Fººt 2. \ . wº. º Rº, - r - - tº: N. Nº. ººº-ºº: § a \ . . . : s ~. !" { , , , ºrº " . . . A* * * * * ** * *a*: § * * a ‘. * * * *, ** - º tº S. N. º #. : ; # * | 2 2. º ºutase.ie" e.t. F Tumnuſumuliminum. IIILITITILITIII.I.III:III * : * * * * * : * g º Cº. C & Cº º ºſ †† $º ºrº T tº º º WºRiº Tº IIIIllilllllllllllllllllllllllll O \\ =\ (iſºº C RSNN ſº : : º: - C º >\ E. C sº al.” ; :- º - º & . sº | º : S . T º - Q a ' : dº . ; s º |\º &: E. * * * - - [] ºl. § º S J. E. s |E|H a . E. : NAºº. E. E. s E - - U C E t '... ." § 4, E. H. ..ºf |- * E. E. º ~. • Cº. E * 2:#52: 1s. E E º: . - |E|{ * ºA - y -*. we |É C - - º C * H B f '[i. -* -, - - - E º H 22 twº 4ſ. ***u-a-...saw HF C. 2 : º º * [] §§filliºſiſſiſſiſſilliſDIIIIHIEHäf ºfeº ºr ºw. Cººt- - º • & gº gº º ºp Cº. C & Cº º ºs º C & C & ºr º º 'º º * 2° - * - ſº * - ...sº cº- ----------- e-º--~p- --~~~e , * * ** . . . -- & • . A f *...*.*.* <-22 54." - * . ,, . . . .”.” - - - t 4” * * - - + 2->† - - - * (? & cº-º-º- ºt.… 4 a. sf cº-º'e-fººz-ºr-tºº. . 24-c. twº Rear- pºeº '*.*. - GENET tAL INDEX TO THE JOURNALS OF THE I, E G ISI, ATIVE ASSEMBLY ÓF CAN A D A ; IN THE IsT, 2ND, AND 3RD PARLIAMENTS. 1841–1851. IBY ALFRED TODD, CLERK OF THE PRIVATE BILL OFFICE. #rinttu bp (Bruer of the Legislatfüt 333¢mbſp. MONTREAL : PRINTED BY JOHN LOWELL, AT HIS STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, ST, NICHOLAS STREET, 1855. : º: ; º & &ºf - * §// ******ºtſ g K. -- %a?" & *…*… -- ***6-g- 2-4-4-c. 2, #" #. ~6– 3. # & ar f We Keyes ce. - 5, *-*.s Vseke, we ea. | -\ºv -- A (2 : 5 & 2. tº V. PREFA CE, *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The object of this Work is to give references to the entire proceedings of the Legislative Assembly during the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Parliaments after the TJnion,-embracing ten Sessions in a period of eleven years; and as the Journals of the earlier Sessions are now very scarce, in consequence of the destruction of the Parliament Buildings at Montreal and Quebec by fire, with most of the books and records, the entries under the various heads have been made as full as the nature of the Work would admit of, so as in most cases to supply all the information required without applying to the volume of Journals referred to. - 3. - p - With regard to the plan or arrangement of the Index, it may be stated generally that it is based in a great measure upon that of the Indices to the Commons' Journals, and the Index to the Journals of the Assembly of Upper Canada prior to the Union (of which this Work may be said to be a continuation.) All documents laid before the House (except Reports of Committees) will be found under “Accounts and Papers;” “Addresses” will all be found under that head; and “Committees” are also arranged under a separate head; while all other entries are arranged and classified according to their respective subjects, as “Harbours,” “Navigations,” “Roads,” “Surveys,” &c. At the same time, by a system of cross references, every entry under these various sub-heads may be found at once by referring, alphabetically, in the body of the Index, to the subject to which it relates. - Especial pains have been taken with the entries under “Supply,” by comparing the sums stated in the original Resolutions with the Statutes as finally passed, so as to shew any alteration in the amount or application of each sum granted. The Work has been prepared under the direction of the Honorable the Speaker of the Assembly, in pursuance of the following Resolution, adopted by the House on the 25th August, 1851 –“Resolved, That Mr. Speaker be authorized to direct the compila- “tion of a General Index to the Journals of this House, from the Union to the close “of the present Session, upon such a plan and at such terms as he may deem expedient; “the same when completed to be printed for the use of the Members of this House.” ALERED TODD. Toronto, 29th December, 1855. GENERAL INDEX TO THE JOURNALS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE FROM 1841 TO 1851, INCLUSIVE. A. ABBOTT, REV. J.:-vide Emigration, 14. Absence of Members:—vide Elections, 108, 181. Members, 34–36. Absent Defendants:—vide Defendants. Acceptance of Office:–vide Members, 43,49. Public officers, 5, 6. Accidental Death :—Bill for compensating the families of persons killed by accident; Presented, (1847) 37. Amended in committee, 81. R. A., 123. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 6.) Øtcounts and Japers. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Accounts and Papers presented or communicated to the House; 1—628. - II. Modes of presenting Accounts and Papers; 629–632. III. Orders and Incidental Proceedings relative to Accounts and Papers; 633—638. TV. Questions Negatived; 639–641. NoTE.-The Reports of Select Committees, to which Accounts and Papers are occasion- ally attached, must be sought for under the respective Committees. I. Accounts and Papers presented or communicated to the House,_ relative to— - 1. Acts of Parliament:-Despatch communicating certain Resolutions of the Imperial Parliament on the subject of engrossing Acts of Parliament, (1851) 125. Printed, 135. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 10. 11. 12. 33. 14. 15. 16. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. Addresses of Congratulation: . Despatch acknowledging the Addresses of congratulation, to Her Majesty, on the birth of the Prince of Wales, and on Her Majesty's escape from an attempt on her life, (1843) 15–Despatch acknowledging the Address to Prince Albert on the former subject, ib. . Despatches acknowledging the Addresses of congratulation to the Queen and Prince Albert, on the birth of the Princess Alice, (1844–5) 64. Printed, 7 4—Letter from Prince Albert's Private Secretary acknowledging the same, ib. . Letter from Prince Albert's Private Secretary, acknowledging the Address of congratulation on the birth of Prince Alfred, (1844–5) 299.-Despatch in reply to the Address to Her Majesty on the same subject, 300. Administration, Provincial: . Copy of Letters Patent appointing Robert Baldwin, Esq., a Member of the Executive Council, (1841) 186— Papers transmitted in reply to an Address for copy of any paper purporting to be an acceptance by Mr. Baldwin of the said office, and copies of any warrants for the payment of his salary, as an Executive Coun- cillor, 202. (App. L.) . Correspondence between His Excellency and Mr. LaFontaine, in reference to certain proposed changes in the Pro- vincial Administration, (1842) 25. Printed, 27. . Communications relative to the resignation of certain Members of the Executive Council, (1843) 181. Printed, 183. . Copies of the Instruments by virtue of which the Honorable D. B. Viger was called to the Executive Council, and appointed President of the Committee thereof, (1844–5) 71. . Correspondence since last Session relative to obtaining the assistance in the Government, of gentlemen possessing the confidence of the people of Lower Canada, (1847) 46. (App. I.) Agricultural Produce:—Wide infra, 125, 592–606. Agricultural Societies :—Reports from Agricultural Societies in Upper and Lower Canada, (1844–5) 201. (App. V.)—(1846) 49. (App. J.)—(1847) 35. (App. E.) (1848) 27. (App. H.) (1849) 58. (App. Q.) (1850) 21. (App. I.) (1851) 45. (App. J.)—Report of the Lower Canada Society, and Special Report of the Beauharnois Society, 90. The two latter referred, 112. Wide Committees, 335. Aliens: Extract from a letter from the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners, enclosed in a Despatch from Lord John Russell, relative to affording facilities to Aliens to acquire land in this Province, and from a Despatch from the Governor General in reply, (1841) 389. . ** Two Despatches announcing the passage of an Imperial Act empowering the Colonial Legislatures to pass Acts for the naturalization of Aliens within the limits of their respective Colonies, (1848) 42. Wide infra, 466,472, 596. Allen, Judge :—Correspondence relative to his removal from the office of Judge of the London District Court; with the proceedings of a commission appointed to inquire into the charges preferred against Mr. Allen, and a Report of the Committee of the Executive Council, recommending his removal, (1847) 86. (App. V.)— Report of Executive Council to be printed (30 copies), and a copy sent to each District Judge in Upper Canada, 161. Appeals, Court of (U. C.) :—Rules framed by the Judges of the Court of Error and Appeal under author- ity of 12 Vic, c. 63, (1850) 126. (App. Z.) Assessment Returns:–For Upper Canada, (1841) 294. (App. U.)—(1842) 33. (App. N.)—(1843) 78. (App. D. D.)—(1844–5) 181. (App.R.) (1846) 42. (App. H.)—(1847) 59. (App.O.)—(1848) 77. (App. V.)–(1849) 41. (App. L.)—(1850) 69. (App. P.) Baldwin, Mr. —vide supra, 5. Banks: Statements from the various Chartered Banks ordered, (1841) 74.—(1842) 19,-(1843) 23.−(1844–5) 128. (1846) 42–(1847) 58–(1848) 27.—(1849) 29–(1850) 210–(1851) 42. Wide infra, 17–29, - ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 3 1. 17. 18. i9. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. Banks—continued. Statements of Affairs of the Commercial Bank of the Midland District, (1841) 114. (App. C.)—(1842) 49. (App. R.) (1843) 61. (App. Y.)—(1844–5) 175. (App. Q.)—(1846) 88. (App. U.)—(1847) 83. (App. U.)—(1848) 65. (App. T.)—(1849) 58. (App. P.)—(1850) 236. (App. H.)—(1851) 75. (App. I.) Printed, 144. Statements of Affairs of the various branches in Canada, of the Bank of British North America, (1841) 126, 133, 232. (App. C.) (1842) 93. (App. R.) (1843) 56. (App. Y.)—(1844–5) 201. (App. Q.)— (1846) 88. (App. U.)—(1847) 83. (App. U.)—(1848) 65. (App. T.)—(1849) 75. (App. P.)— (1850) 279. (App. H.)—(1851) 101. (App. I.) Printed, 144. Statements of Affairs of La Banque du Peuple, (1846) 88. (App. U.)—(1847) 83. (App. U.) (1848) 65. (App. T.)—(1849) 58. (App. P.)—(1850) 58. (App. H.)—(1851) 75. (App. I.) Printed, 144. Statements of Affairs of the Quebec Bank, (1841) 133. (App. C.)—(1842) 49. (App. R.)—(1843) 56. (App. Y.)—(1844–5) 175. (App. Q.)—(1847) 83. (App. U.)—(1848) 65, (App. T.)—(1849) 67. (App. P.)—(1850) 250. (App. H.)—(1851) 75. (App. I.) Printed, 144. Statements of Affairs of the Gore Bank, (1841) 133. (App. C.)—(1842) 118. (App.R.)—(1843) 73. (App. Y.)—(1844–5) 207. (App. Q.)—(1846) 88. (App. U.)—(1847) 83. (App. U.)—(1848) 65, (App. T.)—(1849) 81. (App. P.)—(1850) 272. (App, H.)—(1851) 103. (App. I.) Printed, 144. Statements of Affairs of the Montreal Bank, (1841) 152. (App. C)—(1842) 49. (App. R.) (1843) 56. (App. Y.)—(1844–5) 175. (App. Q.)—(1846) 88. (App. U.)—(1847) 83. (App. U.)—(1848) 65. (App. T.) (1849) 58. (App. P.) (1850) 250. (App. H.)—(1851) 75. (App. I.) Printed, 144. Statements of Affairs of the City Bank of Montreal, (1841) 126. (App. C.)—(1842) 55. (App. R.)—(1848) 56. (App. Y.) (1844–5) 175. (App. Q.)—(1846) 88. (App. U.) (1847). 83. (App. U.)— (1848) 65. (App. T.)—(1849) 67. (App. P.)—(1850) 274. (App. H.)—(1851) 90. (App. I.) Printed, 144. - - - Statements of Affairs of the Bank of Upper Canada, (1841) 148. (App. C.)—(1842) 49. (App.R.)—(1843) 67. (App. Y.) (1844–5) 201. (App. Q.) (1846) 88. (App. U.)—(1847) 83. (App. U.)— (1848) 65. (App. T.)—(1849) 67. (App. P.)—(1850) 228. (App. H)—(1851) 81. (App. I.) Printed, 144. - Report of the Commissioners for settling the Affairs of the late Bank at Kingston, (1841) 294. (App. V.) Referred, 400. Report, with Bill, 493. Wide Banks, 18. * - Statements of Affairs of the Montreal Provident and Savings Bank, (1846) 88. (App. U.) (i 847) 83. (App. U.) (1848) 65. (App. T.) (1849) 67. (App. P.)—(1851) 75. (App. I.) Printed, 144. Statements of Affairs of the Hamilton and Gore District Savings Bank, (1847) 83. (App. U.)—(1849) 83. (App. P.) (1850) 194. (App. H.) (1851) 165. (App. I.) Printed, 144. Statements of Affairs of the Montreal City and District Savings Bank, (1847) 83. (App. U.)—(1849) 93. (App. P.)—(1850) 21. (App. H.)—(1851) 75. (App. I.) Printed, 144. - Statements of Affairs of the Quebec Provident and Savings Bank, (1848) 65. (App. T.)—(1849) 158. (App. P.) (1850) 58. (App. H.) (1851) 45. (App. I.) Printed, 144. Various statements relative to the discounts, circulation, specie, exchange, profits, and expenses of the various char- tered and private-Banks, are attached to the Report of the Select Committee on Banking and the Currency, (1841) (App.O.) Despatch respecting the Act of last Session relating to Savings Banks, (1843) 47. Despatch respecting the Acts of last Session relative to the Currency, and Banking Companies, (1848) 49. Return of the various Banking Institutions that have paid the tax imposed by 4 & 5 Vic, c. 29, (1848) 55. Despatch conveying revised Instructions in reference to the provisions to be contained in Bank Charters, (1847) 91. (App. W.) Printed, 97. Return of the monthly issue of notes by the several Banks since the imposition of the tax, with the amount of the tax levied thereon, (1849) 64. (App. Z.)—Copies of Montreal Brokers' Circular, and Return of Bank Issues, to be procured by Contingent Committee and placed in the Appendix, 180. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the affairs of the Montreal Provident and Savings Bank, (1851) 161. (App. Q. Q.); Motion to print Report; Amendment, for referring it to the Printing Committee, to report as to the expediency and expense of printing it, negatived; main motion agreed to, b. Wide infra, 118, 468. Bankrupts :—Statement of Bankruptcies in the Districts of Quebec, Montreal, Three Rivers, and St. Francis, since the appointment of Bankruptcy Commissioners, (1843) 202. (App. N. N.) ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. I. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 52. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials:–Returns by Prothonotaries of the Courts of King's Bench, of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, in Lower Canada, in 1838, 1839, and 1840; Order that the Clerk do insert the same in the Appendix for the present year, (1841) 243. (App. P. P.) Returns for 1841, (and for Montreal for 1839 and 1840), (1842) 4. (App. C.) For 1841 and 1842 (and for Montreal from 1833), (1843) 6. (App. D.) For 1843 and 1844, (1846) (App. R. R. R.) For 1845 and 1846 (for Districts of Montreal and Gaspé), (1847) (App. T. T. T.) For 1846 and 1847 (with Supplementary Returns for District of Montreal from 1839 to 1846, (1848) (App. Y.)—For 1848 (and Gaspé for 1847 and 1848), (1849) (App. C. C. C. C. C.) For 1849 (and St. Francis for 1847, 1848, and 1849), (1850) (App. Z. Z.) For 1850 (and Supplementary from 1837 to 1844, and 1847 to 1849), (1851) (App. O. O. O.) Beauharnois (Seigniory) :—Report of the Inspector General of the Queen's Domain, relative to the Instru- ments of transfer and sale under which the proprietors of the said Seigniory came into possession thereof; and the amount paid to the Crown as droits de quint upon the transfer, (1844–5) 241. Deauharnois Canal:—Wide infra, 498–503. Berrie, Robert :-Correspondence relative to his dismissal from the office of Clerk of the Peace for the Dis- trict of Gore, (1841) 336. (App. Y.) Bidwell, Mr. :—Correspondence relative to the exclusion from the Province of Mr. Bidwell, late Speaker of the Assembly of Upper Canada, (1843) 34. Bishopricks :—Copies of the Queen's Letters Patent erecting the Protestant Bishopricks of Quebec and Mon- treal, and incorporating the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Quebec and Bishop of Montreal, (1851) 197. (App. X. X.) Printed, 198. Blue Book:-Copies of the Blue Book for 1843 and subsequent years, (1844–5) 181. (1847) 55– in M.S. only.) (1846) 42. (1849) 82-—(1851) 38. (These were not printed in Journal or Appendia, but were kept Bonds and Securities :—Registrar's Report of Bonds and Securities registered in compliance with Provin- cial Act, 4 & 5 Vic., c. 91, (1842) 25. (App. I.) (1843) 35. (App. L.)—(1844–5) 32. (App. F.) (1846) 58. (App. L.) (1847) 85. (App. G.)—(1848) 15. (App. A.)—(1849) 31. (App. D.)— (1850) 32. (App. M.)—(1851) 18. (App. D.) Boundary Line between Canada and New Brunswick:-vide infra, 341. Boundary Line between Upper and Lower Canada:-Statement of Mr. Alphonso Wells respecting the Division Line between Upper and Lower Canada, (1844–5) 192. (App. T.) Bowerman, Stephen :—Correspondence, Minutes in Council, &c., relative to a deficiency in the quantity of land in Lot 18, 1st Concession of Hallowell, purchased by him, (1849) 132. (App. H. H. H.) Brock, John :—Correspondence relative to his claim to certain land in Wendover, (1842) 99. Brantford and Buffalo Railroad :—Copy of an Instrument registered by the Joint Stock Company formed for the construction of the said Railroad (under the provisions of 13 & 14 Vic., c. 72), (1851) 112. (App. Z.) IPrinted, 137. - British America Fire and Life Assurance Company:—Stateinents of Affairs, (1841) 54, 146. (App. F.)—(1843) 17. (App. I.)—(1844–5) 181. (App. S.)—(1846) 88. (App. U.)—(1847) 83. (App. U.) (1848) 65. (App. T.)—(1849) 88. (App. P.)—(1850) 144. (App. H.)—(1851) 75. (App. I.) Printed, 144. . British Connexion;–Despatch in reply to Address of last Session expressive of loyalty to Her Majesty, and a determination to maintain the connexion with Great Britain, (1851) 23. Printed, 31. Brown, George :—Presentment of the Grand Jury of the Midland District, relative to the refusal of Mr. Brown to give evidence on a charge of perjury preferred against James McCarty, (1849) 41. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 5 I. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70, Presented or communicated to the House—continued. Burke, G. R. :—Correspondence relative the proposed appointment of Mr. Burke to the office of Agent for the sale of Clergy Reserves, (1846) 331. (App. B. B. B.) - Burlington Bay Canal:—Statement of Tolls collected thereon from 1828 to 1840, (1841)—Attached to Report on the Customs, (App. V. V.) Wide also infra, 408. Bytown: Correspondence between the Executive Government and the Ordnance Department relative to Broken Lot O. in Nepean, within the limits of Bytown, (1844–5) 139. Printed, 196. Correspondence in reference to the amount paid to Hugh Fraser by the Ordnance Department for land purchased by them in Bytown, (1847) 176. (App. Z.Z.) Printed, 184. Bytown and L'Orignal Road: Mr. Walton's Report of Survey of the said Road, (1844–5)—Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. A. A.) Chart of the Road, with Reports of Survey by Messrs. West and Keefer, and other documents, (1846) 292. (App. V. V.) - Statement of expenditure (out of grants of 1845 and 1846) on the Road, and also on the Survey of the centre line, (1847) 92. s Reports of Messrs. Keefer, West, and Begg, respecting the Road, and especially on the route between Bytown and Hatfield; with Petitions, &c., and Reports by Mr. Keefer on the state of the Ottawa Works (including Slides, Roads and Bridges, &c.), (1847) 118. (App. L. L.) Referred, 135. Wide Committees, 345. Bytown College :—Report of the Corporation thereof, (1850) 21. (App. J.) Bytown Suspension Bridge: Statement of expense attending the Survey for the erection thereof, (1842) 30. Statement of Contracts entered into for the construction of the Union Suspension Bridge at Bytown, (1844–5) 373. (App. W. W.) Cameron, Malcolm :-Communications relative to the importation of a cargo of wheat, by him, to be ground in bond; also, communications between the Government and John Cameron, late Collector at Rivière aux Raisins, on the necessity of his residing at his port, and respecting his removal from office, (1847) 208. (App. M. M. M.) Canada Baptist Missionary Society:-Return of property, (1846) 44–(1847) 35.—(1848) 15. (App. C.)—(1849) 58. (App. V.)—(1850) 21. (App. J.) Canada Fire Assurance Company :—Statement of affairs; Ordered (for next Session), (1842) 119.- Presented, (1843) 17. (App. I.)—(1844–5) 128, 182. (App.S.) Canada Life Assurance Company —Statement of affairs, (1850) 107. (App. H)—(1851) 107. (App. I.) Printed, 144. 9 Cascades Plank Road: Minutes of Board of Works relative to the claim of Jas. Lonney for loss on his contract, (1844–5) 248, Statement of Tenders for leasing the Tolls on the said Road for 1846, (1846) 174, Casual and Territorial Revenue :—Receipts and Payments from the said Revenue, from 1st Jan., 1839, to the Union,-and statement of the application by the Commissary General, of certain portions of the Crown Revenues in Upper and Lower Canada, placed in his hands prior to the Union, (1843) 45. (App.S.) ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 71. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. Census: Population Returns for Upper Canada, For 1840, (1841) 294. (App. T.) For 1841, (1842) 33. (App. M.) For 1842, with Statistical Returns, (1843) 83. (App. F. F.) Returns of population of Upper Canada, and value of property, from 1825 to 1847 (accompanying a Despatch from the Governor General to the Colo- nial Secretary, relative to the Halifax and Quebec Railway), (1849) (App. N.) . Census Returns for Lower Canada, (1844–5) 32. (App. G.)—(1846) (App. D.)—(1851) 117. Printed, ib. 73. Documents explanatory of the reasons of the Government for directing that the periodical Census be not taken for the present year, (1847) 176. (App. Y. Y.) Wide infra, 560. Chambly Canal: Report of the Commissioners of the Chambly Canal, (1841) 19. (App. D.) Return of Claims against the late Commission, which have been allowed by the Commissioners, (1844–5) 197. Referred to Committee on Petition of S. & S. R. Andres, 221. Wide Committees, 347. Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad Company:—Statements of its affairs, (1841) 126. (App. E.)—(1842) 5. (App. D.)—(1843) 56. (App. W.)—(1844–5) 9, 233. (App. D.)—(1846) 14.— (1847) 34.—(1848) 18. (App. D.)—(1849) 58. (App. R.)—(1850) 20. (App. G.)—(1851) 90. (App.R.) Chancery, Court of: Statement of Suits brought in the said Court, since 6th February, 1840, and the fees paid thereon, &c., (1841) 262. (App. P.) Report of the Commissioners appointed to consider and report what alteration may be expedient in the practice and proceedings of the Court, (1844–5) 319. (App. J. J.) Referred to Committee on Petition of R. E. Burns and others; Printed, ib. No Report. . Return of Suits in Chancery, from 19 July, 1841, to 12 December, 1844, with the fees, costs taxed, &c., (1844–5) 388. (App. I. I. I.) Copy of the Orders of the Court, recently promulgated, (1851) 51. (App.O.) Charitable Institutions:—Returns of the various Religious, Educational, and Charitable Institutions incor- porated since the Union, (1849)—Attached to Report of a Committee on that subject, (App. Y. Y. Y.) Circuit Courts:–Returns from Clerks of the Circuit Courts in Lower Canada, of actions brought in 1847, and fees allowed thereon; Ordered, (1849) 47. Presented, 115. (App. C. C. C.) Referred to the Select Committee on emoluments of the Sheriffs of Montreal District, 166. Wide Committees, 517. Civil List: Memorandum containing suggestions by the Inspector General for putting the Civil List on a more satisfactory footing (referred to in His Excellency's Message on the subject); Printed, (1843) 49. (App. U.) Correspondence between the Imperial and Colonial Governments relative to the Civil List, and the Address of last Session upon that subject, (1844–5) 66. Printed, 74. Despatch announcing that measures will be taken shortly for confirming the Civil List Act of 1846, (1848) 42. Despatch from His Excellency to the Colonial Secretary, communicating a Report of the Executive Council relative to the income and expenditure of the Province, and recommending reductions in the Civil List; and a Despatch in reply, (1851) 23. Printed, 31. Referred to Committee of whole on the Civil List, 112. Wide Com- 7mittees, 24. - Wide infra, 469. Clergy Reserves: Report of Executive Council, of 17th Sept., 1845, suggesting alterations in the Regulations for the sale of the Clergy Reserve Lands, (1846) 90. Printed, 91. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 7 I. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. Clergy Reserves—continued. Circular Letters of Instruction addressed by the Crown Lands Office to the Local Agents, respecting the temporary suspension of sales of Clergy Reserves, (1846) 262. Printed, 293. Minute in Council, of 18th Nov., 1845,-and Report of the Committee of Council, of 17th Sept., 1845, on the sub- ject of Clergy Reserves sales; with a list of the Reserves sold since that date; also, a copy of the Office Regu- lations of the Crown Lands Department, (1847) 176. (App. X. X.) Printed, 213. Statements respecting the condition of the Clergy Reserves Fund, and the appropriations made therefrom, (1847) 209. (App. Q. Q. Q.) Printed, ib. Returns of Expenditure of Clergy Reserves Fund from 1841 to 1848,-of Receipts and Disbursements for Upper Canada from 1828 to 1848,--and of Lands set apart for Rectories in Upper Canada, (1849) 221. (App. I. I. I. I.) Printed, ib. * - Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the Fund for 1849 and 1850,-with various other Statements relating to the Fund, (1851) 136. (App. H. H.) Printed, 144. Despatch from Colonial Secretary, directing an inquiry into the system of managing the Clergy Reserves, and correspondence, Statements, &c., on the subject; with Reports of Executive Council directing an advance of 25 to 125 per cent. on the valuation of Clergy Lands in certain cases, (1849) 152. (App. N. N. N.) Printed, ib. Applications from Religious Denominations not provided for by the Act, for aid from the Clergy Reserves Fund; and correspondence thereon, (1849) 221. (App. J. J. J. J.) Printed, ib. - Despatch in reply to the Address of last Session, praying for authority to the Legislature to dispose of the proceeds of the Reserves; Printed, (1851) 31. Despatch announcing the postponement till next Session of the introduction into the Imperial Parliament of a Bill to empower this Legislature to alter the existing arrangements relative to the Reserves; Printed, (1851) 231. Despatch acknowledging reception of the Address of this Session respecting the Reserves; Printed, (1851) 308. Wide infra, 251. Clerk of the Crown (U. C.): Statement of his Emoluments and Disbursements for 1845, (1846) 258. Return of his Receipts and Disbursements for 1843, 1844, 1845, and 1846, (1847) 130. (App. N. N.) 101. Return shewing what portion of the fees received by the Clerks of the Crown and Pleas, in the Courts of Queen's Bench and Common Pleas, for and since 1850, under 12 Vic, c. 63, was derived from the Court of Common Pleas, (1851) 165. - Clerk of the House :—Returns from, of Clerks, &c., employed in his office,—Wide Legislative Assembly, 84, 86. 102. Clerk of the Peace, Quebec :—Tariff of fees allowed that officer; also, Return of his receipts, and of the number of Indictments laid before the Grand Jury, and of Bench Warrants issued, from 1844 to 1848, (1849) 184. (App. X. X. X.) Printed, 191. - - Cobourg Harbour: 103. Documents relating to the completion of the said Harbour, (1844–5) 439. (App. Q. Q. Q.) 104. Contracts entered into for completing the Harbour; and Statement of moneys paid the contractors, (1849) 106. (App. A. A. A.) Printed, 107. 105. Colonial Policy :—Despatch from Lord John Russell, explaining the views of Her Majesty's Government on various important subjects connected with Canada (especially “Finance,” “Defence,” and “Emigration”), (1841) 177. 1000 copies to be printed; motion to substitute “100,” negatived, 180. House goes into Com- mittee on so much thereof as relates to Emigration, 367. Considered, 433. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 434. Wide Emigration, 1. Constituencies:–Vide infra, 158—160. 8 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 106. 107. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. Copyright: - Despatch explaining the intentions of the Imperial Government in reference to the Copyright of British Works within the Colonies, (1847) 55. (App. K.) Printed, ib. Despatch respecting the (Provincial) Act for extending the Provincial Copyright Act to persons resident in the United Kingdom; and the importation of foreign reprints of British Works, (1849) 48. (App. N.) Printed, ib. Further Despatches and correspondence in reference to the said Act, (1850) 146. Printed, 154. Copy of the printed Lists furnished to Collectors of Customs, of Books respecting which notice has been given by the proprietors, under Imperial Act 8 & 9 Vic, c. 93, sec. 9, (1851) 152. (Not in Journal or Appendia.) Cornwall:—Documents relating to the sale of Lots 10 and 11 North side of Water Street in Cornwall, (1846) 179. (App. W.) Coteau du Lac:—Commission appointing W. B. Simpson, Esq., Collector of Customs at that port, (1841) 469–Commission appointing his predecessor, Mr. John Simpson, with the date of his resignation, 564. County and District Courts: Statement of salaries paid to the Judges and Clerks of the District and Division Courts, and Return of Fee Fund, (1842) 31. (App. L.) Printed, 33. Return of the several County Court Judges, with their salaries, and the amount of fees and fines collected in each Division for the Fee Fund, for 1849 and 1850, (1851) 138. (App. I. I.) Printed, 144. Craig's Road:—Report of the Inspector of the Queen's Domain at Quebec, respecting that part of the said Road, through the Parish of St. Nicholas, which the inhabitants of the Parish of St. Giles are required to keep in repair, (1851) 206. (App. C. C. C.) Printed, 209. Crier and Tipstaff, Montreal:—Statement of their income for the last five years, (1849) 57. (App.O.) Referred to Committee on Income of the Sheriffs of Montreal, 119. Wide Committees, 517. Crooks , Mr. :-Despatch in reply to the joint Address to Her Majesty relative to procuring compensation to Mr. Crooks for the capture of his vessel, the “Lord Nelson,” in the last American War, (1846) 12. Printed, 14. Crown Lands Department:—Wide supra, 89, infra, 253–256. Currency: Despatch from Colonial Secretary, disallowing the Currency Act of last Session,--with various communications respecting the same, (1851) 201. (App. Y. Y.) Printed, 202. Correspondence with the Colonial Secretary relative to the Act to alter the rates of certain silver coins,—and the Act to establish freedom of Banking, (1851) 201. (App. Z.Z.) Printed, 202. Wide supra, 32. Customs: Returns, from the Collectors at Montreal and Kingston, of the Regulations respecting Warehousing at the several ports in Canada; Ordered, (1842) 116-Presented, (1843) 30. (App. K.) Despatch respecting the Provincial Act of 1841, consolidating the laws relating to Customs Duties, (1843) 48. Report of the Commissioner appointed to inquire into the management of the Customs in Upper Canada, (1843) 78. (App. B. B.) Return of Bonds for Customs Duties taken at Montreal, in 1842, 1843, and 1844, (1844–5) 383. (App. D. D. D.) Despatch in reference to the Customs Act of last Session; Printed, (1846) 31. Referred, 48. Wide Com- mittees, 375. Comparative Statements of Customs Duties collected at the various ports in 1840, 1841, 1845, and 1846; and Statement of expenses of the office of Commissioner of Customs; Ordered, (1847) 40. Presented, 115. (App. K. K.) ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 9 I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. #25. 126. 127. 128. £29. 130. $31. # 32. Y 33. 134. i85. 136. 137. 138. Customs—continued. Return of Duties received under the Act for the protection of Agriculture, and the Wheat Act; Ordered, (1847) 70. Not presented. Despatch pointing out objections (in regard to the Duties on certain leather articles) to the Customs Act of last Session, (1847) 91. (App. W.) Printed, 97. Despatches confirming the Customs Act of 1847; and communicating observations, memorials, &c., respecting the same, (1849) 48. (App. N.) Printed, ib. Return of persons employed in the Customs Department, Montreal, in 1848, 1849, and 1850, with their salaries before and since the transfer of the Department to the Provincial Government, (1851) 79. Debentures: Schedule of Government Debentures, redeemed and outstanding, issued under authority of Acts of the Provincial Iegislatures of Upper and Lower Canada, and of Canada, exhibiting the Public Debt of United Canada, (1841) 78. (App. B.) Printed, ib. (1842) 33. (App. P.) (1843) 81. (App. E. E.)—(1844–5) (including Bills of Exchange drawn on account of the guaranteed loan of £1,500,000), 50. (App. J.)—(1847) (exclu- sive of do.), 46. (App. H.) (1848) 39. (App. M.) Statements of outstanding Debentures issued prior to the Union,-Debentures issued since the Union,-Debentures issued by the Lords of the Treasury under the Imperial Guarantee,_amounts received on account of the loan of £1,500,000; with a Return of the Public Works commenced by the Board of Works, the amounts expended thereon, and amounts required to complete the same, (1847) 130. (App. P. P.) Debt, Public : Statements shewing the total liabilities of Upper and Lower Canada at the date of the Union, (1847)—(Attached to App. K. K. K.) Various Statements relating to the public debt of Canada, to 31st Jan., 1851, (1851) 38. Printed, 52. Wide supra, 129. Debtors:–Returns of persons confined for debt, or for default in payment of law costs, and of those upon the gaol limits in Upper Canada, (1851) 145. (App. L. L.) Printed, ib. Referred to Committee of the whole on Bills for abolishing Imprisonment for debt, 177. Delisle, River:-Report of the Board of Works on the petition of L. Ravarie and others for the construction of a bridge over that river in the Parish of St. Ignace, (1846) 235. De Rottermund, E. S. :—Wide infra, 192. Desjardins Canal: Return of Imports and Exports through the Canal, from 1837 to 1844, (1844–5)–(Attached to Report of Board of Works, App. A. A.) Receipts and Expenditure of the Company, from 1837 to 1848; Ordered, (1849) 126. Presented, 183. (App W. W. W.) Printed, ib. District Courts:–Vide supra, 112, infra, 432. District Treasurers (U. C.):—Their Accounts for 1840 and 1841, (1842) 88. (App.O.) Division Courts:–Vide supra, 112. Dorchester Registry Office :—Correspondence relative to certain errors in the books of the said Office during the time that Mr. (Justice) Bowen held the office of Registrar, (1849) 72. (App. E. E.) B I0 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. lă6. 157. Dredging Machine :-Report of the Commissioner of the Provincial Steam Dredge, (1841) 268. (App. R.) Referred, ib. Report, 461. Committed, 462. Message from His Excellency relative to the sum due the Commissioner referred, §24. Discharged; Report, &c., referred to the Committee of Supply, 590. Considered; Resolution reported, 604. Bill presented, 605. Wide Dredging Machine. Report of the late Commis- sioner, (1843) 45. T)undas and Waterloo Road:—Return of tolls received thereon, in 1846, 1847, and 1848, (1849) 828. Eastern Townships (L. C.) :—Copy of Memorial of the Association of “The Canadian Settlements in the Townships” to His Excellency, praying the Government to promote the views of the Association; with the reply thereto; also, correspondence on the same subject, Statements of Surveys, &c., (1849) 180. (App. U. U. U.) Education and Schools: Report of the School Visitor in the County of Beauharnois, (1841) 181. (App. I.) Referred, ib. No Report. List of Educational Institutions in Upper and Lower Canada receiving grants of public money for the year 1842, (1843) 37. (App. M.) Reports of Committees of the Executive Council relative to the distribution of the appropriation for the support of Common Schools, (1843) 74. (App. Z.) Printed, 75. Reports of Superintendent of Education for Lower Canada, (1843) 103. (App. Z.) Printed, ib. (1844–5) Statistical Report, 220. Printed, 227. Annual Report, 275. (App. Z.)—(1846) 157. (App. P.) Printed, ib.—(1847) 97. (App. F. F.) Printed, 206. (1848) 52. (App. P.) Printed, 59.—(1849) 93. (App. O. O.) Printed, ib. (1850) 107. (App. U.) Printed, 109.—(1851) 142. (App. K. K.) Printed, 160. Reports of Superintendent of Education for Upper Canada, (1843) 125. (App. Z.)—(1846) 259. (App. P.) (1847) 130. (App. B. B.) Printed, 190. (1849) For 1847, 33. (App. F.) Printed, 105, 118-For 1848, 354. (App. Z. Z. Z. Z.) Printed, ib. (1850) 274. (App. X. X.) Printed, and a copy to be fur- nished to each Municipal Council, Local Superintendent, and School Corporation, ib. (1851) 208. (App. K. K.) Printed and distributed as before, ib. Statements of sums expended for Education in Upper and Lower Canada since 1830, (1844–5) 338. (App. P. P.) Return of the various Scholastic Institutions receiving aid from the Provincial Funds, with the number of pupils in each, (1844–5) 383. (App. C. C. C.) - Report (by Rev. E. Ryerson) on a system of public elementary instruction for Upper Canada, (1846) 63. (App. P.) Printed, 197. Report of the measures adopted for the establishment of a Normal School for Upper Canada; with (as an Appen- dix) Statistics of Common Schools in Upper Canada-and forms and regulations for the government of such Schools, (1847) 93. (App. B. B.) Printed, 190. * -. Return of special grants to Schools and Colleges (not included in the annual grant of £50,000 for Common Schools) in 1845, 1846, 1847, and 1848,-with names of teachers, course of instruction, &c., (1849) 139. (App. L. L. L.) Printed, 165. Return of Religious, Educational, and Charitable Institutions, incorporated since the Union, (1849)–(Attached to Report of a Committee on the subject, App. Y. Y.Y.) General Report by the Superintendent of Education, on the School Law of Upper Canada; and correspondence on that subject and education generally, (1850) 47. (App. N.) Printed, ib. Return of amount levied in Lower Canada on account of the School Assessment, (1850) 208. Return of moneys furnished to aid in the erection of School Houses in Lower Canada, under provisions of 7 Vic., ° 93 9 Vic, c. 27; and 12 Vic, c. 50, (1851) 108. (App. x.) Printed, 112. Wide infra, 291. Elections: *Pondence between the Executive Government and Nicholas Fulham, relative to the late General Election in Lower Canada, (1843) 128. (App. J. J.) Correspondence between the Executive and Im perial Governments, relative to the recent election for the City of Montreal, (1844–5) 211. Printed, 213, ſº ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. li I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. i 61. #62. 163. 166. 167. 168. #69. i.70. i.71. 172. 173. 174. 175. Electoral Divisions: . Return of the various Constituencies in Upper and Lower Canada, with the number of inhabitants and of Repre- sentatives, (1849) 41. (App. J.) Printed, 56. . Lists of the Townships, Parishes, &c., comprising the several electoral divisions of Canada, as now constituted; Ordered, (1849) 160. Presented, 177. (App. T. T. T.) Statement shewing the population of the various Constituencies intended to be formed under the Bill for increasing the Representation, now before the-House, (1850) 146. (App, G. G.) -- Emigration : Report of Dr. Thos. Rolph, late Emigration Agent for Canada in the United Kingdom, (1842) 63. Printed, 66. Act of Imperial Parliament for regulating the carriage of passengers in merchant vessels (emigrants), (1842) 80, Despatch from Colonial Secretary relative to the scheme proposed by Lord Sydenham for encouraging emigration from Great Britain to Canada, (1842) 121. . Correspondence, &c., relative to the management of the Quarantine Station at Grosse Isle, and the erection of emigrant sheds at Quebec, (1847) 59. (App. L.) . Correspondence, Petitions, Reports, &c., respecting the Quebec Marine Hospital, and the erection of emigrant sheds and care of sick emigrants at Quebec, (1847) 71. (App.R.) Wide also infra, 424. Despatch on the subject of adopting some plan of colonization in British North America, (1847) 113. Printed, 115. Letter from Chief Emigrant Agent at Quebec respecting the manner in which the provisions of the “Passengers' Act” have been observed by vessels bringing emigrants to this Province during the present season, (1847) 115. Despatch instructing His Excellency to adopt such measures as may be necessary for the relief of sick and destitute emigrants arriving at Quebec, (1847) 118. Reports from the Emigrant Commission and the Medical Board in reference to a removal of the emigrant sheds at Montreal, (1847) 197. Printed, 213. Despatches in reply to Addresses from the Legislature, and from the Corporation of Montreal, on the subject of the emigration of 1847, -also, respecting Surgeons for emigrant ships, emigrants from Lord Palmerston's Irish Estates, &c.;_-and communicating Reports from the Emigration Commissioners, (1848) 80. (App. W.) Return of all sums paid during 1848 for the service of 1847, to Clerical Visitors of sick emigrants at Grosse Isle, Quebec, Montreal, &c., (1849) 139, 183. (App. K. K. K.) Correspondence between Imperial and Provincial Governments on the subject of Emigration, and Public Works as connected therewith; with a Memorandum by the Inspector General upon the subject, (1849) 124. (App. E. E. E.) Printed, ib.--Further Correspondence, Reports, Statements, Minutes in Council, &c., upon the subject, and also respecting the expenditure on account of emigration, 217. (App. E. E. E.) Printed, ió. Wide infra, 197, Engrossing of Bills —Vide Supra, 1. Executive Council:—Wide supra, 5–9. Exhibition of all Nations in 1851: . Three Despatches in reference to the Industrial Exhibition to be held in London in 1851, (1850) 32. (App. L.) Referred, 42. Wide Committees, 386. First Report of the Commissioners appointed to conduct the representation of Canada at the Exhibition, (1851) 291. (App. K. K. K.) Printed, ib. Fee Fund:—Return of Receipts and Expenditure of the Fee Fund in Canada West, and of the excess of expen- diture (for salaries of District Judges and Clerks) paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, from 18th Sept., 1841, to 30th June, 1842, (1842) 31. (App. L.) Printed, 33. Return for 1846, (1847) 64. (App. P.) Wide also supra, 112, 113. H2 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. -— I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. $76. $77. 178. #79. |80. 181. 182. |83. A84. 185. 86. #87, |88. i89. }90. 191. 192. Ferres, J. M.:-Correspondence relative to his dismissal from the office of Inspector of Revenue for the 2nd Division of Montreal, (1849) 88. (App. L. L.) Printed, 98. Ferries ;—Return of Ferries under lease in Canada West, (1847) 64. (App. Q.) Fines : Return of fines, forfeitures, and recognizances, inflicted, &c., in the several Courts in Lower Canada, in 1842, including the fines imposed by Justices of the Peace, (1844–5) 49. (App. H.) Statement of Justices of the Peace for the District of Quebec who have made Returns of fines imposed by them since Ist January, 1847, (1850) 74. (App. Q.) Foreign Books :—Despatch in reply to the Address relative to the Duties imposed on foreign publications, (1844–5) 64. Printed, 74. Foundlings —Vide infra, 277,278. French Language :—Despatch in reply to the Address to Her Majesty relative to the use of the French Ianguage in official Records, (1846) 13. Printed, 14. “Friends’” Seminary :—Reports of the Trustees of the “Friends’” Boarding School at West Lake, County of Prince Edward, for 1848, (1849) 61. (App. Y.) For 1849, (1850) 21. (App. J.) Gaspé: Statement of moneys expended in the District of Gaspé, and of the Duties collected therein, from £835 to 1840, (1841) 212. (App. N.) Correspondence relative to the erection of Gaspé and Bonaventure into Municipal Districts, (1842) 122, Printed, 126. Report of Commissioners appointed to inquire relative to the administration of Justice in Gaspé, (1843) 16. (App, G.) Printed, 20. Wide infra, 568, 573. Gaspé Fisheries —Correspondence between the Imperial and Colonial Governments relative to exempting from Duties certain articles imported for the use of the said Fisheries, (1850) 78. Printed, 90. Referred to a Committee of the whole, 109. Wide Committees, 116. Gaspé Fishery and Mining - Company :—Copy of the evidence and papers in virtue whereof the order in Council giving effect to the said Company was issued, (1849) 41. (App. H.) Printed, 47. Gatineau, River : Return of parties holding timber limits on that river—with the extent, and the Duties received in 1848 and 1849 on account of the same; and Return of applications for timber berths thereon on ground yet unlicensed, since 1st January, 1849, (1850) 205. (App. M. M.) Correspondence, Reports, &c., relative to granting to the R. C. Bishop of Bytown a tract of ſand on that river as an Indian Reserve; and relative to granting timber limits to T. McGoey and J. Aumond, on their giving up their alleged rights in certain mill-sites, (1850) 242. (App. P. P.) Printed, ib. Geological Survey: Reports of the Geological Survey of the Province, (1844–5) 205. (App. W.) Printed, 214.—(1846) 342. (App. G. G. G.) (1847) 46. (App. C.) (1849) 225. (App. G.) Printed, 226.—(1850) 109. (App. V.) Printed; To be translated by a person appointed for the purpose, 116. • Special Report relative to the North Shore of Lake Huron, (1849) 40. (App. G.) Printed, ib. Report of Mr. E. S. De Rottermund, as Chemist to the Provincial Geological Department; and correspondence between him, the Department, and the Government, (1846) 308. (App. W. W.) Report printed, 388. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–confimued. 13 _* I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 193. Gore T)istrict :—Copy of a Petition to His Excellency, from the inhabitants of Hamilton, against a division of the District, (1849) 231. 194. Gourlay, Robert F. :—Report of a Committee of the Executive Council, of 10th Dec., 1841, on his appli- - cation in reference to an Address of the Legislative Assembly, (1846) 77. 195. Gowan, Ogle R. :—Correspondence connected with his appointment, and removal, as Supervisor of Canal Tolls west of Lachine, (1849) 306. (App. W. W. W. W.) Printed, ib. 196. Grand River Navigation :—Report of Mr. Barrett thereon, (1 844–5)—(Attached to Report of Board of Works, App. A. A.) 197. Great Western Tailroad —Correspondence between the Government and the Company, relative to a system of Immigration, and the employment of emigrants on this and other like works, (1848) 57. (App. Q.) Referred to Committee on Railroads, ib. Wide Committees, 483. Wide infra, 437. Grosse Isle, Quarantine Station at :—Wide supra, 164, 171. 199. Guelph and Arthur Road Company —statements of affairs, (1849) 100. (App. V. V.)—(1850) 45. (App. G.)— 1851) 75. (App. R.) 201. Hackett, Nelson :—Correspondence relative to the surrender of Nelson Hackett (a fugitive slave) to the authorities of Arkansas, (1842) 55. (App. S.) Printed, 97. Halifax and Quebec Railway : 202. Despatch from Colonial Secretary relative to the construction of a Railway from Quebec to Halifax; and copies of Despatches from the Lieutenant Governors of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick on the same subject, (1846) 120. 203. Further Despatch, communicating correspondence between the Colonial Office and Nova Scotia relative to the employment of Engineer Officers to survey the proposed line of Railroad, (1846) 227. 204. Despatch relative to the payment of the expense of the preliminary survey, now completed, (1848) 45. Referred to Committee on Railroads, 47. Wide Committees, 483. - 205. Despatch transmitting Report of the Commissioners appointed to survey the line, and desiring to learn the views of the Provincial Legislature relative to the Railway, (1849) 48. (App. N.) Printed, ib-Further Despatches on the subject, 197. (App. N.) Printed, ib. 206. Map of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Lower Canada, shewing the route explored for the Railway, (1849) 103. (App. N.) 207. Despatch from the Colonial Secretary (with enclosures) relative to the construction of the Railway, (1851) 64. (App. N.) Printed; Referred to Committee on Railroads, ib. Wide Committees, 486. 208. Correspondence with the Imperial Government respecting the Act incorporating the Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia Railway Company, for the construction of the said Railway, (1851) 208. (App. A. A. A.) Printed, 231–Further Despatch from Earl Grey, with an enclosure relative to the proceedings of Mr. Timmis in relation to the said Company; Printed, 228. 209. Despatch from the Government of Nova Scotia, enclosing copy of Hon. Mr. Howe's Report of the proceedings of the Delegates to Canada relative to the said Railway; Printed, (1851) 256. Wide infra, 602. Hudson's Bay Company: 210. Letters Patent leasing the “King's Posts,” on the Rivers Saguenay and St. Lawrence, to the Company, (1844–5) 71. Again, (1851) 250. (App. J. J. J.) Printed, ib. 211. Correspondence and documents relative to the leasing of the King's Posts, and to alleged infringements of the lease by the granting of timber licences to lumberers, (1851) 62. Printed, 191. 14 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. T. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. Hull and Grenville Road:—Mr. Walton's Report on the survey of that Road, (184-5)–(Attached to Report of Board of Works, App. A. A.) Ice Bridges :—Correspondence and Reports relative to the feasibility of constructing Ice Bridges over the St. Lawrence, near Three Rivers and Quebec, (1844–5) 402. (App. L. L. L.) Printed, 413. Imports and Exports: Return of Imports and Exports, Lower Canada, from 1837 to 1840, (1841) (App. Q. Q.)—For 1841 and 1842, (1843) (App. S. S.) Statements respecting the Imports and Exports of Canada, from 1841 to 1845, (1846) 292. (App. G. G.) Printed, 304. Return of Imports and Exports at the Port of St. John's, Lower Canada, from 1843, (1844–5) (App. T. T. T.)— (1846) (App. J. J. J.) Return of Imports in 1847 and 1848, (1849) 104. (App. X. X.) Indians : Copies of Petitions from Jas. Little, and from the Chiefs and Sachems residing on the Grand River Tract, to the Governor General relative to Indian lands, (1843) 136. (App. M. M.) Referred, 144. Wide Committees, 398. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the affairs of the Indians; Sections 1 and 2, (1844–5) 383. (App. E. E. E.) Printed, 427. Section 3, (1847) 71. (App. T.) Despatch in reply to the Address deprecating the discontinuance of the Indian presents, (1847) 54. Printed, 55. Statement of Indian moneys invested in Debentures between 6th November, 1845, and 3rd May, 1847, (1847) 96. (App, E. E.) Referred, 112. Wo Report. Correspondence relative to the Accounts of the Indian Department subsequent to the period when Mr. Jarvis was directed to hand over his Accounts to the Secretary's Office, (1847) 165. (App. V. V.) Printed; Referred, 168. Wo Report. Further correspondence and Statements relative to the Accounts of Mr. J arvis, (1849) 231. (App. M. M. M. M.) Statement of the expenditure of £4200 disbursed by Hon. W. B. Robinson to the Indians on Lake Superior, (1851) 188. (App. I. I.) Printed, 144, Wide infra, 251, 321. Indices to Journals :—Report of the Compilers of General Indices to the Journals of the Assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada, on the progress of those works, (1847) 33. Referred, 102. Report; Committed, 112. Report two Resolutions, 187. Wide Journals, 13. Instructions to Lord Sydenham —Vide infra, 557. Invalids and Foundlings:–vide infra, 277,278. Ireland and Scotland :—Despatch from Colonial Secretary acknowledging the liberal feeling evinced in Canada in subscribing so largely for the relief of the distress prevailing in those countries, (1847) 118. Jesuits' Estates: Statement of moneys received since 1831, from the “Jesuits' Estates,” and of the amount thereof at the disposal of the Legislature for the purposes of education; Referred to the Committee on the school Bill, (1841) 418. Wide Education, 3. Schedule of property belonging to the “Jesuits' Estates” in the District of Three Rivers, (1843)–(Attached to Report on Seigniorial Tenure, App. F.) Copy of the Security Bond given by L. E. Dubord, Esq., as Agent for the “Jesuits' Estates” at Three Rivers, (1848) 80. (App. X.) Accounts rendered by Mr. Dubord, of his receipts and disbursements while Agent at Three Rivers, (1849) 139. (App. J. J. J.) - ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. l6 I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 230. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 289. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. Johnstown District Roads :—Report of the Commissioners thereof, (1842) 24. (App. G.) Judges (County):-Wide supra, 112, 118, 175. Judges (Provincial): . Documents relating to a claim of the Judges, Queen's Bench, in Lower Canada, to the continuance of the travel- ling allowance, (1844–5) 229. . Correspondence relative to the Administration of Justice in the District of Montreal (in reference to leave of absence to certain Judges, &c., &c.,) (1846) 217.-(Attached to App. H. H. H.) Referred to select Committee on same subject, ib. Wide Committees, 410. Correspondence relative to the translation of Mr. Justice Bedard from the Judicial Bench of Quebec to that of Montreal, and the appointment of Mr. Justice Aylwin as his successor at Quebec, (1849) 79, 98, (App. G. G.) Printed, 98. Justice, Administration of:—Extracts from letters recommending new arrangements for the Adminis- tration of Justice in Lower Canada, (1 846) 225. Wide supra, 232. Relly, W. M.:—Documents relating to the dismissal of W. M. Kelly, as Collector of Customs at Toronto, (1843) 148. (App. I. I.)—(1844–5) 388. (App. K. K. K.) Printed, 428. (1849) 273. (App. V. V. V. V.) Printed, 282–(1850) 242. (App. Q. Q.) Printed, ib. Ring's College: Statements of Receipts and Disbursements of King's College and Upper Canada College from their foundation to 31st Dec., 1840;-and Statement shewing the condition of their endowments, (1841) 187. (App. J.) Statement of the Affairs of King's and Upper Canada Colleges, for 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842, (1843) 24. (App, J.) Printed, ib. For 1843, (1846) 271. (App. Q. Q.) Printed, ib. Correspondence between His Excellency and the Colonial Secretary relative to the affairs of the College, and the proposed amendment of its charter, (1844–5) 198, 347. Printed, 204, 349. Estimate of the income of the University, Return of Professors, Students, Chaplain, &c., and expenses incurred in fitting up Parliament Buildings at Toronto, for the University, (1844–5) 319. (App. K. K.) Correspondence with other Institutions relating to the University, (1846) 212. (App. D. D.) Printed, 217. Copy of Memorial from the Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, to His Excellency, and various documents, &c., relating to the endowment and income of the University, (1846) 212. (App. D. D.) Printed, 217. Copy of the Statute of the College Council, appointing Commissioners to inquire into the affairs of the College, and of Upper Canada College, (1849) 139. (App. I. I. I.) Printed, ib. Return of the expenses incurred by the Commission of Inquiry, and of the progress made by the Commission, (1850) 133. (App. C. C.) Printed, 154. Final Report of the Commission of Inquiry, (1851) 211. (App. E. E. E.) Printed, 227. Motion, that it be printed in English only, for the Appendix, negatived, 250. * Return of names of the Medical Students who have attended the Lectures on Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, &c., since the commencément of the College, (1850) 181. (App. K. K.) Reports made by the Caput of the University of Toronto (King's College), -the Endowment Board of the Univer- sity and of Upper Canada College-and by the Principal of the latter College, (1851) 228. (App. I. I. I.) Printed, ib. Ring's Posts:–Vide supra, 210, 211. Ringston and Napanee Road:—Report of Commissioners, (1842) 24. (App. G.)—Letter to Mr. William Ireland, informing him that his services on the said Road are no longer required; Printed, (1849) 106. Motion to refer the same, negatived, 146. 16 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–com/imated. T. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 248. 249. 255. 256. 257. 259. 260. 261. 2 62. 263. 264. 265. 266. Kingston Fire and Marine Assurance Company:-Statement of affairs, (1851) 75. (App. I.) Printed, 144. Kingston Hospital :—Return of patients received, and of disbursements, in 1849–50, (1850) 21. (App. J.) Tachine Canal:—Wide infra, 496, 497, 501, 505, 506. Lands: . Accounts current, and Statements of sales, of Crown and Clergy Reserves, Indian Lands, Military Reserve at Toronto, in 1840, and to 7th June, 1841; and Return of Duties collected on Timber on the Rivers Ottawa and Petite Nation in 1840, (1841) 187, 212. (App. K.) Duncan McDonnell's Account current with the Surveyor General to be printed, 513. . Return of the different District Crown Land Agents, with their collections, returns, emoluments, &c., in 1840, 1841, 1842, and 1843, (1843) 145. (App. H. H.) . Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the state of the Crown Lands Department, (1846) 229. (App. E. E.) Printed, 231. Referred, 234. . Statements of Expenses of Crown Lands Department in 1845 and 1846;-also Receipts from sales of Crown Lands, —and from Timber Duties; and amount of Scrip issued for Militia claims from 1843, and amount due on admitted claims, (1847) 152. (App. T. T.) Rules and Regulations to be observed in the Department, by the Clerks, &c., (1847) 176. (App. X. X.) Documents relating to the purchase of Hon. P. McGill's house for the Crown Lands Department, (1847) 199. (App. J. J. J.) Return of Agents for sale of Crown Lands, with the amount of their collections, and the commission thereon, &c., (1849) 174. (App. R. R. R.) - . Return of Patents granted in Lower Canada for lots of land of 500 acres and upwards, from 1795 to 1848, (1849 351. (App. X. X. X. X.) Printed, ib. Return of all persons to whom land scrip has been issued since 1841,–and of those entitled to receive scrip; (not to be printed in the Appendix), (1851) 50. To be printed, in such form as the Printing Committee ... shall direct, 58. Wide supra, 89. infra, 316, 317, 568. L'Assomption, River:-Report of a survey of that river, by Mr. Rubidge, (1849)–(Attached to Report of Board of Works, App. B. B.) Lauzon (Seigniory) :—Statement of total Receipts and Expenditure on account of the said Seigniory, and other information relating thereto, (1849) 351. (App. Y. Y. Y. Y.) Printed, 360. Legislative Council:—Copy of an Address to His Excellency, from the Legislative Council, praying that their Speaker may receive an annual salary similar to that enjoyed by the Speaker of the Assembly, (1844–5) 401. Wide infra, 462. Library: Reports of the Librarian on the state of the Library, (1842) 4. (App. B.)—(1843) 16. (App. C.)—(1844–5) 9. (App. C.)—(1846) 9.--(1847) 33.−(1848) 4.—(1849) 5–(1850) 6. (App. B.)—(1851) 10. Report on the division of the books belonging to the Legislature of Upper Canada, between the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, (1842) 4. (App. B.) Circular Letter addressed by Mr. Speaker to certain official personages relative to the destruction of the Parlia- mentary Libraries, with Replies from the Speakers of the House of Commons, the Legislative Councils of Prince Edward's Island and New Brunswick, and of the Assembly of Nova Scotia, and from various authorities in the United States, (1850) 6. Letters from the Librarian of the United States Congress, Executive Department of Vermont, and Clerk of Legislative Council of Nova Scotia, accompanying donations of Journals, Statutes, Reports, and Public Documents, for the Library, (1851) 15. - ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 17 I. 267. 268. 269. 270. 275. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. Light Houses: Statement of the moneys collected under 7 Wm. IV., c. 95, for the maintenance of Light Houses in Upper Canada, —and of the cost of building and maintaining the several Light Houses erected under that Act, (1841) 467. (App. G. G.) Reports, &c., connected with the erection and maintenance of Light Houses in Upper Canada, pursuant to Acts 7 Wm. IV., chs. 95 and 96, (1841) 491. (App. G. G.) Report of the Commissioner appointed to determine on the sites of the Light Houses to be erected on St. Paul's and Scatterie Islands, (1841) 74. (App. A.) Statement of expenditure for maintenance of Light Houses in Upper Canada, from 1833 to 1837, (1844–5) 349. Wide infra, 384. Loans, Provincial: . Act of Imperial Parliament guaranteeing the interest on a loan of £1,500,000 to be raised by Canada, (1842) 46. . Statement of Bills of Exchange drawn on account of the said loan, (1843) (App. E. E.)—(1844–5) 50. (App. J.) . Statement of the various loans contracted for in London for this Province, since the Union, with particulars of the same, (1850) 133. e Report of Executive Council in reference to the negotiation of future loans (for extending the aid of the Province to Railroad Companies), (1851) 230. Printed, 250. Referred to Committee of whole on the construction of a main trunk line of Railway, 259. Wide supra, 129. Loans to Incorporated Companies :—Statement of loans made to the Cobourg, Port Hope, and Oakville Harbour Companies, and all other Corporations in Upper Canada, by the Government, shewing the amount of interest due thereon, &c.; with a Schedule of Bonds and Securities lodged with the Receiver General on account of the said loans, (1841) 262. (App. Q.) Referred, 271. Wo Report. Longueuil and Chambly Turnpike Trust:-Report of Trustees, (1844–5) 273. (App. F. F.) Loyalty, Expression of:-Wide supra, 51. Tunatics: Reports of Commissioners for relief of Insane, and Invalids, and Foundlings, in the District of Quebec, (1843) 56. (App. X.) (1844–5) 51. (App. L.) —(1849) 95. (App. Q. Q.) Report of Insane and Foundlings in General Hospital, Montreal, (1846) 67. (App. Q.) (1846) 67. (App. Q.) (1847) 212. (1848) 27. (App. J.) Lunatic Asylum, Toronto: Reports of the Commissioners for the temporary Lunatic Asylum at Toronto, (1841) 562. (App. L. L.) Printed, ib. (1842) 104. (App. U.) (1849) From 1845 to 1848, 252. (App. Q. Q. Q. Q.) Printed, 255. (1851) 6. (App. C.) Statement of sums received from the several District Treasurers on account of the Lunatic Asylum tax, since 1839, (1844–5) 373. (App. Y. Y.) Printed, 389. Statements of moneys received since on account of the same, and the annual expenditure for the support of the Asylum, (1847) 119. (App. M. M.) (1850) 75. Correspondence between the Government and the Commissioners of the Asylum relative to the claim of Dr. Rees for further remuneration for his services, (1846) 258. (App. K. K. K.) Correspondence relative to the appointment and dismissal of Dr. Rees as Medical Superintendent, (1849) 124. (App. F. F. F.) Correspondence, &c., relative to the dismissal of Dr. Park from the office of Superintendent, (1849) 48. (App. M.) Correspondence relative to the removal of Dr. Telfer from the same office, (1 849) 131. (App. G. G. G.) Printed, ib. C - 18 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294, 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 301. 302. 303. 304, 305. Lunatic Asylum, Toronto—continued. Statements shewing the amount expended in erecting the Asylum, and the sum required for its completion,--the annual cost for the last 5 years, the number of patients, &c., (1850) 161. Form of admission of a patient into the Asylum, (1850) 232. (App. O. O.) Copy of Petition of J. Coppins to the Board of Directors, complaining of mismanagement in the Asylum, with the Report of the Directors thereon; and Returns of patients received, and of deaths, and servants resigned and discharged, from January, 1850, to 28th June, 1851, (1851) 138. (App. J. J.) Printed, 139, 168, Motion to refer papers, negatived, 164. Return of inquests held in the Asylum from the commencement, with the evidence taken at that held on the body of Mrs. Gilbert, (1851) 167. - Return shewing the interest payable on debentures issued (on the credit of the Upper Canada Building Fund) on account of the Asylum, and the Normal School at Toronto, (1851) 239. Minute of proceedings of the Board of Trustees in relation to the charges against Mr. Ramsay, the late Steward, and his resignation, (1851) 239. - McCord, W. K. :—Copies of complaints and correspondence touching the conduct of Mr. McCord, as a Magistrate, Queen's Counsel, and Superintendent of Police at Quebec, (1849) 191. (App. B. B. B. B.) Wide infra, 366, 367. McGill College: Communications passed since 29th March, 1845, between the Government and the Royal Institution, &c., relative to McGill College, (1846) 187. (App. Z.) Correspondence between the Imperial and Colonial Governments, since 1840, relative to the College; also, copies of the Charter and the Statutes of the College, with lists of the Officers, Professors, &c., and statements of College property, number of Students, and course of study, (1849) 221. (App. G. G. G. G.). List of Officers, and Despatch confirming certain Statutes, printed, 226. McLeod, Alex.:-Despatch in reply to the Address to Her Majesty praying compensation to Mr. McLeod for his losses, (1846) 11. Printed, 14. MacNab (Township) :—Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the state of the settlers, and the improvements, in that township, (1841) 511. (App. H. H.) Printed, 512. Order for printing rescinded, and Report referred, 523. Wo Report. tº MacNab, Sir A. N. :-Correspondence relative to the alleged acceptance by him of the office of Deputy Adjutant General of Militia, while Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, (1847) 3. Wide Speaker, 84. McRae, T}onald:—Letters and documents relative to the seizure of a horse belonging to him, by the Col- lector at Dundee, (1847) 91. (App. X.) Referred, 157. Wo Report. Madawaska Settlement:-Wide infra, 341. Magdalen Islands: Despatch in reference to the joint Address to His Excellency on the Subject of attaching those Islands to the Government of Prince Edward, (1847) 91. (App. W.) Printed, 97. - Copy of Petition of Capt. Isaac Coffin, in 1787, to Lord Dorchester, for a grant of those Islands; with the Report of the Executive Council of Lower Canada thereon, (1847) 209. (App. o. o.o.) Marriage Licenses: Receipts and Disbursements of Marriage License Fees in Canada, in 1841 and 1842, (1843) 44. Printed, 47. Referred, 104. Report (App. R. R.); Printed, 127. Minute of the Executive Council on the Report of the Inspector General relative to the future disposition of the Marriage License Fund; Printed, (1843) 145. Instructions to Agents for issuing Marriage Licenses in Upper Canada; and lists of the Agents in Canada, (1844–5) 288. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 19 I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 306 3.07. 308. 3.09. 3.10. 3.11. 312. 313. 314. 316. 317. 3.18. 3.19. 320. 321. 322 & Medical Board, U. C. :—Return of Members of the Board present at the quarterly meetings in 1846, 1847, 1848, and 1849, (1850) 118.—At subsequent meetings; with a Return of candidates examined and passed, and the proceedings at the last sitting, (1851) 83. Printed, 112. Members: Statement of moneys paid into the hands of the Receiver General since 1st January, 1841, by the District Treas- urers in Upper Canada, collected as an indemnity to Members of the Assembly, (1842) 53. Notifications of vacancies in the Representation, by resignation of Members or otherwise, during the Recess between the Sessions of 1841 and 1842, (1842) 2. (App. A.) Do. between Sessions of 1842 and 1843, (1848) 2, 3, 5. (App. B.) In all subsequent Sessions,—At the commencement of each volume. Return of present and former Members holding offices under the Government, (1843) 41. (App. P.) Printed, 47. Returns of Members chosen to serve in the Legislative Assembly during the first and each subsequent Parliament of Canada, At the commencement of the Journals of 1841, 1844–5, and 1848. Metcalfe, Lord:—Despatch acknowledging Addresses congratulating Lord Metcalfe on his elevation to the Peerage, (1846) 22. Printed, 31. e * e G - Military Chest, Advances from :—Minute in Council concerning an unpaid balance of advances from the Military Chest in 1838, for civil services, amounting to £13,513 10 3 Stg., (1844–5) 219. Wide also supra, 70. Military Supplies: Despatch communicating a letter from the Treasury relative to the Duties imposed on articles imported into Canada for the use of Her Majesty's Troops, (1846) 22. Printed, 31. Referred, 48. Wide Committees, 375. Despatch in reply to the Address relative to the exemption from Duty of live stock and provisions imported for the use of the Troops, (1847) 54. Printed, 55. Further Despatches on the subject, (1849) 48. (App. N.) Printed, ib. Militia: . Return of fines and exemption moneys received by Commanding Officers of Militia; in Upper Canada, from 11th May, 1839, to 22nd July, 1841, (1841) 367. (App. A. A.) Printed, ib. Report of the late Board of Militia land claims for Lower Canada, (1842) 51. Reports, Orders, &c., relative to the issuing of land scrip for the Militia land claims in Lower Canada, (1844–5) 148. Printed, 170. Wide also supra, 254, 259. Wide infra, 559, Mining Companies :—Despatch suggesting the expediency of passing an Act to limit the duration of the several Acts of 1847 for incorporating Mining Companies, (viz.: Montreal,—Quebec and Lake Superior, British North American,—Huron and St. Mary's, Lake Huron Silver and Copper-Upper Canada, Phila- delphia and Huron, Canada, Garden River, British and Canadian,—and Echo Lake Mining Companies); Also specially confirming the following Acts of 1847,-viz.: Customs Act (amending an error), -Quebec Pilots Act, Debentures facilitation Act, Copyright Act, Upper Canada Rebellion Loss Debentures Act, Supply,–and Quebec Fire Loan Act, (1849) 48. (App. N.) Printed, ib. Mining Licenses: Licenses granted to various parties to explore the shores of Lake Superior for Mines and Minerals, (1846) 169. Reports of the Executive Council, and other documents, in relation to the grant of tracts of land for mining pur- poses, (1847) 176. (App. A. A. A.) Referred, 185. No Report. Return of licenses issued for working Mines on Lakes Huron and Superior; and copy of the Treaty under which the lands granted, or intended to be granted therefor, were ceded by the Indians, (1851) 85. (App. U.) Printed, ib. Montreal and Lachine Railroad:—Statements of affairs, (1848) 15. (App. B.)—(1849) 58. (App. S.)—(1850) 34. (App. G.)—(1851) 75. (App.R.) 20 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. T. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 323 324 325 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. Montreal Assurance Company :—Statements of affairs, (1843) (App. I.)—(1844–5) 281. (App. S.) —(1851) 93. (App. I.) Printed, 144. • Montreal Brokers’ Circular :—Copies of the same for 26th March, 1849, to be procured by the Contin- gent Committee, and placed in the Appendix, (1849) 180. Montreal Court House:—Plans, Reports, &c., relative to the re-construction of the same, (1846) 262. (App. M. M.) Montreal Election :-Wide supra, 157. Montreal Firemen’s Benevolent Association :-Statement of funds, (1851) 75. (App.S.) Montrea 66 Grey Nuns :”—Statement of expenses incurred for support of the foundlings under their care in 1849, (1850) 21. (App. J.) Montreal High School:—Statement of property, and of revenue and disbursements, (1848) 27. (App. I.) —(1849) 93. (App. N. N.) Montreal Mechanics’ Institute:–Statements of property, (1846) 88.—(1847) 83.—(1848) 65. (App. U.)—(1849) 58. (App. U.)—(1850) 34. (App. K.) (1851) 75. (App. K.) Montreal Provident and Savings' Bank :-vide supra, 27, 36. Montreal Trinity House: Accounts of the Corporation, (1846) 44. (App. E)—(1847) 35. (App. D.)—(1850) 16. (App. D.)–(1851) 22. (App. E.) Extracts of Despatches in reference to the confirmation of the Ordinance of the Special Council of Lower Canada for incorporating the Trinity House of Montreal; Printed, (1849) 154. Montreal Turnpike Roads:—Reports and Accounts of the Trustees (including the St. Michel Road) (1843) 37. (App. N.)—(1844–5) 129. (App. N.) (1846) 58. (App. M.) Referred, 81. Wide Committees, 498.-(1847) 35, 86. (App. F.) (1848) 28. (App. L.) (1849) 31. (App. E.)—(1850) 16. (App. E.) —(1851) 22. (App. G.) Statement of the expense of macadamizing and repairing the road from Montreal to Lachapelle's Bridge; and the tolls received on the said road, (1844–5) 178. Morrison, Alex. :—Papers relative to his claim for compensation for loss sustained through the issuing of two patents for Lot 71, Township of Niagara, which had been purchased by him, (1849) 84. (App. I. I.) Motion to refer the same, negatived, 121—Further correspondence, &c., (1851) 69. (App. Q.) Printed, 80. Morrison, Wm. :—Statement of sums paid him for commission, travelling expenses, &c., as Crown Lands Agent, from 1837 to 1846, inclusive, (1849) 72. (App. D. D.) Municipalities (L. C.): Papers relating to the erection of Municipal Districts in Lower Canada, (1841) 306. (App. X.) Printed; Referred to Committee of whole on the Upper Canada Municipalities Bill, 307. Statement of Receipts and Expenditure of the Municipal District of Beauharnois for 1841, and St. John's for 1842, (1842) 118. (App. Y.) Returns of the debts and liabilities of the late Municipal Councils in Lower Canada, (1846) 58. (App. K.) Murray Canal Reserve:–Report from the Commissioner of Crown Lands in 1840 upon the said Reserve, (1844–5) 301. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 2I I. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 351. 352. 353. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. “Narrows” Bridge (L. Simcoe) –Vide infra, 590. Navigation Laws: Despatch in reply to Memorial of Montreal Board of Trade, relative to a modification of the Imperial Navigation Laws, and the opening of the navigation of the St. Lawrence to foreign shipping, (1848) 41. Correspondence between the Imperial and Colonial Governments, with Memorials, &c., on the same subject, (1849) 29. (App. C.) Printed, ib. Wide infra, 461, 596. New Brunswick: Reports of Messrs. Draper and Papineau upon the boundary line between Canada and New Brunswick, (1844–5) 255. (App. B.) Further Report, and correspondence between the Governor General and the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick relative to the appointment of a Crown Lands Agent in the Madawaska settle- ment, and the territorial rights of Canada in the said settlement, (1846) 123. Printed, 135. Despatch in reply to the Address to Her Majesty relative to the disputed boundary line between Canada and New Brunswick, (1847) 54. Printed, 55. Correspondence between the Governments of Canada and New Brunswick relative to the project for a Canal or Railroad between the St. Lawrence and the River St. John (N.B.); with copy of a Bill before the Legislature of New Brunswick for improving the navigation of the St. John, (1850) 137. (App. D. D.) Referred to Com- mittee on Petitions on that subject, 145. Wide Committees, 507. Reports of survey, correspondence, &c., on the same subject, (1850)—(Attached to the Report of Select Committee on that subject, App. E. L.) Report of T. C. Keefer on the same, (1851)–(Attached to Report of Board of Works, App. T.) Normal School, Toronto:-Vide supra, 150,291. Office, Appointments to:—Wide infra, 899, 400. Ogden, Mr. Attorney General:—Statement of moneys paid to him for official services rendered within the last four years, with the authority therefor, (1841) 507. Ordnance Property:-Wide supra, 55, 56. Osgoode Hall, Toronto: Correspondence relative to the accommodation provided therein for the Superior Courts in Upper Canada, (1846) 215. Return of moneys received from law fees, under the Act to provide for the accommodation of the Superior Courts in Upper Canada, and of debentures issued under that Act, (1849) 354. Printed, 355. Ottawa, River: Statement of expenses attending the construction of the Slides on the Ottawa, (1844–5) 373. (App. W. W.) Statement shewing the revenue derived from the said Slides, and from the Union Suspension Bridge at Bytown, in 1846; and Return of gross revenue from timber duties on the Ottawa and other rivers, (1847) 115. (App. J. J.) Statement of all surveys performed on the Ottawa and its tributaries, since 1st January, 1844, (1849) 221. (App. H. H. H. H.) Statements shewing the total expenditure on the Ottawa works; the names, salaries, and duties of all persons employed in the management thereof; and the revenue received from tolls, (1851) 132. (App. G. G.) Wide supra, 60. infra, 563. Owen Sound :—Report of Messrs. Chisholm and McDonald on the Owen Sound settlement, and Observations of the Hon. R. B. Sullivan on the said Report, (1841) 562. (App. M. M.) Printed, ib. 22 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. -E T. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368 Pacaud, L. E. :-Correspondence relative to his claim for remuneration as Commissioner of Bankrupts for the District of Three Rivers, (1846) 331. (App. A. A. A.) Papineau, André B.:—Correspondence, &c., relative to the complaints preferred against him for opposition to the School Act; with Report of a Commission of Inquiry into his conduct;-and correspondence relative to the resignation by W. O. Stephens, Esq., of the office of Justice of the Peace, (1848) 52. (App.O.) Further documents on the subject, (1849) 93. (App. P. P.) Printed, ib. - Papineau, Hon. L. J. : Letter from him to the Provincial Secretary, applying for the arrears of salary due him as Speaker of the Assembly of Lower Canada, (1846) 85. Wide Governor General, 89. Correspondence between Mr. Papineau and the Government relative to a sum of money entrusted to him, while at Paris, to procure copies of documents for the Quebec Literary Society; also, relative to his claim for arrears of salary as Speaker of the Assembly of Lower Canada, (1850) 122, 215. (App. Y.) Printed, 122, 219. Referred to Committee on Public Accounts, 218. No Report thereon. Paris Bridge :—Accounts of the Commissioner, (1842) 25. (App. J.) Penitentiary, Provincial: Reports on the management thereof, &c., (1841) 208. (App. M.)—(1842) 24. (App. H)—(1843) 109. (App. G. G.)—(1844–5) 80. (App. M.)—(1846) 42. (App. G.)—(1847) 59. (App. N.)—(1848) 64. (App. S.)—(1849) 271. (App, T.T.T.T.) Printed, 363.−(1850) 263. (App. R. R.)—(1851) 105. (App. W.) First and second Reports of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the management of the Penitentiary, (1849) 360. (App. B. B. B. B. B.) Printed, 363. Report of the Roman Catholic Chaplain, and correspondence between him and the Inspectors in 1850, (1851) 211. (App. W.) - - Pensions : Return of persons to whom Pensions have been granted since 1839, (1842) 111. Extract of Report of a Committee of the Legislative Council, on the claims of Pierre. Lacroix and Joseph Bolduc to Pensions, as Messengers to the late Legislative Council of Lower Canada, (1844–5) 230. Peterborough and Port Hope Railway Company:-Statements of affairs, (1848) 23. (App. F) —(1849) 86. (App. K. K.)—(1850) 69. (App. G.) Police : Return relative to the Police Force in Lower Canada, with Lists of the Stipendiary Magistrates and Police Magis- trates, (1841) 352. (App. Z.) Printed, 411. Correspondence relative to the appointment of Capt. Wetherall, and Wm. Ermatinger and W. K. McCord, Esquires, as Special Magistrates in Montreal, in 1849,-and the organization of the Mounted Police Force; with a list of the men composing the Force, and copy of the Commissicn appointing Messrs. Ermatinger and R. B. Johnson, Inspector and Superintendent of Police for Montreal, (1849) 185, 209. Printed, 188. Further documents on the subject, (1850)—(Attached to Report on Public Accounts, App. N. N.) Commissions appointing Messrs. McCord and Ermatinger Inspectors and Siaperintendents of Police at Quebec and Montreal, and copies of Instruments extending the provisions of the Police Ordinance to certain portions of the districts without the limits of those cities respectively, (1851) 20:3. (App. B. B. B.) Population Returns:–Wide supra, 71–73. Port Hope Harbour:-Various documents in relation to the survey of the said Harbour, the assumption of the same by the Government, the loan by the Government to, the Harbour Company, and the proposed . erection of works for the public defence at Port Hope, (1851) 115. (App. B. B.) Printed, 137. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 23 I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. Portuguese Consul :—Correspondence between His Excellency and the Colonial Office, respecting the proposed appointment of Mr. J. G. Mackenzie as Portuguese Consul at Montreal, (1850) 47. Post Office : Despatch respecting the arrangements of the Post Office Department in British North America, (1843) 51. Printed, 52. e Letter from Speaker of Assembly of Prince Edward Island, forwarding copy of the Report of a Committee of that body relative to the Post Office Department, and inviting the co-operation of the Assembly of Canada, in soliciting from the Imperial Government a revision of the laws regulating the Department, or the transfer of the same to the local Legislatures, (1843) 5. (The Report did not accompany the letter.) Correspondence between the Imperial and Colonial Governments relative to the Department, and Statements of Gross Receipts, with charges thereon, emoluments of Clerks, Postmasters, &c., in 1841 and 1842, (1844–5) 49, 139. (App. I.) Printed, 178. Referred to Committee on Petitions for adoption of a uniform rate of postage, 211. Wide Committees, 440. Return of Receipts and Expenses of the Department for the year ending 5th July, 1844, (1844–5) 213. (App. I.) Referred to Committee on Petitions for adoption of a uniform rate of postage, 214. Wide Committees, 440. Letter from Deputy Postmaster General, respecting the difficulty attending the transmission of the mails between Montreal and Bytown, on account of the bad condition of the roads on the north shore of the River Ottawa, (1844–5) 338. Printed, 339. Two Despatches in reference to the proposed discontinuance of the running of the “Unicorn” Steamer for con- veying the English mail from Nova Scotia to Quebec, and the transmission of the said mail across the United States, vić Boston, (1844–5) 401. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the affairs of the Post Office in British North America, (1846) 21. (App. F.) Referred, 34. (Wide Committees, 441.) Printed, 222. Despatch from Lieut. Governor of New Brunswick, communicating a joint Address to the Queen from the Legis- lature of that Province, on the subject of the Post Office, and one to himself to invite the co-operation of the Canadian Legislature; also copies of Despatches to the Colonial Office on that subject, and the recent extension of the British Copy-right Law to the Colonies, (1846) 192. - Despatch from Lieut. Governor of Nova Scotia, communicating Resolutions passed by the Assembly of that Province relative to the Post Office in British North America, (1847) 85. Despatch authorizing the surplus revenue from the Post Office to be paid over to the Receiver General, (1847) 176. Printed, ib. Quarterly Returns of Receipts and Expenditure of the Department, from 5th July, 1844, to 5th July, 1848,-and of emoluments of Dy. P. M. General, and other paid officers at Montreal, Quebec, Kingston, and Toronto, from 5th January, 1843, (1849) 104. (App. Y. Y.) Printed, ib. Correspondence relative to the establishment of a General Post Office system in British North America, including the Report of the Inter-colonial Commissioners, (1849) 107. (App. B. B. B.) Printed, ib. Referred to a Committee of the whole House, 323. Resolutions reported; Bill presented, 329. Wide Post Office, 1. - Returns of the various Post Offices and Postmasters, instructions for their guidance,—persons employed in the department of the Postmaster General, with their salaries, &c., information respecting all mail contracts, Articles of agreement with the Department for the United States, and Gross Revenue and Expenditure for the year ending 5th July, 1850, (1851) 123. (App. E. E.) Printed, 144. Statements relative to the Revenue since 5th July, 1844,-and also, respecting mail contracts, (1851) 180. (App. V. V.) Printed, ib. Wide infra, 602. Prince Alfred :—Wide supra, 4. Prince Edward Island:—Communication from the Government of that Province, transmitting copies of a Report and Address of the Assembly, relative to the erection of Light Houses at the North Cape and East Point of the Island, (1851) 126. - Prince of Wales:—vide supra, 2. 24 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. g- H. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. Princess Alice:–Wide supra, 8. Printing, Official:—Statement of Expenses attending the printing of the Laws, and other official public documents, (1844–5) 84. Private Bills:–Report on the system pursued in the House of Commons in regard to Private Bills- embracing such provisions as appear adapted to the circumstances of this Province; Mr. Speaker authorized to take steps for procuring an inquiry and Report, (1846) 344.—Report presented, (1847) 31. (App. 13.) Printed, ib. Referred, 94. No Report. Prothonotaries of Quebec :—Statement of their Receipts and Disbursements in 1846, 1847, and 1848,- and of moneys remaining deposited in their hands since 1840, (1849) 201. (App. D. D. D. D.) Dublic Accounts: Public Accounts of Upper Canada for 1839 and 1840, (1841) 149. (App. B.) Statement of salaries borne on the income of Lower Canada, Upper Canada, and the Province of Canada, between 1st October, 1839, and 10th February, 1841, (1841) 511. (App. J. J.) Printed, 521. Public Accounts of Canada, for 1841, (1842) 31. (App. K.) Printed, ib. For 1842, (1843) Referred, 44. (App. A.) For 1848, (1844–5) 50. (App. A.) Referred, 57. Accounts for 1841, 1842, and 1843, also referred, 134. Wide Committees, 471–For 1844, 297. (App. I. I.) Referred to same committee, 305. For 1845, (1846) 56. (App. C.) Referred, 70. Wide Committees, 472. For 1846, (1847) 60. (App. A.) Referred, 102. Wide Committees, 473. For 1847, (1849) 69. (App. A.) Referred, 79. Wide Committees, 474.—For 1848, 171. (App. A.) Printed, ib. For 1849, (1850) 32. (App. C.) Referred, 51. Wide Com- mittees, 475. For 1850, (1851) 21. (App. B.) Referred, 80. Wide Committees, 476. Estimate of the probable Revenue and Expenditure of the Province for 1841, (1841) 207. (App. B.) Printed, 228. Referred, 240. Wide Committees, 469. For 1842, (1842) 35. (App. K.) Printed; Referred, 36. Wide Committees, 470. For 1848, (1848) 47. (App. A.) Supplementary Estimate, 181. Referred to Committee of Supply, 189. Wide Committees, 290. For 1845, (1844–5) 365. (App. Q. Q.) Referred, &c., 385. (Wide Committees, 291.) Supplementary Estimate, 429. For 1846, (1846) 229. (App. C.) Referred, &c., 295. (Wide Committees, 292.) Supplementary Estimate, 312. Referred, 313. For 1847, (1847) 96. (App. C. C.) Referred, &c., 99. (Wide Committees, 298.) Supplementary Estimate, 148. Referred, 150. For 1849, (1849) 180. (App. V. V. V.) Printed, ib. Referred, &c., 219. (Wide Committees, 295.) Supplementary Estimate; Referred, 334. For 1850, (1850) 170. (App. C.) Printed; Referred, &c., 192. (Wide Committees, 296.) Supplementary Estimate, 213. Referred, 214. For 1851, (1851) 108. (App. B.) Referred, &c., 119. (Wide Committees, 297.) Supplementary Estimate; Referred, 240. Abstract Statements of Revenue and Expenditure for 1844 and 1845, divided under the various heads, (1846) 234. (App. F. F.) Report of the Inspector General, with Statements concerning the Public Income and Expenditure for 1847, (1848) 58. (App. R.) Referred to Committee of Supply, 59. Wide Committees, 294. Statement of Cash at the credit of the Government in the various Banks in Canada, and with the Agents who transact the business of the Province in England, (1851) 68. Printed, 144. Public Departments: Return of the various Departments of the Executive Government, for 1840, 1841, and 1842, (1843) 78. (App. C. C.) Return of persons employed in the several Departments, with their salaries, dates of appointment, &c., (1846) 812. (App. Y. Y.) Return of expense incurred for Stationery for the Public Departments in 1849, (1850) 114. Wide infra, 398, 399, 534. Public Officers: Statement of all fees and allowances to the various Public Officers commissioned within the Province, for 1842,- of advances made to any Public Officer between 1837 and 1842, and unaccounted for-of engagements of the security of the Province to Trustees, Commissioners, &c., not cancelled, and of balances due by any Receiver or Collector; Ordered, (1841) 528–Presented, (1848) 52. (App. V.) Printed, 56. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 25 H. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 399. 400. 4.01. 402. 403. 404. 407. 408. 4.09. 410. 411. 412. 413. 4.14. 415. 416. 417. Public Officers—continued. Return of appointments to office in Lower Canada, from 1791 to the Union, (1843) 77. (App. A. A.) Return of appointments to offices of emolument, from 10th February, 1841, to 31st December, 1844, (1844–5) 383. (App. B. B. B.) Printed, 385. Wide supra, 344, 389. Public Works: Report of the President of the Board of Works, relative to the public improvements proposed to be undertaken by the Province,—and other documents accompanying His Excellency's Message on that subject, (1 841) 396. (App. C. C.) Printed, 899. Wide Governor General, 106. Annual Reports of the Board of Works, (1843) 41. (App. Q.) Printed, ib. (1844–5) 251. (App. A. A.) (1846) 63. (App. N.) Motion to refer so much of the Report as relates to the Cornwall and L'Orignal Road, negatived; So much thereof as relates to Lake St. Peter, referred, 250, Wide Committees, 512. (1847) 130. (App. Q. Q.) Mr. Keefer's Report relative to the Bytown and Hatfield Road, (attached to this Report;) referred, 135. (Wide Committees, 345.) Supplementary Report, 176. (App. B. B. B.) Both printed, 212. (1848) 52. (App. N.) Printed, 66. (1849) 67. (App. B. B.) Printed, 91. Motion to refer Report, negatived, 323.—(1850) 149. (App. H. H.) Printed, 154—(1851) 79, 240. (App. T.) Correspondence relative to the appointment of an Officer of the Royal Engineers to assist in superintending the Public Works, (1842) 67. Printed, 90. Referred, ib. Wide Committees, 342. Reports and other papers connected with the outrages recently committed in the vicinity of the works on the St. Lawrence and Lachine Canals, (1844–5) 211. (App. Y.) . Statements of sums expended for public improvements in Upper and Lower Canada since 1830, (1844–5) 338. (App. P. P.) . Reports of the Commissioners of Enquiry into the management of the Board of Works; Preliminary Report, (1846) 63. (App.O.)—Second Report (on Lake St. Peter), (App. P. P.) Statements of amounts expended on various works by the Board of Works, since the Union, (1847) 145. (App. S.S.) Statements shewing the rates of toll imposed on vessels, merchandize, &c., at the various canals, locks, and har- bours; with comparative Statement of tolls on the Welland Canal, Burlington Bay Canal, and Windsor Harbour, in 1845, 1846, and 1847,-and a Statement of the total cost of those works, and revenue received from the same, (1847) 152. (App. U. U.) Printed, 191. Statements of the expenditure on the various public works, before and since the Union, (1847) 209. (App. N. N. N.) |Printed, ib. (1848)—Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. N.) (1849)—Do. Do., (App. B. B.) —(1850)—Do. Do., (App. H. H.) Statement shewing the history, nature, cost, and revenue, of the various public works, (1849)—Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. B. B.) Table shewing the comparative length of the season of navigation on the Canadian, and on certain American waters and canals, (1850)—Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. H. H.) Estimated cost of management and repairs, on the various public works, for one year after their completion, (1850) —Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. H. H.) & Statements of total expenditure (on account of the public debt) on public works, and on local and unproductive works, (1850)—Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. H. H.) (1851)—Do. Do., (App. T.) Statement of revenue, expenditure, &c., on the various works, from 1845 to 1849, (1850)—Attached to Do., (App. H. H.) (1851) Statement of expenditure, Attached to Do., (App. T.) Return of the works which have been sold or given up, and of those which it is intended to sell or give up, (1851) —Attached to Do., (App. T.) Statement of claims for damages consequent on the construction of public works,—the amounts awarded by the Provincial Arbitrators, the amounts paid, and the claims remaining unsettled, (1851) 115. (App. A. A.) Return of all roads, bridges, slides, and harbours, under the control of the Government in 1849 and 1850, the receipts therefrom, and expenditure for management and repairs; also, statement of such works as have been sold to Companies or Municipal Bodies, and correspondence with parties negotiating for the purchase of any such works, (1851) 117. (App. C. C.) Motion to refer so much as relates to the sale of the roads near Toronto, negatived, 202. Wide infra, 481, 482. 26 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–com/inued. I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 4.18 419 , Punishment for Offences:—Extract from a Despatch relative to the Act for the better apportioning of the punishment to the offence, (1843) 48. e Quebec :—Correspondence between the Government, the Quebec Corporation, and the Trinity House, concern- ing the Cul-de-Sac, in Quebec, (1846) 171. Quebec Fire Loan : 420. Correspondence and Report of the Commissioners for distributing the loan advanced for the relief of sufferers by the 421 late fires at Quebec, (1847) 187, 209. (App. H. H. H.) . Detailed particulars concerning the advances made to individuals on account of the Quebec Fire Loan, (1850) 153. (App. I. I.) Printed, ib. 422. Return shewing the parties who have obtained loans on account of the same-the interest paid thereon from June, 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 tº Quebec Trinity House:—Accounts of the Corporation, (1842) 19. (App. E) © Quebec Turnpike Roads:—Reports of Trustees, (1843) 37. (App. N.) 1850, to June, 1851,–amounts still due for principal and interest,-and expense of management of the fund, (1851) 212. (App. F. F. F.) Printed, 214. e Quebec Library Association :-Report of the Board of Directors, (1846) 67. º Quebec Marine and Emigrant Hospital :—Correspondence relative to the management of the same, (1851) 171. (App. R. R.) Printed, ib. Wide supra, 165. * Quebec Market Place:–Correspondence relative to the enlargement of the Quebec Lower Town Market Place, (1851) 68. (App. P.) º Quebec Observatory :—Communications from the Colonial Secretary, and the Royal Engineer Department, on the subject of erecting an Observatory at Quebec, (1849) 143. (App. M. M. M.) Printed, ib. . Quebec Police Office:–Copies of complaints, correspondence, &c., relative to the Police Office at Quebec, (1849) 160. (App. O. O. O.) Printed, 191, Wide supra, 293. (1843) 7. (App. E.) —(1844–5) 32, 175. (App. E.) Referred to Committee on Restrictions on Commerce, 404. (1846) 10. (App. E.) (1847) 35. (App. D.) (1848) 27. (App. G.) (1849) 61. (App. X.) Referred, 79. Wide Committees, 474. (1850) 16. (App. D.) (1851) 19. (App. E.) Printed, 20. Accounts of Receipts and Expenditure for last 4 years; and Statements relative to the Quebec Decayed Pilots' Fund, (1844–5) 230. (App. C. C.) (1844–5) 213. (App. X.) Referred to Committee on Petition of F. Belleau and others, 218. Wide Committees, 501,–(1846) 101. (App. M.) Referred, 110. Wide Committees, 502. (1847) Accounts and correspondence, 91. (App. Y.) Referred to Committee on a Petition for inquiry into the conduct of the Trustees, 157. (Wide Committees, 503.) Printed, 179. (1850) Accounts for 1848 and 1849, and correspondence relative to the purchase of Dorchester Bridge, 127. (App. A. A.)—Correspondence, petitions, &c., relative to the management of the roads, 143. (App. A. A.)—Return shewing the total amount received by the Commissioners, from Deben- tures, Loans, and Tolls; and the total expenditure, up to January, 1851; also, the sums advanced at various times, out of the Public Chest, for interest on the said Debentures, (1851) 213. Printed, 214. 430. Queen's Bench, Montreal:—Statement of suits therein during the last twelve months, (1849) 98. (App. R. R.) Queen's Bench, Upper Canada: 431. Rules and Regulations of the Court, (1842) 36. (App. Q.) Printed, 66. 432. Return of Queen's Bench Writs of Mesne Process issued in Upper Canada from 1st Jan. to 14th Dec., 1849, with the Judgments therein, and number of records passing; also, the charges made by Clerks of Assize for criminal business; and Return of Writs, Verdicts, and Judgments in the several District Courts in 1849, and emolu- ments received by the Clerks thereof, (1850) 272. (App. U. U.) * ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 27 I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 433 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. Queen's College (Kingston) :—Extract of a Despatch from the Colonial Secretary relative to the Act establishing the said College, (1844–5) 421. Printed, 422. Queen's Counsel:—Return of Queen's Counsel employed, in Upper and Lower Canada, since the Union, with the sums paid them; and names of the Law Officers of the Crown who have attended the different Circuits in Upper Canada, (1850) 272. (App. V. V.) Queenston and Grimsby Turnpike Road:—Statements of expenditure on the construction of the said road from St. David's to Jordan, (1847) 118. Railroads: Despatch conveying general instructions in reference to Colonial Railway Acts, (1846) 29. Printed, 31. Referred to Committee on Railroads, 136. Wide Addresses, 27. Despatch in reply to the Address representing objections to certain of the above instructions, (1847) 53. Printed, 55. Referred to Committee on Rail- roads, 73. Despatch leaving to their operation the Acts of last Session amending the Great Western Railroad Act, and incor- porating the Montreal and Lachine Railroad Company; and communicating a correspondence relative to the former, and suggestions for amendments to the latter, (1847) 91. (App. W.) Printed; Referred to Com- mittee on Railroads, 97. Despatch suggesting amendments to the Acts for amending the Montreal and Lachine Railroad Act, and for incorporating the St. Lawrence and Industry Railroad Company, (1849) 48. (App. N.) Statement concerning the various Railroads in the State of Massachusetts, shewing the length, cost, receipts, and expenses, &c., to 1847; and Statement shewing the cost of motive power, repairs, and ordinary expenses on the principal Railways in the United States, (1849)–(Attached to Report of Survey of Halifaa and Quebec Railway, App. N.) Correspondence of the Board of Works with the Great Western, and the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Union Railroad Companies, relative to application for Government aid under the Railway Guarantee Act; Referred to Committee on Railroads, (1851) 55. Wide Committees, 486. Correspondence and documents in reference to the proper gauge to be adopted for Railroads to be constructed in Canada, (1851) 208. (App. D. D. D.) Printed, ib. Wide supra, 202–209. infra, 467, 470, 471, 602. (The different Railways will be found under their respective names.) Rawdon –Return of lots sold, and of those remaining unsold, in that village, (1849) 118. (App. D. D. D.) Rebellion (Upper and Lower Canada): Despatch in reference to the Address to His Excellency relative to the persons who were transported for high treason committed in the late Rebellion, (1844–5) 301. Wide Addresses, 416. Despatch in answer to the Address praying for a general amnesty for all offences connected with the Rebellion, (1844–5) 301. Statement of the amount of loss suffered by the Parish of St. Eustache in the destruction of their convent and church during the Rebellion of 1837, (1844–5) 129. Correspondence between the Government and the Commissioners for inquiring into the Rebellion Losses in Lower Canada, with a copy of the Commission, (1846) 101. Printed, 103. First Report of the Commissioners (Lower Canada Rebellion Losses), (1846) 179. (App. X.) Printed, 240– Fourth and Fifth Reports, and Special Report on the cases of Messrs. Rice and Shaw, 260. (App. L. L.) Referred to Committee of Supply, 295. Resolution reported, and Bill presented, 386. Wide Rebellion, 5. Statement of law costs due on certain lands seized by the Sheriff of Montreal, and belonging to individuals transported for the part taken by them in the Rebellion, (1846) 206. (App. B. B.) Correspondence between Imperial and Colonial Governments relative to the Act of 1849 to provide for the pay- ment of the Rebellion Losses in Lower Canada; and also respecting the movement (after the passing of that Act) in favor of annexing Canada to the United States, and the dismissal of certain public officers for taking part in that movement; with copies of various Addresses to His Excellency, expressive of attachment to the Constitution and the continuance of the connexion with Great Britain, (1850) 90. (App.R.) 28 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–comf/ed. I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. Rebellion—continued. Report of the Commissioners appointed under the Act of 1849 for the payment of the Rebellion Losses in Lower Canada, with the amount paid them for their services, &c., and a copy of the Commission, (1850) 268. (App. S. S.) . Printed, 276. Return of sums collected from the duties on Tavern Licenses, for the payment of the Rebellion Losses in Upper Canada; Printed, (1849) 41. Reports from the Commissioners appointed to examine the claims for losses by the Rebellion in Upper Canada, (1849) 165. (App. P. P. P.) Rectories:—Return of Rectories established during the last 16 years, with the authority therefor—the names of Rectors presented,—a list of deaths or removals, and of successors appointed, with the authority for the 3ame, (1851) 68. (App.O.) Printed, 105. * Wide supra, 91. Registrars :—Return of the several Registrars in Upper Canada, with their emoluments for 1850, (1851) 17t. (App. T. T.) Printed, ib. Registration and Statistics:—Reports from the Board of Registration and Statistics, (1849) 165. (App. B.) Registry Laws:—Despatch suggesting amendments to the Act of last Session consolidating the Registry Laws of Upper Canada, (1847) 91. (App. W.) Printed, 97. Registry Offices :—Reports of Inspectors of Registry Offices in Lower Canada, (1846) 103. (App. B.) Printed, 250,—(1847) 93. (App. Z.) - Religious Denominations, Grants to:—Lists of lands granted to the Churches of England, Scotland, and Rome, and the different denominations of Methodists; and Statements of payments made to Clergymen in Upper and Lower Canada, from 1814 to 1840, (1851) 145. (App. M. M.) Printed, ib. Religious Societies:—Return of Religious, Educational, and Charitable Institutions incorporated since the Union, (1849)—Attached to Report of a Committee on the subject, (App. Y. Y. Y.) Reserved Bills : Extract of a Despatch relative to the reserved Bills respecting the admission of Land Surveyors in Upper Canada, the market block in the Town of Niagara, and the navigation of the St. Lawrence, (1844–5) 65. Printed, 74. Despatch withholding the Royal Assent from the (reserved) Bill for securing the independence of the Legislative Council, (1844–5) 65. Printed, 74. Extract of a Despatch conveying the Royal Assent to the (reserved) Bill for securing the independence of the Legislative Assembly, but expressing a distrust of the wisdom of some of its provisions, (1844–5) 65. Printed, 74. Extract of a Despatch withholding the Royal Assent from the Bill for the discouragement of secret Societies, (1844–5) 66. Printed, 74. Despatch withhelding the Royal Assent from the Bill for dissolving the marriage of Henry Wm. Harris, Esq., (1846) 29. Printed, 31. Two Despatches explaining the reasons for withholding the Royal Assent from the Bill for authorizing the attach- ment of official salaries; also, confirming the Bill to make further provisions respecting aliens, (1846) 48. Despatch announcing the Royal Assent to the (reserved) Bills for incorporating the Hamilton and Toronto, the Wolfe Island, Kingston and Toronto, the Peterboro' and Port Hope, and the Montreal and Kingston Rail- road Companies, for amending the Toronto and Lake Huron Railroad Act, and for incorporating the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Company;-with general remarks and instructions in reference to Railway Acts, (1847) 91. (App. W.) Printed; Referred to Committee on Railroads, 97. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 29 ...~~ T. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478, 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. Reserved Bills—continued. Despatch suggesting amendments to the (reserved) Bill for incorporating the “Banque des Marchands,” (1847) 91. (App. W.) Printed, 97. - Despatch announcing that measures will shortly be taken for confirming the (reserved) Civil List Act of last Session, (1848) 42. Despatch communicating a Report from the Imperial Railway Commissioners upon the reserved Bills for incorpo- rating the Woodstock and Lake Erie, -Bytown and Britannia, Carillon and Grenville-Lake St. Louis and Province Line,—Montreal and Province Line Junction,-Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, and Toronto and Goderich Railway Companies, (1848) 45. Printed; Referred to Committee on Railroads, 47. Despatch announcing the Royal Assent to the seven Railway Bills above referred to (supra, 470), (1849) 4s. (App. N.) Printed, ib. Extract from a Despatch communicating a Report from the Attorney General and Solicitor General of England, adverse to the sanctioning of the (reserved) Bill for the relief of Joseph Donegani and other aliens, (1849) 98. (App. S. S.) Printed, 143. . Extract from a Despatch in reference to the (reserved) Bill for providing a recourse for persons having claims against the Government, (1849) 148. vide supra, 117, 127, 318. Responsible Government :—Copies of various Despatches, Addresses, &c., on the subject of Responsible Government, (1841) 389. (App. B. B.) Revenue and Expenditure: Abstract Statements of the Revenue and Expenditure for 1844 and 1845, (1846) 234. (App. F. F.) Statements shewing the Revenue and Expenditure of Upper Canada and Lower Canada, under each head, from the date of their constitution to the Union; also, shewing the total liabilities of each Province at the date of the Union; Ordered, under superintendence of Committee on Public Accounts, (1847) 109. Presented, 203. (App. K. K. K.) Printed, 207. - General Statement shewing the Revenue and Expenditure since the Union; Committee on Public Accounts to cause the same to be prepared, (1849) 93. (Wide Committees, 474.) Laid on the table, (1850) 274. (App. Y.Y.) Printed, ib. Wide supra, 388—394. Revised Statutes :—First and Second Reports of the Commissioners for revising the Acts and Ordinances of Lower Canada, (1843) 206. (App. O. O.) Rice Lake and Lake Ontario Road: Reports, Minutes, &c., relative to the said Road, (1844–5) 439. (App. Q. Q. Q.) Statement shewing the total amount expended in constructing the Road, (1847) 92. Roads: Comparative Statement of tolls collected on the several Turnpike Roads in Upper Canada in 1847 and 1848, (1849) 98. (App. T. T.) Printed, ib. Return of all tenders made during the last year to lease the tolls on Public Roads in Upper Canada, (1849) 201, (App. E. E. E. E.) *. [NOTE.--Further information relative to Turnpike Roads will be found in the Annual Reports of the Board of Works, -supra, 402.] Wide also supra and infra, for special Roads. Road Companies :—Return of the several Companies formed under 13 Vic, chaps. 56 and 84, for the construction of roads and other works, (1851 171. (App. S. S.) Printed, ib. 30 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–com/hºued. I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 484 4 8 5 486. 488. 489. 491. 492. 493. 494. 496. 497. 498. 499. 501. Rochester, J ohn :—Documents relative to his purchase of a certain glebe lot, near Bytown, (1846) 114. Roebuck, J ohn A. :—Correspondence between the Imperial and Colonial Governments, relative to his claim for arrears of salary as Agent to the late Assembly of Lower Canada in England, (1851) 197. (App. W. W.) Printed, ib. Ryland, Mr. :—Despatch in reply to the Address to Her Majesty in favor of his claims as Clerk of the Exe- cutive Council of Lower Canada, (1847) 50. Printed, 55. Saguenay: . Report of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, of his journey to the Saguenay in 1845, (1846) 259. (App. A.) Return of the Trade of the Saguenay in 1845 and 1846, (1847)—Attached to Report of Board of Works. (App. Q. Q.) St. Charles, River: Correspondence between the Government, the Trinity House, and the Corporation of Quebec, concerning the beaches of the St. Charles, (1846) 258. (App. J. J.) Report of a Survey of the River St. Charles by Mr. Barrett, (1847) 141. (App. R. R.) St. John, Lake —Reports of an exploration by Mr. Blaiklock, of the territory between Quebec and Lake St. John, and thence to Chicoutimi; with copy of instructions, &c., (1850) 161. (App. J. J.) Printed, 239. St. J ohn, River (New Brunswick) :—Wide supra, 343. St. Lawrence, Free Navigation of:-Vide supra, 839, 340, 461. St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Company: Despatch suggesting certain amendments to the Act incorporating the Company, (1846) 28. Printed, 31. Statements of affairs of the Company, (1846) 66.--(1847) 57, H. H.) (1848) 27. (App. K.)—(1849) 83. (App. . St. Lawrence and Industry Railroad Company:-Statement of affairs, (1851) 75. (App.R.) St. Lawrence Canals: Report of Commissioners for superintending completion of the Lachine Canal, (1841) 294. (App. D.) Statements of revenue from tolls on the Lachine Canal and the locks at the Cascades, Split Rock, and Coteau du Lac, to 1833, inclusive, (1842)—Attached to Report on Beauharnois Canal. (App. Z.) Estimate of cost of constructing a canal between Lakes St. Francis and St. Louis (Beauharnois Canal), (1842) 26. Referred, 27. Wide Committees, 342. Correspondence between the Government and the military authorities, relative to stationing troops on the line of the Beauharnois Canal, (1843) 40. Report of the Commission of Inquiry concerning the disturbances on the Beauharnois Canal, and statement of expense attending the suppression of the same, and of the riots on the Lachine Canal, (1843) 49. (App. T.) Wide also supra, 404. . Correspondence between the Executive Government and the Stipendiary Magistrate recently appointed on the line of the Beauharnois Canal, (1843) 54. . Report on the depredations and losses sustained by habitans and others on the line of the Beauharnois Canal, (1844–5) 192. (App. U.) . Return of claims for land and damages, by inhabitants of the County of Dundas, (1844–5) 373. (App. X. X.) Printed, 408. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 31 I. 508. 509. 510. 5 11. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. St. Lawrence Canals—coutinued. . Statement of staff employed, and of expenditure and amount of tolls received, on the several portions of the St. Lawrence Canals, (1846) 260. Referred, 293. Report, 333. (App. D. D. D.) . Statement of expenditure for maintenance of a police force on the several portions of the Canals, in 1843, 1844, and 1845, (1846) 262. (App. N. N.) . Copy of Memorial from inhabitants of County of Dundas, to the Board of Works, for the construction of a bridge over the Williamsburg Canal, at Maria Town, (1846) 303. Printed, 304. Referred, 307. Wo Report. Correspondence, Reports, &c., relative to the claim of Jas. Coons for damages done to his property by the Williams- burg Canal, (1846) 308. (App. X. X.) Referred, 310. Wo Report. Estimated annual cost of management and repairs on the St. Lawrence Canals, after their completion, (1850)— Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. H. H.) Report, &c., on the present state of the St. Lawrence navigation, and the diversion of its trade to New York, &c., by Hon. W. H. Merritt, (1851)—Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. T.) Report of T. C. Keefer on a Survey of the Rapids of the St. Lawrence, with an estimate for their improvement, &c., (1851)—Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. T.) .** St. Lawrence Inland Marine Assurance Company —Statements of affairs, (1844–5) 355. (App.S.) (1846) 88. (App. U.) (1847) 83. (App. U.)—(1849) 102. (App. P.) (1850) 58. (App. H.)—(1851) 128. (App. I.) Printed, 144. St. Laurent, L'Academie Industrielle de :-Reports of the said Corporation, (1850) 21. (App. J.)—(1851) 75. (App. S.) St. Laurent, Soeurs de Ste. Croix de :-Reports of the said Corporation, (1850) 21. (App. J.)— (1851) 75. (App. S.) St. Maurice, River : Reports of a survey of that river, with maps, and a copy of instructions, (1850) 273. (App. W. W.) Field books of the survey of that river and the River Bostonais–notes on the Vermillion River-and scaling of the River St. Maurice, (1851) 227, 301. (App. G. G. G.) Printed, 302. St. Maurice Forges: Papers on the subject of the lease of the Forges of St. Maurice, (1844–5) 143. (App.O.) Printed, 147. Correspondence relative to the contemplated Sale of the Forges, with a memorial from the workmen in reference thereto, (1846) 268. - Reports, Orders in Council, &c., relative to the sale of the Forges, (1847) 71. (App. S.) St. Peter, Lake : Chart of Lake St. Peter, (1844–5)—Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. A. A.) Statement relative to the expenditure of the sum of £58,000 sterling, granted for deepening the channel, (1846) 269, (App. P. P.) Correspondence, Orders in Council, and Reports relative to the works, including one from Capt. Bayfield, R. N., and Report of a Commission of Inquiry into the management of the Works, (1847) 96. (App. D. D.) Referred, 101. Wide supra, 406. Salt : Return of salt imported into Upper Canada in 1840, (1841)—Attached to Report on the Customs, (App. V. V.) Returns of Duties on salt, appropriated towards the payment of the War Loss claims, and Return of salt imported into Upper Canada, paying a Duty under 4 and 5 Vic, c. 14, (1847) 59. (App. M.) 32 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 525. 526. 527. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538, 539. 540. 541. 542. 543. Sault Ste. Marie Canal:—Report of Chairman of the Board of Works in reference to the construction of a canal around the Falls at Sault Ste. Marie, (1847)—Attached to Report of Board of Works. (App. Q. Q.) Savings Banks:–Vide supra, 27, 31, 86. School Lands:–Report by a Committee of King's College Council, on the state of the School Lands in Upper Canada, (1841) 520. (App. K. K.) Scugog and Narrows Road :—Reports and correspondence relative to the expenditure thereon, (1847) 108. (App. G. G.) Printed, 111. Seamen : . Despatch transmitting copy of a letter from Commander Otway, R. N., suggesting the registration of merchant seamen in Canada and other colonies, (1846) 22. Printed, 31. . Despatch in reply to memorial from ship-owners at Quebec, for adoption of measures to compel their seamen to fulfil their engagements, (1846) 28. Printed, 31. Correspondence, Memorials, &c., relative to the Act regulating the shipping of seamen at the Port of Quebec, (1849) 102,154. (App. W. W.) Referred to Committee on Petition of ship-owners, &c., at Quebec, 248. Seat of Government : Despatch in reply to the Address to Her Majesty relative to alternate Parliaments at Quebec and Toronto, and relating to the selection of Kingston as the Seat of Government, (1842) 47. Printed, 48. Committed, 97. Wide Committees, 275. Report of the Committee of the Executive Council, recommending the removal of the Seat of Government to Mon- treal, (1848) 25. Printed, 28. Despatch in reply to the joint Address for the removal of the Seat of Government from Kingston to Montreal, (1844-5) 64. Printed, 74. Secretary, Provincial :—Return of Clerks, &c., employed in his office, with their salaries, dates of appoint ment, &c., (1846) 233. Seigniorial Tenure : Preliminary Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry relative thereto, (1842) 101. Printed, 107. Report of the Commissioners, (1843) 15. (App. F.) Printed, 66. Returns of Commutations of Tenure in the Crown Domain, “Jesuits' Estates,” and Seigniory of Lauzon, for 1848, (1849) 67. (App. C. C.) For 1849, and to 1st May, 1850, (1850) 109. (App. W.) To 1st May, 1851, (1851) 112. (App. Y.) Seigniories :—Return of the income of each Seigniory held by the Government in Lower Canada, from 1830 to 1844, (1844–5) 230. (App. B. B.) Seizures:–Return of seizures of goods illegally imported, in 1840, 1841, and 1842, (1843) 44. (App. R.) Sherbrooke Cotton Factory:—Statements of affairs,(1846) 49. (App. I.)—(1847)34—(1848) 18. (App. E.)—(1849) 58. (App. T.) (1850) 20. (App. F.) Sheriffs : Statement of the income of the Sheriffs of Montreal for the last 5 years, (1849) 73. (App. F. F.) Referred, 119. Wide Committees, 517. wº Correspondence relative to the securities given by the Sheriff of the District of Niagara, (1849) 94. Papers transmitted to the Government by the Sheriffs of Montreal, in reference to the charges against them, (1850) 122. (App. X.) Printed, 145. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 33 T. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 551. 553. 554. 555. 557. 558. 559. 560. Shipping: Return of the number and tonnage of vessels owned in the Province, distinguishing those employed on the Lakes, the St. Lawrence, the coasting trade below Quebec, and beyond sea, (1844–5) 386. (App. H. H. H.) Return of vessels entered inwards and cleared outwards from the Port of Montreal in 1839 and 1840, (1841)— Attached to Report on deepening Lake St. Peter, (App. D. D.) Despatch in reply to the Address to Her Majesty, deprecating the imposition of Duties on Colonial-built shipping, (1846) 11. Printed, 14. Despatch communicating an Order in Council, leaving to its operation the Provincial Act for securing the right of property in British Plantation Wessels, and suggesting an amendment to the Act, (1846) 29. Printed, 31. Returns of vessels engaged in the Quebec Trade, and of vessels lost, from 1840 to 1849; also, of foreign vessels arrived in 1850, (1851)—Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. T.) Wide infra, 596. Simpson, John, and W. B. :-Wide supra, 111. Simpson, JOseph :—Correspondence relative to the refusal of the Quebec Trinity House to give him a certificate of qualification as a Pilot, (1846) 153. Referred, 154. Report; Bill presented, 208. Vide Pilots, 4. Statutes: Statement (by the Queen's Printer) of the distribution of the Statutes of the last Session, (1846) 251. (App. H. H.)—(1847) 176. (App. C. C. C.)—(1849) 195. (App. C. C. C. C.)—(1850) 107. (App. T.) . Statement of the printing and distribution of the Statutes of 1850,-and Schedules of the number of Local and Private Acts required for distribution in each County, (1851) 19. (App. F.) Wide supra, 385. Stephens, W. O. :-Vide supra, 355. Stipendiary Magistrates :—Return of all Stipendiary Magistrates appointed by Government from 1841 to 1850, with their respective salaries, &c., and the authority for their appointment, (1851) 132. (App. F. F.) Printed, üb. Wide supra, 365–367. Streetsville Plank Road Company :—Statement of affairs, (1850) 116. (App. G.) Stuart, Peter:—Correspondence relative to his intended appointment to the office of Sheriff of the Eastern District, (1849) 84. (App. J. J.) Printed, ib. 5. Sugar :—Despatches and correspondence relative to the Duties levied on Bastard Sugar, (1843) 123. Referred, 129. Wide Customs, 56. Sydenham, Lord:—Despatch conveying Her Majesty's Instructions to the Right Hon. C. P. Thomson (Lord Sydenham) on his assumption of the Government of British North America, (1841) 390. Taschereau, Mr. J. A. :—Correspondence relative to his resignation of the office of Solicitor General for Lower Canada, and his appointment as a Circuit Judge, (1847) 47. (App. J.) Printed, 62. Taxes:–Statement of Taxes collected in each district, as local assessments, fees on licenses, Militia commis- sions and fines, marriage licenses, &c.; with the expenditure of the same; Ordered, (1847)49. Not presented. Territorial Divisions (Upper Canada) :—Return of the several counties, townships, cities, and towns, in Upper Canada, according to the divisions proposed to be made by the Territorial Divisions Bill now before the House; with the extent and population of each, according to the Census of 1850, (1851) 55. (App. L.) Printed, ib. JE 34. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued, —-a- - - - E---- I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 561. 562. 563. 564. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. 580. 581. 582. Thompson, Mr. Justice :—Papers relating to the impeachment of Hon. J. G. Thompson, Provincial Judge for Gaspé, (1841) 306. (App. W.) Timber : Correspondence between Her Majesty's Ministers and the Governor General, in relation to any alteration in the scale of Duties in the importation of Foreign or Colonial timber into Great Britain, (1841) 177. (App. H.} Printed, [81. Return of Duties collected at Bytown, for the last 5 years, on timber floated down the River Ottawa, shewing what portion thereof has been expended in improving the navigation of the Ottawa, (1841) 167. (App. G.) Printed, 190, Return of Duties collected on timber in the Ottawa District since 1835, (1841) 511. (App. I. I.) Extra copies of Greenfield Macdonell's account with the Government, to be printed, 637. Statement of moneys received from the sale of timber licenses, since the Union, and of moneys still due therefor; Ordered, (1842) 25. Not presented. Detailed Statement of Timber Duties received at Bytown for 1841, together with the disbursements of the Crown Timber Office, (1842) 55. (App. T.) Printed, 56. Despatch communicating Her Majesty's answer to the joint Address of last Session, relative to the Duties levied on timber in the United Kingdom; and extract from a further despatch explaining the new arrangement of those Duties; Printed, (1842) 89. Statement of moneys received by the Crown Lands Agent in Gaspé and Bonaventure, from 1835 to 1842, on sales of Crown lands and timber licenses, (1842) 99. (App. T.) - Statement of licenses granted and timber cut on Crown lands in the County of Restigouche, New Brunswick, from £835 to 1842; and Return of timber shipped from the Port of Dalhousie (Restigouche) in the same years, (1843) 17. (App. H.) t Receipts and Disbursements of Supervisor of Cullers at Quebec, with an abstract of all lumber culled under his superintendence, (1844–5) 51. (App. K.) (1846) 88. (App. T.) Printed, 92–(1847) 93. (App. A.A.) Printed, 157.—(1851) 320. (App. L. L. L.) Printed, ib. - Statements shewing the amount of Timber Duties collected in 1843 and 1844,-with the transactions of the Crown Timber Office at Bytown, and of all other Crown Timber Agencies connected with the Crown Lands Depart- ment, (1844-5) 172. (App. P.) Printed, 297. Copy of Petition of Peter Aylen and others, to His Excellency, complaining of the conduct of the Collector and Surveyor of the Timber Office at Bytown; with affidavits, &c., (1844–5) 173. Statement of licenses granted in 1843 and 1844 to cut timber on Crown lands in Bonaventure, Gaspé, Rimouski, Ramouraska, L'Islet, Bellechasse, and Saguenay, (1844–5) 287. (App. G. G.) Despatch transmitting copies of letters in reference to the preparations of Sir W. Burnett and Mr. Payne, for pre- serving timber from destruction by fire or rot, (1846) 23. Printed, 31. Statement of transactions in the Crown Timber Office, Bytown, for 1845, (1846) 211. (App. C. C.) Printed, 222. Statement of licenses granted for cutting timber on Crown lands in Saguenay, (1846) 224. - tatement of timber shipped for exportation by sea in 1848, from places below Quebec, (1849) 64. (App. A. A.) List of persons employed in the Crown Timber Office, Bytown; and Statement of expenses of the Commission of Inquiry into the said office in 1845 and 1846, (1849) 98. (App. U. U.) Printed, 108. Returns of licenses granted, and applications therefor, to cut timber on the Ottawa and its tributaries, in 1847, 1848, and to 30th June, 1849, (1851) 64. (App. M.) Printed, ië. Returns of timber cut on Crown and Clergy lands in the County of Peterborough, in 1849, 1850, and 1851,–and of timber licenses granted in the said county in 1850, (1851) 227. (App. H. H. H.) Despatch in reply to the joint Address to Her Majesty in the present Session, against the repeal of the Duties on Foreign timber imported into Great Britain; Printed, (1851) 333. Wide supra, 251, 254, 349, infra, 597. Tobacco :—Despatch in reply to the Address to Her Majesty, for a reduction of the Duty on Canadian tobacco imported into Great Britain, (1846) 12. Printed, 14. - ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 35 583. 584. 585. 586. 587. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. Toronto, Military Reserve at:—Wide supra, 251. Toronto Election : Report of the Commissioners appointed to investigate certain riotous proceedings at the late election at Toronto in 1841, (1841) 279. (App.S.) Printed, 300. Referred to Committee on Petition of P. Lepard, 301. Vide Committees, 396. Return showing what situations of emolument under Government were held by the above-mentioned Commissioners, and what remuneration they have received for the present service, (1841) 467. Toronto Harbour :—Returns of harbour dues received at the Port of Toronto, and the balance remaining due to the Government on account of the sum advanced for improving the harbour, (1843) 77. (1844–5) 249. (App. D. D.)—(1846) 340. (App. F. F. F.) (1847) 108. (App. H. H.) (1849) 41. (App. K.) —(1850) 98. (App. S.) --- - Toronto Hospital: Statement of the affairs of the Endowment Fund, and rents and sales of lands belonging thereto, (1847) 108. (App. I. I.) Referred to Committee of the whole on the Toronto Hospital Bill, 109. Statement of Receipts and Expenses, (1849) 88. (App. M. M.)—(1850) 21. (App. J.)—(1851) 75. (App. S.) Toronto Mechanics’ Institute:–Statement of real and personal property, (1849) 76. (App. U.)— (1850) 31. (App. K.)—(1851) 45. (App. K.) Toronto Turnpike Roads: Report of Commissioners of the Home District Turnpike Trust, (1842) 24. (App. G.) Statements relative to the receipts and expenditure on Yonge Street, (1847) 187. (App. I. I. I.) . . Statement of Expenditure on account of the grant of £30,000 for improving the Main Northern Road from Toronto to Lake Huron; also, the amount expended on the Whitby and Lake Simcoe Road, and on the bridge across the Narrows of Lake Simcoe, (1846) 170. Trade : Act of Imperial Parliament to amend the laws for the regulation of the trade of the British Possessions abroad, (1842) 80. (See printed Statutes, 6 Vic.) Printed, 103. Extract of a Despatch from the Right Hon. C. P. Thomson, transmitting an Address to Her Majesty, praying for the introduction of Canadian wheat, &c., into the United Kingdom, duty free; and copies of various Despatches &c., on the same subject, (1842) 42. Printed, 48. Referred to the Committee on the Petition of the North American Committee of the Colonial Society on the same subject, 60. Wide Committees, 372. Act of Imperial Parliament amending the laws relative to the importation of wheat into Great Britain, (1842) 68. Despatch announcing the confirmation of the Act for imposing a Duty on wheat imported into Canada ; and trans- mitting copy of an Imperial Act for admitting Canadian wheat and flour into the United Kingdom at a nomi- nal duty, (1843) 16. Despatches relative to the Canada Corn Law (Imperial), and the Act to regulate the trade of the British Posses- sions abroad, since 2nd March, 1842, (1843) 37. (App.O.) Despatch in reply to the joint Address to Her Majesty relative to the regulation of Colonial Trade and Shipping, —the extension of the English Navigation Laws to Canadian waters, and the extension of the privileges of naturalization when conferred by Provincial enactment, (1846) 12. Printed, 14. Despatch from Colonial Secretary in reference to the Colonial Wheat and Timber Trades, and the expected changes in the British Corn Laws, with a schedule of the proposed Duties on Colonial agricultural produce imported into Great Britain, and a Statement of British North American Timber imported during the last ten years, (1846) 18. Printed, 20. Despatch in reply to Memorial of Montreal Board of Trade for repeal of the Duties on foreign flour imported into Canada, (1846) 164. Printed, ib. Despatch in reply to the Address for a reduction of the Duties on wheat, flour, grain, and pulse, imported into Great Britain from Canada, (1846) 229. * 36 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614, 615. Trade—continued. Despatch in reply to the Address praying that regard may be had to the interests of Canada in any change made in the Imperial Corn Laws, (1847) 50. Printed, 55. Despatch from Colonial Secretary, suggesting the adoption of measures for obtaining the co-operation of the severał North American Colonies for the regulation of inter-colonial trade,-the adoption of general regulations for the Post Office Department, and the discussion of the expediency of a Railway from Quebec to Halifax; also communicating a correspondence with New Brunswick on the subjects of the Post Office Department and the Imperial Copyright Law, including a Report adopted by the Assembly of New Brunswick on the former sub- ject, (1847) 55. (App. K.) Printed, ib. Despatch from Lieut. Governor of Nova Scotia, communicating an Act passed by the Legislature in relation to inter- colonial trade,-with copies of letters from the authorities of the other British North American Provinces in reply to a like communication to them, (1847) 55. (App. K.) Printed, ib. Despatch from Colonial Secretary with correspondence on the subject of Reciprocity in the trade between Canada and the United States, (1847) 173. Printed, 176. Despatch in reply to the Address for the removal of the Duties on Canadian produce imported into Great Britain; enclosing a Statement of articles imported into the United Kingdom, from the North American Colonies, in 1843, 1844, and 1845,-with the rates of Duty payable under the tariff of 1846, (1848) 43. Return of Duties levied on articles imported from the United States, which may be affected by the passing of an Act for establishing reciprocal free trade, (1849) 60. (App, W.) Trade and Navigation Returns for Canada, (1850) 54. (App. A.)—(1851) 95. (App. A.) Wide Committees, 452. Trent, River: Account of moneys raised by Debentures for the improvement of the River Trent, with the expenditure of the same, (1844–5) 97. (See end of Volume of Journal.) Return of lumber passed down the Trent from 1842 to 1844, (1844–5)—Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. A. A.) Return of revenue from dues on timber passed over the slides on the Trent in 1846, with the amount remaining unpaid, (1847) 130. (App. O. O.) Trent Bridge :—Account of tolls collected thereon in 1849 and to June, 1850, with expense of collection, and instructions to the collector, (1850) 277. Troops, Transport of:—Despatches relative to the payment from the Provincial Funds, of the expense of transporting the troops in aid of the civil power, (1850) 215. Trust and Loan Company of Upper Canada:-Vide infra, 614. Turquand, Mr. :—Copy of the Commission appointing B. Turquand, Esq., Receiver General, and of the Bonds entered into by his sureties, (1844–5) 102. TIniversity of Toronto:—Wide supra, 236–246. Upper Canada College:—Wide supra, 236–246. Tsury Laws:—Despatches from the Colonial Secretary relative to the repeal or modification of the Usury Laws; enclosing copies of correspondence between the Government and the Trust and Loan Company of Upper Canada, (1849) 41. (App. I.) Printed, ib. Vice Admiralty Court of Lower Canada :—Correspondence, &c., relative to the establishment of a tariff of fees for the said Court, (1847) 209. (App. P. P. P.) Printed, ib. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–continued. 37 *~. I. Presented or communicated to the House—continued. 616. 617. 618. 619 620 621 622. 623. 625 626 627 628 II. 629. 630. 631. 632. War Losses (Upper Canada): Statement of losses remaining unpaid; Printed, (1842) 114. (App. V.) (1844–5) 386. (App. G. G. G.) Do., and Pay Lists of Indian claimants, Return of Debentures issued and outstanding, on account of the War Loss claims; and Return of Duties on salt appropriated for the payment of the same, (1847) 59. (App. M.) Weeks, Henry :—Report of a Committee of the Executive Council, on his claim for compensation for loss arising out of an incorrect survey of the 5th concession of Yonge; with a copy of his Petition, (1844–5) 248. Welland Canal: Annual Reports of Directors, (1841) 207. (App. D.)—(1842) 24. (App. F.) Correspondence relative to the appropriation for the purchase of the Welland Canal Stock, and the insufficiency of the amount to cover the whole of the claims of the Stockholders, (1844–5) 246. Wide Wavigations, 85. Return of expenditure on the canal from Thorold, and Lock No. 18, to Port Dalhousie, and at Port Dalhousie; and information respecting a survey for a proposed lateral cut from the Welland Canal to the Town of Niagara, (1844–5) 388. (App. J. J. J.) Further Return, of subsequent expenditure, (1847) 186. (App. G. G. G.) Statement of property passed through the canal from 1841 to 1844, (1844–5)—Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. A. A.) Return of collectors of tolls on the canal, with their salaries, and amount collected in 1845, (1846) 211. Printed, 218. Tables of comparative property passed through the Welland Canal and Erie Canal (N. Y.) respectively, in 1847 1848, and 1849, (1850)—Attached to Report of Board of Works, (App. H. H.) Wide supra, 408. Western Telegraph Company :—Despatch suggesting amendments to the Act incorporating the Com- pany, (1849) 48. (App. N.) Printed, ib. Wheat and Flour:-Vide supra, 125, 592–301. Whitby and Narrows (Lake Simcoe) Road:—Wide supra, 590. White, Martin R. :—Copy of the indictment preferred against him at the late Western District Assizes, and proceedings thereon, (1847) 186. (App. F. F. F.) Windsor Harbour:—Wide supra, 408. Witnesses:–Return of persons paid for their attendance before committees as witnesses during the present Session; Ordered, (1849) 178. Presented, 185. Printed, 201. Yonge Street:-Wide supra, 589, 590. Modes of presenting Accounts and Papers: By Message from the Governor General, (1841) 520–(1842) 121–(1843) 181—(1844–5) 319.-(1846) 186. —(1847) 50,—(1848) 80–(1849) 124.—(1850) 170–(1851) 125, &c. By a Member of the Administration (by His Excellency's command), (1841) 149-(1842) 31–(1843) 77.— (1844–5) 401,–(1846) 271–(1847) 86–(1849) 225.—(1850) 126–(1851) 240, &c. By a Member of the House, not being of the Administration (by His Excellency's command), (1843) 202–(1848) 77, 80, &c. By the Civil Secretary, attending at the Bar (with Messages), (1843) 206, &c. (Poll Books and Election papers), (1841) 18–(1843) 4.—(1848) 28, &c. Clerk of Crown in Chancery Communicated to the Speaker, by letter or otherwise, (1841) 146–(1842) 118–(1843) 35–(1844–5) 281– (1846) 10-(1847) 34—(1848) 27.—(1849) 5–(1850) 6–(1851) 72, &c. - 38 ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS–ACTIONS. *— III. Orders and Incidental Proceedings relative to Accounts and Papers: 633. Resolution, that all papers laid before the House are of right to be read once, and can only be read a second time upon a motion made and agreed to by the House (85th Rule), (1841) 46. 634. Resolution (adopted at a conference), that in printing Accounts and Papers for the Appendix to the Journals, a sufficient extra number be struck off for the Legislative Council, (1842) 60. 635. Resolution, that all documents presented to the House be referred to the Committee on Printing, that they may report as to the expediency of printing the same in the Appendix, with an estimate of the cost thereof, (1851) 59. - 636. Accounts and Returns ordered to be presented, (1841) 74.—(1842) 116–(1848) 23–(1844–5) 128.-(1846) 42–(1847) 40–(1848) 27.-(1849) 47-(1850) 210,-(1851) 42, &c. 637. Accounts and Papers ordered to be printed, (1841) 521—(1842) 126.-(1843)24.—(1844–5) 319-(1846) 135. —(1847) 157–(1848) 47–(1849) 226.-(1850) 145.—(1851) 168, &c.—Special orders relative to the distribution of copies, (1847) 161–(1850) 274.—(1851) 208. Accounts and Papers referred,—Wide Committees. 638. Certain papers not to be entered in the Journals, (1851) 50. To be entered in a condensed form, (1851) 352. TV. Questions Negatived: 639. For calling for Accounts and Papers (by Address or otherwise), (1842) 13.—(1844–5) 29-(1849) 14, 114, 200, 302, 355, 357–(1850) 13, 47, 51–(1851) 113, 184, 226. 640. For referring Accounts and Papers, (1846) 250—(1849) 121, 146, 323–(1851) 164, 202. 641. For printing a Return relative to King's College and Upper Canada College, in English only, (1851) 250. Acts of Parliament :—Wide Accounts, 1. Bills, 14, 15. Committees, 452. Forms of Enactment. Governor General, 5. Statutes. Acts passed before Notaries:–vide Nouries, 12–15. Actions: Bills relative to : 1. For the limitation of actions, for avoiding suits at law, and for rendering a written memorandum necessary to the validity of certain engagements in Lower Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 232. R. A., 439. (8 Vic, c. 31.) 2. To repeal the foregoing Act, and to make other provisions for the limitation of actions; Presented, (1847) 41. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 11.) *: - 3. To amend the law relating to double costs, notices of actions, limitation of actions, and pleas of the general issue, under certain Acts of Parliament; Presented, (1847) 41. Wot proceeded in. 4. To regulate the service of process in real actions wherein the defendant is resident without the limits of the district in which the property in dispute is situate; Presented, (1847) 41. Passed, 95. Wot returned from the Council. 5. To regulate the granting of new trials in certain cases; Presented, (1847) 66. Second reading postponed four months, 149. 6. To alter the law relating to the limitation of actions in this Province; Presented, (1849) 10. Question for second reading postponed, 37. Read second time; Committed, 57. Report progress; Motion for leave to sit again, negatived; Bill referred; Instruction, to confine its operation to Upper Canada, 202. Wot reported. 7. For the limitation of actions of Clerks of Courts of Justice and Attorneys ad lites; Presented, (1849) 238. Amended in committee (so as to apply to all other officers of justice receiving fees and costs), 290. Passed, 295. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 324. Considered, and agreed to, 325. R. A., 365. (12 Vic., c. 44.) Petitions from Prothonotaries, &c., against the Bill, 300. 8. To explain the Act of 10 & 11 Vic. (supra, 2), relative to the limitation of actions in Lower Canada; Presented, (1849) 251. Order for second reading discharged, 267. ACTIONS-AT)DRESSES. 39 Actions—continued. 9. To amend the law of Lower Canada as to the District in which real or mixed actions may be commenced; Presented, i0. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. (1849) 154. Amended in committee, 256. Passed, 259. Committee appointed to inquire into the contents of the Bill at the time of the destruction of the Parliament House, 282. Report a copy of the Bill in the shape in which it had passed; To be engrossed, 287. Passed, 303. Wot returned from the Council. To amend the law of Lower Canada as regards the District in which real or mixed actions may be commenced; Presented, (1850) 139. Referred, 224. Reported, with an amendment; Motion that the report be referred back, negatived; Bill committed, 250. Motions for taking up Order of the day for consideration thereof, negatived, 264, 269, 273. To amend the law of Lower Canada, as regards the District in which actions or proceedings affecting real property may be brought, and to make further provision as to the cases in which absentees may be parties; Presented, (1851) 19. Amended in committee, 96. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 241. Considered and agreed to, 245. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 60.) - To remove doubts as to the right of suing and defending causes in formá pauperis before the Courts of Law in Lower Canada; Presented, (1847) 185. Passed, 188. Not returned from the Council. To remove doubts as to the right, &c.; Presented, (1849) 176. Passed, 183. Message from the Council, that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 285–New Bill presented, 298. R. A., 365 (12 Vic, c. 43.) y To facilitate actions against persons associated for commercial purposes, and against unincorporated societies and companies; Presented, (1849) 42. Referred, 115. Reported, with amendments, 165. Amended in com- mittee, 163. Returned from the Council with amendments, 234. Considered, and agreed to, 241.-New Bill presented (after the burning of the Parliament House); Committed, and amended, 301. R. A., 365. (12 Vic., c. 45.) To simplify the administration of justice in civil actions in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 73. Referred, 214. Not reported. - Wide Law, Practice of Adams, H. :—vide Customs, 59. Adams, P. E. :—Wide Aliens, 12. QAbortggrg. *\Z^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_^{,” I. To the Queen; 1–42. II. To Prince Albert: 43–45. TTI. To the Governor General; 46—581. Joint Addresses ;—vide 4, 12, 16, 19, 20–28, 26, 31, 84–86, 166,252,294, 511, 531. IV. Modes of presenting Addresses to the Governor General; 582 —587. V. Incidental Proceedings relative to Addresses; 588—603. VI. Questions Negatived or Superseded; 604—647. (1.) Motions for Addresses to the Queen ; 604. (2.) Motions for Addresses to the Governor General; 610, (3.) Other Questions relative to Addresses; 645. 40 AT)DRESSES-continued. I. To the Queen, relative to— Aliens:–Wide infra, 34. 1. Bank of British North America:-Protesting against the Royal Charter granted to the said Bank, empowering them to issue Bank Notes within the Province; Reported by a Select Committee, (1841) 436. Report and Address committed, 437. Order for commitment discharged, and Report referred to the Com- mittee of the whole on the Bill to increase the Capital of the Commercial Bank, Midland District, 552. 2. British Connexion :-Expressing a determination to maintain unimpaired the connexion with Great Britain, and decided disapprobation of all such attempts as are now made to disturb the Constitution, (1850) 90. Committee appointed to draft Address, 94. Reported and agreed to; To be presented by the whole House, 105. Answer, 115. Wide Accounts, 51. Civil List: 3. Praying that the appropriation by the Union Act of a provision for the administration of justice and support of the Civil Government, for the life of the Sovereign, may be repealed, and that the same may be provided by the voluntary vote of the Assembly; and submitting the propriety of reducing certain salaries, and abolishing the office of Civil Secretary; Ordered, (1843) 197. Reported, and agreed to, 200. Address to His Excellency to transmit the same; To be presented by a Select Committee, 201. Answer, by Message, 207. Wide infra 111. Also, Accounts, 84. Speeches, 8. 4. Praying the Royal Assent to the Bill of last Session granting a Civil List; Reported by a Committee of the whole; Agreed to; Communicated to the Council, (1847) 80. Agreed to by the Council; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 98. Answer, 119. Wide Accounts, 85. Clergy Reserves: 5. Praying that the Imperial Act providing for the distribution of the proceeds of the Clergy Reserves may be so amended as to place at the disposal of the Church of England, and such other denominations as may desire it, their respective shares of the Reserves, to be sold under such conditions as may be directed by Her Majesty in Council; Reported by a Committee; Printed, (1846) 106. Question, for concurrence; Motion to amend Address; Debate thereon adjourned, 260. Resumed, and amendment agreed to ; Motion, substituting an Address to His Excellency relative to the sale of the Reserves, carried, 267. Wide infra, 115. 6. Praying that an Act may be passed by the Imperial Parliament, to repeal Imp. Act 3 and 4 Vic, c. 78, regulating the distribution of the Reserves, and to authorize the Canadian Legislature to dispose of the same, securing to existing incumbents the stipends they now enjoy; Ordered, (1850) 88. Reported, and agreed to ; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same; To be presented by the whole House, 103. Answer, 115. Wide Accounts, 95. g 7. Motion for an Address thanking Her Majesty for Her gracious reception of the Address of last Session, and for the assurance that its prayer should be acceded to, (1851) 105. Several amendments proposed and negatived, 105, 128, 129. Main motion agreed to, and Address ordered, 129. Reported, and agreed to ; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 130. Answer, 141. Wide Accounts, 97. Wide infra, 604, 605. Congratulation, Addresses of: 8. On the birth of the Prince of Wales; Ordered, (1842) 11. Reported, and agreed to, 14. Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 22. Answer, 25. Wide Accounts, 2. 9. On her escape from the treasonable attempt of a wicked assassin; Ordered, (1842) 11. Reported, and agreed to, 14. Address to His Excellency, &c., 22. Answer, 25. Wide Accounts, 2. 10. On the birth of the Princess Alice; Ordered, (1848) 87. Reported, and agreed to; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 39. Answer, 50. Wide Accounts, 3. 11. On the birth of Prince Alfred; Ordered, (1844–5) 62. Reported, and agreed to; Address to His Excellency, &c., 82. Answer, 87. Wide Accounts, 4. Constitution of the Province —Vide infra, 606, 607. ADDRESSES-continued. 41 I. To the Queen—continued. 12. Crooks, Hon. Jas. :—Praying Her Majesty to instruct her Minister at Washington to demand from the United States Government indemnification to him for the illegal capture of his schooner “Lord Nelson,” by an armed American vessel, shortly before the last war; Reported by a Committee, (1844–5) 380. Agreed to: Communicated to the Council, 416. Concurred in by the Council; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 434. Answer, 437. Wide Accounts, 116. | 3. Customs Act :—Referring to the objection made to the Customs Act of last Session on account of its contain- ing no clause exempting cattle imported for the use of the Troops; and praying Her Majesty not to sanction any interference with the said Act beyond the amendments made during the present Session; Ordered, (1846) 289. Reported, 291. Referred back to the Committee, with an instruction to report the same in strict accord- ance with the Resolution adopted, 292. Reported, 298. Resolution, that the House do not concur in the Address, and substituting another therefor; Address (so adopted) amended; Agreed to, as amended; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 299. Answer, 344. Wide Accounts, 314. 14. Emigration :—Representing the present unprecedented influx of emigrants from Great Britain and Ireland in a state of destitution and disease,_and praying Her Majesty's interference to prevent a further infliction thereof, and that the expenses of quarantine, &c., consequent thereon, may be borne by the Imperial Treasury; Ordered; Reported, and agreed to ; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same; To be presented by the whole House, (1847) 74. Answer, 79. Wide Accounts, 170. 15. Foreign Books:–For such a modification of the laws for the protection of copyright works published in the United Kingdom, as to admit of the importation into Canada of foreign works calculated to promote the dissem- ination of important knowledge; Ordered, (1843) 112. Reported, and agreed to ; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 113. Wide Accounts, 180. 16. French Language :—Motion for an Address, praying that so much of the Union Act as enacts that all public records and documents shall be in English only, may be repealed; Motion printed ; Consideration postponed, (1844–5) 91. Resumed; Address ordered, 223. Reported, and agreed to, 289. Communicated to the Council, 290. Agreed to by the Council; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 300. Answer, 317. Wide Accounts, 181. Speeches, 17. 17. Indians :-Praying that the annual presents to the Indians may not be discontinued; Reported from a Com- mittee of the whole; Agreed to, (1846) 137. Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 240. Answer, 344. Wide Accounts, 220. Invasion of the Province :- —Wide infra, 608. 1McLeod, Alex. : 18. Recommending him to Her Majesty for indemnity for his treatment by the Government of the neighbouring States in consequence of his being concerned in the destruction of the piratical Steamer “Caroline;” Ordered, (1844–5) 382. Reported, and agreed to; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 403. Answer, 428. Vide Accounts, 296. - 19. Again urging the claim of Mr. McLeod for compensation by Her Majesty's Government; Reported by a Select Committee; Agreed to; Communicated to the Council, (1846) 298. Message, desiring the evidence and docu- ments on which the Address is founded, 308. Communicated, 310. Wot returned from the Council. Committee appointed to search Journals of the Council thereon, (1847) 97. No Report. Marriage License Fund :-Wide infra, 609. Military Supplies —Vide supra, 18. Navigation Laws: 20. Motion for an Address, praying that the free navigation of the St. Lawrence may be thrown open to all nations; and that the Imperial Navigation Laws, so far as they affect this country, may be repealed; Consideration post- poned, (1847) 144. Resumed; Motion committed; Considered; Resolution reported, and Address ordered, 162. Reported, and agreed to; Communicated to the Council, 163. Agreed to by the Council; Address to His Excellancy te transmit the same, 178. Answer, 197. F. 42 ADDRESSES-continued. I. To the Queen—continued. Navigation Laws—continued. 21. Resolution for an Address renewing the former Address, and urging the repeal of the Imperial Navigation Laws, and the opening of the navigation of the St. Lawrence to the vessels of all nations; Reported by a Committee of whole; An amendment negatived, and Address ordered, (1849) 43. Reported, and agreed to; Communicated to the Council, 45. Agreed to by the Council; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 46. Answer, 57. 22. New Brunswick :—Referring to the misunderstanding between Canada and New Brunswick respecting the boundary line between those Provinces, and praying that the line claimed by Canada may be sustained, and also, that the free navigation of the River St. John may be secured to the inhabitants of Canada, for conveying to sea the products thereof; Ordered, (1846) 279. Reported, and agreed to, 281. Communicated to the Council, 283. Agreed to by the Council; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 296–301. Answer, 344. Wide Accounts, 342. - 23. Patents :-Complaining of evils arising from the granting (in England) to American citizens of patents for inven- tions which extend to the Colonies; From the Council, (1847) 24. Not considered. Post Office : 24. Resolution, for an Address, praying that the appointment and control of the officers of the department may be vested in His Excellency, and the salary of the Deputy Postmaster General be reduced; also, for new regulations concerning the postage on newspapers; Ordered; Referred to the Committee on the Post Office, (1846) 280. Mo Report. 25. Praying for a more frequent transmission of the mails between Great Britain and America during the winter months; Ordered ; Referred to a Select Committee, (1846) 34. An Address reported by another Committee, 305. Wide infra, 26. 26. Praying for a reduction of the rates of postage in the North American Colonies; Ordered; Resolution referred to a Select Committee, (1846) 57. Address reported, praying also for a more frequent transmission of the mails between Great Britain and America during the winter months, 305. Printed, 306. Agreed to ; Communi- cated to the Council, 318. Agreed to by the Council; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 330, 334. Answer, 344. 27. Railroads:—Referring to the provisions required (by Mr. Gladstone's Despatch of 15th January, 1846,-Vide Accounts, 435) to be inserted in all Canadian Railway Acts, and submitting that that one which requires that one-tenth of the capital be paid up before applying for the charter, is not properly applicable to Canada; Reported by a Select Committee; Agreed to, (1846) 270. Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 283. Answer, 344. Wide Accounts, 436. - 28. Rebellion :—Praying Her Majesty to grant a free pardon for all offences connected with the Rebellion; Ordered; To be engrossed; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, (1844–5) 58. Answer, 87. Wide Accounts, 444. 29. Ryland, G. H. :—Representing that shortly after the Union, Mr. Ryland, at the request of Lord Sydenham, surrendered his office of Clerk of the Executive Council for that of Registrar of Quebec, an annual income of £515 being guaranteed to him from the same; but that that office, and that of Registrar of Montreal (for which it was exchanged) have not proved sufficiently remunerative; and praying that a fair compensation may be made to him for his loss; Ordered; Referred to a Select Committee, (1846) 201. Reported; Committed, 204. Considered, and agreed to ; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 232. Answer, 237. Vide Accounts, 486. St. Lawrence, Free Navigation of:—Wide supra, 20, 21. Seat of Government: 99. Praying Her Majesty to direct that the Provincial Parliament be assembled at Quebec and Toronto, alternately; Reported from a Committee of the whole; Agreed to, (1841) 625. Address to His Excellency to transmit the Same, 628, Answer, 638. Wide Accounts, 531. 31. Pr aying that the Seat of Government may be at Montreal; Ordered, (1843) 90. Reported, and agreed to; Com- municated to the Council, 92. Agreed to by the Council; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 108. Answer, 113. Wide Accounts, 533. ADDRESSES-continued. 43 I. To the Queen—continued. 32. Seigniorial Tenure :—Praying Her Majesty to recommend to Parliament the repeal of such provisions of the Canada Trade Act and Canada Tenures Act as relate to the commutation of lands held a titre de fief in Lower Canada; Ordered, (1851) 349. Reported, and agreed to ; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 354. Shipping: 33. Representing their apprehensions at the efforts making in Great Britain for the imposition of a duty on colonial built shipping, and beseeching Her Majesty to protect the staple trade of Canada, in timber, thus menaced; Ordered, (1844–5) 84, Reported, and agreed to; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 90. Answer, 220. Wide Accounts, 546. 34. Petition to Her Majesty praying for the repeal of the provision in Imp. Act 3 and 4 Will. IV., ch. 59, which autho- rizes the importation of certain goods in foreign vessels on the inland waters of Canada, for the extension of the Registry Laws of Great Britain to British vessels employed on the said waters, and for the extension to persons naturalized by Provincial Acts, of the privileges of British subjects in matters connected with trade and navigation; Ordered (with like Petitions to the Houses of Lords and Commons); Reported, and agreed to, (1844–5) 405. Communicated to the Council, 407. Agreed to by the Council, 420. Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 421. Wide Accounts, 596, Timber : 35. Petition to Her Majesty soliciting the continuance of the discriminating Duty in favor of colonial timber imported into the United Kingdom; Ordered (with Petitions to Houses of Lords and Commons,—Wide Timber, 12), (1841) 238. Reported, and agreed to, 253. Communicated to the Council, 255. Agreed to by the Council; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 346. To be presented by the two Speakers, 399. Answer, 402. Wide Accounts, 567. - 36. Praying that the present Duties on foreign timber imported into Great Britain may be continued, and that if any reduction of the same be deemed necessary it may not be made without due notice being given; Ordered; To be engrossed; Communicated to the Council, (1851) 35. Agreed to by the Council; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 38. Message from the Council, that His Excellency has appointed a time to be attended, 49. Answer, 53. Conference with the Council desired, upon the Message of yesterday, ib. Wide Conferences, 1. Also, Accounts, 581. Wide Supra, 33. infra, 42. 37. Tobacco:-Praying for a reduction of the Duty on Canadian tobacco when imported into Great Britain; Ordered; Reported, and agreed to, (1844–5) 318. Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 389. Answer, 428. Wide Accounts, 582. Trade: 38. Praying for the admission of the products of Canada into Great Britain, free of Duty; Reported from a Committee of the whole; Agreed to, (1841) 581. Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 591. Answer, 638 Wide Accounts, 592. 39. Praying that wheat, flour, peas, and all grain and meal, may be imported into the United Kingdom from Canada, at a Duty not exceeding a penny on the quarter; Ordered; Reported, and agreed to ; Address to His Excel- lency to transmit the same, (1846) 21. Answer, 33. Wide Accounts, 599. 40. Praying that if any change is made in the law regulating the admission of foreign wheat and flour into the British markets, due regard may be had to the interests of Canada; Ordered, (1846) 222. Reported, and agreed to, 229. Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 230. Answer, 237. Wide Accounts, 601. 41. Praying for removal of the Duties on Canadian products when admitted into the Mother country; Ordered, (1 847) 150. Reported, and agreed to, 153. Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 161. Wide Accounts, 605. 42. Motion for an Address to Her Majesty for a continuance of the protection hitherto afforded to the timber and other productions of Canada in the markets of Great Britain; Debate thereon adjºurned, (1851) 73. Wot resumed.' Wide supra, 20, 21, 34. * * *** 44 ADDRESSES-continued. II. To Prince Albert—relative to— 43. Prince Alfred:—Congratulating His Royal Highness on the birth of Prince Alfred; Ordered, (1844–5) 62. Reported,and agreed to; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 82. Answer, 87. Vide Accounts, 4. - 44, Prince of Wales :—Congratulating him on the birth of the Prince of Wales; Ordered,{{#842) ll. Reported, and agreed to, 14. Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 22. Answer, 25. Wide Accounts, 2. 45. Princess Alice :—Congratulating him on the birth of the Princess Alice; Ordered, (1843) 37. Reported, and agreed to; Address to His Excellency to transmit the same, 39. Answer, 50. Wide Accounts, 3. Wide infra, 46. III. To the Governor General—relative to— 46. Addresses to Her Majesty :—Praying His Excellency to transmit Addresses voted by the House to Her Majesty, (1841) 591, 628. Answers, 638. (1842) 22. Answer, 25.--(1843) 39. (1844–5) 58, 82, 90, 389, 404. Answers, 87, 220, 428.-(1846) 21,230, 232, 240,288, 299. Answers, 38,287, 844.— (1847) 75, 161. Answer, 79–(1850) 105, 106. Answer, 115–(1851) 130, 354. Answer, 141. To Prince Albert, (1842) 22. Answer, 25-(1843) 40–(1844–5) 82. Joint Addresses, (1841) 346–(1843) 108–(1844–5) 300, 434.—(1846) 301, 830. Answers, 844–(1847) 98, 173. Answers, 119, 197—(1849) 46. Answer, 57.--(1851) 38. Answer, 53. Wide infra, 553, 556. Administration, Provincial: 47. For the date of Mr. Robert Baldwin’s appointment, swearing in, &c, &c., as a Member of the Executive Council, (1841) 172. Answer, by Message, I86. Wide Accounts, 5–For copy of any paper purporting to be an acceptance by him of the said office, and of any warrants issued for the payment of his salary, 191. Vide Accounts, 5. 48. Motion, for an Address expressing satisfaction at the recent changes in the Executive Council; Motions to adjourn, and to commit Address, negatived; an Amendment negatived; Another amendment, substituting an Address expressing the satisfaction of the House at His Excellency having invited gentlemen of French origin to share in the Government of the country, carried; Address ordered; To be presented by the whole House, (1842) 23. Answer; Printed, 31. 49. For copy of the letter of His Excellency, dated 13th September, to L. H. Lafontaine, Esq., in reference to certain proposed changes in the Provincial Administration; and of all correspondence on the subject, (1842) 21. Wide Accounts, 6. • , 51. For copies of all communications relative to the resignation of certain Members of the Council; To be presented by a Select Committee, (1843) 175. Answer, by Message, 181. Printed, 183. 52. Motion, for an Address expressing regret at the retirement of certain Members of the Council on the question of their right to be consulted upon appointments to office, and declaring that their advocacy of this principle entitles them to the confidence of the House, (1843) 184. Several amendments proposed and negatived; Main motion carried, 186. Motion to add certain words to the Resolution, disclaiming any desire that His Excel- lency should be called on to enter into any stipulation as to the terms on which an Administration may deem it prudent to accept or continue in office; Mr. Speaker objects to the motion as unparliamentary; His deci- sion, being appealed from, is not sustained by the House; Motion agreed to, and Resolution amended accord- ingly; Address ordered, 187. Reported; Agreed to; To be presented by a Committee, 188. Answer, by Message, 195. Proceedings printed, 189. Motion for an Address expressing the anxiety of the House at the delay in forming a new Administration, &c., 198. Wide Administration, 1. 53. For copies of the instrument by virtue of which the Hon. D. B. Viger was called to the Executive Council, and of that appointing him President of the Council, (1844–5) 29. Wide Accounts, 8. 54. For copies of any correspondence since last Session relative to obtaining the co-operation in the Government, of gentlemen possessing the confidence of the people of Lower Canada, (1847) 10. Wide Accounts, 9. Wide infra, 610, 611. ADDRESSES-continued. 45 TTI. To the Governor General—continued. 55. Aliens:–For copies of all Despatches to or from the Imperial Government, relative to the naturalization of Aliens, (1841) 337. Wide Accounts, 11. B6. Annis' Creek and Black's Creek:-For a survey of the mouths of Annis' and Black's Creeks, in Whitby, to ascertain how far it would be beneficial to construct a harbour at either or both places, (1841) 277. Answer, by Message, 306. Aylwin, Mr. Justice;—vide infra, 62. Baldwin, Hon. R. i-Wide supra, 47. Eanks : 57. For a Return of the Banks which have paid the tax on their circulation, (1843) 47. Wide Accounts, 33. 58. For a monthly Return of the circulation of the several Banks since the imposition of the Bank tax; with the amount of tax levied thereon, (1849) 43. Wide Accounts, 35. 59. Bankrupts :—For a Statement from each Commissioner of Bankrupts in Lower Canada, of the official business done before him since his appointment, (1843) 19. Wide Accounts, 37. 2--" Dates, Joseph —Vide infra, 612. 60. Beauharnois, Seigniory of:—For copies of the several instruments of transfer and sale to the present and late proprietors; and a statement of the droits de quint paid to the Crown on such transfers, (1844–5) 134. Wide Accounts, 39. Beauharnois Canal:—Wide infra, 471–475, 479. 61. Beauharnois Election :-For the adoption of measures for the apprehension of the parties by whom the poll-books for Dundee and St. Anicet were taken forcible possession of, at the late election, (1848) 10. Answer, by Message, 52. - 62. Bedard, Mr. Justice :—For copies of correspondence with him relative to his translation from the Judicial Bench at Quebec to Montreal,—and of his Commissions; Correspondence with Mr. Justice Aylwin relative to his own appointment; and correspondence with the Imperial Government relative to both appointments, and to the precedence claimed by Mr. Bedard over other Judges at Montreal, (1849) 42. Wide Accounts, 233. 63. Belleville and Trent Ports:—For Returns of import Duties collected at those ports in 1848, (1849) 121. º Berrie, Robert —For copy of all correspondence relative to his dismissal from the office of Clerk of the Peace for the District of Gore, (1841) 320. Wide Accounts, 40. 64 e Bidwell, M. S. :—For copy of all correspondence, since the arrival of Sir Charles Metcalfe, relative to the case of M. S. Bidwell, Esq., formerly Speaker of the Assembly of Upper Canada, (1848) 29. Wide 4ccounts, 41. 65 Bishopricks :—For copies of the Queen's Letters Patent establishing the Protestant Bishopricks of Quebec, Montreal, and Toronto; and of those in favor of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Quebec and Bishop of Montreal, (1851) 186. Wide Accounts, 42. 66 Black's Creek :-Wide supra, 56. © Planchet, Prudent :-For copy of the indictment, and record of the trial and conviction of P. Blanchet for manslaughter, at New Carlisle, (1843) 37. 67 46 ADDRESSES-continued. - III. To the Governor General—continued. º 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. '75. 76. 77. 78. '79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. Blue Book :-For copies of the “Blue Book” for Upper and Lower Canada respectively, (1841) 356. Boundary Line between Upper and Lower Canada: For copy of Mr. Alphonso Wells' Report thereon, (1844–5) 49. Wide Accounts, 46. For copies of all Documents, Reports, Surveys, Orders in Council, &c., in possession of the Government, and cor- respondence with Messrs. DeBeaujeu, G. R. S. DeBeaujeu, and the Honorables DeLotbinière, DeLongueuil, and DeBeaujeu, relative to the said boundary line, (1844–5) 208. . *. º Wide infra, 613. Bowen, Mr. Justice :-For copy of a correspondence between the Government and Jacques Crémazie, Esq., relative to the holding of the office of Registrar of Dorchester by Judge Bowen, (1847) 144. Bowerman, Stephen :—For all correspondence relative to his claim for compensation for loss of land in Hal- lowell in consequence of an erroneous survey, (1849) 105. Wide Accounts, 47. Brack, J. (of Wendover) :—For copy of correspondence relative to his case, (1842) 30. Wide Accounts, 48. - - Brandon :-For the institution of such legal proceedings as may be necessary to secure the inhabitants of that township in the possession of their lands, (1847) 74. Answer, 141. Brantford and Buffalo Railroad:—For copy of any instrument, &c., registered by any company for the construction of a Railroad from Fort Erie to Dunnville and Brantford, (1851) 85. Wide Accounts, 49. Brome and Bolton Road:—For copies of correspondence, and of the Report of the Engineer, and decision of the Crown Officers, in reference to that road, (1849) 357. Brown, George :—For copy of the Presentment of the Grand Jury, Midland District, relative to his refusal to give evidence (as one of the Penitentiary Commissioners) on a charge of perjury preferred against James McCarthy, (1849) 29. Wide Accounts, 52. Burke, G. R. :—For copy of correspondence relative to his acceptance or refusal of the office of Agent for the sale of the Clergy Reserves at Bytown, (1846) 288. Wide Accounts, 53. Burlington Bay Canal:—For copy of the contract entered into by the Board of Works for re-constructing the same; and for information as to the prices, sureties, &c., (1846) 240. Wide infra, 579. Bytown: For a statement of moneys expended by the Board of Health in Bytown, in 1832 and 1834, (1841) 314. For correspondence (since 9th December, 1843,) with the Ordnance Department, &c., in reference to Broken Lot O in Nepean (within the limits of Bytown), (1844–5). 31. Wide Accounts, 55. • For copies of all correspondence, &c., since 1840, relative to certain lands in Bytown taken possession of by the Ordnance Department, and belonging to Nicholas Sparks, (1844–5) 343. -- For copies of all documents and representations relative to the purchase of a certain Glebe lot in the vicinity of Bytown, by John Rochester, (1846) 65. Wide Accounts, 484. For information respecting certain land in Bytown purchased from Hugh Fraser by the Ordnance Department, and the lots located therein, (1847) 24, Wide Accounts, 56. ADDRESSES—continued. 47 s TTI. To the Governor General—continued. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. Bytown and L'Orignal Road: For the chart of the said road referred to in the Report of the Board of Works,—and copies of Messrs. West and Keefer's Reports of Survey, (1846) 267. Wide Accounts, 58. For a statement of the moneys expended out of the appropriations for the said road in 1845 and 1846, on other roads than that contemplated by the Legislature, (1847) 24. Wide Accounts, 59. For copy of Mr. Keefer's Report on the line from Bytown to Hatfield,—and of his general Report on the Trade and Public Works on the Ottawa, (1847) 74. Wide Accounts, 60. Bytown Suspension Bridge :—For a statement of all contracts entered into for the construction of the Union Bridge at Bytown, and salaries paid the Engineers and Superintendents; and an account of expenses attending the Slides on the Ottawa and its tributaries, (1844–5) 55. Wide Accounts, 63, 348. Wide infra, 542. Calder, Mr. :—Wide infra, 614. Cameron, Malcolm :—For copy of all correspondence in the Customs Department, relative to the importa- tion by him of a cargo of wheat at Port Sarnia, to be ground in bond; and of correspondence between the Government and John Cameron, Esq., late collector at Rivière aux Raisins, prior to his removal from office, (1847) 193. Wide Accounts, 64. Canada Company :—For a copy of Capt. Jones' Report on the expenditure of upwards of £48,000 of public money by the Canada Company, (1844–5) 237. - Cascades Plank Road:—For a statement of the different tenders for leasing the tolls on the said road during the current year, (1846) 91. Wide Accounts, 69. Casual and Territorial Revenue (Upper Canada): For a statement of the Receipts and Expenditure of the said Revenue from the last Accounts up to the Union; and various accounts relative to the Receipt and Expenditure of the Revenue of Upper Canada, (1841) 361. Praying that the Accounts of the Casual and Territorial Revenue requested above may be furnished next Session, (1842) 118. Wide Accounts, 70. Wide infra, 440. Cathcart, Earl:—Congratulating him on his appointment as Governor General; To be presented by the whole House, (1846) 165. Answer, 175. Census: For copies of any circular letters addressed to the District Wardens since last Session, relative to taking the Census for the present year, and of any other documents on the subject, (1847) 147." Wide Accounts, 73. For a Return of the localities in Lower Canada in which the Census has been taken in pursuance of the provisions of the Census Act, (1851) 91. Wide Accounts, 72. Chambly Canal: Recommending ihe payment to Messrs. S. and S. R. Andres of £10,616 17s.6d, with interest from 21st December, 1840, and costs of a suit, in satisfaction of their claim as contractors on the said canal, (1844–5) 418. For the adoption of measures forthwith for completing the works on the canal, (1847) 126. Chancery, Court of: For a statement of suits brought therein since 6th February, 1840, with the number adjudicated upon, costs allowed, and total fees received by the Registrar, (1841) 208. Wide Accounts, 77. 48 ADDRESSEs—continued. ** III. To the Governor General—continued. Chancery, Court of continued. 101. For copy of the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the practice of the Court; with a Return of suits depend- ing therein on 1st January, 1841, and those since instituted, with particulars thereof, (1843) 67. Wide Accounts, 78. 102. For a statement of suits since 19th July, 1841, with the costs, &c., (1844–5) 43. Wide Accounts, 79. 103. For a statement of suits since 1st January, 1840, shewing whether disposed of or unsettled, with the costs taxed on each ; also, a Return of suits brought in the Court of Common Pleas since its erection, (1850) 31. 104. For a Return of all the funds and property under the control of the Court, how invested, and the security given, with the names of the heirs, suitors, claimants, &c., interested therein; specifying also what proportion of the funds were placed in Court under any rules or decisions of the late Vice Chancellor Jameson, (1851) 38. Charitable Grants:–Wide infra, 233. Church of England: 105. Praying him to transmit to England the Bill for the management of the temporalities of the Church of England in the Diocese of Quebec, to be laid before Parliament, (1842) 116. Answer, by Message, 120. 106. Praying him to transmit to England the Bill to incorporate the Church Societies in the Dioceses of Quebec and Toronto, to be laid before Parliament, (1843) 210. Answer, by Message, 206. 107. Praying him to transmit the Bill to provide for the management of the temporalities of the Church in the Diocese of Montreal, (1851) 297. Answer, 358. - 108. Praying him to transmit the Bill for establishing a Church Society in each Diocese in Lower Canada, (1851) 297. Answer, 358. Civil List: 109. For copies of any communications made to the Imperial Government since last Session, relative to a reduction in the Civil List, and any other information on the subject, (1843) 20. Answer, by Message, 47. Printed, 49. Wide Accounts, 83. 110. For copies of correspondence with the Home Government, and Reports of Council, relative to the Civil List estab- lished by the Union Act, (1844–5) 16. Answer, by Message, 66. Printed, 74. Wide Accounts, 84. 111. Requesting to be informed whether any answer has been received to that part of the Address to Her Majesty OIl the Civil List which represents the office of Civil Secretary as an unnecessary and burdensome charge on the same, (1844–5) 43. Answer, by Message, 64. Clergy Reserves: 112. For copies of all communications or recommendations between the Provincial Government and the Colonial Secre- tary, relative to the sale or the management of the Reserves, (1846) 69. Answer, by Message, 90. Vide Accounts, 87. 118. For copies of any communications from the Colonial Secretary, relative to suspending the sale of the Clergy Reserves, (1846) 90. Answer, by Message, 108. 114. For a copy of the circular addressed to the Local Crown Land Agents, directing a suspension of the sales of Clergy Reserve lands, (1846) 250. Wide Accounts, 88. 115. Motion (in amendment to a motion for an Address to Her Majesty on the subject of the Reserves) for an Address to His Excellency, expressing an anxious desire that the Clergy Reserve lands should be disposed of to such settlers as desire to purchase the same, at a fair value, with all reasonable despatch, and at the lowest possible expense, carried; Motion to amend the Address negatived, and Address ordered, (1846) 267. 116. For copy of an Order in Council, of 17th September, 1845, and a subsequent Instruction, relative to Clergy Lands, | with particulars of sales thereof ; also, copy of the Rules by which the public are excluded from the Crown Lands Office except on special application, (1847) 58. Wide Accounts, 89. 117. For a Statement of the amount of the Clergy Reserves Fund at the time of the passing of the Imperial Act of 1840 for the sale of the Clergy Reserves—with the annuities, &c., paid therefrom ; also, the amount added to the fund, from sales, &c., and allowances paid therefrom since that time, (1847) 135. Wide Accounts, 90. ADDRESSES-continued. - 49 -T— x ..º. III. To the Governor General—continued. 118 $19 #20 121 § 22 123 124 25 § 26. 127. 128. 129. Clergy Reserves—continued. For Returns of sums paid to clerical visitors of sick emigrants in 1847,-of special grants to schools and col- leges (not included in the annual grant), and of expenditure of the Clergy Reserves Fund since the passing of the Imperial Act, and correspondence relative to the surplus fund, (1849) 43. Wide Accounts, 91, 151, 171. * For all correspondence relative to the placing an advance of 25 per cent on the appraised value of the Reserves in Upper Canada, (1849) 100. Wide Accounts, 93. For a Return of the quantity and value of the Reserves sold or leased,—or set apart for Rectories, and the quan- tity remaining unsold; with the receipts arising from sales, &c., and the expense of management, &c., (1849) 125. For copies of all applications to Government by Religious denominations not provided for in the Clergy Reserves Act; with the correspondence connected therewith, (1849) 192. Wide Accounts, 94. For a Return of the receipts and expenditure of the Clergy Reserve Funds in Upper and Lower Canada since last Returns; shewing the amounts paid to ministers of the various denominations, &c.; also, the balances on hand, and where the same are deposited, (1851) 53. Wide Accounts, 92. - - Wide infra, 434. Clerk of the Crown (Upper Canada): For a Statement of all his fees and emoluments in 1843 and 1844, (1844–5) 83. For a Statement of the same for 1845, with the number of clerks employed by him, and their salaries, (1846) 184. Wide Accounts, 98. For a Statement of the same for the last four years, with his disbursements, and the duties and salaries of the clerks, &c., employed by him, (1847) 11. Wide Accounts, 99. Clerks of the Peace, Quebec :—For a Return of their emoluments for and since 1844; also, of the number of prosecutions, bail-bonds, indictments, and warrants, with their fees on the same, (1849) 99. Wide Accounts, 102. Coal and Iron Mines :—Wide infra, 615. Cobourg Harbour: For an account of all moneys expended on the said harbour by the Board of Works, with the authority therefor; also, for information as to any survey for connecting that harbour with the Rice Lake and Port Hope Road, and why (if found practicable) such connecting road was not constructed, (1844–5) 271. Wide Accounts, 103, 479. - For copies of all contracts entered into by the Board of Works, and an account of moneys paid thereon, (1849) 85. Wide Accounts, 104. Wide infra, 270. Common Pleas, Court of:—For a Return shewing what portion of the fees received by the Clerks of the Crown in the Courts of Queen's Bench and Common Pleas in Upper Canada is derived from the latter Court, (1851) 86. Wide Accounts, 101. Wide supra, 103. Constituencies:–Vide infra, 174, 175. Contingencies of the House :—Praying his Excellency to issue his warrant for £5,000, on account of the same (and of those of the late Assembly of Upper Canada), (1841) 167. Answer, by Message, 186— For a warrant for £11,063 13s. 8d., on account, &c., 631. Answer, 638. For a warrant for £6,000, (1842) 61. Answer, by Message, 89–For a warrant for £3,578 9s, 73d. for expenses of last Session and Recess, (1848) 62.-For £5,000 for the present Session, ib. Answer, by Message, 77-For a warrant for £9,177 58, 186. His Excellency will take the Address into consideration, 192. Message, that His Excel- 130. G 50 ADDRESSES-continued. III. To the Governor General—continued. Contingencies of the House—continued. lency has issued his warrant, 195. For a warrant, for £4,000, (1844–5) 85.-For £5,000, 339.-For £9,500; Amendment, that no allowance be made to members for their attendance, negatived; Address agreed to, 420.-For £9,187 2s. 13 d., 427. For £5,000, (1846) 104. Answer, by Message, 114—For £4,000, 291. Answer, by Message, 303.−For £9,237 3s., 321.-For £10,161 18s. 13d., 333. Answer, by Message, 338. For £5,000, (1847) 36.—For £9,252, 177—For £13,508 11s. 5d., 212. For £9,564, (1848) 71. Answer, 77.—For £5,000, #71. For £5,000, (1849) 73.—For £5,000, 170—For £3,000, 270. Answer, 273.−For £15,399 13s. 3d, 368-For £5,000, (1850) 62.—For £5,000, 178.- For £16,654 19s. 1d., 273. For £5,000, (1851) 144. Answer, 165,-For £19,480 13s. 7d., 356. 131. Coons, James:—For copies of any petitions and correspondence relative to his claims for damages under the St. Lawrence Canal Act, including all correspondence from and instructions to Mr. Freeland on the subject; also, information respecting the appointment, salary, and duties of Mr. Freeland, (1846) 221. Vide Accounts, 508. • Copy-right Works: 132. For copies of any correspondence with the Imperial Government, during the last two years, relative to the admis- sion into this Province of foreign reprints of British copy-right works, (1850) 143. Wide Accounts, 107. 133. For copies of the lists of books furnished by the Commissioners of Customs, to Collectors, respecting which notice may have been given by the proprietors of the copy-right in such books, under Imperial Act 8 and 9 Wic, c. 98, (1850) 190. Wide Accounts, 109. 134. Cornwall :—For a copy of the Petition on which was grounded the Order in Council directing the sale of lots 10 and 11 north side of Water Street, in Cornwall; with copies of the said Order, and of the Reports of the District Agent and the Commissioner of Crown Lands thereon, and of any letters addressed by J. S. Mac- donald, Esq., to the Government, on the subject, (1846) 57. Wide Accounts, 110. 135. Cornwall and L'Orignal Road:—For a copy of the Report of the Board of Works, on which was founded the grant of £900 last Session, for improving that road, (1846) 272. Wide Accounts, 402. Coteau du Lac: 136. For a copy of the Commission appointing W. B. Simpson, Esq., Collector of Customs at that port, (1841) 432. Wide Accounts, 111. 137. For a copy of the Commission of Mr. Simpson's immediate predecessor (John Simpson, Esq.), and the date of his resignation or removal, (1841) 489. Wide Accounts, 111. 138. Craig's Road:—For copy of the Report of the Inspector of the Queen's Domain at Quebec, and other documents, relative to that part of the said road which the inhabitants of St. Giles' are required to keep in repair, (1851) 186. Wide Accounts, 114. 189. Crier and Tipstaff of Queen's Bench, Montreal:—For a Return of the income derived from their offices for the last 5 years, (1849) 18. Wide Accounts, 115. 140. Criminal Law:—For the appointment of a Commission to consolidate and assimilate the Criminal Laws; and that the Bill to amend and consolidate the Criminal Laws, and the Bill to establish a Code of Criminal Proceedure, as reported by a Committee during the present Session, be referred to the said Commission, (1851) 344. -- Crown Lands Department —Vide supra, 116, infra, 252–258, 289, 616. Customs: 141. For the appointment of a Commissioner to investigate the mode of collecting the revenue in Upper Canada, (1841) 588. Wide Accounts, 121. ADDRESSES-continued. - 51 III. To the Governor General—continued. Customs—continued. 142. For a Return of the Custom House Bonds received at Montreal in 1842, 1843, and 1844, the number of the same that have been paid, and the proceedings taken to enforce payment of those yet unpaid, (1844–5) 865. Wide Accounts, 122. 148. For a Return (next Session) of the amount of increased duties received under the Act of 4 and 5 Vic, c. 14, and whether any portion of the same has been applied to the payment of the Loan of £1,682,000 sterling, (1844–5) 416. #44. For all correspondence relative to the appointment of two Landing Waiters at Dundas, (1846) 321. 145. For a list of the persons employed in the Customs Department at Montreal since 1st January, 1848, with their salaries, (1851) 66. Wide Accounts, 128. 146. Tebentures —For a Return of all outstanding Debentures issued before and since the Union (including those underthe Imperial guarantee),andall.loans effected; shewing what proportion of thesame was expended on public works, and the amount required to complete each work, (1847) 37. Wide Accounts, 129. Also infra, 881. 147. Debtors:—For a Return of prisoners confined for debt in Upper Canada, and of persons on bail in civil cases, upon the gaol limits of the different counties, (1851) 47. Wide Accounts, 133. Delisle, A. M. :—Wide inf7'a, 617. #48. Delisle, River:—For copy of any Report made by the Board of Works on the Petition of L. Ravarie and others (presented to the House last Session), for aid to construct a bridge over that river in the Parish of St. Ignace du Ceteau du Lac, (1846) 221. Wide Accounts, 134, 149. De Rottermund, E. S. :—For copies of any Reports from him, and correspondence with him, as Chemist to the Provincial Geological Department, (1846) 272. Wide Accounts, 192. District Courts (Upper Canada) —vide infra, 407. Dixon, Thomas C. :—Wide infra, 618. 151. Donegani, Joseph :—For copies of any despatches or documents connected with his case, and the Bill (vide Aliens, 8) passed in 1845 for relief of him and other persons naturalized under Act of Lower Canada, 1 William 4, c. 58, and reserved, (1849) 79. Wide Accounts, 472. #52. Dredging Machine —For a statement of the cost of that purchased for deepening Lake St. Peter, and its present condition and employment, (1849) 191. Answer, 238. - - 153. Du Chêne, River:—For copies of all correspondence between the Provincial Secretary and the Board of Works, relative to the sum voted last Session for the construction of a bridge over that river, (1846) 231. i54. Dufresne, Louis F. (JO P.) :—For copies of any Petitions complaining of his conduct, and of papers and correspondence relating thereto, (1847) 70. 155. Dundas and Waterloo Road :—For a Return of tolls collected thereon in 1846, 1847, and 1848, and the amount in hands of the Commissioners, (1849) 197. Wide Accounts, 140. Durham, Earl of:—Wide infra, 176. 156. Eastern District Treasurer:-For copies of all representations of the Eastern District Council, com- º: of the conduct of the District Treasurer; and of the correspondence and reports relating thereto, 1846) 283. 52 ADDRESSES-continued. III. To the Governor General—continued. 157. | 58. 159. 160. I61. 162. }63. Y64. 165. 166. ió7. H68. |69. I'70. i’ſ 1. f'72. f'73. 174. 175. Eastern Townships (Lower Canada): For copies of all Instructions given to the Surveyors employed in surveying the main Eastern Townships Road, particularly the branch to Sherbrooke; with their Reports, (1846) 252. For correspondence between the Government and the Association for colonizing the townships, and a Statement of surveys and roads made, and expenses incurred on behalf of the Association, (1849) 119. Wide Accounts, 141. Education and Schools: For copies of the Reports, &c., from the School Visitor in the County of Beauharnois, (1841) 168. Wide Accounts, k42. For copies of instructions addressed to, and Reports from, the School Visitor appointed under Ordinance 2 Vic, c. 43, respecting the condition of the school houses and the state of education in Lewer Canada, (1841) 413. For a Return of the students attending each Educational Institution in receipt of public money; and the course. of instruction, &c., (1842) 110. Wide Accounts, 143. For a Statement of each of the Scholastic Institutions receiving grants from the public funds; and the number of pupils in each, (1844–5) 96. Wide Accounts, 148. - For a copy of the Statistical Report of the Superintendent of the Board of Education for Lower Canada, for 1843, (1844–5) 168. Wide Accounts, 145. For a copy of the last Annual Report of do., on the general state of education, (1844–5) 252. Wide Accounts 145. For correspondence respecting the Provincial allowance for the Thurlow additional Grammar School (District of Victoria) for 1844, (1844–5) 299. Praying him to transmit to England the Bill for raising an income of £100,000 for Common School Education, —to be laid before Parliament; Agreed to, (1849) 283. Communicated to the Council, 284. Agreed to by the Council, 291. - r For copies of any correspondence with the Chief Superintendent of Education for Upper Canada, or with any pri- vate person, on the subject of the School Bill, or of Education generally, (1850) 38. Wide Accounts, 158. For a Return of the amount Revied in Lower Canada, by assessment, rate-bill, or otherwise, for sehool purposes, (1850) {76. Wide Accounts, 154. For a Return of moneys advanced and expended in aid of the building and repairing of school houses in Lower Canada; showing in whose names the titles of the sites thereof are held, (1850) 230. For the same, (1851) 66. Wide Accounts, 155. * For a Return of the affairs of Queen's, Regiopolis, and Victoria Colleges, for 1848, 1849, and 1850, (1851) 153, Wide infra, 377. Edwardsburgh :—For appointment of Commissioners to inquire into and report on an alleged erooked line between that township and Matilda, (1846) 338. Elections: For copies of any correspondence between the Government and Mr. Fulham or any other public officer or person, concerning the manner in which the last General Election in Lower Canada was conducted, (1843) 85. Vide Accounts, 156. For a Statement of the account and charges presented by the several Returning Officers at the last Election, show- ing the charges allowed, and those disallowed, (1844-5) 50. Electoral Divisions: For a Return of the various constituencies in Upper and Lower Canada, with the number of inhabitants, and Repre- sentatives returned from each, (1849).29. Wide Accounts, 158. For a Statement of the population of the various constituencies proposed to be formed under the Bill for increasing the Representation, (1850) 110. Wide Accounts, 160. ADDRESSES-continued. * 53 III. To the Governor General—continued. 176. Elgin, Lady :—Motion for an Address congratulating His Excellency (Lord Elgin) on the arrival of the Coun- tess of Elgin and Lady Elma Bruce; Amendment, to insert “and the Earl of Durham,” negatived; Address ordered, (1847) 11. House waits on His Excelleney; Answer, 29. Emigration: 177. For copies of any instructions or correspondence relative to the erection of emigrant sheds in Quebec; and praying that inquiry may be made whether such sheds might not be erected at a distance from the city, and also re- specting the erection of a temporary hospital for sick emigrants, (1847) 45. Wide Accounts, 164, 165, 168, 178. For information as to the manner in which the provisions of the “Passengers Act” have been observed by vessels bringing emigrants to the Province, (1847)67. Wide Accounts, 167. 179. Representing the alarming extent to which fever prevails at the emigrant sheds at the mouth of the Lachine Canal, Montreal, and praying that they may be removed below the city, (1847) 161. Answer, 197. Address and answer printed, 213. 180. For copies of any correspondence with the Imperial Government on the subject of Emigration, since last Session, in addition to that already transmitted, (1849) 175. Wide Accounts, 172. Wide supra, 118. Executive Council:—Wide supra, 47–54. Explorations —Vide infra, 216, 389–392. Fee Fund (U. C.): 181. For Returns of moneys received on account of the same, and of the Fees payable to the District Judges and Clerks of District and Division Courts, (1842) 22. Wide Accounts, 112. 182. For a Return of the amount thereof for 1846, and the salaries paid to the District Judges, (1847) 16. Wide Accounts, 175. y: - 183. Ferres, James M. :-For copies of all correspondence relative to his dismissal from the office of Inspec- tor of Revenue for the 2nd Division of Montreal, (1849) 73. Wide Accounts, 176. 184. Ferries —For a Return of all ferries, with the names of the lessees and their sureties, the amount paid for each, &c., (1847) 32. Wide Accounts, 177. Fines: 185. For the Returns of fines and forfeitures imposed by Justices in Upper Canada, -called for by an Address of the late Assembly of Upper Canada, (1841) 103. 186. For a Statement of fines and forfeitures inflicted, &c., in the several Courts, and by Justices of the Peace, in 1842, (1843) 76. Wide Accounts, 178. - 187. For a list of the Justices of the Peace for the District of Quebec, who have made Returns of fines imposed by them since 1st January, 1847, (1850) 32. Wide Accounts, 179. Fisheries : 188. For the appointment of Commissioners to obtain such information relative to the salmon fisheries in Gaspé, as may enable the Legislature to frame proper enactments for the protection of the same; and for the adoption of measures for procuring the appointment of Commissioners for a like purpose on the part of New Bruns- wick, (1843) 193. Answer, 195. 189. Praying His Excellency to take into consideration the Petition of James Perchard and others engaged in the fisheries of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, praying for a decision as to the legality of the pretensions of the lessees of the King's Posts and other places on the north shore of the River and Gulf, to exclusive rights in those places, (1844–5) 369. *. 190. For copies of any despatches from the Colonial office relative to the Gaspé and other fisheries, or to the exemption of salt, and other articles required for the same, from duty, (1850) 41. Wide Accounts, 186. ADDRESSES-continued. III. To the Governor General—continued. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 201. 202. 203, 204. 205. 206 Freeland, Mr. :—Wide supra, 131. French language: For copy of any correspondence between the Imperial and Provincial Governments, since the passing of the Union Act, relative to the clause of the same which enacts that certain public Records and Documents shall be in English only, (1844–5) 29. Answer, by Message, 49. - For correspondence respecting the Address of last Session relative to the use of the French language in all public documents, (1847) 11. Answer, 55. - Gaspé, District of: For Statements of the total amount of duties collected, and of public money expended, therein, since 1835, inclusive, (1841) 99. Wide Accounts, 183. For an enquiry to be made whether any and what abuses exist in the administration of Justice in the inferior Dis- s trict of Gaspé, (1841) 601. For information as to the result of the above enquiry, (1842) 103. Answer, by Message, 111. Wide Accounts, 185. For copies of all correspondence, &c., relative to the erection of Bonaventure and Gaspé into Municipal Districts, (1842) 56. Wide Accounts, 184. Wide supra, 188, 190. Gaspé Fishery Company :—For copies of the evidence and documents in virtue of which the Order in Council giving effect to the Acts incorporating the said Company took place, (1849) 17. Wide Accounts, 187. Gatineau, River: For a copy of any lease granted for working mines and minerals on that river, (1844–5) 95. Return, commu- nicating a letter from the Provincial Registrar, stating that no such lease exists on record, 272. For copies of certain correspondence, and of a Report from the Crown Lands Department, regarding the setting apart of a tract of land in the valley of the Gatineau for the use of certain Indians; also, of a correspondence relative to granting timber limits to Thos. McGeoy and J. Aumond on their giving up their alleged rights on mill-sites upon the Gatineau, (1850) 183. Wide Accounts, 189, • * * Wide infra, 545. Gore District :—For copy of a Petition to His Excellency against a division of the District, (1849) 231. Wide Accounts, 193. -- - Gosford Road: For correspondence relative to the opening of a road from Point Levi to Sherbrooke; and correspondence respec- ting the Gosford Road, with a plan of the road, and a statement of the progress made, and of the moneys expended on the various sections, (1842) 30. Praying that an inquiry may be made whether the intentions of the Legislature in the Act granting £10,000 to improve the Gosford Road, have been fully carried out, (1842) 115. Gourlay, Robert F. : Communicating the Report of a Committee upon his case, and praying that the recommendations contained therein may be carried into effect, (1841) 633. Answer, by Message, 640. Praying him to adopt some means of conveying to Mr. Gourlay the opinion of the House upon his case in the terms of the above mentioned Report; Reported by a Committee, (1843) 194. Answer, 295. Gowan, O. R. :—For copies of all correspondence relative to his appointment as Supervisor of Tolls west of Lachine, and his subsequent removal, (1849) 242. Wide Accounts, 195. ADDRESSES-continued. 55 III. To the Governor General—continued. 207 208 209 210. 211. 212. 213, 214 215 216 217 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. Grand River Navigation Company:-Wide infra, 451. Great Western Railroad:—For a copy of the correspondence which has taken place between the Govern- ment and the Company, (1848) 52. Wide Accounts, 197. Grosse Isle :-For copies of all communications, instructions, &c., relating to the Quarantine Station at Grosse Isle, (1847) 41. Wide Accounts, 164. Hacket, Nelson :-For the correspondence relative to his surrender (as a fugitive slave) to the authorities of Arkansas, (1842) 51. Wide Accounts, 201. Halifax and Quebec Railway: Praying that a survey and estimate may be made of a line for a railway from Quebec to the south-eastern boundary of the Province, to connect with a railway from Halifax, (1846) 306. For copies of any maps describing the route proposed for the railway in the Report of Major Robinson, (1 849) 100. Wide Accounts, 206. For copies of correspondence with the Imperial Government, and with the Governments of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, since last Session, relative to the construction of the railroad, (1850) 191. Wide Accounts, 207. For copies of correspondence with the Imperial Government relative to the Act of this Legislature incorporating a company to construct the said railroad, (1851) 185. Wide Accounts, 208. Historical Records:—Wide infra, 424–428. Hudson's Bay Company: For the instruments by virtue of which the tract known as the “ King's Posts” is held by the Company, (1844–5) 28. Wide Accounts, 210. For copies of all titles, leases, or concessions, made in favor of the company and now in force; and of all corres- pondence with the company since 1848, (1851) 42. Wide Accounts, 211. Huron and Superior, Lakes:–Praying that the lands on the north shores of those lakes, recently acquired from the Indians, may be surveyed, and offered for sale on terms as liberal as those established on the south shore of Lake Superior by the American Government, (1851) 201. Wide infra, 315. Imports :—For a Statement of the imports in 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845, and the Duties paid thereon, (1846) 152. Wide Accounts, 215.-In 1847 and 1848, (1849) 74. Wide Accounts, 217. - Indian Affairs: For copies of two Petitions addressed to His Excellency, one from Jas. Little and others, the other from the Chiefs and Sachems of the Six Nations on the Grand River-relating to Indian Lands, (1843) 114. Wide Accounts, 218. - t - For the special Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Indian Department, made in January, 1844, and any other Reports, (1844–5) 238. Wide Accounts, 219. For full information respecting the Montagnais Indians, frequenting the “King's Posts” and other Seigniories in possession of the Hudson's Bay Company, their condition, means of subsistence, and how far they may be restricted in their trade by the Company, (1844–5) 351. For copies of all correspondence between the Government and S. P. Jarvis, Esq., respecting the accounts of the Indian Department, (1844–5) 375. For all correspondence with Mr. Jarvis, and with the accountants investigating the said accounts, with copies of their Reports and Statements, and of the Special Report of the Kingston Commission, (1847) 45. Wide Accounts, 222. * - 56 ADDRESSES-continued. III. To the Governor General—continued. 223 224 225 $226 227 228 229 230 231, 232. 233, 234. 235. 236. Indian Affairs—continued. For copies of certain documents omitted to be sent in reply to the Address of last Session; and of any subsequent correspondence, accounts, &c., (1848) 8. Wide Accounts, 223. For a Statement of Indian moneys invested in Debentures during the last three years, with particulars of such investment, (1847)67. Wide Accounts, 221. Wide infra, 233, 445. Instructions, Royal : For copy of the Instructions received by Mr. C. P. Thomson (Lord Sydenham) on assuming the Government of British North America, (1841) 314. Answer, by Message, 390. For copy of the Instructions received by Sir G. Arthur, on assuming the Government of Upper Canada, (1841) 314. Answer, by Message, 390. Ireland, Wm. :—For correspondence connected with his dismissal from his situation on the Kingston and Napanee Road, (1849) 85. Wide Accounts, 247. Jesuits' Estates: For a Statement of revenue derived therefrom since February, 1832, and the amount thereof at the disposal of the Legislature for the purposes of education, (1841) 361. Wide Accounts, 227. For a Statement of the expenditure of the revenue derived therefrom during the last 5 years, with the authority for the same, (1841) 432. Answer, 468. Praying him to take into consideration the expediency of opening to settlement the lands on the St. Maurice, in rear of Three Rivers, and of suspending the prosecutions for arrears on the “Jesuits' Estates” in that neigh- bourhood, (1842) 49. Answer, by Message, 111. Address and Answer printed, 114. For a copy of the security bond given by L. E. Dubord, Esq., as the agent for Three Rivers, (1848) 52. Wide Accounts, 229. For copies of all accounts rendered by Mr. Dubord during his agency, (1849) 99. Wide Accounts, 229. Judges (District) —Vide supra, 181, 182. Judges (Queen's Bench):—Wide supra, 62. Justice, Administration of: Motion, for an Address for Returns for 1842, of assessments levied in Upper Canada and expended for local admin- istration of justice, support of gaols, &c.; and of like expenses defrayed in Lower Canada; also, of expen- diture out of the public revenues in Lower Canada on roads, charities, hospitals, and lunatic asylums, and Return of all sums raised by local taxation therein for the like purposes; Amended by applying the whole to both sections,—and adding militia pensions, Indian annuities, and light house duties, also, lists of all persons employed in the various public departments, distinguishing those of British and of French origin; Passed, as amended, (1843) 135. -- For a Statement of the expense attending the administration of justice in each year since the Union, shewing the proportion defrayed out of the Provincial revenue and that borne by the different localities, (1846) 48. For a Statement of the amount expended for the administration of justice in Upper Canada from 1836 to 1840, from the Provincial funds, district funds, and fees, (1846) 57. For copies of all correspondence, opinions, and Reports of the judges, relating to the establishment of a separate Court in Kamouraska and Rimouski during 1844 and 1845, (1846) 196. Wide Accounts, 234. Kamouraska :—Wide supra, 236. ADDRESSES-continued. - 57 TTI. To the Governor General—continued. 238. 239. 241. 2 4 2 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 251. 252. 253. 254. Kelly, W. M.: . For copies of all documents relating to his dismissal from the office of Collector of Customs at Toronto, (1843) 102. Wide Accounts, 235. For copies of all Reports, &c., by the Commissioner of Customs, the Inspector General, or the Executive Council, upon his case; and of any Statements put forth by Mr. Kelly in reference thereto, (1844–5) 364. Vide Accounts, 235. +-, - For copies of all petitions and correspondence since the foregoing, relative to his claims for disbursements made in the execution of his duties; and of any Reports thereon, (1849) 248. Wide Accounts, 235. . For copy of any further correspondence on the subject, (1850) 191. Wide Accounts, 235. Keyes, Dr. —Wide infra, 619. Ring's College: For copy of any Despatch from His Excellency (Lord Metcalfe) to the Colonial Secretary relative to the University, and of any Despatches from the latter on the same subject, (1844–5) 185. Answer, by Message, 198. Vide Accounts, 238. . For copies of all communications between His Excellency and the Colonial Secretary, relative to any proposed alteration in the Charter, (1844–5) 343. Wide Accounts, 238. . For copies of all communications between the Imperial and Provincial Governments, before or since the Union, on that subject, -especially one from the Colonial Secretary to Sir G. Arthur, in answer to an application from Queen's College, Kingston, to have a share of the endowment of King's College, (1844–5) 389. Motion, for an Address for copy of any charges made to the Chancellor against any members of the College Council, and of their answers thereto; Amendment, to add copies of all communications between the Chan- cellor and the College, and correspondence from other institutions in reference to King's College, carried; Address ordered, (1846) 140. Answer, by Message, 212. Wide Accounts, 240. Governor General, 70. For a copy of the Ordinance of the College Council appointing Commissioners to inquire into the affairs of the College, and the instructions given to the Commissioners, (1849) 82. Wide Accounts, 242. For a Statement of the expenses of the Commission of Inquiry, and of the progress made by the Commissioners, (1850) 110. Wide Accounts, 243. For a Return of the medical students who have attended the lectures on surgery, medicine, &c., since the com- mencement, and the number who have matriculated, (1850) 120. Wide Accounts, 245. For copies of all Reports made by the Endowment Board of the University of Toronto (late King's College), and of Upper Canada College, and by the auditors of accounts of those institutions, and all annual Reports made by the Principal of the latter, (1851) 85. Wide Accounts, 246. . For a Return of Professors and others who received salaries from the late University of King's College, and of those receiving salaries or pensions from the University of Toronto; with the number of lectures delivered by each Professor, the number of students attending, and the fees charged; also, a Statement shewing the income of the University, and whether any part of the endowment has been applied to the annual expenses, (1851) 95. For a copy of the Report of the Commission for enquiring into the affairs of King's College and Upper Canada College, (1851) 206. Wide Accounts, 244. Lachine Canal:—Wide infra, 473. Tands: Praying him to transmit to England the Bill to regulate the sale of the public lands, to be laid before Parliament; Agreed to, (1841) 624. Communicated to the Council, 625. Agreed to by the Council, 629. For a Return of agents and others employed by the Commissioner of Crown Lands, who are accountable for the receipt of moneys, with their emoluments, and the amount outstanding in the hands of each, (1848) 76. Wide Accounts, 252. For the accounts of any district agents who may be in default; and for the authority on which they have been authorized to collect debts due for Clergy Reserve sales prior to 1840, (1844–5) 388. - FT 58 ADDRESSES-continued, III. To the Governor General—continued. 255. 256. 258. 259. 260. 261. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. E*-: *::::::ry § . ..ºx: º sº. , 2. • *; ! Tands—continued. For a Return of the receipts of the Crown Lands Department for 1845 and 1846, from each separate source, and the expenditure connected therewith; and information respecting land claims allowed, and scrip issued, &c., (1847) 49. Wide Accounts, 254. - For a Return of all Crown Land Agents in Lower Canada, for the cutting of timber, with their emoluments, secu- rities, collections, &c., (1849) 132. Wide Accounts, 257. . For a Return of all Patents granted in Lower Canada, since 1795, for lots exceeding 500 acres, with particulars of each grant, (1849) 132. Wide Accounts, 258. For a list of persons to whom scrip has been issued in satisfaction of land claims, since the Land Act of 1841 came into operation, and of all persons still entitled to receive the same, (1850) 176. Wide Accounts, 259. Wide supra, 216. infra, 289, 309, 310, 312, 434, 616. Lauzon, Seigniory of: For copies of correspondence with the Home Government respecting the same; documents relating to any com- promise between the Crown and the Seignior; claims on the Seigniory under certain judgments; and a Return of revenue received therefrom during the last 5 years, and the expenditure of the same, (1841) 420. Praying that the said Seigniory may not be sold, but that the revenues therefrom may be set apart as a separate fund, until disposed of by the Legislature, (1847) 207. For a Statement of the total amount received and paid by the agent of that Seigniory, the amount of cens et rentes demandable, and particulars relative to the mills in the said Seigniory, (1849) 147. Wide Accounts, 261. Leggo, Christopher: . Requesting to be informed whether any answer has been received to the Address from the late Assembly of Upper Canada, to Her Majesty, in his behalf, (1841) 136. Answer, 243. Referred, 253. Wide Committees, 424. Praying His Excellency to take into his serious consideration the loss sustained by Mr. Leggo at Brockville in 1838, and to afford him redress, (1841) 415. Answer, by Message, 574. Legislative Council:—For copies of any Despatches between the Imperial and Provincial Governments, relative to the expediency of rendering the Legislative Council elective, (1851) 95. Order for Address discharged, 109. Light Houses: For a Statement of the moneys collected since 1837, under the Act for the erection of certain light houses in Upper Canada; and of the cost of erecting and maintaining the light houses erected under the said Act, (1841) 301. Wide Accounts, 267. For a Statement of the disbursements for the maintenance of light houses in Upper Canada from 1833 to 1837, (1844–5) 299. Wide Accounts, 270. - For a Statement of the expenditure of the sum of £5000 voted last Session for erection of light houses, distin- guishing the amount expended on light houses below Quebec, (1846) 65. Wide supra, 233. Loans: For particulars respecting the various loans contracted for in London on behalf of this Province since the Union, (1850) 120. Wide Accounts, 273. For copies of any Orders in Council declaring the views of the Government with regard to the negotiation of loans, since the Session of 1849, (1851) 227. Wide Accounts, 274. Wide Supra, 146. Loans to Harbour Companies :—For a Statement of all loans made by Government to the Cobourg, Port Hope, and Oakville Harbour Companies, shewing the securities given, the amount of interest due, and the steps taken to enforce payment of arrears, (1 841) 208. Wide Accounts, 275. 2 AT) DRESSES–com/inued. 59 III. To the Governor General—continued. 271. 277. 278. 279. 280. $281. $2.82. 283. 288. 389. 290, Longueuil and Chambly Road:—For Statements of the transactions of the Trustees, and of all sums received and expended by them since the commencement of their Trust, (1844–5) 168. Wide Accounts, 250. Lunatic Asylum, Toronto: . For a Statement of the amount levied and cellected in Upper Canada for the purpose of erecting a Lunatic Asylum, (1841) 567. . For a Statement of the amount paid by each district on account of the Lunatic Asylum tax, since 1839, (1844–5) 356. For further Returns of the same, (1849) 56. (1850) 33. Wide Accounts, 281. . For copies of all correspondence between the Commissioners of the Asylum and Dr. Rees, respecting his claim for further remuneration for his services, (1846) 241. Wide Accounts, 282, . Communicating the Report of a Select Committee in favor of Dr. Rees' claim, and requesting His Excellency's favorable consideration thereof, (1846) 318. . For information relative to the expenditure of the moneys raised for the erection of the Asylum ; also respecting the expenses of the temporary Asylum, and the source from which the same are defrayed, (1847) 50. Vide Accounts, 281. For correspondence, &c., relative to the removal of Dr. Park from the office of Medical Superintendent, (1849) 33. Wide Accounts, 284. For correspondence relative to the removal of Dr. Telfer from the said office, (1849) 86. Wide Accounts, 285. For correspondence relative to the appointment and removal of Dr. Rees, (1849) 104. Wide Accounts, 283. For copies of all Annual Reports made by the Commissioners from 1845 to 1848, (1849) 238. Wide Accounts, 280. For a Statement of the amount expended in erecting the Asylum, and the sum required to complete the same; also, what accommodation will be afforded for the classification, &c., of patients; the number of pauper and of paying patients now there; the amount of annual grants for the last five years; the annual cost, and number of patients treated in each year, (1850) 99. Wide Accounts, 287. For a copy of the regulations relative to the admission and discharge of patients, (1850) 191. Wide Accounts, 288. For copy of the Petition of John Coppins to the Board of Directors, containing charges against the management of the institution, and documents connected therewith; also, a Return of the patients admitted since the com- mencement, and of deaths, and a list of the servants who have resigned or been dismissed, (1851) 116. Vide Accounts, 289. .* . For a Return shewing the interest payable on Debentures issued and outstanding on account of the Lunatic Asylum. and Normal School at Toronto, (1851) 116. Wide Accounts, 291. . For a Return of inquests held therein from the commencement, with the evidence given upon that on the body of Mrs. Gilbert, (1851) 153. Wide Accounts, 290. . For a Return of charges preferred by the Directors against Wm. Ramsay, the late Steward, with the evidence taken thereon, and the result of the investigation, (1851) 201. Wide Accounts, 292. . For the accounts of the Asylums at Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec,+Returns of the patients in each, and corres- pondence relative to the management, (1843) 66. "Wide infra, 620. McCord, Wm. K. :-For copies of all complaints and correspondence touching his conduct as Justice of the Peace, Queen's Counsel, and Superintendent of Police at Quebec; and correspondence relative to his appointment as Queen's Counsel, (1849) 121. Wide Accounts, 293. Wide infra, 348, 349, 398. McGill, Hon. P. :—For copies of documents relating to the purchase of his house at Montreal, for the Crown Lands Department, (1847) 144. Wide Accounts, 256. McGill College: For copy of any Report made by the Royal Institution since last Session, on the affairs of McGill College; and of any correspondence with the Colonial Office or the Governors, &c., of McGill College, on the same subject, (1846) 89, Answer, by Message, 187. Wide Accounts, 294, Governor General, 81, 60 ADDRESSES-continued, III. To the Governor General 291. 292. 293. 2.94. 295. 296. 297. 298. 2.99, 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. continued. McGill College—continued. For copy of any correspondence with the Imperial Government relative to the College, since 1840, and of the Charter and Statutes, as amended,—a list of officers, professors, and students, and a statement of the course of study, and of the college property, &c., (1849) #40. Wide Accounts, 295. McNab (Township) :—For the Report of the Commissioner appointed to inquire into the state of the settlers therein, and any other information touching the difficulties said to exist between The McNab and the settlers in his township; Previous question moved and carried, and Address agreed to, (1841) 362. Vide Accounts, 297. McRae, T}onald:—For copies of various papers relating to the seizure of a horse belonging to him, by the Collector at Dundee, (1847)63. Wide Accounts, 299. Magdalen Islands: Praying His Excellency to use his influence with the Home Government to prevent the annexation of those Islands to the Government of Prince Edward's Island; Resolution communicated to the Council, (1846) 81. An Address sent down from the Council, 106. Agreed to, 135. Answer, 157. Wide Accounts, 301. For copy of the Petition of the late Sir Isaac Coffin, to Lord Dorchester, pursuant to which Letters Patent were issued granting the Magdalen Islands to him ; and of any anterior correspondence, (1847) 91. Wide Accounts, 302. Manahan, Anthony :—Praying for the consideration of his claim for losses consequent upon an illegal seizure of his property by the Collector at Kingston in 1821, (1841) 632. Answer, by Message, 639. Map of the Province —vide infra, 621. Marriage Licenses: For a Return of Marriage Licenses issued, and of all fees received in any public department since the Union, with the appropriation thereof, (1842) 118. Wide Accounts, 303. For copy of the Minutes of the Executive Council upon the Inspector General's Report on the Marriage License Fee Fund, (1843) 135. Wide Accounts, 304. Matilda –Vide supra, 171. Medical Board (Upper Canada): For a Return of the Members of the said Board who have attended the quarterly sittings during the last four years, (1850) 90. Wide Accounts, 306. ** For a like Return for the past year, with a copy of the proceedings at the last sitting, (1851) 44–For an addition to the foregoing, shewing the number of persons passed during the same period, with the place of their educa- tion respectively, 67. Answer, 73. Wide Accounts, 306. * Members: Communicating certain Resolutions concerning an indemnity to Members for their attendance, and desiring to know His Excellency's pleasure thereon, (1841) 300. Answer, by Message, 562. For a Statement of the whole amount paid to the Receiver General, from the different Districts in Upper Canada, as indemnity to Members, (1842) 36. Wide Accounts, 307. For a list of all Members who have accepted office since the last General Election, (1842) 51. For a Return of Members, or former Members, who have received appointments to office, before and since 16th Sept., 1842, (1848) 28. Wide Accounts, 309. - ADDRESSES-continued. - 6]. TTI. To the Governor General—continued. 306. 308. 309. 3.10. 3.11. 3.12. 313. 3.14. 3.15. 316. 317. 3.18. 3.19. Metcalfe, Lord :—Motion, for an Address congratulating His Excellency on his elevation to the Peerage of the United Kingdom, (1844–5) 295. An amendment proposed and negatived; Main motion agreed to, and Address ordered; Reported, and agreed to; To be presented by the whole House, 296. Answer, 307. Vide Accounts, 311. tº Military Supplies :—For copies of all correspondence with the Imperial Government, during and since last Session, relative to the exemption from Duties, of provisions, &c., imported for the use of Her Majesty's Troops in Canada, (1846) 302. Militia : For a Return of all militia fines and exemption money received, (1841) 204. Wide Accounts, 315. For a copy of the last Report of the late Board of Militia Claims for Lower Canada, and of any instructions given to the Commissioner of Crown Lands on that subject since the time when the Board ceased its operations, (1842) 30. Wide Accounts, 316. For a copy of the authority given to the Crown Lands Department for issuing scrip for Militia land claims (in Lower Canada); and Statement of the probable amount of such claims, and other information respecting the same, (1844–5) 39. Wide Accounts, 317. For copies of all correspondence relative to the calling out of the 5th Lincoln Dragoons in July, 1842, the amount claimed by them for pay and allowances, the number of men paid, and the reason why the whole troop was not fully paid, (1844–5) 258. For a Return of the various corps in Upper Canada who were entitled to land for their services during the war, of the parties who have received their land, and those who have forfeited the same by neglecting the settle- ment duty; also, a Return of U. E. Loyalists who have applied for their lands since 1st Jan., 1843, and of those who have forfeited the same, (1847) 168. Wide infra, 622. Mining Licenses : For a Return of location tickets issued for the occupation of lands in Upper Canada for mining purposes, (1846) 92. Answer, 169. For copies of all papers relative to such grants, and all regulations in relation thereto, (1847) 24. Wide Accounts, 320. For a Return of all licenses issued for mining locations on Lakes Huron and Superior; and copy of the treaty entered into with the Indians for the cession of the lands comprised in such locations, (1851) 54. Vide Accounts, 321. Montreal Court House :—Praying that all plans, estimates, reports, and tenders, referring to the rebuild- ing of the same, may be laid before the House; with copy of any instructions to the Board of Works requiring them to make such plans, &c., (1846) 214. Wide Accounts, 325. Montreal Election :-For copies of all communications between the Imperial and Colonial Governments relative to the last election for the City of Montreal, and especially with reference to the conduct of John Young, Esq., the Returning Officer, (1844–5) 190. Answer, by Message, 211. Wide Accounts, 157. Montreal House of Industry :—For a Return of the names of the Wardens thereof for the last 5 years, and a Statement of the property held by them for the institution, (1844–5) 818. Montreal Provident and Savings Bank:-For copy of any Report made by the Commissioners for inquiring into the affairs thereof, (1851) 158. Wide Accounts, 36. Montreal Trinity House:—vide infra, 401. 62 ADDRESSES-continued. JTI. To the Governor General—continued. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. $328. 3.29. 330. 331. 332, Montreal Turnpike Roads: . Praying that Reports from the Trustees, and Accounts of their expenditure, may be laid before the House, (1842) | 19. (1844–5) 43.−(1847) 67. Wide Accounts, 332. . For a Statement of the cost of macadamizing and repairing the roads leading from Montreal to La Chapelle's Bridge, and of the tolls received therefrom, (1844–5) 28. Wide Accounts, 332. Morrison, Alex. —For copies of correspondence and documents relative to his claim for compensation for the loss of a lot of land in the Niagara District on account of a prior Patent having been issued therefor, (1849) 74. Wide Accounts, 333, For copies of any subsequent correspondence, &c., on the subject, (1851) 44. Wide Accounts, 333. Morrison, Wm. :—For a Return of the salary and allowances received by him in his capacity of Crown Lands Agent, (1847) 144. Wide Accounts, 334. Municipalities (L OWer Canada) :—For copies of all Proclamations concerning the erection of Municipal Districts in Lower Canada, with a list of the Wardens and other officers, and a copy of their instructions, (1841) 285. Wide Accounts, 335. Murray Canal Reserve :-For a Statement of the valuation of the same, if any has been made in pur- suance of Sir F. B. Head's Message to the late Assembly of Upper Canada of 26th Feb., 1838, respecting the construction of a canal to connect Presquisle Harbour with the Bay of Quinté, (1844–5) 271. Wide Accounts, 338. Navigation Laws —For copies of all communications relative to the removal of the restrictions imposed by Imperial Acts on the commerce of this Province, (1849) 14. Wide Accounts, 340. | New Brunswick : For copies of all communications between the Government of Canada and those of Great Britain and New Bruns- wick, relative to the boundary line between Canada and New Brunswick,-and of any Reports, &c., bearing on the question, (1844–5) 190. Answer, by Message, 255. Wide Accounts, 341. Governor General, 86. For copies of such communications as may properly be made public relative to the said boundary line, (1846) 69. Wide Accounts, 341. For copy of any correspondence with the Government of New Brunswick, or with any individuals, relative to the construction of a canal or railroad between the Rivers St. Lawrence and St. John, (1850) 110. Wide Accounts, 343. Normal School, Toronto:—Wide supra, 284. Nottawasaga Bay –Wide infra, 623. Ogden, Mr. Attorney General:—For a Statement of moneys paid him for his official services within the last four years, with the authority therefor, (1841) 362. Wide Accounts, 345. Ordnance Property —Vide supra, 81, 82, 84, infra, 437, 624. Osgoode Hall, Toronto :—For a Return of moneys received by the Government under the Act of 3 Vic, providing for the accommodation of the Superior Courts in Upper Canada (at Osgoode Hall); of proceeds arising from the sale of Simcoe Place, Toronto, and of Debentures issued, redeemed, &c., under that Act, (1849) 324. Wide Accounts, 347. Ottawa, River: For copies of any Reports in relation to a survey of that river, and the improvements contemplated in His Excel- lency's Message of 26th August, (Wide Governor General, 106); and other information connected with the same, (1841) 453, - ADDRESSES-continued 63 III. To the Governor General—continued. 333. 334. 335. 336. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. Ottawa, River—continued. For a Return of the officers employed on the Ottawa, and at Quebec, in the collection of the timber Duties, and of those employed in the management of the Ottawa works; also, a Statement of the amount expended on those works, and the tolls received therefrom, &c., (1849) 85. Wide Accounts, 352, 378. For information relative to any surveys on the Ottawa and its tributaries since 1st Jan., 1844, (1849) 176. Vide Accounts, 351. Wide supra, 87, 88. infra, 528, 542. Pacaud, L. E. :-For copy of all correspondence relative to his claim for remuneration for his services as Commissioner of Bankrupts for Three Rivers, (1846) 288. Wide Accounts, 354. Papineau, A. B. : For copy of a certain Petition for his dismissal from the offices of Justice of the Peace and Commissioner of Small Causes in St. Martin, for his opposition to the School Law, and information concerning the action taken thereon; with any correspondence, &c., complaining of his conduct, (1847) 87. Entry relative to foregoing Address read; New Address ordered, (1848) 8. Wide infra, 337. . For the papers applied for last Session, and copies of any subsequent petitions complaining of his conduct, and proceedings consequent thereon, correspondence with him as a Justice of the Peace, or as Commissioner of Small Causes, and correspondence with W. O. Stephens, Esq., relative to Mr. Papineau, or to his own removal or resignation as a Justice of the Peace, (1848) 8. Wide Accounts, 355. For copies of any further petitions or documents relative to his dismissal, (1849) 74. Wide Accounts, 355. Papineau, Hon. L. J. : For copies of all correspondence with him relative to a sum of money entrusted to him when at Paris, to procure copies of historical documents for the Quebec Literary and Historical Society, (1850) 100. Wide Accounts, 357. For copies of correspondence with him relative to his claim for arrears of salary as Speaker of the Assembly of Lower Canada; also, the Minute in Council respecting the same, his receipt for the amount-and the last warrant issued to him for his salary anterior to the Union, (1850) 165–For the correspondence between Mr. Papineau and Mr. Dunkin on the subject, 183. Wide Accounts, 357. Parliament, Provincial:—Wide infra, 364, 625, 626, Parliament House, T]estruction of:-Motion, for an Address, expressing sorrow and indignation at the destruction of the Parliament House, and other wanton outrages in the City of Montreal; assuring His Excellency of the loyalty of the Canadian people, and pledging their support to any measures to be taken for the preservation of the public peace; Several amendments proposed and negatived, and Address ordered, (1849) 263. Reported, and agreed to ; To be presented by the whole House, 264. Answer, 265. Wide infra, 627. Penitentiary: For copies of the Reports of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the management of the Penitentiary, (1849) 359. Wide Accounts, 360. For copy of the Report of the Roman Catholic Chaplain, and correspondence between him and the Inspectors in 1850–51, (1851) 185. Wide Accounts, 361. Wide infra, 628. Pensions: For some mark of Royal favor towards L. B. Pinguet, D. Jardine, Wm. Coates, S. Walker, J. Brewer, F. Rodrigue, and L. Gagné, as officers, &c., of the late Assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada, for their long services, (1841) 374, Answer, by Message, 346. 64 ADDRESSES-continued. III. To the Governor General—continued. 347. 348. 349. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. Pensions—continued. . Communicating the Report on a petition of Mrs. Bouchette, widow of the late Surveyor General of Lower Canada, recommending her for a pension, (1842) 98. . For a Return of pensions granted in 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842, (1842) 91. Wide Accounts, 362. Wide supra, 233. infra, 441, 445. Police Force : For a Statement of the number of Stipendiary Magistrates, and Police officers and men employed since the estab- lishment of the Force in Lower Canada; with the annual expense of the same, (1841) 230. Wide Accounts, 365. For copy of the Commission appointing Messrs. Wetherall, McCord, Johnson, and Ermatinger, Special Magistrates in Montreal in 1849; and of the appointments of the officers of the Montreal Mounted Police, with the autho- rity for those appointments, (1850) 121. Wide Accounts, 367. For copies of any instruments under Ordinance of Lower Canada 2 Vic., c. 2, for extending the word “cities” to any neighbouring districts for the purposes of Police; and of the Commissions appointing Messrs. McCord and Ermatinger Inspectors, &c.; of Police at Quebec and Montreal, (1851) 186. Wide Accounts, 367. For a Return of all Stipendiary Magistrates appointed by the Government, with their salaries, the date of their appointment, and the authority therefor, (1851) 77. Wide Accounts, 553. Port Hope Harbour:-For copies of all memorials, correspondence, instructions to Engineers, &c., relative to that harbour; and a Statement of the present condition of the loan to the Harbour Company, (1849) 298. Portuguese Consul :—For copies of correspondence between the Imperial and Provincial Governments relative to the proposed appointment of Mr. J. G. Mackenzie as Portuguese Consul at Montreal, (1850) 38. Wide Accounts, 369. Post Office : For a Statement of the surplus Post Office revenue transmitted to England during the last 4 years, with the authority therefor, (1841) 363. For correspondence with the Imperial Government relative to the department; also, for the quarterly accounts since 5th Jan., 1841,–and for information concerning the Commission of Inquiry into the Post Office system in British North America, and concerning any contemplated alterations of the present rates of postage, (1843) 51. Wide Accounts, 372. For copy of the Report of the Commission of Inquiry referred to in Lord Stanley's Despatch of 3rd Aug., 1843, (included above); and of any correspondence or documents relative to the department, (1844–5) 57. Wide Accounts, 376. For copies of the last four Quarterly Returns made to the Postmaster General in England, (1844–5) 134. Wide Accounts, 373. For copies of all communications between the Government and the Deputy Postmaster General, since 1st Jan., 1844, relative to the conveyance of the mail between Montreal and Bytown, (1844–5) 238. Wide Accounts, 374. Praying him to procure from the Home Government a copy of the Report of the Post Office Commission, (1844–5) 427. Wide Accounts, 376. For copies of the quarterly Returns from 5th July, 1844,-and a Return of the emoluments of the Deputy Post- master General, and the other paid officers at Montreal, Quebec, Kingston, and Toronto, from 5th January, 1843, (1847) 64. Wide Accounts, 380. For a Statement of letter postage paid by each department of the Government, (1849) 212. For a Return of the various Post Offices, revenue for last year, and balances in arrear-and information respect- ing mail contracts, expenses of General Department, postal arrangements with England and the United States, mail routes, and general regulations, (1851) 64. Wide Accounts, 382. For a Return of the net revenue since 5th July, 1844, with the application thereof, and copy of a Despatch direct- ing the same to be applied to the public uses of the Province; also, a Statement relative to the present mail contracts, (1851) 159. Wide Accounts, 383. Wide infra, 563, 564, 629. ADDRESSES-continued. 65 III. To the Governor General—continued. 364. Prorogation :—For an extension of the time fixed for the prorogation of the Legislature, (1841) 579. Answer, 365. 367. 368. 369. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. by Message, 598, Prothonotaries of Quebec:—For a Return of their emoluments for 1846, 1847, and 1848; and the amount of money deposited with them since 1840, (1849).99. Wide Accounts, 387. Public Accounts:—Wide infra, 440–445. Public Departments —vide infra, 867–875. , Public Money :—For a Statement shewing the amount of cash at the credit of the Government with the various Banks in and out of Canada, and the Provincial Agents in Europe, shewing whether interest is paid thereon, (1851) 42. Wide Accounts, 394. Public Officers: For a Statement of all salaries borne on the income of Upper and Lower Canada, respectively, from 1st Oct., 1839, to the Union; and of all borne on the consolidated income of Canada since the Union, (1841) 320. Vide Accounts, $89. For a Return of all persons employed in each Department of the Executive Government, in 1840, 1841, and 1842, —with their duties, salaries, and fees, and the authority for their appointment, (1842) 51. Wide Accounts, 395. For a Return of the various patent officers (Judicial or Executive) appointed in Lower Canada since the division of the Province of Quebec into Upper and Lower Canada, having salaries of £300 or upwards, (1842) 51. Wide Accounts, 399. . For a Return of persons employed in the Public Departments in Upper and Lower Canada on 1st Jan., 1838; and of those taken on or discharged since,—shewing the salaries in each case, and any increase thereof, (1843) 108. For a Return of persons holding a plurality of offices in Upper Canada, (1844–5) 252. Motion, for an Address for a Return of persons appointed to any office of emolument since last Session; Amend- ment, to add a like Return from the Union to 9th Dec., 1843, carried, and Address ordered, (1844–5) 12. Wide Accounts, 400. For a Return of appointments subsequent to the above, (1846) 97. For a list of all the officers employed in the various Public Departments, with their salaries, and length of service, (1846) 221. Wide Accounts, 396. For a Statement of the expense incurred in 1849 for stationery for the Public Departments, (1850) 33. Vide Accounts, 397. Wide supra, 233. Public Works: For a list of the members, officers, and employées of the Board of Works, and all payments made to them (exclusive of payments made under contracts), (1842) 51. For a Statement of all public moneys expended in each county, for public improvements and education, since 1830, (1844–5) 29. Wide Accounts, 147, 405. For a Statement of the public works, as required by 4 and 5 Vic, c. 38, (1844–5) 237. For a Return (next Session) of the expenses of the police, military, &c., connected with the preservation of the peace on public works in 1843 and 1844,-on what works employed, and whether paid out of the loan of £1,500,000, or from other sources, (1844–5) 385. For a Return of the expenses of the Police Force employed on the several canals, in 1843, 1844, and 1845, (1846) 52. Wide Accounts, 506. For Statements shewing the expenditure (from outstanding Debentures) on public works before the Union, and the total expenditure thereon since the Union, specifying whether out of the guaranteed loan of £1,500,000 or from other sources, the amount required to complete each work, and the interest payable for, and revenue derived from each, (1847) 37. Wide Accounts, 409. Also supra, 146. º I 66 ADDRESSES-continued. III. To the Governor General—continued. 382. 383. 384. 386. 389. 390. 391. 392. 394. 395. 396 397. 398. IPublic Works—continued. For a detailed Account of expenditure on all public works since the Union, (1847) 88. Wide Accounts, 407. For information respecting the different contracts entered into by the Board of Works since the Union, the pay- ments made thereon, and the deductions from each appropriation for public works for the expenses of the Board; also, the amount paid for surveys and special services, (1849) 92. For a Return of all turnpike roads, toll-bridges, mills, dams, slides, and harbours, under the control of the Govern- ment during and since 1849, with the revenue therefrom and the expenses; and correspondence and parti- culars relative to the sale of any such works, (1851) 21. Wide Accounts, 417. . For a Return of the Arbitrators appointed to appraise the damages consequent on the construction of public works, with a list of the claims and awards, amounts paid, and expenses incurred by the Arbitrators, (1851) 47. Wide Accounts, 416. {- For a Statement of the original cost of each road, bridge, slide, and harbour, in possession of the Government in 1849 and 1850, (1851) 206, - Wide infra, 630. Quebec : . For an inquiry by the Board of Works as to the feasibility of procuring, each winter, to the inhabitants of Quebec, the benefit of an ice bridge between Quebec and Point Levi, (1844–5) 186. Wide Accounts, 213. . For copy of all correspondence between the Government, the Quebec Corporation, and the Quebec Trinity House, respecting the Cul-de-Sac in the City of Quebec, since 1st Jan., 1840, (1846) 92. Wide Accounts, 419. Praying him to take into consideration the expediency of directing an exploration of the country in rear of Quebec as far as Lake St. John, (1847) 41. t - For a copy of Messrs. Blaiklock and Duberger's Report on the said exploration; and correspondence relative to opening a road from the St. Lawrence to Lake St. John, or some point on the Saguenay territory, (1849) 147. For copy of a Report by Mr. Blaiklock or any other person, of an exploration of the country between Quebec and Lake St. John ; and of Mr. Blaiklock's instructions, (1850) 100. Wide Accounts, 492. For an exploration of the country further to the eastward than that made by Messrs. Blaiklock and Duberger, (1851) 43. Answer, 59. Quebec Fire Loan : . For a list of the Commissioners for managing the funds granted for relief of the sufferers by the recent fires at Quebec, with their instructions, rules, and correspondence, and a copy of their Report, (1847) 66. Wide Accounts, 420. * For particulars relative to the moneys or Debentures advanced to different parties on account of the Quebec Fire Loan, (1850) 41. Wide Accounts, 421. For a Return of parties in arrear for principal or interest of the loans,—total amount received by Government on account of the same-amount of loss from parties becoming insolvent, particulars relative to securities, and expenses of management, (1851) 66. Wide Accounts, 422. - Quebec Literary and Historical Society —Vide supra, 839, infra, 425. Quebec Marine and Emigrant Hospital :—For copies of all correspondence relative to the manage- ment thereof, (1851) 136. Wide Accounts, 424. Quebec Market Place (Lower Town) :—For copies of correspondence with the Trinity House, Harbour Master, and Corporation of Quebec, relative to the enlargement of the Lower Town Market Place, (1850) 191. Wide Accounts, 425. Quebec Police Office;—For copies of all representations, &c., by W. K. McCord, Esq., Superintendent of Police, relative to the keeping of the said police office, or the want of assiduity on the part of the magistrates; and of all correspondence, inquiries, &c., connected therewith, (1849) 99. Wide Accounts, 427. tº ADDRESSES-continued. 67 TTI. To the Governor General—continued. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 409. 412. 413. 4.14. 415. Quebec Trinity House : . For full accounts of the Corporation (including the Pilots' Fund) for the last 4 years, (1844–5) 170. Vide Accounts, 428. . For copy of a letter addressed by the Colonial Secretary, to the Governor General, in 1839 or 1840, relating to the Trinity Houses of Quebec and Montreal, and of any answer thereto, (1849) 147. Wide Accounts, 331. Quebec Turnpike Roads: For copies of all Reports, Accounts, &c., relating to the Quebec Turnpike Trust, (1842) 119,-(1844–5) 18. (1846) 14. (1847) 68. (1849) 251. Wide Accounts, 429. For the Accounts for 1848 and 1849, and correspondence relative to the management of the roads, and the purchase of Dorchester Bridge, (1850) 32. Wide Accounts, 429, Praying to be informed why the Trustees have not macadamized the road from the Côte de Champigny to the Commissioners' Bridge, (1846) 39. Answer, 86. For a debtor and creditor account between the Government and the Trustees from the commencement; and the amount of Debentures held, and interest paid and received by the Government, on account thereof, (1851) 185. Wide Accounts, 429. Queen's Eench, Montreal:—For a Statement of the number of suits instituted therein for the last 12 months; the number of judgments obtained, and the number of suits still pending, (1849) 79. Wide Accounts, 430. - Queen's Bench (Upper Canada): . For a Return of the number of Queen's Bench Writs of Mesne Process and Execution issued for one year before the establishment of the Court of Common Pleas, and judgments entered therein, and Records made by the Clerks of Assize, with their charges therefor and for criminal business; also, similar Returns of writs, verdicts, and judgments, in the several District Courts, with the emoluments of the Clerks thereof, including their fees in Bankruptcy, (1850) 9. Wide Accounts, 432. . For a Return of the last 100 judgments entered in the said Court for plaintiff after verdict or assessment in debt and assumpsit, (1850) 66. Queen's Counsel :-For the names of the gentlemen employed as Queen's Counsel since the Union, with the sums paid them; also, the names of the Crown Officers and Queen's Counsel who have attended the Circuits, (1850) 48. Wide Accounts, 484. Railways: . For copies of all correspondence between the Board of Works and the Railway Companies of this Province, (1851) 50. Wide Accounts, 440. . For all information in possession of the Government, and proceedings and Orders in Council, &c., relative to the proper gauge to be adopted for railroads in Canada, (1851) 186. Wide Accounts, 441. ,” Rawdon :-For a Return of village lots sold in Rawdon (Leinster), and the names of the persons claiming pre-emption, (1849) 104. Wide Accounts, 442. Rebellion (Upper and Lower Canada): For a Statement of confiscations in consequence of the Rebellion, and the amount realized from the sale of property sold; also, a list of persons of outlawed, and of such as are in exile in consequence of political offences, (1841) 420, Praying for the exercise of the Royal prerogative for granting a free pardon for all offences connected with the Rebellion in Upper and Lower Canada, (1841) 457. Answer, by Message, 488. For a Statement of the amount of loss suffered by the Parish of St. Eustache in the destruction of their convent and church during the Rebellion, (1844–5) 63. Wide Accounts, 445. 68 ADDRESSE S—continued. III. To the Governor General—continued. 416, 417. 418. 4I9. 420. 421. 422. 423 te 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. Rebellion—continued. Expressing gratitude that Her Majesty has pardoned certain of those who had been transported for their connexion with the Rebellion; and praying His Excellency to recommend to Her Majesty that a free passage to England be afforded to such of them as are in need of the same, (1844–5) 92. Answer, by Message, 102. Wide also Accounts, 443. For the adoption of measures to insure the payment of all just claims for losses consequent on the Rebellion in Lower Canada, (1844–5) 307. For copy of all correspondence between the Government and the Commission appointed to inquire into the losses by the Rebellion in Lower Canada, and a copy of their instructions, (1846) 73. Wide Accounts, 446. For a Statement of the law costs due on certain lands seized by the Sheriff, and which belonged to individuals who were transported for taking part in the Rebellion, (1846) 169. Wide Accounts, 448. For a Return of sums collected (from tavern license fees) in Upper Canada, under the provisions of the Act for the payment of the Rebellion loss claims, (1849) 22. Wide Accounts, 452. Motion, for an Address for the Report of the Commissioners on the losses in Oxford; an amendment negatived; Motion amended by substituting “Upper Canada” for “Oxford,” and Address ordered, (1849) 139. Vide Accounts, 453. $º For a Return of all claims laid before the Commissioners for Lower Canada, with the amount awarded, and paid, the compensation allowed the Commissioners; and a copy of their instructions, (1850) 44. Wide Accounts, 451. - - For copies of the Despatches referred to in Earl Grey's Despatch of 9th January, and of all other Despatches rela- tive to the Bill to provide for the payment of the Rebellion losses in Lower Canada, (1850) 48. Vide Accounts, 449. Wide infra, 631—634, Records, Public : Communicating the Report of a Select Committee relative to the condition and preservation of the ancient archives and public records remaining in the vaults of the Parliament Buildings at Quebec; and praying for the adoption of proper measures for the preservation of the same, and for procuring other public documents, &c., from any accessible sources in England or France, tending to throw light on the ancient history of Canada, (1844–5) 411. - Praying that measures may be adopted to aid the Quebec Literary and Historical Society in procuring copies of certain MS. documents at Albany, in the State of New York, illustrative of the early history of Canada, (1846) 295. Praying him to take into consideration the Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the state of the Parliamentary and Judicial Archives in Lower Canada, (1846) 343. Representing that many valuable records and documents are scattered throughout various public departments, in a neglected state, and praying that they may be collected for safe keeping and preservation, (1849) 266. Answer, 273. Praying that measures may be adopted to procure from Great Britain, France, &c., (through the agent to be sent to Europe to purchase books for the Library) copies of such documents relative to the early history of Canada, as may be wanting to complete the series of records already obtained, (1854) 330. Rectories: For copy of the Despatch which authorized the establishment of Rectories, and of all other Despatches from the Home Government upon the subject, (1850) 176. For a list of any Rectories established during the last 16 years, with the authority therefor, and incumbents pre- sented; and of any deaths, removals, &c., among such incumbents, (1851) 38. Wide Accounts, 454. Praying that steps may be taken for bringing to adjudication the question of the legality of the establishment of the Rectories, (1851) 199. -- Praying that the Bill to repeal the provisions contained in Imperial Act 31 Geo. III, c. 31, relative to Rectories in this Province, may be transmitted to England, to be laid before Parliament, (1851) 357. Wide supra, 120. ADDRESSES-continued. 69 III. To the Governor General—continued. 433. 434. 435. 436, 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. Registrars (Upper Canada) :—For a Return of their emoluments during the past year, and the dates of their appointment respectively, (1851) 33. Wide Accounts, 455. Religious Denominations, Grants to :—For a Statement of all moneys paid to religious denomina- tions, from 1814 to 1840, from the Casual, Clergy Reserve, Provincial, or other Funds; and of all grants of land within the same period, (1850) 201. Wide Accounts, 459. Wide supra, 117, 121, 122. Teserved Bills: For information relative to the reserved Bill (of the Legislature of Upper Canada) for imposing duties on certain articles imported from the United States, (1841) 173. Answer, by Message, 201. For copies of any Despatches received in relation to the Bills reserved last Session, particularly the Bill to provide a legal recourse for persons having claims against the Government, (1846) 21. Answer, by Message, 43. For information or correspondence respecting the reserved Bill to amend the Ordnance Estates Vesting Act, (1846) 34. Answer, by Message, 81. For copy of any Despatch relative to the reserved Bill to provide a legal recourse for persons having claims against the Government, (1849) 132. Wide Accounts, 473. Wide infra, 635. Responsible Government:—For copies of certain Despatches from Lord J ohn Russell, relative to Respon- sible Government, and the tenure of office in the Colonies; and of Addresses from the Assembly of Upper Canada on the latter subject, (1841) 294. Wide Accounts, 474. Bevenue and Expenditure, Public : For Statements of Receipts and Expenditure of the Casual and Territorial and other Revenue of Upper Canada up to the Union; and of the total Receipts and Expenditure of the Province up to 30th June, 1841, including seizures, fees on marriage licenses, and all other fees, (1841) 361. Wide Accounts, 70. Motion, for an Address for Statements (annually) of the total amount collected, in each branch of the Public Revenue, also District Assessments, Post Office, Education, Clergy, Emigration, and Indian Funds;–with the total expenditure, including public departments, pensions, expenses of collection, &c.; and a Return of Imports and Exports, and of the tonnage of vessels; Consideration of motion postponed, (1842) 118. Wot proceeded with. Praying him to direct the proper officer to publish quarterly statements of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Province, (1844–5) 56. For a Return of the Receipt and Expenditure of the Provincial Revenue for 1844 and 1845, divided under the several heads, (1846) 120. Wide Accounts, 392. For a Statement of all moneys appropriated and expended out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund since the Union, and the balance remaining unexpended, (1850) 230. Motion, for an Address for a Return of Judges of the Division Courts, their salaries, and the fees and fines raised therein, amount of General Fee Fund,-authority for the pensions included in the Public Accounts, account of expenditure of £9871 5s. 5d., stated (in Accounts of 1849 and 1850) to have been paid to Thos. Harington, details of expenditure of £4200, distributed by Hon. W. B. Robinson among the Indians of Lake Superior- and of expenditure of £6655 for Indian Annuities for 1850; Amendment, to strike out all relating to pensions, and moneys paid Mr. Harington, carried; Address, as amended, agreed to, (1851) 42. Wide Accounts, 113, 224. Wide infra, 636. Revised Statutes:–For appointment of a Commission to revise the Acts and Ordinances of Lower Canada, (1841) 446. Answer, by Message, 568. For appointment of a Commission to revise and consolidate the laws in force in this Province, (1851) 156. Answer, 208. Rice Lake and Ontario Road:—For a detailed Statement of the total expenditure in macadamizing the same, (1847) 31. Wide Accounts, 480. 70 ADDRESSES-com/?nued. III. To the Governor General—continued. 448. 449. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. Richardson, Maj Or:-Motion, for an Address to communicate a Resolution for affording encouragement to Major Richardson in the publication of his “War of 1812;” Motion to postpone consideration, negatived, and Address agreed to, (1842) 115. Answer, by Message, 117. Richelieu, River :—Praying to be informed what steps have been taken to complete the navigation of that river, (1846) 52. Answer, 86. Rimouski:-Vide Supra, 236. Roads and Bridges: Praying to be informed when the unpaid balance of the £50,000 granted for Roads in Upper Canada, and the sum of £12,500 granted for the improvement of the Grand River Navigation,--are likely to be paid, (1841) 511. For a Statement of tolls collected on the several macadamized and plank roads in Upper Canada in 1847 and 1848, with expenses of collection, (1849) 64. Wide Accounts, 481. For copies of all tenders made during last year to lease the tolls on public roads in Upper Canada, (1849) 181. Wide Accounts, 482. Road Companies :—For a Return of the various Companies formed under Acts 12 Vic, chaps. 56 and 84, authorizing the formation of Joint Stock Companies for the construction of roads and other works, (1851) 54. Wide Accounts, 483. Roebuck, John Arthur:-For copies of all correspondence with the Colonial Office relative to his claim, (1851) 185. Wide Accounts, 485. Rouge Hill:—For a Return of any surveys and estimates made by order of the Board of Works, for a road over the said hill, and a bridge over the River Rouge, (1844–5) 55. Roy, Mrs. :—Communicating copy of a Petition from her, for remuneration for her late husband's services in furnishing to the Government a Geological section of the Province,—and of a Report thereon; and praying His Excellency’s favorable consideration of the same, (1844–5) 416. Wide Supply, 329. . Royal Institution for advancement of Learning:—Praying that the Commissions of the present members of the Board may be revoked, and a sufficient number of members resident in Montreal may be appointed to constitute a quorum in Montreal; and that their place of meeting may be fixed at Montreal, (1844–5) 427. Ryland, Geo. H. :-For copy of all correspondence, &c., relative to his claim for compensation for the loss of his office as Clerk of the Executive Council, (1848) 59. Saguenay: Thanking His Excellency for his Message recommending a provision for the relief of the sufferers by the late fire in the County of Saguenay, (1846) 231. Praying that titles may be granted (at a low price) to those settlers on the Saguenay who have occupied and improved lands, (1847) 41. - St. Charles, River: For a survey of the mouth of that river, to ascertain the practicability of forming a dock and harbour for the reception of shipping arriving at Quebec, (1844–5) 232. For a copy of the Report of the said survey, (1846) 52. Wide Accounts, 491. For documents and information respecting the survey and the proposed improvements, (1847) 20. Wide Accounts, 491. . For copies of all correspondence between the Government, the Quebec Trinity House, and the Quebec Corporation, respecting the beaches of the St. Charles, (1846) 160, Wide Accounts, 490. ADDRESSES-continued. 71 TTI. To the Governor General—continued. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. St. Davids and Jordan Road:—For a Statement of the amount expended in the pretended construction of that road, and of the new hill at Jordan, (1847) 73. Wide Accounts, 198. St. Lawrence, River:-For copies of all reports, plans, correspondence, &c., under the direction of the Board of Works, relative to the improvement of the St. Lawrence below Quebec, by the construction of wharves, harbours, &c., (1847) 45. Wide infra, 637. St. Lawrence Canals: For information as to whether it is the intention of Government to recommend the continuation of the same, so as to open the communication to the Ocean, without delay, (1841) 172. Answer, by Message, 187. For copy of Report or correspondence of the Commissioners for improving the navigation of the St. Lawrence since January, 1839, (1841) 315. For copy of all correspondence with the Colonial Secretary in 1841 and 1842, relative to the appointment of an Engineer to superintend the construction of the St. Lawrence Canal, (1842) 60. Wide Governor General, 107. For a copy of Mr. Keefer's estimate of £255,900 for the Beauharnois Canal, alluded to in Lord Sydenham's Message last Session (Wide Governor General, 106), and of any Despatches on the subject, (1842) 23. Wide Accounts, 498, For correspondence relative to stationing troops on the line of the Beauharnois Canal, (1843)29. Vide Accounts, 499. For copy of the Report of the Commission of Enquiry relative to the disturbances on the Beauharnois Canal, and a Statement of the expenses attending the same, and in suppressing the said disturbances and those on the Lachine Canal, (1843) 31. Wide Accounts, 501. For copy of any correspondence between the Government and the Stipendiary Magistrate recently appointed on the line of the Beauharnois Canal, (1848) 52. Wide Accounts, 502. For copies of the valuation of damages sustained by the inhabitants of St. Clement and St. Timothée de Beau- harnois, made by Capt. Wetherall and Mr. Manuel, (1844–5) 62. Wide Accounts, 503. For a Return of all claims by inhabitants of the County of Dundas, for lands and damages arising from the St. Lawrence Canal, and the mode in which the same have been settled, (1844–5) 227. Wide Accounts, 504. Communicating copies of the Petitions of G. Robinson and others, of Mille Roches, of R. Froste of Montreal, -and of J. Brown and others of Osnabruck, for compensation for damages caused by the construction of the St. Lawrence Canal; and praying him to cause an inquiry to be made into their claims, (1844–5) 364. Wide ânfra, 481. Communicating a Report on the Petition of Peter Anderton, praying for the settlement of his claim as a contractor on the St. Lawrence Canal, with a copy of the Petition,-and praying His Excellency’s favorable consideration of the same, (1844–5) 413. Wide infra, 481. - For a Statement of the amount expended on the different portions of the canal, the date of the opening of the Cornwall and Beauharnois Canals, with the expenses incurred and tolls received on each ; and for information from the Board of Works whether it is their intention to finish the canal so as to admit the free passage of vessels from the upper lakes to tide-water, and to furnish a tow-path or steam power on the canal, (1846) 48. Vide Accounts, 505. For copies of any Petitions, &c., addressed to the Government or the Board of Works, relative to a bridge across the Williamsburgh Canal at Maria-town, (1846) 221. Wide Accounts, 507. Praying to be informed what steps have been taken to adjust the claims of the inhabitants of Mille Roches for damages, and of Peter Anderton and P. and R. McKay as contractors (Wide supra, 477, 478), (1846) 306. Wide Supra, 131. St. Maurice, River: For a survey of that river, for the improvement of the navigation for lumbering and other purposes, (1847) 68. For copy of the Report of the said survey, and of all plans and instructions relative thereto, (1850) 176. Vide Accounts, 515. For copies of the field books and other documents referred to in the Reports on the scaling of that river by Messrs. Legendre and Bignell, (1 851) 77. Wide Accounts, 516. 72 ADDRESSES-continued. III. To the Governor General—continued. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. St. Maurice Forges: . For copy of the lease under which the same are now held, and of any papers in relation to the future disposal of the land attached to the same, (1844–5) 28. Wide Accounts, 517. . For copies of any correspondence with the lessee thereof, relative to the contemplated sale of the forges, and of any Petition from the workmen employed on the same, (1846) 240. Wide Accounts, 518. St. Peter, Lake : For copies of the Reports of Mr. Atherton and Capt. Boxer, on the channels in Lake St. Peter, (1844–5) 356. For copies of the Reports of Mr. Atherton, Mr. Vaughan, and Capt. Boxer; and of the agreements entered into by the Board of Works for boarding the men employed on Lake St. Peter in and since 1843, (1846) 135. For particulars relative to the expenditure of the sum of £58,000, granted by 4 & 5 Vic, c. 28, for deepening the channel, (1846) 219. Wide Accounts, 521. For copies of all communications from the Board of Works to Captains Bayfield and Beaufort, and Mr. Kendal, Civil Engineer, which drew from them their approval of the new channel now being improved; and of any estimates heretofore made by the Board, of the excavation in the old and new channels, respectively, (1846) 3.10. -- For copies of correspondence between the Imperial and Provincial Governments relative to the works on Lake St. Peter, and of all Reports made to the Government, including that of a Commission of Enquiry held at William Henry, (1847) 31. Wide Accounts, 522. Sault Ste. Marie :-Praying His Excellency to take into consideration the expediency of constructing a ship canal around the falls thereat, to connect Lakes Huron and Superior, (1851) 358. Scugog and Narrows Road: Praying to be informed whether the Government have decided on the line of road on which the grant of £2000 (last year) is to be laid out, (1846) 266. Answer, 308. For full information relative to the expenditure of the said grant; and also, relative to the line to be adopted in uniting the Windsor and Scugog Road from the Talbot River to the Narrows Bridge, (1847) 46. Wide Accounts, 527. Wide infra, 578. Seamen —For copies of any correspondence, with the Imperial Government or with private individuals, rela- tive to the shipping of seamen at Quebec, (1849) 86. Wide Accounts, 530. Seat of Government: For copies of all correspondence with the Colonial Office, &c., respecting the locality of the seat of Government, (1841) 183. Answer, by Message, 201. Motion, for an Address for copies of all communications between the Imperial and Provincial Governments, rela- tive to the seat of Government; Amended, by adding “ or such parts thereof, or other information, as His Excellency may feel at liberty to communicate;” Address ordered, (1843) 12. Message in reply communicating a Report of a Committee of the Executive Council on the subject, 25. Address and Message printed, 28. Motion, for an Address praying that the Legislature may be convened, for periods of 4 years, alternately at Toronto and Quebec, (1849) 317. Motion to postpone consideration, negatived; Amendment, that the public conve- nience requires that some central place be selected as the permanent seat of Government, negatived, 318. Amendments, for Addresses in favor of Kingston and Bytown respectively, negatived, 319, 320. Main motion agreed to, and Address ordered; Reported; Motion to postpone consideration negatived, 321. Address agreed to, 322. Answer, 331. Secretary, Civil:—Wide supra, 111, infra, 688, 639. Secretary, Provincial:—For a list of persons employed in his office, with their salaries and length of Service, (1846) 201, Wide Accounts, 534, ADDRESSES-confinued. 78 III. To the Governor General—continued. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. Seigniorial Tenure (Lower Canada): For appointment of a Commission, to inquire into the state of the law, &c., relative to the Seigniorial Tenure, its operation,--and the best means of establishing an equitable system of commutation, (1841) 513. Answer, by Message, 57 6. For a Return of commutations effected under the Act of 8 Vic., c. 42, for facilitating commutation of Tenure, (1846) 39. Answer, 85. Representing the delay and expense attending the commutation of lands held d titre de cens, or en roture of the Crown, under Imperial Act 3 Geo. IV, ch. 119, and praying that some less tedious and expensive mode of commutation may be devised and adopted, (1846) 295. Praying that copies of all Octrois and Grants, &c., of the various Fiefs and Seigniories in Lower Canada, to be found in the public archives, may be translated, printed, and distributed among the Municipalities and Members of the Legislature; with any legal opinions or public documents relating to the Seigniorial Tenure and the com- mutation thereof, that may be deemed necessary to the proper understanding of the relative rights of Seigniors and Censitaires, (1851) 353. - Seigniories , Government:—For a Return of the income derived from each Seigniory in Lower Canada held by the Government, with the names of the agents, and their salaries and expenses; also, the amount of Droit de Quint received by the Government since 1830, (1844–5) 135. Wide Accounts, 538. - Seizures:–For a Return of Custom House seizures during the last 3 years, (1842) 119. Wide Accounts, 539. Sheriffs: For copies of any papers connected with the securities given by the Sheriff of the Niagara District, (1849) 85. Wide Accounts, 542. For a Statement of the income derived from their office by the Sheriffs of Montreal for the last five years; and the amount of public moneys in their hands, (1849) 18. Wide Accounts, 541. For copies of any papers transmitted by the Sheriffs of Montreal in reference to the charges against them, (1 850) 110. Wide Accounts, 543. Shipping : For a Return of the steamers and sailing vessels owned in the Province in 1844, distinguishing between lake and river craft, and vessels employed in the coasting trade below Quebec, and in trade beyond seas, (1844–5) 245. Wide Accounts, 544. Praying him to transmit to Her Majesty and the Houses of Lords and Commons, the joint Petitions respecting the importation of goods in foreign vessels, and the extension of the British Registry Laws to Colonial Shipping; From the Council; Agreed to, (1844–5) 421. Simcoe Street:—For a Return of the different townships that have petitioned for the improvement of the line between the Home and Colborne Districts (known as Simcoe Street) within the last four years; and of the answers thereto, (1847) 119. Simpson, John, and W. B. :-Wide supra, 136, 137. Simpson, J Oseph :—For copies of any correspondence relative to the refusal of the Quebec Trinity House to give him a certificate of qualification as a pilot, (1846) 90. Wide Accounts, 549. Solicitor General:—Wide infra, 640. Speaker of Legislative Assembly :—Informing His Excellency that the House have granted leave of absence to their Speaker (Sir A. N. MacNab) on account of an impending severe domestic calamity; and have appointed another member to be Speaker until his return, (1846) 87. Speaker of Legislative Council :—Praying His Excellency to issue his warrant in favor of the Speaker of the Council for £250, to remunerate him for his services during the present Session, (1843) 207. Answer, 6. K 74 ADDRESSES-continued. --e- III. To the Governor General—continued. 516. Speeches:–In answer to Speeches from the Throne at the opening of each Session, (1841) Ordered, 59. Reported, 60. Amendments proposed and negatived, 63, 65. Amended, 66. Passed, 67. His Excellency appoints a time to be attended, 69. Reply, 71. (1842) Address moved, 7. Amendment proposed, 8. Motion and amendment committed, 9. Resolution reported and agreed to, 15. Committee appointed to draft Address, 15. Reported, and agreed to, 18. Answer, 25. (1843) Ordered, 9. Reported, and agreed to, 11. Answer, 13. (1844–5) Address moved, 13. Amendment proposed, 14. Negatived, 19. Further amendments negatived, 20. Main motion carried, and Address ordered, 21. Reported, and agreed to, 27. Answer, 30. (1846) Address moved, 5. Two amendments negatived, and Address ordered, 6. Reported, and agreed to, 7. Answer, 9. (1847) Draft of Address to be printed, 8. Address moved; Amendment proposed, 12. Negatived, 25. Further amendments negatived; Main motion agreed to, and Address ordered, 26. Reported, and agreed to, 27. Answer, 29. (1848) Motion for Address; Amendment, expressing a want of confidence in the present Administration, &c., carried; Main motion, as amended, agreed to, and Address ordered, 16. Reported, and agreed to, 20. Answer, 22. (1849) Motion for an Address, 15. Amendment proposed, 16. Negatived, 22. Another amendment negatived; Main motion agreed to, and Address ordered, 24. Reported, and agreed to, 25. Answer, 27. (1850) Motion for Address, 10. Amend- ment moved, 16. Amendment amended, and negatived; Further amendments negatived, 18, 20, 22. Main motion agreed to, and Address ordered, 23. Reported, and agreed to, 25. Answer, 26.-(1851) Address ordered, 6. Reported, and agreed to, 8. Answer, 10. Statutes: 517. Praying for an inquiry into the cause of the non-delivery of the Statutes of last Session in the District of St. Fran- cis, (1844–5) 19. 518. For a Statement of the expense of printing the laws, and other official documents, (1844–5) 29. Wide Accounts, 385. Wide Supra, 446. Stevens, W. O. :-Wide supra, 337. Stipendiary Magistrates:–Vide supra, 347, 351,474. 520. Stuart, Peter:—For copies of correspondence with him relative to his intended appointment to the office of 521 522 523 Sheriff of the Eastern District, (1849) 74. Wide Accounts, 555. ſº Sugar :—For copies of any Despatches from the Colonial Office relative to the duties on Bastard Sugars, (1843) 102. Wide Accounts, 556. Wide infra, 641. Superior, Lake;—Wide supra, 216, 315. e Supply :—Communicating certain Resolutions providing for the expenses of the Government to 31st March, 1844, and praying His Excellency (in the event of no Supply Bill being passed) to advance the amount neces- sary therefor, and to direct that strict economy be observed in all future expenditure, (1843) 191. Answer, by Message, 206. º Sydenham, Lord :—Condoling with His Excellency upon the serious accident that recently befel him, and expressing anxious solicitude for his speedy recovery, (1841) 523. Message, conveying His Excellency's thanks, 586. Wide supra, 225. 524. Taschereau, Mr. :—For the correspondence touching his resignation of the office of Solicitor General, and 525 his appointment as a Circuit Judge, (1847) 16. Wide Accounts, 558. . Territorial Divisions:–For a Return shewing the names, extent, and population, of the townships to be included within each of the Counties proposed to be formed by the Bill before the House for making certain alterations in the Territorial Divisions in Upper Canada, (1851) 53. Wide Accounts, 560. ADDRESSES-continued. 75 III. To the Governor General—continued. 526. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 546. Thompson, Mr. Justice:–For a copy of the defence made by the Hon. J. G. Thompson, Provincial Judge of Gaspé, to the accusations voted by the Assembly of Lower Canada; and of any Despatches from the Imperial Government in reference to the said accusations, (1841) 173. Wide Accounts, 561. Three Rivers:–For an inquiry by the Board of Works into the feasibility of giving to the inhabitants of that District the benefit of an ice bridge, by the construction of piers between Batture à Lévrard and the Bat- ture à Bigot, (1844–5) 170. Wide Accounts, 213. Wide supra, 230. Timber : For a Return of Timber Duties collected at Bytown for the last five years, shewing what proportion of the same has been expended in improving the navigation of the Ottawa at or above Bytown, (1841) 104. Wide Accounts, 563. For copy of all correspondence with the Colonial Office in relation to any alteration in the scale of Imperial Duties on the importation of foreign or colonial timber, (1841) 104. Wide Accounts, 562. For a Return of Duties collected on timber in the Ottawa District since 1835, (1841) 191. Wide Accounts, 564. Praying His Excellency to transmit certain Petitions to Her Majesty and the Houses of Lords and Commons, agreed to by both Houses, in relation to a proposed alteration of the Imperial Duties on timber (Wide supra, 35); From the Council, (1841) 346. Concurred in, 368. To be presented by the Speakers of the two Houses, 399. Answer, 402. For a detailed Statement of Timber Duties received at the Crown Timber Office at Bytown, and of the disburse- ments, in 1841, (1842) 51. Wide Accounts, 566. For a Statement of timber licenses granted in Bonaventure, from 1835 to 1842; and of all moneys collected by the Crown Lands Agent for Gaspé in that period, (1842) 22. Wide Accounts, 568. For a Statement of moneys received from sale of Crown lands and timber licenses in Gaspé, from 1835 to 1842, (1842) 22. Wide Accounts, 568. For a Statement of licenses granted and timber cut on Crown Lands in the County of Ristigouche (New Bruns- wick) from 1835 to 1842, (1842) 27. Wide Accounts, 569. For a Statement of timber shipped from Dalhousie and Campbletown, in Ristigouche, from 1835 to 1842, (1842) 27. Wide Accounts, 569. For Statements of the transactions in the Crown Timber Office at Bytown for 1848 and 1844,-shewing the num- ber of rafts passed, amount of duties, and names of persons employed; also, the amount paid the Government Surveyor for surveys; and the quantity of timber cut in other parts of the Province, (1844–5) 18. Wide Accounts, 571. For copy of a Petition from Peter Aylen and others to His Excellency, praying for an alteration in the system of granting timber licenses on the Ottawa and its tributaries, (1844–5) 83. Wide Accounts, 572. For a Statement of all licenses issued during the last two years for cutting timber in Bonaventure, Gaspé, Rimouski, Kamouraska, L'Islet, Bellechasse, and Saguenay, (1844–5) 197. Wide Accounts, 573. For a Statement of the transactions of the Crown Timber Office at Bytown for 1845, and information respecting the Commission appointed to investigate the affairs of the said office, (1846) 42. Wide Accounts, 575. For a Statement of all licenses issued for cutting timber in the County of Saguenay, (1846) 91. Wide Accounts, 576. For a Statement of revenue derived from timber Duties on the Ottawa and elsewhere; also, from the Slides on the Ottawa, and the Union Suspension Bridge at Bytown, (1847)63. Wide Accounts, 349. For a Statement of the lumber exported by sea, in 1848, on account of producers and manufacturers in District of Quebec, (1849) 60. Wide Accounts, 577. For a Return of licenses granted (and applications therefor) to cut timber on the Ottawa and its tributaries, for 1847, 1848, and 1849,-with the money paid thereon, and timber cut; and copies of all instructions for the granting of such licenses, (1849) 242. Wide Accounts, 579. For a Statement of licenses issued to cut timber on the River Gatineau, and the deposits paid thereon, and duty collected in the last two years; also, the quantity of timbered land thereon unlicensed, and the applications for licenses, (1850) 138. Wide Accounts, 188. For a Return of timber cut on Crown and Clergy Reserves in the County of Peterborough in 1849, 1850, and 1851; and the amount collected for the same, (1851) 38. Wide Accounts, 580. Wide supra, 333. infra, 642. 76 ADDRESSES-continued. * TTI. T o the Governor General—continued. 547. 548. 549. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 557 558. 559. 561. Toronto and Lake Huron Railroad Company :—Communicating copy of a Report on a Petition of the Company, for authority to construct a plank or macadamized road in lieu of a railroad (recommending that so much of the road as passes through an unsettled country be made at the public expense), and praying His Excellency's favorable consideration of the same, (1841) 616. Answer, by Message, 639. Toronto and Lake Huron Road:—For information concerning the expenditure of the sum of £30,000 granted by 4 and 5 Vic, c. 28, for improving the main road from Toronto to Lake Huron, (1846) 34. Vide Accounts, 590. Wide infra, 581. Toronto Election: For copy of the Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the riots at the last election for Toronto, (1841) 104. Answer, 136. Wide Accounts, 583. Requesting to be informed what office under Government (if any) is held by the Commissioners, and the amount of their remuneration as such Commissioners, (1841) 420. Answer, 467. - Toronto Harbour:-For Returns of harbour dues levied (since 1st January, 1836), and the balance still due the Government on account of sums advanced for constructing and repairing the Queen's wharf, (1843) 66.--(1844–5) 232,-(1846) 178-(1847) 73.−(1848) 16-(1849) 30–(1850) 33. Wide Accounts, 585. Trade: For information concerning the Address from the Assembly of Upper Canada respecting the introduction of Cana- dian products into Great Britain free of duty, and the regulation of the trade of this Province by the Legis- lature thereof, (1841) 182. Answer, by Message, 201. Wide Governor General, 148. For a copy of the Despatch of Hon. C. P. Thomson (Lord Sydenham) transmitting the said Address to England, (1842) 33. Wide Accounts, 592. - - For copies of all Despatches from the Home Government, since 2nd March, 1842, relative to the Act regulating the importation of wheat, &c., from Canada, and the Act to regulate the trade of the British possessions abroad, (1843) 20. Wide Accounts, 595. - For copies of all correspondence with the Imperial Government relative to the trade and revenue of the Province, since the Despatch dated 26th Sept., 1844, (1846) 41. For copies of all correspondence respecting the Address to Her Majesty for repeal of duties on Canadian products admitted into Great Britain, and the Address relative to reciprocity of trade between Canada and the United States; also, respecting the navigation of the St. Lawrence and the placing of it on the same footing as the Welland Canal for the passage of American vessels; also respecting the repeal of Imperial Acts affect- ing the trade of Canada, (1847) 16. Wide Accounts, 339, 601, 604. . For a Return of the duties levied on articles imported from the United States which may be affected by the estab- lishment of a system of reciprocal free exchange with the said States, (1849) 60. Wide Accounts, 606. Trent, River: For an account of the receipt and expenditure of moneys raised by the sale of Debentures under the Act of Upper Canada for improving the navigation thereof, (1844–5) 31. Wide Accounts, 608. For a Return of timber passed over the Slides on that river in 1846–the revenue received therefrom as slide dues, —and the amount remaining unpaid, (1847) 67. Wide Accounts, 610. . Trent Bridge :—For an account of the tolls collected thereon in 1849, and in each month of the present year—the salary of the collector, and mode of payment, and the instructions given for his guidance, (1850) 223. Wide Accounts, 611. Trent Port :-Wide supra, 63. Troops, Transport of:-For copy of correspondence with the Imperial Government relative to payment of the expenses of moving the troops in aid of the civil power, or upon any other military defence of the Province, (1850) 215. Wide Accounts, 612. ADDRESSES-continued. 77 III. To the Governor General—continued, 562. Turquand, Mr. —For copies of the instrument under which he acted as Receiver General after the resig- nation of Hon. J. H. Dunn ; and of the bonds given by him, (1844–5) 57. Wide Accounts, 613. “ Unicorn ?” Steamer : 563. Praying His Excellency to use his influence with Her Majesty's Government to prevent the discontinuance of the communication between Quebec and Pictou, en route to Halifax, now kept up by means of the Steamer “ Unicorn,” (1844–5) 57. Answer, by Message, 102. Wide also Accounts, 375. 564, Representing the expediency (in case the “Unicorn” is withdrawn) of affording encouragement for a communication 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. by steam between Quebec and Pictou, en route to Halifax, (1844–5) 356. TJnion of the Canadas:–Wide infra, 643. United Empire Loyalists:–Vide supra, 312. University of Toronto –Vide supra, 241–251. Upper Canada College;—Vide Supra, 248, 251. Usury Laws:—For copies of all correspondence with the Imperial Government, and other documents, in relation to the repeal or modification of the Usury Laws, (1849). 29. Wide Accounts, 614. - Wansittart, J. G. :-Motion, for an Address praying for his removal from the office of Inspector of Licenses for the District of Brock (for his conduct as Returning Officer at the Oxford election); Amendment proposed and negatived, (1849) 80. Further amendments negatived; Main motion agreed to, and Address ordered, 82, Answer, 103. - - * - - w - Wice Admiralty Court :—For copies of the Order in Council revoking the tariff offees for the said Court, and of all correspondence and documents in reference to a tariff of fees, (1847) 158. Wide Accounts, 615 Wiger, Hon. T). B. :-Wide supra, 53. War IIosses: For a Statement of all losses sustained during the late war, remaining unpaid, (1842) 60. Wide Accounts, 616. For a Statement of losses awarded and yet unpaid; and of all Indian claimants who have been paid, with the nature of the evidence of such payment, (1844–5) 252. . Wide Accounts, 616. For a Return of the Duties collected on salt, for the payment of the war loss claims; and the amount of war loss Debentures outstanding, and interest paid thereon, (1847) 16. Wide Accounts, 617. Waterloo :-For a Return of Patents granted for lands in that county since 1st J anuary, 1847, (1848) 51. - Welland Canal: For a Return of the expenditure for completing the same, between Thorold, Lock No. 18, and Port Dalhousie; and the expenditure on the harbour at the latter place; and information respecting a certain survey from Thorold to Niagara, made by the Board of Works during the polling days of the late election for Niagara, (1844–5) 274. Wide Accounts, 621. - For a Return of all collectors of tolls on the canal, the amount of their salaries, and the tolls collected by them during the present year, (1846) 145. Wide Accounts, 623. I For a Statement of the expenditure thereon since the first Session of the present Parliament, shewing the proportion expended at Port Dalhousie, and thence to Lock 18, and on certain cuts near Lake Erie subsequently aban- doned, (1847) 58. Wide Accounts, 621. - - Wide infra, 579. White, Martin B. :—For a copy of the indictment preferred against him at the Western District Assizes, with the proceedings thereon, and the judgment of the Court, (1847) 116. Wide Accounts, 627. 78 ADDRESSES—continued. III. To the Governor General—continued. 576. Williamsburgh Lutheran Congregation :—For copies of all correspondence between the said con- gregation and the Government, and between the Bishops of Quebec and Toronto or any ministers of the Church of England and the Government,-relative to certain lands claimed by the said congregation as having been granted to them in 1799, (1844–5) 227. Windsor and Scugog Road:—Wide supra, 494. infra, 578. 577. Windsor and Sturgeon Day Road:—For a Return of the townships from which Petitions have been presented to the Government, within the last 4 years, for improvement of the said road, and of the answers thereto, (1847) 119. Windsor Harbour: 578. For copies of all Petitions to the Government relative to the construction of Windsor Harbour and a road from thence to Lake Scugog.-with the decision thereon; and Statement of any contracts entered into for the same, and sums paid thereon, (1844–5) 271. 579. For copies of all proclamations, instructions, &c., under which tolls were collected thereat, in 1845, 1846, and 1847, and subsequently suspended; with the rates of toll established at the Welland and Burlington Canals, and Windsor Harbour, and the total cost of each of those works, and total revenue received therefrom, (1847) 45. Wide Accounts, 408. 380. Expressing regret that the works at Windsor Harbour have not been prosecuted with sufficient vigour and despatch, (1847) 208. Wide infra, 644. 581. Yonge Street :—For Statements of the gross and net revenue from tolls thereon, in 1844, 1845, 1846, and 1847; the amounts for which the toll-gates were let; the sums allowed to the gate-keepers for losses arising from the breaking up of part of the road; and the cost of the first four miles, near Lymburner's, (1847) 97. Wide Accounts, 589. Wide supra, 548. IV. Modes of presenting Addresses to the Governor General: [NotE-Addresses to the Queen are presented through the Governor General, an Address (or a joint Address) being voted to His Eacellency, requesting him to transmit the same.] 582. By both Houses:—Addresses to His Excellency, praying him to transmit joint Addresses to the Queen, (1843) 113.−(1844–5) 87. 583. By the Speakers of the two Houses:–Address to His Excellency, praying him to transmit the Joint Address to the Queen, and Petitions to the Houses of Lords and Commons, relative to the Timber Duties, (1841) 399. 584. By Members of each House having seats in the Executive Council, (1844–5) 436-(1846) 144.—(1847) 180~ (1849) 302.--(1851) 49. By a Joint Committee, (1841) 629. 885. By the whole House:—Addresses to transmit Addresses to Her Majesty, (1842) 22–(1843) 40,-(1 844–5) 59, 295–(1846) 38–(1847) 78-(1850) 103, 106.—Other Addresses, (1841) 67—(1842) 19, 28–(1848) 12–(1844–5) 28-(1846) 8.—(1847) 20, 29, 78.--(1848) 21—(1849) 264.—(1850) 25–(1851) 9. 586. By Members of the House having seats in the Executive Council:—Addresses to transmit Addresses to Her Majesty, (1843) 114.—(1846) 230.—(1851) 130, 354. Other Addresses, (1841) 524.—(1842) 103.-- (1843) 102.—(1844–5) 62.--(1846) 383–(1847) 74—(1848) 10–(1849) 197—(1850) 99-(1851) 15% &c. By Select Committees, (1843) 176, &c.—(1848) 71, &c. 587. Conference desired by the House in reference to the mode of presenting Joint Addresses (in connexion with the Address on the Timber Duties), (1851) 53. Report of Reasons, 58. Conference agreed to by the Council; Report delivery of Reasons, 64. Further conference desired by the Council; Agreed to, 73. Report; Referred to a Select Committee, with an instruction to search into precedents, &c., 76. Report, 97. Con- curred in; Further conference desired, to communicate the Report, 102. Agreed to, 107. Report delivery of the same, 108. ADDRESSES-continued. 79 W. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 600. 601. 602. 603. Incidental Proceedings relative to Addresses: Addresses to the Queen ordered, agreed to, and ordered to be engrossed, (1844–5) 58.—(1851) 35. Ordered, and Committees appointed to draft the same, (1841) 238–(1842) 11–(1843) 197—(1844–5) 62.--(1846) 57.—(1847) 150–(1850) 90, 94.—(1851) 129. Reported by Committees of the whole House, (1841) 581, 625–(1846) 137–(1847) 80–(1849) 43.—By Select Committees, (1841) 436–(1844–5) 380– (1846) 106, 270, 298. Addresses to the Queen adopted, with Petitions to the Houses of Lords and Commons on the same subject, (1841) 238-(1844–5) 405. Addresses to the Governor General ordered, and members appointed to present the same, (1841) 524.—(1842) 103.−(1843) 114.—(1844–5) 62.-(1846) 230,-(1847) 74.—(1848) 71.—(1849) 197—(1850) 33.—(1851) 185, &c. Ordered, and Select Committee appointed to draft the same, (1841) 59.—(1842) 15–(1843) 9, 187-(1844–5) 21, 296–(1846) 6–(1847) 26.-(1848) 16–(1849) 24, 263, 321–(1850) 23.—(1851) 6. Reported by a Committee of the whole House, (1844–5) 418.-By a Select Committee, (1843) 194. Debate on motion for an Address adjourned to a future day, (1844–5) 91.—(1846) 260,—(1847) 144.— Adjourned, and not resumed, (1842) 118.-(1851) 73. Motion for an Address, referred to a Committee of the whole House, and an Address reported therefrom, (1842) 9.—(1847) 163. To a Select Committee (and no Address reported), (1846) 280. Addresses before the House referred to a Committee of the whole, (1846) 204. To a Select Committee, (1846) 201,280. A Committee appointed to draft an Address report the same, and it is referred back to them, to be made in strict accordance with the Resolution adopted, (1846) 292. Address again reported, 298. Resolution that the House do not concur therein, and substituting another Address therefor, 299. . Order for an Address (voted on a previous day), discharged, (1851) 109. • Entry in Journals of a previous Session relative to an Address, read, and a new Address ordered, (1848) 8. • Addresses amended after adoption, (1843) 187.-(1846) 299. • Address ordered praying that additional papers may be included in a Return called for in a previous Address, (1851) 67. . Addresses printed, (1843) with all proceedings thereon, 189—(1844–5) 91.—(1846) 106, 306–(1847) 8– Addresses and Answers, (1842) 114.—(1843) 28.—(1847) 213.−Answer only, (1842) 31. . Addresses to His Excellency, praying him to transmit certain Bills to be laid before the Imperial Parliament, in conformity to the terms of the Union Act, (1841) 624.—(1842) 116–(1843) 210–(1849) 283.-(1851) 297, 357. Addresses sent down from the Council, (1843) 108.-(1844–5) 434.—(1846) 296–(1847) 24.—(1849) 46– (1851) 38, &c. Addresses sent up to the Council, (1841) 255.—(1843) 92–(1844–5) 434.—(1846) 283.−(1847) 80–(1849) 45–(1851) 35, &c. A Resolution for an Address sent up, and an Address sent down from the Council, and concurred in, (1846) 81, 106. Council desire the evidence on which an Address sent up from the Assembly is founded, (1846) 308. Conference desired with the Council, in reference to the practice of Parliament in cases of Joint Addresses, (1851) 53. Wide Conferences, 1. Joint Addresses, To the Queen,-Wide supra, 4, 12, 16, 19, 20–23, 26, 31, 34–36. To the Governor General,—Wide supra, 166, 252, 294, 511, 531. VI. Questions Negatived or Superseded, relative to Addresses: (1) Motions for Addresses to the Queen;–relative to— Clergy Reserves: 604. Praying for the repeal of the Imperial Act 3 and 4 Vic, c. 78, regulating the distribution of the Clergy Reserves Fund, (1850) 84–Again, 87. 605. Praying that the existing arrangements relative to the Clergy Reserves Fund may remain undisturbed, (1 851) 129. 80 ADDRESSES-continued. VI. Questions Negatived or Superseded, &c.—continued. 606. 607. 608. 609. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. (1) Motions for Addresses to the Queen—continued. Constitution of the Province : For Addresses to Her Majesty, and to both Houses of Parliament, praying that the Legislative Council may be rendered elective, and that the Legislature may have power to call a Convention of the people to establish a Constitution for the Province, (1850) 40. * For such an amendment of the Constitution as will secure to the people of Canada the right of legislating on all matters of an internal and social character, (1850) 86. . . . . . . Invasions of the Province —Praying that the claims for losses arising out of the recent invasions of Upper Canada may be provided for by the Imperial Parliament, (1844–5) 309. Legislative Council:—Wide supra, 606. Marriage License Fund t—Praying that the fees on marriage licenses may be placed at the disposal of the Clergy of the various denominations, for religious or educational purposes, (1844–5) 172. (2) Motions for Addresses to the Governor General;-relative to— Administration, Provincial: . Praying to be informed what negotiations may have taken place between any Members of the Executive Council and any Members of the Legislature, relative to a re-construction of the Cabinet by the removal of one or more of the present members and the appointment of others to fill their places, (1846) 34. Praying that measures may be taken to form a strong and efficient Administration, (1847) 68. Wide also Administration, 1. Bates, J Oseph :-For copies of correspondence relative to the seizure of his horse and sleigh, by the collector at Stanstead, (1849) 357. Boundary between Upper and Lower Canada:—For a copy of Mr. Wells' Report on the said boundary line, and information as to the action of Government thereon, (1843) 194. Calder, Mr. :—For copy of a letter from Mr. Secretary Daly to him, informing him of his appointment as Postmaster at Beaverton, and of other communications relative thereto, and to the subsequent appointment of another person to fill the office, (1847) 87. Coal and Iron Mines:—Praying that an examination may be made of the land belonging to Julien Bou- chard, at Baie St. Paul, to ascertain whether the coal and iron found thereon exists in sufficient quantities to justify the expense of mining operations, (1849) 69. Commissioner of Crown Tands:–Declaring that the present Commissioner (Hon. D. B. Papineau) does not possess the abilities or experience necessary to fit him for that office, (1847) 112. Delisle, A. M. :--For copy of the opinion given by the Law Officers of the Crown relative to his application for permission to perform his duties as Clerk of the Peace by deputy, to enable him to attend in his place as a Member of the Legislative Assembly, (1843) 32. Dixon, T. C. :—For copies of all petitions and correspondence relative to the conduct of Mr. Thos. C. Dixon, of London (Upper Canada), as Justice of the Peace, (1850) 47. . . . . - Keyes, Dr. :—For copies of all petitions, opinions, and correspondence, relative to the pardon granted to him when confined, under sentence, in the Penitentiary, (1850) 51. - ADDRESSES-continued. - 8}. VI. Questions Negatived or Superseded, &c.—continued. £320. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. (2) Motions for Addresses to the Governor General-continued. Ilunatic Asylum, Toronto :—Motion, that for certain reasons set forth, it is desirable to Address His Excellency, praying him to dismiss certain of the Commissioners of the Asylum, and to cause an enquiry to be made into the allegations against Dr. Park, and to afford him a full opportunity for defence; The motion being prefaced throughout, Mr. Speaker declines to receive it, as unparliamentary; His decision appealed from, and confirmed by the House, (1850) 239. Map of the Province :-Praying that a map of the Province may be compiled for the use of the District Officers, (1841) 601. Militia —For copies of all complaints addressed to His Excellency in reference to the recent Militia promotions in Lower Canada, and correspondence between the Adjutant General of Militia and old Militia Officers in reference thereto, (1846) 144, Nottawasaga Bay :—For a survey thereof, and an estimate of the expense of making the same a safe har- bour; also an examination of Penetanguishene Harbour with a view of ascertaining the best terminus for a railroad leading from Toronto to Lake Huron, (1850) 33. Ordnance Lands in Bytown :—For copy of any correspondence with the Imperial Authorities, and of any Report, touching the tenure of the lands in Bytown purchased for the Government by the late Lord Dal- housie, (1842) 13. Parliament, Provincial: Praying that Parliament may be dissolved, for the purpose of ascertaining the wishes of the electors under the new Election Law, (1841) 590. Praying that Parliament may be prorogued on account of the pestilence raging in the City of Montreal, (1847) 130. Parliament House:—Stating that the House views with extreme jealousy the continuance of a large body of armed soldiers within the precincts of the Parliament House, and praying for their immediate withdrawal, (1849) 355. Penitentiary :—For copies of the Reports of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the management of the Penitentiary, (1849) 355. sº * Post Office:–For copies of any memoranda or documents submitted to His Excellency by any Members of the late Administration, in reference to the state of the Receiver General's Office, or the Post Office Department, (1844–5) 29. Public Works, Board of:—For the appointment of a Commission to inquire into all matters of complaint against the Board of Works, (1844–5) 407. Rebellion : For copies of any Despatches from His Excellency to the Colonial Secretary, in reference to the Address (supra, 414) for a free pardon for acts connected with the late Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada, (1842) 5. For copies of all correspondence with the Home Government relative to the proposed amnesty for offences connected with the Rebellion, (1849) 14. For copies of all correspondence relative to the transmission from Montreal to Kingston (during Sir C. Bagot's administration) of depositions, indictments, and other documents relating to the Rebellion; and a Statement of the number of such papers which were destroyed at Kingston or withdrawn from the public archives; and copy of any Minute in Council relating to the same, (1849) 114. For copies of all Petitions, Addresses, &c., received by His Excellency, relative to the payment of the Rebellion losses in Lower Canada, (1849) 200. 634. L gº 82 ADDRESSES-confinited. VI. Questions Negatived or Superseded, &c.—continued. 636. 637. 638. 639. 640, 641. 642. 643. 644. 645. 646. 647. (2) Motions for Addresses to the Governor General—continued. Receiver General's Department –Vide supra, 629. * Reserved Bills:–For copies of all Reports by the Attorney General for Upper Canada, relative to the various Bills reserved last Session, (1850) 13. Revenue and Expenditure, Public :—Praying that the Public Accounts may be laid before the House within the first 15 days of next Session, and that 1000 copies be printed for members, and one copy for each parish and township; also, Statements of the Revenue and Expenditure according to certain forms, and of quanti- ties of products passing through the canals; Debentures issued; Balances in hands of collectors; Accounts of King's College and Upper Canada College; Expenditure for administration of justice, from Provincial and District Funds; Returns of population and assessments; and Statement of interest paid on the debt contracted for the various public works, and tolls received from such works, (1844–5) 414. St. Lawrence, River :—Praying that steps may be taken for the removal of all obstructions in the bed of the St. Lawrence to the depth of 10 feet water, so as to admit of the safe passage of vessels carrying 10,000 bbls. of flour; Superseded by prorogation, (1851) 358. Secretary, Civil : For copy of the Despatch reporting the appointment of Mr. Murdoch as Civil Secretary, with the amount of his salary, and copy of any money warrants issued in his favor, (1842) 28. Praying to be informed as to the nature and duties of that office, and whether the same cannot be performed by the Provincial Secretary, (1847) 70. Solicitor General:—For a copy of the Commission appointing Lewis T. Drummond, Esq., Solicitor General for Lower Canada, (1849) 302. <ºn Sugar :—For copy of any correspondence with the Imperial Government relative to the Duty to be collected on bastard sugar, under Provincial Statute 4 and 5 Vic, c. 14, (1842) 120. Timber Duties:—For copy of any Despatch to the Colonial Office relative to the Joint Address to Her Majesty, last Session, relating to the Timber Duties, and of any answer to the same, (1842) 5. Union of the Canadas :—For copies of all correspondence between the Imperial and Provincial Govern- ments on that subject, (1841) 437. Windsor Harbour :—Expressing regret at the disproportionate rate of the tolls at Windsor Harbour com- pared with those on the Welland and Burlington Canals, and requesting that the tariff of tolls on the former work may be re-adjusted, (1847) 208. (3.) Other Questions Negatived: For postponing consideration of Addresses, (1842) 115–(1843) 184—(1850) 28. Questions relative to amendments proposed to Addresses, (1843) 204—(1844–5)420–(1847) 11–(1849) 23– (1850) 22. To refer a motion for an Address to a Committee of the whole, (1842) 23. ADELATDE—AGRICULTURAL. -- 83 $2. 3 gº Adelaide :—Wide Road Allowances, 2. Territorict! Divisions, 32, Adj ournments 2–Vide Legislative Assembly, 22–43. Administration, Provincial: . Motion for an Address expressing the deep anxiety of the House at the delay in the formation of a new Adminis- tration, since the resignation of the late advisers of His Excellency, &c., (1843) 198. Motion amended; Motion to substitute a Reselution that the House will proceed to the completion of the important measures before it, and that if they are not perfected the responsibility will rest with those who may be the cause of exciting a contest between the House and His Excellency, negatived; Motion, in amendment, that it is inexpedient to address His Excellency upon the formation of a new Administration, because His Excellency's declarations in favor of Responsible Government leave no reason to deubt that he is engaged in forming such Administration, &c., negatived; Motion amended by adding a paragraph; Motion to substitute a Resolution that it is inexpe- dient to address His Excellency on the subject, negatived; Resolution substituted for main motion, That in full reliance upon His Excellency's oft-expressed intentions to carry on the Government on constitutional prin- ciples, the House have been induced to proceed, for the last ten days, with the business of the country, in the absence of an Administration within the Walis of Parliament, 204, 205. Motion for an Address, praying to be informed what negotiations may have taken place between any Members of the Executive Council and any Members of the Legislature, relative to a re-construction of the Cabinet by the removal of one or more of the present Members and the appointment of others in their stead, Negatived, (1846) 34. Motion for an Address to His Excellency, praying that measures may be taken to form a strong and efficient Admin- istration, Negatived, (1847) 63, 68. . Motion for a Committee of the whole on the state of the Province, with reference to the resignation by Hon. R. Baldwin of his seat in the Cabinet, while continuing to hold the office of Attorney General,—with an instruction to consider certain Resolutions declaring the same to be a violation of the principles of Responsible Government, (1851) 153. Motions for adjourning debate thereon, negatived; Notice taken that certain Resolutions were appended to the motion, of which no notice had been given; Mr. Speaker decides the motion to be therefore out of order, 154, - Wide Accounts, 5–9. Addresses, 47–54, 610, 61 i. Constitution, 3, 4, Marriage License Fund, 2. Responsible Government. Speeches, 16. Administrators 2–Wide Foreign Evecottors. Jands, 21. Adverse Claims:—vide claims, Adverse Advocates :—Wide Connºttees, 58. Courts, 66—68, Affidavits, Commissioners for taking:—Bill to authorize the Judges of the Superior Court of Record in Upper Canada to appoint Commissioners for taking affidavits in Lower Canada; Presented, (1849) 338. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 77.) Agricultural Produce:—vide Accounts, 125, 592–606. Addresses, 38–42, 553–559. Com- mittees, 69–85, 372. Customs, 2–16, 22, 26, 40, 43, 49–53, 67, 71. Speeches, 3, 5, Agricultural Societies (L. C.): Bills relative to: . To repeal certain Acts, and better to encourage agriculture in Lower Canada by the establishment of Agricultural Societies therein; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 272. Order for second reading discharged, 294. . To repeal certain Acts, and better to encourage, &c.; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 308. Amended in Com- mittee, 326. R. A., 442. (8 Vic, c. 53.) . To amend the foregoing Act, by legalizing the establishment of Societies in those counties which did not avail them- selves of its provisions, and by removing the restriction upon the amount to be expended by County Societies for importation of animals, &c.; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 57. Ryder added, 76. Returned from the Council, amended by striking out the Ryder, &c., 200. Considered, and agreed to, 222. R. A., 254. (9 Wic., c. 14.) º:* 84 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES-continued. Agricultural Societies (L. C.)—continued. 4. To allow the formation of more than one Agricultural Society in a county in Lower Canada; and to authorize the Montreal Agricultural Society to expend a balance in their hands; Presented, (1846) 169. Referred, 202. Reported, with an amendment, 208. R. A., 273. (9 Wic, c. 24.) 3. To allow members of County Agricultural Societies in Lower Canada to be elected in any year after the period fixed by law; Presented, (1850) 176. R. A., 284. (14 Vic, c. 46.) 6. Petition for an Act to incorporate the Lower Canada Agricultural Society, (1847) 71. Bill presented, 158. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 59.) 7. To amend the Act incorporating the Lower Canada Agricultural Society; Presented, (1850) 100. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 45.) 8. Petition of the said Society, for aid, (1851) #01. 9. Petitions for amendments to the law for encouragement of Agricultural Societies in Lower Canada, (1841) Missisquo; Agricultural Society, 615.-(1846) Chambly Agricultural Society, 59. Referred, 95. (No Report.) Two Mountains do., 55. Verchères do., 59. Petition from Two Mountains referred, 56. Member added, 152. Petition from Montreal Agricultural Society (infra, 11) also referred, 164. Report, 169. Bill presented, ib. Wide supra, 4. - 10. Petition for the placing of Agricultural Societies in Lower Canada on the same footing as those in Upper Canada; Huntingdon, (1842) 17. - 11. Petition of Montreal Agricultural Society, for power to expend a balance in their hands, upon certain useful objects, (1846) 162. Referred to Committee on Petition of Two Mountains Agricultural Society, 164. Report thereon; Bill presented, 169. Wide supra, 4. 7 12. Petition for establishment of a District Agricultural Society in Gaspé, (1849) 199. Again, (1850) 46. Wide Accounts, 10, Committees, 1, 3, 4, 335. Supply, 162, 327. Agricultural Societies (U. C.): Bills relative to: 3. To continue an Act of Upper Canada relative to Agricultural Societies; Presented; Read, (1841) 280. Wot proceeded in. Wide Laws, Eagiring, 1. 2 . To continue an Act for the establishment of Agricultural Societies, and to encourage agriculture in the several districts in Upper Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 271. Order for second reading discharged, 287. 3. Granting a sum of money for the encouragement of Agricultural Societies in the several districts in Upper Canada; Ordered, (1844–5) 329. Presented, 337. Amended in Committee, 371. R. A., 442. (8 Vic, c. 54.) 4. To amend the foregoing Act, (1849) 241. Order for second reading discharged, 266. 5. To provide for the better organization of Agricultural Societies in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 135. Amended in Committee, 325. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 127.) 6. Petition for an Act to incorporate the Agricultural Association of Upper Canada, (1847) 56. Bill presented, 126, R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 60) 7. Petition of the said Association, for aid, (1849) 67. Referred, 158. Wide Committees, 332. 8. Petition of Agricultural Society of 4th Riding of York, for an alteration in the mode of distributing the grants to Agricultural Societies, (1843) 39. 9. Petitions for aid to Agricultural Societies, (1844–5) Johnstown District Agricultural Society, 367. Shefford, 99. Talbot District Agricultural Society (for revival of the law), 94: Referred to Committee on Expiring Laws, 95. 10. Petitions for amendments to the Act establishing Agricultural Societies in Upper Canada, (1844–5) Johnstown Dis- - trict Mercantile and Agricultural Improvement Society, 351. (1849) Niagara District Agricultural Society, 38. Referred, 91. Wide Committees, 332. 11. Petition against any alteration of the said Act; Waterloo Agricultural Society, (1850) 225. 12. Petition of the President of the Simcoe Agricultural Society, for establishment of a Provincial Agricultural Society, and endowment of a Professorship of Agriculture in King's College, (1843) 46. 18. Petition of Agricultural Society of Haldimand, praying that that county may enjoy the same privileges as agricul- tural districts, (1848) 71. . AGRICULTURAL–ALBION ROAD CO. 85 14. J. 3 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Agricultural Societies (U. C.)—continued. Petition of Niagara District Agricultural Society, for an alteration in the mode of apportioning the sums granted to Agricultural Societies, (1849) 72. Referred, 91. Wide Committees, 332. 5. Petition of the Kent Agricultural Society, praying that it may be declared the Society for the County of Kent, (1851) 40. Wide Accounts, 10. Committees, 2, 332. Supply, 162, 328. Agriculture: Bills relative to : . To continue the Act for the more effectual remedy of abuses prejudicial to agriculture in Lower Canada; Reported by a Committee, (1844–5) 805. Order for second reading discharged, 344. . To repeal two certain Acts, and to provide for the remedy of abuses prejudicial to agriculture; Reported by a Com- mittee, (1849) 168. RCferred, 233. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 287. Wot considered. . To repeal two certain Acts, and to provide, &c.; Reported by a Committee, (1850) 125. Amended in Committee, 234. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 40.) . To continue and amend the Act for the better encouragement of agriculture in Lower Canada; Presented, (1850) 201. Order for second reading discharged, 236. . To establish a Board of Agriculture in Upper Canada; From the Council; Read, (1850) 249. Amended, by filling up a blank, 276. Passed, as amended, 277. Amendment agreed to by the Council, 280. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic., c. 73.) - - . To amend the Act for the encouragement of agriculture in Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 207. Amended in Committee, 343. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic., c. 104.) . For the encouragement of agriculture in Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 267. Not proceeded in. . To amend the Act of 1850 relating to agriculture (supra, 3) in so far as it concerns navigable rivers and the banks thereof used in the floating of timber; Reported by a Committee, (1851) 244. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived; Amended in Committee, 322. Passed, 326. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 102.) . Instruction to Committee on Contingencies, to consider of the propriety of purchasing 200 copies of the Canadian Agricultural Reader, (1847) 212. Wot reported on. Petition of Wm. Evans, of Montreal, for an agricultural survey of the Province, (1844–5) 221. Petitions for establishment of model farms, (1846) Talbot District Agricultural Society, 151. Wood, S., and others, 71. Referred, 106. No Report. (1849) Lower Canada Agricultural Society, 38. St. Hyacinthe Municipal Council, 28-(1851) Montmorency, 82. Wide also Education, 110. Petition of the Lower Canada Agricultural Society, for an inquiry into the state of agriculture in Lower Canada, with a view to its amelioration, (1850) 70. Petition of C. P. Treadwell, Esq., for a grant for an Agricultural Library in each county, city, and town, (1851) 118. Petitions for aid in the publication of works on agriculture, (1844–5) Evans, Wm., 52. Wide Supply, 165. (1849) Ruthven, W., an English translation of Aubin's Agricultural Chemistry, 84. Report of Library Committee, recommending a subscription for 200 copies, 307. Concurred in, 333. Petition of W. E. Edmundson, for aid in his exertions for the advancement of agriculture, (1844–5) 125. Petition of Wm. Evans, of Montreal, representing his losses, &c., from the devotion of his time and means to the , promotion of agriculture, and praying relief, (1848) 32. Again, (1849) 90. Petition of J. R. Laing, of Melbourne, complaining that he has been illegally charged a certain amount of duty upon eeds imported for the improvement of agriculture, and praying that the law may be explained in reference thereto, (1851) 134. Wide Committees, 5, 326–335, 541. Education, 93. Albion Road Co.:-vide Road, 29–31. 86 ALE AND BEER—ALIENS. Ale and Beer Houses :—Petitions praying that the vendors of malt liquors may be required to pay for a license, (1843) Beauharnois, 33. Dorchester, 62.——(1848) Toronto, 13––(1849) Niagara District Council, 38. Wellington District, Magistrates of, 54. Wide Committees, 303. Customs, 24. Intemperance, 2, Taverns, Alexander, A. G. :—Wide Aliens, 13, Alfred :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 9. QAlieng. N. N.,"vºv-ºvºvºvº."Nº."vºlºvºvºvºvivºv.-vºvºv, *.*\,-\, ºvºvºvºvºv,”vºv, ºvºvºvº, I. Public Bills relative to Aliens; 1–11. II. Petitions of Aliens for Naturalization, and Proceedings thereon: 12—52. III. Other Petitions relative to Aliens; 53—58. I. Public Bills relative to Aliens: 1. To enable Aliens to hold real estate in this Province; Presented; Read, (1841) 73. Wol proceeded in. 2. To secure to and confer upon certain inhabitants of the Province, the civil and political rights of natural born British subjects; Presented, (1841) 169. Amended in Committee, 243. Motion, to discharge order for third reading, and to adopt a series of Resolutions for discouraging emigration from the United States, and promoting emi- gration from Great Britain (infra, 11), negatived, 251. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived; Bill passed, 252. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 406. Agreed to, 419. R. A., 440. (4 & 5 Vic., c. 7.) 3. To revive and continue the 4th clause of the Act of 1841, for conferring on certain inhabitants of the Province the civil rights of British subjects, (supra, 2); Presented, (1844–5) 13. Referred; Instruction, to consider the expediency of extending the provisions of the Bill so as to provide for the naturalization of Aliens after a resi- dence of seven years, 75. Petitions in favor referred, 167. Petitions for naturalization referred, 81, 89, 126; 133. Petition against the naturalization of natives of the United States, referred, 101. Bill reported, with amend- ments, 196. Amended in Committee, 286. Returned from the Council, with amendments, and a new title, as “An Act to make further provision regarding Aliens,” 408. Considered, and agreed to, 414. Reserved, 441.- Proclamation announcing the Royal Assent, (1846) p. VI. (8 Vic, c. 107.) Wide Accounts, 466. 4. To revive and continue the 4th and 5th sections of the above Act (supra, 3); Presented, (1847) 32. Passed (as an Act to extend the time for taking the oath, &c., required of persons naturalized in this Province), 61. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 125. Considered, and agreed to, 129. Reserved, 217–Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1848) VIII. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 112.) 5. To make better provision for the naturalization of Aliens; Presented, (1849) 93. Not proceeded in. . To repeal a certain Act, and to make better provision for the naturalization of Aliens; From the Council, (1849) 157. Read, 159. Passed, 212. Reserved, 367–Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1850) VIII. (12 Vic, c. 197.) . For the further relief of Aliens; Presented, (1851) 74. Committed, 192. Not considered. . To quiet the title to lands of persons naturalized under the Act of Lower Canada, 1 Will. IV, c. 53; Ordered; Pre- sented, (1844–5) 326. Petition of John Donegani, to be heard by counsel against the Bill, 360, 867. Counsel to be heard, 365. Counsel heard; Motion for second reading in six months, negatived; Bill read second time; Committed, and amended, 376. Motion for third reading in six months, negatived; Bill passed, 383. Leave given to Hon. T. C. Aylwin, a Member of the House, to appear at the Bar of the Council to support the Bill, 408, Bill passed by the Council, 432. Reserved, 441. Wide Accounts, 172. Addresses, 151. f ALIENS-continued. 8 7 I. Public Bills relative to Aliens—continued. 9. To secure titles to real estate to certain persons naturalized under Act of Lower Canada, 1 Will. IV., c. 53; Presented, (1847) 58. Order for second reading discharged, 211. 10. To secure titles, &c., (as above); Presented, (1849) 119. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived, 182. Bill passed, 186. Council desire proofs and evidence on which Bill is founded, 216. Communicated, 223. Passed by the Council, 254. Reserved, 367-Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1850) VIII. (12 Vic, c. 198.) 11. Series of Resolutions, declaring that since the ratification of the Treaty of 1783 between Great Britain and the United States, the policy of both countries has proceeded upon the principle that the inhabitants of each were alien to those of the other—that Canada was made an asylum for those who had manifested their loyalty during the American Rebellion, while no encouragement was given to American citizens to come into the Province,—that recent experience has proved the hostile disposition of the people of the United States to British supremacy, and that it is most desirable to encourage emigration from the United Kingdom as the only means of ensuring the permanency of the connexion between Canada and the Parent State; Moved in amendment to the Alien Bill (supra, 2) and negatived, (1841) 251. II. Petitions of Aliens for Naturalization, and Proceedings thereon, viz: 12. Adams, Pierpont |F., of Cornwall, (1844–5) 18. Referred to the Committee on the Naturalization Bill, 81. Wide Supra, 3. 13. Alexander, Albert G., of Hamilton (Township), (1843) 39. Referred to Committee on Petition of C. Morgan, 74. Wide Committees, 336. Also infra, 32. Babcock, J. :-Wide infra, 46. 14. Barbier, J. A. P., and Euphrasie Barbier, his wife, (1843)48. Referred, 57. Report, 65. Bill presented, 82. Referred, 115. Reported, with an amendment; Agreed to, 148. Passed, 152. Council desire proofs and evidence on which Bill is founded, 168. Communicated, 175. Not returned from the Council. Wide infra, 32. 15. Blake, Ahira H., of Picton, (1841) 114. 16. Blanchard, Rev. Abijah, Rev. Levi Rose,_and John F. A. S. Fayette, Presbyterians of Pelham, &c., (1842) 28. Referred, 39. (No Report.) Petition in favor, 28.--—Another Petition of Rev. A. Blanchard, and a Petition in favor, (1843) 57. Referred to Committee on Petition of C. Morgan, 74. Vide Committees, 336. Also infra, 32. 17. Cadwell, Austin E., of Cornwall, (1844–5) 23. Referred to Committee on the Naturalization Bill, 81. Vide Supra, 3. 18. Cannon, Noah C. W., of Toronto, (1844–5) 41. 19. Champlin, Rev. S. W. :—Of Elders and Deacons of Lutheran Churches of Fredericksburgh and Ernesttown, for an Act to naturalize him, (1844–5) 18. Referred to Committee on the Naturalization Bill, 89. Vide Supra, 3. 20. Chandler, Alexis, of Caledonia, (1843) 74. Referred to Committee on Petition of C. Morgan, ib. Wide Com- mittees, 336. Also infra, 32. 21. Clarke, Harvey, of Yonge, (1841) 18. 22. Collier, Richard, of Niagara District, (1841) 164. Davenport, Lewis –Vide infra, 46. 28. Douthill, Henry, of Port Colborne, (1841) 184. 88 ALIENS-continued. II. Petitions of Aliens for Naturalization, &c.—continued. 24. Edwoods, W. H., and others, colored inhabitants of Toronto, (1841) 29. 25. Ewers, Alonzo J ., of Crowland, (1844–5) 100. Referred to Committee on the Naturalization Bill, 126. Vide Supra, 3. 26. Fayette, Rev. J. F. A. S., of Brantford, (1843) 57. Referred to Committee on Petition of C. Morgan, 74. Wide Committees, 336. Also supra, 16. infra, 32. 27. Gould, Tra, and his Sons, of Montreal, (1851) 71. Bill presented, 86. Referred, 132. Reported, with amendments, 137. Passed, 178. Council desire proofs and evidence, 195. Bill returned from the Council, with amendments, 204. Considered, and agreed to, 206. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 48.) 28. Griffin, Cornelius B., of Stamford, (1844–5) 100. Referred to Committee on the Naturalization Bill, 126. Wide supra, 3. 29. Harvey, Urson, of St. David's, (1841) 168. 30. Lyman, Tewis, of Beauharnois, Commissioner of the North American Colonial Association of Ireland, (1841) 449. Referred, 460. Report a Bill, 477. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 84) 31. Lutz, Morris C., of Galt, (1844–5) 125. Referred to Committee on the Naturalization Bill, 138. vide supra, 3. 32. Morgan, Cyprian, of Yonge, (1841) 18.--Another Petition, (1843) 14. Referred, 43. (Vide Committees, - 836.) Report, recommending the passing of an Act to naturalize C. Morgan, Rev. A. Blanchard, Rev. J. F. A. S. Fayette, A. G. Alexander, and Alexis Chandler, 87. Bill to naturalize them; Presented, 88. Passed, 105. Council desire proofs and evidence, 168. Communicated, 175. Bill returned with amendments, inserting the names of J. A. P. Barbier and Euphrasie Barbier, his wife, and other amendments, 184. Agreed to, 185. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 43.) - - - 33. Moulton, John C., of York, (1841) 50. Referred to Committee on Petition of Verhoeff, 78. Wide infra, 46. 34. Ort, Henry, of Willoughby, (1844–5) 100. Referred to Committee on the Naturalization Bill, 126. Vide Supra, 3. 85. Oswald, James, of Stamford, (1841) 168. 36. Oswald, Thos. of Stamford, (1841) 163. 37. Pruyn, A. W. W., of Picton, (1841) 114. 38. Quackinbush, Daniel, of Queenston, (1841) 175. 39. Ragland, Milton, of Toronto, (1851) 37. Bill presented, 59. Order for second reading discharged, 131. Rose, Rev. Levi -vº Supra, 16. 40. Sharts, Rev. Wm., of Williamsburgh, (1841) 113. Of Lutherans of Williamsburgh and Osnabruck, in favor, 242–Bill to naturalize Mr. Sharts; From the Council, 612. Passed, 618. R. A., 643. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 85.) 41. Sixsmith, John F., of Kingston, (1841) 175. 42. Smith, Benj. P., of Kitley, (1841) 84, 43. Tailhades, J acques A., of Montreal,—Bill to naturalize him, reported, (1841) 118. (Wide Law, Practice of 27) Proviso added, 801. R. A., 440. (4 & 5 vic, c. 86.) - * - - - ALIENS-continued. 89 II. Petitions of Aliens for Naturalization, &c.—continued. Taylor, Thos. M.:-Wide infra, 46. 44. Tobey, Prince, of Cornwall, (1844–5) 12. Referred to Committee on the Bill to continue the Naturalization Act, 81. Wide supra, 3. 45. Tyler, Emery O., (1841) 39. 46. Verhoeff, G. F., Lewis Davenport, Thos. M. Taylor, and J. Babcock, (1841) 35. Referred, with Petition of Moulton (supra, 33), 78. Report a Bill to naturalize certain persons; Read, 104. Not proceeded in. 47. Won Rohr, Rev. Henry, (1844–5) 46. Of Members of Evangelican Lutheran Congregation of Humber- stone, in favor, ib. 48. Waterous, Charles H., of Brantford, (1851) 94. Bill presented, 150. Passed, 183. Council desire proofs and evidence, 195. Bill returned, with amendments, 204. Considered, and agreed to, 210. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic., c. 42.) 49. White, John, and others, of Hamilton, (1844–5) 101. 50. Williams, Chas., of Rainham, (1841) 385. 51. Williams, H., of North Augusta, (1844–5) 189. 52. Williams, Israel, and others, of Hamilton, (1841) 55. III. Other Petitions relative to Aliens: 53. Petition of Joseph Donegani, of Montreal, for confirmation of the Act of Lower Canada, 1 Will. IV, c. 53, respecting Aliens, and that his title to certain property, as well as that of others similarly situated, may be quieted; Referred; To report from time to time, (1843) 134. Wo Report. Another Petition, (1844–5) 5. Referred, 49. Report, 269. Committed, 271. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 326. Wide supra, 8. Again, (1847) 15. Bill presented, 58. Wide supra, 9. (1848) 8. (1849) 55. Referred, ib. Report, 116. Printed, 118. Bill presented, 119. Wide supra, 10. 54. Petitions for an extension of the time limited by the Act of 1841 for the naturalization of Aliens, (1844–5) Keys, F. L., 8. Woodhouse (Township), ib. Referred to Committee on the Bill to revive and continue the said Act, 167.--(1846) Waterloo, &c., 84. Referred, ib. Report, 89. 55. Petition of J. Neilson, of Carleton Place, praying that natives of the United States may not be naturalized, (1844–5) 100. Referred to the Committee on the Naturalization Bill, 101. 56. Petition for revival of the 4th section of the Naturalization Act of 1841; Talbot District, (1846) 84. 57. Petition for the naturalization of Aliens, after a certain length of residence; Huron District, (1847) 100. 58. Petition for a reduction of the time prescribed for Aliens becoming naturalized; Toronto, (1851) 149. Wide Accounts, 11, 12, 596. Addresses, 34, 55. Committees, 336. 90 ALTEN–ANDRES. Allen, Judge: 1. Petitions for his removal from the offices of Judge of the District and Division Courts of the London District, and Chairman of the Quarter Sessions thereof, (1846) 176, 202, 213. Referred, 220, 234. Member added, 277. Report, 310. º 2. Petition of Mr. Allen, for an investigation into the cause of his dismissal from the office of Judge of the London District Court, (1847) 14.—Another Petition, for repeal of the Acts 9 Vic, c. 36 and 38, or the adoption of such other measures as may relieve him from certain imputations connected with his dismissal, (1850) 155. Another Petition, for an investigation, (1851) 251. To be printed, 267. Order rescinded, 320. Order rescinding the same rescinded, 329. Another Petition, praying to be heard at the Bar on the subject, 292. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 309. Wide Accounts, 13. Allen, Mrs. :—Wide Pensions, 2. Alma, J O L. :—Wide Elections, 52. Alsopp, Mrs. :—Petition of complaining that by the Act 59 Geo. III, c. 27, her late husband was deprived of certain rights in the Seigniory of Jacques Cartier and D'Auteuil, and praying relief, (1844–5) 177. —Another Petition, 194. Alternate Parliaments:—vide Seat of Government. Alway, Mrs. :—Wide Members, 31. Ameliasburgh :—Wide Surveys, 13–15. Territorial Divisions, 52. Amendments:—Wide Bills,80, 82,38,38,30,48–48,55–62,65,68. Bills, Private 28,89. Questions, 24–26. - American Manufactures:–vide Customs, 22–89, 45. Amherst Island :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 10. Amherstburg :—Petition for incorporation of that town, (1847) 70. Petition against, 78. Bill pre- sented, 87. No notice given, 96. Not proceeded in. 16. Not proceeded in. Bill to incorporate Amherstburg; Presented, (1848) Amnesty 2–Wide Addresses, 28, 414. Rebellion, 7, 16, 19, 21. Speeches, 17. Anatomy: 1. Bill to establish anatomical schools, and to encourage anatomical science; Presented, (1841) 71. Considered in Committee, and no Report made, 628. 2 . Bill to regulate and facilitate the study of anatomy; Presented, (1843) 30. Committed; Progress reported; Referred, 76. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 178. Amended in Committee, 202. R. A., 208. (7 Vic, c. 5.) 3. Petition of Medical Board of Montreal, for an Act to regulate and facilitate the study of anatomy, (1848) 21. Referred, 22. Report; Concurred in; Bill presented, 30. Wide supra, 2. 4. Petition of Alexis Gauthier, for a salary in addition to his fees as Inspector of Anatomy at Quebec, (1846) 17. Anderton, Peter :—Wide Addresses, 478,481. Navigations, 54. Andres, S., and S. R.:-vide Addresses, 97. Rebellion, 15. ANDREWS-ARSON. 9] Andrews, J Q K. *—Wide Road Allowances, 7. Andr ews, J Q M. :—Wide Road Allowances, 12. Animals Y-Wide Cruelty to Animals. Annexation to the United States:—vide Accounts, 449. Speeches, 19. Annuities, Terminable:—vide Public Debi. Anticosti:-vide Supply, 200, 305. Apothecaries !—Petition from apothecaries, chemists, and druggists of Canada East, for an Act of Incor- poration, (1849) 84. Referred, 85. No Report, Appeals :—Bill to extend the right of appeal, in certain cases, in Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 100, Referred, 123. Reported, with amendments, 167. Amended in Committee, 177, R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 54.) Wide Courts, 11–16. Justices, 13. Apprentices: ... Bill to amend the law relating to Apprentices and Minors; Presented, (1851) 43. Referred, 88. Reported, with amendments, 119. Passed, 183. By the Council, with amendments, 212. Considered, and agreed to, 215. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 11.) - !. Petition for an Act to compel apprentices to serve out the full term of their engagements; Toronto, (1846) 94. Arbitrators :-Bill to facilitate the swearing of Experts and Arbitrators appointed by the Courts of Justice in Lower Canada, and of witnesses and others to be heard before them; Presented, (1850) 109. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 38.) Archambault, E.:-vide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. Argenteuil :—Wide Education, 10}, Arksey 2 John :—Petition of praying for redress in relation to a lot in North Gwillimbury, bought by him at Sheriff's sale, and the expense to which he has been put in maintaining his title, &c., (1 851) 210. Armstrong 2 Christopher !—Petition of W. R. R. Lyon, complaining of unjust acts and decisions on the part of Mr. Armstrong, as Judge of the Dalhousie District Court, and praying for an inquiry into the matter, with a view to his removal, (1849) 96. Arrest :—Bill for better giving effect within this Province to a Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America, for the apprehension and surrender of certain offenders; Presented, (1849) 14, R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 19.) Wide Debts. Supply, 58, 61. Arson: . Bill to amend the Criminal Law relating to the offences of arson and counterfeit coin; Presented, (1849) 324. Amended in Committee, 358. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 20.) !. Bill to extend the provisions of the foregoing Act; Presented, (1851) 56. Wot proceeded in. 92 ART AND T)ESIGN –ASSESSMENTS. 5 10. Art and Design, School of :—Petition from mechanics of Toronto, for establishment of a Pre- vincial School of Art and Design, (1849) 53. Arthur, Sir George:–vide Addresses, 226. Ashes: . Bill to regulate the inspection of pot and pearl ashes; Reported by a Committee, (1841) 411. Committed, 464, Not considered.—Petition of Inspectors of Ashes for Montreal, against any provision therein to permit the exportation of ashes without inspection, 303. . Bill to regulate the inspection, &c., (in conformity to the Resolutions of last Session,-Wide Committees, 142); Ordered, (1842) 23. Presented, 33. Amended in Committee, 54. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 6) . Petition of Inspectors of Ashes at Montreal, for amendments to the Act regulating the inspection of ashes, (1843) 22. Petition of Montreal Board of Trade, against, 56. Both referred, 39, 57. Report, 67. . Petition for appointment of an Inspector of Pot and Pearl Ashes at Dundas or Hamilton, (1851) 32. Wide Committees, 6, 142. Inspection Laws. Asselin, A. A. 2–Wide Education, 211. Assessments: Bills relative to : . To establish a more equal and just system of assessment in Upper Canada; Presented, (1848) 83. Read second time, on division; Committed, 133. Petitions relating thereto referred, 148, 198. Considered, 153. Wo Report.-Petition of Toronto Board of Trade, against Bill; Referred to Committee of whole thereon, 148. Petitions for amendments to Bill:—Home District Council, 166. Talbot District Council; Referred, &c., 198. . To establish a more equal system of valuation of lands in Upper Canada for assessment, and to regulate assessments and the appointment of Assessors and Collectors; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 40. Read second time, on division, 75. Referred, 98. Petition of Simcoe District Council, for the passing thereof, with amendments; Also referred, 297. No Report. . To amend the Assessment Laws of Upper Canada; Presented, (1847) 87. Order for second reading discharged, 200. . To establish a more equal and just system of assessment in the several townships, villages, towns, and cities, in Upper Canada; Presented, (1849) 42. Read second time; Committed, 189. Considered, 252. Order for further consideration discharged, 358–Petitions against:-Nepean, 216. Thorold, 143–Petition of Toronto Board of Trade, for amendments to the Bill, 145. Referred to the Committee of whole thereon, 199. . To establish a more equal and just system of assessment in the several townships, villages, towns, and cities, in Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 34. Petitions against the Bill, or for amendments thereto:-Toronto Board of Trade, 81, 194. York, 127. York Municipal Council, 81. Bill and Petitions committed, 58, 146. Reported, with amendments; Motion for re-commitment; Debate thereon adjourned, and amendments printed, 166. Motion amended, and agreed to; Bill re-committed and further amended, 180. Motion that it be again re-committed negatived; Bill passed, 188. By the Council, with an amendment, 212. Considered, and agreed to, 215. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 67.) T tº a © © º . To repeal the acts and provisions of law relative to assessments and matters connected therewith, in Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 165. Amended in Committee, 211. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 66.) . To explain and amend the Assessment Law of Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 260. Amended in Committee, 316. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 110.) . To enable Collectors of local taxes in Upper Canada for the several years between 1836 and 1848, inclusive, to recover taxes accrued in such years respectively, and remaining due; Presented, (1850) 31. Amended in Committee, 231. R. A., 284 (13 & 14 Vic, c. 69.) • To exempt the property of the Crown from local rates and taxes in Lower Canada; Presented, (1846) 252. Wot proceeded in. º To exempt the property of the Crown, &c.; Presented, (1847) 49. Committed, 88. Report of Committee of whole received on division, 121. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 16.)—Petition of Corporation of Montreal against the Bill, 111. ASSESSMENTS-AUCTION DUTIES. 93 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Assessments—continued. . Petitions for amendments to the Assessment Laws of Upper Canada:—(1842) Niagara District Council, 12. Refer- red, 32. No Report. (1844–5) Johnstown District Council, 8, 276: Referred, 304. (Wo Report.) Simcoe do. do., 14. (1847) Bathurst do. do., 30. Flett, J., 19. Niagara District Council, 14. Simcoe do. do., 14. (1849) Bathurst do. do., 32. Dalhousie and Levant, 38. Niagara District Council, 38. (1850) Oxford Municipal Council, 70. Waterloo do. do., 28. (1851) Hastings do. do., 40. Lincoln and Welland do., 102. Simcoe do., 162. York do., 111. Petition of Colborne District Council, for a higher valuation of town lots for purposes of assessment, (1842) 28. Petitions for assessment of property according to its situation and value:—(1842) Home District Council, 59. (1846) Niagara District Council, 61: Referred, 72. Wide Niagara (Town), 9. (1848) Simcoe District Council, 26. (1850) Puslinch Municipality, 28. Petition for an amendment of the Assessment Law so far as relates to the tax on houses; Western District, (1843) 71. Petition of Western District Council, for authority to Assessors to verify their Assessment Rolls before any Magistrate or Commissioner for taking affidavits, (1843) 76. Again, (1849) 71. Petition of Niagara District Council, for power to the Municipal Councils to regulate the form of Collectors' Bonds, (1846) 61. Petition of Simcoe District Council, for an alteration in the period for making Returns of taxes to the District Treasurer by the Township Collectors, (1847) 14. Petitions praying that the Assessment Rolls may be made out by an officer amenable to the District Council:— (1848) Gore District Council, 25. London District Council, 26. Simcoe do. do., 26. Talbot do. do., 58. Wellington do. do., 12. (1849) Gore District Council, 29. Petitions for appointment of Assessors and Collectors by the District Councils:–(1848) Gore District Council, 25. Simcoe District Council, 26.-Petition of W. B. McVity, of Simcoe, against, 26. (1849) Newcastle District Council, 96: Referred to Committee of whole on Upper Canada Municipalities Bill, 185. Simcoe District Council, 63. ** Petitions from Assessors in Lower Canada, for remuneration for their services, (1843) St. John's District, 42.— (1847) St. George, Parish, 95. Wide Accounts, 15, 559. Addresses, 441. Bills, 18. Committees, 7. Lands, 22, 26–35. Munici- palities (L. C.), 2. Municipalities (U. C.), 20. Speeches, 5, 15, 19. Asylums 2–Wide Breakenridge. Deaf and Dumb. Lunatic Asylums. Atkinson, John :—vide Rebellion, 15. Attainder, Reversal of :—Wide Matthews. Montgomery, John. Stevens. Treason. Attorneys :—Wide Committees, 58. Law, Practice of Justices, 3. Attorneys General :—vide Committees, 477. Elections, 132. Public Erpenditure, 4. Aubin's Agricultural Chemistry:-vide Agriculture, 14. Auction Duties: . Bill to amend the laws relative to Duty upon auction sales; Ordered, (1841) 500, 517. Presented, 519. Amended in Committee, 563. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 572. Bill passed, on division, 573. R. A., 644. (4 & 5 Vic., c. 21.) . Bill to impose Duties on auctioneers, and on goods sold by auction; Ordered, (1844–5) 128. Presented, 129. Referred to Committee on Bill for imposing a Duty on distillers, &c., 200. Wide Committees, 377. . Petition for a tax on certain merchants who act as auctioneers in the sale of their own merchandise; Perth, (1843) 166. Wide Committees, 73, 76. Customs, 17, 19, Montreal City, 14. Public Works, 25, 94 AXES-BANGS. Axes :—Wide Customs, 23. Aylmer :—Wide Gaols, 1, 5, 12, 13. Aylwin, J udge :—Wide Accounts, 233. Addresses, 62. B. BABCOCK, GEORGE :—Petition of G. Babcock, of Brantford, for authority to carry the American Mail over a certain tract within this Province, (1847) 70, Babcock, J. :-vide Aliens, 46. Bacon, W. :—vide Rebellion, 9. Bacon, Wm. V. :—vide Law, Practice of 18. Badgley, Mr. :—vide supply, 171. Bagot, Sir Charles:—vide Speeches, 3, 5. Bagot Road:—vide Supply, 296. Baie St. Paul:—vide Bridges, 2. Bailiff, :-Wide Justices, 2. Baird, N. H. :--Petition of for remuneration for his attendance to give evidence (as a Civil Engineer) before certain Committees of the Assembly of Upper Canada, (1841) 292. Referred, 294. No Report. Another Petition, (1844–5) 58. Referred, 190. Report; Committed, 251. Considered, 410. Wo further consideration. Baldwin, Hon. R. :—-Motion for a Committee of the whole on the state of the Province, with refer- ence to Mr. Baldwin's resignation of his seat in the Cabinet while continuing to hold the office of Attorney General; Superseded on a question of order, (1851) 153. Wide Accounts, 5. Addresses, 47. Administration, Provincial, 4, Ball, J Q H. :—Wide Navigations, 87, Ballot, Vote by :—Wide Elections, 3, 85. Montreal (City), 3, 18. Toronto, 6. Bangs, Heman:-vide War of 1812, 1. BANKS. 95 Ranks. vºv-v-va\,-\,-\, \,-\,-\av avºvºvºvevº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º/-/*-*\,-\ I. Public Bills relative to Banks and Banking; 1—11. II. Petitions for Incorporation of Banking Companies, and Proceed- ings thereon; 12–41. III. Other Petitions relative to Banks; 42—44. TV. Resolutions, and Questions Negatived; 45–47. I. Public Bills relative to Banks and Banking: 1. To levy a Duty on Bank Notes issued and in circulation in the Province; Ordered, (1841) 500, 516. Presented, 518. Amended in Committee; Motion, to re-commit Bill to provide for appropriating the proceeds towards liquidating the debt for public works, negatived; Bill passed on division, 570. R. A., 644. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 29.) 2. To grant a Duty on Bank Notes issued and in circulation in the Province; Ordered, (1844–5) 128. Presented, 129. Referred to Committee on Bill for imposing a Duty on distillers, &c., 200. Wide Committees, 377. 3. To repeal the Act imposing a Duty on Bank Notes; Presented, (1851) 164. Not proceeded in. 4. To relieve the Chartered Banks from the Duty imposed on their circulation by 4 and 5 Vic, c. 29, on certain conditions calculated to assimilate the provisisions under which they issue Bank Notes to those of the General Banking Law, and to facilitate the negotiation of Provincial Debentures for effecting public improvements; Ordered, (1851) 211. Presented, 216. Amended in Committee; Further amendment moved and negatived, 301. Passed, 304. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 70.) 5. To authorize the Chartered Banks in Upper and Lower Canada to carry on their business throughout the Province; From the Council; Read, (1841) 629. Passed, 630. Reserved, 644.—Royal Assent by Proclamation, 27th April, 1842, (4 & 5 Vic, c. 99.) Wide Accounts, 32. 6. To authorize the Chartered Banks to open books in the United Kingdom for the transfer of their Stock; Presented, (1843) 103. Referred, 179. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 194. Reported without amendment, 199. Passed (as a Bill to authorize the Commercial Bank and Niagara District Bank to open books in London), 201. Amended by the Council, so as to include the Bank of Upper Canada; Amendments agreed to, 206. R. A., 210. (7 Vic, c. 62.) 7. To amend the Charters of certain Banks, so as to relieve the shareholders from liability beyond the amount of their Stock; Presented, (1843) 104. Motion for second reading in six months, negatived, 121. Engrossed, on division, 143. Third reading postponed six months, 147. Wide also infra, 16. 8. To restrain, and confine within certain limits, the system of voting by proxy in Banking Institutions and other Incor- porated Companies; From the Council; Read, (1850) 117. Petition in favor, 167. Petitions from various Banks, against, 135, 145, 155. Wot proceeded in. 9. To confer certain rights upon the Chartered Banks, and to declare the rights already possessed by them in certain cases; Presented, (1850) 205. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 22.) 10. To establish freedom of Banking, and for all other purposes relative to Banks and Banking; Presented, (1850) - 96. Amended in Committee, 187. Passed, 206. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 21.) Wide Accounts, 118. 11. To amend the Act to establish freedom of Banking; Presented, (1851) 289. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 69.) 96 BANKS.–continued. II. Petitions for Incorporation of Banking Companies, and Proceedings thereon: > *** , British North America, Bank of:—Wide Accounts, 18. Addresses, 1. City Bank, of Montreal:—vide infra, 24–26. Commercial Bank, Midland District: 12. For an increase of Capital Stock, (1841) 84. Referred to Committee on Petition of Bank of Upper Canada, 115. (Wide Committees, 338.) Bill presented, 432. Final Report of Committee on Banking and the Currency referred to the Committee of the whole thereon, 552. Considered ; Bill amended, 565. Passed, 578. Wot returned from the Council. For the like, (1842) 17. Referred, ib. (Vide Committees, 339) Bill to extend Charter and increase the Capital; Ordered; Presented, 37. Amended in Committee, 98. Motion to re-com- mit Bill; Previous question moved and negatived, and Bill passed, 105. R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 26.) 13. For amendments to Charter, (1846) 60. Referred, 63. Report; Bill presented, 96. Referred, 136. Reported, with amendments, 169. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 227. Considered, and agreed to, 231. R. A., 274. (9 Vic, c. 87.) 14. For an extension of the time for paying up the new stock, and a certain alteration in their title, (1849) 187. Bill to extend the time; From the Council, 196. Read, 197. Amended, so as also to change the title of the Company to “The Commercial Bank of the Midland District,” 235. Amendment agreed to by Council, 243. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 170.) Wide supra, 6. Accounts, 17. Farmers’ (Joint Stock) Bank:-Wide Committees, 841. Gore Bank: 15. For an increase of Capital Stock, (1841) 175. Referred to Committee on Petition of Upper Canada Bank, 176. (Wide Committees, 338.) Bill presented, 436. Read third time; Ryder added; Another moved and negatived; Bill passed, 582. Wot returned from the Council. 16. For amendments to Act of Incorporation, (1842) 17. Referred, 29. Report; Committed, 41. Instruction, to report on expediency of repealing the double security clause contained in the several Bank Charters, 60. Considered, 113. Wo Report. 17. For an increase of Capital Stock, and a reduction of the value of each share, (1849) 21. Bill presented, 60. Amended in Committee, 164. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 196. Considered, and agreed to, 197. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 169.) Wide Accounts, 21. 18. Kingston Bank:—Bill to appoint additional Commissioners to settle the affairs of the late pretended Bank of Upper Canada at Kingston; Presented, (1841) 494. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 51.) Wide Accounts, 25. …” N 19. Marchands, Banque des:–For an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 45. Referred, 46. Report, 56. Bill pre- sented, 120. Amended in Committee, 274. Reserved, 346.-Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1848) IX. (9 Vic, c. 115.) Wide Accounts, 468. Montreal Bank : 20. For an extension of Charter, and an increase of Capital Stock, (1841) 114. Referred to Committee on Petition of Upper Canada Bank, 115. (Wide Committees, 338.) Bill presented, 431. Returned from the Council, with amendments; Agreed to, 611. Reserved, 643.-Royal Assent by Proclamation, 27th April, 1842, (4 & 5 Vic, c. 98.) Wide Accounts, 32. 21. For an extension of the time limited for paying in the new stock, (1843) 14. House goes into Committee on the subject, 84. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 37. Amended in Committee, 56. R. A., 130. (7 Vic, c. 46.) - BANKS.–continued. 97 II. Petitions for Incorporation of Banking Companies, &c.—continued. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37 Montreal Bank—continued. For an increase of Capital, (1847) 39. Bill presented, 58. Reserved, 217-Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1848) VIII. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 115.) For an extension of the time limited for the increase of their Capital Stock, (1849) 67. Bill presented, 75. Amended in Committee, 133. R. A., 261. (12 Vic., c. 184.) *...* Wide Accounts, 22. Committees, 190. Montreal City Bank: For renewal of Charter and an extension of Capital, (1841) 129. Bill presented, 431. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 612. Agreed-to, 619. Reserved, 643.−Royal Assent by Proclamation, 27th April, 1842. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 97.) Wide Accounts, 32. - For an increase of Capital, (1847) 56. Bill presented, 58. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 160. Considered, and agreed to, 168. Reserved, 217-Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1848) VIII. (10 & 11 Vic., c. 116.) For an Act to reduce the value of the shares, and to extend the time limited for increasing the Capital Stock, (1849) 90. Bill presented, 166. Amended in Committee, 236. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 185.) Wide Accounts, 23. Niagara District Bank: For an Act of Incorporation (at St. Catharines), (1841) 21. Referred, 72. Report a Bill, 118. Returned from the Council, with amendments; Agreed to, 621. Reserved, 643–Royal Assent by Proclamation, 27th April, 1842. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 96.) For repeal of the double security clause in the Act, (1842) 5. Report; Committed, 41. Not considered. For an extension of the time for paying in the Capital Stock; Referred, (1843) 79. Report, 84. Bill presented, 85. Committed; Instruction to consider the propriety of repealing the double security clause in the Act, 151. Amended in Committee, 170. Reserved, 210. For amendments to Act of Incorporation, (1847) 56. Bill presented, 80. Order for second reading discharged, 150. For an Act of Incorporation for the Niagara District Bank, at St. Catherines, (1850) 69. Wide supra, 6. Peuple, Banque du : For an Act of Incorporation, (1843) 42. Referred, 43. Report, 65. Bill presented, 68. Referred, 112. Reported, with amendments, 127. Reserved, 210,-Royal Assent by Proclamation, 27th June, 1844. (7 Vic, c. 66.) For an amendment of the Act of Incorporation, (1847) 39. Referred, 40. Report, 70–Bill presented, 59. Referred, 76. Reported, with amendments, 101. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic., c. 61.) Wide Accounts, 19. Quebec Bank: For an extension of Charter, (1841) 164. Referred to Committee on Petition of Upper Canada Bank, 165. (Vide Committees. 338.) Bill presented, 432. Returned from the Council, with amendments; Agreed to, 610. Reserved, 643–Royal Assent by Proclamation, 27th April, 1842. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 94.) Wide Accounts, 32. For an increase of Capital, and amendments to Act of Incorporation, (1847) 30. Bill presented, 73. Returned from the Council, with amendments; Considered, and agreed to, 186. Reserved, 217.-Royal Assent by Proclama- tion, (1848) VIII. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 114.) For an Act to reduce the number of their Directors, (1851) 115. Bill presented, 135. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 232. Considered, and agreed to, 234. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 155.) Wide Accounts, 20. Quebec District Bank:—For an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 19. Bill presented, 32. Amended in Com- mittee, 201. Reserved, 217–Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1848) VIII. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 113.) - N 98 g BANKS.–continued. II. Petitions for Incorporation of Banking Companies, &c.—continued. 38. Stanstead County Bank :-For an Act of Incorporation, (1850)46. Report from Committee on Standing Orders thereon, 65. 39. Three Tivers Bank :-For an Act of Incorporation, (1841) 129. Upper Canada Bank: 40. For repeal of that section in their Act of Incorporation which requires their principal place of business to be at the Seat of Government, (1841) 113. Referred, 114. (Wide Committees, 338.) Report thereon, 336. Com- mitted; Report a Resolution; Bill to enable the Bank to carry on business at Toronto, as usual; Presented, 337. Reserved, 643.−Royal Assent by Proclamation, 27th April, 1842. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 95.) Wide Accounts, 32. 41. For an increase of Capital, (1841) 113. Referred, 115. (Wide Committees, 338.) Another Petition, for the same, and for authority to extend their operations to the whole Province; Referred to Committee on the Currency and Banking, 185. (Wide Committees, 370.) Report a Bill to increase the Capital, 432. Passed, 578. Wot returned from the Council. Another Petition for increase of Capital, (1842) 13. Referred to Committee on Petition of Commercial Bank, 18. Report; Committed, 28. Report a Resolution; Bill to extend Charter and increase Capital Stock, presented, 37. Amended in Committee, 108. R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 27.) Bill to amend Act, and extend the time for paying up the New Stock; Presented, (1846) 165. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 227. Considered, and agreed to, 231. R. A., 274. (9 Wic, c. 86.) Petition for a further extension of time for paying up the New Stock, (1850) 28. Bill presented, 47. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 137.) Wide supra, 6. Accounts, 24. Committees, 64. III. Other Petitions relative to Banks: 42. Petition of Toronto Board of Trade, against establishment of a Provincial Bank of Issue, (1841) 493. 43. Petition from inhabitants of Cobourg, in favor of any applications for increasing the Capital of the Chartered Banks, (1841) 472. - 44. Petitions from various Banks, for repeal or reduction of the tax on Bank Notes in circulation, viz., (1844–5) Upper Canada Bank; Commercial Bank, M. D.; Gore Bank, 276. Montreal Bank; City Bank of Montreal; Banque du Peuple; Quebec Bank, 313. All referred, 281, 318. No Report. (1846) Commercial Bank, 95. Gore Bank, 99. Upper Canada Bank, 61. All referred, 63, 95, 100. Report; Printed, 306. (1847) Upper Canada Bank, 69.--(1849) Upper Canada, Commercial, and Gore Banks, 67. - TV. Resolutions, and Questions Negatived: 45. Resolution, That it is inexpedient to take into further consideration, during the present Session, the establishment of a Provincial Bank of Issue, or the issue of a paper currency on the faith of the Province; Reported from Committee of whole on Message respecting public improvements; Agreed to, (1841) 464. 46. Instruction to Committee of whole on Report on Petition of Gore Bank, to report on the expediency of repealing the double security clause contained in the several Bank Charters, (1842) 60. No Report. 47. Motion, for leave to bring in a Bill to authorize the business of Banking, Negatived, (1850) 66. Wide Accounts, 16–36. Addresses, 57, 58. Committees, 8, 838–341. BANK TAX—BAPTISTS. 99 1 2 W. 8. 9. i0. # 1. #2. 13. 14. #5. 16 Bank Tax :—Wide Accounts, 33, 35. Addresses, 57, 58. Banks, 1–4, 44. Committees, 8. Public Works, 23. Bankrupts: Bills relative to: . To repeal the Ordinance of Lower Canada concerning bankrupts and the administration of their effects, and to provide for the same object throughout the whole Province; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 57. Not pro- ceeded £n. . To repeal the Ordinance, &c., and to provide for the same object throughout Canada; From the Council; Read, (1843) 108. Printed, 109. Referred (11 Members), 151. 3 Members added; Five to be a quorum, 185. Petition of Toronto Board of Trade, for the passing of an Insolvent Debtors Act, referred, 178. Reported, with amendments; Agreed to, 194. Passed, as amended, and returned to the Council, 196. Message sent to the Council, stating that the Bill had been returned by mistake, and requesting that it might be sent back, ib. Bill returned to the Assembly, 198. Committed, and certain blanks filled in, 199. Passed, as amended, 200. Agreed to by the Council, 202. R. A., 208. (7 Vic, e. 10.) . To continue and amend the Bankrupt Laws of the Province; Presented, (1846) 89. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived; Referred, 188. Reported, with amendments, 265. Amended in Committee, 308. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 30.) . To facilitate arrangements between traders and their creditors, and to make provision for the distribution of the estate and effects of bankrupts; Presented, (1849) 233. Wot proceeded in. . To provide for the continuance and completion of proceedings in bankruptcy now pending in Lower Canada; Pre- sented, (1849) 308. Amended in Committee, 328. Re-committed, and amended so as to extend its provisions to the whole Province, 335. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 18.) . To make more effectual provision for the distribution of the estate and effects of bankrupts in Upper Canada; Presented, (1849) 323. Second reading postponed six months, 330. To afford relief to bankrupts in certain cases; Presented, (1850) 49. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived; Referred; Instruction, to amend its provisions so as to extend the same to the Province gene- rally, 140. Reported, with amendments, 164. Amended in Committee; Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 234. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 20.) To provide for the relief of Bankrupts, and the administration of their estates; Presented, (1851) 55. Order for second reading discharged, 228. Petitions for amendments to the Bankrupt Laws in Lower Canada, (1841) Montreal Board of Trade, 184.— (1846) The same, 62.——(1849) Quebec Board of Trade, 71. Petition for amendments to the Bankrupt Law in Upper Canada; Bytown, (1844–5) 324. Petitions for enactment of a law for relief of bankrupts in Upper Canada, (1841) Toronto Board of Trade, 268. Inhabitants of Brockville, 477. (1842) Brockville, 17. Petitions for repeal of the Lower Canada Bankrupt Law, (1846) Montreal, 277. Printed, 302-—(1847) Montreal, 100,—(1848) Montreal, 31.—(1849) Montreal, 12. Petition for an Act to continue the Bankrupt Law of Lower Canada (9 Wic, c. 30); Montreal Board of Trade, (1848) 20. Petition from warehousemen, accountants, &c., of Quebec, praying that in any measure for altering the Bankrupt Law, their interests may be protected, (1849) 66. Petition of L. E. Pacaud, Commissioner of Bankrupts for Three Rivers, for the abolition of certain duties imposed on him by 7 Vic, chapters 16 and 18, or a provision for remunerating him therefor, (1844–5) 259. Peti- tion of the same, for a fixed salary, (1846) 264. Printed, 266. Petitions for remuneration for his services from 1844 to 1846, (1848) 19.—(1850) 9–For power to sue the Government therefor, (1851) 57. Vide Accounts, 354. Addresses, 335. Petition of H. J. Jameson, of Quebec, for removal of disabilities under which he labors as a bankrupt, (1846) 72. Referred, ib. Wo Report. Wide Accounts, 37. Addresses, 59. Committees, 9. Merchants, 2. Supply, 56, 57. Baptisms :—Wide Accounts, 38. Religious Denominations, 32. Baptists 2–Wide Religious Denominations, 7, 8. : ſº; : : : 100 BAR.—BATHURST. Bar of Lower Canada: 1. Bill to incorporate the Bar of Lower Canada; Presented, (1849) 166. Referred, 204. Reported, with amendments, 257. Referred back, 271. Reported again, with amendments, 272. Passed, 306. By the Council, with amendments, 332. Considered, and agreed to, 338. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 46.) 2. Bill in amendment of the foregoing Act, and of a certain Act therein mentioned; Presented, (1851) 43. Referred, 88. Reported, with amendments; Re-printed, 244. Passed, 348. Wot returned from the Council. 3. Petitions from various Sections of the Bar of Lower Canada, praying that the power vested in the Judges to regulate the tariff of fees, may be transferred to the Corporation of the Bar of Lower Canada, (1851) Montreal Section, 101. Quebec do., 18. Three Rivers do., 75. All referred, 41, 83, 128. Wo Report. Bar of the House, Persons summoned to appear at:-Wide Legislative Assembly, 65–77. Barbier, J. A. P. :—vide Aliens, 14. Bark Mills *—Wide Patents, 4. Barker, E. J . ...—Wide Legislative Assembly, 188. Barnhart's Island :—Petition of G. Snetsinger, for compensation for the loss of his property in that island upon its having been included (by the Boundary Line Commissioners) within the boundary of the United States, (1847) 95. Barnston *—Wide Education, 211. Barnston Academy :—Wide Education, 34, 102. Barristers :--Wide Law, Practice of. Barthe, J O G. 2–Wide Courts, 13. Barton :-Wide Road Allowances, 3, 4. Barton, King *—Wide Legislative Assembly, 156, 220. Bastard Sugar :—Wide Customs, 56, 70. Bates 2 J oseph :—Motion, for an Address for copies of correspondence relative to the seizure of a horse, sleigh, &c., belonging to him, by the Preventive Officer at Stanstead, Negatived, (1849) 357. Bathurst District: 1. Bill to alter the times and places for holding the Division Courts in division No. 6 in that district; Presented, (1849) 200. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 839. Considered, and agreed to, 347. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 93.) 2. Petition of the District Council, praying that the Collector of the Township Rates may be allowed till the third Monday in February, in each year, to return his roll to the District Treasurer, (1843) 13. 3. Petition of the District Council, for leave to assemble but twice in the year, (1843) 13. 4. Petition of the same, for payment to them of the Common School appropriation for 1845, notwithstanding their failure to raise an equal sum, (1846) 93. Bill presented, 97. R. A., 275. (9 Wic, c. 69.) Wide Education, 211. 5. Petitions for the holding of three Division Courts annually in the 6th division of that District, in place of six, (1849) 187. Bill presented, 200. Wide supra, 1. Wide Education, 211. Roads, 43, 44. Surveys, 16. Territorial Divisions, 11–14. BATISCAN–BEECHER. 101 Batiscan :—Wide Seigniorial Tenure, 26. Batiscan Bridge:–vide Supply, 278. Batteries: 1. Petition of F. Nadeau, of Quebec, for aid to put in operation his invention for the erection of batteries for cannon, (1846) 59. 2. Petition of S. Larochelle, for aid to construct a model of a self-acting battery invented by him, and for protection in the rights and advantages of the invention, (1846) 62.—Another Petition, for compensation for his loss of time in constructing a model, (1847) 95. Bayham :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 15. Baynes, W. C. :–Petition of praying compensation for a deficiency of 200 acres in the quantity of certain land purchased by his late father in 1811, (1849) 39. Bayonne, River *—Wide Bridges, 3. Bear Creek :—Petition for an Act to prohibit the felling of trees into Bear Creek, (1841) 334. Beauharnois (County): I. Petition for establishment of one of the Division Courts therein at Russelltown Flats, (1842) 59. 2. Petitions for removal of the Circuit Court to Durham, or a division into two Circuits, (1847)69.—(1849) 123. —To Beauharnois (Court and Registry Office), 13.—(1850) To Beauharnois, 260–(1851) To St. Clement de Beauharnois, 33. Petitions against removal from Ste. Martine, 118. - 3. Petitions for a division of Beauharnois into two Circuits, (1851) 32, 49, 101. Wide also supra, 2. 4. Petition against any change in the said county, in any legislation relative to Municipal Institutions, (1851) 104. Wide Elections, 22, 23. Territorial Divisions, 115. Beauharnois (Municipal Distr ict) :-Wide Accounts, 336. Beauharnois (Seignior y) :—Wide Accounts, 39. Addresses, 60. Seigniorial Tenure, 27, 28. Beauharnois Canal :—Wide Accounts, 498–503. Addresses, 471–475, 479. Committees, 342, 510. Wavigations, 57—59. Beauharnois School Visitor:-vide Accounts, 142. Addresses, 150. Becancour, River:-vide Bridges, 4–6. Navigations, 2. Becher, H. C. R.:-vide Road Allowances, 18. Bedard, Judge:–vide Accounts, 288. Addresses, 62. Bedford High School:—vide Education, 103. Beecher, Isaac :—vide Patent, 4. 102 BEEF—BENEFIT. Beef and Pork: 1. Bill to regulate the inspection of beef and pork; Ordered, (1841) 286. Presented, 385. Amended in Committee, 483. Reserved, 643–Royal Assent by Proclamation, 19th March, 1842. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 88.) 2. Petition of Wm. Moore, Inspector for Montreal, for relief from the loss that he will sustain if the above Bill be passed, (1841) 579. 3. Bill to amend and make permanent the Act to regulate the inspection of beef and pork; Presented, (1850) 128. Amended in Committee, 168. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 30.) Wide Committees, 142. Inspection Laws. Beer:-vide Ale. Distilleries, 8, 8. Begly, R. J . :-Petition of, for an enquiry into the circumstances connected with his dismissal from the office of Paymaster to the Board of Works on a charge of defalcation, (1847) 48. Another Petition, (1848) 30. º Belair, Louis :—Petition of C. P. Huot, of St. Paul's Bay, for payment of a sum due the late Louis Belair, by the Government, (1842) 20. Beliveau, Norbert:—Petition of for indemnification for the destruction of his property on account of the performance of his duty as Assessor for the Parish of St. Grégoire, (1851) 40. Bell, AEneas:—vide Legislative Assembly, 08, 155,200. Bell, Nathaniel :—Wide Pensions, 4. Bell, Rev. Wm. :—vide Navigations, 15. Bellechasse: 1. Petition for removal of the Registry Office for that county from St. Gervais to St. Michel, (1844–5) 52–Again, (1847) 14. Bill presented, 32. R. A., 215, (10 & 11 Vic, c. 50.) 2. Petition for aid to facilitate the internal communications of that county, (1846) 95. Wide Lands, 45. Belleville: 1. Petition of the Board of Police, for amendments to their Act of Incorporation, (1846) 94. 2. Petition for an extension of the limits of Belleville, (1849) 72. Petition against, 103. Both referred to Committee on the limits of cities, towns &c., 204, 108. Wide Committees, 539. 3. Petition for authority to the Government to grant to the Town Council certain lots in Belleville, reserved for an hospital, but found unfit for the purpose, (1851) 230, Bill sent down from the Council; Read, 233. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 140.) - Wide Addresses, 63. Belleville Bridge:–vide supply, 217. Belleville Mechanics' Institute :-vide Supply, 161. Belton, Mrs. :—Wide Parliament House, 6. Benefit of Clergy :—Wide Criminal Law, 2. # BENSON.—BILLS. 103 F- Benson, P. M.:-vide Education, 211. Benson, Wm. :—vide Education, 211. Berrie, Robert:—vide Accounts, 40. Addresses, 64. Berthier : 1. Bill to divide Berthier into two municipalities, and for other purposes relating to the said county; Presented, (1849) 92. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 123.) 2. Bill to correct an error in the foregoing Act; Presented; Printing dispensed with, (1850) 66. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 110.) Wide Elections, 24. Harbours, 39. Territorial Divisions, 127. Berthier Academy :—Wide Education, 35, 104. Bertrand, Alexis:–vide Pensions, 5. Beverly :—Wide Surveys, 17, 18. Territorial Divisions, 16. Bexley, &c. :—Petition for free grants of land in Bexley, Somerville, and Harvey, to promote the settle- ment of those townships, (1850) 145. Bibles :—Wide Committees, 67 Customs, 1, 41. Education, 196. Bible Christians :—Wide Religious Dºmination, 10, 11. Bicquet *—Wide Light Houses, 3. Bidwell, Mr. :—Wide Accounts, 41. Addresses, 65. Big Creek Navigation Company:-vide Navigations, 8. #Billg. \’N-6\,-\,”vºvº, "N/\AA-ºvºvº avv^^^^^^_^^^_^^_^_^^^^^_^- I. Bill, Resolutions, and Orders relative to Bills; 1—15. II. Incidental Proceedings relative to Bills; 16–72. I. Bill, Resolutions, and Orders relative to Bills: 1. Bill for taking and recording the votes of Members of the Legislature on the final passage of Bills; Presented, (1851) 108. Second reading postponed six months, 238. 104. BTLLS—continued. I. Bill, Resolutions, and Orders relative to Bills—continued. Resolutions, and Orders, viz: 2. That every Public Bill shall be introduced by motion, or by appointing a Committee to prepare it, or by an order of the House on a Report (50th Rule), (1841) 44. 3. That no Bill shall be committed or amended till it shall have been read twice (51st Rule), (1841) 44. 4. That all amendments in Committee shall be reported by the Chairman; and the Bill may then be debated and amended before the question to engross it shall be put (52nd Rule), (1841) 44. 5. That every Bill shall receive three readings, each (except on urgent occasions) on a different day (53rd Rule), (1841) 44. 6. That a Bill, when committed, shall be read through by the Clerk, and then read by the Chairman, and debated, by clauses, leaving preamble and title to the last (55th Rule), (1841) 44. - 7. That the Clerk shall certify the readings of a Bill upon the back, and the passing thereof at the foot (54th and 56th Rules), (1841) 44. 8. That similar proceedings to the above shall be observed with Bills from the Council (57th Rule), (1841) 44. 9. That all Public Bills shall be revised, and a breviat thereof made, by the Law Clerk, after the first reading—and he shall be held responsible for their correctness (if amended) in every succeeding stage (58th Rule), (1841) 44. 10. That all Bills (public and private) be printed before the second reading (unless dispensed with), with the exception of Bills to continue Acts, or other Bills not introducing any important innovation, with the printing of which the Speaker may dispense (59th Rule), (1841) 44. 11. That all Bills and documents submitted to the House be printed in English and French in equal proportions, (1844–5) 84. 12. That the third readings of Bills be made Orders of the Day, and do precede all other Orders except such as may have preference by a Special Order, (1850) 44. 13. Report from Committee on Printing, recommending that in future no Bills be introduced in blank; and that no Bills or documents ordered for printing be printed or distributed in English until the French copies are also ready, (1844–5) 105. Concurred in, 136. 14. Instruction to Committee on Printing, to consider and report whether any improvement can be made in the print- ing and engrossing of Bills, (1851) 113. Vide Committees, 452. Also infra, 15. 15. Series of Resolutions (as reported by Committee on Printing) for the substitution of printed copies (on parchment) in lieu of the present system of engrossing Bills; also, for printing the full number of private and local Acts with the Statutes, and for altering the form of the volume of Statutes, &c.; Communicated to the Council, (1851) 254. Agreed to by the Council, 316. Bill presented, 254. Wide Statutes, 7. II. Incidental Proceedings relative to Bills: 16. Presented, and ordered for a second reading on a future day, (1841) 305.—(1842) 120–(1843) 72–(1844–5) 196–(1846) 187—(1847) 87–(1848) 38.—(1849) 119-(1850) 110–(1851) 103, &c. On the same day (or read a second time forthwith), (1841) 608.-(1844–5) 436–(1846) 337–(1847) 185—(1849) 359–(1850) 58, &c. 17. Leave granted to present Bills, and such Bills not presented till a future day, Wide Duelling. Usury Laws, 12. 18. Bills involving assessments, fees, or expenditure of public money, presented, and Resolutions authorising such assess- ments, expenditure, &c., adopted, and referred to the Committee of the whole on the Bill, with an instruction to provide for the same therein, (1849) 260, 314–(1850) 198, 223–(1851) 232,236, &c. 19. Bills to amend or extend Acts passed in the same Session,-Wide Customs, 14. Railroads, 7. 20. Rules relative to Bills, suspended, (1846) 337–(1847) 112.—(1848) 64.—(1849) 338-(1850) 58.--(1851) 333, &c. 21. Committees appointed to draft Bills, (1844–5) 329,-(1847) 139.—(1851) 88. 22. Reported by Select Committees, (1841) 187—(1842) 50—(1844–5) 185.—(1846) 20.—(1847) 123-(1848) 87. -(1849) 85–(1850) 105—(1851) 244, &c. * Withdrawn, (1844–5) 294–(1847) 99–(1849) 133–(1850) 140–(1851) 254, &c. BILLS.–continued. 105 ~4– TI. Incidental Proceedings relative to Bills—continued. 24. 25. 26. 97. 38. 29. 30. -31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Second reading postponed siné die, (1843) 169-(1850) i40. Decided to be out of order-as containing provisions involving taxation, Customs Duties, &c., and which should therefore have originated in a Committee of the whole, (1844–5) 239, 240,279.--(1847) 99.—For other causes, (1850) 64.—(1851) 54. Printing (and translation) of certain Bills dispensed with, (1846) 296–(1849) 233-(1850) 47, 58, 66–(1851) 333. Motion for second reading forthwith negatived, and Bill read on a future day,+Wide Law, Practice of, 6.-For committing a Bill, &c., (1850) 246. - Three or six months, (1846) 168–(1847) 149. —(1849) 256–(1850) 111–(1851) 70, &c. Order for second reading, or consideration in Committee, discharged, (1841) 606–(1842) 48,-(1843) 70,— (1844–5) 287.—(1846) 234–(1847) 129,-(1848) 60–(1849) 354—(1850) 236,-(1851) 254, &c.— For engrossing, (1849) 140. Restored to the Orders of the Day, (1841) 209,-(1847) 136,-(1848) 63, &c. Amended by the House (after second reading) without being committed, (1841) 120, 196, 301, 562–(1843) 146, 183. Referred to Committees of the whole (after the second reading), (1841) 381–(1842) 33–(1843) 83–(1844–5) 222.-(1846) 206.--(1847) 164—(1848) 60,-(1849) 234.—(1850) 186,-(1851) 184, &c. Instructions to Committees of the whole on Bills, (1850) 198-(1851) 217, &c.—To extend to the whole Pro- vince the provisions of a Bill relating to one Section only, (1843) 163.−(1849) 335. Two or more Bills considered in Committee of whole at the same time, (1841) 325, 444–(1849) 105—(1851) 240. Petitions or other documents referred to the Committee of whole on a Bill, (1847) 109–(1849) 185—(1851) 134. Bills committed, and referred back for reference to Select Committees, (1847) 93.—(1849) 105—(1850) 203. Re-committed, (1841) 584–(1843) 199—(1846) 272.—(1847) 77.-(1848) 62–(1849) 327–(1850) 62.-- (1851) 283. Re-committed (after having been reported with amendments), reported without further amend- ment, and first amendments then considered, and agreed to, (1846) 152, 161, 166–(1850) 237. Referred to Select (or Standing) Committees, (1841) 38-(1842) 13–(1843) 70.—(1844–5) 59–(1846) 198– (1847) 181—(1849) 219–(1850) 169—(1851) 174, &c.—To report from time to time, (1843) 152. Two or more Bills referred to the same Committee, with an Instruction to consider the expediency of consolidating the same, (1851) 45, 88, 175—The Committee report one of the Bills amended by inserting certain of the provisions contained in the others, (1850) 208-(1851) 237. Report a new Bill, (1851) 112. Instructions to Select Committees on Bills, (1844–5) 215, 280––To extend to the whole Province the provisions of a Bill relating to one Section only, (1841) 322-(1842)34—(1849) 105—(1850) 109, 140. To confine operation of a Bill to one Section, (1850) 68–To confine the same to the City of Toronto, (1851) 254. Directed to Select Committees on certain Bills discharged, and new Committees appointed, (1849) 219, 271. report the Bill referred to them, (1850) 183. Select Committees report a series of questions to be forwarded by the Clerk to parties concerned, (1842) 107. Report concurred in, 113–Report Evidence, (1844–5) 183–(1846) 237-(1850) 194. Referred back, (1849) 206. Report of Select Committees on a Bill, not received by the House, (1849) 295. (A second time), 286. Reported by Committees with certain amendments, and the same agreed to without going into Committee thereon, (1843) 188, 194—(1844–5) 204—(1850) 57. Passed through the House without being committed, (1841) 596.-(1842) 115.—(1843) 70–(1844–5) 411– (1846) 74.—(1847) 161–(1848) 60.—(1849) 135.—(1850) 38.-(1851) 351, &c.——And amended by the House, (1841) 120, 196, 301, 562–(1843) 146, 183. Amended (or clauses added) after having been reported from Committees of the whole, (1841) 454, 572–(1843) 196.-(1844–5) 430.-(1846) 273–(1850) 135. Amendments of Committees of the whole amended, (1841) 264—(1849) 284.—(1851) 283.—Negatived, (1847) 98–(1849) 247. Ryders added,—Before third reading, (1841) 383. After third reading, (1841) 465.—(1842) 106-(1848) 208. —(1844–5) 138–(1846) 276.—(1847) 204—(1849) 231—(1850) 63.—(1851) 347, &c.—Amended otherwise after third reading, (1844–5) 330–(1847) 78.—(1849) 311–(1850) 184. O 106 BILLS-continued. *. II. Incidental Proceedings relative to Bills—continued. 47. 48. 49. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. Question of concurrence put forthwith on amendments to a Money Bill (suspending the 47th Rule), (1843) 196. Re-printed as amended by the House, or by Committees, (1844–5) 291,-(1849) 191,-(1850) 17 8.—(1851) 152. As passed by both Houses, (1849) 255. Proposed amendments, (1850) 166. Proceedings relative to Bills in transità at the burning of the Parliament House in Montreal, (1849) Committee appointed, 262. (Wide Committees, 343) List of Bills destroyed sent to the Council, 285. A similar list received from the Council, 287. . Question for passing postponed siné die, (1849) 300. 5.2. Passed with unusual speed, (1841) 630-(1842) 120,-(1843) #86-(1844–5) 411-(1847) 112–(1848) 64- (1849) 349—(1850) 66.-(1851) 350. Order for taking up to the Council certain Bills which had passed, rescinded, (1848) 201. Council request the proofs and documents on which certain Bills from the Assembly are founded, (1841) 212– (1843) 168.—(1846) 220–(1849) 214.—(1850) 1982–(1851) 171, &c. Bills which had passed the Assembly, returned from the Council with amendments, (1841) 368,-(1842) 116-- (1843) 111–(1844–5) 222.—(1847) 117–(1848) 72–(1849) 196—(1850) 268,-(1851) 200, &c.— English or French version only, (1849) 332–(1850) 136. Amended so as to take in the substance of two Bills from the Assembly,–Wide Aliens, 32. Amended by inserting a clause relative to sureties, the amount of such sureties left blank, and filled up by the Assembly, (1844–5) 388. A clause relative to assessment (and the rate left blank, &c.), (1846) 318. Amended by filling in a blank relating to money (not being a grant), and the amendment agreed to by the House, (1846) 288. Amendments to the Customs Bill, received and agreed to by the House, on its appearing that they were only intre- duced for greater caution, and were no alteration of the intention of the Assembly, as evidenced by the con- tents of the Bill, (1844–5) 305. To the Bill relative to assessments in Prescott, the amendments not being such as to affect the levying of assessments, (1847) 206.—To the Bill for preventing intemperance (amended by increasing the fees on tavern licences),-the House, in order to expedite business, does not insist on its privileges in setting aside the Bill, (1850) 280. Amendments of the Council rejected by the Assembly, (1841) 504, 632–(1842) 130—(1843) 165, 176- (1844–5) 426.--Certain of the amendments, (1851) 215. Vote negativing the same rescinded, 250- Disagreed to, and conference desired thereon-Wide Conferences, 2. Amended by the Assembly, (1843) 515–(1844–5) 325–(1846) 318–(1847) 129–(1850) 122–(1851) 313–Not taken into considera- tion (generally Money Bills), (1843) 184—(1844–5) 385, &c. ... Council recede from their amendments, (1842) 115–(1844–5)436–(1846) 250—(1847) 197 –(1849) 356– Insist on their amendments, (1846) 343. Order amending amendments of the Council, rescinded, (1851) 250. Bills from the Council, (1841) 629–(1842)49–(1843) 108–(1844–5) 800—(1846) 89—(1847) 143-(1849) 47–(1850) 211-(1851) 111, &c. Notice taken that a certain Bill from the Council contains provisions which ought to have originated in the Assem- bly; House will not proceed with the Bill, (1847) 143. And Resolution adopted, that in order to expedite the public business, the House does not insist on its right of laying aside the Bill, (1 849) 206. Bills from the Council imposing fines, or otherwise relating to the levying or granting of money, sent down in blank, and the amount filled in by the House (2 instances), (1850) 276. Bill for an Amnesty for Political Offences, sent down from the Council (signed by His Excellency), and passed after a single reading, (1849) 47. Council requested to furnish proofs and evidence on which certain Private Bills are founded, (1844–5) 317 .—(1846) 166-(1850) 183. Petitions for and against a certain Private Bill read (in lieu thereof), (1851) 48. Amended by the Assembly, (1842) 113.—(1843) 194—(1846) 206-(1847) 200.-(1849) 235–(1850) 282– (1851) 271. Returned to the Council with amendments, and message afterwards sent to the Council, stating that it had been sent by mistake, and requesting that it might be returned, (1843) 196. Bill returned, 198. Bills affecting the Royal Prerogative, or the provisions of the Union Act, transmitted to England (with an Address) to be laid before Parliament, Wide Education, 2. Lands, 1. Rectories, 2. Religious Denominations, 12–15. —His Excellency's consent given to proceed with such Bills, (1844–5) 55–(l 849) 348–(1 851) 191, &c. |BILLS.–PRIVATE BILLS. 107 II. Incidental Proceedings relative to Bills—continued. 70. Receive the Royal Assent, (1841) 105, 359, 440, 640—(1842) 130.—(1843) 130, 208–(1844–5) 87, 242, 370, 489–(1846) VI, 254, 273, 344.—(1847) VII, VIII, 122, 215–(1848) VI, VIII, IX, 80–(1849) VI, 46, 59,261, 363.−(1850) VI, VIII., 181, 283.—(1851) 229, 358. 71. Reserved, (1841) 643–(1842) 131–(1843) 210,–(1844–5) 441–(1846) 346.-(1847) 217–(1849) 367– (1851) 361. …” 72. Disallowed, (1844–5) 65, 66.—(1846) 44–(1850) VII. Wide Committees, 343. Bills, Engrossing of:—Wide Accounts, 1. Bills, 14, 15. Committees, 452. Governor General, 5. #3illg, Jripate. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Orders and Resolutions relative to Private Bills; 1—21. II. Reports on Private Bills or Petitions therefor; 22–40. III. Incidental Proceedings relative to Private Bills; 41–52. TV. Questions Negatived or Superseded; 53–56. I. Orders and Resolutions relative to Private Bills: 1. Rules (Nos. 60 to 72) adopted by the House, regulating the mode of proceeding upon Private Bills, (1841) 44 to 46, 288.-The said Rules rescinded, upon the recommendation of a Committee (Wide Committees, 460), and others substituted in lieu thereof, (1850) 232. Wide infra, 2–20. 2. That no Petition for a Private or Local Bill be received after the first fifteen days of each Session, except after leave obtained on petition (60th Rule), (1850) 232. 3. That no Private or Local Bills will be received after the first four weeks,—nor any Reports thereon after the first six weeks of each Session (61st & 62nd Rules), (1850) 232. 4. Clerk of the House to publish notice (before each Session) of the days on which the time limited for receiving such Petitions, Bills, and Reports, will expire (63rd Rule), (1850) 232. 5. Requiring certain notices to be given of applications for Private or Local Bills of a nature to affect the rights or property of other parties than the Petitioners; copies of which notices are to be sent to the Private Bill Office (Rules 64 to 66), (1850) 232; 6. That Private Bills be prepared, and printed, at the expense of the applicants, and 150 copies deposited in the Pri- vate Bill Office (67th Rule), (1850) 232. 7. That Private Bills shall be introduced on a Petition (68th Rule), (1850) 282. 8. That Bills for confirming Letters Patent shall have a copy of the same attached (69th Rule), (1850) 282. 9. That a fee of £15 be paid into the hands of the Clerk after the second reading of any Bill conferring exclusive privileges for purposes of profit (70th Rule), (1850) 232. Motion for a Committee of whole to consider of rescinding the Rule, negatived, (1851) 74. 10. That all Private Bills be referred to a Standing Committee,_and the House will not hear any Petitioners against the same until after the Report of such Committee (71st & 72nd Rules), (1850) 233. - 11. That the Committee shall require the consent of any parties whose rights may be affected by any Bill; and shall require Proof that the persons to be incorporated are in a position to effect the objects contemplated by the Bill (73rd Rule), (1850) 233. &. 108 PRIVATE BITILS-continued. T. Orders and Resolutions relative to Private Bills—continued. 12. That notice be given of the sittings of the Committee upon any Bill requiring notice under the 64th Rule (74th Rule), (1850) 233. 13. That the Committee must report every Bill referred, together with the grounds of any alteration of the preamble, when any such is made (75th Rule), (1850) 233. 14. That when they report that the preamble of a Bill has not been proved, they must state the grounds of their decision (76th Rule), (1850) 233. 15. That a copy of any proposed amendments be deposited in the office one day before that appointed for the sitting of the Committee on the Bill to which they relate (77th Rule), (1850) 233. 16. That the Chairman do sign all the amendments reported (78th Rule), (1850) 283. 17. That 150 copies of Private Acts be printed by the parties, a certificate of the payment of the cost thereof to be delivered before the third reading (79th Rule), (1850) 233.−Also, (1849) 333. 18. That no sessional or standing order relative to Private Bills be suspended without due notice (80th Rule), (1850) 233. 19. That a Register of Private Bills be kept in the Private Bill Office (81st Rule), (1850) 233. 20. That lists of the Private Bills and Petitions for consideration be hung in the lobby daily (82nd Rule), (1850) 233. 21. That Mr. Speaker do take steps for causing an inquiry to be made into the system pursued in the House of Com- mons relative to Private Bills, and a Report to be made (next Session) embracing such provisions as may appear adapted to the circumstances of this Province, (1846) 344.—Report laid on the table, (1847) 31. (App. B.) Printed, ib. Referred, 94. (Wo Report.) Mr. Speaker authorized to pay £50 to the author of the Report, 214. - II. Reports on Private Bills or Petitions therefor: 22. That the notices required by the Rules of the House have been duly given, (1847) 40–(1849) 55–(1850) 37.- (1851) 50, &c. 23. That the notices have not been given (or are insufficient), (1843) 120,-(1844–5) 128–(1846) 56,64, 160, 110. (1847) 44, 49, 72, 96, 108, 123, 143.−(1849) 60, 97, 116, 125, 126, 138, 218,-(1850) 57, 65, 89, 96, 102. —(1851) 62, 72, 85, 110, 119, 121, 139, 150––Insufficient as respects certain of the powers applied for, (and that leave be given to proceed with the measure in other respects), (1847) 66.—(1850) 89, 90. That the notices have not been fully given, but recommending (for reasons set forth,) that they be considered as sufficient, (1846) 152–(1847) 40, 49, 62, 66, 72, 96.—(1849) 46, 55, 68, 79, 81, 97–(1850) 47, 57, 65, 75, 82, 89, 96.—(1851) 50, 62,79, 94, 110. That the notice is not sufficiently full or explicit as respects certain of the powers applied for, and suggesting the insertion of provisions in the Bill (when presented) to supply the omission, by defining the said powers, (1851) 95. 24. That certain Petitions are not of such a nature as to require the publication of notice, (1847) 44, 49, 62, 66, 79, 96, 108, 111, 143.−(1849) 46, 55, 60, 68, 81, 85, 91, 97, 104, 107, 125, 126, 138, 153, 159, 168, 188, 218, 225. —(1850) 37, 40, 47, 57, 65, 75, 89, 102, 125, 142, 176.-(1851) 50, 62, 79, 94, 103, 105, 110, 119, 121, 135, 139, 150, 198. 25. That a Petition professing to emanate from a Harbour Company, is signed by only one person, calling himself the Secretary, without any apparent authority from the Directors; and that the Committee have not been fur- nished with sufficient information to justify the passing of a Bill, (1844–5) 261. 26. That matters have been improperly referred to them, (1846) 68.—(1849) 205.--(1850) 57, 75–(1851) 105, 110 121. 27. Recommending a strict adherence to the Rules regarding the publication of notice, (1846) 68. 28. Reporting amendments, and suggesting the insertion of other provisions, (1847) 117. 29. Recommending an exemption from the usual fee, (1846) 89. - 80. Suggesting the propriety of passing a general law for the incorporation of Societies of a Religious or Benevolent nature, (1846) 110, 209, 219. 31. That sufficient evidence has not been adduced to prove the necessity of the measure applied for, (1846) 159. That the preamble has not been proved, (1850) 182-—(1851) 204––That it is inexpedient to pass the Bill, (1851) 279. 4. PRIVATE BILLS.–continued. gº 109 II. Reports on Private Bills or Petitions therefor—continued. 32. Recommending a limitation of the powers applied for, (1846) 152-(1851) 210. 33. Calling attention to the limitation of liability provided in certain Bills, and recommending that if the same be car. ried out, annual Returns to the Legislature should be required, (1846) 100, 209. 34. Calling attention to provisions of a peculiar nature, (1847) 90, 123, 159, 182. 35. Recommending, upon a Bill for removing the Registry Office of Terrebonne, that the County be divided for registra- tion purposes, (1847) 108. 36. That the name of the Company proposed to be incorporated differs from that inserted in the notice, but that the parties applying, and the objects sought to be attained, are the same, (1847) 96, 108. 37. Desiring to be furnished with the proofs and evidence on which a Bill from the Council is founded, (1850) 182. 88. That the Petition referred to them has been mislaid, and they have had under their consideration a certified copy of the same, (1851) 79. 39. That (upon a Bill for authorizing a Railway Company to construct a branch road and a bridge) the construction of a bridge might impede the navigation, and other provision has accordingly been made in the Bill, in lieu thereof, (1851) 194. 40. Recommending certain alterations in the rules and practice relative to printing Private Bills and Acts, (1851) 389. Committed, ib. Not considered. III. Incidental Proceedings relative to Private Bills: 41. Rule limiting the time for receiving Petitions for Private Bills (60th) suspended, and time extended, (1843) 84,- (1846) 203,-(1847) 96–(1848) 27–(1849) 120–(1850) 65–(1851) 106, &c.—Private Bills (61st Rule), (1843) 102–(1844–5) 218–(1846) 120–(1847) 148–(1849) 120–(1850) 145–(1851) 128, &c. —Reports thereon (62nd Rule), (1843) 102–(1844–5) 339–(1846) 231.—(1847) 143.−(1849) 231– (1850) 201—(1851) 328, &c. - - 42. Leave granted to present a Petition for a Private Bill, after the expiration of the time, (1847) 109.—After a Petition for leave to present the same, (1851) 171. 43. Rule requiring publication of notices (66th) suspended, in certain cases, (1846) 103.—(1847) 74.—(1850) 100– (1851) 95, &c. So much thereof as relates to Church-door notices suspended (for the Session) as respects Petitions from Upper Canada, (1847) 45. -- 44. Rule requiring a week's notice of the day appointed by Select Committees for taking Bills into consideration (63rd) suspended in certain cases, (1848) 59–(1849) 267.—(1850) 230–(1851) 135, &c. On all Private Bills, for the remainder of the Session, (1847) 158,-(1851) 245. 45. Fee on certain Private Bills remitted or refunded, (1841) 272.— (All received during the present Session), 496.- (1846) 89, 136, 155,293.−(1847) 150—(1848) 60.—(1849) 212, 266, 355–(1850) 56, 121, 178, 190, 191, 192, 219, 230–(1851) 183, 299, 358. 46. A certain Bill decided to be liable to payment of the fee, (1847) 150––Not liable, (1849) 256. 47. A Report having been made, upon a certain Petition, that the notice was insufficient, Rule relative to Notice suspended, and Petition referred back, (1846) 56, 65-–Referred back to allow proof of notice not before submitted, (1851) 85. 48. Certain days set apart for consideration of Private Bills before other Orders, (1851) 108, 150, 173. 49. Committee on Contingencies instructed to pay the accounts of two witnesses examined before the Committee on Yule's Mill-dam (Private) Bill, (1849) 363. 50. Printing dispensed with in a certain case, (1851) 186. 51. Council desire the Proofs and evidence on which certain Private Bills are founded, (1843) 168,-(1846) 220– (1849) 214–(1851) 171, 195. 52. Report upon the adoption of a system for regulating the Private Business of the House, by Mr. Alpheus Todd (prepared under an Order of the House in 1846, p. 844); Laid on the Table, (1847) 31. (App. B.) Printed, ib. Referred, 94. (Wo Report.) Mr. Speaker authorised to pay £50 therefor, 214. 110 PRIVATE BILLS.–BILLS OF EXCHANGE. IV. Questions Negatived or Superseded: 53. 54. 55. 56. For exempting certain Bills from the usual fee, (1841) 121, 137, 190—(1851) 105. For a Committee of the whole to consider of rescinding the Rule requiring payment of a fee, (1851) 74. To suspend the Rule requiring publication of notices, (1847) 97.-(1850) 101,––The Rule requiring a week's notice of consideration of a Bill by the Select Committee thereon, (1846) 210. To dispense with the printing of a certain Private Bill, (1851) 105. Wide Bills, 15. Committees, 219, 285, 453—460. 10. ’11. 12. 13. Bills of Exchange : . Bill to amend the law relative to inland Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and the protesting thereof; Pre- sented, (1846) 101. Referred; Bill relative to Foreign Bills (infra, 2) also referred, 180. Report, 255. Vide infra, 3. . Bill to amend the law relative to damages on protested foreign Bills of Exchange; Presented, (1846) 101. Refer- red to Committee on Bill relative to inland Bills, 180. Report, 255. . Bill to make certain amendments in the law relative to inland Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes; Presented, (1846) 255. Wot proceeded in. . To amend the laws regulating Inland Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and the protesting thereof; Presented, (1849) 29. Referred, 115. (Bill relative to damages on protested Bills, also referred, 149. Wide infra, 5.) Member added, 193. Reported, with amendments, 199. Amended in Committee (so as to apply to foreign Bills also), 235. Passed, 253. By the Council, with amendments, 309. Considered, and agreed to, 312. R. A., 365. (12 Vic., c. 22.) . To regulate and make uniform the rates of damages on protested Bills of Exchange in this Province; Presented, (1849) 56. Referred to Committee on the foregoing Bill, 149. Reported, with amendments, 199. Passed (as applying to Upper Canada only), 248. By the Council, with amendments, 300. Considered, and agreed to, 301. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 76.) . To limit the sum to be allowed for the expenses of noting and protesting Bills and Notes, in certain cases, under the foregoing Act; Presented, (1850) 48. Referred, 56. Bill to amend certain Acts relative to Promissory Notes, &c. (infra 7,) referred, 173. Report the first Bill, with amendments (incorporating certain provisions of the second), 208. Amended in Committee, 268. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 273. Passed (as a Bill to amend the Acts relating to Notes and Bills of Exchange, and to limit the sum allowed for expenses, &c.), 276. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 23.) . To amend and explain the Acts relating to Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange; Presented, (1850) 49. Referred to Committee on the foregoing Bill, 173. Wide supra, 6. . To facilitate the negotiation of Notes of Hand and Bills of Exchange, and to relieve the same, under certain limita- tions, from the operation of the Usury Laws; Presented, (1850) 109. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived; Committed, 193. Wot considered. To amend an Act of 5 Wm. IV., for preventing the unnecessary multiplication of law-suits and increase of costs, in actions on Notes, Bonds, Bills of Exchange, and other instruments; Presented, (1850) 14. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 53. Considered, and agreed to, 55. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 59.) To facilitate the negotiation of Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange, and to relieve them, under certain restrictions, from the operation of the Usury Laws; Presented, (1851) 43. Second reading postponed six months, 169. To amend the law in force in Lower Canada respecting Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes; Presented, (1851) 141. Motion to add a clause relative to the days of grace falling on holidays, negatived, 255. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 62.) To amend the law relative to the protesting of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes; Presented, (1851) 164. Amended in Committee, 323. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 94.) To amend an Act therein mentioned relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, by providing that when the third day of grace falls on a Sunday or Holiday, the succeeding day shall be the last day of grace; Reported by a Committee, (1851) 182. Order for second reading discharged, 286. - BITILS OF EXCHANGE–BLANCHET. III Bills of Exchange—continued. 14. Petition of Middlesex Municipal Council, for repeal of the Act regulating the protesting of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, &c., (1850) 46. 15. Petitions of certain chartered Banks, for an Act declaratory of the law with regard to the noting and protesting of inland Bills and Notes, (1851) 155. 16. Petition of Quebec Board of Trade, for amendments to the foregoing Acts, 12 Vic, c. 22, and 13 & 14 Vic, c. 23 (supra, 4, 6,) so as to relieve certain parties from the restrictions therein imposed with regard to Holidays, (1851) 139. Referred, 150. Report, with a Bill, 181. (Wide supra, 13.) Report printed, 182. Billiard Tables :—Wide Committees, 73, 76. Customs, 17, 19. Bird Rocks:–vide Quarantine, 3. Births, Marriages, & Burials: 1. Bill to substitute yearly Returns thereof for the quarterly Returns required of Clergymen and others by the Census Act; Presented, (1849) 140. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 90.) 2. Order to the Clerk, to insert in the Appendix to the Journals of 1841 the Returns thereof made by Prothonotaries in Lower Canada, for 1838, 1839, and 1840, (1841) 243. (App. P. P.) 3. Petition of the Canada Baptist Union, for an Act to provide for the registration of births and deaths, (1844–5) 23. 4. Petition of Prothonotary for District of Quebec, for a provision for copying the Registers thereof for that District, for preservation, (1846) 17. Referred to Committee on state of the public records, 62. Wide Committees, 490. 5. Petition of Bay of Quinté Methodist Episcopal Conference, for the substitution of an annual for the quarterly Return of births, marriages, and burials, now required by the Census Act, (1849) 77. Wide supra, 1. Wide Gaspé, 8, 9. Religious Denominations, 32. Biscuit :—vide Customs, 25. Bishop, James:–vide Education, 211. Bishopricks:–vide Accounts, 42. Addresses, 66. Bishop's College, Lennoxville —vide Education, 88,87. 100. Bizarre, Isle :-vide Trritoria Division, us. Blais, Olivier:—vide Emigration, 16, Blake, A. H. :-vide Aliens, 15. Blake, Mr. Solicitor General:—vide Members, 40. Blanchard :—vide Territorial Divisions, 17. Blanchard, Rev. A. :—Wide Aliens, 16. Blanchet, Prudent:-vide Addresses, 67. 112 BLENELEIM—BOUCHETTE. Blenheim –Wide Territorial Divisions, 18. Blue Book :—Wide Accounts, 43. Addresses, 68. Board of Works:–vide Elections, 141. Public Works, 1–6, 40, 42. Supply, 172. Bolduc, J ... :—Wide Governor General, 94. Pensions, 6. Bolton: 1. Petition of Sir James Stuart, Bart, and of N. Austin, for an Act to facilitate a partition of certain lands in Bolton held by them as tenants in common, under titles, derived from Letters Patent of 1797, (1846) 55. Petition of O. Peasley and others, against a partition except on certain conditions, 59. Both referred to Committee on the Bill to facilitate the partition of lands, &c., in Lower Canada, 203. Report, 237. Committed, 240. Motion that the order for consideration thereof be called, negatived, 342–Another Petition, (1847) 30. Petition of Peasley and others, against, 56. Wide Lands, 20. 2. Petition of R. Merry and others, for an extension of the time for fyling claims to land in that township, (1849) 33. Wide Territorial Divisions, 117, 118. Bon Pasteur, Dames Religieuses de Notre Dame du:—vide Montreal (City), 22. Bonaventure: 1. Petition of Municipal Council of 2nd Division of Bonaventure, for the holding of their meetings at Carleton, in place of New Richmond, (1849) 77. 2. Petition of Municipal Councils of Divisions Nos. 1 and 2, representing the destitution prevailing therein from the failure of the crops, and fisheries, and praying relief, (1849) 199. Wide Elections, 25, 26, 86. Gaspé. Bonds and Securities:–vide Accounts, 44. Bonner & Petry, Messrs :—Petition of Messrs. Bonner & Petry, complaining that a lot of land at Quebec which they had purchased from Government, had not been granted them on the terms agreed upon, (1841) 227. Referred, 312. Report, with a Bill, 366. Wide Claims against the Government, 1– Another Petition, (1842) 12. Referred to Committee on Petition of Ursuline Nuns of Quebec, 29. Report, 106. Concurred in ; Copy to be communicated to His Excellency, 113.—Another Petition, for a continu- ance of the investigation, (1843) 18.—Another Petition, (1844–5) 8. Referred, 183. Wo Report, Books :—Wide Accounts, 180. Addresses, 15. cºpyright. Boots and Shoes:–vide customs, 31. Bosanquet :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 19, Bostonais, River :-vide Accounts, 516. Bostwick, M. :—Wide Customs, 60. Botanic System of Medicine -** Professsion, 26. Boucher, N. :—Wide Education, 211. Bouchette, J oseph :-Petition of Mrs. Bouchette, for payment of a claim of her late husband upon the late Government of Lower Canada amounting to £1,000, (1846) 54. Wide Pensions, 7. BOUNDARY-BRACK. ll3 2 Boundary Line, Provincial: . Petition from inhabitants of Compton, for indemnification for losses sustained in consequence of their resisting the encroachments of the State of New Hampshire on the disputed territory, (1842) 38. Again, (1844–5) 188. . Petition of Alphonso Wells, for remuneration for his services as a Commissioner for determining the boundary line between Canada and New Brunswick, (1846) 94.—Again, (1847) 48.—(1848) 20–(1849) 90. Wide Accounts, 341. Addresses, 22, 327, 328. Barnhart's Island. Speeches, 21. Supply, 299. Boundary Line between U. & L. Canada: - . Bill to establish the division line between U. and L. Canada, from the St. Lawrence to the Ottawa; Presented, (1846) 231. Wot proceeded in. . Bill to define the division line, &c.; Presented, (1849) 193. Committed, 239. Wot considered. . Bill to define and establish the division line between U. and L. Canada, from the St. Lawrence to the Ottawa; Presented, (1850) 100. Order for second reading discharged, 231. . Bill to define and establish, &c.; Presented, (1851) 22. Referred, 138. Wot reported. . Petition of Effy McCuaig, complaining of the encroachment of the Township of Lancaster (in U. Canada) upon her land in the Seigniory of New Longueuil (L. Canada), and praying relief, (1843) 9. Referred, ib. Report (App. Q. Q.); Motion to concur in Report, negatived, 194. Wide infra, 6. (1844–5) Petition of Saveuse de Beaujeu, Esq., for continuation of last Session's proceedings for the settlement of the boundary line, 8. Referred, 10. Petition of Mrs. McCuaig and others, 23. Referred to same Committee, 31. Petition of Mr. De Beaujeu, that no proceedings be had on the last mentioned Petition previous to his being heard, 412. Wo Report. Petition of John McCuaig, for the settlement of the boundary line between Lancaster and New Longueuil, (1848) 39. . Motion for an Address for a copy of Mr. Alphonso Wells' Report on the division line between Upper and Lower Canada, with information relative to the steps taken by the Government in consequence thereof, Negatived, (1843) 194. Wide Accounts, 46. Addresses, 69, 70, 613. Boundary Lines:–vide Surveys. Boundary Line Commissioners:–vide Committees, 11–14. Surveys, 2–4, 70, 71,76. Bourgeois, Clovis :—Petition of complaining of an exaction on the part of the High Constable of Three Rivers, and praying for protection, (1849) 39. Bowen, J udge :—Wide Addresses, 71. Bowerman, Stephen :—Petition of complaining that a lot of land in Hallowell, purchased by him from Government, does not contain the quantity specified in the Letters Patent, and praying relief, (1846) 46. —Again, (1847) 48–(1849) 32. Wide Accounts, 47. Addresses, 72. Bowes, W. :—vide Education, 156. Boyer, River:-vide Bridges, i. Boyle, Chas. :—vide ºutation, ºn. Bracery :-vide Real Estate, 6. Brack, J ohn :—Wide Accounts, 48. Addresses, 73. P 114 - BRADLEY-BRIDGES. Bradley, S. :—Wide Bridges, 87. Brandon :—Petition of certain settlers in that township, praying that they may obtain titles to certain lands occupied by them, (1844–5) 221. Referred, 226. Report (App. N. N. N.); Printed, 403. Wide Addresses, 74. Brant :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 20. Brantford :—Petition for an Act to incorporate that town, (1847) 30. Petition against, 85. Bill pre- sented, 90. Amended in Committee, 195. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 48)—Petition for amendments to Act, (1849) 58. Brantford and Buffalo Railway –vide Railroads, 18. Roads, 13. Brantford Mechanics' Institute:-Petitions for aid thereto, (1849) 112–(1851) 154. Br eakenridge, J . :—Petition of, for amendments to Common School Act; repeal of Municipal Act; grants of land for services in the Rebellion, and that no disloyal man be recommended to office; revival of Courts of Requests Law; payment of Jurors; re-organization of the Militia; simplification of Law practice; construction of a macadamized road from Quebec to Lake Huron; improvement of Gananoque waters; removal of seat of Government to Upper Canada; erection of Asylums for the poor, lame, deaf, blind and insane; extension of right to solemnize matrimony to all denominations; imposition of heavy duties on American products; and that a stop be put to the draining off to the United States of the money expended on Public Works, (1844–5) 177. - Brennan, Patrick: 1. Petition of praying to be relieved from the liabilities of a public contract which he was unable to fulfil in consequence of the severity of the past winter, (1843) 39. 2. Another Petition, for an inquiry relative to his dismissal from the office of Superintendent of the Emigrant Sheds at Montreal, (1847) 95. Br essani, R. P., Mémoires du :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 243. Brewer, J asper :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 124. Pensions, 8. Brewers:–Vide Distilleries, 8, 9. 33ridges. rº-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º- I. Public Bill relative to Bridges; 1. II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Bridges, and Proceed- ings thereon; 2—115. I. Public Bill relative to Bridges: 1. To prevent persons from driving at a fast rate over certain bridges on the Grand River; Reported by a Committee. (1844–5) 281. Amended in Committee, so as to apply to all bridges beyond a certain length, in Upper Canada, 858. Passed, as amended, 366. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 44.) BRIT)GES–continued. 115 II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Bridges, and Proceedings 3. #0. 13. 14. thereon : \ Baie St. Paul :—For aid to construct a bridge and landing place in that parish, (1851) 210. Batiscan :-Vide Supply, 278. & o Bayonne, River:-For aid to build a bridge over that river, in Berthier, (1841) 174. Referred, 207. No JReport. Wide Supply, 394. Becancour: . For the construction of the proposed bridge over that river, at some point near the church, (1847) 69. Of J. B. Hébert, for compensation for loss on the tolls on the bridge at Becancour, from his having taken it at too high a rate, (1850) 145. For improvement of the Arthabaska road, and erection of a bridge over the Becancour (4 Petitions), (1851) 19. Wide Supply, 275, 390. Belleville Bridge :—Wide Supply, 277. o Boyer, River:-Of Alex. Fraser, of St. Valier, for continuance of the privilege of levying toll on a certain bridge over that river-with authority to rebuild the bridge, (1843) 13. Referred, 36. Report; Bill pre- sented, 110. Amended in Committee, 129. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 56.) Brantford —vide infra, 48. e Burlington Bay Canal:—For construction of a swing bridge, or establishment of a ferry over the same, (1846) 76, 84. Referred, 96. No Report. Bytown Suspension Bridge;—vide Accounts, 62, 63, 849. Addresses, 88, 542. Supply, 397. © Caledonia Bridge Co.:-For an Act of Incorporation, to construct a toll bridge over the Grand River at Caledonia, (1841) 21. Referred, 102. Report a Bill, 187. Amended in Committee, 278. R. A., 640. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 79.) Wide Supply, 375. Castor, River:-For aid to build a bridge over that river, (1849) 96. Cataraqui, River: . For aid to build a bridge over that river, on the 1st Concession of Kingston, (1841) 365. #2. Of the Cataraqui Bridge Co., for amendments to their Act of Incorporation, (1843) 33. Referred, 34. Report; Bill presented, 84. Amended in Committee, 104. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 60.)—Petition from Pittsburgh, against the granting of further powers, 105. Chambly:—Wide infra, 82. Champlain, River: For aid to erect a bridge over that river, (1846) 61.—(1848) 24. For application of the £1000 voted for a bridge over that river, to the construction of two bridges, at certain points, (1849) 32. Wide Supply, 273, 391. II6 BRIT)GES–continued, II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Bridges, &c.—continued. Chateauguay: , 15. For reconstruction of the bridge over that river in the Parish of St. Joachim, (1844–5) 94. H6. For aid to build a bridge at Ogilvie's Rapids, (1846) 45. 17. Of Messrs. Primeau & Trottier, for authority to construct a toll bridge in the Parish of St. Martin, and a plank road from thence to the St. Lawrence, (1848) 32. Petition in favor, 20–Again, (1849) 21. Petition in favor, 28. Against, ib. Notice insufficient, 60. New Petition, 71. Notice now sufficient; Bill presented, 81. Referred, 220. Reported, with amendments, 247. Referred back, 266. Reported, with amendments, 281. Amended in Committee, 292. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 186.) 18. Petitions for payment of sums due for the erection of a bridge over that river at De Wittville, under the authority of the late Municipal Council of Beauharnois, (1851) Gillett, S.W., 101. Schuyler, S. H., and T. Crawford, ib. Wide Supply, 275, 390. 19. Chatham :-For a postponement of the sale of the Chatham bridge, until after the organization of the County and Town Councils; and for a reduction of the rates of toll thereon, (1850) 170. Wide Supply, 276. 20. Chaudière, River:-For aid to build a bridge over that river, in Dorchester, (1848) 40––Near the church of St. François, (1851) 51. Printed, 145. Wide Supply, 279, 396. Credit, River: 21. Of S. Price and others, for authority to build a toll bridge over that river at Port Credit, (1844–5) 53. Referred, 54. Report a Bill to empower the Home District Council, or such person as they may direct, to build a bridge at Port Credit, on the Lake Shore Road, 381. Not proceeded in. •º 22. For erection of a bridge over that river, on Hurontario Street, (1844–5) 259. T)elisle, River: 23. For construction of a bridge over that river, in the Parish of St. Ignace, (1844–5) 288. 24. Of Wm. Duncan, for power to collect a balance due him for the erection of a bridge over that river in St. Polycarpe, (1844–5) 194.——Another Petition, (1846) 55. Referred, 85. Report, 248. Committed, 249. Wot con- sidered.—Again committed, (1847) 73. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 91. Order for second reading discharged, 181.--Another Petition, (1849) 55. Wide Accounts, 134. Addresses, 148. T}Orchester Bridge :—Wide infra, 92–96. Accounts, 429. Addresses, 403. Committees, 263,265. Roads, 265, 266, 278. 25. Du Chêne, River:-For erection of a bridge over that river, in Lotbinière, (1844–5) 47–For aid to complete the bridge, (1848) 62. Wide Addresses, 153. Supply, 275, 390. 26. Du Gouffre, River:-For construction of a bridge over that river, (1846) 45, 46-(1849) 54. Du Loup, Rivière : 27. For a grant to repair the bridge over that river, (1850) 8. 28. For construction of a bridge over the large Rivière du Loup, in the Parish of St. Antoine, (1850) 8. 29. Duffin's Creek:-For construction of a bridge over the same, between 1st & 2nd Concessions of Pickering, (1846) 309. BRIDGES-continued. 117 II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Bridges, &c.—continued. Etchemin, River: 30. For aid to build a bridge over that river in Dorchester, (1844–5) 146–In Frampton, (1847) 13. 31. Of Jas. Motz, praying to be relieved from the necessity of proving the Act by which he holds the toll bridge over the said river, and to be secured in the enjoyment of the same, and of the tolls arising therefºom, (1847) 30. Petition against, 13. Bill to supply proof of title, &c.; Presented, 58. Order for second reading discharged, 211. Another Petition, for the same, (1848) 7–(1849) 66. Report of notices, 218. 32. Of J. C. Bélanger and others, for authority to build a toll bridge over that river, as the “St. Anselme Bridge Co.,” (1849) 62. Notice insufficient, 79. 66th Rule suspended; Bill presented, 92. Referred, 228. Reported, with amendments, 295. Amended in Committee, 306. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 339. Considered, and agreed to, 347. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 189.) 33. For aid to repair the bridge over that river in the Parish of Ste. Claire, (1851) 40. Wide Supply, 275, 390, Etobicoke: 34. For erection of a bridge over that river in Township of Toronto, (1841) 211. 85. Of Wm. Ogden, for remuneration for building a bridge over that river on the Toronto and Hamilton Road, (1844–5) 100. 86. Of A. Silverthorn and J. Eakins, for repayment of a sum expended in building a bridge over that river, beyond the amount granted therefor, (1844–5) 226. Fort Erie and Buffalo Suspension Bridge Co. —vide infra, 65. 37. Gananoque, River:—For aid to build a bridge over that river, (1841) 164. Referred, 243. Wo Report, Wide Supply, 395. *- Gaspard Bridge:–Vide infra, 98. 38. Gatineau, River:-For construction of bridges over that river, (1841) 472. 39. Godfroi, River :-Praying that the proposed bridge over that river may be a drawbridge, (1847) 100. Wide Ferries, 3. Supply, 275, 390. 40. Governor's Road:—For erection of a bridge over the “Governor's Road,” in the 2nd Riding of York, (1844–5) 259. 41. Grand River (Gaspé) :—For aid to build a bridge over that river, (1846) 60. Grand River (U. Canada): 42. For a law to prevent persons from driving fast over certain bridges built across that river, (1844–5) 94. Referred, 250. Report a Bill, 281. Amended in Committee, 358. Wide supra, 1. 48. Of John Hammill, for payment of a balance due him as contractor for building a bridge over that River at Brant- ford, (1844–5) 146. Motion to refer petition, negatived, 183—Another Petition, 234.——Again, (1849) (also for another bridge built over the west channel), 116. Wide supra, 9. 44. Hastings :-Of the Victoria District Council, for construction of certain bridges in that county, 1844–5) 34. Humber, River:-vide Supply, 286. 45. JaCQues —For erection of a bridge at the mouth of that river, in Nepean, (1847) 65. 118 ERIDGES-continued, : *---.g. II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Bridges, &c.—continued. 46. 47. 48. 49. §1. 52. §3. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Jacques Cartier : For erection of a bridge over that river, in the Seigniory of St. Gabriel, (1841) 164. For the application of part of the appropriation under Act of 4 & 5 Vic, to improve the crossing of that river (1844–5) 308. - 9 Of Wm. Bethel, for payment of a balance due him for building a bridge over that river, (1844-5) 53. Wide Supply, 274, 392. Jésus, River : Of H. St. Germain and J. G. Laviolette, for authority to construct a toll bridge over that river, between St. Eustache and Ste. Rose, (1843) 36. Referred, 54. Petition from inhabitants of St. Eustache, &c., against, 105. Referred, 106. Report, that no proof of notice has been produced, 120. Of E. M. Leprohon and J. A. Berthelot, for authority to erect a toll bridge at the St. Eustache Ferry, (1847) 39. Bill presented, 80. Referred, 146. Reported, with amendments, 159. Amended in Committee, 200. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 98.) } Of Z. Maçon, for a reduction of the proposed rates of toll for the above bridge, (1847) 69. Referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges, 85. Of A. M. Delisle and others, for authority to build a toll bridge in the Parish of Ste. Rose, and to improve a certain road, (1849) 21. Petition in favor, 33. Bill presented, 73. Referred, 141, Reported, with amendments 168. Amended in Committee, 204. Council desire proofs and evidence, 221. Communicated, 241. wº from the Council, that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, assººney Bill pº. sented, 283. Referred, ib. Reported, with amendments; Amended in Committee, 286. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 187.) } Kamouraska —For aid to re-build a bridge over that river, in the Parish of St. Louis, (1851) 18. Lachine Canal:—Of W. R. Lapensée and others, for authority to build a bridge over the old canal, and for restoration of certain lands not required for the canal, to the former proprietors, (1849) 153. Wide Public Works, 33. Lancaster Bridge —Wide Supply, 898, L'Assomption, River : of A. Larocque and others, for authority to build a toll bridge over that river, (1848) 25. Petition against, 31. Of A. Archambault and others, for authority to build atoll bridge, (1849) 62. Petition in favor, 144. Petition against, 62. Bill presented, 82. Referred, 134. Petitions also referred, 146. Leave for Hon. M. Joliette to attend Committee, 160. Reported, with amendments, 190. Referred back, 206. Reported, with a further amend- ment, 211. Amended in Committee, 257. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 258. Referred back to Select Committee, 286. Reported, with amendments, 304. Amended again in Committee, 331. R. A., 30°. (12 Vic, c. 188.) Madawaska, River —Petition of the Executors to the Estate of the late D. McNab, for full remuneration for a bridge erected by him over that river, (1841) 430. Maria-town t—Wide Addresses, 480. Melbourne :—Wide infra, 99, 102. Supply, 239, 285. Metis Bridge:–Wide Supply, 281. Montmorency Bridge –Vide Committees, 267. Roads, 269. Montreal Suspension Bridge:–Vide infra, 103. BRIDGES-continued. 119 II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Bridges, &c.—continued. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 72. 73 Narrows of Lake Simcoe :—Wide Accounts, 590. Supply, 280. Niagara, River: For incorporation of the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Co., (1846) 46. Referred, ib. Report, 56. Bill pre- sented, 69. Amended in Committee, 181. Passed, 186. Reserved, 346.-Royal Assent, by Proclamation (1847) VII. (10 Vic, c. 112.) Wide Accounts, 467. For amendments to the foregoing Act, (1848) 51. Referred, ib. No Report. For a reduction of the Capital Stock to £25,000, (1849) 39. Bill to amend Act of Incorporation; Presented, 152. Referred, 215. Reported, with amendments, 231. Amendedin Committee, 266. R.A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 161.) For an Act granting to the Company the exclusive right of building any other bridge within a certain limit of their present one, (1849) 113. Notice insufficient, 138. For authority to G. S. Wilkes and others, to build an iron bridge at Waterloo Ferry, over the Niagara Falls, (1849) 190. Referred, 191. Wo Report. For incorporation of the Queenston Suspension Bridge Co., (1849) 59. Petitions in favor, 131, 137, 156, 169. Betition of Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Co., against, 84. Notice not given (upon original Petition), 125. 66th Rule suspended, and Bill presented, 132. Amended in Committee, 250. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 282. Considered, and agreed to, 283. Reserved, 367–Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1850) VIII. (12 Vic, c. 199.) For incorporation of the Fort Erie and Buffalo Suspension Bridge Co., (1851) 61. Referred to Committee on Stand- ing Orders, 66. Report that no notice was given, 72. Referred back, to allow proof of notice not before sub- mitted, 85. Report notice defective, but recommending that a provision be inserted in the Bill to supply the defect, 95. Bill presented, 103. Referred, 133. Reported, with amendments, 155. Amended in Committee, 262. Returned from the Council, with amendments, empowering the Company to construct either a bridge or a tunnel, 301. Considered, and agreed to, 304. Reserved, 361–Royal Assent by Proclamation, 6th March, 1852. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 172.) Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Co. —Wide supra, 59–62. Nicolet, River —For construction of a bridge over that river, (1846) 83. Wide Supply, 275, 390. North River : For erection of a bridge over that river, in Two Mountains, on the line of the Queen's Highway, (1844–5) 34. Of Hon. A. N. Morin, for authority to construct a toll bridge thereon, at St. Jérôme, (1847) 30. Bill presented, 59. Referred, 76. Reported, with amendments, 100. Amended in Committee, 141. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic., c. 95.) - Nottawasaga Bridge —Vide Supply, 282. Orignaux, Rivière aux –For erection of a bridge over that river, in St. Edouard de Gentilly, (1848) 39. Otanabee, River : . For aid to construct an embankment over that river, (1841) 227—(1844–5) a bridge, 350. 71. For aid to re-build the bridge at Peterboro’, (1846) 203. Ottawa :—For a grant of £8000 to erect bridges over the rivers crossing the road between Grenville and Hull, (1844–5) 177. Referred, 183. Wo Report. Paris Bridge :—Wide Accounts, 358. Petite Nation, River —For erection of a bridge over that river, in the County of Dundas, (1847) 22– Near Crysler's Mills, (1849) 21. Wide Supply, 284. 120 |BRIDGES-continued. II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Bridges, &c.—continued. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. Pigeon, River 3–For erection of a bridge over that river, in Emily, (1849) 230. Brairies, Rivière des: Of P. P. Lachapelle, for authority to construct a toll bridge over that river, between Sault au Recollet and St. Vin- cent de Paul, (1847) 13. Seven Petitions in favor, 38, 43. Bill presented, 46. Referred, 81. Petitions also referred, 57, 70, 72. Report, with Bill as amended, 123. Bill amended in Committee, 194. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 97.) Of P. Wieau and others, for authority to construct a toll bridge over that river, between La Visitation and Isle Jésus, (1847) 13. Three Petitions in favor, 13, 69, 100. Bill presented, 63. Referred, 81. Petitions also referred, 85, 100. Report, with Bill as amended, 123. Bill amended in Committee, 194. Ryder added, and Bill passed, 204. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 96.) Of inhabitants of St. Vincent de Paul, &c., praying that no exclusive privilege for a bridge be granted, unless it be above the ferry, (1847) 48. Referred, with above Petitions, 66. Petitions representing the injury sustained by the lumber trade from the erection of the two bridges above men- tioned, and praying that the Acts may be so amended as to obviate the evil, (1849) 28, 59. All referred, 75. Report (App. N. N. N. N.); Printed, 231. House goes into Committee on the subject; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 317. Wide infra, 79. Bill to repeal the 4th section of each of the foregoing Acts (supra, 75, 76) except so much as provides for the dis- tance to be left between the pillars of the bridges; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 317. Amended in Committee, 332. Passed, 386. Not returned from the Council.-Petitions of proprietors of the said bridges, against the Bill, 328, 332. - Quebec and Montreal, Bridges between :-vide supply, 380. Quebec Suspension Bridge:–Vide infra, 104. Queenston Suspension Bridge:–Wide supra, 64. Raisins, Rivière aux:—For erection of a bridge over that river, (1841) 324. Rawdon :-Of Philemon Dugar, for remuneration for building a bridge in that township, (1847) 48. Richelieu, River:-Of John Yule, for authority to construct a toll bridge over that river at Chambly, (1844–5) 12. Referred, 15. Report; Bill presented, 54. Referred, 136. Reported, with amendments, 217. Amended in Committee, 286. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 361. Considered, and agreed to, 368. R. A., 441. (8 Vic, c. 90.)—Petition of Mrs. Glen, for limitation of the privilege to be granted, to a certain distance below the Island of Ste. Thérèse, 46. Rideau, River: For aid to complete a bridge over that river, at Burritt's Rapids, (1841) 318–(1849) 113. Of Dalhousie District Council, praying that the privilege of building a toll bridge over that river may not be granted to Bradish Billings, (1849) 89. Wide Supply, 382. Rimouski (County) :—For aid to construct wharves and bridges in that county, (1844–5) 18. Rimouski, River: For erection of a bridge over that river, in St. Germain, (1847) 43. Of S. Bradley, for compensation for loss sustained in the erection of a bridge over that river, in St. Germain, (1849) 84. Wide Supply, 257. BRIDGES-continued. 12] II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Bridges, &c.—continued. 88. Rouge, River:-For erection of a bridge over that river, in the Township of Grenville, (1841) 385. Rouge |Hill and Bridge :—Wide Addresses, 456. Roads, 296. Supply, 272. Ste. Anne, River: 89. Of Gaspard Dauth, for compensation for loss sustained in the construction of a bridge over that river in the Parish of Ste. Anne La Pérade, (1842) 34. Referred, 35. Wo Report. Another Petition, (1844–5) 61. Petition of L. R. Lefleche and L. Guillet, for compensation for loss as Commissioners for Constructing the said bridge, (1844–5) 46. * 90. Of inhabitants of the said parish, praying for the same privileges in respect to the new bridge, as they had with the former one, (1843) 71. 91. For construction of a bridge over that river, in the Parish of St. Casimir, (1850) 8. St. Anselme Bridge Co. —Wide supra, 32. St. Charles, River: 92. For incorporation of a Company to build a bridge over the St. Charles, (1842) 34. Petition in favor, ib. Petition against the foregoing, and that Dorchester Bridge may be made toll free, 39. 93. For an extension of the time limited for the construction of Dorchester Bridge, (1842) 34. 94. Of the Corporation of Quebec, praying that the right of acquiring Dorchester Bridge may be vested in the Town Council, rather than the Government, (1844–5) 94. Referred, 138, (Wide infra, 97.)—Of C. Smith and A. Anderson, in favor, 189. 95. For construction of a new bridge, or that if Dorchester Bridge be placed under the control of the Quebec Road Trustees no higher tolls may be charged, (1846) 15, 16. Printed, 92. 96. For the placing of Dorchester Bridge under the control of the Quebec Road Trustees, (1847) 14. Referred to Com- mittee on Petitions relative to Quebec Roads, 40. Wide Committees, 503. Another Petition, (1849) 39. Wide Roads, 265. 97. Of Corporation of Quebec, for authority to build one or more toll bridges over that river, (1844–5) 15–Of inha- • bitants of Quebec, for authority to build a free bridge, 23.−Of C. Smith and A. Anderson, against both Peti- - tions, 100. Two latter Petitions referred, 27, 101. Member added, 128. Petition of Corporation relative to Dorchester Bridge (supra, 94) also referred, 138. Report, 355. (App. U. U.) Printed ; Committed, 356. Wot considered. 98. Ste. Croix:—For aid to repair two bridges in that parish, (1846) 16.--—A bridge over a ravine, (1848) 25. The Gaspard Bridge, (1851) 40. St. Francis, River: 99. For construction of a bridge over that river, (1841) 493–(1844–5). At Melbourne, 132,-(1846) Do., 83.−(1848) In Westbury, 30. In Yamaska, 62.—(1849) At Drummondville, 54.—In Yamaska, 96-(1851) Do., 82. . 101. For aid to secure the Aylmer bridge at Sherbrooke, (1846) 55.—(1849) 3 Petitions, 84.—(1850) 50. 102. For aid to build a bridge between Melbourne and Richmond, and that the Quebec and Richmond Railway Co. be empowered to use the same, (1846) 71. Wide Supply, 285. Wide Supply, 239, 285. St. Lawrence, River: 103. Of John Young and others, for authority to construct a toll bridge over the St. Lawrence near Montreal, (1847) 109. Bill to authorize erection of a bridge from any point between the Island of St. Helens and the foot of the Lachine Rapids; Presented, 117. Referred, 180. Reported, with an amendment, 189. Amended in Committee, 211. Passed, 213. Not returned from the Council. 104. Of the Corporation of Quebec, for a survey and estimate, at Cap Rouge, and at Deschambault, with a view to the erection of a Suspension Bridge across the St. Lawrence at one of those points, (1851) 6. Q 122 BRIT)GES–continued. II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Bridges, &c.—continued. St. Maurice, River : 105. Of E. Normand, for indemnification for loss sustained in the construction of a bridge over that river, (1847)69.— 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115, Another Petition, for an inquiry into the proceedings of the Board of Works in respect to his claim, (1848) 40. Another Petition for compensation, (1849) 38. Of F. Normand and others, for the payment of sums due them as contractors for building bridges over the Rivers St. Maurice, Batiscan, and Ste. Anne Lapérade, (1848) 26.—Again, (1849) 32,-(1850) 13. Shannonville Bridge —Vide Supply, 283. Sherbrooke :—Wide supra, 101. South River :-For erection of a bridge over that river, (1841) 184. Stanstead:—For erection of a bridge over the river at Stanstead, on the main road to the United States, (1844–5) 46. Thames, River:—For aid to build bridges over that river, (1844–5) In the Western District, 100.-At Wardsville, 189.-In Aldboro’, 235. Trent Bridge :—Wide Accounts, 611. Addresses, 560. ** Vaudreuil:—Of Municipal Council of Vaudreuil, for construction of two bridges, at Vaudreuil and at St. Ann's, (1850) 77. Werte, River:-For aid to build a bridge over that river, in Whitworth, (1850) 98. Welland, River:-For authority to certain townships to construct a swing bridge over that river, (1850) 40. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 71. tion, (1851) 198. For erection of such a bridge as will not impede the naviga- Welland Canal: For an Act to require the Company to construct a bridge over the Canal, on the road from Allanburgh to St. Catharines, (1841) 578. For construction of a bridge over the Canal in Thorold; Referred to Committee on a Petition relative to the Queenston and Grimsby Road, (1846) 105. Wo Report thereon. Winchester Bridge:–Vide Supply, 284. Yamaska, River:-For construction of a bridge over that river, (1846) 83.−(1848) 62–(1849) 84. York:-Wide supra, 40. Wide Committees, 10,494, 495. Roads, 9, 15, 26. BRIGHTON.—BROOK. 123 3 Brighton :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 27. Brislane, Margaret :—Petition of, stating that the patent for half of Lot 9 in the 10th Concession of Emily, located by her late husband, was, through error, granted to another person, and praying compensa- tion, (1841) 299. British America Fire and Life Assurance Co. :—Wide Insurance Companies, 11, 12. British American Land Company: . Petition for an Act to recognise their Letters Patent and Imperial Charter, (1847) 15. Bill to facilitate proof of their Charter, &c.; Presented, 58. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 106.) . Petition for additional powers, (1849) 89. Bill to enable the said Company to promote and establish manufactories in the Eastern Townships; Presented, 99. Referred, 220. Reported, with amendments, 251. Referred back, 302. Not Reported. British and Canadian Mining Co.:-vide Mining companies, 2. British Connexion, Continuance of:—vide Accounts, 51,449. Addresses, 2. Speeches, 1, 19. - British North American Electric Telegraph Association:—vide Telegraph Lines, 5. Supply, 182. British North Amer ican Mining Co. :—Wide Mining Companies, 3. British North American Provinces:—vide Accounts, 602, 608. Union. British Possessions Act (Impl):—vide Accounts, 595. Brock (District): . Petitions for removal of the Registry Office therefor to Woodstock (the District Town), (1848) 22–(1846) 162, . Petitions for the holding of the several Courts therein more than once a year, (1848) 19–(1849) 32. . Petition of the District Council, for the control over a certain lot of land in Woodstock, (1849) 32. . Petition of the same, for legalization of a By-law imposing a tax on lands, (1849) 32. Wide Education, 211. Surveys, 19. Territorial Divisions, 22. Br ock (Township) :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 21. Brock's Monument: . Bill to exempt from personal liability those who may undertake the duty of superintending the erection of Brock's Monument; l’resented, (1851) 56. Not proceeded in. . Resolution, appointing Commissioners to take charge of the Monument until steps are taken for re-building the same, (1841) 618. . Petition of inhabitants of Queenston, for an inquiry into the proceedings of the Committee appointed to superintend the re-erection of the Monument, (1 844–5) 377. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 384. . Petition of Niagara District Council, for the adoption of measures for carrying out the design of the subscribers for re-building the Monument, (1848) 40. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 41.—Another Petition, (1849) 38. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 96. Wide Committees, 344, 124 BROOK WILLE-BUTELT1. Brockville : 1. Bill to amend the Assessment Laws, so far as they affect the said town; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 869. Not proceeded in. 2 . Bill to provide for an assessment of property in Brockville according to the annual value thereof; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 103. Referred, 175. Reported, with an amendment, 204. Committed, 211. Not considered.— Petition against the Bill, 208. 8. Bill to provide for an assessment of real and personal property in Brockville according to the annual value or rental thereof; Presented, (1847) 24, Referred to Committee on Standing Orders, 33. Report, that it does not require notice, under the 66th Rule, 79. Amended in Committee, 93. Returned from the Council, with amend- ments, 148. Considered, and agreed to, 157. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic., c. 43.) 4 . Bill to authorize the devisees and trustees of the will of the late Hon. Chas. Jones to convey a town lot in Brockville to the Board of Police, for certain purposes; From the Council; Read, (1846) 89. Message desiring the documents and evidence on which Bill is founded, 166. Communicated, 205. Motions, to postpone second reading 6 months, and to commit Bill, severally negatived; Order for third reading, 226. Motion to postpone third reading, negatived; Bill passed, 234. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 77.) Wide infra, 6, 7. 5. Petition for repeal of the Act incorporating the Town of Brockville, (1841) 523. 6. Petition from inhabitants, for authority to the District School Trustees to hold a certain lot in Brockville, (1846) 37. 7 . Petition from inhabitants, praying that the Trustees of a certain town lot in Brockville may not be authorized to hold it except for the purposes of an Infant School, (1846) 142. 8 . Petition for an Act to regulate the assessment of property in the said town, (1846) 96. 9 . Petition against an extension of the limits of Brockville, (1849) 208. Referred to Committee on the limits of cities and towns, &c., b. Wide Committees, 15, 16. Religious Denominations, 20. Brockville Gaol:—vide Gaols, 11. Brockville Mechanics' Institute :-Wide Supply, 161. Brockville Turnpike Roads -vº Roads, 56—59. Brome High School:—vide Education, 106. Bront Harbour Co.:-vide Harbours, 1. Brooke, Thomas:–vide Pensions, 9. Brown, George —vide Accounts, 52. Addresses, 77. Bruce:–vide Huron District. Territorial Divisions, 22–24. Brulée, Isle –vide Harbours, 89. Bruster's Mill Dam :—vide Mills, 24. Buckingham :—vide Education, 211. Buell, A. N. 2–Vide Navigations, 54. BUILDINGS BURLINGTON. 125 Buildings :—Petition from contractors, builders, and masons of Montreal, for repeal of an ancient French law which compels them to guarantee the stability of their work for ten years, (1846) 93. Referred, 106. No Report. Wide Mechanics. Building Societies: . Bill to regulate Benefit Building Societies; Presented, (1844–5)257. Referred, 292. Reported, 346. Aot pro- ceeded in. . Bill to extend the provisions of the Act incorporating the Montreal Building Society to the several cities and towns in U. Canada; Presented, (1846) 69. Amended in Committee, 149. Passed, as a Bill to encourage the estab- lishment of Building Societies in U. Canada, 157. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 209. Considered, and agreed to, 210. R. A., 254. (9 Wic., c. 90.) . Bill to amend the Act to encourage the establishment of Building Societies in U. Canada; Presented, (1849) 323 Not proceeded in. . Bill to amend the Act for encouraging the establishment of Building Societies in U. Canada; Presented, (1850) 54. Referred, 113. Reported, with amendments, 204. Amended in Committee, 246. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 79.) . Bill to encourage the establishment of Building Societies in the District of Quebec; Presented, (1849) 99. Amended in Committee, 135. Passed, as a Bill to encourage the establishment of such Societies in Lower Canada, 142. By the Council, with an amendment, 201. Considered, and agreed to, 205. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 57.) . Bill to amend the Act for encouraging the establishment of Building Societies in L. Canada; Presented, (1851) 106. Passed, 178. By the Council, with amendments, 200. Considered, and agreed to, 204. R. A., 230. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 23.) . Petitions for an Act to authorize the formation of Building Societies throughout the Province, (1846) London, 61 Toronto, 60. . Petition for incorporation of certain Building Societies established in the District of Quebec, (1849) 77. Wide supra, 5. . Petition of Quebec Building Society, for amendments to the Act relating to Building Societies in L. Canada, (1851) 101. Wide supra, 6. Burbank, A. :-vide Hatley. Burford :—Wide Surveys, 20–22. Burgess :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 63, Burials :—Wide Accounts, 38. Births. Churches, 3. Gaspé, 8, 9. Religious Denominations, 32. Burial Grounds: . Bill to permit lands in U. Canada to be conveyed to Trustees for burial places; Presented, (1850) 146. R. A., 283. (18 & 14 Vic, c. 77.) ... Petition of Niagara District Council, for authority to Municipal Councils to hold land for burial grounds, and to assess for the purchase thereof, (1848) 40,-Again, (1849) 72. Wide Cemetery Companies. Parishes, Burke, G. R. :—Wide Accounts, 53. Addresses, 78. Burlington Bay Canal :—Wide Accounts, 54,408. Addresses, 79, Bridges, 8. Wavigations, 4. Burlington Bay T}ock Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1841) 233.-Again, (1847) 65. Bill presented, 80. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 178. Considered, and agreed to, 179. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 83.)——Petition for an Act to revive the foregoing Act, (1851) 189. Bill presented, 160, Referred, 174, Reported, with amendments, 279, Committed, 305. Not considered. #26 BURLINGTON.—BYTOWN. Burlington Ladies' Academy:-vide Education, 38, 107. Burnham, Hon. Z. :—vide Indians, 12. Burns, Robert E.:-vide Law, Practice of 14. Burrage, Rev. R. R. - Education, 52, 147. Pensions, 10. Bussière, Wm. :—Petition praying that he may be continued, for a limited time, in the possession and privileges of a mill erected by him in the Parish of St. Isidore, (1846) 15. Referred, 18. Wo Report. Butt, John :-Petition for authority to the Chancellor of Upper Canada to appoint trustees to the will of the late John Butt, of Barton, (1841) 352. Referred, 353. No Report. Butter:—Bill to provide for the inspection of Butter in Quebec and Montreal; Presented, (1848) 38. Amended in Committee, 60. Passed, 65. R. A., 80. (11 Vic, c. 7)—Petition of Montreal Board of Trade, in favor, 20. By-laws of Municipal Councils:–vide Municipalities (U. C.), 10. Bytown: i. Petition for an Act to incorporate the said town, (1844–5) 276. Bill presented, 290. Amended in Committee, 344. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 385. Wot considered. Bill to define the limits, and establish a Town Council; Presented, (1846) 14. Referred, 148. Member added, 166. Reported, with amendments, 242. Passed, 244. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 278. Considered; Disagreed to ; Com- mittee appointed to draw up Reasons for disagreeing thereto, 294. Report of Reasons, 297. Conference desired with the Council on amendments, 298. Agreed to ; Managers appointed, 303. Report Reasons of Council for insisting on their amendments, 334.—Petition of Board of Police, in favor of Bill, 94. Petition from inhabitants, against, ib. Bill to define the limits, and establish a Town Council; Presented, (1847) 15. Amended in Committee, 37. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 125. Considered and amended, 128. Amendments reported, 136. Amendments agreed to, as amended, 143. By the Council, 148. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 43.)—Disallowed by Proclamation, (1850) VII. Petition for amendments to Act, (1849) 90. Petition against, 71. Both referred to Committee on the limits of cities, towns, &c., 185, 208. Wide Committees, 539. 2. Petition of Mayor and Town Council, for removal of doubts respecting the late municipal elections, and for power to collect arrears of taxes for 1848, (1850) 36. Bill presented, 121. Passed (as a Bill to remove doubts as to the effect of the disallowance of the Act incorporating Bytown), 192. R. A., 283, (13 & 14 Vic, c. 82.) Wide Accounts, 55, 56. Addresses, 80–84, 498, 624. Ordnance Estates, 4–8. Roads, 63–69, Bytown, Crown T imber Office at:—Wide Accounts, 566, 571, 572, 575, 578. Addresses, 333, 532, 537, 540. - Bytown and L'Orignal Road:—vide Roads, 66,67. Bytown and Montreal Telegraph Co. —vide Telegraph Lines, 6. Bytown and Prescott Railway :- Railroads, 15, 16. Bytow Il College :—Wide Education, 39, 108. Bytown Hospital :—Petition for aid, (1849) 39. BYTOWN_CAMERON. - 127 Bytown House of Refuge:–Petition for aid, (1851) 49. Bytown Mechanics' Institute:-vide supply, 161. 7) . Q Bytown “Soeurs de la Charité . Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 39. Bill presented, 140. Order for second reading discharged, 193. —New Bill presented, 160. Referred, 229. Reported, with amendments, 254. Amended in Committee, 302. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 108.) . Petitions for aid for the hospital for orphans and sick persons under their care, (1850) 57, 59–(1851) 36, 49. Bytown Supension Bridge :—Wide Accounts, 62, 63, 349. Addresses, 88, 542. Supply, 397. C. CADWELL, A. E. :—Wide Aliens, 17. Caistor :—Wide Surveys, 23. Territorial Divisions, 45. Calder 2 Alex. :—Motion, for an Address for copy of a letter addressed to him, stating that he had been recommended for the office of Postmaster at Beaverton, and of other communications relative thereto, and to the subsequent appointment of another person, Negatived, (1847) 87. Calder, Donald:—Wide Road Allowances, 20. Caldwell, Sir J ohn :—Bill to secure the Province against loss on the judicial sale of certain parts of the vacant estate of the late Sir John Caldwell (held by the Province); Presented, (1843) 12. Amended in Committee, 29. R. A., 130. (7 Vic, c. 26.) Wide Committees, 414. Caledonia (Village) :—Petition for the parcelling out of the Indian surrender adjoining that village into farm lots of five or ten acres, (1843) 180. Wide Road Allowances, 5. Surveys, 24. Caledonia Bridge Co. —vide ** Calls of the House :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 19–21. Calorifers:– vide Stoves. Camden –wº sº. * Divisions, 61. Cameron, Donald :—Petition of D. Cameron, of Thorah, for compensation for his losses in consequence of false imprisonment on a charge of High Treason, (1846) 252. Wide Thorah. 128 CAMERON-CAN BORO”. Camer On, Dugald :—Petition of complaining that he has been deprived of a lot of land purchased at public sale, and praying relief, (1847) 159. Referred, 188. Wo Report. Camer On, J ohn :——Wide Accounts, 64. #9 Cameron, Malcolm –vide Accounts, 64. Addresses, 89. Campbell, A lex. :—Petition of for relief with regard to a lot of land in Thorah, purchased by him in 1827, but since sold by the Government to another person, (1851) 61. Campbell, John :—vide Roads, 289. Campbell, W. A. :-vide clerks of Assize. Canada Assurance Co.:-vide Insurance Companies, 18. Canada Baptist Missionary Soc'y. :—vide Religious Denominations, i. Canada Company:-vide Addresses, 90. Canada Corn Law (Imp'l):—Wide Accounts, 595. Canada Fire Assurance Co.:-vide Insurance Companies, 14. Canada Gazette:-vide Gazette. Canada Guarantee Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1851) 49. Bill presented, 69. Referred, 114. Reported, with amendments, 135. Passed, 183. By the Council, with amendments, 212. Considered, and agreed to, 215. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 36.) sº Canada Inland Forwarding Co. :—Petition of Hon. A. Ferrie, for authority to sue for such debts and the recovery of such rights as he may be lawfully entitled to maintain as Chairman of the said Com- pany, (1843) 21. Referred, 44. Report, 80. Bill presented, 88. Read second time; Amended, 146. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 59.) Canada Life Assurance Co. :—Wide Insurance Companies, 15. Canada Marine Assurance Co.:-vide Insurance Companies, 16. Canada Mining Co. :—Wide Mining Companies, 4. Canada Mutual Life Assurance Co.:-vide Insurance Companies, 17. Canada West Farmers' Mutual and Stock Insurance Co.:-vide Insur. ance Companies, 18. Canals :—Wide Keefer's Prize Essay. Navigations, | Canbor O':—Vide Niagara District, 10. Territorial Divisions, 76. CANDLES-CARRYING. 129 Candles :—Wide Customs, 33. Cannon, N. C. W. :—vide Aliens, 18. Cap Blanc: 1. Petition of R. Tims and others, praying that in the event of a renewal of their leases of lands at Cap Blanc, their rights may be respected, (1848) 20. - 2. Petition of P. Brunelle and others, complaining of an unjust grant of the lands at Cap Blanc to Mr. Baird, in conse- quence of which they have suffered damage, (1849) 112. Printed, 113. flººr. Cap de la Madelaine, Seigniory of:—vide Seigniorial Tenure, 29. Capital Punishment: i. Bill to amend the Criminal Law in relation to capital punishment; Presented, (1 850) 60. Order for second reading discharged, 223. - 2. Petitions for the abolition of capital punishment, (1849) Montreal, 77. Pakenham, 217. Perth, 157. Sherbrooke, 158. Simpson, W., and others, 131. All referred, 226. No Report. Capreol, F. C. :—Petition of praying compensation for expenses incurred in capturing the murderers of the late Thomas Kinnear, (1850) 89. So much of the Petition as relates to an investigation into the pur- suit by him of certain fugitives from justice, referred, 98. Report (App. F. F.); Printed, 145–Petition of George Kingsmill, for the like, 225. Wide Supply, 61. Caravans :—Petition for an Act to require travelling shows and caravans to pay a tax, and obtain a license from the Warden of the District, (1849) 84. Cardinal, A. L. :-vide Legislative Assembly, 107, 115,221. Parliament Hous, 9. Carey, John –vide Roads, 852. Caribon and Grenville Railway Co. —vide Railroads, 21. Carleton (Bonaventure):—vide Education, 109. Carleton (County) :—Wide Elections, 27, 28. Carleton Protestant Hospital: 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1851) 60. Bill presented, 73. Referred, 114. Reported, with amendments, 116. Amended in Committee, 151. Re-printed, 152. Rules relative to printing expenses suspended, 186. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 33.) - 2. Petition of the Building Committee thereof, for aid, (1851) 172. 6% Caroline,” Steamboat, Destruction of:—Wide Accounts, 296. Addresses, 18, 19. Rebellion, 9, 10. Speeches, 1. Caron, L. J. :-vide Rebellion, 15. Carr uther S, F. F. :—Wide Law, Practice of 15. Carrying Trade :—Wide Committees, 309, 311, 541, 542. R }30 CARTWRIGHT-CENSUS. Cartwright :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 91. Castor, River:-vide Bridges, 10. Casual and Territorial Revenue :—Wide Accounts, 70. Addresses, 92,93,440. Committees, 412. Education, 1. Cataraqui Bridge Co. —vide Bridges, 11, 12. Cataraqui Cemeter y Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1850) 29. Bill presented, 62. Referred, 123. Reported, with amendments, 142. Amended in Committee, 169. Returned from the Council, with amendments; Considered, and agreed to, 220. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 140.) Cathcart, Earl:—vide Addresses, 94. Speeches, 10, 11. Cattle and Live Stock :—Wide Committees, 74, 376. Customs, 3, 7, 26. Cayuga :—Wide Road Allowances, 6. Territorial Divisions, 25. Cayuga Glass Manufacturing Co.:-vide Glass, 1. Cemetery Companies :—Bill to authorize the formation of companies for the establishment and management of cemeteries in Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 138. Referred, 168. Reported, with amend- ments, 194. Amended in Committee, 235. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 268. Considered, and agreed to, 274. R. A., 284 (13 & 14 Vic, c. 76.) Wide Cataraqui Cemetery Co. Montreal Cemetery Co. Mount Hermon Cemetery Co. Toronto Wecropolis. Census: Bills relative to taking the Census: 1. To provide for taking a periodical Census of the inhabitants of the Province, and for obtaining other statistical infor- mation therein; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 214. Amended in Committee, 437. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 526, 531. Motion, to amend the same, negatived; Amendments agreed to, 536. R. A., 644. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 42.) 2. To provide for taking the Census of Lower Canada, and for obtaining certain statistical information; Presented, (1843) 19. Amended in Committee, 29. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 127. Agreed to, 134. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 24.) 3. To extend the time for taking the Census in Lower Canada for 1848; Presented, (1848) 87. Wot proceeded in. 4. To provide for taking the Census in Canada, and obtaining statistical information therein; Presented, (1847) 162. Amended in Committee, 187. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 14.) 5. To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1850) 120. Committed, 177. Considered, 189. Wot reported. 6. To amend, &c.; Presented, (1851) 34. Second reading postponed six months, 141. 7. To amend the Acts of 1841 and 1847,-and to provide for taking a Census of the Province in 1852, in 1860, and every tenth year thereafter, and to revive the provisions of the Act of U. Canada providing for the registration of marriages therein; Ordered, (1851) 87. Presented, 92. Amended in Committee, 241. Passed, 249. By the Council, with amendments (changing the date of the second Census to 1861, &c.), 272. Considered, and agreed to, 280. R. A., 358. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 49.) 8. Petitions from certain assessors for remuneration for their services in taking the Census in various places, viz. –(1848) Leinster, 24. Rimouski, 24. Sorel, 17. (1844–5) Rimouski, 40. Saguenay, 36. Sorel, 403––(1850) Leeds and Grenville (J. Jessup.), 46.--—(1851) Do., 180. 9. Petition of Niagara District Council, praying that the Census may not be again taken until 1855, (1849) 76. 10. Petition of Municipal Council of Lanark and Renfrew, against any alteration in the mode of taking the Census of Upper Canada, (1851) 130. 11. Motion in reference to the annual increase of population in Lower Canada (intended as one of a series of Resolutions); Superseded by moving the Previous Question, (1847) 135. Wide Accounts, 71–73. Addresses, 95, 96. Committees, 18, 19, Legislative Assembly, 5. Supply, 302. CHAMBERS–CHATHAM. 131 Chambers, W. G. —Pºin of ºr ºut find ºthern of mºnoiº (so) iss Chambly :—Wide Elections, 29. Chambly Canal:—vide Navigations, 5–8 Chambly College :—Wide Education, 110. Chambly Cotton Factory :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1844–5) 46. Bill presented, 134. Referred, 215. Reported, with amendments, 290. Amended in Committee, 329. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 92.) Champlain (County) :-Wide Elections, 87. Champlain, River:-vide Bridges, 18, 14. Champlain and St. Lawrence Canal:—vide Navigations, 9, 11. Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad:—vide Railroad, ºs-ºs. Champlin, Rev. S. W. —vide Aliens, 10. Chancery, Court of:—vide Courts, 17–26. Chandler, Alexis:–vide Aliens, 20. {}haperon, Geo. :—vide supply,242. Charitable Associations: 1. Bill for incorporating certain Charitable, Philanthropic, and Provident Associations, and for the effectual protection from fraud and misappropriation of the funds of the same; Presented, (1849) 99. Order for second reading discharged, 135. 2. Bill for incorporating certain Charitable, Philanthropic, and Provident Associations, &c., (as above); Presented, (1850) 138. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 32.) vide Accounts, 81. Addresses, 233. Bills, Private, 30. Committees, 498. Reports, Annwgl. Charleston Academy:-vide Education, iii. Chateau Richer:—vide Education, 118. Chateauguay: u. Bill to detach the seigniory of Chateauguay from the judicial Circuit of Montreal, and to attach it to that of Beau- harnois; Presented, (1850) 190. Petition in favor, 194. Not proceeded in. 2. Bill to detach, &c.; Presented, (1851) 116. Petition in favor, 118. Passed, 249. Not returned from the Council. Wide Bridges, 15–18. Education, 112. Chatham (Kent): 3. Petition praying that a certain lot in that town, granted for school purposes, may be vested in the Western District Council, (1844–5) 132. ; 2. Bill to remedy an error in certain Letters Patent for two lots in the Town of Chatham; Presented, (1850) 143. Referred, 156. Reported, with amendments; Amended in Committee, 208. R. A., 284. (18 & 14 Vic, c. 87) Wide Surveys, 25, 26. Territorial Divisions, 61. 132 CHATHAM–CHURCH. Chatham (Two Mountains):—vide Education, 114. Territorial Divisions, 119. Chatham Bridge:–vide Bridges, 19. Chaudière, River:-vide Bridges, 20. Navigations, 12. Chelsea Pensioners:–Vide Pensioners. Chemists and Druggists:–vide Apothecaries. Chicoutimi:—vide Gaols, 1. Chiniquy, Père:-vide supply, 177. Chippewa Church :—Petition of the Congregation of Trinity Church, Chippewa, for an equitable adjustment of their claim arising out of the destruction of the church by incendiaries, (1843) 148–Again, (1844–5) 100. - 4 + - . . " * - - - Cholera:—vide D'Eºchambault. Christians:—vide Religious Denominations, 9–11. Christie's History of Canada:-vide Legislative Assembly, 228,247. Christin, M. :-vide Navigations, 57. Church, J. J. :-vide Navigations, 87. Churches and Chapels: 1. Bill to authorize the Trustees holding lands upon which churches are erected in Upper Canada to mortgage the same to pay off the debts due by such churches; Presented, (1850) 146. R. A., 283. (18 & 14 vic, c. 78.) 2. Bill to amend the Act of L. Canada for the preservation of good order in churches, &c.; Presented, (1851) 22. Referred, 44. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 52. Considered, and no Report made, 90. 3. Bill to prevent interments in buildings used for public worship; Presented, (1851) 42. Petitions against the Bill, or for exemption of particular churches from its operation,-Communities of the Hotel Dieu, Montreal, Con- grégation de Notre Dame, Montreal, Sisters of Charity, do., 82. Seminary of St. Sulpice, Archbishop of Quebec, 94. R. C. Parish Church of Montreal, R. C. Parish Church of Quebec, 104.—Order for second reading discharged, 169. •º 4. Petition of Rev. J. Quinlan and others, of Barrie, for aid to complete a church, (1841) 385. vide Parishes. Religious Denominations, 51. Church of England:—vide Religious Denominations, 12–24. Church of Rome;—vide Riº domination, so-º. Church of Scotland:—vide Religious Denominations, 30–37. Church-doors, Sales at:-vide Lord's * Church Societies, Incorporation of:—vide Rigious promination, 18, 14, 17. Chur ch War dens :—vide Religious prominations, 48. CITIES-CLAIMS. 133 Cities, Incorporation of :—Vide Municipalities, U. C. City Bank of Montreal:—Wide Banks, 24–26. Civil List: 1. Bill granting a Civil List during the life of Her Majesty and for five years thereafter, viz.: £33,031 Cy. for the salary of Governor General and Administration of Justice, (Schedule A.), and £37,450 15s. 3d. for expenses of Public Departments, (Schedule B.), payable upon the repeal of Sections 50 to 57 of the Union Act; Ordered, (1846) 255. Presented, 257. Instruction to Committee of whole, to amend the preamble, 313. Amended in Committee, 314. Read third time; Motion to amend Bill negatived, and Bill passed, 321, Reserved, 347–Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1848) VI. (9 Vic, c. 114.) Wide Accounts, 85, 469. Addresses, 4. 2. Bill to amend the foregoing Act, by reducing the salaries of the heads of Departments, and Attorneys General, and to regulate the granting of Pensions; Ordered, (1851) 313. (Wide infra, 6.) Presented, 316. Amended in Committee, 324. Reserved, 361–Royal Assent by Proclamation, 13th March, 1852. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 173) 3. Bill to reduce the salaries of all the Provincial Judges appointed subsequent to 10th Aug., 1850, and to amend the Acts 12 Vic, caps. 63 and 64, for that purpose; also, to fix the salaries of the Speakers of both Houses of the Legislature; Ordered, (1851) 313. (Wide infra, 6.) Presented, 316. Amended in Committee, 324. Reserved, 361.—Royal Assent by Proclamation, 13th March, 1852. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 174) 4. Series of Resolutions proposed,—(1) That no appropriation of public moneys ought to be made without the free 5. Four consent of the Assembly,–(2.) That the appropriation of £75,000 by the Union Act, for the administration of Justice and support of the Government, however expedient it may have been under the peculiar circum” stances of the Canadas at the passing of the Act, is unsatisfactory to the people of this Province, as tending to create abuses in the misapplication of the public moneys, &c., (3) That the repeal of that appropriation would tend to produce contentment, and to cement the Union with the Parent State-(4.) That the provision necessary for these purposes ought to proceed from the voluntary vote of the Assembly,–(5.) That the existing charges upon the Civil List are generally exorbitant, and ought to be reduced—(6.) upon a given scale, (7.) That the House is prepared to make a suitable provision for a Civil List, &c., upon the repeal of the appropriation made by the Union Act, and (8.) That all fees of office ought to be funded, and salaries granted in lieu thereof, (1843) 190. An amendment to the 5th, proposed and negatived; Resolutions 1 to 5, and 7, agreed to; Resolutions 6 and 8 negatived unanimously; Further Resolution, That the office of Civil Secretary is an unnecessary charge upon the Civil List, and ought to be abolished, and the duties transferred to the Provincial Secretary, who is a responsible adviser of His Excellency; Committee appointed to prepare an Address to Her Majesty on the Resolutions, 197. Wide Addresses, 3. Resolutions for granting a Civil List to Her Majesty during her life, and five years thereafter, in lieu of ali revenues heretofore at the disposal of the Crown, payable on the repeal of sections 50 to 57 of the Union Act; Reported from Committee of Supply, (1846) 255. Amendments proposed and negatived, and Resolu- tions agreed to; Bill presented, 257. Wide supra, 1. 6. Seven Resolutions, for amending the Acts 9 Vic, c. 114, and 12 Vic, caps. 63 and 64, by reducing the salaries of all the Judges appointed since 10th Aug., 1850, also of the Attorneys General, and heads of Departments, regulating the granting of Pensions, and fixing by law the salaries of the Speakers of the two Houses of the Legislature; Reported from a Committee of the whole, (1851) 313. Motion to re-commit Resolutions to make further reductions, negatived; Motions for an inquiry into the administration and expenses of the various Public Departments, negatived, 314. Motion, that the propositions now submitted are wholly inadequate to effect the purpose proposed, negatived; Motion, that the Governor General's salary ought to be paid by the Imperial Government, or otherwise that it be reduced, negatived; Motion, that it is inexpedient to reduce the salaries of the Judges, negatived, 315. Motion, that the reduction of salary be limited to those Judges here- after appointed, negatived; Resolutions agreed to; Bills presented, 316. Wide supra, 2, 3. Wide Accounts, 83–86. Addresses, 3, 4, 109–111. Committees, 23, 24. Governor General, 28–30. Speeches, 8, 10, 21. * Civil Secretary:-vide Secretary. Claims, Adverse :—Bill to enable Courts of Law in Upper Canada to give relief against adverse claims made on persons having no interest in the subject of such claims; Presented, (1843) 37. R. A., 209 (7 Vic, c. 30.) - 134 CLAIMS-CLERGY RESERVES. Claims against the Government: 1. Bill to facilitate a legal remedy to persons having claims against the Provincial Government; Presented, (1841) 366. Passed, 491. Wot returned from the Council. 2. Bill to provide a legal recourse to Her Majesty's subjects in Canada having claims against the Executive Govern- ment; Presented, (1844–5) 9. Referred, 143. Reported, with amendments, 236. Reserved, 441. Vide Accounts, 473. Addresses, 436, 438. 3. Bill to afford a legal recourse, &c.; Presented, (1847) 20. Read second time, 74. Wot proceeded in. Clarenceville Academy:-vide Education, 115. Clark, J ohn :—Wide Roads, 234, Clark, Mrs. :—vide Pensions, 11, Clarke, Harvey:-vide Aliens, 21. Clarke, Thomas:–Petition of Samuel Street, Executor to the Estate of the late Thomas Clarke, pray- ing to be allowed to make use of any Commission from the Court of Queen's Bench for the recovery of the said estates, (1842) 38. Bill to afford relief to the estate of the late Thos. Clarke; From the Council; Read, 98. Passed, 108. R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 28.) Classon, J . ...—Wide War of 1812, 1. Claus, J O & W. :—Vide Indians, 11, Clergy Reserves: 1. Resolutions, expressing satisfaction at the official announcement published on 24th March, 1846, relating to the terms of sale of Clergy Reserve Lots—regretting that it has been thought fit to arrest the progress of this arrangement, and to suspend the sale of the Reserves, and expressing a hope that the causes which led to such suspension may be speedily removed, (1846) 165. IProceedings of last Session read; Several Resolu- tions in regard to the suspension of sales of Clergy Lands, moved and negatived, (1847) 124. 3. Resolution proposed (as the first of a series), declaring that the Clergy Reserves have been for many years a source of intense dissatisfaction to the great majority of Her Majesty's subjects in U. Canada, (1850) 73. Amend- ments proposed and negatived, 76, 80, 82, 83, 84. Main motion agreed to, 84. Further Resolutions (of the series) proposed, and agreed to (several amendments being moved and negatived, Wide infra, 21, 22), 84 to 88, Committee appointed to draft an Address to Her Majesty thereon, 88. Wide Addresses, 6. 3. Petitions from various Episcopal Congregations, &c., in the Diocese of Toronto, praying that such a proportion of the Clergy Reserves may be assigned to the Church of England in the said Diocese, as may correspond with her share of the funds arising from the Reserves, viz. –(1844–5) Lord Bishop of Toronto, and others, 226, Church Society of the Diocese, 61.—Congregations at—Amherstburgh, 256. Ancaster and Dundas, 101, Barrie, 202. Bayham, 169. Brock, 101. Brockville, 166. Burford, 225. Bytown, 189. Caledon, 378, Carleton Place, 101. Carradoc, 189. Carrying Place, 125. Cavan, 14. Chatham, 226. Chinguacousey, 100, 324. Chippewa, 100, 145. Cobourg, 194. Colchester, 101. Cornwall, 61. Darlington and Clarke, 145. Devonshire Settlement, 145. Dunnville, 256. Fenelon Falls, 194. Fort Erie, 132. Fredericksburgh, 101. Galt, 225. Georgina, 225. Goderich, 145. Grimsby, 100. Guelph, 189. Hamilton, 101. Kempt- ville, 101. London (Town), 60. London (Township), 132. Louth, 132. Mahnetooahning Islands, 101. March and Huntly, 145. Mohawk Mission, 225. Nassagaweya, 101. Nelson and Trafalgar, 101. New- market, 225. Niagara (Town), 145. Orillia, 81. Osnabruck, 100. Ottawa District, 225. Oxford (Township), 125. Paris, 225. Perth, 202. Peterborough, 132. Port Hope, 194. Prescott, 166. Richmond, 101. St. Catharines, 125. St. Thomas, 132. Scarborough, 256. Smith's Falls, 101. Tecumseth and W. Gwil- limbury, 202, Thornhill, 101. Thorold, 169, 256. Tiny, 101, Toronto (Township), 100. Warwick and Adelaide, 145. Whitby, 225. Williamsburgh, 101. Wilmot, 101. Woodstock, 202. York (Township), 324. Petition of Church Society referred (and various other Petitions), 61. Wide Committees, 349-(1846) Church Society of Toronto, 16. Congregations at—Adelaide and Metcalfe, 176. Adolphustown and Frede- ricksburgh, 45. Amherstburg, 151. Ancaster, 70. Augusta, 15. Bertie, 37. Brockville, 59. Burford and Norwich, 190. Carleton Place, 93. Chatham, 150. Chinguacousey, 186. Chippewa, 151. Cobourg, CLERGY RESERVES-continued. 135 Clergy Reserves—continued. 15. Colborne and Grafton, 150. Colchester, 84. Cornwall, 50. Darlington and Clarke, 99. Dawn, 163. Delaware and Carradoc, 163. Dundas and W. Gwillimbury, 70. Dunn, 263. Emily, 84. Escott, 70. Fenelon and Verulam, 59. Grantham, 70. Hamilton (Town), 151. Hamilton (Township), 151. Howard, 15. Ingersoll and N. Oxford, 112. Kemptville, 54. Kingston, St. George's Church, 15. Kingston (Town- ship), 45. Kitley, 70. Lansdowne, 70. Leeds (County), 15. Leeds (Township), 54. London (Township), 282. Louth, 176. March and Huntley, 277. Markham and Vaughan, 150. Moore and Sombra, 99. Mulock, Rev. J., and others, 142. Nelson, 105. Newmarket, 163. Niagara, 54. Orillia, 54. Osnabruck, 93. Port Burwell, 15. Port Hope, 15. Richmond, 93. Ritchie, Rev. W., and others, 37. Saltfleet and Binbrook, 59. Sarnia and Plympton, 93. Scarboro’, 203. Shirley, Rev. P., and others, 158. Stratford, 54. Thorold, 59. Tiny and Tay, 79. Toronto (City), 54. Toronto (Township), 112. Trafalgar, 142. Tyendinaga, 158. Uxbridge and Brock, 70. Warwick, 163. Wellington District, 71. Wilmot, 93. Yonge, 54. Yonge and other townships, 54. Zorra, 59. Certain of foregoing Petitions referred, 17, 38, 41, 47, 50, 55, 62, 72, 79, 88, 95, 100, 106. Wide Committees, 352. 4. Petition of the Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, praying that a share of the Clergy Reserves may be vested in the said society, corresponding with their proportion of the income arising from the Reserves, (1844–5) 210, 264, 276. Petitions from various Episcopal Congregations in Lower Canada, in favor:-Abbotsford and Rougemont, 264. Brome, Sutton, and Stukely, 331. Bury, 252. Chambly, 281. Dunham, 367. Eaton, 252. Gaspé Bay, 354. Granby and Milton, 276. Grenville, 281. Hull, 303. Huntingdon, 243. Kingsey and Durham, 264. L'Acadie, 298. Lachine, 281, 323. Leeds, 341. Mascouche, 264. Montreal (Christ Church), 331–(St. George's Chapel), 313.−(Trinity Chapel), 264. New Carlisle and Paspebiac, 377. New Ireland and Inverness, 313. Ormstown, 276. Point Levi and New Liverpool, 276. Portneuf, 298. Quebec (St. Peter's Chapel), 276. Rawdon, 323. Rivière du Loup, 313. Rivière du Loup en bas, 276. Russeltown Flats, 327. St. Andrews, 313. St. Armand East, 276. St. Armand West, 323. St. George and St. Thomas, 341. St. John, 264. Shefford, 298. Sherbrooke and Lennoxville, 323. Shipton and Melbourne, 264. Three Rivers, 292. Tingwick, 298. William Henry, 226. Petition of Church Society, and various other Petitions, referred, 244, 250, 264, 276. Wide Committees, 349. (1846) Lord Bishop of Montreal, and others, 59. Anderson, Rev. R., and others, 233. Balfour, Rev. A., and others, 112. Bond, Rev. W., and others, 60. Borrowdale, J., and others, 70. Burrage, Rev. R. R., and others, 142. Davidson, H., and others, 94. Dawes, Rev. W., and others, 76. Flemming, Rev. C. B., and others, 59. Gaspé (Cape Cove), 4. Guerout, Rev. N., and others, 162. Hatley, 112. Jones, S., and others, 76. King, Rev. W., and others, 62. Knight, Rev. R., and others, 162. Lonsdell, Rev. R., and others, 16. McCord, J. S., and others, 105. Mait- land, J. J., and others, 112. Molson, T., and others, 59. Montreal (St. George's Chapel), 45. Morris, W., and others, 213. O'Hara, H., and others, 105. Plees, Rev. R. G., and others, 45. Pyke, Rev. J., and others, 112. Quebec (St. Peter's Chapel), 60. Somerville, R., and others, 162. Sutton, Rev. E. G., and others, 84. Taylor, J., and others, 70. Whitwell, Rev. R., and others, 186. Petition of Rev. E. G. Sutton and others referred, 88. Wide Committees, 352. 5. Petitions praying that the Clergy Reserves in U. and L. Canada may not be divided among the various denomina- tions, as petitioned for, but that they may be sold, as heretofore:–(1844–5) Ameliasburgh, 281. Barnston Corner, 323. Camden and Ernesttown, 234. Colborne District, 234. Dunwich, 281. Esquesing, 202. Flamboro’, East, 342. Flamboro’, West, 323. Glanford, 276. Hemmingford, 412. Hope and Clarke, 367. London District, 281. Missisquoi, 351,424. Nassagaweya, 298. Nelson, 177. Richmond, 293. St. Tho- mas, 252. Sophiasburgh, 327. Southwold, 256, 281. Sparta, 313. Trafalgar, 195. Westminster, 313. Yarmouth, 323. Some of the Petitions referred, 211, 250, 288, 331. Members added, 274. Report, 427. Printed, 428.-(1846) Barnston, 191, 203. Beverley, 71. Blenheim, 71. Brantford, Baptists of 277. Breadalbane, 151. Brock District Council, 282. Canada Baptist Union, 94. Chinguacousey, 112. Dereham, 71. Dunham, 163. Esquesing, 37. Flamboro’, West, 60. Granby, 158. Gwillimbury, East, 112. Halton, 50, 55, 70. Inverness, Independents of 291. King, 263. King and adjacent parts, 263. Kingston, Baptists of 203. Lobo, Baptists of 163. London, Baptists of 163. Markham, 112. Melbourne, 208. Montreal, Ministerial Association of 76. Mountain, 186. Nassagaweya, 84. Nissouri, 71. Ottawa Baptist Association, 98. Oxford, East, 71. Oxford and other townships, 176. Pickering, 94, 263. Puslinch, 71. Rainham, 163. Roxton, 203. Russell, 16. Sarnia, 233. Scarboro', 94, 142. Shefford, 163, 213. Sutton, 150. Townsend, 45. Trafalgar, 37. Uxbridge, 99. Walpole, 45. Warwick, 37. Whitby, 112. Whitchurch, 112, 113. Woodhouse, 176. Zorra, East, 71. Some of the above Petitions referred, 33, 41, 50, 72, 79, 95, 99, 105, 118, 143, 151, 162, 176. Report; Printed, 177. 6. Petitions praying for appropriation of the Reserves to the purposes of general education:—(1846) Barnston, 203. Beverley, 71. Brantford, Baptists of 277. Chinguacousey, 112. Flamboro’, West, 60. King, 268. Mark- ham, 112. Paris, 176. Pickering, 142, 163, 263. Scarboro, 94, 142. Uxbridge, 99. Warwick, 37. Whitby, 112. Whitchurch, 112, 113.−(1849) Canada Baptist Union, 39. Clarence, 96. Grantham, 113. Simcoe District Council, 113. 7. Petitions for adoption of measures for obtaining the repeal of the Imperial Act relating to the Reserves, and for the application of the fund to educational or general purposes:–(1849) Chinguacousey, 169. Colchester, 84. 136 CLERGY RESERVES-continued. Clergy Reserves—continued. Dereham, 138. Dorchester, 96. Dumfries, &c., 199. Dummer and Douro, 39. Gwillimbury, 89. Yarmouth, 67. Zone, 216. Zorra, 89. Motion to refer Petition from Chinguacousey, superseded by Previous Question, 174. (1850) Ancaster Municipality, 40. Baptist Churches of Grand River Association, 89. Bentick Municipality, 13. Blenheim, 108. Brantford Municipality, 36. Brantford Town Council, 40. Brock, Reach, and Whitby, 70. Cayuga, N., Municipality, 81. Dumfries, 89. Dummer and Douro, 70. Eramosa, 89. Eramosa Municipality, 13. Erin do., 12. Galt do., 29. Glenelg do., 12. Gower, Oxford, and Mountain, 81. Guelph Municipality, 13. Gwillimbury, E., 108. Haldimand, 50. Haldimand Municipal Council, 12. Humberstone Municipality, 89. Louth, 74. Mara, 37. Nassagaweya, 64. Oxford Municipal Council, 70. Pelham, 46. Pelham Municipality, 73. Peterboro’ Municipal Council, 117. Plympton Municipality, 27. Presbyterian Synod of Canada, 74. Puslinch Municipality, 59. Rainham do., 12. Sarnia do., 64. Stamford, 59. Sullivan Municipality, 53. Wainfleet do., 73. Warwick do., 89. Waterloo Municipal Council, 13. Waterloo Municipality, 12. Wentworth and Halton Municipal Council, 13. Wesleyan (New Connexion) Conference, 89. Whitchurch Municipality, 28. Woolwich do., 13. Yarmouth, 35. (1851) Baptists, Grand River Association, 320. Chippewa, 110. Crowland Municipality, 134. Guelph do., 78. McKinnon, M., 52: Motion to refer Petition negatived, 82. Middlesex Municipal Council, 17. Oxford do., 163. Pelham Municipality, 150. Walpole and Rainham, 110. Willoughby Municipality, 110. 8. Petitions against any further legislation on the subject of the Clergy Reserves that would interfere with the vested 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. rights of the Clergy of the various denominations:—(1851) Lord Bishop of Toronto, on behalf of the Conference of the Episcopal Church assembled at Toronto, 61. Adelaide, 111. Amherstburg (2), 111. Ancaster, 119. Bellamy, 111. Beverly, &c., 111. Bradford, &c., 165. Brock, 165. Brockville, 165, 299. Butritt's Rapids, 111. Bytown, 152. Carleton, 119. Chippewa, &c., 111. Cornwall, 111. Dorchester, &c., 111. Drum- mondville, 111. Dundas, 111. Elmsley, South, 119. Galt, 111. Georgina, &c., 111. Grafton, 111. Grimsby, &c., 111. Huron, 119. Kent, 119. Kitley, 299. Lansdowne, 119. Leeds, 111, 165. L'Orignal, &c., 111. Merrickville, 299. Metcalfe, 111. Milford, &c., 119. Mohawks of Bay Quinté, 111. Mono, 299. Montague, 119. Napanee, 299. Nassagaweya, 111. Nelson and Trafalgar, 299. Newborough, &c., 299. Newmarket, &c., 299. Norval, &c., 111. Norwich and Dereham, 111. Ops and Emily, 111. Osnabruck, 119. Oxford (Township), 111. Penetanguishene, 111. Pickering, 299. Port Robinson, 111. Port Stanley, 119. Prescott, 111, 165. St. Catharines, 111. Saltfleet, &c., 131. Sandwich, 299. Seymour, 111. Smith's Falls, 111. Tullamore, 111. Vaughan, 111. Westminster, &c., 111. Whitby, &c., III. Yonge, 119. . Petition of the Lord Bishop of Quebec, on behalf of the Episcopal Clergy and Lay Delegates of that Diocese, pray- ing that the Reserves may not be alienated from their original purpose, (1851) 193. Detitions for an early settlement of the Clergy Reserves question, (1851) Guelph Municipality, 40. Waterloo Municipal Council, 104. Petition of occupants of Clergy Reserve lots in Esquesing, praying that in any legislative enactments on the Clergy Reserves, their rights may be protected, (1844–5) 202. Wide also Rinch. Petition of occupants of Clergy Reserve lots, praying that the same may be sold to them at a valuation, (1844–5) Esquesing, 166. (1846) Zorra, 142. (1849) McKinnon, M., 112. - Petitions from occupiers of Clergy Reserve lots, to be relieved from the payment of interest and rents in arrear, (1846) Hatley, 162. Stanstead, 59. Both referred, 163, 164. Wo Report. (1850) Kildare, 13. Petition from occupants of do. in Maryborough, complaining that an unfair valuation has been put upon the Clergy lots on which they have settled, and praying for an investigation, (1850) 13. Petition from Western District, praying that the sale of the Clergy Reserves under the recent instructions may be suspended until the decision of the Legislature has been taken thereon, (1847) 70. Petition of J. Douglas, for an inquiry into the right by which the Rector of Toronto Township claims and receives rent on a certain Clergy Reserve lot, and praying to be allowed to purchase the same, (1847) 19. Again, (1848) 58.-(1850) 158. - Petition of Simcoe Municipal Council, for authority to County Councils to levy a tax on Clergy Reserve lands when sold, (1851) 162. Several Resolutions in regard to the suspension of sales of Clergy Lands, proposed and negatived, (1847) 124. Motion, to appoint a Select Committee to prepare a Bill to provide for disposing of the proceeds of the Clergy Reserves for the promotion of education, Negatived, (1850) 80, 83. Motion, that it is inexpedient to disturb existing endowments, and that that portion of the Clergy Reserve Fund at the disposal of the Government be apportioned among the different sects heretofore unprovided for, Negatived, (1850) 83. Motion, for an Address to Her Majesty, to recommend to Parliament the repeal of Imp. Act 3 & 4 Wic., c. 78, relative to the Reserves, having due regard to vested rights, Negatived, (1850) 84. OLERGY RESERVES CLERK. I37 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 10. Clergy Reserves—continued. Motion for an Address to Her Majesty for the repeal of the said Act, and that the appropriation of the Reserves be left in the hands of the Provincial Legislature, Negatived, (1850) 84–Again, 87. Motion (in amendment to an Address), that the most satisfactory mode of conveying to the Imperial Government the wishes of the Legislature respecting the Clergy Reserves, would be, to pass an Act containing all the pro- visions intended to be adopted, with a clause suspending its operation until it has received the sanction of the Imperial Parliament, Negatived, (1851) 105. Motion, that it is inexpedient to disturb existing appropriations, but that one half of the annual fund be apportioned among the Christian Bodies heretofore unprovided for, Negatived, (1851) 128. Motion for an Address to Her Majesty, praying that the existing arrangement relative to the Reserves may be allowed to remain undisturbed, Negatived, (1851) 129. Motion, that inasmuch as the Reserves have already been diverted from the purpose for which they were originally granted, it is desirable to divert them from all ecclesiastical purposes, and apply them to a general system of education, Negatived, (1851) 129. Wide Accounts, 87–97, 251. Addresses, 5–7, 112–122, 254,441; 604,605. Committees, 349—353, 412,486. Governor General, 31–33. McKinnon. Rinch. Clergymen:—vide Elections, 17, 18, 80, 81. Clerks of Assize :—Bill to regulate the office of Clerks of Assize in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 46. Referred, 170. Reported, with amendments, 182. Amended in Committee, 339. Ryder added, for continuing W. A. Campbell in office as Clerk of Assize at Toronto, and regulating his emoluments, 347. Another Ryder added; Bill passed (as an Act to require the Deputy Clerks of the Crown in Upper Canada to perform the duties of Clerks of Assize in their respective counties), 348. R. A., 360, (14 & 15 Vic, c. 118.) Wide Accounts, 432. Addresses, 407. Clerk of the Crown and Pleas : Petition of W. H. Coxwell, for an increase of salary as Clerk in the office of the Clerk of the Crown and Pleas, (1850) 260. Wide Accounts, 98–101. Addresses, 123—125, 129. Supply, 44. Clerk of the Crown in Chancery: . Resolution allowing fees to him and the Clerk of the House for taxing the costs in controverted elections when the petition or the defence may be declared frivolous and vexatious, (1841) 301. . His certificates of the election of members returned upon new writs, (1841) 103–(1842) 94.—(1843) 1–(1844–5) 175.-(1846) 1–(1847) 142.-(1849) 248, &c. . To appear at the Bar, with Election Returns, (1841) 18:-(1843) 4.—(1848) 28, &c. . To attend and amend Returns, (1841) 387–(1842) 38.—(1844–5) 359–(1847) a clerical error, 3.−(1848) 10. —(1849) 72. . To furnish poll books (or certified copies thereof) and other papers to Election Committees or Commissioners, (1841) 161.—(1844–5) 145-(1849) 120. . To furnish a Statement concerning certain elections then pending, shewing the dates of the respective warrants, and of the writs, and when returnable, &c., (1844–5) 208.-Attends and presents the Statement, 216. Attends again, to correct an error therein, 236. - . To lay on the table the warrants relating to the writ issued for Simcoe; Lays the same on the table, (1847) 2. Examined respecting the same, 115, Examined respecting any certificates, warrants, &c., touching the representation of Hamilton, (1847) 5–Respect- ing the issuing of a writ for Simcoe, 115. •º . Obtains leave of absence, and permission to appoint a deputy, (1850) 21. Petition of F. Fortier, Clerk of Crown in Chancery, for an increase of salary, or indemnity for the loss of fees, (1844–5) 46. Wide Supply, 36. 138 CTERK OF THE HOUSE. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. | 5. 16. I7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Clerk of the House: . Resolution allowing fees to him and to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery for taxing the costs in controverted elections when the petition or the defence is declared frivolous and vexatious, (1841) 301. . Resolution, that he be held responsible for the safe keeping of all the Records of the House,_and have the direction and control over all the clerks and servants employed in the office, subject to the orders of the Speaker and the House, (1841) 510. . Resolution allowing him one per cent. On all payments made on account of the contingencies, (1841) 631. (Virtually repealed by the Resolution of 1846, p. 382.) . Resolution, that Mr. Speaker do direct one of the Clerks in the office to remain in Toronto (after removal of the Government to Quebec), to keep an office, with fyles of the Journals, Statutes, &c., and to attend to the distribution of the Journals throughout Upper Canada, (1851) 356. - . Letter from the Clerk to the Speaker, desiring permission to appoint W. P. Patrick, Esq., as his deputy during the recess, (1841) 613. Appointment approved of by the House, 614. . To subscribe for the different newspapers published in the Province, (1841) 22–The Mirror of Parliament, 134. Continuation of periodical works for the Library, (1841) 47,-(1849) 228. (1849) 175. American newspapers, . To make an Index to the Journals of each Session (31st Rule), (1841) 42. . To appoint an Assistant Clerk, (1841) 50. He appoints G.B. Faribault, Esq.; House eoneurs in the appointment, 59. . To refund Fees on Private Bills, (1841) 272-(1849) 212. Wide also Bills, Private, 45. To cause General Indices to be made to the Journals of the late Assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada, (1841) 524. Wide Journals, 13. To cause a general statement of the business of the Session to be made, and printed for the use of Members, (1841) 553.−(1842) 126. To cause lists of Standing and Select Committees to be put in some conspicuous place in the House, as they are appointed from time to time, (1841) 78. To certify the several readings of a Bill on the back thereof (54th Rule), (1841) 44.—The passing thereof at the foot of the Bill (56th Rule), 44. To announce in the public newspapers, before each Session, and in the Lobby and Committee Rooms, the days on which the time limited for receiving Private Bills, Petitions therefor, and Reports on Private Bills (under Rules 60 to 62) will expire (63rd Rule), (1841) 46. To have the charge of the library, to keep catalogues of the books, &c., therein-to report every Session on the state of the library, and to import annually the continuation of the periodical works therein (Rules 84, 87, and 88), (1841) 47. Rescinded, and other Rules substituted, (1849) 228. Wide Orders, 69–73. To lay before the House, every Session, a table of Imports and Exports for the last year; and also for the last seven years (101st Rule), (1841) 48. To direct the printers to mark on the back of each paper printed, the number of sheets contained therein, (1843) 47. To prepare a Statement of the officers and servants in the employ of the House, their length of service, and the amount of salary it is expedient to allow to each for the future, (1844–5) 293. Presented, 324. To tax the costs of Jas. Durand, Esq., Petitioner in the West Halton controverted election, consequent on the proceedings of the Commissioners, decided by the Committee to be nugatory, and to pay the same (not exceeding £200) from the contingencies, (1846) 215. To procure copies of Hawkins' Plan of the Naval and Military operations before Quebee in 1759, (I 846) 336– (1850) Irving's Index to the Statutes, 110–Keefer's Prize Essay on the Canals of Canada, 268. To transmit a complete set of the Journals, since the Union, to the Montreal Board of Trade, (1846) 339. To write to Mr. Partridge, Portrait Painter to Her Majesty, requesting him to forward the likeness of Her Majesty painted for the House, (1848) 80. To procure a list of the Electoral Divisions of the Province, (1849) 160. Presented, 177. To lay on the table a Return of payments to witnesses during the present Session, (1849) 178. Presented, 185. Printed, 201. -- ^. To prepare a Statement of all payments made by him for contingencies and otherwise, since the commencement of the Session, (1851) 184. Laid on the table, 189. Wide Legislative Assembly, 87–94, 148, 149, 196. Orders, 32–41. OTERKS–COBOURG. 139 § . Petition of Board of Police, for amendments to Act of Incorporation, (1842) 58. Clerks of the Peace :—Wide Accounts, 102. Addresses, 126. Committees, 358. County Officers. Members, 49. Sheriffs. Cleveland, W. :—vide War of 1812, 1. Clinton:—vide Surveys, 27. Clitheroe, Major General:—vide Speeches, 2. Cloth:-vide Customs, 39. Cloutier, Abraham :—Petition ef, for payment of arrears of salary as late messenger in the Crown Lands Office, (1844–5) 15. Coal and Iron Mines :—-Motion, for an Address praying that an examination may be made of the land belonging to Julien Bouchard, at Baie St. Paul, to ascertain whether the coal and iron found thereon exists in sufficient quantities to justify the expense of mining operations, Negatived, (1849) 69. Coates, Wm. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 124. Coates, W. J . ...—Wide Legislative Assembly, 139. Cobban, Rober t :—Petition of, for indemnification for loss in repairing a road, for inquiry into the delay of justice in his case,_and for an Act to compel non-resident proprietors to perform settlement duties, (1847) 23. Another Petition, for remuneration for his services as Chairman and Returning Officer for the Township of Inverness in 1841, (1850) 36. Cobourg: . Petition for an extension of the limits thereof, (1842) 58. Another Petition, (1844–5) 24. Referred, 88. (Wo Report.) Petition of A. A. Burnham and others, praying that the limits may not be altered so as to include their property, 100. Referred, 101. Wo Report.—Bill to amend the Act of Incor- poration; Presented, 364. Not proceeded in. Petition for amendments, (1846) 4. Bill presented, 120. Referred, 189. Reported, with amendments, 213. Amended in Committee, 291. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 330. Considered, and agreed to, 334. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 71.) Petitions for further amendments, (1847) 84, 100. Referred, 85. Wo Report. Cobourg and Grafton Road Co.:-vide Roads, 88–85. Cobourg and Port Hope Road Co.:-vide Roads, 86. Cobourg and Rice Lake Road and Ferry Co.:-vide Railroads, 28. Roads, 290. Cobourg Harbour:-vide Harbours, 2–4, Cobourg Manufacturing Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, for the manufacture of paper, (1846) 70. Referred, 84. Report, 100. Bill presented, 135. Referred, 181. Reported, 209. Amended in Committee, 243. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 267. Considered, and agreed to, 276. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 78.) Cobourg Mechanics' Institute:–vide Supply, 161. Cobour9. Railroad Co. ...—Wide Railroads, 28. 140 COCHU –COMMISSARY. Cochu, F. X. 2–Wide Wotaries, 20. Coffee :-vide Customs, 34. Coins:—vide Currency. Coining:—vide Arson. Colborne District:—Petition for repeal of the Act depriving that district of Spring Assizes, (1848) 62. Wide Committees, 596. Courts, 10. Colborne Harbour:—vide Harbours, 5. Cole, John :—vide Pensions, 12. Cole, S. S. :—vide Harbours, 5. Collectors :—Wide Accounts, 235. Addresses, 237—240, Assessments, 16, 19. Customs, 21, 60–62, 66, 68. Elections, 135. Supply, 450. Collier, Richard:—vide Aliens 22. Colonial Policy *—Wide Accounts, 105. Colonization, System of :—Wide Accounts, 166. Committees, 383. Settlement of the Province. Colour, Persons of: 1. Petition of Western District Council, praying that the Presbyterian Synod may not have a Charter granted them to colonize a certain part of that district with persons of colour, (1849) 138. 2. Petition of S. Connor and others, for an Act of Incorporation as the Elgin Association for the social and moral improvement of the coloured population of Canada, (1850) 37. Petitions in favor –Kent, 170. Niagara, 127. Toronto, 120. Petitions against:-Chatham, 77, 127. Raleigh, 69. Bill presented, 110. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 144.) 3. Petitions for adoption of measures for preventing negro colonization in the Western District, (1850) Chatham (Town), 77. Chatham Municipality, 127. Lachlin, R., 69: Printed; Referred, 108. Report, 220,— (1851) Chatham, 82. 4. Petition from coloured population of London, praying that the performance of “Ethiopian Minstrels” and other caricatures of their class may be prohibited, (1851) 101. Comins, J. H. :-vide War of 1812, 1. Commerce :-vide Trade. Commercial Associations, Actions against :—vº an it. Commercial Bank:-vide Bank, 12–14. Commissariat Supplies :—Wide Accounts, 313, 314. Addresses, 307. Committees, 86, 375. Commissary General, Re-payments to:—vide Accounts, 70. COMMISSIONS.–COMMITTEES. 14] Commissions (election cases):—vide Elections, 118–115, 185–188, 192, 198. Commissions of Inquiry 2–Wide Addresses, 140, 141, 188, 446, 473, 501. Supply, 168–175. Commissions Rogatoires :—-Bill to amend the law of Lower Canada as regards Commissions Rogatoires; Presented, (1850) 210. Not proceeded in. Commissioners' Courts:—vide Courts, 88–92. (Iommitteeg. I. Committees of the Whole House appointed to consider various matters; 1–325. II. Select Committees appointed; 326—548. 1. To consider various matters, 326. 2. To inspect Journals of Legislative Council, 546. III. Joint Committees of both Houses appointed; 549–553. TV. Orders and Resolutions; 554–561. W. Incidental Proceedings; 562–593. 1. Relative to Committees of the Whole House, 562. 2. Relative to Select Committees, 569. VI. Questions Negatived or Superseded; 594—641. 1. For appointing Committees of the Whole House, 594. 2. For appointing Select Committees, 609. 3. Other Questions Negatived, 629. I. Committees of the Whole House appointed to consider various - matters, relative to— Agricultural Produce :-Wide infra, 69, 72–75. Agricultural Societies: 1. Report of Select Committee on amending the laws relative to the encouragement of agriculture in Lower Canada, (1844–5)257. Report a Resolution for a more ample provision for the support of Agricultural Societies; Bill presented, 272. Wide Agricultural Societies (L. C.), 1. 2. To consider of amending and continuing the Act for encouragement of Agricultural Societies in Upper Canada, (1844–5) 285. Report a Resolution, that it is expedient to amend and continue the said Act, and to grant a sum of money for the encouragement of such societies in the several districts; House resolves to go into committee to consider of granting an aid therefor, 291. Report a Resolution granting £250 for each district; Committee appointed to draft Bill, 328. Bill presented, 337. Wide Agricultural Societies (U. C.), 3. 142 COMMITTEES.–continued. I. —l Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Agricultural Societies—continued. - . To consider of granting an aid to Agricultural Societies in Lower Canada, (1844–5) 306. Report Resolutions, granting £150 for each county, and £500 for each of the Districts of Montreal, Three Rivers, and Quebec; Bill presented, 308. Wide Agricultural Societies (L. C.), 2. . To consider of amending the Act of last Session for the encouragement of Agricultural Societies in Lower Canada, (1846) 52. Report two Resolutions; Motion to refer the same to Committee on Petition of Two Mountains Agricultural Society for amendments to the said Act, negatived; Bill presented, 57. Wide Agricultural Societies (L. C.), 3. º Agriculture :—To consider of amending 6 Will. IV, c. 56, for the remedy of abuses prejudicial to agriculture in Lower Canada, (1842) 14. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 37. Wide Rivers and Rivulets, 1. . Ashes:–To consider of amending the law in relation to the inspection of pot and pearl ashes, and of conferring on the Mayors of cities and towns, and the Wardens of other places, the authority to appoint Inspectors; Resolution reported; Bill ordered, (1842) 22. Wide Ashes, 2. Wide infra, 142. . Assessments;––To consider of amending the Assessment Laws of Upper Canada, (1846) 35. Report a Reso- lution; Bill presented, 40. Wide Assessments, 2. - Asylums :—Wide infra, 594, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. Baldwin, Hon. R. :—Wide infra, 595. . Banks:—To consider of relieving the chartered Banks from the Duty imposed on their circulation by 4 & 5 Vic, c. 29, on certain conditions, (1851) 209, Report a Resolution, 211. Bill presented, 216. Wide Banks, 4. Wide infra, 64, 222. o Bankrupts :—To consider of repealing the Ordinance concerning Bankrupts in Lower Canada, and of passing a law applicable to the whole Province; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1842) 57. Wide Bankrupts, 1. Beer Shops:—Wide infra, 301–304. Bridges :—To consider of repealing parts of certain Acts authorizing certain persons to erect bridges over the River des Prairies; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1849) 317. Wide Bridges, 79. Boundary Line Commissioners (U. C.) : To consider of amending the laws relative to Boundary Line Commissioners in Canada West, (1841) 229. Reso- lution reported, and Bill presented, 288. Wide Surveys, 1. To consider of repealing the laws establishing Boards of Boundary Line Commissioners in Upper Canada, (1841) 463. Wot considered. To consider of continuing and amending the Act establishing the said Boards, (1842) 10. Considered, and no Report made, 34. To consider of reviving and continuing so much of the Act establishing the said Boards, as will enable the Com- missioners appointed under the same to obtain a settlement of their costs and expenses, (1843) 31. Petitions from certain Commissioners, for the same, referred, 31, 33. Considered; Report progress; Motion for leave to sit again, negatived, 35. Brockville : 5. To consider of amending the Assessment Laws of Upper Canada, and the Act 2 Will. IV, c. 17, in so far as the Same relate to the collection of rates and assessments in the said town, (1844–5) 364. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 369. Wide Brockville, 1. - To consider of amending the Act establishing a Board of Police therein, and the Acts relating to assessments and statute labor, so far as they affect the said town, (1846) 96. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 103. Wide Brockville, 2. COMMITTEES.–com/?nºſed. 143 T. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. 17. Canboro’ and Simcoe Road:—To consider of reviving and amending an Act of Upper Canada imposing a tax on lands adjoining the said road; Report a Resolution, (1844–5) 227. Re-committed, 233. Considered, and no Report made, 246. Wide infra, 309, 311. Carrying Trade: Census: 18. To consider of providing for taking a periodical Census of the Province, and obtaining other statistical information, (1841) 190. Resolution reported, and Bill presented, 214. Wide Census, 1. 19. To consider of amending the Census Acts, (1851) 81. Report a series of Resolutions; Committee appointed to draft a Bill thereon, 87. Wide Census, 7. Chancery –Vide infra, 43–46. Churches and Parishes: 20. To consider of repealing the laws of Lower Canada for the construction and repairing of churches and dependen- cies thereof, and also for the erection and division of parishes in Lower Canada, and of substituting new provisions in lieu thereof, (1843) 132. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 137. Wide Parishes, 1. 21. To consider of repealing the laws in force in Lower Canada relating to the building of churches, presbyteries, and their dependencies, and of making other provisions on the same subject; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1849) 87. Wide Parishes, 3. 22. Church of England :—To consider of amending the Act of Upper Canada providing for the management of the temporalities of the Church of England therein, (1843) 12. Considered, and no Report made, 21. Civil List : 28. To consider of an Address to Her Majesty, praying her assent to the Civil List Bill passed last session; Report an Address, (1847) 80. Wide Addresses, 4. 24. To consider of amending the Civil List Act (9 Wic., c. 114) and the Acts 12 Vic, c. 63 & 64, with a view to the reduction of certain items in the Schedule to the first mentioned Act, also to provide for the salaries of the Speakers of the two Houses of the Legislature, (1851) 91. Message with Despatches relative to reductions in the Civil List, referred, 112. Report seven Resolutions; Several amendments proposed and negatived, and Resolutions agreed to, 313. (Wide Civil List, 6.) Bills presented, 316. Wide Civil List, 2, 3. 25. Clerk’s Office:—First Report of Committee on the Clerk's Office, and the officers and departments required therein, (1841) 118. Report 17 Resolutions, nominating the permanent officers of the House, &c.; Agreed to, 204. (Wide Legislative Assembly, 118–124.) Report an Address, for pensions to certain officers, &c., 274. Wide Addresses, 344.—Second Report of said Committee, 271. Report three Resolutions; Agreed to, 513. Wide Legislative Assembly, 125–127. Cobourg Railroad Co.: 26. To consider of reviving and amending the Act of Upper Canada incorporating the said Company, (1846) 65. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 74. Wide Railroads, 28. 27. To consider of amending the Act reviving the said Company by the name of the Cobourg and Rice Lake Plank Road and Ferry Company, (1847) 49. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 60. Wide Roads, 290. Colleges:–Vide infra, 160. Commissioners' Courts:–Vide infra, 57, 58. 28. Committee Rooms :—Report of Select Committee appointed to inquire what further accommodation can be procured (if necessary) for Select Committees, in the vicinity of the House, (1843) 28. Report a Resolution granting £75 to defray the expense thereof; Agreed to, 35. 144 - COMMITTEES.–continued. I. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Contingencies: First Report of Select Committee on the Contingent Expenses of the House, (1 841) 189. Resolution reported and agreed to, 209. Wide Legislative Assembly, 136. Second Report of said Committee, 270. Four Resolu- tions reported, and agreed to, 280. Wide L. Assembly, 137–140. Third Report of Committee, 546. Seven Resolutions reported; 5th (£894 18s. 11d. to E. Parent, as Law Clerk, &c.) amended by reducing the amount to £773 4s. 130 ; Resolutions agreed to, 595. Wide L. Assembly, 141–147. Fourth Report of Committee, 629. Ten Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 681. Wide Addresses, 130. Legislative Assembly, 148–158. To consider of providing for the balance of the contingent expenses of the last Session of the Legislature of Upper Canada, (1841) 524. Resolution reported, and Bill presented, 624. Wide Legislative Assembly, 133. First Report of Committee on Contingencies, (1842) 41. Report a Resolution for an Address, 60. (Wide Addresses, 130.) Second Report, 102. Report on Petition of officers of Assembly of Lower Canada, for allowance of the moiety of their salaries withheld during the suspension of the Constitution, referred, 107. Instruction, to consider of granting to the Sergeant-at-Arms an addition to his salary, 113. Report three Resolutions; Agreed to, 122. Wide Legislative Assembly, 164–167. First Report of Committee, &c., (1843) 44. Report two Resolutions for Addresses, 62. (Wide Addresses, 130.) Third Report, 84. Report a Resolution, concurring in Report, 152. Fourth Report, 107. Nine Resolutions reported; (One amended); Agreed to, 179. Wide Legislative Assembly, 170–178. Fifth Report, 183. Report a Resolution for an Address, 186. Wide Addresses, 130. Sixth Report, 189. Report three Resolutions, 205. Wide Legislative Assembly, 179–181. First Repôrt of Committee, &c., (1844–5) 57. Report a Resolution for an Address, 85. Wide Addresses, 130. Third Report, 257. Report 6 Resolutions, 295. Wide Legislative Assembly, 185–191. Fourth Report; Report a Resolution for an Address, 339. Vide Addresses, 130. Fifth Report; Report 13 Resolutions, 426. Wide Addresses, 130. Legislative Assembly, 192—204. First Report of Committee, &c., (1846) 80. Report Resolution for an Address, 104. Wide Addresses, 130. Third Report, 252. Report Resolution for an Address, 291. Wide ib. Fourth Report, 301. Fifth Report referred; Also, Report on salaries of officers of the House, 320. Report 9 Resolutions, 332. Wide Addresses, 130. Leyislative Assembly, 207—215. . Second Report of Committee, &c.; Report an Address, (1847) 212. Wide Addresses, 130. . Fifth Report of Committee, &c., (1849) 270. Report a Resolution, concurring in Report, 290. . Second Report of Committee, &c., (1850) 153. First and Fourth Reports referred, 174, 272. Motion, for an instruction to consider of providing compensation for the losses (at the burning of the Parliament House) mentioned in the 2nd Report, negatived, 272. Report Resolutions, for amending the 4th Report, and con- curring in that and the 1st Report; Agreed to, 273. Wide Legislative Assembly, 231––234. --- Second Report of Committee, &c., (1851) 313. Report 4 Resolutions (for an Address, &c., and for amending the Report); Motions, for re-committing the Report, and for putting the question of concurrence separately upon each paragraph of the Report, severally negatived, and Resolutions agreed to, 356. Wide Addresses, 130. Legislative Assembly, 238–241. º Copyright: To consider of repealing 2 Will. IV, c. 53 for the protection of copyrights in Lower Canada, and of making new enactments for the Province of Canada, (1841) 386. Resolution for repealing Act, reported and agreed to ; Referred to Select Committee on Copyright Bill for Upper Canada, 446. Wide Copyright, 1. To consider of addressing Her Majesty respecting the Imperial Duties payable on the importation into this Province of useful works not issuing from the British Press, (1843) 85. Report five Resolutions; Address to Her Majesty ordered thereon, 112. Wide Addresses, 15, To consider of imposing a Duty of 20 per cent. ad valorem on foreign re-prints of British copyright works, (1850) 165. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 172. Wide Copyright, 4. Coteau du Lac –To consider of amending the Act of Lower Canada 6 Will. IV, c. 24, so far as it requires vessels from Upper to Lower Canada to report at Coteau du Lac ; Petition of Montreal Board of Trade, for the same, referred, (1842) 97. Considered, 111. Wo Report. COMMITTEES.–continued. 145 I. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Courts: (Chancery): To consider of repealing the laws relating to the Court of Chancery in Upper Canada, and of extending further equitable jurisdiction to the Court of Queen's Bench: Considered, and no Report made, (1844–5) 279. To consider of abolishing the said Court, and other matters connected therewith ; Considered, and no Report made, (1846) 267. To consider of increasing the salary of the Reporter to the Court of Chancery; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1849) 348. Wide Courts, 21. To consider of providing out of the Consolidated Fund for the salary of a Clerk in the office of the Master of the High Court of Chancery in Upper Canada, (1850) 178. Report a Resolution; Agreed to, 185. Referred to the Committee of the whole on the Bill for the more effectual administration of justice in the said Court, with an instruction to insert a clause in conformity therewith, 198. Wide Courts, 23. Wide infra, 147. (County or District Courts, U. C.) : On the District Court Law of Upper Canada, so far as relates to the payment of the Judges and Clerks, (1841) 240. Resolution reported, and agreed to, 267. Bill presented, 271. Wide Courts, 31. - To consider of amending the laws regulating the said Courts; Resolution reported, and Bill presented, (1841) 586. Wide Courts, 32. To consider of amending and consolidating the laws relating to District Courts, (1842) 57. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 58. Wide Courts, 33. To consider of amending the Schedule to the Act of last Session consolidating and amending the laws relative to District Courts, (1846) 14. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 43. Wide Courts, 36. To consider certain proposed Resolutions respecting the increase of the jurisdiction of the said Courts; Considered, and no Report made, (1847) 63. - (Quarter Sessions, L. C.) :—To consider of providing out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the payment of salaries to the Presidents of the Courts of Sessions of the Peace for the Districts of Three Rivers and St. Francis, respectively, (1850) 216. Report a Resolution; Agreed to ; Referred to Committee of the whole on the Quarter Sessions Bill, 223. Wide Courts, 48. (Quarter Sessions, TJ. C.) :—To consider of amending the laws fixing the periods of holding the said Courts in Upper Canada; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1843) 31. Wide Courts, 49. Wide infra, 92. (Queen's Bench, Montreal) :—To consider of continuing the Ordinance for facilitating the despatch of business before the said Court; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1842) 112. Wide Courts, 52. Also infra, 57. (Recorders' Courts) :—To consider of providing for defraying certain expenses of the administration of justice in the Recorders' Courts in Upper Canada, (1851) 264. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 272, Wide Courts, 62. (Small Debts Courts, L. C.): To consider of repealing the Ordinance providing for the administration of justice in civil causes and small debts, (1841) 471. Instruction, to consider of extending the power of His Excellency to bring into force the Ord. 4 Vic, c. 26, for facilitating the despatch of business before the Court of King's Bench for Montreal,—and the Ord. 4 Vic, c. 45, for establishing new territorial divisions in Lower Canada and providing for the more efficient administration of justice; Considered, 489. Three Resolutions (in accordance with original appoint- ment, and with the instruction), reported and agreed to, 490. Wide Courts, 63. Territorial Divisions, 8. To consider of allowing to Advocates and Attorneys practising before Commissioners' Courts in Quebec, Montreal and Three Rivers, the same fees as are allowed by the Judicature Act 7 Vic, c. 16, in actions of the third class brought at the Inferior Terms and Circuit Courts; Considered, and no Report made, (1846) 171. T 146 COMMITTEES.–continued. I. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. '70. 71. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Courts—continued. (Small Debts Courts, U. C.) : To consider the state of the law relative to the Courts of Requests, (1841) 100. Resolution, That it is expedient to amend the practice of those Courts, to render unnecessary the employment of so large a number of persons as Commissioners, and to substitute salaries for fees; Bill presented, 137. Wide Courts, 78. To consider of amending the Act of last Session providing for the recovery of small debts; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1842) 120. Wide Courts, 79. To consider of providing for renumerating the Recorders of cities for holding the Division Court for that division of the county within the limits of which their respective cities shall be situate, (1851) 161. Report a Reso- lution, to provide therefor out of the County Fee Fund and the Consolidated Revenue; Agreed to, 169. Referred to Committee of whole on the Upper Canada Municipalities Bill, with an instruction to insert a clause in accordance therewith, 217. Wide Municipalities (U. C.), 9. Wide infra, 596. Court Houses:–Wide infra, 121—125. Criminal Law : To consider of amending the four Acts passed last Session in relation to the Criminal Law, in so far as relates to the time for which prisoners may be imprisoned in the Penitentiary; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1842) 29. Wide Criminal Law, 6. To consider of subscribing for copies of a work on the Criminal Laws of Canada, by Mr. Jacques Crémazie, now in course of publication, (1842) 36. Report a Resolution, That it is expedient to encourage the publication of the said work; Concurred in, 56. Wide Supply, 164. Curators:—Wide infra, 157. Currency: First Report of Committee on Currency and Banking, (1841) 234. Three Resolutions, for repealing the Currency Laws of Upper and Lower Canada, and fixing the rates at which British and Foreign coins shall pass current, reported, and agreed to, 265. Bill presented, 266. Wide Currency, 1–Second Report of the Committee; Resolution for authorizing the Bank of Upper Canada to carry on its business at Toronto, reported; Bill presented, 337. Vide Banks, 40. To consider of amending the Currency Act; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1850) 179. Wide Currency, 4. To consider of amending the Currency Act 4 & 5 Vic, c. 93, with a view to the adoption of a decimal currency, the extension of the provision of the Act to certain Foreign coins coined after its passing, and other matters; Report 8 Resolutions; Bill presented, (1851) 217. (Wide Currency, 5.) Report 5 Resolutions for establish- ment of a decimal currency, 240. Bill presented, 241. Wide Currency, 6. Wide infra, 597, 598. Customs: To consider the laws levying Duties on imports, and the propriety of amending and consolidating the same, (1841) 104. Report a Resolution, for repealing the Duty on copies of the Holy Scriptures imported by sea; Bill presented, 245. Wide Customs, 1. To consider of introducing measures for the warehousing and bonding of goods in the several free warehousing ports, (1841) 104. Two Resolutions reported; Bill presented, 192. Wide Customs, 4. To consider of imposing a Duty on agricultural produce, and live stock, imported from the United States, (1841) 302. Resolution reported; Bill presented, 498. Wide Customs, 3. To consider of imposing Duties on American products imported into Canada, (1842) 6. Wot considered. To consider of repealing certain parts of the Customs Act of last Session, imposing Duties on salt and fishing tackle, (1842) 10. Considered, 31. Wo Report. COMMITTEES.–continued. 147 W4. %5. *76. # 7. {8. $79. 80. 31. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Customs—continued. . Of Ways and Means, to consider of laying a Duty on foreign wheat imported into this Province, (1842) 48. Instruc- tion, to consider of imposing a proportionate Duty on all other agricultural produce; Motion, for further instruction to inquire how far it may be expedient to continue the construction of the St. Lawrence Canals in the event of such Duties being imposed, negatived, 60. Report Resolutions for imposing a Duty of 3s, sterling per quarter upon foreign wheat, and that a Duty be imposed on all other agricultural products from the United States; Motion to amend Resolutions by exempting agricultural produce imported for the Gaspé Fisheries, negatived; Another amendment negatived, 66. Bill presented, 67. Wide Customs, 5. . To consider of repealing certain Acts and Ordinances relative to the management of the Customs, and to Customs Duties and other Duties; and to the licensing of tavern-keepers, auctioneers, distillers, hawkers and pedlars, vendors of spirituous liquors, and keepers of billiard tables; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1843) 31. Wide Customs, 17. To consider of amending the Act of 4 & 5 Vic, c. 14, relative to Customs Duties, and of imposing Duties on certain agricultural products, (1843) 20. Various Petitions for imposition of protective Duties on agricultural pro- duce referred, 54. Report a series of Resolutions for imposing Duties on live stock, meat, and various kinds of agricultural produce (except when imported by sea, for the use of the fisheries); Some of the Resolutions amended; On question for concurrence, amendment, that it is inexpedient to introduce the system of taxing the food of one class to benefit another, moved and negatived; Resolutions, as amended, agreed to, 57. Bill presented, 60. Wide Customs, 6. To consider the expediency of further continuing an Act of the present Session imposing Duties on agricultural pro- ducts, (1843) 175. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 178. Wide Customs, 6. To consider of repealing the several Acts relative to the management of the Customs, and to Duties of Customs, and to the licensing of tavern-keepers, auctioneers, distillers, hawkers and pedlars, and keepers of billiard tables, (1844–5) 92. Report a Resolution; Bills presented, 128. Wide Auction Duties, 2. Banks, 2. Customs, 19. Pſawkers and Pedlars, i. Taverns, 2. To consider of repealing certain Acts granting Customs Duties, and enacting others in lieu thereof, (1844–5) 240. Report a Resolution for consolidating the laws granting Customs Duties; Bill presented, 258. Notice taken that the alteration of Duties made by the Bill should have emanated from Committee of the whole, and Bill withdrawn, 275,279. Wide infra, 78. To consider of repealing certain Acts imposing Customs Duties, and of enacting others in lieu thereof (1844–5) 279. Report several Resolutions; Motions for amending the same in so far as respects the Duties on liquids, candles, leather manufactures, lumber, and live stock, severally negatived; An amendment with respect to leather manufactures agreed to, 319 to 322. Bill ordered, 322. Wide Customs, 9. To consider of amending the Act 6 Vic, c. 31, and the Schedule of Duties granted by 8 Vic, c. 3, (1846) 111. Report seven Resolutions; Motion to re-commit 6th (Duties on sugar) negatived; Resolutions agreed to, 145. Bill presented, 146. (Not proceeded in.) Report 3 additional Resolutions, for imposing Duties on leather articles, and for admitting salt meats for the use of the fisheries in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, free of Duty, 179. Bill presented, 180. Wide Customs, 11. To take into consideration the several Acts relating to Duties of Customs, (1847) 49. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 68. (Wide Customs, 12.)—House again in Committee, 109. Report a Resolution, 136. Bill ordered; Presented, 139. Wide Customs, 13. To consider the expediency of removing the Duties on agricultural produce, on certain conditions; Considered, (1847) 73. Motion, that it be the first Order on a future day, negatived, 128. Further considered, 149. Wo Report. To consider of imposing a specific instead of an ad valorem Duty on wheat; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1847) 161. Wide Customs, 14. To consider the propriety of continuing and amending the Act for the management of the Customs, (1849) 184. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 189. Wide Customs, 21. To consider certain Resolutions for repealing the present tariff, and substituting another therefor, (1849) 205. Various petitions relative to the tariff and excise referred, 205, 211, 218. Report six Resolutions, 243. Amendments moved and negatived, 244. Re-committed, to reduce the Duty on mess pork, 245. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 246. Bill presented, 247. Wide Customs, 15. To consider of so amending the Customs Act 12 Vic, c. 1, as to enable the Governor in Council from time to time to place any article subject thereby to a Duty of 124 per cent. ad valorem, among those subject to a Duty of 24 per cent., (1850) 143. Report a Resolution; Agreed to, 154. Wide Customs, 16. To consider of amending the said Act by providing that military clothing, and wine imported for any officers' mess, shall be free from Duty, (1850) 179. Report a Resolution; Agreed to, 185. Wide Customs, 16. Wide infra, 599, 601. 148 COMMITTEES.–continued. I. 87 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Debt, Provincial :-On that part of His Excellency's speech which relates to the re-organization of the Pro- vincial Debt, the creation of a Sinking Fund, and the alienation of local works, &c., (1849) 143. Petitions from various Banks, to be heard by Counsel against the proposed Resolutions, referred; Resolution, that Counsel be heard thereon, 146. Instruction to the Committee, to hear Counsel, 157. Report ten Resolutions, 160. Amendment proposed and negatived; Bill presented, 162. Wide Debt, Provincial, 1, 2. Distilleries: On the laws in force relating to Duties on stills; Report a Resolution to provide for the issuing of licenses for a lèss period than a year; Bill presented, (1844–5) 51. Wide Distilleries, 2. Also infra, 89. To consider of repealing an Act of the present Session relative to Duties on stills, and of making further provisions on the subject, (1844–5) 404. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 417. Wide Distilleries, 4. To consider of repealing the laws relating to the Duties on stills and the collection thereof, and of substituting other enactments, (1846) 89. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 97. Wide Distilleries, 5. To consider of amending the Act imposing Duties on distillers and spirits distilled in this Province, (1849) 252. Report two Resolutions; Bill presented, 255. Wide Distilleries, 6. Wide supra, 73, 76. District Officers:–To consider the propriety of establishing a table of fees for Sheriffs, Clerks of the Peace, Constables, and other District Officers in Upper Canada, and of regulating the costs in cases of assault and battery in the Court of Quarter Sessions, (1844–5) 221. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 228. Wide District Officers, 2. Division Courts:–Wide supra, 59–61. Dundas and Waterloo Road:—To consider the expediency of authorizing the Trustees to effect a loan, (1847) 67. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 74. Wide Roads, 107. Eastern Townships :—To consider of imposing a limited annual tax upon the lands situate in the various townships in the Counties of Nicolet, Megantic, Drummond, Sherbrooke, and Stanstead, to be applied to the completion and opening up of extensive means of communication therein, (1851) 320. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 331. Wide Eastern Townships, 3. Education and Schools: To consider of repealing the laws relating to Common Schools in Upper Canada, and of providing for the establish- ment and maintenance of Common Schools in this Province, (1841) 190. Resolution reported, and Bill pre- sented, 210. Wide Education, 3. To consider of repealing the Act of Upper Carada, of 2 Vic, providing for the advancement of education, (1841) 553. Resolution reported, and Bill presented, 587. Wide Education, 5. To consider of repealing the Act of 1841 making provision for Common Schools, and substituting other enactments in lieu thereof, (1843) 57. Report a Resolution, 67. Bill presented, 132. Wide Education, 6. To consider of imposing a rate to provide for elementary instruction in Lower Canada, (1844–5) 239. Report a Resolution, for empowering the local authorities to levy rates for the purpose; Bill presented, 272. Vide Education, 23. To consider of empowering District Councils and other municipal authorities in Upper Canada to provide for the erection, repairing, and furnishing of school houses therein; Resolution agreed to; Motion to postpone recep- tion of Report six months, negatived, (1844–5) 352. Report received, and Resolution adopted, 356. Bill presented, 357. Wide Education, 18. 