· · · · ·:·º·:·— • • • • • • • • •~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ -…<•. --~~~~~ sraes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ººººººae · · · * * ***~،, , , , , , , , , , , , , !!! !! !! !!! ** ** **=~~~~ ° *** 3,5 ± ----★ → • sae,&=\,aſtſ, ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ!!!!!!! W.U.A.J.J.Q.) Vºlvº Mºſº.º.º.º.º.º. [[]] №aeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeae: ŒITUÏTIUIRIIIIIII!!!!ſtſ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C tº º º ºs & sº º sm º º º º sº º sº a º º tº sº dº º sº sº º sº sº E-------- intºniutitutiºn inninnunziºintinuinºrintinuintinuintinuTunintrºlltrinuintuititulut sº tº() � *~}! 9* *•„ șx, º ~ FRAGMENTS OF THE G R E E K COM I C PO ETS. * ..., 3. R → . ,” tº - •es' .3 cº- § . . . .” 3+ $ºr Fºx. 2. ' &# *** *- - FRAGMENTS OF THE GREEK COMIC POETS. With ºmetings in English Jerse. º By Fºaley, LL.D., Translator of “Greek Wit,” etc., etc. ‘‘Versibus exponi tragicis res comica non vult; Interdum tamen et vocem Comoedia tollit.” HoRACE. 3.0m bott : SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO., PATERNOSTER SQUARE. 1889. BUTLER & TANNER, THE SELwooD PRINTING WORKS, FROME, AND LONDON. PRE FA CE. SOME thousands of verses, attributed by Athenaeus, Stobaeus, and others who have preserved them, to the many poets of the Old, the Middle, and the New Comedy, never come within the range of school reading in this country. But many of them are extremely witty; and as they represent the best periods of the Attic language and stage, viz. from the age of Pericles till some time after the death of Alexander the Great, the neglect of them is a weak point in our classical educa- tion. To bring a selection from them to the notice of English readers is almost like the opening of a new mine, or restoring to cultivation land that has been long lying WaSte. -- Of these poets, Antiphanes, of the “Middle,” and Menander, of the “New,” seem to have been most famous. From the latter especially Plautus and Terence were indebted for not a few of their plays. More than seven hundred “monostichs,” or single verses, alphabeti- cally arranged, have come down to us under the name of Menander, though not all of them are genuine. Wr vi AA’A. FA CAE. We have in this interesting collection of the Comic fragments from the writings of about one hundred and fifty poets, a combination of the wise, the witty, the satirical, the sententious, the epigrammatic ; and the application of some of them to the circumstances of our own times is striking. In translating them, the employ- ment of rhyme makes the exact rendering often im- possible; but the general spirit is preserved, while the claims of English readers rather than of classical scholars have been consulted. The “Old Comedy,” of which Aristophanes is the chief representative, had this great fault, that it revelled in immorality and made sport of depravity. The influence of the Socratic teaching, and the schools of Sophists and philosophers, did much to correct this terrible abuse, by which the Comic stage had become an incentive to unrestrained vice. It is to the credit of Menander and the New Comedy that it rarely offends. The edition used in making these extracts is the Editio Minor of the “Fragmenta Comicorum Graecorum,” by Augustus Meineke, in two octavo volumes, together containing some I,3OO pages (Berlin, 1847). To these reference is made by the figures, the marginal number of the fragment being subjoined to each extract, but not that of the drama from which it was taken, and which is supplied in Meineke's edition. It is well to repeat, that the translations here given FA’AºA'A CAE. vii were made mainly with the view of introducing a school of Attic wit, by no means familiar even to scholars, to ordinary English readers. Hence the “point” is attended to rather than the form of expression, and some of the pieces may justly be regarded in the light of a para- phrase rather than as a translation, properly so called. Nevertheless, as the Publishers have decided to print along with them the Greek text, which is almost identical with that of Meineke, it is hoped that translations in rhyming verse will be found near enough to give a ready help in correctly interpreting the original. And the Greek text, it is believed, will be judged to have an inde- pendent value for more advanced students, as a selection, if only a small one, from a form of Attic poetry of the best age, which is in the hands of very few, and which appears indeed to be practically unknown in English classical courses, though it might with great advantage be allowed its proper place in them. Why should Aristophanes be read in the schools while Menander is wholly neglected P Such a selection, perfectly unob- jectionable in morality, not difficult as a lesson in Greek, and highly entertaining in itself, assuredly would form a valuable enlargement of the Subjects now commonly recommended and set by Lecturers. This little book therefore is intended alike for the School-room and the Drawing-room. It is hoped it may find its way into both. C O N T E N T S. Alexis, Frag. 58-72 Anaxandrides, 49-53 Anaxilas, 56 . & Antiphanes, I4–48 Apollodorus, I44–149 Aristophanes, 9 Aristophon, 57 Axionicus, 73, 74 . Clearchus, I55 Cratinus, I, 2 Diphilus, I4O-I43 . Eubulus, 54, 55 Euphron, I54 . Eupolis, 7, 8. Hegesippus, I 52, I53 Hermippus, 5, 6 Menander, 98–139 . Metagenes, I2 Pherecrates, 3, 4 Philemon, 77–97 Philippides, I50, I5 I Plato Comicus, Io, I I Theopompus, 13 Timocles, 75 . Xenarchus, 76 PAGI2 66 52 62 I8 T34 IO 64 82 I44 I3O 6O I42 I4O Io8 I4. viii 90 138 I 2 I6 86 88 CAEA 7TWAVU.S. CRATIN US. >y 3/ a a *A Avać "Atox\ov, Tów étrów Tów fiewpºſtov. * A A & / Kavaxobot Tºyat, 806ekákpovvov to otópa, s & * A IAtoorós év tá (pdpvyi Tà èv eſtroup. Tu ; 2 v W. s / s * A A. ei pº yap Étruſ&#oret Tus aitot to otópa, ey * /* A âTaura TaüTa katak\ºore Toujuao-tw. (FR. 187.) IIós Tws airów, Tós tus &v s v * A / * 2 A. ãTô Too Trótov Tatorete, too Atav Tótov ; 5 sº A. * 5 * & / éyòa. Ovvtpálo yöp ačToi Tois Xóas, \ * A A. * kai toys kaðto kous givykepavvágo oſtroööv, * */ / 5 3. a \ V ^ A kai TâAAa Távt’ dyyeta to Tepi Tôv Tótov, * Koč Ščğaçhow oivnpöv čtv kektijo'etat. (FR. 188.) CAEA 7TWAVU.S. 3 CRATIN US. APOLLO, of fine verses here's a gush | They come, like springs and fountains, with a rush. A river's in his windpipe 1 Turn the tap ; This spouting, if not stopped, will cause some dire mishap. How can one stop him from this thirst for drink P How can one? Well, I’ve found a way, I think. For every cup and every mug I’ll smash, His flasks and pitchers into fragments dash, Shiver all kinds of pots that come to table, And not one crock to keep shall he be able. AAAAA’Aº CAA TAZ.S. PHERECRATES. ‘Eyð Kateo 6:00 p.6\ts tºs juépas Tévô jupéðupºv', &v Bućopau. B. p.6\ts; Ös ÖAuyáoritos ºo 6’ &p', Ös Kateo Öſets ths uépas pakpás ſplipovs oritia. (FR. 1.) "Ek too Baxaweſov yūp 8ted 60s pxopat, ‘A 3? \ / A * &mpāv čxovora Tijv ºbdpvya. B. 8600 Twelv. A. y\to Xpov Té poigti Tô oría Aov vi) to 6eó. B. Aaftov kepdoro orot Tāv kotoMorkºv ; A. p.m.8apºs A. an \ * A A pukpāv ye. Kuveiral yèp evöös plot XoAff, 5 º 3? 5 A. A. éć of Trep & Twov čk towaćrms pappakov. º \ 3 M gº 3} * / . eis Tāv épìv vov ćyxeov Tiju pºet.ova. (FR. 67.) AA/EAEA. CRA 7A2.S. 5 PHE RECRATES. “I SCARCELY eat a hundred loaves a day.” You scarcely eat Pray, what is that you say P Truly, in bread you very little do, Who eat each day what serves a longboat's crew PARBOILED I leave this bath ; my throat is dry, My windpipe steamed, to spit I vainly try. A. Take a small cup, A. Too small don't let it be ; Your minim dose it frightens me to see. I once drank poison from a “minim” cup : Here's mine, of larger size; and fil/ if u/, / AEAEM/PA’ U.S. HERMIPPUS. °E a / 2 j\ *A sy sº Af kelvös éott otpoyyúAos Tijv Óſºuv & Tovmpé, 2 * 5 S/ f A V / 2 e an évrös 6 xov Tepuépxetat kūk\@ tö. Tövt £v airó, e a v A / V º e / e ju6s 8& Tikret Teputpéxov Tów yºv ćtrađarao'av A ôvopºdſet at 6' évvavtós, òv Šē treptºpepºs TeXevrijv s / 3 Q2 3 & 3/ * 3. S \ “A * oièeptav oiö 3px?v éxel, Kvk\óv 8 dei Tô orópa se / 3. e A e A -- / où Taío’etat 8 juépas ào muépaw Tpoxdéov. (FR. I.) Töv pºv 6táAéktov koi to TpóoroTov ćpºvíov éxetv Šokéïs, to 8 v6ov oëèv Šuaq,épets ôpdrovtos. (FR. 2.) Aſ AEA’A/AAA’ U.S. 7 HERMIPPUS. ROUND in its form and rolling like a ball, Aye moving in itself containing all," And thence called Æound-about, he gives us birth, And runs his course to visit all the earth. A ring no end and no beginning knows ; So day by day the year whirls on without repose. MILD as a lamb you seem in voice and face; But in your heart the dragon finds a place. * évvavrós, “ year,” was fancifully derived from év Šavrò. To this Virgil refers, Georg. ii. 402, “Atque in se Sua per vestigia volvitur annus.” Here it is identified with the sun. A UPO/./S. E UPOLIS. - º, P / * Kpartorros oitos éyévet' &věpáTov Aéyetv ôTóte trapéAffov 8", āortep dyaffoi Öpopuffs * cy p ěk 8éka Tošºv ſpel Aéyov toos fiftopas. * / / * / > 3 * * A B. Taxi v Aéyets pºév, Tpès 6é y airov Tó Táxet Teuffº tºs étrekdóvčev Čiri toſs Xe(\eow. cy * / v A * t A. oùtos ékúAet, kai pºévos Töv fintópov \ / 3. / * 3. A. Tô Kévrpov ćykaréAette toſs &kpoop.évows. (FR. 94.) / "Avti Touk(Aov * 3/ - > 3. Af / / Tuvapov čxovt’ &\ovtåg kópa Te Kai / -> c/ > 3. A A z Tpiſłowº. 6t' fiv påvtov veðrepos, kpókms / a º \ w v /* Tévre O'Tatipas eixe, vai pā, Töv Ata, an v e / / / e / vöv 6é Éiſtov ye 8to td.Xavra figãios. (FR. 257.) A UPO/C/S. 9 EU POLIS. A STATESMAN, who in speaking all surpassed And far out-distanced like a runner fast. Once past them, none could catch him ; “yards a-head His word-flow keeps,” in all debates 'twas said. Not merely eloquence, but more, a charm Sat on his lips, wild passions to disarm. The only man who could the influence bring To make men feel,-and leave behind the sting. UNWASHED, unkempt, in shabby cloak arrayed, Behold the man who erst fine robes displayed Our prig, when young, paid five pounds for a shirt; But now he wears five hundred pounds of dirt * Pericles, the G. O. M. of Athens. IO A R/S 7TO AEAA/VE.S. ARISTOPIIAND.S. º * * * / 5. s 28° 3/ * (2 pºpe, pºpe, Taota Tovt’ &v Túð evu > as V 3. * y \ 3. J-º * /t oikeiv pºèv ćpyöv airów v Tó ymöig s A. * 5 5. \ / âtax\ayévra Töv kar’ &yopov Tpaypºtov, A. A 5 * zº kektmpwévov ćevyāptov oikeſov Bootv, >/ 2 3 A A. A. 5 étrelt ákočevu Tpogatiow /3Amxop.évov A A 5 A. 3. A Tpvyós te q ovºv eis Xekovºjv diffoup.évºs, örlº & Xphoróat a Tuvuòious Te Kai kix\als, \ & A 5 3. e. 3. A Kai pº replp.éveuv čá áyopós ix066ta a A. / Tputato. Toxvriumta, 3e3ao avtopºva 5 : 5. / \ A. Io T' ixóvotóNov Xelpi Tapavopotatº. (FR. 381.) AAC/S 7 OPAZA/VES. I I ARISTOPHANES. O FOOLISH friend what makes true comfort hear : All that you sigh for, I’m enjoying here. Little know you what pleasure it doth give Free from town-cares on one's own farm to live ; For plough and wain two little steers to keep, To hear the voices of the bleating sheep Or sound of must that gurgles from the vat, Then sup on Ortolans and thrushes fat; Nor wait till flabby fish, some three days old, The market sends, at thrice its value sold By weight that's guessed at in the salesman's hand, And heavier made than when it came to land. I 2 A/LA TO COM/CU.S. * PLATO COMICU.S. a A. a 3 N \ 3. A. ë8 Töv yöp Tetpatóðov oëöèv čTokretvetv čev e a M X. A. X} e a * * / mpas to Aotºrov, Tamv vov. to yop kpea, #8 2 3/ §§§ 3 3 e \ / jövot’ exovort, koúðèv Čºp 50s yiyveral N \ e/ * * e - * / TA}v čo Tptxes kai TjXès pºv kai 3off. (FR. 27) *Hv yöp droffdvm º / /3 > / e Z efs tis Tovmpós, òiſ divébvorov fiftopes: očeis yap ºpºv Ió\eos év tá tróAet, ey 5 A *A * a e A ôotus étukačoret rôs keſha)\&s Tóv finrópov. 