1 ARTES LIBRARY 11817 SCIENTIA VERITAS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TUEROR KIS PENINSULAM-AMⱭENAM” CIRCUMSPICE A 546716 T QA 77 C97 1729 3 10 40 30 20 In-Me 10 20 30 40 710 8/0 Lat: 10 30 30 40 30 6018 10 90 40 30 70 70 10 Cho: Hou: 10 210 30 4 50 70 80 50 08 06 OL Lin Cho 715 fec Poly Fec 75 Lin Cho OOT 18 Tho. Heath at the Hercules & Globe, next the Fountain Tavern in thes Strand. Makes & Sells Wholesale & Retale, all Sorts of Mathematical Instru ments, in Gold, Silver, Brass, Ivory, or Wood with Books of their use 8 9191 Tan 18 OFI 10 130 10 10 F £ 20 20 30 30 110 100 90 30 40 40 40 50 60 70 80 90 Sin 70 75 tan 70 tan 75 40 50 an: 610 lan 8090 Sin 30, 40 30 ; 60 16 V: Sin: 70 Sin: 10 Num OF ICH W A NEW TREATISE OF THE Conftruction and Ufe OF THE SECTOR. CONTAINING, The SOLUTIONS of the principal Problems by that admirable Inftrument in the Chief· Branches of MATHEMATICKS, viz. ARITHMETICK, MENSURATION, Projection of the SPHERE GEOGRAPHY, Plain TRIGONOMETRY, ASTRONOMY, Spherick GEOMETRY, DIALLING, &c. Illuftrated with Variety of neceffary Obfervations, and pleaſant Conclufions: Containing ſeveral Applications intirely New. Being a Work of the late Mr. SAMUEL CUNN's, Teacher of Mathematicks, &c. Now carefully Reviſed by EDMUND STONE. LONDON: Printed for JOHN WILCOX, at the Green Dragon, in Little Britain, and THOMAS HEATH, Ma- thematical Inftrument Maker, at the Hercules and Globe, next the Fountain Tavern in the Strand. M.DCC. XXIX. Sothern 1-22-28- 12-13 THE REVISOR TO THE READER. MONG the Multitude of Mathe- Amatical Inftruments that have been invented, the SECTOR (as we call it) or, Compafs of Proportion (as the Foreigners) claims a principal Place, and, ever fince the Invention thereof, has been had always in the greatest Esteem by the Ingenious of the Mathematical Kind, but more especially with those who bufy them- felves in the practical Parts of that Learn- ing. The Value of this Inftrument may be ea- fily gathered from hence; That feveral eminent Mathematicians, as well Engliſh as Foreigners, have thought it worth their Pains to write Treatifes concerning it. Such as Juftus Burgius, and Goldman, in A 2 Latin; PREFA C E. Latin; Galileo, in Italian; Dechales, in Latin; Ozanam, in French; Gunter, Fofter, &c. in English; And now, at length, the late Mr. Samuel Cunn, a Per- fon whom all Men, capable of judging, muſt allow, in juftice, to have been a Mathema- tician of the first Rank, and confequently would never have written now on a Sub- ject that was trifling, or well handled by Others before. The Sectors made formerly (as well as the Foreign ones now) differ very much from thofe made by our Inftrument Makers at this Time. I mean as to the Scales of Lines drawn upon the Face of them, and their Pofitions; Thefe latter having feve- ral Lines omitted, viz. The Lines of Qua- drature, the Lines of Segments and In- fcribed Bodies, the Lines of Planes, the Lines of Solids, the Lines of Metals, &c. to make Room for others of far more exten- five Ufe; and the Pofition of thofe (that fue from the Center) are jo alter'd, that the Sector, as now made, is not only a Scale of Chords, Sines, Tangents, &c. to innu- merable Radius's, but likewife by it you may readily work Proportions in Lines, Sines, Tangents, &c. feparately, or with each other, and that to an Exactness fuffi- cient enough for ordinary Practice, if the Inftrnment be tolerably large. From PREFACE. From whence it manifeftly appears, that this Inftrumentis vaftly useful in Trigo- nometry, Spherical Geometry, Projection of the Sphere, Practical Aftronomy, Di- alling, and, indeed, all Practical Parts of Mathematicks where Scales of equal Parts, Chords, Sines, Tangents, &c. are con- cerned. Now Mr. CUNN having examin'd the Divifions on ſeveral Sectors, even Brafi ones of 12 Inches, made by notable Work- men, found egregious Faults in all of them; upon which he himſelf, with Mr Heath, Mathematical Inftrument Makr, in the Strand, took the Pains of vividing anew from Sherwin's Tables, a Brafs Pattern of a Foot Sector. Hence, if we contder Mr. CUNN's Skill and Accuracy in Things of this Nature, it will evidently follow, that Sectors care- fully made by the faid Pattern, muſt equal, or even exceed, any others whatsoever, in anfwering the End defigned. This Faultinefs of Sectors was the prin- cipal Caufe of Mr. CUNN's writing the fol- lowing little Tract of the Foot Sector, which will ferve for any fized ones, wherein he has profoundly handled the Matter, and not so much as omitted one fingle Circum- ftance of Ufe, in giving the Reader a thorow Know- PREFACE. Knowledge of this admirable Inftrument, both in its Construction and Uſe. And, to compleat the Whole, tho' to me there feems no abfolute Neceffity, he has given the Conftruction and Uses of the Artificial Numbers, Sines, and Tangents, which are Lines properly belonging to Gun- ter's Scale, but now put upon Sectors, as well to fill up vacant Spaces, as for their good Ufes. He gives you likewife the Con- Aruction and Uses of the Dialing Lines of Latrudes and Hours. But, that he might not be altogether filent with respect to the Lines formerly put upon Secors, he at length finishes the Piece with a brief and diftinct Account of their Nature and Tfe. Thus much in general; Not in the leaft doubting but the following Sheets will be read with abundance of Pleaſure by every Practical Mathematician. Edmund Stone. THE CONTENTS. CHAP. I. T HE Definitions of Chords, Tangents, &c. in a Circle. Sines, P. 1 Chap. II. Definitions of the Lines of Chords, Sines, Tangents, &c. Chap. III. Of the Radius on the Chords, Sines, Tangents, and Secants. 8 Chap. IV. The Geometrical Conſtruction of the Lines of Chords, Sines, Tangents, &c. 10 Chap. V. The Manner of laying down the Sines, Tangents, &c. by Help of Tables. 14 Chap. VI. The Construction of the artificial Lines on the Sector. 20 Chap. VII. The Numeration, Eftimation, or Valuation of the feveral Divifions and Di- ftances on the Scales or Lines of the Sector. 25 Chap. CONTENT S. Chap. VIII. Of the Sector in general, with gene- ral Laws for working by the fectoral Lines. 33 Chap. IX. Of the Ufe of the Line of Lines 39 Chap. X. Of the Ufe of the Line of Chords and Polygons. 52 Chap. XI. Some Ufes of the Line of Sines 64 Chap. XII. Some Ufes of the Lines of Tan- gents and Secants. 81 Chap. XIII. The general Uſe of the Line of Numbers. 96 Chap. XIV. Of the Ufe of the Sector in Tri- gonometry. 109 Chap: XV. The Use of the Sector in Spherical Geometry. 131 Chap. XVI. The Ufe of the Sector in Spheri- cal Trigonometry. 148 Chap. XVII. The Ufe of the Sector in the Projection of the Sphere. 171 Chap. XVIII. The Construction and Uſe of the Lines of Latitudes and Hours. 180 Chap. XIX. The drawing of the Hour Lines upon Dials by the Lines of Sines and Tan- gents. 186 Chap. XX. A fhort Account of the Lines for- merly put upon the Sector. 195 THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LINES upon the SECTOR. CHAP. I. Chords, Sines, Tangents, &c. defined. NY Part X 1. A of the Circum- ference I of a Circle is called ân Arch; fo either AB or AG (Fig. 1.) AGL or AGLM is an Arch: But the Arch AK, becauſe the fourth Part of the Circumference or FH Periphery, is called a Quadrant; and the Arch AKF is called a Semi-circumference and fometimes, tho' improperly, a Semicircle. B W Ka TB L M D E 11. The [ 2 ] II. The ftrait Line which is drawn from one End of an Arch to the other End of the fame, is call'd the Chord of that Arch; fo BM is the Chord of the Arch BAM, and alfo the Chord of the Arch BFM, fince both thefe Arches have the fame Ends, and the ftrait Line BM is drawn thro' thofe Ends, and terminated by them. In like manner the ftrait Line BA is the Chord of the Arch BA, and alfo of the Arch BFLA, and GL the Chord of GAL and of GFL. III. The Right Line, or (for its great Ufes) the Sine of an Arch, is half the Chord of double that Arch; fo if AM be taken equal to the Arch BA, and the ſtrait Line BM be drawn; BD the half of BM is the Sine of BA, becauſe the Arch BAM is the double of the Arch BA. In like manner, the Sine of the Arch GA is GH, the half of GL, which is the Chord of the Arch GAL, the double of the Arch GA. Otherwife thus, The Sine of an Arch is a ftrait Line drawn from one End of that Arch, perpendicular to the Diameter which paffes thro' the other End of that Arch; fo BD is the Sine of the Arch BA. That this Definition of a Sine co-incides with the former, will appear from the 3d Propofition of the Third Book of the Elements of Euclid. IV. If at the Extremities of a Circle's Diameter paffing thro' one End of an Arch, be raiſed two Lines perpendicular to that Diameter; [3] Diameter ; thoſe two Lines will touch the Circle in thoſe Extremities, by the 16th of Euclid's 3d Book; and if from the Center of the Circle be drawn a ftrait Line through the other End of the forementioned Arch, and this ſtrait Line be produc'd till it meets one of the forefaid Perpendi- culars; then that Part of the Perpendicular which is between the Point of meeting and the Diameter, is called the Tangent of that Arch. And that Part of that Line which meets the Tangent, and limits it; I fay, that Part, which is between the Center and the Point where it meets the Tangent, is called the Secant of that Arch; fo AE is the Tangent, and CE the Secant of the Arch BA. and FI is the Tangent, and CI the Secant of the Arch FG. V. The verfed Sine of an Arch is that Part of the Diameter which lies between that End of the Arch which the Diameter paffes thro', and the right Sine of the fame Arch. So AD is the verſed Sine of the Arch AB; and AH the verſed Sine of the Arch AG. VI. Some neceffary Corollaries to the pre- ceding Definitions. 1. While an Arch AB, lefs than a Qua- drant is increafing, its Sine BD increaſes alfo: But when the Arch hath increaſed till it is become the Quadrant AK, the Sine KC is the greateſt of all Sines; for if the Arch ſhould ſtill increaſe, fuppofe till it becomes AG, B 2 [ 4 ] E AG, its Sine GH is less than KC. (Thefe Things are evident from the 3d and 15th Props. of Eucl. lib. 3.) that is, after the Arch is become a Quadrant, if it continues to in- creafe, the Sines will continually decreafe, even till the Arch becomes AKF. 2. Since KC the Quadrant's Sine falls on the Center of the Circle; KC is a Radius of that Circle, and is equal to CA or CF, and is fometimes called the whole Sine. # 3. If the Arch FG be equal to the Arch AB, the Sine of the former GH, is equal to BD, the Sine of the latter. But when the Arch FB is equal to the Arch AG, the Şine of the former BD, is equal to GH the Sine of the latter (Thefe Things are evident from the forementioned 3d and 15th Props. of Eucl. lib. 3.) And hence it appears, that the 4 Arches AG, FG, AB, FB, have equal Sines GH, BD, and of theſe the two former have one and the fame Sine GH; and the two latter one and the fame Sine BD. Hence it appears, that any Arch AG, and the Arch FG, which is its Supplement to a Semicircle, have the fame Sine. 4. While an Arch AB increaſes to AT, the Tangent AE will be increafed to AV, and the Secant CE to CV. And if an Arch leſs than a Quadrant continues to increaſe till it becomes the Quadrant AK, the Secant Line, or rather that which fhould be the Secant Line, falls on KC, which is perpen- dicular to AC, as well as AE; and fo KC (28 p. of Euc. lib. 1.) is parallel to AE; con- fequently that Line which fhould be the Secant 1 [ 5 ] Secant to determine the Length of the Tan- gent and itself, doth not meet it. Therefore in this Cafe, that is, when the Arch is a Qua- drant, the Tangent and Secant are both in- finite. But if the Arch AB had fo increaſed as to want of being equal to AK, a very fmall Quantity a K; the Secant Line C a pro- duc'd would meet the Tangent, and deter- mine that and itfelf: but at a Diſtance very great. And fo AB continually increafing til it becomes a A; the Tangent and Secant con- tinually increaſe likewiſe. 5. The Arch being greater than AK, and continually increafing, the Tangent and Secant are continually decreafing, even till the Arch becomes AKF; for the Tangent of the Arch AW is FX, and its Secant is CX; but the Tangent of the Arch AG is FI, and its Secant is CI. But FI is evidently lefs than FX and CI (24 Prop. of Euc. lib. 1.) is lefs than CX. 6. In the Tangents and Secants, as in the Sines, when two Arches together are juſt a Semi-circumference, they have the fame Tan- gents, and the fame Secants. 7. If the Arch AB increaſes, the verfed Sine AD increaſes; if the Arch AB increaſes to the Quadrant AK, the verfed Sine becomes AC the Radius; if it ftill in- creafes, till it becomes A G, the verfed Sine becomes AH: So that the verfed Sine always increaſes with the Arch, even when the Arch is greater than a Qua- drant, until the Arch become equal to AKF. Therefore the fame verfed Sine doth not anfwer B 3 [6] anſwer to an Arch, and its Supplement to a Semi-circumference. LORDAY CHA P. II. The Lines of Chords, Sines, Tangents, I. &c. defined. N order to thefe Definitions, we are to obferve, that the Circum- ference of a Circle is commonly divided into 360 equal Parts, called Degrees; and theſe again divided, or fuppofed to be divided, into 60 equal Parts, called Minutes; and thefe again are fub- divided continually by 60, if the Circum- ference be large enough. 2. And when the Length of an Arch con- tains any Number of thefe Degrees, it is called an Arch of thofe Degrees; fo if an Arch contains 57 of fo many Degrees, it is call'd an Arch of 57 Degrees. 3. And the Chord, Sine, Tangent, or Secant of that Arch, is called the Chord, Sinc, Tangent, or Secant of (57) the De- grees of that Arch. 4. Now a Line of Sines is a Line to which the Sines of every Degree of the Quadrant are transferred and number'd, as their cor- refponding Arches of the Circle, and all of them [ 7 ] them beginning from one Point. Such a Line is CG in Fig. 2. In that Line C 20, is the Sine of 20; C 50 the Sine of 50; and CG the Sine of 90, to the Radius CF or CA. 5. What hath been faid of a Line of Sines may be applied to a Line of Chords; viz. It is a Line to which the Chords of every Degree, as far as 60, 90, 180, your de- figned Length, are transferred. All of them begin from the fame End of that Line; and the other Ends of thefe Chords fo transferr'd are number'd according to their Correfpon- dent Arches. Such Lines are AE, AD, Fig. 2. 6. Lines of Secants and Tangents are Lines to which as many of the Secants and Tan- gents are transferred, as the Length of the Inftrument will receive, and number'd as noted above. So FH, Fig. 2. is a Line of Tangents to 70; and if the Divifions on CG were ftruck out, CK would be a Line of Secants to 70 Degrees. B 4 CHAP. لبيا 8 ] : 味 ​CHA P. III. Of the Radius on the Chords, Sines, Tangents, and Secants. I. 1. PRESENEST hath been fhewn in the first I Chapter (Coroll 2.) that the Sine of 90 is equal to the Radius of the Circle, and therefore may at all Times be taken for it, and called by the fame Name. 2. A Side of an Equilateral 6 fided Figure, infcribed in a Circle (that is a Chord of the 6th Part of the Circumference, or of 60 De- grees) is equal to the Radius of that Circle (15 Prop. of Book IV. of Euclid). Of the equal Sides of the Hexagon (Fig. 3.) any one of them AB, or BD, or DE, &c. is K D P C L FIL སྙན the [9] the Chord of 60 Degrees, and equal to the Radius of the Circle CA. 3. The Tangent of 45 Degrees is alfo equal to the Radius of the Circle, and may therefore be taken for it. For in the fame Figure, raife CK perpen- dicular to CA, and KL perpendicular to CK, and produce it till it meets AL. Then (28 Prop. of Eucl. lib. 1.) is AL parallel to CK, and KL to CA; and fo ACKL is a Parallelogram: It is alfo a Square, fince KC is equal to CA. Whence (34 Prop. Euclid, lib. 1.) KL is equal to CA, and LA to KC, draw CL; then by (8 Prop. Euclid, lib. 1.) the Angle KCL is equal to the Angle ACL; and ſo (26 Prop. Euclid, lib. 3.) the Arch KH is equal to the Arch HA; that is, HA is an Arch of 45 Degrees, fince KA is one of 90 Degrees. LA, which hath been fhewn to be equal to CA, is the Tangent of the Arch HA; therefore LA, the Tangent of 45 Degrees, is equal to CA the Radius, and therefore may be taken for it. 4 The Secant of o Degrees is equal to the Radius, and therefore may be taken for it. For (in Fig. 1.) if the Arch BA decreaſes, the Secant CE will decreaſe alſo. Let the Arch decreaſe to nothing, that is, let B come to A; then will E come to A, and CE co- incide with CA. Therefore the Secant of o Degrees may be taken for the Radius. 玉 ​CHAP. [ 10 ] F CHA P. IV. The Geometrical Conftruction of the Lines of Chords, Sines, Tangents, &c. XXXXROM the Second Chapter, it appears, That the first Thing necessary to per- form the Work propofed, is a Circle divided into 360 equal Parts exactly. But this Task is fo hard, that common Geome- try pronounces it impoffible. It is true, indeed, Euclid in his 4th Book bath fhewn us how to divide the Circumference of a Circle into 3, 4, 6, 5, 10, 15, &c. equal Parts; and bow. from them to gain other equal Parts : And yet all these, and all those that may be deduced from them, are infufficient for our Purpoſe. Dr. Halley (I ſuppoſe) ſeeing the Impof- fibility of performing this Divifion of the whole Circumference into 360 equal Parts Geometri- cally, did, indeed, divide bis large Mural Quadrant of 8 Feet Radius into 90 Parts; but as a Check to thefe 90 Divifions, adds another Number of Divifions; viz. 96. which might be made equal Parts by common Geometry. And then by a Table of Reduction compares the two Orders of Divifions. The Defign in this Chapter being to illuftrate fully and Geometrically what thefe Lines are; Ifball [II] I ſhall here take it for granted that a Circle is fo divided, and leave the Manner of attaining it by Approximation for a while. A Circle then, being quartered, divided, and number'd (as in Fig. 2.) I proceed, and firft for the Chords. 1. Draw AD. Then fetting one Foot of the Compaffes in A, extend the other to 10 on the Arch; and with that Diſtance, the Com- paſſes ſtill refting in A, deſcribe the Arch 10, 10, cutting the Line AD in 10: And in like manner, one Foot ftill refting in A, extend the other on the Arch fucceffively to the Points; 20 20, 20 30 30, 30 40 and defcribe 40, 40 50 the Arches cutting the 50, 50 60 60, 60 &c. &c. &c. 20 30 Line AD in the Points 40 Do the like 50 60 &c. with the intermediate Divifions of the Arch, and number the Diviſions on the right Line AD, ſo that they may correfpond with the Numbers on the Arch, and you will have a Line of Chords to 90 Degrees. If you want it but to 60, you need not lay any Diviſions on [ 12 ] on the Line beyond 60, or inſtead of AD you might have ufed. AE. 2. Now for the Tangents draw from the Center C, ftrait Lines to the Diviſions in the Quadrant GF, and produce them till they meet the Perpendicular FH; fo fhall FH be a Line of Tangents divided, and you muſt continue it to as many Degrees as will come on the affigned Length. Thefe muft be number'd correfpondent to the Arches. 3. For the Secants: Produce CG towards K; then ſetting one Foot of the Compaffes in C, extend the other to the feveral Divifions in the Tangent Line, and defcribe Arches meeting GK; and the Line CK will be a Line of Secants divided between G and K, which must be number'd as the Line of Tan- gents is, from whence the Arches forming the Divifions were defcribed. This Line begins at C, and muſt be continued to aș many Degrees as the Length affign'd will permit. Here obferve, that the fmalleft Secant iş greater than the Radius; and that therefore there are no Divifions between C and G. 4. For the Sines. From the feveral Diviſions in the Quadrant FG, let fall Per- pendiculars to CF; and thoſe Perpendiculars may be transferred to one Line, and num- bered to answer the refpective Divifions on the Arch, and it will be a Line of Sines. Becauſe the greateſt Sine is CG; and becauſe there are no Divifions on the Secant Line CK between C and G: if thofe Sines are transferr❜d to CG; you have the Line of Sines [ 13 ] Sines as you there fee. And this is the way they are ufually laid down on Gunter's Scale. 5. By the preceding Work you have divided the Line FC; which, if number'd as you there fee, is a Line of verfed Sines, as far as a Quadrant or 90 Degrees. And if the like be perform'd in the other Quadrant CAG; or if C 100 be made equal to 80, C 110 equal to C70, &c. and fo on to 180; AF will be a whole Line of verſed Sines. 6. But the Line of Sines may be otherwiſe conftructed thus. The two Quadrants AG, FG, being divided and number'd from A and F towards G; draw Lines from 10 to 10, from 20 to 20, from 30 to 30, &c. and alfo from the intermediate Divifions; and the Line CG will be a Line of Sines divided, which muſt be number'd according to the Numbers on the correſpondent Arches. In the next Place, to lay down theſe Lines en the Sector, by the help of Mathematical Tables, carefully calculated or corrected; the Geometrical way by the oblique Interfections of Lines being not fufficiently exact; I fall take for an Example, a Sector whose Legs were each one Foot. I mention the Length on account of the Number of the fmaller Divifions between the principal ones. I chufe this Sector for an Example, becauſe I have tried occafionally Brafs ones of the fame Size, the Works of feveral notable Workmen, but could find none without egregious Faults. As to the Accuracy of this, I shall refer to the Gentlemen who will be pleafed to confider the Methods [ 14 ] Methods uſed in dividing it, to try it and com→ pare it with others. CHA P. V. To lay down the Sines, Tangents, &c. by the help of Tables. T HE firft Thing abfolutely neceffary to this Work, is a Line of equal Parts; or at least of Parts fo nearly equal, that the Differences from Equality may be infenfible. Mr. Edm. Gunter, formerly Profeſſor of Aſtro- nomy, in Gresham College, London, lays fo great a Stress on this Line, that he says it is the Ground of all the reft. In his Treatife of the Making of the Sector, he gives calculated Tables for the laying down every Divifion on bis Sector, by a Line of equal Parts. Mr. Samuel Fofter, his Succeffor in the Profefforſhip, treating of the Construction of the Lines both Natural and Artificial, pews how to perform the Work by a Line divided into equal Parts, and calculated Tables; he never fo much as once mention'd the Performance of any one by The Interfections of Lines. From whence, by their Judgments it appears, that this is the only Method to be depended on, viz. by Tables. If a Perfon has a mind to examine the Divi- fions on any Line of these Inftruments, he will Scarcely [ 15 ] fcarcely come near his Aim, unless he uses the. Line of equal Parts, ufually called the Line of Lines, perhaps for its Excellency; together with Tables fitted to that Line you would examine. I But now the principal Difficulty approaches; we are well affured of the neceſſary Uſe of ſuch a Line, but how to attain it is the Question. From the 9th and 10th Propofitions of the 6tb Book of Euclid, may be deduced a Method to divide any Line given into any Number of equal Parts, by dividing first another Line into a like Number of Parts; or rather, by taking any Part at pleaſure, and laying it as many times on this Line, as the Line given is to be divided into: This is certainly true in Theory, but difficult to be practifed, especially when the Divifions are very many, and cloſe together; as will be evident to thofe who give themfelves the Trouble of trying how exactly they can cut 500 Divifions in a Foot. To prove whether your Line be cut into equal Parts is eafy; for get a fliding Rule of Brafs, that will move fmoothly, but not too loosely; let the Slider be pinn'd faft to the fix'd Part. Now by the beft Method you can think of, divide both Parts together, but let the Divi- fions be Hair-ftroaks; which done, then unpin the Slider, and compare the Divifions of it with thoſe of the fix'd Part; thus, move the Slider till the first Divifion of it falls exactly against the fecond on the fix'd Part; and then carefully examine whether all the now corre- fponding Divifions fit and agree. Then fide the fame first Divifion of the Slider to the fecond [ 16 ] fecond Divifion of the fix'd Part, and examine as before. Then flide to the third, and fo on to the last. Also repeat the fame the contrary way, and you will find if your Divifions are exactly equal; and if not, you may estimate how much, and where the Errors are. This to me feems to be an infallible Proof, and a fure Method to correct minute Errors, especially if you ufe Glaffes. I The Line of Equal Parts in this Example was divided into 10 grand or primary Divifions 3 each of theſe were fubdivided into 10 others of the first inferior Order, or fecondary Divifions 3 and thefe fecondary ones were again fubdivided into 5 equal Parts, each of which reprefented two tertiary Divifions, or two of the third Order; thofe of the Fourth are to be estimated by the Eye. And fince we were at the Liberty to aſſign this Line any Length fomewhat less than the Leg of the Sector it was taken with, a very great Convenience of fuch a Length, that of thefe 500 Divifions, 42 were equal to one Inch; and the whole Length of the Line was 11.32 Inches. II 2 1 now proceed to fhew how this Line of Equal Parts was made uſe of in laying down the Sectoral Lines: I mean thofe Lines which tend to the Center of the Sector, as the Sines, Chords, Tangents, Secants, and Polygons as alfo doth this Line of equal Parts. I fay, having tranfmitted this Line of Equal Parts to the Sector becauſe every Sine (in Sherwyn's Tables) confifted at moſt ; of [ 17 ] of 7 Places, the three laft were eſteem'd as Decimals, the other as Integers, in order to introduce 4 Places in laying down theſe Divifions. To do this, becauſe our fecon- dary Divifions were divided but into 5 Parts, the two laft Figures were halved, and theſe Halves uſed in their ftead. Obferve, that by the two laft, I mean the two laſt of thoſe I eſteem as Integers. Obferve farther, that the Divifions we are about to lay down, were taken from the Original Line of equal Parts ; and not from a Copy of it. 1. From the Sine of 90, down to the Sine of 5 Degrees, 47 Minutes, all the Sines con- fifted of 7 Places; and therefore we had four to confider. Example, The Sine of 41° 15′ is 6593 L458, which when the two laft Figures are halved will be 6546L 729. Therefore there was taken from the equal Parts 6546, or rather 6543, becauſe of the Fractions following; i.e. there were taken 6 of the principal Divifions, or thoſe of the ift Order; 5 of the 2d; 4 of the 3d; and 3 of a Diſtance of a Diviſion of the fame 3d Order. But from 5°47′, down to o°L45′, the Table conſiſts only of 6 Places, and the three laft as before are Fractions. But the des fective Place in the Beginning was fupplied by a Cypher, to compleat the Number of 7. And fo every where elſe. Suppoſe we were to lay down the Sine of 3° 30': I find in the Tables the Sine is 610L485, or rather 0610L 485, and by halving the two laft Figures I have 0605L 242. Therefore I lay down none of the 1ſt Order; C 6 of [ 18 ] 6 of the Second; none of the Third; and 5 In like manner the other of the Fourth, Sines were laid down. 2. The Lines of Tangents, which are in Length, as well as the Sines, equal to the Lines of equal Parts; and fo, as was fhewn in the third Chapter, would run to 45 De- grees, were laid down in the fame manner as the Sines. 3. The Chord's which run to 60 Degrees, and fo (by the 3d Chapter) are equal in length to the preceding Lines, were also laid down by the Table: thus, The Sine of half their Degrees was doubled, and this Double laid down from the equal Parts with the like Management as above. And each Pair of thefe Lines makes equal Angles with one another, that they may be ufed conveniently together at the fame opening of the Sector. 4. The Radius of the Lines of Secants and of upper Tangents of above 45°, were taken exactly equal to the 4th Part of the Length of the Line of Lines. Therefore in laying them down, we divided the Tabular Secants and Tangents by 4, and then used the Quotients as we did the Tabular Sines. 5. The Lines of the Pohgons are from a Radius equal to the Length of the Line of Lines. Every Divifion of them was allo taken from the Tables, nor only of the Poly- gons, but of the Chords, Sines, Tangents, and Secants alfo. Now if the laft Flace of the Figures be fo eftimated, that you err not above [ 19 ] I O above Part of the Diſtance of the laft Diviſions on the equal Parts; the Error will be less than the 400th Part of an Inch in the Line laid down from thence. If the Error in the Eftimation be not greater than of the laſt Divifions on the equal Parts, the Error in laying down this Diſtance muſt be leſs than the 200th Part of an Inch. But whofoever will come and examine the Ori- ginal, I believe, will be convinc'd that it is eafy by that Line of equal Parts fo to efti- mate theſe laſt Diſtances, that the Error fhall fcarce exceed th Part of one of thofe Diſtances. The former Pair of Lines were all that were laid down on the preceding Sector. Of which fee the Figure. 