100. On the School Law of Upper Canada, (1846) 39. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 42. Wide Education, 8. 101. To consider of repealing the School Act of Lower Canada, 8 Vic, c. 41, and substituting other enactments, (1846) 111. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 136. Wide Education, 24. 102. To consider of appropriating 10,000,000 acres of land (for Common Schools and Township Libraries), and to pro- vide for the cost of disposing of the same, at an expense not exceeding 6 per cent.: Considered, (1847) 102 Mo Report. (Wide also pp. 169, 189.) y COMMITTEES.–continued. 149 I. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. 103. 104. 105. 107. 108. 109. 110. 114. 115. 116. 117. Lducation—continued. On the subject of an appropriation for Common School purposes, (1849) 108. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 115. Wide Education, 2. To consider of amending the Common School Act, and making better provision for the maintenance, &c., of Common Schools in Upper Canada; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1849) 231. Wide Education, 10. To consider of providing for the maintenance of a Normal School in Lower Canada, and for the payment of salaries of certain Inspectors of Common Schools in Lower Canada, (1851) 171. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 174. Wide Education, 29. e Elections :—To consider of amending the Act for securing the freedom of election of Members of the Legis- lative Assembly, in so far as it deprives Clergymen of the privilege of voting at elections, (1844–5) 74. Report a Resolution, 148. Bill presented, 168. Wide Elections, 18. Elections, Controverted: To consider the orders adopted by the late Assembly of Lower Canada for regulating the proceedings in cases of controverted elections for that Province, (1841) 69. Considered, and no Report made, 173. To consider of providing out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the remuneration of such persons as may be named to sit for any Circuit or County Judge while such Judge is employed in the execution of any Commis- sion for examination of witnesses on the trial of any Parliamentary Election Petition, (1851) 161. Report a Resolution, 169. Referred to Committee of whole on the Bill to provide for the trial of Parliamentary Election Petitions, 172. Wide Elections, 21. Emigration : On that part of Lord J. Russell's Despatch of 3rd May respecting various important subjects, which relates to emigration, (1841) 367. Resolution reported; Bill presented, 433. Wide Emigration, 1. To consider of amending the Indigent Emigrants Act, and of making further provision in respect of emigration ; Report 4 Resolutions; Amendment moved and negatived; Resolutions adopted ; Bill presented, (1848) 9. Wide Emigration, 2, 7. . To consider of allowing the return of the emigrant tax, upon emigrants merely passing through this Province to the United States, (1850) 44. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 52. Wide Emigration, 4. . To consider of amending the Emigrant Act, (1851) 56. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 60. Wide Emigra- tion, 5. . To consider of amending the Emigrant Act, 12 Vic, c. 6, (1851) 286. Report two Resolutions; Bill presented, 287. Wide Emigration, 6. Excise :—Wide supra, 73, 76, 88–91. Fire Companies :—To consider of repealing the Act of Upper Canada, 7 Geo, IV, for the prevention of accidents by fire, and of extending the provisions of the same throughout the Province, (1841) 315. Resolution reported; Bill presented, 323. Wide Fire Companies, 1. Fisheries: To consider the expediency of affording encouragement to the Gaspé and Gulf Fisheries, by exempting salt and other articles required therefor, from Duties, (1844–5) 13. Considered, 39, 240. Wo Report. Petition for removal of the Duties on certain articles imported for the use of the Gaspé Fisheries, with Despatches, &c., on the same subject, (1850) 109. Report a Resolution, for exempting salt imported for the Gaspé Fish- eries, from Duty; Agreed to, 116. (Included in Customs Act, Wide Customs, 16.) Wide supra, 71, 72, 74, 79. Flour and Meal:—To consider of amending the Act providing for the inspection thereof, (1848) 38. Report 3 Resolutions, 48. Bill presented, 49. Wide Flour, 2. Wide infra, 142. 150 COMMITTEES.–continued, I. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 429. 130. 131. 132. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Foreign Insurances:—To consider the expediency of regulating foreign insurances; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1849) 238. Wide Insurance Companies, 1. Game: To consider of amending the Act of Upper Canada for the preservation of deer and other game, by altering the time for the commencement of woodcock shooting, (1841) 116. Wot considered. To consider of repealing an Act of Upper Canada for the preservation of deer, &c., and of providing for the pre- servation of game within the whole Province, (1843) 67. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 73. Vide Game, 1. - Gaols and Court Houses: The expediency of providing means for the building of certain Court Houses and Gaols in Lower Canada, (1849) 309. Report 5 Resolutions; Motion to re-commit the same negatived, 314. Bill presented, 315. Wide Gaols, 1. To consider of appropriating the moneys arising from Duties on tavern licenses in Kamouraska, Rimouski, and Ottawa, towards defraying the cost of the Court House and Gaol erected at Kamouraska, and the Court House and Gaol now being erected at Aylmer, (1851) 160. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 169. Wide Gaols, 13. (Dalhousie District):—To take into consideration the Acts of 1st & 3rd Vic, relating to the District of Dalhousie, and the erection of a Gaol and Court House therein, (1841) 208. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 216. Wide Gaols, 6. - % (Montreal Court House):—To consider the propriety of adopting measures for the re-building of the Court House at Montreal, and of acquiring the ground necessary therefor, and providing the requisite funds, (1846) 89. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 97. Wide Gaols, 17. Also supra, 121. (Simcoe District) —To consider of authorizing the Magistrates of the District of Simcoe to raise a further loan to complete the Gaol and Court House, (1841) 100. Petition of the Magistrates, for authority, referred, 269. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 273. Wide Gaols, 27. Gaspé, District of: To consider of amending the Judicature Acts relating to the inferior District of Gaspé, (1841) 169. Resolution reported, and Bill presented, 286. Wide Gaspé, 1. To consider of amending the Ordinance of 4 Vic, establishing new territorial divisions in Lower Canada, and amend- ing the Judicature, so far as relates to the territorial division of Gaspé, (1841) 886. Resolution reported, and agreed to, 445. Wide Gaspé, 15. To consider of amending the Judicature Acts relating to the District of Gaspé, (1842) 22. Order discharged, 34. Geological Survey : To consider of granting further aid towards completing the Geological Survey of the Province, (1844–5) 171. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 205. Wide Geological Survey, 1. To consider of reviving and continuing for a limited time the Act providing for a Geological Survey of the Pro- vince, (1850) 146. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 154. Wide Geological Survey, 2. Glass Works:–To consider of reviving the Act of Incorporation of the Cayuga Glass Manufacturing Com- pany, (1843) 68. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 73. Wide Glass, 1. Gore District :—Wide infra, 201. Grand River Navigation Co. —To consider of amending Act of Upper Canada, 2 Will. IV, cap. 13, with respect to the appointment of Directors; Report a Resolution, that so long as three-fourths of the Stock is held by the Six Nations Indians, it is just that a proportion of the Directors should be appointed by the Crown, as the guardian of their rights and property ; Bill presented, (1841) 360. Wide Wavigations, 21. COMMITTEES-continued 151 T. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. 133. Hastings :—To consider of amending and extending the Act to remedy certain defects in the registration of titles in Hastings, (1847) 31. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 32. Wide Hastings, 3. 134, Hawkers and Pedlars:–To consider of amending the laws of Upper and Lower Canada relating to hawk- ers and pedlars; Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, (1850) 215. Wide Hawkers and Pedlars, 2. Wide supra, 73, 76. 135. EIeir and Devisee Commission :—To consider of amending and consolidating the Acts relating thereto, (1841) 256. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 266. Wide Heir and Devisee Commission, 3. 136. Home District :—Report on Petition of Magistrates of Home District, for an Act to enable them to pay off a debt of £1000, (1841) 470. Report Resolutions for consolidating the old and new gaol debts, and exempting the District of Simcoe from liability therefor; Bill presented, 471. Wide Gaols, 9. 137. Houses of Refuge :—To consider of establishing one or more Houses of Refuge for juvenile offenders, and providing for the diminution of crime, (1843) 51. Report Resolutions for the appointment of a Select Com- mittee on the subject; Committee appointed, 62. Wo Report. Wide infra, 594. 138. Huntingdon Plank Road Co.:-To consider of incorporating the said Company, (1846) 92. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 97. Wide Roads, 170. 139. Huron —To consider of amending the Act establishing the said county, (1843)47. Report a Resolution, for detaching the Township of Williams from the said county; Bill presented, 61. Wide Territorial Divisions, 110. .” 140. Indians:–To consider of providing out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, an annual appropriation for the use of the Indians in Lower Canada, (1851) 185. Message recommending a grant of £1000 per annum, and a tract of land, for their use, referred, 189. Report a Resolution granting £1000 per annum; Agreed to, 331. Referred to Committee of whole on the Bill to set apart certain lands for the use of the said Indians, 332. Wide Indians, 4. Indices to the Journals:–Wide infra, 144, 145. 141. Insolvent Debtors:–To consider of repealing part of the 1st and 2nd sections of 6 Will. IV, c. 4 (L. C.), for affording relief to insolvent debtors, (1844–5) 43. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 205. Wide Debtors, 7. 142. Inspection Laws:–To consider of allowing the exportation of flour and meal, pot and pearl ashes, and beef and pork, without inspection, &c., (1841) 98. Petitions in favor thereof referred, 185. Report Resolu- tions, for allowing the same, and for entrusting to the Boards of Trade, and Municipal Authorities, the selection of Inspectors; Committee appointed to draft Bills, 286. Bills reported, 385, 411. Vide Ashes, 2. Beef, 1. Flour, 1. Journals: 143. To consider what number of Journals should be printed during the present Parliament, and how the same should be distributed, (1841) 235. Resolution directing that 500 copies be printed each Session; and regulating the distribution of the same, reported, and agreed to, 241. Wide Journals, 6. 144. To consider of causing General Indices to be made to the Journals of the Assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada, (1841) 444. Two Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 524. Wide Journals, 13. 145. Report of Select Committee on the Report of the compilers of General Indices to the Journals of the Assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada, (1847) 112. Report two Resolutions; Agreed to, 187. Wide Journals, 13. H 52 COMMITTEES.–continued. H. 146. 147. 148. 149. 151, 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 160. 161. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Judges: To consider of providing for the salaries of so many additional Judges as may be required for the purpose of remodelling the Judicial Institutions of Lower Canada, (1849) 258. Report a Resolution, providing for the same out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund; Referred to Committee of whole on the Bill to establish a Court of Appeals for Lower Canada, with an instruction to make provision therein accordingly, 260. Wide Courts, 12. To consider of providing for the salaries of such additional Judges and Officers of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity in Upper Canada, as an amended system of Judicature may require, (1849) 308. Report a Resolution providing for the same out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and also by funding certain fees; Referred to the Committees of the whole on the Bills relating to the Court of Chancery, and Court of Error and Appeal in Upper Canada, 314. Wide Courts, 14, 20. Juries and Jurors : To consider of consolidating and amending the laws of Upper Canada relative to Juries; Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, (1843) 20. Wide Juries, 1. To consider the propriety of remunerating Petit Jurors for their attendance in certain Courts ; Considered, (1844–5) 219. Wo Report. To consider of extending the right of trial by Jury in certain cases in Upper Canada, (1 846) 48. Report a Resolu- tion ; Agreed to, 148. Wide Justices, 13. To consider of paying Petit Jurors in criminal cases in Upper Canada out of the Consolidated Fund, in so far as they may not be paid by the fund paid in civil cases; Considered, and no Report made, (1847) 157. To consider of paying Petit Jurors in Upper Canada, (1849) 56. Report a Resolution, that it is expedient that Jurors attending the several Courts be paid, from local sources; Amendment to leave out “from local sour- ces,” negatived ; Resolutions agreed to, and Bill presented, 61. Wide Juries, 3. To consider the expediency of paying Petit Jurors in Upper Canada, in part or in whole, by taxes paid by the local Municipalities, (1851) 32. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 35. Wide Juries, 6. Justice, Administration of (L. C.): To consider of repealing certain Ordinances of Lower Canada relative thereto, (1842) 48. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 54. Wide Justice, Administration of, 4. To consider of repealing parts of and amending the several laws relating to the Judicature ; Report a Resolution ; Bills presented, (1843) 19. Wide Courts, 11, 64. Gaspé, 2. Justice, Administration of 5. To consider of amending the Judicature Act of Lower Canada in so far as relates to counsel and opinions of rela- tions and friends touching the appointment of tutors, curators to absentees or vacant estates, &c.; Report a Resolution, (1844–5) 63. Bill presented, 64. Wide Relations and Friends, 1. Justice, Administration of (U. C.): To consider of charging upon the Consolidated Revenue the administration of criminal justice in Upper Canada, (1846) 200. Report three Resolutions prescribing the heads of expenses to be defrayed, &c.; Agreed to, 222. Bill presented, 224. Wide Justice, Administration of 10. . To consider of making provision, out of the County Fee Fund and Consolidated Revenue Fund, for the necessary expenses of the administration of justice in the unsurveyed tracts of country in Upper Canada, (1851) 217. Report a Resolution, providing for the salaries of such Judges, Sheriffs, &c., as may be required, and for pro- viding the necessary Court Houses, Gaols, &c.; Agreed to, 232. Referred to Committee of whole on the Bill, to make better provision for the administration of justice in the unorganized tracts of country in Upper Can- ada, with an instruction to insert a clause in accordance therewith, 236. Wide Justice, Administration of 11. King's College, Toronto :—To consider of amending certain Acts of Upper Canada, relative to King's College and other Collegiate Institutions; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1843) 37. Wide Education, 69. Kingston : To consider of amending the Act incorporating the said town, (1841) 463. Not considered. To consider of amending the 10th section of 9 Vic, cap. 75, incorporating the said town ; Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, (1847) 64. Wide Kingston, 4. 162. * COMMITTEES.–continued. 153 I. 163. #64. # 65. # 66. 167. 168. #69. 370. #71. 173, 174. 175. 176. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Lands: To consider of repealing the law of Upper Canada for the disposal of the public lands, and of providing for the same by a law applicable to all parts of the Province, (1841) 248. Resolution reported; Bill presented, 258. Wide Lands, 1. To consider of amending the Act of last Session for the disposal of the public lands, (1842) 51. Report a Reso- lution; Bill presented, 92. Wide Lands, 2. To consider of amending the said Act; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1846) 187. Wide Lands, 5. Laws, Expiring :—Report of Select Committee on Expiring Laws; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1841) 543. Wide Laws, Expiring, 1. Leggo, Christopher :—Report of Select Committee on extract from a Despatch from the Colonial Secretary in reference to the claim of Mr. Leggo; Report a Resolution; Address ordered, (1841) 415. Wide Addresses, 263. Lessors and Lessees:–To consider of amending the Act 3 Wm. IV, c. 1, to regulate the exercise of cer. tain rights of lessors and lessees; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1849) 200. Wide Lessors and Lessees, 1. Library : Resolutions of Legislative Council relative to the formation of separate libraries for the two Houses; Instruction, to inquire whether any of the books belonging to the Parliamentary Library of Lower Canada can be left at Quebec, (1841) 553. Report a Resolution, concurring in appointment of a Joint Committee; To be commu- nicated to the Council, 597. Wide infra, 549. Report of Standing Committee on the library; Report progress; Motion for leave to sit again on Friday, nega- tived; Do, in six months, negatived by casting vote of Speaker; To sit again in six months, (1846) 310.- Again committed; Report a Resolution; Agreed to, (1847) 67. Wide Library, 4. First Report of Standing Committee on the library, (1847) 207. Report a Resolution, concurring in Report; Agreed to, 212. Report two Resolutions; Agreed to, 214. Wide Bills, Private, 21. Maps, 1. . First Report of do. do., (1849) 139. Report 5 Resolutions; Agreed to, 228. Wide Library, 2. Light Houses: Message from His Excellency relative to an advance for the erection of Light Houses on the River St. Lawrence, (1841) 599. Resolution reported; Bill presented, 605. Wide Light Houses, 1. To consider of repealing the several enactments imposing tonnage Duties for the maintenance of Lights and Light Houses, and of providing therefor out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, (1851) 209. Report a Resolution, 211. Bill presented, 216. Wide Light Houses, 2. Tiverpool and Quebec, Steamers between —To consider certain proposed Resolutions respecting the establishment of a line of steam vessels between Liverpool and the St. Lawrence, (1851) 85. Considered, and no Report made, 232. Loans, Provincial :—Message relative to the Acts of last Session (cap. 28 and 33) relating to Public Works and the Imperial guaranteed Loan of £1,500,000 Stg., (1842) 66. Report two Resolutions, for confining the expenditure of the Loan to the Public Works enumerated in the Act of last Session,-and for creating a Sinking Fund (of 5 per cent, on the amount) out of the Consolidated Revenue, 104. Bill presented, 105. Vide Loans, Public, 2. Wide infra, 222. Longueuil and Chambly Turnpike Road:—Wide infra, 257, 259. 177 Lunatic Asylum Tax —To consider of repealing certain provisions of the Act of Upper Canada, 2 Vic, c. 11, imposing a tax for the erection of a Lunatic Asylum, and substituting other provisions in lieu thereof, (1850) 164. Report two Resolutions; Bill presented, 171. Wide Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, 3, 4. U 154 COMMITTEES.–continued. I. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. 178. 179, 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. f85. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. Magistrates’ Fees: To consider of regulating the fees allowed to Magistrates in Upper Canada, (1849) 146. Considered, 215. Wo Beport. To consider of regulating fees allowed to Justices of the Peace in Upper Canada; Considered, (1850) 67, 174. No Report. Medical Profession :—To consider of amending the 7th Section of the Act 10 & 11 Vic, c. 26, relative to the study and practice of physic and surgery in Lower Canada; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1850) 139. Wide Medical Profession, 13. Members: To consider of repealing or amending the Act of Upper Canada, for the payment of wages to Members of the Assembly, (1841) 183. Three Resolutions reported, 236. (Wide Members, 8) Referred ; To report by Bill or otherwise, 271. Report an Address, 299. Wide Addresses, 302. Message recommending a provision for the sessional payment of Members, (1841) 562. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 575. Wide Members, 4. To consider of amending the Act of Upper Canada, for securing the independence of Members of the Assembly; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1842) 21. Wide Members, 2. To consider of the sessional allowance to Members for the present Session; Report a Resolution allowing £65 to each Member, with mileage; Agreed to, (1843) 202. To consider the expediency of establishing by law the indemnity to be granted to Members, and of providing for the payment thereof, (1849) 42. Report four Resolutions, granting 20s. per diem and mileage; Motions to re-commit Resolutions, to reduce the amount to 10s, negatived, 213. Bill presented, 214. Wide Members, 6. To consider of adopting a Rule fixing the time during which each Member may speak in debate; Motion that Mr. Speaker do leave the Chair; Several motions for adjournment, &c., negatived, and consideration of main motion postponed, (1849) 125. Wo further consideration. Wide infra, 206. Middlesex Registry Office:–To consider of amending the Act of Upper Canada 35 G. III, c. 5, so far as relates to the place of holding the said office, (1842) 36. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 54. Wide Middlesea. Militia Fines:—To consider of amending the Act of 9 Vic, c. 28, in relation to the enrolment of, and fines to be imposed upon Quakers, Menonists, and Tunkers, and of substituting other provisions therefor, (1849) 104. Report 2 Resolutions; Bill presented, 114. Wide Militia, 5. Moira, River :—To consider of amending the Act relating to mills on that river; Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, (1848) 52. Wide Mills, 19. Montreal Bank:-To consider of extending the time for paying up the new stock under the Act of 4 & 5 Vic., c. 98, (1843) 34. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 37. Wide Banks, 21. Montreal Court House;—Wide supra, 124. Montreal Harbour ; To consider of enlarging the same, and of authorizing the Commissioners to effect a urther loan, and of consolida- ting the laws relating to the said harbour, (1844–5) 339. Report a Resolution, 343. Bill presented, 344. Wide Harbours, 13. To consider of the Montreal harbour dues, (1849) 328. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 334. Wide Harbours, 15. To consider of altering the tariff of tolls established by the Harbour Commissioners, and to provide for raising a sum of money for improving Lake St. Peter, (1850) 165. Report 3 Resolutions, 172. Bill presented, 178. Wide Harbours, 17. COMMITTEES.–comfj/ed. 155 * I. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. 194. 195. £96. 197, 198. 199. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. Montreal Harbour—continued. Motion, for a Committee of the whole to consider of the Montreal Harbour dues; Consideration thereof postponed, (1850) 128. Order for consideration discharged, 168. To consider of altering the Montreal Harbour tolls, (1851) 59. Report a Resolution, for increasing the rates of wharfage on fire wood, and on boats carrying the same; Bills presented, 67. Wide Harbours, 18. Montreal Trinity House:—Wide infra, 285,236. gº Montreal Turnpike Roads t—Vide infra, 258–261. Municipalities : *> To consider of repealing the existing Municipal Laws, and adopting new provisions, (1844–5) 262. Report a Resolution, 271. Bill presented, 272. Wide Municipalities (L. C.), 1. To consider of repealing the Municipal Law of Lower Canada, and of enacting new provisions, (1846) 111. Report a Resolution, 135. Bill presented, 136. Wide Municipalities (L. C.), 4. Mutual Insurance Companies :—To consider of amending the Act of Upper Canada for establishing such Companies, (1841) 213. Report Resolutions for extending the operations of Companies beyond their respective districts, and for increasing the number of Directors, 248. Referred, 249. Report a Bill, 336. Wide Insºrance Companies, 2. Navigation Taws:–Motion for a Committee of the whole to consider of adopting an Address to Her Majesty on the subject of the repeal of the Navigation Laws ; Consideration postponed, (1849) 33. Resumed, and agreed to ; House goes into Committee ; Report a Resolution, 43. Amendment proposed and negatived, and Resolution agreed to ; Address ordered thereon, 44. Wide Addresses, 21. - Wide infra, 279, 311, 605. rººf Niagara and Gore Districts :-To consider of amending Act of Upper Canada, 56 Geo. III, c. 19, so far as relates to the boundary line between those Districts; Petition for establishment of the said boundary line referred, (1843) 31. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 60. Wide Surveys, 56. Niagara Canal Co.:-To consider of amending the Act of Upper Canada, 2 Will. IV, amending the charter of the Niagara Canal Co.; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1843) 85. Wide Wavigations, 35. Notaries:–To consider of repealing so much of Ordinance 25 Geo. III, c. 4, as prohibits Notaries from acting as Clerks of Courts in Lower Canada; Report a Resolution, (1844–5) 284. Bill presented, 285. Vide Motaries, 11. Ordnance Estates:–To consider of repealing certain Acts and Ordinances relative to the estates and pro- perty held by the Ordnance Department in Upper and Lower Canada; Resolutions reported; Bill presented, (1843) 189. Wide Ordnance Estates, 1. Orleans, Island of:—To consider of amending the Act establishing a Registry Office therein, (1846) 200. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 205. Wide Orleans, 2. Parishes:–Wide supra, 20, 21. Parliament, Provincial :—Message from His Excellency recommending a provision for the salaries of the Speakers and Officers of the two Houses, (1841) 413. Petitions of J. Bolduc and P. Lacroix, for pensions as messengers to Legislative Council of Lower Canada, referred, 444, 467. Report a Resolution (£1000, salary of Speaker, Legislative Council); Motion to re-commit Resolution, for the purpose of voting an indemnity for the present Session, negatived; Resolution agreed to, 605. Instruction, to consider of a sum as an indemnity to Members for their services during the present Session (as recommended by a Message from His Excellency); Report 32 Resolutions, providing salaries and pensions for officers of the Legislature, and a sessional allow- ance to Members, 606. Bills presented, 608. Wide Members, 4. Parliament, Provincial, 1. COMMITTEES.–continued. I. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. Passports :—To consider of repealing an Ordinance of the Governor and Council of the Province of Quebec ..for preventing persons from leaving the Province without a pass; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1841) 495. Wide Passports. Penitentiary :—To consider of providing out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for remunerating the Officers of the Penitentiary, (1851) 160. Report a Resolution; Agreed to, 169. Referred to Committee of whole on the Bill for the management of the Penitentiary, 172. Wide Penitentiary, 4. * Pensions:–Wide supra, 206. infra, 815. Pilots:–Wide infra, 233—237. Police : To consider of repealing certain Ordinances of Lower Canada for establishing a Rural Police, (1842) 48. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 54. Wide Police, 1. To consider of amending the Ordinance 2 Vic, c. 2, respecting the Police of Quebec and Montreal; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, (1843) 189. Wide Police, 2. To consider of establishing a River Police at Quebec and Montreal, (1851) 145. Report 6 Resolutions; Bills presented, 156. Wide Police, 4, 5, 7. To consider of securing the services of Military Pensioners as a Local Police, (1851) 216. Report 6 Resolutions; Bill presented, 235. Wide Police, 6. Tost Office :-Message from His Excellency relative to the establishment of a General Post Office in the Provinces of British North America, (1849) 323. Report three Resolutions; Bill presented, 329. Wide Post Office, 1, 5. Previous Question :-Wide infra, 269. Printing: Second Report of Committee on Printing (relative to tenders for printing, &c.), (1841) 99. Resolution agreed to in Committee, 112. Report referred back to Select Committee, 133.—Third Report of Committee (on same subject) committed, 262. Report two Resolutions; Agreed to, 272. Wide Printing, 1. First Report of Committee, &c. (tenders for daily printing), (1842) 60. Report a Resolution, concurring in Report; Agreed to, 93.-Second Report of Committee (tenders for printing Journals); Report a Resolution concurring, &c.; Agreed to, 122. First Report of Committee, &c. (tenders for daily printing), (1843) 83. Report a Resolution; Agreed to, 109. (Wide Printing, 6.)—Second Report of Committee (printing Journals), 138. Report a Resolution concurring in Report, 142. First Report of Committee, &c. (tenders for printing and binding), (1849) 107. Petition of Messrs. Lovell & Gibson relative to their contract for Sessional Printing referred, 152. Considered, and no Report made, 166.- Second Report of Committee (same subject), 174. Report seven Resolutions; Amendments moved and negatived, and Resolutions agreed to, 194. Wide Printing, 8. First Report of Committee, &c. (distribution of Journals to the Municipalities), (1851) 41. Second Report (on " same subject) referred, 59. Report a Resolution; Agreed to, 142. Wide Journals, 12.-Fourth Report of Committee (on printing and engrossing Bills), 121. Message from His Excellency on same subject referred, 144. Series of Resolutions reported; Agreed to, 254. Wide Bills, 15. Private Bills:–Report of Select Committee appointed to consider what improvements can be adopted in the management of the Private Business of the House, and to frame Standing Orders in accordance therewith, (1850) 151. Report twenty-three Resolutions; Agreed to, 232. Printed, 275. Wide Bills, Private, 2–20. Wide infra, 602. Privileges and Elections, Clerk to Committee on 3–Vide infra, 608. COMMITTEES-continued. 157 I. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Public Works: 220. To consider of repealing certain Ordinances of Lower Canada establishing a Board of Works, and of providing 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. for the establishment of a Board of Works for Canada, (1841) 116. Resolution, for repealing the said Ordinances, and for an inquiry into the expense of the said Board, and the practical operation of the same, reported, and agreed to, 138. Wide Public Works, 1. To consider of vesting in the Board of Works the management of certain Light Houses and other Public Works, (1841) 315. Wot considered. On Message relative to the public improvements proposed to be undertaken by the Province, (1841) 399. Matters referred :—Report on Petition for improvement of the channel in Lake St. Peter; Second Report of Com- mittee on prices of transporting produce, 431. (The latter discharged, 591.) Petition for improvement of the St. Lawrence, 435. Report a Resolution; Agreed to, 464. (Wide Banks, 45.) Report ten Resolutions; Re-committed, 499. Additional Resolution reported; Amendments to 1st (Imperial Loan of £1,500,000), and 4th (Bank tax) negatived; 11th Resolution (£109,355 to complete certain roads in Upper Canada) negatived; Remaining Resolutions agreed to, 515 to 518. Wide Public Works, 7, 19–32. Also, Auction Duties, 1. Banks, 1. Customs, 2. Distilleries, 1. Loans, Public, 1. On Messages recommending appropriations for the completion of the Hamilton and Port Dover road and the Cornwall and L'Orignal road, (1841) 568. Report Resolutions (granting £30,000, and £1,500, for the said roads respectively), 583. Referred to Committee of whole on the Bill appropriating certain sums for public improvements, 584. Wide Public Works, 7. - To consider of providing for the preservation of the peace at and near public works in course of construction, and of granting a sum of money for the purpose, (1844–5) 240. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 258. Wide Public Works, 12. To consider of amending the Act erecting the Board of Works, and of imposing certain tolls on the said works, (1844–5) 339. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 343. Wide Public Works, 2. To consider of authorizing the levying of tolls on certain public works, (1844–5) 413. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 419. Wide Public Works, 14. To consider of amending the Act relating to the management of the public works, (1849) 210. Report four Resolutions, substituting a new tariff of tolls, 212. Bill presented, 219. Wide Public Works, 15. To consider of imposing tolls on vessels passing down the St. Lawrence, and to empower the Governor in Council to make regulations respecting the detention of vessels causing damage to the canals, (1849) 255. Report two Resolutions; Bill presented, 260. Wide Public Works, 16. To consider of providing for the preservation of the peace in the neighborhood of railways, canals, and other works undertaken by private Corporations, (1851) 305. Report a Resolution, providing for the expense thereof out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, to be afterwards repaid by the said Corporations; Agreed to, 318. Referred to Committee of whole on the Bill to continue the Act for the preservation of the peace near public works, 317. Wide Public Works, 13. Public Works, Sale of:—Wide supra, 87. Quarter Sessions:—Wide supra, 53, 54. Quebec :—To consider of amending two Ordinances of the Special Council of Lower Canada, relative to the incorporation of Quebec ; Petition of the Corporation, for representation of the people in the City Council, referred, (1841) 166. Resolutions reported ; Referred, 238, Report a Bill, 400. Wide Quebec (City), 1. Quebec Fire Loan : Message of His Excellency, recommending issue of £100,000 Debentures, at five per cent, to be loaned to the sufferers at the late fires, at 3 per cent. ; Considered, (1846) 227. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 284. Wide Quebec Fire Loan, 1. To consider of amending the Act authorizing the issue of Debentures for granting relief to the City of Quebec, (1851) 59. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 67. Wide Quebec Fire Loan, 4. 158 COMMITTEES.–continued. I. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Quebec Trinity House : To consider of amending the laws for the regulation of pilots and shipping in the port of Quebec, and for improving the navigation of the St. Lawrence, (1841) 256. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 257. Wide Quebec Trinity House, 1. To consider of repealing the laws relating to the said Corporation,--to pilots of the port of Quebec, -and to the Quebec Decayed Pilot Fund ; and of substituting other provisions therefor; Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, (1843) 129. Wide Quebec Trinity House, 4. To consider of repealing the laws establishing the Trinity Houses of Quebec and Montreal, and of substituting other enactments therefor, (1844–5) 92. Order for consideration discharged, 172. To consider of repealing the laws establishing the Trinity Houses of Quebec and Montreal, and regulating pilots and pilotage, (1846) 69. Report a Resolution ; Bills presented, 74. Wide Montreal Trinity House, 2. Quebec Trinity House, 10. & To consider of amending the Quebec Trinity House Act, and of changing the tonnage Duties on certain shipping, (1850) 109. Considered, and no Report made, 211. Quebec Turnpike Roads:—Wide infra, 262—267. Queen’s Bench, Montreal:—Wide supra, 55. Railroads: To consider of amending the Ordinance authorizing the construction of a Railroad from Sherbrooke to the Richelieu, (1841) 205. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 247. Wide Railroads, 90. To consider of amending the Ordinance establishing a Company for making a railroad from Montreal to Coteau- du-Lac, (1841) 314. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 612. Wide Railroads, 46. To consider of affording Legislative aid to railway undertakings in this Province, (1849) 225. Report 5 Resolu- tions; Amendment moved and negatived, and Resolutions agreed to, 227. Bill presented, 228. Wide Rail- ºroads, 5. On the subject of the construction of a Trunk Line of Railroad through the Province, and the expediency of amending the Act for affording the guarantee of the Province to Railroad Companies, (1851) 250. Report of the Executive Council relative to the negotiation of future loans referred, 259. Report a series of Resolu- tions, 272. Wide Railroads, 6. To consider of appropriating £4,000,000 towards the share of this Province of the expense of constructing a railway from Halifax to Quebec, and thence to Hamilton, (1851) 287. Report a Resolution for raising £4,000,000 on the security of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, with or without the Imperial guarantee, or on the security of local taxes; Motion to re-commit the same to leave out “ or without,” negatived; Resolution agreed to, 289. Referred to Committee of whole on the Main Trunk Railway Bill, 301. Wide Railroads, 6. Real Estate:—To consider of repealing so much of an Imperial Act of 32 Henry VIII, which invalidates the title of a purchaser when a third party may be in adverse possession, &c., so far as relates to Upper Canada, (1846) 42. Report a Resolution, 148. Bill presented, 221. Wide Real Estate, 6. Rebellion (in U. & L. Canada): To consider of addressing His Excellency to pray that the Royal prerogative may be exercised to grant a free pardon, indemnity, and oblivion of all offences connected with the Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada, (1841) 304. Petition from Quebec, in favor, referred, 311. Report a Resolution for an Address; Previous Question moved and carried, and Resolution concurred in, 456. Re-committed, and reported amended; Agreed to, 457. Wide Addresses, 414. To consider of amending the Act of Upper Canada providing for the payment of the Rebellion Losses, by enlarging the time for the sitting of the Commissioners, (1841) 116. Resolution reported ; Bill presented, 138. Wide Rebellion, 1. To consider of making provision for giving effect to the Act of Upper Canada providing for the payment of the Rebellion Losses, and the Act amending the same-and of appropriating the moneys arising from tavern licenses for local purposes, subject (in Upper Canada) to the payment of the said losses, (1844–5) 232. Report a Resolution; Motion to substitute an Address to Her Majesty to recommend to the Imperial Parlia- ment to provide for the payment of losses arising out of the invasions, negatived; Motion to re-commit Reso- lution, negatived; Main motion agreed to, 309. Bill presented, 310. Wide Rebellion, 2. COMMITTEES.–confiniſed. 159 I. 247. 248. 249. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Rebellion—continued. To consider of appropriating a sum of money out of the fund arising from tavern licenses in Upper Canada, towards the payment of the balance due to claimants for losses during the Rebellion and Invasion, (1847 ) 130. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 136. Wide Rebellion, 3. - To consider of providing for the payment of all just claims arising out of the Rebellion and Invasion in Lower Canada, (1841) 405. Resolution, for raising £20,000 by Debentures, for the payment thereof, reported and agreed to, 455. Wide Rebellion, 4. To consider of addressing His Excellency to recommend to Her Majesty to afford to those persons who were trans- ported for political offences in Canada in 1837–8, the means of returning to Great Britain; Report a Reso- lution; Agreed to, (1844–5) 91. Wide Addresses, 416. To consider of establishing the amount of losses incurred, and of providing for the payment thereof, (1849) 42. Motion to postpone for ten days the consideration thereof in Committee, to give time for the expression of the feelings of the country; Debate thereon adjourned, 82. Resumed, and further adjourned, 86, 88, 92. Amend- ment negatived; Amendment, that no Message having been received recommending a provision for the pay- ment of the Rebellion losses, the House has no authority to entertain any proposition, negatived, 94. His Excellency's recommendation signified; House goes into Committee, 95. Report seven Resolutions, 108. Several Amendments proposed and negatived, and Resolutions agreed to, 109 to 112. Bill presented, 112. Wide Rebellion, 6. Recorders’ Courts:–Wide supra, 56. Registry Laws, T. C. :—To consider of amending the Ordinance establishing Registry Offices in Lower Canada, (1842) 14. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 34. Wide Registry Laws, 1. Requests, Courts of:-Wide supra, 59–61. Roads: * To consider of amending the Road Act of Upper Canada, 50 Geo. III, c. 1, (1841) 195. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 266. Wide Roads, 20. - To consider of amending the Act of last Session regulating the several Macadamized roads in Upper Canada, (1841) 487. Report 2 Resolutions (for amending the said Act in relation to a compulsory commutation of statute labor—and for separating the several Turnpike Trusts in the Home District), 504. Bill presented, 505. Wide Roads, 2. To consider of amending the Road Laws of Lower Canada, and of making other provisions to be carried into effect by Municipal authorities, (1844–5) 294. Order for consideration discharged, 359. To consider of amending the Ordinance 4 Vic, c. 14, in so far as it relates to the manner of levying tolls on the Longueuil and Chambly road, (1849) 40. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 61. Wide Roads, 193. Also ânfra, 259. (Montreal Turnpike Roads): To consider of amending the Ordinance providing for the improvement of certain Roads near Montreal, (1841) 204. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 245. Wide Roads, 218. First Report of Committee on Petitions relating to the Montreal Turnpike Roads, (1844–5) 325. Order discharged, and Report referred, 423. 2nd Report of Committee, 342. Report two Resolutions authorizing the Longueuil and Chambly Turnpike Trustees to borrow £4000, and to improve a certain road; Bill presented, 431. (Vide Roads, 192.) 3rd Report of Committee, 381. Report two Resclutions relative to the Montreal Roads; Bill presented, 410. Wide Roads, 219. First Report of Committee on Petitions, &c., relating to Montreal Turnpike Roads, (1846) 113. Report two Resolutions relative to improvement of certain roads, 211. Motion to recommit Resolutions to consider of opening a road through the centre of the island, negatived; Resolutions agreed to ; Bill presented, 212. Vide Boads, 220. To consider of amending the Montreal Turnpike Roads Act, (1849) 73. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 75. Wide Roads, 223. H 60 COMMITTEES.–continued. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Roads—continued. (Quebec Turnpike Roads): . To consider of extending the provisions of the Ordinance for the improvement of certain roads near Quebec, to a road on the north side of the River St. Charles ; Petition for an extension of the said Ordinance referred, (1841) 368. Report a Resolution, 422. Bill presented, 423. Wide Roads, 262. Report of Committee on Petitions, &c., relating to the Quebec Turnpike Roads, (1844–5) 378. Report five Resolutions, for amending the Quebec Roads Ordinance,—requiring the Trustees to commute with residents, for tolls-altering the rates of tolls-authorizing the Trustees to borrow £8882,-and providing for trans- ferring the toll-bar on the Beauport Road to Dorchester Bridge, in the event of its being acquired by the Government; Resolutions agreed to ; Bill presented, 417. Wide Roads, 263. - Report on Petitions relating to Quebec Turnpike Roads, (1846) 248. Report a Resolution for establishing a new Tariff of Tolls, 295. Bill presented, 296. Wide Roads, 264. On the subject of Dorchester Bridge, and the roads in vicinity of Quebec, (1849) 324. Report three Resolutions, 329. Bill presented, 330. Wide Roads, 265. To consider of extending the provisions of the Quebec Turnpike Roads Ordinance to certain other roads, and authorizing the Trustees to raise a further loan, (1851) 106. Report two Resolutions; Bill presented, 109. Wide Roads, 268. - ſº To consider of authorizing the Trustees of the Quebec Turnpike Roads to issue Debentures for £5000, to purchase and rebuild the Montmorency Bridge, (1851) 186. Report a Resolution ; Bill presented, 191. Wide Roads, 269. Wide also Supra and infra. Roman Catholic Clergy —Wide infra, 604. Rules of the House : Report of Select Committee appointed to frame Rulesfor the government of the House, (1841) 33. Report a series of Rules; Agreed to, 40. Wide Orders, I. To consider of rescinding the 41st Rule (relative to the “Previous Question”); Report a Resolution, that the ex- pediency of rescinding the same, in whole or in part, be referred to the Committee on Privileges ; Agreed to, (1851) 163. Wide infra, 468,-House goes into Committee again ; Report a Resolution, for amending 41st Rule; Agreed to, 201. Saguenay Territory :—To consider the means of facilitating the settlement thereof, (1846) 221. Wot considered. - St. John’s and Granby Road:—To consider of amending the Ordinance providing for the construction of a Turnpike Road from St. John's to Granby; Considered ; Progress reported, (1843) 51. Wo further consideration. St. Lawrence, River :-Vide supra, 233. St. Lawrence, Free Navigation of:—Wide infra, 311, 605. St. Peter, Lake :—Wide supra, 193. School Houses:–Vide supra, 99. Seamen : To consider of amending the Act of Lower Canada, 47 G. III, c. 9, to prevent the desertion of seamen, (1842) 14. Report a Resolution, for reducing the allowance to be paid to seamen detained in gaol by the master of the vessel from which they have deserted, from 1s. 6d to 73d. per diem; Bill presented, 36. Wide Seamen, 1. To consider of amending the Act of Lower Canada for relief of sick mariners, so as to provide for the relief of sick and destitute seamen, (1844–5) 92. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 171. Wide Seamen, 2. To amend the Act regulating the shipping of seamen, by providing that the fees be funded and a salary allowed to the shipping master in lieu thereof, (1848) 59. Report a Resolution, 63. Bill presented, 64. Wide Seamer, 4. COMMITTEES.–continued. 16] H. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. 275. 276. 27;. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. $283. 384. $285. 286. 287. Seat of Government :—Message communicating a Despatch in reply to the Address praying that the Legislature may be called alternately at Quebec and Toronto, (1842) 97. Report two Resolutions; Amend- ments proposed and negatived, and Resolutions agreed to, 109. Wide Seat of Government, 1. Seigniorial Tenure : To consider the laws of Lower Canada touching the said tenure, and the expediency of altering the same, with the most equitable mode of effecting such alterations, (1841) 95. Three Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 246. (Wide Seigniorial Tenure, 17.) Referred to a Select Committee, 247. Wide infra, 534. To consider the expediency of abolishing the Seignorial Tenure in Lower Canada, (1850) 69. Report two Resolu- tions; Agreed to, 96. (Wide Seignorial Tenure, 18.) Referred to a Select Committee, 97. Wide infra, 516. Sheriffs' Fees:—To consider of amending so much of Ord. 25 Geo. III, as empowers Sheriffs in Lower Canada to retain 24 per cent. out of the public moneys in their hands, (1849) 18. Report of Select Commit- tee on income of Sheriffs of Montreal referred, 237. Not considered. * Shipping : To consider of addressing the three Branches of the Imperial Parliament for the repeal of that provision in Imp. Act 3 & 4 Will. IV., ch. 59, which authorises the importation of certain goods in foreign vessels on our inland waters, and for the extension of the Imperial Registry Laws to British vessels on those waters; Report five Resolutions; Petitions to be drafted; Reported, and agreed to, (1844–5) 405. Communicated to the Coun- cil, 407. Wide Addresses, 34. To consider of altering the rates of tonnage imposed on vessels in certain cases; Considered; Report progress, (1851) 140. Order for further consideration discharged, 256. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly :—To consider of providing an annual salary for the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, (1841) 272. Report two Resolutions, 386. Wide Speaker, 62. Wide supra, 24, 206. Speaker of the Legislative Council :—Message recommending provision for a salary to the Speaker of the Legislative Council; Report a Resolution granting £250 for the present Session; Address ordered, (1843) 206. Wide Addresses, 515. Wide supra, 24, 206. Statutes, Provincial: To consider of addressing His Excellency for the appointment of a Commission to revise the Statutes of Lower Canada, (1841) 116. Report a Resolution for an Address, 446. Wide Addresses, 446. To consider of repealing the laws relative to the distribution of the printed Statutes, and of substituting other provisions therefor, (1844–5) 299. Report a Resolution, 339. Bill presented, 340. Wide Statutes, 3. To consider of amending the Act providing for the distribution of the printed copies of the Laws, and also of amending the Rules of the House relative to the introduction of Private Bills; Report five Resolutions; Bill presented, (1849) 333. Wide Statutes, 4. 4. To consider of addressing His Excellency for the appointment of a Commission to revise the Statutes and Ordi- nances of this Province, or of either section thereof, (1851) 144. Report a Resolution for an Address; Agreed to, 156. Wide Addresses, 446. Steamers between Quebec and Liverpool:—Wide supra, 175. Stills —Vide supra, 88–91. Summary Convictions:–To consider of extending the right of appeal to all cases of Summary Convic- tions by Justices of the Peace in Upper Canada, (1843) 72. Report a Resolution, that it is expedient to extend the same, &c., 78. Wo order thereon. V l62 COMMITTEES.–com/?nued. I. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. : Supply: 288. Of Supply; To consider Message with Estimates for 1841, and Report of Select Committee thereon, (1841) 460. On question for consideration, several motions proposed, amended, and agreed to, 519, 526 to 528. (Vide Supply, 18.) Considered, 528. Report 83 Resolutions, 554. Agreed to, 560. Bill presented, 562. (Wide Supply, 1.) Committee to sit again; Message in favor of Victoria College referred, 580. Report of Com- mittee on Report of the Commissioner of the Steam Dredge referred, 590. Report two Resolutions; Amend- ment to 2nd (Dredging Machine) negatived, and Resolutions agreed to, 604. Bills presented, 605. Vide Dredging Machine. Education, 186. 289. On Supply, (1842) 62. Matters referred —Report on Message with Estimates for 1842; Message with Report of Dr. T. Rolph, Emigration Agent, 92. Message recommending grants in aid of publication of Major Richardson’s “War of 1812,” and Mr. Crémazie's compilation of the Criminal Laws of England, 117– Resolutions passed last Session before going into Committee of Supply, renewed, 104. (Wide Supply, 18.) . Report three Resolutions; Bills presented, 108. (Wide Rolph, Dr. Thomas. Supply, 2, 22.) Report two Resolutions (in favor of Major Richardson and Mr. Crémazie); Agreed to, 126. Wide Supply, 163, 164. 290. On Supply; Estimates for 1843 referred; also, Message relative to a provision for the expenses of Government from 1st January to 31st March, 1844, (1843) 189. Resolutions of 1841 before going into Committee, renewed; Several Resolutions, in relation to the Civil List under the Union Act, proposed, and postponed, 190. (Wide Civil List, 4.) Report two Resolutions; Agreed to (Wide Supply, 22.); Address ordered, 191. Wide Addresses, 522. - - 291. To consider of the Supply granted to Her Majesty; Message with Estimates for 1845 referred, also, so much of Speech as relates to a Supply, (1844–5) 385. Report 178 Resolutions, 389. Amendments to 1st (Adjt. Gen’l., L. C.), 19th (Speaker of Assembly), 68th (McGill College), 69th (Superintendents of Education), and 145th (Cascades Road), severally negatived; Resolutions agreed to, 308. Bill ordered, 400. (Vide Supply, 5.) Report another Resolution; Amendment moved and negatived, 432. Bill ordered, 433. (Vide Legislative Council, 2.) 3rd Report of Committee on Public Accounts referred, 435. Report a Resolution, concurring in Report; Bill ordered, 436. Wide Supply, 4. 292. To consider of the Supply, &c., (1846) 49. Messages from His Excellency referred, relative to Accommodation of Superior Courts in Upper Canada, 232: On Lunatic Asylum, Toronto; On Light Houses and Relief Stations, Gulf of St. Lawrence, 266: On arrears of salary due Mr. Papineau, 271 : On Rebellion Losses, Lower Canada, 295: With Estimates for 1846, 295, 313. Report four Resolutions, 254. Amendments moved and negatived, and Resolutions agreed to, 256. (Wide Civil List, 5.) Report a Resolution for appropriating the revenue from the “Jesuits' Estates” to Educational purposes in Lower Canada, and granting £5496 2s. 4d. therefor for 1846; Amendments moved and negatived, and Resolution agreed to, 283. Bill presented, 285. (Wide Jesuits' Estates, 1.) Report seven Resolutions; Bills presented, 288. (Wide Courts. 2. Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, 1. Wavigations, 46. Smuggling, 1. Speaker, 64.) Report a Resolution; Address to Her Majesty ordered thereon, 289. (Wide Addresses, 13.) Report 158 Resolutions, 322. 50th and 51st (£250 each to Medical Faculty of McGill College, and Montreal School of Medicine) re-committed; The others agreed to, 330. Five additional Resolutions reported, and agreed to ; Bills presented, 336. Wide Supply, 6. Also Loans, Public, 3. Public Works, 9. Rebellion, 5. 298. To consider a proposed Resolution “That a Supply be granted to her Majesty,” (1847) 46. Resolution adopted ; House resolves to go into Committee to consider of such Supply, 68. Estimates for 1847 referred, 99. Message with Supplementary Estimates, 150. Report 63 Resolutions; Agreed to, 102. Report 40 Resolutions; Agreed to, 119. Bill presented, 161. (Wide Supply, 7.) Further considered (on division), 163. Report 46 Resolutions; Agreed to, 170. Instruction to Committee of whole on the Bill, to embody the last mentioned Resolutions, 173. 2.94. To consider a proposed Resolution, &c., (1848) 38. Resolution adopted ; Committed, to consider of such Supply, 52. Messages recommending an advance of £125,000 for Public Works, and £140,000 for the Public Service, together with a Report of the Inspector General in reference thereto, referred, 59. Report two Resolutions, granting the above amounts; Agreed to ; House goes into Committee of Ways and Means ; Report two Resolutions, granting the latter from the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and providing for the raising of the first mentioned sum by Debentures ; Bills presented, 69. Wide Supply, 8, 9. 295. To consider a proposed Resolution, &c., (1849) 64. Resolution adopted; Committed, to consider of such Supply, 74. Message with Estimate for St. Lawrence Canals referred, 104. Message with Civil Estimates referred, 219, 884. Report a Resolution (St. Lawrence Canals); Agreed to, 127. Order for further consideration read : Series of Resolutions proposed, relative to the Public Debt, Public Works, Reduction of Civil List and Public Expenditure, Salary of Governor General, Constitution, &c., of Executive Council, Law Costs, Tribunal for trial of Impeachments, and the Seigniorial Tenure, 315. Consideration of the Resolutions postponed ; House goes into Committee, 316. Report 193 Resolutions, 339, Question of concurrence moved ; Amendment, to add a proviso, that no salary thereby voted be taken as establishing a precedent for any future vote, negatived, 345. COMMITTEES.–continued. 163 1. 296. 297. 298. 299. 301. 302. 303. 304. ***.*-at Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. Supply—continued. Fiftieth to fifty-third Resolutions and the one hundred and ninety-third (granting aid, out of the Marriage License Fund, for the Toronto Hospital, Toronto House of Industry, Indigent Sick at Kingston, Lunatic Asylum at Toronto, and Kingston Hospital), severally negatived, unanimously; the remaining Resolutions agreed to ; Bill presented, 346. Wide Supply, 10. To consider a proposed Resolution, &c., (1850) 179. Resolution adopted ; Committee to consider of such Supply; Message with estimates referred, 192. Motion for going into Committee thereon ; Amendments, for postponing consideration until after the final Report of the Committee on the Public Income and Expenditure, or until the Government shall have determined on a plan for general retrenchment, proposed and negatived; Main motion agreed to, 198. Motion for an instruction to the Committee, to report a system for raising and expending the resources of the Province according to certain specified propositions, negatived, 198. House goes into Committee, 200. Motion (on question for again going into Committee) that in future no payment of public money be made, nor any new office created, unless the same shall have been previously authorized by legislative enactment, &c., negatived ; House goes into Committee, 226. Report 159 Resolutions, 252. Amendments severally proposed to the following Resolutions, and negatived, viz., 1st and 2nd (Militia),—6th (Speaker of Legislative Council), -18th (Speaker of Assembly), 66th (Judges, L. C.), 75th (Distribution of Laws),-97th (Mounted Police, Montreal), -152nd (Normal School, U. C.); Resolutions agreed to, 257 to 262, 265. Report 12 additional Resolutions, 265. Several amendments proposed to 12th (Public Build- ings at Quebec), and negatived : Resolutions agreed to, 266. House goes into Committee of Ways and Means; Report 4 Resolutions, granting portions of the amount required out of the Consolidated Revenue and the Jesuits' Estates Funds, and providing for raising the residue by Debentures; Bills presented, 267. Wide Supply, 11, 12. To consider a proposed Resolution, &c., (1851) 95. Resolution agreed to ; Committee to consider of such Supply; Message with estimates referred, 119. Report 187 Resolutions, 218. 7th (Clerk of Legislative Council) amended, by adding certain words; Amendments severally proposed to the following Resolutions, and negatived viz., 1st and 2nd (Militia),—6th (Speaker, L. Council), 16th (Contingencies of do.), 17th (Speaker of Assembly), and 18th (Contingencies of do.); Resolutions 1 to 38 agreed to, 224. Remaining Resolutions postponed, on division, 225. Resolutions 39 to 100 agreed to ; Amendments being moved and negatived to the 73rd (Admin. of Justice), 75th (Judges, L. C.), and 82nd (Government Printing), 236. Amendments to 101st (Claim of John A. Roebuck), and 102nd (Claim of W. L. Mackenzie), negatived; Resolutions 101 to 166 agreed to, 241 to 244. Remaining Resolutions agreed to, an amendment being proposed to the 187th (Arbitrations on Public Works), and negatived, 251–Message with Supplementary Estimate referred, 240. Report 13 additional Resolutions ; Agreed to Order, That every item included in the Supply Resolutions be set forth in a Schedule to the Bill ; Bill presented, 253. (Wide Supply, 13.) House goes into Committee of Ways and Means, 250. Report 4 Resolutions, granting portions of the amount required out of the Consolidated Revenue and Jesuits' Estates Funds, and providing for raising the residue (including the grant for a Main Trunk Railway) by Debentures; Bill presented, 321. Wide Railroads, 8. Also, Supply, 14. Surveys: To consider of altering the Law of Possession, so far as it relates to erroneous surveys, (1841) 235. Considered, and no Report made, 308. To consider of consolidating and amending the laws in Upper Canada concerning Surveyors and the mode of ascertaining and determining boundary lines, (1843) 131. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 132. Wide Surveys, 5. Taverns: To consider of amending the Ordinance 4 Vic., c. 42, relative to taverns and tavern keepers, (1841) 195. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 287. Wide Taverns, 1. To consider of repealing certain Acts, and to impose a Duty on persons selling spirituous liquors, and keeping houses of entertainment, and to provide for the collection of such Duty, (1846) 210. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 289. Wide Taverns, 3. To consider of amending the law relative to licenses for taverns and beer shops in Upper Canada, and giving power to the municipal authorities therein to regulate taverns and beer shops, and to fix the Duty payable thereon, and to make better provision for the issuing of such licenses, (1850) 179. Report a Resolution; Bill pre- sented, 185. Wide Taverns, 4. - To consider the mode of granting licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors, and the expediency of making new provision in that behalf; Report four Resolutions; Bill presented, (1850) 205. Wide Intemperance, 2. Wide supra, 246, 247. 164 COMMITTEES.–continued. I. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. 305. 306 307 308 309. 310 311. 312. 313. 314. 3.15. Tay Navigation CO. :—To consider of amending the Act incorporating the said Company, (1843) 122. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 139. Wide Wavigations, 75. Timber : Petitions for an Address to Her Majesty against any alteration in the protection afforded to the Canadian timber trade in the markets of the United Kingdom, (1841) 136, 185. Four Resolutions reported; Committee appointed to draft Petitions to Her Majesty and the Imperial Parliament thereon, 237. Wide Addresses, 35. To consider of amending the Act of last Session regulating the lumber trade, (1843) 12. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 21. Wide Timber, 3. To consider the expediency of preventing the sale of timber from off the public lands, (1846) 221. Considered, and no Report made, 314. Wide infra, 606. Trade: First Report from Committee appointed to inquire into the prices paid and methods adopted for the transit of pro- ducts on the different communications within the Province, (1841) 313. Report a Resolution, concurring in the opinions expressed in several Addresses from the late Assembly of Upper Canada, praying for the admis- sion of the products of Canada into Great Britain, Duty free; Agreed to, 445. Resolution committed; Address reported, 581. Wide Addresses, 38. Second Report from the said Committee, 591. Three Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 619. Wide Public Works, 33. To consider certain proposed Resolutions relative to restrictions on the trade of this Province, with a view of addressing Her Majesty on the subject, (1846) 192. Considered; Report progress; Question for leave to sit again, negatived; Two sets of Resolutions which had been proposed in the Committee of whole referred to a Select Committee, 303. Wo Report. To consider certain proposed Resolutions on the subject of the carrying trade on the Provincial Canals, the free navigation of the St. Lawrence, and the removal of all Duties on Canadian products when admitted into Great Britain, (1847) 79. Considered, 93. Order for further consideration discharged; Address ordered on the last mentioned subject, 150. Wide Addresses, 41. To consider of the expediency of providing for the free admission of certain articles of the production of the United States into Canada, upon the like articles, the production of Canada, being admitted free into the United States, (1849) 47. Report a Resolution; Amendments proposed and negatived, and Resolution agreed to, 69. Bill presented, 70. Wide Trade, 1, 4. To consider certain proposed Resolutions whereon to found an Address to Her Majesty, praying for an extension of the principles recognized in the late (Imperial) Navigation Act to the productions of Canada, and the impo- sition of Duties on the principle of reciprocity on all foreign productions imported into Great Britain, (1851) 33. Considered, 60. Wo Report. Transit of Products:—Vide supra, 309, 311. Tutors:–Wide supra, 157, Union of the British American Provinces:—Wide infra, 607. Union of the Canadas :—Wide infra, 608. Usury Laws:—To consider of amending the Usury Laws, (1841) 54. Not considered. Wallières, Madame:–Message of His Excellency recommending a pension to the widow of the late Chief Justice Vallières de St. Réal; Report that a Resolution has been adopted; Motion to postpone reception of Report three months, negatived, (1847) 145. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 148. Wide Pensions, 55. Ways and Means —Vide supra, 72,294, 296,297. COMMITTEES.–continued. I65 I. Committees of the Whole House, &c.—continued. 316. Weeks 5 Henry :—Message from His Excellency recommending a grant of land scrip for £400 to Mr. Weeks, in compensation for loss through an incorrect survey of the Township of Yonge, (1844–5) 382. Report a Resolution, recommending a grant of scrip; Agreed to, 387. Weights and Measures: 817. To consider of amending the laws in force in Upper Canada relative to the inspection of weights and measures, (1849) 60. Report two Resolutions; Bill presented, 69. Wide Weights and Measures, 1. 318. To consider of amending the Act 39 Geo. III, c. 7, concerning the inspection of weights and measures in Lower Canada, (1849) 192. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 193. Wide Weights and Measures, 2. Welland Canal: 319. To consider of granting a sum of money to purchase the private shares in the Welland Canal, (1841) 172. Message recommending a provision for the purchase thereof, referred, 209. Report a Resolution, 273. Bill presented, 285. Wide Wavigations, 83. 320. To consider of amending the Act of Upper Canada, of 7 Will. IV., for the completion of the canal, and the Act (of Canada) of 4 & 5 Vic, for the purchase of the private Stock, (1843) 104. Report Resolutions for repealing so much of first Act as provides for a division of the income of the canal among the Stockholders, —and for repealing the second Act, and providing for the issuing of Debentures to the Shareholders for the purchase of their Stock; Bill presented, 142. Wide Wavigations, 84. 321. Message recommending a further appropriation of £2779 18s. 9d., to complete the purchase of the private Stock, (1844–5) 387. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 408. Wide Wavigations, 85. Winter Roads (L. C.) : 322. To consider of repealing or amending the Laws of Lower Canada relative to the improvement of the roads during the winter season, (1341) 208. Considered, and no Report made, 247. 323. To consider of amending certain Ordinances of the Special Council relating thereto, (1841) 280. Report a Reso- lution; Bill presented, 290. Wide Winter Roads, 2. 824. To consider of amending certain Ordinances, &c., (1842) 25. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 31. Vide Winter Roads, 3. 325. Witnesses:–To consider the propriety of remunerating persons called upon by the House to give evidence ; Report a Resolution, that no witness be paid unless the case shall have been reported on by the Committee on Contingencies, and agreed to by the House; Concurred in, (1841) 371. II. Select Committees appointed: (1.) To consider various matters—relative to— Agricultural Produce:–Vide infra, 372—875. Agriculture: 326. To consider of the best mode of granting aid for the encouragement of agriculture; to send for persons and papers, (1843) 76. Members added, 122. Wo Report. 827. To inquire into the expediency of amending the laws for the encouragement of agriculture in Lower Canada; to send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 186. Report, 226. Committed, 257. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 272. Wide Agricultural Societies (L. C.), 1. 828. To inquire into the cause of the present state of the agricultural interest in many parts of Lower Canada, and Whether Legislative enactment can be brought to its relief without prejudice to the general interests of the Province, (1844–5) 204. No Report. 329. To inquire into the expediency of amending the laws of Lower Canada relating to the remedy of abuses prejudicial to agriculture; To report by Bill or otherwise; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 271. Report a Bill, 805. Wide Agriculture, 1. 166 COMMITTEES.–continued. TI. 330. 3.31. 332. 334. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1) To consider various matters—continued. Agriculture—continued. To inquire into the expediency of continuing and amending the Act to remedy abuses prejudicial to agriculture in Lower Canada; To Report by Bill or otherwise; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 86. Report a Bill 168. Wide Agriculture, 2. To consider of continuing and amending the Act for encouragement of agriculture in Lower Canada; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 192. Wo Report. Two Petitions of Niagara District Agricultural Society, for amendments to the Act relating to Agricultural Societies, and for a different apportionment of the sums granted to such Societies; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 91. To report from time to time, by Bill or otherwise; Members added, 93. Petition of Provincial Agricultural Association of Canada West for aid, referred, 158. Report, 209. Printed, 210. Concurred in, 239. To inquire into the state of Agriculture in Lower Canada, and the means of improving it, and of facilitating the settlement of the wild lands; To send for persons and papers, (1850) 38. Member added, 58. Report (App. T. T.); Printed, 272. - To enquire into the expediency of amending the Act of Lower Canada relating to abuses prejudicial to agriculture ; To report by Bill or otherwise ; To send for persons and papers, (1850) 110, Report a Bill, 125. Vide Agriculture, 3. - . Report of the Agricultural Society for Lower Canada, and Special Report of the Agricultural Society for the County of Beauharnois; To send for persons and papers, (1851) 112. Report (App. J.); Printed, 264. 2000 copies to be printed, 318. Aliens : — Petition of Cyprian Morgan, of Yonge, for naturalization; To send for persons and papers, (1848) 48. Other petitions for naturalization referred, viz.: Of J. B. Clendennan and others; Of Rev. J. F. A. S. Fayette; Of Rev. Abijah Blanchard, 74. Of Alexis Chandler, 76. Report recommending an Act to naturalize all the petitioners, 87. Bill presented, 88. Wide Aliens, 32. Appeals, Court of (L. C.) :—To enquire whether the said Court have performed the duty imposed by the 13th section of 7 Vic, c. 18, with respect to making Rules of Practice for the said Court, and for the Court of Queen's Bench, and Tariff of Fees, and if it has not, to suggest some method of giving effect to the said requirement; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 65. Wo Report. Banks : Petition of Bank of Upper Canada, for repeal of the section of their Act of Incorporation which requires their principal place of business to be at the seat of Government; To send for persons and papers, and report from time to time, by Bill or otherwise, (1841) 114. Petitions of other Banks, for an increase of their capital, referred, viz.: Commercial Bank, M. D. ; Upper Canada Bank ; Montreal Bank; Montreal City Bank, 115 ; Gore Bank, 176. Of Quebec Bank, for a renewal of Charter, 165. Committee incorporated with the Committee on the Currency, 167. Wide infra, 370. Petition of Commercial Bank, Midland District, for extension of Charter and increase of capital ; To send for persons and papers, (1842) 17. Petition of Bank of Upper Canada, for the like, referred, 18. Report; Committed, 28. Report a Resolution ; Bills presented, 37. Wide Banks, 12, 41. Statement of the affairs of the several Chartered Banks and Insurance Offices ; To send for persons and papers (1844–5) 214. No Report. * c-- - - - : *-*t To inquire into the position and management of the Farmers' Joint Stock Banking Company at Toronto; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 200. Members added, 219. Wo Report. Beauharnois Canal:—Return to an Address for Mr. Keefer's Estimate of #255,900 for expense of constructing the said canal ; To report from time to time ; To send for persons and papers, (1842) 27. Petition from Vaudreuil on the subject referred, 35. Message relative to the appointment of a Military Engineer to superintend the St. Lawrence improvements, referred, 90. Report (App. Z.); Printed, 127. Wide infra, 510, 511. COMMITTEES-continued 167 II. 343. 344. 345. 346. 348. 349. 351. 352. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1.) To consider various matters—continued. Bills :—To ascertain what original Bills pending before the House were destroyed at the late fire (destruction of Parliament House in Montreal), and to consider what course it may be proper to take with respect to such Bills, to enable the House to proceed with them from the different stages at which they had arrived, (1849) 262, Report (App. S. S. S. S.); Printed, 265. Brock's Monument:-To inquire into the condition thereof, and what amount has been subscribed for its re-erection; and also, whether certain gold and silver medals struck for militia men (by the Loyal and Patriotic Society, for services during the last war) have been distributed; To send for persons and papers, (1841) 567. Report, recommending appointment of Commissionners to take charge of the monument until the rebuilding of the same shall be proceeded with ; Resolution appointing Commissioners, 618. Bytown and Hatfield Road:—Mr. Keefer's Report relative to the said road (attached to Report of Board of Works); To send for persons and papers, (1847) 135. Petition relative to the construction of the Bytown and L'Orignal Road referred; Members added, 143. Report, 159. Motion to concur in Report; Amendment, for committing it, carried; Considered, and no Report made, 192. Canada Gazette :-To inquire into the system adopted in the distribution of the Canada Gazette; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 42. Instruction, to inquire into the mode of distributing the Statutes, 74, Report (App. A. A. A. A.); Printed, 188. Carrying Trade –Vide infra, 541, 542, & Chambly Canal:—To inquire into the management and collection of dues on the Chambly Canal; To send for persons and papers, (1844-5) 168. Petition of S. and S. R. Andres, for the settlement of their claim against the Commissioners, referred; Message relative to certain claims against the late Commissioners referred; Members added, 221. Petition of L. H. Dunlop, contractor on Beauharnois Canal, referred, 235. To report from time to time; First Report (on Petition of Andres), 245. Committed, 251. Report a Resolution for an Address, 418. (Wide Addresses, 97.) Second Report, 345. Chancery, Court of (U. C.) :—To inquire into the present mode of instituting and prosecuting proceedings in the said Court, against parties absent from the country, and how far and in what manner it may be expedient to alter the law in this respect; To send for persons and papers, (1850) 140. Report, 238. Wide infra, 609. Charitable Institutions:—Wide infra, 493. Clergy Reserves: Petition of Church Society of Diocese of Toronto, praying that such share of the Clergy Reserves may be assigned to the Church of England in the said Diocese, as may correspond with her proportion of the funds arising therefrom ; To report by Bill or otherwise; To send for persons and papers, (1844-5) 61. Petitions from various Episcopal congregations in favor, referred, 101, 102, 126, 133, 138, 140, 177, 183, 190, 195, 202, 208. Petition of the Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, and of various Episcopal Congregations, for a similar assignment of Clergy Reserves to the Church of England in that Diocese, referred, 244, 250, 264, 276. Report, 277. Printed, 306. Petitions praying that the Reserves may not be divided, as prayed for by the Church of England, but that they may be sold, as heretofore; To send for persons and papers, (1844-5) 211. Members added, 274. Other petitions referred, 250, 288, 331. Report; Printed, 427. - Petition of the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, praying that such portion of the Clergy Reserves in Upper Canada as may be apportioned to the Church of England may be vested in the said Society; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 17. Petitions from various congregations in the said Diocese, in favor, referred, 17, 88, 41, 47, 50, 51, 62, 72, 79, 95, 100, 106. Petition from Diocese of Quebec for the vesting of a portion of the Reserves in Lower Canada in the Church Society of Quebec, referred, 88. Report an Address to Her Majesty 106. (Wide Addresses, 5.) Printed, 107. Motion to concur in Address; Amendment moved, 260. Amendment agreed to ; Main motion further amended by substituting an Address to His Excellency for the sale of Clergy Reserve lots to settlers; Motion for further amendment negatived ; Address ordered, on amended motion, 267. Wide Addresses, 115. 168 COMMITTEES.–continued. II. Select Committees appointed—continued. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359, 360. (1) To consider various matters—continued. Clergy Reserves—continued. Petition from Russell, praying that the share of the Reserves accruing to the Episcopal Church may not be made over to the management of its incorporated Societies, as prayed for ; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 33. Similar petitions referred, 50, 72, 79, 95, 99, 105, 113, 143, 151, 162, 176. Petition for amendment of Charter of King's College, referred, 41. Petition of Presbyterian Synod for a share of influence in the management of King's College, and for incorporation of Queen's College therewith, referred, 67. Report; Printed, 177. Wide infra, 412, 610, Clerk’s Office : To enquire what assistance it will be necessary to afford to the Clerk, and what officers and departments it will be expedient to establish for conducting the business of the House, with the salaries, and rules for their guidance; with power to recommend by whom the offices shall be filled, with due consideration of the claims of the officers, &c., of the late Assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada; To send for persons and papers, (1841) 78. To report from time to time, 116. Petitions from clerks and servants of Assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada, for retired allowances, &c., referred —L. B. Pinguet, 85. Eneas Bell; Julia Bell, 176. L. Morreau, 234. Petition of Alpheus Todd, for remuneration for his work on Parliamentary Law, 98. Petition of Alfred Todd, and others, for continuance of their employment in the Clerk's Office, 234. First Report, 116. Committed, 118. (Wide supra, 25.) Second Report (on the Petitions, &c.); Committed, 270. Vide Supra, 25. To inquire into the present state of the offices and departments of the House, with regard to any vacancies that may have occurred since last Session, and the necessity of filling the same: To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers, (1842) 23. Report; Committed, 35. Report a Resolution for appointing Mr. F. X. Garneau Assistant French Translator, at £200 per annum; Agreed to, 53. To report their opinion upon a proper scale or schedule of salaries or other allowances to be paid to the officers and messengers of the House, (1846) 308. Report, 319. Referred to Committee of whole on 4th Report on Contingencies, 320. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 332. Wide Legislative Assembly, 128–132. To inquire into the state of the offices, and the diligence of the clerks therein, particularly during last recess, and whether the Order of 5th June, 1846, relative to the completion of the work during the recess has been complied with ; To send for persons and papers, (1847) 192. No Report. Clerk of the Peace, Quebec :—To inquire into the manner in which the office of the Clerk of the Peace, and the Records thereof, are kept, and whether there are not any abuses or defects in keeping the same, and the means of remedying such abuses, &c.; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 99. Wo Report. Colonization, System of:—Wide infra, 388. Committee Rooms:–To inquire what accommodation is afforded for Committees, and what further accom- modation (if necessary) can be obtained in the vicinity of the Parliament House; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 20. Report; Committed, 28. Report a Resolution granting £75 to procure further accommodation, 35. Contingencies : On the Contingent Accounts and Expenses of the present Session; To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers, (1841) 119. Members added, 482, 579. Matters referred:—Petitions relative to deficiencies in last year's salaries (U. C.), of A. Patrick, 260: Of R. Defries and others, 480: Of Alfred Todd and T. Patrick; Of M. McCarthy, 472. Petitions for remuneration for services connected with contested elections in L. C.:—Of P. A. Weilbrenner, 353: Of A. Jobin, 542. Petition of Alpheus Todd, for remune- ration for his work on Parliamentary Law, 340. Of Maria McCrea, for remuneration for acting as House- keeper, &c., 579. Subject of remunerating Speaker of late Assembly of U. Canada, 371. Report on Petition of E. Parent, for remuneration for services as Law Clerk to Assembly of L. Canada, 482. Instruction, to take into consideration the emoluments, &c., enjoyed by the Clerk of the House when Clerk to the Assembly of L. Canada, and Clerk to the Special Council, 496.--FIRST REPORT (on Accounts of Assembly of U. C. unpaid), 187. Committed, 189. (Wide supra, 29.) SEcond REPORT (on the same, and Petition of A. Patrick); Committed, 269. (Wide ib.) THIRD REPORT (on all remaining references but one), 544. Committed, 546. (Wide ib.) FourTH REPORT (on the Instruction, Petition of McCrea, and Accounts of the Session), 621. Committed, 629. Wide ib. - ** COMMITTEES.–continued. 169 II. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1.) To consider various matters—continued. Contingencies—continued. 361. On the Contingent Accounts and Expenses of the present Session; To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers, (1842) 6. Petition of certain messengers, for an annual salary, referred, 97. First Report (on accounts of past year); Committed, 40. Report Resolution for an Address, 60. (Wide Addresses, 130.) Second Report (allowance to door-keeper and messengers); Committed, 102. Wide supra, 31. 362. On Contingencies; A. Standing Committee; To inquire into all such matters as may be referred, and to report from time to time, their observations and opinions thereon ; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 18, 34. Petitions referred —Of the Sergeant-at-Arms, for an increase of salary, 65 : Of G. D'Eschambault, for remuneration for services as Commissioner at the contested election of Mr. Berthelot in 1833, 116 . Of T. Patrick, for additional remuneration for past services as a junior clerk, 189: Of W. Ross, Chief Clerk of Committees, for a salary equal to that of the Chief Office Clerk, 193. FIRST REPORT (on accounts of past year); Committed, 44. Report two Resolutions for Addresses, 62. (Wide Addresses, 130.) SEcond REPORT (on Indices to Journals of Upper and Lower Canada, extra clerks,—and witnesses), 68. Referred back to Committee, 78. THIRD REPORT (on Tradesmen's Accounts), 84. , Concurred in, 152. FourTH REPORT (reconsideration of 2nd Report), 106. Printed; Committed, 107. Resolutions reported; Amended, and agreed to, 179. (Wide Legislative Assembly, 168–178.) FIFTH REPORT (for an advance); Committed, 183. Report a Resolution, 186. (Wide Addresses, 130.) SixTH REPORT (on Sergeant-at-Arms and door-keeper); Committed, 189. Report three Resolutions,205. (Wide Legislative Assembly, 179–181)SEVENTH REPORT (on Petitions of Patrick and Ross),201. 363. On Contingencies; A Standing Committee; Same powers, (1844–5) 15, 38. Petitions referred:—Of Julia Bell, for remuneration for her late husband's services; Of G. D'Eschambault, for remuneration for services on Mr. Berthelot's Election Commission, 48: Of Sergeant-at-Arms, for an increase of salary, 56 : Of Alex. McDonald, for employment as a clerk, 57: Of R. Defries, for a fixed salary as post office messenger, 96 : Of Alfred Patrick, for an increase of salary, 170 : Of T. Vaux, for the same, 293 : Of John Healey, for a retired allow- ance as a messenger, 264 : . Of T. Proudlock, for a grant to enable him to publish his plans for the improve- ment of the navigation, 265 : Of P. P. Demaray, for remuneration for his services on the Missisquoi contested election in 1831, 324 : Of G. Marchand, for the like, 331. Letter from J. Legare, offering for sale a portrait of the Queen, referred, 251. Report on Petition of C. J. de Montreuil relative to a balance due the late A. Schindler, referred, 342. Instruction, to report what indemnity it would be proper to allow the officers of the House for expenses incurred by the removal of the Seat of Government, 416. Committee to sit during the Christmas adjournment of the House, 92. Motion for instruction to consider of allowing an indemnity to the officers of the House for extra expenses consequent on removal of Seat of Government, negatived, 382. FIRST REPORT (for an advance); Committed, 57. Address reported, 85. (Wide Addresses, 130.) SECOND REPORT (on accounts of past recess), 195. THIRD REPORT (on the accounts, and the various Petitions), 256. Com- mitted, 257. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 295. (Wide Legislative Assembly, 184—191.) FourTH REPORT (on accounts of the Session), 328. Committed; Address reported, 339. (Wide Addresses, 130.) FIFTH REPORT (on instruction,-Report on Petition of De Montreuil, and clerks and extra writers, with estimate), 424. Committed; Report 13 Resolutions, 426. Wide Addresses, 130. Legislative Assembly, 192–204. 364. On Contingencies; A Standing Committee; Same powers, (1846) 38, 41. Member added, 272. Petitions refer- red :-Of Mrs. Bell (late husband's services); Of Mrs. McLennan, for a pension, 84 : Of Wm. Dixon, for do, 176 : Of J. Wollar, and J. Kay, for do., 199: Of Mrs. Dalton, for payment of a balance due her late husband; Of A. L. Cardinal, for increase of salary, 186 : Of M. McCarthy, for employment as night watch, 199: Of R. Defries, for a different mode of remuneration as post office messenger, 234: Of officers of the House, for an increase of salaries, 237: Of clerks in public offices, for an allowance for removal of Seat of Government, 277; Of Mrs. Brewer, for continuance of her late husband's pension, 297. FIRST REPORT (for an advance); Committed, 80. Report Resolution for an Address, 104. (Wide Addresses, 130.) SEcoRD REPORT (on accounts of last Session and Recess), 192. THIRD REPORT (for a further advance); Committed, 252. Report Resolution for an Address, 291. (Wide Addresses, 130.) FourTHREpoRT (on the offices, and all the Petitions but those of Mrs. Dalton and Mrs. Brewer), 299. Committed, 301. (Wide supra, 34.) FIFTH REPORT (on remaining Petitions, and estimate); Referred to Committee of whole on 4th Report, 320. Wide supra, 34. 865. On Contingencies; A Standing Committee, &c., (1847) 23, 30. Petition of Mrs. Brewer, for a continuance to her of her late husband's pension, referred, 159. Instruction, to consider the propriety of purchasing 100 copies of Garneau's History of Canada, 207. Do., do. 200 copies of the Canadian Agricultural Reader, 212. FIRST REPORT (for an advance); Address ordered, 36. (Wide Addresses, 130.) SEcond REPORT (on accounts, and estimate, and the Petition), 188. Committed; Report an Address, 212. Wide Addresses, 130. 366. On Contingencies; Standing Committee, (1849) 21, 30. Instruction, to inquire into the state of the several offices, and the expediency of making any alterations or reductions, 118. Instruction, to procure copies of the Mon- treal Brokers' circular of 26th March, and of the Return of Bank Issues, 180. Instruction, to tax and pay the accounts of two witnesses before the Committee on Yule's Mill-dam Bill, 363, Petitions referred :—Of J. W 170 COMMITTEES.–confinued. TI. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1.) To consider various matters—continued. Contingencies—continued. 367. On Smolinski, relative to the use of his calorifers, 40: Of J. Wollar for a pension, 97: Of D. Wylie and others, for remuneration as Reporters, 124. FIRST REPORT (on postage of Members); Concurred in, 46. SEcond REpoRT (on expenses of 1847 & 1848), 68. Concurred in ; Address ordered, 73. (Wide Addresses, 130.) THIRD REPORT (on petition of Smolinski), 153. FourTH REPORT (for an advance); Address ordered, 170. (Wide Addresses, 130.) FIFTH REPORT (on officers of the House, and remaining Petitions), 268. Printed, 270. Concurred in, 290. (Wide Legislative Assembly, 220.) SIXTH REPORT (for a further advance); Address ordered, 270. (Vide Addresses, 130.) SEVENTH REPORT (on applications, estimates, &c.), 360. Concurrred in ; Printed; Address ordered, 363. Wide Addresses, 130. Legislative Assembly, 221. Contingencies; Standing Committee, (1850) 9, 30. Petitions for compensation for losses sustained at the burning of the Parliament House, referred, viz: Of A. L. Cardinal, 57: Of officers, clerks, and servants of the House, 74: Of Mrs. Belton, 225. Petition of Reporters, for remuneration for reporting the debates, referred, 158. FIRST REPORT (on accounts of past year), 60. Printed; Committed, 62, 174. (Wide supra, 37 .) Address ordered, 62. (Wide Addresses, 130) SEcoRD REPORT (on Petitions respecting losses, and re-consideration of part of 1st Report), 151. Printed; Committed, 153. (Wide supra, 37.) THIRD REPORT (for a further advance); Address ordered, 178, (Wide Addresses, 130.) FourTH REPORT (on remaining Petitions, accounts of Session, &c., with a list of officers and servants), 269. Committed; Motion for an instruction to Committee thereon, to consider of granting compensation for the losses referred to in the 2nd Report, negatived, 272. Wide Supra, 37. Legislative Assembly, 231—234. 368. On Contingencies; Standing Committee, (1851) 18, 22. Petitions referred:—Of A. L. Cardinal (losses at burn- ing of Parliament House), 150 : Of W. Winder, (do.), 199: Of Paul Kane (for aid to complete sketches of Canadian scenery, &c.), 264. FIRST REPORT (on accounts of past year), 148. Printed, 144. Concurred in, 206. SECOND REPORT (on the Petitions, officers of the House, &c., with a classified list of officers and messen- gers), 309. Printed; Committed, 313. Wide supra, 38. Legislative Assembly, 238–241. 369. Copyright :—To inquire into the effect of the English Copyright Act, the consequent exclusion of American re-prints, and the policy of that exclusion as connected with the probable influence on the minds of the rising generation; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 52. Report (App. P. P.); Printed, 207. Cornwall and L'Orignal Road:—Wide infra, 611. Courts:–Vide supra, 337, 348. infra, 609. Crier and Tipstaff, Montreal:—vide infra, 517. 370. Currency :—To inquire and report such measures as will most readily equalize the rates of exchange, and assimilate the currency throughout the Province; To send for persons and papers, (1841) 99. Members added, 115, 119. Petition of Montreal Board of Trade for adoption of the British sterling currency, referred, 180. Committee on Petitions from various Banking Companies (supra, 338), incorporated with this Commit- tee; To report from time to time ; Members added; Instructions, to ascertain the most advisable standard for the currency, and for regulating the exchange, and to inquire into the operation of the Usury Laws on the agricultural and commercial interests of the Province, 167. Petitions referred:—Of Montreal Board of Trade (above mentioned); Of the same, for a modification of the Usury Laws, 171: Of G. P. Ridout, for the same; Of do., for an equalization of the currency; Of the Bank of Upper Canada, for an increase of their Capital, * First REPORT (on the currency, App.O.); Committed, 234. Three Resolutions reported, and Bill Presented, 265. (Wide Currency, 1.) SEcond REPORT (on Upper Canada Bank), 336. Committed; Resolu- tion reported, and Bill presented, 337. (Wide Banks, 40.) THIRD REPORT, with a Bill, 367. (Wide Usury Laws, I.) FINAL REPORT (App.O.), with an Address to Her Majesty, 436. (Wide Addresses, 1.) Printed; Committed, 437. Order discharged, and Report referred to Committee of whole on Bill relative to the Com- mercial Bank, 552. Wide Banks, 12. Customs: *71. To inquire into the manner in which the Customs are collected in Upper Canada, and into any abuses in the man- ner of collecting or accounting therefor; To send for persons and papers, (1841) 495. Report (App. V. V.); Concurred in ; Address ordered, 588. Vide Addresses, 141. *7%. Petition of North American Committee of the Colonial Society of Great Britain, for imposition of Duties on American agricultural productions imported into Canada; To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers, (1842) 21. Other petitions therefor referred, 21, 103. Despatches relative to the importation of wheat from Canada into the United Kingdom free of Duty, referred, 60. Report (App. W.); Committed, 116. Consideration postponed siné die; Report printed, 122. COMMITTEES-continued. * 171 HI. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. $78, 379. 381. 382, Select Committees appointed—continued. (1.) To consider various matters—continued, Customs—continued. To consider the practicability and expediency of reducing the Duty on produce of the British West Indies, contingent on their making an equal reduction on bread-stuffs, provisions, lumber, &c., the produce of Canada; To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 7. Members added, 9. No Report. Petition of leather dealers in Canada East, for a higher Duty on American leather ; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 54. Other petitions referred:—For a Duty of 30 per cent on boots and shoes, 54 : For Duties on American agricultural produce and manufactures, 83. Report, 113. Despatch from Colonial Secretary of 3rd Feb., 1846, relative to Customs Act of last Session,-and Despatch of 25th April, 1845, respecting the Duties imposed by that Act on supplies imported for the use of the troops; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 48. Report, 287. (App. T. T.) To inquire whether frauds have not been committed against the Revenue Laws, by the introduction of cattle und false pretences; To send for persons and papers, (1847) 67. Report, 183. * Wide infra, 377, 540, 541. T)istillers:–Bill to impose a Duty on distillers and brewers, and on spirituous and fermented liquors made by them ; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 199. Other matters referred :-Bill to repeal the laws relative to the management of the Customs and Excise ; Bill to provide for the management of the Customs; Bill to impose a Duty on persons selling spirituous liquors; Bill to impose Duties on hawkers and pedlars; Bill to impose a Duty on auctioneers; Bill for granting a Duty on Bank Notes, 200 : Petitions of A. Handyside, and of Montreal Board of Trade, for a full inquiry into the effect of the proposed Duty on distillers, &c., 202, 221. Petition from farmers of Bertie, for adoption of measures for preventing smuggling ; Petition of O. Schryer, for compensation for injuries suffered in the discharge of his duty as a Collector of Customs, 231. Petition for regulation of the proposed Duties on breweries and distilleries by the quantities produced, 235. Committee report the bill to provide for the management of the Customs, with amendments, 239. Vide Customs, 20. Dredging Machine:—Report from the Commissioner of the Steam Dredging Machine for Upper Canada, (1841) 263. Report, 461. Committed, 462. Message relative to the balance due the commissioner, also committed, 524. Orders discharged, and Report referred to Committee of Supply, 590. Resolution reported, 604, Bill presented, 605. Wide Dredging Machine. Eastern Townships :—To inquire into the causes which retard the settlement of the Eastern Townships in the Districts of Three Rivers, St. Francis, and Quebec, and to report on the best means to be adopted for facilitating the settlement of the same ; To send for persons and papers, (1851) 43. To report from time to time, 94. Petitions for adoption of measures for the colonization of the townships, and the opening of roads therein, referred, 52, 102, 134, 214, 226. FIRST REPORT (App. V.); Printed, 94, SEcoRD REPORT (App.V.); Printed, 299. Wide supra, 94. Educational Institutions:—Wide infra, 493. Elections : . To inquire into the outrages alleged to have occurred during the late General Elections in Lower Canada; To send for persons and papers, (1842) 6. Members added, 29. Report, 59. Concurred in, 60. Resolutions of 13th Sept., 1841, relative to the said outrages, read, and new Committee appointed to investigate the same; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 7. Correspondence between the Government and Mr. Fulham on the subject of the said elections referred, 128. To report from time to time; FIRST REPORT (App. J. J.); Printed; Resolution, that in the event of a prorogation before the close of the investigation, the House will continue the same, and decide thereon next Session, 178. To consider a motion for the issue of a new writ for election of a Member in the room of A. M. Delisle, Esq., who has accepted the office of Clerk of the Peace for the District of Montreal; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 12. Report, 22. Committed, 23. Report a Resolution for issue of writ, 32. To inquire and report whether the seals affixed to the certificates attached to the Petition of the Electors against the Return of Wm. Cuthbert, Esq., for Bonaventure, were affixed before or since the presentation of the petition; To send for persons and papers, (1848) 48. To report from time to time; FIRST REPORT, 51. (1849) Another Committee appointed for the like purpose, 146. Wo Report. Wide infra, 396, 462–468, 612, 613. 172 COMMITTEES-continued. II. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1) To consider various matters—continued. Emigration: 383. To inquire whether any plan can be advantageously adopted to assist in establishing a more efficient system of colonization; and to inquire into the possibility of obtaining pecuniary aid from the Imperial Parliament, to promote the settlement of the wild lands and develope the natural resources of the country; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 85. No Report. 384. To consider the subject of emigration, with a view of establishing some system by which it may be facilitated, and rendered more beneficial to the Province and to the emigrants themselves; To send for persons and papers, (1847) 109. Petition of the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Co., for Government aid, referred, 116. No Report. - 385. To inquire into the causes and importance of the emigration which takes place annually from Lower Canada to the United States, the class and number who have emigrated during the last five years, their fate, and the best means of preventing such emigration for the future; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 60. Members added, 63. Petitions referred:—For a reduction of the price of Crown Lands, 77: Petition from Quebec relating to emigration from Canada, 85: For erection of the Eastern Townships into separate municipalities, 93. Report (App. A. A. A.A.A.); Printed, 356, Wide infra, 394. Excise:—Wide Supra, 377. 586. Exhibition of 1851:—Message with certain documents in reference to the proposed Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations to take place in London in 1851; To send for persons and papers, (1850) 42. Report, 72. (App. L.) Bxpiring Laws:–Vide infra, 416–423. 387. Fines:–To inquire and report whether the fines imposed by Justices of the Peace in L. Canada are accounted for and paid over to the proper authorities; To send for persons and papers, (1850) 71. Wo Report. 388. Fires :—To inquire into the causes of fires arising from the use of steam engines on land and water, and the most effectual means of preventing the same; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 39. Wo Report. Fisheries: 390. Bill to regulate the Salmon Fisheries in the District of Gaspé; To report thereon, (1842) 90. Report a series of questions to be forwarded by the Clerk to persons interested in the fisheries, 107. Report concurred in, 113. —Proceedings read, and referred to a Select Committee, with an instruction to continue the inquiry, and to report by Bill or otherwise; to send for persons and papers, (1843) 56. Report (App. L. L.); Committed, 183. Report a Resolution concurring in Report; Address ordered, 193. Wide Addresses, 188. 391. Petition for adoption of measures for the protection of the maskinongé in Lake Memphremagog during the spawning season; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 17. Instruction, to inquire into the expediency of providing for the preservation of all kinds of fish in the fresh waters of Canada during the spawning season ; To report from time to time, 37. Report, 84. 392. Petition for protection of the fishermen of the Labrador Coast from violence and robbery; To send for persons and papers; Instruction, to inquire into the abuses committed on the Labrador Coast by foreign fishermen, and the damages resulting to the fisheries from the want of coast guards, (1849) 67. Report (App. L. L. L. L.); Printed; Committed, 226. Considered, 250. Wo Report. 393. Game:—Petitions for an Act for the preservation of game in Lower Canada; To report by Bill or otherwise; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 27, 31. Member added, 56. To report from time to time; Instruction, to inquire into the best means of preserving, for the use of the inhabitants, the sea fowls on the coast of Labrador and their eggs, and of preventing their destruction, &c., by persons not belonging to the Province, 139, Report, 195. Wide Game, 3. & COMMITTEES.–continued. #, 173 II. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1) To consider various matters—continued, 394. Grosse Isle;—To inquire into the management of the Quarantine Station thereat; To send for persons and papers, (1847) 58. Petition for removal of the Emigration Agency for Montreal to an island below the city, referred, 133. Report (App. R. R. R.); Printed, 214. Home District: 895. Petition of Magistrates of Home District, for an Act to enable them to pay off a debt of £1000; To send for persons and papers, (1841) 312. To report from time to time, 353. Member added, 510. Other petitions referred:—Of Corporation of Toronto, for the control over the money arising from tavern licences within the city, 353: Of inhabitants of Toronto, for establishment of voting by ballot at their municipal elections, 467: Of Toronto and Lake Huron Railroad Co., for authority to make a plank road, 510. FIRST Report (on 1st Petition); Committed; Resolution reported, for consolidating the old and new gaol debts, and exempting the District of Simcoe from liability therefor, 470, Bill presented, 471. (Wide Gaols, 9.) Second Report (on Railroad Petition); Concurred in ; Communicated to His Excellency, 616. Wide Addresses, 547. 896. Petition for an investigation into the riots which took place at a meeting held on Yonge Street, near Toronto, on 15th Oct., 1839; To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers, (1841) 234. Petition complain- ing of violence at the late elections in that District, referred, 260. Report of the Commissioners on the Toronto Election riots, referred, 301. Petition of the Mayor of Toronto, for an inquiry into the truth of the statements in said Report, referred, 365. Petition of J. Milburn, for compensation for injuries sustained at the election for 1st Riding of York, referred, 311. FIRST REPORT (App. O. O.); Printed, 615. Considera- --- tion of Petition of Mayor of Toronto postponed till next session, ib. SECOND REPORT, 635. 897. Houses of Refuge :—To consider the expediency of establishing an Asylum, or other means of classification of prisoners, in which children placed in confinement may be classed, and may receive employment, instruction, and such a course of treatment as will hold out every inducement to reformation; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 62. Wo Report. Indians and Indian Lands: 398. To consider the system of granting Indian lands in the Niagara and Gore Districts, and to report thereon; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 62. Return to an Address for copies of two Petitions to His Excellency relative to the said lands, referred, 144. Report, 189. (App. M. M.) Entries in Journals relative to above Committee, read, and referred, (1844-5) 218. Wo Report. 399. Return of Indian moneys invested in Debentures during the last 3 years; To send for persons and papers, (1847) 112. Leave to Hon. Wm. Morris to attend Committee, 165. Wo Report. 401. To inquire whether certain documents which appear in the Appendix to the Journals of last Session, as having been sent down by the Government (Wide Accounts, 221, 222) in reply to an Address, did really emanate from the Government, &c.; To send for persons and papers, (1848) 6. Wo Report. Indices to Journals of U. and L. Canada: 402. To inquire into the progress made in the compilation of General Indices to the Journals of the Assemblies of U. and L. Canada; To report their observations thereon; To send for persons and papers, (1842) 48. Wo Report. 403. Report of compilers of Indices to the Journals of the late Assemblies of U. and L. Canada; To report their observations and opinions thereon; To send for persons and papers, (1847) 102. Report; Committed, 112. Report two Resolutions; Agreed to, 187. 404. Insolvent Debtors :—To inquire and report whether any alteration can advantageously be made in the Insolvent Debtors' Act, 8 Vic, c. 48, at present applicable to Upper Canada only, to meet the case of individuals becoming insolvent, who are without a remedy by which their affairs may be brought to a close, (1851) 73. No Report. Insurance Companies:—Wide supra, 340. 174 $$. COMMITTEES.–continued. II. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1.) To consider various matters—continued. Intemperance: 405. To inquire and report what Legislative measures can be adopted to repress the evils growing out of intemperance; To send for persons and papers; Instruction, to inquire into the expediency of making drunkenness an indictable offence, or one punishable under the Petty Trespass Act, (1848) 52. Member added; Petition for adoption of measures for suppression of drunkenness, referred, 66. Wo Report. 406. To inquire whether any, and what, measures can be adopted to repress the evils growing out of intemperance; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 18. Petitions for adoption of measures therefor, referred, 55, 91, 113, 157, 183. Report (App. Z. Z. Z.); Printed, 187. 407. On temperance, and the means of suppressing intemperance and counteracting the evil effects of the present system of licensing; To report by Bill or otherwise; To send for persons and papers, (1850) 38. Petitions for the suppression of intemperance referred, 46, 89, 127. To report from time to time; FIRST REPORT, with a Bill, 102. Wide Internperance, 1. 408. Jesuits' Estates (L. C.) :—So much of a Petition from inhabitants of Three Rivers, as prays for the application of the “Jesuits' Estates” to the purposes of education, and for the concession of the Crown Lands in rear of Three Rivers; To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers, (1842) 18. Petition of certain censitaires on the Jesuits' Estates, Three Rivers, relative to the accumulation of arrears of cens et rentes, &c., referred, 29. Instruction, to inquire into the Earl of Durham's Report respecting the management of the said estates, and into the various documents appended to the Journals of the Assembly of L. Canada upon the subject, 30. FIRST REPORT; Committed, 35. Report a Resolution, concurring in Report; Address ordered, 49. Wide Addresses, 230. Justice, Administration of: 409. To enquire into the emoluments received by the various officers connected with the administration of Justice in Upper Canada, and paid out of District Funds; To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers, (1843)41. Petition of Sheriff of Bathurst District, for changes in the law concerning the duties of Sheriffs and the payment of their fees, referred, 131. Wo Report. 410. To inquire into the state of the administration of Justice in the Superior Courts, District of Montreal, with a view of providing for the more efficient administration of Justice therein; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 200. Correspondence upon the subject referred, 217. Report, 343. (App. H. H. H.) 411. To inquire into the costs and fees in the administration of Justice in civil cases in Lower Canada; To send for persons and papers; Petition of C. R. Vaughan, of Stanbridge, complaining of injury done him for convicting a person for selling liquors without a license, (1850) 99. Wo Report. Wide infra, 437. Rent Election :-Wide infra, 613. Kingston & Napanee Road:—Wide infra, 614. Lands: 412. To inquire into the mode of disposing of Crown, Clergy, and School Lands, and the revenue arising therefrom, with the expenditure of the same, including the Territorial Revenue; To send for persons and papers, (1844-5) 105, Members added, 257. Report (App. N. N.); Printed; Committed, 337. Considered, and no Report made, 409.--—Report again read, and referred to Committee on Railroads, (1847) 185. Report thereon, 189. 413. Report from Commissioners appointed to inquire into the state and organization of the Crown Land Department ; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 234. Member added, 266. Report, 343. 414. Lauzon —To inquire into the management of the affairs of the Seigniory of Lauzon since its acquisition by the Province, and various other matters in connexion therewith, and to judge of the propriety of addressing His Excellency to arrest, for a time, the intended sale thereof; Instruction, to enquire and report whether it is expedient to sell, or to preserve the same, and on the expediency of appropriating the income arising therefrom to the purposes of education in Lower Canada; To send for persons and papers, (1847) 20. Instruction, to ascertain the balance still due upon the defalcation of the late Sir John Caldwell, the assets liable therefor, and the expediency of legal measures for realizing such balance; To report from time to time, 45. Report (App. E. E. E.); Printed, 184. - COMMITTEES.–continued. 175 II. 415 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1.) To consider various matters—continued. Law, Profession of :-To consider of the best means of putting the profession of the Law on the same footing in both sections of the Province, and of admitting those who practise in one section thereof to practise in both ; To consist of all the gentlemen of the long robe in the House, (1841) 432. No Report. Laws, Expiring: To inquire what Statutes and Ordinances are about to expire and ought to be continued; To report from time to time, (1841) 315. Report; Committed, 542. Wide supra, 166. On Expiring Laws; Standing Committee, (1843) 18, 34. No Report. On Expiring Laws; Do., (1844–5) 16, 38. Petition of Talbot District Agricultural Society, for renewal of the Act for encouragement of Agricultural Societies, referred, 95. Report, 315. Bill presented, 316. Wide Laws, Bapiring, 3. On Expiring Laws; Do., (1846) 38, 41. Report; Bill presented, 265. Wide Laws, Eagiring, 4. On Expiring Laws; Do., (1847) 23, 30. Report; Bill presented, 167. Wide Laws, Eagiring, 5. On Expiring Laws; Do., (1849) 21, 30. Member added, 225. Report; Bill presented, 312. Wide Laws, Fapiring, 7. On Expiring Laws; Do., (1850) 9, 30. Report, 217. Bill presented, 218. Wide Laws, Evpiring, 8. On Expiring Laws; Do., (1851) 18, 22. Report, 328. Bill presented, 329. Wide Laws, Eagiring, 9. Leggo, Christopher :-Extract of Despatch in reply to Address of Assembly of Upper Canada, respecting his claim to compensation for the destruction of his property at Brockville by the militia volunteers; To send for persons and papers, (1841) 258. Report; Committed, 294. Report a Resolution, for an Address, 415, (Wide Addresses, 263.) Message in reply, 574. Bill presented, 579. Wide Leggo. Legislative Council:—Wide infra, 615. Library, Parliamentary (Standing Committees): To assist Mr. Speaker in the direction of the library; To report from time to time, (1844–5) 96. FIRST REpoºr (on purchase of books), 208. Concurred in, 232. SEcond REPORT (supplementary), 378. Concurred in, 384. To assist Mr. Speaker, &c., (1846) 32. Petition of Corporation of Toronto, for a grant of duplicate works in the library, referred, 41. Report, 265. (App. O. O.) House goes into Committee thereon; Report progress; Motion for leave to sit again on Friday, negatived; Do. in six months, negatived by casting vote of Speaker; To sit again in three months, 310–Entries relating to Report read; Committed; Report a resolution for dividing the duplicate works between the Toronto Athenæum and Quebec Library Association; Agreed to, (1847) 7. To assist Mr. Speaker, &c., (1847)63. FIRST REPORT, 203. (App. L. L. L.) Committed, 207. Report a Resolu- tion, concurring in Report, 212. Report two further Resolutions; Agreed to, 214. Wide Bills, Private, 21. Maps, 1. To assist Mr. Speaker, &c., (1849) 29. Member added, 286. FIRST REPORT (Rules regulating admission); Com- mitted, 138. Printed, 193. Report 5 Resolutions; Agreed to, 228. (Wide Library, 2.) SEcond REPORT (destroyed at the fire); Committed, 254. FINAL REPORT (destruction of the library; and recapitulating 1st. and 2nd Reports), 307. Printed, 308. Concurred in, 333. Wide Legislative Assembly, 222–229. To assist Mr. Speaker, &c., (1850) 42. FIRST REPORT (recommending establishment of a joint library for both Houses); Concurred in, 50. Message sent to the Council in accordance therewith, and desiring the appoint- ment of a Joint Committee on the subject, 51. Message from the Council, agreeing to the appointment of a Joint Committee, 58. Wide infra, 551. Wide infra, 549–552. Lunatic Asylum :—Wide infra, 616. 176 COMMITTEES.–continued. * II. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1.) To consider various matters—continued. 430. Magdalen Islands:–Bill to enable the inhabitant householders therein to establish a Municipal Council; Instruction, to inquire into the expediency of extending the provisions of this Bill, and of the Elementary Education, and Small Causes Commissioners’ Acts, to the new settlements in Saguenay and the Madawaska, (1846) 66. To report from time to time, 86. Members added, 86, 97. Members discharged, 97. Subjects referred:—Gaspé Marriages Bill; Gaspé Municipalities Bill; Gaspé Administration of Justice Bill, 66: Peti- tions for and against Gaspé Marriages Bill, 72, 86. FIRST REPORT (on Administration of Justice Bill,—Vide Gaspé, 4.) 86. (App. S.) SECOND REPORT (on Magdalen Islands Bill,—Wide Magdalen Islands, 2), 96. THIRD REPORT (on Gaspé Marriages Bill,—Wide Gaspé, 9), 133. (App. S.) Printed, ib. FourTH REPORT (on Gaspé Municipalities Bill,—Wide Gaspé, 14), 277. 431. Marriage Ticence Fund:—Statement of disbursements from the said Fund; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 104. To report from time to time, 120. FIRST REPORT (App. R. R.); Printed, 127. 432. Masters and Servants:–To consider of amending the Act of L. Canada relating to masters and servants in the country parts; To report by Bill or otherwise; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 181. Report a Bill, 188. Wide Masters and Servants, 3. Medals:–Wide supra, 344. Members' Indemnity –Vide infra, 617. 433. Monetary Affairs of the Province —To take the same into consideration, and to inquire into the com- mercial distress now so prevalent; To send for persons and papers, (1842) 13. Wo Report. 434. Montreal (City) :—Petition of Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of Montreal, for amendments to the Ordi- nances incorporating that city; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 89. Other petitions referred:—Of the same, for further amendments, 190 : Of the same, relative to the offices of City Surveyor and Clerk of . Weights and Measures, 250 : Of Montreal Board of Trade, relative to the harbour, 133 : Of the same, rela- tive to the proposed Auction Duty, 221 : Petitions relative to an extension of the northern boundary of the city, 135, 167: Petition for a division of certain wards, 208. Report, 345. (App. S. S.) Wide infra, 479. Montreal Turnpike Roads:—Wide infra, 497–499. 435. Municipalities (L. C.) :—Petition of Municipal Council of Hochelaga, for a division of the Parish of Mon- treal into five Municipalities; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 63. Member added, 79. Petitions referred —Of Municipal Council of St. John's, relative to an extension of the powers of Municipal Councils, 72. Of inhabitants of the Banlieu of the Town of Three Rivers, for separation from the Parish for Municipal purposes, 79. Report; Printed, 108. Wide Montreal (Parish), 2. . |Municipalities (U. C.) —Vide infra, 588, 589. 436. Navigation, School of :-To inquire into the expediency of establishing a Provincial School of Navigation, at Quebec, in which Pilots' apprentices and seamen should be taught gratuitously, &c.; Instruction, relative io the utility and expense of providing a vessel for the Quebec Trinity House, for attending Light Houses, &c.; To be at the disposal of the Professor of such school for the practical demonstration of the science of naviga- tion, &c., (1849) 92. Report (App. S. S. S.); Printed, 174. Entry relative to foregoing Report, read, (1850) 38. New Brunswick:-Wide infra, 507. Niagara, River:-Wide infra, 618. COMMITTEES.–continued. 177 II. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1) To consider various matters—continued. 437. Niagara T)istrict :—Various Petitions from Niagara District Council,-for requiring Returns of lands therein to their District Treasurer, for preservation of fish in the Twenty Mile Pond,-for regulation of Temperance Houses, for the making the Queenston and Grimsby Road a Provincial work-for defraying expenses of administration of justice out of Consolidated Revenue Fund,-and for power to tax dogs; To report from time to time ; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 31. Petition for amendment of Small Debts Act referred, 48. FIRST REPORT (on Admin. of justice, Dog tax, and Temperance Houses), 83. (Wide Dogs, 1.) SEcoRD REPORT (on Land Returns), 178. THIRD REPORT (on 20 Mile Pond), ib. Ottawa, River 3–Vide infra, 508. Parliament House, Destruction of:—Wide supra, 843. 438. Penitentiary :—To consider the affairs and management of the Provincial Penitentiary for Upper Canada, and the propriety of extending its operation to Lower Canada, (1841) 203. Report, with a Bill, 468. Wide Penitentiary, i. 439. Pilots :-Return to an Address for correspondence relative to the refusal of the Quebec Trinity House to give to Joseph Simpson a certificate of qualification as a Pilot, (1846) 154. Report; Bill presented, 208. Wide JPilots, 4. Wide Supra, 436. Post Office: 440. Various Petitions for adoption of a cheap and uniform rate of postage ; To report from time; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 211. Documents referred —Message with correspondence between Imperial and Colonial Governments on the Post Office; also, Return to Address for correspondence, accounts of the department, &c., 211. Copies of last Quarterly Returns, 214. Petition of O. Hammond, complaining of the conduct of the postmaster at the Credit Office, 337. Report, 424. (App. P. P. P.) - #41. Report of Imperial Commissioners for inquiring into the Post Office Department in British North America; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 34. Members of Committee named, 52. Various Petitions referred, 143. 151. Resolution for an Address to Her Majesty on the management of the Department, referred, 280, Report an Address, 305. Wide Addresses, 26. 442. To inquire whether it would be more convenient to have the English mails carried, as at present, through the British Provinces, or through the United States; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 200. No Report. Wide infra, 619. Printing (Standing Committees): 443. To superintend the printing during the present Session, (1841) 34. FIRST REPORT (model for printed Journals); Concurred in, 74. SEcoRD REPORT (tenders for printing); Committed, 99. Referred back to Select Com- mittee, 133. THIRD REPORT (reconsideration of 2nd); Committed, 262. Report two Resolutions; Agreed to, 272. Wide Printing, 1. 444. To superintend the printing, &c., (1842) 4. Member added, 6. FIRST REPORT (form of printed Journal; tender for daily printing), 60. Concurred in, 93. SEcond REPORT (tenders for printing Journals); Concurred in, 122, 445. On Printing, (1843) 34. FIRST REPORT (sessional printing); Committed, 83. Report a Resolution; Agreed to, 109. (Wide Printing, 6.) SEcond REPORT (printing Journals), 138. Concurred in, 142. 446. On Printing, (1844–5) 38. FIRST REPORT (sessional printing); Concurred in, 90. SEcoRD REPORT (on intro- duction and printing of Bills), 105. Concurred in, 136. Third REPORT (printing Journals), 244. Concurred in, 252. * - - 447. On Printing and Binding, (1846) 38, 41. First Report (tenders for daily printing), 68. Concurred in, 74, SEcoRD REPORT (tenders for printing and binding J ournals), 177. Concurred in, 242. 448. On Printing, (1847) 23, 30. Instruction, to report on the possibility of reducing the expense of printing and distributing the Laws, and certain public notices in the Canada Gazette, 207. FIRST REPORT (tenders for printing, daily printing of Journals, and printing of Private Bills), 72. X 178 COMMITTEES.–continued. § II. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1) To consider various matters—continued. Printing—continued. 449. On Printing, (1849) 21, 30. Petition of Messrs. Lovell & Gibson, for justice in regard to their contract for the sessional printing, referred, 168. FIRST REPORT (tenders for printing and binding); Printed, 107. Committed (with the Petition), 107, 152. Considered, and no Report made, 166. SEconD REPORT (same subject); Committed, 174. Report 7 Resolutions; Amendments proposed and negatived, and Resolutions agreed to, 194. (Wide Printing, 8.) THIRD REPORT, 248. Concurred in, 252. 451. On Printing, (1850) 9, 30. FIRST REPORT (tenders for binding), 66. Concurred in, 178. 452. On Printing, (1851) 18, 22. Instructions,—to inquire into the best mode of distributing copies of the Journals for the information of the public, 35.--To report, with respect to all documents laid before the House, on the expediency of printing the same in the Appendix, and the cost thereof, 59.--To inquire into the cause of delay in the printing and distribution of the Statutes, and the expediency of altering the present form thereof, and the distribution, 77-To consider and report whether any improvement can be made in the printing and engrossing of Bills, 113.−To inquire into the charge by the Queen's printer for printing and binding the Trade and Navigation Returns for 1850; also, into all printing done for the House, or the Government, and the practibility of obtaining the same at a less cost, 251. Message sent to the Council, for leave to their Clerk and Clerk Assistant to attend, 91. Granted, 95. FIRST REPORT (on 1st instruction); Printed; Com- mitted, 41. Referred back to the Select Committee, for re-consideration, 56. SECOND REPORT (same subject); Committed, 58. (Wide supra, 218.) THIRD REPORT (tenders for binding); Concurred in, 71. FourTH REPORT (on the printing and distribution of the Statutes, and on the system of printing and engrossing Bills, &c.— App. D. D.); Printed; Committed, 121. (Wide supra, 218.) FIFTH REPORT (on the last instruction, and the expediency of printing for every department in one printing office,—App. D. D.); Printed, 280. SIXTH REPORT (on curtailment of certain documents for the Appendix), 352, 5th and 6th Reports concurred in, 353. º Private Bills (Standing Committees): [NotE-In the Session of 1843, Petitions for Private Bills were generally referred to this Committee, who reported on the merits thereof; in subsequent Sessions the Petitions were referred to the Committee on Standing Orders (infra, 527–533), who reported as to whether the Rules of the House had been complied with, and the Bills were referred to this Committee. The substance of the Reports upon the various Bills is given under their respective heads, consequently a mere reference to the pages on which the Reports will be found is given below. For Special Reports, Wide Bills, Private, 22–40.] 453. On Private Bills; To examine into all such matters as may be referred ; To report from time to time their obser- vations and opinions thereon; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 18, 34. Members added, 57, 86. Petitions for Private Bills referred, 36,43, 44, 54, 57, 87, 88, 106. Gaspé Fishery Bill referred, 72. Reports thereon, 50, 65, 79, 80, 82, 84, 87, 92, 110, 120. 454. On Private Bills; Same powers, (1844–5) 38. Petitions and Bills referred, 48, 51, 54, 56, 82, 88, 102, 126, 186, 177, 180, 183, 187, 190, 195, 215, 217, 221, 224, 226, 238, 256, 279, 280, 287, 292. Reports thereon, 88, 105, 135, 167, 190, 204, 213, 217, 218, 231, 238, 260, 261,290, 314, 325, 346. 455. On Private Bills; Same powers, (1846) 38, 41. Petitions and Bills referred, 41, 46, 51, 53, 55, 62, 65, 66, 79, 81, 84, 105, 136, 145, 151, 163, 164, 180, 181, 184, 198, 206, 207, 212, 242. Reports thereon, 56, 64, 68, 80, 87, 88, 100, 110, 152, 159, 169, 187, 204, 209, 219, 234, 237, 266. 456. On Private Bills; Same powers, (1847) 23, 30. Petitions and Bills referred, 40, 60, 61, 75 to 79, 83, 85, 89, 91, 93, 106, 131, 132, 183, 140, 141, 150, 151, 180, 181. Reports thereon, 70,90, 101, 108, 117, 128, 184, 147, 159, 182, 189, 203. 457. On Private Bills; Same powers, (1849) 21, 30. Members added, 242. Bills referred, 132, 183, 184, 140, 141, 145, 148, 149, 150, 155, 163, 182, 203, 215, 220, 229, 267, 273, 302, 305. Leave to proceed with certain Bills without the week's notice required by 63rd Rule, 267, 273, 283, 290, 305, 309. Reports thereon, 157, 164, 169, 177, 205, 221, 251, 254, 272, 281, 301, 306, 325. 458. On Private Bills, (1850) 9, 30. Bills referred, 56, 112, 118, 114, 123, 135,141, 149, 169, 177, 189,205. Leave to proceed on certain Bills without a week's notice, 167, 184, 196, 230. Reports thereon, 96, 130, 142, 155, 161, 182, 189, 201, 204, 220. - 459. On Private Bills, (1851) 18, 22. Bills referred, 100, 113, 114, 131, 132, 183, 189, 150, 151, 165, 173, 174, 214, 284, 237,238, 267. Leave to proceed on certain Bills without notice, 135,245. Reports thereon, 116, 119, 185, 137, 143, 152, 155, 170, 177, 181, 198, 204, 210, 245, 249, 279, 318. Eighteenth Report (recommend- ing certain alterations of the rules and practice relative to the printing of Private Bills and Acts); Committed, 339. Not considered. COMMITTEES.–continued. 179 II. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1.) To consider various matters—continued. Private Bills—continued. To consider whether any and what improvement can be adopted in the management of the Private Business of this House, and to frame and report the draft of such Standing Orders as they may deem necessary or expedient to facilitate the business of the House (not a Standing Committee), (1850) 128. Report, 150. Printed ; Committed, 151. Report 23 Resolutions ; Agreed to, 232. Wide Bills, Private, 2–20. Privileges (Standing Committees, after 1st Sess.) : Of Privileges; to whom all matters connected with the rights and privileges of the House shall be referred; To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers; Other members of the House may attend, (1841) 232. Wo Report. On Privileges and Elections (a Standing Committee), (1843) 34. Members added, 111, 192. To inquire into the circumstances which have delayed the issue and return of a writ for Hastings, ordered by the House, 88. Message on the subject of completing the important measures before the Legislature referred, 192. FIRST REPORT (on writ for Hastings), 116. Concurred in, 146. SEcoRD REPORT (on the Message); Concurred in, 194. On Privileges and Elections (do.), (1844–5) 38. Wo Report. On Privileges and Elections (do.), (1846) 38, 41. No Report. On Privileges and Elections (do.), (1847) 23, 30. Petition of L. Guillet, Esq., Member for Champlain, praying the House to determine whether a change in the nature of his responsibility as a public officer is of such a nature as to affect his election, referred, 31. Subject matter of the Simcoe Election (with reference to the issuing of the warrants and writ), referred ; To take evidence thereon, 116. Evidence before the House on latter subject referred, 117. Power to report evidence taken by the Committee, 154. Instruction, to inquire and report the causes for the delay in the issuing of the writ for Dorchester, 158. FIRST REPORT (on the Petition), 126. Printed, 128. Concurred in, 147. SEcoRD REPORT (on Simcoe Election), 154. Printed; Motion for concurrence, 157. Amendment, expressing regret at any irregularity in the issuing of the writ, but declaring that the result of the election does not appear to have been affected by it, carried, 177. On Privileges and Elections, (1849) 21, 30. Wo Report. On Privileges and Elections, (1850) 9, 30. Wo Report. On Privileges and Elections, (1851) 18, 22. To consider the expediency of rescinding the 41st Rule (relative to the “Previous Question,”) in whole or in part, 164. FIRST REPORT (on the reference); Printed, 190. House goes into Committee on the subject ; Report a Resolution for amending the 41st Rule ; Agreed to, 201. Wide supra, 380—382, infra, 612, 613. Public Accounts: Message with Public Accounts, and the Estimates for 1841 (so far as the same relates to the Estimates); Commit- tee of nine members; To send for persons and papers, (1841) 240. Member added, 420. Report (App. F. F.); Printed; Committed, 460. Wide supra, 288. Message with the Estimates for 1842; To send for persons and papers, (1842) 36. Report; Referred to the Com- mittee of Supply, 92. Wide supra, 289. Public Accounts for 1843; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 57. Members added, 190, 352. Accounts laid before the House in 1841, 1842, and 1843, referred; Instruction, to report from time to time in case of its appearing that any of the sums mentioned in the Accounts require the sanction of a vote and an Act of Indemnity, 134. Bill to prescribe the mode of laying the Public Accounts before the Legislature, referred, 192. Accounts for 1844 referred; To report from time to time, 305. FIRST REPORT (on moneys advanced, for which an Act of Indemnity is required,—App. M. M.); Printed, 328. Concurred in, 387. SEGOND REPORT (on the Bill), 328. THIRD REPORT (on the Accounts generally,–App. M. M.); Printed, 368. Concurred in, 436. Accounts for 1845; To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 70. Instruction to resume examination of the Accounts remaining unexamined from last Session, 70. Wo Report. Accounts for 1846; Like powers, (1847) 102. Instruction, to procure Statements of the Revenue and Expendi- ture of U. and L. Canada, in each year prior to the Union, and of their public debt, respectively, at the time of the Union, 109. Instruction to report specially on the payments stated, in the Accounts, to have been made to the late Adjutants General of Militia for U. and L. Canada, 192. FIRST REPORT (with the Statements required), 208. (Statements, in App. K. K. K.) Statements printed, 207. 180 COMMITTEES.–com/?/ed. II. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1) To consider various matters—continued. Public Accounts—continued. 474. Accounts for 1847, together with accounts of the Quebec Trinity House; Like powers, (1849), 79. Instruction, to cause to be made a General Statement of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Province since the Union, 93. (Wide Accounts, 477.) FIRST REPORT, 216. (App. F. F. F. F.) Printed (without the evidence), 218. SEcond REPORT (on the instruction, &c.); Concurred in, 356. 475. Accounts for 1849; To send for persons and papers, (1850) 51. To report from time to time, 205. Members added, 143. Documents referred:—Correspondence relative to a sum of money entrusted to Mr. Papineau to pro- cure copies of documents in Paris for the Quebec Literary Society, 142. Correspondence, &c., relative to the payment of Mr. Papineau's claim for arrears of salary as Speaker of the Assembly of Lower Canada, 218. FIRST REPORT (App. N. N.); Printed, 213. 476. Accounts for 1850; To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers, (1851) 80. FIRST REPORT, 121. Printed, 123. SEcoRD REPORT, 349. (App. M. M. M.) Wide infra, 521. Public Buildings:–Wide infra, 620. 477 Public Income and Expenditure :—To inquire into the state of the Public Income and Expenditure, (in accordance with the recommendation in His Excellency's Speech,-Vide Speeches, 19), and to consider what further regulations may be necessary for establishing an effective control upon all charges incurred in the receipt and application of the public money, and for reducing the public expenditure without detriment to the public service; To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers, (1850) 38. Petitions referred — For retrenchment in public expenditure, 46, 57, 95: For a reduction of law fees, 95: For repeal of the Duty on whiskey distilled from grain, ib. FIRST REPORT; Motion that the Report be received; Amendment, that it be re-committed, with an instruction to the Committee to add certain paragraphs containing a protest on the part of some Members of the Committee; Mr. Speaker objects to the same, as irregular; Report received, 130. (Appendix to Report, App. B. B.) Motion, that the Report be referred back, with an instruction to report on the expediency of addressing Her Majesty to defray the salary of the Governor General out of the Imperial Trea- sury, and of reducing all salaries over £250,—of withdrawing the Attorneys General from the Executive Council, and abolishing the office of Solicitor General; Amendment, to leave out all after “expediency,” and insert “of limiting the salary of the Governor General to £3500,” negatived; Main motion negatived, 222. SEcoRD REPORT, 263. (Evidence, see App. B. B.) Printed, 282. Public Works, Report on 3–Vide infra, 621. Quebec (City): 478. Petition of the Corporation, for repeal of Act incorporating Quebec Gas Light and Water Co.; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 47. Members added, 81, 152. To report from time to time, 81. Other petitions from the Corporation referred, viz:—For power to construct gas and water works,—for authority to improve a certain space of beach,-for election of Assessors, 62.—For establishment of a Mayor’s Court, 151. Petition from inhabitants, against the licensing of hawkers and pedlars therein, 151. FIRST REPORT (on gas and water works); Three Bills presented, 143. (Wide Quebec Gas and Water Works, 2, 4, 5.) SEcond REPORT (on the other references), 159. 479. To inquire into the expediency of establishing public chairs for the teaching of practical sciences to the mechanical classes of Quebec and Montreal, (1844–5) 261. Wo Report. Quebec Forwarding Company –Wide infra, 622. 480. Quebec Marine Hospital :—To inquire into the management of the same, and its adaptation to the pur- poses for which it was designed; To send for persons and papers, (1847) 68. Report (App. S. S. S.); Printed, 214. # Quebec Trinity House —vide supra, 436,474. Quebec Turnpike Roads:–vide infra, 501–503. Queen's Bench (L. C.) :—Wide supra, 337. COMMITTEES.–continued. 181 II. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1.) To consider various matters—continued. Railroads: 481. To consider what general provisions ought to be introduced into such Railway Bills as may come before the House during the present or future Sessions, for the advantage of the public, and the establishment of a sound railway system; and to consider what Standing Orders the House should adopt in relation to Railway Bills; with power to consider of any arrangement advantageous to the public with regard to existing Railway Companies generally, to which the Legislature might justly give its sanction (eleven members), (1846) 35. To report from time to time, 86. Quorum to be five, 140. Three members added, 205. Subjects referred :—Niagara and Detroit Rivers Railroad extension Bill, 53. Petitions in favor thereof, 67, 72. Petition for incorporation of Cobourg and Kingston Railroad Co., 56. Hamilton and Toronto Railroad Bill, 66. St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Bill; Despatches relative to Halifax and Quebec Railroad; Montreal and Lachine Railroad Bill, 136. Wolfe Island; Peterboro' and P. Hope; Quebec and Melbourne Railroad Bills, 181, Petitions against the running of trains on Sunday, 218, 245. FIRST REPORT (on Niagara & Detroit, Hamilton & Toronto, and Toronto & Lake Huron Railways), 86. (App. R.) SEcond REPORT (on Standing Orders, &c.), 100. (App. R.) 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th REPORTs (on various Railroad Bills), 183, 186, 209, 230, 234. FINAL REPORT (on Despatch respecting St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad, &c.), with an Address to Her Majesty, 270. Wide Addresses, 27. - 482. On Railroads and Telegraph Lines; Standing Committee, (1847) 23, 30. Subjects referred:—Bills and Petitions relative to Railways or Telegraphs, 64, 75, 76, 82, 85, 88, 105, 107, 146, 152, 180, 181. Despatch in answer to Address on establishment of Railway Companies, 73. Despatches relating to Railway Acts of last Session, 97. Report of a Committee in 1845, on the mode of disposing of Crown, Clergy, and School Lands, 185. FIRST to EIGHTH REPORTs (on the various Bills), 85, 101, 108, 117, 123, 134, 159, 184. NINTH REPORT (on the Report respecting Lands), 189. 483. On Railways and Telegraph Lines; Standing Committee, (1848) 37. Members added, 48, 51. To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers, 52. Subjects referred:—Despatches relative to Halifax Rail- way, and reserved Railway Bills, 47. Western Telegraph Bill, 52. Correspondence between the Govern- ment and the Great Western Railroad Co., 57. Petitions of last mentioned Company, for aid, and amendments to their Acts, 63. FIRST REPORT (on Western Telegraph Bill), 59. SEcond REPORT (general), 72. Printed, 77. 484. On Railroad and Telegraph Line Bills; Standing Committee, (1849) 21, 30. Members added, 152, 184, 205, 273, 289. Subjects referred:—Entry in Journals of 1846 relative to extension of Charter of Niagara and Detroit Rivers Railroad Co., 48. Petitions on the subject, 40, 63, 242. Petitions relative to construction of a Main Trunk line, 77, 187. Petitions relative to a railway from Quebec to Halifax, 124, 157, 158. Petitions and Bills relating to particular railways, 77, 124, 133, 150, 155, 169, 187, 204, 209, 220, 228, 235, 254, 290. SECOND REPORT (on the Niagara and Detroit Rivers Railway Petitions, &c., App. Q. Q.Q.); Printed, 170. SEVENTH REPORT (on Niagara and Detroit Railway extension Bill, and another Bill); Motion, to refer back so much of the Report as relates to the Niagara and Detroit Railway Bill; Amendment, that that part of the Report be received this day three months, agreed to, 295. OTHER REPORTs (on the various Bills), 159, 190, 197, 209, 307. - 485. On Railroad and Telegraph Lines; Standing Committee, (1850) 9, 30. Member added, 58. Subjects referred — 486. On Petitions for power to Municipal Corporations to subscribe for Stock in the Great Western Railroad, 47. Bill to authorise the same, 56. Petition for an investigation of the affairs of the Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad Co., 89. Petitions and Bills relating to the construction or extension of particular railways, 57, 59, 65, 77, 89, 95, 98, 112, 114, 124, 135, 157, 169,213, 217, 225, 243. FIFTH REPORT (proceedings and evidence on Niagara and Detroit Rivers Railroad Bill,—App. E. E.); Printed, 145. OTHER REPORTs (on the various Bills), 57, 82, 115, 142, 151, 156, 170, 204, 225, 248. Railroads and Telegraph Lines; Standing Committee, (1851) 18, 22. Members added, 66. Motion for an instruction to inquire into the amount of the Clergy Reserve, College, School, and Jesuits' Estate Funds, and other Specific Funds, with a view of ascertaining whether the public lands cannot be made available to aid in the construction of railways with security to the funds so invested, negatived, 159. Instruction, to inquire and report the names of Shareholders, Stock subscribed, and instalments called and paid in, in the various Railway Companies since the passing of 12 Vic, c. 29, 202. Subjects referred:—That part of His Excellency's Speech which relates to railways, 50. Correspondence between the Board of Works and the Great Western and Ontario & Huron Railroad Companies, relative to the Guarantee Act, 55. Despatch (and enclosures) relative to Quebec and Halifax Railway, 64. Petitions in favor of the construction of a Railway from Mon- treal to Kingston by the Ottawa, 76, 108. Petition for construction of a Main Trunk railway through the Province, 226. Petitions and Bills relative to particular railways, 90, 100, 113, 114, 119, 128, 131, 183, 184, 178, 174, 328. FIRST REPORT (on adoption of general provisions for Railway Charters, App. U. U.); Printed, 176. FourTH REPORT (with Resolutions for the adoption of an uniform gauge of 5 feet 6 inches for all railways, 210. EIGHTH REPORT (on construction of a Railway from Lake Superior to the Pacific Ocean,— App. U. U.); Concurred in ; Printed, 358. OTHER REPORTs (on the various Bills), 194, 203,239, 279, 328. 182 COMMITTEES.–continued. II. Select Committees appointed—continued. 487. #88. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 496. (1) To consider various matters—continued. Randal, Robert :-Wide infra, 623. Rebellion (U. C.) :—To report on a plan for indemnifying the losses sustained by individuals during the Rebellion, and for carrying into effect the provisions of certain Acts of the Legislature of Upper Canada for that purpose; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 102. Members added, 103. Petitions for compensa- tion for losses referred, 106, 116. Petition for carrying into effect the Act of Upper Canada referred, 106. No Report. Records, Public : * To inquire into the condition of the ancient archives and public records of La Nouvelle France, of Canada, and of the Province of Quebec, remaining in the vaults of the Parliament Buildings at Quebec or elsewhere, with a view to their arrangement and preservation, and also to the collection, from all authentic sources, of such ancient records as may throw light on the early history of Canada; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 134. Report (App. H. H.); Printed ; Committed, 315. Report an Address to be sent to. His Excellency with a copy of the Report, 411. Wide Addresses, 424. To consider and report on the best mode of completing the series of Legislative Records of U. Canada; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 274. No Report. To inquire into the condition of the Parliamentary Records of this Province and of U. and L. Canada, and the Judicial Records of L. Canada, and the measures to be adopted for their preservation and classification; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 56. Petition of Messrs. Burroughs and Huot, relative to Registers of Baptisms, &c., for Quebec since 1681, referred, 62. Report, 259. (App. K. K.) Printed, 266. Concurred in, 343. Registrars :—To inquire whether the Registrars of Quebec and Montreal have furnished the security required by law; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 306. Wo Report. - Religious Societies: To ascertain by whom, and in what way, certain words were introduced into the Journals of last Session, in the amendments of the Council to the Bill for relief of Religious Societies in U. Canada; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 9. Report, 36. Committed, 38. Report a Resolution, That Mr. Speaker do censure the Clerk of the English Journals for interpolating the words in question; Agreed to, 51. To inquire and report what Acts have been passed, since the Union, incorporating Religious, Educational, or Charitable Institutions, their respective titles, income, and property; also, whether any such institutions existing in Lower Canada before the Union have since been authorized to increase their income, and to what extent; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 178. Report (App. Y. Y. Y.); Printed, 187. Referred back, to supply certain omissions, 242. Supplementary Report (App. Y. Y. Y.); Printed, 258. Reporters —Vide infra, 624. Retrenchment:-Wide supra, 477. Roads: . On Roads and Bridges; Standing Committee, (1847) 23, 30. Bills and Petitions referred, 57, 66, 70, 72, 76, 81, 83, 85, 100, 106, 146, 180, 181. Reports on the Bills, 100, 111, 123, 143, 159, 189. . On Road and Bridge Bills; Standing Committee, (1849) 21, 30. Members added, 166,218. Subjects referred:— Entries in Journals of 1848, relative to Petition of W. Bradley respecting a road allowance in Caledonia, 33. Petition relative to completion of Bytown and L'Orignal road, and Entries in Journals of 1847 and 1848 on the subject, 40. Various Road and Bridge Bills, 134, 141, 146, 194, 202, 206, 215, 219, 228, 249, 266, 283, 286. FIRST REPORT (on Caledonia Road Allowance); Bill presented, 55. (Wide Road Allowances, 5.) SECOND REPORT (on Bytown and L'Original Road), 63. OTHER REPORTs (on the various Bills), 168, 190,211, 226, 231, 247, 281, 286, 295, 304, 317. - To report on the Turnpike Trust in the Gore District, by Bill or otherwise; To send for persons and papers, (1841) 95. Petition for expenditure of statute labor commutation money upon the roads leading to the Macadamized roads, referred, 98. To report from time to time, 133. Report a Bill, 212. Wide Roads, I COMMITTEES.–continued. 183 II. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1) To consider various matters—continued. Roads—continued. (Montreal Turnpike Roads): 497. Petition for macadamization of the road from Lachine, through Pointe Claire, to Ste. Anne; To report by Bill or otherwise; To send for persons and papers,(1844–5)61. To report from time to time, 297. Other petitions refer- red:—For improvement of Lower Lachine road, 61 : A road in Parish of St. Laurent, ib.: Road from L'Abord a Plouff to Ste. Geneviève, ib.: Road from Vaudreuil Ferry to Lachine Road, 138,211: Road from Vaudreuil Ferry to Cedars Plank Road, 211: Petition of Trustees of Longueuil and Chambly Road, for amendments to their Act, and power to borrow £5000, 81. Report of a Committee in 1841, on Petition complaining of a decision of last mentioned Trustees, relative to the road between the Little River of Montreal and the residence of R. Boileau, referred, 83. FIRST REPORT (on the various roads,--App. L. L.), 325. Report referred to a Select Com- mittee, with a Petition of E. McNaughton and others, for construction of a Turnpike Road from Ste. Anne to Montreal, through the centre of the island,-and an instruction to receive the evidence of the Chairman of the Board of Works on the different Petitions, 423. (Wo Report from said Committee.) SEcond REpoRT (on Cham- bly Road Petitions,—App. L. L.); Committed, 342. Report two Resolutions; Bill presented, 431. (Vide Roads, 192.) THIRD REPORT (on Montreal Roads,-App. L. L.); Committed, 381. Report two Resolutions; Bill presented, 410. Wide Roads, 219. 3 498. Petition for improvement of Lower Lachine Road, under direction of Montreal Road Trustees; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 17. To report from time to time,92. Members added, 62, 103. Matters referred: peti- tions for improvement of other roads by the Trustees, 17, 41, 62, 72, 95. Petitions for amendments to Mon- treal Turnpike Roads Ordinance, 95, 164. Petition for appointment of new Trustees on the Longue Pointe Road, 100. Petition for removal of tollgate at Hochelaga, one mile further north, 168. Accounts of Trustees 81. Instruction, to take the evidence of the Chairman of the Board of Works on the Petitions relative º opening a road from Montreal to St. Anne's through the interior, 95. FIRST REPORT (on certain of the Petitions: —For evidence, see App.S.S.); Printed; Committed, 113. Report two Resolutions, 211. Motion to recommi the same, to consider of the construction of a centre road, negatived; Bill presented, 212. (Wide Roads, 220 ) SEcond REPORT (on the remaining Petitions), 279. (App. S. S.) * 3 - 4–1 v . 499. Petition for the opening of the Papineau Road by the Montreal Turnpike Road Trustees, as far as the Sault &ll Recollet; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 85. Other Petitions therefor referred, 85, 91. Petition of the St. Michel Road Co., for the purchase of their road by the Trustees if the opening of the Papineau Road be determined on, referred, 103. Report (recommending opening of Papineau Road and purchase of St. Michel Road), 170. Printed, 171. Concurred in ; Bill presented, 248. Wide Roads, 224. (Quebec Turnpike Roads): 501. Petition for amendments to the Quebec Turnpike Roads Ordinance; To report by Bill or otherwise ; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 36. Matters referred:—Petition for a reduction of the tolls, 94. Accounts of the Trustees, 218. Petition of the Trustees, for authority to borrow £8882, 260. Report (App. A. A. A.); Printed; Committed, 378. Wide Supra, 265. Also Roads, 263. */ 3 B02. Petition for amendments to Act relating to Quebec Turnpike Roads; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 33 Matters referred:—Petitions for improvement of certain roads, 33, 38, 62, 158, 191. Petition for removal of toll gate between Carouge and Kilmarnock Roads, 38. Accounts and Reports of Trustees, 110. Petition for the purchase of Montmorency Bridge by the Commissioners, 208. Report, 246. Printed; Committed 248 Report a Resolution, 295. Bill presented, 296. Wide Roads, 264. 2 -> 503. Petition for an inquiry into the conduct of the Quebec Turnpike Road Commissioners; To send for pel'SOns and papers, (1847) 23. Members added, 49. Petitions for improvement of L'Ormière Road, and for the placing of Dorchester Bridge under the control of the Commissioners, referred, 40. Accounts and Correspondence of the Commissioners referred, 157. Report (App. D. D. D.); Printed, 179. Wide also supra & infra, for special roads. Tules of the House: 504. To frame Rules and Regulations for the government of the House; To send for persons and papers; Rules of Assemblies of U. and L. Canada referred, (1841) 10. Members added, 15. Report, 29. Committed, 33. Report a series of Rules; Agreed to, 40. Wide Orders, I. 505. To consider of Standing Orders, Rules, &c., regulating the reference of Petitions, the third reading of Bills, notices of amendments to Bills, and notices generally; and to prepare Rules, &c., on these subjects or any of them, (1846) 65. Wo Report. 184 COMMITTEES.–com/?nºſed. II. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510, 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1) To consider various matters—continued. Rules of the House—continued. To examine and report such of the Sessional Orders of the House of Commons and of this House as have usually been acted upon here, with such alterations as they may deem advisable; and to report the practice of the House of Commons respecting their Sessional Orders, with a view to its adoption by the House, in some form, (1850) 115. Wo Report. Wide infra, 625. St. J ohn, River (New IBrunswick) :—Petitions for the construction of a canal to connect the St. Lawrence with the River St. John, New Brunswick; To send for persons and papers, (1850) 40, 89. Corres- pondence between the Governments of Canada and New Brunswick on the subject referred, 145, Report (App. L. L.); Printed, 201, St. Lawrence, River: To ascertain the best means of removing obstructions in the navigation of the Rivers Ottawa and St. Lawrence, and to extend their inquiries to all other commmunications of transport within the Province; To send for persons and papers, (1842) 10. Petition for enlargement of Lachine Canal referred, 12. Report (relative to Cedar Rapids on the St. Lawrence); Committed, 116. Considered, 122. Wo Report. To inquire into the impediments to the safe navigation of the St. Lawrence below Quebec, and the Gulf, and into the best means of removing the same and otherwise improving such navigation ; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 92. Wo Report. - Wide infra, 626. St. Lawrence Canals: Petition of inhabitants of St. Timothée and St. Clement, for compensation for damages arising out of the construc- tion of the Beauharnois Canal, and the outrages committed by the laborers thereon ; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 36. Members added, 316. Petitions referred —Of M. Christin (loss of his children at Beauharnois Canal Riots); Two Petitions from Milleroches and Osnabruck (losses on Cornwall Canal), 147. Of R. Froste (St. Lawrence Canal); Of D. Daly (Cornwall Canal), 221. Report (App. T. T.); Committed, 355. Wot considered. e - Return of amount expended, and the tolls received, on the different cuts ; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 293. Report, 333. (App. D. D. D.) Wide Supra, 342. St. Peter, Lake : That part of the Report of the Board of Works which refers to Lake St. Peter; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 250. Report (App. U. U.); Printed, 303. Committed, 307. Wot considered. Return to an Address containing a Report by Capt. Bayfield, R. N., and other documents, on the improvement of the navigation of Lake St. Peter ; To send for persons and papers, (1847) 101. Report, 133. Printed, 141, Concurred in, 180. School Lands:–Vide Sºpra, 412. Seigniorial Tenure (L. C.): To consider certain Resolutions respecting the commutation of the said tenure, and to inquire into the best mode of investigating the subject with a view to its final adjustment; To report from time to time, by Bill or other- wise; To send for persons and papers, (1841) 247. Report, with Bill (Wide Seigniorial Tenure, 1), also recommending an Address; Printed; Committed, 462. Considered, 503. Address reported, 513. Vide Addresses, 501. To inquire into the expenses usually incurred in effecting commutations of tenure, and whether such expenses have contributed to prevent commutation; and to report on the expediency of modifying those expenses; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 39. Report (App. R. R.); Printed; Bill presented, 277. Wide Seigntorial Tenure, 5. - COMMITTEES.–com/?nued. 185 II. 516. 517. 518. 521. 522. 523. 524. .525. 526. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1.) To consider various matters—Continued. Seigniorial Tenure (L. C.)—continued. To consider certain Resolutions adopted by the House declaring that it is important to effect, as soon as possible, the conversion of the Seigniorial Tenure into a free one, securing a just indemnity to all parties whose just rights will be affected thereby; To report the different plans of commutation hitherto suggested, with their own opinions; To send for persons and papers; To report from time to time; Instruction, to inquire whether any illegal charges have been imposed by the Seigniors, and whether (failing a general commutation) it is expedient to define the mode and terms on which Seigniors may be compelled to commute, (1850) 97. Petition for abolition of the Seigniorial Tenure referred, 106. No Report. New Committee appointed on the said Resolutions, to report the various plans hitherto suggested for effecting the said commutation, together with their own opinions, from time to time; To send for persons and papers, (1851) 21. To report by Bill or otherwise, 37. Member added, 69. Petitions for abolition of the Seigniorial Tenure referred, 37, 40, 62, 83, 116, 137, 155. Leave to print their proceedings, from time to time, 92. Instruction, to inquire into the rate of cers et rentes and other dues exacted by the Seigniors, whether such rate has been illegally increased,—and whether it is expedient to define the rate and mode of commutation, 112. FIRST REPORT, with a Bill, 244. (Wide Seigniorial Tenure, 14.) Printed, 245. SEcond REPORT, with a Bill (Wide Seigniorial Tenure, 15); Printed, 325. THIRD REPORT (App. N. N. N.); Printed, 349. Sheriff of Montreal:—Statements of income derived by the Sheriff of the District of Montreal, and by the Crier and Tipstaff of the Court of Queen's Bench, for the last five years; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 119. To report from time to time; Returns of Clerks of Circuit Courts referred, 166. Member added, 193. FIRST REPORT (App.O. O. O. O.); Printed; Referred to Committee of whole on the emoluments of Sheriffs, 237. (Wot considered.)—Petition of W. F. Coffin, Sheriff of Montreal, complaining of the allegations contained in the above Report, and praying to be heard at the Bar in vindication of his honor and character, 353. Printed, 354. Standing Committees: To prepare and report lists of members to compose Standing Committees; Day appointed to ballot for Committee, # (1841) 37. Order discharged, 79. . Motion for appointment of a Committee to prepare lists of Standing Committees; Consideration of motion postponed, (1842) 22. Not considered. . Motion for appointment of a Committee to prepare lists of twelve Standing Committees; Amendment, that six Standing Committees (naming the subjects) be appointed for the present Session, carried, (1843) 18. Com- mittee appointed to prepare lists, 29. Report; Concurrred in, 34. Wide supra, 362, 417, 445, 453, 462. infra, 527. Motion for appointment of six Standing Committees; Amendment, to add a seventh (on Public Accounts), nega- tived; Main motion agreed to, (1844–5) 15. Committee appointed to prepare lists of members to compose such Committees, 16. Report; Agreed to, 38. Wide supra, 363, 418, 446, 454, 463. infra, 528. To prepare lists of members to compose six Standing Committees, (1846) 31. Report, 38. Concurred in, 41. Wide Supra, 364, 419, 447, 455,464. infra, 529. To prepare lists, &c., of six Standing Committees, (1847) 16. Instruction, to prepare lists for two Committees in addition; Report, 23. Concurred in, 30. Wide supra, 365, 420, 448, 456, 465, 482, 494. infra, 530. To prepare lists, &c., of eight Standing Committees, (1849) 13. Report, 21. Concurred in, 30. Wide supra, 366, 421, 449, 457, 466, 484, 495. infra, 531. To prepare lists, &c., of seven Standing Committees, (1850) 4, 5. Report, 9. Concurred in, 30. Wide supra, 367, 422, 451, 458, 467, 485, infra, 532. To prepare lists, &c., of seven Standing Committees, (1851) 4, 5. Report, 18. Concurred in, 22. Wide supra, 368, 423, 452, 459, 468, 486. infra, 533. Wide also supra, 425—429. Standing Orders (Standing Committees): [Notº-The nature of the Reports on the various Petitions referred will (when special) be found stated under their respective heads.] 527. On Standing Orders; To examine all such matters as may be referred; To report from time to time their observa- tions and opinions thereon ; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 34. No Report. Y 186 COMMITTEES.–continued. II. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1.) To consider various matters—continued. Standing Orders—continued. 528. On Standing Orders; Same powers, (1844–5) 38. Wo Report. 529. On Standing Orders, (1846) 38, 41. Wo Report. 530. On Standing Orders, (1847) 23, 30. Members added, 101. Quorum reduced, 108. Petitions referred, 31, 36 y 40, 44, 48, 55, 57, 62, 70, 72, 79, 85, 96, 107, 109, 126. Reports thereon, 40, 44, 45, 48, 6.2, 66, 72, 79, 96, 108, 111, 123, 143. 581. On Standing Orders, (1849) 21, 30. Instruction, to inquire whether due notice was given in the matter of the renewal of the Charter of the Niagara and Detroit Rivers Railroad Co., 140. Instruction, to inquire and report whether the Bill to enable the sureties of the late Municipal Council of Hatley to enfore their claims, is of a nature to require a notice, 219. Petitions referred, 38, 40, 46, 55, 63, 73, 78, 81, 85, 87, 91, 93, 97, 103, 118, 116, 121, 124, 131, 138, 140, 143, 145, 158, 158, 174,205, 208,216, 218, 225. Reports thereon, 46, 55, 60, 68, 79, 81, 85, 91, 97, 104, 107, 116, 125, 126, 138, 156, 159, 168, 188,218, 225. 532. On Standing Orders, (1850) 9, 30. Petitions referred, 30, 31, 37, 40, 43, 44, 46, 50, 54, 57, 59, 69, 72, 74, 82 y 96, 99, 115, 119, 120, 137, 167. Reports thereon, 37, 40, 47, 57, 65, 75, 82, 89, 96, 102, 125, 142, 176. 533. On Standing Orders, (1851) 18, 29. Petitions referred, 38, 41, 46, 50, 52, 59, 62, 69, 72, 76, 79, 83, 85, 94, 102. 2. 105, 112, 116, 119, 123, 134, 139, 144, 177, 189. Reports thereon, 50, 62, 72, 79, 85, 94, 103, 105, 110 119, 121, 135, 139, 150, 198. ? Telegraph Lines:–Vide supra, 482–486. Timber: 584. Petitions for amendments to the Act regulating the culling and measurement of timber, &c.; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 15. Member added, 190. Other Petitions therefor referred, 36, 54, 81. Petitions against, 202. Bill to regulate inspection of timber, &c., referred, 295. Report, with the Bill amended, 337 (App.O.O.) Wide Timber, 4. - 7 * * * * 535. To inquire into the state of the lumber trade, the causes of its present depression, the protection of the forests from unnecessary destruction, and upon all other matters affecting the lumbering interests of the Province; To report from time to time; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 48. Member added; Petition for construction of a public depository for timber at Quebec, referred, 77. FIRST REPORT (App. P. P.P.P.); Printed, 241. SEcond REPORT (App. P. P. P. P.); Printed, 248. 536, Petitions for amendments to the Lumber Inspection Act; To send for persons and papers, (1849) 33,77. Petitions against any alteration referred, 85. Report, 104. (App. Z. Z.) Printed, 146. Bill presented, 104. Wide Timber, 6. 537. Toronto Hospital :—To inquire into the affairs of the Toronto Hospital Endowments ; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 160. Wo Report. Toronto Turnpike Roads:—Wide infra, 627. Towns and Willages, Limits of: 588. To inquire into the limits of the City of Toronto, and the different towns and villages in Upper Canada, and the expediency of amending the same : To report from time to time as to the limits and divisions which they may think it expedient to establish; To send for persons and papers, (1843) 85. Member added, 103. Report, 172. Referred to Committee of whole on Upper Canada Municipalities Bill, 195. Wide Municipalities (U. C.), 3. 539. To inquire into the present limits and internal divisions of the different cities, towns, and villages in Upper Canada, incorporated or otherwise, with power to report thereon, from time to time, as to the limits and divisions which it may be expedient to establish for such cities, &c.; To consist of 35 members ; 11 to be a quorum, (1849) 191. Petitions referred, relative to the limits of Belleville, 204, 208: Brockville, 208: Bytown, 208: Kingston, 192. Report, 274. Referred to Committee of whole on the Municipal Bill, 281. Wide Municipali- ties (U. C.), 7. COMMITTEES.–continued. 187 II. 540. 541. 542. 543. $44. 545. §46. 544. 548. Select Committees appointed—continued. (1.) To consider various matters—continued. Trade : Message from His Excellency in reference to the Address to Her Majesty from the late Assembly of Upper Canada, relative to the introduction of the products of Canada into Great Britain duty free, and the regulation of the Duties on imports into the Province by the Provincial Legislature ; Committee of ten ; To send for persons and papers, (1841) 229. Incorporated with another Committee, 235. Wide infra, 541. To examine into the prices paid and methods adopted for the transit of products on the different communications within this Province ; Committee of seven ; To send for persons and papers, (1841) 119. Committee on Message respecting Address on Trade (supra, 540) incorporated with this Committee ; Instruction, to consider all matters relating to the agriculture and commerce of the Province ; To report from time to time, Y35. FIRST REPoRT; Referred to a Committee of the whole, 313. Considered; Resolution reported and agreed to, 444. (Wide Trade, 3.) Petition from Western District, for a reduction of the Imperial Duty on Canadian tobacco, referred, 353. Petition of forwarders, for a proper examination of pilots for the Cedars and Cascades Rapids, referred, 388. SEcond REPORT (App. E. E.); Printed, 431. Committed, 591. Three Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 619. Wide Public Works, 33. To inquire into the restrictions on commerce on passing in the interior to or from the Mother Country, the Sister Colonies, or foreign parts, by the St. Lawrence; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 185. Accounts of Quebec Trinity House referred, 404. No Report. Certain Resolutions which had been proposed in Committee of the whole, relative to the restrictions on the Trade of the Province, (1846) 303. Wo Report. Transit of Products:—Wide supra, 541, 542. Usury Laws:—Wide infra, 628. Winter Roads: Petition from carters of Montreal, for revival of certain parts of Ord, 4 Vic, c. 33, concerning winter roads; To send for persons and papers, (1844–5) 89. To report by Bill or otherwise, 101. Members added, 133. Other petitions, for revival of the said Ordinance, for revival of Ordinance of 4 Vic. relative to winter vehicles, and against any alteration of the present law relative thereto, referred, 101, 133, 138, 178, 195, 211, 217, 226. Report, 257. Wide Winter Roads, 4. Petitions for repeal of the Ordinances concerning winter roads, as respects certain localities; To send for persons and papers, (1846) 17, 41. Other Petitions for repeal or amendment of the said Ordinances, referred, 33, 38, 95, 168. Report (upon first Petitions); Bill presented, 51. Wide Winter Roads, 11. (2.) To inspect Journals of Legislative Council—relative to— Elections:–On Bill to prevent failure of justice in respect of complaints of undue elections at the last General Election, (1841) 403. Report Bill lost in the Council, 450. Committed, 470. Resolution, mem. con., that it is the bounden duty of the House to inquire into the outrages alleged to have been committed at certain of the said elections; and that they will proceed to such inquiry early next Session, 583. McLeod, Alex. :—With reference to an Address to Her Majesty upon his case, sent up from this House last Session, (1847) 97. No Report. - w Seat of Government:-With reference to any proceedings had in the Council in the present Session on the subject of the Seat of Government, (1843) 82. Report, 93. 188 COMMITTEES.–confinued. III. Joint Committees of both Houses appointed—relative to— Library: 549. To inquire into and report on the number of volumes belonging to the Parliamentary Library of U. Canada, and how they can best be divided between the two Houses; Desired by the Council, (1841) 251. Acceded to; Committee on part of Assembly; Instruction, to inquire into the expediency of selecting such books from the late Lower Canada Library as may not now be required, with the view of preserving them in the Legislative Assembly Library at Quebec, 597. Committee on part of the Council, 610. Report; Concurred in, 634. 551. To take steps for establishing a Joint Library, for the use of both Houses; Desired by the Assembly; Members of the Library Committee to act on part of Assembly, (1850) 51. Acceded to; Committee on part of the Council, 58. Petition of J. Huston, for aid in the publication of his “Répertoire National de Littérature Canadienne,” referred, 89. FIRST REPORT (with a list of donations), 228. Concurred in ; Resolutions of thanks for the various donations of books, 229. Report and Resolutions printed, 230. SEcond REPORT (on the Petition, purchase of books, binding, gratuity to J. Curran, &c.); Concurred in ; Resolution granting £10 to J. Curran for his services at the burning of the library, 275. 552. To assist Mr. Speaker in the direction of the Parliamentary Library, so far as the interests of this House are concerned; and to act on behalf of this House as Members of a Joint Committee for the regulation of the library; Message sent to the Council, requesting them to appoint Members to act on their part, (1851) 47. Acceded to; Members on part of the Council, 54. Members added, 226, 249. Petition of W. C. Keele, for aid in the publication of his “Provincial Justice,” referred, 102. Instruction, to consider the expediency of sending a competent person to Europe, to purchase books, 199. Instruction, to inquire into the expediency of causing a General Index to be made to the Journals since the Union, 201. Similar instructions on the part of the Council, 212, 249. FIRST REPORT (on Instructions, Petitions, &c.), 292. Printed, 294. Concurred in; Resolutions of thanks for donations of books; Resolution authorizing compilation of a General index to the Journals, 320. Wide Legislative Assembly, 242–248. 553. Timber Trade :-To prepare an Address to His Excellency to accompany the (joint) Petitions to the Queen, Lords, and Commons, on the subject of the timber trade; Message from the Council, naming the members on their part; Members named on part of Assembly, (1841) 321. Address sent down from the Council, 346. Wide Addresses, 35. TV. Orders and Resolutions: 554. That the Rules of the House be observed in Committees of the whole House, except that limiting the number of times of speaking (33rd Rule), (1841) 42. 555. That the Speaker shall appoint a Chairman to preside in a Committee of the whole-who shall have the same authority therein as the Speaker in the House; and the Chairman shall have the same authority in other Com- mittees (86th Rule), (1841) 46. 556. Prescribing the mode of appointing Select Committees (87th Rule), 46.-Motion to alter the mode of appointing the members of Committees; Consideration postponed sine die, 96.-Resolution amending the same, 288. 557. That a Member introducing a matter shall be one of any Committee to whom the same may be referred (88th Rule), (1841) 46. * 558. That the majority of a Select Committee shall be a quorum (89th Rule), (1841) 46. 559. That lists of Standing and Select Committees (as appointed from time to time) be hung up in some conspicuous place in the House, (1841) 78. 560. That Members be permitted to make Reports from Select Committees, standing in their places, and without proceed- ing to the Bar of the House, (1846) 265. - 561. Directing that certain papers laid before a Committee be returned, (1847) 214. COMMITTEES.–com/?nºſed. 189 W. 562. 563. 564. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 577. . To report the evidence taken on a certain matter, (1847) 154. Incidental Proceedings: (1.) Relative to Committees of the whole House : House goes into Committee on two or more Bills at the same time, (1841) 444.—(1849) 105.—(1851) 177. Instructions to Committees of the whole House, (1841) 295, 405, 489, 606–(1842) 60, 113—(1843) 151, 163. —(1846) 278–(1847) 173.−(1849) 157, 260, 327, 335-(1850) 198–(1851) 217, 236, 322. Orders for Committees of the whole House to consider certain matters, discharged, (1841) 315–(1843) 70.— (1846) 98. Consideration postponed, sine die, (1842) 122. Committees of the whole report progress, and ask leave to sit again, (1841) 484.—(1842) 49.--(1843) 60.- (1844–5) 251–(1846) 81–(1847) 166-(1849) 250,—(1850) 95.—(1851) 251, &c. Report Resolu- tions, and ask leave to sit again, (1841) 464.—(1844–5) 387. And leave to sit again refused, (1841) 289.-(1843) 35.—(1844–5) 280–(1846) 310–(1847) 154—(1849) 148,-(1850) 203.—And Resolu- tions proposed in the Committee referred to a Select Committee, (1846) 303. Rise for want of a quorum, (1841) 184—(1842) 113—(1843) 130.—(1846) 92-(1850) 217. Rise without reporting, (1841) 173.−(1842) 34—(1843) 164—(1844–5) 136.-(1846) 104.—(1847) 147– (1850) 111–(1851) 232, &c. * Reports not received, (1843) 170–(1851) 261. (2.) Relative to Select Committees : Order for appointment of a Committee passed, and members thereof not named until a future day, (1846) 34, 52. Committees consisting of more than five members, named in the motion (suspending the 77th Rule). (1841) 170. —(1843) 85–(1849) 191. Committee appointed, to consist of “all the gentlemen of the long robe who are Members of the House,” (1841)432 Other Members of the House allowed to attend a Committee of Privilege, (1841) 232. - Members excused from serving—on Election Committees, Wide Elections, 182. 97, 103.−(1848) struck off, 55. On other Committees, (1846) Members added to Committees, or substituted for other members, (1841) 119.—(1842) 6–(1843) 122–(1 846) 272.—(1847) 83.—(1848) 35–(1849) 225-(1850) 120.--(1851) 66, &c. - Standing Committees:–Wide supra, 425—429, 518–526. Quorum fixed at less than half the members of a Committee, (1841) 453.−(1843) 185–(1844–5) 17 2.—(1846) 140–(1847) 108–(1849) 192. Instructions to Select Committees, (1841) 235, 322, 496, 553,597–(1842) 30, 34.—(1843) 9, 37, 50–(1844–5) 189–(1846) 60, 70, 95, 149, 160, 184,235–(1847) 23, 45, 59, 109, 158, 192, 207, 212–(1848) 52. . (1849) 67, 74, 92,93, 105, 118, 140, 180, 191, 202, 219–(1850) 68, 97, 140,—(1851) 35, 45, 77, 88, 100, 112, 118, 175, 202, 251, 254.—To Joint Committees, (1841) 597–(1851) 199, 201, 212, 249. Wide also Bills, 39. To report from time to time, (1841) 116–(1842) 18–(1843) 152-(1844–5) 139–(1846) SL. (1847) 45. (1848) 51–(1849) 292-(1850) 102–(1851) 91, &c. A Committee on two Bills to report separately upon each, (1844–5) 293. . To report by Bill or otherwise, (1841) 95-(1843) 56.--(1844–5) 27–(1846) 46.-(1847) 85-(1848) 22– (1849) 339–(1850) 38.--(1851) 37, &c. . Leave to a Committee to sit during the adjournment of the House for the Christmas holidays, (1844–5) 92. . Directed to hear counsel, and examine witnesses, (1844–5) 380. . Authorized to have their proceedings printed, from time to time, (1851) 92. & . To return documents laid before them (or certified copies thereof) to certain parties, (1847) 214. To report a Bill referred to them, (1850) 183. . Messages sent to the Council, desiring leave for their Members to attend Select Committees (1841) 168.—(1842) 60—(1844–5) 208–(1846) 48–(1847) 160,—(1849) 125–(1850) 176.-(1851) 119.--Their Clerk and Clerk Assistant, (1851) 91, - • 190 - COMMITTEES.–com/?mºted. V. 585. 586. 587. 588. 589. 590, 591. 592. Incidental Proceedings—continued. (2) Relative to Select Committees—continued. Committees discharged, (1841) 319-(1842) 36–(1844–5) 135–(1846) 164—(1851) 72, &c. sideration of certain of the matters referred, (1844–5) 95. From con- And new Committees appointed, (1849) 219, 271. Members record their names as dissenting from Reports, (1841) 203. (In part), 166–(1842) in part, 41–(1843)65. Reports not received by the House, (1841) 133.−(1849) part of a Report, 295. Referred back to the Committee, (1843) 78.-(With an instruction to take evidence on a certain matter), 36.—(1846) (an Address, to the Com- mittee appointed to prepare the same, with an instruction to make it in strict accordance with the Resolution of the House), 292-(1849) (to supply certain omissions), 242–(1851) 56.-(To allow further proof of notice, on a private Bill), 85. Reports referred to another Select Committee, (1844–5)423–Reports of a former Session,(1843)56.—(1847) 185. Reports referred to a Committee of the whole House, (1841) 294.—(1842) 116.--(1843) 195-(1844–5) 315.- (1846) 113—(1847) 207–(1849) 254–(1850) 153.−(1851) 313, &c. Report of a previous Session, (1847) 73. Taken into consideration by the House, (1841) 74—(1842) 93.−(1843) 146.-(1844–5) 232. —(1846) 343.—(1847) 177-(1849) 356–(1850) 229.—(1851) 320, &c. Reports concurred in by the House, (1841) 588–(1842) 113–(1843) 70–(1844–5) 369.-(1846) 318.—(1847) 212-(1849) 46.--(1850) 167–(1851) 353, &c.—Recommendation contained in a Report of a previous Session, (1847) 214.—Amended, and concurred in, (1850) 273.−(1851) 356. Reports printed, (1841) 231-(1842) 127-(1843) 107.--(1844–5) 428,-(1846) 177—(1847) 128-(1849) 174—(1850) 282–(1851) 245, &c. Papers attached to a Report after it has been presented to the House, (1849) 225. . Reports communicated to the Governor General :-Through members having seats in the Executive Council, (1842) 113–By Addresses, (1841) 616, 633.−(1842) 98.-(1844–5) 411, 413, 416,-(1846) 318, 343. Committees renewed from the previous Session,-Wide supra, 380, 382, 390, 516. Elections, 19. WI. Questions Negatived or Superseded : 594 595. 596. 597. 598. (1) Motions for appointment of Committees of the Whole—relative to— Asylums :—To consider of providing for the erection and support, in Upper Canada, of an asylum for the deaf and dumb, an asylum for the blind, a House of Refuge, and a school for the reformation of juvenile delinquents, (1850) 190. Baldwin, Hon. R. :—On the state of the Province, with reference to Mr. Baldwin's resignation of his seat in the Cabinet, while continuing to hold the office of Attorney General; Superseded on a question of Order, (1851) 153. Courts of Assize:–To consider of repealing so much of 8 Vic, c. 14 (of Upper Canada) as provides that the Courts of Assize and Nisi Pruis shall be held but once in each year in the Districts of Prince Edward, Colborne, and Talbot, (1846) 160. Currency: To consider of repealing the Act of Upper Canada 6 Will. IV., c. 27, regulating the value at which gold and silver coins shall pass current; Superseded by Previous Question, (1841) 100. To consider of repealing so much of the Currency Act of last Session as prevents silver from being a legal tender for more than five pounds, (1842) 103. Customs: . To consider of amending the Customs Act 12 Vic, c. 1, by imposing a Duty of 20 per cent, on wheat and Indian corn, and increasing the Duties on mess pork and whiskey, (1850) 222. . To consider of reducing the Duties on Imports, with the exception of those articles which enter into competition with the productions of the Province, (1851) 159. COMMITTEES.–continued. I9] VI. Questions N egatived or Superseded—continued. 602. 603 604 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 61 5. 616. 617. & (1) Motions for appointing Committees of the Whole—continued. Private Bills:–To consider of rescinding the Rule requiring the payment of a fee on Private Bills, (1851) 74. Privileges and Elections :—To consider certain proposed Resolutions relative to the appointment of a permanent Clerk to the Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections, (1847) 136. Roman Catholic Clergy :—To consider whether it is expedient and necessary to make some provision for the support of the said Clergy in Canada West, (1842) 60. St. Lawrence, Free Navigation of:-To consider the propriety of opening the navigation of the St. Lawrence to the vessels of all nations; Superseded by Previous Question, (1851) 209. Timber Duties:–To consider of addressing Her Majesty, praying her not to sanction the imposition of any additional Duty upon Canadian timber imported into Great Britain, (1849) 254. Union of Brit. N. American Provinces:–To consider of addressing Her Majesty, praying her to authorize a Convention to be called from the different Provinces, to frame a Constitution for their future government, (1851) 202. Union of the Canadas:–To consider of addressing Her Majesty and the Imperial Parliament, upon the propriety of amending the Union Act in certain particulars, (1849) 180. (2.) Motions for appointing Select Committees—relative to— Chancery, Court of:—To report, by Bill or otherwise, for the abolition of the said Court, and for conferring equity powers, in certain cases, on the Common Law Courts, (1851) 117. Clergy Reserves :—To prepare a Bill to provide for the disposal of the proceeds of the Clergy Reserves for the promotion of Education, (1850) 80, 83. Cornwall and L'Original Road:—To consider that part of the Report of the Board of Works which relates to the said road, (1846) 250. Elections :—(Of Privilege) To inquire into the alleged violence and corruption at certain elections in Lower Canada, with respect to which Petitions have been presented to the House, (1841) 200. Rent Election :-To take into consideration the Return made to the Writ of Election for Kent, and the conduct of the Returning Officer, (1841) 37. Kingston and Napanee Road:—To consider the correspondence relative to the dismissal of Wm. Ireland from his situation on that road, (1849) 146. Legislative Council:—To inquire into the best mode of altering the Constitution of the Legislative Council, so as to secure for it a greater amount of public confidence; also, the best mode of providing against dispensing the patronage of the Crown by the Administration for the purpose of interfering with the independent action of the Members of either House, (1850) 191. Lunatic Asylum, Toronto:-To consider the Return to an Address for a copy of the Petition of John Coppins to the Board of Directors, (1851) 164. * Members’ indemnity :—To consider the propriety of returning to certain Districts in U. Canada the moneys paid in by them on account of members' wages in the Session of 1841, (1843) 68. 192 COMMITTEES.–com/?nºſed. VI. Questions Negatived or Superseded—continued. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624, 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 636. 637. 638. (2) Motions for appointing Select Committees—continued. Niagara, River:-To inquire into the advantages that may result from the construction of a ship canal from the River Niagara to the Welland Canal at Thorold, (1850) 191. Post Office :-To inquire into the department of the Deputy Postmaster General, (1841) 363. Tºublic Buildings :—To inquire and report on the situation of, and accommodation afforded by, the buildings occupied by the Legislature and the Government Offices, (1847) 144. Tublic Works :-To consider the Report of the Board of Works, (1849) 323. uebec Forwarding Co.:-To inquire into the management of the said Company, (1851) 46. € 85 Q. sº pany Randal, Tobert :—To inquire into the circumstances connected with Mr. Randal's mission to England in 1827, on matters of public interest to the people of Upper Canada, (1850) 98. Reporters :—To inquire into the expediency of adopting some method for obtaining reports of the debates and proceedings of the House, (1848) 72. Rules of the House:—To consider of amending certain of the Rules, (1842) 6. <> St. Tawrence, River :-To consider all Petitions for the construction of highways, bridges, or wharves on the north or south shores of the St. Lawrence in the District of Quebec, (1851) 54. Toronto Roads:—To consider so much of a certain Return relative to Local Public Works, as relates to the sale of the roads in the County of York, (1851) 202. Usury Laws :-To consider the effect of the laws which regulate or restrain the interest of money, (1843) 67. (3.) Other Questions Wegatived: For referring Petitions to Committees of the whole House, (1841) 421–(1843) 196.--(1851) 134, 13 Motions for instructions to Committees of the whole House, (1842) 60,-(1849) 127-(1850) 199, 272.—(1851) ; 93. For leave to Committees of the whole to sit again, (1841) 289.-(1843) 35.—(1844–5) 280–(1846) 310– (1847) 154—(1849) 148,-(1850) 208. - For receiving Reports from Committees of the whole, (1843) 170.-(1851) 261. For concurring in certain amendments made to a Bill in Committee of the whole, (1841) 421.—(1847) 98.— In certain Resolutions reported from a Committee of the whole, (1841) 518–(1849) 346. For referring Petitions to Select Committees, (1841) 292–(1843) 121–(1844–5) 183,231,254, 288, 318, 384, 408-(1847) 40, 85–(1848) 41–(1849) 64, 73, 96, 97, 124, 131, 145, 164, 174, 253, 257, 324.—(1850) 54, 71, 74, 117, 204, 219, 242–(1851) 46, 50, 82, 105, 108, 115, 158, 176, 206, 280, 309. That two Committees relating to the Clergy Reserves be dissolved, and a new one appointed in lieu thereof, (1846) 80. º To add certain members to Select Committees, (1841).95.—(1849) 152. To substitute one member for another, (1841) 400. - Motions for instructions to Select Committees, (1844–5) 254, 382.-(1849) 145.-(1851) 159, 247, 248. For receiving the Report of a Select Committee, (1841)*133. COMMITTEES.–CONFERENCES. 193 VI. Questions Negatived or Superseded—continued. (3.) Other Questions Negatived—continued. 639. For referring back the Report of a Select Committee, (1850) 222.-For the like, with an instruction to add certain paragraphs containing a protest on the part of certain Members of the Committee; Decided to be out of order, 130. 640. For referring Reports to a Committee of the whole House, (1841) 336–(1847) 154. 641. For concurring in Reports of Select Committees, (1843) 194—(1844–5) 187—(1846) 198, 834—(1847) 176, I92. , Wide Accounts, 628. Witnesses, 8–11. Committee Rooms :—Wide Committees, 28, 359. Legislative Assembly, 182. Common Pleas, Court of:—vide courts, 14, 20. Commutation of Tenure :—Wide Seigniorial Tenure. Complaints 3–Wide Legislative Assembly, 65–73. Members, 40–42. Privileges. Compton Academy:-vide Education, 116. Comte, Louis :—Petition of for power to recover a sum due him for the erection of a church and other buildings in the Parish of St. Edouard, (1849) 39. Bill presented, 64. Referred, 133. Reported, with amendments, 177. Referred back, 273. Fee refunded, 266. Reported, with amendments, 281. Amended in Committee, 292. Passed, 299. Wot returned from the Council. Another Petition, (1850) 9. Bill pre- sented, 48. Referred, 141. Reported, with an amendment, 161. Amended in Committee, 177. Returned from the Council, with amendments; Considered, and agreed to, 206. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 128.) Conciliation Courts:–vide Courts, 80. (Ionferences. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Conferences originating with the Assembly; 1—3. TI. Conferences originating with the Legislative Council; 4, 5. III. Orders, and Incidental Proceedings; 6–8. 4P T. Conferences originating with the Assembly—relative to- l, Addresses, Joint :-On the subject of a Message from the Council relative to the Joint Addresses relating to the repeal of the Duties on foreign timber by the Imperial Parliament, (1851) 53. Report of Reasons (relative to the practice of Parliament in cases of Joint Addresses), 58. Conference agreed to; Managers appointed; Report delivery of Reasons, 64. Further Conference desired by Council; Agreed to, 78. Report of Confer- ence; Referred (with “Reasons” for desiring first Conference); Instruction to Committee to search into pre- cedents and report their opinions, 76. Report, 97. Concurred in, 102. Conference desired, for the purpose of communicating the same to the Council, 103. Agreed to, 107. Conference held; Report delivery of the foregoing Report, 108. Z 194 CONFERENCES-continued, T. Conferences originating with the Assembly—continued. 2. Amendments to Bills:–On disagreeing to amendments made by the Council to Bills from the Assembly —relative to— Bytown —To establish a Town Council therein; Committee appointed to draw up Reasons, (1846) 294. Report of Reasons, 297. Conference desired, 298. Acceded to ; Managers appointed, 303. Report Reasons of Council for insisting on their amendments, 384. Militia —To revive an Ordinance of Lower Canada regulating the Militia, and to suspend a certain provision of the U. C. Militia Law; Committee appointed to draw up Reasons; Report of Reasons; Agreed to ; Con- ference desired, (1844–5) 483. Acceded to; Managers appointed, 434. Council do not insist on their amendments, 436. Notarial Profession (L. C.):—To regulate the same; Committee appointed to draw up Reasons, (1846) 236. Report of Reasons; Conference desired, 387. Agreed to, 838. Managers appointed, 839. Further Conference desired by the Council, 340. Agreed to ; Same Managers, 341. Report Reasons of Council for insisting on their amendments; Resolution, that notwithstanding the said Reasons the House persists in disagreeing with the amendments; Free Conference to be desired, 343. Agreed to ; Managers appointed; Report, that no understanding could be come to upon the subject, 344. Religious Denominations:—To enable them to hold land in Upper Canada; Committee appointed to draw ap Reasons, (1843) 165. Report of Reasons, 171. Agreed to, 178. Conference desired, 185. Acceded to ; Managers appointed, 186. Wo Report. School Law of L. Canada —To amend the same; Committee appointed to draw up Reasons, (1849) 349. Report of Reasons; Conference desired, 350. Acceded to; Managers appointed, 351. Council do not insist on the amendment, 356. School Laws of U. Canada —To amend, and to establish a Normal School; Committee appointed to draw up Reasons; Report of Reasons; Conference desired, (1846) 236. Agreed to; Managers appointed, 241. Council do not insist on amendment, 250. Seigniorial Tenure —To facilitate commutation thereof in the Queen's Domain in L. Canada; Committee appointed to draw up Reasons, (1847) 192. Report of Reasons; Conference desired, 193. Acceded to ; Managers appointed, 196. Council do not insist on their amendments, 197. Winter Roads (L. C.):—For amending Ordinances relating to ; Committee appointed to draw up Reasons, (1842) 103. Report of Reasons; Conference desired, 104. Aceeded to ; Managers appointed, 107. Council do not insist on their amendment, 115. 3. IPrinting :—On the printing of the documents submitted to both Houses, and hitherto contained in the Appendices to their Journals, (1842) 48. Agreed to, 49. Managers appointed (consisting of Members of Printing Committee), 51. Report (by Printing Committee) that a Conference had been held, and a Resolution adopted,—that in printing Accounts and Papers for the Assembly, a sufficient extra number be struck off for the Council, 60. *—º. II. Conferences originating with the Legislative Council—relative to— 4. Addresses, Joint :-Further Conference desired on the subject of the Message from the Council relative to the Joint Addresses respecting the repeal of the Imperial Timber Duties; Agreed to, (1851) 73. Wide supra, I. 5: Amendments to Notarial Profession Bill:—Further Conference desired in reference to the Coun- cil's amendments to the said Bill, (1846) 340. Agreed to, 341. Wide supra, 2. III. Orders and Incidental Proceedings: 6. Resolution, That when the House shall desire a Conference with the Council, the Reasons to be given for desiring the same shall be prepared and agreed to before a Messenger shall be appointed to make the request (25th Rule), (1841) 42. 7. Committees appointed to draw up Reasons for disagreeing to amendments of the Council to Bills, (1842) 103.— (1843) 165–(1844–5) 433–(1846) 236, 294, 336.—(1847) 192—(1849) 349—Reasons for desiring a Conference relative to a certain Message, (1851) 53. Report of Reasons; Concurred in, and Message sent to the Council desiring a Conference, (1842) 104–(1844–5)488–(1846) 24, 297, 387–(1847) 198– Report of Reasons; Question of concurrence put separately upon each, (1843) 178. 8. Free Conference desired,—Wide supra, 2. (Wotarial Profession.) CONGRATULATION_COONS. }95 Congratulation, Addresses of *—Wide Accounts, 2–4. Addresses, 8–11, 43–45. Connor, J. :—vide Emigration, 17. Constables: 1. Bill to amend the laws relative to appointment of special constables, and for the better preservation of the peace; Presented, (1847) 71. Amended in Committee, 131. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 12.) 2. Petition of Municipal Council of Huron, &c., praying that the appointment, &c., of County Constables may be left to the discretion of the Magistrates in Quarter Sessions, (1851) 162. Wide County Officers. Justices of the Peace, 15. Constituencies *—Wide Accounts, 158—160. Addresses, 174, 175. Constitution, Provincial: 1. Motion, for an Address to Her Majesty and the Imperial Parliament, for the passing of an Act to render the Legis- lative Council elective, and to authorise the Legislature at any time to call a Convention of the people, to establish a Constitution for the Province, Negatived, (1850) 40. v 2. Motion, for an Address for such an amendment of the Constitution as may secure to the people of Canada the right of legislating on all matters of an internal and social character, Negatived, (1850) 86. 3. Motion, that the well-being of society requires adequate checks on all constituted authorities, to prevent abuse of power; and that the functions of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Departments should be better defined, in order that all may understand their political duties and rights; Amendment proposed, substituting an Address to Her Majesty; Amendment moved thereto, and negatived; First amendment agreed to, and Address ordered, (1850) 90. (Wide Addresses, 2.) Motion (in continuation of the former) for certain modifi- cations of the Constitution for the purpose of carrying out the first proposition, negatived, 91. 4. Motion, for appointment of a Select Committee, to inquire into the best mode of altering the Constitution of the £egislative Council, so as to secure for it a greater degree of public confidence, also the best mode of provi- ding against dispensing the patronage of the Crown by the Administration for the purpose of interfering with the independent action of the Members of either House; Superseded by Previous Question, (1850) 191. 5. Motion that it is expedient to authorize the holding of a General Convention by the people, to consider various proposed changes in the constitution and the laws, now agitating the public mind; Objection made to the motion, on the ground that no notice was given ; Mr. Speaker sustains the objection ; His decision confirmed by the House, on appeal, (1850) 280. Wide Lajoie. Contempt of Court :—Bill declaratory of the law concerning contempt of Court in Lower Canada; Presented, (1849) 238. Wot proceeded in. Contingencies of the House :—Wide Committees, 28, 359. Legislative Assembly, 133—248. Contingencies of Upper Canada Assembly:—Wide Legislative Assembly, 183,186. Contrecour:-vide Territorial Divisions, 120. Contr OWGI’ ted Elections :—Wide Elections, 19–79, 96–130, 157–204. Conventions :—Wide Constitution, 1, 5. Conveyancers :—Petition from Bathurst District, for a law to prevent unqualified persons from practising as conveyancers, (1844–5) 313. Convictions, Returns of :—Wide Justices, 1, 17. Coons, J àS –Wide Accounts, 508. Addresses, 131s H96 - COPYRIGHT COSTS. 5 -zº -ºr Copyright: . Bill for the protection of copyrights in Upper Canada; Presented, (1841) 182. Referred, with an instruction to extend its provisions to the whole Province, 322. Resolution for repealing the Copyrights Act of Lower Canada, also referred, 446. Report Bill amended; Committed, 461. Amended in Committee, 629. Passed (as a Bill for the whole Province), 684. R. A., 643. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 61.) . Bill to amend the Act for the protection of copyright in this Province ; Presented, (1847) 158. Passed (as an Act to extend the Provincial Copyright Act to persons resident in the United Kingdom, on certain conditions), 166. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 27.) Wide Accounts, 107, 318. . Bill to provide for the admission of foreign re-prints of British copyright works; Presented, (1850) 116. Committed, 155. Order for consideration discharged, 157. . Bill to impose a Duty of 20 per cent, ad valorem on foreign re-prints of British copyright works; Ordered; Presented, (1850) 172. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 6) . Series of Resolutions, declaring that the advancement of useful knowledge is a matter of primary importance;—that one of the best means is to facilitate the introduction of the most useful works at the smallest expense, that irrespective of the law relative to re-prints of British copyright works, it is unwise to discourage the importation of foreign works for promoting useful information,-and that the French portion of the population of Canada. must necessarily procure their standard works on Religion, Literature, and Law, from France; Address to Her Majesty on the subject, ordered, (1843) 112. Wide Addresses, 15. Wide Accounts, 106–109, 180, 377,602. Addresses, 15, 132, 133. Committees, 39–41, 369. Corcor an, Thos. :—Petition of complaining of injustice in regard to a timber licence, and praying redress, (1849) 90. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 253. Another Petition, (1850) 95. Corn Brooms:—Wide Customs, 27. Cornwall: . Petitions from certain inhabitants of Cornwall, for relief from the assessment for the County of Stormont, (1841). 165–(1846) 16, 38. . Petition of Board of Police, for amendments to the Act of Incorporation, (1846) 16. Petition in favor, 88. Bill to amend Act, and to establish a Town Council; Presented, 120. Referred, 189. Reported, with amendments : Amended in Committee, 245. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 267. Considered, and agreed to, 279. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 72.) . Petition for an inquiry into the cause of delay in Chancery, in a matter relating to two lots granted for the purposes of a market in Cornwall, (1846) 190. Wide Accounts, 110. Addresses, 134. Elections, 30, 31. Surveys, 28, 29. Cornwall and L'Orignal Road:—vide Roads, 88,89. Cornwall Canal :—Wide Addresses, 476–481. Navigations, 60. Coroners: . Bill to amend the law respecting the office of Coroner; Presented, (1850) 38. Amended in Committee, 141. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 56.) . Petition of Municipal Council of Middlesex, for amendment of the laws relative to Coroners, (1850) 46. Wide Sheriffs, 1. Corporations :—Wide Courts, 53, 54. Foreign Erecutors. Joint Stock Companies. Writs, 4, 5. Costen, T. :—Wide Penitentiary, 12. Costs : Bill to remove doubts as to the right of the Crown to recover costs, in certain cases, in Lower Can- ada; Presented, (1850) 106. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 33.) Wide Elections, 161 194, 195. Law, Practice of, 9–11, 36, 37. COTEAU-COUNTY. 97 Coteau du Lac :—Petition of Montreal Board of Trade, for repeal of the Custom House regulation which requires vessels passing from Upper to Tower Canada to report at Coteau du Lac: Committed, (1842) 97. Considered, 111. Wo Report. Wide Accounts, 111. Addresses, 136, 137. Committees, 42. Public Works, 33. Cottingham, W. :-vide Navigations, 34. Cotton, James:–vide Road Allowances, 16. Cotton, Robert :—Wide Road Allowances, 17. Coudres, Isle aux:-vide Harbours, 39. Counsel: 1. Counsel to be heard on certain matters, viz.-Bills, At the second reading thereof, (1843) 108.-(1844–5) 365. —(1846) 187. In Committee of the whole, (1849) 146, 157. Norfolk Election,--In behalf of Titus Williams, Esq., Deputy Returning Officer for Walsingham at the last election, he being charged with an infrac- tion of duty in closing the poll before 5 o'clock on the second day of the election, (1844–5) 385. Public Dejt, Consolidation of-Against the Resolutions in relation thereto, (1849) 146. 2. Called in, and heard:—Relative to—Bills (against the passing thereof), (1843) 164—(1844–5) 374, 376.-- (1846) 206. Public Debt, Consolidation of Against the Resolutions in relation thereto (in Committee of the whole), (1849) 157. St. Maurice Controverted Election-On behalf of the Petitioners, (1841) 825. Of Sitting Member, 357. & 3. Resolution, That no Member of the House ought to appear before an Election Committee as Counsel, either for the Sitting Member or the Petitioners; Reported by an Election Committee, and confirmed by the House, (1841) 113. 4. Select Committee on Harris' Divorce Bill directed to hear Counsel for and against the Bill, (1 844–5) 330. 5. Leave granted to Hon. T. C. Aylwin, a Member, to appear as Counsel at the Bar of the Legislative Council Chamber, in support of the Bill to quiet the title to lands, of persons naturalized under a certain Act of Lower Canada, (1844–5) 408. (1850) To Messrs. Ross and Cauchon; On the Dorchester Bridge Bill, 261. 6. Motions for the hearing of Counsel negatived, relative to–Toronto Consumers' Gas Co., Against the said Bill, (1848) 65. Vansittart, Mr.;_That he be heard by Counsel on being charged with a breach of privilege in the Return made for Oxford, (1848) 69. 7. Motion that a question be put to the Counsel for the Petitioners, in the St. Maurice Controverted Election, touching a certain statement made in his opening address, negatived, (1841) 338. Counties, Division of *—Wide Territorial Divisions. County Courts:–vide Courts, 31–41. County (and District) Officers: 1. Bill to regulate the fees of certain District Officers in U. Canada; Presented, (1 844–5) 133. Order for second reading discharged, 215. 2. Bill to establish a table of fees for Sheriffs, Clerks of the Peace, and Constables, for their services in the respective Districts in Upper Canada, and to regulate the costs in cases of assault and battery in the Courts of Quarter Sessions; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 228. Referred, 238. Reported, with amendments, 289. Amended in Committee, 352. Read third time, amended, and passed, 366. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 38.) 8. Bill to prevent abuses arising from traders being appointed or allowed to act as District Treasurers in U. Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 16. Considered, and no Report made, 136. 4. Bill to prevent District Treasurers in U. Canada from making payments otherwise than in current money; Presented, (1844–5) 185. Amended in Committee, 207. Passed, 210. Not returned from the Council. 198 - COUNTY_COURTS. County (and District) Officers—continued. 5. Petition of Home District Council, for an alteration in the appointment and salaries of District Officers, and for amend- ments to the Township Officers and Municipal Acts, (1849) 89. Referred to Committee of whole on U. C. Municipalities Bill, 190. 6. Petitions for election of County Officers, (1850) Dummer & Douro, 70. Oxford Mun. Council, 70. Yarmouth, 35- For appointment of the same by the Municipal Councils, (1850) Huron, Perth, and Bruce Mun. Council, 28. Northumb. and Durham do., 81. Peterboro' do., 117. Peterboro' Town Council, 117. Stormont Mun. Council, 81. Wentworth and Halton do., 13.−(1851) Lanark and Renfrew Mun. Council, 130. Wide Accounts, 137. Addresses, 156. Committees, 92. Municipalities (U. C.), 18, 20. Sheriffs, 2. (Jourts. ^^ N-º-º/\ºvºvºvº/Nº-ºvºvºvº-º-º-º/vv^^_^_^^^^\, vº-ev-Jºvºv- I. Public General Bills relating to the various Courts; 1–10. II. Bills relating to particular Courts; 11–92. I. Public General Bills relating to the various Courts: 1. To make further regulation for holding the Courts of Assize and Nisi Prius, Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery in Upper Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 185. Amended in Committee, 233. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 328. Considered, and agreed to, 343. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 14.) 2. To provide for the permanent accommodation of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity in Upper Canada, by advancing £6000 to the Law Society of Upper Canada, to provide for the same in Osgoode Hall, Toronto; and imposing a tariff of fees on proceedings in law and equity, to liquidate the same; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 288. R. A., 345. (9 Wic., c. 33.) Wide Accounts, 346, 347. Addresses, 331. Governor General, 88. Supply, 409. 3. To amend the laws relative to the Courts of Original Civil Jurisdiction in Lower Canada; Presented, (1849) 42. Committed, 198. Proceedings of Committee interrupted by volleys of stones, &c., from rioters, by whom the Parliament House was destroyed, 262. Consideration resumed, and Bill amended, 285. Some of the amendments amended, one of them negatived, and the other agreed to, 299. Bill read third time, further amended, and passed, 311. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 38.)—Petition against the Bill; Three Rivers, 96. Petition for amendments thereto; Three Rivers, 131. * 4. To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1849) 338. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 39.) 5. To amend the last mentioned Act; Presented, (1851) 117. Referred, 247. Wot reported. 6. To authorize Her Majesty's subjects to plead for themselves or others in all Her Majesty's Courts in Canada, and to abolish the title or distinction of Queen's Counsel; Presented, (1851) 105. Second reading postponed three months, 232. 7. Petition from Members of the Quebec Bar, for appointment of proper persons to report the decisions of the Courts of Justice in the several Districts in Lower Canada; Referred, (1844–5) 324. Wo Report. 8. Petitions from Members of the legal profession in Upper Canada, for the establishment of two Superior Courts of Common Law, and the appointment of three Judges in the Court of Chancery, (1844–5) 188. Referred, 314. Report of Commissioners on Court of Chancery referred, 319. Petition for the formation of a Court of Appeals referred, 342. Wo Report. Wide infra, 14. 9. Petition from the same, for adoption of measures for placing the Superior Courts in Upper Canada on an efficient foundation, (1849) 32. 10. Motion, for a Committee of the whole to consider of repealing so much of 8 Vic, c. 14 (Upper Canada) as provides that the Courts of Assize and Nisi Prius shall be held but once in each year in the Districts of Prince Edward, Colborne, and Talbot, Negatived, (1846) 160. Wide Committees, 596, Gaspé, 1–7, 15–17. Witnesses, 3–6. Writs. COURTS-continued. 199 II. Bills relating to particular Courts: 11 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Appeals (L. C.) : To establish a better Court of Appeals in L. Canada; Ordered, (1843) 19. Presented, 20. Amended in Committee, 138. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 163. Agreed to, 168. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 18.) 12. to establish a Court having jurisdiction in Appeals and Criminal matters for L. Canada; Presented, (1849) 42. Committed, 198. Resolution providing for the salaries of such additional Judges as may be required, referred, with an instruction to make provision therefor in the Bill, 260. Amended in Committee, 285. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 37.) Petition of J. G. Barthe, complaining of his dismissal from the office of Clerk of the Court of Appeal, and praying relief in the premises, (1851) 51. Printed, 52. Wide Committees, 337. Appeals (U. C.) : To establish a Superior Court of Common Law, and a Court of Error and Appeal in U. Canada; Presented, (1849) 152. Petition against the Bill, 225. Bill committed, 305. Resolution providing for the salaries of such additional Judges and officers as may be required, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and by funding cer- tain fees, referred, 314. Bill amended in Committee, 315. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 326. Bill re-committed, 327. Order discharged; Bill amended, and passed, 331. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 63.) Wide Civil List, 3. To confirm and give effect to certain Rules and Regulations made by the Judges of Her Majesty's Court of Error and Appeal for U. Canada, and for other purposes relating to the powers of the Judges of the Courts of Law and Equity in that part of the Province, and the practice and decisions of certain of those Courts; From the Council; Read, (1850) 261. Amended, and blanks filled up, in Committee, 276. Passed, as amended, 280. Amendments agreed to by the Council, 282. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 51.) Petition from Members of the Midland District Bar, for the establishment of a Court of Appeals, (1844–5) 341. Referred, 342. Wo Report. Wide Accounts, 14. Chancery: To amend the Act establishing the Court of Chancery in Upper Canada, and to render the said Court more effectual; From the Council; Read, (1841) 240. Committed, 282. Wot considered. To authorize the appointment of a Reporter in the said Court; Presented, (1844–5) 128. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived, 182. Ameaded in Committee, 187. R. A., 439. (8 Vic, c. 39.) To remove doubts as to the jurisdiction conferred upon the said Court in matters relating to lunatics, idiots, &c., and their estates; and to amend the laws relating to lunatics, &c., and their estates in U. Canada; Presented, (1846) 39. R. A., 225. (9 Wic, c. 10.) To provide for the more effectual administration of justice in the said Court; Presented, (1849) 152. Committed, 305. So much of a certain Resolution for providing additional Judges, as relates to Courts of Equity, referred, 314. Bill amended in Committee, 315. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived; Ryder added, 326. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 64.) Wide Civil List, 3. To increase the salary of the Reporter to the Court of Chancery; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 348. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 65.) To confirm Decrees and Orders and other proceedings of the said Court, in certain cases; Presented, (1850) 31. Second reading postponed, and Select Committee appointed, 140. (Wide Committees, 348.) Not pro- ceeded in. $º. For the more effectual administration of justice in the said Court ; Presented, (1850) 179. Committed; Resolu- tion granting a salary of £125 for a clerk in the office of the Master of the Court, referred, with an instruction to insert a clause in conformity therewith, 198. Amended in Committee, 226. Read third time, and further amended; Passed, 243. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 50.) To confirm certain Decrees and Orders of the said Court, in certain cases; Presented, (1851) 39. Amended in Committee, 253. Motion to postpone receiving report of Committee three months, negatived; Re-committed, 260. Amended further in Committee, 326. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 113.) 200 COURTS-continued. II. Bills relating to particular Courts—continued. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Chancery—continued. Petitions for the abolition of the Court of Chancery, and extension of equitable jurisdiction to the Court of Queen's Bench, (1850) Middlesex Municipal Council, 46. Oxford do., 70. Peterborough do., 117. Sandwich, 5. Stormont, 54. Wentworth and Halton Mun. Council, 13. * Motion to appoint a Select Committee, to report, by Bill or otherwise, for the abolition of the Court of Chancery, and for conferring equity powers, in certain cases, on the Courts of Common Law, Negatived, (1851) 117. Wide Accounts, 77–80. Addresses, 99–104. Committees, 43–46, 348. Speeches, 19. Supply, 340, 349. Circuit Courts (L. C.) : Petition from Clerks of Circuit Courts, for amendments to the Act establishing such Courts-and for the holding of Quarter Sessions in each Circuit, (1844–5) 81. - Petition of Mun. Council of St. Hyacinthe, for an uniformity of practice in the Circuit Courts, (1849) 28. Wide Accounts, 82. Commissioners' Courts:—Wide infra, 63–92. Common Pleas (established under 12 Vic, c. 63,-Wide supra, 14): Petitions for abolition of the Court of Common Pleas, (1850) Peterboro’ Mun. Council, 117. Stormont, 54. Wide Addresses, 103, 129. - Conciliation Courts:–Bill to establish Courts of Conciliation in Upper Canada ; Presented, (1851) 22. Second reading postponed six months, 78. County (or District) Courts (U. C.) : To amend the laws regulating the said Courts (Mr. Draper); Ordered, (1841) 267. Presented, 271. Amended in Committee, 434. Read third time ; Ryder added; Another Ryder moved ; Amendment moved thereto; Consideration of main motion postponed, 465. Resumed, and main motion agreed to, 472. Bill passed, 473. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 8.) To amend and improve the laws establishing the said Courts (Sir A.N. MacNab); Ordered, (1841) 536. Presented and read, 536. No Order thereon. To amend and consolidate the laws regulating the practice of the District Courts ; Ordered ; Presented, (1842) 58. Not proceeded in. To diminish the costs on certain suits, by increasing the jurisdiction of the District Courts; Presented, (1 844–5) 38. Wot proceeded in. To amend and consolidate the laws relating to District Courts; Presented, (1844–5) 49. Amended in Committee, 253. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 13.) To amend the Act of last Session (supra 35) with respect to the amount of fees payable to the Fee Fund for certain services to be performed by the Clerks of the Law Districts; Ordered ; Presented, (1846) 43. Amended in Committee, 148. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 7.) To further amend the said Act; Presented, (1846) 307. Read second time ; Motion to amend Bill, negatived, 331. Bill passed, on division, 333. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 36.) To amend and extend the Act consolidating the laws relative to District Courts, and to increase the jurisdiction of the said Courts; Presented, (1849) 114. Referred, 215. Reported, with amendments, 225. Passed, as an Act to amend and extend the provisions of the said Act, 259. By the Council, with an amendment, 293. Considered, and agreed to, 298. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 66.) To amend the Act regulating the practice of the County Courts in U. Canada, and to extend the jurisdiction thereof; Presented, (1850) 189. Amended in Committee, 249. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 52.) Petition of Henry Allen, of London, for repeal of the Act of 9 Vic, relating to the practice of the District Courts, (1847) 167. Petition of the Ottawa District Council, for a reduction of the costs in the District Courts, (1849) 96. Wide infra, 51. Accounts, 112, 113. Addresses, 181, 182,407,445. Committees, 47–52. Governor General, 39. Law, Practice of, 34. Supply, 346, 431. - COURTS-continued. 201 ~~~~ *— II. Bills relating to particular Courts—continued. #7. 48. 49. § 1. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. District Courts :-Wide supra, 31–41. I)ivision Courts :-Wide infra, 78–92. Impeachments: . To establish a Court for the trial of Impeachments; Presented, (1841) 453. Committed, 483. Considered, 634. Mot reported. . To establish a Court, &c.; Presented, (1842) 22. Wot proceeded in. . To establish a tribunal for the trial of Impeachments by the Legislative Assembly; Presented, (1844–5) 38. Referred, 180. Wot reported. . To establish a tribunal, &c.; Presented, (1849) 60. Order for second reading discharged, 133. te Probate and Surrogate Court :—Bill to regulate the proceedings and jurisdiction of the Probate and Surrogate Court in U. Canada; Presented, (1851) 56. Referred to Committee on the Bill for the better administration of the estates of deceased persons, 126. No Report. • Wide Deceased Persons. Quarter Sessions (L. C.) : Bill to alter the terms of the General Sessions of the Peace for the District of St. Francis; Presented, (1848) 163. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 20.) Wide Committees, 53. Bill to facilitate the holding of Courts of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in L. Canada; Presented, (1850) 139. Committed, 157. Resolution granting salaries of £75 and £50, respectively, to the Presidents of the Sessions for Districts of Three Rivers and St. Francis, referred, 223. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 34), Wide supra, 27. Committees, 53, 92. Quarter Sessions (U. C.): Bill to fix the periods for holding the said Courts; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 31. Amended in Committee, 52. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 123. Agreed to, 128. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 82.) Bill to repeal the laws relating to the periods for holding the Quarter Sessions and District Courts, and to provide for holding General Sessions of the Peace in each District, and to alter the terms of the District Courts; Presented, (1849) 73. Order for second reading discharged, 266. Wide Committees, 54. County Officers, 2. Queen's Bench (L. C.): To continue, till the close of next Session, the Ordinance for facilitating the despatch of business before the Court of King's Bench, Montreal; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 112. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 10.) Wide Committees, 57. To define and extend the powers of the Court of Queen's Bench in L. Canada, relative to usurpations and vacancies occurring in Corporations, and for other purposes; Presented, (1846) 210. Amended in Committee, 291. Passed, 297. Wot returned from the Council. - To define and extend the powers, &c., relative to do. do.; Presented, (1847) 15. Referred, 60. Wot reported. To render executory certain judgments of the late Court of King's Bench for L. Canada; Presented, (1848) 48. R. A., 80. (Il Vic, cap. 4.) To amend the Act establishing the Court of Queen's Bench for L. Canada; Presented, (1851) 39. Passed, 92. By the Council, with amendments, 345. Considered, and agreed to, 346. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 88.) Resolution, That it is expedient to continue the Ordinance of 4 Vic. for facilitating the despatch of business before the Court of King's Bench, Montreal, (1841) 490. Wide supra, 52. Petition of S. Lelièvre, Interpreter to the Court at Quebec, for an increase of salary, (1841) 522, 542. Referred, 530. Report, 543. Petitions of the Tipstaff and Crier of the said Court, for indemnification for loss of fees, (1842) 20. - - Petition of C. M. Hyndman, Crier of the Court in the District of St. Francis, for an increase of salary, (1843) 8. Wide Accounts, 115, 430. Addresses, 406. Committees, 57, 337. Law Reports. AA 202 COUPTS-confinued. II. Bills relating to particular Courts—continued. Queen's Bench (U. C.): 60. To facilitate the despatch of business therein; Presented, (1841) 271. R. A., 359. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 5.) 61. To confirm certain Rules, Orders, and Regulations made by the Judges of the said Court; From the Council; Read, (1842) 59. Motion for third reading to-morrow; Previous Question moved and negatived, 108. Motion that Bill be now read a third time, carried; Bill passed, 119. R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 19.) Wide Accounts, 431, 432. Addresses, 407, 408. 62. Recorders’ Courts (U. C.) :—To authorize the payment of certain expenses of the administration of justice in the said Courts (to a like extent as in the Courts of Quarter Sessions), out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 272. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 117.) Wide infra, 87. Committees, 56. Requests, Courts of:—Wide infra, 78–88. Small Debts (L. C.): 63. To provide for the administration of justice in civil causes, and matters of small pecuniary value in Lower Canada, by establishing District and Division Courts; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 490. Referred, 503. Reported, with amendments, 523. Amended in Committee, 539. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 20.) 64. To provide for the summary trial of small causes in Lower Canada; Ordered, (1843) 19. Presented, 20. Referred; Petition for restoration of the Small Cause (or Commisioners') Courts, referred, 138. Reported, with amend- ments; Committed and amended, 140. Passed, 147. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 168. Agreed to, 169. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 19.) 65. Relating to Clerks of the Commissioners' Courts for the trial of small causes in Lower Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 139. Considered in Committee, and no Report made, 215. 66. To allow certain fees to Advocates before Commissioners' Courts in L. C.; Presented, (1844–5) 83. Second reading postponed six months, 139. 67. To allow certain fees to Advocates before Commissioners' Courts in Quebee, Montreal, and Three Rivers; Presented, (1846) 92. Aot proceeded in. Wide Committees, 58. 68. To amend a certain Act, and to allow certain fees to Advocates appearing before Commissioners' Courts in Quebec Presented, (1847) 16. Committed, 42. Considered, and no Report made, 47. 69. To amend the Act for the summary decision of small causes in Lower Canada; Presented, (1849) 209. Order for second reading discharged, 354. 70. To render executory the judgments of Commissioners' Courts in Lower Canada; Presented, (1850) 223. Not proceeded in. 71. To amend the Act for the summary trial of small causes in Lower Canada; Presented, (1850) 32. Motion to postpone second reading 6 months, negatived; Referred, 45. Reported, with an amendment; Committed, 74. Considered, and no Report made, 193. 72. To amend the Act providing for the summary decision of small causes in Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 164, Motion to postpone second reading three months, negatived; Read second time; Motion that it be engrossed; Amendment, that it be committed in three months, carried, 290. 73. Petitions for revival of the Act establishing Commissioners' Courts for the summary trial of small causes:—(1841) Grenville and Chatham, 227. Two Mountains, ib. (1842) Barnston, &c., 56. Granby, 58. (1843) Beauharnois, 33. Montreal (District), 53. St. Armand, 18, 140. St. Hyacinthe Mun. Council, 8. Shefford, 76. Stanstead, 18, 36. Petition from Stanstead referred to Committee on the Small Causes Trial Bill, 138. Wide Supra, 64. 74. Petitions for the abolition of the District and Division Courts:–(1842) Lacolle, 59. Lotbinière, 20–(1848) Beloeil, 43. Ste. Anne de Varennes, 53. St. Armand, 18. Stanstead, 18. 75. Petitions for abolition of Commissioners' Courts, and re-establishment of District and Division Courts :—(1849) Beauce, 144. Dorchester, 187. Three Rivers, 131. (1850) Ste. Geneviève de Batiscan, 40– (1851) Berthier, 150. Lanoraie, ib. Leinster, ib. COURTS-continued. 203 II. Bills relating to particular Courts—continued. Small Debts (L. C.)—continued. 16. Petitions for an extension of the jurisdiction of District or Commissioners' Courts:–(1843) Missisquoi, 62: Referred to the Committee on the Bill relating to the administration of justice, ib-(1849) St. Maurice, 116. Vaudreuil, 199. 77. Petition of F. Laroche, for indemnification for expenses incurred as Clerk of Division Court of Inferior District of Quebec, (1846) 16. Referred, 18. No Report. Wide Committees, 57, 58. Judgments, 3. Small Debts (U. C.): 78. To repeal the laws for the recovery of small debts, and to make other provision therefor; Ordered; Presented ; Printed, (1841) 137. Amended in Committee, 258. One of the amendments amended, the others agreed to, 264. Motion for third reading; Amendment proposing a series of Resolutions for amending the Court of Requests Law in certain details, negatived, 275. Bill passed, on division, 276. R. A., 440 (4 & 5 Wic., e. 3.)—Petitions against the Bill:—Athol, 292. Hallowell, 259. 79. To amend Act of last Session, providing for the recovery of small debts; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 120. Not proceeded in. 80. To amend the Act of 1841 for recovery of small debts, and to provide for the payment of the Clerks of Division Courts by fees; Presented, (1843) 131. Committed, 152. Petitions for re-establishment of Courts of Requests referred, 154. Not considered. 81. To amend the Act of 1841 for the recovery of small debts; Presented, (1844–5) 49. Referred, 254. Reported, with amendments, 277. Amended in Committee, 322. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 825. Motion to amend amendments of Committee, negatived, 326. Read third time, amended, and passed, 330. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 37.) 82. To consolidate and amend the laws affecting Division Courts in U. Canada; Presented, (1847) 73. Order for second reading discharged, 187. 83. To consolidate the laws regulating the system and practice of the Courts in U. Canada for the recovery of small debts, and to make other provisions therefor; Presented, (1849) 108. Order for second reading discharged, 274. 84. To amend and consolidate the laws in force referring to Division Courts in U. Canada; Presented, (1850) 32. Order for second reading discharged, 140. S5. To amend and consolidate the Acts now in force regulating the practice of Division Courts in U. Canada, and to extend the jurisdiction thereof; Presented, (1850) 38. Referred, 119. Reported, with amendments; Re- printed, 156. Amended in Committee, 226. Motions to re-commit Bill, negatived, 243, 247. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 53.) sé. To extend the jurisdiction of Division Courts in U. Canada, and otherwise to amend the law relative to those Courts; Presented, (1851) 112. Second reading postponed six months, 238. 87. Resolution, That it is expedient to provide, out of the County Fee Fund and Consolidated Revenue Fund, for remunerating the Recorders of Cities for holding (when authorized) the Division Courts of such divisions of the counties within the Circuits of which such cities may lie, or any other Court of Civil Jurisdiction having jurisdiction over such cities, (1851) 169. Referred to Committee of whole on U. C. Municipalities Bill, with an instruction to insert a clause in accordance therewith, 217. Wide Municipalities (0. C.), 9. 88. Petitions for amendments to the law for the recovery of small debts (generally by the re-establishment of Courts of Requests in place of the Division Courts):—(1843) Brock District, 79. Gore District Council, 39. Grimsby y 64. Johnstown District, 42. Marysburgh, 87. Prince Edward District, 87, 140. Petitions from Prince Edward and Marysburgh referred to Committee of whole on the Bill, 154. Wot considered. (1844–5) Breakenridge, J., 177. Haldimand (Township), 225. Hastings, ib. Stamford, 41. Referred, 48. Wo Report.—(1846) Gananoque, Leeds, and Lansdowne, 71. Johnstown District Council, 16. Both referred, 106. Wo Report.——(1847) Ham, J. W., 18. Wellington District, 29. (1848) Johnstown District Council, 26–(1849) Bathurst District Council, 32. Eastern District, Magistrates of 109–(1849) Marlborough, 66–(1850) Adelaide Municipality, 95. Middlesex Mun. Council, 46. Stormont, 54. 89. Petition for extension of the jurisdiction of Division Courts:—(1849) Beckton, J., and others, 40. Ham, J.W., 89. Lincoln, 103. Ottawa District Council, 97. (1850) Peterboro'Town Council, 117. Rainham, Municipality of 12. Wentworth and Halton Mun. Council, 13. 204 COURTS-CRIMINAL TIA.W. II. Bills relating to particular Courts—continued. Small Debts (U. C.)—continued. 90. Petition for the abolition of Division Courts, and the transfer of their powers to Municipal Councils, or elective Commissioners, (1850) 82. Referred to Committee on the Bill to simplify the practice of the law, 95. Wide Law, Practice of 7. 91. Petitions for an Act to explain the Division Courts Act so as to authorize the sueing of a party in the county where the debt was contracted:—(1851) Toronto, 102. Toronto Board of Trade, 104. 92. Petition of Municipality of York, for an extension of the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace in the collection of small debts, (1851) 173. Wide Accounts, 112. Addresses, 181, 445. Bathurst District, 1, 5. Committees, 59–61. Governor" €eneral, 39. Vice Admiralty Court :—Wide Accounts, 615. Addresses, 567. Judges, 4. Court Houses:–vide Gaols. Cozens, J oshua Y. :—Petition of, for compensation of a tract of land purchased by him from the Six Nations Indians, and afterwards ceded by Government to the Hon. Thos. Clarke, (1843) 38. (1847) 30. Referred, 36. No Report. Again, Cramahe :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 26, 27. Cranberry Marsh :—Petition of the Municipality of Wainfleet, for authority to them, or some other Corporation within the County of Welland, to purchase the “Great Cranberry Marsh” in Wainfleet, for the purpose of draining and improving the land, (1851) 134. Petition of Municipality of Pelham, in favor, 150. Bill to authorize the Welland Mun. Council to purchase the same ; Presented, 185. Referred, 237. Re- ported, with amendments, 264. Passed, 282. By the Council, with amendments, 316. Considered, and agreed to, 318. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 139.) Crawford, T.:—vide Bridges, 18. Credit, River:--vide Bridges, 21, 22. Creditors :—Bill to extend the benefits of a certain Act of Upper Canada to creditors resident in Lower Canada; Presented, (1841) 453. Wot proceeded in. Cremazie, J acques :—Wide Criminal Law, 12. Governor General, 129. Supply, 164. Cressé, L. M. :—Petition of, for an Act to enable him to dispose of his deeds, as he is about to leave the Province, (1846) 71.—Another Petition, for re-imbursement of moneys paid by him for letters patent, 237. Cressé, Mrs. :—Petition of, for indemnification for damage sustained by her through the erection of a public bridge, and the use of a road, interfering with her private rights, (1849) 21. Crier and Tipstaff, Montreal :—Wide Accounts, 115. Addresses, 139. Committees, 517. Criminal Law: Bills relative thereto: 1. Bill to improve the administration of criminal justice; Presented, (1841) 22. Committed, 312. Other Bills referred to the Committee of the whole thereon, viz.:-Bill relative to offences against the person, 312: Bill relative to larceny; Bill relative to malicious injuries to property, 319. Reported amended, 453. Passed, 473. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 529. Agreed to, 531. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 61.) 2, Bill to repeal various statutes relative to Benefit of Clergy, to Larceny, to malicious injuries to property, and to offences against the person; Presented, (1841) 22. Not proceeded in. CRIMINAL TIAW-CURRAN. 205 sºmsºmº- 3. 10. 11. 12. 1. Criminal Law—continued. Bill to consolidate and amend the laws relative to larceny, &c.; Presented, (1841) 22. Referred, 131. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 319. (Wide Supra, 1.) Reported amended, 454. Passed, 474. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 529, 546. Agreed to, 548. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 25.) . To consolidate and amend the laws relative to offences against the person; Presented, (1841) 22. Referred, 132. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 312. (Wide supra, I.) Reported amended, 454. Passed, 474. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 544, 549. Agreed to, 552. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 27.) . To consolidate and amend the laws relative to malicious injuries to property; Presented, (1841) 22. Referred, 132. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 319. (Wide supra, 1.) Reported amended, 454. Passed, 474. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 540, 548. Agreed to, 549. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 26.) . To amend the Acts of last Session relative to the Criminal Law (supra, 1, 3, 4, 5), so as to enable the Courts before whom offenders may be convicted, better to proportion the punishment to the offence (in regard to the length of term of imprisonment in the Penitentiary); Ordered; Presented, (1842) 29. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 98. Agreed to, 102. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 5.) Wide Accounts, 418. . To amend and consolidate the Criminal Laws of this Province; Presented, (1850) 14. Second reading postponed, 139. . For the further amendment of the administration of the Criminal Law; Presented, (1851) 5. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 13.) . To amend and consolidate the Criminal Laws; Presented, (1851) 66. Referred ; Bill to establish a Code of Crimi- nal Procedure also referred, 127. Report, recommending a revision of both Bills by a Commission to be appointed by the Government, 249. Address ordered, for appointment of a Commission, 344. Wide Addresses, 140. To establish a Code of Criminal Procedure in this Province; Presented, (1850) 14. Second reading postponed, 140. To establish a Code of Criminal Procedure; Presented, (1851) 66. Referred to Committee on the Bill to amend and consolidate the Criminal Laws, 127. Wide supra, 9. Resolution, That it is expedient to encourage the publication of a work on the Criminal Law of Canada by Mr. Jacques Cremazie, now in course of publication, (1842) 56. Wide Committees, 63. Governor General, 129. Supply, 164. Wide Addresses, 140. Committees, 62, 63. Maliczows Injuries. Criminal Pr Osecutions :—Bill to provide for the appointment of Counsel for conducting criminal prosecutions in the Courts of this Province; Presented, (1851) 140. Order for second reading discharged, 288. Cr ooks, Hon. Ja.S. :—Wide Accounts, 116. Addresses, 12. War of 1812, 3. Crosby :—Wide Surveys, 30, 31. Crow, J ohn :—Petition of, for compensation for the destruction of his house at Chatham, occupied as barracks, (1849) 199. Crown Lands Depar tment:—Wide Accounts, 89,253–256. Addresses, 116, 252—258, 289, 616. Committees, 413. Elections, 136. Lands, 24, 44, 48. Supply, 173. Cruelty to Animals: Bill for the prevention of cruelty to animals; Presented, (1850) 176. Committed, 235. Wot considered. 2. Bill for the prevention, &c.; Presented, (1851) 31. Committed, 74. Considered, and no Report made, 174. Cuggy, Patrick —vide Pension, 18. Curators :—Wide Committees, 157. Curran, James:—Wide Legislative Assembly, 110,280. 206 CURRENCY_CUSTOMS. 10. Currency: Bills relative to the Currency: . To regulate the Currency; Ordered, (1841) 265. Presented, 266. Amended in Committee, 322. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 442. Agreed to, 479. Reserved, 643.−Royal Assent by Proclamation, 27th April, 1852. (4 & 5 Vic.., c. 93.) Wide Accounts, 32. . To prevent the fraudulent circulation of spurious copper and brass coins; From the Council; Read, (1841) 502. Passed, 585. R. A., 643. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 17.) Motion for a Committee of the whole to consider of repealing so much of the Act as prevents British silver from being a legal tender for more than five pounds, negatived, (1842) 103. . To alter the rate at which certain silver coins shall be a legal tender; Presented, (1850) 34. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 9.) Wide Accounts, 118. . To amend the Currency Act (supra, 1); Ordered; Presented, (1850) 179. Amended in Committee, 211. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 8)—Despatch disallowing the Act, (1851) 201. (App. Y. Y.) Printed, 202. . To extend the provisions of the Currency Act (supra, 1) to certain gold and silver coins coined after the periods in the said Act limited; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 217. R. A., 358. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 48.) . To provide for the introduction of the decimal system into the Currency of this Province (subject to the approval of Her Majesty in Council), and otherwise to amend the laws relative to the Currency; Ordered, (1851) 240. Presented, 241. Passed, on division, 271. R. A., 358. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 47.) . Petition for adoption of the British Sterling Currency for Canada; Montreal Board of Trade, (1841) 52. Referred to Committee on Currency and Banking, 185. . Petition for an equalization of the Currency in Upper and Lower Canada, and the affixing of a more equitable value to the current coins; Toronto; Referred to Committee on Currency and Banking, (1841) 185. . Petition for amendment of the law regulating the Currency; Kingston Board of Trade, (1842) 62. Motion, for a Committee of the whole, to consider of repealing so much of the Currency Act of last Session as pre- vents silver from being a legal tender for more than five pounds, Negatived, (1842) 103. Wide Accounts, 32, 117, 118. Committees, 64–66, 370, 597, 598. Governor General, 36, 37. Currie, Donald 2–Wide Pensions, 14. Cushing, Mrs. —vide Pensions, 15. (Iustoms. vv^^^^^^^_^^^^^^^,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. I. Bills relative to the Customs: 1–21. TI. Petitions relative to Customs Duties; 22—65. (1) For the imposition of Duties (or higher Duties) on certain articles imported from the United States, 22. (2) For removal or reduction of the Duties on certain articles imported from the United States, 40. (3.) Other Petitions relative to the Customs, Custom Houses, dºc., 54. III. Orders and Resolutions; 66—69. - IV. Questions Negatived or Superseded; 70–72. I. Bills relative to the Customs: 1. To exempt from Duty copies of the Holy Scriptures imported by sea; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 245. R. A., 359. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 6.) CUSTOMS–comf/ed. - 207 I. Bills relative to the Customs—continued. 2. To consolidate the laws relative to Customs Duties, and to impose additional Duties; Ordered, (1841) 500, 516 . Presented, 518. Amended in Committee, 574. Re-committed, and further amended, 584. Motion to re-com- mit Bill for the purpose of appropriating the additional Duty of 23 per cent. imposed thereby to the re-pay- ment of the debt contracted for public works, negatived, and Bill passed, 593. R. A., 644. (4 & 5 Vic., c. 14.) Wide Accounts, 120, Committees, 222. 3 . To impose Duties on agricultural produce and stock imported from the United States; Ordered, (1841) 498. Pre- sented, 499. Committed, 562. Petition against the proposed Duty on tallow referred, 588. Bill considered, and no Report made, 612. 4 . To extend the benefits of the warehousing system established by an Imperial Act of 3 & 4 Wic, to the Duties imposed by Provincial Acts; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 192. Amended in Committee, 265. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 16.) . To impose a Duty of 3s. Stg. per quarter on foreign wheat; Ordered, (1842) 66. Presented, 67. Amended in Com- mittee, 98. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 105, Reserved, 131–Despatch announcing Royal Assent, (1843) 16. (6 Vic, c. 31.) Wide Accounts, 594, 5 6. To impose Duties on agricultural produce and live stock; Ordered, (1843) 57. Presented, 60. Motion for second reading in six months, negatived, 66. Amended in Committee, 67. Passed, on division, 70. R. A., 131. (7 Vic, c. 1.)—Bill further to continue Act for a limited time; Ordered; Presented, 178. Passed, on division, 180. R. A., 208. (7 Vic, c. 2.) 7. To continue the Act for imposing Duties on agricultural produce and live stock; Presented, (1844–5) 32. R. A., 87. (8 Vic, c. 1.) 8. To consolidate the laws relative to Customs Duties, and for granting Duties of Customs; Ordered ; Presented, (1844–5) 258. Notice taken that the Bill contains an alteration of Duties, which should have originated in a Committee of the whole, 275. Bill withdrawn, 279. Wide infra, 9. 9. For granting Provincial Duties of Customs; Ordered, (1844–5) 322. Reported, 325. Amended in Committee 353. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 3.)—Petition of L. Pine, praying that the 24th clause of the Bill may be expunged, or that he may be indemnified for the loss it will occasion him, 328. Wide Accounts, 123. Addresses, 13. 10. To alter the Duties imposed on the importation of certain articles therein mentioned; Ordered ; Presented, (1846) 146. Wot proceeded in. 11. To amend the laws imposing Duties of Customs; Ordered, (1846) 179. Presented, 180. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 1.) Wide Accounts, 126. 12. To repeal all Acts relating to the Customs, and to consolidate the laws relative thereto, and for granting Duties of Customs; Ordered; Presented, (1847) 68. Notice taken that the proposed alteration of Duties should have received the sanction of a Committee of the whole; Order for second reading discharged, 99. (Wide Com- mittees, 80.)—Petition of Montreal Board of Trade, against the Bill, 100. 13. To repeal, consolidate, and amend certain Acts relating to the Customs, and to grant new Duties in lieu of those now in force; Ordered; Presented, (1847) 139. Amended in Committee, 145. Re-committed and further amended, 148. Read third time; Ryder moved and negatived; Bill passed, 151. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 30.) Wide Accounts, 127. 14. To amend an error in the foregoing Act, and to impose a specific instead of an ad valorem Duty on wheat; Ordered; Presented, (1847) 161. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 31.) Wide Accounts, 318. 15. To amend the laws relative to Duties of Customs; Ordered, (1849) 243. Presented, 247. Amended in Committee, 259. Motion to re-commit Bill, to reduce the Duty on sugar, negatived, and Bill passed, 260. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 1.) 16. To amend the Act imposing Duties of Customs (by exempting military clothing, salt imported for the Gaspé Fisheries, &c., from Duty, and empowering the Governor in Council to admit certain articles at a lower rate of Duties, &c.); Ordered, (1850) 116, 154, 185. Presented, 185. Motions to commit the Bill for the purpose of amending the same, negatived, 211, 216. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 5.) * 17. To repeal the laws relative to the management and regulation of the Customs, and to Duties of Customs and other & Duties, and to the licensing of tavern-keepers, vendors of spirituous liquors, auctioneers, distillers, hawkers and pedlars, and keepers of billiard-tables; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 31. Amended in Committee, 38. Passed, 42. Order for taking Bill to the Council rescinded, 201. 18. To provide for the management of the Customs, and of matters relative to the collection of the Revenue; Presented, (1843) 37. Amended in Committee, 138. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 142. Ryder moved and negatived, and Bill passed, 147. Order for taking Bill to the Council rescinded, 201. Motion that the order directing that the Bill be carried to the Council be read, negatived, 208. 208 CUSTOMS-continued. I. Bills relative to the Customs—continued. 19. To repeal the several Acts relative to the management of the Customs, and to Duties of Customs, and to the licensing of tavern-keepers, auctioneers, distillers, hawkers and pedlars, and keepers of billiard-tables; Ordered; Pre- sented, (1844–5) 128. Referred to Committee on Bill to impose a Duty on distillers, &c., 200. Vide Committees, 377. 20. To provide for the management of the Customs, and of matters relative to the collection of the Revenue; Ordered, (1844–5) 128. Presented, 129. Referred to Committee on Bill to impose a Duty on distillers, &c., 200. (Wide Committees, 377.) Reported, with amendments; Committed, 239. The various Petitions relative to Customs Duties also referred, 244. Bill amended in Committee, 255. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 295. Considered, and it appearing that they were only introduced for greater caution, and were no alteration of the intention of the House, the amendments agreed to, 305. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 4.) 21. To amend the Act of 8 Vic. (supra, 20) by empowering the Governor in Council to fix the salaries of the Collectors at Quebec and Montreal, at a rate not exceeding £750; and to render the said Act permanent, as amended; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 189. R. A., 216. (12 Vic, c. 2.) II. Petitions relative to Customs Duties: (1) For the imposition of Duties (or higher Duties) on certain articles imported from the United States, viz: § 22. Agricultural produce, or manufactures, imported from the United States (protective Duties):—(1841) Frampton, 242. Gore District, 529. Innisfil, 54. Oxford (County), 417,493, Talbot District, 493.−(1842) Brock (Township), 97. Brock District Council, 32. Cobourg, 114. Eastern Townships, L. C., 38. Gwillimbury West, 56. Hemmingford, &c., 59. Missisquoi, 91. Niagara Dist. Coun., 12. North American Committee of Colonial Society, 5. Several of the Petitions referred, 21, 103. (Wide Committees, 372.) (1843) Beloeil, 43. Durham, 8. Gore Dist. Council, 39. Grenville, 64. Home District, 53. Montreal (Co.), 87. Niagara Dist. Council, 8. Pelham, 79. Prince Edward Agricultural Society, 61. Richelieu Mun. Council, 25. Ste. Anne de Varennes, 53. St. Hyacinthe Mun. Council, 8. Shefford, 76. Sherbrooke (Co.), 24. Simcoe (Co.), 13. Stanstead, 13. Terrebonne, 64. Petitions from Durham, Niagara, Home Dist., and Stanstead, referred to Committee of whole on Customs, 54. (Wide Committees, 74.) Petition from Grenville referred to Com- mittee on Petition for a Duty on boots and shoes, 83. (Wide Committees, 374.) (1844–5) Breakenridge, J., 177. Ste. Anne de Varennes, 24. (1846) Nelson, 70 : Referred, 79. (Wo Report.) Simcoe Mun. Coun, 297. Woodstock, 143. (1849) Chambly, 121. Johnstown District, 163. Leeds and Lansdowne, 120. Montreal, 90: Referred, 91. (Wo Report.) Sherbrooke, 113. All referred to Committee of whole on the Customs, 205. (1849) St. Maurice, 116. Wide Committees, 69, 72, 74, 75, 82, 372. American Manufactures,-Wide supra, 22. infra, 32. Committees, 70. 23. Axes and Scythes, (1846) Missisquoi, 190––(1847) Stanbridge, 69. 24. Beer, and other Malt Liquors, Brewers, &c., of Niagara District, (1843) 71. 25. Biscuit, (1844–5) Quebec, 46. Boots and Shoes, Wide infra, 31. Candles, –Wide infra, 33. 26. Cattle and Live Stock,-(1844–5) St. Matthieu de Beloeil, 10. Wide also Committees, 74, 876. Coffee, Wide infra, 34. 27. Corn Brooms, (1846) Grantham, 61. 28. Furs and Hats;–For like Duties to those levied by the United States, (1849) 90. Referred to Committee of whole on the Customs, 205-–For Duties on the manufactured articles, and admission of raw materials Duty free, (1851) 51. Tſats, Wide supra, 28. 29. Hops, For restoration of the former Duty, (1850) 29. 30. Iron Castings, (1844–5) Brockville, 189. Cobourg, 210. CUSTOMS-confinued. 209 II. Petitions relative to Customs Duties—continued. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. (1) For the imposition of Duties, &c.—continued. Leather, and boots and shoes, (1842) Montreal and Kingston, 56.-(1843) Montreal, 18. Leather dealers of Canada East, 39. Both referred, 54, 83. Report, 113. (1844–5) Brockville, 189. Cobourg, 33. Home and Gore Districts, 367. Johnstown District, 194. Kingston, 53. London, 323. Montreal, 27, 46. Niagara, 61. Picton, 177, 264. Quebec, 100. Talbot District, 367. Toronto, 61. Victoria District, 146. (1846) Leather manufacturers and dealers (against repeal of Duties), 99. Do., of Montreal, 84. Wide Committees, 79. Malt Liquors, Wide supra, 24. Manufactures generally,–(1844–5) Buchanan, Isaac, and others, 259. Chippewa and Drummondville, 189. Kingston, 170. Wide also supra, 22. Pine Logs, Wide infra, 35. Scythes, Wide supra, 23. Soap and Candles, (1843) Candle-makers of Toronto, 43–(1844–5) Montreal, 177. Toronto, 99. Tea and Coffee-(1844–5) Kingston, 146. Timber—(1842) Bayham, 17. (1844–5) Johnstown, Bathurst, and Midland Districts, 132. Lumber Manufac- turers of Canada, 53. Ottawa, 244: Referred to the Committee on the Distilleries Duties Bill, 250. (Wo Report thereon.) Rawdon, 167. Ship-owners and others, 177. For an Export Duty on pine logs, (1851) Bayham Municipality, 6. Lumber Merchants of Bayham, ib. Middlesex Mun. Council, 17. Tobacco, (1843) Western District Council, 61.--(1844–5) Kingston, 146. Mersea, 176. Western District Council, 100. Tobacco-pipes, For imposition of a Duty of 20 per cent. on tobacco-pipes, and admission of pipe-clay Duty free; Montreal, (1849) 123. Referred to Committee of whole on the Customs, 211. Whiskey, A Duty of six-pence per gallon; Ferrie & Co., and others, distillers, (1849) 240. Woollen Cloths, (1849) Missisquoi, 53. (2) For removal or reduction of the Duties on certain articles imported from the United States, viz: - Agricultural produce,—(1846) Montreal, 182. Toronto Board of Trade, 142-(1848) Toronto Board of Trade; Printed, 65. (1849) Quebec; Printed, 41. Wide also infra, 43. Bible Society,+For a continuance of the remission (hitherto allowed) of Duties on books imported by the Montreal Bible Society, (1841) 79. For permission to the Society to import copies of the Holy Scriptures free of Duty, (1842) 34. Wide supra, 1. Committees, 67. Fisheries-Articles imported for the use of the Gaspé Fisheries, (1842) 55.—(1850) 59. Printed, 62. House a goes into Committee on the Petition, and on Return to an Address respecting the Gaspé Fisheries, 109. Report a Resolution for exempting salt imported for the Gaspé Fisheries from Duty; Agreed to, 116. (Included in Customs Act, Wide supra, 16.) Wide Accounts, 186. Addresses, 190. Committees, 71–74, '79, 115, 116. Flour, Wide infra, 52. Grain, Wool, and Lumber (when imported for domestic purposes),-Dundee, (1844–5) 53. Wide also infra, 52, 58. Hats, Materials for manufacture of (1851) 51. Holy Scriptures,-Wide supra, 41. Manufactured articles, Certain articles of Canadian growth, when manufactured in the United States; Stormont, (1844–5) 125. - Military Supplies, Wide Accounts, 313, 314. Addresses, 307. Committees, 86, 375. Mustard Seed,—(1850) Dunn, 50. Pipe-clay,+(1849) Montreal, 123. Referred to Committee of whole on the Customs, 211. Pork-Wide infra, 51. Salt-(1846) Woodstock, 143. Wide also supra, 42. BB 210 CUSTOMS—continued. II. Petitions relative to Customs Duties—continued. 49. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. (2) For removal or reduction of Duties, déc.—continued. Seeds,-Wide Agriculture, 17. Tallow—Against imposition of a Duty thereon; Soap and candle makers of Toronto; Referred to Committee of whole on the Customs Bill, (1841) 588. Timber, Wide Supra, 43. Timber Trade,-Articles used in the Timber Trade, (1847) Montreal, 69. Ottawa merchants, 30. Quebec, 122. (1849) Ottawa lumberers (on mess pork), 28. Referred to Committee of whole on the Customs, 205. Wide Committees, 84. Wheat and Flour-(1847) Hamilton Board of Trade, 38. Wide also supra, 43. Wool,-(1847) Willett, M., and others, 56. Wide also supra, 43. (3.) Other Petitions relative to the Customs, Custom Houses, &c. : For a revision of the Tariff of Customs Duties, (1844–5) Quebec Board of Trade, 61. (1846) Montreal Board of Trade, 55. Quebec do., 4. Toronto do., 142––For a modification of the Tariff proposed during the present Session, (1849) Hamilton Board of Trade, 217. Wurtele, Messrs. and others, ib.: Referred to the Committee of the whole on the Customs, 218. Against a revision of the existing Tariff; Quebec, (1846) 163. Of certain merchants of Montreal, praying that a portion of the Duty exacted from them on bastard sugars, con- trary to the spirit of the law, be refunded, (1843) 71. Of merchants of Quebec, 87. Both referred, ib. Des- patches in reference to the said Duties referred, 129. Report; Committed, 140. Considered, and no Report made, 164.——Another Petition from merchants of Quebec and Montreal, for the same, (1844–5) 88. Praying that time may be allowed to parties engaged in the timber trade, to fulfil present contracts, before any additional Duty is levied on timber, (1844–5) 252. For adoption of measures for obtaining alterations in the Imperial protective Duties; Hamilton Board of Trade, (1847) 38. Of H. Adams and A. S. Pope, of Edwardsburgh, complaining of the seizure of certain articles by the Custom House Officers, and praying relief, (1846) 94. Referred, 279. Report, 339. Of M. Bostwick, Preventive Officer at Sherbrooke, complaining of the conduct of the Collector at Quebec, in reference to certain cattle seized by petitioner in 1846, and praying redress, (1847) 57. Referred, 88. No Report.—Another Petition, (1849) 77. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 145. Complaining of the misconduct and incapacity of the Collector at Toronto, and praying an investigation, (1851) 226. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 248. Petitions of Collectors, for increase of salary:-(1842) McCrae, Wm.; St. Johns, 39. Taschereau, J. G.; La Beauce, 56. Tide-waiters or landing-waiters, (1841) Patton, Andrew; Stanstead, 184—(1843) Mullon, T., and others; Montreal, 127—(1844–5) Burland, B., and others; St. John's, 47-(1849) McCormick, John (compensation for time lost through sickness), 39. For removal of the Custom House for La Beauce to the Parish of Ste. Marie de la Nouvelle Beauce, (1842) 56. For erection of a new Custom House at Quebec, (1842) 58.—(1846) 17. For establishment of a Custom House at St. Germain, (1849) 28. III. Orders and Resolutions: 66. Motion, that it is expedient that a more strict surveillance over all Collectors of the Revenue should be exercised, and that an Address should be presented to His Excellency, praying him to appoint a Comptroller of Customs, who shall visit all receivers of public money, examine their books and accounts, and give them instructions in reference thereto, -with power to suspend any officer deviating from such instructions; Amendment, to appoint a Committee to inquire into the collection of the Customs in Upper Canada, carried, (1841) 495. Wide Committees, 371. CUSTOMS-DAVENPORT. 2II * *º TTI. Orders and Resolutions—continued. 67. Resolutions for imposing a Duty of 3s. Stg. per quarter on foreign wheat, and a further Resolution for the imposition of Duties on all other agricultural produce from the United States; Reported from a Committee of the whole; Motion to amend Resolutions by exempting produce imported for the Gaspé Fisheries, negatived, and Resolutions agreed to, (1842) 66. Bill presented on 1st Resolutions, 67. Wide supra, 5. 68. Resolution for dividing the proceeds of Custom House seizures between the Collector, the seizing Officer, and the informer, (1846) 288. Bill presented, 289. Wide Smuggling, 1. 69. Resolutions for altering the Tariff of Customs Duties, Wide Committees, 69–86. IV. Questions Negatived or Superseded: 70. Motion for an Address for copy of any correspondence with the Imperial Government relative to the Duty to be collected on bastard sugar under Provl. Stat. 4 & 5 Vic, c. 14, Negatived, (1842) 120. 71. Motion for a Committee of the whole to consider of amending the Customs Act, 12 Vic, c. 1, by imposing a Duty of 20 per cent, on wheat and Indian corn, and increasing the Duties on mess pork and whiskey; Conside- ration postponed six months, (1850) 222. 72. Motion for a Committee of the whole to consider of reducing the Duties on imports, with the exception of those articles which enter into competition with the productions of this Province, Negatived, (1851) 159. Wide Accounts, 119—128, 235, 556. Addresses, 13, 63, 141—145, 237–240, 435, 521. Committees, 67–86, 371—376, 599, 601. Speeches, 3, 5, 12, 13. Trade. Custom Houses :—Wide Customs, 63–65. Montreal, 21. Supply, 193, 194. Custom House Seizures :—Wide Accounts, 299, 539. Addresses, 293, 506. Bates. Customs, 59, 60, 68. Manahan. Smyth, Chas. Wilcoa. Cuvillier, Hon. A. :-vide Speaker, 2, 3. D. DALHOUSIE DISTRICT –vº, ow. Dalton, Mrs. :—Petition of for payment of a balance due her late husband by the Assembly of Upper Canada, on a printing contract; Referred to Committee on Contingencies, (1846) 186. Report thereon, 320. Resolution granting her £25 6s. 10d, out of the Contingencies, 332. Daly, Daniel:—vide Navigations, 60. Daly, P.:—vide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. Dartnell, E. T.:—Wide Law, Practice of 16. T)auth, Gaspard:—vide Bridges, 89. Davenport, Lewis:–vide Aliens, 46. 212 T)AWERNE–DEBT. —sºm, Daverne, Richard:—Petition of praying compensation for a grant of land made to his late brother, and subsequently revoked, (1849) 53. T)avidson, Alex. :—Petition of, for an exclusive right to publish the Canadian Spelling Book, (1841) 175. Davidson, J ohn :—Wide Governor General, 93. Dawn:-vide Surveys, 82. Deaf and Dumb Persons: 1. Petition for establishment of an Institution for the Deaf and Dumb ; Stanstead, (1848) 40. 2. Motion for a Committee of the whole, to consider of providing for the erection and support, in U. Canada, of an Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, an Asylum for the Blind, a House of Refuge, and a School for the reformation of Juvenile Delinquents; Superseded by Previous Question, (1850) 190. T)ebates in the House :—Wide Committees, 186. Legislative Assembly, 49–62. Members, 55. Orders, 42. 79–86. 143. T)ebentures :—Bill to facilitate the issue of Debentures; Presented, (1847) 49. Amended in Committee, 98. R. A., 123. (10 & 11 Vic, e. 2.) Wide Accounts, 318. $. Wide Accounts, 129, 130. Addresses, 146. Public Debt. De Boucherville, G. P. :—Petition of, for aid towards bringing into use a machine invented by him for the production of a self-renewing motive force, (1849) 59. Referred, 73. Report, 188. Debt, Imprisonment for: Bills relative to: 1. To abolish imprisonment for debt, in Upper Canada, except in certain cases; Presented, (1841) 272. Read second time; Committed, 401. Not considered. 