'A' a e Z 3/ keko)\\óTewkos' totyapoov fiftop oret. (FR. 18.1.) PZATO COMICU.S. 13 PLATO COMICUs. HENCEFORTH no four-legged creature should be slain, Except the pig; of this the reason's plain. Its use—unless for food—man vainly seeks; It only gives him bristles, dirt, and squeaks. WE’RE swamped with “public men”; for one scamp dead, Two louder talkers, greater scamps, instead Spring up like Hydra's heads: the more's the pity We have no Iolaus” in the city To singe the necks from which these pests arise, In whom foul lives alone secure the prize. The nearest equivalent to “rhetor.” The assistant of Hercules. I4 - ME7AGENES. I O METAGENES. ‘O uèv totapos à Kpóðis ºpºv kataqbépet f / 5 A' A. pºdéas pºeyiotas attopadras prepaypévas, ô 8' répôs diffel kūpa vao Töv kai kpéðv épôów Te Sartèov eiXvouévov airóore. & & & *A A > 5. Af to 8& pukpa touri Tord put €vpºevrev6evi e z- A s * & A. V / fief Tevffíoruv čTraſs kai paypots kai kapāſāots, 3. an ëvrev6evi 6 &AA60. kai repukóppoortv, Tn3 8 &ºtiator, Túðe 8 at toymvials. . * A. 5 y 3 / A Tepláxm 6 &voffew airópata Tervuyp eva 5 * / > xy v Q \ • s \ , 38 eis to ortóp’ &rtet, tº 8& Tap' airò tº Tööe, ăuvAov 8& Teouvéovoruv Āuiv čv kūkāq) M. p v mp. ; : (FR. 6) Ç AMAZ 7.4 GAAWAE.S. I 5 METAGENES. THIS river Crathis rolls us down Huge buns of self-made dough, baked brown ; One other stream, the Sybaris hight," - Bears on its current, pleasing sight ! Relays of loaves and hunks of meat, Plaice plunging, ready cooked to eat, While lesser streamlets all about Run with baked Squids and crabs and trout; 'With sausages or mince-meats rare, Here crisp-fried smelts, prime herrings there. Into your mouth dressed collops tumble Or at your feet in glorious jumble; Sponge-cakes on every side abound, Like neighbours closely grouped around. * The luxurious life of a Sybarite is fantastically described. I6 THEOPOMAE U.S. THEOPOMPUS, * Xópel or ögüpo, G)mpukxéovs Tuotöv Tékvov' * , $3 sy A / 6 Af 6 * 'yevvavov evoos, ovopo Orot Tu (700petya , gº * * âp et Károttpov piſoeos #v TAñpes 80%s; oč8év Tot’ &\\0. Óeipo 8) yeptoro o' éyò. 5 ypaſſ G)eoMyrm, ypat). B. Tí pue ka)\ets or pâtate ; A. iv. ča-Töoroplav Šešpo trap' épé GeoNürm, Tapā, Tów véov čvöovNov. of Toori, KaNôs. B. XTuv6ºp td.Xas, Telpá's pe. A. vaí, totodrö Twº - A \ A. A. ‘pu)\ot mortav Šē Tſvöe orot Tpotioplav Io 8ééal, Tuoſo a 6 &tóorov čv got 6 upos #, Tapdeos to Aoutóv. (FR. 32.) TAZAZOAXOMA” U.S. • 17 THEOPOMPUs. CoME here, fair cup. of Thericlean skill The genuine product, take what name you will. “Nature's Reflector,” filled with clear, bright wine, The guest will call you in whose hand you shine. That's the right name for you. Come, let me fill you. - Hi! Dame. Theolyte, just come here, will you? That I may greet you, come and sit by me; I'm your young fellow-slave, Theolyte We're old and young; so come, all right, you know Th. You're a gay spark* to tempt me. - S. Hold now, so | Now here is your health first ; here, take a sip; And when you’ve wetted as you like your lip, Hand me the rest. - * Thericles was a noted ceramic artist, * A good-looking young slave, with the appropriate name of Spånther (“spark”), is coaxing the old housekeeper “to try just a drop.” AAV7 IPAAAWES. ANTIPHANES. Kpéas §: tſuns #ñiort' à, éorðiots; Tivos ; B. eis eitévelav. Töv Tpoſłórow pºv ois évv a 5 ºf A - Af 3. A A. pºſt epua pºſite Tupós, òpvós, pi\tate. *. S’ 3. 8á \ 3//79 ex & * a töv 8 aiyučíov kató, Tañó' & pº Tipăv Toleſ, 3 / Q \ \ s /* & a & AºA épiqov' 8vo. Tºv ćirukoptriav yap tow éðpów Taür €offiov to paſſX’ &véxopat. (FR. 20.) Tàs ontíos 60s Tpótov. HpakNets &vač, ătravta refloxºkaoruv. of 8a)\eſs TáAuv eis Tāv 6&\attav Kai TAvvets; pººl ºpógi ore, Aoptós, òAoûtovs a mirías eixmºbéval. (FR. 26.) IIev6eiv 8& perpíos toys ºrpoo'ſ covras pixovs’ où yöp Teóvãouv, &\\0. Tºv airly 586v, àv traoruv čAffeiv čo T' &vaykaios éxov, TpoeMjMöðaoruv. čira Xàpºets $ortepov A/VZYPAZAAWAE.S. I9 ANTIPHANES. WHAT meat do you like best? B. Whatever's cheap, Lamb more than mutton ; for your full-grown sheep Grows wool, gives milk for cheese. Kid I prefer To full-sized she-goat; there is cheese in her. My diet thus I make on young and tender, Not from such flocks as after-profits render. BUT first let's have the squids ; but look alack, By Hercules here's everything made black Back to their native brine let them, be tossed ; Cook swears squids caught uncleaned are labour lost. WEEP not, though loss of friends be sore ; They are not dead, but gone before, Gone by the road which all must tread ; And when we follow those who led, AAV7 YPAAAWA.S. eis Tai Tô Katayoyeſov airo's jčopley, *A A Kovvi, Tov &\\ov orvuòuatpálovres Xpévov. f (FR. 53.) "Fºrei ?? to ºr oil, ºatſ, kakośaſutov crºpa ef * * A > * z - ôotts yapet Yuvaika, TA}v év tols Xköðaws: 3. as / * S \ / 2 3/ ékéſ, p.61'ov yap oix' piet àpºrexos. (FR: 56.) 3. w \ ^ a AAA& Tavri Ådp/8ove, Tap6&ve, tº pºa. B. kaAd ye. A. kaxó 87t', & 6.e06 \ * v A. a 3 × T / veworti yüp Tö otéppa toût éptypºvov eis rās 'Affivas €oti trapū too Baoru.Aé0s. e f p B. trap Eotrepôov, ºpyv ye. A. v.) Tâv Poor:bópov, \ * an a * > º / t ºpaqiv to Xpworã pºa toût éival. B. Tpia - \ * póvov čotiv. A. ÖAiyov čoti to ka)\ov travtaxoi, kai Tiptov. (FR. 58.) A/V7'7A2A/AAVES. 2 I To the same bourn we too shall come, To share with them a common home.] # , WIVEs are bad property, I'd have you know, Except in countries where grapes do not grow. HERE! take these apples, girl | - A. Beauties, indeed A. Yes | only lately Athens got the seed From the great king !? B. I thought the daughters three Of Hesperus sent them. A. Yes, by Hecate The “golden apples” they are called. A. Not more Than three are here; I wish I had a score A. Because they are fezeſ they need not be de- spised ; * Beauty is rare, and should be ever prized. * This would make a beautiful and touching epitaph. * Citrons from Persia are meant, according to Athenaeus, p. 84. A/VT/PA/4/VAE.S. A. Kai pºv čatwāoro Tijuepov S. . . º – 2 . . / , * 3 3 A e - / ipºs éyò or 8 &yopäorets juſy Xoſłów, IO I 5 IIſot', &pyúptov. II. &\\0s yúp oik triotapal Xpmotós dyopſićev. A. ppg|Ée 8%, Puxoëpºeve, čilº túvi Xaipets; P. trāori. A. kaff kaorov Aéye, ixòv tív jöéos @dºyous āv; p. eis &ypów #Affew ºpépov Tót ixflvotóAms patvíðas kai Tpty)\ièas, Kai vi) Aſ peo’ev ordóðpa e * ey s * * 3. A #pºv ćtraoruv. A. eita kai vov eité pou, toſtov böyots &v; P. Köv tis &AAos pukpós fi. \ ‘" v. /* A. c/ * /* toūs yüp peyºAous toūTovs & Tavras vevópºlka ãvěpotropºyous ix60s. A. ti ºffs, 6 pixtate, ãv6potroghāyovs; Tôs; II. 6v y áv čvápotos báyot, 87Aov čtv. Taita 8 €otiv Ekārms 3ptºpata à ºbnortv oitos, patvíðas kai TptyNíðas. . (FR. 68.) ANZZPAAAWES. 23 A. YoU dine with me to-day. Slave Trusty, take This purse; provisions get and ready make. Slave (aside). I'm no great hand at shopping, but I’il try On this occasion something nice to buy A. Say now, friend Philo, what's most to your - ta.Ste. Ph. Mine? Everything A. Not further words to waste, Can you eat fish 2 Tell me what kinds you like. Ph. Well, one day to our farm a man brought pike And dace,” and very much he pleased us all. A. And could you eat these now Ż Ph. Any, if small. Your big fish are man-eaters, to my mind. A. How man-eaters ? Slave. Why, fishes of the kind i Common and cheap sea-fish are named, but of species unknown to us. The guest seems to speak ironically in say- ing they were “very good.” 24. A/VT/PPHAAWES. I O ‘O N f A 2 2\ 5 66 * yap Tapaoutos éo Tuv, av optos okotrims, & s * a A. ‘A * A. kotwovës épºqboºv, tºs Túxms koi too Bíov. očeis Tapáottos éðxer' druxelv toys pi\ovs, 3. / 82 A 5 gº 5 y tninaution os Tourag cºrvXcui' act. f * éortuy troXvrex}s tº 8.9 tus, où Đôovel, f N f s/ 3. 3. * y pºetéxetv če toſſrov etxer airó orvpatropºv. - an 5 kāortiv pixos yevvoſos dorqºs fl' àjía, º A 3. / S \ A. où pad Xupos, où trapočvs, oùxī Bāorkavos, 3. \ 3. a s 6 A *A / Aó. opymv eveykeuv ayatos’ av okottus, ye&g 3. A. * e * an A épotukós, yewotos, iMapós rô Tpótrºp, TáAlv otpatvárms dyaffès eis inrepòovív, º *> * Af * s A. öv fi Tô orvrápxmpa Śeſtvow eitpetrés. f (FR. 81.) Oü8ets artóTote, *S* 8é 2 s {{} 2 3 6 * $6 3/ a) oeotrot attevav atrotzavetv Trpov'vpos ov, W f & * * * A toys y\xopwévows Śē Čºv Katao Tó too orkéAovs 5/ e / 3 * & * / 2 y ākovtas 6 Xápov Čiri to tropópeſāv T âyet AAV7 IAEAAA WAZ.S. * 25 A man may eat But these that master boasts, Your pike and dace, serve but to feed the ghosts." THE parasite who shares your luck and table Prays that to feed him you may long be able ! Not jealous he, nor envious of good living, So long as you a share to him are giving ! A hearty friend, and safe, and not pugnacious, Meek, patient at a snub, at jokes Sagacious, Loving and laughing, merry in his manner, Glad e'en to fight—under a rich man's banner NONE ever die who wish ; ’tis those that gloat On life that Charon hurries to his boat, & Seized by the leg, dragged off against their will, Een while of food and drink they take their fill * “Food for Hecate,” i.e. offerings on platters laid in the cross-roads or on tombs. (The slave is ridiculing his master's meanness.) 26 AAV7'/A2AA WAZ.S. oritičopévous kai trčva èxovras Bvos. ô 8& Auðs éortuy 30avaorias báppakov. FR. 86.) Tetrov čott rus kúttºos. oitos eiðūs, Štav čAto troté ôulºoſa, pºévos otö &s y áuoi kepāvvvrat, oč6' 58apès otºr &kpatov. oióa 6 yd, Tore motorw. (FR. 24.) “s (, *Q yºpas, Ös étraortv čvépôtrowolve Toffetvöv, Ös eşöalpov, eið’ Śrov trapſis, àxömpöv, Ös pox6mpów, et Méyet té ore oëeſs, kakós Sè trós ris Šs orogós Aéyet. (FR, 94.) "A Af A. 2 * 3. {} p Toto, ye kºmputtovolv ev tous tytvorºv A. 3. º W * 3. A’ /* Kmpúypaff, oi kai vow tus ékékpáyet péya péAvros y\vkvrépas pepſ?pg8as $40kov čxetw. 3. * e, 2 3 Af 3 QM & A ei tooto rotoor €ortiv, où8év køMáel toūs pºextrotréAas at Aéyetv Boöv 6’ 3rt * A A f a A to\odot to pºéAt oatpórepov Tów pepſ?pdóov. (FR. 124.) A WZYPHANES. 27 Those who to immortality aspire Short fare soon serves to cure of their desire. I HAVE a vintner near who keeps a shop, The only man who, when I want a drop, Mixes my grog to suit my special taste ; Not neat, nor letting water run to waste. -OLD age, how all men pray for thee and yet When old age comes, how soon that prayer forget ! A dreary burthen is that length of days Which wise men shun, the foolish only praise. STRANGE in the fishmarket the crier's call, “Sprats, sweet as honey, here ! Smell, taste, come all !” Is’t so P. The honey-sellers then, methinks, Should cry, “Fine honey here ! like sprats it stinks I’’ 28 A WT/PA/AWAE.S. 's 2 >f º A. 2 º' e QN / A Eir ào Tuv i yévout' &v jötov Téxvi), # Tpóoroëos &\\m too koxakeiſely eighvās; Ö Čoypdºbos Toveſ tº kai tukpoivetal, e * > cy 5 \ / a ô yeopyös év čorous éoti kuvöövous träAuv. f y - 5 A * A Tpooreott Täoruv čtupwéAeta Kai Tóvos. juïv Šē perä yé\otos é Bíos kai Tputpºs' º w V A. 3/ 3. M Af of yüp Tö pºéyvorov pyov čorti Tatóvá, ãöpèv ye) goal, orköyai Tu', ‘Kirwelv ToMöv, /* 3. a- / oix jöö ; époi pºèv perä rô TAouteſv Šetitepov. (FR. 144.) a Kai TàAX0. Sevvoús pagu Toys Aiyvirtíovs . . 3. \ z > → / * 57 A. e eival to voptoral tº to 66eov Tijv éyxexuv troAi Tôv 6eów Yap Éott tutorépa' * & * 5 / 3/ 6° e - * - tov pºev 'yop eiðapévolouv €O" mpºuv Tuxeuv, 5 to ſtov & Spaxpºs toūAdxtortov 86öeka à TAéov čva)\60 acruv čo ºppéoróat pºvov. e º / oùros éo-6 &ytov travtexós to 6mptov. (FR. 146.) AAV7'7/2 HAAVES. 29 No trade more pleasant is, no art, Than ours who play the flatterer's part. The painter overworked gets Cross, Your farmer learns his risk by loss ; While care and pains each workman takes, “Laugh and get fat " our motto makes. Fun, laughter, banter, drink, I hold Are life's chief pleasures—next to gold. NOTHING has Egypt's cunning better shown Than making eels a worship of its own. Of Egypt's piety one striking feature Is, that no god they honour like this creature. By prayers we get from heaven all we ask; To get an eel as cheap would be a task such special holiness it has, 'tis well If you can buy for half-a-crown the smell / 30 A W7F/AAAAVES. 2 \ A. 2 M sy º Af Earl Xpſipaoruv 8 &v ćutropos ºppovet péya, º 3. / 3. A > 3) * A. tov eq’tt Travtov evuot avepos kvptos. (FR. 150.) f * Oük &otiv oióèv 6mptov Tów ix6iſov 3. A. en M * s a 3. an ätvXéortepov tº pº yöp &roxpºv & Toffavéïv airtois àAoûoruv, eira kate&mbeop,évous eiff's Taº?vat, Tapašoffévres à6Atol ga 3. A. * * 3. Af toſs ixóvoiróAals toºs kakós & Toxoupévous Af 2 ey / /5 e A. a ſtrov6, Éoxou keipevol 6 pºpas A a º # Tpets: p.6\ts 6 &v Tot' divºrºv twº.6v X6800', 380kav Tów vekpóv čvaipeg-w toūrq' kopia as 6 &#é8a)\ev eiðūs oikaðe, & an 3. a e \ a S an y Io Tºv reºpav čv Tſ) fluvi tºs éopſis Aa36v. (FR. 16o.) A WTVA’AAAVES. 31 THOUGH profits large to rich shipowners fall, The wind it is that really owns it all. No creature 's so unlucky as a fish ! When caught, to die at once it well might wish, And in the stomach snugly buried lie ; But now on salesman's slab left high and dry More stale it gets, until some greedy ass Who has no eyes to see, shall chance to pass. To him the festering corpses to remove The right is given l (for something more than love). He brings them home, but straightway from him throws His parcel, when its odour meets his nose. * The removal of the slain under treaty from a battlefield is alluded to. 32 . AAV7/A2A/AAWAE.S. wº a * Xà è &AA& Tiffu. B. Tooro pºév got Tetoropa. v ^ 3. z 3. a v a A. Koi yüp Tayoyóv, & 6eoi, to oxºpºd Tos tàs köAukós éo Tuv čátóv Te too k\éovs ... º. º. º.