6. Formerly it was ufual to lay other Sectoral Lines on thefe Inftruments; viz. Lines of Superficies, Lines of Solids, Lines of infcrib'à Bodies, Lines of Metals, &c. Of which you will meet with a Hint here- after. Theſe laſt mention'd have been omitted to make room for more uſeful ones, without Confufion. I defign alfo a Word or two on Mr. Samuel Forfier's Sector, when the Example in Hand hath been a little fet-forth. Befides the Sectoral Lines (I mean, thofe beforemention'd which run to the Center) there are ſeveral others running parallel to, and on the outward Edge, whoſe Ufes are very great; and therefore, the laying them down very exactly, requires a great deal of Care and Caution. Thefe mot properly belong to C 2 the [ 20 ] the Gunter's Scale; but to render this Inftru- ment compleat are here infcrib'd. Theſe are, the double Line of Numbers, or Scale of Logarithms; the Lines of Logarithmical or Artificial Sines; the Arti- ficial Tangents; and the verſed Sines fitted Back to Back with the right Sines. Beſides a Line of Inches fubdivided into 8th Parts; a Line of Inches fubdivided into 10th Parts; a Line of Foot Meafure into 100th Parts, the Dialling Lines, &c. CHAP. VI. To Construct the Artificial Lines laid down on the Sector. F IRST of the Numbers: The Sector being quite open'd, and having affign'd one Line to the Right- Hand, perpendicular to the Side of the Sector, and within 3 of an Inch from the End; and having drawn parallel Lines to receive the Divifions: the Length of the forementioned Line of Lines was laid down twice towards the Left-Hand on that deſign'd for the Line of Numbers, which gave us the Points mark'd I at the Left-Hand; I in the Middle; and I at the Right-Hand; which repreſent the Places of 1, 10, 100; or 10, 100, 1000; or 100, 1000, 10000. Then [ 21 ] Then by the Tables you find the Loga- rithm of 101 to be 2L0043214; and neg- lecting the Characteriſtick, I have L0043214, which manag'd as in laying down the Sectoral Sines,becomes firfto043 L 214,then 0021L607. Therefore from the Left-Hand 1, and alfo from the I the I in the Middle, lay down 0021L607, or rather 002; that is, none of the 1ft Order, none of the 2d, 2 of the 3d; and Part of the Diſtance between thofe Divifions of the 3d Order, and each of theſe repreſent 101. ΙΟΙ. Again the Logarithm of 102 is 2L 0086002, which by neglecting the Characteriſtick is 0086002; and then ordering, as in the Sines, you have 0043001; that is, none of the ift Order, none of the 2d, 4 of the 3d, and 3 of the 4th (to be eſtimated by the Eye) to be laid of the equal Parts from the preceding Points mark'd 1 at the Left-Hand, and 1 in the Middle, which gave us the Divifions for 102. And the Logarithm of 103 is 2L 0128372; which without the Characteriſtick is 0128372, and gives 0114186; none of the ift, I of the 2d, I of the 3d, and 4 of the 4th Order; which laid off on the equal Parts, from the two ones as before, gives the Divifion for 103. Thus the Line was continued to the Divi- fions mark'd 2, denoting 200. But now the Divifions growing clofer together, there was not room for every fingle one; therefore every two only is laid down, e. g. C 3 For [22] For the Divifion repreſenting 258: Its Logarithm without the Characteriſtick is 4116197, which gives 4108L098; which laid down from I gives the Place of 258. Thus proceed till all the Divifions be- tween the three ones are laid down; diminiſhing the Number of the Divifions be- tween the Primary ones as they came clofer together, as you may fee on the Line on the Sector mark'd Number at the End. 2. The Line of Sines was laid down from this Confideration; viz. That the Logarith- mical Co-fecant abating the Radius, is the Complement Arithmetical of the Logarithmi- cal Sine to the Logarithmical Radius or Sine of 90°. Therefore the Logarithmical Co- fecants, abating the Radius, being laid from the Sine of 90°, which is placed under the End of the Line of Numbers, gives the Sine. For Example, Let it be required to lay down the Sine of 10. Its Logarithmical Co-fecant is 10L 7603298, and abating the Radius, it is 7603298, and ordering as in the natural Sines, you have 7601 649; that is, of the 1ft Order, 6 of the 2d, none of the 3d, and I of the 4th; or rather 7 of the 1ft, 6 of the 2d, none of the 3d, but of a Diſtance of the fame third Order; which laid downwards from the Sine of 90° is the Divifion repreſenting the Sine of 10°. 7 I And for the Sine of 4°, its Logarithmi- cal Co-fecant is 11L1564155, which by abating a Radius becomes 11564155. And by ordering as before; firſt eſteeming the three laft Decimals, you have 11564-155; and [ 23 ] and by halving the two laft Figures, it becomes 11532L077: That is, 11 of the 1ft Order; 5 of the 2d; 3 of the 3d; and 2 of the 4th; which laid down, gives the Divifion repreſenting the Sine of 4 Degrees. 3. The verfed Sines, with their Fiducial Line, very near to the Fiducial Line of the right Sines, juſt now laid down, were con- ftructed from this Confideration; viz. That the Diſtance of the Sine of any Number of Degrees (fuppofe 40) from the Sine of 90, being doubled, muſt give us the Divifion re- preſenting twice the Difference (50) of thoſe Degrees from 90 (viz. 100) on the Line of the verfed Sines. Therefore, half the Degrees of the verfed Sine to be laid down, and the Logarithm Secant, abating the Radius of thofe half Degrees, being doubled; and this Double or- dered as in the natural Sines, gives the equal Parts to be laid down. For Example, Let it be required to lay down the Divifion reprefenting roo°: its half is 50, whofe Log-Secant is IoL 1919325; which abating the Radius and Doubling, is 3838650; and this ordered as in the Sines, gives 3819 325; which laid down from the 3819-325 Right towards the Left, gives the Divifion repreſenting the verfed Sine of 100. 4. The Artificial Tangents run and are number'd the fame way with the Sines, till they come to 45 Degrees, which Divifion falls exactly under the Sine of 90 Degrees: But above 45 Degrees the Divifions are the fame with the former, but number'd back- C 4 wards [ 24 ] wards with fmaller Figures inverted. So that the Divifion which reprefents 40 Degrees, alfo reprefents 50; that which reprefents 30, alfo reprefents 60, &c. only the I runs upwards as the Sines do, and the other the contrary way. Therefore the eafieft way will be to lay the upper Tangents from 45 downwards, and that will be the Line required. Thus take any Degrees above 45, feek its Logarithmical Tangent in the Tables; neg- lect a Radius, then order as in the natural Sines. So for the Tangent of 50 Degrees, whoſe Logarithm is 10L 0761865, which by abating the Radius is 0761865, and ordering as in the natural Sines, you have 07301932; or rather 0731, to be taken off the equal Parts, and from 45° downwards, and it gives the Divifion repreſenting 50 Degrees which alſo reprefents 40. I fhould now proceed to fhew how the other Lines on the Sector were conftructed: but becauſe they may elegantly be laid down by the Sectoral Lines already laid down, I omit doing it in this Place, in order to make it one of the Ufes of the Lines already laid down. CHAP. [ 25 ] CHAP. VII. To Read, Eftimate, and Value the ſeveral Divifions and Distances on the Scales or Lines already conftructed. XXXXHE Divifions on ſome of thefe T Lines are determined by the Figures adjacent to them; and theſe are all of the firſt Order, and proceed by Tens, and are accordingly num- bered by 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, &c. Such are thofe of the Chords, Sectoral Sines, Tangents, and Secants, and alſo the Artificial Sines, Tan- gents, and verfed Sines. The Diviſions on the Line of equal Parts, and on the Line of Numbers, which are diftinguiſh'd by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. are intirely arbitrary, and may fignify what Value you pleafe to give them. I. In the Sectoral Tangents, running to 45 Degrees between the numbered Divifions which are of the firft Order; they are 9 longer than thofe adjacent to them, and con- fequently they form 10 Diſtances between every two Divifions of the firſt Order; and each of theſe denote whole Degrees, every 5th Degree is repreſented by a Stroke a little longer [ 26 ] longer than the other whole Degrees are repreſented by. The fhort Divifions between thofe of the fecond Order, and which therefore are of the Third, are valued by their Number between thofe of the fecond Order. Thus, if there be only one Divifion between the Divifions. reprefenting Degrees, and confequently two Diſtances; that Divifion anfwers to the Middle of the Degrees, and then each Diſtance anſwers to 30 Minutes. If there had been two Diviſions, and fo 3 Diſtances; each Diſtance would have been Part of a Degree, or 20 Minutes. If 3 Divifions, and fo 4 Diſtances; each would reprefent of a Degree, or 15 Minutes. And in this laft Manner are the Tangents divided in this our Example. But if the Number of the Diſtances had been ૬ ટ્ 5 6 IO 12 each would reprefent 12 ΙΟ 6 Minutes. If the Compaſs-Point falls between theſe laſt Divifions, or if you want to take fome Number of Minutes which does not exactly fall on any one of theſe Divifions; the Diſtance of thofe Divifions must be fuppofed to be divided into thofe Minutes they reprefent. So if there be wanted the Place which re- preſents the Tangent of 32°. 35'; and there be three Diviſions, or 4 Diſtances in the third Order between thofe of the Second; then each [ 27 ] each of theſe laſt Diſtances will reprefent 15 Minutes, and two of them 30'. But becaufe I want 5 more, I eftimate by my Eye a third of this Diſtance of 15. Therefore from 30 towards 40 I count 2 long Divifions which anfwer to my 32 Degrees; then I count forward 2 fhort Divifions, and Part of the next Diſtance, which Place will repreſent the Tangent of 32° 35', as required. This Explanation of the Tangents will be nearly fufficient for the other Sectoral Lines. II. You are only to obferve, That on the Sines, from 80 to 85, the whole Degrees are only mark'd; and this 85 is a long Stroak as the other Fives are. But from 85 to 90 there was not room for the whole Degrees; therefore from 80 to 85, you muſt by thę Eye eſtimate the half Degrees; and from 85 the whole Degrees muſt be ſo eſtimated. The Law which thefe Divifions on the Sines near 90 obferve, is this, 'Their Diſtances from the Sine of 90 are proportional to the Squares of the Degrees they want of 90; e. g. the Diſtance of the Sine of 85 from 90, is to the Diſtance of the Sine of 87 from 90, as the Square of 5 (25) to the Square of 21 (6) that is, as 4 to 1. And 85 is diſtant from 90, 25 times as far as the Sine of 89 is from 90. Hence it appears, That if you will imagine the Diſtance between the Sines of 85 and 90, divided into 25 equal Parts; of thefe Parts, 86, 87°, 88°, 89°, will be 16, 9, 4, 1, diftant from the Sine of 90 Degrees, III. The [ 28 ] III. The Secants have no Divifions till after the Radial Point, which is at a Hole punch'd againſt 25 on the Line of Lines. The first Divifion next after this punch'd Hole is at 10 Degrees; for the Diſtance is fo fmall, that there is not room for any other Divifions. Between 10 and 20 every two Degrees is laid down; there are 4 Divifions, and 5 Diſtances, and the Middle of the Diſtances denotes the odd Degrees. Between 20 and 30, and 30 and 40, every whole Degree is laid down; and there you may judge the Halves by the Eye. Between 40 and 50, the Diſtances of the Degrees are greater, and the half Degree is laid down. From so to the End, which is at about 76, every Degree is divided into Quarters by 3 Divifions of the 3d Order, like the Chords and Tangents; and therefore to be valued like them. IV. Of the Artificial right Sines, between 80 and 90 there is but one Divifion, and it denotes 85. The Law to be obſerved in the Eſtimation of the other intermediate Degrees is nearly the fame with that laid down for the natural Sines among the Sectorals. From 80 to 60, every whole Degree. From 60 to 30, every half Degree. From 30 to 20, every Quarter; and from 20 to 10, every 6th Part of a Degree; that is, every 10th Minute. And from 10 down to the End of the Scale, every Degree is divided into 12 Diſtances; and fo every Diſtance denotes 5 Minutes, [ 29 ] : 3 Minutes. All theſe intermediate Spaces are to be fubdivided by the Eye; and in this Part of the Line you may eſtimate the of a. Minute. V. Of the verfed Sines running Back to Back with the Sines, but counted the con- trary way; the firft 10 Degrees have no Divifions, nor can there be any diſtinct, for the verfed Sine of 5 Degrees, is but of the verfed Sine of 10 Degrees. From 10 to 20 every fecond Degree is laid down, there being not room enough to expreſs any more diftinctly. From 20 to 90, every whole Degree. From 90 to 130, every half Degree. From 130 quite to the End, to every Quarter. In this Part of the Line you may judge very well to 2 or 3 Minutes. VI. The Artificial Tangents have the Divisions of the ift Order number'd 10, 20, 30, 40, 45, which 45 comes to the End under the Sine of go: And on the fame Divifions it is numbered backwards by ſmaller Figures inverted, from 45 to 50, 60, 70, 80, and continues on with Divifions of the zd Order, to 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, as far beyond as to about 89°. 20'. Sometimes every one of theſe Diviſions are numbered by a fmall Figure, and fometimes only the 85. From the Beginning so' upwards to 10, and from 80 downwards to 89°. 20', every Degree is divided into 12 Parts, that is, into every 5th Minute. From 10 to 20, and from I [ 30 ] 30] from 70 to 80; into 6 Parts, and ſo every Diſtance denotes 10 Minutes. In the two preceding Ranges of Divifions you will fcarce err above one Minute. From 20 to 45, and back again to 70, the Degrees are every where divided into 4 Parts; and fo each is 15 Minutes: And here you will fcarce err above 2 or 3 Minutes. But you may obferve, That the Artificial Sines, like the Tangents, are number'd back- wards, with the Figures inverted; thus the Io falls on the Divifion of 80; the 20 on that of 70; the 30 on that of 60, &c. And this by the Construction of the Sines is an Artificial or Logarithmical Line of Secants, and fo entitled in a fmall Letter engraven in an inverted Pofition. VII. The Sectoral Line of Polygons needs no Explanation, for the punch'd Holes are number'd with the Figures 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, denoting the Number of the Sides of that Polygon. And this admits of no Sub-divifions. We faid the Line of Lines, and the Line of Numbers had their Divifions arbitrary. VIII. The Line of Lines is divided into 10 equal Parts, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and theſe I call Divifions of the firſt Order. Each of theſe are again fub-divided into 10 other equal Parts, which are of the fecond Order; each of theſe laſt are fubdivided into 5 equal Parts, which by eftimating the Middles of the Diſtances may be [ 31 ] be faid to be into ten, which are of the third Order. And fo the whole Line would be divided into 1000 equal Parts. Now if the whole Line be conceived to be divided into 1000 Wholes or Integers (which in Practice it very well may, without the leaſt Confuſion); the Divifions of the firſt Order, that is the numbered ones, will repre- fent Hundreds; fo the Figures 1, 2, 3, &c. denote 100, 200, 300, &c.; the Lines of the fecond Order muft denote Tens, viz. 10, 20, 30, &c. And thofe of the third Order Units only. When the whole Line reprefents 100; then the Divifions of the firſt Order will be Tens; and fo 1, 2, 3, &c. will reprefent 10, 20, 30, &c. Thoſe of the fecond Order will be Units; and thoſe of the Third will be tenth Parts. If the whole Line reprefents 10, the Divifions of the firft Order will reprefent what their Numbers annexed fhew; thoſe of the Second, Decimal Parts; and thoſe of the Third, Centefimal ones. Laftly, 'When the whole Line muft repre- fent 10000 Wholes or Integers; the Divifions of the firſt Order denote Thouſands: fo the Figures 1, 2, 3, &c. denote 1000, 2000, 3000, &c. The Divifions of the fecond Order, will denote Hundreds, thoſe of the Third, Tens. And if the half of one of thefe fmall Diſtances be conceived divided into ten Parts, thofe Parts will be Units. Moreover, I [ 32 ] Moreover, whatſoever Value you affix to the Divifions on one Leg of the Sector, the fame Value must be given on the like Divi- fions on the other Leg. IX. In the two Lines of Numbers the one beginning where the other ends, the Divifions of the firft Order are number'd thus, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Between every one of thefe Divifions of the firſt Order, there are 9 Divifions of the Second, and fo 10 Diſtances. The Divifions of the third Order are alike in both Lines. From 1 to 2 there are 10 Diſtances of the third Order between every two Divi- fions of the fecond Order. From 2 to 3 there are but 4 Divifions, and fo 5 Diſtances, the Middles of thefe Diſtances being eftimated, you will have all the 9 Divifions of the third Order. From 3 to 10 the Diſtances of the fecond Order are only cut into two Parts, each denoting 5 Diſtances of the third Order; the other Diſtances of this third Order are to be eſtimated by the Eye, and to be uſed with very ſharp-pointed Compaffes. When the Divifions in the firft Line denote Units, thoſe in the ſecond denote Tens; when thofe in the firft are Tens, thofe in the fecond are Hundreds; when Hundreds, thoſe in the ſecond will be Thouſands. And the Value of the Divifions of the fecond Order are regulated by thofe of the firft Order, according to the Rules laid down for the Line of Lines. That was, if thofe of the firſt Order were Tens, thofe of the fecond were [ 33 ] were Units, and thofe of the third, Decimals. If thoſe of the firft were Hundreds, thofe of the ſecond were Tens, and thoſe of the third Units, &e. Laftly, though the Examples here takeņ relate only to the Foot Sector before men- tioned (knowing that if the Sector had been longer, more Divifions might have come on, but if fhorter not fo many) yet the general Rules herein deliver'd duly obferved, are fuf- ficient to fhew the Ufe of all Sizes of Sectors. CHA P. VIII. Of the Sector in general, with general Laws for working by the Sectoral Lines. N refpect of its Ufe, it is appli- cable to every Thing wherein Proportions are made ufe of The Ground of the Sectoral Lines depends on the 2d and 4th Propofitions of the 6th Book of Euclid's Elements. The Ground of the Artificial Lines deperds on the Nature and Properties of Logarithms. In the Ufe of the Sectoral Lines, two Openings of the Compaffes are always ne- ceffary. In the Artificial Lines feldom above one. D For 34 ] For where there is but one Proportion, and that wrought by one or two Lines at moſt; this is the general Law. Extend the Compaffes from the firſt Term to one of the Middle ones; and the fame Extent applied the fame way, will reach from the other of the Middle ones, to the Anſwer. In this Chapter, I fhall only confider the Natural or Sectoral Lines, being thoſe that meet together at the Center. And ſhall here- after in a proper Place, particularly treat of the Artificial ones. All the Lines as AD, AE, meeting B G C > D I in the Center, are of an equal Length; and thoſe that bear the fame Name are cqual- ly and alike divided and number'd. And therefore in all the Operations wrought by the Sectorals, the Points B, G, repreſenting the fame Diviſions, are equally diftant from the Center A. The fame is true of any other two Points, as C and F. And therefore, AB is to AC, as BG is to CF, by the 2d and 4th Propofitions of Euclid's 6th Book. NB. The [ 35 ] N. B. The Lengths AB, BC, as alſo AG, GF, are call'd Crurals, becauſe they lie, or are meafur'd in the Legs of the Sectors. The Lines BG, CF are call'd Parallels; becauſe in all Proportions work'd by the Sectorals, the two Extents between the Legs will be two fuch Lines parallel. If AC on the Line of Lines, meafures 67 Parts, and fo AF likewife; then is AC and AF faid to be 67 Crural Parts, and CF 67 Parallel Parts. If AC were the Chord of 39 Degrees; then is AC the Crural Chord, and CF the Parallel Chord of 39°. In working Proportions by theſe Lines, the firſt Term may in moſt Caſes be Crural or Parallel. When the first is { parallel Parallel} the laſt or fought Term is {Parallel that is the laft Crural is in a Poſition different from the firſt. Of the three Terms given, to find the Fourth; the firſt Term, and that which is of the fame Denomination, whether it be the 2d or 3d, I call Terms of the firſt Denomi- nation: And the other Term, with that fought, I call Terms of the ſecond Denomi- nation. N.B. To the Line of Lines run three others parallel, to receive the Divifions and Num- bers. But that is the Line to be uſed which receives all the Divifions; it is that next the inner Edge of the Sector, and it runs exactly into the Center; whereas the others paſs by, D 2 or [ 36 ] or ſtop before they come at the Center. The fame is to be underſtood of all the other Sectoral Lines. The general Laws for working Proportions by the Sectoral Lines are theſe three follow- ing; according as you would have the firſt Term Crural or Parallel. First, When the firſt Term is to be Crural. Let the three given Quantities be R (50), Б G F D E $ (60), T (70), to find a fourth Propor- tional; and let R and S be Feet; and 60 and the Quantity fought be Shillings. Find on both the Legs AD, AE, the Lengths of the Terms of the firſt Denomination, all counted from the Center; that is, take AB, AG, each equal to R (50), and AC, AF, each equal to T (70). Then open the Sector till $ (60) of the fecond Denomination, reaches from 50 to 50, the Ends of the firſt Term ; fo fhall the Diſtance from 70 to 70 be (+); the Anſwer, if meafur'd on the fame Line the other was meaſur'd on. Secondly, [ 37 ] Secondly, When the firft Term is to be parallel, take (50) the first Term in the Compaffes, and open the Sector till it reaches (from 60 to 60) the Term given of the 2d Denomination. The Sector being thus open'd, take (70) the other given Term in your Compaffes, and draw it along the Legs of the Sector till the Points reft on the fame Diviſions of both Legs; and thofe Diviſions ſhew the Anſwer or Quantity fought (in this Example as before. 4. Here it may be obferv'd, that the Opera- tion by the fecond Rule is perform'd by Ten- tation; in the firft without. The fecond Rule ought to be avoided when the Sector is to be open'd to a very fmall Diſtance. Thirdly, If the firſt Term of the Propor- tion be made Crural, and the Diſtance of the Points repreſenting the firſt Term, when it is the greateſt that the Sector will admit of, is fhorter than the given Term of the fecond Denomination; either the Term of the ſecond Denomination muſt be made Crural, or taken from a fmaller Scale, or fome of the Varia- tions hereafter laid down muſt be made. When the 4 Terms of the Proportion are all of the fame Denomination; either the ſecond or the third may be compar'd with the firft. The five following Variations may be al- low'd when Conveniency requires it. D 3 1. The [ 38 ] 1. The firit Term, and either of the mid- dle Terms may be multiply'd or divided by any one and the fame Number. 2. If you multiply or divide the firft Term by any Number, and work with the Refult; you muſt accordingly multiply or divide what arifes from that Work by the fame Number, you will have the Solution. and { multiply either of the mid- 3. You may divide dle Terms by any Number, if you will S divide multiply the other by the fame Number. 4. If you { multiply either of the middle divide Terms by any Number, and work with the divide } Refult; you muſt {multiply {multiply what arifes from that Work by the fame Number, and you will have the Solution. 5. The Parallels may be taken from any one Scale whatſoever, as well as from thoſe Scales laid down on the Sector. N. B. Of Compaffes the Beam Compaffes are fitteft to be uſed with the Sector; becaufe their Points are always perpendicular to the Plane of the Sector. When the Sector is to be open'd by a Crural Term which falls near to the Center; multiply that Crural Term and its correfpon- dent Parallel, till they produce Numbers at a fufficient Diſtance from the Center. The farther the better. CHA P. [ 39 ] BIRKORGHEORGHES I CHA P. IX. Of the Ufe of the Line of Lines. 25252 225T is impoffible to write all the Ufes to which this Line is applicable. It is fufficient in this fmall Tract, to lay down fome that are eafy, and fit for the common Practices of Life. Such as are every Day required by the Architect, the Working Builder, the Land Surveyor, the Watch Maker, the Mathematical Inſtrument Maker, &c. I. To make a Scale of a defired Length, that fo a Draught defign'd to be laid down by it, may come within an affign'd Compafs. I Example. To make a Scale that may repre- fent 100 Yards in 1 Foot; or, which is the fame Thing, to divide a Foot into equal 100 Parts. Take in your Compaffes (1 Foot) the Length of the Scale, and open the Sector till the Compafs-Points reach (100) the Parts to be contain'd on that Scale, on both Legs. The Sector thus open'd, Take the Diſtance from 90 to 90 in your Compaffes, and it will be 90 Yards on your Scale. And the Diſtance. from 57 to 57 is 57 Yards on the Scale. So every Diviſion may be thus transferr'd to your Scale, or the Sector thus open'd is your Scale. That D 4 [ 40 ] That you may not be at a Lofs in under- ftanding other Treatifes on the Sector, and perhaps, fome of the following Paffages in this; obferve the Stile in the following Words containing the preceding Example. Make 1 Foot the Parallel of 100; and the Parallels of 90 and 57, are 90 and 57 Yards, &c. Example II. To divide a Foot into 96 equal Parts. Take 1 Foot in your Compaffes, and open the Sector till the Compafs-Points reach from 96 to 96; then the Diſtance from 50 to 50 gives so of thofe Parts required. In the Sectoral Language, make 1 Foot the Parallel at 96, and the Parallel at 50 is 50 Parts. Example III. To divide 1 Foot into 120 equal Parts. Here it is to be obſerv'd, that if the Divi- fions of the firft Order be made Tens; 120 will be beyond the End of the Line of Lines: And if I make the fame Divifion Hundreds, the 120 cannot be open'd at the Diſtance of a Foot, which is the Line to be divided. Therefore divide or multiply the Foot, and alfo the 120 Parts by any Number which will fuit you beft. Here in this Example, if you divide by 2, the Quotients are, or half of a Foot, and 60 the Parts it is to be divided into. Therefore by the preceding Doctrine, divide half a Foot into 60 Parts, and it is the Scale requir'd. Thus, open the Sector till half [ 41 ] half a Foot reaches from 60 to 60; and your Sector as far as 100 is the Scale you want. Hence appears one Beauty of this Line of Lines; viz. that it is a Scale of equal Parts of all Lengths: And is therefore preferable to any Scale where the Divifions are only of one particular Length. Example IV. To form a Scale of 1 Foot, 9 Inches, that may reprefent 145 Yards. I Here I cannot open the Sector wide enough to receive 1 Foot, 9 Inches; there- fore I multiply both by fome Number, fuppofe 4, and there will arife 7 Foot, and 580 Yards; then I divide all by 7, and find I Foot, and 82L85 Yards. Therefore opening the Sector till 1 Foot reaches from 8285 to 82 85, it will be a Scale of 100 Yards of the Bignefs requir'd. On or near the outer Edges of the Sectors are uſually plac'd 3 Lines of equal Parts, viz. a Foot Line in 100 equal Parts. The Manner of laying this down is in the firſt Example. The 2d is a Foot Line divided into Inches, and each of thefe into 8 Parts. This is con- ftructed in the fecond Example, for (12 times 8 is 96) and there the Foot was divided into 96 equal Parts. The 3d is a Foot Line divided into Inches, and each of theſe into tenth Parts of Inches; that is, into 120 Parts, for 10 times 12 is I20. This therefore is perform'd in the 3d Example. And now I have in fome meaſure, or partly perform'd the Promife I made in the laft [ 42 ] laft Paragraph of the 6th Chapter. Theſe Lines are alſo mention'd, and a little defcrib'd in the laſt Paragraph of the 5th Chapter. V. When you are about to take from the Sector thofe Divifions which are near the Center, in order to transfer them to the Scale you are making; or if you uſe the Sector open'd properly for your Scale, and you are to lay down a fmall Number of Divifions, ſuppoſe 3, you may be a little confus'd. For there are two Lines which run to the Center on each Leg; and to avoid Confufion, as much as may be, the Lines parallel to the Fidu- cial ones, are cut off (from one Line on each Leg) two Inches from the Center, and the Fiducial Lines only continu'd, with prick'd Holes inftead of Divifions; and yet even then, very near the Center, the Diſtances are fcarce diftinguiſhable. Ob- ferve the Remedy, If you are to lay from A- ·科 ​D C A towards D, 3 Parts; lay any larger Num- ber, which is diſtinct, fuppofe 20, from A to C; and then 17 Parts backwards from C to E; fo AE will be 3 Parts as requir'd. VI. If a Draught of Land, Buildings, &c. be drawn without a Scale, and you would add a Scale to it: Meaſure [ 43 ] Meaſure on the Land or Building any one Line not the ſhorteſt, fuppofe it to be 50 Poles, or Feet. And let that Line be re- prefented in the Draught by HI. Take the Line HI in your Compaffes, and open the Sector till the Points reach from 50 to 50, the Meafure of HI; and fo will the Sector thus open'd, be a Scale of 100 Poles or Feet for that Draught, to which it may be transferr'd. VII. To increaſe or diminiſh a Line in any Proportion affign'd. Let it be requir'd to diminiſh the Line HI in the Proportion of 3 to 2. Becauſe 3 and 2 fall near the Center, I multiply them, and fo form 9 and 6, which I uſe inſtead of 3 and 2. Open the Sector till 6 reaches from 9 to 9. Then laying the given Line AB from the Center, keep the upper Leg of the Compaffes in the Place to which it reaches, and turn the other over to the fame Place in the other Leg; and the Diſtance now in the Compaffes is the Line diminiſh'd as requir'd. VIII. In like manner may the other Sides, and alſo the Diagonals be diminiſh'd, even without altering the Sector. For take IK in the Compaffes, and lay it from the Center on the Line of Lines; and keep faft the upper Point, turn the other about till it falls on the fame Part on the other Leg; and the Diſtance of the Compaffes. will give BC diminish'd. Hence any Figure may be diminish'd at pleaſure. [ 44 ] pleaſure. But a Figure of But a Figure of many Sides may be reduc'd fhorter thus: IX. Figure 7. Numb. 1. is to be reduc'd to a leſs in a given Proportion. G L 9 K H h I Any where in the Figure take a Point O; draw Lines OG, OH, OI, OK, OL, to all the Angles. Diminiſh theſe Lines in the Proportion affign'd, and let them be Og, Oh, Oi, &c. and draw gh, hi, ik, &c. and the Figure is diminish'd as requir'd. X. If only one of thefe Lines had been diminiſh'd, fuppofe OG to Og; and then the Lines gb, bi, ik, &c. had been drawn paral- lel to GH, HI, IK, &c. the Figure would have been diminiſh'd as before. But the Method laid down in the 8th Article is the better way; becauſe the Points g, h, i, &c. are found independant on any other. But in [ 45 ] in the latter, the Points i, k, l, &c. depend on the preceding ones. XI. The fame had been equally true, if the Point O had been taken without the Figure, or on one of its Sides, or in one of its Angles. (Fig. 7. Numb. 2, 3, 4.) Fig. 7. Numb. 2. k l I h K H I T Fig. [ 46 ] Fig. 7. Numb. 3, 4. G I H G hi K I I H K 4 I 6 XII. The [ 47 ] XII. The fame had been alfo true, if the Point O had been taken without, and the diminish'd Lines had been laid to- wardsthecontrary Parts from O, as in Fig. 7. N°. 5. And this is a very excellent Method, becauſe you do not offend the ift Draught. the new And Draught is drawn thus clean without any transferring. This Problem, manag'd,deferves a much larger Ex- planation, and to be exemplify'd in many Varieties; but here 1 have not Room. I have fully fhewn the Uſe of the Se- Єtor herein; and therefore leave it for another Place. H h G 9 k K I Only obferve that there are particular Inſtru- ments for this purpoſe. 