2. To abolish imprisonment in execution for debt, and for the punishment of fraudulent debtors; Presented, (1843) 68. Referred, 130. Petition in favor referred; Member added, 131. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 149. Amended in Committee, 270. R. A., 208. (7 Vic, c. 31.) 2,2' 3. To amend the law of imprisonment for debt, and to afford additional means for the discovery and disposal of the estates and effects of judgment debtors in certain cases; Presented, (1847) 37. Referred, 77. Reported, with amendments, 112. Amended in Committee, 172. Passed (as a Bill to amend the law of imprisonment for debt in Upper Canada), 181. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 14.) 4. To abolish imprisonment for debt, and to punish fraudulent debtors; Presented, (1846) 17. Order for second reading discharged, 115. 5. To abolish imprisonment for debt, and for the punishment of fraudulent debtors; Presented, (1849) 125. Motion to postpone second reading three months, negatived, 215. Referred, 228. Wot reported. 6. To abolish imprisonment for debt; Presented, (1849) 289. Motion that the Order for the second reading be called, negatived, 358. 7. To abolish imprisonment for debt, and for the punishment of fraudulent debtors in Lower Canada; Presented, (1849) 825. Amended in Committee, 358. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 42.) . For abolishing imprisonment for debt; Presented, (1850) 38. Referred; Instruction to Committee, to confine its operation to Upper Canada, 68. Reported, with amendments; Printed, as amended; Committed, 109. Considered; Referred to Committee on the next succeeding Bill (infra, 9), 203. Wot reported. 9. To abolish imprisonment for debt, excepting in cases of fraud, and to extend the remedy by writs of execution ; Presented, (1850) 100. Referred, 193. Foregoing Bill referred, 203. Not reported. 10. For abolishing imprisonment for debt in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 38. Referred, 123. Bill to abolish the same except in cases of fraud (infra, 11) also referred, 124. Report both Bills, with amendments; Re-printed; Both committed; Return relative to Debtors confined and on bail in Upper Canada, also referred, 177. Considered, and no report made, 326. 11. To abolish imprisonment for debt, except in cases of fraud, and to render the remedy by writs of execution in Upper Canada more effectual; Presented, (1851) 74. Referred to Committee on the foregoing Bill, 124. Wide 8ttpra, 10. DEBT—DECEASED PERSONS. * | 213 Debt, Imprisonment for—continued. 12. Petition from debtors confined in the Midland District Gaol, for amendment of the law relating to imprisonment for debt, (1841) 292. 13. Petitions for abolition of imprisonment for debt:-(1843) Home District, 65. Stewart, Wm., and others, Debtors, in Home District Gaol, 131. Western District Council, 61. Petition of Stewart referred to Committee on the Bill, 131. 14. Petition of Municipal Council of Essex and Lambton, for an Act to explain the Act amending the law of Imprison- ment for Debt in Upper Canada, so as to guarantee its benefits to the residents of either of those Counties in certain cases, (1851) 163. Debt, Provincial:—vide Public Debt. Debts, Collection of :—Petitions for a reduction of law costs in the collection of debts, and an alteration in the law of arrest in Lower Canada, (1849) Eastern District, 137. Russell, 216. Wide Debtors, 4. Wide Courts, 63–92. Eacecution. Debtors: Bills relative to : 1. To provide for the detention and conveyance to gaol of debtors, in certain cases, in U. Canada; Presented, (1842) 23. Considered, and no report made, 92. 2. To enable creditors to attach the personal estate of absconding debtors, in certain cases; Presented, (1843) 131. Committed, 152. Wot considered. 3. To provide for the detention and conveyance to gaol of debtors, in certain cases, in U. Canada; Presented, (1843) 31. Referred, 70. Not reported. 4. To relieve from arrest for debt in Lower Canada persons whose place of residence is in Upper Canada; Presented, (1849) 17. Order for second reading discharged, 115. 5. To reduce the expense of proceedings in Upper Canada against the property of absconding debtors; Presented, (1849) 92. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 205. Considered, and agreed to, 209. R. A., 363. (12 Vic, c. 67.) 6. To enable creditors to attach the effects of debtors about to leave the Province, in cases under £10; Presented, (1851) 42. Amended in Committee, l'75. Returned from the Council with an amendment, limiting duration to 2 years, 200. Considered, and agreed to, 204. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 18.) 7. For the relief of Insolvent Debtors (Mr. Sherwood); Presented, (1844–5) 171. Referred, 209. Reported, with amendments, 277. Amended in Committee; Re-printed, as amended, 291. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 352. Considered, and agreed to, 356. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 48.) 8. To afford relief to Insolvent Debtors (Mr. De Bleury); Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 205. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 17.) 9. For the relief of Insolvent Debtors in Lower Canada; Presented, (1849) 328. Wot proceeded in. 10. To extend the provisions of the Insolvent Debtors Act, 8 Vic, c. 48, and to afford relief to a certain description of persons herein named; Presented, (1851) 86. Amended in Committee, 355. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 116.) 11. Petition for an Act to allow Debtors to take exercise in the yards adjoining the several gaols; Debtors in Bathurst District Gaol, (1843) 54. Referred, 71. Wo Report. 12. Petition for an Act for the relief of Insolvent Debtors; Toronto Board of Trade, (1843) 177. Referred to Committee on the Bill concerning Bankrupts, 178. 18. Petition of W. Wiseman, of Sandwich, for an amendment of the law so as to relieve honest debtors from imprison- ment for contempt of Court, (1847) 48. 14, Petition for appointment of officers for attaching the moveable property of debtors about to abscond; Farmers: ville, (1848) 25. Wide Accounts, 133. Addresses, 147. Committees, 141, 404. Deceased Persons, Estates of: 1. Bill to amend the law relative to the administration of the estates of deceased persons; Presented, (1850) 54. Order for second reading discharged, 149. 2. Bill for the better administration of the estates of deceased persons; Presented, (1851) 5. Referred, 96. Bill to regulate the Probate and Surrogate Courts referred, 126. Wo Report. Wide Intestate Estates. 214 DECHENE–DESJARDINS. Dechene, J © B. Miville :—Petition of, for compensation for the loss (in 1816) of a vessel chartered by the Government of Lower Canada to convey assistance to the distressed inhabitants of Rimouski and Trois Rivières, (1843) 13.—Again, (1846) 16–(1847) 13.−(1848) 31. De Courville, J. B. Cadieux:—Petition of for compensation for damages caused by the construction of a turnpike road through his property, (1849) 12, Deer :—Wide Game. Defendants :—Bill to provide a remedy against absent defendants; Presented, (1851) 22. Amended in Committee, 181. R. A., 230. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 10.) T)efr les, R. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 104, 162, 189,220. De Gaspé, Philip Auber t:—Petition of (late Sheriff of Quebec) praying to be released from imprisonment consequent upon a judgment obtained against him by the Crown, for £1,169 14s, (1841) 202. Referred, 207. Members added, 213. Report, 278. Bill for his relief presented, 279. R. A., 640. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 83.) De Guise, P. :-vide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. Delaware:–Vide Surveys, 33. Territorial Divisions, 28. De Lery, Chas. :—Wide Pensions, 16. De Lery, Seignior y of :—Wide Seigniorial Tenure, 30. T}elisle, A. M.:-vide Addresses, 6.7. T}elisle, River:-vide Bridges, 28, 24. T)emaray, P. P. :—Wide Elections, 79. Legislative Assembly, 193. Tempsey, J O W. :—Wide Law, Practice of 17. Denincourt, Francis –vide Rebellion, 15. De Niverville, J. Boucher:-vide War of 1812, 1. Déroche, Mrs. :—Petition of the widow of the late J. Déroche, of Beauport, for the protection of her rights in the passage of any law relating to the validity of marriage contracts, (1846) 218. De Rottermund, E. S. :—Wide Accounts, 192. Addresses, 149. De Rouville, J. B. Hertel:—vide Rebellion, 15. D'Eschambault, G. :-vide Elections, 79. Legislative Assembly, 191. D'Eschambault, Wm. :—Petition of W. D'Eschambault and R. L. MacDonnell, praying remune- ration for their services as medical members of the Central Board of Health during the visitation of the Cholera in 1849, (1850) 81. Deschamps, J. H. :-vide Navigations, 59. Desjardins Canal :—Wide Navigations, 13–15. T)ESPATCH_IDISTRICT. 215 10. 11. 12. Despatch of Business:–vide Governor General, 38. Despres, E. C. —vide gaols, 26. Dessaint, P.:—vide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. Destruction of Property:-vide Property. De Tonnancour, C. A. C. :—Petition of, for remuneration for his services as Coroner for the District of St. Francis from 1831 to 1889, (1851) 137. Dillabough, J ohn :—Wide Pensions, 17. Distilleries: Bills relative to Distilleries and Spirits: . To impose a Duty on Distilleries in Lower Canada; Ordered, (1841) 500, 517. Presented, 519. Amended in Committee, 563. Motion to recommit Bill, to appropriate the duty to the payment of the debt incurred for for the construction of public works, negatived, 571. Bill further amended, and passed, 572. R. A., 644 (4 & 5 Vic., c. 31.) } • ----> v = +o . To amend the laws in force in the province imposing Duties on distilleries, and to provide for the issuing of licences for a less period than a year; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 51. Amended in Committee, 59. R. A., 87. © tº , º º e e o 2 ſº Q & (s Vic, c. 2)—Petition for appointment of a Committee to obtain information relative to the subject mºr of certain clauses of the Bill, 202. . To impose a duty on distillers and brewers, and on the liquors made by them; Presented, (1844–5) 170. Referred º 9 199. Wide Committee8, 377. . To repeal an Act of the present Session relative to Duties on stills, and to make further provision therefor; 3 Ordered; Presented; Amended in Committee, (1844–5) 417. Ryder added, 422. R. A., 442. (8 Vic, c. 29.) e •3 vs AW ty, . To repeal the laws relative to Duties on distillers, &c., and to impose a Duty on distillers and on spirits distilled by them, and to provide for the collection thereof; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 97. Amended in Committee 188. R. A., 255. (9 Wic, c. 2.) e 1 . To amend the foregoing Act by reducing the Duty on spirits to one penny per gallon, and to provide for the warehousing of Spirits without the payment of Duties until the same are taken out of warehouse for consump- tion; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 255. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 14.) & . To prevent the distillation of spirits from grain; Presented, (1847) 58. Order for second reading discharged, 150 2 * ~ * * . Petitions from distillers, praying that the proposed duty on breweries and distilleries may be levied in proportion to quantity manufactured, &c., (1844–5) Brantford, 276. Cobourg, 235. Toronto, 276. Petition from Brantford referred to Committee on the Bill, 235. Wide Committees, 377. . Petitions praying that any duty to be imposed on brewers and distillers may be levied in such manner as not to injure the manufacturers or to encourage smuggling, &c. (1844–5) Huron, 303. Montreal Board of Trade º º w % 217. Toronto, 256. Western District, 298. Western District Council, 331. Petition from Montreal referred to the Committee on the Bill, 221. Wide Committees, 377. Petitions from distillers and others against the Duties on distillers and on spirits:—(1846) Toronto, 176. Toronto and Home Dist., 203-(1848) Niagara Dist. Council, 40. For repeal of the Duties on the distillation of spirits from grain; Grantham, (1850) 82. Referred to Committee on Public Income, &c., 95. Petition for reduction of the Duties; Godmanchester, (1849) 137. Referred to Committee of whole on the Customs, 205. Petitions for amendments to the Act imposing duties on distillers, &c., (1849) Niagara District, 113. Quebec, 62. Wide Committees, 78, 76, 88–91. Customs, 17, 19. Public Works, 24. - Districts, Division of 2–Wide Territorial Divisions. District Courts:–Vide Courts, 31–41. District Officers:—Wide County officers. 216 DISTRICT DORCHESTER. District Treasurers :—Wide Accounts, 137. Addresses, 156. County Officers. Municipalities (U. C.), 18. Division Courts:–wide Courts, 78–92. Divisions of the House:—Wide Orders, 49, 80. Divorce: Petitions for Bills of Divorce, and Proceedings thereon, viz: 1. Harris, Captain —Of H. W. Harris, Captain in the 24th Regiment of Foot, praying for a divorce from his wife, (1842) 39. Another Petition, (1844–5) 41–Bill to dissolve the marriage of Henry Wm. Harris, Esq., with Eliza Walker, otherwise called Eliza Lock Walker, and to enable him to marry again; From the Coun- cil, 300. Message sent to the Council, desiring the proofs and evidence on which the Bill is founded, 317. Communicated, 328. Motions for postponing second reading, negatived; Bill referred; Evidence communi- cated by the Council referred; Committee to hear Counsel, and examine witnesses, 329. (Petition of Capt. Harris, praying that the service of the Orders of the House, and the leaving of a copy of the Bill, with the Agent of Mrs. Harris, may be deemed good service; F. Griffin and Capt. Ingall, Agents for the two parties, called in and examined; Order, that the same be deemed good service, 342.) Bill reported, 355. Motion to postpone third reading six months negatived, and Bill passed, 866. Reserved, 441–Despatch witholding the Royal Assent, (1846) 29. Printed, 31. 2. Keeler, Mrs. :—Of Alice Ann Keeler, of Brantford, praying to be divorced from her husband, (1842) 39. Referred, ib. Wo Report. 3. Toll, Mrs.:—Of Flora Thompson, of St. Clement de Beauharnois, wife of Joseph Toll, stating that her husband con- tracted a second marriage, in Wales, in 1836, and praying relief by a Bill of Divorce, (1844–5) 33. Dixon, Thos. C. :—Motion for an Address for copies of any Petitions or correspondence relative to the conduct of Thos. C. Dixon, Esq., of London, as a Justice of the Peace, Negatived, (1850) 47. Dixon, Wm. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 210, Pensions, 18. Doan, Robert :—vide Rebellion, 9. Dogs: 1. Bill to empower District Councils in Upper Canada to impose a tax on dogs, and to regulate Temperance Houses; Presented, (1844–5) 178. Referred; Instruction to Committee, to strike out that part which relates to Tem- perance Houses, 218. Reported, with amendments, 227. Amended in Committee, 240. Passed (imposing a tax on dogs only), 251. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 297. Considered, and amended, 325. Amendment agreed to, 352. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 57.) 2. Petitions from Municipal Councils, for authority to levy a tax on dogs in their respective Districts, viz. –(1843) Niagara District, 9. Victoria District, 33. Western District, 64. Motion to refer petition from Niagara District Council; Consideration postponed, 144. (1844–5) 24. Referred, 31. Wide Committees, 437. Also supra, 1. Donahoo, Ja.S. :—Wide Pensions, 19. Donegani, J oseph :-vide Aliens, 58. Door-Keeper :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 122, 158, 167, 181, 194, 197, 208. Dor chester :—Petitions for establishment of a Registry Office in the Parish of St. Joseph de la Pointe Levi, (1846) 113, 162. Referred, 113, 163. Report; Committed, 204. Report a Resolution, for establish- ment of an additional Registry Office; Bill presented, 251. Amended in Committee, 309. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 45.) Wide Accounts, 138. Elections, 153. Lands, 45. DORCHESTER—DU GOUFFRE. - 217 Dorchester Bridge :—Wide Accounts, 429. Addresses, 403. Bridges, 92–96. Committees, 265, 267. Roads, 265, 266, 278. Doucet, N. B. :-vide Statutes, 15. Doucet, P. :—Wide Quebec (City), 18. Douthill, H. :-vide Aliens, 28. Dower: Bills relative to : 1. To amend the law and facilitate proceedings in actions of Dower; Presented, (1847) 23. Question for second reading negatived, 60. 2. To amend the law and facilitate proceedings in actions of Dower in Upper Canada; Presented, (1849) 79. Order for second reading discharged, 266. - 3. To alter the practice in actions of Dower in Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 31. Referred to Committee on the Bill to simplify the practice of the Law, 101. Chairman directed to report the Bill; Reported, 183. Referred to a Select Committee; Ejectment Bill also referred, 189. Both Bills reported, with amendments, ib. Dower Bill amended in Committee, 235. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 58.) 4 . To facilitate the barring of Dower by married women in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 135. Order for second reading discharged, 254. - - 5. To amend the law of Dower in Upper Canada; From the Council; Read, (1851) 291. Wot proceeded in. 6. Petition from Home District, for a definition of the law with respect to the rights of widows in improvements made on lands subsequent to the conveyance of the same by their husbands without the bar of dower, (1841) 21. Referred, 50. No Report. 7. Motion, for leave to bring in a Bill to alter and define the law of Dower in Upper Canada, Negatived, (1844–5) 271. Dr edging Machine :—Bill granting £447 4s. 2d. to pay the balance due on account of the Steam Dredge for Upper Canada; Ordered, (1841) 604. Bill presented, 605. R. A., 643. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 44.) Wide Accounts, 139. Addresses, 152. Committees, 378. Governor General, 40. Supply, 292. Drummond : #1. Petition for a division of that County into two Municipalities, (1849) 38. Bill presented, 85. Amended in Com- mittee, 134. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 160. Considered, and agreed to, 165. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 122.) - - 2. Bill to transfer the place of meeting of Municipality No. 2, in that County, from French Village to Stanfold; Presented, (1851) 153. R. A., 230, (14 & 15 Vic, c. 28.) Wide Eastern Townships, 3. Territorial Divisions, 121, 122. Dubord, L. E. :—Wide Accounts, 229. Addresses, 231, 232. Du Chêne, River:-vide Bridges. 25. Navigations, 16–18. Duelling :—Leave granted to bring in a Bill to prevent Duelling, (1851) 112. Not presented. Duffin's Creek:-vide Bridges, 29. Dufresne, L. F. :—Wide Addresses, 154. Dugar, Philemon :-vide Bridges, 81. Du Gouffre, River:-vide Bridges, 20. CC 218 - DU LOUP–EASTERN TOWNSEIIPS. T)u Loup, River:-vide Bridges, 27, 28. Navigations, 19. Dumfries:—Wide Road Allowances, 7. Territorial Divisions, 29–31 Dumoulin, P. B. :-vide Gaols, 29. T)uncan, Hon. Richard:—Wide Vanzandt. Duncan, Wm. :—Wide Bridges, 24, Dundas :—Petition for incorporation of the village of Dundas, (1844–5) 166. Petitions against an exten- sion of the limits, 188. Referred, 226. Report, 238. Another l’etition, (1847) 30. Petition against, 43. Report of notices, 72. Bill presented, 80. Amended in Committee, 141. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 44.) Bill to amend Act; Presented, (1848) 48. Amended in Committee, 64. R. A., 80. (11 Vic, c. 12.) Dundas and Waterloo Road:—vide Roads, 105–108. Dundee:-vide Supply, 194. Dunham High School:—vide Education, 117. T}unlop, L. H. :—Wide Navigations, 58. Dunn:-Wide Territorial Divisions, 76. Duperré, A. :-vide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. ID'Urban, Sir Benj all llll ...—Resolution for an adjournment over the following day, to enable Members to attend the funeral of the late Sir Benjamin D'Urban, Commander of the Forces; Resolution communicated to the surviving Members of the family, (1849) 348. Letter from Col. D'Urban, in acknow- ledgment thereof, 355. Durham –Vide Surveys, 84. Durham, Earl of:—vide Addresses, 176. Durocher, Jean :-vide Pensions, 20. Supply, 1st. E. -Y EAKINS, J. —was nºw Eastern District :—Wide Addresses, 156. Eastern Townships (L. C.): 1. Bill to facilitate the settlement of uncultivated lands in the Townshi s of Lower Canada : Pr g Order for second reading discharged, 134. p anada; Presented, (1849) 18 2. Bill to compel persons claiming lands under patent in the Townships of Lower Canada, to register their claims to the same, and to provide for the settlement of such of the said lands as shall remain unclaimed after a certain time: Presented, (1849) 200. Wot proceeded in. } EASTERN TOWNSEIIPS–EDUCATION. 219 Eastern Townships (L. C.)—continued. 3. Bill to impose a tax on the lands situate in the various Townships of the Counties of Nicolet, Megantic, Drummond, Sherbrooke, and Stanstead, to be applied in the opening up of extensive means of communication in those Townships, for facilitating their settlement; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 331. Wot proceeded in. 4. Petition for grants for internal improvements therein ; Shefford, (1843) 76. Wide also infra, 8, 9. 5. Petition for erection of each of the townships into a distinct municipality, (1849) 39. Referred to Committee on Emigration from Canada to the States, 93. Wide Committees, 385. (1851) Tring, 82. 6. Petition for a grant of 200 acres in each township for the support of a missionary therein, (1849) 71. 7. Petition for the formation of that portion of the townships between Lake Memphramagog, Missisquoi Bay, and the Province line, into a separate Judicial District, (1849) 116. 8. Petition for a tax on wildlands, and other measures for the improvement of the Eastern Townships, (1850) 9. 9. Petitions for adoption of measures for the colonization and improvement of the Eastern Townships, for improvement of their Municipal organization, and for the opening of roads therein, (1851) Roman Catholic Missionaries therein, 18 : Printed, 79. Arthabaska, &c., 19. Stanfold, &c., ib. All referred to Committee on that subject, 52. Wide Committees, 379. Wide Accounts, 141. Addresses, 157, 158. British American Land Co. Committees, 94, 379. mors Joads, 114–129, 327. Speeches, 5, 8. Supply, 241, 383. Echo Lake Mining Co. :—Wide Miniºg Companies, 5. Edmondson, W. E. :—Wide Agriculture. 15. (Böutation. I. Public Bills relative to Education and Schools; 1–33. II. Petitions for Bills relating to particular Schools, Colleges, &c., and Proceedings thereon; 34—99. III. Petitions for aid to particular Schools, Colleges, &c., and Proceed- ings thereon: 101–190. IV. Other Petitions relative to Education and Schools ; 191—211. I. Public Bills relative to Education and Schools: 1. To appropriate the proceeds of the waste lands of the Crown, and the Casual and Territorial Revenue, for the pur- poses of common schools, and to limit the time for calling in land scrip; Presented, (1843) 195. Not pro- ceeded in. 2. To raise an income of £100,000 per annum out of the public lands of Canada, for common school Education ; Ordered ; Presented, (1849) 115. Reserved, 367. Wide Addresses, 166.-Message announcing the Royal Assent, (1850) 31. (12 Vic, c. 200.) 3. To repeal the laws relating to common schools in Upper Canada, and to provide for the establishment and mainte- nance of common schools throughout this province; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 210. Printed, ib. Com- mitted, 281. Petitions for aid for schools, and for the use of the Bible as a class book therein, referred to the 220 BDUCATION.—continued. T. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17, Public Bills relative to Education and Schools—continued. Committee of the whole thereon, 293, 311. Order for commitment discharged, and Bill and petitions referred to a Select Committee, 315. Similar petitions referred, 318, 826, 477, &c. Petition stating certain objections to the Bill, referred, 413. Return of moneys arising from Jesuits' Estates, referred, 418. Seven members to be a quorum ; Member added, 453. Bill reported amended, 493. Further amended in Committee, 585. Reported; Further amendment, and motion to reprint Bill, negatived, and Bill passed, 594. R. A., 644. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 18)—Petition of R. C. Bishop of Kingston and others, against the passing of the Bill until the opinions of the various denominations respecting it are known, 388. Referred to the Committee of whole on the Bill, 413. . To repeal a certain Act relating to Education, and to make other provision for the encouragement thereof; From the Council; Read, (1841) 502. Read second time, 586. Wo further action. . To repeal the Act of Upper Canada of 2 Vic, for the advancement of Education; and to make temporary provi- sion for the appropriation of the funds derived from school lands in Upper Canada; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 587. Amended in Committee, 596. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 19.) . To provide for the establishment and maintenance of common schools in Upper Canada; Ordered, (1843) 67. Pre- sented, 132. Amended in Committee, 192. Reported ; Clause added, 195. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 29.) . To repeal the Act for the establishment and maintenance of common schools, and to grant an indemnity for the pay- ment of certain portions of the school moneys for 1842, and to provide for the apportionment of the balance of said moneys for 1842 and 1843; Presented, (1843) 74. Amended in Committee, 125. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 184. Wot considered.—New Bill presented, 186. R. A., 208. (7 Vic, c. 9.) . To amend the Common School Laws of Upper Canada, and to provide for establishing a Normal School therein ; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 42. Amended in Committee, 141. Amendments reported; Motions for amend- ing the same negatived, and amendments agreed to, 146. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 227. Amendment disagreed to ; Committee appointed to draw up Reasons for disagreeing ; Report of Rea- sons; Conference desired, 236. Agreed to ; Managers appointed, 241. Council do not insist on their amend- ment, 250. R. A., 274. (9 Wic, c. 20.) . To amend the Common School Act for Upper Canada; Presented, (1847) 49. Amended in Committee, 131. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 178. Considered, and agreed to, 192. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic., c. 18.) For the better establishment and maintenance of public schools in Upper Canada, and for repealing the present School Act; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 231. Amended in Committee, 351. R. A., 366. (12 Vic., c. 83.) For the better establishment and maintenance of common schools in Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 34. Amended in Committee, 126. Motions to re-commit Bill, negatived, 129, 130, 134, 135. Bill further amended, 135. Passed, 143. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 48.) Wide Addresses, 167.-Petitions for amendments to the foregoing Bill:—Emily, 81. Hamilton, 102. Kent, 158. Kingston Common Council, 74. Niagara, 127. St. Catharines, 102. Toronto, Coloured population of 89. Toronto, Roman Catholics, 127. Vicar General, 127. Wainfleet Municipality, 73.—Petition of Municipality of Osgoode, against the Bill, 117. To amend the 19th section of the foregoing Act; Presented, (1851) 282. Wot proceeded in. . To remove doubts in regard to the provisions of the 19th section of the said Act (supra, 11) and to define and restore the rights enjoyed under previous School Acts in regard to the establishment of separate schools; From the Council; Read, (1851) 246. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived; Motion for 3rd reading; Amendment, to substitute a Bill declaring the establishment of separate schools for Protes- tants and Roman Catholics a dangerous interference with the common school system, and (therefore) repealing the 19th section of the Common School Act, negatived; Bill passed, 350. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 111.) To amend and consolidate the laws relating to Grammar Schools in Upper Canada; Presented, (1847) 126. Order for second reading discharged, 195. For the better establishment and maintenance of Grammar Schools in Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 106. Committed, 155. Order for consideration discharged, 231. To provide for the payment of a certain sum for the use of three additional Grammar Schools in the County of York, for 1849; Presented, (1850) 205. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 91.) To repeal the provision limiting the distance between the county town and any additional Grammar School in the same county, in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 91. Amended in Committee, 321. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Wie., c. 125.) BDUCATION.—confinued. 221 I. 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Public Bills relative to Education and Schools—continued. To empower the municipal authorities in Upper Canada to provide for the erection, completion, repairing, and fur- nishing of common school houses therein; Ordered, (1844–5) 356. Presented, 857. Motion that order of 8.5 tº the day for second reading be called, negatived, 428. To provide for vesting in Trustees the sites of school houses in Upper Canada; From the Council; Read, (1846) 80. Amended, by adding a proviso, 206. Amendment agreed to by the Council, 215. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 17.) . To amend the Act relating to appropriation of moneys derived from sale of school lands in Upper Canada; Pre- sented, (1846) 96. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 19.) To provide more efficiently for elementary education in Lower Canada; Presented, (1843) 141. Referred, 153. Not reported. To make better provision for elementary instruction in Lower Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 222. Notice taken that the Bill authorizes taxation, which requires the previous sanction of a Resolution of the House; Bill withdrawn, 239. Wide infra, 23. To make better provision for elementary instruction in Lower Canada, and to authorize the imposition of rates for that purpose; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 272. Referred, 291. Various Petitions for amendments to the Common School Act, and against this Bill, referred, 293, 313, 324. Reported, with amendments, 351. Amended in Committee, 400. Returned from the Council, with an amendment limiting its duration to two years, 438. Considered, and agreed to, 439. R. A., 441. (8 Vic, c. 41.)—Petitions against the Bill; Referred to Committee thereon —Frampton, &c., 323, 324. Nicolet, 313. To repeal the School Act of Lower Canada (supra, 23), and to make better provision for elementary instruction in Lower Canada; Presented, (1846) 136. Amended in Committee, 257. Re-committed, and further amended, 272. Several amendments made; another amendment moved and negatived, 273. Ryder added, and Bill passed, 276. By the Council, with amendments, 319. Considered, and agreed to, 322. R. A., 346. (9 Wic, c. 27.) To amend and extend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1847) 97. Committed, 187. Order for consideration discharged, 212. To amend the School Law of Lower Canada; Presented, (1849) 42. Amended in Committee, 305. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 348. One of the amendments negatived, the others agreed to ; Com- mittee to draw up Reasons for disagreeing, 349. Report of Reasons; Conference desired, 350. Agreed to; Managers appointed, 351. Council do not insist on the said amendment, 356. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 50.) To amend the Education Acts of Lower Canada; Presented, (1850) 156. Wot proceeded in. To amend and explain the School Acts in force in Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 95. Petition of J. T. Dutton for amendments, 104. Petition of Association of Teachers of District of Quebec, against the Bill, 172. Order for second reading discharged, 326. To provide (out of the unexpended balance of the Common School Fund, and the Jesuits' Estates Fund) for the establishment of a Normal School in Lower Canada, and further to promote Education in Lower Canada, by the appointment of Inspectors of Common Schools, &c.; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 174. Amended in Committee, 324. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic., c. 97.) To make better provision for the support of Common Schools in Quebec and Montreal; Presented, (1849) 338. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 113.) Resolutions of Legislative Council, in favor of appointing a Commission to report on an efficient system of general Education, and to draft a law for the establishment and endowment of Common Schools and District Grammar Schools; Communicated by Message, with a request that the IHouse will unite in the necessary measure for that object, (1841) 428. Series of Resolutions proposed, for the immediate sale of the School Lands, to create the Fund provided for by 4 & 5 Vic, c. 18, sec. 2, for Common Schools and School Libraries, for a further grant of public lands, if necessary, to make up the amount of 10,000,000 acres for the purpose,_and for investment of the proceeds of the same in public securities to aid in promoting Public Works; Consideration postponed till next Session, (1847) 169. Wide also p. 189 (9th Report on Railroads.) Motion that no grant of money be made out of the public revenue to any institution which shall be under the management or control of any religious denomination, or which shall be exclusive or sectarian in its character, Negatived, (1851) 163. 222 EDUCATION.—continued. —- II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Schools, Colleges, &c., and Proceedings thereon, viz.: 34, Barnston Academy :—For an Act of incorporation, (1844–5) 46. w Wide infra, 102. 35. Berthier Academy :—Bill to incorporate the Directors thereof; From the Council; Read, (1851) 265. Referred, 267. Reported, with an amendment; Amended in Committee, 279. Passed, as amended, 285. Amendment agreed to by the Council, 291. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 158.) Wide infra, 104. Bishop's College, Lennoxville: 36. Of the Lord Bishop of Montreal and others, for an Act of incorporation for the Diocesan College of the Protestant Diocese of Quebec, (1843) 33. Referred, ib. Report; Committed, 57. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 63. Referred, 78. Reported, with amendments, 120. Amended in Committee, 139. R. A.,209. (7 Vic, c. 49.) 37. Of the Corporation thereof, for the privilege of conferring Degrees, (1848) 30–Again, (1849) 90.—Another Petition for the same, and for an annual grant sufficient to place the college upon a similar footing with other institutions, (1850) 77. Petitions in favor:-Of Rev. J. Nicholls, Principal, 37. Petitions from various Episco- pal congregations, viz.: Brome & Sutton, 35. Broughton, 35. Buckingham, 28. Bury & Lingwick, 46. Coteau du Lac, 13. Dudswell, 46. Dunham, 54. Eaton, 46. Farnham & Ste. Brigitte, 35. Frampton, West, 28. Gaspé Basin, 46. Grenville, 35. Hatley, 64. Hemmingford, 77. Hull & Aylmer, 28. Kingsey, 35. Laprairie, 39. Leeds, 89. Lennoxville, 64. Montreal, 117. New Carlisle, 117. Point Levi, 68. Portneuf, 68. Russelltown, 68. Quebec, 77. St. Ann's (Shipton &c.), 46. St. Armand West, 35. St. Henri de Mascouche, 74. St. Lin, 74. St. Martin, &c., 28. Shefford, 54. Sherbrooke, 167. Stanbridge, 8. Three Rivers, 77. - Wide infra, 105. 38. Burlington Ladies’ Academy :—For an Act of incorporation, (1851) 58. Bill sent from the Council; Read, 111. Referred, 151. Reported, with an amendment, 177. Amended in Committee, 291. Passed, as amended, 382. Amendment agreed to by the Council, 334. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 166.) Wide inſea, 107. 39. Bytown College :—For an Act of incorporation, (1849) 39. Bill presented, 160. Amended in Committee, 301. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 107.) Wide infra, 108. Accounts, 61. 40. Frères de la Doctrine Chretienne –For such an amendment of the School Act as to place them upon the same footing as other foreigners as regards their admissability to teach youth, (1843) 105. 41. Friends’ or Quakers’ Seminary (Hallowell) *—For an Act to incorporate the same, (1847) 69. Referred, 85. Report a Bill, 123. Referred, 180. Reported, with an amendment, 183. Amended in Com- mittee, 202. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 104.) Wide Accounts, 182. Kings' College:—Wide infra, 69–95. 42. L'Assomption College :—For an Act of incorporation, (1841) 129. Referred, 353. Report a Bill, 419. R. A., 643. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 68.) Wide infra, 128. McGill College: 43. Bill to enable the Corporation of the Governors, Principals, and Fellows of McGill College to hold the property thereof, and to dispose of certain portions of land for the better support of the College; Presented, (1844–5) 969. Amended in Committee, 433. Passed (as a Bill to enable the Royal Institution for the advancement of Learning to dispose of certain land for the support of McGill College), 435. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 78.) EDUCATION.—continued. 223 -my -*-g II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Schools, &c.—continued. McGill College—continued. 44. Petitions praying for such a modification of the Charter of the University as to extend the benefits thereof to all classes of Her Majesty's subjects:—(1843) Lobo, 138. Louth, 87. Prince Edward, 148. Ramsay, 166. St. Therese de Blainville, 105. Simcoe, 127. Walpole, 102–(1844–5) Ascott, 12. Eaton, 42. Granby, 81. Melbourne and Durham, 24. Montreal, 94. Quebec, 42. Russelltown, 81. Stanstead (Co.), 33.— (1846) Dunham, 168. Farnham, 186, 218. Granby, 142. Roxton, 203. 45. Petitions against any alteration of the Charter that does not apply equally to all other chartered educational institu- tions:–(1844–5) Compton, 202. Eaton, 234. Granby and Milton, 276. Hatley, 234. Kingsey and Dur. ham, 226. St. Armand, East, 276. St. Armand, West, 323. Shefford, 323. Sherbrooke and Lennoxville, 202. Tingwick, 252. Petitions from Kingsey and Durham, and Tingwick, referred to Committee relative to the Royal Institution, 226, 252. Wide infra, 61. 46. Petition of Messrs. Wickes and Chapman, complaining of the non-payment of their salaries as Professors of McGill College, and praying relief, (1846) 60. Referred, 63. Petition of Rev. Mr. Lundy (infra, 47) also referred ; Member added, 84. Member excused from serving, 103. Wo Report. 47. Petition of Rev. Francis J. Lundy, Professor of Classical Literature in McGill College, complaining that he has been illegally dismissed and ejected by the Governors, and praying relief, (1846) 71. Referred to Committee on petition of Messrs Wickes & Chapman, 84. No Report. Wide infra, 61, 62, 129, 130. Accounts, 294,295. Addresses, 290, 291. Committees, 292. Governor General, 81. Supply, 91, 446. 48. Montreal High School :-For an Act of incorporation, (1844–5) 94. Bill presented, 134. Referred, 180. Reported, with an amendment, 232. Amendment agreed to, 237. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 104.) Wide infra, 137. Accounts, 328. Normal School, Toronto :—Wide Accounts, 150, 291. Addresses, 284. Education, 8. Supply, 74. Quebec and Montreal, Schools in :—Wide supra, 30. 40. Quebec British and Canadian School Society —For an Act of incorporation, (1848) 207–For the like, (1844–5) 210. Bill presented, 246. Amended in Committee, 286. Passed by the Council, 300. (Wo entry of Royal Assent.)—Another petition, (1846) 142. Bill presented, 171. Returned from the Coun- cil with an amendment, 287. Considered, and agreed to, 288. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 95.) Wide infra, 145. 51. Quebec T)istrict Education Society :—Petition for an Act of incorporation ; Referred, (1843) 71. Report, 110. Bill presented, 120. Referred, 136. Reported, with amendments, 150. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 50.) Wide infra, 146. 52. Quebec Grammar School:—Of Rev. R. R. Burrage, for compensation for the loss of £750 on the sale of a building purchased by him for the use of the said School, of which he was the teacher, under the Royal Institution, (1846) 50. Wide infra, 147. 53. Quebec High School:—For an Act of incorporation, (1844–5) 235. Bill presented, 246. Amended in Committee, 286. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 105.) Wide infra, 148. 54. Quebec Seminary :—Petition of the Superior and Directors of the Seminary of Quebec, for authority to acquire and hold property to a further amount of £1,000 per annum; Printed, (1843) 38. Bill presented, 68. R. A., 131. (7 Vic, c. 55.) 224 _-- |EDUCATION.—continued. II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Schools, &c.—continued. Queen's College, Kingston : 55. Bill to transfer to Queen's College, Kingston, certain estates, rights, and liabilities, of the University at Kingston; From the Council ; Read, (1846) 157. Passed, 207. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 89.) 56. Petition for an alteration in the constitution of King's College, Toronto, so as to secure a fair share of influence to all sections of the community, or that Queen's College may receive an endowment; Printed, (1844–5) 146- Another petition, (1847) 43. 57. Petition of Moderator of the Presbyterian Church, for an equitable amount of influence for the said Church in the management of King's College, and that Queens College may be incorporated with it as a Theological College, (1846) 60. Referred to a Committee respecting the Clergy Reserves, 67. Wo Report thereon. * 58. Petition for an endowment therfor, (1849) 77.—(1850) 46,-(1851) 101. Wide infra, 155. Accounts, 433. Addresses, 170, 243. Supply, 72. Regiopolis College : 59. Petition of the Bishop of Carrhoe and the Very Rev. Angus MacDonell, for an Act to authorize the Corporation of the said College to hold real and personal estate, yielding a revenue of £5,000 per annum, (1844-5) 23. Referred, 27. Report a Bill, 231. Referred, 280. Reported, with amendments, 325. Amended in Committee, 424. R. A., 439. (8 Vic., c. 79.) 60. Petitions for a permanent endowment, out of the property of the University of Toronto, the Jesuits' Estates, or some other source:–(1848) Alexandria; Camden; Cobourg; Cornwall; Johnstown District; Kemptville, &c., ; Kingston; L'Orignal; Ops and Emily (each), 29. Peterboro’, 30. Picton; St. Andrews; St. Raphael; Tyendinaga, 29.--—(1849) Alexandria, 95. Belleville, 90. Cornwall, 59. Kingston, 76: Printed, 86. Lalor, Rev. M., and others, 90. Perth, 103. Prescott, 71. St. Andrews, 131. Smith, Rev. T., and others, 12: Printed, 105. Wide infra, 157. Addresses, 170. Supply, 73. Royal Institution for advancement of Learning: 61. Petition of Chief Justice Wallieres de St. Réal, of Montreal, for repeal of the Act establishing the said Institution, (1844–5) 88. Referred, 89. Member added, 306. Petition of the Board of the Royal Institution (infra, 62) referred, 250. Petitions against any alteration of the Charter of McGill College referred, 226, 252. Report, 360. (App. V. V.) Wide Addresses, 458. 62. Petition of the Board of the Royal Institution, for such an amendment of their Act as to enable them to dispose of part of the property of McCill College, (1844–5) 234. Referred to Committee on Petition of Judge Wallières; 260. Wide supra, 61. Wide Supra, 43. Addresses, 458. Supply, 80. 63. St. Antoine de Longueuil :—For an Act to incorporate “La Communauté des Soeurs des Saints Noms de Jésus et Marie,” in that parish, for the education of young females, (1844–5) 52. Referred, 56. Report; Bill presented, 128. Amended in Committee, 207. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 101.) 64. St. John's Academy :—For an Act of incorporation, (1850) 39. Bill presented, 60. Referred, 113. Reported, with amendments, 130. Amended in Committtee, 168. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 212. Considered, and agreed to, 214. R. A., 283. (18 & 14 Vic, c. 124.) Wide infra, 171. 65. St. Laurent, L'Academie Industrielle de :-Petition for an Act of incorporation, (1849) 12. Bill presented, 64. Referred, 133. Reported, with amendments, 157. Amended in Committee, 229. Returned from the Council, with an amendment; Considered, and agreed to, 255. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 146.) Wide infra, 172. Accounts, 513. 66. St. Laurent, Soeurs de Ste. Croix :—Petition for an Act of incorporation for the Sisters of the Holy Cross, of the Parish of St. Laurent (Montreal) for educational purposes, (1849) 21. Bill presented, 64. Referred, 133. Reported, with amendments, 157. Amended in Committee, 229. Returned from the Coun- cil, with an amendment; Considered, and agreed to, 255. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 187.) EDUCATION−continued. 225 II, Petitions for Bills relative to particular Schools, &c.—continued. 67. 68. 70. ºf 1. '72. * 3. ºf 4. 80. 81. Ste. Thérèse de Blainville, Le Petit Seminaire de :-For an Act of incorporation, (1844–5) 48. Referred, 81. Report, 105, Bill presented, 134. Referred, 187. Reported, with amendments, 213. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 100.) Wide infra, 174, Trinity College, Toronto:—For an Act of incorporation, (1850) 190. Bill presented, ib. Not proceeded Another Petition, (1851) 20. Bill presented, 66. Referred, 113. Reported, with amendments, 119. Amended in Committee, 152. Twice re-committed, and further amended; Motion that it be again re-com- mitted, negatived; Motion, that inasmuch as the Church of England is arrayed against the people of Canada in their efforts for equal rights, and the abolition of the Rectories and alienation of the Clergy Reserves, it is inexpedient to grant its request for the incorporation of an exclusive Sectarian College, negatived, 157. Passed, 161. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 32.) in. University of Toronto (King's College): . Bill to provide for the separate exercise of the Collegiate and University functions of the College at Toronto, for incorporating other Colleges with the University, and for the more efficient establishment and government of the same; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 37. Petition of the Council of King's College, to be heard by Counsel against the Bill, and in defence of their rights, 105. Resolution for hearing Counsel, 108. Bill read second time; Petition of the Bishop of Toronto against the Bill, read; Counsel heard; Debate on the Bill adjourned, 164. Not proceeded in.-Petition of the Bishop of Toronto, against the Bill, 99. Printed, 102, 109. Bill for erecting a University by the name of the University of Upper Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 319. Second reading postponed, 849. Council of King's College to be heard by Counsel against this and the two following Bills, 369. Counsel called in, and heard; Motion to postpone further consideration of Bill till next Session, regatived; Bill read second time, 374. No further action. Wide infra, 71–75. Bill to vest the endowment granted by the Crown for University Education in Upper Canada, in the University of Upper Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 319. Read second time, 374. Wo further action. Wide infra, 73. Bill to alter and amend the Charter of King's College; Presented, (1844-5) 319. Read second time, 374. No further action. Wide infra, 73. Petition of the Council of King's College, praying to be heard by Counsel in defence of their rights, and against the above three Bills (supra, 70–72), (1844–5) 346. Counsel to be heard on the second readings of the Bills, 369. Counsel called in and heard, 374. Petitions against passing the Bils relating to King's College (supra, 70–72) during the present Session, (1844–5) Bishop of Toronte, 351. Church Society of Toronto, 367. Inhabitants of Toronto, 331. Woodstock, 375. . Bill to erect a University by the name of the University of Upper Canada; Presented, (1846) 200. Counsel heard against the Bill; Motion for second reading; Amendment, that it is inexpedient to proceed with the Bill at this late peried of the Session, 287. Amendment carried, 290. . Bill to repeal part of a certain Act, and to amend the Charter of King's College; Presented, (1846) 215. Wof 2roceeded in. . Bill to vest the endowment granted by the Crown for University Education in Upper Canada, in the University of Upper Canada; Presented, (1846) 215. Wot proceeded in. . Petition of the Council of King's College, to be heard by Counsel against the three Bills above (supra, 75–77), (1846) 237, Counsel to be heard; Motion to print extra copies of the Bills, negatived, 241. Called in and heard, 287. Wide Supra, 75. . Bill to alter and amend the Charter of King's College; Presented, (1847) 125. Order for second reading discharged, 195. Bill to incorporate the University Endowment Board, and to vest certain estates therein; Presented, (1847) 125. Order for second reading discharged, 195. Petitions against the two foregoing Bills:–(1847) Beamsville, 193. Drummondville, 218. Eaton and Newport, 202. Hamilton, 188. Johnstown District, 167. Kingston, 193. Newcastle Dist, 188. Pickering, 202. Quebec, 188. Russell, 193. Toronto, 167. ID D 226 EDUCATION.—conſinued. II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Schools, &c.—continued. University of Toronto—continued. 82. Bill to amend the Charter of the University established at Toronto by King George the 4th; to provide for the more satisfactory government thereof, and for other purposes connected with the same, and with the College and Royal Grammar School forming an appendage thereof; Presented, (1849) 205. Motion to postpone second reading until after the Report of the University Commissioners, negatived; Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived, 293. Committed; Motion for an instruction to Committee to amend the Bill so as to secure the permanent establishment of a Professor of Divinity of the Church of England, negatived; Motion for an instruction to amend the Bill by restoring to King's College its original Charter, with an endowment, so as to place it on an equal footing with the chartered institutions of other denominations, negatived ; Motion for an instruction to amend the Bill so as to provide as well for religious and moral instruction, as for the study of the arts and sciences, negatived, 294. Amended in Committee, 300. Motion to re-commit the Bill, with an instruction to consider, 1st, of restoring the original Charter, and 2nd, of vesting the endowment, with other lands, so as to provide annual grants for the four Colleges now established in Upper Canada, and for Grammar Schools, negatived ; Bill passed, 210. R. A., 365. (12 Vic.., c. 82.) Petitions in favor of the foregoing Bill:—Canada Baptist Union; Printed, 253. Kemptville and S. Gower (Baptists), 300. King's College Council (with amendments), 268: Printed, 293. Petitions against the Bill:—Lord Bishop of Toronto, 232 : Printed, 233. Trustees of Queen's College, Kingston (and for an equitable settlement of the University endowment); Printed, 240. Presbyterian Synod of Canada, 304. Petitions for amendments to the Bill,—By continuing the power of conferring Degrees in Divinity; Students in Divinity, 272-So as to recognise elementary Christian instruction as a necessary part of education; Dr. Beaven; Printed, 272.— So as to preserve the Faculty of Theology therein; Dr. Beaven; Printed, 304. 83. Bill to remove doubts respecting the intention of the Act of last Session for amending the Charter of the University of Toronto, and to provide for the institution and endowment of Regius and other Professorships, Lectureships, Fellowships, Scholarships, Exhibitions, Prizes, and other rewards in the said University, and for other purposes connected with the said University, and with Upper Canada College, forming an appendage thereof; Presented, (1850) 125. Amended in Committee, 187. Motions to re-commit Bill, negatived, 197. Passed, 202. By the Council, with amendments, 220. Considered, and agreed to, 221. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 49.) 84. Bill to amend the Charter of the University; Presented, (1851) 53. Order for second reading discharged, 214. 85. Bill to amend the Charter of the University, and to constitute an University of Upper Canada in lieu thereof; Pre- sented, (1851) 185. Not proceeded in. 86. Petitions for an extension of the benefits of the University to all classes and denominations:–(1843) Aldborough, 91. Beamsville, 43. Breadalbane, 74. Brock District, 91. Canada Baptist Union, 43. Clinton and Grimsby, 53. Cobourg, 79. Cornwall, 102. Colborne District, 171. Fergus, 92. Hamilton, 105. Lobo (Baptist Congregation), 138. Louth, 87. Niagara (town), 102. Niagara District, 171. Paris, 102. Port Sarnia, 71. Prince Edward District, 148. Ramsay, 166. St. Catharines, 87. Ste. Thérèse de Blainville, 105. Simcoe (Baptist Congregation), 127. Toronto (township), 138. Walpole (Baptist Congregation), 102. (1844–5) Ascott, 12. Bathurst Mun. Council, 81. Canada Baptist Union, 23. Eaton, 42. Granby, 81. Melbourne and Durham, 24. Montreal, 94. Quebec, 42. Queen's College, Kingston ; Printed, 146. Russelltown, 81. Stanstead, 33. (1846) Clarence, 70. Dunham, 163. Farnham, 186, 213. Granby, 142. Guelph, 99. Hamilton, 162. O’Beirne, M. T., and others, 113. Ottawa Baptist Association, 93. Paris, 94. Renfrew, 252. Richmond, 70. Roxton, 203. Russell, 37. Shipton, 71. Woodhouse, 218. Some of the Petitions referred to Committee on Petitions relative to Clergy Reserves, &c., 95, 183. Wo Report thereon. (1847) Synod of Canada in connexion with Church of Scotland, 43. 87. Petitions against any alteration of the Charter that does not equally include all chartered educational institutions:– (1844–5) Compton, 202. Eaton, 234. Granby and Milton, 276. Hatley, 234. King's College, Visitors of; Printed, 368. Kingsey and Durham, 226. Niagara District, 170. St. Armand, East, 276. St. Armand, West, 323. Shefford, 323. Sherbrooke and Lennoxville, 202. Tingwick, 252. Petitions from Kingsey and Durham, and Tingwick, referred to Committee relative to the Royal Institution, 226,252. Wide supra, 61. 88. Petitions against any alterations tending to destroy the religious character, or invade the chartered rights of the University:—(1846) Ancaster, 176. Hamilton, 203. Johnstown District, 163. Orillia and Medonte, 163. Wellington District, 71. Wide also supra, 81, 82. 89. Petitious praying that the endowment of the University may not be divided, but that is funds may be secured from mismanagement, and the benefits thereof extended:—(1846) Beverly, 112, Brantford, 277. Canada Baptist Union, 94. Chinguacousey, 112. Chippawa, 277. Clarence, 70. Clinton, 61. Dumfries, 71. Dunwich, 112. Flamboro' W., 60. Haldimand, 61. King, 263. Louth, 61. Markham, 94. Nassagaweya, 84. Paris, 112. Paris Presbyterian Congregation, 113. Pickering, 163, 263. Prescott, 176. Scarboro' and Pickering, 94, 263. Seneca and Oneida, 61. Toronto, 94. Uxbridge and Scott, 112. Vaughan, 94. Westminster, 282. Whitby, 112. Whitchurch, 112. (1847) Beamsville, 193. Canada Baptist Union, EDUCATION.—continued. 227 f---- II. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Schools, &c.—continued. University of Toronto—continued. 159. Congregational Churches of Canada West, 167. Drummondville, 213. Eaton and Newport, 202. Johnstown District, 167. Kingston, 193. Paris (Baptist Congregation), 152. Pickering (Baptists), 202. Quebec (Baptists), 188. Quebec (Congregationalists), 188, Russell, 193. Toronto, 167. (1848) Brock District Council, 19. London District Council, 25.--—(1849) Baptists of Canada West, 187. Brock District Council, 32. Canada Baptist Union, 39. Chinguacousey, 187. Dereham, 138. Grantham, 121. 90. Petitions praying that the University endowment may be re-invested in the Crown, and an annual appropriation made to the University, and the residue of the available funds distributed for educational purposes, (1851) Halton, 320. Norfolk and Middlesex, 344. Simcoe, 320. York, 344: Referred, 344. No Report. 91. Petition of Professors Croft and Gwynne, for an alteration in the constitution of the College Council, (1843) 137. 92. Petition of Rev. William Bell, of the Presbyterian Church, for an equitable amount of influence for the said Church in the management of the University, and that Queen's College may be incorporated with it as a Theological College, (1846) 60. Referred to Committee on Petitions relative to Clergy Reserves, 67. No Report thereon. 93. Petitions for establishment of a Chair of Agricultural Chemistry in the University:-(1846) Bathurst District Council, 93. Clarence, 70. Paris, 113. Simcoe Agricultural Society, 46. Talbot District Agricultural Society, 151. Wood, S., and others, 71: Referred, 106. No Report. 94. Petitions against any alteration in the Medical School of the College, (1847) Medical Students therein, 167. Profes- sors, 202. 95. Petition of Bathurst District Council, for application of the Endowment Fund to the support of Grammar and Common Schools, (1849) 32. Wide Accounts, 236–346. Addresses, 241–251. Committees, 160. Governor General, 69, 70. Speeches, 8, 15, 17. $96. Upper Canada College :—Of the Prineipal and Masters thereof, for a continuance of the privileges hitherto enjoyed by the College, and an extension of its means of operation, (1847) 167. Wide supra, 69, 82,83. Accounts, 236—246. Addresses, 248, 251. Supply, 70. Victoria College (Cobourg) : 97. For an Act of Incorporation, and for aid; Referred, (1841) 165. Report a Bill to incorporate the College, 194. R. A., 440. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 37.)—Motion to refer that part of the Petition which relates to pecuniary aid, to a Committee of the whole, negatived, 421. Wide Governor General, 156. 98. For authority to remove the site of the College from Cobourg to Toronto, (1850) 224.—Bill to authorize the removal; From the Council; Read, 211. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 143.) Wide infra, 186, 187. Addresses, 170. Governor General, 156. Supply, 71. 99. Wilberforce Lyceum Educating Society :—For an Act of incorporation for the said Society, established (in Colchester) for the education of persons of color, (1850) 37. III. Petitions for aid to particular Schools, Colleges, &c., and Pro- ceedings thereon, viz: 101. Argenteuil:—School on Lot 17, (1841) 268. >> 102. Barnston Academy, (1844–5) 46. 108. Bedford High School, (1847) 84–(1849) 12. Wide Supply, 122. 104. Berthier Academy, (1844–5) 52—(1846)76—(1847) 38—(1848) 58–(1849).53–For aid tº * the building, ib-(1850) 70,—(1851) 115. Wide Supply, 112. 228 EDUCATION−confinued. III. Petitions for aid to particular Schools, &c.—continued. 105. Bishop's College, Lennoxville, (1848) 30—(1849) 90—(1851) 87. Wide Supply, 87. 106. Brome Grammar School, (1851) 78. 107. Burlington Ladies' Academy, (1847) 18. 108. Bytown College, (1849) 39, 40–(1850) 28, 29, 36, 37.—(1851) 49. 109. Carleton (Bonaventure):-For schools in that settlement, (1841) 175. 110. Chambly College,_(1842)39—(1848)15–(1844–5)46.—(1846) 142—(1847) 56—(1848).58–(1849) 40–(1850), (and aid to establish a Model Farm), 27.—(1851) 32, 49. Wide Supply, 81. 111. Charleston Academy, (1848) 25–(1844–5) 42—(1846) 15–(1847) 13—(1848) 31–(1849) 71— (1850) 8-(1851) 52. Wide Supply, 113. 112. Chateauguay :—To establish a school for girls, under the charge of the Congregational Nunnery at Mont- real, (1843) 17. 113. Chateau Richer :—To erect a school house in Division No. 1 of that municipality, (1851) 173. 114. Chatham (Two Mountains):—School in the 3rd Range, (1841) 227—School No. 5, 258. 115. Clarenceville Academy, (1843) 62–(1844–5) 84—(1846) 112.—(1847) 56—(1848) 20–(1849) 29–(1850) 37–(1851) 130. Wide Supply, 120. 116. Compton Academy, (1848) 12–(1849) 66–(1850) 40–(1851) 20. 117. Dunham High School, -(1842)39–(1848) 83–(1844–5).202–(1846)150,—(1847)100—(1848)71. Wide Supply, 119. 118, Georgina:—A school and school house therein, (1841) 288. 119. Granby Academy, (1849) 12. Wide Supply, 121. 120. Hull:—A school house therein, (1843) 38. 121. Huntingdon Academy :—For erection and maintenance thereof, (1851) 37. Indian Schools:—Wide Supply, 124–127. 122. Joliette College,_(1847) 22,-(1848) 62.-(1849) 77.—(1851) 32. Wide Supply, 88. 123. Kempt Road:—A school for the settlers thereon, (1841) 165. 124. Kingston :—To erect and maintain a school house thereat, (1851) 162. 125. Ritley :—For aid for a Roman Catholic separate school in Section No. 10, (isoo) 69. 126. Lassiseraye, C. H. :—Representing that he has been many years engaged in the education of youth, and praying aid to enable him to continue his labors, (1851) 33. Wide also infra, 211. EDUCATION.—continued. 220 III. Petitions for aid to particular Schools, &c.—continued. 127. L'Assomption :—To complete a building for a girl's school, (1844–5) 46. 128. I’Assomption College, (1841) 129–(1848) 83–(1844–5) 27–(1846) 50–(1847) 22–(1848) 25. (1849) 39–(1850) 8.—(1851) 20. Wide Supply, 83. McGill College: 129. For aid to the University, (1843) 79–(1847) 96.—(1849) 66. 130. For aid to the Medical School thereof, (1841) 174—(1842) 34.—(1843) 21–01844–5) 41–(1846) 60.—(1848) 31–(1849) 84,-(1850) 13.—(1851) 104. Wide Supply, 91. 131. Masson College, (1849) 63–(1850) 36–(1851) 61. Wide Supply, 89. 132. Montreal:—To establish a Roman Catholic College at Montreal, (1847) 19. 133. Montreal American Free School, (1841) 283. Wide Supply, 101. 134, Montreal Association of Teachers:–For aid for a library, (1848) 31. 185. Montreal British and Canadian School Society, (1843) 18–(1844–5) 26. Wide Supply, 97. 136. Montreal Charity School:—To erect a Protestant Charity School, (1848) 25. 137. Montreal High School, (1843) 39–(1844–5) 177—(1849) 96. Wide Supply, 95. Montreal National School:—Wide Supply, 96. 138. Montreal Recollet School, (1841) 352. Wide Supply, 99. 139. Montreal St. George's Chapel :—For a school in connexion * (1843) 42. Montreal St. Jacques School:—Wide Supply, 98. 140. New Carlisle:–Schools in that vicinity, (1841) 202. 141. Newfoundland and British N. American School Society, (1848) 65–(1844–5) 58. 142. Nicolet Seminary, (1847) 48. Printed, 49–(1848) 89–(1849) 21—(1850) 12–(1851) 32. Vide Supply, 86. 143. Percé :—A school thereat, (1841) 308. Peterborough School:—Wide Supply, 78. 144, Quebec Academy, (1847) 57. 145. Quebec British and Canadian School Society,+(1843) 42—(1844–5) 47. (1846) 94.—(1847) 96-(1848) 32–(1849) 67. (1850) 117–(1851) 158. Wide Supply, 105. 146. Quebec District Education Society,+(1844–5) 34–(1846) 17.—(1847) 44–(1849) 62. Vide Supply, 103. 230 EDUCATION.—continued. ~&m. III. Petitions for aid to particular Schools, &c.—continued. 147. Quebec Grammar School:—Of Rev. R. R. Burrage, for an increased allowance as teacher of the free Grammar School at Quebec, (1847) 30. Wide also Pensions, 10. 14s, Quebec High School,-(1843) 39–(1844–5) 84. Wide Supply, 108. 149. Quebec Infant School, (1843) 33–(1844–5) 12, 34–(1846) 46-(1847) 23–(1848) 8–(1849) 63.−(1850) 37.—(1851) 40. Wide Supply, 107. in Quebec Library Association of School Teachers, (1847) 14—(1848)20–(1850) 68--(1851) 52. 152. Quebec Lower Town Infant School,-(1844–5) 12–(1846) 46.—(1849) 89. 153. Quebec National Schools, (1841) 304.—(1843) 8–(1844–5) 34–(1846) 94.—(1847) 57-(1849) 63.—(1850) 54.—(1851) 94. Wide Supply, 104. 154. Quebec St. Andrew’s Church :-School in connexion therewith, (1842) 10–(1843) 8–(1844–5) 58. —(1846) 62.--(1847) 43–(1848) 31.—(1849) 62.-(1850) 28.-(1851) 40. Wide Supply, 106. 155. Queen's College, Kingston, (1849) 77-(1850) 46.—(1851) 101. Wide Supply, 72. 156. Ramsay :—Of W. Bowes, of Ramsay, for re-payment of certain expenses incurred in erecting a school-house, (1846) 76. * 157. Regiopolis College, (1843) 54.—(1844–5) 34.—(1847) 71.—(1850) 36. Wide Supply, 73. 158. Richmond Academy, (1848) 39–(1849) 58,295. 159. Rigaud College, (1851) 78. Wide Supply, 90. 160. Rivière Ouelle —For the extension of an establishment erected there for the education of girls, (1847) 23. —(1848) 19,-(1849) 12. 161. Rouville Academy, (1842) 62. 162. St. André College :—For the completion thereof, (1850) 40. 163. St. Andrew's:–To complete a school house in that village, (1850) 27. 164. Ste. Anne de la Pocatière, College of.--(1847) 23–(1849) 38–(1850) 54. Wide Supply, 84. 165. Ste. Brigide de Monnoir:-For additional aid for schools in that parish, (1851) 102. 166. St. Elizabeth :—A school in that parish, (1850) 35. 167. St. Trançois du Lac St. Pierre :—For the re-building of a school house for the Indians in that village, (1848) 7. 168. St. Gervais Academy, (1844–5) 132. 169. St. Hilaire de Rouville —For establishment of an English Public School at that place, (1841) 852, EDUCATION.—com/inued. 231 * --> * III. Petitions for aid to particular Schools, &c.—continued. 170, St. Hyacinthe College, (1842) 28–(1844–5) 46, 47, 81–(1846) 55–(1847) 19–(1848) 20– (1849) 53.—(1850) 36-(1851) 60.—For aid to establish a new College, (1847) 39. Wide Supply, 82. 171. St. John's Academy, (1849) 06–0851) 37. 172. St. Laurent, L'Academie Industrielle de,-For an annual aid, (1850) 5–(1851) 94. Vide Supply, 123. 173. St. Michel de Vaudreuil :—A school house therein, (1844–5) 15. 174. Ste. Thérèse de Blainville, College of.--(1843) 39–(1844–5) 48.—(1846) 37.—(1847) 38– (1848) 25.—(1849) 62.—(1850) 28–(1851) 82. Wide Supply, 85, 175. St. Thomas :-A school for girls in that parish, (1847) 13–(1848) 7.—(1849) 54—(1851) 37. 176, Sarnia :—For re-payment of a sum advanced by the late School Commissioners, for erection of a school house, (1844–5) 81. Referred, 88. No Report. 177. Shefford :—To establish a High School for that county, (1 844–5) 52. 17s. Shefford Academy, (1841) 174—(1842) 58–(1848) 25–(1844–5) 40–(1846) 50–(1847) 38– (1848) 31.—(1849) 55.-(1850) 29–(1851) 20, Wide Supply, 115. 179. Sherbrooke Academy, (1841) 129–(1842) 21–(1844–5) 84–(1846) 02–(1847) 71—(1848) 41– (1849) 83.—(1850) 98.-(1851) 20. Wide Supply, 117. 180. Sorel :-A school at that place, (1841) 252.--—Male and Female Model Schools, (1850) 77. 181. Stanstead Seminary, (1841) 291–(1842) 56—(1844–5) 46–(1846) 94.—(1847) 95-(1849) 96.- (1850) 36.-(1851) 102. Wide Supply, 114. 1s2, Sydenham, Inferior District of:-To establish a Classical School therein, (1848) 48. 183. Three Rivers:–For the Christian Schools in that town, (1846) 61.—(1847) 69. 184. Three Rivers Academy, (1844–5) 41—(1850) 217-(1851) 75. Wide Supply, 110, 111. 1s5. Three Rivers Education Society,+(1841) 175. Wide Supply, 100. 5 Toronto Academy —Vide Supply, 77. Victoria College, Cobourg : 186. Bill granting £500 in aid of the funds thereof; Ordered, (1841) 604. Presented, 605. R. A., 643. (4 & 5 Vic. c. 34.) 187, Petition for increased aid, (1849) 211, Printed, 216. Wide Governor General, 156. Supply, 71. 188, Waterloo (Shefford) :—Rev. A. Balfºur's school, (1841) 259,-(1842) 58. Referred, 59. No Report- (1843) 64.—(1844–5) 52.—(1846) 61.—(1847) 56. 189. Wentworth (Two Mountains) :—A school in that township, (1841) 318. 190. Yamachiche :-To build a Seminary for girls in that parish, (1850) 37. 232 I.DUCATION−continued. 7– IV. Other Petitions relative to Education and Schools: 191. For 192. For 193. For adoption of a general system for the promotion of education and payment of school teachers throughout the Province;—(1841) Argenteuil, 429. Chatham (Two Mountains), 227, 253, 340. Godmanchester, &c., 234, Grenville, 429, 430, 472. Grenville and Harrington, 429. St. Scholastique, 429. All referred to the Select Committee on the Common School Bill, 410, 430. repeal or amendment of Common School Law of Lower Canada :—(1842) Lotbinière, 20. Quebec, 62.-- (1843) Compton, 87. Drummond, 33. Quebec, 140. Rimouski Municipal Council, 33. St. Armand West, 102. Shefford, 76. Sherbrooke Municipal Council, 18–(1844–5). Hemmingford, 188. St. Jean Chry. sostome, 307. Shefford, 194. Sherbrooke Municipal Council, 52. Vaudreuil, 146. Some of the Petitions referred to the Committee on the Bill to provide for elementary instruction in Lower Canada, 293, 313, 324. Wide supra, 23. (1846) Ascott, 17. Clarenceville, 142. Eaton, 17. Hemmingford School Commissioners, 163. Lachine, 71. Montreal District, School Teachers of 61, St. Antoine de la Baie du Febvre, 16. St. Augustin, 150. Ste. Geneviève, 60. Vaudreuil, 62.—(1847) Ancienne Lorette, 19. Arthabaska, 69. Belle- chasse, 19. Chatham, 159. Deschambault, 30. Hinchinbrooke, 95, Huntingdon &c., 122. Kakouna Municipal Council, 85. L'Islet, 69. Lotbinière, 13. Nicolet, 78. Petite Nation, 48. Pointe Levi, 13. Portneuf, 78. Quebec (St. John's Church), 126. Quebec (Trinity Chapel), 122. Rimouski Municipal Council, 43. Rivière du Loup Municipal Council, 39. St. André, 95. Ste. Anne de la Pocatière, 30. St. Anne Lapérade, 78. St. Anselme, 13. St. Antoine de la Baie, 56. St. David, 78. St. Denis de la Bouteillerie, 95. St. Feréol, 78, St. François de la Beauce, 13, St. Gabriel de Valcartier, 65. Ste. Geneviève de Batiscan, 95. St. Gregoire, 43. St. Henri, 13. St. Jean Port Joli, 122. St. Joseph de la Beauce, 13. St. Lin, 100. St. Magdelaine de Rigaud, 48. St. Martin (Isle Jesus), 48. St. Paschal Municipal Council, 95. St. Roch des Aulnets Municipal Couneil, 39. St. Scholastique, 48. St. Thomas (L'Islet), 126. St. Ursule, 39. Petitions from Pointe Levi, St. Anselme, St. Henri, and St. Joseph, referred, 15. Motion to refer Peti- tion from Lotbinière to same Committee, negatived, ib. Wo Report.——(1848) Champlain, 40. Litchfield, 28. Quebec, R. C. School Commissioners, 20. Rawdon, &c., 40. Ste. Anne de Lapérade, 30. Ste. Gene- viève de Batiscan, 19. St. Stanislas de Batiscan, 40,—(1849) Beauharnois, 21, 123. Bristol, 112. Descham- bault, 174. Dorchester, 144, 156. Grenville, 39. Hinchinbrooke, &c., 21. Kamouraska, 76. Ottawa, 28. Quebec Association of Teachers, 32. St. Jean Chrysostome, 67. St. Jean Port Joli, 21. St. John Dorches- ter, 89. St. Maurice, 116.-(1850) Quebec Teachers, 68. St. Norbert d’Arthabaska, 28.——(1851) Baie St. Paul, 52. Brompton School Commissioners, 154. Montreal, 134. Montreal Protestant School Commissioners, 134. Quebec, 52. St. Augustin and Ste. Scholastique, 154. St. Benoit and St. Eustache, 154. St. Geneviève de Batiscan ; Printed, 58. St. Germain de Rimouski, 33. St. Hermas, 154, repeal or amendment of Common School Law of Upper Canada:-(1842) Brock District Council, 32. Col- borne District Council, 32. Esquesing, 38. Gore District Council, 62. Madoc, 17. Midland District Council, 20. (1843) Oro, 13. Ramsay, 13. Simcoe District Council, 9. Wellington District, 91. Wellington District Council, 53. Western District Council, 64. York, 79. (1844–5) Brackenridge, J., 177. Cavan, 100. Gore District Council, 34, 324. Grimsby, 146. Hastings, 225. Home District Council, 6. Johns- town District Council, 8: Printed, 10. Newcastle District Council, 375. Niagara District Council, 328. 194. For Victoria District Council, 298: Woodstock, 202. (1846) Home District Council, 16. Niagara District Council, 45. Toronto and Chinguacousey, 62. -(1847) Chinguacousey, School Trustees, 218. Home District Council, 116. Picton, 48. (1848) Gore District Council, 26. Kingston, 58. London District Council, 26. Newcastle District Council, 40. Toronto, 58. Wellington District Council, 12. Western do. do., 25. (1849) Anderdon, 12. Bathurst District Council, 32. Newcastle do. do., 40. Niagara, Roman Catholic School Trustees, 13. (1850) Picton, 39. York Municipal Council, 40. (1851) Brockville, 51. Leeds and Grenville Municipal Council, 130. Prince Edward do., 40. York do., 139. establishment of separate schools for children of the Churches of England, Rome, &c., or a division of the School Funds:–(1841) Bishop and Clergy of Toronto, 387. Referred to Committee on the Common School Bill, 388. (1844–5) Toronto, 81. (1846) Adolphustown and Fredericksburgh, 94. Ancaster, 176. Elizabethtown, 163. Hamilton, 203. Tiny and Tay, 112. Toronto (Lord Bishop and others), 142.-- (1850) Kitley, 28. Toronto, 127. Vicar General, ib.—(1851) Belleville, 102. Lord Bishop of Toronto, for Clergy and Laity assembled in conference, 61. Wide supra, 125. 195. Against the establishment of Sectarian Schools or Colleges:–(1844–5) Barnston Corner, 823,--(1846) Canada Baptist Union, 94. 196. Praying that the Bible may be used as a class-book in all Protestant schools throughout the Province;—(1841) Beauharnois Episcopal Congregation, 164, Beauharnois Presbyterian Congregation, 324. Bury and Lin- wick, 35. Charleston and Hatley, 95. Chatham and Grenville, 340. Cornwall (St. John's Church), 435. Eastern Townships, 174. Fitzroy and Torbolton, 430. Gower, South, 318. Grenville, 227. Inverness, 365. Kingston (St. Andrew's Church), 578. McNab and Horton, 523. Mascouche, 164. Melbourne Congrega- tional Church, 388. Melbourne Episcopal Church, 164, Melbourne Presbyterian Church, 388. Montreal, 211, 291. Orillia, 449. Osnabruck, 318, Ottawa District Bible Society, 615. Bakenham, 523. Presby- terian Church, Moderator of 259. Quebec, 194, 388. Rivière du Loup, 164, 175. St. Andrew's, 303. St. Armand, West, 69. Shefford, 165. Stanstead (County), 233. Stanstead (Township), 299. Stratford, 486. EDUCATION−confiniſed. 233 TV. Other Petitions relative to Education and Schools—continued. Streetsville, 578. Wellington District Education Board, 318. Whitby, 283. Some of the Petitions referred to the Committee of the whole on the Common School Bill, 293, 311. To the Select Committee on the Bill, 318, 325, 487, &c. Motion to refer certaix of the Petitions to a Select Committee, negatived, 292. (1843) Montreal, 105. e 197. For such an amendment of the Common School Law as to admit of religious instruction (Members of Church of England):-(1844–5) Bishop of Toronto and others, of Toronto, 131. Adelaide, 323. Adolphustown and Fredericksburgh, 235. Augusta, 264. Bayham, 323. Brockville, 225. Carradoc, 323. Cobourg, 225. Colborne and Grafton, 243. Darlington and Clarke, 298. Dereham and Norwich, 360. Hamilton, 276. Penetanguishene, 351. Thorold, 170. Trafalgar, 243. Petition of the Bishop referred, 203. Other Petitions referred, 207, 217, 304, 313, 377, 386. (Wo Report.) Petition from Augusta referred to a separate Committee, 264. Wo Report. 198. Praying that the District or Grammar Schools may be placed on a more efficient footing:—(1841) Brockville, 492. Gore District School Trustees, 492. Kingston, 492. West Flamboro’ and Ancaster, 542. All referred, 530. No Report.—(1842) Niagara District Council, 12. Referred, 32. Wo Report.—(1851) Peterboro’ Common School Trustees, 78. 199. For appropriation of 25,000 acres of land for the further endowment of Grammar Schools; Johnstown District Council, (1843) 14. 201. For establishment of an uniform course of study and of school books, in the different Common Schools; Thorold, (1844–5) 367. 202. For power to the Municipal Councils to collect as well as assess the school taxes; Simcoe Municipal Council, (1846) 15. 203. For amendment of 4 & 5 Vic., c. 19, so as to reduce the number of scholars required to be taught in the Grammar School of Demorestville, (1846) 84.——Again, (1851) 134. 204. Against any Legislative interference with Education; Malahide, (1847) 14. 205. Of the School Commissioners of Dundee, praying that the proceedings on their complaints against John McGibbon may be laid before the House; and that they may be relieved from the duty of paying the teachers engaged by them, (1848) 32. 206. For the formation of certain parts of St. Foye, St. Augustin, and L'Ancienne Lorette, into a separate School Dis- trict, (1849) 77.—The village of Philipsburg (Missisquoi), 123. 207. Praying that the office of Chief Superintendent of Education may be abolished, and the duties transferred to some other department, (1850) Brantford Municipality, 29. Dumfries Teachers' Association, 187. Wentworth and Halton Municipal Council, 12. 208. For establishment of Teachers' Institutes; also, that Provincial Certificates be not confined to teachers of the Normal School; Dumfries Teachers' Association, (1850) 137. 209. Of C. P. Treadwell, for the purchase of a set of Holbroke's School Apparatus for the use of the best Model or Grammar School in each county, city, and town, (1851) 118. 210. Praying that the expenditure of the Government allowance for schools may be placed under the control of the W. Municipal Councils; St. Hyacinthe Municipal Council, (1843) 8.-At the disposal of the several denomina- tions of Christians; Bishop of Toronto, 166. 211. Various Petitions for the payment of the Government allowance to school-masters, viz.:-Asselin, A. A. ; Arrears from 1832 to 1842, (1846) 37. Barnston; there having been no assessment, (1846) 167.-Again, (1848) 58. Bathurst District, (1843) 13–(1846) there having been no assessment for 1845, 98. Bill presented, 97. R. A., 274. (9 Wic, c. 69.)—Again, (1847) 30. Bill presented, 41. R. A., 210, (10 & 11 Vic, c. 57.)—For 1847, notwithstanding the want of the necessary Report, 30. Bill presented, 41. Wot proceeded ân. Benson, P. M., of Maskinongé ; Arrears due him since 1836, (1841) 443.−Benson, Wm., (1849) 12. Bishop, James, of St. Sylvester, (1844–5) 132. Referred, 138. Report, 378. Boucher, Nicolas, a sum due him and his wife as teachers in the Parish of St. André, (1849) 84–Boyle, Chºr les ; Teacher of an Elementary School at Nuns' Land, Quebec, (1849) 53.−Brock District, Teachers therein ; the Coun- cil having refused to impose the necessary assessment, (1843) 25. Buckingham, Teachers therein, (1 848) 66. Lassiseraye, C. H., of Three Rivers; Arrears due him, (1844–5) 88–(1846) 61.--(1847) 44– (1849) 62.--(1850) 36.-(1851) 37. Wide Supply, 111– Leonard, Wm., of New Carlisle; Arrears for 4 years, to May, 1840, (1843) 15.—(1849) 54. London District; Arrears since 1841, (1848) 1812 Quebec, Protestant teachers in ; Arrears since 1846, (1849) 71. St. Jean t Evangeliste ; an unclaimed balance for 1842 and 1843, (1846) 54.—Sorel, Teachers in, (1847) 39– Spruen, T., Teacher of the School under the Royal Institution, at Gaspé, (1846) 37. Wide Accounts, 81, 142–155. Addresses, 118, 159–170, 377, 841. Bills, Private, 30. Clergy Reserves, 6, 7, 19, 26. Committees, 95—105,479, 486. Davidson, Alea’. Fleming, Mrs. Governor General, 41, 42. Hayden. Lands, 25. Speeches, 1, 3, 5, 8, 17, 21. Supply, 69–127. F. E. 234 EDUCATIONAL ELECTIONS. Educational Institutions :—Wide Accounts, 81. Education, 34–190. Reports, Annwal, 2. Edwardsburgh:—vide Surveys, 85–89. Edwoods, W. H. :—Wide Aliens, 24. Ejectment: 1. Bill to alter and amend the practice and proceedings in actions of Ejectment in Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 31. Referred to Committee on the Bill to simplify the practice of the Law, 101. Chairman directed to report the same; Reported, 183. Referred to Committee on the Dower Bill, 189. Reported, with amend- ments, ib. Amended in Committee, 235. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 57.) 2. Bill to alter and settle the mode of proceeding in the action of Ejectment; Presented, (1851) 108. Referred, 238. Reported, with amendments, 286. Amended in Committee, 325. Motion to postpone third reading one month, negatived; Ryder added, 345. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 114.) Ekfrid :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 32. Elder, David:—vide Rebellion, 9. (Elections. Nº-º-º/N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-Nºvº-Vºl-Jºvºv-Vºv. I. Bills relative to Elections and Election Petitions ; 1—21. II. Petitions complaining of undue Elections and Returns, and Pro- ceedings thereon: 22–78. - III. Other Petitions relative to Elections, and Proceedings thereon; 79—95. TV. Proceedings relative to Recognizances; 96–99. W. Lists of Witnesses presented, and Proceedings thereon; 101– 105. VI. Proceedings on the trial of Election Petitions; 106–111. VII. Special Reports from Election Committees; 112–127. VIII. Returns amended; 128–130. IX. Writs (Warrants for new Writs) ordered; 131–156. X. Orders and Resolutions; 157–163. XI. Incidental Proceedings; 164–190. XII. Questions Negatived or Superseded; 191–206. I. Bills relative to Elections and Election Petitions: 1. To provide better for the freedom of elections throughout the Province; Presented, (1841) 12. Printed, 99. Referred, with Bill for registration of voters, 282. Both reported amended; Committed (to same Committee), * (Wide infra, 2.) First Bill amended in Committee,415. One of the amendments negatived, the others concurred in; Other amendments moved and negatived, 421. Passed, 441. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 502. Agreed to, 512. Reserved, 643. ELECTIONS.–com/?nued. - 235 }. 3 £0. } 1. # 2. 13. #6. 17. 18. Bills relative to Elections and Election Petitions—continued. . To provide for the enregistration of persons entitled to vote at elections, and to make better provision for holding the same ; Presented, (1841) 256. Referred, with Election Bill (supra, I), 282. Reported amended; Committed (with the other Bill), 325. Printed, 406. Amended in Committee, 620. Passed, 634. Wot returned from the Council. . To authorize voting by ballot at Elections of Members of the Assembly; Presented, (1841) 94. Considered in Com- mittee, and no Report made, 266. • To compel candidates to make detailed declarations of the property under which they qualify; Presented, (1841) 868. Read third time; Ryder added, 508. Motions to re-commit Bill, &c., negatived, and Bill passed, 509. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 52.) - . To provide for the freedom of elections throughout the Province; Presented, (1842) 6. Amended in Committee, 90. Motion to re-commit Bill to insert clauses providing for the registration of voters, negatived, 94. Bill passed, 97. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 1.) . To fix the places for holding the elections in the several counties in Lower Canada; Presented, (1842) 29. Read Second time, 48. Wot proceeded in. • To remove doubts as to the application of the Act to provide for the freedom of elections, to certain elections held under writs issued during the present Session ; Motion for leave to present Bill; Amendment, that the Clerk be directed to inquire and report by what authority the Bill was printed, negatived; Bill presented, and passed, (1842) 120. Returned from the Council, with amendments; Motions to commit amendments, negatived, 127. Motion that the amendments be rejected; Superseded by prorogation, 130. . To regulate elections in Lower Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 95. Second reading postponed six months, 237. . To remove doubts as to the right of any person to vote at any county election in Upper Canada on property lying in any city or town represented in Parliament; Presented, (1844–5) 222. Motions, for postponing second reading six months, and for committing Bill, severally negatived, 241. Third reading postponed five months, 243. To provide for the registration of persons entitled to vote at elections in Upper Canada for Members of the Assembly; Presented, (1844–5) 232. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived, 253. Motion to refer bill, with an instruction to Committee to report whether the principle of the Bill should apply to Upper Canada generally, or to the cities and towns alone; Several amendments negatived; Main motion agreed to, 254. Wo Report.—Petition from Megantic, praying that the operation of the Bill may be extended to that county, 386. To regulate elections in Lower Canada; Presented, (1846) 65. Referred, 149. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 191. Not considered. To amend the Election Law; Presented, (1848) 16. Order for second reading discharged, 64. To amend and consolidate the several statutory provisions for the regulation of elections of Members of the Legislative Assembly; Presented, (1849) 14. Committed; Motion for an instruction to Committee of whole to inquire into the expediency of establishing a system for the registration of votes, negatived, 127. Petition for amendments to the Act regulating elections in Quebec referred, 143. Reported, with amend- ments; One of them negatived, the others agreed to, 247. Ryder added, and Bill passed, 259. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 27.) 14. To extend the Elective Franchise; Presented, (1851) 95. Wot proceeded in. . To fix the place for holding the polls for the election of Members of Parliament, in townships divided into wards, in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 156. Amended in Committee, 265. Passed (the words “and for other purposes relative to Elections” being added to the title), 272. By the Council, with amendments, 291. Considered, and amended, 313, Amendment agreed to by the Council, 324. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 108.) To amend the laws regulating the election of Members in certain counties, in so far as relates to the return of writs; Presented, (1851) 260, Amended in Committee, 324. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 87.) To indemnify Clergymen who voted at the last election, in ignorance of the law; Reported by a Committee, (1844–5) 82. Amended in Committee, 192. R. A., 242. (8 Vic, c. 9.) Wide also infra, 81. To repeal so much of the law as prevents Clergymen from voting at elections; Ordered, (1844–5) 148. Presented, 168. Notice taken that the Bill contains matter not authorised by the Resolution; Order for second reading discharged, 205–New Bill presented, 208. Read third time; Ryder moved and negatived, 225. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 10.) Wide also infra, 81. Committees, 106. 236 ETECTIONS.–continued, f. Bills relative to Elections and Election Petitions—continued. 19. To prevent any failure of justice in respect of undue elections at the last General Election; Presented, (1841) 183. Motion to postpone second reading three months, negatived, 195. Read second time; Amended by expunging all after “whereas” and substituting other provisions, 196. Further amended in Committee, 198. Read third time; Re-committed, and further amended, 199. Motion for passing ; Amendment, for appoint- ment of a Committee to inquire into the alleged violence at certain elections in Lower Canada, negatived; Bill passed, 200. Message from the Council, desiring the evidence on which the Bill was passed, 212. Motion to communicate such evidence, negatived, and message referred to a Committee, with instructions to prepare a statement of the grounds on which the Bill was passed, 225. Report; Agreed to, and communicated to the Council, 260. Committee appointed to search journals of Council on the Bill, 403. Report the Bill lost in the Counciſ, 450. Report committed, 470. Resolution, mem. con., that it is the bounden duty of the House to institute an inquiry into the outrages alleged to have been committed at certain of the elections; and that they will proceed to the said inquiry early next Session, 583. Above Resolution again read, with the Petitions (complaining of undue elections in Terrebonne, Montreal (County), Vaudreuil, Beauharnois, Chambly, and Rouville) referred to in the Bill ; Committee appointed to proceed to the inquiry referred to in the Resolution, (1842) 6. Members added, 29. Report, recommending that the inquiry be continued next Session ; Concurred in, 59.——Resolutions of 1841 read, and Committee re-appointed, (1843) 7. (Wide Committees, 380.) Resolution, that in the event of the investigation not being concluded before the proroga- tion the House will continue the same, and decide thereon, next Session, in such manner as may be consistent with the facts, its privileges, the freedom of election, and the rights and liberties of British subjects, 178. 20. To repeal the several Acts of the Parliaments of Lower and Upper Canada now in force for the trial of Controverted Parliamentary Elections in the two sections of the Province respectively, and to provide by one general Act for the trial of all Parliamentary Election Petitions; Presented, (1850) II.5. Committed, 217. Wot considered. 21. To repeal the several Acts, &c.; Presented, (1851) 46. Committed, 70. Resolution providing out of the Consofi- dated Revenue Fund for remunerating such Circuit and County Judges as may be employed under this Act in the execution of commissions for examination of witnesses, 169. Referred to Committee of the whole on this Bill, 172. Bill amended in Committee, 184. Passed, on division, 194. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 1.) II. Petitions complaining of undue Elections and Returns, and Pro- ceedings thereon: |NOTE: Those Election Petitions which relate to constituencies in Lower Canada, were tried by the House, wnder the Law of L. Canada, those in Upper Canada by Committees appointed in conformity to the Jaw of U. Canada.] Beauharnois : 22. Of Jacob DeWitt, Esq., against J. W. Dunscomb, Esq., (1841) 29. Two Petitions of electors, against William Duns- comb, and for an inquiry into the proceedings at various elections in the District of Montreal, 174. Wide supra, 19. 23. Special Return, of destruction of some of the poll books, (1848) XIII. Clerk of Crown in Chancery attends with Return and Poll Books; They are referred to a Committee of the whole, 3. Report Resolutions, declaring that by the Return and Poll Books it appears that Jacob De Witt, Esq., had a majority of votes, and had a right to take his seat, saving to candidates and electors the right of petitioning against his return ; also that eertain poll books were destroyed, and means ough; to be taken for the apprehension of the offenders; Agreed to 9. Address ordered, communicating Resolutions to His Excellency (Wide Addresses, 61); Clerk of Crown in Chancery to attend and amend Return ; Return amended, iO. Returning Officer to appear at the Bar, ió. He appears accordingly: Motion, that there being no charge against him, he be discharged, negatived; He is examined, and diseharged, 23. 24. Berthier :-Of electors, against David M. Armstrong, Esq., (1848) 24. Petition not received, 34. Bonaventure : 25. Of electors, against John R. Hamilton, Esq., (1841) 36. Consideration of Petition discharged, 93, 194. 26. Of electors, against William Cuthberth, Esq., (1848). 27. Clerk of Crown in Chancery to attend with the Return, 28. Motion to receive the Petition ; Amendment, that it be not received ; Consideration thereof postponed, * Committee appointed to inquire whether the seals affixed to the certificates attached to the Petition were ºffixed before or since the presentation of the Petition, 48. To report from time to time; First Report, 51– (1849) Foregoing proceedings read ; Another Committee appointed to inquire whether the said seals were affixed before or after the presentation of the Petition, 146. Wo Report. ELECTIONS-continued. 237 II. Petitions complaining of undue Elections, &c.—continued. Carleton : 27. Of Edward Malloch, Esq., against George Lyon, Esq., (1847) 18. Mr. Speaker reports that petitioner has failed to enter into recognizances, 66. 28. Of George Lyon, Esq., against Edward Malloch, Esq., (1848) 30, 29. Chambly (County) :—Petition of L. M. Viger, Esq., against John Yule, Esq., and for a new election, (1841) 80. Petition of electors, for the same, and for an inquiry into proceedings at various elections in the District of Montreal, 82. Wide supra, 19. Cornwall : 80. Of Solomon Y. Chesley, Esq., (opposing candidate) and electors, against Rolland Macdonald, Esq., (1844–5) 24, Time for recognizance enlarged, 58. Recognizance, 95. Order for consideration discharged, and Petition withdrawn, 131. 31. Of electors, against Hon. John Hillyard Cameron, (1848) 13. Lists of witnesses, 56. Ballot, and Committee, 57. House informed that Committee is sitting; Motion that the members thereof be requested to attend in their places, to enable the House to proceed to business, negatived; Speaker leaves the Chair until the members of Committee return to the House, 71–(1849) Report in favor of sitting member, 55. 32. Frontenac:—Petition of electors, against Henry Smith, Esq., and in favor of Jas. Mathewson, Esq., (1841) 67. Petition of Jas. Mathewson, Esq., opposing candidate, 86. Ballot; Number of members present insufficient, 217. Further ballot; Committee appointed, 218. Lists of witnesses, 220. Report, in favor of sitting member; also, that Petition of electors was withdrawn before entering into evidence thereon, and that the said Petition is frivolous and vexatious, but not that of the opposing candidate, 244.—Petition of M. Rourke (one of original petitioners) complaining of a suit for £36, instituted against him by sitting member, for costs on the election, and praying relief, 365. Referred, 388. Report, 615. Proper officers of the House directed to tax the costs in the case, and to reduce or disallow the same according to the evidence produced before them, 616. 33. Glengary :—Of Electors, against John Sandfield Macdonald, Esq., (1848) 29,-Resolution that the Petition is not now pending, petitioners having failed to enter into recognizance, (1849) 22. 34. Grenville —Of W. Harris and others, freeholders, against Hamilton D. Jessup, Esq., and for a new election (on the ground that votes were polled in the Townships of North Gower and Marlborough, which belong to the County of Carleton), (1844-5) 17. Another Petition, of H. Burritt and others, freeholders, 23. Recog- nizance on the part of the first Petition, 32. Motion to enlarge time for recognizance on second Petition, negatived, 59. Order for consideration of Petition of Burritt and others, discharged, 91. Petition of Harris considered ; Lists of witnesses; Ballot, and Committee, 122. A member excused from Serving, 137. Report in favor of sitting member, 146. 35. Halton (West Riding) :—Of Jas. Durand, Esq., against Jas. Webster, Esq., (1844–5) 6. Lists of witnesses, 76, 78. Ballot, and Committee, 80. Commission appointed to examine witnesses, 137. Copy of poll books, and lists of votes objected to, to be furnished, 147. Original poll books to be sent, 168. Additional lists of witnesses, 265, 267––(1846) (Proceedings continued.) Return of Commission, 53. Special Report of Committee, that by the proceedings of the Commissioners it does not appear that either they or their clerk were duly sworn, in consequence of which the Committee cannot receive the evidence contained in their Return; and that they have been guilty of a neglect of duty; Motion, that they be ordered to attend at the Bar to answer therefor, and to bring with them their original minutes; Amendment, to strike out the latter part, carried; Main motion agreed to, 63. (Wide Legislative Assembly, 66.) Special Report, that the evidence cannot be received by the Committee for the want of observance by the Commissioners of the pro- visions of the Statute in regard to their adjournments and proceedings; and that they are guilty of a neglect of duty for having adjourned contrary to the said provisions, 183. Final Report, that there is no evidence before the Committee sufficient to invalidate the election of sitting member, 203.—Petition of Mr. Durand to be re-imbursed the amount of his expenses, 208. Motion, that the Clerk be directed to tax and pay out of the contingencies, the amount of his costs; Amendments, for deducting the same from the sessional allowance to members, for limiting the amount to £150,—and for requiring him to give in a statement of his expenses, severally negatived ; Motion amended by limiting the amount to £200 ; Agreed to as amended, 214. 2 8 ELECTIONS.–continued. II. Petitions complaining of undue Elections, &c.—continued. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42, 44. 45. 46 Hastings: Of electors, against Robert Baldwin, Esq., and in favor of Edmund Murney, Esq., (1841) 3. Ballot; Number of Members present insufficient, 145. Again, 147, 149, 152. Further ballot, and Committee appointed, 156. Lists of witnesses, 157, 160. Motion for appointment of a commission to take evidence, negatived, 223, Report in favor of sitting member, and declaring Petition frivolous and vexatious, 278. special Return of riots at the last election, rendering it impossible for Returning Officer to poll all the votes or to return either of the Candidates (E. Murney, Esq., and Hon. R. Baldwin,) as duly elected, (1843) 3. Clerk of Crown in Chancery to attend and produce the Return; Attends accordingly ; Return referred to a Committee of the whole, 4. Considered ; New writ ordered, 10, 12. - Huron : Of Wm. Dunlop, Esq., against Jas. M. Strachan, Esq., (1841) 15. Lists of witnesses, 121, 123. Ballot, and Com- mittee, 125. Commission appointed to examine witnesses, 126, 161, 193, 194. Copy of Poll Book to be furnished, 161. Report in favor of Petitioner; Clerk of Crown in Chancery to attend and amend Return Return amended, 387. Of John Wellington Gwynne, Esq., against Hon. Wm. Cayley, (1848) 33. Resolution, That the Petition is not now pending, petitioner having failed to enter into recognizances, 80. s ICent: Of Joseph Woods, Esq., and others, complaining of a special löeturn, and praying that the Return may be amended by inserting the name of Mr. Woods, (1841) 10. Clerk of Crown in Chancery to lay the Return before the House, 18. Return presented ; Considered in Committee : Four Resolutions reported and agreed to, declaring that Mr. Woods had a majority of votes and ought to have been returned, and directing Clerk of Crown in Chancery to amend the Return accordingly ; Return amended, 33. Motion for appointment of a Select Com- mittee to consider the said Return, and the conduct of the Returning Officer in relation thereto, negatived, 37. Special Return, that Malcolm Cameron, Esq., (the Member elected) did not give in his qualification until after the close of the polls, (1848) XII. Clerk of Crown in Chancery to attend with Return and Poll Books, 3. Reso- lutions, declaring that M. Cameron, Esq., had a majority of votes, and has a right to take his seat, saving to all candidates and electors the right of contesting his Return; Clerk of Crown in Chancery to amend Return ; Return amended; Geo. Wade Foote, Esq., Returning Officer, summoned to appear at the Bar on the 24th of March, 14. (The Legislature was subsequently prorogued on the 23rd, and Mr. Foote did not appear.) Tanark:-Petition of Alex. Fraser, Esq., (opposing candidate) against Malcolm Cameron, Esq., and for a new election (on the ground of no poll having been held in the Townships of Ross, Westmeath, Pembroke, and Stafford), (1844–5) 26. Two Petitions of electors, 42. Petitions considered, 129. Lists of witnesses; Ballot, and Committee, 130. Report election void; New writ issued, 185. . Leeds —Of Wm. Buell, Esq., against Ogle R. Gowan, Esq., (1844–5) 10. Petition withdrawn, to correct an error therein, 16. Another Petition presented, 25. Speaker reports that recognizance has been entered into; Motion to discharge order for consideration, recognizance not having been entered into within fourteen days after presentation of Petition; Amendment, to enlarge time, negatived; Main motion agreed to, 60. ~ Lennox and Addington :—Petition of electors, against John S. Cartwright, Esq., and in favor of Benjamin Ham, Esq., (1841) 16. Petition of B. Ham, Esq., opposing candidate, 17. Lists of witnesses, 105, 106. Ballot, and Committee, 110. Special Report expressing opinion of Committee that no Member of the House should be heard before them as Counsel, either for the sitting member or the petitioner; Concurred in by the House, 112. Report in favor of sitting member, and stating that though treating was proved against him, it is not considered a legal ground for avoiding the election; also, censuring conduct of Returning Officer, 189. Lincoln (North Riding) :—Of electors, against Wm. Hamilton Merritt, Esq., and in favor of Geo. Rykert, Esq., (1844–5) 10. Lists of witnesses, 97. Ballot, and Committee, 98. Motion for leave to Committee to proceed in absence of Mr. Papineau (a member), negatived, 137. Report in favor of sitting member, 202. Evidence and proceedings to be attached to Report, 204. Printed, 214. Lincoln (South Riding) :—Of electors, against Jas. Cummings, Esq., and for a new election, (1844–5) 43. Resolution that Petition is not pending, petitioners having failed to enter into recognizance, 99. ELECTIONS-continued. 239 **. II. Petitions complaining of undue Elections, &c.—continued. 47. Megantic :—Of freeholders and electors, against Hon. Dominick Daly, and in favor of Thos. Wm. Lloyd, Esq., (1844–5) 41. Motion, that the grounds of complaint, if true, are sufficient to make void the election of Mr. Daly; Consideration postponed, 50. Amendment, that Petition be discharged, carried, 191. 48. Middlesex :—Of Wm. Notman, Esq., opposing candidate, and others, against Edward Ermatinger, Esq., (1844–5)4. Another Petition of Wm. Notman, Esq., 5. Day appointed for consideration of last Petition, 31. Lists of witnesses, 151 to 165. Ballot, and Committee, 165. Commission appointed to take evidence, 187. New Commission, 196. Parties to exchange lists of votes objected to, 199. Poll books and other documents to be transmitted, 201. Additional lists of witnesses, 331. (1846) (Proceedings continued.) Special Report, that the Commissioners have been guilty of neglect in not making a Return to the Commission, and should be summoned to the Bar of the House to answer therefor; They are summoned accordingly, 41. (Vide Legislative Assembly, 68.) Motion, that the Commissioners be directed to return the Commission, and all the evidence taken, and that their attendance be dispensed with, negatived, 48. Report of the Commissioners, 88. Letter from Mr. Horton (Chairman of Commissioners) transmitting the evidence; Motion that Messrs. Horton and Warren be taken into custody by the Sergeant-at-Arms; Amendment, to postpone consideration, negatived, and motion agreed to, 119. (Wide Legislative Assembly, 68.) Special Report, that the proceeding of the Commissioners in adjourning several months, without any reason assigned, was illegal, and the evidence taken by them cannot be received, 164. New Commission issued, 178. Final Report of Committee, in favor of sitting member, 199. Commission superseded, 244.—Petition of Mr. Notman, for re-imbursement of his expenses, 185. Motion that the Clerk be directed to tax his costs, and pay the amount of the same out of the Contingencies, negatived, 196. 49. Montreal (City) :—Of electors, against Hon. George Moffatt and Chas. Clément Sabrevois De Bleury, Esq., and for a new election, (1844–5) 23, 35. Recognizance, 23. Motion, that the grounds of complaint, if true, are sufficient to make void the election; Consideration postponed, 50. Amendment moved, that Petition be discharged; Consideration further postponed, 84. Amendment proposed to the amendment, That petitioners have not described themselves as being freeholders and electors at the time of the election, and that the oaths required to be taken by the petitioners are not set forth at length, and apart from the certificate of the Justice administering the same, as required by law, and that therefore the order for consideration of the Petition be discharged, carried on division, 168. Resolution printed, 190. - Wide Accounts, 157. Addresses, 317. 51. Montreal (County) :—Of electors, against A. M. Delisle, Esq., and in favor of Jas. Leslie, Esq., (1841) 19. Petition of Jas. Leslie, Esq., opposing candidate, 20. Wide Supra, 19. 52. Niagara (Town) :—Of electors, against E. C. Campbell, Esq., and in favor of Henry John Boulton, Esq., (1841) 13. Lists of witnesses, 140, 141. Ballot, and Committee, 144. Commission appointed to examine witnesses, 160, 173. Clerk of Crown in Chancery to furnish a certified copy of poll book, 190. New Com- mission issued, 224. Another new commission, 306. Special Report by Committee, that the time limited for the return of the commission has rendered the Commissioners unable to go through the evidence for the sitting member, 411. New commission issued, 412. Motion for additional lists of witnesses, negatived, 458–(1842) (Proceedings continued.) Members excused from serving, 23, 37. Report that Henry John Boulton, Esq., had a majority of legal votes, 37. Clerk of Crown in Chancery to attend and amend Return ; Return amended, 38.-Petition of J. L. Alma, the Returning Officer, for permission to vindicate his character from charges preferºagainst him in the Petition, (1841) 269. 53. Norfolk :-Of David Duncombe, Esq., against Israel W. Powell, Esq., (1844–5) 25. Also of freeholders, in favor of sitting member, and complaining of conduct of Deputy Returning Officer for Walsingham, 88. Lists of witnesses; Ballot and Committee, 124. A member excused from further attendance, 167. Commis- sion appointed to examine witnesses, 193. Report, in favor of sitting member; also, declaring the Deputy Returning Officer for Walsingham (Titus Williams, Esq.,) guilty of an infraction of duty in closing the poll before 5 o'clock on the second day of election, 376. Evidence and proceedings of Committee to be laid before the House, 384. Laid on the table; Resolution relating to the conduct of Mr. Williams read; Copy to be sent to him, and leave to be heard by Counsel in defence of his conduct, 385. 54. Ottawa (County) :—Petition of Charles Symes, Esq., against D. B. Papineau, Esq.; Resolution, that the time for receiving said Petition be extended (being the second Session after the election), in consideration of the prevailing opinion that the Controverted Election Law of Lower Canada had expired, (1842) 13. Petition withdrawn, 48. 240 EIECTIONS.–confinued. II. Petitions complaining of undue Elections, &c.—continued. Oxford : 55. Of Hon. Francis Hincks, against Robert Riddell, Esq., (1844–5) 5. Lists of witnesses, 106. Ballot, and Commit- tee, 122. Commission appointed to examine witnesses, 139. Time of meeting extended ; Parties to exchange lists of votes objected to ; Certified copy of poll books to be transmitted, 145. (1846) (Proceedings con- tinued.) Petition of Mr. Riddell, complaining that the Commissioners have acted illegally under the com- mission, and praying that the Return may not be received, &c., 3. Motion, to refer Petition to Committee on Privileges and Elections; Decided by Mr. Speaker to be out of order; Decision appealed from, and confirm- ed, 52. Report of Commissioners, 14. Committee report absence of 3 members, 5, 11. Motion, that the Committee having been thus reduced to less than 9 members, for three sitting days, is dissolved, 11. Nega- tived, 40. Committee to proceed to business notwithstanding absence of a member, 56. Report in favor of sitting member, 281. 56. Return of Peter Carrroll, Esq., as duly elected, with letters explanatory thereof, (1848) XI. Clerk of Crown in Chancery to attend with Return, Poll Books, and other accompanying papers, 3. Resolutions proposed, declaring that it appears by the poll books that Francis Hincks, Esq., had a majority of votes, and ought to have been returned; Motions for adjourning the debate, &c., negatived, and Resolutions agreed to, 10. Reso- lution that a due regard for the rights of the electors and the privileges of the House, requires that the Return should be amended according to the facts apparent upon the poll books; Resolution for amending the Return by substituting the name of Mr. Hincks for that of Mr. Carroll, reserving to Mr. Carroll and others the right of contesting the Return; Return amended; John G. Vansittart, Esq., Returning Officer, summoned to appear at the Bar, to answer for his Return, 11. (Wide Legislative Assembly, 69.)--Petition of Peter Carroll, Esq., against Return of Mr. Hincks, 30. Resolution that Mr. Hincks (who had accepted office since the election) be permitted to defend against the Petition, 38. Lists of witnesses, 49. Ballot, and Committee, 50. Report Mr. Hincks duly elected, 63. 57. Prescott (County) :—Of William K. Mackenzie (an elector) against Thos. Hall Johnson, Esq., and for a new election, (1848) 20. Petition to be taken into considerātion on 24th March, 67. (Legislature prorogued on 23rd March.)——(1849) Petition renewed, 11. Lists of witnesses, 100. Ballot, and Committee, 101. Peti- tioner allowed to add to his list of witnesses, 120. Commission appointed to examine witnesses; Clerk of Crown in Chancery to transmit poll books, &c., ib. Parties to exchange lists of votes objected to, 123. Motion for leave to petitioner to add further to his lists of witnesses and of objected votes, negatived, 189. Report in favor of sitting member, 211. 58. Prince Edward:—Of Roger Bates Conger, Esq., against David Barker Stevenson, Esq., (1848) 15. Petition withdrawn, 35. 89. Rouville:–Of electors, against M. A. De Salaberry, Esq., and in favor of T. Franchère, Esq., (1841) 26. Petition of T. Franchère, Esq., opposing candidate, 28. Wide supra, 19. Russell : 60. Of electors, against Wm. Stewart, Esq., and in favor of Archibald Petrie, Esq., (ºn the ground that the majority obtained by the former was by votes in the Townships of Osgoode and Gloucester, which have been separated from the said county by law), (1843) 14. Another Petition of electors, complaining of the ineligibility of the Returning Officer on account of non-residence, 25. Day appointed for consideration of last-named Petition, 37. Ballot, and Committee, 63. Special Report of adjournment for want of evidenge, 72. Lists of witnesses pre- sented, 84. Final Report, that Edward Malloch, Esq., not having resided:#the county within 12 months before the election, the requirements of the 13th section of the Statute 6 Wic., c. 1, were not carried out in appointing him Returning Officer, but that the said provision is (in their opinion) directory, and its non- observance not sufficient to vitiate the election, 112. 61. Of Archibald Petrie, Esq., against George B. Lyon, Esq., (1848) 16. Resolution that Petition is not now pending, petitioner having failed to enter into recognizances, 53. St. Hyacinthe: 62. Of electors, against Thos. Boutillier, Esq., and for a new election, (1844–5) 44. Recognizance, 30. Motion, that the grounds of complaint, if true, are sufficient to make void the election; Consideration postponed, 56. Amendment, that consideration of Petition be discharged, carried, 191. 68. Of electors, against Thos. Boutillier, Esq.; Presented, (1848) 22. Motion, that it be received; Amendment, that it be not received, carried, 28. ELECTIONS–continued. 241 II. Petitions complaining of undue Elections, &c.—continued. 64. St. Maurice :—Petition of electors, against J. E. Turcotte, Esq., and in favor of B. C. A. Gugy, Esq., (1841) 65 66 67 §8 69 ‘70 º: 72 73 90. Motion, that the grounds of complaint contained therein, if true, are sufficient to make void the election, 92. Agreed to, 183. Poll book to be furnished, ib. Motion, that the Returning Officer be summoned to appear, negatived, 190. Again moved and carried, 271. Petition taken into consideration, 325. Examina- tion of Returning Officer, 326. Evidence for petitioners closed; Document handed in, marked A. (attestation concerning the transfer of certain property to sitting member), 328. Examination of Mr. Mailhot, 330. A further question proposed to be put to him, decided to be inadmissable; Motion, that a certain question be put to the Counsel for petitioners, negatived, 338. Motion, that the sitting member having closed his case, the Counsel for Petitioners be now heard in reply, negatived ; Motion, that a certain delay be allowed him, negatived, 341. Returning Officer again examined, 342. Counsel for both parties severally address the House; Resolution, mem. con., That petitioners have failed to make out a case sufficient to unseat the sitting member; Motion, that they be condemned to pay the costs incurred by the sitting member, negatived, 357. Petition of sitting member for relief with regard to the said costs, 466. Referred, 467. Report, recommending that they be paid out of the Contingencies of the House; Committed, 589. Considered, and concurred in, 634. . Shefford:—Of Alphonso Wells, Esq., against S. S. Foster, Esq., (1841) 77. Consideration discharged, by desire of petitioner, 229. . Sherbrooke (County) :—Of electors, against John Sewall Sanborn, Esq., and in favor of Chester Bissell Cleveland, Esq., (1850) 29. Printed, 30. Recognizance, 16. Resolution, That the grounds of complaint, if true, are sufficient to make void the election, 206. Not proceeded in. Simcoe :—Wide infra, 155. Stormont : . Of Alex. McLean, Esq., (opposing candidate) and others (electors), against Donald AEneas MacDonell, Esq., (1844–5) 23. Lists of witnesses, 143. Ballot, and Committee, 144. Additional list of witnesses, 215. Report in favor of sitting member, 235. . Of Donald AEneas MacDonell, Esq., (opposing candidate) and others (electors), against Alexander McLean, Esq., (1848) 12. Lists of witnesses, 53. Ballot, and Committee, 56. Petitioner allowed to add to his list of wit- nesses, 67–(1849) Report in favor of sitting member, 107. Terrebonne :-Of electors, against Dr. McCulloch, and for a new election, (1841) 23. Petition of L. H. Lafontaine, Esq., opposing candidate, 25. Wide supra, 19. . Three Rivers (Town) :—special Return of riots at the election, (1848) XIV. Clerk of Crown in Chancery to attend with Return and Poll Books, 3. Petition of Antoine Polette, Esq., a candidate, that he may be declared duly elected, 7. Motion, that an election was held on 29th December, when Messrs. Dumoulin and Polette were candidates; Superseded by “Previous Question,” 14. Recognizance, 23. Petition of Pierre B. Dumoulin, Esq., (a candidate) against the Return, and praying that justice may be done him, 32. Petition of electors, in favor of Mr. Polette, 36. All the Petitions withdrawn, 49, 50. New Writ issued, 67. & Toronto :—Of Henry Sherwood, Esq., against Hon. J. H. Dunn and Isaac Buchanan, Esq., and in favor of himself and George Monroe, Esq., (1841) 85. Day appointed for consideration, 86. Order for consideration discharged, 172. Wide infra, 94. Accounts, 583, 584. Addresses, 549, 551. , Vaudreuil:—Of electors, against John Simpson, Esq., and in favor of André Jobin, Esq.; and for an inquiry into the circumstances attending certain of the elections in the District of Montreal; also, of A. Jobin, Esq., opposing candidate, (1841) 32. Wide supra, 19. . Waterloo (County) :—Of Adam Johnston Fergusson and others (electors), against James Webster, Esq., and in favor of Mr. Fergusson, (1848) 29. Petition to be taken into consideration on 24th March, 68. (Legislature prorogued on 23rd March.) (1849) Mr. Speaker reports a letter from Mr. Webster, purporting to be a resignation of his seat, 4. Petition of electors renewed, 11. Proceedings of last Session. read, 18. List of witnesses handed in on the part of petitioners only; Ballot, and Committee, 65. Report in favor of Mr. Fergusson, and calling attention to the conduct of certain Deputy Returning Officers; Return amended; The said Deputy Returning Officers summoned to appear at the Bar, 72. Wide Legislative Assembly, 71. FF 242 ELECTIONS.–continued. II. Petitions complaining of undue Elections, &c.—continued. 74. Wentworth :—Of Michael Aikman, Esq., against Harmaunus Smith, Esq., (1844–5) 47. Resolution, That the Petition is not now pending, petitioner having failed to enter into recognizance, 99. 15. Yamaska —Of J. G. Barthe, Esq., (opposing candidate) and others, electors, against Léon Rousseau, Esq., (1844–5) 40. Recognizance, 30. Motion, that the entry respecting reception of the Petition be amended by inserting “that the consideration of the said Petition was ordered to be postponed to this day,” negatived, 44. Motion, that the grounds of complaint, if true, are sufficient to make void the election of Mr. Rousseau; Con- sideration postponed, 62. Petition of Léon Rousseau, Esq., praying that the Petition may be set aside on account of certain alleged informality, 189: Printed, 190. Petition of J. G. Barthe and others discharged, 191. 76. York (Fourth Riding) :—Of electors, against Hon. Robert Baldwin, and in favor of Wm. Edwin Thompson Corbett, Esq., (1844–5) 47. Resolution that Petition is not now pending, petitioners having failed to enter into recognizance, 98. 77. York (Second Riding) :—Petition of electors, against George Duggan, Esq., and for a new election, (1841) 87. Petition of Connell J. Baldwin, Esq., an opposing candidate, 88. Ballot, and Committee, 348. Lists of witnesses, 349, 350. Commission appointed to examine witnesses, 366,408. Two members of Committee excused from serving, 412,463. Motion for the Commission to sit at Streetsville, negatived, 537. Motion, that the Commissioners be required to stay further proceedings till next Session, negatived, 601. (1842) (Proceedings continued.) Special Report, that a member of the Committee having vacated his seat in the House, has been re-elected for the same constituency, and desiring the opinion of the House as to whether he has ceased to be a member of the Committee, 5. Resolution, that he has ceased to be a member thereof, 6. Committee (being thereby reduced to less than 9 members) dissolved; Day appointed to ballot for a new Committee, 10. Ballot, and Committee, ib. Report election void, 39. Motion for issue of writ; postponed, 48. Agreed to, 98. '78. York (Third Riding) :—Of electors, against Hon. James Edward Small, and in favor of Geo. Monro, Esq., (1844–5) 7. Lists of witnesses; Ballot, and Committee, 86. Commission appointed to examine witnesses, 89. Parties to exchange lists of objections, 90. Clerk of Crown in Chancery to transmit all documents connected with the election, 95. Motion, for leave to petitioners to add to their list of witnesses; Amendment, that after the first interchange of lists of witnesses it is not competent to either party to put in an additional list, nega- tived; Main motion agreed to, 96. Additional list on part of sitting member, 176. Order to Commissioners to return the Commission and evidence forthwith, 219. Report of Commissioners received, 243. Members excused from further attendance, 293, 338. Report in favor of Mr. Monro; Return amended; Evidence to be printed, 359.-Petition of Mr. Small, for leave to electors to Petition against return of Mr. Monro within the first fourteen days of next Session, 377. Petitions for remuneration for services as Commissioners, &c., on the trial of Election Petitions,—Wide infra, 79. III. Other Petitions relative to Elections, and Proceedings thereon: 79. Of A. Jobin, for payment of his fees as a Commissioner for taking evidence on the controverted election of O. Ber- thelot, Esq., for Montreal, in 1833, (1841) 542. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, ib.-Petition of A. Weilbrenner for remuneration as Clerk on do. do., 211. Referred, &c., 353. Report on both Petitions, 544. Wide Legislative Assembly, 142, 143. Of G. D'Eschambault, for remuneration for services as a Commis- Sioner; Referred to Committee on Contingencies, (1843) 116. Wo Report thereon.—Another Petition, (1844–5) 40. Referred, &c., 48. Report thereon, 257. Wide Legislative Assembly, 191. Of P. P. Dem- 'aray, for remuneration for services as Clerk to the Missisquoi Election Committee, in 1831 ; Referred, &c., (1844–5) 324. Report thereon, 424. Vide Legislative Assembly, 193. Of G. Marchand, for services as Commissioner to do.; Referred, &c., 331. Report thereon, 424. Wide Legislative Assembly, 193. 80. For an Act to relieve Ministers of the Gospel who voted at the last election, from the penalties incurred thereby :- (1844–5) Moderator and Presbytery of Montreal, 15. Rev. J. Merlin, of Hemmingford, 23. Rev. C. Jack- son, and others, of the Diocese of Quebec, 41. Petitions referred, 27. Report a Bill, 82. Wide Supra, 17. 81. Of A. Leslie, Inspector of Licenses for Bathurst District, praying indemnification for having (in ignorance of the law) voted at the last election for Lanark, (1846) 61. Referred, 62. Report; Bill to indemnify him, pre- sented, 87. R. A., 255, (9 Wic, c. 101.) ELECTIONS.–continued. 243 *a- **-_ TII. Other Petitions relative to Elections, &c.—continued. 82. Of persons residing on the Indian Reservation in the Eastern District (as leaseholders), for power to exercise the elective franchise, (1843) 17. Referred; To report by Bill or otherwise, 22. Report; Referred back to Committee, with directions to take evidence on the subject, 36. Report, with evidence, 149. Committed, 150. Report that Committee had agreed to a Resolution; Question for receiving the Report, negatived, 170–Another Petition, for the same, (1844–5) 298. Referred, 314. No Report. 83. For amendments to the Election Law; Waterloo, (1848) 16, 51, 58. 84. For an extension of the franchise:–(1850) Brantford Town Council, 40. Peterboro'Town Council, 117. Rainham Municipality, 12. Wentworth and Halton Mun. Council, 13. Yarmouth, 35. 85. For adoption of the ballot in Parliamentary Elections :—(1850) Brantford Town Council, 40. Dummer and Douro, 70. Rainham Municipality, 12. 86. Bonaventure :-Praying that in future elections for that county, the polls may be held at different places, (1841) 35, 175, 269. - 37. Champlain :—Of L. Guillet, Esq., Member for Champlain, praying the House to determine whether a recent change in the nature of his responsibility as agent for the Jesuits' Estates at Three Rivers, is of such a nature as to affect his seat for the said county, (1847) 8. Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections, 31. Report opinion of Committee that Mr. Guillet has not vacated his seat (with evidence), 126. Printed, 128. Concurred in, 147. Dorchester –Vide infra, 153. Hastings —vide infra, 154, 38. Montmorency :—Of W. H. Lemoine, for payment of expenses incurred by him as Returning Officer at the last election, (1844–5) 46. so. Montreal (City) :-Bill to restore, for electoral purposes, the ancient boundaries of the said city; Presented, (1842) 6. Committed, 30. Bill to restore the ancient boundaries of Quebec referred, 36. First Bill reported amended (so as to embrace both cities), 48. Passed, 50. R. A., 131. (6 vic, c. 16.) 90. Montreal (County) :—Of E. Guy, for payment fer his services as Returning Officer at the last election, (1844–5) 94. Quebec : 91. Of electors, complaining of the disfranchisement of the largest portion of the electors for the City of Quebec, and Praying relief, (1841) 129. Referred, 130. Report (App. N. N.); Printed, 589–Bill to restore, for electoral purposes, the ancient boundaries of Quebec; Presented, (184 2) 15, Referred to Committee of whole on Bill for restoring the boundaries of Montreal, 36. Wide supra, 89. 92. For amendments to the Act regulating the election of members of the Assembly for Quebec, (1849) 84. Referred to Committee of whole on the Election Bill, 143. 93. Saguenay ;—For establishment of Les Eboulemens as the polling place for the said county, (1841) 76. Simcoe :—Wide infra, 155. 94. Toronto Election —Petition of the Mayor of Toronto, for an inquiry into the truth of the allegations con- tained in the Report of the Commissioners upon the riots at the last election (Wide Accounts, 583), (1841) 864. Referred to Committee on Home District Riots, 365. Wide Committees, 396. Also, Accounts, 588, 584. Addresses, 549, 551. - 95. York (First Riding) Election :-Of J. Milburn, for compensation for damage done to his house during the late election, (1841) 309, 325. Referred to Committee on the Home District Riots, 311. Wide Committees, 396. 244 ELECTIONS–comfjºued, f IV. Proceedings relative to Recognizances: 96. Mr. Speaker acquaints the House that certain Petitioners had entered into Recognizances, (1841) 69.—(1844–5) 32.—(1848) 23, &c. 97. Time enlarged for entering into Recognizances, (1841) 93–(1844–5) 58. 98. Recognizance cancelled, (1844–5) 131. 99. Order for consideration of Petitions discharged, petitioners having failed to enter into Recognizances, (1841) 172. —(1844–5) 98.-(1848) 53, 80–(1849) 22. Wide infra, 198. W. Lists of Witnesses presented, and Proceedings thereon: I01. Ordered (on an election in Lower Canada), (1841) 190. Time enlarged, 229. 102. Presented (Upper Canada),—before balloting for a Committee, (1841) 121–(1844–5) 76.-(1848) 56.- (1 849) 100, &c.—After the ballot, (1841) 349. After striking the Committee, (1841) 220–(1843) 84. 108. Parties allowed to add to their lists, (1844–5) 96-(1848) 67-(1849) 120, &c. 104. Mr. Speaker to issue summonses for attendance of witnesses, (1841) 111, 27.1, &c.—And for production of papers, (1841) 126, &c. 105. Motion for leave to parties to add to their lists, Negatived, (1841) 458–(1849) 189. VI. Proceedings on the trial of Election Petitions: Elections in Upper Canada (under Act of U. C., 4 Geo. IV, c. 4): 106. Time appointed for considering Election Petitions, (1841) 93.−(1844–5) 31–(1848) 27, &c. Extended, (1844} 228—(1844–5) 63.−(1848) 35. The hour appointed having come, Sergeant-at-Arms sent to require attendance of members; House counted, and thirty or more members being present, counsel and agents of the parties called in and the doors locked; Order for taking Petition into consideration read, and the names of twenty-three members competent to serve drawn, from boxes containing the names of all the members of the House; Nominees appointed; Doors opened, and Counsel and Agents withdraw for the purpose of striking off names, (1841) 140,-(1844–5) 166,-(1848) 56, &c.——On return of the parties, the Clerk appointed to attend the Committee delivers a reduced list to the Clerk of the House, (1841) 145.-(1844–5) 124.—(1848) 56, &c. 107. The hour appointed having come, &c., and the names of all the members having been drawn, and it appearing that names Were Wanting to complete the list of twenty-three, House adjourns, and proceeds to the consideration of the Petition on the following day, (1841) 218. Four times; Call of House ordered twice, 146 to 157. 108. Members excused, or their names set aside during the drawing, for various reasons, viz. Absent, (1841) 157– (1842) 11-(1844–5) 98.—(1848) 56.—(1849) 65, &c. Over 60 years of age, (1841) 220–(1842) 11. —(1849) 101. Serving on another Election Committee, (1841) 150—(1842) 11–(1844–5) 122–(1849) 101. Nominee for one of the parties, (1841) 151. Name attached to the Petition, (1844–5) 87. Elections petitioned against, (1841) 220–(1842) 11–(1844–5) 80.—(1848) 56.--(1849) 101. (1844–5) 122. No reason assigned, (1844–5) 122-(1848) 56. Sick, 109. Resolution declaring a member who is serving on an Election Committee incompetent to serve upon another such Committee until the first Committee has reported, (1841) 150. Resolution rescinding the foregoing, and declaring such member competent to serve on any other Committee, (1844–5) 98. 110. Members of Election Committees excused from further attendance (thus reducing the number of members forming the Committee), on account of illness, (1841) 162, 233.−(1842) 23.—(1844–5) 137–(1849) 113. Elections in Lower Canada (according to the practice in Assembly of L. Canada): 111. Resolution, That the grounds of complaint set forth in the Petition are sufficient, if true, to make void the election, (1841) 92–(1850).206. Day appointed for consideration of Petition, (1841) 183. Petition considered; Doors closed, and members present sworn; Counsel for Petitioners addresses the House; Brings forward his Witnesses, (1841) 825–Witnesses for defence examined, (1841) 330. Counsel for Petitioners again heard; Final decision of the House, (1841) 357. - ELECTIONS.–continued. 245 VII. Special Reports from Election Committees—relative to- 112. Absence of Members:–And the said members excused, on stating to the House the cause of their absence (generally upon oath), (1842) 13.−(1844–5) 131–(1846) 278-(1848) 68, &c. Taken into custody, and reprimanded, (1844–5) 353. Excused from further attendance, on account of sickness or otherwise, (1841) 233.−(1842) 23.−(1844–5) 137–(1849) 118, &c. Commissions: 113. That the time limited for the return of the Commission has prevented the Commissioners from going through the evidence for the sitting member; Niagara election, (1841) 411. New Commission issued, 412. 114. That it does not appear by the proceedings of the Commissioners on the Halton election that either they or their Clerk were duly sworn, and the Committee cannot therefore receive the evidence contained in their Return ; and that the Commissioners have been guilty of a neglect of duty in not complying with the provisions of the Statute; Motion, that they be ordered to appear at the Bar to answer for such neglect, and to bring with them their original minutes; Amendment, to leave out the latter part, carried; Main motion agreed to, (1846) 63. (Wide Legislative Assembly, 66.)—That the said evidence cannot be received, for the want of observance by the Commissioners of the provisions of the Statute in regard to their adjournments and proceedings, and that they are guilty of neglect of duty for having adjourned contrary to the said provisions, 183. 115. That the Commissioners on the Middlesex election have been guilty of neglect, in not making a Return to the Commission, and should be summoned to the Bar, to answer therefor; Order for their appearance, (1846) 41. (Wide Legislative Assembly, 68.)—That the proceeding of the said Commissioners, in adjourning for several months, on different occasions, without any reason assigned, was illegal, and the evidence taken by them can- not be received by the Committee, 164. 116. Counsel:—Expressing an opinion that no Member of the House should be heard before an Elective Committee as Counsel for either party; Lennox and Addington election: Confirmed by the House, (1841) 112. 117. Evidence;—That the Committee were unable to proceed, for want of evidence; Russell election, (1843) 72. Members: 118. That certain members were absent from the meetings of the Committee;—and the said members excused by the House upon stating the cause of their absence, (1842) 13.−(1844–5) 131–(1846) 278–(1848) 68, &c. Taken into custody, and reprimanded, (1844–5) 353. 119. That a member has vacated his seat in the House, and has been re-elected for the same constituency, and desiring the opinion of the House as to whether he continues to be a member of the Committee, (1842) 5. Resolu- tion, that he has ceased to belong to the Committee, 6. Wide supra, 116. 120. Notice of Election:—That less than eight clear days' notice (as required by 6 Vic, c. 1) was given of the Cornwall election, but the result does not appear to have been affected thereby, (1849) 55–Stormont election, 107. 121. Petitions reported frivolous and vexatious:–Frontenac: Petition of electors, which had been withdrawn before proceeding to take evidence (which was taken on Petition of opposing candidate), (1841) 244. Hastings: Petition of electors, the first allegation therein being insufficient to invalidate the election and no evidence being offered on the others, (1841) 278. Returning Officers: 122. That Edward Malloch, Esq., not having resided in the County of Russell within 12 months prior to the last elec- tion, his appointment as Returning Officer was not in conformity to the 13th sec. of 6 Wic, c. 1; but that the provisions contained in the said section are (in opinion of the Committee) directory, and their non-observance not sufficient to vitiate the election; Russell election, (1843) 112. 123. That Titus Williams, Deputy Returning Officer for Walsingham, at the last election for Norfolk, was guilty of an infraction of duty in closing the poll before 5 o'clock on the second day of the election; but that there is no evidence of his having been influenced by any improper motive, (1844–5) 376. 246 |FLECTIONS—continued. VII. Special Reports from Election Committees—continued. Returning Officers—continued. 124. That the conduct of the Returning Officer at the Cornwall election, in giving less than 8 clear days' notice of the election, was not in accordance with the Statute 6 Vic, c. 1, but the result of the election does not appear to have been affected by the irregularity, (1849) 55–Stormont Election, 107. 125. That many of the votes polled for the sitting member for Waterloo at the last election were invalid, the parties having no title to the property on which they voted, which fact appears, in 69 instances, on the face of the poll books; and that the facts connected with the election, especially the conduct of the Deputy Returning Officers for Holland, Sullivan, Arthur, and Waterloo, demand the serious consideration of the House, (1849) 72. The Deputy Returning Officers in question summoned to appear at the Bar, ib. Wide Legislative Assembly, 71. 126. Tenaigrt :—Proved against sitting member, but not considered a legal ground for avoiding the election, (1841) 189. 127. Void Election :-In consequence of violence and intimidation thereat (but that the same was discounte- nanced by the sitting member), (1842) 39.——In consequence of no poll having been held in several town” ships, (1844–5) 185. VIII. Returns amended: 128. By erasing the names of certain persons, and inserting other names in place thereof: For Huron, (1841) 387,---- Niagara, (1842) 38. York (3rd Riding), (1844–5) 359-(1848) 11–A clerical error only ; Kingston, (1847) 3. 129. Special Returns:–By inserting the name of one of the candidates, (1841) 34.—(1848) 10, 14. 180. Clerk of Crown in Chancery directed to attend and amend Returns, (1841) 34.—(1842) 38.-(1844–5) 859. —(1847) 3–(1848) 10, &c. IX. Writs (Warrants for new Writs) issued: (1.) In the room of Members deceased: * 181. Dorchester; P. E. Taschereau, (1846) 1––Haldimand; David Thompson, (1851) 1. Kamouraska; Pierre Canac dit Marquis, (1851) 1.—Sherbrooke (County); Samuel Brooks, (1849) 180–Three Rivers (Town); Edward Greive, (1846)1. Two Mountains; Colin Robertson,(1842) 1. York (East Riding); Peter Perry, (1851) 330. (2) In the room of Members who have accepted office, viz: 132. Attorney General :—Hastings; Hon. R. Baldwin, (1842) 14.—Montreal and Terrebonne; Hon. L. H. Lafontaine, (1848) 34, 35.——Toronto; Hon. H. Sherwood, (1847) 2. York (North Riding); Hon. L. H. Lafontaine, (1842) 14, Hon. R. Baldwin, (1848) 34. 138. Chancellor of Upper Canada —York (East Riding); Wm. Hume Blake, (1850) 1. 134. Clerk of the Peace, Montreal :-Montreal (County); A. M. Delisle; Motion for issue of Writ; Referred to a Select Committee, (1843) 12. Report, 22. Committed, 23. Report a Resolution for issue of Writ, 32. 135. Collectors of Customs :—Kingston; Anthony Manahan, (1841) 38.——Prince Edward; John P. Roblin, (1846) 266. 186. Commissioner of Crown Lands:—York (South Riding); James Hervey Price, (1848) 85. ELECTIONS—continued. 247 IX. Writs (Warrants for new Writs) issued—continued. 137 138 139 . Inspector General : . Judges :—(Queen's Bench) Missisquoi; Hon. James Smith, (1847) 2. (2.) In the room of Members who have accepted office—continued. Simcoe; W. B. Robinson, (1844–5) 87. Ottawa; C. Dewey Day, (1842)2.— Quebec (City); Hon. T. C. Aylwin, (1849) 2–(Circuit Judge) Dorchester; J. A. Taschereau, (1847) 8. (Surrogate Court) Kent; S. B. Harrison, (1844–5) 99. © Militia, Assistant Adjutant General of :—Saguenay; Hon. M. P. de Sales La Terrière, (1849) 2. 140. President of Executive Council (Chairman of Committees):—Lincoln; Hon. Wm. Hamilton 141 142 143 144 145 . Solicitor General :-Glengary; John S. Macdonald, (1850) 1. . Other Offices of profit —Chambly; Pierre Beaubien, (1859) 1–L'Islet; E. P. Taché, (1847) 1. Merritt, (1849) 3–Verchères; James Leslie, (1848) 35. . Public Works (Chief Commissioner) —Lincoln; Hon. Wm. Hamilton Merritt, (1850) 2–0uebec (City); Jean Chabot, 2. (Assistant Commissioner) Halton; John Wetenhall, (1850) 2. Malcolm Cameron, (1848) 51. Kent; Hon. e Registrar of a County :—Bellechasse; A. G. Ruel, (1842) 2–Leinster; J. M. Raymond, ib. Portneuf; T. C. Aylwin, (142) 36. — Quebec; T. C. Aylwin, (1848) 34. º Surveyor General:—Middlesex; Thomas Parke, (1841) 15. Megantic; Hon. Dominick Daly, (1850) 2. Rouville; A. M. De Salaberry, (1842) 2–Saguenay; Etienne Parent, (1843) 2. (3.) In the room of Members who have resigned their Seats : 146. Beauharnois; J. W. Dunscomb, (1843) 2. ——Carleton; James Johnston, (1846) 244.—Chambly; John Yule, 147 148 149. . Lanark; Malcolm Cameron, (1844–5) 185. . Bellechasse; A. N. Morin, (1844–5) 48. Champlain; Réné J. Kimber, (1843)2. (1843) 9–Cornwall; Rolland Macdonald, (1847) 1.--Huron; Wm. Dunlop, (1846) 1.—Kingston; John A. Macdonald, (1847) 1. London; Hon. W. H. Draper, (1847) 8. London; John Wilson, (1850) 2. Montreal; Hon. Geo. Moffatt, (1843) 83. Nicolet; A. N. Morin, (1842) 1. Oxford; Francis Hincks, (1842) 2. Quebec (City); David Burnet, (1843) 2. Rimouski; Michel Borne, (1843) 2. Rouville; Wm. Walker, (1843) 7. St. Maurice; J. E. Turcotte, (1842) 2. Sherbrooke (County); Alex. T. Galt, (1850) 2–Toronto; Isaac Buchanan, (1848) 2. Verchères; Henri Desrivières, (1842) 1. (4.) In the room of Members whose Election has been declared void : York (2nd Riding); Geo. Duggan, (1842) 98. (5.) In the room of Members elected for two places, on their making their Elec- tion for which Constituency they will serve : York (4th Riding); Robert Baldwin, (1841) 419. (6.) In the room of Members who have been called to the Legislative Council : Russell; Wm. H. Draper, (1843) 3. (7.) By decision of the House on a Special Return : 151. Hastings, (1843) 12. 248 ELECTIONS—continued. IX. Writs (Warrants for new Writs) issued—continued. (8.) Wo Return having been made at the last Election : 152. Three Rivers, (1848) 67. (9.) Incidental Proceedings : 153. Dorchester:-Instruction to Committee on Privileges and Elections, to inquire into the causes of the delay in issuing a Writ for the said county, (1847) 158. Wo Report. 154. Hastings :—Instruction to Committee on Privileges and Elections, to inquire into the circumstances which have delayed the issue and return of a Writ for the said county, (1843) 88. Report thereon, 116. Con- curred in, 146. 155. Simcoe :—Mr. Speaker states that during the Recess he had issued his warrant for a new Writ of Election for Simcoe, in place of Hon. W. B. Robinson (accepted office).-and that another warrant, signed by two mem- bers, had issued (a question having been raised as to acceptance, by the Speaker, of an office involving the vacation of his seat)–upon which latter warrant a writ was issued, and an election held thereon; Both warrants to be laid on the table, (1847) 2. Clerk of Crown in Chancery examined on the subject, 115. Motion, that while a Parliament is in being, it belongs to this House alone to direct the issue of Warrants for new elections, except in those cases where the power is specially delegated by Statute; Amendment, to refer the matter of the Simcoe election to the Committee on Privileges and Elections, carried, 116. All evidence on the subject referred, 117. To report the evidence taken by them; Report, 154. Printed; Motion for concurrence, 157. Amendment, expressing regret at any irregularity in the issuing of the Writ, but declaring that the result of the election does not appear to have been affected thereby, carried, 177. 156. Clerk of Crown in Chancery reports return of members elected upon new Writs, (1841) 103.−(1842) 94.— (1843) 78.-(1844–5) 290–(1846) 1.—(1847) 22—(1849) 248,-(1850) 2-(1851) 1, &c. Wide infra, 205, 206. Legislative Assembly, 8. |X. Orders and Resolutions: 157. That the number of members who have not served on an Election Committee in the present Session is insufficient to fulfil the purposes of the law, (1841) 212, 334. 158. Declaring a member already serving upon an Election Committee incompetent to serve on another such Committee until the first shall have finally reported, (1841) 150. Motion to rescind Resolution; Superseded by Previous Question, 153. Wide infra, 162. 159. That a Member of the House cannot be heard before an Election Committee as Counsel, either for the sitting member or the petitioner (reported by an Election Committee, and concurred in by the House), (1841) 112. 160. Allowing fees to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, and the Clerk of the House, for taxing the costs in Contro- verted Elections when the Petition or the defence is declared frivolous and vexatious, (1841) 301. 161. Directing the proper Officers of the House to tax the costs on an election trial, on the Petition being declared frivolous and vexatious; Frontenac Election, (1841) 616. To tax, and pay the costs of the sitting member for St. Maurice, (1841) 466, 634.—The costs of Petitioner (not to exceed £200) on account of rejection of the evidence taken by the Commissioners; Halton Election, (1846) 214. 162. Motion, that the Resolution of 9th July, 1841 (supra, 158), declaring that a member serving on an Election Com- mittee is incompetent to serve on a second until the previous Committee shall have finally reported, be rescin- ded, and that it be Resolved that such a member is competent to serve on a second Committee; Previous Question moved and carried; Main motion agreed to, (1844–5) 98. 168. That the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery do furnish a Statement respecting the elections for Simcoe, Saguenay, Kent, Lanark, and London, shewing the dates of the respective warrants, of the writs, of the appointment of Returning Officers, of the transmission of the writs, and when returnable, (1844–5) 208. He attends, and presents the Statement, 216. Attends again, to correct an error therein, 236. . ELECTIONS-com/imited. 249 XI. Incidental Proceedings: 164. 165. 166. # 67. 168. § 69. 170. 171. #72. 173. 174. 175. 176. I'77. #78. 179. 180. #81. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. Election Petitions presented, but no time appointed for considering the same, (1841) 19, 23, 26, 29, 32, 80, 174– (1848) 30,—(1850) 29. House refuses to receive Election Petitions, (1848) 28, 34. Time for receiving Election Petitions extended to the second Session after the election, in consideration of the pre- vailing opinion that the Controverted Election Law of Lower Canada had expired, (1841) 13. A member unseated upon the Report of an Election Committee, allowed to petition within the first fourteen days of the ensuing Session, (1844–5) 377. - Petition in favor of sitting member, (1844–5) 88. Order for consideration of Petitions discharged, (1841) 172, 194, (by desire of petitioner), 229.—(1844–5) 191. Petitions declared to be no longer pending, petitioners having failed to enter into recognizances, (1844–5) 98, 99.- (1847) 66.—(1848) 80,—(1849) 22. Notwithstanding recognizance having been entered into, (1844–5) 131, 169, &c. Consideration of a Petition discharged, and another Petition against the same election proceeded with, (1844–5) Grenville election, 91, 122. Petitions withdrawn, (1842) 48.—(1844–5) 131–(1848) 35, 49, 50. Speaker reports letter from a member whose Return is contested, purporting to resign his seat, (1849) 4. Trial proceeded with, and Petitioner declared duly elected; Return amended, 72. A member having accepted office since his election, and his seat being contested, he is allowed to defend against the Petition, (1848) 38. Speaker reports return to writs of election not issued by his authority, (1843) Russell, 3.−(1847) Simcoe, 2. Wide supra, 155. Special Returns to writs, (1843) 3.—(1848) XII to XIV. Wide supra, 23, 37, 41, 70. Election Petitions determined by, the House, without appointing a Committee; For constituencies in Lower Can- ada, (all Petitions, under the Controverted Election Law of Lower Canada.)—For Upper Canada, Vide Supra, 40, 56. Election Committees directed to meet at a certain time and place, (1841) 145–(1844–5) 98.—(1848) 57, &c. £eave given to Committees to adjourn to a certain day, (1841) 285.-(1844–5) 194—(1846) 5.1, &c. House informed that the Committee on the Cornwall Election is sitting; Motion that the members thereof be requested to attend in their places, to enable the House to proceed to business, negatived; Mr. Speaker leaves the Chair until the return of the Members of the Committee to the House, (1848) 71. Members reported absent from sittings of Election Committees; They are ordered to attend in their places in the House at the next sitting, (1842) 13.−(1844–5) 131–(1846) 278.--(1848) 68, &c. Attend accordingly; Make their excuses, which are accepted by the House, (1844–5) 137.—(1846) 187.-(1848) 67, &c. Taken into custody, and reprimanded by the Speaker, (1844–5) 353. Fail to appear, when ordered, (1846) 57. Committees reduced, by certain members being excused from serving further thereon, (1841) 233.−(1842) 23, 37. —(1844–5) 137, 167, 293.−(1846) 56.—(1849) 113. Reduced to less than 9 members, and Committee thereby dissolved, (1842) 6, 11–And a day appointed for balloting for a new Committee, (1842) 6. House decides, respecting a Member of an Election Committee who had vacated his seat in the House and been re-elected, that he has ceased to be a Member of the Committee, (1842) 6.-Proceedings of Election Com- mittees continued from one Session to another-Wide supra, 26, 31, 35, 48, 52, 55, 57, 73, 77. Evidence and proceedings of a Committee to be attached to their Report, and printed, (1844–5) 204, 214, 359. Commissions appointed, for examination of witnesses, (1841) 126, 160–(1844–5) 89, 137, 139, 187, 193.—(1849) 120. Cancelled, and new Commissions appointed, (1841) 224.—(1844–5) 196,-(1846) 244. Time enlarged for taking evidence under Commissions, (1841) 284—(1844–5) 145. Petition of sitting member against reception of Report of Commissioners, on the ground of illegal proceedings, (1846) 3. Wide supra, 55. - - - Evidence taken by the Commissioners rejected by Committees, on account of informalities, (1846) 63, 164, 183, Petitions reported frivolous and vexatious, (1841) 244, 278. Acceptance of Office :—Questions relative to the vacation of members' seats thereby, -Wide Members, 49. Speaker, 84. GG 250 ELECTIONS ELGIN. XII. Questions Negatived or Superseded: I91. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. That a Committee of Privilege be appointed to inquire into the alleged violence and corruption at certain elections in Lower Canada, with respect to which Petitions have been presented to the House, (1841) 200. Commissions: For appointing a Commission to take evidence on the Hastings Election Petition, (1841) 223. That the Commissioners on the York (2nd Riding) election do sit at Streetsville, (1841) 537.-That they be instructed (at the close of the Session) to postpone further proceedings until next Session, 601. Costs: That the petitioners, having failed to establish their case, be compelled to pay the costs incurred by the sitting member; St. Maurice election, (1841) 357. That the Clerk be directed to tax the costs of the petitioner in the case of the Middlesex election, occasioned by the proceedings of the Commission, which have proved nugatory in consequence of the misconduct of the Commissioners, and that the same be paid out of the Contingencies, (1846) 196. Rent Election:-For appointing a Select Committee to consider the Special Return for Kent, and the conduct of the Returning Officer in relation thereto, (1841) 37. Tlegislative Council, Members of:—That no Member of the Legislative Council has a right to vote in the election of any Member of the Legislative Assembly; Superseded by Prorogation, (1848) 80. Recognizances :—That the time for entering into recognizances on the Cornwall Election Petition be enlarged, (1844–5) 58.—Leeds, 60. Trial of Election Petitions, &c. :-That the only proper mode of determining upon a Controverted Election for a Member to represent a constituency in Upper Canada, is under the provisions of the Contro- verted Elections Act of Upper Canada (upon a question for a consideration of the Return for Oxford by the House), (1848) 10. Witnesses: For the summoning of certain persons as witnesses (in a case tried by the House) (1841) 190. Questions proposed for witnesses or counsel, Negatived, (1841) 338. That parties be allowed to add to their lists of witnesses, (1841) 458. That after the interchange of lists of witnesses by the parties, it is not competent to the House to permit either party to put in an additional or amended list, (1844–5) 96. Writs : That Mr. Speaker do issue his warrant for a new writ for Hastings, in the room of Robert Baldwin, Esq., who has been appointed an Executive Councillor, (1841) 212. That while a Parliament is in being, it belongs to the House alone to direct the issuing of warrants for writs of election, except in those cases where the authority has been, by Statutes, delegated to other hands, (1847) 116. Wide Accounts, 156, 157. Addresses, 172, 173. Committees, 106–108, 380–882, 461–468. Legis- lative Assembly, 8, 228, 229. Electoral Divisions :—Wide Accounts, 158—160. Addresses, 174, 175. Elgin (County) :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 66. Elgin (Township):—vide Territorial Divisions, 123. ELGIN–EMIGRATION. 251 Elgin, Earl of:—vide Speeches, 12–22. Elgin, Lady :—Wide Addresses, 176. Elgin Association :-Vide Colour, Persons of 2. Elizabethtown :—Petition for authority to the School Trustees to sell a lot of land in that township granted by the late J. Haskin for school purposes, and to purchase another in lieu thereof, (1847) 69. Wide Road Allowances, 8. Elkins, C. P. :—Petition of, for a salary as Clerk of Stanstead Circuit Court; Also another Petition, for the re-payment of certain expenses incurred, (1844–5) 12. Elkins, Mrs. (of Potton) :—Petition of, for indemnification for the destruction of her property by incendiaries in 1840, (1847) 147. Elmsley, North:-vide surveys, 51–58. Emigration and Emigrants: Bills relative to: s. To create a Fund for relief of sick emigrants, and for enabling them to proceed to their place of destination; Ordered, (1841) 433. Presented, 484. Amended in Committee, 586. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 13.) 2. To amend the foregoing Act, and to make better provision with respect to emigrants, and for defraying the expenses of supporting indigent emigrants, and forwarding them to the place of their destination; Ordered (Vide £nfra, 7); Presented; Committed, and amended, (1848) 9. Re-committed, and further amended, 14. R. A., 80. (11 Vic., c. 1.) 3. To amend the Emigration Act, and to make further provision respecting emigrants; Presented, (1849) 93. Amended in Committee, 120. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 6.) 4. To encourage emigrants from Europe to the United States to use the St. Lawrence route, by providing for the return to such emigrants of one-half the Emigrant Tax, upon certain conditions; Ordered; Presented, (1850) 52. Amended in Committee, 126. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 4.) 5. To amend the Act of 1849 (supra, 3) by providing for the commutation of certain bonds required of masters of vessels under that Act; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 60. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 3.) 6. To amend the said Act (supra, 3) by reducing the tax on emigrants, and to provide for expending the moneys received therefor in the forwarding, medical attendance, &c., of sick emigrants, and authorizing any surplus to be given in aid of the funds of some charitable institution; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 287. Amended in Committee, 300. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 78.) 7. Four Resolutions, for amending the Act for relief of sick emigrants (supra, 1), by increasing the passenger rate to 10s, to be doubled after 10th September, and trebled after 1st October, with further rates for passengers likely to become chargeable on the public, and for those on board ships detained more than three days in Quarantine; Reported from a Committee of whole; Motion to re-commit 3rd, to increase one of the rates last mentioned, negatived; Resolutions agreed to ; Bill presented, (1848) 9. Wide supra, 2. Resolutions for reducing the passenger rate and declaring the proceeds applicable solely to the relief of emigrants, and authorizing any surplus to be granted to some charitable institution; Bill presented, (1851) 287. Wide supra, 6. a. Petition for adoption of measures to regulate the system of emigration to Canada; Quebec, (1847) 96. 9. Petition of the Corporation of Quebec, for a grant for the relief of emigrants arriving in that city, (1847) 19. 10. Petition of the Montreal Board of Health, representing the insufficient accommodation at Grosse Isle for sick emigrants; also, for the removal of the Emigration Agency at Montreal to some insular spot below the city, (1847) lä2. Referred to the Committee on the Quarantine Station at Grosse Isle, 133. Wide Committees, 394. 11. Petition of the Corporation of Montreal, for adoption of measures for preventing the spread of disease among the emigrants at that place, (1847) 188. Wide Addresses, 179. 12. Petitions for adoption of measures for preventing a recurrence of the evils attending the pauper emigration of 1847, (1848) Toronto, 19. Wellington District Council, 12-(1850) Woodstock, 46. 13. Petition from inhabitants of Quebec for a reduction of the Emigration Tax, (1849) 89. 25 2 EMIGRATION-EVIDENCE, 14 15. 16 17. I8. 19 1. 2. Emigration—continued. Petition of Rev. J. Abbott, for remuneration for a Work on Emigration written by him, (1844–5) 88. Referred, 89. No Report. Petitions for indemnification for expenses incurred by Clergymen in attendance on sick emigrants at Montreal, in 1847, (1848) Roman Catholic Bishop of Montreal, 31. Protestant Bishop of Montreal, 62. Petitions from medical men for remuneration for their attendance on do. do., (1849) Bowie, Jas, 12. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 64.—Another Petition, 83. Petition of Olivier Blais for compensation for expenses incurred in conveying emigrants from Quebec to Miramichi, (1849) 40. - Petition of J. Connor, praying that the Emigrant Tax paid by him may be reſunded, in consideration of his long residence in the North American Provinces, (1849) 120. Petition of the Corporation of Hamilton, praying to be re-imbursed an amount expended by them in the care and forwarding of sick and destitute emigrants, (1850) 50–Petition of Marcus Gunn, for the like, 213. Petition of Patrick Murray, for payment of the rent of a house in Brockville occupied by emigrants, (1851) 82. Wide Accounts, 105, 161—#72. Addresses, 177—180, 441. Aliens, 11. Committees, 109–113, 833–385. Governor General, 43–48. Rolph, Dr. Thos. Speeches, 1, 3, 12, 15, 17, 21. Supply, 66—68. Emily :—Wide Trritorial Divisions, 33. Engr Ossing of Bills :—Wide Accounts, 1. Bills, 14, 15. Committees, 452. Governor cº- 5. Erie & Ontario Railroad Co. *—Wide Railroads, 29. Erie Canal (New York):—vide Accounts, 825. Erin –Vide Territorial Divisions, i. Ermatinger, Wm. :—vide Accounts, 866, 867. Addresses, 348, 349. Escott :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 113. - Estate Bills :—Vide Aerschy. Matthews. Montgomery, John. Stevens. Vanzandt. Wilkes. Wood. Estate of Deceased Per SOHAS –Wide Deceased Persons. Intestate Estates. Estimates (Civil Government) :—Wide Accounts, 391. Governor General, 49, 74, 131, 139–143. Etchemin, River:—vide Bridges, 30–33. Etobicoke, River:-vide Bridges, 84–86. Etobicoke & Mono Sixth Line Road Co.:-vide Roads, 188. Evangelical Association:-vide Religious Denominations, 25. Evans, Wm. :—vide Agriculture, 14, 16. Supply, 165. Evidence, Law of: Bill to improve the Law of Evidence, and to abolish unnecessary oaths; Presented, (1849) 13. Second reading postponed six months, 106. Bill to improve the Law of Evidence in Upper Canada; Presented, (1849) 152. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 70.) EVIDENCE–EXPLORATIONS. . 253 Evidence—continued. . Bill to improve the Law of Evidence in Lower Canada; Presented, (1850) 42. Second reading postponed six months, 173. . Bill to amend the Act of 1849 (supra, 2) for improving the Law of Evidence in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 21. Amended in Committee, 96. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 204. Considered; Three of the amendments negatived, the others agreed to, 215. Votes negativing the said amendments rescinded, and all the amendments agreed to, 250. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 66.) . Bill to improve the Law of Evidence in Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 135. Committed, 254. Wot considered. Wide Judgments, 2. Witnesses. Evirs, J ohn :—Petition of praying compensation for the destruction of his barn (in the Fief Courval) by incendiaries, on account of his acting as Interpreter to the Assessor of School Rates, (1851) 118. Tºwers, A. J. :-vide Aliens, 25. Execution, Writs of: Bills relative thereto : . For preventing frivolous and vexatious oppositions to the seizure of moveables or immoveables, and for better ensur- ing the execution of Judgments of the Courts of Law in Lower Canada; Presented, (1849) 42. Order for second reading discharged, 193. . To extend the remedy by Writs of Execution; Presented, (1849) 60. Second reading postponed three months, 202. . To prevent the seizure and sale of the homestead in satisfaction of debt, in certain cases, and upon certain conditions; Presented, (1850) 99. Second reading postponed six months, 202. . To exempt a certain amount of goods and chattels of certain kinds from seizure under execution in civil cases ; Pre- sented, (1850) 99. Second reading postponed six months, 202. . To exempt, to the value of £62 10s, tools or implements of trade, wearing apparel, bedding, and other furniture required for the use of the family, from seizure and sale under execution for debt; and to prevent the property so exempted from being assigned, pledged, or sold in liquidation of debts contracted for intoxicating drinks; Presented, (1851) 227. Wot proceeded in. * . To render certain effects liable to seizure under execution in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 56. Order for second reading discharged, 179. . To prevent the unnecessary sacrifice of property sold under execution in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 56. Referred; Instruction, to leave out the preamble to the 6th clause, 100. Wo Report. . Petition of Peterborough Municipal Council, for exemption of certain descriptions of personal property from seizure, &c., (1850) 117. . Motion, for leave to bring in a Bill to render the remedy by Writs of Execution in Upper Canada more effectual; Superseded by calling the Orders of the Day, (1851) 344. Wide Debt, Imprisonment for, 9, 11. Debtors. Lands, 21. Personal Property. Real Estate, 7. Sheriffs, 3. Executive Council:—vide Administration. JElections, 140. Executors :—Wide Deceased Persons. Foreign Evecutors. Lands, 21. Exhibition of 1851 :—Petition of Municipal Council of Prescott and Russell, for appointment of Commissioners to represent Canada at the Industrial Exhibition in London in 1851, and a grant of money therefor, (1850) 117. Wide Accounts, 173, 174. Committees, 386. Supply, 314. Explorations 3—Wide Accounts, 492, Addresses, 389–392. 254 FAITS ET ARTICLES-FERRIES. 3. 5 F. F AITS ET ARTICLES :—Bill relative to examination surfaits et articles, and the cost thereof, in Lower Canada; Presented, (1847) 102. Referred, 150. Not reported. Farm, Industrial :—-Bill to authorize the Court of Wardens of York, or the Corporation of Toronto, to purchase an Industrial Farm near Toronto; Presented, (1843) 152. Amended in Committee, 179. Passed, 184. Wot returned from the Council. - Wide Agriculture, 11. Farran, C. C. :—Wide Navigations, 60. Fayette, Rev. J. F. A. S.:—Wide Aliens, 16, 26. Fees :—Motion for leave to bring in a Bill to provide that actions of account for fees of office may be tried by Jury, and according to the laws of England, Negatived, (1849) 212. - Wide Bills, 18. Bills, Private, 9, 29, 45, 46, 53, 54. Civil List, 4. Committees, 92, 178, 179, 278, 337. Elections, 160. Law, Practice of 11, 36. Fee Fund :—Wide Accounts, 112, 175. Addresses, 181, 182,445. Governor General, 39. Felton, J ohn :——Petition of, for compensation for loss sustained through a certain change affecting him as Crown Lands Agent for Sherbrooke, Nicolet, and Missisquoi, (1846) 16. Fences, Line :—Bill to regulate line fences and water courses in Upper Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 171. Amended in Committee, 228. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 20.) Ferguson, Thos. ...—Wide Persions, 21. Ferres, J &S. Moir :—Petition of, for an inquiry into the matter of his dismissal from the office of Revenue Inspector for the 2nd division of Montreal, (1849) 84. Motion to refer Petition negatived, 124. Wide Accounts, 176. Addresses, 183. Ferries: . Bill for better enforcing the provisions of the Act of Upper Canada for the regulation of ferries, and for protecting the rights of lessees thereof; Presented, (1844–5) 294. Amended in Committee, 358. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 50.) Wide infra, 5. . Bill to explain and amend a certain Act, and to make further provision concerning ferries in Upper Canada; Pre- sented, (1846) 166. Amended in Committee, 206. R. A., 254. (9 Wic., c. 9.)—Petition of Corporation of Prescott, in favor, 263. Petition of J. Kerby, lessee of Fort Erie Rapids Ferry, for amendments to the Bill, 282. . Petition of E. Normand, for an exclusive privilege for a steam ferry at Three Rivers, and aid to construct a bridge over the River Godfroi, (1844–5) 34.—Petition of certain ferry-men residing on the south shore opposite Three Rivers, praying that privilege of steam ferry may not be granted to Mr. Normand, but to them, 53. . Petition of Board of Police and others, of Prescott, praying that the ferry between Prescott and Ogdensburgh may be placed under the control of the said town, (1844–5) 377. . Petitions for exemption of certain localities from operation of Act of 8 Vic, c. 50, relative to ferries, viz. (1846) Niagara River (and that it be confined to ferries in the interior), 84. Referred, 95. Wo Report.—Wolfe Island, 71. Referred, 73. No Report. . Petition of F. Champoux, for indemnification for the loss of his right of ferry over the River Bécancour, (1847) 143. Wide Accounts, 177. Addresses, 184, Quebec Ferry. FINANCIAL POLICY-FISHERIES. 255 Financial Policy :—Wide Accounts, 105. Fines :—Bill to regulate the appropriation of fines, penalties, and forfeitures; Presented, (1842) 3. Not pro- ceeded in. Wide Accounts, 178, 179. Addresses, 185–187. Committees, 387. Justices, 1. Militia. Real J/state, 9. Finlay, C. H. :-vide Navigations, 58. Fires :—Wide Committees, 388. Fire Companies: 1. Bill to exempt members thereof from serving as jurors or Militia-men, except in certain cases; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 323. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 43.) Wide Committees, 114. 2. Bill to exempt firemen, after a certain number of years service as such, from Militia and other duties; Presented, (1849) 208. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 36.) 3. Bill to exempt firemen, in cities, after a certain number of years service as such, from serving as jury-men; Presented, (1851) 141. Order for second reading discharged, 255. 4. Bill to exempt firemen in cities from the payment of statute labor tax; Presented, (1851) 282. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 85.) 5. Petitions for exemption of firemen from certain duties (as jurors, &c.):—(1841) Brantford, 233. ...Dundas (Vill), 335. Both referred, 319, 335. No Report. (1849) Members of Fire Companies in Canada, 96, 144. Do. in Brantford, 144, 187. Kingston, 144. Paris, 144. St. John's, 187. Some of them referred, 163, 169,208. Report; Bill presented, 208. Wide supra, 2. (1851) Toronto, 256. Fire Screen :—Petition of Israel Lewis, for a premium as the inventor of a screen for the protection of persons aiding to extinguish fires, (1846) 37. Fish and Oil: 1. Bill to amend and continue the Ordinance for the inspection of fish and oil; Presented, (1849) 257. Committed, 267. Wot considered. 2. Bill to amend and continue the Ordinance for the inspection of fish and oil; Presented, (1850) 100. Referred, 123. Reported, with an amendment, 137. Amended in Committee, 168. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 43.) 3. Petition for an Act to regulate the inspection of fish and oil the produce of the British fisheries; Quebec, (1849) 62. Referred, 91. Report; Bill presented, 257. Wide supra, 1. x Fisheries: Bills relative to the Fisheries: 1. To regulate the Fisheries in the District of Gaspé; Presented, (1841) 10. Referred, 69. Reported amended; Report not received, 133. Reported amended; Committed, 166. Amended in Committee, 287. Passed, 334. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 471. Agreed to, 580. R. A., 640. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 36.) 2. To regulate the Salmon Fisheries in the District of Gaspé ; Presented, (1842) 27. Referred, 90. Report a series of questions to be forwarded by the Clerk to persons interested in the Fisheries, 107. Report concurred in, 113. Foregoing proceedings read and referred, (1843) 56. Wide Committees, 390. 3. To enable the local authorities in the District of Gaspé, to provide By-laws, &c., for the preservation of the Fisheries therein, and for certain other local and municipal purposes; Presented, (1844-5) 197. Referred, 279. Bill relative to the proof of marriages, &c., in the said district, also referred, 280. To report separately on each Bill, 293. No Report on 1st Bill—Petition from Gaspé Bay, against, 375. 4. To remove all doubts as to the right of Her Majesty's subjects in Canada carrying on the fisheries in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, to land and occupy, for the purposes thereof, any unoccupied places on the north shore, or Labrador, within the limits of this Province, and freely to carry on their fisheries thereat; Presented, (1851) 19. Order for second reading discharged, 179. 256 FISHERIES.–FLOUR. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. 2. Fisheries—continued. . For the better preservation of the fish in the rivers of the counties of Stanstead, Sherbrooke, Missisquoi, and Shef- ford; Presented, (1843) 85. Referred, 114. Reported; Committed, 122. Amended in Committee, 139. Passed (striking out, in the title, the names of the counties, and substituting “the counties therein men- tioned”), 144. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 13.) . To consolidate the laws for the preservation of salmon in Upper Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 356. Amended in Committee, 376. Ryder added, for the preservation of the fish in Twenty Mile Pond, Louth, 384. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 47.) . To prevent fishing with nets on the shores of lakes in Upper Canada, between 1st June and 10th September, in each year; Presented, (1846) 140. Committed, 181. Motion to postpone consideration three months, negatived; Considered; Reported; Referred, 207. Wot reported. . Petition for protection of the fish called “Maskinongé,” during the spawning season in Lake Memphremagog, (1843) 13. Referred, 17. Instruction, to inquire into the expediency of providing for the preservation of all kinds of fish in the fresh waters of Canada during the spawning season; To report from time to time, 37. Report, 84. Bill presented, 85. Wide supra, 5. . Petition of parties engaged in the Fisheries of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, praying the House to determine how far the pretensions of the lessees of the King's Posts, &c., to exclusive rights on the north shore of the river and gulf are legal, (1844–5) 234. Referred, 238. Report, recommending an Address, 361. Concurred in ; Address ordered, 369. Wide Addresses, 189. Petition from Niagara, for an Act to protect and regulate the Lake Fisheries, (1846) 94. Wide supra, 7. Petition for the preservation of the fisheries in Burlington Bay, (1849) 90. Referred, 121. Wo Report. In Lake Scugog, (1851) 78. Petition for protection of those engaged in the Fisheries off Labrador from violence and robbery, (1849) 66. Referred; Instruction to Committee to inquire into the abuses committed on the coast of Labrador by foreign fishermen, and the damages resulting to the Fisheries from the want of coast guards, 67. Report (App. L. L. L. L.); Printed (with Petition); Committed, 226. Considered, 250. Wo Report. Petition for protection of the Fisheries in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, between Pointe des Monts and Blancs Sablons, (1851) 18. Wide Accounts, 186. Addresses, 188, 190. Committees, 71–74, 79, 115, 116, 390–392. Customs, 42. Gaspé Fishery. Wiagara District, 9. Supply, 317. FitzGibbon, Chas. :—vide Legislative Assembly, 88. FitzGibbon, Col. :—Wide Governor General, 52. Supply, 176. Flamborough :—vide Territorial Divisions, i. Flamme, Louise A. :-vide Pensions, 22. Fleming 9 Mrs. 2–Petition of, for aid in the publication of certain elementary works on the English language, (1844–5) 100. Fleming, Peter:-Petition of Peter Fleming, of Montreal, Civil Engineer, complaining that he has been neglected by the Government, and his plans monopolized, causing him serious loss, and praying for an inquiry, (1844–5) 303. Referred to Committee on Petition of Reid & Shepherd, 313. (Wide Wavigations, 54.) Wo Report thereon. Flett, J ohn :—Petition of, complaining that he has to pay an undue share of taxes, and praying for amendment of the laws relative to assessments and township meetings, (1847) 19. Flour and Meal: Bill to regulate the inspection of flour and meal; Ordered, (1841) 286. Presented, 385. Amended in Com mittee, 485. Reserved, 643–Royal Assent by Proclamation, 19th March, 1842. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 89.) Bill to continue and amend the foregoing Act, by reducing the fee for inspection to one penny per barrel, and pro- viding the same standard for flour as in New York; also making similar amendments with respect to oatmeal; Ordered, (1848) 48. Presented, 49. Amended in Committee, 61. R. A., 80. (11 Vic, c. 6) TIOUR-FOUNDLINGS. 257 3. Flour and Meal—continued. Bill to amend and consolidate the laws regulating the inspection of flour and meal; Presented, (1850) 49. Amended in Committee, 112. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 136. Considered, and agreed to, 138. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 29.) . Petition of Montreal Board of Trade, for an Act to continue the Act of 4 & 5 Vic, regulating inspection of flour and meal, (1848) 20. . Petition for appointment of an Inspector of Flour at Dundas or Hamilton, (1851) 32. Wide Agricultural Produce. Committees, 117, 142. Inspection Laws, Foote, G. W ... :--Wide Legislative Assembly, 67. Forbes, George :—Petition of G. Forbes, late a Sergeant in the 79th Foot, praying that other land may be awarded him in lieu of that which he has located, which has proved valueless, (1844–5) 377. Foreign Executors, Corporations, &c.:-Bill to remove doubts regarding the right and liberty of Foreign Executors, Administrators, and Corporations, to sue and be sued in Lower Canada; Pre- sented, (1851) 145. Amended in Committee, 825. Re-committed, for the purpose of leaving out all those parts which relate to Executors and Administrators; Reported amended; Passed (as a Bill relating to Foreign Corporations only), 339. Wot returned from the Council. For eign Insurances:–Vide Committees, 118. Insurance Companies, 1, 37. Foreign Judgments :—Wide Judgments, 2. Forfeited Estates :—Wide Matthews, Peter. Montgomery, John. Rebellion. Stevens. Wing. - Forgery: . Bill to amend the law in cases of forgery; Presented, (1846) 89. R. A., 255. (9 Wic, c. 3.) . Bill to consolidate and amend the law, and to repeal certain Acts relating to forgery; Presented, (1847) 40. Amended in Committee, 140. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 165. Considered, and agreed to, 172. R. A., 216. (10 & 13 Vic, c. 9.) Formā Pauperis, Causes in:—vide Actions, 12, 18. Forms of Enactment: . Bill to supply by a general law certain forms of enactment in Acts of Parliament; From the Council; Read, (1843) 180. Committed, 193. Wot considered. . Bill to render unnecessary the insertion of certain forms of words in Acts of the Provincial Legislature; Presented, (1848) 59. Wot proceeded in. . Bill for putting a Legislative interpretation upon certain terms used in Acts of Parliament, and for rendering it unnecessary to repeat certain provisions and expressions therein, and for ascertaining the date and commence- ment thereof; From the Council, (1849) 147. Read, 148. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 10.) . Bill to supply certain Legislative provisions not included in certain Acts therein mentioned; Presented, (1849).258. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 79.) Fort Erie and Buffalo Suspension Bridge Co.:-vide Bridges, 65. Forwarding Trade :—Petition of Brock District Council, for the protection of agriculturists and others, from the high charges of forwarders, (1843) 22. Foundlings *—Wide Accounts, 278, 279. Supply, 131–133. * HH 258 FRANCHISE—GALLERIES. Franchise, Extension of:—vide Elections, 14, 84. Frank, J ohn :—Wide Road Allowances, 2. Fraser, Alex.:-vide Bridges, i. Fraser, Hugh:-vide Accounts, 58. Addresses, 84. Fraser, Richard D. :-vide Pensions, 28. Fredericksburgh –vide Surveys, 40. Free Trade:—vide Trade, 1, 2, 4, 8. Freeland, Mr. :—vide Addresses, 131. Freeman, S. B.:—Wide Legislative Assembly, 66. French, Reuben –wº wrview. French Language: 1. Resolution, That copies of the Journals, in French, be laid on the table, daily, and also translations of any documents before the House, on the same being asked for by two members (29th Rule), (1841) 42. 2. Resolution, That all Bills and documents submitted to the House be printed in English and French, in equal pro- portions, (1844–5) 84. - 3. Mr. Speaker refuses to receive a motion written in the French language, the same being contrary to the 41st section of the Union Act; His decision appealed from, and sustained by the House, (1844–5) 265. Wide Accounts, 181. Addresses, 16, 191, 192. Speeches, 17. Statutes, I. Frères de la Doctrine Chretienne:–vide Education, 40. Friendly Societies :—Bill to afford protection and encouragement to Friendly Societies; Presented, (1843) 163. Referred, 170. Not reported. Frontenac:—Wide Elections, 32. Frost, Henry A. :—Petition of complaining of unjust imprisonment for debt in the Woodstock gaol, and praying for an investigation, (1850) 268. Froste, R. :—vide Navigations, 56. Furs:–Vide Customs, 28. G. GAGNE, A. —vide Municipalities (L. C), is Gagné, L. :-Wide Legislative Assembly, 124. Galleries of the House, Admission to:-vide Legislative Assembly, 54. Orders, 117, 118, 123. GAMBLING—GAME. - 259 § 0. 3 1. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19, Gambling :—Petition for a tax on Roulette Tables and Gaming Houses; Niagara District Council, (1842) 12. Referred, 32. Wo Report. * Game: Bills relative to the preservation of Game: . For the preservation of deer and other game within the Province, and for prohibiting hunting on the Lord's Day; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 73. Amended in Committee; Motions to re-commit Bill, negatived; One of the amendments amended, 132. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 12.) . For ihe preservation of certain species of wild animals in Lower Canada; l'resented, (1843) 120. Wot proceeded in. . To protect wildfowl, and to prohibit their destruction at improper seasons; Reported by a Committee (entry rela- ting to Bill omitted from Journal), (1844–5) 195. Read second time, and committed, 241. Considered; Further consideration postponed six months, 280. . To prevent certain wild fowl and snipe from being destroyed at improper seasons, and to prevent the trapping of grouse and quail; Presented, (1844–5) 307. Amended in Committee, 345. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 376. Considered, and agreed to, 381. R. A., 441. (8 Vic, c. 46.) . To prevent the hunting of deer with hounds, except during particular months, and to alter the period for killing woodcocks and wild ducks; Presented, (1850) 96. Amended in Committee, 149. Re-committed, for the purpose of amending it so as to exempt the Indians from its operation, 154. Motion to postpone consideration six months, negatived; Considered, and further amended, 233. Passed, 237. Wot returned from the Council. To amend the Acts therein mentioned for the protection of certain kinds of wildfowl in Lower Canada; Presented, (1850) 215. Wot proceeded in. . To prevent the hunting of deer with hounds at improper seasons, and further to amend the laws for the preservation of game; Presented, (1851) 79. Amended in Committee, 196. Returned from the Council with amend- ments (adding “ or dogs” after “hounds”); Considered, and agreed to, 233. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic., c. 61.) . To amend the Acts for the protection of game and wild fowl, as regards Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 87. Referred, 175. Petition for the protection of musk-rats and wild duck also referred, 177. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 190. Considered, and no Report made, 354. For the regulation of hunting, and the preservation of game; Presented, (1851) 136. Referred, 176. Reported, with amendments, 231. Amended in Committee, 343. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 107.) For the better preservation of certain wildfowl in L'Islet; Presented, (1846) 68. Amended in Committee, 149. R. A., 254. (9 Wic., c. 76.) To repeal the foregoing Act, and to enable the municipalities of the county to make regulations for the preservation of wild fowl; Presented, (1851) 164. Order for second reading discharged, 321. . Petition from inhabitants of Labrador, for adoption of measures for preventing the destruction of the sea-fowl in the adjacent islands, (1842) 39. Wide infra, 15. Petition from Western District, for amendment of the law for the preservation of deer, and for prohibiting shooting on the Lord's Day, in Upper Canada, (1843) 64. Wide Committees, 120. Petitions for a law to prevent the hounding of deer:-(1850) Crowland, 145. Wainfleet, 73. Referred, 95. Report; Bill presented, 96. Wide supra, 5. (1851) Grenville, 61. Referred, 71. Report; Bill presented, 79. Wide supra, 7. Petitions for an Act for the preservation of game in Lower Canada:-(1844–5) Crane Island, &c., 15, Sorel and Yamaska, 14. Both referred, 27, 31. Member added, 56. Instruction, to inquire into the best means of preserving the sea fowl on the coast of Labrador, and their eggs, 139. Report, with a Bill (entry relative to Bill, omitted from Journal), 195. Wide supra, 3. (1848) St. Louis de Kamouraska, 13. Petitions for repeal or amendment of the law for the preservation of game in Lower Canada;-(1847) L'Islet, 188. —(1849) Kamouraska, 40. Referred, 91. No Report. Petition for the protection of musk-rats and wild ducks; Berthier and Sorel, (1851) 57. Referred to Committee on the Lower Canada Game Bill, 177. Wide supra, 8. Petition for adoption of measures to prevent the destruction of wild fowl in L'Islet, (1846) 16. Referred, 38. Report, 67. Wide supra, 10. In Kamouraska and Rimouski, (1850) 29, Petitions for repeal of the Act for the preservation of game in L'Islet, (1847) 188. Wide Committees, 119, 120, 393. 260 GAMELIN–GAOLS AND COURT HOUSES. Gamelin, P. :—Wide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. Gananoque, River :—Wide Bridges, 37. Navigations, 20. Gandry, Mrs. *—Wide Pensions, 24. (5aolg and (Jourt £jougrg. TN-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º/\,-\ºvºvº-ZNZN-TV/NZNº.º.º.º.ºvºvº-º-º-º-º-º-º-- I. Public General Bills relative to Gaols and Court Houses; 1–4. II. Bills and Petitions relative to particular Gaols or Court Houses; 5—30. T. Public General Bills relative to Gaols and Court Houses: 1. Bill to provide for the erection of a Court House in Montreal, and Court Houses and Gaols in Kamouraska, Aylmer, and Chicoutimi, and for the repairing of those in Gaspé and Bonaventure; and to raise, for that purpose, #40,000 for Montreal, and £3000 for each of the other places, redeemable by a tax on proceedings in civil suits, &c., in each place; Ordered, (1849) 314. Presented, 315. Amended in Committee, 328. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 112.) 2. Bill to provide for the building of Court Houses and Gaols in the Judiciary Circuits of Lower Canada; Presented, (1850) 44. Committed, 116. Wot considered. 3. Bill to provide for a better system of discipline, and for a more economical management of Gaols, and for the erection and maintenance of a House of Correction for juvenile offenders; Presented, (1850) 156. Wa: proceeded in. 4. Bill to provide for a better system of discipline, and for a more economical management of gaols, and for the erection and maintenance of two Houses of Correction for juvenile offenders; Presented, (1851) 23. Committed, 146 Order for consideration discharged, 343. II. Bills and Petitions relative to particular Gaols or Court Houses: 5. Aylmer :—Petition for aid to erect a Gaol and Court House thereat, for the District of Sydenham, (1843) 14. Wide supra, I. infra, 12, 13. Committees, 122. Chicoutimi:—Wide supra, 1. 6. Dalhousie District:-Petition from Justices of the Peace thereof, for a loan of £5000, to complete the Gaol and Court House, (1841) 211–House resolves to go into Committee on the subject, 208. Report a resolution authorizing certain persons to raise a loan; Bill presented, 216. Amended in Committee, 281. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 428. Agreed to, 447. R. A., 640. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 76.) Gaspé :—Wide supra, 1. 7. Haldimand:—Motion for leave to present a Bill to authorize the Provincial Court of Wardens to be appointed for the County of Haldimand, to raise a loan for the purpose of building a Gaol and Court House therein, Negatived, (1843) 195. GAOLS AND COURT HOUSES-com/imated. 261 II. Bills and Petitions relative to Gaols or Court Houses—continued. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Hamilton :-Petition of Municipal Council of Wentworth and Halton, for authority to sell part of the Court House Square at Hamilton, and to purchase land better situated for the site of the gaol, (1849) 84. Again, (1851) 48. Referred, 71. Report, 76. Petitions from Corporation and citizens of Hamilton, against, 139, 158.-Bill presented, 85. Petition of R. J. Hamilton, praying that the Bill may not pass without his written consent being given for the sale, as heir of the grantor, 150. Bill and Petition referred, 131, 150. Reported, with amendments, 181. Passed, 281. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 138.) . Eſome District : . Petition of the Magistrates of the Home District, for an Act to enable them to pay off a debt of £1000, on account of the District Gaol, (1841) 304. Referred, 312. (Wide Committees, 395.) Report thereon; Committed, 470. Resolutions reported, for consolidating the old and new gaol debts, and providing for the payment thereof, and for exempting the new District of Simcoe from liability; Bill presented, 471. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 58.) Petition of Home District Council, for a law to compel the City of Toronto to pay a proportion of the expenses of the District Gaol, (1843) 166. Again, (1844–5) 293. Johnstown T)istrict:—For a grant to liquidate a debt on the Gaol and Court House at Brockville, (1843) 79. Referred, 87. Report; Committed, 106. Report a Resolution, for requiring the District Council to assume the debt; Bill presented, 115. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 41.) - Ramouraska: Bill to appropriate the moneys arising from duties on tavern licenses in Kamouraska, Rimouski, and Ottawa, towards defraying the cost of the Court House and Gaol erected at Kamouraska, and those in course of erection at Aylmer; From the Council; Read, (1851) 121. Wot proceeded in. 2 Bill to appropriate the moneys arising, &c., (as above); Ordered; Presented, (1851) 169. R. A., 359. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 63.) Petition for removal of the tax imposed on judicial proceedings for the erection of the Gaol and Court House at Kamouraska, (1851) 115. Wide supra, 1. Committees, 122. Ti’Acadie —Petition of Loop Odell, for re-imbursement of moneys expended (in L'Acadie) as a Commissioner Another Petition, of under the Act for erection of Court Houses and Gaols in county parishes, (1843) 38. L. Odell and A. Merizzi, (1844–5) 52. Tondon T)istrict:-Petition of Chairman of Quarter-Sessions, for an additional grant to complete the gaol at London, (1841) 227. Montreal: Bill to provide for the rebuilding of the Court House at Montreal; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 97. Committed, 175. Considered, and no Report made, 287. Bill to erect a Court House at Montreal; Presented, (1847) 135. Order for second reading discharged, 200. Bill to appropriate the moneys arising from tavern licenses in the County and City of Montreal, towards defraying the cost of erecting the new Court House in Montreal; Ordered; Presented, (1850) 153. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 94.) Bill to provide means to recover from the Corporation of Montreal, part of the expenses incurred in guarding the gaol thereat; Presented, (1851) 319. Amended in Committee, 343. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 129.) Resolutions providing for the erection of a Court House on the ground lying between Notre Dame Street and the Champ de Mars, and for raising £40,000 therefor, at 8 per cent, redeemable by a tax on proceedings in the Civil Courts held therein, &c., (1849) 314. Bill presented, 315. Wide supra, 1. Petition of the Montreal section of the Bar, for adoption of a more equitable means for levying the amount required for re-building the Court House, (1851) 40. Referred, 41. Wo Report. Wide supra, 1. Accounts, 825. Addresses, 316. 262 GAOLS AND COURT HOUSES-GASPE. II. Bills and Petitions relative to Gaols or Court Houses—continued. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I Niagara –Vide Niagara District, 4. Ottawa (County):—Wide supra, 12, 18. Ottawa District:—Petition for erection of a new Gaol and Court House, in a more central part of the district, (1841) 252. Quebec: . Petition of J. McLaren, Gaoler, for an increase of salary, (1842) 20,—Again, (1844–5) 132. . Petition for erection of a gaol affording more ample accommodation than the present one, (1846) 55-–Again, (1849) 89. Referred, 123. Wo Report. Rimouski:-Wide supra, 12. e St. Hyacinthe :—Of E. C. Desprès, for compensation for loss sustained in the erection of the Gaol and Court House in that county, (1849) 29. St. John's:—Wide St. John's (Town). . Sherbrooke:–Petition of C. M. Hyndman, for an increase of salary as keeper of the Court House at Sher- brooke, (1842) 20. e Simcoe (County) :—Petition of the Magistrates, for authority to raise £2000 to complete the Gaol and Court House therein, (1841) 129. Committed, 269. (Wide Committees, 125) Bill ordered; Presented, 273. Amended in Committee, 322. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 78.) Three Rivers: . Petition for an annual grant in aid of the House of Correction in that town, (1844–5) 217. . Petition of P. B. Dumoulin, for payment of arrears of rent due for a building used as a House of Correction at Three Rivers, (1844–5) 360. Again, (1849) 96. Toronto:—Wide supra, 9, 10. Wide Addresses, 233. Committees, 121—125, 397. Lock-up Houses. Speeches, 5, 8, 19. Supply, 51, 54, 55. Garden River Copper Mining Co.:-vide Mining Companies, 6. Gar neau's History of Canada :—Instruction to Committee on Contingencies, to consider the propriety of purchasing 100 copies of Garneau's History of Canada, (1847) 207. Not reported on. Wide Legislative Assembly, 116. Supply, 167. ~ 2 : e e º 'º a tº Garon, J. :-Vile Municipalities (L. C.), 18. Gaspé, District of: Bills relative to: . To make more ample provision for the administration of justice in the inferior District of Gaspé; Ordered, (1841) 286. Presented, 287. Referred, 355. Reported with amendments; Committed, 403. Amended in Committee, 521. Read third time; Ryder added; Passed, 530. Not returned from the Council. 2. To establish the District of Gaspé, and to provide for the due administration of justice therein; Ordered, (1843) 19. Presented, 20. Referred, 138. Reported, with amendments, 148. Amended in Committee, 167. R. A., 209. (7 Vic., c. 17.) GASPE—continued. 263 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Gaspé—continued. . To extend the provisions of the foregoing Act (supra, 2); Presented, (1844–5) 29. Referred, 143. Reported, with amendments, 196. Amendments agreed to, 204. Passed, 210. Returned from the Council, with amend- ments, 253. Considered, and agreed to, 261. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 32.) . For the better administration of justice in the General Sessions of the Peace for Gaspé, and to prevent charges on the Provincial Treasury for unnecessarily summoning jurors thereto; Presented, (1846) 5. Referred to Com- mittee on Magdalen Islands Bill, 66. Reported, 86. Passed, on a division, 105. R. A., 255. (9 Wic, c. 13.) . To amend the Gaspé Judicature Act; Presented, (1848) 14. Wot proceeded in. . To amend the law relative to the administration of justice in Gaspé ; Presented, (1849) 43. Amended in Com- mittee, 299. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 40.) . To authorize the holding of a second term of the Superior Court annually in the District of Gaspé, so soon as the Grand Juries thereof shall represent the same to be necessary; Presented, (1851) 19. Amended in Committee, 142. Passed (as a Bill to authorize a second term in the said district, and for the better administration of justice therein), 145. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 19.) . To provide for the legal proof of certain marriages had before Justices of the Peace in the said district, and of births, baptisms, and burials therein; Presented, (1844–5) 204. Referred, 280. Reported, with amendments, 293. Amended in Committee, 294. Passed, 298. Not returned from the Council. . To provide for the legal proof of certain informal marriages had before Justices of the Peace and others in the inferior District of Gaspé, as ratified by a Statute of Lower Canada, but whereof no register or records have been kept, and for recording the same ; including also certain births or baptisms, and burials in the said district; Presented, (1846) 5. Petitions in favor, 7.1 : Against, 9. Bills and Petitions referred to Committee on Magdalen Islands Bill, 66, 72, 95. (Wide Committees, 430.) Report (App. Y.), with evidence and amend- ments; Printed, 183. Bill amended in Committee; Further amendment moved and negatived, 242. Bill passed (as a Bill to revive an Act relative to proving and recording certain baptisms, marriages, and burials therein prior to 1821), 244. Message from Council, desiring the evidence and proofs on which the Bill is founded, 281. Communicated, 282. Bill not returned from the Council. To amend the Ordinance providing for the want of Notaries in the inferior District of Gaspé; Presented, (1 841) 12. Referred, 38. Motion to add a member, negatived, 95. Two members added, 119. Reported amended; Committed, 172. Wot considered. For the relief of certain landholders in Gaspé ; Presented, (1844–5) 9. Referred, 143. Reported, with evidence, and amendments, 183. Printed, 185. Committed, 186. Order for consideration discharged, 227. For the relief of certain landholders in Gaspé; Presented, (1847)63. Referred, 105. Reported, with amendments, 133. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic., C. 29.) To exempt the District of Gaspé from the operation of the Ordinance establishing Municipal Authorities; Presented, (1844–5) 9. Considered in Committee, and reported without amendment, 229. Wot proceeded in. Relating to certain municipalities in Gaspé not regularly established according to law, and to remedy the defect; Presented, (1846) 5. Referred to Committee on Magdalen Islands Bill, 66. Reported; Committed, 277. Not considered. Resolution, That it is expedient to amend an Ordinance of 4 Vic, establishing new territorial divisions in Lower Canada, and amending the Judicature, in so far as relates to Gaspé, by providing that the 4th division of the Court of Common Pleas shall consist of two or more Justices, instead of one or more, (1841) 445. Wo order thereon. Wide Supra, 1. Petition from inhabitants of the upper part of Gaspé, complaining of the want of roads and schools, and the incon- venience of holding the Circuit Court in summer, (1841) 165. Petition from Gaspé, complaining of the state of the roads and the imperfect mode of administering justice therein, (1842) 55. Petitions for establishment of certain Judicial Courts in Gaspé, (1842) R. McKenzie and others; E. H. Enright and others; E. Mann and others; M. Murray and others; T. Busteed and others, 55. Petitions for repeal of the Municipal Law so far as relates to the District of Gaspé, (1842) 55. Petition for a loan to aid in supplying with seed such of the inhabitants of Gaspé whose crops failed during the past season, (1849) 145. Wide Accounts, 183—185, 561, 568. Addresses, 193—196, 533, 534, 539. Committees, 126–128,480. Gaols, 1. Governor General, 54, 55. Ste. Anne des Monts. Supply, 231, 238, 311. Winter Roads, 10—14. 264 - GASPE FISHERIES-GTBBS. Gaspé Fisheries :—Wide Fisheries. Gaspé Fishery and Mining Co.: 1. Petition of C. Cunningham and others, of London (England), for an Act of Incorporation, (1843) 14. Petition from Quebec, in favor, 22. Both referred, 18, 22. Report; Committed, 30. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 60. Referred, 72. Reported, 87. Committed, 89. Amended in Committee, 115. Returned from the Coun- cil, with an amendment, 144. Considered, and agreed to, 146. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 45.) 2. Petition for the confirmation of an Act passed by the Imperial Parliament incorporating the said Company, (1844–5) 4. Referred, 8. Report a Bill, 10. R. A., 242. (8 Vic, c. 97.) Wide Accounts, 187. Addresses, 197. Gatineau, River :—Wide Accounts, 188, 189. Addresses, 198, 199, 545. Bridges, 38. Supply, 210. Gauthier, Alexis:–vide Anatomy, 4. Gazette, Official: . Bill to provide for the insertion of certain official notices in the Canada Cazette only; Presented, (1849) 93. Wot proceeded in. 1 2 . Bill to provide for the insertion of certain official and legal notices in the Canada Gazette only; From the Council; Read, (1849) 147. Committed, 240. Council informed of destruction of the Bill at the burning of the Parliament House, 287-New Bill sent down, 309. Read, 323. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 26.) 3 . Resolution, That the furnishing the Upper Canada Gazette to members be dispensed with, (1844–5) 295. 4 . Instruction to Committee on Printing, to report on the possibility of reducing the expense of printing certain public notices in the Canada Gazette, (1847) 207. Wo Report thereon. 5. Motion for appointment of a Select Committee to inquire and report whether the printing and advertising in the Gazette, of divers Addresses and Petitions to His Excellency, as well as proceedings at public meetings, have been paid for out of the public funds, Negatived, (1849) 302. Wide Committees, 346. Geary, John :—vide supply, 258. * Gely, J oseph :—Petition of, for a grant of land for his services in the British Navy, (1844–5) 341. Gemmill, Rev. J ohn R. :—Petition of Rev. J. R. Gemmill, of Lanark, praying to be allowed scrip for 300 acres of land, for which he formerly received an order, but which he lost through not having located it, (1843) 166.--—Another Petition, (1844–5) 81. Referred to Committee on Bill for sale of the public lands, 88.—Another Petition, (1846) 46. Referred, 47. Report, 109. Gentilly, River:-vide Navigations, 2. Geological Survey of the Province: 1. Bill granting £2000 per annum, for five years, for a Geological Survey of the Province; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 205. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 16.) 2. Bill to revive and continue, for a limited time, the foregoing Act; Ordered; Presented, (1850) 154. Amended in Committee, 166. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 12.) 3. Petition for a systematic Geological Survey of the Province:–Of Natural History Society of Montreal, (1841) 127, 164. Referred, 130. No Report.—Of Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 304. Wide Accounts, 190–192. Committees, 129, 130. Roy. Supply, 294, 325, Geor gina :—Wide Education, 118. Territorial Divisions, 7, 55. Gibbs, J ohn :—Wide Navigations, 79. GIBSON.—GOUTLD. 265 Gibson, John :—Petition of for indemnity for expenses incurred in the apprehension of Wm. Mackenzie charged with forgery, (1851) 94. * Gilbert, John :—vide War of 1812, 1. Gilchrist, John :—vide Navigations, 78. Gilkison, Arch’d. :—vide Law, Practice of 18. Gillett, S. W. —vide Bridges, 18. Gilman, Edward:—vide Law, Practice of 19. Ginger, Wm. —vide Pensions, 25. Glass Works : Petitions for incorporation of Companies for establishing Glass Works, viz: Cayuga Glass Manufacturing Co. —For renewal of Charter, (1843) 18. Referred, 22. Wo Report.—House goes into Committee on the subject, 68. Report a Resolution, for reviving the Charter; Bill presented, 73. Wot proceeded in.——Another Petition, (1844–5) 58. Referred, 133. Report a Bill, 203. Question for second reading, negatived, 240. 2. Haldimand Glass Works Co., (1841) 11. Referred, 102. Report a Bill, 181. Reserved, 643. 3. 4. Ottawa Glass Co., (1848) 26. Vaudreuil Glass Factory, (1847) 95. Petition of F. X. Desjardins, for protection of his rights in the matter, 110. Bill presented, 118. Referred, 180. Reported, with amendments, 203. Committed, 207. Order for consideration discharged, 212. Glengary:-vide Elections, 33. Gloucester :—Petition of Municipal Council of Dalhousie District, for authority to assess and collect rates within the Township of Gloucester for 1844, (1844–5) 276, 288. Bill presented, 285. R. A., 439. (8 Vic. c. 65.) Wide Surveys, 41, 42. Goder ich :-Petition for an Act to relieve the said town from the difficulties arising out of the election of a Mayor under the Municipal Act of last Session, (1850) 225. Goderich Harbour:-vide Harbours, 6. Godfroi, River:-vide Bridges, 89. Godmanchester :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 124 Gore Bank:-vide Banks, 15–17. Gore HDistrict :—vide Accounts, 193. Addresses, 201. Committees, 201. Gaols, 8. Roads, 141, 142. Road Allowances, 9. Surveys, 56. Territorial Divisions, 34. Wellington District, 1. Gorrie, Mr. —wide Legislative Assembly, 227 Gould, Ira:—Wide Aliens, 27. II 266 GOURLAY-GOVERNOR GENERAL. Gourlay 2 Robert F. :—Petition of complaining of losses sustained through the Government of Upper Canada, and praying relief, (1841) 259. Referred, 403. Report (App. T. T.); Committed, 567. Consid- ered; Resolution for an Address reported, 633. Wide Addresses, 204. Another Petition, for the like ; Referred, (1842) 85. Report (recommending him an annuity), 106. Concurred in; Copy to be communi- cated to His Excellency, 113. Wide Governor General, 58. Another Petition; Referred, (1843) 177. Report; Concurred in, 193. Address ordered thereon, 194. Wide Addresses, 205. Another Petition, for a re-consideration of his case in order that justice may be done him, (1844–5) 256. Another Petition, for the like, (1846) 76. Printed, 81. Petition praying to be heard at the Bar upon his case, 190. Printed, 196. Motion that he be heard, negatived, 221–Another Petition, for compensation for his expenses during the last 5 years, which have been devoted to his defence as a British subject, 263.—Another Petition, praying the House to bring his case before the Governor General, and that he may be compensated for his losses in defence of British interests, 265. Two last Petitions printed, 266. The four Petitions to be entered in full on the Journals, 342. - Wide Accounts, 194. Governor General, 57, 58. Government, Claims against:-vide claims. Government House *——Wide Governor General, 59. (50pernor (5eneral. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N." - \l". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Messages from His Excellency; 1–160. (1) Desiring the attendance of the House at the Bar of the Legislative Council Chamber, dºc., 1. (2) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, or communicating matters to the House, 5. II. Incidental Proceedings; 161—172. I. Messages from His Excellency: (1) Desiring the attendance of the House at the Bar of the Legislative Council Chamber : 1. At the opening of the Session, (1842) 1–(1843) 1–(1844–5) 1–(1846) 1–(1847) 1–(1848) 1–(1849) 1– (1850) 1–(1851) 1. 2. After the election of a Speaker, (1841) 2–(1844–5) 2-(1846) a Speaker pro tem. during the absence of Sir A. N. MacNab, 87.—(1848) 2. 3. For the purpose of giving the Royal Assent to Bills, (1841) 105, 358.-(1843) 130.—(1844–5) 87,242, 370.- (1846) 254, 273–(1847) 122–(1849) 46, 59, 261–(1850) 181—(1851) 229. 4. At the close of the Session, (1842) 130—(1843) 208.—(1844–5) 439–(1846) 344.—(1847) 215–(1848) 80.— (1849) 363.−(1850).282.—(1851) 358. (At Government House, in consequence of the illness of His Excel- lency), (1841) 638. (2) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, or communicating matters to the House —relative to— 5, Acts of Parliament, Engrossing of:—Transmitting copy of a Despatch enclosing certain Resolutions of the Houses of Lords and Commons, on the subject of engrossing Bills and Acts of Parliament, (1851) 125. Referred to Committee of whole on 4th Report of Committee on Pricting, 144. Wide Committees, 218. GOVERNOR GENERAL–com/?nued. 267 º 11. #3. 14. #5. * 6. Messages from His Excellency—continued. (2) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, déc.—continued. Addresses to the Queen : . Agreeing to transmit the Address on the introduction of Canadian products into Great Britain free of Duty, (1841) 638.--The Address on the Seat of Government (alternate Parliaments), ib. . Communicating Despatches in reply to the joint Address and Petitions on the subject of the Timber Duties ; Printed, (1842) 89. . Communicating Despatches in reply to the Addresses of Congratulation to Her Majesty and Prince Albert on the birth of the Prince of Wales, (1843) 15. . Communicating a Despatch in reply to the Addresses on the birth of Prince Alfred, (1844–5) 300. . Communicating Despatches in reply to the Addresses of last Session, relating, respectively, to Duties on colonial shipping, and on tobacco, the regulation of Colonial Trade and Navigation, the use of the French language in Public Records, and the claims of Alex. McLeod and of Mr. Crooks, (1846) 11. Printed, 14. Communicating Despatches in reply to the Addresses of last Session, relating to the case of Mr. Ryland, the repeal of the Imperial Corn Laws, the Colonial Railway Conditions, the Duties on Military Supplies, and the discontin- uance of Indian presents, and to the joint Address respecting the New Brunswick Boundary Line, (1847) 50. Printed, 45. . Communicating Despatches in reply to Addresses of last Session respecting the Clergy Reserves, and the mainte- nance of the connexion with Great Britain,_and a correspondence relative to certain proposed alterations in the Civil List, (1851) 23. Printed, 31. Despatches on the Civil List referred to the Committee of the whole on the subject, 112. Wide Committees, 24. Communicating a Despatch acknowledging the Address of this Session on the subject of the Clergy Reserves; Printed, (1851) 303. Communicating a Despatch in reply to the joint Address of this Session against the proposed repeal of the Duties on foreign timber imported into Great Britain; Printed, (1851) 333. Wide infra, 92, 116, 121, 124, 148, 152. Administration, Provincial: Transmitting (in answer to an Address) copies of such communications as have passed betweeen him and certain Members of the Council who have lately resigned, on the subject of their resignation, (1843) 181. Printed, 183. Expressing regret (with reference to an Address on the resignation of Members of the Executive Council) that the House has misapprehended his sentiments; and declaring his recognition of the Resolutions of 3 Sept. 1841 (on Responsible Government) as constituting the guide according to which the Government of the Province is o to be administered, (1843) 195. Printed, ib. Motion, that the message be read; Superseded by the Orders of the Day, 197. Wide infra, 18, 38. 'Aliens —Wide infra, 124. 17. Annis’ and Black's Creeks :-Stating (in answer to an Address) that directions have been given for a Survey and Report on the intended harbours at the mouths of those creeks, (1841) 806. 18. Baldwin, Hon. Robert :—Transmitting copy of the Letters Patent appointing Mr. Baldwin a Member of the Executive Council, (1846) 186. 19. Banks :—Communicating Despatches from the Colonial Secretary relative to the Savings Bank Act, Currency Act, Customs Act, and the several Banking Acts of 1841, and the Act of 1842 relative to the punishment of offenders, (1843) 47. - Wide infra, 111. Banking, Freedom of:—Wide infra, 37. 268 GOVERNOR GENERAL–continued. I. Messages from His Excellency—continued. (2) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, dºc.—continued. 20. Beauharnois Canal:—Transmitting (in reply to an Address) the Report of the Commission of Inquiry 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. into the disturbances on the line of the said canal; and statement of expenses attending the suppression of the same and of the disturbances on the Lachine Canal, (1843) 49. (App. T.) Beauharnois Election :-Stating (in answer to an Address) that he has offered a reward for the apprehen- sion of the parties concerned in the destruction of the poll books for Dundee and St. Anicet, at the said elec- tion, (1848) 52. Black's Creek:-Vide supra, 17. Dytown :—Transmitting a correspondence relative to Broken Lot O. in Nepean (at Bytown) originally owned by Mr. N. Sparks, and which is required by the Ordnance Department to be retained for public purposes, (1844–5) 139. Printed, 196. Chambly Canal :—Transmitting a Return of certain admitted claims against the late Commission, and recom- mending the payment of the same (referring also to a further claim of Messrs. Andres), (1844–5) 197, Referred to a Committee on the subject, 221. Wide Committees, 347. - Chancery, Court of (U. C.): Transmitting the Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the practice and proceedings of the said Court (App. J. J.); Printed; Referred to the Committee on Petition of R. E. Burns and others relative to the Courts of Common Law and Chancery, (1844–5) 319. Wo Report. Transmitting a copy of the Orders of the said Court, recently promulgated, (1850) 51. (App. O.) Church of England: That he will (in compliance with an Address) transmit to England the Bill to provide for the management of the temporalities of the Church in the Diocese of Quebec, (1842) 120. That he will (in compliance, &c.) transmit the Bill to incorporate the Church Societies of the Dioceses of Quebec and Toronto, (1843) 206. Civil List: Informing the House (in reply to the Address for information respecting the Civil List) that a correspondence with the Home Government on that subject is still pending, which he cannot at present communicate;—that feeling a desire for reasonable reductions in the public expenditure, he has abstained from filling the vacant office of Civil Secretary, and that he has authorized the Inspector General to lay before the House a certain memo- randum respecting the Civil List (App. U.), (1843) 47. Printed, 49. Wide Accounts, 83. That he will (in compliance with an Address) transmit the Address to Her Majesty relative to the Civil List, but that he is not enabled to make any declaration which should have the effect of fettering the discretion of Her Majesty's Ministers as to the view of the subject to be taken by them or the Imperial Parliament, (1843) 207. Communicating (in compliance with an Address) portions of a correspondence between the Imperial and Provincial Governments respecting the Civil List; and stating that there are no Reports of Council on that subject, (1844–5) 66. Printed, 74. Wide infra, 124, 136. Clergy Reserves: Communicating (in compliance with an Address) a Report of a Committee of the Executive Council suggesting alterations in the regulations for the sale of the Clergy Reserves, approved by the late Governor General, and now under consideration by the Imperial Government, (1846) 90. Printed, 91. Stating (in reply to an Address) that he has received no communication from the Colonial Secretary relative to suspending the sale of the Clergy Reserves, (1846) 108. Communicating a Despatch stating that Her Majesty's Ministers are compelled to postpone till next Session the introduction into the Imperial Parliament of a Bill to empower the Legislature of Canada to alter the existing arrangements relative to the Clergy Reserves; Printed, (1851) 231. GOVERNOR GENERAL —continued. 269 I. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 45. Messages from His Excellency—continued. (2) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, déc.—continued. Contingencies :—In answer to Addresses for the issuing of warrants on account of the Contingencies of the House, (1841) 186, 638–(1842) 89.-(1843) 77, 195—(1846) 114, 303, 338. Copyright :—Wide infra, 153. Cornwall and L'Orignal Road:—Recommending a grant of £1500 to complete the military road from the Ottawa, near L'Orignal, to the St. Lawrence, (1841) 540. Referred to a Committee of the whole, 568. Resolution reported and agreed to, 583. Referred to the Committee of the whole on the Public Improvements Bill, 584. Wide Public Works, 7. Crémazie, J. :-Wide infra, 129. Currency: Transmitting copy of a Despatch disallowing the Act of last Session for amending the Currency Act, and corres. pondence upon the subject, (1851) 201. (App. Y. Y.) Printed, 202. Communicating a correspondence with the Colonial Office relative to the Act of last Session altering the rates of certain silver coins,—and the Act to establish freedom of banking, (1851) 201. (App. Z. Z.) Printed, 202. Wide Supra, 19. Customs:—Wide Supra, 19. infra, 111, 125, 133. T}ebt, Public :-Wide infra, 65. T]espatch of Business:–Expressing an anxious desire that in the existing state of public affairs (resignation of Executive Councillors) the important measures before Parliament should be carried to completion without interruption, (1843) 192. Motion, to refer Message to a Committee to search into precedents and report whether the same is in accordance therewith ; Amendment, to refer it to Committee of Privileges and Elec- tions, carried, ib. Report thereon ; Concurred in, 194. District and T)ivision Courts (U. C.) :—Recommending a provision for the salaries of the Judges and Clerks of the said Courts, to meet any deficiency in the Fee Fund, (1841) 240. Tredging Machine :—Recommending the payment of a balance of £446 4s. 2d., due to D. Thorburn, Esq. one of the Commissioners for the purchase of a steam dredge for Upper Canada, (1841) 521. Referred to the Committee of the whole on the subject, 524. Wide Committees, 378. - Education and Schools: Recommending a provision for the establishment and maintenance of common schools, (1841) 537. Wide Education, 3. Explaining the principle on which the appropriation for common schools in Upper and Lower Canada was distrib uted, and transmitting Minutes in Council, Accounts, &c., (1843) 74. (App. Z.) Printed, 75. Emigration : Transmitting a Report from Dr. Thos. Rolph, late Emigration Agent for Canada in the United Kingdom, and recom- mending him a grant of £500 for his services, (1842) 63. Printed, 66. Referred to Committee of Supply, 92. Wide Committees, 289. - Communicating a Despatch in reference to the scheme proposed by Lord Sydenham, for promoting emigration to Canada, (1842) 121. Communicating a Despatch relative to a systematic settlement of emigrants on the waste lands in the North Ameri- can Provinces, (1847) 113. Printed; 115. 270 GOVERNOR GENERAL–continued. I. Messages from His Excellency—continued. (2.) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, déc.—continued. Emigration—continued. 46. Communicating a Despatch in reference to the wretched condition of the emigrants arrived in the St. Lawrence dur- ing the present season, and a Despatch acknowledging the subscriptions from Canada for relief of the distress in Ireland and Scotland, (1847) 118. 47. Communicating Despatches from the Colonial Secretary respecting the emigration of last year, (1848) 80. (App. W.) 48. Communicating a correspondence with the Colonial Office on the subject of Immigration and Public Works (App. E. E. E.); Printed, (1849) 124. Wide infra, 65. Engrossing of Bills —Vide supra, 5. 49. Estimates (Civil Government) :—Transmitting an Estimate of the amount required for the service of the current year, and recommending a provision therefor, (1841) 207. (App. B.) Printed, 228. Referred, 240. Wide Committees, 469-–(1842) 85. (App. K.) Printed; Referred, 36. Report; Referred to Committee of Supply, 92. Wide Committees, 289.--—(1843) 47. (App. A.) Supplementary Estimate, 181. Referred, &c., 189. Wide Committees, 290–(1844–5) 365. (App. Q. Q.) Referred, &c., 385. Wide Committees 291.-Supplementary Estimates, 429. (1846) 229. (App. C.) Referred, &c., 295. Wide Committees, 292.-Supplementary Estimate, 312. Referred, &c., 313.--(1847) 96. (App. C. C.) Referred, &c., 99, Wide Committees, 293.−Supplementary Estimate, 148. Referred, &c., 150––(1849) 180. (App. V. V. V.) Printed, ib. Referred, &c., 219. Wide Committees, 295.-Supplementary Estimate; Referred, &c., 334–– (1850) 170. (App. C.) Printed, 171. Referred, &c., 192. Wide Committees, 296–Supplementary Estimate, 213. Referred, &c., 214.——(1851) 108. (App. B.) Referred, &c., 119. Wide Committees, 297.-Sup- plementary Estimate; Referred, &c., 240. - Wide infra, 74, 131, 139—143. Executive Council:—Wide supra, 15, 16, 18. 61. Exhibition of 1851 :—Communicating three Despatches from the Colonial Secretary, relative to the Exhibi- tion of Industry of all Nations, to be held in London in 1851, (1850) 32. (App. L.) 52, FitzGibbon, Col. :-Recommending that some grant be made to him in consideration of his long and faithful services, (1844–5) 102. B3. French Language :—Stating (in reply to an Address) that no correspondence that he is at liberty to com- municate has taken place in reference to the 41st section of the Union Act (requiring all public documents to be kept in English), (1844–5) 49. Gaspé, District of: 54. That he will (in compliance with an Address) communicate the Report of the Commissioners on the administration of Justice in that District, as soon as it shall have been received, (1842) 111. 5 5 . Transmitting the Report of the said Commissioners, (1843) 16. (App. G.) Report printed, 20. 56. Geological Survey :—Transmitting Reports of the progress of the Geological Survey of the Province, (1844-5) 205. (App. W.) Printed, 214. Wide also Accounts, 190. Gourlay, Robert F. : 57. That he will take into consideration the Report on his case, communicated to him by Address, (1841) 640. 58. That be has (in compliance with an Address) directed that £50 per annum be granted him during his life, (1842) 121 5. Government House :—Requesting the House (in consequence of his indisposition) to adjourn to Government House, that he may give the Royal Assent to certain Bills, (1841) 638.--Announcement (through a Member of the Executive Council) that the severe indisposition of His Excellency would prevent him from meeting the House according to the above appointment, 640. * GOVERNOR GENERAL–continued. -va 271 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. '71 Messages from His Excellency—continued. (2) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, dºc.—continued. EIalifax and Quebec Railway: Communicating a Despatch from the Colonial Secretary relative to the construction of a railroad from Halifax to Quebec; and Despatches from the Lieut. Governors of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, communicating Reso- lutions of the Legislative Assemblies of those Provinces, (1846) 120. Recommending a grant to defray the expense of procuring a survey of that portion of the line within this Province and communicating copy of a Despatch from the Colonial Office to the Lieut.*Govenor of Nova Scotia (and its enclosures) relative to the employment of Officers of the Royal Engineers on the survey, (1846) 227. Com- mitted, 266. Wot considered. Communicating a Despatch from the Colonial Secretary relative to the construction of the railroad (App. N.); Printed; Referred to Committee on Railroads, (1851) 64. Wide Committees, 486. Communicating a Despatch from the Government of Nova Scotia, enclosing copy of a Report by Hon. Mr. Howe of the proceedings of the delegates to Canada respecting the said railroad, (1851) 256. Printed, 259. Wide infra, 125, 153. Hamilton and Port Dover Road :—Recommending an appropriation of £20,000 to construct the said road, (1841) 540. Referred to a Committee of the whole, 568. Resolution reported and agreed to (granting £30,000), 583. Referred to the Committee of the whole on the Public Improvements Bill, 584. Wide Public Works, 7. Imperial Policy respecting Canada:-Transmitting a Despatch from Lord John Russell, explaining the views of the Government on certain topics affecting the welfare of Canada, especially with respect to Finance, the Public Debt, Military Defence, and Emigration, (1841) 177. Printed, 180. Indians :—Recommending a grant of lands, and an appropriation of £1000 per annum, towards the Support of certain Indian tribes in Lower Canada; Referred to the Committee of the whole on the subject, (1851) 189. Wide Committees, 140. Instructions, Royal :—Communicating (in answer to two Addresses) Her Majesty's instructions to His Excel- lency (Lord Sydenham) on assuming the Government; and stating that there are no communications to Sir George Arthur answering to the description of instructions, (1851) 390. Jesuits' Estates:—Wide infra, 145. Judges (L. C.) :—Transmitting documents relative to the claim of the Judges for the continuance of their travelling allowance,——and recommending the same, (1844–5) 229. King's College: Transmitting correspondence between the Imperial and Provincial Governments respecting the Visitors of the Uni- versity, and the appointment of a Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, (1844–5) 199. Printed, 204. Transmitting (in answer to an Address) copies of correspondence between other institutions and the Government, relative to the College (App. D. D.); and stating that he is not aware of any charges having been preferred against any members of the College Council beyond those contained in these documents, (1846) 212. Printed, 417. Leather, Duties on 3–Wide infra, 111. Leggo, Christopher :—Recommending (in compliance with an Address) a grant of £246 to him, in con- sideration of the destruction of his property at Brockville by the volunteers during the Rebellion, (1841) 574. Referred, 576, Order discharged, 579. Wide Leggo, 272 GOVERNOR GENERATI—com/?nued. I. 72. '73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. Messages from His Excellency—continued. (2) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, déc.—continued. Tlegislative Council: Recommending a provision for an annual salary to the Speaker of the Legislative Council, (1848) 206. Committed; Resolution reported; Address ordered thereon, 206. Wide Addresses, 515. Communicating copy of an Address from the Council, praying that their Speaker may receive an annual salary, and recommending the same for consideration, (1844–5) 401. Transmitting a Supplementary Estimate of £1896 14s. 9d, for the above purpose, (1844–5) 429. Wide Legislative Council, 2. Tight Houses: Recommending an advance of £925 for the erection of certain Light Houses on the St. Lawrence,—to be repaid out of dues on shipping, (1841) 598. Committed, 599. Resolution reported, and Bill ordered, 605. Wide Light Houses, 1. Recommending that authority be given to apply the sum of £19,000, loaned to the Montreal Harbour Commis- sioners, to the erection of Light Houses and Refuge Stations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, as soon as the same shall have been re-paid, (1846) 260. Referred to the Committee of Supply, 266. Resolution reported, 288. Bill presented, 289. Wide Wavigations, 6. - Wide infra, 102. Toan, Provincial: Transmitting copy of an Act of the Imperial Parliament for guaranteeing the interest of a loan of £1,500,000 to be raised by the Province for Public Works, (1842) 46. . Explaining the conditions of the above proposed loan, (1842) 62. Printed; Committed, 66. Wide Committees, 176. Tionney, James :—Transmitting a Minute of the Board of Works upon his claim for losses as a contractor on the Cascades Road, and recommending the same for consideration, (1844–5) 248. Wide Supply, 236. Tunatic Asylum, Toronto :—Recommending that authority be given to the Commissioners for erecting } 2 Sºo y 9. 35 the same, to raise £30,000 by Debentures, chargeable on the Lunatic Asylum Fund, (1846) 242. Referred to Committee of Supply, 266. Resolution reported, 288. Bill presented, 289. Wide Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, 1. McGill College :—Transmitting (in compliance with an Address) copies of correspondence since last Session, between the Government, the Royal Institution, and the Governors of the College, relative to the affairs thereof (App. Z.); but declining to communicate the correspondence with the Imperial Government until Her Majesty's decision respecting the College has been announced, (1846) 187. Magdalen Islands:–Vide infra, 111. Manahan, Anthony :—That he will (in compliance with an Address) take into consideration the claim of Mr. Manahan relative to an illegal seizure of his property by the Collector at Kingston in 1821, (1841) 639. Members :—Recommending (in answer to an Address) a provision for the sessional payment of members; Referred to a Committee of the whole, (1841) 562. Resolution reported; Bill ordered, 575. Wide Members, 4. Metcalfe, Tord:—Wide infra, 133. Military Chest, -Advances from :—Transmitting documents relative to a claim of the Imperial Govern- ment for a balance of advances in 1838 to the Government of Lower Canada, remaining unpaid, amounting to £18,513 10s. 8d. Stgº-and recommending the same to the consideration of the House, (1844–5) 219. Military Defence :—Wide Supra, 65. GOVERNOR GENERATI—com/?nued. 273 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 96. Messages from His Excellency—continued. (2.) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, déc.—continued. |Military Supplies:–Wide infra, 125, 183. Montreal Election :-Transmitting (in answer to an Address) a correspondence between the Imperial and Provincial Governments, in reference to the riots at the last election for Montreal, (1844–5) 211. Printed, 213. Navigation Laws:–Wide infra, 124. New Brunswick: Transmitting (in answer to an Address) Reports relative to the boundary between Canada and New Brunswick (App. B.); and stating that the subject being still under discussion, he defers, for the present, the commu- nication of the correspondence relative thereto, (1844–5) 255. Communicating a Despatch from the Lieut. Governor of New Brunswick relative to the boundary line (with enclo- sures); also, the Report of Messrs. Draper & Papineau, and other documents shewing the proceedings adopted by the Government of Canada to protect the territorial rights and interests of the Province, (1846) 123. Printed, 135. Wide Accounts, 341. Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge:–Wide infra, 111. Ordnance Property:-Wide supra, 22. Osgoode Fall, Toronto:-Transmitting a correspondence relative to the accommodation prepared for the Superior Courts of Upper Canada in Osgoode Hall, and recommending the issue of Debentures for £6000 in favor of the Law Society, in consideration thereof, the same to be repaid by a tax on law proceedings, and the sale of a portion of the land on which the buildings wherein these Courts have been hitherto held are situate, (1846) 215. Referred to Committee of Supply, 232. Resolution reported, and Bill presented, 288. Wide Courts, 2. Papineau, Hon. T. J. :—Submitting Mr. Papineau's claim for arrears of salary as Speaker of the Assembly of Lower Canada, amounting to £4500, and recommending the same to the consideration of the House, (1846) 85. Referred to the Committee of Supply, 271. Wide Supply, 33. Parliament, Provincial: Communicating an estimate of the salaries to be allowed to the various officers of the two Houses of the Legislature, and of pensions to officers of the late Houses of Upper and Lower Canada whose services are dispensed with, —and recommending the same, (1841) 346. Committed, 413. Wide Committees, 206. Extending (in compliance with an Address) the time for the prorogation of the Legislature, (1841) 598. Communicating a Despatch in reply to the Address praying that Parliament may assemble alternately at Quebec and Toronto, (1842) 47. Printed, 48. Committed, 97. Wide Committees, 275. Pensions: 9 Recommending a superannuation allowance to C. R. Ogden, Esq., late Attorney General East, and John Davidson, Esq., late Commissioner of Crown Lands, (1842) 98. Consideration moved; Postponed till next Session, 126. Transmitting an extract of a Report of a Committee of the Legislative Council, upon the claims to pensions, of P. Lacroix and J. Bolduc, Messengers to the Council of Lower Canada, and recommending the same, (1844–5) 230. Committed, 274. No Report. . Recommending a pension of £200 for the widow of the late Hon. Mr. Vallières de St. Real (Chief Justice, Mon- treal), (1847) 107. Committed, 145. Resolution reported, and agreed to, 148. Vide Pensions, 55. Post Office: Transmitting a Despatch communicating the course proposed to be taken on some of the propositions contained º the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Post Office system in British North America, (1848) 51. Printed, 52. KK, 274 GOVERNOR GENERAL–continued. I. Messages from His Excellency—continued. *- (2) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, dºc.—continued. Post Office—continued. 97. Stating (in reply to an Address) that there is no copy on record of the Report of the Post Office Commission (Canada) referred to in Lord Stanley's Despatch of 3rd August, 1843; and communicating further corres- pondence with the Imperial Government in relation to the Department, (1844–5) 139. (App. i.) Referred, 211. Wide Committees, 440. 98. Transmitting a copy of the Report of the Commission of Inquiry, (1846) 21. (App. F.) 99. Communicating a Despatch from the Lieut. Governor of Nova Scotia, enclosing copies of Resolutions of the Assem- bly of that Province relative to the Post Office Department, (1847) 85. -101. Communicating a correspondence with the Imperial Government, and with that of New Brunswick, relative to the establishment of a General Post Office system in British North America, including the Report of the Com- missions from the different Provinces, &c., (1849) 108. (App. B. B. B.) Printed, ib. Committed, 323. Resolutions reported, and Bill presented, 329. Wide Post Office, 1. Wide infra, 153, 154. 102, Prince Edward’s Island :—Transmitting copy of a communication from the Government of that Province, enclosing copies of the Report of a Committee, and an Address of the Assembly, on the subject of erecting Light Houses at the North Cape and East Point of Prince Edward, (1851) 126. 103. Public Buildings :—Recommending the adoption of measures for acquiring suitable plots of ground in Montreal for the erection of a Government House, a Parliament House, and Public Offices, (1846) 85. 104. Public Officers:—Transmitting a Return of appointments to office in Lower Canada since 1791 (in answer to an Address), (1843) 77, (App. A. A.) Public Works: 105. Announcing (in answer to an Address on the subject of continuing the works for improving the navigation of the St. Lawrence) his intention of submitting a general measure on the subject of the Public Works, (1841) 187. 106. Soliciting the attention of the House to the public improvements which it may be desirable to carry into effect, and the means of providing for the same-and transmitting a Report upon the subject from the President of the Board of Works (App. C. C.), (1841) 396. Printed; Committed, 399. Wide Committees, 222. 107. Stating (in reply to an Address) that no correspondence has taken place having reference to the appointment of an Engineer by the Imperial Government to superintend the construction of the St. Lawrence Canal specially, but that correspondence has taken place (extracts of which he communicates) relative to the appointment of an Engineer to superintend the execution of the public works to be undertaken with the new loan of £1,500,000, (1842) 67. Printed; Referred to the Committee on the Beauharnois Canal, 90. Wide Committees, 342. 108. Transmitting Reports, &c., relative to outrages recently committed in the vicinity of certain public works (App.Y.), and recommending the adoption of measures for the more effectual preservation of the public peace, (1844–5) 211. Wide Public Works, 12. Also supra, 20. Wide Supra, 48. Punishment of Offenders:–Vide supra, 19. 109. Quebec Fire Loan :—Recommending the issue of Debentures to an extent of £100,000, at 5 per cent. interest,--to be employed in assisting those persons whose property has been destroyed by the late fires in Quebec, with loans at 3 per cent. interest, (1846) 211. Committed, 227. Resolution reported, and Bill ordered, 284. Wide Quebec Fire Loan, 1. - | 10, Quebec Observatory :—Transmitting communications from the Colonial Office and the Royal Engineer Department, relative to the erection of an Observatory at Quebec (App. M. M. M.); Printed, (1849) 148. GOVERNOR GENERAL–continued. 275 3. Messages from His Excellency—continued. 111. 3.12. § 13. 114. # 15. § 16. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. (2) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, dºc.—continued. Railroads —Transmitting Despatches relative to the Railway Acts, and Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Act, of last Session,-the Great Western, and Montreal and Lachine Railroad Acts, the Act amending the Upper Canada Registry Laws, the Reserved Bill for incorporating La Banque des Marchands,-and respecting the Magdalen Islands, Banking Companies, and the Duties imposed on leather articles by the Customs Act, (1847) 91. (App. W.) Printed, 97. Wide supra, 60–63, infra, 124, 125, 133. Rebellion : Recommending that provision be made for ascertaining and liquidating all just claims for losses arising out of the Rebellion and Invasions, (1841) 336. Wide Rebellion, 4. In reply to the Address praying for the exercise of the Royal Prerogative for granting a free pardon for all offences connected with the Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada, (1841) 488. In reply to the Address praying that the persons transported to penal colonies for offences connected with the Rebellion, who have received a free pardon, may have a passage to England provided for them, (l 844–5) 102. Communicating a Despatch from the Colonial Secretary in reference to the said Address, (1844–5) 801. Communicating a Despatch in reply to the Address for a general amnesty for all offences connected with the Rebellion, (1844–5) 304. Transmitting the 4th, 5th, and Special Reports of the Commission appointed to inquire into the claims for losses arising out of the Rebellion (App. L. L.); and recommending that provision be made for discharging the amount of their awards, (1846) 260. Referred to Committee of Supply, 295. Resolution reported, and Bili presented, 336. Wide Rebellion, 5. Registry Taws, U. C. —Wide supra, 111. Reserved Bills: Communicating the Royal Assent to the Reserved Bill (of Upper Canada) authorizing the purchase of the private stock in the Welland Canal, (1841) 135. Wide infra, 158. Informing the House (in answer to an Address) that the Reserved Bill (of Upper Canada) for imposing Duties on articles imported from the United States is still under consideration, 201. © Announcing the Royal Assent to the Reserved Bill to provide for the management of the temporalities of the Church of England in the Diocese of Quebec, (1848) 25. Communicating Despatches relative to the Reserved Bills respecting Land Surveyors, the Niagara Market Block, and the navigation of the St. Lawrence, the Bills for securing the independence of the Legislative Council, and of the Legislative Assembly, and for discouraging secret societies;-also, despatches in reply to the Addresses of Congratulation on the birth of the Princess Alice, the Address relative to the Duties on the importation of foreign books, and the joint Address respecting the Seat of Government, (1844–5) 64. Printed, 74. Communicating (in answer to an Address) two Despatches explaining the reasons for disallowing the Bill author- izing the seizure of official salaries, and confirming the Bill to make further provision respecting Aliens,—and stating that he does not feel at liberty to communicate any Despatches relating to Reserved Bills yet under con- sideration, (1846)43. Stating (in reply to an Address) that the Reserved Bills for amending the Ordnance Estates Vesting Act being yet under consideration, he cannot communicate the unfinished correspondence relative to the same, (1846) 81. Communicating Despatches respecting the Reserved Railway Bills of last Session,-the Imperial Navigation Laws and free navigation of the St. Lawrence,—Imperial Act for naturalization of Aliens,—expense attending sur- vey of Halifax Railway,+also, in reply to the Address for removal of the Duties on Canadian produce imported into Great Britain-and to the joint Address accompanying the Civil List Bill of last Session, (1848) 41. IPrinted, 47. Communicating Despatches confirming certain Reserved Bills and suggesting amendments to some of them,--also, respecting the Customs Act, Act extending the copyright to persons residing in the United Kingdom, Mon- treal & Lachine and St. Lawrence & Industry Railway Acts, and Western Telegraph Act, transmitting Report of Commissioners on Halifax Railroad, and representing the necessity of exempting from Duty articles imported for the military service, (1849) 48. (App. N.) Printed, 49. Announcing the Royal Assent to the Bill for raising an income of £100,000 for common schools, (1850) 31. Wide supra, 36, 37, 111. infra, 133. 276 GOVERNOR GENERAL–comfºniſed. T. Messages from His Excellency—continued. (2.) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, dºc.—continued. Revised Statutes: 127. 128, T 29. 130. Consenting (in compliance with an Address) to appoint a Commission to revise the Statutes and Ordinances of Lower Canada, (1841) 568. Transmitting the 1st and 2nd Reports of the said Commission, (1843) 206. (App. O. O.) Richardson, Major :—Recommending (in reference to an Address) a grant of £250 to him, to encourage the publication of his “War of 1812,”—and a similar amount to Mr. J. Crémazie for his work containing a compilation of the Criminal Laws of England as applied to this Province, (1842) 117. Referred to Committee of Supply, ib. Wide Committees, 289. Saguenay :—Stating that it is His Excellency's intention to adopt measures for the relief of the sufferers by the recent extensive fire in that county, and recommending a provision for the same, (1846) 221. - St. Lawrence, Free Navigation of:—Wide supra, 124. 131. 132. 133. \ St. Lawrence, Gulf of :—Wide supra, 76. St. Lawrence Canals :—Transmitting an estimate of the sum required for repairs, &c., and recommending a provision therefor, (1849) 102. Referred to Committee of Supply, 104. Wide Committees, 295. Wide supra, 20, 107. Savings Banks:–Wide supra, 19. School Lands :—Transmitting a Report from a Committee of King's College Council, on the state of the school lands in Upper Canada, (1841) 520. (App. K. K.) Seamen :—Communicating Despatches relative to the registration of seamen in Canada, desertion of seamen at Quebec,+exemption from Duty of Commissariat Supplies, Burnett's and Payne's preparations for pre- serving timber from fire, St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Act, Harris’ Divorce Bill,—Act for securing the right of property in British plantation vessels, Customs Act of last Session,-circular instructions relative to Railway Acts, and Addresses of congratulation on the elevation of Lord Metcalfe to the Peerage, (1846) 22. Printed, 31. Seat of Government: 184. Stating (in answer to an Address on the subject) that he is in possession of no correspondence relative to the loca- 135, 136. lity of the seat of Government, that he could with propriety communicate, (1841) 201. Communicating (in reply to the Address for correspondence relative to the seat of Government) a Report of a Committee of the Executive Council on the subject; declining to communicate the correspondence,—but announcing that Her Majesty's Ministers will submit favorably to the Queen any Address from either or both Houses in recommendation of either Kingston or Montreal, (1843) 25. Motion to print the same; Amend- ment, to postpone printing until the fullest information desired by the Address can be obtained, negatived, and main motion agreed to, 28. Wide supra, 103. Secretary, Civil :—Stating (in reply to an Address) that in reference to the representation concerning that office contained in the Address to Her Majesty on the Civil List, the Secretary of State had observed that the altered footing on which the said office had been placed prior to the receipt of the Address, precluded the necessity of any reply on that subject, (1844–5) 64. Seigniorial Tenure : 187. Agreeing (in compliance with an Address) to appoint a Commission to inquire into the Seigniorial Tenure in Lower Canada, (1841) 576. 188, Transmitting the Report of the Commissioners, (1843) 15. (App. F.) Report printed, 66. GOVERNOR GENERAL–com/inued. 277 T. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 146. 147. 148. 149. 151. 152. 153. 154. Messages from His Excellency—continued. (2) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, déc.—continued. Shipping:—Wide supra, 133. Supply: Submitting the necessity of providing a sum of £25,000 Stg. for the expenses of Government between 1st January and 31st March, 1843 (no Supply Bill having been passed), (1842) 92. Wide Supply, 2. Recommending an advance of £25,000 Stg. to meet the expenses of Government from 1st January to 31st March, 1844, (1843) 180. Referred to Committee of Supply, 189. Wide Committees, 290. Thanking the House for the supplies voted in accordance with the preceding Message, (1848) 206. Recommending the issue of Debentures for £125,000 to meet the exigencies of the public service connected with the Public Works, (1848) 57. Referred to Committee of Supply, 59. Wide Committees, 294. Recommending an advance of £125,000 for Public Works, and £140,000 for the expenses of the Government for the current year; and transmitting a Report from the Inspector General (App.R.) in reference thereto, (1848) 58. Referred to Committee of Supply, 59. Wide Committees, 294. Sydenham, TIOrd:—Thanking the House for their Address of condolence (to Lord Sydenham) upon his late serious accident, (1841) 586. . Three Rivers:–That he will (in compliance with an Address) take into consideration the expediency of opening the unoccupied lands on the St. Maurice, in rear of Three Rivers; and that he has instructed the Law Officers of the Crown to suspend prosecutions for arrears upon the “Jesuits' Estates,” (1842) 111. Printed, with the Address, 114. Timber, Preservation of:—Wide supra, 133. Toronto and Lake Huron Railroad Co.:-That he will take into consideration the Petition of the said Company (relative to the construction of a planked road, in part by the Government), communicated by Address, (1841) 639. Toronto Election :—Transmitting (in answer to an Address) copy of the Report of the Commissioners appointed to investigate the matter of the riots at the last election for Toronto, (1841) 279. Printed, 300. Referred, 301. Wide Committees, 396. Trade : Informing the House (in answer to an Address) that the Address to Her Majesty, from the late Assembly of Upper Canada, on the subject of the introduction of Canadian products into great Britain free of Duty, has been referred to the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, and that it will be the object of Her Majesty's Government to free the trade of Canada from all unnecessary restrictions, (1841) 201. Referred, 229. Committee incorporated with another Committee, 235. Wide Committees, 541. Transmitting copies of three Imperial Acts, for amending the laws relative to the importation of wheat and other grain, &c., into the United Kingdom, for regulating the Trade of the British Possessions abroad, and for regulating the carrying of passengers in merchant vessels, (1842) 68. Act relative to Trade of British Pos- Sessions printed, 103. Transmitting a Despatch announcing the special confirmation of the Act imposing a Duty on foreign wheat import- ed into this Province,—and communicating copy of an Imperial Act reducing the Duty on Canadian wheat and flour imported into the United Kingdom, (1843) 16. Transmitting a Despatch in reply to the Address praying for the admission of all grain and meal from Canada into the United Kingdom, at a Duty of one penny the quarter, (1846) 229. Communicating Despatches from the Colonial Secretary respecting the Trade of British North America, the Copyright Law, the Post Office,—and the Halifax and Canada Railway; also, Despatches from the Lieut. Governor of Nova Scotia relative to inter-Colonial Trade (App. K.); Printed, (1847) 55. Communicating a Despatch relative to the establishment of an equality of trade between Canada and the United States, and a Despatch stating that the surplus postage collected in Canada for the last two years will be paid over to the Receiver General, (1847) 173. Printed, 176. Wide supra, 124. 278 GOVERNOR GENERAL–continued. I. 156. 157. 158. H 59. 3.60. II. 161. 162. 163. 164. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. Messages from His Excellency—continued. (2) Transmitting Accounts and Papers, dºc.—continued. . “ |Unicorn,” Steamer —Stating (in reply to an Address) that no intention of removing that steamer from the route between Quebec and Pictou has been announced by the Imperial Government, but that he will recommend its continuance, (1844–5) 102. Wallières, Madame:–Wide supra, 95. Wictoria College :—Recommending a grant of £500 to that institution; Referred to the Committee of Supply, (1841) 580. Report a Resolution; Bill ordered, 605. Wide Education, 186. Weeks, Henry :—Transmitting copy of a Petition from him, claiming compensation for loss in consequence of an incorrect survey of land in the Township of Yonge, and a Report of the Executive Council thereon; and recommending that land scrip be issued to him to the amount of £400, (1844–5) 248. Committed, 382. Report a Resolution, recommending a grant of land scrip; Agreed to, 387. Welland Canal : - Recommending the purchase of the private stock in the Welland Canal, (1841) 207. Referred to the Committee of the whole on the same subject, 209. Wide Committees, 319. Recommending the substitution of more convenient provisions for the said purchase than those contained in the Act of 1841, (1843) 115. Wide Committees, 320. Transmitting documents shewing that the appropriation made for the purchase of the private stock falls short of the sum required; and recommending that the deficiency (£2779 18s. 9d.) be provided for, (1844–5) 246. Committed, 387. Resolution reported, and Bill presented, 408. Wide Wavigations, 85. Western Telegraph Co. —vide supra, 125. Incidental Proceedings: His Excellency to be furnished with a copy of the Journals, daily (30th Rule), (1841) 42. His Instructions on assuming the Government, (1841) 390. His speeches at the opening and close of each Session,-Wide Speeches. Acquaints the House (through a Member of the Executive Council) that he will concur in such measures for appropriating money for their contingent expenses as they may deem necessary, (1841) 72. Recommends to the consideration of the House (through a Member of the Executive Council) certain measures involving pecuniary grants, (1841) 94.—(1844–5) 221–(1849) 95.-(1850) 44.—(1851) 106, &c. . Gives his consent (through a member, &c.) to the discussion of certain measures, in so far as the interests of the Crown may be affected thereby, (1844–5) 55.—(1849) 141,-(1851) 335, &c. (1849) 348,-(1851) 191. Bill affecting the Royal Prerogative, sent down from the Legislative Council, being first signed by His Excellency, (1849) 47. The Royal Prerogative, ex Proceedings in the House relative to the serious accident that befel Lord Sydenham (subsequently causing his death), (1841) 523, 586, 638, 640. Messages from His Excellency, delivered by a Member of the Administration, (1841) 135-(1842) 46-(1843) 47–(1844–5) 229–(1846) 312–(1847) 173.−(1849) 102.—(1850) 31–(1851) 23, &c. By a member, not being one of the Administration, (1848) 4.1, &c.—By the Civil Secretary, (1848) 206, &c. Announces, through his Secretary, his intention to proceed to the Legislative Council Chamber, to give the Royal Assent to Bills, (1841) 100,-(1847) 122. To prorogue the Legislature, (1841) 640—(1842) 119– (1846) 342–(1847) 196.-(1848) 71.—(1849) 357-(1850) 247–(1851) 833. Gives the Royal Assent to Bills, (1841) 105.--(1842) 130.-(1843) 208-(1844–5) 87–(1846) 254–(1847) 122–(1848) 80–(1849) 46.--(1850) 181—(1851) 229, &c. Reserves Bills for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure thereon, (1841) 643–(1842) 131–(1848) 210,– (1844–5) 441–(1846) 346.-(1847) 217.-(1849) 367–(1851) 361. Deputy Governor, (1841) 640—(1849) 363. Wide Accounts, 311, 557. Addresses, 94, 176, 225, 306. Civil List, 1. Committees, 477. Parliament IHouse, 5. Speeches. GOWAN–GRIFFITH. 279 Gowan, O. R. :—Wide Accounts, 195. Addresses, 206. Gr ace, Oliver:-Petition of for reversal of his attainder for high treason in 1819, (1849) 67. Bill for reversal thereof; From the Council; His Excellency's recommendation signified; Read thrice, and passed, 348. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 175.) tº Graham, Alex.:-Petition of complaining that a Clergy Reserve Lot in Thorah, on which he had º p g gy settled and made improvements, has been sold to another person, and praying redress, (1849) 116. Grain, Distillation from :-vide Disturie, i. Grammar Schools:—vide Education, 14–17, 31, 95, 198, 199,203. Granby Academy:-vide Education, 119. Granby Harbour Co. :—Wide Harbours, 7. Grand Junction Railway Co.:-vide Railroads, 31. Grand River:-vide Bridges, 1, 0, 41–43. Indians, 9. Grand River Navigation Co.:-vide Navigations, 21–26. Grand Trunk Railway:—vide Railroads, 6–8, 11, 12, 100. Grant, D.:—vide Navigations, 57. Gr ant, James L. :—Petition of for a grant of land for his services as a Sergeant Major in the Army, (1844–5) 170. Grantham:—vide Road Allowances, 10. Great Western Railway:-vide Railroads, 32–38. Greenstr eet, H. J. :-Vide Law, Practice of 20, Grenville:–vide Elections, 84. Territorial Divisions, 35. Gr enville Canal :—Wide Wavigations, 27. Grey (County) :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 36––38. Grievances :-Petition from Saguenay, for redress of certain public grievances, (1 842) 20, Griffin, C. B. :—via Aliens, 28, Griffin, Joseph:-vide Reoria, s. Griffith, T.:—vide Rebellion, 9. 280 GRIMSBY-HATDIMAND. Gr imsby :—Wide Surveys, 48. Grimsby Harbour Co.:-Wide Harbours, 8, 9. Grosse Tsle:—Wide Accounts, 164, 171. Addresses, 208. Committees, 394. Harbours, 10. Quaran- time, 2. Supply, 68, 217. Guardians: 1. Bill to provide for the appointment of Guardians, to restrain the improvidence of persons incompetent to manage their own property in Upper Canada; Presented, (1849) 166. Referred, 233. Wot reported. - 2. Bill to provide, &c.; Presented, (1850) 51. Order for second reading discharged, 149. Guelph and Arthur Road Co.:-vide Roads, 149. Guelph and Dundas Road Co.:-vide Roads, 151. Guelph Farmers' and Mechanics' Institute:–Petition for aid, (Isa) di. Guelph Mechanics' Institute:-vide supply, 161. Guillet, L.:—vide Bridges, 89. Elections, 87. Gull Island Light House:—vide Light Houses, 4. Gunn, Marcus:—Petition of complaining of unjust judgments against him in the Civil Courts of the London District, and praying redress, (1850) 74. Wide Emigration, 18. Gunpowder:-vide Montreal (oil), 8. Guy, E. 2–Wide Elections, 90. Gwillimbury, West :—Wide Roads, 152, 153. Territorial Divisions, 39. H. HACKETT, NELSON :—Wide Accounts, 201. Addresses, 209. Haldimand (County): 1. Petition for adoption of measures for reducing certain rivulets in that county to their original width, by raising embankments, (1846) 93. Referred, 96. Report, 164. Printed, 192. Committed, 174. Considered, and no Report made, 236. 2. Petition of Niagara District Council, stating that no Registry Office has been built in Haldimand, under 9 Vic, c. 34, sec. 19, in consequence of portions of the county being in three different districts, and praying for a special provision in the premises, (1840) 40, Referred, 41. Wo Report, Wide Gaols, 7. Territorial Divisions, 40—46. Haldimand Glass Works:—vide Glass Works, 2. HATIFAX—HAMILTON. 28]. Halifax (Township) :—Petition from inhabitants thereof, representing the total failure of their crops and praying relief, (1848) 58. Halifax and Quebec Railway :—Wide Accounts, 202—209,602. Railroads, 5–12, 17–20, 108. Hallowell :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 47. Hallowell Friends' Seminary:-vide Education, 41. Halton :-vide Elections, 35. Territorial Divisions, 48, 49. Hamel, Théophile :—Petition of S. Derbishire, Esq., for an aid to enable T. Hamel, a young Cana- dian Artist, to complete his studies at Rome, (1844–5) 47. Hamilton (City): I. Bill to amend the Act incorporating the Town of Hamilton; Presented, (1841) 536. Wot proceeded in. 2. Petition for extension of limits, and erection into a city, (1846) 55. Referred, 163. Report, 169. Bill presented, 174. Referred, 206. Member added, 210. Reported, with amendments, 237. Amended in Committee, 282. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 313. Considered, and amended by filling up a blank, 318. Amendment agreed to, 330. R. A., 345. (9 Wic., c. 73.) 3. Petition for amendments to Act incorporating the City of Hamilton, (1849) 77. Bill to establish a more efficient system of Police and Municipal Government in Hamilton, and to extend the limits of the city; Presented, 119. Petition and Bill referred to the Committee of the whole on the U. C. Municipalities Bill, 185,215. Wide Municipalities (U. C.), 7. 4. Petitions against an extension of the limits, (1843) 166–(1846) 277,-(1849) 274, 304. Hamilton (Township) :—Petition for authority to the inhabitants of that township to elect their own Township Officers, independently of those residing in the Town of Cobourg, (1846) 60. Referred, 85. JWo Report. Wide Road Allowances, 11. Hamilton, P. H.-vide Road Allowances, 4. Hamilton, R. J –vide Road Allowances, 3. Hamilton and Brantford Turnpike Road:—Vide * 154—157. Hamilton and Gore District Savings Bank —vide Accounts, 27. Hamilton and Gore Mechanics' Institute:–Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 40. Bill presented, 91. R. A., 864. (12 Vic, c. 110.) Wide Supply, 161. Hamilton and Port Dover Turnpike Road:—Wide Road, tº 1%. Hamilton and Toronto Railway —vide Railroads, 39. Hamilton Gaol and Court House:—Wide Gaols, 8. & Hamilton Gas Light Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1850) 29, Bill presented; Printing dispensed with, 47, Amended in Committee, 58. Read third time; Rydº added, 63. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 136.) - ** *** § g 282 HAMTLTON.—HIARBOUTRS. Hamilton Hospital :—Petition for aid for a General Hospital at Hamilton, (1849) 232. Wide Supply, 148. Hamilton Ladies' Benevolent Society —Petition for aid, (1851) 102. Referred, 105. Report, 110. Hamilton Mercantile Library Association —Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 112. Bill presented, 264. R. A., 365. (12 Vic., c. 109.) Hammill, J ohn :-Wide Bridges, 43. {jarbourg. ***.*N*.*.*.*.*, *Nºv/\,”vº,”v^^^_^_^_^^_^, Petitions for the construction or improvement of Harbours, &c., and Proceedings thereon; viz: Annis' Creek:-Wide infra, 43. R. Iłronté Harbour Co.:-Petition of the Company for an extension of the time for completing the works, (1844–5) 244. Referred, 256. Report, 261–Another Petition, 424. Petition for renewal of Charter, (1846) 55. Referred, 79. Report, 89. Bill presented, 97. R. A., 255. (16 Vic, c. 97.) Cobourg: 2. For an extension of time for re-payment of the loan to the Harbour Company, (1842) 10, 28. Referred, 10, 29. Report; Committed, 59. Report a Resolution, for an extension of five years; Bill presented, 93. R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 20.) 3. Of the Company, for an investigation of the expenditure on the harbour by the Board of Works, and for the com- pletion of the harbour, (1847) 100. Referred, ib. Wo Report. Another Petition, (1849) 138. 4. Bill to vest the harbour at Cobourg in the municipality of that town; Presented, (1850) 165. Referred, 181. Reported, with amendments, 230. Amended in Committee, 264. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 83.) Wide Accounts, 103, 104, 275. Addresses, 127, 128, 270. Supply, 220. 5. Colborne (Newcastle District) :—Of S. S. Cole, for authority to collect tolls at a harbour that he is con- structing at that village, and for aid to complete the same, (1849) 96. Petition in favor, ib. Both referred, 116. Wo Report. 6. Goderich —For resumption and improvement of the harbour by Government, (1847) 56. 7. Granby Harbour Co. —For an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 4. Referred, 41. Report insufficient notice, 100. Notice dispensed with, 103. Another Petition, (1848) 13. Bill presented, 16. Wot proceeded in. Grimsby Harbour Co.: 8. Petition of the Company, for a grant of £1,500 to improve the harbour, or that it may be made a public work, (1841) 12. Petition for completion of the work, (1844–5) 132. * , tº § 9. Petition of the Harbour Company for revival of their Charter, (1849) 96.—Again, (1850) 82. Bill to prolong the time for completing the harbour; From the Council; Read, 109. Fee remitted, 190. T. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 135.) - HARBOURS–com/imated. 283 Petitions for the construction or improvement, &c.—continued. 10. Grosse Isle :-Of Wm. Patton, for compensation for loss sustained in the construction of a wharf at Grosse #1. $2. 13. 14. 15. #6. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2i. 22. 23. 24. Isle, (1850) 64. Wide Supply, 217. Humber Harbour and Road Co.:-For an Act of Incorporation, (1844–5) 47. Referred, 54. Report a Bill, 139. Referred, 224. Reported, with amendments, 260. Amended in Committee, 431. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 95.) For revival and amendment of Act, (1847) 69. Bill presented, 70. Amended in Com- mittee, 150. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 86.) Ringston :—Of the President of the Merchant Seamen's Society of Kingston, for exemption from harbour dues in certain cases, (1846) 95. ** Montreal: Bill to provide for the enlargement of Montreal Harbour-to consolidate the laws relating thereto; and to authorize the Commissioners to effect a further loan; Ordered, (1844–5) 343. Presented, 344. Amended in Committee, 409. R. A., 441. (8 Vic, c. 76.) Bill to amend the Act for the improvement and enlargement of the Montreal Harbour; Presented, (1847) 50. Amended in Committee, 131. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 56.) Bill to amend the two foregoing Acts, so as to authorize the Harbour Commissioners to commute for certain harbour dues with the Corporations therein mentioned; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 334. Amended in Committee, 352. One of the amendments negatived, and the others agreed to, 358. Proviso added, and Bill passed, ib. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 119.) Bill to amend certain Acts for the enlargement and improvement of the Harbour of Montreal; Presented, (1850) 143. Order for second reading discharged, 231. Bill to alter the tariff of tolls in the harbour, and to authorize the Commissioners to borrow a further sum of £2,500, &c., also, to empower them to borrow £30,000, at 8 per cent., to improve the channel of Lake St. Peter and Isle Platte, redeemable out of the proceeds of a tonnage duty of 1s., which the Governor is empowered to impose on all vessels drawing 10 feet water, passing through the lake; Ordered, (1850) 172. Presented, 173. Amended in Committee, 227. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 97.) Bill to amend the foregoing Act, as respects the wharfage dues on fire-wood, and boats carrying the same; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 67. Amended in Committee, 172. R. A., 230. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 27.) Petition of the Montreal Board of Trade, praying that the management of the harbour, and the revenue therefrom, be placed in the hands of the Montreal Trinity House, (1843) 76. Of the same, praying that the Duties of the Harbour Commissioners may not be transferred to the Corporation, (1844–5) 125. Referred to Committee on Montreal Incorporation, 133. Wide Committees, 434. Of J. Burns and J. Gordon, merchants of Montreal, praying to be relieved from the payment of wharfage on wheat when transhipped in the stream, (1844–5) 424. Of the Chairman of the Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad Co., for a more equitable system of wharfage dues, (1849) 58. Referred to Committee on Petition of Montreal and Province Line Railway Co., 73. Wo Report thereon. Wide Supra, 15. - Wide Committees, 191—195. Governor General, 76. Quebec (Port), 1, Nottawasag & Bay :—Motion, for an Address for a survey thereof, with a view of constructing a harbour, and for a survey of Penetanguishene Harbour, on Lake Huron, to ascertain the best terminus for a railroad from Toronto to Lake Huron, Negatived, (1850) 33. Oakville —Wide Accounts, 275. Addresses, 270, Owen Sound:—Wide Supply, 224. Penetanguishene:–Wide supra, 23. Picton :-For improvement of the harbour thereat, (1842) 91. 