º. º. . . . . º. 3, . . A a Tov I jS eup 1 /s. UU pºev #pev àptu 'yºp 5 éé dév3aºſov kepopéow étrivopaev. toūrº Sé, Tékvov, ToMAö, kāyā6' oi 6eoí tà ºtovoyé àoſcº. 33 &rośnoré L ºf: *- p.) ` { 5 3G º 7G- O'C, * / w * s / c/ ths orvppetpias Kai Tàs àqexeias oëveka. (FR, 162.) Taºs eiteAetats of 6eo Xaipovoſt yap' Af 3. ey A e / x z Tekprijptov 6' 6tav yap Ératóp/8as tuvés / 3 \ / ey c/ {}Moortv, Ti Toitous &raoruv Šotatos Távrov kai Alſavorós étrétéffm, 5 Ös TāAXa pºév tá. Tox\ö Tapava)\otºpewa A / º 5 * e/ ðatávnv paratov otorov airów, eiveka, W * * S \ a 3 > \ ea a Tô 8& pukpów airò Toir àpeatów toſs 6eois. (FR. 163) AAV7/AAAAWE.S. 33 A. HERE, take a drink. A. I can’t refuse a trial ; A well-shaped beaker this, there's no denial, A credit to the maker and the dinner But where I lately dined, as I’m a sinner I’d no such generous host as you to thank, While from small clayen crocks our wine we drank. From your designer what I like I’ve got : Bless him for making such a shapely pot SURELY the gods are pleased at mortals' thrift. Here's a whole hecatomb, some rich man's gift, Who, having cared so many pounds to spend, Adds just a puff of incense at the end. Thus blood and bones as offerings are vain : Something more cheap Jove's favour can obtain. 34 AAV7 YPA/AAVES. 'E * Af W 5 p. & T A yo teos pew popºv tas lºopyovas ºs / Af * 3. V 2 ef etvai Tu Aoyotrotmua, Tpós &yopäv 8 &tav ëAffo retriotevk' pſ3\érov yap, airóði toſs ixóvoróAots, Aiffuos eiðūs yivopau, % -e- 2 & 3.4 31 ...?' s A Öort & &váykjs éorr' (in UU pubévi w pov XaXéïv Tpès airočs' kāv too yop Aikov 2 \ cy a A. a ixòv čorov tipógu, Tiffyvvpat oraq,0s. (FR. 165) Eöðvvos 8 xov oravčáAva kai orghpayúa kai pep uptopºvos töv Tpaypºdrow oik otö & Tu Aoyićeto' Çouvuktöm's 8& Taupéas 6' 6 pixtatos, [ävöpes ºráAat époq &yotº Tovoſtof Tuves, otol kara/3pox6ičev čv dyopá tê Tepºxm, e a 2 A- / 3 \ * Af ôpôvres éééðvno-kov čari tº Tpgypatu, *A A. épépóv Te Öelvós Tºv čvoltav Tóvv. * Perhaps évêpes Toºwºdyot (if the verse is genuine). A WT/PA/AAVES. 3 5 I USED to think Medusa's head a fable ; But when I go to market, well I’m able To think it true. While there I stroll alone, The sight of fishmongers turns me to stone ! So, if I want some fish, I turn away, x And ask, with head averted, “What's to pay?” The slice I want indeed is far from large; Yet I feel stiff at the huge price they charge. BE-RINGED and sandalled, redolent of scent, Euthynus" on some business seemed intent. Young Phoenix, Taureas, favourite of all,” Who guzzle every fish upon the stall, Saw what was done,” and shuddered at the clear- ance, Bewailed the market's desolate appearance, * “The poet is giving a list of the principal fish-eaters.”— Athenaeus. * Ironical. * Viz. by rival buyers. 36 A/VT/PA/AAVES. z X 8è f ëA *A £8 KvKAous oe ovvoyeupovtes eveyov av Taoe, Io is oi Buotóv Čortuv oi6 &vaoxerów * * A. - 3. * f tºs pºèv flaxóttims àvritrouéſoróat Tuvas e * 3. / V A. ipºſov čva)\to kevv Te ToMAö Xpſipata, sy SN * gº n s, sº Ühuv Šē pºèv piſtot’ eio TXeiv puméé ypi). f “sº 3/ * * 3. * Ti oiv čghexos Töv vſo-tapxöv éo Tu ; Śe. 2 a * g- I5 vöpºp katak\eto at Totto, Tapatropºrºv Towev fºx A. Töv ix6iſov. v.vvi öé Moſtov ovvípn wkev toūs àAléas, Kai Avoyeltov vſ Ata cy 3. / e e V A &Tavtas āvatételkev Ós airów Łópeuv, koi Ömpotuków ye tooto 8pá, Touaita pAdv Tip. 'y pg iº (FR. 189.) W A Af Töv TpóTov påv oto-66 pov * 5/ gº ôtt Toqos oik Eveotiv, 3ÅÅ& Toſs ºptAous f f 2 A' A tolovroot tis eipt, Túrreotal pºèpos, A / s * s s Af Túttetv kepavvás, éktvq?\otiv Tuv' &otpath, / 3. 3f. 3/ 5 a- / 5 ºpew Tuv' àpas àvepos, &Totvićat Spóxos, A WT/AAAAVES". 37 And thus to knots of citizens addressed Their griefs: “Your lives are fishless and unblest You call the sea your own, you keep a fleet, Taxes you pay,+and get no fish to eat I None comes in here. Why island-stations pay, If fish-boats get no convoy to our bay ? By law the market no one should forestall; Now Mato has caught up the fishers all, And Diogeiton bribes them first to bring To him their cargoes; ’tis a shabby thing ! Sure one who boasts a stomach so capacious By plundered townsmen must be called rapacious.’ You know my way; no nonsense is there in it. To help a friend I’m ready any minute; To stand thumps I’m an anvil; blows to deal A thunderbolt that stuns you with its peal; A lightning flash the dazzled eye to blind; A noose to choke; to snatch away, a wind; AAWT/PA/AAVES. flipas prox\eſſelv oretoſpºds, eio Tºmčáv čkpts, ðettvéïv čk\mtos pavia, pº ’āeX6eiv ºppéap, ºf z * ºf 2 SA A aſyxety, ‘powevelv, poptvpeuw, OOT OUT/ povov A Af * → / * Túxm Tus eitrów, raûT' & Tpoorkéttos troueiv cy V *A y s e / Io & Tavra. Kai kakovo i pº oi veðTepot êvã taota Tóvro orkſtröv' &AA’ oièëv påAel töv okoppadtov pot' tºw biXov yap &v biXos 37 W s A. 3/ A. épyotoru Xpmotös of Adyots & pvv p.6vov. *. (FR. 194.) "Ooſtts &věpotros 3& piſs Čorba)\és tº Krſip ŠTápxelv Tó Báp Aoyićetal, TAetortov ºped prºjkev 7) yöp eio qopá tis ſpirakev sy 8 / > \\ Šá - \ 3. 6A TO.1/ offew Tovt, m tiq) tus Teputeorov atro eto, 5 § otpatnyijo as Tpoorój)\ev, ) xopmyös aipeteſs ipátia Xpworö Tapaoxöv Tó xop? §6kos hopeſ, AAV7/AAAAWE.S. 39 An earthquake's shock, dislodging bar and pin," A door to open ; to come bouncing in, A grasshopper; to dine without invite, sº A fly; a well, to sink you out of sight; To murder, strangle, be your witness, do Whatever's bid, without reluctance too, Be what it may ! So by the young I’m called A “son of thunder.” But I'm not appalled By their vain jokes and scoffs; to serve a friend In word and deed I always make my end. NoTHING is really safe : nay, do not wonder. You think your goods secure; no greater blunder. *Here’s “income-tax,” who calls to strip you bare ; Costs of a lawsuit take another share; . A captaincy brings debts; or you've been chosen” To buy fine robes for actors by the dozen, * The bar (u0xAós) was secured to the door-post by a pin or peg (Thuc. ii. 4). * Viz. as “choragus,” an expensive theatrical office imposed on the wealthier class. 4.O Awz/PHANES. I O A * e * # Tptºpapyów &tifyéat', ') TAéow ºoké Tou, 3. * 3) Ca3ićov ) kaffeißwy katakékopff int’ oiketóv. A où Bé8avov oë8év čo Tu, TA}v čo’ &v kaff ºpépav 5 e & e Q ſº 3 y / eis éavrov jöéos Tis eioava)\to kov Tóxi). 5. Q. v. * f tº & W. W N / oióē Taita o q6öpa twº kai yüp Töv Tp(ſtrečov c / + optro.orot / - kelp ºvºv čv Tws TpooreA96v &AX &rav Tów évêeory évrös #8m Töv Óðó / A. mon tow ooovtov Tvyxovijs Kateo Takos, as 2 3 s * A. g * e f f Tottº èv Čorba)\eſ vópºuſe Töv Štropxóvtov påvov. (FR. 202.) 'Ev Tij Kömpº ºffs, eltré pou, Suffyete Toxiv xpóvov; B. Tov táv6' 30s fiv 6 TóAepos. \ AAV7'/PA/A/VE.S. 4 I \ And so wear rags yourself; to fit a galley You're named: 1 go, hang at once no need to daily. - Suppose you'rail. your ship is made a prize; Your walk, yºur slumber, treacherous slaves sur- prise; ‘. In fact, there's nothing safe Good cheer alone That each day brº gs seems certainly your own. Yet even that to º I'm hardly able; - Some thief may comè and carry off your table Your food alone is º safe when you pull it Between your teeth * into the gullet ! } } – A. DID you stay long, ſh Cyprus P Aº A A. All the while .” - The war ~~ * Z.e. noming?ted as “trierarch,” also a costly public burden. 42 AAV7'YPAAAWAE.S. | I O I 5 J - - A A. v tív: Tóirº pºd Morra ; Méyé yép. By év IIáq9. of Tpāypa Tpuſhepov čvaqepóvros v iègiv 3. * f Af âAA0s T &rtortov. A. trolov ; B. političero e \ * - ‘, * e 2 ºf tºº (a . , §Tô rôv reptorrepôv, ÜT' &AXov 6' oiâevös, 8 ~. a e A Af * * 5. A } #AA A evrvów Ó BaoruMeiſs. A. trós; £60-gis TáAXa yap épôoropai ore Tooroº Trôs ; B. Aftero s asº Af cy A a' ék Tös Xvpias Åkovtt TotočTºp pºſtpºp * A 3. * / - *A d Af Kapiroo otyv oióv baoru Tàs Trépuotepäs Tp(yetv. Övö. Töv čopºv 8é Tºrov retópeval ex * / > 3. 5 {} A Taphorov, oiaí tº jo'av čarukaffučávely s \ * * éti Tºv keſha)\}v. traſbes 3% trapakaðmpevot 3 / º A. 8è A. sº Aft éordſ}ovv. čaraipovo at 8&ſ pukpóv, où ToMá, * / > 2. an A. 8 *A X6. Tow pºſt €kevore pºſte oeppo Tavteatos, ey 5 Af ey A. oùtos évéppúrušov, date grippetpov 3. * \ x * ^ Zi- X * avTºp To Twevpca, pºm zºº 7pov, Toleuw. \ (FR. 203.) \ AAV7 IAEAAAWES. 43 A. And where did you beguile The weary time P Tell me. B. At Paphos ; there A most refined contrivance filled the air With wondrous fragrance 1 A. How was that? A. The king Was fanned at dinner by the flapping wing Of many a dove : no courtier at his side The grateful coolness to his seat supplied. A. How was it? how P for this I ſain would hear. All other subjects now may disappear. B. He used a special scent, from Syria brought, Made of a fruit by flocks of pigeons sought. Drawn by the smell they flew in numbers round, Perched on his head, or lighted on the ground, While boys sat by to scare them : thus they flew Up here, down there, not far, and perched anew, And so created, as they moved along, A breeze just Suiting him, and not too strong. 44 AAV7/PA/AAVAE.S. * º e * / Töv radiv pºv Ós āraā tis &eiyos #yayev pévov, / 6. \ * Af 3. 5 N an * e A. * orrávlov ºv Tó Xpſiuo, TAetovs 6 eiori vov Tów Śptiſyov V 3/ 6 * S’ 3 / cy / * #8 Xpmotöv čvápotov 8 €ów Tus éva pºévov Čntów tom, 5/ 5 5 A * f * A ôyet ék to ſtov trovnpo's Tévre Taibas yeyovóras. (FR. 204.) 2 & * an * A. e es Aper) to Tpoika toſs ºbiAous intmpeteſv. B. Aéyés àorea-6at Töv Tuffāpax\ov TAoûortov: 5 / \ V 2 * * / eio Tp(#eral yèp puto 60w ék Too orod A6 yov 2 * 3 Q A es A. / Tap ois éðeſtvet Tpoika Oſij}\\ečw ovkvåv. (FR. 2 Io.) s A 2 A. * SA _ z Oü Öetvöv čo Tu TpoorqāTovs pºèv čv Túxm *A 3. * A. V s * TøXów Tus ix30s, ovvayayóvta Tès āqīpūs Tootov orkvěpotáčovtd. 6 juiv Tpoor\oxéſv, 3 & M a Æ Af V * éâv oratpot's kopºvěſ, 8é, Taíčev kai ye)\ów 3. /* M * >f y * toūvavtſov yap Töv čel toſſtows Toweiv * & * w 2 ep 5 A. Af Töv prev yexãv, Töv 8 repov oipºetv pakpá. (FR. 218.) AAWTIPAEIAAVES. 45 WHEN first the peacock came, in single pair, Though common now as quails, the bird was rare. So if by search one worthy man you find, Be sure he'll leave five scampish sons behind. “TRUE virtue serves a friend, nor looks for pay.” B. Then Tithymallus will be rich some day: Oft, “without pay,” he dined upon his friends; For such kind thought they'll make him good amends." THIS salesman has fresh fish ; he frowns, looks cross, Is surly; here's another, suffering loss With stale on hand; but he will laugh and grin, Crack jokes to you, droll anecdotes begin.” Sure, both false parts are playing all the while : Twas his to mourn,”—the honest man’s to smile. * Vºz. as the gods reward “true virtue.” But the joke on “without pay” is better than the logic. * Vºz. to put you in good humour and induce you to buy. * Z.e. the cheat to be punished, which is the comic meaning of “mourn,” “cry, Oh dear/?” etc. AAWTVA’AAAWE.S. Teyāpºke Öſtrov. B. Ti or Aéyets; 3X76wós * * a A 'yeydunkev, Öv éyò £óvra Teputatoivtd. Te karéAttrow ; (FR. 221.) Too yap tis &\\ov Tpós 6eów Św elveka y * * s * A ečaito TNovrećv eitopeſv te Xpmudrov, A * * à toi, Šávagóat Tapaſºom6eiv toſs pixots, A. ^ A. e QN / * oſtreipew te kaptröv Xdpvros jötortms 6eów ; * *A * * \ * * e / too prev Tueſv yöp kai ghayeiv Tàs jöovás sf e f 3 M * ea 8é éxoptev Špotas' oixi toſs Aapºrpoºo-u 8é A a ſº ðeſtvous Tö Teuvºv Taveral. (FR. 229.) Kpiſilau, pewbia, A -- * &Tavro. TáXXo. Tws Śāvatt &v TAºv 8volv, 3 / / 3. s/ A. 2 5 f ourov Te Tuvov evs spota t epteorov. 3. A. Af * 3. \ * X. f dubóTepa pºvčel ydp & To Tów /3\epp.dtov ^ * A ^ Z]?. Sº V s A. kai Tôv A6 yov to off Öore toys &pwoupévows / y -- an * pad Xuota toûtovs kataqbavé's troué. (FR. 237.) AAV7'7PA/AAVAE.S. 47 MARRIED P He's done for Ah I had misgiving. And yet I only lately left him living. WHY should we pray that Heaven may riches send, But to have means and will to help a friend, And sow the seeds which on another's part That sweetest crop will yield, a grateful heart? * We all can feel the pleasures of the table, But to make starving cease we are not able By our fine dinners. TWO states there are that we can always prove, If one's in liquor, and if one's in love. Both words and looks these two conditions show ; By these if the denial's false we know. 48 AAV7'/AAHAAVES. / a f 3. e/ 3/ 2 Bíos 6eów yop fortuv Štav čxms Toffév s y a V A A. TâAAótpua Šettveſv pº Tpooréxov Aoytopaguv. Makdpuos é Bíos' 8e7 8' dei katvöv Tópov e * cy / * a 5f eipe’v Štros pudo-mp.o. toſs yud,0ots exo. (FR. 248.) Eyð yvvauki 6 v tº two Teijo povov, 5 \ 3. a * 2 A. étröv &roðdvm pº B160’eoréal ºrd Auv, * f to 8 &AA’ &tworró, trav0 os &v ćiroffdvm. (FR. 281.) Ti ºffs; \affeiv Čntów tº Tpós yuvaik' àpo. 3 ex \ an V º Af épéis to Tpóypſo. 