B 430996 ك חש ARTES LIBRARY 1837 SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ! E FLURIBUS-UNUM TUZBU SQUACRIS PENINSULAM AMOENAM CIRCUMSPICE ПИЦИНИ TN 0.02. K95 A TREATISE AR! ON CONCENTRATION OF ALL KINDS OF ORES: INCLUDING THE CHLORINATION PROCESS FOR GOLD-BEARING SULPHURETS, ARSENIURETS, AND GOLD AND SILVER ORES GENERALLY. BY GUIDO KUSTEL, MINING ENGINEER AND METALLURGIST, Author of "Nevada and California Processes of Silver and Gold Extraction." With 120 Diagrams on 7 Plates. SAN FRANCISCO: OFFICE OF THE MINING AND SCIENTIFIC PRESS, No. 505 Clay Street, corner of Sansome. 1868. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, By GUIDO KUSTEL, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of California. Printed by TRUESDELL, DEWEY & CO.. MINING AND SCIENTIFIC PRESS BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, No. 505 Clay Street, San Francisco. 06-30-3 6 Mär PREFACE. This work is designed to show the present condition of the art of concentration; putting forth the principles on which it is founded, without entering into scientific considerations. To make the work complete as far as possible, the processes of Dry Dressing are also briefly described therein; and the whole is so arranged, and illustrated by diagrams, as to enable every one to be successful in concentrating ores. As the method of reduction by stamping is considered import- ant, the erection and treatmeut of stamp-works, as also the construction of grinders, are treated in full, and explained by numerous drawings. Among the concentrating machines, the preference has been given to self-discharging continuous contrivances; and of these again to such as have been sufficiently investigated as to their efficiency, the amount of water and of power required to run them, their proportion of loss, etc. ;—circumstances entirely neglected with California inventions,—the relative data of the latter being mere guess-work, and unreliable. A short description of many less important contrivances may appear superfluous, but the knowledge of them may prevent many persons from spending time and money, as has often happened, on inventions supposed by them to be new. The description of Jigging Concentration, important to Eastern lead mines, is furnished with diagrams of new continuous machines. In addition to the strictly original matter contained in the book, facts and rules, running through its pages, are derived from the well-known valuable work (not yet finished,) by Professer Gætzschmann,* and from the very complete work on Concentration by Rittinger,† which, *Die Aufbereitung von M. E. Gætzschmann, Bergrath und Professor in Frei- berg, 1860-1865. †Lehrbuch der Aufbereitungs-Kunde in ihrer neuesten Entwicklung von Ritter von Rittinger, K. K. Ministerial Rath in Wien, 1867. 4 PREFACE. although strictly scientific in its character, describes also all the practi- cal advance which has been made upon the subject. The author also takes pleasure in mentioning his indebtedness to the proprietors of the Union and Miners' Foundries, in San Francisco, for their kind offer of the use of their exceedingly numerous collection of patterns and drawings. The treatise on the Chlorination of Gold and Silver ores is a strictly chemical one, and has no connection with that on the Dressing of Ores. It has, however, been written and published as the concluding portion of this work, in consequence of the general demand for information on the subject, and the great interest at present shown in respect to aurif- erous sulphurets; the extraction of the gold therefrom being difficult and unsatisfactory by many other processes. SAN FRANCISCo, January, 1868. G. KUSTEL. CONTENTS. · I. INTRODUCTION. 1. The Dressing. Dressing of Ores... Principles of Dressing. Division of Dressing. • 2. The Separation. Page. Page The Sluice 33 9 The Kiln.. 34 12 The Step-Sluice 34 · • 20 Movable Machines. 36 The Hand Riddle. 36 The Rocker.... 36 Separation of Gangue from Orc in The Circular Hand Riddle.. 37 the Mine.... 24 Swinging and Jarring Riddles. 37 Dressing of Ores outside the Mine. 26 The Jarring Riddle 38 Separation by Hammers. 26 The Ragging. 26 4. Rotary Sizers. The Spalling. 27 The Trommel or Drum.. 41 The Cobbing 28 The Cylindric Trommel 42 L Separation by Hand.. 31 • • The Picking 31 The Prismatic Trommel The Conical Trommel 44 • • 46 ► The Combined Trommel. 47 U • ▸ 3. Cleansing and Sizing Contrivances. The Sifting Wheel……. 48 Washing and Sizing • Stationary Apparatus 33 Sizes of Grains for Jigging 50 33 II. REDUCTION. 1. Reduction of Ores. The Mortar Blocks.. Reduction of Ores to a Proper Size 53 The Frames Breaking under Heavy Stamps. 55 The Iron Frames. Reduction by Rock-Breakers 56 Howland's Rotary Battery • Hanscom's Crusher. 57 The Straight Iron Battery · • Blake's Quartz Breaker. 58 Bryant's Battery. Reduction by Stamps. 60 Wright's Iron Battery • 2. Description of Batteries. 3. Details of a Battery. The Foundation... 61 The Mortar. 62 63 2 8 I I I SE 64 64 64 65 65 66 6 CONTENTS. Page. Page. The Stem or Lifter. 69 Remarks 103 The Shoe or Pestle.. 69 The Socket or Head The Tappet.... The California Tappet 70 8. Grinding. 72 The Arastra or Tehama 105 73 The Edge or Chili Mill. . 107 - * The Cams.. 75 Ball Mills. 108 • Wooden Cams 76 Lundgren's Pulverizer 109 Iron Cams 77 Cylinder Mills.... 110 Farrand Mill .. 110 4. Speed, Curve and Order of Lifts. Hopkins' Grinder 111 Limit of Speed in Crushing... Construction of the Cam Curve... Order of Successive Stamp Lifts.. 77 Horizontal Mills.. 111 78 Iron Pan Grinders. 113 • 80 Hanging-up of Stamps.... 9. Pans with Plane Mullers. 83 5. The Discharge of Batteries. The Common Pan Grinders. The Tub Grinder 114 + • • 115 The Discharge in Dry-Crushing.. Bartolo's Grinder 115 84 With Grates Without Grates • Knox's Pan. 115 84 · · • · • · 85 Varney's Pan 116 · With Sieves .. 85 Wheeler's Pan. 118 • Dust Chambers Union Grinder 85 120 · The Discharge in Wet-Crushing.. 86 Moore's Quartz Grinder 120 • The Grates 87 Gaston's Grinder..... 121 • • The Screens 88 10. Pans with Conical Mullers. 6. The Feeding of Batteries. Hepburn & Peterson's Pan.. 121 Belden's Pan ... 122 The Hand-Feeding.... 90 Baux & Guiod's Grinder. 122 The Stationary Hoppers 91 Movable Hoppers 92 • Quantity of Water for Crushing.. 11. Pans with Tractory-Conical Mullers. 93 Remarks on Speed and Weight of Excelsior Pan.. 123 Wheeler & Randall's Pan.. 125 Stamps.... 94 Excelsior Continuous Grinders 125 7. Reduction by Rolling Mills. Construction of Rollers.. 12. Pans with Perpendicular Mullers. 97 • The Frame 99 The Centrifugal Ore Grinder 126 • The Feeding of Rollers. 102 • Varney's Quartz Grinder 127 III. CONCENTRATION. Concentration of Reduced Ore. Division. A. Concentration of Ore Grains, (Jig- The Principle The Jigging.. ging Stuff.) • • 2. Movable Jiggers. 129 The Movable Jigger 133 • 3. Stationary Jiggers. The Hydraulic Jigger 136 130 • • Petherick's Separator 137 131 The Stationary Jigger 137 • CONTENTS. 7 4. Continual Jiggers. Page. The Percussion Jigger (Setz-Herd) 139 The Continual Cylindrical Jigger. 143 The Continual Jigger. • • • The Sleeping Table. The Rack... The Sweeping Tables The Round Buddle.. Page. 174 174 175 • 176 144 • The Hydraulic Continual 145 The Concave Buddle.. 176 • · · • The Blanket Tables 177 5. Rotary Machines. The Rotating Cylinder (Strom-setz 9. Percussion Tables. Maschine) 146 • The Rotating Wheel (Setz-Rad).. 150 The Dolly Tub 151 Auferman's Dry Jigger.... The Percussion Tables.... The German Percussion Table.. 181 The Continual Percussion Table.. 183 Hunter's Continual Percussion Ta- 180 153 ble.... 188 B. Concentration of Ore Sands. Concentration of Ore Sands and Varney's Percussion Buddle. 189 · 10. Oscillating and Shaking Tables. Slimes 155 Borlase's Concentrator 191 6. Assorting of Sands. Hendy's Concentrator 192 The Labyrinth. Hungerford's Concentrator 192 161 • Barron's Concentrator 193 Borlace's Slime Separator. 162 Ph. Hofmann's Separator. 163 Rittinger's Funnel or Pointed Box 163 11. Steady Moving Concentrators. Rittinger's Spitz-Lutte 169 Steady Moving Concentrators.... 194 Concave Rotary Buddle 195 7. Feeding of Concentrator. Convex Rotary Buddle. 199 Feeding Boxes... Burton's Table 200 169 • The Stationary Feed-Box. 170 Self-Discharging Blankets 200 The Rotating Feeder... Horizontal Moving Blanket. 211 171 18. Stationery Concentrators. The Hand Buddle.. 172 IV. SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. 1. Concentration of Gold Ores. Concentration of Gold Ores... 205 Amalgamation of Gold Quartz.... 208 Amalgamation and Grinding Combined Concentration and Amalgamation .... Treatment of Concentrated Stuff.. 212 209 + 210 2. Concentration of Silver Ores. Concentration of Silver Ores...... 213 Cencentration Works.. Cost of Cencentration Concentration of Tailings. 214 218 218 3. Concentration of Lead and other Ores. Concentration of Lead, Copper and other Ores... 220 Value of Ores for Concentration.. 222 8 CONTENTS. со V. CHLORINATION. Extraction of Gold from Sulphur- Page. ets or Arsenicals by chlorination 225 Assay of Gold Sulphurets by Chlor- Page. Lixiviation 247 The Precipitating Vat.. The Precipitation 248 • • • • 248 ination Chlorination Process for Sulphurets 230 Loss of Gold in Roasting 227 Cost of the Chlorination Process per Ton of Ore 250 • 233 Remarks .... 250 • Single Roasting Furnaces. 234 Double Furnaces 236 Mechanical Furnaces. 237 Other Methods of Dissolving and Pre- cipitating the Gold from Sulphurets. The Roasting Operation. 238 Roasting with Salt.. 240 Chlorination. Chlorination at Reichenstein. Chlorination at Schemnitz.. Calvert's Method for Auriferous Quartz... 253 • • 255 • 256 Damping of the Roasted Ore..... 241 Sifting... Production of Chlorine Gas.... 242 244 Extraction of Gold, Silver and Copper • 257 I. INTRODUCTION. SEC. 1. Dressing of Ores. Ores, as found in the mines, are generally impure to a con- siderable extent, owing to an intermixture of foreign matters, although concentrated deposits of pure ore irregularly dis- tributed are of frequent occurrence. Veins, yielding mostly pure ores, free from intermixed earthy matters or gangue, and from which the metal can be directly extracted, are rare exceptions. The great majority of veins contain the gangue predominant. The gangue is not the only stuff which ren- ders the ore impure. Many intermixed metallic minerals are also considered as impurities, when they are not the object of extraction, because either, under special circumstances, they may have no value in themselves, or they may occur in too small a proportion to pay for a separation, or the presence of their metals may be prejudicial to the metallurgical or mill process, causing loss of a more valuable metal, or making the process more expensive. The earthy portion of the ores, such as quartz, lime, heavy spar, etc., is in some instances, to a certain extent, injurious in their treatment by different metallurgical processes. In every instance the expenses of reduction will rise with the increasing proportion of the earths. This often happens to such an extent that the working of the ore ceases to be pro- fitable. Expenses of transportation, labor, fuel, fluxes, chem- 2 10 INTRODUCTION. icals, power, etc., depend always more or less upon the bulk. of the ore, which again depends principally on the relative quantity of earthy matters. The presence of metals in the ore, which are impurities, considered with reference to a certain metal in view, is gen- erally productive of much inconvenience in metallurgical operations. One metal requires a different treatment from that which suits another, and one may have a bad effect on the quality and quantity of another which represents the object of extraction. The separation of valuable matter from its intermixture with heterogeneous substances, is called the dressing of ores· This term comprehends the mechanical separation generally, that is, the separation of gangue and worthless material from valuable ores, as well as the separation of the ores themselves into different classes, according to different intended modes of treatment; the separation of gangue from ore by means of water is called concentration. Dressing includes concentration as one of its most important parts. The object of the "dress- ing of ores" is the separation of the worthless from the valua- ble portions as closely as possible with the least loss and the smallest expense. A very close separation is difficult and not always advisable. The less value a mineral contains, so much the closer may its separation from gangue be effected. • Concentration consists in washing off the poorer or worth- less parts from the ore. Difference of specific gravity,* or at least difference of the aggregate condition of the minerals, is the requirement for the possibility of separation. If, there- *With a gravity difference of about 14, as is the case between gold and the gravel of the placer diggings, the concentration is so easily accomplished that the most simple apparatus will give a satisfactory result, even with mixed material of all sizes, provided there is no floating or very fine gold in the gravel. The cra- dle, long tom, sluices, etc., are proper contrivances. The Chinese on the Island of Borneo use the "kotok," a ditch 3 feet wide, 600 feet long, lined with oak lum- ber, for the purpose of gold washing, very much in the same way as is done in California in the sluices. The ditch breaks several times, changing its direction. abruptly, in order to facilitate the deposition of gold, which is taken out after four months' work. INTRODUCTION. 11 fore, different minerals of the same specific gravity constitute the ore, or if minerals of different gravity are combined chemically, no mechanical separation can take place, but then a chemical process is sometimes first employed to produce a difference of specific gravity for the purpose of concentration. So, for instance, tin ore is generally accompanied by wolfram, molybdenum, arsenical-iron and copper pyrites, zinc blende, copper glance, bismuth and antimonial ores, besides earthy minerals. In Cornwall, Bohemia and Saxony, tin ores are subjected to a concentration by means of water. The con- centrated ore contains all the wolfram, which is but little heavier than tin ore, most of the arsenical pyrites of nearly the same gravity as tin ore, and much of the iron and copper pyrites. This concentrated ore is then charged into a rever- beratory furnace and roasted for the purpose of oxydizing the arsenic and sulphur combinations, in order to change the specific gravity. The roasted ore is again concentrated and sometimes, if the ore is very impure, the roasting and con- centration is again repeated. The wolfram and tin ore remain unchanged-the former must be removed by a sepa- rate smelting process. The sorting of useful ores* into classes depends partly on the presence of different ores in the same ledge, as is often the case. For instance, silver ores, galena, zinc blende and copper ore may be associated in such a proportion that sil- ver, zinc and copper can be extracted to advantage. In this case silver ore and galena must be separated from zinc blende and from copper ore, or if silver should be extracted by amalgamation, attention must be paid to the separation of *The sorting of ores, with reference to the different metals they contain, is not much practised in California and Nevada, for the reason that metallurgy here is as yet confined principally to the ores of gold and silver-two metals, the separation of which is not necessary, inasmuch as amalgamating or smelting is, in the most cases, proper for both alike. Smelting of copper and lead ores is very limited as yet. Much more in use is the sorting into classes of rich and poor ores of the same kind. The rich ore is shipped away, or subjected to roasting, and treated by a more expensive process; or, if worked by the same process as the poor ore, more attention, time and chemicals are bestowed upon the work. 12 INTRODUCTION. silver ore from galena. Mechanical sorting is often much cheaper and simpler than chemical, which meets sometimes great difficulties in producing a pure article out of compound ores. Ores are also sorted for the purpose of classification into rich and poor ore of the same kind. With proper work- ing the per centage loss of metal of poor ores is higher than of rich ores. It is, therefore, always advisable to separate the rich from the poorer classes, if the character of the ores permits it. SEC. 2. Principles of Dressing. The dressing of ores is based on the following principles: First-Each constituent of the mass must be brought to the highest value which can advantageously be given to it. Second-The useful minerals must be concentrated only to the most advantageous degree of purity. Third-All loss of the quantity and value of the useful mineral must be avoided as far as practicable. According to the first principle, we must endeavor to obtain each mineral with its highest value. It is very often the case that a deposit or vein carries different metallic minerals, for instance galena, copper pyrites, iron pyrites, blende, cobalt ores, etc., which, in an isolated condition, command a certain highest price. If such ores were delivered unseparated, then not only would the subordinate metals remain unnoticed by the purchaser, but the value of the principal ores would be depreciated to some degree on account of the difficulty which would arise for the metallurgist in obtaining pure arti- cles from the compound ores, being compelled to use a more complicated and expensive treatment for that purpose. If, however, these minerals were separated by dressing, the INTRODUCTION. 13 principal minerals would come up to their respective highest prices and the miner would also realize the value of blende besides, if this be treated for zinc. The pyrites may be made use of for the production of sulphuric acid, or the smelter may need it for the concentration of the silver in the matte or for roasting of silver ores which are poor in sulphur. With regard to the second principle, it would seem that as a matter of course, the purest stuff would prove to be the most advantageous, but from a practical point of view it is differ- ent. The concentration should be continued only so far that, under the local circumstances, the most profit can be realized from the concentrated stuff. The more precious the metal is, the less advisable it is to concentrate it closely. There are many particulars to be considered as to what constitutes the most profitable degree of concentration. In this connection must be considered: 1. The mining expenses on the ore or the purchase price of ores or tailings, the hauling and all expenses on the ore till delivered at the place of concentration. 2. The cost of crushing, including all expenses connected with the work of concentration, transportation to the reduction works, cost of water, etc. 3. The loss sustained by concentration. 4. The expense of reduction and loss of metal thereby, and in what proportion the loss will appear with reference to the more or less concentrated matter; and finally, 5. Whether the reduction, that is, the extraction of the metal is effected in the same establishment or in cus- tom works.* *If the reduction is to be performed in a custom mill, the conditions must be considered. In Nevada, for instance, it is the usage in some custom mills to charge for amalgamation of silver ores, by way of roasting, $50 per ton, without reference 14 INTRODUCTION. There seems to be a mistake in some places, as to the proper degree of concentration, which misleads the inventors of con- centrating machines as well as those who wish to make use of concentration. The leading principle of these machines is the extraction of pure sulphurets, and the putting through of a large quantity of stuff in the shortest time with the smallest apparatus under all circumstances. Mere turning out the purest sulphurets, is by no means a proof of the best contrivance, and can be looked upon often with suspicion of losing a great deal of rich fine particles if present. Very cleanly extracted sulphurets are often not only clean of earthy matters, but also of silver sulphurets, fine amalgam, etc. In some instances a close separation of sulphurets from earthy or other injurious matters is a condition for the further eco- nomical treatment of the educt. With sulphuret of lead, copper sulphurets, etc., because of the low value of the metal, a close concentration must be effected. Auriferous pyrites. require to be concentrated as close as possible for the chlori- nation process, unless the gangue is pure quartz, but it would be a great mistake if silver ores should be subjected to a close concentration. to the compounds, returning 80 per cent. of the value in gold and silver found by the fire assay. On account of distant hauling and the fixed charge, without refer- ence to the richness, it might be more advantageous to concentrate closer. The following calculation will show how the degree of concentration is limited. For instance, a certain amount of ore or tailings is reduced by concentration to 10 tons The value (20,000 pounds) which would pay according to an assay, $150 per ton. of these 10 tons, after deducting 12 per cent. of moisture, would be.....$1,320 00 Hauling, at $4; charges, $50 per ton (dry); deduction of 20 per cent... Return... 744 00 $576 00 Supposing now the above 10 tons were reduced by further concentration to 5 tons, and the loss by further concentrating supposed to be 20 per cent., the value of these 5 tons, after deduction of 20 per cent., concentrating loss of the value above stated would be .$1,056 00 ་ Hauling of 5 tons, at $4; charges, $50 (for dry stuff); additional concen- trating expense, $15; reduction loss, 20 per cent.... 466 20 Return $589 80 • The difference of $13.80 is in favor of closer concentration; other circumstances, however, may show a loss by over concentration. INTRODUCTION. 15 As to the percentage which possibly can be obtained in concentration it is not unusual to be assured by inventors of concentrators, that they concentrate any ore within 5 or 10 per cent., an assertion the reason of which is either personal interest or more probably inexperience, but the statements are readily believed by customers. In the concentration of lead ores, galena principally, conducted on the best princi- ples with all the improvements of modern concentration in Europe, where great attention and plenty of time are devoted to the operation, the loss is generally from 15 to 20 per cent. Saving 80 per cent. of lead ores in concentration may be con- sidered a very satisfactory result. It must be borne in mind, moreover, that galena occurs in cubes, the cleavage is also cubic, very seldom fibrous, the specific gravity is 7.5-most favorable conditions for concentration-while the specific gravity of the principal silver ores ranges from 5.2 to 6.2, and they have the disadvantage of assuming mostly a fibrous or leaf-like shape when pulverized. The silver sulphuret is heavier (7) but ductile. It is, therefore, quite proper to cal- culate on a loss of 35 to 45 per cent. (including loss in crush- ing) in treating silver ores, provided the plan for concentration is a proper one. How differently silver ore behaves from lead ores in con- centration is shown by the result of a concave buddle §45 d. The nature of the ore certainly modifies the loss to a consid- erable extent. With the concentration of gold the case is different; for its high specific gravity allows a more perfect concentration, but, although under the most favorable cir- cumstances from 90 to 95 per cent. of the gold may be saved, there are also cases where 30 per cent. and more might be lost; for instance, if the gold should occur in a very fine scaly con- dition in a clayey rock. A man, though experienced in con- centration, cannot give an approximate estimate of the concentrating loss without having examined the nature of the ore in question, for the reason that the loss depends not only on the shape and gravity of the pulverized ore particles, but also very much upon the character of the gangue. 16 INTRODUCTION. It may, moreover, occur, that some earthy or metallic min- erals mixed with the useful ore, may be desirable for the reduction, so that a separation of the same would not only be useless, but injurious, because the loss of the ore increases, while the separation is going on, and because the ore may be more valuable if such minerals are not removed. Professor Gaetzchmann mentions the following metals and minerals as injurious or otherwise, with reference to the metal which is the object of extraction: "Iron and copper pyrites, and apatite, in iron ores (copper often accompanies spathic iron), while on the contrary spathic iron is not injuri- ous to copper ores (other sorts of iron ores are not desirable with copper ores). Iron, copper, arsenical pyrites and zinc blende, injure tin; bismuth makes its color dull; copper makes it brittle. Arsenic makes lead brittle; antimony hard. Lead with carbonate of zinc (galmey) or with blende, spoils the zinc. Lead must be carefully separated from all kinds of ores out of which copper is to be extracted by pre- cipitation or silver by amalgamation. In the first case, it makes the copper impure; in the second, it enters the quick- silver, and causes a greater loss in silver. Nickel-speiss (impure arsenuret) injures the amalgamation of silver ores. Injurious to cobalt (for the purpose of manufacturing blue paint) are calc-, brown- and manganese-spar, horn-stone, fer- ruginous quartz and galena. Nickel imparts, only when pre- dominant, a red tinge (arsenic, on the contrary, intensifies the cobalt, and renders the color agreeable). Mica, lime, garnet, augite, and horn-blende, promote the fusibility of magnetic iron ore; fluor spar facilitates the smelting of lead, silver and copper ores. Spathic iron and heavy spar are advan- tageous in smelting lead ores; iron pyrites is useful for the production of matte." In treating unroasted silver ores in iron pans, antimony is objectionable. If chemically combined with silver, it pre- vents the amalgamation of silver ores more or less. Thirty per cent. of antimony (as a constituent part of the mineral) makes roasting indispensable. As a sulphuret, antimony INTRODUCTION. 17 amalgamates under certain circumstances, especially if talc is present in the ore, and forms a bulky amalgam of sulphuret of antimony, causing a great loss in silver and gold. For simi- lar reasons arsenical pyrites is injurious to silver and gold amalgamation. Carbonate of lead must be carefully separated, it being easily decomposed. Galena is also decomposed, but with difficulty. Clay, talc and talcose slate deter amal- gamation, causing also a greater loss in quicksilver. Calc spar is favorable; iron, copper and zinc sulphurets are indif- ferent. Talc is also injurious in auriferous pyrites, if this be sub- jected to the chlorination process, for the purpose of extract- ing the gold. The talc in the chlorination tub absorbs too much chlorine gas. It is, therefore, necessary to roast such stuff with from 1 to 5 per cent. of salt, according to the amount of talc. In relation to the third principle, it is evident that a separ- ation or concentration cannot be performed until the ore is reduced to some degree of fineness. During this process a certain loss cannot be avoided; this loss must increase with the fineness of the pulverization. The loss in the quantity of the educt arises from too close, and the loss in the value from insufficient concentration. It appears, therefore, most advis able to pulverize and to concentrate the ore only to such a degree as absolutely necessary. The dissemination of the val- uable matter in the rock in coarser or finer condition, is the guide as to what degree of pulverization is required. It is utterly impossible to prevent all loss in pulverizing the ore, but with sufficient care and proper management this loss may be reduced to a minimum. Much handling of the pulverized ore also occasions loss. In order to carry out these principles a proper choice and succession of operations must be determined upon before hand, the important conditions in which are the following: The ore must be subjected only to so many and such oper- ations as are absolutely necessary to accomplish the purpose. Such methods must be adopted as are in accordance with 18 INTRODUCTION. local circumstances and the quality of the mass. The follow- ing points must here be considered: The nature of the mate- rial, that is, of the useful mineral, of the gangue and of the country rock of which some is generally broken with the ore. Also in what condition the ore appears in the rock, whether disseminated in coarse particles or in coarse pieces, or only coating the rock in thin layers as is the case with chloride of silver, native silver, etc. Also the structure must be exam- ined, the cleavage, toughness, hardness and what size and shape the mineral assumes when crushed. (a.) Cubic galena, iron and copper pyrites, for instance, require different and more simple operations than fibrous galena. Ore of the same kind, with only one sort of rock, is more easily separated than if mixed up with various rocks, as quartz, heavy spar, feld spar and lime. Native gold, cop- per and silver hammer out into leaves or flat pieces, while galena, iron and copper pyrites form granular particles-the latter, therefore, concentrate more perfectly. Ruby silver, brittle silver ore, blende and gray copper ore concentrate more difficultly, assuming a less favorable shape after crushing. (b.) Unfit for concentration, or very difficult, are decom- posed silver and other ores, especially if easily converted into powder; malachite and argentiferous carbonates of lead and copper, so often found in Nevada, Montana, etc.; chloride of silver, native silver in leaf or scale shape, plumbic ochre, cin- nabar, etc. Quartz, heavy spar, gray wacke, admit the precipitation of ore particles more easily than talcose or clayey rock, clay slate or gneiss. Great care must be taken not to disperse or scatter the ore particles in the mass by fine crushing, or by still more injurious grinding. It is difficult to effect the separation of blende, copper, iron and arsenical pyrites and heavy spar from silver ores, wolfram from tin ores, chlorite and epidote from copper ores, spathic iron from copper pyrites and galena. Pan tailings from unroasted silver ores are often subjected to concentration for the undecomposed sulphurets. This INTRODUCTION. 19 material contains a great deal of metallic iron partly from the stamps, but principally from the shoes and dies of the grind- ing pan. The iron of such tailings, if exposed to the air for several weeks, will oxydize, and in connection with other iron particles form light voluminous little bunches, involving sul- phurets and amalgam. These very numerous voluminous particles cannot be retained with the heavier clean sulphur- ets, no matter what method of concentration may be adopted, but flow off with the water before the sand. If, therefore, valuable tailings are intended for concentration, which could not be executed immediately, they should be kept under water. According to the preceding, it is obvious that a proper conduction of the dressing requires a knowledge of the phys- ical and chemical nature of the metallic and earthy minerals, and of the value and richness of the orey matter; knowledge of the particular metallurgical treatment, to which the ore is to be subjected is also required, in order to be able to judge, whether the cost of a closer concentration would be justified by the advantage which the metallurgist would derive there- from, while also taking into account the mining expenses, which augment or reduce the quantity of concentrated mat- ter. It requires practice on the part of the operator and conscientiousness that he may be aware of the real amount of loss suffered by dressing, and know all contrivances of ascer- taining the same. The inventors of concentrating machines are often unscrupulous enough as to the resulting perform- ance of the concentrator, and frequently deceive themselves for want of experience. 20 INTRODUCTION. SEC. 3. Division of Dressing. In accordance with the nature of the operations, the dress- ing of ores must be divided into two parts: 1. The Dry Dressing. 2. The Wet Dressing. The dry dressing chiefly comprehends the sorting of rock with reference to the different minerals it contains, and the separation of the useful part from the gangue by hand, judg- ing from the external appearance of the ore. This separa- tion is generally done by hand and is, therefore, limited to pieces such as can be conveniently embraced by the eye. But in some instances also pulverized ore is subjected to a dry concentration, on principles common with wet concentra- tion, substituting compressed air for water. In the wet dressing the separation is performed by means of water. Here the useful mineral is generally so minutely disseminated that a separation by hand would be impossible. The wet dressing, therefore, is applied to ores in which the useful particles are minute, often hardly visible, and in such small proportion that without concentration the ore would be worthless. But it is not applicable to masses, in which the shape of the mineral prevents its sinking in water, or offers to the motion of the water a large surface having a very small weight. Such minerals are kept suspended in the water and carried away. The matrix of such ores is generally found in a compact state, excepting in case of alluvial deposits, in which gold, platinum, tin ore and gems occur. It is, therefore, necessary to reduce the rock to a proper size before any separation can INTRODUCTION. 21 · be undertaken. For the purpose of dry dressing, the ore is broken into rough pieces; while wet dressing, particularly concentration on tables, renders fine crushing necessary. Besides the reduction to a smaller size, there are other auxil- iary operations in use to promote the dressing: 1. The washing of the muddy vein stuff, brought to the surface, in order to clean the mass for the succeeding treat- ment. This precedes both the dry and wet dressing. 2. Another operation, preceding sometimes the entire dressing, or succeeding a part of it, as preparation for further treatment, is the burning or roasting and decomposition by exposing the ore to the air, either for the purpose of render- ing the rock brittle, or of changing the specific gravity of some mineral. 3. The amalgamation (of gold). The separation of gold from gangue by means of quicksilver, being performed mostly by mining superintendents, is generally claimed as a part of the dressing, although the metallurgist considers amalgamation as a part of metallurgy. In California and Nevada, where in most mills quicksilver is introduced into the battery for the purpose of separating the gold from the gangue, while the reduction of the rock is going on, the amalgamation certainly belongs to the dressing department. In Nevada, however, the pulverized stuff is treated in iron grinding pans for the amalgamation of silver and gold. In this case a mere contact of silver ore and mercury is of no avail, inasmuch as a chem- ical action is required by which silver sulphurets shall be decomposed, in order to admit amalgamation. Under these circumstances, the amalgamation also of unroasted ore is a metallurgical process. 4. The cementation, for the extraction of copper, from washed cupriferous tin ores. 22 INTRODUCTION. } 5. The treatment of washed tin ores with acids or alkalis, in order to remove bismuth or wolfram. 6. Another auxiliary operation is the use of the magnet and electro-magnetic apparatus, for extraction of magnetic iron ore and metallic iron from gold, tin, and other concentrated ore. ores. These are the general proceedings in the way of dressing As a matter of course, however, the choice of the pro- per dressing operations must be regulated according to cir- cumstances, which differ largely even in one and the same district. In the States, for instance, certain rock, which con- tains the ore in coarse and fine particles, may be treated advantageously by a very coarse crushing and subsequent jigging, in order to save the coarse ore particles from further reducing (partially to floating ore) and then the jigging refuse be subjected to fine crushing and concentration on tables. In California, Nevada and, especially, Colorado, Montana, etc., the fine crushing from the start would be a more economical treatment of a like ore, although a greater loss is a sure con- Circumstances will also decide whether concen- sequence. tration should be used before the ore is subjected to the pan amalgamation or after. The dressing of ores for smelting purposes, where each particle of the rock, besides consuming fuel and flux, has an influence on the result of the smelting, either advantageous, assisting the fluxing, preventing the scorification of metals, etc., or disadvantageous, causing a greater loss, or rendering the smelting more expensive, must be differently and more carefully performed than the dressing of ore for amalgamation in pans, where the earthy matter interferes but little or not at all with the process. But even in the latter case, it must be remembered not only that the wear of iron and use of chemicals must increase to no purpose if too much earthy matter is present, but also that the per- centage mechanical loss of amalgam and mercury will rise with the increase of useless minerals. For a similar reason INTRODUCTION. 23 to the one last mentioned, lead ores must be brought to a higher degree of concentration than other ores, in order to diminish percentage loss in the smelting of a metal which is so liable both to volatilize and slag. Gold quartz, containing only free gold, a metal which, owing to its high specific grav- ity, is much more easily concentrated than other ore, provided that no mercury is used in the battery, and that the gold does not appear in fine scales, can be treated by more simple con- centrating arrangements, even when the quartz could be treated by amalgamation with some profit without concentra- tion. The working of the bulk would require, for instance, six or eight iron pans, the interest on the cost of which, the renewing of shoes and dies, etc., would cause expenses much heavier than the loss of gold suffered by concentration, after which only one pan may be sufficient to extract the gold. The dry dressing operations do not present so many deli- cate points as the concentration, are easier controlled, and executed with less loss. There are no such expensive pre- parations required, but the result depends entirely on skillful dressers, who are able to judge of the valuable parts of the ore by sight. To what extent the dry dressing is advisable, depends on many local circumstances, but principally on the price of hand labor. In Europe lead ores are subjected to extensive handling by men and children; also in Mexico labor is low enough to admit a profitable separation of ore from gangue, while wages in California limit the dry dressing to only superficial separation. This is still more the case in Nevada, while in the more remote Districts and Territories, where a man is paid five to six dollars per day, the dressing in the mine must be reduced to mere separation of entirely worthless rock from the ore, and everything as far as practi- cable be performed by steam or water power and machinery. 24 INTRODUCTION. SEC. 4. Separation of Gangue from Ore in the Mine. Ore bearing lodes cannot be worked without breaking more or less from the walls. In many instances a part of the wall must be taken out purposely, sometimes to prevent wastage of very valuable ore or gold quartz, sometimes to give addi- tional space when the lead has a smaller size than is conve nient for working. Ledges of large size will always contain gangue or boulders of useless rock, the hoisting of which increases the mining expense; sometimes it happens even that such rock must be moved back into the mine in order to fill up dangerous places. It is for this reason a judicious rule to retain all barren rock in the mine for the purpose of filling up places already worked out. The separation of the ore from adhering wall rock and gangue is the beginning of dressing, which is often not extended further in the mine. But some- times also a separation of different classes of ore is performed within the mine, especially if the lode is found in a decom- posed condition, exposing rich streaks of uniform loose char- acter, or deposits of solid rich sulphurets. In many mines, it is the custom to assort the rock not only in regard to useless gangue, richness and variety of ores, but also with respect to the different kinds of rock in which the ore occurs, if these are distinctly marked, and it can be easily done. In parting worthless rock, a mistake may easily occur in decomposed *By the expression "worthless rock," it is not intended to convey the idea that a rock or gangue is perfectly free from metal. This expression is applied to all ore from which no profit can be realized in any way. There can be no general standard as to how poor the ore may be before it is declared worthless. It is different with the ore of each different metal, and with different ore of the same metal. It varies also with working facilities, labor, etc. While, for instance, silver ores assaying $10 per ton in most mines may be considered worthless; in other districts ore assaying $20 per ton is worthless, and not excavated. The total expense on the ore of a prominent claim on the Comstock lode (Nevada) was, in 1865, $32 per ton. Counting the loss of extraction, the ore should assay at least $40 to cover all expenses, leaving, even then, no profit. INTRODUCTION. 25 veins, where there is no difference to the eye between poor and worthless, especially with gold ore, or when the loose stuff is intermixed with dark spots of clay, slate, etc. It is then important to examine the waste rock every day carefully, by washing or assaying, not relying on the known appearance of the rock, as its character might unexpectedly change, while retaining the same exterior appearance. It is certainly of much importance to be always well posted as to the value of the rock within the mine-a knowledge easily obtained by frequent assays, or by the use of a horn-spoon, or pan. The tin miner is often guided entirely by the result of his wash- ings of the pulverized samples. It is often advisable to excavate also such poor ore, as for the time will not pay for extraction, especially in new districts where expenses are very heavy-a condition which will change in a year or two, allowing then a profitable treatment of poor ores. Generally within the mine, the separation is confined to a mere superficial parting of the rock from orey stuff. Defici- ency of light, and its deceptive effect on the looks of the ore, and finally the muddy condition of the rock, are the obstacles to a close separation. Washing off the mud is not. practicable in the mine, except with rich gold specimens, in order to keep such valuable ore separate. The separation of gold-bearing from entirely barren quartz, in case only a cer- tain stratum of the whole mass is paying rock, is frequently difficult, for the reason that both parts are very much alike. Often, however, the pay stratum differs from the worthless, compact, or flinty, generally white quartz, by assuming a slaty appearance, intermixed with thin layers of slate or clay, with a red or brown color, etc. In order to effect a separation, the vein rock must be broken, but only to a size convenient for handling. The breaking is performed by steel sledges, of varying weight, according to the quality of the rock, from eighteen to twenty-five pounds. Both ends are alike and square-faced, and the sledges are provided with long handles. A great deal of rubbish or smalls is produced in breaking, and must 3 26 INTRODUCTION. be saved with more care, the richer or more valuable the ore is. The result of dressing within the mine gives four classes of rock, or less, according to circumstances. First-Worth- less material, either remaining in the mine to fill up excava tions, or brought to the surface on the waste heap. Second- Rich ores, when circumstances require the separation under ground. Third-Middle ores, to be dressed outside; and Fourth-Smalls resulting from breaking. SEC. 5. Dressing of Ores Outside the Mine. On arriving at the surface, the ore is still intermixed with rock and gangue which could not be separated from it in the mine. Generally the ore is discharged on a level ground as close to the mine as possible, in order to save the transporta- tion of waste rock. The principal object here is the continu- ation of dressing by ragging, spalling and cobbing; also washing and sizing. SEC. 6. Separation by Hammers. A. The Ragging is performed by steel-headed ragging hammers, from six to eight pounds weight. In this opera- tion, breaking the rock smaller, a part of it and of the gangue is rejected; the balance turned over to spalling, a further continuation of the same work. Although the ragging is only a preparatory breaking, the ragger must pay attention not only to the separation of worthless rock, but also to a rough classification of concentrating, smelting and amalga- mating ore, and accordingly he delivers two or more classes to INTRODUCTION. 27 B: The Spalling.-The ore is broken by the spaller to still smaller pieces, of such size as may be required, for crushing of concentrating ore, and for cobbing of the separated ore. The spalling is performed by hammers of cast steel, of about two pounds weight, on long handles. The poor part, separated by spalling, is designed for crush- ing and concentration. This class of ore must be carefully separated from worthless stuff, as well as from ores too rich for that purpose. If the ore is composed of very hetero- geneous matters requiring different treatment in crushing and concentration, the separation must be executed very attentively while spalling. Mistakes which occur now, can not be remedied after crushing, or only with much more difficulty, and with more loss. The spallers must be able to judge the quality of the ore. The separation must be performed more carefully than in the former operation; but it depends on the nature of the ore, and on the mode of reduction, into what classes the ore must be separated. Clay, quartz, heavy spar, and limestone, must be differ- ently treated. If mixed, they cause a greater loss of ore in concentration than when separate. If the concentrated ore is subjected to smelting or amalgamation, it is some- times important to have lead separated from copper, tin from pyrites, or blende from other ores. In other instances, lead and copper must be separated from silver ores. Accord- ing to such and other circumstances, the sorting must be conducted while spalling. It is also the usage to separate the ore intended for cob- bing into classes of different metals in a superficial way. This the spaller should execute in such a way that one of the important constituents should always prevail in the respect- ive heaps. If all the ore were transferred to the cobber in one pile, it would be impossible for him to effect the separation into different sorts, or, at least, it would be done very imperfectly, his attention being too much divided. It is, therefore, always so arranged that the dressing pro- gresses gradually through all the operations, beginning in the 28 INTRODUCTION. mine and ending with the cobbing, or, as the case may be, with the concentration. The spalling is not very fatiguing; and hence boys and women are frequently employed in Europe to do the work. The result of the spalling is similar to that of the preceding ragging and the following cobbing. The worthless part is turned out on the waste pile, the con- centrating ore carried to the concentration works, and the separated ore delivered to the cobbing. SEC. 7. Continuation. The Cobbing. The cobbing is executed by boys, who are carefully instructed in the particulars they have to perform.. The work is done by cobbing hammers of different shapes, from one and a half to two pounds weight, fixed on short handles. One end generally presents a square face; the other is sharp-edged. The latter form is required for detaching poorer parts from the ore without smashing the better. A regardless pounding is not tolerated; it would form too much powder, preventing at the same time a separation, if needed. The cobbing is the continuation of the spalling and the finishing of the dressing of that part of the ore which is delivered to the reduction works. A great deal of attention is therefore required to perform the separation properly. As before mentioned, the ore, when brought to the cobbing, is already classified to some degree, and this classification must be continued by the cobber on the same principle, only more minutely. Very little waste rock falls off in this oper- ation. One part is obtained for concentration. The smalls generally pass to the jigging, or are transferred with the best class to the reduction. The amount of metal in the picked ore is very different, and depends on local circum- stances and the mode of reduction. The dressing must be always based on the principle "to separate the ore to the INTRODUCTION. 29 best paying condition." Picked lead ores, for instance, in some places are considered sufficiently well dressed when they assay 30 to 40 per cent. of lead; in other places from 50 to 65 per cent. If silver ores occur with the lead ores, or if silver ores have to be smelted with lead ores, it is proper to dress the latter to a higher percentage of lead. Copper ores can be dressed to a lower degree than lead ores, and so forth. The cobbing is executed either on iron dies, from nine to twelve inches in diameter, or stone pieces shaped in a square form. The stone dies are preferable only in cases where iron particles are injurious to the ores; for instance, in treating tin or cobalt ores. The dies are fixed either on the floor or on benches. In some places, the picked ore is broken as small as required for smelting; but generally it is reduced smaller, or pulverized by machinery. The poorer portion for concentration is usually broken in pieces of about eight cubic inches, more or less, according to local circumstances. Very brittle and hard rock suffers more wastage in breakage. For that reason there are square iron rings in use in Corn- wall and Germany. The rings are six inches square, and four to six inches high, one side having a handle. They are placed over the dies if needed. Also a small hoe is handy, in order to keep the dust and smalls together. The cobbing, although not requiring much strength, is, nevertheless, a tire- some work. It is, therefore, necessary to arrange everything for the workers as comfortable as possible. A bodily torture, caused by sitting on the floor while cobbing, depresses the mind, the effect of which is always disadvantageous to the. employer. The climate is another point of consideration where the winter is severe, the cobbing must be performed in well-built houses, with sufficient light and circulation of air. The cobbing bench at Freiberg (Saxony) has the following arrangement: Alongside the walls of the building, there is a wooden frame, three feet high and the same width. The front is lined with planks, not perpendicular, but inclining 30 INTRODUCTION. downward towards the wall, in order to get room for the cob- ber's feet. Inside the lining, it is filled with loam, well stamped to the brim of the frame-work, forming thus a long bench, the top of which is parted by twelve-inch high partitions into spaces from three to four feet wide-sometimes a little wider for each cobber, or for two. The dies, one or two in each place, are placed so that one inch and a half projects, while the other part is stamped in from all sides, rendering it immovable. A flooring is then laid over the whole length of the bench, leaving the projecting dies exposed for use. In front of the bench is a beam, supported by uprights and braces, called the "sitting tree," although used more to lean upon than as a seat, for the reason that standing cobbing is less tiresome. For every two partitions there is one window, protected by wire grates. The central part of the stone- paved building receives the ore, and serves sometimes also for spalling. The boys employed are between twelve and fourteen years of age. On the Pacific coast, the dry dressing is yet limited to a separation of the ore into two classes, one being rich enough to pay for reduction by some process; the other is considered refuse, at least for the present. There is no third class selected for wet concentration. Generally only the leading metal is the object of dressing; other constituents are not regarded, unless they occur in such quantities that they can be made useful without concentration. At New Almaden, (California) the experiment has been tried of concentrating poor quicksilver ore by jigging. The same process has been used to some extent with copper ores at Copperopolis. As minute a dressing of ores as is exe- cuted in Europe would not answer now on the Pacific coast; but an entire neglect of dressing is liable to ruin a mining enterprise. It has often occurred, that in consequence of * *There is certainly great difficulty, if not impossibility, in effecting a separation on a dump, owned sometimes by different parties, or where from 200 to 250 tons of ore are discharged daily on dumps of limited extent, as is mostly the case on the claims of the Comstock, in Gold Hill; but a steady continuous income from INTRODUCTION. 31 carelessness on the part of mining superintendents, waste rock has been transported with the ore to the mills five or six miles off, so that the ore, being poor by itself, could not cover the expenses; and such ore is sometimes worked for one or two weeks, or more, before it is discovered that the mill is running into debt. SEC. 8. Separation by Hand. The Picking. No breaking of rock is required in this work, which is simply the picking of paying ore by hand. Frequently the picking is combined with the cobbing, as is sometimes the ragging with the spalling. The principal material for picking is the smalls of the mine and the rub- bish from ragging and spalling. In other cases, the smalls are turned over directly to the concentration, or if the min- eral is valuable, but so disseminated in the rock, that pick- ing is not practicable, the smalls are delivered either to the reduction or to the jigging-concentration. As there is no breaking, or at most very little connected with the picking, care must be taken to have all pieces larger than a man's fist rejected from the smalls. Another mate- a well managed mine, where the excavation of ore is carried on in proportion with the facilities of an appropriate dressing and reducing, secures a better property than a mine worked on an extravagant, so-called robbing system, regardless of the future of the mine, and involving the unavoidable and multifarious losses con- nected with all overdone work. It is also due to the unfavorable proportion of small dumps and large quantities of ore, that frequently ore boulders of from one to two cubic feet are forwarded to the mills, containing always some waste rock, which usually consumes besides the hauling also the expense of reduction. Whether the reduction is performed in custom mills or not, the mine has to bear the loss caused by defective dressing in every instance. The custom mill is paid by the ton. It is therefore immaterial to the millman whether he pays the hauling for poor or for rich ores. He gains more by two loads of rubbish than by one load of good ore; consequently the mine is the loser on undressed ore, and, if nothing else, ragging ought to be per- formed on all claims, combined with rejecting of easily recognizable worthless rock. 32 INTRODUCTION. rial, subjected sometimes to picking, is the coarser part of crushed ore for jigging. There are mines in Europe, for instance, in Bohemia, Germany, etc., where from two hundred to three hundred boys in one building are employed in pick- ing. The proceedings in this operation are about the same as in cobbing; but, as the smalls do not undergo any prepar- atory assorting, the amount of waste rock is proportionately larger than is obtained in cobbing. Besides the waste rock, the picking gives a first-class ore for reduction, a second for concentration, and a third class for jigging. The smalls from the mine are generally muddy, and are washed either before- hand or on the picking table; but in every instance it is necessary to have the smalls sized. Dry stuff must be wetted on the picking table, partly to wash off the mud, but chiefly to expose the metallic parts, although some earthy matters, as clay, slate, etc., assume also a dark color when wet, rendering the picking uncertain if silver sulphurets are present. In this case no water is used if the material is clean. The picking is performed on tables, around which the workers sit. The proper shape of a picking table must answer the purpose also of conveying the water, which is sprinkled on the smalls out of the way, not interfering with the pickers. Generally the platform of the table is slightly inclined towards the center from both long sides, forming a trough in the middle of the table of its whole length. A steady supply of smalls directly from the sizing apparatus or a feeding shoot to the pickers, has been successfully tried and introduced at Lauenthal (Germany), by means of a cir- cular rotating table, provided with radial-shaped boxes, movable on an axis, and arranged on the periphery of the table, which latter, slowly revolving, carries the boxes in a circle, corresponding with the circular picking places beneath. The picker, taking hold of a box, tips out the contents, which, of course, must be picked over while the supply- table makes one revolution. The box, having its support on the axis, a little out of the centre of gravity, assumes its former horizontal position again. INTRODUCTION. 33 In other places, the moving table is also the picking table, carrying the workers around, so that each one passes the continually supplying sizing apparatus. SEC. 9. Washing and Sizing. The ore, as before mentioned, on arriving at the surface from the mine, is frequently coated with loam or clay or other impurities, making a separation of ore from useless stuff impossible. It is, therefore, in such cases, necessary to clean the surface by means of water before subjecting it to the already described operations of cobbing or picking. The washing is generally combined with "sizing "-an operation by which the ore is separated into different classes of respectively equal size. Ore of larger size can be washed simply by pouring water over it; but the smalls, being com- posed of all possible sizes down to the finest slime, require a more careful treatment. All pulverent matters have to be separated from such stuff as can be handled and picked. The greatest part of the former is suitable for jigging. Before the introduction of jiggers, the pulverent part was transferred either to the reduction or to the concentration works, although generally either too poor for the first or too rich for the last operation. Since the introduction of jiggers, however, the ore particles are extracted first, then the whole of the residue turned to the concentration. Machines for washing and sizing can be divided into stationary and movable. SEC. 10. Stationary Apparatus. A. The Sluice.-Sluices are generally used for the purpose of washing. They are differently constructed in regard to dimensions, but all agree in having a trough-like form. 34 INTRODUCTION. Where water is scarce, the sluice is closed up at the lower end for several inches in height, so that the water is kept in until the smalls are washed clean; after which the water is discharged, and a fresh charge introduced. If there is suffi- cient water, the washing is performed under a constant flow. The sluices are from one to two feet deep, having about the same width, and from four to ten feet long. Some are made wider at the top than at the bottom. The washing under a sufficient head of water, as executed on placer gravel in California, is very effective in yielding a great deal of clean stuff. Two or three washers rake the smalls for some time, discharging the clean part continually, while the charg- ing is kept up in the same proportion. The sluices require to be sufficiently inclined, except those worked without a permanent flow of water. B. The Kiln.-This arrangement does the washing and sizing at the same time, and is constructed in various ways. An effective apparatus in England consists of a platform, on the bottom of which is a cast-iron perforated plate, the holes being one and one-fourth inches at the top and one and a half half inches at the bottom. The plate is four feet by three feet six inches. A large hopper is fixed at one end of the platform, in which the ore is dumped. From a launder above, a stream of water falls on the ore inside of the hopper, and another on the ore on the perforated plate, where a washer stands, raking the ore to and fro, until all the finer stuff is raked through the holes. The coarse part is drawn forward on the platform, and picked over by children, who throw all the waste into wagons on rails. What falls through the perforated plate, glides into a trommel beneath, containing sieves of different degrees of fineness. The sized stuff passes into compartments, in order to be treated sepa- rately for concentration. C. The Step-Sluice.-This machine is used in Germany, Hungary, etc., in different modifications. The following description will explain its general character: A sluice, INTRODUCTION. 