284 HARBOUTS-com/?nued. Petitions for the construction or improvement, &c.—continued. 25. Port Britain Harbour and Wharf Co.:-For an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 13. Notice insufficient, 26. 27. 28. 29. 30 31 32. 33 34 35 36. 72. Rule relative to notice suspended, 74. Bill presented, 90. Order for second reading discharged, 146. 5. Port Burwell: For aid to complete the said Harbour, (1844–5) 46, 94. Referred to Committee on Harbour at Port Stanley, 126. Report thereon, 213–Another Petition; Printed, with accompanying certificates, 386. (1846) For the like (and construction of a road from the interior), 37, 84, 93, 158. Referred, 72, 95. Report, 191—(1847) 39, 65, 85, 111–(1848) 25.-(1849) 12. Of John Burwell, for payment of his claim for stock in the Harbour Company, surrendered to the Government, (1846) 71. Of the same, praying that Bayham may be attached to the District of Brock, and the privileges connected with Port Burwell Harbour be vested in the Municipal Council thereof, (1849) 137. For incorporation of the Port Burwell Harbour Co., (1849) 71. Petition against, 59. Bill presented, 114. Referred, 251. Reported, with amendments, 251. Again referred, 267. Reported, with amendments, 272. Amended in Committee, 291. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 339. Considered, and agreed to, 347. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 160.) Petition for amendments to Act, (1851) 57. Bill presented, 66. Motion to suspend Rules relative to Printing, and fee, negatived, 105. Referred, 173. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 203. Reported amended, 282. Re-committed, to reduce the tolls; Reported further amended; Motion to postpone consideration of amendments three months, negatived; Amendments amended, and agreed to, 283. Passed, 285. By the Council, with amendments, 301. Considered, and agreed to,304. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 157.) - Port Dalhousie :-Vide Accounts, 621. Addresses, 572, 574. Port I)over : Bill to extend the time for completing the said harbour; Presented, (1841) 496. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 77.) Petitions for aid to complete the harbour, and to construct an inner basin, (1847) 56.--(1848) 24-(1849) And to re-build the light house, 84. Wide Supply, 225. Port Hope: Petition from ship-owners, &c., on Lake Ontario, for further improvement of the harbour, and the assumption of the work by the Government, (1844–5) 350. Of the Harbour Company, for an increase of capital stock, (1851) 33. Bill presented, 59. Petition of Town Council of Port Hope, against, 71. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived; Referred, 214. Reported, with amendments, 279. Committed for this day three months, 294. Wide Accounts, 275, 368. Addresses, 270. Port Stanley: For a reduction of the tolls at that harbour, (1844–5) 94. Referred, 125. Petition for completion of Port Burwell Harbour referred, 126. Report, 213. For completion of Port Stanley Harbour, and expenditure of the appropriation made therefor, (1847) 111– (1849) 71. Wide Supply, 219, 365. Presquisle :—For improvement of the harbour thereat, and construction of a canal from thence to the head of the Bay of Quinté, (1850) 194. Wide Wavigations, 41. Supply, 222. Quebec:—Vide Accounts, 419,489. Addresses, 388, 462–464, Quebec (City), 20, 30. Que” (Port). Quebec Ferry, 2. HARBOURS–HARVEY. 285 Petitions for the construction or improvement, &c.—continued. 37. Tomney :—For construction of a harbour at the mouth of the two creeks in that township, (1847) 39. 38. Rondeau:-Of Isaac Titus, complaining that his schooner, the “Jane and Eliza,” was wrecked in making that harbour, in consequence of there being no lights in the light-house, and praying an investigation and relief, (1850) 70. Wide Supply, 218, 364. St. Lawrence, River (below Quebec): 39. For the construction of wharves and landing places at various points below Quebec; Trois Pistoles, (1848) 71.- At Berthier, (1847) 69. Coudres, Isle awa, (1851) 33. Isle Brulée, (1851) 118. Rakouna, (1851) 52–L'Islet, (1847) 39-(1849) 72.—(1851) 52–Malbaie, (1847) 111–(1851) 37–Pointe à Gage, (1847) 111. Pointe awa, Pères, (1851) 75. Point Platon, (1846) 112. Rimouski; In that district, (1844–5) 18. Rivière du Loup, (1851) 71.—St. Germain, (1847) 43–(1849) 28–(1851) 49, 71. St. Jean Port Joli, (1851) 115. Printed, 119. St. Paul's Bay; A bridge and landing place, (1851) 210. —St. Roch des Aulnets; For completion of a wharf, (1846) 158-(1847) 39, 122–(1851) 101. 40. Motion, to appoint a Select Committee, to consider all Petitions for the construction of roads, bridges, and wharves, on the North and South shores of the St. Lawrence in the District of Quebec, Negatived, (1851) 54. Wide supra, 10. Supply, 229. 41. St. Michel (Bellechasse) :—For construction of a wharf, (1847) 14–(1851) 149. Printed, 150. 42. Sandusky Creek :-For construction of a harbour thereaf, (1846) 71. Referred, 85. Wo Report. £º 43. Sydenham THarbour:-For incorporation of a Company to construct a harbour at the mouth of Black's Creek, Whitby Marsh, (1841) 102, 129. Referred, 114–Petition for an Act of Incorporation to construct a harbour at the mouth of Annis' Creek (adjoining the former), 175. Referred to same Committee; Member added, 176.-Petition of D. Annis, against the last Petition; Referred to the Committee, 227. Report an Address, 277. (Wide Addresses, 56.) Report (in favor of Annis' Creek); Bill to incorporate the Sydenham Harbour Co.; Presented, 600. R. A., 643. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 56.) 44. Toronto :—Bill to provide for the future management of the Toronto Harbour; Presented, (1850) 165. Amended in Committee, 227. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 80.) Wide Accounts, 585. Addresses, 552. Supply, 223, 366. 45. Windsor Harbour:-Motion, for an Address expressing regret at the high rates of toll, and requesting that the tariff may be re-considered, Negatived, (1847) 208. Wide Accounts, 408. Addresses, 578—580, 644. Supply, 221. Wide Roads, 9. Supply, 317–325, 363—366. Harris, Capt. :-vide Divorce, 1. Harrison, Hon. S. B. :—Wide Law, Practice of, 21. Harvey :—Wide Beacley. Harvey, U.:—Wide Aliens, 29. 286 FIASTINGS-HIRALY. Hastings: 1. Bill to make valid the registration of deeds, &c., in that county; Presented, (1844–5) 318. Wot proceeded in. 2. Bill to remedy certain defects in the registration of titles in that county; Presented, (1846) 57. Amended in Com- mittee, 175. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 235. Considered, and agreed to, 240. R. A., 255. (9 Wic, c. 12.) 3. Bill to amend and extend the foregoing Act; Ordered; Presented, (1847) 32. R. A., 122. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 38.) 4. Bill to remedy certain defects in the registration of titles in that county; Presented, (1849) 104. Passed, as a Bill to amend the foregoing Acts, 142. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 97.) Wide Bridges, 44. Committees, 133. Elections, 36, 37. Hats :—Wide Customs, 28, 44. Hatley :—Petition of A. Plumley, for the payment of a certain amount due to him and A. Burbank as sure- ties for the late Municipal Council of Hatley, (1849) 96. Referred, 113. Report; Bill to enable them to enforce their claims against the said township; Presented, 218. Amended in Committee, 257. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 134.) Wide Committees, 531. Wide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. Territorial Divisions, 118. Hatt, J © O :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 66. Havener, Mrs. :——Wide Pensions, 26. Hawkers and Pedlars: 1. Bill to impose Duties on hawkers and petty chapmen, and on persons keeping billiard tables for profit; Ordered, (1844–5) 128. Presented, 129. Referred to Committee on Bill to impose a Duty on distillers, &c., 200. Wide Committees, 377. 2. Bill to amend the laws relative to hawkers and pedlars, so as to exempt persons in the employ of any Temperance, Religious, or Benevolent Society, from the necessity of taking out licenses as pedlars to enable them to sell Temperance Tracts and other moral and religious publications; Ordered; Presented, (1850) 215. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 7.) Wide Committees, 73, 76, 134. Customs, 17, 19. Quebec (City), 8, 16, 17. Religious Books. Tin-ware. Hawkesbury:-vide Territorial Divisions, 51. Hawkins, Alfred :-Petition of for patronage in publishing a Plan of the Naval and Military Opera- tions before Quebec in 1759, (1844–5) 47. Referred, 48. (Wo Report.) Order to the Clerk to procure 25 copies, (1846) 336. Hayden, E. L. :-Petition of praying remuneration for the compilation of a concise English grammar, and that the same may be stereotyped, (1844–5) 52. sº Hays, M. J . ...—Wide Parliament House, 7. Health, Public :—Bill to provide for the preservation of the public health in certain emergencies; From the Council, (1849) 164. Read, 165. Mr. Speaker calls attention to certain provisions, imposing penalties and authorizing the expenditure of moneys; Resolution, that to expedite business, the House does not think it expedient to insist on its privileges in laying aside the Bill, 206. Passed, 212. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 8.) Wide Montreal (City), 7. Quebec (City), 9. Healy, J ohn :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 192. Pensions, 27. FIEBERT-HOLLANT). 287 Hébert, C. :-vide Municipalities (L.C.), 18. Hébert, J. B. :—Wide Bridges, 5. *: Heir and Devisee Commission (U. C.): . Bill to amend the Heir and Devisee Act; Presented and read, (1841) 33. Wot proceeded in. . Bill to alter, for a time, the place of sitting of the said Commission; From the Council; Read, (1841) 67. Passed, 80. R. A., 105. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 1.) . Bill to amend and consolidate the Acts passed for the relief of persons claiming lands under the nominees of the Crown in cases where no patent has issued; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 267. Amended in Committee, 323. Passed, 382. Wot returned from the Council. . Bill to repeal certain Acts, and to make better provision for the relief of persons claiming lands, &c.; Presented, (1844–5) 28. Amended in Committee, 75. R. A., 242. (8 Vic, c. 8.) . Bill to amend the Heir and Devisee Act; Leave granted to present, (1851) 92. Presented, 106. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 12.) Wide Committees, 135. Heliker, Isaac :—Wide Pensions, 28. Henderson, J ohn :—Petition of complaining that he has been illegally made a bankrupt, deprived of his property, and put under arrest, and praying for an inquiry into the conduct of the Judge by whose author- ity the same was done, and for relief, (1851) 71. Henry, Wm. :—vide Indians, 18. Her schy, J acob :—Petition of Anna Lang and others, heirs of the late Jacob Herschy, of Pennsylvania, for authority to the Rev. B. Eby to make all necessary deeds of conveyance, &c., relating to the estate of Mr. Herschy, (1841) 242. Hill, Chas. :—Petition of, for indemnification for the loss of part of Lot No. 9 in 6th Concess, of Rainham, which has (on a recent survey of the Indian Lands) been taken from his lot and added to the Township of Cayuga, (1846) 61. Referred, 73. Report, 209. Hill, Thos. :—vide Pensions, 29. Hillier:-vide Surveys, 44. Territorial Divisions, 52. Hion, Julien :—vide Pilots, 14. Historical Record. :—Wide Accounts, 357. Addresses, w 424–428, History of Canada :—Wide Garneau's History. Legislative Assembly, 223, 247. Hochelaga :-vide Montral (cº), 12. Manra (Pariſ) Holidays :—Wide Bills of Evchange, 10, 11, 13, 16. Lord's Day. Legislative Assembly, 35, 43. Holland, River :—Wide Wavigations, 28. £º * ... "...!!- 288 THOTY SCRIPTURES.–HOUSEKEEPER. Holy Scriptures :—Wide Committees, 67. Customs, 1–41. Education, 196. Home District :—Petition for an investigation into the cause of the riots which took place at a meeting of the inhabitants of the Home District, held on Yonge Street, near Toronto, on 15th Oct., 1839, (1841) 233. Referred, 234. Wide Committees, 396. Wide Committees, 395, 396. Gaols, 9, 10. Territorial Divisions, 53–55. Home District Mutual Insurance Co.:-vide Insurance Cos., 19. Home District Turnpike Trust:-vide Roads, 2, 341–358. Hommes de St. Roch :-vide St. Rock's. Homoepathic System:—vide Medical Profession, 28, 20. Hoople, Wm. :—vide Navigations, 52. Hops :—Petition of certain hop growers in the London and Brock Districts, for protection and encourage- ment, (1843) 25. Wide Customs, 29. Hope :—Wide Road Allowances, 12. Horses :—Bill to prevent fraud in the sale and oxchange of horses, in Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 73. Second reading postponed two months, 192. Horton, W. H. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 68. Hospitals :—Wide Addresses, 233. Hôtel-Dieu, Montreal:—vide Montreal (City), 23–25. * House of Assembly :—Wide Legislative Assembly. Houses of Correction –vide Gaols, 3, 4, 20, 30. Houses of Industry :—Petition for repeal of the Act authorizing erection of IIouses of Industry (Wide Lock-up Houses), so far as respects the London District, (1848) 25. Wide Toronto House of industry. Houses of Refuge :—Resolutions setting forth that prisons are not suitable places of confinement for children, and that it is expedient to appoint a Committee to consider of the establishment of an Asylum or other means of classification of prisons, in which children placed in confinement may be classed, and may receive employment, instruction, and such a course of treatment as will hold out every inducement to reforma- tion; Committee appointed, (1843) 62. Wo Report. i.e. Wide Committees, 137, 397. Housekeeper (to Assembly) :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 98—101, 105. HOWE ISLAND–HURON. 289 i. Howe Island :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 56. Hudson's Bay Co. —vide Accounts, 210, 211. Address, 214, 215. Hull —vide Education, 120. Humber Bridge —vide Supply, 286. Humber Harbour and Road Co.:-vide Harbours, 11. Hungerford —vide Surveys, 45. Hunt, J oseph :—Petition of, for a grant of land as a discharged Sergeant in the Army, (1844–5) 132. Huntingdon : Petition for removal of the Registry Office for that county to Napierville, (1846) 208. 2. Petition for a division of the county for registration purposes, (1850) 39. Bill presented, 51. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 108.) 3. Petition for a division of the county for municipal purposes, and that the Council for the new division hold its sittings at Napierville, (1851) 149. 4. Petition praying that 7 Vic, c. 22, sec. 4, (relating to Registration) may be made applicable to the second Regis- tration District of that county, (1851) 149. Huntingdon Academy:-vide Education, 121. Huntingdon Plank Road Co.:-vide Roads, 170. Huot and Potvin, Messrs. :—vide Public Works, 37. Hurd, A. :-vide * 374. Huron (County):—vide Elections, 88,89. Territorial Divisions, 57–59. Huron (District): . Petition for a law to compel absentees to pay their taxes annually in the said District, (1843) 15–Another Petition, (1844–5) 170. - 2. Petition of Huron District Council, for an Act to legalize certain of their By-laws imposing rates, &c.; Referred, (1844–5) 12. Report; Bill presented, 82. Motion to commit Bill in 6 months, negatived, 147. Amended in Committee, 204. Passed, 210. (Wot returned from the Council.) Petition of F. Widder, Commissioner of Canada Company, against the Bill, 100. Referred, 101. Wo Report. Bill to provide for the recovery of the said rates; Presented, (1846) 69. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 196. Considered, and agreed to, 197. R. A., 254. (9 Wic., c. 18.) . Petition of the Municipal Council of Huron, Perth, and Bruce, for authority to tax wild lands therein, (1850) 28. Huron, Lake :—Wide Accounts, 321. Addresses, 216, 315. Huron and St. Mary's Copper Co. —vide Mining Companies, 7. Hur O]] Copper Bay Co. *—Wide Mining Companies, 8. IMIM 290 HURON.—TNT)|IANS. Huron Mining Co. :—Wide Mining Companies, 9. Huston, J . :—Petition of, for aid in the publication of the 4th volume of the “Répertoire National de Littérature Canadienne,” of which he is the compiler; Referred to Committee on the Library, (1850) 89. Report recommending an allowance of £100 to procure 100 copies; Concurred in, 275.--—Report from Lib- rary Committee, recommending a further allowance of £50 for the above, (1851) 292. Concurred in, 320. Hyndman, C. M. :-vide Gaols, 27. I. I CE BRID GES :—Wide Accounts, 213. Addresses, 527. Three Rivers (Town). Idiots :—Petition of Simcoe Municipal Council, for adoption of measures for the relief of a destitute idiot child under their care, and for a provision for all similar cases in future, (1844–5) 225. Wide Courts, 19. Illegitimate Children :—Bill to provide for their support; Presented, (1843) 56. Order for second reading discharged, 70. Impeachments :—Wide Courts, 42—45. Marriage Licence Fund, 2. Imports and Exports: 1. Resolution, that the Clerk of the House do lay on the table, each Session, a table of the Imports and Exports; also, a similar table embracing the last seven years (91st Rule), (1841) 48. 2. Petition from inhabitants of Montague, for certain alterations (in regard to exports) to facilitate the sale of Canadian produce, (1841) 303. Wide Accounts, 214–217. Addresses, 217,441. Imprisonment for I)ebt :—Wide Debt, Imprisonment for. Independence of Canada :—Petition from Essex and other counties, for an Address to Her Majesty, praying her to release Canada from its dependence, and to allow it to become an independent Sovereignty; Motion that the Petition be not received, carried, (1850) 9. Independence of Parliament:-vide Legislative Assembly, 1–3. Members, 1–3. Parlia- 7ment, 4. Indians: Bills relative to the Indians, and Indian Lands: 1. To incorporate the Indian Tribes in L. Canada; Presented, (1847) 135. Passed, 166. Wot returned from the Council. 2. For the better protection of the lands and property of the Indians in L. Canada; Presented, (1850) 106. Amended in Committee, 282. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 42.) 8. To repeal in part, and amend, the foregoing Act; Presented, (1851) 207. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 59.) 4. To set apart lands for the use of certain Indian tribes in L. Canada; Presented, (1851) 46. Committed; Resolu- tion granting £1000 per annum for the use of the Indians in L. Canada referred; Bill considered and amended, 382, R. A., 360, (14 & 15 Wic, c. 106.) INDIANS-com/?nued. 291 10 Indians—continued. . For the protection of the Indians in U. Canada from imposition, and the property occupied or enjoyed by them from trespass and injury; Presented, (1850) 194. Amended in Committee, 276. R. A., 285. (18 & 14 Vic, c.74) . For the relief of the creditors of Indians in U. Canada; Presented, (1851) 227. Motion that the Order for the second reading be now called, negatived, 350. . Petition of the Mohawks of Bay Quinté, praying that the whole of the tract included in their agreement with the 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Government may be sold for their benefit, or appropriated for the religious and secular instruction of their tribe, (1844–5) 146. . Petition of the same, praying that the proceeds of the Clergy Reserves in Tyendinaga may be applied to their reli- gious and moral instruction, (1849) 103. . Petition of the Six Nations residing on the Grand River, complaining that £40,000, arising out of the sale of their lands, has been appropriated to the improvement of the Grand River without their consent, and praying relief, (1844–5) 378. Petitions of chiefs and warriors of the Iroquois, Algonquins, and Nipissings, of St. Regis and other places, for the passing of an Address to Her Majesty praying that their annual allowances may be continued, (1846) 16. Referred, 33. Member added, 53. Report (App. V.); Committed, 100. Considered; Address reported, 137. Wide Addresses, 17. Petition of J. & W. Claus, for an inquiry into a certain surrender made by the Six Nations on the Grand River, to the late Hon. Wm. Claus, of whom they are the heirs, (1846) 84. Petition of Hon. Z. Burnham, for confirmation of a grant of land on the Sault Ste. Marie, ceded by the Chippawas to R. Rogers in 1760, (1847) 30. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 85. Petition of William Henry, of Hamilton, for confirmation of his title to lands purchased from the Chippawas, (1847) 30. Petition of F. J. Cheshire and others, of Tuscarora, for an investigation into their claims to certain Indian lands located and improved by them, (1847) 126. Another Petition, complaining of injustice done to the said set- tlers; Printed, 188. Both referred, 133, 188. Report, 213. Petition of Mr. Cheshire, for the return of cer- tain documents laid before the Committee, upon which an action is pending, ib. Certified copies thereof to be returned to Mr. Cheshire, and the originals to be sent to the Clerk of any Court where they may be required in evidence, 214. Petition of Margaret Powlus and Catherine John, for aid in consideration of the services of their late father, the Chief Tyendinaga (Col. Joseph Brant), and of their brother, Capt. John Brant, (1851) 20. Petition for amendment of the Act for protection of the Indians in U. Canada, so as to render them liable for their debts in all cases, (1851) 52. Wide Supra, 6. Petition of the Montagnais Indians inhabiting the “King's Posts,” for indemnification for the lands taken from them by the white men, (1847) 56. Printed, 66. Petition for an annuity to the said Indians, and the grant of certain lands on the North Shore of the St. Lawrence for hunting grounds, (1849) 77.-Petition from Quebec, against the latter portion of the said Petition, 156. Petition from the Abenakis and Malécites of the Indian village of Bécancour, for a grant from the Jesuits' Estates to support a missionary amongst them, (1848) 7. Petition from the Abenakis of St. François du Lac St. Pierre, for the confirmation of the appointment of a Trustee nominated by them to manage their affairs, (1848) 31–Again, (1849) 53. Petition of the Oneidas of Delaware, praying that their lands may be free from taxation, (1849) 123. Petition of the Algonquins of the Gatineau, for a grant of land on the River du Désert for the purposes of agricul- ture, (1849) 187. Petition from Indians of Sault St. Louis and St. François, for amendments to the Act for protection of the lands and property of the Indians in Lower Canada, (1851) 20. Petition from the Algonquins and Nipissings residing at the Lake of Two Mountains, for adoption of certain measures for their protection, and for the improvement of the Indian tribes in Lower Canada, (1851) 20. Motion, for an Address for a detailed statement of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Indian Department during the last two years, shewing the sums derived from sales of the Grand River lands, names of defaulting account- ants, &c., and a copy of the last Annual Report of the Grand River Navigation Co., and statement of their affairs, Negatived, (1851) 226. Wide Accounts, 189,218–224, 251. Addresses, 17, 218–224, 233,441,445. Committees, 140,398-401. Governor General, 66. Navigations, 21. Supply, 124–127, 316. 292 INDIAN CORN.—INSURANCE COMPANIES. Indian Corn :—Wide Customs, 71. Indian Reservation, Eastern District:—vide Elections, 82. Indices to the J ournals :—Wide Accounts, 225. Committees, 144, 145, 362,402,403. Journaïs, 4, 13, 14. Indices to the Statutes:—vide Statutes, 12, 18, 19. Tndustry, Houses of:—vide Houses of Industry. Industry and Rawdon Railway —vide Railroads, 40. Infants :—Bill to provide for the sale and disposition of the real estate of infants in certain cases; Presented, (1849) 252. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 72.) Inj uries to person and property:-vide Malicious Injuries. Inquests :—Wide Juries. Insolvent Debtors :—Wide Committees, 141, 404. Debtors, 7–10, 12. Inspection Laws: 1. Petitions for repeal of so much of the laws relating to the inspection of pork, beef, flour, ashes, &c., for exporta- tion, as renders the same compulsory :—Of Montreal Board of Trade, (1841) 51. Of G. P. Ridout, of Toronto, 185. Both referred to Committee of whole on that subject, 185. (Wide Committees, 142.) Report 3 Resolutions, 286. Wide infra, 2. 2. Resolutions, for allowing every description of country produce to be exported without inspection; also, providing for the appointment (by local authorities) of examiners to ascertain the qualifications of candidates for the office of Inspector; Referred to a Select Committee to draft Bills, (1841) 286. Bills reported, 385, 411. Wide Ashes, 2. Beef, 1. Flour, 1. Wide Beef. Butter. Committees, 6, 117, 142. Fish, Flour. Inspector General:—vide Elections, 187. Instructions (Royal) :—Wide Accounts, 557. Addresses, 225. Governor General, 67. 3ugurance (Iompanies. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Public Bills relative to Insurance Companies; 1–10. II. Petitions for Incorporation of Insurance Companies, and Proceed- ings thereon ; 11–31. - III. Other Petitions relative to Insurance Companies; 32—37. I. Public Bills relative to Insurance Companies: 1. To regulate Foreign Insurances in this Province, and to provide a remedy against them; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 238, Committed, 274. Not reported. Wide Committees, 118. INSURANCE COMPANIES-continued 293 I. Public Bills relative to Insurance Companies—continued. - 2. To amend the Act of Upper Canada for establishing Mutual Insurance Companies, by extending their operations beyond their respective districts, &c.; Ordered, (1841) 249. Presented, 336. Amended in Committee, 441. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 64.) 3. To amend the Act relating to Mutual Insurance Companies in Upper Canada; Presented, (1849) 147. Referred, 203. Reported, with amendments, 241. Amended in Committee, 266. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 86.) 4. To amend the Act relating to Mutual Insurance Companies in Upper Canada, and to prohibit Foreign Mutual Insurance Companies from doing business in this Province; Presented, (1850) 120. Petition from Niagara District, against, 127. Order for second reading discharged, 167. 5. To amend the Act authorizing the establishment of Mutual Insurance Companies; Presented, (1850) 167. Motion for second reading in six months, negatived; Read, and committed; Motion for an instruction, to leave out the 5th clause, negatived, 234. Amended in Committee, 262. Consideration of amendment postponed three months, 265. 6. To encourage the establishment of additional Mutual Insurance Companies in Upper Canada; From the Council; Read, (1851) 204. Wot proceeded in. 7. To amend the Act of Lower Canada relative to Mutual Insurance Companies, and to extend the powers of such Companies; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 265. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 365. Agreed to, 370. R. A., 440. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 40.) - 8. To amend the Acts, &c., and to extend powers; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 31. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 89. Agreed to, 91. R. A., 131. (6 Vic., c. 18.) 9. To amend the Acts, &c.; Reported by a Committee, (1844–5) 338. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 84.) 10. To authorize the establishment of a second Mutual Insurance Company for the country parts of counties in Lower Canada in which there are large cities or towns; Presented, (1851) 54. Referred, 90. Petition for an Act to amend and continue the Mutual Insurance Act, referred, 105. Bill reported, with amendments; Re-printed, 116. Passed (as an Act to amend and make permanent the Acts for establishment of Mutual Insurance Cos. in Lower Canada), 178. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 21.) TI. Petitions for Incorporation of Insurance Companies, and Proceed- ings thereon : British America Fire and Life Assurance Co. (Toronto): 11. For authority to extend their risks to Marine Insurances, (1842) 38. Referred, 39. Report; Concurred in; Bill presented, 91. Ryder added (requiring annual Returns to the Legislature), 106. R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 25.) 12. For an Act to extend their powers, and to reduce the number of Directors, (1851) 37. Bill presented, 69. R. A. 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 40.) Wide Accounts, 50. 13. Canada Assurance Co. (Quebec) :—For an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 39. Bill presented, 74. Order for second reading discharged, 194. 14. Canada Fire Assurance Co. (Quebec):—For an Act of Incorporation, (1841) 70. Referred, 71. teport a Bill, 93. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 406. Agreed to, 438. R. A., 640. (4 & 5 Wic., c. 57.) Wide Accounts, 66. 15. Canada Life Assurance Co. (Hamilton) :—For an Act of Incorporation, (1848) 32. Bill presented, 48. Reference to a Committee dispensed with, 61. Passed, 62. Wot returned from the Council. Another Petition, (1849) 21. Bill presented, 69. Referred, 141. Reported, with amendments, 164. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 187. Considered, and agreed to, 188. R. A., 262. (12 Vic, c. 168.) Fee refunded, 212. * - Wide Accounts, 67. 2 294 INSURANCE COMPANIES-continued. II. Petitions for Incorporation of Insurance Companies, &c.—continued. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Canada Marine Assurance Co. (Kingston):-For an Act of Incorportion, (1848) 25. Bill pre- sented, 48. Not proceeded in. Canada Mutual Life Assurance Co. (Hamilton) —For an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 18. Bill presented, 32. Passed, 146. Not returned from the Council. Canada West Farmers' Mutual and Stock Insurance Co. —For an Act of Incorporation, (1851) 61. Bill presented, 92. Referred, 151. Reported, with amendments, 177. Passed, 285. By the Council, with amendments, 301. Considered, and agreed to, 305. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 163.) Home District Mutual Insurance Co. —For an Act to render members of the Company competent to give evidence in actions affecting the Company, (1844–5) 188. Referred, 190. Report, 204. Kingston Fire and Marine Insurance Co. —For an Act of Incorporation, (1850) 28. Bill pre- sented, 49. Referred, 112. Reported, with amendments, 130. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 139) Wide Accounts, 248. Montreal Assurance Co.: Of the Montreal Fire Assurance Co., for an extension of Charter, (1842) 32. Referred, 33. Report; Concurred in, 39. Bill to grant further powers, and to change the name of the Corporation to the Montreal Fire, Life, and Inland Navigation Assurance Co.; Presented, 40. R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 22.) For power to take Marine risks, either within or without the Province, and to alter the name of the Company to “The Montreal Assurance Co..” (1850) 158. Bill presented, 159. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 121.) Wide Accounts, 323. Montreal (County) Mutual Fire Insurance Co.: Petitions from persons residing in other counties, for a law to authorize them to become members of the said Com- pany, (1841) Beauharnois, 388. Berthier, 163. Huntingdon, 164. Lake of Two Mountains, 163. Riche- lieu, 163. Rouville, 164. St. Hyacinthe, 164. Terrebonne, 163. Verchères, 163. All referred, 165, 171, 176. Report; Committed, 203. Resolution reported, and Bill presented, 265. Wide supra, 7. Of members of the said Company, praying that no one connected therewith may act as judges or witnesses in cases affecting the interests of the Company, (1841) 202. . Montreal Marine Mutual Insurance Co.:-For an Act of Incorporation, (1851) 61. Bill presented, 77. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 195. Considered, and agreed to, 199. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 164.) Niagara District Marine Insurance Co. —For an Act of Incorporation (at St. Catharines), (1847) 56. Bill presented, 80. Order for second reading discharged, 194. Ontario Fire and Marine Assurance Co. —For an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 77. Bill presented, 152. R. A., 363. (12 Vic, c. 166.) Provident Mutual Life Indowment Co. —For an Act of Incorporation, as the Provident Mutual Life Endowment, Clerical, Law, Medical and General Association in Canada; Referred, (1843)18. Report, 50. Provincial Insurance Co. (Toronto) :—For incorporation of the Provincial Mutual and General Insu- rance Co., (1849) 72. Bill presented, 105. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 234. Considered, and agreed to, 237. R. A., 363. (12 Vic, c. 167.) St. Lawrence Inland Marine Assurance Co. —vide Accounts, 512. Sherbrooke and Stanstead Mutual Fire Insurance Co. —of inhabitants of Drummond for authority to unite with the said Company, (1841) 175. Inhabitants of Shefford, 242. Both referred, 176, 260. Report a Bill to amend the Act relating to Mutual Insurance Companies, so far as regards the four counties above mentioned, 279. Passed, 291. Wot returned from the Council. Western Assurance Co. (Toronto) :—For an Act of Incorporation, (1851) 40. Bill presented, 86. Referred, 131. Reported, with amendments, 210. Passed, 285. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 162.) INSURANCE COMPANTES-INTEMPERANCE. 295 III. Other Petitions relative to Insurance Companies: 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. For extension to the inhabitants of Chambly (County) of the benefits of the Mutual Insurance Act, (1842) 10. Referred, 12. Report, 21. Committed, 23. Considered; Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 31. Wide Supra, 8. For amendments to the laws relating to Mutual Insurance Companies:–(1844–5) Montreal County Mutual Insur- ance Co., 34. Referred, 54. Report a Bill, 338. Wide supra, 9–(1851) Longue Pointe, 94. Missisquoi and Rouville, 104. Pointe aux Trembles, 82. Rouville, 115. Ste. Geneviève, 94. St. Michel de Lachine, 49. Petition from Missisquoi referred to Committee on the Bill to authorize establishment of additional com- panies, 105. Wide Supra, 10. For an Act to authorize the formation of Mutual Insurance Companies for insuring rural property; Nelson, (1849) 84. Of A. Miller, of Hamilton, for abolition of the present system of insurance, and establishment of a Grand Provin- cial Mutual Insurance Company, (1850) 170. - Of the Niagara District Mutual Fire Insurance Co., for a tax on foreign Insurance Companies transacting business in this Province, and provision for securing the payment of losses, (1850) 73. Referred, 108. Report, 119. Concurred in, 167. For removal of the restrictions imposed upon foreign Insurances; St. Catharines, (1851) 251. Referred, 309. Wo Report. Wide Committees, 198, 340. Intemperance: Bills relative to Intemperance: . For the suppression of intemperance; Reported by a Committee, (1850) 102. Petition of Grand Division of Sons of Temperance, for the passing of the Bill without alteration, 201. Order for second reading discharged, 177. . For the more effectual suppression of intemperance, by establishing a more effective control over the granting of tavern licences, increasing the responsibility of tavern-keepers, vesting in the local anthorities the control over temperance hotels, beer-shops, &c., and further limiting the sale of spirituous liquors; Ordered; Presented, (1850) 205. Motion to take up the Order of the day for second reading, negatived, 234. Read second time, 246. Amended in Committee, 264. Passed, 272. By the Council, with amendments, 279. Considered; ib. Mr. Speaker calls attention to one of the amendments, which increases the fee on licences, and submits whether it would not be expedient (to expedite business) that the House should waive its privileges; Resolu- tion, that this House does not insist on its privileges in setting aside the Bill; Amendments agreed to, 280. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 27.) . To vest in Trustees the property of persons who are incapacitated, by intemperance, from managing their own affairs; Presented, (1850) 32. Wot proceeded in. . For more effectually suppressing intemperance in Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 44. Petition of Rechabites of Canada East, in favor, 110. Bill referred, 89. Wot reported. . To provide for the regulation of taverns and other places of public entertainment, and for the more effectual sup- pression of intemperance; Presented, (1851) 103. Order for second reading discharged, 236. . To make better provision for granting licences to keepers of taverns and dealers in spirituous liquors in Lower Canada, and for the more effectual suppression of intemperance; Presented, (1851) 185. Petition of Montreal Tem- perance Society, for amendments to the Bill, 299. Amended in Committee, 300. Passed, 320. By the Council, with amendments, 342. Considered, and agreed to, 347. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 100.) . Petitions for adoption of measures for the suppression of intemperance:–(1841) Perth, 318. Referred, 410. No Report. (1842) Cavan and Manvers, 17. Gwillimbury West, 38. Montreal, 58. Ottawa Total Abstinence Society, 58. Some of the Petitions referred, 33, 62. Wo Report. (1846) Prince Edward District, 252. Toronto Temperance Reformation Society, 203.—(1848) Bathurst District; Referred, 66. Mo Report. (1849) Amherstburg, 12. Chateau Richer, 96. Hallowell, 208. L'Ange Gardien, 77. Maldon, 12. Port Sarnia, 145. Quebec, 157. St. Charles, 77. St. Constant, 169. St. Edouard, 217. St. Janvier de Blainville, 199. St. Joseph, 199. Ste. Marie de la Nouvelle Beauce, 199. St. Martin, 195. St. Rémi, 169. Vaudreuil, 199. All referred to the Committee on Intemperance, 113, 157, 183. Vide Committees, 406. (1850) Beaumont, 35. Beauport, 35. Berthier, 98. Boucherville, 35. Cap Santé, 73. Chambly, 35. Isle Verte, 35. Kingston, 217. Lanark, 217. L’Ange Gardien, 27. Laprairie, 39. L'Assomption, 39. L'Islet, 35. Longue Pointe, 70. Longueuil, 27. Malbaie, 50. Pointe aux Trembles, 27. Pointe Claire, 120. Port Sarnia, 37. Rechabites of Tent No. 26, Canada East, 89. Repentigny, 27. 296 INTEMPERANCE—JACQUIES. Intemperance—continued. Ste. Anne du Bout de L'Isle, 12. Ste. Anne la Pocatière, 27. St. Athanase, 59. St. Augustin, 46. St. Benoit and St. Placide, 27. St. Césaire, 158. St. Charles (Bellechasse), 35. St. Charles Borromée, 39. St. Charles de Charlesbourg, 39. St. Clement, 35. St. Constant, 13. St. David, 73. Ste. Elizabeth, 35. St. Eustache, 35. St. François Xavier de Verchères, 35. Ste. Geneviève de Berthier, 98. St. Germain, 54. St. Henri de Mascouche, 39. St. Hyacinthe, 35. St. Jean Baptiste de Nicolet, 35. St. Jean, Port Joli, 39. St. Jerome, 46. St. Joachim, 167. St. Joseph de la Pointe Levi, 13. St. Joseph de la Rivière des Prairies, 27. St. Joseph de Lanoraie, 120. St. Louis de Kamouraska, 35. St. Louis de Terrebonne, 35. Ste. Mag- deleine de Rigaud, 39. St. Marie, Nouvelle Beauce, 13, Ste. Marguerite de Joliette, 137. St. Mathieu de Beloeil, 27. St. Paschal, 59. St. Paul Lavaltrie, 70. St. Pie, 64. St. Remi, 39. St. Raphael de L'Isle Bizard, 5. St. Roch des Aulnets, 27, St. Simon, 27, 98. Ste. Thérèse de Blainville, 35. St. Thomas, 35. St. Valentin, 89. Ste. Victoire, 39. St. Vincent de Paul, 35. Trois Pistolés, 124. All referred to the Com- mittee on Intemperance, 46, 89, 127. Wide Committees, 407. 8. Petition of Mun. Council of Portneuf, for amendments to the Act for suppression of intemperance, (1851) 104– Petition of Mun. Council of Shefford, for repeal of the said Act, and that better provision be made for issuing tavern and other licences, so as to prevent intemperance, 111. Wide Committees, 405–407. Interpretation Act 2–Wide Forms of Enactment. Intestate Estates: Bills relative to : 1. For the more equal distribution of the property of persons dying intestate in U. Canada; Presented, (1843) 34. Second reading postponed sine die, 169. 2. For the more equal distribution, &c., ; Presented, (1844–5) 18, Second reading postponed six months, 220. 3. To make better provision for the protection of the property of persons dying intestate in U. Canada; From the Council, (1849) 88. Read, 98. Second reading postponed three months, 214. Council informed that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 287. 4. To regulate the distribution of the personal estates of intestates in U. Canada; Presented, (1851) 56. Order for second reading discharged, 179. Wide JDeceased Persons. Invalids and Foundlings:–vide Accounts, 278,279. Supply, 181–183. Invasions of the Province;—vide Addresses, 608. Rebellion. Inventions *—Wide Fire Screen. Wavigations, 1. Patents. Ireland, Distress in :-vide Accounts, 226. Ireland, Wm. :—vide Accounts, 247. Addresses, 227. Iron Castings —vide Customs, 80. Iron Mines:–vide Coal and Iron. * J. J ACQUES, RIVER :—Wide Bridges, 45. Jacques Cartier, River —vide Bridges, 46–48. Jacquies, A. :—Wide Rebellion, 18. JAMESON.—JOINT STOOK COMPANIES. 297 Jameson, H. J. :-vide Bankrupts, 16. J ardine, D. :-Vide Jegislative Assembly, 124. Jarvis, S. P. :—Wide Accounts, 222, 228. Addresses, 221–223. Jenner, John :—Vide Mu, as J eremie, T. Denault dit :—Petition of for compensation for losses on contracts for public works, (1849) 28. J essop, H. :—Wide Law, Practice of, 22. J essup, H. :—Wide Law, Practice of 23. J essup, J a.S. –Petition of, for remuneration for his services in taking the Census, and for the restoration of his income as Clerk of the Peace for Leeds and Grenville to its former amount, (1851) 130. Jesuits' Estates (L.C.): 1. Bill for the appropriation of the Revenues arising from the Jesuits' Estates for 1846; Ordered, (1846) 283. Presented, 286. R. A., 346. (9 Wie., c. 59.) Wide Supply (Notes to Supply Resolutions of 1847, 1849, 1850 and 1851,–after No. 317.) 2. Petition of inhabitants of Three Rivers, for application of the “Jesuits' Estates” to the purposes of Education in L. Canada, and for concession of the Crown Lands in rear of Three Rivers; also, protesting against the Union Act, &c., (1842) 17. Referred, 18. Wide Committees, 408. 3. Petition of certain censitaires on the Jesuits' Estates in Three Rivers, complaining of the accumulation of cens et zenies and lods et ventes, and praying relief; Referred to Committee on foregoing Petition, (1842) 29. 4, Petition of R. C. Archbishop of Quebec, and Bishops of Quebec and Montreal, for the placing of the “Jesuits' Estates” under their control for educational and other purposes, according to the original intention of the donors, (1846) 218. Printed, 221. Of Roman Catholic Clergy of Quebec and Montreal, for the like, (1847) 48. Printed, 49. Wide Accounts, 227—229. Addresses, 228—232. Committees, 292, 296,297, 408, 486. Governor General, 145. Quebec (City), 14. Supply, 408. J esus, River :—Wide Bridges, 49–53. Navigations, 29. J eWS :—Wide Religious Denominations, 26, 27. J ewell, E. :-Wide War of 1812, 1. J obin, A. :—Wide Elections, 79. Legislative Assembly, 143. J obin, J. ...—Wide Parliament House, 6. J ohnstown I)istrict :—Bill to provide for the collection of arrears of taxes therein ; Presented, (1844–5) 285. Amended in Committee, 358. R. A., 439. (8 Vic, c. 64.) Wide Roads, 56–59. Joint Stock Companies: Bills relative to: 1. To provide for the seizure and sale of shares in the Capital Stock of incorporated Companies; From the Council, (1849) 324. Read, 333. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 23.) 2. To provide for the formation of incorporated Joint Stock Companies for manufacturing, mining, mechanical, or chemical purposes; From the Council; Read, (1849) 65. Motion for passing; Consideration thereof post- poned; Bill printed, 219. Council informed that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 287,-New Bill sent down, 306. Read first time, 309. Wot proceeded in. NN 298 JOINT STOCK COMPANIES-JOURNALS. . 11. 12. 13. 14. Joint Stock Companies—continued. . To provide for the formation, &c.; From the Council; Read, (1850) 31. Amended in Committee, 173. Motion to postpone third reading six months, negatived; Bill passed, as amended, 184. Amendments agreed to by the Council, 198. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 28.) . To provide for the formation of Joint Stock Companies for manufacturing and other purposes; Presented, (185 1) 86. Passed, 233. Not returned from the Council. . Petition of Hamilton Board of Trade, for a law to give corporate privileges for manufacturing and other purposes to any persons desiring the same, (1847) 48. Hart, T. and others, 78––Again, (1848) 25. Wide Accounts, 483. Actions, 14. Addresses, 454. Bills, Private, 25. Loans to Incorporated Com- panies. Partnerships. Reports, Annual, 1, 2. Roads, 8–19. Joliette, Hon. B. :-vide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. Joliette College:–vide Education, 122. Journals: Orders and Resolutions relative to Journals of the House: . That immediately after the Speaker takes the chair, the Minutes of the preceding day shall be read (6th Rule), (1841) 40. . That copies of the Journals, in French, be laid on the table daily, &c., (29th Rule), (1841) 42. . That a certified copy of the Journals be delivered each day to His Excellency (30th Rule), (1841) 42. . That an Index to the Journals be made by the Clerk, every Session (31st Rule), (1841) 42. . That until the proceedings are printed daily, the Legislative Council may cause the Journals to be searched (32nd Rule), (1841) 42. . That 500 copies of the Journals be printed, after every Session, and distributed as therein directed, (1841) 241. Copies to be sent to the Councils and Assemblies of the British North American Provinces, and of Jamaica and Bermuda, with a request for an exchange of Journals, ib. . That 200 copies of the Journals be printed in the French language, (1842) 91. . That a complete set of the Journals since the Union be transmitted to the Montreal Board of Trade, (1846) 339. . That the Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench be henceforth furnished with a copy of the Journals, (1846) 339. 10. That Mr. Speaker do take the necessary steps for procuring M. S. copies of the missing Journals of the Assembly of U. Canada, (1847) 187. Mr. Speaker instructed to inquire what steps have been taken in the matter, and to adopt such further measures as may be necessary, (1851) 358. That a copy of the Journals be furnished to each Municipal District Council in U. Canada, to each Municipality in L. Canada, and to the Town Councils of Quebec, Montreal, and each incorporated town in U Canada, (1847) 91. Rescinded, 102. • That an additional number of the Journals be printed and distributed, one copy to each Municipal Council, (those for L. Canada to be distributed by the Clerk in the several townships and parishes, pending the estab- lishment of Municipal Councils therein), (1851) 142. *W**olutions, authorizing the Clerk to cause a General Index to be made to the Journals of the Assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada, and the Speaker to advance the necessary funds, (1841) 524. Resolutions, rescinding so much as authorizes funds to be advanced, and making other arrangements respecting the same, (1843) 179. Wide Legislative Assembly, 170–173. Mr. Speaker presents a Report from the compilers of the said Indices, (1847) 33. Referred, 102. Report; Committed, 112. Considered; Report two Resolutions, for printing the Indices, when completed,—and for adoption of measures for procuring copies of the missing Journals of U. Canada; Agreed to, 187. Instruction to the Committee on the Library, to inquire into the expediency of causing to be prepared a General Index to the Journals of this House, since the Union, and the probable cost thereof, (1851) 201. Message from the Council, Communicating a similar instruction with respect to their own Journals, 249. Report thereon (recommending that the two Speakers be authorized to make arrangements respectively for procuring such Indices), 292. Printed, 294. Concurred in ; Resolution, authorizing the Speaker to direct the compilation of a General Index to the Journals of the Assembly, upon such plan, and terms, as he may think fit; to be printed, when completed, 320. JOURNALS-JUDGMENTS. 299 15. 16. 17 18. 19. 20. 21. 2 Journals—continued. Motion, that a sufficient number of copies of the Journals be printed to supply one copy to each Municipality, and to the proprietors of such newspapers as may be furnished to the Library; Amendment, for an instruction to the Committee on Printing to inquire into the best mode of distributing copies of the Journals, carried, (1851) 35. (Wide Committees, 452.) Resolution based upon the Report of the said Committee, 142. Wide supra, 12. Entry in Journals of preceding Session relative to amendments of L. Council to Bill for relief of Religious Socie- ties, read, (1844–5) 8. Committee appointed to inquire how certain words were interpolated therein, 9. Report, 36. Resolution, for a censure on the Clerk of the English Journals, 51. Entry again read; Inter- polated words expunged; Proceedings communicated to the Council, 63. Entries in Journals of former Sessions read (and generally referred):—Journals of Upper Canada, (1841) 494.— (1844–5) 274.—(1851) 199. Journals of Canada, (1842) 6.—(1843) 56.—(1844–5) 83.−(1846) 65,- (1847) 73.−(1848) 8–(1849) 18–(1850) 38.—(1851) 21, &c. Journals of same Session, (1846) 113. Certain documents not to be printed in the Appendix, (1851) 50. Motion to read former entries in the Journals, Negatived, (1843) 208. Motion to amend former entries, Negatived, (1844–5) 44. Motion, that a copy of the Journals be placed in the custody of each Township Clerk in Upper Canada, Negatived, (1847) 99. Wide Accounts, 225. Committees, 143–145, 215–218, 362, 402, 403, 443–452, 489, 490. Library, 8. Judges: . Bill for better securing the independence and uprightness of the Judges; Presented, (1841) 11. Referred, 69. Reported amended, 412. Passed, 510. Wot returned from the Council. . Bill for better securing the independence of the Judges; Presented, (1842) 6. Read second time; Referred, 18. Not reported. Yºr . Bill to render the Judges in Lower Canada independent of the Crown; Presented, (1843) 7. R. A., 180. (7 Vic, c. 15.) . Bill to render the Judge of the Vice Admiralty Court ineligible to a seat in the Legislative Assembly; Presented, (1841) 420. Order for second reading postponed sine die, 455. . Resolution, That the Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench be henceforth provided with a copy of the Journals, (1846) 339. . Resolution providing, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, for the salaries of such additional Judges as an amended system of judicature for Lower Canada may require; Referred to Committee of whole on the Bill to establish a Court of Appeals in Lower Canada, with an instruction to make the necessary provision there- in, (1849) 260. Wide Courts, 12. . Resolution providing, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and by funding certain fees receivable by different officers of the Courts of Law and Equity in Upper Canada, for such additional Judges and officers of those Courts, as an amended system of judicature for Upper Canada may require; Referred to Committees of the whole on the Bill relating to the Court of Chancery, and the Bill to establish a Court of Error and Appeal, &c., in Upper Canada, with an instruction to make the necessary provision in the said Bills, (1849) 314. Wide Courts, 14, 20. . Petition of the Judges of Queen's Bench in Lower Canada, for an Act to determine the amount of their travelling expenses, (1846) 46. . Petition of Circuit Judges for the District of Quebec, for an allowance for their travelling expenses, (1846) 84. Wide Accounts, 112, 113, 231—233, 561. Addresses, 62, 181, 182, 445, 526. Allen. Armstrong. Civil List. Committees, 146, 147. Courts, 8, 12, 14, 20. Elections, 138. Governor General, 39. Law, Practice of 14. Seigniorial Tenure, 12, 24. Supply, 51, 60, 337, 338, 344, 346, 481. J udgments: Bills relative to: . To authorize defendants to make full defence in certain cases in actions upon foreign judgments; Presented, (1 849) 152. Second reading postponed six months, 220. . To facilitate the admission in evidence of foreign judgments, and certain official and other documents; Presented, (1850) 41. Amended in Committee; Re-committed, and further amended, 123. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 19.) 300 JUDGMENTS_JURIES. 10. 11. 12. J udgments—continued. f . To render executory the judgments of Commissioners' Courts in Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 19. Referred to Committee on the Bill relative to the Court for St. Francis, with an instruction, 45. Wide infra, 5. . To facilitate the execution of judgments in Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 42. Referred to Committee on the Pill relative to the judgments of the Provincial Court for St. Francis, with an instruction, 88. Wide infra, 5. . To render the judgments of the late Provincial Court for the Inferior District of St. Francis executory, and for the removal of the Records of the said Court into the Circuit Court at Sherbrooke; Presented, (1851) 32. Bil; relative to the judgments of Commissioners' Courts, and Bill to facilitate the execution of Judgments in Lower Canada, (supra, 3, 4,) severally referred, with instructions to consolidate them with this Bill, if found expedient, 45, 88. Report a Bill, 112. Wide infra, 6. . To render executory certain judgments in Lower Canada, and to provide more effectually for enforcing judgments in ease of resistance; Reported by the Committee on the foregoing Bill, (1851) 112. Amended in Committee, 322. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 90.) - . Petition for such an amendment of 9 Vic, c. 36, as to allow judgments to be entered up in the several districts, instead of being sent to the Clerk of the Crown at Toronto; Barristers, &c., of Peterborough, (1848) 62. Wide Courts, 55. J udicial Officers :—Wide Justice, Administration of, 8, 9, 11, 17. Judicial Records :—Wide Committees, 490. J udicial Sales of Land :—Wide Lord's Day, 5. Sheriffs' Sales. Juries: Bills relative to Juries and Jurors: . To consolidate and amend the laws relative to jurors, juries, and inquests, in Upper Canada; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 20. Considered in Committee, 67. Wot reported. . To consolidate and amend, &c.; and to provide for the indemnification of jurors; Presented, (1844–5) 28. Referred, 143. Wot reported. . To limit the number of petit jurors to be summoned to attend the several Courts in Upper Canada, and to provide for paying them from local sources; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 61. Amended in Committee; Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 220. Re-committed, and further amended, 226. Passed, 230. Not returned from the Council. . To consolidate and amend the laws relative to jurors, juries, and inquests, in Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 128. Amended in Committee, 226. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 55.) . To amend the foregoing Act, and to make some further provisions for the better accomplishment of the object, thereof; Presented, (1851) 171. Amended in Committee, 241. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 65.) . To provide for the payment of petit jurors attending the Criminal Courts of Assize and Nisi Prius, Oyer and Ter- miner, and General Gaol Delivery, and the several Courts of Quarter Sessions and County Courts in Upper Canada, from local moneys; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 35. Referred, 88. Reported, with amendments, 135. Amended in Committee, 176. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 14.) *, . To extend the time for making the selection of jurors, and preparing the Jurors' Books in U. Canada in the present year; From the Council; Read, (1851) 342. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 112.) . To dispense with trial by jury in certain cases, in U. Canada; Presented, (1851) 56. Referred, 214. Not reported. . To regulate the qualification and summoning of jurors in L. Canada; Presented, (1843) 135. Referred, 143. Woº Teported. To regulate and facilitate the summoning of jurors in L. Canada; Presented, (1846) 214. Committed, 314. Not considered. - To provide for indemnifying petit jurors from country parts for their expenses in attending at the Criminal Terms of the Courts of Queen's Bench, Oyer and Terminer, or Quarter Sessions, in L. Canada; Presented, (1846) 240. Wot proceeded in. To regulate the summoning of jurors in L. Canada; Presented, (1847) 87. Amended in Committee, 165. Re- turned from the Council, with an amendment, 196. Considered, and agreed to, 206. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 13.) JURIES-JUSTICE. 301 Juries—continued. 13. To remove doubts as to the time from which the provisions of the foregoing Act were intended to have force and effect; Presented, (1848) 16. R. A., 80. (11 Vic, c. 2.) 14. To amend the Jury Laws in L. Canada; Presented, (1851) 109. Order for second reading discharged, 322. 15. To amend the Act to regulate the summoning of jurors in L. Canada (supra, 12); Presented, (1851) 145. Amended in Committee, 317. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 89.) 16. Petition for remuneration of jurors attending the District Courts; Home District, (1 841) 202. 17. Petitions for amendment of the law relating to the selection of juries:—(1850) Middlesex Mun. Council, 46.— (1851) Lanark and Renfrew Mun. Council, 130. 18. Petitions for the payment of jurors in U. Canada out of the general funds of the Province, as in L. Canada:— (1844–5) Breakenridge, J., 177. (1849) Bathurst Mun. Council, 131. (1850) Louth, 74. 19. Petition for the payment of jurors during their attendance in Court; Grantham, (1850) 82. 20. Petitions for remuneration of jurors in Criminal Cases in L. C.:-(1846) St. Bernard, 17. (1848) St. Francis, Dis- trict of 12––(1849) St. Maurice, 116. Vaudreuil, 199—(1850) L'Ancienne Lorette, 12. Lotbinière, 12. St. Giles, 12. St. Jean des Chaillons, 13. St. Sylvestre, 28.--—(1851) Ste. Anne Lapérade, 52. St. François Xavier de Batiscan, 37. Ste. Geneviève de Batiscan, 61. - .-- •º, Wide Committees, 148–154. Speeches, 5, 19. Justice, Administration of: Bills relative thereto: 1. . For the removal of defects in the administration of Criminal J ustice; From the Council, (1849) 210. Read, 212. Council informed that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 287. 2 . To provide for the removal of defects in the administration of Criminal Justice; Presented, (1849) 313. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 21.) 3 . To facilitate the administration of justice in certain cases; Presented, (1850) 128. Committed, 157. Wot considered. 4. To repeal Ordinances 3 & 4 Vic, c. 45, and 4 Vic, c. 19, relative to the establishment of a system of Judicature in L. Canada, and Ord. 4 Vic, c. 15, for regulating the office of Sheriff; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 54. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 13.) 5 . To amend the law relative to the administration of justice in L. C.; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 19. Referred, 49. Instruction, to inquire into expediency of adding Superior Criminal Jurisdiction to the Court of Queen's Bench for the District of St. Francis, 50. Petition for abolition of District and Division Courts referred, 62. Report, the Bill, with amendments; Committed, 74. Considered, 103. Referred back to Special Committee, 112. Again reported, with amendments; Committed, 120. Amended in Committee, 121. Passed, 130. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 168. Considered; Some of the amendments agreed to, ib. Consideration of last amendment postponed three months, 176. Wide infra, 6. 6 . To make better provision for the administration of justice in L. C.; Presented; Amended in Committee, (1843) 175. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 16.)—Petition of the Quebec Bar, for amendments to the Bill, 180. 7. To amend the law relative to the administration of justice in L. Canada; Presented, (1846) 187. Amended in Committee, 296. Motion for further amendment, negatived, 302. Returned from the Council, with amend- ments, 340. Considered, and agreed to, 341. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 29.) 8 . To assign fixed annual salaries to certain officers of justice in L. Canada, and to form a special fund out of the salaries, fees, emoluments, and pecuniary profits attached to their offices; Ordered; Presented, (1850) 37. Amended in Committee, 249. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 37.) 9 . To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1851) 23. Amended in Committee, 69. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 17.) 10. To defray out of the Consolidated Revenue the expenses of the administration of justice in criminal matters, in U. Canada (one third in 1846, two thirds in 1847, and thenceforward the whole charge); Ordered, (1846) 222. Presented, 224. R. A., 346. (9 Wic, c. 58.) 11. To make better provision for the administration of justice in the unorganized tracts of country in U. Canada; Presented, (1851) 206. Resolution, providing out of the County Fee Fund and Consolidated Revenue Fund for such Judges, Sheriffs, &c., and such Court Houses, Gaols, &c., as may be required under the Bill, 232. Referred to Committee of whole on the Bill, with an instruction to insert a clause in accordance therewith, 236. Order for consideration of Bill discharged, 343. 302 JUSTICE—JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20. 21. 10. Justice, Administration of-continued. Petitions for repeal of the Ordinances relating to the Judicature:-(1841) Portneuf, 55.--(1842) Three Rivers, 17. (1 843) Beauharnois, 33. * Petitions for amendments to the Judicature Acts:—(1843) Kamouraska Mun. Council, 14. Rimouski Mun. Council, 33. (1844–5) Missisquoi, 225. St. John's, 41. (1849) Hinchinbrooke and Godmanchester, 1. Petitions for amendments in the administration of civil justice in L. Canada, so as to put an end to the centraliza- tion thereof in cities, (1851) Berthier, 150. Lanoraie, b. Leinster, 0. Petition for alterations in the system of Judicature in District of St. Francis, (1848) 87. Wide supra, 5. Courts, 47. Petition for establishment of a permanent and less expensive system of Judicature in the more remote parts of the Province; L'Islet and Bellechasse, (1848) 12. * \ Petitions from judicial officers, representing the loss they have sustained by the funding of their fees under the Act substituting salaries for fees for certain officers of justice (supra, 8), and praying for the repeal of the Act, or compensation for their loss, (1851) Clerk of the Peace, Montreal, 32. Sheriff and others of Quebec, 48. Petitions for payment of the expenses attending the administration of justice in Upper Canada out of the Con- solidated Revenue Fund:—(1844–5) Niagara District Council, 24. Victoria District Council, 298. First Petition referred, 31. Report thereon, 83.—(1848) Colborne District Council, 25. Johnstown do. do., 20. Newcastle do. do., 71. Simcoe do. do., 26. Victoria do. do., 13.−(1849) Colborne District Council, 31. 19. Petition for a reduction of the judicial expenses of the Province; Grantham, (1850) 82. Petition of Municipal Council of Prince Edward, against any alteration in the present system of defraying the expenses of the administration of justice, as respects County Officers, (1850) 37. Petition of Municipal Council of Lincoln and Welland, for re-payment of a sum of £1095 paid out of their local funds for expenses of Administration of Justice, (1851) 37. Wide Accounts, 232, 234. Addresses, 233—236. Civil List. Committees, 155–159, 409–411, 437. Speeches, 5, 15, 17. Supply, 1–13, 43–65. Territorial Divisions, 8. Justices of the Peace: Bills relative to: . To require Justices of the Peace to make returns of convictions and fines; Presented, (1841) 3. Referred, 137. Reported with amendments, 234. Amended in Committee, 257. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 346. Agreed to, 354. R. A., 440. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 12.) . To regulate the appointment and duties of Clerks to Magistrates in country parishes and and townships in Lower Canada, and the duties of Bailiffs in certain cases; Presented, (1841) 256. Referred, 422. Not reported. . To prevent practising attorneys from acting as Justices of the Peace; Presented, (1842) 30. Wot proceeded in. . To revive a certain Act of Lower Canada for the qualification of Justices of the Peace; Presented, (1842) 25. Referred; Instruction, to report on expediency of extending its provisions to Upper Canada, 34. Reported, with amendments, 35. Amended in Committee, 57. Passed (as an Act for the qualification of Justices of the Peace), 61. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 3.) . To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1849) 200. Not proceeded in. . To provide for the administration of the oath of office to Justices; Presented, (1843) 5. Wot proceeded in.— (Similar Bills introduced pro formá on the first day of each Session, and not proceeded with), (1844–5) 2.- (1847) 7–(1849) 4.—(1851) 1. . To provide for appointment of Magistrates for the remote parts of the Province; From the Council; Read, (1846) 258. Passed, 297. R. A., 345. (9 Wic., c. 41.) . To establish an uniform rate of fees to be received by Justices of the Peace in Upper Canada, and to repeal the Act of Upper Canada, 4 Wm. IV, c. 17; Presented, (1851) 35. Referred, 142. Reported, with amendments, 189. Amended in Committee, 321. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 119.) . To facilitate the performance of the duties of Justices of the Peace, in Lower Canada, out of Sessions, with respect to Summary Convictions and Orders; Presented, (1851) 47. Amended in Committee, 317. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 95.) To facilitate the performance of the duties of Justices of the Peace, in Lower Canada, out of Sessions, with respect to persons charged with indictable offences; Presented, (1851) 47. Amended in Committee, 317. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 96.) JUSTICES OF THE PEACE–KETILY. 303 II 12 13 14 15. 16 17 – ºf To amend and consolidate the laws affording protection to magistrates and others, in Lower Canada, in the per- formance of public duties; Presented, (1851) 56. Amended in Committee, 198. Passed, 200. By the Council, with amendments, 233. Considered, and agreed to, 234. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 54.) To define the jurisdiction of Justices in General and Quarter Sessions of the Peace; Presented, (1851) 112. Com- mitted, 246. Wot considered. Resolution, that it is expedient and just, that in all cases of summary jurisdiction before magistrates, a right of appeal should be allowed under certain restrictions, (1846) 148. Petition for establishment of a Stipendiary Magistrate at Kingston, (1841) 579. Petition of W. Allison and others, for an Act to protect magistrates and constables, in the performance of their duties, from vexatious law-suits, (1851) 6. Referred, 52. Wo Report. Petition for adoption of a schedule of fees to be received by magistrates; Waterloo Quarter Sessions, (1851) 32. Petition for repeal of the law requiring the publication of convictions by magistrates; Essex and Lambton Mun. Council, (1851) 163. Wide Accounts, 178, 179. Addresses, 186, 187. Committees, 178, 179, 287, 387. Courts, 92. Magda- len Islands, 3. Summary Convictions. Witnesses, 1, 2. Juvenile Offenders :—Wide Committees, 137, 397. Gaols, 3, 4. Houses of Refuge. K. KAKOUNA :—Wide Harbours, 39. Ralar, J ohn :—Petition of complaining of unjust judgments awarded against him in the Court of Requests and District Court of the Niagara District, and praying relief, (1841) 12. Referred, 103. Report; Com- mitted, 487. Wot considered. - Kamouraska :—Petitions for selection of Rivière du Loup as the District Town of the new District of Kamouraska, (1849) 21—(1850) 36–Petition against, (1849) 59. Wide Addresses, 236. Bridges, 54. Game, 18. Gaols, 1, 12–14. Rimouski, 4–6. Kane, Paul :—Petition of stating that he has spent several years traversing Northern and Western America, and has made many sketches of the country, Indians, curiosities, &c., and and praying aid to com- plete and publish the same, (1850) 194. Another Petition, (1851) 49. Referred to Committee on Con- tingencies, 264. Report, recommending an appropriation of £500 for the purchase of some of his paintings, 309. Amended by the House, and adopted, 356. Kay, John : Wide Pensions, 30. Keefer's Prize Essay :—Resolution, that the Clerk do procure 400 copies of Keefer's Prize Essay on the Canals of Canada, and have the same translated and printed in French, (1850) 268. Keele, W. C. :—Petition of for the patronage of the House in the publication of “Keele's Provincial Justice,” (1844–5) 99. Another Petition, for encouragement in the publication of a new edition thereof, (1851) 94. Referred to Committee on the Library, 102. Report, recommending that 50 copies be taken for the House, 292. Concurred in, 320. Reeler, Mrs. :—vide Divorce, 2. Relly, W. M. :—Wide Accounts, 235. Addresses, 237–240. 304 KEMPT KINGSTON. 1 4 Rempt Road :—Wide Education, 123. Roads, 176, 177. Supply, 255, 256, 296. Kennebec Road :—Petition of Job Jameson, for an inquiry into the titles of certain non-resident holders of lands on the Kennebec Road, (1847) 122. Wide Supply, 237. Kennedy, Angus:–vide War of 1812, 1. Kent :—Wide Elections, 40, 41. Territorial Divisions, 60–62. Kenyon :-vide Territorial Divisions, 65. Kerr, Hon. Jas. :—vide Pensions, 31. Keyes, Dr. :—Motion for an Address for copies of any Petitions, Opinions, and Correspondence relative to the pardon granted to Dr. Keyes, confined under sentence in the Penitentiary, Negatived, (1850) 51. 9. Keys, F. L. :-vide Aliens, 54. Kidd, Mrs. :—Wide Pensions, 32. Kildare :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 125. Rilkenny :—Petition for erection of that township into a distinct municipality, (1846) 46. Kincardine :-vide Territorial Divisions, 67. King's College, Toronto:—vide Education, 60–95. King's Posts :—Petition from Militia-men and others, residing in Saguenay, praying that the lands known as the “King's Posts,” may be thrown open to settlement, on the expiration of the lease granted to the Hudson's Bay Company, (1841) 75. Wide Accounts, 210, 211. Addresses, 189,214. Fisheries, 9. Supply, 309. Kingsmill, Geo. :—Wide Capreol. Kingston (City): Bill to provide for the assessment and collection of the district taxes therein by persons appointed by the District Council; Presented, (1844–5) 297. Amended in Committee, 344. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 61.) Bill to amend the Act incorporating the Town of Kingston; Presented, (1844–5) 305. Motion to postpone second reading 6 months, negatived; Amended in Committee, 411. Two motions to re-commit Bill, negatived, 419. Bill passed, 420. Wot returned from the Council.-Petition against the clause extending the limits, 367. Bill to incorporate the Town of Kingston as a City; Presented, (1846) 65. Amended in Committee, 189. Re-com- mitted, and further amended, 197. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 235. Considered, and agreed to, 240. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 75.) Bill to amend the 9th section of the foregoing Act, by declaring that the main shore of Wolfe Island shall be con- strued and meant to include the main shores of the Township of Wolfe Island and Garden Island; Ordered; Presented, (1847) 64. Decided to be subject to payment of a fee, under 71st Rule; Rule suspended, 150. Referred, 151. Reported, 159. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 46.) Bill to amend the Act of incorporation, and to extend the limits of the city; Presented, (1849) 68. Order for second reading discharged, 290. KINGSTON.—com/?nued. 305 10. 11. £2. Kingston—continued. . Petition of Mayor and Corporation for enlargement and incorporation of the said town as a city, (1842) 20.—For the like, and also that the taxes now paid to the Treasurer of the Midland District may be retained by the city, (1844–5) 281. Petition in favor, 324. Petition of Midland District Council, against the latter clause; Referred to Committee on Petition relative to Lot 24, 293. Wide infra, 9. . Petition for amendments to the Act incorporating the City of Kingston, (1848) 66–Again, (1849) 28. . Petitions praying that Lot 24, 1st Concess. of Kingston, may be included within the city limits, (1843) 39-(1849) 77. . Petitions against including Lot 24 within the city limits, (1841) 20–(1843) 36–(1844–5) 47. Referred, 288. Petition of Midland District Council, against increasing the powers of Kingston Corporation, also referred, 293. Report, 304. Printed, 306.—Another Petition, (1846) 94.—(1849) 77. Referred to Committee on the limits of cities, towns, and villages, 192. (Wide Committees, 539.) Against including Portsmouth within the limits, (1849) 83. Petition of Midland District Council, praying for the control over the District Taxes collected in Kingston; also, that Members of District Councils may be exempt from serving as jurors, (1844–5) 276. Referred, ib. Report, recommending a Bill, 290. Wide supra, 1. Petition for an amendment of the Act of Incorporation, so as to exempt vessels trading only at Wolfe Island from e any restrictions imposed thereby, (1847) 65. Wide supra, 4. _º Petition for continuation of the Montreal Road through the Artillery Reserve, (1849) 77. Wide Addresses, 498. Committees, 161, 162, 295. Education, 124. Harbours, 12. Rebellion, 5. Supply, 146, 298. Kingston (Township):—vide Territorial Divisions, 68, 69. Kingston and Napanee Turnpike Road:—vide Roads, 182, 183. Kingston and Toronto Railroad Co.:-vide Railroads, 42. Kingston Bank (pretended Bank of Upper Canada):-Wide Banks, 18. Kingston Fire and Marine Insurance Co. —vide Insurance Cos. 20. Kingston Gas Light Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1848) 19. Bill presented, 37. Amended in Committee, 60. R. A., 80. (11 Vic, c. 13.) Kingston Hospital :—Petition for an Act to incorporate the Trustees of that institution, (1847) 95. –Again, (1849) 113, 131. Bill presented, 132. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 174. Con- sidered, and agreed to, 175. R. A., 343. (12 Vic, c. 103.) Wide Accounts, 249. Supply, 147, 447. Kingston Marine Railway :—Petition for additional powers, (1843)48. Referred, 57. Report, 79. Bill presented, 85. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 123. Considered, and agreed to, 128. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 61.) Kingston Mechanics' Institute:–Petition ºr aid, (Isa) was vide sº tº Ringston Mineral Wells Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1848) 48. Referred, 44. Report, 79. Bill presented, 141. Referred, 169. Reported, with amendments; Committed, and amended, 204. R. A., 210. (7 Vic, c. 64.) Ringston Trinity House :—Petition for establishment of a Trinity House at Kingston, (1851) 61. * OO 306 RINGSTON.—TANDS. Kingston Water Works Co.: 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 39. Bill presented, 56. Amended in Committee, 132. Amendments agreed to, and Bill referred, 140. Reported, without amendment, 164. R. A., 363. (12 Vic, c. 158.) 2. Petition for an amendment of their Act of Incorporation, to enable them to use the extra power of their engine for other purposes, (1851) 61. Bill presented, 108. R. A., 230. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 37.) Kitley :—Wide Education, 125. L. LACHAPELLE, P. P.:-wºº, Lachemic :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 126. Lachine Canal :—Wide Accounts, 496, 497, 501. Addresses, 473. Bridges, 55. Navigations, 64–64. Lacolle, Seigniory of:-vide Signiorial Tenure, 30. - Lacroix, P. :-vide Governor General, 94. Pensions, 38. Lafontaine, Hon. L. :-wº Accounts, 6. Addresses, 49. Laidly, Ja.S. –Wide Navigations, 80. Laing, J. R. :—Wide Agriculture, 17. Lajoie, A. Gér in :—Petition of for aid in the publication of a work called “Catechisme Politique,” (1851) 82. Report from Committee on the Library, recommending the purchase of 400 copies, 292. Con- curred in, 320. Lake Huron Silver and Copper Mining Co.:-vide Mining Co., 10. Lambton :—Petition for establishment of the county town thereof in Township of Enniskillen, (1850) 188— At Port Sarnia, 236. Both referred to Committee of whole on Territorial Divisions Bill, 260. Wide Terri- torial Divisions, 6. Wide Territorial Divisions, 61, 62. Lampman, Peter :—Wide Pensions, 52. Lanark :—Wide Elections, 42. Lanaudière:–vide Simoria Tºur, al. Lands: Bills relative to: 1. To provide for the disposal of the public lands; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 258. Amended in Committee, 409. Ryder moved and negatived, and Bill passed, 416. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 471. Agreed to, 475. Address to His Excellency, to transmit the Bill to England, 624. Agreed to by Council, 629. Bill reserved, 643. Royal Assent by Proclamation, 30th May, 1842. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 100.) TANDS—com/?nued. 307 Lands—continued. $º. . To explain the Act of last Session (supra, 1), and to prevent, in Lower Canada, the surreptitious sale of lands possessed by right of occupancy, as personal goods, by the Sheriff; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 92. Passed, 102. Wot returned from the Council. 2 3. To extend the provisions of the Public Lands Act, and to enable persons who located before 4th April, 1839, to per- fect their titles; Presented, (1844–5) 10. Referred, 59. Petitions relative to claims for land referred, 88, 167, 313, 317. Bill reported, with amendments; Committed, 337, Considered, 428. Wot reported. 4. To amend and extend the provisions of the said Act, and to provide for the final settlement of land claims; Pre- sented, (1846) 52. Amended in Committee, 338. Passed, 339. Wot returned from the Council. 5. To amend the law relative to the disposal of the public lands; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 187. Considered in Committee, 313. Not reported. 6. To amend the Act for the disposal of the public lands, and to allow further time for making certain claims under the same; Presented, (1847) 73. Amended in Committee, 131. Re-Committed, 133. Reported without amendment; Passed, 140. Not returned from the Council. 7. To amend a certain Act, and to make other provisions for the management and disposal of public lands, and to limit the period for making free grants; Presented, (1849) 189. Amended in Committee, 346. Proviso added, 350. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 31.) - 8. To extend the provisions of the thirteenth section of an Act of Upper Canada intituled “An Act for the disposal of public lands,” and to amend the said Act in other respects, and further to provide for the settlement of land claims; Presented, (1849) 219. Wot proceeded in. 9. To limit the time for redeeming Land Scrip; Presented, (1850) 44. Amended in Committee, 225. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 16.) - - 10. To repeal a certain provision of the Act for the disposal of public lands, relative to the period within which indem- nity may be granted for errors in patents; Presented, (1851) 164. Passed, 346. Not returned from the Council. * 11. Relating to land patents whereby any waste or other lands of the Crown in Lower Canada are granted, and to dis- pense with certain formalities therewith connected, occasioning unnecessary delay and expense; Presented, (1851) 59. Amended in Committee, 176. Passed, 178. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 16.) 12. To extend the period for payment of fees on Crown patents for lands, and for other purposes; Presented, (1851) 86. Amended in Committee, 265. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 56.) 13. To remove difficulties with regard to the conveyance of lands in Upper Canada, of which the grantor may not have possession; Presented, (1844–5) 55. Referred, 206. Wot reported. 14. To give effect to Letters Patent for lands, in cases where the grantee has died before the completion of the same; Presented, (1846) 231. Wot proceeded in. 15. Relating to Letters Patent whereby any waste or other lands of the Crown in Lower Canada are granted, and to dispense with certain unnecessary formalities connected therewith, occasioning delay and expense ; Presented, (1847) 10. Passed, 42. Not returned from the Council. 16. Relating to Letters Patent whereby any waste or other public lands in Lower Canada are granted, &c.; Presented, (1848) 14. Order for second reading discharged, 60. 17. To facilitate the partitioning of lands, tenements and hereditaments in Lower Canada, in certain cases; From the - Council; Read, (1846) 106. Motion to refer Bill, 180. Agreed to, 198. Petitions relative to a partition of certain lands in Bolton, referred, 203. Reported, with evidence, 237. Committed, 240. Motion that the order for consideration be read, negatived, 342. 18. Relating to the partitioning of lands in free and common soccage in Lower Canada among co-heirs of the proprietors thereof—supplementary to an Act therein mentioned; Presented, (1847) 10. Second reading postponed, on division, 32. Read second time; Referred, 60. Reported, 62. Passed, 65. Wot returned from the Council. 19. To facilitate the partitioning of lands, tenements, and hereditaments, in certain cases, in Lower Canada; Presented, (1847) 41. Referred, 82. Reported, with amendments, 101. Amended in Committee, 150. Further amend- ment moved and negatived, 158. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 37.) 20. To amend and extend the provisions of the foregoing Act; Presented, (1849) 14. Amended in Committee, 34. R. A., 46. (12 Vic.., c. 61.) * - - - 21. To render lands in the hands of executors and administrators more available for the payment of debts; Presented (1842) 6. Order for second reading discharged, 48. 308 LANT)S—continued. Lands—continued. 22. To remove doubts as to the liability of certain lands in Upper Canada to taxation ; Presented, (1844–5) 233. Referred, 305. Reported, with amendments, 381. Amended in Committee, 410. Passed, 418. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 58.) 23. To explain and amend the Act of Upper Canada for protecting the lands of the Crown from trespass; From the Council, (1849) 86. Read, 87. R. A., 264. (12 Vic, c. 9.) 24. Resolution, That an alteration ought to be made in the Regulations of the Crown Lands Department, with respect to parties buying land (not less than 50 acres) from the original purchasers, and that on production of the proper assignments, and tender of the sums due on such land, transfers to the assignees be made in the books of the department, and deeds issued, (1846) 184. 25. Certain Resolutions proposed, for the sale of the remaining public lands purchased from the Indians, and the application of the proceeds for the support of Common Schools; Consideration postponed till next Session, (1847) 169. 26. Petition for a tax on all wild lands, for the improvement of the roads; Gloucester, &c., (1841) 234. Referred, 283. Wo Report. 27. Petition for the shortening of the time allowed to absentees for payment of the wild land tax; Brock District Council, (1842) 32. 28. Petition of certain freeholders of Ottawa District, praying to be allowed to redeem certain lands sold for arrears v.f taxes, (1842) 13. 29. Petition for amendments to the laws relating to the assessment on lands; Wellington District Council, (1843) 58. 30. Petition for removal of doubts respecting the sale of lands for taxes in certain Districts; Simcoe District Council, (1844–5) 14.—Another Petition, 351. 31. Petition for payment of the land tax in all cases to the Treasurer of the district in which the lands are situate, Colborne District, (1848) 25. Referred, 66. No Report. 82. Petitions for power to Municipal Councils to recover taxes on the lands of absentees, (1848) London District Coun- cil, 26. Western District Council, 25. 38. Petition for repeal of 9 Geo. 4, cap. 3, in so far as it authorizes the payment of the wild land tax to the Treasurer of any district other than that in which the lands are situate; Colborne District Council, (1849) 31. 34. Petition for authority to Municipal Councils to collect the wild land tax, and to compel the correct return of rateable property; Colborne District Council, (1849) 31. 85. Petition for removal of doubts as to the liability of wild lands to pay certain taxes imposed by Municipal Councils and to be sold for arrears of such taxes; Talbot District Council, (1849) 121. 86. Petition of certain commuted pensioners and discharged soldiers, for grants of land without the obligation of settle- ment duties, (1848) 54. Referred, ib. No Report. 37. Petition for an extension of the time for application by commuted pensioners and discharged soldiers for scrip, (1843) 64. 88. Petition of John Fitzwilliam Berford, for a modification of the laws relating to the occupation of the soil, (1843) 166. 39. Petition of inhabitants of Ashfield and Wawanosh, for a reduction of the price of Government lands, and that time be allowed for the payment thereof, (1 844–5) 235. 40. Petition of inhabitants of Cap St. Ignace, complaining of encroachments on their lands by the Crown Lands Agent, (1844–5) 12. Referred, 27. Wo Beport. 41. Petition of Niagara District Council, for a more economical system of disposing of the public lands, and the appro- Priation of the funds arising therefrom to the support of schools and literary institutions, (1846) 45. 42. Petition of settlers in the Western District, for a prolongation of the time for payment of the fees on their lands, and for a reduction of the fees, &c., (1848) 7. 48. Petition of inhabitants of Upper Canada, for a provision to compensate those whose lands may be found deficient in measurement, (1849) 53. 44. Petition of T. Bedard, for an investigation of certain complaints against the Crown Lands Department in 1844, 1845, and 1847, (1850) 65. Again, (1851) 40. 45. 5 Petition of the Society for promoting the settlement of wild lands in Bellechasse, Dorchester, and Montmorency, for a reduction of the price of wild lands therein, and the opening of a road, (1850) 74. IANTDS—L’ASSOMPTION. 309 Lands—continued. 46. Petition of Municipal Council of Prescott and Russell, for extension of the time under 12 Vic, c. 31, for establishing claims for land scrip, (1851) 75. 47. Petition of M. Monaghan and others, of Osprey, stating that they were induced, on the faith of the Government, to settle on certain lands in the Wellington and Simcoe Districts, that are now advertised for sale, and praying that the original terms under which they settled may be adhered to, (1851) 198. 48. Motion, for an Address expressing an opinion that the Commissioner of Crown Lands does not possess the abilities requisite for the performance of the important duties devolving on him, Negatived, (1847) 112. (Petitions, &c., relative to By-laws for recovery of land taxes, will be found under the names of the Districts to which they relate.) * Wide Accounts, 251–259, 568. Addresses, 252–258, 310, 534. Committees, 163–165, 412, 413. Aducation, 1, 2. Leases. Real Estate. Speeches, 1. Supply, 173. Lands, Partition of:—vide Bolton, 1. Lands, 11–20. Land Scrip :—Wide Accounts, 254, 259, 316, 317. Addresses, 255, 258, 309—312. Education, 1. Lands, 9, 46. Lane, Wm. :—vide Pensions, 58. Langevin, J. :-vide Municipalitia (L. C.), is Langlois, Mrs. :—vide Pensions, 35. La Nouvelle:–vide Surveys, 46. Lansdowne:—vide Territorial Divisions, 68, 64. Laperrière, A. :-vide Legislative Assembly, 282. Laprairie de la Magdelaine: 1. Petition of the Corporation of the Common of the said parish, for power to convey to the Fabrique thereof certain lands for educational purposes, (1842) 21. - 2. Petition for aid to improve the church and build a parsonage house in that parish, (1842) 34. 3. Petition for aid to the “Maison de la Providence,” in that parish, (1844–5) 94. Larceny:—vide Criminal Law. Larivé, M. :-vide Roads, 292. Laroche, F. :-vide courts, 77. Lassiseraye, C. H. :-vide Education, 120,211. Supply, 111. L'Assomption (Parish):-vide Education, 127. L'Assomption, River :—Wide Bridges, 56, 57. Wavigations, 30. L'Assomption (Village) :—Petition praying that the said village may not have a separate organ- ization (under the Lower Canada Municipalities Bill), but that it may be incorporated with the parish, (1851) 115. 310 L’ASSOMPTION.—LAW, PRACTICE OF. L’Assomption Circuit :—Petition for re-establishment of the former limits of that Circuit, (1850) 46. Petitions against, 124, 137. All referred, 77, 125. Member added, 120. Report, 156. L'Assomption College;—vide Education, 42,128. Lauzon, Seigniory of :—Petition praying that that part of the said Seigniory called St. Catherine may be attached to the Parish of St. Bernard, for municipal purposes, (1851) 210. Wide Accounts, 261, 537. Addresses, 259—261. Committees, 414. Seigniorial Tenure, 32. * Laviolette, J. B. :-vide Rebellion, 15. £am, Jractice of. *\,-\,”-º-AN./vº.º.º.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.”v^*, I. Public Bills relative to the Practice of the Law: 1–12. II. Petitions from various persons, for admission to practise as Bar- risters, Attorneys, or Solicitors, and Proceedings thereon; 13—30. - *. III. Other Petitions relative to the Practice of the Law; 31–37. I. Public Bills relative to the Practice of the Law: 1. To enable persons authorized to practise the law, or to act as Surveyors, in Western Canada, to practise in Canada; Presented, (1841) 355. Committed, with an instruction to strike out so much as relates to practising the law, 405. Wot considered. 2. To amend the laws regulating the taking out of certificates by Attorneys and Solicitors in Upper Canada; Presented, (1846) 215. Committed, 290. Wot considered. Wide infra, 24. 3. To amend the law for the admission of Attorneys and calling of Barristers in Upper Canada; From the Council, (1847) 143. Read, 144. Amended in Committee, 200. Passed, as amended, 203. Amendment agreed to by the Council, 210. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 28.) ! 4. To amend Act of Lower Canada, 6 Wm. 4, concerning persons to be admitted to practise the law, or to practise as Notaries; Presented, (1849) 74. Not proceeded in. 5. To facilitate and encourage the study of the law; From the Council; Read, (1850) 138. Amended in Committee, 269. Passed, as amended, 273. Amendment agreed to by Council, 277. R. A., 284 (13 & 14 Vic, c. 26.) 6. To alter, simplify, and amend the practice of the law, and to diminish law expenses; Presented, (1850) 4. Ques- - tion for second reading negatived, 38. Read second time, and referred to Committee on the Bill to amend the law, &c., 67. Wide infra, 7. - 7. To amend the law, simplify the practice, and reduce the expense of legal proceedings in Upper Canada; Pre- sented, (1850) 14. Referred to a Committee named by the House, 63. Various Bills, &c., referred to the Committee, viz:—Bill to alter, simplify, and amend the practice of the law (supra, 6), 67. Bills to alter the practice in Actions of Dower, and in Actions of Ejectment; Bill to restrain technical objections in law-suits (ºfta, 8), 101. Bill to amend the practice of the several Courts (infra, 10), 123. Petitions relative to a reduction of law costs, and for power to Municipal Councils to collect small debts, 95. Member added, 123. Original Bill reported with amendments; Re-printed; Committed, 178. (Wot considered.) Chairman directed to report the Dower Bill and Ejectment Bill, which he does accordingly, 183. Wide Dower, 3. Ejectment, 1. 8. To restrain technical objections in suits at common law; Presented, (1850) 41. Referred to Committee on forego- ing Bill, 101. Wide supra, 7. LAW, PRACTICE OF-continued. 311 I. Public Bills relative to the Practice of the Law—continued. 9. For the improvement of the practice of the law, and for limiting the amount of costs to be taxed and recovered in certain Courts in Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 67. Order for second reading discharged, 223. 10. To alter and amend the practice of the several Courts of Law in Upper Canada. and to reduce the costs of the same; Presented, (1850) 71. Referred to the Committee on the Bill to amend the law, &c., 123. Wide supra, 7. 11. To reduce law expenses, and to establish a tariff offees for the Superior Courts of Law in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 46. Referred, 170. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 194. Wot considered. 12. To abolish Special Demurrers, and otherwise to amend the practice of the law in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 136. Committed, 255. Not considered. II. Petitions from various persons for admission to practise as Barris- ters, Attorneys, or Solicitors, and Proceedings thereon, viz.: - § 13. Bacon, "Wm. Wynne, of Kingston, As Attorney and Solicitor, in Queen's Bench and Chancery, (1842) 35.-Bill to authorize the said Courts to admit him to practise; From the Council; Read, 49. Amended in Committee, by striking out so much as relates to the Queen's Bench, 113. Amendment agreed to by Council, 115. R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 29.) - 14. Burns, Robert E. (Judge Home District Court):—For such an amendment of the District Courts Law as to enable him to practise as a Barrister and Counsel in the Courts of Equity, (1844–5) 386. Another Petition, (1846) 37. Referred, 55. Report, 68. Bill presented, 69. Wot proceeded in. 15. Carruthers, Frederick F., of Toronto, -As Attorney and Solicitor, (1846) 61. Referred, 63. Report; Bill presented, 107. Not proceeded in. Another Petition, (1847) 30. Referred, 44. Report a Bill, 62. R. A., 122. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 107.) 16. T)artnell, Edward T., of Toronto, As Attorney, Solicitor, and Proctor, (1851) 51. Bill presented, 87. Second reading postponed six months, 131. 17. Tempsey, J. W., of Toronto, -As Attorney and Solicitor, (1846) 4. Referred, ib. Report a Bill, 20. Referred, 46. Reported, with amendments, 80. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 103.) 18. Gilkison, Archibald, of Hamilton–As Attorney and Solicitor, (1847) 43. Bill presented, 70. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 108.) 19. Gilman, Tidward:—Bill to authorize the Courts in Upper Canada to admit him to practise as Attorney and Solicitor, and to authorize the Law Society to admit him to practise at the Bar; From the Council; Read, (1847) 178. Amended, by striking out so much as relates to admitting him to practise at the Bar, 206. Passed, as amended, 207. Amendments agreed to by the Council, 210. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 109.) 20. Greenstreet, EI. J ., of West Flamborough, -As Attorney and Solicitor, (1850) 35. Bill presented, 99. Third reading postponed six months; Fee refunded, 192. 21. Harrison, Hon. S. B., of Toronto-As Attorney and Solicitor (now practising as a Barrister), (1843) 87. Referred, ib. Report, 92. Bill presented, 99. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 58) 22. JeSSop, Henry, of Toronto, As Attorney, (1841) 185. Referred, 194. Wo Report. 23. J eSSup, Henry, Of Toronto-As Attorney, (1849) 121. Bill for relief of Joseph R. Thompson and Henry Jessup : From the Council; Read, 210. R. A., 262. (12 Vic, c. 173) 312 LAW, PRACTICE OF-continued. II. Petitions from various Persons, for admission, &c.—continued. 24. Macara, J ohn, of Toronto, As Attorney and Solicitor, (1846) 59. Referred, 63. Report; Bill pre- sented, 73. Passed, as a Bill for the relief of John Macara, and of other Solicitors, Writers, and Advocates before the Sheriffs' Courts of Scotland, 158. Returned from the Council, with amendments confining its operation to the relief of Mr. Macara, 196. Considered, and agreed to, 197. R. A., 254. (9 Vic, c. 102) 25. McCarthy, T)” Alton, of Barrie, -As Attorney and Solicitor, (1851) 49. Bill presented, 87. Second reading postponed six months, 131. 26. Stuart, Charles J ., of Quebec,+As Barrister, Advocate, Solicitor, Attorney, and Proctor, (1849) 67. Bill presented, 104. R. A., 262. (12 Vic, c. 195.) 27. Tailhades, J acques Alexander, an Advocate of France:–For permission to present himself for examina- tion at the expiration of his fourth year of clerkship in Montreal, (1841) 49. Report a Bill to naturalize him, 118. Proviso added, 301. R. A., 440. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 86.) 2s. Thompson, Joseph R., of Brock—As Attorney and Solicitor, (1848) 19—Again, (1849) 13. Bill pre- sented, 43. Not proceeded in-Bill for relief of J. R. Thompson and H. Jessup ; From the Council; Read, 210. R. A., 262. (12 Vic., c. 173.) 29. Turner, Tobert J. ., of Toronto, As Attorney and Solicitor, (1841) 18. Referred, 71. Report a Bill to admit him to practise in Chancery, 99. Read second time; Amended, 120. Read third time; Amendments moved and negatived ; Passed, 128. By the Council, with an amendment, 175. Considered, and agreed to, 181. Fee refunded, 272. R. A., 359. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 82.) 30. Twynam, W. E., of Toronto, As Barrister, Advocate, Solicitor, Attorney, and Proctor, (1850) 139. Bill presented, 153. R. A., 230. (12 Vic, c. 195.) - ...& III. Other Petitions relative to the Practice of the Law: 31. Of certain law students of Quebec, for appointment of a Professor to give lectures in jurisprudence and the practice of the law, in that city, (1844–5) 94. Referred, 178. Wo Report. 32. Of certain practitioners residing out of Toronto, for such an alteration of the practice of the Courts as to relieve them from the necessity of employing others to perform services which they could render themselves; Referred; Another Petition, relative to the Law Society, referred, (1844–5) 288. Report a Bill, 328. Wide Writs, 2. 33. For a separation of the profession of Barrister and Attorney; (1847) Practitioners of Sandwich, 71–(1849) Lapenotière, Wm., 67. * 34. Of W. Lapenotière, for authority to Attorneys to practise as Advocates in the District Courts, (1849) 67. 35. For admission of law students in Lower Canada who have graduated at an University, to practise after a service under articles of three years, (1849) Law students of Montreal, 53. Caput of McGill College, 121. 36. For a law to render it criminal for a lawyer to make higher charges than the tariff of fees allows; Grantham, (1850) 82. Referred, 95. Wo Report. 37. For Law Reform, and a reduction of law costs, (1850) Dummer and Douro, 70. Grantham, 82. Louth, 74. Middlesex Mun. Council, 46. Oxford do., 70. Peterboro' do., 117. Peterboro' Town Council, 117. Rain- ham Municipality, 12. Yarmouth, 35. Petition from Grantham referred to Committee on the Public Income and Expenditure, 95. Wide Committees, 415. LAWS-TEGGO. 313 A- *- Laws, Expiring: Bills relative to Expiring Laws: I . To continue a certain Act of Upper Canada, for encouraging the destruction of wolves; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 543. Instruction to Committee of whole thereon, to include certain other Acts of Upper Canada, relative to Agricultural Societies and destitute persons; Amended in Committee, 574. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 23.) . To continue certain Acts and Ordinances, and to extend the provisions of one of the said Ordinances; Presented, (1842) 90. Amended in Committee, 98. Returned from the Council, with an amendment; Agreed to, 116. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 13.) . To continue further for a limited time the Acts therein mentioned; Presented, (1844–5) 816. Amended in Com- mittee, 412. R. A., 439. (8 Vic, c. 26.) . To continue for a limited time certain Acts and Ordinances; Presented, (1846) 265. R. A., 345. (9 Wic., c. 39.) 2 3 . . To continue for a limited time the several Acts and Ordinances therein mentioned; Presented, (1847) 167. Amended in Committee, 201. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 8) 6. To continue for a limited time certain Acts therein mentioned; Presented, (1848) 35. Amended in Committee, 67. R. A., 81. (11 Vic, c. 3.) . To continue for a limited time certain Acts and Ordinances therein mentioned; Presented, (1849) 312. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 17.) 8. To continue for a limited time the several Acts and Ordinances therein mentioned; Presented, (1850) 218. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 10.) 9. To continue for a limited time the several Acts and Ordinances therein mentioned, and for other purposes; Pre- sented, (1851) 329. Returned from the Council, with an amendment; Considered, and agreed to, 857. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 68.) Wide Committees, 416–423. 7 Law–Clerk (to the House):—Wide Legislative Assembly, 95—97, 119. Law Reports :—Bill to provide for the publication of Law Reports in Lower Canada; Presented, (1841), 355. Referred, 401. Not reported. Law Society of Upper Canada –Petition from practitioners residing out of Toronto, praying to be allowed a vote in the management of the affairs of the Society, (1844–5) 288. Referred to Committee on a Petition relative to the practice of the Law Courts, ib. No Report thereon. Law-suits :—Wide Actions. Law, Practice of. Leases :—Bill to facilitate the leasing of lands and tenements; Presented, (1851) 5. Amended in Com- mittee, 36. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 8.) z Lease-holder S (Extension of the franchise to):—Wide Elections, 82. Leather :—Wide ~~ 79. Customs, 31. L'Ecuyer :—Wide Notaries, 16. Leeds:–Vide Elections, 48. Surveys, 47. Lefleche, L. R. :—vide Bridges, 89. Lefrançois, L. C. :—Petition of L. C. Lefrançois, Registrar of Montmorency, for the same rate of remuneration as other Registrars, (1846) 37. Leggo, Christopher :—Bill to grant him a sum of money as compensation for the destruction of his property at Brockville by militia volunteers; Presented, (1841) 579. Passed, 596. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 71.) Wide Addresses, 262, 263. Committees, 167, 424, Governor General, 71. PP 314 LEGISTATIVE ASSEMBLY. £egislative QAggembln. *\- "Nº, tº ºvºv, Tv,”Y. º.º.º.º.º.º."N-º-º-º-º-º-º-º-, *N-ºvº..”v."N."N. º.º.º. ºvºv.” “N_ I. Bills relative to the Legislative Assembly, and the Representa- tion of the People therein; 1–9. - II. House resolves to take matters into consideration ; 10–18. III. Calls of the House, and Proceedings thereon; 19–21. TV. Meetings and Adjournments of the House ; 22—43. W. House waits on the Governor General: 44, 45. VI. Rules of the House ; 46–48. VII. Proceedings relative to the Debates and Votes of the House, and to Reporting and publishing the same ; 49—62. VIII. House interrupted in its Proceedings; 63, 64. DK. Persons summoned to appear at the Bar of the House; 65–77. (1) For alleged breaches of the Privileges of the (3.) To give evidence upon certain matters, 75. House, or infractions of duty, 65. (4.) To produce Election Papers, or to amend Re- (2) Members of the House, for various reasons, turns, 77. 73. X. Officers and Servants of the House ; 78–132. XI. Contingent Expenses of the House; 133—248. XII. Petitions relative to the Representation, and Proceedings there- on ; 249—255. - I. Bills relative to the Legislative Assembly, and the Representation of the People therein; 1. For better securing the independence of the Provincial Parliament ; Presented, (1843) 19. Amended in Com- mittee, 50. Motion to re-commit Bill, with an instruction to modify the same so as not to establish any dis- qualification not in accordance with law and practice in Great Britain, &c., negatived, 52. Returned from the Council, with amendments, confining its operation to the Legislative Assembly, &c., 110. Agreed to, 111. Reserved, 210–Despatch announcing the Royal Assent, (1844–5) 65. (7 Vic, c. 65.) 2 . To amend the foregoing Act ; Presented, (1844–5) 185. Wot proceeded in. 3 . To repeal certain provisions of the Act for securing the independence of the Legislative Assembly ; Presented, (1851) , 299. Second reading postponed six months, 355. 4. To extend and increase the Representation of the People in the Legislative Assembly ; Presented, (1847) 117. Order for second reading discharged, 211. 5. To enlarge the Representation of the People in Parliament; Presented, (1849) 127. Order for second reading called; Motions, that the inhabitants of Lower Canada were not consulted relative to the passing of the Union Act, that the provisions in that Act which gives an equal Representation to Upper and Lower Canada, with- out reference to population, is contrary to justice,—and that in order the better to apportion the Representa- tion, it is expedient that another Census be taken—severally negatived; Motion for second reading; debate thereon adjourned, 168. Motion to resume the adjourned debate; Amendments, to postpone the question until further information is obtained,——to postpone it till the first Session of the next Parliament, -and to post- pone it for nine months, to afford an opportunity for obtaining a Census of Lower Canada—severally negatived, 171. Bill read second time, 172. Not proceeded in.-Petitions against the Bill; Cumberland, Clarence, Russell, and Cambridge, 103. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued. 315 I. Bills relative to the Legislative Assembly, &c.—continued. 6. To enlarge the Representation of the people in Parliament; Presented, (1850) 69. Motion for second reading; Amendment, that any increase in the Representation should be based on the gradual increase of population,- that constituencies under 20,000 should be represented by one member, between 20,000 and 30,000 by two, and over 40,000 by four; Amendment, to leave out all after “population,” negatived; First amendment negatived; Bill read second time, 107. Petitions for amendment of the Bill with respect to the proposed division of Waterloo, 102. Wot proceeded in. 7. To enlarge the Representation of the People in Parliament; Presented, (1851) 156. Motion for second reading; Amendment, that any measure on this subject should be based upon the gradual increase of population, &c., 195. Amendment negatived; Main question carried, on a division; Notice taken that under the Union Act a Bill of this nature cannot be presented for the Royal Assent unless two thirds of the House shall have voted for it at the second and third readings; Mr. Speaker being called on to give his vote, states that he considers himself precluded, by the Union Act, from voting in this case; His decision appealed from, and confirmed by the House; Bill read second time, and committed, 205. Order for consideration discharged, 343. 8. Motion for leave to bring in a Bill to authorize the issuing of writs of election to certain constituencies, to return additional members to Parliament, Negatived, (1849) 192. 9. Motion, for leave to bring in a Bill to equalize the Representation of the people in Parliament, Negatived, (1851) 226. Wide infra, 133. II. House resolves to take matters into consideration,-relative to— Election Petitions:–Wide Elections, 23, 26, 37, 40, 41, 49, 56, 64, 70, 75. Y 0. Gaspé Fisheries:—Report of Select Committee on Bill to regulate the same, (1842) 107. Report concurred in, 113. - 11. Hastings Writ. Of Election:-Report from the Committee on Privileges and Elections, in reference to the delay in the issuing and return of a writ of election for the County of Hastings, (1843) 120. Report concurred in, 146. 12. Library :—First Report of Joint Committee on the Library; Concurred in; Resolutions of thanks for various donations of books, &c., (1851) 320. 13. Montreal School of Medicine :—Report on a Petition for incorporation thereof, (1844–5) 139. Report concurred in, 193. Bill presented, 196. Wide Medical Profession, 16. 14. Printing :—Second Report of Committee on Printing (relative to the introduction and printing of Bills), (1844–5) 105. Report concurred in, 136. First Report of do. (daily printing), (1846) 69. Concurred in, 74. 15. Reports of Select Committees on various subjects:–Considered, and concurred in, (1842) 118– (1843) 146.—(1844–5) 136,-(1846) 74.—(1847) 30,—(1849) 30.—(1850) 30,—(1851) 320, &c. 16. Speeches :—His Excellency's Speech from the Throne at opening of the Session, (1842) 4. Considered; Motion for an Address in answer thereto, 7. Amendment proposed, 8. Main motion and amendment committed, 9. Report Resolution for an Address, 15. Wide Addresses, 516. The like, (1843) 6. Considered; Resolution for an Address, 9. Committee appointed to draft Address, 10. Wide Addresses, 516. The like, (1844–5)4. Considered; Motion for an Address, 13. Amendment proposed, 14. Negatived; Other amendments proposed and negatived, 20, 21. Main motion agreed to, 21. Committee appointed, &c., 22. Wide Addresses, 516. The like, (1846) 2. Considered; Motion for an Address, 5. Amendment proposed and nega- tived; Main motion agreed to; Committee to draft Address, 6. Wide Addresses, 516–To be further considered, 42. Considered; Resolution for granting a Supply, 49. Wide Committees, 292. (1847) The like, 8. Considered; Motion for an Address; Amendment moved, 12. Negatived, 25. Another amend- ment negatived; Main motion agreed to, 26. (Wide Addresses, 516) Further considered; Resolution for 316 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued. II. House resolves to take matters into consideration—continued. Speeches—continued. granting a Supply, &c., 45,46. Wide Committees, 293.−(1848) The like, 3. Considered; Motion for an Address; Amended and agreed to, 16. (Wide Addresses, 516.)—Further considered; Resolution for granting a Supply, 38. Wide Committees, 294.—(1849) The like, 5. Motion to refer the matter to a Committee of the whole, negatived; Motion for an Address, 15. Amendments moved and negatived, 16, 24. Main motion agreed to, 24. (Wide Addresses, 516.)—Further considered; Resolution for granting a Supply, 60, 64. Wide Committees, 295-–(1850) The like, 4. Motion for an Address, 10. To take precedence of all other matters, 16. Various amendments proposed and negatived, 16, 18, 20, 22. Main motion agreed to, 23. (Wide Addresses, 516.)—Further considered; Resolution for granting a Supply, 179, 192. Wide Com- mittees, 296. (1851) Motion for an Address, 3. Agreed to, 7. (Wide Addresses, 516.)—Further considered; Resolution for granting a Supply, 95, 119. Wide Committees, 297. - 17. Stan ding Committees :—Reports of Committees appointed to prepare lists of members to compose the Standing Committees for each Session, (1849) 22. Report concurred in, 30–(1850) 9, 30–(1851) 18, 22. 18. Motion (at a late period of the Session), that no new matter be entertained during the present Session, unless it be sent down from the Legislative Council, Negatived, (1841) 568. III. Calls of the House, and Proceedings thereon: 19. Calls ordered; (Members not in attendance when called, to be sent for in custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms; circulars to be sent to absent members),-On the morrow, (1841) 151, 154, 212, 218–In two days, (1841) 131. In four days, (1841) 155—In eight days, (1849) 140. In ten days, (1850) 72–In eleven days, (1851) 156. In twenty days, (1848) 40–In twenty-four days, (1844–5) 55––Time extended, (1849) 160. 20. House called over; names of absent members taken down, (1841) 218.-(1843) 88–(1844–5) 98-(1849) 168– (1850) 106.—(1851) 184, &c. 21. Motion, for a Call of the House on the following day, Negatived, (1841) 148. [NotE.-The House was always called over, previous to ballots for Election Committees, pursuant to the directions of the Statute.] IV. Meetings and Adjournments of the House: 22. Resolution, that the House meet at 2 P.M., and adjourn if there be no quorum (1st Rule), (1841) 40.—Time of meeting changed to 8, and House to adjourn, on Fridays, till the following Monday, 288. 28. Resolution, That upon an adjournment, members shall keep their seats till Mr. Speaker leave the chair (2nd Rule), (1841) 40. 24. Resolution, That when the House adjourns for want of a quorum, the hour, and the members present, shall be entered on the journals (3rd Rule), (1841) 40. 25. Resolution, That on the appearance of a quorum the Speaker shall take the chair (4th Rule), (1841) 40. 26. Resolution, That a motion to adjourn shall always be in order (36th Rule), (1841) 43. 27. To sit each day from 10 till 6 o'clock, adjourning over Wednesday, (1849) 56. Rescinded, 87–To meet each day (except Wednesdays) at 10 o'clock, for remainder of the Session, 226.--To meet on Wednesdays at 10 o'clock, for remainder of the Session, (1851) 161. - 28. Sits on Saturday (suspending the Rule), (1846) 333.—(1847) 187—(1848) 59,-(1849) 212–(1850) 164— (1851) 170, &c. 29. House informed that the Committee on the Cornwall Election is in Session; Motion that the Members of the Com- mittee be requested to attend in their places, to enable the House to proceed to business, negatived ; Speaker leaves the Chair until the Committee return to the House, (1848) 71. 99. Continues sitting till 11 o'clock of the second day, (1849) 100. *1. To adjourn at a certain hour, (1847) 180. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued. 317 IV. Meetings and Adjournments of the House—continued. 32. Adjourns for want of a quorum, (1841) 139—(1842) 110–(1843) 130—(1844–5) 193—(1846) 93.−(1847) 202-(1849) 141—(1850) To a later hour on the same day, 178.-(1851) 264, &c. 33. To a later hour on the same day, (1841) 474.—(1842) 25.-(1843) 192–(1844–5) 193,-(1846) 175—(1847) 165-(1850) 176, &c. 34. To an earlier hour than usual on the following day, (1841) 102–(1842) 21–(1848) 88.—(1844–5) 365–(1846) 33–(1847) 166–(1848) 80,—(1849) 27–(1850) 20,—(1851) 297, &c.—A later hour, (1848) 27.- Hour of meeting changed for remainder of the Session, (1841) 162, 411–(1844–5) 374.—(1847) 180– (1851) 318. - 35. Over one or more days, (1843) 84–(1844–5) 233–(1846) 14.—(1848) 23–(1849) 308–(1851) 95. Satur- days, (1841) 118, &c. (1st Rule amended, so that the House shall not sit on Saturday in future, 288.) (1844–5) Christmas Holidays, 55. Order rescinded, and a new order made, 58. (1846) Easter, 70. (1849) Ash Wednesday, 93.−Good Friday, 212–Her Majesty's Birthday, 832. (1850) H. M's. Birthday, 18.-Statutory Holidays, 34, 52. (1851) Ascension Day, 33. Having resolved not to sit on the following day (being Her Majesty's Birthday), the House adjourns at 12 o'clock (midnight), on its being noticed that it was Her Majesty's Birthday, (1850). 20. 36. Out of respect to the memory of members deceased, (1849) 177–(1851) 328. ber of the Legislative Council), (1850) 11. 37. In consequence of there not being a sufficient number of members present to complete the lists, at ballots for Election Committees, (1841) 146, 148, 152, 155, 218. A former member (and a mem- Sir B. D'Urban, Commander of the Forces, (1849) 348. 38. In consequence of the sudden illness of Mr. Speaker, on a question put by the Clerk; and adjourns on the two following days, on account of his continued indisposition, (1846) 260. 39. House interrupted in its proceedings by volleys of stones, &c., thrown through the windows by rioters, and the building in which its sittings were held destroyed by fire, (1849) 262. Meets the following day in the Bon- secours Market Hall; Committee appointed to ascertain what original Bills now pending have been destroyed by the fire, &c., ib. Wide Committees, 343. Also Parliament House, 2—10. 40. Motion, That for the present Session, the House do meet at 11 A. M., and adjourn at 10 P.M., Negatived, (1849) 56. That the House adjourn (during the present Session) at 10 o'clock, ib. 41. Motion, That for the rest of the Session, the House do, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, meet at 10 o'clock, Negatived, (1850) 106. Every day at 11 (Saturdays included), 139. 42. Motion for leave to offer a motion to change the hours of sitting for the remainder of the Session, Negatived, (1851) 259. 43. Motion to adjourn on the Feast of the Assumption, Negatived, (1851) 284. W. House waits on the Governor General: -> 44. At the Bar of the Legislative Council Chamber; At the opening of the Session, (1842) 1–(1843) 1–(1844–5) 1. —(1846) 1–(1847) 1–(1848) 1–(1849) 1–(1850) 1.--(1851) 1. After election of the Speaker, (1841) 2.—(1844–5) 2–(1846) 87.—(1848) 2. On the Royal Assent being given to Bills, (1841) 105.—(1843) 130—(1844–5) 87–(1846) 254.—(1847) 122.—(1849) 46.—(1850) 181-(1851) 229, &c.—For the prorogation of the Legislature, (1841) 688–(1842) 130—(1843) 208–(1844–5) 439–(1846) 344.—(1847) 215.--(1848) 80,—(1849) 363.−(1850) 282.—(1851) 358. 45. At Government House, with Addresses, (1841) 71–(1842) 25-(1843) 50–(1844–5) 30–(1846) 33–(1847) 78–(1849) 265,-(1850) 115.--(1851) 10, &c. VI. Rules of the House: 46. Resolution, That pending the Report of the Committee appointed to frame Rules for the government of the House, the Rules of the Assembly of Lower Canada be adopted and acted upon, (1841) 14. Wide Committees, 504. 47. Series of Resolutions adopting a set of Rules for the government of the House, (1841) 40. (Wide Orders, Standing.) Copy of the Rules to be communicated to the Legislative Council, 48.—Resolutions amending the same, 288-(1850) 232. 48. Motion, to appoint a Select Committee to consider of amending certain of the Rules adopted last Session, Nega- tived, (1842) 6. Wide Committees, 268, 269, 504—506. 3.18 TEGISTIATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued. VII. Proceedings relative to the Debates and Votes of the House, and to Reporting and publishing the same: 49. Resolution, That upon a division of the House, the names pro and con shall be entered on the Journals if two members require it (35th Rule), (1841) 42. 51. Resolution, directing the Clerk to procure 500 copies of the “Mirror of Parliament,” at 5s, each per month, (1841) 134. Rescinded, 235. 52. Order to the Clerk to direct a general statement of the business of the Session to be prepared and printed, (1841) 553.−(1842) 126. (This was done, subsequently, without an Order.) 58. Resolution, That the Votes and Proceedings be printed, being first perused by Mr. Speaker; that he do appoint the printing thereof, and that no person but such as he shall appoint do presume to print the same, (1849) 17.-- Renewed, (1850) 4.—(1851) 4. 54. Motion, that the Doorkeeper be directed to allow free access to the galleries; Amendment proposed, that the order of Mr. Speaker, for admission by ticket only, be maintained; Motion to add, “till after seven o'clock,” nega- tived; First amendment agreed to, (1849) 90–Motion to rescind the order for admission by ticket only, ne- gatived, 114. 55. Petition of certain Reporters, for better accommodation to enable them to report the debates, (1842) 118. 56. Petition of E. H. Parsons and others, for remuneration for their services in reporting the debates; Motion to refer Petition, negatived, (1844–5) 403. Petition of D. Wylie and others, for the like, (1849) 116. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 124. Report thereon, 268. Petition of M. Moore and others, for the like, (1850) 145. Referred, &c., 158. Report thereon, 269. Concurred in, 273. 57. Petition of proprietors of newspapers in Montreal, praying the House to take measures for facilitating the publica- tion of its daily proceedings, (1849) is. Wide Supra, 53. 58. Complaint made against Mr. Ure, a Reporter, by a member, for addressing him in a rude and offensive manner; Order for his attendance forthwith, (1850) 160. Wide infra, 70. 59. Motion, that the Votes and Proceedings, and the Orders of the Day, be printed daily, and delivered at the residence of each member, Negatived, (1841) 474. - 60. Motion, to appoint a Select Committee to inquire into the expediency of adopting some method of obtaining re- ports of the Debates and Proceedings of the House; Amendment, that it is not expedient or proper to adopt any such measure, negatived; Another amendment negatived; Main motion also negatived, (1843) 72. 61. Motion (in connexion with the complaint against Mr. Ure, supra, 58), that while it is necessary for the independent discharge of its high functions, that the privileges of the Legislature remain undefined, it is equally necessary that every facility be afforded to the public and the press to attend the debates, and that for this purpose suitable accommodation ought to be provided for the Reporters, Negatived, (1850) 212. 62. Motion, that the 19th Rule (that the House may be cleared of strangers at the request of one member) be rescinded, and another provision be substituted therefor, Negatived, (1851) 207. VIII. House interrupted in its Proceedings: 63. By Messages from His Excellency desiring their attendance in the Legislative Council Chamber, for the purpose of being prorogued (while matters were yet under discussion), (1848) 80.—(1851) 358. 64. By an attack on the building in which the House were sitting, and the destruction of the same by the rioters, (1849) 262. Meets the following day in another building; Committee appointed to ascertain what original Bills now pending were destroyed by the fire, ib. Wide Committees, 343. Also Parliament House, 2–10. DY. Persons summoned to appear at the Bar of the House: (1) For alleged breaches of the Privileges of the House, or infractions of duty : 65. Beauharnois Election :—R. H. Norval, Esq., Returning Officer (a Special Return having been made, of the destruction of certain Poll Books), (1848) 10. He attends accordingly; Motion, that there being no charge against him, he be discharged, negatived; He is examined, and discharged from further attendance, 23. LEGISTIATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued. 319 DK. Persons summoned to appear at the Bar, &c.—continued. (1) For alleged breaches of the Privileges of the House, dºc.—continued. Foote, Geo. W. :—Wide infra, 67. Freeman, S. B. :-Wide infra, 66. 66. Halton Election:—Messrs. Miles O'Reilly, John Ogilvie Hatt, and Samuel B. Freeman, Commissioners for taking evidence thereon, for their neglect in not complying with the Orders of the House and the Statute in their proceedings (with regard to the oaths to be taken), (1846) 63. Messrs. Hatt and Freeman appear, and are interrogated; To attend on the morrow, 113. Petitions from both, to be relieved from further attendance, 138, 139. They attend; Directed to withdraw; Motion, that the Chairman of the Committee do attend in his place, with the Commission and Return, negatived; Motion, that Messrs. Hatt and Freeman be admonished and discharged; Amendment, that they be discharged, and their expenses refunded, negatived; Amendment, to leave out “admonished and,” negatived; Main motion agreed to, 140. Mr. Speaker reads over to the House the words which he intends to use to Messrs. Hatt and Freeman; They are called in, admonished, and discharged, 141. Eſatt, John O. :-Wide supra, 66. Horton, Wm. H. :-Wide infra, 68. 67. Kent Election :-George Wade Foote, Esq., Returning Officer, to answer for his conduct in relation to his Return to the Writ of Election for Kent (to appear on 24th March), (1848) 14. (The Legislature was subse- quently prorogued on the 23rd March, and consequently Mr. Foote did not appear.) McIntosh, John –Wide infra, 71. 68. Middlesex Election :-Messrs. Wm. H. Horton, Geo. S. Tiffany, and T. D. Warren, Commissioners for taking evidence thereon, for their neglect in not returning the Commission issued by order of the House; and to bear the expense of the summons, (1846) 41. Mr. Tiffany appears, and is examined, 47. Directed to withdraw; Resolution, that he has satisfactorily answered the neglect charged against him; Order for appear- ance discharged, so far as relates to him, 48. Letter from Mr. Horton, transmitting the evidence, and explaining the delay; Messrs. Horton and Warren to be taken into custody, 119. Sergeant-at-Arms reports their arrest; Directed to keep them in custody until further orders; Petition of Messrs. Horton and Warren, to be relieved from further attendance, 150. They appear at the Bar, and are interrogated; Directed to withdraw; Motion, that having neglected to make a Return, and having presumed to adjourn their proceedings to a time subsequent to the commencement of the present Session, they have been guilty of a high contempt and breach of the privileges of the House; Amendment, that they be admonished and discharged, negatived; Amendment, that they have been guilty, though unintentionally, of a breach of privilege, carried, 156. Reso- lution, that they be admonished and discharged; Mr. Speaker reads over the words which he intends addressing to them; They are called in, admonished, and discharged, 157. Miller, John :—Wide infra, 71. Norval, R. H. :-Wide supra, 65. O'Reilly, Miles:–Wide supra, 66. 69. Oxford Election:—John George Vansittart, Esq., Returning Officer, to answer for his Return (Wide Elections, 56), (1848) 11. Petition of E. Deedes and others, of Oxford, expressing their firm conviction that Mr. Van- sittart was influenced by no improper motives in making the Return, 66. Petition of E. Deedes, making known a circumstance tending to prove the honorable motives by which Mr. Vansittart was actuated, 68. House informed that he is in attendance; Motion, that having taken on himself to return Peter Carroll, Esq., contrary to the majority of votes received on the poll book for the Hon. Francis Hincks, he has acted illegally, in violation of the rights of the freeholders, and in breach of the privileges of the House; Amendment, that a copy of any Resolution to be adopted be furnished him, and that he be allowed 24 hours delay, and be heard by Counsel, negativod; Main motion agreed to, 69. He appears at the Bar, and is examined, 70. Mr. George 320 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued. IX. Persons summoned to appear at the Bar, &c.—continued. (1) For alleged breaches of the Privileges of the House, dºc.—continued. Oxford Election—continued. Brown examined, 77. Motion that his answer to the third question contains hearsay evidence, and is there- fore inadmissable, negatived, 78. Leave granted to Mr. Vansittart to be heard in reference to the evidence of Mr. Brown, 79. He petitions to be allowed time to produce witnesses to disprove Mr. Brown's statements; Resolution allowing him until the fourth day of next Session to produce the said evidence; and requiring him to appear on that day, 80. (1849) Time extended, 10. Mr. Vansittart appears at the Bar, and addresses the House, 30. Witnesses examined on his behalf—Mr. G. W. Whitehead, 30, 34. Mr. E. Deedes, 49. Mr. D. G. Miller, 50. Mr. Vansittart addresses the House, and produces certain documents, 51. Motion, that having heard the evidence, the House adheres to its Resolution that Mr. Vansittart acted illegally, in violation of the rights of the freeholders, and in breach of the privileges of the House, 70. Amendment proposed, that such illegal conduct arose from an error of judgment, 76. Negatived; Another amendment moved and nega- tived; Main motion agreed to; Motion for an Address to His Excellency, to remove him from a certain office; Amendment, that he be admonished and discharged, negatived, 80. Amendment, that he be imprisoned for 24 hours, negatived; Another amendment moved and negatived, and main motion agreed to, 82. Vide Addresses, 566. Tiffany, Geo. S. :-vide supra, 68. 70. Ure, George :—Upon a complaint being made against him by Mr. Christie, a Member, that he had addressed him in a rude and offensive manner, from the Reporters' Box, while he (Mr. Christie) was standing within the Bar of the House, (1850) 160. He is called in, and the complaint read to him; Addresses the House, and then is directed to withdraw; Resolution, that he is guilty of a breach of privilege, and that he be reprimanded by Mr. Speaker therefor; He is called in, reprimanded, and discharged; Reprimand to be entered on the Journals, 164. . Wansittart, John G. :-Wide supra, 69. Warren, T. D. :-Wide supra, 68. 71. Waterloo Election :-Jas. Wilson, John Miller, Richard J. Williams, and John McIntosh, Deputy Returning Officers for the Townships of Waterloo, Holland, Sullivan, and Arthur, to answer for their conduct at the last election for that county; Summonses transmitted to the Sheriff of the Wellington District for service, (1849) 72. Petition of Mr. Williams, declaring his inability to obey the summons, for want of funds, and praying relief, 116. Sheriff's Return of service of the summonses upon all except Mr. Miller, who has evaded the same; Speaker to issue his warrant for apprehension of Mr. Miller, 148. He is placed at the Bar; Reso- lutions of the Committee read to him, 282. Motion, that his conduct as Deputy Returning Officer for Holland, and subsequently in evading the service of the summons, is a breach of the privileges of the House; Amend- ment, that the papers of the Election Committee having been destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, Mr. Miller be heard at the Bar, if he desire it, in reference to his conduct; He addresses the House, and is then discharged from further attendance; 292. Williams, R. J. :-Wide supra, 71. 72. Williams, Titus: Charged, in the Report of the Committee on the Norfolk Election, with an infraction of duty, as Deputy Returning Officer for Walsingham, in closing the poll before 5 o'clock on the second day of election; To be heard by Counsel; To receive a copy of the charge, (1844–5) 385. Wilson, Jas. :—Wide supra, 71. (2) Members of the House, for various reasons : 73. Blake, Mr. Solicitor General (a Member) :—Upon his neglecting to obey a call to the Chair, on an intimation being received by the Speaker of an intended hostile meeting between Mr. Blake and another Member (Hon. Mr. Macdonald), arising out of words of heat spoken in debate, (1849) 88. He appears at the Bar, and explains as to his not coming to the Chair; Messrs. Blake and Macdonald submit themselves to the House, and declare that nothing further would ensue; Resolution, that Mr. Blake's explanation being satis- factory, he be discharged, ib. LEGTSTATIVE ASSEMBLY--com/?/ed. 32]. IX. Persons summoned to appear at the Bar, &c.—continued. (2) Members of the House, for various reasons—continued. 74. Members of Election Committees:—Mr. Atty. General Smith, and Geo. McDonell, Esq. (of Dundas), —having been reported absent from the sitting of the York (3rd Riding) Election Committee, and not having explained the căuse of their absence; Resolution, that they be taken into the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms; They are placed at the Bar; Resolution, that they be reprimanded by Mr. Speaker, (1844–5) 858. They are reprimanded, and discharged from custody, 354. (3.) To give evidence upon certain maſters : 75. Controverted Elections :—For Lower Canada, (1841) 271,330, &c. Oxford Election (Upper Canada); On the charges against Mr. Vansittart, the Returning Officer, (1849) 30, 34, 49, 50. ‘76. Harris’ T)ivorce Bill :—Agents for the parties called in and examined touching the service of the Orders of the House upon the Agent of Mrs. IIarris, (1844–5) 342. * Wansittart, Mr. :—e-In reference to the complaint preferred against him for his conduct as Returning Officer at the Oxford Election,-Wide Supra, 69. (4.) To produce Election papers, or to amend Returns : 77. Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, (1841) 18:-(1842) 38.—(1843) 4.—(1844–5) 359.-(1847) 3.−(1848) 10– (1849) 72, &c. X. Officers and Servants of the House: 78. Resolution, regulating the hours of attendance of the Officers and extra Clerks during Session (99th Rule), (1841) 47. & 79. Resolution, That before any vacancy shall be filled, inquiry shall be made touching the necessity of the office, and the amount of salary attached to it (100th Itule), (1841) 47. 80. Resolution, That no charges for extra hours be allowed to any person in the employ of the House, (1843) 179. 81. Resolution, That extra writers be paid 15s. per diem in Session, and 10s. in Recess,—and temporary writers 10s, (1843) 179. 82. Tesolution, That no extra clerk attend in future Sessions, until called on by the Clerk, (1843) 179. 83. Resolution for a censure on the Clerk of the English Journals, for interpolating certain words in the amendments of the Legislative Council to the Bill for relief of Religious Societies, as entered in the Journals of last Session, (1844–5) 51. Wide Religious Denominations, 3. 84, Order to the Clerk, to prepare a Statement of the officers and servants in the employ of the House, with their length of service, and the salaries which it is expedient to allow to each in future, (1844–5) 294. Presented, 324. Motion, to rescind the Resolutions of 19th July, 1841, and 30th Nov., 1843, and to adopt the scale of salaries submitted by the Clerk in lieu thereof; Consideration postponed till next Session, 375. 85. Instruction to the Committee on Contingencies, to report what indemnity should he allowed to the officers of the House for expenses incurred by the removal of the Seat of Government to Kingston and Montreal, moved and negatived, (1844–5) 382. Again moved and carried, 416. Report thereon, 424. Resolution adopted, 426. Wide infra, 202. 86. Classified Lists of the officers and servants of the House, with their salaries, (1844–5) Ordered, 293. Presented, 324–(1846) 832—(1849) Attached to the 5th Report of the Committee on Contingencies, 269–(1850) Attached to 4th Report of do., 270. Report amended by the House, and adopted, 273.--(1851) Attached to 2nd Report of do., 309. Report amended, and adopted, 356. Clerk of the House —Vide Clerk of the House. QQ 322 LEGISTIATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued. º X. Officers and Servants of the House—continued. 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95. 96. 97. 98. Clerk’s Office : Petitions from Clerks, &c., employed in the late Assembly of Upper Canada, praying that their salaries for the last year prior to the Union may be made up to the usual average :-(1841) Of Alfred Patrick, 259. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 260. Report thereon, 270. (Wide infra, 140.)—Of Wm. Coates, 430–Of Alfred Todd and T. Patrick; Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 472. Report thereon, 544. (Wide ânfra, 141.)—Of R. Defries and others, Messengers, 403. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 430. Report thereon, 545. (Wide infra, 146.)—Of Michael McCarthy, Messenger; Referred, &c., 472. Report thereon, 545. Wide infra, 146. Petition of Alfred Todd, T. Patrick, and C. FitzGibbon, complaining that they have been deprived (by the Union) of their permanent standing as Clerks in the office of the Legislative Assembly, and praying relief, (1841) 227. Referred to Committee on Clerk's Office, 234. Report thereon; Committed, 270. Resolution authorising them to be employed during the Recess, 513. Petition from Officers of Assembly of Lower Canada, for allowance of the moiety of their salaries, withheld during the suspension of the Constitution; Referred, (1842) 39. Report, 59. Referred to Committee of whole on Contingencies, 107. Wot reported on. Petitions of certain Clerks, for an increase of salary:-(1843) Ross, Wm., Chief Clerk of Committees; Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 193. Report thereon, 201. (1844–5) Patrick, A., 2nd Clerk of Commit- tees; Referred to do., 170. Report thereon, 257. (Wide infra, 187.)—Vaux, Thos.; Referred to do., 293. JVo Report thereon. (1846) Winder, W., and others; Referred to do., 237. Report thereon, 300. Petition of T. Patrick, for an additional allowance for past services as a Clerk, (1843) 188. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 189. Report thereon, 201. Petitions for employment as Clerks, (1844–5) McDonald, Alex, 33. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 57. Report thereon, 257.-Thomson, H. G., 132. Petitions for pensions for past services as Officers of the Legislatures of Upper or Lower Canada-Wide Pensions. Motion, for an Instruction to the Committee on Contingencies to insert in their Report an allowance of 15s. per diem for extra writers, and 20s. for translators, with their travelling expenses; Amendment, that the Clerk do call in offers from persons disposed to serve next Session as extra writers at 7s.6d. per diem, negatived; Main motion also negatived, (1850) 145. Wide Committees, 25, 37, 206, 354—357, 363–368. & Door-Keeper:-Wide infra, 122, 158, 167, 181, 197,208. Committees, 362. Election Commissions, Services on:—Wide Elections, 79. Housekeeper:-Wide infra, 98–101, 105. Law Clerk: Resolution, That all public Bills shall be revised (and a breviat made) by the Law Clerk, after the first reading; and he shall be responsible for their correctness (if amended) in every succeeding stage (58th Rule), (1841) 44. Petition of E. Parent, for remuneration for his services as Law Clerk to the late Assembly of Lower Canada; Referred, (1841) 466. Report, 478. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 482. Report thereon, 545. Wide infra, 145. Letter from Mr. Wicksteed, Law Clerk and English Translator, relative to the appointment of an assistant in his office; Referred to Committee on Petitions for employment as Translators, (1844–5) 62. Wide infra, 117. Messengers: Petition of Æneas Bell, (late Chief Messenger of the Assembly of Upper Canada) for appointment as a Messenger, (1841) 175. Petition of Julia Bell, his wife, for remuneration for her services as Housekeeper to do., 129. Both referred to the Committee on the Offices and Departments of the House, 176. Report, recommending them a joint pension of £25, 270. Resolution, granting Æneas Bell a pension of £18 per annum, 608. (Included in a general Bill,—Vide Parliament, Provincial, 1, 2.) Wide also infra, 156. Another Petition of Mrs. Bell, for remuneration as Housekeeper (since 1833), (1842) 39. IEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-com/?nued. 323 -ms. X. Officers and Servants of the House—continued. Messengers—continued. 99. Petition of the same, praying an allowance for the time (before the Union) when Parliament did not meet, (1841) 466. Another Petition, for remuneration as keeper of the Parliament House at Toronto, during a certain period, (1843)22––Petition of Julia Bell, for remuneration for the above mentioned services of her late hus- band, (1844–5) 34. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 48. Report thereon, 257.-Another Petition, (1846) 79. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 84. Report thereon, 300. Wide infra, 209. 101. Petition of Maria McCrea, stating that she was placed in the House under the expectation of being appointed Housekeeper, and praying compensation for the loss sustained from her not being appointed, (1841) 578. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 579. Report thereon, 622. Wide infra, 152. 102. Petition of J. Wollar, for an allowance for last session equal to that received by the other Messengers, (1842) 56. Wide infra, 166. 103. I’etition from the Messengers of the House, for an annual salary, (1842) 91. Referred to Committee on Contin- gencies, 97. Wot reported on. 104. Petition of R. Defries, Post Office Messenger, for a fixed salary, (1844–5) 94. Referred to Committee on Contin- gencies, 96. Report thereon, 257. Wide infra, 189.-Another Petition, (1846) 218. Referred, &c., 234. Report thereon, 300. Resolution, 332. 105. Petition of C. J. De Montreuil, for payment of a balance due the late Amable Schindler as Housekeeper to the Assembly of L. Canada, (1844–5) 132. Referred, 138. Report ; Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 342. Report thereon, 424. Wide infra, 201. 106. Petition of J. Lemonde, for an inquiry into the cause of his dismissal as a Messenger, (1846) 46. 107. Petition of A. L. Cardinal, Chief Messenger, for an increase of salary; Referred to Committee on Contingencies, (1846) 186. Report thereon, 300. (Included in a general increase, p. 332.) 108. Petition of M. McCarthy, for employment as a night watch at the Parliament House, (1846) 190. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 199. Report thereon, 300. 109. Petition of G. Webster, for an increase of wages as a Messenger, (1849) 95. 110. Resolution granting to James Curran (a Messenger) £10 as a gratuity for his services on the occasion of the burning of the Parliament House at Montreal, (1850) 275. Wide Supra, 87. infra, 123. Sergeant-at-Arms: 111. Petition of G. K. Chisholm, for an increase of salary; Referred to Committee on Contingencies, (1843) 65. Report thereon, 189. Wide infra, 179. Another Petition, (1844–5) 33. Referred, &c., 56. Report thereon, 257. Wide infra, 185. 112. Directed to go with the Mace to the lodgings of Messrs. Blake and Macdonald (Members), and require their imme- diate attendance, (1849) 88. Wide Members, 40. 118. Directed to apprehend certain persons, and place them at the bar, Wide supra, 65–74. 114. Permitted to appoint a deputy during his illness or temporary absence, (1849) 265. 115. Motion that Mr. A. D. Cardinal (Chief Messenger) do act as deputy to the Sergeant-at-Arms, during his temporary absence on the business of the House, Negatived, (1846) 138. Translators: 116. Resolution, appointing Mr. F. X. Garneau Assistant French Translator, at £200 per annum, (1842) 58. 117. Petitions for employment as Assistant Translators, (1844–5) Lindsay, W. B., Jr., 15. O'Keefe, G., 94. Tanguay, H., 15. Petitions of Lindsay and Tanguay referred, 15. Letter from Law Clerk (supra, 97) also referred, 62. Report, 126. Printed ; To be considered, 128. Motion to concur in Report, negatived, 187. Wide supra, 94, 97. Resolutions relative to Appointment, Salaries, &c., of Officers, and Servants of the House, viz: (1841.) 118. Seventeen Resolutions (nominating the permanent officers of the House, &c.) reported from the Committee of Whole on 1st Report of Select Committee on Clerk's Office ; Agreed to, 204–Further Resolution (on same Report) relative to pensions; Address ordered thereon, 274. (Vide Addresses, 344. Governor General, 90, Parliament, Provl, 1.)—Three Resolutions reported (on 2nd Report); Agreed to, 518. 324. TIEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-comf/ed. X. Officers and Servants of the House—continued. (1841)—continued. Synopsis of above Resolutions. #19. (1 to 11.) Appointing a Law Clerk and English Translator, French Translator and Assistant do., Chief Office Clerk, 2nd do., Clerks of Committees, Clerks of Journals, Librarian and Deputy Fibrarian,—with their respective salaries, 204. 120. (12.) All the permanent officers to complete the work at close of each Session, 205. 121. (13.) Extra writers to receive 10s. per diem of six hours, 205. 122. (14 to 16.) Appointing Chief Messengor, Tſouse Messenger, and Door-keeper, 205. #23. (17.) Messengers to receive 7s. 6d. per diem, during Session, 205. 124. (18.) Recommending D. Jardine and Wm. Coates (Clerks to Assembly of Upper Canada), L. B. Pinguet, S. Waller, and J. Brewer (Clerks to Assembly of Lower Canada), and F. Rodrigue and L. Gagné (Messengers to do.), for pensions, 274. 125. (19.) Assistant Translator to receive one pound per diem of six hours, and ten shillings per diem for extra hours, 518. 126. (20.) Post Office Messenger to receive #0s. per diem, 513. * 127. (21.) Alfred Todd, T. Patrick, and C. FitzGibbon, to be employed as extra writers during the Recess, 513. (1846.) 128. Four Resolutions reported from Committee of whole on Report of Select Committee on Salaries of Officers and Servants of the House; Agreed to, 332. 129 (1.) Regulating the salaries to be paid, in future, to the permanent officers and servants. 130. (2) Such Salaries to commence from 1st January, 1846, and to be for the year, and not for the Session. 181. (3) Any officer dissatisfied with his salary to retire, and the vacancy to be filled by the Clerk, with the approb%- tion of the Speaker. 132. (4) Work of the offices during the Recess to be divided among the proper officers. XI. Contingent Expenses of the House: 133. Bill granting £6800 14s. 13d. to pay the balance of the contingent expenses of the last Session of the Legislature of Upper Canada; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 624. R. A., 643. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 46.) 184. Resolution, That the postage on all letters (not exceeding 1 oz.) and papers, to and from members, and on Petitions, be charged to the Contingencies, (1841) 10.—(1842) 4.—(1843) 6.—(1844–5) 3.−(1846) 2- (1847) 8–(1848) 3.−(1849) 5–(1850) 4. On all letters and papers to and from members, (1851) 2. Resolutions relative to the Sessional allowance to Members, Vide Members, 8–14. [NOTE:-The Committees on Contingencies in each Session will be found under “Committees” (360 to 368), and the proceedings of the Committees of the whole on their Reports, under “Committees” (29 to 38); below are the Resolutions emanating from such Committees ; with other Resolutions of a like nature.] (1841) 185. Resolution reported by the Committee of the whole on 1st Report of Committee on Contingencies (No. 1); Agreed to 209-Four Resolutions on 2nd Report (Nos. 2 to 5), 280–Seven Resolutions on 3rd Report (6 to 12); One (granting £894 18s. 11d. to Mr. Parent) amended by reducing the amount; All agreed to, 595-Ten *esolutions on 4th Report (13 to 22), 631. Address to His Excellency ordered, ib. Wide Addresses, 130. Synopsis of the Resolutions agreed to. Currency. 136. (1) To liquidate certain claims against late Assembly of Upper Canada,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . £3896 9 8 137. (2.) Do do (through the clerk),. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 0 8% 138. (3.) Do do (through the Sergent-at-Arms),... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 1 4 0 i89. (4) W. J. Coates, loss on his contract for Printing for do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 0 0 140. (5.) Alfred l’atrick, deficiency in last year's salary as a Clerk to do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 16 8 141 (6.) Alfred Todd and T. Patrick, do. do. do. . . . . . 9 @ 9 e º e g º O & & 4 & 3 & 59 10 0 each. TEGISTATIVE ASSEMBLY--com/imated. 3. 2 5 XI. Contingent Expenses of the House—continued. (1841)—continued. 142. (7.) P. A. Weilbrenner, taking evidence at Mr. Berthelot's election for Montreal,...... . . . fº/ 10 0 143. (8.) A. Jobin, do. do. do. do. . . . . . . . © e s e o e o s 32 5 0 144. (9) Alpheus Todd, for his work on Parliamentary Law, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 0 O 145. (10.) E. Parent, Salary as Law Clerk to Assembly of Lower Canada,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773 4 13 146. (11.) Allowance to certain messengers (Defries, Fenwick, Dixon, Kay, and McCarty) in full of all claims up to the present Session,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 0 0 each. 147. (12.) Various accounts (detailed in 3rd Report), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 3 8 148. (13.) Clerk of IIouse, allowance for house rent and fuel, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 0 O 149. (14.) DO allowance of 1 per cent. On payments on account of the Contingencies. 151. (15.) Clerk Assistant, additional salary, . . . . . . . . . 4 & dº e g o g is e e g • * * * * * * * g e a e e o e o e s e e s e 60 0 0 152. (16.) Maria McCrea, services as Housekeeper, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º 'º e º e o 20 0 0 153. (17.) Sergent-at-Arms, additional salary, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 e s ∈ e º 'º e º 'º a & © tº 6 & 6 s & e o e o e o e s a 50 0 0 154. (18.) Payment of witnesses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 º' e o e º is a e o e s 3 & 9 e s s a e s e s e e s a e s a s e 54 7 6 155. (19.) AE, Bell, taking charge of Parliament Buildings, Toronto,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 15 0 156. (20.) K. Barton, House Page, additional allowance, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 0 0 157. (21.) Chief Messenger, for a servant boy... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 0 O 158. (22.) Door-keeper, to make his salary up to £80,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 0 O 160. 161. I 62. 163. 164. 165. | 66. 167. 168. . Resolution, directing the Clerk to procure 500 copies of the “Mirror of Parliament,” at 5s. per month, 134. Rescinded, 235. Three Resolutions reported from Committee of whole on 2nd Report of Committee on the Clerk's Office; Agreed to, 518. (1) That Alex. Lemoine, Assistant French Translator, be paid at the rate of £1 per diem of 6 hours, and 10s. per diem for extra hours. . 4. (2) That R. Defries, Post Office Messenger, be paid 10s. per diem while actually employed. (3.) That Alfred Todd, T. Patrick, and C. FitzGibbon, be paid as other extra writers, and be employed during the Recess, when required. (1842.) Three Resolutions reported, on second Report of Committee on Contingencies; Agreed to, 122. (1.) Allowance of £5 to each of the Messengers, for travelling to seat of Government. (2) Jas. Wollar, Messenger, for past services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * e e s e o e s e o e e f10 0 0 (3) Salary of Door-keeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * g e s o e s • e o e o 'º e o o e e o s e o e o 'o e s e o e e 60 0 0 (1843.) Resolution reported on Third Report of Committee on Contingencies; Agreed to, 152.—Nine Resolutions on Fourth Report (2 to 10); One (5s. per diem for witnesses, and the same for every 20 miles travel) amended (as below); Resolutions agreed to, 179-Three Resolutions on Sixth Report (11 to 13), 205. . (1.) Concurring in Third Report, recommending payment of trademen's bills amounting to., f:281 19 11; . (2) Rescinding Order of 8th Sept., 1841, authorizing advances on account of expense of compiling Indices to the Journals of Upper and Lower Canada. . (3.) The said Indices to be completed, and placed in the Library for reference. . (4.) Allowance of 15s. per diem each, to Alfred and Alpheus Todd, for past services on the said Indices, and . granting the former a salary of £200 per annum in future as a Junior Clerk. . (5) Granting £200 per annum to Alpheus Todd, as Assistant Librarian. . (6.) No allowance for extra hours to any person in the employ of the House. . (7.) Extra writers to receive in future 15s. per diem in Session, and 10s. in Recess, and temporary writers 10s. per diem. . (8.) No extra writer to attend, in future Sessions, until called on by the Clerk. . (9.) Appointing J. B. Moraud and T. Patrick Junior Clerks, at £150 per annum, 326 IEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued. XI. Contingent Expenses of the House—continued. (1843)—continued. 178. (10.) Witnesses to receive 10s. per diem during their attendance, with a reasonable allowance for travelling expenses. 179. (11.) Sergeant-at-Arms, additional salary for past and present years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £100 0 0 180. (12.) Clerk Assistant do do ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 0 0 181. (18.) Door-keeper - do do tº C & © º º e º e o e º e º e e g . . . 40 0 0 182. Resolution granting £75 to provide such additional accommodation as may be required for the sitting of Select Committees, 35. 183. Resolution granting £250 for the Salary of the Speaker of the Legislative Council for the present Session, 207. (1844–5.) 184. Six Resolutions reported on Third Report of Committee on Contingencies; Agreed to, 295. (Nos. 1 to 6.) Thirteen Resolutions on Fifth Report, 426. (7 to 19.) 185. (1) Sergeant-at-Arms, additional salary for the future ..... & s tº e C & © e © e º e & e º e º e º e º O C º £50 per annum. 186. (2) That the Upper Canada Gazette be no longer furnished to members. 187. (3) Granting to the Second Clerk of Committees (A. Patrick) an addition to his salary of £25 per annum. 188. (4) E. J. Barker, in full of his claim for printing.................................. £35 0 0 189 (5.) R. Defries, Post Office Messenger, to receive 12s. 6d. per diem. 191. (6.) G. D'Eschambault, for his services as a Commissioner on a Contested Election in 1833 32 5 0 192. (7) John Healy, Messenger, retired allowance...... e Q e º e º e o e e © Q & Q & Q e e e s e o e º e º O & © tº f30 per annum. 198 (8) G. Marchand, Commissioner, Missisquoi Contested Election, in 1831 .............. 13 2 11 P. P. Demaray, do. do. do. . . . . . . . . . . . © e & 9 16 10 194. (9.) Door-keeper, inner door of the House, for present Session. . . . . . . . . . . . © a e e º e º 0 & 0 & 50 0 0 195. (10.) W. P. Patrick, Esq., for services as Deputy Clerk, for 3 Yéal'S • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 0 0 196. (11) Clerk of the House, allowance for house rent........... © e º e º e o e º e º e º e º e o e º & © 100 0 0 Clerk Assistant do. . . . . . § tº Q & Q ſº e º e o e º O & Q & © e º e º 'º & © tº º * 60 0 0 197. (12.) Door-keeper, in addition to his salary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 0 0 198. (18) Allowance to Sergeant-at-Arms, and four Clerks, for travelling expenses,........... 10 0 0 each 199 (14) Do. to eight Messengers, for travelling expenses. . . . . . • * * * * * e º 'º e º e º t t t e º & 5 0 0 each 200. (15.) That no allowance be made, in future, for travelling expenses. 4. 201. (16.) Balance due A. Schindler, as Housekeeper to Assembly of Lower Canada. . . . . . . . . . 13 15 0 202. (17) Allowance to certain officers of the House for expenses incurred by the removal of the Seat of Government............................... tº 6 tº e º e º g º e º 'º e g g g tº e e . . . . 321 10 0 208. (18.) Six extra Clerks to be paid 15s, each per diem. 204. (19) Address to His Excellency for a further advance. 205. Second Report of Committee on the Library, recommending an allowance of £50 each to the Librarian and Assis- tant Librarian, for additional services in removing the Library from Kingston to Montreal, 378. Concurred in, 384. 206. Resolution granting £300 to Mrs. Roy for a geological survey of a section of the Province, furnished by her late husband, 416. Wide Addresses, 457. (1846.) 207. Nine Resolutions reported on 4th and 5th Reports on Contingencies, and on Report on salaries of officers of the House; Agreed to, 332. 208. (1) Mrs. McLennan, widow of late door-keeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £25 0 0 * (*) Mrs. Bell, in full for services of herself and her late husband, as Messenger, &c.,.. 31 10 0 210. (3.) Wm. Dixon, retired allowance as Messenger,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 0 0 per annum. * (4) Mrs. Dalton, balance due her late husband on a printing account. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 6 10 212 . (5 & 6.) Regulating the salaries to be paid to the different officers and servants of the House. (7) Any one considering his services inadequately paid, to retire, and the Clerk to fill the vacancy. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued. 327 XI. Contingent Expenses of the House—continued. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. (1846)—continued. (8.) Work of the office during the Recess to be divided among the proper officers. (9.) Address to His Excellency, for an advance. Resolution directing the Clerk to tax the costs of Jas. Durand, Esq., petitioner in the West Halton Controverted Election, occasioned by the proceedings of the Commissioners (which by the decision of the Committee have proved nugatory in consequence of their misconduct), and to pay the amount thereof (not exceeding £200) from the Contingencies, 215. Resolution granting the usual sessional allowance to members, together with £250 to Hon. A. N. Morin for his services as Speaker pro tem. during the absence of Sir A. N. MacNab, 321. (1847.) Resolution authorizing Mr. Speaker to pay £50 for the Report on the private business of the House, prepared in conformity to an Order of 9th June, 1846, (1847) 214. (1849.) Resolution directing the Contingent Committee to tax and pay the accounts of Messrs. Ostell & Barrett, as witnes- ses examined before the Committee on Yule's Mill-dam Bill, 363. 5th Report of Standing Committee on Contingencies, recommending a gratuity of £25 to Mr. King Barton, a junior clerk, in consideration of the ingenuity and order evinced in a set of Registers kept by him, and £20 to R. Defries, for his diligence as keeper of the Post Office Department of the House, 268. Concurred in, 290. 7th Report of the said Committee, recommending an advance of £100 to Mr. Cardinal, Chief Messenger, towards making good the loss of his furniture, &c., at the burning of the Parliament House, 361. Concurred in, 363. (A further sum of £100 was advanced to Mr. Cardinal by Mr. Speaker—Vide 2nd Report of Contingent Committee, (1850) 152.) Report from Standing Committee on the Library, recommending various grants in aid of literary works, &c., 307. Concurred in, 333. (1) For the purchase of 150 copies of Mr. Christie's “History of Canada.” (2) For the purchase of 200 copies of Mr. Aubin's work on “Agricultural Chemistry.” (3.) For the purchase of 50 copies of Mr. L'Ecuyer's “Petite Guide du Jeune Notaire.” (4) That £150 be granted to procure copies of some MS. papers relative to the early History of Canada, at present deposited in Harvard University, Massachusetts. (5.) An allowance of £50 to Mr. Gorrie for a MS. work on the “Civil Laws of Lower Canada,” which was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House. (6.) An allowance of £100 to Mr. Alpheus Todd, for a collection of papers on “Parliamentary and Election Law,” destroyed at the same time. (7) An allowance of £100 to Mr. Alfred Patrick, in aid of the publication of his “Digest of Precedents or Deci- sions by Select Committees appointed to try the merits of Upper Canada Contested Elections,”—on condition of his presenting 50 copies to the Library, and one to each member. (1850.) Resolution granting a gratuity of £10 to James Curran (a Messenger) for his services on the occasion of the fire at the Parliament House in Montreal, 275. 4th Report of Committee on Contingencies, recommending gratuities to various persons, 269. (Concurred in, 273) as follows: . - (1) A. Laperrière, for the loss of his coat in suppressing a fire in the Parliament House..... £3 0 0 (2) Six extra writers, for their travelling expenses from Montreal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 0 each. (3) Various officers and servants, for extra expenses caused by removal of the Seat of Govern- ment (sums in detail amounting to) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #2332 10 0 , 2nd Report of Joint Committee on the Library, recommending the payment of £100 to Mr. J. Huston, for 100 copies of his “Repertoire National ou Recueil de Littérature Canadienne;” Concurred in, 275. 328 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued. XI. Contingent Expenses of the House—continued. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248, (1851.) Resolution requiring the Clerk to lay on the table a summary of all payments made for contingencies and other- wise, since the beginning of the present Session, 184. Laid on the table, 189. Motion, that a statement of the allowance paid to each member as indemnity, in 1849 and 1850, be laid on the table, Negatived, (1851) 184. - 2nd Report of Committee on Contingencies, recommending an allowance of £500 to Mr. P. Kane, for a number of oil paintings illustrative of the general character of the country, aborigines, &c.;_also gratuities to certain officers of the House, &c.;_with a classified list of officers and servants, 309. Committed, 313. Report 4 Resolutions; Motions (upon the 4th) for recommitting the Report, and for putting the question of concurrence separately upon each paragraph, severally negatived, and Resolutions agreed to, 356,-as follows: (1.) For an Address for an advance on Contingencies. (2) That Mr. Speaker do direct one of the Clerks to remain in Toronto (after removal of the Government to Quebec) to keep an office, with fyles of Journals, Statutes, &c., and to attend to the distribution of the Journals through- out U. Canada. (3 & 4) Amending the Report, and concurring in the Report, as amended. First Report of Joint Committee on the Library, recommending various grants in aid of Literary Works, 292. (Concurred in, 320) as follows: (1) £75 in aid of the publication of the “Mémoires du R. P. Bressani.” . (2) For the purchase of 50 copies of Keele's “Provincial Justice.” (3) £50 in aid of the publication of Smith’s “Canada; Past, Present, and Future.” (4.) Purchase of 400 copies of Lajoie's Treatise on the Constitution of the Province. (5) Christie's Supplemental Volume of the History of Lower Canada (same number of copies to be taken as of the “History.”) (6.) #50 to Mr. Huston, as a further remuneration for 100 copies of his “Répertoire National de Littérature Cana- dienne,” ordered last Session. Wide Committees, 29–38, 360–368. XII. Petitions relative to the Representation, and Proceedings thereon: 249. 25l. 252. 253. 254. 255. For an enlargement of the Representation in Parliament:-(1848) Haldimand, 12.--(1849) Dorchester, 145,156. (1850) Brantford Town Council, 40. For an equalization of the Representation, (1850) Dummer and Douro, 70. Rainham Municipality, 12. Yarmouth, 35, Leinster :—Complaining that that county, which formerly returned four members, has now but one ; and praying that the townships therein may be allowed a separate Representative, (1841) 39. Montreal (City) :—Bill to restore, for electoral purposes, the ancient boundaries of that city; Presented, (1842) 6. Committed, 30. Bill to restore the ancient boundaries of Quebec, referred, 36. First Bill reported amended (so as to embrace both cities), 48. Passed, 50. R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 16.) Peterborough :—Of the Colborne District Council, praying that the whole of the said county may be repre- sented by one member, (1843) 8. Quebec (City) :—Of electors, complaining of the disfranchisement of the largest portion of the electors of the city, and praying relief, (1841) 129. Referred, 130. Report (App. N. N.); Printed, 589. Bill to restore, for electoral purposes, the ancient boundaries of Quebec; Presented, (1842) 15. Referred to Committee of Whole on Bill for restoring the boundaries of Montreal, 36. Wide supra, 253. Wide Addresses, 130. Journals. Judges, 4. Parliament. Public Eupenditure, 4. Supply, 32–34, 3.21. IEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. 329 £egislative (Iouncil. vºv ^^^^^_^^^_^^^^^^/~~~~~~ I. Bills, Orders, and Resolutions relative to the Council; 1—15. II. Messages to the Council; 16–35. III. Messages from the Council; 36–51. I. Bills, Orders, and Resolutions relative to the Council: 1. Bill for the better securing the independence of the Legislative Council; From the Council; Read, (1843) 175. Passed, 192. Reserved, 210–Despatch withholding the Royal Assent, (1844–5) 65. 2. Bill granting £1896 14s. 9d. for the salary of the Speaker of the Council, and for arrears; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 432. R. A., 441. (8 Vic, c. 73.) . That Messages from the Council be delivered by the Master in Chancery, at the Clerk's table (23rd Rule), (1841) 42. . That such Messages be received as soon as they are announced (26th Rule), (1841) 42. • That the Speaker shall always take the Chair when Black Rod is at the door (5th Rule), (1841) 40. • That Messages to the Council be sent by one member (24th Rule), (1841) 42. : • That when a conference with the Council is desired, the reasons to be given therefor are to be prepared before requesting such conference (25th Rule), (1841) 42. • That Legislative Councillors may have seats within the Bar, to hear the debates (27th Rule), (1841) 42. 8 9. That, until the proceedings of the House are printed daily, the Legislative Council may cause the Journals to be searched (32nd Rule), (1841) 42. 10. Resolution granting £1000 for the salary of the Speaker of the Legislative Council for one year, Lor if he hold any other office under the Crown, such sum as shall, with the salary of such office, amount to £1000; Reported; Motion that the Resolution be re-committed; Amendment, that it be concurred in, negatived; Main motion agreed to, (1841) 605. Report a Resolution, granting £500 therefor; Agreed to, 606. 11. Granting £250 for the salary of the Speaker of the Legislative Council during the present Session; Address ordered, (1843) 207. Wide Addresses, 515. Also Governor General, 72. Journals of the Council searched in relation to various matters, Wide Committees, 546—548. 12. Petitions for adoption of measures for rendering the Legislative Council elective:—(1850) Dummer and Douro, 70. Peterboro’ County Council, 117. Peterboro' Town Council, 117. Rainham Municipality, 12. Wentworth and Halton Municipal Council, 13. Yarmouth, 35. 13. Motion, that no Member of the Legislative Council has a right to vote in the election of any Member of the Legisla- tive Assembly; Superseded by Prorogation, (1848) 80. 14. Motion, for an Address to Her Majesty and the Imperial Parliament, for the passing of an Act to render the Legis- lative Council elective, &c., N egatived, (1850) 40. 15. Motion, to appoint a Select Committee, to inquire into the best mode of altering the constitution of the Legislative Council, so as to secure for it a greater degree of public confidence, &c.; Superseded by Previous Question, (1850) 191. II. Messages to the Council—relative to— Addresses: 16. Communicating Addresses which the House has passed, and desiring the concurrence of Their Honours therein, (1841) 625–(1848) 92–(1844–5) 290. (Petitions to Imperial Legislature), 407– (1846) (Resolutions for an Address), 81–(1847) 81.—(1849) 45.-(1851) 35. 17. Agreeing to Addresses from the Council, (1843) 109.—(1844–5) 421–(1847) 179—(1849) 47–(1851) 38. 18. Naming the Members on the part of the Assembly, to present a Joint Address, (1841) 899. 19. Communicating the evidence and documents on which a certain Address is founded, (1846) 310. RR 330 IEGISLATIVE COUNCIL–continued. II. Messages to the Council—continued. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Bills : Desiring to be put in possession of the proofs and evidence on which Bills from the Council are founded, (1844–5) 317.-(1846) 166.-(1850) 183. Returning the Minutes of Evidence on Harris' Divorce Bill (as requested), (1844–5) 367. Communicating the grounds and evidence on which certain Bills sent up by the House were founded, (1841) 261. —(1843) 175-(1846) 227—(1849) 223–(1850) 230. Acquainting Their Honours that the engrossed Bill respecting Bankrupts had been carried up by mistake, and request- ing that the same may be returned, (1843) 196. (Bill returned, 198.) Communicating a list of the engrossed Bills from the Council which were destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, (1849) 287. Communicating a series of Resolutions relative to the substitution of printed copies of Bills (upon vellum) for the present engrossed copies, also relating to the printing and distribution of the Statutes; and desiring their concurrence therein, (1851) 254. Message from the Council, concurring in the Resolutions, 316. Committees: Desiring leave for Members of the Council to attend Select Committees, (1841) 168–(1842) 60.--(1844–5) 208. —(1846) 48.—(1847) 160–(1849) 157–(1850) 176.—(1851) 170. The Clerk or Clerks Assistant of the Council, (1846) 74, 197—(1851) 91. Desiring the appointment of a Joint Committee, (1851) 47. Agreeing to the appointment of a Joint Committee, (1841) 597. Conferences: Desiring Conferences upon certain matters, (1842) 48.—(1843) 185–(1844–5) 433.−(1846) 297-(1847) 193. —(1851) 53, &c. Free Conferences, (1846) 343. Agreeing to Conferences desired by the Council, (1846) 341–(1851) 73. Tibrary: Expressing a desire for the establishment of a Joint Library for both Houses, and for the appointment of a Joint Committee for the attainment of that object, (1850) 51. Message in reply, 58. Wide Committees, 551. Communicating a Resolution for the appointment of a Joint Committee on the Library, and requesting Their Honours to appoint members on their part, (1851) 47. Message in reply, 54. Wide Committees, 552.-Communicating an instruction to the said Committee, relative to the expediency of sending a person to Europe to purchase books, 199.-Informing Their Honours of a change in the Members of the Committee on the part of the Assem- bly, 255. Messages, Interchange of:—That the House will send an answer to a certain Message by messengers of their own, (1849) 217. Religious Societies :—Communicating the Report of a Committee relative to an interpolation in the amend- ments of the Council to the Bill for enabling Religious Societies to hold land in Upper Canada, as printed in the Journals of the Assembly,–and the Orders of the House in relation thereto, (1844–5) 63. Rules :-Communicating a copy of the Rules adopted by the House for their guidance, (1841) 48. III. Messages from the Council—relative to— 36. Addresses: Communicating Addresses which they have passed, and desiring the concurrence of the House thereto, (1841) *49-(1844–5) 434.—(1846) 106.—(1847) 98-(1849) 46.—(1851) 38, &c.—Agreeing to Addresses from the Assembly, without amendment, (1841) 321–(1843) 108.—(1844–5) 434.—(1847) 173.−(1849) 29 1,–(1851) 38, &c. Naming the members on their part to wait on His Excellency with joint Addresses, (1841) 899,-(1844–5) 436,-(1846) 144.—(1849) 302. Stating the time appointed by His Excellency for receiving joint Addresses, (1843) 110,—(1844–5) 436,-(1846) 144.—(1847) 109.—(1849) 802. *7. Desiring the evidence and documents on which an Address (sent up for concurrence) is founded, (1846) 308.- Communicated, 310. TIEGTSTATIVE COUNCIL–com/ed. 331 III. Messages from the Council—continued. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 50. 51. Bills: With Bills of their own, to which they desire the concurrence of the House, (1841) 67.—(1842) 49.—(1843) 175. —(1844–5) 308.-(1846) 89.-(1847) 109.-(1849) 47-(1850) 31–(1851) 42, &c.—Agreeing to amendments made thereto by the Assembly, (1842) 115.-(1843) 202,-(1846) 215–(1847) 210,–(1849) 243.−(1850) 277–(1851) 353, &c. Agreeing to Bills sent up by the Assembly, without amendment, (1841) 149.-(1842) 115–(1843) 110–(1844–5) 361–(1846) 80.—(1847) 214.—(1848) 15.—(1849) 42–(1850) 277.--(1851) 54, &c.—With amend- ments, (1841) 175-(1842) 98.-(1843) 123–(1844–5) 256–(1846) 196-(1847) 125.--(1848) 72– (1849) 154—(1850) 269-(1851) 204, &c. Agreeing to amendments to their amendments, (1841) 544. —(1844–5) 408.—(1846) 330–(1850) 134.—(1851) 324. Receding from their amendments to Bills, (1842) 115–(1844–5) 436–(1846) 250–(1847) 197. Desiring to be put in possession of the evidence on which certain Bills are founded, (1841) 212. Referred, 225– (1843) 168.—(1846) 220–(1849) 214.—(1850) 198,-(1851) 171, &c. Communicating the evidence on which certain Bills are founded, (1844–5) 328.-(1846) 205.-(1850) 203. Communicating a list of the engrossed Bills from the Assembly that were destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, (1849) 285. . Concurring in the arrangement contemplated by the Resolutions of the Assembly on the subject of substituting printed for engrossed copies of Bills, &c., (1851) 316. Committees: Desiring leave for Members of the Assembly to attend and give evidence before Select Committees, (1841) 361. Granting leave to certain of their members to attend and give evidence before Committees of the House, (1841) 370–(1842) 90.—(1844-5) 211-(1846) 52,-(1847) 165–(1849) 126.—(1850) 179—(1851) 171, &c. -Their Clerk or Clerks Assistant, (1846) 80, 200.--(1851) 95. Conferences: Agreeing to Conferenees desired by the Assembly, (1842) 49-(1843) 186-(1844-5) 434.—(1846) 303.--(1847) 196.--(1851) 64. Desiring Conferences on certain subjects, (1846) 340-(1851) 73. Education:-Communicating Resolutions of the Council in favor of the appointment of a Commission to sit during the recess, and report on an efficient system of general education, and to report the draft of a law to establish and endow Common Schools and District Grammar Schools, and requesting the House to unite in the necessary measure for that object, (1841) 428. Tibrary: . Communicating Resolutions of the Council relative to the expediency of establishing separate Libraries for the two Houses, and desiring the appointment of a Joint Committee on the subject, (1841) 251. Committed, 558. (Wide Committees, 169.)—Naming Members of the Committee on their part, 610—Communicating extract of a Report from the Committee of the Council, in reference to the rooms to be occupied for the two Libraries, 639. Acceding to the appointment of a Joint Committee on the Library, and naming the members on their part, (1851) 54.—Communicating instructions given to the said Committee, 212, 249. Rules :—Communicating a copy of the Rules adopted by the Legislative Council for their guidance, (1841) 67. Wide Accounts, 262. Addresses, 264, 515, 606. Bills, 55–68. Bills, Private, 37. Civil List, 8, 6. Committees, 24, 206, 282. Elections, 149. Governor General, 72–74. Parliament. Pub% Jaſpenditure, 4. Supply, 31, 321, 349. 332 - LEINSTER—IIBRARY. Leinster :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 252. Territorial Divisions, 126–128. Lelièvre, S. :—Wide Courts, 58. Lemoine, W. H. :-vide Elections, 88. Lemonde, J ... :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 106. Lenox and Addington:—vide Elections, 44. Leonard, Wm. :—vide Education, 211. Leslie, A. :—Wide Elections, 81. Lessors and Lessees: Bills relative to : 1. To amend the Act 3 Wm. IV, c. 1, intituled “An Act to regulate the exercise of certain rights of Lessors and Lessees”; Ordered ; Presented, (1849) 200. Amended in Committee, 236. Passed, 253. Message from the Council, that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 285. 2. To amend the Act to regulate the exercise of certain rights of Lessors and Lessees in L. Canada; Presented, (1851) 77. Referred, 174. Bill for the more summary exercise of the rights of Lessors (infra, 3) referred, with an instruction to consolidate the two Bills, if found expedient; Members added, 175. Reported, with amend- ments, incorporating certain provisions of the second Bill ; Re-printed, 237. Amended in Committee, 322. Passed, 334. Wot returned from the Council. 3. For the more summary and effectual exercise of the rights of Lessors in certain cases, in L. Canada; Presented, (1851) 95. Referred to Committee on the foregoing Bill, with an Instruction, 175. Wide supra, 2. Wide Committees, 168. Letters Patent :—Resolution, That all Private Bills for confirming Letters Patent shall have a copy of the same attached thereto (69th Rule), (1850) 232. Libel: Bills relative to the Law of Libel: 1. To amend the law of Slander and Libel; Presented, (1847) 31. Committed, 82. Considered, 106. Wot reported. 2. To amend the law respecting Libel; Presented, (1849) 14. Second reading postponed six months, 119. 8. To amend the law of Libel; Presented, (1849) 192. Order for second reading discharged, 266. 4. To amend the law relating to Slander and Libel; Presented, (1850) 14. Amended in Committee, 56. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 60) Library, Parliamentary: 1. Rules of the House, for the management of the Library, with regard to admissions thereto, &c., and providing for Catalogues, Annual Reports, and the continuation of Periodical Works (Rules 84 to 87), (1841) 47. 2. 5 Resolutions, adopting new Rules regulating admissions to the Library, the keeping of a Catalogue, making of Annual Reports, and continuation of Periodical Works, &c., (1849) 228. Wide Orders, 69–73. 8. Resolution, authorizing Mr. Speaker to make arrangements for effecting a more convenient access to the Library, or to remove the same to another flat, (1844–5) 413. 4. Resolution for dividing the duplicate works therein between the Toronto Athenaeum and the Quebec Library Asso- °lation, on the terms stated in the Report of the Library Committee, (1847) 67. 5. Message from the Council, communicating certain Resolutions relative to the establishment of separate Libraries for the two Houses, and desiring the appointment of a Joint Committee on the subject, (1841) 251. Committed, with an instruction, 553. (Wide Committees, 169.)—Further Message, with extract of a Report of Committee of the Council relative to the room to be occupied for the Library of that House, 639. LIBRARY_LINDSAY. 333 Library—continued. . Message sent to the Council, expressing a desire for the establishment of a Joint Library for both Houses, and for the appointment of a Joint Committee for the attainment of that object, (1850) 51. Message from the Council, reciprocating the desire, and agreeing to the appointment of a Committee, 58. Wide Committees, 551. . Mr. Speaker communicates copy of a circular addressed by him to various officials in Great Britain, the British Provinces, and the United States, relative to the destruction of the Parliamentary Libraries, with letters received in reply, (1850) 6. . Mr. Speaker reports donations of Journals and other books, from certain Members and others residing in the Province, (1850) 8. List of donations; Resolutions of thanks, &c., 229. Further donations from various individuals and Legislative bodies, (1851) 15. Resolutions of thanks, 320. . Petition of Corporation of Toronto, praying that the duplicates of works in the Library may be deposited in the said city for the use of the inhabitants, (1846) 16. Referred to the Committee on the Library, 41. (Vide Committees, 426. Also supra, 4.) Petition for the depositing of the same in McGill College, (1847) 96. Wide Accounts, 263—266. Committees, 169—172, 425—429, 549–552. Supply, 34. Libr ary Associations :—Bill to provide for the incorporation and better management of Library Associations and Mechanics' Institutes; Presented, (1851) 77. Amended in Committee, 322. Re committed, and further amended, 331. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 86.) Light, Colonel :—Petition of, complaining that by the decision of the Boundary Line Commissioners he has been deprived of part of a certain grant of land in the Western District, and praying relief, (1844–5) 26. Referred, 27. Report, 128. Light Houses: . Bill granting £925 for erection of Light Houses on the St. Lawrence,—to be repaid out of dues on shipping to be imposed by the Montreal Trinity House; Presented, (1841) 605. R. A., 643. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 59.) . Bill to repeal the tonnage dues imposed for defraying the expense of maintaining Light Houses, and for other pur- poses connected with the navigation, and to provide therefor out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund; Ordered, (1851) 211. Presented, 216. Amended in Committee, 265. R. A., 358. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 52.) . Bicquet, Island of:—Petition for erection of a Light House thereon, (1841) 77. Referred to Committee of whole on Quebec Trinity House Bill, 567. Wide Quebec Trinity House, 1. . Gull Island:—Petition of Wm. Owston, keeper thereof, for an increase of salary, (1842) 118. Horse-Shoe Reef (Wiagara River):—Wide Speeches, 21. . Port Dover —Petition for the re-building of the Light House thereat, (1849) 84. Wide Supply, 225. Presquisle Point : . Petition of Wm. Swetman, keeper of the Light House, for an increase of salary, and for erection of a dwelling house, (1844–5) 24. . Petition of R. Logan, for payment of a balance due on his contract for building the Light House, (1844–5) 324. Prince Edward Island:—Wide Accounts, 384. St. Lawrence, River and Gulf:-Wide Committees, 173, 174. Governor General, 75, 76. St. Paul's and Scatterie:–Wide Accounts, 269. Supply, 226. Wide Accounts, 267—270. Addresses, 233, 265–267. Committees, 221. Supply, 227—229, 363, 402. . Lincoln :—Wide Elections, 45, 46. Wiagara District. Lindsay, W. B., JUII]]'. 3–Wide Legislative Assembly, 117. 334 IPISLET TOANS. L'Islet: 1. Petitions for removal of the Registry Office for that County to the Parish of L'Islet, (1844–5) 176.-(1847) 69, 122. Petition against, 71. Bill presented, 32. Rule relative to notice, suspended, 144. Committed, with the Petition against, 147. Considered, and no Report made, 200,—(1849) 71. Referred, 77. Report, 97. Petition against, 113.−Bill presented, 98. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 130.) 2. Petition of Hon. A. G. Couillard, for re-imbursement of moneys expended in the purchase of Registers, &c., for the Registry Office of L'Islet, (1846) 37. 3. Petition for the opening of a road on the line between the Seigniories of St. Jean Port Joli and St. Roch, and for the survey and division of the adjoining lands, (1850) 13. Printed, 159. Wide Game, 10, 11, 18, 19. Harbours, 39. - Literary Works :—Grants (or subscriptions) in aid of, viz.:-Aubin's “Agricultural Chemistry”: Sub- —Criminal Law: Grant of £250 to encourage the work, (1842) 56, 126. Wide Criminal Law, 12. scription for 200 copies of Ruthven's English translation, (1849) 307, 333. Bouchette, Joseph, Map of Canada: Order for procuring 25 copies, (1847) 214- Brassani, R. P., Memoires du : Grant of £75 in aid of publication, and to procure copies, (1851) 293, 320. Christie, J., History of Canada: Subscription for 150 copies, (1849) 307, 333.—150 copies of Supplemental Volume, (1851) 292, 320. Crémazie, Jacques, Garneau, F. X., History of Canada: Grant of £250 to continue the same, (1849) 342. (Included in Supply Bill.) Gorrie, Mr.;_Civil Laws of Canada: Grant of £50 to encourage him to re-commence the work, (the M. S. having been destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House), (1849) 307, 333. Hawkins, A.;_Plan of operations before Quebec in 1759: Order for procuring 25 copies, (1846) 336. Puston, J., 4th Volume of “Repertoire National de Littérature Canadienne”: Grant of £100 to procure 100 copies, (1850) 275– Further allowance of £50 therefor, (1851) 292, 320. Irving, A., Index to the Statutes: Order for pro- curing 10 copies, (1850) 110. Reefer, T. C., Prize Essay on the Canals of Canada: Order for procuring 400 copies, (1850) 268. Keele's “Provincial Justice”: Subscription for 50 copies, (1851) 293, 320. Lajoie, J. Génin-Treatise on the Constitution of the Province: Subscription for 400 copies, (1851) 293, 320. L'Ecuyer, Eugene,—“Petite Guide du Jeune Notaire”: Subscription for 50 copies, (1849) 307, 333. Patrick, A., Digest of Decisions of Parliamentary Election Committees: Grant of £100, to procure a copy for each member and 50 copies for the Library, (1849) 307, 333. Richardson, Major-" War of 1812”: Grant of £250 to encourage the work, (1842) 126.——Smith, W. H., -“Canada, Past, Present, and Future”: f50 in aid of the work, and to procure copies, (1851) 293, 320. Todd, Alpheus, Parliamentary and Election Law: Allowance of £200 for the work, (1841) 596, 597.--Allowance of £100 for destruction (at the burning of the Parliament House) of M. S. papers connected with the preparation of a new edition, (1849) 307, 333. Wide also Agriculture, 14. Davidson, Alew. Fleming, Mrs. Hayden. Kane. Montréal, 20. Sta- tutes, 15. Liverpool and Quebec Steamers:—vide Committees, 175. Loans, Public: Bills relative to : - 1. To facilitate the negotiation of a loan of £1,500,000 sterling, in England; Ordered, (1841) 499, 515. Presented, 518. Amended in Committee, 563. Motion, to re-commit Bill, negatived, 568. Bill passed, on division, 569. R. A., 644. (4 & 5 Vic, c 33.)—Motion, that in passing the Bill, the House only agreed to it in the firm reliance that the Government will appoint no person as an agent for carrying it into effect but one perma- nently residing in the Province, and able to give good security for the faithful performance of his duty, Negatived, 620. Wide infra, 2. 2. To authorize the raising of a loan of £1,500,000 sterling, in England, for the construction of certain public works in Canada; Ordered, (1842) 104. Presented, 105. Amended in Committee, 108. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 8.) 8. To authorize the raising of the remainder of the loan guaranteed by the Imperial Parliament; Presented, (1846) 337. R. A., 346. (9 Wic., c. 64.) 4. Resolutions for confining the expenditure of the proposed Imperial Loan of £1,500,000 to the works enumerated in the Public Works Act of last Session,-and for creating a Sinking Fund of 5 per cent. per annum on the amount of the Loan, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, (1842) 104. Bill presented, 105. Wide supra, 2. Wide Accounts, 130, 271–274. Addresses, 146, 268, 269. Committees, 176. Governor General, 77, 78, 107. Public Debt, Public Works, 9, 10, 11, 20, 21. Railroads, 8. Speeches, 1, 3, 5. Supply, 9, 12, 14, 353–398. - TO ANS-TORD’S TXAY. 335 Loans to Incorporated Companies :—Bill to enable the Provincial Government to dispose of claims against certain companies for loans made to them under the authority of certain Acts of the Parlia- ment of Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 164. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 71.) Wide Accounts, 275. Addresses, 270. Q # Lochiel :—Wide Religious Denominations, 35. Territorial Divisions, 65. Lock-up Houses :—Bill to establish Lock-up Houses in the unincorporated towns and villages in Canada West; Presented; Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived, (1847) 20. Referred, 93. (Bill to confer limited corporate powers on unincorporated towns and villages referred, 94. Also, Peti- tion for the passing of a general Police Act for villages, 100.) To report from time to time; Report Lock-up House Bill, with amendments, 126. Amended in Committee, 195. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 41.) Wide Płouses of Industry. London (Town): . Petition for amendments to Act of Incorporation, (1844–5) 132.-Petition against, 170. . Bill to repeal Act of Incorporation, and to establish a Town Council in lieu of a Board of Police; Presented, (1847) 32. Referred, 106. Reported, with an amendment, 134. Amended in Committee, 199. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 48.) . Petition of the Town Council, for authority to reduce the width of certain streets in the new survey of London, and to convey the excess to the adjacent proprietors, (1850) 54. Notices not given, 96. Wide Religious Denominations, 21. Road Allowances, 13. London District : . Petition of the District Council, representing that the taxes for 1845 were not collected in Williams or Mosa, in consequence of certain informalities, and praying relief, (1848) 31. Bill to provide for the collection of such taxes in Mosa; Presented, 48. Wot proceeded in. Another Petition, (1849) 39. Entry concerning fore- going Petition read and referred, 87.—Bill to confirm certain By-laws imposing rates, &c.; Presented, 254. Passed, 312. Not returned from the Council. - . Bill to confirm certain By-laws of the Municipal Council of the London District (now the County of Middlesex), imposing rates on lands and other property therein; Presented, (1850) 120. Second reading postponed six months, 231. Wide Education, 211. Territorial Divisions, 66, 67. London Gaol:—vide Gaols, 16. London Manufacturing Co.:-Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1848) 19. Referred, 22. One member substituted for another; To report by Bill, 35. Report a Bill, 47. Amended in Committee, 61. Passed, 65. Wot returned from the Council. • London Mechanics' Institute :—Petition for aid, (1844–5) 100. Wide Supply, 158. Longueuil and Chambly Turnpike Road:—Wide Roads, 192–204. Lonney, J a.S. :—Wide Accounts, 68. Governor General, 79. Supply, 236. Lord's Day, Observance of: * . Bill to prevent the profanation of the Lord's Day; Presented, (1844–5) 294. Order for second reading discharged, 297. . Bill to prevent the profanation of the Lord's Day in Upper Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 299. Amended in Com- mittee, 344. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 376. Considered, and agreed to, 381. R. A. , 440. (8 Vic, c. 45.) 33 6 LORD'S DAY-ITIMBER. Lord's Day—continued. . Bill for the diminution of Sunday labor in the Post Office Department; Presented, (1851) 112. Second reading postponed six months, 238. . Petitions praying that the due observance of the Sabbath may be more effectually enforced:—(1847) Misener, L., 159. (1849) Presbytery of Glengary, 169, (1850) Cobourg Town Council, 98. . Petitions for a discontinuance of the practice in Lower Canada of selling property at the church doors after Divine Service on the Lord's Day:-(1847) Brome, 56. Clarenceville, 56. Granby, 167. Longmore, E., and others, 116. St. Armand, 19. Sutton, Rev. E. G., and others, 48. Last two Petitions referred, 61. Wo Beport. (1849) Morice, C., and others, 84.—(1850) Montreal, 65. . Petition for an Act to prohibit the sailing of vessels on Sundays and Fêtes d’Obligation; St. Polycarpe, (1849) 143. Referred, 158. No Report. . Petitions for the abolition of Sunday labor in the Post Office Department:-(1850) Acton, 158. Amherstburg, 74. Baptists, Grand River Association, 89. Bathurst Presbytery, 36. Beauharnois, 170. Bytown, 170. Camden, East, 77. Cayuga, N., Municipality of 81. Coteau du Lac, 127. Edwardsburgh, 40. Eldon, 145. Eramosa, 167. Gananoque, 161. Gower, S., Oxford, &c., 40. Kingsey and Durham, 200. Kingston, 40. Kingston Presbytery, 12. Laprairie, 127. London, 128. Montreal (St. George's Church), 128: (St. Helen's Chapel), 236: (Zion Church), 65. Nassagaweya, 236. Norval, 158. Norwich and Oxford, 74. Oakville, 228. Oakville and Palermo, 217. Osgoode Militia, 127. Penetanguishene, 158. Perth, 81. Port Hope, 65. Port Sarnia, 158. Presbyterian Synod of Canada, 167. Rivière du Loup, 117. Russeltown, 145. St. Athanase, 120. St. Jean Chrysostôme, 108, Wakefield and Masham, 74. Wentworth and Halton Municipal Council, 13. Williamsburg, 217. Woodstock, 158. Zorra, W., 181—(1851) Baptist Union of Canada, 162. Bytown, 251. Gananoque, 71. Georgetown, 266. Kingston, 134. Kingston and Portland, 94. Kingston Sabbath Reformation Society, 173. Montreal (Baptist Congregation), 230 : (Congregation- alists), 206: (Episcopal Congregations), 206: (St. George's Chapel), 130. Napanee, 94. Perth, 71. Perth Presbyterian Congregation, 71. Picton, 152. Port Sarnia, 102. Portsmouth, 173. Quebec (St. John's Church), 120. Ramsay, 94. Storrington, 94. Toronto (United Presbyterian Congregation), 288. Wes- leyan Ministers of Canada East, 49. Wolfe Island, 173. Yonge and Elizabethtown, 110. . Petition for the opening of the Post Office at Perth on Sundays, for one hour before and after Divine Service, (1850) 136. Wide Game, 1, 13. Railroads, 107. Lorette, River:-vide Navigations, 31. Scott, Michael. Lotbinière : . Bill to divide that County into two municipalities; Presented, (1849) 105. Amended in Committee, 150. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 174. Considered, and agreed to, 175. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 124.) . Petition for the holding of the Circuit Court for that county at Lotbinière instead of Ste. Croix, (1844–5) 264. Referred ; Motion to refer a Petition for annexation of the Parish of St. Sylvester (Lotbinière) to Megantic, for registration purposes, or that the Parish of St. Nicholas may be attached to Lotbinière, to same Committee; Speaker refuses to receive the motion, being in the French language, 265. Report (embracing the matter of both Petitions), 316.--—For the holding of the Circuit Court and Registry Office at Lotbinière, (1846) 112, 151. Referred, 139, 151. Report, 186. Bill for removal of the former to Lotbinière, and the latter to Ste. Croix; Presented, 187. R. A., 274. (9 Wic, c. 25.) . Petitions for removal of the Registry Office therefor to St. Antoine de Tilly, (1844–5) 243–(1846) 16. Referred, 33. Report, 186.--—To Ste. Croix, (1846) 16. Referred, 33. Report, 186. Wide supra, 2. Loughborough :—Wide Surveys, 48. Territorial Divisions, 68, 69. Lower Canada, Legislature of :—Wide Governor General, 94. Legislative Assembly, 89, 124, 191, 193, 201. Parliament, 2. Loyal and Patriotic Society:-vide committe, 34. Loyalty, Expression of :—Wide Accounts, 51,449. Addresses, 2. Speeches, 19. Lumber Trade :-Wide Timber. LUNATIOS–LUNATIC ASYLUM. 337 . Petition for a provision for the support of the insane in the District of St. Francis, (1844–5) 33. Lunatics: . Bill to transfer the power vested in justices in Quarter Sessions for the support of insane and destitute persons, to the respective District Councils in Upper Canada ; Presented, (1847) 97. Committed, 150. Considered, and no Report made, 200. . Bill to authorize the confinement of lunafics in cases where their being at large may be dangerous to the public; Presented, (1851) 217. Passed, 298. By the Council, with an amendment, 332. Considered, and agreed to, 334. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 83.) In the Province generally ; St. Francis District, (1846) 71. Wide Accounts, 277, 278. Courts, 19. Niagara District, 11. Supply, 131–133. Lunatic Asylums, Lower Canada : . Petition for erection of a Lunatic Asylum at Three Rivers, (1844–5) 53. . Petition for erection of a Lunatic Asylum for Lower Canada, on a piece of ground already provided at Montreal, (1844–5) 94. Wide Addresses, 233, 287. Speeches, 5, 8. Supply, 128, 129. Lunatic Asylums, Private : . Bill for the inspection and proper management of Private Asylums for insane persons in Upper Canada ; Presented, (1850) 99. Referred, 157. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 204. Considered, and no report made, 246. . Bill for the regulation of Private Lunatic Asylums; Presented, (1851) 217. Amended in Committee, 325. Re- committed, and ſurther amended, 345. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 84.) . Petition for the adoption of measures for the inspection of private Asylums for the insane in U. Canada; Stamford, (1850) 59. Referred, 71. Report, 109. Wide supra, I. Lunatic Asylum, Toronto: Bill to authorize the issue of Debentures for £30,000, on the credit of the Lunatic Asylum Tax, for the erection and support of a Lunatic Asylum ; Ordered, (1846) 288. Presented, 289. R. A., 346. (9 Wic, c. 61.) . Bill to alter and amend an Act of Upper Canada authorizing the erection of a Lunatic Asylum, and to provide more effectually for the safe keeping and maintenance of such insane or lunatic persons as have become dangerous to society in the several districts of Upper Canada; Presented, (1847) 15. Wot proceeded in. . Resolutions, for repealing so much of the Act of Upper Canada, 2 Vic, c. 11, as imposes a tax of ºd. in the £ for the erection of a Lunatic Asylum,-and for substituting a tax of 6d. on every £100 actual value, for the completion of the Asylum, the erection of any other public buildings in Upper Canada, and the support of the Asylum, &c.; also, for appropriating any moneys already raised under the said Act, towards the support of the Asylum for 1850, (1850) 171. Bill presented, 172. Wide infra, 4. . Bill to provide funds for defraying the cost of erecting the Lunatic Asylum and other public buildings in Upper Canada; Ordered, (1850) 171. Presented, 172. Amended in Committee, 227. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic., c. 68.) - . Petition of Dr. Rees, Medical Superintendent, for payment of the salary allowed by law, (1843) 56.—Another Peti- tion, 79. Again, (1846) 218. Referred, 222. Report, 292. Concurred in ; Address ordered, 318. Wide Addresses, 275. Another Petition, for remuneration for his services in bringing the Asylum into operation, (1850) 40–Entry relative thereto read, and Petition referred, (1851) 136. Report, 155. (App. O. O.) Wide Accounts, 282, 283. Addresses, 274, 275, 279. Supply, 178. . Petition of G. H. Park, representing certain defects in the management of the Asylum; also, complaining of his dis- missal from the office, and praying for an investigation of the matter, (1849) 187. Printed, 191. Other Petitions for an inquiry into his dismissal,—Haggert, John, and others, 169. Norfolk, 95. Oxford, 232. Motion, that an investigation ought to be made into the complaint preferred by Mr. Park against the Commis- sioners, negatived, 355. Another Petition of Dr. Park, (1850) 141. Printed, 145. Motion to refer Peti- tion, negatived; Two letters marked “Private” (attached thereto) to be struck off, 219. Wide infra, 9. Also, Accounts, 284. Addresses, 277. Tocuments relative to the removal of Dr. Telfer from the office of Medical Superintendent. Wide Accounts, 285. Addresses, 278. SS 338 LUNATIC ASYLUM-MCCORD. Lunatic Asylum, Toronto—continued. 7. Petition for an inquiry into the management of the Asylum ; Toronto, (1849) 187. 8. Petition of John Coppins, late a keeper in the Asylum at Toronto, complaining of abuses in the management thereof, and praying for an enquiry, (1851) 139. 9. Motion, that for certain reasons therein set forth, it is desirable to Address His Excellency to dismiss certain Trustees of the Asylum, and to cause an enquiry to be made into the allegations made against Dr. Park, affording him a full opportunity for defence; Mr. Speaker declines receiving the motion, as being neither Parliamentary nor in order, being prefaced, &c.; His decision appealed from, and confirmed by the House, (1850) 239. Wide Accounts, 280–292. Addresses, 272–287, 620. Committees, 295. Governor General, 80. Bebellion, 5. Speeches, 5. Supply, 130, 447. Lunatic Asylum Tax (U. C.) :—Wide Accounts, 281. Addresses, 272, 273, 276. Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, 3, 4. Supply, 421. Lutherans :—Wide Religious Denominations, 28. Tutz, M. C. :—vide Aliens, 31. Lyman, Lewis:–vide Aliens, 80. Lyons, J a.S. :—Petition of, for payment of an amount due him by the Board of Works for services ren- dered in the Newcastle and Colborne Districts, as a Civil Engineer, (1851) 206. M. MACADAMIZED ROADS.–vºr. Macair e, Louis C. :—Petition of for compensation for the destruction of his hotel at Montreal, in 1849, while in possession of the Authorities for the purpose of holding a Coroner's Inquest therein, (1851) 120. Printed, 134. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 206. Macara, J ohn :—Wide Law, Practice of 24. McBean, John :—vide Navigations, 48. McCallum, D. :—Wide Rebellion, 15. McCarthy, D'Alton –vide Law, Practice of 25. McCarthy, Michael :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 87, 108. • McCollom, J © S. *—Wide Road Allowances, 15. - McCord, Wm. K. :—Petition complaining of the proceedings of W. K. McCord, Esq., as Inspector and Superintendent of Police at Quebec, (1849) 112. Petition from inhabitants of Quebec, against any action being taken on the foregoing Petition; Printed, 216. Wide Police, 10. Wide Accounts, 293, 366, 367. Addresses, 288, 348, 349, 398. McCORMICK–McGINNIS. 339 McCormick, John :—vide caum, º. McCrae, Wm. :—vide customs, 62. McCrea, Maria:—vide Legislative Assembly, 101, 152. McCuaig, Effy:-vide Boundary * u, and a cºlº McDermid, D.:—vide Pensions, 86. McDonagh, Anne :-vide Pensions, 37. McDonagh, C. J. —via Natiºns. McDonald, Alex. :—vide Legislative Assembly, 92. McDonald, D. & D. A. :-vide Maintinº sº. McDonald, Hon. J. A. :-vº Members, 40. Macdonell, Very Rev. A. :-vide Rebellion, 9. McDonell, Geo. —vide Legislative Assembly, 14. McDonell, Mrs. :—Wide Supply, 183. McDonnell, Allan (of St. Andrews):—Petition of, stating that his son died from hardships under- gone during the Rebellion in Lower Canada, and praying relief, (1841) 435. Referred, 467. Report, stating the prayer to be for opening of a road from Coteau du Lac to Dundas Street on the Province Line, and recommending that a Bill be passed next Session, 600. McDonnell, M.:-vide Religious Denominations, 8. McDouall, Jas. :—vide supply, 309. McElheran, Jane:–vide Pensions, 8s. McFarland, Duncan:—vide Road Allowances, 21. McGibbon, John :—vide Education, 205. McGill College:—vide ~ 43–47, 129, 130. McGillis, H. :-vide Navigations, 67. McGillivray :-vide Territorial Divisions, 70. McGinnis, R. B. :—Wide Rebellion, 15. 340 MCGTWERN–MACNAP. McGivern, Mrs. :-Wide Ordnance Estates, 8. McGowan, Patrick :-Petition of, for a grant of land for his services as a Sergeant in the 99th Foot, (1844–5) 34. Referred, 43. No Report. McGregor, Alex. —-Petition of, for a grant of land for his services as a Sergeant in the 71st Foot, (1844–5) 234. McIntee, Rebecca :—Wide Pensions, 39. McIntosh, John :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 71. Rebellion, 9. MacIver, Mr. :—vide Supply, 278. McKay 2. P. & R. :——Wide Addresses, 481. Wavigations, 54. McKenzie, J ohn :—Petition of, representing that he is imprisoned for debt in the County of Lambton, while his family reside in Essex (without the Gaol limits of Lambton), and he cannot therefore avail himself of bail to return to them,--and praying relief in the premises, (1851) 71. Mackenzie, M. :—Wide Quebec Fire Joan, 6. Mackenzie, W © L. :—Petition of, for remuneration for his services as a Commissioner on the Welland; Canal in 1835, (1850) 127. Wide Supply, 180. Mc Ki mnon, Martin :—Petition of, complaining that a lot in Vaughan occupied by him has been made a glebe lot, and that he is about to be dispossessed of the same, and praying for the sale of Clergy Reserve lots to the occupants of the same, (1849) 112––Again, (1850) 89––Again (also praying for abolition of the Rectories and sale of the Clergy Reserves for the benefit of free schools, &c.), (1851) 6. Printed, 52. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 82. McLean, John :—vide War of 1812, i. McLellan, Mrs. *—Wide Pensions, 40. *A McLeod, Alex. :—Wide Accownts, 296. Addresses, 18, 19. Rebellion, 10. Speeches, H. McLeod, Martin :—Petition of, for consideration of his claim for land as a retired officer in the 25th Foot, (1851) 102, Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 115. McMicking, Gilbert : 3. Petition of, to be continued in possession of certain ſands for which he has received license of occupatien, (1844–5) 34. 2. Petition of Niagara District Council, for a grant to him as a relief, for the destruction of his steam mill in 1840, (1846) 309. - ºrgº *_\ g", " . . (ºr o º G tº tº e McNab (T ownship) :—Petition from certain settlers therein, bringing charges against the Chief McNab, and praying redress, (1841) 523. Wide Accounts, 297. Addresses, 292. MacNab, Sir A. N. :—Wide Accounts, 298. Addresses, 514. Speaker, 2, 3, 83, 84. McNAT3—MALLOCH. 341 McNab, D.:—vide Bridges, 58. 1McRae, Donald :—Wide Accounts, 299. Addresses, 293. Madawaska, River:-vide Bridges, 58. Madawaska Territory :—Wide Accounts, 841. Committees, 430. Magdalen Islands, 2. Magdalen Islands: . Bill to provide temporarily for the administration of justice in the Magdalen Islands; Presented, (1841) 802. Amended in Committee, 414. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 484. Considered, and amended 505, 515, 522. Amendments agreed to by Council, 544. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 22.) 3. }. Bill relating to the Magdalen Islands, and to enable the inhabitant householders to establish a Municipal Council therein; Presented, (1846) 5. Referred, with an instruction, 66. (Wide Committees, 480.) Reported, with amendments, extending the provisions of the Bill to certain localities in Saguenay and the Madawaska Terri- tory, 96. Passed, 168. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 215. Considered, and agreed to, 220. R. A., 254. (9 Wic., c. 15.) . Bill relating to Justices of the Peace in the Magdalen Islands, and to dispense, as respects them, with the property qualification required of Justices in other parts of the Province; Presented, (1847) 20. R. A., 122. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 3.) . Petition from inhabitants thereof, praying that the Islands may not be annexed to the Island of Prince Edward; and that certain alterations may be made in the administration of justice therein, (1846) 4. Referred, 33. Report, 68. Committed, 73. Report a Resolution for an Address to His Excellency; Communicated to the Council, 81. Message from the Council, concurring therein, and communicating an Address, 106. Wide Addresses, 294. . Petition of J. F. Muncey and J. Fontana, for indemnification for moneys expended in relieving emigrants shipwrecked on those islands, (1847) 188. . Petition of H. Nadeau and others, of those islands, for adoption of measures for securing to them the free enjoyment of the lands long occupied by them, (1847) 13. Referred, 15. No Report. (1849) Foregoing proceedings read, and referred, 48. Wide infra, 7. . Petition for abolition of the Custom House and Circuit Courts therein, and for certain alterations in the rents, (1849) 13. Referred, 33. Entry relating to preceding Petition read and referred; Committee to report from time to time, 48. Report, 223. (App. K. K. K. K.) . Petition praying that no measure may be adopted which would affect the interests of Capt. Coffin, R. N., as proprie- tor of the islands, until he be called on to defend his right of possession, (1849) 186. Wide Accounts, 301, 302. Addresses, 294, 295. Magistrates :—Wide Accounts, 365–367, 553. Addresses, 347, 351, 474, Justices. Wellington District, 3. Wide Territorial Divisions, 118, Magog: Malbaie :——Wide Harbours, 39. Malicious Injuries : . Bill to prevent malicious persons from injuring or destroying real and personal property; Presented, (1841) 283, Referred ; Members added, 320. Not reported. . Bill for preventing malicious injuries to persons and property by fire, or by explosive or destructive substances; Presented, (1847) 41. Amended in Committee, 81. R. A., 123. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 4.) Wide Criminal Law, 2, 4–6. Malloch, E. :—Wide, Ordnance Estates, 5. 342 MANAHAN–MARRIAGE. Ex- —y- Manahan, Anthony *—Entries in Journals of U. Canada, last Session, relative to proceedings on his | claim for compensation for a cargo of tobacco illegally seized by the Collector for Kingston, in 1821, read : Referred, (1841) 494. Report; Committed, 511. Resolution reported, and Address ordered, 632. (Wide Addresses, 296.)—Entries in Journals of U. Canada again read, (1844–5) 274. Manicouagan Shoals :—Wide Saguenay (County), 4. Manufactures :—Petition for a premium on certain Canadian manufactures; Ste. Anne de Varennes, (1843) 53. Manufacturing Companies :—Wide Joint Stock Companies. Manure :-Wide Roads, 8, 272. Map of the Province: . Petition of Joseph Bouchette, for aid in the publication of his Map of Canada, (1843) 42. Another Petition, (1844–5) 42—Again, (1847) 69. Resolution, for taking 25 copies (adopted in a Report from the Library Committee), 214. Another Petition, representing that the copper plates of the map are pledged to the engraver for a certain sum, and praying aid to redeem them, (1851) 78. I 2. Motion for an Address to His Excellency, to direct the compilation of a Map of the Province, for the use of the district officers, in the proportion of two to each district, Negatived, (1841) 601. Marchand, G. :——Wide Elections, 79. Legislative Assembly, 193, Marchands, Banque des:—vide Banks, 10. Mariposa:-wide Territorial Divisions, 11. Markham and Elgin Mills Plank Road Co.:—vide Roads, 210. Marriage: Bills relative thereto : 1. To amend and extend the provisions of an Act of Upper Canada to make valid certain marriages, and to provide for the future solemnization of matrimony; From the Council; Read, (1846) 274. Question for second read- ing, negatived, 343. 2. To extend the provisions of an Act of Upper Canada for making valid certain marriages, and providing for the future solemnization of matrimony, to Ministers of all denominations of Christians; Presented, (1847) 58. Committed, for the purpose of placing Clergymen of all denominations on an equal footing as respects the solemnization of matrimony, 77. Amended, 93. Passed, 99. By the Council, with an amendment, 125. Considered, and agreed to, 128. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 18.) 8. To abolish oppositions to marriages, founded on promises of marriage; Presented, (1849) 200. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 259. Council informed that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parlia- ment House, 287,-New Bill presented, 298. Amended in Committee, 301. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 53.) 4. To amend the law relating to the solemnization of matrimony in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 163. Com- mitted, 263. Not considered. 5. To remove impediments in the way of early marriages; Presented, (1851) 246. Wot proceeded in. 6. Petition of the Missionary Presbyterian Synod of Canada, praying that other Ministers may have the same exemp- tion as those of the Churches of England and Rome, from applying for license to perform the ceremony of marriage, (1 847) 19. 7. Petition of Wesleyan Methodist Conference, for power to Ministers authorized to solemnize matrimony in Upper Canada, to do the same in Lower Canada, (1843) 31. Wide Accounts, 38. Births. Gaspé, 8, 9. Religious Denominations, 2, 9, 32. MARRIAGE LICENCE—MASSON. 343 Marriage Licence Fund: 1. Bill to regulate the fees on Marriage Licences, and to provide for the regular payment thereof into the Public Trea- sury; Presented, (1844–5) 9. Motion to refer Bill; Amendment, that the fees ought to be at the disposal of the Clergy; the amendment, and a motion to adjourn the debate thereon, severally negatived; Main motion agreed to, 172. Report, with evidence, and Bill as amended, 281. Printed; Committed, 284. Considered, and no Report made, 300. - 2 . Bill to repeal the enactment appropriating the proceeds of the Marriage Licence Fund in Upper Canada to the sup- port of certain specified institutions only (Wide Rebellion, 5); and to leave the same at the disposal of Parlia- ment for Upper Canadian purposes generally; Presented, (1850) 225. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 70.) 3 . Motion, to appoint a Select Committee to report on the Statement of the Disbursments of the moneys arising from the sale of Marriage Licences, with an instruction to report on the expediency of impeaching such Members of the Executive Council as may have appropriated to themselves, or permitted others to appropriate any part of such funds without the authority of Parliament; Amendment, to strike out so much as relates to the instruction, carried; Motion, as amended, agreed to unanimously, (1843) 104. Wide Committees, 431. 4. Resolutions appropriating the fund for Lower Canada to the payment of the Rebellion Losses, and that for Upper Canada towards the support of the Toronto Hospital, Toronto House of Industry, Kingston Indigent Sick, and Upper Canada Lunatic Asylum; Bill presented, (1846) 386. Wide Rebellion, 5. 5 . Motion, that the fees from Marriage Licences ought to be at the disposal of the Clergy of the several denominations for religious or educational purposes; and that an Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that they may be so applied, Negatived, (1844–5) 172. Wide Accounts, 303—305, 559. Addresses, 297, 298,609. Committees, 295, 431. Rebellion, 5. Sup- ply, 412, 415, 447. Married Women: 1. Bill to provide for the relief of married women, in certain cases; Presented, (1846) 135. Wot proceeded in. 2. Bill to provide for the protection of married women in the enjoyment of their own properties; Presented, (1850) 51. Referred, 148. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 213. Wot considered. 3. Bill to enable married women resident in foreign countries to convey real estate of which they are seized in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 135. Amended in Committee, 323. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 115.) Wide Dower. Martin, J. B. :-vide * (L. C.), 18. Martin, Mrs. :—vide Rebellion, 15. Maryborough :—vide Territorial Divisions, 85. Marysburgh :—Wide Surveys, 49. Maskinongé, Common of :—Petition of the Trustees thereof, &c., for amendments to their Act of Incorporation; Referred, (1844–5) 360. Wo Report. For revival and amendment of the Act for the regu- lation of the said Common, (1851) 6. Bill presented, 92. Referred, 132. Reported, with amendments, 152. Amended in Committee, 262. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 134.) Mason, A. :-vide Navigations, 54. & Masson, Damase:–vide Rºllion, 15. Masson College :—Wide Education, 131. 344 MASTERS–MEDICAT. BOARD. |Masters and Servants: 1. Bill to regulate the duties between master and servant; Presented, (1846) 166. Referred, 226. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 288. Wot considered. - 2. Bill to enforce the fulfilment of engagements between master and servant; Presented, (1847) 45. Referred, 106. Reported, with amendments, 111. Amended in Committee, 164. Passed (as a Bill to regulate the duties between master and servant), 172. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 23.) 3. Bill to amend the Act relating to masters and servants in the country parts of Lower Canada; Reported by a Com- mittee, (1849) 188. Referred, 234. Reported, with amendments, 241. Amended in Committee, 290. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 55.) Wide Committees, 432. Masters in Chancery :—Mr. Speaker informs the House that a Commission had issued under the Great Seal, appointing Chas. DeLéry, Esq., a Master in Chancery, (1843) 56–John F. Taylor, Esq., 91. Matchedash:-vide orillia. Matthews, Peter: 1. Bill to reverse the attainder of Peter Matthews, and to avoid the forfeiture of his estates and property; Presented, (1846) 231. Wot proceeded in. 2. Bill to reverse the attainder, &c.; From the Council, (1846) 266. Read, 267. ...ssed, 290. R. A., 345. (9 Vic, c. 105.) Meal:—vide Flour. Measures:–Wide Weights. Mechanics: 1. Bill for the better security of mechanics and others erecting buildings and furnishing materials therefor, in the sev- eral cities and towns in this Province; Presented, (1851) 116. Motion to postpone second reading three months, negatived, 246. Referred; Motions, for instruction to the Committee to restrict operation of Bill to Upper and to Lower Canada respectively, negatived, 247. (Bill to prohibit the payment of wages to mechanics in goods, &c., also referred, 254. Wide infra, 2.) Reported, with amendments (confining its operation to Toronto), 266. Motion to postpone third reading three months, negatived; Passed, 295. Not returned from the Council. 2. Bill to prohibit the payment of mechanics and artificers in certain trades, of wages in goods, or by way of truck, or otherwise than in the current coin of this Province; Presented, (1851) 136. Referred to Committee on the foregoing Bill, with an instruction to confine its operation to Toronto, 254. Reported, with amendments, 266. Amended in Committee, 267. Third reading postponed six months, 295. 3. Petition for adoption of measures for abolishing the truck system in the payment of mechanics and others, and for protecting them, by a Lien Law, so as to secure to them payment for their labors; Toronto, (1851) 155, Mechanics' Institutes :—Wide Library Associations. Supply, 152–161. Medals :—Wide Committees, 344. Medical Board, U. C. *—Wide Accounts, 306. Addresses, 299, 301. MEDICAL PROFESSION. $45 4tlebital Jrofeggion. ****Nºv.-vº-'vºv-Jºvºvºrºlºvºvºv-ºvae.º.º.º.º.ºvº, ºrº-evºv, J. Public Bills relative to the study and practice of Medicine; 1—15. II. Petitions for Incorporation of particular Medical Schools, and Proceedings thereon; 16—24. / III. Other Petitions relative to the Medical Profession; 25–36. H. Public Bills relative to the study and practice of Medicine: 1. To regulate the practice of medieine, surgery and midwifery; Presented, (1841) 337. Referred, 356. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 400. Not considered. 2. To enable persons authorized to practise physic and surgery in Upper or Lower Canada, to practise in both sections of the Province; Presented, (1841) 280. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 41.) 3. To regulate the study and practice of medicine, surgery and midwifery within this Province; Presented, (1844–5) 171. Referred, 209. Not reported. 4. To regulate the study and practice, &c.; Presented, (1846) 80. Referred, 154. Petition from Students of Toronto School of Medicine, for exemption from the operation of certain provisions of the Bill, 176. Referred to the Committee, 183. Petition of Medical Board of Canada West, against the passing of any Bill affecting their interests without an opportunity being afforded them of expressing their opinion thereon, referred, 186. Wo JRépart. 3. To incorporate a College of Physicians and Surgeons in Upper Canada; Presented, (1846) 208. Petition from certain medical practitioners, against the Bill, 291. Not proceeded in. 6. To incorporate the members of the medical profession in Upper Canada, and to regulate the study and practice of physic and surgery therein; Presented, (1849) 108. Petitions against the Bill, 131, 177, 186. Motion to postpone seeond reading six months, negatived; Bill read and referred, 181. Wot reported. 7. To incorporate the members of the medical profession in Upper Canada, and to regulate the praetice of physic and surgery therein; Presented, (1850) 54, Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived, 149. Amended in Committee, 231. Motions, to postpone consideration of amendments three months, and to re-commit Bill, severally negatived, and amendments agreed to, 248. Ryder (granting certain privileges to the Toronto School of Medicine) moved and negatived; Motion for passing; Consideration postponed six months, 260. 8. To incorporate the medical profession in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 74. Motion to postpone second read- ing six months, Begatived; Referred, 173. Reported, with amendments, 204. Committed, 215. Considered; Beported; Motion for third reading this day; Amendment to substitute “to-morrow” (last day of Session), negatived; Main motion agreed to, 354. No further action thereon. 9. To amend the law of Upper Canada relative to the practice of physic and surgery; Presented, (1851) 66. Second reading postponed six months, 179. 10. To incorporate the members of the Medical Faculty in Lower Canada, and to regulate the practice of physic and surgery therein; Presented, (1847) 50. Referred, 98. Reported, with amendments, 111. Amended in Committee, 140. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 186. Considered, and agreed to 191. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 26.) 11. To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1849) 335. Amended in Committee, 336. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 52.) 12. To amend the said Act, and to regulate the study and practice of physic and surgery in Lower Canada, to afford relief to certain persons who were in practice as physicians and surgeons in this Province when the said Act became law; Presented, (1850) 138. Order for second reading discharged, 207. Tºrp 346 MEDICAL PROFESSION.—continued. T. Public Bills relative to the practice of Medicine—continued. 13. To amend the 7th section of the said Act; Ordered; Presented, (1850) 139. Petition of Medical Faculty of McGill College, against the Bill, 204. Second reading postponed six months, 207. 14. To amend the said Act, so as to afford relief to certain persons who were in practice as physicians and surgeons in this Province at the time when the said Act became law; Presented, (1851) 53. Motion to postpone second reading, negatived; Referred, 179. Reported, with amendments, 259. Passed, 350. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 105.) 15. Further to amend the law relative to the practice of physic, surgery, and midwifery in Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 77. Petition of Medical Faculty of McGill College, against, 139. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived, 211. Amended in Committee; Motions to postpone third reading three months, mega- tived, 349, 351. Passed, 352. Not returned from the Council. II. Petitions for Incorporation of particular Medical Schools, and Pro- - ceedings thereon: Montreal School of Medicine and Surgery: Of Dr. Arnoldi and others, for incorporation of the Montreal College of Medicine and Surgery, (1844–5) 14. Petition of Medical Faculty of McGill College, against, 34. Both referred, 15, 36. Printed, 38. Report, 138. Concurred in, 193. Bill presented, 196. Referred, 238. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 252. Petition of Medical Students of McGill College, against the Bill; Also committed, 264. Amended in Committee, 295. Returned from the Council with amendments, changing the name to the “Montreal School of Medicine and Surgery,” &c., 400. Considered, and agreed to, 404. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 81.) 16. 17. Petitions of the Corporation thereof, praying that their claims may be considered equally with those of the Medical Faculty of McGill College, in any pecuniary grant, (1846) 113—(1848) 58. *8. For amendment of Act of Incorporation (so as to make the course of Lectures delivered therein of six months duration), (1847) 39-–Petition for amendments, (1850) 29. Bill presented, 49. Petitions against the Provision giving power to confer degrees, 81, 89. Bill exempted from fee; Referred, 56. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 82. Order for consideration discharged, 193. 19. For such an amendment of their Act of Incorporation as to place their students on an equal footing with those of McGill College with regard to their examination, (1851) 37. Referred to Committee on a Petition for amend- ments to the Medical Law of Lower Canada, 41. Report, 72. 20. Petitions for aid thereto, (1850) 54—(1851) 40. Wide Committees, 292. Supply, 92,446. Quebec School of Medicine: For an Act of Incorporation, (1844–5) 256. Referred, 260. Report; Bill presented, 315. Amended in Com- mittee, 412. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 437. Considered, and agreed to, 438. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 80.) 21. 22. Petitions for aid, (1849) 40.—(1850) To establish a Library and Museum, 40,—(1851) 18. Wide Supply, 93. 23. St. Lawrence School of Medicine (Montreal) —For an Act of Incorporation, (1851) 57. Bill Pºnted, 86. Referred, 131. Reported,with an amendment, 137. Amendments in Committee, 255. R.A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 154) 24. Toronto School of Medicine :—For an Act of Incorporation ; Bill presented, (1849) 337. Motion for second reading negatived, 357, 358. Another Petition, (1851) 33. Bill presented, 67. Order for con- sideration discharged, 173–New Bill sent down from the Council, 111. Read, 112. Referred, 133. Reported, with amendments, 170. Amended in Committee, 271. Passed, as amended, 282. Amendments agreed to by Council, 291. R. A., 361, (14 & 15 Vic, c. 155.) Wide supra, 4, 7. MEDICAL PROFESSION.—MEGANTIC. 347 III. Other Petitions relative to the Medical Profession : 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Of the Medical Board of Montreal, for adoption of measures for the improvement of medical education, (1841) 60. —Another Petition, (1843) 42. Referred, 54. Report, 154. Printed, 163. Petitions for repeal or modification of the laws regulating the medical profession, so as to allow persons following the Thomsonian or Botanic System to practise:—(1843) Johnston District, 42. Referred, 79. Wo Report. —(1847) Bathurst District, 78. Johnstown District, 65, 111. Morgan, T., and others, 179. Report, 189. (1849) Aussem, J. H., and others, 56. Booth, J. G., and others, 116. Gregory, S., and others, 103. Ottawa, 163–Petition of Aussem referred, 68. Report, 97. Committed; Considered, and no Report made, 214. Praying that American physicians, &c., may be allowed to practise, to a certain extent, along the frontier of Lower Canada; Lacolle, (1844–5) 327. Referred to the Committee on the Medical Bill, 331. Wo Report.—Through- out Lower Canada; St. Francis, (1850) 70. Referred, 74. Wo Report. - Petitions (from U. Canada) praying that a free competition may be allowed to the different systems of medical treat- ment:-(1850) Baker, M., and others, 158. Blanchard, H. W., and others, 70. Harty, W. M., and others, 28. McDonald, M.K., and others, 36. Merriman, H., and others, 81. Millar, W., and others, 98. Pearson, S., and others, 213. Weirs, D., and others, 69. (1851) Bristol, A., and others, 162. English, Rev. N. F., and others, 71. Farewell, A., and others, 111. Gorham, E., and others, 134. Lee, P., and others, 115. McCallum, A., and others, 130. Perry, P., and others, 120. For authority to J. J. Lancaster to practise the Homoeopathic system in Upper Canada, (1850) London, 108. Westminster, ib. For authority to Members of the Canadian Eclectic Medical Society to study and practise medicine according to their own rules, (1851) 118. For establishment of a College of Physicians and Surgeons in U. Canada, (1846) Prince Edward, 94. Toronto Medico-Chirurgical Society, ib. Referred, 183. Report; Bill presented, 208. Wide supra, 5. Of the Medical Board of Canada West, praying that no Bill affecting their interests may be passed, without affording them an opportunity of expressing their opinion thereon, (1846) 142. Referred to Committee on the Upper Canada Medical Bill, 186. Of medical practitioners in U. C., for establishment of District Medical Societies, and a Provincial Medical Board, (1846) 203. For election of the Provincial Medical Board by the medical practitioners in the respective townships, and that the teaching of medicine be left open to competition, (1851). Halton, 320. Norfolk and Middlesex, 344. Simcoe, 320. York, 344. Referred, 344. Wo Report. For incorporation of a College of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada East, (1847) 43. Wide supra, 10. For amendments to the Act incorporating the Medical Profession in Lower Canada; B. H. Charlebois and others, (1849) 39. Petition from members of medical profession, against any alteration thereof, 153. Both referred, 77, 158. Member added, 166. Wo Report. For the like; Practitioners of Quebec, (1851) 33. Referred, 37. Petition for the placing of the students of the Montreal School of Medicine on an equal footing with those of McGill College as respects their examination, referred, 41. Report, recommending the introduction of a Bill, 72. Bill presented, 77. Wide supra, 15. Wide Anatomy. Apothecaries. Committees, 180. 1. 2. 3. Megantic : Bill to detach Tring, Shenley, Brompton, Dorset, Forsyth, Lambton, Price, and Aylmer, from the County of Megantic, and to unite them into a District, for registration purposes; Presented, (1849) 288. Passed (as a Bill to divide the County of Megantic for registration purposes), 359. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 129.) Petition for the passing of laws to facilitate the attainment of property, and completion of roads, in that county, (1848) 25. Petition for erection of Lambton and other townships into a separate municipality, (1849) 53. Wide Elections, 47. Territorial Divisions, 129. 348. - MTEMBERS. filemberg. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F. Bills, Resolutions, and Petitions, relative to Members: I-31. (1.) Bills, 1. (2) Resolutions and Petitions, 8. FI. Oaths administered to Members; 32, 33. TTI. Attendance of Members; 34–39. TV. Complaints made by or concerning Members; 40–42. W. Members vacate their Seats; 43–49. VI. Incidental Proceedings; 51—57. VII. Questions Negatived; 58–61. I. }. 2. 3. | 0. 11. Bills, Resolutions, and Petitions, relative to Members: (1.) Bills : To enable Members from Upper Canada to vacate their seats, in certain cases; Presented, (1 841) 54. Amended tº Committee, 213. R. A., 359. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 4.) To make the law relative to vacating the seats of Members uniform throughout the Province; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 21. Amended in Committee, 48. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 2.) To vacate the seats of Members, in certain cases; Presented, (1851) 95. Second reading postponed six months, 198. Wide also Legislative Assembly, 1–3. Parliament, 4. • To provide for a sessional payment to Members; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 575. Committed, 584. Order dis. charged; instruction to Committee of whole relative to the salaries of officers of the Legislature, to consider of an allowance to Members for the present Session, 606. Report a Resolution, granting £6800 therefor;, Bill presented, 608. Amended in Committee; Motion to reduce amount, negatived, 609. Bill passed, 614. Not returned from the Council. - • To provide for the payment of certain moneys by the District Treasurers in Upper Canada (raised for the payment. of Members' wages) to the Receiver Genera!; Presented, (1841) 633. R. A., 644. (4 & 5 Vie., c. 55.) • To indemnify Members for their expenses in attending the Sessions of the Legislature (at the rate of 20s. per diem, and six-pence for each mile travelled); Ordered, (1849) 213. Presented, 214. R. A., 363. (K2 Vic, c.33) . To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1851) 226. Wot proceeded in. (2) Resolutions and Petitions a . Three Resolutions, for repealing the Act of Upper Canada providing for the payment of wages to Members, and for allowing to Members 15s. per diem, with mileage—to be paid by the Receiver General on production of the Speaker's warrant, ( 1841) 236. Referred to a Select Committee; To report by Bill or otherwise, 271. Report an Address, 299. Wide Addresses, 302. : Resolution, granting a sessional allowance of £65 to each Member not absent without leave more than twenty days during the present Session, with mileage, and 15s. per diem to Members elected during the Session, (1843) 203. Granting £100 to each Member not absent, &c., with mileage,_and a proportionate allowance to Members elected during the Session, (1844–5) 427. 9tanting a similar allowance to that of last Session,--together with £250 to the Hon. A. N. Morin, for his services * Speaker pro tem., during the absence of Sir A. N. MacNab, (1846) 321. 1MEMBERS–continued. 349 --- ~ - - - I. Bills, Resolutions, and Petitions, relative to Members—continued. - & (2) Resolutions and Petitions—continued. 12. Motion that the allowance be the same as for last Session; Amendment, that it be £75, with travelling expenses, agreed to, (1847) 177. 13. Granting £50 to each Member who has not been absent more than twenty days without leave, and mileage at the rate of 10s, for 20 miles in coming, and the same in returning, (1848) 71. 14. Granting for each Session in future, 20s. per diem and sixpence per mile of travelling, to be paid by the Clerk to Members on their signing a declaration relative to their attendance, &c.;_the amount to be advanced out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and accounted for the same as moneys advanced for Contingent Expenses; Reported by a Committee of the whole; Motion to re-commit Resolutions, to reduce amount to 10s. per diem, negatived, (1849) 213. Resolutions agreed to, and Bill presented, 214. Wide supra, 6. 15. That Members when about to speak, shall rise, and address the Speaker, uncovered,—who, when two rise at Once, shall decide which shall speak, subject to appeal (10th and 11th Rules), (1841) 41. 16. That every Member present when a question is put shall vote thereon, unless he is excused by the House, or per- sonally interested in the matter (12th Rule), (1841) 41. 17. That when a Petition is presented for an Act of Incorporation for commercial purposes, any Members of the House who are to become incorporated are personally interested in the question (84th Rule), (1841) 46. 18. That when a question is put no Member shall leave the House,_nor when a Member is speaking shall any other Member interrupt him, except to order (13th Rule), (1841) 41. - 19. That a Member called to order shall sit down, and submit to the decision of the Chair, unless there is an appeal, when the House shall decide thereon without debate (14th Rule), (1841) 41. 20. That no Member shall speak disrespectfully of the Queen, the Royal Family, or the Governor General,—nor use improper language against the House or particular Members, nor speak beside the question (15th Rule), (1841) 41. 21. That each Member may require the question in discussion to be read, so as not to interrupt a Member speaking (16th Rule), (1841) 41. 22. That no Member shall speak more than once on the same question, or upon a previous question, without leave, except in explanation (17th & 18th Rules), (1841) 41. Wide Orders, 42. 23. That the House may be cleared of strangers at the request of a Member (19th Rule), (1841)41. the Rule, and substitute other provisions, negatived, (1851) 207. Motion to rescind 24. That Members on going out should inform the Serjeant-at-Arms where they will be found (20th Rule), (1841) 41. 25. That no Member absent himself from more than one sitting, without leave of absence (21st Rule), (1841) 41. 26. That leave of absence will not be granted but on urgent and accidental business (43 Members being in town) (22nd Rule), (1841) 41. 27. That the postage on all letters (not exceeding 1 oz.) and Petitions, and printed papers, to and from Members, be charged to the Contingencies, (1841) 10.—(1842) 4.—(1843) 6–(1844–5) 3.—(1846) 2–(1847) 8- (1848) 3–(1849) 5–(1850) 4. On all letters and printed papers to and from Members, (1851) 2. 28. That no Member of the House should appear before an Election Committee as Counsel, either for the Sitting Member or the Petitioners; Reported by an Election Committee, and confirmed by the House, (1841) 113. 29. That no Member have leave to speak on any question for more than half an hour, (1851) 163. Leave to certain Members to speak longer than half an hour, 202, 208, 232. Leave refused, 344. 80. Petition of Niagara District Council, for the refunding of the amount collected in that district in 1841 for the pay- - ment of the sessional allowance to Members, (1843) 9. Wide Committees, 617. 31. Petition of Mrs. Alway, praying that the wages of her late husband, as a Member of the Upper Canada Assembly, for 1887 and 1838, may be paid to her, (1844–5) 100. II. Oaths administered to Members: 32. By Commissioners appointed for the purpose by the Governor General:—At the commencement of a new Parlia- ment, (1841) 1–(1844–5) 1–(1848) 1. Members returned upon new writs, or by decision of Election Committees, (1841) 103–(1842) 2–(1843) 2-(1846) 14,-(1847) 2.—(1849) 253–(1850) 3–(1851) 1, &c. - 350 1MEMBERS–com/?mued. II. Oaths administered to Members—continued. 33. By the Clerk of the House:—Previous to the trial (by the House) of a controverted election for a constituency in Dower Canada, (1841) 326. To Members of Election Committees (for Upper Canada), (1841) 111– (1843) 64—(1844–5) 98–(1848) 56.- (1849) 102, &c.—Upon their being reported absent from sittings of the Committee,_that the reasons given for their absence are true and correct, (1848) 67.—(1849) 119, &c. III. Attendance of Members: 34. 35. 37. 38. 39. Names of all the Members called over, and the names of those who are absent entered on the Journals, (1841) 140,— (1843) 88.—(1844–5) 98.—(1849) 168–(1850) 106–(1851) 184, &c. Wide Legislative Assembly, 19–21. Members obtain leave of absence,—On account of illness, (1841) 167.-(1843) 102.—(1844–5) 307–(1846) 152. —(1847) 135. Illness in family, (1843) 152–(1846) 253.−(1849) 200.-(1851) 203. Severe domestic affliction, (1849) 160. Urgent private business, (1841) 189-(1842) 14–(1843) 17–(1844–5) 90– (1846) 266.-(1847) 129–(1848) 16-(1849) 68,-(1850) 109–(1851) 38.--To attend the Commission on (his own) controverted election, (1841) 412. Public business, (1841) 453. To appear in the Court of Queen's Bench as a witness, (1844–5) 233.−No reason assigned, (1842) 14–(1843) 191—(1844–5) 91.—(1846) 208, &c. . Members reported absent from Election Committees of which they are Members; Directed (in Sessions of 1846, 1848, and 1849) to attend in their places in the House at the next sitting, (1841) 232–(1842) 13.−(1844–5) 131-(1846) 278.-(1848) 68.—(1849) 113, &c. They attend accordingly, state the cause of their absence, and are excused by the House, (1846) 272-(1848) 77.-(1849) 119, &c. Not making a suffi- cient excuse, are taken into custody, and reprimanded by Mr. Speaker, (1844–5) 353.−Ordered to attend, but fail to appear, (1846) 57. Members excused from further attendance upon Election Committees, on account of illness, (1841) 162,233, 463.− (1844–5) 137. No reason assigned, (1841) 412.—(1842) 23, 37–(1846) 56.—Motion to excuse a Member from further attendance, negatived, (1844–5) 137. Excused from further attendance upon other Committees, (1846) 97, 103. Leave given to Members to attend before Committees of the Legislative Council, (1841) 362.--To appear before the Legislative Council, as Counsel, in certain cases, (1844–5) 408.-(1850) 261. TV. Complaints made by or concerning Members: 40. 41. Mr. Speaker informs the House that he had received an intimation of an intended hostile meeting between two Members (Solicitor General Blake and Hon. John A. Macdonald) in consequence of words of heat which had passed in the debate of this day on the Rebellion Losses Bill, and that he had ineffectually sent for Mr. Blake to come to the Chair; Sergeant-at-Arms sent to desire their immediate attendance; Mr. Macdonald attends in his place; Sergeant-at-Arms reports that Mr. Blake could not be found; Warrant issued for his apprehension, (1849) 88. He appears in custody, and explains as to his not coming to the Chair when sent for; Messrs. Blake and Macdonald submit themselves to the House, and declare that nothing further would ensue; Resolu- tion, that Mr. Blake's explanation being satisfactory, he be discharged, ib. Complaint made by a Member, that he had been addressed (while standing within the Bar) in a rude and offensive manner by Mr. Ure, from the Reporters' Box; Order for his attendance forthwith, (1850) 160. He is called in, and the complaint read to him; He addresses the House; Resolution, that he is guilty of a breach of Privilege; He is reprimanded by Mr. Speaker, and discharged, 164. * * 42. Complaint made by a Member, that an assault had been made upon him by another Member (Mr. Watts) in one of the corridors; Mr. Watts heard in answer; Motion, that he is guilty of a breach of privilege; Amendment, that his statement in answer be held to be a sufficient explanation and apology, negatived; Main motion agreed to, (1850) 192. Motion, that he be committed to the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms; Amendment, that having expressed himself sorry for the assault, it be received as a sufficient apology; Amendm". that his apology being full and sufficient, it is not expedient to proceed further, negatived; First amendment carried; Main motion, as amended, agreed to, 193. MEMBERS–continued. 351 W. Members vacate their Seats: 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. By accepting office:—(1841) Parke, Thos.; Surveyor General, 15. Manahan, Anthony; Collector of Customs, 38. (1842) Killaly, Hon. H. H.; President Board of Works, 4. (1848) Delisle, A. M.; Clerk of the Peace, 32-(1844–5) Robinson, W. B. ; Inspector General, 87. Harrison, Hon. S. B.; Judge of Surrogate Court, 99. Wide also Elections, 132–145. By resigning their seats, viz.:-(1842) Dunscomb, J. W., Esq., 117–(1843) Walker, Wm., Esq., 5. Yule, John, Esq., ib. Moffatt, Hon. Geo., 83. Killaly, Hon. H. H., 178–(1844–5) Lawrason, Lawrence, Esq., 196, (1846) Johnston, James, Esq., 242.--(1847) Draper, Hon. W. H., 3––(1849) Webster, Joseph, Esq., 4. —(1850) Wilson, John, Esq., 2. Galt, Alex. T., Esq., b. A Member elected for two places makes his election for one of them; New writ ordered for the other, (1841) 419. —(1844–5) 48. A Member intimates his acceptance of the appointment of Puisne Judge, (1847) 36. A Member whose Return is petitioned against, having sent a letter purporting to resign his seat, the House proceeded nevertheless with the trial of the merits of the Petition, and the trial resulted in the petitioner being declared duly elected, (1849) 4. Wide Elections, 73. Decease of Members:—(1849) Brooks, Samuel; House adjourns out of respect to his memory, 177. New writ issued, 180. (1851) Perry, Peter; House adjourns, &c., 328. New writ, 330. * Acceptance of office: Questions relative to vacation of Members' seats by acceptance of office,—(1843) Mr. Speaker reports a communication relative to the acceptance of the office of Clerk of the Peace, Montreal, by A. M. Delisle, Esq., a Member, 3. (App. B.) Motion for issue of a writ for election of a Member in place of Mr. Delisle; Motion referred to a Select Committee, 12. Report, 22. Committed, 23. Report a Resolution for issue of writ, 32–(1847) Question relative to acceptance of the office of Adjutant General of Militia by Sir A. N. MacNab, Speaker of the House, 4. Wide Speaker, 84. VI. Incidental Proceedings: 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. Lists of Members returned for the several Parliaments:–At the commencement of Journals of 1841, 1844–5, and 1848. - Members returned upon new writs take their seats, (1841) 103–(1842) 2–(1843) 171.—(1844–5) 296– (1846) 1–(1847) 110–(1848) 18–(1849) 253–(1850) 130—(1851) 1, &c.—Pursuant to Reports of Election Committees, (1841) 387–(1842) 38.-(1846) 14.—(1849) 72.——Pursuant to decision of the House on Special Returns, (1841) 34–(1848) 10, 11, 14. - Members obtain leave to appear as Counsel at the Bar of the Legislative Council Chamber in certain cases :—(1844–5) Hon. T. C. Aylwin, on the Bill to quiet the titles to lands of persons naturalized under a certain Act of Lower Canada, 408. (1850) Messrs. Ross and Cauchon, on the Dorchester Bridge Bill, 261. Members examined in their places touching the alleged acceptance by the Speaker of an office of profit, (1847) 4. A Member allowed to speak twice on a certain question, (1851) 157. To speak for more than half an hour (the time limited by a Rule,_Wide Supra, 29), (1851) 202, 203, 232.-Leave refused, 344. A Member excused from voting on a certain question, (1841) 197. Notice taken that a Member whose name was recorded upon a division was not in the House while the names were being taken; He states that he was present when the vote was taken, and had only been out at the door; He is accordingly allowed to give his vote, (1851) 351. His vote having been recorded with the Yeas, when he had intended to vote with the Nays, he is allowed by Mr. Speaker to change it; Decision appealed from, and confirmed, 352. VII. Questions Negatived : 58. For an Address for copy of the opinion given by the Crown Officers in Lower Canada, relative to the application of A. M. Delisle, Esq., Clerk of the Peace, Montreal District (a Member), for permission to perform his duties as Clerk of the Peace by deputy during the sitting of Parliament, (1843) 32. 59. For appointing a Select Committee to consider the propriety of returning to certain districts in Upper Canada the moneys paid in by them on account of Members' wages in the Session of 1841, (1843)68. 352 TMEMBERS–MILITIA. ===s-sº sº VII. Questions Negatived—continued. 60. For leave to bring in a Bill to provide for vacating the seats of Members who do not pay their debts, (1850) 42. 61. That the Clerk do lay on the table a Statement of the Sessional allowance and mileage paid to each Member in 1849 and 1850, (1851) 184. Wide Accounts, 307—310. Addresses, 302–305, 617. Bills, 1. Committees, 181—186, 206. Elections, 118, 119, 131–156, 173, 174. Governor General, 83. Legislative Assembly, 1–9. Supply, 321. Merchants: 1. Bill for the better protection of merchants and others who may hereafter receive assignments and enter into con- tracts and agreements in relation to goods and merchandize entrusted to agents; Presented, (1847) 37. Referred, 81. Members added, 83. Reported, with amendments, 100. Amended in Committee, 132. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 10.) 2. Bill for the relief of merchants, traders and others; Presented, (1851) 6. Second reading postponed six months, 67. Merlin, Rev. J. : Wide Elections, 80. Messages :—Wide Governor General. Legislative Council. Messengers :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 87, *—w. 123. Metcalfe:—vide Territorial Divisions, 95. Metcalfe, Lord :—-Wide Accounts, 311. Addresses, 306. Speeches, 5–10. Midcalf, John :—vide Rebellion, 9. Middlesex :—Bill to change the place for keeping the Registry Office for Middlesex, from Dunwich to London; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 54. R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 21.) Wide Committees, 187. Elections, 48. London District. Territorial Divisions, 72. Midland District :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 14. Midwifery :—Wide Medical Profession. Milburn, J . ...—Wide Elections, 95. Military Chest, Advances from :—Wide Accounts, 312. Governor General, 84. Supply. Military Supplies :—Wide Accounts, 313, 314. Addresses, 307. Committees, 86, 375. Militia : Bills relative to the Militia : 1. To amend the Militia Law of Upper Canada in relation to fines; Reported by a Committee, (1841) 94. Amended in Committee, 274. R. A., 359. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 2.) 2. To revive and continue the Militia Law of Lower Canada, and to suspend a certain provision in that of Upper Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 385. Amended in Committee, 401. Returned from the Council, with amend- - ments, striking out so much as relates to Upper Canada, 432. Considered; Resolution, That the House doth disagree with the Council in the amendments; Committee appointed to draw up Reasons for disagreeing; Report of Reasons; Conference desired with the Council, 433. Agreed to ; Managers appointed, 434. Coun- cil do not insist on amendments, 436. R. A., 441. (8 Vic, c. 51.) MHTITIA—MTTLS. 353 § 3.0. 3.1. 12. § 3. |Militia—continued. . For the better regulation of the militia of this Province; Presented, (1846) 57. Referred, 161. Various Petitions complaining of militia appointments also referred, 208, 219, 234. Reported, with amendments, 245. Amended in Committee, 281. Re-committed, and further amended; Motion for further re-commitment, negatived, 286. Passed, 287. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 319. Considered, and agreed to, 321. R. A., 346. (9 Wic, c. 28.) . To repeal so much of the foregoing Act as relates to enrolment and imposition of fines on Quakers, Menonists, and Tunkers, and to revive the provisions of 4 & 5 Vic., c. 2, with regard to militia fines; Ordered; Presented, (1847) 55. Passed, 90. Wot returned from the Council. . To repeal so much, &c. (as above); Ordered, (1849) 114. Presented, 115. To be engrossed, 256. (Destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House.)—New Bill presented, 313. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 88.) . To alter the day on which the militia shall annually assemble for muster and discipline in U. Canada; Reported by a Committee, (1849) 178. Amended in Committee, 194. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 89.) . To continue, for a limited time, the Act for the better defence of the Province, and to regulate the militia thereof; Presented, (1850) 164. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic., c. 11.) . Petitions for amendments to the Militia Law of U. Canada, (1841) Orillia, 97. Oro, 56. Vespra, 115. . Petition from Menonists and others, for re-enactment of the law of 1836 in relation to militia fines, (1841) 11. Referred, 71. Report a Bill, 94. Wide supra, 1. Petition for a reduction of the said fines, (1846) 55. Petition of Niagara District Council, for amendment of the Act of 9 Vic, c. 28, as regards fines imposed on Quakers, Menonists, and Tunkers, (1847) 14. Committed, 31. Report two Resolutions; Bill presented, 55. Wide Supra, 4. For repeal of the law imposing such fines; Niagara District, (1848) 19. ū Petitions complaining of certain militia appointments, (1846) Berthier, 186. Kingsey, 142. Laliberté, J. B., 151. Toussaint, M. N., 112. All referred to Select Committee on the Militia Bill, 208, 219, 234. Petition for an alteration of the day for the muster of the militia in U. Canada; Eastern District, (1849) 66. Referred, 91. Report a Bill, 178. Wide supra, 6. Petition of Walter O'Hara, Esq., complaining of his dismissal in 1846 from the office of Assistant Adjutant General of Militia, and praying for justice, (1849) 116. Motion, for an Address for copies of all complaints addressed to His Excellency in reference to the recent militia promotions in L. Canada, and correspondence between the Adjutant General of Militia and old militia officers in reference thereto, Negatived, (1846) 144. Wide Accounts, 315–317, 559. Addresses, 308—312, 622. Committees, 188, 473. Elections, 139. Speeches, 8, 10. Supply, 29, 30. Mills, and Mill Dams: Bills relative to: . To provide, by a less expensive mode, for settling the damages caused by the construction of mill-dams; Presented, (1841) 203. Committee of whole thereon report progress; Motion for leave to sit again, negatived; Referred, 289. Not reported. . To provide more effectually for the construction of aprons to mill-dams in U. Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 246. Amended in Committee, so as to confine its operation to streams in the District of Huron, 410. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 66.) . To amend and extend the provisions of the foregoing Act; Presented, (1847) 97. Referred, 150. Reported, with an amendment, 159. Committed, 160. Order for consideration discharged, 200. . To repeal the laws in force in U. Canada regulating the construction of aprons to mill-dams, and to make provision for better defining the mode of constructing the same; Presented, (1849) 18. Referred, 148. Reported, with amendments, 164. Printed, as amended, 233. Amended in Committee, 256. Passed, as an Act to amend the Act of U. Canada of 9 Geo. IV, regulating the construction of aprons to mill-dams over certain streams, 259. By the Council, with amendments, 285. Considered, and agreed to, 286. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 87.) . To afford relief to owners of mill-dams in U. Canada; Reported by a Committee, (1844–5) 325. Wot proceeded in. . To afford relief to owners of mill-dams in U. Canada; Presented, (1846) 171. Wot proceeded in. . For the protection of mill-owners in U. Canada; From the Council, (1849) 174. Read, 175. Council informed that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 287. . For the protection of mill-owners in Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 60. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 75.) UU 354; MILLS.–MITLER. Mills—continued. 9. To prevent mill-owners and others from restraining the natural flow of streams in certain cases, in U. Canada; Presented, (1849) 176. Second reading postponed three months, 233. 10. For referring disputes occasioned by the overflowing of land by mill-dams, to arbitrators; Presented, (1850) 176. Motion that the Order of the Day for the second reading be now taken up, negatived, 246. 11. To regulate the amount of remuneration to be taken by way of toll in mills in U. Canada; Presented, (1851) 87. Petition from millers of Chatham, against the Bill, 120. Second reading postponed six months, 196. 12. Petition for a law to provide for the settlement of damages caused by the construction of mill-dams; Eastern District, (1841) 211. 13. Petition for a law to protect mill-owners from vexatious law-suits, under certain circumstances; Johnstown District, (1844–5) 81. Referred, 89. Report a Bill, 325. Wide supra, 5. 14. Petition of certain lumbermen, for a law to require owners of mill-dams to construct slides, (1846) 158. 15. Petitions for an Act to require the construction of aprons to mill-dams, in all cases, (1847) Brock, 44. 16. Petitions praying that mill-dams on creeks may not be required to have slides, (1847) Little, James, 78. Talbot District, ib. Both referred to Committee on a Petition relative to obstructions in rivers and rivulets, 79. Wide Rivers, 6. 17. Petition from inhabitants of Hemmingford, &c., for permission to make use of mills within the United States, for domestic milling, (1848) 19. Moira, River : 18, Bill to require slides of certain dimensions to be erected on the several mill-dams in the River Moira; Presented, (1846) 171. Amended in Committee, so as to apply also to its tributaries, 226. Passed, 232. R. A., 274. (9 Wic., c. 52.) 19. Bill to repeal the foregoing Act, and to make better provision for the construction of aprons to mill-dams on the said river; Ordered; Presented, (1848) 52. Amended in Committee, 61. R. A., 81. (11 Vic, c. 10.) 20. Petition for an Act to prevent all persons from withholding the natural flow of the said river for more than four hours a day, without the consent of parties owning mills below them, (1849) 90. Wide supra, 9. Wide Committees, 189. 21. Perches, Rivière aur -Petition for authority to Geo. Durand to cut a canal from that river (in Sarnia) to Lake St. Clair, for mill purposes, (1841) 382, 403. Referred, 389. Report a Bill, 453. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic., c. 81.) 22. Petite Wation, River —Petition praying that all mill-dams on that river may be so constructed as not to impede the navigation, or the ascent of fish, (1844–5) 177. 23. Richelieu, River —Petition for authority to John Yule and others to construct a mill-dam across that river, at the “Chute,” for the passage of rafts, (1849) 63. Petition against, 156. Bill presented, 151. Reported, 325. (Order for payment of the accounts of two witnesses examined, 363.) Returned from the Council, with an amendment; Considered, and agreed to, 356. R. A., 366. (12 Vic., c. 190.) 24. Sable, River —Petition for an Act to require the proprietor of Bruster's mill-dam on that river to make provision for the ascent of fish, (1844–5) 88. Referred, 89. Report, recommending an enactment to require all persons constructing mill-dams to make due provision for the ascent of fish and descent of lumber, 105. Thames, River: 25. Petition for authority to John Jenner to construct a dam over that river, (1841) 184. 26. Petition for authority to A. & N. Silverthorn to construct a dam over that river, in Howard, (1850) 35. Bill pre- sented, 49. Referred, 56. Reported, with an amendment, 96. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 90) Wide Bussière. Rivers and Rivulets, 5. Roads, 9. St. Jean Chrysostome. Timber, 20. Water-power. Millar, J ohn :—Petition of for indemnification for the loss of certain property, in 1795, through the inadvertency of the Executive Government, (1843) 43. Miller, Chas. –vide Rºllion, 15. MILLER—MINING COMPANIES. - 355 %. #0. 31. 12. . Huron Copper Bay Co. —Bill to incorporate the said Company; Presented, (1848) 8. Wot proceeded in. Miller, John :—vide Legislative Assembly, 71. Milton :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 135. Mines and Minerals 3—Motion, for an Address for the sending of a competent person to examine the land of Julien Bouchard, at Baie St. Paul, to ascertain whether the coal and iron found thereon exist in sufficient quantities for mining purposes, Negatived, (1849) 69. Mining Companies: Petitions for incorporation of Mining Companies, and Proceedings thereon, viz.: . British American Mining Co., (1846) 60. Referred, 105. Report, 152. Bill presented, 166. Not proceeded in. . British and Canadian Mining Co. of Lake Superior-(1847) 44. Bill presented, 87. Referred, 150. Report Bill, with amendments (also calling attention to a certain provision), 159. Amended in Committee, 201. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 210. Considered, and agreed to, 211. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 76.) Wide Accounts, 318. . British North American Mining Co., (1847) 19. Referred, 23. Report; Printed; Bill presented, 66. Motion to postpone second reading, negatived; Bill read, and referred, 88. Report, with Bill as amended, 117. Amended in Committee, 194. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 70.) Wide Accounts, 318. . Canada Mining Co., -(1847) 19. Bill presented, 80. Referred, 141. Reported, with amendments (and calling attention to a certain provision), 159. Amended in Committee, 202. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 210. Considered, and agreed to, 211. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 74.) Wide Accounts, 318. . Ecko Lake Mining Co.,-(1847) 78. Report as to notices, 96. Bill presented, 87. Referred, 150. Report, with amendments (and calling special attention to a certain provision), 159. Amended in Committee, 201. R. A 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 77.) Wide Accounts, 318. •; . Garden River Copper Mining Co., -(1847) 44. Special Report relative to Notices, 96. Bill presented, 87. Referred, 150. Report, with amendments (also calling attention to a certain provision), 159. Amended in Committee, 201. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 75.) Wide Accounts, 318. Huron and St. Mary's Copper Co., -(1847) 48. Bill presented, 80. Referred, 132. Report, with amendments (also calling attention to a certain provision), 159. Amended in Committee, 201. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 210. Considered, and agreed to, 211. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 72.) Wide Accounts, 318. (1849) Petition for an Act of Incorporation, 28. Bill presented, 46. Amended in Committee, 234. Passed, 237. Message from the Council, that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 285. New Bill presented, 283. Amended in Committee, 292. Returned from the Council, with amendments to French version, 332. Considered, and agreed to, 333. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 165.) . Huron Mining Co., (1849) 145. Bill presented, 160. Referred, 229. Reported, with amendments, 254. Referred back, 267. Reported again, with amendments; Amended in Committee, 272. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 164.) Lake Huron Silver and Copper Mining Co., (1847) 48. Bill presented, 67. Amended in Cemmittee, 194. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 70.) Wide Accounts, 318. Mining and Fisking Co. for Canada Shore of Lake Superior—(1841) 291. Montreal Mining Co., -(1847) 13. Bill presented, 20. Referred, 93. Report, with amendments (also calling attention to a certain provision), 123. Amended in Committee, 194. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 68.) Wide Accounts, 318.--—For authority to issue promissory notes, payable at the Bruce Mines, (1850) 36. Report relative to Notices, 57. . Meepigon Mining Co., (1849) 145. Bill presented, 160. Referred, 229. Reported, with amendments, 254. Referred back, 267. Reported again, with amendments, 272. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 163.) 356 MINING COMPANIES-MONTGOMERY. Mining Companies—continued. T. 4 . Philadelphia and Huron Mining Co., -(1847) 48. Bill presented, 87. Amended in Committee, 201. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 74.) Wide Accounts, 318. #5. Quebec and Lake Superior Mining Association,-(1847) 13. Bill presented, 74. Referred, 91. Reported, with amendments, 128. Amended in Committee, 185. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 69.) Wide Accounts, 31s, —Petition for protection against Indian claims, and for a loan of £12,500, (1850) 9. #6. Root River Mining Co., (1848) 58. Bill presented, 59. Wot proceeded in. 37. Sault de Ste. Marie Copper Co., (1848) 58. Bill presented, 59. Not proceeded in. 18. Sault Ste. Marie Mining Co., (1849) 67. Bill presented, 92. Passed (as Sault St. Mary Mining Co.), 217. By the Council, with amendments (changing the name to Sault Ste. Marie Mining Co., &c.), 243. Considered, and agreed to, 248. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 162.) 39. Upper Canada Mining Co., -(1847) 18. Bill presented, 97. Referred, 141. Reported, with amendments (also calling attention to certain provisions), 159. Amended in Committee, 200. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 73.} Wide Accounts, 318. 20. Upper Canadian Mºning Co., (1846) is 6. Bill presented, 195. Not proceeded in. Wide Accounts, 318–321. Joint Stock Companies. Mining Licences:–vide Accounts, 819–321. Addresses, 19s, 818–815. M In OTS :—Petition of J. Scriver, of Hemmingford, for an extension to the townships of L. Canada, of tire law which exists in the Seigniories relating to the disposal of the effects of minors, (1846) 142. Wide Apprentices, 1. Mirror of Parliament :—Motion, that the Clerk do subscribe for 500 copies of the same, negatived, (1841) 72–Order to procure 500 copies, for the use of members, 134. Rescinded, 235. Missions to London and Washington (on public busines)—vide Supply, 818. Missisquoi: i. Petitions praying that the Judicial District of Missisquoi may be re-established as it existed before the passing of the Judicature Act of 1848, (1844–5) 88.-(1846) 150. 2. Petition for erection of the Counties of Missisquoi and Shefford, and the Townships of Potton and Bolton, into a Judicial District, with a Resident Judge, and an extension of jurisdiction, (1851) 111. Mississippi, River —vide Navigations, 32. Mitchell, John C. :—Wide Rebellion, 9. Moira, River:-vide Mills, 18–20. Monetary Affairs of the Province: Wide Committees, 433. Montague :-Wide Surveys, 51—53. Montgomery, J ohn :—Petition of J. H. Price, praying that the confiscated estate of John Mont- gomery may be vested in trustees to pay the amount of a judgment and mortgage against the same, (1844–5) 53.−Bill to re-invest in John Montgomery the property forfeited by his attainder; Presented; IIis Excellency’s consent signified, 55. R. A., 87. (8 Vic, c. 106.) Petition of J. Montgomery, complaining of loss sustained by him through the destruction of his property during the Rebellion, and praying relief, (1851) 36. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 46. MONTGOMERY-MONTREAT. 357 3 B. 09 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Montgomery, W. :—Petition of, for compensation for law costs, &c., incurred through the discharge of his duties as a Justice of the Peace, (1849) 39. Montmorency :—Wide Elections, 88. Lands, 45. Montmorency Bridge :—Wide Committees, 264, Roads, 269. Montreal (City): . Bill to amend and consolidate the Ordinances incorporating Montreal, and to vest other powers in the Corporation; Presented, (1844–5) 365. Amended in Committee, 419. Further amended by the House, 430. R. A., 440, (8 Vic, c. 59.) . Bill to amend the laws incorporating Montreal, and to facilitate the decision of cases wherein the right of any party to any office in the Corporation may be called in question ; Presented, (1846) 199. Amended in Committee, 251. R. A., 274. (9 Wic, c. 21.) . Bill to amend an Act therein mentioned, and to establish the vote by ballot in the election of Councillors and Asses. sors for the City of Montreal; Presented, (1846) 166. Referred; Instruction, to strike out that part which relates to vote by ballot, 235. Reported, with amendments, 269. Passed (as an Act to make better provision for the election of Councillors and Assessors therein), 277. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 290. Considered, and agreed to, 295. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 48.) . Bill to amend the Act 8 Vic, c. 59 (supra, 1), consolidating the provisions of the Ordinances incorporating Mont- real; Reported by a Committee, (1848) 23. Amended in Committee, 64. Passed (as a Bill to amend the laws relating to the incorporation of Montreal), 67. R. A., 81. (11 Vic, c. 11.) . Bill to amend the provisions of the 8th Vic, c. 59 (supra, 1); Presented, (1850) 176. Committed, 235. Wot considered. . Bill to amend and consolidate the Ordinance and Acts incorporating Montreal, and to establish a Recorder's Court, and to vest certain other powers in the Corporation; Presented, (1851) 113. Referred, 133. Reported, with amendments, 177. Amended in Committee, 268. Returned from the Comncil, with amendments, 324. Considered, and agreed to, 329. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 128.) . Bill to continue a certain Act relative to the public health of the City of Montreal; Presented, (1849) 359. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 118.) . Bill to repeal an Act therein mentioned, and to provide for regulating the carting and transporting of gunpowder within the City of Montreal; From the Council, (1850) 212. Read, 218. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 92) . Petition of the Corporation, to be allowed to borrow money at a higher rate of interest than six per cent., (1841) 185. . Petitions of the Corporation, for amendments to the Acts and Ordinances incorporating the said city, (1842) 62.-- (1843) 71. Referred, 74. Member added, 88. Report, 183. (App. K. K.) (1844–5) 56, 81. Printed, 57. Referred, 89. (Wide Committees, 434)—Another Petition, for further amendments, 189. Referred to same Committee, 190—(1849) 208.-(1850) 98. Bill presented, 176. Wide supra, 5. For an Act to amend and consolidate the said Acts, and to establish a Recorder's Court, (1851) 101. Bill presented, 118. Wide supra, 6. Petition for amendments to the Act of 8 Vic, c. 59, establishing the Mayor's Court, (1848) 7. Referred, 14. Report a Bill, 23. Wide supra, 4. Petition for an extension of the Northern Boundary (Hochelaga), (1844–5) 52. Petition against, 125. Both referred to Committee on Ordinances incorporating Montreal, 135, 167. Wide Committees, 434. Petition for a division of certain wards in the said city, (1844–5) 194. Referred to same Committee, 208. Petition of Montreal Board of Trade, against a tax on auctions proposed to be levied by the Corporation, (1844–5) 217. Referred to same Committee, 221. Petition of Mayor and Corporation, for certain powers relative to the City Surveyor and the Clerk of Weights and Measures, (1844–5) 244. Referred to same Committee, 250. Petition against any increase in the number of representatives in the City Council, (1844–5) 375. Petition of M. Brennan, for indemnification for the destruction of his property during the recent municipal election therein, (1844–5) 176. Petition for the use of the ballot at the municipal elections therein, (1846) 61. Wide supra, 3. Petition of Jas. Ferrier and others, for an Act to declare void the late election of the Mayor of the said city, and to empower the City Council to proceed to another election, (1846) 112. Printed, 140. Referred, 159. Report, 199. (App. A. A.)—Petition for an inquiry into the truth of certain allegations against the late municipal elections, and the election of Mayor; Referred, 176. Report, 340. (App. E. E. E.) Wide supra, 2. 858 * MONTREATI—continued. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 38. 29. Montreal (City)—continued. Petition of R. W. S. Mackay, for aid in the publication of a Map of Montreal, (1848) 58. Petition of the Corporation, for more adequate compensation for the site of the Custom House, (1849) 208. Dames Religieuses de Notre Dame du Bon Pasteur:—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 54. Referred, 55. Report, 61. Bill presented, 120. Amended in Committee, 181. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 91.) Emigrant Sheds at:—Wide Accounts, 169. Addresses, 179. Hôtel-Dieu (Soeurs Hospitalières de St. Joseph de l'Hôtel-Dieu): Petition of the Religious Ladies of the Hôtel-Dieu, for power to invest the funds arising from the commutation of the tenure of lands in fief held by them, (1844–5) 146. Petition for power to dispose of a portion of their property, (1849) 62. Bill to empower them to acquire and hold real and personal property to an amount beyond that now held as well for themselves as for the poor of the Hôtel-Dieu, on whose behalf they now administer certain property; Presented, 82. Referred, 141. Reported, with amendments, 177. Amended in Committee, 249. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 271. Considered, and agreed to, 273. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 139.) Petition for aid to the hospital in connexion therewith, (1851) 101. Wide Seigniorial Tenure, 33. St. Andrew's Church :—Wide Religious Denominations, 36. St. Anne's Market:—Wide Parliament House, 2. St. Paul's Church —Wide Religious Denominations, 37. Soeurs de la Congrégation Wotre Dame:—Bill to enable them to acquire and hold additional property; Presented, (1844–5) 133. Referred, 187. Reported, with an amendment, 231. Amended in Committee, 273. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 99.) Soeurs de Miséricorde –Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1848) 31. Again (1849) 62. Bill to incorporate “Les Soeurs de Miséricorde pour le régie de l’Hospice de la Maternité de Montréal;” Presented, 79. Referred, 133. Reported, with amendments, 157. Amended in Committee, 229. Returned from the Council, with an amendment; Considered, and agreed to, 255. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 138.) Soeurs Grises (Grey Wuns): Petitions for aid, (1844–5) 52.—(1849) 62.—(1850) 40–(1851) 52. Petition for power to sell certain portions of their property, and to invest the proceeds thereof in other securities, (1846) 84. Referred, 164. Report, 169, Bill presented, 184. R. A., 274. (9 Wic, c. 92.) Wide Accounts, 327. Wide Accounts, 532, 533. Addresses, 31. Committees, 210, 211,434, 479. Education, 30, 132, 186, Plections, 49, 89. Gaols, 20. Legislative Assembly, 253. Taverns, 10. Montreal (County):—vide Elections, 51, 90. Montreal (Parish): . Petition of Municipality of Hochelaga, for erection of each Cole in that Parish into a separate Municipality, (1846) 60. Petition for a division of Hochelaga into five Municipalities, 71. First Petition referrred, 63. Wide Committees, 435. Also infra, 2. . Bill to divide Hochelaga (Montreal) into five Municipalities, and to provide for the support of schools therein, &c.; Presented, (1846) 108. Referred, 180. Instruction, to consider of introducing a provision to erect the Banlieu of Three Rivers into a separate Municipality, 184. Reported, with amendments, 208. Amended in Committee, 243. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 250. Passed (as a Bill to divide the Municipalities of Hochelaga and Three Rivers, respectively, into several Municipalities), 251. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 297. Considered, and agreed to, 301. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 78.) Montreal (P ort) :—Wide Harbours, 13–22. Quebec (Port), 1. MONTREAT-continued. * - 359 Montreal, Riots at: 1. House interrupted in its proceedings by volleys of stones, &c., thrown through the windows of St. Anne's Market Hall, Montreal (in which the sittings of the Legislature were held), and the building destroyed by fire, (1849) 262. House meets on the following day in the Bonsecours Market Hall, ib. 2. Motion, for an Address declaring that in consequence of the above proceedings, and the subsequent burnings and tumultuous meetings, the deliberations of the House are no longer free, and praying that the Session may be closed; Consideration thereof postponed, (1849) 271. Discharged, 354. 3. Motion, for a Committee to inquire respecting the delivery of arms to any part of the population during the last fortnight, and the selection of Magistrates to preserve the public peace, &c., Negatived, (1849) 302. 4. Motion, for an Address for an immediate withdrawal of the troops from the precincts of the Parliament House, Negatived, (1849) 355. Wide Parliament House, 2. Montr eal Advocates' Library :—Petition for amendments to the Ordinance incorporating the same, (1850) 101. Bill presented, 110. Fee remitted, 121. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 122.) Montreal American Free School:—vide Education, 188. Montreal and Kingston Railroad Co.:-vide Railroads, 48—52. Montreal and Lachine Railroad Co.:-vide Railroads, 58–56. Montreal and New York Railroad Co.:-vide Railroads, 45. Montreal and Troy Telegraph Co.:-vide Telegraph Lines, 7. Montreal and Vermont Junction Railroad Co.:-vide Railroads, 61, 62. Montreal Association of School Teachers:–Wide Education, 184. Montreal Assurance Co.:-vide Insurance Companies, 21, 22. Montreal Asylum for aged and infirm women: 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1841) 324. Referred, 325. Report a Bill, 400. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 67.) 2. Petition for aid, (1841) 324. Montr eal Bank :—Wide Banks, 20–23. Montreal Bible Society:-vide oustoms, 41. Montreal Board of Trade: 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1841) 162, 174. Referred, 171. Report a Bill, 278. Amended in Com- mittee, 322. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 412. Agreed to, 439. Reserved, 643. 2. Bill to render permanent two Acts of L. Canada incorporating the Boards of Trade for Montreal and Quebec; From the Council, (1844–5) 308. Passed, 411. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 67.) Montreal Bridge (over the St. Lawrence):—Wide Bridges, 103. 360 MONTREAL–continued. Montreal British and Canadian School Society:-vide Education, 185. Montreal Brokers' Circular:—vide Accounts, 824. Montreal Building Society :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1844–5) 354. Bill pre- sented, 356. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 94.) Bill to amend Act; Presented, (1847) 117. Referred, 140. Report, calling attention to a certain provision, 159. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 100.) Montreal Cemeter y Company :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 100. Bill presented, 118. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 196, Considered, and agreed to, 206. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 67.) Montreal City and District Savings Bank —vide Accounts, 28. Montreal City Bank:-vide Bank,24–26. Montreal Consumers' Gas Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 55. Referred, 84. Report, 100. Bill presented, 120. Petition of Montreal Gas Light Company, to be heard by Connsel against the Bill, 186. Counsel to be heard, 187. Called in, and heard; Bill read second time, and referred, 206. Reported, with amendments, 237. Committed, 240. Wot considered. Montreal (County) Mutual Fire Insurance Co.:-vide Insurance cº, 23.2% Montreal Court House:—vide Gaols, 17–22. Montreal Deaf and Dumb Asylum :—Petition for aid, (1850) 36. Montreal Eye and Ear Institution:—Petition for aid, (1850) 54. Montreal Firemen's Benevolent Association:—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 30. Bill presented, 58. R. A., 123. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 101.)—Petition for amendments, (1851) 101. Bill presented, 113. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 41.) Wide Accounts, 326. Montreal Gaol:—vide Gaols, 20. Montreal Gas Light Co. :—Petition for an increase of capital, and an extension of their term of incorporation, (1847) 22. Bill presented, 58. Referred, 75. Reported with amendments, 101. Amended in Committee, 146. R. A., 216. (10 and 11 Vic, c. 80.) Montreal General Hospital :—Petitions for aid, (1848) 38–(1844-5) 100—(1846) 37– (1847) 43-(1848) 58,-(1849) 90.—(1850) 50,—(1851) 40, 93. Wide Accounts, 279. Supply, 134. Montreal Harbour:-vide Harbours, 18–22. Montreal Herald:—vide Privileges, 8. Montreal High School:—vide Education, 48, 187. MONTREAL–continued. 36]. * Montreal Horticultural Society: . Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 90. Bill presented, 160. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 153.) . Petition for aid, (1851) 51. Montreal House of Industry:-vide Addresses, 318. Montreal “Institut Canadien” :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 29. Bill presented, 73. Referred, 133. Reported, with amendments, 187. Referred back to Committee, 234. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 257. Not considered. Montreal Jewish Congregation :—Wide Religious Denominations, 27. Montreal Ladies' Benevolent Society : . Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1841) 74. Referred, 166. Report a Bill, 187. R.A., 359. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 66.) . Petitions for aid, (1841) 174—(1844–5) 26.—(1846) 55–G1847) 43.—(1848) 30–(1849) 62.-(1850) 29- (1851) 49. Wide Supply, 136. Montreal Lying-in Hospital: . Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1843) 18. Referred, 43. Report, 50. Bill presented, 51. R. A., 131. (7 Vic, c. 53.) . Petitions for aid, (1843) 18:-(1844–5)46.—(1848) 58,-(1850) 36. Wide Supply, 139. Montreal Marine Mutual Insurance Co.:—vide Insurance Cos, 25. Montreal Mechanics' Institute :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1844–5) 298. Bill presented, 307. Amended in Committee, 423. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 93.) Wide Accounts, 329. Supply, 155. Montreal Mercantile Library Association:—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1843) 39. Referred, 57. Report, 65. Bill presented, 66. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 47.) Wide Supply, 154, Montreal Merchants' Exchange and Reading Room:-Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 95. Bill presented, 159. Passed, 232. Message from the Council, that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 285-New Bill presented, 301. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 339. Considered, and agreed to, 347. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 194) Montreal Mining Co. :—Wide Mining Companies, i2. Montreal National School:—vide Education, as supply, los. Montreal Natural History Society:-Petitions for aid, (1844-5) 125–(1850)70. Vide Supply, 153. Montreal New City Gas Co.: . Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 13. Petition in favor; Bill presented, 16. Referred, with the Petitions, 60, 61. Reported, with amendments, 90. Amended in Committee, 132. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 79.) * VV 362; |MONTREAT—continued. Montreal New City Gas Co.—continued. 2. Petition of the Montreal Gas Light Co., for the preservation of their rights in the Bill, 43. Referred to Committee on the Bill, 61. 3, Petition of the New City Gas Co., for amendments to their Act of Incorporation, (1848) 7. *For the like, and an increase of capital stock, (1849) 89. Bill presented, 121. Referred, 150. Reported, with amendments, 169, Amended in Committee, 204. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 239. Considered, and agreed to, 241. R. A., 363. (12 Vic., c. 183.) Montreal Normal School:—vide Supply, 102. Montreal Prison Dis cipline Association :—-Petition for an Act of Incorporation,(184 9) 66. Bill presented, 74. Not proceeded in. Montreal Protestant Orphan Asylum: 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1843) 13. Referred, 17. Report; Bill presented, 44. R. A., 130. (7 Vic, c. 52.) 2. Petitions for aid, (1843) 13.—(1844–5) 33.−(1846) 45–(1847) 43.—(1848) 30. (For aid to erect a building), ib.—(1849) 53 (and aid for building), ib.—(1850) 36-(1851) 52. Wide Supply, 135. Montreal Provident and Savings Bank:-vide Savings Banks, 5, 6. Montreal Rechabites:—vide Rochabites. Montreal Recollet School:—Wide Education, 188. Montreal Recorder's Court:--vide Montreal (City), 6. Montreal Registry Office: 1. Bill to remedy certain defects in the registration of deeds and instruments relating to real property in the said Registry Office; Presented, (1849) 205. Amended in Committee, 252. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 121.) 2. Bill to extend the period limited for certain purposes in the foregoing Act; Presented, (1850) 37. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 69. Considered, and agreed to, 71. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 98) 3. Petition of G. H. Ryland and others, Registrars for the District of Montreal, praying that means may be adopted for Securing to them a sufficient remuneration for their services, (1846) 94. 4. Petition of G. H. Ryland, representing the imperfect state of the records in the said office, and praying for adoption of measures to remedy the same, (1847) 193. Montreal River Police:—vide Police, 2, 3, 5, 7. Montreal Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum: 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1841) 324. Referred, 325. Report a Bill, 400. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 66.) 2. Petitions for aid, (1843) 15.-(1844–5) 34.—(1846) 54.—(1847) 56.--(1848) 39.-(1849) 59.--(1850) 65.- (1851) 71. Wide Supply, 137. Montreal St. George's School:—vide Education, 189. Montreal St. J acques School:—vide Supply, 98. Montreal St. Jean Baptiste Society:—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 128. Bill presented, 143. Referred, 203. Reported, with amendments, 222. Passed, 258. Message from the Council, that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 285–New Bill presented, 273. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 149.) MONTREAL–com/?mºted. 363 -- "Tº | 2 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Montreal St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum:-Petitions for aid, (1850) 18–(1851) 38. Montreal St. Patrick's Society :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 60. Referred, 62. Report, 100. Bill presented, 110. Referred, 180. Reported, with amendments, 209. Wot proceeded £72. Another Petition, (1847) 65. Montreal School of Medicine :—Wide Committees, 292. Medical Profession, 16–20. Sup- ply, 92,446. Montreal Telegraph Co.:-vide Telegraph Lines, 8. Montreal Trinity House: . Bill to amend and consolidate the laws relating to the said Corporation,--to Pilots for the Port of Montreal, and to the Montreal Decayed Pilot Fund; Presented, (1844–5) 222. Referred, 275. Petition from Pilots of Mont- real, against the Bill, 166. Referred, 276. Other Petitions referred, 289, 298. Wo Report. . Bill to amend and consolidate the laws, &c.; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 74. Referred, 154. Petition for amend- ments to the Bill referred, 158. Instruction, to consider expediency of providing therein that owners of vessels plying between Quebec and Montreal shall not be Members of the Board, 196. Report, recommending that the present law be continued for a limited time, 246. Wide infra, 5. . Petition from Pilots of Montreal, for amendments to the foregoing Bill ; Referred to Select Committee thereon, 158. . Petition of Quebec Board of Trade, against the 44th clause of the Bill, which imposes a Duty on rafts of timber, 213. . Bill to continue, for a limited time, the laws relating to the Trinity House of Montreal; Presented, (1846) 246. Not proceeded in. . Bill to amend the Act establishing and incorporating the Montreal Trinity House; Presented, (1847) 109. Order for second reading discharged, 164. . Bill to enlarge the powers of the Montreal Trinity House in certain cases where the public health of the city may be endangered; Presented, (1847) 112. R. A., 123. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 1.) . Bill to consolidate and amend the provisions of a certain Act and Ordinance relating to the Montreal Trinity House; Presented, (1849) 255. Referred, 267. Petition from Pilots of Montreal, for amendments, 286. Reported, with amendments; Amended in Committee, 273. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 330. Considered, and agreed to, 332. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 117.) . Bill to amend the Act relating to the Montreal Trinity House; From the Council; Read, (1850) 212. Amended in Committee, 282. Amendments agreed to by the Council, ib. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 95.) Bill to amend the Montreal Trinity House Act; Presented, (1851) 23. R. A., 229. (13 & 14 & 15 Vic, c. 26.) Instruction to Committee on Quebec Trinity House Bill, to inquire into the expediency of re-uniting the Trinity Houses of Quebec and Montreal, (1846) 160. Wide Quebec Trinity House, 10, 18. Petition of W. & G. Tate, for amendments to the Act establishing the Montreal Trinity House, (1843) 105. Reſer- red, 127. Wo Report. Petition of Montreal Board of Trade, for the permanent establishment of the Trinity House,_for reduction of the rate of pilotage,_and for the placing of lights and buoys on the St. Lawrence between Montreal and Kingston, (1844–5) 27. Petitions for a reduction of the dues imposed at Montreal under the Trinity House Act of 1849 (supra, 8), on vessels navigating the St. Lawrence between Quebec and Montreal, (1850) Proprietors, &c., of river craft, 1% 127. Grondines, 35. Lotbinière, 28. Portneuf Municipal Council, 12. Petitions for such an amendment of the said Act as to authorize those Pilots who are not Branch Pilots to exercise their calling on the St. Lawrence without restriction, (1850) Pilots of Montreal, 12. Ship-masters of Quebec, 13. Petition of Quebec Pilots, against repeal or amendment of 21st section of Act 12 Vic, c. 117, relating to the Mont- real Trinity House, (1850) 194. Wide Accounts, 330, 331. Addresses, 401. Committees, 236. Harbours, 19. Quebec Trinity House, 10, 18. Supply, 305. 364 MONTREAL–MOSS. Montreal Turnpike Roads:—vide Roads, 218–285. Montreal University Lying-in Hospital:—Petitions for aid, (1848) 58–(1849) 58. —(1851) 51. Wide Supply, 138. Montr eal Water Works :—Petition of the Mayor and Corporation, for certain powers in relation to the said works, (1843) 25. Referred, 39. Report, 81. Bill to authorize the Corporation to purchase the said water works; Presented, 82. Referred, 109. Petition of H. Corse and others for exemption from certain of the provisions, 105. Referred, 110. Reported, with amendments, 120. Amended in Committee, 126. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 44.) Moore :—Wide Road Allowances, 14. Moraud, J. B. :-vide Legislative Assembly, 177. Morgan, Cyprian:-vide Aliens, 32. Mor gan 9 Thos. :—Petition of for amendments to the statute of limitation, and for compensation for the detention of certain lands under its authority, (1844–5) 100. Morin, Hon. A. N. :—Wide Bridges, 68. Legislative Assembly, 217. Speaker, 2, 3. Morin, F. :-vide Rebellion, 15. Mor nington :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 73, 74. Morrison, Alex. :—Petition of, for compensation for the loss of a lot of land in Niagara, purchased by him, through a prior title deed having been issued for the same lot, (1850) 137. Wide Accounts, 333. Addresses, 322. Morrison, Wm. :—Wide Accounts, 334. Addresses, 823. Mortgages: Bills relative to : 1. To provide for the sale under execution of the interest of mortgagers in real estate in U. Canada; Presented, (1 848) 59. Not proceeded in. 2. To provide for the sale under execution of the interest of mortgagers in real estate in U. Canada; Presented, (1849) 60. Referred, 219. Reported, with amendments; Amended in Committee, 317. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 73.) 3. Requiring mortgages of personal property in U. Canada to be fyled; Presented, (1849) 43. Amended in Com- mittee, 182. R. A., 363. (12 Vic, c. 74.) 4. To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1850) 71. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 62.) 5. For the relief of mortgagees; Presented, (1851) 22. R. A., 358. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 45) . Petition of Montreal Board of Trade, praying that no mortgage may be binding until the same is registered, (1841) 184. Wide Registry Laws. Mosher 2 Henry :—Wide Rebellion, 9. Moss, T. :—Wide Wavigations, 60. MOTIONS MUNICIPATIETIES. 365 10. 11. 12. 13. Motions:—Wide Questions. Motz, James:—Wide Bridges, 31. Moulton:—Wide Niagara District, 7. Territorial Divisions, 76. Moulton, J. C. :—Wide Aliens, 38. Mount Hermon Cemetery Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1848) 7––Again, (1849) 53. Bill presented, 79. Referred, 133. Petition for an amendment, 112. Petition against any alteration, 153. Both referred, 145, 163. Reported, with amendments, 169. Amended in Committee, 204. Passed, 208. Message from the Council, that the French version of the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 285. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 306. Considered, and agreed to, 313. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 191.) Municipalities (L. C.): Bills relative thereto: . To make better provision for the establishment of local or municipal authorities in L. Canada ; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 272. Referred; Instruction, to expunge part of 25th clause, 291. Petitions referred, For amend- ments to Municipal Law, 293, 313: For adoption of measures for recovery of debts due by Municipal Councils, 304, 331. Reported, with amendments, 368. Amended in Committee, 400. Returned from the Council with amendments, limiting duration to two years, &c.; Considered, and agreed to, 438. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 40.) . To facilitate the collection of taxes in the several municipal districts in L. Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 319. Not proceeded in. . For ascertaining the liabilities of the several municipal districts in L. Canada, and the means of discharging the same; Presented, (1844–5) 374. R. A., 439. (8 Vic, c. 77.) . To repeal certain Acts, and to amend the law for establishment of local and municipal authorities in L. Canada; Ordered, (1846) 135. Presented, 136. Amended in Committee, 340. Passed, 343. Wot returned from the Council. Wide Roads, 319. . To repeal certain Acts, and to amend the law for the establishment of local and municipal authorities in L.Canada; Presented, (1847) 50. Committed, 140. Motion to postpone consideration six months, negatived, 166. Amended in Committee, 187. Passed, 199. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 7)—Petition of Mun. Council of St. Jean Baptiste de Nicolet, against the Bill, 193. . To remove doubts as to the first meetings of Municipal Councils under the Act for making better provision for the establishment of municipal authorities in L. Canada; Presented, (1849) 289. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 51.) . To amend the Municipal Law of L. Canada; Presented, (1850) 41. Referred (with a Petition for amendments to the law), 123. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 125. Order for consideration discharged, 224. . To amend the Municipal Law of L. Canada; Presented, (1850) 165. Amended in Committee, 227. Motion to postpone third reading six months, negatived, 230. Passed, 243. By the Council, with an amendment, 268. Considered, and agreed to, 275. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 34.) - . To repeal a proviso of the last preceding Act; Presented, (1851) 163. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 99) Bill intituled “The Lower Canada Municipalities Act;” Presented, (1851) 21. Petitions against the Bill,— Charlesbourg, 115. Quebec Mun. Council, 93. Rimouski Mun. Council (No. 1), 120. Order for second read- ing discharged, 174. To amend and declare the meaning of certain enactments relating to the Municipal Law of L. Canada; Presented, (1851) 106. Wot proceeded in. Further to amend the Municipal Laws of L. Canada; Presented, (1851) 267. Amended in Committee, 350. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 98.) Petitions for repeal or amendment of the Municipal Laws of L. Canada:-(1841) Chaudière, 486: Referred, 487 Report (App. S. S.); Committed, 567. (Wot considered.)—L. Canada, 74. Portneuf, 55––(1842) Bona Venture, 55. Gaspé (so far as it affects that district), 55. Lotbinière, 20. St. Hyacinthe Mun. Council, 10. Sherbrooke Mun. Council, 10. Three Rivers, 17.—(1843) Compton (2 Petitions), 87. Ramouraska Mun. Council, 14. Richelieu Mun. Council, 25. St. Hyacinthe Mun. Council, 8. Shefford, 76. Sherbrooke Mun. Council, 18. Sydenham do. do., 14–(1844–5) Montreal, Proprietors of lands in Eastern Townships resi- 366 MUNICIPALITIES-com/?/ed. Municipalities (L.C.)—continued. ding at, 26: Referred to Committee on Municipal Bill, 313. St. Hyacinthe Mun. Council, 15. Sherbrooke Mun. Council, 52. Vaudreuil, 146. (1846) Ascot Municipality, 17. Eaton, 17. St. Bernard, 16. St. Jean Baptiste de Nicolet, 37: Referred to Committee of whole on L. Canada Municipal Bill, 259. St. John's, 61: Referred, 72. (Wide Committees, 435.) St. Paschal Municipality, 59. (1847) Petite Nation, 48. te. Magdelaine de Rigaud, ib. Ste. Scholastique, ib. (1848) Champlain, 40. Montreal Mun. Council, 58. Portneuf Municipal Council, 62. (1849) Christieville, 89. Hinchinbrooke and Godmanchester, 21. St. Ambroise de la Jeune Lorette, 39. St. Foye, 53. St. Hyacinthe Mun. Council, 28. St. John, Mayor, &c., of, 83. Sherbrooke, 90. (1850) Beauharnois Mun. Council (No. 2), 102. Megantic, 68. Portneuf Mun. Council, 8. St. Eustache, 59: Referred to Committee on the Municipal Bill, 123. Ste. Foye, 40. St. Joseph, 27. (1851) Portneuf Mun, Council, 104. 14. Petitions for revival of the Parish Municipal Councils:—(1843) Petite Nation Seigniory, 14. (1848) L'Ancienne Lorette, 20. Ste. Catherine de Fossambault, 20. Ste. Foye, 40. (1849) Beauharnois, 123. Beauharnois Municipal Council (No. 2), 62. Dorchester, 144, 156. Nicolet Municipal Council, 84. Portneuf Municipal Council, 71. Quebec, 96. Quebec Municipal Council, 96. St. Jean Chrysostôme, 67. Windsor, 113. (1850) Portneuf, 8. Ste. Foye, 40. St. Joseph, 27. (1851) Terrebonne Municipal Council, 248. 15. Petition of Municipal Council of St. Hyacinthe, for a provision for the payment of expenses incurred by them, and a more clear definition of the powers of the Municipal Council, (1843) 8. 16. Petition of Municipal Council of Rimouski, for the distribution among the Municipalities, of a sufficient number of copies of the Acts relating to Parish Officers, (1848) 13. 17. Petition of Kamouraska Municipal Council, for the continuance of the existing Municipal Councils for counties, (1849) 96. Against the repeal of Sections 52 and 53 of the present Municipal Act; St. Eustache, &c., (1850) 236. 18. Petitions for adoption of measures to enable the creditors of Municipal Councils to recover the sums due them — (1844–5) Langevin, J., 303: Referred to Committee on the Municipal Bill, 304.—(1847) Dessairet, P., 65. Joliette, Hon. B., 38. Langevin, J., 14.—(1849) Vallerand, O., and others, 32.--—Claims against parti- cular Councils, viz —Gaspé Municipal Council, (1849) Winter, Peter, 186.--—Hatley, (1849) Plumley, A., 96. Wide Hatley. Kamouraska, (1848) Duperré, Alex, 42.-(1846) St. Jorre, M. H., 162. —(1847) Duperré, A., Representative of, 65. Martin, J. B., 95.-(1848) Gagné, A., 31. Martin, J. B., 40.-(1849) Gagné, A., 58. Leinster, (1844–5) Archambault, E., 34. -Wicolet, (1849) Daly, P., 123. Quebec, (1841) Turgeon, Chas., 20.—(1843) Hébert, Chas, 36. Turgeon, C., 18.-(1844–5) Hébert, C., 12. Turgeon, C., 34.—(1846) Langevin, J., 218. Turgeon, C., 245–(1848) Langevin, J., 26.-(1849) Langevin, J., 89.--(1850) Langevin, J., 46. Richelieu, (1844–5) Vallerand, F.; Refer- red to Committee on the Municipal Bill, 331–(1846) Vallerand, F., 233. Rimouski, (1847) Rivard, A., and J. Garon, 44.—(1848) The same, 20–(1850) The same, 36.—(1851) The same, 49. St. John's, (1850) Gamelin, P., 36. St. Thomas, (1844–5) Deguise, P., 15. Tétu, Magloire, 12,- (1847) Deguise, P., 71–(1848) Deguise, P., 12. Sherbrooke, (1847) Walton, J. S., 78. Syden- ham, (1846) Blackburn, J., and others, 277.—(1849) Smith, S. W., and others, 77. Three Rivers, (1847) Guillet, V., and others, 39.—(1851) Bellefeuille, F. S. R., and others, 78. Wide Accounts, 335–337. Addresses, 324. Committees, 196, 197, 435. Gaspé, 13, 14, 18. Journals, 11, 12, 15. Speeches, 1, 8, 17, 19, 21. Municipalities (U. C.): Bills relative thereto: 1. To provide for the better internal Government of U. Canada, by the establishment of local or municipal authorities therein (District Councils); Presented, (1841) 182. Committed, 241. Instruction to Committee of whole, to inquire into the expediency of repealing or amending the Ordinances of the Special Council of Lower Canada relative to municipal authorities, 295. Papers relating to the establishment of municipal authorities in L. Canada referred, 307. Bill reported amended, 371. Motion to re-commit the same negatived; The amend- ments agreed to, and further amendments moved and negatived, 372 to 380. Motion to postpone third reading six months, negatived, 382. Ryder added, 383. Motion, that in absence of any Petitions upon the subject it is right to postpone the consideration of the measure until next Session, negatived; Bill passed, 384. By the Council, 428. R. A., 441. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 10.) 2. To repeal the Act establishing municipal authorities in U. Canada; Presented, (1843) 66. Amended in Committee; To be engrossed, 83. Wot proceeded in. * To Provide for the incorporation of townships, towns, counties, and cities, in U. Canada; Presented, (1 843) 66. Com- mitted, 83. Petition for establishment of Township Councils referred, 102. Report on the limits of the several towns and villages referred, 195. Bill amended in Committee, 196. Read third time; Ryders added; Bill pass- ed., 203. Wot returned from the Council. Petitions for amendments to the Bill:—Home District Council, 166. Dundas (to be included in the list of corporate towns), 180. MUNICIPALITIES-continued. 367 4. 5. 6 10. 11 12 13. Municipalities (U. C.)—continued. . To amend the laws establishing municipal authorities in U. Canada; Presented, (1846) 250. Amended in Com- mittee, 308. Re-committed, and further amended; Motion to re-commit Bill again, negatived, 312. Passed, 314. R. A., 345. (9 Vic, c. 40.) To confer limited corporate powers on the towns and villages of Canada West not specially incorporated; Presented, (1847) 20. Referred to Committee on Bill for establishing Lock-up Houses, 94. Reported, with amendments, 143. Amended in Committee, 196. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 42.) . To repeal the Acts in force in U. Canada relative to the establishment of local and municipal authorities, the regu- lation of highways, the assessment and collection of local taxes, and other matters of a like nature; Presented, (1849) 47. Amended in Committee, 322. Passed (leaving out, in the title, so much as relates to highways and assessments), 332. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 80.) To provide by one general law for the erection of Municipal Corporations in the several counties, cities, towns, town- ships, and villages in U. Canada; Presented, (1849) 47. Motion to postpone consideration till next Session, negatived; Read second time; Committed, 184. Petitions for amendments to the Bill, and other Petitions relating to Municipalities referred, 185, 190, 195. Hamilton Police Bill referred, 215. Report of Select Committee on the limits of the different cities, towns, and villages, referred, 281. (Wide Committees, 539.) Bill amended in Committee, 283. Amendments reported; One of them amended; Various motions for amending the others negatived; Bill, as amended, to be engrossed, 284. Ryder proposed and negatived, and Bill passed, 303. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 81.) Betitions for amendments to the foregoing Bill:—Hamilton City Council, 195, 306. Toronto City Council, 112. Printed, 118. Victoria District Council, 96. Referred to the Committee of the whole thereon, 185, 195. Petitions praying that no final action may be taken on the foregoing Bill during the present Session :-Gore District Council, 96. Grantham, 113. Nepean, 216. Niagara District Council, 103. Thorold, 148. Some of them referred to the Committee of the whole thereon, 185. * … To correct certain errors and omissions in the foregoing Act, and to amend certain of the provisions thereof, and make some further provisions for the better accomplishment of the object thereof; Presented, (1850) 205. Committed, 227. Petition for a separate corporation for Town of Simcoe referred, 247. Bill amended in Committee; Motions to re-commit Bill negatived, 250. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 64) To amend the Municipal Act of 1849, by adapting the same to the late change in the Assessment Laws, and for other purposes relating to Municipal Corporations; Presented, (1851) 145. Committed; Resolution providing, out of the County Court Fee Fund and Consolidated Revenue Fund, for remunerating Recorders of cities for holding the Division Courts therein, referred, with an instruction to insert a clause in accordance therewith, 217. Amended in Committee, 301. Amendments reported; Motions to re-commit them negatived, 305 to 308. Amendments amended, and agreed to, 308. Ryder added, and Bill passed, 327. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic., c. 109.) To protect parties for acts done under By-laws of Municipal Corporations in U. Canada, and to limit the time for quashing such by-laws; Presented, (1851) 73. Order for second reading discharged, 214. For better securing the independence of Municipal Councils in U. Canada; From the Council, (185 1) 111. Read, 112. Motion to postpone second reading three months, negatived, 256. Third reading postponed three months, 261. Petition from inhabitants of Oro, for establishment of district councils, (1841) 185. Petitions for amendments to Municipal Council Acts:–(1842) Gore District Council, 59. Home District Council, 59. McCarthy, Jas, and others, 6. Midland District Council, 20. Niagara District Council, 12: Referred, 32. Wo Report. (1843) Johnstown District Council, 14. Oro, 13. Simcoe District Council, 13. Wel- lington District Council, 53. Western District Council, 71, 76. (1844–5) Breakenridge, J. (repeal,) 177. Hastings (do.), 225. Home District Council, 6. Huron District Council, 12. Midland District Council, 235. Simcoe District Council, 14. Smith (Colborne), 194. Western District Council, 100.——(1846) Home District Council, 16. Simcoe District Council, 16: Referred, 73. Wo Report.—(1848) London District Council, 62. Niagara District Council, 25. Simcoe District Council, 26.--(1849) Bathurst District Council, 32. Dalhousie and Levant, 38. Home District Council, 89. Newcastle District Council, 96.--—(1850) Clinton Municipality, 65. Kent Municipal Council, 9. Mcdonte, Tiny, Tay, &c., 54. Middlesex Municipal Council, 46. Northumb. and Durham Municipal Council, 82. Toronto Corporation, 224. York Municipal Council, 40, 89.——(1851) Hamilton Corporation, 61. Huron, Perth and Bruce Municipal Council, 78. Kent do., 36. Lanark and Renfrew do., 130. Leeds and Grenville do., 130. Loughborough, 149. Prince Edward Municipal Council, 40. Stormont, &c., do., 49. Toronto Corporation, 110. York Municipal Council, 20,-(NOTE.-Petitions for amendments in regard to particular subjects, will be found under their respective subjects.) 14. Petitions for establishment of Township Councils:–(1843) Norwich, 79. Referred to Committee of whole on the Municipal Bill, 102.——(1846) Wellington Municipal Council, 15––(1849) Anderdon (with Town and Village Councils), 12. Western District Council, 71. 368 MUNICIPALTTIES-NAVAL RESERVES. *-tº- 15 16 17 18 19 Municipalities (U. C.)—continued. . Petitions for remuneration of Municipal Councillors for their attendance;—(1843) Western District, 71. (1844–5) Simcoe District Council, 351–(1848) Gore District Council (Warden), 25. Ottawa do. do., 30.— (1849) Gore District Council (Warden), 29. (1851) Essex and Lambton Municipal Council, 163. . Petition from Dunnville, for the passing of a General Police Act, applicable to the various villages throughout the Province, (1847) 85. Referred to the Committee on the Bill for establishing Lock-up Houses, 100. . Petitions for power to the Municipal Councils to decide contested municipal elections, (1850) Peterborough Town Council, 117. Wentworth and Halton Municipal Council, 13. . Petition of Hastings Municipal Council, for the payment direct to the County Treasurers, of all moneys collected for county purposes, (1851) 40. . Petitions for repeal of the provision requiring the publication of the accounts of Municipal Councils, (1851) Essex and Lambton Municipal Council, 163. Huron, Perth, and Bruce do., 78. (Petitions for the legalization of By-laws imposing rates, will be found under the names of the respective counties affected thereby.) . Motion, That it is expedient to give to the Municipal Councils the control over the appointment and salaries of all county officers, and over all revenues collected in their respective counties, also, to empower them to regulate tavern licenses, to impose special assessments, and to settle controverted municipal elections; and that it is expedient to abolish all property qualifications for voters or candidates at municipal elections; Debate thereon adjourned six months, (1850) 159. Wide Committees, 538, 539. County Officers. Journals, 11, 12, 15. Lands, 32–35. Lºnatics, I. Public Works, 17, 18. Speeches, 1, 3, 8, 17, 19, 21. Township Officers, Murray :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 27. Murray, Wm. :—vide Navigations, 80. Murray Canal Reserve :—Wide Accounts, 338. Addresses, 325. Navigations, 41. Museum, Provincial:—vide Palents, 3. Musk-rats: Wide Game, 17. Mustard-seed :—Wide Customs, 46, Mutual Insurance Cos. :—Wide Insurance Companies, 2—10, 17–19, 23–25, 28–30, 32–34, N. NADEAU, FRANCOs:-ºn-º. Narrows of Lake Simcoe:—vide Accounts, 500. Navigations, 74. Supply,280. Naturalizations:—vide Aliens. N aval Reserves :—Bill for vesting in the Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admi- ral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland the estates and property therein described, and for granting certain powers to the said Commissioners, and for other purposes; Presented, (1851) 246. Amended in Committee; Motion to postpone consideration three months, negatived, 288. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic.; c. 67.) NAVIGATIONS. 369 Navigations. *\, ºvºvºvºvºvºviv."N."N."N."v.*-*N*N.tvº.”v^*\, \"\,\, ºvºv-ºv-ºv"N."N-"vºv, "N."N."vºy 1. Petition of Thos. Proudlock, of Point Fortune, for a grant to enable him to make public his plans of certain inven- tions for improving the navigation, (1844–5) 259. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 265. Wo JReport thereon. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Canals or Navigations, and Proceedings thereon, viz: T}eauharnois Canal:—Wide infra, 57–59. Also, Accounts, 498–503. Addresses, 471–475, 479. Com- ºmittees, 342, 510. Supply, 307. 2. Becancour, Gentilly, and Nicolet, Rivers —For extension of the Joint Stock Companies Act to companies for the completion of booms across those rivers, (1851) 20. Printed, 33. Petition against, as respects the River Nicolet, 189. Both referred, 20, 152. Report, 181. 3. Big Creek Navigation Co.:—For an Act of Incorporation, and a loan, (1847) 14. Referred to Select Committee on obstructions in Rivers, &c., 48. Wo Report thereon. 4. Burlington Bay Canal:—Of Mrs. Spaun, for payment of a sum due her late husband, as a contractor on the canal, (1844–5) 234. Wide Accounts, 54,408. Addresses, 79. Supply, 212, 358. Chambly Canal: 5. Of proprietors of adjacent lands, complaining of damages from the leakage of the canal, (1843) 36. (1846) 16. 6. Of Samuel and Stephen R. Andres, for the payment of £10,616 17s. 6d., the amount of a judgment obtained by them against the Canal Commissioners, with interest thereon, (1844–5) 195. Referred to the Committee on the Chambly Canal, 221. Wide Committees, 347. Again, 7. Of J. Whitlaw and W. Tennant, for a settlement of their account as contractors, (1844–5) 293. Motion to refer Petition negatived, 313. 8. Of H. Bourassa, for payment of his claim for £34, as appraiser of lands taken for the canal, (1846) 203. Wide Accounts, 74, 75. Addresses, 97, 98. Committees, 347. Governor General, 23. Supply, 207, 208. Champlain and St. Lawrence Canal: 9. Bill to incorporate a company for the construction of a ship canal between Lake Champlain and the St. Lawrence; Presented, (1849) 273. Referred, 309. Reported, with amendments, 312. Amended in Committee, 327. Motion for further amendment, negatived, 330. J’assed, 332. By the Council, with amendments, 348. Considered, and agreed to, 349. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 180.) 11. Petitions for the construction of a canal to connect the St. Lawrence with Lake Champlain (by the Government), (1851) Missisquoi, 78. Montreal, 37. St. John's and St. Athanase, 120. Welland Canal (residents in vici- nity of), 57. Wide Supply, 213. 12. Chaudière, River:-For improvement of the navigation thereof, (1846) 17. Cornwall Canal:—Wide infra, 60. Also, Accounts, 504—506, 509. Addresses, 476–481. WW 370 NAVIGATIONS-com/imated. Betitions for Bills relative to particular Canals, &c.—continued. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Crow, River:-Wide Supply, 362. Desjardins Canal: Petition from inhabitants of West Flamborough, &c., in favor of the Surrender of the canal to the Government until the repayment of the sum advanced for its completion, (1841) 268. Referred, 312. Report (App. R. R.); Committed, 461. Considered, and no Report made, 629. Bill to authorize the Company to borrow a sum of money to complete the canal; Presented, (1846) 205. Amended in Committee, 243. R. A., 274. (9 Wic., c. 85.) Petition for amendments to the foregoing Act, (1849) 116. Report from Committee on Standing Orders thereon, 168. Petition of Stockholders, against, 163. Wide Accounts, 135, 136. T)u Chêne, River : For appointment of Commissioners to construct a water-course for the purpose of draining the lands flooded by that river, (1849) 12. Referred, 17. Report, 40. Bill to provide for the improvement of the River Du Chêne ; Presented, 60. Amended in Committee, 133. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 249. Considered, and agreed to, 251. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 155.) Bill to extend the period for election of Commissioners under the foregoing Act; Presented, (1850) 14. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 111.) Bill to explain and remove doubts under the foregoing Acts; Presented, (1851) 46. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Wie, c. 29.) T)u Loup, Rivière :-For improvement of the navigation of that river, (1848) 19. Gananoque and Wiltsie Creeks :-For improvement thereof, (1844–5) 81, 100. Referred 81, 101. Report, 214. Gatineau, River :—Wide Supply, 210. Gentilly, River :-Wide supra, 2. Grand River Navigation Co.: Resolution, that so long as three fourths of the stock of the company is held by the Six Nations Indians, a portion of the Directors ought to be appointed by the Crown, as the guardian of their rights and property; Bill to provide for the appointment of a portion of the Directors by the Crown, as guardian of the rights of the Six Nations Indians; Presented, (1841) 360. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 74.) Petition for an increase of Capital Stock, (1849) 39. Bill presented, 121. Passed, 253. Message from the Council, that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 285. New Bill presented, 298. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 159.) Petition for revival and extension of the Act authorizing the Government to make a loan to the company, (1849) 39––Again, (1850) 65. Petition of the company, for power to borrow a sum of money for the completion of their works, (1851) 57. Petition of the Town Council of Brantford, in favour, and for authority to the said Council to become security for the loan, 49. Bill to authorize the company to raise a loan, and to enable the Town Council to become a security therefor; From the Council, 111. Read, 112. Referred, 135. Reported, with an amendment, 155. Amended in Committee, 263. Amendment agreed to by the Council, 272. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 151.) Motion for an Address for a copy of the last Annu e al Report of the company, and a full statement of their affairs, Negatived, (1851) 226. Motion, for an Address praying His Excellency to authorize the issue of debentures under 7 Will. IV, c. 73, for the completion of the Grand River Navigation, Negatived, (1851) 227. Wide Accounts, 196. Addresses, 451. NAWIGATIONS.–confinued. 371 ~f. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Canals, &c.—continued. 27. 38. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 37. $8. 39. 40. Grenville Canal:—Of certain persons whose lands are intersected by the canal, praying compensation for damages caused by the Ordnance Department, (1841) 211–Another Petition, (1844–5) 46. Referred to Committee on Bill relative to claims on the Executive Government, 147. No Report thereon. Wide Pwblic Works, 33. Holland, River :-For improvement of that river, from the lower landing to Gwillimbury East, (1841) 194. For improvement of the eastern branch, (1844–5) 46.-For improvement of the western branch, in prefer- ence, 351. J esus, River 3–For aid to render navigable a part of that river communicating between Terrebonne and the St. Lawrence, (1849) 28–(1851) 120. Tachine Canal:—Wide infra, 61–64. Also, Accounts, 496, 497, 501, 505, 506, 509. Addresses, 473. Public Works, 33. Supply, 202. L” Assomption, River:-For aid to render that river navigable, (1849) 62.—(1850) 70. Wide Accounts, 260. Lorette, River:-For an enlargement of the bed of that river, to prevent it from overflowing its banks, (1850) 12. |Mississippi, River:—For expenditure of the amount voted for improvement of that river, (1846) 219. Referred, 227. No Report. Murray Canal:—Wide infra, 41. Newcastle District, Inland waters of (Otonabee, &c.): For the liquidation of certain debts contracted by the late Commissioners, (1842) 10. Of W. Cottingham, for compensation for injury done to his property by the construction of a dam at Buckhorn Rapids, (1844–5) 46. Wide Supply, 197, 357. Niagara Canal: Bill to amend the Charter of the Niagara Canal Co.; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 85. Not proceeded in. . Bill to incorporate a company to construct a race-way from the Welland Canal to Niagara; Presented, (1846) 240. Not proceeded in. Wide Roads, 237. Petition for an Act of Incorporation to construct a canal from the mouth of the River Niagara to the Welland Canal, for hydraulic purposes, (1851) 102. Motion, to appoint a Committee to inquire into the advantages that may result from the construction of a ship canal from the River Niagara to the Welland Canal at Thorold, Negatived, (1850) 191. Wide Accounts, 621. Addresses, 572. Committees, 202. Nicolet, River:-Wide supra, 2. Ottawa, River: For a further improvement of the navigation thereof; Montreal Board of Trade, (1844–5) 177.—For construction of locks at the Paquet and Allumette Rapids, (1851) 18–At the Joachim Rapids, ib. Of Ruggles Wright, for an uniform charge of 5s. on each crib passing the Chats and Chaudière slides, or for the protection of his rights as owner of other slides, (1847 ) 95. Another Petition, for the purchase of his slides by the Government, (1848) 26. Wide Supply, 204. - Wide infra, 61. Also, Accounts, 60, 348—352, 563. Addresses, 88, 332–334, 528, 542. Committees, 508. Supply, 203, 204, 356. 372 NAWIGATIONS—continued. 41. 43. 44. 45. 47. 48. 49. 51. 52. 53. 54. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Canals, &c.—continued. Derches, Rivière aux:-Wide Mills, 21. Presquisle (or Murray) Canal:—For improvement of Presquisle Harbour, and construction of a canal from thence to the head of the Bay of Quinté, (1850) 194. - Wide Harbours, 36. Tichelieu, River: . For improvement of the navigation thereof, (1841) 403.−(1844–5) 52. For the deepening of the channels in the rapids in the Richelieu and South Rivers, and removal of eel wears and other obstructions, (1844–5) 52. Wide Addresses, 449. Supply, 215, 355, St. Ann's Rapids :—Wide Public Works, 33. Supply, 209, 361. St. Francis, River:-For a survey of that river from Sherbrooke to Lakes Aylmer and St. Francis, with a view to improving the navigation thereof, (1851) 110. St. J ohn, River (New Brunswick) :—Petitions from Rimouski, for the construction. of a canal to connect the St. Lawrence with the River St. John, New Brunswick, (1850) 36, 74. Referred, 40, 89. Corres- pondence between the Governments of Canada and New Brunswick on the subject, referred, 145. Report (App. L. L.); Printed, 201. Wide Accounts, 343. Addresses, 329. St. Lawrence, Gulf of :-Wide St. Lawrence, Gulf of. St. Lawrence, River: Bill to oblige the Quebec Trinity House to lay down buoys to mark the shoals in the north channel of the St. Law- rence, and to facilitate the traverse from Cape Tourmente to Isle aux Reaux; Presented, (1850) 31. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 99.) Petition of John McBean, for remuneration for a lock constructed by him at French's Reef, Coteau du Lac, on that river, (1844–5) 52. Referred, 101. Member added, 306. Report, 403. (App. M. M. M.) For a grant for making improvements in the lower part of the river; Mun. Councils of Rivière Ouelle, Kamouraska, and St. Denis de la Bouteillerie, (1847) 95. For construction of piers in the St. Lawrence, between Pointe des Grondines and Richelieu Rapids, to prevent the accumulation of ice, (1849) 137. Of Wm. Hoople, for remuneration for his discovery of the north channel in the Long Sault Rapid, (1849) 63. Motion, for an Address to His Excellency, to take steps for the removal of all obstructions in the bed of the St. Law- rence, to the depth of 10 feet water; Superseded by prorogation, (1851) 358. Wide infra, 61. Accounts, 510, 511. Addresses, 467. Committees, 508, 509. Public Works, 38. Supply, 214. St. Lawrence Canals: Petitions from contractors, for payment of balances due them –(1841) Reid & Shepherd, 259. Referred, 260. No Report.—(1844-5) Anderton, Peter, 194. Buell, A. N., 354. McKay, R. & P., 244. Mason, A., 252. Reid & Shepherd, 34. Scott, Thos., 298. Tait, John, 307. Truax, C., 252. Petitions referred, 61, 195, 250, 304, 313. Members added, 250, 304. To report from time to time, 386. Motion to refer Petition of Buell, negatived, 354. FIRST REPORT (on Petition of Reid & Shepherd), 403. (App. S. S. S.) SEcond REPORT (on Petition of Anderton), ib. Communicated to His Excellency, 413. (Wide Addresses, 47 8.)— Entries relative to Petition of Reid & Shepherd again read, (1846) 32,--(1847) McKay, R. & Po 89. Wide Addresses, 481. NAVIGATIONS-continued. 373 Petitions for Bills relative to particular Canals, &c.—continued. St. Lawrence Canals—continued. 55. Petition from inhabitants of Beauharnois, relative to the completion of the improvements (Wo entry of its presenta- tion); Referred to Committee of whole on Message on public improvements, (1841) 435. 56. Petition of R. Froste, of Montreal, for compensation for injury to his property caused by the improvements on the St. Lawrence, (1844–5) 194. Referred, 221. (No Report thereon.) Communicated to His Excellency, 364, Wide Addresses, 477. • (Beauharnois Canal): 57. Petitions for compensation for outrages committed by laborers on the canal:—(1843) Beauharnois (Seigniory), 24, 64. McDonald, D., 42. (1844–5) Christin, M., 146: Referred, 147. (No Report thereon.) St. Timothée and St. Clement (2 Petitions), 33: Referred, 36. Wide Committees, 510–(1847) Grant, D., 84. McDonald, D. A., 72.--(1848) St. Timothée, 26–(1849) St. Timothée, 62.--—(1850) St. Timothée, 37. 58. Petitions for payment of sums alleged to be due for work done in the construction of the canal:—C1844–5) Dunlop, L. H.; Referred to the Committee on the Chambly Canal, 235. Wide Committees, 510,——(1847) Finlay, C. H., 69. 59. Petitions for compensation for damages caused by the construction of the canal:—(1849) Deschamps, J. Héneau dit, 163. Various proprietors (by construction of the dam at the western extremity), (1850) 36, 7 0–(185 1} 40. - Wide Accounts, 498–503. Addresses, 471–475, 479. Committees, 342, 510. Supply, 307. 60. (Cornwall Canal):-Petitions for compensation for losses caused by the construction of the canal :—(1843) 54. (1844–5) Cornwall and Osnabruck, 125. Daly, Daniel, 211. Milleroches, 146. Osnabruck, 146. Petition of Daly, and last Petition, referred to Committee on Petition relative to losses on Beauharnois Canal, 147, 221. (Wide Committees, 510.) Petitions from Milleroches and Osnabruck communicated to His Excellency, 364. Wide Addresses, 477, 481. (1847) Farran, C. C., 48. Moss, T., 14: Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 40. Ryan, E., 39. Van Camp, T., 14.—(1849) Farran, C. C., 59. Wide Accounts, 504—506, 509. Addresses, 476–481. - (Lachine Canal): 61. Of McPherson, Crane & Co., and others, for enlargement thereof; Referred to Committee on improving the navi- gation of the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers, (1842) 12. Wide Committees, 508. 62. Of Wm. Evans and others, for indemnification for damages casued by the Lachine Canal, (1847) 47. Referred, 61. Wo Report, Another Petition, (1849) 121. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 257. 63. Complaining of danger to property from the fires of steamboats in the canal, (1849) 28. ^, 64. For erection of a bridge over the old canal, and restoration of certain lands not required, to the original pro- prietors, (1849) 153. Wide Accounts, 496, 497, 501, 505, 506, 509. Addresses, 473. Public Works, 33. Supply, 202. (St. Lawrence Canals) :—Wide Accounts, 404, 496—511. Addresses, 131, 468–481. Committees, 228, 342, 510, 511. Governor General, 131. Public Works, 16. Supply, 199, 201, 307, 354. - 65. St. Maurice, River:-For the construction of booms or slides on that river, (1851) 75, 120. Vide Accounts, 515, 516. Addresses, 482–484. Supply, 216. St. Ours Lock and Dam :—Wide Supply, 211. St. Peter, Take : 66. For improvement of the channel through Lake St. Peter; Montreal Board of Trade, (1841) 174. Referred, 228. Report (App. D. D.); Printed ; Referred to Committee of whole on Message respecting public improvements, 430. Wide Committees, 222. 67. Of H. McGillis, for compensation for the detention of his raft in Lake St. Peter, through certain pickets placed there by the Board of Works, (1847) 39. 374, NAVIGATIONS-continued. Petitions for Bills relative to particular Canals, &c.—continued. 68. 69. 70. '71. '72. . Bill to provide for the construction of a canal to connect Lakes Superior and Huron; Presented, (1851) 43. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. St. Peter, Take—continued. Of Quebec Board of Trade, against any further grant for deepening the channel, (1847) 126. Of Montreal Board of Trade, for a resumption of the works for deepening the channel, (1848) 30. Wide Accounts, 520–522. Addresses, 406, 487–491. Committees, 193, 512, 513. Harbours, 17. Supply, 205, 359. Salmon, Tiver:-For removal of certain obstructions to the navigation thereof, (1848) 25. Sarnia Canal:—Wide Mills, 21. Sault Ste. Marie : For incorporation of a company to construct a canal around the Falls of Sault Ste. Marie, to connect the waters of Lakes Superior and Huron, (1846) 208. (1851) Of A. D. Macdonell and others, 20. Bill pre- sented, 74. Referred, 131. Reported, with amendments, 155. Motion to postpone third reading 6 months; Amendment to refer the Bill, negatived; Main motion agreed to 182. Fee refunded, 183.-Of F. C. Capreol, for authority to construct a canal, 52. No notice given, 72. For construction of a canal as a public work; Hamilton Board of Trade, (1848) 25. Second reading postponed six months, 212. Wide Accounts, 525. Addresses, 492. Simcoe, Lake, Narrows of:—For improvement of the navigation of the channel through the Narrows of Lake Simcoe, (1844–5) 53. South River:-Wide supra, 43. Tay Navigation Co. : Of Rev. Wm. Bell, for an amendment of the Act of Incorporation, to enable him to maintain his claim for damages against the Company, (1841) 129-–Petition of Wm. Bell and others, for amendments to the said Act, (1842) 58. Another Petition, (1843) 54. House goes into Committee on the subject, 122. Report a Reso- lution ; Bill presented, 139. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 57.) Of the Bathurst District Council, praying the Legislature to assume the control of the works, and to complete the same, (1849) 32. Thames, River :-For aid to improve the navigation thereof, (1851) 82, Trent, River: Of John Gilchrist, for compensation for damages caused by the construction of the dam at Crook's Rapids in the improvements on the Trent, (1842)34. Referred, 35. Report, 114.—Another Petition, (1844–5)41. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 231–Another Petition, 276. Motion to refer the same, negatived, 288. Of John Gibbs, for compensation for the burning of his property during the disturbances on the public works on the Trent, (1844–5) 146. - Of James Laidly, for compensation for damage to his property, caused by the works on the Trent, (1851) 49. Of Prudence Richardson, for an extension of time, to enable her to put in her claims for damages caused by the works thereon, (1851) 20. Wide Supra, 33, 34. Also, Accounts, 608—610. Addresses, 558, 559. Supply, 198, 360, 362. Welland, River —For enlargement of the cut at the outlet thereof, to render the vicinity more healthy, (1848) 40, 66. NAWIGATIONS: NEEPIGON. 375 Petitions for Bills relative to particular Canals, &c.—continued. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. Welland Canal : Bill to authorize the purchase of the private stock therein, on behalf of the Province; Ordered, (1841) 273. Pre- sented, 285. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 48.) - Bill to make further provision for the purchase of the private stock therein ; Ordered ; Presented, (1843) 142. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 34.) Wide Accounts, 620. - Bill to amend the Act for purchasing the private stock, and to grant a further sum of £2779 18s. 9d. therefor ; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 408. Amended in Committee, 419. Passed, on division, 429. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 74) Petitions from contractors on the canal, for compensation for losses sustained by them, &c. :—(1847) Macdonagh, C.J., 14. (1851) Murray, Wm., 61. Motion to refer Petition negatived, 105. Petitions for compensation for loss sustained through the laborers in the construction of the Welland Canal :—(1847) Ball, J. H., 85––(1848) Church, J. J., 58. Petition for removal of the bridges over the canal to more convenient places, and the prevention of unnecessary detention in crossing, (1847) 122. Referred, ib. Report, 152. Petition from persons residing in the neighbourhood of the Welland Canal and River Welland, for the draining off of the stagnant waters occasioned by the construction of the canal, (1849) 21. tº Petition for the further improvement of the Welland Canal, (1850) 77. Wide Supra, 35–38. Also, Accounts, 408, 619–625. Addresses, 572–574, Committees, 319–321. Governor General, 158—160. Mackenzie, W. L. Richardson. Supply, 206, 353, 401. Yamaska, River:-For improvement of the navigation thereof, (1843) 8. Wide Rivers. Navigation, School of :—Wide Committees, 436. Supply, 94. Navigation Laws: . Bill to amend an Act of U. Canada to compel vessels to carry a light during the night, and making sundry provi- sions to regulate the navigation of the waters of that Province; Presented, (1850) 32. Referred, 101. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 204. Wot considered. . Bill to amend, &c.; Presented, (1851) 21. Amended in Committee, 192. Re-committed, and further amended, 194. Again, 200. Passed, 203. By the Council, with amendments, 334. Considered, and agreed to, 340. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 126.) . Petitions for adoption of measures for inducing the Imperial Authorities to repeal or modify the Navigation Laws:– (1847) Hamilton Board of Trade, 38. 28. St. Maurice, 116. Vaudreuil, 199. (1849) Montreal, 54. Ottawa, 28. St. Hyacinthe Municipal Council, . Petition for adoption of measures to procure the opening of the navigation of the St. Lawrence to the vessels of all nations; Johnstown District Council, (1847) 69. . Petition from ship-owners, &c., interested in navigating the inland waters of Canada, for an extension of the Maritime Laws of Great Britain to the said waters, (1849) 131. . Motion, that the House go into Committee, to consider the propriety of opening the navigation of the St. Lawrence to the vessels of all nations; Motions for adjourning debate thereon negatived; Previous Question moved and negatived, (1851) 209. Wide 4ccounts, 839, 340, 596. Addresses, 20, 21, 34, 326. Committees, 199. St. Lawrence, River, 2. Speeches, 17–19, 21. Nazareth, Fief :—Wide Seigniorial Tenure, 33. Neepigon Mining Co. —vide Mining companies, 18. 376 NETSON.—NIAGARA. ©e Nelson :—Wide Road Allowances, 15. N epean :—Wide Surveys, 54, 55. New, Wm. :—Wide Roads, 154. New Brunswick:-vide Accounts, 341–348, 569, 602. Addresses, 22, 188, 327–320, 535. Navi. gations, 45. New Carlisle:–Vide Education, 140. New J erusalem Church :—Wide Religious Denominations, 29. New Trials:–Vide Actions, 5. Newcastle I)istrict :—Petition of Municipal Council thereof, for power to appoint Collectors and Inspectors within their municipality, (1847) 44. Referred, 48. Wo Report. Newcastle District, Inland waters of:—vide Navigations, 33, 84. Newfoundland and B. N. American School Society:-vide Education, 141. Newspapers: 1. Bill for preventing mischiefs arising from the printing and publishing of newspapers, pamphlets, and papers of like nature, by persons not known, in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 117. Second reading postponed three months, 247. 2. The Clerk authorized to subscribe for the various newspapers, for the use of members, (1841) 22-For 500 copies of the Mirror of Parliament, 134. Rescinded, 235. For certain papers published in the United States, (1849) 175. - * Wide Post Office, 4. Niagara, River :—Wide Speeches, 21. Niagara (Town): 1. Petition for incorporation of the said town, (1842) 20. Referred, 33. Report; Concurred in ; Bill presented, 50. Committed, 90. Order for consideration discharged, 92.—Another Petition, (1844–5) 146. Referred, 177. Report, 190. Bill presented, 197. Amended in Committee, 272. Returned from the Council, with amend- ments, 331. Considered, and agreed to, 361. R. A., 439. (8 Vic, c. 62.) 2. Bill to vest the market block at Niagara in the Town Council; Presented, (1843) 131. Reserved, 210–Despatch relative thereto, (1844–5) 65. Printed, 74. 3. Bill to alter the mode of assessment in Niagara and Queenston; Presented, (1846) 108. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 51.) 4. Petition of Board of Police, for repeal of the law assessing town lots at £50, so far as regards Niagara, (1846) 46. Petition of Niagara District Council, for repeal of the same so far as respects Niagara and Queenston, ºb. Both referred, 56, 72. Report; Bill presented, 108. Wide supra, 3. 5. Petition of Niagara District Council, for exemption of the said town from the operation of the Common School Act, (1847) 43. Wide Elections, 52. Niagara and Detroit Rivers Railroad Co.:-vide Railroads, 68–70. Niagara and Ten Mile Creek Road Co.:-vide Road, 231. NIAGARA –NICHOLS. 377 Niagara Canal Co.:-vide Navigations, 35–38. Niagara District: 1. Bill to remove the site of the district town to Port Robinson; Presented, (1846) 101. Question for second reading postponed six months, 168. 2. Bill to remove the site, &c., to Port Robinson; Presented, (1849) 79. Further consideration postponed three months, 232. 8. Bill to repeal a certain Act authorizing the raising of a sum of money in the said district to pay the district debt; Reported by a Committee, (1846) 39. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 50.) 4. Bill to authorize the several Courts for the Niagara District to be holden in the Court House built at Niagara by the Board of Police; Presented, (1847) 117. Amended in Committee, 141. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 55.) 5. Petitions for removal of the site of the district town to Port Robinson:—(1842) Niagara District Council, 12. Referred, 32. Report, 60. (1843) 171. Referred to Committee on division of the Niagara District, 177. No Report thereon.—Again referred, (1844–5) 285. Report, 299–Again referred, (1846) 65. Petitions of this Session also referred, 65, 95. Report; Bill presented, 100. (Wide Supra, 1.) Petitions thereſor, 70, 76, 83, 93, 94, 218, 245, 252, 291–(1847) Petition of Niagara District Council, 14. Referred, 19. Other Petitions, 39, 65, 85, 111. Referred, 40, 66. Report, 101. Entries read relative to Petition of last Session ; Motion to refer the seme to Committee on foregoing Petitions, negatived, 71. (1848) Petition of the District Council, 40. Referred, 51. Entries relative to proceedings in 1846, read and referred, 59. Report, 68. (1849) Petitions therefor, 13, 123, 216. First Petition referred, 13. Entries in Journals of 1846 and 1848 on the subject read and referred, 18, 42. Report, 78. Bill presented, 79. Wide supra, 2. 6. Petitions against removal of district town:-(1842) Niagara (Town), 20. Niagara (Township), 20.—(1849) Eighteen Petitions, 143, 156. 7. Petition praying that proprietors of lands in the Townships of Moulton, Canboro’, and Sherbrooke, who are in arrear for taxes, may be compelled to pay the same, (1843) 57. Referred, ib. Wo Report. 8. Petition of Niagara District Council, praying that owners of land in that district may be compelled to make returns thereof to the District Treasurer, (1844–5) 24. Referred, 31. Wide Committees, 201. 9. Petition of the same, for an Act to prevent the taking of fish by Seines in the Twenty Mile Pond, (1844–5) 24. Referred to same Committee, 31. Wide Committees, 201. 10. Petition of the same, for repeal of 8 Vic, c. 26, imposing a tax on rateable property, so far as it affects that district, (1846) 15. Referred, 17. Report a Bill, 39. Wide supra, 3. 11. Petition of the same, praying that the charge of insane destitute persons in that district may be transferred from the Justices of the Peace to the District Council, (1847) 43. Again, (1848) 40. Wide Committees, 201. Justice, Administration of 21. Surveys, 56. Territorial Divisions, 75, 76. Niagara District Bank:-vide Banks, 27–31. Niagara District Marine Insurance Co.:-vide Insurance Companies, 26. Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Co. —vide Bridges, 59–62. Niagara Harbour and Dock Co. :—Petition for leave to present a Petition from the Com- pany (after the expiration of the time); Leave granted, (1851) 171. Petition presented, for authority to the Company to sell their property; also, a Petition of Clarke Gamble, for authority to sell and convey his interest in the said property, 176. Bill to amend Act of Incorporation; Presented, 205. Referred, 238. Reported, with amendments, 318. Passed, 327. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 158.) Niagara Mechanics' Institute:–vide Supply, 160. Nichol :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 77, 78. N ichols, Geo. :—Wide Pensions, 41. XX. 378 NICOLET_NOTARIES. Nicolet (County): 1. Bill to change the place of meeting of the District Council thereof; Presented, (1844–5) 369. Wot proceeded in. 2. Bill to remove the Registry Office for that County to Bécancour; Presented, (1846) 231. R. A., 345. (9 Wic., c. 57.) 3. Petitions for removal of the place for holding the sittings of the Courts and the Municipal Council to a more central part of the district, (1842) 12, 13, 20. Nicolet, River :—Wide Bridges, 66. Navigations, 2. Nicolet Seminary:-vide Education, 142. Nissouri :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 79. N OI’ folk :—Wide Elections, 53. Talbot District. Territorial Divisions, 80, 81. Walpole. Normal School, L. C. :-vide Education, 29. Normal School, U. C. :—Wide Accounts, 150, 291. Addresses, 284. Education, 8. Supply, 74. Normand, E. :-vide Bridges, 105. Fºrries, 3. Norreau, L. :—Wide Pain, 42. North American Colonial Association of Ireland : 1. Petition of the Company, for authority to loan money for the construction of roads, &c., in Beauharnois, (1841) 171, 185. Referred, 176. Report a Bill, 203. Amended in Committee, 441. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 54.) 2. Petition for further powers, (1843) 33. Referred, 57. Report, 80. Printed, 147. Bill presented, 82. Commit- ted, 115. Motion to discharge order for consideration, negatived, 198. Wot considered. 3. Petition for power to invest a portion of their capital on loans on real securities, (1844–5) 52. Referred, 54. Report, 204. Bill presented, 261. Read second time, on division, 358. Amended in Committee, 365. Motion to postpone third reading six months, negatived ; Bill amended; Ryder moved and negatived; Bill passed, 372. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 87.) North River:-vide Bridges, oi, os. Norval, R. H. :-vide Legislative Assembly, 65. Notaries: Bills relative to : 1. To regulate the admission of persons to the Notarial Profession in L. Canada; Presented, (1841) 300. Considered in Committee, 448. Wot reported. 2. To regulate the Notarial Profession in L. Canada; Presented, (1843) 135. Referred, 143. Wot reported. 3. To organize the Notarial Profession in Lower Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 133. Amended in Committee, 286. IPassed, 292. Wot returned from the Council. 4. To organize, &c.; Presented, (1846) 42. Not proceeded with. 5. For the better regulation of the Notarial Profession in Lower Canada; Presented, (1846) 92. Referred, 148. - Reported, with amendments, 164. Amended in Committee, 185. Passed, 190. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 380. Considered, and disagreed to ; Committee to draw up Reasons therefor, 335. Report of Reasons; Conference desired, 337. Agreed to, 338. Managers appointed, 389. Further conference desired by Council, 340. Agreed to, 341. Report; Resolution, that the House persists in disagreeing to the amendments; Free Conference desired, 343. Agreed to, 344. Report, that no understanding could be come to on the amendments, ºb. NOTARIES NOTTAWASAGA. 379 Notaries—continued. 6. For the organization of the profession in Lower Canada; Presented, (1847) 10. Petition for amendments thereto, 152. Amended in Committee, 105. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 160. Considered, 168. Agreed to, 178. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 21.) - 7. To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1849) 47. Referred, 132. Instruction to Committee, to consolidate the Act with the amendments proposed to be made by the Bill, so as to report a Bill embracing the provisions of both, and to cause the same to be printed, 191. Member added, 231. Reported, with an amendment, 286. Bassed, 323. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 47.) 8. To amend and consolidate the Act providing for the organization of the Notarial Profession in Lower Canada; Pre- sented, (1850) 5. Referred, 97. Reported, with amendments; Reprinted, as amended, 115. Amended in Committee, 224. Re-committed; Reported, without amendment; Passed, 237. By the Council, with an amendment, 262. Considered, and agreed to, 263. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 39.) 9. To amend the Act of 1849 (supra 7) by authorizing the fyling of indentures entered into previous to the passing of the Act of 1847, notwithstanding the expiration of the time limited therefor; Presented, (1851) 59. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 20.) 10. Bill to facilitate the proof of laws of Upper and Lower Canada, and to declare protest of Notaries Public, evidence in Upper Canada ; Presented, (1843) 122. Amended in Committee, 176. R. A., 208. (7 Vic, c. 4.) 11. To repeal so much of 25 G. III, c. 4, as prohibits Notaries from acting as Clerks of Circuit and Commissioners' Courts, in Lower Canada; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 285. Amended in Committee, 358. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 53.) 12. To remove doubts as to the validity of certain deeds, instruments, and documents, executed before Notaries in Lower Canada, and to secure the rights, titles, and interests of all persons concerned therein; Presented, (1846) 32. Referred, 43. Reported, with amendments, 96. Again referred, 136. Reported, with amendments, 177. Passed, 237. R. A., 274. (9 Wic, c. 26.) 13. For better regulating the formalities of authentic Actes passed before Noiaries; Presented, (1846) 34. Read second time, 148. Wo order thereon.—Petition from Notaries of District of Montreal, against the Bill, 142. 14. To remove all doubts as to the validity of certain deeds, instruments and documents executed before Notaries in Lower Canada, and to secure the rights, titles, and interests of all persons concerned therein; Presented, (1847) 147. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 22.) 15. To provide a remedy for the injustice which might arise from omissions and irregularities in Actes passed before Notaries now deceased; Presented, (1849) 254. Not proceeded in. 16. Petition of E. L'Ecuyer, for aid in the publication of a work entitled, “Petit Guide du Jeune Notaire,” (1849) 53. Wide Legislative Assembly, 225. 17. Petition from inhabitants of Parish of St. Pierre and St. Paul, for the legalization of certain Actes or contracts passed before the late F. Sasseville, Notary, but defective from the want of his signature, (1849) 174. Referred, 187. Report; Bill presented, 254. Wide supra, 15. 18. Petition of J. C. Bachand and others, for authority to the Montreal Board of Notaries to admit them to practise, (1849) 12. 19. Petition of A. G. Ruel, praying that he may be allowed to practise as a Notary, notwithstanding his holding the office of Registrar of Rimouski, (1849) 208. 20. Petition of F. X. Cochu, for permission to fyle his indentures with the Board of Notaries for Montreal, notwith- standing the expiration of the time allowed by law, (1851) 49. Wide supra, 9. 21. Petition of the Board of Notaries for Three Rivers, for an Act to allow the admission of students who have neglected to fyle their indentures with the said Board, and for other amendments to the Notarial Act, (1851) 75. Of Municipal Council of Portneuf, for the like, 104. Wide supra, 9. 22. Petition from Notaries of Quebec, for amendments to the Act organizing the Notarial Profession, (1851) 155. Referred, 160. Report, 182. Wide Committees, 203. Gaspé, 10. Law, Practice of 4. Registry Laws (L. C.), 16. Relations. Nottawasaga Bay:—vide Harbours, 28. 380 OAKLAND–OIL. OAKLAND :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 81, Oaths: 1. Bill for making an uniform provision respecting certain official and other oaths to be taken in this Province; Pre- sented, (1850) 115. Amended in Committee, 144. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 18.) 2. Petition of Western District Council, for authority to Town Clerks to administer oaths to Township Officers making affidavits, (1843) 71. - Wide Evidence, 1. Justices, 6. Members, 32, 33. Public Departments, 1. Public Officers, 3. Sur- veys, 1. O'Carroll, John:-vide Rebellion, 9. O'Clair, J oseph :—Wide Rebellion, 15. Odd Fellows: 1. Bill to enable the several Lodges of the Society of “Odd Fellows” to hold real and personal estate in this Province; Presented, (1846) 97. Wot proceeded in. 2. Petitions for incorporation of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, (1849) Dundas, 71. Montreal, 54. Toronto, 59. Report from Committee of Standing Orders thereon, 91. Wide Secret Societies, 2. Odell, J. :-vide Rebellion, 15. Odell, L. :-vide Gaols, 15. Offences against the person:—vide Criminal Law. Office, Acceptance of :—Wide Elections, 132–145, 174. Members, 49. Public Officers, 6. Speaker, 84. Office, Appointments to :—Wide Accounts, 399, 400. Addresses, 804, 305, 369–873. Plur- ality. Public Officers, 4, 5. Officers, Naval and Military:-vide Road, 3. Officer S and Servants of the House :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 78–182. Ogden, Attor ney General :—Wide Accounts, 345. Addresses, 330. Governor General, 93. Supply, 48. Ogden, Wm. :—Wide Bridges, 35. O'Hara, Walter:-vide Militia, 12. Oil:—vide Fish. O’KEEFE—ORDERS. 381 O'Keefe, Geo. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 117. Oliver, John :—Petition of, for permission to exchange some swampy land granted to him, for other land, (1851) 165. Oliver, Wm. :—Petition of for relief, in consideration of his long services in the Army and the Militia, (1849) 63. Oneida :—Wide Surveys, 56. Territorial Divisions, 45, 92. Onondaga :—Wide Surveys, 56. Territorial * 93. Ontario (County):—vide Territorial Divisions, 54. Ontario Fire and Marine Insurance Co.:-vide Insurance Companies, 27. Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railroad Co. —vide Railroad, 12-is. Orange Societies :—Petition for the suppression of Orange Societies; York, (1841) 113. Referred, to Committee on Riots at meeting of inhabitants of Home District, 260, (Wide Committees, 396.) Another Tetition, 388. * Order, Questions of: 1. Resolution, That the Speaker shall preserve order, and decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the House, (7th Rule), (1841) 40. 2. Resolution, That when the Speaker is called upon to explain a point of order, he shall state the Rule applicable to the case (9th Rule), (1841) 41. 3. Resolution, That a Member called to order shall sit down, and the House, if appealed to, shall decide on the case without debate (14th Rule), (1841) 41. 4. Resolution, That a motion to adjourn, or that the Chairman leave the Chair, shall always be in order (36th & 37th Rules), (1841) 43. Wide Questions, 13—20. I. Standing Orders of the House; 1–122. II. Sessional Orders of the House; 123–164. III. Incidental Proceedings; 165–168. I. Standing Orders of the House—relative to— Bills, Private : 1. Rules (Nos. 60 to 72) adopted by the House regulating the mode of proceeding upon Private Bills, (1841) 44 to 46, 288. The said Rules rescinded, upon the recommendation of a Committee (Wide Committees, 460), and others substituted in lieu thereof, (1850) 232. Wide infra, 2–20. 382 ORDERS–continued. T. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Standing Orders of the House—continued. Bills, Private—com/inued. . That no Petition for a private or local Bill be received after the first 15 days of each Session, except after leave obtained on Petition (60th Rule), (1850) 232. . That no private or local Bills will be received after the first four weeks,—nor any Reports thereon after the first six weeks of each Session (61st & 62nd Rules), (1850) 232. . Clerk of the House to publish notice (before each Session) of the days on which the time limited for receiving such Petitions, Bills, and Reports, will expire (63rd Rule), (1850) 232. . Requiring certain notices to be given of applications for private or local Bills of a nature to affect the rights or pro- perty of other parties than the petitioners, copies of which notices are to be sent to the Private Bill Office (Rules 64 to 66), (1850) 232. . That Private Bills be prepared, and printed, at the expense of the applicants, and 150 copies deposited in the Private Bill Office (67th Rule), (1850) 232. . That Private Bills shall be introduced on a Petition (68th Rule), (1850) 232. . That Bills for confirming Letters Patent shall have a copy of the same attached (69th Rule), (1850) 232. . That a fee of £15 be paid into the hands of the Clerk after the second reading of any Bill conferring exclusive privileges for purposes of profit (70th Rule), (1850) 232–Motion for a Committee of Whole to consider of rescinding the Rule, negatived, (1851) 74. ** - That all Private Bills be referred to a Standing Committee,_and the House will not hear any petitioners against the same until after the Report of such Committee (71st & 72nd Rules), (1850) 233. That the Committee shall require the consent of any parties whose rights may be affected by any Bill, and shall require proof that persons to be incorporated are in a position to effect the objects contemplated by the Bill (73rd Rule), (1850) 233. That notice be given of the sittings of the Committee upon any Bill requiring notice under the 64th Rule (74th Rule), (1850), 233. That the Committee must report every Bill referred,—together with the grounds of any alteration of the preamble when any such is made (75th Rule,) (1850) 233. That when they report that the preamble of a Bill has not been proved, they must state the grounds of their decision (76th Rule), (1850) 233. That a copy of any proposed amendments be deposited in the office one day before that appointed for the sitting of the Committee on the Bill to which they relate (77th Rule), (1850) 233. That the Chairman sign all the amendments reported (78th Rule), (1850) 233. That 150 copies of Private Acts be printed by the parties, a certificate of the payment of the cost thereof to be delivered before the third reading (79th Rule), (1850) 233.−Also, (1849) 333. That no sessional or standing order relative to Private Bills be suspended without due notice (80th Rule), (1850) 233. That a Register of Private Bills be kept in the Private Bill Office (81st Rule), (1850) 233. That lists of the Private Bills and Petitions for consideration be hung in the lobby daily (82nd Rule), (1850) 233. Wide Committees, 285. Bills, Public : That every Public Bill shall be introduced by motion, or by appointing a Committee to prepare it, or by an order of the House on a Report (50th Rule), (1841) 44. That no Bill shall be committed or amended till it shall have been read twice (51st Rule), (1841) 44. That all amendments in Committee shall be reported by the Chairman; and the Bill may then be debated and amended before the question to engross it shall be put (52nd Rule), (1841) 44. That every Bill shall receive three readings, each (except on urgent occasions) on a different day (53rd Rule), (1841) 44. That a Bill, when Committed, shall be read through by the Clerk, and then read by the Chairman, and debated by clauses, leaving preamble and title to the last (54th Rule), (1841) 44. ORDERS–continued, - . 383 I. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Standing Orders of the House—continued. Bills, Public—continued. That the Clerk shall certify the readings of a Bill upon the back, and the passing thereof at the foot (54th & 56th Rules), (1841) 44. That similar proceedings to the above shall be observed with Bills from the Council (57th Rule), (1841) 44. That all Public Bills shall be revised, and a breviat thereof made, by the Law Clerk, after the first reading—and he shall be held responsible for their correctness (if amended) in every succeeding stage (58th Rule), (1841) 44. That all Bills (public and private) be printed before the second reading (unless dispensed with), with the exception of Bills to continue Acts, or other Bills not introducing any important innovation, with the printing of which the Speaker may dispense (59th Rule), (1841) 44, That all Bills and documents submitted to the House be printed in English and French, in equal proportions, (1844–5) 84. That the third readings of Bills be made Orders of the day, and do precede all other orders except such as may have preference by a Special Order, (1850) 44. Clerk of the Crown in Chancery :-Wide infra, 37. Clerk of the House: That the Clerk do subscribe for the newspapers published in the Province, (1841) 22. To make an Index to the Journals of each Session (31st Rule), (1841) 42. To certify the readings of a Bill upon the back, and the passing thereof at the foot (54th & 56th Rules), (1841) 44. To prepare statements of Imports and Exports, for the last year, and for the last seven years, every Session (101st Rule), (1841) 48. To cause lists of Standing and Select Committees to be hung up in some conspicuous place in the House, from time to time, (1841) 78. - That the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery and the Clerk of the House be each allowed a fee of £1 5s, for taxing the costs in Controverted Elections, when either the Petition or the Defence is declared frivolous and vexatious, (1841) 301. That the Clerk be held responsible for the safe keeping of all the Records of the House,_and have the direction and control over all the clerks and servants employed in the office, subject to the orders of the Speaker and the House, (1841) 510. That the Clerk be allowed one per cent. On all payments made on account of the contingencies, (1841) 631. That the continuation of periodical works in the Library be imported annually by the Clerk (98th Rule), (1849) 228. To publish notice (before each Session) of the days on which the time limited for receiving Private Petitions and Bills, and Reports thereon, will expire (63rd Rule), (1850) 232. Committees: That the Rules of the House be observed in Committees of the Whole, except that limiting the number of times of speaking (33rd Rule), (1841) 42. That the Speaker shall appoint a Chairman to preside in a Committee of the Whole-who shall have the same authority therein as the Speaker in the House-and the Chairman shall have the same authority in other Committees (86th Rule), (1841) 46. Prescribing the mode of appointing Select Committees (87th Rule), (1841) 46.—Resolution amending the same (in the details), 288. * That a Member introducing any matter shall be one of any Committee to whom the same may be referred (88th Rule) (1841) 46. That the majority of a Select Committee shall be a quorum (89th Rule), (1841) 46. That lists of Standing and Select Committees (as appointed from time to time) be hung up in some conspicuous place in the House, (1841) 78. That Members be permitted to make Reports from Select Committees, standing in their places, and without proceed- ing to the Bar of the House, anything in the 34th Rule to the contrary notwithstanding, (1846) 265. 884. ORDERS–continued. I. 49. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. Standing Orders of the House—continued. Conferences:–Wide infra, 65. Divisions of the House:–That upon a division, the names pro and con, shall be entered on the Journals if two Members require it (35th Rule), (1841) 42. Wide infra, 80. Imports and Exports :—That statements of the same for the past year, and for the last seven years, be pre- pared by the Clerk every Session (101st Rule), (1841) 48. Journals: That immediately after the Speaker takes the Chair, the minutes of the preceding day shall be read (6th Rule), (1841) 40. That copies of the Journals in French be laid on the table daily,–and translations of any documents before the House when asked for by two Members (29th Rule), (1841) 42. That a certified copy of the Journals be delivered each day to His Excellency (30th Rule), (1841) 42. That an index to the Journals be made by the Clerk, each Session (31st Rule), (1841) 42. That until the proceedings are printed daily, the Legislative Council may cause the Journals to be searched (32nd Rule), (1841) 42. - - That 500 copies of the Journals and Appendices be printed, every session, to be distributed as therein directed, (1841) 241. That 200 copies of the Journals be printed in the French language, (1842) 91. That the Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench be henceforth furnished with a copy of the Journals, (1846) 339. That an additional number of the Journals be printed, and one copy furnished to each municipality, (1851) 142. Taw Clerk:-Wide supra, 28. Tlegislative Council: That Messages from the Council be delivered by the Master in Chancery, at the Clerk's table (23rd Rule), (1841) 42. That such Messages be received as soon as they are announced (26th Rule), (1841) 42. That the Speaker shall always take the Chair when Black Rod is at the door, with a Message (5th Rule), (1841) 40. That Messages to the Council be sent by one Member (24th Rule), (1841) 42. That when a conference with the Council is desired, the reasons to be given therefor are to be prepared before requesting such conference (25th Rule), (1841) 42. That the Speaker shall appoint all messengers, but the Member moving the Message shall be one, and no Member opposing the same shall be appointed (90th Rule), (1841) 47. That Legislative Councillors may have seats within the Bar, to hear the debates (27th Rule), (1841) 42. Wide supra, 27, 56. infra, 120. Library: Rules (Nos. 84 to 88) placing the charge of the Library in the hands of the Clerk, and regulating the admission thereto, &c., (1841) 47––Rescinded, upon the recommendation of a Committee (Wide Committees, 428), and others adopted in lieu thereof, (1849) 228. Wide infra, 69–73. That a catalogue of the books therein be kept by the Librarians, who shall report annually (94th Rule), (1849) 228. Prescribing the mode of admission (95th Rule), (1849) 228. That no books be taken out of the building, except on receipts given by a Member of either House (96th Rule), (1849) 228. - That the Library shall be open from 10 to 3, during the Recess, to persons introduced by a Member, the Clerk, or one of the Librarians (97th Rule), (1849) 228. That the continuation of periodical works be imported annually, by the Clerk (98th Rule), (1849) 228. ORDERS–continued. 385 T. 74. 75. 76. 77. '78. ºf 9. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. $92. $93. 94. Standing Orders of the House—continued. Meetings and Adjournments of the House: That the House meet at 2 P.M., and adjourn if there be no quorum (1st Rule), (1841) 40.—Resolution, changing the hour of meeting to 3, and providing that the House, at its rising on Friday shall adjourn to the following Monday, 288. That upon an adjournment, Members shall keep their seats till Mr. Speaker leaves the Chair (2nd Rule), (1841) 40. That when the House adjourns for want of a quorum, the hour, and the Members present shall be entered on the Journals (3rd Rule), (1841) 40. That on the appearance of a quorum the Speaker shall take the Chair (4th Rule), 1841) 40. That a motion to adjourn shall always be in order (36th Rule), (1841) 43. Members : When about to speak, shall rise, and address the Speaker, uncovered,—who, when two rise at once, shall decide which shall speak, subject to appeal (10th & 11th Rules), (1841) 41. That every Member present when a question is put shall vote thereon, unless he is excused by the House, or is personally interested in the matter (12th Rule), (1841) 41. That when a Petition is presented for an Act of Incorporation for commercial purposes, any Members of the House who are to become incorporated are personally interested in the question (84th Rule), (1841) 46. That when a question is put no Member shall leave the House,_nor when a Member is speaking shall any other Member interrupt him, except to order (13th Rule), (1841) 41. That a Member called to order shall sit down, and submit to the decision of the Chair, unless there is an appeal, when the House shall decide thereon without debate (14th Rule), (1841) 41. That no Member shall speak disrespectfully of the Queen, the Royal Family, or the Governor General,—nor use improper language against the House or particular Members, nor speak beside the question (15th Rule), (1841) 41. * That each Member may require the question in discussion to be read, so as not to interrupt a Member speaking (16th Rule), (1841) 41. That no Member shall speak more than once on the same question, or upon a previous question, without leave, except in explanation (17th & 18th Rules), (1841) 41. Wide supra, 42. Motion to rescind That the House may be cleared of strangers at the request of a Member (19th Rule), (1841)41. the Rule, and substitute other provisions, negatived, (1851) 207. That Members on going out should inform the Serjeant-at-Arms where they will be found (20th Rule), (1841) 41. That no Member absent himself from more than one sitting, without leave of absence (21st Rule), (1841) 41. That leave of absence will not be granted but on urgent and accidental business (43 Members being in town), (22nd Rule), (1841) 41. Messages :—Wide supra, 61–66. Minutes of Proceedings :—Wide supra, 52. Motions and Questions : That motions to adjourn, or that the Chairman leave the Chair, shall always be in order (36th and 37th Rules), (1841) 43. That every motion shall be made in writing, and seconded, and shall be read in English and French, before debate, and is then in possession of the house, but may be withdrawn by permission (38th & 39th Rules), (1841) 48. That when a question is under debate, no motion shall be received unless to amend, commit, or postpone it, or for the previous question, or for adjournment (40th Rule), (1841) 43. That the Previous Question shall preclude all amendment and debate of the main question (41st Rule), (1841) 48. Amended by striking out “and debate,” (1851) 201. Wide Committees, 269, 468. 95, That a motion for commitment (until decided) shall preclude all amendment of the main question (42nd Rule), (1841) 43. YY 386 ORDERS–continued. > z I. Standing Orders of the House—continued. 96. 97. 98. 99. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. Motions and Questions—continued. That all questions shall be put in the order in which they are moved (43rd Rule), (1841) 43. That no motion shall have a preamble (44th Rule), (1841) 43–Speaker refuses to receive a motion having a preamble, (1850) 239. That every motion, when seconded, ought to be received and read by the Speaker (45th Rule), (1841) 43. That when a motion is contrary to the Rules or Privileges of the House, the speaker shall apprize the house thereof before the question is put (46th Rule), (1841) 43. Officers of the House: Regulating the hours of attendance of the officers and clerks during the Session (99th Rule), (1841) 47. That before any vacancy shall be filled, inquiry shall be made touching the necessity of the office, and the amount of salary attached to it (100th Rule), (1841) 47. Wide Supra, 38. Orders of the Day: That the Orders of the Day shall have precedence of any motion before the House (91st Rule), (1841) 47. That when any Orders of the Day are lost by the House adjourning for want of a quorum, they shall be taken up as the first business at the next sitting (92nd Rule), (1841) 47. - Prescribing the ordinary routine of the daily proceedings in the transaction of the business of the House, (1841) 96. That copies of the Orders of the Day be every morning laid on the Speaker's table, and hung up in the lobby, (1841) 96. That all Orders of the Day be taken up according to the precedence which they originally held, (1846) 135. That such Orders of the Day as are not proceeded with, when read, be placed at the foot of the list, (1850) 225.-- Renewed, (1851) 226. Papers laid before the House:—That papers laid before the House are to be read once, and can only be read a second time upon a motion agreed to (85th Rule), (1841) 46. Periodicals:–Vide Supra, 32, 40. Petitions:–That all Petitions shall severally be presented by a Member, in his place, who shall be answerable that they contain no improper matter (83rd Rule), (1841) 46. Wide supra, 2, 7. Previous Question :-Wide supra, 94. Printing: That all Bills and Documents submitted to the House be printed in English and French, in equal proportions, (1844–5) 84. That no work be paid for as Sessional Printing, which is not delivered during the Session, and that no work form- ing part of the Appendix be given to the contractors for Sessional Printing unless it can be executed during the Session. Extra copies of any portions of the Appendix to be paid for at the contract price; Motions to re-commit Resolutions, to amend the same, negatived, and Resolutions agreed to, (1849) 194. That all documents presented to the House be referred to the Printing Committee, that they may report on the expediency of printing the same in the Appendix,−with an estimate of the cost thereof, (1851) 59. Private Bills:—Vide Supra, 1–20. Privileges :—That any matter of privilege arising shall be immediately taken into consideration (93rd Rule), (1841) 47. ORDERS–continued." 387 i. #15 116. 117 118 119. 120. 121. 122. II. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127, Standing Orders of the House—continued. Questions:–Wide supra, 91–99. Quorum :—Wide Supra, 74, 76, 77. Railroads:—Wide Committees, 481. Speaker: Shall preserve order, and decide questions of order (stating the Rule applicable thereto, without comment), subject to an appeal to the House (7th & 9th Rules), (1841) 40, 41. Shall not vote or debate unless the House is equally divided : may give his reasons for so voting, standing uncov- ered (8th Rule), (1841) 40. Strangers: That strangers admitted to the House, who may behave improperly, shall be committed to the custody of the Ser- geant-at-Arms (28th Rule), (1841) 42. - Motion That the House may be cleared of strangers at the request of any one Member (19th Rule), (1841) 41. to rescind the same, and to substitute other provisions, negatived, (1851) 207. r Supply: That any motion made for any public aid, duty, or charge on the people, shall be adjourned to some further day, when it shall be referred to a Committee of the whole, and their opinion reported before passing any vote thereon (47th Rule), (1841) 43. - That all supplies granted to Her Majesty are the sole gift of the Assembly, and all Bills of supply ought to begin with the Assembly, whose right it is to direct, therein, the purposes, conditions, &c., of the grants thereby made, —which are not alterable by the Legislative Council; but, to expedite business, the House should not lay aside Bills from the Council, or amendments, because they impose or alter penalties, provided such penalties are only to punish crimes, and not to lay a burthen on the subject (48th & 49th Rules), (1841) 43. Witnesses:—That no witness be paid for his attendance before a Committee, unless some Member thereof shall have fyled with the Chairman a certificate stating that his evidence is material and important; which certifi- cate the Chairman shall fyle with the Clerk, (1849) 147. Unprovided Cases:–That in all unprovided cases, the usages and forms of Parliament shall be followed (34th Rule), (1841) 42. Wide Committees, 268, 269, 504—506, 527–533. Sessional Orders of the House—relative to— Admission to the Gallery :—That the order of Mr. Speaker, that admission to the Gallery be only by ticket, be maintained, (1849) 90. Motion to rescind Order, negatived, 114. Business of the Session :-That the Clerk do cause a general statement of the business of the Session to be made and printed, (1841) 553–(1842) 126. (NOTE-This was acted upon in subsequent Sessions, with- out an Order.) Clerk of the Crown in Chancery :—Requiring him to appear at the Bar, or to furnish papers, Vide Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, 3, 4, 7, 8. - Clerk of the House :—Directing him to do certain things, Wide Clerk of the House. Committees:—Directing that certain papers laid before a Committee be returned, (1847) 214. 388 ORDERS–comfänued. II. 128. 129. 130, 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. tº: Sessional Orders of the House—continued. Contingencies :—That the Clerk do prepare a statement of all payments for contingencies during the present Session, (1851) 184. Presented, 189. Counsel, Hearing of:—Wide Counsel. Coutume de Paris:—That the Law Clerk be directed to translate (under direction of Mr. Speaker) the text of the “Coutume de Paris,” during the ensuing recess, (1847) 184. Hawkins’ Plan of the Siege of Quebec :—That the Clerk do procure 25 copies of Hawkins' Plan of the Naval and Military operations before Quebec in 1759, (1846) 386. Indices to the Journals:–Wide infra, 183, 188. Indices to the Statutes: For procuring 10 copies of Irving's Index to the Statutes, (1850) 110. That an analytical Index to the Acts of this Session, and such former Acts (in force) as were not printed with the Statutes of former years, be prepared by the Law Clerk, and printed with the Acts of this Session, (1851) 207. Journals: Directing the compilation of General Indices to the Journals of the late Assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada; and authorizing advances to be made from the contingencies, from time to time, on account thereof, (1841) 524. Wide Journals, 13. That a complete set of the Journals since the Union be transmitted to the Montreal Board of Trade, (1846) 389. That a copy of the Journals be furnished to each Municipal Council, and to each city and incorporated town, (1847) 90. Rescinded, 102. That Mr. Speaker take the necessary steps for procuring copies of such J ournals of the late Assembly of U. Canada as are missing, (1847) 187.--—That he do cause inquiry to be made as to what steps have been taken for Procuring the same, and take such further measures as may be necessary, (1 851) 358. That the printing of the Journals be commenced forthwith, and completed with all possible despatch, (1849) 194. That Mr. Speaker do direct the compilation of a General Index to the Journals since the Union, on such terms as he may deem expedient-to be printed when completed, (1851) 320. Wide infra, 149. Keefer’s Prize Essay :—For procuring 400 copies of Keefer's Prize Essay on the Canals of Canada, and having the same translated and printed in French, (1850) 268. Library: That Mr. Speaker do make arrangements for effecting a more convenient access to the Library, or for removing the same to another flat, (1844–5) 413. That the duplicate works in the Library (except Parliamentary works) be divided between the Toronto Athaeneum and the Quebec Library Association, on the terms stated in the Report of the Committee on the Library, (1847) 67. *. Map of Canada –For procuring 25 copies of Bouchette's Map, (1847) 214. Meeting and Adjournment, Hours of:—Wide Legislative Assembly, 22–48. Members :—That no Member shall have leave to speak on any question for more than half an hour, (1851) 163 ORDERS–continued. 389 II. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160, 161. 162, Sessional Orders of the House—continued. Newspapers: That the Clerk do subscribe for the different newspapers published in the Province, (1841) 22. American newspapers, (1849) 175. For certain That the Clerk do procure 500 copies of the “Mirror of Parliament,” (1841) 134. Rescinded, 235. That the Upper Canada Gazette be no longer furnished to Members, (1844–5) 295. Officers and Servants of the House: That the Clerk do appoint an Assistant Clerk, (1841) 50. He appoints G. B. Faribault, Esq.; House concurs in the appointment, 59. That the Clerk do prepare a Statement of the various officers and servants in the employ of the House, shewing their length of service, and the salaries it is expedient to allow them in future, (1844–5) 294. Presented,324. Wide Legislative Assembly, 84. That after removal of the Parliament to Quebec, Mr. Speaker do direct one of the Clerks to remain in charge of an office in Toronto, with fyles of Journals, Statutes, &c., and to attend to the distribution of the Journals throughout U. Canada, (1851) 356. Orders of the Day: That (for the remainder of the Session) a motion to call up any Order of the Day shall be put without debate, (1844–5) 386.-(1850) 269. That when the House adjourns at six o'clock, the Orders remaining shall be postponed to the next sitting, and any matter then under consideration shall be the first Order, (1849) 66. That (for remainder of the Session) any Order not disposed of may stand over to the next day, being placed at the foot of the list, (1849) 225. That (for do.) the Orders of the Day do, on Thursdays, precede Notices of motions, (1851) 163.−Every day (with certain exceptions), 227. That third readings of Bills do take place at 4 o'clock, each day, during the present Session, (1851) 178. Postage :—That the postage on all letters (not exceeding 1 oz.) and printed papers and petitions, to and from Members, be charged to the contingencies, (1841) 10–(1842) 4.—(1843) 6–(1844–5) 3–(1846) 2.— (1847) 8.—(1848) 3–(1849) 5–(1850) 4.—On all letters and printed papers to and from Members, (1851) 2. Printing :—That the Clerk do direct the printers to mark on the back of each document the number of sheets comprized therein, (1843) 47. Wide supra, 137. Private Bills: For refunding or remitting fees on Private Bills, (1841) 272, 496,-(1846) 89, 136, 155,293.−(1847) 150– (1849) 212, 266, 355-(1850) 56, 121, 178, 190, 191, 192, 219, 230.-(1851) 18:3, 299, 358. That Mr. Speaker do take steps for causing an inquiry into the system pursued in the House of Commons in regard to Private Bills, and a Report to be made embracing such provisions as may appear adapted to the circum- stances of this Province, (1846) 344.——Report laid on the table, (1847) 31. (App. B.) Printed, ib. Referred, 94. (No Report.) Mr. Speaker authorized to pay £50 for the same, 214. Extending the time for receiving Private Petitions, Bills, and Reports thereon, Wide Bills, Private, 41. Queen’s Portrait:-That the Clerk do write to Jas. Partridge, Esq., Portrait Painter to Her Majesty, requesting him to forward the likeness of Her Majesty, painted for the House, (1848) 80. Sergeant-at-Arms :—Directing him to do certain matters, Wide Legislative Assembly, 112–114. 39 0 ORDERS–ORDERS OF THE DAY. sº- II. Sessional Orders of the House—continued. 163 . Wotes and Proceedings :—That the Votes and Proceedings be printed, under Mr. Speaker's direction, (1849) 17–(1850) 4.—(1851) 4. ' 164. Witnesses:—That for the remainder of the Session, no witness be paid without the authority of the Contin- gent Committee (to be renewed after four days attendance)—and that no witness residing at Montreal be paid, (1849) 192. Motion to rescind so much as requires the interference of the Contingent Committee, negatived, 219––Renewed, (1851) 34. III. Incidental Proceedings: 165 . Orders rescinded, (1841) 510–(1843) 201—(1846) 145–(1847) 102–(1849) 140,-(1850) 51, 62-(1851) 109, 250,—For printing a Petition, 320: Order rescinding the same rescinded, 329. 166. Order passed on a previous day, amended, (1851) 150. 167. Rules and Standing Orders of the House printed, (1841) 49,-(1851) 33. 168. Rules suspended,—Wide Bills, 20. Bills, Private, 41–45. Petitions, 6. 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. Orders of the Day: Resolutions and Orders relative thereto : . That the Orders of the Day shall have preference over any motion before the House (sist Rule), (1841) 47. . That when any Orders of the Day are lost by the House adjourning for want of a quorum, they shall be taken up as the first business at the next sitting (82nd Rule), (1841) 47. . Prescribing the ordinary routine of the daily proceedings in the transaction of the business of the House, (1841) 96. . That copies of the Orders of the Day be every morning laid on the Speaker's table, and hung up in the lobby, (1841) 96. . That (for the remainder of the Session) a motion to call up any Order of the Day shall be put without debate, (1844–5) 386.-(1850) 269. . That all Orders of the Day be taken up according to the precedence they originally held when placed on the Order Book, (1846) 135. . That when the House adjourns each day at six o'clock (for the present Session) the remaining Orders shall be postponed till the next sitting-any matter under consideration at the time to stand first, (1849) 66. . That for the remainder of the Session, any Order not taken up may stand over till the next day, and be placed at the foot of the list, (1849) 225-(1851) 226. . That in the present Session, the consideration of the Address in answer to the Speech shall have precedence of the daily routine, until disposed of, (1850) 16-(1851) 4. That third readings of Bills be made Orders of the Day, in future, and take precedence of all other Orders except such as may have been given preference by special order, (1850) 44. That all orders not proceeded with when read, be placed at the foot of the list, (1850) 225. That certain items do stand first, on the Orders of future days, (1841) 295–(1842) 48.-(1843) 50,—(1844–5) 63. —(1847) 182–(1848) 59.—(1849) 147.—(1850) 42.—(1851) 88.—Second, (1842) 61–(1843) 74.— (1844–5) 63.−(1848) 59.—(1849) 179–(1851) 113–Third, (1842) 48.—(1844–5) 180,—Fourth, (1842) 48.-(1844–5) 239.--—Fifth, (1844–5) 188.——Do stand next after a particular item, (1851) 240. That third readings of Bills be taken up, each day, at 4 o'clock, (1851) 178. . That all Private Bills on the Orders be taken up first, upon certain days, (1851) 108, 150, 173. That (for the remainder of the Session) Orders of the Day be taken up before notices of motions, on Thursdays, (1851) 168-Every day (with certain exceptions), 227. Motion (before calling the Orders) for leave to offer a motion of which notice had been given, negatived, 259.--To be taken up, on the morrow, before the introduction of any new matter, 337. - ORDERS OF THE DAY-ORLEANs. 39]. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Orders of the Day—continued. Orders of the Day called (to supersede the moving of other questions), (1841) 100—(1843) 197.-(1846) 111– (1847) 157.—(1850) 171—(1851) 131. - - - Certain items taken up out of the regular order, upon motion therefor, (1841) 33.−(1847) 162. Certain Orders discharged, (1841) 282–(1842) 34—(1843) 50,—(1844–5) 239–(1846) 198.—(1847) 99- (1848) 60.-(1849) 358–(1850) 273–(1851) 255. Postponed indefinitely, (1850) 140. Postponed 6 months, (1847) 181. Orders (which had dropped) revived, (1841) 134.—(1843) 141–(1844–5) 279–(1847) 136–(1848) 63–(1849) 262.--(1851) 103. Motion for calling the Orders of the Day, negatived, (1841) 131. Ordnance Estates: . Bill for vesting certain estates and property in the Principal Officers of Her Majesty's Ordnance, and for granting them certain powers; Ordered ; Presented, (1843) 189. Amended in Committee ; Further amendment negatived, 199. Returned from the Council, with an amendment; Agreed to, 202. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 11.) . Bill to explain and amend the above Act; Presented, (1844–5) 299. Referred to Committee on Petition of N, Sparks, 380. (Wide infra, 4.) Reported, with amendments, 384. Amended in Committee, 409. Reserved, 441. Wide Addresses, 437. . Bill to explain a certain provision of the Ordnance Westing Act, and to remove difficulties which have occurred in carrying the said provision into effect ; Presented, (1846) 250. Passed, 342. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 42.) . Petition of N. Sparks, of Bytown, for the restoration of certain property of which he has been dispossessed by the Ordnance Department, (1842) 13. Referred, 14. Member added, 23. Wo Report. Another Petition, (1843) 91. Referred, 127. Wo Report. Another Petition; Referred, (1844–5) 281. Petition of E. Mal- loch (infra, 5) referred, 298. Bill to explain Ordnance Estates Act also referred, 330. Report (App. F. F. F.); Printed, 384. Committed; Considered, 386. No Report. Another Petition, (1846) 233. Referred, ib. Wo Report. - . Petition of E. Malloch, Esq., for the confirmation of his title to certain lots at Bytown, formerly owned by the Ordnance Department, (1844–5) 252. Referred to Committee on Petition of N. Sparks, 298. Wide supra, 4. . Petition of Warden of Dalhousie District, for an Act to explain the Ordnance Westing Act (7 Vic, c. 11), with reference to a certain case, (1846) 37. Referred, 38. Report, 333. (App. C. C. C.) . Petition of E. Malloch, Esq., for investigation of certain complaints against the Department at Bytown, (1846) 162. . Petition of Mrs. McGivern, complaining that the Ordnance Officers have refused to admit her title to certain land in Bytown, and praying relief, (1846) 282. y- . Motion, for an Address for copy of any correspondence with the Imperial authorities, and of any Report touching the tenure of the lands purchased for the Government by the late Lord Dalhousie, Negatived, (1842) 13. Wide Accounts, 55, 56. Addresses, 81–84, 624. Committees, 204. O © o N ſe g Orignaux, Rivière aux:-vide Bridges, 69. Orillia :—Petition for grants of land to actual settlers on the line of a certain road through Orillia and Mat- chedash, (1851) 17. Wide Territorial Divisions, 82. Orleans, Island of: . Petition for establishment of a separate Registry Office for that Island, (1844–5) 10, Referred, 48. Report, 315. Concurred in ; Bill to detach the said Island from Montmorency for registration purposes, and to establish a Registry Office thereon; Presented, 343. Amended in Committee, 357. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 28.) . Bill to amend the foregoing Act; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 205. Amended in Committee, 243. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 267. Considered, and agreed to, 271. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 44.) Wide Committees, 205. 392 ORT_OXFORD. sº- Ort, Henry:-vide Aliens, 34. Osgoode :—Wide Surveys, 57. Osgoode Hall, Toronto :—Wide Accounts, 346, 347. Addresses, 331. Courts, 2. Governor General, 88. Supply, 409. Oswald, Jas. :—vide Aliens, 35. Oswald, Thos.:-vide Aliens, 33. Otonabee, River:-vide Bridges, 10, ii. Navigations, 88,84. Ottawa (County) :—Petitions for erection of the said county into an inferior district, for judicial purposes, (1843) 38–(1844–5) 46.-(1849) 21. Wide Elections, 54. Gaols, 12, 18. Territorial Divisions, 130. Ottawa, River:-vide Navigations, 89,40. Ottawa District: 1. Petition for the confirmation of certain official acts in the offices of the Registrar, Clerk of the Peace, Clerk of the District Court, and Registrar of the Surrogate Court for the said district, (1848) 64. Bill presented, 85. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 38.) & 2. Petition for an Act to relieve owners of lands sold for arrears of taxes in that district in 1889, (1843) 15. Bill presented, 72. Wide infra, 3. 3 . Bill to explain an Act of Upper Canada for confirming and regulating certain sales of land for taxes in the said district; Presented, (1843) 72. Amended in Committee, 125. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 87.) 4. Petition of the District Council, praying that the revenues of the district may not be involved in any measure rela- tive to the sale of lands for taxes, (1849) 112. 5. Petition of the Trustees of the Ottawa District Grammar School, for power to dispose of the present school-house, and to provide another, (1849) 39. Referred, 199. Report a Bill, 208. Amended in Committee, 230. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 111.) 6. Petition for the holding of the several Courts in that district twice a year, (1849) 58. Wide Gaols, 23. Roads, 63–69, 184. Ottawa Glass Co.:-vide Glass, 3. Ouellette, J. F. :-vide Patents, 6. Owen Sound:—Wide Accounts, 858. Supply, 224. Wellington District, 3. Oxford (County):—vide Elections, 55, 56. Surveys, 10. Territorial Divisions, 88. Oxford (Township) :—Wide Surveys, 22. Territorial Divisions, 84. PACAUD–PARLIAMENT. 393 1 P. PACAUD, L. E. *—Wide Bankrupts, 15. Pads, Isle du :—Petition for authority to make regulations concerning the Common in that parish, (1843) 38. Papineau, A. B. 3–Petition of, complaining of his dismissal from the offices of Justice of the Peace and Commissioner of Small Causes, and praying for justice, (1849) 113. Wide Accounts, 355. Addresses, 336–338. P apineau, Hon. L. J. :—Wide Accounts, 356, 357. Addresses, 839, 340. Committees, 475. Governor General, 89. Supply, 33. Papst, J acob :—Petition of complaining that a lot of land allotted to him as a U. E. Loyalist has been declared forfeited, for alleged non-performance of settlement duties, which he had performed long ago; and praying for an inquiry, (1849) 121. Parent, E. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 96, 145. Parishes, Erection of: Bills relative thereto : . To repeal the laws of Lower Canada for the construction and repairing of Roman Catholic churches, &c., and their dependencies, and for the erection and division of parishes, and to make new provisions in lieu thereof; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 137. Referred, 164. Wot reported. . To explain and amend an Ordinance concerning the erection of parishes, churches, parsonage houses, and church- yards; Presented, (1846) 281. Wot proceeded in. 3. For recognising, for civil purposes, the canonical erection of Catholic parishes, and to regulate the construction and 4 5 6 1 repairing of churches, sacristies, parsonage houses, and church-yards; and for repealing certain Acts and Ordinances; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 87. Referred, 202. Wot reported. . To continue and amend the Ordinance concerning the erection of parishes, and the construction and repair of churches, parsonage houses, and church-yards; Presented, (1850) 121. Referred, 141. Reported, with amendments, 156. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 44.) . To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1851) 43. Referred, 142. Reported, with amendments, 181. Passed, 330. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 103.) . To provide for the erection of parishes, for civil purposes only, in certain parts of Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 135. Amended in Committee, 253. Passed (as a Bill to provide therefor in the Seigniory of Argenteuil only), 260. By the Council, with amendments, 302. Considered, and agreed to, 304. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 136.) Parish and Township Officers:–vide Municipalities. Park, Dr. :—Wide Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, 6. Parliament, Provincial: . Bill to provide for the payment of the salaries and allowances of certain officers of the Legislature, for a limited period; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 608. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 632. Not con- sidered.—New Bill presented, 633. Wide infra, 2. 2. Bill to provide for certain expenses of this Province and of Upper and Lower Canada; Presented, (1841) 633. R. A., 644. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 45.) ZZ 394 PARLIAMENT—continued. I0. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Parliament—continued. . Bill to continue the Provincial Parliament in case of the demise of the Crown; Presented, (1843) 7. R. A., 180. (7 Vic, c. 3.) * * . Bill for better securing the independence of the Provincial Parliament; Presented, (1843) 19. Wide Legislative Assembly, 1. . Bill to fix the time and place for the meeting of Parliament; Presented, (1850) 14. Motion to postpone second reading three months; Mr. Speaker declares that the Bill is not in order, being repugnant to the Constitutional Act; His decision confirmed by the House, on an appeal, 64. . Bill to provide for the more convenient assembling of Parliament; Presented, (1851) 77. Wot proceeded in. . Resolution (reported from Committee of Whole on Message relative to salaries of officers of the Legislature) granting #1000 for the salary of the Speaker of the Legislative Council; Motion to re-commit Resolution, for the purpose of voting the said Speaker an indemnity for the present Session, negatived; Resolution agreed to, (1841) 605. Thirty-two Resolutions (reported from do.), granting salaries to various officers of the Legisla- ture, &c., and an indemnity to Members of the Assembly, 606. Bills presented, 608. Wide supra, 1. Mem- bers, 4. . Mr. Speaker announces His Excellency's intention of proroguing the Legislature on a certain future day,+Wide Speaker, 55. . His Excellency prorogues the Legislature, (1841) 645–(1842) 131–(1843) 210,—(1844–5) 442,-(1846) 347- (1847) 218–(1848) 81–(1849) 367.-(1850) 286-(1851) 362. Proclamations proroguing and convening the Legislature-At the commencement of each volume. Proclamation dissolving Parliament, (1844–5) VIII.-(1848) VII. Motion for an Address to His Excellency to dissolve the present Parliament, in order to ascertain the wishes of the electors under the new Election Law, Negatived, (1841) 590. Motion for an Address praying His Excellency to prorogue the Legislature on account of the pestilence raging in the city (Montreal), Negatived, (1847) 130.—On account of the riotous proceedings at and after the burning of the Parliament House, (1849) 271. Consideration discharged, 354. Motion, That it would greatly tend to the convenience of the people, &c., were the time and place for the meeting of Parliament fixed by law ; Amendment, to add “reserving to the Government the power of summoning an extra Session,” negatived ; Main motion negatived, (1850) 159. Motion for leave to bring in a Bill to fix the time and place for the meeting of Parliament, &c.; Mr. Speaker refuses to receive the motion, it being repugnant to the 30th section of the Union Act ; His decision confirmed by the House, on an appeal, (1851) 54. Wide Addresses, 364, 625, 626. Committees, 206. Governor General, 90–92. Seat of Government. Parliament, Independence of:—vide Legislative Assembly, 1–3. Members, 1–3. Par: liament, 4. Parliament House : Petition of J. Smolinski, praying that the Parliament House (Montreal) may be heated by means of his patent calorifers, (1849) 21. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 40. Report thereon, 158. Motion to refer to a Select Committee that portion of the Petition which has not been taken into consideration by the Com- mittee, negatived, 164. . House interrupted in its proceedings (on 25th April) by a riotous attack on the building (St. Ann's Market House, Montreal,) in which its sittings were held, and the building destroyed by fire, (1849) 262. House meets on the following day in the Bonsecours Market Hall; Committee appointed to ascertain what original Bills pend- ing have been destroyed by the fire, ib. Report (App. S. S. S.S.); Printed, 265. . Motion for an Address, declaring that in consequence of the proceedings above referred to, and the burnings and tumultuous meetings which have since taken place, the House is convinced that its deliberations are no longer free, and is most urgent that the Session should be closed; Consideration thereof postponed, (1849) 271. Discharged, 354. & -- - . Message from the Council, with a list of engrossed Bills from the Assembly destroyed at the burning of the Parlia- ment House, (1849) 285–A list sent to the Council, of Bills from the Council destroyed on the occasion, 287. Petition from inhabitants of East Gwillimbury, expressing sorrow for the destruction of the Parliament Buildings, and the insult offered to His Excellency, and approbation of the Legislative measures passed and assented to, (1849) 353. PARTIAMENT—PASSPORTS. 395 # 0. Parliament House—continued. . Petitions praying compensation for the loss of property destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House:—(1849) Officers of the Assembly, 353.--—(1850) Jobin, J. (a house), 36. Cardinal, A. L., 46. Officers and servants of the House, 69. Belton, Mrs., 81. Last three Petitions referred to Committee on Contingencies, 57, 74, 225. Reports thereon, 151, 269. Motion for an instruction to Committee of Whole on the last Report, to. consider of providing compensation to the officers and servants of the House for their losses, negatived, 272.- (1851) Cardinal, A. L., 137. Winder, Wm., 194. Both referred to Committee on Contingencies, 150, 199. Report thereon, 309. Concurred in, 356. . Petition of M. J. Hays, for payment of a balance of rent due him for the building in Montreal occupied by the Legislature after the burning of the Parliament House, (1850) 236. . Motion to appoint a Select Committee to enquire and report on the situation and accommodation of the buildings provided for the Legislature and the public offices, Negatived, (1847) 144. . Motion, for appointment of a Committee to make sundry inquiries relative to the delivery of arms to any part of the population during the last fortnight (subsequent to the destruction of the Parliament House), and relative to the appointment of any Magistrates or other peace officers to preserve the peace, and the directions given for their guidance, Negatived, (1849) 302. Motion for an Address, praying for the immediate withdrawal of the troops from the precincts of the Parliament House, Negatived, (1849) 355. Wide Addresses, 341. Committees, 28, 37, 359. Governor General, 103. Legislative Assembly, 221, 232. Seat of Government, 5. Supply, 192. Parliamentary Law :—Petition of Alpheus Todd, Deputy Librarian to the Assembly of Upper Canada, for remuneration for his work on the “Practice and Privileges of Parliament,” which the said Assem- bly had approved, and ordered to be printed, (1841) 72. Referred to Committee on Clerk's Office, 98. Wo JReport. Another Petition, 335. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 340. Report thereon, 545. Resolution granting him £200, 596, 597. Wide also Legislative Assembly, 228. Parsonages :—Wide Committees, 20, 21. Rectories. Religious Denominations, 51. Parsonage Houses:–vide Parishes. Partitioning of Lands:–vide Bolton, 1. Lands, 17–20. Partnerships: . Bill to authorize the formation of limited partnerships; Presented, (1844–5) 219. Referred, 279. Not reported. . Bill to form general partnerships, for manufacturing and other purposes; Presented, (1847) 80. Committed, 146. Considered, and no Report made, 199. . Bill to authorize limited partnerships in Upper Canada; Presented, (1849) 42. Amended in Committee, 182. R. A., 363. (12 Vic, c. 75.) te . Motion for leave to bring in a Bill for the formation of limited partnerships in Upper Canada, Negatived, (1846) 250. Party Processions: . Bill to restrain party processions, in certain cases; Presented, (1843) 29. Amended in Committee, 72. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 75. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 6.) . Bill to repeal the foregoing Act; Presented, (1851) 163. Passed, 295. R. A., 358. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 50.) . Petition of the Grand Master of the Loyal Orange Association of British North America, for repeal of the Party Processions Act, (1851) 101. Printed, 102. Passports :—Bill to repeal an Ordinance of the Governor and Council of the Province of Quebec, for preventing persons from leaving the Province without a pass; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 495. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 53.) Wide Committees, 207. 396 TATENTS_PEEL. Patents for Inventions: 1. Bill to consolidate and amend the laws relative to Patents for inventions; Presented, (1849) 13. Referred, 105. Reported, with amendments, 211. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 24.) 2. Bill to enable parties holding Patents for inventions confined to one section of the Province to obtain the extension of the same to the other section thereof, and for other purposes; Presented, (1851) 207. Amended in Com- mittee, 300. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 79.) 3 . Bill to promote the progress of the useful arts by the establishment of a Patent Office (in connexion with the Pro- vincial Secretary's Office) and a Museum; Presented, (1851) 116. Order for second reading discharged, 322. Detitions for Patents for Inventions, viz: 4. Bark Mill:—Of Isaac Beecher, of Brockville; An improvement in mills for grinding tanners’ bark, (1846) 142. Referred, 151. Wo Report, Another Petition, (1847) 14. Bill presented, 59. Referred, 93. Reported, with an amendment, 134. Passed, 203. Wot returned from the Council. 5 . Battery, Self-acting —Of S. Larochelle, for aid to construct a model of a self-acting battery (for cannon) invented by him, and for protection in the rights and advantages of the invention, (1846) 62. 6 . Propelling Engine —Of J. F. Ouellette, for a Patent or other reward, for a propelling engine invented by him, (1844–5) 276. - - 7. Stoves :—Bill to enable John Counter to obtain a Patent for making stoves of a new pattern, and on a new princi- ple ; From the Council; Read, (1850) 116. Referred, 149. Report, recommending that a message be sent to the Council, desiring the proofs and evidence on which the Bill is founded ; Message sent, 183. Proofs and evidence communicated, 203. Referred to the Committee, 205. Bill reported, 220. Passed, 225. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic., c. 145.) - 8. Threshing Machine —Of Silvester Skinner, of Brockville; A threshing and cleaning machine, (1842) 17, Wide Addresses, 23. De Boucherville. Patrick, A. :-vide Legislative Assembly, 87, 90,140, 187,229. Patrick, T. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 87, 88, 91, 141, 177. Patrick, W. P. :—vide Legislative Assembly, 195. Patton, Andrew :-vide Customs, 62. Patton, Wm. :—vide Harbours, 10. Pawnbrokers :—Bill for the regulation of pawnbrokers and pawnbroking ; Presented, (1851) 92. Amended in Committee, 290. R. A., 359, (14 & 15 Vic, c. 82.) Peacock, Wm. :—Petition of Wm. Peacock, of Buffalo (U. S.), praying that his right to a certain lot of land in Etobicoke may be protected, (1844–5) 259. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 342. Pedlars :—Wide Hawkers. Peel (County and District):—vide Territorial Divisions, 55, 58, 59. Peel (Township) :—Petition for a reduction of the price of wild lands therein to their original valua- tion, (1850) 102. Wide Territorial Divisions, 85. BETTON.—PENTTENTIARY. 397 Pelton, S. B. :—Petition of praying compensation for losses arising from the issue of two Patents for a lot of land in Godmanchester, upon which he had settled, (1850) 89. Penetanguishene:–Vide Harbours, 23. Penitentiary, Provincial: . Bill to render the Penitentiary at Kingston the Provincial Penitentiary for Canada; Reported by a Committee, (1841) 468. Read third time; Ryder moved and negatived, and Bill passed, 492. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 69.) ** . Bill to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the Penitentiary; Presented, (1846) 42. Amended in Commit- tee, 161. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 196. Considered, and agreed to, 197. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 4.) . Bill for the better management of the Provincial Penitentiary; Presented, (1850) 156. Wot proceeded in. . Bill for the better management of the Provincial Penitentiary; Presented, (1851) 22. Committed, 146. Resolu- tion providing out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the salaries of the officers, referred, 172. Amended in Committee, 184. Re-committed, thrice, and further amended; Further motions of amendment negatived, 186 to 188. Passed, 195. By the Council, with an amendment; Considered, and agreed to, 216. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 2.) # . Petitions complaining of the injury to mechanics resulting from the low prices at which articles made at the Peni- tentiary are sold, (1850) Kingston, 82. Kingston Common Council, 155. Trent Port, 225. . Petition for a discontinuance of the manufacture of articles at the Penitentiary, and that the convicts be sent to the Marmora Iron Works, (1850) 236. . Petition of the Kingston Mechanics’ Association, complaining of grievances arising out of the present system of con- vict labor in the Penitentiary, (1851) 102. . Petition for a suitable remuneration for the Roman Catholic Chaplain attending the prisoners in the Penitentiary, (1844–5) 34. . Petition of H. Smith, Esq., Warden of the Penitentiary, for an allowance for certain expenses incurred by him, &c., (1841) 486.—Petition for an allowance in lieu of convict servants, (1842) 13. - . Petitions of the same, for an increased salary, (1843) 14–(1844–5) 12. . Petition of the same, complaining of the proceedings of the Commissioners appointed to investigate certain charges against him, and of his dismissal from office, (1850) 82. Printed, 109. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 242. Another Petition, (1851) 61. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 108. . Petition of T. Costen, complaining of his dismissal from the office of head keeper, and praying relief, (1850) 74. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 242. Another Petition, (1851) 61. . Motion for an Address for copies of the Reports made by the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the manage- ment of the Penitentiary, Negatived, (1849) 355. Wide Accounts, 859–861. Addresses, 342, 343, 628. Committees, 62, 208, 438. Speeches, 19. Supply, 45. 398 PENSIONS. jJensions. \,”v,”v," wºvºv-VAN/*Nºvºvºrºvºv, *N,”ve,” ºvºvºvºvºvºvºvº," Jºvºvºvºv- 1. Petition of the Oxford Municipal Council, for a discontinuance of the system of granting pensions, (1850) 70. Petitions for the granting of Pensions for various services, and Proceedings thereon, viz: 2. Allen, Mrs. :—Her husband having been killed at the battle of Odelltown, in 1838, (1844–5) 308, 313– (1846) 203. 3. Bell, AEneas —For an increase of his pension as Chief Messenger to the Assembly of Upper Canada, (1842) 34. Of Julia Bell (widow of Æneas Bell), praying that her late husband's pension may be continued to her, (1844–5) 34. Wide Legislative Assembly, 98, 155, 209. 4. Bell, Nathaniel:—For arrears of pension for services as a militia-man during the last war, (1844–5) 244. 5. Bertrand, Alexis:–For services during the war of 1812, (1846) 112. 6. Bolduc, J. :-As Messenger to the Legislative Council of Lower Canada, (1841) 443. Referred to Committee of whole on salaries of officers of the Legislature, 444. Wot reported on. (1842) Another Petition, 29. Wide Accounts, 363. Governor General, 94. . Bouchette, Mrs. :—In consideration of the services of her late husband, as Surveyor General of Lower Canada, (1842) 35. Referred, 39. Report, 56. Concurred in; Address ordered, communicating a copy of Report to His Excellency, 97. Wide Addresses, 345. 7 Brewer, J. :-Wide Legislative Assembly, 124. 8. Brewer, Mrs. :—For continuance of her late husband's pension to her, for one or two years, (1846) 297. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, ib. Report thereon, 320,—(1847) 39. Referred, &c., 159. Report, 188. 9. Brooke, Thos.:-For his advanced age and long service as Door-keeper to the Legislative Council, (1851) 82. 10. |Burrage, Rev. R. R.:-For his services and losses in behalf of education in Quebec, (1848) 40. 11. Clark, Mrs. —On account of the death of her husband from ſever contracted in medical attendance on sick emigrants, (1848) 29-–Again, (1850) 35. Coates, Wm. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 124. 12. Cole, John :—As a British soldier serving in Canada during the last war, (1841) 11. Again, (1848) 13. 13. Cuggy, Patrick :—For a wound received in Her Majesty's Service, (1843) 105. 3 14. Currie, Donald:—For a superannuated allowance as a schoolmaster, (1843) 24. PENSIONS-continued. 399 Petitions for the granting of Pensions, &c.—continued. 15. Cushing, Mrs. :—On account of the death of her husband from fever contracted in attendance upon sick emigrants, (1848) 32. . 16. DeLéry, Charles, Senr. :-As Assistant Clerk of the Legislative Council of Lower Canada, (1841) 324. 17. Dillabough, John :—As a disabled militia-man, (1847) 14. 18. Dixon, Wm. :—For long services as a Messenger to the Legislative Assembly, (1846) 176. Referred to Com- mittee on Contingencies, ib. Report, 300. Concurred in, 332. 19. Donahoo, Jas. :—For injuries received during the Rebellion, (1846) 162. 20. T)urocher, Jean :-For a wound inflicted by a sentry at Beloeil, (1843) 13. Wide Supply, 184. 21. Ferguson, Thos:—For wounds received during the Rebellion, (1842) 38. Referred, 56. Wo Report. 22. Flamme, Touise Armand dite:—On account of the death of her husband from a wound received during the war, (1846) 71. 23. Frazer, Richard D. :-In consideration of military services rendered by him, (1846) 71. Referred, 73. No Report. - & Gagné, L. :-vide Legislative Assembly, 124. 24. te Gandry, Mrs. :—On account of the death of her husband through strict attention to his duties as a Custom House Officer at Quebec, (1851) 71. 25. Ginger, Wm. :—As Sergeant-at-Arms to the Legislative Council of Lower Canada, (1841) 227. Wide Supply, 321. 26. Havener, Mrs. :—Her husband having been killed in the Rebellion in Lower Canada, (1846) 55. Referred, ib. Report, 68. 27. Healy, John :—For his long service as messenger to the Legislative Assembly, (1844–5) 259. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 264. Report, 424. Concurred in, 426. 28. Heliker, Isaac :—For an increase of pension, (1843) 188. 29. Hill, Thos. :-For his services as messenger to the Legislative Assembly of U. Canada, (1849) 62. Jardine, I)avid :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 124. 30. Kay, John :—For his long service as Messenger to the Legislative Assembly, (1846) 190. Referred to Com- mittee on Contingencies, 199. Report, 300. 31. Kerr, Hon. Jas. :—For his long service as a Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench at Quebec, (1844-5) 194, 32. Kidd, Mrs. :-On account of the death of her husband from disease contracted in defence of the Province, - (1843) 105. 33. LaCroix, P. :—As messenger to the Legislative Council of L. Canada, (1841) 466. Referred to Committee of Another Petition, (1842) 29. Wide whole on salaries of officers of the Legislature, 467. Not reported on. Accounts, 363. Governor General, 94. Supply, 321. 400 PENSIONS.–continued. Petitions for the granting of Pensions, &c.—continued. Tampman, Peter:-Wide infra, 52. 34. Lane, Wm. :—Of Mrs. Lane, for a pension to her son (late a clerk in the Provincial Secretary's Office) on 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 account of a mental affliction under which he labors, (1846) 105. º Langlois, Mrs. :—On account of the services of her late husband as messenger to the Assembly of L. Canada, (1844–5) 53. º McDermid, T}onald:—For arrears of pension, as a militia officer, (1 846) 46. & McDonagh, Anne :-In consideration of the death of her husband from the effects of cold contracted during the Rebellion, (1850) 37. © McElheran, Jane —In consideration of the death of her husband from disease contracted in defence of the Province, (1843) 102. . McIntee, Rebecca —As the widow of a militia-man, (1841) 129. e McLennan Mrs. :—In consideration of her late husband's services as Door-keeper to the Assembly, (1846 2 p y; 79. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 84. Report thereon, 300. o Nichols, Geo. :—For wounds received in Her Majesty's Service, (1841) 269. o Norreau, L. :-As Messenger to the Legislative Council of Lower Canada, (1841) 288. Referred to the Committee on the Clerk's Office, 234. Wide Committees, 354. Also Supply, 321. º Phillips, Rev. Thos.:-As Chaplain to the Legislature of Upper Canada, (1841) 387–(1842) 20- (1844–5) 14–(1846) 203. e Pigott, Mrs. :—Praying that the allowance of £50 granted to her late husband for scientific services, by the Legislature of Lower Canada, may be continued to her, (1843) 54.—(1844–5) 58. o Pinguet, L. B. :-As Clerk of Committees to the Assembly of Lower Canada, (1841) 84. Referred to the Committee on the Clerk's Office, 85. Wide Committees, 354. Also, Legislative Assembly, 124. Supply, 321. e Pomfrey, Samuel:—For an injury received in firing a Royal Salute in 1838, (1843) 25. e Powell, Mrs. —As Housekeeper to the Executive Council in Upper Canada, (1843) 43. Wide Supply, 186. º Pyke, Mrs. —As widow of the late J udge Pyke, of Montreal, (1851) 49. º Richardson, Ann —As the widow of a Surgeon in the British Service, (1841) 477. Rodrigue, F. :=Vide Legislative Assembly, 124. . Seelye, Jas. :—(1846) 162. Sharpe, W. :-vide Supply, 185. e Stull, Adam, and Peter Lampman :—For arrears of their pensions from 1821 to 1828, (1841) 12. Referred, 102. Report, 181—Another Petition, (1843) 14. PENSIONS-PERIES OBLATS. 401 ar-— Petitions for the granting of Pensions, &c.—continued. 53. Sylvester, Rebecca —For her services as a teacher in the Central School, Toronto, (1849) 121. 54. Thornton, David:—For injuries received during the Rebellion, (1851) 49. Tucker, Hon. A. :-Wide Supply, 187. 55. Wallières, Madame:—Bill granting a pension of £200 to the widow of the late Chief Justice Wallières de St. Real; Ordered; Presented, (1847) 148. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 36.) Wide Committees, 315. Governor General, 95. 66. Wollar, Jas. :—For his long service as Messenger to the Legislative Assembly, (1846) 190. Referred to the Committee on Contingencies, 199. Report, 300,—Again, (1848) 30,—(1849) 71. Referred, &c., 97. Report thereon, 269. 57. Voyer, J acques :—As Clerk of Committees to the Legislative Council of Lower Canada, (1841) 174. Vide Supply, 32I. 58. Wallace, Jas. :—For his services as light-house keeper at Pointe des Monts, (1846) 60. Waller, S. :-Wide Legislative Assembly, 124. 59. Woolrich, Mrs. :—In consideration of the death of her husband, from a disease contracted during the Rebellion, (1842) 17–(1844–5) 18. 60. Young, Barnard:—For wounds received in the execution of his duty as a peace officer, (1842) 28. Wide Accounts, 362, 363. Addresses, 233, 344–346, 445. Civil List, 2, 6. Committees, 354. Gov- ernor General, 90, 93–95. Public Eagenditure, 1, 3, 5. Supply, 35, 321, 349. Pensioners: 1. Petition of Andrew Tod, in behalf of certain commuted Chelsea Pensioners, for an extension of the time within which Pensioners may claim grants of land, (1844–5) 166. 2. Petition of W. B. Jarvis, Esq., of Toronto, praying that means may be taken to restore to commuted Chelsea Pensioners the pensions commuted by them, (1844–5) 323. Another Petition, of H. Miller and others, (1846) 203. Wide Committees, 212. Lands, 36, 37. Police, 6. People's Bank, Montreal:—vide Banks, 32, 88. Percé:—Wide Education, 143. Perches, Rivière aux:—vide Mills, 21. Percy :—Wide Surveys, 58. Pères Oblats de l’Immaculée Conception de Marie:–Petition for an Act to incorporate the said Community, (1844–5) 52. Referred, 217. Report, 238. Bill presented, 258. Referred, 283. Reported, with amendments, 314. Passed, 330. Not returned from the Council. Again, (1849) 66. Petition in favor, 153. Bill presented, 151. Referred, 220. Reported, with amendments, 251. Again refer- red, 267. Reported, with amendments; Amended in Committee, 287. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 324. Considered, and agreed to, 325. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 148.) AAA 402 PERRIN–PETITIONS. ------º-º-º-º-º- Perrin, F. :-vide Rebellion, 15. Perrot, Isle : 1. Petition for repair of roads, construction of a quay, and other improvements in that island, (1846) 88. 2. Petition of Mun. Council of Vaudreuil, for completion of the works in Isle Perrot, and construction of bridges at 4 Vaudreuil and Ste. Anne, &c., (1850) 77. Personal Property :—Bill to authorize attachments against personal property for sums of £10 and under, in certain cases in Upper Canada; Presented, (1849) 114. Referred, 202. Reported, with amend- ments, 218. Amended in Committee, 249. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 69.) Perth (County) *—Wide Huron District. Territorial Divisions, 59. Perth (Town) :—Petition of the Bathurst District Council, praying that the market house in Perth may be placed under their control, (1849) 32. Wide Religious Denominations, 8, 45. Supply, 161, Peterborough (County): . Petition for free grants of land to actual settlers in the northern townships thereof, (1850) 127. . Petition of the Municipal Council of Peterborough, for an Act to indemnify certain persons from the legal conse- quences incident to the quashing of one of their by-laws, (1851) 49. Bill presented, 92. Passed, 161. Council desire evidence and documents on which the Bill is founded, 171. Bill returned, with amendments, 204. Considered, and agreed to, 211. R. A., 229, (14 & 15 Wic, c. 31.) Wide Legislative Assembly, 254. Newcastle District, Peterborough (Town): . Bill to incorporate the said town; Presented, (1846) 135. Order for second reading discharged, 198–Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1848) 62. Referred, 66. Wo Report.—Another Petition, (1849) 90. Bill presented, 114. Referred, 155. Reported, with amendments, 177. Amended in Committee, 235. Passed, 258. Message from the Council, that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 285. . Petition against an extension of the limits, (1846) 218. Vide Religious Denominations, 22. Peterborough and Port Hope Railway Co.:-vide Railroads, 17. Petite N ation, River :—Wide Bridges, 73. Mills, 22. Petitions: • Resolution, That all Petitions shall be presented by a Member, in his place, who shall be answerable that they con- tain no improper matter (83rd Rule), (1841) 46. . Entered in full on the Journals (all Election Petitions),--also, (1846) 343. Petition for leave to present a Petition for a Private Bill (the time having expired, Vide Bills, Private, 2); Leave granted, (1851) 171. . Petition for leave to insert Petitioner's name in another Petition already before the House, (1841) 318. Leave granted to add a signature to a Petition after its reception by the House, (1844–5). 61. • Rule requiring Petitions to lie on the table two days, suspended, and the same read forthwith, (1841) 588–(1843) 56-(1844–5) 854–(1846) 262—(1847) 109–(1848) 80–(1849) 328.-(1850) 268–(1851) 150, &c. • Copies of certain letters attached to a Petition, and marked “Private and Confidential,” ordered to be struck off therefrom, (1850) 219. • Communicated to His Excellency, (1844–5) 364, 369, 418, 416. PETITIONS PILOTS. 403 Petitions—continued. 9. Printed, (1841) 20–(1842) 59–(1843) 33.−(1844–5) 61–(1846) 266-(1847) 45—(1848) 65,-(1849) 40. —(1850) 108–(1851) 18, &c. 10. Portions of Petitions referred, (1841) 130.—(1842) 18.—(1843)43.—(1844–5).293.−(1849) 77,85, 116-(1850) 95, 98. 11. A Petition having been mislaid, after reference to a Committee, a certified copy thereof considered and reported on by them, (1851) 79. 12. Petitions withdrawn, (1842) 48.-(1844–5) 131–(1848) 35, 49, 50. For the purpose of correcting an error therein, (1844–5) 16–Rejected, (1844–5) 40.—(1848) 28, 34.—(1850) 9. 18. Petitions from the Provincial Legislature to Her Majesty, and both Houses of the Imperial Parliament, (1841) 288. Wide Addresses, 35. Timber, 12. (1844–5) 405. Wide Addresses, 34. Wide Bills, Private, 25, 38, 41, 42. Elections, 121, 164—172. Petry, Mr. :—vide Bonner. Peuple, Banque du:—vide Banks, 32, 88. Philadelphia and Huron Mining Co. —vide Mining companies, 14. Phillips, Rev. Thos. :—vide Pensions, 48. Phillips, Wm. :—vide Rebellion, 15. Physic and Surgery :—Wide Medical Profession. Picton —Petition for repeal of the Act incorporating that town, (1848) 13. Referred, 20. Wo Report. Wide Harbours, 24. Wide Supply, 161. - Pigeon, River :—vide Bridges, 74. Pigott, Mrs. :—Wide Pensions, 44. Pilkington:-vide Territorial Divisions,86,87. Pilots : 1. Bill to compel Pilots to qualify themselves for piloting vessels through all the channels of the St. Lawrence below Quebec; Presented, (1844–5) 237. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived ; Read second time and committed, 359. Petitions against the Bill also committed, 360, 373. Considered, 424. Wot reported.—Petitions against the Bill, 324, 360. Referred to Committee of whole thereon, 360, 373. 2. Bill to compel pilots' apprentices to qualify themselves to pilot vessels by the north channel of the St. Lawrence below the Island of Orleans; and to oblige the Quebec Trinity House to lay down buoys to mark the shoals in the said channel, and to facilitate the traverse from the south to the north, from Isle aux Reaux to Cap Tourment; Presented, (1849) 22. Amended in Committee, 202. Returned from the Council, with amend- ments, 239. Considered, and agreed to, 241. (The Bill was probably destroyed at the burning of the Par liament House.) 3. Bill to make special provision for the pilotage of vessels bound to the River Saguenay; Presented, (1846) 160. Amended in Committee, 185. Passed, 189. Not returned from the Council. 4. Bill to authorize the Quebec Trinity House to license as pilots a certain class of persons disqualified by the opera- tion of a By-law passed in 1838, obliging pilots' apprentices to be acquainted with the English language, and with arithmetic; Presented, (1846) 208. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 55.) 404 PILOTS PLUMLEY. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Pilots—continued. . Bill to amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1847) 117. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 27.) Vide Accounts, 3.18. . Petition for an Act to incorporate the pilots for and below the Harbour of Quebec, (1843) 15. Referred, 34. No Report. Another Petition, (1851) 33. Petitions against, 37,248. First two Petitions referred, 37, 41. Report, 155. (App. N. N.)—Bill presented. 86. Motion to postpone second reading three months negatived; Referred, 228. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 289. Not considered. . Petition of Branch Pilots for the navigation of the St. Lawrence between Quebec and Montreal, for an Act of Incorporation, (1850) 12. Referred, 44. Bill to incorporate the pilots for and above Quebec; Presented, 96. Petitions against, 28, 120. Bill referred, 169. Reported, with amendments, 178, Amended in Committee, 189. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 123.) . Petition of C. Wagner and others, apprentice pilots for the St. Lawrence, for a license to act as pilots, (1841) 388. . Petition of certain forwarders, for a due examination of the fitness of pilots for the Rapids of the St. Lawrence, to be restricted in their operations to that portion of the river between the village of the Cedars and the foot of the Cascades, (1841) 388. Referred to the Committee on the transit of products, ib. Wide Committees, 541. Petitions for alterations in the law regulating the duties of pilots; Pilots for and below Quebec, (1842) 58.-Pilots between Quebec and Montreal, (1843) 116. Referred, 127. Wo Report. Petition of pilots for Quebec and Montreal, praying that the first Montreal pilot boarding a vessel bound for that port may have a legal right to pilot the same, (1843) 15. Referred, 34. Again, 131. Wo Report. Petition of the same, against any alteration in their present tariff of fees, (1843) 207. Petition of Julian Hion, for admission as a pilot without being required to understand arithmetic, reading, and writing, in the English language, (1844–5) 360. Petitions of certain navigators residing in Saguenay, praying to be made branch pilots for the River Saguenay, (1846) 46. Referred, 51. Petition of J. Hovington and E. Tremblay, of Saguenay, against granting an exclusive privilege to above Petitioners, 142. Referred to same Committee, 143. Report; Bill presented, 160. Wide Supra, 3. Petition of pilots for Quebec, for a represention at the Trinity Board, a reduction of the number of branch pilots, and for certain regulations respecting detention at quarantine, (1848) 7. Petition of the same, representing the danger incident to them from detention in vessels at quarantine, and praying relief, (1848) 71. Petition for repeal of the 15th Section of the Montreal Trinity House Act, so as to enable certain persons to obtain licenses to act as pilots, (1851) 139. Petition against, 189. Wide Accounts, 549. Addresses, 513. Committees, 436, 439. Montreal Trinity House. Quebec Trinity House. Pine, L. :—Wide Customs, 9. Pinquet, L. B. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 124. Pensions, 45. Pipe-clay :—Wide Customs, 37. Pittsburgh :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 68, 69. Plantagenet :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 88. Pleading :—Wide Courts, 6. Ployart, J €8,Il L. :—Petition of J. L. Ployart, of Durham (Drummond), for indemnity for loss sustained through the fault of a public officer, (1 846) 72. Plumley, A.:—vide Halley. Municipalities (L. C.) is PLURALITY-POOR. 405 10. Plurality of Offices :—Bill to prevent the undue accumulation and plurality of offices; Presented, (1846) 40. Wot proceeded in. Pointe à Gage :—Wide Harbours, 39. Pointe aux Pères :—vide Harbours, 39. Point Platon :—Wide Harbours, 39. Police : . Bill to repeal certain Ordinances providing for the establishment of a police in the country parts of Lower Canada; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 54. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 14.) . Bill to amend the Ordinance establishing a system of police in Quebec and Montreal; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 189. Amended in Committee, 196. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 21.) . Bill to amend the foregoing Act (supra, 2); Presented, (1846) 205. R. A., 273. (9 Wic, c. 23.) . Bill to provide for defraying the expense of the River Police at Quebec; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 156. Amended in Committee, 184. Petition for amendment of the Bill, so as to exempt vessels under 200 tons burthen from the tax, 195. R. A., 230. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 25.) . Bill to provide for defraying the expense of the River Police at Montreal; Ordered, (1851) 156. Presented, 157. R. A., 230. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 24.) . Bill authorizing the enrolment of 500 military and naval pensioners as a local Police Force, providing for their remuneration when on active service, exempting them from serving as constables, jurors, &c., and providing for a grant of 50 acres of land to each man after 5 years' service; Ordered, (1851) 235. Presented, 236. Amended in Committee; Motion to postpone reception of Report three months, negatived; Amendments reported; One of them negatived; Motion to amend another, negatived; Remaining amendments agreed to, 299. Ryder moved and negatived, and Bill passed, 303. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 77.) . Resolutions providing for defraying the expense of the constables employed (under the Ordinance establishing a system of Police in Quebec and Montreal) as a River Police in the Port of Quebec, by imposing a duty on sea-going vessels, and appropriating the same thereto, with the proceeds of sales of unclaimed timber found in the St. Lawrence; also providing for the expense of the River Police at Montreal out of the Montreal Har- bour dues; Bills presented, (1851) 156, 157. Wide supra, 4, 5. . Petition for repeal of the Ordinance relative to the Rural Police in L. Canada; Three Rivers, (1842) 17. . Petition of Corporation of Quebec, praying that the tax for the support of the Quebec River Police may be made permanent, (1844–5) 377. Petition from Quebec, praying that the offices of Police Inspector and Superintendent, Police Magistrate, and Queen's Counsel, may not be held by the same person; and for certain alterations in the mode of proceeding in the Police Court, Criminal Term, and Quarter Sessions, (1849) 116. Wide Accounts, 365–867, 427, 506. Addresses, 347–351, 379, 380. Committees, 209–212, 224, 229. Public Works, 12, 13. Richardson, Major. Special Council. Supply, 62, 63. Police Magistrates :—Wide Accounts, 365–367. Addresses, 347–351. Pomfrey, Samuel:—vide Pensions, 46. Poor: . Bill for the relief of disabled and infirm persons; Presented, (1841) 21. Motion to commit Bill negativod, 231. . Petition for power to Municipal Councils in U. Canada to levy an assessment for the support of the poor:-(1848) Johnstown District Council, 12, Municipal Council of Lincoln, &c., 50. (1851) Lincoln and Welland Mun. Council (within that municipality), 37. Haldimand do. (for some provision for relief, &c.), 49. Wide Lunatics, 1. St. Bernard. 406 POPE—POST OFFICE. Pope, A. S. :—vide customs, 59. Tork :—Wide Beef. Committees, 84. Customs, 71. Port Britain Harbour and Wharf Co.:—vide Harbours, 25. Port Burwell:—vide Harbours, 26–29. Port Credit:-vide Road Allowances, 16, 17. Port Credit and Hurontario Plank Road Co.:-vide Roads, 257. Port Dalhousie :-vide Awanu, ºl. Addrew, sº, su. Port Dover :—Wide Harbours, 30, 31. Light Houses, 5. Port Hope: 1. Bill to repeal the Act of Incorporation, and to establish a Town Council therein; Presented, (1848) 16. Not pro- ceeded in. 2. Petition against including East 3 Lot 9, 1st Con. of Hope, within the limits of the Town of Port Hope, (1849) 38. Wide Harbours, 32, 33. Port Hope Mechanics' Institute:–Petition for aid, (1841) 227. Port Stanley —vide Harbours, 34, 35. Portland :—vide Surveys, 59. Portt, W. & G. :-vide Rebellion, 9. Portuguese Consul:—Vide Accounts, 369. Addresses, 353. Post Office : 1. Bill to make provision for the management of the Post Office Department whenever it shall be transferred to the Provincial Government; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 329. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 34.) 2. Bill to provide for the transfer of the management of the Inland Posts to the Provincial Government, and for the regulation of the Post Office Department; Presented, (1850) 44. Amended in Committee, 136. Motion to re-commit Bill negatived, 143. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 182. Considered, and agreed to, 211. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic., c. 17.) 3. Bill to amend the Post Office Act; From the Council; Read, (1851) 155. Amended in Committee, 301. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived; Passed, as amended, 338. Amendments agreed to by the Council, 345. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 71.) 4. Bill to exempt proprietors of newspapers from payment of postage in certain cases; Presented, (1851) 153. Second reading postponed six months, 262. 5. Resolutions setting forth certain propositions agreed upon by the different local Governments of British America for the management of the Post Office Department upon the relinquishment thereof by the Imperial Government, and empowering the Governor in Council to take measures for giving effect to an arrangement based on the same, and for securing a cheap and uniform rate of postage, and to make up any deficiency in the funds con- sequent thereon out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund; Bill presented, (1849) 329. Wide supra, 1. POST OFFICE–PRESCRIPTION, 407 9. 10 11 12 13. 14 Post Office—continued. Petition of J. Lister, and Bowman & Co., Merchants, praying compensation for their loss by the robbery of the mail between Kingston and Brockville in April, 1889, (1841) 466, . Petitions complaining of abuses, &c., connected with certain offices, viz.:--(1844–5) At Port Credit, 256. Referred to the Committee on the Post Office, 337. Wide Committees, 440,--(1846) In the County of Glengarry, 237. (1847) at William Henry (Sorel), 39. Referred, 44. Committee discharged, 179. . Petitions for adoption of a cheap and uniform rate of postage:–(1844–5) Canada Sunday School Union, 194. Dougall, J., and R. M. Wadsworth, of Montreal, 170. Montreal Bible Society, 133. Simcoe Municipal Council, 351. All referred, 211. Wide Committees, 440. (1849) Vaudreuil, 199. Petitions for reduction of the rates of postage:—(1846) Toronto Board of Trade, 99–(1847) Simcoe District Council, 14.—(1849) St. Maurice, 116. . . For the establishment of new post offices, viz —(1846) at Kitley, 142, 151. Referred to Committee on the Post, Office, 143, 151. No Report.—(1847) Brennanville, 95-(1849) Pefferlaw Mills, 62. Petitions for the abolition of Sunday labour in the Post Office Department, Wide Lord's Day, 7. . Petitions praying that the office at Perth may be opened on Sundays for one hour before and after Divine Service, (1850) 136. - . Mr. Speaker reports a letter from Speaker of Assembly of Prince Edward's Island, purporting to communicate copy of the Report of a Committee in reference to the high rates of inter-colonial postage (which, however, did not accompany the letter), and desiring the co-operation of the House in soliciting from the Imperial Government a revision of the laws under which the said rates are imposed, (1843) 5. Motion to appoint a Select Committee to inquire into the Department of the Deputy Postmaster General, Negatived, (1841) 363. . Motion for an Address for copies of any memoranda or documents submitted to His Excellency by any members of the late administration, in reference to the state of the Receiver General's Office or the Post Office Department, Negatived, (1844–5) 29. Wide Accounts, 370–383, 602. Addresses, 24–26, 354—363, 563, 564, 629. Babcock. Committees, 213, 440–442, Governor General, 96—101. Lord's Day. Speeches, 1, 12, 15, 17, 19, 24, Supply, 195, 196. - Postage of Members:—vide Members, 27. Pot and Pearl Ashes —was awa. Powell, Mrs. :-vide Pensions, 47. Supply, 186, Powlus, Margaret —vide Indians, 15, Prairies, Rivière des:—vide Bridges, 75–79. Prerogative Writs:–vis Wau, , , Presbyterians:–vide Religious Denominations, 80–88. Prescott (County):—vide Elections, 57. Prescott (Town) :—Bill to amend the Act incorporating the said town ; Presented, (1847) 109, Passed (as an Act to provide for an assessment of real and personal property in Prescott), 171. Returned from the Council with amendments (not affecting the levying of assessments), 192. Considered, and agreed to, 206. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 47) - Prescription 3–Bill for shortening the time of prescription in certain cases; Presented, (1847) 24. Read third time, amended, and passed, 78, R. A., 123. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 5.) 408 PRESQUISLE–PRINTING. Presquisle:-vide Harbours, 86. Presquisle Canal:—vide Navigations, 41. Presquisle Point:-vide Light Houses, 6,7. Previous Question :-vide Committees, 200. Questions, 28–30. Primogeniture : 1. Bill to abolish the right of Primogeniture in the succession to real estate held in fee simple, or for the life of another, in U. Canada, and to provide for the division thereof amongst such of the relations of the last proprietor as may best accord with the relative claims of such parties to consideration in the division thereof ; Presented, (1850) 268. Wot proceeded in. 2. Bill to abolish, &c. (as above); Presented, (1851) 69. Motion to postpone second reading six months negatived, 162. Amended in Committee, 189. Passed, 196. A. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 6) 3. Petitions for abolition of the law of primogeniture, (1850) Louth, 74. Oxford Mun. Council, 70. Princes, Birth of :—Vide Accounts, 2–4. Addresses, 8–11, 43–45. Speeches, 3, 5. Prince Albert, Addresses to :—vide Addresses, 48–45. Prince Edward (County) :—Petition complaining of the discontinuance of the semi-annual assizes therein, (1846) 99. Referred, 106. Wo Report. Wide Committees, 596. Courts, 10. Elections, 58. w fl Prince Edward's Island :—Wide Accounts, 384. Governor General, 102. Printing: Orders and Resolutions relative to the Printing of the House: 1. Accepting the tenders of Messrs. Desbarats & Cary for the printing, and of R. Brewer for binding the Journals; Reported, and agreed to, (1841) 272. 2. Concurring in the 1st Report of Printing Committee (accepting the tender of Mr. E. J. Barker for the daily printing), (1842) 93. 3. Concurring in the 2nd Report of do. (accepting the tenders of Messrs. Stanton & Barker for printing the Journals), (1842) 122. 4. That in printing Accounts and Papers for the Appendix to the Journals, a sufficient extra number be struck off for the Council (Resolution adopted at a Conference, and reported by Committee on Printing), (1842) 60. Concurred in, 93. - 5. That the Clerk of the House do direct the printers to mark on the back of each document printed the number of sheets comprised therein, (1843) 47. - 6. That the contracts for the daily printing be given to Mr. E. J. Barker for the English, and Messrs. Desbarats & Der- bishire for the French, (1843) 109. 7. That all Bills and documents submitted to the House be printed in English and French, in equal proportions, (1844–5) 84. 8. That no work be paid for as Sessional Printing, which is not delivered during the Session, and that no work forming part of the Appendix be given to the contractors for the Sessional Printing unless it can be executed during the Session. Extra copies of any portions of the Appendix to be paid for at the contract price.—Also, That the printing of the Journals be commenced forthwith, and completed with all possible despatch; Motions to re-commit the Resolutions for the purpose of amending the same, negatived; Resolutions agreed to, (1849) 194. 9. That all documents laid before the House be referred to the Committee on Printing, that they may report on the expediency of printing the same in the Appendix, with an estimate of the cost thereof, (1851) 59. PRINTING—PRIWILEGES, 409 Printing—continued. 30. Petition of Messrs. Lovell & Gibson, praying that justice may be done them in regard to their contract for the Sessional Printing of the House, (1849) 145. Referred to Committee of whole on the 1st Report on Printing, 152. To the Standing Committee on Printing, 168. Wide Committees, 449. 11. Petition of the same, praying compensation for the expense of removing a part of their office to Toronto, to enable them to fulfil their contract for printing, (1850) 268. 12. Documents ordered to be printed, (1841) 562–(1842) 31-(1843) 41–(1844–5) 170,-(1847) 161–(1848) 47. —(1849) 218.-(1850) 274.—(1851) in octavo form, 144, 145. Order for octavo form rescinded, 150. Documents laid before the House in a previous Session, (1847) 168. Under direction of the Printing Committee, (1851) 58, 208, &c. 13. Draft of a proposed Address ordered to be printed (before the same had been moved), (1847) 8. #4. Certain documents to be printed and distributed specially,–(1847) Report on Judge Allen's case; To each County Judge in Upper Canada, 161. (1851) Report of Superintendent of Education for Upper Canada; To each Municipal Council, Education Board, &c., 208. 35. Leave granted to a Committee to have their proceedings printed from time to time, (1851) 92. 16. Orders for printing rescinded, (1841) 523.−(1851) 320. The Resolution rescinding the same rescinded, 329,- An order amended, (1851) 150. 17. Rule requiring the printing of Bills, suspended, (1849) 233.—(1850) 47, 58, 66.-(1851) 333. 18. Motion for leave to present a Bill relative to elections; Amendment, that the Clerk be directed to inquire and report by what authority the Bill was printed, Negatived, (1842) 120. i0. Motion (in amendment to a Resolution of Supply relative to the Government Printing, to add a Proviso), that the Office of Queen's Printer be abolished, and that the public printing and binding, and the publishing of the Canada Gazette, be given out by public contract, Negatived, (1851) 237. Wide Committees, 214–218, 443–452. Pr inting, Official:—vide Accounts, 385. Addresses, 518. Gazette, 4, 5. Statutes. P I’ ison Discipline :—Wide Committees, 397. Montreal Prison Discipline Association. Speeches, 19. Private Bills:—vide Bills, Private. Privileges: - 1. Resolution, That whenever the Speaker shall conceive a motion to be contrary to the Rules or Privileges of the House, he shall apprize the House thereof immediately, citing the Rule applicable to the case (46th Rule), (1841) 48. 2. Resolution, That whenever any matter of privilege arises it shall be immediately taken into consideration (93rd Rule), (1841) 47. 3. Resolution, in relation to the inquiry into the outrages alleged to have been committed at the last General Election in Lower Canada, that in the event of a prorogation before the said investigation can be brought to a close, the House will continue the same and decide thereon next Session, in such manner as may be consistent with the facts, its privileges, the freedom of election, and the rights and liberties of British subjects, as declared and established by the fundamental laws of the Monarchy, (1843) 178. 4. House does not insist on its privileges in regard to laying aside Bills (or amendments) from the Council, which may affect the granting, &c., of money (generally for certain reasons given), (1844–5) 305.-(1847) 206.--(1849) 206.--(1850) 280. 5. Motion for a Committee of the whole, to consider certain Resolutions relative to the appointment of a permanent Clerk to the Committee on Privileges and Elections, Negatived, (1847) 136. 6. Members:—Complaint made by Hon. Mr. Boulton, a Member, of an assault having been made upon him by Mr. Watts, another Member, in one of the corridors; Mr. Watts heard in answer; Motion, that Mr. Watts is guilty of a breach of privilege; Amendment, that his statement in answer be held to be a sufficient explana- tion and apology, negatived; Main motion agreed to, 192. Motion, that he be committed to the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms; Amendment, that having expressed himself sorry for the assault, it be received as a sufficient apology; Amendment, that his apology being full and sufficient, further proceeding is inexpedient, negatived; First amendment carried; Main motion, as amended, agreed to, 193. BBB 410 PRIWITIEGES–PROUDLOCK. Privileges—continued. 7. Middlesex. Election :-Messrs. Horton and Warren, two of the Commissioners for taking evidence on the said elec- 10. 11. tion, placed at the Bar, to answer for their conduct in regard to the said Commission; Motion, that having neglected to make a Return to the Commission, and having presumed to adjourn their proceedings until after the commencement of the present Session, they are guilty of a high contempt and breach of the Privileges of the House; Amendment, that inasmuch as their conduct was owing to no contempt for the House, but merely to a misconception of their duty, they be admonished and discharged, negatived; Amendment, that they have been guilty, though unintentionally, of a breach of privilege, carried, (1846) 156. Resolution, that they be admonished and discharged, 157. . Montreal Herald:—Complaint made of a paragraph in the “Montreal Herald” of 28th January, 1845, containing reflections on certain Members of the North Lincoln Election Committee; Paragraph read; Motion that the same is a gross breach of the Privileges of the House; Superseded by “Previous Question,” (1844–5) 208. . Oaford Election :-Resolution that John George Vansittart, Esq., Returning Officer at the said Election, having taken on himself to return Peter Carroll, Esq., contrary to the majority of votes received on the Poll Book in favor of the Hon. Francis Hincks, has acted illegally, in violation of the rights of the freeholders, and in breach of the Privileges of the House; He is ordered to appear forthwith at the Bar, (1848) 69. Wide Legislative Assembly, 69. Reporters: Complaint made by Mr. Christie, a Member, that he had been addressed (while standing within the Bar) in a rude and offensive manner by Mr. Ure, from the Reporters' Box; Order for his attendance forthwith, (1850) 169. He is called in, and the complaint read to him; He addresses the House, and is then directed to withdraw: Resolution, that he is guilty of a breach of privilege, and that he be reprimanded by Mr. Speaker therefor; He is called in, reprimanded, and discharged; Reprimand to be entered on the Journals, 164. Motion, (in connexion with the foregoing proceedings) that while it is necessary for the independent discharge of the functions of the Legislature, that its privileges should remain undefined, it is equally necessary that every facility should be afforded to the public and the press, to attend the debates; and to meet the wishes of the people in this respect, suitable accommodation should be provided for Reporters, Negatived, (1850) 212, Waterloo Election:—Wide Legislative Assembly, 71. Wide Committees, 461–468. Legislative Assembly, 65–73. Probate and Surrogate Courts:–vide court,46. Processions :—Wide Party Processions. Promissory Notes:—vide Bills of Eºchange. Pr operty, Riotous destruction of :—Bill to provide a remedy against Municipal Corpora- tions for losses sustained by the riotous and tumultuous destruction of property within their jurisdiction; Presented, (1849) 333. Not proceeded in. Wide Malicious Injuries. Prorogation:-vide Addresses, 864. Parliament, 8–10, 18. Protective Duties:—vide customs. Protested Bills:–vide Bills of Eºchange. Prothonotaries of Quebec:—vide Account, asi. Address, 365. Pr oudlock, T. 3–Wide Navigations. BROWIDENT_PUBLIC EXPENDITURE. 4ll Provident Mutual Life Endowment Co.:-vide Insurance Companies, 28. Provincial Bank:-vide Banks, 42, 45. Provincial Insurance Co.:-vide Issurance Companies, 29. Broxy, Voting by :-vide Banks, 8. Pruyn, A. W. W. —vide Aliens, 37. Public Accounts: . Bill to prescribe the manner in which the Public Accounts shall be annually laid before the Legislature; Presented, (1843) 199. Not proceeded in. . Bill to prescribe the manner, &c.; Presented, (1844–5) 96. Referred to Committee on Public Accounts, 192. Reported, with amendments, 328. Committed, 339. Considered, and no Report made, 376. . Motion, for an Address praying that the Public Accounts may be laid before the House within the first 15 days of next Session, and that 1000 copies be printed for the use of Members, and for the several parishes and town- ships, together with other financial statements, Negatived, (1844–5) 414. Wide Accounts, 388–394. Committees, 469—476, 521. Public Debt. Public Buildings :—Wide Governor General, 103. Supply, 188—196. Public Debt: . Resolutions for empowering the Governor in Council to redeem all outstanding Debentures chargeable on the Con- solidated Revenue Fund, and te issue new Debentures therefor, £250,000 of which may be for a less sum than £10 each, with or without interest, and payable on demand or otherwise; also, for legalizing the issuing of £125,000 of such Debentures under Order in Council, since 1st July, 1848,-for authorizing the granting of terminable annuities, and the application of the proceeds, together with any unappropriated revenues, towards the extinction of the public debt, for applying the net revenue from public works (excepting £20,000) towards the Sinking Fund, for regulating the investment of the Sinking Fund, the management of the public debt, and the appointment of Agents in London in connexion therewith, for authorizing temporary loans, when required, for repaying to the Consolidated Revenue Fund moneys expended on permanent public works (not exceeding £200,000) and issuing Debentures therefor-for regulating the mode of keeping the Public Accounts, and for authorizing the sale to municipal or other Corporations of any of the public roads, har- bours, bridges, or buildings, and the transfer of the proceeds to the Sinking Fund; Reported by a Committee of the whole, (1849) 160. Motion, to amend the same by reducing the amount of small Debentures authorized to be issued, negatived; Resolutions agreed to, and Bill presented, 162. Wide infra, 1. . Bill for the better management of the Public Debt, Accounts, Revenue, and Property (based on the foregoing Reso- lutions); Presented, (1849) 162. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 5) . Petitions from various Banks, praying to be heard by Counsel against the foregoing Resolutions, (1849) Com- mercial Bank; Montreal City Bank; Gore Bank; U. Canada Bank (Montreal Branch), 145. Montreal Bank, 153. U. Canada Bank, 169. All referred to Committee of whole on the subject; Counsel to be heard, 146. Wide Committees, 87. Wide Accounts, 129—132. Addresses, 146. Committees, 87,473. Speeches, 17. Public Expenditure: . Bill to prohibit the expenditure of public moneys for purposes not previously authorized by law, and to limit the granting of pensions; Presented, (1851) 18. Second reading postponed six months, 70. . Petitions for adoption of measures for ensuring retrenchment in the public expenditure, (1850) Dummer and Douro, 70. Grantham, 82. Halton, 9, 50. Louth, 74. Mara, 37. Medonté, Tiny, Tay, &c., 54. Middlesex Mun. Council, 46. Oxford do., 70. Pelham, 46. Peterboro’ County Council, 117. Peterboro'Town Council, 117. Rainham, 12. Wentworth and Halton Mun. Council, 13. Yarmouth, 35. Referred to the Committee on the Public Income and Expenditure, 46, 57, 95. Wide Committees, 477. 412 PUBLIC EXPENDTTUPE—PUBLIC OFFICERS. Public Expenditure—continued. 3. Motion, for leave to bring in a Bill to prohibit the expenditure of public moneys for purposes not previously autho- rized by law, and to limit the granting of pensions, Negatived, (1850) 5. 4. Motion, for a reduction of the expenses of the Legislature and the Civil Government, for the granting of salaries in lieu of fees, that the salary of the Governor General should be defrayed out of the Imperial Treasury, L that the Attorneys General should be restricted to their official duties, and that the Legislative Council, and all public officers, should be elected by the people; Consideration postponed, (1850) 30. Resumed; Amend- ment moved and negatived; Main motion negatived, 244. - 5. Motion, for leave to bring in a Bill to regulate the expenditure of the Provincial Revenue, and to restrain the grant- ing of pensions, Negatived, (1850) 205. Wide Committees, 477. Public Meetings :—Bill to provide for the calling and orderly holding thereof; Presented, (1843) 29. Amended in Committee, 66. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 110. Agreed to, 114. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 7.) % Public Money :—Wide Accounts, 394. Addresses, 366. Public Elapenditure. Public Offices: 1. Bill to empower Commissioners for inquiring into matters connected with the public business to take evidence on oath; Presented, (1846) 120. Amended in Committee, 254. R. A., 345. (9 Vic, c. 38.) 2. Motion, for an Address for copies of any memoranda or documents submitted to His Excellency by the late Admin- istration, in reference to the state of the Receiver General's Office or the Post Office Department, Negatived, (1844–5) 29. 8. Motion, to appoint a Select Committee to inquire and report on the situation and accommodation of the buildings provided for the Legislature and the public offices, Negatived, (1847) 144. 4. Motions (in amendment to certain Resolutions for reductions in the Civil List), that a searching inquiry into the administration and cost of management of the various departments of the public service is imperatively called for, Land, that such an inquiry, to be productive of good, must be extended to the system as well as the details of management and expenditure, &c., severally Negatived, (1851) 314. Wide Accounts, 395–397, 534. Addresses, 233, 367–375. Office, Acceptance of. Plurality. Public Officers. Public Officers: Bills relative to : 1. To save public officers the expense of new Commissions on the demise of the Crown; Presented, (1843) 7. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 8.) 2. To indemnify public officers and others who have not taken the requisite oaths; Presented, (1846) 2. Wot pro- ceeded in. 8. To indemnify public officers who may not have taken the oaths of office within the time prescribed by law; Pre- sented, (1848) 2. Wot proceeded in. 4. To limit the number of executive functionaries, and the salaries to be accorded to each, and for other purposes |É relating to their appointments to office; Presented, (1849) 18. Second reading postponed three months, 219. 5. To exclude persons from offices who have been concerned in creating them or increasing their emoluments; Pre- sented, (1850) 14. Order for second reading discharged, 173. 6. To restrain the acceptance of office, in certain cases; Presented, (1851) 117. Question for second reading nega- tived, 247. 7. Petition from clerks in the various public departments, for an allowance in consideration of the removal of the Seat of Government, (1846) 277. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, ib. Report thereon, 300. Wide Accounts, 396, 398–400. Addresses, 233, 367–374. Civil List. Public Expenditure, 4. Reports : 4nnual, 8, 4. Salaries. Secretary. Sureties. PUBLIC WORKS, 418 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Public Works: Bills relative to: . To repeal certain Ordinances, and to establish a Board of Works; Ordered, (1841) 138. Presented, 139. Amended in Committee, 241. Ryder proposed and negatived; Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived; Bill passed, 250, R. A., 359. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 38.) . To amend the Act establishing a Board of Works; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 343. Committed, 371. Wot considered. . To amend the Act, &c.; Presented, (1846) 200. Instruction to Committee of whole thereon, in reference to tolls, 278. Amended in Committee, 304. Further amendments (respecting tolls) proposed and negatived, 311. Ryder added; Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived; Bill passed, 315. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 338. Considered, and agreed to, 389. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 37.) . To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1847) 49. Amended in Committee, 98. Ryder moved and negatived; Bill re-committed, 107. Further amended, 140. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 24.) . To amend the laws relating to the Public Works; Presented, (1850) 154. Amended in Committeee, 267. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 18.) . For the further amendment of the laws relating to the Public Works; From the Council; Read, (1851) 146. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 53.) . To appropriate certain sums of money for public improvements; Ordered, (1841) 499, 515. (Wide infra, 19.) Presented, 518. Committed, 525. Resolutions granting £1500 for the Cornwall and L'Orignal Road, and £30,000 for the Hamilton and Port Dover Road, referred, 584. Bill reported amended, 610. R. A., 644. (4 & 5 Vic... c. 28) For details of appropriations,—Wide Supply, 353–389. . To correct and amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1844–5) 364. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 75.) . To raise, on the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, a sum of money required for certain public works; Ordered, (1846) 327, 336. Presented, 337. R. A., 346. (9 Wic, c. 66.) For details of the appropriations, —Wide Supply, 353–398. To provide for raising £125,000 by debentures to meet the exigencies connected with the Public Works; Ordered; Presented, (1848) 69. R. A., 81. (11 Vic, c.9) To provide for raising £187,573 14s. 8d., for public works, on the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and £30,000 for the Lunatic Asylum and Normal School, on the credit of the Upper Canada Building Fund; Ordered; Presented, (1850) 267. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 2.) For the better preservation of the peace at and near public works in course of construction ; Presented, (1844–5) 232. Notice taken that the Bill ought to have been based on a Resolution (as one authorizing the imposition of taxes); Bill withdrawn, 240–New Bill ordered; Presented, 253. Read second time, 258. Amended in Committee, 259. Re-committed and further amended, 261. Passed, 263. R. A., 370. *(8 Vic, c. 6.) To continue the foregoing Act; Presented, (1851) 289. Committed; Resolution for defraying the expense of the preservation of the peace on works in course of construction by incorporated companies, out of the Consoli- dated Revenue Fund (to be afterwards repaid by such companies), referred ; Reported, 317. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 76.) - To provide for levying tolls on certain public works, and for the proper use of the said works; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 419. Amended in Committee, 429. R. A., 441. (8 Vic, c. 30.) To make better provision with regard to the tolls to be levied on the Public Works, and to provide a new tariff of tolls, &c.; Ordered, (1849) 212. Presented, 219. Amended in Committee, 239. R. A., 261. (12 Vic., c. 4.) - To provide that the same tolls shall be paid on vessels and passengers brought down the St. Lawrence past any section of the canals between Montreal and Kingston, as if they had passed through such canals; and to provide for the detention of vessels doing damage to any public works, or on which tolls may be due, &c.; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 260. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 15.) To remove doubts as to municipal corporate bodies acquiring public works without the limits of such municipali- ties; Presented, (1851) 43. Amended in Committee, 196. Re-committed and further amended, 211. Reported, 228. Passed, 231. By the Council, with amendments, 291. Considered, and agreed to, 296. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 57.) To enable Municipal Corporations in Upper Canada to contract debts to the Crown in the purchase of public works, without imposing a special rate for the payment of the same; From the Council; Read, (1851) 327. Printing dispensed with, 333. Passed, 345. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 124.) 414 PUBLIC WORKS-continued. *. Fº 19. 20. 21. 22 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30, 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Public Works—continued. Eleven Resolutions reported from Committee of Whole on Message relative to the Public Works proposed to be undertaken by the Province, (1841) 499, 515. Amendments to 1st (Loan) and 4th (Bank tax) negatived; 11th Resolution (Roads) negatived; the others agreed to ; Bills presented, 515 to 519. (Wide supra, 7.) Also, Auction Duties, I. Banks, 1. Customs, 2. Distilleries, 1. Loans, Public, 1-Two additional Reso- lutions on some subject (12 & 13), 583. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Public Improvements Appropriation Bill, 584. Wide supra, 7. - Synopsis of above Resolutions. (1) ©1,500,000 loan to be raised, under Imperial Guarantee, for Public Works, &c. (2) Further revenue to be raised (as additional security) by an alteration of Customs Duties. (3) Granting £983,070, for various navigations, harbours, and light houses (as Class 1). (4) Tax of one per cent. to be imposed on Bank note circulation. (5) Tax to be imposed on distilleries in L. Canada. (6.) Tax to be levied on auction sales. (7) Granting £176,000 for various turnpike roads (Class 2), to be raised on the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund. (8) Granting £34,000 to build bridges over the large rivers between Quebec and Montreal. (9.) Granting £58,500 to improve the navigation of Lake St. Peter. (10.) Granting £376,612 to complete the St. Lawrence navigation. (11.) Granting £109,355 to complete the following roads, viz —Queenston and Grimsby, Kingston and Napanee, Toronto (Home District) Roads, Hamilton and Brantford, Dundas and Waterloo –to be raised on the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and the interest to be secured on the tolls, and the credit of the various districts. (Negatived, 518.) (12. Granting £1500 to complete the Cornwall and L'Orignal Road. (13.) Granting £30,000 to form a line of road from Hamilton to Port Dover. Three Resolutions,—That vessels passing from one part of the Province to another, should not be subject to any charges or delay at Coteau-du-Lac,+That the attention of the Imperial Government should be drawn to the importance of widening the three locks on the Grenville Canal,—That the attention of the Board of Works be drawn to the necessity for removing the arched bridges on the Lachine Canal,—to affording facilities for passing the St. Ann's Rapids until the lock thereat is finished,—to providing a daily line of tug boats between Lachine and Kingston, and imposing increased tolls to defray the expenses of the same, (1841) 619. Thirty-nine Resolutions reported from the Committee of Supply, (being Nos. 105 to 143 of the Supply Resolutions) making appropriations for various works, to be raised by Debentures, (1846) 327 to 329. A further Resolu- tion reported (being No. 2 of the 2nd series), 336. Bill presented, 337. Wide supra, 9. For the details of these appropriations,—Wide Supply, 353–398. Two Resolutions reported from the Committee of Supply (being Nos. 45 and 46 of the 3rd series of Supply Resolu- tions), granting £50,000 for the Welland Canal, and £10,000 for the Lachine Canal, to be raised by deben- tures; Agreed to, (1847) 171. Included in Supply Bill,—Wide Supply, 7, 202–206. Petition from inhabitants of Durham, praying that all work done at the public expense may be given out by contract, (1841) 233. Petitions from certain persons, to be re-imbursed for sums expended by them as Commissioners for various local works, under Acts of U. or L. Canada, (1842) Huot, C. P., and J. M. Potvin, of St. Paul's Bay, 20. Jones, S., and others, of Saltfleet, ib. McKinnon, H., and others, of Finch, 58: Referred, 59. Wo Report. Petition of J. Montgomery and others, of Roxborough, for payment for work performed under directions of Com- missioners appointed by law, (1841) 118. Another Petition, (1843) 76. Referred, 88. Wo Report. Petition of R. Barclay and others, stone masons, of Kingston, for indemnification for loss sustained in consequence of the non-fulfilment of a public contract, (1842) 17. Referred, 25. No Report. Petitions for investigation of claims or complaints against the Board of Works:–(1844–5) Annis, Asa, 842. (Referred, 345. Wo Report.) Dunlop, L. H. 276. (Referred to Committee on Tetition of Contractors On St. Lawrence Canal, 304.) Finlay, C. H., (in reference to loss on contract on Beauharnois Canal), 324. Hunter, J., 324. Molloy, G., 324. Strickland, S., 324. Waitier, P., and others, of St. Joseph des Cedres, 281. (1846) Finlay, C. H. (referring to Petition of last Session), 263: Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 265. Owen, J., and J. Sifton, of London, 62. PUBLIC WORKS-QUEBEC. 415 Public Works—continued. 41. Motion, that there is a decrease of £90,000 in the revenue from Duties on imports by sea, to meet which higher Duties have been imposed;—that in the face of this decline in the revenue it is unwise to increase the public debt by borrowing money, on the credit of the parent state, for the construction of public works,—and that it is expedient not to proceed at present with the contemplated improvements on the St. Lawrence, but to apply the sums appropriated therefor to the reduction of the debt; Superseded by Previous Question, (1843) 208. 42. Motion, for an Address to His Excellency to appoint a Commission to inquire into all matter of complaint against the Board of Works; Amendment, to substitute, for the latter part of the motion, “to inquire into the manner in which the public money is and has been expended under the Board of Works, &c.,” negatived; Main motion negatived, (1844–5) 407. 48. Motion, that on all canals, the raw material be exempt from toll when the manufactured article is subject to toll on returning the same way (moved when in consideration of the Board of Works Bill), Negatived, (1846) 311. Wide Accounts, 130, 172, 401–417. Addresses, 376–386, 630. Committees, 220–229. Education, 32. Governor General, 105–108, 142, 143. Loans. Speeches, 1, 3, 12. Supply, 8, 9, 12, 353—401. \ Public Works, Sale of :—Wide Accounts, 415, 417. Addresses, 384, 386. Committees, 87, 176, Public Debt. Public Works, 17, 18. Speeches, 17, 18. Punishment of Offenders:—Wide Accounts, 418. Pyke, Mrs. :—Wide Pensions, 48. QUACKINBUSH, D.:-wa-i- Quarantine: 1. Bill to amend the Quarantine Act; From the Council, (1849) 82. Read, 87. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 7) 2. Petition from inhabitants of Quebec, for removal of the Quarantine Station from Grosse Isle to the River St. Charles, (1844–5) 47. 3. Petition from ship-masters trading to Quebec and Montreal, for certain alterations in regard to quarantine, boarding by Custom House Officers, &c.; and for adoption of measures to avert danger at Cap Rozier and the Bird Rocks, (1850) 36. Wide Accounts, 164, 171. Addresses, 208. Committees, 394. Supply, 68, 217. Quarter Sessions:—Wide Courts, 47–51. Quebec (City): 1. Bill to repeal certain parts of the Ordinances incorporating Quebec; also, to render the Corporation elective, and to extend their powers; Ordered, (1841) 238. Reported, 400. Amended in Committee, 521. Passed, 530. Mot returned from the Council. 2. Bill to amend the Ordinances incorporating Quebec; Presented, (1844–5) 316. Amended in Committee, 412. Motion for further amendment, negatived; Bill passed, 429. Returned from the Council, with an amendment 436. Considered, and agreed to, 437. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 60) 8. Bill to amend, &c., in relation to the election of Assessors, and otherwise; Presented, (1846) 160. Amended in Committee, 206. R. A., 274. (9 Wic, c. 22.) 416 QUEBEC–continued. 5 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 23. 24. 25. Quebec (City)—continued. , Bill to amend and consolidate the Ordinances incorporating the City and Town of Quebec, and to vest more ample powers in the Corporation thereof; Presented, (1847) 32. Committed, 200. Order for consideration dis- charged, 212. . Bill to amend, &c., (as above); Presented, (1849) 92. Referred, 134. Petition for amendments to the Bill, 187. Referred to same Committee, ib. Other Petitions referred,—Against alteration of the limits, 177. For correc- tion of certain Corporation grievances, 187. Quebec Health Bill referred, 203. To report from time to time, 292. Report (on latter Bill only), 293. Wo further Report. . Bill to amend, &c.; Presented, (1850) 14. Referred, 45. Not reported. . Bill further to amend the Ordinances incorporating Quebec; Presented, (1851) 103. Referred, 151. Petition for repeal of the law empowering the Corporation to tax market produce, referred, 152. Members added, 163. Reported, 189. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 130.) . Bill to prevent pedlars from selling goods within the City of Quebec; Presented, (1844–5) 816. Read second time; Motion to commit Bill, negatived, 422. * . Bill to provide for the health of the City of Quebec; Presented, (1849) 166. Referred to Committee on Quebec incorporation amendment Bill, 203. Reported, with amendments, 293. Amended in Committee, 305. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 116.) Petition of the Corporation, for amendments to the Ordinances incorporating the said city, (1844–5) 61. Printed, āb. Referred, 62. Petitions of P. Doucet, of inhabitants of St. John's and St. Roch's Suburbs, and of J. P. Anderson and others, also referred (infra, 15, 16, 18), 81, 133, 138. Report a Bill, 316. Wide supra, 2. Another Petition, for amendment and consolidation of the said Ordinances, (1847) 30. Wide supra, 4. Again, (1849) 67. Wide supra, 5–(1850) 158. Printed, 164. Wide supra, 6. Petition of the Corporation, praying that the people may be represented in the City Council by election, (1841) 163. Committed, 166. Wide Committees, 230. Also supra, 1. Petition of electors, complaining of the disfranchisement of a great portion of the electors of the said city, and praying relief, (1841) 129. Referred, 130. Report (App. N. N.); Printed, 589. Petition of Geo. Pozer, complaining of a By-law of the Corporation of Quebec concerning the removal of door- steps, and praying relief, (1843) 43. Referred, 44. No Report. Another Petition, (1844–5) 23. Referred, 48. Wo Report. & Petition of the Corporation, for power to purchase a portion of the “Jesuits' Estates,” in Quebec, for the improve- ment of the city, (1844–5) 36. Referred, 56. No Report. Petition from inhabitants of St. John's and St. Roch's Suburbs, for a proportionate representation in the City Coun- cil, (1844–5) 60. Printed, 62. Referred to Committee on Petition of the Corporation, 81. Wide supra, 10. Petition of J. P. Anderson and others, for an Act to prohibit pedlars from trading in the city, (1844–5) 100. Referred to Committee on Petition of the Corporation, 138. (No Report.) Bill presented, 316. Wide Another Petition; Referred, (1846) 151. Report, 159. Sºpra, 8. zºº Petition for repeal of the Act imposing a fine on pedlars trading within the city, (1850) 68. Petition of P. Doucet, praying that no amendment of the Ordinances incorporating Quebec, may be allowed to affect his pension, (1844–5) 132. Referred to Committee on Petition of the Corporation, 133. Wide supra, 10. - - Petition of the Corporation, praying that a certain space of ground and beach may be vested in them, with power to borrow money for improving the same ; and for extension of their authority to both sides of the St. Charles, (1846) 60. Referred, 62. (Wide Committees, 478.) Report thereon, 159. Petition of the same, for amendments of their Act of Incorporation, so as to provide for election of assessors; Referred, (1846) 62. (Wide Committees, 478.) Report thereon, 159. Bill presented, 160. Wide supra, 3. Petition of the same, for establishment of a Mayor's Court therein, (1846) 150. Referred, 151. (Wide Committees, 478.) Report thereon, 159. - . Petition for the adoption of measures for the prevention of fires in Quebec, (1846) 50. Petition for an equal representation of the different wards in the City Council; Referred, (1846) 151. Wo Report. Petition from inhabitants of Champlain Street, for compensation for their losses from the fall of the Government wall and rock in 1841, (1848) 40. Petition for correction of certain grievances connected with the Corporation, (1849) 62. Printed, 91. Referred, 187. Wide supra, 5. QUEBEC–continued. 417 =- **-a- Quebec (City)—continued. 26. Petitions against an extension of the limits, (1849) 90, 131. Last Petition printed, 175. Referred, 177. Wo Report. 27. Petition for the maintenance and carrying into effect of the Act 9 Vic, c. 22 (supra), (1850) 74. 28. Petition of the Corporation, for power to recover arrears of taxes with greater facility, (1851) 71. No notice given, 79. Rule relative to notice suspended, 95. Wide supra, 7. 29. Petition of Corporation, praying that the rights of property in the Cul-de-Sac may not be vested in the Trinity House, but in the Corporation of Quebec, (1846) 158. Again, (1849) 216. Petition in favor, 187. 30. Petition from persons residing on the south shore, praying that the Cul-de-Sac may not be turned into a market, (1849) 62. (Congrégation de Notre Dame):—Wide Religious Denominations, 44a. 31. (Congrégation des Hommes de St. Roch):—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 216. Bill presented, 218. Amended in Committee, 291. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 142.) (Ice Bridge):—Wide Accounts, 213. Addresses, 387. (St. Andrew's School) -Vide Education, 154. (St. Charles, Beaches of):—Wide supra, 19. Accounts, 489. Addresses, 465. (Ursuline Wuns): 32. Petition of complaining of a decision of the Executive Council, on 13th Dec., 1841, in reference to certain claims, and praying relief (1842) 20. Referred; Petition of Messrs. Bonner & Petry, for justice in regard to their purchase of certain lands from the Crown, also referred, 29. Report, 106. Concurred in ; Copy to be com- municated to His Excellency, 113. 33. Petition for authority to hold additional property, (1849) 113. Bill sent down from the Council, 160. Read, 165. Amended in Committee, 229. Passed, as amended, 230. Amendments agreed to by the Council, 242. R. A., 262. (12 Vic, c. 141.) Wide Accounts, 419, 531. Addresses, 30, 177, 388, 498. Bridges, 94, 97. Committees, 169,230, 478, - 479. Education, 30, 211. Elections, 91, 92. Legislative Assembly, 255. Police, 2, 3, 10. Seat of Government. Seigniorial Tenure, 34, 35. Supply, 190, 191. Quebec, Explorations in rear of:—vide Addresses, 389–391. Quebec, Military Operations before:-vide Hawkins. Quebec (Port): 1. Petition of Montreal Board of Trade, against repeal of the Ordinance fixing the limits of the Ports of Quebec and Montreal, (1841) 308. - 2. Petition of proprietors of vessels navigating the Gulf of St. Lawrence, for a reduction of the dues now levied on such vessels at the Port of Quebec; Referred, (1843) 9. Report, 92. Concurred in, 148. Bill presented, ib. Wide St. Lawrence, Gulf of 1. Quebec Academy:-vide Education, 144. Quebec and Lake Superior Mining Asso'n. :-vide Mining companies, 15 Quebec and Richmond Railway —vide Railroads, 18, 79. Quebec and St. Andrews Railway Co.:-vide Railroads, 80. CCC 418 QUEBEC-confimºſed. Quebec Bank:-vide Banks, 34–36. Quebec Board of Trade :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1841) 403,417. Bill presented, 413. Re-committed, and amended, 618. Reserved, 644.—Royal Assent by Proclamation, 19th March, 1842. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 92.) Wide Montreal Board of Trade. Quebec Bridge Co. (over the St. Lawrence):—Wide Bridges, 104. Quebec British and Canadian School Society:-vide Education, 40,145. Quebec Charitable Association of Rom. Catholic Ladies: 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1842) 20. Referred, 29. Report; Concurred in ; Bill presented, 50. R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 24.) 2. Petitions for aid, (1842) 20.—(1843) 33–(1844–5) 12–(1846) 17.—(1847) 23.−(1848) 25.-(1849) 62– (1850) 37.—(1851) 115. Quebec Charitable Firewood Society :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1 sº-s) 61. Referred, 62. Report a Bill, 82. Referred, 83. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 167. Order for consideration discharged, 233.-New Bill presented, 245. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 89.) Quebec Cul-de-Sac :—Wide Accounts, 419. Addresses, 388. Quebec (City), 29, 30. Quebec Cullers' Benevolent Society : 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 17. Referred, 33. Report; Bill presented, 119. Referred, 181. Wot Teported. 2. Petition for a grant out of the fees from culling timber, in aid of a Relief Fund for lieensed Cullers, (1846) 17. Quebec Custom House:—vide Customs, 64. Quebec Debating Society :—Petition for aid, (1844–5) 169. Quebec Decayed Pilots' Fund:—vide Quebec Trinity House. Quebec District:—Wide Winter Roads, 10–14, 18. Quebec District Bank :-vide Banks, 37. Quebec District Education Society :-wº Education, 51, 146. Quebec Ferry: 1. Petition from inhabitants of Quebec, for an Act to vest the ferry between Quebec and Point Levi in the Corpora- tions of the said City and Parish, with power to lease the same, (1846) 37. Petition from inhabitants of south shore of St. Lawrence, against, 95. Both referred, 143, 151. No Report. 2. Petition from proprietors of ferry boats, complaining that the Corporation of Quebec have taken possession of a certain landing place heretofore used by them, and praying protection, (1850) 89. Referred, 208. No Report. Quebec Fire Loan : 1. Bill to authorize the issue of debentures for £100,000 at 5 per cent.;-the proceeds thereof to be loaned to sufferers by the late fires at Quebec, at an interest of 3 per cent.; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 234. Amended in Committee, 307. Further amended by the House, 312. R. A., 346. (9 Wic, c. 62.) Wide Accounts, 318. QUEBEC–continued. 419 Quebec Fire Loan—continued. Bill to amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1847) 135. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 35.) $2. 3. Bill further to amend the said Act; From the Council; Read, (1850) 138. B. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 101.) 3. 4. Bill further to amend the said Act; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 67. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 22.) 5 . Petitions from sufferers by the late fires at Quebec, for aid to rebuild their houses, (1846) 60, 213. Printed, 110. 3. Petition from Mr. McKenzie, for compensation for the destruction of his house, which was blown up to check the progress of the fire, (1846) 71. W *7 . Petitions for the immediate payment of the relief voted last session, (1847) 15.—(1848) 7. 8 . Petition for payment of the amount voted, in cash, instead of debentures, (1848) 66. 9. Petition for a remission of the interest due on the debentures issued, (1849) 62. Printed, 73. Motion to refer Petition (excepting that part which relates to public moneys), negatived, 131. 10. Petition of J. Boivint and others, complaining that they have not been able to avail themselves of the relief afforded by the debentures issued, and praying for aid, (1849) 89. il. Petition for amendments to the Quebec Fire Loan Act, (1851) 37. Wide supra, 4. Wide Accounts, 420–422. Addresses, 393–395. Committees, 231, 232. Governor General, 109. Speeches, 10. Quebec Forwarding Co.: . Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1844–5) 34. Referred, 57. Report a Bill; Bill referred, 83. Petition of Montreal Board of Trade, against the 6th clause (limiting the liability), 125. Referred to same Committee, 126. Report, with evidence and Bill amended, 314. Bill withdrawn, 316.-New Bill presented, 317. . Read second time, 410. Mot proceeded iº. Another Petition for Incorporation, (1846) 37. Referred, 51. Report; Bill presented, 100. Read second time, and referred, 175. Not reported. Another Petition, (1849) 90. Bill presented, 99. Amended in Committee, 135. Bill, as amended, referred, 140. Reported, with further amendments, 164. Amended in Committee; Re-committed, and further amended, 230. R. A., 364. (12 Vic., c. 193.) # 2. Motion to appoint a Select Committee to inquire into the management of the Quebec Forwarding Co., Negatived, (1851) 46. Quebec Fr iendly Society :—Petition for an extension of the term of their incorporation, (1849) 84. Bill presented, 126. Amended in Committee, 155. R. A., 262, (12 Vic, c. 151.) Quebec Gaol:—vide gaols, 24, 25. Quebec Gas and Water Works: 1. Petitions for an Act to incorporate the Quebec Gas Light and Water Co., (1842) 32, 35, 39. Referred, 35. Report; Concurred in; Bill presented, 41. Amended in Committee, 93. R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 24.) . Petition of the Corporation of Quebec, for the repeal of the foregoing Act, (1846) 45. Referred, 47. (Wide Com- mittees, 478.) Report, 143. Bill presented, 144. Passed, 199. Proofs and evidence desired by Council, 220. Passed by the Council, 260. R. A., 273. (9 Wic, c. 93.) 2 3 . Petition of the Corporation of Quebec, for power to construct Gas and Water Works, (1846) 60. Referred, 62. (Wide Committees, 478.) Report, 143. Bill presented, 144. Wide supra, 2, infra, 4, 5. 4 . Bill for lighting the City of Quebec with gas; Presented, (1846) 144. Amended in Committee, 199. Passed, 202. Proofs and evidence desired by Council, 220. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 297. Considered, and agreed to, 301. R. A., 345. (9 Wic., c. 76.) 5. Bill for supplying the City of Quebec and parts adjacent with water; Presented, (1846) 144. Amended in Com- mittee, 199. Passed, 202. Proofs and evidence desired by Council, 220. Returned from the Council with amendments, 297. Considered, and agreed to, 302. Reserved, 346.-Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1847) VIII. (9 Wic, c. 113.) 420 QUEBEC–continued. Quebec Gas and Water Works—continued. 6. Petition of the Corporation, for amendments to the foregoing Act, and for authority to impose a rate, and to borrow a sum of money for the construction of Water Works, (1850) 40. Notices not given, 66. Rule relative to notice suspended, 121. Petition in favour, 124. Petition against a water rate, 145.-Bill to amend the said Act, and to establish a Board for the management of the Water Works; Presented, 128. Referred (with Petition against the rate); Member added, 168. Reported, with amendments, and evidence, 194. Report printed, 196. Bill amended in Committee, 235. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 244. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 100.) 7. Petition of the Corporation, for amendments to the two preceding Acts relating to the Water Works, (1851) 70. Special Report thereon by Committee on Standing Orders, 79. Bill presented, 86. Referred, 151. Members added, 163. Reported, with amendments, 168. Passed, 281. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 131.) 8. Petition for an Act to incorporate the Quebec Gas Co., (1848) 26. Again, (1849) 62. Bill presented, 85. Amended in Committee, 134. Referred, 140. Reported; Amended further in Committee, 164. Returned from the Council, with amendments; Considered, and agreed to, 201. R. A., 363. (12 Vic, c. 182.) Quebec General Hospital: 1. Petition for establishment of a General Hospital in Quebec, (1847) 65. 2. Petition of the Religious Ladies of the Community of the General Hospital of Quebec, for authority to acquire property to a further amount, for the use of the said Hospital, (1849) 84. Bill sent down from the Council, 88. Read, 91. Amended in Committee, 220. Passed, as amended, 221. Amendments agreed to by the Council, 234. R. A., 262. (12 Vic, c. 140.) Quebec Grammar School:—vide Education, 52, 147. Quebec Harbour :—Wide Accounts, 419, 489. Addresses, 388, 462—464. Quebec (City), 29, 30. Quebec Ferry, 2. Quebec High School:—vide Education, 58,148. Quebec Infant School:—Wide Education, 149, 152. Quebec “Institut Canadien”: 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1848) 29. Bill presented, 48. Amended in Committee, 61. R. A., 80. (11 Vic, c. 17.) 2. Petition for aid, (1849) 84. Quebec Library :—Petition for repeal of the Ord. 4 Vic, c. 20, incorporating the Trustees thereof; Referred, (1847) 44. Report, 90. Bill presented, 97. Passed, 185. Not returned from the Council. Quebec Library Association : 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1844–5) 12. Referred, 36. Report a Bill; Bill referred, 83. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 167. Order for consideration discharged, 188—New Bill presented, ib. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 98.) 2. Petitions for aid for the purchase of books, &c., (1847) 48,-(1848) 20,—(1849) 54. 3. Resolution for a division of the duplicate works in the library, between the Toronto Athaeneum and the Quebec Library Association, (1847) 67. Wide Accounts, 423. Education, 151. Quebec Literary and Historical Society: 1. Petitions for aid, (1841) 304–(1843) 138. Printed, ib. Another, 203,-(1844–5) 61.—(1846) 62. Printed, 66. —(1847) 43.—(1848) 20,-(1849) 63.−(1850) 95.—(1851) 61. QUEBEC–continued. 421 *-m-, **w- Quebec Literary and Historical Society—continued. . Petition for an amendment to their Act of Incorporation, so as to reduce the quorum for transaction of business, (1849) 63. Bill presented, 98. R. A., 262. (12 Vic, c. 152.) & . Petition for aid to procure MS. documents relating to the history of Canada, (1846) 61––Again, (1847) 43. Printed, 45. Wide Accounts, 357. Addresses, 339, 425, 428. Committees, 475. Supply, 149, 151. Quebec Male Orphan Asylum :—Petitions for aid, (1841) 227—(1842) 30–(1848)15. —(1844–5) 12.—(1846) 62.—(1847) 15,-(1848) 8,-(1849):40–(1850)46.—(1851)71. Wide Supply, 142. Quebec Marine Hospital: . Petition for conversion of the Quebec Custom House into a Marine Hospital, (1844–5) 167.-Petition against, 234. . Petition for conversion of the Marine Hospital into a General Hospital, (1844–5) 235. Wide Accounts, 165, 424. Addresses, 396, Committees, 480. Supply, 143. Quebec Market: . Petition of G. Ruthman, pork butcher, for amendments to Ord. 17 Geo. III, c. 14, relative to market regulations, (1843) 203. . Petitions from persons residing in the country around Quebec, for repeal of the law empowering the Corporation to tax produce brought to market, (1851) 71, 75, 82, 104. One of the Petitions referred to the Committee on the Quebec Incorporation Amendment Bill, 152. Wide Accounts, 425. Addresses, 397. Quebec Mechanics' Institute:–vide Supply, 152. Quebec Music Hall Association :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1851) 120. Bill presented, 137. Referred, 174. Reported, with amendments, 198. Amended in Committee, 270. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 161.) Quebec National School:—vide Education, 158. Quebec Nautical School:—vide Supply, 94. Quebec Observatory:-vide Accounts, 426. Governor General, 110. Supply,298. Quebec Police Office:–vide Accounts, 427. Addresses, 898. Quebec Protestant Female Orphan Asylum :—Petitions for aid, (1841) 175– (1848) 43.−(1844–5) 34.—(1846) 62.-(1847) 30–(1848) 7–(1849) 62.—(1850) 37-(1851) 94. Wide Supply, 140. Quebec Pr ovident and Savings Bank :—Wide Accounts, 29. Quebec Registry Office:–Petition of C. N. Montizambert, Registrar for Quebec, for the estab- lishment of his office in a permanent and safe place, (1851) 49. Quebec River Police:—vide Police, 4, 9. Quebec Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum –vide Supply, 141. 422 QUEBEC-confinued. 10. Quebec St. George's Society :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 61. Bill pre- sented, 145. Referred, 184. Reported, with amendments, 219. Committed, 252. Wot considered. Another Petition, (1849) 39. Bill presented, 47. Petition against, 84. Amended in Committee, 157. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 219. Considered, and agreed to, 223.−New Bill presented (the former one having been destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House); Amended in Committee, 302. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 150.) Quebec St. Jean Baptiste Society :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 199. Bill sent down from the Council, 285. Read, 287. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 148.) Petition for amendments to Act, (1850) 68. Bill sent down from the Council, 73. Read, 74. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 126.) Quebec St. Patr ick's Society :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 131. Bill pre- sented, 166. Amended in Committee, 250. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 147.) Quebec School of Medicine:—Wide Medical Profession, 21, 22. Quebec Scientific and Literary Society -***, Geº-oº: Quebec Seminary:-vide Education, 54. Quebec Ship-carpenters:–vide Shipping, 13. Quebec Teachers' Library Association : . Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 32. Printed, 118. Referred, 77. Report; Bill presented, 113. Amended in Committee, 234. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 271. Considered, and agreed to, 283. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 145.) . Petitions for aid, (1847) 14–(1848) 20,—(1850) 68–(1851) 52. Quebec Trinity House: . Bill to amend the laws for the regulation of pilots and shipping in the Port of Quebec, and to extend the powers of the Quebec Trinity House; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 257. Referred, 316. Petition of pilots (infra, 2) also referred, 389. Bill reported amended; Committed, 468. Petition for erection of a Light House on the Island of Bicquet, referred, 567. Bill considered and amended, 587. R. A., 643. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 15.) . Petition of certain pilots of Quebec, praying that no Bill affecting them may be passed without their being first heard, (1841) 388. Referred to Committee on above Bill, 389. . Petition of the Master, Wardens, &c., of the Trinity House, against certain clauses proposed to be introduced into the Bill, (1841) 529. . Bill to amend and consolidate the laws relating to the said Corporation,--to pilots in the Port of Quebec,+and to the Quebec Decayed Pilot Fund; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 129. Referred; Committee to report from time to time, 152. No Report. . Bill to amend and consolidate, &c.; Presented, (1844–5) 222. Order for second reading discharged, 306. . Petition from batteau-men of Quebec, against the tax proposed to be imposed on them by the above Bill, (1844–5) 12. . Petitions from Pilots of Quebec, against the passing of the above or any other law affecting them without affording them an opportunity of expressing their views, (1844–5) 234, 324. . Petition of the Quebec Trinity House, against that clause of above Bill which imposes a double duty on vessels coming within the limits of the Montreal Harbour, (1844–5) 288. Referred to Committee on Montreal Trinity House Bill, 289. Wo Report. . Petition from pilots of Quebec, for amendments to the above Bill, (1844–5) 298. Bill to amend and consolidate the laws relating to the Quebec Trinity House,_to pilots and pilotage in the Port of Quebec,+and to the Quebec Decayed Pilot Fund; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 74. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived, 152. Bill read; Referred, 153. Instruction, to inquire into the expediency of QUEBEC-QUEEN'S BENCEI. 423 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Quebec Trinity House—continued. re-uniting the Trinity Houses of Quebec and Montreal; Further Instruction, to inquire into the expediency of establishing a Navigation School for pilots' apprentices, &c., 160. Further Instruction, to inquire into the expediency of introducing a clause to prevent owners of vessels plying between Quebec and Montreal from being members of the Board, 196. Petition for amendments to Bill referred, 191. Report, recommending that the present law be continued for a limited time, with certain alterations, 245. Wide infra, 12. Petition from pilots of Quebec, for amendments to the Bill, (1846) 158. Referred to Select Committee thereon, 191. Bill to amend the laws relative to, and to confer certain powers on the Said Corporation; Presented, (1846) 246. Amended in Committee, 319. Passed, 322. Not returned from the Council. Bill to consolidate the laws relative to the powers and duties of the Quebec Trinity House; Presented, (1849) 143. Amended in Committee, 305. Motions for amending the amendments, negatived, 309. Bill passed, 311. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 114.) Bill to repeal certain provisions of the foregoing Act, and to exempt masters of vessels belonging to Quebec from taking pilots in certain cases; Presented, (1850) 49. Petition of pilots, against, 28. Both referred, 56, 70. Members added, 99. Bill reported, with amendments, 125. Passed (“Lower Canada” being substituted for “Quebec’’ in the title), 171. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 96.) Bill to correct an error in the English version of the foregoing Act; Presented, (1851) 237. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 101.) Petition from batteau-men of Quebec, for repeal of 45th section of Act of 7 Vic, relating to the Trinity House, (1846) 60. Petition of R. Julyan, Assistant Harbour Master, for a seat at the Trinity Board during the absence of the Harbour Master, or a division of the harbour into two districts, (1846) 158. Petition of Quebec Board of Trade, praying that the Trinity Houses of Quebec and Montreal may be merged into one establishment, at Quebec, (1850) 70. Printed, 71. Referred, 117. Wo Report.—Petition from pilots of Quebec, against, 137. Wide supra, 10. - Wide Accounts, 428. Addresses, 399, 401, 465. Committees, 233—237, 436. Navigations, 47. Pilots, 2, 4, 5, 16. Quebec (Port.) Quebec Turnpike Roads:—vide Roads, 262—278. Quebec Warehousing Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 32. Referred, 33. Report; Bill présented, 47. Referred, 132. Reported, with amendments, 157. Amended in Committee, 214. R. A., 363. (12 Vic, c. 192.) Quebec Water Works :—Wide Quebec Gas and Water Works. Quebec Workmen's Benevolent Society:—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1850) 13. Referred, 40. Report; Bill presented, 50. Referred, 113. Reported, with amendments, 130. Amended in Committee, 141. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 127.) Queen: 1. Mr. Speaker reports a letter from Mr. J. Legaré, offering to dispose of a portrait of Queen Victoria, (1844–5) 243 Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 251. Wo Report thereon. 2. Order to the Clerk, to write to Mr. Partridge, Portrait Painter to Her Majesty, to forward the likeness of Her Majesty painted for the House, (1848) 80. Wide Addresses, 1–42. Speeches, 3. Queen's Bench (L. C.):—vide Courts, 52–50. Queen's Bench (U. C.):—vide Courts, 60, 61. 424 QUEEN'S COLLEGE-QUESTIONS. Queen's College, Kingston *—Wide Education, 55–58. 155. Queen's Counsel:—vide Accounts, 484. Addresses, 400. Courts, 6. Queen's Printer:-vide Committees, 452. Printing, 19. Queenston :—Wide Wiagara (Town), 3, 4. Queenston and Grimsby Road:—vide Roads, 270–282. Queenston Suspension Bridge —vide Bridges, 64. Questions. vºv-Nºv.-vºv.-vºvºvºvº-º-º-º-º-º-º/NAV/N-ºvº"Nºsºvº."N- I. Orders and Resolutions relative to Motions and Questions: 1–12. II. Decisions of the Speaker on Questions of Order; 13–20. III. Incidental Proceedings; 21—30. T. 10. 11. 12. Orders and Resolutions relative to Motions and Questions: . That the Speaker shall preserve order, and decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the House (7th Rule), (1841) 40. That when the Speaker is called upon to explain a point of order, he shall state the Rule applicable to the case (9th Rule), (1841) 41. . That a motion to adjourn,-or that the Chairman leave the chair, shall always be in order (36th & 37th Rules), (1841) 43. . That every motion shall be made in writing, and seconded, and shall be read in English and French before debate, and is then in possession of the House, but may be withdrawn by permission (38th & 39th Rules), (1841) 43. . That any Member may require the question under discussion to be read, so as not to interrupt a Member speaking (16th Rule), (1841) 41. . That when a question is under debate, no motion shall be received unless to amend, commit, or postpone it, or for the Previous Question, or for adjournment (40th Rule), (1841) 43. . That the Previous Question shall preclude all amendment and debate of the main question (41st Rule), (1841) 43. —Amended, by striking out “and debate,” (1851) 201. . That a motion for commitment (until decided) shall preclude all amendment of the main question (42nd Rule), (1841) 43. . That all questions shall be put in the order in which they are moved (43rd Rule), (1841) 43. That no motion shall have a preamble (44th Rule), (1841) 43. That every motion, when seconded, ought to be received and read by the Speaker (45th Rule), (1841) 48. That when a motion is contrary to the Rules and Privileges of the House, the Speaker shall apprize the House thereof before the question is put (46th Rule), (1841) 43. QUESTIONS.–continued. 425 II. Decisions of the Speaker on Questions of Order: 13. 14. #5. 18. #7. H 8. $20. A motion being submitted to add a paragraph to a Resolution already adopted by the House, Mr. Speaker objects to the same, as unparliamentary; His objection over-ruled by the House on an appeal, (1843) 187. Speaker refuses to receive a motion on account of its being written in the French language, and being therefore contrary to the 41st clause of the Union Act; His decision appealed from and confirmed by the House, (1844–5) 265. A motion having been made for an Address, and an amendment having been proposed thereto, the debate thereon interrupted by Mr. Speaker to announce the return of a member elected upon a new writ, who thereupon takes his seat, and votes on the question under discussion, (1844–5) 296. A motion being made for referring to the Committee on Privileges and Elections a Petition of R. Riddell, Esquire, (Sitting Member for Oxford), against the reception of the Report of the Commission on the Oxford Contro- verted Election,--Mr. Speaker decides that the motion is not in order; His decision appealed from and con- firmed, (1846) 52. Objection being made to a motion on the ground that no notice thereof had been given, the objection is sustained by Mr. Speaker, and his decision is confirmed by the House, on appeal, (1850) 281.-That the motion con- tained certain Resolutions, of which ne notice had been given; Motion decided to be out of order, (1851) 154. Mr. Speaker decides that a Bill to fix the time and place for the meeting of Parliament is not in order, being repug- nant to the Constitutional Act; His decision sustained by the House, on an appeal, (1850) 64.—Again, upon a similar Bill, (1851) 54. . A Report being read by the Chairman of the Committee on the Public Income and Expenditure, as the First Report of the Committee, and a motion made to re-commit the Report, with an instruction to add certain paragraphs containing a protest against the Report on the part of certain Members of the Committee,_Mr. Speaker objects to the motion as irregular, and the Report is received, (1850) 130. A motion decided by Mr. Speaker to be neither parliamentary nor in order, it being prefaced throughout, and not in accordance with the notice; His decision appealed from, and confirmed, (1850) 239. Wide also Speaker, 21—23, 26, 28–30. III. Incidental Proceedings: 21. 22 33. 24. 35. 26. 27. 2.8. 29. The mover of a question votes against it, (1850) 106.-(1851) 341. Consideration of questions postponed siné die, (1841) 06, 502–(1849) 300, 316,-(1850) 140.--To a future day (motions and amendments), and debate thereon adjourned, (1841) 520–(1843) 82–(1844–5) 14– (1847) 168–(1849) 219–(1850) 30,—(1851) 296, &c.—ſo next Session, (1842) 126–(1844–5) 375– (1847) 169. Motion withdrawn, (1851) 209. (Wot recorded in other cases.) Amendment proposed to a Resolution after the adoption of the same; Mr. Speaker decides that it is not in order; His decision over-ruled by the House, (1843) 187.--—An Address amended after adoption, (1846) 299. Amendment proposed by the mover of the main motion, (1849) 215. Amendment to an amendment, (1843) 89.—(1844–5) 147, 168,-(1849) 90.—(1850) 18–(1851) 341, Question negatived unanimously, (1843) 197. Superseded by amendment, (1841) 519.-(1846) 290.-(1847) 192—(1848) 62.--(1849) 90–(1850) 265.- (1851) 34, &c. By adjournment for want of a quorom, (1851) 802.-By the “Previous Question,” (1841) 100, 153, 637–(1842) 106, 108.—(1847) 135–(1848) 14.—(1850) 191—(1851) 209.-By calling the Orders of the Day, (1843) 197—By Prerogation, (1842) 130,-(1848) 80,—(1851) 358. Previous Question put, viz.: “Shall the main question be now put {"—and carried in the affirmative, (1841) 456.-- (1851) 164.—Negative, (1841) 100.—(1842) 106.—(1843) 208,-(1847) 135.--(1848) 14.—(1850) 19:1. —(1851) 209. . Motion that a certain Bill be read a third time to-morrow ; Previous Question moved and negatived, (1842) 108. Motion that the Bill be now read a third time, carried, 119. Wide Committees, 269. Order, Questions of. DDD 426 QUINTE–RAILROADS. -*T Quinté, Bay of:—vide Navigations, 41. Quorum :—Wide Committees, 558, 566, 575. Legislative Assembly. R. R AFTSMEN :—Bill to afford a better remedy to persons suffering from depredations and trespasses committed by raftsmen; Presented, (1851) 28. Referred, 96. Reported, with amendments, 150. Amended in Committee, 256. Report to be received in three months, 261. Ragland, M. :—Wide Aliens, 39. liailroadg. Pººvºvºsºvºvºvº.º.A,"VANA, "e"NAAAA*.*, *Nº,"v"N,”v^,^^^,”v^,^,^,”vºv- I. Public Bills (and Resolutions) relative to Railroads; I–I 2. II. Petitions for Incorporation of Railroad Companies, and Proceed- ings thereon; 13—106. III. Other Petitions relative to Railroads; 107—112. I. Public Bills (and Resolutions) relative to Railroads: 1. To consolidate certain provisions usually inserted in Acts authorising the making of railways; Presented, (1846) 100. Wot proceeded in. 2. To provide for the formation of incorporated Railroad Companies, and to regulate the same; From the Council; Read, (1850) 165. Committed, 234. Wot considered. 3. To consolidate and regulate the general clauses relating to railways; Presented, (1851) 185. Amended in Com- mittee, 246. Passed, 259. By the Council, with amendments, 295. Considered, and agreed to, 296. R. A., 358. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 51.) 4. To make certain general provisions with regard to the services which the Government may require of Railroad Companies whose Acts of Incorporation make them subject to such general provisions; From the Council, (1849) 210. Read, 216. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 28.) r 5. To provide for affording the guarantee of the Province to the bonds of Railway Companies, on certain conditions, and for rendering assistance in the construction of the Halifax and Quebec Railway; Ordered, (1849) 227. Presented, 228. Amended in Committee, 335. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 29.) 6. To make provision for the construction of a Main Trunk line of railway throughout the Province from Quebec to Hamilton, and for a due proportion of the expense of constructing a line from Quebec to Halifax; and to amend the last preceding Act; Ordered, (1851) 272. (Wide infra, 11.) Presented, 279. Com- mitted; Resolution for raising £4,000,000 Cy, or the security of the Consolidated Revenue Fund (with or without the Imperial Guarantee), or of local taxes, referred, 301. Amended in Committee, 316. Read third time; Ryders moved and negatived; Passed, 327. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 73.) 7. To extend the provisions of the foregoing Bill (not yet become law); From the Council; Read, (1851) 342. R. A., 359, (14 & 15 Vic, c. 74) BATLROADS—continued. 427 I. Public Bills (and Resolutions) relative to Railroads—continued. 8. To raise a loan of £4,000,000 Cy, for making a Main Trunkline of railway throughout the length of the Province, &c., (under the 2 last preceding Acts); Ordered, (Wide infra, 12); Presented, (1851) 321. Amended in Com- mittee, 332. Passed, 338. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 75.) 9. Series of Resolutions favorable to the construction of a railway between Quebec and Halifax, and desiring a survey to be made of the route from Quebec to the south-eastern boundary of the Province, with a Report on the nature of the country, population, resources, &c.; Address ordered thereon, (1846) 278. Wide Addresses, 219. 10. Series of Resolutions for affording the Provincial Guarantee for the interest upon loans to be raised by Railway Companies, on certain conditions; also, undertaking the payment of £20,000 Stg., per annum, towards making good any deficiency in the interest upon any sum to be expended on the Quebec and Halifax Railway, if the same shall be undertaken by the Imperial Government, and granting all ungranted lands lying on the line of the railway for ten miles on each side, (1849) 227. Bill presented, 228. Wide supra, 5. 11. Series of Resolutions for co-operating with the Lower Provinces in the construction of a railroad from Halifax to Quebec ; for constructing a railway from Quebec to Hamilton, or affording the Provincial Guarantee to private companies therefor; for limiting the said guarantee to such companies, and to the St. Lawrence and Atlantic, the Great Western and the Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railroad Companies; also, for appointing a general Railway Board;—Reported from a Committee of the whole, (1851) 272. Various amendments proposed and negatived, viz —That it is inexpedient to commence the Halifax Railway until the other Provinces have provided their share of the cost,--That the question be postponed till after the next election- That the whole work be constructed provided the Imperial Guarantee is obtained, That this Province will guarantee its share of an Imperial Loan of £7,000,000 for this purpose, That the work should be constructed by private companies, That it is inexpedient to increase the public debt so largely,–That the requisite capital ought to be subscribed by the various muncipalities, and other amendments, 274 to 278. 1st and 17th Resolutions amended; The Resolutions agreed to, 276 to 279. Bill presented, 279. Wide supra, 6. 12. Resolution granting £4,000,000, Currency, towards defraying the share of this Province in the expense of construct. ing a railway from Halifax to Quebec, and of continuing the same to Hamilton ; To be raised on the security of the Consolidated Revenue Fund (with or without the Imperial Guarantee), or on the security of local taxes; Reported from a Committee of the whole; Motion to re-commit the Resolution, to leave out “Or without.” negatived; Resolution agreed to, (1851) 289. Referred to Committee of whole on the Main Trunk Line Railway Bill, 301. Wide supra, 6. Resolution for raising the above sum under the authority and with the guarantee of the Imperial Parliament, or as an Imperial loan,—any part not so raised to be raised by Deben- tures, one half on the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and the residue on the credit of a fund to be formed of the sums subscribed by Municipal Corporations for the purposes of the said railway; Reported from Committee on Ways and Means; Bill presented, 321. Wide supra, 8. General Railway Board (appointment of), Wide Supra, 11. II. Petitions for incorporation of Railroad Companies, and Proceed- ings thereon, viz: 13. Brantford and Buffalo :—Petitions praying that if the Act 13 & 14 Vic, c. 72 (relative to incorporation of Road or Railroad Cos) be repealed, the rights acquired by the Brantford and Buffalo Railroad Company under it may be preserved inviolate:—(1850) Bertie Municipality, 162. Brantford Town Council, 162. Brantford (Township) Municipality, 162. Moulton and Sherbrooke do., 173. Wainfleet do., 194. Wide Roads, 13. Wide Accounts, 49. Addresses, 75. * 14. Bytown and Britannia:—For an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 47. Bill presented, 63. Amended in Committee, 164. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 196. Considered, and agreed to, 205. Reserved, 217–Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1849) VI. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 118.) Wide Accounts, 470, 471. Bytown and Prescott: 15. For an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 113.—Again, (1850) 81. Notices not given, 90. Rule requiring notice, suspended, 127. Bill presented, 139. Amended in Committee, 249. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 269. Considered, and agreed to, 272. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 132.) 16. For amendments to Act, (1851) 115. Bill presented, 136. Referred, 173. Reported, with amendments, 208. Amended in Committee, 250. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 147.) 428 RATTLROADS—continued. *- —t- II. Petitions for incorporation of Railroad Companies, &c.—continued. 17. 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia Railroad Co.: For an Act of Incorporation, and a grant of wild lands along the proposed line, (1847)69. Bill presented, 124. Referred, 181. Reported, with amendments, 184. Amended in Committee, 201. Reserved, 217.-Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1849) VI. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 122.) Wide Accounts, 208, 470, 471. For a grant of wild lands along the line of the railway, or other aid, (1849) 144. For an extension of Charter, with power to construct a branch to the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railway at Mel- bourne, (1850) 36. Of Josiah Timmis, for remuneration for his services in connection with the said railway, (1849) 116. Carillon and Grenville:–For revival of the Ordinances for construction thereof, (1847) 13. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, 30. Bill presented, 63. Referred, 82. Reported, with an amendment, 108. Amended in Committee, 164. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 196. Considered, and agreed to, 205. Reserved, 217–Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1849) VI. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 119.) Wide Accounts, 470, 471. Champlain and St. Lawrence: For amendments to Act of Incorporation, (1846) 37. loan, (1847) 43. For an extension of Charter, and authority to effect a Petition of the company, for relief from the operation of the 48th clause of the Act of 8 Vic, c. 59, amending the Montreal Incorporation Act (in regard to ferries) (1848) 32. For an extension of Charter, and increase of capital stock, with power to continue their railroad to the Province Line, (1850) 35. Bill presented, 47. Referred, 77. Reported, with amendments, 82. Amended in Com- mittee, 114. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 114.) Petitions from St. John's and St. Athanase, for an investigation into the affairs of the company, and their tariff, and that increased powers be not granted them, (1850) 59. Referred to Committee on the Bill, 89. Of the company, for amendments to their Charter, and power to construct two branch roads and a bridge, (1851) 37, Bill to empower them to construct a branch to the Province Line, east of the Richelieu, and to build a bridge over that river; Presented, 52. Petitions against the bridge, 120. Petition of the company, for authority to establish the bridge, or a ferry, 206. Bill and first Petition referred, 100. Reported, with amend- ments (substituting piers and a ferry for the bridge, &c.), 194. Passed, 282. By the Council, with an amendment, 301, Considered, and amended, 30%. Amendment agreed to by the Council, 324. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 144.) Wide infra, 60. Accounts, 76. Cobourg and Kingston :—For an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 50. Referred, 56. No Report, Cobourg and Rice Lake Plank Road and Ferry Co. —Wide infra, 28. As Cobourg Railroad Co.:—Bill to revise and amend the Act of Upper Canada, incorporating the said com- pany, and to change the name to the Cobourg and Rice Lake Plank Road and Ferry Co.; Ordered; Pre- sented, (1846) 74. Amended in Committee, 182. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 278. Considered, and agreed to, 283. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 80.) Wide Committees, 26, 27. Roads, 290. Erie and Ontario:-For a loan to the company, of £2500, (1841) 299, Goderich and Guelph :-Wide infra, 94. 30. Goderich and Hamilton —Of the Huron District Council, for a Charter to enable them to construct a 31, railway, (1844–5) 378. Petition from District of Huron, in favor, 328. Grand Junction :-For incorporation of a compary to construct a railway from Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, through Peterborough, to the St. Lawrence, (1851) 115. Petitions in favor, 115, 118. Notice insufficient, 121. |BATLROADS—continued. 429 II. Petitions for incorporation of Railroad Companies, &c.—continued. Grand Trunk Line:–Wide supra, 6–8, 11, 12. Committees, 241,242. Great Western : 32. For an Act to revive and amend their Charter; Referred, (1844–5) 875. Report a Bill, 384. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 86.) - 33. For amendments to their Act of Incorporation, and power to construct a magnetic telegraph (2 Petitions), (1846) 15. Bill to amend Charter; Presented, 39. Referred, 180. Reported, with amendments, 209. Amended in Committee, 243. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 274. Considered, and agreed to, 275. R. A., 345. (9 Wic., c. 81.) Wide Accounts, 437. 34. Two Petitions of the company, for public aid, and for the amendment of their Charter by abolishing the correspond- ing Committee in England; Both referred to Committee on Railroads, (1848) 63. Report, 72. Printed, 77. Two Petitions, for the like, (1849) 72. Petition in favor; Oxford, 232. The Petition for amendment of Charter, referred, 78. Report; Bill to amend Charter, presented, 197. Amended in Committee, 235. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 156.) 35. Of the company, for power to Municipal Corporations to subscribe for their stock, or otherwise to aid in completing the undertaking, (1850) 9. Petitions in favor:-Of Hamilton Corporation, 13. Of St. Catharines Town Coun- cil, 64.—Report of notices; Bill presented, 51. Bill and Petitions referred, 47, 56. Reported, with an amendment; Concurred in ; To be engrossed, 57. Order rescinded, and Bill committed; Reported amended (so as to apply to railroads generally), 62. Passed (as a general Bill), 64. By the Council, with amendments (confining its operation to the Great Western Railroad), 117. Considered, and amended, 122. Amendments agreed to by the Council, 134. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 129.) 36. For authority to the company to construct a branch to Galt, (1850) 225. Petition in favor, 213. Bill presented; Rules relative to fee, &c., suspended, 230. Motions for postponing second reading six months, &c., negatived; Referred, 243. Reported, 248. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 264. Considered, and agreed to, 267. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 130.) 37. For an Act to amend and consolidate the provisions of their Charter, (1851) 20. Special Report from Committee on Standing Orders thereon, 62. Bill presented, 67, Referred, 114. Reported, with amendments, 279. Committed, 280. Order for consideration discharged, 323. 38. Motion, that the company be required to furnish a return of their affairs, names of directors and shareholders, stock paid up, length of road under contract, particulars of contracts, plan of route, and information concerning a certain loan of £50,000, and respecting the stock reserved for Britain and the United States, Negatived, (1851) 113. Wide Supra, 11. Also, Accounts, 197, 437, 440. Addresses, 207. Halifax and Quebec:—Wide supra, 5–12, 17–20, infra, 108. Accounts, 202–209,602. Addresses, 210—213. Committees, 242, 483, 486. Governor General, 60–63. Speeches, 12, 17, 21. Supply, 290. 39, Hamilton and Toronto:-For an Act of Incorporation, (1846)54.—Bill to incorporate a company to extend the Great Western Railroad from Hamilton to Toronto; Presented, (1846) 39. Referred, 66. Reported, 86. Committed, 87. Amended in Committee, 155. Re-committed, and further amended, 166. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 258. Considered, and agreed to, 271. Reserved, 345–Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1847) VII. (9 Wic, c. 110.) Wide Accounts, 467. 40, Industry and Rawdon –For an Act of Incorporation, (1850) 35. Bill presented, 66. Referred, 185. Reported, with amendments, 156. Amended in Committee, 169. Returned from the Council, with amend- ments, 211. Considered, and agreed to, 213. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 115.) 41. Kingston and Prescott —For an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 112. 42, Kingston and Toronto t—For an Act of Incorporation, (1851) 20. Bill presented, 54. Referred, 113. Reported, with amendments, 239. Passed, 259. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 146.) Lake St. Louis and Province Line : 43. For an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 30. Bill presented, 67. Petition against, 188. Amended in Committee, 181. Re-committed, and further amended, 185. Reserved, 217–Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1849) VI. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 120.) Wide Accounts, 470, 471. $ºr 430 RAILROADS—continued. II. Petitions for incorporation of Railroad Companies, &c.—continued. Lake St. Louis and Province Line—continued. 44. For amendments to Act, (1849) 123. Bill presented, 166. Referred, 209. Not reported.—Petition from Vaudreuil, against any alteration of the original line, 186. Referred, 187. Wo Report. 45. For power to the company to run the line to any point on the Province Line, either in Huntingdon or Beauharnois, and to amalgamate with the Montreal and Lachine Railroad Co.; Petition of the latter company, in support thereof, (1850) 81. Report from Committee on Standing Orders, that no notice of the alteration of the line was given, 90. Motion to suspend Rule relative to notice, negatived, 101. Bill to authorize the union of the two companies, by the name of the Montreal and New York Railroad Co.; Presented, 139. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, 112.) 46. Montreal and Côteau du Lac (or Pointe au Beaudette):—For an extension of the time fixed for depositing the record named in the 53rd clause of the Ordinance establishing the company, (1841) 253. Bill ordered; Presented, 612. R. A., 643. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 49.) Wide Committies, 239. 47. Montreal and Great Northern Junction —For an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 96. No notice given, 143. Montreal and Kingston : 48. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 112. Bill presented, 135. Referred, 212. Reported, with amend- ments, 230. Amended in Committee, 282. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 313. Considered, and agreed to, 318. Reserved, 346–Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1847) VII. (9 Wic, c. 107.) Wide Accounts, 467. 49. For incorporation of a new company, (1851) 37. Bill presented, 53. Petition of Montreal and Lachine Railroad Co., for a provision in the Bill for the protection of their rights, 115. Bill referred, 90. Reported, with amendments, 239. Amended in Committee, 246. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 332. Considered, and agreed to, 333. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 143.) 51. For incorporation of the Montreal, Ottawa, and Kingston Grand Trunk Railroad Co., (1851) 79. Bill presented, 106. Referred to Committee on Railroads, 133. Report thereon (App. U. U.); Concurred in ; Printed, 358. 52. Petitions in favor of the construction of a line by the Ottawa River, (1851) Bathurst and S. Sherbrooke, 51. Burgess, 102. Cumberland, 111. Drummond Municipality, 49. Frontenac, &c., 51. La Chute, 51. Lanark and Darling, 51. Perth Municipality, 49. Prescott and Russell, 61. Ste. Thérèse, 75. Two Mountains, 40. Referred to Committee on Railroads, 76, 108. Report thereon (App. U. U.); Concurred in ; Printed, 358. Montreal and Lachine : 58. For an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 17. Bill presented, 92. Referred, 136. Reported, with amendments, 230. Amended in Committee, 282. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 82.)—Petitions praying that the said company, if incorporated, may be made liable for the principal and interest of the Debentures issued for improvement of the Montreal and Lachine Turnpike Road —Of the Trustees, 242. Of Messrs. Hamilton and Low, 277. Wide Accounts, 437. 54. For amendments to Act of Incorporation, (1847) 96. Bill presented, 117. Amended in Committee, 200. Returned from the Council, with amendments; Considered, and agreed to, 208. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 64.) Wide Accounts, 438. 55. For power to borrow money at any rate of interest, and to increase their capital stock, (1848) 25.—For the like, with power to dispose of their property and rights, (1849) 32. Report of notices, 55. Bill presented, 64. Referred, 133. Reported, with amendments; Amended in Committee, 159. Passed, 163. By the Council, With amendments, 184. Considered, and agreed to, 188. R. A., 363. (12 Vic, c. 177.) 56. For authority to extend the railroad, and for incorporation of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Grand Junction Railroad Co., (1849) 67. Notices insufficient, 116. Rule suspended, and Bill presented, 122. Referred to Committee on Railroads, 150. Petition in favor, 153. Referred to ditto, 169. Petition against, 186. Referred, 187. Report, that they cannot recommend the passing of the Bill, 209.--Another Petition, (1850) 81. Report from Committee on Standing Orders, that notices are insufficient, but recommending suspension of Rule, 89. Rule suspended, 100. Bill presented, 109. Motion to remit the fee, negatived, 121. Referred, 124. Reported, with amendments, 151. Read third time, amended, and passed, 184. By the Council, with amend- ments, 211. Considered, and agreed to, 214. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 113) - Wide supra, 49. Also, Accounts, 322, 437, 438. RAILROADS—continued. 431 II. Petitions for incorporation of Railroad Companies, &c.