5 kai tº Tooro Suaq,épet º * an a 5 5 * A # Tāori toſs Kiipuštv čv ćyopſ, ppgorat ; (FR. 284.) ‘O 6e TAoûros juás, kaffdºrep iatpos kakós, Távras BAérovtas Tapa)\oſºv TwºMo's troué. (FR. 290.) AAV7/PA/4AWAE.S. 49 'TIs life in paradise to find a host To dine with, where you’ve not to count the cost. And so new shifts to try I shall not pause, To get a bite that’s toothsome for my jaws. ONE single thing I trust a woman saying, To other statements no attention paying: “When I am dead, I won't return to grieve you.” Till death takes place, in naught else I'll believe you. WHAT 1 when you court concealment, will you tell Thé matter to a woman P Just as well Tell all the criers in the public squares 'Tis hard to say which of them louder blares. ----- WEALTH, like the quacks who sore eyes seeing find, - Takes us clear-sighted, but it leaves us blind. E 5O AAV7/PA/A AWAE.S. / 3. 5 v e * e / 3/ Z-- Xºpóðp éorriv juáv Ó Bíos oivº Tpoorºpepſis cy º v * / 3/ / ôtav j to Aottröv Mukpóv, Šćos yivetal. A * ^ zº ey 3. A , Tpos yap to ympas worſtep spyao Tºmptov cy 3. {} A. an / ātavra täväpäTewa Tpoor pottä. Kaká. (FR. 299.) 5 A / - * e \ / Qveiðtorás pot yńpas às Kaköv påya, º v A. A. / 3. 3 e / où pai) rvXóvrt 6&varós éorff &mpia, ^ a / of Tövtes étruffupwoopew, &v 8 Affm Toré, - 3 / 2. ºf 3. * S / A âvuòpe6' oitos éopºv čxápuo tou qigoret. (FR. 3oo.) Oööels to Tarpád. To yépov Kateåſjöokev, &AA’ oièë Karepidºpavev, oë Aſa'ato Topvíðvov, où8è 6vpokotów 6 p.Aév Šíkºv. ey ^ - a an s s * oùto tô yńpas oroghpovodv oik eitvXé. (FR. 303.) AwzYPHANES. 5 I LIFE's just like wine: when little yet remains, Sour it becomes ; and all the aches and pains That flesh is heir to in old age combine, And fast in chains our energies confine. YOU taunt me with old age, and say 'tis bad. To escape means death ; the price to pay is high This privilege men always wish they had, And yet abuse it most ungratefully. Do old men ever guzzle all their wealth, Spend it in wantonness, or keep by stealth A mistress, or to knock at doors make bold? Sad, to be sober just because you're old ! 52 A/VAXA/VD/º/DA.S. --" AN AXAN DRIDES. e f e *, -> * - v * O to orkóAvov eiptov čkéivos, Šotus ºv, v w s a *A e 3/ º to pºev vytauveuv Tpotov (0s aplotov mu, s A s a / 2 º / Övöpaorév ćp60s, 8eiſrepov 8 etvav ko)\év, a \ - ^..., aw Zaº * * 5. ,” © Tpírov Šē TAovréïv' rooff, Öpós, époiveto A * e / A. v A * 8 A e perä, Tºv i yielov yap Tö TAouteſv Švaghépel * A. ka)\ös 8& Telvöv čo ruv aio Xpèv 6mpſov. (FR. 17.) Töv Čoypdºpov pèv # kawi, Xepovpyía > an / / A év toſs trivač, Kpepapevil 6avpd'etat, ağrm 8° orepºvós ék Notráðos épiráčerat, s \ an / 3 3 /? / 3. /* âtró too rayſvov tº eifféos épavíčetal. éri tíva 6’ 68 &\\my Téxvijv, & Xpmoſtè Qi, a Af 5 y Tö ortópata Tów veotépov Katakóet, # AAVAXA/VDA’//O AES. 53 ANA XAN DRIDES. HE who composed the ditty, “Health is best, Good looks come next, then money,” and the rest, Right in the first, in the other two was wrong, None but a madman could have made that song ! Next after “health’ comes “wealth "; your hand- some face, When pinched by famine, loses all its grace. PAINTERs the eye to please aspire; Hung up, their art we all admire. Not so the fisherman’s ; Žis skill Is prized in many a toothsome grill On charger to the feast despatched, Or hissing from the gridiron snatched. What other art young men will turn So eagerly their mouths to burn, 54 ANAXANDRIDES. I O I5 5 / 3. / a diffuopºs éott öaktóAov Totovtoo’i 2\ / *A * \ §§ * 7) Tvtypos, av p.m toxv ovvmtat Katatuetv 3 3. 3. 3. / * A / a- &AA’ of p.6v1, yāp Tâs ovvovorias Towei eūolos &yopd; tis Šč ovvöetºrvet (8potów, A / º /* 3 / $pwkroys karaXaſºv. 3) Kopakivovs divious # patvö’; Ópatov Šē peºpaköA\tov Totals étrøðaſs, à Aóyots àAſokerat tiouv, ºppoſorov yap, &v tºs épéAm Tºv táxvnv tºv táv ÓAvéov; jöe yöp 8apudićeral, t * / > / A. épôoſs TpooróTols ix660V xelpoupévn, âyovo' ém' airá tê otópat’l &ptortov TóAas, ãoºp/Soxov k\ivetv T' &vaykāčev (bùortv. (FR. 33.) Oök &v čvvaiumv orvppaxéïv Špºv ćyd. §6° e / * e - an ºl 3//)2 e / où6' oi Tpótol yèp Öpºovoodo’ oë6' oi vápot #pſov, &T' àAA#Aov 8& 8téxovoruv troA'ſ. * A conjecture for üT’ abrá tê adjuat’. A/VAXA/VD/C/DES. *. 55 Or set more fingers morsels ramming, When hasty swallowing makes a jamming? How many banquets must depend On prime fish that the markets send ? What guest will dine with you who finds The shops show none but common kinds P Good-looking lads you coax in vain By words, or try by spells to gain, Unless the fisher's art comes in, And “boiled cod's head” consent should win 'Tis that which opens wide the gate To mouths that for a dinner wait, And empty-handed 1 men are able To share the pleasures of the table. I CANNOT help you, really in our ways, Practice, and laws such difference each displays. * Without bringing their contribution to the feast. 56 A NA XAAWD RIDAE.S. 5 I O * So Grotius. Perhaps kai Trévºys’ j kal Nagôv—600Xos attig ºytvetal. Boöv Tpoorkvyets, éyò 8& 660 toſs 6eois' A sº A A e ea 8 A Tºw eyxe/vvv pleytotov myel oatpuova, & * \ zº 3/ A V A jwe's 8& Töv Šipov påytotov Tapa ToMá. oùk éorèſets jet', y0) 64 y #8opal / A tº A. / A 2 3 / p.d. Avata toûrots' köva oré8ets, TúTrø 6 áyd, 5. točilov Kateo.6ſovorov jvák’ &v Ad/30. toys iepéas ev6óðe pºèv ÖAok\ſipovs vópos *S* 5 e e. 3. e sy so A. eival, trap piv 8, Ös éoukev, &T'mpypévows. \ 3 / * 37 > 5 & #8 Töv aié\oupov kaköv čxovt’ &v tºms, k\dets, éyò 6 #8to T' &Tokretvas 6épo. /* 2 e ex an º 5 \ A 5 y Sºvoitat trap vputy pºvya)\ff, trap epot 8é 'y Ot). (FR. 39.) "Oortus yopeſv 8ovXeiſet', où BovXečeral ôp6ós, òtótt BovXeiſerat Xoiſto yape. XXà * / 5 3. \ an /* ToMAöv kaków ydp &otiv ćpx?) Tó Big. *\ \ A •N \ * A . 'm yop Tewms ov Tyv yuvatko Xpmpata Maſłów exel 6éotrouvav, où yvvaſk Črt, §s éorri 800Aos' kai Trévºs \v off A68m 1 * A/VA XAAV/DR//DA.S. 57 You worship cows ; I at the altar slay them : Eels you adore, and highest honours pay them ; We pay still greater honour to eel pies You won’t eat pig, while pork / don’t despise : A dog you reverence; I beat and thump When from my steak he carries off a lump : You see a cat in torture, in a minute - Tears flow ; well, I delight to kill and skin it : A shrew-mouse, I’m assured, it is your wont To say your prayers to ; on my word, / don't / A MAN who doubts if he should marry, Or thinks he has good cause to tarry, Is foolish if he takes a wife, The source of half the plagues in life A poor man to a rich wife sold Exchanges liberty for gold. If she has nothing, then, 'tis true, There is a different ill to rue; 58 A /VAXA/V/O R//DA.S. * / a * A. º p.m.8év ºpepop.évyv, 800Xos ojitos yivetov 8e7 yöp Tö Mottröv čv6' évôs Tpépetv Ščo. âAA’ \aftew aioxpóvº oi Buotóv Čort ért, 5 N2, 3/ W A. s V 3 / Io oëö’ efforobos Tô Topóraw eis Tºv oikiav. âXX &Aaffev Čpaíav rus' oièèv yivetat * A. * / A • A p.6\\ów Tv too yūpavros ?) Tov yettóvov- cy 3. s º a 3 e * A. Öot oièapós Kakoo y ápapteſv yivetat. (FR. 52.) A XaXerſ, Aéyo orou. Kai Tpoorávrms, & Tékvov, 3. * ööös &otiv, Ös Tov Tatép' direA6eiv oikaðe 2 s A cy > V A / Tap &vöpós, ſitus éoti koopia yuvij. e * A / 2 3. A 57 ô yöp 8íavXós éortuu aio Xúvºv čxov. (FR. 56.) A ZVAXA/V/DA’//DES. 59 For now he has, with all his need, Two mouths instead of one to feed. Perhaps she's ugly; married life Thenceforth is never-ending strife Perhaps she's pretty ; then your boast Is made by all your friends their toast. Does ugly, handsome, poor, or rich, Bring most ill luck P-I know not which. ONE course in life there is that's hard to roam, Back from a husband's to a father's home; - And every decent wife should fear to tread it ; The “homeing heat” wins nothing but discredit. 6O A UPUC U.S. EUBULUS, / * *A Tis ºv 6 ypdalas Tpótos évépôtrov ćpa SM Af 27 5 e A # Kmpot\aorrijo as "Epoff ÖtróTrepov ; Ös oióēv jöet T\}v xeMöóvas ypdºpetv, &\\ }v &relpos Tów Tpóirov Tów too 6eoû. sy * y * 3/ e Z 5 to Tuv yöp oëre kotºbos, oùre figövos s * a A N A âTax\ayńval tº ºpépovtt Täv vóorov, A & ^. * 2A G. 37 Af Baptis 8& kopºvěſ, trós &w of v exot tepä a * * 3. 5/ / tovo0to Tpāypºa ; \ºpos, ei kāqºmoré tus. (FR. 43.) Tpe's yūp p.6vous kpatºpas àykepavviſo as sº – a t & N e / e/ to's ei ºppovovoru Tôv påv Úyteias Šva, ty º, 2 p v 6. 8 A ov Tpotov čktuvovoru, Tov oe oevtepov 5f e * • v A 5 cy ëporos jöoväs re, Tov Tpírov 6 &twov, ey 2 A e V f 5 öv ékirtóvres oi oroqoi kek)\mpévot oikaðe Bašićovo’. § 6é Téraptos oik &rt łuérepós éort", āAA Speos' à 8& Trépºrtos 307s' A, UAE UAE U.S. 6I EU BULUS. HE who first drew or modelled Love with wings - Might paint a swallow ; but how many things In Love are different from a bird | Not light To him who bears the weight, nor quick in flight, Unmoved the imp upon his shoulders sits. How can a thing have wings that never flits? FOR sober folk three bowls alone I mix, For health, cheer, sleep ; the order thus I fix. The first they toss off; ſhaf's for stomach's sake. The next, for love and pleasure, all may take. The third, the few who are with wisdom blessed; It sends them home to bed, to take their rest. The fourth’s no longer mine : ’tis “drinkers’ bowl.” A fifth they call for ; then they shout and howl. 62 AAWAX//L.A.S. ëkros 3& kópov' &opos 8 intoTríov: ô 8 &yôoos KAntãpos' 5 6' watos XoAñs' Io 8ékatos 88 pavias, Öote kai BáA\etv Troteſ: W ^ 3. tM A • 3 * A ToMº's yop eis &v p.ukpóv dyyeſov Xuffets irookéAičev Šgota roës retrokóras. (FR. 94.) AN AXILAS. • Attortórepos et Töv kox\tów ToMA6 Távv, cy Af 5 e > 3. Af V 5. A of Tepubépovo’ it’ &Two Tías rās oikias. (FR. 34.) AAVAX/Z.A.S. 63 The sixth sends forth the party for a lark. The seventh, to fight and bear the drunkard's mark. Law-suits the eighth. The ninth breeds furious talking ; * The tenth, to rave and lose the power of walking.] Small though the bowl, much wine, if poured in neat, The head at first affects, and last the feet. A NAXILAS. WHAT move your goods because you fear attack | So the snail moves his house upon his back. * I suggest (from the context) og áX\etv Tóðas for 8d.) Xelv Troteſ, which would mean, “it makes them pelt each other with the cups.” 64 ARISTOPHON. ARISTOPHON. Kakös kakós yévout 6 yńpas 8eiſrepos ^ - .. 5 ^ V * 3 QM & ñöá • 6vmtöv 6 pºv yap Tpótos ojöèv jötket 5/ *A 3 Q\ \ º º º A. oitro yöp eióðs oitos ojov ºv. kaków éAóp/8ovev yuvoix' & 8 jotepov Āaſºv e A eis Tpointrov eiðs airóv čvé8a)\ev kaków. (FR. 5.) A R/S 7 OAA/OAV. 65 ARISTOPHON. BAD luck to him who second came to wed The first I blame not; home a wife he led Not knowing what a curse a wife might prove, What deadly feuds oft spring from miscalled love. But he who married next, in haste unwise Rushed to his fate with fully opened eyes. 66 AZEx/S. ALEXIS. Aéyeral yèp X6)os e \ a * W A * A into tôv oroquotów, pº Tétéo-flat Töv 6eów Töv "Epoto, toys 8 €póvros' airíav 8 exeuv ékéïvov &\\0s, #yvonkótas Še toſs * 3) • A. -. S -\ .* * * ypaſbeſs éxovta Trépuyas airóv Čoypadhéºv. (FR. 20.) e *A A º ‘O Tp(\tos eitröv čtv Oroquo tºs ojöé eis êu'vXov oë8év čoffſet, oroghès Tis ºv. 5 & * ey • 3 / 3 Q A cy éyò yöp #ko vov dyopdoras oë ev 3r 5 {}} 5 / - {} /* &palºvkov. ixtºs étpudpºv Tetºvºkótas * A A 2 s A. a A. peyá\ovs’ Kpećö, äpvós éortu triovos s * 3. º, / A. * 3/ f où £ºvros' oix otów te yap, Tú &\\o ; kai & / º V / - A. 3 / #Tatlov čTTöv Tpoorévoſłov. Toštov čáv A \ s/ 8etén ris à pováv tu ?, livXīv čxov, 3. • e *A V /* \ / ââukeiv Špoxoyá Kai Tapaſaivetv Tów vópov. (FR. 27.) A Z EX/.S. . 67 ALEXIS. YOUR Sophists Say, it is not Love almighty That roams on wings, but lovers that are flighty. Love wrongly bears the blame ; ’twas one who knew Nought. of his ways who first winged Cupids drew. “FLESH that hath life eat not,” Pythagoras said. I don't : those big fish from the shop were dead. I eat fat lamb, but not alive, of course; Baked liver too is sometimes a resource. If voice or life. in collops can be shown, Then I'm a cannibal, I’m bound to own 68 sº-- AJAX/S. cy \ / > 3 A. Atravta Tö, Öſtočnew ééevpío ketat, SA A * 8è V / A. © öv på trpootooths pumbè Töv Tóvov ºbiºyms cy \ e / sy A - ôtrov yop eipſkootu ävěpotrot Tuves / * A - * * 2 pépos Tu Töv 6etov too-ooro Tô TóTºp 3 y” Jy º X / Šć p attexovtes, oo Tpov etrutoAos, ovorets, Tpotas, ék\euhuv j\tov, ti Tôv kolvöv kāra) & * A. 2 º' 3/ * kai ovyyevuków Śēvatt &v čvápotov ºvyetv ; (FR. 29.) A. & º * / * SA / Iſpótepov pèv ei Tvetſoeve Boppas à vótos év tº 6a)\dºttm Aapatpés, ix60s oik &w ºv s * an * ^ * * A oščevi hayéiv. v.vvi 8& Tpôs poſs ºrvépoortv 2 / A. * A toūrous pavXXos Tpooryáyove xelpºv Tpiros' 5 & ‘A 5 Af Af A. étröv yöp Kve bias Katatyſoros Túxm 3. & 3. /* y /* y és Tāv dyopav, Točilov Tpućpºevos oixetal dépov Štrav Tó Amq,0év, Öote yiveral 3. * A. \ V e as e Af év toſs Maxóvous Tö Mottröv ipºv 7, p.6.xm. (FR. 44.) A ZAZX/S. 69 ALL things they search for those who have the mind - To persevere by toil and pains may find. Yon distant orbs that in the heavens shine, Their risings, settings, ruled by hand divine, The planets' paths, the Sun's eclipse, we know : How much more common movements' here below OF old, if north or south wind swelled the sea, Not one fish in the market would there be. Now rushes on us hurricane the third : Phayllus comes, and all the market's stirred, As down he swoops to snatch up all that's caught ; By us the battle over leeks is fought.” * Z.e. the ordinary facts and incidents of life. * We, the poorer folk, have nothing, left to quarrel about except the prices of greengrocery. 