2 XIII. And [ 48 ] XIII. And the fame Method might have been obferv'd in increafing a Figure; but this is feldom requir'd. XIV. Two Numbers being given, and one Line: to find another Line fuch; that, as one Number to the other, fo may the Line given be to the Line fought. This is the fame with the foregoing, but in other Words. XV. Three Numbers being given; to find a fourth Proportional. This was doubly handled in the general Uſe of the Sector. Turn back to Chap. 8. XVI. Two Numbers being given; to find a Third continually Proportional. Supply a Third by writing the Second over again. So if the Numbers 50 and 60 had been given; fay, As 5o is to 60, ſo is 60 to the Anſwer, which you will find to be 72. The Operation in the Sectoral Stile is, make 60 a Parallel of 50; and then the Parallel of 60 is 72, the Anſwer. XVII. When 3 Lines are given, to find a fourth Proportional. Meaſure the firſt and either of the other two on the Line of Lines, and exprefs them in Numbers ; then you have two Numbers, and a Line given: to find another Line to which that given bears fuch Proportion, as the Number ex- preffing the Meaſure of the firſt Line given, 1 doth [ 49 ] doth to the Number expreffing the Meaſure of the other meafur'd Line. And this is the fame with Art. 13th of this Chap. Let the 3 Lines be A, B, C. Let A meaſure 70, and B 50; then make C a A. B C D- Parallel to A (70), and the Parallel of B (50), will be D the Line fought. XVIII. When two Lines are given, to find a Third in a continual Proportion; Confider the Second twice; and you have 3 Lines given, then work as in the laft. Let the two Lines be E, F. Under F draw E F F G- another equal to it, and call it alfo F. Then meaſure the two firft, and let them be E (98) F (84). Then make F a Parallel to E (98), and the Parallel of F (84), will be G the Line fought. E XIX. To 4 [ 50 ] XIX. To divide a large Circle, Quadrant, Sextant, Dodrant, &c. into Degrees. Firſt the Circle is eafily quarter'd, by raifing BA perpendicular to the Diame- ter CH; then Sextants and Dodrants are A H to F E G D C had, by laying the Radius from A to E, and from C to F; or by biffecting the Arch CF. Biffect the Arch CE in D, and the Arches ED, DC, will be each of 15 Degrees. you Meaſure the Radius of this Circle by the Line of Lines, and Parts thereof; and value the Diſtances and Diviſions in the fame man- ner as you did in dividing the Sector; fo will have four Places in the Decimals, if you want them. Let this Meaſure be (for an Example) 5 times the Length of the Line of Lines, and the following Parts; viz. one of the Ift Order; 4 of the 2d; and 2 of the 3d; fo confider'd as the 2d, are divided into 5 Parts; and then Decimally, calling the whole Line of Lines one Unite, the Length is 5L 14.4. Then [51] Then from the Tables of Sines calculate the Sine of 30 Minutes, and double it; fo the Chord of 1 Degree will be L089778, where the whole Line is the Integer. But when the Divifions of the ft Order are In- tegers, the Chord of 1 Degree to that Radius is L 89778, And this according to the Method laid down in ufing the Sines, is 8938L9; which therefore may be called 8939, for it differs from it but Part of an Inch. I I Therefore open the Sector till 1 of the 1ft Order will reach from 10 to 1o. And then take the Parallel of 8939; and it ſhall be the Chord of one Degree anfwerable to the given Radius. And taking this Diſtance with hair Compaffes, and ufing a Glafs, you may be very exact; for the Sector thus open'd is a Diagonal Scale of 50000 in the Foot, fup- pofing each of the fmall Diftances divided into 10 equal Parts by the Eye. Now as oft as you err of theſe Diſtances, fo oft will you err 2 Seconds of a Minute, and no more. Lay this Chord from D to G; and the Arch GC will confift of 16 Degrees; and confequently by a continual Biffection may be divided into fingle Degrees. By repeating this Biffection you may have the Halves and Quarters. If from the Arch of 45° be taken the Arch 2 L 20', or from the Arch of 22° 30′ be taken the Arch of 1° 10', &c. by a continued Biffection you may attain every 10th Minute; and fo confequently every fifth. E 2 If [ 52 ] If to the Arch of 7° 10' be added the Arch of 62 Minutes, or to the Arch 3° 45′ be added the Arch of 31 Minutes; the Arch of every fingle Minute may be had by Bif fection. Dr. Halley fo well approv'd of Divifions by Biſſection, that he cauſed his large mural Quadrant of 8 Feet Radius, to be divided into 96 equal Parts, becauſe he could attain thefe Diviſions by a continual Biſſection of the Dodrantal Arches. And to reduce theſe to the Degrees, hath a Table calculated, whereby they appear, as it were, by In- fpection. MATOKEO CHA P. X. Of the Ufe of the Lines of Chords and Polygons. T XXXXHE Chord in this Example runs only to 60 Degrees, yet is fufficient to lay down any Angle, or meaſure one, tho' never fo great, and more exactly than can be done by thoſe which run to 90 or 180 Degrees. By thofe you muft open the Compaffes twice, by this you do no more; by thofe you cut the Arch obliquely (which is a great Dif [ 53 ] Difadvantage) by this your Compass Points never make with the Arch an Angle leſs than 60 Degrees. Beſides, if any one affects thefe Lines of Chords to many Degrees, they will find them fupplied in the Ufe of Sines, even to the 180 Degrees; tho' for my Part, I am not fond of Chords much above 90°. I. The Radius AB and Degrees A- C- B D of an Arch, fuppofe 56, being given; to find the Chord CD. Take the Radius AB given, and open the Sector till the Compaffes reach from 60 to 60. Then the Diſtance from 56 to 56 is the Chord required. II. The Chord CD, and the Degrees 56 being given; to find the Radius. Open the Sector till the Chord CD reach from 56 to 56, and then the Diſtance from 60 to 60, is AB the Radius. III. The Radius AB, and Chord CD being given; to find the Degrees. Make AB a Parallel Radius, that is, open the Sector till it reaches from 60 to 60. Carry the Chord CD along the Legs till they reft on E 3 like [ 54 ] like Divifions in the Fiducial Lines, which you will find to be at 56°. The principal Ufe of the Sector is to make Angles of affign'd Magnitudes, with given Lines, and at a given Point thereof. And alfo to meaſure thofe Angles, that are made, &c. IV. Let there be a Line AB and at A, a given Point thereof, let it be required. D A B to make ah Angle (of 51°L 30') less than of 60 Degrees. This may be done two without opening the Sector. different Ways By taking the whole Radius of the Line of Chords to de- fcribe the Arch with, or by taking the Di- ſtances of the 60's to defcribe the Arch with. And in the former Cafe to take the Crural Chord of 51° 30'; and in the latter the Diſtance of 51° 30' to 51° 30'. Which will be eaſily underſtood after the Solution of this firft Example, univerfally. о о Open the Sector at Pleaſure, and in the Compaffes take the Distance from 60 to 60; and [ 55 ] and fetting one Foot in A, with the other defcribe the Arch BC; the Sector remaining thus open, take the Diſtance from 51° 30′ to 51° 30'; and lay it on the Arch from B to D; then draw AD, and the Angle DAB is of 51° 30', as requir'd. If any one Radius would have been more convenient than another; take that in your Compaffes, and defcribe your Arch, and open the Sector till that Radius reaches from 60 to 60; then as before, take the Diſtance from 51L 30 to 51-30, and lay it off upon the Arch, and draw AD; it is done. This in the Sectoral Stile is thus; make the convenient Radius a Parallel at the Chord of 60; and then the Parallel at 51°L 30' is to be laid on the Arch. Or thus; Make the convenient Radius a parallel Radius; and the parallel Chord of SIL 30 must be laid upon the Arch. V. If the Angle to be made had been very fmall (fuppofe of 3 Degrees) which to make would be troublefome, on account of the ap- proaching of the Lines towards the Center; See Fig. 1. following. From the given Point E, with a conveni- ent Radius deſcribe the Arch FG; and lay this Radius on the Arch from F to H (which will be 60 Degrees): Then make this Radius a Parallel of 60; fo will the Parallel of (57) as much as your fmall Angle wants of 60, reach backwards on the Arch from H to I. Draw EI, and the Angle at E is of 3 Degrees, as required. VI. If E 4 [56] VI. If the Angle to be laid down be of more than 60° (fuppofe of 94.) See Fig. 2. following Firſt with any Radius deſcribe the Arch LO, from the given Point K; and on it lay the fame Diſtance from L to M; fo will LM be 60 Degrees; now make the conve- nient Radius a Parallel at 60; then take the Parallel at (34), the Degrees which were given above 60, and lay it from M to N, and draw KN; fo will the Angle K be of 94 Degrees as required. VII. If the Angle to be made be of more than 120 Degrees (or more than two 60's) ſuppoſe of 167 Degrees; See Fig. 3. following: With any convenient Radius defcribe the Arch QU; lay the fame on it from Q to R, and from R to S; fo will QS be 120 Degrees, too little by 47. Then make the Radius a Parallel at 60; and lay the Parallel at and draw TP; then will QT be 167°: An Angle made by TP and FQ, will be an Angle of 167°° 47 from S to T, VIII. If in the two laft Cafes the Degrees to be laid off after the 60's, had been very fmall, they might have been managed as in the 2d Example. IX. In the fourth Example, Fig. 3.; if the Arch WS had been defcrib'd, and as many Degrees laid from W to T, as the required Angle wanted of 180; in this Example 13: And then the Line TP be drawn ; [ 57 ] drawn; the Angle made by TP, and TQ would be of 167°, as before. X. Suppoſe the preceding, or any other Angles were to be meaſured; 1. With any convenient Radius from the angular Points A, E, K, P, (Fig. 1, 2, 3.) defcribe Arches meeting the Legs of G Fig. 1. H N Fig. 2. MX E I F Fig. 3. R K I W P the Angles; and where the Arch is greater than 60, or twice 60 (which will be known by applying the Radius to the Arch) turn the Radius over the Arch once, as you will find [58] I find in Fig. 1; and twice, as you will find in Fig. 2. but never a time in the two Figs. p. 53, 54. 2. Now make your convenient Radius a Parallel at 60, and leave the Sector at this Opening. 3. Then in the 1ft Example, take BD in the Compaffes, and draw them over the Legs till they reſt at like Divifions on the Fiducial Lines, and this you will find to be on 51, 30; the Degrees of the Arch DB, and fo alfo of the Angle A. 4. In the Second, becauſe very ſmall, lay off the Radius from F to H, and then mea- fure as in the laft Arch HI, by carrying along the Legs till they reſt on like Divifions, which you will find to be at 57; which taken from HF (60°) leaves 3° for the Angle. 5. In the third Cafe meaſure NM the falling beyond LM, and you will find it to be 34°, which added to LM 60 gives 94°, which is NL the Meaſure of the Angle K. 6. In like manner TS 47, added to SR and RQ, 60 and 60, gives TQR 167°, the Meaſure of the Angle TPQ Had the Sector been fout, or bad you but one Line of Chords as on the plain Scale, any Angle might have been made or mea- fured. By taking the Distance from the "Center to 60° to defcribe the Arch; and the Distance from the Center to the Degrees of The required Angle to lay on the Arch. But then the Radius is fix'd to one Length; whereas on the Sector it may be any Length between quite hout, and fo open'd [ 59 ] open'd as to put the 60's at the greatest Distance from one another; which differs very little from being quite open'd. Here again it appears how much more the Sector is preferable to all other Inftruments for thefe and the like Purpoſes. XI. To open the Sector, fo that the Lines of Chords may make any given Angle with one another, not exceeding 6c Degrees. Take the Ditance from the Center to the given Degrees, and make it a Parallel at 60, the Thing is done. XII. To find what Angle the Lines of Chords are open'd to. Take the Diſtance from 60 to 60, and meaſure it from the Center on the Chords, and you will have the required. In the Ufe of the Sines Degrees of the Angle will be shewn bow to open the Sector fo that Chords, Lines, Sines, and Tangents, may form any Angle affign'd, & contra. The Lines of Polygons are very near to the inner Edge of the Sector. At the End ftands the Figure 6. And the other Small punch'd Holes in it are numbered towards the Center by the Figures 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12. XIII. To [ 60 ] XIII. To infcribe a regular Polygon of 7 or any Number of Sides in a given Circle. D E A HA 费 ​B Open the Sector till (AB) the Radius of the Circle reaches from 6 to 6, and then the Diſtance from 7 to 7 will be BC the Side of the Polygon fought; which will divide the Circumference of the Circle into 7 equal Parts, in the Points B, C, D, E, F, G, H. Draw the Lines BC, CD, DE, &c. and you have the Polygon required. XIV. And thus you may work for a Poly- gon of 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 Sides. XV. If you want a Polygon of 5 Sides, divide the Circumference into 10 equal Parts, and then every two will be a fifth Part. XVI. If [61] VI. If you want one of 3 Sides, the Radius will divide the Circumference into 6 Parts, and every two of theſe will be a 3d Part. XVII. If the Polygon you want conſiſts of more Sides than 12 (as for Example 15); divide 360, the Degrees of the whole Cir- cumference, by (15) the Number of the Poly- gon's Sides; and to the Radius of the Circle in which the Polygon is to be infcrib'd, find the Chord of (24°) the Quotient: And it is the Side of the Polygon fought. XVIII. But if it had been required to divide the Circle into many equal Parts (fup- pofe 32) the Work is beft performed by taking firſt the Chord of (11° 15') one of thofe Parts; then of (22, 30) two of thoſe Parts; then of (33, 45) 3 Parts; then of (45) 4 Parts; of (56, 15) 5 Parts; of (67, 30) 6 Parts; of (7845) 7 Parts; of (90) 8 Parts: And then from one and the fame Point, fuppofe C, lay on the Arch the Chord of one Part; then from C lay the Chord of 2 Parts; from C lay the Chord of 3 Parts, &c. till you arrive at or near the Chord of 90 Degrees; call this laft D. Now begin from D, and work as before you did from C, proceeding onwards till you come to, or near to 90 Degrees. And then leave off and begin again. The Reafon of this Proceſs will eaſily ap- pear. For if you had taken the Chord of the 32d + [ 62 ] 32d Part of the Circumference, fo nearly true, that a fenfible Error was not found; yet by turning the Compaffes over 32 times, it's very likely fome Error would have ap- peared at laſt. But by taking 6, 7, 8, or more of theſe Parts before I begin again, I have no Depen- dance on, and therefore do not communicate the Errors of the intermediate Divifions ; which Errors tho', fingly confider'd, are very minute, yet when multiply'd by 32, produce one very fenfible. It is the beſt way to begin again when you have about 90 Degrees; becaufe afterwards fhould you go farther, the Arches ftruck with the Compaffes would cut the Circumference. of the Circle too obliquely. If a Circumference were fo divided, and Lines drawn from thofe Divifions to the Center, it would reprefent the Mariners Compaís. And if this be laid down in a Sea- Chart; and thefe Lines continued every way to the utmoſt Extent of the Chart, they would be the Rhumbs. In dividing the Periphery of a Circle into many equal Parts (fuppofe 45) you will no ways fall exactly on the 90, but frequently fall fhort of it, or exceed it, as in the 45; for II Parts would be fhort of the 90, and 12 would exceed it. Therefore in this Cafe it is beft to renew the Work after you have laid down the 11. XIX. If the Side and Number of Sides of any Polygon be given; the Radius of the [63] the Circle in which it may be infcrib'd, may be found. Let the Polygons Side be BC in the Fig. aforegoing, and the Number of Sides be 7. Open the Sector till (BC) the Side given, reaches on the Polygons from (7 to 7) the Numbers of the Sides; then will the Diſtance from 6 to 6, be (AB), the Radius fought. The fame may be done by the Line of Chords; for dividing 360 by 7, you find the Quotient to be 51° 26' neareſt. Then you have a Chord BC, and its Degrees 51° 26': Therefore by the 2d of this Chapter you may find the Radius. The Ujes of these are frequent among Inginiers in fortifying, and drawing the Plans of forti- fied Towns. They know the Distance of the Angles of the Baftions ought to be within Musket-fhot; that is, they know the Diſtance of the Baftions or Side of the exterior Polygon, which fuppofe to be GH: to complect the Poly- gon, first find the Radius of the Circle (by the laft) which will circumfcribe fuch a Polygon. Then from G and H with that Radius defcribe Arches cutting one another; this will give the Center of the Circle; which defcribe, and then compleat the Polygon. CHAP. [64] SACHIN ELSZER CHA P. XI. Some Ufes of the Line of Sines. I. NY Radius A B being given; A to find the Lines anfwering to (35) any Number of De- A grees. В. で ​D Make (AB) the given Radius a Parallel at 90, and the Parallel at (35) the given Degrees, is (CD), the Line fought. II. A Sine (CD) and its Degrees (35) given; to find the Radius. Make the Sine (CD) a Parallel at (35) its Degrees; and the Parallel at 90, is (AB), the Radius fought. III. A Sine (CD) and the Radius (AB) being given; to find the Degrees to the Sine. Make [ 65] Make (AB) the Radius a Parallel at 90; then move (CD) the Sine, along the Lines, till the Points of the Compaffes fall on the fame on each side; or, which is the fame Thing, move (CD) the Sine till it becomes a Parallel; which you will find to be at (35) the Degrees anſwering to the Sine. IV. If you are to deal with a Sine fo near the Center, that it is not of more than 5 Degrees, inſtead of it you may take the Chord as taught in the laft Chapter. For under 6° 15′ the Chords and Sines fo nearly agree, that their Differences are leſs than the 6000th Part of the Radius; and in a Sector whofe Leg is a Foot, the Differences are lefs than the sooth Part of an Inch. N.B. In the first and third Examples, if the given Radius had been equal to that on the Leg, the Sine fought in the first would have been bad by taking the Degrees from the Cen- ter; and the Degrees fought in the 3d, by lay- ing the Sine from the Center upwards. And this without opening the Sector. V. To find the verfed Sine of any Number of Degrees, whether of (55) leſs than 90, or of (125) more than 90; the Radius (EF) being given. + + H E h ཀ་ F Find [66] ; Find (EH or Eh) the right Sine of (35), the Difference between (55 or 125), the Degrees given, and 90 Degrees. And when the Degrees given are s fewer than } than 90 De- more Eh {fubtract }{E} the right Sine grees, add found {from? (EF) the Radius given; to and you will have the verfed Sine fought hF HF {FFFF} VI. If a verfed Sine, and the Radius were given, to find the Degrees anſwering to it. Make the Difference between the Radius and the verſed Sine, a right Sine to the fame Radius; and find its correfponding Degrees. Then if the verfed Sine were { greater than the Radius ; s add to 2 lefs 2 S fubtract from } 90 De- grees; and thofe Degrees being found, you have the Degrees fought. VII. If the Degrees anfwering to a verſed Sine, and that verfed Sine are given; to find the Radius. Take the right Sine of the Difference of the given Degrees, and 90 from the Leg; and if the given Degrees were add to S more {fewer than 9°, {take from} the Crural Radius this right [ 67 ] right Sine; and opening the Sector make Sum this Differénce a Parallel at 99 on the Sines. Laſtly take the given verfed Sines in the Compaffes, and carry them along the Lines till they reft on like Sines; then from the Sine where they reft to the Center is the Radius fought. VIII. The Radius (GH) or (its double AH) the Diameter being given; to find the Chord of (94), or any Number of Degrees, even to 180. A Ꮮ TH- H M Make the given Radius (GH) a Parallel at the Sine of 30; or the Diameter (AH) a Parallel at 90. Then the Parallel at (47), half (94) the given Number of Degrees, is (LM) the Chord fought. IX. A Chord (LM), and (94) its De- grees being given; to find the Radius or Diameter. Make on the Sines (LM) the Chord a Parallel at (47) half the Degrees given ; then will the Parallel 30 be (GH) the Radius, and at 90 (AH) the Diameter. F 2 X. The [ 68 ] X. The Radius (GH), or the Diameter (AH) being given, and alfo (LM) a Chord; to find the Degrees anfwering to the Chord. Make (GH) the Radius a Parallel at 30, or (AH) the Diameter at 90; then carry (LM) the Chord along the Lines till it be- come a Parallel; and the double of (47) the Degrees where it is fo, gives (94) the De- grees fought. Tho' the three laft Articles are Geome- trically true, even to 180 Degrees in find- ing the Chord, & contra; yet in making Angles much greater than 90 Degrees, it is not fo proper to take the whole Chord as it is half. And in measuring large Angles ufe the Method laid down in the Ufe of the Line of Chords. XI. To open the Sector, ſo that the Lines of Lines, Sines, Chords, Tangents, each may make a right Angle with his like. So open the Sector, that on the Lines 10 may reach from 6 to 8; Ór that on the Sines 90, may reach from 45 to 45; Or from 40 to 50; Or from 30 to 60; Or from any Degrees to their Comple- ment; Or that on the Sines 45, may reach from 30 to 30. XII. To [ 69 ] XII. To open the Sector, fo that the aforefaid Lines may make (86), any Angle requir'd with their likes. Take (43) half the given Degrees from the Sines on the Leg, and make it a Parallel at 30 on the Sines; it is done. XIII. The Sector being open'd, to find the Angle that any of the aforemention'd Lines makes with his like. The Parallel at 30 meafur'd on the Lines, gives half the Degrees of the Angle. In the two laſt Examples; if the Angle to be made or meaſured doth not exceed 60 De- grees, the beſt way will be to uſe the Chords. XIV. To defcribe an Ellipfis whofe Tranf verfe and Conjugate Axes are given. Let theſe Axes AC, de, cut each other into two equal Parts at right Angles in B. 6 Hk 3 D G H Of Alxwvt B F C K F kh g Fe Make F 3 [ 7༠ ] Make AB a parallel Radius on the Sines that is, open the Sector till AB reach from 90 to 90. And from that Point B lay to wards A the Sine ΙΟ 20 30 of/40 P r to 50 t 60 u 770 8c W ; and at the fame time you may do the like in the other half d Ge. Thro' every one of theſe Points draw Perpen- diculars to AC, both upwards and downwards. Then make Bd, half the conjugate Axis, a parallel Radius on the Sines; and lay the complement Sines of the preceding Degrees, anfwerable to the Radius Bd on theſe Per- pendiculars both upwards and downwards; that is, lay the Sine 80 p 70 60 9 1 of 50 from S to and alfo down- 40 t 30 u m 20 W 11 IO wards on the fame Lines. Likewife do the fame in the other half of the Figure from B to C. Laſtly, [71] Laſtly, Do the like for as many of the in- termediate Degrees as you fhall think fuf- ficient; and thro' theſe Points f, g, h, k,&c. draw a crooked Line fmoothly, and you will have the Ellipfis required. If the Diſtances p, q, r, s, &c. had been the Sines of 15, 30, 45, 60, &c. anfwering to the Meaſures of Time in Hours; and if the Intermediates had been 7, 22, 37, &c. anfwering to the Time in half Hours; and others between thefe to Time in Quarters: you would have had that Ellipfis in that curious Problem, the Conftruction of a Solar Eclipfe: In which cafe there would have been no need of drawing the Periphery, the Points thro' which it is to pafs are fufficient. Points thro' which the Ellipfis is to paſs may be found by the Line of Lines. For on B, with the Diſtance AB, deſcribe the Semi- circumference ADC. Take p, q, r, s, t, &c. at pleaſure, and draw Perpendiculars thro' them till produc'd they meet ADC: Now make Bd a Parallel at BD; then will pf, qg, rb, &c. be Parallels at p 1, q 2, r 3, Ec. therefore the Points f, g, h, &c. may be found. Or Points may be found without any divided Scale. For with the Diſtance BC or AB from d; defcribe Arches cutting AC in F and F. Break BF any how, fuppofe in K; take AK and KC, and from F and F defcribe Arches cutting one another in the 4 Points H, H, H, H; every one of theſe 4 Points will be in the Periphery of the Ellipfis. F 4 In [72] In like manner break BF in another Place, and you may find 4 other Points: And fo as many as you pleaſe. But of theſe three Methods the firft is the beft. It is better than either of the others on account of the great Affinity there is be- tween the Circle and Ellipfis; there being no Property of the Ellipfis but what is alſo one in the Circle. Each of the Points F is call'd a Focus; and they have this Property, viz. If to any Point whatſoever, fuppofe G or H, two Lines be drawn to thofe Points F, F; thoſe Lines GF, GF together, or the Lines FH, FH together; are every where equal to AC. Therefore Gardeners when they would ftrike an Ellipfis on the Ground, after they have mark'd out the Tranfverfe and Conju- gate Axes AC, de, cutting one another at right Angles in B; and with the Diſtance BC from d have defcrib'd Arches cutting AC in F and F; they ftick Pegs in the Points F, F, d, and tie a String gently ftrain'd round them; this String will be repreſented by the Lines FF, FG, GF. Then taking up the Peg at d, move to- wards H marking on the Ground the crooked Line d H, the String being ftretch'd with the fame Tenfion as it was at d. At length the Peg will come to H; and by continuing the Motion, will defcribe HC, and come to C. And by proceeding till you come to e, A, and at laft to d; and fo the Ellipfis will be defcrib❜d. The [ 73 ] The Builders uſe a Tool for this Purpoſe call'd a Trammel, made by the Mathematical Inftrument Makers. If a Billiard Table be Elliptical, and if the Balls and the Table's Rim were perfectly elaftick; if a Ball lay in one Focus, and there was a Net in the other, puſh the Ball which way foever you pleaſe, hard enough, it will come into the Net; and if this ſhould ſtrike 1, 2, 3, or more Balls, hard enough, no matter whether directly or obliquely, they would all come into the Net. If Heat, Light, or any other Vertue, which will be fo reflected that the Angle of Incidence be equal to that of Reflection; and this Virtue proceeding every way from one Focus, is reflected by the Periphery of the Ellipfis; they will all be collected in the other Focus. Some Folio Volumes are inſufficient to fhew all the Properties of Conick Sections; never- theleſs I thought it might yield a little Plea- fure to the Reader to know fome of them, in hopes that he might farther pleaſe and profit himſelf; moſt Mechanicks having Oc- cafion fometimes, at leaft, to contemplate them, in order to form juft Notions of what they are at work on. XV. To defcribe a Parabola, whofe Ver- tex and Focus is given. Let the Vertex be K (Fig. 21. N° 1.) and the Focus D. Draw KD downwards, and it is the Axis. Make DA equal to DK. AK a parallel Radius at the Sine of 90. Make And divide [74] divide AK as a Line of Sines to every 10 Degrees, in B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, to the Radius AK; and draw the Perpendiculars Aa, Bb, Cc, &c. on both Sides of the Axis. To the Radius AK make Ii, Hh, Gg, Ff, &c. the Chords of 10, 20, 30, 40, &c. Degrees. And all the Points i, b, g, f, &c. will be in the parabolick Curve. And if other intermediate Degrees are laid down, more Points may be found between thefe; and fo the Curve more nearly exhibi- ted to the Eye. This is the Curve in which (abating the Refiſtance of the Air) all Projectiles move, as Cannon Balls, Bombs, Stones, &c. when flung forward. A Bomb flung from d fo as to go to e, would pafs thro' the Points f, g, h, i, K, i, h, g, f, e, d, if the Ground was Horizontal. But if the Ground (N°. 2.) defcended, the Ball would continue to go on in the Curve to c₂ b, a, &c. till it ftruck the Ground. And if the Ground afcended, it muſt meet the Ground before it came to d, perhaps at e, f, g, &c. (See N°. 3.) But in every of the three Cafes the Bali will move in a Parabola. If a Part of half the Parabola GK g, ſhould be turn'd round upon GK at reft, it would form a Concave like a Bowl-difh. If fuch a Concave be made of Metal, and very well poliſh'd, and Gg be about 18 Inches; and if the Sun fhining on this polifh'd Concave be fo turn'd about, that the Axis KG points to the Sun; all the Rays of Heat coming from the [75] 1 the Sun, and falling in this Concave, will be reflected to the Focus D: And there the Heat will be fo intenfe, as to vitrify hard Stones, and to melt Steel, in lefs than a Minute. But the Concave itſelf will be no hotter than other the like Metal expos'd to the Sun. The Parabola might have been defcrib'd by the Line of Lines, For drawing PK perpendicular to the Axis KA. And taking the Points L, M, N, O, &c. at pleaſure, and raiſing the Perpendiculars Li, Mb, Ng, 3c. Find a third continual Proportional (as in the 15th Example of the Ufe of the Line of Lines) to the double of AK, KL Li KM and Mb and KN you will get N KO, &c. 201, 80.5 &c. L M which Diſtances laid from b to N g 20,00. S TEES will give thoſe Points in the Curve. The Parabola alfo may be laid down with- out any divided Lines. But the firft Method here propoſed I recommend as the beſt. If [76] If thro' the three Points i Ki be defcrib'd an Arch of a Circle, whofe Center is very near to A; that circular Arch will have very nearly the fame Properties with the fmall para- bolical ArchiKi: And becauſe it is eaſier to poliſh a Glaſs or Metal, that is in a ſpherical Form than any other, the Philofophers often uſe the Spherical one inſtead of that formed by the Rotation of the Parabola on its Axis. XVI. To defcribe a Cycloid whoſe Height, that is, the Diameter, of its generating Circle is given. Let its Height be AB77 (Fig. 22.); and let the Line on which the Cycloid is to be defcrib'd, be z BZ; then will the Semicircumference of the Circle AHB be 121; which lay from B to Z, and from B to z Divide the Semi- circumference AHB into any Number of equal Parts, the more the better, fuppofe 12, in the Points BCDEFGHIKLMN; and divide the half-Bafe BZ into the like Number of equal Parts. Thro' B, C, D, E, &c. draw Lines parallel to BZ on both Sides of AB, and lay BO, BP, BQ, BR, &c. from N to n, from M to m, from L to 1, from K to k, &c. And do the fame on the other Side of the generating Circle; fo will the Points c, d, e, f, g, h, &c. be all in the Curve of the Cycloid. If this Curve be inverted, as in Numb. 2. and a Body defcends from P, T or S, by its own Gravity, to B the loweſt Point [ 77 ] Point and Vertex of the Curve; the Times of theſe Deſcents fhall all be equal. Numb. 2. P T W B If a Body deſcends from T to S in the Curve TVS by its own Gravity; the Time of its Defcent will be lefs than if it went in the ftrait Line TWS; or lefs than if it went in any other Line: therefore this is call'd the Line of fwifteft Deſcent. If the Curve QBP were cut into two equal Parts in the Vertex B; and thofe Parts QB, PB, were turn'd upwards above the Line QP, fo that P and Q of P and Q become C; and alfo the convex Parts of thefe Curve Lines towards one another; and if Plates were bent in the Form of thoſe crooked Lines, and a Pendulum hung at C, of a length cqual to the crooked Line BQ, counted from the Point [ 78 ] Point of Sufpenfion to the Center of Ofcilla tion I fay that Center of Ofcillation will defcribe the Cycloid PBQ; and all the Vi- brations, whether long or fhort, fhall be per- form'd in the fame time; therefore it is call'd the Ifochronal Curve. This Curve may be conceiv'd generated by a Nail in a Coach Wheel. Firſt let the Wheel touch the Ground at z, and let it row! towards great Z. By that time that is car- ried forward fo that its Center be S, the Nail 7 will be raiſed to ; and have deſcrib'd the Arch zb. And when the Center is come to w, the Nail will be at the Top A, and will have defcrib'd the Curve zb A. The Wheel going ſtill on till its Center comes to v, the Nail will touch the Ground at Z; and have defcrib'd the Curve zb AZ. And the Circumference of the Wheel or generating Circle would have meafur'd out Zz the Bafe of the Curve. And fo the Bafe of the Curve is equal to the Circumference of the genera- ting Circle. If the Wheel fhould continue thus to rowl on ad infinitum, an Infinity of ſuch crooked Arches would be defcrib'd, which all con- fider'd together, is but the fame Curve con- tinu'd; and fo this Curve by Mathematicians is faid to be a Line of the infinite Order; for it may be cut by one right Line into an Infinity of Points. No Algebraick Equation can exprefs the Relation of its Ordinate to its Abfcifs; there- fore it is call'd a Tranfcendent Curve. And notwithſtanding this, its Area is comparable with [ 79 ] with the Area of its generating Circle, and is indeed juſt 3 times that Circle. And there is no Part or Segment of it, but what may be compared with fome Part of the Circle. Nay, feveral Portions of it are actually fquare- able by right Lines, fuch is AbH, AkВ; Aw being Radius, and AB with many other Portions. And tho' right Lines can't be af fign'd equal to the Arches of Circles; yet there is no Arch of this Curve, notwithſtanding its Superiority, which we cannot affign a right Line equal to. For any Arch (as Ale) of the Cycloid taken from A the Vertex, is equal to twice AL the Chord in the generating Circle, whofe End falls in the Ordinate e E to that Arch of the Cycloid. And fo the whole Cycloidal Curve Line ZAZ is equal to 4 Diameters of the generating Circle. XVII. To folve by the Lines of Sectoral Sines the grand Geographical Problem; that is, having the Latitudes of two Places, and their Differences of Longitude, to find their Diſtance. Let the Example be of London in the Latitude of 51° 32′ N, and of Pekin in China, in the Latitude of 40° N; their Difference of Longitude is 117–30. With any Radius (See the following Fig.) deſcribe the Circle NP A SQ, draw NP G, and lay the Chord of 90 from NP to Æ, and draw GQ Lay the Chord of $1L 32 (London's Latitude) from A to L and draw LG; lay the Chord of Pekin's Latitude (400) from A to P and from Q to F. 2 And [80] と​の ​Æ I B NP P C F And draw pF; make Bp on the Sines a parallel Radius. Then take the Sine of the Difference of 90 Degrees and Difference of Longitude (27°L 30) and lay it from B to P; if the Difference of Longitude be S lefs than 90 Degrees from B towards greater P {} call it P. That is the Place of Pekin. F From P draw PC perpendicular to LG; then is LC the Diſtance fought, which meaſure by the Chords. ! The two Aftronomical Problems are per- formed after the fame Manner; viz. when the Latitudes of two Stars, with their Dif- ferences of Longitude; or the Declinations of two Stars with their Differences of Afcen- fion are given; to find their Diſtance. 