—continued. Montreal and Lake Huron;–Wide infra, 110. Montreal and New York:—Wide supra, 45. bi. Montreal and Prescott:-For an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 113. Montreal and Province Tine Junction: 58. For an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 16. Again (with power to build a bridge over the Richelieu), (1847) 43. Notices insufficient as respects the bridge, 66. Motion to suspend Rule negatived, 97. Petition against erec- tion of bridge, 100—Bill to incorporate the Company; Presented, 73. Referred, 105. Petition also referred, 107. Reported, 134. Amended in Committee, 195. Reserved, 217,-Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1849) VI. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 121.) Wide Accounts, 470, 471. 59. For an extension of the time limited for the deposit of plan, and for an increase of capital stock, (1849) 53. Refer- red, with another Petition, 73. To report from time to time, 81. Report a Bill, 85. R. A., 262. (12 Vic, c. 179.) - 60. For an Act to transfer the powers granted to the company, to the Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad Co., (1850) 35. Report from Committee on Standing Orders thereon, 47. Montreal and Vermont Junction: 61. For an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 103. No notice given, 116. Rule suspended, and Bill presented, 193. Peti- tion for amendments thereto, 253. Both referred, 235, 254. Reported, with amendments, 295. Amended in Committee, 335. Passed, 337. By the Council, with amendments; Considered, and agreed to, 359. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 178.) 62. For authority to construct a branch line, to connect with certain eastern lines of railway, (1851) 130. Bill pre- sented, 160. Referred, 174. Reported, with amendments, 203. Amended in Committee, 270. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 316. Considered, and agreed to, 318. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 145.) Montreal, Ottawa, and Kingston Grand Trunk:-Wide supra, 51. Niagara and Detroit Rivers: 63. Bill to extend the time allowed by the Act of Incorporation, for completion of that railroad; Reported by a Com- mittee, (1846) 21. Referred, 53. Reported, with amendments, 86. Committed, 87. Considered, and no Report made, 104. - 64. Bill to extend provisions of the Act of Incorporation; Presented, (1847) 40. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived; Read, and referred, 76. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 108. Order for consideration discharged, 129. 65. Bill to incorporate the Niagara and Detroit Rivers Railroad Company; Presented, (1849) 170, 178. Referred, ºf 204. Reported; Motion to refer back the Report, for the purpose of amending the Bill so as to establish the line of road surveyed by Mr. Johnstone, negatived; Motion that the Report be received this day three months, r—t carried, 295. Fee paid on the Bill refunded, 355. Wide Committees, 531. 66. Bill to incorporate the Niagara and Detroit Rivers Railroad Co.; Presented, (1850) 55. Order for second reading discharged, 141. 67. Bill for the incorporation of a company to construct a railroad between the Niagara and Detroit Rivers; Presented, (1850) 66. Referred, 114. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 142. Consideration postponed six months, 206. Fee refunded, 230.-Petition from Woodstock, in favor of the Bill as amended by the Com- mittee, 170. - 68. Bill to revive the Act of Upper Canada incorporating the Niagara and Detroit Rivers Railroad Co.; Presented, (1850) 127. Wot proceeded in. 69. Petitions for an extension of the time limited by the Act of Incorporation for completion of the railroad —(1846) Bell, L., and others, 46. McBride, J., and others, 60. McCrae, T., and others, 4. McDougall, D. M., and others, 45. Prince, John (President of the Company), and others, 37. Talbot District Council, 45. Peti- tion of McCrae referred, 4. Report a Bill, 21. (Wide supra, 63.) The other Petitions referred to Committee on Railroads, 67, 72. Report thereon, 86. (App.R.) Petitions for renewal of Charter:—(1847) Elliott, 4.32 RAILROADS—continued. II. Petitions for incorporation of Railroad Companies, &c.—continued. J. J., and others, 39. Fort Erie to Sandwich, 78. Haldimand, 84. Niagara District, 39. Petition from Haldimand referred with the Bill, 85. Report, 108. (1849) Chatham, 76. Essex, 71. Haldimand, 62. Niagara District, 21, 76, 84. Simcoe, 240. Southwick, G., and others (Stockholders), 71. Talbot District, 177. Yarmouth, 217. Referred to Committee on Railroads, 40, 63, 77,242. Entry in Journals of 1846 on the subject, read and referred, 48. Report (App. Q. Q. Q.); Bill presented, 170. (Wide supra, 65.) Instruction to Committee on Standing Orders, to inquire whether due notice of the application was given, 140. No Report thereon. (1850) Bertie, 37. Brantford, 46. Brantford Municipality, 29. Haldimand Mun. Council, 12. London, 37 . Middlesex Municipal Council, 46. Oxford do., 46. Sandwich Municipality, 65. Sandwich and Windsor, 37. Wainfleet Municipality, 73. Woodstock, 53, 54. Some of them referred to Committee on Railroads, 59, 65, 95, 98. 70. Petitions against the renewal of Charter:—(1847) Great Western Railroad Company, 116. Again, (1849) 72. Referred to Committee on Railroads, 77. Report on the subject, 170. (App. Q. Q. Q.) (1850) Beams- ville, 82. Galt, 54. Hamilton, 81. London, 65. St. George, 127. Petition from London referred to Com- mittee on Railroads, 57. Wide Committees, 484, 485. 71. Niagara Falls :—Against the Incorporation of any company for the construction of a railway from the Nia- gara Falls Suspension Bridge to the Table Rock, (1849) 13. Ontario, Simcoe, and Lake Huron Union Railroad Co.: 72. Of F. C. Capreol, for an Act to authorize him to construct a Railroad from Toronto to Lake Huron við Holland Landing, (1849) 96. Petitions in favor:-Home District, 62. Oswego (New York), 89. Bill to incorporate F. C. Capreol and others for that purpose; Presented, 103. Referred, 155. Reported, with amendments, 190. Amended in Committee; Motion that Report be received in three months, negatived; Amendments agreed to, 234. Bill passed, 252. Reserved, 367–Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1850) VI. (12 Vic, c. 196.) 73. For an Act to amend the Act of Incorporation, (1850) 77. Bill sent down from the Council; Read, 220. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 131.) 74. Of Corporation of Toronto, for power to subscribe for a portion of the stock, and to be represented in the company, (1850) 224. Bill sent down from the Council; Read, 268. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 81.) 75. For repeal of the last preceding Act, and all others taxing the people for railways; Vaughan, (1851) 18. Wide Supra, 11. Also, Accounts, 440. 76. Pacific Ocean :-For incorporation of a company to construct a railway from Lake Superior to the Pacific, (1851) 40. Bill presented, 92. Referred to Committee on Railroads, 133. Report thereon (App. U. U.); Concurred in ; Printed; Fee refunded, 358. 77. Peterborough and Port Hope :—Bill to incorporate the said company; Presented, (1846) 135. Referred, 181. Reported, with amendments, 186. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 250. Considered, and agreed to, 252. Reserved, 346.-Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1847) VII. (9 Wic, c. 109.) Wide Accounts, 467. Wide Accounts, 364. Pointe au Beaudette:—Wide supra, 46. Quebec and Richmond (or Melbourne): 78. For an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 50. Bill presented, 145. Referred, 181. Reported, with amendments; Come mitted, 234. Wot considered. Again, (1850) 28. Bill presented, 51. Referred, 112. Reported, with amendments, 151. Amended in Committee, 169. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 212. Con- sidered, and agreed to, 214. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 116.) 79. Petitions for aid to the railway, (1846) Quebec (District), 50. Sherbrooke and Drummond, 17, Wide Bridges, 102. 80. Quebec and St. Andrews:–For an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 216–Again, (1850) 28. Bill pre- sented, 60. Referred, 113. Reported, with amendments, 170. Amended in Committee, 177. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 238, Considered, and agreed to,248. R.A.,284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 117.) RAILROADS—continued. 433 >eº II. Petitions for incorporation of Railroad Companies, &c.—continued. St. Lawrence and Atlantic : 81. Petitions in favor of incorporating a company for constructing a railroad from Montreal to the Province Line, towards Boston or Portland, (1844–5) St. Hyacinthe, Richelieu, and Chambly, 52. Sherbrooke and Stan- stead, 53. Sherbrooke Municipal Council, 53. All referred, 54, 56. Report, 196. Bill to incorporate a company to construct a railroad from the St. Lawrence, near Montreal, to the Province Line, near Stanstead; JPresented, ib. Referred, 279. Reported, with amendments, 314. Amended in Committee, 340. Passed (as a Bill to incorporate the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Co.), 345. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 355. Considered, and agreed to, 361. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 25.)—Petition of Montreal Board of Trade, in favor, 252. Printed, 253. Wide Accounts, 493. 82. Bill to amend Act of Incorporation; Presented, (1846) 90. Referred; Exempted from fee, 136. Reported; Amended in Committee, 183. R. A., 345. (9 Vic, c. 79.)—Petition from Quebec, in favor, 218. 83. Petition for further amendments, (1847) 14. Notices insufficient as regards the acquisition of an additional quan- tity of land, 49. Bill to amend Act of Incorporation, and extend the powers of the company; Presented, 70. Referred, 107. Reported, with amendments, 134. Amended in Committee, 195. Passed, 205. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 208. Considered, and agreed to, 215. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic., c. 65.)—Petition from certain stockholders, for an amendment to the Bill, 122. Referred to the Committee on the Bill, 152. 84. Petition of the company, for an Act to authorize the Government to subscribe for a part of their stock; and for further aid, (1847) 95. Referred to Committee on emigration, 116. No Report. Another Petition for aid, (1848) 13.−Again, (1849) 89. Petitions in favor, 28, 89. 85. Petition from inhabitants of Drummond, representing the advantages which the Eastern Townships would derive from the construction of the railroad, and the improvement of cross roads leading thereto, (1847) 111. 86. Petition of the company, for remission of duty on iron imported for the construction of the road, (1847) 167. 87. Petition for authority to the Directors to regulate the tolls without reference to a General Meeting, (1849) 116. Bill to amend Act of Incorporation; Presented, 153. Referred, 220. Reported, with amendments, 295. Amended in Committee, 334. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 176.) 88. Petition of the company, for amendments to their Acts, and an extension of powers, (1850) 50. Bill presented, 65. Referred, 95. Reported with an amendment, 115. Amended in Committee, 124. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 144. Considered, and agreed to, 159. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 118.) Wide Supra, 11. Accounts, 493, 494. Committees, 481. 89. St. Lawrence and Industry Willage :—For an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 22. Bill presented, 46. Petition of Hon. Ross Cuthbert, Seignior of Dautray and Lanoraie, for the protection of his rights in the event of the Bill passing, 100.-Bill amended in Committee, 94. One of the amendments negatived; The others agreed to, 98. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 117. Considered, and agreed to, 123. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 63.) Wide Supra, 40. Accounts, 438,495. St. Lawrence and Ottawa Grand Junction :-Wide supra, 56. 90. Sherbrooke and Richelieu:—For aid to make the requisite surveys, and for repeal of so much of the Ordi- nance incorporating the Company as requires the road to be commenced at Sherbrooke, &c., (1841) 129.-House to go into Committee on the subject, 205. Report a Resolution, for amending Ordinance so far as respects the commencement of the road; Bill presented, 247. R. A., 359. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 47.) Wide Committees, 238. Toronto and Goderich : 91. For an Act of Incorporation, with a grant of wild lands on the line thereof, (1847) 56, 84. Bill presented, 116. Referred, 180. Reported, with amendments, 184. Amended in Committee, 209. Reserved, 217.—Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1849) VI. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 123.) Wide Accounts, 470, 471. 92. For a grant of wild land to aid in the construction of the railroad, (1849) 163. 93. For amendments to Act of Incorporation, (1851) 93, 176. Bill to amend the Act incorporating the Toronto and Goderich Railway Co., and to continue the same as amended by the name of the Toronto and Guelph Western Extension Railway Co.; Presented, 116. Petition of Corporation of Toronto, for insertion of a provision therein, authorizing them to subscribe for stock, 118. Bill and Petitions referred, 131, 133, 134. Reported amended by substituting an Act of Incorporation for a railway from Toronto to Guelph, 210. EEE 434 RAILROADS—continued. º II. Petitions for incorporation of Railroad Companies, &c.—continued. Toronto and Goderich—continued. Ryder authorizing the company to raise a further capital to extend the railway to Goderich, moved and negatived; Bill passed (as an Act to incorporate the Toronto and Guelph Railway Co.), 281. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 148.) 94. Bill to incorporate a company to construct a railway from Goderich to Guelph (in continuation of the above); Presented, (1851) 299. Wot proceeded in. Toronto and Guelph —Wide supra, 93. Toronto and Take Huron : 95. For authority to the company to make a plank or other road, at their discretion, on the same terms as are granted them for a railroad, (1841) 493. Referred to Committee on Petition of Magistrates of Home District, 510. Report thereon; Concurred in ; Communicated to His Excellency, 616. (Wide Addresses, 547.) Another Petition, for the like, and for power to change their Lake Huron terminus, (1844–5) 52. Referred, 54. Report, 278. Bill to amend their Act of Incorporation; Presented, 293. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 361. Considered, and agreed to, 368. R. A., 441. (8 Vic, c. 83.) 96. For amendments to Act of Incorporation, and increase of capital stock, (1846) 59. Referred, 63. (No Report.) Bill presented, 80. Referred, 167. Reported, with amendments; Amended in Committee, 183. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 235. Considered, and agreed to, 241. Reserved, 345.-Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1847) VII. (9 Wic, c. 111.) Wide Accounts, 467. * 97. For public aid to the company, (1847) 69. 98. For an inquiry into the circumstances commected with the application for the foregoing Act, and praying that the - extinguished liabilities of the original subscribers may not be revived by it, (1847) 95. Referred, 122. Report, 160. Bill to explain the said Act; Presented, 161. Referred, 181. Reported, with amendments, 184. Amended in Committee, 210. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 66.) 99. For amendments to the foregoing Act (supra, 98), and an extension of time for completion of the railroad, (1849) 71. Bill presented, 114. Petition against, 187. Bill referred, 290. Reported; Committed, 307. Wot con- sidered. 101. For authority to the company to resume operations or to wind up its affairs, (1850) 137. Bill to revive and con- tinue the Act of Incorporation; Presented, 142. Referred, 157. Reported, with an amendment, 170. Fee remitted, 178. Passed, 180. Wot returned from the Council.—Petition of Toronto, Simcoe, and Huron Railroad Union Company, against the Bill, 188. 102. For an Act to enable the company to resume its operations, (1851) 52. Report from Committee on Standing Orders, as to the notices, 62. Bill to revive and continue the Act; Presented, 69. Petitions against, 82,93. Bil; and Petitions referred, 114, 119, 184, 74th Rule (notice of sitting of Committee) suspended, 135. No Report. Wide Addresses, 547. Committees, 481. 103. Wolfe Island, Kingston, and Toronto Railway —For an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 17. Referred, 68. (No Report.) Petition of Victoria District Council, in favor, 16. Bill presented, 91. Referred, 181. Reported, with amendments, 186. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 250. Considered, and agreed to, 258. Reserved, 346.-Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1847) VII, (9 Wic, c. 108.) Wide Accounts, 467. 104. Wolfe Island Railway and Canal Co. —For an Act of Incorporation, (1851) 115. Till to revive and amend the Wolfe Island, Kingston, and Toronto Railway Act (supra, 103); Presented, 267. Referred, 828. Reported, 828. Passed (as an Act to incorporate the Wolfe Island Railway and Canal Co.), 350. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 149.) Woodstock and Lake Erie Railway and Harbour Co.: 105. For incorporation of the Woodstock, Port Burwell, and Port Rowan Railroad and Lumber Company, (1846) 50. *rred, 51. Report insufficient notice, 64.—Petition of John Burwell, against, 72. Referred, 79. Report, 87–Again, (1847) 39. Petitions in favor, 43. Bill to incorporate the Woodstock and Lake Erie Railway and Harbour Co.; Presented, 50. Amended in Committee, 131. Reserved, 217-Royal Assent by Procla- mation, (1849) VI. (10 & 11 vic, c. 117.) Wide Accounts, 470, 471. an extension and amendment of Charter, (1851) 33. Bill presented, 92. Referred to Committee on Rail- roads, 188. Report, that it is inexpedient to pass the same, 279. Motion that the Bill and Report be com- initted, negatived, 288. Fee refunded, 299. 106. For RAILROADS—REA. 435 III. Other Petitions relative to Railroads: 107 § 08 # 09 110 3.11 # 12 . Praying that railway trains may be prohibited from running on Sundays, (1846) Abbotsford (Episcopalians), 277. Bedford (do.), 277. Bury (do), 252. Eaton (do), 245. Lachine, 182. Montreal (Rector, &c., of Christ's Church), 213. Quebec (Bishop of Montreal and others), 186. Rouville, 277. Petitions from Eaton and Montreal referred to Committee on Railroad Bills, 218, 245. . Petitions in favor of the construction of a railway from Quebec to Halifax:—(1849) Pointe Levi, 144. Quebec, 83. Quebec Corporation, 113. St. Thomas (L'Islet), 144. Report respecting notices, 107. All referred, 124, 157, 158. No Report. (1851) Bellechasse Municipal Council, 152. Bonaventure, 110. Quebec, 32. Quebec Corporation, 18. St. Germain, 71. Wide Supra, 5–12, 17–20, - . Petitions for construction of a main line of railway from Quebec to Montreal, and thence to the western extre- mity of the Province, also from Quebec to New Brunswick Province line, (1846) 55, 60. (1849) Brock, 66. Colborne, 96. Dumfries, 84. Hamilton, 90. London, 84. P. Sarnia, 76. Quebec Board of Trade, 71. Last Petition referred, 77. No Report. (1850) Vaudreuil Mun. Council (from Montreal to the West), 77.——(1851) Vaudreuil Mun. Council (the same), 206. Printed, ib. Referred to Committee on Railroads, 226. No Report thereon. Wide Supra, 6–8, 10–12. - . For adoption of measures to promote the construction of a railway from Montreal to Lake Huron; Hon. R. U. Harwood and others, (1849) 144. Referred, 187. Wo Report. . For a survey of the various lines for which charters have been granted, between Montreal and the Western limits of the Province; Vaudreuil, (1849) 186. Referred, 187. Wo Report. . For repeal of the Act granting the Government Guarantee to railways, and all other Acts taxing the people for railway purposes; Vaughan, (1851) 18. - Wide Accounts, 436–441, 467, 470, 471. Addresses, 410, 411. Committees, 238–242, 481—486. Jºoads, 13. Speeches, 15. Supply, 291. Rainham :—Wide Surveys, 60. Territorial Divisions, 45. Walpole. Raisins, Rivière aux:-vide Bridges, 80. Raleigh —Petition for the draining of a large marsh in that township, (1849) 100. Randal, Robert: . Petition of I. H. Culp, for payment of a sum of £500 voted to the late Mr. Randal by the Assembly of U. Canada, for his services in connexion with a mission to England in 1827, (1846) 94. Referred, 163. Report, 192. Printed; Committed, 210. Considered, and no Report made, 274.——Another Petition, (1847) 30. Referred, 44. Proceedings of last Session also referred, 46. Report, 90. Committed; Considered, and no Report made, 147.—Again, (1849) 103.—Of W. L. Mackenzie, and I. H. Culp, for the same, (1850) 54. . Petition of W. L. Mackenzie, Esq. (Executor), for an Address to His Excellency for copies of certain documents relative to the Estate of the late Mr. Randal, (1850) 54. . Motion, for appointment of a Select Committee to inquire into the circumstances connected with Mr. Randal's mission to England, Negatived, (1850) 98. Wide Supply, 181. Rawdon :-vide Accounts, 442. Addresses, 412. Razienne, Ignace:–vide Rºllion, 15. Rea, Alex. :—Petition of, for compensation for injuries sustained in consequence of the faithful discharge of his duty as a Magistrate for the District of St. Francis, (1842) 38.--The like, (1843) 71-(1844–5) 210. 436 BEAT, ESTATE–REBELLION. . 10 11. Real Estate: Bills relative to: . To afford relief to the sellers of real estate in Upper Canada; From the Council, (1841) 585. Read, 586. Second reading, 603. Wor order thereon. . To afford relief, &c.; Presented, (1842) 14. Committed, 61. Wot considered. . To afford relief, &c.; Presented, (1843) 12. Referred, 164. Not reported. . To afford relief, &c.; Presented, (1844–5) 55. Referred, 96. Wot reported. . To facilitate the conveyance of real property in Upper Canada; Presented, (1846) 32. Amended in Committee, 43. Ryder added; Bill passed (without a limitation to Upper Canada), 59. R. A., 255. (9 Wic, c. 6.) s . To prevent the bringing of penal actions in Upper Canada under the Imperial Act of 32 Henry VIII, relating to bracery and burying of titles; Ordered, (1846) 148. Presented, 221. Not proceeded with. . To simplify the transfer of real property in Upper Canada, and to render certain rights and interests therein liable under execution; Presented, (1849) 48. Amended in Committee, 228. Passed, 232. Message from the Council, that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 285.—New Bill presented, 303. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 71.) . To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1851) 21. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 7.) . Relating to real estate and tenants in tail, and to substitute more simple modes of assurance in lieu of fines and recoveries; Presented, (1846) 32. Amended in Committee, 75. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 11.) To remove doubts as to the legal effect of an Act of Lower Canada, of 9 Geo. IV, for rendering valid conveyances of lands and other immovable property in Lower Canada, and for the greater uniformity of the law relative to real property in Lower Canada; Presented, (1849) 14, 300 additional copies printed, 119. Referred, 305. Mot reported. To provide a more summary and less expensive process for proprietors of real property in Lower Canada to acquire the possession thereof, when illegally detained from them in certain cases; Presented, (1851) 31. Referred, 77. Reported, with amendments; Re-printed, 119. Passed, 178. By the Council, with an amendment, 265. Considered, and agreed to, 267. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic., c. 92.) Wide Committees, 243. Infants. Registry Laws. Sheriffs' Sales. Sureties. Rebellion (in Upper and Lower Canada): . Bill to amend the Act providing for the payment of the Rebellion losses in Upper Canada, by enlarging the time for the sittings of the Commissioners; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 138. Amended in Committee, 214. R. A., 359. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 39.) Bill to provide for the payment of claims arising out of the Rebellion and Invasion in Upper Canada, and to appro- priate the duties on tavern licences to local purposes, subject first to the payment of such claims; Ordered, (1844–5) 809. Presented, 310. Amended in Committee, 339. R. A., 441. (8 Vic, c. 72.) Bill granting £8618 8s. 9d, out of the fund arising from tavern licenses in Upper Canada, to pay the balance due to claimants, and a per centage to the Treasurers; and providing for the issuing of Debentures for the imme- diate payment of the claims; Ordered; Presented, (1847) 136. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 33.) Wide Accounts, 318. Bill granting £20,000 (to be raised by Debentures) for the payment of all just claims arising out of the Rebellion and Invasion in Lower Canada; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 455. Committed, 474. Wot considered. . Bill granting £9986 7s. 2d. to pay the losses reported to be due under the 4th and 5th Reports of the Commis- sioners-to be raised by Debentures, and the interest payable out of the Marriage License Fund for Lower Canada; also, applying the proportion of the said Fund for Upper Canada in aid of the Toronto Hospital, Toronto House of Industry, Kingston indigent sick, and Upper Canada Lumatic Asylum ; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 386. R. A., 346. (9 Wic, c. 65.) Wide Marriage License Fund, 2, 4. . Bill to provide (by the issuing of Debentures for £100,000) for the indemnification of parties in Lower Canada whose Property Was destroyed during the Rebellion in 1837 and 1838 (exclusive of those convicted of high treason or transported to Bermuda); Ordered, (1849) 108. Presented, 112. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived, 122. Amended in Committee, 127. Several motions to re-commit Bill, negatived; Amend- ments agreed to, 128 to 130. Ryder moved and negatived, and Bill passed, 142. By the Council, 157. R. A., 261. (15 Wic, c. 58)—Petitions against any appropriation out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, for the payment of the Rebellion losses, as proposed by the Bill:—Beauharnois, 112. Brockville, 112. Bromp- ton, 157 • Bytown, 138. Frontenac, 112. Gore District, 123. Hastings, 112. Kingston, 90. Niagara District, 143, 187. Sherbrooke, 131. Two Mountains, 131. Wide Accounts, 449. Addresses, 423. REBELLION.—continued. 437 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Rebellion—continued. Bill for the Queen's most gracious, general, and free pardon; From the Council (being signed by His Excellency); Read once, and passed, mem. con., (1849) 47. R. A., 59. (12 Vic, c. 13.) Series of Resolutions providing for the payment of the Rebellion losses in Lower Canada (excepting those of persons convicted of high treason, or transported to Bermuda), by the issue of Debentures for £100,000 currency, payable on the Consolidated Revenue Eund; and authorizing the holders of Debentures issued under the Act of 9 Vic, to exchange the same for such new Debentures; Reported from a Committee of the whole, (1849) 108. Several amendments proposed and negatived, and Resolutions agreed to ; Bill presented, 109 to 112. Wide Supra, 6. º Petitions for payment of claims for losses or charges arising out of the Rebellion in Upper Canada, and subsequent invasions, viz.:-(1841) Elder, David, 129. Midcalf, John (the Caroline), 202. O'Carroll, John, 175. (1842) Portt, W. & G., 115. (1843) Barclay, R., and others, of Kingston, 39. Portt, W. & G., 65. Smith, Major, and Henry Mosher, 113. Petitions of Portt, and Smith and Mosher, referred, 106, 116. Wo JReport. (1844–5) Macdonnell, Very Rev. A., 18. Sandwich, 12. Wilson, Jas., 188. (1846) Sand- wich, 105. (1847) Griffith, T., 84. Mitchell, John C., 111. Stamford and Willoughby, 30.—(1848) McIntosh, John, 39.—(1849) Bacon, W., of Ogdensburgh (the Sir Robert Peel steamer), 84. McIntosh, John, 39. Stevens, O.W., 67: Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 73. (1850) Doan, Robert, 37. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 54. (1850) McIntosh, John, 70–(1851) Bacon, W., 49: Printed, 186. Doan, Robert, 71. McIntosh, J., 78. Petition of Alex. McLeod, for indemnification for loss, &c., from his imprisonment by the United States authorities, on a charge of aiding in the destruction of the piratical steamer “Caroline” during the Rebellion, (1844–5) 328. Referred, 331. Report, 373. (App. Z. Z.) Concurred in ; Address to Her Majesty ordered, 382. Wide Addresses, 18. Another Petition, (1846) 233. Referred, 237. Report, with an Address, 298. Wide Addresses, 19.—Again, (1850) 167. Wide Accounts, 296. Petitions for remuneration for services during the Rebellion, viz —(1841) Carley, John, 269-–(1844–5) De Woyan, N., 276. Longworth, John, 403. (1846) Rogers, John F., 71. Petition from Niagara District, for an inquiry into the condition of the Canadian prisoners transported for offences connected with the Rebellion, (1841) 486. Petition for the carrying into effect of the Act for the payment of the Rebellion losses in U. Canada; Western District, (1843) 61. Referred to the Committee on Rebellion losses, 106. No Report. Petitions for grants of land to those who served in the militia during the Rebellion and Invasions:—(1844–5) Breakenridge, J., 177. Burwell, John, 264,--(1846) Burwell, J., 94. . Petitions for the payment of claims for losses arising out of the destruction of property, &c., during the Rebellion in L. Canada:-(1841) Acadie (County), 128. Andres, S., and S. R., 129. Atkinson, John (with His Excel- lency's consent to consider the same), 94. Beauharnois (County), 164. Caron, J. L., 129. Denicourt, Francis, 486. De Rouville, J. B. Réné Hertel, 129. Foucault, 74. Morin, Felicité, 233. Nadeau, Françoise, 486. Row, Peter, 268. St. Eustache (Parish), for the Church and Convent, 73. Vosburgh, A. P., and A., 75. Wheeler, Wm., 268. Petition of Atkinson referred, 130. Petitions of Row and Wheeler also referred, 269. No Report. (1842) McGinnis, R. B., 17. Miller, Chas., 10. Phillips, Wm., and others, 32. St. Eustache (Parish), for Church and Convent, 10: Referred, 12. (Wo Report.) Van Vliet, Travers, and J. Odell, 17. (1843) Foucault, 62. Lacolle, 38. Laviolette, J. B., 36. Masson, Damase, 18. Phillips, Wm., and others, 43. Razienne, Ignace, 43. St. Benoit, 43. St. Eustache (Church and Convent), 24. Ste. Rose, St. Martin, &c., 42. (1844–5) Huntingdon, 52. St. Benoit (Church), 48, 52: Referred, 81. Report, 235. St. Eustache (Church and Convent), 8: Referred, 88. Report; Committed, 167. Report a Resolution for concurring in Report; Consideration thereof postponed, 206. (1846) Beauharnois, 45. (1847) Blair- findie and Napierville, 14. Clark, W. G., and others, 56. Miller, Chas, 126. O'Clair, Joseph, 14. Rice, Tilley (Representatives of), 18. St. Edouard, 14. St. Eustache (Church and Convent), 30, 56.—(1848) Griffith, Thos., 62. (1848) Foucault, 25. Morin, Rev. A., and others, 58. St. Augustin, 63. St. Benoit, ib. St. Eustache, ib. (1849) Gazaille dit St. Germain, Widow of 90. Langlois, E., and others, 71. McCallum, Daniel, 29. Martin, Mrs., 59. Montreal, 77. Perrin, Firmin, 1.12: Another Petition (as creditor of Messrs. Nelson and Deschambault), ib. Phillips, Wm., 77. St. Augustin, 38. St. Benoit, 38. St. Con- stant, 96. St. Cyprien, 38. St. Eustache, 38. St. François du Lac, 53. St. Hyacinthe Mun. Council, 28. Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, 39. Ste. Martine, 58. St. Maurice, 116. St. Rémi, 33, 59. Ste. Scholastique, 38. Stratford, 169. Werchères, 77. 16. Petitions praying the House to intercede with Her Majesty for a full pardon for all persons engaged in the late Rebellion:—(1841) Quebec, 234. Referred to a Committee of the whole on the subject, 311. Wide Com- mittees, 244.—(1849) St. Maurice, 116. 438 REBELLION.—RECTORIES. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 2 Rebellion—continued. Petition of John Teed, of Quebec, complaining of illegal imprisonment during the Rebellion, and praying relief, (1844–5) 12. Referred, 54. Wo Report. Petition of Mrs. Teed, for an inquiry into the matter, that justice may be done to the memory of her late husband, (1846) 61. Referred, 62. Petition of A. Jacquies (infra, 18) also referred, 113. Report, 389. Another Petition of Mrs. Teed, (1849) 62. Petition of A. Jacquies, late proprietor of “Le Fantasque,” complaining of illegal imprisonment during the Rebellion, and praying relief, (1846) 112. Referred to Committee on Mrs. Teed's Petition, 113. (Wide supra, 17.) Report thereon, 339.-Another Petition, (1847) 65. Motion, for an Address for copy of any correspondence relative to the Address of last Session, praying for a free pardon for all parties concerned in the Rebellions in U. and L. Canada, Negatived, (1842) 5. Motion, for an Address to Her Majesty, praying that all claims for losses arising out of the recent invasions of U. Canada may be provided for by the Imperial Parliament, Negatived, (1844–5) 309. Motion, for an Address for copy of all correspondence relative to the proposed amnesty, Negatived, (1849) 14. Motion, for an Address for correspondence relative to the transmission from their several offices to Kingston (during Sir C. Bagot's administration) of the depositions, &c., relating to the Rebellions in L. Canada in 1837 and 1838; and a statement of the number of such documents which were destroyed or withdrawn; Motion to postpone consideration six months negatived; Main motion negatived, (1849) 114. Motion, for an Address for copies of all Petitions, Resolutions, and Addresses, received by His Excellency, relative to the payment of the Rebellion Losses in L. Canada, Negatived, (1849) 200. Motion, for an Address for all correspondence with the Imperial Government respecting the Bill (supra, 6) for the payment of the Rebellion losses in L. Canada, Negatived, (1849) 288. Motion, for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Act providing for the payment of the Rebellion losses in L. Canada, Negatived, (1850) 51. - Motion, for leave to bring in a Bill to prevent the payment of any claims under the Indemnity Act of last Session, until certain information moved for is laid before the Legislative Assembly, Negatived, (1850) 72. Wide Accounts, 443–453. Addresses, 28, 413–423, 631—634. Committees, 244–251, 487. Governor General, 112–117. Montgomery, John. Speeches, 7. Supply, 168, 169. Treason, Wilson, Duncan. Receiver G eneral :—Wide Accounts, 613. Addresses, 562. Receiver General's Office :—Wide Addresses, 629. Public Offices, 2. Rechabites :—Petitions for incorporation of the Order of Rechabites, (1849) 89, 187—Bill to incor- porate the Members of the Order of Rechabites of Montreal; Presented, 119. Order for second reading discharged, 266. Reciprocal Free Trade (with U. S.):-Wide Accounts, 602–606. Addresses, 556, 557. Wide Elections, 96–99, 198. Recognizances: Recor ds, Public :—Wide Accounts, 357. Addresses, 339, 424–428. Committees, 475, 488–490. Legislative Assembly, 226. Supply, 151, 306. Recorders (U. C.) :—Wide Committees, 61. Courts, 62, 87. Municipalities (U. C.), 9. Toronto, 2. Rectories: . Bill relating to Parsonages and Rectories in Canada; Presented, (1850) 205. Not proceeded in. . Bill to repeal so much of Imp. Act 31 Geo. III, c. 31, as relates to Rectories and the presentation of incumbents to the same ; Presented, (1851) 56. Petition of Bishops of Quebec and Montreal, against the Bill, 344. Bill referred, 191. Reported, with an amendment, 204. Motion to postpone third reading three months, negatived; Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived; Passed, 355. Reserved, 861. Wide Addresses, 482. Royal Assent by Proclamation, 9th June, 1852. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 175.) RECTORIES-REGISTRY IAWS. 439 Rectories—continued. 3. Entries in Journals of Assembly of U. Canada, of 5th February, 1838, relating to the endowment of Rectories, read; Address to His Excellency on the same subject ordered, (1851) 199. Wide Addresses, 431. 4. Petitions for abolition of the Rectories in Upper Canada:-(1849) Colchester, 84. Dereham, 138. Dorchester, 96. Dumfries, &c., 199. Dummer and Douro, 39. Gwillimbury, 39. McKinnon, M., 112. Yarmouth, 67. Zone, 216. Zorra, 89. (1850) Ancaster Municipality, 40. Baptist Churches of Grand River Asso- ciation, 89. Bentick Municipality, 13. Blenheim, 108. Brantford Municipality, 36. Brantford Town Council, 40. Brock, &c., 70. Cayuga, N., Municipality, 81. Dumfries, 89. Eramosa, 89. Eramosa Muni- cipality, 13. Erin do., 12. Galt do., 29. Glenelg do., 12, Gower, S., &c., 81. Guelph Municipality, 13. Gwillimbury, E., 108. Haldimand, 50. Haldimand Municipal Council, 12. Humberstone Municipality, 89. Nassagaweya do., 64. Pelham, 46. Pelham Municipality, 73. Peterboro’ Municipal Council, 117. Plymp- ton Municipality, 27. Presbyterian Synod of Canada, 74. Puslinch Municipality, 59. Rainham do., 12. Sarnia do., 64. Stamford, 59. Sullivan Municipality, 53. Wainfleet do., 73. Warwick do., 89. Waterloo Municipal Council, 13. Waterloo Municipality, 12. Wentworth and Halton Municipal Council, 13. Wes- leyan (New Connexion) Conference, 89. Whitchurch Municipality, 28. Woolwich do., 13.−(1851) Bap- tists, Grand River Association, 320. Crowland Municipality, 134. Guelph do., 28. McKinnon, M., 6. Oxford Municipal Council, 163. Pelham Municipality, 150. Willoughby do, 110. 5. Petition of the sons and daughters of the late J. Griffin, for the repeal of the Patent constituting the Rectory of Wellington Square, and the restoration to them of their father's property, now enjoyed by the Rector, (1849) 63. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 124. 6. Motion, for leave to bring in a Bill to repeal the 38th, 39th, and 49th sections of the Imperial Act 31 Geo. III, c. 31, to abolish the Rectories, and to declare void the several Letters Patent under which they were respectively constituted, Negatived, (1851) 207. &. Wide Accounts, 91,454. Addresses, 120, 429–432. Rees, Dr. 2–Wide Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, 5. Regiopolis College, Kingston:-vide Education, 50, 60,157. Registrars :—Wide Accounts, 455. Addresses, 433. Committees, 491. Elections, 142. Registry Laws (L. C.), 16. Registry Laws (U. C.), 7, 8, 12. Supply, 187. Registration and Statistics, Board of:—vide Accounts, 456. Registration of Public Documents:—vide Supply, 804. Registration of Wessels:–vide Shipping. Registration of Voters:–vide Elections, 2, 18. Registry Laws (L. C.): Bills for amending the Registry Laws: 1. To extend the time allowed by the Registry Ordinance for the registration of incumbrances on real estate in Lower Canada; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 34. Amended in Committee (so as to repeal part of said Ordinance), 92. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 15.) 2. To amend the Registry Ordinance and further to extend the time for registration, &c.; Presented, (1843) 141, Referred, 152. Reported, with amendments, 167. Amended in Committee, 171. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 22.) 8. To facilitate the registration of titles to real property and encumbrances thereon in Lower Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 10. Referred, 201. Member added, 218. Bill to amend the Registry Laws (infra, 4,) also referred, 358. Latter Bill only reported, 384. 4. To amend the laws relative to the registration of titles, &c.; Presented, (1844–5) 290. Referred to Committee on foregoing Bill, 358. Reported, with amendments, 384, Amended in Committee, 410. Returned from the Council, with an amendment limiting duration to two years; Considered, and agreed to, 438. R. A., 439 (8 Vic, c. 27.) 440 REGISTRY LAWS-continued. Tºrº 1 0. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Registry Laws (L. C.)—continued. . To provide for the safe keeping of books, records, &c., and for the prompt registration of deeds and memorials, in the Registry Offices of Lower Canada; From the Council, (1846) 259. Read, 260. Order for second read- ing, 266. Not proceeded in. - . To continue and amend the Ordinance establishing Registry Offices in Lower Canada; Presented, (1847) 135. Order for second reading discharged, 199. . To amend the Ordinance providing for the enregistration of titles to immovable property, and encumbrances thereon ; Presented, (1849) 200. Amended in Committee, 236. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 324. Considered, and agreed to, 325. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 48.) . To amend the Ordinance which provides for the registration of titles to, and incumbrances on, real property; Pre- sented, (1850) 32. Second reading postponed six months, 111. . To amend the Registry Ordinance of Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 69. Referred, 180. Member added, 218. Two other Bills (infra, 10, 11) referred, with an Instruction, 218, 233. Report, that they have consolidated the provisions of this Bill with the Bill from the Council (Wide infra, 10), and that they cannot recommend the passing of the other Bill (infra, 11), 286. To explain and amend the laws relating to the registration of deeds in Lower Canada; From the Council; Read, (1851) 183. Printed, 186. Referred to Committee on the foregoing Bill, with an instruction to consolidate the two Bills if they see fit, 218. Reported amended by including the provisions of the other Bill, 286. Amended in Committee, 343. Passed, as amended, 347. Amendments agreed to by the Council, 353. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 93) - To amend the Ordinance to regulate the enregistration of titles in Lower Canada; Presented, (1851) 108. Referred to Committee on foregoing Bill, 233. (Wide supra, 9.) Report that it is not expedient to pass this Bill, &c., 286. Petitions for repeal or amendment of the Registry Laws:—(1841) Portneuf, 55. (1842) Granby, 58. Lotbinière, 20. (1843) Kamouraska Mun. Council, 14. Richelieu Mun. Council, 25. Rimouski Mun. Council, 33. St. Armand, 18. St. Gervais and St. Lazare, 87. Shefford, 76. Stanstead, 21.--(1847) Municipal Coun- cils of Bic, Lessard, Rimouski, St. Simon, and Trois Pistoles, 43.--(1849) Dorchester, 144, 156. (1850) Portneuf Mun. Council, 137. Petition from inhabitants of Quebec, praying the House to exercise its influence to give full effect to the Registry Law, (1841) 175. Petition of Montreal Board of Trade, praying that no mortgage may be binding until it shall have been registered, (1841) 184. Petition for a reduction of the expense attending registration; St. Bernard, (1846) 17. Petition of G. L. Marler, of Three Rivers, praying that the offices of Registrar and Notary may not be held by the same person, (1848) 40. Wide Committees, 252. Special Council. Registry Laws (U. C.): Bills for amending the Registry Laws: . To amend the Registry Laws of Upper Canada; Presented, (1843) 31. Referred, 70. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 178. Considered, and no Report made, 202. . To amend, &c.; Presented, (1844–5) 92. Referred, 237. Reported, with amendments, 257. Amended in Com- mittee, 287. Ryder added; Another Ryder moved and negatived; Bill passed, 303. Wot returned from the Council. . To consolidate and amend, &c.; Presented, (1846) 34. Referred, 98. Reported, 169. Amended in Committee, 212. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 34.) Wide Accounts, 457. . To explain and amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1847) 168. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 16.) . To amend the Registry Laws of Upper Canada; Presented, (1849) 42. Referred, 148. (Bill to provide for the sale of the interest of mortgagors in real estate, referred, 149. Order discharged, 219.) Reported, with amendments, 164. Printed, as amended, 165. Amended in Committee, 249. Passed, 258. Message from the Council, that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 285. . To amend the Registry Law of Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 48. Amended in Committee, 231. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 262. Considered, and agreed to, 263. R.A.,284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 63.) TEGISTRY LAWS-RELIGIOUS, 44.1 Registry Laws (U. C.)—continued. 7. To confirm certain Acts of Registrars in U, Canada; From the Council, (1846) 236. Read, 267. R. A., 345. 8 9 10 11 12 13 (9 Wic, c. 32.) • To reduce and regulate the fees of Registrars in U. Canada; Presented, (1851) 65. Referred, 127. Report (App. P. P.), with Bill amended, 155. Re-printed, 168. Amended in Committee; Motion that it be engrossed; Amendment, that it be again re-printed, as amended, and the further consideration postponed, negatived; Main motion agreed to, 289. Passed, 296. Wot returned from the Council. . To compel the registration of deeds and instruments creating debts to the Crown; Presented, (1851) 6. Amended in Committee, 96. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c.9) : Instruction to Committee on the Bill for removing the Registry Office of Simcoe, to apply its provisions to other Districts, (1846) 149. Reported amended accordingly, 151. Wide Simcoe (County), 2. . Petition of John Burwell, of Port Burwell, praying that Registry Books may be considered public property, and may remain, as such, in the Registry Offices, (1843) 131. Petition of Home District Council, for a reduction of the fees of Registrars, (1848) 13. . Petitions for a discretionary power to Municipal Councils, in respect to the erection of Registry Offices, (1848) Home District Council, 13. Simcoe District Council, 26. Wide Accounts, 457. Registry Offices (L. C.):—vide Accounts, 458. Supply, 310. Reid & Shepherd, Messrs. :—Wide Navigations, 54. Supply, 201. Relations and Friends, Meetings of: 1. Bill to enable Notaries to call meetings of relatioas and friends in certain cases, without special authority from a 2 Judge; Ordered, (1844–5) 68. Presented, 64. Referred, 147. Reported, with amendments, 208. Passed, 231. Wot returned from the Council. Wide Committees, 157. • Bill to allow Notaries to call meetings, &c.; Presented, (1851) 54. Referred, 90. Reported, with an amendment, 102. Passed, 288. By the Council, with amendments, 272. Considered, and agreed to, 280. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 58.) Religious Books:—Petition of the U. C. Religious Tract and Book Society, for exemption of the Agents or Colporteurs of Religious Societies from the necessity of obtaining a licence for the sale of religious books and tracts, (1849) 253. Wide Customs, 41. Hawkers, 2. \\ Religious Corporations :—Wide Accounts, 460. Committees, 493. Education, 33. FFF 442 RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. titligious Jenominations. vºy"Nº...," e. *N*- I. Public Bills for the relief of Religious Societies; 1–6. II. Bills and Petitions relative to particular Denominations; 7–54. I. Public Bills for the relief of Religious Societies: 1. To enable Religious Societies of all denominations of Christians to hold lands for certain purposes; Reported by a Committee, (1841) 166. Amended in Committee, 214. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 345, 368. Amendments referred, 370. Reported; Committed, 468. Considered, and no Report made, 632. 2. To enable Ministers of all denominations of Christians to solemnize marriage; Reported by a Committee, (1841) 166. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 345, 423. Bill and amendments printed; Committed, 427. Considered, and no Report made, 504. 3. To enable Religious Societies of all denominations of Christians in Upper Canada to hold ſands for certain purposes; Presented, (1843) 29. Amended in Committee, 73. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 144. Considered, and disagreed to unanimously; Committee appointed to draw up reasons for disagreeing, to be offered at a conference, 164. Report of Reasons, 171. Concurred in, 178. Conference desired, 185. Agreed to ; Managers appointed, 186. Wo Report.—Entries in journals relative to the said amendments read; Select Committee appointed to inquire how certain words were introduced into the said amendments in the Journals, (1844–5) 8. Report, 36. Committed, 38. Report a Resolution that Mr. Speaker do censure the Clerk of the English journals for interpolating the words in question; Agreed to, 51. Entry in journal again read, and the interpolated words expunged; Above proceedings communicated to the Council, 63. 4. To extend provisions of a certain Act of U. Canada for relief of certain Religious Denominations, to other denomi- nations of Christians; Presented, (1844–5) 178. Amended in Committee, 224. Returned from the Council, with amendments, extending it to two Acts of U. Canada, 256. Considered, 261. Agreed to, 287. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 15.)—Petition of Rev. W. Taylor and others, of Montreal, against the Bill, 225. 5. To amend certain Acts for the relief of Religious Societies; Tresented, (1849) 154. Referred, 228. Reported, with amendments, 272. Amended in Committee, 291. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 91.) 6. Motion, that no grant of money be made out of the public revenue, to any institution which shall be under the man- agement or control of any Religious Denomination, or which shall be exclusive or sectarian in its character, Negatived, (1851) 163. Wide Accounts, 94,459. Addresses, 121, 122, 434. Churches. Marriage. II. Bills and Petitions relative to particular Denominations, viz: Baptists: 7. Petitition of the Canada Baptist Missionary Society, for an Act of Incorporation, (1844–5) 41. Referred, 43. Report, 83. Bill presented, 95. Referred, 136. Reported, with an amendment, 190. Amendment con- curred in, 215. Further amendments made, 218. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 102.) Wide Accounts, 65. 8. (Perth):—Petition of the trustees of the Baptist Congregation at Perth, for the legalization of their title to a cer- tain piece of land in that town, (1846) 73. Another Petition, for power to sell and convey the same, (1847) 78. Bill presented, 119. Referred, 180. Reported, with amendments, 182. Ordered to be engrossed (with- out adopting the amendments), 191. Passed, 193. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 106.) Petition of Mr. McDonnell, for an amendment of the foregoing Act, so as to confirm his title to the said land (conveyed to him by the trustees), (1849) 112. Referred, 153. Report; Bill presented, 191. Passed, 240. By the Council, 254.—New Bill presented (after the destruction of the Parliament House), 317. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 106.) TETIGIOUS IDENOMINATIONS-confinited. 443 II. Bills and Petitions relative to particular Denominations—continued. Christians: 9. Petition of J. W. Sharrard and T. Henry, “Christian” Ministers of the Home District, for authority to celebrate matrimony, and to hold lands for religious purposes, (1841) 9. Petition from “Bible Christians” for power to hold lands for chapels and burying grounds; Both referred, 54. Report two Bills, 166. (Wide supra, 1, 2.) Another Petition, from Home District, for power to their Ministers to celebrate marriage; Referred, (1846) 79. Report; Bill presented, 87. Wide infra, 11. 10. Petition for admission of “Bible Christians” to all the privileges enjoyed by other denominations:--(1842) 38- (1847) Colborne District, 110. Huron District, 39. Newcastle District, 18. - 11. Bill to extend the benefit of a certain Act of U. Canada to the Ministers of the denominations called “Bible Christians” and “Christians”; Presented, (1846) 87. Passed, 139. Not returned from the Council. Church of England: 32. Bill to provide for the management of the temporalities of the said Church in the Diocese of Quebec; Presented, (1842) 56. Reserved, 131. Wide Addresses, 105—Message announcing the Royal Assent, (1848) 25. (6 Vic., c. 32.) 13. Bill to incorporate the Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec; Presented, (1843) 122. Referred, 136. Petition of Church Society of Toronto referred (no entry of the presentation of this Petition), 154. Bill reported with amendments ;’ Committed, 167. Reported, 176. Passed (as a Bill to incorporate the Church Societies of Quebec and Toronto), 177. Reserved, 210. Wide Addresses, 106.—Royal Assent by Proclamation, 27th June, 1844. (7 Vic, c. 68.) - 14. Petition for a division of the said Corporations into two Societies, for the Diocese of Montreal and Quebec, respec- tively, (1851) 82. Bill to provide for the establishment of a Church Society in each Diocese in L. Canada ; Presented, 92. Petition for amendments, 155. Motion to refer Bill; Amendment for an instruction to prepare a general measure for all religious bodies, negatived; Bill referred, 132. Reported, with amend- ments, 143. Motion to postpone third reading six months, negatived, 262. Passed, 265, Reserved, 361. Wide Addresses, 108-Royal Assent by Proclamation, 9th June, 1852. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 171.)—New Bill presented, 106. Withdrawn, 133. 15. Petition for an Act to provide for the management of the temporalities of the said Church in the Diocese of Montreal, (1851) 51. Bill presented, 69. Petition for amendments, 155. Motion to postpone second reading three months, negatived; Referred, 114. Reported, with amendments, 143. Motion to postpone third reading six months, negatived, 261. Passed, 271. Reserved, 361. Wide Addresses, 107–Royal Assent by Proclamation, 18th Dec., 1852. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 176.) 16. Petitions for the passing of an Act to provide for the management of the temporalities in the Diocese of Quebec:— (1842) Compton, 29. Coteau du Lac, 62. Quebec Diocese, 110, 114. Petition from Compton referred, 39. Report; Concurred in ; Bill presented, 56. Wide supra, 12. 17. Petition for incorporation of the Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, (1843) 115. Referred, 116. Report; Bill presented, 122. Wide supra, 13. - 18. Petition from Dunn and S. Cayuga, praying that the Church of England in Canada may be relieved from certain disadvantages which result from her connexion with the Parent State, and be left to manage her own temporal and spiritual affairs, (1850) 69.-Petition from the Episcopal Congregation of Dunn, against the foregoing, 54. 19. Petition of M. McKinnon, praying that the Clergy of the Church of England may be chosen by their respective congregations and not by the Crown, also that the Rectories may be abolished, &c., (1851) 6. Printed, 52. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 82. 20. (Brockville):—Petition of Congregation of St. Paul's Church, for authority to sell the old parsonage, for the - purpose of building a new one, (1847) 71. Bill to authorize the sale, and the application of the proceeds towards the erection of a parsonage house on a lot to be hereafter conveyed to the Bishop of Toronto for that purpose; From the Council; Read, 109. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 104.) 21. (London):—Petition of the Rector and Churchwardens of St. Paul's Church, for authority to sell certain lands, and to lease other lands, belonging to that Church, (1848) 19. Referred, 22. Report a Bill, 37. Amended in Committee, 60. Passed (as a Bill to authorize the sale of part of the glebe, on certain conditions), 62. R. A., 80. (11 Vic, c. 18.) 22. (Peterborough):-Petition of the Rector and Churchwardens of St. John's Church, for authority to sell so much of the rectory endowment as may suffice to pay off the church debt, (1851) 49. Bill presented, 92. Referred, 188. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 155. Reported; Motion to postpone reception of Report six months, negatived, 263. Ryder added; Bill passed, 271. Not returned from the Council. 444 RELIGIOUS IDENOMINATIONS-confim/ed. II. Bills and Petitions relative to particular Denominations—continued. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Church of England—continued. (Simcoe):—Petition of Rev. F. Evans and others, for authority to dispose of an Episcopal reserve in the Town of Simcoe, (1843) 76. Referred, 193. Wo Report. Another Petition, (1844–5) 8. Referred, 15. Report a Bill, 49. Amended in Committee, 181. R. A., 242. (8 Vic, c. 19.) (Toronto):—Petition of the Rector and Churchwardens of St. James' Church, Toronto, for authority to lease a portion of the land heretofore occupied as the site of the church and burial ground; Referred, (1849) 337. Report a Bill, ib. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 105.) Wide Accounts, 42. Addresses, 66, 105—108. Committees, 22. Evangelical Association :—Petitions for an extension to that Society of the rights and privileges granted to the different religious denominations by 11 Geo. IV, c. 36; Wellington and Gore Districts (two Petitions); Niagara District, (1844–5) 100. Referred, 102, 195. Report, 218. Bill presented, 227. R. A., 439. (8 Vic, c. 34.) Jews : Bill to amend an Act of Lower Canada extending certain privileges to Jews; Presented, (1846) 135. Referred, 184. Reported, with amendments, 219. Amended in Committee, 315. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 96.) Petition of Portuguese Congregation of Israelites at Montreal, for an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 113. Lutherans:–Petition of trustees of the Lutheran Congregation at Williamsburg, for compensation for their church and property having been granted to the Church of England, (1844–5) 221. Wide Addresses, 576. Supply, 308. New Jerusalem Church:-Petition for admission of the members, &c., of the said Church to all the privileges extended to other religious bodies; Referred, (1846) 151. Report, 159. Presbyterians: Bill to provide for the management of the temporalities of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scotland; Presented, (1848) 51. Petitions from various Presbyterian Congregations, in favor, viz.:-Hamilton, 57. Kingston, 54. Niagara, 102. Ormstown, 53. Perth, 65. Ste. Thérèse de Blain- ville, 105–Petitions against the Bill:—Brockville, 64. Cavan, 148. Cobourg, 166. Dundas, 127. Ed- Wardsburgh and Augusta, 61. Montreal, 113, 171. Perth, 166. South Gower, Mountain, and Oxford, 134. —Bill referred, 72. Petitions against referred, 74, 116, 177. Petition from St. Paul's Church, Montreal (infra, 37), referred, 82. Wo Report. - Petition of Presbyterians of London, for certain Legislative enactments to promote the peace and prosperity of the Presbyterian Congregations in Canada, (1844–5) 828. Petition for power to Ministers of the Associate Presbyterian Synod of North America, to keep Registers of bap- tisms, marriages and burials performed by them, (1846) 15. Referred, 46. Report ; Bill presented, 68. Amended in Committee, 149. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 258. Considered, and agreed to, 278. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 54) ** Petition for an Act to incorporate the managers of the Ministers' Widows and Orphans Fund in Canada, in connexion with the Church of Scotland, (1847) 43. Bill to incorporate, &c.; From the Council; Read, 143. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 103.) Petition for an Act to incorporate the Members of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scotland, (1849) 62. Bill presented, 74. Order for second reading discharged, 266. (Rockie!).-Petition of the trustees of the Presbyterian Congregation of Lochiel, for authority to convey part of a certain lot of land, (1841) 417. Referred, ib. Report a Bill, 431. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 87.) (St. Andrew's Church, Montréal):—Petition of the Ministers and Trustees thereof, for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 63. Bill presented, 75. Referred, 149. Reported, with amendments, 208. Amended in Committee, 286. Passed, 253. Message from the Council, that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 285–New Bill presented, 308. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 154.) RETIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS-com/?moted. 445 II. Bills and Petitions relative to particular Denominations—continued. Presbyterians—continued. 37. (St. Paul's Church, Montréal):—Petition of the Minister, Elders, and Trustees thereof, for an Act of Incorporation, (1843) 48. Referred to Committee on Bill to provide for the management of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, 82. No Report. 38. (Toronto):—Petition of the Trustees of Knox's Church, Toronto, for authority to raise a loan, (1850) 54. Bill to amend 4 Geo. IV, c. 84, so as to enable the said congregation to effect a loan; Presented, 110. Order for second reading discharged, 231. Roman Catholics: 39. Petition of Very Rev. Angus MacDonell and others, of Sandwich, for authority to dispose of certain lands held by them from the Government, in trust for the Roman Catholic Church; Referred, (1842) 89. No Report. 40. Bill to confer certain powers on the Bishop of Montreal for the transfer of certain lands; Presented, (1843) 135. Returned from the Council, with amendments; Agreed to, 204. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 48.) 41. Petition of Roman Catholic Bishops of Toronto and Kingston, for corporate powers to enable them respectively to hold real estate for religious purposes, (1844–5) 52. Referred, 94. Report, 195. Bill to incorporate the said Bishops, in each diocese; Presented, 197. Amended in Committee, 285. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 328. Considered, and agreed to, 351. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 82.) 42. Petition of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Quebec and Bishops of L. Canada, praying to be incorporated in their respective dioceses for like purposes to the foregoing, (1849) 90. Bill to incorporate, &c.; From the Council, 243. Read, 248. Council informed that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 287-New Bill sent down, 309. Read, 313. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 136.) 43. Bill to regulate the mode of calling and holding meetings for election of Church-wardens, and the rendering of accounts by Church-wardens, and to establish the qualification of persons entitled to attend such meetings; Presented, (1849) 166. Order for second reading discharged, 233. 44. Motion, for a Committee of the whole to consider whether it is expedient and necessary to make some provision for the support of the Roman Catholic Clergy in Canada West, Negatived, (1842) 60. 44a. (Notre Dame de Québec):—Petition for an Act to incorporate the said congregation, (1843) 36. Referred, 44. Report, 76. Bill presented, 120. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 51.) 45. (Perth):—Petition for a grant of a certain part of a street in that town, for the erection of a Roman Catholic Church, (1846) 76. Petition against, 163. 46. (St. François du Lac St. Pierre):—Petition for an Act to make valid the election of trustees for the erection of a church in that parish, and to enable them to complete the same, (1849) 67. Petition against, 143. Both referred, 113, 143. Members added, 143. Report; Bill presented, 251. Petition against the Bill, 282. Bill and Petition referred, 274, 282. Bill reported, with amendments; Committed, 304. Wot considered. 47. (St. Patrick's Church, Quebec):—Petition for authority to the congregation thereof to sue and recover pew rents, (1850) 187. Bill presented, 146. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 125.) Wide Accounts, 42. Addresses, 66. Parishes. Unitarians: 48. (Montréal) --Petition of the “Christian Unitarians” of Montreal, for admission to the enjoyment of certain civil rights and privileges, (1844–8) 194. Referred, 195. Report, 204, Bill presented, 208. Amended in Committee, 329. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 35.) 49. (Zoronto) –Petition of Unitarian Christians of Toronto, praying to be admitted to equal privileges with other religious bodies in the Province, (1846) 16. Referred, 55. Report, 68. Bill presented, 69. Passed, 150. Not returned from the Council. 50. Universalists —Petitions from Ministers and Members of the Christian Universalist Association of Canada West, for admission to the rights and privileges enjoyed by other Christian Bodies, (1846) 46, 93. Referred, 95, 120, 145. Report, 159. Bill presented, 161. Passed, 186. Not returned from the Council. 446 RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS.–REPRIMANDS. R ºr II. Bills and Petitions relative to particular Denominations—continued. 51. 52. 53. 54. Wesleyan Methodists: Bill to enable the Trustees of Churches and Parsonages, and other trusts, belonging to the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada, more conveniently to manage and dispose of their estates, and for other purposes; Presented, (1849) 118. Amended in Committee, 236. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 92.) Bill to relieve Ministers of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada from the obligation to obtain special licences in order to keep Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials in L. Canada; Presented, (1850) 31. Referred, 67. Reported, with an amendment, 74. Amended in Committee, 123. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 142. Considered, and agreed to, 146. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 47.) Bill to incorporate the Benevolent Societies of the Wesleyan Methodist Church; Presented, (1850) 127. Referred, 141. Report, that preamble has not been proved, 182. Petition for an Act to incorporate the Connexional Society of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada, (1851) 52. Bill to incorporate the Benevolent Societies of the said Church; Presented, 153. Petition in favor of the Bill, 206. Petitions against, 195, 225, 266. Bill referred, 174. Reported, with amendments; Com- mitted, 281. Motion to postpone consideration three months, negatived; Considered, and amended; Motion to postpone third reading three months, negatived; Motion to re-commit Bill for the purpose of substituting other provisions, negatived, 268. Motion to postpone third reading six months, negatived; Passed, 281. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Wic., c. 142.) Religious Tracts :—Wide Customs, 41. Hawkers, 2. Religious Books, Renfrew :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 89. Replewin: . Bill to amend and extend the law relating to the remedy by Replevin in Upper Canada; Presented, (1850) 183. Referred, 235. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 237. Motion to call up the Order, for consider- ation thereof, negatived, 274. . Bill to amend and extend the law, &c.; Presented, (1851) 47. Referred, 89. Reported, with amendments, 140. Passed, 260. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 64.) Reports, Annual: . Bill to require all incorporated companies holding real estate to make annual returns of the amount thereof to the Legislature; Presented, (1844–5) 227. Wot proceeded in. . Bill to povide for the annual visitation of certain institutions maintained in whole or in part at the public expense, and for requiring annual Reports of the state thereof to be laid before the Legislature; Presented, (1846) 5. Not proceeded in. . Bill to require certain Provincial officers to make annual Reports to Parliament; Presented, (1851) 140. Second reading postponed six months, 255. - • Motion, for leave to bring in a Bill to provide for annual returns from public officers, Negatived, (1850) 33. Wide Accounts and Papers. Repor ters of the Debates :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 49–62. Reporters to the Courts:–vide court, , 21. Repr esentation, Increase of :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 4–9, 249,251. Speeches, 17, 19, 21. Reprimands :—Wide Speaker, 7, 60, 79, 86. TEQUESTS-RICHARDSON. 447 Requests, Courts of:-vide Courts, 78-92. Reserved Bills :—Motion, for an Address for copies of all Reports by the Attorney General for U. Canada, relative to the reservation of any of the Bills passed last Session, Negatived, (1850) 13. Wide Accounts, 461–473. Addresses, 435–438, 635. Bills, 71. Governor General, 118–126. Resolutions: 1. Communicated to His Excellency, (1841) 300,—(1842) 110, 115.—(1843) 191, 207–To the Council, (1844–5) 63.−(1851) 47, 254. To the surviving members of the family of the late Major Gen. Sir B. D'Urban, Commander of the Forces, La Resolution for an adjournment to enable members to attend his funeral, (1849) 348. Letter in acknowledgment, 355. 2. Re-committed, (1846) 330. Responsible Government :—Motion, that the Head of the Provincial Government, being the Representative of the Sovereign, is not constitutionally responsible to any other than the authorities of the Empire; Amended (unanimously) by adding “but nevertheless the management of our local affairs can only be conducted by him with the assistance and counsel of subordinate officers within the Province ;” Agreed to, as amended; Motion (as part of a series) that he his necessarily obliged to use the advice and assistance of sub- ordinate officers, negatived unanimously;-Motion, that the principal of such subordinate officers, constituting a Provincial Administration, ought to be men possessed of the confidence of the Representatives of the people; Amended, and agreed to ;-Motion, that the House has a right to hold such advisers politically responsible for every act of the Government of a local character; Amendment, that the people have a right to expect from them the exertion of their best endeavours that the Imperial authority shall be exercised in the manner most consistent with their wishes and interests, carried unanimously;-Motion (as last of the series) containing the substance of the foregoing amendment, negatived unanimously, (1841) 480 to 482. Proceedings printed, 483. Wide Accounts, 474. Addresses, 439. Administration. Speeches, 8. Retr enchment *—Wide Civil List, 6. Committees, 296, 477. Public Eagenditure. st Returns, Annual:—vide JReports. Returning Officers:—Wide Elections, 52, 58, 122–125. Revenue and Expenditure :—Wide Accounts, 86, 388–393, 475—477. Addresses, 440– 445, 636. Committees, 473, 474. Speeches, 3, 5, 8, 12, 19–21. Revenue Laws, Frauds against :-vide Committees,876. Revised Statutes :—Wide Accounts, 478. Addresses, 446. Governor General, 127, 128. Supply, 37. Rice, Israel :—Petition of, representing the sufferings that he has endured in settling the Township of Ham, and praying relief, (1843)24.—Again, (1844–5) 42–(1846) 59–(1847) 39-(1851) 61. Rice, Tilley:-vide Rebellion, 15. Rice Lake and Ontario Road:—Wide Roads, 287–290. Richardson, Ann :—Wide Pensions, 49. 448 TICELARDSON.—RIMOUSKI. Richar dson, Maj Or :—Petition of Major Richardson, late Superintendent of the Police Force on the Welland Canal, complaining of the sudden dismissal of himself and his force, and praying compensation, (1846) 264. Referred, 265. Report, 320. (App. Z. Z.) Motion to concur in Report, negatived, 334. Wide Addresses, 448. Governor General, 129. Supply, 163. War of 1812, 5. Richardson, Prudence:–vide Navigations, 81. Richelieu (County): 1. Petitions for the holding of the sittings of the Municipal Council at St. Ours in place of St. Denis, (1848) 71.— (1850) 40. 2. Petition for establishment of the sittings of the Circuit Court at St. Denis, (1849) 116. Petition against removal, 120. Richelieu, River:-vide Bridges, 82. Mills, 23. Navigations, 42, 43. Richmond: 1. Bill to increase the number of sittings of the Circuit Court at Richmond and Stanstead; Presented, (1851) 163. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 91.) 2, Petition for the holding of the Richmond Circuit Court every three months, (1851) 155. Richmond Academy —wide Education, 158, Rideau, River:-vide Bridges, 83, 84. Ridout, L. :-Wide Road Allowances, 13. Rigaud College:–vide Education, 159. Rimouski (County): 1. Bill to remove the seat of Municipality No. 1, of Rimouski, from St. Patrice de la Rivière du Loup, to St. Jean Baptiste de l'Isle Verte; Presented, (1849) 121. Amended in Committee, 150. Re-committed, and further amended, 153. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 127.) 2. Bill to divide the County of Rimouski into two districts for the registration of Deeds; Presented, (1849) 200. Petition against, 208. Amended in Committee, 236. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 128.) 3. Petition for an alteration of the line dividing the county for registration purposes, under the foregoing Act, (1850) 57, 64. Bill presented, 58. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 109.) 4. Petition for formation of Rimouski and Kamouraska into a separate district for judiciary purposes, (1846) 105. Petition against, 213. Petitions for a division of Rimouski for judiciary purposes, 112, 186. All referred, 151, 213, 219. Report, 252. (App. J. J.)——For erection of Rimouski, &c., (as above), for construction of a harbour and Custom House at St. Germain, and for a reduction of the price of Crown Lands therein, (1849) 28. That part relating to lands referred to Committee on Emigration, 77. Wide Committees, 385, 5. Petitions for establishment of St. Germain as the chief place of such new district, (1847) 43, 44. 6. Petitions againstinclusion of Kamouraska in a judiciary district with Rimouski (as above desired), (1847) Munici- pal Councils of Rivière Ouelle, St. Denis de la Bouteillerie, St. André, St. Paschal, and Kamouraska, 95. 7. Petitions for establishment of a Custom House and a Court in that county, (1847) 39-(1849) 28. 8. Petitions for a division of the county for purposes of registration and the sale of Crown Lands, (1848) 13. Wide Supra, 4. 9. Petition J. Garon and others, praying that certain wild lands therein may be granted them for settlement, (1848) 26. 10. Petition for establishment of Courts of Justice, and erection of a gaol, at Rivière du Loup, (1849) 21—Petition against, 59. Wide Addresses, 236. Bridges,85. Game, 18. Gaols, 12, 18. Harbours, 39. Territorial Divisions, 131. RIMOUSKI—RIVIERE OUELLE. 449 Rimouski, River:-vide Bridges, 86, 87. Rinch, Henry:—Petition of complaining that a clergy Reserve lot in Clarke, on which he has made improvements (under a lease), has been set apart as a glebe, and praying redress, (1849) 163. Riordean, Dennis:–Petition of complaining of his dismissal from the office of bailiff to the New- castle District and Division Courts, and praying relief, (1846) 186. Riotous destruction of Property:-vide Property. Ritchie, Wm. :—Petition of for remuneration for the compilation of an Index to the Registry Books for the County of Sherbrooke, (1842) 56. Rivard, A. :-vide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. Rivers and Rivulets: 1. Bill for better preventing the obstruction of rivers and rivulets in Lower Canada; Ordered; Presented, (1 842) 37. Amended in Committee, 57. R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 17.) 2. Bill to prevent obstruction, &c., in Upper Canada; Presented, (1843) 41. Referred, 63. Reported, with amend- ments, 67. Amended in Committee, 109. Re-committed, 126. Further amended, 151. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 36.) 3. Bill to amend, explain and continue the foregoing Act; Presented, (1847) 86. Amended in Committee, 164. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 20.) 4. Bill to explain and amend the Acts for preventing obstructions in rivers and rivulets in Upper Canada; From the Council; Read, (1851) 183. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 123.) 5. Bill to repeal the Acts of 1843 and 1847 (supra, 2, 3,) imposing fines on mill-owners and others for throwing slabs into, or obstructing rivers and streams in Upper Canada; Presented, (1851) 106. Order for second reading discharged, 232. f 6. Petitions for such an amendment of the Act to prevent obstructions in rivers and rivulets in Upper Canada, as to make it general and efficient, (1847) Gore District, 18. Talbot District, 14, 78. All referred, 15, 23, 79. Other Petitions referred, 48, 79. Report; Bill presented, 86. Wide supra, 3. Wide Agriculture, 8. Bear Creek. Mills, 9. Timber, 20. River Police:–vide Police, 4, 5, 7, 9. Rivière du Loup (Parish):—vide Harbours, 39. Rivière Ouelle (Parish):—vide Education, 100. GGG 450 ROADS. ligaog. \,”vºvv^^*NA/N,"vºvºvºvºvºvºvº Avºvºke ^^ I. Public Bills relative to Roads and Road Companies; 1–27. II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads (by grants of money, or incorporation of Road Companies), and Proceedings thereon; 28–379. III. Other Petitions relative to Roads; 380–399. I. Public Bills relative to Roads and Road Companies: . To repeal a certain section of an Act of U. Canada relative to macadamized roads; Reported by a Committee, (1841) 212. Referred, 237. Petition from proprietors on the Victoria Road (Brockville), for compensation for damages, referred, 243. Bill reported amended; Committed, 262. Considered, and no Report made, 273. 1 2 . To explain and amend the Act of last Session for the regulation of the several District Turnpike Trusts in U. Canada with respect to the commutation of statute labor, &c.; and to separate the several turnpike trusts in the Home District; Ordered, (1841) 504. Presented, 505. Read second time; 2nd clause expunged, 562. Ryder added, 566. R. A., 642. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 63.) 3. To exempt vehicles laden with manure from cities and towns, from the payment of tolls on turnpike roads; Presented, (1843) 89. (Wide infra, 272.) Referred, 114. Reported with amendments; Agreed to ; Clause added, 183. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 14.) 4. To repeal part of a certain Act of U. Canada relative to macadamized roads, and to revive part of another Act; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 136. R. A., 242. (8 Vic, c. 23.) 5. To exempt naval and military officers, and others on duty on Her Majesty's service, from the payment of toll on any turnpike road in this Province; Presented, (1849) 265. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 25.) 6. To make better provision with regard to the repairing of roads within the limits of incorporated cities and towns, and of roads and bridges which may hereafter be released from under the control of the Commissioners of Public Works; Presented, (1850) 156. Amended in Committee, 227. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 261. Considered and agreed to, 263. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 15.) 7. To prohibit the erection of any toll bar which may intercept the free passage from one portion of any city, town or village, to other portions thereof; Presented, (1851) 135. Third reading postponed three months, 285. 8. To authorize the formation of Joint Stock Companies for the construction of plank and macadamized roads in the County of Norfolk; Presented, (1848) 9. Rule relative to fee, suspended; Question for second reading negatived, 60. Restored to Orders of the Day, 63. Not proceeded in. 9. To authorize the formation of Joint Stock Companies in U. Canada, for the construction of plank, gravelled, or macadamized roads therein; Presented, (1849) 10. Committed, with the Bill to authorize the formation of Road and Bridge Companies (infra, 10); Report progress; Both Bills referred to a Select Committee, with an instruction to consolidate the same and extend their operation to the whole Province, if desirable, 105. Members added, 114. Report the first Bill, with amendments, extending its provisions to the whole Province, 126. Amended in Committee, 202. One of the amendments negatived, the others agreed to, 210. Passed (*PPlying to U. Canada, only, as it first, and including the erection of bridges, wharves, slides and dams, in connexion with any such roads), 211. By the Council, with amendments, 234. Considered, and agreed to, 237. Printed, as amended, 255. R. A., 363. (12 Vic, c. 84.) 10. To authorize the formation of incorporated Road and Bridge Companies in U. Canada; Presented, (1849) 18. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Road Companies Bill, 105. Wide Supra, 9. 11. To extend the Act for the formation of companies for constructing roads and other works in U. Canada, (*Prº, 9) to companies formed for the purpose of acquiring public works of a like nature; Presented, (1850) 84, Committed, 95, Amended, 126. Passed, 143. R. A., 182, (13 & 14 Vic, c. 14.) ROADS—continued. - 451 H. Public Bills relative to Roads, &c.—continued. 12. To amend and extend the provisions of the said Act (supra, 9) to the construction of rail or tram roads; Presented, (1850) 100. Amended in Committee, 177. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 72.) * 13. To repeal so much of the last preceding Act as relates to the construction of railways; Presented, (1851) 185. Petitions for protection of the rights acquired by the Brantford and Buffalo Railroad Co., under the said Act, 162, 173, 194. Motion to postpone second reading of Bill 6 weeks, negatived; Amended in Committee, by providing for saving the rights of the said company, &c.; One of the amendments negatived; Re-committed, to add a clause in favor of the said company; Reported amended; Amendment negatived; Motion to re-com- mit Bill again negatived, 340. Read third time; Ryder added, for protection of the said company; Passed, 348. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 121.) Wide Railroads, 13. 14. To amend the Act authorizing the formation of companies for the construction of roads and other works in U. Canada; Presented, (1851) 33. Amended in Committee, 233. Motion to re-commit Bill; Three amend- ments moved and negatived; Main motion negatived, 284. Passed, 245. By the Council, with amendments, 283. Considered, and agreed to, 284. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 122.) 15. To authorize the formation of Joint Stock Companies in Lower Canada for the construction of macadamized roads, bridges, and other works of a like nature; Presented, (1849) 219. Referred, 249. Reported, with amend- ments, 304. Amended in Committee, 336. Returned from the Council, with amendments; Considered, and agreed to, 360. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 56.) 16. To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1850) 60. Order for second reading discharged, 123. 17. To extend the provisions of the foregoing Act (supra, 15); Presented, (1851) 85. Second reading postponed six months, 197. 18. To amend the said Act (supra, 15); From the Council; Read, (1851) 291. Wot proceeded in. 19. To provide against chartered Road Companies allowing their roads to remain in disrepair; Presented, (1851) 46. Passed, 356. Wot returned from the Council. - 20. To amend the Act of U. Canada, 50 Geo. III, c. 1, providing for the laying out and repairing the roads; Ordered; |Presented, (1841) 266. Committed, 321. Wot considered. 21. To prevent the opening of Government allowances for roads without an order from the Municipal Council of the district; Presented, (1846) 92. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 8.) 22. To enable Municipal Councils in U. Canada to apply township statute labor to the opening and improvement of township lines; Presented, (1851) 77. Order for second reading discharged, 228. 23. To amend the road laws of L. Canada, in sofar as relates to the Townships; Presented, (1849) 191. Wot proceeded in. 24. To consolidate and amend the road laws of L. Canada; Presented, (1849) 273. Printed, 359. Wot proceeded in. 25. Bill intituled “The Lower Canada Road Act”; Presented, (1851) 21. Petitions against the Bill, 98, 104, 115. (Against the provision for appointment of a Grand Voyer), 163. Order for second reading discharged, 174. 26. To provide for the re-printing of the laws in force in L. Canada relative to highways and bridges; Presented, (1850) 31. Second reading postponed, sine dié, 140. 27. To remove doubts as to the right of parties to recover the value of work done on roads in L. Canada, under Acts which have since expired; Presented, (1850) 110. Council desire the proofs and documents on which the Bill is founded, 198. Passed by the Council, 211. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Wic, c. 41.) II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads (by grants of money, or incorporation of Road Companies), and Proceedings thereon : [NOTE:-Turnpike Roads (macadamized or planked) are distinguished from others, by the names appear- àng in SMALL CAPITALs.] 28. Adjala:–A road leading thereto, (1841) 194—(1843) 110–(1844–5) 281. Albion;–Vide infra, 70. 452 ROADS—continued. II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. ALBION ROAD Co.: 29. For an Act of Incorporation, to construct a plank road from the Gore of Toronto to the western termination of the Weston Road, (1846) 16. Referred, 41. Report, 56. Bill presented, ib. Referred, 81. Reported, with amendments, 110. Amended in Committee, 180. Returned from the Council, with amendments, so as to authorize construction of a branch road from Etobicoke through York and Vaughan, 215. Considered, and agreed to, 219. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 88.) 30. For authority to extend their road, (1849) 123. 31. For incorporation of the Vaughan branch of the said company as a separate company, by name of the Vaughan Road Co., (1850) 54. Bill presented, 110. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 134.) 32. Aldborough :—A new road, leading to the shore of Lake Huron, (1844–5) 235. Amherstburg:-Wide infra, 77, 78. Ancaster:-Wide infra, 157. 33. Anicet:—For construction of a road from thence to Trout º (1849) 21. 34. Armagh t—A road through that township, (1844-5) 132. Arthalaska; 85. For completion of the Arthabaska Road, (1847) 18, 147—(1848) 89–(1849) 18, 121—(1851) 10. tinuation of the said road to Danville, (1847) 13.—To Richmond, (1848) 19. For con- 86. Of J. L. Héon, for compensation for loss arising out of the construction of the Arthabaska Road, (1 846) 46. Wide infra, 119, 122. Supply, 239, 378. 37. Arthur:-Against the opening of a road from Arthur and Sydenham to Lake Ontario, (1841) 384. Referred, 359. Wo Report. - as, ATHANASE AND MOUNT JOHNSON TURNPIKE ROAD Co.:-For an Act of Incorporation, (1851) 102. Notice insufficient, 119. Aylmer :—Wide infra, 65. 39. Barford:—Road through Barford Woods, (1844–5) 100. Wide infra, 40. 40. Barnston:-A road in Barnston and Barford, (1842) 56–(1844–5) 46, 48.—For completion of the road from Hereford to Barnston, (1851) 230. * Barrie: 41. For improvement of the main road leading through Essa, &c., to Barrie, (1844–5) 202. Barrie, and the Toronto Road, (1846) 61–(1847) 14, 56.—(1848) 26. Road from Orillia to 42. For expenditure of the whole amount granted for improving the Bradford and Barrie Road, (1844–5) 377. ... ' Bathurst T)istrict: 48. Of the Bathurst District Council, for a loan (on the guarantee of the Province) for the improvement of the roads in that district, (1849) 32. 44. For the opening of a road between the front and rear townships of the district, (1841) 443.−For completion of the main road from the southern to the northern extremity of the district, (1843) 13, 126. BOAT)S—continued. 453 II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. 45. 46 47 48. 49. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60 61 62. Bayonne, River:—Road from thence to the River Chicot, (1847) 100. Beaudette, River:-For authority to the inhabitants of St. Polycarpe to open a road along the north bank of the river, (1841) 466. BECANCOUR —For construction of a turnpike road from the Seigniory of Bécancour, through Bulstrode, to the 10th Concession of Stanfold, to promote the settlement of the Eastern Townships, (1851) 51. BELLEVILLE: For the opening of a road from Madoc to Belleville and the Madawaska, (1844–5) 298. From Belleville to the rear of the district, (1848) 13––From Madawaska to the rear of the district, (1849) 62. For construction of a macadamized road from Madoc to Belleville and the Madawaska, (1846) 16. Referred, 73. No Report. . . - Blandford :—The main road through that township, (1848) 39.—(1849) 13. Bolton —Road across the Bolton Mountains, (1843) 18, Brantford:—Wide infra, 154—157, 190. DRANTFORD AND PARIS ROAD Co.:-For an Act of Incorporation, (1848) 51. Brock:—A road in Brock, (1842) 97. For expenditure of £500 on the Brock Road, (1 847) 14. Brockville :-For the opening of a road from Brockville to intersect the Bytown and Pembroke Road, (1846) 76.-(1849) 163. - BROCKVILLE TURNPIKE ROADS : Of proprietors of lands adjoining the Victoria Road, for compensation for damages, (1841) 54. Referred to Com. mittee on Bill to amend Act of Upper Canada relative to turnpike roads, 243. Wot Teported on. Complaining of unjust exaction of tolls on the road from Brockville to Beverly, (1843) 166. Of the Johnstown District Council, praying to be relieved from the responsibility of the payment of £6000, expended on the Brockville and St. Francis Road; and for the assumption of the road by Government, and expenditure of the balance of the grant of £30,000 for improving the same, (1843) 14. Another Petition, for expenditure of the said balance, (1849) 32–Bill to relieve the Johnstown District from the payment of £7000, and to authorize the Municipal Council to raise a further sum of £10,000 for the completion of certain roads; Presented, (1847) 157. Order for second reading discharged, 200. For completion of the Brockville and St. Francis road by the Board of Works, (1844–5) Johnstown District Coun- cil, 12. Inhabitants of Johnstown District, 23. . . Wide Accounts, 230. T}rome and Bolton –Wide Addresses, 76, Drompton :—For improvement of the stage road through Brompton and the upper part of Melbourne, (1847) 13. Buckingham :—A road and bridges in Buckingham and Portland, (1846) 72. Bulstrode:–For the opening of a new road in that township, (1848) 16. 454. ROADS—continued. II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. Bytown : 63. Road from Bytown to Sydenham, (1841) 486. Road leading to Bytown, through Russell, Cumberland, and Gloucester, and construction of a bridge over the River Castor, (1849) 96–(1850) 127. Wide infra, 69. 64. For expenditure of the whole amount granted in 1845 for the Bytown and Pembroke Road, (1849) 54. Wide infra, 184. & 65. ByTOWN AND AYLMER:—For a grant to plank or macadamize that road, (1844–5) 46.—(1846) 61– (1849) 21. Bytown and L'Original: 66. Petition for an inquiry into the proceedings of the Board of Works with reference to the improvement thereof, (1847) 43. Petition for expenditure of the amount granted for the front road, 72. Both referred to Com- mittee on the Report of the Engineer, 143. Wide Committees, 345. Another Petition for expenditure of the grant upon the front road, and for an increase of the amount, (1848) 25. Referred, 26. Wo Report. Proceedings of last two Sessions read and referred, (1849) 33, 40. Another Petition on the subject (infra, 67) also referred, 40. Report, 63–Petition for completion of the front road, 216. 67. For completion of the portion between Des Auticas Bridge and Hatfield, and expenditure of the grant for the whole route without reference to individual interest, (1849) 38. Referred, 40. Wide supra, 66. Wide Accounts, 57–60. Addresses, 85–87. Committees, 345. Supply, 246, 382. 68. ByTOWN AND PRESCOTT :—For construction of a plank road, (1844–5) 189. Referred, 207. Wo Report. 69. T}YTOWN TO THE ST. TAWRENCE:-For the opening of a turnpike road from Bytown to the St. Lawrence: —(1841) Through Gloucester, Osgoode, and Russell, 252, 318.- (1844–5) Through Dundas, 226.—To head . of the St. Lawrence Canal, in Finch, 823,-Through Osgoode, 403.−(1846) Through Dundas, 283.− Through Kemptville, ib. Wide infra, 184. 70, Caledon:—Roads in Caledon, Albion and Mono, (1841) 164, 211-A road through Caledon, 211. Canboro’ and Simcoe :—Wide Committees, 17. 71. Carillon and Grenville:–For improvement of that road, (1843) 39. 72. Carleton:—From Cross Point to Carleton, (1841) 113—From Carleton to the Mission on the Restigouche 175. Cartwright :—Wide infra, 285. 73. CASCADES TO MONTREAL:—For completion of the entire line of road, on the same scale as the Cascades and Coteau du Lac Road, (1844–5) 194, 217. Referred to Committee on the Montreal Roads, 211, 217. Wide Committees, 497. Wide Accounts, 68, 69. Addresses, 91. Governor General, 79. Supply, 235, 236, 370. 74. Castleford and Westmeath —For improvement of the mail route, (1844–5) 203. Chaleurs Bay Road:—Wide Supply, 867. '75, Chambly :—A road on the west side of Chambly Basin, (1844–5) 94. CHAMBLY AND GRANBY TURNPIKE –Wide infra, 208. Supply, 270. ROADS—continued. - 455 TI. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. 76. Chatham :-For construction of a road from Chatham to Dover, (1846) 15. To Wallaceburgh, (1849) 38. For an appropriation out of the Post Office revenue to improve the road to Windsor, (1849) 163. Wide infra, 191. CHATHAM To AMHERSTBURG AND SANDWICH : '77. For improvement of road, (1841) 443. 78. Of Messrs. Read and Larned, for indemnification for loss on their contract for improving the said road; Referred, (1846) 245. Report, 315.-Of H. S. Larned, for the same, (1849) 71. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 97. Wide Supply, 249, 254, 373. Chats Portage:—Wide Supply, 252. 79. Chemin des Caps :—For remuneration for services, &c., connected with the opening of the said road, between the parishes of St. Joachim and Baie St. Paul:—(1848) Chaperon, G. (Commissioner), 20. Tremblay, F., and others (Contractors), 71. (1849) Chaperon, G., 54, 190. Tremblay, F., and others, 28. Wide Supply, 242, 377. 80. Chinguacousey :—To cut down hills between the centre road in Toronto and Chinguacousey and the 1st Concession East, (1841) 211. 81. Clarke —For construction of a road through Clarke and Manvers, to Lake Ontario, (1846) 94. 82. COBOURG AND GORE’s LANDING :—For an Act of Incorporation, to construct a road and establish a ferry between those places, (1846) 15. CoBOURG AND GRATTON ROAD Co. : 83. For an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 100. Bill presented, 109. Referred, 180. Reported, with amendments, 189. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 92.) - 84. For authority to the company to construct a branch to the Trent, (1849) 116, 153. Notice not given, 218. Rule suspended, and Bill presented, 219. Order for second reading discharged, 267. 85. For a law to compel the company to compound for tolls with persons residing on the road, (1851) 121. 86. COBOURG AND PORT HOPE ROAD Co.:—For an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 60. Referred, 84. Report, 110. Again, (1847) 84. Bill presented, 109. Referred, 180. Reported, with amendments, 189. Amended in Committee, 209. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic., c. 93.) COBOURG AND RICE LAKE ROAD AND FERRY Co.:-Wide infra, 287–290. Committees, 26, 27. 87. CoMPTON AND MONTREAL:—For construction of a turnpike road from the Township of Compton to Montreal, (1843) 87. Cornwall and L'Orignal: 88. For improvement of that road, (1841) 164. For completion thereof, (1844–5) 807.-(1846) 282. 89. Complaining of a misapplication of the grant of £1500 for repairing the road from Cornwall to the Ottawa, (1842) 17. Referred; To report from time to time; Petition relative to expenditure on the Rice Lake and Ontario Road (infra, 288) also referred, 18. First and second Reports (on the two roads respectively,–App. X.); Committed, 116. Considered, 117. Both Reports printed, 118. Wot further considered. Wide Accounts, 402. Addresses, 135. Committees, 223. Governor General, 35. Supply, 251, 374. 90. Cornwall and Matilda:-For expenditure of £550 to improve the said road, (1846) 16. 456 - ROADS—continued. II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. Cornwall and Roxborough : 91. For completion of the road from Cornwall to Roxborough, (1841) 435. 92. For a grant to plank or macadamize the said road, (1844–5) 323. (1847) 100. 93. Coteau du Tiac to T)undas Street :-Petition of A. McDonnell, of St. Andrews, for opening of a road from Coteau du Lac, through the 6th concession of Lancaster, to Dundas Street where the River Beaudette crosses the Province line, (1841) 435. (The prayer of this Petition is entered otherwise in the Journal, appa- Tently by mistake.) Referred, 467. Report, 600,—Foregoing proceedings read; Bill presented, (1843) 86. Not proceeded in. - 94. Craig's Road:—For improvement of that road, (1847) 56–(1850) 127-Road from St. Gregoire road to Craig's road, (1842) 32.—From Seigniory of St. Giles to Craig's road, (1844–5) 132,-From Mon- treal to do., 298–From Broughton to do., (1849) 54. Wide Accounts, 114. Addresses, 138. 95. T)elaware :—For construction of a road from thence to the N. E. corner of Brock, (1844–5) 125. 96. Delisle, River :—Praying that the road leading from that river to the Province line may be verbalized by law and placed in the hands of Commissioners, (1844–5) 132. Referred, 133. No Report. 97. Dorchester:—Roads in that county, (1849) 145, 156. 98. Douro —A road in that township, (1841) 194, T}over Road:—Wide Supply, 245, 384. 99. Drummondville (L. C.) :—For appointment of trustees to establish better means of communication between Drummondville and Sorel, (1843) 91. Referred, 99. Wo Report. 100. Trummondville (U. C.) :—For improvement of the road from thence to Grantham, and 20nstruction of a new road from thence to Acton, (1847) 116. - 101. Tudswell —To open a road from thence to the rear of Shipton, (1848) 25, 39. Wide infra, 146. * Dumfries: 102. For the opening of a road through Dumfries and Waterloo, to the Huron Tract, (1846) 151. 108. Against any alteration of the present course of the road dividing the 7th and 8th concessions of Dumfries, (1846) 55. & 104. Dummer —Road leading from Dummer to the Trent, (1841) 129, 184. DUNDAS AND WATERLoo TURNPIKE TRUST: 105. Complaining of improper location of the toll-gates, (1842) 62.-(1849) 29. 106. For completion of the said road, (1844–5) Two Petitions, 99.--—(1847) For authority to borrow money to eomplete the same, 84.—(1849) 54, 66. 107. Bill to authorize the Trustees to borrow £6000 for the completion of the road; Ordered; Presented, (1847) 74. Amended in Committee, 132. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 58.) - 108. Bill to amend the original Act; Presented, (1849) 118. Order for second reading discharged, 267. Wide Accounts, 140. Addresses, 155. Committees, 93. Public Works, 30. Supply, 269. ROADS—continued. 457 II. 109. 110. 111. 112. 3.13. 114. 115. 3.16. 117. 118. 119. 120. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129, 130. 131. 132. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. Dundas Street :—For improvement of Dundas Street in the Gore District, (1847) 56. Referred, 57. No JReport. -- TJUNNVILLE: For construction of a turnpike road from thence (through Haldimand) to the Hamilton and Port Dover road at Caledonia, (1844–5) 100. Referred, 126. Report, 170. For improvement of the post road from Dunnville to Port Dover, (1848) 12–To Dover Mills, 30. I)unville (L. C.) :—For the opening of a road from thence to the Gosford Road, (1844–5) 132. Eastern District:-Road through the Indian lands, (1841) 324. Bastern Townships: A road in Ascot, Brompton, and other townships, (1842) 62. For the opening of a road from the townships to the St. Lawrence, and that the lands therein be granted to actual settlers, (1843) 21. To Montreal, (1844–5) 46–(1846) 113,-(1848) 31, For completion of the road from Montreal to Quebec through the townships, (1843) 71.—(1844–5) 132. For completion of the road from the Province line in Hereford to the River St. Francis in Westbury, (1843) 24. —(1846) 17–To Compton, (1846) 105. For the construction of a road through Brompton, Ely, and Stukely, (1844–5) 60.—Shipton and other town- ships, 177. - For the opening of a road from the St. Gregoire road, through Aston, Horton, and Warwick, to Arthabaska, (1846) 17. - For the opening of a branch road from Sherbrooke through the townships, (1846) 84. . For appropriation of the grant for the main Eastern Townships Road, according to the original intention, (1846) 245.-(1847) 159.--For completion of the said road, (1849) 144. For continuation of the Quebec Road, through Arthabaska, to Stanstead, (1846) 71––From termination of the Arthabaska Road in Kingsey, to the Sherbrooke and Montreal Road, (1848) 40. For completion of the road from the Chambly Plank Road to the Province line in Hereford, with a branch from Lake Memphremagog to Sherbrooke, (1847) 78.--From Lake Memphremagog to Sherbrooke, (1847) 78.- (1850) 28.--(1851) and construction of bridges on the main Eastern Townships Road, 37. For completion of a road through Eaton, &c., to Quebec, and erection of a bridge, (1847) 30,—(1848) 30. Roads in Arthabaska, Chester, and Warwick, (1849) 38. A road in Stanfold and other townships, (1849) 39. For the opening of a certain road in Maddington; 3 Petitions, (1851) 75. Referred to the Committee on settle- ment of the Eastern Townships, 102. Wide Committees, 379. For the opening of a road from the Eastern Townships Road, leading to Montreal on the east, and to the Missis- quoi Road on the west, (1851) 118. Motion, for leave to bring in a Bill to empower the Commissioners of Public Works to complete certain roads in the Counties of Shefford, Missisquoi, and Stanstead, Negatived, (1849) 348. [Petitions relative to various other roads in the Townships will be found under their respective designations, supra and infra.] Wide also supra, 47, infra, 185, 188. Supply, 241, 379, 383, ELORA AND SAUGEEN: For incorporation of a company to improve the said road, (1849) 38. Bill presented, 119. Not proceeded in. For the opening of the said road, and a reduction of the price of the lands adjacent thereto, (1 850) 82. Emily :—Road leading from that township to Sturgeon Lake, (1847) 110. - HHH 458 ROADS—continued. II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. 188, ETOBICOKE AND MONO SIXTH LINE ROAD Co.:-For an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 99. Re- 2 ferred; Publication of notice dispensed with, 105. Report, 152. Bill presented, 166. Referred, 198. Reported, with amendments, 230. Amended in Committee, 304. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 338. Considered, and agreed to, 339. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 83.) Bill to amend Act; Presented, (1847) 136. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 89.)—Petition for further amendments, (1849) 128–Petition for increased powers, and authority to construct a branch road to Hurontario Street, (1850) 36. 134. Finch :-For the opening of a certain road in Finch, (1841) 252–(1843) 64–(1849) 21. 135. Fitzroy Harbour:-For improvement of the road from thence to Lake des Allumettes, (1843) 13. 136. Frampton :—For improvement of the road leading from Frampton to Quebec, (1849) 38–(1850) 46– (1851) 51. Trost Willage:—Wide infra, 147. I37. Gainsborough :—A road in that township, (1844) : i. Gaspé Roads:—Wide Supply, 231, 288,376. 138. Gatineau, River:—Road between the mouth of that river and Victoria Farm, (1848) 29. 139. Gentilly :—Road leading from thence to the River Becancour, (1844–5) 167–(1851) 71. To the Št, Lawrence, (1849) 137. - 140. Godmanchester :—Road leading from Godmanchester and Hinchinbrooke to Montreal, (1844–5) 177. GORE TISTRICT : 141. For incorporation of a company to construct a road in the Gore and Brock Districts, (1841) 335. 142. For authority to the Gore District Council to borrow £ 10,000 on the credit of the Province, to construct a plank road between the Gore and Wellington Districts, (1843) 43. Referred, 54. No Report. Wide Committees, 496. 143. Gosford Road:—For completion of the Gosford Road, in Megantic, (1844–5) 886–(1849) 121. leading from the Gosford Road to the Kingsey and Melbourne Road, (1847) 13. Road Wide Addresses, 202, 203. Supply, 368. 144, Gower:—Roads and bridges in North Gower, (1841) 388. South Gower, to Bytown, (1847) 111. Road from Lot No. 1, in 5th concession of GRANBY : 145. A road near the Village of Granby, (1841) 324–(1844–5) 33. T46. For a grant of £2000 to repair the road from Dudswell to Granby, (1844–5) 100. road from Granby to Nelsonville, (1848) 63. For improvement of the 147. For aid to widen and macadamize the road from Granby to Frost Village, (1850) 161. Wide infra, 203, Grand River Swamp Road:—vide Supply, 244, 380. 148, 8 Grenville :-For the opening of a road from Grenville to the Gatineau, (1851) 37. ROADS—continued. 459 II. 149. 151. # 52. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. i58. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167 as-— Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. GUELPH AND ARTHUR ROAD Co.:-For an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 30. Bill presented, 50. Referred, 106. Reported, with amendments, 143. Amended in Committee, 199. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 91.) Wide Accounts, 199. GUELPH AND TJUNDAS Road Co. —For an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 13. Bill presented, 50. Amended in Committee, 132. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 186. Considered, and agreed to, 191. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 88.) Petition for amendments to Act, (1849) 63. Notice not given, 97. For the like, and an increase of capital stock, (1850) 13. Petitions in favor, ib. Bill to amend Act; Presented, 66. Petition of Hon. J. Crooks, for a provision therein for compensating him for damage caused by changing the original line of road, 170. Bill amended in Committee, 224. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Wic., c. 133.) GWILLIMBURY (WEST) TURNPIKE ROAD AND BRIDGE : Bill to amend Act authorizing improvement thereof; Presented, (1841) 35. R. A., 359. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 73.) Petition of Amos West, for an alteration in the line of the said road where it passes through his land; Referred, (1841) 435. Report a Bill, 536. Passed, 566. Wot returned from the Council. HAMILTON AND BRANTFORD (TURNPIKE): Of Wm. New, praying that his name may be inserted in a Petition of the contractors for the said road, to be allowed interest and damages, (1841) 318. Of Thos. Fingland and others, for payment of interest on certain sums withheld from them for a time, as con- tractors on the said road, (1843) 87. For the completion of certain parts of the said road, (1843) 137, 148–(1844–5) 99. For the removal of a certain toll-gate near Ancaster, (1844–5) 99. Referred, 147. Report, 196. Wide Públic Works, 30. HAMILTON AND GRIMSBY :—For a grant to macadamize the said road, (1844–5) 244. Hamilton and London –For aid to construct,a road, (1841) 211. HAMILTON AND PORT DovKR (TURNPIKE): Complaining of the unequal mode of levying the tolls thereon ; Glanford and Ancaster, (1848) 25. Of H. McSheny, for compensation for damages caused by the construction of the said road, (1849) 224. For construction of a road from Waterford to that road, by the Government, and not by a private company, (1848) 21. For further improvement of the road, (1850) 236. Wide Committees, 223. Governor General, 64. Supply, 375. HAMILTON AND TORONTo :—For completion of a turnpike road between those cities, (1844–5) 196.- Again, (1846) 76. Referred, 79. Report, 165–(1847) 65. Referred, 79. No Report. HAMILTON AND WATERLOO FERRY:-For construction of a macadamized road, (1849) 89, 90. Referred, 91. Report; Printed, 183. Wide infra, 365. Hatley —A road in that township, (1843) 38–(1844–5) 48. HOME DISTRICT TURNPIKE TRUST:—Wide infra, 347–358. Hull and Grenville:—To improve the roads and erect bridges between those places, (1846) 55. Wide Accounts, 212. Bridges, 72. 460 |BOAT)S—continued. &= -- II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. 168. HULL UNION ROAD Co. —For an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 100. Notice insufficient, 123. 169. Huntingdon :—For construction of a road from thence to Lake St. Francis, (1849) 62. 170. HUNTINGDON PLANK ROAD Co. :—For an Act of Incorporation as the Beauharnois Plank Road Co., (1846) 45. Referred, 46. Report publication of notice insufficient, 56. Rule relative to notice suspended, and Petition again referred, 65. Report, 68. House goes into Committee to consider of incorporating the Huntingdon Plank Road Co., 92. Report a Resolution, that it is expedient to incorporate the said company ; Bill presented, 97. Amended in Committee, 207. R. A., 274. (9 Wic, c. 84.) Huron, Take :—Wide supra, 130, 181. infra, 171, 206, 249. 171. HURONTARIO STREET :—For a grant to plank Hurontario Street, from Port Credit to Lake Huron, (1844–5) 189,256, 259, 342. Referred, 190, 342. Report, 437. Wide infra, 249, 257. 172. Isle Werte –For the opening of a road from thence to New Brunswick, (1847) 39. (1848) 40.—To the rear townships, (1849) 84–(1851) 101. To Temiscouata, 173. Ixworth :—For continuation of a new road opened in Ixworth, (1844–5) 61—For completion of the Gov- ernment Road from Ste. Anne de la Pocatière to Ixworth, (1846) 37–(1848) 40,—(1849) 76.-(1851) 130. JoHNSTOWN INISTRICT TURNPIKE ROADs:—Wide supra, 56–59. 174. Rakouna :-Roads from Township of Whitworth to Kakouna, (1851) 71. 175. Kamouraska:—To open a road therein, leading to the State of Maine, (1846) 105-–From St. Louis de Ramouraska to the River St. John, (1846) 162.--—To open a road in Kamouraska, with a grant of land to aid in constructing the same, (1851) 18. Printed, 59. Wide infra, 188. Rempt (or Metis) Road: . 176. Of A. J. Wolff, for remuneration for his services in superintending the construction of that road, (1843) 153– (1844–5) 41–(1846) 4. Wide Supply, 256. 177. For free grants of land on that road, with an annual allowance to encourage persons to settle thereon; and recom- mending Thos. Evans and John Low for consideration for their zeal and benevolence upon the said road, (1849) 13. Wide Supply, 255, 256, 296. Kennebec Road:—Wide Supply, 237. its. KENT:—For the survey and construction of a turnpike road through that county, (1841) 834. 179. Rilkenny :—A road in that township, (1846) 46. 180. Kingsey:—A road in that township, (1846) 238. Wide infra, 259. 181. Kingston :-For the opening of a road from thence to Perth, (1843) 61–To Lake Simcoe, 62. tinuation of the Montreal Road through the Artillery Reserve at Kingston, (1849) 77. For con- ROADS—continued. 461 -*- II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. RINGSTON AND NAPANEE (TURNPIKE): 182. Of the Midland District Council, praying that the said road may be placed under the charge of the Board of Works, and the district be relieved from the expense attending the same, (1843) 33.−Another Petition, (1844–5) 12. 183. For an amendment to the Act relating to the said work, in reference to commutation of statute labor, (1844–5) 53. Referred, 62. Report; Committed, 82. Report a Resolution for repealing part of a certain Act of U. Canada for the regulation of macadamized roads; Bill presented, 136. Wide supra, 4. Wide Accounts, 247. Addresses, 227. Public Works, 30. 184. KINGSTON TO THE OTTAWA:—For the opening of a road, (1843) 13–(1844–5) 177, 189, 194, 860– A plank road to Bytown, 202. Referred, 207. No Report—(1846) So much of Speech from the Throne as relates to the opening of a road to the Ottawa, read, 272. Wo action thereon. Wide Speeches, 8. Supply, 261. Lachapelle's Bridge:–Wide infra, 309. 185. Lambton Road:—For improvement and completion of the said road, (1846) 93.—(1848) 31, 40–(1849) 32, 84.—(1850) 36,-(1851) 82, 120. Referred to Committee on the settlement of the Eastern Townships, 134. Wide Committees, 379. 186. TAPRAIRIE TO THE PROVINCE LINE:—For construction of a turnpike road, (1846) 16. 187. Tindsay and Peterboro’:—For improvement of that road, (1847) 111. Wide Supply, 262. 188. I’Islet:-Road between Parish of St. Thomas and the River St. John, (1844–5) 202. Road along the line between the Seigniories of St. Jean Port Joli and St. Roch (and the opening of the adjoining lands), (1850) 13. Printed, 159.--To complete certain roads and a bridge, in the Parish of St. Pierre, 13–For roads and bridges in L'Islet and Kamouraska, for their more effectual colonization, 35. For completion of the road from St. Jean Port Joli to the Province line, (1851) 75. Referred to Committee on settlement of the Eastern Townships, 214. Wide Committees, 379–For the opening of a road from the line between St. Roch and Fief Réaume to the frontier line, 94. Referred to same Committee, 214.—Road of communication from the Parish of St. Pierre, 94. Printed, 170. Referred to same Committee, 214. 189. Tondon :-For aid to open a road from thence to Errol, (1844–5) 386–For improvement of a certain part of the London and Port Sarnia Road, already graded, (1847) 13. Wide supra, 159, infra, 283. Supply, 372. 190. LONDON AND BRANTFORD (TURNPIKE) :—Petitions for compensation for loss upon contracts in the construction of that road:—(1847) Grany, J., 167.--(1848) Geary, J., 39. Wide Supply, 371. 191. LONDON AND CHATHAM (TURNPIKE) :—Petitions for payment for work done on that road:—(1846) Taylor, Jas, 71–(1848) Clarke, Orange, 25. Wide Supply, 254, 373. London and Sarnia:—Wide supra, 189. LONGUEUIL AND CHAMBLY TURNPIKE TRUST: 192. Bill to authorize the Trustees to plank, &c., the road along Chambly Basin, from the Ferry Road to the Fort Road, and to borrow £4000 to pay therefor and for any existing debt; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 431. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 56.) 462. ROADS—continued. II. 193, 197. 198. 199. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. TONGUEUIL AND CHAMBLY TURNPIKE TRUST-continued. Bill to amend the Ordinance relative to the said road, and to enact that one-half the tolls be paid in passing, and the other half in re-passing the toll gates; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 61. Amended in Committee, 133. Passed, 151. Not returned from the Council. . Bill to amend the Ordinance relating to the said road; Presented, (1850) 32. Committed, 43. Considered, and no Report made, 111. . Bill to place the said road under the control of the Commissioners of Public Works; From the Council; Read, (1850) 142. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 106.) . Petition from proprietors of land at Chambly Basin, complaining of the decision of the Trustees relative to the road between the little river of Montreal and the residence of R. Boileau, Esq., (1841) 129. Referred, 130. Report, 579. (App. U. U.)—Foregoing entries read, and referred to Committee on Petitions relative to the Montreal Roads, (1844–5) 83. Wide Committees, 497. Petition of Trustees, for authority to borrow £2500, and for amendments to the Act under which they were appointed, (1843) 24.—For authority to borrow £5000, and for amendments, (1844–5) 40. Referred to Committee on Montreal Roads, 81. (Wide Committees, 497. Also, supra, 192.) Petition from Montreal, against the exclusive privilege of ferry between Montreal and Longueuil, prayed for by the Trustees, 166. Petition of Trustees, for an exclusive right of ferry, and authority to borrow a sum of money to build a steamboat (1849) 89. For exemption from toll of persons attending Divine Service, and priests in charge of adjacent parishes, (1843) 36.-(1850) 27. Petition of the Trustees, complaining that the Corporation of Montreal claim the control over the approaches to the Montreal and Longueuil Ferry, on the Montreal side, and have encumbered the same with various obstruc- tions, and praying that it may be placed under the control of the Trustees, and their ferry boat be exempted from city taxes, (1846) 50, Petitions from Montreal, Longueuil, and Hochelaga, against any extension of the powers of the Trustees, 93. Petition from District of Montreal, for the placing of the trust under the charge of the Board of Works, (1847) 48. Petitions for an extension of the Longueuil and Chambly Road to Granby, and construction of a bridge over the Richelieu Rapids, (1842) 29.—(1843) 79.—(1844–5) 46.—For improvement of a short piece of road con- necting the terminus of the Longueuil and Chambly Road with the Granby Road, (1847) 40—(1849) 156.- (1850) 161, 200,——For improvement of Section No. 1 of the Chambly and Granby Turnpike Road, (1851) 82. Wide Supply, 270. Petitions for an extension of the Longueuil and Chambly Road to the outlet of Lake Memphremagog, and thence to Sherbrooke, (1843)24. To the Province Line in Hereford, with a branch from Lake Memphremagog to Sherbrooke, (1847) 78. From Lake Memphremagog to Sherbrooke, &c., (1851) 37. Wide infra, 225. Accounts, 277. Addresses, 271. Committees, 257, 259,497. Supply, 234. L'Orignal:—Wide supra, 66, 67, 88, 89. Totbinière:–Roads and bridges therein, (1844–5) 34——For completion of the centre road of the Seigniory of Ste. Croix, (1851) 101. Madawaska:—Wide supra, 48, 49. infra, 254. Maddington:—Wide supra, 127. Madoc :—Wide supra, 48, 49. MAIN ROAD THROUGH THE PROVINCE :—For construction of a macadamized road from Quebec to Lake Huron, (1 844–5) 177. Representing a certain mode of improving the main road through the Pro- vince; Whitby, &c., (1847) 159. MAITLAND AND MERRICKVILLE ROAD Co.:-For an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 71. ROADS—continued. 463 II. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. . Mono :—Road in Mono, leading to Toronto, (1844–5) 341. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. Mandeville, Lake;—A road near the same, (1846) 76. Manvers:–Wide supra, 81. Mariposa :-Wide infra, 239, 285. Markham –Road between the 6th and 7th ranges of Markham, (1841) 129. Wide infra, 326. Supply, 265. MARKHAM AND ELGIN MILLS PLANK ROAD Co.:-For an Act of Incorporation, (1848) 25. Referred, 63. Report a Bill, 68. Wot proceeded in. Another Petition, (1849) 72. Bill presented, 105. Referred, 202. Reported, with an amendment, 226. Amended in Committee, 250. R. A., 364. (12 Vic., c. 157.) - Maryborough :—For the opening of a road through Maryborough and adjoining townships, (1850) 29. Matane :—For the construction of a road from the farthest settlements of Matane to Cape Chat, (1848) 40.— (1851) 33.--From Metis to Matane, (1846) 46.—(1847) 69. Wide Supply, 257. Matilda –Road leading through Matilda to the River Petite Nation, (1846) 105. Megantic :—For the opening of certain roads in that county, (1850) 68. Memphremagog, Lake;—To repair and alter the road from thence to Mount Johnson, (1 844–5) 47. Wide Supra, 123, 204. Mersea —Road between Mersea and Gosfield, (1841) 202. Metis:—Wide supra, 176, 177, 212. For the opening of a road from the south to the north-west corner of Mono, (1851) 93. Motion to refer Petition to the Committee of Supply, negatived, 139. Wide supra, 70. Montreal:—Wide supra, 73, 87,94, 115, 116, 128, 140, 186, infra, 306,836. Montreal and Grenville —Wide Supply, 243. MONTREAL TURNPIKE ROADs: Bill to amend the Ordinance providing for the improvement of the said roads; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 245. Amended in Committee, 408. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 35.) Bill to oblige the Trustees to lease the tolls, to put up the repairs to competition,-and to exempt the owners of adjoining lands from statute labor; Ordered ; Presented, (1844–5) 410. Wot proceeded in. Bill to authorize the Trustees to borrow £27,000 to improve the roads from the Upper Lachine to Ste. Anne's, L'Abord à Plouffe to Ste. Geneviève, Pavilion to East of Lachine Church, and a road in St. Laurent con- necting the L'Abord à Plouffe and Sault-au-Recollet Roads; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 212. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 67.) Bill to empower the Ecclesiastics of the Seminary of St. Sulpice to invest moneys in loans to the Trustees of the Montreal Turnpike Roads; Presented, (1847) 87. Order for second reading discharged, 141. Bill to enable Communities and other like parties to lend moneys to the Trustees; Presented, (1847) 145. Order for second reading discharged, 200. 464 ROADS—continued. II. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. MoNTREAL TURNPIKE ROADS—continued. Bill to amend the Acts and Ordinances relating to the said roads, by providing that one-half the tolls payable at the different toll-gates shall be paid on passing, and the other half on re-passing; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 75. Referred, 133. Reported, with an amendment, 191. Amended in Committee, 197. Passed, 204. Wot returned from the Council. Bill to authorize the trustees to purchase the St. Michel Road, and to open a road to the village of Sault-au-Recol- let; Recommended by a Committee, (1849) 171. Presented, 248. R. A., 335. (12 Vic, c. 120.) Bill to authorize the exchange of certain Debentures issued by the trustees of the Montreal, Quebec, and Longueuil and Chambly Turnpike Roads respectively, (and held by the Montreal Savings Bank) for others of smaller sums representing the same total value; Presented, (1850) 128. Amended in Committee (by leaving out so much as confines the Act to Debentures held by the Montreal Savings Bank), 168. Passed, 171. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 103.) Petitions for amendment of the Act, &c., relating to the Turnpike Trust, (1841) 91–(1846) 72, 94. Referred, 95, 164. Wide Committees, 498.-(1847) 43. Petitions complaining of the proceedings of the trustees (from Longue Pointe and other places), (1842) 58- (1843) 127, 188, 189. Referred, ib. No Report.—(1844–5) 46-(1848) 31. Petitions from inhabitants of Lachine, for exemption from toll, (1841) 233.−(1846) 50. Referred, ib. Vide Committees, 498. Petitions complaining of the high rates of toll, (1842) 21—(1843) 71. Referred, 88. Other Petitions referred 102, 127, 138, 189. Wo Report.—For a more equitable arrangement of tolls, (1844–5) 94. Referred to Committee on the Montreal roads, 101. Wide Committees, 497.--—For amendment of Ord. 3 & 4 Wic, c. 31, with regard to the payment of tolls, (1849) 71. Wide supra, 223. . Petition for removal of the toll-gate on the road from St. Martin (Terrebonne) to Montreal, to another location, (1844–5) 195. The gate at Hochelaga, (1846) 61. Referred, 168. Wide Committees, 498. Petition for appointment of new trustees on the Longue Pointe Road, (1846) 61. Referred, 100. Wide Commit- tees, 498. - Petition of the trustees, praying to be secured against interference on the part of any Municipal Council, (1846) 252. - Petition praying that no discretionary power may be given to the commissioners in reference to the proposed new road at River St. Pierre, (1846) 252. Petition of John Clark, for power to recover from the trustees his claim for land and damages on the Longue Pointe Road, (1847) 30. A Petition of the same, for compensation, and for an inquiry into the conduct of the trustees; and a further Petition, complaining of a decision of the Court of Queen's Bench in the matter, (1849) 33. Both referred, 46. Wo Report. Petitions for improvement of certain roads under the direction of the trustees, viz.:-(1843) Road from Lachine to St. Anne's, 14. Lower Lachine Boad, ib. From L'Abord à Plouff to the upper end of the Island, 138. All referred, 102, 138. Wo Report. (1844–5) Road from Lachine to Ste. Anne, through Pointe Claire; Lower Lachine Road; A road in St. Laurent, 10. From L'Abord à Plouffe to Ste. Geneviève, 34. From Vaudreuil Ferry to Lachine Road, 132, 194. From Vaudreuil Ferry to Cedars Plank Road, 146, 217. All referred, 61, 133, 211, 217. (Wide Committees, 497 .) For construction of a turnpike road from Ste. Anne to Montreal, through the centre of the Island, 313. Referred to Select Committee on 1st Report of above mentioned Committee, 423. (Wo Report.) Wide supra, 220. (1846) Lower Lachine Road; Road from L'Abord à Plouffe to Ste. Geneviève, 15. From Lachine Road, through Pointe Claire, to St. Anne's, 16. A road in Parish of St. Laurent, 70. Road from Ste. Anne through centre of the Island, 60. Do., and to Wau- dreuil Ferry, 93. A road communicating with the Montreal and Sault-au-Recollet Road, 182. All referred, 17, 41, 62, 95. Wide Committees, 498. Also, supra, 220. (1847) Côte St. Paul Road to Lachine, 47. Referred, 61. Wo Report. (1849) For the opening of the Papineau Road as far as Sault-au-Recollet, 32, . 33, 72. All referred, 85, 91. Petition of St. Michel Road Company, for the construction of the said road by the parties petitioning, or otherwise that their road (the St. Michel) be purchased by the trustees, 95. Referred to same Committee, 103. Report (recommending the opening of the Papineau Road, and the purchase of the St. Michel Road), 170. Printed, 171. Report concurred in; Bill presented, 248. Wide supra, 224. Wide infra, 306–309. Accounts, 332. Addresses, 320, 321. Committees, 258—261, 497–499. Supply, 232. Narrows of Lake Simcoe :—Wide infru, 369—371. ROADS—continued. 465 II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. 236. Nelson —A road through Nelson and adjoining townships, (1844–5) 210. New Brunswick:-Wide supra, 172, 175, 237. NIAGARA AND TEN MILE CREEK ROAD Co. —For an Act of Incorporation, (1844–5) 41. Re- ferred, 48. Report, 195. Bill presented, 196. Amended in Committee, 272. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 328. Considered, and agreed to, 362. R. A., 439. (8 Vic, c. 88.)—Petition for such an amendment of Charter as to authorize the direction of the road to be altered, and a water-course to be constructed from the Welland Canal to Niagara, (1846) 55. Referred, ib. Report, that the notice given applies only to the water-course, and that that part of the application only be proceeded with, 68. Vide Mavigations, 36. Petition for amendments to Charter, (1847) 65. Referred to Committee on Private Bills, 79. Report, that it should have been referred to Committee on Standing Orders, 123. 238. Nicolet :—A road in the Seigniory of Nicolet, (1843) 43, 53. 239. Ops :—Main road through Ops and Mariposa, (1848) 58. 240. Orford —For the opening of a road through the Indian reservation in Orford and Zone, (1849) 138. 241. Orillia :-A certain road therein, (1846) 99. *º- Wide supra, 41. 242. Oro:-A road through that township, (1846) 46. Ottawa : 243. Roads in the County of Ottawa (L. C.), (1843) 38-(1846) 112-(1848) 29,-(1849) 62.—In the Ottawa District (U. C.), (1843) 87, 126, 188. 244. For the opening of roads through the several districts between Lake Ontario and the Ottawa; Midland District Council, (1842) 20. 245. Road on the left bank of the Ottawa, and construction of bridges between Grenville and Hull, (1843) 39. 246. Road from Portage du Fort to the head of the Calumet Rapids, (1847) 43.−(1848) 29. 247. For completion of the road from the Ottawa to the St. Lawrence, on the boundary line between Upper and Lower Canada, (1848) 66. 248. For the opening of a road from the Long Sault to the head of the Grand Calumet, and construction of locks at the Joachim (two Petitions), (1851) 18. Wide Supra, 63–69, 184, infra, 291. Supply, 203, 260, 261. Owen Sound and Garrafraxa:-Wide Supply, 233. 249. Owen Sound to Take Ontario :—For construction of a road between the head waters of Lake Ontario and Owen Sound, on Lake Huron, (1843) 138–Vió Lake Simcoe, 9. (1844–5) From Dundas, 99. From Hamilton, ib. From Bronté, 166.--From Dundas, (1846) 45. Wide Supra, 171. Packenham: –Wide infra, 284. Papineau Road:—Wide supra, 235. ‘A 251. P enetanguishene Road:—For the expenditure of a certain sum granted for improving the same (1844–5) 33.—For a further grant, to complete the road, (1847) 188—(1848) 26,-(1850) 35. III 466 * ROADS—continued. $14 jºr II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. 252. Percé :—For continuation of the Percé and Bay Chaleurs Road, (1844–5) 264. 258. Perrot, Isle —Roads in that island, (1843) 21–(1846) 84. 254. Perth :—For a re-survey of the proposed line of road from Perth to the Madawaska, (1846) 54.——For improvement of the main road from Perth to the St. Lawrence, (1849) 32,-From Perth to Lanark, ib. Wide supra, 181. Peterborough :—Wide supra, 187. Rickering :-Wide infra, 326,875. 255. Point Cardinal :-ºwn thence to Hick's Corners, (1846) 94.—(1847) 84. Port Burwell:—Wide Harbours, 26. 256. PoRT CREDIT AND CHINGUACOUSEY :-For an Act of Incorporation to make a plank road, from Port Credit to Lot No. 10 in Chinguacousey, (1847) 65. 257, PORT CREDIT AND HURONTARIO PLANK ROAD Co.:—For an Act of Incorporation (for improving Hurontario Street), (1847) 40. Bill presented, 63. Amended in Committee, 172. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 89.) Petition for an Act to remove doubts as to their right to collect rates in commutation of statute labor, (1850) 70. Wide supra, 171. 258. PORT DARLINGTON AND SCUGOG LAKE ROAD Co. —For an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 78. 259. Port St. Francis :-Road from Windsor to Port St. Francis, and to build two bridges, (1846) 71. Kingsey to Port St. Francis, (1849) 137. From Port Stanley :—Wide Supply, 387. Portland:—Wide supra, 61. 260. Prescott :—Against the adoption of Mr. Jones' survey of a certain line of road leading from Prescott, without further investigation, (1846) 162. ,” Wide supra, 68. Supply, 260. Prince Albert :-Wide infra, 285, 342. 261. Quebec :—The beach road from Quebec to Sillery Cove, (1848) 64.——For improvement of the Côte de Jacques Cartier, (1844–5) 177. For completion of the road from Point Levi to Kennebec, (1846) 83. For the lowering of a hill on the road from St. Augustin to Quebec, (1847) 14. Wide Supra, 116, 122, 124, 136, 206. infra, 327. QUEBEC TURNPIKE ROADs: 262. Bill to extend the provisions of the Quebec Turnpike Roads Ordinance, to a certain road on the north side of the River St. Charles; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 423. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 72.) 263. Bill to further amend the said Ordinance,—to authorize the Trustees to borrow £8882,-to alter the rates of toll, &c.;-and to provide for the erection of a toll-bar on Dorchester Bridge whenever it may be acquired by the Government; Ordered (Wide Committees, 263); Presented, (1844–5) 417. Amended in Committee, 419. R. A., 440, (8 Vic, c. 55.) ROADS—continued. - 4.67 *-*msº II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. QUEBEC TURNPIKE ROADS—continued. 264. Bill to amend the said Ordinance by establishing a new tariff of tolls; Ordered, (1846) 295. Presented, 296. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 68.) 265. Bill to authorize the Trustees to acquire Dorchester Bridge over the River St. Charles, and to raise a further loan of £25,000 currency; to extend the provisions of an Ordinance of 4th Vic, to the said bridge, and to certain roads; Ordered, (1849) 329. Presented, 330. Read third time; Ryder added; Bill passed, 337. By the Council, with amendments, 350. Considered, and agreed to, 355. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 115.) 266. Bill to amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1850) 121. Petition of Directors of Quebec Bank, for insertion of a clause to do away with the priority ºf the Debentures issued under the said Act, 217. Bill amended in Committee, 246. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 102.) 267. Bill to amend the foregoing Act as regards a certain portion of the Charlesbourg Road; Reported by a Committee (Wide infra, 277), (1850) 125. Motions to postpone third reading six months, and to commit the Bill, severally negatived; Read third time; Motion to add a clause for placing under the control of the Trustees the route leading to the Government mill in Ancienne Lorette, from the Commissioners' Road to the Route de l'Eglise, negatived; Bill passed, 171. Council desire the grounds, proofs, and evidence on which the Bill is founded, 225. Communicated, 230. Leave granted to Messrs. Ross and Cauchon (Members) to be heard as counsel at the Bar of the Legislative Council, on the subject of the Bill, 261. Wot returned from the Council. 268. Bill to authorize the Trustees to effect a new loan of £15,000, and to extend the provisions of the Quebec Turnpike Roads Ordinance to the road leading from Charlesbourg Church to St. Pierre, and thence 2 miles towards Lake Beauport, and 4 miles towards Stoneham; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 109. Committed, 233. Instruction to Committee, to amend the Bill by inserting a provision relative to another road; Reported with amendments, 322. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 132.) 269. Bill to authorize the Trustees to issue Debentures for £5000, to purchase and re-build the Montmorency Bridge; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 191. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 133.) 270. Petitions for amendment and extension of the Acts relating to the trust, (1841) 340. Committed, 368. Wide Committees, 262. Also, Supra, 262. (1844–5) 34. Referred, 36. (Wide Committees, 501) Printed, 168. —(1846) 16. Referred, 33. Wide Committees, 502. 271. Petition of the Trustees, for power to raise a loan to complete certain roads, and for amendments to the Turnpike Roads Ordinance, (1842) 58. For authority to borrow £8882, (1844–5) 146. Referred, 260. Wide Committees, 501,––For authority to borrow £12,000, (1846) 213. Of the Mun. Council of Quebec, for a grant of a certain sum of money to the Trustees, for the completion of certain roads, according to the inten- tion of 12 Vic, c. 115, (1851) 37. 272. Petition for exemption of carts laden with manure from toll, on the Quebec Roads, (1843) 9. Referred; Instruc- tion, to consider the propriety of extending the same exemption to the whole Province, ib. Report, recom- mending such an exemption on all turnpike roads, 65. Concurred in, 70. Wide supra, 3. 273. Petition for a reduction of the tolls; Beauport, (1844–5) 94. Referred, ib. Wide Committees, 501. 274. Petition for removal of the toll-gate between the Cap Rouge and Kilmarnock Roads, (1846) 37. Referred, 38. Wide Committees, 502. 275. Petition for an inquiry into the conduct of the Trustees, (1847) 19. Referred, 23. Wide Committees, 503. 276. Petition complaining that the Trustees have prevented the use of the roads over the ice on the St. Lawrence and the Basin of the St. Charles, and praying redress, (1848) 7. 277. Petitions for macadamization of certain roads under direction of the Trustees:—(1844–5) Two roads in Ste. Foye, 12. (1846) Route Ste. Claire to la Jeune Lorette, 16. Route d'Eglise, between the Cap Rouge and Ste. Foye Roads, 37. The l'Ormière Road, to St. Ambroise Church, 60. Roads in Montmorency; Roads in St. Ambroise and la Jeune Lorette, 61. Middle Road from Valcartier to Quebec, 158. Roads in vicinity of Quebec, 190. All referred, 33, 38, 62, 158, 191. Wide Committees, 502. (1847) L'Ormière Road, from the Commissioners' Bridge to Church of St. Ambroise, 30. Referred, 40. (Wide Committees, 503.) Cove Road and Route d'Eglise, 40. (1848) For continuation of the l’Ancienne Lorette Road to the St. Augustin Road, 16. Road from Côte à Champigny to Commissioners' Bridge, 20. Road from Hough's farm in l'Ancienne Lorette to the line between Neuville and Demaure, 40. (1849) Beauport Road, 12. Roads in Parish of Ste. Foye, 21, 39. L'Ormière Road, 39. Road from Dorchester Bridge to Church of Charlesbourg (two Petitions), 39.——(1850) Charlesbourg Road, for a distance of 7 miles, towards St. Pierre, 28. Referred, 70. Report a Bill, 125. (Wide supra, 267.) For completion of a certain road, and construction of two bridges over the St. Charles, 12. Road leading to the Government mill in Ancienne Lorette, ib. (Wide supra, 267 .)—Belvidere Road, connecting the St. Louis and Ste. Foye Roads, 136.--—(1851) Charlesbourg Road, for a further distance of 2 miles towards Lake Beauport, and 44 miles towards Stoneham (two Petitions), 20. (Wide supra, 268)—Route St. Jacques (Route de la Misère), 176. - 468 BOAT)S—continued. II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. QUEBEC TURNPIKE ROADS—continued. 278. Petition praying that the Montmorency Bridge may be purchased, and placed under the control of the Trustees, together with the roads in Montmorency, (1846) 61. Referred, 208. Wide Committees, 502. Dorchester Bridge, (1847) 14. Referred to Committee on Quebec Roads, 40. Wide Committees, 503–(1849) 39. House goes into Committee on the subject, 324. Report Resolutions, 329. Bill presented, 330. Wide Supra, 265. Wide supra, 225. Accounts, 429. Addresses, 402–405. Bridges, 95, 96. Committees, 262—267, 501—503. Supply, 232. QUEENSTON AND GRIMSBY TURNPIKE TRUST; 279. For completion of the said road, (1841) 227—(1842) 12. Referred, 32. Wo Report. 280. Of R. M. Boyle and others, contractors on the road, for remuneration for certain extra expenses incurred, (1841) 129.——Another Petition, (1844–5) 99. 281. Of Niagara Dist. Council, praying that the said road may be made a Provincial work, (1844–5) 24. Referred, with other Petitions, 31. No Report thereon. 282. For construction of the road on the present line, through Jordan, (1846) 37. Petition against, 61. Both referred, 38, 63. Petition for construction of a bridge over the Welland Canal referred, 105. Report, 309. Another Petition (through Jordan), (1848) 40. Wide Accounts, 435. Addresses, 466. Public Works, 30. Supply, 248. 283. QUEENSTON To SANDWICH :—For completion of the macadamized road from Queenston to London, and thence to Sandwich, (1844–5) 146.--—To Windsor, (1846) 112. 284. Ramsay :—For the survey of a certain line of a road in Ramsay and Packenham, (1846) 94. 285. Reach :—Road leading from that township to the Narrows of Lake Simcoe, (1 844–5) 166–(1846) 99. Road leading from Mariposa and Cartwright to Prince Albert, in Reach, (1846) 99. sion of Reach to Eldon, (1847) 85, 95. Wide infra, 330, 331, 342. From 6th conces- 286. Renfrew :-For the survey and sale of two or three ranges of townships to the south west of that county, and application of the proceeds to the construction of main roads through Lanark and Renfrew, (1850) 217. Rice Lake to Lake Ontario: 287. For construction of a plank road from Cobourg to Rice Lake, (1841) 304. Referred, 340. No Report.—For improvement of the communication between those points, 234. 288, For a discontinuance of the work on the plank road now in course of construction, and expenditure of the sum granted upon the line now travelled, (1842) 17. Referred to Committee on Petition relative to the Cornwall and L'Orignal Road (supra, 89), 18. Report thereon (App. X.); Committed, 116. Considered, 117. Report printed, 118. Wot further considered. 289. Petitions for payment for work done in the construction of the Lake Ontario and Rice Lake Road, (1844–5) Campbell, John, a contractor, 367. Fogartey, J., and others, labourers employed by Campbell, ib. Meredith, H. H., and others, creditors of Campbell, ib. 290. Of the Cobourg and Rice Lake Road and Ferry Company (Wide Railroads, 28), for amendments to their Act of Incorporation, (1847) 56,65.—House goes into Committee, to consider of amending the said Act, 49. Report a Resolution; Bill presented, 60. Amended in Committee, 105. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 86) Wide Accounts, 479,480. Addresses, 127,447. Supply, 386. Richmond:—Wide infra, 860. 291. Rideau Canal:—For the opening of a road from thence to the western extremity of the Bathurst District, on the Ottawa, (1844–5) 94.—(1847) 30. ROADS—continued. 469 II. 292. 2.93. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 2.99. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. IRimouski:—Of M. Larivé, for indemnification for expenses incurred in the construction of roads through St. Germain, St. Luce, and other parishes, (1848) 26. Ristigouche :—A road in Ristigouche, (1842) 62–To complete the line of road between the Little River adjoining the Kempt Road, and the Matapediac, along the north branch of the Ristigouche, (1849) 84. Rivière du Loup :—To repair and continue the road from thence to Madawaska, (1847) 39. Rondeau Harbour:-Road leading north-westerly from that harbour, (1849) 90. Wide Supply, 266, 388. Rouge Hill —For improvement of the road from thence to the eastern limit of Whitby (by turnpiking), either by incorporating a company or otherwise, (1848) 20. Wide Addresses, 456. Supply, 272, 381. Roxborough :—A road in that township, (1841) 184,268–(1844–5) 323. Saguenay :—Roads in that county, (1844–5) 34.—In the Parish of Baie St. Paul, (1846) 45. For the opening of roads between La Grande Baie and St. Urbain, and La Grande Baie and Chicoutimi, (1847) 111. Between St. Urbain and Ha! Ha! Bay, (1848) 25-(1850) 13–Between St. Agnes and Ha! Ha! Bay, (1849) 54.—(1850) 29,-(1850) and to Lake St. John, 18.--—For the opening of the Bagot Road, and improvement of the Road des Côtes du Cap aux Corbeaux, (1849) 54—For adoption of measures for keeping open the road leading to the St. Lawrence, 71. For the opening of roads to communicate between the parishes along the River Saguenay and those in the interior, (1851) 36–For improvement of the roads through Bagot and other townships in the 2nd division, 52.-For the opening of a road from the Saguenay to the west side of the River Noire, ib. Wide supra, 79. ST. ATHANASE AND STANBRIDGE (TURNPIKE):—For relief from the daily payment of tolls thereon, (1849) 96. - ST. CATHARINES :—For incorporation of a company to construct a turnpike road from St. Catharines to Mill Road on the top of the mountain, (1848) 19. Ste. Catherine de Fossambault:-A road in that parish, (1841) 325. Ste. Croix :—For completion of the centre road in the Seigniory of Ste. Croix, (1851) 101. ST. T)AVID's To J oRDAN :—Wide Supra, 282. Accounts, 435. Addresses, 466. St. Denis de la Bouteillerie :-To complete a road in that parish, commenced by the municipality, (1846) 162. St. Edouard de Gentilly :—Road from thence to St. Jean les Chaillons, and a bridge over the River aux Orignaux, (1848) 39–(1849) 67–(1851) 71. - ST. EUSTACHE : For construction of a turnpike road from St. Eustache to Montreal, and a bridge over the River Jésus, (1844–5) 53. For survey of two proposed routes for a macadamized road from L'Abord à Plouff to St. Eustache (3 Petitions), (1844–5) 342. For adoption of the line recently surveyed through St. Eustache and St. Martins to Grenville, and completion of the same without delay, (1846) 150, 158, 162, 176. - For improvement of the road from Lachapelle's Bridge to St. Eustache, (1848) 63. 470 ROADS—continued. TI. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 317. 3.18. 3.19. 320. 321. 322. 323. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. St. Fabien –For the opening of a road leading to the sea-port in St. Fabien, (1851) 71. St. Germain :-Roads leading from thence to the townships of Neigète and Macpèse, (1851) 71. St. Grégoire :—A road in that parish, (1849) 58. St. Hyacinthe :—Road between Grantham and the 9th concession of St. Hyacinthe, (1843) 58. St. Jean Port Joli:-Wide supra, 188. St. John, Lake —For the opening of a road from thence to Chicoutimi, (1849) 28–To the County of Quebec, 39. For completion of the route from Grande Baie to Lake St. John, (1851) 37. Printed, 59. Referred to Committee on settlement of the Eastern Townships, 214. Wide Committees, 379. Wide supra, 298. Accounts, 492. Addresses, 390. St. John’s :—For the opening of a road between Waterloo and St. John's, in Shefford, (1843) 131. Wide Committees, 271. ST. JoHN's AND STANSTEAD : . For the planking of that portion of the said road between Stanbridge upper mills and Jones' Bridge on the Riche- lieu, (1844–5) 88, 94. For improvement of that portion between Stanbridge and Philipsburgh, (1847) 100. Wide Supply, 240, 379. St. Maurice, River:—Of D. Burnet and others interested in the lumber trade, for aid to open a road from the St. Maurice to the nearest settlement, or otherwise that they may be empowered to make the road, and retain the cost out of moneys payable by them upon timber-licenses, (1851) 152. ST, MICHEL ROAD Co.:-Petition of the company, stating their apprehension that a part of their road may be placed under the control of the Montreal Corporation, under the provisions of the Bill now before the House for amending the Municipal Law, and praying relief, (1846) 277. Wide supra, 224, 235. Wide Accounts, 332. St. Pierre, River:-Praying that no discretionary power may be allowed to the Commissioners appointed to determine respecting the intended new road at the River St. Pierre (Parish of Montreal), (1846) 253. St. Simon :-For the re-opening of an old road in that parish, which has been closed by the Municipal Council, (1847) 39. St. Stanislas —A road in St. Stanislas, (1846) 37–Road from St. Stanislas to Kapiboucheka, (1848) 51. For the opening of certain roads in St. Stanislas and St. Geneviève, (1850) 12. Sandwich :—Against any alteration in the route of the road between Sandwich and Windsor, (1847) 30.— (1849) 217. Wide supra, 77, 78, 283. 324, Sarnia and Plympton :—For the opening of a road along the lake shore through those townships, to Bosanquet, (1846) 45.—(1848) 58.-(1849) 53. 4. Wide Supply, 253. Saugeen :—Wide supra, 130, 131. Supply, 385. ROADS—continued. - 471 II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. 325. Scarborough and Markham –For the survey of a line of road through those townships; Referred, (1842) 10. No Report. 326. SCARBOROUGH AND MARKHAM PLANK ROAD Co. —Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 56. Bill (to incorporate Pickering and Markham Road Co.) presented, 70. Referred, 181. Reported with amendments, 189. Amended in Committee, 202. Passed (as the Scarborough and Markham Plank Road Co.), 207. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 92.) Scugog and Narrows :-Wide Accounts, 527. Addresses, 493,494. Supply, 247. 327. Sherbrooke:–For completion of the road from Sherbrooke to Stanstead, (1 846) 54.——For improvement of the road from Sherbrooke to Quebec, through Ireland, and repair of the bridge over the St. Francis at Sherbrooke, 55.--—For the opening of a road from Waterville to Sherbrooke, (1849) 54. Wide supra, 120, 123. Supply, 263. \ 328. Simcoe (County) :—Of the Simcoe Municipal Council, complaining that the £30,000 granted for the improvement of roads in that county has not been expended according to the intention of the Act, (1846) 282, 291–(1848) 58.--—For the completion of the said roads, (1847) 14. 3.29. Simcoe (Town) :—For the construction of a branch road from thence to the Hamilton and Port Dover Road, (1844–5) 132. Simcoe Street : 330. For improvement of that road in Reach, (1844–5) 264. 331. For expenditure of the sum granted for improving Simcoe Street, according to the original intention, (1846) Brock; Thorah, 112. Eldon, 176. Reach, 203. Wide Addresses, 512. 382, SMITH's FALLS ROAD Co. — For an Act of Incorporation, (1848) 62. 333. Somerset :—A road from Somerset, through Inverness, to the Gosford Road, (1844–5) 132-—Road through Somerset and other townships, (1848) 16,-(1850) 40. Sorel :—Wide supra, 99. Stanbridge —Vide supra, 310,317. 334. Standon and Ware :-Two roads leading to those townships, (1844–5) 182. 335. Stanfold :—Road from Township of Stanfold to the River Becancour in Bradford, (1844–5) 132–To Yamaska, 323.—For the opening of a road from Stanfold to the St. Francis in Grantham, (1846) 17.— Road and bridge between Stanfold and Grantham, 50. 336. Stanstead:—For improvement of the road from Standstead to Montreal, (1844–5) 177––For opening of a road from Stanstead Plain to the North Sutton Road, (1848) 30–To Georgeville, 31. Wide supra, 122, 316, 317, 327. 337. STREETSVILLE PLANK ROAD CO. :-Bill to incorporate the Company; Presented, (1847)63. Referred, 180. Reported, with amendments, 189. Amended in Committee, 210. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vico 6. 95.) ——Petition for an extension of Charter, (1849) 90. Wide Accounts, 554. 838. Sutton :-For completion of the road from Sutton (through Potton) to Lake Magog, (1846) 142. 472 ROADS—continued. Autº II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. 339, Sydenham :—For completion of the road from Sydenham to Glen Douglas, (1844–5) 234. Wide Supra, 37, 63. Sydenham Harbour:-Wide infra, 342. SYDENHAM MoUNTAIN ROAD Co.: 840. For an Act of Incorporation to make a turnpike road up the mountain, east of Mr. Rees Tunis, East Flamborough, (1841) 18. Referred, 71. Report a Bill, 96. Motion to dispense with the fee thereon, negatived, 137. Amended in Committee, 448. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 80.) 341. Of George Rolph, praying that the privileges of the company may be confirmed to him, (1851) 37. Bill to amend the Act of Incorporation, and to vest in Mr. Rolph certain privileges connected therewith ; Presented, 56. Petition of Municipality of Flamborough West, against any alteration in the Charter, further than to transfer the rights of the company to Mr. Rolph; Petition of J. D. Hare, against so much of the Bill as provides for closing up the “Kill-horse Road,” 165. Bill and Petitions referred, 150, 165. Reported, with amendments, 177. Passed, 281. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 150.) 342. Talbot, River:-Road from thence to Sydenham Harbour, (1841) 227. The district line of road from thence to Prince Albert, in Reach, (1844–5) 234.——Centre Road to the 5th concession of Reach, (1847) 44. 343. Talbot District:—For a grant of £100 for a certain road therein, (1841) 403. 344. Tecumseth Road:—For completion thereof, (1841) 174. Referred, 466. No Report.——(1844–5) 298. Wide Supply, 258. - * - 345. Temiscouata:—For improvement of the Temiscouata Portage Road, (1850) 117–(1851) 71. Wide supra, 172. infra, 359. Supply, 264. TORONTO AND HAMILTON:—Wide supra, 164. 346. ToRONTO AND MARKHAM –For the planking of part of the road leading from Markham and other townships to Toronto, (1846) 50. Toronto and Saugeen —Wide Supply, 385. TORONTO TURNPIKE ROADs: 847. Of Commissioners of Home District Turnpike Trust, for repeal of a part of the Act establishing the said Trust, (1841) 523. 348. Of G. T. Denison and others, for removal of the west toll-gate to its former site, outside the city liberties, (1843) 15. Referred, 17. Wo Report. 349. Complaining that the grant for improving Yonge Street has not been laid out, (1846) 252. For the straightening of the road, according to the original intention, 263. Both referred, 252,265. Wo Report. 351. Of R. Watson, complaining of the loss of £562 in the fulfilment of a contract undertaken by others, for maca- damizing a portion of Yonge Street, and praying relief, (1849) 53. Again, (1850) 70. 352. Of John Carey, complaining of injury done to his property by the Trustees of the West Toronto Road, and praying compensation, (1851) 40. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 50. 353. Motion, that so much of a certain Return relative to local Public Works, as relates to the sale of the turnpike roads in the County of York, be referred to a Select Committee, Negatived, (1851) 202. Wide supra, 2. Accounts, 589, 590. Addresses, 548, 581. Public Works, 30. Supply, 267, 268, 869. 354. Townsend:—For the construction of a branch road from thence to the Hamilton and Port Dover Road, (1844–5) 210. 355. Trafalgar :—Road between 5th and 6th concessions, (1841) 165. ROADS—continued. - 473 II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. TRAFALGAR, Esqui-SING, AND ERIN ROAD Co.: 356. For an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 15. Bill presented, 32. Referred, 53. Reported, with amendments, 87. Amended in Committee, 155. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 209. Considered, and agreed to, 210. R. A., 254. (9 Wic., c. 98.) 357. For power to Municipal Councils of Gore and Wellington to take stock in the company, (1848) 26. Referred, 37. Report, 47. Another Petition, (1849) 21. "...” Trent Slides:—Wide Supply, 259. 358. Tring :—For the opening of a road from Tring to Leeds, (1846) 16. 359. Trois Pistoles:—For the opening of a road from thence to Lake Temiscouata, (1846) 105—(1847) 167– For completion of the said road, (1848) 71. 360. Tyendinaga :—A road in Tyendinaga and Richmond, (1841) 523. 361. Waudreuil :-Road across a ravine therein, (1843) 76. WAUGHAN ROAD Co.:-Wide supra, 29–31. 362. Werulam :—Main road through Verulam, (1849) 12. 363. Wiger :—Roads in that township, (1849) 58. 363a. Ware:—Two roads leading to Ware and Standon, (1844–5) 182. Waterford:—Wide supra, 162. 364. Waterloo :—For £1000 to improve the public road near Waterloo (Shefford), (1841) 252. Wide Supra, 102, 105—108. 365. WATERLOO AND HAMILTON ROAD Co.:-Bill to incorporate the said company; Presented, (1848) - 52. Wot proceeded in. Wide Supra, 165. Waterloo and Sherbrooke:–Wide Supply, 263. Waterville:–Wide supra, 327. 366. Wentworth :—Road leading from that township to Rivière à Gagnon, (1851) 101. 367. Western T)istrict:—Of the Western District Council, praying that certain roads may be placed under their control, (1849) 138. 368. WESTON ROAD Co.:-For an Act of Incorporation, (1841) 21. Referred, 258. Report a Bill, 299. Amended in Committee, 448. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 60)—Petition for amendments, (1849) 72. No notice given, 97. Whitby: 369. For the opening of a road from the Narrows of L. Simcoe to L. Ontario (Whitby and Narrows Road), (1844–5) 221, 341. 370. For completion of the road from the Narrows to Windsor Harbour (Whitby), (1847) 44. KKK 474. TOADS—continued. sºmsºmº- --K- II. Petitions for improvement of certain Roads, &c.—continued. Whitby—continued. 371. For the retention of the Seat of Government at Toronto (in place of removing it to Quebec), and expenditure of the money saved in turnpiking the said road, (1851) 118. 372. For opening of a road from Windsor Harbour to Gloucester Bay, on L. Huron, (1844–5) 341. 373. For completion of a certain portion of the Windsor Harbour and Sturgeon Bay Road, (1846) 94, 150–(1847) 44, 65, 69, 100. * 374. Of A. Hurd, of Reach, for compensation for damages caused by the construction of the Windsor and Sturgeon Bay Road in the vicinity of his mill-dam, (1847) 44. Referred, 111. No Report. 375. For improvement of the main road through Whitby, Pickering, &c., (1847) 159. Wide Accounts, 590. Addresses, 494, 577, 578. 376. WHITBy AND PICKERING ROAD Co.:-Bill to incorporate the said company; Presented, (1848) 59. Mot proceeded in. 377. Williamsburgh and Winchester:—Road through those townships, (1844–5) 61. Windsor:—Wide supra, 76,283. Windsor Harbour:—Wide supra, 369–874. Yonge Street:-vide supra, 341–358. Accounts, 589, 590. Addresses, 548, 581. Supply, 287,880. 37s, York:—The lake shore road in that township, west of the Humber, (1841) 288. 379. YoRKVILLE AND WAUGHAN PLANK ROAD Co.:—For an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 54. Notice insufficient, 81. Rule suspended, and Bill presented, 86. Wot proceeded in. Zone:—Wide supra, 240. III. Other Petitions relative to Roads: 380. Of certain mail contractors, of Brantford and other places, for exemption from tolls on the line of their contract, (1841) 233. 381. Of inhabitants of Gore District, praying that the Commissioners of the several turnpike roads may be required to expend the moneys received for the commutation of statute labor, upon the roads leading to such macadamized roads, (1841) 55. Referred to Committee on Gore District Turnpike Trust, 98. 382. For the placing of all macadamized roads under the charge of the Board of Works; Midland District Council, (1842) 20. 383. For amendments to the law regulating macadamized roads in U. Canada:—(1841) Midland District Turnpike Trust, 299. Referred, 311. No Report. (1842) Gore District Council, 91. 384. For an extension of time for grants of tolls on turnpike roads constructed by Municipal Councils; Hastings Mun. Council, (1851) 40. 385. Of certain proprietors of roads and bridges, praying to be relieved from the penalties to which they are liable in levying tolls on persons, &c., carrying the mail, (1851) 93. 386. Of certain proprietors of do., for indemnification for deprivation of certain rights conferred upon them under Pro- vincial Acts, (1851) 139. 387. Of Municipal Council of York, for power to Municipal Councils to compel road companies to keep their roads in repair, (1851) 111. ROADS—ROAD ALLOWANCES. 475 III. Other Petitions relative to Roads—continued. 388. For an amendment of the Municipal Council Act, so as to provide for the commutation of statute labor on the roads; Colborne District Council, (1842) 32. 389. For further means of enforcing statute labor; Wellington District Council, (1843) 71. 390. For an amendment of the system of assessing for statute labor; Lincoln, (1849) 103. 891. For repeal of 15 sec. 8 Vic, c. 20, which empowers two magistrates of the division to open road allowances; Niagara District Council, (1846) 61. Wide supra, 21. 392. For authority to Municipal Councils to obtain materials for repair of roads from enclosed lands, on paying therefor; Wellington District Council, (1849) 38. 393. For amendment of the Municipal Act in relation to county roads; Municipal Council of Lincoln, &c., (1850) 74. 394. For a better provision for the improvement of roads running between townships, by statute labor, (1851) Haldi- mand Municipal Council, 37. Lincoln and Welland do., 49. First Petition referred, 46. Committee dis- charged, 72. 395. For such an amendment of the Municipal Act as to facilitate the opening of new roads by Municipal Councils; Athol, (1851) 155. 396. For amendment of the Road Laws for Lower Canada, (1843) Shefford, 76. (1844–5) Ste. Anne de Varennes, 24. (1849) Dorchester, 145, 156. Hinchinbrooke, &c., 21. Sherbrooke, 90. Stanstead, 157. 397. For restoration of the office of Grand Voyer, and that the oversight of the roads be taken from the Municipal Councils; Trois Pistoles, (1847) 39. 398. Against restoration of the office of Grand Voyer; Huntingdon Municipality, (1851) 104. 399. For the placing of the roads and bridges under the control of the Municipal Councils; Vaudreuil, (1849) 199. Wide Accounts, 481—483. Addresses, 233, 451–454. Committees, 253–256, 494, 495. Special Council. Speeches, 5, 8. Supply, 230–272. Winter Roads. Road Allowances: Petitions relative to the closing of old Allow- ances for Roads, and Proceedings thereon, viz: . Of the Wellington District Council, for authority to Municipal Councils to dispose of useless road allowances, (1849) 38. Adelaide:–For an Act to vest in John Frank a portion of the road allowance on the 4th concession line, in exchange for a new line of road, (1850) 81. Bill presented, 128. Motion to remit the fee, negatived, 190. Order for second reading discharged, 207. JBarton : . For an Act to vest the road allowance between 3rd and 4th concessions in Robert J. Hamilton, (1846) 60. Refer- red, 63. Report; Bill presented, 79. Exempted from fee, 293.−Petition of Board of Police of Hamilton, against the Bill, 219. R. A., 274. (9 Wic, c. 48.) . For a grant to Peter H. Hamilton of a portion of the road allowance in the 4th concession, in exchange for a road through his own land, (1851) 20. Report of Committee on Standing Orders thereon, 62. Petitions against, 111, 158. - . Caledonia —For a grant of a certain road allowance therein, to W. Bradley, (1848) 58. Referred, 66. No JReport. Proceedings thereon read, (1849).29. Referred, 33. Report thereon; Bill presented, 55. R. A., 262. (12 Vic, c. 171.) . Cayuga —For authority to the Haldimand Municipal Council to close up so much of Ottawa Street in that town as lies between Echo and Victoria Streets, (1851) 37. Referred, 46. Committee discharged, 72. Bill pre- sented, 92. R. A., 230. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 30.) - • Pumfries:–For a grant of the road allowance between the 7th and 8th concessions to J. K. Andrews, (1846) 83. Petition against, 55. Both referred, 85, 105. Report; Bill presented, 165. R. A., 255, (9 Vic, c. 100) 476 ROAD ALLOWANCES—continued. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Road Allowances—continued. . Elizabeth-town —For the closing up, and sale, of the road allowance between lots 30 and 31 in the 8th concession, (1841) 39. . Gore District:—For authority to the District Council to grant licences of occupation or conveyances for original road allowances in that district, (1849) 29. Grantham —For the closing up of a certain road allowance in the 2nd concession, and confirmation of the Lake Road, (1846) 46, 55. Referred, 51. No Report. Gwillimbury, West:-Wide Roads, 153. Familton (Township):—Bill to confirm the title of certain persons to part of the road allowance between broken concessions A and B; Presented, (1847) 109. Order for second reading discharged, 180. Hope:—For an Act to vest a certain road allowance in Hope, in Jas. M. Andrews and others, (1851) 20. Petition against alienation of the road allowance between lots 4 and 5 in the 2nd concession, 57.—Bill to vest, &c.; Presented, 53. Referred, 100. Reported, with an amendment, 119. Amended in Committee, 248. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 165.) London (Town):—Of H. C. R. Becher and L. Ridout, for an Act to convey to them portions of certain streets in that town, (1850) 46. Report of notices, 75. Moore:–For an Act to grant to the owners of lots 37 to 65, along the banks of the St. Clair, the road allowance in front thereof, in lieu of another line of road, (1850) 70. Petitions against, 9, 37. Petition referred, 108. Bill presented, 139. Motion to postpone second reading six months; Debate thereon adjourned, 208. Fee refunded, 219. Wo further action. Nelson —For an Act to vest in J. S. McCollom the road allowance adjoining his farm, in lieu of another piece of road, (1849) 38. Bill presented, 75. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 154. Considered, and agreed to, 159. R. A., 262. (12 Vic, c. 172.) Port Credit: For an Act to vest in James Cotton a certain road allowance in the 2nd range of Indian lands at Port Credit, and certain streets in the village, (1851) 51. No notice given, 85. For an Act to vest in Robert Cotton a certain portion of road allowance running through his lands near Port Credit, upon his paying the value thereof, (1851) 61. No notice given, 85. o St. Joseph de Soulanges:—For the vesting of a road allowance in that parish, no longer used, in P. Hoofstetter and others, (1846) 150. Sarnia —Of R. E. Vidal, for the closing up of one of two roads running parallel to each other, through his pro- perty in Sarnia, (1846) 37. Referred, 38. Report; Bill to vest a certain road allowance in Mr. Vidal; Presented, 51. Petitions against, 55, 94. Bill referred, 66. Reported, with a recommendation for an exemption from the usual fee, 89. Report concurred in, 155. Bill passed, 158. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 104.) Thorah —For a grant to Donald Calder of that portion of the road leading from the River Talbot to the Brock Road, which passes through his land, (1841) 39. Referred, 98. Wo Report. Thorold:-Of Duncan McFarland, Esq., for an Act to vest in him a certain road allowance in Thorold, (1850) 50. Petitions in favor, 65, 69. Bill presented, 120. Order for second reading discharged, 168. Woodhouse:—For an Act to grant to Andrew Thompson a portion of a certain concession line therein, to enable him to use a certain stream of water for milling and manufacturing purposes in Port Dover, (1851) 40. Petition of Municipality of Woodhouse, in favor, ib. Bill presented, 92. Council desire proofs and docu- ments on which Bill is founded, 195. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 38.) York:—Of Hon. C. Widmer and others, for an Act to grant to the proprietors of lots adjacent to a certain portion of the road allowance between the 1st and 2nd concessions of York, such right over the soil thereof as may º enable them to restrain certain abuses, (1851) 49. Petition of Municipality of York, against, 57–Bill to vest the said road allowance in certain persons; From the Council; Read, 54. Passed, 141. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 39.) Vide Roads, 21, 391. ROAT) COMPANIES-ROY. 477 Road Companies :—Wide Accounts, 483. Addresses, 454. Roads, 8–19, 385–387. Robinson, Hon. W. B. :-vide Accounts, 224. Addresses, 445. Rochester, J ohn :—Wide Accounts, 484. Addresses, 83. Rodrigue, F. :-vide Legislative Assembly, 124. Roebuck, John A. :-vide Accounts, 485. Addresses, 455. Supply, 179. Rolph, Geo. —vide Roads, an. Rolph, Thos. :—Bill granting £500 to remunerate him for past services as Emigration Agent for the Government of Canada in England; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 108. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 30.) Roman Catholics:–Vide Religious Denominations, 39–47. Romney :—Petition for erection of that township into a separate municipality, (1851) 102. Wide Harbours, 37. Rondeau :—Wide Harbours, 38. Roads, 295. Root River Mining Co. :—Wide Mining Companies, 16. Rose, Freeman:-Petition of the Talbot District Council, for compensation to him for injuries sus. tained in the discharge of his duty as a constable, (1850) 28. Wide Supply, 64. Rose, Rev. L. :-vide Aliens, 16. Ross, Wm. :—vide aviatiº Aeminº. Rouge, River:-vide Bridges, 88. Rourke, M.:-vide Elections, 32. Rouville *—Wide ** Rouville Academy :-wº Education, 161. Row, Peter:-vide Rebellion, 15. Rowlands, Samuel :—Petition of S. Rowlands, of Niagara, for compensation for loss sustained by him through the violation of a certain contract, (1841) 523. Referred, 536. Wo Report. Roy, Mr ... :–Petition of for remuneration for the services of her late husband in furnishing to the Govern- ment a geological section of the Province, (1844–5) 189. Referred, 317. Report, 384. Committed, 404. Report a Resolution, granting her £300; Copy of Petition and Report to be communicated to His Excellency, 416. Wide Addresses, 457. 478 BOYAL INSTITUTTON.—SAGUENAY. Royal Institution:-vide Education, 61, 62. Royal Instructions:–vide Accounts, 557. Address, 225. Governor General, 67. Rozier, Cape:-vide Quarantine, 3. Ruel, A. G. :-vide Nolaries, 19. Rules of the House:—Wide Committees, 268, 209, 504–506. Legislative Assembly, 46–48. Orders, 1–122. Russell (County) :—Bill to detach that county from Prescott as regards the registration of deeds, and to establish a Registry Office in the County of Russell; Presented, (1849) 322. Wot proceeded in. Wide Elections, 60, 61. Ottawa District. Territorial Divisions, 90. Ruthven, Wm. :—Wide Agriculture, 14. Ryan, J ohn :—Petition of, for a loan, to enable him to complete two mail steamers, for the conveyanc of the mail, free, between Montreal and Quebec, (1850) 117. Ryland, G. H. :—Petition of G. H. Ryland, Registrar of Quebec, complaining that the Government has not fulfilled its engagements made with him on his removal from the office of Clerk of the Executive Council, (1844–5) 375. Printed, ib. Referred, 384. Wo Report. Another Petition, (1846) 72. Referred, 73. Report, 109. Printed; Committed, 110. Order for consideration discharged; Motion to concur in Report, negatived, 198. Wide Accounts, 486. Addresses, 29, 459. Montreal Registry Office, 3, 4. S. SABLE, River:—Wide Mills, 24. Saguenay (County): 1. Bill to authorize the inhabitant householders holding lands in the new settlements on the borders of the Saguenay, forming the second municipal division, to establish a Municipal Council therein; Presented, (1849) 74. Amended in Committee, 203. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 239. Considered, and agreed to, 242. (The Bill was probably destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House.) 2. Bill to divide the said county into two divisions for the registration of deeds; Presented, (1849) 200. Amended in Committee, 250. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 131.) 3. Bill to authorize the establishment of a Municipal Council in the second municipal division of Saguenay; Presented, (1850) 32. Referred, 51. Reported, with amendments; Concurred in, 57. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 107.) 4. Petition for establishment of a relief station, with a depôt of provisions at La Rivière aux Outardes, with a schooner and life boat for the relief of persons shipwrecked on the Manicouagan Shoals, (1846) 46. 5. Petitions from persons residing on the River Saguenay, for an alteration of the laws concerning property, to meet the exigencies of that settlement, (1846) 46. 6. Petition of certain settlers on the Saguenay, for a free grant, or an easy sale to them, of the lands which they occupy, (1847) 61, 70. Printed, 66. SAGUENAY-ST. BERNATRD. 479 Saguenay (County)—continued. . Petition praying that certified copies of documents registered at the Registry Office for the County of Saguenay prior to its division, may be fyled in the new Registry Office at Chicoutimi, (1850) 102. . Petition for aid to drain the swamps in l'Isle aux Coudres, in Saguenay, (1851) 33. Wide Accounts, 487, 488. Addresses, 460, 461, 541. Committees, 270,430. Elections, 93. Magdalen Islands, 2. Timber, 16. Vaccination. Winter Roads, 15. Saguenay, River:-vide Pilots, 3, 15. Sailors:–vide Seamen. St. André College:—vide Education, 162. St. Andrews (Village):—vide Education, 168. St. Andrew's Church, Montreal:—vide Religious Denominations, 36. Ste. Anne's, Bridge at:-viºus no Ste. Anne des Monts :—Petition for an Act to detach Ste. Anne des Monts and Cape Chat from the Municipality of Gaspé, and to erect them into a separate municipality, (1848) 40 Bill presented, (1849) 165. Amended in Committee, 201. Passed by the Council, 232. (Probably destroyed.)—New Bill presented; Amended in Committee, 323. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 126.) Ste. Anne de la Pocatière, College of:—vide Education, 164. St. Anselme Bridge Co.:-vide Bridges, 32. St. Antoine de la Baie (Yamaska) :—Petition of freeholders and censitaires of that Seigniory, praying for a division among them of the Common of said Seigniory, (1844–5) 34.—Petition for amendment and extension of Act of L. Canada, 2 Geo. IV, c. 10, relative to the said Common, 46. Both referred, 61, 89. Members added, 89. No Report. St. Antoine de Lavaltrie :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 125. St. Antoine de l'Isle aux Grues:—Bill to detach the said parish from the municipality of L'Islet, and to erect it into a separate municipality; Presented, (1849) 100. Amended in Committee, 134. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 205. Considered, and agreed to, 206. R. A., 261. (12 Vic., c. 125.) St. Antoine de Longueuil:—Wide Education, 68. St. Arsene de Kakouna :—Petition for erection of that parish into a separate municipality for educational purposes, (1849) 58. St. Augustin, Fief (Montr eal) :—Wide Seigniorial Tenure, 33. St. Bernard (Dorchester):—Petition for a grant for the poor of that parish, (1846) 17. 480 STE. BRIGIDE—ST. HYACINTETE. Ste. Brigide de Monnoir :—Wide Education, 165. St. Catharines :—Petition for an Act to incorporate the said town, (1844–5) 189. Referred, 313. Report a Bill, 315. Amended in Committee, 423. R. A., 439. (8 Vic, c. 63.)—Petitions for amend- ments to Act, (1848) 58.—(1849) 63. - St. Charles, River :—Wide Accounts, 489, 491. Addresses, 462—465. Bridges, 92–97. Quebec (City), 19. Ste. Croix :—Wide Bridges, 98. St. Elizabeth :—Wide Education, 166. St. Etienne, Fief :—Wide Seigniorial Tenure, 36. St. Eustache :—Wide Accounts, 445. Addresses, 415. Rebellion, 15. St. Francis (District) :——Wide Courts, 47, 48. Judgments, 5. Justice, Administration of 5, 15. Sherbrooke (Town), 1. - St. Fr ancis, River *——Wide Bridges, 99—102. Wavigations, 44. St. Fr ançois du Lac St. Pierre :——Wide Edwgation, 167. Religious Denominations, 46. St. Germain :——Petition for establishment of a permanent Court in that parish, (1847) 39, 43. Wide Customs, 65. Harbours, 39. St. Germaine, A. Gazaille dit:-vide Rebellion, 15. St. Gervais Academy —wide Education, 168. St. Giles and St. Sylvester :—Petition for an union of those parishes for municipal purposes, (1849) 32. St. Henri de Mascouche:–vide Territorial Divisions, 126. St. Hilaire:–vide Education, 169. St. Hyacinthe (County) <-wº Elections, 62, 63. St. Hyacinthe (Town) :—Petition for incorporation of the Village of St. Hyacinthe, (1847) 40. Bill presented, 118. Petition of Municipality of St. Hyacinthe, against the passing of the Bill until they have an opportunity of examining it, 188. Order for second reading discharged, 211. Another Petition, (1849) 63. Petitions against, 173. All referred, 103, 174, 183. Member added, 226. Report, 295. Printed, 298. Another Petition, (1850) 29. Bill presented, 100. Referred, 141. Reported, with amendments, 204. Amended in Committee, 236. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 105.) St. Hyacinthe College:–vide Education, 110. ST. HYACINTEHE ST. LAWRENCE. 48l. St. Hyacinthe Hotel-Dieu Hospital (Sisters of Charity): . Petitions for aid, (1841) 340.—(1844–5) 34.—(1848) 31. . Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 15. Referred, 17. Report; Bill to incorporate “La Communauté des Filles de la Charité” of St. Hyacinthe; Presented, 39. Referred, 53. Reported, 110. R. A., 255. (9 Vic., c. 99.) St. Ignace, Cap :-vide Lands, 40. St. Isidore :—Wide Seigniorial Tenure, 37. St. Jacques L'Achigan :-Petition for incorporation of “Les Dames Religieuses du Sacré Coeur de Jésus,” in that Parish, (1843) 42. Referred, 43. Report, 65. Bill presented, 111. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 54.) St. James' Church, Tor Onto :—Wide Religious Denominations, 24. St. J O2.Il Chrysostome :—Petition for erection of a grist mill in that parish (Seigniory of fauzon), or for authority to the inhabitants to build one for themselves, (1843) 36. St. Jean L’Evangeliste:–vide Education, 211. St. Jean Port Joli:-vide Harlours, 89. St. John, Lake :—Wide Accounts, 492. Addresses, 389–391. Roads, 314. St. J ohn, River (New Brunswick) 2–—Wide Accounts, 343. Addresses, 22, 329. Way;- gations, 45. - St. John's (Municipal District):—vide Accounts, 886. St. John's (Town) :—Petition for the holding of a Court of Quarter Sessions therein, and for authority to built a gaol, on the guarantee of the cost being refunded out of Provincial Funds, (1843) 116. St. J ohn's Academy :——Wide Education, 64, 171. St. Jorre, M. H. :-vide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. St. J oseph, Fief (Montreal) :—Wide Seigniorial Tenure, 33. St. J oseph de Pointe Levi :—Petition for erection of that parish into a separate municipality, (1849) 169. Report of notices, 188. Petition printed, 210. St. Joseph de Soulanges:–vide Road Allowances, 18. St. Lawrence, Gulf of: . Bill to amend certain Acts relating to the navigation of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, so far as relates to the Port of Quebec; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 143. Amended in Committee, 151. Reserved, 210,-Despatch in relation thereto, (1844-5) 65. Printed, 74. Wide Quebec (Port), 2. . Bill to authorize the appropriation of £19,000 (in the hands of the Montreal Harbour Commissioners) to the improvement of the Gulf of St. Lawrence; Ordered, (1846) 288. Presented, 289, R. A., 346. (9 Wic, c. 60.) Wide Addresses, 467. Fisheries, 1–4, 9, 12, 13. Governor General, 75, 76. Supply, 228, 229. Trade, 5. LLL 482 ST. LAWRENCE–ST, MICHEL. St. Lawrence, River: 1. Motion, for appointment of a Committee to consider all Petitions for the construction of highways, bridges, or wharves, on the north or south shores of the St. Lawrence in the District of Quebec, Negatived, (1851) 54. 2. Motion, that the House go into Committee to consider the propriety of opening the navigation of the St. Lawrence to the vessels of all nations; Superseded by Previous Question, (1851) 209. Wide Committees, 173, 174. Harbours, 39, 40. Navigations, 47–64. Pilots. Public Works, 16. Trade, 5. St. Lawrence, River, Free Navigation of:—vide Account,339,840. Address 20, 21, 556. Navigation Laws, 3–6. Speeches, 17. St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Co.:-vide Railroads, 81–88. St. Lawrence and Industry Railroad Co.:-vide Railroads, 80. St. Lawrence Canals:–vide Navigations, 54–64. St. Lawrence School of Medicine —vide Medical Profession, 28. St. Laurent, L'Academie Industrielle de :-vide Education, 85,172. St. Laurent, Soeurs de Ste. Croix de —vide Account, 514. Mucation, 68. St. Lin :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 126. St. Louis de Kamouraska :-Petition for establishment of a Court of Justice in that parish, (1846) 162. - St. Louis de Lotbinière: 1. Petition for authority to the School Commissioners of that parish to sue for and recover a certain legacy bequeathed for the purposes of education therein, (1849) 58. Referred, 63. Members added, 68. Report a Bill, 223. Not proceeded in. 2. Petition for adoption of meaures to remedy the inconvenience arising from the destruction of the Registers of Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials in that Parish, (1851) 20. Printed, ib. Referred, 21. Report, 72. Printed, 286. Bill to remedy the inconvenience, &c.; Presented, 77. Amended in Committee, 268. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 187.) St. Luke :-Petition for a reduction in the price of Crown and Clergy Lands in that parish, (1849)40. St. MaurICC (County) :-Petition for removal of the Registry Office for that county to Ste. Anne d’Yamachiche, (1850) 35. Referred, 71. Report, 78. St. Maurice, River :-Wide 4ccounts, 515,516. Addresses, 482–484. Bridges, 105,106. Navi. gations, 65. Roads, 318. St. Maurice |Forges 3–Wide Accounts, 517–519. Addresses, 485, 486. St. Michel de Bellechasse —vide Harlour, 1. ST, MICHEL-ST, SYLVESTER. 483 St. Michel de Vaudreuil :—Wide Education, 173. St. Michel Ecclesiastical Society :—Petition for power to the said Society to hold real estate, (1850) 108. Bill to incorporate the Society; Presented, 139. Referred, 169. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 204. Not considered. St. Michel Road Co.:-vide Roads, 224, 319. St. Nicholas :—vide Territorial Divisions, 132. St. Sylvester, 2. St. Ours: 1. Petition for repeal of the Municipal Act 10 & 11 Vic, c. 7, so far as it incorporates that village, (1850) 89. 2. Petition of the Village Corporation, for authority to dispose of certain moneys in the hands of the Justices for the 1. # & 2. 1. 2. Parish of St. Ours, in the improvement of the village, (1851) 149. St. Ours Lock and Dam –vide Supply, 211. St. Patrick's Church, Quebec:—vide Religious Denominations, 47. St. Paul :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 125. St. Paul's Bay :—Wide Harbours, 39. St. Paul's Church, Loßdon :—Wide Religious Denominations, 21. St. Paul's Church, Montreal :—Wide Religious Denominations, 37. St. Peter, Lake :—Wide Navigations, 68–69. St. Roch des Aulnets: Petition of the Municipal Council thereof, praying that the minutes of procés verbaux of the former Grand Voyer may be placed in their possession. (1847) 39. Petition for establishment of a Registry Office in that municipality, (1847) 39. Referred, 133. No Report. Wide Harbours, 39. St. Roch de Quebec, Congrégation des Hommes de :-vide Quebec, 82. St. Sulpice Seminary —vide Roads, 221. St. Sylvester : Bill to detach the Parish of St. Sylvester from Lotbinière, and annex it to Dorchester, for purposes of registration only; Presented, (1844–5) 134. Amended in Committee, 206. Returned from the Council, with amend- ments, substituting the County of Megantic for Dorchester, 303. Considered, and agreed to, 307. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 21.) * Petition for annexation of St. Sylvester to the County of Megantic, for registration purposes, or that the Parish of St. Nicholas may be attached to Lotbinière, (1844–5) 264. Motion to refer Petition to Committee on a Petition relative to the sitting of the Circuit Court for Lotbinière; Mr. Speaker refuses to receive the motion on account of its being in the French language; His decision appealed from, and sustained by the House, 265. (The subject matter of the Petition was reported on, nevertheless by the said Committee, 316.) Wide St. Giles. 484 STE. THERESE—SAUT.T. St. Thérèse de Blainville, College of:—vide Education, oi, 114. St. Thomas :—Wide Education, 175. St. Viateur, Les Clercs Pariossiaux au Catéchistes de: 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1849) 77. Bill sent down from the Council, 86. Read, 87. Referred, 139. Reported, with amendments, 158. Amended in Committee, 229. Passed, as amended, 230. Amendments agreed to by the Council, 242. R. A., 262. (12 Vic, c. 144.) 2. Petitions for an annual aid, (1850) 27–(1851) 40. Salaries, Official: Bills relative to: 1. To reduce certain salaries not on the Civil List, and to fund fees of office and allow salaries in lieu thereof ; Presented, (1844–5) 96. Referred; Instruction, to expunge the first clause, 215. Reported, with amend- ments; Committed, 226. Considered, and no Report made, 358. 2. To authorize, to a certain extent, the attachment of official salaries towards the payment of the incumbent's debts; IPresented, (1844–5) 38. Referred, 180. Reported, with amendments, 208. Amended, in Committee, 215. Read third time; Ryder added, 220. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 253. Considered, and agreed to, 258. Reserved, 441––Despatch withholding the Royal Assent, (1846) 43, 44. 8. To authorize the attachment, to a certain extent, of official salaries, towards payment of the incumbents' debts; Presented, (1849) 47. Order for second reading discharged, 176. 4. To enable the judgment creditors of public officers to seize a portion of the salaries and emoluments of such officers in certain cases; Presented, (1850) 72. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived; Com- mitted, 175. Considered, and no Report made, 245. - 5. To enable the judgment creditors, &c.; Presented, (1851) 69. Referred, 180. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 189. Motion for consideration; Superseded by amendment, 326. 6. Petition for a reduction of the salaries of public officers; 4th Riding of York, (1843) 15–Wide also Public Papenditure, 2, 4. 7. Petitions for such an amendment of the law which protects the salaries of public officers from seizure, as to enable parties to recover their just dues:—(1849) Montreal, 53. (1850) Johnston, J., and others, 27. Referred, 43. Report, 71. Bill presented, 72. Wide supra, 4. Wide Accounts, 389, 396, 398. Addresses, 367–374. Civil List. Committees, 477. Public Evgen- diture, 2, 4. Public Officers, 4. Supply, 18, 20–30, 321, 322, 349. Salaries of Officers of the House:—vide Legislative Assembly, s—288. Salmon, River —vide Navigations, 10. Salt *—Wide Account, 523, 524. Customs, 48. Sandusky Creek:-vide Harbours, 42. Sandwich :-Petition of F. Parent and A. Ouellette, of the Town of Sandwich, for power to collect certain arrears of taxes in the Township of Sandwich for 1837 and 1845, (1850) 5. Wide Assessments, 8. Wide Religious Denominations, 39. Sar nia :—Wide Education, 176. Road Allowances, 19. Sasseville, F. :-vide Nouries, 17. Sault Ste. Marie Canal:—vide Navigations, 71–78. SAUIT STE MARIE–SCOTLAND. 485 Sault Ste. Marie Mining Co. 2–Wide Mining Companies, 18. Savings Banks: Bills relative to : 1. To encourage the establishment of, and to regulate Savings Banks; Presented, (1841) 314. Amended in Com- mittee, 428. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 585. Agreed to, 602. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 32.) Wide Accounts, 31. 2. To amend the above Act; Presented, (1844–5) 214. Returned from the Council, with an amendment, 289. Con- ! sidered, and amended, 307. Passed, as amended, 317. Amendment not agreed to by Council. 3. To amend the laws relating to Savings Banks; Presented, (1849) 143. Referred, 285. Reported, with amend- ments, 295. Amended in Committee, 305. Reserved, 367. 4. To continue the Act to encourage the establishment of, and regulate Savings Banks in this Province; From the Council; Read, (1851) 233. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 55.) (Hamilton and Gore District Savings Bank):—Wide Accounts, 27. (Montréal City and District Savings Bank):—Wide Accounts, 28. (Montreal Provident and Savings Bank): 5. Petition of depositors and others, for appointment of a Commission to investigate the affairs of the Bank-that the Trustees be made liable for the claims of depositors, and that the Bill introduced last Session relative to Savings Banks (supra, 3) be carried into effect, (1850) 65. Referred, 102. Report, 137. Concurred in; Bill to appoint Commissioners to inquire into the affairs of the said Bank; Presented, 194. Amended in Committee, 246. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 98.) 6. Petition of certain depositors, complaining of the delay in winding up the affairs of the Bank, and praying for the appointment of an official manager for that purpose, (1851) 120. Wide, also, Accounts, 26, 36. Addresses, 319. Supply, 175. (Quebec Provident and Savings Bank):-Wide Accounts, 29. Scarboro' and Markham Plank Road Co.:-vide Roads, 826. Schindler, A.:—vide Legislative Assembly, 105, 201. Schools:—Wide Education. School Books:–Vide Davidson, A. Fleming, Mrs. Hayden. School House :—Wide Accounts, 155. Addresses, 160, 169. Education. School Lands:–Vide Accounts, 526. Committees, 412. Education, 5, 20, 32. School Libraries:—Wide Committees, 102. School of Navigation :—Wide Committees, 436. Supply, 94. Schuyler, Or ange :—Petition of, for indemnity for an outrage perpetrated on him in consequence of his strictly discharging his duties as a Deputy Collector of Customs, (1844–5) 94. Referred to the Com- mittee on the Distilleries Duty Bill, 231. No Report thereon. Schuyler 2 S. H. *—Wide Bridges, 18. Scotland, Distress in :-Vide Accounts, 226. 486 SCOTT–SEAT OF GOVERNMENT. Scott, Michael :—Petition of, for authority to convey the water of the River Lorette to his mills at Cap Rouge, (1847) 19. Petition in favor, ib. Scott, Thos.:-vide Navigations, 54. Scugog Island:—vide Territorial Divisions, 91. Scythes :—Wide Custom8, 23. Sea-fowl :—Wide Committees, 393. Seamen: Bills relative to: 1. To amend the Act of L. Canada 47 G. III, c. 9, for preventing the desertion of seamen, by reducing the amount to be paid to seamen detained in gaol by the master of the vessel from which they have deserted; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 36. R. A., 180. (6 Vic, c. 4.) 2. To amend Act of L. C., 6 Wm. IV. ch. 35, for relief of sick mariners, so as to provide for the relief of shipwrecked and destitute seamen; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 171. R. A., 242. (8 Vic, c. 12.) 3. To regulate the shipping of seamen; Presented, (1847) 68. Referred, 140. Reported, with amendments, 152. Amended in Committee, 165. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 192. Considered, and agreed to, 206. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 25.) 4. To amend the foregoing Act, and to fund the fees payable thereunder, and allow to the Shipping Master, in lieu thereof, a salary of £250, in addition to his expenses; Ordered, (1848) 63. Presented, 64. R. A., 80. (11 Vic, c. 5) 5. To repeal the Act of 10 & 11 Vic, c. 25 (supra, 3), and for other purposes; Presented, (1849) 258. Motions for postponing second reading, negatived, 352. Motion to commit Bill, negatived, 354. 6. To repeal the Act to regulate the shipping of Seamen, and for other purposes; Presented, (1850) 38. Petition against, 98, Second reading postponed six months, 111. 7. To amend the Act for regulating the shipping of seamen; Presented, (1851) 260. Order for second reading discharged, 343. 8. Petition of W. Donaldson and others, of Kingston, for incorporation of the Merchant Seamen's Society, (1844–5) 235. Referred, ib. No Report. 9. Petition from persons interested in the shipping frequenting Quebec, for repeal of the Provincial Act regulating the shipping of Seamen, and an amendment of Imp. Stat., 7 & 8 Vic, c. 112, (1849) 12. Referred, 46. Member added, 164. Correspondence relative to the repeal of the Act regulating the shipping of seamen referred, 248. Report (App. R. R. R. R.); Printed, 257. Bill presented, 258. (Wide supra, 5)—Petitions from Quebec, against any alteration of the law; also, representing the incorrectness of the evidence given by Mr. Glackmeyer before the Committee on the foregoing Petition, 301. 10. Petition for amendments to the Act regulating the shipping of seamen; Quebec, (1850) 36.--—For the like, and for establishment of an efficient River Police to prevent desertions; Masters of vessels, (1851) 61. Printed, 62. 11. Petition of Masters &c., of British ships trading to Quebec, for an Act to require owners of new vessels sailing from Quebec on their first voyage, to import a portion of their crews, (1851) 52. Wide Accounts, 528–530. Addresses, 495. Committees, 272—274. Seat of Government: 1. Two Resolutions,—That it is the prerogative of the Crown to fix the place for holding the Sessions of the Legisla- ture, and, that Kingston is not situated in a central position, and does not afford the necessary accommodation for the sittings of the Legislature; Reported from a Committee of the whole; First Resolution agreed to ; Amendments proposed to the second,-for preferring Toronto, Quebec, Montreal, and Bytown respectively,– and for substituting a Resolution that measures be taken for providing sufficient accommodation for the Legislature at Kingston, severally negatived, and Resolution agreed to, (1842) 109. Resolutions commu- nicated to His Excellency, 110. SEAT OF GOVERNMENT—SEELYE. 487 Seat of Government—continued. 2. House resolves to take into consideration His Excellency's message inviting a consideration of the question as to the future location of the Seat of Government at Kingston or Montreal, (1843) 74. Motion that it is expedient that the Seat of Government should be at Montreal; Amendment moved, that the whole Province will more cheerfully acquiesce in the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure on the subject, unfettered by any opinion of the Legislature, 88. Amendment negatived; Amendments, to substitute “Kingston” for “Montreal,”—and to substitute “some place within Upper Canada,” Severally negatived, 89. Motion that the House is unwilling to assume the responsibility of the question without a further manifestation of public opinion thereon, negatived; Main motion agreed to; Resolution pledging the House to provide the necessary supply for the expenditure attending the establishment of the Seat of Government at Montreal; Address to Her Majesty ordered upon the Resolutions, 90. (Wide Addresses, 31.) Above proceedings printed, 99.-Petition from inhabitants of Prince Edward District, for the settlement of the question by an exercise of the Royal Prerogative, and that the consideration of the matter may be deferred, 91. 3. Petition from inhabitants of Toronto, praying the House to petition Her Majesty to convoke the Legislature alternately at Toronto and Quebec, or to compensate those cities for the loss they will otherwise sustain, (1841) 417. Referred, 430. Member added, 462. Report, 467. Committed, 468. Motion for consideration forthwith negatived, 591. Considered; Report an Address, 625. Wide Addresses, 30. 4. Petition from Western District, praying that the Seat of Government may not be removed east of Kingston, (1 843) 61. 5. Motions (in amendment to a Resolution of Supply granting £15,000 for alterations to public buildings at Quebec), that no sums should be granted for public buildings at Quebec until proper plans shall have been laid before Parliament, that no sum should be voted for preparing for a removal of the Seat of Government from Toronto, until a Joint Resolution in favor of such removal shall have passed both Houses, that the said amount be voted for the erection of Parliamentary buildings at Bytown, severally negatived, (1850) 266. 6. Motion, that it is inexpedient to remove the Seat of Government in less than four years from the time of its recent removal to Toronto; Amendment, that if the system of alternate Parliaments is not carried out in accordance with the views expressed in the Address to Her Majesty in 1841, and that to His Excellency in 1849, on that subject, it is expedient that some place should at once be designated as the permanent Seat of Government, negatived; Main motion negatived, (1851) 207. Wide Accounts, 531–533. Addresses, 30, 31, 496–498. Committees, 275, 548. Governor General, 134, 135. Legislative Assembly, 85, 202, 234. Parliament, 14, 15. Public Offices, 7. Supply, 189—191, 297, 298. Secord, David:—vide War of 1812, 1. Secret Societies: 1. Bill for the discouragement of secret societies; Presented, (1843) 29. Amended in Committee, 83. Motion to re-commit Bill negatived, 86. Motion to postpone passing six months, negatived, and Bill passed, 91. Reserved 2 210.-Despatch withholding the Royal Assent, (1844–5) 66. Printed, 74. 2. Petition from Montreal, for exemption of the “Independent Order of Odd Fellows” from the provisions of the above Bill, (1843) 71. 3. Petitions for a law to render illegal all secret societies and meetings, (1841) Belleville (2 Petitions), 578, 579. Secretary, Civil: 1. Motion, for an Address for copy of the despatch reporting the appointment of Mr. Murdoch as Private Secretary to the Governor General,—the amount of his salary, and copy of any money warrants issued in his favor, Negatived, (1842) 28. 2. Motion, for an Address for information as to the nature and duties of the Office of Civil Secretary, and whether the same cannot be performed by the Provincial Secretary, Negatived, (1847) 70. . Wide Addresses, 111, 638, 639. Civil List, 4. Governor General, 136. Secretary, Pr ovincial :—Wide Accounts, 534. Addresses, 499. Seed Gr ain :—Wide Gaspé, 19. Supply, 311. Seelye, Jas. :-Vide Pensions, 51. 488 SEIGNTORIAL TENUR.E. Seigniorial Tenure: Bills relative to Seigniorial Tenure in L. Canada: 1. To provide for the voluntary commutation of the Seigniorial Tenure in the Seigniories of Lower Canada; Reported by a Committee, (1841) 462. Committed; Further consideration postponed sine die, 502. 2. To facilitate commutation of the tenure en roture in L. C., into that of free and common soccage; Presented, (1844–5) 63. Referred; Instruction to expunge so much as relates to a compulsory commutation, 273. Members added, 299. Reported, with amendments, 318. Amended in Committee, 431. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 42.) 3. To declare illegal the monopoly of streams and water privileges claimed and exercised by Seigniors in L. Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 63. Not proceeded in. 4. To abolish the feudal tenure, at a certain period, and to indemnify the Seigniors therefor; Presented, (1844–5) 96. 5. 6. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Not proceeded in. To facilitate commutation of tenure of lands held d tâtre de cens, or en roture, of the Crown, into free and common soccage ; Presented, (1846) 277. Wot proceeded in. To facilitate commutation of tenure of lands en roture in the Queen's Domain, into that of free and common SOCCage, and to avoid the unnecessary delays and expense heretofore incidental thereto; Presented, (1847) 10. Referred; Bill for compulsory commutation also referred, with an Instruction, 59. (Wide infra, 7.) To report from time to time; First Bill reported, with amendments; Printed, as amended, 79. Members added, 97. Compulsory commutation Bill reported, 111. (Wide infra, 7.) First Bill amended in Committee, 140. Passed, 146. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 186. Motion to concur in amendments, negatived, 190. Conference to be desired; Committee to draw up Reasons, 192. Report of Reasons; Conference desired, 193. Agreed to ; Conference held; Report, 196. Council do not insist on amendments, 197. Bill reserved, 217. —Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1848) VIII. (10 & 11 Vic., c. 111.) . To render commutation of tenure of lands en roture into that of free and common soccage compulsory on the Seignior at the pleasure of the censitaire, supplementary to a certain Act; Presented, (1847) 10. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived; Bill read, and referred to Committee on the foregoing Bill (supra, 6); Instruction, to report whether it may not be desirable to limit operation thereof to Quebec, and the towns or villages in L. Canada, 59. Members added, 97. Bill reported, with amendments; Committed, 111. Order for consideration discharged, 181. . To facilitate re-union to the domain of lands conceded by Seigniors upon conditions which have not been fulfilled; Presented, (1847) 58. Wot proceeded in. . To amend Act of 8 Vic. (supra, 6), for facilitating optional commutation of tenure of lands held en roture into that of franc-aleu-roturier : From the Council; Read, (1847) 118. Motion for second reading; Notice taken that the Bill contained provisions of a nature which should have originated in the Assembly; House will not proceed further therewith, 143. To amend the Act of 8 Vic, &c., (as above); Presented, (1847) 158. Order for second reading discharged, 181. To amend the Act of 8 Vic, &c.; Presented, (1849) 79. His Excellency's consent signified; Bill referred, 141. Reported, with amendments, 151. Amended in Committee, 203. Passed, 204. By the Council, 232. (Destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House.)—New Bill presented, 287. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 49.) & To allow the recusation of Judges who are Seigniors, in cases where Seigniorial Rights are called in question ; Presented, (1851) 77. Second reading postponed six months, 214. To facilitate the commutation of tenure in the Crown Fiefs and Seigniories, in cases of the valuation of property by mutual agreement; Presented, (1851) 199. Passed, 338. Wot returned from the Council. To define certain rights of Seigniors and Censitaires in L. Canada, and to facilitate the exercise thereof; Reported by a Committee, (1851) 244, 245. Petitions for rejection or postponement of the Bill till next Session, 292, 297, 320. Printed, 305, 320. Petition of proprietors of Seigniories, to be heard by counsel against the Bill, 297. Printed, 305. Motion to adjourn debate on second reading a fortnight, to afford the Seigniors an opportunity of being heard, negatived ; Motion for an Address to His Excellency to appoint a Commission to devise an equitable mode of commutation, negatived ; Bill committed; Counsel to be heard, 298. Petition for a further delay of 15 days for the hearing of counsel, 309. Motion for granting such delay negatived, 319. Bill considered in Committee; Progress reported, 334. Bill to facilitate the redemption of Seigniorial rights &c., (infra, 15) also referred; Motion, for an Instruction to the Committee to consider the last mentioned Bill first, negatived; Motion, for an Instruction to substitute other provisions in lieu of the first Bill, negatived, 335. Order for further consideration discharged, 337. To facilitate the redemption of Seigniorial rights in L. Canada, and to convert the tenure of lands chargeable therewith into that of franc-aleu-roturier : Reported by a Committee, (1851) 325. His Excellency's consent (so far as Her Majesty's interest is concerned) signified; Referred to Committee of whole on the foregoing Bill; Instructions moved and negatived, 335. (Wide supra, 14.) Order for consideration discharged, 337. SEIGNTORIAT, TENURE–continued. 489 Seigniorial Tenure—continued. 16. For the abolition of the Seigniorial Tenure in L. Canada; Presented, (1851) 298. Wot proceeded in. 17. Three Resolutions, declaring that the Seigniorial Tenure has become less adapted than formerly to the wants and advancement of the Province, and that it is desirable to provide means for gradually substituting a free Tenure, with a due regard to the rights of all parties concerned, (1841) 246. Referred to a Select Committee, 247. Wide Committees, 514. 18. Two Resolutions, declaring that it is important to effect, as early as possible, a conversion of the said Tenure into a free one, which can only be done by securing a fair indemnity to all parties whose rights are affected thereby, (1850) 96. Referred to a Committee of 9 members, to report the different plans hitherto suggested, with their own opinions; Motion, that the lands held under the said Tenure ought to be relieved from all rentes, charges, &c., imposed without authority of law, and the Tenure be established in its original purity, and that the Committee be instructed to report on the best means for obtaining this result; Amendment, substituting an Instruction to inquire whether any illegal charges have been imposed, and whether, if a general commu- tation cannot be immediately effected, it is expedient to define the mode and terms on which Seigniors may be compelled to commute when desired, carried; Instruction accordingly, 97. Wo Report. Resolutions again read, and referred, (1851) 21. Wide Committees, 516. 19. Resolutions setting forth that one of the most valuable rights guaranteed to the people of L. Canada was that of obtaining land for settlement on payment of a small rent to the Seignior; that certain provisions contained in the (Imperial) Canada Trade and Canada Tenures Acts have greatly curtailed this privilege, by giving greater advantages to the Seignior; that it is desirable to carry out the suggestions made by the Seigniorial Tenure Commissioners in 1834; and that an Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying for the repeal of such provisions in those Acts as relate to the commutation of lands held & titre de fief in L. Canada; Committee appointed to draft Address, (1851) 349. Wide Addresses, 32. 20. Petitions for the abolition of the Seigniorial Tenure, and establishment of a general system of commutation:- (1841) Beauharnois, 417. Noyan and Foucault, 164. (1846) Lauzon, 62. (1849) Beauharnois, 123. Chambly, 21, 38. Dorchester, 54, 144, 156. Huntingdon, 21, 38, 113: Printed, 114. Kamouraska Mun. Council, 225. Lotbinière, 113. Portneuf, 71, S9. Portneuf Mun. Council, 225. Rouville, 21, 38. St. Hyacinthe Mun. Council, 28. St. Isidore de Lauzon, 77. St. Maurice, 116. St. Pierre les Becquets, 96. Vaudreuil, 199. Yamaska, 29. (1850) Champlain, 29: Referred, 106. (No Report.) St. Hyacinthe Mun. Council, 36. St. Raymond, 28. (1851) Chambly, 40. Champlain, 32. Huntingdon, 32, 40, 51. L'Assomption, 20. Metis, 32. Mille-Isle Seigniory, 20. Montreal, 94. Richelieu, 130. Rigaud, 36. Rouville, 110. Ste. Anne, 71. Ste. Claire de la Beauce, 40. St. Clément de Beauharnois, 20 : Printed, ib. St. Clet and St. Ignace, 36: Printed, 58. St. Damase, 101. St. Elzéar and St. Bernard, 40. Ste. Flavie, 49. St. François d’Assise, 134. St. George de la Beauce, 51. St. Hugues, 82. St. Hyacinthe, 130. St. Hyacinthe Mun. Council, 101. St. Jacques le Mineur, 40. St. Joseph de la Beauce, 36. St. Luc, 36. Ste. Marguerite de la Beauce, 61. Ste. Marie de la Nouvelle Beauce, 40. Ste. Martha, 36. St. Mathieu de Beloeil, 18. St. Michel de Vaudreuil, 101. St. Paul de Lavaltrie, 40. St. Pie, 20. St. Pierre les Becquets, 71: Printed, 105. St. Timothée, 36. St. Zotique, 36. All referred to the Committee on the subject, 37, 40, 83, 116, 137, 155. Wide Committees, 516. 21. Petitions for certain modifications of the Seigniorial Tenure, and a definition of the rights of the Seigniors:—(1849) St. Maurice, 116. (1850) Rimouski, 36.——(1851) Kamouraska, 115. Lotbinière, 61: Printed, 62. St. Germain de Rimouski, 52. St. Jean les Chaillons, 20: Printed, 38. All referred to the Committee on the Seigniorial Tenure, 37, 62, 116. Wide Committees, 516. 22. Petition of proprietors of lands in Seigniory of De Léry, praying that in any system of commutation to be adopted, the original value of lands, &c., may be made the basis, without regard to improvements, (1841) 304. 23. Petition from inhabitants of Quebec, for adoption of more equitable rates of commutation, (1849) 96. 24. Petition of H. Dubord, praying that Judges who are Seigniors may not be allowed to sit in cases where Seigniorial Rights are in question, (1851) 61. 25. Motion, for leave to bring in a Bill to confer certain necessary powers on the Commissioners of Inquiry relative to the Seigniorial Tenure, Negatived, (1842) 119. 26. Batiscan :-Petition for appointment of a Commissioner to examine into arrears of lods et ventes in that Signiory-to discharge them,-and to exact in future but 6 per cent. therefor, (1844–5) 803. Referred, 324. No Report. Beauharnois: 27. Petition praying that facilities may be afforded for obtaining deeds of concession and commutation of lands in that Seigniory, (1849) 67. MMIM 490 SEIGNTORIAL TENTURE SENECA. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Seigniorial Tenure—continued. IBeauharnois—continued. Petition complaining that by a re-grant of the said Seigniory in free and common soccage, the rents and powers of the Seigniors have been greatly increased, and praying for establishment of the original rates, also, for justice to the settlers on the Gore, (1850) 136. Wide Accounts, 39. Addresses, 60. Cap de la Madelaine –Petition for remission of arrears of cens et rentes and lods et ventes due in that Seigniory, (1850) 35. De Léry :—Wide infra, 30. Lacolle —Petition of censitaires of Seigniories of Lacolle and De Léry, complaining of injustice done them, and praying for an investigation, (1842) 59. Printed, ib. Again, (1844–5) 132, 169. «» Lanaudière:–Petitions of censitaires of Fief Mary Ann, Seigniory of Lanaudière, for the abolition of lods et ventes, (1843) 153.--—Petition of the same, praying that their Seignior may be compelled to grant them titles to their lands, (1849) 21. Lauzon —Petition complaining of certain Seigniorial charges in that Seigniory, and praying for a reduction of the same, (1849) 76, 131–Petition for a discharge from the payment thereof, &c., (1850) 13. Wide Accounts, 261, 537. Addresses, 259—261. Committees, 414. Lauzon. Montreal :—Petition for authority to the Community of the Hotel Dieu, as proprietors of Fiefs Nazareth, St. Augustin, and St. Joseph, in the City of Montreal, to commute with their censitaires, (1843) 17. Petition of censitaires of Fiefs Closse and La Gauchetière, in Montreal, for a law to oblige the proprietors of the said Fiefs to commute, 87. Both Petitions referred, 25, 87. Report; Committed, 127. Report a Resolution for empowering the proprietors of Fiefs Nazareth, St. Augustin, and St. Joseph, to commute with their censitairies; Bill presented, 170. Read third time; Amended, 177. R. A.,209. (7 Vic, c. 27.) Petition for amendments to above Act, (1844–5) 88. Referred, 89. Report a Bill to authorize the moneys arising from such commu- tation to be invested in real property, &c., 315. Amended in Committee, 411. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 43.) Quebec: Petition from censitaires on the Crown domain at Quebec, for a deduction of one third of the lods et ventes due, and permission to pay the residue in four annual instalments, (1843) 14. Petition for a commutation (compulsory on the Seignior) of lands held en roture in that city, (1849) 13. Wide Accounts, 261. St. Etienne –Petition from censitaires in Fief St. Etienne, praying that titles may be granted them for the lands which they occupy, (1851) 152. - St. Isidore:—Petition for a remission of rents on unconceded lands in that parish, and that deeds of concession be granted for the said lands, (1849) 76. - Wide Accounts, 535–537. Addresses, 32, 501–504. Committees, 276, 277, 514–516. Governor General, 137, 138. Supply, 170. Seigniories, Crown:-vide Accounts, 588. Addresses, 505. Seizure:–Vide Execution. Seizures (Custom House):—vide Accounts, 299, 539. Addresses, 293, 506. Bates. Customs, 68. Manahan. Smyth, Chas. Supply, 411. Wilcow. - Seneca :—Wide Surveys, 56. Territorial Divisions, 92, 93. SEPARATE SCHOOLS-SHERBROOKE. 49]. e-ºr- Separate Schools:—vide Education, 18, 125, 194, 195. Sergeant-at-Ar In S –Wide Legislative Assembly, 111–115, 153, 179, 185. Servants:—Wide Masters. Settlement Duty *—Wide Cobban. Settlement of the Province :—Petition of J. FitzGerald, for appointment of a Committee to inquire into the best means of promoting the settlement of the Province by a system of colonization, (1851) 210. Referred, 230. No Report. Sharpe, W. :—Wide Pensions, 185. Sharts, Rev. W. :—vide Aliens, 40. Shaw, Geo. :—Petition of, for power to claim the grant of land to which his father, the late Capt. Alex. Shaw, was entitled, (1844–5) 307. Referred to Committee on the Bill to extend provisions of the Public Lands Act, 314. Another Petition, (1846) 60. Referred, 163. Wo Report. Shefford :—Wide Education, 177. Elections, 65. Supply, 116. Shefford Academy:-vide Education, 178. Shefford Mountain :—Petition praying that a survey may be made of the same, and the that con- ditions on which the lands are to be disposed of may be specified, (1844–5) 40. - Shenston, T. S. :—Petition of complaining of ill-treatment received from a magistrate in the District of Brock, and praying relief, (1846) 93. Sherbrooke (County): 1. Petition of Wm. Ritchie, for a grant to enable him to make an Index to the Registry Books of that county, (1844–5) 34. - 2. Petition of the Municipal Council, for removal of certain doubts as to the time of their first meeting, (1849) 96. - Wide Elections, 66. Territorial Divisions, 121, 122. Sherbrooke (Town): I. Bill to extend to said town certain provisions relative to the appointment of constables, &c.;_and to explain the jurisdiction of the General Sessions of the Peace for the District of St. Francis; Presented, (1844–5) 128. Referred, 187. Reported, 203. R. A., 242. (8 Vic, c. 18.) - 2. Petition for an Act to incorporate the said town, (1851) 118. Notice insufficient, 121. Wide Bridges, 101. Supply, 118. Sherbrooke (Township):—vide Niagara District, i. Territorial Divisions, 76. Sherbrooke Academy:—vide Education, 179. Sherbrooke and Stanstead Mutual Insurance Co.:-vide Insurance com. panies, 30, 492 SHERBROOKE–SHIPPING. Sherbrooke Cotton Factory :-Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1844–5) 8. Referred, 15. Report, 18. Bill presented, 19. Referred, 51. Reported, with amendments, 135. Amended in Committee: Two motions to re-commit Bill negatived, 181. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 285. Considered, and agreed to, 290. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 91.) Wide Accounts, 540. Sheriffs: Bills relative to: 1. To render more summary the means of enforcing returns of process by Sheriffs and Coroners in U. Canada; Presented, (1843) 82. Amended in Committee, 126. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 33.) 2. To regulate the office of Sheriff in U. Canada; Presented, (1844–5) 233. Referred; Instruction, to fix the office hours of the Clerks of the Peace, District Treasurers, and Clerk of the District Courts, 280. Member added, 306. Wot reported. 3. To regulate the poundage to be received by Sheriffs on Executions; Presented, (1846) 96. Amended in Com- mittee, 274. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 56.) 4. For the protection of Sheriffs in certain cases; Presented, (1846) 196. Wot proceeded in. 5. To provide for the appointment of Sheriffs, in U. Canada, at periodical elections by the freeholders; Leave to present Bill granted, (1851) 58. Presented, 95. Second reading postponed three months, 197. 6. Petition of Sheriff of Ottawa District, for an Act to afford relief to Sheriffs in certain cases, (1842) 20. 7. Petition of Sheriff of Bathurst District, for changes in the law concerning the duties of Sheriffs and the payment of their fees, (1843) 127. Referred, 131. Wo Report. 8. Petition of W. F. Coffin, joint Sheriff of Montreal, complaining of the allegations contained in the Report of the Select Committee on the income of the Sheriff of Montreal (Vide Committees, 517), and praying to be heard at the Bar in vindication of his honor and character, (1849) 353. Printed, 354. Wide Accounts, 541–548. Addresses, 507–509. Committees, 92,278, 517. County officers. Justice, Administration of, 4, 8, 9, 11. Supply, 65. Sheriffs' Sales: Bills relative thereto : 1. For relief of purchasers at certain Sheriffs' Sales after such Sheriff had ceased to hold office; Presented, (1841) 272. Committed, 401. Considered, and no Report made, 484. 2. For securing biddings, and to determine the days of adjudication, in judicial sales of land; Presented, (1844-5) 279. Not proceeded in. 3. To ensure the validity of biddings at sales of land made by order of any Court of Justice, and to fix the days on which the adjudication thereof may be made; Presented, (1849) 212. Order for second reading discharged, 266. 4. To guarantee biddings at Sheriffs' Sales in L. Canada; Presented, (1850) 49. Referred, 56. Members added, 208. Reported, with amendments; Committed, 220. Wot considered. 5. To empower Sheriffs in L. Canada to make judicial sales by licitation; Presented, (1846) 144. Referred, 184. Mot reported. Sherrington :—Petition for the separation of that Township from the Parish of St. Edward's for electoral purposes, (1844–5) 244. Shipping: Bills relative to : 1. To ascertain and define the character of all vessels engaged in navigating the inland waters of the Province,— to distinguish British from foreign vessels, and to prevent the fraudulent assignment of property therein. Presented, (1843) 195. Wot proceeded in. 2. To secure the right of property in British Plantation vessels navigating the inland waters of Canada, and not registered under Imp. Act of 3 & 4 Wm. IV; Presented, (1844–5) 92. Amended in Committee; Motion for further amendment, negatived, 340. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 5.) 3. To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1850) 41. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 24.) 4. To repeal the Act relative to the registering of vessels employed solely in navigating the inland waters of this Province; Presented, (1850) 44. Wot proceeded in. * SHIPPING—SIMCOE. 493 10. 11. 12. 13. Shipping—continued. . To encourage ship-building in L. Canada, by affording better security to persons advancing money or furnishing work or materials for the construction of ships; Presented, (1849) 146. Petitition against the Bill, 208. Bill referred, 215. Reported, with amendments, 254. Referred back, 270. Again reported with amendments, 272. Amended in Committee, 291. Question for passing, postponed, 300. . To authorize liens, in certain cases, on vessels navigating the lakes of Upper Canada; Presentud, (1849) 140. Order for second reading discharged, 266. . To extend certain Provincial Acts to foreign merchant vessels, when within this Province; Presented; Printing, &c., dispensed with, (1850) 58. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 99. Considered, and agreed to, 128. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 25.) . To make better provision for the collection of claims against the owners of vessels, in certain cases; Presented, (1851) 136. Referred, 255. Reported, with amendments; Re-printed; Committed, 309. Wot considered. . Petition of owners of steamers and other craft, of Richelieu, praying that their vessels may not be taxed so high as other craft plying between Quebec and Montreal, (1844–5) 259. Referred to Committee on Montreal Trinity House Bill, 298. Wo Report. Petition of ship-builders of Quebec, for the protection of their interests, by a reduction of duties or otherwise, (1846) 176. - Petition of owners and masters of ships, of Quebec and Montreal, complaining of the burthen of certain dues imposed on them, and praying relief, (1848) 7. Petition of merchants and others interested in the trade of Ship-building at Quebec, for a law to secure a lien on ships to parties contributing to the building or repairing thereof, (1849) 38. Referred, 40. Member added, 85. Wo Report. Wide supra, 5. Petition for an Act to incorporate the ship carpenters of the District of Quebec, (1850) 28. No notice given, 57. Rule relative to notice suspended, 108. Bill presented, 121. Petitions against the Bill, 188, 201. Second reading postponed six months, 223. Wide Accounts, 544–548, 596. Addresses, 33, 34, 510, 511. Committees, 233,237,279, 280. Wavi- gation Laws. Seamen. Speeches, 21. Shipping Master at Quebec –vide commius, 214. SilverthorIl, A. & N. :—Wide Bridges, 36. Mills, 26. Simcoe (County): . Bill to authorize the holding of District and Division Courts therein; Presented, (1841) 487. Committed, 525. Not considered. . Petition of Mun. Council, for removal of the County Registry Office to Barrie, (1844–5) 14. Referred, 15. (Wo Report.)—Another Petition, 351–(1846) 36, 46. Bill presented, 39. Referred, with an Instruction to adapt its provisions to the several Districts of U. Canada, 149. Reported (amended so as to provide for removal of the Registry Office of any county in U. Canada when public convenience may require it), 151. Agreed to; Passed, 182. Wot returned from the Council. . Petition of the Municipal Council, for authority to tax the lands of non-residents, and of the Canada Company, in that county, (1844–5) 351. (1846) Wild lands, 15, 46.-Improved properties, ib-Town lots in Barrie, ib. Wide Gaols, 9, 28. Roads, 328. Territorial Divisions, 94–96. Simcoe, Lake :—Wide Accounts, 590. Navigations, 74. Supply, 280. Simcoe (Town) :—Petition for a separate municipal organization for that town, (1850) 247. Petition against detaching it from the Municipality of Woodhouse, 225. Both referred to the Committee of whole on the Bill to correct certain errors in the U. Canada Municipal Act, 247. Wide Religious Denominations, 23. Supply, 161. Simcoe Place, Toronto:—vide Supply, 400. ar.” 4.94 2. SIMPSON.—SMYTEI. Simpson, Joseph —vide Accounts, 549. Addresses, 518. Simpson, W. B. :-vide Accounts, 111. Addresses, 186, 187. Sinking Fund:—vide Commius, si, 116. Loans, 4 Pulie Dº. Species, 9, 17. Sixsmith, J. F. :-wº Aliens, 41. Skinner, S. :—vide Patents, 8. ...sº Slander:-vide Libel. Slaves, Fugitive :—Wide Accounts, 201. Addresses, 209. Slides :—Bill to enable persons to obtain lands necessary for the construction of slides, in certain cases; Presented, (1849) 75. Not proceeded in. Wide Roads, 9. Small Debts, Recovery of:—vide Courts, 88–92. Smith, Attorney General:—vide Legislative Assembly, 74. Smith, B. P. :—Wide Aliens, 42. Smith, Henry (of Kingston):—vide Penitentiary, 9–11. Smith, Henry (of Tor onto) :—Petition of, complaining of his dismissal from the situation of keeper of the Queen's Wharf and Light House at Toronto, and praying relief, (1843) 148. Smith, J ohn :—Petition of, for the recognition of his claim for land as heir of the late Robert Smith, who was assignee of Geo. Whitten, (1844–5) 100. Referred to Committee on the Public Lands Bill, 167. Smith, Major :—Wide Rebellion, 9. Smith’s “Canada, Past, Present, &c.”:—Wide Legislative Assembly, 245. Smolinski, J ... :-Wide Parliament House, 1. Smuggling: - 1. Bill for the further prevention of smuggling, and for dividing the proceeds of seizures between the collector, the seizing officer, and the informer; Ordered, (1846) 288. Presented, 289. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 31.) 2. Petition from farmers of Bertie, for adoption of measures to prevent smuggling, (1844–5) 226. Referred to Com- mittee on the Bill to impose a duty on distilleries, 231. Smyth, Charles :-Petition of Chas. Smyth, of Albany (New York), complaining of an illegal seizure of tobacco belonging to him, and praying relief; Referred, (1841) 340. Wo Report. Smyth, John :-Petition of J. Smyth, of Toronto, complaining that certain land he has received for his services as surveyor, has proved valueless, and praying compensation, (1841) 325. SNELL–SPARKS. - 495 ~. Snell, Mrs. :—Petition of, for pecuniary aid, in consideration of the services of her late husband, as Postmaster of Montreal, (1844–5) 52. Soap :—Wide Customs, 33. Soeurs de la Congrégation de Notre-Dame:–vide Montreal (City), 26. Soeurs Grises:—Wide Montreal (City), 28, 29. Soeurs Hospitalières de St. Joseph:-vide Montreal (City), 23–25. - Soeurs de Miséricorde :-vide Montreal (City), 27. Soeurs de Ste. Croix :—Vide Aºun, aſ ºwn tº Soeurs des Saints Noms de Jésus et Marie :-vide Education, 63. Solicitors :—Wide Law, Practice of. Solicitor General :—Motion for an Address for copy of the Commission appointing Lewis T. Drummond, Esq., Solicitor General for Lower Canada, Negatived, (1849) 802. Wide Addresses, 524. Committees, 477. Elections, 143. Sombra :—Wide Surveys, 32. Somerville:–Vide Berley. Sophiasburgh :—Wide Surveys, 14, 61–63. Territorial Divisions, 47. Sorel :—Petition for an Act to incorporate the Town of William Henry; (1847) 65. Referred, 70. Bill presented, 145. Referred, 181. Reported, with amendments, 189. Amended in Committee, 211. Passed (as a Bill to incorporate Sorel), 214. Not returned from the Council. Wide Education, 180. South River:—Wide Bridges, 107. Sparks, N. :—Wide Addresses, 82. Ordnance Estates, 4. 496 SPEAKER. ſpeaker. vº.º."ºw"v"vºvº,"vºw ** I. Speaker chosen; 1–3. II. Speaker's Speeches on various occasions; 4–8. III. Speaker gives his Casting Vote on Questions; 9–17. IV. Decisions of Mr. Speaker, on Questions of Order or Privilege; 18–30. W. Speaker communicates Matters to the House; 31—60. (1) Informs the House of matters, 31. (2) Reports matters to the House, 39. (3) Submits matters to the House, 60. VI. Orders and Resolutions relative to the Speaker; 61—82. VII. Incidental Proceedings; 83–86. I. Speaker chosen : 1. His Excellency's pleasure signified that a Speaker should be chosen,_at the commencement of a new Parliament, (1841) At this, the first Session after the Union, the House met and proceeded to appoint their Speaker, without any such intimation from His Excellency, but at the commencement of each subsequent Parliament His Excellency's pleasure that a Speaker be chosen, was duly signified—(1844–5) 1–(1848) 1. 2. Members proposed as Speaker:—Austin Cuvillier, Esq., (1841) 2. Sir Allan Napier MacNab, and the Hon. Augustin Norbert Morin, (1844–5) 1. Hon. Augustin Norbert Morin (to supply the place of Sir A. N. MacNab, during his absence), (1846) 83.−Sir A. N. MacNab, and the Hon. A. N. Morin, (1848) 1. 3. Members chosen as Speaker:—Austin Cuvillier, Esq., (1841) 2––Sir Allan Napier MacNab, (1844–5) 1– Hon. Augustin Norbert Morin (to supply the place of Sir A. N. MacNab during his absence), (1846) 83.− Hon. A. N. Morin, (1848) 2. II. Speaker's Speeches on various occasions: 4. Returning his humble acknowledgements to the House for the honor conferred upon him in being chosen their Speaker, (1841) 2–(1844–5) 2–(1846) 83.−(1848) 2. 5. In claiming from His Excellency the rights and privileges of the Assembly, upon his election, (1841) 3.—(1844–5) 2.—(1846) 88.-(1848) 2. 6. In presenting Bills of Supply to his Excellency, for the Royal Assent, (1841) 644.—(1842) 131–(1844–5) 441- (1846) 346.-(1847) 217,-(1848) 81–(1849) 367–(1850) 285–(1851) 361. 7. In admonishing persons directed by the House to be admonished:—(1846) Halton Election Commissioners, 141. Middlesex Election Commissioners, 157. (1850) George Ure, a Reporter, 164. 8. In requesting leave of absence on account of an impending domestic calamity, (1846) 83–In resuming the Chair, on his return 259. SPEAKER—continued. 49? TII. Speaker gives the casting vote on Questions: 9. 10. 11. i2. 13. 14. 15. 16. #7. Questions relating to Bills, (1841) 637–(1843) 115–(1844–5) 220–(1849) 352–(1851) 352. For calling the Orders of the Day, (1851) 131. For postponing consideration of questions, (1846) 310–(1849) 852–(1851) 151. For receiving the Report of a Committee of the whole, (1843) 170. For agreeing to resolutions of motions, (1841) 518, 528–(1846) 32–(1851) 173,207. Amendments, (1841) 528. Previous Question, (1841) 637.-(1851) 141. For postponing the remaining Orders of the Day, (1844–5) 310,371–(1846) 259. For adjournment, (1846) 98. IV. Decisions of Mr. Speaker on Questions of Order or Privilege: 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 28. 329. 30. A motion being submitted to add a paragraph to a Resolution already adopted, Mr. Speaker objected to the same as unparliamentary; upon which an appeal was made to the House, and the objection was over-ruled, (1843) 187. Refuses to receive a motion written in the French language, the same being contrary to the 41st clause of the Union Act; His decision appealed from, and Sustained by the House, (1844–5) 265. Decides that a motion for referring to the Committee on Privileges and Elections a Petition of Robert Riddell, Esq., (sitting member) against the reception of the Report of the Commissioners on the Oxford Controverted Elec- tions, is not in order; His decision appealed from, and confirmed, (1846) 52. Decides that the Kingston Incorporation Amendment Bill is subject to the payment of a fee, under the 71st Bule, (1847) 150. Calls attention to certain clauses of the Public Health Bill (from the Council), by which penalties are imposed, &c., and submits whether it would not be expedient, with a view to expedite business, that the House should waive its privileges; Resolution agreeing thereto, (1849) 206. . Decides that the London District Division Bill is of a public nature, and does not require the publication of notice under the 66th Rule; His decision appealed from, and confirmed, (1849) 256. Decides that the Bill to fix the time and place for the meeting of Parliament is not in order, it being repugnant to the Union Act; Decision confirmed, on appeal, (1850) 64. Again, upon a similar Bill, (1851) 54. Refuses to receive (as irregular) a motion for referring back the Report of a Select Committee for the purpose of inserting a protest on the part of certain members, (1850) 131–A motion relative to the dismissal of Dr. Park, the same being prefaced, and not in accordance with the notice; He is sustained by the House, on appeal, 242. - Calls attention to one of the amendments made by the Council to a Bill, by which the fee on tavern licences is increased, and submits whether it would not be expedient (to expedite business) that the House should waive its privileges in this instance; House does not insist on its privileges by rejecting the amendment, (1850) 280. . Decides that a motion, of which no notice had been given, is out of order; His decision confirmed by the House, A motion containing Resolutions not included in the notice, (1851) 154. upon appeal, (1850) 281. Called upon to give his vote on the Bill for increasing the Representation, which, by the 26th section of the Union Act, requires the concurrence of two-thirds of the members, at the second and third readings; Gives his opinion, that by the 26th and 34th sections of the said Act he is precluded from voting in this case ; His decision confirmed, upon appeal, (1851) 205. - Notice being taken that a member whose name was recorded upon a division was not in the House while the names were taken, he states that he was present when the vote was taken, and had only been out at the door; Mr. Speaker allows him to vote, and to change his vote (which had been recorded with the Yeas); His decision appealed from, and confirmed by the House, (1851) 351. Mr. Speaker's decisions appealed from, to the House, and sustained, (1844–5) 265–61846) 52–(1850) 64, 242. —(1851) 54, 205, 232, Reversed, (1843) 187. b. \ -: NNN 498 SPEAKER—continued. W. Speaker communicates matters to the House: 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 51. (1.) Informs the House of Matters—relative to— Bills:–That His Excellency will proceed to the Legislative Council Chamber at a certain time, to give the Royal Assent to Bills, (1841) 100, 345,433.−(1843) 129,-(1847) 122. Clerk of Crown in Chancery:-That he had requested leave of absence, on account of illness in his family, (1850) 21,–That he had appointed a deputy to act in his absence, ib. Hostile Meeting:—That according to an intimation he had received, a hostile meeting was intended between Messrs. Blake and Macdonald, members of the IIouse, (1849) 88. Wide Members, 40. Masters in Chancery :-That a commission had issued under the Great Seal, appointing Chas. De Léry, Esq., a Master in Chancery, (1843) 56.-John F. Taylor, Esq., 91. Members:–That a member has spoken to a certain question for half an hour (the time limited by the Order of 16th July), (1851) 202, 208, 232, 344. Sergeant-at-Arms:—That the Sergeant-at-Arms had (with his consent) appointed a deputy, (1849) 265. Speaker:-That he had demanded and obtained from His Excellency the usual privileges as Speaker of the Assem- bly, (1841) 3.−(1844–5) 2.—(1848) 2. Writs of Election :-That he had issued warrants for new writs during the recess, in the room of members whose seats had become vacant, (1842) 1.-(1843) 1–(1846) 1.—(1847) 2-(Also, that a warrant had been issued by 2 members (in the same case), upon which the writ had been issued,—Wide Elections, 155,) ib. (2) Reports matters to the House—relative to— Addresses:—His Excellency's answers to Addresses presented by the whole House, (1841) 71.—(1842) 31– (1843) 113–(1844–5) 307–0846) 8.—(1847) 78.--(1848).22—(1849) 27.—(1850) 115.—(1851) 10, &c. Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials:—Statements of the same (from the Prothonotaries) in the several districts in L. Canada, (1842) 4.—(1843) 6. Bills:–That His Excellency had given the Royal Assent to certain Bills, (1841) 105—(1843) 130.—(1844–5) 87. —(1847) 122–(1849) 46–(1850) 181.—(1851) 229, &c. Clerk of the House:—Letter from him, requesting leave to appoint W. P. Patrick, Esq., as his deputy during the recess, (1841) 613. Elections:—Letters from Clerk of Crown in Chancery, announcing Returns to Writs of Election, (1841) 103– (1842) 94.—(1843) 1–(1844–5) 175-(1846) 1.-(1847) 1.—(1849) 248,-(1850) 1.-(1851) 1, &c.— Special Returns, (1843) 3. Elections, Controverted:—That Petitioners had entered into Recognizances, (1841) 26–(1843) 38.-(1844–5) 60. (1848) 37.—(1850) 16, &c. Had not entered into Recognizances, (1847) 66. Reports of Commissioners appointed to examine witnesses in election cases, (1844–5) 243–(1846) 14, 53, 88. Indices to Journals:—Report from Compilers of Indices to the Journals of the late Assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada, (1847) 33. Law Clerk:—A letter from the Law Clerk and English Translator, requesting the appointment of an Assistant, (1844–5) 62. Wide Legislative Assembly, 97. Library:—Annual Reports from the Librarian on the state of the Darliamentary Library, (1 842) 4.—(1843) 6– (1844–5) 9-(1846) 9.—(1847) 33.—(1848) 4.—(1849) 5–(1850) 6.—(1851) 10. Communicates copy of a circular letter addressed by him to certain official personages, &c., relative to the destruction of the Parliamentary Library, together with letters in reply, (1850) 6.-Reports donations of books, from various persons resident in the Province, 8. Reports further donations, from Legislative bodies and individuals, (1851) 15. Members:—Letters from members, vacating their seats, (1841) 38.-(1843) 5-(1 849) 4. Notice from certain members relative to the acceptance of the Office of Clerk of the Peace by A. M. Delisle, Esq., member for Montreal (County), with reference to its effect upon his seat in the House, (1843) 3. Letter from Hon. W. H. Draper, relative to his acceptance of the situation of Puisné Judge in U. Canada, (1847) 36– Lists of members absent at calls of the House, (1849) 181. Municipal Districts, L. C. :—Statements from Wardens thereof, (1842) 118. Officers of the House:–Return of officers of the House, with the salaries recommended for each, (1844–5) 324. SPEAKER—continued. 499 * W. Speaker communicates matters to the House—continued. *. (2) Reports matters to the House—continued. 52. Post Office:–Letter from the Speaker of Assembly of Prince Edward's Island, referring to the Report of a Com- mittee of the Assembly respecting the increased rates of inter-colonial postage, and requesting the co-operation of the House in soliciting from the Imperial Government a revision of the rates, (1843) 5. 53. Prince Albert :-Letters communicating the thanks of H. R. H., for Addresses of congratulation on the birth of Royal Princes, (1844–5) 299. - 54. Private Bills:–A Report on the Private Business of the House, prepared in obedience to an Order of the House, (1847) 31. 55. Prorogation :-Letters from Civil Secretary, announcing His Excellency's intention to prorogue the Legislature, (1841) 537–(1842) 119.—(1846) 342–(1847) 196—(1848) 71–(1849) 357–(1850).247-(1851) 383. 56. Queen's Portrait:-Letter from J. Legaré, offering for sale a Portrait of Her Majesty, (1844–5) 243. 57. Returns from Insurance Companies, Railroad Companies, Banks, and Educational, Charitable, Commercial, and other Corporations,—and other Returns called for by the House, or required by law.—(These were usually laid before the House through Mr. Speaker.) Wide Accounts and Papers. 58. Sergeant-at-Arms:–Letter from him, requesting leave to appoint a deputy during his temporary absence, (1841) 60.--—That the Sergeant-at-Arms had appointed a deputy, (1849) 265. 59. Speeches:—His Excellency's Speeches at the opening of a Session, (1841) 6–(1842) 3–(1843) 5-(1844-5) 2. —(1846) 2–(1847) 7–(1848) 2–(1849) 4.—(1850) 3.—(1851) 2. (3.) Submits matters to the House—relative to— 60. Speeches:—Copy of the Speech which he proposes to make to His Excellency in presenting the Supply Bill, (1842) 122—What he proposes to say in reprimanding persons at the Bar by order of the House, (1846) 141, 157. WI. Orders and Resolutions relative to the Speaker: 61. Instruction to Committee on Contingencies, to consider of a remuneration to the Speaker of the late Assembly of U. Canada (for fulfilling certain duties subsequent to the close of the last Parliament), (1841) 371. Report thereon, 544. Committed, 546. No Resolution reported. Foregoing proceedings again read; Motion to refer the Report to Committee on Contingencies, negatived, (1842) 114. 62. Two Resolutions reported from a Committee of the whole, relative to providing a salary for the Speaker; 1st (that it is expedient to provide a salary) agreed to; 2nd (granting £1000 per annum therefor) postponed, (1841) 386. Two motions for reducing the amount, negatived; Resolution amended, by adding “provided the Speaker hold no office of profit under the Crown,” and agreed to; Bill ordered, 406. Not presented. Resolution granting £1000 for the salary of the Speaker; Reported from Committee of whole on Message relative to the salaries of the Speakers and officers of the Legislature, 607. (Included in the Bill providing for the said salaries, Wide Parliament, Provincial, 1. Supply, 321.) 63. Resolution granting the usual indemnity to members, together with £250 to Hon. Mr. Morin for his services as Speaker pro tem. during the absence of Sir A. N. MacNab, (1846) 321. 64. Resolution authorizing the payment of £4500 for arrears due the Hon. L. J. Papineau, as Speaker of the Assembly of L. Canada, (1846) 288. (Included in Supply Bill,—Wide Supply, 33.) Wide also, Accounts, 356, 357. Addresses, 340. Committees, 475. Governor General, 89. Supply, 349. 3. 65. Bills:–May dispense with the printing of short Bills, not introducing any important innovation (59th Rule), (1841) 44. 66. Calls of the House:—To send circular letters to absent members, apprizing them of calls of the House for future days, (1848) 40,—(1849) 140.—(1850) 72.—(1851) 156, &c. 67. Casting Vote:-To take no part in any debate or vote unless the House is equally divided; may then give his reasons for so voting. To stand, uncovered, when addressing the House (8th Rule), (1841) 40. 68. Chair:-To take the Chair on the appearance of a quorum (4th Rule), (1841) 40. When Black Rod is at the door (5th Rule), (1841) 40. To leave the Chair when the House goes into Committee, and to appoint a Chairman to preside (86th Rule), (1841) 46. 500 SPEAKER—continued. A- -º-º- WI. Orders and Resolutions relative to the Speaker—continued. (39. 'O. 71. 72. 73, 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. Committees:—To leave the Chair when the House goes into Committee, and to appoint a Chairman to preside (86th Rule), (1841) 46. - Elections, Controverted:—To give notice to parties, of the time appointed for consideration of Election Petitions, (1841) 86-(1843) 37.—(1844–5) 31–(1848) 26–(1849) 40, &c. To direct the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery to furnish copies of poll books, (1841) 161. To furnish the parties (in L. Canada election cases) with Writs of Summons, (1841) 111, &c.—To issue summonses direct to witnesses (in do.), (1841) 271. Indices to the Journals:—To advance moneys, from time to time, towards defraying the expense of making General Indices to the Journals of the Assemblies of U. and L. Canada, (1841) 525.--To direct the compilation of a General Index to the Journals since the Union, on such terms as he may deem expedient, (1851) 320. Journals:–To take steps for procuring copies of such of the Journals of the late Assembly of U. Canada as are missing, (1847) 187. To ascertain how far the said Order has been carried into effect, and to take such further steps as may be necessary, (1851) 358. Library:-To make arrangements for effecting a more convenient access to the Library, or for removing the same to another part of the building, (1844–5) 413. Messengers:–To appoint all messengers (to carry messages to the Council), it being understood that the mover of the message shall be one, and that no member opposed to the measure can be appointed (90th Rule), (1841) 47. * Motions:—To receive any motion that is seconded, and to read the same (45th Rule), (1841) 43.—To apprize the House whenever he may conceive a motion to be contrary to its rules or privileges (46th Rule), (1841) 43. Officers of the House:—To have the control and direction of the officers and messengers, both in Session and Recess, (1841) 236. Rescinded, 510. Order:-To preserve order and decorum, and to decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the House (7th Rule), (1841) 40. Private Bills:—To cause an inquiry into the system pursued in the House of Commons in regard to Private Bills, and a Report to be made (next Session) of such provisions as may appear adapted to the circumstances of this Province, (1846) 344. Wide Bills, Private, 52. To pay £50 for the said Report, (1847) 214. Reprimand:—To censure or reprimand certain persons, viz —(1844–5) The Clerk of the English Journals, for interpolating certain words in the printed journals, 51.-Certain members, for absenting themselves from the York Election Committee, 353. (1846) Commissioners on Halton Election Petition, for neglect of duty in regard to the oaths required to be taken, 141–Commissioners on Middlesex Election Petition, 157–(1850) George Ure, a Reporter, for using rude and offensive language to a member, 164. Summons:—To issue his summons for the appearance of certain persons at the Bar, (1846)41–(1848) 14.—(1849) 72, 148. Toronto:—To direct one of the Clerks of the House (after removal of the Parliamentary offices to Quebec) to remain at Toronto, in charge of an office, with fyles of the journals, statutes, &c., and to attend to the distribution of the journals throughout Upper Canada, (1851) 356. Writs of Election —To issue warrants for new writs, (1841) 15.—(1842) 98.—(1848) 83–(1844–5) 48-(1846) 266–(1847) 2–(1848) 34–(1849) 180–(1850) 1.-(1851) 1, &c. VII. Incidental Proceedings: 83. 84. Absence of Speaker:-Mr. Speaker (Sir A. N. MacNab) addresses the House requesting leave of absence on account of an impending domestic calamity; Leave granted; Hon. A. N. Morin appointed to supply his place during his absence, (1846) 88. Address to His Excellency, informing him thereof; Ordered, 87. House waits on His Excellency, ib. Mr. Speaker addresses His Excellency; His Reply, 88. Sir A. N. MacNab resumes the chair; Addresses the House; Thanks voted to Mr. Morin, 259. Wide also supra, 63. Acceptance of office;—Correspondence relative to an alleged acceptance of office by Mr. Speaker (Sir A.N. Mac- Nab) laid before the House, (1847) 3. Witnesses examined in reference thereto, viz: Mr. Secretary Daly 4. Clerk of Crown in Chancery, 5. Mr. Speaker, 5, 7. Motion, that Sir A. N. MacNab had consented to accept the office of Adjutant General of Militia upon a certain condition, which not having been complied With he returned the commission immediately on receipt of the same, and that his seat did not become vacant; Amendment, that the House is of opinion that he did not accept office, and has not vacated his seat, carried, 7. SPEAKER—SPEECHES. r 501 VII. Incidental Proceedings—continued. 85. Illness of Mr. Speaker:-House adjourns, on a motion put by the Clerk; and adjourns on the two following day in consequence of the continued indisposition of Mr. Speaker, (1846) 260. 86. Reprimands persons, by order of the House, viz:—(1844–5) Certain Members of an Election Committee, for absent- ing themselves from meetings of the Committee, 354. (1846) Commissioners on the Halton Controverted Election, for neglect of duty, 141.-Commissioners on Middlesex Election, for the like, 157. (1850) George Ure, a Reporter, for using rude and offensive language to a Member, 164. Wide Accounts, 356, 357. Addresses, 340. Civil List, 3, 6. Committees, 24, 206, 281, 360, 475. Governor General, 89. Legislative Assembly, 7. Supply, 33, 321, 349. Speaker of Legislative Council:—vide Accounts, 262. Addresses, 515. Civil List 3,8. Committees, 24, 206, 282. Governor General, 72–74. Legislative Council, 2, 10, 11. Supply, 321, 324. 349. Special Council of Lower Canada :—Petition from inhabitants of Portneuf, setting forth that the people were not represented in the said Council, which nevertheless passed various Ordinances imposing burthens upon them,-and praying for the repeal of those relating to the judicature, Police in Quebec and Montreal, Roads, Winter Vehicles, District Councils, Registry Offices, and District Courts and Gaols, (1841) 55. Petition from inhabitants of L. Canada, for the same, 74. Both referred, 130, 131. No Report. Petitions for repeal of the Municipal Law, and all Ordinances of the Special Council imposing burthens on the people, (1842) Bonaventure, 55. Lotbinière, 20. Three Rivers, 17. Special Demurrers:–vide Law, Practice of 12. ſpectlyrg. fººtsºa I. Speeches of the Governor General, at the opening and close of each Session; 1—22. II. Incidental Proceedings; 23–27. I. Speeches of the Governor General, at the opening and close of each Session: [1841.] 1, 15th June, 1841. (The House having assembled on the previous day (without meeting His Eccellency), to choose a Speaker, in accordance with the 33rd section of the Union Act.)—The Governor General (Right Hon. C. P. Thomson) has assembled the Legislature at the earliest period which the duties imposed on him by the Union Act would admit of A British subject, from Canada (Alex. McLeod) having been detained in the United States, charged with a pretended crime, measures have been taken for his protection. The rates of postage between Canada and the United Kingdom have been reduced; improvements have been made in the internal postal arrangements, and a commission appointed to report on the P. O. system of B. N. America. The improvement of the navigation from Lakes Erie and Huron to the ocean, and other Public Works, are recom- mended,—to effect which the imperial guarantee will be afforded for a loan of £1,500,000 Stg. To facilitate employment of emigrants on public works, the Imperial Government will assist to forward them from the sea- ports to places where they may receive employment. A scheme for the settlement of the public lands will be 502 SPEECHES-confimºved. I. Speeches of the Governor General, &c.—continued. 2. 18th [1841]—continued. submitted. A measure will be proposed for establishing local self-government throughout Upper Canada. The establishment of an efficient system of education is recommended. He will direct the public accounts and estimates to be laid before the Assembly; and he trusts to their cordial co-operation in the measures he may propose touching the Imperial Loan, and the Public Works. The Imperial Government has framed a new constitution for Canada with an earnest desire for its welfare, and has determined to expend large sums annu- ally in military defences, and Her Majesty will maintain her North American possessions at all hazards. The eyes of England are fixed on the result of the experiment; and His Excellency confides in the wisdom and prudence of the Legislature to carry out the great practical improvements of which the Province stands so much in need, 6. September, 1841—The Deputy Governor (Major General Clitheroe) has been deputed to officiate at the closing of the Session. He congratulates the Legislature on the many important measures passed, and on the harmony that has marked their proceedings; and thanks the Assembly for the Supplies. He urges on mem- bers the propriety of aiding to carry out the great improvements in progress, and of inculcating an oblivion of past differences, and a spirit of enterprize and contentment for the future, 643. [1842.] 3. 8th September, 1842—The Governor General (Sir Charles Bagot) alludes to the death of Lord Sydenham (then Gov- 4. 12th ernor General) at the close of last Session,-the birth of the Prince of Wales, and the treasonable attempt on the life of Her Majesty. Announces the ratification of a treaty between Great Britain and the United States, by which important questions affecting Canada and the United States have been adjusted. The Imperial Government has redeemed its promise of guaranteeing the Canadian loan of £1,500,000 for public works; and an important communication will be made upon the subject: in the mean time, every means have been adopted to advance the public works. It has been found impracticable to carry out, in England, the arrangement pro- posed last year for the assistance of emigrants, but a grant has been made by Parliament in aid of destitute emigrants in Canada: although the number of emigrants has been much larger than last season no serious destitution has prevailed among them. The revenue is in a satisfactory condition, and the increased rate of duties under the Customs Act of last Session has been eminently successful. The provisions of the Imperial Act establishing a tariff for Brit. N. America will call for corresponding alterations in the Provincial scale of duties. A liberal disposition has been evinced in regard to the duties on agricultural produce in connexion with the trade of Canada, and an arrangement to extend the market for Canadian produce may be hoped for. The accounts and estimates will be sent down. It will be necessary to propose modifications in certain of the great measures passed last Session, including those for the establishment of District Councils, and for the maintenance of Common Schools. The re-organization of the militia is a subject that will require attention. The Province has at length recovered from a state of severe trial and danger, and a bright dawn now opens on its prospects. Canada has reason to be grateful for this and for the blessings now enjoyed, which he trusts. the Legislature will ever seek to preserve and to perpetuate, 3. October, 1842–The Governor General has been induced, by reasons of public convenience, to bring the Session to an early close. He thanks the Assembly for the Supplies, and for their ready co-operation in carrying out the views of the Imperial Government; and thanks the Members of both Houses for their zeal and assiduity in perfecting the various measures passed during the Session,-trusting that they will use their influence in their several districts in promoting that harmony which it has been his endeavour to establish, 131. [1843.] 5. 28th September, 1843.−The Governor General (Sir Charles T. Metcalfe) announces the birth of the Princess Alice, and alludes to the death of Sir Charles Bagot (late Governor General) and the respect paid to his memory in Canada and the United States. He trusts the Imperial Act which facilitates the introduction of Canadian wheat, and of flour prepared in Canada, will prove a valuable boon to the Province. Measures will be submitted for amending the Municipal Laws, the Education Laws, and the Jury system, in both sections of the Province, —also the system of judicature in L. Canada, and the Assessment Laws in U. Canada. He has recently made a tour through the Province, and has had much satisfaction in observing the progress of the country and the loyalty of the population,--also in witnessing the advancement of the works in course of construction by means of the Imperial guaranteed Loan; in other parts there is a very great necessity for improved roads, more especially in the Eastern Townships, but the present state of the finances does not afford any immediate SPEECHES-com/in/ed. 503 T. Speeches of the Governor General, &c.—continued. [1843—continued. prospect of their construction. He calls attention to the state of the prisons, and the necessity of providing for the proper care and classification of prisoners. A lunatic asylum in L. Canada is much needed; and measures are in progress for the permanent location of the temporary asylum in U. Canada. The accounts and estimates will be transmitted. There is a large decrease in the revenue ; the Imperial guaranteed Loan has been raised on favorable terms. The Imperial Act prescribing a new Tariff will render necessary a corresponding alteration in our Custom Laws. The welfare of Canada depends upon their action on the important questions that will come before them, 5. 6. 9th December, 1843–In consequence of the interruption of their joint labours, His Excellency, entirely against his own inclination, is under the necessity of proroguing the Legislature. He acknowledges their unremitting application to business, and trusts that the measures passed will prove beneficial to the country. Some Bills have been reserved on account of their dependence upon other measures not passed, or for other reasons. He thanks the Assembly for the Supplies, which shall be disbursed with economy. He trusts members will endeavour to promote harmony and brotherly love among all classes. Peace and happiness will render this a desirable refuge for emigrants from Great Britain, while discord must have the effect of deterring them. He trusts they will meet again to renew their efforts for the public good with greater success, 210. [1844-5.] 7. 28th November, 1844.—His Excellency's pleasure signified that a Speaker be chosen, 1. 8. 29th Wovember, 1844.—The Governor General has assembled the Legislature as early as possible after the General Election, at a season when they can attend with the least inconvenience. He announces the birth of a Prince. Many important subjects will engage attention, including the amendment of the Common School Law, an arrangement of the University of King's College,_a revision of the Municipal Institutions,—the state of the prisons, and the want of lunatic assylums, the improvement of the roads, especially in the Eastern Townships, and from Kingston to the Ottawa, and the framing of a Militia Law for the whole Province. The revenue is in a flourishing condition, which may be furtherimproved by wise legislation. Her Majesty has received graciously the Address on the Civil List, and whenever an adequate provision for the public service shall have been made by the Canadian Legislature, she will recommend to Parliament the repeal of so much of the Union Act as relates to the Civil List. The accounts for 1843 and 1844 shall be sent down. Notwithstanding the expense of removing the Seat of Goverment to Montreal, a considerable surplus revenue remains. Retrenchment has been, and will continue to be made in various branches of expenditure. He will continue to administer the Government according to the acknowledged principles of the consitution, and the wants of the community. Several important offices becoming vacant, he has endeavoured to fill them by appointing gentlemen possessing the confidence of the people, but extraordinary obstacles have delayed the accomplishment of the purpose. He trusts the Legislature will maintain the harmony essential to the well-being of the people, 2. 9. 29th March, 1845.-His Excellency thanks the members for their indefatigable attention to their duties: Congra- tulates them on passing the Acts relating to Administration of Justice in Upper Canada, and Education and Municipal Institutions in Lower Canada, but regrets the unavoidable postponement of several important measures. The few Bills reserved have been so dealt with under imperative instructions. An Act has been passed in the United States, which may seriously affect the commercial interests of Canada; he will direct to it the attention of Her Majesty's Government. He returns hearty thanks for the Supplies. The prosperous condi- tion of the revenue has enabled us to establish a Sinking Fund, and to apply a large sum to Public Works. Her Majesty's Government ardently desires the welfare of the Province, and that all may enjoy the rights of a free people. He concludes by warmly thanking the Legislature for their loyal and zealous Support, 442. [1846.] 10, 20th March, 1846.-The Administrator of the Government (Earl Cathcart) has had the duty of opening the Session devolved upon him in consequence of the departure of Lord Metcalfe, and he has been designated by Her Majesty as his successor. The Legislature will concur with His Excellency in regretting the painful cause of Lord Metcalfe's retirement. The replies to the Addresses to Her Majesty of last Session will be announced. The unsettled state of the negotiations between the Imperial Government and the United States renders a reorganization of the Militia immediately necessary; while Her Majesty will provide with promptitude and 504 SPEECHES-continued, I. Speeches of the Governor General, &c.—continued. [1846]—continued. energy for the security of her North American Dominions. The subject of the Civil List will be brought under consideration. The Public Accounts and Estimates will be shortly sent down; and he relies on their willing- ness to make due provision for the public service, and for the completion of Public Works in course of con- struction. The late extensive fires at Quebec rendered certain measures indispensable, which will be submitted for approval. Different portions of the British Empire have extended their sympathy and benevolence with noble generosity, and it will be for the Legislature to consider what further measures of relief should be adopted. The latest intelligence indicates a most important change in the commercial policy of the Empire, in anticipation of which he had pressed on Her Majesty's Government a consideration of the effect of any such change on the interests of Canada. He offers his hearty co-operation in these and other important subjects, and trusts that they may together pursue a course calculated to promote the best interests of the Province, 2. 11. 9th June, 1846–The Governor General (Earl Cathcart) congratulates the Legislature on the manner in which they have, by indefatigable attention, perfected the business before them.—Thanks the Assembly for the Supplies, which shall be expended with economy; and he will take immediate measures for raising the loans authorized for the completion of public works. The loyal and patriotic spirit in which the Militia Bill has been passed claims his warmest acknowledgments. He has assented with satisfaction to the greater part of the Bills passed; but it has been necessary to reserve certain of them, for imperative reasons, over which he has no control. The Addresses to Her Majesty shall be duly forwarded. He doubts not that Members will use their influence to encourage the spirit of loyalty, and to promote those branches of productive industry and enterprise on which the welfare of the colony depends; for, however unfavorable the aspect of affairs may have appeared, there exists sufficient power and energy in the Province to make the most of its resources, 347. [1847.] 12. 4th June, 1847–The Governor General (Earl of Elgin and Kincardine) informs the Legislature that the Imperial Government will surrender to the Provincial Authorities the control of the Post Office, when arrangements are matured for securing to British N. America an uniform post office system. Colonial Legislatures are now empowered to repeal (Imperial) Differential Duties imposed in the Colonies in favor of British produce: Correspondence on the subject will be communicated. Measures will be submitted for extending the Warehousing facilities to Inland Ports, and other commercial improvements. The Imperial Government has commenced a Survey of a line of railway from Quebec to Halifax. A despatch will be submitted relative to a remedy for the inconvenience sustained by the Colonies under the Imperial Copyright Act. In view of the large immigration expected, measures have been adopted for providing increased accommodation and aid for sick and destitute emigrants. The accounts and estimates will be transmitted. He trusts a due provision will be made. The revenue from Public Works has increased. He expresses thankfulness for the exemption of Canada from the famine with which another part of the Empire has been afflicted, and refers to the aid rendered to the sufferers by the Indians and others in this Province. There is a growing demand in Europe for the produce of America; and he trusts that all practical extension will be afforded to the trade and productive capabilities of the Province. He renews the assurance of Her Majesty's desire for the prosperity of Canada, 5. 13. 28th July, 1847.-His Excellency thanks the Legislature for their zeal and assiduity. He trusts the alterations in the Tariff, and the extension of the bonding and warehousing privileges, will be productive of benefit to the Colony. He is gratified at the attention bestowed on the various mining and railway projects; and he trusts the measures relating to the amendment of the Criminal Code, the protection of mercantile interests, the Common School Act of U. C., and the Municipal Institutions of L. C., will be productive of beneficial results. He regrets the prevalence of disease among the immigrants, and has represented the necessity of adopting more efficient precautionary measures in the mother country. The liberal provision for sick immigrants, and the charitable exertions of the Clergy and others, merit the warmest acknowledgments. He thanks the Assembly for the Supplies. The Addresses to Her Majesty shall be duly forwarded. He trusts members will exercise their influence to give full effect to the salutary enactments of the Legislature, 218. [1848.] 