35 one and a half to two feet wide, and about fourteen feet long, rests with an inclination of two inches or more to the foot, on a solid frame. The sides twelve inches high. and the bottom are made of planks. Between the sides there are horizontal sieves or grates, 4 to 6 in number, fixed in a step- like manner, somewhat inclined towards the front. The holes or openings decrease in size from the head of the sluice downwards. Each of the plates or sieves are shut up on the front side by a vertical cross-board. At the head of the sluice, above the first grate, there is a feed box, or hopper, with a slide door, through which the smalls are drawn upon an inclined platform of several inches length, from which the washer rakes his stuff upon the first sieve. At the head of each sieve is a similar space, on which the stuff falls from the coarser sieve above, before it is raked on the one below. At the lower end of each sieve on one side is a discharge open- ing, through which the coarse part of the stuff is drawn after it is washed, either directly on the picking table or to the jigging. Above the sluice, at a proper height, there is a water pipe, or trough, supplying each sieve with a shower of water through a pipe provided with a rose at its end. The discharge opening may be arranged alternately on each side of the sluice, according to convenience. A washer stands at the side of each sieve, at a proper height. The boy at the first sieve nearest to the hopper draws a proper charge of smalls, rakes it on the grate to and fro under the shower of water, draws a new charge, and contin- ues to wash, discharging, from time to time, the clean part through the opening. The smaller ore which fell through the grate comes now on the second sieve, where it is treated in the same way, providing the third sieve with still finer stuff. Below the last sieve there is a gate, which is closed while washing is going on, in order to arrest the sand. The slime is conveyed into cisterns. The inclination of the sluices amounts to about twenty degrees. This mode of washing and sizing requires too many hands, especially if the sluice 36 INTRODUCTION. contains six or more sieves. If more sieves are in use, it is not necessary to have a stream of water above each, but only so far as the smalls appear muddy. SEC. 11. Movable Washing and Sizing Machines. There are many arrangements belonging to movable sizing apparatus, varying in their construction from the simplest hand riddle, to a complicated system of sieves and drums. There are, also, machines, though these are of less import- ance, the principle of which is a stirring by horizontal or vertical stirrers, for the purpose of washing. A. The Hand Riddle is the simplest sizing and washing machine. It is still in use, especially with rich ore. The hand riddle is made of various sizes and material. Some consist of an oak hoop three-eighths of an inch thick and six inches deep, the diameter ranging from eighteen to twenty inches. Others are made of wooden staves, iron-hooped, or of sheet-iron. The bottom consists of mesh work of iron wire grates or punched sheet-iron. The washing is usually performed in a tub, somewhat larger than the riddle, filled with water. The riddle being charged with smalls, is moved in a circular way until the smalls appear with a clean sur- face. The work is very tiresome. For that reason different mechanical contrivances are applied, by which the worker is relieved from lifting or holding the whole weight of the charged riddle. B. The Rocker.-The rocker, or cradle, another well known apparatus, (in California and Australia used as a gold-saving machine) is preferable to the hand riddle, espec- ially if a constant stream of water is conveyed upon the INTRODUCTION. 37 rock in the sieve. This instrument is so familiar that a minute description is superfluous. More effective than the rocker is C. The Circular Hand Riddle.-The cylindrical or circular hand riddle is constructed of punched sheet iron or of a wire sieve, the holes being three-fourths of an inch to one inch square. The riddle is in the form of a drum, resem- bling a coffee roaster in an inclined position. It is turned by a crank at the lower end, while the coarser smalls pass longitudinally through the riddle into a shoot. The sand, falling through the sieve, is conveyed into compartments. It is used in the Cornwall mines. This circular and the common hand riddle, as well as the rocker and many other contrivances using one sieve, are not very efficient, for the reason that only one sort of stuff is obtained free of pulverent matters. Superior to these are the following machines: Swinging and Jarring Riddles. This class of riddles (German, Raetter) comprehends a vari- ety of arrangements, all having motion and suspension. The motion is applied differently, either simple swinging, and percussion, horizontal, longitudinal, or vertical. They are extensively used, not only for washing and sizing smalls, but also in connection with rollers or crushers, in order to size. the ore properly for jigging concentration. The same arrangement is also used in coal mines for the purpose of separating coal smalls. The swinging riddle has an oblong square shape, with a rim about six inches high on three sides, the front being open for the discharge. The bottom is formed principally by a sieve. The upper part is covered with an iron plate; the lower is also solid, and lined with sheet iron, leaving the middle part of the bottom for the sieve. Sides and bottom are made of plank; sometimes entirely of iron. The sieve may be wire cloth. perforated sheet or cast-iron. The holes, 38 INTRODUCTION. it may be remarked here, are better made in square shape than round ones, the latter being more liable to get choked up. The suspension of the riddles is effected by four chains or rods from as many posts. The four chains, or at least two of them, are provided with set screws, in order to regulate the position of the riddle. On the back part of the frame there is a rod connected by a joint, having a tappet on the other end. The tappet is provided with cams, fixed on the vertical shaft. Revolving, each cam of the shaft catches the tappet, pulling the riddle back, which, on being disengaged, swings to its former position, striking, at the same time, against blocks fastened to the frame. By the resultant jar, the small particles fall through the holes; the other part slides towards the front, and is thrown off by repeated blows. The percussion will increase the more the chain departs from a perpendicular line when the riddle is at rest. There is another double post in the rear, having friction rollers for the rods of each sieve. The operation is very simple, and can be applied to wet stuff as well as dry. The smalls from the hopper or directly from the crushers must be discharged on the iron-coated part of the uppermost riddle. The water, spread as much as possible, must be conveyed upon the sieve, generally only on the first one; but if the ore be too muddy, water must be introduced also on the lower sieves. The use of water in the hopper is less effective, and more of it is required. The sized smalls are discharged into compartments. In this, as well as in all other sizing machines, it is of great advantage if the smalls are freed of mud beforehand in some way; for instance, by treatment in sluices, drums, etc. It is sometimes impossible to obtain clean smalls by one operation, especially if they are coated with tough clay. A. The Jarring Riddle.--These sizers have a different construction. Two riddles, sufficiently inclined, each rest- ing with the lower end on a cross-beam, and striking the same when dropped after a lift by chains or rods fastened INTRODUCTION. 39 to the lower end. The upper part is movable on an axis. The riddles, being lifted from five to eight inches, fall back on the support, receiving from forty to fifty lifts per minute. Water is conveyed above the upper riddle on the smalls. through a launder having holes at the bottom. The riddle, (eight feet long and fifteen inches wide) contains two sieves of different fineness, one placed above the other, forming a double bottom, each having a separate discharge. Below the second finer sieve is a bottom with an opening towards the end, through which the finest stuff falls on the second riddle, (ten feet long, twelve inches wide) the discharge end of which is opposite that of the upper one. It contains also, like the upper, two sieves. The smalls from between the two sieves of the lower riddle are discharged into a separate compartment. The finest from the last sieve falls into another place with an inclined bottom. The smalls discharged on a platform from the first and second sieve of the upper riddle, are subjected to picking, wherein six classes are obtained. 1. Smelting ore, which consists mostly of solid galena. 2. Ore for cobbing, consisting also mostly of galena, but with adhering rock. 3. Stuff impregnated with large particles of galena. It is delivered to coarse crushing. 4. Stuff with finely impregnated galena, for stamping and concentration. 5. Very poor ore; and 6. Refuse rock. The described apparatus sizes about 265 cubic feet of smalls per day, but requires a large amount of power and water. The riddles with horizontal motion, and the swing riddles, are preferable to those with a perpendicular one, inasmuch as the particles of rock with a vertical blow choke the holes of the sieve with more force, like a wedge, and thus give also a less favorable result in regard to productive effect. All riddle contrivances can be used for dry as well as for wet ore; but with water the work goes on more rapidly, and yields a cleaner stuff, and dusting is prevented. The best way of feeding the riddles is by means of hoppers, or self- feeders. 40 INTRODUCTION. In some places an arrangement is used in which the sieves are not placed above each other, but in a row, one before the other. Consequently the first one must be the finest, and the coarsest part of the smalls will then roll over all of them. The last sieve is the coarsest; and the stuff passing over it is the smallest part of the original charge. The most proper arrangement is that in which the first sieve contains the widest openings, so that the finest smalls will reach the finest sieve by degrees. According to different sizes, the inclination and percussion of the respective riddles ought to be different. It is, there- fore, advisable to construct the apparatus so as to have the riddles independent of each other in regard to motion and inclination. The less inclined, the slower the advance of smalls, consequently a more thorough sifting and cleaning takes place, but also proportionately a smaller yield of sepa- rated product. The size of holes ranges between one inch and one-fifteenth of an inch in diameter. The length of the sieves from three to seven feet. The inclination varies from one to five inches per foot. The speed from thirty to sixty-eight strokes per minute; sometimes up to two hundred. The quantity of the water is also different according to the nature of the smalls and the size of apparatus. It ranges from three to sixteen cubic feet per minute. The sieves will last from two to twelve weeks, according to their arrange- ment and quality. Riddles requiring from three to four horse-power are the heaviest. If properly arranged, a well constructed machine can size about two hundred and fifty cubic feet per hour. INTRODUCTION. 41 * SEC. 12. The Trommel or Drum. The Trommel is a sizing and washing apparatus, of a cylindrical shape. This sizing contrivance is superior to the preceding ones, which have been already replaced in many mines by trommels. They are differently constructed, and used for two purposes, either for cleansing and washing of the smalls only, or for sizing purposes; but generally for both combined. The trommels revolve on horizontal or inclined shafts. If the trommel is used for the cleansing of ore mixed with clay as a preparation for subsequent sizing, it is often fitted inside with spikes, (spear trommel) for the purpose of breaking up the lumps. The spikes are set either in lines parallel with the shaft, or in a spiral way. Generally the washing trommels are perforated; sometimes, however, not. They are made of boiler iron, or of cast-iron, and are generally connected with the sizing trommels. The sizing drums are constructed on the same principle, but com- posed of different sieves or several trommels, each of one hole size, and are arranged either on one shaft, or one below the other. Both the washing and sizing trommels move sometimes with the lower portion of the sieves in boxes or compartments filled with water, so that there is a permanent depth of several inches of water inside the trommel. Often the water rises nearly to the shaft. Trommels differ in shape, some having a cylindrical, some a prismatic, and others a conical form. The conical drum has the advantage of an inclined sifting surface with a level position of the shaft. In order to effect a forward motion of the material in a cylindrical or prismatic trommel with a hori- zontal position, the inside is fitted with a spiral partition, or there are compartments, formed by rings fixed perpendicular to the shaft. But as the smalls would always remain in such *Supplement to Ure's Dictionary, 1863, page 844. 4 42 INTRODUCTION. compartments, the rings must be open in one place. From this opening, a cross-plate, in an oblique direction, joins the other ring, shutting up the space, and forcing thus the smalls to enter the next compartment, and so on. The construction of the spiral partition and its maintenance is expensive, and for this reason conical trommels are preferable. A. The Cylindric Trommel is the simplest of all drums. On a shaft there are either iron bars put together closer and wider apart in different grades, or there are iron plates, per- forated with holes of different sizes, so arranged that the finest sieve is at the head or feeding side. On the shaft are fixed several hubs with arms, to the end of which are screwed iron hoops, or rings, corresponding in number to the sizing sieves required. The rivets are not placed close together, as the plates have to be replaced when worn. The shaft and the trommel must be laid so much inclined as to allow the stuff to roll towards the other end, if there is no spiral arrangement inside. The upper end of the drum, where the smalls are charged, is usually provided with a conical collar, in order to prevent the stuff from falling out. The feeding is managed by means of a spout of sheet-iron introduced below the shaft, or from above over the shaft. At the discharge end of the trommel is also a funnel-shaped collar, widening outside. Bars, in place of punched plates, are used, principally for cleansing purposes, or for an auxiliary sorting of coarse smalls. The sizing trommels are made of sheet-iron,-some- times also of zinc-, copper- or steel-plates. Copper is gen- erally used for finer sieves. The riveting of thick plates with wide holes is not required on the longitudinal joints; but the rim of one must overlap the other, the lap being in the proper direction, so as not to interfere with the rolling of the smalls. For the washing of smalls, the cylindrical and conical trom- mels are the most suitable. One inch fall to the foot is suffici- ent in most cases; but if there is a great deal of clay and mud INTRODUCTION. 43 1 with the ore, requiring more time to dissolve, less inclination is given to the drums. They are generally nine feet long, and from four to five feet in diameter. Sometimes the nature of the stuff requires cylinders from twelve to fifteen feet long. During the operation, the trommel revolves partly under water, or both ends are closed with collars, so that the water is kept inside several inches high continually, and in this case the discharge is effected by little elevating boxes, fixed on the inside periphery of the lower end. These washing cylinders revolve about ten times per min- ute. Too fast or too slow causes an unfavorable result. The charge should reach the lower end after about twelve revolu- tions. For washing purposes alone, the trommel is not per- forated, and is usually constructed of staves one and a half to two inches thick, tied by six iron hoops. The wooden ver- tical collar inside, at the upper smaller end (if the drum is conical), is six inches high ;-at the lower, or discharge end, twelve inches. The inside of the cylinder is lined with staves one inch thick, fastened by wooden pins to the mantle. Wooden lin- ing is preferred to iron, it being cheaper and easier replaced. These trommels are connected with the shaft by iron arms; but more frequently there is no shaft inside, the trommel revolving on friction wheels on the outside periphery. Water is introduced by an iron pipe. Two to four cubic feet of water are consumed per minute. A simple cylindrical trommel is represented in Fig. 10, Table VI. The shaft, a, is two inches in diameter, and upon it two armed hubs, b, are fastened. The four arms of each hub are connected by a flat ring, c, two and a half inches wide and one-half to three-fourths of an inch thick. The inner diameter of the ring corresponds with the size of the trommel. To each ring on each side are screwed four wooden gaunts, d, on the inner side of which the sieves, already bent in a cylindric shape, are screwed or nailed. The long sides of the sieve-plates are overlapped one-half to three-fourths of an inch, and not riveted at all, or only in the middle. Fig. 11 shows the hub with the gaunts, d. 44 INTRODUCTION. Both ends of the cylinder, e, are made of sheet-iron, six inches wide, screwed to the gaunts in the same way as the sieves. At the upper or charge end is a vertical ring, i, by which the smalls are prevented from falling back. Either the sifting is performed dry, or the lower part of the trom- mel is a few inches under water. The stuff to be sifted is introduced through the trough, k, and slides gradually on the inclined sieve. The smaller grains fall through the sieve- holes into the compartment, l; the larger smalls are dis- charged into m. The inclination of such trommels is not below three and not above five degrees. Their diameter is from two to three feet, although a larger diameter is more favorable, but also more expensive. The length is not less than two feet. If, as is generally the case, several grain sizes are required, it is easily accomplished by additional sieves of larger holes on the downwards prolonged shaft, the space below the sieves being divided into compartments correspondingly with the number and size of the sieves. The disadvantage of this arrangement lies in placing the finest sieve at the head, where it is exposed to the hardest wear. A better arrange- ment of sizing trommels, e, e', e', Fig. 9, Tab. VI, is the reverse, where the finest sieve is the last; but in this case there are as many shafts as there are different sieves. B. The Prismatic Trommel differs from the cylindrical only in its six-sided form. It is generally made of cast-iron plates, and used only for the coarsest smalls. The holes are either square or round, the narrower opening on the inside. The trommel consists of six plates on the circumference, bolted to collars, which are connected with the shafts by arms, and with each other by longitudinal ribs. There are also other constructions without ribs. The smalls roll at intervals, resting always on one of the six plates, till it rises, causing them to roll over. At the Oberhartz mines, there is a prismatic trommel in connection with four sizing drums, Fig. 9, Tab. VI. The INTRODUCTION. 45 are trommel, a, is forty inches in diameter. The shaft has an inclination of half an inch to the foot towards the picking table, g. The drum consists of four rows of perforated cast- iron plates. The holes of the first three, a', a", a'", three-fourths of an inch; those of the last plates, b, one and one-fourth inches in diameter. Each plate is eighteen inches long, making thus a sifting length of six feet. The lower half of the trommel is covered by a trough, c, having the same inclination, and receiving the smalls which fall through the sieve. Where the two sizes join at c', there is a parti- tion directing the finer part through the conduit, d, into the first cylinder, e. The coarser smalls from b, fall into a sepa- rate place,f. The shafts of the four trommels, e, e', e", e'", are provided with cog-wheels, transmitting the motion from one to the other. h' is the pulley. Each trommel is five feet long, eighteen inches in diameter, and inclined three-eighths of an inch to the foot towards the compartments i, "", into which the smalls are discharged from each trommel. The launders, l, l', beneath the cylinders have a reverse inclination of one-half of an inch to the foot. The lower ends, grains in them m, m, are curved, and so inclined that the are conveyed into the next lower sieves. The meshes of the first trommel, e, are five-eighths of an inch wide; of the next, e', three-eighths; of e", three-six- teenths; and of the last, e'", one-twenty-fourth of an inch wide. In order to prevent choking of the sieves, there are horizontal water pipes, n, n', through which streams of water all along the trommels are forced upon the sieves by a press- ure of several feet height. The trommel, c, having its own pulley, makes from sixteen to eighteen revolutions per minute, the sizing trommels from fourteen to sixteen. The smalls are charged continually by means of a hopper, as indicated by dotted lines, p. What is coarser than the sieve, b, falls over the slide, x, on the pick- ing table, g, which is perforated, the holes being one and a quarter inch each side. That which falls through a is carried into the sizing cylinders by aid of water from the pipe, q. 46 INTRODUCTION. This apparatus gives eight different sizes of smalls, and is attended by two men. Of middling smalls, the apparatus can size about seven hundred cubic feet in twelve hours. It requires thirty-five cubic feet of water per minute. C. The Conical Trommel.-This kind of trommel, having at one end a larger diameter than at the other, allows the ore to advance towards the wider end, when its shaft is put in a horizontal position. A conical trommel apparatus (employed in Hungary) has the following arrangement: On a horizon- tal shaft are two trommels firmly fastened. The first and coarser one is surrounded by a wooden or iron mantle, leav- ing sufficient space for what falls through the sieve. The sınaller diameter of the mantle is five feet five inches; the larger, six feet nine inches. Its length is ten feet. Both, the mantle and the trommel are provided at the large end with elevating boxes, of which the mantle contains twenty in number. The second trommel, furnished with a finer sieve, is about five feet long, the two diameters being the same as those of the sieve in the mantle. The smalls fall through a hopper into the first trommel at its smaller end, aided by a stream of water. The stuff rolls on the sieve and the mantle towards the larger diameter, where it is taken up by the ele- vators and discharged when at the highest point of the circle. The coarsest part, from inside the sieve, when ele- vated, falls on an inclined launder and rolls on a platform. The finer part elevated by the shovels of the mantle (which is twelve inches longer than the trommel) is conveyed by a trough into the second trommel on the same shaft. Four classes result from the apparatus described. 1. The coarser part discharged by the first trommel, delivered to picking and cobbing. 2. The middle sort from the mantle spout, concentrated on percussion tables. 3. The fine stuff from the second trommel, also concentrated on percussion tables; and 4. The finest part, which fell through the second trommel, concentrated on rotating buddles. In twelve hours' time, with two men, the apparatus sizes over two thousand cubic feet of smalls. INTRODUCTION. 47 D. A combination of a conical and cylindric trommel is represented by Fig. 1, Tab. I. This apparatus consists of two parts. On the shaft, a, is a trommel, b, principally for washing and freeing the smalls from slime and the fine por- tions. The shaft is moved by a chain on the chain-wheel, c, with a speed of from eighteen to twenty revolutions per minute. The trommel consists of a conical collar, b', for the reception of smalls through a spout, then of the conical drum, b, made of boiler iron, fitted inside with a spiral parti- tion, containing spikes, as represented in Fig. 2. The heads of the spikes on the outside of the drum, b, indicate the spiral partition. The spikes are for the purpose of dividing the smalls. The cone, b, is five feet long. The diameter of the larger base is four feet nine inches; of the smaller, two feet ten inches. The spiral partition, Fig. 2, h, h, projects inward six inches from the drum mantle, e. The spike, l, projects four and a half inches from the flange, h. After the cone, follows the cylinder, f, of two feet six inches in diameter, made of perforated sheet-iron, with one-eighth inch holes. The next cylinder, g, consists of iron bars, with spaces of half an inch between them. This part is two feet long. The smalls introduced into the trommel with a sufficient supply of water are conveyed by the spiral partition to the sieve,ƒ. Through this sieve the slime and finest sand fall into the trough, k, from which they pass to a sizing trommel of three different sieves, with respectively 1-32, 2-32 and 4-32 inch holes. The residue from the bar trommel, g, falls on the inclined trough, t', and from these upon the picking table. That which falls through, passes over the inclined table, t, to the sifting and elevating wheel, m. This wheel is eight feet in diameter. Its periphery is formed by perforated iron plates, with one- sixteenth inch holes, and is washed by a stream of water from the outside. This is done also with the sieve, f, to prevent choking. That which falls through the perforated elevating wheel is carried through a spout beneath to another trom- mel. The wheel has only two elevating shovels, so that each 48 INTRODUCTION. revolution discharges twice. The material falls upon an inclined plane, over which it passes to a sizing trommel. This trommel is five feet long, being composed of five dif ferent sieves, with holes respectively of four-sixteenths, five- sixteenths, one-half, five-eighths, and three-fourths of an inch diameter. Between each two sieves there is a partition open in one place, where there is a shovel, by which a part of the smalls is directed at each revolution into the next partition, and so on to the last one. By this arrangement the smalls. revolve, or rather the trommel revolves, under the sliding smalls several times in each partition before they come into the reach of the shovels. That which falls through, drops into the respective outside compartments. This apparatus sizes 980 cubic feet of stuff in ten hours, using 7,938 cubic feet of water in the same time. E. The Elevating and Sifting Wheel. This contrivance for sifting and at the same time elevating the refuse, can be considered as a trommel of large diameter and very short length. This apparatus sizes the ore rapidly into three or four different classes, with continual charges directly from a hopper, or in connection with rollers or breakers. It is, how- ever, more suitable for coarse than fine stuff. Sticky, clayey rubbish must be excluded. The finest sieve ought not to have more than twelve holes to the running inch. The finest sieve is on the periphery of the wheel. Several inches dis- tant inside is the next coarser; and the coarsest is the last or innermost of the concentric sieves. All the material to be sized is conveyed into the central opening of the wheel on the first and coarsest sieve. The stuff rolls upon the rotating sieve, and that which is fine enough will pass through the holes into the next compartment with the finer sieve, and so on to the outer and finest. Each circle of sieves has one stop-bucket, or partition, which, at each revolution, takes up the coarser remnant which always rolls at the lowest point, and discharges it, when elevated to the highest point, through a short spout attached to each stop-bucket. INTRODUCTION. 49 The stuff must be either very dry, or if wet, it requires a stream of water to assist the sifting, and it is best, in this case, to have the lower part of the wheel in standing water, especially if the stuff is not coarse. The wheels are from six to fifteen feet in diameter. For clear stuff, the arrangement can be made with double openings and stop-buckets, so that two discharges are effected at each revolution. Generally these wheels are employed for washing and pre- paratory sizing of smalls from the mine with two coarse sieves, and are preferred where the elevation of the stuff is required at the same time. Motion is generally imparted to the trommels by pullies or gear fitted to the shaft or the periphery of the drum, or they are made to run on friction gear, in which case no shaft is required, and the feeding is more simple. In arranging a sifting apparatus, care should be taken to separate first the coarsest part, and at the same time to get rid of the slime. The choking is best prevented by using water under some pressure upon the outside of the sieve; also by wooden knockers falling on the sieve at intervals. Trommels of small sizes, from one and a half to two feet diameter, are not much in use, unless directly in connection with a concentrat- ing table. The length of the first, which is generally a washing drum, depends on the nature if the smalls. If there is much clayey matter with them, the trommel must be longer, from six to ten feet. The sizing trommels are from five to seven feet long. The diameter ranges from three to six feet; that of the washing drums from five to seven feet. The speed of the surface of the sieve is one to two and a half feet per second. A well arranged apparatus, consisting of one separating and four or five sizing trommels, ought to size about twenty-five tons of smalls in twelve hours. 50 INTRODUCTION. ว SEC. 13. Sizes of Grains for Jigging. The result of concentration depends on proper sizing, and this again on the right proportion of sizing-holes of the dif- ferent sizing systems. The following sizes adopted by Rit- tinger show a systematical progression, and also the equal fall of different sized grains in water ($35, a). In this respect, the sorts of one class correspond with those of the next; for instance, a galena grain of No. 2 which falls through the holes 8 or 16 is equal in falling—i. e., has the same speed in water as a quartz grain which falls through the holes 32 or 64 of the next higher class, No. 1. For the sizes of the holes (equal to the diameter) one mili- meter is taken as the unit of measure. The progression of the diameter is a geometric one, as the grains of the next grade should have a definite size, which should be always the same multiple of the next preceding one. The following progressions, therefore, are obtained : • For the volumes. 1, 8, 64, 512, 4,096 cub. milim. For the hole-diameter. .1, 2, 4, 8, 16 • milim. But, as the eight-fold gradation of volumes is too great, it appears necessary to extend the preceding sizes in both directions, and insert between each of the above grades a middle grade, which progresses according to a similar law. The sizes thus obtained are divided into four classes, each having four grades: Diameter in Milim. In inches (very near). Inches. Milim. 64 = 2.51 coarse. 4 = 0.160 No. 1. (Stufen.) 45.2 1.79 32 1.26 middle coarse. middle fine. No. 3. (Gries.) 2.8 = 0.109 2 0.078 22.6 = 0.89 fine. 1.4 0.055 16 0.64 coarse. 1 0.040 No. 2. (Graupen.) 11.3 0.45 middle coarse. No. 4. 0.71 0.0282 8 0.319 middle fine. (Mehl.) 0.50 = 0.0200 5.6 = 0.220 fine. 0.35 0.0137 (Staub.) 0.25 mil. = 0.010 inch. INTRODUCTION. 51 Sand which falls through the last sieve of 0.01 inch holes, cannot be advantageously sorted further by means of sieves. The first class commences with smalls of two and a half inches, as pieces of that size are already objects of mechani- cal treatment by machines. Only the finest sieves-those of No. 4; seldom of No. 3-are of wire cloth. Copper sheet screens are too expensive; their durability is not in propor- tion to their cost. Sheet-iron is the most suitable. For the largest holes, also cast-iron. The holes must be punched as closely as possible, without weakening the sieve. The most proper arrangement is that in which around one hole six others are grouped, the centers of all being equally distant. The space between the holes takes half of the hole size; but with the finer sieves, this space is equal to the diameter of the hole. The thickness of the sheet must be in a certain propor- tion with the size of holes. The four sorts of No. 1 are from 0.12 to 0.16 of an inch thick. เ "( "C " (6 2 (( (C 1.078 0.10 " (C 3 (C (( (( เ 4 # 0.04 0.07 0.02 " 0.028 " (. For sizing purposes, the sieves are employed in two ways. Either the coarsest sieve commences and the finest finishes the sizing, or the work is begun with the finest and ended with the coarsest. The first method is far preferable, because the whole sifting system will stand the wear much longer. Both ways, however, can be combined, employing two sys- tems of sieves. First, a system of sieves with about four decreasing sizes of holes, each size being that of the largest holes of one of the above four classes, would give four sorts of stuff in which mixed grains appear. Each group is then transferred to a sifting apparatus with increasing sizes of holes. This arrangement allows a simplification of the sift- ing apparatus. ་ II. REDUCTION. SEC. 14. Reduction of Ores to a Proper Size. The concentration of ore particles in a mass, and the rejec- tion of the worthless rock by means of water on proper machines, requires a definite size of ore particles, to which it must be broken, crushed, stamped, or ground, according to the nature of the ore, which must also determine the mode of concentration, and consequently the size of grains. The size and shape of the ore particles are two important consid- erations, influencing the separation of ore and gangue to a considerable extent. ($35, a, b.) The dry dressing is more simple, requiring an empirical acquaintance with the ore and a strict performance of hand separation according to local rules. A loss of valuable ore is of little danger, inasmuch as if accidentally a rich piece happens to be thrown on the wrong heap, it will be subjected to the concentration process. A mistake in the way of concentration, however, is, in gen- eral, a dead loss; consequently a systematic calculation must be made beforehand as to the suitable plan of concentration, considering with caution all particulars in connection with the nature of the ore, gangue and rock. Concentration. deserves so much the more attention, as in most instances the largest part of the vein rock is unfit for any process before concentration. Another reason is the fact that the ore of 54 REDUCTION. many a mine grows poorer with the increasing depth, from which cause all the ore taken from the mine may appear as concentrating ore. In California and Nevada, the silver and gold ores, to a great extent, are treated without roasting, in pans. The loss suffered on this occasion is found in the tail- ings, which, for the purpose of concentration, are very important, because of their immense quantity, being at the same time free of mining, crushing and hauling expenses. Concentration cannot be effected without a loss of from fifteen to thirty per cent., especially in the case of silver ores, and it is considered the highest degree of perfection if not more than fifteen per cent. is lost. If ore is finely dis- seminated in the gangue, requiring very fine crushing, the total loss may amount to fifty or sixty per cent., and under otherwise unfavorable circumstances (for instance, besides. the fine condition of a brittle ore, the presence of clay, heavy spar, etc.) the loss may rise to ninety per cent., rendering concentration impossible. But the loss depends very much on the process of reducing the ore to powder; and it is therefore advisable to become acquainted with the various methods of reduction, and their choice of adaptation to the nature of the ore. The reduction gives a mingled mass. consisting of coarse grains and all inferior grades to the finest dust. When sifted through different sieves, classes of sized ore are obtained, differing in quantity. A hard, tough quartz will give, in pro- portion, much less dust than decomposed gangue; but even the same mineral yields variable proportions of certain classes, according to the mode of crushing adopted. Experi- ence has shown that crushing under rollers and breakers pro- duces a great deal less dust than under stamps, and this again a good deal less than the reduction by grinders. According to Rittinger, crushed ore from rollers gives Coarse grains. Sand.... Flour and dust. • 70 per cent. .20 (( (C .10 " REDUCTION. 55 And wet crushing under stamps, through 5-32 inch holes, Sand.. Flour. Dust... 32 per cent. 32 .36 (C The grains will be the more equal in size the less differ- ence there is in the size of sieve holes; but a considerable difference in shape will be found always in each class. ($35, b.) Reduction is generally effected by heavy stamps, rock breakers, common stamps, rollers and grinders. SEC. 15. Breaking Under Heavy Stamps. The ore, for the purpose of selecting or dressing, is reduced to a convenient size by large hand or sledge hammers, within or outside the mine, as before stated; but it often occurs that the ore, on account of a uniform distribution of valuable parts, is considered rich enough to be worked without dress- ing, or the distribution is of such a nature that a dry dressing would appear useless, and it is shipped directly to the mills in inconveniently large blocks of from one to three cubic feet. The breaking of such rock by hand hammers requires many hands. Burning in heaps or kilns, where fuel is not too expensive, makes the quartz brittle and facilitates the reduction by hammers to a great extent. But in many cases the price of fuel is high, or the chemical influence of fire upon the ore may be objectionable. Rock-breakers with jaws are not suitable for too large rocks. They are not made to break advantageously pieces larger than a definite size— say ten inches. All rock above this size is broken either by sledge hammers or by heavy stamps. In the construction of heavy stamps, everything is so similar to the ordinary stamps ($17) that a special description is unnecessary. The 56 REDUCTION. principal difference consists in the size. There is generally only one stamp, with an independent frame. The breaking is, as a matter of course, always performed dry. The stem, or lifter, is made of wrought iron, four and a half inches. diameter, and about seventeen feet long. When armed-that is, furnished with head or socket, shoe and tappet-the stamp weighs from fourteen hundred to fifteen hundred pounds. The shaft, six inches diameter, has a single armed cam, by which the stamp is lifted from thirteen to fifteen times per minute, thirty inches high. The anvil or die, about thirty- two inches above the floor, has a collar a few inches below the die-face, serving as a support for grates, to which differ- ent shapes are given, generally curved. In a preparatory crusher, the ore should not be broken smaller than a man's fist. Many of these stamps are used in California and Nevada; but the introduction of improved stone-breakers makes the application of heavy stamps superfluous. They require a great deal of attention and care while in operation, especially if, on account of grates, shoveling is required. Besides it proves always a defective arrangement at the mine if large pieces of ore are shipped to the mills, unless no doubt can be entertained as to uniformity of the whole mass. SEC. 16. Reduction by Rock-Breakers. There is a great variety of stone-breakers in use. In all of them, the main part consists in two substantial jaws, of which one or both are movable. The position of the jaws varies. They may be, one or both of them, vertical or inclined. Sometimes they are curved. Also, the motion is applied in various ways to the jaws, horizontally or verti cally, generally at the lower part, where the broken stuff is discharged. The jaws are faced with wearing plates of REDUCTION. 57 white iron, chilled and hardened, provided with teeth, smooth or corrugated. A description of a couple of breakers will give an idea of the general construction. Well constructed breakers are very efficient, and produce a suitable stuff for concentration to a certain size with the least proportion of dust. In this respect they are superior to rollers. For this reason also, breakers are preferable to stamps in reducing ore to a small size for smelting purposes in blast furnaces. Some mills are trying to dispense with stamps, employing breakers, which crush the ore to one- fourth of an inch, and smaller, and reducing this further in pans. There are breakers which, it is claimed, reduce the ore directly to fine powder. Success will be found more likely in using different sizes of breakers, or in connection with rollers. Two sizes of breakers may produce a stuff suitable for immediate grinding and amalgamating in pans. For the reduction of small quantities of ore, for instance of ten or fifty pounds, for prospecting purposes and amalga- mation on a small scale, breakers offer a very convenient method of reduction by hand power. A serious objection to substituting breakers for stamps is found in the difficulty in pulverizing ore which is wet or damp, or intermixed with clay or mud. There are, in real- ity, few mines where a proper material could be extracted for the breakers, unless picked or dried. A. Hanscom's Crusher.-This breaker consists of a mova- ble jaw, on which is placed a die or face made of white iron, and so fitted as to be easily replaced when worn. The frame is made of cast-iron, of sufficient strength to withstand the strain caused by the pressure between the two dies. The other die corresponding with the first is fitted in the frame, immovable, except when required to be replaced. The action of the machine is as follows: When the fly- wheel is revolved, the lower shaft is vibrated with links on the upper shaft as a center, and the bottom end of two tog gles is carried with the lower shaft, on which it sits; but the 5 58 REDUCTION. top working on the knuckle can only move in a vertical direc- tion, so that, as the bottom is carried away from a line which passes through the center of the links, toggle, and the lower shaft, the top of the toggle will begin to lower; consequently the jaw which is supported by it will follow by its own gravity. This downward movement of the jaw will continue until the extent of the throw of the crank is reached, when the movement of the fly-wheel and shaft causes the bottom of the toggle and lower shaft to return to its first position and the jaw has again risen to its first position. It will be noticed that this is the point at which the greatest force is exerted in lifting upon the jaw. If now the crank-pin has sufficient throw to carry the bottom of the toggle to the opposite side of the vertical line through its center, the same action will take place as before, and the connecting-rod may be of such a length that the lower shaft will be moved equal distances each side of the center, and two up and down movements can be given with one revolution of the crank wheel, which is considered to be of great advantage, as by this arrangement double the number of movements may be given to the mova- ble jaw that could if one revolution of the fly-wheel produced only one movement of the jaws. In breaking large pieces, the faces require to have but little approach to one another; but as the pieces become somewhat smaller, more approach is required, but not so much power. When the fragments have reached the required size, then the faces require to be nearly parallel and perpen- dicular, so that the point of exit shall be uniform. B. Blake's Quartz Breaker.-This machine is well known and extensively in use. Fig. 3, Tab. I, shows Blake's breaker. It is a vertical section. a, a, is a heavy frame, cast in one piece, with feet to stand upon the floor or on timbers. It receives and supports all the other parts. b is the fly-wheel, one on each side, the shaft of which is formed into a crank. c is a pulley on the same shaft. d is a connecting-rod, which REDUCTION. 59 connects the crank, e, with the lever, f. This lever has its fulcrum on the frame, g. A vertical piece, h, the front view of which is shown in Fig. 5, stands upon the lever, against the top of which piece the toggles, i, i, have their bearings, forming an elbow or toggle joint. k, is the fixed jaw, against which the stones are crushed. It is held back to its place by keys, l, that fit in recesses in the interior of the frame on each side. m, is the movable jaw, faced with a corrugated die, m'. The jaw is supported by a round bar of irou, n, which passes freely through it, and forms the pivot upon which it vibrates. o, is a spring of India-rubber, which is compressed by the forward movement of the jaw and aids its return. Fig. 4 is the lever viewed from above. Fig. 6 is a top view of the die, k, which is corrugated on one or both sides. In the latter case it is turned after one side is worn. p, is a screw, by which the wedge, r, can be screwed up in order to bring the jaw, m, nearer to k, thus effecting a finer crushing. The crank, e, revolves from one hundred and fifty to two hundred times per minute. The distance between the jaws may be raised to the extent of five-eighths of an inch by the screw, p. Further variations are made by substituting for the toggles, i, i, or either of them, longer or shorter ones. These machines are made of different sizes,* which are des- ignated by the size of the opening. For instance, if the width of the jaw be ten inches, and the distance between them at the top five inches, the size is called 10x5, etc. A machine of 20x7 requires eleven horse-power, and weighs eighteen thousand pounds total, the frame itself weighing six thousand six hundred pounds. The oil boxes of the shaft and connecting-rod should be kept always covered while the machine is at work. The spring must be slacked whenever the wedge, r, is to be raised or lowered. It is also necessary to stop the machine every hour, and apply oil freely to all the working joints. The ends of the toggles may be oiled without stopping the *Union Foundry, San Francisco. 60 REDUCTION. # machine, and as they work under immense pressure, and are not so well situated to retain the oil as the other joints, they should be oiled every half hour. There are a great many new contrivances of this kind in operation, giving the best satisfaction. SEC. 17. Reduction by Stamps. The crushing of ores under stamps to a suitable size for concentration by jiggers, was formerly done in the dry way. This method, however, is now mostly abandoned, except for metallurgical purposes. In wet crushing, not only is the inconvenience of dust avoided, but the separation of stuff according to density, and especially to size, is effected at the same time to some degree, and without expense. The reduc- tion of ore to sand suitable for concentration, with reference to the nature of the ore, has been tried by various contriv- ances, but none could answer the purpose as well as the stamps. Also in England, where crushing under rolling mills has been brought to high perfection, the fine reduction to sand for the purpose of concentration is still in preference done by stamps. The mode of constructing a stamp work varies much, especially as to the foundation frame. Quality and quantity of timber, local circumstances, and the nature of the ground, will decide the modifications; but in main points, all the mills agree. The principle of a stamp work is that of a hand mortar and pestle. Generally there are four to five pestles or stamps employed to crush in one mortar. Six or three stamps are less in use. In California, one mortar with its stamps is called a "battery." In other places, this term is given to the whole number of stamps in a mill (“a battery of fifty or sixty heads.") The frame of a battery is made of wood or iron. Wooden frame-works are preferable to iron ones, on account of firm- REDUCTION. 61 ness and elasticity at the same time; but local circumstances, -for instance, want of timber-recommend often an iron frame. The foundation is a very important part. The dura- bility of a battery depends much upon a proper foundation. For that reason much attention is paid to securing substan- tial timber and arranging it properly. But also masonry, in place of timber, is used. In Europe, stone foundations are preferred for iron batteries. A battery frame consists of a horizontal or vertical mortar block, the uprights or frame posts, and the cross pieces to which the stamp guides are attached. Vertical mortar blocks are more in use than horizontal ones, the latter being more suitable in unsafe, marshy ground. A. The Foundation.-In marshy or unreliable ground there is no use in a deep excavation; but it requires a broad base for the frame foundation, as shown in Figs. 7 and 8, Tab. I. The surface of the ground must be removed from one to three feet deep, and as wide and long as the condition of the ground and number of batteries may require. Figs. 7 and 8 represent a foundation with a horizontal mortar block for two batteries. Fig. 7 is a front, Fig. 8 is a side view. Flooring underneath the timber with boards is improper, and in case the bottom should appear unsafe, the lower timbers must be laid close together. The bottom timbers, a, a, are twelve inches square and eighteen feet long, laid upon the carefully- leveled ground for the required distance. Between a, a, in in the middle, short pieces, c, about two feet long, are laid, to fill up the space under the double cross-timbers, b′, b'. There are generally as many beams, a, a, as there are up- rights, f. The cross-timbers, b, b, are laid upon a, and over b, a row of beams, d, corresponding with a, a. The mortar block, e, finishes the horizontal frame. The mortar blocks are from twenty to thirty inches square, the ends generally secured by iron bands. Oak wood is the best material, but 62 REDUCTION. scarce; therefore pine blocks are more in use. The length, of course, depends on the number and size of batteries. It is often preferred to have each battery run separately. This requires a good deal longer block. Independent batteries. offer the advantage that the cam shaft can be stopped if necessary without interfering with other, batteries. To impart more consistency and firmness to the whole foundation frame-work, the timbers are bolted together by the bolts, h. The space between them must be filled and beaten in with clay, loam, or, still better, with coarse gravel and stones, as shown by g. Where the ground acquires some- what more consistency at a depth of four or five feet, the whole frame is set so much deeper, and in this case short vertical pieces, as indicated by the dotted lines (i), are fitted on the mortar block, bolted together lengthwise, as shown by k, whilst the lower ends are let into the block. The planks, m', assist in preventing a side motion of the blocks, i. Horizontal mortar blocks are used advantageously also on a rocky, hard ground, the excavation of which is difficult and expensive. In this case less timber is wanted. Such ground may be considered as an artificial stone block, as represented by Fig. 9, Tab. I. The mortar block lies on the beams, b, b, and this again on the bottom pieces, a. It would contribute much to the steadiness of the frame if the bottom timbers were anchored with iron rods to the rock; but in case heavy stamps are to be used, a foundation, as shown in Figs. 7 and 8, Tab. I, will answer perfectly, if the space between the timbers is filled with rock. The usual depth as required for the perpendicular mortar- blocks is from six to ten feet, sometimes more, especially if it appears necessary to have the discharge of the mortar higher than usual above the ground. Figs. 11 and 12, Tab. I, represent two batteries, five stamps each. The mortar-blocks, c, c, stand perpendicularly on the base timber, a. They are fourteen inches by twenty-four ; two for each battery, bolted together, and to the posts, d. The space, c', is either stamped in firmly with rock or clay, REDUCTION. 63 or fitted tightly with timber. Posts and blocks are tied together by cross-beams, e, e, f, f, and g, g'. The ground around the foundation frame must be stamped in as hard as possible, and a proper material used for this purpose, either rock or a clayey loam. A different construction of frame and foundation is shown by Fig. 10, Tab. I. This style is frequently found in the Reese River mines, Nevada. This mode of framing gives a considerable steadiness to the whole work, and allows the omission of the front braces, although they are often applied as indicated by the line, b. Modern batteries in Europe have no braces; but although inconvenient, and much in the way, they are necessary, for the reason that the cam-shaft is here attached to the upright posts directly, which is not the case. in Europe. In place of wooden braces, there are also iron rods frequently in use, or iron and wooden together, as shown by m, n, Fig. 12, Tab. I. Iron rods have the advantage of taking up less room, being capable at the same time of being tightened if necessary; but more steadiness is obtained by wooden braces. The posts, d, d, should be of heavy timber, for the sake of strength imparted to the whole battery. The usual size ranges between eight to twelve by eighteen to twenty-four inches. To these uprights are fitted and bolted the cross- beams, i, i, connecting two or more batteries. As a constitu- ent part of the battery, the cross-beams, i, serve also as support of the guides, k, k'. The relative position of both is therefore definitely depending on the guides. The further apart are the guides, the less is the friction of the stems in them. It is sufficient if the stems project from six to eight inches above the upper guide, leaving between the lower one and the mortar about twelve inches space. There are some- times one or two top beams, j, connecting several batteries. Another plan is shown by Fig. 1, Tab. II. The mortar- block, a, of which there are from three to four pieces under each mortar of five stamps, is ten feet long. The uprights, b, rest on the horizontal floor timber, c, joining and bolted 64 REDUCTION. together at d. Over the top of the post there is an iron cap. e, through which and partly through the uprights an iron rod, f, extends down through the timber, c. g, is a platform, and h, stamp-hanger. + B. Iron Battery Frames are coming more into use in Europe, principally for want of heavy timber. The con- struction is similar to the wooden frame, differing, however, with the different material. The iron batteries in Freiberg, (Saxony) stand on a stone block, to which the frame is fast- ened by long bolts. The mortar is divided by an iron cross- plate into two compartments, each for three stamps. There are six wooden stems playing between each two uprights. The frame-work has no braces, but the bearings of the iron. shaft are not in connection with the frame. Many iron bat- teries are in use also in England, generally with iron stems of a square section. In California and Nevada, the number of iron batteries is. subordinate, as most mining localities are supplied with the most magnificent timber. There are two different construc- tions of iron batteries with rotary stamps. "Howland's rotary battery," with from six to twelve stamps, placed in a circle. The bed is six feet in diameter, and the frame ten feet high. The discharge is not very rapid. The other style is the straight battery. 1. Fig. 3, Tab. II, represents a Straight Iron Battery, consisting of four pillars, a, to each battery of four or five stamps, fastened to the frame, c, by iron rods, b, passing through the hollow uprights, a. The guide frame, e, and the bearing, d, are bolted to the projections of the uprights. ƒ, connects both uprights, and serves also for the reception of wooden guides, g. The base, i, of the pillar is eight inches by twelve. The frame is connected with the timber, a and x', by the tightening rod, h. The mortar, k, is in no connec- tion with the iron frame. In this respect it differs from the REDUCTION. 65 2. Bryant's Battery, which has a heavy solid bed-plate, to which uprights similar to a, Fig. 3, Tab. II, are fitted and tightly held by an iron rod. On the pillars are flanges, to which the screws in a wooden frame are screwed or wedged in the usual way. The balance of the mortar sides is formed of sheet-iron. These batteries answer also for dry crushing. In this case it happens very often that the dies, although provided with two projections, a, Fig. 20, Tab. I, (which, by a turn, are brought into the dove-tailed space, c, of the bed- plate, Fig. 21, Tab. I) work back into the recess, b, and come out while crushing. To avoid this, the dies for dry crushing have sometimes on the bottom a key seat, d, which corres- ponds with a similar seat, e, of the bed-plate. A square iron rod is then driven through the key-way, d, e, and the die is thus firmly set. A better way to fix the die to the bed-plate is that introduced by Z. Wheeler, (because each die can be removed independently of the others) where the die has a neck, g, which fits into the hole, h, of the bed-plate, project- ing below so much that an iron wedge, k, will tighten the die to the bed-plate. The Freiberg plan, to give a sufficient base to the iron post, Fig. 8, A, B, Tab. III, seems to be more proper for iron batteries than hollow pillars with a few square inches base, which is not equalled by the use of two pillars and iron rods. The pillar is bolted by long bolts, a, a, to a solid stone block. c, c, serves for the reception of wooden guides. 3. Wright's Iron Battery, recently invented, (New York) differs from all other batteries by dispensing with cams. Each stem is lifted by the direct action of steam, the lifters being connected with a steam piston, working in its own sep- arate cylinder for each stamp. The cylinders are all cast together, with a surrounding ex- haust steam-jacket and a sole-plate, and are supported on wrought-iron pillars erected on a bed-plate. All the cylin ders can be adjusted simultaneously by means of nuts, fitted to screw-threads on said pillars, for the purpose of adjusting 66 REDUCTION. the clearance between the pistons and the top and bottom of the cylinder, and for maintaining a uniform clearance by lowering the cylinders as the stamps wear away and allow the pistons to descend lower. Each cylinder has an inde- pendent valve and automatic valve-gear, so that each piston and stamp may work independently of all the others. This battery seems to offer important advantages. As the lift is effected perpendicularly, no side friction occurs in the guides, as otherwise is produced by cams; consequently the guides will last considerably longer, and as the steam acts above and below the pistons, the force of the downward pres- sure on the piston increases the crushing power of the stamp. This fact is especially important in crushing dry, as the free fall of the stamp has not sufficient force to throw the pulver- ized ore effectually toward the screens, especially if the ore is rich in sulphurets. C. The Mortar.-The bottom on which the ore is thrown in order to have it reduced by the falling stamps, was origin- ally stamped quartz or solid stone. In Europe, the artificial rock bottom is yet in use to a considerable extent. There are many advantages in favor of this kind of mortar beds. In the first place, it is not only very cheap, but the required material of a hard quartzose rock can be obtained every- where; also the poorer class of ore itself will answer per- fectly if sufficiently tough and hard. There is no difficulty in keeping the bottom always at a certain level. On the other hand, it is just as easy to change it as it may suit. It is also claimed that the rock bottom yields a more uniform sand, especially in fine crushing, and if at the same time tough min- erals occur in the rock, like chloride or sulphuret of silver, or if there is metallic silver, gold or copper in the ore, which on an iron bottom would be sooner beaten into scales or leaves, a very disadvantageous shape for concentration or direct amalgamation on copper plates or similar arrangements. The coffer into which the rock is beaten in order to form the bot- tom, is made either of cast-iron, generally lined inside with REDUCTION. 67 planks, or it is constructed of stout timber. The rock, of the usual size, is introduced dry into the box, and the stamps allowed to play upon it with a slow motion. These rock bot- toms are of more value in localities remote from iron foun- dries, where transportation is troubleseme and expensive, and the ore not very rich. The iron bottom yields more pulverized stuff in the same time, and there is hardly a mill found in California or Nevada having a rock bottom (although it was tried many years ago in Mariposa county and other places in California). The cast-iron bottom-plates in Europe are generally four inches thick, and as long as a battery of three or four stamps requires; but there are also square bottoms used, about six inches by six and thirty inches long. After some time, when the upper side is worn out, showing a cavity under each stamp, the bottom is then turned, so that another straight surface forms the crushing bottom. This turning is repeated until all four sides are used up. Using a bottom-plate, the trough or mortar is generally made of planks, lined with wrought-iron plates of from one-fourth to one-half inch thick- ness. It is, however, extremely difficult or entirely impossi- ble to keep a wooden mortar perfectly tight for any length of time, especially if heavy stamps are in use. For this reason the cast-iron mortars, as generally introduced in California and Nevada, both for dry and wet crushing, are superior to all other arrangements. The only objection is the expense. A mortar weighs from two thousand four hundred to four thousand pounds, making, besides its original cost, a consid- erable freight expense. Considering, however, the expense and trouble of keeping a common mortar with an iron bed- plate and wooden sides tight enough to prevent leakage, and of making many other necessary repairs in the course of several years, the iron mortar will be found to effect a saving in money and time. The only wear which occurs in the mortar is on the sides near each die, and this can and ought to be prevented by lining the same with plates half an inch thick and six inches 68 REDUCTION. wide, which are fastened by bolts to the sides of the mortar, as is done in some mills. It takes but a few hours to replace them when worn out, and the mortar will answer for many years longer. The construction of a mortar is shown in Fig. 3, B, and 4, Tab. II. The mortar consists of one piece; l, is the feed-trough, widening somewhat downward. At m, the surface is generally protected by an iron plate against the falling rock. In case the mortar is made to discharge on both long sides, the feed is then above the screen, projecting a little into the mortar, so that no ore may strike and damage the screen. At n, the opening is usually about three inches wide, and nearly as long as the mortar itself; shown by the dotted line, p. The discharge is effected through the opening, o. The lower rim of this opening is from two to three inches above the die, r. On each side there is a rib, s, for the pur- pose of pressing the screen-frame tight against the mortar, either by screws, or (as shown in Fig. 1, Tab. II) by a wedge, 0. For the same purpose there are also two or three knobs, v, on the discharge-plate. For the reception of the dies, r, there are circular hollows of half an inch depth, which is sufficient to keep the die in its place, if wet crushing is in use. When the dies are set in, some sand or tailings is spread all around, one or two inches deep, then the ore introduced so that the dies are covered two or three inches. In presence of water the crushed ore soon packs between the dies. Another shape of dies for wet crushing is shown in Fig. 22, Tab. I. They are placed in flat-bottomed mortars, which seem to be preferable, as the circular hollows for the recep- tion of dies grow wider by long wear. Crushing dry, the plain groove is often troublesome; the crushed stuff works itself beneath the die and displaces it. To prevent this, the dies have two projections, a a, at the bottom, as represented in Figs. 20 and 21, Tab. I. When placed with the knob, a, in the open recess, b, of the bed- plate, the die is turned about ninety degrees. The mortar is fastened to the mortar-block by strong bolts, w. It is very important that the two joining faces of mortar REDUCTION. 