd son, knighted at Belvoir 1 Jac, 1603; worth, Knt., of Wiverton,^Notts; proved his brother Robert's will (whose heir Gentlewoman of the Queen's Privy he was) 26 June 1606 ; died s.p. Will dated Chamber; died 18 April, bur. at 21 Aug. 1607; proved 23 April 1608. Ufford, co. North'ton, 3 May 1621, set. 73. Catherine, dau.= of Charles Bolles of Haugh; post- nuptial settle- ment dated 5 May 31 Eliz., 1589 ; living 4 Sept. 1604; s.p. 1st wife. =Sir Edward Carr, Knt., of Slea— ford,4th son 26 March 1591; heir of his brothers; proved the will of his brother Sir William 23 April 1608; created Bart. 22 May 1611; Sheriffl615; died 1 Oct. 1618; bur. at Sleaford. Will dated 30 Sept. 16 Jac. I., 1618; proved 10 Dec. follow- ing ; confirmed 8 May 1619. Anne, dau. of Sir Richard Dyer of Great Stoughton, co. Hunts, Knt.; marriage settlement dated 30 Sept. 5 Jac. I., 1607; mar. 11 Oct. following ; remar. at Upwood, co. Hunts, 9 Aug. 1619, Henry Cromwell of flin- ch inbroke, co. Hunts; died and bur. at Ramsey, co. Hunts, 12 Jan. 1639-40. 2nd wife. Sir Robert Carr of= Sleaford, Knt., 1st son and heir, 2nd Bart., under 16, 30 Sept. 1618; set. 26,13 Jan. 12 Car. I.., 1636-7; founded the Alms- houses at Sleaford; died 14, and bur. at Sleaford 29 Aug. 1667. Adm'on 15 Nov. 1675. b :Mary, Sir Rochester Carr of Aswar- dau. and by and Scredington, 5th Bart., coheir of 2nd son 30 Sept. 1618 ; found Sir Rich- to be a lunatic by inquisition ard Gar- 13 Jan. 12 Car. I., 1636-7; grave of died in Chancery Lane, Lon- Kings- don, unmar. Adm'on granted ley and 7 May 1695 to Elizabeth Carr Nostell, Fox, wife of Charles Fox, his co.Yorkj niece's dau. and his next of surviv- kin. ingl667. Lucy only dau., under 8 years of age and un- mar. 30 Sept. 1618; mar. Henry English; died 18 Oct. 1683, set. G6; bur. in Ramsey Abbey, co. Hunts. 230 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGitEES. B| Sir Robert Carr of Sleaford, son and heir, 3rd= Barb., born 1637; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and P.O. to Charles II.; M.P. for co. Lincoln 1661 to 1681; Deputy-Lieut, for same 1681; died at Aswarby 14 Nov. 1682; bur. at Sleaford, set. 45. :Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Bennet of Dawley, co. Middlesex; sister of 1st Lord Ossulston; died in London 3, bur. at Sleaford 13 Aug. 1696. Sir Edward Carr of Sleaford, Robert, son and heir, 4th Bart., born died an 1666; died unmar. 28 Dec. infant. 1683; bur. at Sleaford 11 Jan. 1683-4, set. 17. Isabella, sister and heir, mar. at St. Martin's-iu-the-Fields, co. Middlesex, 1 Nov. 1688, John Hervey of Ick- worbh, co. Suffolk, afterwards Earl of Bristol; died in childbed 7, bur. at Ickworth 16 March 1692-3. i Elizabeth, 1st dau., set. 5, 1634; mar. 1st William, 1st son of Sir W. Thorold of Marston, Bart.; 2ndly Sir William Trollope of Casewick, Barb.; bur. at Uffington 27 Sept. 1661. nr Mary, 2nd dau., set. 3, 1634; mar. Sir Adrian Scrope of Cock- er ington, Barb. Will dated Aug., proved 28 Oct. 1685. =p Lucy, youngest dau., mar. in West- minster Abbey, 22 Aug. 1661, Sir Francis Holies of Winterbourne, co. Dorset, Knt. and Bart., afterwards 2nd Lord Holies. Adm'on granted to her husband 22 Feb. 1668-9, then described of St. Marbin's-in- the-Fields, co. Middlesex. i Bridget, mar. Richard Rossiter of Somerby; living 4 Sept. 1604; died before 21 Aug. 1607. Elizabeth, mar. 1st Wil- liam Fairfax of Swarby; 2ndly, before 6 June 30 Eliz., 1588, Christopher Kelke of Barnetby. Anne, mar. 1st Robert Which- cot of Dunston; 2ndly, before .4 June 1588, Christopher Le- gard of Anlaby, co. York, as 3rd wife; dead 4 Sept. 1604. Carsep of &rt)esi)p* [Chancery Inq. p.m., 3 Eliz., No. 137.] Arms.—Per saliire azure and or, a /esse gules. John Carsey.=j= William Carsey of March, co. Cam-=p. . . . dau. of bridge. _J ... . Hansard. John Carsey, held fifth part==Margaret, dau. and heir of Sir Thomas Lovell, Knt., 0 — J 1 J_ ' i „i» T>. l „ „ _~ AT11- ~£ CI* r\ T 11 Thomas Car- sey, 2nd son. Richard Car- sey, 3rd son. of manors and lands in Revesby, Tatters hall, etc., 1559-60, in right of his wife, deceased. of Burton, co. Norfolk, son of Sir Gregory Lovell, Knt., by Margaret, dau. of Sir William Brandon, Knt.; coheir of Charles, Duke of Suffolk, 1559-60; died 20 Dec. 1557. Francis^ Carsey, died in Portugal. =Anue, dau. of Sir William Skip- with, Knt., of South Ormsby. Francis Car- sey, s.p. Lovell Car- sey, 3rd son. Thomas Car- sey, 4th son. John Carsey, 5th son. Elizabeth. Prudence. Mary. Anne. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 231 Edward Car- sey, bapfc. at South Orms- by 20 Nov. 1566. Richard Carsey, bapt. at South Ormsby 15 July 1572. William Carsey. Anne,dau.of Rev.=pSkipwith=Sarah, dau. of John Clerk of In goldmells, Clerk; bur. at South Ormsby 18 Sept. 1622. 1st wife. Carsey, bur. at South Ormsby 8 Sept. 1625. widow of . . . . Waltham; mar. at Win- thorpe 19 Dec. 1624. 2nd wife. I Lovell Carsey, legatee in will of his maternal grandfather John Clerk 25 Dec. 1608, then under age. Frances, bapt. at South Ormsby 12 Jan. 1611-12; bur. 4 Oct. 1622. Susan, bapt. 24 Nov., bur. 28 Dec. 1616 at South Ormsby. Anne, dau. of= ; bur. at South Orms- by 4 Oct. 1614. 1st wife. =John: Car- sey. I :Catherine,dau. of.... Porting- Margaret, ton of Langton; mar. lie. 10 mar. 1st July 1617, set. 30. Eemar. John Fry, William Chapman, yeoman, of 2ndly South Ormsby; mar. bond 7 William Aug. 1626. 2nd wife. Galby. Mary, bapt. at South Ormsby 1 Sept. 1576. Elizabeth, bapt. at South Ormsby 13 Sept. 1578. Francis Carsey, bapt. at South Ormsby 11 Oct. 1618. John Carsey, bapt. at South Ormsby 17 Feb. 1622-3. Mary, bapt. at South Ormsby 4 Dec. 1617. I Anne, bapt. at South Ormsby 8 Feb.1620-21; bur. 8 May 1631. Carter of Camnssijp* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Aems.—Gules, a cross Jiory or, on a chief azure three round buckles of the second. John Carter of Nassington, co. Northampton=f Isbell .... John Carter of Nassing-=f Isabell, dau. of ... . Francais Carter William Carter, ton, son and heir. Lane of Elton, co. of London, 2nd 3rd son. Hunts. son. John Carter of=fElizabeth, dau. of ... . Richard Car- Rafe Carter of Thomas Coningsby, Chamberlayneof Boling- ter, 2nd son. Southwark, Carter, 1634, 1st son. broke. 3rd son. ,4th son. John Carter, at. 7, 1634. Elizabeth, set. 8, 1634. 232 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. [Harl. MSS. 1436, 1550, 1912.] William Cartwrighfc of Malbeck and Norwell, co. Notts.=p i i Edmund Cartwright of George Cartwrighfc of Normanby-on-fche-Wolds,= Malbeck, 1st son. co. Lincoln, 2nd son. George Cartwrighfc,bapt. at Catherine, mar. to Paul Dorothy, mar. to William East Rasen 12 Oct. 1567. Cooke of Somercotts. Watson of Butterwicke. -John Cartwright of Nor-=f=Margaret, dau. of Rowland Cartwright=Alice, dau. manby, and afterwards" of the city of Lincoln. Will dated .... ; proved 14 March 1605-6. William Swayne of Normanby, super- of John of Kingsell, co. visor of his brother's Maddison Notts. will. of Marsh Chapel. John Cart- wright, under age at the time of his father's will. i William Cartwright^ of Normanby, proved his father's will 14 March 1605-6. :. . . . Charles Cartwright, dau. of 2nd son. Frances, 1st dau., under age at the time of her father's will. I I I Millicent, 2nd dau. Anne, 3rd dau. Catherine, 4th dau. William Cartwright of Normanby, entered at Gray's Inn 23 Feb. 1626-7. Cater oi ^m^ton^Wix^h^ [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Ermine, on a pile gules a lion passant-guardant or. John Cater=j=. . . . dau. of ... . Barnett. i Join Cater of Warwick=f Isabel, dau. of ... . Cotterell. i John Cater of Langfcon-by-Wragby. Will proved 4 Nov. 1636 ;=p Elizabeth, dau. of mentions his grandson Ralph Higdon and his brother John Thomas Berry. Higdon. A J LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 233 John Cater of Lang- ton, eldest son, set. 40, 1634. =Douglas, Richard Cater of Welton-: dau. of by-Gunby; mar.lie.26 Dec. John 1625, aefc. 23; killed by a Tournay fall from his horse 10 July ofCaenby. 1631; bur. in Wei ton Church 11 July 1631. Al rSusan, dau. of Thomas Mas- singberd of Gunby; set. 18 in 1625; mar. at Gunby 4 Jan. 1625-6; remar., 1636, Richard Gedney of Swaby. ■ John Cater, eldest son, set. 8 in 1634. Anthony Cater,=pAnne, dau. of 2nd son, of Kir- ton in Lindsey, bur. there 15 July 1664. Bishop; mar. 16 July 1657; bur. at Kirton 8 Sept. 1663. Francis Cater,: bapt. at Gun- by 10 Jan. 1626-7. I John Cater, 2nd son. Douglas, bur. at Kirton 15 July 1664. John Cater, living 24 Oct. 1717. Anthony Cater, living 1636. William Cater, living 1636. I I I Margaret, mar. Lawrence Wharton of Yorkshire. Helen, mar. Anthony Gibbon of Stixwold (mar. lie. 8 May 1627). Mary, mar. John Skepper of Thorpe-by-Wainfleet (mar. lie. 21 Sept. 1627). Daw- son of Swaby. 1st hus- band. = Elizabeth,=Richard Fil- set. 26 in kin of Bisca- 1626. thorpe; mar. lie. 5 April 1626, act. 28. 2nd husband. Catotonm of ^ttkin$ton antr <^reat ©ale- [MS. D. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, a chevron behveen three martlets sable, on a chief of the second thrt cross-crosslets or. Margery, dau.=William Cawdron of=r=Elizabeth, dau. of ... . Cantrell; died of. . . . Meres. Heckington, Bailiff, 1st wife. died 30 April 1544. 2? Oct. 1556. Will dated 28 Sept., proved 2 Dec. 1556. 2ud wife. Francis Cawdron of Burton Ped-=f=Mary , wardine and Swaton. Will dated 5 April, proved 6 Aug. 1560. i Elizabeth, mar. "i . ., mar. ex'trix 1560. Robert Carre of Richard Sleaford. Brocklesby. Henry Cawdron, under A age 1560. YOL. I, Elizabeth, legatee in her aunt Jane Cawdron's will 1582-3, 234 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Elizabeth, widow of=Anthony Ca\vdron,= bur. at Heckington Thomas Tirringfcon of Gosberton; bur. at Heckington 14 July 1580. 1st wife. 25 April 1590, s.p. Will dated 17 April, proved 2 May 1590. =Jane, dau. of James Ashton of Chad- derton, co. Lancaster; widow of Nicholas Wolriche of Spalding; mar. 15 April 1581 ; bur. 20 April 1584. Will dated 14 March 1582-3; proved 28 Nov. 1607. 2nd wife. John Cawdron of Heck-=pBridget, sis- ington, ex'or to mother ter of Henry in 155G. Will dated Repps; liv- 8 Dec. 1558; proved ing 1582. 6 Aug. 1560. George Cawdron of Heck-- ington and Great Hale 1570; proved John's will 1560; dead before 1590. :Jane, dau. of John Mark- ham of Sedge- brooke (?). Henry Cawdron.* Robert Cawdron. John Cawdron. Living in 1558. Thomas Cawdron, bur. at Heckington 4 Sept. 1582. Will dated 1 Sept., proved 17 Oct. 1582. Anne, mar Browne; liv- ing a widow 1610. Bridget, dau. of=pGeorge Cawdron of Heck-=Eleanor, dau. of Robert Whichcot Richard Brock- lesby; mar. at Heckington 16 Jan. 1583-4. 1st wife. ington, ex'or in 1582 to his brother Thomas Caw- dron. Will dated 22 Jan. 1610-11 ; proved 22 Jan. 1612-13. of Harpswell; widow of Thomas Kyme; remar. William Burton, Bailiff, of Sleaford; living in 1631. 2nd wife. John Cawdron of Great Hale, ex'or to=Anne, dau. of ... . Farrow; father's will; s.p. Will dated 16 Sept. mar. at Kirkby Underwood 1631 ; proved 1631. 6 May 1609. William Cawdron of Heck-^pMary, dau. of ington, mar. there 8 May 1570. Will dated 6 Jan. 1580-81; proved 10 April 1581. ,* makes his father George Cawdron ex'or. 1st husband. Thomas Tir- rington, yeo- man, of Gos- berton; set. 3 years 20 Dec. 1557. =Edward Brock- lesby, mar. at Heckington 27 Sept. 1581. 2nd husband. - Henry Jen- kinson, mar. at Hecking- ton 21 May 1594. 3rd husband. Jane. Bridget, bapt. at Heckington 5 Nov. 1572; bur. 13 Sept. 1574. Helen, bapt. at Heckington 5 July 1579 ; mar. lie. to marry Samuel Reinger of the Close of Lincoln 22 Oct. 1600. 1 Elizabeth, bapt. at Hecking- ton 6 June 1578; mar. lie. to marry Edward Eolking- ham, yeoman, of Dunsby 3 Sept. 1600. * Adm'on of Henry Cawdron of Heckington given to his brother George Cawdron, Esq. 22 Aue\ 1593. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 235 Edward Caw- dron, bapfc. at Heckington 2 Aug. 1576; bur. there 2 Jan. 1578-9. Anne, dau. of Edward King: of Ash by - de - la - Launde; bapt. at Leytonstone, co. Essex, 8 Oct. 1583; mar. lie. 23 July 1601 ; bur. at Great Hale 18 July 1625. 1st wife. Rober t^pMary, dau. of William Wil- Cawdron of Great Hale. liarns, Rector of Aswarby; widow of John Austin of VValpole, co. Norfolk. Will dated 20 Oct. 1659; proved 10 Feb. 1667-8. 2nd wife. I Richard Cawdron,=Mildred, dau. of William Bridget^ called a mercer in Lambert of Sleaford; mar. lie. widow of. . . . Gamon; 4 Aug. mar. at Sleaford 18 May 1625, 1662 ; ex'trix in 1671. aet. 21. his will. Willdated 21 June 1671; probate torn off. =Thomas Cheney of Great PI ale, aet. 22 in 1625. Anne. Katha- Eleanor. Katharine,^ dau. of Ed- ward Ned- ham of Ilston, co. Leicester. 1st wife. -Robert Caw-= dron of Great Hale, died 30 Dec. 1665, set. 56. Will dated 11 Jan. 1663-4; proved 26 July 1666. Susanna, dau.: of ... . Fal- con bridge; widow of Rich- ard Gamble. 2nd wife. = Elizabeth, dau. of ... . San- some; widow of John Woods of Sleaford.. Will dated 17 Feb. 1669-70; proved 17 Oct. 1670. 3rd wife. i i i i John Cawdron. Anthony Caw- dron. Francis Cawdron. George Cawdron. i Augustine or Austin Cawdron of Great Hale, a legatee^ of his mother 1659. Will dated 18 March 1685-6; proved 1686. -Anne, dau. of John Nedham of Ilston, co. Leicester. William Cawdron of=f=Marv, dau. of ... . Beaven; Helpringham, died 29 Aug. 1720, set. 54. mar. at Great Hale 28 Jan. 1688-9. Austin Cawdron, bapt. 7 May 1690. William Cawdron, bapt. 20 Aug., bur. 7 Sept. 1695. Elizabeth, mar., at Spanby, John Craven of Swaton. Mary, bapt. 12 May 1692; bur. 14 March 1719-20. Anne, mar. at Helpring- ham, 15 Nov. 1692, Wil- liam Wish. Anne, bapt. 24 March 1700-1. Jane, bapt. 20 May 1703; bur. same day. Austin Cawdron of Slea-=Margaret, dau. Edward Caw-=f=Frances, dau. of John ford, bur. there 3 Oct. of ;remar., dron, bur. at Brown of Laugh ton • 1709, s.p. Will dated 8 Oct. 1710, Great Hale 27 mar. at Folkingham 28 Sept., proved 2 Nov. Lot Mael. May 1695. 21 Aug. 1690 1709. 6 Edward Cawdron, bapt. at Great Hale 24 Sept. 1694. c Frances, bapt. at Great Hale 13 Aug. 1691. Anne, bapt. 9 Dec. 1692; bur. at Great Hale 10 Sept. 1693. 236 LINCOLNSHIRE tEDIGREEJS. Robert Cawdron of Great Hale, bur.=j=Jane, dau. of Sir Charles Dymoke, Knt., of there 20 July 1715. Will dated 10 Dec. 1714; proved 19 Nov. 1715. Scrivelsby; died 22 May, set. 67, bur. 24 May 1733 at Great Hale. Will dated 26 Sept. 1730; proved 7 April 1734. Robert Cawdron of Great=Sarah, dau. of Sir Edward Hale,diedl8 0ct.,8et. 41, Hussey, Bart., of Wel- bur. 20 Oct. 1728 at Great Hale; s.p. Will dated 6 July 1728; proved 1 Jan. 1731-2. bourn; mar. 10 Sept. 1717; remar. Weston John Smith, Esq.; died 17 May 1767, aet. 80; bur. at Great Hale. i Dymoke Caw- dron, bapt. at Great Hale 6 Jan. 1689-90; legatee of his brother Robert 1728.=p I Austin Cawdron, bapt. at Great Hale 15 Sept. 1692. Dymoke Cawdron, on whom his uncle Robert entailed the estates in 1728. Edward Cawdron, bapt. at Great Halel8Aug.l694; legatee of his bro- ther Robert 1728. I I Charles Cawdron, bapt. 10 Nov. 1695; bur. 9 Jan. 1696-7. Charles Cawdron, bapt. 21 June, bur. 11 Aug. 1698. "I William Cawdron, bur. 6 Sept. 1707. Lewis Cawdron, bur. at Great Hale 1 Oct. 1727. George Cawdron, bapt. at Great Hale 11 July 1702. Robert Cawdron, named in the entail of 1728. Jane, bapt. at Great Hale 15 Nov. 1688; mar. at Fleet, 7 Aug. 1710, Edward Brown of Lincoln, and had a son Leonard Brown. Eleanor, bapt. at Great Hale 24 Feb. 1690-91; mar. John Peart; died 29 June 1733. Anne, bapt. at Great Hale 16 Feb. 1703-4; mar. William Lomax of Sleaford; died 7 June 1733. Arms.—Ermine, on a chief indented vert three griffins' heads erased or. Chest.—A griffin's head erased or, gorged with a mural crown vert William Chaplin of Seymere, co. Suffolk.=f= Robert Chaplin of Bury, Suffolk=pElizabeth, dau. of Francis Asty of Bury. Sir Francis Chaplin, Knt.,=pAnne, dau. of Robert Chaplin = Anne, dau. of Sir Tho- Lord Mayor of London, died in Berey Street 27 June 1680: bur. in St. Catherine Cree Church 3 July 1680. A Daniel Hufcfc of St.Swithin's, mas Tomkins,Knt., of or Huitt of London, mer- Monington, co, Here- Essex; of St. chant, living ford; widow of Roger Andrew's, Hoi- 1683. Vaughan of Moccas, born, 1689. co. Hereford. LtttCOjLftSHiUE fcEDlGREES. 237 I Charles Chaplin, living in Jamaica, unmar. A| Sir Robert Chaplin, created a- Baronet 19 Sept. 1715; M.P. for Grimsby; expelled the House of Commons 28 Jan. 1720-21; died 1 July 1728. dau. of Har- rington. I Anne, mar.=Jonn 1 April 1689 Shipman at St. Blisse, of Not- London. tingham. Anne=. . . . son of Sir James Bateman, Lord Mayor of London. Frances, dau. of Thomas Archer of=John Chaplin, 1st son, of=pElizabeth, dau Umberslade, co. Warwick; widow of Tathwell, Sheriff of co. Sir Francis Rouse, Bart., of Rouse Lincoln 1690; died 11 Lench, co. Worcester; mar. at All Nov. 1714, ast. 56; bur. at Hallows, Staining, 3 Feb. 1691-2. Tathwell 18 Nov. and heiress of Sir John Ham by of Tathwell, Knt. Porter Chaplin of Tath-=pAnne, dau. and coheir of Richard well, bur. 27 July 1719. | Sherwin of London; bur. at Harmston 8 Aug. 1728. Thomas Chaplin. (See Burke's "Landed Gentry.") Sir John Chaplin, Bart., died 23 May= 1730, set. 19; bur. at Tathwell 6 June 1730. . . . . dau. of William Morris; mar. 26 March 1730 (she was of Fernham, near Farringdon, co. Berks). r heiress, born 4 Jan. 1731-2; mar. 3 March 1750-51 = Arthur Gregory. Frances, bapt. at=Charles Fitzwil- Edward Ays-= Elizabeth,=John Sidwell, Alford40ct. 1712; liam, bapt. at cough of bur. at Rector of Wei- mar, at Tathwell Louth 15 Feb. Louth. 1st Weiton ton; mar.4 June 23 March 1730-31. 1695-6. husband. 30 April 1740. 2nd hus- 1780. band. Chapman oi ^Lo\xt% [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] John Chapman of Thorpe =pElizabeth, dau. of Sir Peter Hildyard of Hall in South Elkington. 1 Fulstow, Knt.; bur. at Louth 1532. John Chapman of Thorpe Hall.=p i i . mi - "■'" i Robert Chapman of^Elizabeth, dau. Martin Chapman, 2nd son. Anne, mar. Louth, son and heir, of ... . Becke; — Arthur set.22,3Nov.7Eliz., mar. at Louth Laurance Chapman, 3rd son. Chapman 1565. 20 Oct. 1567. — of Scam- A John Chapman, 4th son. blesby. 238 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. John Chap- man, 1st son, bapt. at Louth 9 Dec. 1568. I Francis Chapman, 2nd son, bapfc. 19 Jan.l56»-70;bur. at Louth 14 Sept. 1570. William Chap- man, 3rd son, bapt. 28 Oct. 1575; bur. at Louth 20 March 1575-6. Robert Chap- man, 4th son, bapt. 3, bur. 25 Feb. 1576-7 at Louth. William Chapman, bapt. at Louth 9 May 1578. Thomas Chapman^pJane, dau. and of Louth, tanner, 6th son, bapt. at Louth 8 April 1581; living 13 May 1615. heir of Rich- ard Blanchard of Louth 7 Nov. 1607; liv- ing 24 Dec. 1619. Richard Chap- man, 7th son, bapt. at Louth 25 April 1586. I I Mary, bapt. at Louth 24 Jan. 1570- 71. Magdalen, bapt. at Louth 8 March 1571- 2. Susanna, bapt. at Louth 25 April 1573. John Chapman, 1st son, bapt. at Louth 24 June 1608. Abraham Chapman, son, living 24 Dec. 1619. Elizabeth, bapt. at Louth 27 Sept. 1609. John Chapman of Scamblesby T dau. of Gray. Arthur Chapman of Scamblesby ,=pAnne, dau. of John Chapman bur. at Boston 21 April 1606. of Thorpe Hall. John Chap-=Catherine, dau. Robert man of of Francis Ve- Chap- Scambles- lez de Guevara man, by, 1st son. of Stenigot; 2nd living about son,s.p. 1625-6. Thomas Chap- man of Edling- ton (? Biking- ton) 1634, 3rd son. :Elizabeth, dau. and co- heir of Diggory Nicholls, D.D., of Pen- ross, co. Cornwall, Mas- ter of Magdalen Col- lege, Cambridge. Arthur Chap-- man, 1st son, 1634; living 1654. =Anne, dau. of William John Weselhead of Grimsby; Chap- bapt. at Great Grimsby man, 7 Nov. 1613; mar. at 2nd Louth 23 Nov. 1630; son. living 1654. Elizabeth, mar. at El- Frances, kington, 19 Mayl630, bapt. at Thomas Clarke of Wei- Great ton, Rector there; Grimsby bur. at Louth 28 Aug. 4 Sept. 1649. 1603. Frances, only dau., half a year old 1636. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 239 Clmpman oi &kt$nt*x. [Oldfield's " Wapentake of Candleshoe," pp. 251, 252.] Arms.—Per chevron argent and gules, a crescent between two leopards'/aces in pale counter changed. Crest.—A fleur-de-lis or between two olive branches vert (granted 6 March 1704-5). John Chapman of Ormsby=pKafcherme, dau. of Robert Porfcington. Mary, dau. of Capt. Rich-=j=William Chapman=pElizabeth, dan. of Rev. William Hus- ard Bolles of Theddle- of Skegness, bnr. sey, Clerk, of Ashby-by-Horncastle thorpe; bur. at Skegness there 23 April and Hareby; bur. at Skegness 24 19 Aug. 1672. 1st wife. 1708. July 1694. 2nd wife. Hussey Chapman of Skeg-: ness, bapt. there 27 Aug. 1675; died 13 July 1748. Will dated 10 July 1748 (then of Winthorpe); proved 16 Jan. 1748-9. =Anne, dau. of John Thory of Skendleby; died 6 Oct. 1755, set. 66. Thomas Chapman, bapt. 11 Nov. 1677; bur. 7March 1678-9. Thomas Chapman, bapt.26Feb.l687-8. I I Sarah, bapt. 6 May 1683. Susanna, bapt. 2 Dec. 1685. ThoryChap- man, bapt. 4 Aug., bur. 8 Aug. 1710. Thory Chap- man, bapt. at Skegness 6 June 1711; mar i i John Chapman, bapt. 1 March 1713-12; bur. Sept. 1713. William Chap- man, bur. 8 Dec. 1714, an infant. i i i Hussey Chap- man, bapt. 14 Oct. 1715. John Chapman. William Chap- man. Bridget, mar. .... Moun- tain. Mary, mar. North. I Anne^=Samuel Wells of Croft. St. John Wells, bapt. at Croft 19 Oct. 1744; legatee in grandfather's will 1748.* i William Chapman= of Burgh, mercer. Willdated2March 1700-1; proved 28 Aug. 1701. :Margaret, dau. of John Rowell of Thorpe-by- Wainfleet. Joseph Chapman of=pAnne, dau. of Richard Northolme, aet. 44 in 1704. Read of Chatteris, co. Cambridge. William Ch apman, set. 4 in 1704. Elizabeth. Anne. William, John Chap-=pNaomi, Robert Chapman. Elizabeth. Mary,liv- Chapman, man, living dau. of — — ing 1701. 1701. I . . . . William Chapman. Deborah. — — Deborah, living 1701. Samuel Chapman. Mary. Naomi,bapt.atSkegnessJulyl715. Dead in 1701. * St. John Wells of Alford was High Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1738. living 1701. 240 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Richard Chap- man, citizen and apothecary of London, set. 41 in 1704. Petley Chap- man, set. 12 in 1704. =Katherine, dau. of Roger Garn- ham of Cheseney, co. Berks. i i John Chapman, bapt.=pMary, dau. at Skegness 17 July 1666; of Gosport in co. Southampton, sur- geon ; bur. there 1705, set. 39. of John Leigh of North Court, Isle of Wight. Mary, bapt. at Skegness 29 June 1667; mar. Thomas Barlow of Mid- dlethorpe, York. co. Richard Chapman, born 1703. Margaret. William Chap- man, get. '5 in 1704. Leigh Chapman, Anne, set. 10 months in set. 2 in 1704. 1704. [MS. D. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Gules, three eagles displayed or, ducally crowned and armed argent. Crest.—An eagle's head erased or, ducally crowned argent. Anthony Cheales, purchased lands in=pElizabeth, dau. Hagworthingham 1590. I of. 1st wife. ^Thomas Cheales= of Hagworth- ingham, bur. 6 Sept. 1652; set. 49 in 1619. =Isabel Whiting, widow, mar. at Boston 17 July 1619, then set. 54. 2nd wife. George Cheales. Susan, bapt. at Hagworthing- ham 20 June 1573; mar. Wil- liam Lay thorpe. Margaret, bapt. at Hagwor- thingham 22 Jan. 1575-6. Jane, bapt. at Hagwor- thingham, 24 Aug. 1578.! Rose, bapt. at Hag- worthingham 27 May 1599; mar., 30 April 1635, Andrew Wingod. Ann, bapt. at Hagwor- thingham 11 March 1601-2. Susan, bapt. at Hagwor- thingham 8 Oct. 1607. I Dorothy, bapt. at Hagworth- ingham 3 Oct. 1613. Frances, bapt. at Hagworthingham 5 April 1616; mar. there, 7 June 1635, Edward King of Salmonby. Thomas Cheales, bapt. at= Hagworthingham 16 Feb. 1610-11; bur. 16 July 1666. =Mary, dau. of Sir Roger Halton, Knt., John Cheales, of Great Carlton; bapt. at Louth 14 bapt. at Hag- Jan. 1606-7; bur. at Hagworthing- worthingham ham 21 Feb. 1683-4. 9 Oct. 1617. Eliza-=John beth. Pal- frey- man. Frances, bur. at Hagwor- thingham 11 Jan. 1688-9. Mary, mar.=Edward New- at Hagwor- comenofSalt- thingham31 fleetby, dead Dec. 1668. in 1681. Alice, mar.=Nicho- at Hagwor- las thingham San- 15 Jan. som. 1667-8, LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 241 I William Cheales,=Elizabeth, dan. of aet. 24 in 1661; Ware; bur. afc Hagwor- Hagworthingham thingham 12 2 March 1681-2; Dec. 1700. bur. there 20 Feb. 1688-9. Thomas Cheales, 2nd son. Richard Cheales,=p Elizabeth, dau 3rd son, bur. at Hagworthing- ham 13 Sept. 1708. of....; bur. at Hagworth- ingham 15 Nov. 1725. William Cheales, bur.atHag- worthing- ham 9 Jan. 1702-3. Richard Cheales,: bur. at Hagwor- thingham 25 Sept. 1749. Elizabeth,=Benjamin mar. set- Manifold tlement 30 of Butter- May 1745. wick. Susannah,dau. Eleanor,bapt. at Horn- Elizabeth, of. ...; bur. castle 6 June 1671; bur. at at Hag worth- mar. at Yarborough, Hagwor- ingham 25 25 July 1698, John thingham Aug. 1737. Sandes of Hagworth- 17 July ingham. 1721. Rebecca (or Arabella), bur. at Hagworthingham 17 July 1721. Jane, bapt. at Hagworthing- ham 9 Jan. 1723-4. Rebecca=Peter Pack- harness of Hundleby. William Cheales, Rector of= Thorpe-by-Newark, bapt. at Hagworthingham 27 July 1712; of Magdalen College, Cambridge. : Ann, dau. of Fran- cis Noble, Alder- man of Newark; mar. 1749. Richard Cheales, bur. at Hagwor- thingham 6 Mar. 1713-14. I Thomas Cheales, bapt. 6 Jan.,bur. at Hagworthing- ham 3 March 1714-15. William Cheales of St.=Elizabeth, dau. and heiress John's College, Cam- of Thomas Boys of Wain- bridge ; Vicar of Mark- fleet All Saints; widow of ham, co. Notts; born George Wright of Wain- 1753; s.p. fleet. Thomas Cheales, matricu- lated at Worcester College, Oxford, 15 Dec. 1773, set. 18; of Christ Church, B.A. 1777, M.A. 1780; died 1781. Benjamin Cheales, Soli-=f Mary, dau. and coheir of Jane, Rebecca— R. S. Nevin- citor,of Sleaford; Clerk William Spurr of Great born sonofGran- of the Peace; born Hale; mar. 1 Jan. 1788-9. 1750; tham. 1758. died /\ 1823. Vide Burke's " Landed Gentry," 1898. VOL. I, 242 LINCOLNSHIRE PEBIGRKES. Cjjenep of Boston. Arms.—Quarterly argent and gules, a bend lozengy sable. Sir John Cheney, Krit.,=j=Katherine, dau. and coheir of Sir Laurence of Fen Ditton, co. Cam- bridge. Pabenham, Knfc., by Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of Sir John Engaine, Knfc. Lawrence Cheney of Fen DifcfconyElizabeth, dau. of John Cockayne of Hatley. Sir John Cheney, Knfc.,=pElizabeth, dau. and coheir of Fen Difcfcon. I of Sir Thomas Rempston, Knfc. Mary=John Alington of II or sheath, co. Cambridge. Sir Thomas Cheney, Knfc., died 14 Jan. 1513-14. William Cheney of Thorngumbald- in Holderness, co. York,y.w., died 1 Edward VI. Anne, dau. and coheir of John Holme of Paul Holme, co. York. William Cheney ,=p Frances, natural dau. of Sir Thomas Cheney, K.G., Lord War- bur, at Boston den of the Cinque Ports; bur. at Boston. Will dated 25 Nov. 43 Eliz. I 1604 ; proved 4 Aug. 1608. Anne, ex'trix Elizabeth. Jane. Will dated=William Field to her mo- = 17 Jan. 1635-6; of Wyberton, fcher's will in John Killing- proved 14 Jan. s.p. Will 1608; dead worth of 1639-40. dated 1623; in 1635. Cambridge. proved 1624. Wini-=John fred. Car- leill of Sewer- by. Christopher Cheney, bur. at Granfcham.- Will dated 11 Jan. 1615-16; proved 28 Dec. 1620. :Katherine, dau. of Thomas William Cave of Belgrave, co. Cheney. Leicester. Thomas Cheney, ex'or=pBridget, dau. of Ro- to Christopher in 1620; bur. at Great Hale. Will dated 18 Feb. 1632-3; proved 5 June 1633. bert Cawdron of Greafc Hale; died 1670; bur. at St. John's, Beverley, co. York. William Cheney of= Mareham-le-Fen 1626; under age in 1615; bur. at Mareham 9 Sept. 1633. dau. of Anne. John Thm- calfe. Eliza- beth. Captain John Turner, Jane. John Faw- cett. Christopher Cheney, bapfc. at Mareham 11 Feb. 1626-7 ; bur. 2 Oct. 1634, William Che- ney, bapt. at Mareham 2 Jan.l 630-31; bur. 26 Sept. 1631. Anne. Jane, bapt. at Mare- ham 20 Nov. 1628; livingl635. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. US A | B Arine=George Smith of Net- tleton. Kafche-=John Harrison rine. of East Keal; mar. lie. 2 4 May 1628. Frances=Henry Yarborough of Yarborough, ex'or to will of Jane Field 1639-40. Elizabeth, dau.=f=John Cheney of Beni ng ton-=Alice, widow of ... . Skinner of of . . . .; died between June and Nov. 1614. 1st wife. by-Boston, mar. lie. 28 Nov. Frieston; set. 46 in 1614; remar. 1614, then set. 46; bur. 16 Richard Kelsey of Pish toft (mar. March 1623-4. lie. 10 Aug. 1627). 2nd wife. William John Cheney of Wy-- Cheney, berton, bapt. at Ben- bapt. at ington 30 June 1605. Bening- Will dated 9 March ton 5 1656-7; proved 11 Feb. May 1657. Adm'on 1598-9. given to Thomas Cheney in minority of Henry. =Anne, Edward Thomas Cheney,=Mary, dau. Cheney, bapt. at Bening- dau. of of bapt. at ton25 July 1607; .... Benington Rector of Kirton ex'trix, 20 July in Holland; s.p. 1606; bur. Will dated 19 3 Dec. March 1672-3; 1613. proved 11 April 1673 by ex'trix. j "I . j Henry Cheney, under age in 1657 ; supervisor to Hannah Jane. Winifred. Cheney's will 1670; named supervisor to Thomas Cheney of Boston's will 1690. John Cheney of Conings-=y= by, bapt. at Benington 9 Nov. 1609; named in the will of John Cheney of Wyberton 1656-7 as "my brother John Che- ney of Coningsby." i i Richard Frances, Jane, Agnes, bapt. at Elizabeth, Cheney, bapt. at bapt. at bapt. at bapt. at Bening- Bening- Bening- Bening- ton 5 Jane Bening- ton 20 ton 28 ton 16 ton 29 Sept. Feb. Oct. 1614; bur. Sept. 1596. 1600-1. 1608. 22 Jan. 1611. — 1626-7. All living in 1673. Thomas Cheney of Bos-: ton, supervisor to John Cheney's will 1657; dead in 1670. =Hannah, dau. of... . Calverley; sister of Samuel Cal- verley. Will dated 9 Feb. 1669-70; proved 23 April 1670. Adm'on given to Samuel Calverley, guardian of William Cheney. Thomas Cheney, lstson,= of Boston, apothecary, bur. at Boston 10 March 1689-90. Will dated 6 March 1689-90; proved 8 May 1690. Adm'on to relict Anne, c :Anne, dau. of .... Butler; mar. at Boston 25 March 1675-6; bur. there 14 Aug. 1720. William Cheney, 2nd= son, under age in 1670 ; bur. at Bos- ton 14 June 1685. :Mary, dau. of Butler; mar. at Boston 21 Jau. 1678-9; bur. there 17 July 1726. 244 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Thomas Cheney, bapfc. at Boston 8 Oct. 1676; bur. 9 Nov. Thomas Cheney, bapt. at Bos- ton 18 Dec. 1685. Adm'on 11 July 1719 to his brother John Cheney, mercer. :Mary Will dated 4 Jan. 1718-19; proved 11 May 1719. Thomas Cheney, died 11 March 1788-9, set. 75. John Cheney, under 21 in 1718. Anne, under 21 in 1618. John Cheney of Boston^ mercer, Mayor of Boston 1725; bur. 3 March 1728-9. Will dated 21 Dec. 1728; proved 2 May 1729. =Ann William Cheney, bapt. at Boston 15 June 1687. Ann, bapt. at Bos- ton 13 Oct. 1678. Frances, bapt. at Boston 7 Oct. 1680. Hannah. John Cheney. William Cheney. Elizabeth. Charles Cheney of Bostons-Sarah, dau. of saddler, mar. at Burton- by-Lincoln 1 Jan. 1703-4; dead in 1719. St. Paul's-iii-the-Bar Smith of Lincoln. Adm'on given to her of her hus- band's will 26 Nov. 1719. Thomas Cheney, bur. at Boston 16 Oct. 1718. I Charles Cheney, living 1725. Adm'on 1746. I I Charles Cheney, bur. at William Boston 1 June 1705. Cheney. I I Mary. Sarah. [Note.—This family, certainly as good as any in Lincolnshire, was unaccountably omitted in the Visitation of H>:*4. I compiled it from registers and wills.—A. li. M.] Cjnltre of f^armstmt. [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] Robert Ohilde of Boston, merchant, bur. Alice, mar John Childc= at BoBlxm 18 Feb. 1000-10, s.p. Will — of Woking, dated 10 'Feb., proved 15 Mar. 1009-10 mar Gough. co. hurrey. John Childc of. . . . near Guildford, oo. Surrey.=p LlNCOLNSHIltE PEDIGREES. 246 John Childe of Harmston, co. Lincoln, described^ also as of Boston and Booth by ; inherited the estates of Robert Childe in Boston, etc., Feb. 1609-10, then under age. =Bleanor, dau. of John Thomp- son of Boothby; mar. at Cole- by April 1623. I John Childe, 1 st son, bapt. at St. Thomas Margaret's, Lincoln, 22 Dec. Childe, 1629 ; set. 4, 1634. 2nd son. Francis Childe, bapt. at Harmston 17 June 1638. Alice, 1st dau., set. 2, 1634. Cjnppentraie ot |^etsj)tnston. Arms.—Azure, semee of fleurs-de-lis or, two lions'1 gamis erect and erased paleivays argent Crest.—A Moris gamb erect argent, erased gules, grasping a fleur-de-lis or (granted 16 May 1594). [The early part of this pedigree is printed in Harl. Soc, Vol. II., p. 157.] John Chippendale of= Blacken hall, co. Staf- ford, 1619; bur. at Washingborough, co. Lincoln, 30 April 1640. =Mary, dau. and heir of William Garratt of Heighington in parish of Washing- borough; bapt. at St. Margaret's, Lin- coln, 30 Dec. 1589; mar. at Washing- borough 8 Oct. 1609. William Chip- pendale, aet. 9, 1619; of Gray's Inn 7 May 1629; bur. at Washing- borough 31 Dec. 1670. :Felis, dau. of; bur. at Washing- borough 14 Feb. 1663. I I John Chippen- dale, 2nd son. Christopher Chip- pendale, bapt. at Washingborough 4 Jan. 1620 21; bur. 20 May 1621. Ill II Francis Chippen- Barbara, bapt. dale, bapt. at Bar- at Washing- ton, co. Stafford, boroughs May 11 Feb. 1626-7. 1624. Elizabeth. Catherine. Jane, bapt. at Washing- borough 21 Dec. 1627. Thomas Chippendale, bapt. at Washing- borough 1 June 1645. Julith, bur. at Washing- borough 16 June 1642. Ralph Chippen- Thomas Chippendale of Hogsthorpe, yeoman. Will^pMary, dau. of dale, legatee in dated 30 June 1608; proved (Lincoln) 7 June 1608. 1609; mentions his brother Mr. Edmund Shut- tleworth of Lincoln. . . . .; ex'trix 1609. I I I I I I John Chippen- Thomas Chippendale, Judith. Anne. Mary. Helen, dale. ex'or 1609. John Chippendale, Clerk, of Ingoldmolls. Will dated 29 Sept., proved (Lincoln) 30 Oct. 1617. 246 LttfCOLNSiilRE i?EDIGB,EES. [Muniments D. and C, Lincoln. Le Neve's " Knights."] Stephen Christopher, lessee of=p Margery, dau. of ....; a house in Lincoln 1580. j living 1605. Peter Christopher, yeoman, of Thoresthorpe in Saleby, lessee of=p a house in Lincoln 1605; died 1608. Sir Robert Christopher, Knt., of Alford, born 1606 ;=r knighted 7 Jan. 1661-2; died 1668. Elizabeth, heiress=p Bennett, Lord Sherard. [MS. D. 23, Heralds' College.] George Christopher of Powick,- co. Worcester, bur. at Plecking- ton 26 Aug. 1590. :Katherine, dau. of William Cooper of Stanton Lacy, co. Salop; bur. at Heckington 13 Aug. 1610. Agnes, mar., 28 Nov. 1586, Myles .... Alice, mar., Nov. 1588, John Coxe. Joyce, mar., 10 Dec. 1598, Thomas Wilkinson (?). William^Margaret, dau. of Christo- pher of Heck- ington. Stephen Rogers of Biddenden, co. Kent. Alice Wors- ley, mar. at St. Mary-le- Wigford, Lincoln, 17 Nov. 1636. 1st wife. LGeorge Chris-= topher, 98t. 50 in 1666. Will dated 21 July 1668; proved 29 April 1669. =Susan, dau. of Humphrey (or John)Hacket; widow of Wellifound Wilson of Manthorpe; living 1668. 2nd wife. John= Chris- topher, 2nd son, of Har- laxton 1669. =Jane, dau. of Bar- tholomew Mahew of Harlaxton; widow of Drapes; mar. at Boston 10 June 1657. Katharine, mar Thompson. Lucy, mar. at Heckington, 11 Aug. 1636, John Lord of Harlaxton. Elizabeth, bapt. at Heck- ington 27 Nov. 1642; mar., 1663, Robert Stone of Burgh-le-Marsh. Margaret, bapt. at Hecking- ton 17 July 1643 ; mar. Charles Cracroft of Sleaford; bur. at Sieaford June 1667. Alice, bapt. at Heck- ington 10 July 1647; mar. John .... of Bicker. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 247 George Chris-=pElizabeth, dau. topher of Heckington, set. 27, 1666. of Thomas Wil- son; mar. at Sloaford Sept. 1661. Matthias Christopher, 2nd=Mary, John Chris- son, bapt. at Heckington dau. of topher,bapt. 7 April 1641. Will dated . . . .; at Hecking- 31 Jan. 1703-4; proved ex'trix ton 6 Feb. 15 May .1704. 1704. 1658-9. John Christopher, bapt.: at Heckington 5 May 1669. -Mary, dau. of ....; bur. at Heckington 22 April 1734. George Christopher,=pAnne, dau. bapt. at Heckington | of . . . . 22 Aug. 1673. John Christopher of Heckington, born 1713; died 27 Aug. 1793. -Mary, dau. of I Elizabeth, bapt. at Heckington 25 Mar. 1706-7. Charles Christo- pher, bapt. at Heckington 24 Jan. 1697-8. "I Anne, bapt. at Heckington 16 Junel699. William Christopher, bur. at Heckington 27 Aug. 1743, infant. i Kelham Christopher, bapt. at Heckington 27 April 1749. Robert Christo- pher, bapt. at Heckington 31 Oct. 1752. I Mary, bapt. at Heckington 21 Feb. 1744-5. I I Thomas Christopher, bapt. at Heckington 20 May 1675. Charles Christopher, bapt. at Heckington 18 July 1677. I I George Christopher, bapt. at Heckington 18 Sept. 1682. Alice, bapt. at Heckington 14 July 1664. I I Elizabeth, bapt. at Heck- ington 31 July 1666. Mary, bapt. at Hecking- ton 16 March 1670-71. Robert Christopher of Heckington ,^Susann a, dau. of. ...; died died 22 May 1809, jet. 66. I 10 Feb. 1826, set. 70. A son. Harriet. Clarke oi Cmtom [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.— Gules, a saltire engrailed between three nags' heads couped, one in chief and two in /esse or. Joan, dau. of Tho- mas Boston of Nor- wich; died 8 Dec. 1587, set. 47. 1st wife. A :Richard Clarke of Lynn, co.=. . . . dau. of Norfolk, Collector of the Matthew Par- Port, Alderman and Mayor; died 4: Feb. 1602-3, set. 67; bur. at St. Nicholas, Lynn. ker, Archbis- hop of Can- terbury. 2nd wife. »• 248 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Sarah, dau. of= Richard Leech of Lynn; died 16 June 1604, set. 40. 1st wife. =Matthew Clarke of Lynn,= M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge; Mayor of Lynn 1605 and 1613; died 1 May 1623, set. 59. Will dated 25 Aug. 1618; proved 24 May 1623. John Clarke, 3rd sorv ex'or to his mother 1638-9; of Gray's Inn 4 March 1627-8. =Triphosa, dau. of. . . Fairclow of St. Ed mundsbury. Will dated 30 July 1637, then of Witham-ou-the-Hili, co. Lincoln ; proved 28 Jan. 1638-9. 2nd wife. =George Estey of Bury, co. Suffolk. 1st husband. dau.of Ml Joseph Clarke, 4th son, living 1637. Robert Clarke, 5th son, living 1637. James Clarke, 6th son. Elizabeth, unmar. 1618 and 1638, Triphosa, bapt. at Castle Bytham 28 March 1630. Sarah, died 28 June 1599, set. 11 ; bur. at St. Nicholas, Lynn. Joan, mar. Edmund Barber of St. Edmunds- bury. Thomas Snel-=Margaret.=Ambrose Blague ling of Lynn. of Hornings- lst husband. heath, co. Suf- folk. 2nd hus- band. Audry, dau. of Willi am Lis-: ter of Rippingale; relict of Humphrey Hacket of Cree- ton ; mar. at Kirkby Under- wood 29 Dec. 1629; bur. at Bourne 21 Dec. 1636. 1st wife. =Matthew Clarke of= Creeton, co. Lin- coln, 1st son 1634; bur. at Bourne 26 April 1646; heir of his mother. dau. of 2nd' wife. Richard Clarke,=p. 2nd son in 1618; bur. at St. Ni- cholas, Lynn. dau, of Elizabeth, set. 2, 1634; living 1670, unmar. i Thomas Clarke, bapt. at Bourne Jan. 1643-4. .. Clarke.=F iiclia Richard Clarke of Lynn, merchant, died 1 Aug. 1683, set. 25; bur. at St. Nicholas, Lynn. Clarke xif SUatrenJjam. [Harl. MSS. 1436, 1550.] Arms.—Ermine, on a fesse gules three bezants, a canton of the second, thereon a buck's head caboshed argent, attired or. William Clarke of Leadenham.=p William Clarke=pJoan, dau. of Robert Oliver Margaret, mar. John Sturdivant of of Leadenham. j. of Leadenham. Norwell, Notts. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 249 William Clarke^pMargery, dau. of Joane. Elizabeth, mar. George Bretton of Leadenham. William Thomp- — of Leadenham. son of Wellingore. Lucy. ii ii ii i i i Thomas Clarke, bur. at Nicholas Clarke. Elizabeth. Frances dan., bapt. Leadenham 9 Junel559. — — — at Leadenham — Stephen Clarke. Joane. Mary. 30 March 1559. Thomas Clarke. John Clarke=pAnne, dau. of ... . Banke of Notts. i i i Nicholas Clarke. Frances. Clarke of mdbomn. [Had. MSS. 410, 756, 758.] Hugh Clarke of "Welborn in the=pMargaret, dau. of....; widow of parish of Leddenham" (sic, in Visitation, but wrong); a Bencher of Lincoln's Inn ; died 9 May 20 Henry VIII., 1528; bur. at Wel- bourne. Richard Withernwicke; surviving 9 May 20 Henry VIII., 1528; died 20 July 27 Henry VIII., 1535, then called in the inquisition u Mar- garet Blyton." William Clarke of Welbonrn, born 18 Henry VIII., 1526; died=f Elizabeth, dau. 15 July 6 Edward VI., 1552. Will dated 14 July 5 Edward VI. | of. William Clarke of Wel- bourn, 1st son and heir; set. 20 at his father's death; died 20 July 3 and 4 Philip and Mary, 1557. Robert Clarke of Welbourn and after- wards of Grafton Underwood, co. North- ampton; heir of his brother William; aet. 21,19 Eliz., 1577 ; bur. at Leaden- ham 21 Nov. 1616. ^Margaret, dau. of Francis Lowes of Clif- ton Raynes, co, Bucks. Lewis Clarke of Welbourn, sold the estate=pAnne, dau. of Samuel Culverwell of at Welbourne; described of Long Leaden ham 29 July 1612 Cherry Burton, co. York; bur. at Fiskerton 15 Dec. 1630. Launcelot Clarke, bapt. at St. Michael's on the Mount, Lincoln, 23 Nov. 1620. VQb. 1, K K 250 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Robert Clarke of Gran-=f=Katherme, dan. Thomas=f Margaret, dau. of Emanuel tham, 2nd son; Town Clerk of that borough; bur. at G ran tham 2 Nov. 1654. of .... Barn a- Clarke of by of London, Clapham, merchant. co. Surrey, 3rd son. Cole; sister of Sir William Cole, Knt.; widow of Wil- liam Ashenden of London. Robert Clarke, bapt. 3 May 1618; Katherine. bur. at Grantham 17 Jan. 1618-19. Charles Clarke, only child, set. 14, 1633. Clapmonti of dframpton an* WLpbtxton. [Harl. MS. 756. Inq. p.m. 3 and 4 Philip and Mary.] .... Claymond of=p. . . . dau. of ....; Wyberton. bur. at Wyberton. Roger Claymond=pJane, dau. Philip Claymond,=Agnes, dau. of.. of Wyberton. Will dated 1 June, proved 8 July 1541. Hugh of ....; 2nd son; proved remar. Edward Claymond, surviving his brother Hunnyngof Algar- livingl54L 1541. Roger's will 8 kirk; livingawidow — July 1541. 5 Oct. 1556. Alice,1541. Philip Claymond, under 18, 1541. Christopher Claymond, under 18, 1541. Dorothy, dau. of John Ormsby of^fAdlard Claymond of=pCassandra, dau. of . Withern. 1st wife. | Frampton. I living 1541. 2nd wife. i ii i i i i Joan, Francis Claymond,= . . . . Anthony Claymond, 2nd Adlard Johanna, aot. set. 5 in 1522; dau. son, living 1541; Mayor Clay- — 1(5, proved the will of his of of Boston 1565. mond, Mary. 1522. cousin Roger Clay- .... — 4th son, — mond 8 July 1541. John Claymond, 3rd son, 1541. Elizabeth. 1541. John Claymond of=pAlice, dau. of Frampton. I . . . , John Claymond of Magdalen College, Oxford, 1487; President of Magdalen College 1506-7 ; President of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1516-17 ; died 19 Nov. 1537; bur. in Corpus Christi College Chapel. Alice Claymond of Kirfcon in Holland, widow. Will dated 12 Feb. 1532-3; proved 28 May 1533. Mentions her daughters Dorothy and Anne. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 251 €U^olt of W&m Bwput^ Arms.—Or, a chevron azure between three hurU. James Claypole of Northborough, co.=pJoan, dau. of . . . Northampton, had a grant of arms 17 June 1588; bur. at Northborough 16 Oct. 1599. Men son; bur. at Northborough 14 Nov. 1598. Sir John Claypole, Knt.; knighted 18 June 1604 ;=Frances, dau. of John Os- Surveyor of the Royal Stables of Wilburton, co. borne of Kelmarsh, co. Cambridge; s.p. Adm'on 8 Aug. 1615. Northampton. Dorothy, dau. of Ro- bert Wingfield of Upton, co. Rutland; bur. at Northborough 7 Nov. 1619. 1st wife. -Adam Clay- pole, 2nd son, bapt. at North- borough 20 June 1565; died 1634. :Jane, dau. of Bird; mar. at North- borough 25 Sept. 1620. 2nd wife. i i Bonye, bapt. at North- borough 14 July 1567; died .... Anne, mar. John Nor- ton of Cotterstock. Frances. Dorothy, mar. Maurice Blount of London. i Adam Claypole of Wesfc=f=. . . . dau. of Deeping; bur. there 22 Jan. 1672-3. Whinyard of Chel- laston, co. Derby. i James Clay- pole. Jane, mar. . . Chickbroome. i Anne, heiress=James Leafield of Longthorpe in city of Peterborough. James Claypole, 1st son, bapt. at Northborough 11 April 1589. Edward Clay- pole, 2ndson,a3t. 26, 1618. I John Claypole, 3rd son, bapt.= at Maxey 13 April 1593; of Gray's Inn and North- borough; had a patent for a baronetcy from Oliver Crom- well 16 July 1657; Clerk of the Hanaper 13 March 1659-60; living 1664. =Mary, dau. of William Angeli of London; bur. at North- borough 11 Aug. 1661. Wingfield Claypole, bapt. at North- borough 2 March 1593-4. Richard Claypole, bapt. at Maxey 5 June 1597. John Clay- pole. =Mary, dau. of the Lord Protector; mar. 1645-6. See Noble's u Cromwell Family," vol. ii., pp. 370-87. I Benjamin Claypole, bapt. at Etton, co. Northampton, 16 April 1643. Martha, bapt. at Northborough 9 June 1639 ;"bur. there 14 Jan. 1663-4. Robert Claypole, bapt. at Maxey 20 May 1599; bur. there 14 Nov. 1613. Thomas Claypole, bapt. at Northborough 15 March 1600-1. Henry Claypole, bapt. at North- borough 6 March 1607-8. Robert Claypole, bapt. at North- borough 22 April 1618; bur. there same day. Joan, mar. at Maxey, co. Northampton, 15 July 1634, Patrick Korsland (?) * Dorothy. * This marriage and the baptism of John Claypole are not in the register of Maxev printed in " Mis. Gen. et Her.," Second Series, Vol. IV., pp. 263, 380. 