7o A ZAZX/S. ‘Ouotó #v{} ivº Tºv (bùoruv pouotatos avt/potos ouvº Tºv A a 2 3 Af \ A º * - A Tpotov tuv eqtu. Kat yop ouvov tow veov ToMA'ſ 'o'T' &váykm kai Tôv čváp &Točéoral Todturrow dºw8ptoral tº, äravóóravra è? * A /* > * A ork\mpöv yewéo-flat, trapakpāoravro. 8 &v \éyo A. e / 3. / *A 37 toūrov čaróvrov, & Topv6évra rºw &vo a 3/ 2 A. a Tatºrmv čvouav čtviroMáčovorov, tºte Af Af - * an / Tótupov yewéoróat kai karao Tºval T6Atv, jööv 6 &traoru roitíAottrow StateNetv. - (FR. 49.) > 3. Aet 8& kai Övr' éoti kal teóvnkóra Táv Tú 6a)\dºtti) troXéut juſy %mpia. SN 3. a V * ^/\? e /* àv čvatpotfi yüp TAotov, eiff, Ös y{veral, en /* Ampffi véow tus, karaterókao’ eiðéos. 3. * an a airoi T' étröv And,000ty inrö Töv ćAtéov, 6 a 5 /* * 3. A. Teflveótes étutpíðovoru Tois àvoup.évows. * S / / 3. tº ºn sy - Tms ovortas yap evolv mpov (ovuot, e A 2 - M 5 ſº \ 5 Af ô Tpućpevós Te Troxês eiffs à Torpéxet. (FR. 75.) A Z EX/S. 71 MAN is most like new wine; froth, gas, and bubble In time subside and cease to give us trouble. The crisis past, the ferment turned to scum, The heat evolved in working overcome, When wine and man their quiet states regain, Both pleasant are, both pleasant will remain. LIVING and dead the monsters of the deep As foes to man their evil influence keep. A boat's capsized : a shark is close, and swallows The wretch who helpless in the breakers wallows. He's caught by fish ; but when they’re caught by us, Dead though they be, they put us in a fuss : A. So dear are they to buy, we’ve lost our all • If once we stop to higgle at a stall. 72 A/CAEX/S. cy N f A Ootus dyopačev Troxês àv Šilov troMº, sº A. /* 3/ v as E 3. es ôtropoćpwevós re TâA\a trpès toūt’ eitopeſ, a º *A * Tijs vuktös oitos Toys &m'avtóvros Touet M ey º 5 2 / 2 8 6% yvpºvovs atravtas, ett, eTav Tus ekovº, g - rf a r", "t § 5 Tºpeiv offew eithôs év toºs ixtláortv. º 2\ > y * A \ 2 ëv &v 8 ten Tp(\tov Trévºſta kai véov \ A. 2 / 3. A Tapó, Muktovos éyxé\ets divočpºevov, s / A. 5 * A âTáyetv Moſłópevov eis to Öeopotíptov. (FR. 77.) Kai yap Éri kópov . . . divöpótov Špó a Af e * a 5. * TAñ60s Tpoorwów, Ös Tāv kaAów Te Kāyo.66w s A A. & A. A. A évôāöe ovvóvtov på yévoltó plot póvº p s *A * A vöktop & Tavrmorav Ka}\ós retpayóoruv A ipºv rept tow Bax\topºv oi yöp &v Tote e A. 3. A. V A - Af ôoipºdtvov čTrevéykaupt pººl ºpto as TTepd. (FR, IoS.) Où yéyove perú XóAova Kpeſttow oióē eis 'Aptoſtovíkov vopofférms: tá tº &\\a ydp vevopofférºke troXX& Kai Tavtoto. §§, A ZAZX/.S. 73 A MAN who buys much fish, though poor he be, While other trades his custom never see, Takes to the highway, passers by waylays, And strips their backs a market-toll to raise. Thus robbed, they early to the market hie, And on the fish-stalls keep a watchful eye. There if a shabby youth on eels intent They note, the right man straight to gaol is sent. A DRUNKEN party coming up ! To evade them I must try. My sole chance now to keep my cloak is having wings to fly. NEXT after Solon, sure I never Knew any lawgiver so clever, Or who has passed such useful clauses As this, which best of all the laws is, - 74 AZFX/S. Æ - * * 3. Af z Æ vvvi te kawvöv eior pépet Vápov tuva. * v W * / 5/ Xpvoroov, to pº troMeïv koffmp. sy / * ºpjoret pºe kpively oik Xoup àv orov ºppoſoral 5f 3. s cy 5 A êyvoka 6' oiv oitos étruo-kotočuevos, º Af / s Af cy eival pavuòöm Trávra. Tävépôtrov čAos, 3 . 8 A 8è A e ex 5 / atroomputas oe Tvyxovelv mpas aet \ * ey s A. Af Toys &vros, Öo Tep eis Tavifyvpív Tuva 3. / 5 * A V * ſ. ãºpelp wovs ék too 6avátov Kai too orkórows * * Zºº eis Tºv Statpuºv eis to pós re rooff & 8% e e- &M S’ SW A. an A / * / opopºev. os o av Taveloto, ye&00 m Koº Tú) * 2 kai Tàs ‘Abpoèttys &vtuxā87tal rôv Xpóvov a eX 3. * \ / 5 5 / / Toorov čv dºpetrat, Kai Tüx) y' épávov twós, 5 * / Travnyvpío as jötort étrºAffew oikaðe. (FR. 216.) Tooto yap vöv čott orot év taſs ‘Affiftvals Taºs KaNaſs étrixóptov: ey s a 2 3 ſº V *A sy / &Tavres àpxoovt giffès &v oivov p.6vov ãopºv tooguv. B. ovpºpopov \éyels ákpov. A. baims àv eis orvpatógvov eioreMjöv čºvo. W a & 3 A. s/ 3) A Kat Tows pºev ayevelous LO"(0S eTréOTU TUS A Z EX/S. 77 I MAY be wrong, my view of life is this : Mere craze are those pursuits which some call bliss. Life is a visit to another sphere, A change to brightness and to pleasure here From death and darkness, social joys to share, While mutual ties and friendships can ensnare. Who laughs and drinks, and Love's feasts has not lost, Goes back, and has enjoyed his visit most. ...” THE custom holds in Athens the divine For guests to dance at the mere sniff of wine. A. Dear me ! that's bad. A. You'd say so, if you went And joined a company on drink intent. In quite young men perhaps 'tis not so bad; Some pleasure from their movements may be had ; 78 A ZAZX/S. ./ y Xópts: äAA širāv 8) tow yamta Qedborov, SW & A sy & 3 / 3) Töv Tapapaorévrmy i860 Töv čváovov Bavkučápºevov to Xevkä T âvagáA\ov6 áua, * Io #8to T' &v čvaráčap' éti Too &\ov Aa36v. * (FR. 217) 2 2 * Aet y á Xalpeq6v twº eiptorkel Téxvijv. kai vov topičetat ye Tā Śeſtv’ dorſuffoXa. cy Af 5 & / / ôTov ydp &otiv 5 képapios puto 660 uplos ô toſs playetpots, eith's éé Éoffivoj éotmkev čAffdºv. Köv tom putoffo ſuevov 3. e ./ ex f f eis éortlao-wu, Toi) payeipov Tvóópevos V e * gº A. - / Töv čottövta, Tºs 6&pas Xao popévns &v étuxá8mrat, Tpótos eioreMj\v6ev. (FR. 252.) A/LAEX/S. 79 But that old wizard Thodyl to see skipping, With that lewd scamp with hand in each dish dip- ping,” With leer affected his white vest adjusting, To see #eir antics really is disgusting ! Such dancing dummies I should like to take, And make them sit upright upon a stake. OLD Chaerephon some trick is always trying, As now, to dine without his share supplying,” Early he goes to shops which cooks beset, To whom by contract crockery is let, And when he sees one choosing dishes, “Say,” He cries, “what house do you cook for to-day P” So, when the door's left gaping, he contrives To slip in as the first guest that arrives. * Theodotus. * Z. e. the parasite (nameless). - * Athenian dinner-parties were often like our pic-nics, each guest bringing his contribution to the meal. 8O AZAZX/.S. 'Qs éo tu katakeoffat Tpó Öetirvov orvpuſhopá. - º oùre yap & Twos 8 ſtrov6ev oiðév' &v A68ot, où6 &v Aéym Tis oièap,0s pºffoupev čv. e * /* a * A - p ô vods yap Éott Täs Tpattééns TAmortov. (FR. 268.) 3. / s 3/ 3 y sy W A & Oööév y Éolk' àvěpotos oivº Tºv (bùortv e - > * A. 3 Q \ p ô prev ćtoympdorkov dºs yivetat, oivov 8é tov traXavóratov O'Tovöääopew: e a * ô pºev Šákvet yap, 5 6' iAapoès ºpós Tote. (FR. 270.) A Z EX/S. 8I To lie down, pending dinner, is absurd : You cannot sleep, you cannot hear a word; At least, to understand you are less able Just when your thought is closer to the table. IN wine and man this difference appears : The old man bores you, but the old wine cheers. Men do not, like your wine, improve by age ; The more their years, the less their ways engage. 82 AXIONICU.S. IO AXIONICU.S. cy * en an 3 / A Ore too trapoortreſ v Tpótov hpāorff my perd. a- -> dºtMošévov tºs IItepvokotríðos véos ér Šv, & TAmyås intrépévov kověč\ow kai tpuſ?\tov s * * Aſ Af cy ão Töv te to p.6)effos too attas Šote pe 2 / 3. /* s * Af évíote toi)\dºxtortov čktö Tpadpata 3/ 2 ./ A. cy 3 N Af *xeuv' éAvoritéAet yap' ºrtov eipi ydp a- 58 * >y * / z Tms moowns. eTetta kav Tpotov Tuva * * z M ºs- A to Tpāypad pºol AvoriteAés etvai vevöpuka. º Af /* A. 2 * / A. Af ofov q i\epts tis éo tu koi pºdixeroſ tí pot: A v wº cy 3. 2/ p pere/30Å6pmv Tpós Toorov, Öoro tº eipmké pe kakós 6poxoyöv eifféos of 8A&Tropat. \ 3/ 2 * v 3. / A Tovmpös āv tº ei Xpmotós eivaí ‘pmori rus, 3. A a s A A êykopºldáov tootov čTé\agov Xáplv. AXIONICU.S. 83 AXIONICU.S. WHEN first I played the parasite at table, Being young, to stand rough treatment I was able, Hard blows from fists, hard peltings with the platters, Hurled bones that bruise, and every bolt that batters. Sometimes eight wounds upon me I could show ! Not all in vain; for better now I know. Of dining out I’ve given up the pleasure, And found a dodge that's turned out quite a treasure.] -- When that old Gradgrind at me Snarls and Snaps, I’m none the worse for saying, “True, perhaps.” When other rogues of their own virtues dream, I stoop to praise ; their virtues are my theme. * Viz. to become flatterer and complaisant friend in place of parasite. 84 A XZOAV/COWS. I5 'yMačkov 6eſpokös tépaxos épôöv Tijuepov 3y ey a 5 y 3. 3/ aiptov čokov toot’ exov oëk &xflopat. a's e Af 3. W e Af Af tolovros & Tpótos éotiv # ºpious Té pov. (FR. 6.) cy \ 3 M * / *A 3 z Oüro yüp Tri Tois pºéAeoru To's Eipwríðov āpººpo voorooortv, Öote TāAA’ airo's Sokéïv s / & w V Af etva, pºm yty)pavtå kai kaköv puéya.. (FR. 4.) A X/OAV/C.U.S. 85 And in return, of course, I look for pay; For such my nature is, and such my way. And if I dine to-morfow off cold mutton, To-day well feasted,—I don't care a button." EURIPIDEs they both admire, And say his strains are full of fire. All other music, on my life They think mere squeakings of a fife. * He seems to mean that he gets a good dinner now and then as a return for his flattery. TVM OCZAZ.S. TIMO CLES. ‘Ayopäv ičev etopov eitropoèvrt pºév #8worrow, &v 8 &topſ, tws &0\ldºtarov. ô yoëv Kópv6os ākāmros, Ös époi Šokeſ, 'yevópevos diſrövel Tap' airów otraße. ńv Šē Tö täffos yeMotov otwo Tétrapas m 'y AM. p XaXkoús ºxov čvápotos, éyxé\els öpów A A. A. e A 6&vveta väpkas Kapá6ovs juočía. \ a / *A V sy kai Taira Trávra pºév tepueMºv ºpero e Æ / 2. 3. A. 3. 5 W A ôtrógov, Tv6ópºevos 6 &térpex eis rās pepſ?pdèas. (FR. I. I.) 7T//l/OCZAZ.S. 87 TIMOCLES. A WELL-stored fish-shop is a sight, If purse be heavy ; not, if light. As Corydus with no one dined, To a home-catering resigned He went to market, asked the prices; “A beauty that This very nice is 1” Looked at eel, crab, torpedo, tunny, Then ended with a purchase funny Four halfpence only had he ; these Were not enough his taste to please; “What for this small one?—Too dear that And so went off and bought a sprat. 88 A EZVAA’CA/U.S. IO I5 Oi pºev troumtai Xàpós eloruv' oióē ev \ Kalvöv yöp eiptorkovo.uv, &AA& peraq,épet cy 3 ºw y 5 3/ * A. €KO.O.T.O.S. O.UTOW TOUT O.1/(A) Te KO.U. KOLTO). wów 8 ixóworroMov ºptAooroºpórepov yévos oùk Čortuv oièëv oëöè p.6XXov čváortov. -> * * 3 * 5 / 3 ºf 3 3 / ême yāp airo's oikér” or ééovorta e /* 5. a \ an an A Éaivetv (&Teipytat 8& Tooto Tô vópiº), * * 5 A 3/ A. eſs Tws fleoloruv ćxflpös àvěpotros Távv / e £3 * 3. 6% A. &mpauvouévows is eiðe toys ix60s, p.6xmv 5 /* 2 5 3. * 2 z 8 3. f e étroëno év airois ééearírmöes ei trčvv horov 8& TAmyaſ, kauptav 8 eiX mºbéval 86&as katatürret kai Autolºvyetv Soków ékelto perú Tâv ix6iſov. 80%. 66 tus, $80p $80p. § 6 eiðūs éčápas Tpóxovv * e / an * 3. y a a". töv Šporéxvøy Tus too pºèv čkapº travtex0s Af v an 3. a 2 e A. kotéxee, kata. Tøv ix{}}ov 8 &tračátrov. 57 2 SW so M s z e A. evtrous y av avtovs aptuos j\okévau. (FR. 7.) XF/VAA’CA/U.S. 89 XENARCHUS. YoUR poets are mere fools, for nothing new Can they devise; they merely change the view. Now in the fishmonger, if rogue he be, And rogue he is, -there’s true philosophy. The law prohibits “watering of fish”; But one to watch them drying did not wish. So “Here’s a fight !” the clever rascal bawls; In the sham shindy one man fainting falls Just where the fish lay. “Water, water, here ! Help, help ! he's dying of a wound severe !” A shopman in the trick has pitcher ready, And promptly pours a deluge long and steady. The wounded man gets just the smallest dash; Down on the slab the torrent falls full splash, And makes once more the dull, dry fish to shine, As if they just had left their native brine. 