69 1 and block are perfectly level and smooth; for this reason the bottom, z, of the mortar is planed smooth from outside. Other mortars are shown in Fig. 12, Tab. I, and Fig. 1, Tab. II. The Stamps.-A stamp consists of the stem or lifter, the head or pestle, and the tongue or tappet. D. The stem or lifter originally was made of oak or pine wood, square in section. Wooden stems are used almost every- where in Europe, on account of their cheapness or the facility of obtaining them. Iron stems are preferable in every respect. There are square and round ones in use. Their durability, and the exactness of their fittings, by which they are kept in good working order for years without repair, ren- der the iron stems cheaper than the wooden ones. They are made of wrought iron, square or turned in the lathe. The round section of the stem is the only one used in California and Nevada, and there is certainly no other shape which can answer quite so well. A very important advantage of the round stems is the revolving lift, whereby the pestle changes constantly its face towards the feed side, acquiring thus a most uniform wear, so that a worn shoe often shows only a disc of one-eighth of an inch thickness on the circum- ference all round. Another advantage is the facility in fitting the head, as well as the tappet, on a round stem. Length and thickness differ. Generally a stem measures from ten to twelve feet in length, and from two and a half to three inches in diameter. The end of the lifter which comes in connection with the head is tapered somewhat. All the rest is perfectly round and uniform. The flat cut or face against which the keys of the tappet are wedged, and also the screw thread by which the tappet is held at the required point, are no more in use, as the latest construction of the tappet allows the use of a round smooth surface of the stem, so that it may be fixed at any required point easily. E. The Shoe or Pestle.—The wooden stems and the square iron ones are connected directly with the shoes. The revolv 70 REDUCTION. ing stems are fitted in heads, or sockets, which receive the shoes. The shoes are made generally of cast-iron; but there are also wrought-iron and steel shoes. The form is mostly square or rectangular, often round; sometimes eight-edged,* having on the upper end a neck, which fits into a correspond- ing recess in the wooden stem or in the socket. In some places the shoes are square, without a neck, in place of which there is a tapered hollow, into which the wooden stem is driven, as represented by a, Fig. 14, Tab. II. This way of fitting the stem into the shoe is convenient; but it requires accurate work, else the shoe will slip off while stamping. The neck of the shoes is not always square or round. Some show an oblong section, the long side being equal with the width of the shoe. This form of neck weakens the stem, however, as the cut must go through the whole width of it. In Cornwall, the iron stems at the lower end are split cross- ways, the four ends bent outwards, and the shoe cast over it, or a piece of one or two feet in length is prepared in the same way, and the stem joined with it at welding heat. Similar methods are also used in Spain. The best way of connecting the stem properly with the shoe without trouble is undoubtedly that practiced in California, Nevada, etc., using the rotating stems. For this purpose there is F. The Socket, or Head, as shown in Fig. 15, A, Tab. I. A represents the front view, B, the section of 4. a, is a slightly tapered hole of about seven inches depth. Its upper diam- eter is nearly equal to the size of the stem, the end of which to the length of six inches is also tapered. At the bottom of *In reference to the sectional shape of shoes, a square or rectangular section is the best, inasmuch as nearly all the room in a mortar is taken up, avoiding thus dead masses of rock, which occur if round shoes are employed. The agitation of the water by square shoes is livelier, and more favorable for the discharge. For these reasons square shoes are more in use than round ones. Compared with the revolving round shoes, the square ones have the disadvantage of wearing more on the feed side than on the discharge. Round shoes with revolving stems proved to be superior to all other shapes tried in California; and for this reason only the round section is adopted on the Pacific coast. REDUCTION. 71 the conical hole, with a smooth casting surface, is an oblong opening through the socket. This passage, c, serves to drive out the stem by means of a key if required. The socket is placed upon the die in the battery; the stem, when fitted in the guides, dropped with the tapered end into the correspondingly tapered hole, a, of B, and then a few blows with a hammer are applied at the other end of the stem. This will produce a sufficient connection between stem and socket to lift the latter with the stem, and tighten the connection by a few blows of the stamp. The other hollow, d, is similar to a, but wider, corresponding with the size and shape of the neck, e, of the shoe, Fig. 16, Tab. I. Like c, there is another rectangular hole, f, by means of which the neck of the shoe when worn out is easily removed. Both ends of the socket are secured by wrought-iron rings, g, which are driven on tight when red hot. The neck, e, of the shoe, Fig. 16, must be always coated with some stuff before the head is put on. Some use a coarse stuff like that of gunny bags; but the usual and best way is the following: Strips of pine wood are cut from one-half to three-quarters of an inch wide, one-quarter of an inch thick, and as long as the neck is. These strips are laid around the neck, as represented in Fig. 17, Tab. I, and tied with a string. The shoe is then placed on the die in the battery, and the socket with the stem dropped over it. Two or three blows with a heavy hammer or sledge are then again required at the top of the stem. The battery is then allowed to play slowly, so that the stamp is lifted six or eight times while the others are at rest. It is understood that the shoe is not allowed to strike on the naked die; but there must be a piece of a board or plank between. The lining with strips. of wood must have substance enough to prevent the edge of the head coming in contact with that of the shoe. The usual size of a shoe is eight inches in diameter and *The working effect of a stamp depends on its weight, p, and the height of fall, h, the product giving the vis viva or live power of the fall, ph=w If p_is expressed in pounds and h in feet, the product will give foot-pounds; but it is 72 REDUCTION. six inches high; the neck five inches high, from four to four and a half inches in diameter at the larger base, and three and a half to four inches at the top. The best mate- rial for the shoes is white cast-iron. The chilled shoes are inferior, as there is always softer iron towards the center, which causes an irregular wear, reducing the crushing effici- ency. The shoe ought to be removed when worn to about an inch. If allowed to wear more, the rings of the heads will be attacked and weakened by degrees. On account of ine- quality of iron, the wear of different shoes in a battery is never the same; so that the renewal takes place at different times, which is also more suitable for the whole machinery. It is, therefore, not proper to turn out a shoe of two or two and a half inches thickness, because it can be done occasion- ally with another one which is worn down to one inch or less. The wear of a shoe ranges between one-half and one pound to each ton of hard quartz. G. The Tappet, Tongue or Knob.-Each lifter or stem has evident that a shoe with too large a base or face will execute less crushing than a properly shaped one of the same weight, because on the former the effect of the stroke is too much divided on a large surface. There must be sufficient vis viva on a square inch of the face. If, therefore, f, represents the surface of the shoe- ph base in inches, W w' must have a definite value, depending, however, on f f the hardness of the rock to be crushed and to be determined by experience. This definite value of w' Rittinger adopted: For very hard rock. For hard rock. • For middle rock.. • at least w' 6 foot-pounds. W' 5 foot.pounds. • W 4 foot-pounds In California, for hard rock, w' is about equal to seven foot-pounds. If, there- fore, for instance, having a hard quartz in view, one square inch of the shoe requires seven foot-pounds, the surface of the shoe is easily found. Taking the weight of a stamp five hundred pounds, and the lift, nine inches, fourths of a foot, the total living power of the stamp foot-pounds. Consequently the area of the shoe face is three- at its fall is 3.500 375 375 7 53.6 square inches, which reduced to the diameter of a shoe would be nearly 8.3 inches, which in practice is generally given eight inches. REDUCTION. 73 a projection or shoulder, by means of which the stem is raised by a revolving cam. The tongues, as used for wooden stamps, differ in construction very much. They are made of wood; but of late iron tongues are applied also to wooden stamps. The tongues mostly in use have the shape shown in Fig. 18, Tab. I. A, side, B, top view. The stem has a slit, through which the part c of the tongue is fitted, so that the two wedges, d, can be driven in tight on the back of the stem. In order to save the tongue from wear, its lower face is gen- erally lined with wrought-iron from one-half to three-fourths of an inch thick. The iron tongues have the construction represented by Fig. 19, Tab. I. The opening in the stem must be sufficiently high to allow a higher setting of the tongue when the shoe wears out. When fixed in its proper place, the tongue is wedged above and below. This mode of fixing the tongue seems to possess more firmness and stability than the different other ways, where the tongue is attached only to one side, being fastened by a bolt, which goes through the stem, or is in the shape of a muff, which slips over the stem, and is fixed at the proper height by a wedge. Similar to these are the tongues used on iron stems of a square sec- tion. To diminish the friction between the tongue and cam, the first was supplied with iron rollers. This has been tried also in California, but the result was not satisfactory. In some places the stamps are provided with rollers or solid tongues on the top, having various arrangements. Most of the wooden stems which were used in California had a slit of about two inches width, through which the cam passed, catching and lifting the stem at the upper end of the slit. The friction on the lower guides is considerable. On that account iron guides were attached to each stem, corres- ponding with iron guides in the wooden braces. The California tappet is shown in Fig. 5, Tab. II. A, shows the horizontal, B, the vertical section. There is a wrought-iron gib, a, two inches wide and as long as the tap *Wheeler's gib-tappet. 6 74 REDUCTION. pet, or shorter, as seen in B. Its inside face forms a part of the circular hole for the reception of the stem. b, b, are two key-seats, into which the gib, a, projects a little, so that a key driven into the seat will press the gib, a, against the stem, and fasten the tappet to it. This is the most simple and most effective way of fixing a tappet to a stem, offering at the same time the advantage of being easily moved to any given point as may be required by the wear of the shoes. The stem has its full size the whole length, not being weak- ened by cuts or screw threads. When the tappet is worn on one side, it can be turned, as both sides are perfectly alike. Too much use of grease or oil prevents the revolution of the stamp, and is very injuri- ous. In consequence of not revolving, not only will the surface of the tappet become damaged, but also the advant- age of a uniform wear of the shoe is lost. A tappet of the usual size weighs about sixty-five pounds; a stem of eleven feet length and two and three-fourths inches in diameter, about two hundred and twenty pounds; the head, eight inches diameter, sixteen inches high, one hundred and eighty- five pounds, and the shoe about ninety pounds, which makes altogether an equipped stamp of five hundred and sixty pounds. The medium-sized stamps weigh from six hundred to seven hundred and fifty pounds. Heavy stamps over eight hundred pounds are less frequently in use. One stamp requires about one and a half horse power.* The round or revolving stamp had formerly iron guides. The friction, however, was injurious to the stems. For this reason none but wooden guides are now made, even in iron batteries. Oak is the best material, but pine is used to a great extent, the former being expensive. As there is more *The mechanical effective power per second of the stamps in a battery is found by the product of the number of stamps, the weight of one stamp, the lift in feet, and the number of lifts per minute, divided by sixty seconds. The power applied on the shaft must be greater than the effective power, on account of friction of stamps in the guides, friction between the cams and tappets, friction of the shaft journals, and jarring of the whole machinery. Taking for these frictions the same co-effi- cient as is found with the best constructed wooden stamp batteries, which is one- REDUCTION. 75 friction on the lower guides, i, Fig. 1, Tab. II, than on the upper, ', the former are commonly made wider, ranging from ten to eighteen inches. Fig. 8, Tab. II, represents a wooden guide for revolving stamps. It consists of two pieces. a, is the back part, fastened by two or three screw bolts to the cross-brace (i, Fig. 12, Tab. I). b, is the front part, which is made of one piece or more. Generally there are as many single pieces as there are stamps in the battery, each being bolted by four bolts, which reach through the brace. c, c, are the guide holes. The circular shape of c assumes an oval one by the friction of the stem, as shown by the dotted lines, d. In order to bring the guide hole back to its former shape after some weeks' run, there are small wooden lists, e, on each side of the guide hole, which are removed when the holes appear oblong. The bolts, g, must be examined every day, and tightened up if one should get loose. H. The Cams are the last important parts of a battery by which the stamps are lifted, The cams are made of hard, tough wood, cast or wrought-iron. Those of iron are pre- ferred, on account of more durability and less friction, although it is not proper to let iron work on iron. Cast-iron cams, especially in a shape as used in California for round stamps, are more exposed to breakage than wooden ones. But this cannot be considered as a serious objection, since a breakage occurs only in consequence of carelessness. The fitting of cams to wooden shafts is more troublesome third of the effective power, the calculation of the power required for a five-stamp battery, six hundred pounds cach stamp, lifted nine inches high, three-fourths of a foot, seventy-five times per minute, will be the following: 600X 50.75X75 60 2812.5 foot pounds per second; and 4-32812.5=3750 foot-pounds per second, including friction, co-ef: 3750 6.82 horse-power for the battery; or 550 6.82 1.36 horse-power required per stamp. 5 LO 76 REDUCTION. than to iron ones. Usually a cam consists of the face or lifter and the tail or shank, which is fastened by screws or wedges directly to the shaft, or to collars. The curve of the cam face, as generally constructed, is the involute of a circle, which is explained further below. The involute curve described is the only true line of cams by which during the lift always one and the same point of the tongue or tappet is kept and lifted vertically and perfectly uniformly, so that the lift of the stamp is always in proportion with the motion of circle which the cam describes. The face of wooden cams is from four to six inches wide, according to the weight of stamps. Iron cams have gen- erally a face of two to two and a half inches. The best approved shape of wooden cams to be fitted to wooden shafts is shown in Figs. 6 and 7, Tab. II. Fig. 6 is the side, and Fig. 7 the ground view. The shank, b, is dove-tailed, in order to be keyed and wedged into the corresponding hole passing through the shaft. Iron cams have a similar shape, being wedged in the same way, but also screwed by two or three strong bolts to the shaft. In both instances the shaft is considerably damaged by so many holes, which widen by degrees. The loose cams must be wedged over, and frequent repairs are required. For this reason, iron rings, of which there are as many on the shaft as there are stamps, are pref- erable. Each ring has two or three boxes, in which the cams can be fastened by wedges. Iron shafts are more in use than wooden ones, although there is some objection to their small diameter, so that only two cams can be used, unless they are longer than necessary, and therefore place the shaft further from the stamps, gain- ing thus a larger lifting circumference. In some places the iron shafts are provided with drums for the reception of cams. Using revolving or split stamps, the above objection cannot be raised. There are also in place of a drum, iron discs, cor- responding in number with the stamps, attached to the shaft. Over these discs others of a ring-shape are fitted, having a wide face with ribs, to which the cams are bolted. There *Saxony. * REDUCTION. 77 are also double discs, on the periphery of which iron rollers replace the cams. This construction gives no better satisfac- tion than ordinary cams. The boxes used for iron shafts on wooden frame-work, gen- erally one on each upright, are mostly corner boxes. The cams used in California for revolving stamps are double-armed. Single cams, as shown by d, in Fig. 1, Tab. II, are less frequently in use, and principally for the purpose of increasing the number of lifts per minute. Aside from the speed of the shaft, which is doubled by the use of single cams, the force of the stroke against the tappet is injurious to the whole machinery, and causes a commotion by which the co-efficient of friction is increased, requiring, therefore, more power on this account. There is also more danger of breaking a cam or tappet; and, on the other hand, no real advantage is offered by single cams. In almost all mills, seventy to eighty blows per minute are given to stamps weighing from five hundred to six hundred pounds, moved by double-armed cams. Even this speed is rather too much ; and if single cams increase the speed still more, it is not advisable to adopt them on that account. The consequence of over-driving heavy stamps to from eighty to ninety blows per minute, will be a periodical refit- ting and overhauling of all the machinery as a necessary result. The efficiency of stamps running over a high rate does not increase in proportion with the speed, for the reason that sufficient time is not allowed for the splashed-off parti- cles to fall back under the stamp before it drops again. This fact explains also why slow stamping produces more slime than rapid under similar circumstances. Limit of Speed in Crushing.-According to experiments made by J. E. Clayton with a steam battery, six hundred pounds stamps, nine inches lift, the most productive speed is one hundred lifts per minute. Mr. Clayton obtained— In wet crushing.. With 100 strokes. With 130 strokes. With 170 strokes With 200 strokes, .twice as much as with 60. very little more than with 100. as much as with 60. ...hardly anything. • 78 REDUCTION. 1 One hundred and forty strokes gave the best result in dry crushing. The size of the cams is different, according to the weight of the stamps and the lift; but all have a curved surface on the same principle. A cam, as used for heavy revolving stamps, is represented by Fig. 4, side, and Fig. 5, top view (Tab. III). b, b, are the arms of the cams; a, is the face, which is ground smooth; b', represents the rib, and d, the hub, strengthened on both sides by one-half to three-fourths inch thick wrought-iron rings, e. SEC. 18. Construction of the Cam-Curve. In Fig. 6, Tab. III, let a be the centre and b the periphery of the hub of the cam (a, b = four inches). a, c represents the distance between the centres of the cam and the stem, equal to a, d, the developing circle of the involute, f, g, h...m. From a point on the circle, d, at 4, where the axis of the stem intersects a line, a, 4, which is perpendicular to the axis of both the stem and shaft, we measure the required lift; for instance, twelve inches downwards on the circle. But in order to obtain the curve in such a position that it shall have a common horizontal tangent with the hub, the radius, a, b, of the hub, four inches, must be added, so that for the lift of twelve inches, sixteen must be laid off on the circle, as shown in the plan, putting the hub radius above the point 4. The arc, c, 16, is then divided into small equal parts (the smaller the division, the more correct the invo- lute). In the figure, the division shows eight parts (two inches each). From the dividing points of these parts, we draw the tangents, f, h, i . . . m, and lay off upon each of them the length of the arc from c to the point from which the tan- gent is drawn; consequently c2 = ƒ2, c4 = f'4, c6 = 96, and The points ff, g...m are connected by a curved line, which gives the involute or curve of the cam. so on. REDUCTION. 79 Another mode of constructing the involute is that by means of circles. It gives, of course, the same result, but is somewhat more complicated, and cannot be made clear with- out a figure. The construction of a cam of natural size in a practical way is performed by developing the involute from a circle by means of a thread. The circle, d, Fig. 6, is cut out of a board, and a thread wound on its periphery to the length of the required lifting height, plus the radius of b. One end of the thread is fixed to the periphery, to the other a pencil is fastened. The circular board is then laid upon another one, and the involute drawn by unwinding the thread from the circle, keeping it always strained, until it forms a tangent to the circle at its fixed point 16, m. The construction of the cam-curve shows that the distance. of the cam shaft from the stamp is a definite one in relation to the cam-curve. The face of the tappet must be always at right angles to the radius of curvature at each point of the curve, which passes under it during the lifting motion. As the face of the tappet is a circular one, the end of the arms, b, must have a corresponding cut, otherwise the corner point would damage the circumference of the tappet. There are cams the end of which has two circular cuts, meeting in the centre of the cam face. In this case the cam may be fixed on the right or left side of the stamp, and in case there should be an unequal wear, they can be moved to the other side. There are mills where the cams last for nine years, and longer, if only proper care is taken, not only in greas- ing, but in keeping the tappet at the proper height and * *The use of oil on cams is improper. It is used up too soon; and if too much. is applied, the friction is reduced, so that no revolving will take place. The grease must be tough. A thin layer of it should remain between the tappet and the cam face; but it must be sufficiently lubricating at the same time. Mr. Z. Wheeler, for this purpose, uses a composition of oil, tar, resin and tallow in such propor- tions as to form a somewhat thick paste on cooling. The use of this composition keeps the face of the cam always coated, so that there is no real contact between the metals. Cams treated with Wheeler's grease show the grinding lines on the face after several months' run (600-pound stamps). This grease offers the advantage besides that tappets and cams are kept clean. 80 REDUCTION. proper distance, so that the full face of the cam works always uniformly, which depends much on the steadiness of the stamp, and for which reason no play should be allowed in the guides. The distance between cam arm and stem ought not to exceed one-eighth of an inch; but, on the other hand, the cam must not be allowed to touch the stem at any point. A wide face (two and a half inches) is preferable to a narrow one. The cams are fastened to the shaft simply by wedging keys into the seat. For this purpose the shaft has generally a groove the whole length of one battery. The key, made of steel, must be driven in with much force. In order to set the cams systematically, the question arises, "Which of the stamps in a battery must be lifted first? Practical dressers are not well agreed as to the order in which the lifting of four heads in one battery should take place; whether one of the inner pestles should precede the outer, or whether a side pestle should be first lifted. Preference, however, seems to be given to the following method, supposing a spectator to stand in front of a four-stamp battery: Left side pestle first, right side pestle second, right middle third, left middle last." SEC. 19. Order of Successive Stamp-Lifts. "X The relative order in which the stamps drop is important. A battery in which the stamps play in successive order, as 1, 2, 3, 4, does not discharge well. The stuff is generally pushed towards one side; it accumulates there, and the last stamp cannot penetrate the mass, so that at times its lift is not over three or four inches, while the first one keeps its full lift. It is difficult to keep such a battery in working order. This spiral arrangement of cams answers in batteries discharging at one end of the short sides. *Supplement to Ure's Dictionary, 1863. REDUCTION. 81 The weight of the stamps must be distributed on the shaft as equally as possible. It is, therefore, more advantageous for the power and machinery to apply one shaft to many bat- terics; because, if there were, for instance, thirty or forty stamps in a mill, they could be arranged on the shaft in such an order that not more than one would catch the tappet at the same instant, and the shaft would bear the same weight at each moment of the revolution. If the same number of stamps is driven by six or ten separate shafts, connected with a main shaft, it may happen that the main shaft bears four or six times as much at one moment as at another, depending on the accidental time of starting of each battery. But there are other reasons which make the use of one shaft for too many batteries unadvisable. The stamps can be arrested easily in each battery independently of others; but in case a cam should get loose, all the batteries have to lie idle while the repairs are going on. Still more inconvenience would arise if one of the cams should break. In this case, all the cams which are in the way must be removed. In this respect, cams fitted directly to the shaft are inferior to those screwed or wedged on rings or collars. A middle course seems to be the best. Two five-stamp batteries with one cam shaft are better for the machinery than two shafts. Even twelve stamps (in three batteries) on one shaft, might be more advantageous than if driven by three separate cam shafts, since suitable cams and strict attendance are sufficient to run a battery for years without a breakage. For the same reason five stamps in a battery answer better than four; but for convenient manipulation (which, however, ought not to be the main object) separate cam shafts for single batteries are preferable. The position of the cams on a shaft for two five-stamp bat- teries is represented in Fig. 9, Tab. II. 4, section of the shaft; B, front view of the same, with perpendicular dotted lines, 1 to 10, indicating the ten stamps of two batteries. The half circumference of A (because double-armed cams) is divided into ten equal parts, commencing at a, 1. Through 82 REDUCTION. these points of division parallel horizontal lines, 1, 2, 3 ... 10, are drawn, and in the perpendicular line of each stem the dots a, b, c, a', etc., marked in the following order, corres- ponding with the dots in the front view : On the 1st line, 1st cam for the 1st battery Cl. a'. (C (( 2d (( 1st (C {t " 3d (6 5th " (( 2d 1st e. (C 4th (6 5th (( (( "L 2d é'. แ 5th แ 3d แ (( 1st (( C. 6th 66 3d แ (( ( 2d (( 7th 2d (6 เ (( 1st ¿ · b. 8th " 2d (( (3 2d ( b' 9th " 4th (( (( 1st d. " 10th " 4th " 66 2d a· The points of division upon the circumference of A show the points of the key-seats, transferred on the cams, as seen in Fig. 4, Tab. III. The first seat, 1, on the first cam of the first battery upon the line h, is marked on all ten cams exactly in the same line. The distance from 1 to 2, then from 1 to 3, to 4, and to 5, Fig. 9, A, Tab. II, are transferred in pro- portion from 1 (on the line h) correspondingly on the second, third, fourth and fifth cam of the first, and in the same way the distances on the following five cams of the second bat- tery. When fastened on the shaft, having a long common key-seat, the cams will stand in order and position as shown by the dots a, b, c... of Fig. 9, B, Tab. II. If three batteries should be moved by one cam shaft, the circle should be divided into fifteen parts, and then proceed- ing in the same way: On the 1st line, 1st stamp of 1st battery. "2d แ (( 2d 3d 66 { 1st 1st (C (C " 3d {{ The leading principle of the order of lifts is, first, to dis- tribute the weight of stamps equally on the shaft; and, second, to have the adjoining stamp on both sides begin to rise before the middle stamp drops, so that the rock is thrown on both dies to the right and left. REDUCTION. 83 Wooden shafts have their own bearings, independent of the frame-work of the battery, while iron ones generally rest on the uprights. There are, however, iron frame batteries in Europe, the iron shafts of which are in no connection with the battery frame. The means of hanging up the stamps without stopping the shaft are very different. A simple and very convenient method is represented in Fig. 1, Tab. II. There is a cross- beam or an iron rod, x, (the first preferable) in front of each battery, resting on both sides in a cut of the uprights, so that it can be removed easily. In a half-round groove, if the support is wood, there are movable arms or hangers, h, with leather straps, g, at the upper end. The hangers rest in the position shown in the drawing, and are one inch longer than the highest lift. In hanging up the stamps, a man takes hold of the strap, g, with one hand, and with the other places a stick on the face of the approaching cam before it reaches the tappet. The stick is about eighteen inches long, as wide as the cam face, and one and a half inches thick. The cam, with the stick upon it, will lift the tappet one and a half inches higher than usual and half an inch above the hanger, which must be placed under the tappet at the right moment. In letting down the stamps, the stick is placed, as before, upon the cam, and the hanger removed by drawing upon the strap before the tappet is lifted; otherwise the pull might come too late. In order to impart to the falling stamp more speed, long wooden springs (twelve to fifteen feet) have been tried in different mills, attached to each stem at its upper end. By means of screws at about one-third of the whole length from the fixed end, the spring power could be increased or reduced. The stems had conical hollows at the top, in which an iron pin of the spring fitted, so that the stem could revolve during the lifting. In crushing dry, especially where the ore is rich in sulphurets, the use of springs effects a better discharge if screens are used, as the powdered part is 84 REDUCTION. thrown against the sides with more force. By this means at the Ophir Works, Nevada, twenty per cent. more of crushed ore was obtained in the same time. SEC. 20. The Discharge in Dry Crushing. The discharge of crushed ore in dry crushing is effected either through grates or screens, or by a draft of air. Grates, when used, generally supply the place of the mortar-bed. They are sometimes in one solid casting, like common fire grates, the open space widening downwards; the grate bars are from six to seven inches deep by one inch thick. This kind of grate is inconvenient, on account of the iron being beaten flat, and the openings choked up, which is difficult to remedy after several inches have been worn away. Mortars, with movable grates are better, as the wrought iron or steel bars can be easily replaced by new ones. Figs. 13, 14, Tab. I, show a grate mortar, such as was used in the Gould and Curry Mill, Nevada, before wet crushing was introduced. In the vertical section, Fig. 13, the bars are shown by a, a. They are placed in the grooves, b, of the mortar. The finely broken ore falls on the inclined bottom, c, underneath, whence it slides into elevat- ors, by which it is lifted to the upper stories and discharged on sieves. The coarser part is conveyed back to the battery. At d, is the opening for feeding. The battery is closed tight and is connected with a fan blower, by which the dust is drawn into dust chambers. In other mills grinders of different descriptions are used to pulverize the material which passss the grates. For concentration by compressed air the grate- stamping is a less suitable material than breakers or rollers, producing more dust. Much less complicated is the dry crushing in batteries constructed like those used for wet crushing, generally dis- charging on both long sides, but the yield is limited to about REDUCTION. 85 one-half of a ton to the stamp in twenty-four hours, using wire-cloth of forty holes to the inch. The quantity, however, depends much upon the quality of the rock. Another mode of dry crushing without grates or screens is by means of a draft produced by a blower. In place of a screen there is a slit along the battery in a moveable partition, so that by lowering or raising the same coarser or finer stuff can be obtained; the dust is conveyed into a chamber. To pre- vent loss it has been attempted to return the same air from the chamber to the battery, and thus to keep it in constant circulation between the two. But this did not succeed. This mode of crushing gives the most uniform powder, and finer than is obtained in any other way, but it is too slow. The dry crushing with sieves on one or both sides of the battery is the most frequent method in California and Ne- vada. It is not only simple in the construction, but it finishes the pulverization at once; unlike the stamping on grates. If it is not desired to crush fine-which, in fact, is entirely unnecessary, as twenty holes to the inch of wire- cloth will discharge a suitable ore for roasting, as well as for other purposes—the battery will turn out about one ton per head in twenty-four hours, provided the stamps have a proper speed and no punched sheet iron, but wire cloth is used. 850 lbs. stamps, seventy to seventy-five drops per minute, fifty meshes to the running inch, crush 0.8 ton per head in twenty-four hours. Ore for dry crushing must be perfectly dry; the sieve must stand inclined, as represented at o, in Fig. 3 B., Tab. II., and not too high above the dies. The dust arising from crushing the ore is not only injurious to the lungs of the workmen, but also destructive to ma- chinery. For this reason all the batteries are closed as tightly as possible, and the mortars are connected with a fan blower which draws the air and dust from the batteries into dust chambers. These chambers, one or more in connection, require a considerable space ;-from eight to fifteen thousand cubic feet-moreover, the air must have an outlet which will carry out the finest part of the dust. The plan of condensing 86 REDUCTION. this escaping dust in an inclined canal by steam would pro- bably allow a smaller dust chamber, preventing at the same a loss. If an open battery is used, with a movable hori- zontal sieve in front, the finer sieve being protected by a coarser one, generally perforated sheet iron, the ore can be sprinkled over with water, which lays the dust to some degree. Care must be taken, however, not to use too much water, which would stop the sifting. The simplest way of obtaining a draft through the mortar, and to prevent dusting in dry crushing,* is J. E. Clayton's plan, by means of a steam jet. A pipe of about nine inches square section leads from the upper part of the closed mortar into a condensing room of small size, open on the top. Near the mouth of this pipe, a few feet back, a jet of steam is intro- duced, discharging through it into the chamber, and thus pro- ducing a strong draft of air from the mortar through the pipe to the chamber. This draft carries off all the dust, while the steam, condensing in the chamber, precipitates the dust with the resulting water. For the purpose of drying ore, after it is reduced to the size suitable for battery, there is a floor of cast iron plates with fire canals underneath, either in front of the batteries. or in some other convenient place. The damp ore is spread upon the hot floor, and sometimes shoveled over till perfectly dry. SEC. 21. Discharge in Wet Crushing. The discharge in wet crushing is effected either on the short or long side of the battery. In the first case, iron bods are sometimes used; but those of rock are more common. Ore and water are introduced at one end near the battery post, and the pulverized matter dis- charged at the other end, generally through the upright, so that the charged ore passes under all the stamps before *Applying sieves for the discharge. REDUCTION. 87 reaching the outlet. It is quite proper here to fix the cams in a spiral line on the shaft. In batteries of this kind, the stamps have either a different weight or a different lift, or lift and weight both vary. In some places, the first, in others, the last stamp, is the heaviest with the least lift. The discharge hole, three to four inches wide and about nine inches high, leads the stuff through the upright either straight, or if the upright separates two batteries, in a broken line. Putting a plug in the bottom of the hole deepens the stamping bed, and the crushing produces a finer powder. Other batteries of this kind have the dis- charge on both ends, close to the upright posts. Others again have perforated plates or sieves at one end, leaving about six inches space between them and the upright through which the outlet is made. Much more extensively used are the batteries, having their discharge on one or on both of the long sides. The discharging arrangements are different. The general mode is that of discharging through a slit or longitudinal opening. A trough or mortar of this kind has a discharge opening the whole length of the battery. The breast plank is fastened to the upright posts by means of cramps, on which the plank can be raised or lowered, thus regulating the width of the opening. A deep mortar trough and a narrow opening produces fine crushing. The higher the bottom, i. e., the shallower the mortar trough, the coarser is the discharged material, but the coarse grains are very unequal in size, so that this mode of discharging is more suitable for fine crush- ing. The discharge is generally on one side of the battery. The best arrangement for coarse and fine crushing, (that is, production of fine sand, not slime) consists in the use of grates or screens. The grates are made of wrought iron staves set in a frame, closer or wider apart as may be re- quired, and standing vertically. For screens either punched copper or iron plates are used, less frequently brass or steel wire cloth, although the latter is more effective in discharge, as a wire cloth will have always more openings of the same size in a square inch. 88 REDUCTION. The grates always stand perpendicular, and reach to the bottom of the battery. They do not choke as much as the screens, and discharge freely. The punched sheet-iron screens are most in use. In some mills the screens are set in a perpendicular position. To prevent choking, there are sometimes wooden hammers in connection with the shaft or some other motive power, which strike the screen at regular intervals. If no such arrange- ment is present, the sieves must be brushed from time to time. Punched holes will always be smoother and somewhat wider on the side where the needles were applied. This side must be on the outside of the battery. An inclined position of the sieves, as represented by o, Fig. 1, Tab. IV, is much preferable to a perpendicular, as the discharge is increased considerable. It has been thought that sieves in an inclined position are more liable to be choked; which, however, has not proved to be the case—at least not with a slight inclination, as now used in California and Nevada. It might be different, however, with wire- cloth, which, not being so smooth, might retain the grains more in an inclined than in a vertical position. Still there is more advantage in using inclined screens. A very good way to prevent the choking of sieves is an arrangement by which the pressure of the water from inside the battery against the sieve is counteracted. This is easily accomplished by having the sieve enclosed also on the out. side, so that the water stands level on both sides of the screen, leaving a space of two or three inches between the sieve and the board partition. The bottom of this compart- ment is inclined from both sides towards the centre, where at the lowest point is a round opening, adjustable by a slide- gate. By means of this gate the water in the battery is regulated and kept at the required height. The grains which cannot pass the holes of the screen fall back under the stamps, as there is no pressure on the grain against the screen-hole. The screen is kept clean for several weeks- that is, as long as the screen stands the wear, which depends on the distance from the stamps and on the weight of stamps. REDUCTION. 89 The Screens used in California and Nevada are made of Russia sheet-iron. Generally the number from 1 to 10 indi- cates the sizes of holes corresponding with the needles used for punching, so that No. 1 is the coarsest. Many mills, having a sufficient number of pans, use No. 2 or 3; but No. 4 is generally used. The round holes of No. 4 have one- twenty-fourth of an inch diameter, and there are one hundred and forty-four holes in a square inch. Mills having a smaller number of pans in proportion to the stamps, use No. 6; holes, one-fortieth of an inch in diameter-three hundred and twenty-four to the square inch. The sheets are, accord- ing to the mortar, generally about three and a half feet long, and from ten to fifteen inches wide. The wooden screen frame is lined with strips of blanket, and the screen is tacked over it. The blanket makes a tight joint, and facilitates the removing of the tacks when the screen has to be replaced by a new one, or needs to be turned, so that the worn and mended lower part is turned uppermost. In this way a screen can be used for several weeks longer. It is, Brass wire-cloth makes a fast-discharging screen. however, expensive, and for this reason used only for dry crushing. The punched screens are very perfectly made, and answer the purpose. If very fine stamping is required, it is more advantageous to crush without sieves than to apply wire-cloth of eight thousand one hundred holes to the square inch, as has been done in several mills. A mortar, with a slit and deep bottom, as further described below, produces a fine stuff, but has a slow discharge. Although there are many stamp works yet in operation where the discharge is only on one of the short sides of a battery, this mode does not offer any real advantage. It is claimed that the particles are crushed smaller by degrees passing from one stamp to another. It is, however, difficult to understand why on this account a preference should be given to a slow operation. For the purpose of concentration, it is *Made with great perfection at the Union Foundry, San Francisco. 7 90 REDUCTION. one of the first principles in crushing that each particle should escape the battery instantly when crushed to the required size. To accomplish this as near as possible, the discharge on the long side is far more suitable, and is cer- tainly the best method if the discharge takes place on both sides. In California and Nevada, in several mills, the dis- charge through screens takes place on the two long sides in dry and wet crushing; but discharge on one side is the gen- eral mode. The dies are two to three inches below the discharge, and there is very little variation in the mode of crushing, for the reason that up to this time the direct con- centration of ores has not been practiced, and, consequently, no attention has been paid to the nature of the ore in crush- ing, but only to the quantity which could be crushed in a certain time. The experiment has been tried in California, of making separate compartments in the mortar for each stamp. Each compartment had its own screen. It might have been antic- ipated that, having four stamps in the battery, the discharge could not gain by diminishing the screen surface; but it would seem that, as the space in one compartment was very limited, the stuff could not be thrown about so much, and would be forced to find its way through the screen. It was discovered in Europe, long ago, that six stamps in one bat- tery did not discharge as well and regularly as they would in two three-stamp batteries. To obviate the necessity of the middle post or upright in framing, the mortar of six stamps received an iron or wooden partition in the middle. These batteries are called "double batteries." SEC. 22. The Feeding of Batteries with Ore. The feeding of batteries with ore is performed either by hand or by mechanical contrivances. The feeding by hand, REDUCTION. 91 if a skillful feeder attends the stamps, is preferable to an improper feeding apparatus. He can keep the batteries. always provided with so much ore that the crushing and dis- charging is regular, and to the best advantage. One man can supply with ore, batteries which crush twenty-five to thirty tons in twenty-four hours, provided the rock is already broken to the required size and stored in front or close to the stamps. He is guided principally by the sound of the stamping; but his attention must be directed also to the sieves, cams, tappets, oiling, etc. Unreliable feeders not only neglect the batteries, but their feeding, especially at night, is so irregular, by over-feeding at one time, and too little at another, that the yield of the crushing falls short. It is doubtless easier to construct a proper self-feeder than to have always able feeders at the batteries. Hand feeding seems to have yet the preference in California and Nevada, although a great many mills are provided with self-feeders. There are two kinds of self-feeders-stationary and mova- ble. In both cases the stamps regulate the feeding them- selves. Stationary hoppers are capable of holding so much rock as is required for twelve to twenty-four hours' stamping. In this respect they are preferable to the movable ones, which are smaller, but more convenient, and easy to regulate. Fig. 10, Tab. II, shows a stationary feeder, as used in Freiberg (Saxony). a, is the hopper, with a sufficiently inclined bot- tom, b, made of planks, and lined with boards or sheet-iron ; c, is a beam, in the upper side of which is cut a hollow, d, commencing below the opening, e. The beam rests on a cross-piece, g, and is kept from sliding by the nose, f. Between the beam and the bottom of the box is a space of about two inches. When the stamp, in want of ore, strikes the rod, i, the lower part of the beam is pushed down, while the upper end strikes at the bottom of the hopper. The imparted jerk causes a slide of the ore. k, is a slide door to regulate the opening, e. Similar hoppers are used in Corn- wall an also in California; but there is no pitching-rod, i. 92 REDUCTION. * The gradual discharge is promoted by the commotion im- parted from the battery. It happens sometimes that the discharge opening is stopped up by the rock. In order to clear it immediately, there must be sufficient room for this purpose between the hopper and the battery. The movable feeders receive their motion from the middle. stamp if only three in a battery. Four or five-stamp batter- ies are generally provided with two self-feeders. There are various contrivances of this kind in use. The shape is that of a square or oblong box. The bottom stands always inclined more or less, according to the stuff; but always so that in a state of repose no sliding of rock could take place. The box rests about one-third of its length toward the bat- tery on its axle; the other end on a fixed support. Sometimes the box is so constructed that the hind part is lifted by a rod, which is in connection with a lever, on the other end of which a blow is imparted by a screw fixed at the top of a stamp. The screw regulates the strike, and must be screwed shorter in propertion as the shoe wears. Another arrangement, represented by Fig. 7, Tab. III, as used in Hungary, has been applied also in California. The feed-box, a, wider on the top, has an inclination of fifteen to sixteen degrees, and stands on two legs, b, fastened to the axles, c, c. In this position the box has a tendency to slide forward; the block, d, touching the battery or some other fixed arrangement, keeps the hopper at rest. Above the hopper there is a small shaft, e, attached to the upright of the battery, having an arm, f, which receives the percussion, and two others, g, each of them touching a projection on each side of the box inside. A blow transmitted by the rod, h, to f, pushes the hopper back by the arms, g. In falling against the battery, the ore slides out from the blow received. There is no packing, even when the ore is muddy, in these hoppers, as in those where the percussion acts from below. A self-feeder frequently used in Nevada is shown in side view in Fig. 11, Tab. II. The feed-box, a, of which there are generally. two to each five-stamp battery, is a fixed REDUCTION. 93 box with a movable feed shoe, b, resting on the support, c. The rod, d, is connected with the lever, e, which rests on a half-round pin, f. The space below f, serves for regulation of the position of the lever, being filled with a wooden piece, higher or lower, as the shoe of the stamp may require by wear. By the screw-thread of d, the slide of the shoe, b, can be altered. The depth of the box, a, varies with the quan- tity of rock which it should contain. Smaller boxes of the size of Fig. 11 are preferred, although it would seem that there is more advantage in filling a feed-hopper once a day instead of four or six times. In some mills, the lever, e, is so short at g, that the tappet is allowed to slide by with a moderate strike. By this arrangement a permanent feeding is effected, which, of course, must be perfectly proportionate to the discharge. But it must be considered that if, for instance, the discharge should decrease by choking of the screens without being observed in time, the feeding would proceed at its usual rate, fill up the battery, and burst the screens. It may also hap- pen that a sieve breaks, and in this case the discharge would increase and the stamps soon strike on the bare dies. A mill of thirty or forty stamps makes so much noise that it is not always possible to detect such irregularities immediately by the sound of the stamping. For this reason the old advice deserves consideration, which counsels to fix a rod connected with a bell between the two uprights, in such a way that any stamp reaching the naked die, will strike the rod with the tappet and ring a bell. SEC. 23. Quantity of Water Required for Crushing. The quantity of water necessary to carry the pulverized ore out of the battery is usually conducted in an iron pipe, which is generally fixed on the feed side, where it can be 94 REDUCTION. seen by the feeder or watchman. The quantity depends on the quality of the ore. Pure quartzose ore requires less. water than clayey stuff. Coarse-grained ore or gold can bear more water than in a very fine condition. Floating metals and slimes increase with the decreasing quantity of water. The stamping of muddy, clayey ore requires some- times more water than necessary for a proper discharge. In this case water can be conveyed to the stuff outside the bat- tery. The settling of ore particles is more perfect in a sufficiently diluted condition of the pulverized mass. In crushing quartz rock in the usual way with a No. 4 screen, each stamp requires from one-half to three-fourths of a cubic foot of water per minute. SEC. 24. Remarks on Speed and Weight of Stamps. "The stamping process is not so simple as it may appear at first sight. Many of its particulars, such as the form of mortar, mode of exit for the stuff, weight and rapidity of the pestles, and quantity of water employed, must be varied to suit the mode of dissemination and the structure and char- acter of the ore, as well as of the matrix. Fineness of reduc- tion is by no means always a desideratum, for if some kinds of stuff be reduced too fine, much of the ore contained in it will be wasted. Hence, considerable judgment is necessary in selecting the grate best adapted to the stuff to be operated upon.... 99% In California and Nevada, as already mentioned, in con- structing a mill, no consideration is paid as to the require- ments of crushing for concentration. For this reason the mode of conducting the water into the battery, the quantity of it, the number, shape and rapidity of the stamps, their lift and the depth of the trough-that is, the distance from *Supplement to Ure's Dictionary. REDUCTION. 95 the dies to the rim of the discharge-are very much alike, and differ principally only in the weight of stamps and such contrivances as would increase the quantity of crushed stuff in a given time. In the gold mines, however, the use of quicksilver in the battery is sometimes the cause of a differ- ent construction of the battery, not always advantageous for the crushing itself. The dies, for instance, are laid four to five inches apart, for the purpose of offering ample room for the accumulation of amalgam. As a general rule, heavy stamps are more effective as to quantity than light ones, without exception. But also, in regard to the quality of the crushed stuff for concentration, heavy stamps are generally preferable. This depends very much on circumstances. A particular treatment of a certain class of ore by lighter stamps, demanding more time, may be remunerative in Europe, while gain in time by the use of heavier stamps may be important where labor and everything else is high. Nevertheless stamps and lift must be, to some extent, in accordance with the hardness or softness of the ore; but the choice depends also on other circumstances. Quartz containing brittle silver ore, to be crushed for con- centration, requires lighter stamps than the same ore if crushed for the sole purpose of amalgamation in pans. There are many mills in California with eight hundred to nine hundred pound stamps, especially where a hard, flinty quartz occurs, with a lift of twelve to fifteen inches. Although the general opinion is in favor of lighter stamps of between five hundred and seven hundred pounds, the mills employing heavy stamps profess to do better than with light ones. The most common stamps are those between five hun- dred and six hundred pounds, with from nine to twelve inches lift. These batteries, if well attended, will doubtless. stand for many years longer than those with nine hundred pounds stamps.* *The danger, however, involved in using heavy stamps is not quite so great as Prof. Gatzschmann would lead us to believe, by publishing, as he does, with apparent seriousness, on page 370, Vol. 1, of his “ Aufbereitung," the following California 96 REDUCTION. In some mills the attempt has been made to compensate the loss of weight from wearing of the shoes by adding old tappets on the stem; but, although well enough, this has not been imitated, and it seems that, considering the total weight of a stamp of six hundred pounds, a gradual decrease to about five hundred and thirty pounds is too inconsiderable to afford an advantags in burdening the upper part of the stem. It would be much better to have the shoes cast four inches high in place of six when the difference of weight by wear would be still less, but the shoes would need to be oftener renewed. For the last reason, shoes four inches high are not much in use. High lift, light stamps, and a deep mortar are used for fine crushing. For coarse, it is found more effective to have heavier stamps, less lift, a shallow mortar, and more speed. The quantity of rock which can be crushed, of course depends very much on the nature of the ore, weight of stamps, speed, size of screens, etc. Six hundred pound stamps will crush from one to three tons per head in twenty- four hours at a speed of seventy-five blows per minute, using No. 4 and 5 screens. The speed of the stamps is important not only as respects the quantity, but also the quality of the crushing. A slow motion will produce more floating stuff, or crush finer, than a rapid one, because with quick dropping of the stamps, ore particles of a small size do not find time enough to fall under the shoe, and are carried out, while, with a slow motion, many grains which could pass the screen slide under the stamp, and are pulverized finer than required. Although it is evi- dent that a higher speed will crush more stuff in a certain time, yet there is a limit, beyond which the speed should not story:- "The Mining Journal, Vol. XXII, page 207, says: They have there (in California) in a steam mill, erected stamps of a thousand pounds weight and several feet lift. On starting them, they (the stamps) flew high in the air, and stamped the bottom and the whole frame-work into the ground The spectators ran off horrified, and gazed from a distance until all was destroyed." It is not stated in what place this occurred, nor who was the famous builder and starter of the mill. REDUCTION. 97. be increased. The stamp must fall on the ore with its full weight and force; the revolving stamp must have time to finish its revolving motion. An extremely quick or sudden blow is less effective, besides involving the danger of a tap- pet being caught by a cam while dropping. For stamps weighing from five hundred to six hundred pounds, a proper speed is seventy blows per minute; but over seventy-five, as practiced in some mills, is rather too much. SEC. 25. Reduction by Rolling Mills. Construction. These mills are more employed than stamps for reducing ores to a coarse size. The mill consists of two rollers, fitted in a strong frame-work of cast-iron. They lie horizontally, revolving against each other, and crush the ore while it passes between them. Generally there are several series of rollers, set below each other, so that the upper pair prepares the ore for the lower. The parts of which a rolling mill consists are the rollers, bearings and frame-work. The rollers are smooth, or sometimes corrugated. The latter are used to break the rock roughly, preparatory for the lower pair beneath. The shape of a roller is cylindrical; but, as generally used, they are short, the diameter being larger than its face. The usual size of rollers is from eighteen to twenty-four inches diameter. Larger rollers are less convenient and too heavy, although the wear is slower on account of the greater surface, and they catch the stuff better and work smoother. The speed at the circumference ranges between one and three feet per second, so that eighteen-inch rollers revolve from twelve to thirty-eight, and twenty-four inch rollers from ten to twenty-nine times per minute. With equal length of 98 REDUCTION. rollers, the speed depends on the quantity of ore to be crushed. Too much speed must be avoided, because more dust is created, and the machinery is more exposed to break- ages. Too slow a motion is again injurious, for the reason that the efficiency of the machine is not utilized entirely, and because the wear of the rollers is less uniform. To impart a higher speed to one of two rollers, either by a greater diameter with the same number of revolutions, or by increased speed, to one of two equal rollers, does not offer a practical advantage. The length of rollers is from three-fourths of a foot to three feet. Short rollers are preferable to longer ones. As the wear is not allowed to be more than a half or one inch on each roller, the latter is not made in one piece, but the axis is separate, except with small ones, which are cast in one piece. The ring or mantle is from one and a half to two inches thick, and can be removed and replaced when The mantle is chilled and hardened, being cast in smooth cast iron moulds, so that no turning is required. worn. One pair of mantles of one foot length can crush about three hundred tons of quartzose ore before being worn out, reducing it from two inch pieces to one-third of an inch. There are different means of fastening the roller on the axis. The axis or shaft has usually a larger diameter than the pivot. Tab. II, Figs. 17, 18, represent an efficient plan for fastening. The cylindrical roller, Fig. 17, is fitted with four internal projections, a, as long as the groove, b, b, and as wide as the narrow part, c, of the groove. When the cylinder is to be fitted on the axis, the projections are introduced into the recess c, the cylinders turned until they fit into the wider recess between b, b, and then wedged to the axis by a close- fitting key. Another way is the following: After the inside of the roller and the axis have been turned smooth, so as to fit each other perfectly, the axis is introduced into the roller, and on the contact line of both are bored three or four holes, wedged by fitting keys, as shown by Fig. 18, Tab. II. 1.7 YOF 99 REDUCTION. Very frequent, also, is the plan of fastening the mantle by means of wooden wedges of one to one and a half inches thickness. These wedges are driven tight all round the axis, so as to have each point of the roller equally distant from the center. When the mantle is worn out, the wedges are either burned out or the mantle broken. The Frame is generally horizontal and sufficiently heavy to resist the power applied to the rollers. It is bolted to a solid wooden frame, and all the parts are bolted together by iron rods. Tab. II, Fig. 15, a side-view; Fig. 16, a ground plan, show the construction of a pair of rollers. On the bed-plate, a, are two standards, b, as far apart as the dimensions of the rollers require. The bed-plate is firmly bolted to the bearer, c, which usually rest on masonry. Both parts of the frame. are bolted together by the bolts, e, e. Between the stands, b, of each frame, are the bearings, f, so arranged as to slide in grooves, or some other arrangement, permitting the cylinders. to be brought nearer, or to be separated from each other. Above the bearings is a strong rod, h, which strengthens the standard and serves as a guide for the bearings. To keep the rollers in contact, and yet allow a separation in case an obstruction should take place, there is a weighted lever, i, hung to the standard at 7. The short arm, k, of the lever, presses on the pin, n, which, passing through the standard, touches the bearing, f. Whenever a piece of iron, or any- thing else too hard to crush, comes with the ore between the rollers, the roller on the lever side will act through the bear- ing pin, n, on the lever, which being lifted allows the passage of the obstruction, pressing the roller again to its former position. In order to change the weight of the lever, there is either a box hung at the end of the lever in which the weight may be added or taken out, or, as represented by the movable. weight,, the lever can be lengthened or shortened. The driving wheels, r, require to be placed some distance from the rollers, so that any undue opening of the latter may 100 REDUCTION. not vary the pitch line of the wheels, ", to such an extent as to endanger the safety of the teeth; for this purpose the axis of the rollers must be connected with those of the driving wheels by tumbling shafts, o, coupled by muffs, 3. The most simple frame for rollers consists of four wooden vertical posts, seven by eight or eight by twelve inches thick, and at least twelve feet high. About six feet above the ground the journal boxes are bolted to the posts. This arrangement has the advantage of taking up less room, pre- venting at the same time a breakage, in case an obstruction should come between the rollers, as the posts, being elastic yield so much that the obstruction can pass between the rollers. The boxes must stand vertically, as the main pres- sure is a horizontal one. Between the rollers and the driving gear are the tumbling shafts, requiring four other posts of the same kind, so that the whole frame is composed of eight upright posts, each four in one line, with base, cap, and cross-beams. Mackworth's crushing rollers are made conical, to equalize the wear, and as one roller travels faster than the other, the fragments are partially turned over, so as to present their weakest line of fracture to the direction of the crushing force. It is claimed that these rollers work with less power. In lieu of the counter-balance weight, usually employed to allow the rollers to separate and pass excessively hard fragments, and to bring the rollers together again, the machine is made more compact and simple by connecting the two brass collars, in which the rollers work, by a number of bands or cords of vulcanized India-rubber strongly stretched. A compound cord of India-rubber, three inches in diameter, composed of one hundred and forty-four small and separate cords, when stretched to double its natural length, gives a strain of three tons. The brass collars do not revolve. As the crushed ore is composed of all possible sizes, it is necessary to build the rollers always sufficiently high, so that a sizing apparatus can be placed below them. There must be also an elevating wheel, which carries the coarse REDUCTION. 