252 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. John Claypole of Northborough=j=Elizabeth, dau. of . . . Bridget, bapt. at Deeping St. Anne, bapt. at Brace- Elizabeth, bapt. at Brace- James 20 April 1674. borough 25 May 167-9. borough 12 Feb. 1681-2. Arms.—Chequy or and azure, a /esse gules. Sir Robert Clifford of Brakenborough,=f Elizabeth, dau. and heir of William 3rd son of John, Lord Clifford, or, according to another authority, 4th son of Thomas, 8th Lord Clifford, by Jo- hanna Dacre. Berkeley or Barley of ... ., co. Hert- ford; widow of Sir Ralph Jocelyne, K.B., twice Lord Mayor of London. I Sir Thomas Clifford=pEllen, dau. and heir of John Ewerby of Evverby; died 10 Aug. of Brakenborough, 5 and 6 Philip and Mary, 1558, seised of the manor of Knt. I Kelsterne. Thomas Clifford of Braken-: borough and Kelsterne, aet. 80 years and more 11 'Nov. 5 and 6 Philip and Mary, 1558; died 23 June 15 Eliz., bur. at Fotherby 24 June 1573. Will dated 20 June 15 Eliz. =Elizabeth,dau. of Sir Wil- liam Skipwith of South Ormsby, Knt.; bur. at Fotherby 24 May 1595. Will dated 16 July 1592; proved 18 Nov. 1595 (Lin- coln). i i George Clifford, 2nd son, living Jan. 36 Henry VIII., 1545. Elizabeth, only dau., liv- ing Jan. 36 Henry VIII., 1545. Jane, dau.= of Francis Manby of Elsham; died s.p. 1st wife. = Henry Clifford of Brakenborough, set. 18 years 7 months, 30 Aug. 15 Eliz., 1573; had a licence to alienate the manor of Kelsterne 3 May 32 Eliz., 1590. Adm'on 25 Nov. 1598. ^Elizabeth, dau. of John Thimelby of Irnham; mar. at Waltham 25 Sept.. 1581; adm'ix of her husband 25 Nov. 1598 ; living 13 Oct. 1612. 2nd wife. i i 1 Gertrude, mar. at Bag En- derby, 24 June 1595, George Metham of Willoughby. Thomasine, legatee in 1592; ex'trix to her mother. A dau., legatee in 1592; mar Yarborough. Thomas Clifford, bur. at Fotherby 15 June J 589. Ursula, dau. of^f George Clifford of B rake n-=Mary, James Digby of North Luffen- ham, co. Rut- land. 1st wife. borough, bapt. at Fotherby dau. of 21 Sept. 1586; a legatee . . . .; of his godfather Sir George living SL Paul, Knt., 13 Oct. 1653. 1612; bur. at Fotherby 2nd 13 April 1639. wife. William Clif- ford, a Priest, bapt. at Louth 10 Nov. 1594; died at Paris 30 April 1670. Ursula, half a year old 1618; living 1653, "a recusant.' LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGftEES. 253 i Jane, bapt. 24 March 15834; bur. at Fother- by 24 Aug. 1585. Judith, bapfc. 25 Oct. 1585 ; bur. at Fotherby 6 Nov. 1586. Maudlin, bapt. at Fotherby 10 Nov. 1587; mar. . . Blithe. Mary, mar Hammond. Jane, bapt. 4 July 1592; bur. at Fotherby 28 March 1594. Cltpsfjam of Catrefcp- Arms.—Azure, two chevrons letween three cinquefoih or. Michael Clipsham-of Thorpe-by-Water, co. Rut-=r land, yeoman. Will dated 8 Aug., proved 1606 ;' (to be) bur. at Seaton, co. Rutland. Michael Clipsham of Bis- brooke, co. Rutland, eldest son, ex'or to his father's \ will ; dead in 1632. Nicholas Clipsham oi- Morcott, co. Rutland, 2nd son, died 9 Feb. 1632-3. :Dorothy, dau. of ....; a legatee of her sister Eliza- beth Baston of Morcott, widow, 1622. • Edmund Clipsham=pAnne, dan. of of Fish toft. Will dated 28 April, proved 13 May 1631. ex'trix. Will dated 14 Sept., proved 15 Nov. 1632. Michael Clip- sham of Mor- cott, 2nd son. Nicholas Clipsham, 3rd son, legatee in his aunt's will 28 Dec. 1622. Richard Clipsham, bapt. 2 Elizabeth, Jan.,bur. at Grantham 8 Feb. under age 1615-16. in 1632. Edmund Clipsham, mentioned in Anne Clipsham's will 1632. I William Clip- sham, 4th son, legatee in 1622. Margaret, mar. John Woodstock of Ounde, co. Northampton; living 1622. Elizabeth, 2nd dau., 1606. Marv, legatee in 1622. Catherine, mar. Michael Harrison of Gretton, co. Rutland; living 1622. Richard Clipsham of Manthorpe, 3rd son; bur. at: Grantham June 1618. Will dated 16 Jan. 1615-16; proved at Lincoln 12Junel618. ^Dorothy, dau. of George Lyon of Rockingham, co. Northampton. Richard Clipsham, bur. at Grantham 2 Feb. 1611-12. I Henry Clipsham. Will- dated 15 Dec. 1624; proved 9 Aug. 1626. I r =Eliza- Mic bebh Clip- .... sham. , dau. of Anne, bapt. at Grantham 16 Feb. 1624-5. 254 LINCOLNSHIRE IfEDtGRBES. _ i I Richard Clipsham, bapt. at Grantham 28 Nov. 1621. Edward Clipsham, bapt. at Grantham 7 Dec. 1625. I I George Clipsham, bapt.atGrantham 7 Sept. 1626. Dorothy, bapt. at Grantham 1630. Aj I Frances, mar. at=Rev. Chris- Gran tham 14 topherDob- Feb. 1664-5; son, Rector bur. at Lud- and Patron borough 5 April of Lud- 1685. borough. Edmund Frances, dau.=Lyon Clipsham, 3rd son,= Clip- of....; bur. called u the elder" in sham. at Grantham 1659, then of Manthorpe; 29 July 1632. bur. at Grantham 26 Jan. 1st wife. 1666-7. :Katherine,= dau. of 2nd wife. =Mary, dau. of 3rd wife. Lyon Clipsham^Susanna, dau. of John bur.atGrantham I Sergeant of South Carl- 14 May 1673. Sergeant of South ton; mar, 1663. there 20 Aug. Richard Clip- sham, bapt. at Grantham 9 Aug. 1640. Edward Clip- sham, bapt. at Grantham 24 Marchl 643-4. John Clipsham,bapt. at Grantham 1 Nov. 1664; bur. at South Carlton Nov. 1671. Richard Clipsham,=Judith, bapt. at Grantham bur. at 28 Oct. 1668 ; bur. Grantham there 22 April 24 Sept. 1729. 1729. Mary, bapt. at Gran- tham 26 May 1667. Susanna, bapt, at Gran- tham 14 Feb. 1671-2. Frances, mar. at Grantham, Bridget, mar. at Gran- Elizabeth, mar. at Gran- 6 Oct. 1620, Richard Allen tham, 3 Feb. 1616-17, tham, 3 Aug. 1612, James of Skillin^ton. Andrew Browne. Bardsey of Little Gonerby. Edmund Clipsham of Otby-pDorothy, dau. of Richard Alice, mar. Thomas Holland. in parish of Walesby, co Lincoln, 4th son, bur. at Walesby 23 May 1633. Will dated 9 Feb. 1632-3; proved 4 June 1633. Bridges of Combe, co. Gloucester [ Scamp- ton, co. Lincoln, 30 July 1599] ; living 1645; bur. at Walesby 19 April 1646. Will proved 4 May 1646. Margaret, mar. Edward Wright; living 1632. Anne, mar. Henry man; living 1632. Kins- Richard Clipsham of Cadeby and Gayton-le-^pMary, dau. and heir of Sir Wil- Wold. Will dated 19 Dec. 1645 ; proved 1646. liam Hansard, Knt., of Gayton- le-Wold. William Clip- Edmund Clip- Richard Clipsham, Michael Clipsham, Anne, sham, 1st son. sham, 2nd son. 3rd son. 4th son. Michael Clipsham of Otby, 2nd son,^Anne, dau. of George Ellis of Conisholme. proved his father's will 1633. d | LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 255 I I George Clipsham, bapt. at Walesby 21 Feb. 1636-7. Michael Clipsham, bapt. at Walesby 7 June 1688. Pi I I Edmund Clipsham, bapfc. afc Walesby 6 April 1642. AVilliam Clipsham, bapfc. 31 July, bur. 15 Aug. 1643 afc Walesby. i i Ellis Clipsham, bapfc. afc Walesby 13 Feb. 1645-6. Richard Clipsham, bapfc. at Walesby 27 April 1648. Henry Clipsham of=pEliza Alford, bapt. at Walesby 5 March 1648-9. I Alice, bapt. at beth, Walesby 13 dau.of Jan. 1634-5. i Ann, bapt. 23 Oct. 1639; bur. at Wales- by 1640. Ann, bapt. at Walesby 2 Nov., bur. 3 Dec. 1644. I Henry Clipsham, bur. at Nicholas Clipsham, bur. at Elizabeth, bapt. at Alford Alford 25 Sept. 1679. Alford 12 April 1682. 14 May 1685. I Edmund Clip-=]=Susanna, sham, 3rd son, | dau. of bapfc. afc Wales- by50cfc.l612; bur. there 6 Oct. 1663. Nicho- Margaret, mar. at Walesby, 19 Elizabeth, mar. las Clip- Jan. 1625-6, Joseph Bilcliffe at Walesby, 1 sham, of Normanby(mar.lic. 17 Jan. Sept. 1631, 4th son. 1625-6, she set. 18, he 24); John Sergeant bur. at Norman by 5 Aug. of South Carl- 1683. ton. Michael Clipsham, bapt. at Walesby 30 April 1643. Edmund Clipsham, bur. at Walesby 24 July 1644. I I I I Richard Clipsham, bapt. at John Clipsham, Joseph Clip- Walesby 4 Feb. 1644-5. bur. 11 Dec. sham, bur. 21 — 1657. Sept. 1657. Edmund Clipsham, bapt. 2 Jan. 1650-51; bur. at Walesby 15 Aug. 1651. Twins; bapt. 30 Oct. 1655. Nicholas Clipsham, bapt. 4 May 1659; bur. at Walesby 18 Nov. 1715. II II Dorothy, bapt. at Walesby 8 Susanna, bapt. at Walesby 31 Nov. 1641. Jan. 1648-9; bur. 1 Oct. 1666. Elizabeth, bapt. at Walesby Margaret, bapt. at Walesby 2 21 Jan. 1646-7. Jan. 1652-3 ; bur. 1 May 1655. CnUti (nob »alte) of f^emstoelL Christopher Codd of Hemswell. Will dated=j=Frances, dau. 19 Dec, proved 31 Dec. 1680. of ... . A I 256 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. A| Sarah, dau. of=pEdwardCodd of Gautby^ Jane, dau. John Codd. Codd of Hemswell; mar. lie. 19 April 1683; died 24.April 1691.1st wife. and Wadding worth, 1st son; bur. at Gautby 22 Feb. 1727-8. Will dated 7 Sept. 1727; proved 6 May 1728. of John Fowler of Wisping- ton. 2nd wife. Christopher Codd of Blyton, mar. Isabella, dau. of; died 1704. , \ \ Catherine. Elizabeth, mar Deare. Edward Codd, born 1684. Matthew Codd. Elizabeth=John Wood. Mary. Jane, dau.=pGeorge Codd, bapt of bur. at Gautby 1 April 1727 1st wife. at Waddingworth 31 May 1695; ex'or in 1727; died 21 Jan. 1763, set. 68; bur. at Market Stainton. i ^Elizabeth, dau. of .... Wilson; mar. at Bardney 24 Dec. 1728; died 20 Nov. 1766, set. 63; bur. at Market Stainton. 2nd wife. John Christopher Codd, Codd, devisee of land in abroad Burton-on-Stather in 1727; legatee of 1727. his uncle Christo- pher Codd 1704. Edward Codd, bapt. at Gautby 19 Oct. 1726; died s.p. John Codd, 1st son,= of Ranby; bur. at Market Stainton 13 Nov. 1796, set. 65. :Ann, dau. of . . . .; bur. at Ranby 8 Jan. 1814, set. 85. George Codd of Louth, 2nd son; bur. at Mar- ket Stainton 22 Sept. 1793, set. 60. I I I I Mary, died 29=T=John Loft, died A dau., mar. A dau., mar. Francis A dau., mar. May 1829. I 13 July 1832 Wilson. Thirkill of Boston. Henry Con- /j\ ington. Edward Codd, 3rd son; devisee of Joseph Walls= of Boothby Hall; assumed the name and arms of Walls by licence; Rector of Willoughby; Prebendary of Lincoln Cathedral; died 1815. :Mary, dau. of Thomas Booth of Wainfleet St. Mary; born 1751. I Richard Codd of Louth, 4th son; died 1825, set. 85, unmar. Richard Walls, Rev. Joseph Walls of^Elizabeth, dau. and heiress of George died unmar. Boothby Hall. j Wright of Wainfleet All Saints. See Walls Pedigree. Sophia=pThomas Hardwicke Rawnsley, Eliza-=pSir Alan Bellingham, Mary, died Rector of Halton Holgate and beth. Folkingham. Bart., of Castle Bel- unmar. lingham, Ireland. 1851. See Burke's " Peerage and Baronetage." [I have added this from my own collections.—A. R. M.] LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 257 Cfl#t»ail of fflijftovQU$. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Eichard Cogdali of Rickmansworth, co. Herts.y1 Richard Cogdali of Flixborough 1634=f=Anne, dau. of Francis Wood. George Cogdali, son Richard Cogdali, 2nd son. Anne, 1st Elizabeth, 3rd and heir, set. 22, — dau. dau. 1634; Chaplain to Nicholas Cogdali, 3rd son. — — ye young Lord — Ellen, Frances, 4th Sheffield. Edmund Cogdali, 4th son. 2nd dau. dau. Colston of Brant BrousJton, [See Harl. Soc, Vol. I., pp. 32, 74.] Arms.—Argent, two dolphins hauriant respecting each other sable, chained together by their necks, the chain pendent or. I 1 ^Elizabeth, . . . ... Thomas Colston of Brant Brough-= ton, possibly a son of George Colston who mar. Elizabeth Coulby of Brant Broughton, widow. dau. of....; dau., Smith, dau., Mun- a widow living living day. 1638-9. 1657. 1657. Thomas Colston of Brant Broughton, born 1613 ;=i died 7 Dec. 1657. Will dated 18 Sept. 1657; proved 3 Feb. 1657-8. M.I. in Brant Brough- ton Church. pDorothy, dau. of .... son, . . . .; proved her living- husband's will 3 1657. Feb. 1657-8. i i i Thomas Colston, under Elizabeth, under Dorothy, under age in 1657. age 1657. age 1657. . . . .=. . . . Hodgson. Elizabeth, bur. at=William Woolhouse of Caunton and dau. North Muskham. North Muskham, co. Notts. [Note.—These Colstons have not been attached to the Colstons of Corby in the Visitation of co. Rutland, though the arms on Thomas Colston's monument in Brant Broughton Church are the same.—A. R. M.] VOL. I. L L 258 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Coltjmrst of $un*% [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] John Oolthurst of Aunsby,=f=Mary, dan. of came out of Lancashire. | Beane. John Colfchursfc of Aunsby, died= 27 Dec. 1627 ; bur. there. =Jane, dau. of (John), sister of William Lister of Rippingale ; bur, at Aunsby. John Colthurst of Auns- by, son and heir 1634; Patron of the Rectory of Aunsby 18 Aug. 1671; died 14 Oct. 1678 ; bur. at Aunsby. :Faith, dau. of William Williams of Aswar- by; died 17 Dec. 1679. Thomas Oolthurst, 2nd son, 88t. about 21, 1634. Mary, 1st dau., un- mar. in 1634. Elizabeth, mar. to Edward Foster of "Snisternerm" [sic]. i Frances, mar. to John Davey of Lon- don. Faith, 2nd dau., born 1636; mar. to John Garland of Aslackby: died 10 Oct. 1707, xt. 71 ; bur. at Boothby Paynell. William Oolthurst, instituted to the=f=Mary, dau. Rectory of Aunsby 18 Aug. 1671. j of. . . . John Colthurst, bur. at Aunsby Jane, bur. at Aunsby Mary, died 16 Oct. 1684; 19 Jan. 1678-9. 2 Aug. 1680. bur. at Aunsby. Coltman of i^ajjttafc^ Arms.—Azure, a cross patonce pierced of the field or between four mullets pierced argent. Crest.—A nag's head erased sable, maned and bridled argent^ tasselled or. .... Coltman— Henry Coltman of: St. Margaret's, Westminster,1709; born 1675; pur- chased Hagnaby 1716: bur. at St. Andrew's Under- shaft 18 Jan. 1737-8. A =Ann, dau. of .... Farnaby . . . .: of Sevenoaks, co. Kent; dau. aunt of Sir Henry Farnaby, of Bart.; mar. lie. 18 Oct 1709, set. 25; (to be) mar. 1st at St. Bennett's, Paul's wife. Wharf, London. Will proved 1745. . Colt- man. dau. of 2nd wife. i George Coltman of the Stamp Office, London. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 259 Henry Coltman, born 1710; died unmar. i i John Coltman, suc-=fMary, dau. of Rev. Tho- Eleanor= ceeded to Hagnaby 1745 ; died at Bath 1763. mas Shaw, Rector of Wyberton; mar. 1740; died 1755. =John Gil- berd. Mary, dau. of =Thomas Coltman of=Mary, dau. of Walker of Great Barlow of Derby; Hagnaby, born Hale; widow of Langhorne Burton died 1786. lstwife. 1747; died 1826. of Somersby; died 1821. 2nd wife. George Coltman,= M.D., of Liver- pool and Chester, born 1752; died 1828. :Mary, dau. of John Preston John Colt- of Liverpool by . . . ., dau. man, died of ... . Dawson; mar. 27 unmar. Jan. 1800. 1768. Mary, born 1741; mar. at Wyberton, 1763, Richard Cli- therow of Horn- castle, solicitor. Thomas Colt-=f=Marianne, dau. of man of Hag- naby, born Dec. 1800; died April 1875. James Whiting Yorke of Walms- gate; widow of David Haliburton Dallas; mar. 1834. i Rev. George Coltman, Rector of Stickney, born 1811; died unmar. 1883. Mary, born 1803; mar., 1827, Fran- cis Stone- hewer New- bold, D.D.; died 1835. Charlotte, born 1805; mar., 27 Oct. 1829, John Davenport of Foxley, co. Hereford; died 7 Oct. 1864. Marion Catharine of=Roger Pocklington, assumed the surname of Coltman in Hagnaby Priory, mar. addition to and after that of Pocklington by Royal Licence 27 June 1872. 1876 ; born 22 Sept. 1832 ; died 16 May 1893, s.p. Rachel, born 1748; mar. atWyberton,3Nov.!768, Richard Elmhirst of Wad- dingworth. Naomi, born 1750; mar., 1776, Rev. Henry Shep- herd, Rector of Brands Burton, co. York. i Ann, died unmar. before 1763. [Note.—The above family most probably descended from the Coltmans of co. Leicester but the exact proof is wanting. I have added the pedigree from papers in the possession of Mrs. Pocklington Coltman of Hagnaby.—A. R. M.] Elizabeth, bom 1751; mar. Ben- jamin Byron of Oaistor, surgeon. [Harl. MS. 1550. MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Sable, on a /esse cotised or between three conies argent as many escallops of the field. Geoffrey Cony=f Elizabeth, dau. of William Copledike. Antliony=p. . . . dau. and William Cony,=f. . . . dau. Robert Cony of Yax Cony. j heir of Tho- merchant of j mas Wood- the Staple. A j thorpe. b of ... . ley, Hunts, ancestor Bell of of the Conys of Yax- Fishtoft. ley. 260 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Thomas Cony of Kirton in Holland, died 22 May=^Mamaret, dau. of 1554. Will dated 21 May. ''* viving 1554. Anthony Cony of Kirton, son and=Bridget, dau. of heir, set. 22 in 1554 ; founder of .... Rooper of almshouses at Kirton; died 12 Algarkirk; mar. Nov. 1589, s.p.; bur. at Kirton. at Boston 11 Will dated 16 Oct. 1589; proved Dec. 1581; died 3 Feb. 1589-90; confirmed by 3 April 1589; sentence 27 April 1602. bur. at Kirton. Francis Cony, legatee in will of Francis Meres 1557. I Doro-= thy or Anne. sur- = Francis Meres of Kirton. Will dated 21 June, proved 20 July 1557. | Richard Cony of Bassingthorpe, merchant of=pJane, dau. of Thomas the Staple of Calais; bur. at Bassingthorpe 12 April 1545. Will dated 29 Dec. 1544. Ellis of Paunton , bur. at Bassingthorpe 5 July 1549. Thorn as= Cony of Hanthorpe in Morton. Thomas Cony of Hanthorpe, merchant; bur.=f Rose, dau. of ... . Cotes; bur. at Morton 13 May 1588. | at Morton 19 Nov. 1588. William Cony, 1st son 1634; bur. at Morton 13 July 1635. . I Richard Cony of Grantham^ 2nd son; mercer and alder- man 1636; indicted for high treason 1643. =Anne, dau. of William Ire- ton of Ireton, co. Derby; bur. at Grantham 17 Oct. 1636. I I Thomas Cony, bapt. 9, bur. 25 Nov. 1620 at Grantham. Richard Cony, bapt. 11 June, bur. 8 Sept. 1624 at Grantham. i i Sarah, bur. at Gran- tham 16 Jan. 1622-3. Jane,bapt. at Grantham 14 March 1618-19; co- heir 1634. Susanna, bapt. at Gran- tham 18 May 1626; coheir 1634. Mary, bur. at G rantham 14 Feb. 1627-8. Samuel Cony, Thomas Cony of St. Michael's^ bapt. at Mor- Stamford. Adm'on 9 Feb. ton 30 Oct. 1604-5; adm'on "de bonis 1583. non," 30 June 1614, granted to his brother Richard. Nathaniel Cony, bapt. at Morton 31 May 1585. Susanna, bapt. 12 Oct. 1586; bur. at Morton 17 April 1587. I Thomas Cony of Bassing- thorpe, set. 16 in 1545; bur. at Bassingthorpe 15 Oct. 1611. Will dated 22 May 1611; confirmed by sentence 3 Dec. 1621. Adm'on granted to son Sir Thomas Cony, Knt.; 2nd adm'on 6 June 1633. o =Alice, dau. of Sir Thomas Leigh, Knt., Lord Mayor of London; ex'trix 22 May 1611; dead before 1621. I I William Cony, bur. at Bas- singthorpe 20 May 1558. Godfrey Cony, bur. at Bas- singthorpe 22 Sept. 1542. I I Edmund Cony, bapt. 26 May 1543; bur. at Bassingthorpe 8 Feb. 1543-4. Elizabeth, mar. 1st Richard Thorold of Morton, 2ndly George Cradock of co. Stafford. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 261 Elizabeth, dau.= of William Pat- ten of Stoke Newington by Anne, dau. and heir of Richard Johnson of Bos- ton. 1st wife. =Sir Thomas Cony, Knt.,= of Bassingthorpe, son and heir; bapt. in Old Jewry, London, 15 Sept. 1561; knighted at Whitehall 23 July 1603; bur. at Bassingthorpe 22 Nov. 1637. Will dated 26 Oct. 1637; proved 9 Jan. 1637-8. =Anne, dau. of Hamon- Upton of Northolme- by-Wainfleet; widow of William Tyndall; inar. at Northolme 13 March 1591-2. 2nd wife. Thomas Cony. =Mary, dau. of .... Snelling; remar. at Corby, 18 Jan. 1637-8, Ed- ward Arm- strong of Corby. 3rd wife. Richard Cony of Corby, only son of Sir=p. . . . dau. of Thomas Cony by 3rd wife; bapt. at '~ Bassingthorpe 23 May 1632; a Major in the Army. bur. at Corby 7 April 1659. Richard Cony of London, bur. at Corby 15 Sept. 1704. Thomas Cony, bur. at Corby 22 Dec. 1654. Mary, bapt. at Corby 18 Nov. 1655; bur. 25 Jan. 1655-6. Mary, born at Corby 1 Aug. 1657. Dorothy, bur. at Corby 23 Jan. 1662-3. Francis: Cony of Corby. Mary, bapt. at Corby 27 May 1634. =Sarah, dau. of .... Hadley; mar. at Gran- tham 5 March 1674-5; bur. at Corby 15 Oct. 1680. r George Cony, bapt. at Corby 22 Aug. 1678. Sir Sutton Cony, Knt., of=pSarah, dau. of Sir Bassingthorpe, son and heir; knighted at Welbeck 10 Aug. 1619; of North Stoke 1634; legatee of his cousin Sir George Cony 5 April 1664. Richard Wortley of Wortley, co. York; mar. at Bassingthorpe 13 Jan. 1615. Elizabeth, unmar. in 1611; mar. John Osborne of Thorpe-by-Water, co. Rutland. i i Anne, mar. John l)al- ton of Scre- dington. Susan. ( William Cony3= son and heir, set. 10,1634; bur. at Gran- tham 15 Sept. 1653. =Anne, dau. of John Gore, Alderman of London; sis- ter of Sir John Gore of Sacombe, co. Herts. i i Francis Cony. Sutton Cony, bur. at Stoke Rochford Sept, 1664. I Edward Cony of= North Luffen- ham,co. Rutland, 4th son; died in St. Martin-in-the Fields, London. Adm'on 18 July 1691. :Ruperta, dau. of Sir Antho- ny Chester of Chicheley, co. Bucks; adm'ix of her husband 1691. Edward Cony, Cap- Thomas Cony, 2nd William Cony,=Katherine, dau. tain in Colonel Caul- son. 4th but 3rd sur- of Thomas Pley- feild's Regiment of — viving son, dell of Mudgett, Foot at Barcelona Anthony Cony, 3rd Captain in R.N. Wilts. 1705. son, died an infant. D o 202 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. dJ o Worfcley Sutton John=Anne, dau. of ... . Eleanor, bapt. Elizabeth, liv- Cony, Cony of Linton, Barrington; widow at Stoke Roch- ing 1705. 4th son, co. Cambridge, of ... . Flacke; ford 14 Dec. — died in- 5th son; died bur. at Hinxton, 1667; died a Ruperta, died fant. 13 Oct. 1748, co. Cambridge. child. young, set. 68. I I Sir Richard Cony, Knt.,^Eleanor, dau. of John Harrington of George Cony, of Whissendine, co. Rut- Witham-on-the-Hill; heir of her 3rd son. land, 2nd son; living 10 mother Rose, dau. and heir of Robert April 1607. Winter; died 1622. John Cony of^pMildred, dau. and Whissendine, lstsonl7 Sept. 1617; sold his estates. coheir of Edward Doewraof Hitchin, Herts. Sir Thomas Cony,= Knt., of Chelsea, 2nd son; Gentle- man Harbinger to James I. =Audrey, dau. of Grymes; widow of . . . . Oxburgh of Folsham, co. Nor- folk. Edward Jane, 1618; mar. Cony, Rev. Henry Bur- 1634. row, Rector of Burrow, co. Leices- ter. i i William Cony, 1st son 1640. He war. i Thomas Cony,=Katherine, 2nd son; lega- dau. of tee of his uncle Wise of Sir George London. 1664. Mary, dau. and heir of=Sir William Cony, Knt.,=. . . .=Martha, dau. of Thomas Dighton of of Little Sturton, 3rd dau. of .... Grey; sister Little Sturton; widow son; knighted at Lin- of Sir Edward Fynes, coin 15 ' July 1642; 2nd Knt., son of Henry, legatee of his brother wife. Earl of Lincoln. 1st Sir George in 1664; wife. s.p. of Lord Grey; marriage certifi- cate at St. Giles, Middlesex, 16 May 1657. 3rd wife. Sir George Cony, Knt., of Gray V Inn, and Walpole, co. Norfolk, 4th son; Serjeant-at-law; knighted 20 April 1661. Will dated 5 April, proved 11 May 1664. -Elizabeth, dau. of . . . .; sur- viving 1664. Brid- get. i Anne, mar. Henry Goodricke of London. Mary, living 1664; mar. Maurice Bawde of Somerby. Elizabeth,=Humberston, son of Sir Fulwar Skipwith, Bart., heiress. of Newbold Hall, co. Warwick. Peregrine Cony, 4th^Cecily, dau. of Arthur Cony, 5fch=p. . . . dau. of son, bapt. at Bas- singthorpe 30 Oct. 1569. Dillon of Ireland son, bapt. at Bas- singthorpe 30 June 1577. Upton of North- olme. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 263 ■ Nathaniel Cony, bapt. at Bassingthorpe 28 June 1610; living in 1637. Chaworth Cony, bapt. 21, bur. 22 June 1619 at Morton. Peregrine Cony, bapt. at Morton 18 Dec. 1620. Richard Cony, bapt. at Morton 20 Dec. 1627. Alice, bapt. at Bassing- thorpe 19 July 1611. Susan, bur. at Morton 20 April 1632. *! Richard Cony, bapt. at Bassing- thorpe 2 Jan. 1609-10. Anne, bapt. at Bassing- thorpe 4 April 1607. Alice, bapt. at Bassing- thorpe 17 Oct. 1608. Chaworth Cony of Mor-=pAnne, dau. of Alex- Alice, mar. Jane, mar. at Bassing- ton, 6th son; bapt. at ander Sheppard of Matthew thorpe, 12 Nov. 1576, Bassingthorpe 3 March Peasemarsh, co. Goche of Vincent Welby of Hal- 1578-9. Sussex. Alvingham. stead in Stixwould. Peregrine Cony, bapt. at Bassing- thorpe 19 Nov. 1604. • Susan, bapt. at Bas- singthorpe 17 Aug. 1606; mar. Thomas Yorke of Sussex. Eleanor, bapt. at Morton 16 Aug. 1607; mar. Tho- mas Clarke of Lincoln. i i Sarah, bapt. at Mor- ton 2 April 1616. Cecily, bapt. at Mor- ton 17 Oct. 1618. Mary, bapt. 21 July 1566; bur. at Bassing- thorpe 13 Jan.1566-7. Susan, bapt. at Bassing- thorpe 1 May 1568; mar. there, 10 Nov. 1584, Sir William Sut- ton, Knt., of Averham, Notts. Rose, bapt. at Bas- singthorpe 14 June 1573; mar., 16 April 1595, Tho- mas Butler of Paun- ton. Frances, bapt. at Bas- singthorpe 1 March 1574-5; mar., 22 Jan. 1599-1600, Augustine Earle of Straggle- thorpe. Conp of i^uttML [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Sable, on a /esse cotised or between three conies argent as many escallops of the field, Thomas Cony of Sutton St. Mary's,=f= bur. at Lutton, a hamlet of Sutton. Thomas Cony of Suttoir St. Mary's, died in 1600; bur. at Lutton. =Margaret, dau. of Robert Ismey of Gedney Hall; relict of .... Digle; bur. at Lutton 1590. Thomas Cony=f Dorothy, dau. and Isabell. of Sutton St Mary's, died 1616. heir of Robert Le- man of Walpole, co. Norfolk. Elizabeth, mar. 1st to .... Jackson of Hol- beach, 2ndly Horn- sey of Holbeach. Joan, mar. to Henry Wright of Gedney. 264 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Francis Cony of Ged-=pElizabeth, ney, born 1600 ; now living (1634) at Wal- pole. dau. of Wil- liam Palmer of Fleet. I William Cony= of Sutton St. Mary's, born 1609. :Abigail, dau. of John Tilton of Gedney; bur. at Walpole. Jone, mar. to John Hut- cheson of Wisbeach. Elizabeth, living at Walpole in 1634. Robert Cony, son and heir= apparent, born 1633; died 5 April 1707, set. 72; bur. at Walpole, co. Norfolk. =Alice, dau. of Sir Robert Eliza- Barkham, Knt.; marriage beth, bond dated April 1655; born died 3 Oct. 1676, set. 41. 1631. Robert Cony, 1st son, died 8 Nov. 1683, set. 21; bur. at Walpole. William Cony of Wal-=f=Edith, dau. of Sir Humphry pole, died 6 1742-3, set. 82. Jan. Edwin, Knt., Lord Mayor of London. Edwin Cony of Walpole, Sheriff^Elizabeth, dau. of of Norfolk 1734; died 1755, set. 68; bur. at Walpole St. Peter's. Turner of Lynn, co. Nor- folk; died 1745, set. 46; bur. there. Barkham Cony, bur. at South acre, co.Nor- folk, 21 July 1713. Rolert Cony of Walpole, born 1718; Lieut.-Col. of Nor-=rAnne, dau. of folk Militia; Aide-de-Camp to Sir John Cope at Preston Pans; died 1801, set. 83; bur. at Walpole St. Peter's. .; died ]802, set. 62; bur. at Walpole St. Peter's. Anne, 3rd dau., mar =f John Sicklemore, Esq., of Wethering- 25 March 1799 ; died sett and Debenham, co. Suffolk, grand- at St. Laurence, Isle son of John Sicklemore, M.P. for co. of Thanet, 18 Feb. Suffolk; born 28 Sept. 1756; died 1859, set. 79. 5 Feb. 1837. Elizabeth, mar. to Walter Swaine, eldest son of Spel- man Swaine. Cmtpra of Carlton. [Inquisitions p.m.] Arms.—Azure, a maunche or. Sir Christopher Conyers, Knt., of Castle=p Carlton, died 12 March 1486-7. William Conyers, died=j=Anne, dau. of....; died 20 June 1493. 9 Jan. 1532-3. Christopher Conyers of Castle Carlton and Great Carlton, co. Lincoln,-r died 24 Sept. 12 Henry VII., 1497; inq. p.m. 18 May 1500. a | LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 265 I dau.=pThomas Conyers, aet. 4 years: of... . at his father's death; died 1st wife. 3 June 1521. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Sir JohnSavilla, Knt., of Thornhill, co. York; mar. 18 July 11 Henry VI11. 2nd wife. George Conyers, aet. 10, 1521; heir to his great-grandmother in 1532. Christopher Conyers, set. 1 montlr 12 Henry VIII. Christopher Conyers=pMargaret, dau. of Lionel Skipwith of Cawthorpe; mar. at 1 Covenham St. Bartholomew 22 Aug. 1578. Leon Conyers, bapt. at Washingborough 3 June 1587 ; bur. there 2 June 1588. John Conyers acquired the manor of North Willingham 1600 by purchase. Licence to Thomas Conyers to sell the manor of North Willingham 1609. Mai*, lie. to Edward Conyers of North Willingham and Magdalen Barde of North Kelsey 10 Feb. 1599-1600. Arms.—Argent, tivo bars and a canton gules; over all a bend sable. John Copelancl of Skellingthorpe,=pEIizabeth, dau. of descended from Copeland of Ulverston, co. Lancaster; died 21 Dec. 1556. Burdett of co. Stafford; surviving 21 Dec. 1556. John Copeland of Skel-: lingthorpe, set. 20, 1556; bur. 6 Jan. 1583-4. =Anne, dau. of John Mering of Bilbroke, co. York. George Cope-=pFaith, dau. of Hamon land of Skel- lingthorpe, 2nd son. Whichcot of Harps- well; bur. at Skelling- thorpe July 1589. Anne, bur. at Skel- ling- thorpe 13 July 1569. Elizabeth, bur. at Fulstow 9 Nov.1629. Will dated 21 April 1629; proved 14 Jan. 1629- 30 (Lincoln). I I Margaret, s.p. Jane, mar. Tho- mas Ayscough of Fulstow; bur. at Fulstow 23 Oct. 1641. Robert Copeland, bapt. at Skelling- thorpe 3 May 1583. John Copeland, bapt. at Skelling- thorpe 3 Julyl586. I Elizabeth, bapt. at Skelling- thorpe 27 July 1589. John Copeland, bur. at Skelling- thorpe 26 Feb. 1572-3. I Hamon Copeland, bur. at Skel- lingthorpe 20 Feb. 1573-4. Francis Cope- land, s.p. Charles Cope- land, s.p. i i William Copeland, s.p. Markham Copeland, s.p. i Robert Copeland of Hatcliffel634;mar. Elizabeth, dau. of John Dymoke of Kyme; s.p. vol, I, 266 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Copletitke of ftfanringtom [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College. Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Argent, a chevron behveen three cross-cross lets gules. Roger Copledike=j=Elinor, dau. and heir of Ralph Spalding. Sir Alan Copledike, Knt., of Frampton^ Hellen, dau. of Richard 2 Edward I., 1273-4. I Leake of Leake. Sir Roger Copledike of Copledike=pAgnes, dau. Alan de Cople- William de^ in Frampton 20 Edward L, 1291-2; inq. 18 Edward II., 1324. and coheir dike 24 Edward Copledyke of Raphe I., 1295-6. 26 Edward Friskeney. . I., 1296-7. I I Sir Alexander Cople-=pJoane, dau. and heir of Sir John John de^ dike of Frampton, Knt., set. 24, 18 Ed- ward II., 1324; died 8 Edward III., 1334. Hunting-field of Iiuntingfield Cople- Ilall by Anne, dau. and coheir of dyke of Thomas Rockley or Rokeley. Framp- ton. Gilbert de Cople- dyke 23 Edward III., 1349. Edmund=. . . . dau. of ... Cople- Green of Greens Cople- dike. Norton,co.North- dike, ampton. John=p. . . . dau. of Sir William Inglethorpe, Knt. I William Copledyke of= Frampton, son of John 10 Edward III., 1336. Roger Cople-=p. . . . dau. of Sir Cuth- dike. bert Tunstall of co. York. Ralph Copledyke of Frampton, liv- ing 43 Edward III., 1369, and 6 Richard II., 1382-3. Cuthbert=f=Agnes, dau. of Sir Richard William Copledyke of Frampton 16 Copledike. Tilney, Knt. Richard II., 1392-3. John Copledike. Sir Roger Copledike, Lord of Harring-^Maude, dau. and ton,/.w.. set. 18, 8 Edward III., 1334: living 37 Edward III., 1363. heir of Sir John Harrington of Harrington, Knt. Thomas=. . . . dau. Cople- of Thomas dike. Cromwell. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 267 Sir John Copledike, Knt.,=pAnne, dau. and heir of Harrington 4 Richard II., 1380-81. of Rafe (or Sir Rich- ard) Croft. Sir Thomas= Copledike, Knt. = . .. . dau. of Henry Baldes. Alice, dau.=Sir John Copledike of Harrington, Knt.,= of 3 Henry IV., 1401-2; Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1st wife. 1400. Will dated at Harrington on Palm Sunday 1408; proved at Lincoln 3 May 1408; (to be) bur. in the Church of Harrington. -Margaret, dau. of Sir John Constable of Flamborough, co. York; had her dower in lands in Norfolk, Suf- folk, and Lincoln 1408. 2nd wife. John Cople- dike, 1st son 8 April 1408; a Priest and Bachelor in Decretals. William Cople-=pEliza dike of Har- rington, 2nd son 8 April 1408 ; living 3 Henry V., 1417. beth, dau. of Sir John Clifton of CO. Notts. Richard Cople-= dike, 3rd son 8 April 1408; left in care of his brother John ; died s.p. :Anne, dau. of Richard Bawde ofSomer- by. III,. Margaret, liv- ing 1408. Anne, living 8 April 1408. Grace, living 8 April 1408. William Copledike^Eleanor, dau. of Sir Tho- John Cople-= of Harrington. mas Hawley, Knt. dike. =. . . . dau. of John Langton. John Copledike: of Harrington. :Margaret, dau. of Frederick Tilney. Margaret, mar. Sir Thomas Mussenden of Healing. Elizabeth, mar. Geoffry Cony. Sir John Cople-=j=Margaret, dau. of dike of Framp- ton, Knt., and of Harrington,built the north-east window of Horn- castle Church. i Thomas=. widow of John Etton. Will dated 12 Oct. 1526 ; proved 18 May 1528, then a widow of Horncastle; (to be) bur. in St. Katherine's Quire in that church. Cople- dike. dau. of John (or Wil- liam) Lo- dington of Scot- ton. Anne, mar. Alexander Moigne of Sixhills. William=r=Margaret, Cople- dike of Har- rington. dau. of Ha- mon Sutton of Burton- next-Lin- coln; remar. Nicholas Up- ton of Wain- flete before 1 Oct. 1525. .... dau.- of Simon Rich- mond of Strad- broke, co. Suffolk; widow of Bra- dock. 1st wife. =Leonard= Cople- dike of Kirby- Cane,co. Norfolk, 2nd son, j.u. :Thomasine, dau. and heir of Tho- mas Gavel of Kir by-Cane, co. Norfolk; re- mar., 1525, Ed- ward Calthorp; died 1557. 2nd wife. James Cople- dike, 3rd son. Anne, living 12 Oct. 1526. Alice, living 12 Oct. 1526. 268 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Sir John Cop- ied ike of Har- rington, son and heir, Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1548; died 12 Dec. ] 557; bur. at Harrington. Will dated 10 Dec. 1557. ^Elizabeth, clan, of Richard Littlebiiry of Stains- by; died 12 May 1552; bur. at Har- rington. Sir Thomas Copledike, Knt., of Rhodes, 2nd son. Elizabeth, mar. John Upton of Northolme. o j Maude, = dau. of John High- field of Calais; died s.p.; bur. at Kirkby, co. Nor- folk, 1589. =John Cop- ledike of Kirkby, 1st son 6 Eiiz.,1564; bur. at Kirkby, co. Norfolk, 13 April 1593. =EUen, dau. and heir of John Wood- house. i i Francis "Cople- dike, living 1526. Mar- garet, living 1526. Humphry Copledike of Hetherset,: co. Norfolk, 5th son ; sold Kirkby. :Thomasine, dau. and heir of John Cople- dike of Kirkby, co. Norfolk. Humphry Copledike, living 1 Sept. 1599 (probably the Hum- phry Copledike, Gent., bur. at Aswardby 12 April 1631). Edward Copledike, 2nd son, liv- ing 1 Sept. 1599; named his heir by his uncle Francis, but did not succeed to the estates, which went to the issue of his cousin Tho- mas as nearest heir male. Richard Copledike, 3rd son, living 1 Sept.1599. Susanna (bur. at Asward- by 19 Oct. 1622). John Copledike of=Anne, dau. Anne,; Harrington, son and heir of dau. of and heir, set. 30 JohnEtton Sir years and more 2 of Firsby; Rafe March 3 and 4- died 10 Cham- Philip and Mary, July 1582; berlain, 1557-8; Sheriff of bur.atHar- Knt. co. Lincoln 1567; rington. died 4 April 1585, s.p.; bur. at Har- rington. = Francis Copledike- of Harrington, 2nd son, heir of his brother John; died29 Dec. 1599; bur. at Harring- ton. Will dated 1 Sept. 1599; proved 5 Jan. 1599-1600. =Elizabeth,dau.of Lionel Reresby of Thribergh, co. York; proved her husband's will 5 Jan. 1599-1600; Patroness of the Rectories of Har- rington and As- warby 1614-15. 2nd wife. John Copledike, died s.p. Anne, died s.p. William Cople- dike, 3rd son, bur. at Louth 16 Feb. 1567-8. Thomas Copledike, 4th son, of= Claxby 18 Sept. 1590; of Nether Toynton 1592; died before 12 Feb. 1600-1; bur. at Nether Toynton. ^Esther, dau. of Thomas Pal- freyman, merchant of the Staple. Will dated 12 July 1603; proved 3 Feb. 1603-4; (to be)bur. at Nether Toynton. Martha, dau. of Sir=Thomas Copledike of Harrington,=Mary, dau. of Rich- William Ellis, Re- heir of his uncle, get.4,1592; died 4 ard Enderby of Sept. 1658, eat. 72 (according to the Metheringham; M.I.), s.p.; bur. at Harrington, surviving 1658. Will dated 21 June 1657 ; proved 2nd wife. (C.P.C.) 15 Oct. 1658. i corder of Lincoln; died .... ; bur. at Harrington. 1st wife. ^LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 269 D | E I Elizabeth, Mary, sister and coheir, Hester, sister and coheir, Anne, young- lst dau., born 1590; mar.Edmund under age 12 July 1603; est dau.,under died before Ellis of Wellingore; died mar. at Blyton, 13 Oct. age 12 July 12 July 23 Nov. 1637, aet. 47; 1612, Hugh Bethell of 1603. 1603. bur. at Wellingore. Wintringham. i Rose, unmar. 10 Dec. 1557; mar Dirike of Antwerp; living 1 Sept. 1599. Elizabeth, mar. Anthony Meeres of Kirton. Margaret, mar. Thomas Crofte of Bardweli, co. Suffolk ; died 1 June 1560; bur. at Bardweli. Katherine, mar. John Read of Wrangle. Mary, unmar. 10 Dec. 1557. Sy the, unmar. lODec. 1557 and 10 Jan. 1571-2. Edward Copledike of Thrundeston,=pMargaret, dan. of George Copledike of Bar- co. Suffolk (probably son of Edward) ;widow of nard's Inn, London, Will dated 19 Dec. 1607; proved . . . .; surviving supervisor of his brother's 3 Feb. 1607-8. 3 Feb. 1607-8. will 19 Dec. 1607. Francis Cop- Edward Cop- Katherine, 1st dau., Prudence, 2nd Anne, 3rd dau., ledike, 1st ledike, 2nd mar. Henry Chit- dau., ex'trix of ex'trix of her son, under son, under tocke; ex'trix of her father 3 father 3 Feb. 17, 19 Dec. age 3 Feb. her father 3 Feb. Feb. 1607-8. 1607-8. 1607. 1607-8. 1607-8. [NOTE.—Copledikes of a yeoman class, bearing distinctive Christian names, were living" in the seventeenth century. I append a few wills.—A. R. M.] Thomas Copledike of Well, husbandman. Will dated 28 April, proved 13 Oct. 1613. Mentions his brother Leonard Copledike. Robert Copledike of B'irsby, labourer. Will dated 6 Nov. 1612; proved 15 April 1613. William Copledike of Thurlby in Bilsby. Will dated 25 April, proved 16 May 1632. Humphrey Copledike of Forthington, yeoman. Will dated 10 Jan. 1673-4; no probate. Cortott of eiBmtfwpe* [Arms of Corbett in Yorke's " Union of Honour": "Or, three rooks sable"] Arthur Corbett of Wanlip, co. Leicester,=f=Mary, dau. of Hugh Brad- 3rd son of Corbett of Pontesbury, co. Salop. shaw of Moorebarne, co. Leicester. Humphrey Corbett of London, merchant, purchased^Agnes, dau. of Margaret. Clay Hall iu Wiuthorpe, co. Lincoln; died at Stoke .... George; Newington. Will dated 6 Dec. 1609; proved 8 June surviving 1610. 1610. 270 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Cortitopne of i^rmanfcp* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Thomas Cordwyne of Oux-=f=Audry, dau. of Thomas Bilcliffe wold, trustee of his brother- in-law Thomas Broxholme 9 April 1616. of Norman by; bapt. at Waiesby 7 Oct. 1576; mar. at Normanby 23 Nov. 1594. Thomas Cord-=^Anne, dau. of William Mussendine of Burgh on Edward Cord- wyne of Nor inanby, 1st son. Bain; bapt. at Alvingham 4 Sept. 1603 ; bur. wyne, 2nd son. at Normanby 1 Aug. 1632. John Thomas Cord- George Cord- Cord- wyne, 2nd son, wyne, 3rd son, bapt. at Nor- wyne, bapt. at Nor- 1st manby 14 May manby 14 son 1622. Oct. 1628. 1634. = William Cord- wyne, 4th son, bapt. at Nor- manby 15 Feb. 1629-30. Anne. Elizabeth, bapt. at Normanby 24 Feb. 1623-4. Stephen Cord- wyne of Great Limber, 3rd son. =Anne, dau. of Thomas George Dowdeswell of Great Cord- Limber; mar. there wyne, 26 Nov. 1633. 4thson. Anne, mar.=Edward Wortley of lie. 27 Oct. Swallow (called 1626, aet. Worsley of Caistor 18. in mar. lie). Thomas Cordwyne, bapt. at Great Limber 16 May 1637. Anne, bapt. at Great Limber 12 Feb. 1634-5. Conttoallte of iUncoltt* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Sable, guttee d'eau, on a /esse argent three Cornish choughs proper. Sir Charles Cornwallis, Knfc., of: Botelers, Essex, 3rd son of Sir Thomas Cornwallis of Brome. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Farnham of Finch am. Thomas Cornwallis of=f=Anne, dan. and heir of Samuel Bevercotes of Ordsall, co. Lincoln, youngest son 1604. Notts, by M aude, dau. of Sir Edward Leigh, Knt., of Rushall, co. Stafford. Bevercotes Cornwallis of Lincoln, bapt.=f=Janc,dau. Anne, 2 years old 1614; mar. at St. Margaret's, Lincoln, 28 June 1620 ; dead in 1673. a of... . Samuel Leigh of Rushall, co. Stalford; bur. there 1684. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 271 Thomas CornwalHs, bapt. at St. Margaret's 24 March 1654-5 ; entered at Gray's Inn 28 March 1673. Charles CornwalHs, bapt. at St. Margaret's 28 Feb. 1662-3. Elizabeth, bapt. at St. Margaret's 22 May 1651. Mary, mar. William Bethell of Swin- den and Ellerton, co. York; died 19 Oct. 1687 ; bur. in York Minster. [B. MS. Queen's College, Oxon, F.S.] Robert Coughton=p Katharine,dau. of William Bernake; widow of Richard Bolle. l i i i i i Thomas William Katharine, co- Grace, coheir, mar. Agnes, coheir, mar. Coughton, Coughton, heir, mar. Wil- John Tamworth of William Kyme of s.p. s.p. Ham Larke. Leake. Stickford. Cracroft of Cracroft feall m ^xijjstftorpe. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College. Ingoldmells Court Rolls.] Arms.—Per pale vert and gules, on a bend indented argent three martlets sable. Walter Cracroft.=p j Stephen de Cracroft, Henry III.: i i William de Cracroft of Cracroffc=p Robert Cracroft,=Matilda 54 Henry III. and 2 Edward I. | 14 Edward I. Robert de Cracroft of Hoggesthorpe, heir of^f Alice, dau. John Cracroft of= Agnes his brother 16 Edward II., 1322-3; died 2 Aug. 24 Edward III., 1350. of Robert Hoggesthorpe de Gunby. 16 Edward II., 1322-3; died s.p. John Cracroft of Hoggesthorpe, son and heir, born and= bapt. at Hoggesthorpe 13 March 9 Edward III., 1334-5; set. 24, 13 March 33 Edward III., 1358-9, when he proved his age; living 44 Edward III. and 17 Richard II. :Katherine, dau. of Robert Westmeales of Skegness; sister and heir of Walter de Westmeales 15 Rich- ard II. Robert Cracroft of- Cracroft in Hog- gesthorpe 11 and 13 Henry IV. :Agnes Thomas= Cracroft. :. . . . Olive, mar. John Alice, mar. John dau. of Atlesay of Stick- Jeffry of Stick- .... ford. ford. Mary, mar. Thomas Fulnetby. 272 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGRUES. . . . . dau. and heir of Stickiiey. William Cracroffc. John Cracroft: of Cracroft in Hoggesfchorpe 10 Henry V. I Robert Cracroft of Cracroffc Hall in the= parish of Hoggesfchorpe 8, 4, and 12 Henry VI. Thomas Cracroft. Stephen Cracroffc. :Alicc, dau. and heir of William Rafchby of Horsingfcon. Sara, mar. Wil- liam Havendike of Winbhorp 12 Henry IV. .... Cracroffc, son and heir. John Cracroffc of Cracroffc in Hoggesfchorpe.- Will dated 8 Feb. 1489-90 and 9 Oct. 4 Henry VII.; proved at Lincoln 9 April 1490 ; (to be) bur. at Hoggesfchorpe. ^Margaret, sister and coheir of Rich- ard Caleflete of Burgh 9 Henry VII.; surviving 1489-90. William Cracroft of= Cracroffc, son and heir, died on the Wednesday after the Feast of St. Hugh, 1 Henry VIIL, 1509. Inq. p.m. taken at Alford 22 April 1510. : Margaret, dau. of William Topcliffe; mar. before 1484. Richard Cracroft of ^Elizabeth Ingoldmclls, had lands in Partney, etc., by his father's will, which he proved 9 April 1490; died 24 Sept. 8 Henry VIIL, 1516. . . . ., mar. before 1494 ; sur- viving 1516. Margaret. Agnes. Lucy. All living 1490. (See Pedigree % p. 277.) Henry Cracroffc of Cracroffc Hall, 1st son, of full age afchis father's death; died 26 July 9 Henry VIIL, 1517. Leonard Cracroft of Cracroft=pGrace, Hall 1553; heir of his bro- ther and get. above 23 at his death; died 3 March 2 and 3 Philip and Mary, 1555-6; bur. at Hoggesfchorpe. Will dated 18 Nov. 1553; proved 1 Feb. 1556-7. dau. of Thomas Bullen of Stick- ford. Thomas Cracroft, living 18 Nov. 1553. Jane, mar. William Massing- berd of i Richard Cracroffc of Cracroffc Hall 1562, son and heir; aofc. 40 and more at his fa- ther's death; also of Boston and Claxby; died at Boston 9 July 1567. Inq. p.m. 29 April lOEliz., 1568. B ^Margaret, dau. of John Bohun of North Willing- i i i i William Cracroft,2nd son, under age 18 Nov. 1553, to whom his father gave fclie lease of the Parsonage esthorpe. of Hogg Thomas Cracroffc. Michael Cracroffc, 3rd son, living 18 Nov. 1553. . . . ., mar. William Bleas- by of Bleasby. William Cracroft: of Mosgafce in B urgh -in-1 he- Marsh, a legatee of his uncle Leo- nard 18 Nov, 1553; died 16 April 4- and 5 Philip and Mary; bur. afc Burgh the same day, 1558. o LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 273 Leonard Cracroft; of: Cracroft Hall, set. 26 and more at his father's death; a legatee of his nephew Sir John Bolle 1606; bur. at Louth 30 Sept. 1615. rAnne, dau. of Richard Bolie of Haugh; mar. before 1563 ; bur. at Hoggesthorpc 6 Jan. 1578-9. Henry Thomas Cracroft of Cra- Burgh-in-the- croft. Marsh,son and heir, a3t. 37 and more 16 April 4 and 5 Philip and Mary, 1558; bur. at Burgh 25 June 1577. i Francis Cracroft. . . .., mar. Thomas Hansard of Cux- wold. Richard Cracroft of Cracroft, bapt.