90 AAZZAZA/OAV. PHILEMON. Ayöpptos 8& Tapateffévros kapá6ov, s a Ös eiðev airów “xaſpe Tárta pūtate ’’ eitras—B. Ti étoilet ; A. Töv Tatépa Katijo-0wev. (FR. 41.) A º * *Ov oë8é eſs AéAmffew oióē £v Totów, §3 º A. & Śē \ {\ ovo av Toumorov, ovoe Tetrotºkos Tavau, sy \ xy 5 3/ * / 5 o > A oùre 6eós oët &vêpotos, oitós eipſ &yd, 3. A. & s/ so A V A Aſip, Öv čv Tus évopºdorete kai Aia. 3 W. 2 ex *A 3 3? 3 \ * 5 éyò 8', § {}eoû 'orruv ep yov, eup. To VToxou, évraß6 áv 'Affiftvats, év IIdrpats, év XukeNig, 3. gº A A 3. * 3 / év to is TóAegu Tào avoruv, Šv toºs oikiaws A s e - * so 3/ / traorows, ev vpavy Taoruv' ovk eotiv totros, º / > • /* e \ \ e * of pººj 'o'Tuv ‘Aſp 6 8& Topów datavroxoi, A. 2 5 s / º * / I O TOLI/T ěš avaykms otöe Tavtaxov Topov. (FR. 84.) AAAZZAZ MOAV. 9 I PHILE MON. “HAIL, father " when a crab was served, Agyr- rhius said; and rather Than such a prize should wasted be, preferred to eat his father. I AM that Being who to every deed, Divine or human, at all times gives heed. Past, present, future, round, above, below, As Air or Zeus, ’tis mine alike to know. At Athens, Patrae, Sicily, here, there, I, as a god should be, am everywhere. In all the cities and in every home, In every spot where man is free to roam, There Air finds entrance. Surely he who goes In all directions all that happens knows 92 AAIZZAZ MOAV. Tú trote IIpopºmºeiſs, àv Aéyovo’ uás TAdorat kai TâA\a trávra Čga, Tots pºèv 6mpious ë8 s c a A A z / - éðox ékáo Tºp karū yévos piav Đío w; cy e A. / 3 3/ &Tavtes oi \éovtés eiq'uv &\kupou, 5 §euxoi TáAuv ščºs Távres eioſiv oi Aayot, 3. 3/ > so z e w 3/ * / oùk éort àA&T)é à pºèv eipov tº ‘piſoel # 8 aiffékaotos, 3AX. Šáv Tptopauptas 3. A / A / A &\67Tekds Tus Orvivoyāym, piav pºoruv e *A 3/ A. 2 cy ătraşatraorèv ôletal Tpotov 6 €1/O. e an 2 ºf * M / 3. 5 *A * 3. z IO ºpov 8 OOTO. KOLL TO, oropat €OTTL TOV épuffudv 3. e / / Sh W / 3. a kaff €vós, too oitous éorti kai TpóTovs ièeiv. (FR. 85.) IIoA'ſ y' éoti Távrov čov 39Attºratov 3/ 5/ 5 A \ y ðvápotos, et Tws ééetáčot karū TpóTov. V * / z 2 * y 3 ºf Töv yöp Biow Tepiepyov eis to tróvt’ exov s * W *A ^ A *A 2 5 / ătrope. Tö TAéïorto. 8vo, TéAovs Tovel T. &et. * * v sy --- an c * Af 5 kai Tois pºèv &\\ous Tāoruv yń 0mpious e a / A 2 e / Af ékoto a trapéxel Tºv koff juépaw Tpoºjv, air) Topčovo’, où Aaſºodora Tóvu p.6\ts. AA/ZZAZ MOAV. 93 Why did Prometheus, when he formed of clay Man and all creatures, as the poets say, Why did he give to beasts, each in his kind, One nature which in all the race we find P All lions are courageous; every hare Will run and leave her form, if danger's there. 'T is not as if this fox in craft were great, This slow, that sharp, all varying in rate: Put thirty thousand foxes in one spot, You won't find some have cunning, some have not. But in the human race one always finds As many bodies, just so many minds. MAN of all creatures far most wretched is ; Right reasoning proves it: all the world is his, And all its produce ; yet to toil and slave, While other creatures free subsistence have, And kindly earth will yield them all they ask For their own needs, is his unceasing task. 94 AA/NZAZMOAV. I O * Af * juiv 8& katē Xpéos kepāXavov čktível * A. V A 2 3 Af 2 5 / Io Tô oritéppa, toys Tékovs 6 &veuptorkovo dei A Af 2 3. .* º A. s - * Tpóqaoriv Tuv' aixuāv 7 Tóxvny dToo-Tepe. \ \ & * *A - \ / A. * kai. 8) tuxāv pºèv Ště to tapéxetv Tpdypata A e a \ a, 5/ A. povovs eavrm kav Toleuw tavo kato / 3 - © a A. Af Taitºv trap ſipºv \opſłóvel Tupopúaw. (FR. 86.) Meſão to kakö. Totodoru troX\ot, 8éotroto, airo. 8 airoës Tébuke rà ºðget. º (6. e V - º A A ovov Tet/vmrey vuos m pºſtmp Tuvu, à vi) At &\\ov táv čvaykaſov yé Tws: &v påv A68m Toor’ “àTréðav’, &věpotros yöp ºv,” an , * * \ e \{ 3. too ovto yeyove to kakov jawkov Tep my. éâv 8 “à8totos é Bíos, oùk ér Šipopºat, s Af > 33 3. e * * > 2 \ º p ãTóAoA',” £v čavrò Toot’ &w orkotfi, kaká * * * º c/ A Tpós toſs Kakolow oitos étépa ovXXéyéu. e V * * / 5 e * * ô 8& Tú Xoyworpſ, Távra trap Éavrò o kotów to kaköv dºpaupe. Tâyaffèv 8& Mapſ3&vel. (FR. 87.) AA///_AEA/OAV. 95 In vain he ploughs and sows, and hopes to get From grateful earth some profit on the debt; She pays the principal, but more refuses ; A drought, a frost, the interest excuses. Perhaps, as by man alone the earth is teased, She takes this way of showing she's displeased. By their own fault men often make bad worse Than Nature left it. In that solemn hearse A son or mother's carried to the grave, Some friend, the dearest relative we have. If one but said, “A man is born to die,” His tears, resigned and patient, he would dry. But if he frantic cries, “All joys are past ! My life is gone ! This sight of him's the last !” Let him think well; these griefs are his own making; He makes bad worse by good and bad mistaking. There’s good in all things: wiser thinkers would Discount the evil and accept the good. * The amount of the seed sown, but no more. 96 AA/V/L/2A/OAV. ‘Ael Tô TAovréïv orvpºpopas ToMAös éxel, A 2 3 A. A. W * A q66vov tº éirópeudv Te Kai pºoros troMá, Tpáypºatã Te Tox\a kāvox\ifforets pupias, A * Tpóéets te troXXàs a v\\oyás re too Bíov. f * 5 Évretta pºetà Toot’ eiðūs eipéðm 6aváv, âAAots kata)\eſpas eis Tpwºjv Tijv oſſoríav. ey * öffew révéo 6at pºov jöéos éxo, 5? A s / *A A. éxeuv te pérpta Kāpāpupwov čºv Biov, V / > 3/ a A. A. A kai pºſt exeuv TAoûtów pie pºſite Tpdypato' Io Tàs yop Tévns àv preyóAo kepèaivet kakó. (FR. 89.) A. *Q Tptopakápto. Távra kai TptoróAgua \ /> º 5 3? & Af A. Tô 6mpſ', ois oik &ott trepi Toſtov \óyos' 3/ > 3. Sf 3 QM & 5 a sy oët’ eis éAeyxov oióèv airóv čpyetat, sy 2. 5/ * > 3. A 3. 3. so * A oğt’ &AAo ‘rotoor oiöév čo T' airto's kaków 3. - f' cM 3 SW 5 A A 5 Taktów, §v 8 &v eio evéykmtav böguv ey s v w / a 3/ &Koo Tov, eúðūs kai vápov toºtmv ćxet. * 2 /* - * A. } jue's 6' 38totov Čºpºev čvápotov Bíov: ôovXeiſopey 66%atoruv, eúpóvres vópous, PHILEMON. - 97 WEALTH ever brings its ills, and those not few. Some envy, some abuse and hate it too. Trouble, annoyance, meet one without end, Extortions here, there gifts to help a friend, Who, as you soon find out, has left a will To make some other rich man richer still. Thus modest means, with life devoid of care, Are better far than with the rich to share Wealth's high estate, with all its plagues and pains. Your poor man's evils may to him be gains. HAPPY the animals they do not bother Their heads about this question and another; None make inquiries, none need take the trouble To prove that black is white, or single double. No self-inflicted woes, no cares have they ; All their own nature, their own laws obey. We mortals live a life not worth the living, To laws and politics attention giving, 98 …” AA/V/LA2A/OAV. IO Tpoyóvovorºv, Škyóvotoruv. oik ort’ &TotvYéïv a 3. • Kakov, Tpó flooruv 8 &ei Tuv' éčevpío kop'ev. (FR, 90.) 'Avēp 8tratós éo-ruv oix à paſſ 38tków, &AA’ 60tts &öuke'v Švvápºevos pº) 3otºetov: où6 Ös to pukpó, Aap/8&vely āTéo Xero, d\\ 8s to peyd'Ao kaptepet pºſſ Aapſ?&vov, 3/ / v an s / éxetv čvvápévos kai Kpateſv. čámpios' 3 Q3 ºf a / *A A. où6 Ös ye taúra. Tävra övatmpel pávov, âAA’ 60tts &8oNow yumorſaw tº èxov (bùoruv eivat 6ikatos koč Šokéïv eivat 6é\et. (FR. 92.) ‘Eyð row &ypôv iatpov čAeAñffety &ov: A & ^ ey s an / Tpépet yap oitos do Tep dippoo Toivrá pe. a - V A. 5/ 2 */ ortrápua pukpā, Tpostpépov oivov 6' 60-ov 2. v A N / ôopºv, Aaxávov tº dei tu kai vi) Tov Aſa \ * * 3 s / p a 5 Tà Terpaio Tavrº Šilićpua, Tóttrapuv, 0.jpov, AA/ZZAZ MOM. 99 For sons providing, pedigrees unwinding, Yet some excuse for worry always finding. NOT “honest” he who weakly does no wrong, - But he who will not do it when he's strong ; Nor he who timidly resists small gains, But who from great, though safely held, abstains; Nor who from rules of casuists derives Pedantic virtue, but who ever strives, With disposition guileless and sincere, Honest to be, not merely to appear. My farm, I’ve now found out, my needs supplies, As to a patient whom to cure it tries: A bit of bread, just wine enough to smell, Some greenery, my doctor's bill to swell And make a relish,_capers, leeks, a store Of tough asparagus, -and nothing more, IOO AAIZZAZ MOAV. 3. f 5 & $–- - W f A éatrópayov, airó, Taira Kai 8éðouka pºſſ A. 5 2 / Af \{av čtvo Xvaivov pe Towiat) verpóv. (F.R. 94). e A. * & * A ſlº cióvèg Çow Kox)\{ws v iſ 1 UV Öeūv. ef * otov Tovmpq) Teputréorm tº yeſtovt, & º sy 3. ey /* - Tow oukov opas eus etepov tropewetal, / S’ 3. A & \ A. 3 / vepetal ðpºpupſwos toūs kakoës ºbeiſyov čeſ. (FR, Io4.) * 3. * gº Tú trot' éotiv ćpo 8tóru BoöAerai p' ibéïv; SA A. e * 3. * A ?) kaffairep of vooroëvres àAyoovres ordóðpa, M A 3. Töv iaTpóv &v £800-lv, oùk &Ayodo’ &rt, ey s Af A / oùtos, étrév tis Tvyxóvil Aviročpevos, º a / > y #Trov č8vvărat, ºptAow éâv trapóvt’ tom; (FR. Io9.) * A. * Z * Th yń 8aveiðelv Kpelrtóv čo Tuv # 8potoºs, cy Z 848 sº A A 7tus tokows ovo00-w ov Avrovpºevm. (FR. 145.) PHILEMON. 'IOI Grown on the rocks; 1 and now I’m in a fright The cure will kill by diet that's too light. A HAPPY creature is your snail indeed Just where he pleases he can live and feed. And if a neighbour gives him any bother, With house on back he moves off to another. WHY does he want to see me? Is it As sufferers, on the doctor's visit, Are oft relieved from sharpest pains, And each his wonted ease regains, That so a visit from a friend Brings grief from troubles to an end ? * BETTER that land should borrow” than a friend; To ask for interest does not land offend. * Montami asparagi. Juv., Sat, Xi. 69. * I.e. seed and labour. - IO2 w AA/ZZAZA/OAV. Tà éortuv Ó 6eós of 6é\et ore pavóóvetv. ãore/8eſs Tov oë 6é\ovta pavóóvely 6é\ov. (FR. 186.) Geów vöpuče kai oré8ov, Čítel 8& Wift. TAeſov yap oièèv &\\o too &mtéïv éxels. ... y > y y 2 sº 3/ & A a eit’ &otiv eſt' oik &otu pº 8otſ\ov paſſelv, e Sy a - \ A 3. 5 M / Ös Övro Tootov koi tropóvt del oré8ov. (FR. II 2.) / a 3 × & so / 3. A Aukaváratov Krſip Šotiv čvépôtrous aypos" º e öv # biots 8eirai yüp Tupex0s ºpépét, Twpoſs, Aatov, oivov, to X680s, pºéAw: & 2 3 A. 3 5. * cy / tà 6 &pyvpópot' éotiv # re Topºpa s * * 3y y) 2 s 3. V A eis Toys Tpay98oës eißer', oùk eis Töv 8tov. (FR. I 15.) IIoMAákus éxov Tus oiöé tovaykaſa vöv 3y 3. Af 2 cy e A / aiptov ćità oðrmo', Öote Xàtépovs Tpépelv. AAZZZAZ MOAV. IO3 GOD will not that His nature you should know. To seek this is irreverence to show. BELIEVE in God, revere Him; but beware Of asking what He wills not to declare. Whether He is or is not, do not try To learn : adore Him as God ever nigh." THE fairest profits land to man doth yield ; All that he needs he gets him from the field : Wheat, oil, wine, honey, figs, each tree and herb. Purple and plate make actors 3 look Superb. ONE who can scarcely feed himself to-day Gets rich to-morrow, and could feed a score : * An interesting comment on the ancient agnosticism, and the Ayvajo ros Geós of Acts xvii. 23. * Z.e. are fit only for the stage. Literally, “ your silver trinkets and purple are well suited to tragic actors, not for (real) life.” - IO4. AA/V/LEMOAV. W e ‘A A ~ / y ©moroupów eipów orijpepôv Tus aiptov ey 9 * 5 / 2 / ãTavra. Tak Tris oikias diróAeorev. (FR. I 16, 117.) v A A w e Af Af M3) woufférel yápov6 ápaptăvovrá Twº 8évôpov traXavov petaqvreiſelv 8to ko)\ov. (FR. 151.) A * 5 / Oi ºpt)\óoroſpot ºntoão-w, Ös drijkoo, \ A / 3. s * ^ 3. an Af Tept Toord tº airtois troXi's diva)\ootat Xpóvos, A 5. 3. A. S. QN \ º cy A tí Éotw dyadév, koúðé eſs eipmré to A 2 J 2 V * / A Af ti éo Tuv. opetºv koi ºppov,70-iv foot, kot A. ea 5 Aéyovoſt travta påAAov 3) tú Tâyofföv. 5 2 *A / / * p 2 f év Gypº 8watpiftov Tiju Te yńv okdºrrow éyò vöv eipovº eipſum 'o-riv. & Zeo påTate, tºs étaq poètrov kai ºptXavěpátov 6eoû. A e A. * * /* yápovs, éoptás, ovyyevéïs, Tatēas, ‘pivovs, aw e A * s e A. Io TAoûrov, Šytetov, qºrov, oivov, jöovºv, ey W aúrm Ötöworv Taira Trávt’ &v čk\írm, y arº * e aº A. /* téðvmke Kovvi, trós 6 Tóv Čávrov 8tos. (FR. 67.) AA/V/LA2A/OAV. IO 5 Another finds a treasure on the way ; To-morrow all he found is gone,—and more. PREACH not, when frailties in old men you see : Old stumps are not transplanted easily. PHILOSOPHERS, I hear, much time will spend In seeking what “good" is ; and yet no end Seems near : some “virtue,” others “wisdom,” say: But what “the good" is ignorance display. I’ve found it out by living on my farm ; There I can dig in peace without alarm. Peace what a kindly, gentle goddess she What festive doings in her reign we see Feasts, marriages, relations, children, friends, Health, wealth, bread, wine, delight that never ends ; If such joys fail, with nothing left instead, The very life of those who live is dead. IO6. A/7ZZAZA/OAV. **H Tou Tovmpóv čo Tuv čvépôtrov pºorts \ º: Tô orévoxov oi yüp &v Tot' éðeſ|{}) vápov. sy * Olet to Tów &\\ov 8taqbépelv 0npíov y 6 º Śē W })\\ö Af avºpotov ; ovoe pukpov awaa, oxmpatu- TAdy, a ti TâA\a, Tooro & 3póðv 6-ſpíov. (FR. 2, 3.) Oük &v Aaxi, Tus pukpóv, Čorri kóapatos, 5 KNº º A 2. 