1 XVIII. To [ 81] XVIII. To cut a given Line AB into mean and extream Proportion. Parallel at the Chord of 60. Make AB a Then is the Parallel at the Chord of 36 the greater Seg- A- C B TD. ment AC. Or make AB a Parallel at the Sine of 54; then is the Parallel at 30 the greater Segment AC; and the Paral- lel at 18 the leffer Segment BC. Et vice verfa. HETOUR FP85a CHA P. XII. Some Ufes of the Tangents and Secants. T HERE are two Lines of Tan- gents on the Sector, one (like the Chords) beginning at the Center, and running to 45 Degrees, where it is equal to the Radius, as is demonſtrated in the 3d Chapter: The other which I call the upper Tangents, beginning with 45 Degrees (which therefore is the Radius) at the Diſtance of the Number 25 of the Lines G from [ 82 ] from the Center, and running to upwards of 70, viz. to as many Degrees as will come on. By the former may be found the Tangent of any Number of Degrees not more than 45, to any Radius within the Compafs of the Sector, & contra. I. For let the Radius given be (AB) any Line; to find the Tangent of (37° 15') any Number of Degrees. A C -B D Make (AB) the Radius given a Parallel at 45; and then the Parallel at (37° 15) the Degrees given, is the Tangent (CD) fought. II. A Tangent (CD) being given of (37° 15′) a given Number of Degrees; to find the Radius. Make (CD) the Tangent given a Parallel at (3715) the Degrees given; and then will the Parallel at 45 be the Radius fought. III. A Tangent (CD) and the Radius (AB) being given; to find the Degrees an- fwering to that Tangent. Make the given Radius (AB) a Parallel at 45°; then the Tangent (CD) carry along the Lines till it becomes a Parallel; that is, till [83] till the Points of the Compaffes reft on the fame Tangents on fuch Line; which you will find to be at 37° 15. IV. The Radius (EF) being given; to find the Tangent of (57°) any Number of L E G F H Degrees above 45, as far as the Sector reaches on the upper Tangents. Make EF a Parallel at 45° on the upper Tangents (commonly call'd the leffer Tangent, on account of the leffer crural Radius) and the Parallel at 57 is (GH) the Tangent fought. V. A Tangent GH and its correfponding Degrees (57) above 45 being given; to find the Radius. Make CD the given Tangent a Parallel at (57) the Degrees given, and then will the Parallel at 45 be the Radius fought. VI. A Tangent (GH) and the Radius (EF) being given; to find the Degrees an- fwering to this Tangent. Make the Radius (EF) a Parallel at 45; and then the Tangent GH carried along the Lines till it becomes a Parallel, will give (57) the Degrees.required. G 2 VII. The 1 [ 84 ] VII. The Radius (IK) being given; to find the Secant of (57°) any Number of De- I L K M grees as far as the Sector reaches on the Line of Secants. Make (IK) the Radius a Parallel at the Beginning of the Diviſions; that is, at the Secant of o Degrees; and the Parallel at (57) the Degrees given, will give (LM) the Secant required. VIII. A Secant (LM) and (57) its cor- refponding Degrees being given; to find the Radius. Make (LM) the Secant a Parallel at (57) the Degrees given; and the Parallel at o De- grees will be the Radius fought. IX. The Radius (IK) and the Secant (LM) being given; to find the Degrees an- ſwering to that Secant. Make (IK) the Radius a Parallel at o De- grees; and carry (LM) the Secant along the Lines until it becomes a Parallel; which will be at (57) the Degrees fought. It is to be obferv'd, that as the crural Ra- dius of this Line of upper Tangents, and alſo of the Secants, were made but to Part of the Line [85] 1 旭 ​649 9 Line of Lines, in order to bring on as many of the upper Degrees as we could conveniently; the Radius is here but 2 Inches and 118; and fo its double is 5 Inches and ½, which is the greatest Radius that thefe Secants and upper Tangents can fimply be applied to; and fo the greatest Circle that they can fimply be applied. to, is that whofe Diameter is equal to the Length of the Line of Lines; viz. 11 Inches and 23 32 Had it been made much larger, there had been wholly loft the Use of the upper Degrees; had it been made much less, the Detriment would have been greater than the Gain. But tho' the Tangents and Secants reach but to little more than 75 Degrees, fuppoſe to 76, yet by the fame Sector the Tangent and Secant of any Number of Degrees may be bad. XX. To find the Tangent of (82°) any Number of Degrees above 76, not exceeding (83) the middle Degree between 76 and 90. From 90 fubtract (82) the Degrees, and from (82) the Degrees given, fubtract (8) the preceding Remainder; and there will be left 74: Then the Sum of the Tangent and Secant of (74), this laft Refult will be the Tangent of (82) fought. * XI. A Tangent of (82) any Number of Degrees being given; to find the Secant of the fame. To the Tangent of (82) a given Number of Degrees, add the Tangent of half (8) the Complement of (82) thoſe given Degrees to G 3 × Jee Gunter 149 90 " A } the secant of an Arch is equal to the Tangent of it, & the Tangend of the Tangent of halt it's comp Tee Emerson Jorg p 23. 7 } [ 86 ] 90, (viz. the Tangent of 4); and you will have the Secant of (82) the given Number of Degrees. And now the Sum of the Secant and Tan- gent of 82, is (as in N. 10.) the Tangent of 86°. And if to this you add the Tangent of half 4, i. e. 2; you have the Secant of 86 by N. 11. In like manner you may pro- ceed to find the Tangent and Secant of 88, 89, 89 Degrees. XII. To find the Tangent and Secant of any Number of Degrees beyond the Length of the Sector; fuppofe of 87. Take 87 from 90, and there remains 3; take 3 from 87, and there is left 84. Now, if you had gotten the Tangent and Secant of 84, the Tangent and Secant of 87 would have been gotten (by N. 10. and 11.) But 84 is not on the Sector. Take 84 from 90, and there remains 6; take 6 from 84, and there is left 78. Now, if you had gotten the Tangent and Secant of 78, the Tangent and Secant of 84 might be had by the 10th and 11th. But if 78 be not on the Sector; Take 78 from 90, and there remains 12; take 12 from 78, and there is left 66; whoſe Tangent and Secant are on the Sector. Therefore (by N. 10. and 11.) from the Tangent and Secant of 66, you may find the 'Tangent and Secant of 78. And from the Tangent and Secant of 78, you may find the Tangent and Secant of 84. And [ 87 ] And then from the Tangent and Secant of 84 you may find the Tangent and Secant of 87 fought. The like may be done of any other Tangent and Secant. XIII. The Sector cannot be fo open'd as to make the Radius on the Secants or upper Tangents quite 6 Inches. But this Defect may be very eaſily cured by the Sines and the lower Tangents. For let it be requir'd to find the Tangent and Secant of 65 Degrees, to a Radius of 6 Inches. Make 6 Inches à Parallel at the Tangent of (25) the Comple- ment of (65) the Degrees given: Then the Parallel at 45 gives the Tangent fought. Make 6 Inches a Parallel at the Sine of (25) the Complement of (65) the Degrees given. Then the Parallel at 90 is the Secant fought. In like manner the Tangent and Secant of Degrees beyond the Rule may be had if a leffer Radius would fuffice. For to a Radius of 3 Inches may be had the Tangent and Secant to 82 Degrees, at one opening of the Sector. And if 2 Inches will fuffice for the Radius, you may have the Tangent and Secant to 85 Degrees at one opening of the Sector. For make 2 Inches a Parallel on the Sines at 5 Degrees the Complement of 85; and then the Parallel at 90 is the Secant fought. And make 2 Inches a Parallel on the Tangents at 5 Degrees, then the Parallel at 45 is the Tangent of 85 fought. And the Converſe of theſe, viz. the finding of the De- grees anfwering to a Tangent or Secant when the Radius given is greater than the Radius G 4 on [88] on the Secants or upper Radius is equally eafy. For make the given Tangent a Parallel at 45 on the lower Tangents; and where the given Radius is a Parallel on the Tangents, you have the Complement of the Degrees fought. Or make the given Secant a Parallel on the Sines at 90; and where the given Radius is a Parallel on the Sines you have the Complement of the Degrees fought. Therefore the Degrees anfwering to any given Tangent or Secant not longer than 23 Inches 7 to a Radius given less than them; may be found by the foremention'd Sector. Or, 16 Laftly, If the Secant or Tangent, and their Degrees were given, the refpective Radius would be found. For the Tangent given being made a Parallel at 45 on the Tan- gents; the Parallel at the Tangent of the Complement of the Degrees is the Radius fought. And the Secant being made a Paral- lel at the Sine of 90; the Parallel at the Sine of the Complement of the Degrees is the Radius fought. XIV. The Latitudes of two Places, toge- ther with their Difference of Longitude being given; to find their Diſtance at one opening of the Sector. Let the Example be for London and Rome, whofe Latitudes are 51° 30' N, and 41 50' N ; and Difference of Longitude 12° 40'. With [89] With any Radius defcribe a Circle NP EQ, and quarter it by drawing NP S and Qat Æ R 1 C f N Q right Angles to one another. By help of the Chords (the Opening of the Sector remaining the fame) lay off the Latitude of London and Rome 51 30 and 41 50 from Æ to 1 and R ; and alfo of Rome from S to r, and draw lr. Lay the Tangent of the Difference of Longi- tude 12° 40′ from C to D, and the Tan- gent of its half from C to d. And draw dl. with the Diſtance DNP from D, deſcribe an Arch cutting dl in L. Bifect the Diſtance RL at right Angles with the ſtrait Line cF. Produce F till it meet Cr in F. Meafure CF on the Tangents, and lay the Tangent of half thofe Degrees from C to f. Laftly, a Ruler laid from f to L meets NPE in G. And the Diſtance GR is the Diſtance fought; which meaſure on the Chords. XV. To defcribe an Hyperbola, the Af fymptotes and Vertex being given. Let [ 90 ] Let A B, AC, (Fig. 29.) be the Affymp- totes, and E the Vertex of the Curve. From E draw EO, EQ parallel to the Affymptotes. Make AO or AQ a Radius on the upper Tangents; and from A lay the upper Tan- gents to F, G, H, I, &c. and to K, L, M, &c. and thro' thefe Points draw Ff, Gg, Hb, &c. Kk, LI, Mm, &c. parallel to the Affymptotes. Make the fame AO the Radius on the lower Tangents; and lay the Tangents of the Complements of the preceding Tangents from F to f, from G to g, &c. and alfo from K to k, from L to 1, &c. Then will the Points E, f,g,b,&c k,l,m,&c. be Points in the Hyperbolick Curve. Confequently a crooked Line fmoothly drawn thro' thofe Points, (efpecially if many of them are taken, fuppofe to every Degree) will exhibit the Curve very beautifully to the Eye. But Points may be found thro' which the Hyperbola may pafs without any divided Scale. This Curve the Hyperbola continually ap- proaches its Affymptotes, but never meets them. In any Part of the burning Zone, or in any Part of the temperate Zones, if a Staff be any how ftuck in a plain level Ground, whether upright or leaning, the End of the Shadow of the Staff ſhall deſcribe an Hyper- bola every Day in the Year. In all Dials whofe Stiles height is lefs than 66° 30', the Parallels of Declination are Hyperbola's. And moft part of the beautiful Ornaments drawn on Dials depend on them. By [91] By Nature alfo in this Curve doth Fluids rife to any heighth above the common open Level. Let RYXS, RYVT be two fquare Plates of Glafs pinch'd cloſe on one Side of RY by two R T Z W X bits of bent Tin lapping round the Glaſſes; and open'd on the oppofite Side to about a quarter of an Inch by a fmall wooden Wedge; the Wood gently giving way a little, the Wedge foft not breaking the Glafs. If this Com- bination be plac'd in a flat Bottom, with Water about of an Inch deep, or more or lefs at Pleaſure; you will fee the Water rife up to the Top RST, at the cloſe Side RY, in the Form of the Figure RXZWXYR; and the Curve XZW will be an. Hyperbola; RYX its Affymptotes; and Z its Vertex. If the Liquor be tinged, and the Inſide of the Glaſs Plates made very plain, and wetted before you try the Experiment, the Phæno- menon will be more pleaſant. This [92] This Truth is proved by thoſe who fhew the Philofophical Experiments; from the rifing of Fluids in capillary Tubes. If the wooden Wedge be drawn out a little fo that the Plates come nearer together, the Vertex and every Part of the Curve will be farther diftant from the Affymptotes. But the Curve will be fimilar to what it was before. If RY be perpendicular to the Surface of the Water in the Veffel; all the Hyperbola's will be Equilateral. If the Plates are perpendicu- lar to the Surface of the Water; but the Line RY inclin'd to it; the Hyperbola's will be Scalene. If RY be perpendicular to YZ; and the whole Combination inclin'd to the Surface of the Water; the Hyperbola's will be far- ther remov'd from the Affymptotes. XVI. To defcribe the true Sea-Chart, fometimes call'd Wright's or Mercator's. And let the Example be from the Latitude of 45 to the Latitude of 55 Degrees. Open the Sector fo that the Diſtance of the Beginning of the Secants may repreſent one Degree of Longitude. And having drawn AM (Fig. 31.) to repreſent the Parallel of 45 Degrees; lay on it the aforefaid Diſtance (viz. the Parallel at 45) from A to B, from B to C, from C to D, &c. as far as you pleaſe. And draw A X at right Angles to A B. The Sector opcn'd as before; take the Paral- lel Secant of 45, and lay it from A to N ; and the Parallel at 46, and lay it from N to [ 93 ] to O. And in like manner the Parallel 47 48 49 ✪ to P P to Q Q to R 50 R to S at and lay it from JI S to T 52 T to V 53 V to W 54 W to X Now thro' N, O, P, Q, &c. draw Lines parallel to AB. And thro' B, C, D, &c. draw others parallel to AX. Then in fome convenient Place of the Draught lay down the Rumbs, as taught in the 18th Article of the 10th Chapter; and you will have the true Chart requir'd, divided to every whole Degree. If greater Exactness be required, make the parallel Radius on the Secants equal to half a Degree of Longitude; that is, take the Diſtance from 45 to 45, and lay from A to B, from B to C, from C to D, &c. 3 I Then take the Diſtances at the Middle of every half Degree, viz. at 45, 45, 46 746 49 &c. and lay them from A to N, from N to O, &c. And thro' thefe Points draw Lines parallel to AB and AX; and you will have the Parallels of Latitude for every half Degree's Diſtance; and the Meridians at every half Degree of Longitude diſtant from one another. The t [94] The Parts of a Degree lefs than a half, fuppofe Quarters, are had in Longitude by Bifection. The fame may be done for the farther Divifion on the Meridian, near enough for any Ufes. If the Foot Sector beforementioned be here made ufe of, a Degree of Longitude may be made 11 Inches; and fo every League will be reprefented by more than half an Inch. Which is more than fufficient for any Degrees of Exactnefs required in keeping an Account of a Ship's Way, and pricking the Ship's Way down on that Chart. For indeed there is no Neceffity for laying down every half Degree; unleſs it be for Voyages very near the Pole. But divide every whole Degree of the Meri- dian into 20 equal Parts, to reprefent Leagues. And the fame in fome one Parallel of Latitude; or on the Equinoctial. This Chart differs from the plain Chart and the Globe in theſe following Particulars. The Meridian in this Chart is a ftrait Line divided by unequal Diſtances reprefenting Degrees; and thefe unequal Diſtances con- tinually increaſe as they come nearer the Poles. In the plain Chart the Meridian is a ftrait Line equally divided into Degrees. On the Globe the Meridian is a great Circle equally divided into Degrees. The Parallels of Latitude in this Chart, are all ftrait Lines of the fame Bignefs, and are all alike equally divided; but thefe Parallels are at unequal Diſtances from one another. But a Degree of one of thefe Parallels bears fuch Proportion to a Degree of the Meridian in [ 95 ] in the Latitude of this Parallel; as a Degree of the fame Parallel of Latitude on the Globe, is to a Degree of the Meridian on the Globe. But tho' the Parallels of Latitude in the plain Chart are all ſtrait Lines of the fame Bignefs, and alike divided; they do not bear that Ana- logy to their correfpondent Degrees of Eaſt- ing and Weſting, as thoſe on the Globe do. This Chart and the plain Chart agree only in this, viz. the Rumbs in both are ſtrait Lines; and the like Rumbs make equal Angles with every Meridian they meet. But on the Globe the Rumbs are crooked Lines of the ſpiral Kind refpecting the Pole as their common Eye; one of which they continually approach: But cannot be faid to come quite to it without an indefinite Number of Times running round it. This Chart at its firft Appearance was, and ftill is look'd upon as the fittest of all others for thoſe who fail long Voyages; efpecially if they are oblig'd to be in high Latitudes. - The Problems ufually perform'd by this Chart are theſe following. Of any two Places laid down on the Chart, to find their Latitudes, Difference of Longi- tude, the Rumb from the one to the other; and their true Diſtance in that Rumb. And of thefe 4, any two being given, the other two may be found; fave that when the Difference of Longitude and Diſtance are the two given; the Operation will be tentative. And theſe 16 Problems are by this Chart better folv'd than they are by the Globe itſelf. of [96] Of thefe Solutions, together with the Com- pariſon of this Chart with the plain Chart, I have not at prefent Room enough to give Examples. SAITTARD DESALON CHA P. XIII. The general Ufe of the Line of Numbers. T 30000 233 HE Reading, Eftimating, and Valu- ing the feveral Divifions and Di- ftances on this Line were fully laid down in the 7th Chapter; therefore need not be repeated here. The Operations perform'd by this Line are theſe following; viz. Multiplication, Divifion, Proportion, Extraction of Roots; and feveral others depending on theſe. I. The general Rule for working Propor- tion is, Extend the Compaffes from the firſt Number to the fecond; and the fame Extent laid the fame Way, will reach from the third to the Anſwer. N. B. By the fame Way, I mean, that if the Compaffes, open'd from the first to the fecond, was from the Left-Hand to the Right, that is upwards, then they ſhould be applied from the Left to the Right for the Anſwer. And on the other hand; if the Extent [97] Extent of the Compaffes from the Firſt to the Second, be from the Right to the Left; then the Compaffes from the Third to the Anſwer, muſt be alfo from the Right to the Left. Example 1. To the three given Numbers 40, 55, 56; to find a fourth Proportional. Ex- tend the Compaffes from 40 to 55; and that Opening will reach from 56 to 17, the Anfwer. Example 2. To the three given Numbers 150, 90, 81, to find a fourth Proportional. Extend the Compaffes from 150 to 90; the fame will reach from 81 to 54, the Anſwer. In the firſt of thefe Examples the Extent was made to the Right-Hand, or upwards ; in the laſt, to the Left, or downwards. But we are to remember what hath been faid elfe- where; viz. that of four proportional Num- bers, either the Second and Third may be taken for the other. Note alfo, in taking of the Extent of the Firſt to the Second, one Value may be affign'd to the Divifions; and in lay- ing it from the Third to the Anfwer, the fame, or any other Value may be affign'd. Example 3. To the given Numbers 4, 9, 63 2, to find a fourth Proportional. Extend the Compaffes from 4 to 9 (calling the Left-Hand 1 'an Unite) and the fame Extent (calling the fame 1 an 100) will reach from 632 to 1422. I Example 4. To the given Numbers 12, 5, 420, to find a fourth Proportional. Extend the Com- H [98] Compaffes from 12 to 5 (calling the middle I ten) and the fame Extent (calling the middle 1 an 100) will reach from 420 to 175. ୮ If the firſt Extent be either too long for your Compaffes, or falls beyond the Line, be it upwards or downwards; vary (but let it be Decimally) your given Numbers, as is taught in the 4 firſt Variations in Chap. 8. Example 5. To the given Numbers 2,98,50; to find a fourth Proportional. Here I vary them by multiplying the firft by 10; and then they are 20, 98, 50. And the Anfwer comes out 245, which by the 2d Variation is 2450. 29 L32 Example 6. To the given Numbers L7; to find a fourth Proportional. Calling the Middle an Unit, the Extent from 2 to L 3, will reach from 7 to 1L05, the Anfwer. II. Two Numbers being given; to find a 3d, 4th, 5th, &c. continually Proportional. Extend the Compaffes from the firſt to the fecond; and that Extent will reach from that, 2d to the 3d Proportional; the fame Extent will reach from the 3d to the 4th; from the 4th to the 5th, &c. Example 1. Let the Numbers be 4 and 8 ; then the Extent from 4 to 8, will reach from 8 to 16, from 16 to 32, and from 32 to 64; but from 64 on the first Line to 128, and from 128 to 256, &c. Example [ 99 ] Example 2. Let the Numbers be 10 and 7. The Extent from 10 to 7 will reach from 7 to 4L9, from 79 to 443, &c. III. Multiplication is perform'd from this Confideration. Unity is to one Factor, as the other is to the Product. Example 1. Multiply 33 by 25. Extend the Compaffes from 1 to 25, the fame Extent will reach from 33 to 825 the Product. In this Example, I chang'd the Proportion by Variation of Chap. 8. viz. I made it as I is to 2L 5, fo is 330 the Anſwer. But the Products may be had without any Confideration of thofe Variations thus: Find both the Factors in the firft Line of Numbers, without regard to the Value of the Units. Extend the Compaffes from 1 to the leaft of the Factors; and that Extent will reach from the other to the Anfwer, which will always conſiſt of as many Integral Places, as there were Integral Places in both Factors, if the An- fwer falls above the Middle 1. But will be a Place lefs, if it falls fhort of it. Example 2. Multiply 575 by 28. Seek 28 in the firſt Line of Numbers, and alfo 575 without any regard to the Value of the Unit. Then the Extent from 1 to 28, will reach from 575 to 16100; viz. to the Num- ber of the Integral Places in both Factors, becauſe the Product falls above the Middle 1. H 2 Ex- [ 100 ] Example 3. Multiply 42L 5 by 36. Ex- tend the Compaffes from 1 to 425; and the fame Extent will reach from 36 to 1530Lo. That is, to as many Integral Places, as there were Integral Places in both Factors. Example 4. But if the Factors had been 425 and 16, the Product falls below the Middle 1; and therefore confifts but of 4 Integral Places; viz. one lefs than 5 the Number of Integral Places in Factors. The fame had been equally true if one or both Factors had been pure Fractions; pro- vided that the Cyphers, between the figni- ficant Figures and the Place of Unity, be efteem'd as Negatives. So if 22 were to be multiply'd by Lo8. Extend the Compaſſes from 1 to 8, the fame Extent will reach from 22 to 17L6. IV. Divifion is perform'd from this Con- fideration. The Divifor is to Unity, as the Dividend is to the Quotient. Therefore the Extent from the Divitor to Unity, will reach from the Dividend, downwards to the Quotient. Example 1. Divide 825 by 25. Extend the Compaffes from 25 to 1, the fame Extent will reach from 825 to 33 the Quotient. But the Quotients may be had thus. Find both the Divifor and the Dividend in the fecond Line of Numbers, without regard to the Value of the Unit. Then the Extent from [ 101 ] from the Divifor to the Middle 1; will reach from the Dividend downwards to the Quo- tient; which, if it falls below the middle 1, will confift of as many Integers, as the Inte- gral Places of the Dividend are in Number more than thofe in the Divifor. If it reaches not to the Middle, the Quotient will confift of one more than the Exceſs. Example 2. Divide 1530 by 36. Theſe being both fought in the fecond Line, extend the Compaſſes from 36 to the Middle 1, and the fame Extent will reach from 1530 to 425. But becauſe it falls below the Middle I, 1, the Integral Places are 2, equal to the Difference between the Number of the Inte- gral Places in the Dividend, and thoſe in the Divifor. Example 3. Divide 16100 by 28. Theſe being found in the fecond Line, the Extent from 28 to the Middle 1, will reach from 16100, down to 575; which becauſe it falls below an Unit, confifts of 3 Integral Places 3 being the Difference between 5 and 2. ; Thefe Example 4. Divide 935 by 25. being found in the fecond Line as before the Extent from 25 to the Middle 1, will reach from 935 to 374; which becauſe it falls above the Middle 1, will confift of one Integral Place more than the Difference of the Places in the Numbers given; therefore the Anſwer confifts of two Integral Places; confequently it is 37L4. H 3 What [ 102 ] What hath been faid in Multiplication concerning the pure Decimals may be ap- plied here. V. To find a mean Proportional between two Numbers given. When the Numbers confiſt both of odd Numbers of Places, or both of even; ſeek them both in the fecond Line of Numbers. But when one hath an odd Number of Places, and the other an even; feck one in the firſt Line of Numbers, the other in the ſecond. Then the Middle between theſe two Numbers gives the mean Proportional fought. And the Number of the Integral Places of this Mean fhall be half the Sum of the Number of Inte- gral Places in both the given Numbers, if that Sum can be halv'd. But if it be odd, and fo cannot be halved exactly, it fhall be half of one S more 2 lefs } when the Anfwer falls {belove} the middle Unit. S Example 1. Find a mean Proportional be- tween 252 and 468. Becauſe they are both of odd Places I feek them on the 2d Line, and I find their Mid- dle 336, which is the Mean fought, and doth confift of 3 Integral Places, the half of the given 6 Places. Example 2. Find a mean Proportional be- tween 8 and 128. Becauſe [ 103 ] Becauſe both are of odd Places, I feek both in the ſecond Line, and their Middle gives me 32, which are both Integers, be- caufe 2 is the half of 4 the Number of Inte- gral Places given. Example 3. Find a mean Proportional be- tween 405 and 84L 50. Becauſe both are of even Places, I feek them in the fecond Line, and the Middle between them I find to be 585. Becauſe there was but 4 Integer Places in both Num- bers, the Anfwer is 585. Example 4. To find a mean Proportional between 8 and 98. 