= at Hoggesthorpc 15 Dec. 1578; a legatee of his cousin Sir John Bolle 1606 ; described of Cotten- ham, co. Cambridge, 1 Oct. 1618 and 1619; said to be "set. 60," 1634. The manor of Cracroft Hall in Hogsthorpe was in the possession of Sir Ralph Maddison, Knt., of Fonaby, 1656, who devised it to his son Humphrey and grandson Ralph Maddison. Elizabeth, dau. of Tho- mas Bendish of Bowes Hall in Bumpstead, co. Essex, and sister of Sir Thomas Bendish, Bart.; widow of John Pepys of Cottenham, co. Cam- bridge; mar. at Cotten- ham 1608; bur. there 1642. I I John Cracroft, bapt. 9 Feb. 1555-6 ; bur. at Burgh 26 Dec. 1556. Elizabeth, bapt. 29 Aug., bur. 24 Nov. 1559 at Burgh. William Cracroft,= 2nd son. John Cracroft, living Joane, mar. Robert Newcomen; 4 Henry VII. living 1490. Robert Cracroft* of Burgh-in-the-Marsh, witness to the will of Thomas Temper of= Burgh 1535. r I William Cracroft of Burgh-in-^p Elizabeth Howson, mar. at Burgh 30 Jan. 1541-2 • t-Un Mn«nli I- 1 C\ f> O L I ll ^wTI/T _ . . » the-Marsh, bur. there 26 Sept. 1557 remar. there, 2 May 1558, Anthony Kyme of Boston. Robert Cracroft of Burgh- in-the-Marsh, 1st son, bapt. at Burgh 8 May 1544; bur. at Burgh 21 Nov. 1575. Will dated 19, proved at Lincoln 30 Nov. 1575. :Protasia, dau. of Tho- mas Quadring of Irby (heir of her mother Margaret, dau. of Tho- mas Dymoke of North Carlton); bapt. at Burgh 12 Sept. 1547; remar. Miles Ash ton. i Robert Cracroft, bapt. 9 Sept. 1571 ; bur. at Burgh 28 Aug. 1584. Agnes, unmar. 19 Nov. 1575; mar. at Burgh, 10 Nov. 1584, John Simpson. Leonard Cra-=Dorofchy Maw- croft, bapt. at son, mar. 30 Burgh 13 Oct. 1546; bur, there 5 Sept. 1582. May 1581; bur. at Burgh 8 Aug. 1591. Elizabeth, bapt. at Burgh 12 May 1575; mar. there, 25 July 1596, John Kirkman of East Keale. VOL. i. * Kobert Cracroft mar. at Burgh, 24 Nov. 1545, Helen Nelson. N N 274 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. I Robert Cra- croft, bapt. at Burgh 9 Sept. 1568. I Thomas Oracroft of Burgh, Fulnetby,=pAnne, dau. of George Johnson and Friskney, son and heir, bapt. at Burgh 23 Oct. 15G9 ; died 10 Feb. 1610-17. Will dated 22 Aug. 1614, and codicil 24 Jan., proved (C.P.C.) 13 March 1616-17. of Thwaite and Wainfleet; proved her husband's will 13 March 1616-17 ; remar. Chris- topher Palmer of Burgh; liv- ing 1645. i i Anne, bapt. at Winthorpe 30 July 1593; 1st dau. 1634; mar. Anthony Pal- mer of Winthorpe. Elizabeth, bapt. 24 Oct. 1596; bur. at Burgh 1 Feb. 1596-7. Margaret, bapt. 24 Feb. 1599-1600; mar.atBurgh, May 1624, Christopher Pearson. Protasia, bapt. at Burgh 3 Oct. 1609; mar. there, 2 Oct. 1628, Richard Elsam; 2nd dau. 1634; living 1645. I I Bridget, bapt. at Burgh 27 March 1614; mar. there, 7 May 1633, John North; 3rd dau. 1634; living 1645. Jane, 4th dau. 1634; mar. Robert Stone of Burgh-in-the-Marsh. I Thomas Cra- croffc, bapt. at Burgh 2 5 July 1605; living 22 Aug. 1614. John Cracroft of Burgh- in-the-Marsh, 5th son, bapt. there 29 Oct. 1606; 4th son 1634. Will dated 26 Nov. 1656; proved at Lin- coln 14 Nov. 1661. =Protasia, dau. of ....; proved her husband's will "14 Nov. 1661. Leonard Cracroft, bapt. 8 June 1608; bur. at Burgh 8 Nov. 1614. Christopher Cracroft, bapt. 14 April, bur. 11 June 1611 at Burgh. William Cracroft of=f North Coates, 1st son, bapt. at Burgh- in-the-Marsh 18 April 1638; a lega- tee of his father 26 Nov. 1656. Will dated 16 May, proved at Lincoln 12 Oct. 1677. :Priseilla, dau. of . . . . , surviv- ing 16 May 1677. John Cracroft, bapt. at Burgh 2Jan.l639-40; apprenticed in the Fishmon- gers' Company 7 July 1656; 2nd son 26 Nov. 1656. Thomas Cracroft^pMargaret, "~ J " . dau. of Marsh, mercer, bapt. at Burgh 7 Feb. 1640-41; 3rd son 26 Nov. 1656; bur. at Burgh 24 Dec. 1675. Anne, only child, under age 16 May 1677. Samuel Cracroft, bapt. 5 Oct. 1667 ; bur. at Burgh-in-the- Marsh 20 Feb. 1667-8. Anne, bapt. 18 Nov., bur. 26 Dec. 1668 at Burgh. George Cracroft, 4th son, born 4, bapt. 12 Nov. 1646; died 15, bur. 16 March 1646-7 at Burgh. Bridget, bapt. at Burgh 29 May, bur. at Croft 26 Aug. 1636. Protasia, bur. at Bnrgh 9 Sept. 1640. Anne,bapt. at Burgh 11 May 1642. Protasia, bapt. at Burgh9Mayl643. Mary, bapt. 18 Oct. 1644; bur. at Burgh 5 Feb. 1652-3. Catherine, 1st dau. 26 Nov. 1656. Elizabeth, 2nd dau. 26 Nov. 1656. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 275 l_I George Cracroft, bapt. at Winthorpe 15 Dec. 1594; died 1615; bur. at St. Giles, Crip- plegate. Henry Cracroft, bapt. at Burgh 2 Feb. 1597-8. George Oracrof t of Ful-- nefcby and of Burgh, son and heir 1634; died 14 Oct. 1637; bur. at Alford the same day. Nuncupative will made 1 Oct., then described of Alford, proved (C.P.C.) 28 Nov. 1637. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Bolleof Haugh, Knt.; sole le- gatee of her husband 1 Oct. 1637; bur. at Louth 19 April 1669. I I William Cracroft, bapt. at Burgh 17 Oct. 1602; 2nd son 1634; living 1645. Robert Oacroffc, bapt. at Burgh 8 Feb. 1603-4; 3rd son 1634; living 1645. Jane, dau. of Chris-- topher Skegness of Alford; bapt. at Al- ford 11 Feb. 1625-6; mar. there 1 Dec. 1645 ; bur. at Louth 17 March 1658-9. 1st wife. =Charies Cracroft of Louth, lsfc- son, aefc. "12 or 13," 1634; aefc. 17 years 8 months and 4 days at his father's death; Warden of Louth 1675 and 1684; a legatee of his brother Thomas 10 March 1697-8; sometimes called "Doctor;" bur. at Louth 21 Sept. 1701. -Margaret, dau. of Hugh Barker of Newbury, co. Berks, and Great Hor- wood, co. Bucks, M.D.; widow of Francis Casfcil- lion,Vicar of Louth; died 26, sefc. 75, bur. 29 March 1712 at Louth. 2nd wife. Charles Cra- croft, bapt. at Burgh 10 Sept. 1648'; entered at Al- ford School 1 Sept. 1662. John Cracroft of Louth,entered at Alford School 1 Sept. 1662; died unmar. Adm'on granted to his father 21 July 1680. Elizabeth, bapt. at Alford 24 Sept. Anne, 1646; mar. 1st, 22 Jan. 1671-2, bapt. at John Ellerker of Eisby, co. York; Burgh 2ndly (settlement dated 8 Oct. 17 Sept. 1685) to William Gee of Bishop's 1647; Burton, co. York; she died his bur. at widow and was bur. there 1 Dec. Louth 1726. =p 23 Feb. zjs 1682-3. Thomas Cracroft, born John Margaret, bapt. about 1681 or 1682; Cracroft, 10 May 1672; of Winchester College bapt. at bur. at Louth 1694; "son and heir- Louth 16 April 1681. apparent" 10 March 19 May — 1697-8 ; Scholar of New 1682. "A child," bur. College, Oxon, 1701, at Louth 9 Nov. B.A. 1713; resigned 1677. his Fellowship 1715. Martha, bapt. at Louth 24 Sept. 1684; mar. at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, co. Middlesex, April 1701, John Gerard of London, merchant; bur. at Christ Church, London, 8 Oct. 1742. =F Martha, only child of John Gerard and Martha^ Cracroft; born 20, bapt. 22 Oct. 1707 at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, co. Middlesex; mar. at St. Mary-le-Bow, London, 6 March 1728-9; died 19, bur. 26 May 1773 at Christ Church, London. ^Thomas Marsh of Christ Church in the City of London, bapt. at St. Lawrence, Old Jewry, Lon- don, 12 Nov. 1702; died 4, bur. 11 Feb. 1747-8 at Christ Church aforesaid. 276 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Martha, only child that survived=j= Patience Thomas Adams of Bushey Grove, infancy, born 6, bapt. 18 June 1741 at Christ Church, London; mar. at St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, London, 18 Aug. 1761; died 19 Feb. 1795. A quo G. E. Cokaynb, Clarencieux King-at-Arms co. Herts, Filazer to the Court of King's Bench, born 17 Aug., bapt. 19 Sept. 1736 at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields,co. Middlesex; died in Hatton Garden, London, 2 May 1793. I Henry Cra-- croft, 2nd son 1634; living 11 Nov. 1680. :. . . . Thomas Cracroft, 3rd son, Fellow=Dorothy, dau. of John dau. of Magdalen College, Oxon, Proc- Roper, son and heir of of tor 1654, B.D. 13 March 1659-60, . . . . D.D. by Royal Letters 1678 at Cambridge. Will dated 10 March 1697-8, then of York, s.p.; proved at York 5 Aug. 1704. Lancelot Roper, Alder- man of Hull; widow of John Ellerker of Risby, co. York; died 3 Feb. 1703-4; bur. at Risby, co. York. .... Cracroft, living in India 11 Nov. 1680. . . . ., 1st dau., living 11 Nov. 1680. . . . ., 2nd dau., living 11 Nov. 1680. Edward Cracroft of= Louth, bapt. at Alford 5 Sept. 1632; 4th son 1634; bur. at Louth 30 April 1674. Elizabeth, dau. of . . . .; liv- ing 1686. Richard Cra- croft, bapt. 25 Sept. 1634; bur. at Alford 13 May 1642. Elizabeth, 1st dau.,aet. 15, 1634; mar. at Burgh, 14 Jan. 1641-2, Robert Mor- ton, Rector of Withern; living 1653. Charles Cracroft, bapt. 25 Nov. 1666 and bur. 5 Oct. 1669 at Louth. Martha, bur. at Louth 26 July 1668. Elizabeth, unmar. 1686; mar. at Louth, 28 April 1691, John Wors- ley. I Bridget, bapt. at Louth 30 Jan. 1672-3; unmar. 1686; mar. at Louth, 19 Dec. 1694, Launcelot Modd. I Hannah, 2nd dau. 1634; mar. 1st La- timer Crosse, Ste- ward of the lands of Magdalen Col- lege, Oxon ; 2ndly, Samuel Nieholls, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen; living 1653. Catherine, 3rd dau. 1634; mar., Jan. 1653-4, William Fitzwilliam of Withern. Will dated 24 July 1686, then of Louth, widow. Martha, bapt. at Bargh 27 Sept. 1624; 4th dau. 1634; mar., about 1653, Charles Saunderson. Will dated 31 Jan. 1702-3; proved 9 May 1704. I Bridget, 5th dau. 1634; mar. at St. Martin's-in- the-Fields, co. Middle- sex, 13 Feb. 1671-2, Charles Radley, Gentle- man Usher to King James II.; died 20 Nov. 1679; bur. in West- minster Abbey. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 277 Pedigree %. (See p. 272.) Richard Cracroft of Ingoldmells^f Elizabeth . . . John Cracroft of Ingoldroells, son and heir, set. 16 and more=f Jane, dau. of . at his father's death; died 14 May 29 Henry VIII., 1537. Will dated 10 May 1537; proved (C.P.C.) 15 Nov. 1538. proved her husband's will 15 Nov. 1538. Katherine, 1st dan. of=f=Francis Cracroft of Win-=j=Anne, Hugh Grantham of Dun- holme; sister of Robert Grantham of the Black Monks, near Lincoln. 1st wife. thorpe, 1st son and heir, set. 4 at his father's death; died 17 Feb. 12 Eliz., 1569-70. Will dated 13 Feb., proved 16 March 1569-70. dau. of ....;died 1586. 2nd wife. I I I Anthony Cracroft, 2nd son 10 May 1537. Two daus., living 10 May 1537. Daniel Cracroft of Stalling- borough and Halthain-on- Bane, 2nd son, under age in 1569; a legatee of his half- brother John 14 July 1621; bur. at Waltham 14 Aug. 1625. ^Ursula, dau. of ... . Louden of Ormsby; mar. at St. Michael's- on-the-Mount, Lin- coln, 16 Aug. 1601; bur. at Stalling- borough 21 March 1615-16. Edmund Cracroft, 3rd son, of London, grocer, under age in 1569; mar. Eliza- beth Howe of Goltho (mar. lie. 25 Aug. 1600). Jane, under age in 1569. i William Cracroft, bapt. 12, bur. 21 July 1612 at Stallingborough. John Cracroft, bapt. at Stal- lingborough 18 Oct. 1613; living 14 July 1621. Richard Cracroft, bapt. at Stallingborough 21 March 1615-16. John Cracroft of Whisby and of Dunholme, son=pElizabeth, and heir; set. 11 at his father's death; coheir of his uncle Robert Grantham 1618, and then described of North Grimston, co. York; died 4, bur. 6 Nov. 1622 at Dunholme. Will dated 14 July 1621; proved 28 Nov. 1622. dau. of Wil- liam Beverley of Grimston, co. York. i Richard Cracroft, bur. at Win thorpe 19 Sept. 1561. I I Bridgett, mar., after 14 July 1621,....Dick- enson. Elizabeth, mar., before 14 July 1621, Thomas Appleby. Anne, mar., before 1616, Charles Wil- son of Sheepwash. Will dated 17 July andproved(C.P.C) 26 Nov. 1656, then a widow, of Heigh- ington, and (to be) bur. at Canwick. Jane, mar. at St. Peter- at-Gowts, Lincoln, 22 Jan. 1617-18, Michael Lawes of Lincoln, plum- ber (post-nuptial set- tlement dated 28 July 1619); bur. at St. Peter- at-Gowts 3 April 1635. Catherine, mar. at Sudbrooke, 30 June 1625, Edward Monke of Broughton. 278 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. William Cracroft- of Cold Han- worth, 3rd son 1616; 2nd son 1634; died 1 March 1637-8. ^Elizabeth, dan. of . . . .; mar. before 1624; died before 1637, Francis Cracroft of Washing- borough, 4fch son 1616 ; de- scribed of Metheringham 26 Aug. 1625; 3rd son 1634; bur. at Spalding 28 May 1671. :Jane, dau. of . . . .; bur. at Washing- borough 17 April 1641. I Ephraim Cracroft, son and heir, set. 9 years and 10 months at his father's death, only child; sold lands in Fulnetby to Thomas Lod- ington 1651; living in London 1654. Peter Cracroft of Lin- coln City, bapt. at Metheringham 1 Nov. 1628; died v.p. and apparently s.p. Will dated 29 Jan., proved 6 Feb. 1651-2. Robert Cracroft- of Donnington, a legatee of his brother Peter 29 elan. 1651-2, and of his son 10 Feb. 1684-5. :Anne, dau. of Robert Cracroft of Grantham, died v.p.=Jane Tomlinson and apparently s.p.; bur. at Grantham of Grantham; 16 Feb. 1684-5. Will dated 10 Feb. mar. there3 April 1684-5; proved at Lincoln 4 May 1685. 1682. Francis Cracroft of Leicester, liv- ing 10 Feb. 1684-5. Jane Gibson,=f=Charles Cracroft^Margaret, 2nd dau. of George=pSusanna mar. at Slea- ford 26 April 1660; bur. there 3 Dec. 1663.1st wife, of New Sleaford, apothecary, 3rd son, bapt. at Washingborough 31 Aug. 1637. Christopher of Winkhill in Heck- ington; bapt. at Heckington 17 July 1645; mar. there 4 June 1666; bur. at Sleaford 17 June 1667. 2nd wife. Jane, bapt. at Sleaford 1 Aug. 1661 ; bur. there 25 March 1679. Anne, bapt. at Sleaford 21 April 1663. Mary, bapt. at Sleaford 12 and bur. 17 June 1667. Charles Cra-- croft, 1st son, of Sleaford, bapt. there 19 July 1669; bur. there 22 April 1715. :Sarah, dau. of ... . .; bur. at Slea- ford 28 Oct. 1714. 3rd wife. Sarah, bur. at Sleaford 13 April 1739. 2. Joseph Cra- croft, bapt. at Sleaford 17 May 1670. 3. Francis Cra- croft, bapt. at Sleaford 27 April 1672. Francis Cracroft of Spalding, 4th: son, bapt. at Washingborough 14 Oct. 1635; a legatee of his brother Peter 29 Jan. 1651-2; proved his brother John's will 11 May 1669. =. . . . Roger Cracroft, 6th son,= dau. of bapt. at Washingborough 11 July 1639 ; living 29 Jan. 1651-2; dead before 23 April 1669. dau. of Francis Cra- croft, bapt. at Spalding 28 Jan. 1671-2. John Cracroft, bapt. at Spald- ing 12 Sept. 1673. Mary, bur. at Spalding 11 Dec. 1670. . . . ., a dau., bur. at Slea- ford 30 June 1670. Edward Cra- croft, living 23 April 1669. b| LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 279 John Cracroffc of Spalding,^ living 1651 and 1057; bad lands in Cold Han worth; died v.p. Will dated 23 April, proved at Lincoln 14 May 1669. -Margaret, dau. of William Lambe of Spalding, and his heir; mar. at Washing- borough 29 June 1647; proved her father's will 8 Jan. 1657-8; surviving 23 April 1669. I I Jane, bapt. at Wash- ingborough 29 Dec. 1633; bur. there 23 Dec. 1635. , mar. John Lod- ington. Thomas Lambe Cracroft of London, bapt. at Cracroffc, Spalding 16 July 1.648; died there, living unmar.; bur. there 25 March 1669. 8 Jan. Adm'on 29 Nov. 1669 to William .1657-8. Johnson, principal creditor. John Cracroft, bapt. 16 Sept., bur. 22 Dec. 1649 at Spalding. William Cracroft, bur. Spalding 7 Feb. 1650-51. at John Cracroft, only surviving son, bapt. at Spalding 22 Feb. 1651-2 ; a legatee of his grandfather Wil- liam Lambe 1657. William Cracroft, bapt. 29 Feb. 1654-5 ; bur. at Spalding 16 May 1655. William Cracroft, born 1, bapt. 8 Feb. 1662-3 at Spalding. Margaret, bapt. at Spalding 25 Sept. 1653; a legatee of her father 23 April 1669; mar. at Spalding, 14 April 1675, Tho- mas Ogard. Jane, bapt. at Spalding 19 Aug. 1659. Robert Cracroft of Whisby 1634,1st son= and heir; set. 21 and more at his father's death; afterwards of Hack thorn and Lincoln City ; bur. at Dunholme 14 Sept. 1667. Will dated 12 Feb. 1666-7; proved at Lincoln 19 Nov. 1667. =Martha, dau. of Sir Richard John Cra- Ameotts of Aisthorpe, Knt.; croft, 2nd mar.settlement dated 7 Nov. son 1616; 1608; mar. at Aisthorpe died before 28 Feb. 1608-9; bur. at 1634. Dunholme 25 Aug. 1667. Henry Cra- croft, 5 th son 1634. Mary, bapt. at Aisthorpe 28 March 1611. Mary, 1st dau., set. 20, 1634; mar. at Aisthorpe, 22 Oct. 1640, John Shel ton, Clerk; proved her father's will 19 Nov. 1667, being then a widow. Elizabeth, bapt. at Wickenby 17 March 1615-16; 2nd dau. 1634; mar. William Bedell; living 12 Feb. 1666-7. Jane, 3rd dau. 1634; mar. Francis Bland of Hablesthorp, co. Notts; living 12 Feb. 1666-7. I Richard Cracroffc of the Bail= of Lincoln, bapt. at Cold Hanworth 16 Nov. 1617; 3rd son 1634. Will dated 11 Sept. 1684; proved at Lincoln by his nephew Theo- philusShelfcon8Feb. 1684-5; (to be) bur. at St. Paul's in the Bail of Lincoln. = Susanna, dau. of . . . .; bur. at St. Peter's in Eastgate, Lincoln, 7 May 1666. Thomas Cracroft of= Cold Hanworth, bapt. at Doddington Pigot 8 April 1628; 4th son 1634. Nun- cupative will made on or about 23 Feb. 1680-81; proved at Lincoln 18 March following. Martha, 4th dau. 1634; mar., before 12 Feb. 1666-7, Ed- ward Barker; a legatee of her brother Richard 11 Sept. 1684. .. ., proved her hus- band's will 18 March 1680-81. 2S0 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Robert Cracroft of Whisby, 1st son=f=Margaret, 1st dan. of Richard and heir, bapt. at Aisthorpe 4 May 1010 ; entered at Gray's Inn 19 Oct. 1629; set. 24, 1634; died v.p.; bur. at St. Maiy-le-Wigford, Lin- coln, 23 Aug. 1647. Remington of Lund, co. York. Will dated 12 Aug. 1652, then of Whisby, widow; (to be) bur. at Doddington. Adm'on 3 Oct. 1655. John Cra- croft, 2nd son, set. 18, 1634; liv- ing 12 Feb. 1666-7. Robert Cracroft of Whisby=f Anne, 1st dau. and coheir of John i and afterwards of Hack- thorn, only son, heir to his grandfather; bur. at Hackthorn 2 June 1677. Lodington of Fulnetby; mar. settlement dated 8 Oct. 1664; remar. Francis Grantham of Wragby and Lincoln City (mar. settlement dated 5 Sept. 1681); living 1726. Margaret, 1st dau., under age 12 Aug. 1652. Mary, 2nd dau., un- der age 12 Aug. 1652. Mary, 1st dau., born at Fulnetby Hall, bapt. at Rand 4 or 14 Nov. 1665. Anne, 2nd dau., living 1681. Margaret, 3rd dau., living 1681. Jane, 4 th dau., bapt. at Hack- thorn 9 April 1674;livingl681. Elizabeth, 5th dau., bapt. at llackthorn 9 Sept. 1675; living 1681. John Cracroft, bapt. 15 Dec, 1668; bur. at llackthorn 17 Jan. 1670-71. Ricliard Cra- croft, bapt. 24 Dec. 1672; bur. at Hack- thorn 2 Jan. 1672-3. Robert Cracroft of Hack- thorn, 1st surviving son and heir, bapt. 17 Jan. 1676-7; bur. at Hack- thorn 29 May 1712. =G race, dau. of Rev. John Baxter of Lincoln ; mar. at Holly well-cum-Need- ingworth, co. Hunts, 2 Oct. 1701 ; bur. at Hack- thorn 16 July 1709. John Cracroft,2nd=Sarah, son, born 8 March dau. of 1701-5; bapt. at . . . .; llackthorn 2 April died 1705; died 20 17 June 1763, set. 58; March bur. at Louth, s.p. 1764; Will dated 20 Mar. bur. at 1753; proved 21 Louth. Oct. 1763. I I Edward Cracroft, 3rd son, born 19 June, bapt. 11 July 1706 at Hack thorn. Thomas Cracroft, 4th son, bur. at llackthorn 6 April 1708. Elizabeth, 1st dan., born 13 Marchl703-4; Hack- thorn 6 April 1703; ex'trix of her sister 24 May 1776; died unmar., aot. 81; bur. at Hackthorn 19 July 1784. Grace, 2nd dau., bapt. at Hack- thorn 12 April 1708; died un- mar., set. 68; bur. at Hack- thorn 9 Feb. 1776. Will dated 13 Aug , then of Louth; proved 24 May 1776. Anne, dau. and: coheir of Martin Browne of Louth; born 1713; post- nuptial settlement dated 25 June 1731 ; died 6, bur. 9 July 1738, aot. 25, at Louth. 1st wife. d i ^Robert Cracroft of Hack- thorn, 1st son and heir, born 6 Feb. 1702-3; bapt. at Hackthorn ; some time of Louth and of the Close of Lincoln; bur. at Hackthorn 9 Aug. 1763, set. 60. Will dated 14 Aug. 1762; proved 11 April 1764. e :Rcbecca, dau. of Edward Waldgrave of Louth; niece of Rev. Bernard Wilson of West Keal Hall, Vicar of Newark, co. Notts, D.I), and Preben- dary of Worcester; mar. settlement dated tit 5 June 1746; died 4, bur. at llackthorn 9 Oct. 1.802, sot. 79. Will dated 21 June 1799, then of the Close of Lincoln, widow; proved at Lincoln 9 Oct. 1802. 2nd wife. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 281 Anne, 1st dau. and coheir of her mother, born 6 July 1732; died young; bur. at Louth 28 Aug. 1732. Grace, 2nd dau. and coheir of her mother, born 19 Kept. 1735 ; mar. at Louth, 18 Aug. 1757, William Marshall of Theddlethorpe; died a widow at Louth 3 June 1790, set. 55. — Mary, 3rd dau. and coheir of her motlior, born 7 June 1737; mar. at Little Grimsby, 19 May 1700, John Nelthorpe of Little Grimsby; died at Lincoln 12 Jan., bur. at Little Grimsby 17 Jan. 1809, aet. 73. Robert Wilson Cracroft of Iiackthorn, 1st son and heir, and of Denham Court, co. Bucks; born 6 March 1746-7; died at High Wycombe, co. Bucks, 27 Feb., bur. at Hack- thorn 15 March 1787, aet. 40. Will dated 21 July 1781; proved 18 March 1787. John Cracroft of Hack- thorn, 2nd son, heir of his brother; born 9 Oct. 1748; Sheriff of co. Lin- coln 1797 ; died 2 Oct. 1821, aet. 73; bur. at Iiackthorn. Will dated 30 April, proved 14 Nov. 1821. -Penelope Anne, dau. of Charles Fleetwood Wes- ton of Somerby, Hector of Therfield, co. Herts, Prebendary of Durham, London, and Lincoln; mar. at Durham 4 Feb. 1782; died 29 Kept. 1821; bur. at Hack- thorn. Penelope Anne, 1st dau., born 1 May, bapt. 5 July 1789 atHackthorn; liv- ing; unmar. 1857. Emily, 2nd dau., born 12 July, bapt. 30 Aug. 1790 at Hackthorn; died unmar. Dec. 1828; bur. atHackthorn. Lucy, 3rd dau., born 29 April, bapt. 11 June 1792 at Hack- thorn. Arabella, 4th dau., born and bapt. at Hackthorn 22 July 1801; mar. Ma- thew Henry Lister of Bur well. Eliza, dau. of James Lewis: of Powis Place, London; mar. at St. George-the- Martyr, co. Middlesex, 22 Dec. 1807; died 7, bur. 14 Feb. 1811. 1st wife. John Cracroft, 2nd son,: born 1784; Rector of Rip- ley, co. York, and Chaplain to the Forces; died at Neuwied-on-the-Rhine 21 Sept. 1842; bur. there. Adm'on to his widow Jane 2 Sept. 1843. =Jane, dau. of Hezekiah Brown of the Close of Lincoln; mar. at St. Peter's in Eastgate, Lin- coln, 10 Nov. 1814; died 1857 ; bur. at Boulogne- sur-Mer, France. 2nd wife. Elizabeth Penelope Anne, mar. Rev. John Maine of Bighton Wood, near Aires ford, co. Hants; living 1857. John Edward Cra-=f=Emma,dau. croft, 1st son, born at Lincoln 4 Nov. 1821 ; Lieut. 09th Bengal Mounted Infantry. of Alexan- der Wilson of Bryans- ton Square, London. i Robert Cracroft, 2 n d son, born at Spa 4 July 1823; Lieut, in the Austrian Ser- vice; killed at No- vara 23 March 1849. Robert Cracroft, Barrister.=j=Beatrice, dau. of Rev. Richard Parker of Claxby. VOL, I, Bryan Cracroft. o o 282 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Bernard Cracroft,=Alice Maria, dan. of 3rd son, bom at Carlton Colli ng- Spa 2a March 1828; of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, M.A. wood, 0ai.) t. M ad ras Artillery; mar. at St. Marylebone Church, London, 30 Dec. 1868. Emily, 1st dau., born at Valen- ciennes 30 Mar. 1817; mar. at Brussels, 11 Nov. 1857, Rev. William Slater Crowdy. pj E | I I Jane, 2nd dau., born at Genoa 26 Feb. 1820; unmar. 1857. Justina, 3rd dau., born at Dieppe 21 July, died there 18 Sept. 1824. Thomas Cracroft of West Keal,- 3rd son, born 11 Sept. 1749; ex'or of his mother 21 June 1799 ; died at West Keal May 1813. :Elizabeth, dau. of Bentley Bennett of Keddington by Martha, dau. of Edward Ayscough of Louth ; died at West Keal Feb. 1807. Edward Cracroft, 4th son, born 16 Nov. 1750; bur. at Hack thorn 23 Dec. 1763. John=^Harriet, Charles Cracroft, s.p. Thomas Roberfc=f=Isabella, dau. of Cra- croft. dan. of Pepper. Bennett Cracroft, s.p. Cracroft of Har- rington, died suddenly at Ayscough Cracroft, s.p. Horncastle 11 July 1824. Willingham Franklin of Spils- by; surviving 1824. I I I Char- Harriet Maria, SophiaLeti- lotte mar. Charles tia, mar. Diana, Rice of Bos- Williams unmar. ton. =p Rice. I I I Henry Cra- croft, s.p. i i i Catherine, unmar. Isabella, mar. Captain Lucy. Thomas Cra- croft, s.p. — Emma, mar. G. B. Sophia, unmar. Lefroy. Francis Cracroft. Will dated 9 Aug. 1824." Elizabeth. Maria Martha. i i Charlotte. Clementina. Unmar. i. i Letitia Ann, last surviving Diana, 2nd child, born 1778; mar., 4 dau., born April 1796, Rev. Robert 1789 ; died Bransby of Hingham, co. at Derby 4 Norfolk; died at East Carl- Jan. 1860, ton, co. Norfolk, 17 March get. 71. 1866, aefc. 88. Bernard Cracroft, 5th son,= born 28 Dec. 1752; ex'or of his mother; Rector of Rippingale and East Keal, and Vicar of South Biking- ton; died suddenly in Hor- bling Church 6 May 1821. pMary,dau. of . . . .; born 1757; died at Barton-le- Street, co. York, 19 Aug. 1837, set. 80. Charles Cra-: croft, 6 th son, born 31 May 1754; living 1781. George Cracroft. Robert Cracroft. i Edward Cracroft. dau. of Rebecca, Mary, 2nd dau., idied living unmar. at York 13 1799. Feb. 1856, set. 69. Francis Cra- croft, 7 th son, born 2 Oct. 1755; living 1781. Harriet, eldest dau., under age 21 June 1799. e | LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 283 William^pElizabeth, dan. of Edmund Cracroft,=p Cracroft, Joseph Hawkes of 9th son, bapt. at 8th son, London, a Levant Hackthorn 2 July born 14 merchant. 1762; ex'or of his Sept. mother 21 June 1757. 1799. Elizabeth Clementina, dan. of only dau. by 2nd wife, born and bapt. at Hackthorn 13 Oct. 1760; bur. at Hack- thorn 14 Dec. 1771. William Cracroft, B.C.S. Walter Cracroft^ of Pen an g C.S. :Jane, dau. of Edmund Cracroft. Henry Cracroft, Bombay^. . . . dau. Infantry, dead before | of . 1867. General Bernard Cracroft of Bath.=p I Major Cracroft, H.M. Prison, Holloway. Elizabeth Clementina, under age 21 June Maria, mar. 1799; mar. Alexander Wilson and had Thomas issue Emma, mar. her cousin John Broadley Edward Cracroft. Eooks. Charlotte, mar. Sir George Larpent, Bart. Frances, mar. Alexander Pope, Colonel in Bengal Cavalry. [Marl. MS. 1550. MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, a lion rampant sable, in the dexter point a cinque/oil gules, whereon a mullet or. John Cressy of Blyborough. Will dated=pDorothy, dau. of . 3 Sept., proved 4 Oct. 1576. i i Robert Cressy of Bly-=pElizabeth, dau. and heir of Thomas John Cressy of Bly- borough. | Wigan. borough. Nicholas Cressy of Fulsby in Kirkby-n=Frances, dau. of Sir Henry on-Bain, purchased Fulsby of Sir Ayscough, Knt., of Bly- Henry Glcmham, Knt., 6 Sept. 1603. borough. Will dated 11 Will dated 22 Feb. 1629-30; proved Aug. 1638; proved 26 Jan. 9 Aim-. 1630. 1639-40. Henry Cressy. James Cressy. Walter Cressy. Brandon: Cressy, dead before 1637. =B rid get, sister of Charles Ferdinando Jef- Cressy, freyes. Will dated 2nd 5 Sept., proved son. 3 Oct. 1637. Thomas Cressy,: 3rd son, Major in the Army. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Henry Glem- ham, Knt.,byx\.nne, dau. of Thomas, Earl of Dorset. c 284 Lincolnshire Pedigrees. Nicholas dressy, mar. Edward Ferdinando Anne, dan. of ;Creasy, Cressy, sold Fulsby to John living living 1637. Nelthorpe 1657. 1637. Anne, heiress,=pSir Thomas Par- died 11 Jan. 1725-6, set.92. kyns, Bart., of Bunny, co. Notts. William=T=Paifch. Will Paget. 1st hus- band. dated 18 Feb. 1669-70; proved 24 April 1672. -George Tyrwhit of West Keal. 2nd husband. i Jane=pSir Edward Dymoke, Knt., of Scrivelsby. Elizabeth,=f=Richard mar. lie. dated 4 Jan. 1616-17, set. 20. Curtis of Toy n ton by Spilsby. Cressp of ^abentrale. [MS. D. 23, Heralds' College.] Arthur Cressy of=p Scawby 1656. Michael Cressy of Glamford Brigg. Will=j=Elizabeth, dated 6 Feb. 1680-81; proved 1683; lands | of . in Scawby, Hibbaldstow, Broughton. Arthnr=p Cressy of Brigsley. 1 Richard Cressy of=j=Elizabeth, dau. of Ravendale. Will dated 7 March 1677-8; proved 18 April 1678. Michael Monckton of Thornholme: ex'trix in 1678. John Cressy. Susannah, . — mar Elizabeth, Gooche. mar — Pym. Lydia. Lastitia, heiress, mai\=j=Sir Edward 169:1. Will dated 20 Wiglcy/KnL, June .1740; proved of Seroptoft, at Leicester 1746. co. Leicester. Richard Cressy of= Ravendale, Clerk; died 1746. Will dated 30 July 1733; proved 6 April 1747. =Alice, dau. of Richard Thorold of Cuxwold; ex'trix in 1747. Arthur Cressy, under age in 1678. Richard Cressy, ex'or in 1747; legatee of= his cousin Lady Wigley 1740, s.p. Will dated 28 Oct., proved 5 Dec. 1757. :Rachael, dau. of Rev. Thomas Shaw, Rector of Wyberton. Her sister Mary married John Coltman of Hagnaby. Susannah William Tomline Elizabeth, Mary, under of Man ton 1679; under age age 1678. of Riby; died 1738. 1678. I I Ann, under Margaret, age 1678. under age 1678. [Note.—These two families are probably offshoots from the Cressys of Birkin in York- shire.—A. K. M.] LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 285 Culbertoell of ^cotter. [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] William Culverwell of Bomley, co. Middlesex=p . . . dau. of... . Berney. I Nicholas Culverwell=p. . . . dau. of ... . Joyes. i Samuel Culverwell of Cherry Burton,=f=Jane, dau. of Thomas co. York, Clerk. j Sampson. Jonathan Cul- verwell, 1st son, died s.p. Nicholas Culverwell of= Cherry Burton, co. York, and of Scotter, co. Line.; bur. at Scotter 19 Oct. 1635. =Magdalen, dau. of Sir Richard William- son, Knt.; mar. at Gainsborough 12 July 1609; remar. at Scotter, 10 Aug. 1636, Gerald Bavenge; called in ye Visitation Margaret. i Elizabeth, mar. to John Win- tringham of Holder- ness. Mary, mar. John Forsey of Buck- well, co. Leices- ter (? Forsay of Bakewell, co. Derby). Anne, mar. Lewis Clarke of "Mel- bourne; bur. at Fiskerton 15 Dec. 1630. Jane, mar. to Robert Crompton, a Clerk in the Alienation Office in London, afterwards resided at Great Driffield, co. York, where he died in Sept. 1646. Cust oi pnepecit [This family has had its pedigree compiled and printed by Lady Elizabeth Cust in "Records of the Cust Family," published by Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes, 140 Wardour Street, W.] Arms.—Gules, three steeple-spires argent, two and one. .... Dackham.=p Henry Dackham=Dorothy, dau. of Thomas William Dackham of Cole-=Bene- of Coleby, j.u., Hawley; widow of Robert by, brother and heir of dicta, levied a fine of Brookbank; held lands Henry; set. 30, 2 Dec. 14 dau. of his lands in Cole- of St. Katherine's fee in Eliz., 1571; had licence to . . . .; by Trinity 9 Bliz., Coleby 5 Edward VI.; alienate the manor of St. mar. 1567; died 2 Dec. surviving 21 Oct. 16 Katherine's in Coleby 2 before 14 Eliz., 1571. Eliz., 1574. Sept. 37 Eliz., 1594. Trinity 1567. Henry Dackham = Adriana, dau. of ....; had licence to alienate the manor of Coleby. of St. Katherine's fee in Coleby 2 Sept. 37 Eliz., 1594. 286 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Arms.—Gules, three crescents or, a canton ermine. [The early part of this pedigree is given in "Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica," Vols. II., III., IV., V., Second Series, as also in the "VisiDation of Lincolnshire, 1562."] William Dalison of Laughton,=f=Aime, dau. of George Wast- died 16 Dec. 1546; inq. p.m. 22 July 1547. neys of Headon, co. Notts; living 1547. i George Dalison of Laugh ton, 1st son, died 20 June 1549 ; inq. p.m. 16 Sept. 1549. . . . dau. and heir of Robert Hopkiuson of Kirmington. William Dalison of Kirmington, lst=f=Anne, dau. of son, set. 14, 1549; heir to his great- uncle Roger Dalison, D.D., Precentor of Lincoln Cathedral, 1567, then set. above 31; died 26 Jan. 1586-7; inq. p.m. 20 April 1587. Will dated 27 Jan. 1580-81 ; proved 7 May 1587. Robert Ligh- ten of Great Sturton; bur. at Laugh ton 14 June 1570. I I George Dalison, bapt. at Habrough 20 Feb. 1543-4; bur. there 26 April .1544. Thomas Dalison, set. 2i, 1549. .... dau.~ ofSirVal- entine Browne, Knt., of Croft. 1st wife. -Sir Roger Dalison,- Knt., of Laugh ton, knighted at Bel voir 1605; created a Bart. 1611.; bur. at St. James's, Clerken- well, 13 May 1620. Adni'on 21 Jan. 1621-2 to a creditor. =pElizabeth,= dau. of Marma- duke Tyr- whit of Scotter. 2nd wife. = Anne, dau. and heir of William Tuthill of CO. Norfolk. 3rd wife. Marmaduke Dalison. Gilbert Dalison. Elizabeth, mar. John Langton of Langton. Agnes, bapt. at Laugh- ton 8 Feb. 1567-8. Sir Thomas Dalison, Bart., of Laughton, bapt. there 4 June 1591; killed at N*«se- by 1645. Edward Dalison,bapt. at Laughton 4 Feb. 1595-6 bur. at St. James's, Clerkenwell, 3 May 1624. Anne, mar. Sir John Wolsten- holme; died in Fenchurch Street, London, 25 Nov., bur. at Stan more Magna, co. Middlesex, 5 Dec. 1661. John Dalison, set. 1.2, 1549. Isabel, bur. at Habrough 16 April 1547. Anne, set. 13, 1549; mar. John Wharfe of Clixby. Elinor, set. 10, 1549; mar. Thomas Ander- son of Castlethorpe. William Dalison, 2nd son, Au-n- tuinu .Reader of (Jray's Inn 1518; M.l\ for Lincolnshire 1550; Serjeant-at-Law .1552; King's Serjeant 1555; Judge of K.B. 1556; died 18 Jan. 1558-9; bur. in Lincoln Cathe- dral; inq. p.m. 6 April 1559. A -Elizabeth, dau. of Ro- bert Dighton of Great Sturton; mar. before 23 March 1544-5; died 6 Oct. 1578 (others say 6 Dec. 1576); bur. at St. James's, Clerken- well (but not entered in the Register). i i i Margaret, mar. William Kiddall of South Ferriby. . . . ., mar. William Pier- point of Lam forth. Anne, mar. Edward Tyr- whit of Stainfield. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 287 A I William Dah\son,=pSilvester, dau. of Robert Dean 1st son. of Haling, co. Kent. See Burke's " Landed Gentry and " Extinct Baronetage." Robert Dalison, 2nd son, of Gray's Inn 1 June 1575; of Greetwell ; bur. there, s.p. Will dated 2f> Aug. 1016; proved 14 Feb. 1619-20. Sir Thomas Dalison=pAnne, dan. of Elizabeth, Joyce, mar. Walter Mary. of Greetwell, 3rd son, knighted at White- hall 1603; died 20 March 1625-6; bur. at Greetwell. Humphrey Little- mar. John Aston of co. Stafford, bury of Stainsby; Walker of — died 9 May 1626; co.Somer- Barbara, mar. Sir bur. at Greetwell. set. John Meres, Knt., of An bourn. Jane. William Dalison of Greetwell, 1st son 1634 ;=pHesfccr, dau. and heir of George heir to his uncle Robert Dalison of Greetwell. Bleasby of Bleasby; bapt. at Legsby 14 April 1587. Sir Robert Dalison, 1st son, of Gray's Inn=p 17 Aug. 1632. George Dalison, of Gray's Inn 17 Aug. 1632. William Dalison, 1st son. George Dalison, 2nd son. Katharine. George Dalison of Bleasby, 2nd son,=p Lucy, dau. of Sir Francis Metcalfe, Knt. living 1626. " I bapt. at Keddington 9 Oct. 1603. Francis Dali- son, 93t. £ year 1634. William Dalison, bur. atLegsby24Dec.l636. Thomas Dalison, bapt. at Legsby 8 May 1638. Katharine. Anne, bapt. at Legsby 21 July 1631. Jane, bapt. at Legs- by 20 June 1632. Barbara, bapt. at Legsby 12 Nov. I I Hester. Anne, bapt. at Legsby 10 May 1639. John Dalison, 2nd son, died 4 Oct. 1597; bur. in Lin- coln Cathe- dral. Sir Charles Dalison, 3rd=pElizabeth, son, knighted at Lincoln 1642; Recorder of Lincoln 1636; Serjeant-at-Law 1 664; died at his house in Bloomsburv 12 Jan. 1668-9. dau. and coheir of Robert Smith of Lincoln. Anne, mar Lawrence of co. Lincoln ; dead before 1626. Martha, mar. Laurence Sty- rop of the Close of Lincoln; living 1626. William Dalison, 1st son, bapt. at St. Margaret's, Lincoln, 1 June 1.631 ; of Gray's Inn 29 May 1649; slain at Jamaica in West Indies. John Charles Dalison, 3rd Dali- son, bapt. 26 March, son, bur. at St. Margaret's, 2nd Lincoln,20Sept.l642. son, — s.p. Charles Dalison, get. 18, 1668. Sarah, bur. at St. An- drew's, Hoi born, 1650. Anne, mar. Sir William Thorold of Hough, Knt. 288 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Elizabeth, mar. William Brails- ford of Welby, co. Notts. Bridget, unmar. 1668. Martha, unmar. 1668. Susanna, bapt. at Newark-on- Trent 26 Dec. 1644. Mary, unmar. 1668. Sarah, unmar. 1668. Decima, Newark 23 Jan. 1647-8; unmar. 1668. Banftp oi #reat #rtmsi)p antr Cf)maan% [Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Argent, three chevron els braced in base sable, on a chief of the second three mullets of the first Sir Robert Danby, Knt., of Thorpe, co. York=f= Thomas Danby, 2nd son, Standard-Bearer to=pAnne, dau. of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, at Flodden. Symon=f=Aune, dau. of James Danby, Anne=Thomas Dorothy=Ralph Roke Danby of Hull, mer- chant. John Billes- had an ille- by of Billes- gitimate son. by, co. Lin- coln. Saville of Cop- ley, co. York. by of Skyres, co. York, Serjeant-at- Law. Jane, dau. of William=j=Thomas Danby of Billesby;: Armstrong of Corby; bur. at Thorganby 25 Nov. 1616. 1st wife. purchased the manor of Thorganby 2 May 32 Eliz.; bur. at Bottesford 10 April 1629. :IIelen, widow of John Good of Stallingboro'; mar. at Beelsby 12 Sept. 1617. 2nd wife. John Danby, Thomas Thomas Dan by=Elizabeth, dau. of Mi- Elizabeth, bur. at Thor- Danby, of Thorganby, chael Emperingham of bapt. at ganby, in- died get. 23 in 1612. Newark; mar. lie. 3 Beelsby 11 fant. young. July 1612. July 1619. Margaret, dau of ....; bur. at Grimsby 19 March 1592. 1st wife. A i.=pAni rew Danby: of Great G rims- by, bur. there 20 May 1596. =Joan,dau. Grace, mar.=John Es- of . . . . at Grimsby ton of Hans- 7 May Grimsby, worth. 1582. Margaret. Richard Dixon of Hull. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 289 Thorn as= Dan by, bapfc. afc Grims- by 31 Dec. 1586. I I Jane, bapfc. afc Grimsby 9 April 1613. dau. of Susan, bapfc. afc Andrew Danby, bapfc.=f=Margarefc, Grimsby 26 afc Grimsby 18 July Feb. 1588-9. 1596; of Great Lim- — ber, "Tayler"; bur. Ellen, bapfc. afc afc Great Limber 5 Grimsby 25 Feb. 1656-7. Sept. 1591. dau. of Tan- field; mar. afc Grims- by 22 June 1626 * Thomas Danby, bapfc. afc Lim- Ellen, bapfc. afc Limber ber 28 Oct. 1627. 27 Aug. 1625. John Danby, bapfc. at Limber Jane, bapfc. afc Limber 22 Sept. 1633. 9 Jan. 1630-31. Elizabeth, bapfc. afc Grimsby 30 Nov. 1593. Katharine, bapt. afc Limber 17 Jan. 1635-6. Barnell of Cfwnjoltm [Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms.—Azure, two bars between six mascles, three, kvo, and one, or. Sir Arthur Darnell, Knt.=p i Richard Darnell/ i William Darnell. John Darnell.=f= dau. of . . . Cotes, wife. 1st =Jaraes Dar- nell, dead 2 Eiiz., 1560. Christian, dau. and coheir of Henry Gurney of Lyming- ton, co. Suffolk, by Katherine, dau. and heir of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk; aefc. 50, 6 Edward VI., 1552; died 8 Feb. 19 Eliz., 1576-7. 2nd wife. John: Darnell. =Anne, dau. of John Docwra of Putfceridgebury, co. Herts. Anne, mar. William Woodward. Adam Darnell of=f=Anne, dau. and heir of Thorn holme, died 3 Eliz., 1578 Aug. 20 William Darnell. John Darnell. Sir Thomas Darnell of= Thornholme and Stick- ford, Knt.,1590;had the manor of Helyng after the death of his cousin Thomas Mussendyne and Faith his wife. Adm'onl3Peb.l608-9. A =Helen, dau. and heir of John Stan- low of Sfcickford; adm'ix of her husband 13 Feb. 1608-9. Will da- ted 8 Oct., proved 8 Dec. 1638. Robert Allott by Kathe- rine, dau. of Thomas Mussenden of Helyng.f Mabell, mar. Henry Lyon of Twyford, co. Middlesex. Mary, mar. Silvester Burgh of Kirton in Lindsey. Frances, mar. Ralph Vava- sour of Spaldiugton,co.York. * No such marriage is to V>e found in the register of Great Grimsby.—A. R. M. f The Visitation of 1592 makes Adam Darnell marry Anne, dau. of Thomas Mussenden of Healino YOL. I, v p * 290 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Sir Thomas Darnell of= Helyng, created Barb. 6 Sept. 1621; sold the manor of Helyng to .... Manning and his brother citizens of London; died before 8 Oct. 1638. :Sarah, dan. of Thomas Fisher and sister of Sir Thomas Fisher of Islington, co. Middlesex; living 8 Oct. 1638. Catherine, sister and coheir. Elizabeth, sister and co- heir, mar. William And- erson of Brough ton, 3rd son of Sir Edmund; living 8 Oct. 1638. I I Helen, sister and coheir; had Stickford; mar. Thomas Bishop of Iiemswell; liv- ing 8 Oct. 1638. Rose, living 8 Oct. 1638. Susan, living 8 Oct. 1638. Barrel! of &oxk%to*w. [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College. Title-deeds of the Earl of Yarborough.] Arms.—Azure, a lion rampant argent, crowned or, armed and langued gule, Sir Thomas Darrell, Knt.; bought manor of- Horkstow 17 May 1607. Edward Darrell of Horkstow, levies a fine 1618. Philip Dover. Darrell of Christopher Darrell of Goole. George Darrell, D.D., of Westmin- ster. Sir Marmaduke Darrell,^Anne, dau. Knt., King's Cofferer; bought manor of Hork- stow of Edward Darrell 1620; settled Horkstow on 2nd son. of Sir Sampson Lennard, Knt. I Sir Sampson Darrell, Knt., bur. at Ful- mer, co. Bucks. I Mar ma- duke Darrell of Hork- stow, 2nd son. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Ro- bert Fitche of co. War- wick; mar. 1621. Katherine, mar. James Harring- ton of Rand, co. Lincoln, author of " Oceana." I I Mary, mar. Robert George of co. Som- erset. Elizabeth, born 26 April 1597. Marmaduke Darrell: of Horkstow; sells the manor of Hork- stow 1685 to Ed- ward Darrell, citi- zen and stationer of London. A ^Bridget, dau. of Nicholas Towers of York; mar. 1640. George Darrell, 2nd son 1634. Edward Dar-^Anne, dau. of rell of White- chapel, co. Middx.,1634, 3rd son; died 17 Dec. 1707. George Phi- lips of St. Mary, White- chapel; mar. lio. 5 Sept. 1671. Eliza- beth, 1634. Anne, 1634. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 291 Marmaduke Darrell Nicholas Darrell Marmaduke Edward-r(?) . . of Horkstow, living of New College, Darrell, dead Darrell, 1685; joins in the Oxford, 1652. in 1715. dead in sale. 1715. dau. of Edward Darrell of Putney 1715; sells Horkstow=pElizabeth, dau. of ... . Robert Darrell of Putney; joins in sale of Horkstow 1723. [Harl. MSS. 757, 1417. Queen's College MS., P.S.] John Davy=p Grace, dau. of Richard Hall of Burgh by Beatrice, of Leake. I dau. of William Larke and Catherine Cowton. William Davy of Leake.=f=Beatrice, dau. of ... . Cracroft. John Davy of Leake. Will dated 26 Feb. 1546-7 ;=j= dau. of proved 29 May 1547. Richard Davy, set. 17 in 1547. John Davy. Geoffry Davy. Thomas Davy. William=Ellen, John Davy of Holbeach, Elizabeth, mar Stafford; Davy of Hoi- dau. of heirof his brother; aet.31, called in her brother's will beach, s.p 25 Sept. 1557. "Lady Elizabeth Stafford." ©atosmt oi ftougiiton aittr JHarsl) Cjjapel Thomas Dawson of Marsh Chapel, living 1617=p. . . . dau. of... . i i r Thomas Dawson of Rough ton.=f=Mary, dau. of Elizabeth, bur. afc=Thomas Yar- Will dated 10 Sept., proved I . . . . Alvingham 15 borough of 19 Dec. 1628. | April 1637. Saltfleetby. Judith, coheir== William Riggall of Katherine,=Mark Pilkington. Wragholme. coheir. 292 LINCOLNSHIRE tEDMREES. Arthur Dawson, Curate of Marsh Chapel 1599 ; Curate; of Fulstow; bur. at Fulstow 3 Aug. 1630. I .!. Ill William Dawson, bapt. George Dawson, Alice, bapt. at Susan, bapt. at at Marsh Chapel Jan. bur. at Fulstow 4 Marsh Chapel 4 Marsh Chapel 1603-4. Sept. 1630. March 1606-7. 18 April 1608. [Note.—I add this pedigree, compiled from wills at Lincoln, which is evidently an offshoot of the Sutterby family.—A. R. M.] Arms.—Argent, two pales sable, a chevron gules; on a canton of the last a battle-axe or. Crest.—A dexter arm, embotved, in armour proper, garnished or, holding in the gauntlet a battle-axe of the last John Dawson of Sutterby. Will dated=p. 11 Oct. 1540; proved 31 May 1541. dau. .of. i i Arthur George=f Ehza Dawson, Dawson proved his of Sut- f ather's . . terby. will. John Dawson, Anne, mar Hare; living 1540. beth, 1540. — dau. of — Jenytt, living 1540. . . . . Thomas Daw- — son, 1540.. Agnes, 1540. I Thomas Dawson, 1540. Christopher Dawson of Sutterby, died circa 1640. Inq. p.m. — Thomas Dawson,=pEliza- died 23 Aug. 1631.. Will dated 16 Aim'. 1631. beth, dau. of John Dawson of=p Sutterby, 2nd son; mentioned in Eustace Dawson's will 1635. Eustace Dawson of Sutterby, yeoman. Will dated 2 March 1634-5; proved 9 April 1635; mentions his sister Massy and brother Richard Sibsey. Thomas Dawson, dead 1G3J. Susanna, John Dawson of Sutterby, Barrister of heiress. Inner Temple 1663, and of Ballyna Court, co. Tipperary, lrelaud; men- tioned in Eustace Dawson's will 1635. Christopher Daw- son, bur. at Croft 17 June 1602. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 293 Arms.—Argent, a /esse dancelUe between six billets gules. Creasey's " History of Sleaford," pp. 140—143, for the c part of the pedigree. ] Simon De la Launde of Ashby temp. Henry VI.=f= I Kobert De la Launde, 11 Dec. 1493.= Thomas De la Launde of Ashby (otherwise=pKatharine, dau. of William Kyme of Delalund), set. 75 in 1540; supervisor to his son's will. Will dated 21 Oct., proved (Lincoln) 3 Dec. 1540. Long Benington; heiress of her mother Isabella, dau. and heir of John Batte of Algarkirk. William De la Launde=Mary, or Delalund of Algar- dau. of kirk. Will dated 8; Oct., proved (Lincoln) ex'trix 20 Oct. 1540. 1540. I I I I I Edward De la Margaret, Eliza- Joan. Launde, heir of his ex'trix to beth. — father'slandinAsh- her father Dorothy. by; living 1540; 1540. ^ ~ - ex'or to his father. Dead in 1540. Sir Thomas De la Launde, Knt., of Horb-=f Katharine, dau. and coheir ling, called a Gascon, but bearing the arms of De la Launde of Ashby; executed at Grantham 15 March 1469, of Leo, 6th Lord Welles; mar. 2ndly Bobert Tem- pest. Joan, coheir= William Denton of Denton. Margaret, coheir=Thomas Berkeley. [MS. D. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.— Or, a bend gules, a chief chequy argent and azure. Jean de Ligne of Hainault.