14, 25th February, 1848.-His Excellency's pleasure signified that a Speaker be chosen, 1. 15, 28th February, 1848. The Governor General has called the Legislature at the earliest period after the General Election. In an extensive tour through the Province, he has met with gratifying indications of general pros- perity. Commissioners from the several Provinces have lately met in Montreal to mature a plan for improv- ing the Post Office system. A practicable line of railway between Quebec and Halifax has been surveyed. . SPEECHES-continued. - 505 *– I. Speeches of the Governor General, &c.—continued. [1848]—continued. Measures have been adopted by the Imperial Government to prevent a recurrence of the evils resulting from the pauper immigration of last year; and a provincial enactment upon the subject is also recommended. The adoption of some general provisions for railways is recommended. The constitution of King's College, the mode of assessment in U. Canada, and the improvement of the system of judicature in both sections, will call for attention. The public accounts, &c., will be submitted, and he is confident the necessary Supplies will be granted. His co-operation in all useful measures may be relied on. Canada possesses peculiar and manifold advantages, which it is the duty of the Legislature to turn to account, 3. 16. 23rd March, 1848. His Excellency believes the public interest will be best consulted by bringing the Session to a close with a view to an early resumption of business. He has completed his arrangements for the formation of a new Administration. He trusts the measures adopted with respect to immigration will be found effectual. He thanks the Assembly for the Supplies. He desires to co-operate with members in all their endeavours for developing the resources, and increasing the happiness of the people of this Province, 81. [1849.] 17. 18th January, 1849. The Governor General trusts that the uninterrupted tranquillity which has prevailed in the Province during such a period of general excitement elsewhere will tend to establish its credit on a firmer basis. A general amnesty is about to be granted for all offences connected with the Rebellion, and a measure will be submitted for carrying the same into effect. In conformity with a joint address, Parliament has repealed the clause in the Union Act restricting the use of the French language. Steps will shortly be taken by Parliament for conferring on the B. N. A. Provinces the control of the Post Office Department therein; when, he trusts, a low and uniform rate of postage may be found practicable. An increase in the representa- tion is recommended. The opposition, in some parts of L. Canada, to the School Act, has greatly subsided, but certain alterations in the Act may be found advisable. The system of judicature, municipal laws, and con- stitution of King's College, call for attention. The survey of a line for the proposed railway from Quebec to Halifax has been completed, and the Report, &c., will be communicated. The public accounts and estimates shall be sent down, and he doubts not the necessary Supplies will be granted. Canada has participated largely in the commercial depression of the past year. The Imperial Government respond cordially to his representa- tions concerning the opening of our ports to foreign shipping. He urges the completion of the St. Lawrence Canals, and suggests the alienation of all purely local works, the re-organization of the public debt, and the erection of an efficient Sinking Fund; also, the amendment of the Immigration Act, and the settling apart of certain public lands for the formation of a Common School Fund. He will willingly co-operate in these and all kindred measures, 4. 18, 30th May, 1849. The Deputy Governor (Major General Rowan) has been deputed by His Excellency to close the Session. He commends the zeal and assiduity of members, and congratulates them on the many important measures that have been perfected. He trusts the measures in course of adoption by the Imperial Parliament for throwing open the ports of Canada, together with the completion of the canals and the contemplated railways, will tend to increase traffic on the St. Lawrence. He thanks them for the Supplies. He deplores the excesses lately committed at Montreal, and rejoices that they have met with no sympathy from the people of Canada. He trusts that members will exert their influence to allay excitement and promote mutual confidence and harmony, 367. - [1850.] 19. 14th May, 1850. The Governor General announces the death of the Queen Dowager. In compliance with the Address of last Session, he has summoned the Legislature to meet at Toronto. He trusts the recent changes in the Imperial Navigation Laws, and the improvements in our canals, will tend to promote the commercial interests of the Province. A marked improvement has taken place in the value of Canadian securities in the British market. He recommends the adoption of Free Trade between the British N. American Provinces. The Act for establishing Free Trade between Canada and the United States has not yet come into operation: a corresponding measure is now under the consideration of Congress. The entire control of the internal posts in British N. America is, by a recent Imperial Statute, vested in the Provincial Authorities. Measures are recommended for increasing the Representation,-for rendering more effectual the system of discipline in the penitentiary and the gaols, for extending the usefulness of the Inferior Courts in U. Canada, for the regu- tion of municipalities, the construction of gaols and Court Houses in L. Canada, and the amendment of the Jury and Assessment Laws in U. Canada. Communications relative to the Industrial Exhibition in London in 1851, will be transmitted. The Court of Chancery in U. Canada has been placed on an improved footing, OOO 506 SPEECHES-continued. -sm. I. Speeches of the Governor General, &c.—continued. [1850]—continued. under the Act of last Session. The public accounts and estimates shall be transmitted. He recommends an inquiry into the revenue and expenditure of the Province. He relies on their readiness to grant the Supplies. He has found it necessary to mark Her Majesty's disapprobation of the course taken by certain public officers and others, for the purpose of bringing about the separation of Canada from the British Empire : the great majority of the people have given unmistakeable proofs of their loyalty, and look to their own Parliament for the redress of any existing grievances; he feels assured that the confidence thus placed in the wisdom of Parliament will be justified by its acts, 3. Wide Committees, 477. 20, 10th August, 1850. His Excellency warmly acknowledges the zeal and diligence displayed during the past Session. He will carry into effect without delay the arrangements for transferring to the Colonial Authorities the control of the Post Office; and will take measures for bringing about inter-colonial free trade, under the Act now passed. He has great satisfaction in transmitting the Addresses expressive of devoted loyalty to Her Majesty. He thanks the Assembly for the Supplies, and congratulates them on the improvement in the revenue, and the prospect of an abundant harvest. He has had great satisfaction in a late visit (in company with many of the members) to the Welland Canal, and also in the courtesy exhibited by the citizens of the United States upon that occasion. He is gratified at the impulse given, by recent Acts, to railway enterprise, and the construction of turnpike roads,-and he trusts members will exert their influence in furtherance of these and other measures of practical utility, 285. [1851.] 21. 20th May, 1851. His Excellency congratulates the Legislature on the abundant harvest, the increasing revenue 22. 30th from customs and canal tolls, and the high price of Canadian securities. The change in the Imperial Navi- gation Laws is bringing more foreign shipping to our ports. Certain provisions of the Immigration Act are supposed to act unfavorably to the shipping interests, and will call for consideration. The improvement of the means of internal communication engages a large share of public attention, and several important lines of railway are projected. The establishment of a reduced rate of postage has so largely increased the correspon- dence, that the receipts may soon be expected to recover from the depression. Under the operation of recent measures, the inter-colonial trade is extensively increasing. An Imperial Despatch submitting a proposal for the construction of a railway from Halifax to Quebec, will be communicated. A scheme of arbitration for settling the boundary line between Canada and New Brunswick was adopted at a conference with the Lieut. Governor of New Brunswick last autumn, and the Report of the Arbitrators is shortly expected. Permission has been accorded to the Government of the United States to erect a light-house on the Horse- shoe Reef in the Niagara River, at the outlet of Lake Erie. He has reason to hope that Canadian industry will be found well represented at the Industrial Exhibition in London. A Despatch in reply to the Address of last Session on the Clergy Reserves will be laid before the Assembly; also, the public accounts and estimates. A measure will be submitted for reducing certain charges in the Civil List Act of 1846. The expediency of increasing the representation, and of amending the School and Municipal Acts, are recommended for consideration. With the advance of the Province the responsibilities of the Legislature will increase. The people, while appreciating the requirements of an age of progress, are attached to their institutions, and he is confident that members will endeavor, in this spirit, to promote the best interests of the people, 2. August, 1851. His Excellency congratulates members upon the diligence displayed during a protracted Session, and on the many important measures passed. The grants for the light-houses, &c., on the St. Lawrence, the remission of the light dues, and the reduction of the emigrant tax, will doubtless prove advantageous to the trade. It is satisfactory that the favorable state of the Revenue should have warranted these measures. The various Railway Acts will be productive of very beneficial results to the Province. The Assembly are thanked for the Supplies. The satisfactory condition of the revenue and public credit, the progress of public improvements, the creditable appearance of Canadian industry at the London Exhibition, and the harmonious co-operation of the three branches of the Legislature, have attracted favorable attention to the Province. He will continue to administer the Government in conformity to the wishes of the People in Parliament, and he trusts the religious principles and good sense of the people at large will induce them to eschew all violent measures, and to cultivate respect for the laws, 362. TI. Incidental Proceedings: 28. Speeches of the Governor General, on the opening of the Session, are read by Mr. Speaker, after saying that to pre- Vent mistakes he had procured a copy (and generally ordered to be printed), (1841) 6.—(1842) 3.—(1843) 5. -(1844–5) 2–(1846) 2–(1847) 7–(1848) 2–(1849) 4.—(1850) 3.—(1851) 2. SPEECHES_STATUTES. 507 II. Incidental Proceedings—continued. 24. 25, 26. 27. The same Speeches ordered to be taken into consideration by the House on a certain future day, (1842) 4.—(1843) 6.—(1844–5) 4.—(1846) 2–(1847) 8-(1848) 3–(1849) 5-(1850) 4. Addresses moved in answer thereto, Wide Addresses, 516. Taken into consideration immediately, and Address moved, (1851) 3. The same Speeches referred to Committees of the whole House (by whom resolutions are reported, upon which Addresses are ordered), (1841) 9, 56.—(1842) 9, 15. The same Speeches further considered; Resolutions proposed, for granting a Supply to Her Majesty, (1844–5) 385. —(1846) 42, 49.—(1847) 45,46.—(1848) 38.—(1849) 60, 64.—(1850) 179–(1851) 95. Wide Supply, 19. Portions of the same Speeches again read, and referred to Select Committees, viz —So much of the speech from the throne at the opening of the present Session as relates to—(1846) Kingston and Ottawa Road (not referred), 272––(1850) Public Income and Expenditure, 38.--—(1851) Railways, 50. Wide Addresses, 516. Speaker, 4–8, 60. Spirituous Liquors :—Wide Committees, 73. Customs, 17. Distilleries. Intemperance, 2, 4. Taverms. Spruen, T.:—Wide Education, 211. Stanbridge :—Petition for repeal of the Ordinance erecting that township into a Roman Catholic parish, or for erection of a Protestant parish within the same, (1847) 48.—For a division of the same into two Pro- testant parishes, 100,——Again, (1849) 53. Standing Committees :—Wide Committees, 425—429, 518–526. Standing Orders:–vide Committees, 268, 200, 504–500, 527–588, orders, 1–122. Stanstead: . Petition for restoration of the Registry Office for that county, (1843) 18. . Petition for an increase in the number of terms of the Circuit Court of Stanstead, or that a salary be allowed to the Clerk of the Court, (1844–5) 24. Wide Bridges, 108. Stanstead County Bank:-vide Banks, 38. Stanstead Seminary:-vide Education, 181. Starr 2 Richard N. :—Petition of G. Carruthers and others, executors of the will of the late R. N. Starr, praying for an Act of Incorporation, to enable the inhabitants of Ekfrid and Carradoc to avail themselves of his bequest for the establishment of public libraries therein, (1849) 272–Bill presented, 175. Printing and Fee dispensed with, 233. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 174.) Stationary for Public Departments:–vide Accounts, 397. Addresses, 375. Statutes, Provincial: Bills relative thereto : . To provide for the translation of the laws into the French language; Presented, (1841) 481. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 11.) . To throw open to competition the printing of the laws; Presented, (1844–5) 9. Not proceeded in. . To provide for the distribution of the printed copies of the laws; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 340. Amended in Committee, 357. R. A., 439. (8 Vic, c. 68.) . To amend the law relative to the printing and distribution of the statutes, by limiting the number of copies of private and local Acts to be printed; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 833. R. A., 366, (12 Vic, c. 16.) 508 STATUTES—STEWIEDORES. Statutes, Provincial—continued. 5. To amend the Act relative to the distribution of the statutes; Presented, (1850) 100. Order for second reading discharged, 177. & 6. To repeal the Act providing for the distribution of the printed copies of the statutes, and to make better provision for the distribution thereof; Presented, (1851) 77. Committed, 196. Not considered. 7. To repeal so much of the Act of 12 Vic, (supra 4), relating to the printing and distribution of the statutes, as limits the number of copies of private and local Acts, and to alter the form of the printed statutes, and expe- dite their distribution; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 254. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 81.) 8. Instruction to Committee on Printing, to report on the possibility of reducing the expense of printing and distribu- ting the statutes, &c., (1847) 207. No Report thereon. 9. Instruction to Committee on the distribution of the Canada Gazette, to inquire into the mode of distributing the statutes, (1849) 74. Wide Committees, 846. 10. Instruction to Committee on Printing, to inquire into the cause of the delay in printing and distributing the statutes, and the expediency of altering the present form thereof, and the mode of distribution, (1851) 77. Wide Committees, 452. Also, supra, 7, 14. 11. Resolutions providing that a limited number only of local and private Acts be printed with the statutes, and that private Acts be printed at the cost of the parties (to be paid before the third reading of the Bill); Bill presented, (1849) 333. Wide supra, 4. 12. Motion, that the Clerk be authorized to purchase 50 copies of “Irving's Index to the Statutes of Canada;” Amend- ment, substituting “ten copies,” carried; Main motion agreed to, as amended, (1850) 110. 13. Resolution, That an analytical index to the Acts of this Session (private and local) and such of those of former Ses- sions as were not printed with the Public Acts of former years, be prepared by the Law Clerk, and printed at the end of the Public Acts of this Session, (1851) 207. 14. Resolutions, for substituting printed copies of Bills for the present system of engrossing, also, for repealing the enactment limiting the number of copies of private and local Acts to be printed with the statutes, and for altering the form of the volume of statutes, and expediting their distribution; Communicated to the Council; Bill presented, (1851) 254. (Wide supra, 7.) Message from the Council, acceding to the arrangement, 316. 15. Petition of N. B. Doucet, for aid in the publication of an elementary work on the Laws of Canada, (1844–5) 53. Another Petition, (1847) 30. 16. Petition from Hinchinbrooke, &c., praying that laws intended for country places may be drawn up without ambi- guity, (1849) 21. 17. Petition for a more general distribution of the statutes; Rimouski Mun. Council, (1849) 58. 18. Petition for delivery to certain Militia Officers in Rimouski, of such copies of the statutes as they may be entitled to receive, (1850) 35. 19. Petition of H. Rowsell, of Toronto, for encouragement in the publication of an Index to the Statutes, (1850) 81. Order for procuring 10 copies, 110. Wide Accounts, 385, 478, 551, 552. Addresses, 446, 517, 518. Committees, 283—286, 346, 452. Governor General, 127, 128. Supply, 37–42. Statute Labor:-vide Roads, 22, 881, 888–891. Steam-boats: 1. Bill to regulate steam-vessels; Presented, (1843) 37. Referred, 70. Wot reported. 2. Petition for adoption of proper precautions against fire in steam-boats; Ste. Anne de Varennes, (1843) 58. Wide Sutherland. Steam-ships between Quebec and Liverpool:—vide commius, its Steam-tugs (on the St. Lawreno)-vide Tºad, 5. Stevedores: 1. Bill to regulate the trade of stevedore at the Port of Quebec; Reported by a Committee, (1844–5) 360, Wot proceeded in. 2. Bill to regulate, &c.; Presented, (1849) 92. Referred, 134. Petition for amendments, 143, Petition against the Bill, 174. Both referred to the Committee, 169, 177. No Report. STEVEDORES-SUMMARY. 509 Stevedores—continued. 3. Petition praying that persons unacquainted with the trade of ship-stowers may be prevented from practising the same at Quebec, (1844–5) 177. Referred, 178. Report a Bill, 360. Wide supra, 1. 4. Petition for adoption of a more efficient system of stowing ships' cargoes of timber; Quebec, (1849) 63. Report from Committee on Standing Orders thereon, 91. Stevens, Aaron :—Petition of the sons of the late A. Stevens, for the reversal of his attainder, and for authority to them to hold such portion of his estate as has not been disposed of under the authority of law, (1851) 48. Bill to reverse his attainder, and avoid the forfeiture of certain of his estates; From the Council; Read, 177. His Excellency's recommendation signified, 191. Passed, 233. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 170.) Stevens, O. W. :—vide Rebellion, 9. Stevens, W. O. :-vide Accounts, 855. Addresses, 387. Stevenson, David:—Wide War of 1812, 4. Stills:–vide Distilleries. Stipendiary Magistr ates:—Vide Accounts, 365–867, 553. Addresses, 347, 351,474. Justices, 14. Wellington District, 3. - Stormont:—Wide Elections, 67, 68. Stoves: 1. Petition of J. Smolinski of Quebec, praying that the Russian stove may be substituted for common iron stoves in all public buildings, (1844–5) 132. Referred, 183. Wo Report. 2. Petition of the same, for the heating of the Parliament House by his patent calorifers, (1849) 21. Referred to Committee on Contingencies, 40. Report thereon, 153. Motion to refer that part of the Petition not reported on to another Committee, negatived, 164. - 3. Petition of E. A. Dubois, for appointment of a Committee to inquire into the merits of the caloriferous apparatus for heating large buildings, (1849) 199. Wide Parliament House, 1. Patents, 7. Streetsville Plank Road Co.:-vide Roads, 837. Strickland, John:-Petition of, for compensation for land taken for a road, (1846) 208. Strychnine :—Bill to prohibit the use of strychnine and other poisons for the destruction of certain kinds of wild animals; Presented, (1849) 105. Amended in Committee, 214. R. A., 363. (12 Vic, c. 60) Stuart, C. J... :—Wide Law, Practice of, 26. Stuart, Peter :—Wide Accounts, 555. Addresses, 520. Stull, Adam —vide Pensions, 52. Sugar :—Wide Accounts, 556. Addresses, 521,641. Customs, 56, 70. Summary Convictions :—Resolution, That it is expedient to extend the right of appeal to all cases of summary convictions before Justices of the Peace in Upper Canada, (1843) 78. No order thereon, Vide Committees, 287. 510 SUNDAY-STUPPLY. lºſſ Sunday Labor —vide Lords Day. Super ior, Lake :—Wide Accounts, 321. Addresses, 216, 315. Supervisor of Culler S :—Wide Accounts, 570. Supply, 406. Timber, 11, 22. 5upplm. *\,"vºw"Nº-ºwº, I. Bills of Supply, and Proceedings thereon: 1–14. TI. Committee of Supply, and Rules relative thereto; 15–19. III. Resolutions of Supply included in the annual Supply Bills; 20–317. TV. Resolutions of Supply not included in the annual Supply Bills; 318–431. (1) Appropriations from the Consolidated Revenue Fund, by Special Acts, 318. (2) Appropriations from Special Funds, 353. W. Resolutions of Ways and Means; 432–434. VI. Incidental Proceedings; 435–444. VII. Questions Negatived, or Superseded; 445—450. *— I. Bills of Supply, and Proceedings thereon: 1 . To provide for the Administration of Justice and support of the Civil Government, for 1841; Ordered, (1841) 554. Presented, 562. R. A., 644. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 50)—For details of the various sums granted by the Bill,— Wide infra, 20–297. (Column for 1841.) 2. To grant certain sums to defray certain indispensable expenses of the Government to 31st March, 1843; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 108. Amended in Committee, 113, R. A., 131. (6 Vic, c. 9.) For details, Vide infra, 22, 163, 164. 8. To authorize the charge of £43,207 16s, 5d., advanced at various times, during 1841, 1842, and 1843, without authority of Parliament, for defraying certain expenses of the Civil Government and Public Works,—upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund; Ordered (on 1st Report of Committee on Public Accounts); Presented ; Referred, (1844–5) 887. Reported without amendment, 388. R. A., 442. (8 Vic, c. 71.) 4. To authorize certain sums advanced for certain expenses of the Civil Government for 1843 and 1844, to be charged on the Consolidated Revenue Fund; Ordered (on 3rd Report of Committee on Public Accounts); Presented (1844–5) 486. R. A., 441. (8 Vic, c. 70.) Wide infra, 22. 9 5. To provide for defraying certain expenses of the Civil Government for 1845; Ordered; Presented, (1844–5) 400. Amended in Committee, 409. R. A., 441. (8 Vic, c. 69.) Wide infra, 23–304. 6. To provide for do. for 1846; Ordered, (1846) 322, 336. Presented, 337. R. A., 346. (9 Wic, c. 63.) Wide infra, 24–308. 7. To appropriate certain sums for expenses of the Civil Government for 1847, and certain other expenses not provided for; Ordered, (1847) 102, 119. Presented, 161. Committed, 165. Instruction, to embody the Resolutions adopted this day; Bill amended in Committee, 173. R. A., 218. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 34.) Wide infra, 24– 810. Also Accounts, 318. SUPPLY-continued. 511. I. Bills of Supply, and Proceedings thereon—continued. 8. Granting £140,000 for the expenses of the Civil Government for 1848; Ordered; Presented, (1848) 69. R. A., 81. (11 Vic, c. 8.) 9. To provide for raising by Debentures £125,000 to meet the exigencies connected with the public works; Ordered; Presented, (1848) 69. R. A., 81. (11 Vic, c. 9.) 10. To provide for certain expenses of the Civil Government for 1849; Ordered, (1849) 339. Presented, 346. R. A., 367. (12 Vic, c. 32.) Wide infra, 23–311. 11. Granting certain sums required for defraying certain expenses of the Civil Government for 1849 and 1850, out of the Consolidated Revenue and Jesuits' Estates Funds; Ordered, (1850) 252,265. Presented, 267. R. A., 285. (4 Vic, c. 1.) Wide infra, 23–314. 12. To provide for raising £187,573 14s. 8d., on the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, (for Public Works) and £30,000 on the security of the Upper Canada Building Fund (for the Lunatic Asylum and Normal School); Ordered; Presented, (1850) 267. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic., c. 2.) 13. Granting certain sums required for defraying certain expenses of the Civil Government for 1851, out of the Consolidated Revenue and Jesuits' Estates Funds; Ordered, (1851) 218, 253. Presented, 253. (Resolutions of Ways and Means, 321.) Motion to re-commit Bill, to add a clause requiring all public revenues to be paid in by collectors, without any deductions for salaries, &c., negatived; Passed, 280. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 46.) Wide infra, 23–317. - 14. To provide for raising £196,580 15s. 2d. on the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund; Ordered; Presented, (1851) 321. Read second time, on division, 332. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 72.) [NOTE.-All other Bills of Supply, granting money for special purposes, will be found under their ºrespective heads: for the Resolutions on which they are founded,—Wide infra, 318–431.] TI. Committee on Supply, and Rules relative thereto : 15. Resolution, That any motion made in the House for any public aid, subsidy, duty, or charge upon the people, shall be adjourned to a further day, and then be referred to a Committee of the Whole, and their opinion be reported before any vote of the House do pass thereupon (47th Rule), (1841) 43. 16. Resolution, That all Supplies granted are the sole gift of the Assembly, and all Bills for granting the same ought to begin with the Assembly, whose right it is to direct in such Bills, the purposes, conditions, &c., of such grants, which are not alterable by the Legislative Council (48th Rule), (1841) 43. 17. Resolution, That in order to expedite business, the House should not insist on its privilege of laying aside Bills or amendments, from the Council, because they impose or alter pecuniary penalties, provided such penalties are only to punish offences, and do not tend to lay a burden on the subject (49th Rule), (1841) 43. 18. Motion, (on proceeding to consider in Committee of Supply, His Excellency's message relative to the Estimates for 1841) that all aids and supplies are the sole gift of the Assembly, and the House proceeds now to consider of a Supply to be granted to Her Majesty, in the hope that justice will be done to the inhabitants of this Province in regard to an appropriation made by the Imperial Parliament for the support of the Provincial Government, out of the moneys levied in the Province; Amendment, that it is the undoubted right of the Assembly to grant all aids to Her Majesty, negatived; Amendment, that in the first Session held under the Union Act it is not expedient to discuss the principles on which that measure was framed, carried, (1841) 519, 526. Motion, that no votes for salaries beyond those heretofore recognized by the Assemblies of U. and L. Canada, be held as engaging the House for the future; Amendment, that the House, in deferring any expres- sion of opinion, are actuated by an desire to arrive at practical conclusions, on which to claim such modifica- tions as may be found desirable, negatived by casting vote of Speaker; Main motion carried by the same, 527. Motion, that statements of the emoluments of all commissioned officers on an average of five years, be laid before the House every Session, with a Return of all advances made &c., remaining unaccounted for, and balances remaining due by collectors, agreed to; House then goes into Committee of Supply, 528. (Vide Committees, 588.) Above proceedings printed, 553. House renews the foregoing Resolutions, and then resolves itself into a Committee of Supply, (1842) 104. (Wide Committees, 289.) (1843) The like, 190. Wide Committees, 290. 19. Resolution, (upon the consideration of His Excellency's Speech) that a Supply be granted to Her Majesty; House goes into Committee to consider of such Supply, (1844–5) 385. Wide Committees, 291. (1846) The like, 49. Wide Committees, 292. (1847) Resolution proposed, 45. Committed, 46. Considered and adopted; Committee of Whole to consider of such Supply, 68. Wide Committees, 293. (1848) Resolution proposed, &c., (as above), 38, 49, 52. Wide Committees, 294. (1849) Resolution proposed, 64. Agreed to, 75. Wide Committees, 295. (1850) Resolution proposed, 179. Agreed to, &c., 192. Wide Committees, 296. (1851) Resolution proposed, 95. Agreed to, &c., 119. Wide Committees, 297. É III. Resolutions of Supply included in the annual Supply Bills: 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844–5. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. pp. 288, 322 to pp. 102, 119, pp. 127, and 339 pp. 252 to 257, pp. 218 to 224 pp. 554 to 561. p. 108. p. 191. pp. 889 to 898. *śjº. and 170. p. 69. to 346. and 265. and 253." CIVIL GOVERNMENT. £ S. d. £ s. d. # S. d. # S. d. # S. d. £ S. d. # S. d. £ S. d. 3 s. d. £ S. d. (In addition to amounts granted by the Union Currency. Sterling, Currency. Currency. Currency. Currency. Currency. Currency. Currency Act, Schedules A. and B.) 20. Salaries, Public Departments of U.Canada, 1st Jan. to 9th Feb., 1841,. . . . . . . . . . . . 1380 15 8 21. Casual and Extraordinary Expenses, U. * Canada, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 0 0 Sterling. 22. Expenses of Civil Government not other tºº, 9 - f wise provided for. tº e º g º G & © tº gº © tº e º e s a s & e e º e s e º ºs e e s e ... 100,000 0 0 21,364 12 7 ſ. ' ' ' ' ' ' e e º e º tº e º 'º' e e º 'º e º e e s a e e º e º a e e º º dº º tº dº tº e º º º ... 140,000 0 0 23. Extra salaries, Clerks and Messengers in 57,680 14 11+ 591 0 0 public offices,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e dº º e º e º e º º tº º e º e e • * * * ~ 0 e º e s e e e s e e • e e s e e s tº e s e e s e e 20 0 0 }. . . . . tº e o e º e º e • e e i e s e e e o e e o e o e º e s e tº e e º e º 'º e º 'º tº e e º e t 741 0 O } 688 15 }} 1173 10 0 Sterling 24. Unforeseen expenses of Public Service,.. 500 0 0 1. . . . . . . . . . . . gº e º e º º gº tº e e º º tº e º 'º we e º e 500 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 |... . . . . . . . tº º ºs º º º 500 0 0 , 500 0 0 500 0 0 25. Arrears of former years. . . . . . . & © e º e e s a e e © e e e º e o º © e e g º e i e º e º ºs e e. . . . . . . º º e i e e º ºs e º e º e º e º e e º e e e a e e e e º e e e º e a e e i s e º 0 e º e e º 'o e º e s e º f * 0 ° e º 'º º º & © 2 º' © s tº º a e g e & © e g c tº © e º 'º e e 22,195 9 10 26,154 6 10 9600 3 9 26. French Translator, . . . . . . . . . .......... 12 10 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © tº tº º ºs 260 5 6 350 0 0 350 0 0 |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 0 0 350 0 0 116 13 0 27. Salaries, rents, &c., Customs Department, 82 2 6 28. Books for Executive Council, ..... ......l.......... C & © e º e º 'º e º º e º sº tº e º & © tº dº is e e º e e º e s e º e e e e º e a e º e º e º e s e º e º e o e e 200 0 0 & a tº a 9 220 () 0 2500 0 0 1901 0 0 29. Militia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . © º ºs e º e º e o e º e º 'º e e 281 15 0 | . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * > . . } 828 2 6 500 0 0 } 2971 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } 40 0 0 } 1941 0 0 1856 0 0 30. Provincial Aide-de-Camp, e e º e º e º e º e º 'º º 90 O 0 e e º & e º e º e e º e º e º e & E & Sº e º º & © tº e e º ſº e 200 O O º e º ſº tº e de Gº º º º º gº º O e 900 O O • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 200 0 0 200 O O 200 0 0 IEGISLATURE. 31. Legislative Council, Contingencies and § Salaries,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e ] e. e. e. e. * * * tº e º e º e º e º 'º e e ë e e º ºs e o e º e º t e º tº e e º 'º e º e º e º e e º 'º e 90.36 13 4 8370 0 0 8020 0 0 | . . . . . . . . . . . & e º e s 9026 0 0 6020 O 0 '7345 e ºf , º Currency. O 27,600 0 0 % 9 9 || 84.600 o 0 || 32,600 0 0 32. Legislative Assembly, Do,. . . . . . ..] 5000 0 0 ||.............. & © e º e s a º ºs e e s e e º e o e 22,093 3 0 24,850 0 0 2v v V v v i e < * * * * * * © e tº º e o e e } 16,000 0 0 } 3. j 33. Arrears of salary due Hon. Mr. Papineau, - as Speaker of Assembly of L. Canada (p. 288), tº dº º º e º º e g g º e º e º 'º e e s tº e º e e • e i e s tº e e tº e º 'º º º & e º 'º e ſº º tº Q e º e e º 'º º G & * * * | * * * * e º e º e º 'º e e º e e e - e º 'º e º e º 'º º º e º e e 4500 0 O © 2000 O 0 34. Parliamentary Library, e e o e º e º e e s e o is ſº e * e º ºs e º e e s tº © e º 'º e º a c e º g g g g g g º e & e º 'º & © tº e º e º e º 'º dº º e º ſº º e e e º e º e º e o e º 'º e > e e e º e º 'º © e º ºs e tº e e º e o e º e o e º º e º e & & © tº e º e º e o ºr e a ë e e º e a e e e º ſº G is ſº º e º ſº º e º 'º e 2000 0 0 { 2000 O 0 35. Pensions of officers and servants of Legis- - latures of Upper and Lower Canada,...]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1235 13 4 1118 13 4 985 6 8 |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614 0 () 460 13 4 460 13 4 #: § 36. Clerk of Crown in Chancery, Fees and Contingencies,... . . . 37. Commissioners for revising the Statutes. 38. 39. 40. Do. Revised Statutes, ... . . . Do. Ordinances of Special Council, L. C. e S e º e º e º e º e º e º 'º & 8 Printing the Statutes (and other public printing),. . . . . . . . . e e º e º 0 º ºs & e º e º e 41. Distributing the Laws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42. Translation of Index to Laws of J. Canada |, (In addition to amounts granted by Union Act, 4 3 44. 4 5 46. 47. 48. 49. 51. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Schedule A.). . . . Wavious expenses attending the same, in TJ. Canada, 1st Jan. to 10th Feb., 1841. Clerk of the Crown, U. Canada, . . . . . . . . Intern refers to the Courts, L. Canada, . Penitentiary,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. (additional), . . . . . . e e º O & e º 'º e º sº tº e tº e º us Superintendent of Crown Witnesses,..., Balance due Attorney Gen. Ogden,..... Counsel for the Crown Crim. Prosecutions. Shelbrooke,. . . . . . Travelling allowances of Judges, T. C.,.. Contingent expenses of Admin. of Justice, (U. and I. C.), . . . . . Rent, repairs, &c., to Gaols, L. C.,. . . . . . Montreal Gaol, improvements, &c.,... . . . Judges or Commissioners in Bankruptcy, L. C., . . . . . . . Clerk of Bankruptcy Court Quebec, for a Return,. . . . . . . . Reward for apprehension of Peter Davis. e e º e º e º 'º e º ºr e º 'º e º e º 'º e º & tº $ } • B e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e º º te e º e s & e º & Q & © e º dº º e º e 4 is ºn g º O Ú º e º O & © e e s e 800 0 0 Sterling. 62. 1 Currency. * * 8 3000 O 0 Sterling. 1800 () () Currency. 235 0 1 53 8 6 11,271 0 0 | s e e s p e : tº @ & tº e º 9 tº e º O p e < * , tº º • º ºs º º e a tº e º º e o 'º e º 'º e º e º e e tº e C C C & © e º G & © tº a s e e e º gº e º O & 0 & 0 & © e s • e º e º e º O e º 'º e º 'º º e * @ e s - © e a tº s tº e g º a * e º 'º e º 'º - e & © tº Q 6 tº * e g º e g º & C & © tº e º e P * e g º º e º e g º e e º & © - tº e º º ſº e o O p e º 'º e º 0 ° wº • e º 'º º e º 'º º & © º ºs e e º & * @ e & 8 º' C. e º e C & © e o a tº º e º ſº e º e s tº e C & © . * @ e º & © e - e º e º e º e I 6 e º gº e º 'º e º 'º e º e º º e g a 6 e s tº e s 6 o e º a s a tº e º tº º C º º 'º & © tº dº tº e e s e a e < e º º e º ſº e e s ºf * G & º e º 'º e e º a tº e º 4 © º & © e e tº e g c tº º e g º e * G & ºn tº º e º e º 6 e º e º a & e º e s e & © e o e º e a e e tº e º 'º e e º 'º e º º ºs e g º a © & & © tº º e º ºs e e e s = } 150 0 }} 297 18 11 600 0 } } { b)0 0 0 } 4500 0 0 1400 0 0 300 0' 0. © º e g o & tº e º O p & © tº 12.7% 3) 100 () 0 }. } 30g o O } 70 0 (0 J 58 2 3 271 6 1 * 8 6 5 25\}0 O 0 75 0 0 95 0 () * c e e º O & © c & © tº e g º º e s m e o e º 'º e º e g º e º s e e º & © tº 9 & © tº e º e º º } } * @ 150 ſ) 100 () T 10 5000 0 741 8 '783 () 96 7 * 0 0 65() () 60 0 G{}{)0 0 20 00 0 © & © e º 'º e º O º e º e w . O a e º 0 & 9 e º Gº tº e º O º ºr 150 | 00 C00ſ) 12,762 '70 600 e e º & e º 'º 37:3 26.15 400 26 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 I 8 1 1 11 8 0 0 2 0 0 0 • * * * * @ O & © 6 e e s e a w • e 6 b c & 6 º' tº 9 @ e g e º e e 3 g º O & Cº e o e º a © e g o e º e º e º e º – º e º 'º e º O & © tº º ºs e - e e º e g c e º f tº E tº dº tº e e º e s a tº e g º g º e º & t e º O e º & © gº tº ſº º O © tº º 150 0 0 100 () 0 5000 0 () bj00 0 () 16,250 0 0 25,000 0 0 90 0 0 75 1 4 150 0 100 0 (9000 0 500 0 7500 0 0 s & e s tº 6 @ & e o dº tº e e s s 25,000 0 0 150 0 100 0 6000 O 600 () 5000 0 0 310 3 8 30,000 0 0 * The vote of 1843 was merely an advance authorized by Resolution, for the necessary expenses of the Service up to 31st March, 1844–and was covered by an Act of the next Session,-8 Vic, c. 70, + This latter sum is omitted from the printed Journals, but appears in the M. S. Journal of 4th Dec., 1843,-Wide 1st and 3rd Reports of Select Committee on Public Agcounts, 1844–5–App. M. M. # º sº .lºg . year in detail, the above sum being granted (by 11 Vic. c. 8) for the expenses of the Civil Government, and a further sum (as stated below) for Públic Works, *rear'S Of ASSCI1101W Of U. U3,113,018, § Resolution amended by adding a proviso that the Clerk of the Council shall receive no additional allowance beyond his Salary, p. 224, #. III. Resolutions of Supply included in the annual Supply Bills—continued. 1841. 1842, 1843. 1844–5. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. pp. 288,322 to pp. 102,119, pp. 127, and 339 pp. 252 to 257, pp. 218 to 224, pp. 554 to 561. p. 108. p. 191. pp. 889 to 898. $0.3. and 170. p. 69. to 346. and 265. and 253. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE—continued, # S. d. f s. d £ s, d £ s. d if S. d. # s. d. £ S. d. , £ s. d £ s, d. £ S. d 59. Prothonotaries in Gaspé,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gº © tº g º ºs- tº e º e º 9 e e i t is e a e e gº º 'º e º C tº º tº e s a e e º e º ºr e º & 6 s & © 6 e & e g c e º e e c e e i e o & © e o e o e tº ºr e º dº tº e 100 0 U 60. Salaries of Judges, &c., L. C. (additional), . . . . . . . . . © º e s tº e o e s e a e e g o º e 9 & e e º e i t e º e º 'º e o is a e º 'º º º, º j & e º e e º e º e º e e e º p º ºf º 'º e º 'º e e º e a tº e e e º e º $ tº a e o e s e e o e º e ] e º e o 'º e º e s s e e e s e e i s e a .e. 6 º' º ºg ' tº Q & e o s e 4194 9 0 4.194. 9 O 61. Rewards for arrest of offenders, by Messrs. 12 10 O Capreol and Kingsmill, &c., * * * * * * * * * * | * e o e s e e s e e s e s e o e ] e s e e dº tº e g º º ºs º º º tº tº e tº e º e º ºs e s tº e º J & © E & e º ºr e º ºr ºr e º a tº dº º & G O C. & © & © e º s e º e e & * @ e º 'º e º e º ſº º e º is dº º e º ºs & © e º e º 'º e º e º s e } 100 () Ú 62. Mounted Police, Montreal, e tº e º e º e a º ºs e e is e s e º Q & & e s a e e s e s \ c e o e s e © tº e e º e º G & e i e º O e º e • * tº e º e e s e e tº a gº e g º e º gº tº • a g © Q. © 0 & © t; ºn e º & © gº s tº º ſº e º ſº g º Q & Q & © tº e i º e º e º & © tº e º 'º º * @ º º 6'780 O O 63. Rural Police, Three Rivers,.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © tº © tº e º e º e e e q e o a e e o e º e º e º O e o e o a tº e º ºs e º s s ºr e o e s \ e º 'º 8 º' & © a 6 e º e g g g g e º is is e e e a e º 'º e s tº 6 sº e º 'º e º e º e º º e º & & © s e e º 'º e e s , s e º e º e s 1 & © e • * g e º e s ∈ e. tº º ſº tº '750 0 O 64, Gratuity to F. Rose, Constable, for injuries,. . . . . . . * * * > * @ e º 'º e º e s tº © e º ſº e & e tº tº c is e º e º e e s 6 tº © tº tº c s ſº tº a tº e º & G & G s e e s e : * * © e º & © tº 6 c e e g g g g | * * * ºr e º e º d e g g g tº e tº & e e º 'º a 9 & 0 & 3 e º E tº ſº I e º 'º º e º sº tº © º e º dº e e 50 0 (0 65. Sheriff of Home and Midlalud Districts * salaries for 4 years tº g tº 3 tº tº tº e s e e º e º 'o e º & & © & & 8 & © © & e; tº & & & © e s a s e s & 6 & & e i s e º e º tº & tº & © Q & ſº te e º & º e º & & Cº. © e º 'º & a dº e º e o e º e º is e e tº º tº º gº g g g tº g : * * e º te tº º e © º º o o 0 || > d e o e e s e º e s e o e o e e a e gº º e º 'º e º s to e º & 888 17 9 EMIGRATION. & Sterling. §3 66. Expenses connected therewith * * * * * * * * * * 35(30 () O s tº e º 'º º * © º © & © tº e º 'º tº ſº º º ºs º ºs e & C & G & © & © & © e g º O & a Q º º ºs º º ſº tº º ºr ºf Q 10,000 O O º, º º º tº tº 3 & tº tº 5399 8 5 67. Repayment for advances from Military & Chest for do., in 1840....... « e º gº tº e º & 2289 4 3 68. Quarantine Establishments, Quebec and & Grosse Isle, tº º tº ſº e º e º 'º º tº ºf º & e s tº e s e e e o e e º e º e e s a s & s e s is e e i s e e s tº s tº e s e i s 6 e e s s e o e e s e o e e s s e e s a 1800 O O 1860 O O 10,000 U O EDUCATION,+ (Chiefly for two years.) * Currency. f 70, Upper Canada College,........ Q & Q @ º e a 989 6 10% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2222 4 4. 111.1 2 2 111.1 2 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.1 2 2 111.1 2 2 1111 2 2 71. Victoria College, Cobourg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 o gº º º sº e o & C & 6 tº º e º & b00 () () 600 () () 500 0 0 72. Queen's College, Kingston, tº g e º e º e º e º 'º & • * * * * * * * g e sº e s e e s e e o a dº e s e º 6 e s e s e e i e º e º s e a e e a s e e s a - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 0. 0 500 0. O * c e º 'º e º G & tº $ tº C º 0 & 500 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 '73. Regiopolis College, Kingston,.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 0 0 w Q & Q & © e 0 tº 's 9 & © Q & 500 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 74. Normal School, Upper Canada (erection) (Wide infra, 488),. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • e e s - e º e a e g c e o e o s p a s e e o s e o e o e s is e i s a e e e º e o e e e o 'º e s a a e º e s e e º a e s e o e º e i s e e o 'º e o O p 6 & 6 a s o v ∈ C e º 0 & 0 9 s e º t e º 15,000 O 0 75. Common Schools, U.C. (prior to the Union) 5650 0 0 69. Chief Superintendents of Education for Upper and Lower Canada, including Clerks, &c. (Wide also infra),. . . . . . . . e p * • e s is e a e s e e e e i e s e º e o & © tº a di º e s e s e º e s e o e s s e e o e º e a 1310 0 O #: '76. 77. '78. '79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92 * 93, 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 101. 102. Central School, Toronto,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 0 14 Toronto Academy, (Free Presbyterian). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peterborough School,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 15 74 Various Schools, &c., in Lower Canada, Sterling. * (prior to the Union),. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695 0 0 Royal Institution for advancement of • Learning, L. Canada,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 5 0 |.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº 167 15 '7 167 15 'ſ 167 15 7 |............ ge e Chambly College,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º a tº e. e. 350 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 | . . . . . . . . * * : * * g e St. Hyacinthe College,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 0 () 1300 0 0 300 0 0 | . . . . . . . . tº gº g º O e º q L'Assomption College,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 0 0 175 0 . 0 } # }} * * * 6 s a e e e º 6 e e e º ºn College of Ste. Anne de la Pocatière, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 0 0 450 0 0 300 0 0 |. . . . . . . . . . . . © & © a Ste. Thérèse College,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e a e e s ] e s e o 'º e e s e a e e e o a e I tº e o 'º e e º 'º a e º is e e s e e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 35() () () } : º }} tº e e º gº * * * * * g º e º º e Nicolet College,. . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * : . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º a o e º 'º e º e a o e o c e s e i e s a e º e º 0 & © e a e e i e ] e o 'º - 9 s e º e o 6 s e º 'º e s ] , s & e º 'º e ſº e i e & 200 0 0 l. . . . . . . . . . . . . Bishop's College, Lennoxville, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * G - e º ºs e º e º e i º tº & Q & © tº ſº e º ºs e g © tº & e e º e e º 'º º e º e º tº a º & tº e © tº e º e o O & © tº e º ºs e º e º e Q & © G & º º º 250 0 0 |... . . . . . . . gº tº Joliette College, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & ſº tº e º e e is e e o e e e s e a e s a e e s & e o e e s e e s : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * e º e tº º e g º e º e º & º 100 0 0 |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Masson College, Terrebonpe,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * sº e s e s e e s : * * * * * * * * & © tº gº tº º & © * * * * * g e º e s e º se g g º & * * * * * * * * * e º 'º w w & e s e s e a o a a e s e. e. e. e. e. Rigaud College,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * @ 6 & 8 tº t e º e g º e s tº e º º ſº tº tº e º & Q & © we * * * * * * * * * * * * > 0 ° a e º e e s e e g º e º o e g a Medical Faculty of McGill College,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 0 0 500 () () 300 0 0 |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montreal School of Medicine (Wide also infra, 446.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o, e i e o e s e e º 'º & © tº 4 • e e º f * * * * * * * * & e º º e g º & W = e s a e s a tº º o ºs e e º º & 300 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medical Faculty of Quebec,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & sº e i s & d e º e o ºs e a g e e s = e i s e e º e º e º ºs e e © e s e º f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * e o e s a s e e s e s o e s a o o e s e e º a v e º & e º 'º a 6 e a e o e s e s a e s s a e Nautical School at Quebec,............ s & G, º e i s e º e º 'º e g º e i s 6 & O & © e º e º 'º e º e a e ] e º O & © tº e º º e e os e e s e ] e < * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : , , , s , , a tº e g is a tº g º º tº e g º & © o e º 'º e 8 º' g o º a s e tº g º 'º º e & c. * * * * * Sterling. Montreal High School (or Gram. School), 63 10 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 4 6 282 4 6 282 4 6 |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do. National School, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * @ & © tº e e s tº 6 e º e º e º e º e & 222 4 6 11.1 2 3 111 2 3 | . . . . . * * 9 e º e o e e s a Do. British and Canadian School, . . . . . . . . tº a s a e e s = e e s ] e º e e e s tº e e s a e º e º e º a 9 s s e s e o 0 ° 9 @ 9 @ 9 º' " 400 () 0 200 0 0 200 o 0 l. . . . . . * * * * g º º Do. St. Jacques School, . . . . . . . . . . . e is a e i e g º o e s e s e -e ºr I e º e s e e s - o tº dº º & e g is . e e e g º e s e e º 'º e º ſº º ſº 350 0 0 250 0 0 250 0 0 . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * Do. Recollet School,. . . . . . • a e s a e e s e o e o e º e s e e < e < e a • a e º e o e e s e e s e s e o e i e < e < * * * * * * * * * * * * 120 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 Do, Presbyterian Free School, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e º e º 'º e º e º 'º º 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do. Normal School, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 8 8 * Resolution appropriating these two sums for the Qpening of Roads for settlement, were passed in 1849, (p. 345.) + Of the amounts granted for Colleges and Schools in Lower Canada in 1846 and 1847, certain of the sums were specifically grante granting a certain portion of the whole amount voted for Colleges and Schools, out of the Said Fund, in bulk, Wido infra, 433,434, s e º 'º e º e o e º e º e s is 167 15 7 300 () 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 3)0 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 () 1 ()0 0 () 25ſ) () () £50 0 0 100 () () 282 4 6 11.1 2 3 200 () () 250 0 0 100 0 0 • * 0 & 0 & 0 & © e o a e a e e 167 15 '7 300 () () 800 0 0 300 () (? 300 0 0 300 0 0 200 (; 0. 250 0 0 100 0 () 250 0 0 200 100') 282 6 11.1 2 3 200 Q () 250 () 0 100 0 0 1000 0 16'7 15 300 0 300 () 1000 0 800 0 3Uſ! () 300 0 500 0 200 0 250 () 100 0 250 0 150 0 250 0 250 0 2: () () 282 4 | 11 2 200 () 250 0 100 0 : d out of the Jesuits’ Estates Fund, while in subsequent Sessions a Resolution was reported from the Committee of Ways and Mcams, 516 SUPPLY-confinued. O C C c <> o CD C C C C C, Jº *Cº Țſ I CO C ‘9;3 on 338 pus ºſ, I 'dd 09 III 0í)] (, Ô ÛģI ‘ol,T Đue, ‘6īı ‘ZOI ºdd 0 0 0}} «r» º ſö (3 • • • • § € œ • • © © º to w { 9 0 Çý {\ 8} ? 3’I ‘9şg pag ‘Qºg 04 zz$ $3z ºddſ !}} 3 ſº I “) 0 0 03 • & e & e & © • • • • • • • ( 0 0 0Q& \ { (\ 0 \,6} 0 () (jſ08 *969 cą 898 ºdd ‘IGI ºd © : • • “Igg 04 †gg ºdd * Ig8I *1.78I (Coq0S uboſ 19ūI’W “N qs!!! Igſ ºoOI ∞ → • • • • • • • • • • • • ••“Kuropeoſ9x{oo}{{JºUS · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·**(p)ſoğaqS) 00ļ1248 AA që ‘KUuºpěOW 8, unojļēſī ‘’W “A3ȚI • • • • • • • • • • • •*(10ųÐ89),S\}9.Kg19sįsserT ‘EI ‘O ºlıp subº II W.) ‘OCI‘OGI ‘OCI · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · țootſos • I • • • • • • • {ÁņaſoosūOļģeonpȚISJØAĻĶI 99.IIII, {\(\ſi C. C. (){}}[ 00ī G. G. C. C. C 0 00Ī & Iſų į *† Il £9. C. J. & D rt; ad &R, 0 0 0 C2 C C, C § 5 \\ Q ºpº 5 0ģ 09 0g 001 Ôae) 001 t)GI {)ÔI • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • () ()) i () } ) I O K-2 Q1. C. ! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ø § ø œ • © • • è • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • & � � � • • • {)9 09 [ « » * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e ø œ œ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • w • • • t 0 0 0{JI III 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ) I º 0 00 £ 0 0 0 0 i () () 0{}[ • • • § © ® • • • • • • • • • • {\ \) 0') { 0 0 0Ů3 § ?, † [ [ Ų () 00:3 *8? ºp » e e o © ® e º e es œ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • © ø • • • • • ■ ■ • c • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0'Jð 0 0 {}{}1 1\ 0 0U Z (} ſ\ {}{}3 () {} Q(√3 () (} ſ}{\% * → ∞, ∞ → • • • • d • • • s « »£ïIȚ 0 \\ {\QZ *^ „ºſ. » {)}); Il $ $6 I 0 0 099 � � © © ® © ® • • • & � & Ō ō e � � • § € © · � � � � • • • • • • • • • • � � � � � e ø Œ œ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ºp ºs 3º ‘quº.Ing I ?S op 9IĻeņņsnptII ºſutøpeoW , I · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ‘ſooqos projpeg · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·‘Kurapcow Kątraip • •· ·• • • • • • • • • • •‘Kuropeoſ9IIIA30ūOJBIO ? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·țooqosq3įHUTequnGI *9ț8I ºg-ffff9I ºgŽSI ºg þSI * IŤ SI · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·, ſoțoos • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Keropeoſ progøqs · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ‘Á’rauſtaaş puºqstreys · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·‘Kuraptow uoņsopratto · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ‘Áttoppoſy roņuog · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ‘footosqëȚEI*CCI · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · țooțos,QueſūIºc • • • • • • • • •*‘ſooqoŞ8,A\alpu W“ļS * * *‘ſooņos ueſpicugo pue qsņĮug ‘OOT *OOI • • • • • • • • • • • • •*“\oot;?Sį būOȚ48N‘OOT e • • • • • • • • • •‘‘Á’ye ſoosuogų gonpȚI09ųºnò ????:??!!09-NOVJ, WOQOTOT *9 II ºg II *# II ºg II "ZII *III *OII "60ſ ’80I * 1,01 ’90I ºgOI *#0Ț ’80I ºpºnuſquo,—sȚIIGI KĻddnŞ Ibnuue otſ! uſ pòpmĮouļ ĶīddnŞJO SUOIȚnĮOSOŅI ‘III SJ # º f 124. Indian School, Lorette,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do. Do. Do. 125. Caughnawaga, . . . . . . . . . . 126. St. Regis,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127. St. Francis, . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, &c. 128. Lunatic Asylum, Montreal,... . . . . . . . . . 129. Do. do. Beauport,. . . . . . . . . . . 130. Toronto... . . . . . . . . . . . 131. Relief of insane persons, foundlings and sick, District of Quebec,........... © tº 132. Relief of insane persons, foundlings and sick, District of Montreal,........ e tº e e 133. Relief of insane persons, foundlings, and sick, District of Three Rivers,........ 184. Montreal Hospital,................... 135. Do. 186. Do. Ladies' Benevolent Society,..., 137. Do. Roºm. Cath. Cºrphan Asylum,.. 138. Do. Lying-in Hospišal, (University), 139. JDo. do., (under care of Les Soeurs de la Miséricorde), ....... Q & © e 140. Quebec Protestant Female Orphan Asy- Ulid, “ - - - - - - - - - - - - - tº e º 'º tº º e º º º tº e º e º e 141. Quebec Rom. Cath. Orphan Asylum,.... 142. Do. Male Orphan Asylum,.... . . . . . . Do. Marine Hospital, (2nd relief of ship-wrecked seamen). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Protestant Orphan Asylum,.... • * 0 e º e º e o e o e º e º e © º O & © C & © e o e º e º e & & © tº e & © e º e º e o e º e & Sterling. 270 0 0 430 0 0 237 10 0 170 0 G 225 0 0 22 10 0 22 10 0 22 10 0 * * * * * * * e o & e e º 'º w tº * * @ & e ºr e e s e e º e s e e 22 10 0 22 10 0 22 R0 0 * @ 9 - © tº e º 'º e º e o 'º e º e a • * ~ 6 e º 0 < e < e e e e e - | * * e e o e e º O & O & tº e a c e e a & e e g º e º e e º O & © tº e • e º e o 'º e º e o O © tº º º “ a e º e e o e º 'º & © tº a e e s e e º e e e s e e º – e º w • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s e o e º e º e º e º & © e a • * > & Cº a e e s e e º e º e is * @ e º 'º e o O & © e e a e º 'o e e º e º º, e º e º e a e- a tº a 9 @ & © tº e Q & Q & e º a e º A. & e º e º 'º e º e º 'o, º & w w = • * * * * * *, e. e. e. e. tº a s a w e g º e G & © e º e º 'º e º Gº e tº e º e º 'º º tº t e º 'º e a s a s e e s e e s a e º 'º e • * * © tº a tº e e º e s e e o e 4 e a tº 0 º G & © tº e º e º O © tº e e e e º 0 ° & © tº e º 'º e º 'º º e • e º e º ºs e o e º e º ºs e e º i º e * @ e º 'º e º 0 tº e o & e º e s * 6 e s e e º O e º 'º e º e e 2 e s tº e º e o O & & © e e a e • * c e º e º e º e º O e s ∈ tº ... tº e o e º e e º ºs e º e º ºs e 50 0 () 1000 0 0 2250 O C * @ 9 º' e º e º e g g is * : * & © e s tº ºr o e º a e º e º e J', 5 () () 990, 0 0 1 * : 0 } 50 50 50 . 50 55( 0 () 3000 0 122T 1.1 26.9%. , 0. } () 0 *) Ö 'l 5 Ö G '75 () e 6 e º a tº e º e º e a e e i s * 5 () ‘ī 5 0 * 5 0 sº -- O O O 0 () * * * * * * > 0 e º e e º e º º 0. O 50 50 50 60 55 (FC 4(300 * I ºf j'ſ 50 1:500 100 1CU 103 ſ] 0 3 4 0 A 4 & 6 e º e & 0 & a e o e e e • e º e o e º e º 'o e º e º e e 4 º' e s e e º e ºr e º e º e e “ e e º 'º e º e º ºs e e º e e v e º 'º e s e º e e a e e e º e * e º e s e s = e º 'º e a • * - tº a tº Q & © tº a • * * * * * * * g e º 'º e º e º a e º 'º e 6 º' s B v. & © e º e is a e g º s. * * * * e a e s e a q a s a e e © e º e º e º e º 0 & - a tº • * * g e e º e e º e o a e º • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4. ( O º º £80 0 } {}00 0 10A) (; 100 U. 100 G 50 0 Q() 0 O()Q C 50 0 : 50 () 50 0 0 5000 0 () 5000 G * 156:00 0 10,0 0 (. 10:30 C, C '700 G 1000 () 10.) {\ 100 0 50 0 C 200 () () 1(;C 0 () 1(\} \} () 50 50 50 50 1.00 'I MO 1("C0 100 100 j Q1) 5U 50 100 1 (Y) 100 Do. do. 143. 144. Toronto Hospital,.................... 145. Do. House of Industry,............ 146. Kingston, Relief of indigent sick persons, Currency. 500 U () 350 0 0 350 0 0 * @ Kº e º a 9 º' tº gº © tº º 0 & " • * ~ * e a e e s e et a • * * * • s e e º e o e e º e e s e e = • a e º e º e s tº e º O º e º 'º se e s a tº e o e º ( ~ 6 c s s a a dº e º 6 c > 0 º a c e º 'º tº e © tº e º e g º º 'º - e. g. e. 1 1000 0 () 7(;0 0 9 * 00 0 U 2i's 19 5(){} 0 800 0 3()(\ 0 25 2.23 $750 {500 {500 s e º e º 'º & © e º e . • * > * > e º O e e g º e º 'º - • * c e e s a e º e º 4 e º e - * e < e < * * * * * * * * & © 1. • e º e s e e º e º e s e º 'º e • e º e & © a lº e º 'º e s a e s '50 §3.0 500 3 11 *To be raised by debentures, on the credit of the U. Canada Luuatic Asylumn tax; the principal and interest Jo je changeaole h(yeon. f Payable out of the Marriage License Fund for U. Canada. T Resolutions were also reported gºalitiog aids to these Institutions, alld the Toronto Lunatic Asylum, out Gº the Marriage fjcence Fund of U. Canada, but the same were negative3 unanimously. #. i | g III. Resolutions of Supply included in the annual Supply Bills—continued. J 847. 1849. 1851. pø. 102. 119, and 170. pp. 197, and 339 to 346. pp. 952 of 57, and 265. pp. 21S to 224, and 258. HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, &c.—continued. 147. Kingston General Hospital, 148. Hamilton Hospital,........ IITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITU- 149. Quebec Literary and Historical Society, 151. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. Provincial Agricultural Societies,....... GRANTS IN AID OF LITERARY WORKS.* 163. Major Richardson, in aid of his “War of 1812.” (p. 126.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1841. J £4.6. pp. 554 to 561. pp. 288, 3:22 to 330, : [Yl 826. to aid in procuring anu publishing historical documents,...... . Quebec Mechallies' Institute,... . Montreal Natural History Society,...... Mercantile Tibrary Association. (Indemnity for removing from St. Ann's Montreal Mechanics' Institute,......... Toronto Athaeneum, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mechanics’ Institute,........... London Mechanics' Institute, Kingston Mechanics’ Institute,........ tº Niagara Mechanics' Institute,..........ſ. Mechanics' Institutes at Hamilton, Belle- 13rockville, Bytown, Perth, Picton, Guelph, Simcoe, and Woodstock (£50 each), ... . . . . . £ s. d. • * * 0 & 0 & © tº 9 e º ºs e º e ê º tº gº tº & Cº º gº © e º ſº º e º tº º * * * > 0 & 0 & 0 & © u e º 0. tº º ſº e 6 & & © & © tº e º O e is * * > 0 e º 6 e º 'º e º e g º s * I e º e º e o e º e º e s ∈ e º w * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e e e º e g º º ſº º ſº dº tº º & tº e º e • * * * * * * * * * * * * * w a e o 'º e e g o o e s e º e e s ] e o o o te e Q & Q tº e º º º tº e g º & & gº º tº e o e º & © tº º e º gº tº º e e g g g g g tº e º ºs tº e 3 e e i & & C * g e º e º e º 'º º 0 e º e º º º e tº e º 0 e º e º 'º e º e G e º e tº e º tº e tº 3 e & © tº ſº tº º e i e ºs Currency. 250 0 0 g e g º e g tº e º e º G & º 3 * ſº & © 2 º ºg & e º 'º ºn tº © tº e g º O e º 'º e º e o tº J0 0 50 0 * @ & © tº e º ºs e o e e g º e 50 50 Çſ) 50 50 U * e º O ſº tº e º e º e º G gº tº tº e º & e º e g º O Q & . 3 s. d & e e º & & © & © e e º e & " C C & © e º e º O & © e s & © e e o e º e s g º e o O & a o º 9 g g g tº e º e º e º 'º e º e e a g º e tº e s dº e & © 6 & 7 & wº | 50 0 0 [j() 0 0 50 0 () 50 50 50 bj0 50 ()O 50 * @ e º e º e e o a G s s a º e } '700 0 (; 50i) () 0 Q & ſº dº º tº º e º ºs º º ºs 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 1 00 50 59 : 50 • * * * e o 'º e s e e o e s tº e s tº a e e º e º & © e º u q v, is 1200 0 0 50 &O 50 §0 100 50 Ç0 50 50 500 1600 400 0O:O0 000OO{} . . # 164, J. Crémazie, -Work on Criminal Law, (p. 126), * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 tº e º 'º º e 165. W. Evans, Insurance paid on his Treatise on Agriculture, sent to L. Canada,. . . . . . . 166. Joseph Bouchette, Copies of his Map of Canada, . . . . . e e s e º e º ºs e e º 'º e º 'º e º e º & tº e 167, F. X. Garneau, to continue his “History of Canada,” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMISSIONS OF INQUIRY, &c., (EXPENSES.) 168. Rebellion Losses, U. Canada,. . . . . . . . . . . 169. Do. L. Canada............ 170. Seigniorial Tenure,..... © e º e º e º 'º e º e º 0 & 171. Charges against Mr. Badgley, as Com- missioner of Bankrupts,. . . . . . . . . . . . . 172. Board of Works Department,......... . 178. Crown Lands Department,... . . . . . . . . . 174. Matters connected with Public Business. 175. Montreal Provident and Savings Bank,.. GRANTS TO INDIVIDUALS FOR SERVICES, &c. 176. Colonel FitzGibbon, for his long services. 177. Père Chiniquy, for his exertions in the cause of Temperance,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178. Dr. Rees, for injuries received in the Lunatic Asylum, Toronto,. . . . . . . . . . . . 179. John A. Roebuck, Esq., for services as Agent to the late Assembly of Lower Canada in England,. . . . . . . . . . . e tº e º a s 180. W. L. Mackenzie, Esq., as Director of the Welland Canal on the part of the As- sembly of U. Canada in 1835,...... * e 181. Executors of late Robert Randal,—amount voted by late Assembly of U. Canada for his services,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º 0 & © tº e º e º 'º e º e º e © & e o 'º e º O e º dº e º e s e º O & © tº 6 & d g g g e º e s ſº e º e º e º 'º e º is tº gº de Currency. 500 0 0 tº € 9 @ 9 @ e º e º e º e º 'º º e e º 'º º ºs º 'º e º e º is gº ºn tº s & 6 s e º e e Q e e º e s a s tº º gº tº gº tº e º is & a dº e o e e * @ 9 @ e º e º & º e º 'º y s w * c e º 'º e º e º e s tº e º e e i º * * * * * ~ e º sº e º & J C e a © C & © tº & C & © tº Q @ e º º e tº º ſº tº G & © e º tº s ºf e º a º & © tº & e e º & © tº e º g º o e G & © tº º tº º e º O & C & e º Currency. 250 0 0 & gº tº a y º e º is ſº a 3 & © 4 • e g o e º tº e º 0 e º & O & tº e g g º e º e º 'º e a s 6 & 8 e I e s * & º e º ſº tº s tº e º O © & d e a tº e º ſº e º e º 'º e º e º $ tº º e e s is e º is e e o º is e º 'º e • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • & © e º e º is e g º e º ºs & 4 tº & © tº tº e º & © e º & © e & a e e º 0 is 9 @ & & e º a e s 6 tº e º te e s a tº 4 g c & 9 º' & 8 • | * * 0 tº e o tº 0 & © tº ſº e º º º e e e e º e s tº e C & 0 & 0 & e a e º e s ∈ e º e º O & e º º º e e º a 9 º' tº a tº e º e º 'º º 0. • e º e º e º e º e º e º 9 º' s • e e s e s e s sº e º e o s • e e o 9 e º 'º e s a e º 0 ° a e º 'º e º O ſº e º 'º ſº º & © º º tº e º ºn in a ſº ſº, º ºn tº & & © & * e o 0 o 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & e a e & © e º 'º º ſº e º a tº Q & 9 * 9 e º o e º O ſº º e o 'º º º º • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s tº e o e º & 2 tº e g º & © e & s e º e º e º e s e º O & 0 & 8 w tº p 6 e º e º gº e º e Q & 0 & • e o e o 'º e o O © e º a tº e e • * e e s tº e s e s e º a º ". s a g º a tº º 0 tº º e º & G & © e 10 0 0 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s d e º a 6 g º P & e º e e s • • * g g º ſº e G & © e G & 6 & e 1500 0 () 34 5 0 tº º ſº e º g º e º O ſº a C G e iº e º e º ºs e º e º e º O & © tº e & © tº tº C & G e º e º & © tº e & e º (º y º e º g g g g g g º & 1000 0 0 e tº e & C º e C & G & e º O & C • e º 6 e g º e 6 º' e º e º e u e e º 0 e º e 6 & © tº º & © e e gº o e º e º e g º G & º º e º e '75() 0 () 200 0 U 550 0 0 250 0 0 • 2 9 e o e e s a e a se e o 'º e e º e º 9 0 & 0 & e g º e º & e e º ºs e º e º 'º e º G & © tº tº tº e º O & © tº G & º º º Gº & tº 6 o o e g g g g g tº 6 c e º e o a • e a e º e º O e º e º O & © • * e o 'º a e º e º a e e s e e • Q & © tº e º 'º e º g º e º is e 200 0 0 tº º tº º tº e º 'º e g º e º ſº ſº tº 200 0 0 tº e e º e º O & © & © e º 0 ° tº tº tº e º e º ºs e º e g º e º O e * c e º s e º ºs e º g º & © tº s e - © tº e º & © e º e º O e º 'º * e g º 'º e º 'º g g g c e C & © e e º 'º e º O e º O e o & G & & • e s e a e º e o e e o e º 'º " & e º O & C G e º e º u & © tº ſº º • e o e s e e s e e s e e • e g º e º 'º e º O & 8 g º & © e Q e º sº e º e º ºs e º O e º & d 250 0 0 200 0 0 * c e s e º e º e º e º 'º º & 8 e e a e s e e e s e i e e º e º s a tº e º e º e º 'º ſº e º O O & wr • e e s e s e e s e e s e o e º . e Q sº e e s e º e º e C & © & 8 • 200 0 0 • e o e º e º e º 'º e º e o 0 ° 500 0 0 e e º ſº tº e º s tº a 9 & 0 & 8 e e g c e s tº º 0 & 0 tº º 0 e º 0. tº e º 'º e o e º Gº O & B e. e. e. e. } 200 0 600 0 34.2 18 1C66 13 500 0 * Resolutions were also reported granting aids to this and other Institutions, out of the Marriage License Fund of U. Canada, but tho same were negatived unanimously, * Grants of this nature were generally made from the Contingencies of the House,_Wide Legislative Assembly, 222–229, 235, 242–248, § III. Resolutions of Supply included in the annual Supply Bills—continued. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. ** 1851. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 188. Rent, repairs, and assessments thereon,.. 195. 196. Fitting up General Post Office,......... Do, Post Office at Toronto,... . . . . . . . . . . Sterling. 250 0 () 22 10 0 }|. * * * * e º e º e o e g o e s a tº e e g º e º 'º e º 'º e º G & º tº a c e g o e o O & C C & © tº º & © tº e º tº e º º & © tº e º e * & 0 & e o O © tº e º e º e º º • * g º O & e o O & © tº 0 & © tº º 2000 0 1910 19 tº º e º ºs e e º e º e º 'º e & Q & © º ºs e º e s c e º O C & 2000 0 0 2739 13 0 tº º O & C tº e Q & Q & © O & ſº to e o e e e g º e o e s e a e o e 2000 0 0 1542 0 0 & © tº e º º ºs e e º ºs g c e º a * c is tº e º 'º e º e º e º s ºf & • e o 'º e º ºs e g º e º O © tº * 2000 0 0 27, 10 0 } • is tº e º ſº tº C & G e º O & C tº \ * * * 0 & 0 & © C & e º e º 'º e * @ 9 & 0 & 0 & © e g º e º e e ...} | £ S. d. *** * **-* . 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844–5. 1846. GRANTS TO INDIVIDUALS FOR SER- VICES, &c.—continued. 182. British North American Electric Tele- graph Association,... . . . . . . e e e s e º e º a s 183. Mrs. McDcoell, for dower on property taken by Government, on the Wellend Canal,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e tº gº e º º pp. 554 to 561. p. 108. p. 101. pp. 389 to 398. pp. 288,322 to 330, and 336. p. 102, 19, p and 170. p. 69. pp. 127, and 339 to 346. pp. 252 to 257, and 265. pp. 218 to 224, and 253. 184, Pension to J. Brien dit Darocher, for wounds, . . . . . . . . . . . 185. Pension to W, Sharpe, for wounds,. . . . . . Do. and allowances to Mrs. Powell, late Housekeeper of Peblic Buildings at Toronto, . . . 186, 187. Pension to Hon. R. A. Tucker, late Provincial Registrar,. . . e e s & © tº e e s e º 'º e 189. Purchase of property adjoining Govern- ment House, Montreal, . . . . . . . . . . . º e G 190. Alteration of public buildings at Quebec.|. 191. Governor's residences at Montreal, To- ronto and Quebec,. . . . . . . . 192. J. Turton, claim on his contract for erect- ing the Parliament House at Toronto,.. 193. Erection of Custom House at Toronto, . . 194. Do. do. at Dundee, . . e e e o 'º e o e o e s a e e º e e º 'º º º gº tº e º O & © º 'º C & g e s e º & R e o e o e º e s a e is e º e º e º gº e º ºs º e º 'º e * : C & O & © & © e e º e º e a & we e º & O & 0 & & © tº gº e g a e e º 'º e º C G e e º e e * G & © tº e a * @ e º ſº tº Q ºr sº dº e g º ºr ºf e º e e tº ſº e º 0 t e º 'º e e e e e i is a e e g º e º e º tº e o tº & 6 & C is e g el e i r s e s e e S. d. * @ e º e º e º Gº & e º O & e e • e e º e º 'º e & e º ei e º e º © e o c < e < e º 'º e º e & C te e o e º e o ſº tº e e e º 'º e º e & C & G G O is e sº & e º e º e o 'º º 0 & & © • a G e º e o º e º e s e g a s * * * * c e dº º e º e e, a e s e e tº 0 tº s e º e e º e º e e º e © tº 6 tº e º º ºr º e a g º e & e & © tº e º 'º e º 'º e o e o e e º e I e * * * * * * * * e º e º sº ºn e º e e * tº tº 0 & 6 & Q & C G c e g tº e º º & e º ſº dº tº dº e º e º e e • e s p a dº e º e º ºr e º 'º e & Q & © tº e º e º ſº e º e e l’s e 29. 8. d * s & & Q & º º ºs e º e g tº a º e ſº e º e º e º e º ºs e º ºs e *56 17 ºf • e o e & t e o e e s e o e e & © e º e g º e g c e º e s a tº 0 ° e º ºs e º e g e º e º º 1005 T 0 a tº e º e º w is ºs e e º 'o e 2500 0 0 e tº ſº e º O & Q & C & ſº º 0 tº e £ S. d. & e s c e º e o 'º e º e e º e º f * * * tº 9 º' Gº tº gº ºr e º 'º e º e º e º I & 20 0 0 • * c e º e º 'º e s e º e º e a *206, 3 3 & C º e ºr c e º e º e e º e s e e e º O & ºr & e º ºr e º e º & e i e º 'º e º 'º º G tº º e º e o s , tº º C G & º º ºr º gº & e g g s is tº e º 'º & 6 & Cº ºr e > t e e º 'º • e º º e º º ºs º e º- e. e. e. e. e. 300 0 0 e & © e º e º O & 0 & e o e s e 85 0 0 • e º & © e s 6 g º e s e º s 60 0 0 £ 8, d * * * * * * * e º e e s e e s a * e º 'º e g is tº e o O & G g e e • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e º e º ſº a tº ſº e © e º e º e < • tº G & © e º e s a tº e o 'º a g £ s, d. 50 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 4000 0 0 • & © & © & Q & © tº e a e e º 'º © E & © & © e s tº º º e º º 36 s. d. * * * * * is e e º e o u e º s a 50 0 0 20 0 0 g'ſ 10 0 300 0 0 #15000 0 0 tº C G & © tº tº º º ºn tº Q & © 500 0 0 50 0 0 {55 0 O 2500 100 1350 . 10000 0 0 11000 0 O 290 4500 0 0 I69 6 O § § PUBLIC WORKS. 197. Inland Waters, Newcastle District........... * e º e º gº e 4 c e º e o e º 'º e º 8 ° tº e º e e º 'º e o e º e a e & e º ſº e 3440 0 0 288 6 4. 400 0 O 198, Trent Navigation,. . . . . . . . . . & e º e º 'º * * * * | * c e o e e s a e e e Q e e e º e tº e e º 'º e º 'º º e o e o e e º 'º e e º e º e o e 6000 0 0 1500 0 0 291.12 17 10 199. St. Lawrence Canals, © e º e º sº º © e º e º º • * * * | * e e e a e e e e e º e s e e o I e º e º e º e s e º - e º a " " e e º & © tº e º 'º e º 0 & 0 & © 4328 3 1 339 8 9 e Q e º e s e º 6 C tº e © e e s \ e g o O & O e e o e º e º s 6545 18 3 48072 17 0 #69752 0 O º 20000 0 0 201. Do. Claim of Messrs. Reid and Sheppard, as contractors, . . . . . . . . . . . . e e e tº e e e o e e s e e e o e e e o e e o e > * * * * * * * • e e e s e e e o e o e e º e e i e o e o a e e s e e º º 'º " " " 1181 10 8 202. Lachine Canal, e - © tº e º O O e e º 'º e º 'º e º s º º º e ] e o e º e e º e e º e e º e e e i e º e º e e º e º e º 'º © & © e e e s e e e º e o e º O e e e e $15000 0 0 ‘e e o 'o e dº e o e º e e o e o e T10000 O O • e º e o e º e o 'º 6 e º 'º e º e a e e © º e º O e º e º e º e º º • 3 c e o 6 c & 6 s e 28'189 0 O 203. Works on the Ottawa, and Roads in con- 0 3540 0 0 nexion therewith, e - e º e º 'º º, º e º e º e e e e s a e e o e e o e s e e s e e e o e i e o e o 'o e º 'º " " • ‘º e º e º e e e o e s e e s e e o e º e e 8500 O 254 6 0 © e o e o & e º e o e º e º e º e. e. e. e. e e o e º O e º } 37.77 17 }} © e e o e o 9 0 & 0 & 0 e º & 1812 0. 0 204. Purchase of a Slide on the Ottawa, from Ruggles Wright, Esq., e e º 'º e e º 'º & © º * * * e º e º e g e º e e º e o e º 'º e o º e º a º & C e e o e o e s e e e s e o c e o e He e º 'o e o e º e º º º 9 * * * | * > * > e o e º e º e e o e < * { e 3 e e o e e o e e o e o e e s ] e e tº e s e o 9 e e o ºs e e º e 10000 O O 205. Deepening Lake St. Peter, (Vide also infra, 422). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e g º º e C & e e e e i s e e s e e s e e º e º 'º • * * } e o e o 'º e º 'º e e º 'o e e s e º e º e º © tº 9500 0 0 206. Welland Canal, . . . . . . . . . . . . e Q e o e º 'º e º e I e a e s e º e º 'º e e e o e o e i e º 'º e º 'º º - e º 'º º & º 'º º • a e o e o e º e g o 'º e s a • e i e º e s e o e º tº e e º 'º © tº º ºr o e º & © o º © tº dº e º e e º ºs T50000 0 0 e e º e o 'o s o e o e 9 o e º 68155 9 5 97.017 O 0 19499 4 0 207. Chambly Canal, º e º 'º e º c e - © 9 @ & e º 'º e º 'º e º a e e º e º e º e e e e e s e e e i e º 'º e o e º e º 'º º * @ e > * e º e º e º e e º e o 'º e & © e i e o 'º e º tº e º & © c e Q & & © o e e º e g º O & © e 330 14 9 gº tº e e o 'o e o e o e 4 4300 0 O 10640 O 0 208. Do. (Claims of Contractors, &c.),. . . © º 'º - G - e © 6 e e º e e º & • e º e º e º e º e º 'º 9 º' & © s e e º e s e º e o e © tº e e i e º e e o 'º º e º e e º e © e º a e e g g g e o e º 'º e º 0. © º 825 17 4. º º • 6 º 1654 O 11 go 209. St. Ann's Lock, e e < e < e º 'º e e s tº e º e e º 'º e o 'o e i e e e s e e e e e s e e s e e s ] e º e º e e o v c e < * * * * * | * * e o s a e e º 'º e e s º e º e e g º e º e º e º e º e º i º e º 'º e s e e - 9 e º e e o e 53 12 5 |...... e e e e o e o e 600 0 0 © &P 210. Gatineau Booms,. . . . . . . © e º 'º e C tº e º º e º 'º e e s e e s e e º e e e e e i e º e º 'º º tº e e o 'º e º e º & e o e e º e e º e s e e e º 'º e © e º e º a • 6 @ 9 tº e e º e º 'º e o & 6 e º 'o • * * * * * * * I e e e e e o e e s e e o o e e s \ e e o e e e e e g º O & © º º 2665 4: 9 211. St. Ours Lock and Dam, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e e a e e e a e I e s e e s e e o e º e s - © e º • o e o e e e e e e e º e o e e i e s e º e º e º e e tº gº e Q - e º e º 'º e - e º e * * i e e e º e e © tº e o e º e º e º e e º a e e º e e e e o e º 'º e 1874 0 0 5120 0 0 212. Burlington Bay Canal,................ e e e s e e o e s e e o e s e e i e º e e º 'º e º e º 'º º e o 'º " | * * * * * e e e e e e o e o e e i e o e º e º e º e º e º e º e º • e º 'º e o e º e o e s e e o e i e e o e s e e s e e © tº e º e º e e º e º e º e e e o e o G & º 1500 0 0 213. St. Lawrence and Champlain Canal,.....l....... • e e s e e e e -e * * * * e e e s e e º e º e º e & © tº ſe e - e. c -e e º e º e © e º O & s e • Q e e o 0 & 0 & 0 g e º e * * * * } e e e o e o e e e s e e o e s e © e º sº e o e º e o e º e tº 382 11 9 22 2 10 214. Steam-tugs on the St. Lawrence, * e º 'º - 9 tº e e s e º te e º e º 'o -e -e e º e i e º e o 'º © Q © º © O © 0 || 0 e º 'º e e e e Q • e - © e e e e Q & 9 tº º tº © º O O © e & © e º e º e º e º 0 & 0 & # e. e º Q & © e o 'º e º 'º e 6 º' & e e © & © tº a tº e e s e e O 1000 O O 1750 0 O 215. River Richelieu, • Gº G & © e s e e & © e e s e o 'º e º 'º e i e s e e o e o e º e e o e -e s e i e º e º e e s a tº © e º 6 c e º º 0 & 0 & e º 'º e c e º e º e e e e e º e º e º e º e º 'o e o e º e º s 6 tº * * * * * * * * * * * 1 e e o 'º e e e o e o e e o e e o e o e s a e © e º e º e º º 'º e I e o e g e e o e e e s o e s e e i e o e º e o o e 6 & © e g º º o 4500 0 0 216. Slides on River St. Maurice,. . . . . . . . . . . e e º e º 'º e º 'º e º e º e º e i s e o e o O & © e º & * @ 9 @ e * @ e º 'º e º e º 'º' e e i e e s e e º O © e o e º e o e s \ 0 & s o e º e o e o e o e o e s ] e o e e o e o e e e º e o e º e i s e º e s e e o a a e e s e e s ] e e s s © e º 'º e º e º 'º tº w e º e o 'º º & e o e o e o 'º e º 0 ° 10000 0 () 217. Landing Wharf, &c., Quarantine Station, - Grosse Isle, • C. e. tº º e e º e º e e e e º e e o e o e º ºs e i e º e º e º 'º e e º º © e o e e I e º e º e º º º e º o o e <> © tº e - © O e 2750 O O * @ 9 & 0 & 0 6 c e º 'º e g º º 850 0 0 tº e º & e º O C e • 6 e º 6 35 O O 313 0 0 218. Rondeau Harbour, º e g º e o Gº e e e e e s e º e º 'º e e e e e o & e º 'º e o e º e e e i e º e e e º e o e º e • e º e e i e º 'º e º e e Q e º e º e o e e 1000 0 0 219. Port Stanley Harbour, . to e º e º e o G & © e > • * * e g º º e o tº gº • •e e o e º e s s e s e º e s e e i e º e º 'º e a * © C & © 1200 O 0 • e s tº e e o 'o e º 'º e o e < * I e o e s e e º e º e o e º 'º tº º tº º º © U tº 9 º' 1000 0 O 220. Cobourg Harbour,. . . . . . . e e s e e º e o e º e º e º e º e º O & © e º e º e © e º e º 'º e º 'º e e © e º e º & © e º e º e º 'º e º º © 500 0 0 221. Windsor Harbour (Whitby),. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * @ º e e e e e º e I e º e º a e e º 'º e º 'º e º e º e < * * e º e º e º e º e º e e 2000 0 0 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l. © o e o 'º e tº e e e º 'º - e e 1000 0 0 *Including arrears. # Including £35000 for the Junction Canal. # The Act (13 & 14 Wic., c. 2) provides that this shall be raised on the credit of the U. C. Building Fund. § This sum is included in the grant of next session for the St. Lawrence Canals, under 9 Vic, caps. 64 and 66,-Wide infra, 354, *|| To be raised by Debentures, É III. Resolutions of supply included in the annual Supply Bills—continued. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844–5. I846. 1847. 1848. 1849, 1850. 1851. . 288, 322 to . 102, 119 pp. 127, and 339 pp. 252 to 257, pp. 218 to 224, pp. 554 to 561. p. 108. p. 191. pp. 389 to 398. *:::...i 336. Pºº". p. 69. to 346. and 265. " and 253. PUBLIC WORKS-continued. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. £ S. d. £ S. d. 3. s. d. # S. d. £ S. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. 222. Presquisle Harbour,. . . . . e e º e s e g º e º e e ] e º e º e º 'º e e s e º e e º º tº ºn e º e º 'º e º e º e º © e º e º e e e º e e º e º e º & © e I e º e s º e º e tº º ſº tº º º º e e º e º O & © a e s e e e º e- 450 O O * 223. Toronto Harbour, e e º 'º e is tº e º ºs e º e º 'º e º 'º e e © & © e º e º e e o e º ºs e g e • . . . . tº º 'º º º tº e º & © & e º e. e º 'º e s e º 'º e º e º e | * * * * * * * * * e º e º e º e ] e º e º e e e e º e º e e e s e 47 3 O 224. Owen Sound Harbour, tº e º º e º e º 'º º gº G & º e e & © tº gº tº dº dº e º e º 'º to e º e || @ & C & e º e g c e C. © tº e º e i e º e º e º e º 'º e º e º e º e i & © & © e s e e e * - e º 'º º º • * * * e º º tº e º e º e º e s ] e o O & e º & © e º e º e < e e e tº e e º 'º e º e e º e º e tº e 27 15 4 225. Port Dover Harbour and Light House,..]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • & © e & © tº e º e o ºs e s e o e a e º a $ ſº º e º 0 & e º º e & 0 & e º is ſº e e º 'º e º e º e i e o ºs e º e º e © & © e s e º e ] e º & e º e º & © tº e º e ºxº e ] e s e s e e s e © º e º e º 'º e 440 0 0 226. Light Houses, St. Paul and Scatterie,...|............ e e a e ] e e º e º & O & e o e s e º 'o & e e o e º e º e º e e º e º e e 1200 0 0 1188 17 11 750 0 0 |. . . . . . . . . . & e º a e is 750 0 0 §50 0 0 '750 0 0 227. Do. within the Province (above f 269 10 3 Lake St. Louis),...., tº tº º e º ºs e e e º s e e a e s ] * * * e o e e e s e e o e e s e i e o e o e e o e e s e © c & C e …} 5000 0 # 294 14 4. e e º a c e º 6 e e s e º 'º e s ] a • * * * * * * e o a e e s e e * e º e º 'º e s 6 tº º e e s e e i e s e e º e s e e s e a e º e a 8250 0 0 228. Light Houses and Beacons below Quebee - - (at Cape Rosier and Manicouagan Shoal). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & © Q & 3 & © 6 @ Q & Q º dº e º e e g g g g § º 'º e º O & e º a & © º & © & C & e º e C & G º 'º e º 'º & © tº dº o e e º 'º e º ſº e ] e g º e g º ºs e º e º ſº º a ſº e • * * * * * * e º e o e o e º e 2000 O 0 • ** 8 & 6 s & e º e ve º 'º e º e 6600 O O 229. Piers and Lights below Quebec (at Father *, Point, Rivière du Loup, Pointe aux Orignaux, L'Islet, Berthier, Les Ebou- lemens, and Malbaie) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | e º e º e º e e g º e • * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * © C & © tº e º e º e tº e e º 'º tº e º º e º tº e º 'o e º e o 'o e º e s sº e s : «» e º e o e o e s e *** * * * | *-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º e g º 'º e g º e e º e e 85.500 O 0 280. Claims under Acts of U. Canada, for im- 250 0 O provement of Roads and Bridges,.....|.. * @ e º e g º e º e tº c e s I e g o e º e º e º e º e º 'º e o e g º O © e º e º e º ºs º e º ºs 369 9 2 } 58 17 O Sterling 281. Surveyors of Highways in Gaspé,...... 12 10 0 282. Interest on loans for Montreal and Quebec Roads,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q & © tº e º e to c º 2000 0 0 Currency. * 233. Owen Sound and Garrafraxa Road,..... 2500 0 0 |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4000 0 0 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500 0 o 234. Longueuil and Chambly Turnpike Road. • e o e º e º e e e º e o e º e ] e º e º e 9 & 0 & 0 & 0 e o 'º e i e o e o e e e º e o e º e e s a 1500 0 0 • Q & Q & © e º e º e s tº c e s ] e s e e º e e g g g º e e e º e . . . . . . . gº º ſº º as © e º 'º e º e º e º e e º e e s ∈ e º e 850 O O 235. Road from Cascades to Vaudreuil and St. Anne, © e º & © c e e tº G & © tº e º e º e º e & Q & e º e º e º & © & © tº $ tº º e º e º 'º e º e i e º e º e º 'º e º 'º e º e o e g e o e o O © e º e º 'º e º e e e 1200 0 0 286. Do. Jas. Lonney, for loss as a contractor * thereon, . gº º º ºs º ºs e • e e o 'º e s a e s e º e o e e s e º f * * * * c e o e e e e o e s e e • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º 'º e º 'º e º e g º e e 140 O 0 237. Kennebec Road,... • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * c e s e e s e e s e e e o e o e s e e o e s e o e o e e s e e e e º e º O C & © tº e º 'º e º e 3000 0 O • * > 0 s e s e s tº e e s e º e 299 O 0 238. Gaspé Roads,......... tº gº e º tº º ſº tº ſº tº ſº gº e º º * @ 9 & 0 & 0 & 6 e º e o e º e 9 * > 0 tº e º e º & G tº e g º e e is e e o tº e º 'º e º O tº e s e 4000 O 0 e e º C tº gº © tº 9 0 o e o 'º e 9 570 O 0 239. Arthabaskaroad (and bridge over St. Fran- - cis, at Melbourne), -Vide also infra,285.]................ © & 0 & 0 & 0 & d e o e o e º 0 || 8 0 & 0 tº e º O © 0 e º e º O 0 5000 0 0 tº C & E e º º c e o ºs e º O © tº '700 0 0 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4284 8 2 § 242. Chemin des Caps, e e º e º & © & e e º ºs e e e s e e c e i e º e a e º e e s e e e º e º e i e e s e e e e º 'º e º e º & e º e o 'º tº e o e s e e e & © e o e 1000 • * tº e o e o e o O 6 & e º e e 2000 0. 0 e º O & © tº 3 o e º e º ºs e o e #34 16) 0 248. Queenston and Grimsby Road, . . . . . • * * * | * c e o e o e o e a e º e e e o I e º e o 0 e º 0 & © e o e º e º | * * * * * * 6 tº tº 0 & e º 'º a º 8000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917 14 6 . . construction of a Dam), . . . . . • e a e e o e = e ] , eo e e a e o a e o e o e s e i s e o e o 'o e o a o e o e o o e ] e o e o 0 e o 'o e º e o 'o o e e 1250 0 0 258. Sarnia Road. To remunerate John Geary for work done beyond amount of appro- priation, e e e º e º e º e º e ∈ o s s e e e e o e o u e e s I s e e e s e e e e º o e º e e e i s 6 & © tº 6 e º 'o o e º e a e e e 6 & e e º & © tº e g o ºs e º e 6 e e º e. e o 'º e g o e e º O & 3 130 0 0 • s e e s , , , , a • e o e e s e e e o e s o o e s e e s e e o | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * > * * * o * * * * o o e e g a 325 {} 2 tº G & o º G - e o 0 & © e e o s : © 6 Q & e g tº o € 5, e o & e s ] tº e o 6 e o & © tº Q 6 0 0 0 tº 403 9 7 255. Metis or Kempt Road, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e s s a e s , e. e s a e s a e º e o e o e o e s e o e o e o | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e o e < * * * * * * * * * e p 6 a. º. e º 'º o e º 0 & e o o a e tº e tº 355 15 6 256. Do. (Amount expended by A. and 1832), tº e º e º ºs e e is tº e e º e º e G • e s e e s e o • e s a e e º e º e e s e s e o • * * * e s a o e e s e e o e s | * * * * * * o 'º e o e o & e s a • * * * * * * o o 0 ° e 6 gº º º 392 1 7 257. Metis and Matane Road, and Rimouski Bridge, e e g º º gº tº e º e º ºr º e o º • * * * * * * * * * * * | . . . . . , s , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , s e < * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2611 0 0 258. Tecumseth Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • a c e º a 6 e o 0 e o e º o e I e º e o e o 'o e º e o e º e o o e e º e º 6 tº º e tº a tº o 6 e 3 || e s a 6 a. o. v. & e o a c e o e e 48 12 6 259. Road between Trent Slides and Draw- bridge,. . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º 'º º e e e º 'º e e e s a e s e e e º e e º & e o e o e e i s e º 0 e o a e º e º o 0 e e s | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s e e º º e º t e e º e º e e º e º 'º e o o ſº tº 6 e º e º e e g 1250 e e s c e e º e o e e s e e e i s e e o e s e e e o o o e e e e i e o s e e o e º e o 'º e o 'º e o | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * g e º e o a 1500 O tº e º e º 'º - © tº tº . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1000 0 O 0 © tº e º gº s e e s e e e o e o e e e g o e i < e < e º 'º e o o e º sº e o e s ] e º e º 'o o 9 ° º e o 9 tº 9 e º • e o s e º o e º o e a o o e e 250 * @ e º 0 e = e o e e s e e e o a e e s e ] e º e o e o e o e o o e o e s e i • * * * * * * * * * * o e s e e i e s e e o o a c e o 'o a s c e e 506 11 474 9 3 tº º º 0 & 6 & 6 a tº º ºs e e º e 1800 0 0 • * * * * c e º 'º u e o 'o a e s ] e º e g a e g º O 6 e º e a lº & 15 16 3 264. Temiscouata Road, * c e º s e e º a e e e º e g º g e e ] e e o e a e e º e º e º e s e a o e s e o e o 'º e G s e o e o e * * * * * * o o e º e e e º e a e º G & © 6 tº º & © tº 9 e º e o e º e º e o & © p 6 s. 6 & e 0 0 | e º o s e e e ‘º e º a e º e o I o a e º 0 & 3 g tº …| 32 14 }} * @ e º 'º e > • a e ] e o e s e e o e o e s e o a s • • e o e s a e o e s a s e o e e i o e º e º e º 'º e o 'º e e s e º * * * * * * * * * * * * * o e º e o a • e o 'o o e o e o e o a 240. St. John's and Stanstead Road,. . . . . . . . . • e o 0 e o e s e e a e º e a tº I e g º e º e º Q 6 & 0 & 0 & © 0 || 0 e º 'º e 6 e º e o O 6 o' G is ty 6000 241. Main Eastern Townships Road, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e e a e o e º e o e o 'º e º e I e s tº s e º e º e e g º e o e e 8000 243. Montreal and Grenville Road, . . . . . . . . . . e e e e a e e º e e a e e o e e e o e < e º e º e o e º e º e º e e o e . tº e = e o s o © dº sº º 600 244. Grand River Swamp Road, . . . . . . . . . . . e e º O & • e s - e. e. e. e. e. e. e ] e o e o e o e e o e e o e s e e i e o e e a e o e s e o e o e s e 9000 245. Dover Road,... . . . . . . e e º e º e º e e º e a e e º e e e e º e e a e e º e º e º O e i e º e º e º e º & e º e º ºs e e i e º 'º e o a o º e o & © s e e is 5500 246. Bytown and L'Orignal Road (and Bridge over mouth of the Rideau), . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e s e º ºs e º e G & e o e i e º º e º e º e º . G s º ºs e e i tº 6 e o o e º e º & tº * > d e º 3000 247. Scugog and Narrows Road, . . . . . . . . . . © & H & e e º a gº º O Gº & © tº e e º e º & 8 & 9 & © tº 6 & © tº e o e º 'º tº e º e o e º 6 e o e º & © tº 2000 249. Amherstburg and Sandwich Road, . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1000 251. Cornwall and L'Orignal Road,... . . . . . • e e s e e s a e e s e e s e e s ] s e e s e e o e e o e o e e s • { * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 900 252. Road at the Chats Portage (includin 254. London, Chatham, and Amherstburg Road. J. Wolf in opening the same, in 1831 260. Prescott and Ottawa Road, . . . . . . . . . . . . 261. Kingston and Ottawa Road,... . . . . . . . . . . 262. Peterboro’ and Lindsay Road,...... © to º 0 || 0 6 e º e º & 6 & 8 tº 263. Waterloo and Sherbrooke Road, ........ . . . . . . . . . . . 265. Markham Road,....... © e º 0 & * To re-imburse Geo, Chaperon. § III. Resolutions of Supply included in the annual Supply Bills—continued. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844–5. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. * pp. 288, 322 to pp. 102, 119, pp. 127, and 339 . 252 to 257, . 218 to 224 pp. 554 to 561. p. 108. p. 191. pp. 889 to 898. 'º. and 170. p. 69. to 346. PP. PPº, |PUBLIC WORKS-continued. £ S. d. 3 s. d 36 s, d #2 s. d £ s. d 36 s. d #2 s. d £ s. d. # S. d. £ S. d. 266. Rondeau Road, tº e e º gº º e º e º ºs º º ſº º º & © tº e º º |- - - - - * * * * * * * © º e e o tº • s e s e s e s e o 'o e e e s e e e s e a e º e e s l e o e s e e e º e º 0 & 8 © e º & & © & G & & e º 'º e o 'º & © tº e g e & © & & © e º e ºs © tº ſº tº e s tº e º e º e 6 tº a e e e º e 2 2 10 1 10 6 267. North Toronto Road (Yonge Street),....................]........ e e s ∈ e o e s a e o e e g o o e o e a e s e e ] s a tº s e e o e e e s 6 e o is s \ & © e º 'º e º 'º e > * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * @ 9 s e o 'º e o e o & e º o 15886 9 0 268. Roads in City of Toronto,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * º e º ſº tº ſº ºr º e tº tº e e º º ºs e º e e s tº e de g e s e a e e º e s s e e g º e s p e º e º e o s e º e º e º f * * * * * * * * * * © & e º 'o e o & ºr e º a ge © tº 6 e g º sº gº tº & g g ge * * * * * * * * * * * * * c is e g o ºs e g e s a tº e gº º 526 12 9 269. Dundas and Waterloo Road, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e º & © tº e i º e º e tº º ºs º º ºs º º º º is tº tº G & e º 'º e tº e e s e e s = | e s o e s s e e s e s r e o e s | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * } e s e a e o o e s a s e s s e s ] e s a e o e o e s e e o e e a e 1200 0 0 270. Chambly and Granby Road,.... . . . . . . . . tº º º e tº º e º 'º e º 'º a º tº º º ſº tº º º ºs e g º ºs e e tº $ & e º e º e º e 4. g º º gº º tº º * gº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * g o e e s e º e o e º e e a s h e g º e s e o 6 a 6 s e o e o s '704 0 0 271. Road to be opened through the School {} Tract (to be repaid by the settlers),....].................|........ & e º e º e º e º us e e º e º e s e s s e. e. e. e. e ] e s e e g º e º 'º e º e º º º º g e º º gº e º 'º 8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c e s a e < e o 'o e º e o . . e. e. e. e s e e o o s e a e e o e o 3 e tº e & 6 º º º sº ºn tº e 1500 0 0 272. Rouge Hill Road and Bridge, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © & © gº & © & tº e º e s e s tº s º e º e e º ºs e e e º e º e tº ſº e º 'º e 5000 0 l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 0 0 e G & º 6 e º e º 'º º e e ſ & 1. : 273. Champlain Bridge, ... . . . . . . . . . * @ º & © tº e i e º sº e º e e & © ºr e º O C e º || 8 tº e º e º ºs e º e º 'º e º 'º e ] e º e g º e º 'º' tº º gº tº $ tº tº 500 0 O 274. Jacques Cartier Bridge 2500 O 250 0 0 436 12 6 e Q ge, * G - e º 'º e º e º e * * * * | * * * * * * s e e s e e s e e s ] a e º e e e º e º e º e º e o e i e º e º e s e º ºs e g º e º ºs & i.e. © e º ºs e º ºs e e o c e & & V VJ. V VJ & e g º ºg & e º 'º º e e º g tº gº 150 O O 275. Bridges South of the St. Lawrence (over Rivers Etchemin, Nicolet, Bécancour, Godfroi, and Chateauguay, and River 100 0 0 Duchene IIl Lotbinière,)... tº e º O e º e º e s a e ] e a e e a e e tº & a tº e © tº Q & Q & Q & © e & e º e º e g g ge tº e º 'º e º e tº & º 6700 0 & © ºn ſe tº e © & 6 e º e º 6 s tº o e g g e tº & © tº e º e º e º e i e º & © tº 6 º' g º c is º e g º e { 100 0 O 276. Chatham Bridge, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - © e º e © e º e º e e tº º e º e º e º gº º © tº e º º ºs º gº º e º ſº & e º e tº e º 'º e º º tº e º 'º e º e 100 0 l. . . . . . . . . . © Q 2000 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . tº g g g º f tº e e g is 6 & tº º ºs e g º 9 tº 560 0 0 277. Belleville Bridge, . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I e º e º e e º sº e e º ºs © e º e º 'º e & 0 & 0 & © tº º G º º º ºs e e º e g g º e o 'º e tº º ſº º tº 1500 O 278. Bridge over River Batiscan (moneys ad- - vanced by Mr. MacIver towards re- building),. . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º º e º e o e º 'º e e º 'º tº e º ſº e º e º O e º 'º º • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * > . . . tº gº & © tº e g tº e º te tº e º ſº tº © e º 'º G & e e º 'º e 23 15 O | 2.79. Chaudière Bridge, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •' e o e o e o e s is º dº à é tº º & © º & © & © tº & © e º 'º e a e g º e e tº ſº © tº tº tº ſº e > tº º ge g º º ºs e º 'º º * @ tº º 190 O 0 280, Narrows Bridge (Lake Simcoe), © e º 'º e º 'º e I tº ſº tº gº tº 9 tº º ºs e g º e º e & © tº e º º º e º ſº tº e º e º e º gº is e gº ſº tº tº ſº º ºr tº & * > tº we e e g º ºs e º e º 'º e i s 6 g c e ºs e tº q & © & © tº 6 º' 50 16 4 281. Metis Bridge & ſº tº e º e º e º º ge º 'º º e º 'º º º º tº e º e ] e º e º ºs e º O e º 'º e º ºs e e i e o e e º e º e e o e s e. e. e e I e e o e e o sº e e s e o e e s a e s e o e s e º e e s e º 6 e º e s e e g o e o s o e º e o 'o e 65 0 O - 282. Nottawasaga Bridge,. . . . . . . . . . . © & © tº e s I e g º e º e g tº º sº e º e e º e e e º C tº º ºn e º e º & © tº tº gº º e º & tº p 6 tº e º º tº p º gº º º tº gº º 'º • * * * tº gº © e g o º º 1000 O 0 283. Shannonville Bridge, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * e e o e © e © e º 'º e º & ſº e i º ºs e º e º º e e º 6 e º e e º f 6 e º e º e º ºs e e e e C & © e i e o e º e tº g º C G e & © e º & 300 0 O 284 Winchester Bridge (River Petite Nation)....... tº e º & © e g º e ] e º e º e * @ 9 e º e º 'o e º e e e e e e e e º e e e g : e. e. e. e. e º sº e o e o 'º º e o s ] e e º e & © e o e s 6 & © e º º 300 0 0 285. Melbourne Bridge, (Wide also supra, 239.)|.. tº gº º º tº © tº & O e e º e e © tº tº gº e º gº e º & © tº e g º e º 'º e º e º de e e o e º e o e i s m e a e o e s e e s 6 º' e º 'º e º e s • * © e º e º º e e º e I e g º e º e is a e s e e s e º e i & c e º ºs e º º º º ºs e º e º e 910 0 O & © e e g º e º º & © º & O ſº gº 78 11 2 286. Humber Bridge, tº º ſº º º tº tº e º O C & D e º 'º e º e º e I e e º e º e º e © e º º e G & © e º e º 'o e º e a tº e e i e s tº e o e º e º e e © tº ſº e e e º e º e º e s e º e º 'º e ] e e s tº e º e e º e º º tº e º 'º e tº e º e s tº e º e º e i e e º 'º e 9 © & © tº e º 'º e g tº 1003 O O 287. Surveys of various Roads, Canals, &c., . . . . . . . . © & © tº e e º º e e e o º O º e º e º e º e e i º e e a e º e º e e Q & © tº e } id: # }} tº g º e º 'º gº tº gº º o e 144 15 0 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } id: 1. § § 288. Mr. Killaly, Engineer on various works, . . . . . . . . . . . © gº e g º O & e e º e º e º e º e s e º 'º e & e º & © º & •e º 'º e º G º º tº g | g g g g g tº e º e º e º Q & & © º e º a Q @ e o & G g g g tº 222 4 5 289. Arbitrations on claims for land and 143 13 5 10000 0 0 damages (Public Works),..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e is e e º e º e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e s e º e º e º tº e o e s e tº º e º 'o e e e º e º ºs e º e º e s tº & 8 e º 'º e º & & a e g c e º a e s tº º & © & { 2500 0 }} g e º g º º & & © tº } i; ; ; ; 10000 0 0 | 15000 0 0 290. Towards Survey of Halifax and Quebec Railway, tº e º 'º º ſe e º e º & © e º e º e º 'º e º & tº e e e i º e tº ſº º ºg º ºs º º º © º º is e c e e º e º e ] e & © tº e º “º e º 'º e º g g g tº gº e s a c e s tº e º & © e º e < e e s e e s & e & C º e 1800 O O e e e g º e & e º & & © & gº tº e 6322 1 4 • e º e a e e º e s e e a w e o 416 9 8. 291. Procuring Railroad Statistics,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e º e e s p & e e s tº e e e e º ' s e º e e s a e e e º e o e º e ] e o e e e e s e e s a e e e s • e º e º e º 'º e º 9 ° & e e º I e g o e tº * @ tº º e º 'º e º 'º º 150 0 32 14 4 293. Quebec Observatory,....... e e e e e a e e s e e e o e º e º e s e e º & C © e e I e º e e g º e º e º dº º e e º ſº I º ºs e e s º ºs e º e º a tº tº go tº º º ºs º º O & © tº G º º tº e º ºs I e g º º tº e º e o e e s g º e º e a tº e º 6 e e c e º e o e e º e s e e s tº e º 'º º * * * * o p 1000 0 () 300 0 0 300 0 0 MISCELLANEOUS. e º © Sterling. Wide “Jºoy,” also O 294. Geological Survey of the Province,. . . . . 1500 0 0 | . . . . . . . . e G & © • e s e o 'o e s e e s • e s e e infra % 121 5 295. Inspector of Chimneys, Three Rivers,... 6 5 0 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e º e º 'º tº e e º gº 27 15 6 27 15 6 27 15 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'ſ 15 6 2'ſ 15 6 296. Keepers of depôts of provisions, &c., at 175 0 0 536 0 0 Anticosti, Bagot Road, and other places, 87 10 0 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } 25 0 O ; : $; 588 o 0 |................ 400 0 0 400 0 0 ; : . 297. Removals Of Seat of Government, tº dº º ºs º & 119 10 7 e e º e e s e e º 'º º te e º º tº $ tº & © tº e º 'º e s 6 31 12 8 e s e º e º e º ºs e g º G & º e º e g º ºs & © e º e º 'º 6 • * | g o e o e s tº e º 9 & 0 & 0 ° 9 e e o e s e a e tº e º te tº 6 tº º 14049 3 1. } 6250 0 O 298. Furniture replaced at Alwington House, Ringston, © e º e o e º e º e g & e tº e º 'º e ºs e e º ºs tº º © ºn tº e • • •,• * * * * © º o g º e e o e º e e i e º ºs e º ſº © e º e º & 125 8 1 299. Survey of Boundary Line, New Bruns- wick, and Report thereon, tº gº o gº e º º e e e e e i e º e º e o e e e e e e a e e e i º º º e e º e e º 'º e º e º 'o e i e º 'º e tº º sº gº º Gº e º º © tº to 574 5 10 e e e g º e g g g g g to º & & ) is e e º 'º e & e o e e º e º e s º e g º º 9 º' & e o e º e 9 & & e o e º e e g o e o 'º e º e º & 100 0 O 29 15 10 301. Repayments (moneys refunded),. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e is e º e & © e º º e º 0 e º O e 9 e e e i e º º e º º © tº e 6 & © & © tº º 63 15 0 302. Expenses connected with the Census, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © º e º e º e e º e © g g º º & © e Q tº C G e º s ". * 1. } 25 0 0 303. Standard Weights and Measures,...... © tº e º e º e º e º & e e º e s ] e s e e o e s e e s e e e s e e e º e > * * * * tº e º 'º - C gº 185 0 0 304. Registraton of public documents,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . © G e º 'º º e e i e s • e e s e e s e o e s • e s e tº e º 'º º e º O & 150 0 0 100 0 0 305. Montreal Trinity House (deficiency of funds, &c., and rent of land on Anticosti.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e s e º ºs e e a e o e º e I e e s 6 & © e tº e º 'º - e & & ſº e º 'º º & e º e º 'º º tº º 1026 1 1 }. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº g 25 0 0 25 0 () 25 0 0 306. Preservation of old French records in Archives at Quebec,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº C & © tº © c e º e º 'º e º º tº e º e º 'º gº tº º º © & © tº º & 0 & © e g g g g c e º e º & q' e e º e 400 0 0 307. Professional attendance for wounded riot- ers on Beauharnois Canal,............ • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** - - - - - - - e e º º g g g g tº 6 ſº tº © tº gº º e o 'º e e e e e o e º e o e º e o e o s 20 0 0 308. Lutheran Congregation at Williamsburgh, for loss of land originally set apart for them, * * * * * * e a e e e e º e º e e º e e º e e e tº e º º o e º 'º e º c e 9 • * * * * e º e s e e c e s e e s a 0 ° e tº e º e º 'º e º 0 & © tº 6 e s p e e s e tº g g tº e e e ‘º e 500 0 O } 309. Amount due late Jas. McDouall, under lease of the King's Posts,............ e e º 9 º' & 0 & e º & © & © & © e e s a e e s e e e º e & © e e H e e º g º e º e º Gº º & & © tº º e o e s e e e º e g º e º 'º e e ſ e e º 'º e º e º 6 & © tº e º & Gº 1800 0 0 810. Distributing Register Books in U. Canada....................................... © tº 6 tº º e º e º e I e g g g º e gº © e º e º e º e º | * c e º e g º º & Cº e º o ſº dº º 110 4 7 311. Loan, to inhabitants of Gaspé, for seed - grain, * * * * * e s e e s e e s e e s e e s e e o e o e o e e s l a e s e © & e g º e º e º e º º tº º º dº º º & Q tº ſº e e e tº o © º e º ſº tº e º e © Tº e e g º e º 6 & 8 & 9 º' tº e º e tº gº e º 6 º' e e s e º e a Q s a 4 & 2 e tº º tº º º 1000 O 0 312. Transport of troops in aid of the Civil p0Wer, . . . . . . e & e º e º & e e º e ºs e e º 'º © tº º gº tº º e e º 'º e gº º tº gº º e º (º e e º e º e g º O © e º e G & e ] e ºs e e º º º © tº e e e o e º e o e º e s e e º e º e º e e º e C & gº tº gº tº © e o e º e º dº e <> © e º e º e s e e e e s e º e º e e o e & © tº & © tº e e tº & © º º a 1557 O 7 313. Missions to England and elsewhere, on public service,. . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * e e º 'º e • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º 'º dº º e s e º e º º sº e i e º 'o e tº º e º e s e e º ºs e s ] e º e a dº e º te e º e º & dº ſº º ſº tº e º e © º e º º is tº 0 ° & e i e º e º e º e º & e º a tº e º e e e s a sº e º e e s & gº tº º '786 0 0 § III. Resolutions of Supply included in the annual Supply Bills—continued. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844–5. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. . 288, 322 to . 102, 119, pp. 127, and 339 pp. 252 to 257, pp. 218 to 224 pp. 554 to 561. p. 108. p. 191. pp. 389 to 398. %. and 336. P. 170. p. 69. to 346. and 265. and 253." MISCELLANEOUS—continued. £ S. d. £ S. d. £ S. d. 36 s. d f s. d. 36 s. d. £ S. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. 314. Appropriation for Industrial Exhibition in London in 1851,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * e o e s e s ] e o e e o e s e e s e o e e o e i e e s e o e o e s e e s e e o e i e e s a e e s e e o e o e o e s ] e s e e o e s e o e e o e o e º f * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e s : * * * * * * * * * * * * * e s e 2000 O 0 1500 O 0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * e e s e o e s a e o e o e a e ] e o e o e e o s e e s e e e s a e o e e s e e o e s o e e o e o e s e e s o o e s e e s e e e s ] e s e e o s e e e e s e e s e e I e s e o e s e e e o e º e o e e © e º 'º e º e º 6 & © & © tº gº tº . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 2 6 316. Indian annuities (new),...... e gº e º 'º e º 'º e e e º e º e º e º e º 'º e e s e i e º 'º e º e º e s a e e s e º e ] e e e º e s a e º e º 'º e º e e i e º 'º e º e º a s e º e º e º e 0 • * * * * * * * @ e º & tº e e º & C & & © e º 'º e º e º 'º e o c \ c & © & © e º Gº tº e º e º 'º º tº 1100 O & * e º e º 'º e s a * * * * e s e o sº e e º e s e e a e e e i e e o e o o e e e o e e s e e a a s e e s e o a o e o o e a e s ] e e s e o 'º e e s e o e o e º e i s e e o e º e º e o e º e º e º e º e º 6 e o 6 e e o e o e o 'º | * * * * * * * * * * o 6 e e e s | * * * * * * * * * * * e o o e e 1000 O 0 Sterling. . . . . . . . . 14,882 4 5 || 100,000 0 0 1407 17 9 (equal to) (equal to) (equal to) 315. Land purchased for Widow of J. H. £ Wilson, murdered while executing a Magistrate's warrant,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * e a e e i e s e e s e e a e o e s e e a e 317. Protection of the Gulf Fisheries, .......|. Cººey........ 33,317 6 10+ 500 0 0 79,045 7 6 3.11 # $3: + f § | T Currency........| 49,853 2 10} | 111,611 2 24 80,609 13 10 232,925 14 8 122,949 19 3 207,986 13 T 140,000 0 0 385,101 12 7 393,614 2 8 384,262 8 2 * The Supply Bill for 1842 was amended in Committee (p. 113) by substituting £83,303 6s. 8d. Cy, for 1842, and £27,777 15s. 6d. Cy, to 31st March, 1843. f In addition to this amount an Act was passed (on theºecommendation of the 1st Report of the Committee on the Public Accounts) granting £43,207 16s. 5d., to cover advances made at various times during 1841, 1842, and 1843, for the public service, without authority of Parliament.—Wide supra, 3. f The total amount granted for the Public Service by the Act (9 Wic, c. 63), is £117,453 16s. 11d.,-together with a sum of £520,833 11s. 1d, for public works, to be raised by Debentures, (for details of which last mentioned sum, Wide infra, 353–398.) The balance, £54962s. 4d. (being the amounts granted to Schools and Colleges), was made payable out of the Jesuits' Estates Fund by Act 9 Vic., c. 59. Wide Jesuits' Estates, 1. § The total amount granted by the Act (10 & 11 Vic., c. 34), is £205,486 13s. 7d., of which £140,919 9s. 0d. is out of the Consol. Rev. Fund, £4567 4s. 7d. (certain Educational grants) out of the Jesuits' Estates Fund, and £60,000 (for certain Public Works,—Wide supra, 197–290) to be raised by Debentures.-The balance (£2500) is payable out of the Marriage License Fund.-Wide supra, 130, 144–146. | The amounts granted by the Act (12 Vic, c.32) are—£179,400 24s.2d. out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund,-É5,092 4s. 7d. out of the Jesuits' Estates Fund,-4371,494 6s. 4d. to be raised by Debentures for Public Works,—and £5000 to be raised on the credit of the U. C. Lunatic Asylum Tax,-in all, £260,987 5s. 1d.-The Resolutions for 1849 above detailed include the sums expended on Public Works out of the loan of £125,000, raised under the Act of last session, 11 Vic, c. 9. Wide supra, 9. ** The amounts granted by the Acts (13 & 14 Vic, c. 1 & 2) are—£173,448 3s. 10d. out of Consolidated Revenue Fund,-É2592 4s. 7d. out of Jesuits' Estates Fund,-4:187,573 14s. 3d. to be raised by Debentures for Public Works,—and £30,000 to be raised for the Lunatic Asylum and Normal School, on the credit of the U. C. Building Fund. * The Act (14 & 15 Wic, c. 46) grants £380,262 8s, 2d, of this sum out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and £4000 out of the Jesuits' Estates Fund, SUPPLY-continued. 527 IV. Resolutions of Supply not included in annual Supply Bills: 3.18. 3.19. 820. 321. 322. 323. 324 325, 326. 327. 328. 3.29. 330. 331. 3.32. 333. (1) Appropriations from the Consolidated Revenue Fund, by Special Acts: (1841.) Rebellion Losses, L. C. : Granting £20,000 to pay the same; Bill presented, p. 455. Committed, 475. Wot considered. * Victoria College: Granting £500 in aid of the funds thereof, p. 604. Bill presented, 605. Wide Education, 186. Provincial Steam Dredge: Granting £447 4s. 2d., to pay the balance due thereon, p. 604. Bill presented, 605. Wide Dredging Machine. Legislative Council and Assembly, expenses of viz: Speaker of Assembly, £1000, pp. 386, 406; Officers of do, £2750; Speaker of Council, £500; Officers of do., £2745: Pensions to Officers and Servants of Legislatures of U. and L. Canada, £1534, p. 605: Indemnity to Members of Assembly, £6800, p. 608, Bill presented, p. 608. Wide Parliament, Provincial, 1. To cover the contingencies of the Legislature of U. Canada at its last session, £6801 14s, 13d.; Bill presented, p. 624. Wide Legislative Assembly, 133. (1842.) Dr. Thos, Rolph, for services as Emigrant Agent in England, £500, Stgº-p. 108. Bill presented, ib. Wide Rolph, Dr. Thos. (1843.) Salary of Speaker of Legislative Council, £250,—p. 207. Address ordered, ib. Wide Addresses, 515. (1844–5.) Granting £2000 per annum, for five years, for a Geological Survey of the Province; Bill presented, p. 205. Wide Geological Survey, 1. Granting such sum as may be required for the preservation of the peace on and near public works (limited by the Act to £10,000 per annum); Bill presented, p. 253. Wide Public Works, 12. 4. Agricultural Societies in L. Canada: £150 for each county, and £500 each for Districts of Montreal, Quebec, and Three Rivers; Bill presented, p. 308. Wide Agricultural Societies (L. C.), 2. Agricultural Societies in U. Canada, £250 for each District; Bill presented, p. 329. Wide Agricultural Societies (U. C.), 3. - Allowance to Mrs. Jennet Roy, in consideration of her late husband's services, £300,—p. 416. Address ordered, $6. Wide Addresses, 457. (1846.) Administration of Criminal Justice in U. C.: Providing for defraying the expenses thereof out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, viz.:-in 1846 one-third thereof, in 1847 two-thirds, and thenceforth the whole charge, p. 222. Bill presented, 224. Wide Justice, Administration of, 10. Quebec Fire Loan: Authorizing £100,000 to be raised by Debentures and loaned to the sufferers by the late fires at Quebec, to aid them to re-build their houses; Bill presented, p. 234. Wide Quebec Fire Loan, 1. Civil List: Granting annually therefor, during the life of Her Majesty and for five years thereafter, É33,031 in Schedule A. (Administration of Justice), and £37,450 15s. 3d. in Schedule B. (expenses of Civil Government), p. 255. Bill presented, 257. Wide Civil List, 1. Also infra, 349. Authorizing the application of £19,000 (advanced to the Montreal IIarbour Commissioners, upon the re-payment of the same) for the erection of Light IIouses, Relief Stations, &c., in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, p. 288. Bill presented, 289. Wide St. Lawrence, Gulf of 2. 528 SUPPLY-continued. TV. Resolutions of Supply not included, &c.—continued. 334. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. (1) Appropriations from Consolidated Revenue Fund, déc.—continued. (1847.) Pension to Madame Wallières de St. Real, £200 per annum; Bill presented, 148. Wide Pensions, 55. (1849.) . Establishing the indemnity to members of the Assembly for their attendance, at 20s, per diem, and sixpence per mile for travelling expenses, p. 213. Bill presented, 214. Wide Members, 6. . Providing for affording the Provincial guarantee for the interest on loans to be raised by Railroad Companies within the Province, on certain conditions; also appropriating £20,000 Stg. per annum towards making good any deficiency in the income of any railway to be constructed from Quebec to Halifax-and granting all the ungranted lands within the Province to the extent of 10 miles on each side the line of railway, p. 227. Bill presented, 228. Wide Railroads, 5. Providing for the salaries of such additional Judges as may be required for the purpose of remodelling the judicial institutions of L. Canada; Referred to Committee of Whole on Court of Appeals Bill, with an Instruction, p. 260. Wide Courts, 12. Providing, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and by the funding of fees, for the salaries of such additional Judges in Law and Equity in U. Canada, as an amended system of Judicature may require; Referred to Committees of Whole on Bill to establish a Superior Court of Common Law, and a Court of Appeals, with an Instruction, p. 314. Wide Courts, 14. Establishing an uniform rate of postage throughout the Province, and authorizing any deficiency in the Revenue caused thereby to be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund; Bill presented, p. 329. Wide Post Office, 1. (1850.) Granting £125 per annum for a Clerk in the office of the Master-in-Chancery, p. 185. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Bill relative to the Court of Chancery, with an Instruction, 198. Wide Courts, 23. (1851.) Requiring the Deputy Clerks of the Crown to perform the duties heretofore fulfilled by Clerks of Assize, but continuing W. A. Campbell as Clerk of Assize for York, at a salary of £300 per annum ; Inserted in Bill relative to Clerks of Assize, p. 347. Wide Clerks of Assize. Directing that a general Census be taken in 1852, and in 1860, and every tenth year thereafter; and providing for the remuneration of the census officers out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, p. 87. Bill presented, 92. Wide Census, 7. Providing for the salaries of the officers of the Penitentiary out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, p. 169. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Bill relative to the Penitentiary, with an Instruction, 172. Vide Penitentiary, 4. - • *, Providing for the remuneration of Judges who may act under Commissions for examining witnesses on Parliam entary election trials, p. 169. Referred to Committee of Whole on Controverted Elections Bill, 172. Wide. JElections, 21. - Providing for the maintenance of all Light Houses out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and repealing tonnage duties, p. 211. Bill presented, 216. Wide Light Fſouses, 2. Providing for remunerating (out of the County Fee Fund and Consolidated Revenue Fund) such Judges, Sheriffs &c., as may be required for the Administration of Justice in unorganized tracts in U. Canada, and for the necessary Court Houses, &c., p. 232. Wide Justice, Administration of 11. Providing (out of Provincial or local funds) for the expense of employing military pensioners as a local police force, P. 235. Bill presented, 236. Wide Police, 6. SUPPLY-continued. 529 IV. Resolutions of Supply, &c.—continued. (1) Appropriations from Consolidated Revenue Fund, dºc.—continued. (1851)—continued. 348. Making provision for the expense of Recorders' Courts in U. Canada; Bill presented, p. 272. vide Courts, 62. 349. Reducing, to future incumbents, the salaries granted by the Civil List Act of 1846 (supra, 332), and establishing those of the Chief Justices, Chancellor, and Attorney General, at £900 per annum, those of the Judges, Vice- Chancellors, Receiver General, Inspector General, Provincial Secretary, and President of the Executive Council, at £800; and of the Speakers of the Council and Assembly at £500; and regulating Pensions, p. 313. Bill presented, 316. . Wide Civil List, 2, 3. 351. Authorizing the expense attending the suppression of riots on the works of incorporated companies to be defrayed out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, to be afterwards re-paid by such companies, p. 313. Wide Public Works, 13. 852. Granting £1000 per annum for the use of the Indians in Lower Canada, p. 331. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Bill to set apart certain lands for the use of the Indians, 332. Wide Indians, 4. (2) Appropriations from Special Funds : 1841. 1846. 1848. pp. 327 to 329. pp. 500, 516, & 583. (Out of residue of p. 69. (Out of Imp. Gua- Imp. Loan, & other (To be raised by ranteed Loan. moneys to be raised Debentures. PUBLIC WORKS. Under 4 & 5 Vic, by Debentures. Under 11, Vic, c. 28.) Under 9 Vic, c. 63, c. 9.) (Wide also annual Supply Resolutions, supra, 197–293, 64, & 66.)* and notes to columns of said Resolutions for 1846, 1847, 1849, and 1850.) - Sterling. Currency. Currency. £ s. d. £ s. d. & S. d. 353. Welland Canal, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Q - e o e . . . . 450000 0 0 201535 3 7 315070 0 0 ) | 354. St. Lawrence Canals, . . . . . . . . . . . & 0 & 0 o e º e Q & Q & Q e 9 łºś. O }} 181925 4 7+ 855. River Richelieu,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21000 0 0 2619 14 11 - 3893 12 1 356. Ottawa Works, ......... © e º e º 'º e º e o 'o e o e e 0 0 6 o e º e 28000 0 0 } 13110 0 0 857. Newcastle District inland waters, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50000 0 0 358, Burlington Bay Canal, . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * . . . . . . . . 45000 0 0 359. Lake St. Peter,. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 & 0 & © e s e e º O s e e s e e 58500 0 0 360. Trent Navigation (and bridge over the Otonabee),....... . . . . . . . . . © tº c 6000 0 0 861. Ste. Anne's Rapids, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e e e e e e e ] e e º 0 ° 6 c e o e e o e e e e 1146 4 7 862. Booms at mouths of Rivers Trent and Crow,................ © & 0 & 0 & C 1000 0 0 º e 13 4 863. Harbours and Light Houses, and roads leading thereto, 74000 0 0 } ; : 0 864. Rondeau Harbour,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e e s e e e e e ] e º e º e e • Q & © e º e º e e 7342 13 2 365. Port Stanley Harbour,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........|... o e º e º c © e o e º e ſº 4800 0 0 866. Toronto Harbour (store-house),......... e e º e e e s e e ] e º e º e º 'o e º 'o e e 0 0 & © 60 0 0 367. Bay of Chaleurs Road, ............... © º e º e e e º e 15000 0 0 368. Gosford Road, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10000 0 0 869. North Toronto Road (Yonge Street),............. 30000 0 0 6500 0 0 * These Acts provide for raising and appropriating the remainder of the loan. t Including £15,000 granted for Lachine Canal by Supply Bill of last session. RRR. 530 SUPPLY-com/?niſed. TV. Resolutions of Supply, &c.—continued. (2) Appropriations from Special Funds—continued. *Y. 1841. 1846. 1848. PUBLIC WORKS-continued. sº d. cº d. cº d. 370. Cascades and Coteau du Lac Road, .............. 15000 0 0 º 1. . 871. Brantford and London Road,.................... 55000 0 0 372. London and Port Sarnia Road, . © e º 'º e e º g c e º e º e º e e 15000 O O 873. London, Chatham, Sandwich, and Amherstburg Road, 36000+ 0 0 2181 9 3 374. Cornwall and L'Orignal Road,..... © C & G & © e o 0 e º e e 1500 0 0 1157 3 2 375. Hamilton and Port Dover Road (including, in 1846, 1904 6 5 Caledonia Bridge), ....... © e º e e s e e Q & © e º e º e . . . 30000 0 0 358 5 11 376. Gaspé Roads,............. * @ 9 @ 6 e º e º 0 e º e o 'º e o 'º 6 || e g a e e º e º e o 'º e º e e e 4564 0 (0 377. Chemin des Caps, ........... © e º e º e o e º e o e o e º s e ] e s e e e a e º e s e s e e e a 500 0 0 378. Arthabaska Road,........ * e º 'º e s e s e e e o e s e e s e e e e s e e e e s e © e o Gº O 6 s e 10761 0 0 879. St. John's and Stanstead Road, and adjacent roads,.................. 9800 0 0 380. Grand River Swamp Road,............. tº º e º e o O & I e º e e º e º & © e º e º ſº e º 1000 0 0 381. Rouge Hill and Bridge,......... & e o 6 e º 0 e o e e º 'º e a e e º e o e s p e © e C & 1500 0 0 382. Bytown and L'Orignal Road, with a bridge over the Rideaux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e o e o O © 6 tº e e 2939 0 0 388. Main Eastern Townships Road from Chambly to Granby, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...l... © e e º O 6 e o o © & O 24889 0 0 884. Dover Road, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © tº € 9 e º e º º e © & g c e º e e º e º e º ºs e º e g º O & e 325 19 9 385. Toronto and Saugeen Road, ........... © e o e º a c e º e dº e º 'º e º o e º 'º e e º a o '71 6 6 386. Rice Lake and Ontario Road, .......... © e o e o ºn tº e e i e o e º e e e º e º 'o e o 6 e e 123 17 1 387. Port Stanley Road (toll-houses), ..................... © º e º O e g º O & & 50 0 0 388. Rondeau Road, . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * e º e o e o e e e s e e e ] e s e e s e o e © e º e o 6 to e 1969 1 2 889. Bridges between Quebec and Montreal,......... © 9 34000 0 0 390. Bridges South of St. Lawrence (over Rivers Etchemin, Nicolet, Bécanceur, Godefroy, Chateauguay, and Duchene). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e s e a e o e e '7300 0 0 391. Bridge over River Champlain, ............ © e tº 9 e e ] e º O 9 o O & © & e º 'o e º 'º e 500 0 (0 892. Jacques Cartier Bridge, ............................. © e o e o 'o e - tº e & 1000 0 0 393. Lancaster Bridge, . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * c e e s e e º e e s e e º e © e º te e º e g º O & e 170 0 0 894, Bayonne Bridge,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 4 10 895. Gananoque Bridge, . . . . . . . . . . . © & © tº e º e º e º º © 40 e º e ) e º e º º © 9 & © & © & © e º ºs 7 3 0 896. Chaudière Bridge, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº @ 9 & 0 & © to e º e º e o e e 307 9 0 897. Union Suspension Bridge, at Bytown,............... © º O & © c & © O © 0 e º 91 7 7 898. Lithographing Maps, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 0 0 , 399. To meet the exigencies connected with the Public Works, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125000 0 0 Totals. . . . . . . . . . . . 1659682 0 0 520833 11 1 125,000 0 0 2-a- * This sum is increased to £55,000 in the Act, without, however, any alteration in the total amount. SUPPLY-confinued. 53] -* TW. Resolutions of Supply, &c.—continued. (2) Appropriations from Special Funds—continued. 401. Welland Canal: Authorizing the issuing of Debentures to purchase the private stock therein (amounting to £117,800), (1841) 273. Bill presented, 285. Wide Wavigations, 83. Authorizing a further issue to the amount of £2779 18s. 9d., to complete the purchase; Bill presented, (1844–5) 408. Wide Navigations, 85. MISCELLANEOUS. (1841.) 402. Light Houses: Appropriating £925 for the construction of Light Houses on the River St. Lawrence,—to be raised by a duty on vessels, to be collected by the Montreal Trinity House; Bill presented, p. 605. Wide Light JHouses, 1. Also, Supra, 345. (1844–5.) 403. Tavern Licences: Appropriating the revenue arising therefrom in U. Canada to the payment of the Rebellion Loss Claims, and thereafter to local purposes, p. 309. Bill presented, 310. Wide Rebellion, 2. 404. Quebec Turnpike Roads: Empowering the Trustees to borrow a further sum of £8882, for the purposes of their trust; Bill presented, p. 417. Wide Roads, 263. Also, infra, 418, 424. 405. Longueuil and Chambly Turnpike Road: Empowering the Trustees to borrow £4000 to plank the road leading along the Basin of Chambly to the Canton of Chambly; Bill presented, p. 431. Wide Roads, 192. (1846.) 406. Supervisor of Cullers, Quebec: Authorizing him to retain, out of the moneys coming into his hands, an increased salary of £500 per annum; Bill presented, p. 104. Wide Tºmber, 11. 407. Montreal Turnpike Roads: Authorizing the Trustees to raise £27,000 by Debentures to extend their improvements, p. 211. Bill presented, 212. Wide Roads, 220. (Power was also given to raise moneys by Debentures wrºder the Acts of 1841 and 1849 (Wide Roads, 218, 224), but no Resolutions to that effect were passed.) 408. Jesuits' Estates: Appropriating the proceeds arising therefrom to Educational purposes, and granting £54962s. 4d. to various Colleges and Schools for 1846, as detailed in Resolutions included in the Supply (Column for 1846), p. 284. Bill presented, 286. Wide Jesuits' Estates, 1. 409. Osgoode Hall, Toronto: Granting £6000 to the Law Society of U. Canada, on their providing for the accommo- dation of the Superior Courts in Osgoode Hall;-to be raised by Debentures, redeemable out of a fund to be provided by a tax on certain law proceedings, and the sale of a portion of “Simcoe Place.” Toronto; Bill presented, p. 288. Wide Courts, 2. 410. Lunatic Asylum, Toronto: Granting £30,000 for erection and support thereof, to be raised by Debentures, on the credit of the Lunatic Asylum tax, p. 288. Bill presented, 289. Wide Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, 1. 411. Seizures: Authorizing the proceeds of all Custom House Seizures to be divided between the Collector, the officer making the seizure, and the informer, p. 288. Bill presented, 289. Wide Smuggling, 1. 412. Marriage License Fund: Granting £9986 7s. 2d., to pay the Rebellion Losses in L. Canada, to be raised by Deben- tures on the L. Canada portion of that Fund;—also applying the proceeds of the said Fund in L. Canada, to the payment of the principal and interest of the said Debentures; and the proceeds in U. Canada towards the support of certain Hospitals, &c.; Bill presented, p. 336. Wide Rebellion, 5. (1847.) 413. Dundas and Waterloo Road Trustees: Authorizing them to borrow £6000, to complete the road; Bill presented, p. 74. Wide Roads, 107. • , 414. Appropriating £3618 8s. 9d, from the revenue from Tavern Licences in U. Canada to pay the balance of the Rebellion Loss claims; Bill presented, p. 136. Wide Rebellion, 3. 532 SUPPLY-continued. TV. Resolutions of Supply, &c.—continued. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428, (2) Appropriations from Special Funds—continued. (1849.) Marriage License Fund: Granting £100,000 (by Debentures) to pay the residue of the L. C. Rebellion Loss claims, and constituting the Marriage License Fund in L. C. (after the redemption of the Rebellion Loss Debentures issued under a former Act, out of the same), a portion of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, p. 109. Bill presented, 112. Wide Rebellion, 6. School Lands: Providing for the sale of such portion thereof as shall suffice to create a capital yielding £100,000 per annum for the support of Common Schools; Bill presented, 115. Wide Education, 2. (Several of the Acts relating to Education, contained grants in aid of Common Schools, dºc., but were not founded on Reso- lution of Supply. Wide Education, 3—30.) Court Houses and Gaols: Granting £40,000 to build a Court House at Montreal, and £3000 each for Court Houses and Gaols at Kamouraska, Aylmer, and Chicoutimi-the whole to be raised by Debentures, and re-paid by a tax on certain judicial proceedings, &c., at those places, 314. Bill presented, 315. Wide Gaols, 1. Quebec Turnpike Roads: Empowering the Trustees to borrow £25,000 to improve other roads, and to purchase Dorchester Bridge, p. 329. Bill presented, 330. Wide Roads, 265. (1850.) Administration of Justice, L. C.: Providing fixed salaries for certain officers of Justice, and forming a Special Fund out of their present fees and emoluments; Bill presented, p. 37. Wide Justice, Administration of 8. Court House at Montreal: Appropriating the revenue from Tavern Licences in the County of Montreal towards the cost of erecting the same ; Bill presented, p. 153. Wide Gaols, 19. Repealing the U. C. Lunatic Asylum Tax, and substituting a tax on assessable property in U. Canada for public buildings, and applying the proceeds firstly to the redemption of all Debentures issued on account of the Asylum, p. 171. Bill presented, 172. Wide Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, 4. Montreal Harbour: Empowering the Trustees to borrow a further sum of £2500 for improving the harbour, and #30,000 to deepen the channel in Lake St. Peter (to be repaid by a tonnage duty on vessels passing the same of 10 feet draught or more), p. 172. Bill presented, 173. Wide Harbours, 17. (The Trustees are also empowered to borrow £116,275 by the Act of 1844–5, and £10,000 by that of 1847, which were severally passed without preliminary Resolutions. Wide Harbours, 13, 14.) - (1851.) Jurors: Providing for the payment of Petit Jurors in U. Canada out of local funds; Bill presented, p. 35. Wide Juries, 6. - Quebec Turnpike Roads: Authorizing the Trustees to borrow £15,000 for improving further roads; Bill presented, p. 109. Wide Roads, 268. Authorizing them to borrow £5000 to purchase Montmorency Bridge; Bill presented, p. 191. Wide Roads, 269. Quebec and Montreal River Police: Providing for the establishment of a River Police, and Creating a fund to defray the expense thereof, by a tonnage duty on vessels, &c.; Bills presented, p. 156. Wide Police, 4, 5. Division Courts; Providing, out of the County Court Fee Fund, for the remuneration of Recorders of cities for holding Division Courts therein, p. 169. Referred to Committee of Whole on U. C. Municipalities Bill, with an Instruction, 217. Wide Municipalities (U. C.), 9. Court Houses and Gaols at Kamouraska and Aylmer : Applying the revenue arising from Tavern Licences in Kamouraska, Rimouski, and Ottawa, towards the cost of erecting the same ; Bill presented, p. 169. Wide Gaols, 13. Education: Providing out of the unexpended balance of the Common School Fund, or the Jesuits' Estates Fund, OI’ both, for the support of a Normal School in L. Canada, and for the salaries of certain Inspectors of Schools therein; Bill presented, p. 174, Vide Education, 29. SUPPLY-continued. 533 TV. Resolutions of Supply, &c.—continued. (2) Appropriations from Special Funds—continued. (1851)—continued. 429. Main Trunk Railway: Authorizing the raising of £4,000,000 by Debentures, on the Security of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and local taxes, towards the construction of a Main Trunk Railway from Hamilton to Quebec, and thence to Halifax, p. 272. Bill presented, 279. Wide Railroads, 6. 430. Emigrant Tax: Reducing the tax on emigrants, and declaring the proceeds thereof applicable solely to the relief of emigrants, and authorizing any surplus of the same to be granted in aid of the funds of any charitable institution; Bill presented, p. 287. Wide Emigration, 6. 431. Administration of Justice in unorganized tracts in U. Canada: Providing out of the County Fee Fund and Con- solidated Revenue Fund, for remunerating such Judges, Sheriffs, &c., as may be required for the same, also for the erection of the necessary Court Houses and Gaols, p. 232. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Bill relative to Administration of Justice in unorganized tracts, with an Instruction, 236. Wide Justice, Administration of 11. - W. Resolutions of Ways and Means: 432. Two Resolutions providing for raising by Debentures £125,000 of the amount appropriated by the Supply Bill of 1848, and granting £140,000 out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, (1848) 69. Wide supra, 8, 9. 433. Four Resolutions providing for raising the appropriations by the Supply Bill of 1850, viz: £173,448 3s. 10d. out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund,--É2592 4s. 7d. (probably the grants to Schools and Colleges, L. C.) out of the Jesuits' Estates Fund,-É30,000 (probably the grants for building the Normal School and the Lunatic Asylum) to be raised by Debentures on the credit of the U. C. Building Fund, and £187,573 14s. 3d. (probably for public works) to be raised by Debentures on the public credit, (1850) 267. Wide supra, 11, 12. 484. Four Resolutions providing for raising the appropriations of 1851–viz: £183,681 13s. out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund,-É4000 out of the Jesuits' Estates Fund,-É196,580 15s. 2d. to be raised by Debentures,- and £4,000,000 (for the Main Trunk Line of Railway,+under the Imperial Guarantee) to be raised by Debentures on the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and the Railway Municipal Subscription Fund, (1851) 321. Wide Supra, 13. Also, Railroads, 8. VI. Incidental Proceedings: 435. Resolutions of Supply reported, concurred in, and Bills presented forthwith, (1841) 554, 562–(1842) 108– (1849) 339, 346. And Resolutions referred to a Select Committee, to draft a Bill, (1844–5) 400. Resolutions reported and agreed to, and other Resolutions reported on a future day, and Bill then presented, (1846) 322, 336,-(1851) 218, 253. And Bill presented on a future day, (1847) 102, 119, 161. 436. Question of concurrence put on Supply Resolutions, forthwith, suspending the Rule, (1843) 191. 437. Consideration of certain of the Supply Resolutions postponed to a future day, (1850) 252,265. 438. A Supply Resolution amended, by adding a proviso, (1851) 224. 439. Certain Resolutions re-committed, (1846) 330. 440. Additional Resolutions adopted, and referred to Committee of Whole on the Supply Bill, with an instruction to embody the same therein, (1847) 170, 173. 441. Supply Bill amended in Committee of the Whole, (1844–5) 409. 442. An Address to the Queen reported from Committee of Supply, (1846) 289. 534 SUPPLY-continued. gº- *. VI. Incidental Proceedings—continued. 443. Order, That every item included in the Supply Resolutions be set forth in a Schedule to the Bill, (1851) 253. 444. Series of Resolutions proposed (on the question for going into Committee of Supply) relative to the Public Debt, Public Works, reduction of the Civil List and Public Expenditure, Salary of the Governor General, Constitu- tion, &c., of the Executive Council, Law Costs, Tribunal for trial of Impeachments, and the Seigniorial Tenure, (1849) 315. Consideration thereof postponed, 316. VII. Questions Negatived, or Superseded: 445. Resolution (reported from Committee of Supply) granting £109,355 to complete Toronto Roads, Queenston and Grimsby, Kingston and Napanee, Hamilton and Brantford, and Dundas and Waterloo Roads; Negatived on division, (1841) 515, 518. 446. Resolutions reported from do, granting £250 each to the Medical Faculty of McGill College and the Montreal School of Medicine; Re-committed, and a Resolution reported granting £500 to the first named institution only, (1846) 324, 330, 336. 447. Four Resolutions reported from do. granting £750 each to the Toronto Hospital and the Lunatic Asylum at Toronto (additional), and £500 each to the Toronto House of Industry and the Kingston Hospital,—all out of the Marriage Licence Fund, (1849) 340. Negatived unanimously, 346–Resolution granting £300 to the Ringston Hospital, out of the same fund; Negatived unanimously, 345, 346. 448. That the motion for concurring in the Resolutions of Supply be amended by adding a proviso that no salary thereby voted be deemed to be established as a precedent for any future vote, (1849) 345. 449. Motion, (on question for going into Committee of Supply) to postpone the consideration of the Supply until the Committee on the Public Income and Expenditure shall have finally reported, or until the Government shall have communicated a plan for general retrenchment ; Amendment proposed and negatived; Main motion negatived, (1850) 192.-Motion (on question for further consideration of the Supply), that in future no payment of public money be made, nor any new office created, unless the same shall have been previously authorized by Legislative enactment, &c., negatived, 226. * 450. That the Supply Bill be re-committed, for the purpose of adding a clause requiring all public revenues to be paid in by Collectors without any deductions for salaries, &c., (1851) 280. Wide Addresses, 522. Committees, 288—297. Governor General, 139–143. Sureties of Public Officers, &c.: 1. Bill to regulate the taking of securities in all offices where the same are required; and for avoiding the grant of such offices in the event of the security not being given within a limited time; From the Council; Read, (1841) 317. Passed, 596. Reserved, 644–Royal Assent by Proclamation, 19th March, 1842. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 91.) 2. Bill to declare that bonds and other personal securities to the Crown shall constitute no incumbrance upon the real estate of the parties thereto; Presented, (1851) 113. Returned from the Council with amendments, altering the title also, to “An Act to provide for the discharge of sureties for public officers in certain cases,” 346. Considered, and agreed to, 348. R. A., 359. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 80.) SURVEYS. 535 5ururug. I. Public Bills relative to Surveys, Boundary Lines, and Surveyors; 1—12. - II. Petitions for establishment of certain Surveys or Boundary Lines, and Proceedings thereon; 13–67. III. Other Petitions relative to Surveys and Surveyors; 68–77. I. Public Bills relative to Surveys, Boundary Lines, and Surveyors: 1. To authorize Surveyors to administer an oath in certain cases, and to protect them in the discharge of their duty; Presented, (1841) 229. R. A., 440. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 9.) 7 2. To repeal the Act of U. C. (of 1840), amending the Act establishing Boards of Boundary Line Commissioners, and to make further provisions therein; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 288. Referred, 320. Reported amended; Committed, 477. Not considered. 7 3. To authorize the said Boards to close their proceedings; Presented, (1842) 107. Considered in Committee, and no - Report made, 122. 4. To afford to persons who have been Boundary Line Commissioners a more easy and less expensive mode of recover- ing costs still due on judgments rendered by them in that capacity; Presented, (1843) 178. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 35.) 5. To make better provision concerning the admission of Surveyors and the survey of lands in U. Canada; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 132. Amended in Committee, 179. Reserved, 210–Despatch in relation to the Bill, (1844–5) 65. Printed, 74. 6. To amend the laws relating to surveys in U. Canada; Presented, (1847) 73. Order for second reading discharged, 141. 7. To amend the Act relating to surveys in U. Canada; Presented, (1849) 108. Order for second reading discharged, 266. 8. To make better provision concerning the admission of Surveyors and the admeasurement of lands in Lower Canada ; Presented, (1843) 202. Wot proceeded in. - 9. To revive and amend a certain Act concerning Surveyors and the measurement of lands in L. Canada; Presented, (1847) 58. Amended in Committee, 195. Passed, 203. Not returned from the Council. 10. To repeal a certain Ordinance and to make better provision respecting Land Surveyors and the admeasurement of lands in L. Canada; Presented, (1848) 9. Order for second reading discharged, 64. 11. To repeal certain Acts, and to make better provision respecting the admission of Land Surveyors and the survey of lands; Presented, (1849) 160. Amended in Committee; Further amendment moved and negatived, 350. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 35.) - .12. To amend the Act concerning Land Surveyors; Presented, (1851) 81. Amended in Committee, 138. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 4.) II. Petitions for establishment of certain Surveys or Boundary Lines, and Proceedings thereon, viz: Ameliasburgh: 13. For establishment of Mr. Wilmot's survey of Ameliasburgh, (1842) 10. Referred, 13. Wo Report. 14. Against any alteration of the original survey of Sophiasburgh and Ameliasburgh, (1842) 29, 38,-(1844–5) 210. 536 - - SURVEYs—continued. *-*_--_-_* II. Petitions for establishment of certain Surveys, &c.—continued. Ameliasburgh—continued. 15. For appointment of a Commission to establish the concession lines of Ameliasburgh; Petition for settlement of any difficulties respecting the line between the 2nd and 3rd concessions, by the ordinary Courts, and not the Legislature, (1849) 83. Both referred, 97. (No Report.) Petition against any alteration, 328.-Bill to confirm a certain survey of Ameliasburgh; From the Council, 201. Read, 205. Referred, 236. First two (of the above) Petitions also referred, 240. Message sent to the Council, that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 287.-New Bill sent down, 306. Read, 308. Not proceeded in. Another Petition, (1850) 36. Petitions against, 28, 181—Bill to confirm a certain survey; From the Council; Read, 109. Referred, 189. Report, 204, Motion for third reading in six months, negatived, and Bill passed, 210. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 88.) 16. Bathurst and Johnstown T)istricts:–Bill to define the boundary line between those Districts; Pre- sented, (1849) 105. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 95.) Deverly: 17. Of S. McKenzie and others, complaining that the survey of that township had proved erroneous, and that the adjustment of the boundary lines has caused large deficiencies in their respective lots, and praying compen- sation, (1841) 56. Referred, 130. Members added, 400. Report, 600,—Bill to establish boundaries of lot- in 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th concessions; Presented, (1843) 202. Not proceeded in. Another Petition, (1844–5) 146. Referred, 177. Report, 245. Petition referred back to Committee, to take evidence of ths surveys and inquiries made by order of the Government, 316. Report a Bill to establish boundaries of con- cessions 6 to 10, 337. Reserved, 441. 18. Of J. D. McKenzie and others, complaining that they have been deprived of portions of their lands by the operation of the law, and praying relief, (1846) 55. Referred, 72. No Report. Another Petition, (1849) 54. 19. Brock District (Oxford) :—Of the Municipal Council thereof, for appointment of Commissioners to settle disputed boundary lines in certain townships, (1847) 100,—Again, (1848) 19–(1849) 32. Burford: 20. For a survey of the western boundary in a straight line from the 12th concession, (1842) 38. 21. Against any alteration of the boundary line between Windham and Burford (three Petitions), (1847) 85. 22. For appointment of Commissioners to settle the lines between East and West Oxford, Burford, and Windham, (1851) 163. 23. Caistor :-For an equal division of the lands in the 1st and 2nd concessions, according to the intention of the original Survey, (1849) 113. Report of notices, 126. Another Petition, (1850) 124. For an Act to define the limits of lots in the said concessions, and to establish the side lines throughout the township, (1851) 37. No notice given, 150. 24, Caledonia:—For confirmation of the survey thereof under 59 Geo. III, c. 14, (1851) 101. Petition against, 189. Bill to define certain road allowances therein; Presented, 103. Report from Committee on Standing Orders, that no notice of the application was given, 119. Bill withdrawn, 151. Camden :—Wide infra, 26. Chatham : 25. For establishment of the lines therein agreeably to the first survey, (1841) 174. 26. For º of the lines in Chatham and Camden in accordance with the boundaries of Harwich and Howard, 1849) 84. 27. Clinton —For removal of certain boundary monuments therein, (1847) 14. Referred to Committee on Standing Orders, 31. Report that notice had not been given, 44. Referred to Committee on Boundary Line of Walpole, &c., 57. Wide infra, 66. - SURVEYS-com/?nued. 537 II. Petitions for establishment of certain Surveys, &c.—continued. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Cornwall: For establishment of the line run by Mr. McCarthy as the eastern boundary line of the third concession, (1843) 13. Referred, 18. Report, 34. Referred back to Committee, with directions to take evidence upon the subject, 41. Member added, 42. Further Report; Bill presented, 163. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 42.) For confirmation of Mr. Bruce's survey of the 9th concession, (1849) 89. Report of Committee on Standing Orders thereon, 104. Another Petition, (1850) 8. Referred, 59. Report a Bill to establish a survey in front of the 9th concession (from lot 22 westerly to the limit of the township) as the governing line of the concession, 105. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 84.) Crosby: For establishment of 10th concession line of North Crosby according to front and back posts of original survey, (1844–5) 202. - Of proprietors of lands on the Rideau Canal, in Crosby and other townships in the District of Johnstown, praying that their boundary lines may be defined, (1844–5) 234. Referred, 235. Wo Report. T)awn and Sombra :-For alterations in the boundaries of certain lots in Dawn, and between concessions 7 and 8 in Sombra, (1851) 82. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Territorial Divisions Bill, 123. Delaware :-For establishment of the line between the 2nd and 3rd concessions, (1849) 12. Durham (Drummond) :—For a survey of the line between the 2nd and 3rd ranges; Referred, (1841) 95. Petition for a reference of the matter to the Courts, 269. Referred to same Committee; Member added, 277. Report, 284. Idwardsburgh: For establishment of original survey of eastern boundary line, (1844–5) 166. For relief in the matter of a new survey of the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th concessions, (1844–5) 368. For continuation of the town line from rear of 5th concession to rear of township, agreeably to the plan in Sur- veyor General's Office, (1846) 83. Referred, 291. Report; Address ordered, 333. Wide Addresses, 171. Proceedings thereon read, and referred, (1849) 166. Wo Report. Against any alteration of boundary lines therein, (1847) 84. For confirmation of certain side lines, run by Commissioners appointed for the purpose, (1850) 27. Bill to deter- mine the mode in which certain side lines shall be run ; Presented, 49. T. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic.., c. 85.) For amendments to the Act, (1851) 49. No notice given, 139. Elmsley, North:-Wide infra, 51–53. Fredericksburgh :—For establishment of certain side lines, (1850) 36. Report of notices, 125–Petition against, 37. Gloucester : For establishment of a line surveyed in 1837 between lots A. and No. 1, in the Gore of Gloucester, (1846) 45.— Bill for defining and establishing the side lines of lots in the Gore of Gloucester; From the Council; Read, 89. Passed, 138. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 49.) Against any alteration of Mr. Macdonald's survey, (1847) 111. Referred, 117. No Report. Gore District:-Wide infra, 56. Grimsby :—For appointment of a Commission to establish the concession line road allowances therein, (1848) 19. For the like (in 1st to 7th concessions), (1850) 82, Bill presented, 127. Second reading postponed six months, 231. SSS 538 SUBWEYS-continued. II. Petitions for establishment of certain Surveys, &c.—continued. 44. 45 46. 47. 48. 49. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. Hillier:-For a new survey of the 3rd concession, (1844–5) 100. Petition against, 189. Both referred, 101, 190. Wo Report.—Another Petition, (1846) 16. Petition against, 94.—Another Petition, (1850) 36. Petition against, 70. Both referred, 82. Wo Report. Hungerford :—For establishment of certain side lines in that township, (1849) 71. Bill presented, 146. Mot proceeded in. Johnstown District:—Wide supra, 16, 31. Ta Nouvelle:–For the laying out and sub-division of that township, in order that its boundaries may be clearly defined, (1849) 13. Leeds:–For an Act to declare the eastern boundary of the 10th and 11th concessions the governing point from which the lots are to be surveyed, (1844–5) 194. Loughborough :—For establishment of the line between 5th and 6th concessions in accordance with the deci- sions of the late Boundary Line Commissioners, (1844–5) 169. Again, (1847) 14. Report of notices, 49. Referred, 66. (No Report.) Petition against, 56. Marysburgh :—For establishment of the original survey of the 1st concession by Messrs. Aitkins and Collins, (1843) 24. Matilda:-Wide Addresses, 171. Montague and N. Elmsley: For a survey of the line between those townships, (1847), 69. Referred, 70. Report, 79. Bill presented, 87. R. A., 123. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 53.) To repeal of the foregoing Act, (1848) 58. Petitions against, 31, 66. Again, (1849) 71. Referred, 143. IPetition against, 123. Report; Bill to repeal the said Act, presented, 167. Council desire the evidence and proofs on which the Bill is founded, 214. Communicated, 216. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 102.) For appointment of Commissioners to determine the line between the 4th concession of those townships, (1850) 77. —(1851) 94. - Nepean: For completion of the survey of concession A, Rideau front, (1848) 19. For an Act to settle the manner of surveying concessions A, B, C, and D, (1849) 71. Report from Committee on Standing Orders thereon, 97. Petitions against, 54, 96. Against declaring the end of the said concessions farthest from the Rideau to be the front thereof, (1850) 217. Niagara and Gore Districts:–For establishment of the boundary line between those districts, running through the Indian Reservation, (1843) Niagara Dist. Council, 9. Gore Dist. Council, 39.—House goes into Committee on the subject; First Petition referred, 31. Report a Resolution for adopting the present base line between Oneida and Seneca in the Niagara District, and Tuscarora and Onondaga in the Gore District, as the true boundary line between those districts; Bill presented, 60. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 40.) Oneida :-Wide supra, 56. Onondaga:-Wide supra, 56. Osgoode :—For the running of a straight line therein, from post to post, without reference to that established by 59 Geo. III, c. 14, (1847) 65. Referred, 66. Report a Bill to declare the mode in which side lines shall be run therein, 72. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 54.) For exemption of certain concessions from the operation of the foregoing Act, (1848) 24. Bill presented, 48. Read third time; Committed, to consider propriety of repealing the said Act, 62. Wot considered.——For an Act to amend and explain the foregoing Act, (1850) 59. Bill presented, 69. Amended in Committee, 122. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 86.) k—------, SURWEYS-confinued. 539 II. Petitions for establishment of certain Surveys, &c.—continued. Oxford (County):—Wide supra, 19. Oxford, East and West (Townships):—Wide supra, 22. Line between 58. Percy :—For establishment of a certain concession line, as run by T. C. Dennehy, (1843) 18. 1st and 2nd concessions, (1851) 82. 59. Portland:—For a survey of the rear concession, (1847) 14. No notice given, 108. 60. Rainham:—For indemnification of certain proprietors whose lots of land have been diminished in extent by the recent establishment of a certain boundary line, (1848) 40. Seneca :—Wide supra, 56. Sombra :-Wide supra, 32. Sophiasburgh: 61. For the planting of stone monuments on the original survey, (1846) 203. 62. For establishment of certain lines therein, (1847) 39. No notice given, 108. 63. For the passing of an Act to prevent the Statute of possession from interfering with a certain survey of the first concession, (1850) 77. No notice given, 102. Wide Supra, 14. Townsend:—Wide infra, 65. Tuscarora :-Wide supra, 56. 64. Waughan :—For establishment of the 11th concession line; Referred, (1844–5) 221. Report, 231. Walpole, Woodhouse, &c.; 65. For an Act to define the limits of Walpole, Woodhouse, and Townsend, (1844–5) 8. Referred, 167. Wo Report. 66. For establishment of the line between Walpole and Woodhouse in accordance with the patents, (1846) 61. Referred, 72. No Report. (1847) For establishment of the line as surveyed by Mr. Walsh, 14. Petition from Woodhouse, against, ib. Both referred, 15. Petition relative to certain lines in Clinton referred, 57. Report, 167. (App. W. W.) Again, (1849) 21, 54. Referred, 59, 78. Report, 222. Printed, 223. Certain field notes received by the Committee after making their Report, to be recorded therewith, and printed, 225–Bill to appoint Commissioners to establish the line; Presented, 223. Referred, 282. Reported, with amendments, 306. Amended in Committee, 347. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 101.)—Petition for renewal of the foregoing Act, (1850) 9, 12, 50. Referred, 44. Report a Bill to enable the Commissioners to perform the duty assigned to them by said Act, 47. Amended in Committee, 112. Ryder moved and negatived; Bill passed, 119. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 89.)—Petition of Municipality of Woodhouse, against any alteration of the said line, 36. 67. Winchester:-For a survey of the line in front of the 3rd concession, (1844–5) 807. Referred, 324. (No Report.)—Petition against, 252. Windham :-Wide supra, 21, 22. Woodhouse :-Wide supra, 65, 66. Yonge :—Wide Accounts, 618. Committees, 316. Governor General, 157. 540 SUTWEYS-SYLVESTER. III. Other Petitions relative to Surveys and Surveyors: 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. For the passing of a law to protect Surveyors in the discharge of their duty, &c.; Surveyors of Kingston, (1841) 129. Of Jacob Snider and others, for compensation for loss sustained by them through a re-survey of authority of an Act of U. Canada, (1841) 403. — under Praying that the Act establishing Boards of Boundary Line Commissioners in U. Canada may be allowed to expire; Townsend, (1842) 97. - Petitions of certain persons for power to recover arrears due them for their services, expenses, &c., as Boundary Line Commissioners-for the Niagara District, (1843) 14. Victoria District, 33. Prince Edward, 53. Richardson, Widow, 43. First two Petitions referred to Committee of Whole on the subject, 31, 33. Con- sidered; Motion for leave to Committee to sit again, negatived, 35. All the Petitions referred to a Select Committee, 35, 43, 54. Report, 175. Petition of T. Ketcheson and others, Commissioners, to be relieved from heavy responsibilities by the expiration of the Act, 39. Wide supra, 4. Of J. Richey, Surveyor, for a law to regulate surveys, (1843) 105. For power to Municipal Councils to settle difficulties arising out of the uncertainty of the governing monuments of township lines, according to original surveys; Markham and Whitchurch, (1846) 55. Referred, 143. No Jęeport. For revival of the Surveyors Act of L. Canada, 2 Wm. IV, ch. 21, (1847) 13. Referred, 15. Report, 31. Vide 8wpra, 9. Of Niagara District Council, for amendments to the law respecting Surveyors and the measurement of lands, (l 848) 40–Again, (1849) 72. For establishment of a tribunal to settle disputed boundary lines; Home District Council, (1849) 21. For repeal of the law of prescription respecting 20 years possession, as regards side lines; Hastings, (1850) 54. Wide Addresses, 537. Committees, 11–14, 298, 299. Light. Surveyors :—Wide Law, Practice of 1. Surveys, 1, 5–12, 68, 74, 75. Surveyor General:—Bill to abolish the office of Surveyor General, and to provide for the performance of the duties of that office by the Commissioner of Crown Lands; Presented, (1844–5) 237. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 11.) Wide Elections, 144. Suspension Bridges :—Wide Accounts, 62, 63, 349. Addresses, 88, 542. Bridges, 59–65. Supply, 397. Sutherland, Mr. :—Petition from proprietors of steamboats in Toronto and Niagara, representing the injustice done them by Government aid having been rendered to Mr. Sutherland in running a boat in opposi- tion to them, &c., (1847) 96. Referred, 117. Report, 153. Motion to commit Report, postponed three months, 154. Sydenham, Lord :—Wide Accounts, 557. Addresses, 225, 523. Speeches, 1, 3. Sydenham Harbour:-vide Harbours, 48. Sydenham Mountain Road Co.:-vide Roads, 840, 341. Sylvester, Rebecca :—vide Pensions, 53. TAILHAT)ES—TAWERNS. 541 T. TAILHADES, J. A. :—Wide Aliens, 43. Law, Practice of, 27. Tait, J ohn :—Wide Wavigations, 54. Talbot District: 1. Petition for the holding of a second Assize in that district, (1849) 121. 2. Petition of the Municipal Council of Norfolk, for the confirmation of certain by-laws of the late Talbot District Council, notwithstanding any technical informalities therein, (1851) 94. No notice given, 110. Wide Committees, 596. Courts, 10. Territorial Divisions, 81. Tallow :—Wide Customs, 49. 5 7 Tanguay, H. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 117. Taschereau, A. C. :—Petition of for payment of the full amount awarded for his services in survey- ing and settling the lands on the line of the Kennebec Road, (1848) 43. Another Petition, (1844–5) 94. Taschereau, J O A. :—Wide Accounts, 558. Addresses, 524. Taschereau, J. G. :-vide Customs, 62. Taverns: Bills relative to : . To repeal 2nd section of Ord, 4 Vic, c. 42, relative to taverns and tavern keepers; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 287. Passed, 309. Wot returned from the Council. . To impose a Duty on persons selling spirituous or fermented liquors, or keeping houses of public entertainment, &c.; Ordered, (1844–5) 128. Presented, 129. Referred to Committee on the Bill for imposing a Duty on distillers, &c., 200. Wide Committees, 377. . To repeal certain Acts, and to impose a Duty on persons selling spirituous or fermented liquors, or keeping houses of public entertainment, and to provide for the collection of such Duties; Ordered; Presented, (1846) 289. Committed; Considered, 314, 337. Wot reported. . To amend the laws relative to tavern licenses in U. Canada, and to empower the municipal authorities to regulate taverns and beer shops and the Duty payable thereon, and to make better provision for the issuing of such licenses; Ordered; Presented, (1850) 185. R. A., 285. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 65.) Wide also Intemperance, 2. . To explain and amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1851) 259. Amended in Committee, 317. R. A., 360. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 120.) . Petitions for amendment of the laws relative to the granting of tavern licenses:–(1841) Grocers of Montreal, 174. Wide Supra, 1. (1849) Home District, Justices of 53. Lindsay, 103. Rouville, 163. St. Eustache, 247. First two referred to Committee on Intemperance, 55, 113. (1850) Gananoque, &c., 170. Hastings, 260. Oakville, 53. Pembroke, &c., 124. . Petitions praying that the issuing of tavern licences, and the expenditure of the proceeds thereof, may be placed inder the control of the Municipal Councils:–(1841) Dorchester Municipal Council, 59. (1843) Niagara District Council, 9. Motion to refer Petition to Committee of Whole on U. C. Municipalities Bill, postponed, 144. Norwich (licences and fines), 79. (1846) St. Jean Baptistè de Nicolet, 233.−–(1849) Ernesttown, 67. Talbot District Temperance Association, 190. First Petition referred to Committee on Intemperance, 91–(1850) Beauharnois Municipal Council (No. 2), 102. Brantford Municipality, 36. Brantford Town Council, 40. Peterboro’ Municipal Council, 117. Peterboro'Town Council, 117. Rainham Municipality, 12. Waterloo Municipal Council, 28. Wentworth and Halton Municipal Council, 13. (1851) Guelph Municipality, 32. Lincoln and Welland Municipal Council, 102. York Municipal Council, 139. 542 TAVERNs—TELEGRAPH. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Taverns—continued. . Petition of E. Bell and others, for a reduction of the number of taverns, (1843) 54. . Petitions for expenditure of the proceeds of tavern licences and fines, in the improvement of the Roads, (1843) Bathurst District Council, 13. Simcoe District Council, 9. Victoria District Council, 33. Petition from tavern keepers of Montreal, for relief against the taxes imposed on them by the City Council, (1844–5) 94. Referred to Committee on Petition of Mayor and Corporation, ib. Wide Montreal (City), 10. Petition from inhabitants of Saguenay, praying that no tavern licence be granted to any person who has not obtained a certificate from the parish officers, (1848) 25. Petitions against the granting of licences in certain parishes, viz.-(1849) Beauport, 90. Charlebourg, 77. Petition for repeal of the law requiring the publication of lists of tavern licences issued; Municipal Council of Essex and Lambton, (1851) 163. Petition from inn-keepers of Stormont, &c., for an Act to enable them to collect sums due them for spirituous liquors, (1850) 54. Referred, 137. Report; Committed, 159. Wot considered. Wide Accounts, 452, 559. Committees, 73, 76, 122, 246, 247, 301–304. Customs, 17, 19. Gaols, 19. Intemperance, 2, 5, 6. Municipalities (U. C.), 20. Supply, 414, 420. Temperance Houses. Taxes:—Wide Accounts, 559. Tay Navigation Co. —vide Navigations, 75,76. Taylor, T. M.:-vide Aliens, 46. Tea :—Wide Customs, 84. Teachers' Institutes:—Wide Education, 208. Teed, John :—vide Rebellion, 17. Telegraph Lines: Bills relative to : . To regulate the construction of, and protect from injury, Electro-magnetic Telegraphs throughout the Province; Presented, (1847) 63. Referred, 88. Reported, 128. Amended in Committee, 195. Passed, 205. Not returned from the Council. . To regulate the construction of, and protect from injury, Electro-magnetic Telegraphs; Presented, (1849) 92. Referred, 228. Not reported. . To protect from injury Electro-magnetic Telegraphs; Presented, (1850) 167. Amended in Committee 235. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 31.) . Petition for a general Act of Incorporation for Telegraph Companies; Niagara, (1847) 43. Petitions for incorporation of Telegraph Companies, and Proceedings thereon, viz.: . British W. American Electric Telegruph Association —(1847) 19. Bill presented, 70. Amended in Committee, 164. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 81.) Petition for amendments, and for an extension of the time for completing the telegraph, (1850) 167. Bill presented, 183. Fee remitted, 230. Committed, 235. Wot considered.—New Bill sent down from the Council; Read, 238. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 119.) Wide Supply, 182. . Bytown and Montréal Telegraph Co.:—(1850) 117. Bill presented, 125. Referred, 135. Reported, with an amendment, 142. Amended in Committee, 149. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 198. Con- sidered, and agreed to, 201. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 120.) • Montreal and Troy Telegraph Co.:—(1849) 32. Bill presented, 64. Referred, 133. Reported, with an amend- ment; Committed, 170. Motion for consideration negatived, 195. Considered, and amended, 233. Passed, 237. Message from the Council, that the French version was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 285. Bill returned, with amendments, 293. Considered, and agreed to, 298. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 181.) • - TELEGRAPH-TERRILL. 543. Telegraph Lines—continued. Petitions for incorporation of Telegraph Companies, &c.—continued. 8. Montreal Telegraph Co.:-(1847) 48. Bill presented, 72. Amended in Committee, 195. Returned from the Council, with an amendment; Considered, and agreed to, 210. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 83.) Petition for amendments, (1848) 25. 9. Toronto, Hamilton, Wiagara, and St. Catharines Electro-magnetic Telegraph Co. —(1847) 13. Bill presented, 16. Bassed, 99. By the Council, with an amendment, 130. Considered, and agreed to, 147. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic.., c. 81.) 10. Western Telegraph Co.:—(1848) 25. Bill presented, 48. Referred, 52. Reported, with amendments; Amended in Committee, 59. R. A., 80. (11 Vic, c. 15.) Wide Accounts, 626. Committees, 483. Wide Committees, 482—486. Telfer, Dr . ...—Wide Accounts, 285. Addresses, 278. Temper an Ce :—Wide Intemperance. Temperance, Sons of :—Petition for an Act to incorporate the Grand Division and Subordinate Divisions of the Sons of Temperance in Canada West, (1851) 51. Petitions in favor, 115, 176, 248. Bill presented, 160. Referred, 234. Reported, with amendments, 245. Passed, 282. - R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 159.) Temperance Houses: 1. Bill to enable the District Councils in U. Canada to regulate Temperance Houses; Presented, (1846) 88. Committed, 136. Considered, and no Report made, 180. 2. Petition of Niagara Dist. Council, for an Act to compel Public Temperance Houses to furnish suitable accommoda- tions for travellers, (1844–5) 24. Referred, with other Petitions, 31. Wide Committees, 437; Also, Dogs, 1. Another Petition, (1846) 46. Referred, 51. Report, 88. Wide supra, 1. Petition for the regulation of Temperance Houses; Bathurst District, (1848) 66. Referred, b. No Report. 3. Petitions for the substitution of Temperance Houses in place of licensed taverns, (1849) Point Levy, 96. St. Jean Chrysostôme, 123. St. Michel, 71. Temperance Tracts:—vide Hawkers, 2. Terrebonne : 1. Petition for the holding of the Circuit Court for St. Jerome and other parishes, at Ste. Thérèse instead of Terrebonne, (1843) 148. 2. Petitions for removal of the Registry Office from Terrebonne to Ste. Thérèse, (1844–5) 46.-(1846) 84. Peti- tions against, 163, 191—(1847) 14, 147. Petition against, 65. Bill presented, 66. Referred (with Peti- tion against), 83, 85. Reported (with a suggestion for establishment of a second Registry Office on Isle Jésus), 108. Committed, 112. Petition in favour also referred, 147. Consideration postponed six months, 181—(1851) 248. * 3. Petitions for the holding of the meetings of the Municipal Council at Terrebonne instead of St. Thérèse, (1850) Municipal Council of Terrebonne, 70. Other Petitions, 36, 59, 77. (1851) Municipal Council of Terre- bonne, 20. 3. - Wide Elections, 69. Terr ill, J © H. :—Petition of, for remuneration for his services as High Constable of the District of St. Francis, (1847). 30. 544 TERRITORIAL DIVISIONS. QIcrritorial Tjiuigiong. *Nºvayººsevºº-º-º/***Nºvºevº."Nºvºv- I. Public Bills for regulating the Territorial Limits of Districts, Counties, Townships, &c.; 1—8. II. Petitions for alterations in the limits of Districts, Counties, and Townships in Upper Canada, and Proceedings thereon; 9–114. III. Petitions for alterations in the limits of Counties and Townships in Lower Canada, and Proceedings thereon; 115–135. [NotE.-Petitions for the alteration of existing limits for Municipal, Judicial, or Registration purposes only, will be found under the names of the respective Counties, Circuits, or Townships, to which they 'respectively refer.] I. Public Bills for regulating the Territorial Limits of Districts, Counties, Townships, &c. : \ 1. To provide for the better division of U. Canada into counties; to abolish the division into districts, and to provide for the temporary union of counties and the future dissolution of such unions; Presented, (1843) 122. Amended in Committee, 196. Passed, 201. Not returned from the Council. 2. For better defining the limits of the counties and districts in U. Canada; for erecting new townships; for detaching townships from some counties and attaching them to others, &c.; Presented, (1844–5) 133. Referred to a Committee of 23,-seven to be a quorum, 172. Various Petitions relative to limits of townships referred, 178, 183. Reported, with amendments, 195. Amended in Committee; Motion to re-commit Bill negatived, 209. Passed, 211. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 221. Considered, and agreed to, 222. R. A., 242. (8 Vic, c. 7.) 3. To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1846) 171. R. A., 274, (9 Wic, c. 46.) 4. To abolish the territorial division of U. Canada into districts, and provide for temporary unions of counties for judicial and other purposes, and for the future dissolution of such unions, as the increase of wealth and popula- tion may require; Presented, (1849) 121. Amended in Committee; One of the amendments amended ; A further amendment moved and negatived, 223. Ryder added, 231. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 78.) 5. To provide for the erection of certain new counties and townships in U. Canada, and for certain purposes relative to such new counties; Presented, (1849) 189. Second reading postponed three months, 249. 6. To make certain alterations in the Territorial Divisions of U. Canada; Presented, (1850) 116. Referred, 155. Petition for annexation of Dumfries, &c., to Waterloo, referred, 170. Bill reported, with amendments; Committed, 178. Petitions relative to certain territorial limits referred, 201, 207, 260. Motion to postpone consideration, negatived; Considered; No quorum, 279. Not further considered. 7. To make certain alterations in the Territorial Divisions of U. Canada; Presented, (1851) 23. I’etitions in favor of the Bill, or of certain provisions therein, 61, 139, 150. Petitions for amendments, 82, 115. Bill committed, 70. All Petitions relative to territorial divisions referred, 75, 93, 112, 123, 134, 137. Motion for an instruction to the Committee to report that no county be set apart under the Bill until the inhabitants have voted in favor of it, negatived, 93. Bill amended in Committee; Re-printed, 138. Motions for re-committing the Bill to amend the same with regard, respectively, to the County of Middlesex, and the Townships of Georgina, West Gwillimbury, Beverly, East and West Flamborough, Erin, and Pickering, and to various matters relative to the separation of unions of counties, and the selection of the county towns, negatived, 146 to 148. Motion to re-commit Bill to amend the same as regards County Registrars; An amendment moved thereto and negatived; Main motion agreed to, and Bill re-committed, 148. Reported further amended; One of the amendments negatived, the others agreed to, 149. Passed, 156. By the Council, with amendments, 212. Considered, and agreed to, 215. R, A, 230. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 5.) Wide Accounts, 560. Addresses, 525. TERRITORIAT I)TWISIONS-continued. 545 I. Public Bills for regulating the Territorial Limits, &c.—continued. 8. Resolution, That it is expedient to extend the power of the Governor General for bringing into operation an Ordi- nance of 4 Vic, for establishing new territorial divisions in L. Canada, for amending the Judicature, and for providing for the more efficient administration of justice,—and such other Ordinances (not yet in force) as are essential to the working of the same, (1841) 490. II. Petitions for alterations in the limits of Districts, Counties, and Townships in Upper Canada, and Proceedings thereon, viz: Adelaide :-Wide infra, 32. 9. Alfred and Plantagenet :—Motion, for leave to present a Bill to attach those townships to the County of Russell, Negatived, (1843) 198. *s Ameliasburgh:-Wide infra, 52. 10. Amherst Island :—Against a separation of Amherst Island from the County of Addington, (1851) 61. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Territorial Divisions Bill, 75. Bathurst District: 11. For a division thereof, (1848) 28. 12. For selection of the 3rd chute of the River Bonne Chere as the site of the district town of the new district, in the event of a division, (1849) 67. 13. Against a division of the district, (1849) 83. 14. Bill to attach certain unsurveyed lands to the Bathurst District; Presented, (1849) 180. Referred, 234, 271. Reported, 304. Passed (as an Act to detach a certain tract from the Midland, and annex it to the Bathurst District), 323. R. A., 365. (12 Vic.., c. 94.) 15. Bayham :—For annexation of that township to the District of Brock (Oxford) in exchange for a part of Nis- souri, (1842) 17, 39. Referred, 18. Wo Report. (1844–5) 167. Referred to the Committee on the Limits of Counties Bill, 183. Wide supra, 2. (1846) 37, 158.-(1847) 111–(1848) 25.-(1849) 32, 137–(1850) 37–(1851) 36. - Wide infra, 80, 81. 16. Beverly :—For attachment of N.W. section of that township to the County of Waterloo, (1850) 117. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Territorial Divisions Bill, 201. Wide Supra, 7. 17. Planchard:—For attachment of that township to the District of London, (1849) 77. 18. Blenheim —For attachment of that township to the County of Waterloo, (1850) 108. Wide infra, 20. -- 19. Bosanquet :—For the re-uniting of that township to the Huron District, (1847) 39. Petition against; Petition for annexation thereof to the London District, 47. All referred to a Committee on division of the London District, 48. Wide infra, 66. 20. Brant:-Petition for erection of Dumfries and other townships into a new district, by that name, (1842) 38- Petition against, 62.--For erection of certain townships into a district, with Brantford for the district town, (1849) 21, 224. Report from Committee on Standing Orders thereon, 46.-Petitions against, 29, 63, 76, 89, 282,240. Petition for inclusion of the south half of Dumfries in the proposed district, 224. Petition against separation of Blenheim from Brock to form part thereof, 54. TTT 546 TERRITORIAT. T)TWTSIONS-continued. —º-—- *— II. Petitions for alterations in the limits of Districts, &c.—continued. Brighton :-Wide infra, 27. Brock (District):—Wide infra, 22. 21. Brock (Township):—For the annexation of that township to the London District, (1847) 19. Bruce : 22. For erection of certain townships in the Gore, Wellington, and Brock Districts, into a separate district and county, by that name, with Galt as the county town, (1849) 54, 66. 23. For attachment of North Easthope and other townships in the Huron and Wellington Districts to such new district, (1849) 54.—South half of Dumfries, ib. 24. Against the formation of the said new district (or the inclusion of particular townships), (1849) Blenheim, 71. Flamboro’ East, 187. Guelph and Eramosa, 54. Holland, &c., 54. Nichol, 54. Norwich, 89. Paris, 63. Puslinch, 54. Tuscarora, 169. Wellington District, 54, 225. Woolwich, 54. Wide infra, 59. Durgess:–Wide infra, 63. Camden :-Wide infra, 61. Canboro’:—Wide infra, 76. Cartwright :—Wide infra, 91. 25. Cayuga :—For a division of that township, (1848) 40. Referred, 41. Report a Bill, 63. Not proceeded in. Another Petition, (1849) 21. Bill presented, 59. Amended in Committee, 155. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 98.) Wide infra, 45. Chatham –Vide infra, 61. Cramahé : . 26. For an Act to attach the Peninsula of Newcastle to that township, (1843) 25. 27. For erection of certain portions of Cramahé and Murray into a separate township, by the name of Brighton, (1849) 123. Report of Committee on Standing Orders thereon, 188. Another Petition, (1850) 224. Again, (1851) 118. Petitions against, 82, 120. Bill presented, 160. Referred, 174. Report that preamble has not been proved, 204. 28. Delaware :—Against separation of that township from Middlesex, (1849) 112. T)umfries: - 29. For a division of that township, (1849) 63. Petition against, 187. 80. For erection of the townships constituting (in the Representation Bill) North Dumfries into a separate county for all purposes, (1850) 102. 31. For attachment of the township of Dumfries (without division) to Waterloo; Three Petitions, (1850) 117. Referred to Committee on the Territorial Divisions Bill, 170, 201. To the County of Brant, (1851) 61. Wide supra, 20. Lunn –Wide infra, 76. 32. Ekfrid and Adelaide :—For erection of the North-western part of Ekfrid, and Southern part of Adelaide, into a separate township, (1844–5) 60–Petition from Adelaide, against, 167. Referred to Committee on the Counties Division Bill, 178. TERRITORIAI, DIVISIONS-conſinued. 547 TI. Petitions for alterations in the limits of Districts, &c.—continued. Elgin:-Wide infra, 66. 32. Dmily :—Against separation of that township from the County of Peterborough, (1851) 79. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Erin —Wide supra, 7. Escott:-Wide infra, 113. Flamborough —Vide supra, 7. Georgina:—Wide supra, 7, infra, 55. Gore District:-Against a division thereof, (1848) 26. Wide supra, 22. Grenville :—For erection of that county (with the Townships of Matilda and Mountain) into a separate district, (1847) 84. Bill to erect Grenville into a district; Presented, 117. Order for second reading discharged, 195. Grey: Bill to erect certain territory in U. Canada into a county, by that name; Presented, (1849) 226. Second reading postponed three months, 257. . Petition praying that the proposed County of Grey may be placed in the same section in the Counties Division Bill (supra, 4) with Kent and Lambton, and that provision be made for its speedy formation into a county, (18 49) 225. Bill to erect certain territory into a new county by the name of Grey; Presented, (1850) 100. Petition for inclu- sion of Arran, Saugeen, &c., within the said county, 145. Order for second reading discharged, 202. Gwillimbury, West :—Praying that the “Old Survey” of West Gwillimbury may be detached from Simcoe, and attached to East Gwillimbury in the County of York, (1842) 6. Petitions against,-Home District, 10. Orillia, 38. Oro, 56. Simcoe, 17. Tecumseth, 21. Original Petition referred to Committee on the Limits of Counties, &c., (1844–5) 183. (Wide supra, 2.) Petitions against, 276, 298. Petitions for annex- ation of “Old Survey,” &c., (1850) 167, 181. The “Old Survey” and a portion of the “New Survey;” 4 Petitions, (1851) 17. Petitions of Mun. Council of Simcoe, against, 18, 110. Bill to annex the Old Survey of West Gwillimbury to East Gwillimbury, in York; From the Council; Read, 42. Petitions for and against the Bill read; Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived ; Committed, 48. Con- sidered; Progress reported, 90. Order for further consideration discharged, 228. Wide Supra, 7. Haldimand: Bill to extend to the Counties of Haldimand and Simcoe, respectively, certain privileges which they could not otherwise’ enjoy until they may be constituted districts; Presented, (1841) 404. Amended in Committee, so as to include part of Kent, 628. Passed, 630. Wot returned from the Council. Bill to erect Haldimand into a district, by the name of Manchester; Reported by a Committee, (1841) 312. Com- mitted, 455. Petition against the Bill; Referred to same Committee of Whole, 579. Wot considered. Bill to erect, &c., by the name of Manchester; Reported by a Committee, (1842) 41. Wot proceeded in. Bill to erect Haldimand, &c., by the name of Albert, and to erect the northern townships of Kent into a district by the name of Moore; Reported by a Committee, (1844–5) 105. Second reading postponed six months, 206. Bill to divide the County of Haldimand; Presented, (1849) 219. Order for second reading discharged, 257 . Petitions for erection of Haldimand (County) into a separate district:—(1841) 283.−(With Caistor), ib.—(With Walpole), ib. All referred, 293. Report a Bill, 312. (Wide supra, 41.)—The Indian Tract in Gore and Niagara Districts, with Rainham and Walpole, 318.—(1842) 12. Referred, 21. Report, with a Bill, 41. Wide supra, 42. (1843) Proceedings in 1842 thereon, read, and referred to Committee on Petition for a division of the Niagara District, 114. (Wide infra, 75.) Petition for erection of Haldimand, 171. Referred to same Committee, 178.--Six Petitions for the like, (1844–5) 41, 53, 61. Referred, 54, 61, 82. Petition for erection of Kent referred, 88. Report a Bill, 105. (Wide supra, 43.) Petition against, and for annexation of Seneca, Oneida, and Cayuga to the Gore District, 281. For the like, (1849) 76,240.—For establishment of the district town of the new District at Cayuga, 84. 46. Motion, for leave to present a Bill to enable the Provisional Court of Wardens to be appointed for the County of Haldimand, to raise a loan to build a Gaol and Court House therein, Negatived, (1 843) 195, Wide infra, 75. 548 TERRITORIAL DIVISIONS.–continued. II. Petitions for alterations in the limits of Districts, &c.—continued. 47 Hallowell :-For an Act to unite part of the Gore of Sophiasburgh to Hallowell, and part of Hallowell to Sophiasburgh, (1849) 39. Bill to alter the boundary line between Hallowell and Sophiasburgh; Presented, 105. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 100.) Eſalton : 48. For erection of certain parts of Wentworth and Halton into a new county, by the name of Brant, (1850) 40. 49. Against a division of that county, (1851) 102, 110. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Territorial Divisions Bill, 123. Wide Supra, 7. 51. Hawkesbury :—For a division of that township, (1843) 79. Bill presented, 122. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 39.) 52. Hillier and Ameliasburgh :—For erection of certain parts of those townships into a new township, by the name of Ontario, (1850) 28. Report of notices, 102. Eſome District: 53. Bill to provide for the erection of certain townships in the Home District into a separate county; Presented, (1849) 200. Wot proceeded in. b4. Petition for erection of certain townships in that district into a separate district, with Whitby for the district town, (1849) 72. Referred, with another Petition, 81. Report; Printed, 196.-Petitions against a division, 13, 71, 89, 112, 253. For erection of the same into a separate county by the name of Ontario, (1850) 35, 37. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Territorial Divisions Bill, 201. (Wide supra, 6.)—Bill presented, 146. Motion to call up Order of the Day for the second reading, negatived, 273. Other Petitions (new county), (1851) 6, 51, 102. Against any alteration in the clauses of the Territorial Divisions Bill which provide for the erection of the said county, as regards the county town, 130.-Petitions against erection of the proposed new county, 71, 110, 111. 55. Petitions in favor of the erection of the West Riding of York into a separate county (as provided by the Territorial Divisions Bill) by name of Peel, (1851) 7 Petitions, 82, 94. Petitions against, 71, 94, 110, 111. For altera- tions in the proposed limits, 110. For inclusion of Georgina in the said county, 134. Last two Petitions referred to Committee of Whole on the Territorial Divisions Bill, 134, 137. 56. Howe Island:—For erection of that island into a separate township, (1850) 28. Huron District : 57. Bill to attach certain territory to the Huron District, for certain purposes; Presented, (1846) 199. Amended in Committee, 243. R. A., 274. (9 Wic, c. 47.) 58. Petitions for a division of the district, (1847) 78, 126, 143, 167, 179. Petition against, 56. Bill to erect certain parts of Huron and Wellington into a district, by the name of Peel; Presented, 116. Order for second read- ing discharged, 195. 59. Petition for erection of North Easthope and other townships, with the Government lands north of the eastern section of the district, into a separate district, by the name of Peel, (1849) 12, 21, 28, 84. Bill to divide the Huron District into the Counties of Huron, Perth, and Bruce; Presented, 254. Amended in Committee, 386. Passed, 337. By the Council, with an amendment, 350. Considered, and agreed to, 352. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 96.) Wide supra, 23, 24. infra, 99–102. Kent : 60. For erection of the Northern Townships of Kent into a separate district, (1841) 202, 430. Referred, 410, 430. Report a Bill to erect certain townships into a district, 460. Committed, 502. Wot considered. Another Petition, (1844–5) 18. Referred to Committee on Petitions relative to the County of Haldimand, 88. Report a Bill, 105. Wide supra, 43. For erection of Kent, (1846) 71. Referred, 72. Wo Report.—(1847) 14, 18, 69, 95. Bill presented, 24. Wide infra, 107.--—For erection of the Northern Townships, 12, 53, 76, 112, 232. Report of notices, 60. Petition against, 332. TERRITORIAL DIVISIONS.–continued. 549 *— --sºs II. Petitions for alterations in the limits of Districts, &c.—continued. Rent—continued. 61. For repeal of so much of 12 Vic, c. 78 (Territorial Divisions Act) as relates to the Counties of Lambton and Kent, and re-enactment of the original Act erecting Kent into a district, (1850) 9. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 74.—Petition against, 12.-Petition praying that the boundary between Kent and Lambton formed by the River Sydenham under the said Act, may be abolished, 40. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Territorial Divisions Bill, 207. Wide supra, 6. For an alteration of the said boundary, so as to restore the Gores of Chatham and Camden to Lambton, (1851) 163. 62. For an union of the Counties of Kent and Lambton, for certain purposes, (1851) 37. Wide infra, 107, 108. Kenyon :-Wide infra, 65. Kincardine :-vºw. 67. Ringston —vide infra, 68, 69. Tambton :-Wide supra, 61, 62. Tiansdowne:—Wide infra, 63, 64. Teeds and Lansdowne : 63. Bill to divide those townships, and to attach South Burgess to Bastard, in the District of Johnstown; Presented, (1849) 216. Referred, 249. Reported, with amendments; Amended in Committee, 337. Passed, as a Bill to divide the Townships of Leeds and Lansdowne, 346. R. A., 366. (12 Vie., c. 99.) 64. Petition for a division of the said townships under the name of the Front of Leeds and Lansdowne, and the Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne, (1849) 332. 65 Lochiel and Kenyon :—For annexation of certain concessions of those townships to the Ottawa District, (1842) 17. Petition against, 58. Both referred, 18, 59. No Report.—Another Petition, (1843) 193. Motion to refer Petition to Committee of Whole on the Territorial Divisions Bill, negatived, 194. London T)istrict: 66. For erection of Aldboro' and other townships therein, into a separate district, (1847) 19. Referred, 31. Petitions relative to Township of Bosanquet, referred, 48. Petition in favor, 78. Petitions against, 19, 126. Referred, 40. Report; Bill to erect certain townships into the District of Elgin ; Presented, 62. Committed, 206. Petition against to be also considered, 129. Considered, and no Report made, 149. Another Petition, (1849) 240. Bill to divide the London District; Presented, 200. Speaker decides that notice (as a local Bill) is not required; Second reading postponed three months, 256. 67. For erection of Dunwich, Aldborough, and other townships in that district into a county by the name of Kincardine, (1850) 108. Loughborough : 68. For erection of portions of that and other townships into a separate township, (1842) 20. 153. For the like, (1843) 69. Bill to erect certain parts of Loughborough, Pittsburgh and Kingston, into a separate township; Presented, (1844–5) 10. Not proceeded in. - 70. McGillivray :—For annexation of that township to Middlesex, (1850) 194. Referred to Committee of Whole on Territorial Divisions Bill, 201. 71. Mariposa :—Against separation of that township from the Colborne District, (1849) 31. Maryborough —Vide infra, 85. 550 TERRITORIAI, DIVISIONS—continued. II. Petitions for alterations in the limits of Districts, &c.—continued. 72 Middlesex :—For a division of that county, by a line running East and West, as provided by the Territorial Divisions Bill, (1851) 40, 52, 102.-Against any division, unless it be by a line from North to South, 101, 104, 110, 189: Referred to Committee of Whole on Territorial Divisions Bill, 112–Against a North and South division line, 32, 40. Midland District :-Wide supra, 14. Mornington: 73. For attachment of that township to the Huron District, (1847) 84. 74. For an Act to declare whether that township belongs to the County of Waterloo or Perth, (1850) 187. |Moulton :-Wide supra, 76. Murray :—Wide supra, 27. Niagara District: 75. For a division of the district:—(1843) 57. Referred, 83. Proceedings in 1842 relative to erection of Haldimand into a separate district, referred, 114. Petition for removal of the district town to Port Robinson, referred; To report by Bill or otherwise, 177. Petition for erection of Haldimand into a district, referred, 178. Re- port, 199-(1849) Petitions for a division of the district, 169, 199. 76. For certain alterations in the boundaries, respectively, of Dunn, Canboro’, Moulton, and Sherbrooke, (1 848) 40. Petition for annexation of part of Moulton to the Township of Sherbrooke Forest, and otherwise that its boundaries may remain unaltered, 66. Both referred, 41, 66. Wo Report. Foregoing proceedings read and referred, (1849) 48. Report, 59. Wide supra, 40–46. Niagara and Gore Districts, Line between —Vide Committees, 201. Nichol: 77. Praying that if that township be divided (by the Territorial Divisions Bill), the division may accord with the original plan of Elora, (1851) 61. 78. For attachment of that township to the proposed new township of Pilkington, (1851) 82. '79. Nissouri :—For attachment of that township to the County of Middlesex, (1850) 46. Wide supra, 15. Norfolk (Talbot District): 80. Bill to define the westerly limits of that county, and to attach the Township of Bayham thereto; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 504. Passed, 541. Wot returned from the Council. 81. Petitions for an enlargement of the said county and district, (1841) 164.——For annexation of the Townships of Oakland, 55 : Bayham and Walpole, 164. Petitions committed, 260. Report a Resolution, for annexing Bayham to Norfolk, 441. Motion for concurrence; Amendment, that the Petition relative to Bayham be referred to a Select Committee, carried, 442. The other Petitions also referred ; Members added, 452. Report; Committed, 478. Report a Resolution, 503. Bill presented, 504. Wide supra, 80. For an extension of the western limits, (1842) 17. For annexation of Bayham, ib. Both referred, 17, 18. Wo Report.—For annexation of Walpole, (1843) 198. Oakland:—Wide supra, 81. Oneida:-Wide supra, 45, infra, 92. Onondaga:-Vide infra, 98. Ontario:-Vide Supra, 54. TERRITORIAL DIVISIONS-continued. 551 à--- II. Petitions for alterations in the limits of Districts, &c.—continued. 82. 83 84 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 94. Orillia:-For an Act to declare the northern and southern divisions thereof but one township, (1850) 50. Referred, 71. Wo Report. Oxford (County) :—Against a division of the county, (1850) 46. Wide infra, 102. Oxford, East:-For a division of that township, (1843) 76. Peel (District):—Wide supra, 58, 59. Peel and Maryborough :—For formation of the south halves of those townships into a separate munici- pality, to be attached to the County of Waterloo, (1850) 201. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Territorial Divisions Bill, ib. Perth :—Wide supra, 59. Pilkington: For annexation of the Pilkington Block, in Woolwich, to Nichol; Two Petitions, (1844–5) 252. Petition against, ib. All referred, 256. Report insufficient notice, 260,—Petition against, (1849) 195. For erection of the Pilkington Tract, with the Village of Elora, into a township, (1850) 127. Petitions against separation of Elora from Township of Nichol, 145, 213. Wide supra, 77, 78. Pittsburgh:—Wide supra, 68, 69. Plantagenet :—For a division of that township, (1847) 44. Bill presented, 50. R. A., 123. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 52.) Wide supra, 9. Rainham –Vide Supra, 45. Renfrew —For erection of that county into a separate district, (1849) 32. Russell —For attachment of that township to the District of Dalhousie, (1849) 103. Scugog Island:—For erection of the same into a separate township, and that a certain part of Cartwright may be attached to Mariposa, (1849) 72. Referred to Committee on another Petition, 81. Wo Report thereon. For erection of Scugog Island into a township, and that it be attached to the proposed new county, (1850) 37. Seneca : 92. 93. Praying that Seneca and Oneida may be attached to the County of Wentworth, (1849) 29. For the formation of portions of Seneca and Onondaga into a new township, by the name of Caledonia, (1850) 12. Motion to refer Petition; Two amendments proposed and negatived; Main motion agreed to, 65. Report, 165. Bill presented, 166. Wot proceeded in.-Petitions against, 12, 50, 59, 77, 81. Referred, 59. Report, 77. Wide Supra, 45. Sherbrooke:–Vide supra, 76. Simcoe (County): For erection of St. Vincent, Collingwood, Euphrasia, and Proton, into a separate district, (1844–5) 252. Referred, 256. Report, 260. 552 TERRITORIAL DIVISIONS-continued. II. Petitions for alterations in the limits of Districts, &c.—continued. Simcoe (County)—continued. 95. For erection of certains parts of Simcoe and Wellington into a separate county, by the name of Metcalfe, with Sydenham as the county town, (1847) 72. Petitions against:—Of Simcoe Dist. Council, 14. Of Wellington Dist. Council, 29. Of Townships of Wellesley and Peel, ib. All referred to Committee on Standing Orders, 85. Report, 111.—(1849) For the like (by the name of Owen Sound), 96. 96. Against separation of any townships from Simcoe, (1851) 17. Wide supra, 39. Wide Supra, 40. infra, 99. Sophiasburgh –Vide supra, 47. 97. Thorah:—Praying that Thorah may remain a part of the 4th Riding of York, (1849) 208. 98. Tilbury, West :—For the annexation of that township to the County of Essex, (1851) 20. Referred to Com- mittee of Whole on the Territorial Divisions Bill, 123. Walpole:–Wide supra, 45, 81. Waterloo (County): 99. For erection of certain townships in Waterloo, Simcoe, and Huron, into a county, (1850) 36, 108. Petitions against, 28, 68, 108, 155. Wide supra, 38. 101. For establishment of Galt as the county town of the new county of Waterloo, (1850) 108. Petition against. 201. 102. Motion for leave to bring in a Bill to form a new county out of parts of the Counties of Waterloo, Huron, and Oxford, Negatived, (1849) 233. - 103. Waterloo (Township) :—For a division of that township, (1849) 96. Petition against, 169.--Another Petition against a division, (1850) 201. Wellington District: 104. For an Act to define the limits of the district, (1843) 53. 105. Against a division of the district, (1848) 12. Wide Supra, 22—24, 58, 95. infra, 111. 106. Wentworth :-A gainst a division of that county as proposed by the Territorial Divisions Bill, (1851) 82. Wide supra, 48. Western District: 107. Bill to divide the Western District; Presented, (1847) 24. Amended in Committee, 76. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 81. R. A., 123. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 39.)—Petition for amendments to the Act, (1849) 71. 108. Petition for erection of Enniskillen and other townships into a separate district, (1848) 24. Wide supra, 60–62. 109. Westmeath:-Praying that the 5th concession may remain attached to Middlesex, in case of any division of the London District, (1849) 163. 110. Williams —Bill to detach that township from the County of Huron, and attach it to Middlesex; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 61. Wot proceeded in.-Petitions against, 148,--Petitions for the like, (1844–5) 170. Petitions against separation, 288. Wilmot : 111. Against separation of that township from the District of Wellington, (1842) 10,—(1843) 54. 112. For erection of Wilmot into a separate county, (1850) 89. TERRITORIAL IDIVISIONS-com/in/ed. 553 II. Petitions for alterations in the limits of Districts, &c.—continued. 113. Yonge :—For a division of that township, by the separation of that part formerly constituting the Township of Escott; Three Petitions, (1841) 259, 466,-Again, (1844–5) 12. Referred, ib. Wo Report. York:-Vide supra, 53–55. 114. Zorra:—For a division of that township, (1843) 14. Referred, 71. Report, 128. Concurred in; Bill pre- sented, 143. Wot proceeded in. III. Petitions for alterations in the limits of Counties and Townships in Lower Canada, and Proceedings thereon, viz: 115. Beauharnois —Against a division of that county, (1849) 145. Perthier :-Wide infra, 127. 116. Bizare, Isle (Two Mountains) :—Petition for annexation of the said island to the County of Montreal, (1843) 65. Referred, 127. Report; Bill presented, 141. Referred, 151. Reported, with amendments, 167. Amended in Committee (so as to effect the annexation to Montreal for registration purposes only), 176. R. A., 209. (7 Vic., c. 23.) Tolton : 117. For annexation of a portion of the Township of West Bolton to the County of Shefford, (1844–5) 42. 118. For erection of certain parts of Bolton and Hatley into a separate township, by the name of Rockport, (1844–5) 48. Referred, 59. Other Petitions relative to division of townships referred, 59, 61, 177. No Report.— For the like, by the name of Elgin, (1847) 78.-Bill to erect certain parts of Bolton and Hatley into a new township, by the name of Magog; Presented, (1849) 140. Amended in Committee, 155. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 133.) 119. Chatham Gore:-Bill to detach the same from Terrebonne and annex it to Two Mountains; Presented, (1843) 129. Petition in favor, 166. Bill referred, 146. Reported, with amendments; Concurred in, 147. R. A., 209. (7 Vic, c. 28.) 120. Contrecour:-For annexation of a part of that parish, called La Grande Source, to the County of Verchères, (1849) 116. T}rummond: 121. For erection of certain townships in Drummond and Sherbrooke into a separate county, by the name of Richmond, (1848) 39.-Again, (1849) 66. 122. Bill to define more accurately the boundaries which separate the Counties of Sherbrooke, Drummond, and Megantic; Presented, (1851) 136. Wot proceeded in. 123. Elgin :—For erection of a certain part of the township of Hinchinbrooke into a new township, by the name of Elgin, (1849) 226. Referred, 233. Report; Bill presented, 283. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 135.) 124. Godmanchester:-For a division of that township, (1844–5) 46. Petition against, 146. Both referred, 61, 177. Wo Report. - Hatley :—Wide Supra, 118. 125. Rildare:—For annexation of the township of Kildare, and the parishes of St. Paul and St. Antoine de Lavaltrie, to Leinster, (1850) 70. Referred to Committee on Petition for extension of the Circuit of L'Assomption, 108. Report, 156.—Petition against, 137. Parish of St. Paul, only, (1849) 112. UUU 554 TERRITORIAT, IDIVISIONS THAMES. III. Petitions for alterations in the limits of Counties, &c.—continued. Tachenaie :-Wide infra, 126. Tleinster: 126. For annexation of the Parishes of Lachenaie, St. Henri de Mascouche, and St. Lin, in that County to Terrebonne, (1844–5) 131. Petition against, 210. 127. For a division of the Counties of Leinster and Berthier into three counties, and for free grants of certain lands therein to actual settlers, (1849) 116. 128. For a division of the County of Leinster, (1850) 81. Magog :—Wide supra, 118, 129. Megantic :—For certain alterations in the subdivisions of that county, (1850) 68. Wide supra, 122. Milton :-Wide infra, 135. 180. Ottawa (County) :—For erection thereof into a separate district, (1846) 50. Referred, 51. Wo Report. Again, (1847) 30–(1848) 26. 131. Rimouski:—For a division of that county, and inclusion therein of the whole Parish of Rivière du Loup, (1849) 58.—(1851) 75. St. Antoine de Lavaltrie:-Wide supra, 125. St. Henri de Maseouche;—Wide supra, 126. St. Lin:-Wide supra, 126. 132. St. Nicholas;—For the separation of that parish from Dorchester, and annexation of the same to Botbinière, (1844–5) 243. St. Paul:—Wide supra, 125. Sherbrooke:–Vide Supra, 121, 122. |Upton: 133. For attachment of part of that township to the District of Montreal, (1847) 95. To the County of Shefford, (1848) 40. Again, (1849) 55. Bill to annex a part of Upton to St. Hyacinthe; Presented, 178. Amended in Committee, 284. Passed, as a Bill to annex the same for judicial and municipal purposes, 240. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 132.) 134. For attachment of the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th concessions to the Circuit of St. Hyacinthe for judicial, and the Parish of St. Hugues for municipal purposes, (1850) 8. Bill presented, 32. Not proceeded in.—Petition against separation of the “Terrein des Associés” from Three Rivers, 81. 185. For erection of certain parts of Upton into a separate township, by the name of Iberville, (1850) 74. Bill to erect certain parts of Upton and Milton into a township by that name; Presented, 230. Not proceeded in. Tetu, Magloire —vide Municipalitia (L. C.), 18. Thames, River —vide Bridges, 100. Mill, 25, 26. Navigation, ii. TEIOMPSON.—TEIREE RIVERS. 555 Thompson, Andrew:—vide Road Allowances. 22. Thompson, Joseph R.:-vide Law, Practice of 28. Thompson, Mr. J ustice *—Wide Accounts, 561. Addresses, 526. Thompson, Mrs. :—Petition of the widow of the late N. T. Thompson, of Perth, complaining of injus- tice in regard to certain land granted to her late father, and praying redress, (1848) 24. Thomson, H. G. ...—Wide Legislative Assembly, 92. Thorah :—Petition of Donald Cameron, for appointment of a commission to inquire concerning the injus- tice alleged to have been suffered by him and his followers, at the hands of the Government, in regard to their settlement in the Township of Thorah, (1844–5) 58. Entries in Journals of Assembly of U. Canada of 1836, relative to a former Petition of Mr. Cameron, read, and referred, with the Petition, 257. Member added, 262. Report (App. O. O. O.), 413. Another Petition, (1846) 142. Referred, 143. Members added, 166. Report, 249. Again, (1849).286. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 824.—Again, (1850) 37. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 117–-Again, (1851) 40. Another Petition, 176. Motion to refer Petition negatived, 280. Wide Road Allowances, 20. Territorial Divisions, 97. Thornton, David:—Wide Pensions, 54. Thorold :—Wide Road Allowances, 21. Three Rivers (District): 1. Petition complaining of the dismemberment of that district, and the removal of the chief seat of judicature from the town of Three Rivers, (1841) 165. 2. Petition for establishment of Courts of Justice in that part of the District South of the St. Lawrence, (1846) 16. Wide Committees, 53. Winter Roads, 10–14, 18. Three Rivers (Town): 1. Petitions for incorporation of that town, and that the common thereof may be vested in the Corporation, (1844–5) 94, 202. Referred, 208. Wo Report. 2. Petition for separation of the Banlieu of Three Rivers from the town, as a distinct municipality, (1846) 62. Referred to Committee on Petition for a division of Hochelaga, 79. (Wide Committees, 435.) Instruction to Committee on Bill for division of Hochelaga, to consider of inserting a provision for erecting the Banlieu of Three Rivers into a separate municipality, 184. Wide Montreal (Parish), 2. 3. Petitions praying that the revenue and management of the Common of Three Rivers may be placed under the control of the municipality, (1846) 4.—(1847) 202.—(1849) 32, 76. No notice given, 126–(1850) 8. Petition in favor, ib. Bill presented, 72. Referred, 114. Reported, with amendments, 180. Amended in Committee, 141. R. A., 182. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 104.) 4. Petition for construction of piers so as to facilitate the formation of an ice bridge opposite the town, (1846) 208. Wide also Navigations, 51. 5. Petition for the construction of piles, to prevent the inundation of the said town by the breaking up of the ice in the spring seasons, (1851) 75. Wide Accounts, 213. Addresses, 230, 527. Committees, 408. Education, 188. Elections, 70. Ferries, 3. Governor General, 145. Jesuits' Estates, 2. Three Rivers Academy:-vide Education, 184, Three Rivers Bank :-vide Banks, 39. 556 THREE RIVERS–TIMBER, 10. 11. 12, Three Rivers Education Society:-vide Education, 185. Three Rivers House of Correction:-vide Gaols, 29, 30. Three Rivers Ursuline Convent :—Petition of the Nuns, for authority to hold a further amount of property to the extent of £1500 Stg. per annum, (1844–5) 15. Referred, 27. Report; Bill pre- sented, 38. Amended in Committee, 192. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 108.) Threshing Machine:—vide Patents, 8. Tiffany, G. S. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 68. Tilbury, West:-vide Territorial Divisions, 98. Timber: Bills relative to : . To regulate the inspection and measurement of timber, masts, spars, deals, staves, and other articles of a like nature, in the Ports of Quebec and Montreal; Presented, (1841) 93. Referred, 170. Petition in favor referred, 176. Petition for amendments referred, 240. Bill reported amended; Committed, 283. JPetition for amendments also referred, 353. Motion to discharge order, and to refer Bill to a Select Committee, with an instruction to render it conformable to the Resolution of the House in reference to the Inspection Laws (Wide Inspection Laws, 2), negatived, 404. Bill amended in Committee, 526. Reported; A clause added ; Further amendments moved and negatived, 538. Bill passed, 566. Wot returned from the Council.—Petitions for amendments to Bill:—Of Cullers of Quebec, 233, 242: Referred to Select Committee on the Bill, 240. Of Chairman of Quebec Board of Trade, 352: Referred to Committee of Whole on the Bill, 353. . To regulate the inspection and measurement, &c.; Presented, (1842) 6. Referred, 28. Petition in favor referred, 36. Bill reported amended; Committed, 50. Amended in Committee, 90. Ryder for excluding Montreal from the operation of the Bill, negatived, 91. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 7)—Petition of T. McGoey and others, in favor, 20. Referred to Committee on the Bill, 36. . To regulate the inspection and measurement, &c.; Ordered; Presented, (1843) 21. Committed, 114. Petition for amendments to Act of last Session,-and Petition against the present Bill, referred, 127. Petition in favor referred, 134. Bill amended in Committee, 137. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived, 141. R. A., 208. (7 Vic., c. 25.)—Petition of Wm. Price, of Quebec, against the Bill, 126. Referred to Committee of Whole thereon, 127. . To regulate the culling and measurement, &c.; Presented, (1844–5) 237. Referred to Committee on the subject, 295. (Wide Committees, 534.) Reported, with amendments, 337. Amended in Committee, 370. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 387. Considered, and a blank in the amendments (in relation to Sureties) filled up, 388. Amendment agreed to by the Council, 408. R. A., 439. (8 Vic, c. 49.) . To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1848) 60. Wot proceeded in. . To amend, &c.; Presented, (1849) 104. Committed, 290. (Wot considered) Petition in favor, 208: Printed, 209. Petition against, 208. . To amend, &c.; Presented, (1850) 33. Petitions against, 77. Second reading postponed six months, 67. . To amend, &c.; Presented, (1851) 22. Petitions against, 61. Motion to postpone second reading six months negatived, 74. Order for second reading discharged, 88. . To explain a certain provision of the said Act; Presented, (1851) 92. Petitions against, 139. Second reading postponed six months, 197. For the sale and better management of timber on the public lands; Presented, (1849) 205. Amended in Com- mittee, 346. Further amendment made, 350. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 30.) To increase the salary of the Supervisor of Cullers at Quebec, to £500; Ordered, (1846) 103. Presented, 104. Amended in Committee, 167. R. A., 255. (9 Wic., c. 16.) Petitions praying the House to Address Her Majesty against any change in the protection hitherto afforded to the Canadian timber trade in the markets of the United Kingdom:-Of inhabitants of Quebec; Printed, (1841) 20. Of President of Toronto Board of Trade, 185. Both committed, 136, 185. Four Resolutions reported; Committee appointed to draft Petitions to Her Majesty and the Imperial Parliament thereon, 237. Wide Addresses, 35. TIMBER—TITUS. 557 13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Timber—continued. Petition of lumber merchants and others, for a law to regulate the culling and measurement of timber, (1841) 50. Referred to Committee on the Bill, 176. Wide Supra, 1. Petition of merchants of Quebec, for the like; Referred to Committee of Whole on the Bill, (1843) 134. Wide supra, 3. Petition of lumber merchants of Quebec, for remission of one-half of the timber duties in consequence of the alter- ations in the system of the timber trade, (1842) 29. - Petitions for amendments to the Lumber Inspection Act:—(1843) Of licensed cullers, 113. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Lumber Bill, 127. (1844–5) Cullers of Quebec (2 Petitions), 5. Saw-millers, &c., 34. Quebec Board of Trade, 53. Petitions against any alteration:—Cullers of Quebec; Ottawa lumber merchants, 202. All referred, 15, 36, 54, 81, 202. Member added, 190. Bill to regulate culling, &c., of timber referred, 295. Report, 337. (App. O. O.) Wide supra, 4. (1846) Inhabitants of Quebec, 61. (1848) Cullers of Quebec, 62.--(1849) 32, 59. Printed, 199. Referred, .38, 77. Petitions against, 76, 158. (One of them printed, 184.) Referred to same Committee, 85. Report, 104. (App. Z.Z.) Printed, 146. Wide supra, 6.—(1850) Cullers of Quebec, 13, 46.-(1851) Cullers of Quebec (to explain 22nd clause), 62. Petition praying that licenses to cut wood on the borders of the Saguenay be not granted exclusively to any person, (1846) 105. Petition from Rimouski, praying that the sale of wood to monopolists may be prevented, (1847) 39. Petition for construction of a public depository for timber at Quebec, (1849) 58. Referred to the Committee on the Lumber Trade, 77. Wide Committees, 535. Petition from lumberers on the Ottawa, for the protection of parties holding timber licenses from trespassers, (1849) 59. Petition of lumber merchants and others, for an Act to allow lumber-men to pass along the banks of rivers navi- gable for floating timber in L. Canada, and to compel parties obstructing such rivers by mill-dams or otherwise to make slides for the passage of timber, (1851) 193. Referred, 203. Report, with a Bill, 244. Wide Agri- culture, 8. * Petitions for imposition of an export duty on pine logs, or timber destined for foreign markets, (1851) Bayham Municipality, 6. Lumber merchants of Bayham, &c., ib. Middlesex Mun. Council, 17. Petition of J. Sharples, Supervisor of Cullers at Quebec, for an increase of salary, (1846) 46. Petitions from lumber merchants, in favor, 37, 60. Referred, 47, 62. Report; Committed, 86. Report two Resolutions; Bill presented, 103. Wide Supra, 11. Motion, for an Address for copy of any correspondence with the Imperial Government relative to the Joint Address of last Session relating to the Timber Duties, Negatived, (1842) 5. Motion, for a Committee of whole to consider of addressing Her Majesty, praying her not to sanction the imposi- tion of any additional Duty upon Canadian timber imported into Great Britain, Negatived, (1849) 254. Wide Accounts, 188, 189,251, 349, 562–581, 597, 609. Addresses, 33–36, 42, 333, 528–546,642. Agriculture, 8. Committees, 306–308, 534–536, 553. Customs, 35, 43, 51. Quebec Cullers' Benevolent Society. Stevedores. Trade, 10. Timmis, J Osiah :—Wide Railroads, 20. Tin-ware :—Petition from tin-smiths of Montreal, for imposition of a tax upon pedlars of tin-ware, equal to that paid by tin-Smiths, (1844–5) 375. Tirage a Ul Sort *—Bill to fix the rights of buyers and sellers by tirage au sort in L. Canada; Presented, (1846) 214. Wot proceeded in. Tithes: . Petition for a more equitable system of exacting tithes in L. Canada; Three Rivers, (1849) 40. . Petition for the abolition of tithes, and substitution of an assessment in lieu thereof; St. George de Henryville, (1850) 145. Titus, Isaac :—Wide Harbours, 38. 558 TOBACCO-TORONTO. Tobacco: 1. Petition for adoption of measures for obtaining a further reduction of the Duty on Canadian tobacco imported into Great Britain; Western District, (1841) 352. Referred to Committee on transit of products, 353. Wide Committees, 541. 2. Petitions for encouragement of the growth of tobacco in the Western District, (1844–5) Colchester, 171. Gosfield, 211. Malden, 211. Romney, 211. Wide Accounts, 582. Addresses, 37. Customs, 36. Tobacco Pipes:–vide customs, 37. Tobey, P. :-vide Aliens, 44. Todd, Alfred :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 87, 88, 141, 172. Todd, Alpheus :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 144, 172, 173. Parliamentary Law. Toll, Mrs. :—Wide Divorce; 3. Tonnage Duties :—Wide Addresses, 441. Committees, 237. Harbours, 17. Supply, 345, 402. Tooth, Georg e :–Petition of, for indemnity for the loss of his property at the burning of the Montreal Court House, (1851) 288. - Toronto: . Bill to anthorize the Corporation of Toronto to purchase an Industrial Farm in the neighbourhood of the city; Presented, (1844–5) 55. Amended in Committe, 95. Passed, ib. Wot returned from the Council. I 2 . Bill to establish a Recorder's Court in the said city, in lieu of the Mayor's Court; Presented, (1844–5) 171. Committed, 222. Wot considered. 3. Bill to amend the Act incorporating the said city; Presented, (1846) 152. Referred, 189. Reported, with amendments, 219. Amended in Committee, 296. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 330. Considered and amended, 334. R. A., 345. (9 Wic., c. 70.) 4 . Bill to amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1847) 116. Order for second reading discharged, 182. 5 . Petition of the Corporation, praying that the proceeds of tavern and other licences therein may be placed under their control, (1841) 304. Referred to Committee on Petition of Magistrates of Home District, 353. Wo Report thereon. 6. Petition from inhabitants, praying to be allowed to vote by ballot at their municipal elections, (1841) 449. Referred to Committee on another Petition, 467. No Report thereon. 7. Petitions for amendments to the Act of Incorporation, (1843) 8-(1846) 93.−(1849) 71. Referred to Committee of Whole on the U. C. Municipalities Bill, 190. - 8. Petition for the opening of Colborne Street in that city, (1844–5) 23. Referred, 54. Wo Report. 9. Petition of Home District Council, for the payment of a more adequate sum by the Corporation of Toronto for the maintenance of the city prisoners in the District Gaol, (1844–5) 293. (Knox's Church):—Wide Religious Denominations, 38. (St. James' Church):—Wide Religious Denominations, 24. Wide Accounts, 531. Addresses, 30, 498. Elections, 71, 94. Gaols, 10. Harbours, 44. Seat of Government. Speeches, 19. Supply, 191—193, 195, 268, 295. Toronto, Military Reserve at:-vide Account, 251. Toronto and Guelph Railway :—vide Railroads, 99. TORONTO-continued. 559 Toronto and Lake Huron Railroad Co.:-vide Railroads, 95–102. Tor Onto and Lake Simcoe Hydraulic Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1851) 102. Report of notices, 110. r Toronto Athenaeum : 1. Resolution for a division of the duplicate works in the Parliamentary Library, between the Toronto Athanaeum and the Quebec Library Association, (1847) 67. 2. Petition for aid, (1847) 111. Wide Supply, 156. 3. Petition for a grant of a complete set of the Journals, and other works, (1848) 40. 4. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1848) 81. Bill presented, 48. R. A., 80. (11 Vic, c. 16.) Toronto Board of Trade :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1844–5) 58. Referred, 54. Report a Bill, 89. Amended in Committee, 186. R. A., 242. (8 Vic, c. 24.) Toronto Consumers' Gas Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1848) 15. Petition of Toronto Gas and Water Co., against, 62. First Petition referred, 41. Report a Bill, 48. Petition of A. Furniss, praying that the Bill may be re-committed, and that he may be heard by counsel to represent the rights of the Toronto Gas and Water Co.; Bill read third time; Motion that it be re-committed, and that petitioner be heard by counsel, negatived, 65. Bill passed, 66. R. A., 81. (Il Vic, c. 14.) Toronto Dispensary and Lying-in Hospital:—Petitions for aid, (1849).21—(1851) 101. - Tor onto Dry T}ock Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1847) 100. Bill presented, 143. Referred, 181. Report, calling attention to the power given to take possession of land on tendering the value thereof, 182. Bill amended in Committee, 202. Returned from the Council, with amendments; Considered, and agreed to, 210. R. A., 217. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 85.) Petition for amendments to Act, (1848) 58. Referred, 63. No Report. Toronto Gas and Water Co. :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1841) 252. Petitions in favor, 253, 254, 298. All referred, 253, 299, 304. Report a Bill, 313. Amended in Committee, 381. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 490. Agreed to, 496. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 65.)— Petition for amendments to Aet, (1842) 118––Another Petition, (1844–5) 194. Referred, 293. Report; Bill presented, 355. R. A., 440. (8 Vic, c. 85.) Toronto General Burying Ground: 1. Bill to amend a certain Act, and to vest the said Burial Ground in trustees; From the Council, (1849) 154. Read 159. R. A., 363. (12 Vic, c. 104.) 2. Petition of the trustees, for authority to purchase an additional lot of ground, and to lease a part of their trust, (1851) 48. Bill presented, 116. Referred, 151. Reported, with an amendment, 170, Amended in Committee, 262. Passed, 265. By the Council, with amendments, 285. Considered, and agreed to, 287. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 167.) 2 Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara, and St. Catharines Electro-Magnetic Telegraph Co.:-vide Telegraph Lines, 9. Toronto Hospital: 1. Petition of the Trustees, for an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 113. Bill presented, 135. Question for second reading, negatived, 273. Bill to incorporate, &c.; Presented, (1847) 37. Referred to Committee on Standing Orders, 55. Reported; Committed, 66. Statements connected with the affairs of the Hospital referred, 109. Bill amended in Committee, 131. R. A., 215. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 57.)——Bill to amend Act; From the Council; Read, (1851) 121. Amended in Committee, 286. Passed, as amended, 289. Amendment agreed to by Council, 291. R. A. 361. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 141.) 2. Petition for aid, (1846) 113. Wide Accounts, 586, 587. Committees, 295, 537. Rebellion, 5. Supply, 144, 447. 560 TORONTO TRAT)E. Toronto House of Industry: 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1850) 224.—Again, (1851) 94. Bill presented, 106. Referred, 133. Reported, with amendments, 135. Passed, 156. By the Council, with amendments, 186. Considered, and agreed to, 191. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 35.) 2. Petitions for aid, (1841) 174—(1846) 163.−(1847) 69. Wide Committees, 295. Rebellion, 5. Supply, 145, 447. Toronto Mechanics' Institute: 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1846) 71. Referred, 100. Report; Bill presented, 176. Referred, 198. Reported; Committed, 234. Wot considered. Another Petition, (1847) 48. Bill presented, 96. R. A., 216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 102.)—Petition for amendments to Act, (1850) 28. Bill presented, 100. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 142.) 2. Petitions for aid, (1846) 163.−(1847) 48. Wide Accounts, 588. Supply, 157. Tor onto N ecropolis :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1850) 50. Bill presented, 100. Re- ferred, 135. Reported, with amendments, 155. Amended in Committee, 169. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 220. Considered, and agreed to, 221. R. A., 284. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 141.) Toronto Orphans' Home and Female Aid Society: 1. Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1851) 102. Bill presented, 106. Referred, 133. Reported, with amend- ments, 135. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 34.) 2. Petitions for aid, (1850) 59–(1851) 94. Toronto Temperance Reformation Society:—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1851) 51. Bill sent down from the Council; Read, 241. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 160.) Toronto Turnpike Roads:—vide Roads, 341–358. Towns, Limits of:—vide Committees, 587, 588. Municipalities (U. C.) Townsend *—Wide Surveys, 65. Townships 2 Erection of :—Bill to confirm the erection of certain townships, and for other purpose, relative to the erection of townships; Presented, (1849) 14. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 11.) Townships of L. Canada:--vide Eastern Townships. Township Officers : 1. Petition of Wellington District Council, for an amendment of the Township Officers Act so as to authorize the Township Clerks to receive the Returns of the Pathmasters on their declarations, (1848) 12. 2. Petition of Home District Council, for amendments to the Township Officers Act, &c., (1849) 89. Referred to Committee of Whole on the U. C. Municipalities Bill, 190. Wide County Officers, 5. Municipalities (U. C.) Tracts *—Wide Customs, 41. Hawkers, 2. Religious Books, Trade : 1. Bill to provide for the free admission of certain articles, the production of the United States, into Canada, whenever similar articles, the production of Canada, shall be admitted, duty free, into the United States; Ordered, (1849) 69. Presented, 70. Passed, 126. By the Council, with amendments, 164, Considered, and agreed to, 165. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 3.) 2. Bill to facilitate Reciprocal Free Trade between this Province and the other British North American Provinces; Presented, (1850) 34. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 3.) TRAT)E TRESPASS. 561 Trade—continued. . Resolution, That the House fully concurs in the opinions expressed in several Addresses from the late Assembly of U. Canada, praying for the admission of the products of Canada into Great Britain free of Duty, (1841) 445. Resolution committed; Address reported, 581. Wide Addresses, 38. . Resolution, providing for the free admission of certain agricultural productions, ores, and timber, from the United States, whenever the like articles shall be admitted free from Canada into the United States; Reported from a Committee of the Whole; Motion of amendment negatived; Motion that any action thereon is inexpedient until the views of the American Congress have been communicated to the Provincial Government, negatived, (1849) 69. Resolution agreed to ; Bill presented, 70. Wide supra, 1. . Series of Resolutions proposed in relation to the Trade of Canada by the St. Lawrence, and the adoption of measures for facilitating the same, and the expediency of providing steam tug vessels to be employed in towing ships in the River and Gulf of St. Lawrence; Consideration thereof postponed, (1849) 288. . Petitions for adoption of measures for obtaining the admission of Canadian produce into Great Britain free of Duty: —(1841) Kent, 477. (1842) Niagara District Council, 12. Petition for adoption of measures for obtaining repeal of the Duties on agricultural produce imported from the United States into Canada, and the admission of the same into the ports of Great Britain as if produced in Canada; Montreal, (1846) 182. . Petition of the Provincial Agricultural Association of Canada West, for adoption of measures for obtaining the free admission of Canadian produce into the United States, (1849) 67. . Petitions for adoption of measures for procuring reciprocal free trade with the United States, (1850) Louth, 74. Peterboro’ Mun. Council, 117. Rainham Municipality, 12. Videº supra, 1. Also Accounts, 604, 606. Addresses, 566, 567. Committees, 312, 313. Speeches, 19. . Petition of Toronto Board of Trade, for adoption of measures for the protection of the Trade of Canada, (1851) 102. 10. Motion, for an Address to Her Majesty, for a continuance of the protection hitherto afforded to the timber and other products of Canada in the markets of Great Britain; Debate thereon adjourned, (1851) 73. Wot Yesumed. Wide Accounts, 591—607. Addresses, 34, 38–42, 553–557. Committees, 309–813, 540–543. Governor General, 148–154. Speeches, 8, 10, 12. Trade, Inter-Colonial :—Wide Accounts, 602, 603. Speeches, 19–21. Trade, 2. Trade and Navigation Returns:—vide Accounts, 607. Committees, 452. Trafalgar, Esquesing, and Erin Road Co.:-vide Roads, 358,957. Transit of Products:—vide Committees, 809, 311, 541, 542. Translators :- Legislative Assembly, 94, wi, 116, 117, 161. Treason :—Bill to restore the rights of certain persons attainted for high treason; Presented, (1846) 166. Amended in Committee, 202. Reserved, 346.-Royal Assent by Proclamation, (1847) VII. (9 Wic, c. 106.) Treating at Elections:–vide Elections, 126. Treaty with United States:—vide species, 3. Trent, River:-vide Navigations, 78–81. Supply, 259. Trent Port:—Wide Addresses, 63. Trespass :—Bill to provide a legal mode of redress in cases of trespass committed on lands held in coma mon in certain townships in L. Canada; Presented, (1849) 348. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 62.) VVV 562 TRINITY-TYLER." Trinity College, Toronto :—vide ~ 68. T roops, Transport of:-vide Accounts, 612. Address, ºl. Supply, 312. Trus, C. :-w Navigations, 54. Truck System of Payment:-vide Mechanics. Trust and Loan Co. of U. Canada :—Petition for an Act of Incorporation, (1843) 36. Referred, 43. Report, 80. Bill presented, 82. R. A., 210. (7 Vic, c. 63.) Petition for amendments, (1844–5) 298, 307. Bill presented, 306. Amended in Committee, 344. R. A., 370. (8 Vic, c. 96.) Petition for further amendments, (1850) 158. Bill to amend the foregoing Acts; Presented, 165. Referred, 189. Reported, with an amendment, 201. Amended in Committee, 236. R. A., 284. (18 & 14 Vic, c. 138.)—Motion for leave to bring in a Bill to repeal certain parts of the foregoing Acts, negatived, (1851) 21. vide Accounts, 614. Tucker, Hon. R. A.:-viºsum, isi. Turgeon, Chas:—vide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. T wner R. J. :-w ºr- oft • Turner and Murray, Messrs :—Petition of for compensation for loss arising from delay in the payment of their accounts by the Board of Works, (1847) 43. Turnpike Roads:–vide Roads. Turquand, Mr. —was awma, als. Adirº sº. Turton, J. :-vide Supply, 192. Tuscarora :-Wide Surveys, 56. Tutors:–Vide committe‘, 157. Twenty Mile Pond:—vide Niagara District, 9. Two Mountains (County) :—Petitions for the holding of the District Court therein at St. Andrews instead of St. Benoit, (1844–5) 52,-(1846) 61–(1847) 69.-(1849) 89. Twynam, W. E.:-vide Law, Practice of 80. Tyler, E. O. :-vide Aliens, 45. UNICORN-UPPER CANADA. - 563 U © 6% - - UNTC ORN.” Steamer:-Vide Accounts,875. Addresses, 583,564. Governor General, 155. Union of Brit. N. American Provinces:–Motion, for a Committee of the whole to - consider of addressing Her Majesty, praying Her to authorize a Convention to be called from the different North American Provinces, to frame a Constitution for their future government, Negatived, (1851) 202. Union of the Canadas: . Petition protesting against the Union Act; Three Rivers, (1842) 7–For amendments to the said Act; Lotbi- nière, (1842) 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Motion, for an Address for copies of all correspondence with the Imperial Government in relation to the Union, Negatived, (1841) 437. * , tº . Motion for a Committee of Whole to consider of addressing Her Majesty and the Imperial Parliament upon the propriety of amending the Union Act in certain particulars, Negatived, (1849) 180. . Motion, for a Committee of Whole, to consider certain Resolutions declaring that the impracticability of carrying out the scheme of the Union under its original conditions, has been proved by experience, and that it is expe- dient to Address Her Majesty for the addption of such measures as shall secure to the English and French population, respectively, the enjoyment of such laws and institutions as are most conformable to their habits and customs; Superseded by Previous Question, by the casting vote of the Speaker, (1851) 140. Wide Jesuits' Estates, 2. Union Suspension Bridge, Bytown:-vide Accounts, 62, 88,349. Addresses, 88,542. Supply, 397. * * * * . . . º Unitarians:–Vide Religious Denominations, 48,49. U. E. Loyalists:–vide Addresses, 812. Popst. United States :—vide Arrest. Customs. Speeches, 3, 9. Trade. Universalists:–Vide Religious Denominations, 50. - University of Toronto:—Wide Education, 60–95. Upper Canada, Legislature of:—Vide Governor General, 90. Legislative Assembly, 87, 98, 99, 124, 133, 136. - 3. Upper Canada Bank:-vide Banks, 40, 41. Upper Canada Building Fund :—vide Accounts, 291. Committees, 177. Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, 3, 4. 3* Upper Canada College:–vide Education, 60, 82,85, 96. Upper Canada Gazette :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 186. Upper Canada Mining Co. :—Wide Mining Companies, 19. 564 UPTON.—USURY LAWS. Upton :—Petition praying that the owners of Seigniories adjoining that township may be compelled to yield the right of passage, and to perform their part towards improving the roads, (1850) 74. Wide Territorial Divisions, 133—135. Ure, George :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 70. Members, 41. Usury Laws: Bills relative to the Usury Laws: 1. To exempt certain mercantile transactions from the operation thereof; Reported by Committee on Currency and Banking, (1841) 367, 368. Committed, 405. Considered, and no Report made, 484. 2. To amend the Usury Laws; From the Council; Read, (1841) 520. Read second time; Motion to postpone further consideration three months; Amendment, to commit the Bill, carried, 538. Considered, 598. Motion to revive order for further consideration (lost by adjournment); Previous Question moved, and negatived by Speaker's casting vote, 687. 3. To amend the Usury Laws; From the Council; Read, (1842) 57. Referred, 90. Wo Report. 4. To exempt certain mercantile transactions from the operation of the Usury Laws; Presented, (1846) 80. Second reading postponed six months, 167. 5. To alter and amend the laws against Usury; Presented, (1848) 37. Wot proceeded in. 6. To amend the laws concerning the interest of money; Presented, (1849) 59. Petition of Toronto Board of Trade, for insertion of a provision restricting the rate chargeable by banks to 7 per cent. per annum, 142. Second reading postponed six months, 154. 7. To amend and simplify the laws relating to the interest of money; From the Council, (1849) 205. Read, 206. Order for second reading discharged, 267. Council informed that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 287. 8. To amend and simplify, &c.; From the Council; Read, (1850) 31. Second reading postponed six months, 219. 9. To alter the Law of Usury; Presented, (1850) 32. Second reading postponed 6 months, 97. 10. To amend the laws concerning the interest of money; Presented, (1851) 39. Petition of Toronto Board of Trade, in favor, 104. Of Montreal Board of Trade, 139. Second reading postponed six months, 137. 11. To amend and simplify the laws relating to the interest of money; From the Council; Read, (1851) 69. Printed, 177. Second reading postponed six months, 180. 12. To establish the legal rate of interest at seven per cent. in U. Canada; Leave granted to present Bill, (1851) 195. Presented; Second reading postponed six months, 226. 13. Instruction to Committee on the Currency, to inquire into the operation of the Usury Laws, (1841) 167. Wide Committees, 370. 14. Petitions for a modification of the Usury Laws:—(1841) Montreal Board of Trade, 50. Ridout, G. P., 185. Both referred to Committee on the Currency, 185. Wide Committees, 370. (1844–5) Langril, W., and others, 125. (1846) Montreal Board of Trade, 62. (1847) Hamilton Board of Trade, 39. (1848) Hamilton Board of Trade, 25.--—(1850) Montreal Board of Trade, 136. 15. Petitions for the repeal of the Usury Laws:–(1844–5) Montreal Board of Trade, 226––(1849) London District Council, 96–(1850) Dummer and Douro, 70. Grantham, 82. Yarmouth, 35. & 16. Motion to appoint a Select Committee to consider the effect of the Laws which regulate or restrain the interest of money, Negatived, (1843) 67. Wide decounts, 614. Addresses, 565. Bills of Exchange, 10. Committees, 314, 370. Montreal (City), 9. WACCTNATION_WICTORIA. 565 º +- -lº. —-º V. WAC CINATION:—Petition of E. Boudreau, for the exclusive privilege of vaccinating in the County of Saguenay, (1846) 61. Vallerand, F. :-vide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. Wallières, Madame :—Wide Governor General, 95. Pensions, 55. Van Camp, T.:—vide Navigations, 60. Vansittart, J O G. :—Wide Addresses, 566. Legislative Assembly, 69. Van Vliet, T. :—vide Rebellion, 15. Wanzandt, J O L., & J. :—Petition of J. L. and Juliet Wanzandt, of Albany (New York), for an Act to enable His Excellency to grant Letters of Preference to them to prosecute the rights of the Crown in respect to lands escheated by the death of the Hon. Richard Duncan without heirs, (1846) 60. Bill for the relief of Juliet Vanzandt, wife of J. L. Vanzandt, who claims as half sister of the late Richard Duncan; From the Council; Read, 89. Petition of J. A. Pierce and others (purchasers of portions of the lands of Mr. Duncan) against the Bill; Referred, 158. (No Report.) Message sent to the Council, for the Minutes of Evidence taken on the Bill, 145. Communicated, 205. Second reading postponed six months, 273. Vaudreuil !—Petitions for removal of the site of the county town to a more central position, (1850) 98, 142, 203.-Petition against removal, 137. Wide Bridges, 110. Elections, 72. Vaudreuil Glass Factory:—vide Glass, 4. Vaughan :—Wide Surveys, 64. Vaughan 2 C. R. :—Petition of, complaining of loss in consequence of his having (as a Magistrate) con- victed one John Watson for selling liquors without licence, and praying relief, (1850) 54. Referred, 99. Wo Report. Vaughan Road Co.:-vide Roads, 31. Vaux, T.:—vide Legislative Assembly, 90. Verhoeff. G. F. :—Wide Aliens, 46. Vermillion, River:-vide Accounts, 516. Verte, River:-vide Bridges, 111. Vice Admiralty Court :—Wide Accounts, 615. Addresses, 587. Judges, 4. Victoria College:–vide Education, 97, 98, 186,187. 566 WIDAL–WAR OF 1812. º Vidal, R. E. :—Wide Road Allowances, 19. Wiger :—Petition for a reduction of the price of land in that township, (1849) 58. . . Wiger, Hon. D. B. :-vide Accounts. 8. Addresses, 58. Villages, Limits of :- Committees, 538, 539. Wollar, J.:-vide Lislative Assembly, 102,100. Pensions, 50. Von Rohr, Rev. H. :-vide Aliens, 47. Vosburgh, A. P. & A. :—wide Rºllion is. Votes and Proceedings:–vide Legislative Assembly, 53, 57. w. Voyer, Jacques —vide Pensions, 57. 2. W. W W ALLACE, Jas:—vide Pensions, 58. Waller, S. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 124. Walpole :—Petition of Mun. Council of Norfolk, stating that the townships of Walpole and Rainham have been detached from that county for all save judicial purposes, entailing upon Norfolk the expense attending the administration of justice therein, and praying relief, (1850) 29. Referred, 59. No Report. “ s tº Wide Surveys, 65, 66. Territorial Divisions, 45, 81. Walsh , Thos. :—Petition of complaining that he has been deprived of his right of pre-emption in the sale of certain lots in Rawdon, and praying for an investigation and relief, (1849) 304. Walton, J. S.:—Wide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. War of 1812: Petitions for remuneration (by grants of land or otherwise) for services during the War:-(1841) Secord, David, 163. (1843) Roy, W. H., and others, 53. (1844–5) Bangs, Heman, 41. Chasseurs Canadiens, 3+3: Referred to Committee on Public Lands Sale Bill, 317. (No Report thereon.) Jones, Capt. (Grenville Militia), and others, 377. Papineau, P., and others, Ferrymen, of Montreal, 24.—(1846) Comins, J. H., 71: Referred, 106. (Wo Report.) Jewell, E., 46. (1847) De Niverville, J. Boucher, 14. (1848) De Niverville, J. B., 19. (1850) Cleveland, V., 37. Kennedy, Angus (for 2nd Glengary Militia), 22.4——(1851) Benoit, C., and others, 101. Gilbert, John, 51. Kennedy, Angus (for Glengary Militia), 87. McLean, John, 18. Petition of certain militia-men, of L. Canada, for a grant of the lands to which their services in the last War entitled them, but which have been forfeited in consequence of their claims not having been presented within the time limited, (1842) 20. Again, (1843) 42.—(1847) 19. Referred, 31. Wo Report.——For an extension of the time for producing such claims, in U. and L. Canada, (1851) 20, 71,266. One of the Petitions printed, 33. Motion to refer the same, negatived, 158. Motion to print another of the Petitions, negatived; 267. WAR OF 1812–WEBSTER. 567 War of 1812—continued. 3. Petition of Hon. Jas. Crooks, for compensation for the loss of a schooner captured by the Americans before the commencement of the War; Referred, (1841) 486. Report, 588– Another Petition, (1843) 79. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 121.—Another Petition, (1844–5) 264. Referred, 289. Report, with an Address, 380. (Wide Addresses, 12.) Another Petition, (1846) 237. Motion to refer Petition, negatived, 245. Wide Accounts, 116. tº . . . . . . . . . " 4. Petitions for compensation for losses during the War:-(1844–5) Washburn, Hon.S., 61–(1846) Classon, Josiah, (as a Government contractor), 60. (1847) Classon, J., 44.——(1850) French, Reuben, 102. (1851) Stevenson, David, 71. 5. Petition of Major Richardson, for encouragement in the publication of a History of the War, (1842) 62. Com- mitted, 103. Report a Resolution, that it is expedient to encourage the same, 114. Address ordered, commu- nicating Resolution to His Excellency, 115. Wide Addresses, 448. Also Governor General, 129. Supply, 163. Wide Accounts, 616, 617. Addresses, 568–570. Committees, 344." Ward, Thomas:–Petition of, for compensation for the reduction of his fees as Clerk of the Peace for Durham, (1851) 198. - - - Warehousing System :—Wide Accounts, 119. Committees, 68. Customs, 4. Speeches, 12, 18. Warrants :—Motion for leave to present a Bill relating to Warrants, Negatived, (1850) 38. Warr en, T. D. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 68. Washburn, Hon. S. :—vide War of 1812, 4. * Water-courses :—Wide Fences. Water-power :—Bill to encourage and protect the creation of water-power for manufacturing purposes in U. Canada; Presented, (1851) 54. Wot proceeded in, Waterloo (County) :—Wide Addresses, 571. Elections, 73. Territorial Divisions, 99–102. Wellington District. Waterloo (Township):—vide Territorial Divisions, 103. Waterloo (Village):—vide * 188. - Waterloo Ferry:-vide Bridges, e Waterous, C. H. :-vide Aliens, 48. Watson, R.:-vide Roads, 351. Watts, Mr. :—vide Members, 42. Ways and Means, Committee of:—vide Commius, 294,296,297. Supply,482–84. Webster, G. :—Wide Legislative Assembly, 109. 568 - "WEEKS WELLS. Weeks, Henry :—Petition of Henry Weeks, of Yonge, for compensation for ejection from his lot in that township, owing to an error in the Government survey, (1841) 268. Referred, 325. Report; Commit- ted, 359. Wot considered——Message from His Excellency, recommending the issue of land scrip to Mr. Weeks for £400, to compensate for his loss, (1844–5) 248. Committed, 382. Report a Resolution, recom- mending the issue of land scrip; Agreed to, 387. Wide Accounts, 618. Committees, 316. Governor General, 157. - Weights and Measures: 1. Bill to amend the laws in force in U. Canada, relative to the appointment and duties of Inspectors of weights and measures; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 69. Amended in Committee, 149. R. A., 261. (12 Vic, c. 85.) 2. Bill to amend the law relative to the inspection of weights and measures in L. Canada; Ordered; Presented, (1849) 193. Amended in Committee, 235. Passed, 247. Message from the Council, that the Bill was destroyed at the burning of the Parliament House, 285–New Bill presented; Amended in Committee, 287. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 54.) 3. Bill to amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1851) 140. Second reading postponed three months, 255. 4. Petition for appointment of Inspectors of Weights and Measures for the District of Gaspé, (1842) 55. 5. Petition of T. Atkins, Inspector at Quebec, for amendments to the laws regulating inspection of weights and mea- sures, (1846) 55. Referred, 56. No Report. 6. Petition for alterations in the law regarding the inspection of weights and measures in the District of Quebec, (1850) 28. Wide Committees, 317, 318. Supply, 303. Weilbrenner, A. :-vide Elections, 79. Legislative Assembly, 142. Welland (County):—vide Niagara District. Welland, River:-vide Bridges, 112. Navigations, 82. Welland Canal:—vide Bridges, 118, 114. Navigations, 88–90. Welland Canal Manufacturing Co. :—Petition for incorporation of a Company to pur- chase the Welland Canal Lands between St. Catharines and Thorold, and to encourage the erection of manufactories thereon, (1851) 20,—Another Petition, 94. Bill presented, 116. Referred, 133. Reported, with amendments, 155. Amended in Committee, 263. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 152.) Wellington District: 1. Petition of Magistrates, &c., for authority to continue an extra rate until the loan for the erection of a gaol shall have been paid off, (1841) 164, Petitions against, 318, 835,403. Referred, 804, 319–Another Petition of the Magistrates, for amendment of the Act setting apart the district, 164. Referred to same Committee, 312. Report a Bill to confirm an arrangement entered into between the Gore and Wellington Districts, 319. R. A., 641. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 75.) 2. Bill to provide for collecting certain arrears of land taxes in that district; Presented, (1844–5) 38. Amended in Committee, 75. Ryder added; Bill passed, as an Act to provide for collecting such arrears in this and other districts, and to define the limits of the District of Wellington, 138. R. A., 242. (8 Vic, c. 22.) 3. Petition for appointment of a Stipendiary Magistrate for certain remote parts of the District; also, that the inhabitants of Owen Sound Settlement be compelled to elect municipal officers, (1847) 29. 4. Petition for the legalization of a By-law of the Wellington District Council, imposing rates within the County of Waterloo, (1850) 58. Bill presented, 100. Second reading postponed six months, 203.−–Another Petition, (1851) 32. Bill presented, 87. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived; Referred, 151. Reported, with an amendment; Committed, 181. Considered, and no Report made, 339. Wide Territorial Divisions, 104, 105. Wells, Alphonso :—Wide Boundary Line, Provincial, 2. Boundary Line (U. and L. Canada), 6. WENTWORTH-WILD ANIMATS. - 569 Wentwor th (County) :—Wide Elections, 74. Territorial Divisions, 106. Wentworth (Township):—vide Education, 189. - * : Wesleyan Methodists:–vide Religious Denominations, 51–54. West Gwillimbury Road and Bridge:–vide Roads, 152, 158. WesterIl Assurance Co :—Wide Insurance Companies, 31. . º Western District : 1. Petitions for removal of the district town thereof, from Sandwich to Chatham (4 Petitions), (1842) 38.-Petition Another Petition, for removal, &c., (1843) 21. against, 58. 2. Petition of the Municipal Council, for authority to cut water-courses through private property, in the construction of roads in that district, (1843) 134. - Wide Roads, 367. Territorial Divisions, 107, 108. Western Telegraph Co.:-vide Tigraph Lines, 10. Westmeath :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 109. Weston Road Co.:-vide Roads, 368. Wetherall, Capt. :—vide Accounts, 866. Addresses, 848. W heat :—Wide Accounts, 125, 592–601. Addresses, 38–42, 554. Committees, 69–85, 372. Customs. Speeches, 3, 5. Trade. r Wheeler, Wm. :-w Rebellion, 15. Whiskey :—Wide Customs, 38, 71. Distilleries. Whitby and Narrows Road:—vide Audreu, º, Road, sº-an. White, John:-vide Aliens, 49. White, Martin R.:-vide Accounts, 687. Addrew. 575. White, Reuben :—Petition of complaining that he was confined in Kingston Gaol, and certain pro- Another Petition, perty taken from his shop, on 15th December, 1887, and praying relief, (1841) 335. (1843) 87. Wilberforce Lyceum Educating Society:-vide Education, 99. Wilcox, Leonard :—Petition of for indemnification for the seizure of his goods by the Custom House Officer at York (now Toronto), (1842) 17––For the like, (1844–5) 53.—(1849) 137–(1851) 93. Motion to refer Petition negatived, 134. - - : I Wild Animals and Wild-fowl :—vide Game. Strychnin. WWW 570 WILD LAND–WINTER. Wild Land Tax:—Wide Lands, 22, 26–35. Wellington District, 2. Wilkes, Mrs.:-Petition of Geo. S. Wilkes and Caia Robins Wilkes his wif, for an Act to enable the latter to convey certain real estate devised to her by her late father, (1851) 40. Petition of Mrs. Wilkins, against, 60. Bill presented, 66. Referred, 179. Reported, with amendments, 194. Passed, 281. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Wic, c. 169.) - - William Henry:—vide Sorel. Williams (Township) :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 110. Williams, Adolphus :—Petition of for relief in respect to an action brought against him for fulfil- ling his duty as a pound-keeper, (1844–5) 132. Referred, 173. Report, 190. Williams, Chas. :—Wide Aliens, 50. Williams, H. :-vide Aliens, 51. Williams, Israel:—vide Aliens, 52. Williams, R. J. :-vide Legislative Assembly, 71. Williams, Titus:—vide Elections, 58. Legislative Assembly, 72. Williamsburgh Lutheran Congregation :—Wide Addresses, 576. Wilmot:—vide Territorial Divisions, 111,112. Wilson, Duncan :—Petition of complaining that his property was sold to defray the expense of con- veying him to gaol, on a change of aiding the rebels with money in 1837, and praying relief (l 844–5) 100. Wilson, Ja.S. :–Wide Legislative Assembly, 71. Rebellion, 9. Wilson, J © . H. :—Wide Supply, 315. Wilson, Wm. :—Petition of for the restoration to him of certain public property in Quebec, of which he claims to be the proprietor, (1851) 176. Winchester:—Wide Surveys, 67. Windham :—Wide Surveys, 21, 22. Windsor Harbour:-Wide Harbours, 45. Wing, Tchabod :—Petition of I. Wing, of Chautauque (New York), stating that he was imprisoned in Canada, in 1813, for refusing to join the militia (being a Quaker), -that he was carried off by American Troops who had taken possession of the gaol-and that in consequence of his leaving the Province his land in Elizabethtown was forfeited and sold; and praying for authority to traverse the inquisition by which it became forfeited, (1841) 22. Referred, 242. Report, 335. Motion to commit Report, negatived, 836. Winter, P. :-vide Municipalities (L. C.), 18. WINTER, ROADS. - 57.1 10. i 1. 12. 13. 14 16. *- →r-º- Winter Roads and Winter Vehicles (L.C.); Bills relative thereto: . To exempt the County of Saguenay from the operation of certain Ordinances relating to winter vehicles, &c.; Reported by a Committee, (1841) 228. Committed; Considered, and no Report made, 273. . To repeal so much of two certain Ordinances as requires the horses to be harnessed in front of one of the runners of a sleigh, and the roads to be opened to a width of 12 feet; Ordered; Presented, (1841) 290. Motion that Bill be engrossed, 305. Amendment, that it be committed, negatived; Main motion agreed to, 305. Ryder, for limiting operation to District of Quebec, negatived, 310. R. A., 640. (4 & 5 Vic, c. 30.) . To amend, and repeal in part, two certain Ordinances relating to winter roads; Ordered; Presented, (1842) 31. Referred, 34. Reported, with an amendment; Committed, 35. Amended in Committee, 55. Passed, ºb. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 98. Amendments committed; Report Resolutions, rejecting the first amendment, and concurring in the second; Agreed to ; Conference to be desired on first amendment; Committee appointed to draw up reasons for disagreeing to amendment, 103. Report of Reasons; Conference requested, 104. Acceded to; Managers appointed, 107. Council do not insist on the said amendment, 115. R. A., 130. (6 Vic, c. 11.) To amend further the laws relative to winter roads; Presented, (1844–5) 271. Amended in Committee; Motion that Report be received in six months, negatived, 310. Passed, on division, 313. By the Council, with amendments, 408. Consideration of amendments postponed six months, 426. . To amend certain Ordinances and an Act relating to winter roads in Lower Canada; Presented, (1846) 110. Second reading postponed six months, 234. . To amend the Acts and Ordinances relative to winter roads in L. C.; Presented, (1846) 195. Not proceeded ". . To oblige Municipal Councils in L. Canada to provide for the keeping up of sufficiently wide winter roads; Presented, (1846) 321. Wot proceeded in. . To repeal the laws relating to winter roads in L. Canada; Presented, (1849) 43. Second reading postponed six months, 176. . To repeal the laws in force in L. Canada relative to winter roads, and to make the said roads of uniform breadth throughout the Province; Presented, (1850) 60. Order for second reading discharged, 113. To repeal two certain Ordinances relative to winter roads, so far as regards the Districts of Quebec, Gaspé, and part of Three Rivers; Presented, (1844–5) 222. Committed, 262. Petitions on the subject referred, 265, 289, 304. Amended in Committee, 435. Returned from the Council, amended so as to suspend the said Ordin- ances in those localities for one year, 438. Considered, and agreed to, 439. R. A., 440. (8 Vico C. 52.) To repeal two certain Ordinances, &c., so far as regards the Districts of Quebec, Gaspé, and that part of Three Rivers comprising Portneuf; Presented, (1846) 51. Amended by the Council, so as to limit its operation to one year, 258. Considered, and agreed to, 278. R. A., 344. (9 Wic, c. 53.) To repeal two certain Ordinances relating to winter roads, so far as regards the Districts of Quebec, Gaspé, and that part of Three Rivers which extends from the District of Quebec on the South Shore to Nicolet, and on the North Shore to Three Rivers, exclusively; Presented, (1847) 10. Ryder, for including Counties of St. Hyacinthe and Richelieu, moved and negatived; Bill passed, 42. Returned from the Council, with amendments, limiting its operation to three years, 182. Considered, and agreed to, 184. R. A.,216. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 40.) To repeal certain Ordinances relating to winter roads, in so far as regards the Districts of Quebec, Gaspé and Three Rivers, with the exception of that part of the County of Drummond within the District of Three Rivers; Presented, (1849) 192. Committed; Motion for an instruction to the Committee to consider relative to the expediency of requiring uniformity in the breadth of winter roads, and the form of the runners of sleighs, throughout Lower Canada, negatived; Bill amended in Committee, 256. R. A., 364. (12 Vic, c. 59.) To repeal certain Ordinances, &c., (as above) ; Presented, (1849) 201. Order for second reading discharged, 256. . Petition from inhabitants of Saguenay, for exemption of that County from the operation of the Ordinances respecting winter carriages, and the erection of Court Houses, and for legislation in regard to the “King's Posts,” (1841) 76. So much thereof as relates to winter vehicles referred, 130. Report a Bill, 228. Wide supra, 1. Petitions for repeal of the Ordinances relating to winter vehicles, and revival of the former laws relative thereto — (1841) L. Canada, 74. Portneuf, 55. (1842) Lotbinière, 20. Three Rivers, 17 .——(1843) Longueuil and Boucherville, 105. Rimouski Municipal Council, 33. Two Mountains, 102. Two Mountains Agricultural Society, 116: Referred, 131. Wo Report.——(1844–5) Beauharnois, 94. Bécancour, 264. Chambly, 46. Montreal Agricultural Society, 100. St. Edouard de Gentilly, 256. St. Gregoire, 264. St. Ignace du Coteau du Lac, 202. St. Martin, 195. St. Pierre les Becquets, 256, Terrebonne, 281. Vaudreuil, 217. Petitions 72 "WINTER TROADS—WITNESSES. 18. 19. 20. # 21. 22. 23. 7 Winter Roads—continued. referred, 101, 138, 195, 211, 217. (Wide Committees, 544.) Some of the Petitions referred to Committee of Whole on the Winter Roads Bill, 289. Wide supra, 10.——(1847) St. Jean Baptiste de Nicolet Municipal Council, 69.--—(1849) Beauharnois, 123. St. Maurice, 116. Windsor, &c., 113——(1851) Terrebonne Municipal Council, 248. . Petitions for amendment of the laws relating to winter vehicles: (1846) St. Antoine de la Baie du Febvre, 16. Do. (Municipal Council), 162. Both referred, 38, 168. (Wide Committees, 545.) St. Joseph de Chambly, &c., 72. (1849) Chambly, &c., 103. Petition for exemption of certain localities from the operation of the Sleigh Ordinance:–(1844–5) Yamaska, 303. Referred to Committee of Whole on the Winter Roads Bill, 304. Wide supra, 10. (1846) Quebec, 15, 16. Referred, 17, 33. (Wide Committes, 545.) Quebec, Gaspé and part of Three Rivers, 17, 38, 50. Referred to same Committee, 41. Petitions against any alteration of the present law relating to winter vehicles:–(1844–5) Berthier, 132, 133. Pads, Isle du, 132. Ste. Anne d'Yamachiche, 177. St. Barnabe, 177. St. Cuthbert, 132. Ste. Elizabeth, 133. St. Jean Baptiste de Nicolet, 276. St. Joseph de Maskinongé, 177. Ste. Ursule, 133. Petitions referred, 133, 178. Wide Committees, 544. s Petitions for revival of Ord. of 4 Wie., relative to winter roads, and for repeal of all Acts amending the same:—(1843) Kamouraska Municipal Council, 14. (1844–5) Batiscan, 264. Montreal, 47. St. Antoine de la Rivière du Loup, 226. St. Leon le Grand, 226. Two Mountains, 52, 53. Petitions referred, 89, &c. (Wide Com- mittees, 544.) Report, 257. Bill presented, 271. (Wide supra, 4.) Petition from Batiscan referred to Committee of Whole on Winter Roads Bill, 265. Wide supra, 10. (1846) St. Hyacinthe Municipal Council, 84. St. Michel d’Yamaska, 163 : Referred, 168. (Wide Committees, 545.) Ste. Rosalie Municipal Council, 113. Fetitions for amendment of the laws relating to Winter Roads:—(1844–5) St. Anne de Varennes, 24. Referred, 138. Wide Committees, 544. (1846) Chambly, 70. Referred, 95. Wide Committees, 545. (1847) St. Jean Baptiste de Nicolet Municipal Council, 69. Petitions against any alteration of the laws relating to winter roads:—(1844–5) St. Barthelemi, 188—(1846) Drummond, 219. St. Antoine de la Rivière du Loup, 233. Petition of Warden of Municipal Council of St. Mathieu de Beloeil, for an Act to require proprietors to keep open a road in front of their property during the winter, (1846) 54. Wide Committees, 322—324, 544, 545. Witnesses: Bills relative to : . To enforce attendance of witnesses before Magistrates in L. Canada, in certain cases; Presented, (1846) 89. Amended in Committee, 155. R. A., 254. (9 Wic, c. 5.) . To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1847) 46. Order for second reading discharged, 211. . To authorize and enforce the attendance of witnesses from any part of the Province, before the Courts of Superior Criminal Jurisdiction; Presented, (1846) 204. R. A., 345. (9 Wic, c. 35.) . To authorize and enforce the attendance of witnesses in civil cases, from any parts of the Province, before the Courts of Superior Jurisdiction; Presented, (1850) 71. Second reading postponed six months, 174. . To authorize and enforce, &c., (as above); Presented, (1851) 39. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived, 124. Amended in Committee, 248. Motions, for postponing consideration of amendments three months, and for re-committing Bill, severally negatived, 252. Third reading postponed three months, 259. lſº e sº º g & tº e e © e • * o g . To facilitate the issue of commissions for the examination of witnesses and the taking of evidence in suits at law pending and to be brought in the Courts of U. Canada; Presented, (1850) 189. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived, 245. Read second time; Motion to commit Bill forthwith, negatived; Com- mitted for the following day, 246. Wot considered. . To facilitate the issue of Commissions, &c.; Presented, (1851) 47. Motion to postpone second reading six months, negatived, 179. Amended in Committee, 339. Motion to re-commit Bill, negatived; Ryder moved and negatived; Bill passed, 347. Wot returned from the Council. Resolution, That no witness summoned under authority of the House be paid unless the same be reported on by the Contingent Committee, and agreed to by the House, (1841) 371. WITNESSES-WRITS. 573 10. 11. 12. Witnesses—continued. . Resolution authorizing witnesses so summoned to be paid five shillings per diem for attendance, and the same for every 20 miles travelled; Reported from Committee of Whole on Contingencies; Amendment, to substitute “ten shillings per diem, and a reasonable allowance for travelling expenses,” carried, (1843) 179. Resolution, That no witness be paid for attendance before a Committee, unless a certificate is fyled with the Chair- man, from some member thereof, stating his evidence to be material and important, (1849) 147. Resolution, That for the remainder of the Session no witness be paid without the authority of the Committee on Contingencies, renewed after four days’ attendance, and that no witness residing at the seat of Government be paid, (1849) 192. Motion to rescind so much as relates to the Contingent Committee, negatived, 219. Renewed, (1851) 34. Petition for the payment of witnesses in criminal cases; Louth, (1850) 74. Wide Accounts, 628. Arbitrators. Baird. Committees, 325. Elections, 101–105, 201—204. Legis- lative Assembly, 75, 76, 154, 178, 219. Wolfe Island :—Wide Kingston, 4, 11. Wolfe Island Railway and Canal Co. —vide Railroads, 104. Wolff, A. J. :-vide Roads, 176. Wolves:—Petition of Western District Council, for repeal of all laws granting a bounty for the destruction of wolves in that district, (1843) 64. Wood, Alexander :—Petition of Hon. Geo. Crookshank, praying that in any action brought by Isabella Farrell, the evidence taken under any one commission to prove her heirship to the late Alex. Wood may be received without a new commission in each case, (1851) 82. Bill to afford relief to the estate of the late Alex. Wood; From the Council; Read, 159. R. A., 361. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 168.) Woodcock:-vide Committees, 119. Woodhouse :—Wide Road Allowances, 22. Surveys, 65, 66. Woodstock: 1. Petition for an extension of the limits of that town, (1841) 174. Referred, 202. Report, with a Bill, 284. R. A., 2. I. 2. 440. (4 & 5 Vic., c. 70.) & Petition for incorporation of the said town, as was intended to have been done by the Municipal Act of last Session (it having been accidentally omitted from Schedule D.); and for an extension of the limits so as to include Lot No. 18 in East Orford, (1850) 142. Wide Municipalities (U. C.), 8. Woodstock and L. Erie Railway and Harbour Co. —vide Railroads, 105,106. Woodstock Mechanics' Institute :—Petition for aid, (1841) 340. Wide Supply, 161. Wool :—Wide Customs, 43, 53. Woolrich, Mrs. :—vide Pensions, 59. Wright, Ruggles:–vide Navigations, 40. Writs: Bills relative to : To enable the several Courts of Queen's Bench in U. and L. Canada to issue Writs of Subpoena ad Testificandum as therein mentioned ; Presented, (1844–5) 43. Referred, 147. Wot reported. To allow the issuing of testatum Writs of Capias ad Respondendum in the several districts in U. Canada; Reported § y Committee, (1844–5) 828, Motion to refer Bill negatived; Committed and amended, 858, R.A., 439. 8 Vic, c. 36.) - XXX 574 WRITS-YONGE. yº. ~r g -w its Writs—continued. 3. To amend and extend the provisions of the foregoing Act; Presented, (1849) 146. Referred, 267. Reported, with amendments, 273. Amended in Committee, 291. R. A., 365. (12 Vic, c. 68.) 4. To amend the law relating to Writs of Prerogative; Presented, (1849) 308. Amended in Committee, 357. Passed (as a Bill to define the mode of proceeding before the Courts in L. Canada in matters relating to the protection, &c., of Corporate Rights, and to Writs of Prerogative), 358. R. A., 366. (12 Vic, c. 41.) B. To amend the foregoing Act; Presented, (1850) 128. Amended in Committee, 157. R. A., 283. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 36.) Writs of Election :—Wide Elections, 131–156, 205, 206. Legislative Assembly, 8. Writs of Execution :-vide Execution. Writs of Mesne Process:–Vide Accounts, 482. Addresses, 407. Written Memoranda : 1. Bill to render written memoranda necessary in certain cases; Presented, (1848) 59. Not proceeded in. 2. Bill to render a written memorandum necessary to the validity of certain promises and engagements; Presented, (1850) 14. Read second time, on division, 42. Returned from the Council, with amendments, 99. Con- sidered, and agreed to, 101. R. A., 181. (13 & 14 Vic, c. 61.) Wide Actions, 1. Y. YAMACHICHE :—Wide Education, 190. Yamaska (County): 1. Petition for removal of the Registry Office therefor to a more central position, (1844–5) 81. Wide infra, 2, 3. 2. Bill to provide for removal of the Circuit Court and Registry Office for that County from La Baie to St. François; Presented, (1846) 231. Wot proceeded in. 3. Bill to remove the Registry Office from La Baie to St. François du Lac; Presented, (1847) 20. R. A., 128. (10 & 11 Vic, c. 50.) 4. Bill to establish a Circuit Court for Yamaska, and for a certain part of Drummond; Presented, (1851) 246. Not proceeded in. 5. Petition for amendment of the Act 12 Vic, c. 38, establishing a Circuit Court in that county, (1851) 71. Wide Elections, 75. Yamaska, River:-vide Bridges, 115. Navigations, 91. Yamaska (Seigniory) :—Petition for an Act to revive and amend the Act authorizing the inhabitants of the Seigniory of Yamaska to regulate the Common thereof, (1851) 82. Bill presented, 95. Referred, 133. Reported, with amendments, 152. Amended in Committee, 262. R. A., 809. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 135.) Yonge:–Vide Territorial Divisions, 118. YORK–ZORRA. 575 * Lºº º ºſ-r York (County) :—Bill to alter the period for holding certain Courts in York; Presented, (1851) 145. R. A., 229. (14 & 15 Vic, c. 15.) vide Elections, 76–78, 95. Territorial Divisions, 53–55. York (Township):—vide Road Allowances, 28. York Roads :—Wide Roads, 347–353. Young º Bernard *—Wide Pensions, 60. * Young, Thos. Ainslie :—Petition of, for payment of a certain amount due him as Auditor General of Public Accounts for L. Canada, (1846) 17–Again, (1849) 89. Yule, John :—vide Bridges, 82. º Z. Z ORRA :—Wide Territorial Divisions, 114. FIN I S. | *----, * "med two-...--. ºtel; 1005 - y *Pºsswimmel 1995 - Æt * ~~ <-- ~. ***-*——ºft--. —ºr —-k ~ * – 4– - 3. - - ** - a -- c *... --—5. A —x -- ń *3 cº-º-º: * º :-- r : ; ºr ,