2 I ſeek the 8 on the firſt Line, and the 98 on the fecond, according to the Rule. And becauſe the middle Point falls above the middle Unit on 28; I add 1 to 3 the Num- ber of Integers in the given Numbers, and half the Refult 4 (viz. 2.) fhews the Num- ber of Integers in the Mean fought. Example 5. Find a mean Proportional be- tween 544 5 and 121 5. The Numbers being fought on both Lines ac- cording to the preceding Directions, I find the middle Point falls below the Middle 1 on 825. Now becauſe the middle Point falls below the Middle 1,I fubtract 1 from theSum of theNum- bers of the Integral Places in the given Num- bers, and conclude that 2, half the Remainder, is the Number of the Integral Places in the I H 4 Mean [104] > Mean fought. is 82L 5. Therefore the Mean fought If one or both are purely Decimals, feek them as tho' they were Integers, by counting the Cyphers between the fignificant Places, and the Place of Unity as negative Integers. And in valuing the Mean confider the Number of theſe Cyphers negatively. VI. To extract the Square Root of any given Number. Find a mean Proportional between that Number and Unity. It is the Square Root fought. So the Square Root of 4225 is 65, the mean Proportional between 4225 and 1. VII. To extract the Cube Root. The Integral Places of the Number given, con- fifts of a Multitude which is either an exact Multiple of 3, or exceeds a Multiple of 3 by 1, or exceeds a Multiple of 3 by 2. If it exceeds a Multiple of 3 by 1, feek it in the firſt Line; if by 2 in the fecond. Divide the Diſtance between the Number and the firſt 1 into 3 equal Parts; and that Point of Divifion which falls next the firſt I is the Cube Root fought. So 3 is the Cube Root of 27, 2 of 8, and 4 of 64. When the Places are in Multitude an exact Multiple of 3, feek it in the laſt Line; and divide the Diſtance between it and the laft 1 into 3 equal Parts. And the Divifion next the laft i fhall be the Root fought. So [ 105 -] So the Cube Root of 512 is 8: The Cube Root of 125 is 5. The Multitude of Integral Places may be thus known. If thofe given do not exceed 3, there is but one Integral Place in the Root. If they do exceed 3 but not exceed 6, there will be 2. If they exceed 6 but not exceed 9, there will be 3, &c. So the Cube Root of 1520L875 will be found by the Line to be exactly 11L5. VIII. Three Numbers being given; to find a fourth in a duplicate Proportion. The Extent from the Firſt to the Second, doubled, will reach from the Third to the Fourth. Example and Ufe. The Content of a Circle whofe Diameter is 7, is 38L5; what is the Content of the Circle if the Diameter be 10L 5? Becauſe all fimilar Superficies are to one another in a duplicate Proportion of any of their Homologous Sides: It is, As 7 to 10L 5 Duplicate, fo is 385 to the Content fought. Therefore the Extent from 7 to 1oL5 Duplicate, will reach from 38L5 to 86L 6, the Content of the Circle fought. For the Extent from 7 to 10 5 will reach from 385 to 57L75; and the fame Extent will reach from 5775 to 86L 6 the Content. In like manner, if the Content of one of any two fimilar Superficies be given, to- gether with Homologous Lines in each; the Content of the other may be found. IX. Three [106] IX. Three Numbers being given; to find a fourth in a fubduplicate Proportion. This is the Converfe of the foregoing; therefore half the Diſtance of the Firſt to the Second, will reach from the Third to the Fourth. Example and Ufe. There is a Circle whofe Content is 866, and its Diameter is IOL 5; there is another I would have contain 385: I demand its Diameter ? Becauſe the fubduplicate Ratio of fimilar Superficies are as their like Lines: The fub- duplicate of 86L6 to 38L5, is as 1oL5 to the Anſwer. Therefore bifect the Distance between 8616 and 38L5, which will be at 5775; I fay the Diſtance from 57×75 to 385, will reach from 10L 5 to 7, the Diame- ter fought. X. Three Numbers being given; to find a fourth in a triplicate Proportion. The Triple of the Extent of the Firſt to the Second, will reach from the Third to the Fourth. Example and Ufe. The Weight of an Iron Bullet, whofe Diameter is 4 Inches, is 9 lb. what will a Bullet weigh whofe Diame- ter is 8 Inches? Since all fimilar Solids are to one another, in the triplicate Proportion of their like Lines: The Triplicate of 4 to 8, is as 9 to the Anfwer. Therefore, The [ 107 ] The Triple of the Extent from 4 to 8, will reach from 9 to 72 the Weight fought. For the Extent from 4 to 8 will reach from 9 to 18, from 18 to 36, and from 36 to 72. The like of all other fimilar Solids. XI. Three Numbers being given; to find a Fourth in a ſubtriplicate Proportion. One third Part of the Extent of the First to the Second, will reach from the Third to the Fourth. Example and Ufe. An Iron Bullet of 4 Inches Diameter weighs 9.; what is the Diameter if the Weight be 727b.? The Sub- triplicate of 9 to 72, is as 4 to the Anſwer. Therefore divide the Diſtance between 72 and 9 into 3 equal Parts, and the laſt Divi- fion will fall on 18; then the Diſtance from 9 to 18 will reach from 4 to 8. XII. What hath been faid in this Chapter of Numbers, is applicable to the Lines, Superficies, Bodies, &c. that theſe Numbers may repeſent. And this too, to a much greater Purpoſe than could be done by the Sectoral Lines of Superficies and Solids. For Inftance, two Lines A, B being given; to find a mean Proportional: Whether you are to work by the Sectoral Lines, or the Line of Numbers; thefe Lines A, B, given, muft be meaſured on fome Line of equal Parts. And the Middle between the Points on the Line of Numbers repreſents the Length of the mean Proportional in Numbers. By the Sectoral Lines, the mean Proportional Line itfelf [ 108 ] itſelf is fought; and therefore it muſt neither be too long nor too fhort for your Sector. For if it or the given Lines fhould be fo, you muſt prepare them or their Parts to fit them for the Work; which is not required on the Numbers. And whatſoever hath been faid of finding two mean Proportional Numbers, between two Numbers given, may be applied to two given Lines, if they are meaſured by fome Line of equal Parts. CHAP. [ 109 ] BRXONGIFOLCATE CHA P. XIV. Of the joint life of the preceding Lines in the Solution of right lin'd Triangles. 1. From the Chords and Lines by Protraction. 2. From the other Sectoral Lines 3. From the Artificial Lines by Calculation. I. N a right lined Triangle ABC, right lined at C, are given the Hypothenuſe AB (65) and the oblique Angles A (30°. 31) B (59. 29); to find the Legs AC, BC. B A 30 31 65 59.29 33 56 * C Ift. By [ 110 ] First, By Protraction. Draw AC at pleaſure; make the Angle A 30°31' as taught in the 10th and 11th Chapters; lay 65 equal Parts on AB: At B make the Angle B 59° 29', or from B let fall BC perpendicular to AC; and fo will the Triangle ABC be protracted: Then AC and BC may be meafur'd by the fame Scale that AB was laid down by. 2dly, By Calculation from the Sectoral Lines. Since the Radius, is to the Sine of either Angle (A), as the Hypothenuſe (AB) is to (BC) the Leg oppofite to that Angle. * Take AB (65) from the Lines or any equal Parts; and make it a Parallel at the Sine of 90. Then the Parallel at the Sine of (30° 31') the Angle A, meafur'd on the fame equal Parts, gives (33) the Leg BC. And the Parallel at (59° 29′) the Degrees of the Angle B, meafur'd on the equal Parts, gives 56 the Leg AC. Thirdly, By the Artificial Lines. By the preceding Proportion and the gene- ral Law laid down in Chap. VIII. it follows, * See Chap. VIII. That [ III] That the Extent from the Sine of 90 De- grees to the Sine of 30° 31, will reach on the Numbers from 65 to 33. And the Extent from the Sine of 90 to the Sine of 59° 21 will reach from 65 to 56 on the Numbers. Or thus, The Extent from the Sine of 90° to the Hypothenufe AB (65) on the Num- bers, will reach from the Sine (30° 31′) the Angle A, to BC (33) on the Numbers. And the fame will reach from the Sine of (59° 29') the Angle (B) to (56) AC on the Numbers. General Obfervations. This latter Method requires but one open- ing of the Compaffes, to find both the Legs. It is called crofs Work. It is fometimes very convenient, fometimes very improper. When the Extent of the Compaffes by crofs Work is taken from Points almoft over one another, the Refult will be very doubtful and imper- fect. This Inconvenience may fometimes be remedied by counting on the other 5 Numbers. But when the Points to be taken in the Compaffes by crofs Work, are at a confiderable Diſtance, it may be practis'd with Safety; provided that theſe Extents are nicely taken from, and applied to the Fiducial Lines. Thefe Fiducial Lines are known, becauſe all the Divifions ftand on them, as hinted in the VIIIth Chapter. When I [112] When feveral Proportions are the fame, and fo may be wrought by croſs Work at one opening of the Compaffes, as in the Solution of this Example; or if the Diſtance to be taken off the fame Line be too great for the Compaffes, uſe croſs Work if it may be remedied thereby. It was hinted (Chap. VIII.) that the Extent from the 1ft to one of the middle Terms, will reach from the other, applied the fame way, to the Anfwer. That is, if you ex- tend from the 1ft, upwards, or towards the Right-Hand, the Application of that Extent, to find the 4th, fhall be made from the given Quantity upwards. And if the Extent be made downwards, the Application fhall be made downwards alfo. The Lines of Sines and Tangents begin at a little leſs than 1 Degree. And in fome Examples, the Extent being applied, will fall below the Divifions on the Sines or Tan- gents. In this Cafe, keeping the Compaffes with the fame Extent, bring 1 Foot of the Compaffes to 1 Degree, and where the other falls, hold it faft till you have fo fqueez'd the Legs together, that the other Point which was plac'd at 1 Degree, falls on the Term to which the Application was made. Then this Diſtance laid from 60 on the Numbers down- wards, will reach to the Minutes, and Parts of Minutes requir’d. Example 1. Let the Proportion be, as 91 to 22, fo is the Sine of 2 Degrees to a fourth So the Extent from 91 to 22, will Sine. reach [ 113 ] reach from the Sine of 2 Degrees downwards, beyond the End of the Sector. Therefore with the fame Extent one Foot placed in one Degree, and the other will reach upwards to fomewhat more than 4°, where hold the Point faft; then fqueeze the Compaffes toge- ther till the other Point falls on 2, the Point to which the Application was made. This Diſtance applied downwards on the Numbers from 60, will reach to 29, which is the Anfwer in Minutes. I Example 2. As 95 is to 19, fo is the Sine of 1° 30' to another Sine. So the Extent from 95 to 19 will reach from the Sine of 1° 30′ below the End of the Sector. о This Diſtance applied upwards from one Degree, reaches to above 5, where being held faſt, and the other Foot brought to 1° 30, you have a Diſtance, which laid on the Numbers, reaches from 60 downwards to 18, for the Minutes fought. II. In a right-lin'd Triangle ABC, right- angled at C, there is given the Angles A (30°31) and B (59L29) and one Leg AC (56): To find the other Leg and the Hy- pothenufe. Firſt, By Protraction. Draw AC at pleaſure; make the Angle A 30° 31'; lay 56 equal Parts from A to C, and at C raiſe BC perpendicular to AC; and produce AB, CB till they meet in B; fo I will [114] will the Triangle be conftructed: And the Hypothenufe AB and the Leg BC may be meafur'd from the Scale AC was laid down by. Secondly, By the Sectoral Lines. Since as the Sine of the Angle (B) op pofite to the given Leg (AC) is to that Leg, fo is the Radius to (AB) the Hypothenufe; and fo is the Sine of the Angle A to (BC) the Side oppofite to it. Therefore, Open the Sector ſo that AC (56) on the Line of Sines, may be a Parallel at the Sine of (59° 29') the Angle B; and then a Parallel at the Sine of (30°31′) the Angle A will, when meafur'd on the Lines, give (33) the Leg BC; And the Sector remain- ing with the fame Aperture, a Parallel at the Sine of 90, will give AB (65) on the Line of Sines. Thirdly, By the Artificial Lines. From the preceding Proportion and the general Law in Chap. VIII. The Extent from the Sine of 59°L 29' to the Sine of 90° will reach from 56 on the Numbers to AC 65. And the Extent from the Sine of 59°L 29' to the Sine of 30°L 31 will reach from 56 on the Numbers to BC 33. Or, at one opening by the Croſs Work thus. The Extent from the Sine of 59° 29′ to 56 on the Numbers, will reach from the Sine [ 15 ] Sine of 90° to 65 on the Numbers; and from the Sine of 30°31' to 33 on the Numbers. III. In a right-lin'd Triangle ABC, right- angled at C; there is given the Hypothenuſe AB (65) and one Leg BC (33): To find the other Leg AC, and the Angles A and B. Firſt, By Protraction. Draw AC at pleafure, and at C raiſe the Perpendicular BC, and lay thereon 33 from any Line of equal Parts from C to B. Pro- duce AC towards A. With 65 in your Com- paffes taken from the fame Line of equal Parts, one Foot in B with the other defcribe an Arch cutting AC in A, and draw AB: So will the Triangle be protracted. And the Leg AC as well as the Angles may be meaſured. Secondly, By the Sectoral Lines. Since the Hypothenufe (AB) is to the Radius or Sine of 90°, as the Leg (BC) to the Sine of its oppoſite Angle A. And fince the Radius or Sine of 90° is to the Hypothe- nufe AB, fo is the Sine of the Angle B to its oppofite Side AC. Therefore, Make the Sine of 90 a Parallel at the Hypo- thenufe AB (65) on the Line of Lines, and the Parallel at the Leg BC (33) will be the Sine of (30° 31′), the Angle A. And fince (3c°L 31′ taken from 90, leaves 59°L 29) for the AngleB; the Sine of 59° 29′ carried along the Line I 2 of [ 116 ] 1 of Lines will be found to be a Parallel at 56, which is the Leg AC. But the Leg AC might have been found without finding the Angles, by the Line of Lines only. For (by the 11th Article of the 11th Chap.) open the Sector fo that the Line of Lines may form a right Angle, and count the given Leg BC (33) on one Leg; and with the Hypothenufe AB (65) in the Compaffes, from 33 as a Center turn the Compaffes about till the other Leg falls on the other Line of Lines in the Fiducial Line, which you will find to be at 56, which is AC the Leg fought. Thirdly, By the Artificial Lines. From the preceding Proportion, the Ex- tent from 65 to 56 on the Numbers will reach from the Sine of 90 Degrees to the Sine of 30° 31' the Angle A. And fo as before the Angle B will, by fubtracting the Angle A (30°L 31') from 90, be found to be 59° 29'. And then the Extent from the Sine of 90° to the Sine of 59° 29′, will reach from 65 on the Numbers, to (56) the Leg AC. Or, by the Cross Work at one opening of the Compaffes. The Extent from 65 on the Numbers to the Sine of 90 Degrees, will reach from 33 on the Numbers to the Sine of (30° 31') the Angle A. the Angle B is 59° 29′: Extent will reach downwards from the Sine And as before Then the fame of [ 117 ] of (59°L29) the Angle B to AC (56) on the Line of Numbers. IV. In a right-angled right-lined Triangle ABC, there are given the Legs AC (56) and BC (33); to find the Angles A, B, and the Hypothenuſe AB. First, By Protraction. Draw AC, and perpendicular thereto raiſe BC: Make AC 56, and BC 33 (from any Scale of equal Parts, and draw AB); fo is the Triangle protracted, and the Hypothenufe and the fought Angles may be meafur'd. Secondly, By the Sectoral Lines. Since one Leg is to the other as the Radius. (here the Tangent of 45°) is to the Tangent of the Angle oppofite to the other Leg. And then the Hypothenufe may be found by the fecond Example. Therefore, Make the Tangent of 45° a Parallel on the Lines, at (56) the Length of AC one of the Legs; and then the Parallel at 33 on the Numbers meaſur'd on the Tangents, will give (30°31') the Angle A. Then, as in the fecond Example, may be found the Hypothenufe AB. But the Hypothenufe might have been found without the Angles by the help of the Lines of Lines only. For open the Sector fo that the Lines of Lines may form a right Angle; then count AC (56) on one Line, I 3 and [ 118 ] and BC (33) on the other; and the Diſtance from 56 to 33 meafur'd on the Lines, will be AB (65) the Hypothenufe. Thirdly, By the Artificial Lines. From the preceding Proportion, the Ex- tent from AC (56) one Leg, to BC (33) the other Leg on the Line of Numbers, will reach from the Tangent of 45° to the Tan- gent of (30° 31') the Angle A appofite to the latter Leg. This Angle being found, the Hypothenufe may be found as in the fecond Example. The Crofs Work here can never affift you. V. In any right-lined Triangle DEF; the Angles D, E, F, being given (55, 20, 105) to find the Ratio of the Sides. Meaſure the Sines of thoſe Angles on the Line of Sines, and you will have the Propor- tions of the Sides; viz. 81L9, 34L 2, 96L 5; always obferving that the greater Side is oppofite to the greater Angle. This might be perform'd by Protraction or by the Artificial Lines; by affuming any one Length for either of the Sides. then it would change into the following, which fee. But VI. In [ 119 ] VI. In any right-lined Triangle DEF. The Angles D (55) E (20) F (105) and one Side DE 145; to find the other two Sides DF, EF. F 55 5113 105 123 · D 145 First, By Protraction. 20 E Draw DE at pleaſure, and make it 145 from any Line of equal Parts. At D make an Angle of 55°, and at E one of 20 (per Chap. 1o.) and produce the Lines till they meet in F. Then is the Triangle protracted, and the fought Lines DF, EF, may be meafur'd by the fame Scale that DE was protracted by. Secondly, By the Sectoral Lines. Since the Sine of any Angle (F) is to its oppofite Side DE, as the Sine of any other Angle D to its oppofite Side. Make DE (145) a Parallel at the Sine of (105°, that is, by the 3d Obferv. in Chap. I. the Sine of 75°) the Angle F; and then the Parallel I 4 [ 120 ] Parallel at the Sine of (55°) the Angle D, will, when meafur'd on the Lines of Lines, give (123) the Side FE. And the Parallel at the Sine of (20) the Angle E, will give 5113. Thirdly, By the Artificial Lines. From the preceding Proportion, the Ex- tent from the Sine of 75° to the Sine of 55°, will reach on the Numbers from 145 to 123 the Side EF. And the Extent from the Sine of 75° to the Sine of 20°, will reach on the Numbers from 145 to 51 3 the Side DF. Or, by the Croſs Work at one opening of the Compaffes. The Extent from the Šine of 75° to 145 on the Numbers, will reach from the Sine of 55° to (123) the Side FE ; and alfo from the Sine of 20° to (5IL 3) the Side DF. VII. In any right-lined Triangle DEF, two Sides DF (513), FE (123), and the Angle D (55°) oppofite to one of them, being given; to find the other Angles F, E, and the other Side DE. First, By Protraction. Draw DE, make the Angle D 55°, and make DF from a Scale of equal Parts 51L 3. Then take FE 123 from the fame Line of equal Parts; and with one Foot in F defcribe an Arch cutting the Line DE in E, and draw FE: So you will have protracted the Triangle. And [ 121 ] And the Angles F, E, and the third Side DE may be meafur'd. Secondly, By the Sectoral Lines. Since any Side (FE) is to the Sine of its oppofite Angle (D), as any other Side DF is to the Sine of (E) the Angle oppoſite to the other Side. Make the Sine of (55°) the Angle D a Parallel at (123) the Length of FE; and then, &c. But we are to obſerve that 123 falls fo near the Center, that the Sine of 55° is too great to be made a Parallel at 123. There- fore make 123 a Parallel at the Sine of 55, and then (513) the Line DF carried along the Sines till it becomes a Parallel, will give us the Sine of (20°) the Angle E. Now becauſe the two Angles D and E are known, therefore the third F is alfo known; for all the Angles of every right-lined Triangle taken together will be equal to two right ones; whofe Meaſure is 180 Degrees. Therefore the two Angles D and E, 55 and 20, that is, 75 taken from 180, will leave 105 for the Angle F. And the Parallel at the Sine of (105°, that is) 75° gives on the Lines DE 145. But the third Side DE may be found without the fought Angles, by the Line of Lines. For fo open the Sector (by the 12th of the 11th Chapter) that the Angle may be 55°; and count on one Leg 51L3: then with 123 in the Compaffes from 55, turn the other [122] other Point about till it falls on the Lines in the other Leg of the Sector, which you will find to be at 145, which is the third Side fought. Thirdly, By the Artificial Numbers.. From the preceding Proportion, the Ex- tent from 123 on the Numbers to 51L3, will reach from the Sine of 55° to the Sine of 20° the Angle E. And then as before, the Angle F will be found to be 105; which hath the fame Sine that 75 hath. And then the Extent from the Sine of 55° to the Sine of 75°, will reach from 123 on the Numbers, to 145 the Side DE. Or, by the Cross Work, at one opening of the Compaffes. For the Extent from 123 on the Numbers to the Sine of 55° will reach from 513 on the Numbers to the Sine of 20°. And the fame opening will reach the contrary way from the Sine of 75 Degrees, to 145 on the Numbers. VIII. In any right-lined Triangle DEF. Two Sides DF (51L3), FE (123), and the Angle F (105°) contain'd by thofe Sides being given; to find the Angles D and E, and the third Side DE. Firſt, By Protraction. Draw DF at pleaſure, and make the Angle F 105°. Then from fome Scale of equal Parts make FD 51L3 and FE 123; and draw DE: So is the Triangle protracted: And [ 123 ] And the Angles D, E, and the Side DE may be meafur'd. Secondly, Since the Sum of the given Sides is to their Difference, as the Tangent of half the Sum of their oppofite Angles is to the Tangent of half their Difference. And in this Example the Angle F being 105°, and fo the Sum of the Angles at D and E 75°, and the half Sum 37°30'. Make the Sum of the Sides 174L 3 a Paral- lel at the Tangent of 37° 30'. And then 71L6, the Difference of the Sides carried along the Tangents, will be a Parallel at 17° 30', which is the half Difference. But the half Difference (17°L 30') added to the half Sum (37° 30') gives (55°) the greater Angle (D). And the half Difference (17° 30′) taken from the half Sum (37°L 30′) leaves (20°) the leffer Angle E. And now by the 6th Cafe, the third Side DE may be found. But you may obferve, that when the half Sum of the oppofite Angles is more than 45 Degrees; and the half Difference proves lefs than 45 Degrees, it will be troubleſome to perform it by the Sectoral Lines. But this Inconvenience is very well cured by help of the Artificial ones. But the third Side may be found without the unknown Angles very eaſily by the Line of Lines; and then the Angles may be found, as in the following. For (by the 12th of Chap. XI.) open the Sector till the Lines form an Angle of 105°; count 65 on the Lines on one Leg, and 123 on [124] on the other, and the Diſtance from this 65 to 123 is 145 the third Side. Thirdly, By the Artificial Lines. From the preceding Proportion, the Ex- tent from 174 3 on the Numbers to 71L6, will reach from the Tangent of (37°L 30′) the half Sum of the unknown Angles, to the Tangent of (17° 30') their half Difference as before. And fo as before the Angle D is 55°, and E 20°. The Third now is found by the laſt. The Crofs Work cannot here do Service. If the Sum of the unknown Angles is more than 45 Degrees, and their Difference. proves to be fewer, then the Extent from the Sum of the Sides to the Difference of the Sides, will reach from the half Sum of the unknown Angles upwards beyond the Tan- gent of 45 Degrees. In which Cafe, the Compaffes keeping the fame Opening, bring the upper Point back to 45, then keep the other where it refts, and bring the Point which was plac'd at 45, to the Tangent of the half Sum. Now lay this laft Extent from 45 downwards, and you will have the Tan- gent of the Degrees fought: e. g. Let it be as 90 to 30, fo the Tangent of 55° to ano- ther Tangent. Then the Extent from 90 on the Numbers to 30, will reach from the Tangent upwards beyond 45. But this Distance being laid from 45 downwards, keep the lower Point fix'd, and bring the Point to (the Tangent of 55°) the Place from [ 125 ] from whence the Application of the Extent was to be made; and this laſt Diſtance will reach from 45° downwards, to the Tangent of 25° 28', the Anfwer. In like manner, if it had been as 30 to 90, (or any other Proportion) fo the Tangent of 25°L 28, less than 45°, to a Tangent greater than 45°. The Extent from 30 to 90, will reach from the Tangent of 25° 28′ beyond 45°, that is, to a Tangent greater than 45°: With this opening bring one Point to 45; where this falls hold it faft, and bring the other to 25° 28′: Apply this laſt Extent from 45, and it will reach in the upper or inverted Tangents, to the Tangent of 45, the Anſwer. The Reaſon of this Operation is this: The upper Line of Tangents ſhould have been conceiv'd as continued beyond 45 right forwards. But becauſe the Divifions would have fallen beyond 45 upwards, in the fame manner that they fall under 45 the contrary way; to avoid Incumbrance and Charge, the fame Line is number'd backwards, but with the upper Number. But from hence it appears, that the Figures above 45 increaſe towards the Left-Hand, and fo they must be accounted upwards from the Right to the Left, and downwards from the Left to the Right. Again, in our laft Example the Extent from 30 to 90 reaches from 25°L 28′ beyond 45. Let (in Fig. following) 25° 28' be denoted by A, 45 by C, and the Extent by Ab. Now it's evident that if the Tangents had [126] had been continued beyond 45, b would have given the Anſwer. But the Tangents are not continued beyond 45, for inſtead thereof they are folded backwards; confequently the Point where the Anfwer will be found, L d A B C b Therefore is as far below C as b is above it. Cb laid from C to B gives at B 55°, the Anfwer. But becauſe I cannot conveniently meaſure Cb, b falling off the Rule, I lay Ab from C to d, and meaſure d A which is equal to Cb, and lay it from C to B; and fo gain the Anfwer. I faid Ad was equal to Cb, which will thus appear: By the Operation Cd was made from the fame Ex- teht that Ab was, whence Cd is equal to Ab; and by taking away the common Part AC, there remains A d equal to Cb. There- fore Ad may be ufed inftead of Cb. It may be alfo obferv'd, that if the Extent taken from the Numbers be greater than that from 10 to 1, and perhaps too long for the Compaffes; and this is to be applied from the Tangent of 45° upwards or downwards, or the Sine of 90°, that then the Diſtance from 10 to I may be neglected; and the remaining Diſtance applied from 5°43′ on the Tangents, and from 5°45′ on the Sines towards the Left-Hand, will give the Tangent or Sine fought: e. g. Let 9o be to 8 as the Sine of 90° to another Sine: о Then [127] Then becauſe the Extent from 90 to 9, is equal to the Extent from 10 to 1; I take the Extent from 9 to 8, or, which is the fame Thing, I feek both Numbers on one Line, and then the Extent will reach from the Sine of 5° 45′ to the Sine of 5° 07', or on the Tangents from 5° 43′ to 5°L05. In like manner, if you are to take the Extent from 90° on the Sines, or 45° on the Tangents, to a Sine below 5°L45', or a Tangent below 5°L43'; extend the Com- paffes from 5°45' or 5°43′ to the Sine or Tangent given; and this Extent will reach from the third Term, counted on the upper Line of Numbers, downwards to the 4th fought, to be efteemed as tho' it were in a Line of Numbers below where it falls. If the Proportion had been from a Sine below 5° 45' to the Radius; take the Extent from the given Sine to 5°45', and it will reach from the third Term counted on the lower Numbers upwards to the 4th fought, to be eſteem'd as on a Line of Numbers next above it. And if it were from the Sine of 90 to a Sine of Degrecs, a few more than 5°L45, as 6°Loo, and the Compaffes too fhort; then the Extent from 545 to 6°Loo', will reach from the third Term counted on the lower Line of Numbers upwards to the 4th fought, to be efteem'd as on a Line of Num- bers next below where it falls. If it be as a Sine of 6ºLoo to the Sine of 90°, fo a Number to another fought. It may be as 6°Loo' to 5°L45', fo is the third on [128] on the upper Numbers downwards to the 4th fought, to be eſteem'd as on a Line of Numbers next above where it falls. If the Extent on the Numbers be almoſt the Length of one of the Lines of Numbers, and be afterwards to be apply'd to the Sine of 90°: Find both Numbers on one Line, and the Extent will reach from 5°45′ on the Sines, to the Sine fought. Example 1. As the Sine of 90° to the Sine of 3°; fo is 57 to 2L98. As the Sine of 4° to the Sine of 90°; ſo is 85 to 122. fo As the Sine of 90° to the Sine of 6°; ſo is 59 to 6L 13. As the Sine of 6° to the Sine of 90°; fo is 63 to 605. As 575 is to 6L 3; fo is the Sine of 90° to the Sine of 6°L03'. What hath been faid in thefe Obfervations of the upper and lower Tangents, when both are in uſe together, may be applied to a Sine and a Secant when ufed together. And what hath been faid of comparing the Sine of 90 Degrees with a Sine leſs than, or very near to the Sine of 5° 45'; and of com- paring the Tangent of 45° with a Tangent lefs, or little more than the Tangent of 5°43', may be applied to a Tangent greater or little lefs than the Tangent of 84°L17', changing the Word upwards for downwards. Underſtand the fame of the Secant of 84°L 15'. IX. The [129] IX. The three Sides of a right-lined Tri- angle being given, to find either of the An- gles. Let the three Sides be D E 145, DF 65, FE 123: To find the Angle F. First, By Protraction. Draw DE at Pleafure, and make it 145 equal Parts. Take DF 65, and FE 123 of thofe equal Parts in your Compaffes, and making D and E Centers, defcribe Arches, cutting one another in F. Draw DF, E F, fo is the Triangle protracted, and the Angle F may be meaſured as taught in the 10th and 11th Chapters. 65 F 123 D 145 E But the Triangle may be repreſented on the Legs of the Sector; for count DF 65 on one of the Lines of Lines, and 123 on the other; take 145 in the Compaffes, and open the Sector 'till this Extent reaches from 65 to 123; and then the Angle that the Lines of Lines K [130] Lines make, is the Angle F, which may be meaſured by the Precepts of Chap. XI. And the Angle may be found by the two following Proportions. As either of the Sides adjacent to the fought Angle (which call the Baſe) is to the Sum of the other two Sides (which call Legs); fo is the Difference of thoſe two, to a fourth. Then add and fubtract the firſt and laſt Terms in the preceding Proportion; and it follows, That if the Angle fought be adjacent to the {leffer greater Leg, then the { leffer } greater Leg, is to the Radius, or Sine of 90°, as the Half {Difference Sum of the firſt and laſt 'Terms in the preceding Proportion, to the Sine of a Number of Degrees, which taken from 90, fhall leave the Angle fought; un- lefs when the fourth Term, in the firft Pro- portion, is greater than the firſt Term, and the Angle adjacent to the leffer Leg is fought: For in that Cafe the Degrees found in the laft Proportion, muſt be added to 90°, and the Refult will be the Angle fought. In the preceding Example, As the Bafe 123, is to the Sum of the Legs 210; fo is their Difference 80, to a fourth 136/1/ Therefore the Sum of the firſt and laſt Terms, is 259-5, and their Difference is 135. Whence the half Sum is 12975, and the half Difference 6L75. And becauſe the Angle fought is adjacent to DF, the leffer Leg, it is, As DF (65) is to [ 131 ] to the Radius; fo is the half Diff. (6175) of the firſt and laft Terms in the preceding Proportion, to the Sine of 6°; which, be- cauſe the fourth Term in the firſt Proportion, is greater than the firft, and the Angle adja- cent to the leffer Leg is fought; add it to 90°, and you have 96°, the Angle fought. But, by the Help of the Line of Numbers, and the artificial verfed Sines running cloſe to the right Sines, the fought Angle may be found much eaſier: Thus, The Sides containing the fought, DF 65 Angle F SEF 123 The Side oppoſite to the fought DE 145 Angle The Sum of all the Sides Half the Sum of all the Sides 333 166/2/2 145 Half the Sum of the Sides wanting the 21 Oppofite The Extent on the Numbers from the half Sum (166) to (EF 123) one of the con- taining Sides, will reach from the other con- taining Side, to a fourth; where hold the Point unmov'd, and extend the other Point to (21) half the Sum of the Sides leffened by the oppofite Side: And this fecond Extent will reach from the Beginning of the verſed Sines to (96°) the Angle F required. K 2 As [132] As Trigonometry is an Art ufeful in al- moſt all the practical Parts of Mathematicks, and fince, by the Sector, the various Cafes (as evidently appears from the Examples here laid down) are concifely and elegantly folved, I have been more particularly full to exem- plify and explain the Ufe of the Sector herein. I believe alſo, by this Time the Reader does perceive, that the Sector, as it is now made, is capable of performing all the more ufeful Problems required in common Life, with lefs Confufion, more Speed and Exact- nefs, than by the old Sectors, loaded with Multitudes of Lines: And that the artificial Lines, not dreamt of before the great In- vention of Logarithms, are fitter for thefe Operations, in all Cafes where propor- tional Numbers are concerned, than any other Lines that have been laid down on Inftruments; and therefore were, with very great Judgment, cauſed to be cut on the Sector: And this will again appear in the Application of theſe artificial Lines, to Pro- blems in Geography, Navigation, Dialling, Aftronomy, &c. CHA P. 3 [133] EASY-SWEL BEBED CHA P. XV. The joint Ufe of the Chords, and the natu- ral Tangents and Secants, in protracting and meafuring the Reprefentatives of Spherical Arches and Angles, on a Plane. I N the Management hereof, I beg leave, for Brevity's fake, to call theſe plain Repreſentatives, the ſpherical Angles, Arches, and their Poles, themſelves. Every where the Radius is the Radius of the Primitive Circle, unleſs other- wife expreffed. I. A Point being given: To find another diametrically oppofite to it. A B H E +D Thro' the given Point, and the Center of the primitive Circle, draw a right Line. Then if the given Point be A on the primitive K 3 Circle, [134] 1 Circle, the Point fought will be C alfo on the primitive Circle. But if the given Point be B, not on, but in the primitive Circle, the Sector being opened to the Radius E A, meaſure E B on the Tangents: Then lay the Tangent of the Complement of E B, from E to D, and then D is the Point. × II. To draw a great Circle through H, B, two given Points. By the preceding find a Point (D) diametrically oppofite to (B) either of thofe given; and then thro' the three Points A, B, C, defcribe the Periphery of a Circle, and it is done. III. A great Circle being given, to find its Poles And a Pole being given, to defcribe the great Circle. 