=pIDlizabeth, dau. of Mons. Jan de Faye. i Anthony de Ligne of=pMagdalen, dau. of Arnold de Cordes, Seigneur de Maubray; Hainault,livingl612. I sister and coheir of Nicholas de Cordes; living 1617. Sir Daniel de Ligne, Knt., of Harlaxton ;=p Elizabeth, dau. of Erasmus Magdalen, i^i^f^ „f a T^iflOA. au«'ff i de la Fountain; died 25 April living 1682; bur. at Harlaxton. 1612. knighted at Oatlands 4 July 1620; Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1631; died 20 March 1656-7. A 294 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Penelope, dau.^Erasmus= of Sir Simon Archer, Knt., of Tamworth; mar. at St. Mary, War- wick, 6 Oct. 1651. de Ligne. :Mary,dau. of Sir George Fitz william, Knfc., of Wit- hern; bapt. at Withern 23Nov.l626. William de= Ligne, 2nd son, of Great St. Bartholomew's, London; living 1671. =Frances, dau. of; contracted to marry Anthony Deane of the Middle Temple. Will dated 7 July 1698; proved 3 May 1699. Daniel de Ligne=Frances, Anne, of Harlaxton, ast. dau. of — 10,1666; died 12 Mary. Dec. 1730; bur. Palmer, at Harlaxton; s.p. Erasmus de Ligne, living 1671. Elizabeth, mar.=Edward lie. 22 Nov. 1671, Glynne of to be mar. at St. St.Martin- Clement Danes; in-Fields, SBt. 21 in 1671. Middlesex. John de Ligne. Diodorus de Ligne. Both living 1671. Edward Thomas Elizabeth, mar. Mary, mar. John de Ligne, de Ligne, Scrope Tyrwhit. Hobson of Syston; living living mar. lie. 14 Feb. 1671. 1671. 1660-61. [Harl. MS. 1550.] Nicholas Dene=pKatherine, dau. and heir of of Barrowby. I Walter Pedwardyne. John* Dene of Barrow-=r Margaret, dau. of John Paynell; sister and heir of Tho- by 18 Henry VL, 2 Ed- mas Paynell of Boothby (escheat says remar. Geoffrey ward IV. Paynell). Thomas Dene of Barrowby, died 29 April=f Margaret, dau. of William Armyne of 1498; bur. at Barrowby. Osgodby; remar. Sir John Markham, Knt.; died 19 Jan. 1508-9. Bartholomew Dene, Sir Richard Bozon,=Dorothy or Tho-=William Vernon. B.p, Knt. 1st husband, masine, heiress. 2nd husband. ['Notw.—-This pedigree gives one more generation than is found in the Visitation of 1592.-— A. It. M.j * "James " in the Visitation of 1592, LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 295 Bmtxm of Stnton* [Feet of Fines, Michaelmas, 14 Henry VIII.] John Denton of Denton,=f=Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Fen of Ear- bur, at Denton 145- I laxton, merchant of the Staple. William Den-=pJoan, dau. and coheir of Sir Tho-=Thomas Kyi- Agnes=pRobert ton of Den- ton. 1st hus- band. mas De la Launde, Knt., by Katha- ham, mar. rine, dau. and coheir of Leo, 6th before 1522. Lord Welles. 2nd husband. Thomas Denton, son George Den- Richard Den- John Den- JoLn and heir 1522. ton, 1522. ton, 1522. ton. Upton of Bos- ton. John Upton of Denton. Richard Denton, yeoman, of Skillington=p and Croxton, died 22 Dec. 1578. Ralph Den- Richard Denton, inherited a moiety Simon Denton, William Den- ton, son and of the manors of Rouse and Croxton 1578. ton, 1578. heir. 22 Dec. 1578. JBwrtp of iLeafce* [Harl. MS. 1550. MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, a chevron between three garbs sable. Roger (or Robert) Derby=p Elizabeth (or Alice), dan. and heir of of Leverton. Sir Richard Winceby of Benington. Sir Ralph Derby, Knt.^pThomasine, dau. of Ralph Bole. I Sir William Derby, Knt.=p. . . . dau. to James Flete of Flete. i i Thomas Derby, lst=Elizabeth, dau. of William Derby ^Elizabeth, dau. of Tho- son and heir, died William Colliatt 2nd son. s.p. (or "Telliot"). mas Strange. i Ralph Derby=j=Alice, dau. of John Read of Wrangle. 296 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Aj I Thomas Derby of Benington. Will=j=Alice, dau. of John Lang- dated 11 Feb., died 14 Feb. 37 Henry VIII. ton or Laughton. Alice, mar. Wolsey. .r." William Derby of Ben-" ington 1562, son and heir; set. 18, 2 July 37 Henry VIII. :Barbara, dau. of Charles Yarborough. Thomas Derby of=f=Rose, dan. and heir of Benington, 2nd son, bur. at Leake 3 Nov. 1589. Bell of Leake; bur. at Boston 1*5 July 1599. William Derby, Anne, dau. and heir, mar. Robert Sands, 2nd son s.p. of Edward Sands of Yaxley, Hunts. Margaret. Thomas= Derby of Leake, son and heir. =Bridget, dau. of John Green of John Derby, Market Overton, co. Northamp- 2nd son. ton; mar. at St. Margaret's, Lin- — coin, 21 Oct. 1601; a legatee of Leon Derby, her father 17 June 1612; remar. 3rd son. Thomas Briggs of Scremby; — living 19 Oct. 1647. Rose. Elizabeth, mar. Michael Metcalfe of Otterington, co. York. Margaret, mar. John Thory of Boston, Alder- man and Mayor. Thomas Derby of Leake 1634. Will=r=Margaret, dau. of Nicholas Dymoke of dated 1652. 19 Oct. 1647; proved 12 July Kyme; ex'trix of her husband 12 July 1652. Dymoke Derby, 1st son 19 Oct. 1647. Thomas Derby, son and heir, a3t.l, 1634; dead before his father's will. Harrington Derby, 2nd son, under age 19 Oct. 1647; bur. at Leake 28 Dec. 1658. John Derby of= Leake, 3rd son, under age 19 Oct. 1647; bur. at Leake 5 Nov. 1679. :Elizabeth, dau. of John Mot- tram of Addle- thorpe. i i i Margaret, under age 19 Oct. 1647. Elizabeth, under age 19 Oct. 1647. Anne, under age 19 Oct. 1647. I Dymoke Derby of Leake, lstson,bapt. at Leverton 8 Aug. 1675; died of the small-pox; bur. at Leake 26 Jan. 1701-2. Will dated 20 Jan. previous. John Derby, 2nd son, died of the small-pox; bur. in St. Lawrence Churchyard in ye city of Norwich 2 Aug. 1701. Mottram Derby, a posthumous son,bapt.23 May, bur. 25 June 1680 at Leake. Dorcas, 1st dau., died unmar. of the small- pox; bur. at Leake 31 Dec. 1701. Elizabeth, 2nd dau., mar. Rich- ard Parlabean; died of the small-pox 14 Feb. 1701-2; bur. at Leake. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 297 Bufcmson of Clappole* [MS. D. 23, Heralds' College. Dickenson's " History of Southwell."] Edward Dickenson of Claypole, 2nd son of Ricliard=pFrances, dau. of Dickenson of Bradley, co. Stafford. | . . . . Barry. Thomas Dickenson of Claypole, born 1539=f Margaret, dau. of James Hervey. John Dickenson of Claypole, born 1561yElizabeth, dau. of . Thomas Dickenson of Claypole.=pSusanna, dau. of Thomas=Nathaniel Holte of Will dated 20 Nov. 1651; proved 9 March 1653-4. Watson of Markham, co. Claypole. 2nd hus- Notts. band. olin William coheir of John Dicken- Dicken- Lacock of Wood- son, 2nd son, 3rd borough, co. Notts son; under son; under (some say Edmund age 1651. age 1651. Lacock of Notting- ham). John Dicken-=fElizabeth,dau. and George son of Claypole," "~ ~' born 1641; died 1681. Will dated 13 Dec. 1680; proved 29 Nov. 1681. Mary, un -=An thony mar. in Boys. 1651. Edward Dickenson of Clay-=pAnne, dau. and coheir of Edmund Sarah. Bacon of Burton Latimer, co. Northampton; died 19 Jan. 1739-40, set. 72; bur. at Claypole. Thomas Dicken- pole,born 1665; died 20 April son, set. 1727; bur. at Claypole 22 3, 1666. April 1727. Edmund Dick- enson, bur. at Burton Lati- mer; s.p. Edmund Bacon Dickenson, bapt. at Newark 1706. 3 Aug. CharlesDickenson, Newark 21 Feb. 1711-12; died 24 March 1721-2; bur. at Claypole; s.p. Anne, heiress, born 1703; mar. Samuel Rastall of Newark; died 1775. Stcfctnson of #atnstomts!K [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Peter Dickenson of Woodhouse in the parish^ of Clayworth, co. Notts. j Nicholas Dickenson, Peter Dickenson of Wood-^Barbara, dau. of Nicholas 1st son. house, 2nd son. I Dickens of East Retford. A I VOL. I. QQ 298 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. I :" Peter Dickenson of Gainsborough, styled a Captain 1645 ;=j=Sarah, dau. and heir of described of Woodhouse in the parish of Olayworth, co. William Lacy of Gains- Notts, 1632; indicted at Grantham for high treason borough; mar. there 11 April 1643. Aprin631. I I George Dickenson, bur. at Gainsborough 24 March 1652-3. Peter Dickenson, bur. at Gainsborough 5 May 1647. i i William Dickenson, bapt. at Gainsborough 7 April 1643. John Dickenson, bapt. at Gainsborough 15 April 1652; bur. there 23 Feb. 1653-4. William Dicken- son, bapt. at Gainsborough 4 Aug. 1656. I t \rgrc 2, 1634. Margret, set. Dorothy, set. 1, 1634. Mildred, bapt. at Gains- Elizabeth, bapt. at Gains- borough 8 June 1635; borough 1 July 1641; bur. bur. there 7 Nov. 1636. there 15 March 1641-2. Bridget, bur. at Gains- Anne, bapt. at Gains- borough 4 Jan. 1639-40. borough 3 Dec. 1645. Mary, born 26 May, bapt. 30 May 1654 at Gains- borough. 3Bij$tnn of ^LUxtoln antr #reat ^tutton. [For earlier part see " Visitation of Worcestershire," Harl. Soc, Vol. XXVII.] Arms.—Per pale gules and argent an antelope passant counter chang ed; on a chief divided as the field or and azure two crosses formee fdche'e, also counter changed. Christopher Dighton=pMary, dau. of... . Conyers. William Dighton, 1st son=j=Elizabeth, dau. of... . Garthorpe. Christopher Dighton of=y=Agnes, dau. of Hugh Lacy of Brearley, co. York. Winceby, 1st son. I Adm'on 24 Jan. 1583-4. Christopher Dighton, bapt. at Elizabeth, mar. Cassandra, mar. Richard Hatton 14 Sept. 1554. Thomas Moore. Lambton of London. Robert Digh-=pMargaret, Hugh Dighton, 8rd=Susan, Basil=j=Mary, ton of Lon- don, gold- smith. 2nd dau. of son, bapt. at Hatton dau.of Digh- .... Gyles. 9 Oct. 1552; adm'or .... ton, to his mother 24 Jan. Gyles. 4th 1583-4. son. dau. of Chap- man. Robert Dighton^Winifred, dau. of ... . Haynes. Mary. Elizabeth. I Robert Dighton. LtNCOLtiStflRE PEDIGitEES. 299 IA Anthony Dighfcon of Winceby, Isfc son, died 19 Dec. 1583. ^Barbara, dan. of Edward Tyrwhit of Stain- field; remar. Edward Littlebury. Susan, dau. of... .- Johnson of Wel- ton-by-Spilsby. 1st wife. ^Christopher Dighton,=Mary,dau. of Ward to the Queen .... Eure of 1597; of the Close Tickhill, co. of Lincoln 1622. York. 2nd wife. Thomas Dighton, Philip Dighton, Humphrey Digh- bapt. at St. Mi- bapt. at St. Mar- ton, bur. at St. chael's-on-the garet's in the Margaret's in the Mount, Lincoln, Close, Lincoln, Close, Lincoln, 8 July 1616. 17 Jan. 1621-2. 7 April 1619. Thomas Dighton. Elizabeth, mar. Henry Johnson. Frances, bapt. at St. Michael's, Lincoln. Anne, bapt. at St. Margaret's, Lincoln, 21 April 1619. Mary, dau. of ... . Foljambe.^Henry Dighton of Lin-^ Joyce, dau. of 1st wife. I coin, 2nd son. I North. 2nd wife. Anne, dau. of=pHenry Dighton^Anne^lau. Dorothy,=p Thomas =pJane, dau. . West. 1st wife. of Ware, co. Herts. of Moule. 2nd wife. dau. of ....Day. 1st wife. Dighton, living 1548. Henry Digh- Christopher ton. Dighton. Joan, dau.of Susan, dau. Christopher of Paris. Floyer. of . . Jordan. 2nd wife. Edward Digh- ton. Mary, dau. of .... Palmer; surviving 1606. i i i AVilliam^pSusan, Joan. Digh- ton. dau. of Anne. William Christopher Dighton. Dighton. Elizabeth,^ John =p. i dau. of Read. 1st wife. Digh- ton. dau. of.... 2nd wife. William Digh-=pAngelet, dau. of Nicho- Eliza- las Tooke ; sister of Sir beth. George Tooke, Knt., of London, vintner; liv- ing 1614. ton of Alders- gate Street, Lon don, living 1614. Robert Dighton. i Margaret. 1 William Dighton. Angelet. Thomas Dighton of Normanby-by-Spital, 3rd son.=f=Joan, dau. of .... Eland; Will dated 11 Oct. 1548. d | living 1548. b | 300 LINCOLNSHIRE P3BDIGUEES. John Dighton of Hat-=Agnes, dan. of Margaret,=j=Ohris- ton. Will dated 1 William Chat- dau. of .. May, proved 6 May erton; ex'trix Bellingham. 1544. in 1544. 1st wife. topher Digh- ton. :Alice, dau. of Richardson. 2nd wife. Thomas Digh-= ton of Ashby- de-la-Zouche, Clerk 1614. Anne, sister Christopher Dighton of=f=Eleanor, dau. of of William Worcester, Alderman. White of Will dated 26 July, Coventry. proved 23 Aug. 1604. Thomas Wal- grave, Alderman of Worcester. See "Visitation of Worcester/' Harl. Soc, Vol. XXVII. John Dighton of Cathe-= Catherine, William- rine Hall, Camb., 1604; dau. of had a lease of land in .... Buckden 1594. Dighton. :Mary, dau. of... . Hey- wood of Worcester. i i i Christopher Dighton. Ellen. Elizabeth. William Dighton, liv- Robert Dighton, Rector Richard I)ighfcon,=pAgnes, ing 1548; ex'or to his of Haitham, ex'or to ex'or to father father. father 1548. 1548. dau. of William Dighton of Owmby.=p Will dated 20 Jan. 1613-14;' proved 16 July 1614. Robert Dighton of Nor- Rose, mar. manby. Adm'onl2Nov. Larke. 1579. Thomas Dighton of Owmby =j=Anne or Agnes, dau. of Robert=p. . . . dau, 1st son. Adm'on 31 Jan. 1619-20, then of Minting. Walker; mar. at Dighton, Sudbrooke 12 Dec. 2nd son 1599 ; living 1620. 1614. of III I Robert Digh- Thomas Dighton, 2nd son 1614. Anne, bapt. at Minting ton, 1st son — 31 Aug. 1606; mar. 1614. William Dighton, 3rd son 1614. there, 8 Nov. 1638, Roger Norton. ( William Dighton of Mint-^fAnne, dau. of Peter Clarke; Mary, bapt. at Mint- ing, bapt. there 8 March 1600-1. mar. at Friesthorpe 19 May ing 29 Dec. 1603. 1625. Thomas Dighton, bapt. at Minting 9 March 1632-3. Catherine, bapt. at Minting 16 Dec. 1626. Robert Dighton of Wolley, co. York, 4th son=j=Margarefc, dau. of Tothby. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 301 John Dighton of Swabyand Minfc-= ing. Will dated 18 Dec. 1606; proved 7 Oct. 1607 ; leaves money to the poor of Wolley, co. York, Swaby, Minting, Baumber, etc. i =Margaret, ChristopherDighton^ dau. of 2nd son, living 1548; . . . .; supervisor to his uncle dead in Thomas Dighton; 1606. dead in 1606. :Elizabeth, dau. of; liv- ing 1606. Thomas Dighton, nephew of John Dighton of Minting John Dighton, godson and legatee of John Dighton of Minting; under 14 in 1606. Robert Dighton, 2nd son, Mayor of Lincoln 1506, 1510.=j=Anne, dau. of . . . .Dor- Will dated 5 April 1520. | rington. Robert Dighton of Lin- coln and Great Sturton, died 18 May 1546 ; bur. in Lincoln Cathedral. :Joyce, dau. and heir of Wil- liam St. Paul, 3rd son of John St. Paul of Snarford; bur. in Lincoln Cathedral. Will dated 1 Jan. 1570-71; proved 14 April 1571. Susan, mar. Thomas Wain- wright. Jane, mar. Thomas Kilbeck of Corringham. Edmund Dighton- of Sturton, 1st son, bur. iu Baum- ber Church. Will dated 31 July 1585; proved 28 March 1586. ^Elizabeth, dau. of John Hall of Hal- sted in Stixwold. Christopher Dighton, 2nd=f=Mary,dau.of Thomas . nr • n .i . _ j i r t i i r • i i i i p n i_ • son. Will dated 15 July, proved 30 Nov. 1557. Littlebury of Stains- by; widow of Edward Forsett of Bilsby. George Dighton, a ward of John St. Paul 1558. I Thomas Dighton of Sturton,=pMargaret, dau. of Sir Ambrose Jermyn, Knt., 83t. 30 in 1586. I of Torksey. Sir Edward Fynes, Knt., 2nd son ofeMary, heiress. = the Earl of Lincoln. 1st husband. =Sir William Coney, Knt., Gentleman Pensioner. 2nd husband. Jane, dau. of= Robert I)ighton=Margaret, dau. of Wil- Faith, mar. Chris- Thomas Mas- of Branaton, liam Meres; sister of topher Randes of singberd of 2nd son, s.p. Hugh Meres of Pyver, Burton-by-Lin- Bratoft. 1st Adm'on 1606. co.Chester; remar coin; bur. there wii?e- Haselwood. 2nd wife. 5 May 1609. II I Anne. Mary=George Ashton of Mint- — ing, s.p. Will dated 11 Wini- Feb., proved 25 Feb. fred. 1638-9. John Thorpe=Joyce==Thomas Gold- of Claxby. ingham. 2nd 1st husband. husband. 302 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Gilbert Digh- fcon of Dod- dington, 4th son. =Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Top- cliffe of Somcr- by; living 1603. Robert Digh— ton, 5th son. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Usthwaite. William Diffhton. William Dighton, 6th son, a legatee of his cousin George St. Paul 30 Dec. 1558. Gilbert Dighton, Vicar of: Thorpe-by-Wainfleet 1618; Vicar of Oroft 1626. =Martha, dau. of....; Robert bur. at Croft 11 Aug. Dighton. 1630, a widow. Anne. Elizabeth. Jane. Mary. Frances, dau. of" Valentine Upton of Northolme; mar. at Croft 23 April 1638; bur. there 3 Dec. 1643. 1st wife. :Everard Dighton,= Vicar of East Kirk- by 1626; Vicar of Croft 1630; Rector of Bucknall; Bucknall Church. Will dated 25 Feb. 1675-6 ; proved 16 Oct. 1677. Frances Salt- mar she, widow (dau. of Charles Dennis), mar. at Croft 8 Dec. 1646. 2nd wife. = Frances,dau.of Hon. Ed- ward AVilloughby, 2nd son of Charles, Lord Wil- loughby, of Parham; widow of Henry A ndrewes of Bardney; mar. at Croft 23 March 1657-8. 3rd wife. Everard Elizabeth, bapt. at Croft, 14 Dighton, Dec. 1647; mar. Francis bur. at West of Horncastle ; legatee Croft of her grand father M r. 21 Jan. Charles Dennis; uumar. in 1652-3. 1675. Frances, bapt. at Croft 28 Sept. 1650; mar. Rev. Daniel Gregory, Rector of llors- inffton. Anne, bapt. at Croft 11 Jan. 1653-4; bur. 7 Nov. 1654. Gilbert Digh- ton, bapt. at Croft 3 June 1040; bur. July 1658. William Dighton, bapfc.= at Croft 17 Aug. 1641; Rector of Donington- on-Bain and Bucknall; s.p. Will dated 22 May, proved 1 Aug. 1702. Helen, dau. of Mary, bapt. at Croft HenryBonlton 4 April 1639; mar. Thomas Dobbs of Bucknall. of Stixwould. Will dated 8 May 1734; proved 1734. Anne, mar. Wil- liam Daly son of Laugh ton. Jane, mar. Sir John William Daly-=Eliza-=Sir Francis Ays- Monson, Knt., of son, the Judge, beth. cough, Knt., of South Carlton; bur. 1st husband. Stallingborough. there 1624. 2nd husband. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 303 3Btsnep of &oxton Mimtp* [For earlier part see Ilarl. Soc., Vol. XIV,] John Disney of Norton Disney, slain at Towfcon Field=j=Kafcherine, dau. on Palm Sunday, 29 March 39 Henry VI., 1461. I of John Leake. Miles Henry Katharine, mar. William Staunton of Staunton, Notts, whom Disney, Disney, she survived, and had (1497) for life his lordship of Qnar- 6th son. 7th sou. rington and lands in Old Sleaford and Scredington. Edward Disney=f=Katherine, dau. and of Fulbeck, 4th son. coheir of William Middleton of Ful- beck. Richard Disney of= Fulbeck, 5th son; living 1497. =Jane, dau. and co- heir of William Middleton of Ful- beck. William Dis- ney of Ful- beck, died 25 Oct. 14 Eliz. :Alice, dau. and coheir of Wil- liam Blaunch of Fleet. Emlyne, dau. and coheir, mar. Hamon Sutton of Wash- ingborough. Katherine, dau. and co- heir, mar. Thomas Bles- by of Blesby; living 14 Henry VIII. . Richard I)is-: ney, son and heir apparent 1 Oct. 1535. :Margaret, dau. of John Meeres of Auborn and Kir ton; unmar. 1 Oct. 1535; remar. Edward Ustwayte. of tate. wife. . dau. of= ., ua man poor es- lst :Chrisfco-=r Elizabeth, pher Disney, 2nd son. dau. of .... Man. 2nd wife. Katherine, 1st dau. and coheir, aet. 23, 15 Eliz.; mar. John Skipwith of Salt- fleetby. i Mary, 2nd dau. and coheir, net. 21, 15 Eliz.; mar. Thomas Curtis. Mary. Eleanor. Anne. i i Arthur Dis- ney. James ney. Dis- Tho- mas Dis- ney. Tho- mas Dis- ney, 3rd son. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Hugh Sandford; sometimes called Eleanor. Wil- liam Dis- ney, 4th son. :Lucy, dau. of Thomas Clarke of Leadenham; remar. at Lendcnham, 5 Oct. 1560, Richard Nelson; died 12 Oct. 1604; bur. at Lead- enham. Giles Dis- ney, 5th son. =.. . . dau. of Hutchin- son. Kathe- rine, s.p. Anne, mar. Elizabeth, mar. 1st Anthony Christopher Madenwell, Anlott. 2ndly .... Very. Nicholas Disney, Margaret. u A child," 1st son. — bapt. at — Anne. Leaden- Thomas Disney, —- ham 20 2nd son. Elizabeth. July 1559; 304 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. A | B 1st son. of George Port- 2nd son. ington. .1 I dan. Richard Disney ,=f=Mary, dau. Katherine. of Simon But William Edward Thomas John Dis- Francis Disney. Disney. Disney, ney. Disney. Edward Disney. Richard Disney. John Disney of Nor- ton Disney, 1st son. •^Margaret, dau. of Thomas Neville of Rolleston, Notts. i William Dis- ney, 2nd son. Thomas Dis- ney, 3rd son. William Disney of Nor— ton Disney, 1st son and heir. =Margaret, dau. of Thomas Grosholme. Richard Dis- ney, 2nd son, died s.p. Edward Dis-=.. . . dau. ney, 3rd son, of ... . died s.p. Bassett. William Disney of Norton^ Disney, 1st son and heir, Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1532; a legatee of Humphry Wal- cott 1537; bur. at Norton Disney. :Margaret, John Disney of Carl ton -le-= dau. of Moorland, 2nd son; proved .... the will of his brother-in- Joyner. law Humphry Walcott 12 Oct. 1538; died 12 Nov. 4 and 5 Philip and Mary, 1557; bur. at Carlton. Elizabeth, dau. of ... . Wal- cott of Wal- cott; a legatee of her brother Humphry Wal- cott 1537. Thomas Disney of Carlton-in-- Moorland, son and heir; set. 48 and more 18 Oct. 5 and 6 Philip and Mary, 1558; M.P. for Boroughbridge 5 Eliz.; died 17 April 1568; bur. at Carlton-le-Moorland. =Katherine, dau. of Augustine Porter of Bel ton. James Disney, 2nd son, living 1537. Anthony Dis- ney, 3rd son, living 1537. Ill Anne, mar. John Thompson of Booth by. Elizabeth, mar. .... Poplington. Agnes. Henry Dis- ney, 3rd son, died s.p.; bur. at Carlton 12 April 1582. Adm'on (C.P.C.) 21 Oct. 1584. Thomas Disney^ of Newai*k-on- Trent, Notts, 4th son; died s.p.; bur. at Newark 31 May 1623. = Anne, dau. of William Thorold of Harmston; mar. at Carlton 26 Feb. 1590-91; gave lands to the churchwardens of Newark 1633, then a widow; bur. at New- ark 29 May 1646. Mary, mar. William Monson (brother of Sir John of South Carlton) at St. Mar- garet's, Lincoln, 14 July 1577; bur. at Owersby 14 March 1595-6. Edward Disney of= Carlton-in-Moorland and of Somerton Castle, which he pur- chased of Sir George Bromley, Knt.; 1st son and heir; died 7 Sept. 1595, set. 45; bur. at Carlton-le- 0 Moorland. d =Jane, dau. of Wil- liam Thorold of Harmston; mar. at Harmston 1 July 1578; "Churchwar- den" of Carlton-le- Moorland 1619; bur. at Newark-on- Trent, Notts, 1 June 1637. John Dis- ney, 2nd son, died s.p.; bur. at Carlton 7 Sept. 1619. John Disney,= 2nd surviving son, purchased (with his bro- ther Edward) the lease of Somerton Cas- tle, etc., of Sir George Brom- ley, Knt. =Agnes, dau. of . . . . , remar. Lyonel Skip- with. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 305 Ursula, dan. of Robert Peter-: son of Depfcford Strand, co. Kent; coheir of her mother Ursula (dau. of Benjamin Gonson of Baddow, co. Essex), whose will she proved 17 June 1611 ; bur. at Carlton 22 Aug. 1615. 1st wife. ^Thomas Disney of 0arl-= Elizabeth, ^Bridget, Edward Dis- ney, died 15 Jan. 1610-11, set. 11 montbs; bur. at Carl- ton-le-Moor- land. Thomas Dis- ney, died 25 April 1612, ast. 1 year and 5 months; bur. at Carl- ton-le-Moor- land. ton -le-Moorland and dau. ol: Somerton Castle, son Thomas and heir; bapt. at Den man Carlton 8 Sept. 1579; of .... sold the lease of Som- Notts, erton to Sir Edward 2nd wife. Hussey; living22Aug. 1615. Thomas Dis- ney, 1st son and heir,mar. William Dis- ney, 2nd son. i i Bridgett, dau. 1st Margaret, 2nd dau., bapt. at Harmston 22 May 1624. dau. of Anthony Neville of Mattersey Abbey, Notts. 3rd wife. Elizabeth, 3rd dau. Jane, bapt. 26, bur. 27 July 1627 at Harms- ton. Henry Disney, 2nd son, bapt. 5 April 1585; bur.atCarlton- le-Moorland 8 June 1588. William Disney, 3rd son, bapt. at Carlton- le-Moorland 25 April 1588; of Gray's Inn, Barrister-at-Law; liv- ing 13 Feb. 1610-11. John Disney, 4tli son, bapt. at Carlton-le- Moorland 20 April 1589; died 1653,s.p. Richard Disney, 5th son, bapt. at Carlton- le-Moorland 12 Dec. 1592; of Allington 13 Feb. 1610-11 ; bur. at Harmston 3 July 1627. Katherine, 1st dau., bapt. 18 Aug. 1581; bur. at Carl- ton-le-Moor- land 24 Dec. 1583. Jane, 2nd dau., mar. 1st William Jessopp of Shef- field; 2ndly at Sheffield, 26 Nov. 1635, Lionel Fan- shaw of Dronfield, co. York. Mary, 3rd dau., bapt. 28 May 1591 ; bur. at Carlton- le-Moorland 6 Sept. 1613. Anne, 4ch dau., bapt. at Carlton 22 Aug. 1593; bur. there 19 Oct. 1620. Elizabeth, 5th dau., bapt. 11 Jan. 1595-6; bur. at Carl- ton-le-Moor- land 8 Dec. 1596. Margaret, 3rd dau., mar. 1st John Wayte of Segingwortli,* Hunts; 2ndly Ralph Faukener of ... . Wilts (some say she mar. Richard Gray of Kingerby and had issue). Catherine, 4th dau., mar. Vincent Meres of Holbeach before 27 Oct. 1539. Bridget, 5th dau. William Disney, 2nd son. Thomas Disney, 3rd son. Francis^ Disney, 4th son. dau. of Anne, 1st dau., mar. John, son and heir of John Bruen. Mary, 2nd dau., mar. William Hardeby of Evedon. William Disney. John Disney. Frances. * I can find no place anything like this in co. Hunts except Needingworth. Possibly "Hunts" may be an error for " Hants,"—-A, li. M, YOL. I, ft H 306 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Neile, dau. and=Richard Disney of Norton^p Jane, dau. of Sir William Ayscough coheir of Sir Disnev 1562; M.P. for' William Hus- Grantham 1554; Sheriff sey of Bevall, of co. Lincoln 1556 and Notts,Knt. 1st 1566; died 30 Dec. 20 wife. Eliz., 1577; bur. at Nor- ton Disney. of South Kelsey, Knt.; widow of Sir George St. Paul of Snarford, Knt.; bur. at South Kclsev, St. Mary's, 27 Dec. 1500. Will "dated 24 Nov. 1590; proved (Lincoln) 7 Jan. 1590-91. Sirach Dis-=pBridget, ney,4thson, bur. at Eve- don 8 Nov. 1630. dau. of Richard Skepper of East Kirkby; bur. at Sale- by 31 July 1617. Humphry Dis- ney, died s.p. John Disney. Isaac Disney. i i Sara, 1st dau. Esther, 2nd dau. i i Judith, 3rd dau. Judith, 4th dau. Susan, 5th dau., mar. Alexander Amcotts of Aisthorpe and Am- cotts. Rich- ard Dis- ney, died s.p. I I Alexander Disney, 2nd son. Vincent Disney, 3rd son 1627; "at the Bermadsees." Edward Disney, 4th son, "with the Duke of Bucks at the Isle of St. Martin's, near Rochelle." Wil-=pErances, dau. of Anne, liam Edward Good- Dis- rich of East Kirk- Boston ney. by; mar. at Bos- 15 Dec. ton 26 May 1608. 1586. Margaret, living in Ireland 1627. William Disney, Lst son, died s.p. i Daniel Disney of Norton Dis-=rKatherine (or Mary), dau. of ney, 2nd son, but heir; Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1582; died 3, bur. 5 Feb. 30 Eliz., 1587-8, at Norton Disney. Sir Edmund Molyneux of Hawton, Notts, Knt.; bur. at Norton Disney 24 April 1609. Zachary Disney, 3rd son, died young. r Barbara,=pSir Henry Dis- dau. of John Thorn- haugh of Fenton, Notts. ney of Norton Disney, born 1 March 1569; knighted at Whitehall 23 July 1603; bur. at Norton Disney 11 Oct. 1641. =Eleanor, dau. of Thomas Grey of Langley, co. Leicester; mar. at Norton Dis- ney 29 Jan. 1593; bur. at Swin derby 10 March 1613-14. 2nd wife. Anne, mar. Daniel Harde- by of Eve- don. Hesther, mar. Sir Charles Barnby of Barnby in Cawthorpe, co. York, who was living at Norton Dis- ney 1601. Elizabeth, mar. lst William Staunton of Staun- ton, Notts; 2ndly Aston; 3rdly Bussy. William Dis-= ney of Nor- ton Disney, born 3 Jan. 1589-90; died 1656. E =Bridget, dau. of Edward Molyneux of Carlton in Lindrick, Notts; mar. 1 May 1612. Daniel Disney. Thomas Disney. Guido Dis- ney, a Cap- tain in Colonel Syleur's Regiment; killed in Scotland, =Joane, dau. Of ....; received a pension from the Parliament 20 Nov. 1651. Anne, bapt. 5 Feb. 1587-8; mar. John Wilkinson or William- son of Bur- ton, F | LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. J. William Disney, 6 th son, bapt. 10 Jan., bur. 10 Feb. 1627-8 at Norton Disney. William Disney, 7th son, died young. Elizabeth, bur. at Norton Disney 6 Nov. 1614. Elizabeth, bapt. 21 June 1621; mar. Samuel Fisher. Thomas Disney, 5th son, bapt. 25 March 1620; a Captain in the Army; died s.p. "i Richard Disney, a Captain in=j= the Army; born 22 March 1623-4; bapt. at Norton Dis- ney April 1624; living there 1682. Mary, bapt. Nov.1622; mar. at Norton Dis- ney, 18 May 1647, Bartholemew Las- celles of Els ton, Notts; bur. 8 May 1704. :Anne, dau. of William Wightman of Stoke, Notts; mar. at New- ark-upon-Trent 7 Dec. 1657. William Disney of Norton Dis- ney, to which he succeeded at the death of his uncle Molyneux Dis- ney 30 April 1694; died un- mar.; bur. at Norton Disney 21 Aug. 1722. Rebecca, - dau. of Rev. Henry Wych of Sutton, co. Sur- rey. 1st wife. :Richard= Disney of Nor- ton Dis- ney, Rector of Blox- ham 1708. Anne. -Bridget, dau. of Eakins Lenton of Wigtoft; widow of Tho- mas; mar. at Wragby 1 Dec. 1692. 2nd wife. Bridget, bapt. 1 May 1661. Anne, bapt. 21 March 1663-4; mar. 1st at Swinderby, 26 Jan. 1681-2, Timothy Boole of Navenby; 2ndly John G-ilman of Canwick. Richard Disney, born 1694. William Disney, born 1696. Lenton, born 1699. Bridget. i i Eakins, Mary, born born 1700. 1708. Daniel Disney, 2nd son sur-=f=Eleanor, 3rd dau. of Tho- Francis Disney, 4th viving, bapt. at Norton Dis- mas, Viscount Beaumont son, born 11, bapt. ney2 May 1616; a Barrister- of Swords; mar. at Nor- 22 Nov. 1618; bur. at-Law; bur. at Norton ton Disney 2 May 1639; at Norton Disney Disney 30 July 1661. bur. there 23 Mar. 1643-4. 28 Nov. 1626. Daniel Disney, Molyneux Disney, Sapcotts Disney, 3rd Sapcotts Disney, 1st son, bapt. 9 2nd son, bapt. 20 son, bapt. 10 Oct. 4th son, bur. at March 1639-40; July 1641; died 1642; bur. at Nor- Newark-on- died 1662, s.p. 1663, s.p. ton Disney 22 Sept. Trent, Notts, 24 1655. Nov. 1655. William Dis- Molyneux Disney of Norton Dis-= ney, 1st son, ney, 1st son surviving, born 1 Aug. bapt. 4 June 1614; Lieut.-Col. in Albemarle's 1613; bur. at Regiment of Foot; purchased the Norton Dis- franchise of Lincoln City 2 March ney 12 July 1660-61; bur. at Norton Disney 1622. 30 April 1694. a :Mary, youngest dau. of Sir Robert Monson of North Carl- ton, Knt.; bapt. at Horbury, co. York, 25 July 1616 ; mar. at North Carlton 14 Jan. 1633-4; bur. at Norton Dis- ney 13 Oct. 1669, 308 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. William Disney, lst=f=. . . son, was concerned dau. in the Duke of Mon- of mouth's Rebellion, and executed for high treason at Kennington29 June 1685. Monson Dis- ney, born 27 Dec. 1647; bapt. 1 Jan. 1647-8; bur. at Norton Disney 11 Aug. 1670. John Dis- ney, born 6 June, bapt. 2 July 1655; died young. Mary, born 10, bapt. 17 March 1635-6; mar. 1st, 2 Nov. 1663, John Stow of Newton; 2ndly Ro- bert Heron of New- ark-on-Trenb, Notts. f William Disney, died s.p. (1722). Anne, set. 11, 1685. Penelope, died young. I Sarah, born 23, bapt. 29 May 1638. Bridget, bapt. 1 Feb. 1639-40; mar. at Norton Disney, 21 June 1669, Francis Bussy of the Close of Lincoln, a Captain in the Army, killed in Flanders. Elizabeth, bapt. 8 Oct. 1642; mar. Francis Clarke, Rector of Stoke, Notts. Diana, born 27 Aug., bapt. 1 Sept. 1646; a legatee of her "aunt1' Daine Elizabeth Wentworth 2 Nov. 1666, and then unmar. Catherine, born 6 Oct., bapt. 8 Nov. 1650; mar. .... Seymour of London. i Hantasia,born 17, bapt. 20 Nov.l651;bur, at Norton Dis- ney same year. Richard Disney, 1st son, bapfc. 25 Jan. 1598-9; bur. at Norton Disney 13 Aug. 1614. I Thomas Disney, 2nd son, born 25 March 1601. I I Henry Disney, 3rd son, Daniel^ bapt. 5 April 1602; bur. Disney, at Swinderby 7 Feb. 1618-19. Thomas Disney, died 1719.=j= i i 1 Thomas Disney. Mary. Temple. Joane, dau. of Edward=f=Thomas Disney, 2nd son sur-=Faith, dau. of Nixon; Willesof LeightonBuz- | viving, bapt. at Norton Dis- relict of Jasper Justice, zard, co. Beds; mar. 1642; died 28 Sept. 1680, xt. 64. ney 16 Feb. 1606-7; Rector of Stoke Hammond, co. Bucks, 6 Aug. 1646; died 27 Dec. 1686. Clerk; born 1626; bur. at Bletchley, co. Bucks, 1706, set. 80, s.p. Sarah, dau. and co-^Mathew Disney, only: lieirofSamueHron- side of Heath, and of Reach in Leigh- ton Buzzard, co. Beds; died of small- pox . . . ., ait. 26. 1st wife. son, bapt. at Stoke 11 ammo n d, c o. B u cks, 9 April 1656; Rec- tor of Blickley, co. Bucks; M.A. Oxon 8 April 1682; living 1724. =Mary, dau. of . . . .; widow of Paul Day- rell of Lil- lingston Day- rell, co. Bucks. 2nd wife. Mary, died unmar. 13 Aug. 1658, set. 15. Frances, mar. Henry Hawes of Princes Risborough, co. Bucks. H I LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 309 .III Elizabeth, died s.p. Sarah, died s.p. Martha, died s.p. Frances, mar. Philip Le Man, apothecary and chemist. Had issue. i i Mathew Disney, died s.p. Francis Disney, died s.p. Thomas Disney, died s.p. Henry Disney, died s.p. Joseph Disney, born 23 Jan.= 1694-5; M.A. and Rector of Cran brook and Appledore, co. Kent; died 3 Aug. 1777, set. 82. :Anne,dau. of Thomas Ross of Barbadoes, West Indies; born 1706; died at Canter- bury 31 Jan. 1782, 93t. 76. Mary, mar. 1st ... . Grainger, 2ndly Wil- liam Hawes of Great Marlow, co. Bucks, her cousin-germ an. Matthew Disney, 1st son, born 17 April 1730; B.D. and Fellow of St. John's College, Oxon; died un- mar. 9 March 1768, a)t. 38. William Disney, 2nd son,= born 20 Sept. 1731; D.D., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Professor of Hebrew, Rector of Pluck- ley, co. Kent; died at Piuckley 28 March 1807, aet. 75; Cranbrook, co. Kent; s.p. =Anna Maria, dau. and coheir of John Smyth of Chart Sutton, co. Kent; born 1736; mar. 9 Jan. 1782; died at Ashford, co. Kent, 18 May 1820, a3t. 84; bur. at Cran- brook. i i Mary, died an infant. Anne, born 23 Oct. 1739; living unmar. 1790. John Disney of Swinderby, 1st surviving son: of Sir Henry by his 2nd wife ; born 30 Nov. 1603; died at Lincoln 10, bur. 14 Jan. 1680-81 at Swinderby. Will dated March 1678; proved 30 April 1681. :Barbara, dau. of Gervase Lee of Nor- well Hall, Notts; mar. 25 Jan. 1635-6; died 18, bur. 22 June 1703 at Swin- derby, then described of St. Peter's-at- Gowts, Lincoln. i Cornelius Disney, 1st son, born 30 April 1637; of Corpus Christi College, Oxon, 1654; died Stoke Hammond, co. Bucks, May 1663. Rebecca, dau. of= John Spateman of Rednook, co. Derby; mar. at Trinity Chapel 29 June 1671; died 7 June 1686; bur. at Crich, co. Derby. 1st wife. :Gervase Disney of Swin-= derby, 2nd son and heir, born 8 April 1641; also of Lincoln; proved his father's will 30 April 1681; died 3, bur. 8 April 1691 at Swinderby, s.p. Will dated 30 March, proved (C.P.C.) 17 April 1691. :Mary, dau. of Serle of Lambeth, co. Surrey; widow of Robert Wright; sur- viving 30 Mar. 1691. 2nd wife. r i John Disney, born 27 May 1647; died and bur. at Swinder- by 21 March 1664-5. Samuel Disney, born 4 Nov. 1650; died at Lincoln, bur. at Swinderby 7 Dec. 1656. Elizabeth, born 15 May 1639; mar., 15 July 1669,John Hat- field of Laugh- ton-en-le-Mor- then, co. York; died 17 March 1671-2. Mary, born 10 March 1642-3; bapt. at St. Peter-at-Arches 12 March 1642-3; mar., 23 April 1672, Jona- than Stanyforth of Rotherham, co. York; died 24 July 1675. I I Sarah, born 16 Oct. 1644; died 3 Dec. 1656. Dorcas, born 31 Aug. 1653 ; mar. at Swinderby, 22 Mayl676,Joshua Wigsley of Cliffe, co. Derby. J 310 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Catherine,youngest dau.^ and coheir of Henry Fynes of Kirkstead; born 11 April 1655; mar. 1 June 1674; died at Kirk- stead 16, bur. 20 May 1690 at Swinderby, aet. 35. I. :Daniel Disney of Kirkstead and= Lincoln, 3rd son, heir of hisbrother of Swinderby, born 10 May 1656; entered at Gray's Inn 16 Feb. 1676-7; proved his brother's will 17 April 1691; J.P. for co. Lin- coln; died at Lincoln 29 Aug., bur. 2 Sept. 1734 at Swinderby. =Martha, dau. of Danet Forth, Citizen and Alderman of London, born 1655; died s.p. at Lincoln 27, bur. 30 Jan. 1747-8 at Swin- derby, set. 92. Henry Disney, born 20 Jan. 1682-3; died 27, bur. 28 April 1683 at Swinderby. Samuel Disney, born 18 Feb. 1686-7; died 16, bur. 18 March 1696-7 at Swinderby. I I Barbara, born 14 Sept., died 10 Nov. 1676. Katherine, born 6 Nov. 1676; a legatee of her grandfather March 1678; died 10, bur. 13 June 169 6 at Swinderby, set. 18. Barbara, born 2 Dec. 1684; died Nov., bur. 22 Nov. 1698 at Swin- derby. Jane, born 1689; died 1689-90. Dec. Jan. A son, born and died 17 Nov. 1675. John Disney of Lincoln, lst^Mary, dau. and heir of Wil- I son, born 26 Dec. 1677; M.A., Vicar of St. Mary's, Nottingham ; died v.p. 3 Feb. 1729-30; bur. in the chancel of St. Mary's, Nottingham. liam Woolhouse of North Muskham, Notts, M.D.; born 6 Dec. 1677; mar. 20 May 1698; died at Flintham Hall, Notts, 20 May 1763 ; bur. at Flintham. Daniel Dis- ney, 2nd son, born 21 May 1681 ; died 16 May 1689. Mary, bapt. at St. Swithin's, Liucoln, 21 (born 18) Nov. 1703; mar. Benjamin Thea- ker, Captai n in Colonel Kirke's Regiment of Foot; died 24 July 1759, s.p. Catherine, born 31 Aug., bapt. 11 Sept. 1706 at St. Margaret's, Lincoln; mar. David Houston of Houston, near Glasgow, Cornet in Marshall Wade's Regiment; died at High Wycombe, Bucks, 22 Jan. 1762. Martha, born 20, bapt. 22 Oct. 1711 at St. Margaret's, Lincoln; mar. Metcalfe Proctor of Thorpe, near Wakefield, co. York; died 8 June 1764; bur. at Roth- well, co. York; Gervase Disney of Pontefract, co. York, 6th son,=fMary, dau. of William Thorpe i - ~ i l_ i -i <•> Ol i -i i-t r\r\ _ j_ CI i_ H/T i _ f AT „ i. l Z 1 . U CUT A born 18 Aug., bapt. 13 Sept. 1709 at St. Mar garet's, Lincoln; entered at Magdalen College, Cambridge, April 1728, B.M. 19 Nov. 1733; died at Pontefract 4 Nov. 1786; bur. there. of Nottingham; born 25 Aug. 1716; mar. 20 May 1736; died at Pomfret 17 Feb. 1789; bur. there. Clinton Disney, 1st son, born 20 June 1742; died young. William Disney, 2nd son, born 2 Jan. 1745-6; died young. Robert Disney, born 25 Dec. 1746 ; died young. Gervase Disney, born 4 June 1748; died young. Martha, 1st dau. and coheir, born 7 March 1736-7; mar., 12 July 1763, Robert Thorpe of Bled worth, co. Notts, Clerk. Mary, born 16 April 1738; died unmar W Oct. 1770. I I I Katherine, born 3 Sept. 1739; died Nov. 1744. Elizabeth, born 3 April 1741; died young. Charlotte, born 24 Aug. 1743; died young. l LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 311 Harriett, 2nd dau. and coheir, born 4 Sept. 1744; mar. at Pontefract, 12 May 1763, Robert Alexander of Hali- fax, co. York, sur- geon; died in childbed 12 May 1787. Caroline, Henrietta, 3rd surviving dau. born 4 and coheir, born Feb. 1753; May 1750. living unmar. 1790. Charlotte, Lucy, 14th child but 4th dau. born 21 and coheir, born 19 April 1754; July 1751. mar. at Pontefract, 24 Feb. 1784, Thomas Lund, Rector Both died of Barton-le-Street, co. York; young. living 1790. Anne, born 10 Oct. 1756; died at Pom- fret 18 Jan. 1781, unmar. Frances, born 14 Nov. 1758; died young. Samuel Disney, 5th son, born 9, bapt. 20 June 1705 at= St. Margaret's in the Close of Lincoln; Fellow of Corpus College, Cambridge, Lecturer of Wakefield, co. York, and of Great Sandall in said co.; died 22 July 1741, set. 36; bur. on north side of Wakefield Church. Will dated 29 Oct. 1738. :Margery, youngest dau. of Francis Proctor of Thorpe-on-the-Hill, co. York; living a widow at Wakefield 1790. Samuel Disney, only= surviving son, born at Wakefield 5 Jan. 1737-8; Vicar of Halstead, co. Essex, collated8Nov.l768; died 10 July 1786, set. 48; bur. at Hal- stead. =Anne, eldest dau. of Christopher Wil- son, D.D., Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's and Bishop of Bristol (by Anne, youngest dau. of Edmund G-ibson, Bishop of London); born at Fulham Palace 14 Sept. 1745; mar. 1 Aug. 1767; died at Kensington, co. Middle- sex, 8 May 1785; bur. at Fulham in Bishop Gibson's vault. John Disney, died young. Henrietta Maria Elizabeth, born 9 Sept. 1739; died 1741. Frances, born 20 Dec. 1740; died young. William Disney, 3rd son (twin with Daniel), born and bapt. 6 July 1702 at St. Swithin's, Lincoln; died at Lincoln; bur. at Swinderby 6 Sept. 1713. Daniel Disney, 4th son (twin=j=Sarah, dau. with William), born and bapt. | of . 1702 at St. Swithin's, Lin- coln ; died at Gibraltar 1744; bur. there. Daniel Disney, only son, born in St. Andrew's, Holborn, co. Middlesex, Sarah, 26 Dec. 1726; Captain in the Army 4 Oct. 1760; Major 71st Foot died Aug. 1776; Town Major of Montreal in the Canadas ; died 24 Jan. young. 1780. Henry Disney of Newark-on-Trent, Notts,=pMartha, dau. of Thomas Roebuck M.D., 2nd son ; born 15 June 1701; died 4, bur. 7 Nov. 1760 at Newark, then called "Captain." K M of Heath, co. York; heir of her brother John; died in Scotland. 312 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Kathcrine, 1st dau. and coheir= of John Russell, Rector of Stoke, near Guildford, co. Sur- rey; mar. at Stamford 17 June 1770; died at Stamford 28 Jan. 1771; bur. there; s.p. 1st wife. MJ I = Henry Woolhouse Disney of: Ingress, co. Kent, only sur- viving son, inherited the estate of North Muskham, co. Notts, and assumed the name of Roebuck; born 16 July 1733 ; a Cornet in the Scots Greys; living 1790. ^Elizabeth, dau. of... . Baylis; mar. at Bath 2 Feb. 1774-; living 1700. 2nd wife. i Disney=j=. . . . dau. of Francis Delaval, natural son of Sir Francis Blake Roebuck. ( Delaval, K.B. Henry Disney^f Roebuck. | . O'Halloran , mar. Thomas Cobham of Marley Lodge, co. Devon. i Alice Mary=Hon. John Vivian. Marmaduke Disney, born 26 Dec. 1736; died March 1738-9. I Martha, died young. Martha, born 8 April 1736; also died young. I "A child of Captain Dis- ney," bur. at Newark-on- Trent, co. Notts, 8 Aug. 1754. John Disney of Swinderby, 1st son, heir of his=f Frances, youngest dau. of George n-Lnn^nflv^ . Kn.-n Q Knnf 1ft Anvil 17AA of I Ho r f- mvi trh f n f* nocinrvfrm Mnf.b • grandfather; born 3, bapt. 16 April 1700 at St. Margaret's in the Close of Lincoln; J.P. for co. Lincoln and Notts; Sheriff of Notts 1733; died at Lincoln 26, bur. 30 Nov. 1771 at Swinderby, set. 71. Cartwright of Ossington, Notts; born 11 Nov. 1709; mar. in Queen StreetChapel,Lincoln's Inn Fields, co. Middlesex, 29 Dec. 1730; died at Lincoln 5 Jan. 1791; bur. at Swinderby, set. 81. John Disney, born 9 July, bapt. 5 Aug. 1734 at St. Margaret's, Lincoln; died 18, bur. 22 Jan. 1737-8 at St. Mar- garet's. I Frederic Dis- ney, born 25 Nov., bapt. 13 Dec. 1735; died 19, bur. 21 May 1736 at St. Mar- garet's, Lin- coln. Lewis Disney of Swin- derby, 3rd but eldest surviving son; born 9 Oct., bapt. 11 Nov. 1738 at St. Peter's in East- gate, Lincoln; assumed the name of Ffytche 27 Sept. 1775 ; ' died 22 Sept. 1822. -Elizabeth, only dau. and heir of William Ffytche, Governor of Bengal, E.I.; born 5 Sept. 1749-50; heir of her uncle Thomas Ffytche of Danbury Place, co. Essex; mar. at Dan- bury 16 Sept. 1775; died there 12 Nov. 1787; bur. at Swinderby. Diana, born at Dan- bury Place, co. Essex, 19 May 1779; died 19 Jan. 1782; bur. at Swinderby. Anna Maria, born at Danbury Place 21 June 1780; died 10 March 1787; bur. at Swinderby. Charlotte Lucia, born 16 April 1783, died 5 May following; bur. at Swinderby. A dau., still- born, 9 Nov. 1787, of whom her mother died in childbed; bur. at Swinderby. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 313 I Frederick Disney, 3rd son, bapt. at St. Peter's in Eastgate 10 Aug. 1741; Captain in the Fusi leers 19 Feb. 1766; Major in the Army 14 Nov. 1780; J.P. for co. Lincoln; died at Lincoln 13, bur. 18 June 1788 at Swinderby, unmar. John Disney of the Hyde,= co. Essex, 4th son; born 17 Sepfc.,bapt. 18 Oct, 1746 at St. Peter's in Eastgate, Lincoln; D.D., Rector of Pan ton, Vicar of Swinder- by, Chaplain to Bishop of Carlisle, Minister of Essex Street Chapel, London; died at the Hyde 26 Dec. 1816, set. 70. =Jane, 1st dau. of Fran- cis Blackburne, M.A., Rector of Richmond, co. York, and Archdeacon of Cleveland; born 31 Jan. 1745-6; mar. at Richmond, co. York, 17 Nov. 1774 ; died at the Hyde, near Ingatestone, co. Essex, 2 Oct. 1809, set. 63. Frances Eliza- beth, eldest dau. and co- heir, born 29 Aug. 1776; mar., 21 Feb. 1800, William (afterwards Sir William) Hil- lary, Bart. Sophia, young- est dau. and co- heir, born at Dan bury Place 15 Dec. 1777; mar. at St. George's, Han- over Square (to her cousin), 22 Sept. 1802. I =John Disney of the Hyde, co. Essex, and of Corscombe, co. Dor- set, 1st son; born at Flintham Hall, Notts, 29 May 1779; F.R.S.; of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law; Recorder of Bridport; Sheriff of Dorset 1818. Algernon Disney, 2nd son, born at Flintham Hall 1 June 1780; Major in the Army, and called "Colonel" at his death 23 Jan. 1848, but "Captain" in the M.I. oln John Disney, born 28 July 1808 ; died 20 Dec. 1819. Edgar Disney of the Hyde near Ingate- Sophia, stone, co. Essex, born 22 Dec. 1810. Frances Mary, born at Swinderby 7 Aug. 1775; mar., 29 May 1818, Rev. Thomas Jervis; only dau. surviving. Elizabeth Jane, born at Flint- ham Hall 19., died 30 Oct., bur. I Nov. 1776 at Swinderby, aet. II days. Elizabeth Collyer, born in Essex St., Strand, London, 18 Jan., died 10, bur. 14 Mar. 1784 at Swinderby. Jane, born in Sloane Street, Chelsea, co. Middlesex, 19 May 1785 ; died 7 March 1786; bur. at Swin- derby. . . . . Disney, 2nd son, born and died 26 Jan. 1739-40; bur. at St. Mar- garet's in the Close of Lincoln. i Mary, born at Oxton, Notts, 27 Aug. 1732; mar. at Lincoln, 18 Dec. 1753, Edmund Turnor of Stoke Roch- ford; living 1790. Frances, born 12 Aug. 1733 ; died 21 Aug. 1734; bur. at St. Mar- garet's, Lincoln. Louisa, born 9 Jan., died 7, bur. 10 Feb. 1736-7 at St. Margaret's, Lincoln. yql. ir 314, LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Thomas Dobbs of Bucknall,=pMary, dau. and coheir of Rev. Everard living 1675. (Probably son of Thomas Dobbs of co. Wilts, who was aged 18 in 1610; Rector of Horsing- ton 1631-68.) Dighton, Rector of Bucknall, Vicar of Croft, by his 1st wife Frances, clan, of Valentine Upton of Northoline; bapt. at Croft 4 April 1639; legatee of her father 1675. Thomas Dobbs, called "junior" in 1675. (Probably=f= Mary, legatee Vicar of Croft 1703; set. 16 in 1689.) I in 1675. John Dobbs, legatee of his aunt Helen Dighton 1734; of=pMary, dau. of flenry Bucknall 1741. Will dated 13 Feb. 1756; proveilll Junel756. I Boulton of Stixwold. John Dobbs, legatee of=f=Mildred, Thomas Dobbs, Mary, Elizabeth, 1756; born his aunt Helen Digh- ton 1734. Will dated 16 Sept. 1741, then of Waddingworthj proved 12 Oct. 1743. dau. of 1756. 