5 * *e ," * où8 &v Tropečntai Tws eis Tāv yijv BAétrov ô 6 Aikov pºev ji biſorus $épel Maxów, 8è a's S’ 3/ O º A Awmoev Totov O acrxmpov, ovtos Koopatos. (FR. 5.) 2 * / 3 / * * 3 / Epwoo yop Éotu Köpuos pév eis divºp, Z V \ * A > 3/ y Toštov Šē kai orod puptov tº d\\ov vápos, e A Af zºn A / * étépov tápovvos, Tów Tupovyotºvtov ºpógos 800Aot 300 Wéow eioſiv, 6 6ao Wei's 6-67, 2 A en cy ô 6eos &váykms. Távra ö, äv okoTffs, 6\os * 2 º' A. &répcev trébukev #TTov", Öv če pºetſova, * / 5 / toūrots &váykm tatto. ôovXeiſelv čeſ." * Z.e. rā, jirraw öov\eče. Toſs pºet; oort. (FR. 31.) AA/V/L/2//OAV. Io'7 MOST, men are bad by nature ; form alone And shape from other creatures makes them known. Man walks erect; the beasts go on their paws; If man were good, he would require no laws. NOT talking little, nor a gait demure With eyes cast down, good morals doth assure ; He who talks modestly as suits his years, With modest action, good to all appears. My master calls me his ; but him, and all,— Myself and thousands more, the laws enthral. By tyrants some are held ; themselves by fear; Kings rule on earth, but from the heavenly sphere Gods direct kingly actions day by day; But gods themselves Necessity obey. Look round ; in everything the law's the same ; The stronger o'er the weaker mastery claim. § y Io8 MAEAVA AVADA2A’. MEN ANDER. y e a * Epyov eipelv ovyyevº Trévºſtós éorw: oióē eſs yop Ópoxoye? * Af aúró Tpooráketv Töv Bom6eias tuvós A. s a N cy & 8 * Seópevov aireſoróat yūp àpa tº Tpoorðokó. (FR. 7.) * e ‘A V an A. O Tp(\tos épěv Švarpoºjv Trox6 Téxvnv ToMAoûs érotmorev 39Atovs' ét}\otiv yap ºv \ N A gº 3. A s * Töv pº 8vvápºevov čºv čAſtros & Toffavéïv. (FR. 19.) A. y IIávros pºeffigorovs toys éputépous a & / cy 5. A troveſ to Bučávrov. ÖAqv távopºev Tºv viſkra övő, orè kai ordóðp &Rpatów pot Sokó. S. A. * A V 5/ ðvío rapat yotiv Tétropos kegha)\&s éxov. (FR. 67.) MEAVA/V/OAA’. IO9 MEN ANDER. FEw poor men have relations; ’tis a task To find the kinsmen of the class who ask. For, once allow the claim, in troops they come, With hat in hand, “Is Mr. A. at home 2 ” WHO taught the beggars' art, by alms to live, To thousands lasting wretchedness did give. For if in poverty in vain we try Ourselves to keep, 'tis simpler far to die. THAT wine of yours to queer sensations leads ! I thought, this morning, I had got four-heads. I IO MAZAVAAWZOAA’. * a * /* 3. s Oö 8e7 8tagoNºs karaqpovéiv, où8 &w ordóðp fi levöffs: étrioſtavt’ aičávetv airffv twes, 8t' oils ºvXátteorffat Tö totadt' épôós éxet. (FR. 88.) e 'Aypov eige/3éo repov yeopyeºv oëöéva oipov ºpépet yūp Öora 6eois àvöm Kaxd, kittöv, Šáq.vmv. kpuff&s 6 &w ortreſpo, Távv ðikatos àv čTéðox Šoras &v kata/36Age. ~ - (FR. 96.) ‘Ayafföv tí pºol yávotto, toxifrupol. 6eoſ. e a - * e / A an an intoğolſuevos Tov ipºdvta yöp tºs 8ečvás épſłóðos & Téppmé. B. eikóros, 3 ºffvoghe, oratpos yap ºv, or òe pukpoxóyos àp of 6é\ov V A. katvös trptoo.6at. (FR. I 10.) *Q ſhºtdºrm yń pâtep, Ös orepºvěv orghööp' et toſs votiv čxovo v Krºpa Tox\od T &átov. * * QN ºn 3 5. * sy / / Ös 87t' éxpºv, et Tis Tatp%av Tapa)\oſłów A/AEAVA/VDAA’. I I I DESPISE not idle gossip : some there are Who strive to make bad worse; of such beware. My farm is “truly pious ”. All such things As please the gods in fruits or flowers it brings. Most honest too; for barley when I sow, . It says, “Take back precisely what I owe.” " SAVE me, ye gods, from ill luck's stroke The latchet of my right shoe broke, An evil omen I may it end In good, and no new woe impend “Well, it was rotten ; make no bother ; You were too mean to buy another.” I would that he who eats up his estate Might all his life be voyaging at sea. * Z.e. it returns me no profit. II 2 MEAWAAVADAEA’. * yńv kataqbāyou, TAeſv Toorov #öm Övö TéAovs, kai pum? Tugaivetv yńs, iv. of ros jo'6eto ofov trapaxoſłów &yoffèv oëk épeto ato. (FR. 338.) Ataq,épet Xapeſhövros oióē ypt ðvápotos éo-tus éotiv, Ös k\móeſs Tote eis éotiaoruv 808ekáTroöos," Öpffptos A & / sy s \ 5 p Tpès Tºv orexiv)w &rpexe tºw orkuāv ióów e e A \ * cy 3 e A. Ös to Tepičov, koi trapºv ćp ºpepº. (FR. 353.) 3. * -> gº A. AtroMet pie to yévos. p.) Aéy, ei ºbt)\eſs épé, gº 3 ſ 3 e / & / º º * A' pºtep, Ég ékáorrø to yévos. ois àv Tij ‘bio-et 3. * e A. v 3. an / &yoffèv štápxm pºmºv oikeſov Tpoorów, 2 * / 5. * A ékéſore Kato.{ei} yovo.uv, eis Tà pºvăpata \ * A. 3. * / & A. ey 5 kai Tô yévos, Čpuffuodorív re toys tattous āorov 2 * º * cy où8čv 8' xovoru TAeſov, où8 épé’s Ötº 3. 3 M A © a \ 5 A. 3 y ovk evow traºrtov tros yop eyevvot av Trote ; 3. * 2. 8’ 3/ Af 8 /* ei pº Aéyetv 8 exovoſt točTovs Suá tuva * Z.e. “at noon" (by the dial). MAEAVA/V/O EA’. II 3 So would he learn, dear mother Earth, how great His folly, and how much he owes to thee. “WE dine—pray, mind a little after noon, Timed by the dial; do not cause delay.” Not to be late, he counted by the moon, Set off at night, and came at break of day. DON'T talk of birth and family; all those Who have no natural worth on that repose. Blue blood, grand pedigree, illustrious sires He boasts of, who to nothing more aspires. What use long ancestry your pride to call P One must have had them to be born at all ! And those who have no pedigree to show, Or who their grandsires were but scantly know, I II.4. A/A2AWAAV/OEA’. IO IO tótov peta}oXºv 7) ht\ov ćpmuíav, A * /* 3 M A. tí Töv \eyóvrov eioſi 8voyevéo Tepot ; & ty *A º \ ‘5. * A \ 3. Aſ ës āv et yeyovës m tº ºptſoev Tpès Tāyaffä, SA i{}{ 1, 3. a 5/ s A. ków Aiffio, m, pºtep, ortly eiyev'ſs. (FR. 519.) "A V Č6’ sy A Tavta to gº eo tv pakapuotepa kai votiv čxovta påAXov čvěpátov troXº. * 3/ & e- 57,0- a A. Töv Óvov Ópav čeo tv Tpúto Tovtovi. * 8 A 3. M e A oitos kakoëaiuov čotiv Špoxoyoupévos. A. N 2. e & 3 Q\ \ A toūrº Kaköv 8 airów oë8év yiveral, & 8 fºots 8éðokev airó, Tair' Xel. e * W. M * s y an jue's 8& Xopis Tów &vaykalov kaków so M 3. & e- eſ Af oirot Top airóv čtepa Tpoo topičopew. X A. 6’ 2\ Af *A y an varovpºet av Trapm Tus, av elarm kakos ðpywópºeff, &v ión Tus évôtviov ordóðpo. A ‘poſłońuet", āv y\ačá čvakpáym Sečotkopey, ăyovía, 86&at, ºbt)\otipiat, vépot, cy * 2 5 / * Af A. O.7TOLT/TO. T.O.UT étríðeto. Tſ) ºptio’ev KO. KOL • (FR. 520.) MAEAVA/VD EA’. II 5 From change of homes or lack of friends at need, And so have lost all record of their breed, Are not more “low-born" than your men of blood; A nigger’s well-born, if he makes for good AZL brutes created,—count them if you can,— More happy are and have more sense than man. See here's a donkey first ; all say, Poor thing ! And yet no troubles from himself do spring. He only bears the hard lot that nature gave ; But we besides self-centred evils have. Should some one sneeze, we’re vexed ; if words are said That sting, we're angry; a bad dream we dread; A hooting owl will fill us with affright ! Such follies make not nature's burden light, For thus we are weighted with imported ill; Laws, strifes, and party views our cup of misery fill. II6 MAEAVA/VZOAA’. ‘O Távro BovX76els &v čvápotos troveſv A. 5 SA Af A f A Távt’ &v yévotto: TAoûortos TpóTov twd. A TáAlv ht)\óoropós tuvu pathjoret xpd pºevos' ^ a 3 e A *A A. A Tô oróp' tºywaivet Tuvö, 8tautav Tpoorºpépov. * ty * 2 5 QN / º 3/ TAïv čv Tu Töv távrov ć8üvotov ºv ćpo. e * 2 º A s A. eåpeºv, 8t’ of Tpétrov tus oi Avrijoretou. 3. \ \ * A & * s: / ow yap to pºm Tpattetv Kato vovv exel povov * A / Aérºv, trapéxel 6° ſppovrièas kai Tâyoffé. (FR. 52 7.) Melparvov, où pot katovoeſv Šoké’s Ött e V * 3 Q A c/ /* / 5Tö täs ióíos ékao to kakios o-ſtretat, \ / \ A. 2 ºf s/ 8 kai Trévra to Avpauvépcev” &otiv čvöoffev. º $ ... X > / 2A * & 8 A ovov o 'pºev tos, av OrkoTús, to Ortomptov, 3. * N A to 6 ipºdtvov oi oºres, § 8& 6ply to ŠćAov. cy. ^ ^ A * * A A à èë to käktorov Tów kaków Távrov, p.66pos * A & A w an q6wo-trov Tetroimke kai Tovſjoret Kai Tovel, * an A ilvX's Tovmpás 8voyev)s trapdoºroots. (FR. 528.) MAEAVAM/DAA’. - I 17 TAKE but the trouble, and you may succeed In all you try for, and get all you need. No doubt, your first desire is for wealth ; Well ! there are ways to riches, wisdom, health. Buy this, learn that, take food that suits: from grief Alone, alas ! you cannot find relief. Not only thwarted hope our patience tries, Our very blessings bring anxieties. YOUNG man, look round you, and mark well, I pray, How each thing suffers by its own decay. Rust spoils the iron, moths your garments fret, E’en grubs destroy the timber they beset. So envy, that worst canker, saps the heart Diseased, and makes it play the low-bred 1 part. It kills, a secret prowler on Our peace, Has ever killed, to kill will never cease. * Reading Övo’yevils for Övage6'ſs, “godless” or “impious,” the point of which is not clear. The poet seems to say that envy destroys all fair judgment and generous appreciation of conduct and motive in others. II8 A/EAWAAVZ) EA’. 3/ * 3. * 3 3 / s Af Eitep Tov čğukoúvt’ &opºvos pºveto eſ e a A A ékaotos juſov kai ovvmyovíčeto, s/ A. 3/ º N / toos vopičov ièvov eival Tô yeyovós #8á A A. #AA%X. * aoukmpa, Kat ovve"Tpattopaev aa/vmaous Tukpas, so 2\ 3 v a *A * e ea 3y 5 oik &v éiri TAeſov Tó kaków juïv máčeto w * * s * A Tô Töv Tovmpôv, &AA& Tapatmpoëpwevot * a * 5/ a kai. Tvyxávovtes às éðel tup.opias 57 A $8 3 SW º º A àtol orträvlov orghööp &v Žorov i Tetravpuévot. (FR. 531.) / "Eveyk druxtav Kai BA68mV eio Xmpévos. • 2 >/ 3. * an 3f so 3/ toūr £o Tuv čvöpós votiv čxovtos, oùk &vo ăvao Táo as tus Tös āqīpūs olpºol. XaAeſ, s 3 cy A 3. e an A > 5 * a âAX 8s to y' airrod Tpdypat' éykpatós pépet. (FR. 547.) Köv ordóðpa oraq,ós eiðffs tu, Tov kpóttovrá ore p.m3étot' éAéyéms' 660 kokov Tpôyp’ or yap & Åavóóvelv Tws BoöAerot Taijt’ eiðval. (FR. 562.) MAEAVA/VD.A.R. I 19 IF each not less severe on crime should be, And thought my wrongs touched him as well as me ; If all indignant were, and took a part To put down villainy with all their heart;-- This pest would never spread. A watchful eye And ready retribution we must try For guilt : thus let it be our common care, If not to stop, at least to make it rare." BEAR with good grace ill luck and wrong. 'Tis not good sense, nor courage strong, To knit your brow and cry Oh, dear / But to face these without a tear. PRESS not a friend his secret to reveal, Nor seek to know what he would fain conceal. More, if he chose, you're sure that he could say ; Facts to extort is no kind part to play. * The tyranny of “national leagues” had not been invented when this wise advice was given I 2O MAE/VA/VZD EA?. "Otav étepós orot pumöè èv vrAéov 8w86, 8é#at rô puóptov too AaſBeiv Tyàp punôè év tô Aaßétv #Aatrov TAetov âorrow orov troAiſ. (FR. 563.) "w / Oö8èv ôto/BoAijs éorruv éarttrovótepov. v zo e 2 s / e A7 tnv ev etepop yap keupwevmv oploºpt tav 3et prépalov i3tav aütöv êtrávaykes Aaßeiv. (FR. 568.) 'Epwè ô dövketro vrAoûorvos kat jui) Tévms- e A Ar V Ar (8 5gov bépetv yàp kpeutróvov tvpavvioo. (FR. 586.) 2TV N ren V rºn 3 ey '- A7 Eûv kakos pov Tijv yvvoix oöro Aéyns, v / A "N A V ºo M res töv wratépa kai orè Toùs te oroùs éyo TAvvſo. (FR. 591.) “O an e e" SA 43, (9 A orvvtortopov ovtſp Tt, kav ?) poorvTotos, e A 5 N / 's, an T) O"UVeOTUS OLUTOV 8etAótorov (EUVOLU TOUGL. (FR. 6o5.) Al/A2/VAAV/DAEA’. I2 I IF stingy donors have no more to spare For distribution, take the allotted share, And be content ; to get less than you ought For you is better than the getting nought. SCANDAL from self-sought toil is never free ; At ease the slanderer can never be. From other's shoulders, when a fault lies there, He shifts it, and the load himself must bear. YoUR petty tyrant's insolence I hate ; If wrong is done me, be it from the great. IF you continue to abuse my wife, I’ll slang your father, friends, and—your own life. THE bravest man a trifle may appal, For “conscience doth make cowards of us all.” I 2.2 º MEAWAAV/DEA’. Tö peo80s ioxêv Tſis àAngelos éxel 3 / , / \ A. 5/ êvãote petéo Kai Tiffavorépaw öXAq). (FR. 596.) Oör' ék Xépôs pºeffévra kaptepov Affov e rº * 5/ > 3. ^ A / §§ov Katao Xéïv, oùT' dºró y\60 orms Aéyov. (FR. 607.) "Eattv Šē pºſtmp bºčTekros pāAXov tatpós' # pºev yap airms otöev viðv, § 6' oietal. (FR. 631.) Oüöéirot' àAm6és oièëv oë6' vić Tarſip 3/ 2 5 * 3/ 5 5 * s f eloff' àTeixeiv oët póv epopevil. (FR. 636.) e / ^ \ 3. * a O Tpokatayuvoorkov 8è Tpuv OLKOUOTOLU, Oraq,0s \ / a ačTós Tovmpós éo Tu Tuotetſo as Kakós. (FR. 609.) "Ootus otpatmyeº pº otpatvöTys yevópºevos, º e Af 5 ºr / * / oitos ékatóp/8mV ěčáyet toſs troMepiots. (FR. 613.) MEAWAAVDA.R. I23 A LIE has often, I have known before, More weight than truth, and people trust it more. A STONE your hand has flung you can’t recall, Nor words of malice that your tongue lets fall. MoRE love a mother than a father shows: He thinks this is his son ; she only knows. FATHERS' and lovers’ threats no truth have got. They swear dire vengeance,—but they mean it not. HE who decides before he knows the case In fi in holding wrong belief is base. CAPTAINs who soldiers’ practice do not know Lead hecatombs for slaughter to the foe. I24 . MAZAWAAV/O AER. Növ 8 ºpt &m oikov Tóvöe rºw yuvaika yap Tºv ord ºppov of 86. Tās Tpixas &avöös trouéºv. (FR. 652.) Kpetrov ydp &otiv, &v okotri, Tus karū, Adyov, pº) tróAA’ &möós, òMyo. 6 jöéos éxely, Tevfav T' &Avrov påA\ov 7, TAoûrov Tukpóv. (FR. 579.) T} a 3 y * #A %9 * o yopºeuv, eav Tus tºw avnvetov okotri), * Af 2 3. 