101 part back to the hopper. Often, depending upon the nature of the ore or local arrangements, the different sizes obtained are subjected to jigging or other concentratien, and the refuse returned to the rolling mill, and sometimes this operation re- peated two or three times. In place of the lever, also springs are in use, wooden. India- rubber, or steel. Steel springs are the most common. In place of steel springs, in some places, India-rubber discs are used of about one and a half inch thickness, eight inches diameter, and six to ten in number. All these contrivances for the sliding of the roller, and con- sequently the long connection by tumbling shafts, could be avoided by using belts in place of gear, so arranged that if more power were required to overcome some obstruction the belt would slide over the pully-face while the rollers stop. The points which should be attended to in constructing a crushing mill, are: "First. To make all the parts sufficiently strong to meet the varying resistances which continually occur in crushing. For this purpose, the frame-work to receive the rollers ought to be of good cast iron, the axles of the rollers of the best wrought iron, and the cylinders of the hardest. and most uniform metal. Secondly. To design the machine so that the matter to be crushed may be readily delivered into the hopper, sized by circular sieves for the dressing process, and such portions as are not properly crushed returned to the rollers without the intervention of manual labor. In order to effect this, the elevating wheel ought to be made of sufficient diameter to allow the stuff, on being discharged, to descend by its own gravity into the feed-hopper." "Thirdly. To extend from the axis of the rollers long tumbling shafts, and fix on their ends the driving wheels, allowing a little play in the plummer blocks, so that any undue opening of the rollers may not vary the pitch line of the wheels to such an extent as to endanger the safety of the teeth." 102 REDUCTION. "Fourthly. To construct the rollers so that it may be readily changed, yet maintained on its axis without slipping when in motion." (( Fifthly. The diameter of the rollers should be decreased and the length increased in proportion to the fineness of the stuff to be crushed, since a fine material requires a longer line of contact, and not so large a grip as coarser sub- stances.' "" * SEC. 26. Feeding of Rollers. The feeding of rollers is sometimes done by hand through a small funnel, but generally by self-feeders, varying in their construction. The most common is represented on Tab. II, Fig. 12 side, Fig. 13 front view. The box, a, and feed-shoe, b. are similar to those used in California for feeding stamps. On the shoe there is an iron elbow, c, resting on the cam teeth, d, of the roller, by which the feeding is effected. A feeder of a different construction, used for smalls, is shown by Fig. 6, Tab. VI, (A and B sections). The funnel box, b, rests on a round one, c, in which there is an iron scoop-wheel with twelve small buckets, a, which, revolving, discharge the smalls through the spout, e, between the rollers. The pulley, d, is driven by one of the rollers. The crushed ore from the rollers falls on a sifting arrange- ment, separating it generally into several sizes, the largest part of which is delivered to jigging concentration. The coarse stuff which does not suit for concentration is carried back to the hopper either by an elevating wheel, or by scoop- elevators. Inside of the iron rim are the buckets receiving the smalls, and discharging when at the higher point, on a platform or spout leading into the hopper. The wheels have More common are the scoop- generally a slow motion. *Supplement to Ure's Dictionary. REDUCTION. 103 elevators, after the plan used in flour mills. The scoops are made sometimes of cast iron, but more usually of sheet iron, which is preferable on account of being lighter. These scoops, square or half round at the bottom, are fastened to an endless chain of a peculiar construction. The rollers over which this chain runs have a prismatic shape. More con- venient, in place of chains, are India-rubber or leather belts, to which the scoops are riveted. SEC. 27. Remarks. In treating the ore by rollers it is important to have it broken to a uniform size as nearly as possible, or to use corrugated rollers as breakers for the next lower set. The crushing of the smalls from jigging must be performed wet. In this case water is conveyed into the hopper. In some places, also, to avoid dusting and heating of the rollers, the ore is crushed wet. Instead of the first set of rollers, stone- breakers, with jaws, are much preferable, for the reason that more uniform stuff can be obtained from them for the further reduction, and because it often happens that the upper rollers, in case of any obstruction, give way, when coarse, unsuitable pieces, fall through. For this purpose, to catch up such coarse stuff, complicated arrangements are invented by which a trough is pushed under the rollers by the yielding roller itself. In some places stamps are employed to break large pieces of ore preparatory for the rolling mill, but of late stone- breakers, which prove to be very effective, are preferred for this purpose. At Charleston, in England, the ore charged on the rolling mill is from four to five inches square; at Wheel Friendship. of the size of a man's fist. At Alston Moor the ore is crushed by means of three pairs of rollers; the upper set is corrugated and crushes for the two next pairs on each side, 104 REDUCTION. so that one part of the ore slides on an incline to one, and the other part to the opposite pair of rollers. In Hungary, it was found by experience that the rollers work to better advantage if the ore is used in a damp con- dition, broken to small pieces of one or one and a half inches diameter, the rollers revolving sixteeen to twenty-two times per minute, and the distance between them being kept less than the required size of the ore particles. In other places, again, the ore is dried before being delivered to the rolling mill. According to Philipps Darlington, the highest speed of twenty-one rolling mills was one hundred and six feet, and the smallest twenty-eight feet per minute; the average fifty- four feet. The average of sixteen English rollers was 44.6 feet. They consider the best speed to be between forty-five and sixty feet per minute. The power required for a pair of rollers of a certain size can not be found so easily by calculation, on account of the unevenness of the ore and the uncertain position of a piece at the crushing moment, as one and the same piece generally breaks easier in one direction than in another. Besides this, there enter into the calculatien many other complex circum- stances in connection with the ore. At the Muldner Works, Saxony, a pair of rollers, twenty-four inches in diameter and eighteen wide, with eight to ten revolutions per minute, crush, in twenty hours, ore, quartz, matte, etc., which is charged in pieces of from two to three cubic inches, three hundred to four hundred pounds weight to the size of a pea and to dust, with six-horse power. At the Washington Mine, Germany, the rolling mill crushes, in ten and a half hours, of coarse spathic iron, blende and lead ores, two hundred to two hundred and fifty pounds weight with ten-horse power. At Cornwall one hundred and eight kil. of copper ore are crushed with one-horse power, per hour. from REDUCTION. 105 SEC. 28. Grinding. Grinding differs in effect from stamping in producing more fine powder by trituration. Grinding mills are the oldest. means of pulverizing ores; the Romans used them, and sub- sequently they were employed through all Europe in grind- ing ores for the purpose of concentration. With the inven- tion of stamps, by means of which a more effective crushing was obtained, and one more suitable for concentration, grind- ing mills were crowded out rapidly, and their use reduced to pulverizing silver and gold ores for amalgamation. Since the year 1860, however, after the discovery of silver mines in Nevada, etc., grinding, combined with amalgamation in iron grinding-pans, has come into very extensive use on the Pacific coast. All pulverizing machines agree in the principle of grinding, yet the methods of doing it are so different that the modes of construction became exceedingly numerous. As a means of reduction for concentration, grinders are not to be considered as proper contrivances, except in cases where the ore requires to be reduced almost entirely to slimes; but the grinding- pans are important in the dressing of ores, on account of the immense quantity of tailings turned out by them, which must be considered in connection with concentration. 1. The Arastra or Tehana is one of the primitive grinding arrangements. It is still extensively used in Mexico and South America, and to some extent in California. Because of its cheap and simple construction, the arastra is very often the pioneer of machinery in gold mines situated in re- mote mountainous places. Grinding and amalgamation is always combined if there is fine gold in the rock. Silver ores are ground to an impalpable powder or slime, called lama," and treated subsequently by amalgamation in heaps, (patio amalgamation). 8 106 REDUCTION. The arastra consists of a circular excavation, the bottom of which is paved with some kind of hard and tough rock, as granite, greenstone, porphyry or basaltic rock. In putting up an arastra, a wooden post is first driven in the centre of the circle into the ground, twelve to fifteen inches of it pro- jecting above the intended pavement, and is constructed either of stone or wooden staves. Four stones of large size are laid in the form of a cross on the bottom, all four per- fectly level. They serve as guide stones for the paving. The spaces between the large stones are filled up with smaller ones, set perpendicular to the long axis. In some places stones are selected of an oblong shape, and set verti- cally. The surface of a new bottom is very rough. For this reason it must be covered with sand or rubbish, so that the grinders can be dragged over it without obstruction. Into the post an iron box or bearing is inserted, for the reception of the pivot of an iron or wooden shaft. Through the wooden shaft two or four arms are fitted crosswise, to which four large stones are attached by strips of rawhides, ropes or chaius. For this purpose two holes are drilled into each grinding stone, and plugged up with wooden plugs, to which the chain is fastened. The grinders must run for six or twelve hours with sand, in order to fill up all spaces and wear off the roughest projections before the ore is charged. The diameter of an arastra is from six to sixteen feet, requiring proportionately four to eight grinding stones. The shaft, if driven by water or steam, revolves from eight to ten times per minute. One arastra can grind from one to two tons in twenty-four hours; but not more than six to eight hundred pounds in the same time if worked by horse or mule power. The weight of the grinding stones is from six to seven hundred pounds. In treating gold ores, the quicksilver finds its way down under the pavement, and the amalgam gets into the crev- ices, so that, in cleaning up, a portion of the quicksilver and amalgam always remains between and below the rocks, unless the whole of the stone bottom is taken out. To avoid the REDUCTION. 107 troublesome refitting, iron pans are sometimes used, lined with regularly cut stones, which, if taken out for the purpose of cleaning, can be easily replaced in the same position. Arastras are always built so that the lama or ground stuff can be discharged by opening a gate, which is closed by sev- eral horizontal plugs of a square section; and, in case gold ores are ground, a continual stream of water carries out the tailings over the plugs, which are removed by degrees. Ore ground without amalgamation is discharged at once by open- ing the slide-gate. In charging arastras in California, the ore is frequently broken to pieces of the size of a hen's egg; in Mexico, generally smaller. It is more advantageous for the grinding to charge at first only a hundred and fifty pounds of ore with sufficient water, and to add another charge after two or three hours' run. 2. The Edge, or Chili Mill.-These mills are used not only for ores, but also in manufactories for grinding different arti- cles; also for cement, slag and rock grinding. The construc- tion varies, but is founded on the same principle. The runner or grinder is generally a roller of a larger diameter than its face, sometimes of a conical shape, corresponding with the circle it has to describe. The runner, with a hori- zontal shaft, rolls in a vertical position on the outer circum- ference of a flat or slightly conical basin, crushing more than grinding. The runners are sometimes made of stone, some- times of cast-iron. The basin is either paved with stone or iron plates, or, if of a small size, the iron runners roll in iron pans. Some mills are so constructed that one roller, usually the heavier, is nearer to the upright shaft than the other. In other cases, the horizontal axis of the runners is fixed, and the pan revolves. The usual speed is from six to ten revolu tions; the diameter of the runners from three to six feet. The ore must be broken small, and charged in small portions. The capacity of Chili mills is limited, both as to quantity of grinding and amalgamation. Several mills in California had formerly six to ten iron Chili mills, receiving the crushed ore 108 REDUCTION. from the batteries. Each mill was charged with twenty to fifty pounds of quicksilver, but the amalgamation was not satisfactory. To this class of mills belong also Hall's Dry Pulverizer and the "Little Giant." Hall's Pulverizer is a combination of the Chili mill wheels and the arastra grinder in a cast-iron pan. The pulverizing surfaces of wheels and arastra are somewhat convex, run- ning in a concave annular trough. The pan is air-tight, covered with sheet-iron. and is connected with a blower. The air passes through a table, and enters a pipe, which surrounds the lower part of the pan. From the pipe there are forty five-eighth inch holes leading into the pan, directly under the crushing wheels, which deliver the air in jets, stirring up the ore constantly, and keeping the coarse sepa- rated from the fine powder, which is carried out through a spout. The receiver must be in the shape of a dust chamber. The "Little Giant," also a dry pulverizer, is constructed on the principle of a Chili mill, with stationary wheel axles and revolving bottom, which communicates the motion to the wheels, of which there are four in number. Next to the Chilian mills are the 3. Ball Mills.-In place of the runners or wheels described there are sometimes iron balls, two in number, from ten to fifteen inches diameter, rolling in an annular concave basin, each ball driven by two pins from the horizontal arms of the upright revolving shaft. These mills have been also used for grinding and amalgamating purposes in California, but with no better results than the Chili mills. A different arrangement from this are the ball grinders, in shape of cylinders revolving on horizontal shafts. They are made of wood or sheet-iron, and contain from six to eight balls from six to eight pounds in weight. By means of the balls the stuff is powdered during the revolution, and, when sufficiently fine, discharged through a hole, closed by grates, which pre- vent the balls from falling out. These grinders are used for REDUCTION. 109 pulverizing gypsum. A successful application of this mode of grinding is Lundgren's Pulverizer, which differs from the preceding, principally in the size and number of the balls employed. The drum is made of boiler-iron. The shaft, to which the drum is fastened by flanges, is three and a half inches in diameter. On the circumference of the cylinder, which is five feet long and five feet in diameter, there is an aperture, provided with a coarse sieve, for the discharge. The bullets are cast of white iron, and are five-eighths of an inch in diameter. The drum is charged first with two thousand four hundred pounds of these bullets, and then with eight hun- dred pounds of ore, which has been previously reduced to a coarse powder, such as can pass through a sieve of about twenty-four meshes to the running inch. After two or three hours' motion, (twenty-four to twenty-six revolutions per minute) the ore is perfectly pulverized, suitable for amalga- mation. The proper speed is essential; too slow or too fast causes imperfect or too slow grinding. One of these machines is in operation in Bear Valley, Mariposa county, California. The ore is first reduced by a stone-breaker (Blake's, $16, B) to the size of a walnut. From this it drops between two Cornish rollers, and then on a sifting apparatus. What falls through a screen of twenty-four holes to an inch is passed to the ball cylinder. In case the boiler iron should wear too fast, the machine could be furnished with shoes. This pulverizer seems to be most suitable for grinding roasted ores for the barrel amalgamation. The pulverization of roasted ore, before it is subjected to amalgamation in barrels, is indispensable for a good result, and this has been the greatest objection to the barrel process; so that in many instances on this account pan amalgamation has been pre- ferred to barrels, which, in other respects, are more advanta- geous. An iron pan grinds and amalgamates at the same time. This cannot be done in a wooden barrel; and the experiment of amalgamating in iron barrels with iron balls · 110 REDUCTION. did not answer. On the other hand, the use of horizontal mill-stones is expensive, slow, and, in most districts, difficult to apply. In these, as in common with iron grinders of a similar construction, the troublesome sifting cannot be avoided, while the pulverizer just described, grinds a con- siderable quantity in a comparatively short time without the least dusting, except at the discharge; and as the charge and discharge is not continual, the fineness of the grinding can be regulated as may be required for amalgamation with- out sifting. There are many differently constructed ball grinders and amalgamators. As grinders, they are not very effective, and as amalgamators, entirely inadequate. 4. Cylinder Mills.-There is a variety of this class of grinding mills, the principle of which lies in the friction or grinding of the cylindrical mantle against a stationary con- cave surface. The motion of the cylinders is either revolving or oscillating. The outlines of Fig. 19, Tab. II, represent two rollers, a, a, grinding against the surface, b, which is adjustable by screws from below, so that it can be brought close to the rollers. Another construction is that of Collyer, for grinding and amalgamating. A large drum is filled with rock, weighing about ten tons, and has a revolving motion, while a smaller drum, connected with the first by an iron rod, oscillates. The ore, in small pieces, is charged in a trough under the revolving drum, passes on the other side, through a vertical sieve, into another smaller trough of the oscillating drum, and is discharged, through a sieve, into an amalgamator. Farrand's Oscillating Amalgamator belongs also to this class of grinders. There is a semi-cylindrical trough-shaped iron box, furnished on the interior with dies. The muller is convex, provided with shoes, and attached to a substantial oscillating shaft, moved by a crank. Another construction of a cylinder grinder is Hopkin's REDUCTION. 111 Cylinder Amalgamator—a cylindrical pan, provided on its inner surface with dies, extending the whole length of the cylinder. The pan has a flange, to which a cover is secured by bolts. Within the pan, secured to the horizontal shaft, is a muller, with grinding shoes. The muller may be described as a part of a cylinder, cut off obliquely, and secured to the shaft, from which the face of the muller is at all points equally distant and parallel. The shoes are curved, to cor- respond with the dies, and when secured to the muller extend over the whole interior length of the cylinder. The horizontal shaft carrying the muller is supported in self- adjustable metallic boxes, having a sufficient amount of vertical play, and so constructed that they thoroughly pro- tect the journals from sand. The pressure of the muller is regulated by rod set-screws at one end, placed below and supporting the boxes to the extent necessary. The rods of the set-screws are acted upon at the same time, through bevel gears, by a shaft. The grinding surface of a thirty-six-inch muller is seven- teen square feet, and it is said to be capable of working one thousand eight hundred pounds of ore at one charge. The shoes and dies are easily replaced when worn out. 5. Horizontal Mills.-The oldest mills of this kind for grinding ores which are still in use, are the horizontal stone mills. Where dry crushing is essential-for instance, with roasted ores, matte, black copper, etc.-these grindstones. answer perfectly in regard to quality of the ground stuff; but in some localities they are expensive, require dressing about twice a week, and the runner wears out in a few months. Still they are considered as among the best dry grinders. The mill consists of two circular flat stones, one of which is the stationary bed-stone, the other the revolving runner. The runner has a feed-hole in the centre, and is generally thicker than the bed-stone. The surface of the runner is in contact with the bed-stone from the periphery to within one inch of its diameter. The surface of the run- 112 REDUCTION. ner then runs towards the centre, in order to receive the stuff freely. The following particulars wiil convey practical information relative to a horizontal stone mill: Diameter of stones.. Thickness of bed-stone. 4 feet 2 inches. • · 12 inches. Thickness of runner.. Number of revolutions per minute. Gauge of stuff in the hopper. Gauge of stuff on delivery. • • • Quantity of stuff ground per 10 hours. Power employed... Character of runner. Character of bed-stone. • · Duration of the runner. Duration of the bed-stone. every third day.* • • • • • D · • 14 inches. 108. 100 holes to the square inch. .3,600 holes to the square inch. 1 ton per pair of stones. . about 5-horse. .. coarse conglomerate. · compact stone, moderately hard. 18 weeks (average). .22 weeks (average), when dressed The surface of the bed-stone is sometimes now, and was in early times, concave; that of the runner, convex. There are many different iron dry grinders constructed on the prin- ciple of horizontal mills, which grind very effectively; but when the shoes of the runner become smooth, they must be renewed, as well as the dies; while the stone is dressed up and used again, until unfit by its reduced weight for further use. The best iron grinders for dry grinding seem to be those with cast-iron dies, the radial grooves of which are tightly fitted with wrought-iron or hard wood. Bogardus first constructed a mill, in which the runner was placed upon the bed-stone in an eccentric position. The bed-stone, or disc, provided with a die of white-iron, the grinding surface of which has spiral ribs, is connected with the driving shaft, representing thus the runner. The upper disc has shoes with spiral ribs, the curve of which is reverse to those of the lower. The upper rests on the bed-plate, with a certain distance between the centres. Its bottom throat, representing the feed-hole, is suspended in a collar fixed to the cover. The motion of the bed-plate imparts motion to the upper one by friction. The mill, although highly satisfactory for different grinding purposes, did not give a good result in pulverizing ores. *Supplement to Ure's Dictionary. REDUCTION. 113 SEC. 29. Iron Pan Grinders. These grinders are also amalgamators; consequently wet grinders. Almost all of them work upon a charge of ore a certain length of time, and not with constant feeding. Orig inally, they followed the principle of the arastra and hori- zontal mill; but, in course of time, besides the horizontal grinding surfaces, also conical ones, etc., were adopted, and thus the pan grinders gradually became divided into four different classes-First, pans with plane, circular; second, with conical; third, with tractory conoidal; and fourth, with vertical mullers. It seems evident that in a pan with a circular plane bot- tom the grinding must increase from the centre towards the periphery, as each point of the muller on a radial line describes a larger grinding circle in proportion as it is fur- ther from the centre; consequently each point must pulverize a greater amount of the ore than points nearer to the centre, and wear in proportion. If, on this account, the muller wears sooner on the periphery, a partial suspension of work seems to ensue, so to say, the points near the circumference waiting until the wear towards the centre overtakes that on the periphery. It seems, then, conclusive, that if muller and dies could be constructed of a material continually increasing in hardness towards the periphery, the grinding and wear would be rendered uniform. This calculation on grinding is derived directly from that treating the friction of plates and pivots. It would answer also for grinding, provided all points between the grinding surfaces had an equal layer of the stuff to be ground-that is, in proportion-so that, for instance, a grinding area of one hundred square inches near the centre had to grind ten times less than a thousand square inches towards the periphery. This, however, is not the case. It is certain that a definite 114 REDUCTION. quantity of ore entering continually under the muller through the annular opening near the centre of say 3.14 feet circum- ference, will be discharged from a grinding surface of 18.84 feet circumference (at six feet diameter). It is evident that the quantity of quartz which enters the central opening must decrease in proportion as it moves towards the periphery—that is, in reference to the increasing grinding surface of the muller. Besides this dilution or spreading, the quartz is being ground on its way towards the periphery, which receives not only six times less quartz than the central opening, (in reference to the six times larger circle) but also already ground to some extent. It is there- fore plain that the wear of the muller has a tendency, from this cause, to decrease towards the periphery. Again it is certainly necessary to consider also the radial slots between the shoes of the muller, by which the grinding surface far- ther from the center is supplied with fresh stuff. But this is modified, as the sectional size of the slots decreases by the wear of the shoes, and their being also choked up by amal- gam and other matter. SEC. 30. Pans with Plane Circular Mullers. These grinding pans, of which there are many in success- ful operation, are constructed after the arastra plan. The improved ones correspond with the horizontal stone mills. A. The Common Pan is a flat-bottomed circular pan, of from four to seven feet diameter. In order to save the pan bottom from wear, there is a false bottom, generally in one piece, the center of which has a hole corresponding with the cone of the pan. The bottom disc, two inches thick, is fast- ened only by wooden wedges around the periphery and around the cone. If also amalgamation is intended, the REDUCTION. 115 wedging must be performed very tightly, so that no quick- silver may penetrate underneath the plate. Two parts of iron filings with one part of clay and strong vinegar is a good cement for this purpose. Through the cone projects the driving shaft, to which the yoke is fastened. This yoke has two arms, which fit into two holes of a wooden or iron cross, to which the shoes are attached by bolts. The space between the shoe and cross is filled with wooden blocks of the shape of the shoe. These mullers revolve from ten to twelve times per minute. The pan is charged when the muller is in motion, first with water and then with from one hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds of ore. The grinding capacity of these pans is insignificant. For this reason the ore must be pul- verized beforehand to the size of one-sixteenth of an inch at least. B. The Tub Grinder and Amalgamator does not differ from the common pan materially. The construction is the same. There is an iron bottom, with wooden stave sides of twelve to fifteen inches height. C. The Bartolo Pan is a common iron pan, of smaller size, with two shoes. All pans of a like construction are now very little in use, excepting to grind rich residues and to unite and clean the amalgam received from settlers and pans. D. The Knox Pan, for grinding and amalgamating, is like the common pan, with a flat bottom; but, in place of the arastra grinders, there is a grinding-plate, in the shape of a curved cross, forming four arms. This pan is preferred by many millmen, who consider the slow amalgamation of gold more profitable. In treating gold or silver ores, there is a wooden stationary frame above the muller, coated with amal- gamated copper-plates. The outlet is in the cone. The pulp is discharged where there is the least motion, in order to prevent the escape of fine gold or granulated mercury. 116 REDUCTION. There is also a patent steam chamber below the bottom of the pan. The treatment of Knox's pan is like that of a com- mon pan. The ore is charged when the muller is in motion after water has been introduced, and the steam-cock opened to let sufficient steam in the chamber to heat the pulp. After four or six hours, according to the nature of the ore, the pan is filled with water, and allowed to run for fifteen or thirty minutes, and then discharged. E. Varney's Pun.-This pan is one of the best grinders and amalgamators, and very extensively in use. The pan is constructed after the principle of the "horizontal stone mills." The bottom is formed by four dies of white cast- iron. Each die has a countersink, for the reception of a bolt, by which it is fastened to the bottom of the pan. The die has two radial grooves, and does not join the next die, so that other grooves are formed between the dies. According to Varney, the grinding capacity of the pan is greatly increased by filling these grooves tightly with hard wood. The annular space between dies and cone is filled with cement or wood. There are twelve shoes, riveted or bolted to the muller. The muller is separate from the hub, which forms a cone, covering the pan cone. It has two projections at the base, by which the motion is imparted to the muller. The hub is fastened to the vertical shaft by a set-screw and key. The gear, in which the shaft can slide up and down, rests on a two-legged chair or support, which is bolted to a cross, and this again to the four legs of the pan. In putting up this pan, the cross must be bolted first firmly to the legs; the lever and step-box put in its place; the chair bolted to the cross, and the gear-wheel placed on it. The top of the legs should be leveled, and the pan, with its corresponding projections, set on them. The shaft is then put in its place, and the pan or step-box moved until it is perpendicular. For this purpose the step-box has sufficient play in the box of the cross. Some fine cement or soft clay must be equally spread over the bottom of the pan, and the REDUCTION. 117 dies put in, with the bolts through them. Between the peri- phery of the dies and the pan four wedges are driven, each wedge pressing against the corners of two dies, and so driven as to make the space between the edge of the dies and the pan equal all round. First a rubber, then an iron washer is placed on the bolts under the pan; then the nuts screwed on, and the dies drawn as close to the bottom of the pan as possible, taking care to keep them perfectly level on their upper surface. The radial slots in and between the dies are filled with hard wood, driven endways; also the space around the cone as thick as the dies. The wedges can be removed now. A tram is put on the vertical shaft, and the lower box moved until it is perpendicular with the dies; then the box bolted to the cross. The driving shaft must be leveled, put in line, and the driving gear put on, etc. After this, the hub is placed on the vertical shaft, and then the muller in its place. The hub must be raised now, and fastened with the set- screws to the shaft. As the dies wear down, the hub can be occasionally lowered on the shaft, so as to keep the top of the box about level with the cross. The guide-plates are put in the pan, bolted fast to a ring, and the pan covered. A hand- wheel is put on the rod, and the guide-plates raised, so as to clear the muller. By aid of a lever, the muller can be perfectly regulated, so as to grind not at all, or only partially, or with its full force. Always before the start (of the whole set) the mullers must be raised. When in motion at the rate of between eighty and one hundred revolutions per minute, and after sufficient water has been introduced, the ore can be charged with the shovel. From six to eight hundred pounds constitute a charge. Coarse stuff, as obtained from sifting, with screens of about four meshes to the inch, or coarser, is ground better if the muller is lowered by degrees. The rapid motion throws the ore towards the side of the pan. In order to change the current, there are the curved plates, which guide the stuff back to the centre and under the muller. A charge 118 REDUCTION. of coarse ore is ground perfectly fine in about four hours. Finer stuff, as usually charged for amalgamation, turns into a fine pulp in less than two hours. The pulp must be kept diluted so much that a swift motion of it around and behind the guide-plates can be observed. For the purpose of heating the pulp, there is no steam chamber in Varney's pan. The steam (for amalgamation) is introduced through a steam pipe above the muller directly into the ore. There is really no reason for a steam chamber which consumes more steam. Varney's pan is generally charged with eight hundred pounds of crushed ore, and revolves eighty times per minute. It requires from three to five horse-power. With new shoes on the muller, and grinding with the full weight, it takes a good deal of power on coarser sand, especially in the begin- ning; but the effect is in proportion. Eight hundred pounds. of sand, through No. 4 sieves, are ground exceedingly fine in two or three hours. Shoes and dies wear out in from forty to sixty days' run of twenty-four hours. Constant good working of these and similar pans depends on keeping them constantly in perfect order. The part most frequently neglected is the oiling of the box of the pan cone and the part of the chair upon which the gear runs. This happens in consequence of not keeping clean the top of the hub, from which the oil passes through an oil hole into the box and down on the chair. The Babbett metal soon wears on one side, the shaft plays loose, comes out of the perpen- dicular line, and the muller runs unevenly, causing very bad wear of shoes and dies. There are mills in Mexico, and also in California, where Varney's, Hepburn's, and other pans, after one or two years' use, can be seen in a horrible condi- tion. The advice cannot be repeated too often to repair any part of the machinery which gets out of order without delay, no matter whether it could run a day or two longer or not. One evil creates generally several others. F. : Wheeler's Pan.-Figs. 1 and 2, Tab. III, shows one of REDUCTION. 119 Wheeler's improved pans. Fig. 1, is a cross section on the line, z, of the ground view, Fig. 2, of which one part exposes the dies. The other part shows the muller with shoes, the latter indicated by dotted lines. There are many valuable improvements made on the old Wheeler pan. A particular description is not required; the general arrangement is easily understood. Most of the new pans have a cross-piece, m, on which the box, "", for the horizontal shaft, r, the step- box, p, and the lever, q, are fixed, varying only in shape and arrangement. The lever, if screwed up by the hand-wheel, lifts, by means of the pin, v, the box, and with it the perpen- dicular shaft and muller. The upright shaft, h, is provided with a screw, u, on which the muller is screwed up so high above the rim of the pan that cleaning or changing of dies can be performed conveniently. The hoisting apparatus is avoided by this arrangement. The guide-plate, i, or, as it is improperly called, "scraper," of which there are four in a pan, is short. It gives to the moving pulp sufficient direc- tion towards the centre. They are readily removed from the t-shaped projection of the pan. o, is a pipe conveying oil to the box on which the hub of the gear, k, runs. shows the steam chamber for heating the pulp. The muller, f, is provided with two openings, b, b, for the reception of the dove-tailed projections of each shoe, as represented in Fig. 3, Tab. III. This is a very simple mode of fastening the shoe, e, to the muller, f. c, is a vertical section of e, on the line, a. The shoe is placed under the muller, so that the projections, b, b, fall into the corresponding openings of the muller. The space, k, is then filled by a wooden wedge, and the shoe stands firm. The dies, a, Fig. 2, of which there are four to each pan, have a similar dove-tailed knob, which is wedged into a corresponding recess in the bottom of the pan. 2, In order to impart a rising current to the stuff on the peri- phery of the bottom, there are inclined ledges, 7, on the sides of the pan. Smaller ledges, l', are on the periphery of the muller, for the same purpose, but inversely inclined. The space, a', between the dies, can be wedged with hard wood, after Varney's plan. 120 REDUCTION. The grinding operation, as well as the amalgamation, does not differ from other pans. One charge consists of from six to eight hundred pounds. G. Union Grinder and Amalgamator.-This pan is a very efficient grinder, of a peculiar construction. It has double grinding surfaces—that is, two sets of shoes, revolving in opposite directions, by which arrangement they have a grinding surface between themselves, while the lower set also acts upon the dies affixed as usual in the bottom of the pan. The shoes are attached to the arm by a ball and socket, or rolling joint, by means of which the shoe is made to bear equally at all times upon its work, and conform itself to the equal labor between the centre and outer portions of the pan bottom. The double action of the mullers produces an agitation of the pulp, which takes the form of a series of eddies, at inter- vals around the shaft and about half way to the circumfer- ence of the pan. This peculiar agitation causes a rapid movement of the pulp from the bottom to the surface, and vice versa, passing and repassing it constantly between the grinding surfaces, and producing a frictional current over the mercury at the periphery of the pan. H. Moore's Quartz Grinder and Amalgamator.—This is a very simply-constructed machine, used in several mills of California with great satisfaction. It is a flat-bottom pan, furnished, as usual, with dies and a heavy muller, with shoes, the pan being six feet in diameter. Around the cone there are conical crushing-plates, against which the corres- ponding vertical shoes of the neck or collar of the muller grind. The collar widens at the top, funnel-like, for the reception of the crushed ore, which continually flows in from a five-stamp battery. The ore is thus partially ground in its vertical descent before it enters the horizontal grinding sur- face. It is claimed that five stamps, five hundred pounds each, REDUCTION. 121 and two grinders, will reduce twenty tons of gold rock per twenty-four hours, with a twelve-horse power engine, to a very fine powder, suitable for any kind of amalgamation. Gaston's Grinder and Amalgamator.-The muller of this pan consists of a screw, with four broad flanges, or threads, similar to a propeller screw, which flanges overlap each other a short distance, to permit and compel a free passage of the pulp between them. The screw is about three feet in diam- eter, and revolves horizontally within a low, vertical cylin- der, and the shoes for grinding are attached to the base of flanges or threads. Through the base of the cylinder are oblong holes or spaces, corresponding in size and number to the spaces between the threads of the screw. These permit the pulp to pass out from or into the cylinder. The revolu- tion of the screw in either direction causes the pulp to flow to the centre of the pan, and forces it between the shoes and the dies, thus adding the force of the screw to that of grav- ity when rotated in one direction, and forcing to its aid an atmospheric pressure when revolving in the opposite direc- tion. SEC. 31. Pans with Conical Mullers. A. Hepburn & Peterson's Pan.—This pan has a conical bottom, with the greater base upwards. The bottom inclines towards the center at about twenty-eight degrees from the horizontal line. There are four dies on the bottom, placed so that the legs on them fit into corresponding recesses of the bottom, wedged by a piece of wood. There is no space left between the dies. The grinding surface appears compact. The dies are easily removed and replaced when worn by use. There is a cone, or tube, in the centre of the pan, through which the shaft passes. The tube does not require to be higher than the rim, as the pulp assumes a conical shape, 9 122 REDUCTION. being quite low at the centre, when the muller is in motion, with a speed of from sixty to seventy revolutions per minute. One charge takes one thousand pounds of ore. The muller corresponds with the conical shape of the pan bottom. It has an upright hollow tube, diverging into four standers, where it is attached to the muller. The hub has at the base three projections, which are placed in the corres- ponding openings of the tube and turned to the right. The knobs of the hub stand under leveling screws. A hand- wheel serves for raising the muller, which can also be per- formed during the motion by arresting another wheel. The shoes are attached to the underside of the muller by bolts. The edges of the shoes are beveled, so that an oblique groove is formed between each two. When the shoes are worn, the groove gets so small that the passage of the pulp is consid- erably hindered. For this reason the muller contains also radial grooves between the shoes, which allow the ore to pass, even when the shoes wear to one-fourth of an inch. The pulp stands on the periphery higher than at the cen. tre, and the conical shape of the bottom causes it to move constantly from the sides down to the center in a spiral way, so that no guide-plates are required. In many mills, however, three or four small scrapers are attached to the side of the pan. This peculiar motion admits the pulp being kept quite thick, almost as the ore should be kept in bar- rels-a valuable property for amalgamation of roasted silver ores. B. Belden's Pan.-The shape of the bottom in this pan is also conical, but unlike Hepburn's, with the greater base down and less inclined. The grinding and amalgamating capacity is like that of other first-class pans. The construc- tion is similar in other respects to other grinding pans. C. Baux & Guiod's Grinder and Amalgamator, having a slightly conical grinding surface, with the greater base down, belongs also to this class of grinders. The muller REDUCTION. 123 consists of four flat curved arms, to which the shoes are attached. The dies ascend towards the centre, where the refuse or ground stuff is carried out, the pan being closely covered. The principle is similar to that of Varney's old " continual." The feeding with Baux's amalgamator is continual. The stuff (from a battery) is conveyed into a spout, which com- municates with the inside of the pan on a periphery. The pressure in the spout forces the pulp to rise and to come out at the centre around the hub. Baux & Guiod's pans are adopted in many mills, and give, with free gold, satisfactory results, which, however, depend on the mode of working. The pressure in the spout must be small, so that the feeding shall be slow. One ton in twenty-four hours will give a much better result than two; but three tons is altogether too much. In regard to silver ores, generally speaking, no " contin- ual" will answer, for the simple fact that the silver mineral must be decomposed before it can be amalgamated, requiring for this process time, which is not afforded with constant feeding. It is stated that Baux's pan, treating roasted silver ore, gave a better result than the barrel, operating on another portion of the same ore. This gives credit to the pan, but certainly a good deal more blame to the operator with the barrel, who did not understand the process he had under- taken to carry out. SEC. 32. Pans with Tractory Conoidal Mullers. A. Excelsior Pan.-This grinding and amalgamating pan, constructed by Wheeler & Randall, differs materially from others, in having a conoid in the centre, whose greater base reaches the periphery of the bottom; that is to say, the pan-side at the bottom, changes, directly ascending with 124 REDUCTION. the conoid. The larger base is, therefore, nearly equal in size to the diameter of the pan bottom. The shape of muller shoes and dies corresponds with the conoid. Shoes and dies are fastened simply by wooden wedges, as described in Wheeler's pan. The guide-plates have an inclined posi- tion in the direction of the moving pulp, by which less obstruction is offered to the stuff in motion. The perpen- dicular and horizontal shafts, the gear, step-box, lever, etc., are similarly constructed as in Wheeler's pan. The muller has openings between the shoes, so that the pulp has per- fectly free access under the full face of the shoe. This construction contributes greatly to the efficient grinding of the pan. The Excelsior pans are made at the Union Foundry, San Francisco, in different sizes. The largest pan measures four feet diameter on the base of the muller, capable of reducing one ton and a half of ore at a time. These pans are excellent grinders. As to the size, the opinions of millmen do not agree. It cannot be denied that using one large pan in place of four smaller ones, giving four times as much time for amalgamation and grinding of the same quantity of ore, the wastage of ore, quicksilver, time, labor, etc., will be greater with the small charges. The reduction of silver ores-that is, the decomposition of sulphurets or chlorides-requires a certain time, independent of the quantity; and in this respect, eight hours' amalgamation in a large pan, with a heavy charge, will be, proportionately, more effective than smaller lots in shorter time. Besides this, there is less room required for a large pan, less machinery, and less attendance. The attention of the person in charge is more concentrated, etc. On the other hand, there is the objection that the advantage of large pans is limited, as the time of grinding is not in proportion with the quantity of ore used, and that a certain part of the stuff, the amalgamation and grinding of which is finished, will be ground over and over again, use- lessly, a great deal more in a large pan than in a smaller one, and, consequently, that more loss in quicksilver will ensue. REDUCTION. 125 This last objection, however, seems not to be well founded, inasmuch as the mercury in four smaller pans is exposed to grinding under a much larger grinding surface, although for a shorter time. B. Wheeler & Randall's Pan.—This pan differs from the Excelsior in having the greater base of the conoidal muller turned upwards. By this arrangement the grinding surface is further off from the centre, requiring, on this account, more power. There is a steam chamber with the pan. These pans are in favor in mills where they are employed. C. Excelsior Continuous Grinder.-The object of this grinder is, like Baux & Guiod's, to grind or regrind such stuff as may yield some metal by being further pulzerized under continuous discharge. The inner construction does not differ much from the Excelsior pan. Between the flanges of the pan and cover, a rubber or other packing is applied to make the joint water-tight. The upper part of the cover is open. The pan is fed by a spout, with some little pressure, and the discharge goes over the cover. This continuous grinder is an effective grinder and amalgamater, especially for material containing gold, but more particularly for amal- gamation as an auxiliary machine, receiving the tailings in a constant uniform stream. A grinding pan, which is at the same time an amalgamator, will give always a better result, if the charge can be worked as long as the character of the ore may require. A continual discharge is independent of the work which ought to be done. The time of amalgamation and grinding depends on the continual feeding, speed of the runner, and quantity of water used. For this reason continual feeding ought not to be used with silver ores. Both roasted and unroasted silver ores require time for the decomposition of the silver com- binations. But even for the collection of gold or amalgam particles, the continually discharging pans will give a satis- factory result only by feeding with a sufficiently diluted small stream, and with a moderate speed of the muller. 126 REDUCTION. SEC. 33. Pans with Perpendicular Mullers. The Centrifugal Ore Grinder. This grinder and amal- gamator (Hinkle & Capp's) is of a singular construction. The grinding is effected by perpendicular mullers, pressed laterally by centrifugal force against perpendicular dies fitted to the inner sides of the pan. It is to be run at a speed of from sixty to eighty revolutions per minute, according to the hardness of the rock to be crushed. The pressure upon every part of the grinding surface is direct, increasing towards the heel of the muller, so that the pulp enters readily between the mullers and side dies. The wear is represented to be only on the grinding surfaces, and the work performed without jarring, jerking, straining, or clogging, and with regularity and evenness. A piece of iron or rock, which might be accidentally introduced with the ore, will not cause a breakage or interfere with the grinding, if between muller and die, as the former can readily pass over the obstruction. The pan is easily cleaned up, as each muller can be lifted out separately by hand, and there is no necessity for lifting the revolving cone or driver, which is easily turned, there being no friction when not in use or rapid revolution. The side dies are also readily removed when worn out. ore. This pan takes charges of about eight hundred pounds of The cone at the bottom branches into six arms, on which the hangers are hinged loosely, playing freely on pins near the ends of the driving arms, and also supported by having each a projecting lip, which rests on a bearing surface on the arm which follows it. These hangers carry the muller plates or shoes, kept parallel to the dies on the side of the pan. Round the cone is a circular funnel-like feeder con- veying the ore towards the bottom. REDUCTION. 127 The mullers weigh forty pounds each, and the armed pan, including six extra mullers, three thousand pounds. This pan is also arranged for a continuous grinding, being, then, three hundred pounds lighter. In conclusion, is to be mentioned yet the recent inven- tion of Varney's Quartz Grinder.*-This grinder, as far as its effici- ciency for production of the finest flour is demonstrated by actual work, is one of the most important contrivances for gold and silver metallurgy. The extensive patio operations of Mexico and South America, the chlorination of gold and silver ores, the silver precipitating processes and barrel amalgamation, depend in the results very much on a fine pul- verization. The machine grinds from four to five tons of ore in twenty- four hours. The quartz must be broken small by a rock- breaker or other means before being introduced into the grinder, which is permanently fed by a hopper. The machine consists of two conical grinders, with their bases downwards. The upper one is stationary, and the lower one revolves, and is adjustable vertically. The grinding surfaces do not come together, except at the periphery, from which point they gradually separate, until at the top they are far enough apart to receive the material to be ground, which may be such as would pass through holes from one-fourth to three-fourths of an inch diameter. The shoes and dies are not ribbed or corrugated, but smooth. The grinding effect, thorefore, will likely be the same as long as the dies last. Between the dies are slots transverse to the line of motion, filled with wood. The wood being softer than the iron, keeps worn slightly below the surface of the iron, leaving a shallow groove along the face of the wood, down which the ore passes, until it is *The drawing of the grinder could not be taken up in this book, as all the tables were printed before the effectiveness of the machine was proven. 128 REDUCTION. • caught by the opposite surface and further reduced. A peculiarity of this groove is, that as it is formed by the natu- ral action of the rock, which is coarse above and fine below, the groove is comparatively deep at the upper end, and gradually diminishes in depth as it descends, until, at the periphery, it totally disappears, leaving the grinding faces smooth and even, thus effectually preventing the escape of the ore until it is reduced to the finest powder. III. CONCENTRATION. SEC. 34. Division. Concentration by means of water, depending principally on the difference of specific gravity, will be treated here in two parts. The first will consider the concentration of coarse stuff from the size of a walnut to one-thirty-second part of an inch diameter-" concentration by relative resist- ance to a free fall in standing or moving water." The second part treats of the concentration of fine stuff from one-six- teenth of an inch to the finest slime-" concentration by resist- ance on an inclined plane." There is great difference in the arrangements and methods of these two divisions, both of which, however, are often found operating in one and the same establishment. Jigging separates the coarse ore parti- cles from similarly coarse gangue, which latter, still involving ore in a finer condition, must either be further reduced for a second jigging, or directly transferred to fine crushing after the first jigging, and concentrated on percussion or other tables. Although it is quite evident that this method is the most rational, that is, to save the coarser ore particles by jigging before the whole mass of ore is crushed fine, whereby a greater loss must ensue, still it cannot be denied that circumstances, as they are in California, Nevada, etc., do not permit adopting the combined method of jigging and concentration of fine stuff from the same ore advantageously. But there are cases where 130 CONCENTRATION. I jigging or the rotating cylinder, (§ 40) may be introduced very profitably without fine crushing. This refers especially to lead and copper ores. A coarse reduction by rock-breakers, and application of proper machines for concentration of coarse material, admits of putting through great masses of ore with a comparatively small investment. The loss involved in not crushing the residue of this operation fine must be submitted to, otherwise in many cases no profit could be realized. SEC. 35. Concentration of Ore Grains, (Jigging Stuff). The principle on which the concentration of coarse stuff or grains is based, the principle of the free influence of specific gravity in a column of water, whereby separation of the ore par- ticles takes place while falling, is the true principle in concen- tration. The jiggers, dolly tub, the Setz-rad, (rotating wheel) and the rotating cylinder, apply the above principle. With the jiggers the application is defective, inasmuch as the free fall of grains is too short, but a successive lifting of thirty to forty times, or more, allows the denser ore to separate from the gangue very perfectly, equalizing irregularities of continuous feeding as well as the unfavorable influence of the varied shape of particles, which will occur in the best separation. In this respect it seems that well-constructed self-discharging jiggers gain over the rotating cylinder where the grains are exposed to only one free fall; but on the other hand, the time of the fall depends on the height of the cylinder, its di- ameter and speed, by which the falling time can be prolonged. The falling speed of grains is very important. Rittinger found that : a. A round globule of galena, one-eighth of an inch in diam- eter, and a quartz globule of four-eighths of an inch diameter, will both reach the bottom of a column of water at the same CONCENTRATION. 131 time. The volume of the quartz globule is sixty-four times that of the galena, and the absolute weight twenty-two times as great as that of the galena globule, which arrives at the bot- tom at the same time. b. Crushed ore particles differ in shape, representing three main classes of the following proportion: 1. Roundish grains about. 2. Oblong ( 3. Flat-shaped (( (( { * ..50 per cent. .25 25 The falling speed in water of the round grain is=112; of the oblong=97; and of the flat-shaped particles-79. The proportion of these three classes varies according to the internal structure of the mineral. Galena, breaking into cubes, will produce nearly sixty per cent. Quartz, breaking irregularly, only forty per cent. of roundish grains. Calc- spar agrees pretty nearly with the above proportions. SEC. 36. Jigging. The smalls obtained from breaking rock in the mine, from cobbing and spalling operations, from rolling and coarse stamp- ing, after being sized by proper sizing apparatus, are intro- duced on a sieve and subjected to an upward thrust of water, by which the whole mass is lifted up. When this action of the water ceases, the grains fall down under influ- ence of specific gravity. The heavier particles will reach the bottom first, then the lighter stuff. But the free fall, being so short, is greatly obstructed by the mass of the grains them- selves; and it is, therefore, necessary to continue the jolt or upward thrust of water in quick succession. The denser part will finally be found on the bottom of the seive, so that by removing the upper layer of gangue the separation is effected. To the jigging operation, all such stuff is subjected as is too small to be picked, too poor to be directly smelted or amal- 132 CONCENTRATION. gamated, and too rich to be reduced by crushing for concen- tration on tables, where a considerable loss cannot be avoided, while by means of jigging the richest or heaviest part is sep- arated and saved from being pulverized to a floating condition, which would involve a loss on the best concentrating contriv ance. The conditions upon which the full benefit of jigging can be obtained are the following: 1. The ore or smalls must be separated according to size as much as possible, and treated separately. The less the variety of minerals, the greater the difference of specific gravity; the cleaner the ore particles are, so much the more perfect will be the concentration. 2. The upward thrust of the water, or the sudden fall of the sieve, must be perpendicular and short, and not in too quick succession, so that the particles find time to reach the bottom before another lift is applied. 3. The stuff should be neither too coarse nor too fine. In the first case, the absolute weight increases, and the larger pieces are generally mixed masses of different ores, so that the separation cannot be well effected. If too fine, then the action of specific gravity decreases, and the water cannot penetrate among the fine particles quick enough. 4. The size of the meshes of the sieve must correspond with that of the grains; and 5. Smalls consisting of ore finely disseminated in the gangue must be excluded from jigging. Ores composed of minerals of different specific gravity- for instance: quartz, heavy spar, galena, copper and iron pyrites, carbonates, etc.-require to be reduced fine and properly sized. Although, as before mentioned, coarse ore particles are extracted by jigging, being thus saved from wastage in concentration, local circumstances, as those of California and Nevada, for instance, must be considered in determining whether it is more advantageous to crush the ore at once suitable for concentration on table, instead of having jiggers which never finish up the work, but always CONCENTRATION. 