1756. 1716; died 1808. Rev. — = John Henry Dobbs, John Bourne of Dalby Brow- 1756. 1756. nell. John Dobbs, mentioned in his grandfather's will 1756; under age in 1741. Bennett Thomas Dobbs of Scremby=p. . . . dau. of John Wilby. . . . .=Rev. William Morley, Rector of Mavis En derby. Iiarriet=Rev. Stephen Preston of Louth. Ann Dobbs of Bucknall, widow. Will dated 4 July 1783; proved 12 Sept. 1794. [I have compiled this pedigree from wills at Lincoln—A.U.M.] iBobson of <&amsfcoi'ougi). John Dobson of Gainsborough =f= See Harl. Soc, Vol. IV., p. 130. Will of Margaret Dobson of Gainsborough, widow, 19 April 1541. Dan. Dorothy, "to be at the order of John Staveley, S1' Rowland Staveley, and William Staveley, my sonnes." Probate 28 April 1541 (Lincoln). LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 315 Christopher Dobson, Rector and Patron of Ludborough, born in co. York; induct- ed 24 July 1661; bur. there 4 Oct. 1680. :Frances, dau. of Michael Clipsham of Cade- by; mar. at Grantham 14 Feb. 1664-5; bur. at Ludborough 5 April 1683. Thomas Dobson, 1st son, bapt. at Ludborough 20 Feb. 1665-6; bur. 5 April 1666. Christopher Dobson, 2nd son, bapt. 30 Jan., bur. 11 March 1671-2. John Dob- son, 3rd son, bapt. 14 Feb. 1672-3. Edmund Dob- son, 4th son, bapt. 19 Feb. 1678-9. Richard Dob- son, 5th son, bapt. 24 Nov. 1679. I I Frances, Dorothy, bapt. bapt. 28 1668-9. May 1667. Anne, bapt. 21 May, bur. 1 Aug. 1670. Jane, bapt. 14 Feb. 1672-3. Elizabeth, bapt. 8 May 1676. Bolman of Bottesfortr* Arms.—Azure, a/esse dancettee between eight garbs or, banded gules. Crest.— Two arms em bo wed, the dexter vested azure, the sinister or, the hands proper, holding a garb of the second. Marmaduke Dolman of Millington, co. York,- and Messinghain, co. Lincoln, 3rd son of Thomas Dolman of Pocklington, co. York; bapt. at Pocklington 7 June 1562; slain at Marston Moors, ex parte Regis, 1645. ^Ursula, dau. of John Rudston of Hay ton, co. York; widow of Christopher Langley of Millington. . . . ., mar Fitzer; mentioned in John Dol- man's will 1692. Ursula, mar. .... Bishop of Pockling- ton. Elizabeth, mar Mary, mar. Constable of Cars- Morley of thorpe, co. York. tesford. Bot- T Thomas Dol- man. Will dated 1668; proved at York 1671. = Magdalen, dau. of Ed- mund Mor- ley of Holme in Bottes- ford. Marmaduke Dol-=pAnnc, dau. of John man of Bottes- ford, gent.; bur. there 20 Dec. 1654. Shaw of Bottesford; sister and heiress of John Shaw; bur. at Bottesford 11 April 1652. John Dol- man, bur. at Bottesford 19 Nov. 1670, s.p. I Elizabeth, bapt.-f Col. Henry at Frodingham .11 Nov. 1628; mar. at Bottes- ford 9 Nov. 1652. r Liiliug- ston. Anne, died un- mar.; ex'trix to her brother Wil- liam Dolman 1662. Ursula, mar. after=. . .. Para- 1658; ex'trix to mount, her brother Wil- liam Dolman 1662; s.p. A Luke Lillingston, mentioned in will of William Dolman 1662. Mary, 1662. Elizabeth, 1662. 31(> LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. William Dolman of Bottesford, gent. Will dated 8 May, proved 17 Oct. 1662 (Lincoln). Persida, dau. of Rev.= William Lincoln, D.I).; bur. at Bot- tesford 2 Sept. 1682. 1st wife. :John Dolman of=Anne, dau. of Wil- Bottesford, gent, liam Wolley of Well, Will dated 4 June co. Lincoln; mar. 1692; proved 17 at Scotter 30 Nov. Nov. 1694 (Line). 1683. 2nd wife. William Dolman of=j= Elizabeth, dau. of Bottesford, gent., bapt. there 1 Feb. 1665-6. Will dated 11 Dec. 1694; proved June 1699 (Lincoln). Cary of Gainsborough; ex'trix to her hus- band 1699; living a widow at Hull 2 Aug. 1728. Marmaduke Dol- man of London, mercer; ex'or to his father 1694. Will dated 15 Oct. 1702. I I Anne, bapt. at Bottes- ford 8 Sept. 1660; died inf. Persida, bapt. at Bot- tesford 10 June 1668; bur. 2 Nov. 1671. William Dolman of Bottes-^Mary, dau. of William ford and Doncaster, Attor- ney-at-Law, bapt. at Bot- tesford 24 Nov. 1692; heir-at-law of his uncle Marmaduke Dolman of London; died before 1728. Leech gent.; 1719; caster Adm'on at Oct. 1755. of Doncaster, mar. 28 June bur. at Don- 21 May 1753. York 25 John Dolman, bapt. at Bot- tesford 28 May 1694; bur. 4 May 1698. Persida, living 1700, unmar. Persida, bapt. at Doncaster 1720; bur. 1721. Mary, bapt. at Doncaster 1722; bur. 1723. Henry Marsden— Persida, coheir,=Robcrfc Clay- Elizabeth, of Wennington bapt. at Don- ton Bayly, coheir, in parish of caster 19 Nov. Major 58th born Melling, co. 1723; adm'ix Regt. 2nd 1724; Lancaster; liv- to her mother husband. died 1735. ing 1755. 1st 25 Oct. 1755; husband. s.p. [Note.—The full pedigree of Dolman of Pockliugton is printed in Foster's Pedigrees." I have given the Lincolnshire branch ooly.—A. R. M.] Yorkshire ©ouc$t£ of ^crntj) antr CotijttL [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College. Title-deeds of the Earl of Yarborough.] Aums.—Argent, two bars between three mullets of six points, pierced sable. For earlier part of the pedigree see "Visitation of Lincolnshire, 1592/' printed in the "Genealogist," vol. vi., p. 148. Robert Doughty of Louth^Katherine, dau. and coheir of William (son of Christopher Doughty ol co. Derby). A Fitzwilliam of Louth, 3rd sou of Tho- mas Fitzwilliam of Mablethorpe. LINCOLNSHIRE jpEDlGtlEES. 317 I William=f=Anne or Agnes, Doughty of Louth dau. of Fisher of Louth; mar. 4 Feb. 1543-4. a 1 Joan, dau.= of....; bur. at Louth 1578. 1st wife. = Robert Doughty,= Vicar of Louth, bur. at Louth 12 Nov. 1600. Will dated 24 April 1600; proved 10 Feb. 1600-1. =Anne, dau. of Wil- liam Render of Louth, physician; bur. 18 May 1591. 2nd wife. Robert Doughty, bur. 19 Dec. 1573. Alice, heiress, bapt. at Louth=Anthony Ogle of Louth 1581 ; mar. Oct. 1596. and Keddington. Richard Doughty, bapt. at Louth 15 Jan. 1538-9. Thomas Doughty1 of Boston, 2nd son, Mayor of Boston 1569. :Katherine, dau. of John W oodthorpe of Abey Grange. i Margaret, mar., 1550, Robert Mar- shall of Louth. Kathe- rine, mar. John More. Mary. AnthonyDoughty= of Boston, 2nd son, living 1600; mar. lie. 26 March 1605; s.p. =Jane, dau. of Thomas Ogle of Pinchbeck; mar. 31 March 1608; bur. at Pinchbeck 6 July 1644. Will dated 14 June, proved 13 Aug. 1644. Richard Doughty1 of Abey Grange, bur. at Tothill 3 Sept. 1617. Will proved 18 Sept. 1617. :Margaret, base dau. of Rad- cliffe; remar. (mar. lie. 15 June 1620) Nicholas Wood- thorpe of Tothill. I I Richard Doughty, under age 1617. Edward Doughty, bapt. at Tothill 1614. William Doughty, bur. at Tothill. Anthony Doughty. Mildred. Elizabeth, bur. at Tothill. Margaret, bapt. at Tothill 1612. Katherine,=Thomas mar. lie. 28 Moody Nov. 1624. of Tot- hill. Robert Dough ty= of Scremby, proved his uncle Robert's will in 1600 ; purchased manor of Ruck- land 1609; dead in 1615. :Margaret, dau. of Andrew Smalley of Scremby; re- mar, (mar. lie. 11 Dec. 1615) John North of Louth. John Doughty, bur. at Louth 1555. Barbara, mar. Ed- ward Ashe of Boston; dead before 1599. Mildred, mar. at Bos- ton, 9 Oct. 1576, John Friskney of Benington. i i Margaret. Dorothy. Mary. Edward Doughty, settled Ruck- land on his wife 1624. :Martha, dau. of Sir John Bolle, Kut., of Thorpe Hall; bapt. at Louth 8 Dec. 1597. 318 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Charles=j=Mary, dau. of Ed- Robert Doughty, settled Ruckland in 1647. mund Dandy of Doughty, South Ormsby. 2nd son 1634. Margaret= Henry Dandy, brother of Mary, wife of Charles Doughty. I I Elizabeth, 1634. Martha, 1634. Edmund Doughty of Lon- Charles Doughty, Robert Doughty of=pAnne don, merchant, bankrupt; entered at Alford llighgate, mcr- sold Ruckland and Wor- School 12 Aug. chant, purchased laby to his brother Robert 1662; s.p. "manor of Farforth 1711. 1714. re mar. George Mar- ty n of Lon- don. I I Rev. John Doughty Edmund=Martha, Jaue= Henry Mary=John Andrews of St. James, Cler- Doughty, dau. of Carter. of St. Clement kenwell. s.p. .... Danes. [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] John Dowman of Newnham, Herrs=pJane, dau. of Henry Sapcotts of Lincoln. James Dowman of=pjoan, dau. and heir of Henry Gowshull, son and heir of John Newnham, living $9 April 1610. Gowshull of Bedford in Holderness, co. York; died 10 Nov. 1607. I I I I I I III Edward Dowman of=pJane, dau. of Margaret. Anne, mar. Mary. — Henry God- — Elizabeth, frey. Susan, died young. Swinhope, co. Lin- coln. Will dated 20 April, proved 7 Nov. 1610. Tli o mas Hat- ch fie of Hat- ch fie, co. Lincoln. Jane. Constance. Susan. i William Dowman of=pAnne, dau. of Reignold John Dowman, James Dowman, under age 1610. lifting ton, son and heir 1634. Blechington of Kent. bur. 1592. Francis Dowman, Mild may Dowman, Jane. Eliza- Annc=John Stukeley act. 13, 1634, son entered at Gray's — beth. of Uflington. and heir. Inn 14 June 1651. Grace. Katherine, mar.T ho- Jane, mas Hal ford, Rector of Edith Weston, co. Rutland. Judith, mar. Ro- Anne, mar. lic.=Robert Audley of bertMuncasterof 24 Sept. 1622, Welbourn, Clerk, Cumberland. set. 22. set. 30, 1622. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 319 Bpmofce of Haltjjam* [MB. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] Sir Edward Dyrnoke, Knt., of Scrivelsby; died I^GT^pAnn Talbois. Arthur Dyrnoke, 4th son.= oln John I)ymoke=f= Katherine, dan. of John Broxholme; sister of William Broxholme of Lincoln. Thomas= Dyrnoke of Gray's Inn. Cressy Dyrnoke, 1660. John Dyrnoke of Halt-=pMartha, dau. of Edward=y= Faith, dau. of ham, Clerk. Will dated 8 Sept. 1647; proved 9 Oct. 1649. John Buckbury Dyrnoke, of Dowsby; 3rd son. ex'trix. John Picker of Mareham- le-Fen. Robert Dyrnoke, Mary, Martha, under JohnDy- Hester. 1st son 1647. mar. age in 1647. moke. — — Richard — — Priscilla. John Dyrnoke, Cable. Elizabeth,under Susanna. — 2nd son 1647. age in 1647. Dorothy. [The pedigree of Dyrnoke of Scrivelsby has been printed in Lodge's ''History of Scrivelsby." I have given the above as supplementary to it.—A. R. M.] Arms.—Or, a saltire gules surmounted by another ermine, on a chief of the second three saltorels engrailed of the first. Crest.— On the inside of cm escallop or, the point in base, a lion passan t sable. Robert Dyon=pMargaret, dau. and heir of William Marshall. John Dyon, 1st sony Margaret, dau. of Curteys. Robert Dyon, 2nd son. John Dyon of Tafch-=pMargaret, dau. of Charles Yar- Robert Agnes== Robert well, bur. at Wei- borough of Yarborough ; bur. Dyon. Weston ton-le-Wold 24 May at Welton-le-Wold 22 May 1575. 1579. ■ > i Charles Dyon. Elizabeth, heiress,=Robert Monson, Judge of Common Pleas — mar. at Louth 12 31 Oct. 1574; died 24 Sept. 1583, s.p. • Hercules Dyon. Sept. 1559. bur. in Lincoln Cathedral. 320 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. earle of fttraflflUtftorpe^ [MS. C. 23, Heralds1 College. Burke's " Extinct Baronetage."] Arms.—Gules three escallops, and a border engrailed argent Augustine Earle of Straggletborpe, an Attorney died 25 April 30 Eliz. | I Agnes, dau.=p Augustine Earle==Margaret,dau.=pFrances, dau. of Sir Thomas Cony, Knt., of Bassingthorpe; bapt. 1 March 1574-5; mar. 22 Jan. 1599- 1600 at Bas- singthorpe. and coheir of William Aud- leyof Hough; widow of Ro- bert Thorold. of Straggletborpe, an Attorney. Will dated 20 July 1686; proved Id- Dec. 1638. of Charles, Lord Wil- loughby of Parham. John Earle, Elizabeth, living 1636; mar. Robert s.p. Anderson of Castlethorpe. i i Helen, mar. Thomas Grant of Allington. Martha, mar. Gervase Jack- son. Sir Richard Earle,=pFrances, dau. of Bart., of Straggle- tborpe; created a Bart.2 July 1620; Sheriff of co. Lin- coln 1647; died 25 March 1667, set. 60. Sir Ed ward Har- topp, Bart., of Buckminster, co. Leicester; mar. at Buck- minster 8 Jan. 1627-8. William Earle, s.p. George Earle, en- tered at Gray's Inn 27 Jan. 1626-7. I I I B ridge t=T h om as Fran ces. Bishop of — Hemswell; Jane,liv- died25July ingl636. 1627; bur. at Grant- ham. Augustine Earle, died=Jane, dau. of Charles 4 July 1654; bur. at Nodes of Shephall,co. BraughingChurch,co. Herts; died 25 May Herts. 1654. I John Earle of Straggle-=p. thorpe (called by some j dau. of Richard), died v.p. 'Noy. Sir Richard Earle, Bart., of Straggletborpe, died of the small-pox, unmar. Sir Richard EarIc,=pEleanor, dau. of Wil- ol Straggle- Bart., thorpe, Sheriff of co. 'Lincoln 1675; bur. at Straggle- thorpe 1684. liam Wei by of Den- ton; bapt. at Denton 12 Apri 11646; remar. to Edward Payne of Hough. i i Elizabeth, heiress-at-law, Mary, bur. mar., 1670, John Thorn- at St. An- hagh of Osberton, co. drew's, Notts; bur. at Sturton, co. 11olborn, Notts, 28 March 1712. April .1.646. Sir Richard Earle, Bart., of Stragglethorpe; died unmar. 18 Aug. 1697, a3t. 24; bur. at Stragglethorpe. [The Earle estates passed by will, after some litigation, to the Welbys of Denton.—A. E. M.] LINCOLNSHIRE PKDIGItEBS. 321 .... Ellis of Swineshead, dead in 1504; bur. in the Chapel of St. Mary there. = Thomas Ellis John Ellis of Swineshead, senior. Will dated 3 Sept. 1504 ;=f=Agnes of Swineshead, proved 12 Dec. .1504 (P.C.C., 23, Holgrave), to be bur. in living 1504. the Chapel of St. Mary, near his father; names Robert Ellis of Great Hale and Thomas Ellis of London. William Ellis, under 21 in 1504. Thomas Ellis, under 21 in 1504. Anthony (? William) Ellis of Swineshead.= olin E John Ellis of Swineshead, T Anthony Ellis, builder of Great Paunton Church. Thomas Ellis of Swineshead and Great Paunton,=pAgnes, dau. of merchant of the Staple of Calais; living 1537 (was blind). Will dated 20 April 1545; proved 6 Oct. 1546 (P.C.C., 21, Alyn); leaves land in Carle ton. Ralph Marshall of South Carl- ton, co. Notts; living 1545. John Ellis, son and heir, 50 years old and more at father's death (inq. p.m.), when he has children, but apparently no heir male. Anthony Ellis of Swineshead- and Paunton, merchant of the Staple of Calais 1537, then a witness to the will of Hum- frey Walcott. Adm'on 19 Nov. 1562. =Anne, dau. of George or Thomas Sherard of Stain by and of Stapleford, co. Leices- ter. Thomas Ellis of Paunton, lst= son, adm'or of his father 19 Nov. 1562, and next of kin of William Halghe of Wigtoft 21 Oct. 1584. =Margaret, 2nd dau. of William Durant of Cot- tesmore, co. Rut- land. Anthony Ellis, 2nd son. Elizabeth,livingl545. Ellen, living 1545. Agnes, living 1545. Mary, mar. John Booth of Killing- holme. Joh Ellis. William BUis= of Swineshead, yeoman. Will dated 20 Jan. 15 Car. I. Jane, Thomas Ellis of Swines-=p. liv- head, yeoman. Will excell- ing dated 23 Nov. 1639; trix in 1639. proved 28 March 1639. 1640. Mary, living 1639. John Ellis, under 21 in 1639. William Ellis. Mary. Frances, under 21 in 1639. I Mary, mar. Thomas Hough or Halghe of Wigtoft. VOL. I, Jane, mar. Richard Cony of Basingthorpe; bur. at Basingthorpe 5 July 1549. Mary, mar. 1st Humphrey Wal- cott of Walcott, whose will she proved 12 Oct. 1538; 2ndly Colville. T T 322 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Or, on a cross sable five crescents argent. Ellis of Kiddall.=r= Sir Richard Ellis, a priest in the parish of St. Mar- Roger Ellis =p Margerie, tin's, Lincoln, bur. there 29 Oct. 1548. Will dated livingl548. j living 28 Oct. 1548; proved 27 March 1549 (Lincoln); zjx 1548. names his brother Sir Thomas Clarke, parson of 1548. Springthorpe. Joane, dau.=Lyon Ellis, 3rd son, Alderman and Mayor of Lincoln; a= of ....; Pewterer, purchased his freedom 17 Aug. 37 Henry VIII., bur. at St. 1545 ; Chamberlain 1547 ; ex'or of brother Richard in 1548; Martin's, Sheriff 1554 ; Alderman Michaelmas 1560 ; Mayor 1566; died Lincoln, 1 12 Dec. 13 Eliz.; bur. at St. Martin's, Lincoln, 13 Dec. 1570. Aug. 1558. Will dated 4 Dec. 1570; proved 24 Jan. 1570-71 (Lincoln); names wife Elizabeth and his cousin Anthony Ellis. =Eliza- beth, dau. of Edward Ellis of Chester-^ Joan, dau. of Thomas Stuteville of Brinkley; remar. ton, co. Camb., 1st son Hill Term 30 Eliz., 1588; died at Cambridge 20 Nov. 1595. Will dated 2 Aug. 37 Eliz., 1595. Othowell Hill, LL.D., Chancellor of Lincoln ; liv- ing at Cambridge 6 March 38 Eliz., 1595-6; adm'ix of her 2nd husband 3 July 1616; died 27 April 1631, set. 78; bur. in Westminster Abbey 6 May 1631. Robert Ellis of Chesterton, co. Cambridge,^ 1st son and heir, set. 13 years 4 months and 7 days 20 Nov. 1595; also of Gray's Inn, co. Middlesex. Will dated 17 Jan. 1611-12 ; proved 12 May 1612 (P.C.C., 34, Fen nor), then s.p. =Ursula, dau. of Sir Richard Pell of Dembleby, Knt.; bapt. at Grantham 14 Jan. 1564-5; mar. before 7 Feb. 1610-11; remar. Lewis Cokayne of Cokayne Hat- ley, co. Beds (mar. lie. 10 Dec. 1613). John Ellis, 2nd son, hcir=j= of his brother Robert (if he had no issue) 17 Jan. 1611-12; living 15 July 1656 ; had lands in Hough by his brother Edward's will. Edward Ellis of Bugden, co. Hunts,- Cawkes 3rd son, proved his brother Robert's of Essex, will 12 May 1612; Cupbearer to King Charles I.; of New Windsor, co. Berks ; died 1656 ; bur. in West- minster Abbey 14 Oct. 1656, s.p. Will dated 15 July and codicil 11 Sept., proved 21 Oct. 1656. Philip Ellis, son, a legatee of his uncle Edward 15 July 1656. i i Jane, mar Richards; John Ellis.: living 15 July 1656. Edward Ellis of Chesterton, set. 21 in 1652. A B LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 323 Lyon Ellis, 4tb=f=Bri(lget, dau. of son, living 17 . . . .; living 15 1611-12. I July 1656. son. Jan. Jane, mar. at Caythorpe, 18 Aug. 1606, John Thorold of Morton. Anne, mar. John Thorold of Wel- ham, co. Leicester. Lyonel Ellis, son, a legatee of his=. . . . dau. of . uncle Edward 15 July 1656. 15 July 1656. living- Sir William Ellis,*" 2nd son, of ye Councell at Yorke; took=j=Annc or Agnes, 1st up his freedom 7 April 1569; had a patent of ye reversion of ye Recorders!)ip 5 Oct. 1586; made Recorder of Lincoln 29 Feb. 9 Jac. I., 1612; Counsellor-at-Law; died 19 Dec. 12 Charles L, 1636,a3fc. 83. Will dated 4 Sept. 1636 ; proved (P.C.C., 81, Goare) 11 May 1637. Inq. p.m. 5 Sept. 1638, seised of land in Swinthorpe in parish of Snelland, North and South Somercotes, Scupholme, Cadney, IIow- sam, and of the Rectory of Cadney. dau. of Sir Edmund Thorold of Hough; mar. 1592; died in child-bed 17 Oct. 1612, set. 39; bur. in Lincoln Cathe- dral. Elizabeth, died s.p. Frances, died v.p. Martha, mar. Thomas Cople- dike of Harrington; mar. lie. 23 Dec. 1612; died 23 Nov. 1637; bur. at Wellin- gore, set. 47. Mary. Mary, mar. William Lis- ter of Down Hall in Rip- pingale and Coleby; liv- ing" 15 July 1656; both living in 1636. Edmund Ellis of Wellingore,- mar. lie. 31 May 1617, then get. 22; described of Wellin- gore 22 Aug. 1628; set. 40 and more in 1638; bur. at Wellingore 7 Nov. 1659. -Mary, dau. of Thomas Cople- dyke of Harrington; coheir of her brother Thomas Cople- dyke; set. 27 in 1617; living 1636; died 23 Nov. 1637, set. 47; bur. at Wellingore. Alexander died v.p. Ellis, Richard Ellis, unmar. in 1638. Martha, Elizabeth, 2nd dau., bur. at 1st dau, Wellingore unmar., 11 June 1706. Mary, 3rd dau. Anne, 4th dau. i i Eleanor, 5th dau. Hester, 6th dau. William Ellis, set. 16, 1634; entered at Gray's Inn 30 April 1650. Thomas Ellis of Harrington,^ Jane, dau. of Sir Gervase Nevile oet. 23,1652 (some say set. 5, 1634); of Wellingore; bur. at Wellingore 19 Aug. 1676. Adm'on 11 Oct. 1676. of Haddington, Knt., co. Lincoln; mar. 2ndly Edward King of Ash- by; bur. at Wellingore 29 Sept. 1726. Will proved 9 Dec. 1727. Edmund Ellis,=Elizabeth,dau. 1st son, bapt. 10 of Sir Edward i June 1655; bur. Rossetcrjvnt.; at Wellingore 7 marriage set- July 1681, s.p. tlement Sept. Adm'on to Eli- 1679; bur. at zabeth Ellis, Wellingore 11 widow, 1 Aug. June 1706. 1681 (P.C.C.). * The Rev. George Huddleston, Priest-Vic*\r, Sacrist, in his will dated 11 March 1611-12, names his brother-iu- visor.—A. R. M. Thomas Ellis, 2nd son,bapt. 14 March 16f>6-7; bur. at Wellin- gore 25 Feb. 1681-2, un- mar. Martha, 1st dau. and co- heir, born 1652; mar. at Wellingore, 9 Oct. 1674, Brian Nevile of Auboum (marriage settlement dated 16 and 17 Oct. 1674); died 30 March 1710, set. 58. nr ind Prebondary o£ Lincoln Cathedral, law "Mr. William Ellis, Esq.," super- 324 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Katherine, bapfc. at Wellingore 16 March 1658-9; mar. John Cox- all of Lincoln, Alderman. Elizabeth,* mar Rosseter (marriage settlement dated 24 Sepfc.1674). Anne, dau. (by one authority called Mary); mar. at Wellin- gore, 1 April 1678, John Key of Leadenham. Jane, bapt. at Wellin- gore 15 Sept. 1663; bur. 15 Dec. 1665. Cj B Jane, bapt. at Wel- lingore 18 Dec. 1665; mar. Antho- ny (some say Archi- bald) Montgomery of Skelmorlie, co. Ayr, N.B. John Ellis, bapt. at St. Martin's 5, bur. 15 Dec, 1563. Elizabeth, bur. at St. Martin's 25 Nov. 1563. I Elizabeth, bapt. at St. Mar-=f=ThomaB tin's 13 Feb. 1564-5; mar. Tborold, at Caythorpe 18 Aug. 1606; Rector of living 17 Jan. 1611-12. Caythorpe. Jane. Esther, under 21 in 1570. Dr. Timothy Thorold=Elizabeth Savile of Newton. Jane, living 1611-12. Lyon Ellis, M.A., Rector of Fulbeck aYid Prebendary of= Margaret, dau. of Thomas St. Botolph's; mar. lie. 17 April 1619, then set. 28; Riggs of Fulbeck; set. 21 died 27 May 1635; bur. in Lincoln Minster. in 1619; surviving 1635. ©lite of aslant* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Gules, on a /esse argent between three crescents or as many scallops azure. Thomas Ellys of Wyham, bore the^pAnne, dau. of ....; dead before 25 June arms of Ellis of Swineshead. I 1605; bur. in Wyham Church. Thomas Ellis, knighted by Queen Eliza- beth, as some say, but described in his will as Esq.; described of Wyham 12 Oct. 1588, son and heir; bur. at Wyham. Will dated 25 June, proved 2 Nov. 1605 (P.C.C., 76, Hayes); names his dau. Shipman; leaves lands in Wyham and Ludborough. =Jane, dau. of John Hut- chinson of Owthorpe, co. Notts, in 1605 (rather dau. of William Hut- chinson) ; living 14 Oct. 1597; dead in 1605; bur. in Wyham Church. i Elizabeth, mar. Francis Ays- cough, 3rd son of Sir Francis, of South Kel- sey. Elizabeth, livii 26 Nov. 1570. Anne, living Nov. 1570. 26 Jane, living 25 June 1605; ? mar Audley. Frances, mar. William Sa- ville of Oxton, Notts; living 1625. Dorothy, unmar. 26 Nov. 1570; mar. William Knight of Kir- mington,co. Lincoln ; both liv- ing 1625; bur. at St. Mary, Wigford, Lincoln, 1 Jan. 1629-30. * So called in the register at Wellingore.—A. E. M. Lincolnshire pedigrees. 325 Frances, dau. of Willi am =f=George Ellis of Gresholme, Wold Newton, = Radley of Yarborough; bapt. 13 Oct. 1566 ; mar. at Yarborough 30 May 1610; living 1 Jan. 1615-16; died before 3 Car. I. etc., 2nd son; described of Wyham 2 Sept. 1623, 26 Aug. 1625, 25 Sept. 1627, 19 March 1628-9, and 1634. Will dated 11 Jan. 1639-40, codicil 1 Oct. 1641; proved 23 June 1643 (P.C.C., 86, Rivers); names his wife Alice and nephew William Ellis of Gray's Inn. =Alice, living 3 Car. I. and 1639. William Ellis, set. 23 in 1634. Jane, 1st dau. and coheir; 1st dau. 16 Jan. 1615-16 and 1634; mar. Sir William Bury of Grantham, Knt.; liv- ing 22 Sept. 1657. Anne, 2nd dau. 1634; living 1 Jan. 1615-16, then 2nd dau.; mar. Michael Clipsham of Otteby. Mary, 3rd dau. 1634. Dorothy, 4th dau. 1634; mar. at St. Mary's, Wig- ford, 29 Nov. 1625, Isaac Knight of Lincoln. Frances, 5th dau. 1634; mar. William Thornton of Grantham; living 22 Sept. 1657. 1 Sir Thomas Ellis of Grantham, 1st son and heir; of Gray's=pJane, dau. of Gabriel Inn 24 Oct. 1597; knighted at York 15 April 1617; one of the King's Council of ye North; died at Wyham Sept. 3 Car. I., 1627 ; bur. at Grantham 7 Sept. 1627. Will dated 13 July 1625; proved 5 Jan. 1627-8 (Lincoln); names his brother and sister Shipman and sister Ash ton. Inq. p.m. 10 Sept. 1628, seised of the manor and advowson of Wyham and land, etc., in Wyham, and Ludborough and Great Panton; also of the manor and advowson of Conis- holme and land in North and South Somercotes, Ludney, etc. Armstrong of Wishall, Notts; mar. before 1605; surviving at Wyham 20 Sept. 1628, 4 Car. I.; bur. at Grantham 25 Nov. 1661. Will dated 12 April 1658; proved 24 March 1661-2 (Lincoln). Thomas Ellis of Wyham, also of Northill, co. Bed- ford, son and heir; named in 1605; set. 22 and more 20 Sept. 3 Car. L, 1627; died 6 April 1640, seised of manor and advowson of Wyham. Will dated 1 April, proved 3 June 1640; (to be) bur. in the Church of St. Dunstan's-in-the- West, London. Inq. p.m. 17 Car. L, described as of Northill, co. Bedford. Sir Thomas Ellys= of Wyham, Bart., bapt. at Northill 8 Oct. 1629; created 30 June 1660; set. lOyears 6 months 5 days at his father's death; of Great Paunton. B ^Elizabeth, dau. of... . Harding of Northill, co. Bedford; mar. at Northill 8 Nov. 1627. Edmund El- lis, bapt. at Grantham 29 June 1606. =Anne, dau. of Sir John Stanhope of Elvaston, co. Derby, brother of 1st Earl of Chesterfield, cousin of Charles, 2nd Baron Stan- hope o f Harri n gton, co. Northampton, and of Norton. Anne, bapt. at Northill 2 Sept. 1628; mar. Thomas Yarborough of Campsall, York; died 3 July, bur. 10 July 1662 at Campsall. Elizabeth, of Campsall, co. York, bapt. at Northill 20 Sept. 1631; died 1651-2, unmar. Will dated 6 Dec. 1651; proved 10 Feb. 1651-2 (P.C.C., 27, Bowyer). 326 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGttEES. Sir William Ellis of Wyham,= Bart., and of Norton; heir and sole ex'or of his great- uncle Sir William; living 1693; one of the Trustees for rebuilding the Church of St. Peter-at-Arches, Lincoln, 10 July 1719; died 6 Oct. 1727, set. 74. Will dated 13 Sept. 1727; proved 12 March 1727-8 (P.C.C., 79, Brooke). I I I Lsabella, dau. John Ellis of the Inner Temple, of Richard London, died 2 May, set. 22, bar. Hampden of 11 May 1686 in Temple Church. Hampden, co. — Bucks, Chan- Dorothy, 1st dau., bur. at St. cellor of Ex- John's, Hampstead, co. Middlesex, chequer. 30 June 1674. Jane, mar. William Strode of Bar- rington, co. Somerset. His will proved by her 5 June 1695. William Ellis, Elizabeth,dau.=Sir Richard Ellis,= 1st son, died and coheir of 3rd Bart., of Nor- s.p., set. ual- Sir Thomas ton, M.P. for Gran- most 7," 23 Hussey of tham and for Bos- Eeb. 1680-81. Dodington, ton; 2nd son 23 Bart.; dieds.p. Feb. 1680-81; died 1st wife. 14 Jan. 1741-2, s.p. =Sarah, dau. and coheir of Thomas Gould of Ivor, co. Bucks; remar. Sir Francis Dashwood,Bart., of West Wycombe, after- wards Lord leDespencer; died at West Wycombe 2 Feb. 1769. Thomas Ellis, 3rd son 23 Feb. 1680-81; died an mar. John Ellis, died unmar. George Ellis, died unmar. Anne, 1st dau. 23 Feb. 1680-81; mar. Edward Choke; died Feb. 1722-3. Isabell, 2nd dau. 23 Feb. 1680-81; mar. Richard Hampden. i Sarah, died unmar. 10 Feb. 1735-6. Sir William Ellis, Knt., 2nd son; the Register says bapt. at Grantham 19 July 1607 ; entered at Gray's Inn 6 Nov. 1627; named in wills of uncle George and brother Thomas; M.P. for Boston 1643, and indicted at Grantham for high treason in April that year; M.P. for Grantham 1654, then Solicitor-General, also in 1656; Attorney-General to Cromwell, of Common Pleas; knighted at Whitehall 30 April 1671, then described of Grantham; died unmar. at his lodgings in Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, on 3 Dec, in 76th year, bur. on 17 Dec. 1680, at Norton on ye north side of ye chancel; left his estates to his nephew. G abriel Ellis, bapt. Henry Ellis, John Ellis, bapt. at Joseph Ellis, bapt. at at Grantham 6 Jan. bapt. at Gran- Grantham 26 July Grantham 13 Oct. 1608- 9; 3rd son 29 tham 13 June 1614; 6th son 6 1622; 7th son 21 Oct. 22 Jac.L, 1624; 1613;5thson5 Nov. 22 Jac. I., Nov.22 Jac.I.,1624; living 10 Sept. 4 Nov.22 Jac.L, 1624; living 10 living 10 Sept. 4 Car. L, 1628. 1624; HvinglO Sept. 4 Car. L, Car. I., 1628. — Sept. 4 Car. L, 1628, and 22 Sept. — George Ellis, bapt. at 1628, and 1 1657; mar. in Benjamin Ellis,bapt. Grantham 8 March April 1640; 1658. at Grantham 4 July 1609- 10; 4th son bur. at Gran- — 1624; 8th son 21 21 Nov. 22 Jac. L, tham 9 April Joseph Ellis, bapt. Nov.22 Jac.L, 1624; 1624; living 10 Sept. 1652. at Grantham 17 living 10 Sept. 4 4 Car. L, 1628. Dec. 1616. Car. L, 1628. ol LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 327 Margaret, born before 1605; mar. at Grantham, 7 Oct. 1624, William Adams of Owsfcon, York (mar. lie. 25 Sept. 1624, she set. 17 and he 20). Will dated 22 Sept. 1657, then described of Grantham, widow; proved 16 Feb. 1658-9. See " Visitation of York- shire, 1612, 1665-6." [I am indebted to the Rev. pedigrees.—A. R. M.] I l Elizabeth, born before 1605; mar. at Grantham, 6 Aug. 1618, Peter Ash ton (died 1653) of Grantham (mar. lie. 29 July 1618); died before 27 Sept. 1653. Dorothy, bapt. at Grantham 1 June 1612; mar. William Ashurst of Ashurst, co. Lan- caster; living 22 Sept. 1657. Jane, Gran- tham 14 May 1 618; mar., 1637, Pudge John Locke of co. Herts; died 1 Aug. 1639, aefc. 22. Judith, bapt. at Grantham 13 Jan. 1619-20. C. W. Foster, Vicar of Timberland, for much of the above Clmes of &mtjj button. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College. Dodsworth MS. 22, f. 55. Add. MS. 5822 (Cole).] Arms.—Ermine, two bars sable, each charged with three elm-leaves or. John Elmes, from North amptonshire,=pMary, dau. of William Cockson living at Long Sutton. j of Long Sutton. William Elmes of=f=Elizabeth, dau. of John Payne (or Baynes) Long Sutton. | of Southwell, co. Notts. Grisill, dau. o£ Richard Spratt of Barney, co. Norfolk; bur. at Long Sut- ton. 1st wife. William Elmes of Long= Sutton, set. 35 in 1617; set. 38 in 1619; bur. at Long Sutton. Will dated 21 March 1648-9; proved 3 April 1649. =Anne Smith,=Priscilla, dau. of ... . widow, of Wentworth of Waltham; Keepham; bapt. there 14 June 1594; mar.lie. 9 July mar. lie. 28 Aug. 1619, 1617, set. 30. set. 24; bur. at Waltham 2nd wife. 1 Sept. 1619 (?). 3rd wife. Thomas William Richard Elmes, 1st Elmes, 2nd Elmes, set. son, set. 30, son, set. 24, 21,1634. 1634. 1634. Christopher Elmes, doubtful if alive 21 March 1648-9. Mary,= living Gaps or 1648-9. (?) Gyps. John=Katharine, dau. of William Robert Elmes. Nicholas James Elmes, Elmes. Twells (?) of Wisbeach, co. — Elmes. Iiving21 March Cambridge. George Elmes. 1648-9. 328 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. ["Visitation of Northamptonshire, 1564 and 1618," p. 18, Ed. W. C. Metcalfe.] Arms.—aErmine, ttvo bars sable, each charged ivithfive elm-leaves or" Sir John Elmes of Henley -^Elizabeth, dau. and heir of William Browne of Stam- on-Thames, Knt., died 4 I ford by his wife Margaret; mar. in 1457. Will dated May 1491. 11 April 1510; proved 17 May 1511. William Elmes of Inner Temple and=f=EHzabeth, dau. and coheir Margaret, died of Stamford, aet. 26 in 1491. Will dated 22 March 1504-5; proved 1504-5; mentions wife Elizabeth and her mother Joan Ewerby of John Iwardby or Ewer- 1 Aug. 1471; by; born 24 Aug. 1475; bur. at Stam- proof of age 30 Oct. 1518. ford All Saints. [I give this scrap of a pedigree merely because of the connection of the Elmes family with Stamford, and their descent from the Ewerbys.—A. R. M.] Cltoes of Worlaty* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Or, a /esse azure surmounted by a bend gules. William Elwes of Askham,=f=Margaret, dau. of... . Livesey of co. Notts. | West Markham, co. Notts. i i Edward Elwes of Askham,2ndson. Thomas Elwes, 3rd son, of Apple- thorpe, co. Notts. Geoffrey John Elwes=pMary, dau. of Outhbert Blackden of Elwes, 4th ofWorlaby, Langtoft, co. Lincoln (otherwise son (see co. Lincoln, called dau. of Thomas Blagden of Burke's 1590. Thames Ditton); inherited part of "Landed the rectory and advowson of Lang- Gentry"), toft by will of her mother Juliana Booth 1581. Sir Gervase Elwes, Knt., Lieut, of the=pMary, dau. of Tower; executed for murder of Sir I Thomas Brooke Thomas Overbury 25 Nov. 1615. | of Norfolk. Margaret=. . . . Mohun ofSouthamp- ton. Sir Wil-===Martha, dau. of liam Sir Edward Tyr- Elwes, whit of Stain- Knt., of field. Will dated Wor- 26 July 1669; laby. proved 20 Feb. 1669-70. Gervase=pElizabeth, Elwes of Gains- borough, 2nd son 1634. dau. of Sir Edward Tyrwhit of Stain- field. Nathaniel Elwes. John Elwes. Thomas Elwes. i Mary, mar. Thomas or Robert Tar- borough of Northorpe. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 329 I I I Gervase Philip Edward Elwes, Elwes, Elwes, 1st son. 2nd son. 3rd son. Aj_ Charles Elwes, 4 th son. Beaumont John Elwes, 6tb son, bapt. Elwes, 5th 2'd July 1634; bur. at G a ins- son, borough 5 March 1684-5. Bridget, bapt. at Gainsborough 13 April 1595. Troth. I Jane, bapt. at Gainsborough 15 Aug. 1602 ; mar. Thomas Skinner, 1st son of Sir Tho- mas Skinner of Lavenham, co. Suffolk. Anne, mar. Sir William Park- hnrst, Knt., Master of the Mint. Elizabeth, bur. at Stepney 1608. €ty of #teat Carlton antr Wttttity. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Argent, a /esse engrailed between six fleurs-de-lis sable. John Ely of Great Carlton^Elizabeth, dau. of William Webster of Somercotes. i i it George Ely, bapt. at Great Robert Ely, bapt. at Great Carl- Carlton 2 July 1580. ton 27 Feb. 1585-6. William Ely, bapt. at Great Benjamin Ely, instituted to Ut- Carlton 3 May 1583. terby Vicarage 12 Oct. 1631. Elizabeth, bapt. at Great Carl- ton 30 July 1588. Francis Ely,bapt. Francis Ely, Thomas Ely of Utfcer-=pMary, dau. and coheir at Great Carlton bapt. at Great by and Louth 1634 27 Aug. 1571. Carlton 2 Sept. bapt. at Great Carlton 1575. 16 Feb. 1577-8. of William Hansard of Langton and Bisca- thorpe; living 1627-8. Thomas Ely of Ut-= terby, 1st son; set. 20, 1634; ex'or to his father-in-law 1660. :Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Charles Bolle, Knt., of Thorpe Hall; mar. before 1639; livingl680. William Ely, 2nd son. Richard Ely, 3rd son. Mary, bur. at Louth 15 July 1635. Anne, 2nd dau. 1634. Sarah, bur. at Louth: 30 Oct. 1636. John Ely of U t terby ^Sar ah, dau. of Thomas Vessey of Brompton, co. York. Bridget, living; 1651. i i John Ely of=pElizabeth, dau. of Thomas Elizabeth, mar. at Little=ThomasSedge- Utterby. j Burton of Spalding. Grimsby 25 Feb. 1696-7. wick, Clerk. John Ely of Utterby^Katharine, dau. of Eustace White of Sleaford. I I I I John Ely, s.p. Mary, s.p. Katharine, s.p. Sarah, heiress= Richard Towne. [Note.—Mar. lie. 25 June 1621, "John Francis of Greetham, taylor, set. 24, and Bridget Eley of Carlton Magna, spr., »t. 21."] & VQ^ I> U U 330 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. €mtrsim of ^eat% #lamforti^vtg^ etc* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms (Yorke's " Union of Honour ").—" Azure, on a bend argent three tortemix" dau.of 1st wife. =Edward Emer-^Elizabefcb, son of Searby. dan. of Will dated 1 ;sur- May, proved viving. 9 May 1554, 2nd wife. II II Helen. Elizabeth. Alison. Dorothy. William Emerson. Mary. George Emer- son of Searby; adm'or of his son Edward's will 1567, and ex'or to Ed- ward Emer- son in 1554. J oh n E mer-=Isabel, son of Sear- dau. of by. Adm'on .... given to relict and George Emerson of Wrawby 15 Nov. 1553. George Emerson of Glamford-^Jane, dau. Mary, mar. Elizabeth, A dau., Brigg, butcher; bur. at Wraw- by. Will dated 13 Sept. 1601; proved 18 June 1602. of ....; .... Braye. mar mar. surviving Smythe. Robert 1602. Goddard. I I I Edward Emerson, 1st son, living Alexander Emerson, 2nd son, living Anne. 1631. 1631. Alexander Emerson, yeoman, of Searby,=pJenytt, dau. of John Hornscy. Will dated 10 April 1604; proved 19 Dec. 1605. Will dated 24 May, proved 19 June 1612. Mary,=Michael Emer-=Anne, dau. Thomas George dau.of son of Searby, of Matthew Emerson, Emerson, 1st son, a Metcalfe of 2nd son dead in solicitor; s.p. Bellerby, 1604. 1604. Will dated 9 co. York; — March 1646-7; mar. at John proved 19 April Kedding- Emerson, f 1648. '"A ~ n =. . . . Anne, dau.of mar. Fother- by. ton 5 Aug. 3rd son. 1604. Margery. Margaret. Edward Emerson of G lam ford- Brigg. Will dated 4 May,=f=. . . . dau. of . . proved 9 May 1567. surviving 1567. .Robert Emerson of Oad-^Ellen, dau. of Alexander^ Anne, dau. of George ney, 4th eon, living 1633. .... Lightley. Emerson. Harrison. Emerson. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 331 Judith, liv- ing 1633. Anne, liv- ing 1633; mar. Henry i Michael Emerson of Glamford-Brigg; s.p. Will dated 11 April, proved 14 June 1633. Anne, dau. of; ex'trix 1633. Frances,=p Alexander Einer-: dan. of 2nd* wife. son of Oaistor, J.P.1666; Coun- sellor-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1634. Alexander Emerson, bapt. at Caistor 30 Nov. 1641. Michael Emerson, bapt. at Caistor 20 July 1650. I I Dorothy, bapt.=Wilfrid Frances, at Caistor 18 Smith of bapt. at Sept. 1638; Messing- Caistor mar. 21 Aug. ham. 18 Oct. 1660; bur. at 1640. Messingham 26 Aug. 1669. -Eliza- beth, coheir. 1st wife. Anne, co- heir, mar. Joseph Larke of Gains- borough. i i Bridget, bapt. at Caistor 9 March 1642-3. Susanna, bapt. at Caistor 10 Jan. 1647-8. Thomas Emerson,: born 1628; bur. at Searby 9 Nov. 1667. I" -Mildred, dau. of Thomas Anne, mar. Saunderson of Lincoln's John Sands Inn; bur. at Searby 14 of Goxhill. Nov. 1667. Elizabeth, mar. at Caistor, 17 Dec. 1647, William Bo- nard. Alexander Emerson, born 1651=j=Alice, dau. of ... . Wharton. I Alexander Emerson of=pElizabeth, dau. and coheir of Rev. Thomas Bosvile of West Retford. Thorpe Hall; remar. Rev. Stephen Ashton, Vicar of Louth. See Burke's " Landed Gentry." €mpson of Boston. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College. Harl. MS. 1912.] Arms (Yorke's "Union of Honour ").—" Azure, a chevron "between three crosses paitee argent" Edward Empsoiv of Ilooke, co. York, 1st son. :Katharine, dau. of George Metham of Willoughby, co. William Lincoln; widow of Thomas Sack ford, brother of John Empson, Sackford of Little Bealings, co. Suffolk. 2nd son. William Empson, living 1648. Charles Empson, bur. at Boston=j=Ellen, dau. of Robert Beetson of 20 June 1651. June 1648 1651. Will dated 14 proved 1 Oct. Sleaford; mar. 1622, j»t. 16; 16 Oct. 1639. lie. bur. 27 Sept. at Boston 332 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Sarah,= dau. of bur. at Boston 1 July 1666. 1st wife. :John: Emp- son. A 1 ^Frances, dau. of ... . Steven- son; widow of Charles Rush- worfch of Boston; mar. at Bos- ton 15 May 1670; bur. 25 Feb. 1676-7. John Empson, bapt. at Boston 3 Aug., bur. 1 Sept. 1671. I Thomas Empson, bapt. 20, bur. 27 Jan. 1624-5 at Bos- ton. Mary, bapt. at Bos- ton 10 Sept. 1629; living 1648. Elizabeth, bapt. at Boston 13 Oct. 1639; bur. 8 April 1643. Charles Empson, bapt. 15 June 1654; bur. at Boston 25 Aug. 1656. John Empson, bur. at Boston 6 April 1658. Thomas Empson, bapt. at Boston 22, bur. 31 July 1658. I I Charles Emp- son, bur. at Bos- ton 16 May 1665. John Empson, bapt. at Boston 17 June 1666. I Sarah, bapt.=John Ellis at Boston 6 of Boston, Jan. 16 52-3; Bachelor bur. there of Medi- 14 Sept. cine; dead 1679. in 1679. Katharine, bur. at Bos- ton 12 May 1654. Katharine, bapt. at Bos- ton 16 Oct. 1655 ; bur. 7 July 1656. Elizabeth, bapt. at Bos- ton 27 June 1659; bur. 1 July 1662. Ellen, bapt. at Boston 18 Oct. 1660; bur. 14 June 1662. I I Muscape [stc], bapt. at Boston 31 May 1663. Anne, bur. at Boston 6 July 1666. I Mary, bur. at Boston 22 April 1670. Francis Empson of Boston 1634;= bur. at Boston 24 March 1647-8. Will dated 24 March 1646-7; proved 20 Jan. 1648-9. ^Elizabeth, dau. of William A dau.. Sparrow of Lincoln ; ex'trix living of her husband; bur. at Bos- 1648. ton 26 April 1658. Winter. Edward Empson, a3t. 16,= 1634; entered at Gray's Inn 4 May 1638 ; bur. at Boston 12 Dec. 1648. Will dated 27 Sept. 1648; proved 20 Jan. 1648-9. -Martha, dau. of Sir John Reade, Knt., of Wrangle; ex'fcrix in 1648. Francis Empson, bur. at Boston 16 April 1648. Francis Emp- son, bapt. at Boston 10 Dec. 1620; bur. 1 Oct. 1626. Francis Empson, bapt. at Boston 9 Jan. 1629-30; entered at Gray's Inn 24 May 1650; bur. 4 April 1664. "I Anne, heiress, bapt. at Boston 24 March 1645-6. Sackville or Sack- ford Empson, bapt. at Boston 24 June 1637; bur. 10 July 1650. Anne, bapt. at Boston 22 Nov. 1623; bur. 1 March 1630-31. Mary, bapt. at Boston 7 Oct. 1627; set. 7, 1634; bur. 5 Jan. 1646-7. Elizabeth, bapt. at=Charles Boston 16 Sept. Rush- 1632 ; mar. at Bos- worth ton 20 July 1650; of Bos- bur. 22 Aug. 1663. ton. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDiaBEES. 333 Charles Empson of Boston. Will dated=f Margaret, dau. of . 31 March 1688. Adm'on, 29 Oct. 1688, given to John Boult of Boston. renounced 1688. executorship Elizabeth, heiress, under age 1688. William Empson of Billingborough, scrivener,=pSarah, dau. bur. at Boston 26 Oct. 1668. I of. I Edward Emp- son, born at Boston 15 Dec. 1655. William Empson, post- humous, bapt. 18 April, bur. 13 May 1669 at Boston. Anne, bapt. at Boston 24 Nov. 1652. Mary, bapt. at Boston 28 Feb. 1653-4. Eleanor, bapt. at Boston 28 Feb. 1653-4. Arms (in Yorke's " Union of Honour ").—"Argent, three bars dancettee sable, a pale in chief ermine." Richard Enderby of Metheringham ;=^Anne, dau. of William L 3 r\ ">~ T Cto AT 1 cm I r>' > _ n n/r-i. l • entered Gray's Inn 23 Nov. 1581; living 1617. Pistor of Methering- ham. William Enderby, 1st son; entered Gray's Inn 21 Feb. 1606-7. Thomas Enderby of St. Benedict's,: Lincoln. Will dated 17 July, proved 4 Aug. 1617. dau. of Children, not named. Richard Enderby, called " junior "^Elizabeth, dau. of Mary, sur-=Thomas as witness to his brother Thomas's .... Bedford; viving Oopledike of will 1617; Clerk in Holy Orders; of mar. lie. 19 Dec. 1658. Harrington, Potterhanworth; set. 25 in 1618. 1618, aet. 24. s.p. James Enderby of Lincoln, mercer and apothecary ;^=Jane, dau. Chamberlain of the East Ward 1583; bur. at St. | of Peter-at-Arches 7 Feb. 1603-4. i i l| Francis Enderby, 5th Jane, bapt. at St. Elizabeth, bapt. Anne, bapt. at son, St.Peter's Peter's4 July 1590; at St. Peter's 3 St. Peter's 5 22 June 1598. bur. 8 Feb. 1607-8. Sept. 1600. June 1603 334 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. I A William En- Richard Euderby of=p Thomas Ender- James Bnderby, 4th derby, 1st Lincoln, 2nd son, son, bapt. at bapt. at St. Peter- St. Peter's 21 at-Arches 29 Aug. Dec. 1583. 1585; living 1615. dau. by, 3rd son, son, bapt. at St. of bapt. at St. Peter's 26 Jan. Peter's 5 March 1594-5; bur. 7 Feb. 1586-7. 1594-5. James Enderby, bapt. at Elizabeth, bapt. at St. Anne, bapt. at St. Peter's St. Peter's 27 Sept. 1629. Peter's 27 Jan. 1627-8. 27 Jan. 1627-8. Thomas Enderby of Lincoln,^Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Robert Attorney, 1615. Rusforth of Coley Hall, co. York. Donington 1634. George Enderby of=f=Margery, dau. of Lancelot Rolleston Percy En- Edward of Watnall Ohaworth, co. Notts; derby. Enderby. living 1627. William Enderby, asfc. 7, 1634, 1st son. Francis Enderby, 2nd son. Susan. James Enderby of Blankney, gent. Will dated: 23 Aug., proved 19 Oct. 1632; mentions his mother Mrs. Elizabeth Enderby. =Ann, dau. Of....; ex'trix. John Enderby, 1st son. Richard Enderby, 2nd son. Mary. €rsfo£ oi gfromrtottx* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms (Yorke's "Union of Honour ").—" 6>r, on a chevron between three annulets gules as many crescents argent"* . . dau. of William Franks Thomas Ersby= of Spilsby. of Somercotes. Richard Ersby of Somer- cotes, 1st son. =Anne, dau. of Hamon Sutton William Ersby, 2nd of Willoughton. son. I M II John Ersby=f=Susan, dau. Lawrence Ersby, 2nd son Nicholas Ersby, Margery. of Somer- cotes, 1st son. A of Thomas (mar. lie. 23 Dec. 1604, 3rd son. Dal ton of Lawrence Ersby and Mar- — Hull. garet Mountsteven). Elizabeth. * These are surely the arms of Sutton.—A. R. M. Anne. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 335 A| John Ersby of Somercotes and= Caistor 1034.; described of Horncasfcle 6 Feb. 1653-4; bur. at Caistor 13 Feb. 1662-3. =Elizabeth,dau.of Tho- mas Wright of Brad- ley; bur. at Caistor 18 Jan. 1634-5. I Thomas Ersby, 2ndson. i i i Susan. Anne. Mary. i John Ersby,: set. 8, 1634; Church- warden of Caistor 1657. ■Anne, dau. of John Wick- ham of Cais- tor; mar. at Caistor 6 Feb. 1648-9. William Ersby, bapt. 12 March 1628-9; bur. at Caistor 10 Feb. 1629-30. James Ersby, 2nd son. Hustwaite Ersby, 3rd son, bapt. at Caistor 17 June 1633. John Ersby, bapt. at Caistor 18 Aug. 1650. I I Lawrence Ersby, bapt. at Caistor 23 Dec. 1661; bur. 20 Feb. 1667-8. Elizabeth, bapt. at Caistor 28 Nov.1634. Anne, bapt. at Caistor 21 Nov. 1654. William Ersby,bapt. at Wickham Ersby, bapt. at Caistor Susanna, bapt. at Cais- Caistor 9 Oct. 1657. 