3. s * g A. kaków pºév čottv, &AA &vaykaſov 'kaków. (FR. 624.) Oük Čorruv oióèv ć6Atórepov Tatpós, º & eſ *\ A A / TAïv ćrepos &v TAetóvov traßov Tatóp. (FR. 629.) Tapeſv kekpukóra Śe? ore yuv6orkelv, 3rt A. A dyadov påy Éets, &v \68ms pukpov kaków. (FR. 621.) MAEAVANDER. I25 BE off these shams of golden tresses spare ; No honest woman ever dyes her hair. BETTER to have, if good you rightly measure, Little with joy than much that brings not pleasure, Scant means with peace than piles of anxious treasure. MARRIAGE, if truth be told (of this be sure), An evil is—but one we must endure. WRETCHED is he that has one son; or, rather, More wretched he who of more sons is father. THINK this, on marriage when your mind is set : If the harm is small, 'tis the chief good you’ll get. 126 A/A2AWAAV/O AEA’. Tô peyd Aa képôm figãos ?) TAovoſtovs •A * / - A W * toys Tapaſ}6\os TAéovros ?) verpot's Touet. (FR. 616.) Aoû9 yevouévy, 800Ae, bovXeſov hoſłoń. āpavmpovet yap taipos épyńo as Čvyot. (FR. 668.) 3. a's A *Av kakov čxm tus orópa Kai ilvXīv kakºv, ^ 57 * \ A Af ka)\}v éxel voiv Kai Kv3epvijtmv kaków. - (FR. 685.) Mvorràptów orov på kareírms tº ºbā9, koi pº poſłmóñs airów exºpov yewópevov. (FR. 687.) ‘O Aotöopów Töv Tatépa 8vo ºffpº A6 y? Töv eis to 6etov čkpºeNetà BAaorºmptov. (FR. 688.) "O Tów yeopyöv jöovåv čxel 6tos, * s A - 3 V f to is éAttoruv táAyetvö Tapapºv6oſpevos. (FR. 693.) A/AFAWAAV/OAA’. 127 GREAT gains, to those who ocean's dangers brave, Bring fortune quickly, or a watery grave. SLAVE not for one who has been himself a slave ; Steers, loosed from ploughs, of toil small memory have. A HANDSOME person, with perverted will, Is a fine craft that's handled without skill. LET not a friend your cherished secrets hear ; Then, if you quarrel, you've no cause for fear. esmºs---------- WHO makes a father's faults his odious theme, Against the gods is learning to blaspheme. A FARMER's life is pleasure mixed with pain The loss he ever cheers by hope of gain. I28 MAEAVA/VOAA’. 'Qs kpeſtrów £ott öeo Tótov Xpmoto'o Tvyetv •N * * v * 3. A § {ºv tatretvös kai kakós é\eißepov. (FR. 698.) "O pº yéA010s dºws Köv iſ yeMºos, airoo yéAotos Tébuke katáye\os." (FR. 7oo.) Nópos ºvXax9sis oióév čotiv vôpos, ô pº ºbvXax6eis kai vápos kai Öſipuos. -- (FR. 670.) ey A V A /* \ /* Otav Aéyms pèv troXXá, pavóóvils öé prá, Tô orów Śvēdào's Toipov oi patów ore. (FR. Too.4.) * * A 'Eöv ćyô Đô vöv čxely 6aktmpiav * Af A 5/ V A - Xpvorºv, ti plot o'epºvčTepov čo Tav Tó &\ov ; s v º *A V A s A âAm6&s éival be to orepºvów, oi kevóv. (FR. Ioos–I oo::) * Perhaps karayéAws Trépuke 6%. MAEAVA/V/OAZR. I29 BETTER a kindly master's slave to be, Than poor and abject, boasting you are free. A JOKE without a point, inane and bald, Itself a joke on joking may be called. To say that law is only law is rash. Break it ; you’ll find that it can ply the lash. WHEN you speak long, but to hear me decline, You are teaching me your view, not learning mine. IF I should say, “This stick is made of gold,” Would you believe it just because you're told P The stick you prize not higher from my word : Tall talk that is not true becomes absurd. I3O AN/AAH// U.S. DIPHILUS. 3. / > s * 6 * •A 5 / Q pakópt", āTuxeſv tºwn rôs àv éirío rooro, cy 5 5 & 3. *A * A iv airã Távaykaio. 8vo, Tv)(fis pévov, TAeto è 8vo. Tºv ćpaffiav på Tpoor\é6ms. <- (FR. 4.) "Otav pºe ka)\éon TAoûortos 8eſirvov trouſov, s * * * a * 3 Q A. * a où katavod) to Tp(y\vd, oióē Tös otéyas, où8& Sokupºğſo toys Koplvöious káčovs, s * * an an A. v / &Tévès 8& Tºpó too payeipov Tów katvöv. 5 kāv pºèv orghoopós hepāpºevos eis &p6öv Tpéxi), / V z A / yéymöa kai Xaipo tu kai Trepúttopal' &v 8& TAdytos kai Aetrós, eiðéos voº ôtt Toord plot to Setú vov &AA’ oi6 aip. xet. (FR. 58) D/PA/LU.S. I3 I DIPHILUS. LEARN, mortal, learn thy natural ills to bear : These, these alone thou must endure; but spare A heavier load upon thyself to bring By burdens that from thine own follies spring. WHEN I am asked by some rich man to dine, I mark not if the walls and roofs are fine, Nor if the vases such as Corinth prizes,— But solely how the smoke from cooking rises. If dense it runs up in a column straight, With fluttering heart the dinner-hour I wait. If, thin and scant, the Smoke-puffs sideway steal, Then I forebode a thin and scanty meal. I32 AX/AEA/ZZO/S. Oök Čort Bíos és oix kéktmrat Kaká, Xù Af e A. f A. A A. & *Tas, peptuvas, diptroyás, ortpé8Aas, v6orovs A e f / 3. A .* Af toūtov 6 6&vatos kaffdºtep iotpos pavels S / t • * 3. Af cy âtéAvore Tois Éxovtas āvaraíſo as ūtvq?. (FR. 86.) 3. “Hv oëö 6 ºratºp qíMorew oióetróTote, 5 * N sy e A 3. Aſ trap' is Tów &ptov i Këov of Åap/8&vel, / --- 5 ºf ey * * Af pé\alva 6' oitos &ote kai trouéïv okótos. (FR. 87.) D/AAH// U.S. I33 THERE is no life that hath not many an ill, Griefs, losses, cares, disease, new torments still, From which death only, that physician blest, Sets free the sufferer and gives him rest. So plain is she, her father shuns the sight: She holds out bread; no dog will take a bite. So dark is she, that entering a room Night seems to follow her, and all is gloom. I 34 A PO/L/CO/OOR U.S. APOLLODOR US. 'ATpaypovos Óv jöö. pakáptos Bios v / SA 6. 5 e / 5 z kai orepavós, òv fi pºeff Étépov ćtpaypºvov- év tºmptows 8& Kai Tuffākows Śvra öé. eival Tíðmkov. & Taxattépov Biov. (FR. I.) cy f *S* v s a 3 N. P. Ote pºetpd Klow ºv, toys dºpovs j\éovy, & 2 */ f 3. * sy vvvi 6 &tav yépovros ékºpopov too, Aſ v 3 V A 3. a 3 2 *A 2 sy" k\do Tpos épè yºp ort toot', kelvo 8 ot. (FR. 4.) - y -- * *A M?) kataqipóvel, PvNºv', 660V yepovtuków, º >} s * * º 3/ >f ois Évoxos, eis Tó yńpas àv éAffms, Čoret. &\\0 p.6 ya toû6' oi Tatépes j\attépeta. e * A > p 3. 2 / v an ipleſs pºèv Övetētorat', Édºv tº pººl Toufi e * / 3. / 3 * A 5 ö Tarijp Tpoffépos, Où yéyovas airós véos; * 8è * A M e / 2\ s * Tºp oe Tatpu Tpos tow vuov, aw ayvopovil, so 3f 3. * 3. /. 5 * a oùk éortuv eitréïv, Où yéyovas witós yépov ; (FR, 7.) APO V. Z.O.DO ROWS. I 35 APOLLODOR US. SWEET is a life apart from toil and care; Blessed lot, with others such repose to share : But if with beasts and apes you have to do, Why, you must play the brute and monkey too ! IN youth I felt for the untimely doom Of offspring carried to an early tomb. But now I weep when old men's death I see : That moved my pity; this comes home to me. SEEK not, my son, an old man's ways to Spurn ; To these in old age you yourself will turn. Herein we fathers lose a point you gain ; When you of “father's cruelty” complain, “You once were young,” we tauntingly are told. We can’t retort, “My son, you once were old.” I36 A PO/L/LO/OOA” U.S. * A * Oi Tavtaxod ppūč eipºv too £ºv #v Špó a *A \ * /* * A. Kpeſttow to pººl ºv, Xpāoropal tº Kpeſtovt. (FR. 6.) Muoró Túxmv ovvodorav čtvYei ord part: cy ^ s * V * e A ôotus yop eitopów, trapöv Čºv jöéos, Kakós Suðyet, ti čv Tws &AA' , tſ, tºxm pépºpouto, ölött övo rvXéſ ovvövotvYé. (FR. 15.) 3. “S So cy A. 3. A. Af Oük otö &rg Tétotôas opyvptºp, Totep eX v e M as, * 3. A. o Kalpos o Tv)(@w tous pºev ow kektmpwévous fº 3. / éðoke, táv kekrmuévov 8 dºpetàeto. (FR. 16.) A PO/./. O/OO ROWS'. I37 I AM no coward ; if I think to die The better course, the better course I'll try. f LUCK with unlucky persons should not dwell; Here's one who's wealthy, and who might live well: If he does not, Dame Fortune he may blame ; If he is unlucky, she is just the same. YoU trust to money, father You should know, With times and seasons riches come and go. 138 AAZZ/PP/DES. T H ILIPPIDES, O5 XaXetrów éo Tu Tó Kakós ôuakeupévº 5 * 3. 2 A. ( & \ * 37 35 eitréiv Tuv' éo-0ſovra “pº kakós eXe, z 2 -> a §§§ 3/ p Tvrtm T eTitupuav ovoev epyov paxopewq), 5 * / 6 S’ so 3/ 2 3 * e £8 autov paxeOrval ovK et eo tv pgotov. ey A *A f 3. \ a A. étépév tº tô Aéyetv čoti too Tetrov6évau. (FR. 15.) Aioxpov yuvaik Öympas, d\\& TAovoriav. kóðevö’ dimóðs jöéos p'aoûpevos. (FR. 29.) AAFAZZAAAA) A.S. I39 PHILIPPIDES. 'Tis easy, while at meals you take your fill, To say to sickly people, Don’t be ill ! Easy to blame bad boxing at a fight, But not so for oneself to do it right. Action is one thing, talk another quite. YOUR fortune differs as to bed and board ; Your wife—if ugly—can good fare afford. I4O A/EGAES/PAE’ U.S. HEG ESIPPUS. 'Erſkovpos 6 oroghès oãudio-avrós tuvos 3. * A 3 & ey 5, 2 V 2 A. eitéïv Tpès airów & Tu Tot' éo-ri Toiyafföv, ô Övö Té\ovs &ntočov, eitrev jöováv. 6, 2 s, Af > sy * /* et y’, 6 kpdºriot' àvópotre kai orogórare: * N. an * 5 5? 2 3 Q A cy too yop poorãoffat kpeſttow oik to T' oióē Év s A A e * *A 5 p dyabóv. Tpéo eatuv jöovì yöp toyafföv. (FR. 2.) ötav čv Tepubeſtvº Tvyxºvo 6takováv, 3. A / 3. 3/ 5 a º an érôv táxtort éAffoortv čk Tàs ékºpopas, & z * > xf 3 / * A tà Bátt' exovtes, toitíðmpa tºs Xúrpas épeköv étroëmora toys 8akpāovros yekāv. * 37 2 5 an / 5 Totovtos évôoffév Tus év Tºp Oroplatt A. ^ e sy A. ôtéðpope yapyaxto-pos Ós Övtov yºpov. (FR. I.) AMAZ GA.S.A’A U.S. I4 I HEG ESIPPUS. SAY, Epicurus, what does man most prize? “Pleasure.” Well said, most learned and most wise ! No greater good than eaſing can one find, Where Good and Pleasure are in one combined. TALK of your cooks / why, when a funeral’s over, And lunch is called for, off I whisk my cover, And such a steam arises from the pot, That you would think their tears they’d all forgot For such a savoury odour fills the air, As if a marriage-feast were stewing there. I.42 AE UPHRON. I O I 5 EU PHRON. 5. * M / Eyð pathyrºs éyevópmy Sotºpičov, cy a ôs āºró floºdTTms Nukouſ Set 868eka 58& s Aſ gº e * ooow atrexovtu Tporos mueptov Tote 5 A 3. A arº, A dºpiºns étuffvpºoravtu Xelp,ſovos péorov A W /5 º A 3. a". Topéðmke vi) At Öorte Távtos évakpayetv. B. Tós Šč Švvatów Toot’ &otu ; A. 0%Netav Aaſºv Aíð / 3/ X. & M A 'yoyyv/vvoo, TavT)w eTepe Aetto Kat pºokpo, V 3/ 3 * a's 5 A. A -- ~~ Töv čiſ/uv airms tºs & biºms pup.oſpevos" âTočéo as 8', \avov Čirixéas, &\as 8 * * 2 5 A 3/ ovs plovo’ukos, pumkovos ezritro.o. as avao / A e- 3. V A. kókkovs prevaivºs Tois àpuðučv 86öeka, * * A. s/ ^ 3. / Tepi Tày Skv6tav ćiravo e Tāv ćiruffupiav. kai Nukopjöms, yoyyvXíða paorépévos, ãºns Tét éAeye toſs ºpi\ols éykópºvov. oièëv 6 pdyeipos toū Towntov Švaghépév e * A. 3. e / / A o vows yap eo-Tuv ekatepº Tovtov texvi). 9–II. I have inserted öé, and read Toſs for Tów. (FR. I. I.) A UPAA’OAV. I43 EU PHRON. I was a pupil of Soterides; King Nicomedes 1 he first learnt to please, Who longed for fish when no fish could be had ; The sea was miles away, the season bad, Yet he would dine off whiting ! So at table Whiting to serve that cunning chef proved able. “What, z/iting 2" cried the guests. How did he do it? He got a juicy turnip, and to stew it In long thin strips, cut into shape like fish, With salt and oil, essayed, twelve to the dish. Thus served, in black-seeds of the poppy drenched, That Scythian passion for “fresh fish” it quenched, King Nicomedes and his friends inviting To praise the flavour of a turnip-whiting ! Your true cook differs nothing from a poet ; For both have mind, and both—make it their trade to show it. - * King of Bithynia. I44 C/CAE.A RCA/U.S. CLEARCHUS. a / Ei toſs pºeffvorkopičvous ékáortmg pºpas 3. * * * dAyeſv ovvé8auve Tāv keſha)\}v Tpô Toi Tuéïv *A 3/ e a 3 QM & * 3/ By Töv čkpatov, p.6v oióē eis étruvev čv. * *A A * A & e A. vvvi 8& Tpórepov too Tóvov Tijv jöováv A. e a 5 * Tpoxap/8divovres àortépoi pºev táyaffod. (FR. 3.) C/LA2AA’6. Aſ U.S. I 45 CLEARCH U.S. IF daily drinkers felt the headache first, Before the tasting, few would feel athirst But now, alas ! comes pleasure first, then pain, Too late to teach that Abstinence is gain. 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