133 yield a portion to be crushed over and concentrated; or whether it would pay better to use jiggers, and to consider the poorer stuff as refuse. This last consideration may be important in regard to the poor waste rock of copper and lead mines, where water is scarce, and the value of those minerals comparatively low. Silver ores in Nevada are treated more economically by direct concentration. The jigger is a round, square or oblong sieve, two feet in diameter, or two by two, or two by four feet, the wooden sides from four to nine inches deep. The jiggers are gen- erally suspended on a rod connected with a lever, by which the required motion is given, often by hand. The sieve plays in a kieve or hutch, filled with water. The motion is often imparted by short cams from a revolving shaft. This motion is regular, but the jolt is not quite so effective as that produced by hand. In place of the movable sieves, stationary ones have been successfully introduced. The lifting motion is then given to the water by means of a piston. In all instances, however, the refuse, as well as the concentrated part, has to be removed by hand at intervals. The new construction of self-discharging jiggers is, therefore, a great improvement. Although the working of the continual jiggers is not yet perfect, still great quantities of smalls can be separated so far that only a small proportion, if any, of the whole bulk has to be re-jigged by hand. The machines in use are movable jiggers, stationary jig- gers, with a piston below or on the side, and continual jiggers. SEC. 37. Movable Jiggers. Fig. 1, Tab. IV, shows a round movable jigger, as used in Freiberg. a, represents the platform for the stuff, having an open side towards the jigger. The sieve, b, is suspended on 134 CONCENTRATION. the iron rod, l, connected with the balance, c, five feet eight inches long, resting on the journal, d. On one end of c, is a box, e, with about one hundred pounds of rock in it for a counter-weight. f, is another rod, with a handle, g, sliding in h. The sieve, b, eighteen inches in diameter and seven inches deep, is suspended within the tub, moving in the guides, r, r. The tub is two feet nine inches deep-thirty- eight inches in diameter above, and twenty-eight inches at the bottom. There are three jiggers, the sieves made of iron wire. No. 1 has four meshes to the square inch; No. 2, sixteen, and No. 3, twenty-five. Four iron rods are fixe below the sieve to support it. The operation is the following: The unsorted smalls are introduced, by means of a shovel, into the sieve, No. 1, filling it about half full. Spreading them even, the workman sinks the jigger below the water surface, and gives, by means of the rod, f, from thirty to forty short intense jolts. All the stuff which is finer than the holes falls through into the tub, while the remainder sep- arates, so that the heaviest lies on the bottom. The sieve is then lifted above the water, and the upper poor stuff scraped off with an iron scraper ; but the ore particles in a stratum of one-half to three-fourths of an inch remain undisturbed. The sieve is charged again and jigged repeatedly as before, and so on, until the metalliferous part covers the bottom about three inches high, whereupon it is taken out, and the same operation repeated, until the material falling through the sieve accumulates on the bottom of the tub to a depth of about twenty inches. This material is then discharged into a sluice with an ascending bottom, and stirred in a constant stream of clear water, for the purpose cf getting rid of mud and slime. It is then ready for the jigger No. 2, which is charged and treated in the same manner, applying somewhat shorter and more gentle jolts. With this stuff also other material of the same character from stamping is treated at the same time. After forty or fifty jerks, a thin layer of refuse, and another CONCENTRATION. 135 of one or two and a half inches in thickness are drawn out. The latter is suitable for crushing. The remainder is stirred up a little, the jigger filled, and jigged again as before. This ore (in Freiberg) contains, besides galena, also silver ore and zinc blende. Hence, after four or five charges between the lowest deposit of galena and the middle stuff or upper layer, a layer of silver ore and zinc blende three- fourths of an inch to one inch thick is taken off separately. The galena, when it accumulates in sufficient quantity, is subjected once more to jigging, in order to separate the silver ore, of which some still remains with the lead ore. On account of more uniform size of the grains, the sieve No. 2, although that which falls through the sieve is always richer, yields refuse rock, while none is obtained with No. 1, from which all the scraped material is a middle ore for crush- ing and further concentration. From No. 1 jigger is obtained middle ore, concentrated ore, and finer sediment. From No. 2, refuse rock, middle ore, concentrated silver ore, coucen- trated galena, and sediment. The sediment from the second jigging operation is washed in like manner as that from No. 1, and subjected to jigging on the sieve No. 3. The procedure does not differ from that of No. 2. The educts are crushing ore, silver ore, galena and sediment. The last is delivered to the smelting furnace after being dried and pulverized. The jigging of smalls without preceding regular sizing is practiced only where want of sufficient water renders it necessary. A properly sized stuff gives a better and quicker result. On the Harz, the sieve is forty inches diameter and one foot deep, having a speed of eighty jerks per minute. According to the size of the sieve and quality of ore, a work- man can put through from four to six tons in ten hours. 136 CONCENTRATION. SEC. 38. Stationary Jiggers. A. Hydraulic Jiggers, with a piston on the side. These jiggers are very suitable for coarser stuff. The piston serves either for one or for two jiggers. A double jigger consists of a rectangular box, six feet by two, divided into three equal compartments. The middle box receives the piston. The two outside boxes have stationary sieves, (perforated plates, or iron or brass wire sieves) each two feet square. The compartments communicate with the piston room by openings a few inches below the sieves, which can be closed alternately with slides by means of levers. The tanks are filled with water sufficient to cover the ore on the sieve. The piston has a lift of four to five inches and forty-five to fifty strokes per minute. The downward motion must be rapid, so that the whole mass of smalls may be lifted. The upward motion, however, must be slow, so as not to soak below the sieve, which, if worked by mechanical power, is regulated by a counter-weight, having the piston rod inde- pendent of the driving arrangement. The agitation is con- tinued for five or ten minutes, according to the richness of the ore. It is of importance that the effect of the water be uniform on the whole surface of the sieve. The grain sizes subjected to jigging are from one-sixteenth to one-eighth of an inch; in other places, from one-sixteenth to three-fourths of an inch. The double jigger is attended by one man, who regulates the opening of the gates, shutting them alternatively, so that one stroke is applied to one sieve, and the next to the other. The machine requires about a quarter of a horse power, and 67.5 cubic feet of water, (=363.3 gallons per day.) About two tons of ore can be jigged on one hydraulic sieve in ten hours; the quantity, however, depends very much on the quality of the material. The uniform lifting of the smalls CONCENTRATION. 137 depends much on the height and position of the opening, which is best determined by experiments. In the Harz it is from five to seven inches high. Petherick's Separator.-This jigger comprises four round. sieves with sides, grouped round a piston in the centre of a square box, so that each sieve occupies one corner of the box. The piston moves in a short cylinder, and causes the water to rise and fall alternately in the sieves. The variation in extent and quickness of the motion required for different ores is easily produced by a simple arrangement. This jigger is used in Cornwall, giving much better results than the com- mon jigger. B. Stationary Jigger, with the piston below the sieve. This arrangement differs from the hydraulic, by having the piston in a box below the sieve. The rod of the piston passes either through the fixed sieve or the rod divides into two arms, which pass on the sides of the sieve. In this machine the upward motion must be quick, in order to lift the smalls. To facilitate this, since there is a tendency to create a vacuum below the piston, canals from the side convey air into the box. This makes the machine more complicated, and its treatment requires more attention than that of the preceding jigger. The movable jigger, the Stationary Jigger with the piston on the side, and the Stationary Jigger with the piston below the sieve, do not vary much in efficiency, provided all are properly constructed and managed. One square foot of sieve area can ordinarily work but four cubic feet of stuff per hour; but in case the stuff is poor, two or four times as much may be put through. The stationary jiggers require more power, from 1-10 to 1-20 horse power to the square foot of sieve, making from fifty to eighty strokes per minute. Upon all three kinds of jiggers grains from 0.078 to 0.64 of an inch can be sorted with equally good results. Finer stuff than 0.078 is difficult to treat, as the water can 10 138 CONCENTRATION. not penetrate regularly the compact layer of stuff, but lifts it as a whole with local breaks. Of such material only small quantities at a time can be treated with success. On the other hand, coarse stuff above 0.64, and up to 1.26 inches, can be separated advantageously, but the refuse or upper layer must be subjected to picking, while that below 0.64 is subjected to mechanical reduction. All these jiggers require, under similar circumstances, an equal number of strokes, but the hand jigger is attended by one man, who scrapes off the refuse as soon as the separation is effected, while two machine jiggers are attended by one man, who requires more time for the scraping than needed for the jigging, consequently the jigging of one machine con- tinues longer than is necessary, while the man is busy with the other. This is the reason why a hand jigger yields some- what more than the machine jigger. Whether the refuse or scrapings are thrown away, or subjected to further operations, depends on local circum- stances. In many cases the uppermost layer may be con- sidered worthless. The middle scrapings are retained separately, and either jigged over a second time directly, or reduced smaller, and then jigged or crushed and con- centrated. SEC. 39. Continual Jiggers. The Pacific States are foremost amongst the mining coun- tries, whose working system requires the substitution of machinery for hand-work as much as possible. For this reason continual jiggers, as well as other self-acting concen- trating and self-discharging machines, are here of more im- portance than machines depending on the skill and attention of the workman. Continual jiggers have been in practical use for nearly fifteen years. Well regulated self-discharging machines of CONCENTRATION. 139 proper size can separate about two tons of stuff per hour, of lead ores, in 3-16 of an inch grains. There are many differently constructed contrivances of this kind, some of which are described in the following: A. Percussion Jigger, (Setz-herd).—This jigger, invented by Rittinger, and for many years in successful operation, is represented on Tab. VI, Figs. 1, 2, 3. There are six upright posts, lined with planks, a, b, c, and d, Fig. 2 forming the box for the pump and sieve. This space is divided by a partition, e, Fig. 1; the larger compartment serves for the piston, d', and the sucking valves, f; the smaller, g, which communicates with the former below the partition, e, receives the water, which is lifted by the piston. This compartment widens on the top, to receive water dropping from the sieve above. The piston space is lined with oak boards, h, h, which are easily changed when worn. The sucking valves are stationary in the piston box. There is the valve-frame, i, fitted below the oak lining, and supported by the lists, i'. The valve- frame is divided by cross-lists, k, into six openings. The six valves, ff, are of leather, strengthened on the upper side by iron plates one tenth of an inch thick. The frame consists of two pieces, and can be taken out through the apperture,j. The opening,j, and the one above the valves, 1, Fig. 2, serve for the purpose of clearing the box and valves of the fine stuff which passes the sieve. The cover, m, of these openings, is furnished with leather strips, in order to make the box water-tight. The box is provided with water by the pipe, n', and can be emptied partly by opening the plug-hole, o. The water, which would accumulate with the sorted sands in the com- partments A and B, flows on the concave bottom into the launder, p. The jigg-piston consists of a frame, d', thirty-five and a half inches by seventeen, and four and a half inches high, divided by cross lists into four partitions. The lists are sharpened. downwards, so as to facilitate the downward motion of the 140 CONCENTRATION. piston. On the lists rest four valves, r, r, opening upwards, and constructed like those below the piston. The packing of the piston consists of leather strips surrounding the frame, one and a half inches wide. This piston is moved by the crank rod, s, which is fixed to the cross-piece, u; the piston rods, t, are also screwed to the same cross-piece. To secure a firm connection of the frame and piston-rod, t, Fig. 2, the latter spreads into two horizontal flat arms, which are bolted to the long sides of the frame. The rod, t, moves in a half-round vertical hole of the box side. In order to form a better guide for the piston rod, as well as for the jigg-frame, o', there is a lining, n, Figs. 2 and 3, on the sides, b, of the box. This lining is seven inches and a half wide, seven feet long, and extends from the back wall, w, to the front posts. The frame, o', with the sieve, 4, is suspended in the upper part of the box. The front part of the frame, y', which strikes against the percussion block, y, is made of oak three inches thick. The sorting sieves, 2 and 3, above the canal, d, are the most important part of the whole apparatus. The sieve, 4, with a step above the canal, is made of sheet-iron with square or round holes, is from one and a half to one-eighth of an inch thick, and is nailed to the frame from below. The step serves the purpose of widening the passage between the sorting sieves; 8, 8, are iron bands to strengthen the frame. The arrangement of the sorting sieves 2 and 3 is shown in Figs. 1 and 3. Two hoops, 7, 7, are screwed on both sides to the frame, the upper part of which can be taken off by unscrewing it, as shown in a larger scale, Fig. 4, Tab. VI. By these means, the sieves, 2 and 3, are easily removed. The hoops widen in the middle, and are provided with two screw-holes for the reception of the set screws, 5 and 6, furnished with nuts, by which their vertical position can be changed. The upper set-screws, 5′ and 6', are provided with slits, into which the sieves are placed. As far as the sorting- sieves reach, the inside of the frame is lined with sheet-iron, It is of importance that all the parts of the sorting v. CONCENTRATION. 141 arrangement should be united in a solid combination, to with- stand the concussion. The sorted sands are discharged into the compartments, A, B and C. In order to prevent the passage of the pumped water through the space between the frame and lining, î, there is below the sieve a packing of leather two and a half inches wide; and to prevent sand from falling accidentally between the lining and frame from above, there are sheet- iron strips, m', m', Fig. 3, screwed to the lining, n, covering the slit between them. The frame is suspended on the four rods, v', v', regulated by set screws. In front of the sieve-frame is the percussion block, y, fastened to two posts on each side by long bolts, Fig. 3, which may be raised or lowered in oblong hubs in the posts. The feeder, c', hangs on an iron fork. At the bottom is a tongue, e', which strikes against a screw, in order to promote the discharge. By bringing the head of the screw nearer or further from the tongue the blow will be weaker or stronger. The slide door, d', regulates the opening. The cam, z', moves the feed-box, and also, by means of the lever, z, and the wooden spring, x, the jigger. There are different motions with this jigger; a horizontal one of the sieve, and a vertical one of the water, from the action of the piston. These two motions can not take place at the same time. The principal separation is effected while the water, raised by the piston, lifts the different grains according to their relative specific gravity. This action must not be disturbed by the horizontal motion, much less by the percussion which takes place on the sieve frame at the discharge side. Both motion and percussion must take place during the downward motion of the piston, in such a way as to obtain a slow swinging motion, and a quick percussion, shortly before the piston reaches its lowest point. The swing of the frame should not be more than from two to four inches. The vertical motion effects the separation; the horizontal, 142 CONCENTRATION. the discharge. The feeding takes place continually at one end of the jigger, by means of a hopper. As the stuff moves forward, and the separation progresses, it reaches the dividing sieves as represented in Fig. 14, Tab. IV, (the latest approved position). The heaviest portion of smalls on the sieve, a, is separated from the upper less valuable layer by the sieve, b, and this from the uppermost refuse by the sieve, c. The position of the three sieves, and their relative connection are very important and exact, as found by long experience. A small change would interfere with the regular discharge and concentration. The percussion spring must not be strained too much. It is sufficient if the sieve receives a single shock, firm, and without vibration, and plays between fifty and sixty times per minute. The piston, having the same speed, has a lift of from two to three inches, which is sufficient for grains between one and four-eighths of an inch. The jigger works best if about three or four inches depth of stuff is kept always on the sieve. Water is introduced by the pipe, n', and the shaft put in motion. The water must cover the smalls, and remain nearly at the same level during the play of the pump. The water is allowed to run constantly into the box, but only sufficient to replace what is carried out with the smalls. The gate, d', of the self-feeder is regulated so that the discharge is equal to the charge, keeping always a layer of about three inches depth of smalls on the sieve. The separation of the stuff commences immediately, the charge progressing towards the dividing sieves, Fig. 14, Tab. IV. Richer ore will of course deposit a thicker stratum of concentrated stuff on the bottom of the sieve, and the dividing sieves must be arranged accordingly. The distance of the sieves ought not to be less than half an inch; or, if coarser stuff is treated, not over one inch. The quantity of stuff which can be put through in a given time depends on the width of the sieve, on the number of strokes, and on the proper condition of the pump. A sieve CONCENTRATION. 143 of fifteen inches width, containing three and a half square. feet of jigging surface, and with fifty to sixty strokes per minute, can separate from thirty to forty cubic feet of stuff per hour. One man attends two of these percussion jiggers, of which each requires three-quarters of a horse-power, and has a piston three feet by eighteen inches. B. The Continual Cylindrical Jigger is one of the self- discharging jiggers used for many years in the Harz mines. Tab. VI, Fig. 8, shows a cross section. There is a large kieve, a, nearly cylindrical, inside of which is a conical bottom, c, ending in a tube, b. All the material which falls into this part of the kieve is carried out through this tube into a box, x. Within the cone, c, is another funnel, d, of cast-iron, ending in a spout, h. The funnel is attached to a cylindrical ring, e, resting on wooden supports, f, f, one inch in thickness. Inside of the cone there is an iron cross, i, on which the tube, m, is fixed. This tube goes through both cones, leading the stuff into the box, z. The circular sieve, n, is made either of iron or brass wire, with meshes of about one-sixteenth of an inch. The diameter of the sieve is twenty-six inches. It is fastened to a wooden circular hoop, o, o, which reaches three and a quarter inches above the sieve, and is fixed to two arms, q, q, by which it is connected with the lifting rod, t. To this rod vertical jerks are imparted by cams. The edge of the sieve is beveled all round, so that the lifted lighter particles of the smalls may more easily fall over the edge and be carried out through the spout, b. The beveled edge is overlaid with sheet iron, covering the rim of the cast iron ring, e. In the centre of the sieve is a zinc plate with a hole three- quarters of an inch in diameter. This plate is fixed to an iron or zinc pipe, in which the tube, m, fits. Above the opening of the plate, s, is a solid cone, u, the base of which is four and a half inches in diameter, and only three-sixteenths. of an inch distant from the sieve. Through this cone there 144 CONCENTRATION. is a screw with a tapered end, which, if screwed down, closes the hole, s, leading into the tube, m. The stuff is conveyed to the centre by a trough, w. When in motion the apparatus is filled with water, and the central opening, s, closed by the screw. The lighter particles are carried over the rim of o into the box, x; and, if it is the refuse of rich ore, either crushed finer or rejigged, or it is considered waste if the result of poor ore. The heavier particles accumulate at the bottom. After some time the rod of the cone is screwed up, and the richer stuff gradually carried out into the box, z. The finer part which falls through the sieve passes into the compartment, y. These jiggers are also made square or oblong, and so arranged that the light stuff, passing over the rim of the first sieve, enters another one of the same construction. The oblong sieve is fed on one of the narrow sides, and discharges on the opposite. The sieves are not quite level, the centre being somewhat deeper. In Clausthal the meshes are one- sixteenth of an inch wide. Between one hundred and eighty and two hundred jolts per minute are given to the sieve, and the lift is only one- eighth of an inch, so that it looks more like a vibration. About two hundred and fifty-eight cubic feet of fine stuff can be jigged on this machine in twelve hours. Other self-acting jiggers are so constructed that the sieve is stationery. The lifting of the stuff is effected by means of pistons. One of this sort is the Continual Jigger, with the piston on the side. Fig. 5, Tab. VI, shows a central vertical section of this machine. It is a square oblong box of two compartments, a and b. The latter contains the piston, c, provided with leather packing. The piston rod, d, is so constructed that it comes out of itself when ascending, followed by the swimming piston. By this means the soaking is prevented. The compartment, a, contains the sieve, e, with very fine meshes, about one-fiftieth of an inch holes. There is an open- CONCENTRATION. 145 ing in the centre, i, through which and the trough, f, the concentrated ore is discharged. There is an iron rod, g, playing in the box, h, moved by the lever, k, by means of the piston rod, d. This rod passes through a cone, m, and is provided at the end with a nut, by which the opening, i, can be closed. With the downward motion of the piston, the rod, g, is lifted, and with it the shutter, so that the concen- trated grains enter the opening, i, while at the same time the refuse is thrown out at n. This conduit is on one side of the box, four inches above the sieve. The fine stuff which falls through the sieve on the bottom. o, is removed, from time to time, through the gate, p. The fine-grained stuff is charged continually on the sieve, and is lifted from sixty to sixty-five times per minute by a stroke of from one and one-fourth to one and seven-eighths inches. Both compartments are filled with water. The concentrated part discharged through i, is generally sub- jected to a second concentration on a similar apparatus, thereby producing stuff suitable for smelting. The re-con- centration is necessary in treating as fine a grain as is adapted to a sieve of the described fineness. The thick stratum, compared with the fineness of the grains and the height of the lift, are circumstances increasing the difficulty of concentration. The construction of this machine shows that the shutter, g, opens at the downward motion of the piston, and shuts at the upward motion. Coarser grains, however, would proba- bly require the discharge, i, continually open, as described with the jigger ($39, B). The advantage of the continual jigger is so great that the old contrivances separating by charges are rapidly going out of use. They are retained, in some instances, to re-concen- trate the educts of continual jiggers. Another Hydraulic Jigger, continually self-acting, is repre- sented by Fig. 7, Tab. VI. The front part, b, over which the gangue is carried and discharged over a partition, d, is mov- 146 CONCENTRATION. able at c. By this means the slit, i, between b and the sieve, a, can be made wider or narrower. Through this slit the denser stuff falls into the compartment, e. The sieve, a, which is stationary, has an inclination towards the discharge of from five to eight degrees. The ore is charged through the hopper, f, and water suffi- cient to replace the waste is conducted through the launder, h, into the compartment, g, which communicates with the compartment, k. During the downward motion of the piston, the water passes in two directions-first, through the sieve over b, and and then through the openings, w, into the compartment, g. These openings are sometimes provided with valves, by which the water is prevented from flowing back into g. While the piston is playing, the stuff moves gradually forward towards i, and falls into e. It is necessary that the sieve should project over the partition, m. The opening, i, must be regulated by degrees, until both discharges, through i, and over b, appear to be of the right quality. The accumulated concentrated part of e, is either discharged at intervals, by taking out a plug in 7, or the spout is made smaller, so that the stuff comes out continually with some water. Where water is scarce, it may be returned to g, by an elevating wheel. The piston is moved directly by a simple crank, so arranged that the stroke may be changed. SEC. 40. Rotary Machines. A. Rotating Cylinder (Strom-setz Maschine).—This concen- trator, invented by Hundt, may be ranked with jiggers, as it follows the same principle, although there is in this machine no jigging of grains whatever, as is the case with all the preceding contrivances described in this chapter. CONCENTRATION. 147 To illustrate the action of this concentrator, we may imag- ine a column of standing water, into which a portion of ore, the particles of which are of uniform size and shape, but of different gravity, is introduced.* The heaviest particles will reach the bottom first; then in succession the lighter ones. If the charges should follow at intervals, and the quickest falling grains be removed from the bottom after each charge, the separation would be completely effected. To the practical execution of this idea, however, there are so many obstacles that no machine for this purpose has ever succeeded. But there is another way in which the same result can be obtained in a very simple manner. Instead of removing the heavy grains from the bottom of the standing water, which could be effected only at intervals, (as is done with the dolly-tub under different circumstances) Hundt gives to the water a circular motion by a revolving cylinder above a stationary bottom, and the problem is solved. The grains have now to follow two different motions; one, depend- ing on the gravity of the particles, is vertical, the other following the rotating water, is horizontal. The grains, therefore, must take a diagonal course, and while the densest particles reach the stationary bottom first, the lighter, slower falling grains are forced by the horizontal motion of the water to reach the bottom behind the heavier ore, whereby a separation is continually effected into several classes. The favorable result of this concentrator, compared with jiggers, and its simple construction, is likely to replace not only many jiggers, but perhaps also the hand buddle, per- cussion tables, and other similar arrangements employed for the concentration of coarse and middle-grained stuff. Figs. 2 and 3, Tab. IV, represent Hundt's concentrator. 2, is a vertical section; 3, the top view. a, is a circular vessel, twenty-three inches deep and nearly five feet in diameter. *Charging the rotating cylinder with unsorted stuff, the separation would go on according to equal-falling grains, (§35, a) of which the densest are the smallest. The compartments would then contain assorted grains of larger sized rock and smaller ore particles, so that a simple sifting would separate the ore from gangue. 148 CONCENTRATION. In the centre is a cone, a', on the top of which runs the per- pendicular shaft, h. The tub, a. is divided into twelve radial compartments, b, c, d... g, which are equal or variable in size. The partitions, b', c', are seventeen inches high. Each compartment has a discharge-pipe, i. There is an iron (or wooden) cylinder, k, which fits tightly into the tub, a, pre- venting the escape of water. On the shaft, h, is a double cylinder of boiler iron attached by means of arms, and l'. The outer cylinder, m, is four feet in diameter. The inner, n, has a conical shape, with the larger base below, leaving a space of two inches all round between m and n. The double cylinder rotates in water, and it is necessary to have the water between. Both must rotate with a regular and uniform velocity. For this reason there. is in the upper half of the space a sheet-iron partition, o, and opposite, in the lower half, another one of the same kind, p. By means of these perpendicular partitions, the water assumes a steady regular motion. The ore is introduced between the revolving double cylin- der at q, which is stationary. The apparatus is put in motion after being filled with water by r, up to the rim of the conical cylinders. The outlets, i, if water is scarce, are closed, and the ore admitted between the cylinders at t, over a dividing sieve, which is not in the drawing. If the motion of the water takes the direction as indicated by the arrow, the heaviest part will fall or sink to the bottom about in the direction of the dotted line, 1, the next in 2, the still lighter in 3, and so on through the two-inch space, u, into the com- partments, b, c, d. It is obvious that when the feeding is continuous, as well as the motion of the water, the separation of the homogeneous matter will also be continuous into the respective compartments. When the compartments are nearly full, the separated stuff is discharged at i, which is quickly closed again, so as not to let out more water than is necessary for the discharge of ore. Where water is abundant, the openings, i, are regulated for continual discharge. In this case, sufficient water must CONCENTRATION. 149 be conveyed by r, constantly, to keep the water surface always level with the inner cylinder edge. One rotating apparatus requires hardly one-twentieth of one horse-power. The motion is either transmitted to the pulley, n', or the cylinder, m, is made higher, as indicated by the dotted line, v, and the belt or rope applied directly to it. The size of the grains suitable for this apparatus ranges between one-sixtieth and three-fourths of an inch and above. Coal can be separated from pyrites and rock in much larger pieces; but the dimensions of the machine must be altered accordingly. After a long practical operation at Siegen, the following conclusions were drawn: In treating grains over three- eighths of an inch, the apparatus, with a five-foot water column, requires three revolutions per minute. Below that size, two revolutions and three feet water column. Coal requires two revolutions and one and one-half feet of water. When the column of water and speed for a certain size of ore are decided upon, any workman can attend two of these concentrators, even in case of double charges. Whatever size of grains is used, always the diameter of the single fed apparatus, height of the water, and the speed, must be in such proportion that all particles which are charged at a cer- tain point will reach the bottom before one revolution of the water is completed. A revolving cylinder of five feet diam- eter has a circumference of 15.7 feet. The coarser the stuff, the sooner all the particles must reach the bottom. Grains over one-fourth of an inch in diameter will settle on a peri- phery of six feet length, so that an apparatus of four feet in diameter can be fed in two places at the same time (at x and y, Fig. 3), giving to the cylinder three revolutions per minute. In this case, one ton of ore per hour can be separated. Grains over three-eighths of an inch, with single feeding, require five feet water height and two and a half feet diam- eter of the rotating cylinder. Grains below three-eighths of of an inch separate satisfactorily with four feet of water and 150 CONCENTRATION. four feet diameter of cylinder. Apparatus with two, three, or four feedings, must be two, three or four times as large. An apparatus of four feet diameter answers for all sizes; but the height and speed of the water must vary with each size. A speed below one or above six revolutions rarely occurs. Where there is sufficient water to spare, it can be arranged so that the continuous flowing off shall take place in the centre, x', of the tub, a, giving to the bottom a shape as indi- cated by the dotted line, x". The advantage of this arrange- ment would be in cases where muddy or slimy stuff was to be separated. All mud and very fine particles would be car- ried over the inner cylinder, w, out of the apparatus. With a careful discharge of the separated stuff at i, very little water is lost. On account of this, and the small amount of power required, the independence of skillful workmen, the ease of regulation, and the amount of stuff which can be put through in twenty-four hours, (twenty-four tons of a cer- tain size) this apparatus seems to be eminently suited for the silver, copper, and especially the lead mines of Sonora, Ari- zona, etc., where water is scarce and ores for concentration are abundant. B. Rotating Wheel (German, Setz-rad).—This concen- trator, invented by Rittinger, (first tried in 1863) is founded on the same principle as Hundt's, (§40, A) which is said to be a later invention, differing only somewhat in construction. Instead of having the cylinder revolve, by which a circular motion is given to the water column, the cylindrical tub of the "Setz-rad" is stationary, and the motion is imparted to the water by a vertical wing-wheel, the shaft of which is in the centre of the tub, (forty-two inches diameter). The shaft is provided with a drum, (sixteen inches diameter) to which eight wings of sheet-iron are attached, surrounded and con- nected by a cylinder of sheet-iron. At the bottom of the tub are eight radial partitions, ending in small funnel-like holes, each of the eight connected with a discharge-pipe outside of the tub, leading upwards as high CONCENTRATION. 151 as the pressure of the water can force the sands through. The pipes empty into smaller tubs placed around the main tub. These receiving-tubs stand on a circular launder, by which the water flowing over from the tubs is conveyed to an elevator close by, and by this means returned to the appa- ratus. The feeding, as in Hundt's concentrator, is continual, and is effected by means of a hopper, or directly from the sifting. The sand separates, according to density, during the trans- verse descent, and settles in the different compartments below the wings, from which it is conveyed through the dis- charge pipes into the receiving tubs. The height of the wings, the diameter of the wing-wheel, and the number of revolutions, are the points upon which the performance of the machine depends, so that after the right proportion of the first two is established, the separa- tion of different grain classes depends on the change of speed alone. The more carefully the classification of the ore is performed, the closer will be the separation of the metallifer- ous part; and as coarse sand is easier classified than finer, the separation of coarser stuff will always be more perfect, so that, for instance, with grains of five-thirty-seconds of an inch, (diameter) ninety-one per cent.* of all the lead con- tained in the stuff will be found in one single compartment, (in the second of the eight) and eight per cent. in the next, (the third) while in treating grains of two-thirty-seconds of an inch diameter, there is found only seventy-five per cent. in the second, and twenty per cent. in the third compart- ment. The number of revolutions must be regulated according to the size of the grains, the specific gravity of the ore and gangue to be separated, and also according to the proposed degree of concentration, and must be found by experiment for each particular case. C. The Dolly Tub, or Packing Keeve.-This apparatus is *Rittinger's Erfahrungen, 1865. 152 CONCENTRATION. employed in some lead mines in England; but, considering the time required for separation of one charge, the hand labor is costly, even if the "machine dolly tub " is employed. The charge and separation take only half the time of the whole operation. The dolly tub acts on the same principle as the two preceding continuous machines, but offers the advantage of being exceedingly simple. This machine can be used also as a slime and sand separator, or sizer. The dolly tub consists of a kieve, with a dolly or stirrer, like those of agitators, but movable, and arranged with hasps, which can be loosened quickly; or the dolly is con- nected with a lever, if worked by machinery. The operation is the following: The tub is about two-thirds filled with water, the dolly introduced, and by turning it rapidly, the water is caused to assume a circular motion. The tossing is then commenced by shoveling in the stuff, until the water is rendered somewhat thick. The stirring is continued for a short time, the hasps loosened, and the dolly suddenly with- drawn. The tub is then packed by striking its outside with a heavy wooden mallet. After this operation, the water is drawn off through plug-holes in the side of the tub. If the stuff to be treated by the dolly tub is unsized, the heavier and larger grains settle first; but the result is more sizing than anything else. The free slime forms the upper- most stratum-the tough is carried out with the water. With sized sand, the concentration is effected very well. In the centre of the bottom is a small conical nucleus, contain- ing ore and coarser sand. The next stratum is the richest. Dollying seventeen hundred pounds of Sandschlich lead ore, much intermixed with carbonate of iron, and containing forty-eight per cent. of lead, gave the following result after forty-two minutes' total operation : Top skimmings. Second skimmmings. 400 lbs., assaying 20 per cent. .125 CC เ (( 45 .6 65 450 (( 673 เ * Clean ore, middlings.....550 Bottom ore. . . . *Supplement to Ure's Dictionary, 1863. CONCENTRATION. 153 When driven by men, the dolly has a handle or crank for this purpose. If by machinery, the shaft of the dolly is furnished with a cog-wheel. The rotating time after all the sand has been introduced is about five minutes. SEC. 41. Aufermann's Dry Jigger. Dry separation and concentration, in which moving air is used in place of water, is subject to some difficulties; but in mining districts destitute of water, as in Arizona, Sonora. many places in California, etc., dry concentration deserves attention. Various "wind separating apparatuses" have been constructed on the principle of exposing the falling stuff to the effect of moving air or wind in long canals or chambers, provided with compartments. The simplest, but most troublesome method, of separating gold from sand, is that of blowing with the mouth, as is done by the Papago Indians in Arizona. or as it was performed in early times in California by many bankers and gold-dust buyers. In some mining places of Spain, Belgium and Germany, where there is no water, dry concentration and separation are performed in machines to which fan-blowers are attached. The weight of an ore particle loses a great deal when sub- merged in water; but in a current of air the loss is very insignificant. The difference in speed of falling of ore parti- cles is also insignificant, and it is only the exposure of the surface of each particle to the moving air which effects a separation. The influence of the specific gravity is unim- portant. The application of a steady blast of air seems to be more suitable for separation into equal sizes than for con- centration; but, although the specific gravity is of little influence, the heaviest of equal size will always fall some- what sooner, and permit a concentration. Aufermann's concentrator is constructed on a better prin- 11 { 154 CONCENTRATION. ciple. The separation depends on the greater or less resist- ance of heavier or lighter particles in being lifted up, and on the difference in speed of the free fall. Repeatedly exposed to the same action, the heavier ore separates from the gangue particles and concentrates on the bottom of the sieves. This dry jigger is constructed on the same principle as the station- ary jigger, (§38, B) with a piston from below. There are three horizontal sieves, twenty inches by twelve each, arranged in step-like form. They are enclosed air-tight on all sides, except below. The bottom below the sieves is movable, and connected with the upper box by leather all around, like a bellows, with two valves, which are shut dur- ing the upward motion. The ore is introduced on the first sieve through a hopper, and the shaft put in motion. The air, pressed against the sieves, lifts the ore at each revolution, (from sixty to oue hundred per minute) so that the separation takes place in a short time. The upper stratum of refuse is drawn off, and a new charge added, until sufficient concentrated stuff accumu- lates, which is then removed. According to Pernolet, if ore is subjected to dry concentration in the usual blowing apparatus, the ore must be reduced to at least three-eighths of an inch, but not less than to three-twenty-fifths of an inch, (diameter) whilst Aufermann's jigger separates grains of less than one-fortieth of an inch diameter. The wind separator as used in Engis, (Belgium) contains two ventilators, by which a steady current of air is pro- duced, carrying the ore over a number of compartments. The canal is about forty feet long, from nine to twelve inches wide, and two feet high near the blowers, and nearly four feet. at the end. The principal requirement to secure a good result is, first, a steady uniform current of air, and, second, a uni- form feeding. CONCENTRATION. 155 SEC. 42. Concentration of Ore-Sands and Slimes. The concentration of fine sands and slimes is generally performed on wooden or metallic inclined planes. The prin- ciple on which the separation of assorted grains on an inclined plane is based, consists in the resistance of a grain particle, by sliding or rolling friction, to the impulse of the water on the surface of the grain. The sorting of sands suitable for tables cannot be executed by sieves advantageously, and is best performed by the free fall in moving water (§43, D). Sorting or sizing through sieves yields classes of equal size of grain. Sorting through moving or standing water gives different sizes of different density-that is, equally-falling grains are obtained ($35, a). Equally-falling grains are such as sink with equal speed, or which fall the same distance in the same time. The labyrinth, sluices, pointed boxes, etc., produce classes of equal-falling, but not equal-sized grains; but in each class, according to §35, a, the smaller grains are the denser and the larger the lighter, so that a sifting of each sort would separate the heavier ore particles from the lighter gangue. This pro- cess, however, on account of fineness of the stuff, cannot be carried out. Equal-falling grains do not permit separation under water. It is, therefore, important to convey a thin layer of diluted stuff on the table. nt In this case the water will not strike all points of each grain with equal speed, as it would in a deeper stream; but the larger lighter particles will suffer a stronger impact of water on their higher points than the smaller ore grains, for the reason that in a thin water stratum immediately on the table plane the water has less speed, on account of adhesion, than in the upper layer. Consequently, of the equal-falling grains, (for instance, sands from the first box, $43, D) with a certain medium speed of the water, 156 CONCENTRATION. depending on the inclination of the table, the larger gangue particles will be washed off, while the smaller ore grains still remain on the plane. The inclination of the table and the speed of the water have great influence on the concentration. If the table is but little inclined, dense and light grains will remain; and if too much inclined, all will be washed off. Most tables receive an inclination of from six to eight degrees. Rough planes for instance, canvas or blankets-require to be more inclined than smooth planes. The dilution of the sand is also important. A thick condition must be avoided, and is much more injurious than too thin a one. Although sorting is a condition of proper separation, still a perfect concentration cannot be expected, not only because of the impossibility of ever obtaining a uniform size, but also because of the difference of shape, ($35, b) by which the influence of specific gravity is modified. For this reason the best concentrating apparatus will give a medium stuff between the rich part and the waste, which will not be good enough for extraction of the metal, but too rich to be thrown away. The handling of such stuff may be profitable in one place, but not in another, like California or Nevada, for instance, unless it is effected in a simple way by machinery. This is now done by small elevating wheels of four or five feet diameter, by which the middle stuff is conveyed back on the table, so that by this arrangement only two sorts come from the concentrator-that is, a rich portion and the worth- less tailings. But, notwithstanding these improvements, it is in many cases advisable to regulate the concentration directly for only two educts, and to dispense with the mid- dling stuff by turning it either to the rich portion or to the tailings, as the case may require. Pulverization for the purpose of concentration is best per- formed by stamps. All modes of crushing whereby the ore is ground more than broken, are less suitable, because more floating stuff is always produced. The influence of specific gravity decreases with the increase of CONCENTRATION. 157 the fineness of the ore particles, so that, in the condition of the finest slime, the influence of specific gravity is almost noth- ing. Hence the difficulty in concentrating such stuff. Suitable crushing includes, as a matter of course, also such arrangements as will serve to separate the different grades of size, and in some degree to effect also a separation according to specific gravity on the way from the battery. Leading the stuff directly from the battery upon or into a concentrat- ing apparatus, is a very bad method, resulting always in great loss. There is only one case where a direct concentration should be applied. This is the case of ore in which the par- ticles are so small and disseminated in the gangue that the finest crushing must be adopted in order to permit concen- tration, provided, however, that very little or no clay occurs with the ore. Free slime can be considered as a compara- tively uniform stuff, suitable for concentration; but the advantage of this uniformity is so much diminished by other circumstances that fine crushing must be looked upon as a necessary evil. The nature of the ore must determine whether fine or coarse crushing is required. It is frequently the case that ore particles, and especially gold, are so small that they can hardly be perceived. These minute particles will be set free by a very fine reduction. The coarser the crushing, the more of the fine mineral remains inclosed in the gangue, and will be washed off; but, on the other hand, as before said, the very finely pulverized ore sinks with difficulty, especially if much slime is produced. In both cases a considerable. loss must be expected; and this is the concentrator's dilemma. He must try to make the best of it, and pursue a middle course. Experience will show him how far the reduc- tion can be extended advantageously. As a guide to what degree of fineness the ore in question should be reduced, experiments may be made with samples which represent the average ore by pulverizing it to different degrees of fineness and washing it in a horn-spoon or other suitable contrivance. 1. It has heretofore been impossible to draw a strict line 158 CONCENTRATION. between what is understood under coarse and fine sand and slime. Rittinger's scale is definite, and based on the free fall of grains in water. Taking quartz, the speed of which per second is- 0.125 meter, it represents coarse... sand of nearly 0.066 of an inch diameter. middle fine " 0.062 0.031 fine (C 0.016 " 0.005 " (C What is below 0.005 is termed slime liable to form a paste. "Free slime" is less fine than "tough slime." Gold quartz, in most cases, will give a better concentrating result by being pulverized fine. There is not only the great specific gravity of the metal, but also the gangue, to be con- sidered. Quartz never produces such a muddy, and, for fine gold, dangerous condition of the water as other earths. It has been mentioned already that in treating gold quartz with intention of direct concentration, no quicksilver should be used in the battery. The loss of gold will increase, in consequence of the amalgam formed. It is not so much on account of the decreased specific gravity of a gold particle when combined with quicksilver that the loss becomes heavier, because it gains in absolute weight, but principally on account of the property of fine gold to form voluminous, sponge-like aggregations of amalgam particles, which are light and so easily removed by a slight motion of the water, that in most cases it escapes the notice of the prospector. Considering that in general the heaviest gold is that which remains in the form of amalgam in the battery, and which would not have escaped the concentration, even if only blank- ets were used for this purpose, there is no reason whatever to collect such gold by means of quicksilver, since it must remain on the blankets. The disadvantage of using quick- silver in the battery is not only in the increased loss of gold in concentration, but there is also a loss in time while clean- ing the battery, and the exposure at the same time of the valuable amalgam to too many hands. Not injurious in regard to loss of gold is the use of quick- silver in the battery, but still entirely needless, where the CONCENTRATION. 159 whole mass of crushed rock is allowed to settle in tanks for the purpose of direct amalgamation. 2. The question has been raised often in California whether concentration should be carried out before or after the amalgamation. In regard to gold ores, concentration before amalgamation is indicated-a, when the ore is poor; b, when the amalgamation of middle class ore is performed in grinding pans, and c, when the ore contains auriferous sulphu- Concentration after amalgamation should be adopted- a, where ore rich in free gold is worked in grinding pans or other amalgamators, and b, where middle class ore is treated by amalgamation without grinding. But it is different with regard to silver ores. Roasted silver ores can be amalga- mated so closely as to render the tailings worthless; but this is not the case with unroasted. rets. 3. The subjection of unroasted silver ore to pan amalga- mation in Nevada, (Comstock ore) is justified by several circumstances. First, it contains gold which needs no roast- ing; second, it is not rich enough in silver to repay the expenses of roasting; and finally, it carries a considerable proportion of silver glance, which is decomposed almost entirely in the pan, so that only a portion of undecomposed brittle silver ore, with nearly all the ruby silver which some- times occurs, is left in the tailings. In regard to this unde- composed silver mineral, the most rational treatment would undoubtedly be concentration and roasting; but the quantity of water which would be required to concentrate eight hun- dred to one thousand tons of ore per day, which are crushed at present from the Comstock lode, then the capital required to build systematical concentration works, and the loss of at least thirty per cent. of the silver ore, must be considered. Under such circumstances, it appears that amalgamation in pans, without roasting, and concentration afterwards, is the proper way. The scarcity of water is then less injurious, inasmuch as most of the valuable metal has been extracted already by amalgamation, whereby the tailings are greatly reduced in value, and consequently the loss less important. 160 CONCENTRATION. The difficulty in concentrating pan tailings lies principally in the very fine condition of the ore, which is more brittle than the quartz, for which reason the finest slime is generally the richest part of the tailings, though unfit for concentra- tion. With the aid of slime separators, (§43) the separation. of sand and slime is easily effected. This slime, as before mentioned, is richer, often more than twice as rich, as the sandy part; but it cannot be subjected to concentration unless in a negative way, by washing off the finest part, which will be found richer. Crushing for the sole purpose of concentration offers the advantage of a proper regulation of the quality and quantity of the crushed stuff according to its nature, and suitable for the adopted mode of concentration. In order to prevent the flouring of brittle ore, the stamps in Europe are light,often from eighty to one hundred and sixty pounds, especially if silver ores are treated. This, however, would not answer on the Pacific coast. It would not, however, be advisable to put up heavier stamps than about five hundred and fifty pounds each. Quantity must be subordinate to quality of the stuff to be concentrated. It is very important that each particle of ore should be discharged as soon as it is reduced to the required size. To accomplish this, the first requirement is to have a shallow trough in the battery—that is, to keep the dies from one and a half to two inches below the screens, to arrange the discharge on two sides, and to use screens with holes. close together. In regard to the water necessary for the discharge, see $26. If the ore requires to be crushed fine- that is, finer than by means of the finest sieves-it is best to construct a deep trough from five to eight inches. If different kinds of ores are delivered to a mill for concen- tration, and vary in regard to gangue, the quartzose ore should be separated from that in which lime or clay prevails. The two latter earths produce a great deal more slime and mud, so that, under similar circumstances, the quartzose ore can be crushed finer, if necessary, without losing more metal. But such separation is not always advantageously performed CONCENTRATION. 161 unless the difference appears in masses, or it is taken from different mines, requiring only to be dumped separately. Of more importance is the separation of various minerals, if possible, if their cohesion is different and all have to be con- centrated. SEC. 43. Assorting of Sands. The feeding of the batteries must be very regularly per- formed in order to effect a uniform discharge, which is a necessary condition for the preparatory separation which follows. It would not do to collect the stuff in tanks, as is done with ore for amalgamation in pans, because in this case coarse and fine sand and slime would be mixed, forming thus a very unsuitable stuff for concentration. Not only must the slime be separated from the sand which is produced in fine as well as in coarse crushing, but the sand should deposit in its course from the battery according to the different sizes. and weight of the grains. For this purpose a system of launders, or canals, are prepared, having different inclinations and lengths, called the A. Labyrinth.-This is always so arranged that the first trough, in which the heaviest and largest part of the crushed stuff deposits, is the deepest, narrowest, and most inclined- say fifteen inches deep and about nine inches wide. The next trough may be twelve, the third fifteen, then eighteen inches wide, and so on. The same quantity of water will assume a proportionally slower motion as it enters a wider launder, and allow the sinking of such particles as could not reach the bottom in the narrower. The inclination decreases as the troughs grow wider, so that the last ones are set level. The troughs are not arranged in one line, but broken in different directions, as the room may require. 162 CONCENTRATION. There must be also two sets of the same arrangement, so that when one is being emptied, the stuff from the battery is turned into the other. These troughs never can be so extensive that all fine slimes can deposit. For this reason there are generally outside of the building large tanks or cisterns. Each trough (or several of them, of same width and inclination) contains a separate class of stuff, which is concentrated in the most suitable way. There are now better methods than the labyrinth, by which the slime is separated and the sand sorted in its course, being conveyed by the water directly to the concentration ($43, D). The stuff for concentration is taken either directly from the battery, or from agitators, in which the tailings are discharged after being treated in settlers, (pan amalgama- tion) or from piles of old tailings. In either case, the sepa- ration of slimes must take place first, and is performed in Slime Separators.-They are of different construction, depending on the falling of the denser portion of the stuff through an ascending current of clear water, whereby the slime is carried upwards and out of the apparatus. B. Borlase's Slime Separator is used in the United States and in England. This apparatus consists of a funnel, with the greater base upwards. At the point below, the funnel is open, with means of regulation. A little higher is a circular chamber, from which the clear water passes into the funnel, (through holes in the funnel, surrounded by the chamber). Inside of the funnel is a second one, somewhat smaller, but corresponding in shape with the first funnel, so that a space is created all around between the two cones. The inner cone is covered with another short cone, the larger base of both joining tightly. The ore is introduced on the top of the inner cone, spread- ing all around. The sand falls through the space between the cones, through the ascending clear water from the cham- ber below, while the slime is carried over the rim of the CONCENTRATION. 163 outer cone. Admitting more clear water, and thus increasing its ascending velocity, the quantity of the slime will be changed by a greater proportion of flour sand. C. Ph. Hofmann's Slime Separator.-Fig. 10, Tab. III, is a vertical section. Fig. 11 represents the top view. This machine, introduced in Hungary in 1836 at Ruszkberg, about eleven years previous to the pointed boxes, separates the slime very perfectly, and by giving more or less water in b, and opening the cock or gate at c, more or less, the separa- tion can be regulated, so that finer or denser slimes can be obtained. The crushed stuff enters the funnel, d, through the launder, a. In sinking down to the slit, e, the ore parti- cles find time to spread and separate. Passing through e, they meet a current of clear water towards h, and upwards to f. The clean grains sink through the current, being carried out at h, into the trough, k, and from thence to a sifting arrangement. The slime is carried upwards by the ascend- ing water, and through the conduit, m, to some concentration. This apparatus was used by the writer in Transylvania for separation of gold ores. Through the openings, n, n', two sizes of the ascending stuff are separated. D. Rittinger's Funnel, or Pointed Box (Spitz-kasten).— The funnel boxes are rectangular pyramids, with the base upwards. They are designed to replace the "labyrinths," for the purpose of assorting the sands for concentration directly from the battery. The battery sands are too fine for sorting by sieves; the labyrinth is an imperfect and troublesome sorting. The pointed boxes are the best of all contrivances for this purpose. The stuff flows from the bat- tery through several of these boxes of different size. Each delivers a certain size of grains directly to the concentrators. In this way the sands can be separated into different grades of fineness, with very little expense, in simple apparatus, *(Spitz-kasten) pointed box, (Spitz-trichter) funnel box, signifies the same machine. The latter refers to a smaller size, separating the coarsest grains close at the battery. 164 CONCENTRATION. without the help of hands. The transportation of sand from the battery to the concentrator is performed without expense. These boxes offer also the advantage of getting rid of a surplus of water, which would interfere with concentration. The sands are obtained from the boxes always in the required state of dilution for the tables. The principle is the same as with the labyrinth. The first box is narrow. This causes the water to flow swiftly, so that only the coarsest grains are permitted to sink, while the bal- ance is carried into the next wider box, where the same quantity of water spreading, assumes a slower motion, so that the next finer sand is separated, and so on. Figs. 12 and 13, Tab. III, represent a pointed box. Fig. 12 is a vertical longitudinal section; 13, a vertical cross sec- tion. The stuff flows from the battery, or from a sifting apparatus at a, into the box. The sinking grains concentrate at the point o, and flow out through the ascending conduit, o', into the trough, p. The finer stuff which could not resist the current of the water is carried over the spout, b, into the next larger box. The conduit, o', ascends, in order to coun- terbalance the water pressure inside the box. To obtain all its advantages, theoretical and practical experience must be taken into consideration in constructing the pointed box. The width of the single boxes is important. It depends on the quantity of stuff which enters the box in a second, and on the coarsest and densest grains in it. According to expe- rience, the first box by which the coarsest part of coarse crushing is to be separated, must receive one-tenth of a foot width to each cubic foot of stuff flowing per minute. Each of the next following three boxes receive twice the width of the preceding. If, therefore, such an arrangement were intended to sepa- rate ten cubic feet of coarse crushing per second, the first box should receive 10X1-10-one foot width and the whole arrangement of four boxes: 1, 2, 4, 8 feet width, and 3, 6, 9, 12 feet length. CONCENTRATION. 