27 May 1663. tor 14 April 1665. Richard Ersby of- Louth, bur. there 26 Sept. 1590. . . . dau. of . . . .; bur. at Louth 4 Oct. 1591. Magdalen, mar. at Louth, 19 Dec. 1562, John Piercy. Anne, mar. at Louth, 2 Sept. 1566, George Scupholme of Scupholme in Somercotes. John Ersby, bur. at Louth 5 Nov. 1589. Lawrence Ersby, bur. at Louth 9 Jan. 1561-2. emit of €mitf to. gorfe- [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Sable, six escallops or, three, two, and one. John Estoft=f=. . . . dau. and coheir of Sir John Portington, Knt., of Estoft, a Judge of CP. (See, however, St. George's "Vis. 1468. I of Yorkshire, 1612.") .! William Estoft of=pJoan, dau. and coheir of Robert Stevenson, or Robert Estoft. FitzStephen of Heldick. 336 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. .... dau.=Christo- of . . . . topher Smithley. Estoft. =Mary, dan. and coheir of Humphrey Hercy of Grove, co. Notts; widow of Sir Francis Hofcham, Knt. Jane, mar. Stephen Thorpe, 2nd son of John Thorpe of Thorpe Garth, co. York. I Elizabeth, mar. Wil- liam Thorpe of Thorpe Garth; s.p. Jasper Sheffield of Croxby. Will=Anne, or Elizabeth,=Christopher Thorpe of dated 29 May 1586 ; proved 4 Jan. bar. at Welwick, co. Thorpe Garth, co. 1536-7. 1st husband. York, 5 May 1567. York. 2nd husband. Thomas Estoft of Estof t=f=. . . . dan. of Thomas Mering; remar. John Skerne of Portington, co. York. ~~\ i r~ i Elizabeth, mar. Alexander Anne, mar. Grace, mar. Alexander Jane, mar. Gering of Winterton. Francis Stockdale of Hull. William Spencer. Stevenson. i i i William Thomas Estoft=f Dionysia, dau. of John Es-=. . . . dau. of ... . Nor "C^t ~ C T7l~J.„i?i. I CI '11. _ r Tk'iT l Estoft, of Estoft. 2nd son. .... Sympson. toft manville of Billingley, co. York. dau. of Tho-=John Estoft=fFaith, dau. of Robert Saunderson of Francis mas Gunston. of Estoft. Reresby; widow of John Trowsdale Estoft. of Hundon. Thomas Estoft of Estoft^Elizabeth, dau. of ... . Docwra of Grantham; mar. lie. 21 Jan. 1622-3, set. 19. set. 30 in 1634; [aefc. 23 in 1622]. Francis Estoft. Mary. John Estoft of Estoft,=pRosamond, dau. legatee in Sir Christo- pher Nevile's will 1692. of Sandford Ne- vile of Chevet. Kathe-=Sir Christopher Nevile, Knt., rine. of Aubourn, s.p. Will dated 16 Nov., proved 28 Nov. 1692. Rosamond, coheiress, born=Yarborough Constable Anne, co-= Francis Nevile 1670; died 1756, sat. 86. of Wassand. heiress, s.p. of Chevet. LINCOLNSHIKE PEDIGREES. 337 etttm of #ttsi)2+ [Inq. p.m. of John Efcton.] .... Etton.=p I John Etton of Firsby, died 8 May 1503;=t=. . . . dau. of bur. at Firsby. Will dated 12 April, I . . . . Ashby proved 1 July 1503. Inq. p.m. 28 Oct. | of Leicester." 1503. Thomas Etton. Margaret, mar. William Cople- dike of Har- rington. John Etton of= Firsby, under 25, 1503. ton. dau. of Margaret, coheir to . Lang- her niece Anne Cop- ledike; mar. John Reed. Alice, coheir to her niece Anne Copledike; mar. 1st Richard Goodricke, 2ndly Thomas Bradley. Anne, heiress,=John Copledike of Harrington, s.p. Will dated dead in 1582. 23 June 1582; proved 21 April 1585. Cure ox €tors of Belton in Me oi Qfyolnu [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms (Yorke's " Union of Honour ").—" Quarterly, or and gules, on a tend sable three fleurs-de-lis argent" Sir Robert Eure,=plsabella, dau. and coheir of Roger Knt. de Merley, Lord of Morpeth. /\ William Eure of Belton in=f=Anne or Agnes, dau. and heir of Isle of Axholme, died Feb. 1500-1 ; bur. at Belton William Gardiner; died 16 Nov. 1500; bur. at Belton. John Eure of=p Alice, dau. of ....; bur. at Belton. Will dated William Eure. Belton. | 21 Aug., proved 7 Sept. 1543. Robert Eure of Belton, died 1 March^f Isabella, dau. of Ralph Reresby. Will dated 18 Henry VIII.; bur. at Belton. j 30 April 1541. Robert Eure= of Belton, died 1558. Will dated 10 Dec. 1558. A VOL. I, :Maria, dau. of = Richard Sir Peter Va- Nevile, vasour, Knt.; 2ndhus- bur. at Bel- band, ton 26 March 1585. II I II William Eure, Jaue, mar. Helen, living 1558. Richard 1541. — Bellingham — Elizabeth, mar. of Bromby; Margaret, ....Farmery; living 1543. 1541. a widow 1541. x x 33S LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. William Euro, bapt. at Bolton .15 Oct. 1543. Sir Peter Euro,- Knt., of Bel ton and Washing- borough; ajt. 9, 1558 \ M.'P. for .Lincoln 157.1. 1st husband. :Barbara, dan. of Sir John Meres,=William Salt- Ivnt., of Aubourn; mar. at St. Mar- marshe of tin's, Lincoln, 7 March 1602-3; Strubby, ex'or re mar. at Washingborough 8 June to stepson Ed- 1614; bur. at Washingborough 9 ward Euro March 1641-2. 1 1630. 2nd husband. Eleanor, dau.: of Thomas Dolman of co. York. 1st wife. =Ralph Eure of Washingborough,^=Thomasine, dau. of John bapt. there 19 Oct. 1604; described of Gray's Inn, widower, sef. 42, in mar. lie; died 16 Jan. 1664-5. Will dated 6 Jan., proved 14 March 1664-5. Addcrley of South My rams, Herts; mar. lie. 27 July 1650, set. 30. 2nd wife. i i Peter Eure, bur. at Washingborough 23 Aug. 1634. Ralph Eure, bur. at Washingborough 28 May 1640. Thomas Eure, 1634. Barbara, mar. . . . .; living 1664. Eleanor, living 1664; mar. John Leigh, son of Sir Ferdinand Leigh, Knt. Prudence, bur. at Washingborough 25 Sept. 1641, Ralph Eure of Washing- borough, only surviv- ing son and heir; under age 1664. Edward Euro, bapt. at Wash- ingborough 13 April 1606; bur. 17 Nov. 1630. Will dated 13 Nov., proved 9 Dec. 1630. Thomas Eure, Michael Eure, Barbara, bapt. bapt. at Wash- bapt. at Wash- at Washing- ingborough 2 ingborough 7 borough 11 Aug. 1607; Oct. 1610; liv- Sept. 1608; living 1630. ing 1630. living 1630. I I Ralph Eure, bapt. at Bolton 22 July 1551. Robert Eure, bur. at Bel ton 28 July 1594. Margaret, bapt. at Bel- ton 18 March 1.542-3; living 1558. Elena, bapt. at Bel ton 31 Oct. 1544; living 1558. I I Dorothy, bapt. at Bel- tori 22 Dec. 1.547; liv- ing 1558. Mary, bapt. at Bel ton 5 Feb. 1552-3; living 1558. I I Bridget, liv- ing .1558. Anne, living 1558. Cbninjsfmm of Saitofcon^umfcr antu #rant!)am* Arms.—Gules, a lion salient vair. Agnes, dau. of Sir Thomas^Henry Everingham of Barfcou-on-=Maud, dau. of; Waterton, Knt., of Wal- Dumber, son of Henry Evering- bur. at Barton 24- ton, co. York; bur. 4 Oct. ham of Staynburgh,co. York; bur. Oct. 1610. 2nd 1570. 1st wife. a at Barton St. Mary Feb. 1610-11, wife. LltfCOLttSHIRE PEDIGREES. 339 Thomas Ever- ingham. Jasper Ever- ingham. Adam Everingham, 1st son, bapt. at Grantham 14 Jan. 1592-3. Francis Everingham of Gran-=pElizabeth, dau. of Richard Moi-c tham, bur. at Bilsby 23 Sept. 1620. Will dated 13 Jan. 1614-15; proved 14 Feb. 1620-21. of Grantham; mar. there May 1588 (marriage settlement dated 30 Eliz.); bur. at Grantham 22 Sept. 1635, then a widow. i Edward Everingham,=. . . . dau. under age 1614; liv- of John ing in Ireland 1629. Hastings ofHuttoft. i William Evering- ham, under age 1614. Richard Everingham, under age 1614; Sarah, bapt. at Gran- Rebecca, bapt. living 1621. tham 15 March 9 Aug., bur. 27 — 1588-9; bur. 9 Aug. Oct. 1590 at Thomas Everingham, under age 1614. 1590. Grantham. Sarah, mar.=John Nicolls Miriam, bapt. Frances, Anne, under Elizabeth, lie. 10 Mar. of Tothill, at Barton St. under age 1614. underage 1620-21, a3t. 36 in Peter's 12 agel614. — 1614, set. 23. 1621. July 1612. Agnes. I I I Henry Evering-= Anne, dau. of . . . .; Isabel, mar. at Bar- Muriel, mar. Richard ham, living mar. at Helpring- ton, 6 Feb. 1593-4, Atkinson; bur. at 1614. ham 5 Sept. 1598. John Proctor. Barton 28 July 1630. [An excellent pedigree of this family has been printed in "The Genealogist,' vol. ii., pp. 263—265, by Everard Green, Esq., Rouge Dragon.—A. R. M.] tiftuerbp (ox ]ftoartriip)* Arms.—Argent', a salt-ire engrailed sable, on a chief of the second two mullet a pierced of the field. John Iwardby^Katharine, dau. and coheir of Barnard Mussenden (or Missenden) (or Ewerby). | of Mealing, Brackenborough, and Kelstern, co. Lincoln, and of Great Missenden, co. Bucks. I John I ward- Nicholas Iwardby, 2nd son, ^Elizabeth, dau. of Anne. Elizabeth by, 1st son. of Great Missenden, Bucks. John Hampden. A 340 LINCOLNSHIRE MlDIGREES. John Iwardby, died 22 Aug. 1485 ;=pJoan, dan. of Sir Robert Brudenell, Knt.; bad mq. p.m. 20 Jan. 1485-6. dower assigned her in Kelstern 30 Oct. 1488. Elizabeth,=William Elmes Margaret, Ellen, set. 6, 1485;=Sir Thomas Clifford, coheir, of the Inner coheir, died 10 Aug. 1558, Knt., of Bracken- set. 10, Templeandco. aet. 8, seised of the Manor borough,/.ti. 1485. Northampton. 1485. of Kelstern. Jattcloust) alias Jtatlep of Lincoln. [MS. D. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms (in Berry).—" Or, a lion rampant sable between three fleurs-de-lis azure" John Featley of Oxon City or Fairclough^Marian, dau. of ... . Thrift. John Feat- ley of Ox- ford City, 1st son. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Reynolds of Charleton, co. Northampton. Daniel Featley, 2nd William son, D.D.; Rector Fair- of Acton and Lam- clough, beth; Provost of 3rd son. Chelsea College. Margaret, mar. Edward Thrift. Anne, mar. John Darley, B.D. John Fairclough* alias Featley ,= D.I)., Precentor of Lincoln $ Rec- tor of Langar in the Vale of Bel- voir, co. Notts, 1G50; Prebend of Melton-cum-Scamblesby 1666; of St.Giles-in-the-Fields,co.Middle- sex, 1666. Will dated 1 May 1GGG; proved 23 March 1666-7. =Anne, only dau. and sole heir of Thomas Porwell of London, Lieut.-Colonel of Foot in the Swedish War; ex'trix in 16 6 6; died in childbed 4, bur. 5 July 1667 at St. Giles-in-the- Fields, co. Middlesex. mi,. , , Daniel Fairclough, died s.p. Henry Fairclough, 3rd son. Timothy Fairclough, 4th son, died s.p. John Fairclough,=pElizabeth, dau. of 1st son, of New- ark, co. x\otts, mercer, there called Featley, afterwards Fair- clough. A Henry Cam, Ald- erman of Newark; mar. at Newark, co. Notts, 21 Sept. 1657. Daniel Fairclough, Chorister of Lin- coln Cathedral 1660; Vicar of Bicker,co. Lincoln, 1665; ex'or in 1666 of his father. Henry Fairclough. William Fairclough, born 2, bapt. 4 June 1652 at Southwell, co. Notts. * Join) Fairclough wulgo Featley, Precentor of Lincoln Cathedral, in his will, dated 1 May 1 (>(>(>, mentions his wife's aunt Mrs. Sarah South as having left by will £10 apiece to his ten children, John, Sarah, Dorothy, Daniel. Anna. Pierce, Elizabeth, Henry, Robert, and Thomas; and that three children, Martha, Katherine, and Edmund, had been born since then.—A. R. M. LlNCOLNSflmii i>KDIGREES. 341 I I John Fairclough, bom 3, bapt. 8, bur. 11 Sept. 1658 at Newark, co. Notts. John Fairclough, born 3, bapt. 19 Sept., bur. 7 Nov. 1659 at New- ark, co. Notts. Henry Fair- clough, 1st son, bapt. at -Newark 7 Sept. 1660; legatee in 1666; bur. at Newark 23 April 1711. :Han- John Fairclough, nah, bapt. at Newark, dau. co. Notts, 24 May of 1663. Daniel Fairclough, bapt. at Newark, co. Notts, 2 June 1664; legatee in 1666. Anne, bapt. at Newark, co. Notts, 27 Dec. 1664; bur. there 18 June (10 May) 1702. Elizabeth, lega- tee in 1666. John Featley, bapt. at Newark 13 Sept. 1683. Henry Featley, bapt. at Newark, co. Notts, 20 Oct. 1684; bur. there 2 July 1685. Henry Featley, bapt. at Newark, co. Notts, 10 Jan. 1690-91. William Featley, bapt. at Newark 10 Nov. 1692; bur. there 19 March 1704-5. Christopher Featley, bapt. at Newark, co. Notts, 28 June 1697; bur. there 10 May 1702. Daniel Featley, bapt. at Newark, co. Notts, 24 Jan. 1698-9. I I I I I Leah, bapt. at Newark, Mary, bapt. at Newark 27 Oct. 1688; Anne, bapt. at co.Notts,4 Feb. 1685-6. bur/there 19 Oct. 1721. Newark, co. — — Notts, 23 May Hannah, bapt. at New- Elizabeth, bapt. at Newark, co. Notts, 1695; bur.there ark 13 Aug. 1687. 15 Jan. 1693-4. 23 Dec. 1760. i i; i i Thomas Fairclough, bur. at Pierce Fairclough, Eobert Edward Fairclough, Newark-on-Trent, co. Notts, ex'or in 1666. Fair- born at Southwell 24 Dec. 1695. clough. 5 May 1655. II II I I Sarah, ex'trix Anne, disin- Dorothy. Martha,born 23,bapt. Katharine,bapt. in 1666. herited by her — * 25 April 1651 at New- at Southwell 23 f ather in 1666. Elizabeth, ark, co. Notts. Feb. 1653-4. dfatrfaj; of &toai*p* [Harl. MSS. 411, 757, 1096, 1436, 1550.] Arms.—None are given in the Visitation, but Berry gives to Fairfax of Deeping Gate, co. Lincoln, " Argent, four Mrs and a canton gules.'" John Fair- fax of Swarby, lessee of Rectories ofOroftand Thorpe 1539. A :Anne, dau. of May of Sussex; living 28 Sept. 1535. William Fairfax, Vicar of Mether- ingham, bur. in chancel. Will dated 28 Sept. 1535; proved 26 April 1536. Ralph Fairfax, elected Prior of Kyme 27 Mar. 1511, surrendered 1539; ex'or to brother William in 1535; bur. at South Kyme. Will dated 25 June 1560; proved 24 June 1564. .=John Topcliffe of Som- erby, mer- chant of Staple of Calais. 342 LINCOLNSHIRE MIDIGREES. William Fairfax of Swarby, 1st: son, died at Gray's Inn 22 Feb. 1556-7. :Blizabeth, dau. of Robert Carr of Sleaford; remar. Christopher Kelke of Barnetby; living 1577. Elizabeth, heiress, mar. Gregory Wolmer of Swineshead. George Fairfax,=f=Alice, dau. of Hurifrey Fair-^ Bridget, dau. 2nd son, mer- chant of Staple of Calais; bur. at Bolingbroke 8 Feb. 1605-6. John Brad- ley of Louth; bur. at Bol- ingbroke 2 Sept. 1612. fax, 3rd son, of London, grocer. of Thomas Kighley of London. Margaret, mar. Frances,= coheir, mar. at Little Grimsby 13 July 1603. =Thomas Hutchin- son of Theddle- thorpe and Low Toy n ton. Will proved 16 July 1646 by wife. Elizabeth, coheir, liv- ing 1628; mar. Nicholas Tup holme of Boston. Anne, coheir, mar. William Man- sell (?). Will dated 31 Aug., proved 5 Sept. 1623, "of Louth, widow." Thomas Fair- fax, 4th son, Vicar of Thorpe 1557. Fox. Margaret, coheir, bur. at Louth 4 Sept. 1622. .... coheir, mar. .... Dallison; living 1623. Richard Fairfax^ of Swarby, 5th son. :Margaret, dau. of ... . South- wicke. Ralph Frances, mar. John Fairfax. Bradley of Louth. Elizabeth, mar. John Skinner of Thorpe. Anne, dau. of Thomas=George Fair-=f Mary, dau. of Boynton of Barmston, co. York; widow of Francis Vaughan of Sutton-upon-Derwent. 1st wife. fax of Swar- by, died 14 Dec. 1635, s.p. Barker. Will dated 6 July, proved 28 Aug. 1658, "of Swineshead, widow." 2nd wife. George Fairfax, Conings- by 6 July 1564; bur. 17 April 1567. Christopher Fairfax=pKatherine, dau. of of Swarby, bur. at Louth 23 June 1653. Roger Howson of Wigtoft; mar. 1 Jan. 1647-8. James Fairfax, ex'or to his mother 1658. Mary, mar. John LoctonofDrayton Hall in Swines- head. 1 George Fairfax, bapt. at= Wigtoft 23 Jan. 1648-9. Roger Fair- Mary. Katherine, bapt. at Wig fax, 2nd son. toft 20 Aug. 1650. George Fairfax, bur. at Swarby=rMary, dau. of ;bur. at Swarby 12 March 1715-16. 20 Sept. 1689. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 343 G eorge Fair-==Fran ces, fax, Rector of dau. of. Wash ing- borough, bur. afc Washing- borough 1 Aug. 1733. "I Christo-=pAnne, widow of Leon- bur, at Washing- borongh 17 April 1775, aefc. 86. pher Fairfax, dead in 1705. ard Browne of Pinch- beck. Will dated 16 Feb., proved 4 March 1717-18, "of Heighington,widow." Elizabeth, bur. at Washingborough 29 Sept. 1758. Will dated 22 Sept. 1733; proved 14 Oct. 1758. I I Anne, bapt. at Katherine, born at Pinchbeck 1702; Pinchbeck 11 bur. at Washingborough 5 May June 1701. 1792, set. 89. Elizabeth, bapt. at Washingborough 19 April 1705. Katherine, bapt. at Coningsby 4 Oct. 1568; mar. Francis Beamond 19 Dec. 1593. Elizabeth, bapt. at Coningsby 4 Feb. 1570-71; mar. James Collier 2 Oct. 1592. Bridget, bapt. at Coningsby 8 Feb. 1572-3; mar. John Stutt of Louth. Jane, bapt. at Conings- by 7 May 1580; mar. John Bradley of Louth; bur. at Louth 23 Sept. 1643, set. 63. William Fairfax of co. Lincoln.=p William Fairfax, under age; wardship granted to John Chevermount 14 Henry VI. Arms.—Azure, three gauntlets or. [For earlier part of the pedigree see Burke's " Peerage."] Hon. Sir Francis Fane, 3rd son of Francis,= 1st Earl of Westmoreland; K.B. at the Coronation of Charles I., 1625; of Ful- beck; died 1680, aet. 68. M.I. in Fulbeck Church. ^Elizabeth, dau. and coheir of William West of Firbeck, co. York; relict of John, 3rd Lord Darcy and Meynell of Aston, co. York; bur. at Aston. I I 1. Mary, bapt. 16 Aug. 1638; mar. at Fulbeck, 22 Sept. 1678; Robert Marshall of Fiskerton. 2. Rachel, bapt. at Ful- beck 14 Sept. 1642. 3. Elizabeth, mar. at Fulbeck, 14 June 1676, Tho- mas Wodhull of Mollington, co. Oxford. 4. Katharine. 5. Grace, died of the small-pox; bur. in Lincoln Cathedral 1 Jan. 1705-6. Will dated 29 Dec. 1705; proved 25 Jan. 1705-6. 6. Jane, died of the srnall-pox; bur. in Lincoln Cathedral 1711. Will dated 22 Aug., proved 6 Sept. 1711. 344 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Henry Pane, Srd^Anne, dau. eon, born 1641; died 27 Nov. 1686. M.I. in Pnlbeck Church. and coheir of Roth well. John Pane, Edward Fane, 5th son ;=Jane, dau. 4th son, born 1643; died 15 Dec. of James born 1642; 1679, s.p.; bur. in . Stainer of died un- Church of St. Martin- London, mar. in-fche-Piclds, London, merchant. Pulbeck Church. Edward Fane, bapfc. 16 Aug. 1674; bur. at Fulbeck 6 March 1703-4. Sir Francis Fane, 1st son, K.B. at the= Coronation of Charles II., 1661; died at Henbury, co. Gloucester, before 1693; Westbury, co. Gloucester. ^Hannah, dau. of John Rushwortb, Author of "Historical Collec- tions;" mar. 1663. William Fane, 2nd son, born 1640-41; died 3 June 1679. M.I. in Fulbeck Church. Francis Fane,=pDorothy, dau. of Sir Henry Fane, 2nd surviv-=pAnne, dau. 1st son, of Fulbeck; died May 1709; bur. at Fulbeck. Henry Heron of Cressy Hall, Surfleet; sister and coheir of Henry Heron; mar. 1693. ing son, bapt. at Henbury 21 Oct. 1669; died 19 Dec. 1726. of Thomas Scrope of Bristol. See Burke's "Peerage," under "Westmore- land," and Burke's "Landed Gentry," under " Fane of Fulbeck." Henry Fane, bapt. and bur. at Ful- beck Am?. 1695. Elizabeth, dau. of== Francis Fane, bapt.=Jane, dau. of Sir Edward Payne of 3 Sept. 1696; died Richard Cust, Hough. 1st wife, at Cressy Hall 19 Bart., of Pinch- Oct. 1758, s.p. beck. 2nd wife. John Fane, died infant. Henry Fane, died infant. George Fane, aet. 3 months 9 April 1666. Edward Fane, 3rd sur-= viving son; bapt. at Henbury 13 Nov. 1676; Rector of Fulbeck 1703—37 ; bur. at Ful- beck 1737. Catherine, dau. of Edward Storer, M.D., of Buck- minster, co. Lei- cester. Will dated 12 June, proved 6 Aug. 1766. Elizabeth, bapt. at Henbury 23 Feb. 1672-3. Rachel, bapt. at Henbury 29 Feb. 1674-5. Edward Pane, born 13 May 1709; Rector of Fulbeck 1737—60; died 23 Feb. 1760; bur. at Fulbeck. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 345 ffuvnuv of i^fteatj)* [Hail MSS. 1172, 1468, 5801.] [See Nichols' "Leicestershire" for earlier part.] Bartholomew Farmer of Radcliffe, co. Leicester.^ John Far- mer, 1st son, bapt. 21 April 1592; liv- ing 1640. Elizabeth, dau. of=f=George Farmer of Holbeach,= Anthony Oldfield of Spalding; bapt. there 15 June 1609; mar. 26 Aug. 1629. Prothonotary of Common Pleas; bapt. 23 Aug. 1600; founder of Free School at Holbeach; bur. 14 Dec. 1670. = . . . . dau. of Morley; widow of Thomas Gates, Baron of the Ex- chequer. 2nd wife. Sir Edward Farmer,= Knt., of Holbeach and of Canons, Es- sex; knighted 14 July 1660; dead be- fore 30 May 1706. II I I :Margaret, dau. of Thomas Elizabeth, Mary, bapt. Sir Thomas Hewett, Farmer, mar. Sir at Spalding Bart.,of Pishiobury, 2ndson. Henry Beau- 1636; mar. Herts; sister and — mont, Bart., Sir John Eve- coheir of George, George ofStoughton, lyn, Knt., of Viscount Hewett; Farmer, co. Leicester. Godstone, co. living 1689. Surrey. Edward Fai *mer, about 30 years old in 1700, then living unmar. in London. George Farmer, died unmar. dau. Jfarmerp of Caistor. William Farmery of= Caistor,mercer; bur. at Caistor March 1643. :Jane, dau. of ... . Will dated 6 Dec. 1651; proved 24 Dec. 1651. John Far-=pDorothy, dau. of , mery. Elizabeth, bapt. at Cais- tor 12 June 1613; mar. there, May 1629, Josua Hulland. Prudence, bapt. at Caistor 16 April 1616; mar. Paul Willett, Vicar of Grimsby. Bucknall; mar. at Caistor April 1628; bur. 27 June 1631. ■ i Prudence, bapt. John Far- at Caistor 12 mery, bapt. Oct. 1630; lega- at Caistor 2 tee of her aunt May 1629. Jane 1651. Jane, bapt. at Caistor 4 Oct. 1618; mar. at Grimsby, 7 July 1642, Robert Willie of Louth. Anne, bapt. at Caistor 30 June 1624; mar Easterly. Clifford Far mery ,= bapt. at Caistor 2 Nov. 1621; proved his mother's will 1651. -. . . . William Farmery, dau. bapt. 10 May 1628; of bur. at Caistor 6 Feb. 1628-9. Mary, living 1651. YQL. I, y y 346 LINCOLNSHIRE PKDIGREES. Nicholas Farmery, Standard-Bearer to Lord Willoughby=f= of Parham; bur. at Heapham March 1617. I William Farmery, Rector of 1 am ;= Rector of Springthorpc 1580; institut- ed Rector of Ludborough 4 Sept. 1627; bur. at Heapham 11 Nov. 1633. :Cassandra, dan. of John Newland of Hackney; bur. at Heapham 2 Oct. 1620. Beatrice^ Ed ward mar. at Fisher Spring- of Mar- thorpe 29 ton, died Nov.1599. 1614. John Farmery of Lin- coln, Chancellor of the Diocese; bapt. at Springthorpe 24 Feb. 1590-91. Will dated June 1647; proved Feb. 1647-8. John Farmery,: bapt. at St. Margaret's, Lincoln, 30 Dec. 1625; bur. at Heap- ham 11 March 1688-9. ^Bridget, dau. of William Nay lor (?) of Flam- bo rough, CO. York; ex'trix in 1647-8. William Far- mery, bapt. at Spring- thorpe May 1594; living 1613. Michael Far- mery, bapt. at Spring- thorpe 10 April 1597. =Susanna, dau. of An- derson of Spilsby; a widow 1657. -Anne, dau. of; bur. at Heapham 8 May 1681. George Farmery, bur. in Lincoln Minster 19 Feb. 1626-7. William Farmery, bur. at Heapham 18 May 1648. Margaret, bur. in Lincoln Minster 19 Feb. 1626-7. Bridget, bur. in Lincoln Minster 29 June 1629. Elizabeth, bapt. at St. Margaret's, Lincoln, June 1630; bur. at Lam- beth 12 May 1640. William Farm cry,: Rector and Patron of Heapham,Vicar of Blyton ; bur. at Heapham 29 Nov. 1726. ^Bridget, clan, of Cecil Tyr- whit of (ham- mering ham; bur. at Heap- ham .13 May 1707. Thomas Farmery, bur. at St. Peter's in East- gate, Lincoln, 10 Feb. 1662-3. John Farmery, bapt. at Heapham 9 Dec. 1668. Mary, bapt. and bur. at St. Peter's 1664. Bridget, bapt. at St. Peter's 1666; bur. at Heapham 1679. Robert Far- mery, bapt. at Blyton 1698; Rec- tor of Heap- ham 1727. William Far- mery, 2nd son. Marmaduke F. Farmery, 3rd son. i Anne, bapt. at Blyton 3 Dec. 1691. Bridget, bapt. at Blyton 20 April 1693; bur. at Heapham 20 Sept. 1693. Mary, bapt. at Blyton 24 March 1694-5. Elizabeth, bapt. at Blyton 4 June 1696. Ellen. Edward Far- mery, bapt. at Springthorpe 4 Oct. 1601. Thomas Farmery, bapt. at Spring- thorpe 19 March 1605-6; bur. at Mar ton 11 Nov. 1652. Edward Hilles,= Hester, =Thomas Hurst, Rector of Lnd- borough, mar. 27 Feb. 1624-5. 1st husband. bapt. at Spring- thorpe 26 Aug. 1599. Rector of Lud- borongh; mar. 21 Jan. 1627-8. 2nd husband. Cassandra, mar. lie. 2=John Anderson, mer- Oct. 1621, a3t. 24, then cer, of Horncastle, of Gate Barton. set. 24. LlNCOLtfSfllRE fEDlGKEES. 347 dfarmerp of J?ortj)orpe* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] .... Farmery.=j= William Farmery of Northorpe.=pMargery, dan. of John Farmery, super- w;n n t„i .i o/? i . visor to his brother's Will dated 9 July, proved 26 Oct. 1541 surviving 1541. will 1541. II III Henry Farmery. A son. Alice. r Thomas Farmery. Ellen. Margaret,coheir, mar. Eleanor, coheir, mar. John Littlebury of George Monson of Hagworfchingham. North Carlton. . . Farmery/ I William Farmery of Northorpe.^Margaret, dau. of Robert Farmery, supervisor Will dated 3 Feb. 1557-8; proved 16 May 1558. . Peake. to his brother's will 1558. William Farmery,^. . . . Anthony Robert Far-: bur. at Northorpe 13 Oct. 1610. dau. of Farmery, mery, living 1613. :. . . . Anne. Eliza- dau.of — beth. .... Alice. i i i William Farmery, 6eorge= bur. 1602. Farmery, — legatee of William Farmery, his uncle bur. 1613. George in 1613. I III = Robert Farmery Anthony Elizabeth, dau. of Scotter and Farmery, mar. Wil- of Northorpe. Will alegateeof liain Raven. .... dated 3 Feb. his uncle — 1644-5; proved George Juliana, 17 June 1654. 1613. mar. Valen- tine Smith. John Farmery, heir to his uncle Robert 1654. i George Farmery, supervisor of his brother John's will 1597; bur. 15 Sept. 1616 at Northorpe. Will dated 13 Sept. 1613. John Farmery of Northorpe, bur.^Isabclla, there 31 Oct. 1597. Will dated 19 Oct. 1597; proved 3 Feb. 1597-8. dau. of i John Farmery of=f Elizabeth, dau. of . Heapham. I 10 Feb. 1613-14. . Hansby; mar. at Northorpe Robert Far- Richard Farmery,=Mary, George Farmery,=f=Margarefc, mery, bapt. bapt. at Nor- dau. of bapt.with Richard at Northorpe thorpe 13 Nov 13 Nov. 1625; 1619-20. 1625; bur. 1690. Browne, bur. 1664. dau.of....; bur. at Nor- thorpe 1696. 348 LINCOLNSHIRE fEDIGHBES. I I William Far- Margaret, Northorpe mery, bapt. 2 Feb. 1656-7; Scotter, at Northorpe 20 April 1681,Thomas....of 6 May 1663. Kingscliffe,co.Northampton. George Farmery, bapt. at Northorpe 12 Aug. 1660; bur. 140cb.l696,unmar. Anne, bapt, at Nor- thorpe 22 Aug. 1658. I I John Farmery, bapt. at Nor- thorpe 1622. John Farmery, bapt. at Nor- thorpe 1629; bur. 1644. Ellen, bur. at Northorpe 31 March 1618. Barbara, bapt. at Nor- thorpe 1614; mar. at Blyton, 21 Jan. 1625-6, William Ducy. i i i Jane, bapt. at Nor- thorpe 1616; bur. 1642. Dorothy, bapt. at Northorpe 1622. Mary. I Isabella, bapt. at Northorpe 1624; mar. at Blyton, 1649, Rev. Thomas Clifford, Minis- ter of Marton. Christopher Farmery=j=Barbara, dau. of of Northorpe, 19 Dec. 1659. bur. bur. at Northorpe 26 Nov. 1657. I Margaret, bapt. at Nor- thorpe 1593. Jane, mar. at Northorpe, 1616, William Roger- son. Anne, bapt. at Northorpe 1611; bur. 4 Jan. 1626-7. Jane, bapt. at Nor- thorpe 24 Oct. 1616; bur. 8 June 1691. "I Anne, bapt. at Northorpe 5 Jan. 1628-9; mar. there, 30 April 1662, James Trubshaw of Hatfield, co. York; bur. at Northorpe 11 Jan. 1715-16. John Farmery,bapt.= at Northorpe 26 March 1614; bur. 20 July 1686. =Anne, dau. of . . . .; bur. at Northorpe 17 April 1691. I George Farmery, bapt. at Northorpe 1618 ; bur. 7 Aug. 1626. Christopher Farmery, bur. at Northorpe Feb. 1671-2. William Farmery,^=Susanna, dau. of bapt. at Northorpe 4 June 1663; bur. at Northorpe 2 July 1719. mar. at Northorpe 1684; bur. at Hows- ham 2 July 1715. George Elizabeth, Northorpe 1663. Farmery, — bur. at Julian, bapt. at Northorpe 1664; Wiliough- mar., 1682, John . . . .; bur. at ton 1661. Northorpe 1685. John Farmery, bapt. 4 Oct. 1684. | I William Farmery, bapt. June 1686; George Farmery, bapt. at bur. at Northorpe 20 Feb. 1688-9. Northorpe 6 Aug. 1691. fftimnt of ^UnXtlthp. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Nicholas Fawne, Vicar of Skendleby. Will dated 20 Jan. 1547-8; proved 20 April 1548; appoints Jenytt and William Fawne ex'ors. Johan Fawne of Skendleby, widow.=f= Will dated 1 Dec. 1548; proved 8 Feb. 1548-9; appoints her four sons ex'ors. A LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 349 George Fawne. Thomas Fawne. William Fawne. Robert Fawne ofe. . . . dau. of Skendleby. Nevile of Hagworthingham. John Fawne of Skendleby, yeo—j man. Will dated 7 Nov. 1585; proved 23 Feb. 1585-6. 1st husband. -Margaret, dau. of Henry Ashe=Richard Cony of of Boston, or Wyberton; dead Kirton. 2nd before 1599; ex'trix 1585-6. husband. Roger Fawne, under age in 1585 ;=j=Magdalen, dau. of George ward of his uncle Edward Ashe White of Markby; bapt. 1599 ; [possibly the Roger Fawne, there 23 April 1585. senior. Will dated 10 May 1661]. I I Margaret, under age 1599. Anne. Margaret. Elizabeth. Jane, bapt. at Markby 15 July 1609. I I I Elinor. Magdalen, bur. at Katherine, bapt. at Alford 15 June Alford 11 July 1623. 1620. I George Fawne,=p Jane, 1st son, set. 13 1634; bur. at Authorpe 14 June 1642. dau. of I i i John Fawne, 2nd son. Robert Fawne, 3rd son. Thomas Fawne, 4th son, bur. at Beesby 21 Jan. 1646-7, unmar. Roger Fawne of Skendleby, called "senior" in his will, dated 10 May 1661; settles estates in Skendleby on Roger, son of George Fawne, and on Thomas, son of Roger Fawne. John Fawne, bapt. 5 May, bur. at Beesby 20 Oct. 1638. George Fawne, bapt. at Authorpe= 30 May 1642. Roger Fawne of Boston, merchant. Will dated 11 July, proved 18 July 1681 ; leaves money to cousins Roger and John Fawne. [Harl. MS. 1550. "Visitation of Lincoln, 1562."] Arms.—Per bend or and gules, kvo lions' heads erased counter changed. William Feme, slain at the Battle of the=p Pitts in France temp. Edward III. Sir Robert (or John) Feme, Knt.=pBeatrix, dau. and heir of Walter Rochford. i i James Ferne, Bow-Bearer to Henry V. in Normandy.=p 350 LINCOLNSHIRE ^KDIGfeEBS. I Sir John Feme, Knt.=p I William Feme of Feme Hall, co. Essex, in the possession of the Lord Rich." now=f= Thomas FeiTie=pAlice, dau. and heir of George Whitgreave of . . . ., co. Stafford. . i William Feme of Parwicke,=pJoane, dan. of Adam Beresford of Fenny co. .Derby. I Bentley, co. Derby. i Thomas Ferae of Grene, co. Derby, and of Hook-Norton, co. Oxford (?). John Ferne=f=Phillis, dan. of Robert Mil ward of Par wick, co. Derby. of Eaton, co. Derby. William Feme, a servant of= the Earl of Leicester 28 July 1579; of Temple Bel wood in the Isle of Axholme 1583; leased the Parsonage and Rectory of Bel ton from the Corporation of Lincoln 1568 ; had a grant of arms from Flower, Norroy, 27 April 27 Eliz., 1585. :Anne, dau. of John Shef- field of Gon- nas and Bel- toft in the Isle of Axholme; bur. at Helton 27 Aug. 1601. I John Feme of Crake- marsh, co. Stafford. Anne, dau. of Roger Jackson of Ashburne in the Peak. Edward Feme, 3rd son, anon compos mentis." Anne, mar. John Fitz- herbert of Somershall, co. Derby. Elizabeth, mar. Anthony Whorwood of Sandal and Rotherwood, co. York. Sir John Feme of Temple= Belwood, Knt., author of the "Blazon of Gentry," knighted Jac. I.; Keeper of the Signet of the Coun- cil of the North; also of York City; died 1610. :Elizabeth, dau. Edmund Feme,bapt. at Bel- Francis of JohnNedham ton 22 April 1557. Feme, of Wymondley, — bapt. at co. Herts; re- Douglas Ferae, bapt. at Bel- Bel ton mar. Sir Henry ton 4 May 1562; mar. 16 Nov. Neville of Holt, Ralph Rokeby of Skyre, co. bur. co. Leicester. York; bur. at Doncaster, co. 24 Dec. York, 14 Nov. 1586, s.p. 1564. Joane, dau. of Robert Wilkes of Islington, co. Middlesex; bur. at Belton 4 Sept. 1616. 1st wife. =William Feme of Temple Bel-=pMartha, dau. of Sir John wood, 1st son, bapt. at Belton 21 Feb. 1592-3; bur. there 1 May 1634, then styled "Coun- sellor." Thorold of Corringham, Knt.; bur. at Belton 19 March 1632-3. 2nd wife. John Feme, bapt. 3, bur. 9 Sept. 1615 at Belton. John Feme, bapt. at Gainsborough Alice, bur. at 8 Oct. 1621; bur. at Belton 5 Gainsborough July 1626. 12 Dec. 1620. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 351 John Feme, Thomas Feme, 4th son,=pAnne, only dan. and 2nd son. of North Kelsey, died heir of James Brainp- — Sept. 6 Car. I., 1630; ton of South Reston; George Feme, bur. at Horncastle 2 mar. at Bel ton 3 J Jan. 3rd son, s.p. Sept. 1630. 1618-19; remar. John Leerard. Edward Feme, 5th son, bapt. 12 April, bur. 1 Sept. 1592 at Bel ton. i Brampton Feme, 1st son aud heir, ast. 6£, 6 Car. I., 1630; entered at Gray's Inn 18 Nov. 1639 5 died s.p. Peregrine Feme, died young. James Feme, died young. Elizabeth, mar. Tho- mas Micklethwaite of Hessle, co. York. Anne. i Mathevv Feme of Lon-=pFrances, dau. of don, grocer, 6th son; 3rd son 1633. Walter Rolfe of Clifton, co. Bed- ford. i Benjamin Feme, bapt. at Belton 23 July 1593. Thomas Ferae, bapt. at Belton 12 Oct. 1595. Mathew Feme, 1st son and heir. James Feme, 2nd son. Walter Ferae, 3rd son. Henry Ferae, 8th son, born 1606; Master of Trinity College, Cambridge; Archdeacon of Leicester; Dean of Ely; Bishop of Chester; died at Mr. Nevill's house in St. Paul's Churchyard 16 March 166.1-2, being the fifth Sunday after his consecration; bur. at St. Ed- mund's Chapel in Westminster Abbey 25 March 1662, set. 56. I I I James Ferae, slain in the Isle of Rhe. Anne, mar. John Key of Woodsam, co. York. Elizabeth. [Harl. MS. 1096, fol. 92. "Visitation of London, 1664."] Arms.—Argent, on a bend gules cotised sable three horse-shoes of the field. Roger Ferrers of Corsh am ^Margaret, dau. of Giles Badger of co. Wilts. I Fiddiugton, co. Gloucester. John Ferrersn=Eleanor, dau. of Edward Ferrers of co. Warwick; bur. at Skelling- of Fiddiug- ton, 1st son. thorpe 25 Feb. 1640-41. Adm'on 7 April 1641, then "of Skel- lingthorpe, widow." Sir Henry Ferrers of Skelling-=pAnne, dau. thorpe, 1st son; created a Bart. 19 Dec. 1628; adm'or of his mother 1641; died 1663. of James Scuda- more. John William Ferrers, 3rd son, Ferrers, of London; died unmar. at 2nd son. Skellingthorpe. Adm'on, 21 Aug. 1646, given to Edward Bert, a creditor. Sir Henry Ferrers, Bart., died s.p. 1675, set. 45. 352 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Anne, daii.^ of Megs; sis- ter of Capt. Megs. I :William Ferrers, 2nd son,=Mary, dau.: Citizen of London and Lin- of William coin, draper; adm'or of his clan. 1014; held a mort- gage of Skellingthorpe, co. Lincoln, 21 Oct. 1620. Hewefc of London. :Susan, dan. of.... Mus- champ of co. Surrey. Aj I I Roger Ferrers, 3rd son. John Ferrers, 4th son. John Holliday,=Alice. Adm'on —Sir Arthur Ingram,Knt., son and heir of 11 Nov. 1614. of St. Gabriel's, Fen- Sir Leonard church Street, London. Holliday. 1st 2nd husband, husband. W i 11 i am Jan e, dau. Ferrers of Lon- don. of Sir Peter Vanlore, Bart. William Ferrers, s.p. Lincoln mar. lie. 29 March 1613, "Thomas Ferrars of Kirkby-upon-Bain, gent., aged 54, and Bridget Palmer of Coningsby, widow." Arms.—Argent, six billets and an orle sable, thereon a cinquefoil gules. Robert Filkin of Kettering =pGrace, dau. of ... . Thoiiey. Elizabeth, dau. of John=Richard Filkin of Lang-=RachaeI, dau. and coheir of Cater of Warwick; sister ton-by-Partney, bur. there William Hansard of Bisca- of John Caterof Langton- 26 Feb. 1655-6 [set. 28 thorpe and Langton-by-Parfc- by-Wragby; widow of 5 April 1626, but 32 ney; widow of.... Davison . . . . Dawson of Swaby; 6 March 1626-7]. of Horncastle; mar. lie. 6 mar. lie. 5 April 1626. March 1626-7, set. 36. $\%\)tx of Cftrecfetngijam anU Bourn. [Collinson's " Somersetshire." Thoroton's " Notts."] Gilbert Fisher of Bourn, bur. 3 Feb. 1570-71.=f= I Richard Fisher of Bourn, Chief Constable,^ bur. 3 March 1597-8. Elizabeth, bapt. at Boston 5 July 15—. Catherine, dau. of . . . .; bur. at Bourn 20 Aug. 1612. 1st wife. A =Gilhert=p. . Fisher of Bourn, bur. 30 Aug. 1633. B dau. of 2nd' wife. Octavian Fisher, Daniel Fisher, bapt. at John= bapt. at Bourn 1 Bourn 20 March 1584-5. Fisher. July 1581. Richard Fisher, bapt. at Bourn 15 July 1582. Robert Fisher, bur. Mary, at Threckinghamll Sept. 1654. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 353 I Gilbert Fisher, bapfc. afc Bourn 2 Dee. 1610; bur. 25 May 1611. Elizabeth, bapfc. afc Bourn 29 March 1612. Lucy, mar. afc Bourn, 21 Jan. 1620-30, William Gelson of Kir ton. i i r John Fisher, bur. afc Bourn 20 Aug. 1615. Richard Fisher, bapfc. at Bourn 29 June 1618. Henry Fisher, bapfc. afc Bourn 27 Oct. 1621. Anthony Fisher, bapfc. afc Bourn 25 June 1623; bur. 4 Nov. 1632. John Fisher, bapfc. afc Bourn 2 Sept. 1624. I I Gilbert Fisher, bapfc. afc Bourn 26 Feb. 1626-7; bur. 2 Oct. 1628. Thomas Fisher, bapfc. afc Bourn 6 Sept. 1629. Anne, bur. Bourn 20 Nov. 1620. at Marah, bapfc. afc Bourn 6 Feb. 1631-2; bur. 11 Feb. 1631-2. Octavian Fisher of Threck-= ingham, bur. 4 Dec. 1610, aet. 69. :Jane, dau. of Thomas Har- fcopp; bur. afc Threcking- ham 29 July 1611. Marian, mar. Thomas Lister of Rippingale. William Fisher of Threck-=pElizabefch,= Lawrence ingham and Span by. Will dated and codicil proved 31 Oct. 1616 (will proved in Lincoln Register 18 March 1622-3). dau. of William Whalley of Norton, co. Leices- ter. Goodman of Threck- ingham. 2nd hus- band. Arthur Fisher, proved liis father's Elizabeth, mar., 10 July 1591, Everard Goodman of Bias- ton, co. Leicester. Marian, mar Pullen. William Fisher, 1st son, bur. at Francis Fisher of Threck-=j=Susan, dau. Eliza- Threckingham 5 Jan. 1639-40. ingham, 2nd son. | of . . . . beth. I I William Fisher, 1st son, died Robert Fisher, bur. at Threck-=f Elizabeth, dau. of 6 Oct. 1675, aet. 32; entered ingham 17 Feb. 1711-12; of the ....; died 16 June at Gray's Inn 12 Oct. 1660. Grange near Grantham 1684. 1710, set. 65. i i i William Fisher, bapt. at Threckingham 28 Nov. 1682; bur. at Grantham 14 April 1683. William Fisher, bapt. at Grantham 22 Aug., bur. at Threckingham 15 Dec. 1683. Octavian Fisher, bapt. at Grantham 19 Sept. 1684; bur. at Threckingham 1 March 1686-7. VOL. I, Francis Fisher= of the Grange, bapt. at Grant- ham 20 Dec. 1688; M.P. for Grantham 1722; died 1768. M.I. Weston Church, Somerset. A Jane, dau. and coheir of John Digby of Mansfield Woodhouse, co. Notts; dead in 1768. % 2 354 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Aj' l 17 . II M I Francis Fisher, bapt. Frances, bapfc. Lucy, bapfc. at Octaviana,=Francis at Grantham 1724; at Grantham Grantham 12 bapt. at Willoughby hm*. at Threckingham 16 Nov. 1728. Aug. 1721). Grantham of Hesley 28 Dec. 1725." — — 17 Nov. (? Hesle), — Mary, bur. at Jane, bapt. at 1739; co. Notts, Robert Fisher, bapt. Threcking- Grantham 12 mar. 25 father of at Grantham 12 Sept. ham 19 Feb. Aug. 1729. May 1762. 7th Lord 1727. 1729-30. Middleton. I I I J I Daniel Fisher, bapt. at Lucy, bapt. at Grantham 19 Kathe- Susan, bur. at Grantham 23April 1693; March 1685-6; died 1710; rine, Threckingham bur. at Threckingham bar. at Threckingham 19 bapt. at 12 June 1696. 15 Jan. 1700-1. June. Grant- — — — ham 1 Susanna, bapt. Robert Fisher, bapt. at Mary, bapt. at Grantham 30 Jan. at Grantham Grantham 30 Deo. 1698. Dec. 1691; bur. at Threck- 1694-5. 29 April 1697. ingham 7 Jan. 1697-8. [Note.—This pedigree is neither in the Visitation of 1634 nor that of 1666.] Jtttfje of JHarfcet Easem [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Robert Fitche.^ i Tucker Fitche of Ashby-by-Partney=pKatharine, dan. of Langton of Langton. Robert Fitche of Markefc=pMary, dau. of Christopher Hutchinson of Theddlethorpe; Rasen 1625; dead in mar. at Afford 23 July 1604; bur. at Market Rasen 1652. 1 March 1652-3. John Fitche of Market=f=Ellen, dau. William Fitche, 2nd son, Robert Fitche, Rasen, wool 1 en-d raper, bapt. 2 June 1605. of bapt. at Market Rasen 5 3rd son, bapt. at July 1607; bur. there 14 Market Rasen Sept. 1651. 21 Jan.l 612-13. Nathaniel Fitche, born at Market Benjamin Fitche, bur. at Market Rasen 21 Feb. 1655-6. Rasen 19 Aug. 1720. a LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 355 Elizabeth, bapt. at Market Rasen 12 Feb. 1608-9; mar., 30 April 1632, Wil- liam Vooley. Anne, bapfc. at Market Rasen 17 Jan. 1610-11; mar., 30 Oct. 1634, Wil- liam Fieman. Frances, bapt. at Market Rasen 16 June 1613; mar., 16 Sept. 1638, William Thompson. Troth, bapt. at Market Rasen 8 Jan. 1617-18; mar., 9 May 1653, Richard Chapman. Mary, bapfc. at Market Rasen 13 April 1620; mar., 17 Dec. 1651, Wil- liam Stokes. Dorothy, bapt. at Market Rasen 18 Aug. 1622; mar., 5 May 1642, John Tooley. Joshua Fitche of Wales-=Grace, dau. of .... ; remar. by, farmer, bur. 11 April at Walesby, 23 Oct. 1718, 1716. John Hayes of Risby. jftt£totUfam of Clfrty- [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms (in Berry).—" Lozengij ermine and gules," for Fitzwilliam of Clay worth. Richard Fitzwilliam of Wadworth,=pElizabeth, dau. of Thomas co. York, died 1478. Clarel of Aldwarke. Edward Fifcz-= william. I :Alice, dau. of Robert Sir Thomas Fitzwilliam.= Westby field. of Raven- Fitzwilliam of Aldwarke. Humphrey Fitzwilliam of Clayworth,=pAnne, dau. of William Dalyson of Laugh- co. Notts; died 28 Oct. 1556. | ton, co. Lincoln; bur. at Clay worth 30 June 1558. Thomas Fitz- william. Alice, dau. and coheir of Richard La- con by. Edward Fitz- william. Elizabeth, dau. and co- heir of Rich- ard Laconby. Humphrey Fitz- william, supervi- sor to his brother William. Roger Fitzwil- liam, D.C.L. i i i Elizabeth, mar. Hamon Sutton of Washingborough. Anne, mar. Thomas Reade. Dorothy, mar. Thomas San- don. William Fitzwilliam of - Lincoln, bur. at Lower Tooting, Surrey. Will dated 6 June, proved 19 July 1597. A :Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Harrington, Knt., of Exton, co. Rutland; widow of William Dymoke of Friskney. Charles Fitz-= william of Saundby, Notts. B =Mary, dau. of Tho- mas Littlebury; widow of Edward Forsett and relict of Christopher Dighton. 356 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Robert Fitz- Sir George Gilby,=Elizabeth, mar. 1st at=Richard Bolle, mar. william, 1590, Knt., of Sfcainfcon- Olayworth 25 Aug. at Gainsborough 14 s.p. (?). le-Hole,co.Lincoln. 1584; living 1612. May 1614. 2nd 1st husband. husband. William Fitzwil-=pElizabeth, dau. of Wil- Thomas Fitzwilliam Anne, bur. at liam of Clixby in Caistor, co. Lin- coln; bur. at Glaxby 14 July 1634. liam Fitzwilliam of Mablethorpe; widow of John Wythernwyke of Glaxby; living 1615. of London, 1599. Roger Fitzwilliam. Claxby 2 Jan. 1629-30. Will dated 24 May 1628 ; proved 4 Jan. 1630-31. William^ Fitzwil- liam of Clixby, 1634. - Frances, dau. of Sir John Selyard, Knt.. of Halye Park, Suffolk. Richard Fitzwil- liam, 2nd son, liv- ing 1615, under age. John Fitzwil- liam, 3rd son. George Fitz- william, lega- tee of his aunt Anne 1630. Elizabeth, mar. Josceline Percy of Beverley. Mary, mar. John Monson of Nor- thorpe; died 29 Aug. 1658. William Fitzwilliam of= Clixby, refc. 5, 1634; liv- ing 1GD2; legatee of his brother-in-law Sir Chris- topher No vile. =Mary, dau. of Sir Gervase Nevile of Aubourn, Knt.; dead in 1692. John Fitz- william, 2nd son. I I I Elizabeth. Mary. Frances. Frances, lega- tee of her aunt Anne in 1630. Anne, bur. at Claxby 1603. I Philippa, mar. John Wright of Kelvedon, Essex; died 16 May 1687. Willi am F i tz w i 11 i am^f of Clixby. Will proved 4 April 1717. Thomas Fitzwilliam, lega- tee of Sir Christopher Nevile in 1692. George Fitzwilliam, lega- tee of Sir Christopher Nevile in 1692. George Fitzwilliam, ex'or 1717. John Fitz- william. Elizabeth, mar. Thomas Ellerker. John Fitzwilliam^ of Clixby. Will dated 4 Feb. 1710-11 ; proved 1 July 1718. =Anne, dau. of ... . Will dated 12 March 1723-4, then of the city of Lincoln; proved 14 Aug. 1724. Katherine, legatee in Katherine Nevile's will 1682. Elizabeth, lega-^Edward tee of Sir Chris- topher Nevile 1692. Monson of Nor- thorpe. William Fitzwilliam, Charles Fitz- Elizabeth, dead abroad in 1724. william. in 1724. George Monson, legatee of his uncle William 1717. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 357 iRt$to(Utem of JHa^Ietftorpe anti WBifytm. [Harl. MS. 1550.] Arms (in Berry).—" Lozvujg argent and gules, in /esse a fleur-de-lis of the second within a border sable bezanted" [These arms seem to be a mixture of Fitz- william and Mablethorpe.] Thomas Fitzwilliam of Mable-=j=Margaret, dau. of Sir Thomas Dymoke, thorpe, died 9 April 1479; bur. in Lincoln Minster. Knt., of Scrivelsby ; died 20 June 1463; bur. in Lincoln Minster. Sir Thomas Fitzwilliam of Mablethorpe. Wili=f Margaret, dau. of Sir James Har- dated 15 Jan. 1493-4; proved 2 May 1494. rington, Knt.; living 1494. I William Fitzwii-- liamofLouth,liv- ing 1494. Sir George Fitzwilliam of= Mablethorpe, died 19 Sept. 1536; inq. p.m. 5 Ed- ward VI. ^Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Tho- mas Barnardiston, Knt., of Great Cotes. Katherine, coheir, mar. Robert Margaret, coheir, mar. Elizabeth, died Doughty of Louth. Clarke of Welbourn. 3 May 1522. John Fitz-=f Elizabeth, dau. of John Pickering Mary, mar. Ralph Thimbleby william. of Oswaldkirk, co. York. of Poolam. Thomas Fitzwilliam, died underage. Inq. p.m. Marian, heiress, mar. John 18 Henry VII. Bolle of Haugh. John Fitzwilliam of=f=Joan, dau. of ... . Britt. Inq. p.m. 7 Edward IV., 1468. Stayne. Thomas Fitzwilliam of Skidbrook, get. 9, 1468. Inq. p.m.^=Joan, dau. of Thomas 28 Oct. 14 Henry VIII., 1523. Gunby. John Fitzwilliam of Skidbrook, died=pMargaret, dau. of John Wygersley, Thomas 28 July 1547. Inq. p.m. 1 Edward VI., 1547. Will dated 20 Jan. 1547 ; proved 17 Dec. 1548. gent.; ex'trix in 1547. Will dated Fitz- 5 Oct. 1555; proved 17 Dec. william. 1556. George Fitzwil-=j=Mary, dau. of Thomas Fitzwil- Agnes, A dau., mar. Chris- liam of Mable- thorpe Stayne and Skidbrook. Sir William liam, ex'or. living topher Scupholme Skipwithy — 1547. (called son-in-law in Knt., of South Andrew Fitzwil- John Fitzwilliam's Ormsby. liam. will 1547). 