1. If the Circle given be the Primitive, its Center is its Pole. 2. If the Circle be a right one, as A DC, its Poles are found by laying of the Chord of 90° from A or C, the Points where the right Circle meets the Primitive, to the Points H and G on the Primitive. 3. Therefore, if a Point G or H is the Pole of a Circle, lay the Chord of 90° from G or H, to A and C, and draw the right Line A DC; it is the Repreſentative of the Circle required. 4. If the Circle be an oblique one, as ABC ; S } meaſure BD on the Tangents fubtract add 5 from } 45, and lay the Tan- the Degrees S { to gent of the {Remainder Sum from D to E {2}} KS fo [ 35 ] fo will E, K be the Poles fought. 5. If the Pole E be given to defcribe the Circle, draw D E, and at right Angles to it, through the Center, draw ADC: Meafure DE on the TK G } B D EL H ML Q F N Tangents, and lay the Tang. of twice the De- grecs of DE, to DF; fo will F be the Center of the Circle fought, and it muft pafs thro' C and A fo the Circle ABC may be defcribed, which is that fought. 6. If the Tangent had fallen off the Sector, or if the Radius of the Circle had been greater than the upper Tan- gents could be opened to; from C, with the Radius CD, defcribe the Arch D L, and lay on it the Degrees of the Tangent from D to M; and draw CM, and produce it 'till it meets D G in N; then will DN be the Tan- gent, and CN the Secant of D M. 7. If the Pole given had been (K) out of the K 4 Pri- [136] Primitive: Then by n. 1. find E, another Point diametrically oppofite to it, which is the other Pole to this Circle; and then the Circle may be defcribed, as in the 5th of this III. IV. To meaſure any given Arch; and on a given Circle, and from a given Point there- in, to lay off any affigned Degrees, towards affigned Parts. 1. If the given Circle be the Primitive, Arches are meaſured and Degrees laid off by the Chords. 2. If the given Circle be (GK) a right one, and one End of the Arch to be meaſured is G, the Center of the N HO A D L R E F ic K Primitive; then GH and GK meaſured on the Tangents (with the Radius of the Primi- tive) will give Half the Degrees of G H and GK, and thefe doubled the Degrees of G H and GK: But neither of the Extremities were the Center of the Primitive (as of the Arches [137] Arches { FK FH 5 the fame Side ર contrary Sides } then when the Ends are on of the Center; then mea- fure on the Tangents, the Diſtances of thoſe Ends, F and K and H, from the Center G, and the Difference of thofe Degrees, give Half the Degrees of {FH FK } and fo the Dou- ble of the {Difference? gives the Degrees Sum requir'd. 3. Therefore, to lay off any Num- ber of Degrees: If from the Center, lay off the Tangent of half thoſe Degrees. If the given Point be not the Center, meaſure its Diſtance from the Center on the Tangents in Degrees: And the Sum and Difference of thefe Degrees, and half the Degrees to be laid off, are to be laid off from the Center by the Tangents, towards the given Point, if the Part F K, to be laid off, be requir'd con- trary ways to the Center; or if F E, the Part to be laid off, be less than FG, the Diſtance of F from the Center. But, on the other Side of the Center, if FG, the Part to be laid off towards the Center, be greater than the Diſtance of the given Point F, from G the Center. If half the Degrees to be laid off } from F, be {more than the Degrees of fewer the Tangent FG; then FG is lefs greater) than the Arch to be laid off 5. To meafure (NL, or NO) Arches of an oblique Circle, or [138] or of any Circle in general: Find its Pole F within the Primitive, and lay a Ruler from F (to N, L,O) the Extremities of the Arches, and it will meet the Primitive in the Points R, Q, S; then will R Q, and QS on the Chords, meaſure LN and NO. 6. On A D, or any Circle whatfoever, from a given Point N, to lay off any affigned Number of De- grees, fuppofe 56. Firſt find F, its Pole, lay a Ruler from F to N, it will meet the Primitive in Q; then by the Chords lay 56 from Q to R, and from Q to S; and lay a Ruler from F to R and S, it will crofs A D in L and O; and fo will NL and NO be each 56°, as requir'd. V. To deſcribe a leffer Circle, parallel to any great Circle given, and at any affigned Diſtance from its Pole. 1. If the great Cir- cle be the Primitive (and the leffer Circle is at 56°, or any other affigned Diſtance from its Pole) take the Tangent of (28) Half the affigned Diſtance, and from A, the Center of the Primitive, defcribe GHIK, and it is the Parallel required. 2. If the great Circle be (BD) a right one, whofe Pole is E, from whence the leffer Circle is to be (30°, or) any affigned Diſtance, lay from the Chords (30°) the affigned Diſtance from (E) the Pole, to P and Q. Then with the Tangent of P E, or Q E, defcribe Arches cutting one another in O; (or the Point O may be found by laying the Secant of 30 from A) and from O, with the fame Diſtance, defcribe the Cir- cle P Q, and it will be that required. 3. If the [ 139 ] the great Circle be (BFD) an oblique one, let it be required to defcribe a leffer Circle parallel to it; and at (70°) a given Diſtance. From L, its Pole, lay (by the IV. of this Chapter) 70° the given Diſtance both Ways, n S S F G H N B A D K I L R P S E S M on EF from L, viz. from L to M, and from L to N. Then bifect MN in R; and from R, with the Diſtance RM, or RN, defcribe the Circle MSN, and it is the leffer Circle [ 140 ] Circle required. In like manner the Circle Sn S is deſcribed parallel to BFD, at 105° Diſtance from that Pole L; for Ln, L m, are each made 105°, and from r, the Middle between n and m, SnS is defcribed. VI. To a given great Circle, to draw ano- ther at right Angles, thro' a Point given, ei- ther on it, or off it. 1. Let the given great Circle be (AE BK) the Primitive, and the given Point be (E) on the Primitive, or (N) off it. Draw a right Circle (NC, or EC) thro' the given Point, and the Center of the Primitive; and NB, or EC, is the great E D G I M A B F N H I K Circle required. 2. If the given Circle be ACB, a right one, and the given Point be (M) on it, or (W) off it. (By the III. of this Chapter) find (E, K) its Poles; and through thofe Poles, and the given Point, draw the Circumference of a Circle, and it is that re- quired. 3. If the Circle be (AGB) an ob- lique one, and the given Point be (L) on it, or (F) off it: Find (H) the Pole of (AGB) the [ 141 ] the given Circle. Then (by the II. of this Chapter) defcribe (DHI) a great Circle thro' (H) the Pole, and (F, or L) the given Point, and it will be the Circle required. VII. To meaſure any Angle. 1. If the Angle be (GCB) at the Center, it is mea- fured as a plain Angle, by applying GB to the Line of Chords. 2. If the Angle be at the Primitive, and made by the Primitive and a right Circle, it is a right one. 3. If the Angle be (CBH) at the Primitive, and formed by (CB) a right Circle, and an ob- lique one (HB); then draw CE at right Angles; meaſure CH on the Tangents, and E A Va DH K A LC 0 N P B GK the Double of the Degrees gives the Meaſure of the Angle. 4. If the Angle be EBH at the Primitive, and form'd by (EB) the Pri- mitive, and (HB) an oblique Circle. Mea- fure CH on the Tang. and fubtract the Deg. from 45, the then Double of the Remainder gives the Degrees of the Angle (HBE) fought; and fo the Sum of the Degrees of the [142] the Tangents HC, CO, doubled, is the Meaſure of the Angle HBO; and the Dif ference of the Degrees of the Tangents C O, CP, gives half the Meaſure of the Angle OBP. 5. If the Angle be (F DB) neither at the Center, nor at the Primitive, whether both are oblique, or one a right Circle. Make DQ, DL any how equal; and from Land Q, with any Diſtance, deſcribe Arches cutting one another in M, and draw DM. In like Manner make DK, DI, equal, and from D and I, with any Diſtances, defcribe Arches cutting one another in N, and draw DN. Laftly, Meafure the Angle MDN by the Chords, and its Meaſure will be alfo the Meaſure of the Angle B D F. 6. When the angular Point is fo near the Primitive that you cannot with Convenience lay off the equal Diſtances from the angular Point: Then G F H K .I draw from (F) the angular Point (FG, FH) Tangents to the Circles, forming the Angle; and by the Chords meaſure the right-lined Angle GFH, and you have the Meaſure of the [ 143 ] the Angle formed by the Circles. To draw a Tangent to a Circle, without finding the Center, fuppofe at A; take A B, BC, any how equal, draw A C, and from A defcribe the Arch DBE; laſtly, make BE equal to B D, and draw A E, and it is a Tangent, as required. 7. Univerfally find the Poles (I, K) of thoſe Circles, and lay a Ruler from the angular Point (F) to thoſe Poles, it will meet the Primitive in L and M, and L M meaſured on the Chords, gives the Meaſure of the Angle. VIII. With a given great Circle, and at a Point therein, to draw another that ſhall make any affigned Angle with that given. 1. If the great Circle be (AB) a right one, A E G B and the Point given in it be (C) the Center of the Primitive, the Angle (BCG) will be made as a plain one. 2. If the great Circle be the Primitive, and the Point given in it be B, to make an Angle of (40) a given Number of Degrees, lay the Tangent of it from [ 144 ] ; from C to F, or lay the Secant from B to F fo fhall F be the Center, and B a Point thro' which the Circle BDA is to be defcribed and then the Angle DBE will be that re- quired. As in the upper Tangents the Ra- dius CB was fitted to its Radius 45°; fo in the Secants, the Radius C B muſt be fitted to the Beginning of the Secants. 3. If the Angle had been to be made with the right Circle CB, the Tangent Complement of the required Angle CBD, muſt have been taken to find the Center. 4. If the given Point be neither at the Center, nor at the Primitive, (as E) whether the given Circle be right, or F E A B IK D GH oblique; from E (as in the 5th of VII. of this Chapter) raife GE perpendicular to (E B) the given Circle: And by the Chords make the Angle GEH equal to the Angle required to be made; draw from E a right Line ECI thro' the Center; meaſure EC on the Tangents, and lay the Tangent of the Complement of its Double, from C to I, and draw IH perpendicular to CI; fo fhall H [145] H be the Center of the Circle DEF, which defcribed thro' E, will form an Angle as re- quired. And if it had been required to make another Angle of a Magnitude different from the former: Make a plain Angle GEK equal to the required Angle, and in K, where it meets with HI, is the Center of the Circle required. For all the great Circles which paſs thro' the Point E, have their Centers in the Line IH.. IX. With a given great Circle, and from a Point of it, to defcribe a great Circle, which ſhall form any poffible Angle. ft. If the given Circle be the Primitive, and the Point given be D. From the Center, with the Tan- gent of the given Angle, and from D, with XD E E the Secant, defcribe Arches cutting one ano- ther in (E) the Center of the Circle required, which, becauſe it is to pass through D, may be deſcribed. 2. If the given Circle (See Figure of the next Page) be not the Primitive, let it be ABC, whofe Pole is D, and let the given Point be E. Then E is L the [146] the Pole of fome Circle which may be de fcribed by the III. of this Chapter, which ſuppoſe to be FGH. From D, the Pole of the given Circle A BC, defcribe a leffer Cir- cle at the Diſtance of the Meaſure, or the : L E M is Supplement of the required Angle. If this meets the Circle FGH, the Problem is poffi- ble, otherwife not; but it meets it in two Points L, M. Then make either of them a Fole of a great Circle EB, which, by the III. of this Chapter, defcribe, and it will form the Angle required. X. With two given great Circles to defcribe a third that fhall make Angles with them equal to any affigned Angles poffible, and both on the fame Side of the required Circle. 1. Let one of the affigned Angles be a right one, and the other an oblique one. Find G, the Pole of (AE) one of the given great Cir- cles [ 47 ] cles (by the III. of this Chapter). By the V. describe HFI, a leffer Circle, at a Diſtance from the Pole (G) equal to the Meaſure of the Angle to be made, or its Supplement with (AE) that Circle: If this leffer Circle meets (AD) the other given great Circle, the Problem is poffible, otherwiſe not: But M LE F A D H G it meets it in two Points (H and I). Then make either of theſe a Pole of a great Circle, which (by the III. of this Chapter) defcribe. If you take H for its Pole, it will be the right Circle L. M; the Angle at M will be a right one, and that at L equal to that required. 2. If both Angles are oblique, (See Fig. of the next Page) find G, the Pole of AD, one of them (by the III. of this Chapter) and at a Diſtance from it, equal to the Angle that required Circle is to make; with that (AD) defcribe (by the V. of this Chapter) a leffer Circle (KHF). Then at a Diſtance from (C) the Pole of (A E) the other Circle, equal to the Supple- ment to 180° of the Angle to be made by the required Circle, defcribe (by the V. of this Chapter) a leffer Circle (HNI). If this L 2 meets [ 148 ] meets the former (KHF), the Problem is pof- fible, otherwife not; but it meets it in two Points (H and I). Then make either of them a Pole of a Circle, which (by the III. of this Chapter) defcribe. If you take H for the Pole, the Circle will be LM, and it will make the Angles at L and M as requir❜d. L D M E K HING RESIDABRIOL TEND CHA P. XVI. The Use of the SECTOR in Spherical Tri- gonometry, both by Protraction and Calculation. I N the Management of this Chapter, I fhall fhew the Protraction of all the various Datas from the natural Lines. Give the Solutions to every Cafe, and the Operations of fome, particularly of the more difficult; and leave the reft for the Exercife of Beginners. I farther hint, that [149] that when Tangents are concerned, it is im- poffible to work every Example by the natu- ral Lines, without an Expence of a great deal of Time; and then it will ſcarce be done to the Satisfaction of the Quærift: But the arti- ficial Tangents being always ready, and fit for every Operation, I fhall uſe them for the moſt Part, and the natural ſparingly. Of Right-angled spherical Triangles. In every Cafe of which the right Angle is at D. I. Given (A E 50 Lo') the Hypothenufe, and an Angle (A 23-30): To find (DE) the Leg oppofite to this Angle. A B E F D G Firſt, By Protraction. Make (by the VIII. of the laſt Chap.) the Angle FAG of 23° 30′. And, by the IV. of the laſt, AE 50°, and draw the right Circle CD; then the Angle at D is a right one, and the Triangle is protracted. Therefore the other Parts A D, E D, and the Angle E, may be meaſured by the IV. and VII. of the L 3 laft. [ 150 ] K laft. The Proportion to find DE is, As the Radius is to the Sine of (A E) the Hypothe- neufe; fo is the Sine of the Angle given (A) to the Sine of (DE) its oppofite Side. Therefore, by the natural, or fectoral Sines, make the Sine of 23° 30', a Parallel at the Sine of 90°, and the Parallel at the Sine of 50°, is the Sine of (17°L47) the Anſwer. Secondly, By the Artificial Lines. The Extent from 90°, to 23°30', will reach from 50°, to the Anfwer 17°L47. II. Given (ED 17°L4%) one Leg, and (E 70° 0') the Angle adjacent: To find (AD) the Leg oppofite to it. i B E F A D G First, By Protraction. Make (by the VIII. of the laft) the Angle FEG 70° 0'; and by the Chords make DE 1747. Thro' D (by the VI. of the laſt) draw a great Circle perpendicular to DE; it will be the right Circle CD. So the Tri- angle [151] angle ADE, right-angled at D, will be conftructed as required; and now the Hypo- thenuſe A E, the Leg A D, and the Angle A, may be meaſured (by the IV. and VII. of the laſt Chapter). The Canon to find AD is, As the Radius is to the Sine of ED (17°47); fo is Tangent of (70°) the Angle E, to the Tangent of (40°L2') the Leg fought A D. 2dly, It is worth while to obferve, that if you would folve this Queſtion by the fecto- ral Sines and Tangents on the modern Sector, or on Gunter's, as he made it, you are thus to proceed; Open the Sector to the full Ex- tent, and on the Tangents take the Diſtance from 70° to 70°: Make this a Parallel at the Sine of 90 Degrees, and then take the Parallel at the Sine of 17° 47' in your Compaffes, and lay the Compaffes by: Again, open the Sector quite to its greater Opening, and with another Pair of Compaffes, take on the upper Tangents, the Diſtance from 45 to 45, and now make it a Parallel at 45 on the lower Tangents: Laftly, Take the firſt Compaffes, having the Opening you laft gave them, and draw them along the lower Tangents 'till they become a Parallel, which will be at (40°) the Anſwer. Nor is the Matter any whit the better, if with the former Sectorifts you fo vary the Proportion, that the Co-Tangents are uſed inſtead of the Tangents; and this will always happen when two Tangents are to be compared with one another, whereof the one is greater than of L4. 45°, [ 152 ] 45°, the other of lefs. Nor is it mended by the Addition of Gunter's natural Tangent on the Edge of the Sector. Laftly, Neither by Gunter's, Fofter's, Collins's, &c. can the Solution be wrought out at all, if the Num- ber falls beyond the Tangent on the Sector, without conftructing a Tangent, de novo. And the fame may be faid of comparing a Sine with a Secant. Thirdly, By the Artificial Lines. The Extent from the Radius to the Sine of 17° 47', will reach from the Tangent of 70, upwards beyond the Tangent of 45; therefore (fee the Remarks in the 8th Article of Chap. XIV.) I bring the upper Point to 45, and the other will reach below 70, where hold it faft, and bring the other Point to 70; this Opening laid from 45, will reach to the Tangent of 40°, the Anfwer. I think this one Example may fatisfy the curious Enquirer why the Sector was altered, and the artificial Lines introduced. III. Given (A D 40°) one Leg, and its oppofite Angle (70°): To find the other Angle A. Firſt, By Protraction. Draw (by the VIII. of the laft) FE, fo that it makes the Angle FEG, 70°; and fince AD is to be 40°, CA will be 50°; therefore at the Diſtance of 50° (by the V. of the laſt) defcribe [ 153 ] deſcribe H AK, a leffer Circle, cutting FE in A. Laftly, thro' A (by the VI. of the laft) draw AD perpendicular to EG; but this will be a right Circle, and the Triangle ADE will be conftructed. And then (by the IV. and VII. of the laſt Chapter) the other Angle A, the other Leg ED, and the Hypothenufe A E, may be meaſured, and fo known. H C E F/A D K G Secondly, By the Artificial Lin e Becauſe the Cofine of AD is to the Radius, as the Cofine of the Angle E, to the Sine of the fought Angle A. Therefore the Extent from the Sine of (50°), the Complement of AD (40°), to the Radius, will reach from the Sine of (20°), the Complement of the Angle E, to the Sine of (26° 31') the Angle A fought. IV. Given both the oblique Angles (A 48°, E 56°): To find the Hypothenufe. Firſt, [ 154 ] ľ First, By Protraction. Make (by the VIII. of the laft Chap.) the Angle FAG 48°; and then (by the IX. of the laſt Chap.) draw a Circle, fo that it may make an Angle with AF of 50°, and with A G, a right Angle; that is, at the Diſtance of 56° from P, the Pole of AF, deſcribe a leffer Circle HK I, which meets the primitive Circle AG in the Points H and I; then make H (or I) the Pole of a great Circle, which deſcribed (by the III. of the laft Chap.) will be, if you take H, the right Circle LCD ; and fo the Triangle ADE will be that re- quired. And then the Hypothenuſe (A E), and the Legs AD, ED, may be meaſured by the IV. and VII. of the laft Chapter. I H P K D/E #3 Secondly, By the Artificial Lines. Becauſe the Tangent of (E 56) one of the Angles, is to Tangent of (32) the Comple- ment of (48) the other Angle, as the Radius is to the Sine of the Complement of (A E) the Hypothenufe. In order to get in your Compaffes [ 155 ] Compaffes the Diſtance from the Tangent of 56°, which is above 45°, to the Tangent of 42°, which is lefs than 45°; take the Diſtance from the Tangent of 56°, one of the two, to the Radius, and lay it from 42°, the other, downwards; then take the Extent from the lower Point of the Compaffes to 45°, and it is that Diſtance fought which will reach from the Radius on the Sines, to the Sine of (37° 24') the Complement of (52° 36°) the Hy- pothenufe. V. Given (AE 50°) the Hypothenufe, and (A D 40°L 2) one Leg: To find ED the other Leg. G TO FA D B First, By Protraction. Make A D (by the IV. of the laft Chap.) 40° 2′; and thro' D (by the VI. of the laſt Chap) draw (DEG) at right Angles to AD. Then at the Diſtance of the Length A E (by the V. of the laſt Chap.) defcribe a leffer Circle meeting DG in E: Laſtly, draw AE, and the Triangle is protracted. And now: the [ 156 ] the Leg DE, and the Angles A and E, may be meaſured by the IV. and VII. of the laft Chapter. In this and the following, I have protracted the Triangles at the Center of the Primitive, in the four preceding I have pro- tracted at the Primitive: But you may ob- ferve, that, by the Doctrine of the forego- ing Chapter, you might have protracted all of theſe, either at the Center, or at the Pri- mitive, or within it, or without it, or partly within, and partly without. Secondly, By the Artificial Lines. Becauſe the Cofine of (A D) a Leg, is to the Radius, as the Cofine of (AE) the Hy- pothenufe, to the Cofine of (DE) the other Leg. The Extent on the Sines from (49° L 58') the Complement of 40°L 2′, will, on the Sines, reach from (40°) the Complement of 50°, to the Sine of (57°05′) whoſe Complement is 32 L 55', DE fought. VI. Given (AD, 40L 02; DE, 17°47′) the Legs: To find the Angle A. Firſt, By Protraction. Make (by the IV. of the laſt Chap.) A D 40°L02', and (by the VI. of the laſt Chap.) draw DEG at right Angles to AD; then (by the aforefaid IV. of the laſt Chap.) make DE 17°47′, and draw AE: So is the Tri- angle protracted. Whence (by the IV. and VII. of the laft Chapter) the Hypothenufe (A E) [ 157 ] (AE) and the Angles (A and E) may be meaſured: And fince, as the Sine of one Leg (AD) is to the Radius, as the Tangent of (ED) the other Leg, to the Tangent of (A) its oppofite Angle. E A D Secondly, By the Artificial Lines. The Extent on the Sines from 40°L 2', to the Radius, will, on the Tangents, reach from 17°47', to 26° 31'. Thefe are all the various Datas in the 16 Cafes of right- angled Sphericks, and confequently all the Varieties of Protraction. In the other 10 Cafes, whofe Protractions are already laid down, I fhall only propofe them, and give the Anfwers, and leave the Operation for the Reader's Practice. N. B. The Figure referred to in the Laft So- lution, is to be referred to in every one of the following. A Synopfis [ 158 ] A Synopfis of the Ten remaining Cafes of right- angled fpberick Triangles. VII. & VIII. Given the Hypothenufe AE 43°9′, and one Angle A 26°L 31′: To find the other Angle E, and AD, the Leg adjacent to this Angle. I. As the Radius is to the Sine of the Complement of the Hypothenufe A E; fo is the Tangent of the Angle A, to the Tan- gent of (20°) the Complement of (70°) the Angle E. 2. As the Radius is to the Sine of the Complement of the Angle A; fo is the Tan- gent of the Hypothenufe A E, to the Tan- gent of the Side A D 40°L 2'. IX. & X. Given one Leg ED 17° 47', and the adjacent Angle 70°: To find the other Angle A, and the Hypothenuſe AE. 1. As the Tangent of the Angle E, is to the Tangent of its adjacent Leg ED; fo is the Radius to the Sine (63° 29′) the Com- plement of (26°L 31) the Angle A. 2. As the Sine of the Complement of the Angle E, is to the Radius; fo is the Tangent of the Leg ED, to the Tangent of (43°19′) the Hypothenuſe. ว XI. & XII. Given one Leg A D 40°L 2', and its oppofite Angle E 70°: To find the other Leg DE, and the Hypothenufe AE. 1. As [159] 1. As the Tangent of the Angle E is to the Tangent of the oppofite. Leg AD; fo is the Radius to the Sine of (17°47′) the other Leg. 2. As the Sine of the Angle E, is to the Sine of the Leg AD; fo is the Radius to the Sine of 43°L9' the Hypothenuſe AE. XIII. Given the Angles A 26°31′, E 70°: To find a Leg A D. As the Radius is to the Sine of the Com- plement of the Angle E oppofite to the Leg fought; fo is the Tangent of the other Angle A, to the Tang. of (40°L 2) the Leg AD. XIV. & XV. Given the Hypothenufe AE 43° 9', and one Leg AD 40°L 2: To find the Angles A and E. 1. As the Tangent of the Hypothenufe A E, is to the Tangent of the Leg AD; fo is the Radius to the Sine of (63° 29′) the Complement of (26L 31) the Angle A adja- cent to the given Leg. 2. As the Sine of the Hypothenuſe is to the Radius; fo is the Sine of the Leg AD, to the Sine of (70°) the Angle E oppoſite to this Leg. XVI. Given the Legs A D 40°L 2′, DE 17°47': To find the Hypothenufe AE. As [160] As the Radius is to the Sine of (49°L 58′) the Complement of (40°L 2) A D one Lég; fo is the Sine of (72°L15) the Complement of (17°L47) DE the other Leg, to the Sine of (46° 15′) the Complement of (43° L9') the Hypothenuſe A E. Of oblique angled fpherical Triangles. XVII. Given the three Sides of a ſpherical Triangle (viz. AB 40°, AC 46°, BC 76°); To find (A, or) either of the Angles, G B F E G First, By Protraction. By the Chords make A B 40°; at the Di- ſtance BC (76°, from B deſcribe a leffer Cir- cle DCE (by the V. of the laſt Chapter); and by the fame, at the Diſtance of AC 46°, from A deſcribe a leffer Circle FCG, cutting the former in C. Laftly, thro' B and C, and alfo thro' A and C, draw the great Cir- cles BC, AC (by the II. of the laft Chap.) and the Triangle is protracted; and then either [ 161 ] either of the Angles may be meaſured by the VII. of the laſt Chapter. As to the Solution by the Sector, an Ex- ample confidered in general Terms, will, in this Cafe, perhaps, be more inſtructive than a dry Rule, tho' that Rule be afterwards exemplified. The Sides containing the required Angle are The Side oppofite to the re- quired Angle The Sum of all the Sides AB 40 AC 46 {BC 76 162 Half the Sum of all the Sides Half the Sum of all the Sides ? 81 call it S leffened by the Side oppofite os call it D to the required Angle Now the Extent of the Compaffes on the Sines, from (81) S, to (46) A C, one of the containing Sides, will reach from (40) A B, the other containing Side, to another Sine, where hold the Point faft, and carry the other to D. This fecond Opening of the Compaffes will reach on the verfed Sines from the Beginning to (128° 52') the Angle A fought. And thus this most difficult Problem in Numbers, is readily and easily folved by the artificial right Sines, and verfed Sines. Had there been nothing else to recommend thefe two Lines, but the Solution of this Problem alone, it were fufficient for them to claim a Place on the Sector; not only because they fo neatly and expo- ditiously folve the Query, but also on account M Of [162] of the great Use of this Problem in Aftronomy; and the daily Demand for its Solution by the Navigators, in order to find the Variation of the Compafs; without the Knowledge of which, it would be impoffible for them to steer their Courſe aright. XVIII. Given two Sides (AB 40°, CB 76°) and their contained Angle (B 35° 16): To find the third Side A C. B A E D First, By Protraction. Make (by the VIII. of the laft Chapter) the Angle B 35°16′; and on the Primitive lay AB 40°, and on CB lay 76° (by the IV. of the laſt Chap.) Laftly, Thro' AC (by the II. of the laſt) ſtrike the great Circle AC, and the Triangle is protracted. And there- fore the third Side A C, and the Angles A and C, may be meafured by the IV. and VII. of the laft Chap. Secondly, [163] Secondly, By the Artificial Lines. The Extent from the Radius, to the Sine of (54°44) the Complement of (35°L 16'′) the given Angle B, will reach from the Tan- gent of (40°) AB, one of the given Sides, to the Tangent of a fourth Arch. This fourth fhall be leſs than 90°, if the given Angle be lefs; but greater, when greater, provided that the preceding given Side be leſs than 90°. And then the Extent from the Sine of (55°L35) the Complement of (34°25') the preceding fourth, to the Sine of (50°) the Complement of (40°) the pre- ceding Side, will reach from the Sine of (48°25) the Complement of (41° 35') the Difference between the fecond Side (76°) and the fourth Arch (34° 25′) before found, to the Sine of (44) the Complement of (46°) A C, the Side fought. XIX. Given as above: To find the two Angles A and C. The Protraction is as before, becauſe the Data are the fame. The given Sides containing the given § BC 76 Angle are Their Sum is Their Difference is Half their Sum is AB 40 116 36 58 18 M 2 The Half their Difference is [164] The Extent on the Sines from (58°) the half Sum, to (18°) the half Difference, will reach on the Tangents from (72° 22′) the Complement of (17° 38') the Half of (35° 16') the contained Angle B, to (48° 54′) half the Difference of the oppoſite fought Angles A and C. And, The Extent on the Sines from (32°) the Complement of (58°) half the Sum of the given Sides, to (72°) the Complement of (180) half their Difference, will reach on the Tangents from (72°L 22) the Complement of (17° 38') the Half of (35°16') the given contained Angle B, to (79° 58′) half the Sum of the oppofite fought Angles. An-} 1-3 79 ° The half Sum of the oppofite An- gles A and C The half Difference of A and C The greater Angle A The leffer C 58' 48 54 128 $2 31 04 But note, that as half the Sum of the Sides AB, CB, is greater or lefs than 90°; half the Sum of the oppofite Angles A and C, fhall accordingly be greater or leſs than 90°. Et vice verfa. XX. But if the fame Things are given, and all the three unknown Parts (viz. the Bafe A C, and the two Angles A, C) are fought; which is very frequent in Aftro- nomy. Firſt (by the XIX.) find the two An- gles A and C, and then, the Extent on the Sines [ 165 ] Sines from (48° 54) the half Difference of thofe Angles, to (79° 58′) their half Sum, will reach from the Tangent of (18°) half the Difference of the Legs BC, AC, to the Tangent of (23°) half the Bafe. XXI. Given two Angles (A 128°L 52′, B 35° 16′) and the interjacent Side ( A B 40°): To find (A C, BC) the other two Sides. (See the last Figure). Firſt, By Protraction. Make by the Chords A B 40°; and (by the VIII. of the laſt Chap.) defcribe B CE, to make the Angle B 35° 16', and AD to make the Angle BAD 128° 52', or the Angle DAE 51°L8', and the Triangle ABC is protracted; and confequently the Legs AC, BC, and the Angle C, may be meaſured by the IV, and VII. of the laft Chapter. The Computation by the artificial Lines in this and the following, is in all refpects the fame with Article XIX. and XX. by changing the Angles into Sides, and the Sides into Angles, fave that inſtead of the interjacent Side, and its oppofite Angle, you muſt take their Sup- plements to 180°. For, 1 M 3 The [ 166 ] The given Angles Their Sum Their Difference Half their Sum Half their Difference A 128° 52′ C 35 16 164 08 93 36 8204 46 48 Then the Extent on the Sines from (82° 4) half the Sum of the given Angles, to (46° 48') half their Difference, will reach on the Tangents from (20°) the Half of (40°) the given Side, to (15°) half the Difference of the fought Legs ACB. And, The Extent on the Sines from (7°L 56′) the Complement of (82°L4′) half the Sum of the given Angles, to (43°12′) the Com- plement of (46°48′) half the Difference of the given Angles, will reach on the Tangents from (20°) the Half of (40°) the given Side, to (61°) half the Sum of the fought Legs. Half the Sum of the fought Legs 61° Half their Difference 15 The greater Leg BC 76 The leffer AC 4.6 N. B. Obferve the Note in the XIXth. XXII. Given [167] XXII. Given as before: To find all the three unknown Parts, viz. the Angle C, and the Legs AC, BC. Firſt, By the former find the Legs AC, BC: And then the Extent of the Compaffes on the Sines from (15°) half the Difference of thoſe Legs, to (61) half their Sum, will reach on the Tangents from (46°L 48′) half the Difference of the Angles, to (74.