165 The depth is given by the inclination, which, measured from a horizontal line, is fifty degrees. This inclination is given to the sides of the width. The conduit, o', can be formed also by a pipe, (i, Fig. 14, Tab. III) which, on the last boxes, with fine sand, stands vertical. The pipe must be shorter with coarser sand. If it should be necessary to obtain a thicker stuff for the concentrator, there must be a valve at o, which opens at short intervals. The connecting troughs between two boxes (d, Fig. 18, Tab. III) widen towards the larger boxes, and must be sufficiently inclined, so that no sand can deposit in them. The coarser the sand, the more inclination. The boxes are not always close together, and in this case the con- veying troughs are narrow, discharging on a distributing board of the next box. The conveying troughs receive a square section. It is cal- culated that five square inches will answer for each cubic foot of stuff per minute. If, therefore, for instance, seven cubic feet of diluted stuff flows per minute through the trough, it must have 7X5=35 square inches, about six by six in the clear. The inclination of the conveying trough must be in each six feet at least- For coarse sand (§42, 1). "middle fine. 1 to 13 inch. 3 I 1 (( fine... (( slime.. (C 3 8 66 This inclination refers to galena ore with not over five per cent. of galena. The outlet of the pipe (i, Fig. 14) is regulated by mouth- pieces, of which there must be several of different sizes. Once regulated, there is no other work to be done, except to watch the regular flow, as by some accident the conduit may become choked. For such accidents, the larger boxes are provided with a rod in the centre, on the lower end of which, close above the opening, are two little wings. If the saud or pulp should accumulate by neglect of the watchman, the 166 CONCENTRATION. rod is turned until the stuff becomes loose enough to be forced through. The percentage received from boxes of the dimensions described is as follows: From the first box.. " แ second box. แ ( third box. (( (( fourth box. • 40 per cent. sand. 28 (( 66 " .18 (( " (( .10 (( " (6 So that the loss is not more than from four to six per cent. It sometimes occurs that several stamps have to be arrested, in which case the supply of crushed stuff is diminished. It is then necessary to replace this deficit by water. But if a varying supply depends on circumstances that cannot be reg- ulated, or the deficit cannot be regulated by water, there are other means to keep the fluid in the normal condition. For this purpose, each box is provided with a movable long- itudinal board. It is sufficient to make this board from twelve to eighteen inches wide. In proportion as the supply of water is less, the dividing board is moved towards one side. If, for instance, the supply should decrease to half of the normal quantity, the board is placed in the middle of the box, and all the stuff must enter on one side. The active part of the water reaches only a few inches below the sur- face, so that the dividing board need not reach to the bot- tom. In Schemnitz, (Hungary) for crushing twenty tons in twen- ty-four hours, the boxes have the following dimensions: 1 box 6 feet long, 2 feet wide, 4 feet deep. 23+ {{ 9 tt 5 แ 6 (C (( Յ เ 12 แ 9 it แ 8 (( 4 66 16 66 (( 15 (C (( 10 (( The first box gives 40 per cent. of sand. second แ third fourth 66 22 20 ( (C (C (6 (( (C (C 12 แ In case there should be a great quantity of sand in the flow from the battery, the pointed boxes receive a partition CONCENTRATION. 167 crosswise, one or two feet below the water surface, and reach- ing to the point of the box, whence two conduits carry the sands separate from each compartment. The first half gives two-thirds, the second one-third, of the depositing sand. At least two five-stamp batteries are required to make use of the funnel boxes. If the flow from the batteries is much less than ten cubic feet per minute, the discharge of the single boxes would be so diluted that the stuff would not be fit for concentration, and the application of mouth-pieces, by which the discharge is kept very thin, would cause irregu- larity by choking. In the Harz, there are several arrangements of funnel boxes. One is of the above description; another com- prises four systems of a number of small boxes, (Trichter Apparat) made of zinc. The arrangement is shown in Fig. 9, Tab. III, in a top view. The first two boxes, a, a, are narrow and oblong; then follows three other boxes, square in section, two feet ten inches each side, b, b; finally, two rows of four boxes, c, c... c, in which the stuff divides. The depth of all is the same-twenty inches. By means of gates, each system can be shut off if required. The small boxes could be advantageously applied for sizing the stuff or tailings of unroasted ores from the pan amalga- mation if concentration is intended; but, in order to obtain a regular work, there should be a large agitator, with a con- tinual discharge into funnels, which should be proportioned, in number and size, to the quantity of tailings. A common recciving agitator is necessary, because the discharge of the tailings from the settlers is periodical in most mills. Where the pulp is excessively diluted in the settlers, the agitator, if not large enough, must be provided with a trough at the top, to convey away the overplus of water. A modification of the funnel box is the E. Spitz-Lutte.-This apparatus resembles very much the slime separator ($43, C) but is applied like the funnel boxes, principally to sizing the sands, conveying at the same time 168 CONCENTRATION. clear water from below, by which the sand is freed from slime or from the finer sand. The same classes of sized sands are obtained as from the funnel boxes, but under certain circum- stances a "Spitz-lutte" is preferable for the reason that the speed of the flowing sands can be regulated, so that a set of two or three of these boxes which are prepared for four bat- teries, will answer also for three if regulated accordingly. The Spitz-lutte is a descending and ascending conduit of a rectangular section. With a horizontal line the conduits make an angle of sixty degrees. These boxes are represented on Tab. III, in Figs. 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. The dimensions are prepared for a battery supply of ten cubic feet per min- ute. a, shows the vertical boarding at the sides of the con- duits formed by the inclined walls, b, b'. The upper walls, b', b', form a movable wedge. The box is kept together by the wooden rails, c. The troughs, d.., widening at the mouth and outlet of the apparatus must have sufficient fall to prevent the settling of sand. With more boxes in a set, or if they are of considerable size, it may answer to have movable partitions on d.. The discharge funnel, e, communicates with the horizontal wooden pipe, i, both ends of which connect vertical pipes, "'. The funnel blocks, f, (Figs. 14 and 18) have an inclination of 45° to 50°, leaving an opening two inches square at the bot- from one-half to three-quarters of an inch diameter in the is tom, connecting with the pipe, i. The discharge pipe, i", clear. In case the pipes should get choked by accident, the cleaning can be effected by removing the plugs, g, g. In order to change the section of the conduits, in case it is desired to run more or less battery-stuff, the wedge, b', b', is provided with a set-screw, h, by which it may be raised or lowered. The motion of the wedge must be steady and uni- form. There are, therefore, guides (k, Fig. 17) fastened to the sides, a, of the box. The wedge should not set directly against the sides, as the water would flow between the wedge and box side; there is, therefore, a leather strip tacked to the edges of the wedge. The leather strip (1, Fig. 15, 17) is CONCENTRATION. 169 pressed by the water against the side of the box, forming thus a tight packing. When the flow of the pulp is constant, the packing can be obviated by attaching the wedge, U', firmly to the sides. This is especially advisable with the last and largest slime box, in which a slower flow in not injurious. Three feet is sufficient for the length of each conduit, but the width of its section, that is, the perpendicular distance between the inclines, b and b', ought not to be over from three to six inches on coarser stuff, and not over fifteen inches on slimes. Having large sections of the boxes for slimes, the width requires an inconvenient proportionate height. This can be avoided by dividing the box lengthwise so that each compart- ment receives its own discharge-funnel, e. If necessary, there may be three or four compartments in the box. The battery pulp flows through the trough, d, into the con- duit. When it has arrived at the lowest point, the coarser grains separate and sink through the funnel, e, into the pipe i, whence they are conveyed by the clear water through i", directly to a concentrator. A short india-rubber hose, in place of i", would probably answer just as well or better than an iron pipe, as in case of some impediment in i, the hose needs only to be lowered, and the accumulated sand will be forced out. The finer sand, which cannot sink through the ascending clear water, is carried up the ascending conduit and led into the next larger box, and so on. At i, are kept mouth-pieces of different size to regulate the flow of clear water into e and i", upon which also the size of the sand is dependent in some degree. SEC. 44. Feeding Boxes. It occurs very often that tailings or other material cannot be conveyed directly to concentrators, but accumulate. What- 12 170 CONCENTRATION. ever the construction of a concentrator may be, a regular feeding in a proper state of dilution is an important condition, otherwise an increased loss would be a necessary consequence. There are many different contrivances for sands and slimes. A slime-feeder cannot be prepared without motion, and requires the stuff to be sufficiently diluted. For sands a very suitable feed box is A. The Stationary Feed-Box.-It is represented in Tab. IV; Fig. 9 shows the vertical central section of Fig. 10, which is a cross section of Fig. 9 on the line, x, y. Fig. 11, Tab. IV, shows the block, g, of Figs. 9 and 10 on a larger scale. The box has a bottom, a, a, which is inclined both ways, towards the front and both sides. In the middle of the front b, at the bottom, is an opening, e, for the discharge. g, is a block to regulate the water which is introduced for the pur- pose of carrying out the sand. The block is constructed as shown in Fig. 11. It is twenty-three inches long, six inches wide, and three inches thick. On one flat side a canal is. made, as shown by c, down to h. Half the distance above the end, h, on each side of c, two canals, i, are made as represented, first ascending in a fork shape, turning then downwards and joining in k. The canals, c and i, are cut out one and a quarter to one and a half inches deep, and a hole bored through in h. The open cut side of the block is screwed on to the backside, b', of the box, so that the canal is shut up from all sides, communicat- ing inside only by the opening, k, which is placed exactly above the joint edge of the bottom, a, a. There is another wooden pipe, m, triangular, the edge being turned upwards. This pipe is so fixed to the block, g, that the canal, c, is con- nected with it. The pipe is inclined and only three-sixteenths of an inch above the roof of a, all the way to e. When the box is filled with stuff, the place below m remains free, at least on that part of the roof or edge of the bottom which is nearest to m. The water, introduced into c, passes through m, into the trough, o, but if partially checked by the CONCENTRATION. 171 cock, p, the water must rise in the canal, c, and flow through i (Fig. 11) into the box below, m. On its way it has a ten- dency to spread on the inclined bottom, thus constantly car- rying the sand down, through e, into the gutter, o. The workman has it entirely under his control to let out more or less sand, as may be required, by shutting the cock, p, more or less. He can at the same time regulate the degree of dilution. This apparatus is very handy, requiring only to be charged before it becomes empty. The feeding is regular and continuous, provided the sand is not mixed with foreign matter or clay lumps, but sifted or sized. A better contrivance for sands and slimy stuff, but requir- ing motion, is B. The Rotating Feeder-(German, Dreh-Gumpe).—This apparatus is shown Figs. 12 and 13, Tab. IV. The wooden frame, constructed of four by four timber, on which two hop- pers, a, and a circular trough, b, rest, is not represented. The vertical shaft, c, to which a conoidal disc, d, is fastened, is kept in slow rotating motion by an endless screw. The sand is introduced into the hoppers, a, which stand opposite each other, and of which only one is shown in the drawing. As there is no bottom attached to the hopper, the sand falls on the disc, d, which slowly glides beneath. The quantity of stuff carried by the disc is regulated by the scrap- er, e; the nearer it is brought to the disc, the thinner the layer of sand. This disc is furnished all round with radial sheet-iron strips, f, between which shorter pieces are fast- ened, in order to distribute the water more regularly. The water is conveyed with several feet head through the iron pipe, g, (one inch diameter) of which there are also two in number, arranged as shown in Fig. 13. The circular gut- ter, b, is inclined towards the spout, h, and has a rim, i, of sheet-iron, to prevent splashing over by the jet of water. From the spout the stuff is carried through an inclined cylin- der sieve to keep undissolved lumps or chips, etc., from the concentrator. 172 CONCENTRATION. At Joachimsthal (Bohemia) one rotating feeder of the above description, with two hoppers, making six revolutions per hour, supplies two rotating buddles, or two self-discharging percussion tables, with six tons of stuff, with very regular feeding, in twenty-four hours, using 1.88 cubic feet of water per minute. Concentrating Machines. The concentrating machines are either stationary, percus- sion, oscillating and shaking-tables, or steady-moving con- trivances. SEC. 45. Stationary Concentrators. This class is very numerous. The fundamental construc- tion of all is a simple wooden box, of from ten to fifteen feet length, twenty inches to four feet width, and from one to two feet depth, having an inclination of from twelve to eighteen inches in the whole length. Modifications of size, shape and treatment have produced the different terms. The stuff to be treated in these apparatuses is often unsized, so that con- centration and at the same time sorting is effected; but, on account of this double purpose, the concentration must be repeated several times. To the stationary concentrators belong- A. The Hand Buddle.—It is represented in Fig. 15, Tab. IV. This apparatus is extensively used in lead mines for coarse sand. There is a separation of the finer stuff, and also a concentration of the coarse, effected. Above the head of the buddle is a box, or a platform, a, from which the washer draws a charge of about half a cubic foot of stuff into the CONCENTRATION. 173 buddle, which is from twelve to fourteen feet long, and twen- ty-two inches wide and deep. The sand is spread equally, and raked towards the head, while clear water from c, carries. the lighter part down. The water, e, is regulated by the holes, f, in the front board. > The clear water is sometimes conducted directly on the platform, in which case no compartment, c, is made. The workman rakes the stuff on the platform, using a sieve, b. to prevent impurities from entering the buddle, while the washer rakes the sand in the buddle until it is nearly filled, taking about an hour's time. The buddle receives one inch fall to every foot in length. The openings, f, of which there are five in number at equal vertical distances, are one ich in diameter each. The work requires about one cubic foot of water per minute. The poorer the sand, and the better it is assorted, the more water can be admitted. The deposit is then divided into three parts. of which the "head" is the richest, containing the least proportion of slimes. This head is taken out to the line, g, sometimes less. The next smaller part, the "middle," is about as rich as the origi- nal stuff on the platform where it is thrown. The last part, from h to e, (the "tails ") is again washed on some other con- trivance. In many places there are three of these buddles near together, so that the second receives the heads from the first, and the third one finishes the heads of the second bud- dle. The heads in the third are washed with more care, but in the same way as in the first buddle. There is with the hand buddle the same disadvantage as with the round buddle, concave buddle or percussion table, that the head by the accumulation of heavy stuff changes the original and proper inclination, causing an irregular separa- tion, so that the head becomes poorer. In this respect the percussion table has the advantage of being capable of chang- ing its angle, so that the inclination of the head can be regu- lated as the work advances. On all tables where the concen- trated stuff accumulates to several inches, the use of rakes is preferable to that of brooms. 174 CONCENTRATION. B. Sleeping Tables.-These tables are similar to the hand buddle, but wider. They serve for coarse fine sands and free slime. The table is a box, eight to twelve feet long, and four to five feet wide. The sides are from twelve to eighteen inches high. The lower front of the inclined table has peg- holes in different heights. The sand flows at the head in a proper state of dilution into the box from a distributing board, and is raked against the current. In proportion as the bot- tom is covered with the denser stuff, the peg-holes are grad- ually stopped, till six to eight inches of ore are deposited. The . upper part of the head is generally washed over once more, giving then a suitable schlich. The middles are washed over separately, by which a head is obtained and washed together with the heads of the first operation. The tails are delivered to the original stuff. The diluted stuff must flow over the table in a thin stratum, because only in this condition can a proper concentration be effected. The finer the sand the more it must be diluted. The speed must correspond to the sort of sand. By experience, the most proper fall in the whole length of the table of twelve feet is, for Coarse sand……. Middle fine. Fine. Slime. 20 inches or 8 degrees 15 10 6 "L 6 ( แ i In order to preserve the original inclination during the operation, the peg-holes must be shut in proportion as the work proceeds. This and similar tables are often charged by spreading the stuff with a rake on a platform above the head of the table, which causes a very irregular distribution, and ought to be replaced by feed boxes (§44). The Rack, or hand-frame, is composed of a frame with a smooth floor. The table is from two and a half to three feet wide, six to nine feet long, and on both ends provided with pivots, susceptible of being turned to the right or left on its inclined long axis. In operating on this table, the slimy ore to the extent of about twenty pounds, is placed on the table CONCENTRATION. 175 and distributed equally over the head, by means of a rake, admitting clear water. The schlich remains on the upper part of the table, whilst the muddy water falls through a cross slit at the bottom into a receptacle. When the charge of ore has been thoroughly raked, the table is turned on its axis, until it is brought into a vertical position and the deposit on its surface washed into a box. The operations of this table are similar in other respects to those of the sweeping table. C. Sweeping Tables are mostly used for concentration of middle fine sand, fine, and slime. These tables are from twenty to thirty feet long, and from three to four feet wide, boarded on the long sides from four to six inches high. Ore containing blende or spathic iron requires a table thirty feet long. The bottom must be perfectly plane and smooth. The concentra- tion is performed interruptedly-that is, as soon as a thin layer of ore is washed, the table must be cleaned for another charge. The slime is conducted from some agitator or feeder on the table, and the feeding stopped when the stuff reaches the lower end of the table. Clear water is then admitted, and the slime, by means of a broom, washed against the head; but very gently, or not at all, if tough slime is oper- ated upon. When the ore appears clean, a slit at the end or half the length of the table is opened, and the concentrated ore, or schlich, swept into a box beneath. The sweeping table gives a very good result, but the operation is slow, and they undoubtedly give place to the superior self-discharging rotating buddles. Fig. 1, Tab. VII, represents a sweeping table of a smaller size. The average inclination of sweeping tables is- For sands. (C slimes. 10 to 12 degrees. 5" 6 The quantity which can be washed advantageously of diluted stuff per minute is- Sands...0.3 to 0.5 cub. ft., cont'g fm. 6 to 10 lbs. sand. Slimes..0.08 0.12 ** 0.28" 0.78" (4 * 176 CONCENTRATION. Twelve feet long, by four feet width, seems to be the most proper size. The concentration of one charge takes eight minutes in all. It requires about three times as much clear water as diluted stuff. D. The Round Buddle.-This machine serves to concen- trate slimes and fine sediments on a circular bottom, inclined towards the periphery. The machine is represented in out- line by Fig. 4, Tab. IV. The conical bottom, a, formed of wood, is sixteen feet in diameter. (There are buddles of twenty feet diameter.) On this the stuff is distributed. b, is the cone supporting the upper part of the feeding appa- ratus; e, a funnel, perforated with four holes, and furnished at the top with an annular trough; f,ƒ, are arms, carrying two brushes, balanced by the weights, g, g; h, is a launder for conducting the stuff into the funnel, c, from which it passes through the perforations, flows over the surface of the fixed cone, b, and from thence towards the circuinference, leaving in its progress the heavier portions of its constituents, while the surface is constantly swept smooth by means of the revolving brushes. By this means the particles of different densities will be found arranged in concentric circles. The arms usually make from two and a half to four revolutions per minute, and a machine having eighteen feet in diameter, will work up from fifteen to twenty tons per ten hours.* With regard to the statement of working fifteen or twenty tons in ten hours, it may refer to a superficial preliminary concentration, combined with a considerable loss. The dis- advantage of this buddle is the constant change of the incli- nation, which produces an unequal speed of the water, and consequently an irregular settlement of the ore. E. Concave Buddle.-Contrary to the round buddle, the bottom in this machine is inclined from the circumference towards the centre, forming thus a funnel-like bottom. On the centre shaft is a box which receives the slime; with this *Supplement to Ure's Dictionary. CONCENTRATION. 177 box there are four arms connected, which carry the slime to the periphery of the buddle. The speed of the arms must vary with the nature of the stuff to be operated upon; for sands, eight revolutions per minute have been found sufficient, but for fine slimes from fourteen to sixteen revolutions are necessary in the same time. This buddle works better than the round buddle, giving an extensive area on the circumfer- ence for the heads, and thus admitting of the separation of a greater bulk of sands. The area over which the slime is dis- tributed diminishes towards the centre, while the water com- paratively increases in quantity and velocity, sweeping off a proportionate quantity of lighter matter associated with the ore. The buddle is eighteen feet diameter, and has an incli- nation of about six degrees. An experiment on slime of argentiferous lead ores gave the following result : The slime before concentration assayed 6 per cent. of lead. The heads of the buddle, 3 inches deep, 22 wide-12 per cent. of lead, and 30 oz. of silver per ton of lead. The middles, 1 inches deep, 18 inches wide-63 per cent. of lead, and 42 oz. of silver per ton of lead. 3 I Tails of the buddle, 1 inches deep, 18 inches wide-3 per cent. of lead, and 55 oz. of silver per ton of lead. Castaways, 1 inches deep, 18 inches wide-1 per cent. of lead. F. Blanket Tables.-Blankets for the purpose of concen- tration are extensively in use, especially in the California gold quartz mills. In most of the mills the heaviest of the gold, that part of which, on account of its coarser con- dition, is sure to remain on the blanket, is retained as amal- gam in the battery. If, therefore, blankets enjoy the con- fidence of the millmen for saving the finer part of gold or amal- gam which escapes the battery, they might just as well do the whole and save the trouble of cleaning the battery. The blanket is a very old gold-saving instrument, and certainly an effective one, if properly attended to. The mining or sluice- blanket manufactured in California is of a superior quality, 178 CONCENTRATION. usually twenty-four inches wide and sixty feet long, from which the suitable length is cut. One side is long-haired, the other short-haired. There is also other stuff in use, coarse linen, gunny bags, etc.* The great density of gold (=16 in average) permits of less care in its concentration than other ore. It admits the use of more water, and the tables can be set more inclined. Very fine gold is troublesome to save, but cannot be compared with very fine silver ores in this respect. A gold grain of one-tenth of an inch diameter is equal fall- ing with a galena grain of one-fifth, or with a piece of quartz one inch in diameter. The troughs for blankets are from twelve to fifteen inches wide, and from ten to fifteen feet long. The sands from the batteries are sometimes much diluted, in order to be distrib- uted on three or four troughs per battery; in many cases there are only two troughs used, or one. Four troughs are preferable to three, for the reason that when the blankets from one are removed for the purpose of washing them, the sand can be turned on the other three troughs so that each receives only one-third more for a short time, till the blankets are washed. The best arrangement is with four troughs, . two always in use alternately. Generally there is a second and third row of troughs join- ing the first, so that there are twenty-four to thirty-six feet, and even as high as sixty feet, length of blankets. The sides of the troughs are only one and a half to two inches high. The blankets are laid so that the sides of the trough are also covered, or better when the sides of the blan- ket are rolled up from both sides as much as the width of the blanket and of the trough allows. It is better to lay the long-haired side down, so that the sands flow over the short- haired side. The first row of blankets are taken off and washed, accord- *According to careful comparative experiments, made under direction of L. Janin, blankets under similar circumstances save more valuable matter than gunny bags. CONCENTRATION. 179 ing to the richness of the ore, every ten or twenty minutes, or every hour; the second row only half as often; the third row twice or once a day. The inclination of the blanket troughs is from ten to fifteen degrees. If, besides the free gold, sulphurets occur in the rock to which no attention is paid, or which are intended for a regular concentration and conveyed through pointed boxes for the purpose of assorting, the troughs must be more inclined than with quartz free from sulphurets. Accumulation of sand indicates either not sufficient fall, or want of water. Too much water is injurious. The first blanket or blankets contain about seventy to sev- enty-five per cent. of the free gold obtained by blankets. For this reason they ought to be washed separately in a box. It is also best to carry these blankets from the trough to the box in buckets, and never to take them off while the sands are running. The blankets retain a great deal of sulphurets, iron and sand, so that the blanket stuff is comparatively poor. For this reason it is subjected to concentration on tables (in Europe) similar to sweeping tables, (§45, C) but only from fif- teen to twenty-four inches wide and twelve feet long, inclined from ten to fifteen degrees. By means of a feeder, (§44, 4) the blanket stuff is conducted very regularly over the dis- tributor, and washed, as described with the sweeping table. Poor stuff is treated twice on the same table. From the con- centrated gold sand, the gold is extracted by hand with wooden pans, by a singular percussive motion, and then amalgamated. In California, the blanket sand is amalgamated directly either in Knox's or other grinding pans, with addition of quicksilver, and with or without application of heat; or there are troughs with a half-round bottom from twelve to fifteen inches, by six to eight, arranged in step-like order, one below the other. The quicksilver covers the bottom of these troughs, of which each has a roller, with roller pins or stirrers. By these stirrers the blanket sand is 180 CONCENTRATION. carried through the quicksilver, and the free gold is taken up by the mercury. In place of the gold concentrating tables, horizontally-mov- ing canvas tables ($48, E) separate the free gold perfectly. For silver ores, the density of which is very much less than that of gold, blankets are very ineffective, because these minerals are sooner and consequently more finely crushed than the quartz, and assume, at the same time, an unfavora- ble shape. Peculiar circumstances, however, may sometimes require their use, as, for instance, in the Gold and Six-Mile Cañons in Nevada, where from six hundred to eight hun- dred tons of tailings flow down every day. These tailings carry not only gold amalgam, but also silver sulphurets. In order to save of that valuable stuff as much as possible, in absence of a better contrivance, blanket troughs are put up from five to six miles along both cañons. What may deposit in two, three or six hours, is washed in wooden tubs, and the stuff delivered to the mills, where it is amalgamated in pans. With respect to self-discharging blankets, see $48, E. SEC. 46. Percussion Tables. The concentration on percussion tables depends not only on the action of the water upon the surface of the mineral particles on an inclined plane, but also on the action of the percussion which the table receives. The forward motion of the table is generally slow. This and the current of the water carries the mineral more or less down the incline; but at the instant when the table swings abruptly back, all the particles assume the tendency to follow that motion-the denser more, the lighter less. This motion, by the striking of the table against some fixed substance, is suddenly stopped, while the ore particles, not encountering a fixed hindrance, follow the imparted back motion, slide on the table or on the deposited ore from their resting point backwards, so that the CONCENTRATION. 181 heavier stuff is always retained at the head of the table, whilst the lighter earthy part, on which the action of the water has more influence, is carried over the table down- wards. The percussion tables are of great importance for the con- centration of sands, but at the same time they answer also for free slimes, although the latter, especially when tough, are more advantageously treated on rotating buddles. Oper- ating on slimes with percussion tables, the concussion must be slight and the swing short. A. The German Percussion Table.-As Rittinger's table does the same amount of work in a great deal shorter time, suffering the same or less loss in concentration, it is sufficient to give a sketch of the common percussion table, as shown in Fig. 5, Tab. IV, in order to obtain a clear idea of its con- struction. a, is the table, nine feet long, and from four to five feet wide. The floor must be made smooth and level, on a strong frame. It is suspended on four chains, b, c. The chains, c, a portion of which is often replaced by rods, are fastened to a roller, d, between the two uprights. By wind- ing the chain upon the roller, the inclination of the table can be regulated. Below the table, fastened solidly to the frame, is the percussion rod, e, the head of which is from five to six inches square. It strikes against the percussion block, i, which requires to be stout and firm. The table, when in rest, does not hang perpendicular. The more the chain, b, departs from a perpendicular line, the more effective is the percussion. The iron cramp, g, allows of adjusting the chain for that purpose. h, is a pushing rod, in connection with the movable fork, k, moved by the cams of a revolving shaft. 7, is a feed-box, and m, represents the dis- tributing board. The ore is placed either into 1, to which also a current of water is conveyed, or it comes directly from a sizing apparatus upon the board, m, whence it is distributed evenly over the surface of the moving table. The workman uses from time to time a light rake, to keep a smooth uniform 182 CONCENTRATION. surface of the ore, which deposits at the head more than elsewhere. This changes the inclination. For this reason the workman must raise the chain, c, a little as often as may be required. When the table is charged to a depth of six or eight inches with washed ore, the motion is stopped, and the deposit divided into three parts, each part removed sepa- rately, and re-washed on the percussion table in the same way. Of the second concentration, only the head is suffi- ciently concentrated. The other parts from both concentra- tions require a great number of manipulations-another reason for giving the self-discharging tables the preference. On the percussion table, the sand must likewise move with such a velocity, and in such a thin layer, that the coarser and lighter particles are carried off, while the smaller and denser ore grains remain on the table. This requires a certain quantity of diluted pulp, and a definite inclination of the table. Quantity and inclination must decrease with the increase of the fineness of the pulp. A table of five feet width requires per minute- Of diluted sands.. And for sands.. slimes. slimes.. ..0.5 to 0.7 cubic feet. .0.10 " 0.17 (( (6 5 to 8 inches fall per 6 feet. 2" 3 For middle stuff, the inclination must be between these two extremes. The amount of sand in the pulp has an important influence on the concentration. One cubic foot of water can contain- Of sands... . . "slimes The number of strokes per minute- 20 to 40 pounds. 5" 10 (C For sands with elastic percussion blocks... 12 to 16 (6 {{ แ stiff แ slimes ( (C The stroke— For sands (the coarsest) is. แ slimes แ (6 .40 50 ..60 80 12 inches. 4.8 66 • CONCENTRATION. 183 B. Continual Percussion Table (Rittinger's).—The differ- ence between this self-discharging and the common percus- sion table lies principally in the percussion, which is applied on one of the long sides. On the common table, the denser particles move backwards, whilst the lighter particles are carried down in the opposite direction by the water. On the self-discharging table, all the grains follow the impulse of the water; but the denser move more slowly, on account of their friction on the table. From this downward motion. they are diverted to a transverse one by the percussion, which again does not act as strongly on the lighter earthy particles, so that, as shown in Fig. 8, Tab. V, the light min- erals, a, will follow nearly straight down in the course of the water, the densest, c, the diagonai, and the ore of less grav- ity, b, the middle course, as indicated by the dotted lines. By this means the separation of the orey matter from the earthy is effected uniformly and continually. The separation of the different ores on these tables is very perfect. The first experiments were made on a table which had only one side, d', the other, d, was not attached, so that the ore had to be discharged on the long side at d, and the refuse in front; this, however, would not answer, until A. Palmer, in Hungary, shut up the long side, d, changed the quantity of charged ore and the intensity of percussion, and succeeded in separating all on the front side with a high degree of purity. In Hungary and Austria these tables are introduced almost everywhere in place of the common percussion tables. Tab. V, Figs. 7, 8, 9, represent Rittinger's table. Fig. 7 is the front, 8 the top, and 9 the side view. The table, a', is generally eight feet wide and eight feet long, but divided longitudinally in the middle by d', forming thus a double table. It is suspended on four iron rods, e, and has an inclined position, as seen in Fig. 9. The motion is imparted to the table by the rods, e, connected by the perpendicular rod, f, with the block, g, on which the cams of the shaft strike. The rods, e, e, are fixed to the nuts, g', shown on a larger scale in Fig. 11, which moves on the screw by turning the head, g". 184 CONCENTRATION. By this means the stroke can be lengthened or shortened. The horizontal screw is bolted to the percussion rod, h, which forms a part of the frame of the table, and strikes against the percussion block, i, Fig. 7 and 8. The percussion is produced by the wooden spring, k, which can be screwed nearer to the frame at 1, increasing the force of the stroke. m, is the dis- tributing board. The orey matter is conveyed on the por tions, m', m', which, if the table is five feet wide, for the pur- pose of purer separation, cannot be made wider than twelve inches. Over the balance of the distributing board, m", m", the clear water is distributed so as to spread it as uniformly as possible over three-fourths of the table width (of four feet width). The clear water is first led into the box, o, and from there through cocks or some other arrangement to the distrib- uting board, m. The manipulation is as follows: According to the material to be operated upon, the inclination of the table, the quantity of clear water, the stroke, and the number of strokes per min- ute, are regulated. When this is done, the table is put in motion and the clear water admitted. The well-sized sand is then conducted on the portion, m', of the distributing board. The denser ore particles will soon follow the influence of the percussion and assume the diagonal direction under the clear water which carries the lighter particles down, so that the heaviest part will enter the partition, n", the less dense min- eral slides into n', and the valueless earthy part is carried to 2. In case the stuff in n" should be required more or less pure, the movable dividing list, p', must be turned to the right or left side. By this means it is possible to extract the galena perfectly pure in n", the iron pyrites with a small proportion of galena in n', and the earthy refuse with an insignificant. amount of ore in n, if the ore should consist of the above named constituents. The richest part is carried through r, into the trough beneath, n", (Fig. 9) the middling stuff falls through the slit, r', dropping into n', and the refuse into the trough, n, through the slit, 7". The stuff from n', of two double tables, is generally lifted by CONCENTRATION. 185 a bucket-wheel and concentrated again on one of them, so that of two tables three single partitions work on fresh ore, and the fourth on the middle stuff of n' of all four partitions. No intermediate stuff has to be handled, only first-class ore being obtained in n", while the refuse in n is discharged from the works as valueless. The inclination of the table increases with the grain size, and is- For sands... в slimes.. ..6 degrees. 3 The quantity of stuff conveyed to the table per minute ought not to be more than- Of sands-0.22 cubic feet, containing, per cubic foot of dry stuff, 17 pounds on one distributer. Of slimes-0.11 cubic feet, containing, per cubic foot of dry stuff, 6.8 pounds on one distributer. Consequently one double table will put through in twenty- four hours-- Of sands. "slimes.. ..5.38 tons. 1.08 Or an average as the stuff comes from the battery from three to four tons (of two thousand pounds). Of clear water, the table requires per foot width about as much as comes over the distributor per minute-that is: For sands. (C slimes. .0.22 cubic feet. .0.13 (* Or for a whole compartment of the table per minute- For sands. (( slimes. • • 10.66 cubic feet. 0.39 The quantity of clear water must increase in proportion as the inclination of the table decreases. It is also necessary to direct more water on the outer edge of the table than towards the stuff, in order to carry off the schlich. The number of strokes- With sands is... slimes 13 70 to 80 per minute. .90 " 100 (. 186 CONCENTRATION. With tough slimes, the strokes may be increased to 120 or 140 per minute. The length of the stroke is dependent upon the tension of the spring, k, by which the table is constantly pressed towards the percussion block. The spring is about eleven feet long, three inches wide, and two and a half inches thick. If the spring receives a tension of from one hundred and eighty to two hundred pounds, the stroke must be- For sands... แ slimes. • 2 inches. 3 (( 2 If the tension* were too strong, the grains would assume a reverse course. The tension must be weaker, and the inclin- ation less, if there is less sand in the dilution than seventeen pounds. On four continual double percussion tables, from ten to fifteen and a half tons can be subjected to concentration in twenty- four hours, if the stuff is conveyed through four pointed boxes from the battery, and the four classes obtained concen- trated separately on one table. The middle produced, how- ever, must be conveyed to other tables. Of sands free of slime, a greater quantity can be worked on the above four tables. The loss is, like that on other first-class concentrators, about twenty per cent. Free Gold, if present, separates perfectly from other ore and sulphurets. One table requires a quarter of a horse-power. The con- centrating expenses are greatly reduced by the self-discharg- ing percussion tables. At Rodnau (in Hungary) seventy hands were employed at the concentration works, using sweep- *The simplest way of measuring the tension of the spring is to tie a cord to the end of it, where the power is transmitted to the table, and to fasten to the other end of the cord, which hangs over a roller, so much weight that the spring is brought out of its position perceptibly. This method is sufficiently reliable for such purposes; but, as a matter of course, the weight of the hanging part of the cord, as well as fifteen per cent. of the whole weight for roller friction, must be subtracted from the tension weight. CONCENTRATION. 187 ing tables. This number of hands was reduced to eight, on the same quantity of ore, worked by the continual percussion tables. The elevating wheels are seven and a half feet in diameter, with forty-eight buckets on each side, made of sheet iron. The inclination of the buckets towards the radius of the wheel is sixty degrees. It makes four revolutions per min- ute. The width of the bucket partition on one side of the wheel is three inches, sufficient to lift the middle-class of one double table. It is better to use one elevating wheel for sev- eral tables. In building Rittinger's table, the frame is put together as shown in Fig. 12, Tab. V. h, is the percussion rod, on which five cross pieces are fitted and bolted, and finished to a rec- tangular frame by the transverse pieces, c, c. The floor, a, to be laid on the frame, is generally made of maple wood one and a quarter inch boards, free from knots. The boards are fastened to the frame with wooden pins and smoothly planed. Carpenters, especially in California, are in the habit of put- ting their tools while working on the already planed floor, which should by no means be tolerated, although to an inex- perienced person it would seem a pedantic measure. Dam- ages of that kind, insignificant as they may appear, are injur- ious in the process of concentration. When planed and fin- ished with sandpaper, the partitions and sides, e, are fastened and closed at the head with a list, f. In order to effect a strict separation, the point of the divi- ders, p, p', (Fig. 8) must always touch the floor. These tongues, however, if not properly made, never make tight dividers. A very suitable mode is shown in Fig. 10, Tab. V. The movable tongue, p, has a step on the lower end, form- ing a dove-tail, gliding, if turned, on the fixed part, e. Above the tongue there is an iron rod, f, screwed on at the centre of motion, g. The rod on its upper end has a set-screw, h. By means of these two screws, g and h, the tongue, which is lined with leather on the under side, can be tightened at pleasure. 188 CONCENTRATION. C. Hunter's Self-Discharging Percussion Table.—This con- centrator, introduced in several mills in California, is made of copper plates, in an oblong shape, the shorter side being about twenty-four inches, the longer thirty inches. The table is somewhat deeper in the middle, (one-half inch) ascending in a straight line towards both ends, both of which discharge con- tinuously at the rate of the feeding. At the head, which is placed a little higher than the level of the opposite side, the denser ore particles are discharged, while the light waste is thrown off in the opposite direction. The suspended table, whose inclination can be regulated easily, receives two hun- dred and twenty-five strokes per minute. This speed and the peculiar motion has the effect that the percussion must be applied on the discharge side of the tailings, the denser par- ticles taking the reverse direction. Clear water is conducted. and distributed nearer to the head, the sand towards the mid- dle of the table. The copper in the middle of the table is amalgamated for the purpose of catching gold, amalgam and quicksilver, if present in the stuff. The efficiency of these tables is more than proportionate to the size, which is rather small. The general fault in treating these tables is overcharging with unsized ore. The laws of gravity and the conditions of concentration cannot be violated by overcharging without a severe loss being the result. This may often be the cause of bringing a really good machine into discredit. Hunter's percussion table separates, if properly treated, very satisfactorily, and may work through from two to two and a half tons in twenty-four hours, according to fineness of sands. The amalgamated plate is injurious to steady concentration. This and amalgamation are two such different operations that the first is always injured by amalgamating arrangements, no matter what they may consist of. It might safely he conjec- tured that, if the amalgamation really does not interfere with the concentration, the machine must be a second-rate concen- trator. If the ore particles have to slide on a plane for the CONCENTRATION. 189 purpose of being separated from gangue, a smooth surface, to a certain degree, is a condition. A rough surface, such as is formed by a gathering of amalgam, is a great impediment to the motion of grains, and it is still worse if quicksilver is taken up from such stuff which may contain it, by which a new underlayer for the ore is created, moving its own way. The periodical removal of the deposited amalgam is no rem- edy. The amalgamation is no additional recommendation for a concentrator. Finally, there rises the question, to what purpose is the catching of gold, which is never perfect on a concentrator, by means of quicksilver, separately from the other concentrated portion containing gold and silver? If, however, a separation of free gold from sulphurets should be required, it must be done by the concentrator based on the difference of specific gravity, either in the first operation or for itself, after concentration, but it is wrong to molest the concentrator with trifles which weaken its efficiency. Hunter's concentrator was improved lately by the addition of rotary discharging plates. D. Percussion Buddle.-Varney's self-discharging percus- sions buddle is the only percussion table of a circular form, similar to the rotating buddle ($48, B). The efficiency of this table did not meet the expectation, although the construction. is founded on a right principle. The reason of its non-success lies in the small size and partly in the application. The table was built four and a half feet in diameter. The concussion decreases towards the centre, so that only about one and a half feet active length of a table partition was left for the separation, without any provision for obtaining clean sulphurets. In fact, the periphery of a circle five or six feet in diameter, ought to be the beginning but not the end of separation, consequently not less than fourteen to sixteen feet diameter ought to be considered the proper size of a percus- sion buddle. Dividing the buddle into twelve segments (Fig. 12, Tab. VI,) each will represent a self-discharging percussion table of 190 CONCENTRATION. five and a half feet length, and four feet width, on the outer periphery. It is not necessary to give to the table at the head the same width as at the discharge, for the reason that the ore requires only eight inches flowing down from the dis- tributers, b, b. It spreads gradually as the table widens. For coarse sand the stroke on the, outer periphery may require to be four to five inches. This stroke would gradually decrease to about two and a half inches at the head of the table. By the percussion the denser particles, e, will take a diag- onal course in the same way as on the continual percussion table, and come out of the stream. For this reason, and to carry off particles of sand, there is a perforated pipe, c, for each table, receiving the clear water from the circular pipe, g. The circular main distributer, d, provides the distribu- ters, b, b, with sands. Compared with the continual percussion table, this buddle of sixteen feet diameter and twelve segments ought to sepa- rate about twenty tons of ore in twenty-four hours, consum- ing about seven cubic feet of clear water for coarse sand, or 4.5 cubic feet for fine sand and slime per minute. On the same buddle, two or three sorts of sand can be operated upon at the same time, giving less clear water for the finer sort on separate compartments. A good result of the percussion buddle depends on- 1. The right proportion of sands, water, and inclination. (six degrees). 2. On a perfectly level and smooth floor of each segment- the segments being divided by rims, h, of a triangled section, one or one and a half inches high. 3. On a steady forward and back motion of the periphery. This could be easily accomplished by a proper support of rollers, or wheels, on four points equi-distant. 4. On the uniform distribution of the percussive power on each segment. The percussion beam must be the length of the diameter of the buddle, in one piece through the cen- tre, and both ends striking at the same moment against hori- zontal or vertical percussion blocks. All twelve radial arms, CONCENTRATION. 191 including the percussion beam, must be connected on the periphery by cross-pieces. 5. The tension of the spring must be adjustable. Except the decrease of the percussion towards the centre of motion, the single segments resemble completely the con- tinual percussion table. The buddle might answer better if only one-half of the circle should be fixed to the shaft. This would allow a better division in regard to room, and simplify the application of the percussion and motive arrangement. SEC. 47. Oscillating and Shaking Tables. These tables answer for sands better than for very fine material. They are not much in use, because they do not give a clean separation, and lose, at the same time, more metal than others in use. But they have the advantage of being simple and inexpensive, requiring very little power and not much room. They are suitable for concentration of tailings, etc., where concentration is a secondary matter. The best concentrators of this kind are the following: A. Borlase's Concentrator is represented on Tab. IV. Fig. 6, is a perpendicular section. Fig. 7, shows the view from above. The ore is conducted through a trough into an annu- lar vessel, a, whence it flows over the rim on the distributor, b, which is inclined, stationary or revolving. Through the holes, d, the ore drops on the level bottom of the oscillating pan, e, which is kept in motion by the cranks, g, g, and the rods, h. By the quick motion, the orey stuff is kept in a loose condition, so that the heavier part can descend and deposit itself at the bottom, whilst the lighter stuff is carried by the water through the central opening, i, over the inner ring, which is movable, and raised mechanically in proportion as the deposited ore rises on the bottom. This apparatus is 192 CONCENTRATION. provided with a revolving cylindrical sieve and percussive hammers, for settling the ore if required; also with an appa- ratus to increase or decrease the speed, which is omitted in the drawing. rets. B. Hendy's Concentrator.-This concentrator is an im- proved modification of the former, and is used extensively in California on tailings, principally to concentrate the sulphu- The improvement consists chiefly in the bottom slightly ascending towards the centre; in the application of a dis- charge hole on the side close to the bottom, provided with a gate, so that by opening it somewhat a continual discharge of the concentrated stuff can be produced; and also in connect- ing the upper box of the upright shaft with a crank handle. By this means an inclination can be given to the discharge side. The refuse is carried through the centre, as in Bor- lase's machine. The gate at the discharge hole must be shut at the com- mencement until the sulphurets accummulate above the opening. The gate is then opened very little, so that only a small quantity may come out continually. If it is perceived that the sulphurets rise in the pan, the gate may be opened little more until the discharge is equal to the quantity of sulphurets constantly deposited. Much would be gained on the percentage of concentrated sulphurets if the ore or tailings were conducted through two small pointed boxes, ($43, D,) of different sizes, and two or three concentrators used for each sized stuff. The motion of the concentrators must be modified-the first concentrator, receiving the coarsest grain, must have the longest stroke, and probably more water; the last one, working upon the finest sand, must move quicker, with shorter strokes. The crank shaft makes from one hundred and eighty to two hun- dred revolutions. C. Hungerford's Concentrator.-Similar to the preceding is Hungerford's machine. The bottom, as shown in Fig. 8, CONCENTRATION. 193 Tab. IV, ascends to the rim of the sufficiently-inclined chan- nel; a, which, at the lowest point, discharges the refuse. There is a circular trough, b, outside the periphery. At intervals of a few inches around the circumference, there are small openings at the bottom, by which the inner space com- municates with the trough. The pan derives its motion from two eccentrics, secured on a horizontal shaft, passing across and below the centre of the pan, and working between two pairs of adjustable wooden guide-blocks, or bearings. The eccentrics are so made as to bear equally on the wooden guide-blocks in all positions while in motion. The pulverized material flows from the feeder, c, into the bowl, distributing thence equally over the convex cover, drop- ping into the pan. By the motion of the pan, the heavier particles are kept near the periphery, passing through the openings into the trough, from whence they are removed as fast as it is filled. The light gangue is carried by the flow of the water through the channel, a. The construction of this concentrator is very simple, and not liable to get out of order soon. D. Shaking Tables are very imperfect concentrators. The main feature is explained by a box eight to ten feet long and twelve to fifteen inches wide, more or less, having a smooth or riffled bottom. It is suspended on four rods, and receives its motion by a crank. To this class belongs— E. Barron's Concentrator-Which differs in construction entirely from the common shaking table, giving also, with proper material, a better result. A half-round trough, from six to eight inches wide and six feet long, is suspended on four wires. An iron rod imparts to the trough a rocking motion. Another motion forwards and backwards is effected by a crank. The trough is suspended in an iron vessel of about fifteen inches in width and ten feet long, filled with water, so that the trough operates under water. The ore is fed through the hopper into the somewhat inclined trough. 194 CONCENTRATION. The quick motion keeps the sand loose, so that the heavier grains sink to the bottom, whilst the gangue floats on the top, all moving downward in the inclined trough, but the rocking motion brings the stuff alternately nearer to the rim, below which, on both sides, are made longitudinal openings, through which the light refuse is thrown off into the larger com- partment of the vessel, while the concentrated part is con- stantly discharged in the front compartment. The trough is about six inches wide; the machine nevertheless is capable of doing a great deal of work, separating from ten to twelve tons in twenty-four hours, (of coarse galena ore). The advantage of this concentrator is the small quantity of water necessary for the operation, which is of importance in some localities. A good result, however, cannot be obtained in treating fine sand or tailings, and it is also a condition, as in all other machines, that the ore should be sorted before it is led into the hopper. SEC. 48. Steady-Moving Concentrators. These concentrators are suitable for concentration of sands not over one-forty-eighth of an inch diameter, but superior for fine material and slimes. The most important are the rotating buddles, which are derived from the stationary bud- dle. The rotating tables concentrate a great deal more per- fectly than the stationary do. There is no accumulation of concentrated stuff on them, which creates a change of the inclination, as is the case on the stationary round buddle, no stoppage on account of removing deposits, and the power required for one rotating buddle is insignificant. The first rotating table was tried in the Harz, in 1853. The stuff to be concentrated is conducted over a stationary distributer upon an inclined plane, which has a slow circular motion. By this motion the ore is constantly carried from under the distribu- ter to a flow of clear water, sufficient to wash down the light CONCENTRATION. 195 earthy particles, while the denser part remains on the table or moves down slower than the refuse. In course of the motion the heavy deposit arrives under a jet of water, by which it is removed in a separate trough. There are two kinds of rotary buddles-1st, Rittinger's concave, and 2d, the convex German buddle. Both have an inclination of from six to seven degrees. This inclination may serve for different classes of sand, only the quantity of water must be regulated accordingly. Both kinds of buddles give very satisfactory results. To obtain this, a uniform feeding with a uniformly diluted ore, a uniform motion of the buddle, a steady flow of clear water, and an equal division of the compartments, are necessary conditions. As to the washing planes of the buddle it may be noticed that they are not conical, but consist generally of sixteen pyramidal planes, inclined to an angle of six degrees, either towards the centre (concave) or from it (convex). Each of these sixteen divisions is again divided by narrow lists into two halves. They require to be smoothly planed, and not damaged by careless putting of tools upon the finished sur- face, as is the habit of almost all carpenters. The boards must be fresh from the saw-mill, or if dry, they ought to be kept under water for twenty-four or forty-eight hours. A. Concave Rotary Buddle.-This concentrator (Ritting- er's) is in very successful operation in Hungary, Bohemia, etc. The construction of this concentrator is represented in Tab. V. Fig. 1 shows the central vertical section of the ground plan, Fig. 2. The vertical shaft receives its motion at b, from an endless screw which is not shown in the draw- ing. On this shaft, by means of a key, is fastened an iron flange, c, for the reception of sixteen wooden arms, composing the frame of the table on which the floor, e, is laid. It has sixteen pyramidal planes with the greater base at the peri- phery. The joints of the flooring on the middle of each arm are covered with a three-sided list with the edge upwards, about three-quarters of an inch high. Each of these planes 196 CONCENTRATION. is divided into two equal parts by lists, f, of the same descrip- tion, so that the table surface consists of thirty-two equal compartments, ending towards the centre in small funnels, n, Fig. 4, (shown on a larger scale). These funnels, however, are not absolutely necessary. No iron nails are allowed to be on the concentrating surface, only wooden pins. The ore is conveyed upon the buddle over the distributors, g, g. These are kept in position by iron holders, z, Fig. 4, A, fastened to the trough, l. There are eight distributers on the periphery of the buddle, sometimes only four. Six of the distributers, g, g, receive the ore from the trough, h, the remaining two, g, g', bring the middlings of the concentration back on the buddle. The circular water-trough, l, supplies the buddle with clear water on the periphery after each ore-distributer. For this purpose a separate small trough is formed by a piece of sheet iron or zinc, k, as seen in Fig. 3. For a better distribution of the water, the zinc is prepared with teeth on both of its long sides and nailed to the projecting bottom, a, so that about three and a half inches of the zinc project below the trough and two inches above the bottom. The trough is three feet six inches long and receives its water through a cock from the trough, l. Near this water-distributer, k, there is the cleaner, m, shown on a larger scale in Fig. 5. The inch pipe, m, provides the buddle with a jet of water under a pres- sure of six to eight feet, by which the deposited schlich (the concentrated stuff) is washed off. The end of the pipe, m', is a lead piece with a narrow flat opening. Below the buddle is the stationary reception trough, o, dis- charging the different educts into r, p, q, whence they are conveyed further. Fig. 6 explains the construction. It con- sists first of the circular lower trough divided in three circu- lar compartments, p, q, r, each having one or two discharge holes, e', é", above launders, s, ', s'. On this circular trough is another one, o, with radial divisions, a, b, c, forming sepa- rate inclined troughs of unequal width, leading the stuff through openings on the bottom into the respective lower cir- cular compartments, p, q, ". CONCENTRATION. 