358 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Aj Mary,mar. 1st Rich- Bridget, ard Hiltoft, 2ndly mar. Anthony Nevile, Edward 3rdly Francis Bui- Drewe. lingham. Elizabeth. Wil1= dated 11 April 1626; proved 24 Nov. 1629. =Thomas South- cote of Shil- lingford St. George, co. Devon. Frances, mar. Thomas Mas- singberd of Bratoft. i Robert Fitz- william, 4th son. Thomas Fitzwilliam, 2nd sou, ?of Potter (or Upper) Toynton, co. Lincoln. Will dated 10 Feb. 1617-18; proved at Spilsby 24 April 1618. His dau. Bridget wife of ... . Jackson. George Fitzwilliam= ofWyberton. Will dated 22 Nov. 1591; proved8 Jan.1591-2, s.p. -Alice, dau. of .... Palmer; mar. at Bag- enderby 20 Oct. 1582. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Robert= Tyrwhit, Knt., of Kettleby. 1st wife. :William Fitzwilliam of Mable-= thorpe, bur. at Withern 1 April 1597. : Dorothy Bui thro pp, widow. 2nd wife. i i r Elizabeth, mar. 1st John Wythernwyke of Claxby, 2ndly William Fitzwil- liam of Clixby. Bridget, mar. George An- ton, Recorder of Lincoln 1587—1612. Dorothy, mar. Roger Ays- cough of Nuthall, co. Notts. Mary, mar., 12 Oct. 1590, Roger Hal ton, Knt., of Glee. Sir Susanna, mar. Sir William Welby, K.B., of Gedney; bur. at Gedney 15 May 1606. Hester, bapt. at Thornton Curtis 15 May 1566; mar. Robert Callis of Lincoln and Gray's Inn, Ser- jeant-at-Law. i i i Frances, bapt. 13 March, bur. 18 March 1579-80 at Louth. Frances, bapt. at Thornton Curtis 11 Nov. 1582. Mary, bapt. at Thornton Curtis 20 April 1589; bur. 4 Aug. 1598. Edmund Fitzwilliam,=f=Anne, dau. and coheir of Lionel 4th son 1592; bur at Grimsby 18 Dec 1625. Skipwith of Walmsgate ; mar. at Burwell 20 Jan. 1610-11 ; bur. at Grimsby 16 Dec. 1625. Charles Fitzwilliam, 5th son 1592; died beyond the seas. Adm'on 1609. Anne. Mary. Elizabeth. Martha, bapt. 2 March 1619-20; bur. at Withern 20 April 1631. Judith dan. of Thomas Tailor= Robert Fitzwilliam of=f Elizabeth, dau. of George of Lincoln; bapt. 11 Nov. Mablethorpe, set. 19, 1576; bur. at St. Martin's, 1592; bur. at Withern Lincoln, 25 April 1598. 1st 5 Sept. 1602. Adm'on wife 11 Nov. 1602. Chewte of London; re- mar. Sir Edward Tyr- whit, Knt. 2nd wife. Elizabeth, died infant, LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 359 |B Elizabeth, dau. of 8ir=pSir George Fitzwilliarn = George Rowland, Knt., ofMablethorpe,knighted of Streatham, eo. Bur- 1606; sold Mablethorpe rey; mar. there 7 Sept. 1618; bur. at Wilhern 1003. 1st wife. 31 July 1637. Elizabeth, bur. at Withern. -Elizabeth, dan. and coheir of Giles Pun- combe of Lon- don, Citizen; bur. at Withern 12 Feb. 1636-7. 2nd wife. William Fitz- william, 2nd son. Adm'on 27 Oct. 1646 to Augustine Pearson, a creditor. Susan, mar. at Withern, 22 Aug. 1633, George Saunderson of Aby Grange. i Mary, mar. 1st Thomas Char- nock, 2 ndly Eras- mus de Ligne of Harlaxton. Elizabeth, bapt. at Bourn 1616; mar. Thomas Johnson of Claxby. Cecily, 1619. Martha, bapt. at Withern 15 Nov. 1620; bur. 24 March 1634-5. George Fitz- william, 1st son, entered Gray's Inn 10 July 1622; s.p. "I Elizabeth, dau. and heir=j=William Fitzwilliam =pCatherine, dau. of George Cracroft of Burgh; mar. 1653. Will dated 24 July 1686; proved 1686. 2nd wife. of Robert Creswell of Burgh; mar. there 14 Feb. 1632-3; bur. at Withern 15 Mar. 1652-3. 1st wife. 2nd son in 1619 Warden of Louth 1670 and 1677 ; bur. at Louth 25 Sept. 1678. Charles Fitzwilliam,=pElizabeth, dau. of .... Os- bapt. at Withern 23 Nov. 1654; ex'or of his mother; bur. at Louth 10 Oct. 1699. Will dated 25 March 1693 ; proved 1700. ney; sister of Robert Osney of Louth; widow of Thomas Small of Louth; remar. at Louth, 3 April 1704, John Jekyll of Louth; living 1718. I Thomas Fitz- william, bapt. at Withern 15 May 1656; bur. 30 June 1657. William Fitz- william, bapt. at Withern 18 June 1657. William Fitzwil- liam of Louth, apothecary, bapt. at Louth 19 Nov. 1692; bur. at Louth 17 Jan. 1724. =r _J I Charles=Frances, dau. of Fitz- william, bapt. at Louth 15 Feb. 1695-6. Porter Chaplin of Tathwell; bapt. at Alford 9 Oct. 1712; mar. at Tathwell 13 Mar. 1730-31. Vincent Os- ney Fitzwil- liam, bapt. at Louth 12 Aug. 1697; living 1718. Pymoke Fitzwil- liam, living 1718. Catherine, bapt. at Louth 31 Aug. 1695. Elizabeth, bapt. at Louth 7 July 1720; bur. at North Cockerington 17 Sept. 1720. John Fitzwilliam, bapt. 14March 1649-50; bur. at Withern 16 April 1651. Giles Fitzwilliam, bapt. UMarch 1649-50; bur. at Withern 5 July 1651. Edward Fitzwilliam, bapt.atWithernl651. Elizabeth, bapt. at Withern 1640. Elizabeth, bapt. and bur. at Withern 1644. Susanna, bapt. at Withern 1 April 1646; mar., 10 April 1673, Jona- than Saull or Gaule. i i Elizabeth, bapt. at Withern 18 July 1647; mar. .... Bowtall. Mary, bapt. at Withern 1648; mar. Rugeley. George 360 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. William George Fitzwilliam of= Fitzwil- Withern,2nd son,bapt. liam, 1st at Burgh 11 Nov. 1636; son, bapt. Withern 7 March at Burgh 1681-2. Will dated 24 20 March Oct. 1680 ; proved 28 1634-5. April 1682. ^Martha, dau. of William Lister of Colcby; hapt. at Harmston 22 June 1642. Will dated 6 Feb. 1694-5, then of Nor- wich; proved 8 April 1695. Robert Fitzwilliam, bapt. 2 Jan., bur. 26 Jan. 1638-9 at Withern. Robert Fitzwilliam, bapt. at Withern 24 Nov. 1642. George Fitzwilliam, 1st son of Withern, bapt. at St. Peter-at-Arches, Lincoln, 6 June 1665; bur. at Withern 11 March 1720-21. =Martha, dau. of John Booth of Harpswell; bapt. at Market Rasen 3 Nov. 1665; bur. at Withern 24 April 1722. Adm'on 1 Aug. 1722. Lister Fitz- william,bar. at Withern 1676. Lister Fitz- william,bur. at Withern 7 July 1680. I George Fitz- william, bapt. at Withern 26 Sept. 1695; bur. at Wit- hern 13 July 1696. Martha, bapt. at Withern 14 Nov. 1687. Anna Maria, bapt. at Withern 20 Oct. 1688. Susanna, bapt. at Withern 12 Dec. 1689; mar., 11 March 1715-16, William Smith; remar. at Kedding- ton, 10 Aug. 1721, Samuel Welfit of West Eavendale. Martha, bapt. at Withern 18 Sept. 1696; mar. at Keddington, 1 Aug. 1721, Shad- worth Hodgson of Tothill. William Fitzwilliam=f=Mary, dau. of Withern, bapt. at of ....; Withern 13 July bur. at 1673; bur. there Withern 1724. Will dated 25 19 Dec. Feb. 1723-4; proved 1729. 15 April 1724. I Robert Fitz- william, bapt. 13 Nov., bur. at Withern 18 Nov. 1677. Mary bapt. at St. Peter-at- Archesl2Nov. 1666; mar. at Withern Tho- mas Tooley. Katherine, bapt. at St. Peter-at- Arches 16 Sept. 1668; mar. at Withern, 3 Mar. 1697-8, Eustace White. William Fitzwilliam, bapt. Lister Fitzwilliam=Mary, dau. of Mary, bapt. at at Withern 29 Jan. 1699; of Withern, bapt ;bur. at Withern 3April bur. 25 May 1700. at Withern 6 March Withern 22 1696; bur. 29 1700. Sept. 1750. April 1715. Sarah, bapt. at Withern 3 May Catherine, bapt. at Withern 1697 ; mar. at Withern, 24 Oct. 21 Aug. 1698; bur. 29 Oct. 1734, Samuel Lindsey. 1698. Elizabeth, bapt. at Withern 21 Aug. 1698 ; living 1724, n n mar. [Note.—A very good pedigree of the Fifczwilliams of Mablethorpe is given in the " History of Ormsby," by Rev. W. O. Massingberd.] LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 361 foljmxht oi Walton, to. Bet% an* to, Ltncoln, Arms.—Sable, a bend between six escallops or. Sir Godfrey Foljambe of Kinoul ton,==pA vena, dau. and heir of Sir Thomas eo. Notts, and of Hassop and Darley, eo. Derby, Knt., died 50 Edward III.; bur. at Bakewell. M.I. I Sir Godfrey Foljambe, son: and heir, died v.p. Ireland of Hartshorne, co. Derby, Knt.; mar. 2ndly Sir Richard Greene, Knt. ^Margaret, dau. of Payn Vilers of Kinoulton. Sir Godfrey Foljambe, set. 9^ at his grand- father's death ; died 12 Richard II., get. 21^. ^Isabel, dau. of Sir Simon Leche,Knt. i Margaret, mar. Sir Nich olas Montgomery of Cubley, Knt. Alice, only dau. and heir, set. 1\ at her father's death; mar. Sir Robert Plumpton of Plumpton, co. York, Knt. =^= Thomas Foljambe of Riby ,=pMargaret, dau. of Sir John de Loud- ~ ham of Loudham and Riby, Knt., by Isabel, dau. and sole heiress of Sir Robert Breton or De Brito of Walton, co. Derby, Knt.; sister and coheir of Sir John de Loudham of Riby, Knt.; mar. 1387-8. and of Walton, co. Derby, j.u., seised of a third part of the manor of Riby called Loudham's Manor; died 12 Henry VI., 1433-4. Alvaredus jambe. Fol- Robert Foljambe. Richard Foljambe. Thomas Foljambe of Riby, son and: heir, set. 40 and upwards 29 Henry VI., 1450-51; died 1451-2, seised of Loudham's Manor in Riby and of half the Manors of Winterton and Marton. =Jane, dau. and heir of Sir Tho- mas Ash- ton, Knt. Margaret, mar. 1st RalphMon- boucher, 2ndly John Cokefield. Joan, a nun. Isabel, mar., as 1st wife, Sir H ugh Willough- by of Wollaton, co. Notts, Knt. Thomas Foljambe,^ son and heir, born 1423, being set. 28, 1451-2; Lord of Walton, Riby, etc.; died s.p. 1467-8. =Margery, dau. of Sir Nicho- las Longford, Knt. mar. 1454 ; she mar. 2ndly ThomasWood- hall, Esq. Henry Foljambe of: Riby, 2nd son, and heir of his brother; died 1503-4; bur. at Chesterfield. M.I. Will dated 15 Aug. 2 Richard III., 1484. -Benedicta, dau. of Sir William Vernon of Nether Haddon, co. Derby, Knt. Anne, mar. William Thorpe. Joan, a nun at Sem- pringham. Roger Foljambe of Lin- acre Hall, co. Derby. See Burke's "Peerage" and "Landed Gentry." VOL, I, I I 1. Mary or Margaret, mar. Sir Miles Bussy of Hough am. 2. Bennet, mar. Sir John Leeke. 3. Elizabeth, mar. Richard Towneley. 4. Anne, mar. Richard Ool- vill. 5. Helena. 6. Margaret. 7. Joan. AAA 362 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Sir Godfrey Foljambe of Riby,: Knfc., 1st son and heir, born at Walton, co. Derby, 27 March 1472; died 20 Dec. 1541. Will dated 32 Henry VIII.; desires to be bur. at Chester- field, co. Derby. M.I. ^Katharine, dau. of Sir John Leeke of Sntton-en-le-Dale, co. Derby; mar. 5 Hen.VII.,1489-90; died 24 May 1529; bur. at Chester- field. M.I. 2. Thomas Foljambe. 3. Henry Foljambe. i i i 4. Richard Fol- jambe. 5. John Foljambe. 6. Gilbert Fol- jambe. 1. Benedicta, 1st dau., born 2. Katharine, 2nd dan., born 3. Anne, 3rd dau., 1499; mar. Sir John Dun- 1509; mar. Thomas Neville born 1518; mar. ham of Rippingale, Knt. of Rolleston, co. Notts. Francis Lowes. 3. Godfrey Fol- jambe, 2nd sur- viving son, b6rn 1512; died 1559, s.p. legitimate. ^Margaret, younger dau. and coheir of Thomas Fitzwil- liam of Aldwark. 4. George Foljambe,=pDorothy, dau. of Arthur Barlow of Barlow; mar.2ndly at Chesterfield, .19 July 1563, Edward Newbold. 3rd surviving son, of Baiiborough, co. Derby. Had two sons and three daus. Godfrey Foljambe alias Brownlow,=Joan, mar. her cousin Godfrey Foljambe mar. his cousin Joan Foljambe; alias Brownlow, natural son of Godfrey died s.p. at Croxden, co. Stafford. Foljambe; died s.p. Henry Foljambe, eldest son,=Mary, sister to lived at Dethick, co. Derby, John, Lord and at Kingston, co. Notts, Darcy of As- during the minority of his ton, and widow stepson Anthony Babington of Henry Bab- (the conspirator), whose ington of De- guardian he was; died s.p. thick. Godfrey Foljambe, 2nd son, died s.p. Emma, dau. of.... Tunsted of Tun- sted, co. Derby. Troth. Catherine. Both died young. 1. John Fol- jambe, eldest son and heir, died young 27 Oct. 1499; bur. at Sut- ton-en-le- Dale. M.I. Alice, dau.= and coheir of Thomas Fitz william ofAldwark, co. York. 1st wife. -2. Sir James Foljambe, Knt.,= 1st son and heir, born at Wal- ton, co. Derby, 2 Henry VIII., 1510-11; seised of the manor of Riby and divers lands, etc., in Aylesby, Stallingborough, and Waltham; died 26 Sept. 1558; bur. at Chesterfield, co. Derby. M.I. ^Constance, dau. of Sir Edward Littleton of Pillaton, co. Stafford, Knt.; had the manor of Riby, and settled on her for life for her jointure; died 1600; bur. at Chesterfield 22 July 1600. 2nd wife. Sir God Trey Fol- jambe, Knt., of Riby, son and heir, born 19 Henry YJIL, 1527-8; bur. at Chesterfield, co. Derby, 24 Dec. 1585. M.I. B =Troth, dau. of Sir William Tirvvhit of Kcfcfclcby, Knfc.; mar. 1555-6; re- mar. Sir William Mallory, Knt.; died at Aldwark; bur. at Chesterfield 11 April 1617. George Foljambe. James Foljambe. Twins. ii i 1. Frances, mar. 1st John Thorne, 2ndly Henry Fitz- william of Scampton. 2. Lucy, mar. Roger Green- halgh of Teversal, co. Notts. 3. Mary, Fearne. mar. Vincent LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 363 Godfrey Foljambe of=Isabel, dau. of Sir Christopher Wray of Glentworth, Knt., *iby, only son and Lord Chief Justice; mar. 1582; mar. 2ndly, 1509, Sir William Bowes of Barnard Castle, co. Durham, Knt.; mentioned in the Bill in Chancery, then Lady Bowes; 3rdly, at Chesterfield, 7 May 1617, John, Lord Oarcy Godfr Riby: heir, born 21 Nov. 1558; Sheriff of co. Derby 31 Eliz., 1588-9; died s.p.; bur. at Chesterfield 14 June 1595. M.I. of Aston. She died at Aldwark 27 Jan. 1G22-3; bur. at Rawmarsh 12 Feb. 1622-3. Francis Foljambe, only: son (heir of his nephew Godfrey), mentioned in the Bill in Chancery concerning the manor of Riby; died 1600; bur. at Chesterfield 27 Sept. 1600. M.I. =Frances, dau. of Thomas Burdett of Birthwaite,co. York; widow of Francis Wortley of Wortley, co. York. 1. Barbara, mar. John Fletcher of Morrey, co. Staf- ford. 2. Grace, mar. Henry Morgan. 3. Anne, mar., 13 Nov. 1561, James Walton. 4. Jane, died young. 5. Catherine, died young. 1. Sir Thomas Foljambe, Knt.,=Anne, dau. of Sir James Harrington of Ridling- lst son, died s.p.; bur. at ton, Rutland, Bart.; remar., 11 Aug. 1613, Chesterfield 16 Jan. 1604-5. Sir John Molyneux of Teversal, co. Notts, Bart. Will proved 1644. Elizabeth, dau. of- Sir William Wray of Glentworth, Bart.; mar. 21 Oct. 1614; died s.p.m. and was Glentworth 19 April 1638. 1st wife. f -2. Sir Francis= Elizabeth,* dau. of Sir George Reresby of Tbri- Foljambe, ere- bergh, co. York, Knt.; born 1613; mar. at ated Bart. 24 Rotherhain 22 May 1638; 2ndly, Edward July 1622; sold Horner of Mells, co. Somerset; 3rdly, Sept. Walton, Riby, 1665, William Monsou, Viscount Monson of and other estates Castlemaine; 4thly, before 1676, Sir Adam in 1633 ; died at Felton of Playford, co. Suffolk, Bart.; died Bath 17 Dec. at Bury St. Edmunds 26 Dec. 1695. Adm'on 1640, s.p.m. 24 July 1696. Frances, only dau. and heir, mar. at Glentworth, 24 Dec. 1646, Sir Christopher Wray of Glentworth, 3rd Bart.; 2ndly, John Troutbeck of Lincoln, M.D.; died s.p.; bur. at Glentworth 2 Nov. 1667. * She had no issue by Sir Francis Foljambe, but by her second husband, Captain Horner, she had an only son Thomas, who died young, and a daughter Tarn worth, who mar.. 1662, Sir Roger Martin of Long Mel ford, co. Suffolk, Bart., and died 1698; and by her third husband, Viscount Monson, had a daughter Elizabeth, mar. 1st Sir Philip Hungate of Saxton, co. York, Bart., and 2udly Lewis Smith of Wotton, co. Warwick, Esq.; and by her fourth husband, Sir Adam Felton, had a daughter Elizabeth, who mar. Robert Rich, Esq., son and heir of Sir Edward Rich, Knt., of Mullbarton, co. Norfolk. 364 LINCOLNSHIRE PE.DIGHEES. [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College. Dodsworth MB., Bodleian Library, vol. v. Glover and St. George's u Visitation of Yorkshire," ed. Jos. Foster.] Arms.—Argent, a chevron between three cinque/oils sable. John Folkingham of Haydor^pAlice, dau. of John Littlebury. John Folkingham^-Margarct, dau. of John Thomas Folkingham, Spanby of Spanby. 2nd son. Robert Folk--,-Janc, dan. James Folkingham, s.p. Peter Folk- Alice, s.p. ingham. William Kol king- ham, s.p. of .... — ingham, s.p. Potter. John Folkingham, s.p. Margaret, s.p. Thoinas^Jano, dau. and heir of Thomas Elizabeth, mar. 1st John Folking- I Pi got of Olothcram, co. York; Garwood, 2ndly Thomas ham. I relict of Sir Giles Hussey, Knt., Bakestowe. of Caythorpe, oo. Lincoln; — bur. at St. Peter's, Leeds, 2D Mary, mar. Hugh Tred- Oct. 1597. stone. r" Randolph Johri= Polking- l'\)l king- ham, ham of SI oaford. Thomas T=Katharine, dau. Anne, mar. 1st James dau. of Folking- ham of Barton 1584. of William Lee. Standish of Killing- holme, 2ndly George Bayldon of Bayldon, co. York. rrhomas Folkingham. Richard Folkingham. Margery. .Robert Kolkinghani , Joan, dau. Edward Folk-=El.izabeth, dau. of William (Jaw- of sioaibrd io;m, 1st son. ol John ingham of dron of Great Male; mar. at Pussy of Sioaibrd, 2nd Heckington 11 Oct. 1G00. Leake. son. John Folkingham^=Margory, dau. of .... Frances, mar. Mary, mar. John of Pomfret, oo. Ayre(?); bur. at Sleaford Robert Tim- Robinson of Lin- York,dead in 1058. 1058, then a widow. berland. <;oln. William Folkingham — Anno, dau. of . . . . ; widow John Polk- Thomas Folk- of Stamford Baron, of Mdward Newlove of ingham of ingham of Will dated 2 Jan. 11olpringham; mar. there llelpring- Burton-on- 1028-1); proved Feb. JO Dec 101;); ex'trix in haml028-9. Trent, living l()29-:;0. J021KK). 1028-0. Isabel Folkingham, mar. at Sleaford, LJ July 1002, to Robert Oarr. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 365 [MS. 0. 23, Heralds' College.] William Ford ham of Chishill, co. Essex.=f= Richard Fordham=j=Dorothy, dau. of Thomas Osborne of Kirby- Michael Ford- of Barholme. I Bedon, co. Norfolk; living 1641. ham, s.p. Francis Ford ham of Barholme, died- 1641. Will dated 25 July, proved 27 Sept. 1641. :Margarefc, dau. of Henry Congham of Wells, co. Norfolk; surviving 1641; proved her husband's will. I I I I Richard Fordham, Robert Fordham, William Fordham, Anne,under age 1st son, living 2nd son, living 3rd son, living in 1641. 1641. 1641. 1641. ffovxttt of Misty. [Harl. MS8. 760, 1550, 6113.] Arms.—Argent, on a bend sable three bucks' heads caboshed of the field. John Forsett of Bilsby=j=Anne, dau. and coheir of ... . Chamberlain of Claxby. Robert Forsett- I dau. of ... . Heneage of Hainton. Anne, dau. of Sir Ralph =pEdward Forsett of = Mary, dau. of Thomas Littlebury Bolder, Bart,, of Wood- hall, Herts. 1st wife. Bilsby, died 24 Oct. S tains by; remar. 1st Christopher 1549. Dighton of Wainfleet, 2ndly Charles Fitzwilliam. 2nd wife. Christopher^ Anne, dau. of Augustine Forsett Bilsby. of Massingberd of Bra toft; mar. settlement 6 June 1547; remar. Christo- pher Somercotes. i Francis Forsett: of Trusthorpe, bur. at Alforcl 7 Oct. 1583. I I Elizabeth, mar. John Smith. Cecily, mar. William Roche of Scupholme. Thomas Forsett of Bilsby ,= aet. 8 years 9 months and 15 days 6 Oct. 1559; died 15 May 1590. A :Elizabeth, dau. of Tho- mas Quad- ring of I rby. Robert" Forsett. :. . . . dau. of.... Dis- ney of Nor- ton Disney. Elizabeth, mar. William Brooks- bank of Alford. 366 LINCOLNSHIRE 1PEBIGREE&. Bdward=rAnne, dan. Forsett of Bilsby. of Edward Billesby of Billesby. John=Anne, dau. For- of Leonard sett. Kirkman of Keal. Elizabeth, mar. John Brooks- bank of Alford. Edward Forsett. Richard Forsett. Mary, s.p.=Gilberfc Boun of Hockerton, Notts, Serjeant-at-Law, M.P. for Nottingham 1640. Sovsttv of Lincoln* [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College. Corporation Records, Lincoln.] Thomas Forster of City of Lincoln^. . . . dau. of ... . Ramsay of Scotland (?) Mary,* dau. of Sir Robert^ Hussey, Knt.; widow 1st of John Monson of South Carlton, 2ndly of Simon Hall of Burton Pedwar- dine; died 4 March 1572-3. 1st wife. = Lancelot Forster of North= Carlton and of the Bail of Lincoln; bapt. at St. Mar- garet's, Lincoln, 20 Oct. 1549; died 14 Sept. 1620; bur. in Lincoln Cathedral. =Mary dau. of ....; ex'trix of her husband 1621 ; died 7 Oct. 1629; bur. in Lin- coln Cathedral. Will dated 6 Oct., proved 21 Oct. 1629. 2nd wife. r Thomas Forster of the Bail of: Lincoln 1629. :Aune, dau. of Richard Smith George Fors of Lincoln; living 1652. ter, 1629. Lancelot Forster, 1st son, stabbed by a soldier, Thomas Nicolls, 1656; bur. at Sleaford. John Forster, 2nd son, a3t. 14, 1634. i Mary, mar. William Payne. Anne, living 1620; Elizabeth, liv- Bridget,liv- Mary, 1629; Judith, 1629;mar, not mentioned in ingl629;mar. ing 1629; mar. Tho- Mark Levesey (?) father's will; mar. Nicholas Ely. mar. Robert mas Cooke. of Lincoln, tanner. . . . . Morris. Barber. This pedigree has been compiled and printed in the "Miscellanea Genealogica et Meraldiea," Vol. II., New Series, pp. 201-204, published by Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes. * I question this marriage.—A. R. M, LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 367 [Berry's " Kent Genealogies."] Arms. — Gules, a cross composed of nine lozenges; at each end a fleur-de-lis or. Granted 1605. John Fotherby of Burton-on-Stather.^ Robert Fotherby. Martin Fotherby of Grimsby ^Isabella, dan. of ....; mar. at Mayor of Grimsby 1561. j Grimsby 20 Jan. 1546-7. Agnes, dau.=John Fotherby, Clerk,=p. . . . Margery, bapt. Margery, bapt. of Richard of Little . . . ., co. Fotherby. Kent. Will dated 9 1st wife. April 1619. 2nd 11,bur.21 March at Grimsby 28 wife. 1563-4 at Great April 1565. Grimsby. Henry Fotherby, bapt. at Grimsby Richard Fotherby, bapt. at Grimsby 17 25 May 1595. July 1596. Charles Fotherby, D.D., Dean of Canterbury ;=pCecily, dau. of Ralph Walker of died 29 March 1619, set. 70; bur. in Can- terbury Cathedral. Cambridge; died 19 Oct. 1634, set. 66. I I I I I Sir John Fotherby,=j=Elizabeth, dau. Phoebe, Priscilla, mar. Mabel, mar. Knt., of Barnaul Court, co. Kent; died 1666. of Sir .... mar. Robert Moyle Sir John Cooke, Knt., of Henry of Buckwell, co. Finch. Gidea Hall, Es- Palmer. Kent. — Elizabeth. sex. - i i Charles Fotherby of Barham Court, Fellow of Trinity Anthony=f=Afra, dau. College, Cambridge; Rector of St. Ives and Southwell, Fotherby. | of . co. Cornwall; died 1677, s.p. John Fotherby, 1st Charles Fotherby, 2nd son, died^pMary, dau. of George son. 1 Aug. 1720, set. 37. Elcocke. Henry Mompesson of Wilts.=Mary, co-=Sir Edward Bering, Bart. Elizabeth, 1st husband. heir. 2nd husband. coheir. Martin Fotherby, D.D., Bishop of Salisbury ;=j=Margaret, dau. of John Margaret, died 11 March 1619-20; bur. in All Hallows, Winter, Prebendary of mar Lombard Street, London. Will dated 8 March Canterbury; mar. at Hearst. 1619-20; proved 26 March 1620. Canterbury Cathedral A 1592—99. 368 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. ! Aj Charles Fotherby, John Martin Thomas Fotherby,=. . . . dau. son and heir, get. Fotherby, Fotherby, 4th son, get. 11 in of . . . . 17 in 1619. died infant, died infant. 1619. Richard Mary, Elizabeth, Mary, mar. 1st John Cecilia, mar. at All Hal- Fotherby, died gsfc. 6 in Boys, 2ndly Sir George lows, Lombard Street, died infant. 1619. Ayscough, Knt., Ad- 17 Nov. 1623, Henry infant. miral of England. Clifford. Christopher Fotherby of Normanby in parish of Burton-=p on-Stather; had lands in Fotherby and Keddington. Will dated 24 March 1540-41 ; proved 3 June 1541. Francis Mary. Elizabeth. Dorothy. Anne. Margaret. Meriall. Katharine. Fotherby, v — ^ 1540. All under age 1540. John Fotherby of Great Coates, yeoman; (to be): bur. at Great Coates. Will dated 23 Aug. 1613. Adm'on 5 March 1613-14. Thomas Fotherby of Great Coates, Leonard Cur-=Margaret,=John Foxley of adm'or of his father 1613-14; liv- tis (?). 1st living Clee. Sndhus- ing 28 Oct. 1623. husband. 1613. band. George=pMargaret, dau. of Henry Mountford of Gainsborough; Fotherby. bapt. 30 May 1577; mar. at Gainsborough 15 Sept. 1597; living 1620. George Fotherby, Curate of Stow 1634; bur. there 1 Oct. 1644=pHelen, dau. of ... . Jane, bapt. at Stow 28 Sept. 1636. George Fotherby of Wrawby, Gent. Will dated=f Ellen, dan 8 April, proved 24 May 1614 at Lincoln. I of... . George Fotherby,=p Alexander Fotherby 1614. 1614. Thomas Roger Fotherby, Fotherby, ex'or 1614. 1614. George Fotherby, John Fotherby, 1614. 1614. George Fotherby, Thomas Fotherby, 1614. 1614, LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGEEES. 369 John Fowler of Boothby Hall, Gent.= i John Fowler of=pSarab, dau. of John Boothby Hall, Gent., died 1744, set. 32; bur. at Wei ton. Wilby of Wrangle; died 1776, aet. 70; bur. at Wei ton. John Fowler, son of= Richard Fowler of Lincoln (see that pedigree); dead in 1746. 1st wife. =Jane=. . . . Moody of Scremby. 2nd wife. John Fowler Robert Fowler=Elizabeth,dau. of Ketsby, of Fulford, co. of John Ealand died 1802, York, died of Sheffield, co. set. 60, s.p. 1814, set. 71. York. Elizabeth, mar. John Ely of Al- ford, Attorney; s.p. Jane, mar. George Brabins of Al- ford and Benington-by-Boston. Sarah, mar. 29=FJohn Bourne of Dalby,=Elizabeth, dau. of Mary=pGeorge Bourne June 1764; died 1776, set. 34. 1st wife. son of John Bourne by Elizabeth, dau. of John Dobbs of Bucknall. George Fowler of Skendleby Thorpe. 2nd wife. of Haugh. Mary, dau.=pJohn Bourne= of Mather. 1st wife. of Dalby, died 1850. I Mary, unmar.; bur. at Dalby. :Mary, dau. of George Ten- nyson of Tealby; sister of the Rt. Hon. Charles Ten- nyson D'Eyncourt of Bay- ons Manor. 2nd wife. i John Brabins- of Reasbyand of Balderton, co. Notts. =Eliza- beth, dau. of New- ton. Robert Bourne of Woodhall,=Jane. co. Middlesex. George Brabins of Jamaica, bur. at Highgate, London, set. 29. Elizabeth, mar. 1784;=Anthony Floyer of Ketsby died 8 Oct. 1814, and Athelhampton, set. 57. Dorset. co. Stephen Fowler=pElizabeth, dau. and heiress of John Oolk of Skendleby Thorpe. George Fowler of Skendleby=f=Mary, dau. and coheir of Robert Thorpe. a | Hurst. VOL. it B B B 370 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Robert Fowler, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. Sarah, dau.=John Bourne=p Elizabeth, (See Burke's " Landed Gentry.") of John of Dalby, 1 n" 1 — Fowler of born 1789; Mary, mar. Henry Walsh of Grimblethorpe. Boothby died 1788. (See Burke's " Landed Gentry.") Hall. 1st wife. died 1780, set. 20. 2nd wife. George Fowler Bourne, died 1795, set. 16. John Fowler of Wispington, Gent., bur. at=p. . . . dau. Wispington 22 Sept. 1719. Will dated 29 Sept. 1717; proved 23 Oct. 1719; men- tions his sister Grace Oaldecott. i Richard Fowler- of the city of Lincoln, Gent. Will dated 17 March 1722-3; proved 24 June 1729. of dead in 1717. :Rebecca, dau. of ....5 liv- ing 1717. Edward Fowler, ex'or to his father 1717 ;=p... . dau. devisee of land in Brayley, co. Warwick, of ... . John Fowler. Edward Fowler. Daniel Fowler. i i Jane. Martha. All legatees in 1717. Richard Fowler of Leadenham, Gent., s.p. Will dated 3 June 1746 proved 6 March 1746-7; mentions an estate in "Partney, Wad- dau. of dingworth, Sloothby, and Hogsthorpe, now in the possession of; Moody of Scremby in right of his wife Jane, late relict of my ex'trix brother John Fowler, deceased, which must come to me on the 1746. death of Jane Moody." i i Edward Fowler, living 1722-3. Robert Fowler. i i John Fowler,=Jane, dau. of John Fowler, Elizabeth, mar. ex'or to father Gent., of Boothby Hall in William Cais- 1722-3 ; dead Welton-le-Marsh ; remar tor; living in 1746. Moody of Scremby. 1722-3. I Robert=p. dau. Fowler, legatee 1717. of. . . I John Fow- ler, legatee 1717. :. . . . dau. of Thomas Fowler,=f= devisee of land in Friskney 1717. dau. of Jane, John Robert Sarah. Ann. legatee Fowler. Fowler. 1717. ^ ^ y All legatees in 1717. Robert John Samuel Mary. Fowler. Fowler. Fowler. All legatees in 1717. a LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 37i Jane= =Edward Codd of Gantby and Wadding- worth, legatee 1717. Will dated 7 Sept. 1727 ; proved 6 May 1728. Anne=pChristopher Longstaffe, devisee of land in Mint- ing 1717. I Christopher Longstaffe, legatee 1717. John Longstaffe, legatee 1717. David Fowler of Dunholme, Gent.=p. . i i Mary. Susanna. Legatees 1717. . dau. of Will dated 19 Feb. 1745-6; ; dead in proved 22 Aug. 1746. 1745-6. Joseph Fowler of Goltho, Gent. 22 Aug., proved 19 Dee. 1760. Will dated- Edward=f=. . Fowler. I of. dau. Richard Fowler. A dau.=Rev. Bonham Langley of Lincoln. Anne, legatee 1746. [Note.—I give these three pedigrees of Fowler, compiled from Lincoln wills and family papers. They most probably came from the same stock.—A. R. M.] Wyatt Francis, Registrar of the Dean and= Chapter of Lincoln; called "cousin" in John Francis' will 1698; bur. at St. Mar- garet's, Lincoln, 27 June 1715. :Frances, dau. of . . . .; bur. at St. Margaret's 30 May 1715. I Elizabeth, legatee Anne, legatee in 1744; Frances, legatee Audrey, legatee of James Francis mar Dracott. of John Francis of John Francis 1744. 1698. 1698. Mary, dau. of= Richard Win- stanley; mar. 2 Feb. 1681-2; dead before 1699. 1st wife. =Wyatt Francis, called^ "junior," legatee of John Francis of Horncastle 1698 and of Rachel Francis 1717. =Mary, dau. of . . . .= Thompson of the Bail of Lincoln; mar. at South Carlton 30 July 1699; bur. at St. Margaret's 29 July 1707. 2nd wife. Catherine, dau. of ... . Will dated 10 Oct. 1752; proved 29 Dec. 1758. 3rd wife. Anne, bur. Mary, bur. at St. Mar- at St. Mar- garet's 9 garet's 2 May 1707. Aug. 1710. I Wyatt Francis, Vicar of Little Brick-- hill, co. Bucks, and Bromham, co. Beds ; matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford, 28 Nov. 1740, 831.17; Fellow of Magdalen College 1744—56. . . . . dau. of Rev. Mar- tin; mar. 1756. Catherine, legatee of Mary Francis 1779. 372 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Mary. Will dated 7 Feb. 1779; proved 16 June 1795. Frances, living 1752; ex'trix to her sister Mary in 1779. of Lincoln. Catherine, bapt. at St. Margaret's 22 Nov. 1714; mar. John Lamb Anne, bapt. at St. Margaret's March 1718. Robert Francis, bapt. at St. Mary Magdalene's, Lincoln, 16 Mar. 1672-3. . . . dan.=pJames Francis, legatee of= of Pell (?). 1st wife. John Francis 1698; bur. at St. Margaret's 13 Dec. 1746. Will dated 31 Aug. 1744; proved 8 April 1747. =Grace, dau. of Theo- philus Buckworth of Pinchbeck; mar. at Greetwell 18 Feb. 1728-9. 2nd wife. Wyatt Francis, B.A. of Emmanuel= College, Cambridge, 1728; Rector of Wilsford in 1744; Rector of Burton- by-Lincoln; Prebendary and Priest- Vicar of Lincoln Cathedral; bur. 18 March 1780. Will dated 26 June 1777; proved 10 April 1780. ^Harriet, dau. of John Laurence of Barn Elms, son of Sir John Laurence, Knt., Lord Mayor of London 1666 ; living 1777. John Francis, bapt. at St. Margaret's 1 Nov. 1708. James Francis, bapt. at St. Margaret's 9 March 1710-11. James Francis, born at Wils- ford 20 March 17420.8.; Rec- tor of Brox- holm; bur. at Burton Aug. 1774, s.p. John Fran-=. . cis, born at of Wilsford 17 Sept. 1743 O.S.; died 14 May 1807, s.p. dau. Hartley; widow of ....; sur- viving 1807. Patrick Francis,= born at Wilsford 7 June 1747 O.S.; Mayor-Elect of Boston 1792; died 27 March 1792. dau. of A dau. I Wyatt Francis, born at Wilsford 27 June 1748 Q.S.; went to America. Charles Christopher^Anne Scot- Grace, born=pBenjamin Theodosia,=pLieut. Francis, born 19 June, bapt. 22 July 1762 at Burton; went to India; died at Calcutta 23 Oct. 1813. ton, dau. of W.Hamill; mar. 5 Sept. 1792 ; died 21 Sept. 1818. at Wilsford 21 June 1745 O.S.; mar. June 1769; died Feb. 1812. 2nd wife. Cooper of Sleaford dead in 1812. born 31 May, bapt. 2 June 1755 at Bur- ton; died 8 Jan. 1831. Rich- ard Goak- man. Francis Theo-^pSophia dore Francis, j Eleanor, born at Cal- ! dau. of cutta 15 May Daniel 1803; died 31 Temple- Jan. 1837. j ton; mar. i Oct.1824. Eliza, dau. of Samueh Holland; widow of B. T. Rose; mar. 19 June 1850; died 9 Sept. 1863 ; .bur. at St. Mary, Isling- ton. 1st wife. ^Charles Scotton Fran- = . . . . cis, born at Calcutta dau. 20 Jan. 1805; died at of Maida Vale 16 June .... 1877; bur. at St. 2nd Mary, Islington. wife. Theodosia Eliza, born 5 June= 1825; mar. 16 March 1844. =A. H. Blechyn- den. C. Wyatt Francis of Chancery Lane, Lon- don, 1880. . I I Two LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 373 JLl Four sons, Anna Harriet, born Grace Maria, Frances Charlotte Penelope, died young. 2 Feb. 1806; mar., born 13 Jan. Lauren- born 28 April 1813; 28 April 1823, 1809; mar., tia, died died unmar. 6 Aug. George Call; died 26 Jan. 1849, young. 1849. 17 Aug. 1861. S.Sweedland. [Note.—I am indebted to C. Wyatt Francis, Esq., for this pedigree.—A. R. M.] ffxmm of i^iijstp. [Lincoln Wills.] Will dated=Rachel, dau. of ... . 26 Oct. 1698 • proved 29 Jan. 1701-2; leaves Thorold. Will dated a guinea each to his cousin Wyatt Francis 27 May 1717, then of and his two sons Wyatt and James. Louth; proved 15 Aug. 1718. 2nd wife. .... dau. of^pJohn Francis, gent., of liorncastle. . . . .; dead before 1698. 1st wife. Martha, dau. of ... . Bryan (?); mar.=pJohn Francis, Eector of Stick- 3 Sept. 1691; bur. at Sibsey 2 Feb. 1700-1. 1st wife. ney 1686; Vicar of Sibsey 1689; bur. at Sibsey. :Mary, dau. of 2nd wife. Martha, bapt. at Sibsey 9 June 1692; mar. there, 25 March 1718, Thomas Booker of Scrivelsby. Mary, bapt. at Sibsey 16 Feb. 1693-4; bur. there 30 June 1696. Elizabeth, born 5, bapt. at Sibsey 20 Oct. 1698. William Francis, born 10, bapt. 20 Sept. 1709 at Sibsey. Mary, bapt. at Sibsey 20 Sept. 1705; mar. there, 6 Feb. 1728-9, Mr. Richard Shep- herd. Frances, born 1, bapt. 20 March 1706-7 at Sib- sey. John Francis, born 20, bapt. 24 March 1692-3; bur. at Sibsey 29 March 1693. John Francis, bapt. at Sibsey 19 April, bur. 16 June 1695. Thomas Francis,: born 13, bapt. 16 Nov. 1696 at Sib- dau. of John Fran- cis, bapt. 31 Jan. 1700-1. John Francis, bapt. at Sibsey 16 Oct. 1729; bur. there 9 Aug. 1730. Will of Nicholas Francis, Clerk, of Wrangle, dated 23 Jan. 1623-4 ; mentions his brother James Francis, his brother John Francis, and his son Richard; proved 24 Sept. 1624. Will of John Francis, gent., of Great Carlton, dated 6 Jan. 1617-18; mentions his wife Jane, his sons Thomas, William, and John; proved 13 Feb. 1617-18. 374 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. [Dodsworth MS. 99. Lansdowne MSS.] Arms.— Vert, a sallire engrailed or. Sir William Franke of Great Grimsby, Knt. Will dated Jan. 1346-7 ;=p (to be) bur. at Ashby-by-Grimsby in the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin I Mary. (Some say will dated at Winchelsea June 1346.) Alianore, coheir 1346 dau. and coheir=Sir Thomas Barnardiston of Great Coates, Knt. Sir William Franke of Great Grimsby,=j=Isabel, dau. of Thomas Knt., 21 Richard II., 1398. 1 Franck of Horkstow. Thomas Franke John Franke Elizabeth=Anthony St. Quintin of Harpham, of co. Essex, 1st of co. Essex, co. York, living temp. Henry V. son. 2nd son. [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Richard Freeston of=f Anne, dau. of Simon Thew Brinkhill. of Salmonby. George Freeston, 1st son =j=Mary, dau. of John Hutchinson of Lincoln; mar. at "St. Peter-at-Gowts, Lincoln, 13 Sept. 1578; living 1611 ; remar. to ... . Cuthbert. of Alford, bur. there 22 Nov. 1588. Richard Freeston,=p Margery, bapt. at Alford 19 ~ Dec. 157 9; woollen- draper at Horn- castle; bur. there 4 Jan. 1627-8. I I I Robert Freeston, John Freeston, Margery, dau.'of" Alford 10 bapt. at Alford bapt. at ; bur. March 1581-2; 7 April 1584; Alford at Horn- bur. there 21 bur. there 14 11 Sept. castle 28 March 1583-4. Feb. 1585-6. 158-. June 1626. George Freeston, bapt. Robert Freeston, Gamaliel* Freestoq,=pSusan, ^ at Morncastle 21 Aug, Horncastle bapt. at Horncastle | dau. of jC0(j 27 Oct. 1612. 28 Sept. 1617. Susanna, bapt. at Grimsby 27 Jan. 1641-2. * In Mr. Larken's MS. the name is given "Samuel." The printed register gives "Gamaliel."—A. It. M. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 375 Frances, bapfc. afc Horncasfcle 3 April 1608; bur. there 12 Sept. 1608. Susanna, bapfc. at Horncasfcle 19 March 1608-9. Prances, bapfc. afc Horn- castle 13 Oct. 1610. Mary, bapfc. afc Horn- casfcle 25 April 1613. Anne, bapt. at Horn- casfcle 12 Nov. 1615. Elizabeth, bapfc. afc Horncasfcle 17 Oct. 1619. Robert Freeston hill, living 1591. Robert Freestone of Thimbleby, 1st son, bapfc. afc Horncasfcle 31 March 1586; M.D.1634. Will dated 24 Sept. 1638; proved 12 Nov. 1638; (to be) bur. in Horn- castle Church. of Brink-=pFrances, dau. of Robert Rathbecke of Horncastle; mar. before 1591 ; bur. at Horncastle 17 May 1598. =Mary, dau. of Thomas Spicer of Marston, co. Beds. i i Margery, bapt. at Horncastle 18 June 1587. Anne, bapt. at Horncastle 22 Feb. 1589-90; mar. John Broxholme of Nether Toyn- ton. i i Troth, bapt. at Horncastle 9 Sept. 1592; bur. there 14 April 1596. Faith, bapt. at Horncastle 2 Sept. 1594; bur. there 14 April 1596. I I Mary, bapt. at Horncastle 23 Jan. 1596-7. Troth, bapt. afc Horncastle 5 March 1597-8; bur. there 26 Dec. 1598. Robert Freeston, 1st son, set. 11, 1634; inherited lands in Thimblebyand Horn- castle 1638. Thomas Freeston, =j=Grace, dau. of 2nd son, ast. 1634; bur. at Horncastle 24 Dec. 1685. ; bur. at Horncastle 15 Sept. 1677. Matthew Freeston, 3rd son, set. 6, 1634. Frances, asfc. 16, 1634. II I I II Thomas Freesfcon, bapt. at Robert Freeston, bapt. at Elizabeth, bapt. at Horn- Horncastle 18 Oct. 1664; Horncastle 16 July 1670; castle 22 May 1674; bur. bur. there 2 Nov. 1664. bur. there 4 March 1691-2. there 17 Jan. 1693-4. Francis Freeston, bapt. at Thomas Freeston, bapt. at Grace, bapt. at Horncastle Horncastle 24 July 1666; Horncastle 10 July 1671; 17 Jan. 1674-5. bur. there 19 Feb. 1666-7. bur. there 5 April 1674. 376 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. dftMntp oi Jfrfafemp anti Benington, [MS. C. 23, Heralds' College.] Arms.—Azure, a saltire between four cross-crosslets or. Thomas Friskney of=r=Margaret, dan. and coheir of Thomas Friskney. Leake of Wrangle. Sir Thomas Frisk-=p Grace, dau. of Hugh Friskney- ney of Friskney. John Asfordby. of Friskney. . . . . dau. and heir of John English of Winthorpe. i i i Grace, coheir, Isabel,coheir, mar. Jane, coheir, mar. mar. John Sir John Dymoke, Henry Hewitt of Goldfinch. Knt., of Friskney. Lincoln. Richard^ Friskney. =Joan, dau. of Nicholas Lye or Lislye. John Friskney o£=pKathcrine, dau. of Thomas Friskney. William Friskney. Friskney. Richard Quadring. Alice or Eleanor, dau. of John Reade of=pEichard Friskney=. . . . dau. of....; Wrangle; aunt and coheir of Thomas Reade, and set. 24, April 1559. 1st wife. of Benington, died widow of.. . . Rob- 1582. inson. 2nd wife. i iii John Friskney of=pMildred, dau. of Thomas Doughty of Bos- Robert Jane. Benington, bur. at Boston Dec. 1598. ton; mar. there 9 Oct. 1576; living a Frisk- widow 24 April 1600. ney. Elizabeth. Anne, dau.r of Stephen Rogers of Kington. 1st wife. i i Mary, mar. Richard Parker of Benington. Anne, mar. J ohn Kel- sey of Benington. ^--Richard Friskney of Ben-=j=Jane, dau. of Robert ington, 1st son 1634; set. Stone of Burgh; mar. 33 in 1614. Will dated lie. 14 Dec. 1614, 28 Jan., proved 4 Feb. set. 20. 2nd wife. 1646-7. I Thomas Frisk- ney, 2nd son, bapt. at Boston 2 Dec. 1585. Mildred, mar. William Gard- ner of Sibsey. John Friskney, 1st son, set. 18, 1634; ex'or in 1646-7. Richard Frisk- ney, 2nd son. I I I Elizabeth. Bridget. Jane. John Frisk- ney, 3rd son. William Frisk- ney, 4th son. Katherine, bapt. at Bos- ton 23 Aug. 1580. Eleanor, bapt. at Bos- ton 29 July 1583. A LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 377 Mildred, bapt. Mildred, bapt. at=6eorge Blinkarne, Margaret, bur. at Boston at Boston 2 Boston 29 Dec. yeoman, of Wran- 16 Feb. 1584-5. May 1587. 1588 ; mar. lie. 25 gle, set. 28, 1613. — May 1613, then of Anne, bapt. at Boston 9 Yarborough. Aug. 1590. Thomas Friskney of West Keal, gent.=j= Elizabeth, bapt. at West Keal 8 Jan. 1617-18. lst=pAnthony Friskney of West Keal,=pElizabeth, dau. of... . Hodgson; wife. I bur. there U Sept. 1626. mar. lie. 1619. 2nd wife. Mildred, bapt. at West Mildred, bapt. at West Keal 20 Aug. 1615. Keal 8 May 1625. Mar. lie. 19 Dee. 1617, "Richard Codd of Cadney, yeoman, and Elizabeth Friskney of Wrangle, spinster, aged 21, her parents dead; at Wrangle or West Keal." Mar. lie. 3 Feb. 1618-19, "Anthony Friskney, gent., of West Keal, aged 26, and Elizabeth Hodgson of Lincoln, spr., aged 20, his parents dead." jfulnetijp of ffulnttty* [Harl. MSS. 1550, 1561.] Arms.—Gules, three crescents argent, a chief ermine. Thomas Fulnetby=f=Mary, dau. of Thomas Grant. Sir Jeffry Fulnetby of Fulnetby,=f=. . . . dau. and heir of John Ful- Knt. .... Lambert. netby. Jeffry Fulnetby, Sir John Fulnetby of=pMaude,dau. of Sir Tho- Alice, mar. died s.p. Fulnetby, Knt. mas Bratofte, Knt. Geoffry Cely. John Fulnetby, had a charter of Free War-=p Anne, dau. and heir . J. . mar. George ren in Fulnetby 5 Edward III., 1331. I of Francis Oolville. Snarford. Thomas Fulnetby, Sheriff of Lincolnshire 1355 to=j=Mary, dau. of Thomas Cray- 1358 and 1369 to 1372. crofte. A I VOL. J, 0 C 0 378 .LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. I I I John Fulnefcby, William Fulnetby of=^Maude, dau. of Sir Tho- Thomas Fulnet- lst son,died s.p. Fulnetby, 2nd son. j mas Mussenden, Knt. by, 3rd son. William Fulnetby of Fulnetby^Elizabeth, dau. of... . Bargrave or " Burgan." i i John Ful-=pElinor, dau. Henry William Fulnefcby. Elizabeth, Jane, mar. nefcby. of Patrick Skip with. Ful- nefcby. mar. Thomas John Thomas Fulnefcby. Langdale. Borough. John Ful-=pJane, dau. and nefcby. heir of Tho- mas Towers of Boofchby. i i Thomas Fulnefcby. William Fulnefcby. Francis Fulnefcby. Henry Fulnefcby. i i Jane (or Anne). Grace. John Fulnetby=j=. . . . dau. of Gerard Southill. Elianor, mar. George Snarford. Elizabeth, dau. and heir of=pJohn Fulnetbyt=. . . . dau. and coheir of Sir Lionel John Elland. | | Dymoke, Knt. Elizabeth, coheir of her Joan, co- mother Elizabeth Ful- heir of her netby; mar. Sir William mother; Sandon,Knt.,of Ashby- mar. .... by-Partney (inq. p.m. Lynsey. Robert Eland, 1522). Godfrey Fulnefcby of^Elizabeth, Fulnetby (or Geof- fry in Visitation). Will dated 19 Dec. 1540; proved 15 Sept. 1541. dau. of Wil- liam Good- ricke; sur- viving 19 Dec. 1540. I Eliza- beth, mar. Gerard Southill. I I I I I Marmaduke Ful- Barbara, 1st dau., Katherine, 2nd Mary, liv- .... mar. netby, 3rd son, unmar. 19 Dec. dau., unmar. 19 ingl9 Dec. ....Gar- living 19 Dec. 1540; mar. Ed- Dec. 1540; mar. 1540. nett. 1540. ward Overton. .... Wilkes. John Fulnetby of Fulnetby, lst= son, proved his father's will 15 Sept. 1541; calls his wife Mar- garet in his will dated 17 June, proved 22 Oct. 1544. :Mary or Margaret, dau. of Vincent Grantham of Bracebridge; ex'trix in 1544; remar. Edward Yarborough of Lincoln. Ohristopher= Fulnetby of . . . ., CO. Suffolk, 2nd son. =Anne, dau. of William Bradbury of Tilbury, co. Essex. Jane, dau. of Walter Heronden of Maid- stone, co. Kent; died 1593; bur. at Rand. 1st wife. B -Sir Vincent Fulnefcby of Ful-=pMargaret, dau. of Robert nefcby, knighted at Whitehall 23 July 1603; bur. at Ful- netby 22 Nov. 1.623, or rather at Rand. c Dymoke; sister of Sir Edward Dymoke of Scri- velsby; living B Marcli 1610-11. 2nd wife. LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. 379 John Fulnet- Anne, by, 1st son, — "died set. Brid- aboufc 7." get. Gerard Ful- netby, 2nd son. Elizabeth, 1st dau. and coheir, mar. 1st Vincent Sheffield of Croxby, 2nd]y Charles Mefcham of Bullington; died at East Rasen 1 Oct. 1628, set. 67; bur. at Rand. Jane, dau. and co- heir, mar. at St. Margaret's in ye Close of Lincoln, 6 July 1578, Peter Phesant of Bark- worth, one of the Council of York. Joane, dau. and coheir, mar., 1606, Sir Richard Amcotts of Astrope, KB.; bur. at Astrope or Aisthorpe 2 May 1628. J I Elizabeth, mar. Richard {or "Ed- Margaret, ward") Maister of London, Doc- mar. Tho- tor of Physick, and of All Souls' mas Law- College, Oxon, Physician to Queen son of Elizabeth. Wainfleet. I Anne, mar. John Fow- ler or Flower. Alice, mar. Colby. Isabell (or Jane), mar. Robert Tooley of Wragby. [Lincoln Wills. "Visitation of Northampton, 1618." Ingoldmells Court Rolls.] John Fulstow, died 3 Feb. 1483-4 ;=fMargaret, dau. inq. p.m. 10 Henry VII. j of. . . . Richard Fulstow, bur. at All Saints,=f=Alice, dau. Robert Ful- Elizabeth, mar. Toynton. Will dated 28 Sept. 1541; of stow, 1483. .... Thorpe. proved 3 May 1542. II! II Robert Fulstow, John Fulstow, Thomas Fulstow, Elizabeth, Isabel, 1541. 1541. 1541. 1541. 1541. Richard Fulstow, died 1601.= i Peregrine=pDorothy, dau. of Sir Fulstow ~ I Amy. Will dated=Sir Valentine Browne, Knt., Thomas Tresham, 11 Feb. 1627-8; junior, of Croft; bur. there Knt., of Newton, co. proved 2 Aug. 29 April 1626, s.p. Northampton. 1632. Dorothy, coheiress=Edward Middlemore, ex'or to Dame Amy Browne 1632. Anne, coheiress. 380 LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. dfpnes (or Junius) of iUttle ©tttrton* Katherine, dau. of Fran-= cis, Earl of Huntingdon. 1st wife. :Henry Fynes,=Elizabeth, dau. of Sir 2nd Earl of Richard Morrison, Lincoln. Knt. 2nd wife. Thomas Fynes, 3rd Earl. (Vide Col- lins' "Peerage," etc.) Sir Edward=y=Mary. dau. and heiress of Thomas Dighton of Fynes alias Clinton, Knt. Little Sturton, co. Lincoln; remar. Sir Wil- liam Coney, Knt., Gentleman Pensioner to Jac. I. and Car. I. i Francis Fynes Clinton 1684; entered Gray's Inn 26= Feb. 1629-30; High Sheriff of co. Lincoln 1645; M.P. 1654; died 5 Feb. 1681-2. =Priscilla, dau. of John Hill; died 15 Feb. 1679-80; bur. at Baumber. Sir Francis Clinton. [Note.