°L 28') the Complement of (15° 32') the Half of (31°4') the Angle C fought: But the An- gle C might have been found without the Legs (as in the XIX) if you had changed the Side AB, and its oppofite Angle C, for their Supplements, to 180°; and then called the Angles Sides, and the Sides Angles. XXIII. Given two Sides AB 49, AC 46, and an Angle B 35° 16', oppofite to AB, one of them: To find the other three un- known Parts, viz. the Side BC, and the Angles A, C. (See the following Figure). First, By Protraction. Make by the Chords A B 40°; draw BG fo that the Angle B may be 35°16′, by the VIII. of the laft. At the Diſtance of AC 46°, defcribe about the Pole A, the leffer Circle DCE meeting BG in C. Laftly, thro' A and C draw the great Circle ACF, and the Triangle is laid down; and then the unknown M 4 [168] unknown Parts may be meaſured by the IV. and VII. of the laft. Now, D G B E F Becauſe Sines of Angles are as the Sines of their oppoſite Sides, the Extent on the Sines from (46°) the Side AC, to (35°16') its oppofite Angle B, will reach from (40°) the Side A B, to (31°L4) the Angle C. The other Side BC, and its oppofite An- gle A, may be found by the latter Parts of the XX. and XXII, XXIV. Given two Angles, A 128°L 52′, B 35° 16' and BC 76°, a Side oppofite to one of them: To find the other three un- known Parts. Make the Angle B 35°L 16' (by the VIII. of the laſt Chap.) and cut off BC 76° (by the IV. of the laft Chap.). Then (by the IX. of the laſt Chap.) from C fo draw the great Circle ACE, that it may make the Angle CAB 128 L 52', or the Ångle DAE 51° 8'; and fo will the Triangle be con- °18'; ftructed; [169] ftructed and what's unknown may be mea- ; fured (by the IV. and VII. of the laſt Chap.) D B A E By the Artificial Sines. The Extent from (51°L8) the Supple- ment of (128° 52') the Angle A, to 180° to (76°) the Side B C oppofite to it, will reach from 35° 16') the Angle B, to (46°) its oppoſite Side B C. BC The Angle C, and its oppofite Side A B, may be found by the latter Parts of the XX. and XXII. XXV. Given all the Angles, A 128° 52', B 35° 16′, C 31°L4: To find a Side AC. (See the following Figure). First, By Protraction. Make (by the VIII. of the laſt Chap.) the Angle B 35° 16'; and (by the X. of the laft Chap.) draw A K fo that it may make the Angle A 128° 52′, and the Angle C 31°L4; then the Triangle will be laid down, and [ 170 ] and the Sides may be meaſured by the IV. of the laſt Chapter. B A K Secondly, By the Artificial Lines. The Solution is the fame with the XVII. provided that you change one of the Angles adjacent to the Side fought, no matter which, into its Supplement to 180°; and then call the Angles Sides, and the Sides Angles. Here I change the Angle A. The Angles adjacent to the 551° 08′ A fought Side are The third Angle The Sum of all the Angles Half the Sum of all the Ang. Half the Sum leffened by the Angle oppofite to the re- quired Side is 31 04 С 35 16 B 117 28 58 44 S 23 28 D Now the Extent of the Compaffes on the Sines from (8°L44′) S, to (51°L8′) A, one of the adjacent Angles, will reach from (31° [ 171 ] (31°4') C, the other adjacent Angle, to another Sine, where hold the Point faſt, and carry the other, Point to D. This fecond Opening of the Compaffes will reach on the verfed Sines from the Beginning, to (46°) the Side fought. BRYONIC STED CHA P. XVII. The Use of the Sector in the Projection of the Sphere. W Firſt, In the Orthographick. [See Fig. of Orthographick Projection.] ITH any convenient Radius de- fcribe a Circle reprefenting the ge- neral Meridian, which divide into four equal Parts by the Diameters. EQ, PS. EQ reprefenting the Equinoctial Circle, PS reprefenting the 6 o' Clock Hour Circle, and the Axis of the Sphere. Divide each of thefe 4 Quarters of the Meridian in- to 90°, and number every 10th from E to- wards the Poles, and from the Poles towards Q, by the Figures 10, 20, 30, &c. From E and Q towards the Poles, count 23 and draw the ftrait Lines marked s F, G; thefe will reprefent the Tropicks of Cancer and Capricorn: And parallel to thefe, draw ftrait Lines thro' every whole Degree between them; and theſe will reprefent the Parallels ΟΙ 20 of [172] of the Sun's Declination. The fame may be done for all the other Parallels, and they will divide the Lines CP, CS, into Lines of Sines; draw C, and it will reprefent the Ecliptick. Make CE, or CQ, Radius on the Sines; and by it, from the Sector, make CE, CQ, Cs, C, Lines of Sines divided into every Degree, if there be Room enough. Then, making the Half of each of thefe Parallels of Declination a Radius, make them Lines of Sines from SP, both upwards and downwards: And thro' thefe Divifions, at every 15th Degree of the Equinoctial, draw fmoothly a crooked Line, and they will repreſent the Hour Lincs; which, towards P, the North Pole, are numbered to anſwer the Morning Hours; thofe towards S, the Evening ones. The Semicircle SEP denot- ing the Mid-day Hour Circle, or 12 at Noon. Produce the Tropicks to H and K, to L and I; fo fhall the Spaces between K and L, H and I, be for the Kalender; K and H de- noting the 10th of December, and L and I the 10th of June. Seek in a Table what is the Sun's Declina- tion at the End of December; and againſt that Declination draw a Line, or Divifion, in the Kalender; and alfo feek the Sun's Declination for the laft Moment of January, and againſt the Parallel of this Declination, draw a Divifion in the Kalender, and the Month of January falls wholly between thefe two Divifions: And the like may be done for every other Month; and alfo for every Day, or every fifth Day, according to the Room [ 173 ] Room in the Inftrument. Thus far the In- ftrument is univerfal. , If you would reſtrain it to a particular La- titude, count the Latitude in the Meridian SEP from E, according as it is North or South In this Example it is for London, in the Latitude of 51° 32′ North, reprefented by Z. Draw the prime Vertical Z CN, and at right Angles to it, the Horizon HC, and divide them as the Equinoctial is divided; and parallel to the Horizon, at 18° below it, draw T W, it will be the Line between the enlightened and dark Hemiſphere; divide it as the 18th Parallel of Declination is divided. This is ufed in fhewing the Time of Day- break. Laftly, If the Lines ZC, HC, TW, were Rulers of Brafs fix'd to one another, and another is made to flide on CZ, the whole would be univerfal, and capable to folve all ſpherical Problems relating to the diurnal Motion of the Sun, and of as many of the Stars alfo, as you pleafe to put on it. Some of the more obvious Ufes of this Projection. By the Day of the Month, the Sun's Place, or right Afcenfion, may be found the De- clination; by the right Afcenfion may be found the Flace, Et vice verfa. When the Latitude is (51° 32') known as well as the Day of the Month, which let be the 29th of July, when the Sun is in 16° of Leo, and fo has 15° Declination, and his right Afcen- tion is 8 54. Then the Meridian Altitude is HA [174] HA 53°30', the Midnight Depreffion is Bb 23°30', the afcenfional Difference is CG 126, the femidiurnal Arch is AD h h h 26′ (and fo the Length of the Day 14 52), the feminocturnal Arch is DB 4 34', (and fo the Length of the Night is 9" 8'), the Amplitude CD is 27°L 50'; and from the End of Twilight, to Midnight, is 1" 56′, and fo the whole Length of real Night is 3h 52'; and from Day-break, to the End of Twilight, is 2oli 8'. If the Sun's Altitude were given 17°, draw a Line thro' 17° of C z, parallel to the Ho- rizon Hb; and where it cuts the Parallel of the Declination, as in O, you will find by Inſpection, the Hour of the Day; and the Diſtance R. O laid on the Parallel of the La- titude of 17°, fhews the Azimuth. And if the Inftrument had been fitted as before di- rected, theſe latter, with others, had been done eaſier and exacter. This, with the Projection uſed in the Conftruction of folar Eclipfes, are the Principal in the Orthogra- phick. 1 Of the Stereographick Projection. [See Fig. of the Stereographick Projection.] The two following are the moſt remark- able; the one on the Plain of the general Meridian, and the other on the Plain of the Horizon; tho' the Sphere may be projected on the Plain of any Circle. Deſcribe a Circle to reprefent the general Meridian, quarter it, divide it, and number it as the foregoing. Lay the Tangent of half [ 175 ] half 75° from C towards E, which gives a Point, thro' which, and the Poles S, P, a Circle is to paſs to reprefent the Hour Circle of XI. and I.; lay the Tangent of (15°) its Complement, from C towards Q, it gives the Center; and therefore you may defcribe the Circle. Again, Lay the Tangent of half 60°, from C towards E, which gives a Point, thro' which, and the Poles, the Hour Circle of X. and II. paffes: And its Center is had by laying the Tangent of 30°, the Complement of 60°, downwards from C towards Q; and therefore the Circle may be defcribed. And in like Manner you may proceed to lay the Tangents of half 45, 30, 15 upwards; and the Tangents of (45, 60, 75) their Comple- ments downwards, to find the Centers, and then deſcribe the Circles: And, as you have drawn the Circles in one Semicircle, turn the Paper and draw them in the other Semi- circle. If the Plain be large, and you have Room enough, you may bring in every 5th Degree, and you will have the Circles to every 20th Minute in Time; and every two Diviſions will anfwer to 10° in Motion. Laſt- ly, Subdivide by the Tangents of the half Degrees, 'till you have divided the Equino- ctial ECQ into 90°. The Parallels of La- titude have their Centers in the Six o' Clock Hour Circle produced. So, would I defcribe the Parallel of 40°, I take the Tangent of 50°, its Dift. from the Pole; and one Foot placed on 40 in the Meridian, I turn the other about 'till it falls on the 6 o' Clock Hour Cir- cle produced, that is its Center, therefore de- fcribe [ 176 ] fcribe it. In like Manner defcribe the reft of them with the two Tropicks and polar Circles. The Tropick of Cancer is mark'd I; that of Capricorn w H. Laftly, draw HC the Ecliptick, and divide it from C to, and from C to H by the Tangents of half the Degrees: And do the like from C to P, and from C to S. you If would reſtrain it to a particular Latitude, draw the prime Vertical and the Horizon, and divide them as C P is divided; 18° beneath the Horizon, draw a Parallel to determine the Beginning and End of Twi- light; which, if you pleafe, you may divide into 18 equal Parts, reprefenting every 10th Degree of Azimuth. As to the Ufes of this Projection, they are fo much like the former, that I fhall refer you to them: But take no- tice, that this, as well as the preceding, might be made univerfal. The other Projection I fhall fhew how to lay down by the Sector, is very frequently ufed in Dials, both fix'd and portable. It is a Projection on the Plain of the Horizon. [See Projection on the Plain of the Horizon.] Deſcribe a Circle, quarter it, and divide it, and number it from A to B and D, and from a to B and D. A a is the Meridian, and BC and DC the prime Verticals. Lay the Tangent of half (51° 30′) the Latitude of the Place, from C to E; then is E the Point where the Meridian and Equinoctial interfect each other. Lay the Tangent of half (38° 28′) the Complement of the Lat. from [ 177 ] from C towards a, it will give the Center to defcribe the Equinoctial, and it will pafs thro' E, B, and D. Lay the Tangent of half (38°28') the Complement of the La- titude, from C towards a, viz. to P, and it is the Pole; and therefore a Point thro which all the Hour Circles are to pafs. Lay the Tangent of the Latitude from C, on CA, and it will give CF, the Center of the 6 o' Clock Hour Circle, which will paſs thro' B, P, and D. At right Angles to FC, at F draw GFH, in which are the Centers of all the Hour Circles. Make PF the Radius, and from F, both Ways, lay off the Tangents of 15, 30, 45. Then make PF a Radius on the upper Tangents, and lay off, both Ways, from F, the Tangents of 60° 75' ; and theſe ſhall be the Centers to strike the Hour Circles thro' the Pole P. If theſe Tangents had been laid down to every 7° 30', the half Hour Circles would have been defcribed: And, if they had been laid down to every 10° they would have reprefented Meridians to every 10°. Now make again the Radius of the Primitive, a Radius on the Chords. The Parallels of Declination may be drawn (by the 5th Prop. of the 15th Chap.) But for this Work the Parallels are very eaſily defcribed: For, take their Diſtance from the elevated Pole, and take alfo the Complement of the Latitude, and find their Sum, and alfo their Diff. Then lay the Tangent of half their Diff. from C towards A, it will give the Point where this Parallel cuts the Meridian; alfo lay the Tangent of the half N Sum [178] Sum from C´on Ca; and from this Point to the former, bifect the Diſtance, and it fhall be the Center of the Parallel, which therefore may be deſcribed. The Examples fhall be the two Tropicks. Firſt, The Tropick of Cancer is 66° 30' diftant from the Pole, and the Complement of the Latitude 38° 30'; their Sum is 105°, and their Difference is 28°. Therefore lay the Tangent of half 28° from C to 5, and the Tangent of half 105°, from C to K. Then find the Middle of K, which is L; from L, with the Diſtance L, defcribe MN, and it is the Parallel required. Alfo the Tropick of Capricorn is diftant from the elevated Pole 113° 30', and the Complement of the La- titude is 31° 30': Their Sum is 152°, and their Difference is 75°. Therefore lay the Tangent of half 152° from C, beyond a, to R, and the Tangent of half 75° from C to о . Then find the Middle, which is 1, and with the Diſtance I, from I defcribe S v T, and it is the Parallel required. In like man- ner the other Parallels of Declination were defcribed; But you may obferve, that, if this Projection had been made for any Place in the Torrid Zone, fuppofe for the Latitude of 23° North, the half Tangent of C, as well as of CK, muft be laid on Ca: And the fame muſt be obferved of every Parallel that falls between the Zenith and the elevated Pole; but where the Diſtance of the Parallel is 180° from the Zenith, that Parallel will be a ftrait Line. The [179] The two Arches reprefenting the two Halves of the Ecliptick, were thus defcribed. The Diſtance from C to, was the Tan- gent of half 28°; and therefore (by the IV. of the XVth Chap.) lay the Tangent of 62°, its Complement, from C to V, and it gives the Center from whence B D may be de- fcribed. The Diſtance from C to v was the Tangent of half 75°; therefore lay the Tan- gent of 15°, its Complement, from C to W, and it is the Center to defcribe B ✨ D. Theſe two reprefent the two Halves of the Ecliptick. For the Poles of the Ecliptick, fince is diffant from C by the Tangent of half 28°, lay the Tangent of half 62°, its Complement from C to X; then a Ruler laid from X to the feveral Divifions in the primitive Semi- circle BAD, will divide B D. And in like manner, fince is diftant from C by the Tangent of half 75°, lay the Tangent of half 15°, its Complement from C to y; and then a Ruler laid from y to the feveral Divi- fions in BAD, will divide B D into the like Divifions. Put on a Kalender between M and S, N and T, as taught in the firſt Example of this Chapter. Laftly, divide C a into a Line of half Tangents running to 90° and alfo a Line of Shadows; or rather fit a divided Scale to turn about on C. N 2 CHAP. [180] SAINOSEOBIUS? CHA P. XVIII. The Conftruction and Ufe of the Lines of T Latitudes and Hours. HESE Lines are placcd near the Edges of the Sector, and properly belong to the plain Scale, but are often laid down on the Sector for their Uſe in readily drawing the Hour Lines on any plain Dial. The Line of Hours is thus conftructed: Having refolved on your Radius, make it a Parallel at the Tangent of 45. Take the parallel Tangent of 15°, and lay it both Ways from III to II. and IV. And lay the parallel Tangent of 30° from III. to I. and V. And of 45° from III. to o and VI. And fo the whole Hours will be laid down. If you would draw it to every 5th Minute, or nearer, you may do it by allowing 15° to every Hour, or 15' a Quarter of a Degree, in Motion to every Minute in Time. And it is evident, that this Line is two Lines of Tangents, running upwards and downwards. from the Middle, numbered III. but reduc'd to Time. The [181] The Line of Latitudes may be conſtructed thus: Make the whole Line of Hours the Radius of a Semicircle ABDC. At the Ends of a Plate the Diameter raiſe the Perpendiculars AE, F: 63 DF, and make them Lines of Sines to the fame Radius. From the Center, to the feveral Divifions in theſe Sines, draw ftrait Lines, meeting the Periphery, in as many Points, which number with the Numbers correfpondent to them on the Lines of Sines. Raiſe CB perpendicular, and lay a Ruler crofs it from the like Numbers in the Arch, and it will cut CB into a Line of Latitudes. See Fig. 63. The Line of Latitudes may be thus con- ftructed: Take the Line of Hours and make it a parallel Sine of 90°. Then, for any Divi- fion, fuppofe that of 35°. Take the crural Sine of 35°, and lay it on the crural Tan- gent, and you will find it give on the Tan- gents 29°50′; the parallel Sine of which gives the Diſtance of 35° from the Beginning of the Line: And fo for any other Degree. But the fame Line may be thus conftru- cted by the Tables of natural Sines, and the Line of Lines on the Sector. ว The natural Sine of 35° is 5735764, which fought among the Tangents, gives 29 L 50', and the natural Sine of 29° 50' is 4974787. Open the Sector 'till the Line of Hours is a Parallel to the whole Line of Lines. And then the Parallel of 4974787, will be the N 3 Diſtance [182] Diſtance to be laid down from the Beginning of the Line, to the Divifion repreſenting 35 And in the fame Manner may any other Divifion be laid down. The Ufe of thefe Lines will be manifeft from the two following Examples. ift. To draw an horizontal Dial for any Latitude, fuppofe 54 N. Draw C, XII, to reprefent the Meridian, and it is the Hour 2 VI VII N V B VI 6 VI 5 VIL IV چی a D 3 VIII IX I Line of 12. I XII XI X Croſs it at right Angles by AB, and it gives the Hour Lines of 6 and 6. Take from the Line of Latitudes, the Latitude of the Place, fuppofe that of London 51N; and lay [183] lay it on the 6 o' Clock Hour Lines from C to A and B. Take the whole Line of Hours in your Compaffes, and one Foot in B, or A, turn the other about 'till it falls in the Meridian, as here in D; and draw DA, DB; and on DA, DB, transfer the Divi- fions from the Line of Hours. Then Lines drawn from C thro' thofe Divifions, will be the Hour Lines fought. The Stile meets the Plain in C, and ſtanding over the Meridian C, XII, makes an Angle with it of 511, the Latitude of London. The Hours 4, 5, before 6 in the Morning, and 7 & 8 after 6 in the Evening, are drawn by continuing their oppofite Hour Lines 4, 5 in the Afternoon, and 7, 8 in the Forenoon, beyond the Cen- ter. In like manner may a direct South or North Dial be drawn, omitting thofe Lines that would be uſeleſs. 2dly. To defcribe a vertical declining Dial. Let the Example be for a South Dial, de- clining 20° Weftward, in the Latitude of 51 / North. In order to this, there are three Things neccffary, which may very readily be ob- tained by the artificial Sines and Tangents. Ift. The Extent from the Sine of (51) the Latitude to the Sine of 90°, will reach from the Tangent of (20°) the Declination, to the Tangent of the Plain's Difference of Longitude 24° 57'. N4 2dly. [ 184 ] 2dly. The Extent from the Sine of 90°, to the Sine of 65°L 3', the Complement of 24° 57', the Plain's Difference of Longi- tude, will reach from the Tangent of 38° 1, the Complement of (51°) the Latitude, to the Tangent of 35°48′ the Stile's Height. 3dly. The Extent from the Radius to the Sine of the Stile's Height, will reach from the Tangent of (24°L57) the Plain's Dif- ference of Longitude, to the Tangent of (15°13') the Subftile's Diſtance from the Meridian. Now, becauſe the Plain's Difference of Longitude is 24°57', which reduced to 'Time, is 1h 40' neareft, I perceive that the Subftile falls between the one and two o' Clock Hour Lines: And one Hour being taken away, in order to find the Hour' Line, next to the Subftile you have left 40'. Draw A C perpendicular to the Horizon, to repreſent the 12 o' Clock Hour Line. With it from C make an Angle of 15°13′, by the Line of Chords, by drawing the Line CB; and this muſt be to the right Hand, becauſe the Declination is Weftward. This CB is the fubftilar Line. Draw DCE per- pendicular to CB; and from the Line of Latitudes, take 35° 48', the Stile's Height, and lay it from C to D. Take the whole Line of Hours in your Compaffes, and with one Foot in D, turn the other about 'till it falls on the Subftile CB, as here in B, and draw [185] draw DB. Make the Angle CBE equal to the Angle CBD. Transfer the Divifions of the Line of Hours, on DB and BE: Then count from B towards D; and alfo D MII 8 C 11 IX E 7 VII 6 VI M A 1 B X XI XI II I N from E towards B, 40', 1h 40', 2h 40', 3h 40', 4h 40', 5h 40', &c. and thro' thefe and C, fhall the Hour Lines be drawn: And in like manner might the Halfs and Quarters be laid down. For Example; The Plain's Difference of Longitude is 1h 40', from which take away th all the Hours, Halfs, and Quarters, and there will be left 10'; to this add continu- ally 15', and you have 10', 25', 40′, 55', 1h 1o, 1h 25, 1h 40', &c. to prick from the Line of Hours on the Lines BD, E B. I And [186] And then Lines drawn thro' thefe Points and C, are the Lines for the Hours, Halfs, and Quarters. Laftly, the Stile muſt meet the Plain at C, and ſtanding on CB, muft make an Angle with it of 35°48'. CHAP. XIX. To draw the Lines on the Dials in the laft Chapter, by the Line of Sines, and Lower Tangents, &c. And firft for the hori- zontal Dial. AVING drawn the Meridian Line, Hand crofs'd it at right Angles by the Line AB; take any conveni- ent Diſtance CD, and make it a parallel Sine of 90°. Then lay the Sine of the Latitude from C to A and B: And com- pleat the Rectangles A CDE, BCDF; the Sector ftill retaining the fame Opening, lay the Tangent of 15°, 30°, 45°, from A and B, to E and F. Now, making DE, or DF, Radius, lay the Tangent of 15°, 30, 45, from D. on DE and DF. Laſtly, from C, thro' theſe Points, draw Lines, and they will be the Hour Lines. In like manner the Halfs and Quarters, or Minutes, may be laid down, allowing according to the Pro- portion [187] portion of 15° to an Hour, 7°30′ for half an Hour, and ſo on. VIII N VIII C VI VI A B 15 15 V N VIII 30 30 VIII E FIX 3/0 15 D15 30 II I XII XI XIX 2dly. For the declining Dial. Having, as in the laſt Chapter, prick'd down the ſubſti- lar Line, take any convenient Diſtance from C thereon, as CB for the Radius; and croſs it at right Angles in B and C. Then make CB a parallel Radius on the Sines, and take the parallel Sine of 35°48′, the Stile's Height, and lay it from B to D and E, and from C to F and G, and draw FD, GE, compleating the Rectangle D EGF. Make DB the Radius of a Line of Tangents. The Plain's Difference of Longitude being 24 57', take from it 15° as often as poffible, and there will be left 9°L 57; to this add 15° as °L often [188] often as the Reſult will be leſs than 45″, and you will have 9° 57′, 24° 57′, 39° 57'. To the Radius B D, take the Tangents of theſe, and lay them from B towards D. G F VIII VII VI E B IX D IV X XI XII I II I O 3dly. Take 9° 57′ from 15°, and there is left 5°3'; to this add 15° continually, as often as the Refult will be less than 45 and you will have 5° 3', 20° 3', 35°3': Of thefe, to the former Radius BD, take the Tangents and lay them from B towards E. 4thly. Make FD, or GE, Radius, and lay the Tangents of the former Degrees, viz. of 9°57', 24° 57', 39° 57', from G towards E: And the Tangents of the lat- ter Degrees, viz. of 5°L3, 20°L 3', 35° L3', from F towards D. Laftly, [ 189 ] Laftly, Thro' thefe Points from C, ſtrait Lines drawn are the Hour Lines. If you had a Mind to bring in the Quar- ters, you muſt, from 24°57', the Plain's Difference of Longitude, take 15°, 7°L 30′, °45', as often as poffible, and then you have left 2° 27′; to this add 3°45′ con- tinually, as often as the Reſult will be lefs than 45°, viz. 6° 12′, 9°57′, 13 °L 42′, 3 17 L27, &c. and lay their Tangents from B to D. Then fubtract 2°L27 from 3°L 45', there is left 1°L18; to which add 3° L45' as before, and lay the Tangents of the Sums from B to E. The former alfo, with GE Radius, muſt be laid from G to E, and the latter from F to D, and you will have Points to draw the Hours, Halfs, and Quar- ters thro'. The fame may be done from the Meridian, and without the Ufe of the fubftilar Line: But first you muſt find the Angle made by the 6 and the 12 o' Clock Lines; thus the Extent on the Sines from the Radius, to the Sine of the Declination, will reach from the Tangent of the Latitude, to the Tangent of (23° 16') the Complement of (66°L44) the Angle fought. Having drawn CE the Hour Line of 12, make with the Chords the Angle E CD (66° 44') equal to that made by the 12 and 6 Hour Lines. And lay CD to the right Hand, becauſe the Declination is South-Weft. With any convenient Radius, make CE the Sine of [ 190 ] of (70°) the Complement of (20°) the De- clination: And CN the Sine of (38°L 30') the Complement of (51) the Latitude. And draw N G parallel to CE, cutting CD in D. 1 K IXH E D N HVII VI G IV X XI XII I II III Compleat the Parallelogram CDGE; con- tinue G E 'till EH be equal to it; and draw from Ha Line parallel to CE. Make GE, or EH, a Radius on a Line of Tangents; and lay from E towards G and H, 150 and 30', for the Hours of 10, 11, 1, 2. Alfo make DG Radius, and lay the Tangents of 15° and 30°, from D and H towards G and N, and divide H K, as G N is divided, as far as the T * [ 191 ] the Plain will bear it. And draw Lines from C to theſe ſeveral Diviſions, and alſo to the Angles G and H, and you have the Hour Lines required. The Stile is to form an An- gle, and to be feated as in the laft Operation. You might have proceeded to lay down the Halfs and Quarters, or, indeed, the Minutes, as in the firſt Example of this Chapter. Here hath been confidered the Ufe of the Sector in drawing the Hour Lines on Dials, having the Pole confiderably elevated above them: It remains to fhew how, by the fame. Lines, to draw Dials that are polar, or have the Pole very little elevated above them. The Example ſhall be for a full Eaſt Dial, in the Latitude of 51 1. I IV V VI VIVIX X N V VI VII VILL IX C X 10 XI F B XI Draw [ 192 ] Draw the horizontal Line CB, and, by the Chords, make the Angle CBA (38) the Complement of the Latitude, and A B will reprefent the Equator. Chufe two Points, E and F, near the Extremities of A B, thro' which draw the Lines XI, XI, IV, ÍV, at right Angles to AB: And they may repre- fent the Hours of 4 and 11 in the Morning. Make, by the Help of the Chords, the Angle EFG 15°, and the Angle FEG 60°. Make GE a Radius on the Sines, and lay the Sine of 30° from E to D, and draw DG. Make GD a Radius on the Tangents, and lay the Tangent of 15° from 6 to 5 and 7; and the Tangent of 30° from 6 to 4 and 8: Of 45° from 6 to 9. Make GD the Tangent of 30°, and lay the Radius correfponding to it, from D to 10. Thro' thefe feveral Points draw right Lines at right Angles to the Equa- tor, and they will be the Hour Lines. The Stile muſt ſtand on DG, the 6 o'Clock Hour Line; it muſt be parallel to it, and at the Diſtance D 9. If you had ufed the Tangents of 7°30', 15°, 22°L 30', &c. inftead of 22°30', 15°, 30°, &c. you would have drawn the Hours and Halfs. Laftly, Let it be required to draw an up- right Dial for the Latitude of 51° 1, having 80° of Weſt Declination from the South, whofe Requifites, by the preceding Doctrine, will be found to be as follow, viz. the Plain's Difference of Longitude 86°L 5', the Subftile's Diſtance from the Meridian (38° L24) the Height of the Stile 3°L 7. If [ 193 ] If the Meridian Line be introduced on this Dial, almoſt all the reft of the Hour Lines will fall fo very near the Subftile, that they will be of very little Ufe. It is therefore the beſt Way to bring in fome of the more ufe- ful Lines at a competent Diſtance, tho' you lofe one or two, which would difcommode the Dial in general. In this Example, let it be propofed to bring on all the Lines, after one o' Clock. Let the Plain on which the Dial is to be drawn, be ABCD. In the horizontal Line CI IV V VI VII VIR D 2 4 8 , EXG A H M V IV I IB AB, take the Point E at Pleaſure towards the left Hand, becauſe it is a South-west Decliner; O and, [194] and, with a Line of Chords, make the Angle FEB of (38° 24') the Subftile's Diſtance from the Meridian: So will E F be the Equator. Affume any two Points, G and H, in it to denote the Place of the extream Hour Lines in this Equator. From (86° 5) the Plain's Difference of Longitude, fubtract 15° continually, and you will have the Re- mainders 71°5', 56°L 5′, 41°L 5', 26°L 5', 11°5', anfwering to the Hours 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. And 11°L5 taken from 15°, leaves 3° 55'; to which add 15° as often as there is Occafion, and you will have 3°55′, 18° L55', 33°55', for the Hours of 6, 7, 8, Make with the Chords, the Angle FG I, of 18° 55', the Complement of 71°L 5', which reprefents one o' Clock, and the Angle EHI of 56°L 5', the Complement of 33°55′, an- fwering to 8 o' Clock. And from I, where thefe Lines meet, let fall to EF the Perpen- dicular IK, and it is the Subftile. Make IK a Radius on the Tangents, and lay the Tan- gents of 3° 55', 18° 55', 33° 55', from L K to 6, 7, 8. Alfo lay the Tangents of 11°L5′, 26°L5', 41°L5', &c. from K to 5, 4, 3, &c. Lay the Tangent of 3°L7', the Stile's Height, from K to L, and draw IL. To this let fall a Perpendicular from K, and on it lay IK from K to M. And draw M N parallel to IL; fo will MN be the Stile. Take any other Point (as O) in the Subftile, and thro' O draw IR parallel to EF. Make the neareſt Diſtance from O to the Stile MN, a Radius on the Tangents. And then lay the [ 195 ] the Tangents of 3° 55', 18° 55', 33°55', from 0 to 6, 7, 8; and the Tangents of 11°L5′, 26°15', 41°L5', &c. from 0 to 5, 4, 3, &c. Laftly draw right Lines thro' 1, 1; 2, 2; 3, 3; 4, 4, &c. and they will be the Hour Lines required. The Stile muft ſtand right over IK; its neareſt Diſtance from K, muſt be K M equal to IK; and its neareſt Diſtance to O, muſt be OR, the Radius ufed in laying down the Divifions on PQ. In this, as in other Dials, the Halfs and Quarters might have been brought in by allowing 7° 30' for half an Hour, and 3°45' for a Quarter. If the Line KI be too great for the Radius of the upper Tangents, uſe the lower Tan- gents, as taught in the XIIth Chapter, at Sect. XIII. CHA P. XX. A bort Account of thofe Lines which were formerly put on the Sector, but are 1. now omitted. 