197 The reception trough is so arranged that the compartment, a, corresponds with the ore-distributer, g, of the buddle, so that while the segments, receiving the ore from g, move slowly under the clear water of k, the tails being washed down, enter through the little funnel, n, of the table, into the radial trough, a, which is shot off towards the centre, and the tailings are led to find the way through the hole at the bottom into the trough, p, and from there through e', into the gutter, s. The middles are discharged in the same way into the radial, b, then into the circular launder, q, and from thence through s', to the elevating wheel, u. The schlich is carried by the jet of water from m, through the gutters, c, r and ', into a sep- arate box. It is clear that, if it is desired to obtain less middles or none at all, a, must be wider than b, or the partition between the two is entirely omitted. c, may be wider or narrower, accord- ing as poorer or richer schlich is desired, keeping only the distance from the first partition of a, to the last of e, unaltered. In case there are six, four or one cleaner, m, the compartment of a, will occur six times, four times, or only once in the whole circle correspondingly. The reception-trough could be more simply arranged if only the circular part, p, q, r, were fixed below the buddle, sufficiently inclined and the funnel, n, directed to discharge into the middle compartment, q; if these movable boxes were placed on the middle trough, one box opening towards the periphery, the other box towards the centre, as shown by dotted lines, Fig. 6, the discharge of the relative sorts would flow into p and r, when the funnel, n, passes over it. Similar movable boxes are in use above o, Fig. 1, to regulate the dis- charge into a, b or c, open on one side of the circular line. The concentrating process is now easily comprehended. The sand or slime to be concentrated, falls from the distribu- ters, g, on the slowly rotating buddle, (six revolutions per hour) being thus carried under the clear water of k, to which it is exposed for about three-quarters of a minute while mov- ing. By this time (after one segment, for instance, has passed 198 CONCENTRATION. first the compartment, a, of the receiver, o, discharging into it the tailings, then the compartment, b, which received the middle stuff) only the denser part of the ore remains on the segment, which is brought now under the jet of the cleaner, m, and washed down into c, of the receiver. The washed seg- ment moving on, passes the next distributer in the same way, and so on. The middlings from s', Fig. 1, being lifted by the elevating wheel, u, pass through the funnel box, v, and the conduit, i, on the distributers, g', g'. The surplus water flows off through w. Other tables of this kind have only three to four distribut- ing boards. It is, moreover, not necessary to wash off the schlich after each distributer. The first thin stratum of schlich which is deposited and washed clean by the water from k, can pass under the second distributer and under the third, thus producing a thicker layer before it is brought under the jet. But arranging concentration in this way, less sand and less clear water must be used; consequently less stuff can be put through in a certain time. The inclination varies, according to the material treated, from six to nine degrees for slimes or sands. The quantity of stuff conveyed over one distributing board of eight to twelve inches width is, 0.35 cubic feet of sand, or 0.15 cubic feet of slime, per minute. The narrower is the distributor, the easier it is to obtain pure sulphurets after the first washing. The quantity of dry stuff in the dilution per cubic foot is- For sands.. slimes. 10 pounds. 5 The loss is from twenty to twenty-five per cent. One horse-power is sufficient to run ten to fifteen of these bud- dles. The table consumes- On sands.. "slimes.... 15 cubic feet of water per minute. 8 (( ( 66 And is able to put through— Of sands... (C slimes.. ( (( .6 to 8 tons per 24 hours. 2.8 3.6 CONCENTRATION. 199 B. Convex Rotary Buddle (German Buddle).—The differ- ence between this and the preceding buddle is in the inclina- tion. The German buddle is inclined towards the periphery; consequently the feeding is at the centre. Comparing the effect of this buddle with the stationary, the following result will show the difference: "A lot of slime ore, weighing 61,910 pounds, was divided into two equal portions. The rotating buddle finished its portion, including re-washing the tailings, in eighty-six hours, whilst the ordinary buddle required six hundred and nine hours to perform the same work. The time consumed was, therefore, in the proportion of one to seven. The ore oper- ated upon contained about eight per cent. of lead. The rotating buddle cleaned its portion of slime ore to 62.4 per cent., and left only one-eighth per cent. in the waste. The ordinary buddle cleaned its ore to 52.6 per cent., and left two per cent. in the waste."* In the Harz, a pair of rotating tables always work together. The middles of the first table, which is eighteen feet in diam- eter, are conveyed on the second table, sixteen feet diameter. The inclination is five degrees for both tables. If the nature or size of the ore should require more than five degrees, this may be managed by giving more water on the table. One revolution takes two and a half to five minutes. If the gangue is light, the table can revolve faster. The speed may be also increased with the richness or fineness of the stuff. On the rotating table is only one charge for the whole revolution, (unlike the concave buddle). The clear water given at the head does not increase, as is the case on the con- cave buddle, but, on the contrary, it must spread on an increasing surface. It is therefore necessary to supply more *Records of Mining and Metallurgy," Phillips & Darlington. According to A. Lesoine, the above comparison was made on a rotating buddle with 309.55 pounds, and on three ordinary sweeping tables together with 309.55 pounds. The buddle was attended by one, the sweeping tables by three workmen. The rotating table performed its work in eighty-six, the three sweeping tables in six hundred and nine hours. 200 CONCENTRATION. water, through perforated zinc pipes. Also moving brushes are applied, in order to renew the washing surface. The number of brushes depends on the gangue, blende, etc. One buddle requires, on an average, about four cubic feet of water per minute. Rotating buddles of six to ten feet diameter are made also of cast-iron in one piece. These buddles are sometimes so arranged that two of them are attached to one perpendicular shaft. The upper concave is smaller. The middles flow on the convex larger buddle beneath the concave one. The construction of convex buddles is very similar to that of the concave, the principal difference being the convex shape. C. Brunton's Table.-This machine consists of a table about ten feet long and four feet wide. On both ends are rollers. An endless cloth revolves by means of the rollers over the table. The cloth is stiffened in its width by numerous wooden laths. The stuff flows over a distributing board on the cloth, which revolves against the stream. Clear water is introduced behind the entrance of the stuff. The inclination can be changed easily. The heavier particles lodged on the cloth are caught in a wagon beneath, whilst the lighter matter is floated over the front roller. The cloth travels about six and a half feet per minute. The speed, however, must be varied with the condition of the stuff. This apparatus is extensively employed at Devon, Great Consols. These tables were used also in California, but were not satisfactory. D. Self-Discharging Blankets.-There are several patent revolving blanket tables, following in construction a wrong principle of an inclined motion, carrying the deposited denser stuff directly against the stream of diluted stuff and clear water, and under the very disturbing fall of sand from the distributer. It is for this reason impossible to convey the fine stuff already deposited through the continual charge, without stirring it all up, whereby the most of it is carried CONCENTRATION. 201 off again. Besides this unavoidable inconvenience, the sand which is splashed upward by each drop from the distributer, is carried up by the blanket, unless there is clear water com- ing from behind the distributer, which is not practicable on a blanket, for the reason that the sand must be itself sufficiently diluted, if intended for blanket concentration. This dilution, by additional clear water, becomes injuriously increased. There is only one proper construction of self-discharging blankets, and this is the principle of rotating buddles. But as the discharge of the deposit cannot be effected by a jet of water from a blanket surface, and, on the other hand, it is impossible to bring the blanket under water with a circular motion, this last must be changed into a horizontal one. this principle the author constructed the On E. Horizontal Moving Blanket Table in a simple and prac- tical way. The length, that is, the distance over which the stuff has to flow, is only four feet, but it will be seen that, according to the speed given, the length can be indirectly increased to such an extent that the stuff never would reach the end of the four foot wide blanket. Figs. 16 and 17, Tab. IV, explain the arrangement. Fig. 17 is a central cross-sec- tion of the front view of Fig. 16. The rectangular frame, a, eight feet by four feet four inches in the clear, contains two shafts, b, (only one represented in the drawing) each of them furnished with two chain-wheels, c, c'. The support of the blankets is formed by a number of laths, each one and a half inches wide, five-eighths of an inch thick, and four feet long. There is half an inch space left between them. Corresponding with the distance and position of the chain-wheels, there are india-rubber belts or strips, e, e, two inches wide, screwed to each lath. On the rubber are fastened the chains, d, d, by means of copper-wire, between the laths from six to eight inches distance. This arrangement of laths, about fourteen and a half feet long, is placed over the wheels, as seen in Fig. 16, and the ends joined to an endless lath-table. In order to obtain a level surface of the blanket, the chains 14 202 CONCENTRATION. must move on guide boards, f,f, which are fastened to the arms, g, of the cross-piece, g', of the frame. By means of slits, h, the guide boards can be adjusted to the proper line. The top of the guide board is shown in Fig. 18, Tab. IV, on a larger scale. One of the shafts at the elevated end connects with a cog-wheel and endless screw, by which the motion is imparted to the table (not shown in the diagram). The boxes, g', of the other shaft have some play for adjustment. The blanket is prepared on the underside with a mixture of asphaltum and India-rubber, or rubber alone, in order to make it water-tight and somewhat stiff, but not too heavy. The blankets, n, are used in three or four pieces. One end is screwed to one of the laths, as shown by the dotted line, i. This end must be covered by the preceding for about six inches. The covering end is loose, provided with a lath, the ends of which have iron hooks, l, l (Fig. 17). On the inside of the endless laths, there are strips of zinc, m, screwed to a lath. The hook rests on m, when the blanket is below. Moving over the wheels the blanket is exposed to stretching, and quiet motion could not be effected if both ends were fixed. The hook slides on the zinc, m, and prevents the stretching of the blanket which hangs free two or three inches below the lath, n'. In order to prevent the sliding of the hook from the zinc, there are two pins, p, one on each side of a lath. The whole apparatus rests in a water tank, indicated by dotted lines, q. The water level is shown by x. The blan- ket revolves about eight feet per minute, but the speed must be regulated according to the degree of intended concentra- tion. The front part is lowered as much as nine or ten degrees from the horizontal line. This inclination must be accommodated to the quantity of water and stuff. The length of the table from shaft to shaft is six feet, sufficient for two five-stamp batteries. There are two distributers, t, t, one for each battery. On account of the motion of the table, the sand takes the course as indicated by v. This transverse direction increases with the speed of the blanket. By this means, the quantity of concentrated stuff from one ton of ore CONCENTRATION. 203 is easily controlled. There is a pipe, u, Fig. 16, with small holes below, conveying clear water on the blanket for the pur- pose of washing off the gangue. A trough in front removes the tailings (the trough not represented). Owing to the nature of the blanket which offers for concen- tration a very rough surface, a clean educt, for instance, pure sulphurets, cannot be obtained. This, however, with free gold and rich sulphurets, is not necessary, and for this reason the blanket is, of all concentrators, the most independent of sizing. Using canvas or duck No. 5-0, twenty-two inches wide, and forty feet long, in place of the blanket, the table produces a clean stuff and proves to be an excellent contrivance for saving gold, fine sulphurets and quicksilver scum. But a table of forty feet length, that is, from shaft to shaft, concen- trating, only on the upper part, cannot work more than from five to six tons crushed stuff in twenty-four hours. When the duck passes down over the drum, the concentration can be performed on the inner side in the same way as above the drums, but the result is less favorable, probably for the rea- son that the duck acquires a smooth surface in passing over the roller, particularly between the laths. Employing duck, the arrangement must be changed in several points: 1st. At the length of forty feet (or less) with two or more continual feedings and as many discharges of concentrated stuff by water jets as applied on the rotating buddles, the chains and chain-wheels must be replaced by iron drums of eighteen inches diameter, twenty-four inches long. 2d. The laths are fixed differently, only twenty inches apart, screwed directly on the duck from both sides, as shown in Fig. 20, Tab. IV, so that not the duck, but the laths, slide on the guide boards, f. The laths are five-eighths by five-sixteenth of an inch and twenty-two inches long. 3d. One drum must be movable, with a play of from eight to ten inches, arranged with sliding boxes and screws, in order to strain the duck before the start and to slacken it after it is thoroughly wet- ted. The duck is in one piece. The laths have little copper 204 CONCENTRATION. hooks on the upper end, which fall into an iron or zinc guide, a, Fig. 19, Tab. IV, which extends the whole length of the table above and below. There is no water-tank required, as the concentrated stuff is washed off by water jets. + IV. SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. SEC. 49. Concentration of Gold Ores. A. The concentration or separation of gold from crushed ore is performed in three ways-first, by quicksilver; second, by water on an inclined plane, and third, by amalgamation and concentration combined. The gold sinks in quicksilver so much the easier the less silver it contains and the coarser the particles are; but also low gold, containing from forty to fifty per cent. of silver, being then nearly of the density of quicksilver, will separate from the sand, as the quicksilver adheres to the gold, coating its surface. The coating is not instantaneous. The sand containing gold must be stirred for some time in contact with quicksilver in order to coat it; low gold longer than high- graded. The quantity of mercury necessary for separation varies largely according to the mode adopted. The arastra and bat- tery amalgamation give a better result if only so much quicksilver is used as is required to form a hard amalgam. The pan amalgamation, on the contrary, needs from sixty to one hundred pounds of quicksilver as a constant charge in the pan. Quicksilver always dissolves gold, but fortunately only to a certain amount-three-fourths to one and one-fourth ounces. 206 SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. to a hundred pounds of mercury. This dissolved gold is constantly retained,* unless retorted; but even in this case a small percentage of gold will be found in the distilled quick- silver. 1. Treating gold ores in an arastra, quicksilver is added in proportion to the gold in the quartz (as learned by experi- ence or by a fire-assay) but not in one charge. After the rock has been ground tolerably fine, one-half or one ounce, according to the richness of the ore, is scattered over the pulp through a piece of cloth or leather, which must be dry, at intervals of half an hour. The charge is continued until a sample of the pulp, washed in a horn-spoon, does not show a particle of free gold. The amalgam accumulates mostly in the crevices of the stone bottom and on the sides. 2. Using quicksilver in a battery, about the same propor- tion in reference to the amount of gold in the rock is taken as in the arastra. Every half hour, or every hour, one-eighth to one-half of an ounce of quicksilver is introduced at the feed side into the battery, while crushing is going on. The gold unites readily with the mercury, and accumulates, as amalgam, in batches, depositing in the corners of the battery and along the screen, in and outside, on amalgamated copper- plates, which are sometimes applied on both long sides inside the battery. But the amalgam is also found in very incon- venient places, in the key-holes of the stamp-heads, on the shoulders of the shoes, etc. For this and other important reasons, (§42, 1) battery amalgamation cannot be considered as a proper way of saving gold. If too much quicksilver is introduced, a part of it is thrown out through the screens, on the platform, in drops. The amalgam outside the screens is a guide as to the quantity of quicksilver to be used. If it is found so soft that it yields easily to a touch with the finger, the charging of mercury must be stopped for several hours; but if the amalgam appears too hard and dry, crumbling to *After eight months of quiet standing, the gold amalgam crystallizes and deposits on the bottom of the iron jar. SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. 207 pieces when pressed, a little more quicksilver must be administered. · If, owing to peculiar circumstances, it is preferred to use quicksilver in the batteries, copper-plates are generally fixed on the platform, also in troughs ten to twelve inches wide. The copper is amalgamated.* It takes up some of the escap- ing amalgam and quicksilver. More effective in troughs in place of copper sheet is copper wire-net, from three to four meshes to the running inch; also coated with quicksilver.t The trough is from six to eight inches wide and six to eight feet long, the bottom covered closely with copper wire-net, so that no sand is permitted to flow underneath, but all runs. freely over it. For this reason the trough must be suffici- ently inclined (one and a half to two inches per foot). Some quicksilver should be strained over the head of the copper wire trough every day, or every other day. The deposited amalgam is brushed off every week, or every month, as the case may require. The worn-out wire, for the purpose of regaining the amal- gam, is exposed to a red heat until all the copper is oxidized, and then amalgamated or dissolved in diluted sulphuric acid. In the last case, the gold remains undissolved. From the copper arrangement, the sands are conveyed over blanket troughs, ($45, F) or over revolving blankets ($48, E). The blanket-sands, if free from auriferous sulphurets, con- tain only gold, amalgam and quicksilver to be extracted. This is best performed by amalgamation in common pans, with addition of a few pounds of quicksilver and dilution with water, which is kept warm, but not too hot. *The amalgamation, or the coating of copper-plates with quicksilver, is per- formed in different ways. A good result is obtained by putting the copper-plates into a wooden vessel with sufficient water to cover the uppermost plate two or three inches. Very little sulphuric acid is added to the water, so much as to make it taste like strong vinegar. After six or twelve hours, the plates are taken out, washed in the same liquid, and the quicksilver rubbed over the surface before the plate becomes dry. Washed in cold water, the copper is then prepared for use. †The copper wire can be treated in the same way as described under *, but must be fixed to the bottom before being amalgamated. Addition of some sodium amalgam to the quicksilver covers the copper freely without the acid bath. 208 SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. In presence of auriferous sulphurets, if not over-charged with galena, the blanket stuff must be concentrated and after roasting subjected to the chlorination process, or if this can- not be done, worked in grinding pans, ($30, E, F,) with the addition of quicksilver, without roasting and without concen- tration, for ten or fifteen hours per charge. Rich gold specimens are pounded up in a hand-mortar, and the powder triturated with quicksilver and warm water. If there are no sulphurets present, the use of a small quantity of sodium amalgam effects a sudden amalgamation. 3. The separation of gold from quartz by means of quick- silver is further practiced in iron pans, either by stirring alone or by grinding. Cl. The amalgamation of gold quartz by stirring without grinding is extensively applied in Europe, generally in iron pans (Tyrolean bowls). They are sixteen inches at the bot- tom in the clear, twenty-four at the top, and six inches high. The side is broken, forming a step. The outlet is three inches above the bottom. In the centre is a cone, through which a perpendicular shaft passes, connected at the top with a wooden muller, filling up the pan, leaving only three- fourths of an inch space between the sides and the quicksil- ver surface on the bottom, (fifty pounds of mercury are charged in each bowl). These pans are known in California under the name of "Hungarian bowls," introduced by the writer in 1854, (Mariposa county). They were adopted in many mills, but afterwards gave way to grinding pans. In most cases the result was not satisfactory, although a most per- fect work is obtained by the same contrivance in Europe. The reasons were: over-charging, wrong speed and dilution; the wings projected into the quicksilver, the sand was generally too coarse, etc. The mullers are provided with little copper wings, which are not permitted to touch the quicksilver. The finely- crushed ore is conveyed through the central opening of the muller into the lower part of the bowl. The muller receives twelve revolutions for light ore, and twenty-four for ore con- SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. 209 taining galena. A larger diameter than sixteen inches does not answer, as the motion towards the periphery is so much increased that the gold particles are kept in suspension with the sand. Through one bowl, one-half to one cubic foot of diluted sand is allowed to flow per minute in such a condition that one hundred pounds of sand may be put through in one hour containing five, or, at the most, ten per cent. sulphurets. If there be more than ten per cent. sulphurets in the ore, the continual charge must be reduced so far that not more than ten per cent. of sulphurets should pass the bowl per hour. There are two, sometimes three, bowls, one below the other. The first bowl retains seventy-four, the second twenty, the third six per cent. of the obtained gold. If two rows are arranged so that the lower receives the sands from the upper bowls, the loss of quicksilver per fifty tons of ore amounts to- With heavy sands. light 1 to 2 pounds. (( 1 1/1/20 (C In some mills, (Grass Valley and other places in California) a stirring amalgamation on free gold is performed in half- round troughs, ($45, F) by which the gold is extracted to the satisfaction of the superintendents. This apparatus is simple and inexpensive. The loss in quicksilver will be very likely considerably higher than the loss by the described bowls, caused by the pins passing the quicksilver and by the quick motion. b. Amalgamation and Grinding is preferred-1, where coarse crushing is introduced; 2, where light gold appears (alloyed with forty or fifty per cent. of silver) and, 3, where aurifer- ous sulphurets occur, provided there is no after concentration. intended. Coarse crushing on gold ores is improper. This metal is generally found finely distributed in the rock, and must be set free therefrom before amalgamation or concen- tration. The coarse crushing, therefore, must be finished by grinding. Light gold is more difficult to save by mere stir- 210 SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. ring than heavy gold, and a slow grinding in this case is pref- erable. At from sixty to ninety revolutions of heavy mullers, the amalgamation itself is not defective, although the gold particles are suspended in the pulp, as the quick motion prevents the separation by density. It is continually circulating from the periphery to the centre, forced under the muller together with the finely-divided quicksilver, so that contact and amalgamation is very perfect; but it seems that the amalgam is broken up with fast-revolving mullers, and therefore more difficult to collect than with common pans, which are preferred by many millmen for free gold. The loss of quicksilver with grinding pans is very heavy, and amounts to from six to nine ounces per ton of ore. Auriferous sulphurets, when poor, or occurring in small proportion together with free gold, are best treated in fast- grinding pans. The extraction of gold from auriferous sul- phurets by slow-grinding pans is insignificant. Ores with rich sulphurets and free gold must be excluded from direct grinding, and treated by the C. Combined Method of Concentration and Amalgamation. This method gives the best result, provided no grinding- amalgamation is attempted- 1. If the concentrated stuff be designed for smelting on account of lead and silver, or copper, in which case the gold, by a preceding amalgamation, is saved from the unavoidable smelting loss of three to four per cent. and the loss of cọn- centration. 2. If the concentrated sulphurets be intended for extrac- tion of gold by chlorination, whereby coarse gold particles are not converted into chloride of gold. The loss of gold in concentration is about twelve per cent. on the average, depending, however, much on the condition of gold and gangue. This loss consists in the finest and most unfavorably-shaped particles, of which a portion also escape amalgamation. Therefore it cannot be supposed that by a preceding amalgamation all the concentrating loss is obvi- SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. 211 ated. Considering besides the increased expense in a preced- ing amalgamation of the whole mass, and the loss of quick- silver connected with it, a direct concentration-the above two cases excepted-seems to offer more advantage. B. To arrange the operation of a mill on gold ores most profitably, sufficient fall between the outlet of the battery and the tail-race must be provided. A revolving blanket requires about fifteen inches fall; each successive blanket trough of twelve feet length, including the step of connec- tion with the next trough, about twenty-four inches. The revolving blanket retains the greatest part of the free gold, (eighty to eighty-five per cent. of what is obtained by blank- ets) but a great deal of sand with it. On the speed of the blanket depends the percentage amount of blanket sand. What this percentage should amount to can be determined only by experience in each particular case. If no quicksil- ver is used in the battery, the stuff from the last blauket, on examination in a horn-spoon, will show whether some of the gold escaped the preceding blanket. In presence of quick- silver, however, the gold cannot be perceived, and its amount must be ascertained by a fire-assay of the extract. The revolving blanket and blanket troughs will answer in most cases where only free gold appears, or with valueless yellow sulphurets; but if galena, zinc blende, and auriferous pyrites are present, the troughs must be replaced by concen- trators. Whatever concentrator, with exception of blankets, is made use of, the great advantage of assorted sands for the purpose of concentration is obvious, and is explained in $42. It is, therefore, a most necessary measure to conduct the tailings from the revolving blankets through two pointed boxes, (§43, D, E) and the assorted sand from each box directly to the concentrator. There are doubtless many suitable concentrators not men- tioned in this book; but it is easy to determine to which of the described systems, (each system contains one or several of 212 SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. the best known concentrators) a concentrator in question belongs. It will generally be a modification of one of those already described, and a careful examination and compar- ison, but much better a practical proof, will decide for or against. As the free gold is mostly extracted by the revolving blanket, and there is no silver ore in consideration, the con- centrator must be able to separate the sulphurets clean with not over ten or twenty per cent. of sand. But as clean sul- phurets ought not to be obtained at the expense of a considerable loss, so, on the other hand, a small amount of sulphurets in the tailings does not condemn the efficiency of a concen- trator. Complicated construction and the efficiency of different concentrators with reference to power, consumption of water, room, cost of erection, and pecuniary result, must be consid- ered and compared. None but continual self-acting con- centrators should be adopted. Attention must be paid to the regulation of tables charged with sorted sands. Each sort requires a change in the inclination of the table or quantity of water, speed, number of strokes per minute, length of the stroke, and quantity of the charged stuff per minute. No table can work different sorts to the same advantage without observing the modifications dictated by the nature of the stuff. For gold ores, which are generally crushed fine, two sorts will answer for concentration. C. Treatment of the Concentrated Stuff, or Schlich.-The schlich obtained from gold ores must be divided with refer- ence to the treatment-1, into stuff without valuable sulphu- rets, and 2, into such as carry besides free gold, auriferous pyrites suitable for chlorination, and other sulphurets of value. The first class is advantageously subjected to amalgamation in iron pans (§49, 3, B). As the grinding of quicksilver can not be prevented, it appears advisable to convey the residue over a steady-moving concentrator in order to regain the SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. 213 ground quicksilver and amalgam which escapes the settler or cleaner. The second class, containing auriferous pyrites for chlorina- tion or other sulphurets for smelting, must be treated by such amalgamators as do not pulverize the sulphurets still finer. The blanket stuff being always charged with slime and sand, the sulphurets therein must be separated by concentration after the free gold has been extracted; therefore no grinding of these is permitted. Which of the described methods should be chosen, and to what extent it should be used, every millman must decide according to circumstances. A valuable metal like gold will pay for selecting the best means, although expensive, to make the extraction perfect; but a small quantity of that valuable metal renders strict economy necessary. SEC. 50. Concentration of Silver Ores. Not all kinds of silver ores can be concentrated ($2, b). The concentration of silver ores is generally a most delicate operation, being subject to heavy loss, which cannot be avoided. This unavoidable loss, however, can be increased easily to double the necessary amount by an improper choice of machinery and treatment. It is, therefore, an important rule to separate by hand as much of the richer part as possi- ble, leaving the poorest for concentration, and to reject at the same time the worthless rock. Crushing to coarse grains, (§35) such as is required for jig- ging, will not do with silver ores. They are generally so disseminated in the gangue that crushing to sand is always required. Unlike galena, silver ores adhere with tenacity to the gangue, so that, even if large particles of pure ore should prevail, a preceding extraction by coarse crushing would not offer any advantage, inasmuch as the residue could not be 214 SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. considered worthless; but all of it would need to be reduced finer for further concentration, increasing the expenses, which would not be covered by the gain of the double extraction. According to Rittinger, the average loss at large of poor argentiferous ores in concentration is: With coarse sand... (( middle-fine sand.. slimes... ..40 per cent. t .35 .60 to 70 в ( Although the middle-fine crushing suffers the least loss in concentration, there is in most cases more advantage in decid- ing for coarse sands, for the reason that less slime is produced in this case, and the slime is the portion which suffers the heav- iest loss in concentration. The reason why the coarse sand loses more than the next finer, is found in the fact that ore particles involved in larger sand-grains, are carried off by the water, while they would remain on the table if freed from gangue by finer reduction, but, as before mentioned, while this reduction is going on, other particles already freed are reduced to slime, and the loss increased. Concentration Works.-The location of a mill should be selected always as near the mine as possible, in order to reduce. the hauling expense. It is also important to choose the site on a hill-side or on elevated ground, and to build the ore- dumps high enough above the battery floor, so that the ore, by means of a shoot, may be easily delivered to the batteries. The shoot is often replaced by inclined grates on which the ore rolls down. What falls through the grate-bars (two and a half inches apart) is suitable for direct feeding; the coarser ore is generally broken by rock-breakers to the required size. It is equally important to place the batteries from ten to twelve feet above the concentrating department, otherwise the battery stuff would, need to be elevated by bucket wheels or other means, in order to be conveyed into the sorting apparatus. The quantity of water must be carefully considered, and the calculation made as to how much is required as motive SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. 215 power, or for the engine, and how much for the battery and the concentrating tables. It is often the case that the water falls very short in summer; it is then advisable to sink a shaft where most water could be expected, to the depth of forty or sixty feet, and if necessary and admissible, to run a drift across the stratified rock, in order to increase the water supplying surface. The concentration may be arranged also with less water, by pumping up that already used after it has had an opportunity to settle, and using it over again. The calculation on horse-power and water quantity may be explained by an example of concentration works, capable of concentrating forty tons of ore in twenty-four hours. The stamps should weigh five hundred and fifty pounds, with a lift of nine inches-three-quarters of a foot, and seventy-five drops per minute. The required horse-power for the stamps on the shaft is obtained as follows: 550X75XX 60 687.5 foot pounds per second for each stamp, and as it may be assumed that each stamp will crush one and a half tons in twenty-four hours, the number of stamps for forty tons would be 8-27, which, for the sake of a better battery division, may be put down as thirty stamps, Aud 30X687.5 550 5 37.5 horse-power for the batteries. On level ground, all the stuff resulting from forty tons- equal to about fourteen cubic feet per minute-must be lifted twelve feet high to the sorting boxes, which would require about 0.6 of a horse-power. In order to concentrate all the crushed rock, either percus- sion or steady-moving tables may be introduced. Although the steady-moving buddles are most suitable for concentration of slimes, this nevertheless can be performed also by percus- sion tables, so that it is not necessary to build different kinds of concentrators in one establishment, unless concentration is extended also to tailings from grinding pans, provided there 216 SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. is sufficient clear water at hand, as the rotating tables con- sume much more water than percussion tables. The further calculation will be made for the continual per- cussion table ($64, B). A double table will put through three tons of crushed stuff (average) in twenty-four hours, consequently 40-14 tables are required for the whole amount, re-concentrating at the same time the middle stuff, amounting to one-third of the whole mass. Three compartments of two double tables receive the ore, and the fourth the resulting middle stuff, which is elevated by a small bucket wheel of six feet diame- ter. Two double tables, including the bucket-wheel, take 0.62, and all sixteen tables, five-horse power. Sixteen tables, in place of fourteen, are substituted, partly on account of a symmetrical grouping, and also because, for a similar reason, three stamps have been added. The total horse-power for 44.5 tons (to be concentrated in twenty-four hours) is then : For 6 batteries of 5 stamps each. .37.5 "16 continual percussion tables. 5.0 Elevating of all crushed ore, if required.. Together. . 0.6 43.1 horse-power. The quantity of water necessary for the manipulation appears as follows : 30 stamps, at 0.5 cubic feet...15 16 tables, at 1 In all ………. เ ..16 .31 cub. ft. per minute. It is advantageous to have a separate motive power for the department of concentration. Employing water-power, it is preferred to divide even the stamp works into two or three independent buildings, if there is sufficient fall to permit it. The stamping houses then stand one above the other, each having its own water wheel. The crushed ore is conveyed through troughs to the lowest concentrating department. SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. 217 This stuff, for the purpose of assorting, may be conducted most advantageously through pointed boxes. According to $43, D, the first box should be made×14=13 feet wide, as about fourteen cubic feet of battery stuff is dis- charged every minute. In place of one and two-fifths, may be put, for- The first box... 11 feet wide and 6 feet long. second box. third 3 9 (6 06 · 6 "12 (C (C (( . fourth 15. (C (% .12 Each of these four boxes may be divided by a partition through the width (§43, D,), whereby eight sorts of sand are obtained, each sort distributed on three partitions of two tables, the fourth being employed for the middle stuff of all four, after being lifted and conducted through a small pointed box, in order to get rid of the surplus water. The position of these four boxes or double boxes depends on the arrangement of the concentrators, which may be placed on both sides of the driving shaft, forming four groups of four tables each. The first box is then placed between the two tables of the first group, on that side which is nearer to the battery. Between the other two tables of the same group is the bucket wheel for the middle stuff. The second box stands between the tables of the second group, receiving the sand from the first box, through a trough on the shaft side. The trough must be sufficiently inclined, at least one and a quar- ter inches to the foot. The third box is placed between the last two groups of four and four tables, and the fourth may be placed at the end of the last group. The trough between the third and fourth box is inclined 0.7 of an inch to the foot. The discharge of each pointed box is conveyed to three tables of one group, or if, as is preferable, each box should be *The large dimensions of the boxes are necessary, in order to concentrate the sand to a consistency fit for concentration, and at the same time to enable all par- ticles passing the boxes to sink, and thus to prevent the escape of slime from the last box, which loss amounts to only four or six per cent. This part is so fine that, being unfit for concentration, it deserves no further attention. 15 218 SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. divided into two compartments, the discharge of each parted box is distributed on three compartments of two tables, the fourth working on middle stuff. The building for concentration works of this description, besides the stamping department and engine room, must offer ample room, having in the clear about forty-five feet by one hundred feet. The Cost of Concentration.-The expenses connected with a concentration of, say forty tons per day, using steam as motive power, vary a great deal, according to salaries, wages, price of material, etc. The following is an estimation on Nevada prices: • Superintendence, book-keeping, two foremen, Interest on, say $60,000, at 10 per cent., on 13,000 tons, Four feeders, at $3.50, two engineers, at $6@8, : Two firemen, at $3.50,. . Four men at the percussion tables, at $3.50, "L ( i • Two handling the stuff, One watchman, $4, blacksmith, $5, carpenter, $5,. . . . Breaking of ore for the batteries,. Hauling, 50 cts. per ton,. Wear and tear,.. Four cords of wood, $10, Assaying, etc., • $25 00 18 44 28 00 7.00 14.00 7 00 14 00 16 00 20 00 10 00 40 00 5 00 $204 44 This, divided by forty tons, shows an expense of $5.08 per ton of ore. There are mills in California, etc., crushing the ore on a more economical scale, employing less men and hav- ing at the same time cheaper materials. If, besides this, water-power is made use of, the cost may be considerably reduced. Concentration of Tailings, resulting from unroasted silver ores worked in grinding pans, is of great importance, consid- ering the large quantities which are discharged daily in Nevada, Montana, Idaho, etc. Two cañons in Nevada alone carry from six to eight hundred tons of tailings daily into the SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. 219 Carson river. The importance of this question is demon- strated by the most primitive and, for such stuff, most defect- ive means, by blankets, which, several miles in length, are arranged in troughs over which the tailings float under very unfavorable conditions with too little and too much water, depending on the dam operations of the respective mills. Still, this blanket concentration, hardly saving one-hundredth part of what is contained in the tailings, proves to be remun- erative. Although this fact is well known, no attempt has been made yet to try a systematical concentration, the favor- able result of which is almost certain. It is for this purpose not necessary to build expensive works immediately. A few thousand dollars are sufficient to obtain a result on which with perfect safety the further pro- ceedings can be based, without the least apprehension of fail- ure. Such preliminary investigation must be executed according to $52. The pan tailings are not very suitable for concentration, but this only for the reason that proportionately a great deal more slime is produced than by stamping; the unsuitableness refers, therefore, more to the greater loss to which the tail- ings are subjected on account of the slime. The ground pulp, however, is not so fine as judged by the looks of it, or test with the figures. The amount of slime of the most custom mills may be less than thirty per cent., and if the loss of metal on that account, with a proper concentration, should rise to fifty or sixty per cent., the profit would nevertheless be large, considering that no mining, no crushing, and no haul- ing expenses are taken into account. Owing to the heavy expenses connected with the operations in Nevada, it is not by any means necessary to be very par- ticular in each part of the concentration. The assorting, by way of funnel boxes, must be as perfect as possible, but it may not appear advantageous to re-concentrate the middle stuff. It may be also admissible to charge the table a little heavier than usual, so that sixty to seventy tons could be managed with sixteen tables of the described capacity, but as 220 SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. a matter of course by this means the per centage loss will increase. A steam engine of six-horse power is sufficient to concen- trate the above quantity of tailings, but a supply of twenty to twenty-five cubic feet of clear water per minute (which must not be really clear) is a condition, and if this quantity could not be procured, some additional power must be provided for pumping up the water already used, after settling. If there should be more water at hand, the last four percussion tables ´could be advantageously replaced by two concave rotating buddles (§48, A,), on account of the valuable slime which is generally twice as rich as the sand; but this change would increase twenty cubic feet of water to forty, as one rotary continual buddle requires twelve cubic feet per minute. On the other hand, four continual percussion tables consume six times as much power as the rotary. The per centage to which the tailings should be reduced by concentration, depends on circumstances, and can be reg- ulated accordingly. Before the tailings enter the funnel. boxes, they should be conveyed through a rotary sieve, in order to keep out impurities. SEC. 51. Concentration of Lead, Copper and other Ores. The concentration of the above ores does not differ from that of silver ores, unless the ore is disseminated in coarse particles. The mode of concentration, by separating first the coarse ore particles by jigging, is almost exclusively confined to galena or carbonate of lead. The brittleness of these min- erals and the toughness of the gangue, cause an easy parting at the first coarse reducing, which is not the case with other ore. A great deal of the refuse or scrapings from the jiggers or rotary concentrators can be disposed of as worthless. It is different with copper ores, of which all scrapings have to SPECIAL CONCENTRATION.. 221. be subjected to fine crushing, whereby the expenses increase, generally more than is gained by excluding the coarse parti- cles from fine reduction. But there are circumstances where a profitable use can be made of jiggers or rotary concentrators, also on copper pyrites, where, as in California, low grade ores must be turned out in great quantities, and which, for the purpose of concentration, could not bear the expenses of fine crushing, but would admit a cheap coarse reduction, suitable for jigging. The result of jigging or treating by rotary concentrators (§40, A,) would produce a concentrated part and refuse to be considered worthless. The sorting, however, must be performed care- fully. Not only coarse crushed ores, but also the smalls from the mines and those from dry dressing, amounting in some places to eighty or one hundred tons per day, are subjected to the jigging concentration. It is necessary to convey the different sorts obtained by washing, sizing and picking, to their respective treatments in the simplest and shortest way. A large hopper, filled from the outside, brings the smalls into the building near the wash- ing apparatus. For small quantities (twenty to thirty tons per day) riddles will answer for washing and sizing. Of smalls, about seventy-four per cent. are obtained of a size. (No. 1, §13) which is suitable for picking, and therefore deliv- ered to the picking table fixed on a place where sufficient. light facilitates the sorting. The fine stuff from the smalls is best conveyed into a labyrinth. Of this stuff generally not more than from four to five per cent. is obtained and concen- trated on sweeping or percussion tables. The intermediate sizes are concentrated on jiggers, of which one, two or more are posted not far from the riddles. A short distance off are compartments to receive the concentrated jigging educt and the selected part from the picking tables. The refuse of picking and jigging is reduced finer, either by rollers or stamps, sized and concentrated again by jigging. The refuse of the second operation is sometimes subjected 222 SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. once more to jigging after crushing, or it is crushed finer and finished on concentrating tables. For sorting the sands, con- sidering the small quantity, the labyrinth arrangement is sufficient. Larger establishments use trommels ($12) for washing and sizing, in place of riddles. The latter are sometimes com- bined with the trommels. The fine stuff from washing may be elevated eight or ten feet, and with that from the second crushing conducted through pointed boxes. Tables, boxes, stamps, etc., must be so situated as to make the handling most convenient. SEC. 52. Value of Ores for Concentration. To find out whether a given kind of ore is worth concen- trating, an experiment is the best and most reliable guide. The reliability, however, depends on two principal points: First, on the proper execution of extraction on a sufficient quantity of ore; and second, on the taking of a true average. A perfectly reliable trial is possible only on a considerable quantity of ore, say from thirty to forty tons. The larger the quantity of ore concentrated, the truer will be the result and the easier it is to come near to the real average. After pul- verization, the ore must be sifted through at least three sieves, for the purpose of sorting. This is best performed under water. In case unsorted ore is concentrated, the loss will increase from ten to twenty per cent. Screens No. 4, §21, can be used for crushing. A fine sieve should be applied only on gold quartz, or in case the ore. appears very finely disseminated in the gangue. This can be easily ascertained by pulverizing a small quantity of the coarsest sand which has been washed off from the sulphurets and washing again in a horn-spoon or in an extracting pan. The concentration can be performed on a sweeping table ($45, C,) of twelve feet length by three feet width, prepared so SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. 223 that the inclination is easily changed as the different sorts require. For the coarsest stuff ten to twelve degrees, for the slime five to six. Each of the four sorts must be washed sep- arately. For a steady, uniform feeding, the stationary feed box (§44, A,) is very suitable. The table must have a mova- ble step, as shown by a, in Figs. 1 and 2, Tab. VII. When the sand from the first charge reaches the end of the table, and is washed off by means of clear water, the step, a, is turned, as indicated by the dotted line, and the sulphurets from b, washed into the trough below. The step is then brought to its former position, and step d, arranged in the same way. The stuff from d, when the whole amount of the first sort is finished, must be washed over on the same table, and the educt mixed with that obtained from the step, a. The distributing board is shown by c. For each of the succeeding sorts the lower end of the table must be raised a little, in order to obtain less inclination, pro- vided the beginning was made with the coarsest sort. The concentrated part of each sort is well mixed, dried, weighed, and samples taken for an assay of each sort sepa- rately. In case an extensive trial, as described, cannot be performed, small quantities, from fifty to one hundred and fifty ounces, may be taken, but as a part of several hundred pounds which repre. sent as near as possible the average of the ore. The first portion of two or three hundred pounds must be reduced to about two and a half inch pieces, well mixed, spread on the floor, divided into three parts, and one of these taken and broken to half of the former size. From this one-third is taken in the same way as before, broken smaller, mixed, divided into two parts, and so on. From the last portion six or ten pounds are pulverized, sifted through three different sieves, and concentrated each separately. This concentration can be effected with wooden hand extracting pans, which, however, require a skillful hand. It is therefore easier to make a small sweeping table of about one foot width and five feet length, and to wash carefully in 224 SPECIAL CONCENTRATION. small charges. The distributing board at the head must dis- tribute the sand uniformly over the whole width. The charge may be stopped before the sand reaches the end of the table. and clear water admitted, distributed like the ore. When the sulphurets appear clear at the head, they are washed off, as before described. Results from too small quantities will always fall short by twenty to thirty per cent. of operations upon a large scale. After it is demonstrated by the trial what percentage of sulphurets can be obtained by concentration, the value of the educt can be calculated on the resulting assay and reduced to the ton of ore. From the value must be subtracted per ton : 1st. The mining expense, or purchase price. 2d. The hauling expense from the mine to the works. 3d. The crushing and concentrating expense. 4th. The cost of amalgamation or smelting, including the loss. 5th. The interest on the invested capital and the working capital, divided by the number of tons annually expected. The remainder will show what clear profit per ton of con- centrated stuff, or per ton of ore, can be realized. The degree of concentration and the concentration itself depends greatly on local circumstances. There is a limit beyond which no concentration can take place profitably, for instance, some kinds of ore may be sold for the same amount as the concentrator would derive from a higher bid for the concentrated stuff therefrom, after deducting the concentrat ing expense. In other remote places, destitute of fuel, it may be necessary to concentrate as high as possible to reduce the bulk, on account of transportation. With ores containing sulphurets in coarse particles and of such a nature that it would appear advisable to erect jiggers and tables, the trial must be made on the same principle, that is, by reducing the sample first to a coarse grain (of Nos. 2 and 3, §13) and jigging each sort on a sieve by hand, the scrapings being pulverized and washed on a sweeping table, etc. : V. CHLORINATION. SEC. 53. Extraction of Gold from Sulphurets, Arseniurets or Quartz, by Chlorination. Plattner's extraction of gold, by means of chlorination, is based upon the property of chlorine gas, to transform metal- lic gold into soluble chloride of gold. In this condition it can be dissolved in cold water and precipitated in the metal- lic state by sulphate of iron, or as sulphide of gold by sulphu- reted hydrogen gas. The extraction by this process, if well executed, is very perfect. According to Allain, one-ten-thou- sandth of gold may thus be extracted from pyrites, after roast- ing and freeing it from iron, copper, zinc, etc., by sulphuric acid. The chlorination process was successfully introduced in Silesia, Germany, in the year 1851, on auriferous arsenical residue, which had accumulated for many years. It is also practised, with various modifications, in Freiberg, Hungary, Transylvania, etc. In California there are several establishments, most of them in Grass Valley,* for treating auriferous iron pyrites by chlo- *This process was first introduced in Nevada, Cal., by Mr. Deetken, in 1858. Since that time, several chlorination establishments have been erected, and kept in successful operation in Grass Valley, on sulphurets which were concentrated, except those from the Eureka mine. There was a difficulty with these sulphurets in chlorination, which Mr. Deetken has overcome, after a few experiments, by adopt- ing a chloridizing roasting. 226 CHLORINATION. rination. The extraction of gold from some kinds of pyrites. is very difficult by amalgamation in pans, by which from thirty to forty per cent. loss must be suffered, even though sufficient time and attention is given. Treated by chlorine, the gold of this same kind of pyrites can be extracted to within ten per cent. The chlorination process admits of a very close extraction of gold, if the following requirements are carefully observed: 1st. The gold must always be in a metallic state. Quartz, free from other earths and sulphurets, containing very fine gold, can be subjected to chlorination without other prepara- tion than moistening with water, as described further on. Very hard quartz, causing a greater wear of shoes and dies, may give a less favorable result, on account of the metallic iron. Sulphureted ore requires a perfect roasting. The presence of lead makes a careful roasting necessary, com- mencing with a very low temperature. All metals, except gold, must be transformed into oxides. Sulphates are injuri- ous. 2d. The chlorine gas must be free from muriatic acid. From the generator the gas is forced through clear water, by which the muriatic acid is absorbed. The muriatic acid dis- solves the oxides and causes, when sulphides are present in consequence of defective roasting, the formation of sulphu- reted hydrogen, by which the soluble chloride of gold is pre- cipitated. The muriatic acid dissolves also oxides of metals, which are precipitated by the addition of sulphate of iron with the gold. Before a detailed description of the chlorination process is given, it will be, in some cases, of importance to become acquainted with a simple mode of trying the process on a small scale; for instance, on from five to twenty ounces of sulphurets. CHLORINATION. 227 SEC. 54. Assay of Gold Sulphurets by Chlorination.* Of the finely pulverized sulphurets, from five to seven ounces or more, are weighed out and roasted on a piece of sheet-iron, the edges of which are bent up, and the inside coated over several times with clay-water, and then well dried. The roasting may be performed over charcoal or coke, in a small stove, or in a large black-lead crucible, through the bottom of which a hole is cut for the draft. The sulphu- rets must be stirred with an iron spatula until no smell of sul- phurous acid is perceptible; after which a tolerably strong red heat is applied. When cold, the sample must be ground over in an iron mortar and roasted once more at a red heat. When no sulphurous odor is observable, the roasting may be considered as finished. • When cold, the roasted ore must be moistened with suffi- cient water in a dish or cup, to make it of a loose or wooly consistence, in which state it is best suited for chlorination. If the roasting was perfect, the metallic gold can be dissolved in chloruretted water and extracted, but in case there was in the roasted stuff a small quantity of sulphurets or arseniurets undecomposed, it is more proper to use chlorine gas. The extraction is performed in the following way: In a glass cylinder, C, Fig. 3, Tab. VII, from eight to ten inches high, two and a half inches wide, provided with a neck, b, near the bottom, about three-quarters of an inch wide, is introduced a layer of small clean quartz fragments, as shown in the drawing, and on this a thin layer of coarse and then fine quartz sand. This quartz forms the filter. Over the quartz is then placed the roasted and moistened ore, as loosely as possible. The cylinder has a cover of wood or of India- *Plattner's Probier Kunst. †Pulverized glass answers perfectly. 228 CHLORINATION. rubber, in which a glass pipe is fixed, as represented by c. The longer end dips into another cylinder, containing rolled stiff blotting paper or pieces of blotting paper, or shavings of wood, moistened with alcohol, before the gas enters the pipe, c. For the generation of the chlorine, say for twenty ounces of roasted sulphurets, a glass vessel, A, (about two inches in diameter) is charged- With 1 ounce manganese (peroxide) pulverized, (( 66 4 (( 1 1 แ muriatic acid, sulphuric acid, mixed with of water. This mixture is shaken up and the vessel placed on a cup or on a piece of sheet-iron covered with sand, and the neck corked. Through the cork a glass tube, a, is fixed so that it reaches about two inches below the surface of the water contained in the bottle, B. (The glass tubes are easily bent to the required shape, when heated by the flame of an ordinary alcohol lamp.) The chlorine gas is forced through the water, and by this means washed from muriatic acid. It is then conveyed through the pipe, d, into the ore receiver, C. The apparatus is more conveniently arranged if the three tubes, a, d, c, are made in two parts each-the first and last to join at a and c, by short India-rubber tubes. The tube, d, is connected below, near the cork, b, so that its short horizon- tal part will serve for the discharge of the lixivial when dis- connected. As the chlorine is not only disagreeable but also injurious, it is necessary to cover all corks and joints with wheat flour dough (using wet fingers). The above quantity of sulphurets (twenty ounces) requires about two hours roast- ing and a receiver, C, six inches high and four inches in diam- eter, or other dimensions of the same content. The operation can be performed in a room without molest- ation from the chlorine, because, with the alcohol in the cylinder, D, it forms "chloral" and muriatic acid, which are not annoying. The mixture in the vessel, 4, must be moderately heated CHLORINATION. 