—A very voluminous pedigree of Fynes Clinton was in Mr. Larken's MS., substantially the same as that in Brydges' edition of Collins' " Peerage."—A. R. M.] BND OP VOLUME I. London; Mitchell and Hughes, Printers, 140 Wardour Street, W %\)t 3|arletan g>octetjK FOUNDED 1869. INCORPORATED 1902. Cfje Harletan ^octet^ FOUNDED 1869. INCORPORATED 1902. INSTITUTED FOE THE ^ufcltcatwtt oi IhtetrtteU JHauuscripts EELATING TO GENEALOGY, FAMILY HISTORY, AND HERALDRY. '&eflt£trrrtt ®fftfe autf €a\iucit liaam: 140 WARDOUR STREET, W. Cottttttl SIR GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, Bt., F.S.A. (Chairman). RALPH ASSHETON, Esq. C. H. ATHILL, Esq., F.S.A., Richmond Heeald. SIR THOMAS BROOKE, Bt., F.S.A. J. W. CLAY, Esq., F.S.A. GEORGE E. COKAYNE, Esq., F.S.A., Claeenceux King-of-Aems. THE RIGHT HON. LORD HAWKESBURY, F.S.A. ROBERT HOVENDEN, Esq., F.S.A. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.SA. GEORGE W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., Rouge Ceoix Puesuivant of Aems. W. J. C. MOENS, Esq., F.S.A. SIR CHARLES H. STUART RICH, Bt., F.S.A. J. PAUL RYLANDS, Esq., F.S.A. Secretary autf 2Treasum\ *W. BRUCE BANNERMAN, Esq., F.S.A. The Lindens, Sydenham Road, Croydon, Surrey. ISantttr** THE LONDON AND COUNTY BANKING COMPANY, LIMITED, 21 Lombard Street, E.C. &ttBttor* M. W. KER, Esq. Messes. MITCHELL and HUGHES, 140 Wardour Street, London, W. * To whom all Communications and Subscriptions should be forwarded. Report for t&e f^ear 1901. The Council have to report that at and since the Annual Meeting on the 11th February, 1901, eleven new Members have joined the Society, of whom four are Subscribers to the Eegister Section, and one Member has joined the Register Section. During the same period the Society has lost nine Members (one of whom belonged to the Register Section) by death; eight Members (two of whom belonged to the Register Section) have resigned; and two Members have resigned the Register Section only. The number of Members now on the Roll is three hundred and twenty-two, of whom one hundred and eighty-two are Subscribers to the Register Section. u Musgrave's Obituary," Vols. V. and VI., edited by Sir George J. Armytage, Bt., F.S.A., forming the forty-eighth and forty-ninth volumes of the Publications, have been issued to the Members for 1901. '-'The Registers of Bath Abbey,,, Vol. II., containing the Burials from 1569 to 1800, and Index to the whole, edited by Arthur J. J ewers, Esq., forms the twenty-eighth volume of the Registers, and has been issued to the Subscribers for 1901. Pursuant to the Resolution passed at the Special General Meeting of this Society held on the 11th day of February, 1901, the Council have to report that the Harleian Society Incorporated 1902 was registered on the 31st day of January, 1902, and in. accordance with the arrangements made at that Meeting the Trustees of the Harleian Society have transferred its property to the Harleian Society Incor- porated 1902, which has executed a Deed of Indemnity releasing the Members of the Harleian Society from all liability. Consequent thereon a Resolution for the Dissolution of the Harleian Society will be submitted to the Members at the Annual Meeting. The Balance Sheet for the year 1901, duly audited, is appended to this Report. By Order of the Council, GEO. J. ARMTTAGE, Hon. Secretary. Zi)t jEfarletan i^ctetp. Accounts for the Tear ending 31st December, 1901. Balance to 31st December, 1900 Subscriptions Books purchased by Members .. OEDINAKY £ s. d. 71 19 3 .. 349 1 5 14 13 0 Dividends, 3 per cent. Stock, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (£666) 18 18 10 Interest on Deposit (£150) Balance £482 0 10 ACCOUNT. Cr. £ s. d. Mar. 2. Honorary Secretary and Treasurer's Incidents (1900) 40 0 0 Audit of Stock (1900) (M. W. Ker).. 1 1 0 May 20. Miss Lewis (Berkshire Visitation) .... 2 10 0 June 27. Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes:— Musgrave's Obituary, Vol. V. .. 175 14 8 General Account 18 16 3 Sep. 23. London and Lancashire Eire Insurance 6 5 0 Commission on Cheques, etc 0 2 11 Oct. 10. Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes :— Musgrave's Obituary, Vol. VI. .. 185 1 10 General Account 12 9 2 Dec. 20. Honorary Secretary and Treasurer's Incidents 40 0 0 £482 0 10 REGISTER SECTION. 29r. £ *• d. Balance to 31st December, 1900 265 15 7 Subscriptions 191 2 0 Books purchased by Members . 10 17 4 £467 14 11 Cr. £ s. d. Jan. 18. Canon Quirk (Bath Abbey Registers).. 3 3 0 „ Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes:— Bath Abbey Registers, Vol. II... 122 16 1 Aug. 1. Mr. A. J. Jewers (Bath Abbey Regis- ters) 15 0 0 Dec. 26. Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes:— General Account 2 14 10 Dec. 31. Balance* 324 1 0 £467 14 11 * For adjustment of this Balance, see General Balance Account. GENERAL BALANCE. 1901. To Balance, Register Section. £ s. d. 324 1 0 £324 1 0 1901. £ s. d. Dec. 31. By Balance, Ordinary Account 24 1 9 „ Net Balance in the Bank 299 19 3 £324 1 0 Examined and approved, M. W. Kee, Auditor. W. Bruce Banneeman, Son. Treasurer. Jaauary 22nd, 1902. ON 20th MARCH, 1902, WITH THE DATES OF THEIR ELECTION. Those marked (*) are Subscribers of an extra Guinea, and are entitled to the Publications of the Register Section. 17 Apr. 1871. *The Right Hon. Lord Aldenham, F.S.A., St. Dunstan's Villa, Outer Circle, Regent's Park, N.W. 29 Apr. 1869. *The Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney, F.S.A., Didlington Hall, Brandon. 31 Dec. 1875. John Amphlett, Clent, Stourbridge. 22 Sept. 1899. *Gustave Anjou, 509 Yanderbilt Building, New York, U.S.A. 1 July, 1870. William Sumner Appleton, 462 Beacon Street, Boston, U.S.A. 27 Mar. 1869. *Sir George J. ARMYTAGE, Bt., F.S.A. (Chairman of Council), Kirklees Park, Brighouse. 12 Apr. 1869. Ralph Assheton (Council), Downhani Hall, Clitheroe. 6 Dec. 1870. John Astley, 4 Moseley Terrace, Coundon Road, Coventry. 31 Jan. 1887. *Athen.eum Club (Henry R. Tedder, F.S.A., Secretary), 107 Pall Mall, S.W. 6 Feb. 1886. C. H. Athill, F.S.A. (Council), Richmond Herald, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. 4 Sept. 1880. *Lieut.-Col. F. W. T. Attree, R.E., F.S.A., Springfield House, Worthing. 21 Oct. 1887. W. H. G. Bagshawe, Ford Hall, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Stockport. 21 Jan. 1882. Francis Joseph Baigent, Winchester. 30 July, 1898. *W. Bruce Bannerman, F.S.A. (Secretary and Treasurer), The Lindens, Sydenham Road, Croydon, Surrey. 8 Jan. 1889. George W. G. Barnard, 4 Surrey Street, Norwich. 18 Mar. 1892. William Bartlett, St. Clare House, Sandfield Park, W. Derby. 7 May, 1885. Everard Barton, F.S.A., Warstone, near Bewdley. 13 Apr. 1897. Charles Belk, Holmwood, Ecclesall, Sheffield. 22 Oct. 1874. ^Reginald Stewart Boddington, 15 Markham Square, Chelsea, S.W. 10 27 July, 1871. William Edward Bools, Enderby, Vernon Road, Clapham, S.W. 20 Jan. 1877. *0. E. B. Bowles, M.A., The Leas, Wirksworth, Derbyshire. 10 Oct. 1898. Percy A. Bowyer, 65 Brigstook Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey. 2 Jan. 1899. Henry Scott Boys, Hulbrook, Shamley Greon, by Guildford. 12 Sept. 1872. Edward W. Brabrook, C.B., F.S.A., 178 Bedford Hill, Balham, S.W. 10 Apr. 1888. Colonel J. A. Bradney, F.S.A., Taly Coed Court, Monmouth. 8 July, 1901. W. Powell Breach, J.P., Newham, Steyning, Sussex. 18 May, 1870. The Ven. Archdeacon Bree, The Rectory, Allesley, Coventry. 4 Apr. 1898. * Henry Brierley, Mab's Cross, Wigan. 1 Jan. 1886. * William Brigg, Harpenden, Herts. 24 Nov. 1869. *Sir Thomas Brooke, Bt., F.S.A. (Council), Armitage Bridge, H udders field. 28 Nov. 1876. *J. R. Brown, F.R.G.S., 44 Tregunter Road, S. Kensington, S.W. 21 May, 1869. General W. E. G. Lytton-Bulwer, C.B., Quebec House, East Dereham. 1 Jan. 1894. *AsnwoRTH Peter Burke, 59 Pall Mall, S.W. 1 Jan. 1891. Francis J. Cade, Teighmoro, Cheltenham. 22 Mar. 1895. *Ciiarles W. Cadman, Leigh, Essex (care of W. H. Smith and Son, Victoria Station, L.C.D.R.). 5 Nov. 1896. * Richard Calvert, Walton House, Walton le Dale, near Preston. 27 Mar. 1879. II. II. Smith Carington, Grangethorpe, Rusholme, Man- chester. 30 July, 1898. * Joseph J. Casey, 28 East 127th Street, New York, U.S.A. 1 Sept. 1884. W. II. C. Ciiamberlaine, Blagden House, Koevil, Trowbridge, Wilts. 24 Mar. 1883. *Major Tankerville J. Chamberlayne, 80th Reg. (care of "lloll, Laurie, and Co., 3 Whitehall Place, S.W.). 6 June, 1887. Jl. Mapleton Chapman, Saint Martin's Priory, Canterbury. 0 Oct. 1881. *J. W. Clay, F.S.A. {Council), Rastrick House, near Brighouso. V) Feb. 1888. *I1. ,1. H. Clkments, Killadoon, Colbridgo, co. Kildarc, Ireland. 23Juiic,]869. *G. E Cokayne, F.S.A. (Council), Claronceux King-of-Arms, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C., and Exoter House, Roehampton. 1. Doc. L883. *Cuaules F. Cole, Mcudon Vean, Mawnan, Falmouth. 3J Ja/i. 1887. *Francis Collins, M.D., Pateloy Bridge, Yorkshire. 22 Alar. 1883. Edward Conder, Jun., F.S.A., The Conigroo, Nowont, (Gloucestershire. 21 Feb. L882. *Ri^ht Hon. Colonel Edward II. Cooper, P.O., 42 Portman Square, W. 22 Fob. 1900. John Hautenville Cope, F.R.llist.S., Sulhamstead Park, Reading. 31 Oct. 1900. W. Sandeord Cottrill, Natal Club, Pielcrmaritzburg. 10 July, 1884. Wilfred Joseph Cripps, C.B., M.A., F.S.A., Cironcestor. 11 12 Aug. 1881. *F. A. Crisp, F.S.A., Inglewood House, Grove Park, Denmark Hill, S.E. 26 Nov. 1887. Leo Culleton, 92 Piccadilly, W. 25 Nov. 1882. *Gery Milner-Gibson-Cullum, F.S.A., 4 Sterling Street, Montpelier Square, S.'W. 18 May, 1875. *Lady Elizabeth Cust, 13 Eccleston Square, S.W. 18 Mar. 1874. *The Rev. G. H. Davenport, Foxley, Hereford. 14 Feb. 1889. Thomas M. Deane, 15 Ely Place, Dublin. 27 Dec. 1876. *De Bernardy and Co., 25 Bedford Row, W.C. 3] Dec. 1878. B. de Bertodano, 22 Chester Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. 3 June, 1899. *Charles Deering, 16 Fullerton Avenue, Chicago, New York (care of Stevens and Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C). 27 Jan. 1899. Richard Sidney Dendy, Victoria Villa, Bognor. 12 May, 1894. *The Right Hon. The Earl of Derby, K.G., P.C (Rev. John Richardson, Librarian), Knowsley, Prescot. 24 Jan. 1891. * Walter Derham, 76 Lancaster Gate, W. 18 Aug. 1894. W. H. Duignan, Gorway, Walsall. 1 Nov. 1882. The Rev. R. E. H. Duke, Maltby Rectory, Alford, Lincolnshire. 7 June, 1878. *The Dean and Chapter of Durham, The Library, Chapter Offices, Durham. 8 July, 1889. The Rev. Joseph Bdleston, M.A., LL.D., Gainford Vicarage, near Darlington. 22 June, 1870. *V. D. II. Cary Elwes, F.S.A., Billing Hall, Northampton. 3 Apr. 1889. *C W. Empson, 11 Palace Court, W. 17 Sept. 1887. Henry Douglas Esiielby, F.S.A., 80 Shrewsbury Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. 5 Oct. 1895. A. T. Everitt, High Street, Portsmouth. 27 Feb. 1885. Edward Garthwaite Parish, 4 Elm Park Gardens, S.W. 14 May, 1890. *T. C Colyer Fergusson, Ightham Mote, near Sevenoaks. 16 Sept. 1887. Rev. W. G. Dimock Fletcher, M.A., F.S.A., St. Michael's Vicarage, Shrewsbury. 27 Jan. 1902. F. Apthorp Foster, 15 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. 16 Jan. 1884. *Edwi.n Freshfield, LL.D., F.S.A., 31 Old Jewry, E.C 19 Nov. 1892. Major W. A. Gale, R.E., Mhow, Central India (per Cox and Co., 16 Charing Cross, S.W.). 2 Nov. 1877. The Duke Gandolfi, Blackmore Park, Hanley Castle, Worcester. 17 Feb. 1894. Charles Milnes Gaskell, Thome's House, Wakefield. 5 Feb. 1883. Charles W. George, 51 Hampton Road, Bristol. 13 Feb. L891. *H. Martin Gibbs, Down Ampney House, Cricklade, Wilts. 2 Jan. 1899. John Gibson, 25 Church Street, Dumbarton, N.B. 8 Nov. 1890. #Sir Walter Gilbey, Bt., The Pantheon, Oxford Street, W., and Elsenham Hall, Essex. 29 May, 1899. *Henry G. B. Goldwyer, P.O. Box 327, Kimberley, South Africa. 12 24 Mar. 1890. * James J. Goodwin, 11 West 54th Street, New York, U.S.A. (care of J. B. Lippincott and Co., 36 Southampton Street, Strand, W.C.). 25 Jan. 1870. *Heney Gougii, Sandcroft, Eedhill. 25 Jan. 1889. Geoege Geazebeook, F.S.A., Sudbury, near Harrow. 7 June, 1888. Thomas Geeee, F.G.S., Sea Park, Belfast, and Grove House, Regent's Park, N.W. 27 May, 1886. Major Geo. W. Grice-Hutchinson, The Boynes, Upton-on- Severn, Worcester. 25 Jan. 1889. Major Willoughby Gaenons Gwatkin, The Manchester Eegt. (care of Cox and Co., 16 Charing Cross, S.W.), Suthrey House, Mortlake, W. 29 Dec. 1872. J. E. A. Gwyfn.e, E.S.A., F.E.G.S., Folkington, Polegate, Sussex. 19 Sept. 1900. * Joseph S. Hansom, 27 Alfred Place West, South Kensington, S.W. 16 Mar. 1896. Dr. Edw. A. Haedwicke, Burcote, Howick, Natal. 29 Sept. 1880. Theodoee J. Haee, Lyne Grove, Virginia Water, Surrey. 30 Apr. 1869. *William Maesi-i Haevey, 58 Queen's Gate Terrace, Kensington, S.W. 31 Dec. 1875. *The Eight Hon. Lord Hawkesbuey, F.S.A. (Council), 2 Carlton House Terrace, S.W. 22 Eeb. 1883. C. Aethue Head, Hartburn Hall, Stockton-on-Tees. 26 Dec. 1901. The Rev. Evelyn D. Heathcotb, M.A., 56 Oakley Street, Chelsea, S.W. « 12 Apr. 1890. Henry Platt Higgins, Moorside, Heath View Gardens. Putney Heath, S.W. 1 Jan. 1883. Richaed A. Hoblyn, E.S.A., 30 Abbey Road, St. John's Wood, N.W. 16 June, 1872. *Robeet ITovenden, E.S.A. (Council), Heathcote, Park Hill Eoad, Croydon. 27 Mar. 1869. *Joseph Jackson Howaed, LL.D., F.S.A. (Council), Maltravers Herald Extraordinary, May field, Orchard Eoad, Blackheath, S.E. 12 June,1880. *Hugh Robert Hughes, Kinmel, Abergele, North Wales. 20 Eeb. 1874. W. Essington Hughes, E.E.Hist.S., 89 Alexandra Eoad, South Hampstead, N.W. 20 Sept. 1892. *The Eight Hon. Lord Iveagti, K.P., 5 Grosvenor Place, S.W. 7 Mar. 1898. *W. A. James, 1 Fleet Street, E.C. 1 July, 1869. *The Eev. Edmund Jeemyn, M.A., Helsby Vicarage, Warrington. 20 Feb. 1895. *Thomas Morgan Joseph-Watkin, F.S.A., Portcullis Pursuivant, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. 24 Dec. 1900. Mary Alice Reach, 120 Congdon Street, Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A. 11 Jan. 1892. Charles Eamee Kempe, Old Place, Lindfield, Hay ward's Heath. 10 Oct. 1889. Eev. F. W. Kttteemastee, Bayston Hill Vicarage, Shrewsbury. 8 July, 1895. William Thomas Knight, Canok .Lodge, Walton Park, Clevedon, Somerset, 13 1 Jan. 1896. *Rev. E. J. Lane, Humberstone Vicarage, Great Grimsby. 12 May, 1894. John Langhorne, M.A., Watson Villa, Dean, Edinburgh. 4 Nov. 1870. *Tiiomas Layton, E.S.A., 22 Kew Bridge Road, Kew Bridge, Middlesex. 8 Nov. 1890. J. Heney Lea, South Ereeport, Me, U.S.A. LIBRARIES. 2 July, 1894. * Aberdeen University Library (P. J. Anderson, LL.B., Librarian), Aberdeen. 12 May, 1894. *Battersea Public Library (Lawrence Inkster, Librarian), Lavender Hill, S.W. 15 July, 1899. *Berlin Royal Library (per Asher and Co., 13 Bedford Street, W.C.). 12May, 1894. *Birkenhead Eree Public Library (John Shepherd, Libra- rian), Birkenhead. 24 July, 1883. *Btrmingham Central Eree Library (A. Capel Shaw, Librarian), Ratcliffe Place, Birmingham. 20 Jan. 1871. *Bodleian Library (E. B. Nicholson, Librarian), Oxford. 15 Oct. 1875. *Boston Eree Public Library, Boston, U.S.A. (per Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, W.C.). 12 Ma}% 1894. *Bradford Public Eree Library (Butler Wood, Librarian), Bradford, Yorkshire. 22July^l893. ^Bridgeport Public Library, Conn., U.S.A. (Agnes Hills, Librarian), (care of B. F. Stevens and Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.). 2 July, 1894. *Brighton,Public Library (E. W. Madden, Librarian), Church Street, Brighton. 5 Oct. 1895. *California State Library, Sacramento, California, U.S.A. (care of B. E. Stevens and Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.). 2 July, 1894. *Camberwell Public Libraries (Edward Eoskett, E.R.S.L., Chief Librarian), Central Library, Peck ham Road, S.E. 20 Nov. 1873. ^Cambridge University Library (E. J. H. Jenkinson, M.A., Librarian), Cambridge. 2 July, 1894. *Cardiff Eree Public Libraries, Cardiff. 3 Mar. 1899. Carlisle Public Library (Archibald Sparke, City Librarian), Tullie House, Carlisle. 12 May, 1894. *Chelsea Public Libraries (J. Henry Quinn, Librarian), Central Library, Manresa Road, Chelsea, S.W. 18 Oct. 1870. *Chetham's Library (Walter T. Browne, Librarian), Hunt's Bank, Manchester. 22July, 1893. *Chicago Public Library (per B. E. Stevens and Brown, -1 Trafalgar Square, W.C.): 22 July, 1893. *Columbia University Library, New York City, U.S.A. (G. H. Baker, Librarian), (care of G. E. Sl.echert, 2 Star Yard, Carey Street, Chancery Lane, W.C.). 22July, 1893. ^Cornell University Library, Ithaca, Now York, U.S.A. (G. W. Harris, Librarian), (care of E. G, Allen, 28 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.). 14 2 July, 1894. *Croypon Public Libraries (L. Stanley Jast, Chief Librarian), Central Library, Croydon. 2 July, 1894. Derby Public Free Library (William Crowther, Secre- tary), Derby. 5 Nov. 1892. *Detroit Public Library, Michigan, U.S.A. (per B. F. Stevens and Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.). 12 May, 1894. *Devon and Exeter Albert Memorial Museum and Free Library (James Dallas, Librarian), Exeter. 12 May, 1894. Dewsbury Public Free Library (W. H. Smith, Librarian), Dewsbury. 12 May, 1894. ^Edinburgh Public Library (Hew Morrison, Principal Librarian), George IV. Bridge, Edinburgh. 2 July, 1894. *Gonville and Caius College Library (J. S. Reid, Librarian), Cambridge. 18 Mar. 1901. *Grosvenor Public Library, Buffalo, New York (per Stevens and Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.). 22 July, 1893. * Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (per Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Boad, W.C.). 2 July, 1894. Hereford Free Public Library (James Cockcroft, Libra- rian), Hereford. 19 Jan. 1895. *Hull Public Library (Wm. F. Lawton, Librarian), Hull. 2 July, 1894. Kidderminster Free Library, Kidderminster. 17 Apr. 1880. King's Inns Library (Jas. MacIvor, Librarian), Dublin. 12 May, 1894. *Lambeth Public Libraries (Frank J'. Burgoyne, Librarian), The Tate Central Library, Brixton Oval, S.W. 11 Jan. 1892. * Leeds Library (D. A. Cruse, Librarian), Commercial Street, Leeds. 18 Sept. 1890. *Leeds Public'Library (Thomas W. Hand, Librarian), Leeds. 9 May, 1873. ^Library Committee of the Corporation of the City of London (Charles Welch, F.S.A., Librarian), Guildhall Library, E.C. 3 Feb. 1897. *Library Company of Philadelphia (per E. G. Allen, 28 Hen- rietta Street, W.C.). 6 Sept. 1895. ^Lincoln's Inn, The Honourable Society of, The Library, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. (per J. and E. Bumpus, Limited, 5 and 6 Holborn Bars, E.C). 5 Oct. 1872. The Liverpool Athenaeum (George T. Shaw, Librarian), Liverpool. 2 Sept. 1872. *Liverpool Free Public Library (Peter Cowell, Librarian), William Brown Street, Liverpool. 20 Dec. 1877. #London Library (C. T. H. Wright, Secretary and Librarian), 14 St. James's Square, S.W. 16 Mar. 1874. *ManchesterFree Library (Charles W. Sutton, Librarian), King Street, Manchester. 22 July, 1893. ^Melbourne Public Library (T. F. Bride, Librarian), (care of Agent-General for Victoria, .15 Victoria St., Westminster, S.W.). 10 Sept. 1877. Mitchell Library (F. T. Barrett, Librarian), 21 Miller Street, Glasgow, 15 28 May, 1884. National Library of Ireland (care of Hodges, Figgis, and Co., 104 Grafton Street, Dublin). 25 Oct. 1899. Newberry Library, Chicago, U.S.A. (care of B. F. Stevens and Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.). 23 Dec. 1889. *Newcastle-upon-Tyne Public Library (Basil Anderton, B.A., Chief Librarian), Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 22 July, 1893. *New Hampshire State Library (Arthur R. Kimball, Librarian), Concord, New Hampshire, U.jS.A. 17 Mar. 1887. *New York Public Library (care of B. P. Stevens and Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C). 17 Jan. 1891. *New York State Library, Albany, New York, U.S.A. (care of G. B. Stechert, 2 Star Yard, Carey Street, W.C.). 7 June,1875. *Nottingham Free Public Library (J. P. Briscoe, Librarian), Nottingham. 12 May, 1894. *Plymouth Free Public Library (W. H. K. Wright, Libra- rian), Plymouth. 2 July, 1894. *Reading Free Public Library (W. H. Greenhough, Libra- rian), Beading. 2 July, 1894. *Richmond Free Public Library (Albert A. Barkas, Librarian and Secretary), Richmond, Surrey. 14 Apr. 1880. Rochdale Free Public Library (G. Hanson, Librarian), Rochdale, Lancashire. 28 May, 1869. Royal Library (R. R. Holmes, C.V.O., F.S.A., Librarian to H.M. The King), Windsor Castle, Windsor. 1 Dec. 1899. *John Rylands' Library, Manchester (per Mrs. Rylands, Long- ford Hall, Stretford, Manchester). 12 May, ] 894. *St. George's, Hanover Square, Free Public Libraries (Frank Pacy, Librarian), Buckingham Palace Road, S.W. 4 Feb. 1891. *St. Martin-in-the-Fields Free Public Library (T. Mason, Librarian), 115 St. Martin's Lane, W.C. 8 Dec. 1885. Sheffield Central Free Public Library, Surrey Street, Sheffield. 12 May, 1894. *Signet Library (Thomas G. Law, LL.D., Librarian), Edin- burgh. 29 Jan. 1878. *Sion College Library (Rev. W. H. Milman, Librarian), "Victoria Embankment, E.C. 2 July, 1894. *Swansea Public Library (S. E. Thompson, Librarian),Swansea. 29 Oct. 1887. *Sydney Free Public Library (care of Young J. Pentland, 38 West Smithfield, E.C). 27 Nov. 1889. *Syracuse Central Library (Ezekiel W. Mundy, Librarian), Syracuse, New York, U.S.A. 11 Dec. 1871. *Temple, The Honourable Society of the Inner, The Library, Temple, E.C. 10 Mar. 1886. *Temple, The Honourable Society of the Middle, The Library (care of Butterworth and Co., 12 Bell Yard Fleet Street, E.C). 22 July, 1893. *Toronto Public Library (James Bain, Librarian), Canada (care of C. D. Cazenove, 26 Henrietta Street, W.C). 2 July, 1894. * Walsall Free Library (Alfred Morgan, Librarian) Walsall, Staffordshire. 16 28 Feb. 1877. * Washington Library of Congress, Washington, U.S.A. (care of E. G. Allen, 28 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.). 2 Sept. 1872. *Watkinson Library, Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A. (care of E. G. Allen, 28 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.). 2 July, 1894. *Wigan Free Public Library (Henry T. Folkard, Librarian), Wigan. 2 July, 1894. * William and Mary College Library (Lyon G. Tyler, President), Williamsburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 29 Dec. 1885. ^Worcester Free Public Library, Worcester, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (per Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, W.C.). 1 Feb 1895. *Willoughby A. Littledale, M.A., F.S.A.,26 Cranley Gardens, South Kensington, S.W. 4 Apr. 1895. The Right Hon. Lord Llangattock, The Hendre, near Monmouth. 24 June,1881. *G. B. Longstaff, M.D., F.S.A., Highlands, Putney Heath, S.W. 19 Feb. 1898. W. A. Macfarlane-Grieve, M.A. S.C.L., Impington Park, Cambridge. 28 Nov. 1870. *The Rev. Canon A. R. Maddison, M.A., F.S.A., Vicars' Court, Lincoln. 29 Nov. 1890. Kingsmill Marrs, South Park, Saxonville, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 10 Apr. 1869. *George W. Marshall, LL.D., F.S.A. (Council), Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms, College of Arms, E.C., and Sarnesficld Court, Weobley, R.S.O. 12 Mar. 1885. *Hon. Robert Marsiiam-Townshend, M.A., F.S.A., 5 Chester- field Street, Mayfair, W. 3 Apr. 1900. *Burdett Mason, Chateau Larondouctte, Pres Bayonne, Basses Pyrenees, France. 10 Jan. 1901. C. Onslow Master, Bourton Grange, Flax Bourton, Bristol. 7 May, 1878. *Thomas Tindal Methold, 7 Ashburn Place, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, S.W. 3 Apr. 1889. *The Rev. A. T. Michell, Sheriifhales Vicarage, Newport, Salop. 24 May, 1869. The Right Hon. Viscount Midleton, Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey, Peper Harow, Godalmmg. 20 July, 1878. Samuel Milne Milne, Calverley House, near Leeds. 24 Aug. 1870. The Rev. John Mirehouse, Colsterworth Rectory, Grantham. L Apr. 1879. * W. J. C. Moens, F.S.A. (Council),Tweed, near Lymington, Hants. 7 Feb. 1899. Alex. Moring, 298 Regent Street, W. 16 Apr. 1875. *W. Martial Myddelton, Spencer House, St. Albans. 14 Sept. 1872. Naval and Military Club, 94 Piccadilly, W. 15 Mar. 1890. Iltyd Nicholl, F.S A., The Ham, Cowbridge, Glamorganshire. 22 Feb. 1900. *His Grace the Duke of Northumberland, K.G., P.C., F.S.A , Alnwick Castle, Northumberland (per J. C. Hodgson, F.S.A., Alnwick Castle). 28 Mar. 1901. *1Ienry Turton Norton, 103 Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, W. 17 16 Nov. 1885. *V. L. Oliver, Whitmore Lodge, Sunninghill, Berkshire. 10 Mar. 1887. *Edwabd H. Owen, F.S.A., Ty Coch, near Carnarvon, North Wales. 1 Feb. 1890. *Oxfoed and Cambeidge Club (care of Harrisons, 59 Pall Mall, S.W.). 14 Feb. 1880. *Major John W. R. Pabkee, Browsholme Hall, Clitheroe, Lancashire. 28 July, 1869. The Rev. A. J. Peaeman, The Precinct, Rochester, Kent. 31 Mar. 1885. Richaed Petee, The Cottage, Launceston. 30 May, 1881. W. P. W. Phillimoee, M.A., B.C.L., 124 Chancery Lane, W.C. 5 Oct. 1895. *Eblysman Pinckney, Wraxall Lodge, Bradford-on-Avon. 15 Feb. 1873. W. Duncombe Pink, Winslade, Lowton, Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire. 16 Apr. 1892. *Feancis W. Pixley, F.S.A., 12 Southwell Gardens, S.W. 23 July, 1885. Edgae Powell, Upper Cross, Whitley, Beading. 31 Dec. 1875. The Eev. F. J. Poynton, Kelston Rectory, Bath. 12 June,187l. C. G. Peideaux-Bbune, Prideaux Place, Padstow, Cornwall. 2 July, 1894. Public Recoed Office, Fetter Lane, E.C. (care of Eyre and Spottiswoode, 5 Middle New Street, E.C). 3 Mar. 1900. *Bebnabd Alfeed Quaeitch, 15 Piccadilly, W. 29 Oct. 1887. John Radcliffe, Furlane, Greenfield, via Oldham. 15 July, 1896. H. C. F. Randolph, M.A., 303 West 85th Street, New York, U.S.A. '31 Oct. 1884. *Refoem Club, 104 Pall Mall, S.W. 27 Dec. 1890. Mrs. Rice, Grange Erin, Douglas, Cork. 3 Sept. 1886. *Sir Chaeles H. Stuaet Rich, Bt., F.S.A. (Council), Levyl's Dene, Merrow, Guildford. 10 Oct. 1889. *E. Ridgway, Huyton, Liverpool. 11 Sept. 1880. *Beooke Robinson, M.P., Barford House, Warwick. 13 Oct. 1883. *W. P. Robinson, 1739 17th Street, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. (care of B. F. Stevens and Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C). 1 Dec. 1896. *Aethue A. Rollason, Dixon's Green, Dudley, Worcestershire. 1 Jan. 1883. Simpson Rosteon, J.P., 1 Hare Court, Temple, E.C. 3 Dec. 1873. J. Beooking Rowe, F.S.A., Castle Barbican, Plympton, South Devon. 8 Nov. 1889. Rev. Prebendary Rowley, M.A., The Barrows, Cheddar, Somerset. 2 Jan. 1901. Royal Societies' Club, St. James's Street, S.W. 28 July, 1869. The Rev. David Royce, Netherswell Vicarage, Stow-on-the-Wold. 26 Feb. 1890. Mrs. Clement Molyneux Royds, Greenhill, Rochdale. 11 Aug. 1888. John William Ryland, F.S.A., Rowington, near Warwick. 20 Jan. 1871. *John Paul Rylands, F.S.A. (Council), 2 Charlesville, Birken- head. 21 Jan, 1901. W. Haeey Rylands, F.S.A., I Campden Hill Place, Kensing- ton, W, 18 24 June, 1878. S. Sutherland Safford, Parkshot, Richmond, Surrey. 19 Nov. 1888. John Scott, Jun., Gargrave Road, Skipton-in-Craven, York- shire. 29 Aug. 1887. Joseph Scott, 98 Albion Street, Leeds. 26 July, 1898. The Right Hon. Lord Sherborne, 9 St. James's Square, S.W. 18 Feb. 1873. *Coningsby C. SiBTHORP,Canwick Hall, Lincoln. 5 June, 1874. Hubert Smith, Brooklynne, Willes Road, Leamington Spa. 10 Nov. 1873. *J. C. C. Smith, b\S.A., Eastfield, Whitchurch, Reading. 7 Nov. 1893. *Alec D. Snow, Neston, Combe Park, Bath. SOCIETIES. 8 Sept. 1874. *Boston Athenjeum, Boston, U.S.A. (per Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, W.C.). 27 Dec. 1879. *Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (care of B. F. Stevens and Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.). 24 Nov. 1883. *Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (per H. Sotheran and Co., 140 Strand, W.C). 22 Nov. 1900. *The Long Island Historical Society (Emma Toedteberg, Librarian), Brooklyn,, New York, U.S.A. 29 Dec. 1893. *Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. 5 June, 1886. Minnesota Historical Society (Warren Upham, Secretary and Librarian), St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. 7 Sept. 1878. *New England Historic Genealogical Society (J. Ward Dean, M.A., Librarian), 18 Somerset Street, Boston, U.S.A. 20 Oct. 1894. *New York Genealogical and Biographical Society (H. Calkins, Jun., Librarian), 226 West 58th Street, New York, U.S.A. 22 July, 1893. *New York Historical Society (Robert H. Kelly, Librarian, 170 Second Avenue, New York, U.S.A.). 29 Jan. 1878. #Royal Historical Society, 3 Old Serjeants' Inn, Chancery Lane, W.C. 20 Jan. 1871. Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin. 22 Mar. 1871. *Society of Antiquaries of London, Burlington House, W. 12 Nov. 1883. Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, The Castle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 7 June,1872. *Somersetshire Archaeological Society, Museum, Taunton. 30 Jan. 1888. * Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison, U.S.A. (per H. Sotheran and Co., 140 Strand, W.C). 7 Oct. 1879. *Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. (care of E. G. Allen, 28 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C). 12 May, 1894. * Yorkshire Archaeological Society (the Hon. Librarian, 10 Park Street, Leeds). 14 Feb. 1889. R. E. Somers, Mendip Lodge, Langford, R.S.O., Bristol. 17 Apr. 1.886. * Captain Bellingham A. Somerville, E.S.A., Clermont, Ratline w, co. Wicklow. 19 7 Mar. 1898. *Herbert R. H. Southam, F.S.A., Innellan, Shrewsbury. 18 Oct. 1894. Colonel John" P. Steel, R.E., F.R.G.S., 79 Harcourt Ter- race, S.W. 30 May, 1884. The Rev. Francis Sterry, Chapel Cleeve, Washford, Taunton. 10 Oct. 1884. *Edward Stone, 5 Finsbury Circus, E.C. 25 Nov. 1885. * Peter Stubs, Blaisdon Hall, Newnham, Gloucestershire. 10 Sept. 1896. Captain G. K. Swettenham, D.S.O., 2nd Royal Irish Fusiliers, South Lodge, Grange Road, Eastbourne. 8 July, 1895. Rev. Thomas Taylor, M.A., The Vicarage, St. Just in Penwith R.S.O., Penzance, Cornwall. 2 Nov. 1887. Mrs. Arthur Cecil Tempest, Broughton Hall, Skipton-in- Craven, Yorkshire. 12 May, 1894. *Charles M. Tenison, M.R.I.A., F.R.S.A.I., Hobart, Tasmania. 13 Apr. 1897. *John S. Tilney, 77 Main Street, Orange, New Jersey, U.S.A. (care of B. F. Stevens and Brown, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C.). 5 Nov. 1896. Wm. Asheton Tonge, Staneclyfle, Disley, Cheshire. 9 July, 1887. *John Harvey Treat, Lawrence, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (books to care of Harvard College Library, U.S.A.). 8 July, 1895. Trinity College, Dublin (T. K. Abbott, Librarian). 16 Mar. 1871. *Joseph Herbert Tritton, 36 Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W. 19 Jan. 1881. Wm. Murray Tuke, The Vineyard, Saffron Walden. 30 May, 1895. Major W. H. Turton, R.E. (care of Rev. Z. H. Turton, 12 Albany Road, Southtown, Great Yarmouth). 1 Aug. 1901. *E. T. Tyson, J.P., Wood Hall, Cockerniouth. 27 Jan. 1899. Ulster King of Arms, The Office of, The Castle, Dublin (care of E. Ponsonby, 116 Grafton Street, Dublin). 12 Aug. 1891. Colonel V. Van De Weyer, New Lodge, Windsor Forest. 9 Jan. 1875. H. F. J. Vaughan, 30 Edwardes Square, Kensington, W. 1 Feb. 1895. Captain Wilmot Vaughan, 159 Rue de la Pompe, Paris. 28 Feb. 1896. *Captain C. L. Vaughan-Arbuckle (3rd Battalion West York- shire Regiment), Stawell House, Richmond, Surrey. 10June,1869. *Sir Henry M. Vavasour, Bt., F.S.A., 11 Stanhope Street, S.W. 18 Dec. 1874. *Henry Wagner, M.A., F.S.A., 13 Half Moon Street, Picca- dilly, W. 31 Oct. 1900. *Walford Brothers, 6 New Oxford Street, London, W.C. 31 Jan. 1887. John Warren, 95 Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, W. 4 Nov. 1870. *Sir John Watney, F.S.A., F.R.G.S., Mercers5 Hall, Ironmonger Lane, Cheapside, E.C. 18 May, 1870. *W. H. Weldon, F.S.A., Norroy King-of-Arms, College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. 17 Mar. 1900. Francis Were, Gratwicke Hall, Barrow Gurney, Flax Bourton, R.S.O., Somerset. 3 Mar. 1900.. Charles A. White, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. 14 Feb, 1885, Rev, Chris. Hales Wilkie, Kingston Rectory, Canterbury. 20 7 July, 1894. Charles Macro Wilson, Walderskaigh, Bolsterstone, Sheffield. 13 Apr. 1880. ^Benjamin Winstone, M.D., 53 Russell Square, W.C. 18 May, 1870. *Sir Albert W. Woods, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., E.S.A., Garter King- of-Arms, 69 St. George's Road, Warwick Square, S.W., and College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. 25 Feb. 1899. Captain H. S. Woolrych (The King's Regiment), Norton Bank, Worcester. 5 Nov. 1892. Philip John Worsley, Rodney Lodge, Clifton, Bristol. 22 Nov. 18951 *York, The Dean and Chapter of, Offices, Minster Gates, York. Annual Subscription: One Guinea. Ditto Register Section: One Guinea. Entrance Fee: Half-a-Guinea. Persons whose Subscriptions are due are requested to forward them to W. Bruce Banneeman, Esq., E.S.A., Treasurer, at The Lindens, Sydenham Eoad, Croydon, Surrey, who will also receive Subscriptions for the Eegister Section. Persons wishing to join the Harleian Society should apply to Mr. Bannerman at the above address. Any of the Publications of the Society which are in print can be obtained on application to Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes, 140 Wardour Street, W. WORKS PUBLISHED. vol: 1. —THE VISITATION OF LONDON IN 1508, BY R. COOKE. Edited by J. J. Howard, Esq., LL.D.. F.S.A., and G. J. Armytage, Esq., F.S.A. 1869 2. —THE VISITATION OF LEICESTERSHIRE IN }619, BY CAMDEN. Edited by J. Fetherston, Esq., F.S.A. 1870 3. —THE VISITATION OF RUTLAND IN 1618-19, BY CAMDEN; and other Descents of Families not in the Visitation. Edited by G. J. Armytage, Esq., F.S.A. 1870 4. —THE VISITATIONS OF NOTTINGHAMSHIRE IN 1569 AND 1614, WITH MANY OTHER DESCENTS OF THE COUNTY. Edited by George W. Marshall, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. 1871 5. —THE VISITATIONS OF OXFORDSHIRE IN 1566 BY W. HARVEY, 1574 BY R. LEE, AND 1634 BY J. PHILPOTT AND W. RYLEY; WITH THE GATHERINGS OF OXFORDSHIRE, COLLECTED BY R. LEE IN 1574. Edited and Annotated by W. H. Turner, Esq. I871 6. —THE VISITATION OF DEVONSHIRE IN 1620. Edited by the Rev. F.T. Colby, D.D., F.R.S. 1872 7. —THE VISITATION OF CUMBERLAND IN 1615, BY R. ST. GEORGE. Edited by J. Fetherston, Esq., F.S.A. I872 [The above are all out of Print. 8. — LE NEVE'S PEDIGREES OF THE KNIGHTS MADE BY KING CHARLES II., KING JAMES II., KING WILLIAM III., AND QUEEN MARY, WILLIAM ALONE, AND QUEEN ANNE. Edited by George W. Marshall, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. 21*. 1873 9. —THE VISITATION OF CORNWALL, 1620. Edited by Colonel Vivian and Dr. H. H. Drake. 21*. I87* 10. —THE REGISTERS OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY, 1655—1875. Edited by Colonel CHESTER, D.C.L., LL.D. 10*. 6d. 1875 11. —THE VISITATION OF SOMERSETSHIRE IN 1623. Edited by the Rev. F. T. Colby, D.D., F.S.A. 10*. 6d 1876 12. —THE VISITATION OF WARWICKSHIRE IN 1619. Edited by John Fetherston, Esq., F.S.A. 1877 [ Old of Print. 13. —THE VISITATIONS OF ESSEX IN 1552, 1558, 1612, AND 1634. Part I. Edited by Walter C. Metcalfe, Esq., F.S.A. 1878 [ Out of Print. 14. —THE VISITATIONS OF ESSEX, consisting of Miscellaneous Pedigrees, and Berry's Pedigrees. Part II. With general Index. Edited by Walter C. Metcalfe, Esq., F.S.A. 10*. 6d. 1879 15. —THE VISITATION OF LONDON, 1633-4. Vol. I. Edited by J. J. Howard, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., and Colonel Chester, D.C.L., LL.D. 10*. 6d. 1880 16. —THE VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1564. Edited by the Rev. C. B. Norclifpe, M.A. 10*. Qd. 1881 17. -THE VISITATION OF LONDON, 1633-4. Vol. II. Edited by J. J. Howard, Esq.. LL.D., F.S.A. 10*. 6d. 1883 18. —THE VISITATION OF CHESHIRE IN 1580. Edited by J. Paul Rylands, Esq., F.S.A. 10*. 6d. 1882 19. —THE VISITATIONS OF BEDFORDSHIRE IN 1566, 1582, AND 1634. Edited by F. A. Blaydes, Esq. 10*. 6d. 1884 20. —THE VISITATION OF DORSETSHIRE IN 1623, BY ST. GEORGE AND LENNARD AS DEPUTIES TO CAMDEN. Edited by J. Paul Rylands, Esq., F.S.A. 10*. Qd. 1885 21. —THE VISITATION OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE IN 1623, BY CHITTING AND PHIL- LIPOT AS DEPUTIES TO CAMDEN. Edited by Sir John Maclean, F.S.A., and W. C. Heane, Esq., M.R.C.S. 10*. 6d. 1885 22. —THE VISITATIONS OF HERTFORDSHIRE IN 1572 AND 1634. Edited by Walter C. Metcalfe, Esq., F.S.A. 10*. Qd. 1886 23. —MARRIAGE LICENCES: Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 1558 to 1699; Vicar- General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1660 to 1679. Extracted by the late Colonel Chester, D.C.L. Edited by George J. Armytage, Esq., E.S.A. 10*. 6d. 1886 WOEKS PUBLISHED— continued. VOL. 24. —MARRIAGE LICENCES: Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1543 to 1869. 10^. U. 1886 25. —MARRIAGE LICENCES: Bishop of London, Vol. L, 1520 to 1610. 10*. 6d. 1887 26. —MARRIAGE LICENCES: Bishop of London, Vol. II., 1611 to 1828. 105. 6d. 1887 27. —THE VISITATION OF WORCESTERSHIRE IN 1569. Edited by William P. W. Phillimore, Esq., M.A.. B.C.L. 10*. 6d. 1888 28. —THE VISITATION OF SHROPSHIRE, 1623; with Additions. Part I. Edited by George Grazebrook, Esq., F.S.A., and J. Paul Rylands, Esq., F.S.A. 10s. 6d. 1889 29. —THE VISITATION OF SHROPSHIRE, 1623 ; with Additions. Part II. Edited by George Grazebrook, Esq.,F.S.A., and J. Paul Rylands, Esq., F.S.A. 10*. 6d. 1889 30. —MARRIAGE LICENCES: Vicar-General of Archbishop of Canterbury, 1679 to 1687. Edited by George J. Armytage, Esq., F.S.A. 10*. 6d. 1890 31. —MARRIAGE LICENCES: Vicar-General of Archbishop of Canterbury, 1687 to 1694. 10s'. U. 1890 32. —THE VISITATIONS OF NORFOLK IN 1563, 1589, AND 1613. Edited by Walter Rye, Esq. 10*. 6d. 1891 33. —MARRIAGE LICENCES: Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Vol. I, 1660 to 1668. Edited by George J. Armytage, Esq., F.S.A. 10*. 6d. 1892 34. —MARRIAGE LICENCES: Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Vol. II., 1669 to 1679. 10*. Gd. 1892 [N.B. Volumes 33 and 34 contain the entries not extracted by Colonel Chester: sec Volume 23.] 35. —HAMPSHIRE ALLEGATIONS FOR MARRIAGE LICENCES ISSUED BY THE BISHOP OF WINCHESTER, 1689—1837. Vol. I. Edited by W. J. C. Moens, Esq., F.S.A. 10*. CuJ. 1893 36. —HAMPSHIRE ALLEGATIONS FOR MARRIAGE LICENCES ISSUED BY THE BISHOP OF WINCHESTER, 1689—1837. Vol. II. 10*. 6d. 1893 37. —HUNTER'S FAMILIiE MINORUM GENTIUM. Vol. I. Edited by John W. ) <* * Clay, Esq., F.S.A. 1894 / .g £ 38. —HUNTER'S FAMILLZE MINORUM GENTIUM. Vol. II. 1895 f 39. — HUNTER'S FAMILY MINORUM GENTIUM. Vol. III. 1895 } go 40. —HUNTER'S FAMILIES MINORUM GENTIUM. Vol. IV.. with Index to the \ 2 § whole. 1896 ) St m 41. —THE VISITATIONS OF CAMBRIDGESHIRE IN 1575 AND 1619. Edited by John W. Clay, Esq.. F.S.A. 10*. 6d. 1897 42. —THE VISITATION OF KENT IN 1619. Edited by Robert Hovenden, Esq.. F.S.A. 10*. Qd. 1898 43. —THE VISITATIONS OF SURREY IN 1530, 1572, AND 1623. Edited by W. Bruce Bannbrman. Esq., F.S.A. 21*. 1899 44. —MUSGRAVE'S GENERAL NOMENCLATOR AND OBITUARY. Edited by Sir George J. Armytage, Bt., F.S.A. Vol. I. 1899 45. —MUSGRAVE'S GENERAL NOMENCLATOR AND OBITUARY. Vol. II. 1900 / ^ 46. —MUSGRAVE'S GENERAL NOMENCLATOR AND OBITUARY. Vol.111. 1900' 47. —MUSGRAVE'S GENERAL NOMENCLATOR AND OBITUARY. Vol. IV. 1900 | 48. —MUSGRAVE'S GENERAL NOMENCLATOR AND OBITUARY. Vol. V. 1901 49. —MUSGRAVE'S GENERAL NOMENCLATOR AND OBITUARY. Vol. VI. 1901 50. —LINCOLNSHIRE PEDIGREES. Edited by the Rev. A. R. Maddison, M.A., F.S.A. [In the Press. 51. —THE VISITATION OF BERKSHIRE IN 1532, 1566, 1623, AND 1664-66. Edited by W. Harry Rylands, Esq., F.S.A. [In the Press. PROSPECTIVE PUBLICATIONS. THE VISITATIONS OF HAMPSHIRE IN 1531, 1575, AND 1622. THE VISITATION OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE IN 1533, BY BENOLTE. THE VISITATIONS OF SUSSEX IN 1530, 1574, AND 1633. THE VISITATIONS OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE IN 1574 AND 1634. THE VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE IN 1634. THE VISITATION OF WORCESTERSHIRE IN 1634. WORKS PUBLISHED. REGISTER SECTION. T—THE REGISTERS OF ST. PETER'S, OORNHILL, LONDON. Part I, a.d. 1538 to 1666. Edited by Granville Leveson Gower, Esq., E.S.A. 21*. 1877 2. —THE REGISTERS OF CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL. Edited by Robert Hoven- den, Esq, E.S.A. 21*. 1878 3. —THE REGISTERS OP ST. DIONIS BACKCHURCH, LONDON. Edited by Colonel J. L. Chester, D.C.L, LL.D. 21*. 1878 4. —THE REGISTERS OE ST. PETER'S, CORNHILL, LONDON. Part II, a.d. 1666 to 1754. Edited by Granville Leveson Gower, Esq, E.S.A. 21.?. 1879 5. —THE REGISTERS OE ST. MARY ALDERMARY, LONDON. Edited by Colonel J. L. Chester, D.C.L, LL.D. 21s. 1880 6. —THE REGISTERS OE ST. THOMAS APOSTLE, LONDON. Edited by Colonel J. L. Chestee, D.C.L, LL.D. 21*. 1881 7. —THE REGISTERS OF ST. MICHAEL, CORNHILL, LONDON. Partly Edited by Colonel J. L. Chester, D.C.L, LL.D. 21*. 1882 8. —THE REGISTERS OF ST. ANTHOLIN, BUDGE ROW; AND ST. JOHN BAPTIST ON WALLBROOK, LONDON. 21*. 3 883 9. —THE REGISTERS OF ST. JAMES, CLERKENWELL, LONDON. Vol. I.— Christenings, 1551 to 1700. Edited by Robert Hovenden, Esq, E.S.A. 21*. 1884 10. —THE REGISTERS OF ST. JAMES, CLERKENWELL, LONDON. Vol. IE- Christenings, 1701 to 1754. Edited by Robert Hovenden, Esq, F.S.A. 21*. 1885 11. —THE MARRIAGE REGISTERS OF ST. GEORGE, HANOVER SQUARE, LONDON. Vol. I, 1725 to 1787. Edited by John H. Chapman, Esq, M.A, F.S.A. 10*. 6d. 1886 12. —THE REGISTERS OF STOURTON, CO. WILTS, erom 1570 to 1800. Edited by the Rev. John Henry Ellis, M.A. 21*. 1887 13. —THE REGISTERS OF ST. JAMES, CLERKENWELL, LONDON. Vol. III.— Marriages, 1551 to 1754. Edited by Robert Hovenden, Esq, F.S.A. 21*. 1887 14. —THE MARRIAGE REGISTERS OF ST. GEORGE, HANOVER SQUARE, LONDON. Vol. II, 1788 to 1809. Edited by John H. Chapman, Esq, M.A, F.S.A. 10*. 6d. 1888 15. —THE REGISTER OF BAPTISMS AND MARRIAGES AT ST. GEORGE'S CHAPEL, MAY FAIR, 1740 to 1754. Edited by George J. Armytage, Esq, F.S.A. 21*. 1889 16. —THE REGISTERS OF THE PARISH CHURCH OF KENSINGTON, 1539 to 1675. Edited by Dr. F. N. Macnamara and A. Story-Maskelyne, Esq. 10*. 6d. 1890 17. —THE REGISTERS OF ST. JAMES, CLERKENWELL, LONDON. Vol. IV.— Burials, 1551 to 1665. Edited by Robert Hovenden, Esq, F.S.A. 10*. 6d. 1891 18. —THE REGISTERS AND MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS OF CHARTERHOUSE CHAPEL, 1670 to 1854. Edited by Dr. Francis Collins. 1892 [ Out of Print. 19. —THE REGISTERS OF ST. JAMES, CLERKENWELL, LONDON. Vol. V.— Burials, 1666 to 1719. Edited by Robert Hovenden, Esq, F.S.A. 1893 [Out of Print. REGISTERS PUBLISHED—continued. VOL. 20. —THE REGISTERS OF ST. JAMES, CLERKENWELL, LONDON. Vol. VI.— Burt^ls, 1720 to 1754. Edited by Robert Hovbnden, Esq., F.S.A. 10s. 6d. 1894 21. —THE REGISTERS OF CHRIST CHURCH, NEWGATE STREET, LONDON, 1538 to 1754. Edited by Willoughby A. Littledale, Esq., M.A., E.S.A. 10s. 0>d. 1895 22. —THE MARRIAGE REGISTERS OF ST. GEORGE, HANOVER SQUARE, 1810 to 1823. Vol. III. Edited by George J. Armytage, Esq., E.S.A. 10s. Gd. 1896 23. —THE REGISTERS OF DURHAM CATHEDRAL, 1G09 to 1896. Edited by George J. Armytage, Esq., F.S.A. 10s. Gd. 1897 24. —THE MARRIAGE REGISTERS OF ST. GEORGE, HANOVER SQUARE, 1824 to 1837. Vol. IV. 10.?. 6d. 1897 25. —THE EARLY REGISTER OF ST. MARTIN IN THE FIELDS, 1550 to 1619. Edited by Thomas Mason, Esq. 10s. 6d. 1898 26. —THE REGISTERS OF ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Edited by John W. Clay, Esq., F.S.A. 10s. 6d. 1899 27. -THE REGISTERS OF BATH ABBEY. Vol. I.—Christenings and Marriages, 1569 to 1800. Edited by Arthur J. Jewers, Esq. 10s. 6d. 1900 28. —THE REGISTERS OF BATH ABBEY. Vol. II.—Burials, 1569 to 1800, with Index to the whole. Edited by Arthur J. Jewrrs, Esq. 10s. 6d. 190J 29. —THE REGISTERS OF ST. VEDAST, AND ST. MICHAEL LE QUERN, FOSTER LANE. Edited by Willoughby A. Littledale, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. \In the Press. PROSPECTIVE PUBLICATIONS. THE REGISTERS OF ST. SEPULCHRE, LONDON. THE REGISTERS OF THE CHAPELS ROYAL. THE REGISTERS OF ST. JAMES, GARLICKHITHE. THE REGISTERS OF ST. MARY KEY, IPSWICH. THE REGISTERS OF BURSTALL, SUFFOLK. THE REGISTERS OF ST. NICHOLAS, IPSWICH. The Publications of the Register Section will be supplied to Subscribers on payment of an extra Subscription of One Guinea, and can be obtained from Messrs. Mitchell and Hughes, 140 Wardour Street, W., at the prices named. Forms of Application for Membership, and all other particulars, may be obtained by applying to W. Bruce Bannerman, Esq., F.S.A., The Lindens, Sydenham Road, Croydon, Surrey. DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD ^ hhnto 23-520-002