0 T HE Line of Quadrature; it is known generally by the Letter Q at the End of the Sector, and its punch'd Holes mark'd Q, 90, 5, 6; S, 7, 8, 9, 10, downwards. 0 2 From [ 196 ] From the Center to the Hole Q, is the Side of a Square equal to the whole Length of the Line of Lines. And from the Center to the Holes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, give the Sides of 5 fided, 6 fided, 7 fided, &c. regu- lar Polygons, each of which contains exactly as much as the preceding Square. The Di- ftance from the Center to the Hole S, is the Radius of a Circle, whofe Area is equal to the aforefaid Square. And the Diſtance from the Center to 90, is the Part of the Periphery of the Circle to the fame Radius. I + The Problems performed on this Line, are ufually theſe four. 1ft. The Radius (AB) of a Circle being given; to find the Side of a (Pentagon, or B AOMO G -D F Բ G- F other) regular Polygon of equal Area with the Circle: Make A B a Parallel at S. And then the Parallel at the Hole numbered (5) anfwerable to the Number of the Sides of the Polygon, is (CD) the Side of the Poly- gon fought. 2dly. Given CD the Side of (a Pentagon, or) any regular Polygon; to find the Side of (a Hexagon, [197] (a Hexagon, or) any other regular Polygon, or the Radius of a Circle, having Area's, each equal to the Area of the Polygon given. Make (CD) the Side of the given Polygon, a Parallel at (5) the Number de- noting its Sides; then will the Parallel at (6 or 8) the Number denoting the Sides of the Polygon, be (EF, ef) the Side fought; and the Parallel at S will be (A B) the Ra- dius fought. 3dly. Given (AB) the Radius of a Circle; to find the Length of a quadrantal Arch of that Circle. Make (A B) the given Radius, a Parallel at S; and then the Parallel at 90 fhall be (GH) the quadrantal Arch fought. 4thly. Given (GH) the Length of a qua- drantal Arch of a Circle; to find the Radius. Make (GH) the Length of the quadrantal Arch, a Parallel at 90; and the Parallel at S will be (A B) the Radius fought. II. The Line of infcribed Bodies. It is known by punch'd Holes mark'd T, O, C, I, S, D (downward towards the Center) denoting by their Diſtances from the Center, the Proportions of the Sides of the 5 regular Bodies infcribed in a Sphere, whofe Ra- dius is equal to the Distance from the Center to S. So T, O, C, I, S, D, denote the Te- trahedron, the Octohedron, the Cube, the Ifcofahedron, the Semidiameter of the Sphere, the Dodecahedron. The Problems performed on this Line, are theſe two. 0 3 ift. The [ 198 ] If. The Radius (IK) being given; to find the Side of (an Octohedron, or of) any of the 5 regular Bodies infcribed in it. Make IK a Parallel at S; and then a Parallel at (0) the Letter denoting the regular Body, will be (LM) the Side of it. I L P hd hd d K Q M zaly. The Side (LM) of (an Octohedron, or) any regular Body being given, to find the Side of (an Ifcofahedron) any other of the regular Bodies; or the Semidiameter of the Sphere, in which they may be both in- fcribed. Make LM a Parallel at (0) the Letter denoting the regular Body, whofe Side is given, and then will the Parallel at (1) the Letter denoting the regular Body, whofe Side is fought, be (PQ) that Side fought; and the Parallel at S will be the Radius of that Sphere, in which they may be both in- fcribed. III The Line of equated Bodies; It is known by punch'd Holes, mark'd T, O, S, C, I, D (downward towards the Center) de- noting by their Diſtances from the Center, the Proportions of the Sides of the five regu- lar Bodies, to the Diftance of S from the Center, [199] Center, which is the Diameter of a Sphere, to which each of theſe Bodies is equal. The Problems performed on this Line, are two. ift. Given (AB) the Diameter of a Sphere; to find the Side of (an Octahedron, or of) A C F B D F any one of the five regular Bodies, equal to the Sphere, whofe Radius is given. Make (A B) the Diameter of the Sphere, a Parallel at S, and then the Parallel at (0) the Letter denoting the regular Body, will be (CD) its Sice fought: And this regular Body will be equal to the Sphere, whofe Diameter is A B. adly. Given (CD) the Side of (an Octo- hedron, or) any regular Body; to find the Side of (an Ifcofahedron, or) any other of the regular Bodies; or the Diameter of a Sphere, in fuch Sort, that each of thefe three fhall be equal to one another. Make CD a Parallel at (0) the Letter denoting the regu- lar Body, whofe Side is given; and then will the Parallel at (1) the Letter denoting the regular Body, whofe Side is fought, be (EF) that Side fought, and the Parallel at S, will be the Diameter of that Sphere, 0 4 to [200] to which each of theſe regular Bodies is equal. IV. The Line of Segments. It is known by being divided into 5 unequal Diſtances, numbered 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, from the End of the Lines downwards towards the Center; each of theſe Diſtances are again fubdivided into other 10. The principal Problems performed on this Line, are theſe two. Ift. Given (GH) the Diameter of a Cir- cle, and (IK) the Depth of the greater Seg- ment; to find the Proportion that the whole G- I- K -H Circle bears to the greater Segment. Make (GH) the Diameter, a Parallel at 100, and carry (IK) the Depth of the greater Seg- ment, along the Lines 'till it becomes a Pa- rallel; which will be at 80: to which 100 bears fuch Proportion, as the whole Circle doth to the greater Segment. 2dly. Given (GH) the Diameter of a Circle; to cut it fo that the whole Circle ſhall be to the greater Segment, as 100 to 80. Make GH a Parallel at 100, and the Paral- lel at 80 will be IK, the Depth of the greater Segment. V. The [201] V. The Line of Superficies; From the Center it is numbered at the grand Divifions by 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, reaching as far as the Line of Lines reaches; and each of theſe are again fubdivided to fuit with the decimal Order, according to the Length of the Sector, and may be read thus, 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100; or, 100, 1000, 2000, 3000, &c. or, LoI, LI, L2, L3, L4, L-5, &c. The principal Problems performed by this Line, are thefe. pft. To find the Proportion between (A, B) two fimilar Superficies. Make on the AA Line of Superficies, any Side (CD) of the greater Superficies (A) a Parallel at 100; then carry (EF) a like Side of the other Superficies (B) along the Line of Superficies. 'till it becomes a Parallel, which you will find to be at 441-4. Therefore A is to B, as 100 to 444. edly. A [202] 2dly. A Superficies (A) being given; to find (B) another like it; fo that (A) the former, may be to (B) the latter, in a given Proportion (viz. as 4 to 9). Make (CD) any Side of (A) the given Superficies, a Pa- rallel at 9, the Number anfwering to (A) that Superficies; and (EF) the Parallel at (80) the Number anſwering to the fought Superficies, will be a like Side of that fought Superficies. 3dly. Two like Superficies (A, B) being given; to find a third like to them, and equal to their {Difference}. Seek, as in the firſt Example, Numbers repreſenting their Pro- portion to one another: This you will find to be as 100 to 444, which is as 9 to 4. Then the Sum of theſe Numbers are 5372 Diff. {3}. Laftly, As in the ſecond Example, 213 find a Superficies like to A; fo that A may be to it, as 25 to{37} and the Superficies Sum thus found, will be equal to the {m} of Diffs the Superficies. 4thly. Between two given Lines (A and C) to find a mean Proportional: Find the Num- bers expreffing their Proportion by meaſuring them on the Line of Lines, which you will find to be 75 and 48; then I make, on the Super- [203] Superficies, C a Parallel at 75; and the Pa- rallel at 48 is the mean Proportional fought. AC sthly. To find a mean Proportional be- tween two given Numbers. Take from the Line of Lines, two Lines anfwering to the Numbers; and, by the laft, find a mean Proportional between theſe Lines; this mean proportional Line meaſured on the Line of Lines, gives the mean proportional Number fought. 6thly. To find the fquare Root of a given Number. If the given Number confifts of odd an even Number of Places feek its ; Place on the Superficies between { the ift I the 2d r & the 2d 1 }, And the Diſtance of this Place and 19 from the Center, applied from the Center on the Line of Lines, will give the fquare Root fought, which will confift of half as many Places as the given Number confifts of, if the Multitude of thofe Places be even; but if odd, of half as many Flaces as the given Number increafed by one, confifts of. So the fquare Root of 25 is 5; of 250 is 15L8 neareft; of 2500 is 50; of 25000 is 158. This [204] This is perform'd without opening the Sector. Befides theſe already mentioned, there are others; as three Numbers given; to find a fourth in a duplicated, or fubduplicated Pro- portion, &c. But all theſe are better done by the Line of Numbers. VI. The Line of Solids; From the Center it is numbered at the grand Divifions by 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; and theſe are again fubdivided to fuit with the decimal Order, according to the Length of the Se- ctor; and may be read thus, 1, 10, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000; or, 1000, 10000, 100000, 200000, 300000, 400000, &c. The principal Problems performed by this Line, are theſe. Ift. To find the Proportion between (A,B) two fimilar Solids. 2dly. A Solid (G) being given; to find (H) another like it; fo that the former may be to the latter, in Proportion of two given Numbers (of 36 to 80). 3dly. Two fimilar Solids (A, B) being given; to find a third like to them, that fhall be equal either to the Sum, or the Dif ference of thofe given. 4thly. Between (A and C) two given Lines; to find two mean Proportionals. Sthly. To [205] sthly. To find two mean Proportionals between two given Numbers. Theſe five Problems are performed exactly as thoſe in Sect. V. in this Chapter, if you ufe the Line of Solids, inſtead of the Line of Superficies. And fo will the following, which is to extract the Cube Root of a given Num- ber, provided that you feek the given Num- Ift. 1 & the 2d. 12 2d. 1 & the 3d. I 3d. 1 & the 10 ber between the that given Number conſiſts of when I or 4 or 7 2 or 5 or 8 3 or 6 or 9 Places; always obferving, that the Root will confift of S: 2 235 1 2 3 Places, when the given S I or 2 or 3 Number confifts of 4 or 5 or 6 Places. 7 or 8 or 9 Alfo three Numbers being given, a fourth may be found in a triplicated, or fubtripli- cated Proportion. Let the three Numbers given be 4, 8, 9. Make 9 taken from the Solids, a Parallel at 4 on the Line of Lines, and then will the Parallel of 8 be, when meaſured on the Solids, 72, the Anfwer. Ex. II. Let there be propofed the three Numbers 27, 125, 6; to find a fourth in a fubtriplicated Proportion. Make from the Line of Lines, 6 a Parallel at 27 on the given [ 206 J ] Solids; and then the Parallel at 125, will give, when meaſured on the Line of Lines, 10, the Anſwer. VII. The Line of Metals. It hath 7 punch'd Holes mark'd h♂ 4, de- noting Gold, Quickfilver, Lead, Silver, Copper, Iron, Tin. By their Diſtances from the Center of the Sector, is fhewn the Proportions of their ſpherical Bodies (or of their homologous Lines) when they have equal Weights. The Problems ufually performed by this Line, in Conjunction with the Line of Lines, and the Line of Solids, are thefe. Ift. To find their fpecifick Gravities; that is, to find the Proportions that the Weights of thefe Metals bear to one another, in Bo dies like, and equal in Magnitude. Suppofe a Body of Gold weighs so Ounces, I demand the Weight of a like and equal Body of Sil- ver. Take from the Solids (50) the given Weight of the Gold, and make it a Parallel at the Points belonging to (Silver) the other Metal; then will the Parallel at the Point belonging to (Gold) the firſt Metal, mea- fured on the Solids, give (27L 2) the Weight fought of the Silver Body. And fo the Weights of the others will be as follow, Quickfilver 3547, Lead 303, Copper 2347, Iron 2141, Tin 3445. 2dly. Of two like Bodies of equal Weights, but of different Metals (Gold and Silver) (40) [207] (46) a Line of the (Gold) one being given; to find a like Line of (Silver) the other. Make the given Side of the Body a Parallel at the Points belonging to his Metal, and the parallel Diſtance of the other Body's Metal, meaſured on the Line of Lines, will give the Line fought, 4643. 3dly. In like Bodies of equal Weight, (Gold and Silver) having A the Magnitude of the golden one; to find the Magnitude of the other of Silver. Take A from the Line of Solids, and make it a Parallel at the Point of (Gold) the Metal to which A be- longs. And then the Parallel at the Point of Silver, meaſured on the Solids, will give the Magnitude of the Silver. And fo the Paral lel at the Lead, will give the Magnitude at the Lead, &c. So if Bodies were of equal Weights, and the Magnitude of the Gold be 389, that of the Quickfilver will be 5492 that of Lead 643, that of Silver 716, that of Copper 822, of Iron 925, and of Tin 1000. 4thly. Of two like Bodies, A and B, of given different Metals, the Weights of both, C, D, being given, and a Line E of one of them; to find a like Line of the other. Firſt find, by the fecond of this, a Line (F) for a Body (G) of equal Weight (C) with the firſt, but of the fame Metal with the fecond. Then are there known the Weights C and D of two Bodies, C and B of the fame Metal, and a certain Line (F) of the former (G) is given, to find a like Line of the latter (B). This [ 208 ] This may be done by the ſecond Example of the VIth Section of this Chapter. VIII. The Tangent Line, Secant Line, Rumb Line, and Meridian Line, are Lines properly belonging to the plain Scale, but are fometimes laid down on the Sector. The Tangents and Secants are fometimes uſed in Projections, and fometimes in the Calculation of Triangles, in Conjunction with the Lines of Sines and Lines: But thefe, as hath been declared, are better done by other Methods. The Line of Rumbs is ufed in Navigation, in plotting a Traverſe, and thereby exhibiting to the View, a Reprefen- tation of the Ship's Way. It generally runs to 8 Points of the Compafs, where it is equal to the Chord of 90° of that Circle from whence it was made; and is no other than a Line of Chords of the Arches of a Qua- drant, divided into 8 equal Parts. There is a fmall Hole punch'd in it at the Beginning, and another a little beyond 5 Points and The Diſtance of thefe Holes, is equal to the Radius of the Circle anfwering to this Line of Rumbs. Its Ufes are thefe two, viz. The Meridian being given, to draw a required Rumb; or, The Meridian and Rumb being both drawn, to determine what Rumb it is. Ift. The Meridian AB being given; to draw from it the Rumb called S WW, that is the 5th from the South-Wefterly. With the Radius of the Rumbs, defcribe from C, the Circle NESW. Let S repreſent the South, I [209] South, and take from the Line of Rumbs 5 Points, and lay it from S to R, and draw CR; it is the Rumb required. B N R E A zdly. If the Rumb be drawn, deſcribe, as before, a Circle, and apply the Diſtance RS to the Line of Rumbs; it will reach from the Beginning to the 5th. The Ufe of this may be fupplied by the Line of Chords, by allow- ing 11°L15 for every Point. The Ufe of the Meridian is principally, either to draw a Mercator's Chart, or to folve the three fol- lowing Problems. Ift. Both Latitudes, and the Difference of Longitude, being given; to find the Courſe. From the Lizard, in the Latitude of 49° 55′ North, a Ship is bound to Barbadoes, in the Latitude of 13°L10' North, the Diffe- rence of Longitude is 53°. Generally, on the Back of this Meridian Line, runs a Line of equal Parts, on which the Longitude is counted; therefore call it the Longitude Line. Extend the Compaffes on the Meridian Line, from P [210] from 49° 55', to 13°10', and make this Extent a parallel Radius on the Tangents. Then take the Difference of Longitude in your Compaffes, and apply it on the Tan- gents 'till it becomes a Parallel, which you will find to be at 50°: And this is the Ship's Courſe from the South-weft, which is al-. moft S WW. 2dly. Given both Latitudes, as before, and the Courſe S WW; to find the Difference of Longitude. Extend the Compaffes on the Meridian Line, from 49°L 55', to 13°L10', 49°55′, and make this Extent a parallel Tangent of 45°; then the Parallel of 50° on the Tan- gents, meaſured on the Longitude Line, gives 53°, the Difference of Longitude. 3dly. Given one Latitude 49° 55' North, the Courſe South 50° Wefterly, and the Difference of Longitude 53°; to find the other Longitude. Make 53°, taken from the Longitude Line, a parallel Tangent of the Courſe 50°; and then the parallel Tangent of 45°, laid on the Meridian Line from 491 55' downwards, will reach to 13°L10', the Latitude fought. If the Diſtance taken on the Meridian Line, be meaſured on the Longitude Line, the Operation will be performed by the artificial Numbers and Tangents very elegantly. So in the firſt Example, the Diſtance on the Meridian Line will meafure 44°. There- fore on the Numbers, the Extent from 44° ± ΟΙ I [ 211] to 53°, will reach on the Tangents from 45° to 50°, the Courſe. the Courſe. But, laftly, there is no Occafion for this Meridian Line in theſe Days; for the artificial Tangents counted backwards from 45°, calling every 5 Deg. 10, is really that Meridian Line: This was firft demonſtrated by that happy Man Dr. Halley. But it feems, at firft Sight, that we ftill want the Longitude Line; but this is thus ſupplied; Take from the artificial Tangents, the Diſtance from the Radius to the Tangent of 22°40′: And this Extent being made a Parallel on the Line of Lines to 1000, will reprefent Leagues to meafure the Longitude in Leagues by; or made a Parallel at 50°, will reprefent 50° of Longitude. Then the firſt of theſe three Examples wrought by the modern Sector, is thus; Make the Extent from 45°, to 22° 40′ on the artificial Tan- gents, a Parallel on the Lines at 50°; then the Diſtance of the two Latitudes (viz. 13° 10' and 49° 55', counting as taught above) from the Meridian Line (that is the Tan- gents) meaſured on the Lines, will give 44 Then on the Numbers, the Extent from 44° to 53°, will reach on the Tangents // from 45° to 50°, the Courſe. By this Time I believe it appears that the Meridian Line was left out with Judgment. There are three other Cafes in Navigation where the Courſe, Diſtance, and Difference of Latitude, are concerned: And this is called Sailing by the plain Chart. Any two of theſe being given, the other may be found; P 2 and [212] and that too by the artificial Sines and Num- bers, at one Opening of the Compaffes; for, 1st. The Extent from the Radius, to the Cofine of the Complement of the Courſe, will reach from the Diſtance run down, to the Difference of Latitude: Or, 2dly. From the Difference of Latitude, up to the Diſtance. And, 3dly. The Extent from the Diſtance, to the Difference of Latitude on the Numbers, will reach from the Radius, to the Sine of the Complement of the Courfe. The following is very ready for Practice, and fufficiently exact in all Caſes, when the Navigator cafts up his Log every Day, which he ought not to fail of. The Extent from the Sine of the Complement of half the Sum of the Latitudes, to the Radius, will reach from the Departure (that is, the Sum of all the Increments of the Eaſtings and Weftings) to the Difference of Longitude. From what hath been faid, it is abundantly evident, that the Sector is fufficient for all the Calculations neceffary for Navigation, particularly if you call to mind how eafily and pleafantly the aftronomical Problems are folved by it. I mean that of finding the Amplitude and the Azimuth. For the for- mer no more than one Opening of the Com- paffes is neceffary, and the latter but two. The Extent from the Sine Complement of the [213] the Latitude, to the Radius, reaches from the Sine of the Declination, to the Sine of the Amplitude. And if the Co-Altitude, and Co-Latitude, are two Sides of a ſpherical Triangle, whofe contained Angle is the Azi- muth fought. And the third Side is made of 90°, and the Declination the 'Sum Diff. when the Latitude and Declination are of Ja different? Kind, you are to work as the fame S taught in the 17th Section of the 16th Chap. where are required no more than two Open- ings of the Compaffes. I could have proceeded to fhew the Ufes of this admirable Inftrument in many more Particulars; as in Dialling, the Calculation of the Hour Diſtances, at one Opening of the Compaffes; the Infcription of the ornamental Furnitures; and, in Aftronomy, the Conftru- ction of folar Eclipfes. In Architecture the Conſtruction of the Catena and Curves, of the more abftrufe Kind. In Menfuration, the Management of the moſt difficult Curves that may be compared with the conickSections: But theſe, and ſeveral others, muſt, at pre- fent, be laid afide, I not having Leifure, nor Room, here to do it. However, Reader, if you take but as much Pleaſure in practiſing the Directions herein contained, as I did in penning them, you will not repent your reading thefe few Lines. Farewell. FINI S HOFTIMADASEDIK BOOKS Printed for J. WILCOX, and T. HEATH. I. A STRONOMY; or, The true Syftem of the Planets demonſtrated. Wherein are fhewn by In- ftrument, their Anomalies, Heliocentrick and Geocentrick Places, both in Longitude and Latitude; their Aphelions, Perihelions, Retrogradations and Elongations, Parallaxes and Diſtances from the Sun and Earth: With the Method of computing the Times when Venus and Mercury may be feen in the Sun's Disk. Alfo the Moon's Phafes, and Eclipfes of the Luminaries, for any time paft, prefent, or to come. With proper Cuts to each Planet: By which any Perfon may, in a few Hours, and with great Eafe, attain to a perfect Knowledge of the Planetary, or Solar Syſtem. Likewiſe the Places of the Heavenly Bodies' and Motion of the Earth are not only fhewn, but plainly and fuccinctly demonftrated to the meaneft Capacity, by short and eafy Rules, and New Aftronomical Tables. With the Places of 130 principal fixed Stars, 33 of which lie in the Moon's Way: Defign'd as a Help towards difcovering the Longitude at Sea. To which is prefix'd, An Alphabetical Catalogue of as many Terms in Aftronomy, as are moſt ufeful, and neceffary to be underſtood. A Work entirely New, and in a Method hitherto unattempted. By Charles Leadbetter, Teacher of the Mathematicks. 2. The Modern Navigator's compleat Tutor: Or, A Treatife of the whole Art of Navigation in its Theory and Practice, Curiofity, and Utility. Containing, 1. Dome- ftick, or Confting Navigation, fundry Notes of the Moon's Motions, Calender, Tides, ésc. 2. Theoretical Naviga- tion, by various Methods, viz. Geometrical, Logarithme- tical, Inftrumental, Tabular, and by the Pen only (without Tables or Inftruments). Together with Practical Aftro- nomy, the Deſcription, Conftruction, and Ufe of the Plain and Mercator's Charts, and other nautical Inftruments, 3. Practical Navigation, the Application of the Theory to Practice; in keeping a Sea-Journal, the working a Day's Log at Sea, in all Cafes of Winds and Weather, making c. of Books Printed for J.Wilcox & T. Heath. or fhort'ning Sail, Trying, Hulling, c. And, the Man- ner of making Allowance for all known Impediments whatſoever (with rational Corrections); Illuftrated with full, proper, and practical Examples of the fame. The whole more amply and plainly demonftrated, than in any Treatife of this Kind extant. To which are added, All neceffary Tables, Nautical and Aftronomical, for the Mari- ner's Practice, by Infpection. Alſo an Appendix touching Pleafant and Critical Queftions in Navigation; with divers other Things, hoth Curious and Uſeful in this Art. By Joshua Kelley, Mariner, and Teacher of the Mathematicks. 3. The Defcription and Ufe of a Portable Inftrument, vulgarly known by the Name of Gunter's Quadrant. By which is perform'd moft Propofitions in Aftronomy; as, The Altitude, Azimuth, right Aſcenſion and Declination of the Sun, &c. Alfo his Rifing, and Setting, and Ampli- tude, together with the Hour of the Day or Night, and other Conclufions exemplified at large. To which is added, The Uſe of Napier's Bones in Multiplication, Divi- fion, and Extraction of Roots: Alſo the Nocturnal, the Ring- Dyal, and Gunter's Line, in many neceffary and delightful Conclufions, fitted to the Underſtanding of the meaneſt Capacities. Collected and digeſted into this portable Vo- lume for the Ufe of young Practitioners. By William Leybourn. 4. The Builder's Cheft-Book: Or, A compleat Key to the Five Orders of Columns in Architecture. Where, by Way of Dialogue, in Nine Lectures, the Etymology, Chá- racters, Proportions, Profiles, Ornaments, Meaſures, and Difpofitions of the Members of their ſeveral Columns and Entablatures, are diftinctly confider'd and explain'd with reſpect to the Practice of Palladio. Together with the Manner of drawing the Geometrical Elevation of the Five Orders of Columns in Architecture, and to meaſure the feveral Parts in general. The Whole exemplified by Way of Dialogue, in a very conciſe and familiar Manner, illu- ftrated on Seven Copper Plates: Being a neceflary Compa- nion for Gentlemen, as well as Mafons, Carpenters, Joyn- ers, Bricklayers, Plaifterers, Painters, &c. and all others concerned in the feveral Parts of Buildings in general. By B. Langley, of Twickenham. 5. A Books Printed for J.Wilcox, T. Heath. 5. A compleat Syftem of Aftronomy. In Two Vò- lumes. Containing the Deſcription and Ufe of the Sector; the Laws of Spherick Geometry; the Projection of the Sphere Orthographically and Stereographically upon the Planes of the Meridian, Ecliptick, and Horizon; the Doctrine of the Sphere; and the Eclipfes of the Sun and Moon for Thirty- feven Years; Together with all the Precepts of Calcula- tion. Alfo New Tables of the Motions of the Planets, fix'd Stars, and the firſt Satellite of Jupiter; of Right and Oblique Afcentions, and of Logiſtical Logarithms. To the Whole are prefix'd, Aftronomical Definitions for the Benefit of young Students. By Charles Leadbetter, Teacher of the Mathematicks. 6. The Practical Surveyor; Shewing, ready and certain Methods for Meaſuring, Mapping, and Adorning all Sorts of Lands and Waters, by the ſeveral Inftruments uſed for this Purpoſe: Particularly, of a New Theodolite, very convenient to be uſed by thoſe who are refolved to be Accurate, as well as Expeditious. Together with the Uſe of the fame Theodolite, in drawing the perfpective Ap- pearance of a Gentleman's Seat, without Meafuring one fingle Length, at one ſetting down of the Inftrument, the Picture having any given Pofition. Alfo, Its Ufe in Le- velling, Meafuring Timber ftanding; and, by a Sliding Rule improv'd, all Timbers, Shrubs, c. Extracted from the Works of the moſt experienc'd Artiſts, by John Hammond. 7. The Deſcription and Uſe of an Architectonick Sector: And alfo of the Architectonick Sliding Plates, whereby Scales of all Sizes are moſt readily and univerfally obtain'd for Fluting Pillafters and Columns, and Drawing the Geo- metrical Planes and Uprights, in any of the Five Orders, according to the given Diameter of a Column. feveral other Scales, very convenient and ready for the Practice of the Ingenious Defigners of Building. By T. Carwitham. With IHGFO OKLM Ꮒ Ꮛ Ꮅ klm Fig: 29 Page 90 m B Fig: 22 Page. 76 M Ꭺ 50 40 30 20 10 A 1170 Ogl бо 70 C. g h f Ꮓ U Y X W V X Fig. 31 Page 92 W age-91 V T H W S G h S E D TS R Q P O B द H K 70 60 Seçants- 80 170 11 Fig: 2 Page 1 40 30+ nes. 20 10 Tangent's Z R F 90 E Fig: 63 IB Page.. 180 181 40 510 40 B 30 310 20 10 1501401:50 120 110 100 Jo 1501401.30 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20F 20 30 Chords 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 50 60 70 E 80 90 A I 90 170 +50 10 50 20 20 -20 M Hours II H VI Page 176 X L P W 69 24 10/10 P D N A B C N Z T A on the Plain of the Horizon. Projection on D F D E XI XI X D P Page 174 I H XX VI VI VI VI VỊ ४ H XII II III m A VI VIII X Stereographick M XI XX XII N Projection F 1 25 70 60 08 06 20 10 50 440 T H PONML K Fig: 21 Page 73 € B a Numb: 3 Numb: 2 K I F 30 20 10 M О R E 10 Page 171 с 40 30 09 IIIIIN A VII HA XI XIX Crthographick с OL N NO H L A M 20 30 40 50 гр & 08 იგ 08 S V I I IXX XI VII • III II 1 09 05 80 90 60 P от 20 30 10 Projection THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY TARK BOOK DEC 1 7 1974 DATE DUE 1 J 201 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 02429 9649