229 in the beginning. The gas appears of a greenish color, and will soon fill the cylinder, C. By this time the finest gold is transformed into chloride, but this is not the case with the coarser particles and with such gold as may be contained in undecomposed sulphurets. For this reason the development of the gas must continue for at least one hour more, before the chlorination is finished. If auriferous pyrites is operated upon, the apparatus can be taken apart, commencing always with the tube, a, else the water from B would be drawn over to A. If compound ores (galena, zinc, etc.,) with free gold are under treatment, the bottle, A, is separated from the apparatus which remains undisturbed for at least fifteen hours. After this time, when all is taken apart, warm water is care- fully introduced over the ore, in order to lixiviate the chloride of gold and other soluble salts. The cylinder must be a lit- tle inclined, so that no fluid remains on the bottom, and if the neck should be a little too high above the bottom, this can be filled level with the outlet by pitch. The obtained solution must be mixed first with a few drops of muriatic acid; then a clear solution of sulphate of iron (green vitriol) in sufficient quantity added, and stirred with a glass staff. The whole is allowed to stand (if possible, warm) till all the gold is precipitated and the solution clear. If a few drops of the sulphate solution should effect a slight pre- cipitate when added to the clear fluid of the precipitated gold, it would prove that too little of the precipitant was used. The solution and precipitated gold are introduced into a filter, and washed with clean water; then the gold is dried with the filter in a porcelain cup over an alcohol lamp. The dry filter, carefully folded, is then placed in a red-hot muffle, either in the same porcelain cup or in an assayer's dry cup, and burned with free access of air. When cold, the ash is mixed with one or two hundred grains of test-lead and cupel- led under the muffle, and the gold button weighed. If we have under treatment gold quartz which contains only fine gold and no sulphurets, the roasting is not required; but it is necessary to extract the metallic iron, which results from 230 CHLORINATION. pulverizing in an iron mortar, by means of a magnet. In place of the cylinder, C, if such cannot be obtained, a bottle, the bottom of which is cut off by means of a string, as repre- sented in Fig. 4, will answer the purpose. Or a wooden box of a square section could be substituted for the cylinder, provided the inside is carefully coated with pitch or asphal- tum cement. SEC. 55. Chlorination Process for Sulphurets and Arseniurets. The operations to which concentrated sulphurets or arseni- urets are subjected, are principally the following: 1st. Oxid- izing or chloridizing roasting in reverberatory furnaces. 2d. Impregnation of the roasted ore with chlorine gas in wooden vats. 3d. Filtration of the soluble parts by cold water. 4th. Precipitation of the chloride of gold by sulphate of iron. The finer the sulphurets are, the easier and quicker the chlorination will be performed. It is, however, not necessary to pulverize the concentrated stuff still finer; it may be ope- rated upon as it is obtained from concentration. The chlori- nation process requires no motive power. The presence of galena and of copper sulphurets do not interfere with the chlorination, provided the roasting was well performed. Gold of very low fineness, containing from forty to fifty per cent. of silver, will probably resist the chlo- rination, unless it is in the finest state of pulverization.* The formation of chloride of silver would prevent the thorough chlorination of gold particles. The silver combined with the gold is not obtained by the chlorination process, but the pure gold only, for the reason that the amount of silver is generally too insignificant to admit of a remunerative extraction by a *Very low gold, in which the amount of silver would prevent the chlorination of gold, by forming an impenetrable coating of chloride of silver, can be treated by a chloruretted solution of salt, which dissolves the chloride of silver and that of gold, as described further on. CHLORINATION. 231 hot solution of salt. Coarse gold requires too much time to be converted into a chloride, and therefore the ore contain- ing such gold is unfit for chlorination. Pan-tailings of con- centrated sulphurets allow an easy and perfect extraction of gold by this process. The presence of lime and talc (silicate of magnesia) make the chlorination of roasted ore very troublesome, or even impossible; but an addition of salt in roasting removes the difficulty. There are also some other troublesome substances in con- nection with some sulphurets. Such, for instance, are found near Jackson, Amador county, Cal. Although these permit the chlorination after roasting, yet when a solution of sulphate of iron is added for the purpose of precipitating the gold out of the solution obtained, another substance of a white color is likewise precipitated in such quantity as to render the smelt- ing of the gold impossible. The nature of the white precip- itate is not known to the author, as he has had no opportunity. to obtain a specimen of it. An analysis of the stuff would probably give an indication of the manner in which the roast- ing process may be conducted, in order to obviate the precip itate, or if this should prove insufficient, determine what might be added to the filtrate to prevent such precipitate. It must be supposed that the white precipitate caused by the sul- phate of iron is also a sulphate, and can be thrown down by sulphuric acid before using the sulphate. It is, however, necessary to allow at least two hours for the precipitation with sulphuric acid; this is especially required if there is a great deal of lead in the ore and the roasting was performed with salt. After the precipitate is deposited on the bottom, the clear solution containing the gold must be drawn over into another precipitating vat, and the gold precipitated by sulphate of iron, or the gold is first precipitated by sulphu- reted hydrogen, whereby lime, baryta, etc., which would be precipitated as a white powder by the sulphate of iron, remain dissolved in the solution. The roasting is the most important part of the whole oper- 232 CHLORINATION. ation-that on which the success of the chlorination princi- pally depends. The concentrated sulphurets must be sub- jected to roasting while damp, or at least before crusts and lumps are formed by oxidation, in consequence of too long lying. Pan-tailings of sulphurets, however, must be dried, either artificially or by exposure to air and sun, and then pul- verized by some means so fine as to admit of being sifted through a sieve of from twelve to fourteen meshes to the run- ning inch. If such tailings were subjected directly to the roasting, they would bake into hard lumps, and the mass would be rendered unfit for chlorination. The construction of the furnace has but little influence on the chemical result of roasting. The best construction is that of a reverberatory furnace, where the flame of the fuel comes into direct contact with the sulphurets. Furnaces like a retort or a muffle, in which the sulphurets are exposed to the oxygen of the pure air, give no better result; and the roast- ing is more expensive, for the reason that more fuel is required. In reference to time and cost of roasting, the arrangement of a reverberatory furnace is important. There must be, in accordance with the purpose, the proper propor- tion between the height of the roof, the area of the fire-place and the hearth, and the flue and section of the chimney. In all furnaces, at the beginning of roasting at a low heat, the sulphur of the sulphurets is set free, combining with the oxygen of the air to volatile sulphurous acid, which is well known by its sharp, suffocating odor. The metals, by losing a part of their sulphur, are converted into oxides and princi- pally into sulphates, in which the iron sulphates are predom- inant. Sulphate of iron is the precipitant of the chloride of gold; its presence in the roasted ore is therefore very objec- tionable, and it is necessary to increase the heat by degrees, in order to decompose the sulphates and to form oxides. Similar to this is the behavior of auriferous arsenical pyrites, when subjected to roasting. Arsenious acid escapes under the influence of heat and oxygen, while oxides and arseniates remain, the latter being further decomposed to oxides by CHLORINATION. 233 increased heat. At the same time all metallic iron derived from grinding or stamping, must be converted into an oxide. After the sulphur and arsenic have been expelled, the gold remains in a free, metallic condition, and can be easily detected by pulverizing and washing a small portion of the roasted stuff. While the formation of oxides and sulphates or arsen- iates is going on, the gold is set free, and remains so during the whole process. When salt is used in roasting, the gold, according to Plattner, forms first chloride of gold (Au. Cl.³) far below red heat. At two hundred degrees, C, it loses a part of its chlorine, and changes into a sub-chloride (Au. Cl.) at about two hundred and forty degrees, C. This sub-chlor- ide is not soluble in cold water. At a red heat it is converted into metallic gold. The Loss of Gold in Roasting.-It has been stated that the loss of gold in the roasting of gold ores in some places amounted to a high percentage in some cases, even to one hundred per cent. This, however, was not confirmed by the experiments of Plattner, who exposed different combinations of gold, with sulphur and arsenic metals, and different ores and other sub- stances, as well as free gold, in the finest state to different degrees of heat, for longer and shorter intervals of time; but the result showed that a loss of gold occurred only when the roasting was performed so rapidly that the finest gold parti- cles were carried off by the volatile products of roasting. Many other experiments showed that the loss of gold in roasting is very inconsiderable. The results obtained in Cal- ifornia confirm the same. Many tons of sulphurets have been roasted for more than thirty hours without interruption, and the result of chlorination has given ninety per cent. of the gold, as compared with the fire assay. The tailings always contained some gold, so that very little or none of it was lost during the roasting. It has also been stated in California (perhaps taken for granted) that an addition of salt causes sometimes a loss of gold. This also seems to be contradicted by the recent pro- 16 234 CHLORINATION. ceedings in Grass Valley, where five per cent. of salt has been used on the concentrated sulphurets with a very satisfactory result. Before the practical operation of roasting is described, it appears necessary to explain some of the most suitable furnaces. SEC. 56. The Roasting Furnaces. Single Roasting Furnaces.-Fig. 5 (longitudinal section) and Fig. 6, (horizontal section) Tab. VII, show a roasting furnace for one ton of sulphurets at a charge. a, is the hearth bot- tom, about twelve feet square. It is made of the hardest bricks, laid edgewise, close together, forming a stratum of four inches in thickness. It is not necessary to stir the sul- phurets continually, as is often done with silver ores, for this reason, the bottom is sometimes made by laying the bricks flat, directly on the mass of loam or gravel which was taken. to fill up the space between the outside walls. Such a bottom will stand for many months, but not so long as one built of bricks laid edgewise. There are four working doors, c, c, which enable the roaster to reach all points of the hearth con- veniently with light, because shorter, rakes. In the middle of the length of the bottom, nearer to the doors towards the chlorination vats, is a square discharge hole, b, which is kept shut by a slide, d, during the roasting. Below the floor is an arch through the whole width of the furnace, through which the hole, b, passes. An iron car on rails receives the roasted ore when discharged, and wheels it to the cooling place. The bridge, e, is from ten to twelve inches wide, and from eight to ten inches high. It separates the hearth from the fire-place. If possible, the bridge ought to be made of two or three pieces of soap-stone, sandstone or granite, which is CHLORINATION. 235 not liable to burst when heated by degrees. The bricks are often damaged by the hoes in stirring the sulphurets, and require frequent repairs. The outside wall, f, is often made twelve inches thick, but it is always better to give sufficient substance to the wall, on account of heat, and at the same time to obtain a strong support for the roof; the thickness. ought, therefore, not to be less than twenty-four inches. Economy here is misplaced. The roof is generally twenty inches above the bottom, as the greatest distance; if it is less, although the form of the furnace is improved, it is less likely to be durable, unless the work is perfect. The length of the bricks gives the thick- ness of the arch, that is, eight inches. This arch, if all the bricks are placed perpendicularly, will stand a great deal longer than one of twelve inches in thicknsss, when the bricks are laid with the long sides alternately horizontal and perpendic- ular. There are three circular openings, h, h, in the roof, each ten inches in diameter, communicating with the chimney by the flue, i, opposite which is a small door, k, for the purpose of cleaning the flue, i, from time to time. For the same purpose an opening must be prepared in front in the direction, as shown by m. The best way to regulate the draft is by means of a cover, n, on the top of the chimney, but when there are two or more furnaces to one chimney, a damper in the flue, i, will answer the purpose. The sulphurets are charged through the roof at o. It is of importance to secure the furnace against expansion with grap- pling irons, of which there are eighteen. The iron rods cross- wise, are from five-eighths to six-eighths of an inch in diame- ter; the others, p', which are placed over the length of the furnace, are stronger-one inch. The grapplings are repre- sented on a large scale in Fig. 11, made of cast-iron, about four feet long. For the passage of the rods of the lower ends, square holes (r, Fig. 5,) are provided through the masonry of the furnace. Another sort of grappling is shown by Fig. 12. They are made of wrought-iron, and must be at least one inch 236 CHLORINATION. thick. They are cheaper than the cast-iron ones, but the lat- ter are preferable. Double Furnaces. This style is shown by Fig. 9, Tab. VII. The heat which escapes from the single furnaces is conveyed in Fig. 9 through the flue, e, over the upper hearth, b, of the same size, having the working door on the opposite side. On this second hearth the ore loses a great deal of its sulphur, and is drawn through a discharge hole in the middle of the floor on the lower hearth, where the roasting is finished. From 6, the heat must pass a third hearth, a, before it enters the chimney. It is rather a drying than a roasting place, as the heat is very moderate. Some furnaces of this kind have an auxiliary fire-place for the second hearth at d, which, for the roasting of auriferous pyrites, is entirely superfluous, but would assist in a chloridizing roasting of silver ores. In Freiberg, Saxony, there were three double furnaces for the roasting of lead ores for smelting purposes. These three furnaces have been combined into one, as represented by Fig. 10. The heat passes the lower three hearths, and then, ascending through the flue, the upper ones. From the flue, a, it is conducted over the drying hearth, b, built in the same way as a, in Fig. 9. From b, the ore is drawn on the next lower hearth, c, and is removed after two hours to d, where it is again exposed to the heat for two hours. Every two hours the ore advances a step till it arrives at e, where the strong- est heat has now already a half smelting effect upon it. Every two hours one charge of eight hundred pounds of roasted ore is obtained from the hearth, e. The lower furnaces have two working doors each, the upper one three. There is not much stirring in this operation, and a sort of shovel is more in use than the hoe. The fuel used is coal. A different construction is shown in Figs. 7 and 8. The first is a vertical section, the second a horizontal one. This furnace was built by Mr. Deetken, in Grass Valley, Cal., for the sulphurets from the Eureka mine. The construction is like that of the roasting furnace at Pontgibaud, for lead ores. CHLORINATION. 237 The upper hearth is not above the lower, but a continuation of it, interrupted by a step-flue, a, of seven feet ten inches in height-in the drawing, less. The upper hearth is six feet wide by thirty-nine feet in length, furnished with working doors upon each side, twelve in number. One of the doors of the upper hearth is shown in Fig. 17, of a simple and very suitable pattern. The chimney, b, about twenty-five feet high, is built after Deetken's cheap plan, of four inches thickness-twenty-eight inches each side in the clear. The way of roasting is explained further on. This kind of furnace requires more room than the double furnace (Fig. 9), but the work of stirring is less tiresome, as the roaster is not obliged to step constantly up and down. Another advantage is the extent of the upper hearth, which receives nine tons of ore without difficulty; whereas the charging of a three or four story high furnace, is very trouble- some, if not favored by a sloping locality. Very much to be recommended is also the Freiberg plan (Fig. 10), which amounts to the same thing as Deetken's furnace, as the upper hearths can continue on the same level with the lower ones, if made advisable by local circumstances. The rising flue, a, Fig. 7, is not necessary; on the contrary, it consumes a part of the heat uselessly. There is also no special advantage in making the second hearth narrower; for although the heat is more contracted, the length must increase for the same quan- tity of sulphurets. These furnaces are a great deal more effective than the single furnaces. For the purpose of roasting sulphurets, where the capital is limited, a furnace ought to consist never- theless of at least three hearths, constructed like Figs. 5 and 6, but arranged similar to the lower tract of Fig. 10. By this means it is possible to draw every ten or twelve hours a ton of roasted sulphurets from the hearth near the fire-place. In reference to a mechanical furnace, it is very questionable whether any advantage could be derived therefrom in roast- ing sulphurets for chlorination. Long experience in Cal- ifornia has proved that a certain length of time, about twenty 238 CHLORINATION. hours, is required to finish the roasting of one charge of two thousand pounds of sulphurets, and that by employing three men in place of two, in order to have the stirring more dili- gently performed, the time of roasting cannot be shortened.* The only way of shortening the time is by the use of long fur- naces in which a great quantity of stuff is gradually prepared by being moved in successive portions towards the fire-place. If, as is claimed by different furnace patentees, the roasting of sulphurets could be performed in much shorter time, with the same precision as is now done in twenty-four hours, which is not impossible, it certainly would be much cheaper work, as the roasting expenses at present amount to over 50 per cent. of the total cost of the chlorination; but practical proof is necessary. SEC. 57. The Roasting Operation. The performance of roasting the sulphurets or arseniurets is very simple; the principal aim must be directed to a per- fect, dead roasting, that is, the expulsion of all sulphur. After the furnace has been heated for some hours, the sulphu- rets are introduced through a hopper above the roof into the furnace, and spread over the hearth. A furnace like Figs. 5 and 6, Tab. VII, takes one ton at a charge. One man is suf- ficient to attend the furnace. The fire is kept moderate, as the burning of the sulphur creates so much heat that nearly half of the sulphur contained, is expelled thereby. On expos- ing a new surface of the mass (which, in a short time, becomes dark-red hot) to the air, the burning sulphur with a bluish light can be seen distinctly. The hoe is principally used for stirring. It must be as light as possible, and is represented by Fig. 19, Tab. VII. The plate, a, is made of boiler-iron, ten inches by four and a half and one-eighth of an inch thick, *According to Mr. Deetken. CHLORINATION. 239 and riveted to the round iron rod, six-eighths of an inch in diameter and seven to eight feet long,-one or two on each side of the furnace. The stirring is performed at intervals of about fifteen minutes. Whatever is said about the useless- ness of continual stirring, the fact must not be overlooked that sulphurets exposed to the air are sooner deprived of their sulphur, than those which are nearest the hearth and excluded from undecomposed air. If this were not the case, even a partial stirring would be useless. For that reason the intervals must be only of such length as is necessary for the relief of the roaster. In proportion as the oxidation of the sulphur and iron draws nearer to the end, the temperature decreases, and it is neces- sary to use more fuel, so as to keep the mass at a good red heat. It takes from twenty to twenty-four hours before the roasting of one charge may be considered finished. If it should be observed that in throwing up the sulphurets in the furnace by means of the hoe or shovel, many brilliant sparks appear, it would indicate that the roasting was carelessly per- formed; and it must be continued until this appearance ceases. In a double furnace, Figs. 7 and 8, the heat in the lower hearth is always kept bright. One ton is roasted below, and about nine tons are spread on the upper long hearth. There are two roasters busy at the same time; one with the finish- ing, the other with the preparatory part, but assisting each other if needed. When one charge is drawn into the iron car below the hearth, the other load is pushed down from the upper hearth, c, through the flue, a, shortly beforehand, and is now ready at d, to be drawn into the furnace by means of hoes through the doors, e, e. There is another door, g, behind the flue hearth for the same purpose. This charge was exposed to the preparatory roasting for about twenty-four hours on the upper hearth, and consists of a small part of undecomposed sulphurets, and of oxides and sulphates. At a lively heat and with active stirring at intervals, all the base metals ought to be converted into oxides, after twelve hours' 240 CHLORINATION. work, and the charge taken out. In this way it is possible to obtain two tons of well roasted sulphurets in twenty-four hours. As soon as the charge from c, is removed into the lower furnace, in which both roasters are engaged, the sulphurets from h, must be removed to c, from i, to h, and so on, until the end of the hearth at k, is ready to receive a new charge of one ton through the charge-hole in the roof. Although the temperature is very low, the whole mass on the upper hearth assumes a glowing condition, in consequence of the burning sulphur. The roaster performs his stirring regularly from c, to k, or the reverse, from both sides of the furnace. The hoes are made of five-eighths round iron, and six feet long, for the upper hearth. Whatever shape a reverberatory furnace may have, the final roasting is always performed nearest to the fire-place. Roasting with Salt.—An addition of salt in roasting sulphu- rets is not injurious to chlorination, but it increases the expense uselessly if mixed with such sulphurets where there is no necessity for it. If the ore from which the concentrated sulphurets are obtained contains lime, calc-spar, talc, or heavy spar, it is necessary to introduce a chloridizing roasting. In all other cases experience must decide. It is, however, also easily ascertained by an experiment, on a small scale, as explained in §54, by two comparative assays, one of which is roasted with five or six per cent. salt, the other without. The result will show which mode is preferable. Lead and anti- mony do not allow the use of salt in roasting. It is sufficient to add five per cent. of salt, that is, one hun- dred pounds to a ton of sulphurets. It is plain that salt is more effective when pulverized than when used in a coarse state, but it is immaterial whether the mixture is made on the upper hearth, or whether the salt is added when the charge is exposed to the finishing-roasting, as there is no action of the salt, or very little, in the dark-red heat of the upper hearth; but if the roasting is performed in a single furnace, CHLORINATION. 241 where the heat is less under control, it might be better to introduce the salt by means of scoops into the furnace five or six hours before the end of the operation. The salt must be well mixed with the ore. The roasted ore, when in the car, is wheeled to a cooling place which, if possible, must be so much below the floor of the roasting department, that the contents of the car may be dumped and spread out. After the roasted ore is cooled down, it is removed to another compartment, for the purpose of moistening. It is then subjected to the chlorination. SEC. 58. Chlorination. 1. Damping of the Roasted Ore. The roasted ore cannot be treated at once with chlorine gas, for two reasons-first, because the sulphurets, if dry, form a more condensed mass than if in a certain damp condition, and are therefore more obstructive to the ascending gas; and second, for the more important reason that the chlorine does not act as vigorously on dry as on damp ore. It is therefore indispensable to moisten the sulphurets, after they are sufficiently cool. For this purpose the roasted charge, or several tons, is spread in a compartment of eight or ten feet square with sides two feet high, of thin boiler-iron, and the water conducted over it by means of a hose or otherwise. It may require from four to five per cent. of water. The wetted surface is then turned over several times, and mixed with the dry stuff beneath, till it appears nearly uniform. The moistened charge must not create the slightest dust, but, at the same time, the hand should remain dry and clean on handling it. A handful of it, pressed hard together, must form a lump which can be held in the fingers, but falls into its former loose condition if hand- led. Should it appear too dry, some more water, or in the reverse case, some more dry ore, must be added and mixed with it. 242 CHLORINATION. Further on it will be seen that the vats in which the chlo- rination is performed, contain a false bottom, on which a filter is prepared. After a charge has been removed, this filter contains a great deal of moisture, which draws into the newly moistened charge, rendering the lowest stratum too moist; whereby it settles somewhat and hinders the free access of the introduced chlorine. To avoid this, some dry ore is spread over the filter, that is, the bottom-say eight or ten inches deep, and allowed to lie for six or eight hours. Should it be found too dry or too wet, it must be made right by the addi- tion of moistened or dry stuff, as the case may be. A short experience will teach one to introduce the proper amount of roasted ore necessary to take up the moisture. This charged part as well as the moistened, as described before, must be subjected to- 2. Sifting. This operation takes but a short time, and is necessary for two reasons. One is the separation of lumps and crusts formed during the roasting, and of other impurities which might drop in accidentally, all amounting to two or three per cent. The other reason is the required loose con- dition of the ore in the vat, which is best obtained by passing it through a sieve. For this reason the sifting must be per- formed directly into the vat. The sieve is twelve to fourteen inches by twenty-five in the clear,-the sides five inches high. The sieve is sufficiently fine, if there are seven to eight meshes to the running inch. A chlorination vat, into which the ore is sifted by pushing the sieve to and fro, either on two scantlings laid over the rim of the tub, or suspended on four ropes, is represented in Fig. 13, Tab. VII. It is a vertical cross-section of a circular vat, seven feet in diameter, capable of holding three tons of roasted sulphurets. Above the bottom, b, is an empty space over the whole bot- tom, one inch high, formed by the false bottom, a, the boards of which are laid together, leaving about one-eighth of an inch space between them. Besides this, there are half-inch CHLORINATION. 243 A holes bored in it, from ten to twelve inches apart. The boards. are supported by short pieces, c, leaving sufficient space for the passage of the chlorine. Over the false bottom is spread first a layer of clean quartz from one and a half to two inches in thickness. In default of quartz, another kind of rock will answer the purpose, provided there is no lime or talc in it- which would absorb a considerable amount of chlorine; and if notice is not taken of the character of the rock, the great con- sumption of chlorine might be supposed to be the consequence of defective roasting. Over the coarse layer smaller pieces. are laid, and so on, decreasing in size, till a layer of sand cov- ers the whole, forming thus a filter of from four to five inches. in thickness. This filter remains always in the vat; the shov- eling out of the residue, therefore, must be done carefully, on approaching the filter bottom. There are two holes commu- nicating with the space below the false bottom. One is for the reception of the lead pipe, d, by which the chlorine is introduced; the other is provided with a leaden cock, e, for the discharge of the lixivium. This side of the vat stands one-half of an inch lower. The wooden vat would absorb a great deal of the gold in solution, if the inside were not coated with some material which prevents the soaking in of the fluid. Mr. Deetken uses one part pitch melted with one part of tar. This is a cheap and quite suitable mixture, and is applied by means of a brush when hot. It is a matter of course also that the boards of the false bottom should be coated carefully on all sides, as well as the whole of the inside. There are also vats or tubs five feet in diameter, three feet high, holding two tons of roasted sulphurets. Three or more of them are arranged in one row, as shown by Fig. 18, a, a. They are conveniently managed, and preferred where small charges of custom ore are to be treated. Deetken introduced successfully a large vat of ten feet diameter, two feet high, constructed exactly like Fig. 13. This vat is capable of holding from six to seven tons of roasted sulphurets. The usual charge is six tons. There is doubt- 244 CHLORINATION. less more economy in treating six tons in one vessel than in two or three of a smaller size; there is less waste of material, and some saving of labor, with the larger size. Chlorination vats with a greater diameter are preferable to higher tubs of the same capacity; for the reason that a low column of sulphurets assumes a less dense condition, and also because of the greater cubic content of the free space above the sulphurets, which is filled with chlorine, so that an acci- dentally greater consumption of the gas can be replaced. The cover, g, Fig. 13, must fit as well as possible in the step of the vat side, but not too tight; the planks, however, have to be fitted together tightly with tongue and groove. For the purpose of lifting, there are generally three or four chains fastened to the cover. Ropes are of no use, as they are destroyed in a short time by the gases. The moistened ore, as before said, is sifted directly into the vat over the filter. In order to avoid a condensed charge, it is necessary to move the sieve from one place to another, till the whole charge is introduced; the surface is then made even, and the charge is ready for chlorination. 3. The chlorine gas is produced in a leaden vessel, as shown in Figs. 14 and 15; the first is a vertical cross-section, the second a top view with the cover on. The circular tub, a, has an outer ring, c, six inches deep, for the reception of the ring-shaped side of the cover, b. A similar small ring, d', is on the top of the cover, which receives the collar, e, fastened to the leaden stirrer, f. There is also a short leaden pipe, g, bent in the shape of the letter s, through which the sulphuric acid is introduced.-the outer end forming a funnel for this purpose. Another lead pipe, d, conveys the chlorine to the vat. The cover is taken off, and for a charge of three tons of roasted sulphurets is introduced the following: 30 pounds of manganese (peroxide) pulverized, 30 to 40 เ 75 6 6 45 (( " "common salt, according to quality, sulphuric acid, of 66 degrees, and "water. CHLORINATION. 245 The water, salt and manganese are introduced first, and the generator covered. The two rings, c and d', are filled with water and thereby the contents of the generator shut up air tight, with the exception of the two lead pipes, g and d, of the cover. The gas generator stands over a small furnace, as represented by b, Fig. 18. The sulphuric acid is now introduced through the pipe, g, Fig. 14, but not all at once. Three bottles are generally sufficient to create so much heat that the development of the gas takes place in sufficient quan- tity. No fire is yet made under the generator. The chlorine is not conveyed directly to the chlorination vats, but through a purifying apparatus, as represented in Fig. 16. An ordin- ary wash-basin or some other similar vessel, a, receives two lead pipes (three-quarter inch). One of them, d, conveys the chlorine from the generator, and is bent a little upward. The other is bent in the same way, but stands higher. Both ends are covered with a bottle, the bottom of which is cut off. There is sufficient clean water in the dish to stand one-half or three-quarters of an inch above the mouth of the pipe, d, so that all gas which enters the space in the bottom is forced through the water,—which takes up the muriatic acid. The chlorine passes then through the pipe, d",-which is as long as may be required by the distance of the vat, enters the space below the false bottom, and gradually permeates the ore. The water through which the gas passes absorbs, if cold, about two and a half volumes of the chlorine, and is then saturated; but is still good for the purpose of taking up muri- atic acid. The warmer the water is, the less chlorine is absorbed. It is therefore wrong to introduce a continual stream of cold water into the wash-basin, a, as is done in some places, as a good deal of the chlorine is lost thereby. The water in the basin may be renewed once or twice during the operation with warm water. This apparatus is not only for the absorption of muriatic acid, since, if a portion of this should happen to enter the *The leaden gas generator costs about $120. The bottom is made of 16-pound, and the sides and cover of 8-pound sheet-lead. 246 CHLORINATION. vat, and, forming sulphuretted hydrogen, precipitate metallic gold, this would be converted again into a chloride in pres- ence of abundant chlorine,—but the apparatus is an indispen- sable indicator of the progress in the gas generator. The bottle, b, Fig. 16, must show a greenish gas, and the bubbling from the pipe, d, must be very lively. If this should not be the case, another bottle of sulphuric acid must be introduced; and the addition continued as often as the development of the gas becomes weaker. After the last bottle has been used up, a moderate fire must be made below the gas generator. The arch, c, Fig. 18, is very flat, and only two inches thick in the middle. Care must be taken to have a half inch layer of sand over the arch. An open crack would cause the melting of the bottom of the lead vessel. It is also necessary to turn the stirrer, f, now and then carefully, to prevent the caking of the ingredients. The vat, after the ore has been sifted in, as before described, is left uncovered. It takes from three to six hours before the gas reaches the top of the charge. The progress can be easily watched by taking samples from underneath the surface. The smell of the chlorine shows how high it has penetrated. When the chlorine odor is perceived within a few inches of the surface of the charge, the cover is laid over the vat, and the edge, i, Fig. 13, all around the cover, luted with dough of wheat flour. If there be any cracks in the cover, they must be carefully pasted so that no chlorine can escape anywhere. The only opening not shut, is a hole of one inch diameter, k; but as soon as the gas commences to escape, that is plugged up, and secured with dough. The circular opening, 7, in the cover, is only proposed by the author, and explained further on. The chlorine is now permitted to operate on the gold for twelve to eighteen hours. (It may be added that, as the sift- ing requires some time, if the charge amounts to three or six tons, the gas generator can be put in operation before the vat is entirely filled with ore; because the ascension of the chlo- rine is also slow.) The pipe, d", is removed and the hole plugged up. CHLORINATION. 247 All the apparatus must be examined at intervals, to see that there is no loss of gas, or at least whenever such loss should be perceived by the odor. For this purpose ammonia serves. A glass rod dipped into it and carried close around the place where the loss is indicated by the smell, will imme- diately give off white fumes when in contact with the chlo- rine, and show the place where it escapes. To prevent the drying of the dough around the cover, it may be covered with strips of wet cloth. For the production of chlorine the fol- lowing is also used: 1 part manganese, 2 parts muriatic acid, 1 part sulphuric acid, diluted with 1 part water. 4. Lixiviation.-After twelve, or if the sulphurets con- tain coarser gold, after fifteen to eighteen hours, the cover is taken off and water introduced. If it should happen that in taking off the cover no gas is found over the ore, it is advi- sable to shut the vat and to impregnate the ore again with chlorine immediately; as, in nine times out of ten, the extrac- tion of gold will fall short. This, however, does not occur often with proper management. The water should flow in quickly, and in such a way as not to strike on one point,-producing a deep hole in the mass. The cock, e, is shut, and the water- flow continues until the surface of the charge is covered, and no air bubbles appear. The water is then stopped, and the cock, e, opened. A small stream of water into the vat, must replace as much as flows through e, so that the surface of the ore is always covered. The respiration of the chlorine is injurious; and it is there- fore advisable to avoid the inhaling of the gas as much as possible by leaving the room until the gas disappears. The best way would be to have an arrangement by which the gas is carried out of the building; for instance, to put a movable wooden pipe six inches square about the proposed opening, l.* *More convenient would be a lead-pipe through the side of the vat, near the top, through which the gas is forced by the entering water out of the building. In this case the water would have to be conveyed by an India-rubber hose through the opening, , of the same size with the hose. 248 CHLORINATION. In order to prevent the stream of water from making a hole into the ore, a perforated wooden distributor fixed to the cover, as shown in the drawing, would answer the purpose. A trough below the cock, e, receives the solution, and con- veys it into the precipitating tub (c, Fig. 18). The trough must be lined with sheet-lead, avoiding sharp corners, or it must be at least well coated with tar and pitch, in default of sheet-lead. Great care must be taken to prevent the waste of the solution. Not a drop of it ought to be seen outside of the trough. The precipitating vat, e, Fig. 18, is a wooden tub, like the chlorination vat, Fig. 13, but without a false bottom. The staves must fit together perfectly. One four feet in diame- ter and three feet high, is sufficient to receive the solution of three tons of ore. Deetken's ten foot vat, containing six tons of sulphurets, requires two precipitating vats; one is five feet, the other six feet in diameter, each two feet high. The vats ought to be lined with sheet-lead, and a more proper shape would be a rectangular box with a half-round, some- what inclined sheet-lead bottom, which permits an easier and better cleaning. In default of a leaden lining, the vats must be coated with a mixture of pitch and tar; otherwise the wood absorbs some of the gold solution. A better and smoother coating is obtained by the use of the so-called "asphaltum cement," which should be applied twice before it is ready for use, as the cement is too liquid for a single coating. A very smooth surface of the vat is important, else it is difficult to gather all the finely precipitated gold. From time to time samples are taken in a clean tumbler of white glass from the solution at the end of the trough, and observed in reference to the point whether an addition of a clear solution of sulphate of iron (green vitriol) causes a dark precipitate. If the solution after the addition of the precipi- tant should remain perfectly clear, the water supply in the chlorination vat must be stopped, and all the liquid contents of the vat permitted to flow into the precipitating vat. 5. Precipitation.-The precipitant for the gold is a solu- CHLORINATION. 249 (( tion of sulphate of iron. It is known also under the name of copperas," or green vitriol, and forms light green crystals. Dissolved in water (in a barrel twenty or twenty-two inches diameter, and about three feet high) it generally makes a muddy solution, and gives a light sediment, which must not be disturbed in drawing off the clear solution from above it. For this purpose a leaden syphon will answer. It is, however, better economy to prepare the precipitant fresh, in the chlo- rination works. In a barrel or tub of about ten cubic feet content, fifty to sixty pounds of pieces of old wrought-iron are introduced, then five or six buckets of water, and twenty to thirty pounds of sulphuric acid. This is prepared two or three days before the solution is wanted. One or two buck- ets of this iron solution must be introduced into the precipi- tating vat before the gold solution is allowed to flow in, so that the precipitation may begin immediately. After this, as much of the precipitant is added as is required, which can be ascertained by taking a sample out of the precipitating vat, filtering it through filtering paper, and mixing it with the precipitant. If the mixture should darken a little after a time, some more of the iron solution must be introduced into the precipitating vat. The precipitated gold requires some time before it is all deposited on the bottom. The fluid must appear perfectly clear before the water can be drawn off. Generally the mixture stands undisturbed over night. The upper plug (e, Fig. 18,) is removed, and the clear liquid con- veyed into another vessel, f, of sufficient capacity, till it is nearly all run out of the precipitating tub through all the plug-holes. The discharge must be performed carefully, so that the flow appears always clear. It is better if several chlorinations have been performed before the gold is taken out, as there is a less percentage of loss by wastage, with a large quantity of gold. This is dip- ped out carefully by means of a dipper or scoop, into a clean porcelain dish or enameled vessel, and the rest washed out through the lowest cock. It is well to apply a jet of water over the sides and bottom, in order to wash off all the precip- itated gold. 17 250 CHLORINATION. The gold obtained is then introduced into a filter of filtering paper, and subsequently dried in an iron or porcelain vessel, in a warm place or over fire. For the purpose of melting, the black-lead crucibles are less suitable than "Hessian" or clay crucibles; from the latter a purer gold is obtained. A little salt, some borax and saltpetre (nitrate of potash), are added as fluxes. SEC. 59. Cost of the Chlorination Process per ton of Ore. If the ore is roasted in a long or double furnace ($56) a ton of well roasted sulphurets can be drawn out every eight hours, that is, three tons in twenty-four hours. The working expenses of twenty-four hours may be given as follows: Superintendence,. Four roasters, at $3.50, • Three cords of wood, at $4,. Thirty pounds manganese, at 61c, Forty pounds salt, at c,.. • Seventy-five pounds sulphuric acid, at 23c, . One man at the vats two days, at $3.50, . Sulphate of iron,. Total cost of three tons, Or, $14.55 per ton of sulphurets. · $ 6 00 14.00 12 00 1 87/1/20 30 1 87/1/2 7.00 60 $43 65 SEC. 60. Remarks. Zinc, Antimony and Lead are not obstructive to the extrac- tion of gold by chlorination; but it is not as yet determined by experience whether or not a great amount of galena would to a certain extent prevent chlorination. By all means, the presence of galena necessitates a good roasting, and a strong CHLORINATION. 251 finishing heat, in order to decompose the sulphates as much as possible. For ore of this kind, a roasting-furnace of thirty to forty feet long, and nine feet wide is very advisable; as all danger of the melting or caking of the galena is avoided by the preparatory roasting at a low heat,—especially if there is from twenty to forty per cent. of galena in the ore. The fusibility of the galena makes a more diligent stirring neces- sary. In case the roasting is not properly finished, the unde- composed sulphurets and sulphates would absorb a great deal of chlorine, and the formed chloride of lead and antimony would be carried into the precipitating vat. Both are precip- itated as a white powder (as chlorides) by the dilution with the leaching water. It often occurs that such ore is accompanied by lime or calcareous spar; in this case the lixivium will contain chloride of lime which is precipitated with the gold as gypsum, if not separated beforehand by the addition of sulphuric acid. Heavy spar will probably behave like cal- careous spar, and likewise be precipitated by sulphuric acid. An experiment was made with two samples of ore. No. 1 had three per cent., No. 2 had thirty per cent. galena. Twenty ounces of each sample were subjected to roasting without salt for two hours, and then chloridized. No. 1 was easily treated with the usual quantity of chlorine, and gave 85 per cent. of the gold contained. The tailings showed coarse gold particles which could not be chloridized in twelve hours' time. No. 2 absorbed nearly twice as much chlorine as No. 1, and was leached after twenty-four hours. The result was not satisfactory. Only sixty-two per cent. of the gold was obtained; but the tailings, on examination, showed undecomposed galena, which proved that the roasting time was too short, or the heat too low. The coarse gold of No. 1 was taken up instantly by the quicksilver, in consequence of the clean surface created by the action of the chlorine. It seems probable, therefore, that if the chlorination tailings (in case they contain coarse gold) were conducted over a few quicksilver rifles, properly diluted, all the gold would be taken up. For the regular 252 CHLORINATION. discharge of such tailings, the feed-box, §44, A, could be employed successfully. No stirring of quicksilver is admis- sable in this case; for the reason that "flouring" of the mer- cury, caused by the chlorine, could not be avoided. The question in regard to the utilization of the chlorine which remains in the vat after the chlorination of the gold has been finished, must be decided by a practical trial. A vat of seven feet diameter and two feet high, when filled with roast- ed ore to within six inches of the top, leaves about forty-seven cubic feet of space for the chlorine. (The moistened stuff contains more than fifty per cent. of interstitial space.) Pro- vided the roasting was well performed on auriferous iron pyrites, the whole free space in the vat will be filled with chlorine, after the process of chlorination is finished. This ought to be the case under all circumstances; and if the roasted stuff consumes more gas than usual, it must be replaced by an additional quantity. Having, then, two chlorination vats, the communication between them for the purpose of con- veying the chlorine from one into the other is easily obtained by two lead pipes, each leading from the upper part of one to the empty space (c, Fig. 13,) of the other, the pipes being provided with cocks. As soon as the water is admitted through a hose into the vat, the chlorine will escape through the lead pipe into the other already prepared vat. It will be necessary then to fix a glass tube (bent in the shape of a horse-shoe) into the upper part of the vats, so that the height of the water above the ore can be seen and regulated accord- ingly. The chlorine, transferred into the other vat, will require a certain additional quantity* from the generator. The pecu- niary advantage of this proceeding, even if successful, will not be very important, as the cost of chlorine is only $1.35 per ton (unless increased by freight charges on a long dis- tance); but from a sanitary point of view the matter deserves consideration, as the chlorine is injurious to the respiratory organs, and may induce consumption. *A considerable part of the chlorine will be absorbed by the water which is introduced. CHLORINATION. 253 The plan of forcing the chlorine into the vat by a pump or similar arrangement, in order to gain a few hours' time, involves complications which are not desirable. If an inch pipe is used (d, Fig. 18,) the evolution of the chlorine in the gas generator can be increased, and thus the time shortened; which, however, is not advantageous, if in the roasted ore there are, besides the gold, other substances which absorb chlorine. SEC. 61. Other Methods of Dissolving and Precipitating the Gold from Sulphurets or Ore.* The chlorination works at Reichenstein, Silesia, were erected for the working of arsenical pyrites. The gold is extracted by Plattner's chlorination process. The building contains forty-eight earthen chlorination pots, of which twenty- four are always charged with roasted ore, while the content of the other twenty-four are undergoing chlorination. The pots are strengthened with iron hoops, and so prepared that for discharging they can be turned over on two journals. The lower end is conical, and contains an earthen perforated plate. There is a wooden cover with a small round hole in it, on the top of the pot. The gas pipe communicates with the conical end. The gas generators are also earthen pots with leaden covers, twenty-five pounds each, provided with an opening for the charge, and with a leaden gas pipe. There are twenty glass globes, used as precipitating ves- sels, standing on a sand bath. There are also ten bottles for the production of sulphuretted hydrogen. The conical part of the chlorination pots is charged with small pieces of quartz, and covered with the perforated plate. After the concentrated arseniurets are moistened (in winter, with warm water), each pot is charged with one hundred and *B. Kerl's Hüttenkunde. 254 CHLORINATION. fifty pounds. The gas generators are covered and secured air-tight with flour dough, and the gas pipes arranged to con- vey the chlorine into a washing vessel, to free it from muri- atic acid. Each generator receives thirteen pounds muriatic acid, and seven pounds sulphuric acid, diluted with the same quantity of water; and as soon as the chlorine is required, seven pounds of manganese are added. The charging hole is shut, and the fire started underneath the sand-bath. After the chlorine has passed through the ore for an hour, the pots are closed with the covers, and examined from time to time to see whether the chlorine rises above the ore. This is the case, when a glass rod, dipped in ammonia, creates white fumes above the hole of the cover. After six to seven hours, the impregnation is finished; and all the joints of cover and pot are secured by dough, and the chlorine allowed to act on the gold until the next day. The covers are then taken off and water of fourteen to twenty degrees R. intro- duced. Boiling water would absorb less gas and dissolve more salts. The leaching is stopped as soon as about ninety- six cubic feet of the lixivium from twenty-four pots is obtained (from three thousand six hundred pounds of ore). The lixivium from all the pots is conveyed into four vats, beginning at the first, so that the fourth vat receives the poorest leach. The very small quantity of gold contained in this is not precipitated, but the fluid is used over again for leaching the next day. The fluid from the other three vats is drawn over into the glass globes which stand on a sand- bath, in order to bring the temperature of the contents up to twenty degrees R. Sulphuretted hydrogen, obtained from bleistein (sulphide of lead obtained in smelting lead ores), diluted hot sulphuric acid, is conducted into the globes until the fluid appears perfectly black from precipitated sulphide of gold. This remains warm in the vessel until the next day, when the gold is found deposited on the bottom. From each globe, the clear fluid is drawn into a filter by means of glass syphons, the ends of which can be corked more or less tightly, so that the supply can be regulated according to the capacity and CHLORINATION. 255 of the filter. That which goes through the filter, is conveyed through cisterns filled with saw-dust, in order to absorb any sulphide of gold which may have escaped. The precipitated gold is finally washed into the filters. In the course of six- teen days, three hundred and twenty filters containing sul- phide of gold are obtained; these are dried and burned on four large dishes, then boiled in aqua regia, filtered, and the gold of the filtrate precipitated by sulphate of iron. The precipitated gold is placed upon filters and washed, first with diluted muriatic acid, and then with water. After this the filters are dried and burned, and the gold melted with borax and saltpetre in clay crucibles. The quantity of concentrated arseniurets daily subjected to chlorination is three thousand six hundred pounds, containing about five-ninths of an ounce of gold per ton, so that not more than from twenty to twenty-one pounds of gold is extracted yearly. At Schemnitz, Hungary, the tailings from the silver extrac- tion by Ziervogel's method, are treated for gold by Plattner's chlorination process. They contain 0.012 per cent. of gold. The chlorine gas generator is made of cast-iron, with a leaden hood, joined by flanges and bolts. The hood has three open- ings; one for charging in the manganese, another for the sul- phuric acid, and the third for the passage of the chlorine con- ducting pipe. The gas enters first the washing vessel, then a receiver, and thence passes through two pipes into the earthen chlorination vessels. The lower end is contracted like a funnel, and receives a filter of quartz sand, two inches deep. The upper part of the pot is furnished with a clay cover provided with an eduction pipe. The tailings having been dried and slightly glowed, for the purpose of destroying the basic salts, are moistened in the usual way, and six hundred pounds introduced into each of the four chlorination vessels. The chlorine is then introduced through a pipe below the quartz filter, and continued until the gas is distinctly perceived above the charge. The cover is put on and luted with dough, so as to be air-tight, and the 256 CHLORINATION. tailings are exposed to the action of the chlorine for twelve hours. At the end of this time, warm water is introduced, and the lixivial collected in large glass bottles, where the gold is precipitated by sulphate of iron. The gold after being separated from the fluid by filtering, is washed and melted with borax and saltpetre in clay crucibles. The lixivium is conducted into tanks containing old iron, for the precipitation of the copper, which always contains a small amount of gold. The residue, that is, the tailings, is mixed with lime and reserved for smelting. The loss in gold is 18.21 per cent. Calvert's Method for Auriferous Quartz.-This method is based on the production of chlorine in the mass of ore. This process is cheap,-it permits of the extraction at the same time of both silver and copper, and is not injurious to the workmen. The finely pulverized quartz is mixed with one per cent. of manganese, charged into vats, and muriatic acid added. In this condition the ore is kept closed in the tubs for twelve hours. There is a false perforated bottom in the tub, covered with some brush and straw. The mass is then leached several times with the same water, and is then con- veyed into precipitating tubs ;-where the copper is first obtained by means of iron, and afterwards the gold,-the chlorine having been driven off by heating the liquid, and a solution of sulphate of iron added. If there is silver in the ore, the chlorine is generated with salt, manganese and sulphuric acid; taking six parts of salt to three parts of manganese. The formed chloride of silver dissolves in the salt solution, and is precipitated by copper plates, the copper by iron, and the gold by green vitriol. Kiss's method is based on the solubility of the chloride of silver and protochloride of gold in a leach of hyposulphite of lime; but its success in the extraction of silver and gold has not yet proved quite satisfactory. CHLORINATION. 257 SEC. 62. Extraction of Gold, Silver and Copper. Sulphurets, or ores containing sulphurets, cannot be treated either with chlorine or with chloruretted water, without roast- ing; no matter how fine the ore may be reduced. Besides the great quantity of chlorine which would be consumed, in either case, by the decomposition of sulphurets, there will always be formed some chloride and sulphate of iron,—both of which would precipitate the gold from its chloride if such should be formed, and prevent its extraction. If silver and copper are present, they are converted into chlorides. The chloride of copper is soluble in water, and can be leached together with the gold; but the chloride of silver remains undissolved in the residue ;-it is however soluble in a concentrated salt solution. If, therefore, chlorine is con- ducted through a salt solution* to saturation, this chloridized solution dissolves gold, silver and copper at the same time, if the ore containing such metals is treated therewith. On this principle, Patera and Roeszner subject auriferous silver ores first to a chloridizing roasting; the roasted ore is then charged into tubs with false bottoms, and the cold solution of salt and chlorine added. Silver ores from Arany-Idka, Hun- gary, treated after this method, gave 98.94 per cent. of the silver, all the copper, and nearly all the gold. An experiment on five tons of ore gave a clear profit of seventy-five florins, compared with amalgamation. Roeszner roasts the ore with salt, extracts a part of the sil- ver by Augustin's method with a hot solution of salt, and treats the residue alternately with a solution of salt and chlo- rine, and hot concentrated salt solution, for the extraction of the gold and the remainder of the silver. It is not absolutely necessary to roast the ore with salt, but still preferable, especially if there is also copper in the ore, *The solution must be cold. 18 258 CHLORINATION. sufficient to be an object of extraction. There is a class of silver ore found in considerable quantity in Nevada, which, treated on a small scale with chlorinated salt solution, gives nearly fifty per cent. of its silver, without roasting,—provided it is ground very fine. The ore in question consists princi- pally of argentiferous carbonates, containing copper, antimony and lead. It has a greenish or black dull appearance, and is generally rich in silver;-frequently occurring in Blind Springs, Hot Creek, Humboldt, Lone Pine, and in Idaho. There is also a light yellow earthy mineral in the form of powder, a carbonate,-composed principally of antimony, lead and silver, in Nevada, Arizona, etc. Also the Stedtfeld- ite and Partzite (both, probably, the same mineral, and in regard to origin, likely connected with the above named carbonates). The last two minerals are greenish black, or black, with a peculiar horny appearance, and also rich in silver. In treating these ores without roasting, besides the above mentioned proportion of silver, copper also is obtained; but, although in the working of the properly pulverized ore on a large scale, a better result may be expected, than in the oper- ating upon a few pounds only, a roasting or at least calcina- tion, of the ore in question is advisable under all circum- stances;-firstly, for the reason that, however carefully the ore may be selected, a complete expulsion of the sulphurets which accompany it can hardly be accomplished; and secondly, on account of the difficulty of filtering a very finely pulver- ized ore if not burned. But, as nearly fifty per cent. of the silver can be extracted without roasting, it is reasonable to expect that a short roasting will answer; and that a suitable furnace may be capable of roasting about ten tous of the ore per day, allowing thus a very economical treatment; and as the copper contained in the ore is always worthy of consider- ation, a few pounds of salt may be added before roasting. This mode of extraction is very important for the new sil- ver districts; not only because all the silver is obtained, within a very small percentage, but because large quantities CHLORINATION. 259 of copper are wasted by the present mode of silver amalga- mation. This last named useful and valuable metal is in fact looked upon with contempt, and considered to be worse than sulphur or antimony, if combined with silver ores. It appears, however, quite otherwise, if the lixiviating process. is adopted, by which the copper is obtained separately with an inconsiderable additional expense. The precipitating pro- cesses, in most instances, will be found cheaper than the pan amalgamation; and seem and seem to be particularly suitable for remote territories. The precipitation of the metals obtained by the described process, after leaching, can be effected in different ways. A dilution of the salt leach with water, produces a white pre- cipitate of chloride of silver. It takes about twelve hours for all the silver to settle, and the fluid to become clear, ready for the precipitation of the gold by sulphate of iron. After this, the fluid, when clear, is conveyed into tanks containing pieces of old wrought-iron, for the purpose of precipitating the copper. This is the cheapest way of precipitation; but the further reduction of the chloride of silver, by means of zinc and sulphuric acid, is troublesome, and it might be preferable to amalgamate the chloride with sodium-amalgam and iron filings,—which, according to Professor Wurtz, is per- formed almost instantly. Another inconvenience is the quan- tity of water required for the precipitation of the chloride of silver, amounting to about one-half of the volume of the lixi- vium-thus diluting it too much for the copper precipitation. Sulphuretted hydrogen, and polysulphide of sodium, pre- cipitate silver, copper and lead together; it is therefore the most proper way to precipitate the gold and silver in metal- lic condition by metallic copper, and then both the dissolved precipitating copper, and that from the ore, by means of old iron. .. 2 ཚ · TIE In t } Fig.1 5 4 ㄡ​ˇ K X eta ୧ a 7 e ཞི་ دن น رات f تم m α * 24.1 b e a 13 19 Οι ! 10 t α b ୯ 18 C A d B α ከ A 15 B 'm' 8. 김김 ​α 2 b h 14 1 هها b 17 11 (E) (四​) 回 ​Fo MI ј i ✔ 9 b 11.11-12 20 日 ​10 n d a a 12 16 120 . g C C E TO f K C 21 gi m a Tab. I. о 22 f 112 Scale. +=1 1'. Fus: 10. +"' = 1'. 21... Fig 7,8,9,11,12, 1'..... Fig 1. 4 / 1. Ag: 13,14, 21. 1'.. Fig: 3 to b 1-1'... Fig: 15 to 22. 4 Fig 1 Б LA C MEA 01 K b n m 6 b g f 7 b 4 .P. 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